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Lawyer challenging authenticity of #JusticeForKian video targeted by Drilon, suspended from Facebook
My friend Darwin Cañete, a Caloocan City fiscal who is questioning the authenticity of the Kian video and other reported facts of the case, has been mass-reported and suspended from FB.His being a Duterte supporter is being held against him by both the Inquirer and Senator Porky. Old posts Darwin made are being dug up to suggest that he is just a blind Digong fan -- when in fact he was at the scene and is a very credible "witness" and authority on the case.This is a real propaganda war. Those who do not support the Yellow narrative on Kian's case will be taken down.Please share this as widely as possible para malaman ng lahat na hindi ito simpleng kaso ng patayan na ikinagagalit ng karamihan. May diin ang dilawan dito.Thanks to Paula Defensor Knack for the [above] attachment.Jojo A Robles ---------------------------Jojo A Robles as posted on Facebook
2017-03-30 17:10:41+08:00
Rody: ‘Leni an enemy’
President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday branded Vice President Leni Robredo as an enemy who was in a hurry to claim the presidency and described Senator Antonio Trillanes IV as “a barking dog” who turned out to be a coward.Speaking before the Filipino community in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on Sunday night, Duterte tore into his critics.“Ang mga kalaban ko … si Leni apurado masyadong maging presidente [Among my enemies, Leni (Robredo) is in too much of a hurry to become president],” Duterte said.Duterte also mocked Senators Trillanes and Magdalo Rep. Gary Alejano, who filed an impeachment complaint against the President.Duterte said Trillanes robbed a hotel during the Manila Peninsula takeover in 2007.“Look at them. Trillanes is a barking dog. He’s just a … you know, this guy… who was behind a mutiny. Remember what happened in Makati,” the President said.“Look at this idiot. He launched a mutiny then cowardly surrendered to the police. What he did was to steal all the towels in the Peninsula, the bedsheets and the silverware.He didn’t fire one shot. You’ve seen how he bahaves—like [Senator Leila] de Lima,” he said in Filipino.Duterte also chided Alejano for saying he had “secret deals” with China and said the lawmaker—also among the mutineers that Trillanes led—should go to the disputed waters and fight the Chinese.“If he wants to fight in China, he could lead… I would be glad to send him as the first batch of Filipinos who want to take the Spratlys and all of these occupied [territories] now—go ahead. Be the first,” Duterte said in Filipino.Duterte hit Alejano’s Magdalo party-list, accusing them of doing nothing for the country apart from mounting failed coups d’etat.“What has this group done? What have you done for the country? Nothing, except to make noise and that really happened during your mutiny. You were forgiven by a president… and you enjoy your freedom now because of one man. But what you did to the country was really something… And you have the nerve to be proud? What are you so proud about?”“You had your chance to show your bravery. Do not s*** with me. There were times when you should have fought, but your balls got stuck in your throats, and you call that bravery. Then you should have fought. Take a stand. If I were you, I’d stop boasting about bravery and all of these things. You are incapable of doing it. You had your chance to show to the Filipinos. Your bravery was tested and you failed miserably. So do not talk about bravery… You are actually a shame. The government put you through school, and this is what you did to the country.”Alejano, Trillanes and other rebel junior officers, collectively known as the Magdalo, tried to oust former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo over corruption allegations during the 2003 Oakwood mutiny and the 2007 Manila Peninsula siege.The mutineers spent seven years in jail but were granted amnesty by President Benigno Aquino III.Duterte also took shots at De Lima.“She says she is a political prisoner. Since when?… It was the secretary of Justice herself trafficking drugs,” he added.Before leaving for a three-day official visit to Myanmar and Thailand, the President said he would not be surprised if Robredo were behind last week’s impeachment complaint against him, but said he never asked any government official to move against her, nor was he involved in attempts to impeach her.Robredo, who released a scathing attack on the Duterte administration’s drug war through a video prepared for a United Nations meeting in Vienna, has denied any involvement in the impeachment complaint against Duterte.Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez on Sunday said he would work to impeach Robredo, saying her criticism of the government to an international body was a betrayal of public trust.Alvarez on Monday said the impeachment complaint filed against Duterte would be dismissed outright for lack of substance.Alvarez, secretary general of President Duterte’s PDP-Laban, said the complaint filed by Alejano might comply with the requirements of form but not for sufficiency in substance.“We all know that all these charges are fabricated, they seem to believe their own lies,” Alvarez said. (PR)
2017-03-30 17:10:41+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
LOOK: Critics and Supporters of Vice President Leni Robredo meet in London
Vice President Leni Robredo is now in London to attend a meeting with some Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) based in the said country.According to the Office of the Vice President, Robredo was there to promote “stories of hope” and to highlight the sacrifices of our Filipino workers in London for their family in the Philippines.She’s going to deliver a speech at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on Friday, April 6.However, in his arrival in the said University, Robredo was greeted by her critics consisted of both supporters of President Rodrigo Duterte and former Senator Bongbong Marcos holding several placards to mock and criticize the Vice President.The group called themselves as DDS United Kingdom and BBM London.They didn’t wasted the opportunity to wait for the Vice President at the entrance of the University.However, it seems that Robredo used the other entrance and exit of the University to avoid a confrontation between the Vice President and her critics.Because of this, the critics of Robredo expressed their disappointment that the Vice President didn’t face them.Meanwhile, supporters of Leni Robredo also showed up to greet the Vice President.Some members of Democratic Alliance Movement of the Philippines – International (DAMPi) and Global Alliance for a Humane Democratic Society (GAHDS) also hold a placard to address their message of support to Robredo.Photo: FacebookDuterte supporters posted some photo taken inside the LSE during the Vice President’s visit.Robredo visited London amid the manual recount conducted by the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET).The Vice President angered her critics after she called them “trolls’ and “bots” while she called her fans as ‘real people’ who’s not being paid to express their support.She said that the criticisms that she received on social media are part of the “well-oiled propaganda” against her.Source [1] [2]
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2018-04-07 04:36:34+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
VP Leni Robredo quits Liberal Party!
With a single tweet of less than 140 characters, Vice President Leni Robredo quit the Liberal Party — all in the name of national unity.
['Pol Pinoy']
05/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
At the People Power Monument: Anti-Marcos protesters have become a laughingstock
You gotta give credit to the anti-Marcos mob. They came back in their thousand-odd force, this time at the “People Power Monument” on EDSA at its intersection with Temple Drive outside Camp Aguinaldo today. Amongst those leading the charge (so they claim) are representatives of the “Big Three” elite Philippine schools, the University of the Philippines, De La Salle University, and the Ateneo. There is much back-patting amongst the so-called “millenials” who supposedly came out in droves today to protest the burial of former President Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB).I may as well ask as an aside: How sosyal do you have to be to be referred to as a “millenial”?Perhaps this is the reason that very important measure of the success of a street rally — the numbers — can’t seem to hit the mark as far as the anti-Marcos mob is concerned. A post on Facebook by Bruce Villafuerte Rivera captures the underlying sociological reason behind the consistent failure of the anti-Marcos “movement” of the 21st Century. Villafuerte reminds these “millenials” (as defined by the obvious answer to the question above) that there is this inconvenient thing called the Philippines that exists outside of the bubble they have cloistered themselves in…You justify corruption, immorality, oppression because you benefit from the people doing it but will be the same self-righteous pricks to shout against it if you feel others are doing it. And the double standard sickens me. The rich do not feel the gains of this administration because to the bubble of Metro Manila, it is all discomfort. They will not feel the drop in criminality kasi walang snatcher sa Forbes Park. They will not feel efficient governance kasi may pumipila sa kanila para kumuha ng lisensya sa LTO. They will not feel the good effects of lowered corruption kasi kahit nung una, priority sila sa infrastructure. They will not notice how ordinary citizens feel special because they are now the ones who are taken in the same genus as ordinary citizens. But to ordinary Filipinos, this is something new. And they are the majority. Ordinary citizens who cannot afford to control a media company, influence people, create powerful organizations or lobby to hate. But we can feel their pulse. They are no longer buying all the information you were once feeding them.You see, the trouble with Philippine “activism” nowadays is that it has been gentrified beyond recognition. It is no longer the gritty molotov-cocktail-fuelled badass undertaking it used to be. The “revolution” of 1986 and those lame knock-offs that followed it transformed the notion of street parliamentarianism in the Philippines into one of quaint outdoor soirées moving to the soft beat of wistful emo ballads filled with words that invoke rich imagery of “fights” yet come across as nothing like the battle hymns their lyricists fancy them to be. Looking from the outside into that bubble, most ordinary Filipinos can’t help but laugh.The biggest irony of all — one that we see today flies way above the pointed heads of these impressionable youths — is that the political forces and personalities they “battle” are direct outcomes of the very democracy they believe themselves to be “defending” in these rallies. There is no democracy being destroyed here, folks. The things happening today in the Philippines are proof that democracy is at work. It is because these products of democracy just happen to now offend the disente sensibilities of these hipsters that we now see them coming down from the proverbial hill and out of their tony enclaves in droves to make baka.Democracy, might we remind the little kiddies and fashionistas, is a messy system of government. The “will of the people” is a double-edged sword. Handling this sytem is best left to the grown ups.[Photo source: ABS-CBN on Twitter.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-11-30 13:31:08+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Time to elect leaders who uphold the #Philippines' national interests FIRST!
I think all countries, if they have the capability, have economic "hitmen". I have just learned, for example, from a friend in the UN that China seems to be today very busy in trying to influence anything and everything in the international body. From NY to Geneva, the wining and dining that is going and that the Chinese spend on the different and critical UN personnel is unprecedented and incredible, she says.The only reason we get hit by these US hitmen is because don't have strategic positioning, we are too inward looking, but that is because we don't approach things like business, and thus we don't nuanced. Business is always about gaining strenght, and strenght does not necessarily have to start with money and arms. It has to be founded on the right principles, values, and good foresight. Most people are rational, and they can be reason out. If only the Philippines just does this, I think we could have a lot of allies in the world in terms of countries, organizations, groups, interests, etc., and we won't have to worry about hitmen. Unfortunately, the Philippines does not have this thinking at the top level.There is totally nothing wrong with having very, very selfish interest. In fact, the world operates on this basis. The market economy operates most of the time without guidance because there are competing self interest. Our leaders are not focused in the protection of our national interest because of the complacency and apathy of the public. I think it is time to be serious. Politics and foreign affairs are no joking matters. This is the biggest sin of the Yellows especially PNoy because they operated like they were managing a student council — that is of course assuming they have not been bought by foreign interest, which case could explain their lackadaisical ways and vacuous Daan Tuwid.---------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/10/revising-the-revisionist-philippine-history-as-told-by-the-victors/#comment-1373625
14/04/2018 0:00
BREAKING: Philippines Vice President, Others, Briefly Arrested By German Police
Philippines’ Vice President Leni Robredo and other Filipinos were briefly arrested by German police after taking selfie photos at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.Others arrested included Senator Kiko Pangilinan, former Budget Secretary Florencio Abad and Congressman Bolet Banal.Apparently, it is against German law to pose and smile for the cameras in solemn and sacred places like the Memorial.The group was released after pleading ignorance of the law.’We just wanted to show the Filipino people that we were in Berlin for an official working visit,’ Robredo told The Adobo Chronicles.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Last week, The Adobo Chronicles reported that three-year-old YouTube sensation Mateo Beltran who was videotaped arguing with his mom Linda over cupcakes demanded that he be paid $50,000 for his and his mom’s appearance on the Ellen Show. Upon watching the YouTube video, host Ellen DeGeneres invited mother and son to be guests on her show.This week, Mateo and Linda did appear on Ellen’s show, but to the little boy’s disappointment, all he got was $10,000 and some cupcakes. Just before coming out on the show, Mateo was informed about the gift of cash and cupcakes. He was not happy.So during the live taping of the show, Mateo did nothing close to his witty, argumentative and endearing performance that millions saw on YouTube. He just sat on Linda’s lap, had one-word responses to Ellen’s questions, and basically did not pay attention to what was going on.Ellen was of course equally disappointed, but learned a good lesson that no one, not even a celebrity television host, can shortchange a smart three-year-old, especially one named Mateo Beltran.Here is a clip of Mateo appearance on the Ellen Show.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/03/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
This video will prove that President Duterte is a fan of Manny Pacquiao since the old days
This video proven that President Rodrigo Duterte is a fan of Senator Manny Pacquiao since the Filipino Champ is still new in boxing.According to Senator Manny Pacquiao, Duterte who was the Mayor of Davao City before, helped the Filipino champ to organize his fights.The video showed Mayor Rodrigo Duterte of Davao City cheers for Manny Pacquiao after knocking down Thai Fahprakord Rakkiatgym opponent four times in the first round to defend his IBF World Super Bantamweight title. Young Baste Duterte also appeared on the video.The fight happened on October 26, 2002 at Rizal Memorial Colleges Gym in Davao City, Davao Del Sur.Netizens were happy to see to watch the old footage of Pacman and Duterte. No one expected that they would become the next President and Senator of the Philippines.
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2016-11-13 23:13:51+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
A President Trump? Good for Duterte's PH, Bad for Liberal Party
If Duterte is removedDuterte: Federalism or ISIS?Duterte: ISIS. When? I really do not kow. But are they coming? They will come.Posted by Thinking Pinoy on Sunday, November 6, 2016It starts with Plan ICCRegime Change after ICCBecause the United States has a history of supporting, or even effecting, regime change in other countries to suit US interests. Because [TP: Duterte’s international policy realignment] is a humongous headache for the United States. Because the Liberal Party, a staunch US ally, has close connections with major US policymakers.First, America's history with Regime ChangeSecond, US-PH relationsThird, LP has the connectionsLoida and USPS peopleUSPS Chairman John NegroponteSIDE NOTE: Nicaragua vs US is the same case that DLSU Prof. Richard “#MayMastersKaBa” Heydarian [Quartz] has been using to justify the South China Sea arbitration’s US$ 7 million (Php 328 million) price tag [ABS], whose result cannot be enforced for lack of US support [TP: Breaking Away]. There’s a reason why “face”, “brain”, and "humility" are three different words.Hillary is key to LP interestsPresidents Duterte and TrumpFirst, Trump’s win drastically impedes Duterte ouster plot.Second, we can expect a less antagonistic US policy in the Philippines.Third, warmer US-PH relations translates to a stronger bargaining chip against China.UPDATE 26 Nov 2016: Coup-plotter and Liberal Party-aligned Sen. Antonio Trillanes was spotted in Macy's Department Store in New York City. What's he doing there?DONT FORGET TO SHARE!RELATED POSTS:Donald Trump won the US elections. I admit that I was thoroughly shocked, given that electoral surveys historically predicted a Clinton win. I guess the scandalous Podesta emails [ NBC ], which gave the American public invaluable insight on the corruption pervading the political establishment, did her in.The reactions to Trump’s win have been mixed. We can expect jubilation at the Trump camp, that’s a given. However, what surprised me was the magnitude of the reaction from the other side: passionate Clinton supporters crying in disbelief , the crash of Canada’s immigration website , etc.Even my Jewish best friend, who's been in New York his entire life, told me, “I'm depressed and scared.”There shall be a truckload of articles that will attempt to predict what Trump’s win entails for America, that’s a given: I will not be writing another article just to add to that noise.Instead, I will explain what Trump’s win means for the Philippines, and let me start it off by saying:A Trump win may be good for the Philippines, and let me tell you why.We all know that the Liberal Party wants Duterte out of Malacañang as soon as possible [ TP: Assassinate ]. However, if the massively popular Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gets deposed, we can expect at least three things:What’s clear is that Duterte’s campaign woke up the anger of the populace of decades of post-Marcos government incompetence. If the population will simply hold a peaceful anti-Robredo EDSA Revolution, that would be relatively bearable. But who can serve as a tolerable replacement? And will the people be able to temper their anger and frustration while at it? If neither condition is fulfilled, this civil unrest may likely lead to widespread civil disobedience and even bloody riots.I sincerely pray this won’t happen, but we can never discount this possibility. If the public finds out that the US helped LP depose Duterte, there’s a real possibility of potentially violent retaliation against about 30,000 [ PSA ] Americans in the country. We know that isn’t good.Duterte is the first president to give Muslim separatists and communist rebels a real shot at peace after decades upon decades of failed government promises, and it’s likely that the latter believe that this is their last chance at attaining it. This cannot be more true for Nur Misuari who, like Duterte, is already of advanced age.That is, Duterte’s removal may translate into a civil war [ Inq ] with a prospective Robredo Government on one side and a hodgepodge alliance of Muslim rebels, communists, and extremely disgruntled citizens on the other. I may (emphasis on "may") even be one of them., deposing Duterte will leave a fractured nation that provides easier entry for ISIS if and when the latter gets driven out of the Middle East.Yes, it’s that bad, but the oppositionist Liberal Party is at it, and it seeks to bolster its campaign by wooing American support.Duterte himself admitted that the government’s crusade against criminality, drugs, and corruption, along with his campaign to set up a Federal government and his attempt at etching an independent foreign policy, will take a considerable amount of time. Unfortunately, his political longevity is under threat as his international image continuously erodes.Today, the global public generally views President Rodrigo Duterte as an unrelenting human rights violator, with some camps putting him in the league of fallen leaders Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, and Adolf Hitler. Duterte’s negative international image would have been irrelevant if not for the risk of public clamor that may trigger an International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation, a risk made more real by Gambian ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s recent statements [ Star ].An announcement of an ICC investigation of Duterte’s human rights record, let alone a conviction, will certainly obliterate the new president’s international legitimacy, drastically weakening his bargaining power in the international arena.And what happens when Duterte loses his international legitimacy? He can more easily be deposed by the pro-US opposition led by the Liberal Party, and with help from the United States. An assassination., an ICC conviction, an accident… There are many ways to do it.Yes, a President Leni Robredo may not be palatable for most Filipinos, but for LP, it’s better than nothing. LP can settle for someone who may not enjoy local support, but enjoys international recognition, similar to the kind of presidency Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had.But will the US really help LP kick Duterte out?Yes, for three reasons:Let’s tackle these one by one.If US vs Nicaragua says anything, it’s that the Americans are not averse into violating the sovereignty of other countries by financially supporting candidates who are better aligned to their interests. In 1989, the US Congress passed HR 3385 “to provide assistance for free and fair elections in Nicaragua.” [ Congress ], although it really was aimed to support the (successful) presidential bid of unpopular but US-aligned candidate Violeta Chamorro.But it’s not just about elections. The US has a long history of militarily intervening in other countries’ domestic politics, with the most recent one being the operations in Libya against Muammar Gaddafi [ PBS ], in Syria against Bashar Al-Assad, and in Iraq against Saddam Hussein [ CNN ].All these three “Humanitarian Interventions” by the United States backfired. The Americans kicked out Gaddafi then the terrorists took over the Syrian Government. American operations in Syria led to the creation of ISIS [ Harvard ]. America’s overthrow of Saddam caused a power vacuum that eventually led to an ongoing civil war and the rise of Iraqi extremism [ Time ].And Duterte has pointed out these three examples many, many times.In short, the US has done it before, so it can still do it again. For one, Ramos’ unexpected 180-degree turn over Duterte’s foreign policy is a testament to US pressure [ TP: Team PH Losing ]. At first I though it was a just an internal misunderstanding between Ramos and Duterte, until the latter threw major shade at the former president last week [ Video ].Relations between the Philippines and United States took a massive turn for the worse as soon as Duterte occupied Malacañang, with the most poignant piece of evidence being Duterte’s détente with China. In one fell swoop, Duterte managed to position the country from a staunch US ally to somewhere in the middle of the US-China power struggle. And did I mention Duterte’s frequent anti-West tirades [ TP: Hitler ]?Duterte’s foreign policy realignment, in essence, is a major obstacle for America’s “Pivot to Asia”. Because of Duterte, America will find it harder to enhance its sociopolitical and military influence in Asia. I need not expound on this anymore.The Liberal Party has always been known to have very closed relations with the United States. Aside from the pro-American foreign policy decisions over the past six years that hurt Philippine interests [ TP: Yasay’s Face ], several key people within the party are known to have close ties with key people in the US political establishment.The Gerry Roxas Foundation, founded by LP President Mar Roxas’ father Gerry Roxas , has received a US$ 24 million grant from USAID. USAID, the American Government’s philanthropic arm, is widely considered as a covert tool for advancing US interests abroad at the expense of their host countries [ QZ ].The organization has previously been expelled in Russia [ BBC ], Bolivia [ BBC ], Ecuador [ NBC ], Cuba, Dominica, Venezuela, and Nicaragua [ VA ].That says a lot, but there’s one more thing: LP’s connection with Loida Nicolas-Lewis of the influential Washington lobby group US Philippines Society (USPS).USPS’ most vocal member, the billionaire Loida Nicolas Lewis, has actively campaigned for LP’s Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo [ Inq ]. This is the same Loida that Duterte accused of plotting to support massive demonstrations against the latter [ FB ].Sitting as USPS co-chairman is Metro Pacific’s Manny V. Pangilinan [ USPS ], the same person who conspired with Aquino Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario to sell us out to China [ TP: Spratlys ].Duterte’s May 2016 win spelled trouble for two of MVP’s major businesses. First, Duterte’s friendliness with China essentially killed Philex Petroleum [ TP: Chef Duterte ]. Second, Environment Secretary Gina Lopez is torturing MVP’s mining interests, and Duterte himself told MVP, “ I know you are not happy with my new DENR secretary [ GMA ].”Philippine Ambassador to the US Joey Cuisia, also a USPS director, is not happy with Duterte either. He rejected Duterte’s offer to extend his ambassadorship, citing his dissatisfaction over Perfecto Yasay’s appointment as Foreign Secretary [ TV5 ].USPS Director Maurice Greenberg was Chairman and CEO of the insurance giant AIG [ USPS ]. AIG used to employ Mar Roxas, who in late 1990s tried to resuscitate the ailing insurance industry by imposing unnecessarily strict regulations on the pre-need industry, essentially killing the latter. The bankruptcy of CAP (College Assurance Plan)? Mar’s moves tremendously benefitted Greenberg’s AIG.Those of you who had to drop out of college because CAP closed down? Blame Roxas and Greenberg. But I am digressing.That’s just three of the links, but I’ll stop at this point because I want to limit this article to 2500 words max.Most Fil-Am leaders backed the Clinton campaign [ Inq ]. But among these Fil-Am leaders, the most important and most influential are those who belong to the US-Philippines Society.Nicolas-Lewis, arguably the most influential Fil-Am in the US, openly and financially supported the Clinton campaign [ MT ]. Greenberg financially backed Republican Jeb Bush’s campaign so it’s an indication that he dislikes Trump. USPS President John Maisto also openly denounced Trump [ WaPo ], so that’s support for Clinton.But wait! There’s more.Among the USPS members, the most important is former US Ambassador to Manila John Negroponte, he’s taken an interest in the Duterte-era Philippines when he visited the new president in July 2016 [ TV5 ].What is John Negroponte most (in)famous for?Negroponte spearheaded the Iran-Contra Affair, which funded Nicaraguan rebels using profits from US arms sales to Iran, with the hope of overthrowing the anti-American Nicaraguan Government [ PBS ]. This scandal led to the Nicaragua vs US Case in the International Court of Justice, a case that US lost [ BostonLaw ].Sounds familiar? Yes, Negroponte can basically influence Washington to do another Iran-Contra affair, with the Philippines taking Nicaragua’s place.But how influential is he?He openly endorsed Clinton and Clinton even gushed over that endorsement [ Esquire ]. That’s how big of a deal his is, as his interventionist philosophy heavily influenced Clinton’s personal geopolitical policy as she supported US-instigated regime change operations in Libya [ FP ], Iraq [ FP ], and Syria [ Telegraph ]. She has suggested a “review” of US policy in Syria during the election season, but we all know that it’s just to assuage the war-weary American public.As I have explained in the previous sections, US is capable of undertaking foreign intervention, US interests clash with Duterte’s, and LP has the necessary connections to make this possible.But LP’s plot to oust Duterte through US support has one vital ingredient: a President Hillary Clinton.LP knows this full well. Have you observed how LP attack pig Leila de Lima desperately frames her situation as a clash between a woman (that’s her) and a misogynistic President Duterte? Have you noticed how the LP-aligned Philippine Daily Inquirer frames the recent VP Leni Knee Joke as a another anti-woman deed by Duterte [ Video ]? Or how about that Agot Isidro issue [ Inq ], where the self-proclaimed victim happens to be a woman?Yes, the #EveryWoman campaign is geared at aligning the Duterte Ouster Plot not only with US interests, but also with Clinton’s personal crusade for women’s rights. This makes a prospective intervention in the Philippines more palatable not only for Clinton, but also for the American Public.Yes, a President Clinton is important in forwarding LP’s political interests.Too bad Trump won.But wait! There’s more.Duterte issued a statement as soon as news of Trump’s win broke out, with Duterte saying he doesn't “want to quarrel anymore, because Trump has won [ Reuters ].” This is a shocking turn of events given Duterte’s belligerence towards outgoing US President Barack Obama, best characterized by the former’s acerbic language [ BBC ] that made headlines throughout the world.What does Trump’s win mean for the Duterte’s Philippines?Trump’s victory basically cut off the US-Philippines Society’s connection with the highest echelon of the American political establishment. USPS supported Hillary with its chairman Negroponte being a Hillary fan, and Trump knows that all too well.Oh, and just imagine LP pushing for closer US-PH relations with a President Trump in the picture. Schadenfreude galore!Even he didn’t say it explicitly, Duterte might have anticipated a Trump win. Just a couple of days before the US elections, Duterte appointed Century Properties Group Chairman and CEO Jose E.B. Antonio's as special envoy to Washington for trade, investment and economic affairs [ ABS ]. Antonio, who owns Trump Tower Manila, is Trump’s Philippine partner.Duterte just executed a masterstroke. Yasay, who probably advised him on the matter, did really well.Yes, we have achieved a détente between our country and China, but relations still remain strained, as evidenced by the presence of coast guard ships in Panatag Shoal despite the lifting of the fishing ban [ Inq ]. However, in its bid for global dominance, it is in China’s interest to turn this détente into a rapprochement, i.e. make this relationship warmer.But President Trump – who is potentially far less interventionist than Clinton vis-à-vis the Philippines – will make it harder for China. Hence, China may decide to woo us a bit more that it intends to. And that’s good news for regular Filipinos. Bad news for LP, but good news for the common tao.I am uncertain as to what a Trump presidency will mean for the United States, but I am fairly confident that a Trump Presidency bodes well for my motherland [ ThinkingPinoy ].Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!
