A chef needs to cook N_00 potatoes . He has already cooked N_01 . If each potato takes N_02 minutes to cook , how long will it take him to cook the rest ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
13.0 5.0 6.0
N_00 birds were sitting in a tree . Some more fly up to the tree . Then there were N_01 birds in the tree . How many more fly up to the tree ?
N_01 - N_00
231.0 312.0
Tori was N_00 feet tall . Then she grew N_01 feet taller . How tall is Tori now ?
N_00 + N_01
4.4 2.86
While on vacation , Debby took N_00 pictures at the zoo and N_01 at the museum . If she later deleted N_02 of the pictures , how many pictures from her vacation did she still have ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
24.0 12.0 14.0
There are N_00 pigs in the barn . Some more come to join them . Now there are N_01 pigs . How many pigs came to join them ?
N_01 - N_00
64.0 86.0
There are N_00 eggs in each box . How many eggs are in N_01 boxes ?
N_00 * N_01
3.0 2.0
Jessica , Sandy , and Jason each have N_00 pencils . How many pencils do they have have in all ?
3.0 * N_00
Teresa starts with N_00 bananas . She gets N_01 more from Rachel . How many bananas does Teresa end with ?
N_00 + N_01
52.0 2.0
Billy has N_00 crayons . N_01 are eaten by a hippopotamus . How many crayons will Billy have ?
N_00 - N_01
62.0 52.0
Wendy ran N_00 miles and walked N_01 miles . How much farther did Wendy run than walk ?
N_00 - N_01
19.833333333333332 9.166666666666666
Haley picked N_00 carrots from her garden . If she threw out N_01 of them and then picked N_02 more the next day , how many carrots would she have total ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
28.0 11.0 9.0
On Saturday , Sara spent $ N_00 each on N_01 tickets to a movie theater . She also rented a movie for $ N_02 , and bought a movie for $ N_03 . How much money in total did Sara spend on movies ?
N_00 * N_01 + N_02
10.62 2.0 1.59 13.95
Bert runs N_00 miles every day . How many miles will Bert run in N_01 weeks ?
N_00 * ( N_01 * 7.0 )
2.0 3.0
A chef needs to cook N_00 potatoes . He has already cooked N_01 . If each potato takes N_02 minutes to cook , how long will it take him to cook the rest ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
15.0 6.0 8.0
Jason went to the mall on Saturday to buy clothes . He spent $ N_00 on shorts and $ N_01 on a jacket . In total , how much money did Jason spend on clothing ?
N_00 + N_01
14.28 4.74
A restaurant served N_00 hot dogs during lunch and N_01 during dinner today . It served N_02 of them yesterday . How many hot dogs were served today ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 2.0 5.0
Elizabeth is inviting N_00 friends to a party . She has N_01 cookies . How many cookies will each friend get ?
N_00 / N_00
5.0 5.0
Maggie bought N_00 packs of red bouncy balls , N_01 packs of yellow bouncy balls , and N_02 packs of green bouncy balls . There were N_03 bouncy balls in each package . How many bouncy balls did Maggie buy in all ?
( N_00 + N_00 + N_01 ) * N_03
4.0 8.0 4.0 10.0
A pet shelter had N_00 puppies when another N_01 were brought in . If N_02 puppies a day are adopted , how long would it take for all of them to be adopted ?
( N_00 + N_00 ) / N_00
3.0 3.0 3.0
Paul made N_00 dollars mowing lawns and N_01 dollars weed eating . If he only spent N_02 dollar a week , how long would the money last him ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
68.0 13.0 9.0
There are N_00 pencils in the drawer . Tim placed N_01 pencils in the drawer . How many pencils are now there in total ?
N_00 + N_01
2.0 3.0
The farmer had N_00 apples . He gave N_01 apples to his neighbor . How many apples does he have now ?
N_00 - N_01
127.0 88.0
Jovana filled her bucket with N_00 pounds of shells . If she adds N_01 more pounds of shell to fill her bucket , how many pounds does she have ?
N_00 + N_01
5.0 12.0
Joan grew N_00 watermelons and N_01 turnips . Tom grew N_02 watermelons . How many watermelons did they grow in total ?
N_00 + N_02
8.0 4.0 9.0
For the school bake sale Robin made N_00 cupcakes . If she sold N_01 of them and then made N_02 more , how many cupcakes would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
42.0 22.0 39.0
Pamela has N_00 Skittles . She gives N_01 to Karen . How many Skittles will Pamela have ?
