كم لغة يتم دراستها في التعليم الابتدائي بالإضافة إلى اللغة الرسمية للجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)
How many languages are studied in elementary education besides your country's official language? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "2" ] }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "3" ] } ]
ما هي أدوات الأكل التي يستخدمها الناس عادة في الجزائر؟
What eating utensils do people commonly used in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الملعقة", "ملعقة", "ملعقة و فرشاة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "spoon" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشوكة", "شوكة", "ملعقة و فرشاة", "شوكة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "fork" ] }, { "answers": [ "السكين", "سكين" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "knife" ] } ]
أي مشروب غازي يفضله الناس في الجزائر؟
What soft drink do people in your country like to have?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "حمود بوعلام" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "hammoud boualem", "hamoud boualem" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصودا", "صودا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "soda" ] }, { "answers": [ "سيليكتو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "selecto" ] } ]
ما هو أشهر نوع تقليدي من الكحول في الجزائر؟
What is the most popular traditional alcohol in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 5, "other": [] }
كم يستغرق الناس من الوقت (بالساعات)عادةً لتناول العشاء في مطعم في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية حتى منزلة عشرية واحدة (مثلاً، 2، 3.5) فقط.)
How long (in hours) on average does it take for people in your country to have dinner at a restaurant? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "1" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "1" ] }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "2" ] }, { "answers": [ "1.5" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "1.5" ] } ]
متى وقت يتناول الناس العشاء في الجزائر عادة؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).
What time do people usually have dinner in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "20:00", "08:00" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "20:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "19:00", "07:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "19:00" ] } ]
أي نوع من الحساء يحبه الناس في الجزائر؟
What kind of soup do people from your country like to have?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الشربة", "شربة", "الشوربة", "شوربة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "chorba soup", "shourba frik", "shourba soup" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحريرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "harira" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجاري" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "jari soup", "jari bel frik" ] } ]
أي نوع من الأكلات الشعبية يحب الجزائريون تناولها؟
What street food do people from your country like to eat?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكسكس", "الكسكسي", "كسكس", "كسكسي" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشخشوخة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "chakhchoukha", "chekhechoukha" ] }, { "answers": [ "الرشتة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "rishta", "lentils and pasta soup", "libyan-style pasta", "reshta", "rechta" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرانتيكا", "كارانتيكا", "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا،قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة ، قرنتيتة،غارانتيتا، قرنتيتة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "calentica", "karantika" ] } ]
أي نوع من المأكولات البحرية يحب الجزائريون تناولها؟
What kind of seafood do people from your country like to eat?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السردين", "سردين" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "sardines" ] }, { "answers": [ "السمك", "سمك" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "fish" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجمبري", "جمبري" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shrimp" ] } ]
ما هو أكبر احتفال في الجزائر؟
What is the biggest festival in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عيد الفطر" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "eid al-fitr", "eid ul-fitr" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الاضحى", "عيد الأضحى" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "eid al-adha" ] } ]
ما هي وسيلة النقل العمومي الأكثر استخداما عند السفر بين المدن في الجزائر؟
What is the most commonly used public transport by people when travelling between cites in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحافلة", "الباص", "حافلة", "باص" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "bus" ] }, { "answers": [ "القطار", "قطار" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "train" ] }, { "answers": [ "سيارة الاجرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "taxi" ] }, { "answers": [ "السيارة", "سيارة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "car" ] } ]
ما هي الزينة أو الرموز الخاصة المرتبطة بأكبر عيد الاستقلال في الجزائر؟
What are the specific decorations or symbols associated with the most biggest festival in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العلم الوطني", "اعلام", "العَلَم الوطني", "الأعلام", "العلم", "أعلام" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "national flag", "flag", "flags" ] }, { "answers": [ "الأضواء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "lights" ] }, { "answers": [ "الألعاب النارية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fireworks" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضة التي تفضل النساء مشاهدتها في الجزائر؟
What sports do women like to watch the most in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضة التي يفضل الرجال مشاهدتها في الجزائر؟
What sports do men like to watch the most in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] } ]
ما هي النشاطات الترفيهية الشائعة التي تمارسها النساء في العشرينات من العمر في الجزائر؟
What is the common leisure activity that females in their 20s in your country engage in?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التنزه", "المشي في المرتفعات", "المشي في المرتفات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "strolling", "hiking", "hiking in the highlands", "hike" ] }, { "answers": [ "الرياضة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sports" ] }, { "answers": [ "القراءة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "reading", "read" ] }, { "answers": [ "التسوق" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shopping" ] } ]
ما هي النشاطات الترفيهية الشائعة التي يمارسها الشباب في العشرينات من العمر في الجزائر؟
What is the common leisure activity that males in their 20s in your country engage in?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الرياضة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sports" ] }, { "answers": [ "التنزه" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "strolling", "hiking" ] }, { "answers": [ "القراءة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "reading", "read" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "العاب الكترونية", "ألعاب الكترونية,الألعاب الكترونية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "electronic games", "game" ] }, { "answers": [ "التخييم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "camping" ] } ]
كم من الوقت (بالساعات) يأخذ الناس عادة استراحة بعد الغداء في يوم عمل في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية بمنزلة عشرية واحدة (مثلاً، 2، 3.5) فقط.)