12/11/2016 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
Change is coming to the Academy Awards in 2015. Inspired by the bikini performances of Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, the board of governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced not only a change in venue for the Oscars but the scrapping of the red carpet ceremonies.The 2014 Oscar Awards to be hosted by Ellen DeGeneres will be the last ceremony to be held at the famed Dolby Theater (formerly the Kodak Theater) in Hollywood. It will very well be the farewell performance of Joan Rivers, the red carpet queen. The reason? In 2015, the Oscar Awards ceremonies will be presented as a “beach party” in which the required attire for nominees, guests and spectators will be beach wear. This means the traditional red carpet ceremonies preceding the awards will be scrapped.The board of governors said that the Academy members and worldwide viewers are tired of the boring red carpet which has produced some of the ugliest and ridiculous gowns and attire by the nominees and guests year after year.Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the first African American to head this prestigious body, said that the new format is in keeping with the film trend which is seeing more and more frontal nudity among actors. “Eliminating the red carpet will move the focus away from fashion and into the real purpose of the awards, which is the recognition of outstanding achievement in film, ” Isaacs said. “Besides,” she added, “even Oscar (referring to the statuette) is not wearing any clothes.”Two venues are being considered for the 2015 “Beach” Oscar Ceremonies: the Santa Monica Board Walk and San Diego’s Seaworld.
['Pol Pinoy']
27/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
To be proud of great achievement one must appreciate what it takes to achieve greatness
I do agree that it is a bit disturbing seeing how most Filipinos try to claim the glory and achievement of their fellow Filipino. Sure, personally, I don't think that there is anything wrong in taking pride and joy on our fellow kababayan's achievement to a certain point. But to ask for respect and recognition for something that they didn't do is another.Could it be that most of us just can't simply see how much discipline, sacrifice and dedication it took for the likes of Pacquiao, Lea Salonga etc. We are misled to believe that they got to where they are right now simply because they were gifted and, hence, easier for them. I've seen some of their documentaries and usually, it all starts with their humble beginnings without the emphasis of how much failures they had to endure before they got to where they are right now. Fair enough, we were lead to believe that it can be done, and it ca be. They just forgot to remind us how it should be done.It is commendable, that after many years, the Philippines was able to make its presence felt in FIBA. And I wonder how our fellow countrymen and women would react in the next international tournament now that we are not to be taken lightly. Not to take away anything anyway from the Gilas Team, but we have to acknowledge the possibilities that the international teams that were bracketed in our group expected us to just roll over and play dead. We did catch them by surprise and they were not prepared for that. That would be their fault and not ours.More often than not, we all recognize the rewards of being a winner and a champion, and no doubt most aspire to be one. We would often hear Filipinos talk about what they are worth and what they deserve. But somehow most Filipinos often just settle for things to be just as it is because we are too afraid and sometimes too lazy to take the righteous path because let's face it, it can be hard. And when things get too hard or when we are asked to do better, most of us would perceive it as prejudice and "pang-aapi", rather than take time to reflect and ask ourselves how can we do better, instead of just pointing fingers and envying others. We are emotionally immature, impatient, too sensitive, too insecure, too dramatic giving us a misconception on how life really is.PUSO, a battle cry we proudly chanted during the FIBA tournament which I take as a good sign of hope for our country. However, one can't help but see the irony of that chant. Though we are naturally born with a very passionate and loving heart, it can be very fragile and disheartened easily. We often forget that to love comes with pain, and those are the moments where our endurance are truly tested. Those are the moments when where we get to show our characters, who we can be and become. I've always believe that we are better than that, but I guess the question is are we all willing to start from scratch?The current mentality is not even a plague anymore but has become a way of life in our country. I say this with a heavy heart knowing that the prognosis is dire and that it would take more than just our voices to solve this endless cycle. I still have faith for this country knowing that if everybody was just pointed at the right direction, what we can achieve as individuals and as a nation seems boundless.----------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/09/gilas-overhyping/comment-page-1/#comment-685191
2017-10-19 20:20:26+00:00
Rather than demonize the #Marcos years, #Filipinos should take on board the good and learn from the bad
My father and his family were anti-Marcos but he even thought martial law under Marcos was not that bad because it was relatively quiet, citizens were well behaved, and crime was low. Although you had to fall in line, follow the nightly curfew, and not be openly critical against the government, this would be the last time in Philippine history that the masses were a mostly disciplined population.The Marcos era (in general) was also the last time Filipinos had some respect on the world stage and were taken seriously by the international community. Am I saying we should return to Marcos style rule? Of course not. But it shows how a strongman can influence an entire country's outlook, if only today's generation would stop demonizing that whole time period and learn to adopt what was gained from those years on top of acknowledging what was bad. Instead the country continues to act like the Marcos era never existed in order to repeat the same tired trends that began with Cory and have gone uninterrupted ever since.----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/06/mao-zedong-adolf-hitler-josef-stalin-philippines-political-drama-retrospect/#comment-1207179
19/12/2016 0:00
Bongbong Marcos To Duterte: You’re A Double-Crosser
President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday again raised the possibility of Sen. Manny Pacquiao becoming the next president of the Philippines. It happened after a long speech during the boxing icon’s 38th birthday celebration in General Santos City.Earlier in his speech, Duterte told Pacquiao to “stay humble” and he will surely be elected as the next president.Duterte’s comments didn’t sit well with Bongbong Marcos, son of the late Ferdinand E. Marcos.During the presidential campaign, Duterte had said that if he is elected president and fails to stop criminality in three months, he will resign and give the presidency to Marcos.While in Beijing for his state visit earlier this year, Duterte introduced Marcos as the next vice president, should he win his electoral protest against the election of VP Leni Robredo.“Duterte is sending mixed messages,” Marcos said. “I thought all along that he was grooming me to become the next president. Is he a double-crosser?”Meanwhile, Duterte’s statement rattled members of the anti-Marcos “NeverAgain” movement whose goal is to make sure Bongbong does not become president of the Philippines like his late father. Will they now shift their fight against Pacquiao being president?Stay tuned!
['Pol Pinoy']
19/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The TRUTH about St Scholastica kids being recruited into “activist” campaigns
Once again, young students of exclusive Catholic school St Scholastica’s College were seen and photographed gathering in a rally seemingly to protest the “dictatorship” of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. It raises again the question of whether or not it is right to be conscripting minors into “activist” campaigns. The particularly important question organisers of these “rallies” need to answer is this:Are these youngsters mature enough to form independent political views?It’d be interesting to hear how St Scho’s nuns would answer that question considering they are part of an institution that frowns upon independent thought. Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church has a track record of slapping scary labels on ideas it deems inconvenient to its mission to indoctrinate ever bigger flocks. Words like “blasphemy”, “heresy”, and “sin” are words that are so indoctrinated in Catholic-“educated” Filipinos that their mere uttering by venerated men and women in robes is enough to strike fear in the hearts of many Filipinos.As such, you’d think the fantasy that these St Scho school girls actually initiated these “mass actions” on their own volition within a safe environment in which modern thinking is encouraged would be regarded by most as an implausible scenario. Yet back in late 2016 when this medieval practice was first noted, “social news network” site Rappler.com gushed about this “youth activism” in its article #ThankYouStScho: ‘Please do not underestimate the youth’. The issue being “protested” at the time was the burial of former President Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani (“Heroes’ Cemetery”). The way “fashion major” and Rappler writer Paige Occeñola (@ohnopaige) “reported” this spate of “activism”, you’d think that a critical mass of independent-thinking students was at the forefront of political thought leadership…MANILA, Philippines – Students were among the first to take to the streets shortly after the surprise burial of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. In Quezon City, thousands of students from different universities made their voices heard.“Students were among the first to take to the streets…” The statement gives the impression that it was the students themselves that, on the back of their own personal convictions, decided that the time to “take to the streets” was at hand. Paige goes on to cite how these kids are supposedly engaged in these activities under a blanket of “consent” granted by parents to the school. One quote from a parent was cherry-picked to supposedly demonstrate this “consent”…“I allowed [my daughter] to join because it is her right. I encourage her to explore issues – not just this one, to ask questions and to seek answers, to form her own opinions, and to take action. I am aware of the risks involved in joining protests, and I believe they are risks worth taking. Also, I went to the school and joined the students in the protest.”There is, of course, a legal concept called age of consent. Indeed, one of the battles currently being waged by another Filipino “activist” initiative involves a campaign to block efforts of the Philippine government to lower the age of criminal liability to the age of nine. Leading this campaign is lawyer Harry Roque who asserts that “scientific studies have proven that children as young as nine years old do not have full discernment on what is morally right or wrong.” Interestingly, the authors of the bill argue that children “are being used by criminals as accomplices in their crimes, particularly drug trafficking, because these minors could not be held criminally liable.”Indeed, both sides in this debate around age of consent agree that kids are not of sound enough mind to decide on things that involve risk to life, limb, and reputation.As most parents who have raised kids will attest to, there is a thin line that separates giving kids space to be “independent” and applying the right amount of adult guidance to their still-developing decision-making faculties. The very reason many parents take out second mortgages to enroll their kids in stratospherically expensive schools like St Scholastica is to ensure that there are competent faculty members implementing this tricky balance in the hours their kids spend outside of their parents’ direct influence.Have the faculty of St Scholastica properly fulfilled this responsibility of providing balanced guidance to their charges? The jury may still be out “debating” the answer to this question but there is a small handful of indisputable facts that need to be reiterated to help those who want to decide on this from an objective and secular perspective:(1) The Roman Catholic Church is subject to dogma and “moral principles” that it deems not subject to critical evaluation; as such,(2) The assertion of St Scholastica College, a Catholic School, that Catholic nuns encourage “independent thought” becomes outright suspect.(3) It is widely agreed that minors are not of sound or mature enough mind to be given full independence to decide on things that could affect their lives over the long-term; as such,(4) The claim that blanket consent is given by parents of minors put in charge of a school faculty and administration to exercise their full “rights”, “form [their] own opinions”, and , even more disturbing, “to take action” becomes outright suspect.If one will then use the above four simple principles as cornerstone facts to evaluate the issue of minors being conscripted into “activist” service by their adult teachers, it is likely that the real truth about Scholastican kids participating in “activism” will emerge.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-07-21 01:53:21+00:00
Get Real Philippines
could finally solve the country’s nagging traffic problems since it would cut by almost half the number of employees trying to get to work in any given day of the week.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Villegas to Parents: Don’t Let Your Kids Watch Duterte on TV
Archbishop Socrates Villegas has called on parents and educators to help children develop critical thinking to distinguish fake from legitimate news on social media and even on television.“The government of this country is becoming the purveyor of fake news. I call on parents and guardians not to allow their children to watch the head of this government insulting women and children on television”, Villegas said referring to President Rodrigo Duterte.For instance, Villegas also condemned Pres. Duterte’s remark about the “42 virgins” he joked during his recent visit to India.“This president does not value the rights of the women. Women are not toys and should be given high respect. This president’s mouth expoited those rights”, Villegas added.Moreover, Villegas also said that social media is not the only medium of fake news fabricators like supporters of Duterte uses.“You don’t want your young children influenced by this person. You must stop them from watching him deliver his non-sense on television,” Villegas said.
2017-03-28 22:02:23+00:00
News Media PH
Generous Sponsors Brought Tabo Boy To Boracay For Real!
Several weeks ago, a photo of a man dubbed as the Tabo Boy or Boy Tabo, went viral. In the said photo, he joked about going to Boracay, a popular beach paradise in the country, snapping himself taking a bath while staring at a cardboard where a beach scenery is crudely drawn.Although, the said photo was meant to be hilarious, it may also entails a sad reality for many of us specially the 'have nots' who struggle just to afford a vacation.People laughed at Tabo Boy's viral photo, they shared it around and has since been getting tons and tons of 'haha' reactions on social networks. But one man by the name of Tong Yangco saw right through Tabo Boy and decided that he will find this man and bring him to Boracay.Yangco is currently based on Boracay and the photo made him feel very thankful that he lives in a paradise island while many people could only wish they could spend a day in it. So he and his friends decided to pay it forward and treat Tabo Boy, whose real name is Rafael-nonog Gomez from Lagundi, Rizal, with an all expenses paid trip to la Boracay, baby!Although finding the Tabo Boy proved to be difficult task, Yangco and friends persisted and finally they were able to find the man they were looking for. Soon enough, Tabo Boy was at the beach of Boracay with the crude cardboard beach drawing gone and replaced by the real beach, pouring paradise sand on himself using his tabo.
['Vic Patnugot']
2018-10-03 00:10:33+00:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Duterte is a breath of empowering uncertainty that creates spaces for us to redefine ourselves
DUTERTE: AN UNCERTAINTY THAT EMPOWERSThe public has spoken. An overwhelming majority considers the witness Edgar Matobato incredible.You see, this is no longer about truth but about politics and perceptions. LP perfected this art when it deployed its full powers and even recruited the Ombudsman, the BIR, and COA in humiliating Renato Corona. That was just a dress rehearsal. They did it again to the frontrunning Binay, enabling the dark horse Duterte to blindside them. Oh, LP tried to use the same squid tactics courtesy of media networks and a resourceful but woefully effete Senator, but it was too late. In demonizing Binay, LP ended up with a worse nightmare.This is why even if I did not vote for Digong Duterte, and I must confess I was one of those who was critical of him during the campaign, I have learned to like the man, very much. Even if I should quickly add my fundamental disagreements with him on several issues such as human rights, the drug policy and his sometimes undiplomatic ways.But even that included, I will always pick the side of the President over these remnants of LP who appropriate the liberal discourse, just because it is the name of their party, even if they reek of Machiavellian malice (with apologies to Machiavelli) and the party is in fact a conservative force that would like to take us back to the past where Martial Law and Marcos are convenient devices not in the quest for truth and justice but to seek power.The President is a postmodern iconoclast. He is hard to predict and therefore hard to control. That may be a curse, but I also see it as a blessing. For once, we have a President that forces us to recalibrate, to re-examine our friendships with the US, to deconstruct the alien elements of a very individualistic human rights construct in the face of our cultural nuances as a communalistic society where rights are seen not as individual entitlements but in the context of social relationships. In a world of predictable narratives that have constantly undermined and marginalized our interest, President Duterte is a breath of empowering uncertainty that creates spaces for us to redefine ourselves, our politics, our international relations.And thus, those who are benefitng from the predictable but disempowering narratives are the ones who are trying so hard to undermine him.But these forces have to be warned. The dam had been broken. The babaylan is now out of the forest. And the surge that feeds the promise that ironically rests on the uncertain is now a potent force against the certainty of the Liberal Party and everything it represents.------------------------Antonio Contreras as posted on Facebook
2018-10-03 00:10:33+00:00
IN PHOTOS: Honeylet, Veronica visit sick children in Cambodia
While President Rodrigo Roa Duterte attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) on the (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) ASEAN 2017 at the Sokha Hotel, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on May 11, 2017, the First Lady Honeylet and their daughter Veronica took time to show their compassion to the ailing children of the Kantha Bopha IV Children’s Hospital. Click to Watch the Video Below!There Honeylet and Veronica interacted with the sick children while also checking the facilities of the hospital. Honeylet’s visit to the hospital is indicative that she shares the same compassion towards children with the President.As side trip, Honeylet and Veronica then visited the different attractions in Phnom Penh including the National Museum, the Royal Palace, the Silver Pagoda and the Central Market
2017-05-16 17:20:57+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
the annual national convention of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA).The convention is happening at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Embarcadero in San Francisco.A female convention attendee went on the organization’s Facebook page to complain about a male attendee who allegedly sexually harassed her at the convention hotel. According to the post, the male attendee told her that he had a big c*ck and followed her all the way to her hotel room door, despite her protestation.Reacting to the post, AAJA national president Paul Cheung responded by saying that AAJA’s leadership is “working with both parties to gain a better understanding of the incident.”In reality, the leadership is trying to gain a better understand of sexual harassment.The AAJA board is scheduled to meet tomorrow, Sunday, and has invited an expert from the San Francisco Human Rights Commission to conduct an in-service training for the board members so that they can better deal with the alleged incident.“This has never happened before,” a board member said, “so we ask our membership to be patient and understanding while we determine what steps we need to take.”
