Tiffany uploaded N_00 pictures from her phone and N_01 from her camera to facebook . If she sorted the pics into N_02 different albums with the same amount of pics in each album , how many pictures were in each of the albums ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
7.0 13.0 5.0
Victor was working as a sacker at a grocery store where he made N_00 dollars an hour . On Monday he worked N_01 hours and on Tuesday he worked N_02 hours . How much money did Victor make in those two days ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_01 )
6.0 5.0 5.0
Connie has N_00 red markers and N_01 blue markers . How many markers does she have altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
2315.0 1028.0
The Litter Patrol picked up N_00 glass bottles and N_01 aluminum cans on Saturday . How many pieces of litter did they pick up altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
10.0 8.0
Paul had N_00 strawberries in his basket . He picked N_01 more strawberries . How many strawberries did he have then ?
N_00 + N_01
42.0 78.0
There school 's baseball team had N_00 new players and N_01 returning players . If the coach put them into groups with N_02 players in each group , how many groups would there be ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_01
48.0 6.0 6.0
Kenneth has N_00 marbles . He buys N_01 more . Later , Kenneth buys N_02 apples at the store . How many marbles does Kenneth have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
3.0 6.0 15.0
A cake recipe requires N_00 cup of sugar for the frosting and N_01 cup of sugar for the cake . How much sugar is that altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
0.6 0.2
Adam bought N_00 packages of cat food and N_01 packages of dog food . Each package of cat food contained N_02 cans , and each package of dog food contained N_03 cans . How many more cans of cat food than dog food did Adam buy ?
N_00 * N_02 - N_01 * N_03
9.0 7.0 10.0 5.0
Robin had N_00 songs on her mp3 player . If she deleted N_01 old songs from it and then added N_02 new songs , how many songs does she have on her mp3 player ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
30.0 8.0 10.0
There are N_00 short trees and N_01 tall trees currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_02 short trees today . How many short trees will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_02
3.0 6.0 9.0
Heather starts with N_00 blocks . She shares N_01 with Jose . How many blocks does Heather end with ?
N_00 - N_01
86.0 41.0
The Ferris wheel in Paradise Park has N_00 seats . Each seat can hold N_01 people . How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time ?
N_00 * N_01
14.0 6.0
Ted has N_00 candy bars . He wants to put them into N_01 bags so there are the same number of candy bars in each bag . How many candy bars should go in each bag ?
N_00 / N_01
15.0 5.0
Andrew spent N_00 day working on his Science report . He worked for N_01 hours each day . How many hours did he work ?
N_00 * N_01
3.0 2.5
Each of farmer Cunningham 's N_00 lambs is either black or white . There are N_01 white ones . How many of Farmer Cunningham 's lambs are black ?
N_00 - N_01
6048.0 193.0
Bob ’ s car gets N_00 kilometers per gallon . How far can he drive on N_01 gallons of gas ?
N_00 * N_00
10.0 10.0
Joan has N_00 green and N_01 red marbles . Fred took N_02 of Joan 's green marbles . How many green marbles does Joan now have ?
N_00 - N_02
47.0 48.0 24.0
A store had N_00 oranges in a bin . If they threw away N_01 of the old ones and put N_02 new ones in the bin how many would be in the bin ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
40.0 37.0 7.0
Alyssa picked N_00 plums and Jason picked N_01 plums . Melanie picked N_02 pears . How many plums were picked in all ?
N_00 + N_01
17.0 10.0 35.0
There are N_00 crayons in the drawer . Benny placed N_01 more crayons in the drawer . How many crayons are now there in total ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 3.0
April 's discount flowers was having a sale where each flower was N_00 dollars . If Emily bought N_01 roses and N_02 daisies , how much did she spend ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_01 )
3.0 2.0 2.0
Sam grew N_00 watermelons , but the rabbits ate N_01 watermelons . How many watermelons does Sam have left ?
N_00 - N_01
4.0 3.0
The farmers reported that they harvest N_00 sacks of apples from each of the N_01 sections of the orchard daily . How many sacks are harvested every day ?
N_00 * N_01
45.0 8.0
Luke made N_00 dollars mowing lawns and N_01 dollars weed eating . If he only spent N_02 dollar a week , how long would the money last him ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
9.0 18.0 3.0
Sally paid $ N_00 total for peaches , after a N_01 dollar coupon , and $ N_02 for cherries . In total , how much money did Sally spend ?