N_00 - N_01
50.0 7.0
Tiffany was playing a video game and had N_00 lives . In a hard part of the game she lost N_01 lives . If she got N_02 more lives in the next level , how many lives would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
43.0 14.0 27.0
The school cafeteria ordered N_00 red apples and N_01 green apples for students lunches . But , if only N_02 students wanted fruit , how many extra did the cafeteria end up with ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
42.0 7.0 9.0
Emily 's team won their dodgeball game and scored N_00 points total . If Emily scored N_01 of the points and everyone else scored N_02 points each , how many players were on her team ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
39.0 23.0 2.0
There were N_00 friends playing a video game online when N_01 players quit . If each player left had N_02 lives , how many lives did they have total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
16.0 7.0 8.0
The cafeteria had N_00 apples . For lunch they handed out N_01 to students and decided to use the rest to make pies . If each pie takes N_02 apples , how many pies could they make ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
86.0 30.0 8.0
There were N_00 friends playing a video game online when N_01 players quit . If each player left had N_02 lives , how many lives did they have total ?
N_01 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
8.0 3.0 3.0
Ned had to wash N_00 short sleeve shirts and N_01 long sleeve shirts before school . If he had only washed N_02 of them by the time school started , how many did he not wash ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
9.0 21.0 29.0
Katherine has N_00 bottle caps . N_01 are eaten by a hippopotamus . How many bottle caps will Katherine have ?
N_00 - N_01
34.0 8.0
Dan has N_00 blue marbles . Mary has N_01 times more blue marbles than Dan . How many blue marbles does Mary have ?
N_00 * N_01
5.0 2.0
Arthur has N_00 cards . Aaron has with N_01 cards . Aaron finds another N_02 . How many cards does Aaron end with ?
N_01 + N_02
6.0 5.0 62.0
At the fair there were N_00 people in line for the bumper cars . If N_01 of them got tired of waiting and left and N_02 more got in line , how many people would be in line ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
30.0 10.0 5.0
Janet was playing a video game and had N_00 lives . In a hard part of the game she lost N_01 lives . If she got N_02 more lives in the next level , how many lives would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
38.0 16.0 32.0
There are N_00 orchid bushes currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_01 orchid bushes today . How many orchid bushes will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_01
2.0 4.0
Jason picked N_00 pears , Keith picked N_01 pears , and Mike picked N_02 pears from the pear tree . How many pears were picked in total ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
46.0 47.0 12.0
A tennis racket that regularly sells for N_00 dollars is on sale for N_01 % off the regular price . What is the sale price , in dollars ?
N_00 - 0.01 * N_00 * N_01
135.0 25.0
N_00 stockbrokers are making cold calls to potential customers regarding a hot IPO . One of the brokers is able to get a new client every N_01 hour , and the other is able to get a new client every N_02 hour . At what rate , in clients per hour , are the new clients being acquired when both are working ?
1.0 / N_01 + 1.0 / N_02
2.0 0.125 0.2
A chef needs to cook N_00 potatoes . He has already cooked N_01 . If each potato takes N_02 minutes to cook , how long will it take him to cook the rest ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
16.0 7.0 5.0
Hannah 's Vegetarian Restaurant bought N_00 pound of green peppers and N_01 pound of red peppers . How many pounds of peppers did Hannah 's Vegetarian Restaurant buy in all ?
N_00 + N_00
0.3333333333333333 0.3333333333333333
Nancy went to N_00 football games this month . She went to N_01 games last month , and plans to go to N_02 games next month . She paid N_03 dollars for the tickets . How many games will she attend in all ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
9.0 8.0 7.0 3.0
Jessica is baking a cake . The recipe calls for N_00 cups of flour and N_01 cups of sugar . She already put in N_02 cups of flour . How many cups of flour does she need to add ?
N_00 - N_02
8.0 2.0 4.0
There were a total of N_00 football games this year , N_01 are played at night . Keith missed N_02 of the games . How many football games did Keith go to in total ?
N_00 - N_01
8.0 4.0 4.0
There were N_00 boys and N_01 girls on the playground at recess . How many children were on the playground in all ?
N_00 + N_01
44.0 53.0
There were N_00 girls and N_01 boys trying out for the schools basketball team . If only N_02 of them got called back , how many students did n't make the cut ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
9.0 14.0 2.0
Billy was putting his spare change into piles . He had N_00 piles of quarters and N_01 piles of dimes . If each pile had N_02 coins in it , how many coins did he have total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
2.0 3.0 4.0
Nina did a running drill to get in shape for soccer season . First , Nina ran N_00 mile . Then she ran N_01 mile and N_02 mile . How many miles did Nina run in total ?