['Pol Pinoy']
15/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Manny Pacquiao Gives Duterte $5-million (P237m) to Support Drug War
Duterte thanked the boxer for his support and appreciating his governance and promised of executing services in the interest of the nation but not for his personal name sake. Duterte is fulfilling a campaign promise of fighting drugs in a dangerous battle that has cost the lives of many. Pacquiao kicked off training camp in the Philippines last two weeks. The former welterweight champion, currently serving as a senator in his native country, seeks to recapture the same WBO World title he lost to Floyd Mayweather in May of 2015.
['Hot News Philippines']
15/09/2017 0:00
Hot News Philippines
In San Francisco, the street lanes are painted red to indicate they’re only for buses and taxis. Green lanes are for bikes only. And rainbow-colored crosswalks are reserved for gay men and women in the Castro.Now, the City and County of San Francisco is all set to establish cell phone-only lanes for pedestrians who are texting or talking on their cell phones while walking.Mayor Ed Lee says the move will help reduce the growing number of injuries and deaths resulting from cell phone use while walking. “This will definitely eliminate the chances of pedestrians running into electric posts, fire hydrants and into other pedestrians ” he said.San Francisco is the first U.S. city to establish cell phone lanes. Similar lanes have been set up in China.Using the desginated cell phone lanes while NOT texting or calling carries with it a $250 fine.
['Pol Pinoy']
15/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
2 Friends Discuss Duterte's Distasteful Rape Joke
BRIEF: The phrase "power behind the throne" refers to a person or group that informally exercises the real power of a high-ranking office, such as a head of state. In politics, it most commonly refers to an associate of a political leader (often called a "figurehead") who serves as de facto leader, setting policy through possessing great influence and/or skillful manipulation.BRIEF: SWS President Mahar Mangahas is Fernando Poe Jr’s first cousin, so Grace Poe is his niece.: No matter how you put it, that rape joke was terrible. Tangina ‘tong ibang mga Duterte hyper-fanatics. Binobola lang ang mga sarili. Walang objectivity nakakahaggard. Kahit pano mo pagbali-baliktarin ang issue, a rape joke is a bad joke. Period.: Totoo. Nakaka-stress.: In the middle of such a PR crisis, Duterte’s core social media supporters should stick to actionable matters. Wala akong pakialam sa nararamdaman nila. Ang problema kasi, grassroots movement ito kaya walang central control like MAR Online Warriors. How inconvenient.: Leader nila si X*****. Puro kaartehan.: My god si X***** is bordering on kulto na. We should not offer anyone our blind faith. If that were the case, how different would we be from Grace Poe’s core of supporters?: As a preface to my next point, I was invited kay Risa Hontiveros' Netizens’ meet-and-greet noong Friday, I met two leaders from Filipino Freethinkers (FF) and Atty Trixie Cruz-Angeles of politics.com.ph.: O tapos? Kamusta nman?: Yung interv ko kay Hontiveros, not that relevant in this discussion. I’ll talk about it on some other day. Instead, it's the chat I had with Trixie, and 2 FFs that’s interesting.: Anong take nila?: Okay JA, I will be honest with you. There is only 1 fundamental reason why I support Duterte. He is our only chance at grabbing political power from the oligarchy and distributing it to the common Tao. The power grab will be crude, but a crude start is better than nothing.Regarding the skewed Philippine power structure, Atty. Trixie shares the same view.: That's a good enough reason.: Sabi ko kasi, if I can only be given a viable non-oligarchic presidential alternative, I will jump ship, but there isn’t any.: Yeah, all the other three candidates have the oligarchic Cojuangcos as the power behind the throne.: Tapos, someone from FF spewed the bullshit concept of a "benevolent oligarch". Shit like that don’t exist. That’s like saying there’s a “holy rapist”.: And even if such a concept exists, who among the three (Roxas, Poe, Binay) are likely to exhibit that? Wala.: Trixie and I were at a consensus that we can trace PH history to a constant rule of oligarchs since 1521, with the current set of oligarchs (Cojuangcos) lording over the country since the late 1800’s, save for a short blip from in the 1970’s and 1980’s, where a different set of oligarchs – the Marcoses and their cronies – took over. But they got the power back through 1986 EDSA People Power anyway.: It’s always been the Cojuangcos and their brood since 1900 at least, nasingitan lang ng mga Marcos nung 70’s, pero nabawi rin nila after EDSA 1. Tama.: Anyway, my point is there are lots of Duterte super fanatics and I do not share their view. However, their support, along with their sheer number, constitute what I call a "fortunate coincidence" with respect to my political interests, being the more equitable distribution of political power.: Haha, yeah. Case in point is some of Duterte’s social media supporters.: Right before that rape joke, all Duterte had to do was shut up and he will win, and I am sorely disappointed by the fact that he did not. Whether the rape joke was taken in context or not is not the issue anymore. He should have learned when he cursed the pope in November 2015 that hearing-both-sides does not exist in political campaigns.But then, his PR mistake does not contradict my reason for choosing him, so I will still support his bid, albeit more reluctantly. Duterte is a woefully sub-optimal shot at diffusing political power, but he is our only shot. More that his PR gaffe, I am more frustrated at the dearth of choices.: Yeah, true. Matigas din kasi ulo ni Digong. He taunts people eh, he does not want to change at all to at least refine his image. Para bang, gusto nyo ako maging pres. deal with my crassness.: That is where he just contradicted himself. He knows he will likely be a plurality president yet he wants to unite this nation. You don't unite a nation when you alienate those who didn't vote for you.Jesus, Digong! Sana kasi e isinaalang-alang muna niya ang isinakripisyong oras, panahon, pera, at emotional capital ng napakaraming regular na Pilipino bago niya sinabi yon.: True. I don’t really understand why he did that. I do think he just got used to being accepted putanginas and all sa Davao.Yung last part na sinabi mo, alam mo, magandang letter yan, pwede mong isend ka Peter Tiu Lavina para makarating kay Digong at Alan Peter Cayetano.: I will publish this conversation on TP. Peter Lavina will likely get to read it. I don’t have direct contact with this campaign team.: The thing naman with digong, he listens and backs down when he sees merit so sana makarating sa kanya na nakakasakit sa mga ordinaryong tao gaya natin who volunteers time and money and effort para sa kanya.: Yeah, there are documented cases like his recalibration of the response to the Davao Airport Bombing. But that is not the issue right now. Even if he backs down, would he make it on time?And how much would this faux pas affect his ratings, especially since at least 1 of the survey firms are patently biased in favor of the oligarchy?: In the end, dahil wala syang pera, tayo pa rin tagasalo at taga-explain at taga-depensa. sana he makes life easier naman since critical last 20 days na.: Exactly. Many Filipinos are fickle-minded, regardless of whether it's through their own fault, or through their unawareness of the fundamental political reality: that the Philippines is in deep shit because power is shared by a woefully small group of people. Pinagpapasa-pasahan lang.: Yeah, the thing is, those who've chosen Digong na will still choose Digong, I think. But the undecided? tThat's the problem, or yung soft supporters ni Poe at Binay na konti na lang sana mahila na. Tsk. I am not sure now, parang binigyan pa natin ang kalaban ng window na mandaya sa counting and then they will point to the fact na may naglipatan na dahil sa sinabi ni Digong about rape.: Yes, that statement can be used to justify a potential rigging of the succeeding pre-election surveys.: Exactly. That, or the election itself. I wanted issues like this brought to Duterte’s core campaign team sana because there are pragmatic and brilliant minds there.: Yes, but we have no way of contacting them. Regardless, this rape joke is Duterte’s mistake and he should own up to it. My vote is still for him because the fact remains that all the three other candidates are either oligarchs or oligarchs-in-the-making. But I will not defend Duterte regarding this issue. It's time for his campaign team to deal with it.: Yeah. go. But the Duterte team should realize that they are opening a way for the enemy to cheat, Digong should stop the arte of all or nothing drama.: Exactly._____Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy.com stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!
02/04/2016 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
Filipinos need to raise their kids to be honest!
I think it is time for all of us to learn to move forward as a community, as a county, as one instead saving and hording for ourselves not thinking or considering what happens to our fellow human beings. I meant this for the victims, politicians and for all of us. The higher power gives us lessons to learn. What are you learning from this tragedy? What are you doing to help?There is a big problem in the Philippines, corrupted officials, stealing and cheating are accepted behaviors. I notice that people who are not happy when they do not benefit from the corruption, but given an opportunity to gain from corruption, many openly "receive". It has to stop and it has to stop now. Stop the corruption. Teach our children to receive and give honestly, teach them to care about other human beings and our planet. Help the children to feel happiness helping others NOT happiness getting the most latest and expensive toys.What goes around comes around? Imagine if we give kindness and honesty to everyone, imagine what will come around.And those religious freaks, you will go to hell first !!!Source:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2013/11/cnns-anderson-cooper-versus-noynoy-aquino-on-the-typhoon-yolanda-situation-like-fact-versus-fiction/comment-page-18/#comment-157663
2017-12-11 04:54:29+00:00
‘Human rights’ under fire due to Duterte critics’ destructive them-versus-us rhetoric
Nobody is “scoffing” at human rights. Indeed, for that matter, nobody wants a return to the bad old days when lords of the manor could simply judge and sentence peasants to be beheaded on a whim (despite Game of Thrones being everyone’s favourite TV indulgence). The trouble suffered by the garden-variety “human rights” activists that have, of late, become Netizens’ favourite whipping boys (or, worse, sad punchlines) has more to do with perception.We should recall that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte who is a self-avowed antithesis to everything Western liberals (and their wannabe counterparts in the Philippines) stand for won on a protest vote. The liberals who ruled before him, quite simply, over-promised then under-delivered and, even as they did that, continued to chant — and, in the process, progressively devalue — key taglines that define their ideology many of which had to do with “human rights” and notions of “freedom”.Nonetheless, everyone who lives in liberal democracies (including societies such as the Philippines’ that aspire to its ideals) enjoy their human rights. And it is quite unrealistic to think that Filipinos (particularly those who support the current Duterte administration) would gladly “renounce” their “human rights” as Mr Gideon Peña postulates in a tweet.I wonder if those who scoff at human rights would be willing to renounce theirs.Rather, those who are in the Opposition perhaps should, instead, re-think their chosen approach of sending across the message that they alone are appreciative of “human rights”. The problem with the Opposition is their if-you-are-not-with-us-you-are-against-us posturing in which they brand themselves as the heroic last bastion of “human rights” advocacy in the Philippines. This attitude can be seen in the way the Liberal Party painted itself as the Philippine electorate’s disente option during the 2016 elections, the way Rappler CEO Maria Ressa keeps fancying herself a martyred “victim” of a “weaponised” Internet of anti-“human rights” trolls ad nauseum, and the way the broader community of moderate human rights advocates have gotten into bed with communists just to bolster their street rally numbers.The Opposition and their “human rights” cheerleaders have, in effect, formed a virtual Taliban-like holier-than-thou bloc of political correctness police that has attracted derision rather than the admiration they expected of the average Filipino man-on-the-street who, above all the petty partisanism, only wants a safe environment for himself and his family. Indeed, it is quite baffling when one observes just how obviously out-of-touch with public sentiment this bloc had become. For example, a photo of a military truck spotted on campus at the University of the Philippines (UP) posted by Leftist group ANAKBAYAN on Facebook drew jeers and snark from hundreds of Netizens who had evidently had enough of the same old Cold War era sloganeering based on a long-obsolete ideology.More level-headed Opposition leaders need to re-think their strategy and disassociate themselves and their parties from these two factions who continue to latch on to utterly discredited thinking: (1) the Yellowtards who continue a perverse tradition of fundamentalist loyalty to the Aquino-Cojuangco clan and (2) the communists and their satellites of Leftist “legal front organisations”. Both these blocs are hindering the rise of a much-needed credible and intelligent Opposition that is essential to keeping the Philippines’ fledgling democracy vibrant and constructive.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-12-11 04:54:29+00:00
Get Real Philippines
WATCH: Witness demonstrates Delima teasing Jaybee in a Pole
One of the witnesses on Wednesday’s House probe on drug trade in Bilibid, EngelbertO Durano, said that he saw his former boss DOJ secretary Leila De lima went inside the kubol of drug convict Jaybee Sebastian and erotically teased him.Duran said that Leila went to a pole in a sexy walk, then told Jaybee “Ok ka ba Jaybee?”In a video, he commented that De lima is a T.I “Tiguwang Igat” or Malanding Matanda. Watch the video below.What can you say about this VIDEO? Leave your comments below!
2016-10-06 17:36:34+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Adobo Chronicles’ Statement On Rappler’s Fact-check On Our Story About Maria Ressa
Today, Rappler published one of its first “fact-checks” on social media news, as part of its new partnership with Vera Files and Facebook.Of course, Rappler chose to fact-check a “news” item about its CEO, Maria Ressa.It was, in fact, an item The Adobo Chronicles published many months ago, where we spoofed Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque when he said (after SEC cancelled Rappler’s media license), that the online news souce can still cover Malacañang by joining the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines. Roque’s ‘suggestion’ was based on Rappler’s having a foreign investor in Omidyar Network. The Philippine Constitution prohibits foreign ownership of Philippine media.In our spoof, we said that Ressa has been elected president of the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines.Rappler’s fact-check is very self-serving. It used it to defend itself against accusations that it is partly foreign-owned. We call it damage control.But more ironic is the fact that Rappler chose to fact-check a satirical piece. It seems that Maria Ressa and her colleagues at Rappler need to go back to school so they can learn about satire.If it did its homework, Rappler would have confirmed that The Adobo Chronicles is a registered news satire site with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, with registration # 4711386.Additionally, a simple check with our ‘About’ page could have confirmed the satirical nature of our website. For God’s sake, we have disclaimers all over our site!If Rappler can’t even distinguish real news from satire, then what credential does it have to justify its ‘appointment’ as a fact-checker?As one of the followers of Adobo Chronicles said: “How can Rappler defend its own gullibility?”It is also suspect that Rappler’s fact check on our story was published almost simultaneously in the Daily News Cebu and Daily News Sydney. We wonder what kind of relationship Rappler has with these two news outlets. Does it own them?But we actually thank Maria Ressa for choosing to fact-check the Adobo Chronicles story. In just the last few hours, that ‘story’ has become the most-viewed post on our site this week. Rappler is actually sending viewers to The Adobo Chronicles!And this, Ms. Ressa and Rappler, is no satire.
['Pol Pinoy']
13/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
November 19 marks the first anniversary of the Disney animated film, “Frozen” which opened at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood last year. The rest is history. The film went on to win major awards including best song in the last Oscar Awards for ‘Let It Go.’To celebrate the film’s anniversary, Disney is planning a major musical concert in November at the Staples Arena in Los Angeles. Noted celebrities have been invited to perform the songs and musical numbers from the film.World boxing champion Manny Pacquiao has been tapped by Disney to perform the song ‘Let it Go’ originally sung by Idina Medel, a.k.a. Adelle Dazeem.“I am extremely humbled and honored for having been chosen to sing this song classic,” Pacquiao said, “I will do my very best to do justice to this great composition by Filipino American composer Robert Lopez.Here’s a video clip of Pacquiao rehearsing ‘Let It Go’ in preparation for the big concert and showcasing his falsetto skills:
['Pol Pinoy']
08/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Marcos, Robredo Agree To A Coin Toss To Settle Philippine Vice Presidential Contest
The Philippine Vice Presidential Contest between the top two candidates Leni Robredo and Bongbong Marcos remains too close to call. The final tally will not be known until Congress, acting as the National Board of Canvassers (NBOC) undertakes and completes its official count.The tight race between Marcos and Robredo has been marked by allegations of vote-buying and cheating as well as doubts on the integrity of the Commission on Elections’ (COMELEC) automated voting.In the interest of national unity and healing, both Robredo and Marcos have agreed to settle the dispute through a coin toss.COMELEC rules (Resolution No. 183) allows candidates to draw lots to resolve an electoral contest that ends in a tie.As a matter of fact, one contest was resolved through a coin toss when two mayoral candidates in the town of Bocaue, Bulacan, ended up in a tie. Each received 16, 694 votes. The municipal board of canvassers conducted the coin toss which was won by Eleanor Villanueva. The losing candidate was Jim Valerio.Although Robredo, as of the latest unofficial count, was leading Marcos by some 200,000 votes, both VP candidates agreed to a coin toss so that the country can “move on.”
['Pol Pinoy']
18/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Thr #Philippines' democracy is a flawed and failed copy of Western democracy
Contrary to the popular belief, we are not America's trying hard copycats. That's just the skin. We are a society built on the "Hispanic Model". Spain has taught us the culture of extremity and grandiosity. Just look on how many fiestas we have, and how most of us are devoted to their religion. This is where the problem lies, we learned to indulge ourselves too much even on trivial things to the point that we don't even know if it's still right or logical.On the contrary, Singapore and the US are built on the "English Model". They emphasize practicality. Business is business, politics is politics, so on and so forth. They don't waste their time on trivial things. When they do things, they do it efficiently.Comparing these "models" we could already know which one is better. Most countries influenced by the British are prosperous. On the contrary, those influenced by the Hispanians are either unstable or suffering economic hardships. Look at Latin America, and even Spain herself.Now, we look again at Lee Kuan Yew's lessons. It is true that our politicians did it all wrong, because they took it word for word, instead of getting between and beyond the lines. Do we expect ourselves to learn from him if we can't even understand the differences of the culture we grew up with?Lee grew up learning the English way. We grew up on the Hispanic way.IMO, this is one of the first lessons one must learn to be an effective leader and statesman: he must know his nation like the palm of his hand. It is only then that we could truly start to learn from Lee.-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/03/lee-kuan-yew-and-the-singapore-he-built-is-proof-that-the-philippines-did-it-all-wrong/comment-page-1/#comment-1131465
25/07/2018 0:00
Filipinos will choose the Duterte Way until they can be convinced of a BETTER way
On paper, it’s the leaders who are responsible for upholding the law and protecting individual rights. The problem? Apart from not following those oaths, Duterte’s platform has basically been about killing criminals. That’s what got him elected, his populist rhetoric that he will solve our utmost problems by doing this and that. It’s the people who believed in his way of doing things and eventually handed him the reins. It’s the people’s responsibility to elect a leader, therefore, they get what they vote for.You want the killings to stop and the rule of law to be upheld? Fine then convince the majority that the latter option will deliver results. I didn’t vote for Duterte but apparently a lot of people did because they believed in his agenda. When you have successive administrations with the same measly outcomes, you are bound to have a leader with extremist tendencies to solve problems that are deeply entrenched into our society. Don’t simply be against extremism but also show (not tell) there is a better way.This is a GRP Featured Comment. ---------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
20/06/2018 0:00
Here is why Tito Sotto deserves to be President of the Philippine Senate and maybe, one day, President of the Philippines
Aside from the fact that the Philippine Opposition is led by the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtards), it has become quite evident that the Opposition have become dull and bereft of charisma. This is likely because they have yet to find a charismatic enough leader to "unite" them and put a damper on the enormous popularity of current Philippine President Rodrigo Durterte.But that's just examining the state of the Opposition at the traditional level of discourse. The key is to rise above personalities and step up to aspiring towards a moreproposition to Filipinos. Clearly, the Yellowtard-led Philippine Opposition is nowhere near that level of competence to field a truly compelling platform to counter Duterte's persistently seductive populism.Unfortunately for the Yellowtards, the same old Martial Law Crybabyism they continue to use as a cornerstone of their "opposition" no longer works. Worse, they also latch on to highfalutin liberalist doctrines like feminism and "human rights", among other "isms", all of which merely fly above the heads of most ordinary Filipinos.We can see the elitist snobbery that the Yellowtards apply to their cause in the derisive way they regard the new Senate President Tito Sotto. Yet Sotto's rise to the Senate presidency is an outcome of a legitimate democratic process. Nonetheless, the Yellowtards will have nothing of it. What they fail to realise is that Sotto is, in fact, a politician who deeply understands the pulse of the masses thanks to the decades he spent hosting popular noontime variety showIn that alone, no one beats Sotto when it comes to understanding what makes Filipinos tick and what moves them to vote for who or what.Herein lies the problem with the Opposition and the Yellowtards who lead them. They have their heads too far up their asses to do a good job of serving as a competent counterweight to the incumbent administration. Contrary to what the Yellowtards assert, it is not Duterte who has failed the Filipino people. The Yellowtards' incompetent leadership of the Opposition is what has failed Filipinos.