N_00 + N_02
12.32 3.0 11.54
Mary has N_00 yellow marbles Joan has N_01 yellow marbles . How many yellow marbles do they have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 3.0
There are N_00 calories in a candy bar . How many calories are there in N_01 candy bars ?
N_00 * N_01
3.0 5.0
At the arcade Jerry won N_00 tickets . If he spent N_01 tickets on a beanie and later won N_02 more tickets , how many would he have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
4.0 2.0 47.0
Bianca had N_00 songs on her mp3 player . If she deleted N_01 old songs from it and then added N_02 new songs , how many songs does she have on her mp3 player ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
34.0 14.0 44.0
Megan 's class is going on a field trip to the zoo . If each van can hold N_00 people and there are N_01 students and N_02 adults going , how many vans will they need ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_00
5.0 25.0 5.0
There were N_00 geese and N_01 ducks in the marsh . How many birds were in the marsh ?
N_00 + N_01
58.0 37.0
Kylie was collecting coins . She got N_00 coins from her piggy bank and N_01 coins from her brother . Her father gave Kylie N_02 coins . Kylie gave N_03 of the coins to her friend Laura . How many coins did Kylie have left ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02 - N_03
15.0 13.0 8.0 21.0
Tom bought N_00 boxes of chocolate candy and gave N_01 to his little brother . If each box has N_02 pieces inside it , how many pieces did Tom still have ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
12.0 7.0 6.0
Carlos has N_00 blocks . He gives N_01 to Rachel . How many blocks will Carlos have ?
N_00 - N_01
58.0 21.0
Anna collects N_00 blocks . Anna 's father gives Anna N_01 more . How many blocks does Anna have ?
N_00 + N_01
6.0 8.0
Paul had saved up N_00 dollars . If he received another N_01 dollars for his allowance , how many N_02 dollar toys could he buy ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
3.0 7.0 5.0
Tori is a school janitor . Last week , she picked up a total of N_00 pieces of trash . If she picked up N_01 pieces of trash in the classrooms , how many pieces of trash did Tori pick up outside the classrooms ?
N_00 - N_01
1576.0 344.0
There were a total of N_00 soccer games during the N_01 month season . If the games are equally divided , how many soccer games are played a month ?
N_00 / N_01
27.0 3.0
At the fair there were N_00 people in line for the bumper cars . If N_01 of them got tired of waiting and left and N_02 more got in line , how many people would be in line ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
9.0 6.0 3.0
At the fair there were N_00 people in line for the bumper cars . If N_01 of them got tired of waiting and left and N_02 more got in line , how many people would be in line ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_01
31.0 25.0 25.0
James has N_00 balloons . Amy has N_01 balloons . How many more balloons does James have than Amy ?
N_00 - N_01
1222.0 513.0
At the fair there were N_00 people in line for the bumper cars . If N_01 of them got tired of waiting and left and N_02 more got in line , how many people would be in line ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_01
10.0 2.0 2.0
Robin has N_00 packages of gum . There are N_01 pieces in each package . How many pieces of gum does Robin have ?
N_00 * N_01
27.0 18.0
Paige picked N_00 flowers for her friend ’ s wedding . She was making bouquets with N_01 flowers in each one . If N_02 of the flowers wilted before the wedding , how many bouquets could she still make ?
( N_00 - N_02 ) / N_01
53.0 7.0 18.0
Mrs. Hilt bought N_00 hot dogs . Each hot dog cost N_01 cents . How much money did she pay for all of the hot dogs ?
N_00 * N_01
6.0 50.0
At the fair there were N_00 people in line for the bumper cars . If N_01 of them got tired of waiting and left and N_02 more got in line , how many people would be in line ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
12.0 10.0 15.0
Paco had N_00 cookies . Paco ate N_01 of them . How many cookies did Paco have left ?
N_00 - N_01
93.0 15.0
Fred has N_00 blue marbles . Fred has N_01 times more blue marbles than Tim . How many blue marbles does Tim have ?
N_00 / N_01
110.0 22.0
A cereal box holds N_00 cups of cereal . Each serving is N_01 cups . How many servings are in the whole box ?
N_00 / N_01
18.0 2.0
Mary found N_00 seashells and Keith found N_01 seashells on the beach . When they cleaned them , they discovered that N_02 were cracked . How many seashells did they find together ?