How long (in hours) do people usually take a break after lunch on a weekday in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "0" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "0" ] }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "1" ] }, { "answers": [ "0.5" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "0.5" ] }, { "answers": [ "1.5" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "1.5" ] }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "2" ] } ]
ماذا يأكل الناس في الغداء خلال أيام العمل في الجزائر؟
What do people eat for lunch during the working days in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "سندويتش", "ساندويتش" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ] }, { "answers": [ "اكل سريع", "أكل سريع, الأكل السريع" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fast food" ] }, { "answers": [ "أكل البيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "home-cooked food" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيتزا", "بيتزا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] } ]
ما هو متوسط وقت التنقل للعمل للأشخاص في الجزائر؟
What is the average commute time (in minutes) for people in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "2", "ساعتين" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "2" ] }, { "answers": [ "1", "ساعة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "1" ] }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "3" ] } ]
ما هي وسيلة النقل الأكثر شيوعاً التي يستخدمها الناس للذهاب إلى العمل في الجزائر؟
What is the most common transportation that people take to get to work in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحافلة", "الباص", "حافلة", "باص" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "bus" ] }, { "answers": [ "السيارة", "سيارة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "car" ] }, { "answers": [ "سيارة الأجرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "taxi" ] }, { "answers": [ "القطار", "قطار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "train" ] } ]
ما هي مدة إجازة الزواج في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).
How long (in days) is the marriage leave in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "4" ] } ]
ما هو سن التقاعد للنساء في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).
What is the typical retirement age for women in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "55" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "55" ] }, { "answers": [ "60" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "60" ] } ]
ما هو سن التقاعد النموذجي للرجال في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).
What is the typical retirement age for men in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "60" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "60" ] }, { "answers": [ "55" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "55" ] }, { "answers": [ "65" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "65" ] } ]
أي مهنة هي الأكثر احترامًا في الجزائر؟
Which profession is the most respected in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "طبيب", "الطب", "الطبيب", "طب" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "doctor", "medicine" ] }, { "answers": [ "التعليم", "التدريس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "education", "teacher" ] }, { "answers": [ "رجل الاطفاء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fireman", "firefighter" ] } ]
ما هي مدة يوم العمل النموذجي في الجزائر بالساعات؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 0~24).
What is the duration (in hours) of a typical workday in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~24) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "8" ] }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "7" ] } ]
أي مهنة تفضلها النساء في الجزائر أكثر؟
Which occupation is most preferred among females in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التعليم", "التدريس", "مدرسة", "معلمة مدرسة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "education", "teaching", "school", "school teacher", "teacher" ] }, { "answers": [ "الطب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "medicine", "doctor" ] } ]
أي مهنة يفضلها الذكور في الجزائر؟
Which occupation is most preferred among males in your country?