06/11/2017 0:00
Pan de Sal Sales Up, Thanks To Presidental Spokesperson Harry Roque
Bakeries and grocery stores across the country are reporting a sharp increase in pan de sal sales in just the last 24 hours.They have Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque and Philippine Star to thank.Roque was earlier quoted for his threat to throw hollow blocks at those who are critical of the Duterte administration. But at a press briefing yesterday, he softened his rhetoric, defended mainstream journalists and urged pro-Duterte socmed warriors to go easy on the likes of Rappler’s Pia Ranada.PhilStar then published an account of the press briefing saying that Roque, instead of throwing hollow blocks, threw pan de sal.The National Food Authority may have to increase its wheat importation to meet the increased demand for the favorite Filipino breakfast bread.
['Pol Pinoy']
06/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
with a throng of Scottish marchers standing up against gingerism and bluey bullying.San Francisco doesn’t want to be left behind. After all, it is the city that pioneered gay marriage in the U.S. So, it is planning for the first ever Ginger Pride in the country to honor what seems to be a diminishing breed.San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee issued a nationwide call for all ginger-haired people to gather in the city in the summer of 2016 for the first U.S. Ginger Pride Celebration.A sea of ginger-haired people will fill several blocks of Market Street in a grand parade, followed by a ginger festival at the Civic Center Plaza. City Hall at night will light up for an entire week in ginger color.Lee’s invitation is open to all naturally ginger-haired people only which disappointed many in the gay, as well as Filipino communities. But the mayor explained that the goal of the festival is to draw national attention to bullying constantly experienced by authentic gingers.One San Francisco ginger praised the decision saying that she is always approached by people in bars, malls and even at work, with the question, “Wow, your hair is lovely! Where did you get it done?”Hollywood actress Emma Stone will be the parade’s grand marshal. Although she is a natural blonde, the Ginger Pride Committee thought she represents the perfect ginger. And she’s a celebrity that would draw crowds to this fun event.
['Pol Pinoy']
01/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Legislating #gay marriage makes more fiscal sense than enacting a #divorce law #LGBT
Divorce is a more complicated issue than gay marriage, it would involve custody battles involving poverty stricken Filipino's that could NEVER be counted on to pay 'court ordered' child support, and so warrants of arrest would be in the 100's of thousands. It would literally choke the legal system to a standstill, thus adding millions of peso's more debt to the already over-burdened/broke as a bad joke legal system. It would also create a nation of fugitives. But that is never spoken of, it's always said that the Filipino's 'family values' (that keeps families together) that is always heard as the argument AGAINST divorce, but it's not really why there is no divorce in this backwards ass country.Gay marriage, on the other hand, only creates court fees and administration costs that will add to the public coffers. The coffers that can be in turn raided by the mayor's and various other public officials close enough to get in on the action. Expect gay marriage to happen for 'plus side' monetary reason's and NO divorce laws to be passed for the exact opposite reason.IT'S FASHIONABLY consistent with the corrupt nature of the entire society.--------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/10/is-same-sex-marriage-a-more-important-issue-than-divorce/comment-page-1/#comment-828552
07/09/2018 0:00
TOPEKA, Kansas (The Adobo Chronicles® ) -The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an unaffiliated Baptist church known for its hate speech, especially against LGBT people, Jews and politicians. It is known for picketing public events, including funerals, and uses social media to condemn what it thinks is against God’s law.So naturally, one would expect WBC to come to the aid of jailed Rowan County clerk Kim Davis who defied the Supreme Court by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious conviction.Instead, WBC aligned itself with the homosexuals by attacking Davis’ own morality for being divorced multiple times, remarrying and having children outside of marriage.On Sunday, WBC members marched through Topeka not with their familiar signs of “God Hates Fags ” or “Fags Go To Hell.” Rather, they carried signs that read “God Hates Divorcees,” and “Adulterers Go to Hell.” The church’s Facebook page was also filled with hate speech targeting Davis.How the world turns.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Maria Ozawa's Filipino Boyfriend Opens Up About Their Relationship
Jose Sarasola becomes every man's inspiration after he captured the heart (among other parts) of Maria Ozawa.Ultimate Hokage Jose said in an exclusive interview on PEP.ph that his relationship with the former Japanese adult film star is "life-changing". Which of course, without a doubt is also earth-shattering, dead raising and ultra-electro-magnetic-super awesome."It's life-changing... I know medyo big words - life-changing. But it really is talaga, kasi she's not just a regular girl. She's really someone known in the whole world," he told PEP's Allan Sancon in the said interview at his bar at Avenue 76, Aguirre St., BF Homes Paranque."So it's an adjustment for me and for her as well. But then, importante is we're both happy,' he added.According to Jose, he met Maria at the bar when a mutual friend brought her there. After that night, they became closer through phone calls and text messages. They took their relationship to the next level toward the end of last year.Now, the country is full of weeping men either because of envy or sheer happiness of the thought that Maria O digs Pinoys.Maria Ozawa is Japanese-Canadian but according to Jose, she has taken on some Pinoy traits and that made him fall in-love with her.The two is set to get married on.. oh wait, there's no mention of wedding yet so don't feel heartbroken yet, but let's wait and see.
['Vic Patnugot']
26/10/2016 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Madonna Arrested In Australia!
Singer Madonna has been arrested in Melbourne, Australia hours after she pulled down the top of a 17-year-old fan, exposing the latter’s breast.The incident happened during the singer’s concert during which she invited the girl on stage.“She’s the kind of girl you just want to slap on the ass. And pull,” Madonna said, as she yanked down the girl’s strapless top to briefly reveal one of her breasts, while the crowd kept on cheering, The Guardian reports.The weird move was caught on video and has now gone viral. (Because we are a family-oriented site, we chose not to include a link to the video, but you can always Google it!)“I’m sorry, sexual harassment,” the singer added. “You can do the same to me. Good luck,” she said, pointing to her cinched costume.Australian authorities told The Adobo Chronicles that no one — not even an international celebrity like Madonna — is above the law. “Her act constituted a violation of laws against indecent exposure, sexual assault, and violating a minor,” the authorities said. “It was same-sex assault, but an assault nevertheless,” they added.Madonna’s spokesperson said that the whole thing was an accident, some “wardrobe malfunction which the young girl seemed to enjoy.”The singer has been released after posting a $1 Million bail, which to her is a mere spare change.As a result of the incident, Madonna is now forever banned from entering Australia, the second country to impose such restriction.Madonna is also banned from entering the Philippines, after she disrespected the Philippine flag during her ‘Rebel Heart’ concert tour in Manila last February.The singer is filing an appeal before the United Nations asking that both Australia and the Philippines rescind the ban against her, citing artistic freedom and freedom of speech.
['Pol Pinoy']
20/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
How Filipinos Can Avert War With China
The news media have been focusing on China’s supposed threat to go to war with the Philippines should the latter pursue its claim over disputed territory in the South China Sea.By sheer number, the Philippines is no match to China’s military power. China has seven times the number of Filipino military personnel, not to mention the Chinese great advantage in as far as equipment like tanks, fighter aircraft, warships and submarines are concerned.But Filipinos have an advantage over China 🇨🇳 when it comes to keyboard warriors.It is estimated that almost half of the Philippine population is on Facebook, not to mention other social media accounts.Here’s how Filipinos can avert a possible war with China:Each of the 50 million or so Filipino Facebook account holders should send a minimum of 26 friend requests to the Chinese. That would amount to a total of 1.3 Billion (the estimated population of China) Chinese friends.If China decides to go to war with the Philippines, no Chinese would support it, not even its military since they all would have Facebook friends in the Philippines 🇵🇭.Problem solved.Long live the Filipino keyboard 🎹 warriors! Long live world peace!(Well, if all else fails, Darna will come to the rescue):
['Pol Pinoy']
22/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Woman Asked St. Peter Funeral Service to Cremate Husband's Mistress Alive
Fire is a wonderful thing as it brings warmth when we are cold and light when darkness comes creeping up during dreaded brown outs. But those amazing golden yellow velvety dancing flames can also be a means to destroy homes and worldly possessions. Enough fire can even extinguish the very life out of a mistress.To burn a mistress. Such is the intention of an anonymous social media user who messaged a funeral service company St. Peter's Funeral Service.While many husbands and wives who have been cheated on prefer the usual boring divorce or annulment as a logical response to such a situation, this particular individual want to solve her problem by cremating her husband's mistress alive. Brutal as it may sound, netizens find it to be just and hilarious at the same time.What's more hilarious than asking a funeral homes to cremate someone alive, is that the St. Peter's Funeral Service, a company that excels in turning bodies to ashes, replied to the woman's inquiry. That reply made the joke complete. Yes, it was all just a joke intended to bring laughs and it did it's job splendidly if you ask me.
['Vic Patnugot']
24/02/2018 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Wait… Why blame Duterte? He’s not yet the President!
Are you crazy or just plain stupid?According to educator and philosopher, Paul J. Glenn (1933), some of the notable errors in thinking are “the careless acceptance of common and uncriticized opinions; prejudice; and inordinate predominance of personal preference”.1 This happens when a false is judged to be true and the true is judged to be false. Crazy and stupid!When tough-talking Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency in the last May 9, 2016 elections, he became the presumptive president and later on the president-elect. By June 30, 2016, he will take his oath of office. Duterte’s day 1 as President of the Republic of the Philippines starts on July 1, 2016. Legally, Noynoy Aquino is our President until June 30, 2016.So why are some people implicitly blaming Duterte for what the policemen and law enforcers are doing relative to the alleged unlawful killings of criminals especially drug lords and drug pushers? What Duterte says is still unofficial until he becomes the President. He still cannot give an executive order. Maybe most people believe that the incoming President already has the power to act as President. This is crazy and stupid!What about Davao?Well, it may be argued that Rodrigo Duterte is still the Mayor of Davao, so anything that happens in Davao is his responsibility. Yes. True. However, he still has a boss and ultimately his boss is still President Aquino. Ahem! What happened to command responsibility?His bosses also include all incumbent members of the executive branch that consists of all department heads, police and military nationwide as in the whole country. Duh…“Article VII, Section 1, of the 1987 Constitution vests executive power on the President of the Philippines. The President is the Head of State and Head of Government, and functions as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. As chief executive, the President exercises control over all the executive departments, bureaus, and offices.” 2 “The executive branch extends beyond the national government. According to Article X, Section 4 of the constitution, the President of the Philippines is mandated to supervise local governments all over the country.“ 2 “The President of the Philippines has the mandate of control over all the executive departments, bureaus, and offices. This includes restructuring, reconfiguring, and appointments of their respective officials. The Administrative Code also provides for the President to be responsible for the abovementioned offices’ strict implementation of laws.” 2Now what can be clearer than that?I know what most of you are thinking. Yes, he is not yet the president but he is influencing and encouraging the police and other authorities to “shoot-to-kill” criminals if their lives are in danger. Short answer, then the authorities in power should do something about it. Again, Duterte is not yet the President.Why are the killings starting already?I can only speculate about the real reason why the police are intensifying their drive in arresting and killing criminals. Why the sudden spike? There are only 2 reasons I can think of why is this being done only after Duterte clearly won the elections:The authorities are showing the incoming President that they are doing their jobs well, that they are actually working on wiping out criminality;The authorities know that the criminals they are protecting will sing like a canary once they are caught. Better to have dead witnesses than go to jail.So, pretending to reform before Duterte takes over is one reason and keeping their involvement in criminal activities concealed is the second reason. If I can think about this so can those hardened, callous, corrupt, nefarious, unscrupulous and apathetic scalawag criminal protectors. Leaving no trace is becoming a common goal of all. They are ensuring that all vestiges are eliminated; all the remnants, proofs and indications of the criminal involvement must be obliterated.It’s too late to have a clean slate. Their secrets will leak like a stench of a dead rat. No matter how hard they try to hide their dirty secrets, no solution can mask decades of deeply entrenched corruption.Most police and law-enforcement officers I met know who and where the criminals operate. It is common knowledge that powerful politicians protect the criminals they know. They were very reluctant in doing something about this because it will destroy their careers and they might even make them end up in jail or end up dead. Now, it becomes hard to blame a law enforcer for not doing their job.Scores of deathsI read so much news about drug dealers and other criminals who were shot dead by law enforcers and vigilante groups. Everyday I read and see lots of stories about deaths of suspected criminals.According to Philippines Daily Inquirer “So far, more than 40 drug suspects had been killed since Duterte’s poll victory on May 9, compared with the 39 recorded in the four months before it, according to Chief Supt. Wilben Mayor, spokesperson of the Philippine National Police”. 3Earlier Philippine Star reported that “eight more suspected drug pushers were killed in separate incidents over the weekend, further increasing the number of drug-related deaths to 42 following the May 9 elections.”“…The numbers have spiked this month as outgoing Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is preparing for his inauguration on June 30 as the 16th president of the republic.” 4Philippine Star also expressed that “nearly half of the recorded deaths in police anti-drug operations between Jan. 1 and June 15 this year happened after the May 9 elections when a presidential candidate known for his uncompromising style of fighting drug pushers and syndicates was emerging as the clear winner in the polls.” 5The power of Duterte to command obedience is so strong that even before he becomes President so many changes are happening already.The management style of DuterteThis proves one thing that leadership is by symbolism. The power of tough words backed up by a solid political will works well for us Filipinos. We are the kind of people who needs a leader who can get things done, firmly and quickly. Duterte is that kind of leader, a very seasoned executive capable of getting things done. As I described him in my previous article “The heavy hand linked to a big heart, the hammer of iron wrapped in velvet, the “Punisher” who is after those against social justice and the common good” 6Change is coming very soon!Beware criminals and corrupt politicians your days are numbered.Citations:Glenn, Paul J. (1933) Criteriology: A Class Manual in Major Logic. Binghampton & New York. B. Herder Book Co. p.124-125Office of the President of the Philippines. The Executive Branch. Retrieved from http://www.gov.ph/about/gov/exec/Uy, Jocelyn R. (2016, June 21) CBCP tells lawmen to respect rule of law. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/791559/cbcp-tells-lawmen-to-respect-rule-of-lawNon, Alquitran (2016, June 20). 8 more drug suspects slain. The Philippine Star. Retrieved from http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/06/20/1594768/8-more-drug-suspects-slainFelipe, Cecile S. (2016, June 19). Drugs arrest, killings up. The Philippine Star. Retrieved from http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/06/19/1594434/drug-arrests-killingsDe Leon, Carlo F. (2016, May 14). Duterte, social justice and the church. Manila Times. Retrieved from http://www.manilatimes.net/duterte-social-justice-and-the-church/261888/[Photo source: Jennifer Chase.]
2016-06-22 02:53:20+00:00
Get Real Philippines
The Kris Aquino-Mocha Uson Face-To-Face Meeting. We Have The Transcript!
While the entire Internetdom was crashing with back and forth posts and comments about the war of words between Kris Aquino and Mocha Uson, the two entertainment personalities finally met face to face at the McDonald’s restaurant at the corner of EDSA and Panay Avenue in Quezon City.The Adobo Chronicles obtained a transcript of their conversation:Aquino: Binalahura mo ang buong pamilya ko!Uson: Binalahura ng mga kampon mo ang presidente ko!Aquino: It’s about me!Uson: It’s not about you!Aquino: Isusumbong kita kay Bong Go!Uson: Bong who?Aquino: Apologize to me now.Uson: Here, have some McDonald’s Apol juice.Aquino: My father is a hero!Uson: Says who?Aquino: My father died for this country!Uson: Really, you mean Japan?Aquino: Mag hair-pulling na lang tayo. Let’s re-enact yung movie scene mo with Angel Locsin.Uson: Challenge accepted, but…Aquino: No ifs or buts.Uson: Pahaba ka muna ng hair para patas ang laban.(End of conversation)
['Pol Pinoy']
07/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Donald Trump’s rise to power confirms a full global backlash against hipster culture
The ascent of Donald Trump to the leadership of the Free World represents a massive fail on the part of America’s techno-industrial complex to deal with the reality of the character of America he represents. Rather than embrace, take on board, and manage the reality of a heartland simmering with anger and disillusionment, America’s hipster classes derided their plight as a primitive backlash against the “inclusiveness” that they imagined to have characterised their new age ideologies.Because of this elitist, condescending, and, in all its irony, exclusive attitude taken by America’s coastal Establishment cliques, people forgot to ask the important question around WHY Donald Trump had become such a force to reckon with in these US elections to begin with. And this is why Trump won. More importantly, this is why his win shocked some of the most influential of America’s lot. He came at them from left field — a field they chose not only to ignore but to exclude.We can see, however, that these hipsters haven’t learned much from the experience. After it was clear Trump had bagged the presidency of the planet’s mightiest nation, our Facebook and Twitter timelines were still filling with the same sort of whiney teeth gnashing that characterised the dysfunction in the anti-Trump campaign. Trevor Noah lamented on The Daily Show as the election numbers rolled in how he had become “very much afraid”…“This is it, the end of the presidential race, and it feels like the end of the world,” Noah said. “I don’t know if you’ve come to the right place for jokes tonight because this is the first time throughout this entire race where I’m officially sh-tting my pants.” As surprising as the results might have been to some, Noah did have therapeutic jokes up his sleeve. “We are going to be making jokes tonight but I am very much afraid,” he said. “Donald Trump is doing much better than expected. He’s doing so much winning that I am tired of winning.”If there is a lesson to be learned here, it is that the reason Trump’s supporters had become so resolute about their decision to vote for him was because of sentiments like these issued by influential people who are perceived to be abusing their access to expensive instruments of mass communication.Noah, obviously, did not learn this lesson.But the signs have long been there. Mainstream media had become an object of mistrust (an institution that had been tainted by the agendas of the “one percent”) — just as social media had risen to become a potent tool for mass communication that ordinary people had access to.Then there are the ordinary anti-Trump voters who suggest in not a few tweets and Facebook posts that America had become a society of hate, misogynism, and racism because of Trump’s victory — forgetting, of course, that theirs is a democracy and that behind this win are fellow American voters. Again, the question Americans should be asking themselves is Why?Why did Trump win so many votes?That question cannot be answered by Sergey Brin or Mark Zuckerberg; nor by Silicon Valley’s “data science”, and certainly not by their fellow hipsters who will only give us the same answer Trevor Noah gave his viewers. As Albert Einstein was once said to have said: You cannot solve a problem using the same thinking that created it. Hipsterism had already lost Europe to resurgent xenophobia and spun Great Britain out of the European Union. They had been instrumental in the victory of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines and now their tiresome political correctness had precipitated the mass disillusionment of American voters that catapulted Trump to power.So what is the solution to America’s Trump problem?See, in framing the question that way, we remain in that very same cognitive prison Einstein describes. It should occur to us by now that the thinking that created “the Trump problem” is the real problem that needs to be solved here.
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-11-10 02:46:44+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Leni Robredo To Forfeit 2O18 OVP Budget To Purchase Dengue Protective Gear For Poor Children
Amid the explosive Dengue vaccine controversy, Leni Robredo is proving to be serious about protecting the health and lives of poor children, especially those who are now at risk for adverse consequences as a result of having been vaccinated with Dengvaxia.Earlier, the Vice President called for a thorough investigation of the matter and to go after those responsible for this fiasco.Today, Robredo announced that she will be forfeiting the almost half a billion 2018 budget approved for the Office of the Vice President.Instead, Robredo said she had instructed her staff to use the money to procure Dengue protective gear similar to those used by bee culturists.’The best way to protect our kids from Dengue infection is to prevent them from being bitten by mosquitoes,” Robredo said, “and what better way to do this than to distrubute free protective clothing.”The free protective gears will come in two colors, white and yellow.
['Pol Pinoy']
04/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), a national membership organization composed of Asian Americans working in mainstream media, has sent a strongly-worded letter to the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) demanding that the name ‘Chinaman’ be erased from all literature and references to Chinaman’s Hat, a famed attraction on the island of Oahu.Located in Kāne’ohe Bay, Chinaman’s Hat, also known as Mokoli’i Island, is a scenic wonder resembling that of a cone-shaped straw hat often seen worn in several countries in Southeast Asia.But the term ‘Chinaman’ is considered derogatory, according to AAJA and other Asian American groups. MediaWatch, AAJA’s watchdog arm, has been calling out news organizations that have printed or broadcast terms, phrases or statements that are considered racist, discriminatory or offensive to the Asian American community in the U.S.In its stylebook distributed to newsrooms, AAJA has this to say about the term:The Adobo Chronicles learned that HTC has yet to receive the letter which was supposedly sent by registered mail from AAJA’s headquarters in San Francisco. Nevertheless, HTC questioned why it has taken this long for AAJA to demand this change, when Chinaman’s Hat has been the name of this tourist attraction for many decades, perhaps even predating the journalist organization.“Besides,” HTC said, “it will cost the state tourism body millions of dollars to make the change, having to update all tourism videos, brochures, and web sites, not to mention the cost of re-educating both Hawaii residents and tourists about a new name.”What could that new name be? Perhaps, the island could be renamed after Hawaii’s state fish, humuhumunukunukuapua’a ? That would seem appropriate.