N_00 + N_00 + N_02
0.08333333333333333 0.08333333333333333 0.6666666666666666
Marcus has N_00 baseball cards . He has N_01 more than Carter . How many baseball cards does Carter have ?
N_00 - N_01
210.0 58.0
The school is planning a field trip . There are N_00 students and N_01 seats on each school bus . How many buses are needed to take the trip ?
N_00 / N_01
14.0 2.0
Tom has N_00 yellow balloons Sara has N_01 yellow balloons . How many yellow balloons do they have in total ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 8.0
When Joan was visited by the toothfairy , she received N_00 each of quarters , half - dollars , and dimes . How much money did the toothfairy leave Joan ?
N_00 * ( 0.25 + 0.5 + 0.1 )
Nancy and her mom were picking carrots from their garden . Nancy picked N_00 and her mother picked N_01 . If only N_02 of the carrots were good , how many bad carrots did they have ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
38.0 47.0 71.0
The schools debate team had N_00 boys and N_01 girls on it . If they were split into groups of N_02 how many groups could they make ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
11.0 45.0 7.0
Debby 's class is going on a field trip to the zoo . If each van can hold N_00 people and there are N_01 students and N_02 adults going , how many vans will they need ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
9.0 40.0 14.0
Kaleen filled a bucket with N_00 gallon of water . A few minutes later , she realized only N_01 gallon of water remained . How much water had leaked out of the bucket ?
N_00 - N_01
0.75 0.5
Bianca picked N_00 tulips and N_01 roses to make flower bouquets . If she only used N_02 of the flowers though , how many extra flowers did Bianca pick ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
39.0 49.0 81.0
A pet store had N_00 puppies . In one day they sold N_01 of them and put the rest into cages with N_02 in each cage . How many cages did they use ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
64.0 28.0 4.0
Allen , Shiela ’ s brother , likes to play with blocks . Shiela repainted Allen ’ s old blocks in different colors . If Allen has N_00 identical blocks and there are N_01 blocks for every color of paint used , how many colors did Shiela use ?
N_00 / N_01
49.0 7.0
If Stephanie ran for N_00 hours at N_01 miles per hour . How far did Stephanie go ?
N_00 * N_01
3.0 5.0
For the school bake sale Carol made N_00 cupcakes . If she sold N_01 of them and then made N_02 more , how many cupcakes would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
30.0 9.0 28.0
Henry wants to split a collection of crayons into groups of N_00 . Henry has N_01 crayons . How many groups will be created ?
N_01 / N_00
6.0 42.0
While shopping for music online , Nancy bought N_00 country albums and N_01 pop albums . Each album came with a lyric sheet and had N_02 songs . How many songs did Nancy buy total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
3.0 5.0 8.0
While shopping for music online , Isabel bought N_00 country albums and N_01 pop albums . Each album came with a lyric sheet and had N_02 songs . How many songs did Isabel buy total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
6.0 2.0 9.0
Joan had N_00 dimes in her bank . She spent N_01 of her dimes . How many dimes does she have now ?
N_00 - N_01
5.0 2.0
While shopping for music online , Megan bought N_00 country albums and N_01 pop albums . Each album came with a lyric sheet and had N_02 songs . How many songs did Megan buy total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
2.0 8.0 7.0
The clown blew up N_00 balloons . Then he blew up N_01 more balloons . How many balloons does the clown have now ?
N_00 + N_01
47.0 13.0
Tom had N_00 books . If he sold N_01 of them and used the money he earned to buy N_02 new books , how many books would Tom have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
5.0 4.0 38.0
Benny has N_00 blue marbles . Keith has N_01 times more blue marbles than Benny . How many blue marbles does Keith have ?
N_00 * N_01
6.0 5.0
An oil pipe in the sea broke . Before engineers started to fix the pipe , N_00 liters of oil leaked into the water . While the engineers worked , the pipe leaked N_01 more liters of oil . In all , how many liters of oil leaked into the water ?
N_00 + N_01
6522.0 5165.0
Sally had N_00 Pokemon cards . Dan gave her N_01 new Pokemon cards . Sally bought N_02 Pokemon cards . How many Pokemon cards does Sally have now ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
27.0 41.0 20.0
Ellen made smoothies in the blender . She used N_00 cup of strawberries , N_01 cup of yogurt , and N_02 cup of orange juice . How many cups of ingredients did Ellen use for the smoothies ?
N_00 + N_00 + N_01
0.2 0.1 0.2
Sarah was planting vegetables in her garden . She started with N_00 seeds and planted N_01 of them in the big garden and in each of her small gardens put N_02 seeds each . How many small gardens did Sarah have ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
21.0 12.0 3.0
Katie baked N_00 cupcakes for her school 's bake sale . If her brother , Todd , ate N_01 of them how many packages could she make if she put N_02 cupcake in each package ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
18.0 8.0 2.0
Haley uploaded N_00 pictures to Facebook . She put N_01 pics into one album and put the rest into N_02 different albums . How many pictures were in each album ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
65.0 17.0 6.0
Nancy goes fishing with Joan . They catch N_00 trout . If they equally split up the trout , how many will each one get ?
N_00 / 2.0
Mike has N_00 orange marbles , he gave Sam N_01 of the marbles . How many orange marbles does he now have ?
N_00 - N_01
8.0 4.0
Haley had N_00 music files and N_01 video files on her flash drive . If she deleted N_02 of the files , how many files were still on her flash drive ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
27.0 42.0 11.0
A pet store has N_00 bird cages . If each cage has N_01 parrots and N_02 parakeets in it , how many birds does the pet store have total ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_02 )
4.0 8.0 2.0
There were a total of N_00 hockey games a month . The season is played for N_01 months . How many hockey games are in the seasons ?
N_00 * N_01
13.0 14.0
Joan has N_00 blue balloons Melanie has N_01 blue balloons . How many blue balloons do they have in total ?
N_00 + N_01
40.0 41.0
Luke was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays , but he could only carry N_00 trays at a time . If he had to pick up N_01 trays from one table and N_02 trays from another , how many trips will he make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
4.0 20.0 16.0
A restaurant served N_00 slices of pie during lunch and N_01 during dinner today . It served N_02 of them yesterday . How many slices of pie were served today ?
N_00 + N_01
7.0 5.0 8.0
Alyssa 's cat had N_00 kittens and N_01 had spots . She gave N_02 to her friends . How many kittens does she now have ?
N_00 - N_02
8.0 8.0 4.0
At the fair Adam bought N_00 tickets . After riding the ferris wheel he had N_01 tickets left . If each ticket cost N_02 dollars , how much money did Adam spend riding the ferris wheel ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
13.0 4.0 9.0
Christina just transferred $ N_00 out of her bank account . As a result , the account now has $ N_01 in it . How much money was in the account before the transfer ?
N_00 + N_01
69.0 26935.0
Sarah baked N_00 cupcakes for her school 's bake sale . If her brother , Todd , ate N_01 of them how many packages could she make if she put N_02 cupcake in each package ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
38.0 14.0 8.0
A new building needed N_00 windows . The builder had already installed N_01 of them . If it takes N_02 hours to install each window , how long will it take him to install the rest ?
N_01 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
14.0 8.0 8.0
There are N_00 students in the class and N_01 eggs . If the eggs are divided equally among the students , how many does each student get ?
N_01 / N_00
7.0 56.0
Marie can bike at a speed of N_00 miles an hour . How far can she bike in N_01 hours ?
N_00 * N_01
12.0 31.0
Ernest has N_00 bananas that must be put away in boxes . Julie comes to help and brings N_01 cookies to share with Ernest . If there are N_02 boxes , how many bananas must go in each box ?
N_00 / N_02
45.0 3.0 5.0
Each chocolate bar in a box cost $ N_00 . If a box had N_01 bars total and Zoe sold all but N_02 bars , how much money would she have made ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_00 )
6.0 13.0 6.0
A worksheet had N_00 problems on it . If a teacher had N_01 worksheets to grade and had already graded N_02 of them , how many more problems does she have to grade ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
4.0 16.0 8.0
Mrs. Sheridan has N_00 cats . Mr. Sheridan gave her N_01 more cats . How many cats does Mrs. Sheridan have altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
17.0 14.0
There are N_00 leaves . There are N_01 ladybugs on each leaf . How many ladybugs are there in all ?
N_00 * N_01
84.0 139.0
Adam had N_00 dollars . At the store he spent $ N_01 on a new game . If he got another N_02 dollars for his allowance , how much money does he have now ?
N_00 + N_00 - N_01
5.0 2.0 5.0
Faye and her mom were picking carrots from their garden . Faye picked N_00 and her mother picked N_01 . If only N_02 of the carrots were good , how many bad carrots did they have ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
23.0 5.0 12.0