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that of ML 370 which is believed to have crashed into the Indian Ocean. They also praised Lemon for asking a guest panel the question, “Did God steal the plane?”Nevertheless,CNN said that it was very honored to be recognized for its 24-hour commitment to excellent journalism. “We are proud of the work of our international news team,” a CNN spokesperson said.
['Pol Pinoy']
06/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Ipinanawagan ng INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS GROUP na ibalik si Sen, de lima sa pagiging chair ng Senate committee on justice and human rights!
MANILA – An international human rights group slammed the ouster of Senator Leila de Lima as chairman of a senate committee probing cases of extrajudicial killings connected to President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs.New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the Senate should seek de Lima’s reinstatement as chair of the Senate committee on Justice and Human Rights.
['Hot News Philippines']
19/08/2018 0:00
Hot News Philippines
they should pay me for it!”When asked by reporters whether the rumors about an impending deal for a Pacquiao-Mayweather fight in Las Vegas in May will actually happen, the American boxer said, “If the price is right.”
['Pol Pinoy']
13/02/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Whose fault is it that Ferdinand Marcos was never convicted of his alleged crimes?
And whose fault was it that there is no record of criminal conviction of Ferdinand Marcos? Marcos fled the country in 1986, and died only in 1989 or three years after. Thus, the government had three years to criminally prosecute him for his alleged crimes against the Filipino people. But Cory Aquino did not even lift a finger, even as she, in a matter of days, created the PCGG in February, 1986 to go after the ill-gotten wealth of Marcos.But of course, Cory Aquino was more interested in the loot than to make Marcos pay for his crimes. Taking Marcos to criminal court by filing criminal cases against him soon after his ouster would have provided Marcos a compelling case to demand his return to face his accusers. And that would have been politically unpalatable to Cory Aquino, knowing fully well that the EDSA coup was not a nation-wide movement, and Marcos had still a strong following at the time. Having him around, and facing criminal charges in court, would have been seen by Cory as a serious threat to her Presidency.It is therefore obvious that Cory Aquino was more interested in her political survival, and in the Marcos loot, than to haul Marcos to court for his alleged crimes against humanity. Had they have done that, 3 years was enough time, assuming that he would have still died in 1989, to have Marcos convicted, and we would not be having this debate about his burial.So, whose fault was it again that now, thirty years after, we still have to deal with this issue?--------------------Antonio Contreras as posted on Facebook
2018-08-07 00:01:52+00:00
DSWD against proposal of lower the age of criminal responsibility from 15 years old to nine: Taguiwalo
DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo expressed her opposition to the suggestion that nine year old kids and above must face criminal responsibility.The Secretary believes that lowering the age of criminal responsibility would result more children being detained and it also violates the fundamental principles of social protection of children provided by law and international treaties.A lower age of criminal responsibility results in more children being detained. No 2 a lower minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR)! — Sec. Judy Taguiwalo (@sec_judy) November 16, 2016Taguiwalo wants better support services for the Filipino children and the enforcement of laws that protect & ensure their reights.“A society that genuinely cares 4 children will prioritize programs that give them what they need to learn, to be healthy, creative,& secure.” Taguiwalo said in her twitter account.She also said that lowering the age of criminal responsibility is against scientific knowledge, psychosocial and neurological development of children.The DSWD Secretary also called the proposals “anti-poor” because childrens who committed crimes comes from lower-income families.Lawmakers including Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez have filed several bills to revert the effects of the Juvenile Delinquency Act of 2006, which raised the minimum age of criminal liability from 9 years to 15 years old.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-11-18 02:22:06+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
The #Philippines' social volcano overdue for an eruption?
The Philippines looks awfully like 1788 France, you have the monarchy (government) and clergy enjoying rights that no-one else has while the rest suffer from shortages, external threats and lack of safety. Something that was an issue in 1788 France.Now why am I bringing this up? It's because after awhile, the people had enough and the French Revolution happened. The aristocracy got the guillotine.While I know that Filipinos in general will turn the other cheek and happily take the abuse, I wonder what will set off the powder keg of resentment that has been building up for years…--------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/09/gripped-by-a-mounting-crime-wave-filipinos-increasingly-fearful-for-their-safety/comment-page-1/#comment-696798
2017-05-01 16:39:55+08:00
Why Inday Sara calls PKM ‘Bumbling Idiots’ ?
Davao City Mayor Inday Sara strikes the Reds again. This time, she responded to the statement of Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid – an organization under the shadow of National Democratic Front.The PKM questioned Inday Sara for condemning the recent attacks of the NPA in Davao.Now, the lefts got another dose of sarcasm and strong words from the fierce lady Mayor.Read her official statement below:This is an answer to the statement released by the Pambangsang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid – Southern Mindanao RegionMy husband and I are separate entities. In fact, we do not discuss the job that we chose to do, we just commit to sincerely work and earn money for the benefit of our children.So let me make you understand why I condemned what the New People’s Army have done. On or about 8 o’clock in the morning of April 29, 2017, I was standing in the middle of the trauma room of the Southern Philippines Medical Center praying that the civilian who was injured in the IED blast — courtesy of the terrorist NPA — will not die.Larry had no one with him so I was the one who had to read through his text messages to look for a family member. I was the one who called his wife, broke the bad news, and asked her to come and stand by her husband’s side.One of his text messages spoke of his work as a simple laborer, who sells fruits and fish.The victim was the very person that you say should be defended from injustice.Click to Watch Video Below:So when I condemned what the NPA did, I spoke for Larry. But you did not know that, did you? You just assumed when I say personal, it is all about my life. Because that is how you are. You are selfish individuals and you think the world is all about you.As Mayor tasked with the responsibility of the safety of civilians, the injury of Larry is my injury.The incidents in the cities of Kidapawan and Tagum are of no concern of mine. The last time I checked, I am Mayor of Davao. If only you have even the slightest hint of reality, you would know that I never dip my fingers in affairs outside of my area of responsibility.You are correct on one thing though. I personally made it happen that SSupt. Alexander Tagum come in as City Director of the Davao City Police Office, because he stood his ground against you.The so-called punitive action against the company was nothing but an action against peace, economic stability, and the security in Davao City. We now have 130 employees without work and Larry still in a coma. And yet the Lorenzos will still have money that you and I can only dream about in this lifetime. It did not even make a dent in their bank accounts.I maybe a hypocrite to you, but you are stupid to me and all the peace-loving Dabawenyos.Terrorists and fake organizations do not have the right to talk about social justice. Show me your faces and then maybe I will listen to your rant about social justice.Look, you cannot even spell the word ‘Pambansang’ correctly.Bumbling idiots.Mayor Inday Sara Duterte
2017-05-01 16:39:55+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Laziness and lack of trust among #Filipinos hinder progress in the #Philippines
This attitude is precisely why the country is failing: the obsession with MONEY as the be-all and end-all of everything.I live in a rural community where 80% of the men spend their days drinking, starting petty squabbles, or getting girls pregnant. They complain that they have no choice because there "aren't any jobs" (although, curiously, they always seem to find money from somewhere for Red Horse and cockfighting).Every single one of them owns several hectares of land, and every single hectare stands either abandoned or laid waste (trees cut for charcoal, over-ploughed, or over-sprayed with poisons).A dozen of those men could get together as friends and bring one man's farm to a productive state within three months. They could collect seeds from the hedgerows or from rotten produce at the market. They could repeat the favour for each member of the group. The only requirement for money would be for feeding the work team: at local prices, I'd say PHP100,000 would be needed to kickstart the process, which could be raised by selling half a hectare. Thereafter, it should be self-funding, or at least self-feeding.Nobody will do such a thing, though. Firstly, they (rightly) don't trust each other to return favours, and secondly, they just can't be bothered.------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/06/a-skewed-sense-of-unity/#comment-1172304
16/06/2017 0:00
MRT Mystery: Stations Are Packed But Trains Are Empty!
Metro 🚋 Manila’s Railway Transit System is no stranger to criticism, scandal and the constant ire of the commuting public, all because of long queues to reach the ticket booths and train platform, delays, technical problems and safety issues.But the MRT management is puzzled by a phenomenon that appears to have begun on June 12, Independence Day.There are still long queues and the stations along the entire stretch of EDSA are jampacked. But each passing train is practically empty, and commuters are not fighting their way to get on board as is normally the case.It took an investigative team from The Adobo Chronicles to help solve the mystery. We interviewed hundreds of commuters at various MRT stations.We finally found the answer MRT officials were looking for:Starting last June 12, the government started offering free wi-fi service at the train stations along EDSA. Since then, commuters have been availing of the free service to check their social media accounts, send texts to their friends and family, and browse the Internet — all without using up their pre-paid data.It’s a service that tech savvy Filipinos are quite thankful for, and for all good reason!
['Pol Pinoy']
16/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Hypocrisy of Philippines' "disente" crowd exposed by President Rodrigo Duterte
The problem with the "disente" crowd (i.e. Mar Roxas, Risa Hontiveros, Winnie Monsod, wannabe hangers-on like Leni Robredo and Leila de Lima etc) and their oligarch backers is that they only care about themselves and about appearances.Notice how the words they use to criticize Duterte like "unpresidential" and "foul-mouthed" are all premised on some form of pakitang-tao. It's like they don't care that the guy has cut processing times at government offices, given OFWs a one-stop shop, significantly lowered the crime rate after less than 2 months in office. They just fixate on how he talks, his broken English, his bombastic demeanor, and fret "oh, what will the world think of us?"Mas importante pa ba ang iniisip ng UN at ng mga ambassador at mga foreign media kaysa opinyon at kapakanan ng mamamayang Pilipino?Even the very use of the word "disente" by this oligarch-backed group as their tagline reeks of condescension and disdain for the ordinary Filipino.But doesn't the "disente" crowd also work with the NGOs and the poor, you might ask. Yes, they do, and they do it out of self-interest and to feel good about themselves (plus tax breaks). These "disente" folk engage with the masses to indulge their imagined sense of noblesse oblige. They feel superior when they "help" the poor. The ones in government positions do it to build up a base for the next elections.The yellows always want to stay in power because they think it is their entitlement. They think the presidency of the Philippines is part of their family inheritance, along with properties, cars, paintings, and jewelry. Para sa kanila, monarchy ang Pilipinas, at sila ang royal family.Now here comes Duterte, an outsider who doesn't pander to the "disente" crowd and focuses more on the ordinary Filipino, disrupting all that. The "disente" crowd can't stand him because he has exposed their hypocrisy and woken up the masses, so now the masses are not as easy to manipulate.The man has his flaws, plenty of them (for one, he should stop those excruciating live press conferences), but even the "disente" crowd can't dispute that his heart is in the right place and he has the balls to do what needs to be done.So, to the "disente" crowd, leave him alone so he can do his job. Pasalamat kayo that there is a president like him who is willing and able to clean up the mess you yellows left behind. The most "disente" thing you people can do at this point is to shut up and stop stirring up issues where there are none. EJK ng EJK kayo diyan (extra judicial killings). Alam niyo naman na mga drug lord yan na nag-uubusan. Kailangan niyo lang talaga ng issue.-------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://www.getrealphilippines.com/blog/2016/08/wrestling-with-pigs/#comment-1712917
11/09/2017 0:00
Why do Yellowtards no longer wear the colour yellow in their rallies?
It’s a mystery. Not too long a time ago, the colour yellow was worn by Yellowtards with pride in their political events and protest rallies. Suddenly the practice stopped. In fact whenever leaders of the Opposition organise and call for a rally or some sort of political action nowadays, they even issue clear instructions to “wear white” or some other colour — except yellow.Has the colour yellow become a taboo colour in Philippine Opposition politics? The concept that yellow had become taboo boggles the mind considering how, for more than three decades, the colour yellow was regarded by many Filipinos as a symbol of all in politics that was good.How do we go about solving this mystery? One would think it would be a simple matter of asking a typical Yellowtard the simple question:Why do you Yellowtards now seem to shun the colour yellow?Perhaps it is because the typical Yellowtard would likely answer in a not-so-straightforward manner or would simply outright refuse to “dignify the question” with an answer. That’s pretty typical of a Yellowtard, to be fair. A Yellowtard would be offended by what is otherwise a pretty valid question. One’s perfectly sensible curiosity is met with a baffling defensiveness.This could be the reason why the question may never be answered — because Yellowtards themselves couldn’t be bothered to confront the reality of why the colour yellow no longer rocks. Even more disturbing, it could be a sign that Yellowtards are incapable of evolving. The journey towards a enlightened state often starts when one is willing to answer the hard questions.The change in choice of political colour amongst Yellowtards seems to have been driven from within their ranks. Yet, because they have long shown an inclination to externalise the perceived causes of their problems, they fail to consider that, perhaps, there is something about their very nature that contributes to the failures they’ve been experiencing in recent years. In their monomanic focus to find the roots of their problems elsewhere they fail to find the solutions that could easily come from within them. Tragic indeed.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-05-10 13:09:24+00:00
Get Real Philippines
In an effort to demonstrate his humanitarian side, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced that he is donating $1 Billion of his own money to help with relief operations following the expected devastation on Mexico resulting from hurricane Patricia.Patricia is now being considered as the strongest hurricane ever in history to hit the American continent.“I know I have been mean to Mexicans throughout the course of my presidential campaign, but I do have a soft spot for the country south of the U.S. border,” Trump said. “If it weren’t for Mexicans, my hotels, casinos and golf courses wouldn’t have been as successful. I love my Mexican employees and they love me,” he added.Following Trump’s announcement, the government of Mexican President Peña Nieto asked the real estate mogul to immediately issue a cashier’s check so that relief and rehabilitation efforts can begin immediately.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Nemastistius pectoralis or the roosterfish, is a game fish found in the warm waters of the East Pacific, from Baja California to Peru. It is distinguished by its “rooster comb,” seven long spines of the dorsal fin.But a new discovery in Little Rock, Arkansas has revealed what appears to be a more authentic species of the rare fish. It gives justice to the name roosterfish. Its body is unmistakably that of a fish but its head is a miniature version of a rooster.What puzzles marine biologists is that the roosterfish is usually found in the ocean, but the newly-discovered species was found in the Arkansas River.Now, the state of Arkansas will be known for two great things: Bill Clinton and roosterfish.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called for President Obama to retract a statement he made Wednesday saying members of Congress who opposed the Iran nuke deal had something in common with Iranians who chanted “Death to America” in the streets of Tehran.Obama made the comments in a speech at American University in Washington while going after critics of the deal, who he said were “selling a fantasy” to the American people. “In fact, it’s those hardliners who are most comfortable with the status quo,” Obama said. “It’s those hardliners chanting ‘Death to America’ who have been most opposed to the deal. They’re making common cause with the Republican caucus.”But no Republican is more outraged than the Iranian hardliners themselves.In the streets of Tehran, thousands of hardliners marched and chanted “Obama, retract your statement ” and “We are no Republicans!”Leaders of the march said it was the biggest insult to them and their cause to be compared to dumb, clueless and do-nothing Relublicans. “We’re better off than them,” they said.A spokesperson for The White House said Obama was preparing a statement apologizing to the Iranians.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Bong Go Fever
He was and still is dubbed as the (supreme) photo-bomber. But in the life of President Rodrigo Duterte he is more than what anybody could imagine he is. Heads of states as well as the ordinary hoi polloi who want to to talk to or seek the former mayor of Davao City and now President of the Philippines has to first talk to Christopher T. Go before getting to his boss.Short wonder why he gets the enviable privilege to have selfies with heads of states. In first encounters they would always recall the name of Bong Go, the President’s all around man… private secretary, runner, sub-memory data bank, the gate keeper and everything.Bong, as we all call him, fits his job to the T. The most intimate person to the President but nary a hint would one hear him take pride of that enviable post. His lips are almost perpetually zipped when it comes to matters involving the President, politics and his own role as Presidential Assistant (with a rank of secretary) and head of the Presidential Management Staff. The only time he bares himself is when he dons his basketball uniform. Bong is a mean basketball player.But don’t mistake Bong’s extremely reserve mien for anything less than what he is. He is a graduate of Business Management from La Salle University. That should explain why he systematically imbibes and manages the voluminous data which he could dish out on the spot when Duterte asks one.How he handles calls and SMS from more than 6,000 daily callers and texters is a wondrous mystery.In less than two years on his present job he has travelled to all nooks and crannies of the country than any of the incumbent senators. And like his boss he has been in places where most of the senators fear to trek. He learned his lessons in politics the hard way and yes you can bet … he learned this hands on.He is neither a movie star nor a son of a famous name. But his name Bong Go resonates with Digong Duterte. Maybe just the only thing he hasn’t learned is the litany of expletives that his boss is quite famous with.But I have known Bong up close. Simple, extremely polite and, like his boss, he is a very compassionate man.I have gone this length writing about Bong’s persona. I have to admit I was beaten into it by the rabid opposition and Rappler’s Pia Ranada who thought that placing the most intimate man to the President in the senate grand inquisition to answer questions about his alleged involvement in the frigate deal would earn them a slam dunk. Bong only spoke of the truth and he was unflinching. He became extra famous. From then on Bong became his own man. His boss, the President, is really proud of him and so are we. | Jun Ledesma
2018-03-23 15:45:40+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Is the information in the #NagaLeaks exposé true or false?