['Pol Pinoy']
13/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
If you left your heart in San Francisco, now is the best time to go back. What was once among the most expensive major U.S. cities to live in is becoming a haven for low to middle-income earners.Until recently, the average rent for a one-bedroom and one-bath apartment was $2, 500 a month, garage extra. Now, the same size apartments are going for $1,000 to $1,500 a month. Studios are now renting for an average of $600 per month. The rents also include two bike racks.Speaking of bikes, a new city-wide survey shows that car ownership is shrinking, down by almost 60%, thanks to the ever-increasing number of bike-only lanes in major thoroughfares throughout The City by the Bay.Ex-car owners interviewed by The Adobo Chronicles said that it no longer makes sense to own a car in the city, since most streets and roadways have been painted green, indicating bike-only lanes. “Between the bike lanes and red-painted buse and taxi-only lanes, private cars have practically been booted out,” said San Francisco resident Mike Bello who sold his Range Rover and purchased a mountain bike.Craigslist and other social media sites have seen a significant increase in the number of ads for surprisingly affordable apartment rentals, like this one:
['Pol Pinoy']
22/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte promises to build airport in Abra
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte today promised to build an airport in the extreme north if he becomes President.Speaking to a crowd of 3,500 at the Dolores Civic Center, Duterte noted that it takes around eight hours to travel to this province by land.“Wala ba kayong airport dito (Don’t you have an airport here)?” he said.When the people said no, Duterte said, “I will build an airport in the extreme north plus a feeder road para mabilis ang biyahe.”Duterte noted that many Ilocanos have settled in Mindanao and that it is important for them to be easily connected with relatives they had left behind.“There are around two million Ilocanos, including their children, in Mindanao,” he said.He also credited the Ilocanos for the development of Mindanao, saying their industriousness pushed the banana, coconut, and pineapple industry forward.“Nagtanim sila nang nagtanim nang nagtanim,” he said.Duterte, however, noted that government has been making it difficult for the people in the regions — including Abra — to enjoy the fruits of their labor.“Sixty-four percent of the budget for infrastructure is allotted for Metro Manila, and the remainder is distributed to the rest of the country. But how are we supposed to live on that? We can’t build roads to connect farmers to their markets,” he said.Worse. he said government officials steal the money of the country, leaving the people with little in terms of services.He repeated his pledge to eradicate corruption within six months of sitting as President.“I do not want to dishonor my life by not doing anythiyng in office,” he said. “I will really end corruption in government.”Any thoughts? Leave your comments below!
2016-04-22 22:13:23+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
The race for the White House is beginning to shape up, and it’s looking like it’s going to be another Bush vs. Clinton.Jeb Bush has announced that he is going to seek the Republican Party nomination for President in the 2016 elections.Although everyone pretty much knows that Hillary Clinton will be the standard bearer for the Democratic Party, the former First Lady and Secretary of State has not officially declared her candidacy.Until now.Speaking from her residence in New York, Clinton officially made the announcement everyone was waiting for.“Today, I am prepared to officially announce that I will make an announcement when it is time to make that announcement.”Any questions?
['Pol Pinoy']
20/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Effeminate society: Are #Filipinos confusing #homosexuality with anti-masculinity?
I am certainly not homophobic, but it really seems to me, that homosexuality is such a celebrated, or even promoted thing in this (coincidently very Christian) Country..First Observation was: I have never seen so many (openly) homosexuals anywhere else in the world.. even Thailand seems to have far less. As a foreigner, it also seems to me that even straight guys, on average, are more feminine than the typical image of a man, which I am accustomed to after being raised in a different culture (in the west).Second Observation: In the West, most homosexuals are still guys.. While most of them are clearly noticeable, through there behaviour, movements and sometimes soft voices, they are still basically normal guys.. Sometimes you would never guess they where homosexuals! Here it seems that most homsexuals are immediately turning into wannabe females (either partially, through the way they dress, move, talk, or some silly hair, or all the way through surgery)Third Observation, which is the main reason for me writing this post:Homosexuality or dare I say it: Anti-Masculinity seems to be strongly promoted in this country to a level I have not experienced anywhere else in the world. A few examples: When my son was in Kindergarten, the (gay) teacher was putting on make up and lipstick on all the kids, boys and girls, for the Class-Pictures. Not as a Joke or anything like it, but simply "to look pretty". My son ended up being the only one on that picture without lipstick! Today he is in first grade and he just came home recently where he and his male-classmates had to play "marry goes to market" dressed as girls, in front of the whole school and many parents.See, while I do not hate on homosexuality, I am also very proud of my masculinity – I love being a guy – and I teach my son to grow up to be proud of his masculinity as well (I'm not talking about drinking and beating and cheating on the wife, by the way) And it does bother me, if sources of influence, such as school or TV (turn on local TV and you will immediately be greeted by some gay Host or some (secretly) gay politician holding a speech) are trying to homosexualise/femininise/de-masculinitysise (if such words even exist in english) my son..Maybe two years ago, some 5 year old kid in this town told me, proudly, that he is gay. I am not sure if homosexuality is a genetic thing, or something, someone grows into, But I was really wondering about this kid. Sexuality isn't something a 5 year old normally is aware of, in my opinion. Was he told by elders that he was gay? Did he want to be gay, because his favourite TV personalities are gay? Did he say he way gay, to receive food, money and other gifts from the gay community in our barangay (which is a very common practice)? Or maybe he just really was gay and realised it in a incredibly early age? I will never know for sure – but will never stop wondering.If my son turns out to be homosexual someday, then that is ok, but only if it happens through his own will, and not because he was pushed or manipulated "into it". And if not, then please let him be a guy! As masculine as he wants to be!Would be interesting to hear, if any of you have had similar experiences or any opinions about that topic.To bring this post back to the topic: I am also extremely annoyed if I am walking with my wife and two little children, and some ladyboys start aggressively flirting with me – which happens for example in Greenbelt all the time. Not to say that I would kill any of them for doing such a thing – I would however not be surprised if someone punched their little synthetic faces for doing such things..Yes, I admit, I would even be amused watching such a scenario!-------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/10/the-transgender-life-its-not-just-about-becoming-a-girl-its-about-becoming-an-attractive-chick/comment-page-1/#comment-848329
29/10/2016 0:00
Footage of the De Lima Senate Meltdown offers rare insight into high-functioning sociopaths
This video of Leila de Lima's epic meltdown at the Senate the other day should be submitted to theIt's rare scientific documentation of a sociopath cracking under pressure and dropping her mask. You can even see her persona switch from "disente" to deranged then back again in a matter of minutes. (The craziest part is in -27:35 to -22.05.)What made De Lima snap?De Lima held this press con just a few hours after that Bilibid stabbing incident that left drug lord Tony Co dead, drug lord Peter Co in critical condition, and drug-lord-cum-De-Lima-"asset" Jaybee Sebastian injured. While the police were still investigating the crime scene, De Lima was already telling the press that the stabbing was part of the government's efforts to force inmates to testify against her.Why was she so defensive? Why was she so strung out? Could it be because Peter Co and Jaybee Sebastian survived?Witnesses at the House probe on Bilibid have linked De Lima and her driver-lover to the transactions of Co and Sebastian. Regardless of who was responsible for the stabbing, there's no denying who would benefit if Co and Sebastian are suddenly eliminated.De Lima's press con was a preemptive strike, one of her signature propaganda moves. Whenever she's about to come under fire, she throws the heat on someone or something else to insulate herself.For instance, since she knew Duterte was hellbent on investigating the Bilibid drug trade, De Lima launched her EJK inquiry early, so she could claim political persecution by the time her name surfaced in the Bilibid probe.De Lima also unleashed Edgar Matobato several days before the Bilibid inmates were going to testify about her drug links at the House hearing, so she could claim that their testimonies were in retaliation for Matobato's testimony.Now, De Lima preemptively held a press con on the stabbing incident so she could float her narrative in advance, and she even filed a Senate resolution asking for an investigation, so people would not suspect her. Unfortunately, the only thing her press con proved was her deteriorating mental state.De Lima stood in front of the seal of the Senate of the Philippines and raved like a madwoman, babbling about people urging her to seek political asylum abroad and an "A1 source" sending her text messages about inmates being tortured. Ironically, the only one who looks tortured these days is De Lima herself, not the inmates who seem to be relishing the opportunity to expose how her "asset" Jaybee and her minions extorted money from them.De Lima thinks of herself as a human rights heroine with all her talk about political asylum. But the only asylum that comes to mind when you watch her go berserk in this video is the insane asylum.De Lima is not the only one losing her mind. The Liberal Party and Leni Robredo are also going on overdrive with statements warning the House not to play De Lima's alleged sex video. Don't they realize that the more they do this, the more they confirm the authenticity of the video? If the video was fake, it wouldn't matter if it was played, right? In fact, playing it would be the fastest way to discredit it. But why are they so afraid? Is it because the video is real?I doubt the House committee really meant to play that video publicly. They were testing the waters to see the reaction, and now they have it. Yellows outplayed once again.------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
2017-10-06 01:45:05+00:00
You can’t ban ‘fake news’ unless you also ban Eat Bulaga and Catholicism
The Philippines is a paradise for con men and carpetbaggers. Because Filipinos lack a substantial foundation of principles to stabilise their journey through life, it is easy to use modern technology and basic persuasion techniques to herd them in different directions. It is a nation of 100 million people just asking to be milked of their hard-earned OFW remittances. Just toss Filipinos a basketball, a glossy Korean telenovela, a sound byte from a popular celebrity, a noisy “Senate Inquiry” circus, a cleverly-crafted slogan, or a gone-viral outrage fad and they’ll flock around like pigeons to breadcrumbs. I call these the opiates of the Filipino masses. They are the pipes that enable the crafty entrepeneur to siphon the last peso off the pockets of the 100 million cash cows lazily grazing off the Philippines’s abundant natural resources.That’s just the free market economy at work. The folk who make the big bucks are the folks clever enough to invest in the development and implementation of systems that create capital and harvest income off resources employed by said system. As such, there really is no point in demonising people and entitites that “monopolise” control over the economy. Domination of a market is always the end-game of astute players in a free market. The only things in a market that will keep that desire to dominate in check is competition.“Fake news” is the latest bogeyman seen by many as a threat to everything decent and one blamed for the “death of truth”. Doomsayers are also warning that it has all but dominated mass media and edged out legit players like corporate media and “ethical” bloggers. But, really, what these “fake news” crybabies don’t realise is that there are far more lucrative businesses that “kill truth” out there that enjoy not only a blanket get-out-of-jail pass but institutional protection from vilification. Popular noontime shows like Eat Bulaga, for example, are renowned entertainment institutions that for decades fed off the poverty and ignorance of its audience to deliver popular low-brow “entertainment” — one of those opiates of the masses that big marketers and corporate sponsors salivate over to the tune of billions of pesos spent on advertising and product endorsement.The Roman Catholic Church is another purveyor of brain-killing mass opiates that feeds off fear, ignorance and intellectual poverty. The Catholic Church is even more insidious as it sells its vast reach and influence to the highest-bidding politicians. Proof of this has, time and again, been exhibited in the way it used its “pastoral letters” and the homily sections of its widely-attended “holy sacrifices of the mass” to disseminate sermons that deliver politically-potent payloads.‘Fake news’ just happens to be the easy target of the moment of ‘activists’ — because it is the new kid on the block in a neighbourhood already crowded with legal and untouchable mass-scammers such as Eat Bulaga and the Catholic Church. It is easy for the Philippines’ disente “thought leaders” to mount their quaint crusades against “fake news”, simply because it is an ill-defined enemy.Interestingly enough, as recent events have revealed, once a tangible aspect of this shadowy enemy is put on the spotlight — like Cocoy Dayao, for example — these crusades suddenly become complicated. Dayao and his circle of admiring “thought leaders” are institutions in the social media cliques of the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the “Yellowtards”). So when popular blogger RJ Nieto recently released a damning report that seemingly put Dayao at the centre of a vast network of anti-government websites (some of which are known producers of content that fits the label “fake news”), suddenly the anti-“fake news” crusade was no longer as simple as its champions made it out to be.Once partisanship infects a debate, clear and critical thinking goes out the door — not that the “debate” around “fake news” has ever enjoyed any semblance of clarity. We have seen in this recent “Senate inquiry” on “fake news” that the introduction of personalities — such as the no-show Dayao and the unfortunate lot of pro-Duterte bloggers RJ Nieto and Mocha Uson who signed their death warrant by walking into this den of thieves — into the “debate” easily turns everything untenably political.Who ends up laughing all the way to the bank? Ultimately those who profit the most from the scourge of “fake news”. For now, the politicisation of the “fake news” debate turns one camp or the other into either the good guys or the bad guys in this raging drama. That’s just a function of the political wind of the moment. The real winners will be those who find the best means to profit from all of that. For some insight into that, it is best that we turn to the experts — those who are veteran owners and managers of the, shall we say, more institutionalised traders of the Philippines’ more traditional opiates of its masses.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-10-06 01:45:05+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Gov. Imee Marcos challenges Dr. Agnes Callamard to try shabu for a week: “Baka gumagamit na siya kaya wala ng direperesenya?
Daughter of former President Ferdinand Marcos and current Ilocos Norte governor Imee Marcos challenged United Nations special rapporteur Dr. Agnes Callamard to take shabu for a week to prove her claim it does not cause brain damage or cause violence to its users.Marcos stated the challenge to her May 9 column for Bulgar and she said that Callamard must prove her claims and take the illegal drug for once a day for one week.“Kung wala naman palang scientific evidence na nakababaliw itong shabu, bakit hindi ito ipasubok sa kanya? Pabatakin kaya ang ale na yan ng shabu! Sige, kahit one batak a day na lang for one week o kahit isang buwan at tingnan natin kung walang epek.” Imee Marcos wrote.She also believe that Callamard might already an illegal drug user.“O baka naman gumagamit na siya nito kaya wala siyang nakikitang diperensya. Wa’ epek sa kanya, ganun?” she added.Callamard became controversial after she quoted Dr. Carl Hart, a professor in University of Columbia that ‘there is no evidence shabu leads to violence or causes brain damage’Many Filipino doctors debunked the claims of Callamard and Hart and they said many evidence that would prove that Shabu is very dangerous to the brain of its user.
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2017-05-10 01:06:58+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Coronation of Mar Roxas as Datu of Lanao del Sur insults Filipino Muslims!
So Liberal Party presidential candidate Mar Roxas is now a “datu” of the sultanate of Lanao del Sur. According to the Inquirer report, “for now, he is happy to settle for the title of datu” even as he aims his sights for the top office of the land in Malacanang Palace at the heart of Imperial Manila which is no less than 1,500 kilometres north of Roxas’s new kingdom.According to the Inquirer report;[Roxas] was received warmly by the Lanao sultans, one of whom introduced him as the “incoming President of the Philippines.” They hung a medallion of honor around his neck, conferred on him the Amai Pakpak Award—so named after a Maranao hero—and presented him with a plaque as an adopted son of Lanao.This “warm” reception by sultanate elders notwithstanding, the sentiment coming from ordinary Filipino Muslims seems to be different. Jun Macarambon who, according to his Twitter profile is a “A Male #Bangsamoro, Activist, Blogger, Security, h4x0r, GNU/Linux and FOSS Evangelist, PC Enthusiast, Filmmaker” tweeted this morning saying “MAR ROXAS HONORARY TITLE DATU & SON OF LANAO DEL SUR AN INSULT TO MUSLIMS / BANGSAMORO”. Ms ‘Mindanaoan’, a noted Mindanao social media celebrity and Cagayan de Oro City resident who tweets as @mindanaoan, in turn, tweeted in response to Macarombon; “Bai, I read the posts from Filipino Muslims. Everyone’s pissed. I’m a bit worried…”Indeed, there is much cause for Filipinos to be worried about this latest Mar Roxas shenanigan. The administration of Philippine President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III to which Roxas reported to as a Cabinet secretary is anything but mindful of, much less sympathetic to, Mindanao’s sultanates. As such, it is quite hypocritical for Roxas to be gushing about his new honourary title as datu of Lanao Del Sur today. The fact that Aquino and Roxas would endorse the preposterous idea of creating an “autonomous” Bangsamoro “nation” governed by, of all groups, the terrorist Moro Islamic Liberation Front is enough of a slap on the faces of the traditional rulers of Muslim Mindanao.Back in 2013, a conflagration between Manila and Kuala Lumpur erupted when the late Sultan Jamalul Kiram III of Sulu asserted his claim to the territory of Sabah (currently recognised as a ‘state’ of the Federation of Malaysia) when his supporters undertook an incursion into and occupation of an area in Lahad Datu that lasted weeks. In response, Malacanang quickly sided with Malaysia and, in all ironies, called Kiram’s men “terrorists”. President BS Aquino also ordered the deployment of Philippine Navy assets to the area, not to resolve the crisis from the perspective of Filipino nationals but to protect the Malaysian coastline from further attacks from said Filipino nationals.Such atrocious behaviour coming from a national government — siding with a belligerent foreign government and deploying military assets against its own citizens — is unparalleled in the annals of human history!The gracious thing Roxas should have done was politely decline the “honour” of being crowned Datu of Lanao del Sur. He is, after all, a practicing (indeed, an outwardly prayerful) Roman Catholic. On that fact alone, he should have thought twice about acceding to this latest PR stunt. Evidently, he proved incapable of thinking beyond that and recalling the shameful way his government treated the Sultan of Sulu and the way it dealt directly with a known terrorist organisation rather than defer to Mindanao’s sultans for more sound guidance on Mindanao affairs.
2016-01-14 02:10:51+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Here’s Malacañang’s reaction to Kris Aquino
Malacanang on Monday expressed good words for popular TV host and actress Kris Aquino for saying that she knows why President Rodrigo Duterte won over Liberal Party bet Mar Roxas in the 2016 presidential elections.“Welcome on board Kris Aquino,” Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said when asked for comment during a Palace media briefing.Roque said Duterte had never hurled any negative word against Aquino’s family, including her mother, former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino.During the 1986 People’s Power revolution, Roque said President Duterte had even supported the former Chief Executive.“And all the (election) campaigns of the Aquino family in Davao were supported by President Duterte,” Roque said.The former presidential sister has recently used social media to express her disappointment over ABS-CBN program Rated K’s show featuring the story about her former husband, James Yap.The television magazine show is hosted by Roxas’ wife, broadcaster Korina Sanchez.In her lengthy post on social media, Kris Aquino described Korina’s feature as “slap on her face”.She said that “in all those instances” that she went to Davao to campaign during the 2010 and 2013 elections and for her own Kris TV show, President Duterte “showed nothing but kindness” towards her.In the last 2016 polls, Aquino campaigned for candidates of her brother, former President Benigno Aquino III’s Liberal Party (LP), including Roxas.Kris, who has a child with Yap, has since apologized for her rant to her brother and Roxas. (Jelly Musico/PNA)
2018-04-23 22:45:18+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Trillanes Says Duterte Could Be The Next Filipino Saint
Antonio Trillanes has no hurt feelings towards President Rodrigo Duterte — despite the latter’s recent proclamation revoking the amnesty granted to the Senator and ordering his arrest.The amnesty granted to Trillanes by ex-Presient NoyNoy Aquino was in connection with the Senator’s failed coup attempts in the past.In a statement posted on his Twitter account, Trillanes hinted that Duterte is nearing sainthood (‘malapit na itong is Duterte’).This is the first time that Trillanes made a public statement in favor of the President.If Trillanes’ wish would come true, Duterte’s sainthood could preempt moves to make Cory Aquino the next Filipino saint. That hasn’t gone anywhere far.How does ‘Santo Duterte’ sound to our readers? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.
['Pol Pinoy']
05/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Ed Lingao validates Mocha Uson’s “EDSA people power is Fake News” survey
The Opposition’s “thought leaders” are, yet again, getting all their panties twisted, this time over an online poll conducted by Assistant Secretary for Social Media Mocha Uson. In a survey posted on Facebook, Uson asked her followers, “Naniniwala ba kayo na ang 1986 EDSA PEOPLE POWER ay isang produkto ng FAKE NEWS???” (Translated: “Do you believe that the 1986 EDSA People Power [Revolution] is a product of fake news???”).As of this writing, at least 61,800 Facebook users responded to the poll with more than 84 percent of them casting a “Yes” vote and, as such, agreeing that the EDSA “revolution” was, indeed, a product of “fake news”.It did not take long before an outrage fad erupted and took hold of the who’s-who crowd of the Opposition’s chi-chi social media “influencers” community. No less than the eminent “journalist” Ed Lingao responded with an open letter to Uson also posted on Facebook. His first argument is a familiar one: “I suppose wala ka naman duon…” (“I suppose you weren’t there.”).Lingao goes further to write…What I cannot understand is where you get the nerve to imply that [EDSA] was all theatrics. If you want samples of theatrics, there are more appropriate samples out there, like the one on a lady assistant secretary’s blog where she shows herself plinking targets with a rifle, with the caption that says “training kahapon bago pumunta sa Mindanao.” Or one where she is reading law books.…and closes with another familiar sort of argument:BTW, did you know that your Tatay’s mother Nanay Soling was part of the anti-dictatorship movement, and led the Yellow Friday group in Davao? Could she have taken part in the local “drama” in Davao too?It is actually quite laughable that an esteemed “journalist” like Lingao (not to mention his legions of social media amigas) would give Uson’s latest stunt the time of day and, while at it, miss the real point altogether by a mile.The real point one could have easily made (had one been a bit more thoughtful and a bit less screechy about this circus) is that the reason 84 percent of respondents to Uson’s poll agreed with her is that these respondents are likely overwhelmingly made up of her followers. That alone would have cast Uson’s stunt within a better frame of thinking. Uson’s poll results, unlike those published by the likes of Pulse Asia and SWS, do not pretend to have any real science behind it. Its respondents (being mostly her followers) do not comprise a random sample that is representative of the Philippine population.Taking the time to seriously consider the outcome of Uson’s survey is no different to concluding, on the basis of how many people agree with, say, Jim Paredes’s tweets (using retweets and likes as “evidence”), that the EDSA “People Power Revolution” was the most awesome single event in Philippine history. Indeed, it is no different to how a big swathe of misguided minds continue to take as “fact” a list of “fake news sites” issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) despite the same lack of any sound basis nor consistent set of criterion used to cobble together such a list.Funny enough, Lingao, took the shrieky path and went on to post an emotionally-charged but intellectually flat response rather than encourage his audience to think and soundly conclude that Uson’s poll is best taken with a grain of salt.Lingao, in effect, validates the outcome of Uson’s survey that 84% of Filipinos seemingly believe that the EDSA “people power revolution” is a figment of the national imagination by responding to this dubious conclusion tit for tat. Lingao was being defensive rather than circumspect. The fact that Yellowtards like Lingao find the need to respond to every insinuation about EDSA throws light into the crisis that grips — and paralyses — the Philippine Opposition today.The ascendancy of the 1986 EDSA “People Power Revolution” has practically become the last standing pillar that creakily props up the Yellowtard ideology. Gone is the ascendancy of the “yellow” brand as a symbol of virtue following “vice president” Leni Robredo’s call for people to avoid the colour in last weekend’s anniversary mass actions. The Roman Catholic Church no longer draws adherents to the Yellowtard cause as well seeing how the sight of nuns and priests in protest rallies attract ridicule and no longer the warm fuzzy veneration they had come to be used to. And the Second Aquino Administration proved to be such an immense disaster that an entire nation was lost to a dark horse that galloped into Imperial Manila from Mindanao in 2016. Thus it is hardly surprising that the EDSA “Revolution” event is now being defended by the Yellowtards with such Taliban-like fervour.Once again, it cannot be emphasized enough: The Philippine Opposition needs to ditch the Yellowtards. These obsolete fundamentalists form the single biggest piece of useless baggage that is preventing the Opposition from stepping up to being the worthy political counterweight to the popular government of current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. For a democracy to truly serve a nation, a competent, intelligent, and modern opposition force is essential. Sadly the one today being led by the Yellowtards fails at every measure. And, in his zeal to be seen to be a champion of an obsolete cause, Ed Lingao has, yet again, proven this sad fact.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-02-27 00:42:46+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Sports Illustrated announced Serena Williams as its sportsperson of the year on Monday, and a lot of people are very upset.They wanted a horse. Not just any horse, but American Pharaoh, horse racing’s first Triple Crown winner in 37 years. He won the magazine’s readers’ poll for the award.Angered that their choice for the award lost to Williams, netizens across America flooded social media with a new hashtag: #horseslivesmatter. And it has gone viral.Proof that in America, diversity and equal opportunity are esteemed values. Persons and animals, just the same.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Senator De Lima’s name allegedly found in arrested Mayor’s drug transactions record book
A fomer Justice Secretary turned Senator Leila De Lima was allegedly found in a record book of drug transactions of an arrested Albuera Town Mayor Rolando Espinosa.Police chief Jovie Espenido of the town of Albuera said that he saw the name of the high-profile senator in a record book of transactions kept by Mayor Rolando Espinosa.The Albuera town Mayor was mentioned by President Duterte in his illegal drug list and arrested on October 5 and charged with illegal possession of dangerous drugs and firearms.“May senador nga nakita ko – dating secretary ng DOJ siguro iyon,” police chief Espenido said.Espenido did not mention a name, but netizens already know who’s the Senator that the police chief mentioned. Sen. Leila De Lima is the only Justice Secretary turned Senator in the Senate.Senator Leila De Lima is not yet giving any statement about this newest discovery of the PNP.The former Justice Secretary turned Senator Leila De Lima named by President Rodrigo Duterte as the protector of illegal drug trade inside the Bilibid. Gang leaders and alleged drug lords also claimed that they raised funds for De Lima’s senatorial bid.
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2016-10-14 14:15:58+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Bishop Bacani On P10 Million Offer To President Duterte: ‘I Was Misquoted’
Bishop Emeritus Teodoro Bacani on Thursday challenged President Rodrigo Duterte to prove his accusations that he has 2 wives and offered a P10 million reward if Duterte can prove it.On Tuesday, Duterte lashed out at the Catholic Church, and said that the clergy has no moral ascendancy to lecture him because they also commit sinful acts. Hesingled out Bacani, who has been vocal in criticizing the administration’s bloody war on illegal drugs.However, in an exclusive interview with The Adobo Chronicles, the bishop said that he was misquoted by the local mainstream media.He said that what he offered was P10 BILLION, not P10 million.He added, “Anong palagay nila sa simbahan, poor?”(What do they think of the church, poor?)
['Pol Pinoy']
27/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Speaker John Boehner chose today, “National Coming Out Day,” to finally come out of the closet. The pink-tanned, teary-eyed leader of the Republican Party, announced to his colleagues in the House chamber that he can no longer go against his conscience or continue to hide his real identity.Boehner, whose leadership has been questioned by his own party because of his inability to solve many political crises, not the least of which is the current stalemate around the government shutdown, said he was stepping down as Speaker of the House and severing his ties with the GOP, effectively immediately.Boehner’s shocking revelation angered Republican and Tea Party loyalists.“I am a closeted Democrat,” Boehner said in a privilege speech before the House, “and I am very sorry to have misled everybody with my false identity.” “I am a card-carrying Democrat and all these years I have been posing as a conservative Republican. The reason I have been espousing indefensible and stupid policies is because I wanted to embarrass the Republican Party. People often wondered why as Speaker, I have been consistently stubborn, refusing to negotiate with the President and the Democrats despite overwhelming negative public opinion against the Republicans. Till the very end, I have refused to admit that we Republicans caused the government shutdown. Well, now you know. I was out to destroy the Republican Party at any cost, and I think I have successfully accomplished that.”Asked if he had any future plans to run for office under the banner of the Democratic Party, Boehner said, “I have duly served my country by being a closeted Democrat. I am ready to go into retirement.” I have my health care, my hefty pension and the admiration of the American people. What else can I ask for?”After his speech, Boehner left the Capitol and proceeded to The White House where he and President Obama will have an intimate, private dinner.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Filipino obsession with suffering, and other thoughts
As the Lenten seasoncomes to a close, we see yet another opportunity to highlight reflection on our lives, and how to become better persons. Yet we do not need to limit this toWe should always take note continuously of what we want to improve not just in ourselves, but in our environment.I find it disturbing that Filipinos are obsessed with self-inflicted pain, and suffering in general. Every Lenten season we never fail to hear about Filipinos who practice gory rituals, as if to experience for themselves the suffering that Jesus Christ endured on his way to dying on Good Friday.Why do Filipinos view suffering as normal? Why do many of us brandish our crab mentality at people who are better off then we are? We never run out of excuses as a people to blame everyone else but ourselves for our pathetic condition today. If only Filipinosactuallyand, we would be able to figure out how to make the best out of our surroundings, and finallyfor our government officials.Finally, I think that Noynoy Aquino's message to be selfless this Lent falls short. He should be leading by example on how to be selfless: distribute Hacienda Luisita to the farmers. Uncle Peping, however, may just whip him in the back and crucify him upside-down if he does that.
03/10/2017 0:00
Girl fan cries hard after GSW loses to Cavaliers
It's no secret that most Filipinos love basketball and that we tend to take it to a different level when supporting a team. We celebrate when our team wins and we feel devastated when we lose.In the case of this girl fan of GSW, she couldn't take it that the ever strong Warriors did not win the championship so she was reduced to a puddle of tears. We admire this girl's enthusiasm in supporting the team but it was just unfortunate that they lost to the Cavs.The video, believed to be uploaded by her family members to the internet that some believed to be Cavs fans, has been going around social media and has been gaining some attention.I just hope that this video would reach the GSW and that they will give her a shoutout or something for her undying and heartfelt support.Watchbelow.
['Vic Patnugot']
03/10/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
The Philippines’ national basketball team, Gilas Pilipinas, failed again in its bid to win the FIBA Asia Championship when it lost to China, 78-67 on October 3rd. It had to settle for silver, just like it did in the last championship when it lost to Iran.The 2015 FIBA Asia Championship game was held in Changsha, Huna, China.Filipinos were quick to cry ‘foul’ and maintained that China’s win was a “hometown decision.”Congressman Manny Pacquiao, himself a basketball playing coach, called for a rematch, this time to be held in Manila.It’s been one frustration after another for the Filipinos — from the Philippines failing to win the last Miss Universe Pageant to Pacquiao losing to Floyd Mayweather last May.President NoyNoy Aquino ordered that the Philippine flag be hoisted at half mast in all government offices for the entire week starting Monday, in solemn observance of Gilas’ loss to China.Aquino said that the Philippines’ loss could only strenghten his resolve to fight China in its territorial claim over the disputed islands in the South China Sea.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
For millions of Filipinos disappointed over the supposed ‘Fight of the Century’ between countryman Manny Pacquiao and American Floyd Mayweather, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The real boxing match of the century is in the offing.In the north corner: former Interior Secretary Mar Roxas. In the south corner: Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. Presidential candidates both.It all started with a word war between the presidential hopefuls, with Roxas saying that a peaceful Davao City under Duterte was a myth, and the mayor saying that Roxas’ degree from Wharton School of Business (at University of Pennsylvania) was a myth.Duterte then said that he wanted to slap Roxas for insulting the people of Davao, to which Roxas replied: “Sa dami ng problema na hinaharap ng ating bansa, ikaw nauuwi ka sa kung ano-anong mga kalokohan. Gawin mo nalang kung ano gusto mo gawin. Sampalan? Bakit pa sampalan pambabae yan. Suntukan nalang.” (Of all the problems our country is facing, you only think about ridiculous things. Do what you will. A slapping match? Why a slapping match, it’s for women. How about a fistfight.)And so the boxing match is set. Both camps are finalizing negotiations with the venue at the Philippine Arena.President NoyNoy Aquino has already agreed to be the official referee.The fight will be aired live on CNN Philippines and will be available for viewing around the world via Pay-Per-View.
['Pol Pinoy']
15/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Do the nuns who attend the feminist #BabaeAko rallies support ABORTION? 🤔
Prominent feminist Netizen Inday Espina Varona who is an active promoter of themovement apparently supports the outcome of a referendum in Ireland that may see the legalisation of abortion finally becoming a reality in the this devoutly-Catholic European nation.This is evident in her recent retweet of a news source of this outcome...This leads us to wonder what the Catholic nuns who are also deeply-involved in the heavily-partisanmovement think of the abortion debate. Abortion, after all, is a key pillar of the beliefs of feminist "activists" and pro-choice advocates but runs counter to the most fundamental of Catholic dogma.For that matter, feminism is essentially a liberal advocacy and one that espouses doctrines that theRoman Catholic Church categorically disagrees with. The principle of pro-choice, for example, encourages women to stand by their lifestyle choices on the back of the principle that they are in charge of their own bodies. As such, feminism encourages women to decide on the fate of feti growing within them, what type of birth control technology works best for their sexual activities, and to dress whatever way they wish without fear of being judged or preyed upon.Not the Catholic church though. To Catholics, people's bodies are God's property and, as such, are not free to decide on how these are used and what natural processes it is engaged in is subject to their conscious control using technological means.So do Filipino feminsts know what theystand for? The answer to that question becomes complicated whenever they conscript Catholic nuns to their "activist" cause.
2016-12-02 20:46:53+00:00
from the Waikiki Aquarium across Kapiolani Part to the Sheraton Moana Hotel (see map).The Catholic Archdiocese of Honolulu has convinced lawmakers that this stretch of the beach should be void of bikini-clad tourists who are in plain view of Sunday churchgoers. “We want our congregation members and visiting Catholics to be free of worldy distractions as they approach or leave the church and participate in our Sunday services,” a spokesperson for the Archdiocese said. The Sunday ban will be imposed from 6am to 6pm.Independent merchants, particularly individuals renting out surfboards, beach umbrellas and beach chaise lounges along that stretch of Waikiki beach have protested the ordinance, but the influencial Catholic Church, as expected, has prevailed.This is the first-known bikini ban on the beach anywhere in the world. Vietri Sul Mare, a small Italian beachside town in the Amalfi Coast, has a bikini ban but it only applies to areas outside of the beach.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Top Ten Reasons Why James Taylor Cancelled Philippines Concert
American singer-songwriter James Taylor cancelled an upcoming concert in Manila to protest Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs, a campaign of alleged extrajudicial slaughter that has claimed more than 6,000 lives.Taylor, a Grammy winner known for songs including “Fire and Rain” and “You’ve Got a Friend,” cancelled the show — part of a February tour through Asia — in a statement posted to his personal website on Wednesday.However, there is a lot of speculation on the real reasons Taylor cancelled the show. Here are the top ten, as compiled by The Adobo Chronicles:We asked the Filipino millennials what they thought of James Taylor’s concert in Manila. Their response: ‘James who?’ We asked Filipino baby boomers the same question. Their response: ‘What for? As senior citizens, we get to go see free movies every Tuesday.’ Taylor’s famous song, ‘You’ve Got A Friend.’ Well, not in Duterte. Taylor’s famous song, ‘Sweet Baby James.’ Not anymore, say the majority of Filipinos. Concert venue Mall of Asia’s full house capacity: 20,000. Advanced ticket sales to date: 200. Top concert ticket price: P14,260. That’s more than the cost of two rountrip airline tickets to Boracay, the world’s most beautiful island. Lowest concert ticket price: P2,120. My, that’s a lot of pre-paid minutes on your smart phone! Filipinos to James Taylor: ‘You are no Miss Universe.’ Filipinos to James Taylor: ‘You are no Manny Pacquiao.’ Taylor’s famous song; ‘Long Ago and Far Away.’ Yup, that’s James Taylor alright! (Bonus reason). He’s afraid he’d be jailed in Manila, having been a self-confessed former heroine addict.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
a law that had come under fire even as recent as the just-concluded Winter Olympics in Sochi.Putin promised Brewer that the full expanse of Arizona will be “relocated” to a deserted area in Northern Russia (see map).Upon learning of the Russian offer to Arizona, the U.S. State Department sent a draft revised map of the U.S. to the White House, showing what 49 states would look like. The State Department is recommending that the former spot occupied by Arizona be assigned to one of the territories or countries that have expressed some desire to join the Union, among them, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/02/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Cheating The System In The Philippines
It’s pretty simple actually. You just open a menu or dialogue box and type in a set of words or a code like “power overwhelming”, “born to run”, “there is no spoon” or “set stage vampire 69” and voila, the game physics will change to suit your needs whether it’s making your army outright invincible, tireless, granted limitless power or get your sexy vampire ally to fall in love with you, respectively. Of course, real life isn’t a video game and cheating doesn’t carries a very different kind of connotation outside the Koprulu Sector, Nevendaar, Azeroth or Tamriel for that matter.Right now, there’s a growing commotion that some form of cheating is taking place in the current elections. There are those who outright state that the Leni Robredo camp is cheating the Bongbong Marcos camp due to the former’s rapidly rising vote count. What’s sad though is that cheating isn’t just something you’ll find among politicians and gamers in the Philippines. Cheating is almost ubiquitous throughout our society from the lowly voters who are all too willing to sell their votes for a measly amount of money to corrupt cops who accept bribes to overlook heinous and sometimes even terrible crimes.Thing is, taking advantage of the system may seem cool and all but, upon closer scrutiny, you’ll realize that it’s just another of the self-destructive aspects of Filipinos. For one thing, by choosing to cheat at almost every opportunity and eschewing fair play, one prevents personal growth and self-improvement. While I am willing to admit that I myself cheat from time to time, I try to avoid cheating in the various games I play as it takes out the challenge and, when used too liberally, the entire game system suffers from too many discrepancies and may even crash if allowed for too long.I think that the Philippines today is really no different from a video game that has been loaded with too many cheats and mods to the point that the entire system has become glitchy and outright broken. Just about everyone wants to take the shortcut to progress and prosperity and these in turn foul up the truer and longer path to greatness, thereby preventing others from reaching any kind of victory through will and industry. With our laws filled with loopholes, our rules with workarounds, our law enforcers willing to overlook them all and our lawmakers breaking every single one of them at almost every opportunity, is it really any surprise that so few Pinoys are even willing to respect the laws at all?While I may indeed be an unabashed Marcos supporter, I refrain from accusing Leni Robredo of cheating until evidence of illicit activities actually surface. There are enough people throwing accusations of cheating on a regular basis from simple barrio-level beauty pageants, children’s competitions to political debates and I don’t want to throw more fuel into the fire. Let us support the idea of democracy and all that it entails and let us not declare someone a cheater until there is enough proof to prove them as guilty. Still, I hope that this recent shift in voting is part of the people’s will and not a result of cheating.
2016-05-11 04:31:56+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Is Manny Pacquiao giving away House & Lot and expensive phone on FB? Not true according to camp of Pacman
A page named “Manny Pacquiao Supporters” claimed that Senator Manny Pacquiao is giving away house and lot and smartphone to all the Netizen who would like their fanpage.But the office of Senator Manny Pacquiao denied that they are connected to the creator of the fanpage.“Sa mga makakakita at makakabasa ng post na ito na inilathala ng Senator Manny Pacquiao Suporters’ page, nais ko pong ipabatid sa inyo na ang tanggapan ni Senador Manny Pacquiao ay walang kinalaman at hindi konektado sa naturang fb page at grupo na ito. Ano mang pahayag at palathala ng grupong ito Ay tanging sa administrator lamang ng pahinang ito at walang paabiso o permiso sa tanggapan ng butihing Senador. Maraming Salamat po.” The official fanpage of the office of Senator Pacquiao wrote.Hundreds of thousands of people already participated on the raffle of the Facebook page, it also reached 100,000 likes from the people who baited by the fake promo.Netizens were advice to not believe everything that they saw on the internet because they are only helping the people who wanted to use the name of Manny Pacquiao for personal purposes.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-12-14 01:37:14+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Department of Health announced that hospitalization will be free for all ‘poor’ Filipinos!
Department of Health Secretary Paulyn Jean Rossel-Ubial announced on Sunday that poor Filipinos should not worry about their hospital and medical bills next year because all of these would be free.“There’s no need to hold any card of PhilHealth, just prove to us you are a Filipino, you are entitled to be covered by health benefits, the PhilHealth will take care of the hospital billings and other concerns,” Health Secretary Rossel-Ubial during her visit to the Integrated Provincial Hospital Office in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao.The new benefits that the lower class Filipinos would receive was achieved after the funds being given by the Budget Department to shoulder the hospital needs of the lower class Filipinos increased.“This the is first time in history . President Duterte has exerted all efforts and expect changes in the next days .. poor patients will leave hospitals with no billings balance” Ubial added.President Duterte also assured Ubial that Filipinos would receive better health care.“Just take care of the poor, I’ll take care where to find the money.” Ubial who quoted what Duterte said to her.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-12-18 10:22:40+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Yesterday, The Adobo Chronicles published a story about a controversial oil painting by Filipino artist Dante Hipolito. The portrait, ‘Salubong,’ depicts Pope Francis being welcomed by farmers and laborers. Those featured in the painting were actually rich and famous movie stars and politicians.Many Filipinos reacted passionately to the painting. One such reaction came from netizen Nathan Briones (via the Rappler web site). He thinks the artist intended the painting to be a satirical artwork. You decide.‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.’Blessed are the rich and famous, for theirs is an oil painting with Pope Francis.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Whereas, it says that: It is hereby resolved, in view of the foregoing reasons and circumstances, the Senate respectfully urges the Executive Department, through the Department of Foreign Affairs, to extend an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Ms. Agnes Callamard, to conduct a visit to the country and perform inquiries or investigation on the unprecedented phenomenon of extrajudicial killings and summary executions that has arisen during the aggressive enforcement of the administration’s war on drugs.
['Hot News Philippines']
2017-09-27 21:34:30+00:00
Hot News Philippines
The State Department today announced a life-changing new policy for Filipinos. Visas will no longer be required to travel to the United States. The policy to take the Philippines off the list of countries whose citizens are required to obtain visas for travel to the U.S. is effective immediately.The new policy comes on the heels of a recent survey showing that an overwhelming majority of Filipinos have a favorable view of the United States. The Philippines ranked first in a global survey on the image of the United States worldwide, beating even the U.S. itself when it comes to a favorable view on the American people.According to the 2013 Global Attitudes Project of the Pew Research Center in Washington DC, the Philippines got an 85 percent score, the highest, when people were asked “Do you have a favorable or unfavorable view of the US?”U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that the State Department made this monumental decision as a way to reward the Filipinos for making the U.S. really look good in the survey.With this new policy, the U.S. is now added to the list of 25 countries which do not require travel visas for Filipinos. These countries include most of the Philippines’ Southeast Asian neighbors as well as some countries in Latin America including Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru and Bolivia.Remote working Tip : No work worries whether you`re in Philippines or US because you can still stay connected to your work remotely from anywhere on any device by accessing your online private work space on high performance hosted citrix xendesktop available at an affordable xendesktop cost. Enhance your work experience by accessing complete MS office suite on the same xendesktop with O365CloudExperts.The “no visa” policy comes just in time for the visit to the Philippines later this month by U.S. President Barack Obama.UPDATE: Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Manila asked that Filipinos refrain from calling the consular office to avoid its phone system from crashing. Instead, people are being asked to download and complete the biographical form and submit it to the embassy, along with four 2×2 colored ‘selfie’ photos at least one week before they depart for the U.S. The biographical form will be filed by the embassy for reference just in case Filipinos overstay in the U.S. The no-visa policy for Filipinos is good for 60 days stay in all states except Alaska.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Catholic Bishops of the Philippines, always in the top ten list of stock investors. Unfortunately, your weekly contributions into the Sunday collection basket do not count as shareholder stocks.
['Pol Pinoy']
25/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
From Chicago to San Francisco, from Hong Kong to Venice, water ferries are a popular mode of transportation for both business and pleasure. Manila wants to be known as the ferry capital of the world and is working very hard to earn that distinction.This week, the Manila Metropolitan Development Authority (MMDA) unveiled a prototype ferry that would transport passengers from one end of the polluted Pasig River to the other, and it is living up to the Philippine tourism meme of “It’s More Fun In the Philippines.”The prototype ferry consists of a steel barge lined with used rubber tires and on it sits a yellow dilapidated mini-bus that once traversed the traffic-ridden streets of the Philippine metropolis. “The Pasig River ferry boat will be like no other in the world,” and MMDA official said. “It is not only a ferry boat, it is also a bus,” he added.The new ferry boats will start operating sometime in April this year and passengers will be charged 80 Pesos (roughly $2) each way.Instead of life jackets, passengers will be handed disposable face masks in order to protect them from the stench of the polluted river.Responding to media questions, MMDA said that the new ferry system will not contribute to further polluting the river since the boats will not be using regular gasoline to operate. Instead, the boats will run on lambanog, a popular local wine made from coconut. Because of its potency, the lambanog “fuel” has the potential to kill bacteria and viruses that may be clinging to debris floating in the river. “Quite ingenious,” commented one Manila commuter who says he is so sick of the daily traffic gridlock.MMDA said there will be 5 ferries operating, each with a capacity of 40 passengers. This means a potential of 200 less commuters on Manila’s overcrowded buses and jeepneys each time the ferries run.
['Pol Pinoy']
08/03/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Extrajudicial killings as defined by Philippine Law
"Extrajudicial killings" is defined by law as killings due to the political affiliation of the victims; having a specific method of attack; and where there are reports of involvement or acquiescence of state agents in the commission of the killings. As the term is used in international instruments, extrajudicial killings are killings committed without due process of law, i. e. without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings.Enforced disappearance on the other hand is defined as deprivation of liberty for political reasons committed by or with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State. These are disappearances or abductions attended by an arrest, abduction, or detention of a person by a government official or organized groups or private individuals acting with the direct or indirect acquiescence of the government. It involves the refusal of the State to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty which places such persons outside of the protection of law.In this jurisdiction, extrajudicial killings are almost synonymous to political killings. It would appear that all extrajudicial killings are impelled by some form of political motive or agenda. Further, the usual victims of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances are political activists, journalists, or media persons."Extrajudicial Killings, Victims1) Political Activists2) Journalists & Media Persons(Source: Report on Philippine Extrajudicial Killings from 2001-August 2010 / Al A. Parreño, author. – Makati City: The Asia Foundation, c2011.)---------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://www.getrealphilippines.com/blog/2016/08/leila-de-limas-ejk-inquiry-demoralises-police-contradicts-guidelines/#comment-1713686
09/08/2018 0:00
Time to regulate the media as a profession!
This is not about censorship, but making the media accountable for what they do.Lawyers, doctors, engineers, chemists, psychologists and even foresters are examples of professions. There is an academic degree requirement. And there is a board exam that you need to pass, and there is a code of ethical conduct for which you are held accountable, and if you transgress, you get removed from the profession and denied the chance to practice it ever.It is about time to make journalism a regulated profession, and have its own board exam, even as it requires having an academic degree in the appropriate field of communication and journalism, and required units in political science, economics, and other disciplines that would be relevant to its practice.Journalists should also be required to divest themselves from any pecuniary interest in any public or financial activity, and they should be asked to inhibit in reporting on news for which they or their relatives may have some involvement. Finally, they should be strictly non-partisan, and should be barred from posting any political opinion in social media or any other platform.This would only of course apply to those who are tasked to report the news, such as reporters and anchors. Public affairs commentators and analysts would not be covered, considering that what they do is basically to express opinions, as partisans, with their biases. And there is always the rules on libel to which they can be held civilly-liable (although I go for its decriminalization).Even if there is already a Code of Ethics for the media, this is just similar to the Code of Ethics for Scientists in doing research. They serve as internal standards but are weak legally.Professional journalists should no longer be allowed to become commentators and opinion-writers. If you want to do the latter, then you cease to become a journalist, but become a thought-leader, or an opinion-maker.There should be no crossing-over. A TV anchor should no longer be allowed to have a regular column, although a newspaper editor can still be allowed to become an opinion-maker subject to certain constraints.The noise and misrepresentation that is created by media, from taking out of context of Sec. Tugade's comment about traffic being a state out mind, to grossly misrepresenting the putang ina of the President as a direct curse at President Obama, are just tips of the iceberg. You have journalists who even during the delivery of the news make editorial comments. You have reporters who post comments for or against a politician in their face-book accounts.This, while lawyers, doctors, psychologists and engineers are held strictly to comply with their profession's codes of conduct, and could be sued for malpractice. Lawyers could be disbarred. The license of Doctors could be suspended or revoked.Driving in this country is a licensed endeavor that when you make a moving violation, you get a ticket, or when you commit a serious traffic infraction, that your license is revoked and you are banned from driving for life. The reason? Because you are a threat to public safety.An irresponsible journalist is a threat to the Republic.A journalist who reports lies, or inaccuracies, or is blatantly partisan, is not propagating information that should be protected, for it is done contradictory to the tenets of the journalist's profession -- to advance truth, without fear of fervor. In fact, they themselves live on this mantra of "walang kinikilingan, walang pinuprotekahan."Freedom of speech will not be violated, for opinions can still be freely expressed by partisans, opinion writers, political analysts, and social meda netizens.But a higher standard should be set to those whose profession rests on unbiased reporting of facts.Furthermore, ordinary netizens and bloggers could not be accused of practicing without a license, for it would be clear that they will be posting opinions, which is a protected speech, and not objective and factual news, which only licensed professional media practitioners are authorized to do. Hence, the boundaries will be clearer.----------------------Antonio Contreras as posted on Facebook
18/02/2017 0:00
#HongKong #UmbrellaRevolution activists' virtues credited to #Filipino nannies?
Reporting on the ground in Hong Kong covering the protest movement there, GMA Network top journalist Howie Severino reports:"...Filipino residents of Hong Kong who have watched the events there unfold also credit how the present generation was raised – many by Filipina yayas (Tagalog for 'nannies')." 'We have a culture of kapwa (fellowship) and tender loving care,' says Azon Cañete, a former NGO worker in Hong Kong who now covers the city for GMA News. 'It's hard to generalize because there are no studies, but I think OFWs have shown those values to their wards.'" 'Hindi sila racist, mababait sila sa ibang lahi,' ('They are not racist, they are kind to ethnic minorities') says one long-time domestic helper in Hong Kong who, like many others here, didn't want to be named. 'Mga Pilipina kasing nagpalaki'."Last sentence translated: "It is because Filipinas raised them."----------------Full report for reference:http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/382287/opinion/the-yaya-raised-hong-kong-protest-generation----------------A GRP commenter however has a different view as far as the way Filipino children are raised...."This [Philippines] suffers from a widespread form of malignant narcissism : the conscious mindset that 'I am better than you and my reality is the only one that counts.' [term – 'malignant narcissism' taken from Huffington Post article by Mark Baer from 09/30/14] I am not sure what causes this hysterical 'every man for himself' attitude. However, it seems to be what the Philippines is all about. I suspect it has to do with how children are reared."----------------Refer to source comment here:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/10/unarrested-the-decline-of-the-philippine-national-polices-image-and-reputation/comment-page-1/#comment-811071----------------So which take reflects the truth about Filipinos and the youths they raise? Have your say!
18/02/2017 0:00
The administration of Philippine President NoyNoy Aquino continues to go on the defensive as more and more people have criticized the government’s zero financial support for Filipino figure skater Michael Christian Martinez. The lone Filipino athlete in the Sochi Winter Olympics made an impressive Olympic debut last week, finishing 19th out of 24 skaters. He is the first Filipino and Southeast Asian to qualify for the Olympic figure skating competition.Martinez’s mother said that she had sent Malacañang, the Philippine Presidential Palace, a request for help to finance her son’s participation in the Olympics but never received a response.Today, presidential spokesperson Herminio Coloma said that the request “may have come into Malacañang as ‘spam,’ and that per our policy, we do not open spams. We receive hundreds and hundreds of requests, gifts and what have you, including imported cans of SPAM, but for security reasons we never open canned goods or other wrapped gifts.”
['Pol Pinoy']
18/02/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Not So Fast, COMELEC Chair Andy Bautista Says Of His Resignation
While many saw it coming, others were shocked at the resignation today of Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Chair Andy Bautista.Bautista has been accused of having unexplained wealth by no less than his wife Patricia.Bautista’s resignation came in the form of a letter addressed to his COMELEC family and first reported by GMA News. A screen shot of the letter immediately went viral, showing Bautista’s intent to step down by the end of the year.But in an exclusive interview with The Adobo Chronicles, he said his letter was “edited,” saying the signed original indicated his resignation by the end of the year 2022. He provided us a copy of the original (see photo.)So it looks like Bautista’s resignation is really a non-resignation, at least until 2022.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Filipinos will gain more self-respect by eliminating their dependency on First World dole-outs
For all of Filipinos’ kayabangan (bluster), there does seem to be sufficient level of actual achievement to match. This observation is best encapsulated in the Tagalog phrase “Wala naman palang ibubuga.” Filipinos rely almost entirely on capital that trickles down from the First World into their gaping mouths — so much so that even the political discourse is divided based on which capital-rich bloc to pander and panhandle to.Indeed, there is noisy debate between partisans loyal to current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte who defend his pivot of the country’s foreign policy towards China and Russia, and Opposition partisans who remain beholden to the United States and Western Europe as dispensers of their daily bread. If we step back from that quaint noise and regard it with a more critical mind, we will see that they are just two flavours of the same thing — mirrors held up to the reality that Filipinos still cannot stand on their own two feet like a truly independent and free people.We observe the rather sad way Filipinos remain reliant on powerful countries to prop up their own self-worth. Two familiar words encapsulate this condition: colonial mentality. The pathetic way “thought leaders” of the Opposition look to their counterpart liberals in the West to add weight to their demonisation campaigns against the Philippine government is the most striking current example of this mentality. They scrape in any willing European-looking schmoe hoping that including a white face (or seven) in a publicity photo or propaganda meme will multiply their credibility and brand equity a thousand fold.These same liberals may be staunchly critical of current US President Donald Trump and regard him as the American analogue to Duterte’s populist rule. Yet, it seems, to the average Filipino mind, Trump is still a powerful white guy whose mere presence in Malacanang could bolster the Duterte brand before the masses. Indeed, their faith in their conviction that Trump is universally-detested tyrant does not seem consistent with an evident fear that his planned visit to the Philippines to meet with Duterte could potentially win support away from their cause and back to Duterte’s camp. If it is true that no less than “senator” Antonio Trillanes was dispatched to schmooze with key US politicians to mitigate this possibility is testament to how much they fear what a Trump visit to the Philippines could do to the popularity of the Opposition’s position.In short, in the Philippines, European voices still speak louder than Filipino voices. That’s not something to be mayabang about. It’s just, quite simply, rather sad — sad to see both partisan camps “debating” one another over the attentions, favours, and money of one patronising European bloc or another. Both sides claim to be astig (tough) and assert that toughness in their posturing when facing off with the opposing camp. Yet if you look closely enough, much of this toughness is underpinned by one or the other’s preferred resbak in the First World — e.g. the European Union (EU), the foreign media, Russia, China, the Catholic Church, God, whatever. We hardly ever see a Filipino debate where the arguments stand on their own merits as relevant in the Philippine setting and its national interests and on the credibility of their formulators as Filipinos.Some of the arguments fielded in these debates are downright pathetic. For example, a favourite one involves quoting the billions in grants, investments, and aid the Philippines stands to lose if its government falls out of favour with the EU. In the process of latching onto this lazy position to take, the more fundamental points are missed — like why are Filipinos so dependent on all that to begin with? Or that, if that dependency has long been recognised, why did Filipinos not take steps to wean itself off it or, more importantly, stop habitually entering into commitments they are inherently incapable of honouring. Examples of such commitments include the Philippines’ enormous population. Why did Filipinos allow their population to balloon to its current size when it has long been clear that foreign capital (foreign technology, foreign medicine, foreign governance methods, foreign money, foreign employement, etc.) is required to sustain populations of such size in societies and cultures that lack strong traditions of innovation and technological achievement?The Philippines is like a pair of rich parents’ spoilt brat kid who drops out at Grade 7, marries his sweetheart and has seven kids knowing, at the back of his mind, that Daddy will provide him a house and monthly allowance. Such a kid may be living in a nice house and driving around in a nice car, making all the right friends, and talking to them about “modern parenting”. But does such a person carry an ounce of self respect? Then again, does such a kid even understand the concept of self respect?It is time Filipinos step back from their petty bickering and take the time to really understand what it is they are fighting over. If Filipinos are so concerned about being respected as a people, perhaps the first step to achieving that is to first gain a bit of self respect and act like a truly independent people.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-10-19 02:34:48+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Nominations Now Open For 2017 Pambansang Litson Manok
For the first time ever, Andok’s, the household name for litson manok and other grilled meat and fish, is partnering with The Adobo Chronicles to launch an annual search for ‘Pambansang Litson Manok.’The online voting will culminate in a special awards ceremony to be held on December 31, 2017 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines.Andok’s and The Adobo Chronicles today jointly announced the criteria for the 2017 award:Contest is open to all elected officials (like VP Robredo, Senators Trillanes and Hontiveros) news media companies (like Inquirer and Rappler), bloggers (like Jim Paredes and Raissa Robles) and trollers (like the Silent Majority and Resbak Operatives.)In order to qualify, nominees must have been repeatedly ‘burned’ (na-litson) for their comments, actions or stories (in the case of the news media.)The contest is open to both pro- and anti-Duterte elements, but 10 bonus points will automatically be awarded to anti-Duterte nominees.The board of judges will especially be looking out for national embarrassing situations involving the nominees.Anyone who has a Facebook or Twitter account can submit a nomination.Nominations may be sent by email to theadobochronicles@gmail.com or submitted directly to any Andok’s food stand.Deadline for nominations is October 31, 2017, Halloween.The declared winner will receive a tax-free, undisclosed dollar account courtesy of FilAm millionaire Loida Nicolas-Lewis
['Pol Pinoy']
11/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
There ain’t no party like a mankini party, but the mankini parties… must be stopped, and a town in Cornwall, England did just that.Newquay has outlawed the male bathing suits popularized by Borat, and has since noticed a significant improvement in the town’s economy. Tourists who have stayed away from the town because they were offended by the manikinis are now back in droves.Many Brits, however, are crying ‘foul,’ and have accused the town of male bias. “The mankini is not that much more offensive than the female bikinis,” they said. “The private parts that are supposed to be covered are covered, just like with female bikinis, so we don’t understand what the big deal is,” they added.They, however, failed to address the posterior end of the equation.
['Pol Pinoy']
28/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
“Twitter” or “Tweeter,” Costolo said.Costolo said that seeing Cyrus perform at the VMAs, and the millions of tweets that followed her controversial performance helped convince Twitter to change its name. “From hereon, there will be no more confusion among twitters, I mean tweeters,” Costolo pointed out. “Everybody will now be using one and the same term, “Twerk.”
['Pol Pinoy']
28/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Use of Tagalog and other native dialects should be banned from Filipino political debates!
I watched Round 2 of the presidential debates (dubbed #PilipinasDebates2016) last night. It was really entertaining! Mar Roxas was clearly on the run, chased by the disarming wit and articulateness of Rodrigo Duterte and Grace Poe. Vice President Jojo Binay was also pretty sharp and, for a guy who prepared notes but wasn’t allowed to use them, he was able to come back with facts and put lawyerly order in the exchange of arguments.Bottom line, I think, is that Roxas being some sort of conyo kid (even if he doesn’t look like he smells like one) was no match for the snappy street-style comebacks of streetsmart Binay and Duterte and was out-charmed by the showbiz aura of Grace Poe.But that was the entertainment bit. I have to say, I struggled when I took stock of what real insights on the issues I actually gained from this debate. And then I saw Teddy Boy Locsin’s tweet…Tagalog should be discouraged. So long, so bullshitty, so useless a tongue for debate.…and then it hit me. There was so much time and verbage that was sunk into the intellectual blackhole that is the Tagalog dialect. I mean, hey, Tagalog is nice when you are watching a Vice Ganda standup act or a Kris Aquino kiriring talk-fest. But when you are doing a debate on important issues, Tagalog is not really an intellectualized enough dialect to do justice to such topics.(As a side note, I’d also lose those idiotic theme songs that screech in every commercial break. What is this, a debate or a teleserye??)I kinda found it ironic actually. Here is Wharton “grad” Roxas fixated on speaking in Tagalog trying to look maka-masa, while Duterte and Binay masterfully laced their rhetoric with English whenever the message became technical. What’s funny is that nobody really buys Roxas’s local-speaking pretensions. Not only does him speaking in Tagalog come across as fake, he has a track record of dumb displays of actually physically pandering to pang-masa sensibilities, what with photo ops of him carrying a sack of onions, directing traffic, and driving a nail into a public school desk.What makes it doubly-difficult as well is that Roxas, like Duterte, is bisaya — which means he is as predisposed to coming across as bastos (rude) when speaking in Tagalog as most Bisaya people are wont to be. Maybe this is the reason why Roxas comes across as mayabang and condescending — because (1) he insists on speaking in Tagalog and (2) he is a Bisaya speaking in Tagalog.That’s actually another credit to Duterte. He is also Bisaya, but he manages to piece together Tagalog sentences and deliver them with a bit more class. Of course, I don’t mean class in the sense of refinement. I mean class in that Duterte’s Tagalog is endearing rather than offensive like Roxas’s. You can see it in the audience’s warm response whenever Duterte speaks. When it is Roxas and his half-assed Tagalog, he tends to attract a chilly tentative reception.As Locsin observed, this whole layer of Tagalog that weighs down our country’s political discourse like a sticky layer of lard is plain bullshittery. All the use of the Tagalog dialect by Filipino politicians achieves is wrap unnecessary overhead and noise around the already faint signal of substance political discourse in the Philippines delivers. Furthermore, Tagalog is a stark reminder to the conquered peoples of the Visayas and Mindanao of the shadow cast upon them by Imperial Manila and their Tagalog-speaking overlords. It is a divisive dialect that, as is becoming more evident as our politics evolves more diversity, no longer should have a place in polite and intelligent discussion.