N_00 + N_01
2.0 5.0 9.0
How much interest , in dollars , will you pay on a N_00 dollars loan for N_01 year if the interest rate is N_02 % ?
0.01 * N_00 * N_02
8100.0 1.0 15.0
Joan has N_00 blue balloons but lost N_01 of them . How many blue balloons does Joan have now ?
N_00 - N_01
9.0 2.0
Roger has N_00 blocks . N_01 are eaten by a hippopotamus . How many blocks will Roger have ?
N_00 - N_01
92.0 2.0
Joan went to N_00 football games this year . She went to N_01 football games last year . How many football games did Joan go to in all ?
N_00 + N_01
4.0 9.0
Isha ’ s pencil is N_00 cubes long . If she gets another pencil that is N_01 cubes long , how many cubes long are both pencils ?
N_00 + N_00
12.0 12.0
If Joan bicycled N_00 miles at N_01 miles per hour , how long was Joan travelling ?
N_00 / N_01
25.0 5.0
Megan baked N_00 cupcakes for her school 's bake sale . If her brother , Todd , ate N_01 of them how many packages could she make if she put N_02 cupcake in each package ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
68.0 32.0 6.0
Mike has N_00 baseball cards . Sam bought N_01 of Mike 's baseball cards . How many baseball cards does Mike have now ?
N_00 - N_01
87.0 13.0
Wendy was playing a video game where she scores N_00 points for each treasure she finds . If she found N_01 treasures on the first level and N_02 on the second , what would her score be ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_02 )
5.0 4.0 3.0
There are N_00 cupcakes for N_01 children to share . How much will each person get if they share the cupcakes equally ?
N_00 / N_01
96.0 8.0
A florist had N_00 roses . If she sold N_01 of them and then later picked N_02 more , how many roses would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
11.0 2.0 32.0
Jason grew N_00 watermelons and N_01 turnips . Nancy grew N_02 watermelons . How many watermelons did they grow in total ?
N_00 + N_02
23.0 18.0 28.0
A florist had N_00 roses . If she sold N_01 of them and then later picked N_02 more , how many roses would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
50.0 15.0 21.0
A pet store had N_00 puppies . In one day they sold N_01 of them and put the rest into cages with N_02 in each cage . How many cages did they use ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
56.0 24.0 4.0
There are N_00 people on the Green Bay High track team . If a relay race is N_01 meters long , how far will each team member have to run ?
N_01 / N_00
5.0 150.0
While shopping , Maria bought N_00 green towels and N_01 white towels . If she gave her mother N_02 of them , how many towels did Maria end up with ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
40.0 44.0 65.0
There are N_00 scissors in the drawer . Keith placed N_01 scissors in the drawer . How many scissors are now there in all ?
N_00 + N_01
54.0 22.0
Jose starts with N_00 bottle caps . He gets N_01 more from Rebecca . How many bottle caps does Jose end with ?
N_00 + N_01
7.0 2.0
Fred picked N_00 limes , Alyssa picked N_01 limes , and Nancy picked N_02 limes and N_03 pears , at the farm . How many limes were picked in total ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
36.0 32.0 35.0 18.0
The school cafeteria had N_00 apples . If they used N_01 to make lunch for the students and then bought N_02 more , how many apples would they have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
23.0 20.0 6.0
During a visit to an orchard , Charlie picked N_00 bag of Golden Delicious apples , N_01 bag of Macintosh apples , and N_02 bag of Cortland apples . How many bags of fruit did Charlie pick in total ?
N_00 + N_00 + N_02
0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
Bianca earned N_00 points for each bag of cans she recycled . If she had N_01 bags , but did n't recycle N_02 of them , how many points would she have earned ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
5.0 17.0 8.0
Rachel removes N_00 bottle caps from a jar . There were originally N_01 bottle caps in the jar . How many bottle caps are left in the jar ?
N_01 - N_00
47.0 87.0
Alyssa had N_00 cookies . Aiyanna has N_01 . How many more cookies does Aiyanna have than Alyssa ?
N_01 - N_00
129.0 140.0
There are N_00 oak trees currently in the park . Park workers had to cut down N_01 oak trees that were damaged . How many oak trees will be in the park when the workers are finished ?