Nobody really knows at this point. But one thing’s for sure, the messaging and dissemination machinery backing its spread is awesome and well-orchestrated; so much so that even as early as the build-up period leading to its release on the anonymous website Collective.com.ph in its now-famous post DECEPTION The Shocking Truth Behind Leni and Jesse Robredo Part 1, the hasthag had already “trended” on social media. As of this writing the Facebook page We Are Collective had already amassed a more than 140,000 user following.The key message of this exposé is around how current Philippine “vice president” Leni Robredo’s political brand is “built mostly on lies” and that she and her late husband Jesse Robredo are no more than the same sort of “traditional politicians” or trapos that the Philippine general public detest. The account of the Robredos’ deception was seemingly written by a native of Robredo’s home town in Naga City, Bicol. In her post, she proposes to provide an “alternate history” of the Robredos, ” the version which is not known.” Nonetheless, the author challenges readers to “fact check every single thing”.Therein, without going into the detail of this lengthy exposé, is the crux of this latest social media spectacle. This being a social media phenomenon, it is important that consumers of the information presented take personal responsibility for making their own conclusion as to whether or not material they find on the Internet is legit.Why is such an obvious principle worth reiterating? Simple, because the Philippines chatteratti are reknowned for the lazy and sloppy thinking they apply to validating what is right or wrong. Rather than doing the research, they rely instead on the “endorsements” of one celebrity or high-profile personality or the other. This is the reason “fake news” proliferates. It is not because of “sinister forces” but rather the emergent collective effect of a vast non-thinking social media user base that accounts for the spread of “misinformation” over social media.On that, we then look into the typical way with which “vice president” Leni Robredo now responds to the #NagaLeaks explosion…The Office of the Vice President has yet to comment on the matter, but Robredo in a speech in Cebu criticized the spread of “misinformation” online. “Today, it seems that truth and accuracy are no longer relevant. We are occupying what they call a post-truth world,” she said. “Some of those who wish to attack my integrity and character began a campaign to spread lies… Their attacks are vicious; not even my children are immune to their assault,” she added. Supporters of the Vice President dismissed the article, noting the lack of proof to back up the allegations.The average Robredo supporter will likely take her word for it — that the “shocking truth” about Leni laid out in the We Are Collective site is no more than a collection of “lies” and leave it at that. Because Leni said so.Doing so does not change the outstanding challenge of its author.Fact check every single thing.It remains to be seen whether or not Robredo’s camp and the broader Yellowtard community surrounding her are up to that challenge.[Image source pre-recolouring: Collective.com.ph.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-03-05 23:26:40+00:00
Get Real Philippines
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles) –The United States Senate on Thursday confirmed Ashton Kutcher to be the next defense secretary, installing a new Pentagon chief as the U.S. increases military action against the Islamic State.For details about this unprecedented development, check with your favorite news source.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/02/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine #competitiveness in call centre industry slipping due to #English proficiency decline
The CEO of the International Business Processing Association of the Philippines (IBAP) talks of 'serious supply side constraints' and an 'insufficient quantity of "suitable and willing talent to fuel growth"A study conducted by John Clements, where they tested 2,524 graduating students, found that only 3% had the required skills for the call centre industry, and the biggest problem identified was their level of oral English proficiencySome call centre providers talk of only 1% making the grade in terms of english language. The obvious danger is that smaller companies reduce quality if personnel, service levels decline, customers are unhappy, a bad reputation is created, new business doesn't come, established customers transfer elsewhereQuality Assurance benchmarking and new techniques in language training are not being widely utilised. The emphasis is still too much on grammar and accent neutralisation which is not as critical as customer cultural understanding and the total customer experience, which demands greater interpersonal skills.The Business Processing Language Assessment (BUPLAS) can be usedfor defining and assessing communicative competence, and in conjunction with benchmarking, mystery shopping be used in a constructive non-threatening way to both improve the service levels, expand the skill/knowledge base, and act as a marketing tool for new business.TEFL and TESOL provide a framework but must be customised and adapted to a modular approach related to the industry being served primarily and the country they are in secondly.On the matter of standards the Philippines tends to use ISO , when more complete models are available particularly malcolm bainbridge – US, and EFQM – Europe, or the more generic TQM total quality management and allied measurement tools such as six sigma , kaizen etc.This would also focus on the managerial competencies – problem solving, staff motivation, teamwork, forward planning etc.The underlying point is that improvements and adaptation must take place to remain competitive and applying best practices from other countries.Technology is now enabling new and creative solutions – even looking at hybrid services as voice recognition improves – as evidenced by apps like SIRI on smartphones.The ultimate danger is that demand side needs particularly in terms of integration and complexity will outpace the ability of the supply side to respond.In that instance corporates will simply say bye bye Philippines, hola Mexico.All call centre staff need to focus on self improvement, continuous improvement and lifelong learning. Forget about telenovelas. That won't get you anywhere in life.Source:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/01/why-the-outrage-over-the-call-center-agent-slur-in-the-borrowed-wife-fails-to-move-me/comment-page-3/#comment-206681
2017-07-30 18:41:56+00:00
When Steve Harvey Announced The Wrong Miss Universe, He Didn’t Make A Mistake
Last year, when Steve Harvey announced Miss Colombia as the new Miss Universe, he did not make a mistake. So why is Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach now wearing the crown?In a very public admission on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show, Harvey insisted he could read and that he just did what he was told to do “by a man on his ear.” Furthermore, the same man said Harvey did a “good job.”Listen to Harvey himself make this big reveal.Harvey returns as host of the popular beauty pageant in January when Wurtzbach crowns her successor in the Philippines.This time he promises not to listen to the man on his ear but rely on his reading skills.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
REPLAY: President Duterte holds PressCon
President-elect Rodrigo Duterte is holding a national press conference Monday afternoon. It his first Presidential media conference held in Davao City.Members of the media from different parts of the country converged in Davao since early morning.Watch the REPLAY below. Just skip some parts of the video that has no audio for no one was talking. Wait until the host announced the arrival of the President.Any thoughts? Leave your comments below!
2016-05-16 14:07:00+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
In Hawaii, No ‘Aloha’ Spirit For Donald Trump
Everywhere you go in the islands of Hawaii, you will always find the ‘Aloha’ spirit. You’ll always feel welcome, appreciated, loved.You get lei’d upon arrival at the airport. You are greeted with ‘Aloha’ the moment you step into an ABC Store. And the locals are not shy in thanking you for everything with a warm and sincere ‘Mahalo’ (thank you).But when it comes to politics, the residents of Hawaii have no qualms about publicly expressing their preferences.Despite the Donald Trump presence — notably a Trump Tower in the heart of Waikiki — businesses, residents and (hopefully) tourists are #WithHer.To Donald: e kala mai i a`u (please forgive me/sorry).
['Pol Pinoy']
01/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Who is CHR Chair Chito Gascon? [Part 1 of 2]
Second natureThe Two Witnesses1st Witness: Harra Kazuo (Bertes)2nd Witness: Mary Rose AquinoAn Duterte EJK Policy?Duterte formally order summary killings, or Duterte tolerates abuses of law enforcement officers.Linking to DuterteDid Duterte formally order those killings, or did Duterte tolerate the cops’ abuses?First, did Duterte formally order those killings?Second, did Duterte tolerate the cops’ abuses?Gascon insists on ICC CaseJose Luis Martin “Chito” Gascon“Could his decisions be affected by serious conflicts of interest?”DONT FORGET TO SHARE!RELATED POSTS:
2017-04-02 21:53:55+00:00
Thinking Pinoy
Duterte-Cayetano condemns shooting of Kidapawan farmers
One of the casualties in the violent dispersal of farmers in Kidapawan City.PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY KILUSANG MAGBUBUKID NG PILIPINASPNP OPENS FIRE AT KIDAPAWAN FARMERS, LUMADS This is not an April Fools Joke(KIDAPAWAN) One confirmed dead, 43 injured...Posted by The Thinking Pinoy on Friday, April 1, 2016 _____PRESS RELEASE, 01 April 2016]The tandem of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano strongly condemned the reported attack of police forces against local farmers during a violent dispersal of a protest action in Kidapawan City."Lagi nila binabanatan si Mayor Duterte na pumapatay ng kriminal pero sila ang pinapatay nila mga magsasaka," Cayetano said in reaction to the incident."No reason in the world, height of impunity. There is no reason in this world to shoot farmers who were merely demanding from the government help from the oppressive drought. This is totally unacceptable. This is the height of impunity," Cayetano said."Mayor Duterte and I vow to seek justice for the farmers. We will hold all those responsible for this despicable crime accountable,” Cayetano added.The tandem expressed their dismay about the general lack of peace and order in the country, which they said resulted from the government’s systemic neglect of the people’s demand for real change.The senator said if it were up to him and Duterte, bolder solutions will be set up to address the plight of farmers. This includes 100% free irrigation, budget increased subsidy for production inputs and P1 billion per region for a capital-lending scheme for farmers.“Panahon na para tapusin ang lahat ng kaguluhang ito. Panahon na para lumikha ng tunay na pagbabago. Under our leadership, no farmer will ever be killed by the state. Mayor Duterte and I will make sure that their welfare will be safeguarded. The producers of our food will also have food on their own tables,” Cayetano added.____Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy.com stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!
15/12/2017 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
Imaginary Interview With Spox Roque On Duterte Apo’s Malacañang Debutante Photos
Social media photos of President Duterte’s grandchild, daughter of Paolo, posing in front of the Presidential Seal in Malacañang has caught the ire of many netizens, including a few pro-Duterte bloggers.So we tried to arrange an interview with Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque to seek comment about the controversial pictorial.While waiting for a response from Roque, here is what we imagine would happen when we get to actually interview him:AC: Many netizens are criticizing the President and Malacañang for the debutante fashion pictorial of Paolo’s daughter. Can we get your comment on this?ROQUE: Mamatay na sila sa inggit!(end of interview)
['Pol Pinoy']
15/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
All Are Invited To The Funeral
In the wake of Friday’s Supreme Court decision ousting Maria Lourdes Sereno from the post of Chief Justice, her supporters have officially declared the death of Democracy.All are invited to the funeral of Democracy. Please be on the lookout for funeral details. Coming soon.Protester extraordinaire Renato Reyes will deliver the eulogy.(Please omit the flowers. Instead you are encouraged to make a cash contribution to help finance Reyes’ professional fee and retirement fund.)
['Pol Pinoy']
12/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The lynching of Renato Corona: 2012 goes down in Philippine history as a year of infamy
On one hand, it is quite gratifying to see some folks belatedly realising the error in their ways when, in 2012, they joined the Moron Bandwagon to vilify then Chief Justice Renato Corona as he bravely stood before the Senate Impeachment “Court”. But on the other, it is difficult to forgive people in general who, rather than take a bit of effort to think things through, habitually go down the easy, safe, and popular path.The late former Chief Justice Renato Corona is dead. His was a preventable tragedy. Like the enormous death tolls exacted by many “natural” disasters that hit the Philippines it would have taken just a bit of foresight and modern thinking to avert doom.It would have been less baffling if ordinary people had engaged in the wholesale sloppy thinking that swamped Philippine society in the midst of the media circus surrounding Corona’s trial in the first half of 2012. What is astounding, however, is how the pre-eminent erstwhile bastions of “truth” had, themselves, succumbed to the Jim Jones syndrome.The Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) was amongst those that led the Mob, fielding headline after headline of dubious reports on Corona’s “crimes”.Even the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) was suckered into propagating the lie that was Corona’s alleged “82 dollar accounts”. Back in 2012, there certainly was none of the “investigative journalism” that the venerable PCIJ supposedly champions.Ordinary Filipinos can be forgiven for lapping all this up. What cannot be forgiven are the editors of the once-respected channels through which information critical to the intellectual wellbeing of an entire nation is piped through. Even more unforgivable are those who wrote up all that fake news.Many of us spent countless hours doing our part to raise small voices amidst the din generated by the bigger clique of mutual-high-fivin’ social and mainstream media chatteratti during Corona’s “trial”. More to the point, many of us exhibited the presence of mind to step back from the ambient ignoramity of the situation and apply clear minds to winnowing out the truth from the fakery propagated by the mainstream and logic and sense from the vile emotional demagoguery of the latte-sipping iPad activists who drank up the Kool Ade.In short, those who were equipped with the brains but did not use them when it mattered cannot be excused.* * *EpilogueIn advanced societies, people who drink and drive are arrested and made to pay huge fines and even lose their licenses. Those who had caused fatal accidents are thrown in jail. There is no saying “I’m sorry I should not have gotten behind the wheel after drinking those eight bottles of beer.” You don’t get to make excuses when someone is dead because of your stupidity and your apologies will forever ring hollow.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-04-30 09:42:26+00:00
Get Real Philippines
The pork barrel scandal that has gripped the Philippines and elevated corruption to unprecedented levels may finally come to an end.The scandal involves the alleged siphoning of ten billion pesos of taxpayer money into the coffers of businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles , ghost nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and politicians.First, it was the senators that were implicated in the scandal (more than half of sitting senators), then top Aquino administration officials, then current and past congressmen (more than 150 of them), then journalists, and finally the National Bureau of Investigation and the Departme of Justice. That leaves the Catholic bishops the only ones unscathed.But wait, previous news reports have long associated the Catholic church with Napoles, including the reported transfer of the famed Black Nazarene statue at the Quiapo Catholic Church to her residence for some private occasion.Seeing as how no one is left who is not implicated in the scam, President Noynoy Aquino today announced that he has issued an executive order granting absolute pardon to all who have been involved in the pork barrel scandal. “This will allow our country to start fresh and rise from all this embarrassment and negativity,” Aquino said. He added, “it is time for us to build a new society.”Ironically, ‘new society’ translates to ‘bagong lipunan,” a mantra used by the late President Ferdinand Marcos soon after he declared Martial Law that sealed his decades long dictatorial rule of this U.S. ally country.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Senator Trillanes Wants A Repeat Interview With BBC
With his background as a soldier, Senator Antonio Trillanes is not taking the criticism about his interview on BBC sitting down. He’s fighting!Those who watched the Trillanes’ live interview with BBC’s Stephen Sackur know that the senator was reduced to pieces as the British talk show host pulverized his every comment and response to questions.Today, Trillanes demanded that he be given a second opportunity for a live interview with Sackur. After all, Pia Wurtzbach had several attempts before she finally became Miss Philippines, and eventually Miss Universe.Only this time, Trillanes wants all of the Voltes V Senators present during the live interview.The Voltes V includes Senators Kiko Pangilinan, Risa Hontiveros, Franklin Drilon and Bam Aquino.Like a true soldier, Trillanes knows to request for backup when he needs it!BBC has not responded to Trillanes’ challenge.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Lawyer rebuts the statements of Leni Robredo’s legal adviser against the Duterte admin
Yesterday, President Rodrigo Duterte called Vice President Leni Robredo “incompetent” and vowed that he would not resign just to give his position to the latter.This remarks of the President triggered the camp of the Vice President, including Robredo’s legal adviser Atty. Barry Gutierrez.Gutierrez released to condemn the recent statements of Duterte against Robredo.“Incompetent? Nagsalita ang magaling!” Gutierrez told the press.He listed some of the things that he believes, a failure of the Duterte administration, like the rising price of goods, the decreasing amount of peso value and the rampant killings around the Philippines.“Inflation: 5.2%. Bigas: P42/kilo. $1 = P53.51. Dagdag sa pambansang utang: P1.19 trillion. Sariling karagatan: Bawal sa Pinoy. Trapik: Palala pa. Patayan, tila araw-araw na lang,” Gutierrez said.”Several hours after Gutierrez’ tirades against the Duterte government, Atty. Trixie Cruz-Angeles tried to debunk the list of the Vice President’s legal adviser.In her post, Atty. Trixie explained to her followers, why Gutierrez statement should not be taken seriously by the netizens.You can read her whole post below:Inflation is 5.2 because BuildBuildBuild. What has Leni done, except TravelTravelTravel? Bigas P42/k? NFA rice at P27/kilo 1P = $53.1? Gurl, kasalanan ni Duterte lumakas ang dollar? Due to interest rate increases sa US Federal Reserve yan.Sariling karagatan bawal sa Pinoy? Sino nagpamigay ng Scarborough? Kamusta na kaya si Sonny T? Traffic, palala pa? Sabi ni dating PNoy sign of progress yan! Patayan, araw araw na lang? 70 thousand murders and homicides during PNoy’s term. You want to lump all deaths together without going into causes? Nagsalita ang magaling? Hindi. Nagsalita ang 16million And finally, bakit di nyo pinasasagot si Leni?Matt Irasga, another supporter of President Duterte said that the statements of Atty. Gutierrez is an evidence that Vice President Leni Robredo is really incompetent.“Proof of incompetence: Leni needs someone to defend her,” Irasga said in his tweet.As of writing, Vice President Robredo is not yet releasing a statement on the criticism that she received from President Duterte.
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2018-07-11 11:03:07+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
It’s called the Putin Lane, an exclusive and dedicated stretch of Metro Manila’s main thoroughfare called EDSA.When world leaders converge in Manila next week for the Asia Pacific Cooperation Agreement (APEC) Summit, this lane from EDSA in Mandaluyong City to Roxas Boulevard in Manila will be off limits to all motorists except, of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin.Putin will be staying at the Shangrila Hotel along EDSA and will be commuting by limousine to the meeting site at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila.Upon learning of the lane naming, other world leaders including Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto lodged a diplomatic protest with the Philippine government, accusing the Aquino administration of favoring the Russian leader. “We also want our own lanes,” they said.Meanwhile, the Metro Manila Development Authority and Philippine National Police conducted a ‘dry run’ of the Putin Lane yesterday and, as expected, it created a monstrous traffic jam along EDSA and other streets.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
the first to be granted sainthood on U.S. soil.Serra’s sainthood comes with huge controversy. The founder of California’s first mission in San Diego in 1769 is seen by many as largely responsible for the enslavement, malnutrition and introduction of diseases, resulting in the deaths of 62,000 indigenous Californians.In letters attributed to Serra himself, the Spanish friar considered the indigenous population to be “barbarous pagans,” and that only Catholicism could save them from evil.Across the Pacific ocean, the Philippine Catholic Church is urging Pope Francis to fast-track the canonization of their hope for a third Filipino saint, in addition to Lorenzo Ruiz and Pedro Calungsod.Members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) are encouraged by the canonization of Junípero Serra and are urging the Pope to make another Spanish friar the third Filipino saint.This friar has, for centuries, been a familiar figure in Philippine history and is largely responsible for the Christianization of Filipino natives (called Indios) back in the 1500’s. His name is Dámaso Verdolagas, more popularly known as Padre Dámaso.Readers can learn more about the life of Padre Dámaso by reading the novel Noli Me Tangere, authored by Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippines’ national hero.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Jonathan de Guzman and Nick Rimando are of Filipino descent. De Guzman who is half Filipino and half Jamaican is with the Netherlands team and Rimando who is Filipino-Mexican is with the U.S. team.“I know many people are upset about my decision not to name Ms. Aunor as a National Artist, but I wish they would just let it go and focus instead on these two important dates where once again, Filipinos can prove to the world that they can excel in the field of sports,” Aquino said.In signing the executive order declaring the paid holidays, Aquino urged his countrymen to cheer on the Pinoy football PIPA (sic) players while enjoying a four-day long weekend. (He, of course, meant FIFA).