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الهندسة", "مهندس" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "engineering", "engineer" ] }, { "answers": [ "التجارة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "commerce" ] } ]
في المتوسط، إلى أي مستوى يواصل الطلاب تعليمهم في الجزائر عادة؟ (مثلاً، الابتدائية، الثانوية)
On average, how far do students typically pursue their education in your country? (e.g., elementary, high school)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الثانوية", "الثانوي" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "secondary" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجامعة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "university" ] }, { "answers": [ "التعليم المتوسط" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "middle education", "middle school", "lower-secondary school" ] } ]
أي لغة تُدرَّس في المدارس الجزائرية بالإضافة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية؟
What language is taught in schools in your country besides English?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الفرنسية" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "french" ] } ]
أي أيام في الأسبوع تكون المدارس مغلقة في الجزائر؟
What days of the week are schools closed in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجمعة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "friday" ] }, { "answers": [ "السبت" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "saturday" ] } ]
ما هي الأطعمة التي يعدّها الناس للضيوف في الجزائر؟
What food do the hosts usually prepare for the guests in your country?
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحلوى", "الحلويات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] }, { "answers": [ "القهوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "coffee" ] }, { "answers": [ "الأكلات التقليدية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "traditional dishes" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكسكسي", "الكسكس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] } ]
ما هو المشروب المعتاد في وجبة فطور الصباح في الجزائر؟
What is the usual drink in the breakfast in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحليب", "حليب" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "milk" ] }, { "answers": [ "القهوة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "coffee" ] }, { "answers": [ "حليب بالقهوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "coffee with milk" ] } ]
عدا الأكل الأصلي من الجزائر، أي دولة أخرى يعتبر أكلها الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
Except the food original from your country, which country's food is more popular in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "إيطاليا" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "italy" ] }, { "answers": [ "سوريا", "شاورما" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "syria" ] }, { "answers": [ "تركيا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "turkey", "türkiye" ] }, { "answers": [ "فرنسا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "france" ] } ]
ما هي الأطعمة التي يتم إعدادها عادة لنزهة عائلية في الجزائر؟
What food is usually prepared for a family picnic in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السلطة", "السلاطة", "سلطة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "salad" ] }, { "answers": [ "سندويشات", "سندويتش" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sandwiches", "sandwich" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيتزا", "بيتزا" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "دجاج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "chicken" ] }, { "answers": [ "معجنات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pastries" ] } ]
أي طعام من الجزائر يعتبر مقززًا بالنسبة لبقية العالم؟
Which food from your country is considered disgusting by the rest of the world?
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الدوارة", "الدوارة (الامعاء)" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "tripe", "intestines" ] }, { "answers": [ "البوزلوف" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "boiled sheep's head", "bozlov", "bouzalof", "bouzlouf" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحلزون" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "snail" ] } ]
ما هو اسم الخبز الشعبي في الجزائر؟
What is the name of the popular bread in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المطلوع", "مطلوع" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "matloua bread", "matloua", "matloue" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكسرة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "kesra" ] }, { "answers": [ "خبز عادي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "plain bread", "khubz", "khoubz", "khobez", "khubez", "khubooz" ] }, { "answers": [ "خبز الكوشة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "koucha bread", "khobz koucha", "khobz eddar", "khobz el kousha", "khobz el koucha" ] } ]
في أي وقت تغلق المكاتب الحكومية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).
What time of day are government offices closed in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "16:00" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "16:00" ] } ]
ما هو موعد بداية العمل الرسمي في المؤسسات الحكومية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة والدقائق مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).
What is the normal start time of government offices in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "08:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "09:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "09:00" ] } ]
ما هو العيد الوطني الأطول مدة في الجزائر؟
What national holiday has the longest duration in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "اندلاع الثورة", "ذكرى ثورة أول نوفمبر", "أول نوفمبر" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "outbreak of the revolution", "liberation revolution", "outbreak of the algerian revolution", "anniversary of the 1st november revolution", "first of november", "first day of november", "11/01", "11/1" ] }, { "answers": [ "الاستقلال", "عيد الاستقلال" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "independence", "independence day" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الفطر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eid al-fitr", "eid ul-fitr" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الاضحى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eid al-adha" ] } ]
ما هي الأنشطة التي يقوم بها الجزائريون للاحتفال بيوم الاستقلال؟
What are the common activities people from your country do to celebrate Independence day?