2016-03-21 04:22:37+00:00
Get Real Philippines
How to Spot Fake Milo. You Might Be Consuming Fake Products At Your Home and You Don't Know It
Milo powdered chocolate drink is probably one of the most popular choco drink among Filipinos with its only significant rival product Ovaltine.It's a product by Nestle, a giant brand in the food and beverage industry known in all corners of the world. With seemingly unlimited resources, Milo has stayed in every advertising platforms for generations with their catchy jingles and eye catching commercials.As a product of its kind, it is no doubt one of the best and has become synonymous to chocolate drink in every Filipino household.That is why it does not come as a surprise when bad guys try to rip them and their consumers off. Fake products are rampant small markets and has even penetrated some supermarkets in the past. Detergents, shampoos and coffee brands are the most common products that has been faked.So how do you know if the Milo chocolate powdered drink you purchased is fake?1. The packaging looks different. Although the people behind the faking of this product will try their best to make it look like the real thing, they will always fail and leave a telltale sign like the patterned mark of the seal.2. The quality, feel and taste are noticeably different. Fake Milo lacks the chocolaty aroma and has a rougher texture to the touch. It also has soil like or sandy taste to it. This is because the preparation of these fake products is done in a crude facility.3. Fake products are often sold through hawking a.k.a. 'door to door' and is offered at ridiculous discounts so if somebody knocks on your door selling you a three bags of Milo at the price of one, you'd do better to question its authenticity. Promos are often advertised on TVs or print ads and would not be likely peddled by ill equipped salesman that does not even have proper uniform or attire that represents the product they're offering.If the people selling said products looks off, take extra caution. Always consider that well known products will most likely choose salesman that will represent their products best.
['Vic Patnugot']
2017-03-27 22:22:06+00:00
Pinoy News Blogger
VOTE: Who Should Be Crowned ‘Lady GAGA Of The Philippines?’
It’s Miss Universe weekend with the pageant preliminaries being held in Manila, leading up to the coronation night on January 29 (January 30 Philippine time).Netizens have the chance to vote online for their favorite candidate.But there is also another voting that’s going on. It’s the search for the “Lady GAGA of the Philippines,” and people can vote right here on The Adobo Chronicles.The finalists have been named and the winner will be determined by the most number of votes. So vote!There is no specified criteria. Vote your conscience based on your personal interpretation of the title “Lady GAGA of the Philippines.” There is no right or wrong answer!Check back for the results in a few days.
['Pol Pinoy']
26/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine blogging and social media in the time of President Rodrigo Duterte
Now that the smoke belched by Election 2016 has cleared people seem to be reflecting on what just happened. It seems some of them have taken to taking stock of the social media landscape to try to make sense of and possibly shed light into what exactly got into Filipino voters’ heads.The underlying thinking fuelling this stocktake remains a partisan one that can be encapsulated in the question:How in the world did a man like Rodrigo Duterte get elected and how, despite billions spent by the Liberal Party on the campaign did Mar Roxas lose massively and Leni Robredo merely tie with Bongbong Marcos??The search for “blame” for this “travesity” of the Philippines’ hallowed “democracy” has led some to believe that it was some sort of concerted disinformation campaign organised from the grassroots and propagated via social media that was responsible for this outrage. Observers now lament that memes and other “misleading” content have flooded Filipino voters’ screens and contaminated their impressionable minds.Perhaps.But it is interesting to note that most of those who gnash their teeth over the rise of these “alternative” sources of truth were, themselves, the very media mavens and “thought leaders” who championed the concept of the free market of ideas back when the “power” of social media dawned upon them. Indeed, we find amongst those who are now screaming bloody “propaganda” in fits of girly tweets are the very personalities that reaped scores of “bloggy awards” and “most influential” this-and-that badges of honour over the last decade and a half. Many amongst them had also styled themselves social media “experts” and promptly launched “consulting” businesses to educate politicians and celebrities on how to craft a winning “digital presence”.A market, however, has an annoying habit of moving in ways that cannot be foreseen — specially one that is free. Filipinos obviously gravitated to a certain school of thought that was, as we see now, the anti-thesis of all the “polite” and “civil” thinking these now-traditional social media mavens and “thought leaders” espoused. The result makes for interesting times. The feeling is more real now and less pretentious. Prevailing thinking now emanates from the fringes and grassroots rather than from the iPads of the usual who’s-whos tapping away in their ivory towers in Loyola Heights or while sipping lattes (and guzzling free bandwidth) at the local Starbucks.If people bother to actually do that stocktake of the media landscape, they will actually notice where they went wrong.For one thing, their counterparts in the blogging community dropped the ball. We at Get Real Post, for example, are starting to feel the lonesomeness of being at the top of the blogging food chain. Unlike our former competitors (many of whom are now defunct or whose founders are spending their days issuing 140-character snippets of drivel on Twitter), we thrive on competition and concerted efforts to prove us wrong coming from the mainstream.What the “civil” camp of this once-competitive blogging landscape did was form themselves into like-minded cliques and cocooned themselves within their own inbred thinking. Indeed, some of them encourage their friends to block or “unfriend” (on Facebook) people who share or propagate content from alternative sources outside of the mainstream (or outside of their mutual-highfivin’ cliques). The trouble with that attitude is that you cut yourself out of the loop of arguments and thinking that may actually help you further refine and strengthen your own position. In my personal case, I have observed that I actually learn more from people whose views differ from mine than from people who agree with me.The key here is diversity. People bandy around the term but few actually know its real value nor practice its core principles. When you remove diversity from your set of friends and your social media feeds (by blocking or “unfriending” those who differ to your views or even post what you deem to be objectionable content), you do yourself a disservice.If the victory of Duterte and Marcos at the polls came as a surprise — or, rather, a shock — to the members of these mainstream, “civil”, and Jesuit-educated cliques in Philippine society, it is probably because they were the very folks who, instead of extending the scope of their social media radars, shrunk into the comfort zones of their little cliques of like-minded kumpares and kumares and stayed there over the last six years.Now that a so-called “strongman” is President, it is important that the Philippine blogosphere be invigorated by healthy competition. It’s not that anything has really changed. Politicians still need to be kept honest, injustices need to be called out, and new ideas need to be conceived. You cannot do that when you take heed of bozos who claim some sort of perverse intellectual ascendancy to dictate who or who shouldn’t you follow or be your “friend” on social media.
2016-05-17 01:38:24+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Philippine Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago, the feisty chair of the senate foreign relations committee, slammed the signing of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) and called Presidents Barack Obama and Noynoy Aquino the modern-day ‘Pontius Pilates.’EDCA provides for increased U.S. military presence in the Philippines. The 10-year agreement was signed by Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin and U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg. The senator asked: “Obama was coming to the Philippines anyway, so why was the agreement not signed by him and Aquino? I suspect both presidents wanted to wash their hands over this controversial agreement so that if things take a turn for the worse, neither of them would be held responsible.”Defensor-Santiago also protested the fact that the Senate wasn’t given the courtesy of being furnished a copy of the draft agreement, as would be proper in a democratic government with three branches.“Pontius Pilate washed his hands because he wanted no part in crucifying Jesus Christ. Well, I think the Filipino people should crucify Aquino and Obama,” Defensor-Santiago said.Aquino’s presidential press office, reacting to Defensor-Santiago’s tirade, said, “it’s sour grapes on her part; she’s mad because she was not given a seat next to Obama during the state dinner honoring the American president. She wanted the opportunity to take a ‘selfie’ with Obama.”The senator countered: “Had I known that they were going to serve lapu-lapu (grouper) at the state dinner, I would have politely declined the invitation. I hate fish!”And so it looks like the battle moves on to the third branch of government, all the way to the Supreme Court.
['Pol Pinoy']
28/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Trump Has The Last Laugh: I Was Only Kidding About All My Campaign Promises
Now that he has won the presidential elections via the electoral college, but not the popular vote, president-elect Donald Trump wants to come clean by saying he was only kidding about all his campaign promises.In a statement issued today, Trump said he is not going to build a great wall, he will legalize many undocumented immigrants and be welcoming of Muslims, he will keep Obamacare and that the United States will remain an active member in NATO and other alliances.“I am a shrewd businessman, and I must do all I can to succeed, even if that means I have to make false promises,” Trump said.Well, it obviously worked.“Oh, and about making ‘America Great Again,’ America is already great,” he added.
['Pol Pinoy']
13/11/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Trump Properties Reject Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
From New York to Las Vegas, from Miami to Honolulu, Trump hotel properties are refusing to adopt gender-neutral bathrooms despite the growing clamor among LGBT and rights activists.The clamor arose from a controversial new law in North Carolina (HB 2) blocking cities from allowing transgender individuals to use public bathrooms for the sex they identify as — as well as restricting cities from passing nondiscrimination laws more broadly.Also known as the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, HB 2 puts in place a statewide policy that bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex.Instead of adopting gender-neutral bathrooms, all Trump properties have now renovated their public bathrooms to segregate nasty women and bad hombres.
['Pol Pinoy']
20/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte’s ‘revolutionary government’: Just another POLITICAL solution that will fail
‘Revolutionary’ governments have been a Filipino obsession since 1898 when the first such government was supposedly established by Emilio Aguinaldo to mark the Philippines’ so-called “independence” from Spain. Several “revolutions” later, including the recent 1986 EDSA “revolution”, Filipinos continue to pin their hopes on the anticipated revolutionary outcomes of these revolutions. What makes revolutions so appealing the Filipinos, it seems, is that these supposedly pave the way to a prosperous future.It is easy, in hindsight, to take stock of the results delivered by these hopes in a better future that marked the euphoria following the 1898 and 1986 “revolutions”. They are similar to the same sort of hope that was in the air when the Philippines was granted “independence” by the United States in 1946 and then when Ferdinand Marcos launched his “New Society Movement” following his declaration of Martial Law in 1972. The short of it is that whether the momentous occassion involved a “revolutionary” transition of power or a sudden win for “freedom” (or whatever else was supposedly “fought” for), the long-term outcome was mostly that of abject disappointment.Out of the 1898 “revolution”, an independent Philippines did not materialise — at least one recognised by the rest of the world (evidently something important to Filipinos as we observe today). The 1946 granting of independence to Filipinos, likewise, turned out to be the Philippines’ peak year and, from there, it was all downhill. The New Society Movement held promise — but much of the wealth this created is owed to oligarchic enterprise and not much to the capital-creation prowess (or rather lack of it) of the Philippines’ indigenous population. Finally, the 1986 EDSA “revolution” raged on the promise that where there is freedom, prosperity will follow. Sadly, that too did not turn the Phlippines into a competitive economy at the leagues of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand which all powered ahead leaving Filipinos in their dust.The lessons in all the dashed hopes that swirled around these “revolutionary” events in the Philippines’ history is that neither greater autonomy nor greater freedom translates to economic prosperity for the average Filipino. This lesson should then be applied when evaluating this most recent talk of “revolutionary government”, this time under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte.As usual, the Philippine National “Debate” is missing the point of this issue by a mile. Much of this “debate” involves mere quibbles over legalities and technicalities, the predictable drawing of parallels with the Marcos regime, and speculations and conspiracy theories on people’s hidden agendas and sinister motives. In that regard, the Philippines’ political discourse, as usual, fails to offer real insight on this issue as it remains the sad meeting of small minds it has long been known as.The true issue surrounding the effectiveness of any proposed political solution regardless of how “revolutionary” it is or not lies in the character of the Filipino. The right question Filipinos’ “thought leaders” should be raising is quite confronting:Do Filipinos, as a people, possess the right character to seize the opportunities in the changes that will follow Duterte’s “revolutionary” government?As was exhibited in the past, Filipinos have, throughout history, shown a lack of capability to capitalise on “more freedom” and “greater autonomy” (much less off full independence and unfettered “democracy”) to lay the foundation for real inclusive prosperity.Indeed, it can be generalised that political solutions do not deliver results for Filipinos — which brings to question the astounding energy Filipinos pour into their politics, their partisanism, and their political chatter on social media.If such “revolutions” in national independence and transitions from “dictatorships” to free democracy throughout the Philippines’ history have consistently proven to be non-events as far as delivering tangible results to the ordinary Filipino (or to the overall value of the Philippines to the world, for that matter), perhaps it is high time we consider the common denominator across these failures. That common denominator is staring back at us when we look into the mirror.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-11-21 02:30:54+00:00
Get Real Philippines
MRT Man who went viral identified as a working student
The post of Monique Olandesca went viral and the discussion about this topic went deep because the posts already reaches the equality and cyberbullying activists.MRT Man who was cyber bullied by Facebook User Karla Monique Olandesca is now also identified by the Netizens as Aldrin Ryan A. from Caloocan.Aldrin Ryan workmate said that he is a working student and sometimes went late in attending his class because of limited time.The Netizens gave their support to MRT Man and they believe that there is a big reason why he didn’t give the seat to Monique.They also believe that gender equality must not be abused by anyone.“Even a girl can offer a seat to a normal guy if she see’s that this person is really tired, that is the real equality, maybe Monique Olandesca is very wrong in understanding gender equality” A Netizen said to our source.They are hoping that MRT Man already files a lawsuit against Monique Olandesca for cyber bullying.Aldrin Ryan is not yet giving any statement about the posts of Monique Olandesca against him.Some anti-cyberbullying activists are also urging the Netizens to stop bullying Monique and bring the issue to the proper forum.“Don’t fight fire with fire” said by the anti-cyberbullying activist to our source.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-08-11 17:13:36+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
The islands of Polynesia which include countries like Samoa, Tonga, Fiji and New Zealand among others, all boast of a rich culture, paradise-like terrain, natural resources, and unique traditions untouched by the technological advances of the Silicon Valley.But Polynesia has a secret that Apple, Google and telecommunications companies like AT&T, Sprint and Verizon are not telling their customers and cult-like followers: in all of Polynesia, wi-fi does not cost a single penny.Polynesia is composed of thousands of tiny islands spread over the vast Pacific Ocean. In fact, almost all the islands are volcanic formations produced by hotspots.In Geology, hotspots are volcanic regions thought to be fed by underlying mantel that is anomalously hot compared with mantle elsewhere. The hot mantle causes a great deal of molten magma, the same material that causes volcanic eruptions. Hot mantle is known to freely transmit high-frequency airwaves similar to the ones used in wi-fi technology. Unknown to most smart phone addicts, the term “hotspot” precisely originated in Polynesia.The people of Polynesia do not need to pay for Internet service or subscribe to hotspot access for their mobile phones and tablets, because of the natural hotspots in their islands.Attracted and amused by the idea of not having to pay for wi-fi access, people from the U.S., Europe and Asia are flocking to the Polynesian islands to start a new life and new careers, free from the exhorbitant fees charged by their Internet service providers under their mandatory two-year contracts.Here in Polynesia, the best things in life are still free, including wi-fi.
['Pol Pinoy']
26/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Rude Uber Rider Went Beast Mode, Told to buy own car by another passenger
An Uberpool rider went beast mode on the driver after she was allegedly kept waiting at Quezon City Circle. The woman who was clearly agitated raised her voice against the driver and even spat out curse at him.That is when another passenger stepped in (while recording) to try and put the raging woman into her place. An exchange of 'shut up' and 'you shut up' ensued but in the end the raging Uber passenger was briefly silenced when she was told to buy her own car if she cannot stomach the little inconveniences of commuting.Towards the end of the video, the woman seems to have realized that she was the one at fault. But she needed to save her pride so she spat rudeness some more.Aside from the unpleasant back and forth argument, it appears that she's having trouble using the app that ultimately lead them round and round the QC Circle like a freaking lost pigeon.Meanwhile, Gee San Pedro, the person who posted the video said she managed to saved 60 pesos from choosing Uberpool instead of regular Uber.
['Vic Patnugot']
20/08/2018 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
in other words, on DVD.Recognizing that film industry insiders no longer want to sit in a crowded theater or listen to their fellow audience members talk and text during the movie, The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences voted today to change the name of their top award from “Best Picture” to “Best DVD.”An anonymous source within the academy confided: “We only wish this poll had been conducted years ago, so that the Oscars from the 80’s and 90’s could have accurately been given for ‘Best VHS Tape’.”Are you watching Sunday night’s Oscars? Who do you predict will win Best DVD?For the most comprehensive list of confirmed Oscar voters, visit The Academy Awards Project.
['Pol Pinoy']
20/02/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Ron Klain, President Obama’s Ebola Czar, has been nominated to receive next year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine.The announcement came in Stockholm just minutes after the United States has been officially declared ‘Ebola-free.’In the last three months, about 1,000 people were being monitored by health officials for possible exposure to the deadly virus. Several schools in Texas and Ohio shut down because of a single patient who boarded a plane. A cruise ship was refused permission to dock in Cozumel, off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. The governors of New York and New Jersey sought to quarantine incoming airport passengers suspected of carrying the virus. Polls showed a majority of Americans were concerned that Ebola would spread out of control in the U.S., thanks to the scare-mongering politicians and the ratings-hungry media.On Tuesday, a fully recovered Dr. Craig Spencer, the last remaining U.S. person being treated and monitored for Ebola, was released from Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan.The U.S. is now Ebola-free, and much of the credit goes to Klain for his outstanding work as Ebola czar. While no one knows exactly what he did to eradicate Ebola in the U.S., he is nevertheless being honored by this Nobel Prize nomination.“No single individual anywhere in the world has so effectively wiped out a pandemic in just a few months,” President Obama said, “but Klain did it.”
['Pol Pinoy']
12/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
People behind #SilentNoMore blog identified, Sotto to plan cyber libel against the author of derogatory article
Senator Tito Sotto confirmed on Thursday that he already received several information about the identities of the people behind the derogatory article wrote against him and the his other six colleague who did not sign the ‘senate resolution 518 urging the government to stop extrajudicial killings especially of children’.But before he revealed the names of the people behind the #SilentNoMore blog in public, he would wait first on the findings of the agents of National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) who’s currently tracing the owners of the said blog.According to Senator Sotto, he’s planning to file a cyber libel against the owners of the #SilentNoMore blog for spreading black propaganda against the him and his colleagues.He also already submitted his manifestation to the Senate Committee on Mass Media to also investigate the online article against them.Sotto said that he got the information from the people who knew the team behind the #SilentNoMoreBlog.“Malamang meron nang mga pangalang lumilitaw dahil akala nila yung kausap nila hindi sisigaw, kagabi pa lang tinawagan na ako, Ni-refer ko ang aking manifestation sa Committee on Public Information and Mass Media, si Senator Grace Poe ang chairman nun, ang sinasabi niya tatawag agad siya, ibibigay ko ang mga pangalan ng ipapatawag niya.” Sotto told the media.SilentNoMore blog is the biggest anti-administration blog on Facebook (360,000 likes) and most of their posts were focused in criticizing the administration and condemning the acts of President Duterte’s allies.The blog was also used to campaign the Roxas-Robredo campaign last Presidential election.Senate President Koko Pimentel, Senators Tito Sotto, Cynthia Villar, Manny Pacquiao, Migs Zubiri, Richard Gordon and Gringo Honasan were condemned by the blog SilentNoMore for not signing the resolution against the killing of minors.The blog lambasted the seven senators and the author even tagged Sotto as a ‘rapist’, Pimentel as a ‘disappointment to his father’, Gordon as an ‘all-bark-no-bite lapdog of the administration’, Villar as a ‘business tycoon who showered PDP-Laban Millions in exchange of his son government position’, Zubiri as a ‘hypocrite election cheater’, Honasan as a ‘key coup plotter and destabilizer’ and Pacquiao as a ‘bigot, liar, addict, and the most incompetent person in the senate’.Because of this derogatory words, several senators who got included on that blog expressed their anger to the people who wrote the article.Yesterday, Senator Cynthia Villar even named her two colleagues (Sen. Hontiveros and Aquino) who allegedly trying to destroy the majority blog according to the information that she received from the social media practitioners.At first she did not believe the information that she received, but after reading the blog, she realized that the warning that she received might be true.Meanwhile, Senator Zubiri felt that he was stabbed in the back by his colleagues after a resolution was passed around without his knowledge.The seven senators who did not sign also explained that they were not aware of the resolution signed by their 16 colleagues.Senator Manny Pacquiao said that he would have signed the resolution if he had the opportunity because he was also condemning the killings, especially of minors.Senator Kiko Pangilinan who drafted the resolution said that they did not intent to exclude the seven senators from the resolution.“If other senators felt that there was an attempt not to include them that is not the case. We did not intentionally exclude anyone. It’s just that at that point, I had to leave early. Considering we had several session days to go, there are, we decided let’s go ahead and file it,” Pangilinan said.Even Senate President Koko Pimentel itself did not saw the resolution.As response, the seven senators also filed their own Senate Resolution 518 “condemning in the strongest sense the extrajudicial killings.”. The resolution got the signature of 17 majority senators, while they excluded the 6 members of the opposition.The senators who were excluded to the resolution filed by the majority senators are Senators Risa Hontiveros, Bam Aquino, Antonio Trillanes IV, Franklin Drilon, Leila De Lima and Kiko Pangilinan.Senators who signed the resolution filed by the seven majority senators excluded from the resolution drafted by Sen. Pangilinan.
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