['Pol Pinoy']
24/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Senator Marco Rubio Is Going Back To His Native Cuba, Thanks President Obama
Marco Rubio said Thursday that he plans to leave the government after the end of his Senate term, and that he’s not interested in being anyone’s Vice President.“I’m not going to be Vice President,” the Florida Senator told reporters Thursday. “I’m not running for governor of Florida, I’m going to finish out my term in the Senate over the next 10 months… and then I’ll be a private citizen.By “private citizen,” Rubio means a citizen of Cuba.“I’m done with the American Dream,” he said, “if American voters, especially the Republicans, don’t want me, then I’m going back to my land of heritage.The senator, in a very unusual gesture, thanked President Barack Obama for re-opening diplomatic relations with Cuba. “He knows exactly what he’s doing. This will make my transition from American senator to private Cuban citizen much eaiser,” he said.We wish Rubio all the best.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Slim chance of implementing #divorce law in #Philippines thanks to oligarchs and dynasties
The reason why divorce will never be allowed in the Philippines is because both the landed and financial elite will not allow it. They happen to make up most of the members of our congress and executive. To a lesser degree this has happened because of our fascist philippine catholic church.Divorce necessarily splits property between the ex-couple. Alimony and child support payments may also be required. These elite a-holes are so afraid that allowing legalized divorce will result in the dilution of their property holdings. I know you can have a lawyer draft up a pre-nup agreement but these elite are lazy and baka nga naman ma-in love sila (leading to not signing a pre-nup).Note also that the default property regime under Philippine law is absolute community of property which means essentially "what is mine is yours". Imaging there being legalized divorce, lets say gretchen was the legal wife of tonyboy and their marriage is governed by the absolute community of property and their is no pre-nup because Gretchen insists. If the possible divorce law mandates that Tonyboy give Gretchen half his properties upon divorce, you can see how this would not be in the elite's interest.BUt again the elite can protect themselves, the common people have to suffer through loveless and potentially abusive relationships.You would think that there should be divorce for people who have suffered prolonged domestic abuse, have spouses who have engaged in incest, and have engaged in other similar heinous acts. Again even in marriage we suffer under the stupidity of the elite and the church.As for gay marriage, there just is no rational reason to disallow their marriage (gays and straights should have the right to all be in a potentially unhappy, loveless union) unless of course we are a theocracy(and we kind of are) and think that it is a sin.------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/10/is-same-sex-marriage-a-more-important-issue-than-divorce/comment-page-1/#comment-828588
10/09/2017 0:00
Apple CEO Tim Cook has been invited to be the keynote speaker for the annual convention of the International Association of Muggers and Snatchers (IAMS) to be held at Mandalay Bay Hotel in La Vegas, Nevada, from October 3-4, 2014.With the theme “Strategies for the Future,” some 2,000 attendees will discuss new ways to deal with emerging wearable technology, including the newly unveiled Apple Watch.In the last decade, the mugging and snatching industry has seen a disappointing decline ever since mobile phones became popular, eliminating the need for people to wear wrist watches. Wrist watch snatching was one of the top income-generating activities for IAMS members. Since then, muggers and snatchers have switched to snatching mobile phones but people have grown smarter in protecting their hand-held devices against thieves.IAMS president Herminegildo Nakaw who is from the Philippines, said that the association’s membership were absolutely thrilled and encouraged upon hearing of the new Apple Watch which would retail at about $349. “We’re back in business,” Nakaw said, “and we look forward to hearing from Tim Cook on more details of the Apple Watch so that we can come up with more effective mugging and snatching strategies.”It is estimated that the mugging and snatching industry generates close to $400 Billion annually.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Hillary Clinton’s “Delete your account” tweet at the root of her colossal campaign FAIL
This was a year of upsets. The EU crackdown on refugrees, Brexit, the the rise of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, then the ascent of Donald Trump to Leader of the Free World confronts the thinking classes and “shocks” the chattering classes. We now hear how Filipinos, in this latest instance, are “shocked” by their Supreme Court’s decision allowing the remains of former President Ferdinand Marcos to be laid to rest in the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB).Shocked? Really?The writing’s been on the wall for years, not just in the Philippines but all over the world. The pendulum has swung back with a vengeance after it’s been kept too long on one side of its arc by the sheer force of emo shout outs, the righteous pumping fists, and the fluttering rainbow flags of the world’s hipsters. These US elections may have left coastal Americans just as “shocked” but, really, the whole notion of such “universal” shock is but another product of the very same echo chamber that fatally cocooned America’s liberals and starved Hillary Clinton’s campaign of much-needed intel to beat Trump at his own game.Indeed, it was Clinton’s seminal tweet “Delete your account” directed at Trump that launched a million-strong effort to ignore the opposition. It was, crowed Clinton’s social media director Alex Wall, “the most retweeted tweet of the campaign!” Indeed, this tweet was, itself, taken up by the Philippines’ “decent” crowd of Liberal Party supporters and also used to shout down those who politely offered views that challenged the righteous way these hipsters had so presumptuously charted for their countrymen.Hindsight has a funny way of making things a lot clearer. “Delete your account” has come to epitomise the arrogant demeanour of an entire clique of “progressive” people who believed that history was on their side. Unfortunately, they forgot an inconvenient truth about history’s real trajectory. History’s guidance system does not distinguish between human notions of what is good or bad. It just goes where it goes. The rightness of one empire does not guarantee its endurance any more than the “evil” of another guarantees its downfall.And this is why the most recognised war winning strategy, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” is attributed to one or the other of history’s finest realist minds; either that of Sun “The Art of War” Tzu or Niccolò “The ends justify the means” Machiavelli — men who scraped the emo off the plan and made the path to victory plain and simple. Unfortunately for the world’s hipsters, this is the winning strategy that they failed to uphold. Instead of keeping their enemies close, they drove them underground and out of their sight. For this, they have payed dearly.
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-11-14 02:07:46+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Filipinos have started to take back the EDSA narrative from the Aquinos and Cojuangcos
This year, the traditional self-appointed “owners” of the 1986 EDSA “people power revolution” — often referred to as the Yellowtards — again stood aghast as yet another anniversary celebration fizzled. The really surprising thing about this is that these folk were surprised to begin with, because, in truth, this erstwhile commemorated event has been following a trajectory of decline for some years now.Some thought leaders at least acknowledge that this “revolution” that some still insist was the seminal event in which Filipinos “won back” their democracy needs a new narrative. Indeed, for the longest time, the key outcome of the EDSA “revolution” has always been made out to be a rebirth of freedom in the Philippines. But, echoing a tweet issued by Get Real Post author Paul Farol, a really important question has now come to light…Have Filipinos used the freedom supposedly won in 1986 wisely?For that matter, did Filipinos come to understand what that freedom entailed? Take Apo Hiking Society singer Jim Paredes, for example. In a video that has since gone viral, Paredes is seen severely berating an activist expressing support for Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. It seems Paredes regarded the hallowed grounds of the EDSA memorial as off-limits to anyone not associated with his Yellow Camp. The prevailing mindset surrounding EDSA after all has long been around the notion that husband-and-wife “national heroes” Ninoy and Cory Aquino are the sole central figures around which the current EDSA narrative spins.The Aquinos and the Yellow Camp political clique that surrounds them have, since 1986, been regarded as the owners of this revolution and its artefacts. Suffice to say, for 30 years, the Aquino-Cojuangco clan did not shrink from what started out as an organic distinction bestowed on them by Filipinos in the early days. They nurtured the notion and proceeded to secure their lofty place in the EDSA narrative to the point where their family names became virtually synonymous with it. Rather than uphold the EDSA “revolution” as a Filipino revolution, the Yellow Camp marketed it as Ninoy’s and Cory’s Revolution for three decades. They achieved this by employing the vast resources and network of businesses at the disposal of the Aquino and Cojuangco clans to mount an awesome messaging campaign spanning those decades to create the deeply-rooted mythology and cast of political deities that now surrounds EDSA.It seems the Philippines is now in the midst of a collective effort to dismantle this traditional mythology of yellow ribbons and “L” hand gestures and take back EDSA to its rightful owners — the Filipino people. Long overdue of course, but, as the cliché goes, better late than never.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-02-26 07:23:08+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Philippine House Probe To Show Alleged Sex Tape Of Former Miss Universe
Unless there will be a sudden change of heart, the House of Representatives committee investigating the proliferation of illegal drug trade at the New Bilibid Prison (National Penitentiary) will show the alleged sex video tape involving Senator Leila De Lima, Justice Secretary during the Aquino administration.While many are calling the House move illegal, lawmakers are insisting that the sex tape is crucial to prove the relationship of De Lima to her alleged driver, lover and bagman in the illegal drug activity.But the De Lima tape is not going to be the only video that will be shown to lawmakers. Much like a music concert, there is an “opening act.”That opening act would be the showing of the alleged sex tape involving 1996 Miss Universe Alicia Machado, the Venezuelan-born beauty queen who has become the subject of intense debate between U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.During last week’s debate, Clinton said Trump had called Machado “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.”In subsequent interviews, Trump said Machado did gain weight and was a problem for the Miss Universe Organization which the Republican candidate owned at that time. He tweeted that people should view Machado’s sex tape.House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez said that showing the “opening act” proves that Congress is not biased towards De Lima. He also was confident that showing the Machado sex tape would ensure 100% attendance of lawmakers in the committee hearing next week.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/09/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The status of the West Philippine Sea dispute now depends on the result of the elections in the United States
Incoming President Rodrigo Duterte has a lot to clean up after President BS Aquino leaves office this June 30. Besides traffic, political corruption, the Mindanao problem, power problems and typhoon rehabilitations, the incoming administration has a lot of problems to fix. And that includes Aquino’s failed foreign policy towards China.What Aquino did was take an aggressive and hostile approach towards the Chinese. He issued multiple press releases, and even spoke out against China during international conferences. This normally works, but China did not buy Aquino’s bluffing. They knew that Aquino could not back up his words. The Chinese government saw Aquino for what he was — a weak, incompetent paper tiger.It did not help that Aquino’s American contemporary, President Barack Obama, was also perceived by China as a weak and incompetent leader. It’s almost as if the Chinese did not respect those two. In fact, Obama has recently been overthrown by Russian President Vladimir Putin in a ranking of the world’s most powerful people. It also does not help that the US is trillions of dollars in debt to China. While I do not believe that Obama is weak, perceptions are just as strong as facts. What mattered was how the Chinese viewed him.While China was already beginning to build up its military in the early 2000s, they did not resort to actions such as taking islands in Philippine territory when Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was President and when George W. Bush was US President. It rests upon the Philippines and the United States to balance against China’s growth in the Pacific region. But China will just keep pushing through until both countries have strong leaders.The election of Rodrigo Duterte to the presidency is a step forward. So far, he has shown qualities of a strong leader. When he requested a few weeks ago that Filipinos be allowed to fish in the disputed areas, the Chinese acceded. Even though he has yet to assume office, China already respects Duterte, very much unlike the way they regard the incumbent.What would happen next would also depend on who the United States elects as its next President. There is no reason to feel enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton because she will just continue Obama’s foreign policy, the legacy of which is an unstable Iraq and Libya, a rising China, and a nuclear Iran. Personally, I am rooting for a Republican victory this November. While inexperienced in politics, Donald Trump has shown strong leadership qualities and has strategies to counter China economically. I feel like his business experience can help gut China without having to.I believe that the Philippines must be able to defend itself without US help. We must build our military in order to defend our archipelago against Chinese intrusion. Also, I believe Duterte has to start pursuing an independent foreign policy. But, it is imperative that we work with the United States and other Pacific nations in order to cut China’s legs from underneath.
2016-06-16 22:44:11+00:00
Get Real Philippines
‘Boyhood,’ one of this year’s Oscar nominees for Best Picture, will have a much-awaited sequel and has started filming, according to reliable insider sources in Hollywood. ‘Boyhood’ captures the joys and pitfalls of growing up as seen through the eyes of a child named Mason (Ellar Coltrane), his parents (Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke) and his sister (Lorelei Linklater). Vignettes, filmed with the same cast over the course of 12 years, capture family meals, road trips, birthday parties, graduations and other important milestones. Songs from Coldplay, Arcade Fire and other artists capture the time period. It is directed by Richard Linklater. The sequel, with a working title, ‘Manhood,’ will have the same cast and the same director. It is scheduled to open in theaters worldwide in the summer of 2027 — in 12 years to be exact. Mark your calendars!
['Pol Pinoy']
22/02/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Sara Duterte, Whang-od Rebut PNP, DND Decision To Keep Tattoo BanRebutt
Both the Department of National Defense and the Philippine National Police have opposed the lifting of “no tattoo” rule for potential recruits.“Any good reason why we will lift it? We would like to keep it that way…The military imposes strict rules on haircut and even mustache, why not tattoo? Tattoos are ugly and connotes gangster image,” Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said Monday.Upon hearing of Lorenzana’s comments, Presidential daughter Sara Duterte, speaking from China; and Whang-0d, the last remaining mambabatok (tattoo artist), speaking from Sagada both said:”Do I look like a ganster?”Enough said.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Donald Trump Unveils Design Of Border Wall Between U.S. And Mexico
True to his campaign promise, Donald Trump has given the go-signal to start the construction of his Great Wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico.Today, he unveiled the winning design for the wall at an impromptu press briefing at the South Lawn of The White House.The 40-foot wall design was chosen from thousands of submissions from certified Republican artists.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/02/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
After Nike, Bill Clinton Drops Manny Pacquiao
Just days after Nike severed its relationship with Filipino champion boxer Manny Pacquiao for his disparaging comments comparing gay men and lesbians to (worse than) animals, former President Bill Clinton has distanced himself from the Filipino congressman who is running for a Senate seat.The two are known to have a very cordial relationship, but all that is coming to an end.Clinton said he cannot continue his friendship with Pacquiao because his views on homosexuality and same-sex marriage are contrary to Hillary’s position on the issue.“Hillary and I cannot jeopardize her election as the next president of the U.S. by continuing our relationship with Pacquiao.“I wish him the best in his quest to become a Philippine senator, but I have to withdraw my support for him and his senatorial campaign,” Clinton said.
['Pol Pinoy']
19/02/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Son of domestic helper tops PNPA Class of 2018
A son of a Filipin domestic helper working in Spain was named as the top notched the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) graduates this year.Police Cadet Fritz John Napalinga Vallador, 24, of Kabankalan City is the order of merit of the PNPA Maragtas (Magiting At Responsableng Alagad ng Batas na Gagabay sa Transpormasyong Alay sa Bayang Sinilangan) Class of 2018.He told the reporters that he had live with his aunt while his mother worked abroad while his father leave them when they were young.Villador said that his dream to help and serve the Filipino people drove him to enter the prestigious police academy in Silang, Cavite.“Yung inspirasyon ko sa loob ay ang pangarap ko sa labas na ako ay maging isang mabuting alagad ng batas,” Vallador told reporters in Monday’s press briefing with PNP chief Ronald dela Rosa at Camp Crame.“Kami po ay magsisilbi ng tapat kahit buhay namin ang kapalit,” he added.The topnotcher also said that despite of the absence of his father in his life, he still succeeded to reach his dream.“Meron naman pong tumayong bagong papa sa akin, kaya it’s just normal. Kahit na wala akong tatay, nandito ako sa harapan n’yo, nagsumikap at naabot ko ang tugatog ng tagumpay na ito,” he said.He was also saddened that his mother would be absent in his graduation, however he understand the situation of his parent.“I’m saddened na hindi makakarating ang aking ina, pero nagpaliwanag naman siya sa akin. Yung tita ko, na nagtayong nanay ko simula grade 5 ako, siya ang maghahalili muna.”Other graduating cadets in the top 10 are Police Cadet Francis Pang-ay Fagkang, of Sacasacan, Sadanga, Mt. Province, Jess Torres Agustin of Anchokey, Kabayan, Benguet, Jesstony Fabro Asanion from Barangay Bulawon, Sta. Cruz, Zambales (4th); Fire Cadet Myrick Aquino Paldingan from Mankayan, Benguet (5th); Police Cadet Christian Villacarlos Juego from Barangay Salawag, Dasmariñas, Cavite (6th); Police Cadet Cherry Mae Lumogda Montaño from Barangay Fatima, General Santos City (7th); Police Cadet Stephen Torrevillas Abrica from Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City (8th); Jail Cadet Arjay Marcaida Cuasay from Barangay Marcelo, Parañaque City (9th); and Police Cadet Maricar Sison Ansus from Barangay Salvacion, Bacon, Sorsogon City (10th).Meanwhile, PNP Director General chief Ronald Bato Dela Rosa said that eight out of top 10 cadets would join the Special Action Force (SAF) to become a warrior for the country.The cadets will be conferred the degree of Bachelor of Science in Public Safety (BSPS) upon graduation and will be appointed to the initial rank of Inspector in their respective service bureaus.
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2018-03-12 15:23:30+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Banko Sentral Ng Pilipinas Warns Against Fake VP Currency
The Banko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines) has issued a warning to the Filipino public regarding a fake VP currency circulating on the Internet.In a statement issued today, BSP categorically said that there are only six legitimate paper currencies now in circulation: P20, P50, P100, P200, P500 and P1000.’The fake VP currency of P10,000 is not sanctioned by the bank,” a spokesperson said.The fake bill features a photo of VP Leni Robredo saluting the Philippine flag.Citizens are asked to immediately report to authorities should they encounter the fake VP.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine Catholic Bishops To Conduct Mock Presidential Elections This Sunday
In its final attempt to make known its imprimatur on Monday’s presidential elections, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has announced that it will be conducting a mock presidential election this Sunday.The CBCP poll dwarfs all other surveys by SWS, Pulse Asia and other polling agencies. It will involve close to 80% of the total Philippine population — the Catholics, to be specific.When Filipinos attend church services nationwide on May 8 and receive the Eucharist, they will be asked to choose the communion host that bears the name of the presidential candidate they will be voting for on Monday.The CBCP poll is patterned after the 7-Eleven mock poll in which customers buying sodas choose the paper cup that has the image of their chosen candidate.CBCP head Archbishop Socrates Villegas told The Adobo Chronicles that it is the Catholic Church’s way to ensure clean and honest elections. “If results of the mock poll are not consistent with Monday’s official election results, then we know there has been cheating,” he said.The mock election count will be conducted immediately following the very last mass on Sunday.Villegas emphasized that the CBCP is not endorsing any particular candidate.So, if you’re Catholic, make sure your (mock) vote is counted this Sunday.