N_00 - N_01
33.0 18.0
A magician was selling magic card decks for N_00 dollars each . If he started with N_01 decks and by the end of the day he had N_02 left , how much money did he earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
2.0 5.0 3.0
Isabel uploaded N_00 pictures to Facebook . She put N_01 pics into one album and put the rest into N_02 different albums . How many pictures were in each album ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
25.0 10.0 5.0
The total number of students in year N_00 at a high school is N_01 . There are N_02 more girls than boys . How many boys are there ?
( N_01 - N_02 ) / 2.0
8.0 180.0 24.0
Josh had N_00 pencils . He gave N_01 pencils to Dorothy . How many pencils does Josh have left ?
N_00 - N_01
142.0 31.0
Dorothy has N_00 cards . She gives N_01 to Harold . How many cards will Dorothy have ?
N_00 - N_01
72.0 5.0
Michelle has N_00 boxes of crayons . Each box holds N_01 crayons . How many crayons does Michelle have ?
N_00 * N_01
7.0 5.0
Harry starts with N_00 apples . He buys N_01 more . How many apples does Harry end with ?
N_00 + N_01
79.0 5.0
In fourth grade there were N_00 students at the start of the year . During the year N_01 students left and N_02 new students came to school . How many students were in fourth grade at the end ?
N_00 + N_00 - N_01
8.0 5.0 8.0
Greg and Sharon own neighboring cornfields . Greg harvested N_00 acre of corn on Monday and Sharon harvested N_01 acre . How many more acres did Greg harvest than Sharon ?
N_00 - N_01
0.4 0.1
Shelby ’ s teacher gives out gold stars for great math work . Yesterday , Shelby earned N_00 gold stars . Today , she earned N_01 more . How many gold stars did Shelby earn in all ?
N_00 + N_01
4.0 3.0
Sam , Dan , Tom , and Keith each have N_00 Pokemon cards . How many Pokemon cards do they have in all ?
4.0 * N_00
Mrs. Hilt went to a concert . A total of N_00 people attended the concert . The next week , Mrs. Hilt went to a second concert , which had N_01 more people in attendance . How many people were at the second concert ?
N_00 + N_01
65899.0 119.0
For his car , Mike spent $ N_00 on speakers and $ N_01 on new tires . Mike wanted N_02 CD 's for $ N_03 but decided not to . In total , how much did Mike spend on car parts ?
N_00 + N_01
118.54 106.33 3.0 4.58
Jack is inviting N_00 friends to a party . He has N_01 cookies . How many cookies will each friend get ?
N_00 / N_00
4.0 4.0
If a pair of shoes that cost N_00 dollars was marked down by N_01 % , how much do they cost now ?
N_00 - N_01 * 0.01 * N_00
50.0 8.0
A treasure hunter discovered a buried treasure chest filled with a total of N_00 gems . N_01 of the gems were diamonds , and the rest were rubies . How many of the gems were rubies ?
N_00 - N_01
5155.0 45.0
There are N_00 walnut trees currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_01 walnut trees today . How many walnut trees will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_01
4.0 6.0
Faye had N_00 math problems and N_01 science problems for homework . If she finished N_02 of the problems at school , how many problems did she have to do for homework ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
46.0 9.0 40.0
On Wednesday , Joan spent N_00 half - dollars playing pinball . The next day , she spent N_01 half - dollars on pinball . What was the total amount Joan spent playing pinball ?
N_00 * 0.5 + N_01 * 0.5
4.0 14.0
Sally earns $ N_00 an hour cleaning houses . If she works for N_01 hours , how much money will she make ?
N_00 * N_01
12.5 12.0
While playing at the arcade , Edward won N_00 tickets playing ' whack a mole ' and N_01 tickets playing ' skee ball ' . If he was trying to buy candy that cost N_02 tickets a piece , how many could he buy ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
3.0 5.0 4.0
They entered the circus tent and saw that there are N_00 sections for the audience . If each section can accommodate N_01 people , how many people can the tent accommodate in total ?
N_00 * N_01
4.0 246.0
Alyssa picked N_00 limes and Mike picked N_01 limes . Tom picked N_02 plums . How many limes were picked in all ?
N_00 + N_01
25.0 32.0 12.0
There are N_00 pencils in the drawer . Mike placed N_01 pencils in the drawer . How many pencils are now there in total ?
N_00 + N_01
41.0 30.0