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "لا يفعلون شيئاً" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "nothing" ] }, { "answers": [ "يشاهدون التلفاز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "watch tv", "tv" ] }, { "answers": [ "يشاهدون الألعاب النارية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "watch fireworks", "fireworks" ] }, { "answers": [ "يحضرون الإحتفالات الشعبية في الساحات و الملاعب الكبيرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "they attend the popular celebrations in the squares and large stadiums", "go to squares", "go to large stadiums", "squares", "large stadiums" ] } ]
ماذا يتم تركيبه أمام المنزل عندما يتوفى أحد أفراد العائلة في الجزائر؟
What is installed in front of the house when a family member dies in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكراسي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "chair" ] } ]
متى يتم عادة الاحتفال بالحمل أو إقامة مراسم لذلك في الجزائر؟
When is a pregnancy celebration or ceremony usually held in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "يحتفل بالولادة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "celebrates the birth", "after birth" ] } ]
ما هو الحدث الذي يقام عادة قبل الزفاف في الجزائر؟
What event is usually held before a wedding in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الخطبة", "الخطوبة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "engagement" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفاتحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fatiha" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحنة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "henna" ] }, { "answers": [ "عقد القران" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "marriage contract", "nikah" ] } ]
ماذا يتم توزيعه عادة على الأطفال خلال السنة الجديدة القمرية في الجزائر؟
What is usually shared to the children during (Lunar) New Year in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحلويات", "حلويات,حلوى, الحلوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] }, { "answers": [ "المكسرات", "مكسرات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "nuts" ] } ]
ما هي الأنشطة التي تُمارس عادة في الأيام التي تسبق رمضان في الجزائر؟
What activities are usually done days before Ramadan in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التنظيف", "تنظيف البيت" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "cleaning", "house cleaning" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصيام" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fasting" ] }, { "answers": [ "تحضيرات رمضان" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ramadan preparations", "preparation" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشراء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "purchase", "buy" ] } ]
ما هي أشهر معلم سياحي للزوار الأجانب في الجزائر؟
What is the most popular tourist attraction for foreign visitors in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "قصبة العاصمة", "القصبة", "قصبة الجزائر" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "casbah", "kasbah" ] }, { "answers": [ "مقام الشهيد" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "martyrs' memorial", "maqam echahid", "martyr's memorial", "memorial of the martyr", "sanctuary of the martyr", "maqam e'chahid" ] }, { "answers": [ "الهقار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "hoggar mountains" ] }, { "answers": [ "جانيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "djanet", "dżanat" ] }, { "answers": [ "تاغيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "taghit" ] }, { "answers": [ "الضريح الملكي الموريتاني", "قبر الرومية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "royal mausoleum of mauretania" ] } ]
ما هي أشهر المواقع الدينية (معبد، كنيسة، إلخ) للسياحة في الجزائر؟
What is the most popular religious sites (temple, church, etc.) for tourism in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السيدة الأفريقية", "notre dame d'afrique", "السيدة الافريقية", "كنيسة \"سيدة إفريقيا\" بأعالي العاصمة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "our lady of africa", "our mother of africa", "notre-dame d'afrique", "basilica of our lady of africa" ] }, { "answers": [ "المسجد الكبير" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "the great mosque", "djamaa el kebir" ] }, { "answers": [ "سنتا كروز", "سانتا كروز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "santa cruz" ] }, { "answers": [ "مسجد كتشاوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ketchaoua mosque", "ketchawa mosque" ] }, { "answers": [ "جامع الجزائر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "grand mosque of algeria", "djamaâ el-djazaïr", "great mosque of algiers", "djamaa el djazaïr" ] } ]
ما هي الملابس التي ترتديها النساء عادة في حفل تخرج الجامعات في الجزائر؟
What clothes do women usually wear on graduation commencement ceremony in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "ملابسهم العادية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "their regular clothes", "regular clothes" ] } ]
ما هو المشروب الذي يتم استهلاكه بكثرة في الجزائر عندما يكون الطقس باردا؟
What drink is commonly consumed in your country when the weather is cold?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الشاي" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "tea" ] }, { "answers": [ "القهوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "coffee" ] }, { "answers": [ "لويزة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "verbena" ] }, { "answers": [ "الزعتر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "thyme" ] }, { "answers": [ "السحلب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "salep", "sahlab" ] } ]
أي نوع من الفواكه يُباع ويُوجد بكثرة خلال شهر رمضان في الجزائر؟
What fruit is more commonly sold and found during Ramadan in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التمر", "الثمر", "تمر" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "dates" ] }, { "answers": [ "فراولة", "الفراولة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "strawberry" ] }, { "answers": [ "بطيخ", "البطيخ" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "watermelon" ] }, { "answers": [ "الليمون" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "lemon" ] } ]
أي نوع من الكربوهيدرات يقدم عادة مع الدجاج في مطعم الوجبات السريعة في الجزائر؟
What carbohydrate is usually served with chicken in a fast-food restaurant in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البطاطا", "البطاطا المقلية", "بطاطا" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "potatoes", "fried potato", "french fries", "chips", "potato" ] }, { "answers": [ "الأرز" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "rice" ] } ]
ما هي أشهر رياضة فنون قتالية في الجزائر؟
What is the most famous martial art sports in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجودو", "الجيدو" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "judo" ] }, { "answers": [ "المصارعة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "wrestling" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملاكمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "boxing" ] }, { "answers": [ "كراتيه" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "karate", "karaté" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضات التي غالبا ما تُبث على التلفزيون الوطني في الجزائر؟
What sports are often broadcasted on national television in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم", "كرة القدم، ألعاب القوى، الملاكمة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة اليد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "handball" ] }, { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "ألعاب القوى", "كرة القدم، ألعاب القوى، الملاكمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "athletics" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملاكمة", "كرة القدم، ألعاب القوى، الملاكمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "boxing" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضات التي كانت شائعة بين الناس في الجزائر خلال جائحة كوفيد-19؟
What sports were popular among people from your country during the COVID-19 pandemic?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "المشي في المساحات المفتوحة", "المشي و الركض في المساحات المفتوحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "walking in open spaces", "walk" ] }, { "answers": [ "الركض في المساحات المفتوحة", "المشي و الركض في المساحات المفتوحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running in open spaces", "run" ] } ]
من هو أشهر مدرب كرة قدم في الجزائر؟
Who is the most popular soccer coach in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "رابح سعدان" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "rabah saâdane", "rabah saadane" ] }, { "answers": [ "جمال بلماضي", "بلماضي" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "belmadi", "djamel belmadi" ] }, { "answers": [ "بن شيخ" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ben sheikh", "ben cheikh", "ali bencheikh", "ali \"alilou\" bencheikh" ] }, { "answers": [ "حليلوزيتش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "halilhodžić", "vahid halilhodžić", "vahid halilhodzic" ] } ]
ما هي الفرق الكروية في الجزائر المعروفة بتنافسها الشديد؟ (مثلاً ___ ضد ___)
What soccer teams in your country are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مولودية العاصمة ضد اتحاد العاصمة", "مولودية الجزائر ضد اتحاد الجزائر", "مولودية الجزائر ضد إتحاد العاصمة", "مولودية الجزائرضد اتحاد العاصمة", "المولودية ضد إتحاد العاصمة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "mc algiers vs usm algiers", "usm algiers vs mc algiers", "mc alger vs usm alger", "usm alger vs mc alger", "mc alger vs. usm alger", "mouloudia vs. usm alger" ] }, { "answers": [ "مولودية العاصمة ضد شباب بلوزداد", "مولودية العاصمة ضد اتحاد العاصمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "mc algiers vs cr belouizdad", "cr belouizdad vs mc algiers" ] }, { "answers": [ "اتحاد العاصمة ضد شبيبة القبائل", "إتحاد العاصمة ضد شبيبة القبائل" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "usm alger vs js kabylie", "js kabylie vs usm alger" ] } ]
ما هي أسماء مشجعي كرة القدم في الجزائر الذين يشتهرون بتنافسهم الشديد؟ (مثلاً ___ ضد ___)
What are the names of soccer supporters in your country who are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "شناوة ضد المسمعية", "مولودية الجزائرضد اتحاد العاصمة", "الشناوة ضد المسامعية", "مولودية الجزائر ضد إتحاد العاصمة", "المولودية ضد إتحاد العاصمة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "chnaoua against the listeners", "the chanawa against the m'samadia" ] } ]
من هو أشهر لاعب بادمنتون رجالي في الجزائر؟
Who is the most famous male badminton player in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
من هي أشهر لاعبة بادمنتون في الجزائر؟
Who is the most famous female badminton player in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
أي رياضة تحظى بأكبر دعم من الحكومة في الجزائر؟
What sport gets the most support from the government in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] } ]
ما هي المرافق الرياضية المتوفرة عادة في المدارس الجزائرية؟
What sports field facilities are usually available at schools in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "ملاعب", "ملعب كرة القدم", "الملعب", "ملعب" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "stadiums", "football stadium", "soccer statdium", "stadium" ] }, { "answers": [ "سلة كرة السلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "basketball hoop", "basketball court" ] } ]
أي مشروب يستمتع به الجزائريون عادة في المقاهي؟
What cafe beverage do people from your country most commonly enjoy?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "القهوة", "قهوة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "coffee" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصودا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "soda" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشاي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "tea" ] } ]
ما هو الطعام المفضل لعلاج صداع الخمر لدى الشعب الجزائري؟
What is the preferred hangover cure food for people from your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 5, "other": [] }
ما هو الطعام الذي يطلبه الكثيرون في الجزائر؟(delivery)
What is the typical delivery food in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البيتزا", "بيتزا", "بيزا" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدجاج", "دجاج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "chicken" ] } ]
أي نوع من اللحوم يستهلكه الجزائريون أكثر؟
What type of meat is consumed most by people from your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الدجاج", "دجاج" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "chicken" ] }, { "answers": [ "الغنم", "غنم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sheep" ] }, { "answers": [ "البقر", "بقر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "cows", "beef" ] } ]
أي نوع من الفواكه يتناوله الجزائريون غالبًا في موسم الخريف؟
What fruit do people from your country often eat in the autumn season?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الموز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "banana" ] }, { "answers": [ "التفاح" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "apple" ] }, { "answers": [ "التمر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "dates" ] }, { "answers": [ "البرتقال" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "orange" ] }, { "answers": [ "التين" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fig" ] } ]
ما هو الطبق الجانبي الأكثر شيوعاً الذي يُقدم على مائدة الطعام في الجزائر؟
What side dish is the most commonly served on a dining table in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السلطة", "السلاطة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "salad" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجواز", "الجواز (سلاطة خضر متنوعة)" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "stew" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحميس", "حميس", "سلطة فلفل" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "hmiss", "pepper salad" ] } ]
ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر أثناء مشاهدة مباراة كرة القدم؟
What do people from your country eat while watching a soccer game?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المكسرات", "مكسرات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "nuts" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفستق", "فستق" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pistachio" ] } ]
ما هو الطعام المغذي الممثل في الجزائر؟
What is the representative nourishing food in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحساء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "soup" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفاصوليا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bean" ] }, { "answers": [ "التمر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "dates" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكسكسي", "الكسكس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] } ]
من هو أشهر لاعب كرة قدم في الجزائر؟
Who is the most famous soccer player in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "رابح ماجر" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "rabah madjer" ] }, { "answers": [ "رياض محرز", "محرز" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "riyad mahrez", "mahrez" ] }, { "answers": [ "اسلام سليماني" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "islam slimani" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضة التي يستمتع بها الطلاب الذكور أثناء وقت الغداء في المدرسة في الجزائر؟
What sports do male students enjoy during lunch time at school in your country?
{ "idk": 3, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
ما هي الرياضة التي تشارك فيها الفتيات خلال حصص التربية البدنية في الجزائر؟
What is the most common sport girls participate in during physical education classes in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة الطائرة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "volleyball" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة السلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "basketball" ] }, { "answers": [ "القفز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "jumping" ] }, { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "رمي الجلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shot put" ] }, { "answers": [ "ألعاب القوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "athletics" ] } ]
من هو أشهر لاعب كرة طائرة في الجزائر؟
Who is the most popular volleyball player in your country?
{ "idk": 3, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
أي حدث رياضي يتابعه الجزائريون بشغف في المنافسات الدولية؟
What sports event do people from your country passionately support the most in international competitions?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كأس العالم", "كأس العالم لكرة القدم", "كاس العالم" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "world cup", "fifa world cup" ] }, { "answers": [ "كأس إفريقيا لكرة القدم", "كاس امم افريقيا", "كأس أمم افريقيا,كأس إفريقيا للأمم" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "african cup of nations", "africa cup of nations", "caf" ] }, { "answers": [ "رابطة الابطال" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "champions league" ] } ]
أي بلد يعتبر المنافس الأكبر للجزائرفي مباريات كرة القدم ؟
Which country is considered the biggest rival in soccer matches for your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مصر" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "egypt" ] } ]
أي نوع من الأكاديميات الرياضية يرتادها الأطفال في الجزائر أكثر؟
What type of sports academies do children attend the most in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "النوادي المحلية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "local clubs" ] } ]
ما هو الطعام الأكثر شيوعاً الذي يتناوله الناس في الملاعب الرياضية أثناء مشاهدة المباريات في الجزائر؟
What is the most commonly eaten food in sports stadiums while watching games in your country?
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المكسرات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "nuts" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيض المقلي بالبطاطس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fried eggs with fries", "fried eggs with potato" ] }, { "answers": [ "سندويتش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضات النموذجية التي تُلعب في يوم الرياضة المدرسية في الجزائر؟
What are the typical sports played in your country's school sports day?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "رمي الجلة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "shot put" ] }, { "answers": [ "القفز", "القفز الطويل" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "jumping", "long jump" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة السلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "basketball" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة اليد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "handball" ] }, { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "ألعاب القوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "athletics" ] } ]
ما هي الرياضات الشعبية لدى السكان في منتصف العمر في الجزائر؟
What are the popular sports among the middle-aged population in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدراجة الهوائية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bicycle" ] } ]
من هو أشهر لاعب رياضات شتوية في الجزائر؟
Who is the most popular winter sports player in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
من هو أشهر سباح في الجزائر؟
Who is the most famous swimmer in your country?
{ "idk": 3, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "سليم إيلاس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "salim iles" ] } ]
ما هي أشهر لعبة رياضة إلكترونية في الجزائر؟
What is the most popular e-sports game in your country?
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "pubg" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "playerunknown's battlegrounds" ] }, { "answers": [ "cs" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "counter-strike", "counter strike" ] }, { "answers": [ "فيفا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fifa" ] } ]
ما هي الأطعمة الرمزية التي يتناولها الجزائريون في السنة الجديدة القمرية؟
What symbolic food do people from your country eat on (Lunar) New Year?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الشخشوخة", "شخشوخة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "chakhchoukha" ] }, { "answers": [ "الرشتة", "رشتة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "rechta" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكسكسي", "الكسكس, كسكس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] } ]
ما هو أشهر مكان لقضاء العطلة داخل الجزائر بالنسبة للجزائريين؟
What is the most popular domestic vacation spot for people from your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "بجاية" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "bejaia", "béjaïa", "bougie", "bugia" ] }, { "answers": [ "جيجل" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "jijel" ] }, { "answers": [ "الساحل", "شاطئ البحر" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "coast", "beach" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصحراء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "desert" ] }, { "answers": [ "وهران" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "oran" ] }, { "answers": [ "عنابة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "annaba", "bon", "bona", "bône" ] }, { "answers": [ "تيبازة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "tipaza", "tipasa" ] } ]
ما هو أكثر هدية زواج شائعة بين العروس والعريس في الجزائر؟
What is the most common wedding gift between bride and groom in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "ذهب", "طاقم ذهب" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "gold", "gold set" ] } ]
ماذا يُعطى عادة كبادرة تهنئة عند حضور زفاف صديق في الجزائر؟
What is typically given as a congratulatory gesture when attending a friend's wedding in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المال", "نقود", "مبلغ مالي" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "money", "amount of money" ] }, { "answers": [ "اواني", "أواني" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "utensils" ] }, { "answers": [ "اكواب زجاج", "أكواب زجاج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "glass cup" ] }, { "answers": [ "هدية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "gift" ] } ]
كم يوماً عادة ما تستمر مراسم الجنازة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).