['Pol Pinoy']
02/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
LOOK: President Duterte wanders around Davao City to check his hometown
Despite of being now the most powerful official in the Philippines right now, President Rodrigo Duterte seems that he still miss his old job and activities when he was still the City Mayor of Davao.In a photo posted by Special Assistant to the President Christopher Bong Go, Duterte who’s still tired from his work, couldn’t resist to go outside to check the current condition of the city that he managed for two decades.According to Go, the President visited some houses at Barangay Bucana, Davao City and talked with the locals there to give an advice and to hear their complaints.He added that Duterte always wander in Davao everyday, a clue why the President was popular in Davao City and became undefeated in every election.“Pangulong Duterte bumalik sa Davao City at bumisita sa mga bahay bahay na parang mayor uli. Gawain na namin sa nakaraang dalawampung taon ang mag-ikot para magbigay ng payo, tulong at makihalubilo sa mga tao sa barangay. Kuha po ito kaninang 5 am sa brgy. bucana.” Go wrote.Ofcourse, Go didn’t forgot to took a selfie together with President Duterte and the neighborhood.The post of Go received praises from the netizens, wishing that the President could visit their place also.“Sana sir Christopher Bong Go pumasyal din kau dto samin sa samahang binhi angono rizal…. Ill prep breakfast for you sir n mr. President…” Netizen Dwight Estrella said.“Reaching out to the people , Yan ang pinaka gusto Kong activity ng ating pangulo.” Dianne Ong remarked.Duterte was first elected as Davao City mayor in 1988 as Mayor and never lose an election until he became the President.He was known for being strict, but despite of that he maintained his popularity in Davao.
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2018-03-11 16:56:04+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
The ruling Liberal Party candidate for vice president, Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo, has admitted that the Aquino administration has failed to distribute land to farmers under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.The admission comes weeks after a federation of agricultural workers accused President NoyNoy Aquino’s family of using a bogus sale of assets to retain ownership and control of the 6,453-hectare Hacienda Luisita.Robredo, a member of the House committee on agrarian reform, said that many tracts of land intended for distribution were not transferred to the control of farmer-beneficiaries.This has angered President Aquino and his anointed successor, Mar Roxas. Both expressed regret for choosing the congresswoman to be the ruling party’s VP candidate.“We didn’t have a clue that she would “bite the hand that feeds her,” Aquino said, adding that she shouldn’t be making statements that would put the administration in a bad light.The Aquino administration has been touting its anti-corruption mantra of “daang matuwid” (straight path) and Robredo’s statements were in direct contradiction to said mantra.Luckily for Robredo and the Filipino electorate, Philippine electoral rules allow voters to vote for president and vice president who may or may not belong to the same political party, so potentially, Roberedo could be elected VP but not Roxas, the administration’s presidential standard bearer.
['Pol Pinoy']
25/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Alleged #LeniLeaks secret socmed ATTACK conspiracy exposed!
The following is the purported "Social Media Strategy" allegedly issued by the Office of the Vice President (OVP). This is lifted from a cached YahooGroups message that has since been deleted or set to private.The cache site was shared on Facebook here by Sass Rogando Sassot.---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Facebook Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 at 12:05 AMSubject: New message from Pete SilvaTo: Imelda Nicolas Pete Silva11:35pm Jan 3 FROM OVP SOCMED:Good morning!Pro BBM/Duterte groups and influencers have launched simultaneous attacks on VP Leni starting 12 midnight today (Please check Maharlika, Sass, and Mr. Riyoh).Here are some of the issues that need immediate response from our communities:1. Late visit for the victims of Typhoon Nina + VP Leni’s “rehab is slow” statement.- The attacks from their camp:A. Everything she’s doing now is too late and just for a PR Spin.B. VP Leni has no right to say the rehab is slow because she was not even there.C. PRRD has visited way before she did.- The Responses:A. VP Leni has always been on top of things. The team was mobilized even before Typhoon Nina hit. She has organized and mobilized private efforts to donate for Bicol, Marinduque, Batangas, and Mindoro.B. She does not have the mandate and financial capacity to do this, but she has made sure that efforts are consolidated and communicated the needs of the victims to the donors.C. The dissatisfaction with VP Leni does not come from Bikolanos. It comes from troll influencers (Mocha, Sass, Thinking Pinoy) who NEVER organized or mobilized efforts to help out the typhoon victims.C. VP Leni cannot shoulder everything. The national government (and other agencies eg DSWD) is the one who needs to step up.D. Rehabilitation is different from relief operations. It needs building houses, electrification, and making sure that sources of livelihood pre-typhoon are working. We need to call out the national government on this, and take the offensive against their camp for having a simplistic view of the problem.E. Compare the Duterte and the Robredo visit in Bicol. Digong just gave a speech for the “ceremonial giving of donations”. He did not go to the far flung areas to know their concerns. He never interacted with his constituents. He went there with the media only because he needs to be seen there. VP Leni, on the other hand, visited far flung areas and met with the people. She is on ground zero.2. The BBM Camp has released several memes to have a “show of force”. Their messaging is to make their memes viral to make it appear like more people voted for BBM as the real VP.Our attack:- Flip the memes and show unflattering pictures with controversies of BBM and use their “the real VP” narrative. (suggestions: Cocaine addict, fake diploma, did not graduate college, Sandro is stupid – not even from Oxford which they are claiming)- Call out BBM and ask where he was during Typhoon Nina (he was in Balesin! ITO BA ANG REAL VP???).- Use the photos of BBM supporters during the Luneta rally and/or Duterte youth during the Marcos burial rally. The messaging should be: they’re numerous online, but they never deliver the real bodies needed when the battle is offline. They are a fake and paid army.We would also like to request you and your communities to coordinate with us whenever a new campaign is launched for them and/or against her. You are a very crucial ally in protecting the truth, democracy, and the real mandate of the people. Let us continue fighting the good fight.View Conversation on FacebookThis message was sent to melynicolas@.... If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, pleaseunsubscribe.Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025See more posts from Imelda Nicolas[---------- End Forwarded message ---------]
2018-08-03 00:08:03+00:00
the 15th (or 16th, we can’t keep count) to do so.She follows in the footsteps of Donald Trump, who in announcing his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, attacked Mexicans, calling them “rapists, drug addicts and criminals.” Apparently, Trump’s campaign strategy worked. He now leads all Republican candidates in the polls.Coulter hopes that she, too, will surge in the polls with her comments about Mexicans.In the course of its investigation for this news story, The Adobo Chronicles® uncovered a little known fact that Coulter once applied to join the Miss USA contest in the hopes of becoming Miss Universe. Her application was denied by no less than pageant owner Trump.Expect some fireworks in the Republican presidential debates, courtesy of Trump and Coulter.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Trillanes and other Duterte critics doomed to fail due to use of false information
Members of the Philippine Opposition are getting desperate. They are down to using their last bullet, which is to paint President Rodrigo Duterte as corrupt. Their allies in mainstream media are trying their best to help drive that message. You can see it in their headlines. “Ombudsman probes Duterte family’s wealth” says one of the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s headlines. “AMLC’s bank records on Duterte show P1-B flow of money – Ombudsman” says another from Rappler. It’s quite apparent that they worded the headlines to effect maximum impact on the readers. After all, it has worked against their enemies in the past, so why not try it against Duterte, right?I’m all for investigation of alleged ill-gotten wealth, but the problem I see in this scenario is, it should have been done before the election. It’s a bit late now that Duterte is PRESIDENT. I consider it a dumb move since he is immune from lawsuit while he is in office anyway. But of course the Opposition would try every trick in the book to change public perception. After all, their motto is “Doesn’t have to be true. Just needs to LOOK like that”.Yes, members of the Opposition are hell-bent on destroying Duterte’s image even if it means destroying the fabric of Philippine society along with it. It doesn’t matter if they use lies and negative propaganda to bring Duterte down as long as they achieve their goal. That says a lot about the kind of people they are – lacking in principles and vindictive. They think the end justifies the means.Even before the office of the Ombudsman requested the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) to divulge the final report on the Duterte family’s bank transaction records when Mr. Duterte was mayor of Davao City, Senator Antonio Trillanes already had copies of the President’s bank account details. AMLC already issued a statement saying they did not give information to Trillanes. The real question is where did Trillanes get his information? Does he have a contact with the AMLC? If so, whoever that person is breached Duterte’s privacy. It seems Trillanes is using dozens of his hired “consultants”, which could include “small ladies” to get him the goods on his enemies. Did the Deputy Ombudsman for Mindanao Arthur Carandang even ask Trillanes where he got his information?Some people are baffled as to why people like Trillanes can get away with his appalling behavior. He’s like a brat who throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get his way. He’s even threatened to unseat Senate President Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel if the latter doesn’t replace his other nemesis in the senate, Senator Richard Gordon as the Blue Ribbon Committee Chairman. Trillanes thinks he is that influential. Perhaps he’s got the goods on the other senators as well. It could explain why they tolerate his bullying tactics. Trillanes doesn’t even care if he drags along the name of a respected organization like the Red Cross in his effort to damage Gordon’s reputation. Trillanes promised to expose Gordon’s alleged corruption involving his Chairmanship of the humanitarian charity organization.Trillanes’s empty threats merely expose him as a vile and destructive person. Trillanes doesn’t function as a senator anymore. I don’t think he ever did. He seems to be functioning as some kind of lead investigator. Unfortunately, he’s only investigating his enemies.His actions do not benefit the public, only his personal interests and that of his allies. Trillanes will eventually fall on his own sword.The Opposition’s inconsistencies are so blatantly obvious. If these people are after what’s good for the country, they should also clamor for investigation of Commission on Elections Chairman Andres Bautista’s alleged hidden wealth. Trillanes in particular is very quiet about Bautista’s shenanigans. They actually prefer to sweep that issue under the rug because there is a lot at stake if Bautista is proven to have accepted money in exchange for facilitating the alleged electoral fraud in the last Presidential Elections. Current Vice President Leni Robredo could be unseated. They wouldn’t want that. And of course they prefer him to stay on as Chairman of COMELEC since he can still continue to “help” out his allies “win” in the next election.We can only hope the public has learned from the impeachment trial of the late former Chief Justice Renato Corona. The Liberal Party and their allies in media also used sensationalized headlines in deceiving the public into believing Corona had millions in his bank account. In the end, the charges of ill-gotten wealth were not proven, but Corona was still impeached because the acting senator-judges were also gullible enough to believe the unsubstantiated power-point presentations showing his said millions of bank deposits.In a recent development, the AMLC actually denied giving the office of the Ombudsman records of Duterte’s bank details. The agency is also baffled as to where Carandang got his information. Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo also warned Carangdang should not have released details while investigation is ongoing or he could face administrative charges:AMLC added that it is still evaluating the August 17 request made by Carandang which it received on September 6, requesting the body to initiate an investigation on Duterte’s accounts. “We have yet to evaluate the request, and the initiation of an investigation, as well as the release of any report on the subject will depend on such evaluation. Suffice it to state that in the attachment to the Complaint, the alleged debits and credits representing outflows and inflows of funds were added together, thus, the resulting total amounts are wrong and misleading,” AMLC said.Carandang, who is a relative of a former Malacanang Presidential Spokesman Ricky Carangdang during former BS Aquino’s term, could be “helping” Trillanes bring Duterte down by providing false and malicious information.In the Opposition’s desperation, they are getting sloppy or sloppier. They probably assume most people want to see Duterte ousted. But like what I always say, if your agenda is to protect the interests of the people, lies and all other bullshit thrown at you will not stick.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-09-29 03:23:17+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Defining Filipinos through their reactions to the Davao incident
It was as if the mayor never really left. Following the explosion that occurred in Davao city, last Friday night, September 2, which left more than a dozen dead and many injured, President Rodrigo Duterte was on the ground only after a few hours. Duterte went along when the crime scene was surveyed, visited the injured in the hospital, and condoled with the families of the dead at the funeral homes.On a more personal note, news of the incident had broken out almost immediately on social media after it happened. Almost as quick were the posts of certain individuals who seemed to take delight in what happened in Davao.“Akala ko ba safest city ang Davao.” (I thought Davao was the safest city.)“No, Davao City is not crime free.”“You can resign now, Duterte.”Really, what kind of human being takes delight when his/her countrymen go through suffering and loss?Before writing this article, I was following two pieces of life advice which had served me well in the past: Don’t go to bed angry, and Don’t speak/write when you’re angry. I tried sleeping off how pissed off I was at how certain people regarded the Davao incident with schadenfreude. It didn’t work.As I write this, I’m considerably less pissed off than I was 24 hours ago, though still rather annoyed. But I digress…In what can be considered the first real test of his mettle as president, Duterte seems to have passed with flying colors. To be fair, however, his predecessor, Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino III, set such a LOW standard for being “present” that the impact of Duterte’s contrast is magnified. Whatever his critics may say about Duterte’s management of this incident “like a mayor”, it serves as a stark contrast to what BS Aquino did. When it came to matters that didn’t affect him or his allies’ interests personally, BS Aquino ran things primarily one way – he ran away from danger instead of towards it.Dispassionate observers have given the same benefit of the doubt to both BS Aquino and Rody Duterte; the difference lies in what each of them has persisted in.We must credit, not only president Duterte for his immediate presence and decisiveness, but also the excellent rapid response system/infrastructure that Davao and its residents have built and maintained even after the mayor had been elected to Malacañang.Consistent with Duterte’s forward-looking approach to the presidency, we must look at three issues that come into play, as a result of this incident.The first one involves Duterte’s communications team. I mentioned in a previous article that this is one of the fundamental weaknesses of his administration. While I do believe that the safety and security of the affected parties takes precedence over dealing with the overreaction to, and exaggerated fears of, his declaration of a state of lawlessness, the Duterte administration will be more effective if its communications infrastructure does its job more clearly, more concisely, more controlled (i.e., fewer mouths talking), and in fewer iterations. And in the coming period, they are going to need to step up their game, particularly in the international arena, where media sympathetic to the Liberal Party (LP) controls the narrative.Second, how will crime scene investigations be done differently from here on? Observers have noted the lack of updates in the investigations of bombing incidents from previous years. It also remains a big question mark whether the police gathered all the evidence and samples they needed before the crater in the crime scene was cemented over.Lastly, and this is also tied to the character of Filipinos as a collective, how will we, in the future, choose to react to incidents like this, considered a terrorist attack? An editorial from Business Mirror, written in light of the bombing incident in France last July, spells out the difference between the ways Western and Eastern societies react to terrorism:In the West, they want to understand the motivation for a terrorist attack. Asians are less inclined to worry about that and are more interested in making sure the perpetrators are unable to do bad things again. The West may take more comfort from feeling they are standing on the moral high ground. In the East, the inevitability of deserved punishment may make more sense. However, there are clearly different reactions to the same type of event.As someone who isn’t from Davao, I was a bit pleasantly surprised that Davaoeños refer to Duterte as “Eagle”, in reference to the monkey-eating eagle found within the region. It would only be fitting to say that we must give the Eagle room to spread his wings, in order to help him catch his prey.We are no longer just Manileños, or Davaoeños, or from wherever, delimited by our respective regions. We have always been Filipinos, and we have always needed to come together for a bigger purpose and a greater good. A threat like the Davao City incident is a concern for all of us; for once in a long time, under a promising leadership, we have a chance to actually realize just how much Filipinos can be stronger together.Barug ta, Davao! Kauban ninyo ang tinuod nga desente![Photo courtesy: Asia Nikkei Review]
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-09-04 05:35:49+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Tagaytay Car Accident Witness claims that victims will survive if someone helped them immediately
The news about the six minors who were all killed after their car crashed on Tagaytay-Calamba Road last week was allegedly not true, based on the statements of one of the many witnesses that present in that incident.In an phone interview, the Tagaytay Police told GMA News Online that they were the first to arrive at the scene.According to the authorities, the fire was erupted quickly from the car. After hitting the concrete barrier first before hitting a tree, the car exploded immediately.Now many witnesses criticised the statement of the authorities and they claimed that there is no authorities present on that day, According to the witnesses, some authorities responded but they leave the burning car to report the incident to the precinct.Some victims were also still alive after the crash according to the witnesses, but roasted to their death after the car exploded.A Netizen who witnessed the accident also posted her statement on Facebook:
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2016-01-20 12:17:02+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Kim Domingo Triller video goes viral on social media
It was around Christmas time when Kim Domingo had her first major break in the show business as the cover girl of a popular men's magazine for the month of December. It came as a gift to all men of all the lands so this yuletide season our dear Kim saw it only fit to give us a gift. This time in the form of a dance music video.The form in which her gift comes in is not really a big deal for us, if we're being honest. Whether it's a dance act or singing act it doesn't matter. Well, we prefer the dance more. Anyway, what matters most is the thought she put in the show. She knows that Christmas time is bloody cold and a man can freeze to death in such cruel times when left unloved and with nothing to keep him warm.So Kim, for the sake of giving and providing warmth to men (and some women), has took it upon herself to provide a relief from the cruel cold and present us this hot, err, I mean heartwarming Triller video.Thanks for thisand happy holidays!
['Vic Patnugot']
01/11/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Philippine Star Publishes Fake News
Pinoy Ako Blog’s Jover Laurio did it. And so did the ‘legitimate news site’ Philippine Star. Both just published fake news.But let’s leave Laurio alone. She’s a blogger. Let’s focus on PhilStar.On October 30, PhilStar published an opinion column in its Pilipino edition claiming that U.S. President Donald Trump called Philippine Senator Antonio Trillanes a ‘narco.’ No specific source of the information was cited except that an unnamed reporter from an unnamed news source reportedly interviewed Trump aboard Air Force One, the presidential plane.On October 31, Thinking Pinoy posted a comment on his Twitter account about the reported statement from Trump. He referenced PhilStar as the source of info.On the same day — October 31 — The Adobo Chronicles published a ‘story’ about Trump and Trillanes, adding that the senator in turn called the U.S. President a ‘wacko.’Then on November 1, PhilStar published a news report about Trillanes calling the Trump statement ‘fake news.’Guess who PhilStar blamed for the alleged ‘fake news?’ — The Adobo Chronicles!Which came first, the chicken or the egg? So, who is spreading fake news now?
['Pol Pinoy']
01/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Campbell, California- Today, The Adobo Chronicles received a threatening email from someone claiming to be a representative of Rose Fostanes, the Filipina caregiver who won the first season of X Factor Israel . “Ofer” threatened to sue us if we do not “erase” our story on Fostanes’ winning the Israeli Lottery.Here’s our response:Dear Ofer,Thank you for taking the time to read and react to our story about Rose Fostanes winning the Israeli Lottery.At the outset, please know that we are a fan of Fostanes. We have followed her path from being a caregiver to becoming the Filipino Susan Boyle. Filipinos the world over are truly proud of her, as are we.We were pissed when we first learned that Fostanes could not be paid as a performer/singer in Israel because her work permit only allowed her to earn income from being a caregiver. We rejoiced when the Israeli goverment bent its rules and allowed Fostanes to get paid for her recording contracts and concerts going forward. We even think The Adobo Chronicles had something to do with the Israeli government’s change of heart (okay, that may be giving ourselves too much credit).You claim to represent Fostanes and threatened to sue us if we do not “erase” our published story. If you are indeed a legitimate representative of Fostanes, we say “bring it on!”However we have a few requests:1. Please read up on “satire ,” “parody” and FOI (do you even know what it stands for?)2. Don’t just read our stories on Fostanes. Read our entire news site, especially the “About” page. Maybe it will help you chill quite a bit.3. Lastly, if you will be so kind as to mail us an “eraser” from Office Depot or Staples, we will be so ever appreciative because honestly, we stopped using erasers 20 years ago.P.S. Have you ever considered joining the Spelling Bee? Or just install autocorrect on the DOS program on your computer for heavens sake.Affectionately,The Adobo Chronicles Editorial Board
['Pol Pinoy']
23/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
An estimated eleven million undocumented immigrants now living in the United States have started receiving notices in the mail to report to their nearest Citizenship and Immigration Services centers for immediate processing of their green cards. While the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department have both denied sending such notices, officials admit that from all indicatons, the letters seemed authentic and did originate from Homeland Security’s visa processing centers across the country. As such, the officials said they have no choice but to honor the notices and instructed immigration centers to start processing the green cards.The Adobo Chronicles learned from reliable sources that a group of hackers was able to infiltrate the State Department and DHS computers and reset their systems to change the status of all undocumented immigrants to “legal.”The hackers apparently got the idea after seeing the film, “Elysium.” In the movie, disease and poverty-stricken planet earth people are all wanting to be transported to a circular space station built and occupied by wealthy former earthlings. The station has the capability of curing any disease. However, only documented citizens of Elysium can enter the space station. Hackers then succeeded in re-booting Elysium’s data center and with the click of a button, automatically made all earth people citizens of the man-made circular planet.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Moro and the Duterte Presidency
The Muslim Tribes of the country went all out for Mindanaoan presidential candidate Rody Duterte just as I projected before the elections.Even with the hundreds of millions poured into the Bangsamoro Area by the administration Liberal Party (LP), its candidate Manuel Roxas III did not win in any single province of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.The Muslims of the South identify with Duterte because of the fact that he carries a quarter blood of the Maranao tribe in him.But more than that, it was only Duterte who dared to talk about the Bangsamoro problem, including the historical inequities which gave the Muslim tribes of the Southern Philippines the feeling that they do not belong.He was the only candidate who related the story of the oppression of the Muslim tribes which started in 1521 with the coming of the Spaniards and the only one brave enough to shout “Allahu Akbar!” during his rallies but adequately assuaging the fears of Christians by explaining that the chant did not mean violence but love of God.In the many Federalism forums he held all over the country, Duterte exerted extra efforts to project a different image of the Muslims of the South who have long been feared as trouble-makers, killers, kidnappers and terrorists.Détente’s efforts yielded positive results as the country now sees a different image of the Muslims and more than that, he was able to rally behind him about 5-million voters who were not swayed by money or intimidated by their political leaders who supported Roxas.Now, there is a discernible sense of pride among the Muslims of the South and a buoyed hope that the conflict which has claimed thousands of lives and spawned an atmosphere of distrust between them and the Christians would soon come to an end.But just how would Duterte end the problems in the South?First, it must be understood that there are two issues in the so-called Mindanao Problem and these are political and security.The political problem, represented by the struggles of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), is expected to be addressed with the commitment by Duterte to fully implement the peace agreements signed by the government with the Moro rebel groups.While this may look complicated because of the presence of two documents – the 1996 Final Peace Agreement signed between government under President Fidel V. Ramos and the MNLF and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on the Bangsamoro between government under President Benigno S. Aquino, Duterte has placed on the table a Federal Philippines which proposes the establishment of two States for the Bangsamoro – one for those in mainland Mindanao who are identified with the MILF and those in the Western Mindanao islands under the MNLF.Actually, when Duterte repeatedly pronounced during the campaign that he will pursue the implementation of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), I explained to those who expressed alarm that the context of that statement should be reconciled with his advocacy for a Federal Philippines.The BBL, minus the mistrust between Christians and Muslims, is actually a perfect model for a Federal State in the Federal Republic of the Philippines.In fact, I believe that the BBL should be the template of the Federal States to be established in the country, especially in the sharing of resources between the states and the central government.So, when do we expect the changes to happen?If we follow the Duterte timetable, 2019 would be the time when the nation decides on the changes in the Constitution and 2022 would be the election of new leaders under a Federal Republic of the Philippines.And for peace to reign?Hopefully, it starts as soon as Duterte assumes office on June 30.By throwing their support to Duterte, the Muslim Tribes of the Southern Philippines know that they have a President who is sincere in addressing the issues that they have long raised and fought for.They have struggled and waited for almost half a century. Three more years would not be a very long wait for them.There is still another issue though – security – and this involves the threats presented by the new group called the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighter (BIFF), the terror group Abu Sayyaf and the kidnap-for-ransom groups in the South who have been victimising foreigners.On April 26, Duterte was asked what he would do with the kidnapping of foreigners by the Abu Sayyaf in the South.His response was terse and clear: “I categorize that (kidnapping) as criminality and I will deal with criminality.”Indeed, how could this government be so helpless in addressing the terror activities of these ragtag groups who are puny compared to the whole Armed Forces of the Philippines?This should serve as a fair warning to terror groups in the South because unlike the outgoing President who acted like a puppy with his tail between his legs when the Abu Sayyaf threatened to decapitate him, Duterte is a different kind of dog.Duterte is the Alpha Dog, one who is sure of his directions and confident in his decision-making.Peace at last, Alhamdullilah!Peace at last, thank God! | Emmanuel PiñolWill there be peace under Duterte? Leave your comments below!
2016-05-19 10:47:04+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Reporters who covered Lascañas press conference receives P50,000 each
Presidential Communication Secretary Marin Andanar revealed that some reporters received 50,000 pesos each in exchange of covering the press conference of SPO3 Arthur Lascañas who admitted that he was the leader of the “Davao Death Squad”.“Meron na rin tayong natanggap na reports na as much as $1000 (P50,000)ang ipinamigay dito sa presscon na ito. Hindi ko na lang papangalan ang aking source pero meron daw pinagbibigyan ng ganitong kalaking halagang pera para ma-cover ito” Andanar told the press.Andanar said that a reporter who didn’t accepted the offer money gave him the information.“Pinagbibigyan daw ang mga reporter doon kung saan nangyari. May nag-offer daw pero hindi ko lang alam kung tinanggap. Pero merong nagsumbong sa akin,” Andanar said.The Secretary believes that Lascañas statements were part of the character assassination plot against President Rodrigo Duterte to oust him.Senator Antonio Trillanes IV were also present in the press conference.But Andanar still unsure if the money allegedly gave to the reporters came from Trillanes.During the press conference, SPO3 Lascañas admitted that he was the leader of DDS and killed his relatives because of his loyalty to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.The revelation of Lascañas were both covered by local and international media.Some supporters of President Duterte on social media believes that the new issue thrown against the administration were part of the plan to gain support for the upcoming EDSA Anniversary.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2017-02-20 14:34:12+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
during the performance of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ Grammy-nominated song, “Same love.”But the story gets better.During the half-time show at next Sunday’s Super Bowl, Bruno Mars will officiate a same-sex marriage ceremony while performing one of his earlier hit songs, “Marry You.”Although the identities of the same-sex couple have not been revealed, there is widespread speculation that one of the partners is a gay NFL player.In the past months, plans by NFL to announce the coming out of several gay NFL players have all but fizzled out. But it appears that this is now the real thing. What a way to do it- at the Super Bowl nonetheless.Who cares about the Seahawks and Broncos? Football fans (and non-fans) are more interested in this year’s Super Bowl half-time revelation.
['Pol Pinoy']
26/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has softened his stance on illegal immigration.During the FOX News GOP Debate last night, the real estate mogul said he still believes in building a great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. However, he stated that he was very much open to building a “nice door” at the border wall for those who would like to immigrate to America legally.Immediately after the debate, Trump unveiled the blueprint for his proposed door at the southern border wall.Now, Mexicans wishing to legally enter the U.S. can knock three times. No need to climb over the fence.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Forget about national polls showing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump leading his rivals by double-digit numbers. Here’s a top ten list of his supporters, many of whom may shock you:Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, for obvious reasons that have to do with the general elections Queen Elizabeth who is drumming up support for a British travel ban on Trump HumorFeed, the coalition of satire writers. Trump keeps them busy, 24/7 FOX News. Without Trump, the newsroom will have no choice but cover the Clinton campaign CNN. Without Trump, the newsroom won’t be able to claim balanced coverage The Daily Show host Trevor Noah. His ratings continue to skyrocket, thanks to Trump Stand-up comedians, for the same reason as No. 3 Neo-Nazis. Their beloved Führer is ressurected The construction business. Think about jobs that will be created under Trump’s plan for the great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border Some of your own Facebook friends. On your FB page’s search box, type in ‘My friends who like Donald Trump .’ Prepare for the shock of your life. The ‘unfriend’ button might come in handy
['Pol Pinoy']
12/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
thanks to 30 million Filipinos who have Internet access, not to mention multiple email accounts. That’s almost a third of the Philippines’ total population of about 100 million.The Miss Universe organization knows how passionate Filipinos are when it comes to their beauty queens and that they will do everything they can to ensure their candidate’s victory. The organization, however, feels that online voting results may not totally reflect the true merits of the competition, equating the results to a “hometown decision.”Because of this, the Miss Universe organization announced that the Philippines has been banned from online voting in this year’s pageant to be held November 9 in Moscow, Russia. It said Internet votes emanating from the Philippines will be automatically blocked.The announcement angered Filipino netizens who felt that the ban would diminish the chances of the Philippine candidate, Ariella Arida, in winning the Miss Photogenic or fan favorite award.Despite the ban, beauty pageant experts and enthusiasts have placed Miss Arida in the initial circle of favorites to win the title, which would potentially give the Philippines its third major beauty title this year, following the victories of Megan Young as Miss World and Johanna Datul as Miss Supranational for 2013.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
For candidates running for public office, choosing a campaign theme song is almost as crucial as defining their campaign platform.In 1992, then U.S. presidential candidate Bill Clinton chose “Don’t Stop” as his campaign theme song. It is a song by the British-American group Fleetwood Mac, written by vocalist and keyboard player Christine McVie, and a single taken from the band’s 1977 hit album, ‘Rumours.’Although the official campaign period for the 2016 Philippine presidential elections has not yet begun, candidate and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is ahead of the game. He has already chosen the theme song that will be played at all his campaign rallies, and he hopes, during his election victory party.Duterte’s camp has just revealed that the mayor’s campaign video is now being filmed with no less than popular singer Britney Spears singing the theme song and background music.The chosen song is one of Spears’ earlier hits titled “Womanizer.”Filipinos will, of course, understand why Duterte has chosen the song. In a recent statement on live television, Duterte admitted to being a womanizer, having two wives and two girlfriends.“I’m just being true to myself,” he said. “What you see is what you get.” (Well, that last statement happens to be an actual title of another song by The Dramatics!)Here’s a music video of Spears’ “Womanizer.” (Parental guidance advised. Contains nudity)
['Pol Pinoy']
30/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Vintage bomb unearthed in Puerto Princesa construction site
PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, PALAWAN - Construction workers found an alleged vintage bomb in their construction site at Purok Banyuhay, Barangay Bagong Sikat, Puerto Princesa.According to one of the construction workers, the bomb they saw resemble what they have seen on television.
['Hot News Philippines']
20/08/2017 0:00
Hot News Philippines
from its roots and trunk to its bark, fruit, flower and shell.The Coconut Palace has been a guesthouse for many guests, including Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, Brooke Shields and George Hamilton.On the fifth season fifth season of the reality series The Amazing Race, the Coconut Palace served as the pit stop when the competing teams went to Manila.Binay and his family are known for their passion for structures that cost tons of money. Binay and his son, Makati City Mayor Junjun, are the subject of controversy and investigation for the new, overpriced Makati City Hall which began construction when the older Binay was mayor of Makati.According to complaints, the Makati City government allocated P2.7 billion for the construction of the project when it only declared P1.5 billion as the total cost of the project.Binay said that being near Manila Bay would make it easier for me to flee the country in the event of another People’s Revolution, referring to the citizen movement that drove Ferdinand Marcos out of power and into exile. The Coconut Palace is located relatively close to the U.S. Embassy in Manila and that certainly accounts for something.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
‘are purely coincidental. We encourage the viewing public from all nationalities and ethnic background to go see the film to ensure its box office success and help us recover the $10 Million we invested in this feel-good movie.”
['Pol Pinoy']
29/03/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
President Aquino Leaving The Philippines!
President NoyNoy Aquino announced today that as soon as he steps down on June 30, he is leaving the Philippines.June 30 is the date that President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte will be inaugurated.In speaking to the media, Aquino sait that he “is leaving behind a better Philippines.”Aquino, however, refused to disclose where he is going. Many are speculating that he will go an a self-imposed exile either in Honolulu or Los Angeles.The Adobo Chronicles will follow this developing story.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Happy Burial Parade Goes Viral on Social Media
Hi baklaaaaaa!!!! Sobrang pasabog mo kanina. Iba ka talaga. History bessy!!!! Una, buhat ka mula paglabas ng simbahan hanggang makarating ng sementeryo. Ang ganda ganda mo dun. Pangalawa, may pamasiko ka pa girl. Pak na pak! Pangatlo, para kang hermano sa fiesta. Ikaw ang nagkamit ng korona kanina ate girl. Panigurado nagkakakaway kaway ka pa with matching flying kiss kanina lalo na sa mga nagtitinginan sayo. 😂 May masasabi at masasabi ang iba sa pamamaraan ng paglilibing na ginawa sayo, pero wala kame pake sa sasabihin ng iba as long as alam namin yun nalang makakapagpasaya sayo hanggang sa huling pagkakataon.Ayaw mo ng malungkot, ginawa namin naging di malilimutan ang araw ng paghahatid sayo sa kahihimlayan mo di lang sayo bakla, kundi na rin sa mga taong nakiisa kanina. Ginawa namin ang kung anong hilig mong gawin, ang magpasaya ng tao. Hindi namin yun ginawa di dahil masaya kame na nawala ka, kundi dahil pinagdiriwang namin ang pagkakaron mo ng kaligayahan at buhay na walang hanggan kasama Nya. Maning, kung andu ka kanina, panigurado gandang ganda ka nanaman sa sarili mo. Hahaha at tiyal napagkukurot at hampas mo na kame. Mahal na mahal ka namin. Kaibigan, kapatid, Hanggang sa muli!Dying sucks and sad and brings about all kinds of negative emotion to the family and friend a deceased person leaves behind. But Emmanuel Omaña or Maning to his friends, who died from leukemia, wanted his burial to be a happy one.So his friends and family did just that, throwing a festive and happy burial parade for his final send off. Complete with a marching band playing happy tunes like Tatlong Bibe and Dancing Queen with his friends and family singing as they carry his casket to the cemetery, his last will was fulfilled.Emmanuel Omaña was a student Bulacan State University who is known for being a jolly person. According to one of his friends, Aila Alamrio who posted the happy burial video, Maning loves to make people happy more than anything.Read her post below:And in that fateful day, Maning who had been a jolly good fellow still managed to bring joy and happiness to his friends before finally laid to rest.
['Vic Patnugot']
06/08/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Heroes’ Kin Would Like Their Loved Ones Exhumed From Libingan Ng Mga Bayani And Transferred Elsewhere
Relatives of Filipino presidents, national artists and soldiers buried in Libingan Ng Mga Bayani (LNMB) are demanding that the remains of their loved ones be exhumed and transferred to various private cemeteries throughout the country. This, after the Philippine Supreme Court issued its ruling allowing the burial of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos in the National Heroes’ Cemetery.Prior to the high court’s decision, various groups opposed the transfer of Marcos’ remains from the refrigerated crypt in Batac, Ilocos Norte to the resting place reserved for heroes and former presidents. The groups maintained that Marcos did not deserve to be buried in LNMB because of his dictatorial rule, fake war records, and human rights violations.“We do not want our loved ones to be interred in the same resting place as a bad man,” they said, referring to Marcos.The relatives also demanded that all the expenses for the transfer of their loved ones’ remains be paid for by the Marcos family.Meanwhile, Presidential spokesperson Martin Andanar said that as soon as all the buried remains are removed from LNMB, the place will be converted into a public park with a new monument dedicated to Ferdinand E. Marcos. Costs to develop the park and build the monument will also be charged to the Marcos’ estate.