How long (in days) does a funeral typically last in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "1" ] } ]
ماذا يجب أن تقدم كهدية عند حضور جنازة في الجزائر؟
What should you prepare as a condolence offering when attending a funeral in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المساعدة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "help" ] }, { "answers": [ "اكل طازج", "أكل طازج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fresh food" ] } ]
أي نوع من الطعام يقدم عادة في مراسم الجنازات في الجزائر؟
What type of food is commonly provided at funeral parlors in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكسكس", "كسكس", "الكسكسي" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] } ]
ماذا يفعل الناس في الجزائر في صباح السنة القمرية الجديدة؟
What do people do in your country in the morning of the (Lunar) New Year?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "ينامون" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "they sleep" ] } ]
ما هو اليوم الذي تشهد فيه الجزائر أشد ازدحام مروري على الصعيد الوطني؟
When is the day with your country's most severe nationwide traffic congestion?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عيد الفطر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eid al-fitr", "eid ul-fitr" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدخول الجتماعي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "social re-entry" ] }, { "answers": [ "الإثنين" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "monday" ] } ]
ما هي أشهر وجهة شهر عسل في الجزائر؟
What is the most popular honeymoon destination in your country?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "تونس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "tunisia" ] }, { "answers": [ "تركيا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "turkey", "türkiye" ] } ]
ما هو أهم عيد وطني في الجزائر؟
What is the most important national holiday in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عيد الإستقلال", "عيد الاستقلال", "يوم الإستقلال" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "independence day" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الفطر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eid al-fitr", "eid ul-fitr" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الاضحى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eid al-adha" ] } ]
ماذا يأكل الجزائريون في رمضان؟
What do people from your country eat in Ramadan?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البوراك", "بوراك", "حساء و بوراك" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "bourek", "bourak" ] }, { "answers": [ "حساء", "حساء و بوراك", "الشوربة", "شوربة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "soup" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشربة", "الشربة، الجاري، الحريرة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "chorba soup", "shourba frik", "shourba soup" ] }, { "answers": [ "قلب اللوز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "kel ellouz", "kalb el louz", "qalb ellouz", "kalbellouze", "qalbellouze" ] }, { "answers": [ "مثوم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "mthouwem", "mtewem" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجاري", "الشربة، الجاري، الحريرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "jari soup", "jari bel frik" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحريرة", "الشربة، الجاري، الحريرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "harira soup", "harira" ] } ]
ماذا يأكل الناس الجزائريون في عيد الفطر؟
What do people from your country eat in Eid ul Fitr?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحلوى", "حلويات", "الحلويات", "حلوى العيد", "حلويات متنوعة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "sweets", "eid sweets", "assorted sweets" ] } ]
ماذا يأكل الناس الجزائريون في عيد الأضحى؟
What do people from your country eat in Eid ul Adha?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "اللحم", "لحم مشوي", "لحم الأضحية" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "meat", "grilled meat", "sacrificial meat" ] } ]
أين يذهب الناس في الجزائر للاحتفال برأس السنة الجديدة؟
Where do people from your country go to celebrate New Year's Day?
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الصحراء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sahara" ] }, { "answers": [ "المنزل", "البيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "house", "home" ] } ]
أين تجتمع العائلة للاحتفال بعيد الفطر في الجزائر؟
Where do a family gather for Eid festivities in your country?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "بيت الوالدين", "في المزل العائلي", "المنزل", "في بيت الجد" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "parents' house", "parents'", "in the family home", "home", "house" ] }, { "answers": [ "منزل الأجداد", "في بيت الجد" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "grandparents'", "grandfather's" ] }, { "answers": [ "بيت اكبر الاخوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "house of the eldest brother", "eldest brother's" ] } ]
متى تكون عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في الجزائر (مثلا الاثنين، الثلاثاء)؟
When is the weekend in your country (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)?
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجمعة", "الجمعة السبت" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "friday" ] }, { "answers": [ "السبت", "الجمعة السبت" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "saturday" ] } ]
في أي وقت يبدأ معظم الناس العمل في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).
At what time do most people start work in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "08:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "09:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "09:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "08:30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "08:30" ] } ]