['Pol Pinoy']
08/11/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The story behind the Facebook of a dead person messages who messages a Netizen and calling for help
A Netizen is calling for help after a Facebook of a dead person messaged him and calling for help, this post gave chills to many Netizens worldwide and now they are trying to solve the mystery of this allegedly haunted Facebook account.According to the poster named John Ray Garcia, he noticed that he is already acting weirdly because of a bad dream that happened on his 25th birthday and he tell the story by posting it on Facebook.Photo Credits: John Ray GarciaPhoto Credits: Jerben Camique BorelaAfter experiencing many paranormal happenings since the said nightmare started, a man messages him on Facebook and calling for help, after looking at the profile of the person that messages him, John Ray found out that the owner of the Facebook account is already dead since last year.Many Netizen who read the post also confirmed that the owner of the haunted Facebook account is already dead. Relatives of Jerben also denied that they know or someone knows the Facebook account of their dead relative.John Ray is now calling for some spiritualist who will help him to put away the bad spirit that haunted him, he also tried to block the haunted Facebook but every time that he block him, his connection is experiencing disruption.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-03-13 02:45:28+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Trixie Cruz Angeles and her fake news page Metro Manila Daily News
It’s great to see Trixie Cruz Angeles walking in the sun these days and mixing it up like a beast in the social media jungle.Her Facebook page’s stats are at full gallop because last time I checked, it had more followers than “likes” and it seems the engagement in each one of her posts could choke Caligula’s horse.Which is why, it is kind of sad that either Trixie or some else with access to her page shared a post from Metro Manila Daily News which contains a barnload of false innuendos with some outright lies.I am not sure of the terms of her three year suspension as a lawyer include instructions steering clear of violating other laws, but I guess it should.I am not a lawyer but I am sure that libel is a criminal offense and it is best to keep thousands of strides away from such things, lest it complicate her suspension.The post from Facebook page Metro Manila Daily News calls Majority Floor Leader Rolando Andaya a deranged hooligan and accuses the congressman of being drug crazed.Being familiar with her writing style as far back as her Dona Victorina Council days, I don’t think Trixie herself wrote this particular post in Metro Manila Daily News.Another post on Metro Manila Daily News titled “13 billion reasons for retaining a graft-riddled agency” seems to suggest that Andaya has reasons other than legislation with regard to the abolition of the Road Board.Metro Manila Daily News writes:Anything with a peso sign and a number with a lot of zeros following it-in this case, P13 billion in annual funds for 2019-never escapes the sharp eye of Andaya, the guy you should never trust with the taxpayers’ hard-earned money.The post claims that Andaya’s move to derail the abolition of the agency had gone against pissed off senators but only mentioned Senator Franklin Drilon — who was described as a “topnotch lawyer”, as if being a senator wasn’t enough.A topnotch lawyer, Drilon, argued that there was a legal obstacle in the House move because it was already due for discussion by a bicameral conference committee, which, under congressional procedures, is the joint panel mandated to come up with the consolidated version or enrolled bill for final legislative approval and submission to Malacañang for the President’s enactment into law. … “The Senate has accepted the House version that will abolish the Road Board. When they heard that the Senate adopted their version, they rescinded their approval,” said Drilon. Drilon had also questioned the Road Board’s release of funds worth P13 billion while the Congress was still deliberating on the bill that sought to abolish it. “They know they would be abolished and yet they still released such a huge amount,” he said. Drilon and no less than Senate President Vicente Sotto III said it was up to the President to fix this issue, more so because Mr. Duterte had expressed support for the abolition of the agency.NOW THAT IS ODD on a number of counts, but chiefly because it is Drilon who is speaking for Duterte.After gilding Drilon’s legal lily, the writer of the post then accuses subverting President Duterte’s “agenda” to favor the interests of the dilawans.If I were to guess, the only reason why Drilon’s huge jowls are quivering is because the P13 billion allocated to the road board may have taken away funds for his own pet project.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-09-25 08:14:30+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Duterte camp asks help what to call President Rody
If the outgoing president, Benigno Aquino III got Pnoy as his nickname, what shall we call the presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte like Erap, GMA, FVR?This is one way of addressing the President – nickname. The media has been looking for the official short name for Duterte for them to address him that easy in their reports. Although some of the media outfits have composed their own versions.Names like Pdiggy, Pigong, PRRD, and PRody have been circulating now on the internet. Until now, Duterte camp has not yet pick the right one.The spokesperson of Pres.Duterte, Peter Laviña told reporters that they are asking for the netizens’ creativity. Duterte also got the throne of Presidency because of the power of social media. Laviña believes that the netizens can be a good source for that pseudo name.“We solicited help from people, particularly from social media. So we will let their creativity flourish. We are not dictators so we will not dictate,” he told reporters.If you are to suggest, what nickname can you give to President-elect Rodrigo Duterte?Leave your suggestions below and we will submit those to Duterte camp!
2016-05-13 17:14:18+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Television talk show host and presidential sister Kris Aquino used her social media account today to complain about her hosting duties during the just-ended Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit meeting in Manila.Aquino and her three other sisters were assigned to host the spouses of the world leaders attending the summit in a noontime tour of Manila’s historical sites, including Intramuros, the walled city. Such duty is usually performed by the APEC host country’s First Lady, but the Philippine president is a bachelor so the task fell into the hands of his sisters.Posting a photo of herself with just a towel wrapped around her upper torso, Aquino revealed her sunburn resulting from exposure to the scorching tropical Manila sun.In her post, she likened her sunburn condition to the plight of thousands of Filipino commuters who had to walk many miles under the sun for many days because of the closure of avenues and streets to vehicular traffic (including public transport buses and jeepneys) during the APEC summit. “Quits na tayo,” she told the commuters, a colloquial Filipino phrase that translates into “We’re even, fair and square.”Aquino told The Adobo Chronicles that she learned a very important lesson as a result of her APEC hosting duties — to always remember to apply sunscreen with at least SPF 50.
['Pol Pinoy']
19/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is right not to trust current VP Leni Robredo
Current Vice President Leni Robredo has been constantly under fire from the public ever since she was declared the “winner” of the second highest position in Philippine government in the 2016 Presidential Elections. She has never earned the respect of the voters who believe that her “win” was the result of electoral fraud and that it was former Senator Bongbong Marcos who won the tight race. Now she has truly lost the respect of President Rodrigo Duterte who was kind enough to give her a chance by giving her a position in his Cabinet despite her openly criticising him during the campaign period prior to the elections. Robredo’s relentless disparagement of Duterte’s war on drugs has, not surprisingly, finally earned his ire.What’s surprising is Robredo acting surprised that Duterte doesn’t respect her. She comes across as obnoxious whenever she plays that overused victim card — as if she had done nothing wrong to be excluded from official functions of the Office of the President, including being uninvited to Duterte’s first Vin d’Honneur. One can be forgiven for saying that Robredo is cut from the same cloth as Duterte’s predecessor, former President BS Aquino since the latter had no idea at all why the public turned against him towards the end of his term.At her age, Robredo should know respect is earned, not demanded. She should apply introspection and ask herself why she doesn’t get respect.Some say that Robredo is either dense or simply slow for not realising that the people are so annoyed with her, particularly when she goes out in public visiting typhoon ravaged areas in expensive shoes. She now contradicts herself after using public relations gimmickry to portray herself as a “humble” and simple girl-next-door type of person. No wonder more and more people are seeing through the sham. The photo of her waiting for a bus near Magallanes made some people scratch their heads since there is no known bus stop at that particular spot.Robredo and her handlers should now know that the public isn’t as dumb as they think. Unfortunately for Robredo, the public is disappointed that she is evidently not as smart as they thought she was. If she had any common sense, she would have known that playing the role of the Opposition would not earn her browny points with Duterte, a man who, at present, has the power to make her life miserable.The problem with Robredo is she doesn’t know when to quit talking. She doesn’t know when to quit while ahead. What does she hope to gain by taking jabs at Duterte while she is supposedly part of his government? She’s just trying to distance herself too much from his policies while expecting him to “respect” her. Her expectation from someone who she thinks has no manners is too high. That’s just stupid.What’s even dumber is the thought that there are people who think that Robredo could be an effective leader of 105 million Filipinos. She can’t even handle Duterte! She obviously doesn’t have the skill to handle different types of people. She can only handle people who praise her and who tell her what a wonderful job she is doing posing for glamour magazines.Robredo is leading the charge in dismissing her detractors as mere “trolls” even when her own rabid supporters behave like packs of wolves, attacking anyone who criticises her. It’s as if she is a saint or a member of a royal family that the members of the public need to show deference to. Truth be told, her critics need to go on full gear in exposing Robredo’s irrational behaviour. We cannot allow the public to be misled into thinking that she is competent enough to handle the difficult job of the President just in case something happens to Duterte.No, Robredo cannot handle an executive position. She may look good at ceremonial duties like cutting ribbons and shaking hands with dignitaries, but she has no vision for the country. She wouldn’t know how to handle the drug lords – some of whom are also Liberal Party allies. Worse, she will be just like the late former President Cory Aquino, who turned a blind eye to her allies running amok while she received all the accolades and praises from the international community for being the symbol of the so-called “peaceful revolution”. We all know that kind of bullshit doesn’t create jobs and bring the necessary change the country needs.Robredo’s popularity quickly went down the drain after only six months in her post. She knew what to do to reverse the damage to her reputation, but she didn’t have the guts to do it. She knew all she had to do was cut off her ties with her Liberal Party mates who were dragging her down with them. She could have put an end to talks about organising rallies against Duterte. Robredo could have discouraged that Filipino-American woman Loida Lewis from promoting the idea that she would be a better President than Duterte, but she didn’t. Robredo just let the ouster discussions in chat groups go on and on until they were exposed. Members of the chat group also included her staunch supporters. Her lack of action against such talk of a power grab says a lot about her. Duterte is right not to trust her.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-01-13 14:16:20+00:00
Get Real Philippines
If you have an account with Facebook or Google+, you can no longer use the name ‘The Joker.’ Unless, of course, your real first name is The and your real last name is Joker (or vice versa, since in some Asian cultures, the last name comes first before the given name, like Tran James). The pseudonym ban has been in effect on Google+ since 2011, in keeping with the company’s common names policy. But Facebook recently joined in the bandwagon, theatening to deactivate accounts using fake names or pseudonyms. This new policy has upset Sister Jane, Sister Lovely and Sister Biatch — all members of San Francisco’s Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. “These may not be our real names when we’re not in our religious habit, but they are not fake names when it comes to our alter persona,” Sister Jane said. “Who would think of me as a nun if I used my real name,” Sister Biatch, whose real name is Peter Bonavich, said. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, also called Order of Perpetual Indulgence is a charity, protest, and street performance organization that uses drag and religious imagery to call attention to sexual intolerance and satirize issues of gender and morality. At their inception in 1979, a small group of gay men in San Francisco began wearing the attire of nuns in visible situations using high camp to draw attention to social conflicts and problems in the Castro District. The new Facebook policy seems to be backfiring. A quick scan at Facebook accounts shows an increasing number of netizens named Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Jeremy Lin and LeBron James — real names all.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Let’s face it. You’ve been to Hawaii so many times, and explored the natural beauty of the islands, and to a certain extent, its unique cuisine.But if you were to choose ten Hawaii foods you need to try before you die, it will be a hell of a dilemma since there’s probably twenty or more on your wish list.So, we hope our own top ten list would help you narrow down your choices. And what do you know, we’ve left the number 10 spot blank, so you could add your own favorite!Lau-lau, available at Ono’s on Kapahulu Avenue2.Tuna Poke. You can get them anywhere like the Food Pantry on Kuhio Avenue3.Macaroni salad. No Hawaiian lunch or barbecue plate can leave home without it!4.Oxtail soup. Drive over to Zippy’s!5.If you are ever in Maui, it’s a crime not to visit Leoda’s for their chicken pot pie!6.Portuguese, Filipino, whatever. But these donut holes are the best!7.They’re everywhere! Sushi restaurants or the ABC Stores! You can make them in your hotel room if you have a rice cooker and a microwave. But why bother?8.The only McDonald’s in the world that serves this breakfast platter of Portuguese sausage, SPAM, eggs and rice. Coffee extra, of course.9.Mango, guava or green tea. Yes, they do belong to pastry rolls, at Liliha!
['Pol Pinoy']
27/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Rappler Senior Managers Revolt Against CEO Maria Ressa
equally.But there is one problem: Omidyar’s investment has long been gone. Rappler has failed financially and has used up all the investment money.That’s very depressing for Rappler’s 13 senior managers (Ressa is the 14th). So they are planning to stage a protest rally tomorrow in front of Rappler’s officers to demand an accounting of funds — local and foreign.More trouble for an already-troubled Rappler.
['Pol Pinoy']
02/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Keeping the status quo in #HongKong makes more sense to #Filipino guest workers
From an economic standpoint, it would be incredibly shortsighted and altogether stupid for Filipinos in Hong Kong to participate in an action against Beijing in anticipation of some nebulous 'reward' that they might maybe receive sometime in an unspecified future.In the first place, the protesters are hardly in a position to confer any kind of 'reward.' They are composed of students and workers. Should Beijing acquiesce, the citizens of Hong Kong get to exercise autonomy over their affairs in the manner the protesters interpret the Basic Law. In contrast, Filipinos STILL retain their status as 'foreign guest workers.' They will NOT have any status to equal citizens.Whatever the outcome, any Filipinos identified by Hong Kong's government as participating in the protests could be designated as an undesirable for disrupting public order and expelled. That means lost opportunity, lost remittances and another extended family the Philippines has to worry about feeding.In fact, it makes more sense to OFWs for Hong Kong to remain exactly the way it is. With local taipans like Li Ka-shing running things on behalf of Beijing and keeping the city robust and prosperous. That means more opportunities for Filipinos who have limited options at home. The protests, on the other hand, only serve to disrupt business.--------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/10/filipinos-need-to-stop-inserting-themselves-into-hong-kongs-umbrellarevolution/comment-page-1/#comment-817534
14/08/2018 0:00
Profanity Ordinance: President Duterte Is Now Banned From Visiting Baguio City
Last week, we reported that President Rodrigo Duterte is closing down Baguio City for six months for rehabilitation, following the success a similar order he issued for Boracay.Well, now the Summer Capital of the Philippines is fighting back!Baguio City Mayor Mauricio Domogan has just signed an ordinance penalizing profanity in the city.Authored by Councilor Lilia Fariñas, the “Anti-Profanity Ban” prohibits swearing, cussing, and other forms of profanity in selected institutions in the city.The ordinance seeks to ban “all manner of cursing, cussing, expressing insults, whether directly or indirectly to anyone or anybody, or using profane and foul language, as a means of expression, or as a manifestation of anger, surprise, disgust or any other form of extreme emotion that yields to such expressions of profanity.”The measure covers schools, computer shops, arcades, and other business establishments frequented by children, high school, and college students in the city.We all know what this means.It means that the cussing Duterte is banned from visiting Baguio. So it looks like before he could close down the city, the city closed its doors on Duterte.
['Pol Pinoy']
05/11/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Why Jared Kushner’s Appointment As Donald Trump’s Senior Advisor Will Not Constitute Nepotism
President-elect Donald Trump’s announcement that he has appointed his son-in-law (husband of daughter Ivanka Trump) as his senior adviser has sent shockwaves to Washington and the political world.There are laws that prohibit nepotism, especially in the government arena.But today, Trump said there is no reason to panic. “Everything will work out,” he told reporters.The Donald said that Jared Kushner and wife Ivanka are planning to file a divorce on or before January 20, the day he is taking his oath as the 45th president of the United States. “And even if they don’t divorce, Jared is not a blood relative. He’s just my son-in-law,” he added.He’s got everything covered, this Donald Trump.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Karma at work in Leila de Lima's "character assassination"!
This is karmic justice at work. Duterte just happens to be the channel that the universe used to send back to De Lima what she dished out to others.How can De Lima cry foul and accuse Duterte of character assassination, after what she and her yellow master did to Gloria Arroyo, Angelo Reyes, Chief Justice Corona, VP Binay, and Duterte himself? (i.e., defying SC TRO, illegal detention for 6 years, slander, nonstop public humiliation, trial by publicity)How can De Lima ask for her family to be spared, when she and her yellow master harassed even the Arroyo, Corona, and Binay children, spouses, and relatives with court cases, and drove Reyes and Corona to their deaths?How can De Lima accuse Duterte of being misogynistic (anti-feminist), when she is the one playing the gender card instead of answering the accusations, and Duterte is in fact fighting her like an equal?Most Pinoys are Catholics so they are programmed to think in terms of right vs wrong. But Eastern traditions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc view the world differently. It is not about right vs wrong, which is subjective (subject to opinion, interpretation), but about cause and effect (karma), which is objective.De Lima is simply reaping the effect of what she caused. And in time, so will Duterte.The key difference, where karmic justice is concerned, lies in intention. Duterte does what he does because he genuinely wants to clean up the country, so Filipinos will have better, safer, more peaceful lives. De Lima does what she does for power and glory for herself and the yellows.Whose side do you think the universe will be on, in the long run?----------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://www.getrealphilippines.com/blog/2016/08/president-rodrigo-duterte-leila-de-limas-liberal-partys-worst-nightmare/#comment-1711960
2018-05-03 00:30:27+00:00
#Filipinos should consider giving #dictatorship another try!
There is no denying the fact that generations of Pinoys are permanently scarred by the Martial Law dictatorship, but would it hurt if we take a "modern" view of Dictatorship and look it is a more "positive" way and MAYBE give it another try with a "better leader"?I mean think about, the things Dictators can do to "help" their people.In Dictatorships, MEDIA IS ALWAYS POSITIVE, TRUTHFUL AND HELPFUL to the plight of the people.They can help shape the opinion of the constituents to make pinoys feel proud, afraid or angry of certain individuals or groups. They can be asked to also influence people's feelings in favor of certain laws and policies even if these are against our own interests, welfare and freedoms.In Dictatorships, THERE IS UNITY BETWEEN THE BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENTImagine, when prosecuting certain groups and individuals you can ask the Judiciary, the SolGen, Ombudsman, Sandiganbayan and Senate Committees' cooperationin detaining opposition without needing to go through the long and tedious due process.In either drafting or blocking laws and state policies regardless if these are against our interests and freedoms, you can always get the Legislatures support in passing these policies in exchange for some monetary reward and bonuses for jobs well done.In Dictatorships, FRIENDS GET A LOT OF BENEFITSFriends can be allowed free pass when they fuck things up bigtime or can be bailed out when they make mistakes and naughty things since "if they are friends and allied with our dictator they are friends and allies of the people". Any friend or ally of our dictator could not possibly mean evil against the people if he say, mess up the transport sector or get kickbacks on projects, diba? Only enemies have bad intentions, friends always act in good faith JUST LIKE WHAT THE MEDIA WOULD TELL US, diba?In Dictatorships, ENEMIES ARE PERSECUTED QUICKLYIn contrast with "friends of the people", enemies will be given a hard time. With the MEDIA, the SENATE, the STATE POLICE, the JUSTICE DEPT working as one with our leader, all enemies can be dealt quickly without the need of going through the long and boring course of DUE PROCESS stated in the Bill of Rights.In Dictatorships, THERES ALWAYS PROGRESSYou can innocently RIG SURVEYS or CHERRY PICK STATISTICS and international opinions, so we can show the people how stellar our country is performing. That way we can keep the morale of the people high all the time with Pinoy Pride. And if people can be trapped in their "happy place", they would forget all their problems plaguing their lives and the people around them. Nevermind the naysayers, they're just utak talangka and un patriotic basterds who want Philippines to not succeed.In Dictatorships, PEOPLE ARE LED BY BLAMELESS LEADERS THAT ARE ALWAYS RIGHTLeaders are seldom wrong, when something goes wrong it's others fault. It can't be the dictators or his allies fault since they always mean good to the public they serve. As said before, only enemies have bad intentions, friends always act in good faith JUST LIKE WHAT THE MEDIA WOULD TELL US, diba?So if some troopers and people get killed in a bungled operations, relief efforts are delayed causing total breakdown of social structures, remember, it's not the leaders fault. It's the enemies and the oppositions doing because they are sabotaging and making all things negative.In Dictatorships, PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS VOTE FOR THE BEST LEADERSWith the truthfulness of the MAINSTREAM MEDIA and the spot on reporting of people sentiments by SURVEYS, along with the total character demolision or imprisonment of government enemies without due process, people are always made to believe that they have all they need to make an informed choice. This will guarantee that FRIENDS of the previous dictator will likely be voted so progress and good dictatorial governance is continued.--------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/07/lessons-from-greece-can-third-world-nations-really-afford-democratic-governments/#comment-1230518
2018-05-03 00:30:27+00:00
Dissing Ph Media: Duterte goes were traditional politicians fear to tread
I silently and intently watched Duterte Rodrigo this dawn since I failed doing so the first two pressers. Was it shocking? To some probably bec it was totally not traditional presidential talk.My first tweet, while listening, was this was a leader very angry of how things are. Before, it used to be religious leaders, then politics n politicians, uniformed personnel and now media. Somehow, I find myself cheering every jab. He does not exempt any, including his raw imperfections.It was totally unstructured w a weave of policies, directives, anecdotes, commentaries, introductions, all mixed and mashed w invectives. Nonsense? Nope! You hv to leave the MNL centric, urban defined lens to understand the incoming president. It was a jarring experience but there were strokes that truly redefine power relations. He primes and frames every hit on various centers of power w a shield often repeated: "I don't care if I lose the presidency, if it causes my life or destroys my reputation." That the leader will do it for the people, fooled for so long, was a reminder to all that the ppl are not with the power centers but w him.Dissing media was uncalled for before. No pol would dare but this probinsyano's audacity cuts sharp. He knows where he stands w his sword n his people.And he ends like what I have said before. He is not yet officially a prez until June 30. He primes n frames, with oft repeated phrases, redefining or altering power relations.Not much linear there, more and more lateral thinking. Listen, pause n dive in w your cup of knowledge, experience, institutional memory to fully grasp a wily and cunning mind laced w an acerbic tongue, raised and nurtured in Davao, Mindanao, BISAYA and very local.Only then could you understand the president-elect. It will truly be a learning experience.So remove the blinds, lens and experience rawness but very strategic positioning on issues, on what matters, such as no long lines when ppl try to get service from govt. no long waits.We will need to listen a lot.-------------------Malou Tiquia as posted on Facebook:https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154688852037971&id=689502970
2017-02-09 21:21:52+00:00
Rashomon Effect: The Self-serving Interest of Mainstream Media and the People
This is in response to Maria Ressa’s comment on a post dated October 5, 2016.John, sino ba’ng hindi gustong magkaisa? Understand we all live in the Philippines, and every policy affects each and every Filipino. I think we differ in critical thinking and the role of journalism: we believe that no matter who’s in power, our job is to keep that person accountable. That necessarily means challenging whoever’s in power. We help our leader by pointing out what could go wrong – things he may not see or might not have considered. That is the role of the fourth estate.Dear Maria Ressa,Exactly on point, we need journalists to make our government accountable but it is the job of the people (non-mainstream media outlets, bloggers, the social media) to make the mainstream journalists accountable. That necessarily means challenging what is being reported, where your ethics stand and what drives your interest. We help our journalists by pointing out what could go wrong – things you may not see or might not have considered. To provide the people with the information and confidence where the mainstream media failed to do so. That is the rule of the FIFTH ESTATE.Paid Trolls vs Passionate IndividualsYou talked about weaponizing the internet and how the PAID trolls spread misinformation. Clearly you don’t understand how the dark corners of the web work. Let me show you where to start: 4Chan and DarkWeb. Much like our president, it is far from perfect, but man, you cannot deny the authenticity. Immerse yourself and learn that when people are passionate enough, they will go hell bent just to get their voices heard. That is the difference between the Fourth and Fifth estate.They got “moot”, 4Chan Founder, elected as Time’s most Influential Person of 2008. Despite owning the site for several years, the guy is basically living in his parent’s basement. How on earth could he pay these trolls to vote for him? 4Chan users might have gamed the Time’s poll alright, but they’re no paid trolls. Just because people are behind a mask and getting their voices heard, they are not necessarily paid, they could just be “passionate trolls”. 😉Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.– Oscar Wilde (The Fifth Estate)Bots, Algorithms and ViralityWord is spreading in social media that Rappler is struggling right now financially, with FB Page Insights data showing decline in engagements to way lower than what the indie pages are doing. You were quick to dismiss that and assure that Rappler is doing fine, and even better. A quick check on your website stats confirms you are right, but we have to examine which segment you are dominating.Revenue streams in Search Engine Traffic:I’m confident majority of your traffic segment is coming from Organic search, probably at least 65%, with lowest from Social Media I assume. Now, organic search (Google search) is purely algo driven, it is said to be composed of at least 200 ranking signals, but the mother of all signals is the PageRank Algorithm — which is the graduate study paper of the Google Founders. Pagerank algo can be broken down into 2 parts: Trust and Citation ; the Trust is the authority and Citation is purely quantity-based. A mixture of the two is what drives the pages in the top results, top 3 captures at least 70% of the clicks. Trust metric has more weight, thus mainstream media outlets have an inherent advantage over the indie ones in Google results due to this nature, anonymity has its price after all. Even that, Google results can be gamed just basing on the Citation metric alone, hence Google bombing — now that is literaly WEAPONIZING folks! The Trust aspect can still be gamed through BUYING/SPONSORED blogpost/links in high authority sites to pass through the link equity (tip: reach out to media who can be bought!). Several businesses thrive based on this model alone.Losing the Social Media Battle:Facebook algo on the other hand is much harder to game. Why? Because it relies on human interaction to work. Facebook is a social media platform while Google is a search engine. Social media relies on human interaction and search engine relies on citations. Search engines are more calculated, while social media is relational. Facebook algorithms are based on the quantification of human emotion (love, like, sad, happy, angry), any engagement (human interaction) pushes the post further. So yes, there are algorithms, but it needs a human touch to be manipulated unlike in search engines.Pages/posts gain traction in social media by STRIKING HUMAN EMOTIONS which will drive the engagements and shares to further boost its virality factor. Unlike Google, greater audience reach in facebook is EMOTIONS at work — whether it maybe factual or not. It maybe an algorithm alright, but one that is based on emotions and very difficult to game. Think of how a false bomb threat quickly spreads or this tsunami panic, you don’t need algorithms to spread that! Or maybe we can start a “time to take back the streets” campaign. My GAWD!Understand that most people already bought into an idea before engaging with it; one that is based on “conscience and faith”. So when we see something that validates that idea (either factual or not), we proceed and shove it on other people’s throat. Thus, when misinformation spreads, that is human nature at work, confirmation bias..Not algorithms, not bots, but passionate individuals who are too lazy to validate! Facebook newsfeed algorithm’s EdgeRank capitalizes on this cognitive bias, our feeds are those most relatable to us — so we read, consume and share that. It is an algorithm, but is based on human nature.The Difference of Algorithms: FB vs GoogleGoogle’s PageRank is mainly a citation-based algorithm that heavily factors in quantity/trust and thus easier to game through bots. Facebook’s EdgRank is a relationship-based algorithm and relies on human emotions and very hard to manipulate.Enough with the technicalities and theories. My point here exactly is, if you are doing better in Organic search over Social media then, you are not in the FUCKING position to go BITCHIN around people GAMING ALGORITHMS. Please pardon my French..Propaganda: Monetization of People’s Emotions, the Sexy Star and the Faceless RevolutionariesWebsites who spread misinformation to monetize the traffic is not a propaganda — it is on the same business as you are on, only they’ll spread anything (whether factual or not) to maximize the revenue stream. The Duterte-supporters are easy target to these monetization techniques. And then you go on ranting like this is one deliberate, well-oiled running Propaganda machine? One that is run by a sexy entertainer?Oh yes, the propaganda.. take back the internet, take back the facebook campaign? Oh common, anyone who’ve read Noam Chomsky, the MIT professor and radical thinker, knows that propaganda has been here all along, even before Mocha Uson came into play. And it is not the internet propaganda or social media he kept on raving about. In his essay “Necessary Illusions: Though Control in Democratic Societies”, he wrote:The major media-particularly, the elite media that set the agenda that others generally follow-are corporations “selling” privileged audiences to other businesses. It would hardly come as a surprise if the picture of the world they present were to reflect the perspectives and interests of the sellers, the buyers, and the product. Concentration of ownership of the media is high and increasing. Furthermore, those who occupy managerial positions in the media, or gain status within them as commentators, belong to the same privileged elites, and might be expected to share the perceptions, aspirations, and attitudes of their associates, reflecting their own class interests as well. Journalists entering the system are unlikely to make their way unless they conform to these ideological pressures, generally by internalizing the values; it is not easy to say one thing and believe another, and those who fail to conform will tend to be weeded out by familiar mechanismsLet me call it the “Rappler Effect”!… 😀That is why people lost faith in mainstream media in the first place, because people might have detected the bullshit that the mainstream media has been feeding us. Much like any decentralized system (chaotic yet transparent), the internet and the social media is the hardest to manipulate. Why? its power lies directly to the people. And you, a mainstream journalist, is asking to take it back? It was never yours in the first place to take — it is OURS, the PEOPLE, the unheard, the unfunded, the revolutionaries, the Fifth estate.You need to go back to your drawing boards and have your strategy (intent) checked. Why on hell is it that a singer-dancer who provides “sex advice and sessions in their bedroom,.. with trademark gyrations and near-explicit sexual moves” – your words, not mine – is able to get the mass following and engagement while a team of well-funded elites and intellectuals led by a Princeton Educated CEO could not dare to achieve? Do you realize that the sexy dancer you explicitly discredit, is the same person you’ve incited as masterminding a sophisticated Propaganda Machine? Do you realize how outrageous you sound? But, was it really her? She played a critical role, but it was nothing deliberate or calculated.In the digital age, information is decentralized, it is available to everyone, Prometheus has stolen the fire of Olympus. And despite how hard you try to discredit and look down to us, despite your intellectual snobbery, people now is not how dumb you think we all are. We smelled the same bullshit brought up by a radical thinker decades ago. People are not dumb, people can no longer be easily manipulated.In your outcry, you should realize that being smart, reading books and writing good grammar does not give you the license to be heard. Just like in the dark sections of the internet, unfunded faceless people are willing to work together and die for a cause. Titles and education do NOT drive the respect in this arena, the AUTHENCITY of the Intent is what matters. When one is faceless, you have nothing but the idea he represents.And maybe that is why it’s very hard for you to accept ThinkingPinoy’s rise. How can a faceless persona gain the respect of the people. You missed where to look, you should not be looking for the face behind the mask, you only need to look at the idea.And yes, when you are surrounded by self-absorbed journalists who are paid to do a job and despite the small following, have the gall to get their Social Media profiles verified — you cannot make sense of the unfunded faceless individuals who fight for an idea. You cannot help but attach motives behind it — Propaganda.Confirmation Bias: Bots have emotionsWe are all slaves of the bias of our culture, environment, education and readings. As factual as you are due to your journalistic background, it does not exempt you from having any bias after all. The only difference is that you “selectively” fact-check things before sharing it. Take Nobel Prize Winner Daniel Kanehman’s word for it, the Endowment Effect, which states “people ascribe to more value to things merely because they own them.” An intellectual, however snob, does not have immunity to his inherent human flaws, unless you’re a bot.In your FEAR CAMPAIGN of “Weaponizing the internet”, you mentioned almost everything in your #HackSociety interview that would validate your stand, but failed to quote a crucial statement from Data Scientist Stephanie Sy which said “But I think the piece they will never be able to mimic is that bots are not connected to real human beings, while real human beings are connected to real human beings. That’s what I think the most effective filter really is.” That’s my exact argument I mentioned previously, that is exactly my point. Why on hell did you not include that?Lastly, let me give you a taste of your own medicine: Deep Feelings: A Massive Cross-Lingual Study on the Relation between Emotions and Virality, a study conducted about virality and emotions in social media. And guess where the dataset came from? RAPPLER!Findings? Emotions obviously had an impact on sharing and discussions. Higher broadcast on inspiration, happiness and dominance.Conclusion: After reading the study and Maria Ressa’s Fear Campaign, I therefore conclude that BOTS HAVE FEELINGS! SAY No to extra-judicial feelings. Bots have rights.How can you not mention this in your uncompromising fact-based self-righteous Fear Campaign of Weaponizing Series? Anwer: Confirmation bias. With your intellect and fact-based attitude, you are still human after all @MariaRessa, let us welcome your humanity! Embrace it.The Rashomon Effect: Samurai’s Self-DeceptionIt is also obvious that we differ in the role of critical thinking and journalism. Much like me, I take it that you believe that you speak for the truth and what is right. This concept can be found in some religious texts. The Koran mentions “those who are wrongful while thinking of themselves that they are righteous.” We both claim to be righteous but only one could be right.Legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa brilliantly presented this conundrum in his film Rashomon — characters with different backgrounds (the wife, the samurai, the bandit, the woodcutter, commoner, priest) who offer self-serving and contradictory views of the same incident. We always have a tendency to save face, or pursue our own interest even up to the point of deceiving ourselves. Dan Ariely’s work, the renowned Behavioral Psychologist, has proven it countless times. If the honorable samurai was no exemption to that, what more for the journalists? Cognitive bias is a bitch and we are all its slaves.The Intent: We are all victimsMainstream media is a business and its job is to make the government accountable while profiting from it and making the investors happy. It might be a passion for you but it is still a job. For us, it is driven by passion, hopes and dreams. Our job is to make the government/journalist accountable simply to make this country better — nothing more, nothing less. That is the difference.As CEO, you have a business to run firsthand. For us, we only have this country to lean on. That is exactly the reason of the unprecedented social media movement you cannot dare to accept, because we finally have this uncompromising President who is spilling his later years of retirement and peace for the betterment of this country, for the ordinary Filipinos, the unwilling candidate who warned to not get himself elected, a strongman who came weeping and afraid to his mother’s tomb asking for help when the people chose him so. And yes, we will fight for this man, we will defend him like our own blood. Because while you elites are ripe with options, this man’s hopes and dreams is the only chance we have. His dreams are our own. His business is our dreams. And yes, we will protect him, we will protect our dreams.Despite the theatrics of having yourself called names in this event, you forget that it was you who first labeled us as paid trolls, bots, gamers of algorithm and propaganda machines. So by virtue of Kurosawa’s Rashomon, we are all victims here after all, and we have our own self-serving story to tell. Who’s interest are we truly protecting ourselves from? Who’s deceiving who?Yours truly,Anonymous Paid Trollp.s.——–Fourth Estate | Fifth EstateMainstream Media | Non-mainstream (Blogs, social media)Funded | Non-fundedFor Revenue | For a causeRappler, INQ | Wikileaks, TP, Sas, Mocha, GRPIntellectual Snob | PeopleNote to Maria Ressa, I still respect you for what you have done. But you cannot run a religion and a business at the same time for God’s sake. Learn from ThinkingPinoy, Sass Sasot, GRP and others — these people basically invested their free time for a cause, and that is why people trust them more.Lastly, your team’s intellectual snobbery backfired when they started demeaning people in comments section and discrediting Mocha Uson. Social media is a decentralized antifragile system, the more you hit it, the stronger it gets. As a journalist, your job is not to fight or justify yourself, your job is to keep reporting the facts. Let the people complain and rant about how bad you are doing despite your best efforts. That is the nature of democracy, which gives you the same right to criticize the government as you see fit. Remember, we are all victims here!———Uncopyrighted Under the rules of Zenhabits.net
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-10-17 21:26:15+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Much Ado About Nothing: Marcos Body That Will Be Buried In Libingan Ng Mga Bayani Is A Wax Model
Sometime in 2015, the publisher and editorial board of The Adobo Chronicles visited the Mausoleum in Batac, Ilocos Norte where the supposed body of the late Ferdinand E. Marcos is encased in a refrigerated glass coffin for adoring fans to view and pay homage to.We could not take photos or videos of the coffin which was perched up an elevated platform, surrounded by stanchions because it was prohibited. It was dark inside the room, except for the lights that illuminated the glass coffin. It was cold, but not necessarily because the room (or the coffin) was refrigerated. It was more like regular airconditioning for the comfort of visitors. Well at least that’s what we think. (In the hottest month of the year, Batac’s temperature averages at 84 degrees farenheit (29 degrees celsius).So after our visit to the Mausoleum, we concluded that what we saw was a wax model of Marcos’ body, similar to those we’ve seen in Hollywood’s wax museum.Don’t take our word for it though. We’re no experts.But here’s a link to an opinion piece by Antonio Montalvan II which recently appeared in the more credible Philippine Daily Inquirer.So you be the judge…And as far as those protesting Marcos’ burial in Libingan Ng Mga Bayani, are they really fighting a lost cause just because President Duterte is not about to change his mind about his decision to allow Marcos’ burial in LNMB? But more so, because it’s not the real Marcos that’s going to be buried there?
['Pol Pinoy']
15/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Pasay City Councilor Borbie Rivera Shot in SM Southmall
Pasay Councilor Borbie Rivera was shot by two gunmen in SM Southmall in Las Piñas City on Saturday night. He was rushed to the Asian Hospital and Medical Center in Muntinlupa City was declared dead-on-arrival.Senior Superintendent Marion Blongblong of Las Piñas City police sai Rivera sustained gunshot wounds in the head and body.It was around 8:30 p.m. when the councilor was shot by motorcycle-riding gunmen just outside the Door 4 of SM Southmall.In an earlier report by DZBB, it was said that the councilor's bodyguards were able to fire back at the gunmen one of which was seen boarding a black SUV after the shooting.The incident caused a commotion inside the mall where a 3-day sale was ongoing forcing the management of the establishment to temporarily suspend operations. The mall's operations went back to normal after police cleared the area where the shooting happened.SM Soutmall management released the following statement after incident:
['Vic Patnugot']
09/10/2016 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Commander “Destroyer” recounts how they successfully killed Omar Maute and Isnilon Hapilon
The commander of the 8th Scout Ranger Company known as “Destroyer” recounted to the Facebook Fan page Scout Ranger Books, how they successfully neutralized the two infamous terrorist leaders, Isnilon Hapilon and Omar Maute on Monday.According to “Destroyer” they did not expect that the group that they’re going to attack was the one led by Maute and Hapilon and they only realized that when they were informed by the hostages that they rescued after the operation.The operation led by Destroyer started at 7PM yesterday, together with the selected members of Army’s Scout Rangers and several special forces tasked to do the ‘final assault’ in Marawi City.They made sure that no enemy forces could escape the area so they deployed two units in both sides of the road where the Maute group would possibly pass.Together with two armored vehicles with thermal capability, the snipers from Scout Ranger patiently waited for the right time until dawn.Finally, after almost six hours, the scout rangers saw people passing the road that they’re guarding.The Scout Rangers quickly killed the terrorists who passed the road, but they didn’t know that the two were Omar Maute and Isnilon Hapilon who were planning to escape Marawi that day.Several members of Maute Terrorist Group attempted to recover the bodies of Hapilon and Maute, but they were prevented by the Scout Rangers who had already surrounded the area where Hapilon and Maute were terminated.When sunrise came, the Scout Rangers together with the armored vehicles assaulted the area where the bodies of Hapilon and Maute were located to recover the bodies of the two terrorist leaders.After they successfully secured the area, several hostages of the terrorist group were rescued and they informed the soldiers that they had successfully killed Omar Maute and Isnilon Hapilon.“sir, sina Isnilon Hapilon at Omar Maute ang mga napatay niyo.” the rescued hostages told the members of Scout Ranger.The soldiers led by “Destroyer” started to scream in joy after they were informed that they had already neutralized the people who started the bloody Marawi Siege.The bodies of Omar Maute and Isnilon Hapilon would be subjected to DNA testing, according to Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana.This was the whole story posted by Scout Ranger Books:Mula kay “Destroyer,” ang commander ng 8th Scout Ranger Company na nakatama kina Isnilon Hapilon at Omar Maute, ito ang mga huling oras ng dalawang notorious na terorista: Alam ng Scout Rangers at ibang units na sumusuporta sa kanila na cordon na nila ang isang grupo ng terorista pero di nila alam na sina Hapilon ito. Alas siyete ng gabi, nag deploy ng 1 team ng Scout Rangers sa dulo ng kalsada, sa may likod ng block. Kasama nila ang isang armored vehicle na may thermal capability. Isa pang team nag deploy naman sa kabilang dulo ng kalsada na pwede rin nila takasan at ganun din, may armored vehicle din. Alam nila na mag attempt tatakas ang mga terorista kaya nag abang ng nag abang ang mga Rangers. Hanggang 1:30 ng madaling araw, may tumawid. E alerto ang Ranger, boom kunana. Tumba ang isang terorista. Di nila alam, si Omar Maute na pala yun. E may pasilip silip pa din, akmang tatawid. Boom kunana, galing naman sa secondary weapon ng armored vehicle. Tumba din. Di rin alam ng Rangers na yun na pala si Isnilon Hapilon. Madaling araw, inattempt ng mga kasama ng dalawang terorista na i recover ang mga katawan ng dalawang tumba na kasama nila. E nilamayan ng Rangers. Kada may lumapit, pitikan. Pagliwanag, mabilisan na plano, para kunin ang dalawang bangkay na naitumba nila. Sa isang napaka daring na move, na pang action movie mo lang makita, pinasok ng mga Rangers kasama ang armored vehicles at mabilis na nakuha ang dalawang bangkay. Maya maya, naglalabasan na mga babaeng hostages. Tinakbo nila at sinabi: “sir, sina Isnilon Hapilon at Omar Maute ang mga napatay niyo.” Hiyawan, sigawan lahat ng tropa! Di nila akalain na natumba na pala nila ang dalawang leader ng mga terorista. Diyan natapos ang kasamaan ni Hapilon at Maute. (Special request ni “Destroyer” na itong picture ng “Destroyer” building ang ilagay sa kuwento na ito. Very memorable sa 8SRC ito dahil nakuha nila nung July pa ito at a very heavy cost — halos nahati ang kumpanya nila sa dami ng wounded at namatayan pa sila. At siyempre, team effort ang pagkakuha kina Hapilon. Special recognition sa mga units na kasama ng 8SRC na nag cordon sa block na ikinamatayan nina Hapilon.)The post of Scout Ranger Books went viral and gained thousands of praises from the netizens who were amazed by the braveness of the soldiers who risked their lives just to end the war in Marawi City that started five months ago.“Sana alam ng ating hukbo kung gaano kayo hinahangaan ng mga Pilipino. At sana malaman rin ng ating hukbo na laging nagdadasal ang mga Pilipino para sa inyo. Pride namin ang katapangan ninyo. Dalangin namin ang kaligtasan ninyo. At Pangarap namin ang natutupad dahil sa inyong sakripisyo. Maraming salamat sa inyong kabayanihan.” Abe Dano said after reading the story published by Scout Ranger Books.“Good job AFP and to our commander in chief Pres.Duterte.” Netizen Jan Kirkuk remarked.Netizen DjKnight Notarion also expressed his happiness that justice has already been served to his cousin PFC Marjun Maribao Edano who got killed in action during the Marawi Siege.“Kahit papaano, nabigyan ng hustisya pagkakadisgrasya ng pinsang buo kong SR sa Marawi. Rest well PFC Marjun Maribao Edaño. Naipaghiganti ka na ng mga katropa mo. Till we meet again insan!”On Monday, the government announced that Omar Maute and Isnilon Hapilon were killed by the members of the AFP.However, several members of Maute terrorist group both local and foreigner were still in Marawi City.Since clashes between state forces and the Maute group erupted about 5 months ago, about 753 terrorists have been killed. At least 47 civilians and 155 soldiers also died in the conflict. Thousands were forced to evacuate.President Duterte vowed to rehabilitate Marawi City when the siege is over.They did not published any photo conducted during the operation that killed Omar Maute and Isnilon Hapilon so commander Destroyer requested to use the photo that taken during their successful operation in July because that is one of the most memorable and hardest operation that they conducted.During that operation, almost half of them were wounded and some of them were killed.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2017-10-16 23:48:30+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
COMELEC hacked by Anonymous PH
Photo Credits: COMELEC Website ScreengrabThe Commission of Election website (http://www.comelec.gov.ph) was hacked by the famous Anonymous Philippines. The group is demanding to COMELEC to add more security features to the PCOS machines because many people believes that the machines that will used in 2016 Presidential Elections is very vulnerable in cheating.The hackers only known for their aliases ~n3far1ous | ./kh4lifax | sec.anonops#pR.1s0n3r | busabos | POWERFUL | ~ManilaBoy | s4v4nt.r00t | ~1nvictus | mumervs rider |Anonymous Philippines is a group of hackers known for delivering their messages by hacking government websites and social media accounts of famous celebrities. Some experts already worried that the PCOS Machines is possibly manipulated by some hackers that will result in nationwide cheating.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-03-27 23:38:30+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Filipino Fashion Designers To Picket President Duterte’s First SONA
Contrary to tradition, the red carpet will not be rolled out when Philippine President Rod Duterte delivers his very first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 25.The SONA has always been an event that many look forward to every year, especially by female members of Congress and the wives of the lawmakers. It is Hollywood Philippine style where Filipinos and the media are more interested in who’s wearing what than the actual message by the president.It is therefore not a surprise that the country’s top fashion designers have banded together to picket Duterte’s SONA.Duterte, now known for his simple, unconventional fashion style like the maong tagalog (denim pants to match his rolled-up-sleeves barong tagal0g), has advised SONA attendees to wear business attire instead of formal wear.The protesters complained about their loss of income as a result of the red carpet cancellation.Aside from the Pinoy fashion designers, people in the jewelry business are also joining the picket. And so is Alfredo Barraza, the Colombian designer responsible for the much-maligned national costume of former Miss Philippines MJ Lastimosa which many say cost her the Miss Universe crown in Doral, Florida.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/07/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Suspect in kidnapping and raping a 4 month old baby arrested
The Social Media was alarmed by the news of a four month old baby who got kidnapped and raped in Carcar City, Cebu.The baby was kidnapped and allegedly raped by 5 suspects including his father on February 9.The victim was found by an old lady 100 meters away from her house. A coconut wine was also found in the crime scene, showing that the suspects were drank when the crime happened.After a one day of searching, the authorities finally arrested the prime suspect behind the brutal crime.The suspect was identified as Jonathan Marse, 40, a native of Bohol but now lives in Barangay Perrelos, Carcar City, Cebu.The other suspects including Marse admitted that they are using illegal drugs when they surrendered to the authorities before.
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2017-02-10 19:12:11+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
didn’t pay a courtesy visit to the president of a country he recently visited: the to visit the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Gates is the biggest donor of the Institute, contributing $18 Million dollars annually.Reports also indicate that the billionaire couple spent some R&R in a plush resort in Palawan, a fast-growing tourist destination in the Philippines.A spokesperson for Malacañang Palace (the presidential residence) confirmed that back in November, Gates requested for a courtesy visit to President NoyNoy Aquino, but that the request was subsequently withdrawn by Gates himself. No reason for the withdrawal was given by the Palace.Many Filipinos are comparing the snub to the time of the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos, when then First Lady, Imelda Romualdez Marcos was stood up by the visiting Beatles, and failed to show up for their scheduled appointment at Malacañang.A source close to Gates told The Adobo Chronicles that the reason the billionaire cancelled the request was because he was later informed that Aquino is a chain smoker. Mr. Gates, a health buff, didn’t want to be exposed to second-hand smoke if he visited with Aquino.All things cleared. No politics involved!
['Pol Pinoy']
12/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
In Philippine history wherein the Philippine head of state (such as the President) places an area under the control of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and its predecessor bodies. Martial law is declared either when there is near-violent civil unrest or in cases of major natural disasters, however most countries use a different legal construct like "state of emergency".AdvertisementTypically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunals (court-martial).SponsorSo what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
17/01/2017 0:00
News Media PH
AlDub To Endorse Duterte For President And Marcos For Vice President
It is THE endorsement that every Philippine presidential and vice presidential candidate has been hoping for. The endorsement from AlDub, the noon-time TV show phenomenon and love team of Alden Richards and Mae Mendoza. With their millions of fans and their tweet world record, such an endorsement could all but determine the next president and vice president.Well, that time has come. AlDub has officially endorsed Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Bongbong Marcos, both of whom have sealed their first-place finish in the latest national polls.The AlDuB nation — members of the Alyansang Duterte at Bongbong — couldn’t be happier with the latest polls.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
#PNoy apologists fail to see destruction being wrought by Aquino admin on the #Philippines' democracy!
"When the President condemns the Court, and the Legislature responds with threats to curtail its independence, and when even intellectuals and lawyers argue that it is warranted, there is reason to believe that we now live in dangerous times not in the hands of revolutionaries, but from people sworn to govern us."And when those who are vigilant enough to run to the Constitution and avail of the remedies allowed legally to make the President answer for acts which they consider to be actionable offenses are considered enemies of the people, instead of defenders of the rule of law, there is reason to believe that our polity is at risk of becoming no longer that of law."(Above is an excerpt)Read the full article by Antonio P. Contreras, former dean of De La Salle University on GMA News Online:http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/373431/opinion/blogs/political-upheavals-anti-democratic-elites-and-the-pseudo-revolutionary-president
2018-01-10 22:04:02+00:00
In Photos: American activists rally against Duterte in New York
” DUTERTE IS A MASS MURDERER” a signage flaunted by the members of Voices of Communities of Activists and Leaders (VOCAL) in New York. These American activists blast the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte for allegedly neutralizing drug dependents through extrajudicial killings Wednesday, August 24.The group is calling the President as a mass murderer and call for justice. They staged the rally outside the Philippine embassy in New York.Look at the photos below:Please LIKE our facebook page below for more fresh news about Duterte!
2016-08-24 23:08:56+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Philippine Government To Sue Dolce&Gabbana For Copying Filipina Dress
with the butterfly sleeves, embroidery, and even the hair-in-a-bun sported by Deutch. There was no mention whatsover of its Philippine inspiration.Upon seeing Instagram photos of Deutch wearing the gown, the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs immediately filed a complaint with the Italian Embassy in Manila, while threatening to sue Dolce&Gabbana for an undisclosed amout and royalty.What do our readers think? Does the Philippines have the right to sue Dolce&Gabbana?
['Pol Pinoy']
04/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Hontiveros likens Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte’s action to ‘dictator Marcos’
Senator Risa Hontiveros lashed back to Davao City mayor Inday Sara Duterte-Carpio after the latter asked her followers and the Department of Justice if the lady senator is becoming the new spokesperson of the Maute terrorist group.According to the lady senator, the tactic used by Inday Sara was also used by the former President Ferdinand Marcos against his political enemies.Statement of Senator Risa Hontiveros.
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2017-06-10 15:45:38+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Duterte jokes Sekkingstad: Go sightseeing in Davao City
Duterte jokes Sekkingstad: Go sightseeing in Davao CityPresident Rodrigo Duterte couldn’t help but invite freed Norwegian hostage Kjartan Sekkingstad to go sightseeing in the Philippines first before heading home to Scandinavia.However, Duterte joked that Sekkingstad should just do so in Davao City where he can assure his safety.Sekkingstad, who spent a year under hostage by Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) bandits, was presented by Duterte to the media Sunday night (September 18) in Davao. The foreigner was freed Saturday afternoon.“He’s going to just stay behind. Maybe just…ah he’s also leaving?” Duterte said of Sekkingstad. The President was apparently surprised to learn that the latter was going to leave the country that same evening with the Norwegian ambassador.“You may want to go around but near my city. Not in those islands because I don’t have control over those,” Duterte said, eliciting some laughter.Sekkingstad, 56, was kidnapped by the bandits at the Holiday Oceanview Samal resort on Samal Island in the province of Davao del Norte in September 2015.Sekkingstad is the resort manager. Two of his three fellow captives were beheaded after their ransom demands weren’t met.
2017-06-17 01:46:57+08:00
Pilipinas Online Updates
Did NUJP sarcastically said that they will cover the funeral of President Rodrigo Duterte?
Blogger Sass Rogando Sasot posted a screenshot of a conversation between her follower and a Facebook page allegedly handled by National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.The photo posted by Sasot shows that the Facebook user who did not named by the Pro-Duterte blogger criticized the alleged page of NUJP and called them ‘garbage’.In response, NUJP allegedly lambasted the followers of President Rodrigo Duterte and called them ‘stupid’ and they boasted that they are still existing even the term of the current administration ended.“Actually, we don’t really care about how you guys think about us. Kasi kung iisipin namin yun ano na lang kayo? eh ang tingin ng iba sa inyo eh mga b*b* at blind followers kayo. Were here to do our job. Too bad for you, we will still be here sa panahong nakababa na sa pwesto yung mga sinusuportahan nyo. Oh sya. Marami pa kaming gagawin. Bye” NUJP allegedly told the netizen.The netizen replied and he/she told the NUJP that the organization doesn’t have a credibility anymore.NUJP again, sent a message to their critic again and they mentioned Department of Justice (DOJ) secretary Aguirre who faced controversy for allegedly shared wrong information to the press.“Sino may sabi? Si Sec Aguirre? Baka Kuryente? Baka Fake News?” The Facebook page said.The page sarcastically told the critic that he/she must pray for the health condition of the President. They also said that they would cover the funeral of Duterte when something bad happened to him.“Pag pray mo si Tatay Digz. Malubha na daw sya kaya puro pictures na lang ang lumalabas. Wag ka mag-alala. Icocover namin ang burol. hahahahaha” the FB page added.Most of the followers of Sasot believed that the conversation was authentic, because NUJP is one of the critics of the Duterte administration.But some netizens were doubt the authenticity of the conversation and they believed that NUJP members are not ‘immature’ enough to say that kind of words.Sasot insisted that the screenshot that was sent to her was authentic.NUJP is not yet releasing an official statement on the post of Sasot.
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2017-06-17 01:46:57+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista