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FIBA Brawl: Basketball Australia Issues Statement
Basketball Australia has issued a statement regarding the brawl which ensued in the qualifying game between its players and the Gilas Pilipinas team:“Basketball Australia deeply regrets the incident in tonight’s match between the Boomers and the Philippines in Manila. We are extremely disappointed with what happened and our role in it,” Basketball Australia chief executive Anthony Moore said.“This is not the spirit in which sport should be played and certainly not in the spirit in which we aim to play basketball.“We apologise to our fans and will await the penalties to be handed down.”“In hindsight, our players shouldn’t have worn their yellow jersey. We didn’t realize that the Dilawan (Yellows) are very much hated by the Filipinos.”
['Pol Pinoy']
02/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leila’s Dilemma: To Lie or To Hide
Bilibid or not! The national penitentiary (the “New” Bilibid Prison) at the heart of Imperial Manila, the supposedly most secure (i.e., MAXIMUM security) facility on the face of the republic for incarcerating the worst criminals in this corner of the planet and thereby ensuring the public these scumbags CAN NEVER EVER cause any more trouble in Philippine society again, had become the Command Center of the top drug lords of the country under the watch of then Justice Secretary and Noynoy’s trusted appointee… newly elected senator Leila De Lima.The series of videos below shows damning evidence proving the culpability of this woman, which eats at the very foundations of her integrity and competence for public service. Sit down, relax and enjoy the show – as usual totally appalling comedy that can only be made possible in a country overrun by dysfunctional idiots.It can only take a President like Rody Duterte who has the political will, valor and basic common sense to go up against these dark forces (such as this woman), in order to dismantle the complex drug network in the country, which had only flourished practically unhampered by the previous administration’s incompetent lineup of Noynoy-hand-picked bozos.The videos speak for themselves, so I will no longer reiterate the details. The point is to make the woman behind this unbelievable fiasco answer for all this mess. At this point, Leila De Lima has two choices: To continue to LIE and sing LALA to cover her naked exposed ass and assume all is well, or to start hiding like the rest of the generals, congressmen and mayors who have been bribery-bought protectors of these drug syndicates all these years.My advise to Leila De Lima: tama na panloloko mo ng taong bayan, magtago ka na sa DILIM.1. DE LIMA nahuling NAGSISINUNGALING tungol sa droga sa Bilibid2. Leila de Lima, bagsak ang grado sa pagsupil ng droga sa Bilibid!3. Drug Lord Herbert Colangco inaming nagbabayad sila ng 7 million pesos for protection sa mga generals!Note: Herbert Colanco who you see going “elbow-to-elbow” with De Lima in the formal gathering in video #1 is one of the top 3 drug lords (video #3) that had been operating their command center and enjoying first-class accommodations in the national penitentiary. Credit goes to all the video posters and network news agencies for the above exposés.
2016-07-31 11:24:43+00:00
Get Real Philippines
WATCH: Robin Padilla, Duterte in a new video
Actor Robin Padilla and PDP-Laban presidential bet Rody Duterte have released a new a video-in-tandem where Padilla is seen talking about the problems in the country and only Duterte can solve those.The actor also slams the ruling party’s slogan “Tuwid na Daan”.“Aanhin pa ang Daang Matuwid kung tinatahak lang ng iilan?” said Padilla.Here is the full videoAny thoughts on this video? Leave your comments below!
2016-04-27 13:54:10+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Presidential Candidate Rodrigo Duterte Wants Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. To Be His Successor
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, candidate for Philippine president, has anointed his successor should he be elected in the coming May elections. And it is not his VP running mate Senator Alan Cayetano. Rather, it is Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr.Duterte is running under the banner of the PDP-Laban Party while Marcos is the VP candidate of the People’s Reform Party.The mayor made the statement in a meeting with Ilocos Governor Imee Marcos, during which he extolled the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos whom he considers a friend.In the same meeting, Duterte said that if as president, he does not solve the criminality and other problems of the country within three to six months, he will turn the presidency over to Bongbong Marcos.Cayetano has not returned our calls for comment, but we suspect he is very heartbroken.
['Pol Pinoy']
20/02/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Earlier this week, the Rev. Al Sharpton declared that “people that were from Puerto Rico all would have to go back if their parents were undocumented.” In other words, Sharpton believes that Puerto Ricans are not U.S. citizens.Soon enough, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, while speaking to a group of investment bankers and hedge fund owners in New York City, allegedly declared that if elected, he will revoke the U.S. citizenship of all Puerto Ricans because they are “not part of the American race.”While Trump mentioned only Puerto Rico, his campaign told reporters that he meant to say all citizens from the territories of the U.S., including Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands and Northern Mariana Islands.“We don’t really need these non-Americans and I don’t need their votes to win the presidency,” Trump said.People born in these five territories are automatically U.S. citizens. However, under the federal electoral college system, only those residing in one of the 50 states of the U.S., and the District of Columbia, are eligible to vote for U.S. president.So while Trump was wrong to say that Puerto Rico and the other territories are not part of America, he was correct in saying he doesn’t need their votes because they can’t vote for president.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
“Do not touch my EX-Driver”: De Lima appealed for the life of Ronnie Dayan
Senator De Lima appealed for the life of her EX-Driver and rumoured boyfriend Ronnie Dayan.On Saturday, August 20, De Lima says that Ronnie Dayan called her and told her that he cannot asleep after some people reportedly hunted him 3 – 4 weeks ago.“Sana ho ‘wag ninyo siyang galawin,” De Lima said in a news conference on SaturdayDe Lima asked the authorities to not touch Dayan without any arrest warrant.“Sana po ‘wag ‘nyo siyang damputin. Puwede ‘nyo lang siyang damputin kung meron kayong warrant of arrest. Pero ‘pag wala pong warrant of arrest, sana po ‘wag siyang pakialaman.” De Lima added.According to the Senator, her Ex-Driver is currently hiding somewhere in the country.Dayan also asked some help to De Lima, because Dayan don’t have any food supply left in his hideout.“Nagpapa-SOS na raw ho. Kung puwede nga daw ho, tulungan ko siya dahil sobra na ang pangamba niya. Wala na nga daw ho siyang makain.”De Lima admitted that Dayan and her became very close, but she didn’t tell if they are really in a romantic relationship.
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2016-08-20 17:08:04+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
“I do not believe in religion, but I believe in God” President Rodrigo Duterte
President Rodrigo Duterte revealed his beliefs during his speech before the officers and members of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines at the Manila Hotel on November 4,2016.He revealed that he’s don’t believe in Religion, but he believe in God.Duterte: I don’t believe in religion, but I believe in God | LIVE: https://t.co/CaczwF9CtH pic.twitter.com/szxynhhUGN — CNN Philippines (@cnnphilippines) November 4, 2016“Ako naman, I don’t believe in religion. I believe in God, pero yung religion wala na yata” President Duterte said in his speech.He said that he don’t know if the God he embracing is the God who worshipped by the people.President Duterte believes that this world is full of agony and horror.“It is really a planet full of agony and horror and everything, and you think where is God” President Duterte added.He also said that he cannot accept young people being raped.“I could probably swallow a beautiful mutya being raped but I can never accept a one month, 18 months, one year child being raped and killed”
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-11-04 19:05:51+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
What happens to Filipinos when they can no longer “make sumbong”?
There is something to be said about Filipinos and their ability to engage opponents fairly.In a fair engagement, you recognize the situation and the position you’re currently in, and assess them. You discuss possible options. You recall your strengths and weaknesses, and how to use the former for leverage, and how to best minimize the effects of the latter. You also analyze the situation and position of your opponents, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and move them into positions, such that they are neutralized and exposed, respectively. And you do this all without external help.From the start of President Rodrigo Duterte’s term, we’ve come to see how Filipinos collectively engage their opponents:1) We’ve seen that the Liberal Party (LP), made up of many supporters of Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino, has repeatedly called on the United Nations (UN) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to intervene, in what they perceive as a spate of extra-judicial killings (EJKs), people who have been killed in the time Duterte has been conducting his anti-drug drive;2) We’ve seen the contrasting methods in which the Philippines would have engaged China, under both the Aquino and the Duterte administrations;3) We’ve seen how the Duterte opposition – a convenient catch-all term for several disjoint groups of anti-Duterte sentiment – has attempted to silence prominent Duterte supporter Mocha Uson by calling for, and supporting, a petition to shut down her Facebook page, and;4) We’ve seen how Maria Ressa and her hen party blog, Rappler, have complained about online trolls whom “the Internet needs to be taken back from”.Especially in the first three instances, the behavior of making sumbong – calling on an external entity that could be a “higher power” (think of a summoned Deus Ex Machina) – is very pronounced.The LP is attempting to make the issue of EJKs persist, despite the absence of a conclusive link between Duterte and the killings (i.e., that the killings are state-sanctioned policy). It has become widespread public perception, however, that the reason the LP is doing so is because it didn’t take the loss of its presidential candidate, Mar Roxas, too well. The LP knows, all too well, that public perception is against them in the Philippines because of the previous administration’s failures, so they’re calling on external entities like the UN and the ICC to help them get Duterte out of the chair, that’s supposed to be theirs.In engaging China, the Aquino administration was seemingly banking on US intervention – something which was never explicitly assured – in order to save the Philippines’ sorry ass. Never mind that it was the Philippines that, not only came out the aggressor, but also, seemed unable to live up to its word of “wanting to talk” and stay consistent.The Duterte opposition, in its current disjoint state, has simply been unable to make any sort of effective counter to Mocha Uson’s influence. They have brushed her off as a slut. They have labeled her and her followers “stupid” and as “trolls”. They have lampooned her and made her a subject of satire. None of it worked to diminish her influence. So, the opposition pulled out its most desperate card – to get her page shut down by Facebook.The fourth case mentioned is, from a certain point of view, a case of Rappler’s “making sumbong” to its reader base (or what’s left of it). But it really fits more into the mold of whining about them getting a dose of their own medicine, still not coming to terms with their loss of credibility, and being unable to counter the opponent effectively.While all the examples above come from the Yellow-aligned opposition, this sort of behavior is not exclusive to them. Many Filipinos who grew up in the streets are familiar with the concepts of “resbak” – calling for backup and for “the posse”.It is important to emphasize that what is being called out here is the behavior of Filipinos, wherein they “make sumbong” and ask for intervention when:a) They’re the ones who instigate the situation;b) They are doing so simply because they are not used to being on the disadvantaged side of the equation, and;c) They have not, net result, exhausted all the means with which to fight fairly and squarely.Whereas calling in for reinforcements is normally considered a last resort, certain Filipinos make it their default mode.That says a lot about those Filipinos and the sort of collective social intelligence that they are capable of.So, at this point, let’s answer the question posted in the title.They will most certainly lose face, and/or they will, most likely, give up something that they hold dear, unnecessarily. And that’s never a good thing.
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-10-25 09:58:36+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Critics who call for Duterte’s ouster should be charged with inciting rebellion
Critics of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte are frustrated. They are showing signs of desperation in their bid to get rid of him. An article recently published by blogsite Rappler advocated the ousting of Duterte — a duly-elected President who won without a shadow of a doubt. The author, Herbert Docena, also claims to be advocating for “real” democracy in the same article. The irony in what he wrote seems to fly way over his head.Docena claims to have tried appealing to Duterte prior to writing his Rappler manifesto — “signed so many petitions, issued so many statements, marched on the streets and called on the other branches of government to intervene” — among other things that he said preoccupied him to alleviate his frustration. But now, he says there is no other alternative than to remove Duterte illegally. In his own words “We are now left with no other option but to assert our inalienable and democratic right to call for his ouster.”It is not clear who he was referring to when he wrote “we”, but obviously it doesn’t include the 80% of the public who approve of Duterte. Those who voted for Duterte knew what they were getting because Duterte was upfront about his policies, particularly when he announced that he will wage a bloody war on drugs. His supporters accepted his foul-mouth and actually considered it a “breath of fresh air” because he was cursing the ineptitude of the previous administrators on behalf of the people.The problem with people like Docena is they seem to have low emotional intelligence. They are not patient. Okay, so he doesn’t agree with the current President’s policies. That’s acceptable. What’s not acceptable is him wanting to oust Duterte just because he doesn’t agree with his agenda. It is wrong for Docena to expect things will go his way just because he asked for it. For someone who claims to be a University of the Philippines professor during the day, he is quite naïve. God forbid he teaches his irrational views to his students. If you ask me, he should be sacked for advocating Duterte’s ouster.Docena is already calling for Duterte’s head to roll in such a short period of time just because he cannot get what he wants. And, mind you, a lot of the things he wants like ending contractualization, higher wages, better benefits, and improved job security, are impossible to be met in just twelve months. It seems he wanted Duterte to grant his request on his first day in office; as if Duterte can tell business owners to stop contractualization just like that. That’s so unrealistic. Does he want Duterte to be a dictator or what? He’s such a dreamer — a confused dreamer. Well, he can keep dreaming about ousting Duterte all he wants because “it ain’t gonna happen” unless he has the military backing his plans.Docena wants to get what he wants as soon as possible without actually doing all the leg work involved. Take Duterte for example. He was already in his seventies before he managed to climb to the top to do what he wants. Duterte obviously had a vision for the country and the Mindanao region for a long time. He most probably saw what was happening in Manila and elsewhere in the country from where he was sitting in his office in Davao City and could only shake his head in disbelief at how former Presidents like BS Aquino were mismanaging the Philippines.It was not easy for Duterte – a provincial mayor and someone who was not part of the Manila Polo Club set – to ease his way into the Presidential candidacy. It took guts for him to run against the usual suspects who were so sure they would win because of their name and pedigree. But he made it. Now that he is at the helm, he can implement his policies, like revising the Constitution to allow foreign ownership as well as work on Federalism. Those are things that could actually bring more jobs and create more opportunities under more independent states throughout the country.If Docena was really smart, he would realise that his ideas are not popular with the public, which is why all his efforts are not getting any traction. His ideas are likewise not solid. He can’t even explain what kind of “democracy” he is espousing. Consider his spiel:But there is at least one other better possibility they don’t want us to even imagine: a democratic People Power uprising which ushers in a very different, because non-exploitative and truly radically-democratic and participatory system. What exactly this new system is – how it will look like, how it will function, and what transitional steps should be taken for it to be established – should itself be the subject of more democratic debates and discussion: its very conceptualization and creation should itself already seek to practice the kind of radical, participatory democracy it seeks to establish.What kind of non-sense is he talking about? To begin with, the Philippines already has “participatory democracy”. The representatives in Congress are supposed to discuss whatever it is their constituents want. The only problem is, they don’t. What kind of system is Docena proposing that would compel Congressmen to bring forward the people’s woes to the discussion table? He has no idea, apparently.In a true democracy, ideas are thrown around in the market place of ideas until it catches on and take a life of its own. The only way for that to happen is for the speaker to speak as loudly as possible. In an age of digital public relations machines and propaganda wars, that is not easy to do. This is why Docena needs to work harder at getting his message across. Now asking people to back his plan to remove Duterte illegally is not going to fly. A people power revolt has been done so many times in the past and the public is sick of it. In the past, it only brought in chaos due to the power vacuum that forms after a head of state was illegally ousted. I suggest Docena and all the other people who agree with his ideas learn from the previous mistakes when Marcos and Erap were removed and stop this call for another revolt. It’s not going to help the poor he is supposed to be fighting for. It will only bring the country further back to the “dark ages”.Truth be told, Docena and the editors of Rappler should be charged for inciting rebellion against the Philippine government. They are asking people to throw the rule book out the window. Over the six years that I was criticising BS Aquino, I never advocated his ouster or illegal removal. I believe in due process and advocated following the rule of law – something the Liberal Party and people like Docena seem to be against. More importantly, I wanted BS Aquino to finish his term so that people will finally realise that the so-called Aquino legacy was nothing more than a sham.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-08-28 04:59:54+00:00
Get Real Philippines
US President Barack Obama’s eighth and final State of the Union Address
United States President Barack Obama delivered his eighth, and final, State of the Union (SOTU) Address at the United States House of Representatives last January 12, 2016.Whether or not one agrees with Obama’s politics and policies, and whatever one may think of him, I think it’s hard to deny that not only does he have a great speechwriter, he is one hell of a speaker as well.You can find the transcript of his speech here, or listen to him deliver it in this video.I leave the fact-checking of Obama’s SOTU address as a separate topic. There has already been at least one website out there that has done it.My point of reference, I must define, is that I can’t help but recall Philippine President Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino’s final State of the Nation address (SONA) from July last year. Quite simply, BS Aquino did a lot of what his critics pretty much expected him to do, based on his previous SONA’s.Keep in mind that BS Aquino’s supporters have tried to liken him to president Obama in the past, in the sense that they are supposedly both for change. BS Aquino, as his entire term has seemingly shown, was for anything but.If we think about it, the comparison between their speeches is easy. Obama’s speech is focused on the future, its challenges, and on working together. BS Aquino’s, on the other hand, was fixated on the past, adversarial, divisive, and, for lack of a better term, an undeserved self-congratulating self-fellatio.Both America and the Philippines will go to the polls for their national elections this year, the former in November, and Filipinos in May. As such, the question persists: what will Filipinos do differently this time, if indeed, enough is enough, and they are finally tired of their 30-year old democracy not working for them? Are they finally going to look for a leader with a vision, and scrutinize the both of them? Are they going to take a more active role in nation building, and not just leave everything to their politicians without holding them accountable? Are they going to not only choose leaders who can bring them together, but bring themselves together and use their diversity to their benefit?All of that seems like wishful thinking. Filipinos are lazy, mediocre, unnecessarily deferential to their politicians, and too focused on bickering unproductively amongst themselves to do so. Their idea of unity is disregarding and shutting down differences in opinion instead of welcoming them. Plus, they’re definitely not focused on the future; never have been, never will be.***Highlights from the State of the Union Address:Our unique strengths as a nation — our optimism and work ethic, our spirit of discovery, our diversity, our commitment to rule of law — these things give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security for generations to come.But such progress is not inevitable. It’s the result of choices we make together. And we face such choices right now. Will we respond to the changes of our time with fear, turning inward as a nation, turning against each other as a people? Or will we face the future with confidence in who we are, in what we stand for, in the incredible things that we can do together? So let’s talk about the future, and four big questions that I believe we as a country have to answer — regardless of who the next President is, or who controls the next Congress. First, how do we give everyone a fair shot at opportunity and security in this new economy? Second, how do we make technology work for us, and not against us — especially when it comes to solving urgent challenges like climate change? Third, how do we keep America safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman? And finally, how can we make our politics reflect what’s best in us, and not what’s worst?And that’s why we need to reject any politics — any politics — that targets people because of race or religion. Let me just say this. This is not a matter of political correctness. This is a matter of understanding just what it is that makes us strong. The world respects us not just for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity, and our openness, and the way we respect every faith.The future we want — all of us want — opportunity and security for our families, a rising standard of living, a sustainable, peaceful planet for our kids — all that is within our reach. But it will only happen if we work together. It will only happen if we can have rational, constructive debates. It will only happen if we fix our politics. A better politics doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything. This is a big country — different regions, different attitudes, different interests. That’s one of our strengths, too. Our Founders distributed power between states and branches of government, and expected us to argue, just as they did, fiercely, over the size and shape of government, over commerce and foreign relations, over the meaning of liberty and the imperatives of security. But democracy does require basic bonds of trust between its citizens. It doesn’t work if we think the people who disagree with us are all motivated by malice. It doesn’t work if we think that our political opponents are unpatriotic or trying to weaken America. Democracy grinds to a halt without a willingness to compromise, or when even basic facts are contested, or when we listen only to those who agree with us. Our public life withers when only the most extreme voices get all the attention. And most of all, democracy breaks down when the average person feels their voice doesn’t matter; that the system is rigged in favor of the rich or the powerful or some special interest.What I’m suggesting is hard. It’s a lot easier to be cynical; to accept that change is not possible, and politics is hopeless, and the problem is all the folks who are elected don’t care, and to believe that our voices and actions don’t matter. But if we give up now, then we forsake a better future.Those with money and power will gain greater control over the decisions that could send a young soldier to war, or allow another economic disaster, or roll back the equal rights and voting rights that generations of Americans have fought, even died, to secure. And then, as frustration grows, there will be voices urging us to fall back into our respective tribes, to scapegoat fellow citizens who don’t look like us, or pray like us, or vote like we do, or share the same background. We can’t afford to go down that path. It won’t deliver the economy we want. It will not produce the security we want. But most of all, it contradicts everything that makes us the envy of the world. So, my fellow Americans, whatever you may believe, whether you prefer one party or no party, whether you supported my agenda or fought as hard as you could against it — our collective futures depends on your willingness to uphold your duties as a citizen. To vote. To speak out. To stand up for others, especially the weak, especially the vulnerable, knowing that each of us is only here because somebody, somewhere, stood up for us. (Applause.) We need every American to stay active in our public life — and not just during election time — so that our public life reflects the goodness and the decency that I see in the American people every single day.[Display photo courtesy: wallstreetonparade.com]
2016-01-21 14:51:48+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Kids Catching A Huge Snake with Bare Hands For Dinner Go Viral
A snake is a wild animal and is generally considered as dangerous reptiles but that did not stop a couple of Cambodian kids from catching it. With their bare hands.Pictures or get the ef out, right? Well, not only they have photos to prove their bravery, but they have it on video which is now trending on social media. In the video that was shared by YouTube channel Simple Life, the two kids who were brothers, could be seen going to a murky creek in their area. Half naked and equipped with just a net to catch fish for the family's dinner.One can easily get tired of fish if it was served on the table every single day. So when the brothers felt something other than fish moving in the water, they know they were going to have an exotic dinner. They quickly reacted and got out of the water to safety to check and see if the slithering beast is of the venomous kind.When they found out it's not the case, there's only one thing left to do and that is to catch the snake. The process of capturing it proved to be a difficult task and at one point it seemed that one of the boys was bit.One of the boys finally get a hold of the head of the huge snake as it has ensnared the leg of the other boy.Many cultures in the world consider snakes as a delicacy with some of the most unusual recipe includes cooking the meat with drops of snake venom.
['Vic Patnugot']
2016-09-26 00:17:11+08:00
Pinoy News Blogger
“Harassed or Not” Sen. Ping Lacson believes Sen. De Lima should answer all allegations against her
Even De Lima was harassed or not, Senator Ping Lacson believes that the former Department of Justice Secretary should still answer all the allegation against her and face the house probe to defend herself.“Pang-harass man o hindi ang pinakaimportante masagot niya. Napakahirap i-ignore ang lumabas na testigo sa HOR kasi may pagkakatugma,” Lacson said in an interview on DIWZ radio Saturday, September 24.Lacson was referring to the recent Congressional Investigation on proliferation of Illegal drugs inside the National Bilibid Prison where VIP inmates who volunteered to become a witness pointed De Lima as their protector.Even some of the witnesses are convicted criminals, Lacson said that there is also two NBI who testified against the former DOJ Sec and they claimed that they delivered drug money to De Lima.Lacson said that De Lima must face the investigation and answer all the questions of the congress even she felt harassed.“Maraming issue na di mo pwede basta i-dismiss. Hina-harass na kung hina-harass, pero kung may ebidensya at may basehan ang ginagawang sabihin nating pagha-harass kailangan talaga masagot,” He addedDe Lima said that she or her lawyer would not attend the congressional inquiry because she believes that the only goal of the congress is to destroy her image.
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2016-09-26 00:17:11+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Vice Mayor Paolo Duterte blasts Sen. Trillanes “If I may suggest for him to take a psychiatric test as something is very wrong with his mind”
Davao City Vice Mayor and Presidential son Paolo “Pulong” Duterte blasted Senator Antonio Trillanes IV for reviving the alleged undeclared wealth of the President.The Vice Mayor lambasted the Senator for lying again and he would donate millions to the survivors of the Surigao Province Earthquake if Trillanes can prove his claims.“If this senator, whose name is not worth mentioning, could prove that I have those millions in the said bank accounts, then I will give them all to the victims of the earthquake in Surigao,” Duterte said in his statement.He dared the Senator to resign because of being a useless government official. Duterte also claimed that Trillanes already distrusted by the people“Kung gusto mo magresign Senator Ugok, magresign ka na. Huwag ka na madami pang dahilan. You are a useless senator and the people of the Philippines no longer believe you, You can rot in hell for all we care!” he added.During the Presidential Election, Senator Trillanes vowed to resign as Senator if he proved his accusations against Rodrigo Duterte who’s running for President.Paolo Duterte expressed his anger to Trillanes for implicating the family of President in his accusations.“This ‘ugok’ senator is again throwing wild accusations against President Rodrigo Duterte and dinamay pa nya kaming mga anak sa kanyang kagaguhan,” Paolo said.
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2017-02-16 23:02:25+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Miss Venezuela Banned From Entering U.S.
Donald Trump used to own the Miss Universe Organization which sponsors the annual Miss Universe Beauty Pageant.But now that he’s president, Trump wants nothing to do with the next Miss Universe — if it happens to be Miss Venezuela.Trump’s new travel ban covers 8 countries, including Venezuela.The Miss Universe Organization is headquartered in New York, and the winning beauty is provided an apartment in the Big Apple throughout her reign.Unless it is Miss Venezuela.Venezuela has accumulated more Big Four international pageant titles than any other country, including seven Miss Universe winners, six Miss World winners, seven Miss International winners and two Miss Earth winners.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
U.P. Oblation Statue To Be ‘Unveiled’
The Oblation, the well-recognized symbol of the University of the Philippines will soon be unveiled. Literally.The naked statue of a man (with just a leaf front covering), with hands outstretched and looking up to the sky, was designed by Filipino artist Guillermo Tolentino.The U.P. Board of Regents unanimouslty approved a resolution for the total unveiling to symbolize the university’s continuing search of the truth through education.Critics say, however, that it is the board’s strategy to diffuse and cover up the controversies that have plagued the university in recent months — including its politics, activism and its failure to make it to the topnotcher lists in professional regulation exams.No state funds will be used for ‘renovating’ the oblation statues at all U.P. campuses nationwide. An ‘endowment’ grant from concerned U.P. alumni has been set aside for this purpose.“It is a coming of age,” one U.P. student commented. “If students can run around fully naked during the annual “Oblation Run,” why can’t the very symbol of the university do the same?”One question remains between now and the unveiling: how endowed is the Oblation?‪
['Pol Pinoy']
30/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Chiz Escudero defends Duterte’s time out: “Hindi porket Pangulo ka hindi na pwedeng magpahinga”
Senator Chiz Escudero defended President Rodrigo Duterte against the criticisms received by the Filipino leader from his critics because of his absence in the public eye for almost five days.According to the senator, a President who’s having a little break from the grueling hours of work is not against the constitution.He also said that it’s not an issue for him that the President didn’t appear to the public for almost five days because there’s no law that would prohibit a public official to take some vacation or rest.“Hindi krimen ang magbakasyon ang pangulo, hindi porke’t pangulo ka hindi na pwedeng magbakasyon at magpahinga,” he said.Escudero also explained that if the President was in a vacation or don’t have any public engagements to attend, it doesn’t mean that Duterte is not doing his job as the leader of the country.He also said that if the President have a serious illness, the constitution clearly stated that Malacañang must inform the public about his real health condition.“Maliwanag ang probinsyon ng Konstitusyon at ito’y alam ng mga nakapaligid sa Pangulo na kapag seryoso ang karamdaman ng pangulo ay dapat ipagbigay alam iyan sa publiko,” he said.But the senator said that the President don’t need to inform the public about his health if there’s nothing serious about his condition, like what Duterte always said during his speeches.“Ngunit kung ordinaryong sakit at hindi seryoso ay hindi na kailangan ipagbigay alam sa publiko,” he added.“Seventy years old na ako. Yung lolo mo, tatay mo, at 70-years-old, alam mo sakit nila? Yun rin ang sakit ko,” President Rodrigo Duterte said during one of his public speeches.“Ang sakit ko po, just to make it clear, talagang yung nagkaproblema ako, it’s Verger’s Disease. It is a constriction of the blood vessel for a person who, yung nicotine. Tapos yung isa, well, of course, sa inom. Kagaya mo rin, yung Barrett Esophigial thing, erosion dahil sa inom,” he added.President Rodrigo Duterte’s absence since the Independence Day sparked rumors that he suffered in a serious illness that forced him to stop his appearance to the public.Members of the opposition urged President Rodrigo Duterte to explain his absence in the public eye since June 12 and they believe that he must state his real health condition.During Duterte’s absence in public, Malacañang explained that President Rodrigo Duterte was only tired and need some rest to rejuvenate himself.On Friday, during President Rodrigo Duterte’s first public appearance since June 12, he debunked the rumors circulated by his critics that he’s in coma.Duterte joked: “Nasa kama lang ako. Kayo lang nagsabi na-coma ako… Wrong spelling man ‘yan… Kung na-coma ako, magtindig kaya ako para mamut*ngin*?”“My state of health is what you see is what you get. I do not need anybody to ask me where I’m going. Kapag hindi niyo ko nakita ng limang araw, edi patay na” he added.
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2017-06-18 01:11:33+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Look: Pres. Rodrigo Duterte, PNP Chief Ronald Bato Dela Rosa and Senators in Malacang Palace
Photo Credits: King Rodriguez/CNN PhilippinesPresident Rodrigo Duterte held a meeting with PNP Chief Ronald Bato Dela Rosa, Cabinet Members and Senators in the state dining room in Malacanang Palace on August 16.The who Senators who attended the meeting are Joel Villanueva, JV Ejercito Estrada, Cynthia Villar, Alan Peter Cayetano, Ralph Recto, Richard Gordon, and Juan Miguel Zubiri together with Duterte’s Cabinet members Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III, Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, and Special Assistant to the President Christopher Go.The details about the meeting is not yet released, but the Netizens believe that the meeting is related to the upcoming Senate Probe about the alleged extrajudicial killings happening during the Duterte administration’s campaign against illegal drugs.The Senate probe would be lead by Senator Leila De Lima on August 22.
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2016-08-16 09:56:38+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Donald Trump’s Senior Aide Kellyanne Conway Will Be A Judge At The 65th Miss Universe Pageant In Manila
Former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen has confirmed that she is on the judging panel of 65th edition of the pageant here.The 41-year-old model-turned-actress was crowned Miss Universe in Manila in 1994 and she said she is excited as well as overwhelmed to return to the pageant 23 years later.Also named judge for the January 29 (January 30 Philippine time) pageant finals is U.S. President Donald Trump’s senior aide Kellyanne Conway.In announcing the selection of Conway as a judge, the Miss Universe Organization said that it was very impressed with her high fashion sense, as was evident in her choice of wardrobe at Trump’s inauguration last week. “We’re confident she will contribute a great deal to the judging especially in the selection of the Best in National Costume and Best in Evening Gown,” a Miss Universe Organization spokesperson told The Adobo Chronicles.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte cries after being touched by the sick kids who dedicated a song him
WARNING: This video will show the soft side of Duterte, prepare your tissue.Many People didn’t know that Mayor Duterte is a man who is hiding a soft side.Mayor Duterte is known in Davao as a man who really love kids and ladies, he also passed a law that every fine in the Anti Smoking Ordinance will be donated to the kids who suffers in deadly diseases like Cancer.On December 8, 2014. The kids from House of Hope that funded by the Anti-Smoking Ordinance of Davao City dedicated a surprise song for the Punisher.The song “Salamat” by Yeng Costantino were performed by the kids for the Davao Mayor and the Punisher who is known for being tough and Macho became Teary-Eyed.According to the source of the video, this is one of the best reason why Duterte must become the President of the Philippines.Also read -> 3.2 Million Pesos worth of smokers fines donated to kids with cancer
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2016-04-13 19:15:53+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
#Philippines' damaged culture issue remains relevant today after 25 years!
I came across an old article about culture in the Philippines from The Atlantic magazine – 1987. Interesting to revisit it after 25 years to see what remains valid“The countries that surround the Philippines have become the world’s most famous showcases for the impact of culture on economic development. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore–all are short on natural resources, but all (as their officials never stop telling you) have clawed their way up through hard study and hard work."Unfortunately for its people, the Philippines illustrates the contrary: that culture can make a naturally rich country poor. There may be more miserable places to live in East Asia– Vietnam, Cambodia–but there are few others where the culture itself, rather than a communist political system, is the main barrier to development. The culture in question is Filipino, but it has been heavily shaped by nearly a hundred years of the 'Fil-Am relationship.’ The result is apparently the only non-communist society in East Asia in which the average living standard is going down.”-- James FallowsFull articlehttp://m.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/1987/11/a-damaged-culture-a-new-philippines/7414/Source:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/04/indeed-the-real-issue-is-not-the-philippines-it-is-filipinos/comment-page-1/#comment-233635
2017-04-25 20:13:26+00:00
Indonesian-owned @MERALCO sucks profits out of the #Philippines while Pinoys grope in the dark! #asean
The perils of allowing foreigners to own key infrastructure management and development companies and entrusting an incompetent government to keep it honest..."I've just read all of Meralco's annual reports from 2007 to 2013. There is not a single sentence in any of these reports that Meralco has strengthened, or even plans to strengthen, its infrastructure to withstand typhoons as our neighboring countries have done with their electricity systems."The responsibility given by the government to Meralco, in exchange for having a monopoly over some 5 million households, is not just to provide electricity at normal times. It is to build a power infrastructure that can resist the most powerful of typhoons, as Metro Manila and the adjacent regions make up an area hit every year by typhoons."Read the full article by Bobi Tiglao:http://www.manilatimes.net/screw-indonesian-controlled-meralco/112949/
18/12/2017 0:00
Leni Robredo Beats Duterte To Typhoon-Ravaged Eastern Visayas
Never underestimate a woman, especially if she is Vice President. She could beat any man in a race to be first.For several days now, many Filipinos have been wondering why the usually talkative Leni Robredo has been silent over the devastation brought about by typhoon Urduja to the Eastern Visayas.Well, the wondering is over.Yesterday, when President Rodrigo Duterte flew over Eastern Visayas to inspect the typhoon damage, he was surprised to spot Robredo already on the ground visiting with victims.”Naunahan ako ng P*tang *na,” Duterte was overheard saying aboard the Presidential helicopter.It wasn’t clear whether the Vice President flew by plane or took the bus to the Visayas.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Part 3: Inday Sara slams Trillanes on Friday the 13th
Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte chose to make a rant against Sen. Antonio Trillanes on Friday the 13th. This is her 3rd strike after she slammed Sen. Kiko Pangilinan and Sen. Risa Hontiveros for being opportunists.This time, Inday Sara set a fire on Trillanes as she challenged him for a “FIGHT”. The lady Mayor tagged Trillanes as Pinocchio.She also highlighted on her post that it is about time to break her silence and help her father for the propaganda these senators are building against the President. Read her full message below:1995 election issues dds goons, gold and girls 1998 election issues dds goons, gold, girls 2001 election issues ad nauseam 2004 election issues ad nauseam 2007 election issues ad nauseam 2009 CHR Delima dds investigation 2010 election: dds goons, gold, girls, bastos, dynasty 2015 Trillanes asks for support ambisyon VP, was rejected 2016 election issues: same old 2017 Trillanes: “Hindi ko pa kilalang mamamatay tao at magnanakaw ang tatay n’yang si Pres. Duterte, Iba na ngayon, alam ko na ang katotohanan” Naconfine ka ba ng matagal sa mental? Alam na ng buong mundo ang isyu pero ikaw hindi mo parin alam? You are lying. Maiba pa tayo, since now we have established lying, prove to everybody that piece of shit paper of bank accounts you are waving around is not fake, Pinocchio. Tigas ng mukha mo magsabi pamilya ng mamatay tao at magnanakaw kami pero nagtatago ka sa parliamentary immunity. Pakita mo bayag mo, huwag mo itago yan sa Senado. If you made VP Binay go away without a fight, ang babae na Bisaya hindi umaatras. Kayangkaya ko makipag away ng tatlong dekada, laking Mindanao ako. Kung ang Presidente ng Pilipinas ay inaaway ko, ikaw pa ba? Kala mo porket tahimik ako dahil takot ako, kagwang, umiiwas lang ako sa away. Pero may hangganan ang lahat, now is your time to shine.. Don’t ask us to prove you wrong, prove first na hindi ka nagsisinungaling. Fight!Your thoughts on this? Leave your comments below!
2017-10-13 11:47:19+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
assuring the world community that everything was under control. Today, almost eight months since this tragedy, people are still missing; hundreds if not thousands remain homeless; many government buildings, roads and bridges are still waiting to be rebuilt; and jobs, especially among those who depend on fishing and agriculture, are nowhere to be found. Indeed, everything is under control. When a robbery occurred in a jewelry store in one of Metro Manila’s shopping malls, Roxas was among the first to personally respond to the crime allegedly perpetrated by a notorious gang, assuring the country from inside the mall that things of this nature will not be tolerated. Today, the crime rate and gang activity have not diminished.in one of Metro Manila’s shopping malls, Roxas was among the first to personally respond to the crime allegedly perpetrated by a notorious gang, assuring the country from inside the mall that things of this nature will not be tolerated. Today, the crime rate and gang activity have not diminished. When the country experienced a severe shortage and price hikes for garlic , Roxas rushed to a warehouse in Manila, carrying a 50-kilo (110 pounds) sack of fresh garlic on his shoulder, assuring the Filipinos that they will have ample supply of garlic at affordable prices. The shortage and price hikes only got worse., Roxas rushed to a warehouse in Manila, carrying a 50-kilo (110 pounds) sack of fresh garlic on his shoulder, assuring the Filipinos that they will have ample supply of garlic at affordable prices. The shortage and price hikes only got worse. When the country experienced a shortage in rice, the main Filipino staple, Roxas again rushed to one of the government warehouses of the National Food Authority, carrying a 50-kilo sack of imported rice, assuring the people that they will get their daily rice in no time. Many warehouses and retail stores went empty of rice supply soon thereafter.the main Filipino staple, Roxas again rushed to one of the government warehouses of the National Food Authority, carrying a 50-kilo sack of imported rice, assuring the people that they will get their daily rice in no time. Many warehouses and retail stores went empty of rice supply soon thereafter. In the aftermath of a powerful typhoon that hit Metro Manila just recently, causing one of the worst traffic nightmares ever experienced by people in the metropolis, Roxas took to the streets to personally direct traffic. The gridlock escalated and Manila’s streets became virtual parking lots.We believe that Roxas’ extraordinary dedication as a public servant and his selfless passion to solve the country’s social and economic problems make him the best qualified to be the next president of the Philippines.That his wife, Korina Sanchez (yes, the same Korina Sanchez who criticized CNN’s Anderson Cooper for his coverage of typhoon Yolanda), is one of the recognizable faces on television, is definitely a plus. She would make a great First Lady, perhaps not in terms of collecting thousands of pairs of shoes like Imelda Marcos, but rather thousands of pairs of flip flops.Roxas and Sanchez will once again put the Philippines on the map!
['Pol Pinoy']
05/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was busted for his role in war crimes committed during the administration of his former boss, George W. Bush.This is the first time that Cheney was made to answer for his crimes on U.S. soil. He was busted at the U.S. Capitol. The war crimes include torture suffered by victims at the hands of soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.Ironically, Cheney’s busting was witnessed by no less than Bush himself.In 2012, Bush, Cheney and other key members of their administration were found guilty of war crimes in a trial held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were tried in absentia.Responding to questions from the media after Cheney was busted, Bush said he was relieved that his Vice President was just busted, and not hanged.
['Pol Pinoy']
04/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
It was the search for weapons of mass destruction that prompted the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. It was to become the legacy of the administration of George W. Bush. But neither the ‘shock and awe’ that began the Iraq war nor Bush’s speech on board USS Abraham Lincoln with the sign ‘Mission Accomplished’ emblazoned behind him produced any evidence of WMDs.Now, it can be revealed that the regime of Saddam Hussein indeed harbored weapons of mass destruction, not hidden anywhere within Iraqi territory, but stashed away on the planet Mars.The National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) has released photos taken by one of two rovers on the red planet. The photos showed what appears to be artificial light emanating outward from the planet’s surface, and beamed millions of miles from Mars to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.Scientists were quick to speculate that intelligent beings exist in Mars. However, a confidential memo from the U.S. Department of Defense confirmed that the light beam was part of the cache of WMDs which it said Iraq sent to the red planet just weeks prior to the U.S. invasion.Both NASA and DOD are currently determining whether the WMDs were rocketed to Mars in unmanned spaceships or whether there actually are Iraqis now on Mars who are managing and maintaining the weapons.
['Pol Pinoy']
08/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Jover Laurio Unveils The Veil She Would Be Wearng At Her Wedding
The Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has sent many Filipinas thinking about their own wedding veil and gown when they eventually say “I do.” (Not the British way saying “I will.”)Pinoy Ako Blog’s Jover Laurio today unveiled the veil she’d like to wear when she eventually gets married. Evenually.
['Pol Pinoy']
20/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
An Open Letter To Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg
Dear Mark Zuckerberg:I am writing to you as your fellow American who holds the First Amendment in the highest regard. It is precisely our inalienable right to free speech that I think fueled the growth and popularity of Facebook worldwide.I watched with pride as you held your ground before the U.S. Senate hearing, dismissing suggestions from our lawmakers that Facebook needs to do a better job in policing citizen posts on your social networking site.But I was extremely disappointed at the news that Facebook chose to partner with Rappler and Vera Files for the purpose of fact-checking news and information on your social media platform.You may have been fed the wrong information about these two Philippine entities. They are not necessarily the epitome of truth and non-partisanship. Most Filipinos will tell you that they are both biased against the current administration supported by more than 90% of the population, many of whom are Facebook account holders.I am the publisher and writer of the satirical news site The Adobo Chronicles, registered as such with the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office.I am sure that you and your wonderful employees at Facebook understand the difference between fake news and satire.So when your chosen partner, Rappler, fact-checked The Adobo Chronicles about a “news story” we published months ago about its CEO Maria Ressa, it begs us to question the credentials of Rappler as a non-partisan and competent fact-checker.I’m sure you’ve been informed that the same Maria Ressa previously blamed Facebook for the political unrest and proliferation of fake news in the Philippines.I assume that Facebook’s intent is to fact-check individuals and organizations that deliberately and maliciously spread false information for political and other partisan interests.The Adobo Chronicles is a news satire site. Our disclaimers are clear as crystal. Yet Rappler’s first fact-checking project since the announcement of your partnership was to fact-check our satirical site.Where is the legitimacy and sensical basis for a fact-checker franchised by Facebook like Rappler? We can only surmise that Rappler’s intent in fact-checking us was self-serving. They used their new-found “power” as a weapon for damage control in view of their declining credibility as a “news” organization.Rappler has also violated the Philippine Constitution which prohibits foreign ownership of media companies. And that is a fact.I am confident that Facebook will not condone any violation of laws in the U.S. or elsewhere, including the Philippines.May I suggest that you leave the fact-checking to your individual subscribers and account holders. They’re intelligent enough to make the proper discernment. Yes, Filipinos included. (And let me tell you, the only ones happy abou Facebook’s partnership with Rappler and Vera Files are… Rappler and Vera Files).With much respect and admiration,Rene M. AstudilloThe Adobo Chronicles
['Pol Pinoy']
16/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
SOBRANG NAKAKAIYAK DUTERTE PAPUNTA NA SA MARAWI CITY MAGHAHATID NG TULONG!So what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
11/03/2018 0:00
News Media PH
at the highest levels of government by the biggest newspaper in London,” Clooney said about the film project.“The pork scandal in the Philippines has the potential of being a film epic because of its magnitude and the number of people, agencies and companies that were involved,” Clooney said.Clooney himself will play the role of Bong Revilla, Jr. It is rumored that TV host and presidential sister Kris Aquino will play the role of businesswoman and pork barrel mastermind Janet Lim Napoles.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Forget about the containers of filthy trash sitting in the Port of Manila (imported from Canada as recycled plastic). It’s nothing compared to what happened to a shipment of laundry detergent imported by a local company from a still unnamed country.Enroute to the Philippines, the ship, containing tons of detergent, sank amid bad weather in the Pacific Ocean.Watch the video to see what happened next.
['Pol Pinoy']
31/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
President Duterte presents 3 laws on property security, education, and workers’ safety
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on Tuesday, October 9, led the presentation of three significant legislation focusing on the enhancement of personal property security, education, and establishments’ mandatory compliance for workers’ occupational safety.In his speech, the President expressed gratitude to the congressional leadership for the expeditious passage of the three bills.“These three legislative measures do not only represent the vibrant and constructive relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the government but also signify our common desire to set aside partisan and political interests…may we work together in securing the well-being of our people,” President Duterte said.The Republic Act 11057, or the “Personal Property Security Act,” establishes a unified and modern legal framework that will allow the use of personal property in securing obligations.The new law is expected to promote economic activity by providing Filipino entrepreneurs, particularly the micro, small, and medium enterprises or MSMEs, easy access to credit that can be secured by movables.The Republic Act 11058, or “An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards,” concentrates on mandating employers to make their workplace safe and healthful for their employees.“The law intends to protect workers from the hazards of their own work environment by ensuring that existing labor laws and social legislation, as well as international standards in occupational safety, are strictly enforced,” the President noted.Moreover, the Republic Act No. 11079 offers the Integration of the Maasin City College into the Southern Leyte State University.The new education law addresses the educational demands of the people of Maasin, Leyte and forms part of the government’s agenda of improving the quality of tertiary education across the nation.The Chief Executive, born in Maasin, was elated with such development. “I’m happy for the Maasin guys to have their own state university. It’s a long dream doon.”“It is my sincere hope that by affording the youth of Maasin City access to quality university education, they will be further inspired to take part in nation-building through highly specialized research programs in various fields of endeavor,” he continued.President Duterte presented R.A. 11057 to Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III, the R.A. 11058 to Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III, and R.A. 11079 to Commission on Higher Education Chairman Prospero De Vera III.
2018-10-10 22:55:28+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
A Tale of Three Genetic Mutations: Aquinos’ Rare Deleterious Alleles, Genghis Khan’s ‘LCT Gene’, and Charles II’s Inbreeding Depression
A Piece of ChalkNobel Prize-winning physicist Steven Weinberg is one of the deepest and most original thinkers in modern physics. His research has mostly been in the theory of elementary particles and the related quantum theory of fields, together with occasional forays into cosmology. One thing I like about Weinberg is that he’s not just a brilliant physicist, but he’s is also a great expositor of popular science like the late Stephen Hawking. Considered by his peers and intellectual adversaries alike to be the preeminent theoretical physicist alive today, he continues to write a plethora of subjects that have also earned him a reputation as, in the words of “New York Times” reporter James Glanz, “a powerful writer whose prose can illuminate—and sting.” Throughout his career, Weinberg has penned a series of popular-science bestsellers, including “The First Three Minutes,” which is one of my personal favorite classic accounts of the “Big Bang,” the modern theory of the origin of the universe and most recently “To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science”. He has also written articles on all sorts of things, from philosophy and religion to space and exploration and missile defense. He’s not quite a household name but he is regarded by many in his field as one of the most brilliant physicists today because of his seminal contributions in cosmology and particle physics.In the early ‘90s, he wrote an essay entitled “On a piece of chalk” (the title was taken from a famous lecture of the same name given by Thomas Huxley in the 1860s) in his seminal book “Dreams of a Final Theory”. In his essay, Weinberg explains that, whenever we ask “why?” questions in science, we seek an answer in the simplest terms. We can keep on asking “why?” questions, and we might end up with what might be called an arrow of explanation. One of the examples he cited was a piece of chalk. He asks: Why is chalk white? He explains that we can give an answer in terms of the light absorption properties of chalk. Why does chalk have its absorption properties? He further explains that the answer has to do with the molecular states from which chalk is made. He also explains that if we can keep on asking “why?” questions in this manner, the arrow of explanation points to the ideas of particle physics.By the same token, Weinberg points out that if we keep asking the question “why?” in other fields of sciences such as biology, we will eventually lead to the idea of molecular genetics and the DNA molecule…[Huxley] explained in his talk that the chalk is composed of the skeletons of tiny animals who absorbed calcium salts and carbon dioxide from ancient seas and used these chemicals as raw materials to build little shells of calcium carbonate around their soft bodies. The question is, why plants and animals developed organs like calcium carbonate shells that help them survive. The key was provided by the work of Darwin and Wallace that Huxley did so much to popularize and defend. Living things display inheritable variations—some helpful and some not—but it is the organisms that happen to carry helpful variations that tend to survive and pass these characteristics on to their offspring. But why are there variations, and why are they inheritable? This was finally explained in the late 1950s in the terms of the structure of a very large molecule, DNA, that serves as a template for assembling proteins out of amino acids. The DNA molecule forms a double helix that stores genetic information in a code based on the sequence of chemical units along the two strands of the helix. Genetic information is propagated when the double helix splits and each of its two strands assembles a copy of itself; inheritable variations occur when some accident disturbs the chemical units making up the strands of the helix.Weinberg grew up in an era when groundbreaking breakthroughs had been made in molecular genetics iby James Watson, the then young professor of Harvard and Francis Crick, his co-discoverer of the DNA. These scientists were driven by intellectual curiosity in medicine and biological sciences. In the late 1930s, geneticists knew that genes were the basic unit of inheritance. They knew a great deal about how genes function, but they did not know the composition of a gene. Descriptions were vague and ranged from “a molecule of living stuff made up of many atoms held together” to the “ultimate unit of life.” Every molecular biology student worth his or her salt knows that that a gene is a specific stretch of nucleotides in DNA (or in some viruses, RNA) that contains information for making a particular RNA molecule that in most cases is used to make a particular protein. And each cell contains thousands of different genes and makes thousands of different RNAs and proteins. Gene expression is the process by which the information in DNA is converted to RNA and then to protein. The description of the flow of information involving the genetic material was termed the “central dogma” of molecular biology by Francis Crick in 1957. The central dogma was stated by Crick as “once information has passed into protein it cannot get out again” although it was a misnomer. Crick’s choice of the word dogma was not a call for blind faith in what was really a central hypothesis.In the years following the discovery of the DNA, no discipline in biology has ever experienced and explosion in growth and popularity that molecular biology is now undergoing. There is intense public interest in the Human Genome Project and genetic engineering, due in part to fascination with how our own genes influence our lives. For decades, DNA was largely an academic subject and not the source of dinner table conversation in the average household or something that you curl up before going to sleep. In 1995 this changed when media coverage of the O.J. Simpson murder trial brought DNA fingerprinting to homes across the world. Two years later, the cloning of Dolly the sheep was headline news. Then, in 2001, scientists announced the rough draft of the human genome sequence. In commenting on this landmark achievement, former US President Clinton likened the “decoding of the book of life” to a medical version” of the moon landing. Increasingly, DNA has captivated Hollywood and the general public, excited scientists and science fiction writers alike, inspired artists, and challenged society with emerging ethical issues.What is less known in the public is how the field of molecular biology clashed fiercely with another field in biology—the great schism between molecular biology and organismic biology (or evolutionary biology). The eventual convergence and reunification of these two fields produced some excellent and groundbreaking discoveries in science in order to understand life, its diversity, its mechanism, its history.The Convergence of Molecular Genetics and Evolutionary BiologyEvolution is such a major tenet of biological sciences that in 1973 there’s a famous dictum articulated almost decades ago by the great Russian-born population geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky, and still true, still important: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” In the early 70s, noted Harvard biologist Jonathan recalled the event when Dobzhansky delivered a speech to the summer meeting of the Society of Zoologists, of which he was outgoing president. Dobzhansky lamented in his speech the unfortunate trend within his beloved science: the incipient schism between molecular biology and organismic biology. Molecular biology at the time was relatively new, glamorous, and riding high because of James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins after they had just won the Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of DNA. Dobzhansky personified them as bright young scientists. Losos remembers the apparent schism of this community of people who worked on biological sciences… Many scientists who worked on molecular biology were awarded each year for work on this field. Doubts were expressed on each side about professional competence and ethical standards. Molecular biology was attracting a lot of bright young talents compared to evolutionary biology. Some of the molecular hotshots were inclined to dismiss evolutionary biology as less modern, less rigorous, and less scientific. Dobzhansky was hopeful—and prescient—that this division would lead to new insights, far-flung truths, and then back toward the unification of a larger, more robust biological sciences. The biggest news in biological sciences today is that, unlike the growing schisms between string theory and loop quantum gravity, the trend now is toward convergences and cooperation.One of the great benefits in reuniting molecular biology with evolutionary biology will be in discovering which phenomena can be explained at the molecular level, and which are evolutionary alone. Losos cites some excellent cases on how studies of evolution have been augmented recently by investigations of the lactase mutation and inbreeding depression at the molecular level through genome scan technology and how these genetic mutations of famous people altered the course of history.Genghis Khan’s LCT Gene and His Conquest of the Jin EmpireThe debate on whether humans are still evolving or not often captures the popular imagination and regularly leads to conflicting claims even amongst media practitioners, scientists, and academics. Some people argue that evolution is no longer relevant to humans and that our technological advancement will allow us to modify our environment so effectively that many have argued that we have removed our species from nature. Even prominent scientists and science communicators have claimed that humans are no longer subject to natural selection and that humans have effectively ceased. They further argue that gene frequencies might still change over time through random factors such as genetic drift, but if our culture effectively removes us from environmental stress, then natural selection will no longer occur. We rather depend now on culture and technology for survival, rather than the random mechanism of variation and natural selection. On the other hand, other people argue that the vast migration of humans into new environments, coupled with an unprecedented increase in the global size of the human population, and dramatic changes in our diet, are predictive of an unparalleled intensification of evolution or natural selection in the near future. However, regardless of which forces eventually prevail in the coming millennia, the idea that human evolution will somehow cease is one that is increasingly difficult to sustain. In fact, humans have evolved rapidly and remarkably in the past 30, 000 years. One example of our relatively recent trait within human genome is provided by evidence for strong natural selection on the gene that controls lactase production. Among populations with a history of cattle herding or pastoralism and milk consumption, the ability to metabolize lactose is maintained into adulthood. Lactose tolerance is one of the best-studied examples of natural selection that has recently acted upon our species after the domestication of animals, and independently among different populations.In “The 10,000-Year Explosion: How Civilizations Accelerated Human Evolution”, anthropologist Henry Harpending and co-author Gregory Cochran explored the explosion of human evolution in history, including the prominent role of milk and how lactose-persistent trait shaped human history. Lactose-tolerant populations, they claim, could aid the spread of their civilizations and cultures. They argued that lactase persistence made them better conquerors:“Cattle herders of East Africa in the region of the Upper Nile and further south are lactase-tolerant milk drinkers due to a younger mutation of their own. They, too, have expanded: They have become warlike, and there are fascinating parallels between their religious and social structure and those of the ancestral Indo-Europeans. Another separate pair of mutations causing lactose tolerance happened in Arabian peninsula, driven in the case by the domestication of camels. This may have been an important cause of the explosive growth of Islam and the Arab conquests of the seventh century AD and later.”The most spectacular example is Genghis Khan, otherwise known as the “Scourge of God” (he probably deserved that nickname than Attila the Hun). In the early 13th century, the Jin Dynasty of China had the strongest, fiercest, and most brutal army in the world. In neighboring Mongolia, the forces of Genghis Khan were miniscule in comparison. With an army ranking ten times the size, the Chinese should have easily annihilated an invading Mongolian force. Genghis Khan and his whole country had probably 100,000 soldiers. China at the time had at least one million soldiers. Despite their lack of numbers, the Mongol armies of Genghis Khan had a secret weapon hidden in the nuclei of their cells. Many people in Mongolia are lactase persistent, so they are able to drink lots of milk, which is incredibly nutrient dense. Not all adults are able to digest milk. Many Mongolians had a developed a genetic mutation which meant they were able to digest sugar from milk into adulthood. It is one of the strongest signatures of natural selection of any single trait in our genome. The milk-drinking mutation was common among Mongolians, but not among Chinese Jin. Where the Jin people were all using primarily carbohydrates. The problem with the carbohydrates is that the energy is depleted very quickly. But Genghis Khan’s warriors revived themselves with horse’s milk and cheese. This made them meaner, leaner and fitter fighter with a physique built on strong calcium-rich bones. And the Mongol soldiers didn’t just benefit individually, their ability to digest milk affected their whole military strategy. The Chinese had as many animals pulling food as carrying people, so the soldiers often had to walk into battle because the animals were being used to transport food in very large amounts. The Mongolians milked the mares they rode and drank them frequently. This gave the Mongols great strength in battles. They may have only had 100,000 soldiers but every soldier was a warrior. Not only did the Mongol army make use of every soldier, it could also travel fast. It gave them ability to strike anywhere in the Chinese empire. The Mongol diet proved very advantageous in their battle against the Jin. The Mongols had a great advantage and they were able to use this in a strategic way in their fight against the sedentary people who depended on agricultural products. Milk became the food of conquerors like the Mongolians. The milk-digesting mutation spread fast. Legend has it that Genghis Khan had many wives and sired hundreds of children. The genetic mutations of the Mongolians gave them the advantage against the Jin dynasty and this could have altered the history. There was another genetic mutation which led to the downfall of other dynasties. One happened centuries ago in Spain and the other one most likely happened recently in the Philippines.Inbreeding depression and the downfall of the Habsburg DynastyThe European royal dynasties provide a rich source for the study of the effects of high inbreeding coefficients which could lead to inbreeding depression. One of the most important dynasties of the Modern Age was the Habsburgs. In 2009, Gonzalo Alvarez, a geneticist at the University of Santiago in Spain, and his colleagues measured the impact of high inbreeding coefficients on the Hapsburgs—and Charles II in particular—by building a detailed genetic makeup of the dynasty. They charted the detailed genealogy of Charles II’s ancestors and other relatives. The inbreeding coefficient was very important on this study.To calculate the probability that Charles II was homozygous at any of the loci, Alvarez and colleagues worked their way through his ancestry. His father, King Philip IV, was the uncle of his mother, Mariana of Austria. And Philip and Mariana themselves were also the product of a long history of inbreeding, going back to the early 1500’s. As a result, Charles II was more inbred than the children of a brother and a sister. Their findings offer a more accurate genetic framework for understanding the decline and the eventual downfall of the Habsburg dynasty… Noted evolutionary biologist Carl Zimmer hailed this breakthrough in “Evolution”:Charles II belonged to the great Habsburg dynasty, which took over Spain in 1516 and dramatically expanded its sphere of power. When Charles II became king of Spain in 1665, the Spanish Empire was the greatest power on the planet. In the New World, its power reached from California down to the tip of Tierra del Fuego. In Europe, Spain possessed half of Italy. It held sway over much of the Caribbean as well as the Philippines. But all that would soon end.Charles II was crowned at age four, and from the start it was clear that the boy was an unfortunate monarch. He had a host of deformities, including a jaw that was so large it left him unable to chew and a tongue so big he could hardly be understood when he spoke. He did not walk until he was eight, and he was such a poor learner that he was not formally educated. He vomited and suffered from diarrhea all his life. By age 30 he looked like an old man. All this suffering earned Charles II the name El Hechizado—“the Hexed”—because he was widely believed to be the victim of sorcery.Spain suffered under Charles’s reign. Its economy shrank as it fought a host of small but draining wars. And worst of all, it became increasingly clear that Charles II would not produce an heir. The Hapsburgs had long feared such an outcome; to hold onto Spanish rule, they had taken to marrying within their family. Charles II not only failed to produce an heir with his two wives but also lacked any brothers or other Hapsburgs who could succeed him. And so, when Charles II died in 1700 at the young age of 39, he left the throne to Philip, a French duke who was the grandson of his half-sister and King Louie XIV of France.Philip was not just the King of Spain now. He was also in line of succession to the French throne. There was a real chance that he might eventually become king of united France and Spain—a prospect that terrified the rest of Europe. Soon England, the Netherlands, the Holy Roman Empire, and other European powers declared war to stop Philip from creating a super-empire. They battled not just in Europe, but in their colonies as well. The English in the Carolinas waged war with the Spanish of Florida; in Canada, they battled the French and their Indian allies.The War of the Spanish Succession claimed hundreds of thousands of lives by the time it ended in 1714. Spain and France were defeated and forced to sig away substantial parts of their empires. Philip forsook the French throne. Spain fell into decline, while England started its rise to become the most powerful empire on the planet.Any major event in history has numerous causes—a complex interplay of geographical, economic, political, cultural, and historical circumstances. But one of the most important of them that is rarely discussed in history involved population genetics—specifically, how the genes of Spanish kings made their way through generations of the Hapsburg dynasty. Like many royal dynasties before them, the Hapsburgs tended to marry within their extended family. It was quite common for first cousins to marry, for example, and uncles even married nieces. Marrying relatives kept power within the dynasty, but it had an unfortunate side effect known as inbreeding.Rare recessive alleles can be preserved in large populations, even if they are deleterious, because the more common dominant alleles overshadow them. In an inbreeding population, however, rare deleterious alleles can become unmasked in homozygotes. That’s because parents tend to be closely related and are thus much more likely to share rare alleles than are two people picked at random from a large population. When close relatives marry and have children, the chance that their children will be homozygous for theses alleles is greater than for children born to unrelated parents. The more closely the parents are related to each other, the greater the odds. The recessive alleles, previously hidden, combine in homozygotes and affect their phenotype and cause the downfall of the Habsburgs. These rare deleterious alleles more likely caused the decline of another dynasty in the Philippines…Kris’s histrionics, Noynoy’s lack of empathy, and how their rare deleterious alleles more likely caused the decline of the Yellow DynastyThere’s a strong likelihood that the failed presidency of Noynoy Aquino is a story of inbreeding depression and high inbreeding coefficient as well as history, because numerous evidence of his personality and character seemed to suggest that there was something rotten in the gene pool of the Aquino family. During his presidency, Noynoy Aquino had presented a peculiar set of psychiatric and behavioral signs which are typical of the behavior of some psychiatric patients I have encountered in the locked-up unit of behavioral health facilities here in California, such as empathy-related deficits, inappropriate affect in dealing with tragedies and natural and man-made catastrophes and having the constant habit of blaming other people for his own mistakes, among other things. One of his striking peculiarities is that he lacks empathy. He manipulates people yet feels no compunctions or regrets at all—in fact, he does not feel particularly deeply about his countrymen at all, whether you’re a victim of tragedies or calamities. His incompetence and failed leadership ushered in a period of chaos which led to Duterte’s victory in the presidential election. His constellation of ominous signs prompted me to investigate while taking a much-needed respite in graduate school. With a little searching, by way of one or two among those Google results, I have realized that it is possible that Noynoy had inherited a rare autosomal recessive inherited genopathy as a consequence of inbreeding or consanguineous marriages among his ancestors.Here’s an excerpt from an online biography of the Aquino family:Aquino, Jr.’s parents, Benigno S. Aquino, Sr. and Aurora Aquino Aquino, were related, albeit already third cousins. Benigno Sr.’s great-grandfather, Hilario Aquino, was the brother of Aurora’s great-grandfather. Cory and Ninoy first met when they were nine years old. Their fathers were both congressmen and Jose Cojuangco was the godfather of Ninoy’s younger sister, Lupita. Ninoy’s brother was married to Cory’s cousin.Unlike Charles II in which you have geneticists and researchers citing strong evidence for inbreeding depression within the data set from the Spanish Habsburg, we Filipinos don’t have a complete or detailed empirical evidence on their inbreeding coefficients. But there’s strong likelihood that the inbreeding of his ancestors most likely caused their gene pool to have rare deleterious alleles. His late father Ninoy most likely “carried” these hidden recessive deleterious alleles and passed them to Noynoy, Kris, and Joshua. Like Noynoy, there’s also a possibility that Kris and her son unfortunately inherited those autosomal recessive genes. Kris’s most likely diagnosis is histrionic personality disorder. According to “The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM), the official psychiatric coding system used in the United States, “[p]atients with histrionic personality disorder show a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Clue to making the diagnosis include theatrical and overblown speech and seductive manner. They are uncomfortable in settings when they are not the center of attention. Their emotions are shifting and shallow, and they often interact with others in a seductive manner. Their speech is impressionistic and lacks detail. They are dramatic and theatrical and exaggerate their emotional expressions.” Kris’s latest brouhaha and spat with Mocha Uson is eloquent proof of her histrionic personality disorder. It is also known in public that Joshua was born with autism spectrum disorder. Their rare deleterious alleles more likely caused Kris’s histrionic personality disorder and Joshua’s autism spectrum disorder. (Numerous studies suggest that histrionic personality disorder and autism spectrum disorder are caused by genetic and environmental factors.)But let me delve a bit deeper into Noynoy Aquino’s neuropsychiatric and behavioral signs…Neuroscientists are now discovering that psychopaths and people suffering from a wide array of neuropsychiatric disorders suffer from a brain abnormality that sets them adrift in an emotionless world. From neurobiological or neuropsychiatric perspectives, Noynoy’s brain processes are different from other people. It’s as if he has learning disability or brain abnormality that impairs his emotional development. His lack of empathy probably stems from his underdeveloped or damaged brain. Studies through fMRI images have suggested that people who show little empathy like Noynoy have underdeveloped paralimbic system, a horseshoe-shaped band of tissues that are involved in emotional processing. Supporting this imaging studies show a pronounced thinning of the paralimbic tissues of the paralimbic tissue—indicating that this part of the brain is underdeveloped, like a weak muscle.This is where it gets more interesting. Studies have shown at the Harvard Medical School that some genes are responsible for regulating brain size. Scientists have identified a gene known as ASPM that can cause thinning of some areas of the brain. This is prevalent among nations where consanguineous marriages are common. There’s a strong likelihood that inbreeding depression caused by frequent and decades of consanguineous marriages of the Aquino family has ravaged their gene pool and eventual rare deleterious alleles more likely caused the downfall of the Aquino dynasty. Many of the symptoms could have been produced by genetic anomalies. Inbreeding can also give rise to homozygotes with recessive alleles that cause impotence or infertility—probably explaining why Noynoy remains bachelor. In other words, like the Habsburgs, the decline of the Aquino dynasty was due in part to inbreeding depression and genetic mutations.[Certain topics of this article in evolutionary biology (i.e., natural selection of lactose tolerance), organismic biology, and molecular genetics were excerpted from one of my graduate school term papers… References of this article include Carl Zimmer’s “Evolution”, Jonathan Losos’s “Essays from Laboratory and the Field”, Lizabeth Allison’s “Fundamental Molecular Biology”, Harpending’s “The 10, 000-Year Explosion: How Civilizations Accelerated Human Evolution”, and Steven Weinberg’s “Dreams of a Final Theory”.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-06-16 03:30:09+00:00
Get Real Philippines
WATCH:Senator Lacson quips: “Ingat kayo baka CCTV ni Sen. De Lima ang lumabas diyan”
Senator Ping Lacson joked during the Senate Hearing on “Tokhang For Ransom” case Thursday and reminded the PNP to be careful because they may play the CCTV Footage of Senator Leila De Lima while they are presenting the CCTV footage of the kidnapping scene.When Senator De Lima was asking if someone can improve the CCTV footage showed by the PNP, Senator Lacson suddenly quipped and reminded that they may play the footage of Senator De Lima.“Ingat kayo baka CCTV ni Senator De Lima ang lumabas dyan ah” Senator Lacson quips.After that everyone laughs including Senator De Lima who didn’t offended by her colleague’s joke.Lacson even said that Senator Bam Aquino saw a file in the monitor named “De Lima” but when De Lima asked if its real, her colleague clarified that he’s only joking.The CCTV footage and video recordings presented to the Senate is some evidences that will show that one of the suspect in the kidnapping-murder case of a South Korean Businessman SPO3 Ricky Isabel is present when the crime happened.
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2017-01-26 15:00:32+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Support Duterte's vision but criticize him for his blunders!
Leila De Lima hid all these information [revealed during the Senate inquiry on "extrajudicial killings" that she is chairing] during the Aquino administration. She should be sacked along with her cohorts. However, this case should be investigated thoroughly and, if what the witness had said is true, Duterte should join De Lima in a cell so they can sing kumbayah together.Moreover, if Duterte is only guilty of ordering thre killings of drug dealers, rapists, kidnapper, etc. – I do not see anything wrong with that. Why spend the taxpayers money to house and feed these menaces to society?But, if it can be proven that Duterte had order the killings of his political opponents or people who have not committed a crime – only a moronic idiot would still defend Duterte.I am a very big fan of Duterte but I also criticize him for the things he had said. My concern is for the country, not for one person.I refuse to be a loyal mindless sheep – where you just support and agree with an authority even if he/she makes a mistake.I remember one blogger on this site who said that Robredo supporters are the most rabid, which is far from being true.To single out Robredo supporters is ignorance and just plain idiocy, although I would not call that blogger ignorant or an idiot. It is much more of intellectual dishonesty. Sadly, there are mindless lemmings who agreed with that blogger without fact-checking.Some people say that Duterte is a dictator – which is a pretty effing stupid to say. Last time I checked, anyone can speak anything against Duterte without the fear of getting arrested, jailed, tortured, etc. Duterte is not a brutal and kleptocrat dictator like Marcos. Then again, the Ilokanos, Marcos apologists, and Marcos supporters would disagree.They said that Filipinos should move on and not talk about Marcos. As much as I like Duterte, I wonder why he did not say the same thing about the US atrocities in the Philippines some hundred years ago. Why would the Marcoses aplologize for Ferdi’s crimes when they did not have anything to do with it? Why would Obama apologize for something he didn’t do, or any living American didn’t do.Ladies and gents – I bring you Filipino hypocrisy at its finest. Many Filipinos act as if they are holier than thou, just like the ultra right wing conservative republicans, but they themselves stink to the core.Do I still like and support Digong? Hell yes but it would not stop me from crticizing him and defending him from all the political retards (Robredotards, Marcostards, PNoytards – including the Dutertetards.Being a blind loyalist to one party or leader is not the same as being loyal to your country. Country first before anyone else.Do not be a mindless retard. Support your party but you must also criticize them for any mistakes or wrongdoing.The ultra right wing idiots are just the same as the ultra left wing idiots – two stupid dogs in pod.---------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
29/09/2017 0:00
Politics is not politics without scandals. This scandal is about what appears to be a short-lived affair between Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz, Republican presidential candidates both.No, it’s not what you’re thinking. No romance is involved — at least none that we know of.Rather, it is an unusual $500,000 donation made by one of Cruz’s super PACs to Fiorina’s campaign.Even the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has no clue on why the donation was made by Cruz to a rival candidate. The super PAC was vague about the donation, describing it on its FEC filing as “other disbursement.” So, the FEC sent a letter to the super PAC asking for a statement or description of the disbursement.Many questions remain unanswered. Does the donation mean that Cruz, if chosen the party’s nominee for president, will pick Fiorina for his vice presidential running mate? But what about if Fiorina wins the nomination? Will Cruz ask for a payback by being named Fiorina’s VP?But then again, it might just be a gentlemanly gesture by Cruz in appreciation for the efforts of the lone woman candidate in a field of 37 Republican presidential candidates. Chivalry may, after all, still be alive.
['Pol Pinoy']
29/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Headless Priest caught on camera
The netizens were freaked out after seeing this post of Mr. Marivic Miranda.The priest that doing a communion on a church in the Philippines was became headless on the photo that taken by an still unknown person. There is also some rumours that something bad happened to the priest after the photo was taken.According to some photographer, maybe the angle of the camera was the reason why the priest is headless in the picture, but some people hardly believed the explanation and they still believed that the picture is a bad omen.The identity of the priest is not yet known, but the netizens is now investigating to find the true story about this picture.
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2016-03-06 17:22:13+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
This is the US' Response to Duterte's Statements Against Obama
Following the pronouncement of President Duterte to cut alliances with the world's giant, United States, another statement from the President has stirred an international commotion. This is when he told U.S President Barack Obama to "go to hell" and would prefer kneeling down before the king of Brunei and Malaysia than him. He also reiterated how the US has criticized him in the alleged extrajudicial killings which he described us "riding on garbage"thrown by his political rival. The president then pointed out that the US should have been supportive in his goal to end the chronic drug problem in the country.These are the exact statements of the President directed towards the US:"Instead of helping us, the first to hit back was the State Department, so you can go to hell. Mister Obama, you can go to hell,""EU better choose purgatory because hell is full.""If this is what happens now, I will be reconfiguring my foreign policy. Eventually I might, in my time, I will break up with America. I would rather go to Russia and to China. At least even if we do not agree with the ideology, they have respect for the people."
22/04/2018 0:00
Pilipinas Online Updates
Two weeks ago, CNN ran a banner headline announcing that ISIS was advancing “on two fonts.” The headline meant to read “fronts.” It was assumed that the error was a copyediting issue.But apparently, it was a hacking issue, and it happened yet again.CNN, while doing a live interview with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on the latest opinion polls, ran the headline (quoting Trump), ‘I don’t need posters.’ It meant to read “pollsters.”Well, it now appears that the two embarrassing headlines were the result of hackers breaking into CNN computers and stealing letters. They stole the letter ‘R’ in the first incident and the letter ‘L’ in this latest hack.We wonder which letter would be next!
['Pol Pinoy']
25/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Here is why Martial Law Cryababies are unable to move on…
The best revenge is success. So when someone does you wrong, pick yourself up, spend the next couple of years getting rich, then come back and slap your wads of dollars across that asshole’s face.I realise that this is the lesson that the now-famous viral photo of that girlette with the placard that goes “Kay crush di ako makamove on paano pa kaya kay MARCOS” sends across. The reason Filipinos cannot move on from the butthurt that continues to persist three decades after former President Ferdinand Marcos was ousted in that “revolution” is that they still lack the wads of cash that convincingly proves that the Philippines is actually better off after the “Marcos years”.Interestingly, the girl in the photo nailed the key parallel between the noisy angst of the Martial Law Crybabies and the lament of the heartbroken and those whose love is unreciprocated. Martial Law Crybabies only have their quaint slogans, their tired old protest rallies, and their hipster sense of entitlement to “justice” through which they can vent their tragic political heartache. Similarly, for those whose crushes never materialised into actual romantic romps in the sack, they have their “hugot lines” and drinking sprees with their confidantes to assuage a lack of proof that there are, indeed, “many other fish in the sea”.To the latter, the venerable modern-day philosophers of the 1970s, The Hotdog, sing about the only real cure to romantic heartache. The girlette in the photo should take this bit of advise that harks, quite ironically, from those “evil” Martial Law years…Noon ay crush na crush kita, hindi mo ako pinapansinAng gusto mo’y Assumptionista, wala kang time sa akin Ang sabi mo pa nga (HOW CHEAP NAMAN PARE! NAKU, SHE’S SO BADUY!)Ang puso ko’y dinurog mo, ang puso ko’y dinurog mo, sinaktan atbinitin HAOOM, HAOOM – Behh, buti nga, behh buti ngaNgayon ay bold star na ako, siguro tumutulo ang laway moBehh, buti nga, behh, buti nga, behh, behh, behh, behh buti nga!Draw the analogy from that and ask ourselves: can Filipinos sing a similar tune directed back at that era of the The Hotdog’s heyday? Is Philippine society measureably better than it was during the Martial Law years?In much the same way that it is difficult to move on from the sting of a snub by a crush until you could find a boylette to take selfies with while engaging in pillow talk to post on Facebook, it is difficult to move on from “the Martial Law years” until your country has extricated itself from its wretched state.These hipster “activists” need to realise that it is a lack of evidence in the eyes of Filipino voters that the Philippines is a better country today after 30 years of Yellow rule that ultimately cast doubt upon the old narrative that the Marcoses and those “Martial Law years” were all bad. No amount of sloganeering, rallying, and corporate-Media-sponsored propaganda will change the reality that the Philippines had essentially remained unchanged since the ouster of Marcos in 1986.That the Philippines failed to prosper over 30 years of Yellow-branded “democracy”, perhaps, stands as arguable proof that the cause of Philippine poverty was not a lack of “freedom” nor the plunder allegedly perpetrated by the Marcoses. For the evidence seems to show that the abundant freedom of the post-Marcos years did not translate to economic prosperity nor did the institutionalised plunder of the Philippines’ coffers end with the fall of the Marcos regime.
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-11-24 07:22:52+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo Agree To Out-Of-Court Settlement Of The VP Electoral Protest
In the interest of national unity and reconciliation, Bongbong Marcos and Leni Robredo have agreed on an out-of-court settlement of the former Senator’s electoral protest in connection with the 2016 Vice Presidential Elections.Instead of pursuing the ballot recount, Marcos and Robredo have signed an agreement that they will equally share the six-year term of the position of Vice President.According to the signed agreement, Robredo will serve three of the six-year term while Marcos will serve the remaining three.So Robredo will be Vice President until June 30 of 2019 while Marcos will be VP from then until 2022.The Presidential Electoral Tribunal, acting as the Supreme Court, has unanimously approved the agreeement.All’s well that ends well.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Rappler’s Maria Ressa Leads The Charge To Push For Freedom Of Spit
Promising that “we will hold the line,” Rappler CEO Maria Ressa spoke at a massive rally held this weekend at the Boy Scout Circle on Timog Avenue in Quezon City.In attendance at the protest were members of the news media, student journalists, the police as well as fish ball and kwek kwek street vendors. It was a mass action like no other.Despite the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision to revoke Rappler’s license as a media company for violation of the Constitution, and subsequent unrelated subpoenas she received, Ressa wask firm in her personal commitment as well as that of her online news company, to keep fighting for Freedom of Spit.
['Pol Pinoy']
20/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
According to the Constitution, impeachment is NOT the only way CJ Sereno can be removed from office
Why are some people so sure that Supreme Court justices can be removed only by impeachment? Art. xi.2 merely mentions one mode of removal, hence “may be removed from office, on impeachment”. Note the presence of the word “may” (in the 1935 and 1973 constitutions it was “shall”) but the absence of the word “only”. The language thereof doesn’t preclude other modes of removal.Art. viii.11 states that a justice stays in office “during good behavior until they reached the age of seventy years or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office.” That’s suggestive of three different and other modes of separation from office there.Then there’s Art. viii.7.3, which can be interpreted as a continuing requirement. to insist in the impeachment only argument is to make art. viii provisions inutile.Even the president can be removed by modes other than impeachment: Art. vii is replete with alternative modes, including the cabinet getting rid of the president by way of Art. vii.11. if memory serves, people (some later becoming noynoy cabinet members) tried that with GMA.Finally, the argument is made that removal of a justice byis not provided for in the Constitution. You know what else is not provided for in the Constitution that can cause a justice’s separation from office? Resignation and death. Yet both are commonsensically proper grounds.can be arguably considered because it speaks to the manner of obtaining the office. If the president, for example, does not follow proper process or qualifications in appointing a justice, impeachment cannot be the proper method of removal as the questionable acts were done not by the office holder but by the appointer.Finally, no express provision in the Constitution actually prohibitsagainst an SC justice.All of these are within the ambit of the Constitution. So to say that the constitutional process must be followed, then such should include all the foregoing.---------------------------Jemy Gatdula as posted on Facebook
2017-06-15 21:39:52+00:00
Before the heated confrontation between him and Duterte Youth, Jim Paredes invites non yellows in EDSA
A heated confrontation happened between OPM Artist Jim Paredes and the Duterte Youth during the anniversary celebration of EDSA Revolution held at EDSA.Mr. Paredes tried to intimidate the seven members of Duterte Youth who peacefully joined the rally of the yellow supporters who holds a banner to show their support to the current administration.After the confrontation, the rallyists stole the banner of the Duterte Youth and forced the group to leave the rally.But in a tweet of Jim Paredes, one day before the celebration, he invited everyone including the non-yellows and Duterte supporters to join the EDSA rally.After the confrontation, the Netizens criticize Paredes on his twitter account, but the OPM Artist explain his side.@Jimparedes Oh really? So what did you do to the young professionals group earlier? Quite a disgrace! 😒 — I Am Cris (@misty_eyes) February 25, 2017@Jimparedes Kala ko everyone is free pero galit na galit sa Duterte Youth. Anyare Jim? — Karla Joie (@aivysonyeo) February 25, 2017@Jimparedes If everyone is free to go to EDSA,not just yellow, then why are you mad? Your actions seem to contradict your own words Sir. — donnajane (@d_donnajane) February 25, 2017He denied that the rallyists drove away the supporters of Duterte.@mijitatralala WE did not drive them away. They stayed another hour or so. — Jim (@Jimparedes) February 25, 2017Mr. Paredes said that he respected the rights of the Duterte Youth to became disrespectful to their rally.@heromie_26 Di ko sila pinaalis. I respected their right to be disrespectful. Get your facts straight. — Jim (@Jimparedes) February 25, 2017
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2017-02-26 02:18:00+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
a contestant, a judge, an ‘On the Scene’ commentator and hundreds of the estimated 21,000 Florida-based Filipinos who live in the Metropolitan Miami Area.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
READ: Cayetano lectures ABS-CBNews
Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, while still in Geneva to defend the country before the United Nation, was still able to write an open letter to news network ABS-CBN for ‘misleading the the people’ and ‘ destroying the freedom of the press.Cayetano compares ABS-CBN’s report to GMA. Read his full open letter below.Dear ABS-CBN,Your article, Exhibit A, shows how supposed professional news media can politicize human rights and mislead people by giving alternative facts and fake news.…Compare your article:http://news.abs-cbn.com/…/cayetano-ph-war-on-drugs-exaggera…With Gmanetwork.com’s article:http://www.gmanetwork.com/…/cayetano-defends-duterte…/story/While GMA reported accurately why we called the alternative facts as misleading (because the EJK or deaths in past administrations numbered from 11,000 to 14,000 yearly) comparing it to the 9432 homicides and 2692 deaths resulting from presumed legitimate law enforcement operations, your article simply mentioned the 9432 and 2692 then jumped to New York Times’ “9400 drug death toll” and Reuters’ 9000, without mentioning the 11,000 to 14,000. Therefore denying your readers the information they need to make an informed opinion. You denied them the context of Team Philippines’ assertions making it appear we are just complaining without the real numbers and true facts to counter the altetnative facts. Click to Watch Video Below:Actually both articles failed to mention that the CHR and critics are not using the same definition of EJKs under the Aquino Administration, making it appear that EJKs ballooned during Duterte Administration, and asserting that it is state sponsored.But you could see GMA’s effort to report accurately while ABS’ effort is to perpetuate the false numbers/alternative facts.Here in Geneva, we are not promoting/defending any administration, we are advocating for the Filipino people and the Philippines as a sovereign state. So ABS, its time to decide, will you report accurately and help your country or will you continue to politicize human rights for your owners political and business goals?There are many many professionals and great journalist in ABS-CBN, I understand the situation you are all in. But haven’t you always reminded us politicians that keeping quiet or not doing what we can is helping evil prevail? Will we all just go with the flow of the bosses’ agenda? If yes, then it’s your network that is damaging freedom of the press not President Duterte or his administration.May we learn from all these.GOD Bless The Philippines! – Senator Alan Peter Cayetano
2017-05-07 20:30:11+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Filipino millenial voters deserve better than a 1970s-vintage ‘Never Again’ slogan
The youth is all about the future. This is why the ‘Never Aqain’ rhetoric of the anti-Marcos camp all but fails to resonate amongst the Philippines’ youth. That’s unfortunate for candidates and parties that have their so-called platforms firmly-rooted in the past. Young Filipinos, quite simply, do not care about the past, perhaps, rightly so, because there is not much about the past that is under their control.Indeed, many of those who throw hissy tantrums about the ‘victimisation’ of Filipinos by the regime of former President Ferdinand Marcos (FM) are, themselves, part of the very generation that ran the Philippines to the ground. They are the very Filipinos who foolishly held on to long-discredited notions, like (1) the idea that a ‘lack of freedom’ is behind the Philippines’ chronic backwardness, (2) that the Philippines can easily descend into ‘another dictatorship’ if people are not ‘vigilant’, and (3) that the Philippines can only move forward if ‘long-overdue justice’ is served.It is important to note, however, that whatever “sins” the Marcos family is supposedly guilty of is no different from the sins of the oligarchy that remains firmly entrenched in Filipinos’ social, economic, and political life. Perhaps there is much about what the government of FM allegedly perpetrated while holding the country in the grip of Martial Law to account for. But how is this different from the same thievery and injustice perpetrated by post-1986 governments and oligarchs?It is thanks to this very important aspect of how the Philippines failed to change under the watch of the old Yellow Guard that the Philippines’ youth are now standing immune to the poisonous propaganda that persuades us to think that Martial Law remains the singular cause of all the Philippines’ troubles. Indeed, much of the poison of the Yellow rhetoric has long since expired. And those who take up the new “cause” to “educate” Filipinos about Martial Law are simply an unappealing lot in an age of social media-savvy and telegenic influencers.The sight of a throng of old farts forming the majority membership of groups like the Campaign Against the Return of the Marcoses to Malacanang (CARMMA) is, by itself, a public relations fail. Such movements simply cannot compete for young eyeballs who are drawn to fresher ideas and fresher faces. Indeed, even whilst the first campaign video of Liberal Party candidates Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo crashed and burned, they had the right idea nonetheless — that the way into the hearts of the Philippines’ youth-dominated base of voters is through a forward-looking message.It is now evident that the Philippines’ young voters cannot be underestimated. They are no longer beholden to the emo rhetoric of 1970s- and 1980s-vintage political chatter and are open to new ideas and new approaches. The first real presidential debate in a long time organised by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) and sponsored by TV network GMA-7, for example, was one of those exercises that attracted strong viewership and sparked valuable social media engagement amongst young Filipinos. As a result of the event, young Filipinos were able to associate ideas to faces. It whetted the appetite of the electorate for more intellectually-stimulating exercises and less of the brain-dead sloganeering and placard-waving style of ‘activism’ of bygone decades.In short, it’s time Filipino politicians and ‘thought leaders’ stop insulting the intelligence of the Philippines’ young voters and start making more modern sales pitches that appeal to young sensibilities. Old fossils whining about old uncollected debts make good curious sideshows but aren’t exactly easy on the eyes and ears and, certainly, not the sorts of subject matter that rake in television ratings and social media “likes” and “retweets”. Images of gray-haired folks shuffling around in 1970s-era outfits waving placards with messages rendered in that cliché style of lettering made to look like they were written with a blood-stained brush no longer fly.It’s time for real change — not just in thought but in messaging style.
2016-02-28 23:52:35+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Young Overly Dedicated Doctor Dies After Working 4 Days Straight
Dr. Stefanus Taofik died in the line of duty after working a 4 day straight shift during the Hari Raya holidays in Jakarta Indonesia leaving behind his wife and 1-year-old son. According to reports, the dedicated doctor did not take breaks during the 4-day shift which led to a sudden heart failure when he finally decided to take a rest.He was found by his colleagues collapsed and unresponsive inside a hospital ward prompting them to immediately try to revive him but it was already too late. In June 26 the good doctor passed away at the age of 35 dedicating his life to his duty.Authorities has ruled out foul play in their initial investigation and said in an official statement that the doctor's cause of death is heart failure due to insufficient rest.It is not uncommon for workers in the medical field to work long shifts that is why it is one of toughest and most crucial jobs in the world. Many doctors often take multiple shifts in different hospitals giving them little to no time at all to take a break or rest. Such is the case for Dr. Taofik who worked as anesthesiologist in two other hospitals besides the one where he perished.Many netizens from all over the world who read about the tragic story of Dr. Stefanus praised him for being a responsible and dedicated doctor. We must remember though, that while being dedicated to your career is good, it can also be dangerous if you neglect rest as the human body has its limits.RIP, Dr. Stefanus. The world has lost one of the best and hardworking men of medicine. Our condolences goes to his family.
['Vic Patnugot']
2017-11-16 08:53:09+08:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Netizens slams Pia Ranada over “Mahirap talaga kapag matanda na” tweet
Journalist Pia Ranada received online attacks yesterday because of her tweet about President Rodrigo Duterte.On Ranada’s tweet posted on November 14, she witnessed how the President took a deep breath before beginning his press conference during the 31st ASEAN Summit held in Manila several days ago.“Pres. Duterte takes a breath before beginning his presscon: Ang hirap talaga pag matanda na.” Ranada tweeted.Pres. Duterte takes a breath before beginning his presscon: Ang hirap talaga pag matanda na. @rapplerdotcom pic.twitter.com/rJp5lMjvwR — Pia Ranada (@piaranada) November 14, 2017While Ranada was only quoted what the President said, several netizens interpreted her tweet as comment and mockery on the age of Duterte.Before the press conference began, President Rodrigo Duterte who already look tired, complained that he’s already lack of sleep.“May shortage ako sa tulog… mga 17 hours.. ang hirap na kapag matanda na,” President Rodrigo Duterte said before he started the press conference.Netizen Andrea Carigma, responded on the tweet of Ranada and this is what she said:“Mahirap talaga kung 72 ka na at dala mo ang problema ng buong Pilipinas. tapos wala pang tigil ang paninira sayo.” Carigma said.“Kaya nga lalong amazing. 72 and still hardworking. He said he is lacking 17 hours of sleep because of the ASEAN events he had to do.” she added.Carigma also prayed that she can transfer her energy to the President and also reminded the people that Ranada only quoted what President Duterte said.These are the other tweets of the Duterte supporters against Ranada on Twitter:reading your tweets makes me question if you're really a professional journalist?! majority of your tweets are just showbiz! — Faith Cullen™ (@iamBambaa87) November 15, 2017https://twitter.com/_dee_tripleDES/status/930760280329428992yeah indeed na matanda na ang Presidente but still sinisikap nyang magtrabaho para sa maraming Pilipino , e ikaw puro kabalbalan ang mga ginagawa mo , buset — eilasor nagutom (@nimary74) November 15, 2017Being an old person doesn't define your competencies. I'm not pro or anti Duterte. But the way you say things, is very discriminating. — LYM (@liymolina93) November 15, 2017Be careful how you treat people. What you do to others has a funny way of comming back on you. — zedekiahmakibaoh (@zedekiah05) November 15, 2017Whats wrong with taking a deep breath at pagiging matanda? — zap mamon (@Mr_Zap24) November 15, 2017Seriously Pia, how does one take a “breath?” Have you taken one lately? Or did Duts took your breath away? Di nga? — Mark DC Lopez (@macdclopez) November 15, 2017Pia lahat ng tao bata o Matanda everyone take a deep breath before they do something like singing live , before the game starts ( sports ) , live speech . Bakit masyado kang mapag husga ? — 龍一 (@maria47215) November 15, 2017#PDu30 Schedule & pace is enough to kill a younger man. Was d younger President as energetic? Ppl have two Ages: Chronological & d Real. He is 72 but his Real age is maybe 60. #Geriatrics — Ronald Nolasco Vidal (@Ronnie_Vidal) November 14, 2017Mabuti pa ang matanda tinitingala at matalino di tulad mong napakabobo — Twitmybird (@Twitmybird1) November 14, 2017Pia Ranada became the most criticized journalist by the pro-Duterte bloggers and supporters.She even labeled as ‘SPO4’ on the internet, a title which originate from President Rodrigo Duterte’s joke to her.The hate against the journalist was also added after President Rodrigo Duterte slammed Rappler during his State of the Nation Address this year.
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2017-11-16 08:53:09+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
3 Big Reasons Why We Should All Vote For Mar Roxas
I have always been a staunch opponent of the Liberal Party, their tactics and activities. When I learned their true nature, I was filled with righteous fury and boundless zeal. I had never been angrier in my life when I discovered just what the LP has done to us as a people and as a nation. My heart broke at the sight of the maltreatment of our local farmers who just want to be given just a little more for their efforts. My blood boiled when they dismissed the death of so many Filipinos because of their greed and the innate dysfunction of the 1986 Constitution.However, after reading Gog’s recent article here, I’ve felt a sudden change of heart. After reading the article, I was visited in a dream by a beautiful angel with a princely visage. He bore a lantern that was as bright as the Evening Star and wore fine silk robes accentuated with gold and jewels. The angel spoke in a loud, booming voice that shook me to my very bones and I could only mumble in fear before a creature so magnificent and at the same time so frightening. He regarded me with a piercing gaze that told me he knew everything there was to know about me and he found me wanting, inferior and, most of all, disgusting.“TREMBLE AND DESPAIR MORTAL MAN!” The angel said to me. “BOW DOWN BEFORE ME FOR I HAVE COME TO SHOW YOU THE LIGHT! MY LIGHT! I AM THE LIGHT-BEARER, LOWLY MORTAL MAN AND DO NOT LOOK UPON ME WITH YOUR DISGUSTING EYES! THE LIKES OF YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO EVEN GLIMPSE MY GLORIOUS APPEARANCE! LOOK ONLY UPON THE GROUND BUT HEED MY WORDS!”And the angel told me three big reasons why we should all vote for Mar Roxas this election:The Protectionist Principles Of The Philippines Will Remain IntactIf Mar Roxas becomes president, he will more likely than not continue the legacy of the Aquino family and, of course, the 1986 Constitution. This will mean that foreigners will forever be limited in their influence over the Philippines as they cannot legitimately own businesses without engaging in any kind of backroom deals with local authorities. Information from foreign sources will also be frowned upon by mainstream media and the education system and only data backed by local authorities will be considered or taken seriously.This will mean that there will be very few promising job opportunities for our countrymen and, as is the case today, force them to seek better paying jobs overseas. They will then be forced to leave their families behind who may or may not become vulnerable to all kinds of family-related problems such as adultery and, in the case of the children, become involved with bad company. To say nothing of the parent forced to work overseas as he or she might be easily victimized by foreigners who know just how helpless our countrymen are out there and this becomes even worse where things like racial or religious discrimination are all too common.Also, by blocking our foreign sources of information, the Filipino people will not be given any kind of alternate view about their situation. With only just the local media and local sources of information to rely on, Filipinos will continue to think their ways are always right even when they clearly aren’t. They will also be largely unaware of important issues happening outside their country such as the geopolitical situation of other countries and their subsequent effect on the global economy.The Glorious Oligarchy Will ContinueThe oligarch rulers of the Philippines will continue to hold sway over the Filipino people, as told to me by the angel. Tying in with the above, this means that the wealthy families who are in charge of the Philippines will remain in charge forever. There will be no real change in Philippine society as the ideas and ways put forth by those who came to power decades ago will be continued by their descendants to the present day and beyond. Our democracy will forever remain as a matter of “bloodlines” which the angel said will be a matter for him to decide and not the “free will” of the people.What changes there will be is that the rich will become richer and the poor will become poorer. The wealthy oligarchs will become wealthier and continue to lord over the Philippines with both indifference and, in some cases, outright cruelty while the destitute and desperate masses will either be constantly scrambling for the scraps they throw our or frantically finding a way out of the country where it is hoped that they can find a better way to live. As the rich gain more knowledge and influence, the poor will continue to live in ignorance and desperation.Local Celebrities Will Become Gods To UsDuring Mar Roxas’ campaign, he involved many local celebrities in his bid to become president. The angel assured me that if Mar Roxas won the 2016 election, our celebrities would stop just being figures in showbiz and go on to become living gods in our country. One can already note how the likes of Kathniel, Vice Ganda or Vhong Navarro are already worshipped by the common Pinoy and it cannot be denied that FPJ could have easily won a previous election and former president Estrada nearly won himself in 2010.If Mar Roxas wins this election, he will make sure that the local media will continue to hold a strong grip over Philippine society through subliminal messaging and psychological conditioning. By the time Mar Roxas term ends, people like Daniel Padilla or Alden Richards can become viable presidential candidates even when they lack any kind of experience when it comes to politics or aren’t even registered voters. Mar Roxas presidency will glorify celebrities to no end when he finally comes to power and it will be the celebrities, not the common people, who will be the ones to make decision for the Philippine government.***Then the angel turned to leave and began to sing a Rolling Stones song…Can you guess his name?HAPPY APRIL FOOL’S DAY EVERYONE!!!
03/04/2016 0:00
Get Real Philippines
that of some pastries given her by Santos. With the gift came a handwritten note in which Santos misspelled ‘blessed’ (bless) and ‘truly’ (truely). The post immediately went viral and Noranians were one in saying that National Artists, at the very least, should know how to spell correctly. “They have to be role models,” they said.A potential great honor that went pooooof, thanks to Kris Aquino!
['Pol Pinoy']
02/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Shootout at Resorts World: Foreigner Looking Gunman Fired The Shots Witness Say
Chaos engulfed Resorts World Manila in Pasay City around midnight Friday after men wearing masks and black shirts fired guns and set fire to parts of the casino.According to news reports, a casino employee told news reporters that there was a fire on the 2nd floor while the gunshots could be heard in a restaurant which is also on the same floor.One witness recounts that she saw an armed man in black fire shots in the air setting off panic on the hotel's second level. She also said that the man's face was covered by cloth as well and she said that he looks like a foreigner judging from his built and sharp features.Meanwhile, the Resorts World Manila is currently on lockdown and said in an official statement that they are now working closely with Philippine National Police to ensure that all guests and employees are safe.A video by a netizen who live near the area of the incident shows smoke coming from Resorts World while gunshots can be heard in the background.This story is still developing with some reports coming in saying that the gunman or one of the gunmen was killed by police. A local radio news says that the number of casualties is 2.There are also reports saying that the gunman burned himself to death.Here's another footage showing guests fleeing for their lives as shots are heard in the background.
['Vic Patnugot']
23/06/2016 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Severe Banana Shortage In The Philippines
The Philippines has seen severe shortages of basic food items like rice, flour and garlic, but this is the first time that a banana shortage is being reported nationwide.Public markets, groceries and supermarkets are all reporting very low supply of bananas, particularly the saba variety.Saba bananas are widely used for Filipino delicacies like turon (banana egg roll), bananacue (sweetened fried banana on a barbecue stick) and maruya (banana fritters).It didn’t take long for the Department of Agriculture to pinpoint the culprit — none other than incoming President Rod Duterte. Duterte had announced that during his June 30 inauguration at Malacañang (the presidential palace), he will feed the diplomatic corps and other guests with maruya and buko (coconut) juice, instead of expensive hors d’oeuvres and champagne.In solidarity with their new president, many Filipinos are planning on serving maruya in their respective households, hence the shortage of saba bananas.Duterte spokesperson Martin Andanar appealed to Filipinos for calm and assured them that the shortage is only temporary.Instead of fretting over the banana shortage, Andanar encouraged Filipinos to turn to other fruit snacks and desserts, like mangoes, halo-halo and leche flan.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/06/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine College of Criminology to investigate the case of Michael Ramasasa who threatens to kill someone on Facebook
Philippine College of Criminology (PCCR) faces scandal after one of their student, Michael Ramasasa went viral on Facebook after the criminology graduate allegedly threatened to kill the family and the girlfriend of the netizen that he fought on the internet.Michael Ramasasa also allegedly extorted money amounting of 10,000 pesos from the victim identified as Ryan Canillas in exchange of the safety of his family and girlfriend.Ramasasa said that Canillas disrespected his girlfriend that made him to harass the victim.The criminology graduate also sent photos holding an alleged firearm to made the harassment more effectively.According to Philippine College of Criminology, the case of Michael Ramasasa is currently investigating by the school.“We are currently investigating the matter. Rest assured PCCR does not tolerate or condone any form or acts of violence. Thank you” PCC said in their statement.The victim, Ryan Canillas denied that he’s the one who harassed by Ramasasa and someone only pretending to be him on Facebook, but the statement of the criminology graduate and the screenshots went viral on the internet told a different story.Ramasasa also denied that he tried to extort money from Canillas.
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2017-05-13 19:07:48+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Catholic Bishops Come To Leni’s Rescue Over Wet Ballots
Within hours after the start of the manual recount of contested ballots in the 2016 Vice Presidential race, the camp of Bongbong Marcos already noticed something unusual: the ballots from Leni Robredo’s bailiwick pf Camarines Sur were wet.Immediately, there were speculations of tampering over the wet ballots, not to mention missing ballot audit logs.But the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) swiftly came to Robredo’s rescue, saying that the ballot boxes in question may have been blessed with Holy Water by Catholic priests prior to being re-opened for the manual count.The CBCP statement was suspicious considering that Robredo was seen at a church along with nuns and other Catholic supporters prior to the start of the Supreme Court recount.It’s one of two things: there was a miracle, or there’s something fishy going on. We suspect the latter.
['Pol Pinoy']
02/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Marco Rubio Will Play Role Of Successful Undocumented Immigrant In Upcoming Brad Pitt Movie
Brad Pitt will be joining Disney Films in producing the story about an undocumented immigrant from Mexico who came to the United States at 19 and started working on farms in California, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Dr. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa saved up a ton of money and enrolled in Harvard Medical School. He is currently the head of brain tumor surgery at the famous Johns Hopkins Hospital.Pitt’s company, Plan B, first started a relationship with the doctor in 2007 and it is now all coming together. Matthew Lopez will be writing the script focused on the surgeon’s life.Today, Plan B and Disney announced that soon-to-be ex-presidential candidate Marco Rubio will play the role of Quiñones-Hinojosa. Rubio, in real life, is Latino of Cuban heritage.Pitt told The Adobo Chronicles that the shooting of the film had been put on hold pending the outcome of Rubio’s candidacy, but now that it has become certain that the senator is not going to be the Republican nominee for president, the film production goes in high gear.It will be a welcome change in career for the handsome Rubio. His selection to play the lead role will be free of criticism in Hollywood where white actors are constantly being tapped to play the roles of people of color.The Internet group #oscarssowhite immediately praised Rubio’s selection to play the film’s lead character.
['Pol Pinoy']
08/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Each year, shortly before Thanksgiving, the President of the United States is presented with a live domestic turkey to be “pardoned” and spared from being slaughtered. This bizarre White House practice began in 1989 during the first Thanksgiving of then President George H. W. Bush. Since then, Bush and his successors spared the lives of one or two lucky turkeys each Thanksgiving. Last year, President Barack Obama pardoned Cobbler and Gobbler, both 40-pound turkeys from Rockingham County, Virginia.This revered tradition is about to change as The White House announced that President Obama is scrapping this year’s Presidential Turkey Pardon due to reports about a shortage of Butterball turkeys. Butterball is the nation’s largest turkey producer. Headquartered in Garner, N.C., Butterball produces 1 billion pounds of turkey every year, equal to 20 percent of the nation’s production. The ubiquitous brand, known for its blue, gold and yellow label, is a mainstay in American kitchens every Thanksgiving.Butterball said its poultry had trouble gaining weight on some of its farms but did not explain why. The company still has ample supplies of its frozen large varieties, which are birds 16 pounds and heavier. “We experienced a decline in weight gains on some of our farms causing a limited availability of large, fresh turkeys,” Stephanie Llorente, a spokeswoman for Butterball, said in a statement Friday. “While we are continuing to evaluate all potential causes, we are working to remedy the issue. We sincerely regret the inconvenience that some of our customers have experienced as a result of this issue.”In making the surprise announcement, President Obama said he hopes his gesture which he says will surely be frowned upon by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), will help, even in the smallest way, to alleviate the turkey shortage. Obama refused to answer a question from The Adobo Chronicles on whether the Presidential Turkey Pardon will be scrapped for good, or only when there is a turkey shortage.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/11/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Yesterday’s announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that bacon and processed meats cause cancer will go down in history as the bleakest day in the culinary world.Reactions to the news ranged from disbelief to anger to frustration — pretty much like the reactions we see in people when they read the news that Donald Trump leads most polls as the candidate favored to win the Republican nomination for president.To gauge the true sentiments of the people on these two issues, The Adobo Chronicles is conducting a poll on bacon and Trump, and we ask our readers to vote below:
['Pol Pinoy']
27/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Move over, Martha Stewart. Television’s number one cooking show now belongs to Rachel Ray.From ‘date night meals’ to ‘cookout recipes,’ Ray’s down-to-earth approach to her cooking has earned enormous following for her syndicated ‘The Rachel Show.’But then something very puzzling happened over the last couple of weeks. The show’s ratings suddenly plummeted it didn’t even register on the Nielsen scale. (Nielsen is the television standard for measuring TV show ratings.)It was only after the show’s producers obtained a copy of a magazine featuring Ray on the cover that they realized why the ratings nose-dived:
['Pol Pinoy']
02/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
De lima on attacks: ‘Some were true’
Embattled Senator Leila De Lima, who has repeatedly denied allegations of drug-coddling, on Friday said that although most of these attacks against her were lies, there were “some snippets of facts.” “There are some snippets of facts, snippets of truths but the bulk of it (allegations) are distortions, exaggerations and lies,” De Lima told reporters in a chance interview at the Senate.De Lima did not elaborate which snippets of truths she was referring to but aggressively denied that she coddled drugs and used them for her campaign fund when she ran for senator.“These allegations about me collecting drug payoffs in Bilibid—that is an absolute lie,” the former Justice Secretary said, noting that she has already denied these allegations in the past.“I have repeatedly denied these allegations. I am denying it again,” she added.The neophyte senator said that she could never betray people’s trust as being public servant.“I will never do that because I will never betray my oath as a public servant and I don’t intend to ever betray it especially now that I have a mandate to the people,” De Lima said.She added she did not want to engage the public by answering all the allegations, but hinted that she could call for another press conference before the Senate hearing on extra-judicial killings next week.On Thursday, an emotional De Lima appealed to President Rodrigo Duterte to stop the personal attacks against her, admitting that she had thought many times whether to stay quiet or state her sentiments.This was after Pres. Duterte, in his speech during the 115th service anniversary of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Camp Crame on Wednesday, mentioned how a certain senator had a “lover” who accepted drug money from the National Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City.Pres. Duterte made these remarks after De Lima last week called for a probe on the extra-judicial killings under the administration’s intensified anti-drug campaign.The hearings are scheduled on Aug. 22 and 23. (PNA)
2016-08-19 20:24:31+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
NoyNoy Aquino, Mar Roxas Accuse Philippine VP Leni Robredo Of Being A Star Fruit
Former President NoyNoy Aquino and former presidential candidate Mar Roxas issued a joint statement today accusing Vice President Leni Robredo of being a ‘balimbing’ (star fruit). Robredo was Roxas’ running mate under Aquino’s Liberal Party in the last presidential election.Being called ‘balimbing’ is derogatory. It refers to a turncoat, or someone who switches loyalty or political affiliation to advance one’s own personal career.Aquino and Roxas were reportedly fuming upon learning that Robredo is lamenting that housing construction for the victims of Super-typhoon Yolanda has been very slow. The disastrous typhoon happened during Aquino’s time when Roxas was Interior and Local Governments Secretary.Robredo’s comment came as she visited a National Housing Agency (NHA) housing site in Hernani, Eastern Samar where out of the target 900 emergency shelters, only 200 are being constructed and none has been finished yet.Robredo was appointed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as chair of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDSCC).“Sobrang bagal. At hindi lang yun dito sa Hernani, sa buong Yolanda-stricken areas. Nakakadismaya kasi tawag natin emergency shelter response, ‘di ba? Hindi na yun emergency kasi wala pa nga [We are dismayed that construction has been slow. These were called emergency shelters and yet they are still not up], Robredo said.The Adobo Chronicles tried to reach the Vice President for reaction of Aquino’s and Roxas’ statement, but her office said she was still out of the office inspecting other emergency housing sites in the Visayas.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/09/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Senator Leila De Lima Apologizes To President Duterte
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau)- Just before boarding her flight out of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), Senator Leila de Lima apologized to Rodrigo Duterte for her harsh words against the Philippine president.Previously, de Lima described Duterte as a “murderer” and the “father” of the extra-judicial killings in the country. She had also challenged the president to arrest and imprison her for opposing his administration which many have described as a “dictatorship.”De Lima expected to be barred from leaving the country as she prepared to go abroad to fulfill a couple of speaking engagements for which she was invited.But then, the expected didn’t happen. De Lima was free to leave the country without incident or interference. That embarrassed the senator who then immediately publicly apologized to the president.“Now I realize there is true Democracy in the country. A dictator wouldn’t allow her No. 1 opponent to leave the country and freely move about. Now I see why up to this moment, I haven’t been arrested or imprisoned. Duterte truly adheres to the rule of law. I am very, very sorry, Mr. President,” de Lima said as she boarded her aircraft.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Militant leader curses spox Harry Roque for linking human rights groups to drug syndicates
A militant leader slammed presidential spokesperson Harry Roque after the latter claimed that several human rights groups were being paid by drug lords to attack President Rodrigo Duterte and his administration.In a tweet, former Bayan Muna party-list representative Teddy Casino cursed Harry Roque because of his anger to his fellow human rights defender.According to Casino, the statement of Harry Roque might put the members of human rights groups in danger.He also believed that Roque knows that human rights groups were not funded by illegal money.“F*ck you @attyharryroque. You know this is not true,” Casiño tweeted.You also know that saying this expands the target of the drug war & brings your former colleagues in the human rights community in the cross hairs of Duterte’s death squads​,” he said.​Fuck you @attyharryroque. You know this is not true. You also know that saying this expands the target of the drug war & brings your former colleagues in the human rights community in the cross hairs of Duterte’s death squads. https://t.co/CT38Dsuryl — Teddy Casiño (@teddycasino) March 26, 2018In a statement on March 26, Roque said that the human rights groups were being used by some syndicates to destroy the reputation of the President who launched the war against illegal drugs.“The attacks against the President’s war on drugs have been vicious and non-stop. We therefore do not discount the possibility that some human rights groups have become unwitting tools of drug lords to hinder the strides made by the Administration,” he said in a statement.Roque added that the drug lords were already lose big amount of money because of the anti-illegal drug operations launched by the current administration, so the bad guys are doing everything to oust the President.“The illegal drug trade is a multi-billion-peso industry and billions have been lost with the voluntary surrender of more than a million drug users, arrest of tens of thousands of drug personalities, and seizure of billion-peso clandestine drug laboratories and factories,” he explained.““To continue to do and thrive in the drug business, these drug lords can easily use their drug money to fund destabilization efforts against the government,” he added.
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2018-03-27 03:12:22+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
All day, Republican lawmakers asked Hillary Clinton all sorts of questions regarding Benghazi. It happened on Capitol Hill during a special congressional committee hearing.But no question could have been more significant and relevant than that asked by Congresswoman Martha Roby (R, Alabama).Roby asked Clinton if she was at home by herself on the night of the Benghazi attack or if she was sleeping with Bill.Clinton’s response was classic:
['Pol Pinoy']
22/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte to get the support of Iglesia ni Cristo members.
Mayor Duterte with Mr. Manalo of Iglesia ni Cristophoto credits: eaglenewsAccording to some source from Iglesia ni Cristo members, they are now preparing to announce their support to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte this week.According to the sources, INC is going to announce their support to their member this week“We are choosing the right candidate, we are looking at their background and performance, we are not support any corrupt or incompetent candidate, but the members still have the freedom to choose their candidate” One of the Iglesia ni Cristo member said to our source.The rumoured bloc vote of 1.7- 2 Million members of Iglesia ni Cristo is a big help for any presidential candidates on 2016. Mayor Duterte got the biggest chance to catch the support of this religious group because of his very good track record.Other religious groups already showed their support to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and they promised that they will never leave the Punisher until 2016 Presidential Elections.Duterte was summoned in Iglesia ni Cristo Central in Quezon City last week to meet the high officials of the church.A Sample ballot allegedly from INC is circulating on the internet and posted by People Television.
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2016-04-22 13:50:52+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Transcript (?) Of Phone Conversation Between Loida Nicolas Lewis And Unnamed Individual
A phone conversation gave her away, President Duterte said on Friday referring to Filipino-American businesswoman Loida Nicolas Lewis allegedly conspiring with the International Criminal Court (ICC) to have him prosecuted for crimes against humanity.In a press briefing at the Matina Enclaves Residences here, Duterte claimed he had prior knowledge of the ICC initiative as early as Tuesday, based on the transcript of a phone conversation between Lewis and an unnamed individual.While the supposed transcript has not been publicly released, The Adobo Chronicles could only imagine that the unnamed individual was Vice President Leni Robredo, and here is what we think happened in that conversation:Lewis: Madam Vice President, malapit na!Robredo: And ano?Lewis: The complaint filed before the ICC against Duterte is finally moving.Robredo: Ano yung ICC?Lewis: International Criminal Court. It is initiating a preliminary review of the complaint.Robredo: What’s a preliminary review?Lewis: It will determine whether the ICC prosecutor will recommend an investigation into the charge of crimes against humanity.Robredo: Anong ibig sabihin ng crimes against humanity?Lewis: Basta, if Duterte is convicted, ikaw na ang magiging Presidente ng Pilipinas.Robredo: Bakit ako?Lewis: Di ba Vice President ka?Robredo: Eh paano na si BBM?Lewis: Do you think he will win his electoral protest against you?Robredo:(end of transcript)
['Pol Pinoy']
11/02/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Actress Haley Atwell Denies Canceling ComicCon Appearance Due To Political Unrest In The Philippines
Organizers of ComicCon Asia 2018 earlier announced that actress Hayley Atwell, known for her role as Peggy Carter in Agent Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will no longer be part of the event.In a statement posted on the group’s Facebook page, Hayley cited the “political unrest in the country” as the reason.“We wish to inform everyone that Hayley Atwell has decided to cancel her appearance in the 2018 ComicCon Asia due to the perceived ‘political unrest in the country.’ In a message sent to us, Hayley said that ‘she’s not comfrotable making the trip at this time.’Mainstream news media wasted no time in reporting the cancellation.The Adobo Chronicles contacted Haley on the set of an episode she was shooting and she denied having mentioned anything about political unrest in the Philippines.”What I said was that I was canceling my trip to Manila because the Liberal
['Pol Pinoy']
22/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Bernie Sanders Gets Burned On Philippine Social Media
Leave it to the Filipinos to burn anyone on social media. Yes, including former Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, whose campaign meme was “Feel the Bern.”Well instead, he felt the burn.After he commented about Donald Trump’s meeting with the heads of state of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and the Philippines whom he called authoritarian, he was immediately “burned” by Filipino netizens.Moral of the story: Be careful what you tweet. It could come right back at you!
['Pol Pinoy']
15/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
#Filipinos lack #discipline because they lack a fear of consequences
RESPECT and FAIRNESS both alien concepts to the common Filipino. If you respect your neighbors and the environment, you will dispose of your garbage properly. If you are fair, you will not find ways to cut through the line just to be served first.The Filipino, if given the chance, will find ways "para makalamang sa kapwa". Be it in as simple as getting in a queue. Someone will always try to cut in front of people who were ahead of him in the queue. Why? Because the Filipino can. Without fear or rancor. And because of the passivity of the other Filipinos in the queue. Only when someone raises a howl of protest will the culprit get in line.How then to instill RESPECT and FAIRNESS in the mind of the Filipino who have been practicing acts of disrespect and unfairness just because everybody else is doing it and has become the norm in their daily lives? Wouldn't FEAR of the consequences of their actions be fair enough? So how come it works in Singapore or Marikina or Davao? Why not the whole country?-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/03/the-philippines-a-nation-of-misguided-morals/comment-page-1/#comment-1125795
2018-09-27 22:40:16+00:00
Martial Law crybabies revise history of failed recovery of alleged "billions" Marcos stole
There are GLOBAL FREEZE orders on all assets of the Marcoses acquired prior to 1986 not only coming from the PHL and that international Anti-Money Laundering body based in Paris, but also by the US, as they have done on the Shah of Iran, etc etc, or are you ignorant about this?. And those orders have NOT been lifted; so, how can the Marcoses be in control of so called wealth? But, you seem to know some billions the Marcoses are hiding in their garage, this or that warehouse, this or that bank, but you don't want to spell them out; WHY IS THAT???Cory and Jovy Salonga hired some of the best bounty hunters in the world with the suspicion that FM hid his bank accounts under fictitious names, but PCGG has not been open how much these experts recovered and what was the ROI of these projects. WHY IS THAT???The PCGG have been hiring many legal experts, and they come and go. Some time in the 90s, there were news coming out that some of these legal minds have suddenly had the financial capacities to build mansions in Alabang and other exclusives enclaves. An investigation was initiated, but soon everybody, including the media, forgot about this. WHY IS THAT???Of course, what has been plundered has to returned!! An agency, an ENTIRE agency, has been created SPECIFIC just for the Marcoses, and not for other alleged plunderers. But, where is the performance HISTORY of PCGG? Why have they not been explicit about this? And you want the assets returned to a body that has not been that opened and honest to the public??? WHY IS THAT???PCGG claims to have recovered four billion Dollars. Why has not one of Martial Law victims been paid even if the government already has this much money under their control. WHY IS THAT???Most of these four billion were recovered in the 90s. The #NeverAgain keep on recycling the stories, as if it was the PNoy admin who did the job. WHY IS THAT???They claim six billion Dollars are still to be recovered. What is the basis of this estimate? They must have a basis, and with the global freeze still holding, the whole system is very much stacked AGAINST the Marcoses. So, why have they not recovered them after 30 years, YES AFTER fucking LONG 30 years. It must therefore be a complicated legal matter. And your simple mind think it is a simple matter. WHY IS THAT???FM from Hawaii kept sending emissaries, and continuously at that, to Cory. The emissaries had only one message: he was willing to face the accusations in the courts. If Cory agreed we probably would have a clearer picture of what they call the "ill gotten wealth", or maybe not. But, it would probably have been a better, if not the best, effort, instead of shuffling today through the mountain of papers that a dead person could no longer explain. This is now water under bridge because we now understand Cory operated under fear and hatred of Marcos. But with that mistake, which really shows her lack of responsibility to the people and which made things difficult thereafter, the Yellows would now say: "why are you making things difficult, Marcoses?" But, it is the Yellows who made, and are making, things difficult. So, WHY IS THAT???For propaganda purposes??? But with that, the Yellows are instead trumpeting their failures in the last 30 years. So, WHY IS THAT???If FM was really that evil as they want to portray him, would he pass on such assets to his family whose members would be the very first ones to be investigated? They better be consistent, is he so evil or not? If FM is really that manipulative, then the wealth must be with cronies, isn't it? So far, they got some from the Benedictos, Disinis, etc, and Security Bank, Allied Bank, etc., but not much more from Danding, JPE, etc. Why has the effort stopped? Is it because the Yellows are now in bed with these very cronies? Some say there is no way to recover now these wealth because EDSA1 has basically released the cronies from their responsibilities and accountabilities to FM. WHY IS THAT???The experts now embedded with the Yellows probably know that people are barking on wrong tree by attacking the Marcoses: "return the money". Why not also: "CRONIES, return the money!!" ??? WHY IS THAT???Marcoses keep on asking why. They keep on saying they have so far complied with ALL final and executory rulings from the courts, but the NeverAgain will not listen. WHY IS THAT???Are the Yellows interested in resolving the issue, or not? Is it because once it is resolved, they could no longer have their girly fits, and propaganda?? WHY IS THAT???And, you are asking BLOGGERS to write about this so complicated a subject matter?? When no respectable legal mind has even written about this comprehensibly??? And yet, would devour and promote a book written by a crackpot?? WHY IS THAT???Is this about covering up a more profound failure in the last 30 years??? So, they can continue with their impunity?? PNoy will leave his successor a debt of USD 130 plus Billion, of which USD about 89 Billion is directly attributable to his decisions in the last five years. ADB has already said that on CCT alone, there has been a leakage of 40%. But never mind 40% for purposes of conservative estimates, let us go just for 10%. 10% of 89 Billion is 8.9 Billion. FM left Cory USD 28 Billion debt. They claim FM got USD 10 big B. How is that possible when he had so many infrastructures in 20 years still very much unmatched in the last 30 years. Where is their estimate coming from? And you ask us to worry about a past which even lawyers and investigators are having a hard time untangling when there is an ON-GOING crime right in our time and our very eyes?? WHY IS THAT???----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://www.getrealphilippines.com/blog/2016/04/wanted-super-janitor-president/#comment-1655640
2018-09-27 22:40:16+00:00
Should Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte resign?
But of course the Philippine Opposition thinks so. Led by the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtards), the Opposition has done nothing but call for the end of the Duterte administration. But really, in the bigger scheme of things, is the resignation of the president really that big a deal?The bigger question the Yellowtards fail to answer is simple:What happens next if or when Duterte resigns?In essence, all the Yellowtards are really doing is insulting the intelligence of the Filipino people. They are proposing that the state be plunged into turmoil following the premature termination of a presidency (which they continuously howl for) and yet offer nothing by way of a path forward to mitigate that likely scenario.This proves that the Yellowtards apply a scorched earth approach to acquiring power. They do not mind if the Philippines is destroyed in the process of achieving their ends. It is therefore hardly surprising that the Yellowtards and the communists are now in bed together to achieve their ends. Because the key strategy they share is the demolition of an entire government in order to put up their own envisioned regimes.The Yellowtards together with the communists are the loudest factions of the broader Philippine Opposition. Yet one wonders whether there are people within this broader group that actually offer a more productive, more level-headed and more intelligent approach to opposing an incumbent administration. It would, indeed, be a huge tragedy if the Filipino people are deprived of the opportunity to embrace such an Opposition — one that seeks to build rather than destroy.The question really is not about whether Duterte should or should not resign. The question is about what the path is forward given all plausible scenarios. Led by the Yellowtards and infested by communists, the Philippines Opposition is not up to the task of providing that guidance.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-09-27 22:40:16+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Fil-am Netizen praised Duterte “For the first time we have a president that is fighting for his people”
A facebook post of a Filipino-American Dave Jonathan Lamar has gone viral on the internet after he expressed his feelings how proud he is after a person like President Rodrigo Duterte is leading the country.Dave Jonathan who raised in the Philippines, said that for the first time, he saw people respected the leadership of the current administration and most of the people in the Philippines shared the same sentiments about President Duterte.He also knows that the Duterte used unorthodox language for a President, but he lauds him for being sincere in his words without the help of speech writer.He also supported the criticisms of President Duterte to Barack Obama even he was living in United States of America right now.“There are millions of AMERICANS that hate Obama because he’s the complete opposite of Duterte. He may be clean cut, speak more eloquently and be more “classy” than Duterte but actions speak louder than any flowery or colorful word you can utter.” John Dave said to his Facebook post.He also explained that President Duterte was trying to tell the Filipino people to stop their colonial mentality and start having pride in their own country.“I love the Philippines and it’s people! I think it’s about time we take a hint from Duterte and we start having more pride in this beautiful country just because we are Filipinos and not for anything else. For the first time there is a leader and president that I finally respect.” He addedHe also thanked the President for doing something good for the Philippines despite of his controversial statements, he believes that Duterte’s action speaks louder than his words.“Mr. President, thank you for everything you do for the Filipino people! I know you’re not perfect, but your actions clearly speak louder than any curse word you utter.”
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2016-10-06 01:35:48+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Sister of former Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago: “Some of us from U.P act like WE OWN people’s taxes”
Paula Defensor Knack criticized the ‘arrogant’ students of the University of the Philippines (UP).Defensor-Knack have two academic degrees from the University of the Philippines and also part of the protest and rallies during the martial law period.In her post about the ‘Arrogance about doctorates honoris causa’ Defensor-Knack narrated mentioned how the University of the Philippines conferred honoris causa to the politicians who practiced what the Isko and Iska really hates.She mentioned former President Cory Aquino and Benigno Aquino who both bestowed doctorates honoris causa by UP while they are allegedly part of the oligarchs and also committed massacres and oppression of farmers.Aquino and his mother were conferred doctorates honoris causa by UP. I have nothing against it because UP, being the state university, always confers doctorates honoris causa to elected presidents.But both administrations were plagued by issues of corruption, plunder, oppression of farmers, massacres (crimes against humanity), subservienece to a former colonial power, and cronyism by oligarchs – everything UP is against.Fidel V. Ramos, the biggest nemesis of the late former senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago was also mentioned by Knack and labeled him as a ‘cheater from hell’ who also awarded by honorary degree by UP.Defensor-Knack believes that President Rodrigo Duterte is not the ‘type who craves for a doctorate honoris causa’She even questioned the standards of the U.P Students who condemned the planned honorary degree for President Duterte by U.P Board of Regents.I dont get it. Remember, the dictator Marcos is our alumni too, whom you strongly condemn. So whats the criteria now ? FRIENDSHIP ? PLEASING PERSONALITY ? STAGE APPEARANCE ? SWIMSUIT and EVENING GOWN ?She also mentioned her sister Miriam Defensor-Santiago who criticized her own university and called them arrogant.Were the previous presidents very honorable ? Sen. Miriam said : “Mga tiga UP ang yabang yabang ! Akala mo kung sino…”Defensor-Knack also reminded the students from U.P to be fair and avoid being arrogant and act like they own people’s taxes.Its for everyone. Lets be fair. We studied through taxpayers money. Iskolar ng bayan. Yet some of us act like WE OWN people’s taxes.University of the Philippines is considered as the best state-university in the Philippines. But despite of being funded by government, UP students are known for being fiercest critics of the present and past administrations.This week, several students from U.P condemned the plan of the University of the Philippines Board of Regents to confer doctorate honoris cause to President Rodrigo Duterte.President Rodrigo Duterte, in a statement said that he declined the award because of his personal rules in life.
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2017-04-20 01:17:21+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
New US Ambassador To The Philippines Presents Credentials To President Joseph Estrada
Sung Kim, the new American ambassador to the Philippines today formally presented his credentials to President Joseph Estrada.The ceremony was held in Malacañang, the presidential palace.President Estrada was ill-disposed at the time so he designated his executive secretary, Rodrigo Roa Duterte, to stand in for him.
['Pol Pinoy']
06/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
When President Barack Obama was announced as the recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, the decision was met with much controversy.Obama admitted that he was surprised by the choice. Conservatives were quick to express their outrage and even supporters of the president questioned whether the award was deserved.Six years later, Geir Lundestad, long-time director of the Nobel Institute and secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize committee, has commented publicly on the decision. In “Secretary of Peace, 25 years With The Nobel Prize,” a new memoir released on Thursday, he said Obama’s award “failed to live up to the panel’s expectations.”However, inside sources have confirmed to The Adobo Chronicles® that the Nobel Prize jury does not agree with Lundestad’s comment. In fact, when the 2015 Nobel Prize winners are announced next month, Obama will be awarded a second Nobel Peace Prize.The jury is of the opinion that contrary to Lundestad’s assessment, Obama has exceeded the panel’s expectations. “Since Obama’s first award, he has made peace with Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Russia, China, North Korea and lately, Cuba. Domestically, he has also made peace with Hilliary Clinton and the Republican Party. No other world leader has come close to this amazing accomplishment,” the jury said.In the history of the Nobel Prize, only two have been awarded the Peace Prize more than once: the International Committee of the Red Cross (3 times) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2 times).Upon hearing the news, Pope Francis, who is scheduled to visit the United States later this month, sent his congratulations and blessings.But one person is not happy about Obama’s second Nobel Prize: Donald Trump.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
President Donald Trump Wants To Reverse Status Of Naturalized U.S. Citizens
U.S. President Donald Trump just made headlines with his recent public announcement that he wants to practically end birthright citizenship.He hinted about issuing an Executive Order that would throw out provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees that anyone born in the U.S. and its territories are automatically considered American citizens.Now, to complete the scenario, and in pursuit of his campaign promise of “America First,” Trump is reportedly considering reversing the status of all naturalized citizens.Understanding that this move will involve millions of naturalized U.S. citizens, Trump told reporters that he’d like to start with naturalized U.S. citizens from Third World countries, including China, India, the Philippines, South America and Africa.”I think we can wait a little bit to reverse the citizenship status of those from European countries since they look more like us, Americans,” Trump said.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/10/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Philippines’ bid to host the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup fell short as China was officially named the host of basketball’s biggest international tournament after both countries made their final presentations to the FIBA Central Board on Friday in Tokyo, Japan.The Philippine delegation pulled out all the stops but was just up against a formidable foe in China, a known giant in hosting sporting events.Even the countries’ respective delegations were reminiscent of “David and Goliath,” with the Philippines’ boxing champion Manny Pacquiao standing next to China’s “giant” basketball legend Yao Ming.The Philippine delegation focused on the Filipinos’ passion for basketball as well as the country’s reputation as the social media capital of the world.But when it came to infrastructure, China won the FIBA voters’ nod hands down as it laid out its already existing world-class venues as well as trains connecting the no less than eight cities that will host the games.The Philippine delegation spoke briefly about MRT, Metro Manila’s Light Railway System that’s been plagued with long lines, accidents, train breakdowns and mismanagement.Right there and then, the FIBA voters picked China.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The U.S. State Department has issued a travel advisory to all Americans and others intending to visit Manila.“The safety of our citizens is a priority concern,” the advisory said, “so we are advising Americans to postpone or cancel non-essential travel, or to be extremely careful when visiting the Philippines, especially when arriving in or departing from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).The travel advisory was issued after an arriving foreign national sank into a 2-ft sink hole while waiting in line at NAIA’s immigration counter. The platform he was standing in suddenly collapsed.Earlier this year, arriving and departing passengers were drenched with rainwater after part of the airport terminal ceiling collapsed and leaked during a heavy rainstorm.NAIA is known to be among the worst airports in the world where overcrowding, long lines, confusing signage, non-working toilets and indoor heatwaves are an everyday occurrence.Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters today that Americans who absolutely need to travel to Manila can still do so, but at their own risk.
['Pol Pinoy']
27/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
National language: tool for uniting or dividing a country?
ENGLISH is best for global external application, but internally, FILIPINO, in a fragmented archipelago just like ours, aims to unite our people. The Philippines is not only Manila or Cebu or Davao alone for one. A National Language is a socio-cultural, historical thing. It's our IDENTITY as a people!Language, more than anything, is a tool of communication. It's suppose to be The TIE THAT BINDS…a Nation! UNITY through Language, that promotes Understanding and Cooperation, is PROGRESS!Chairman Mao, ideology aside, will have a hard time unifying an immensely huge country like China if not for unifying power of their language! Japan and Korea patronize their own more than others because they are united by their own language. You see, it really is cultural!I totally agree with the statement that "…knowing how to speak English fluently has always been the strong point of Filipinos and is one of the things that has helped us keep up with the global community." It's a GOOD Thing!However it becomes BAD, if "Some people, usually the more elite (or people who think they're elite), use English as a symbol of their self-proclaimed "superiority". As one GRP lady writer declared "Good English is an effective tool for intimidation in the Philippines." It is SNOBBISH and it is DIVISIVE! That's why we tend to be more Regionalistic rather than Nationalistic. Promotes Kanya-Kanya Atitude!Although ENGLISH will definitely have to stay and be learned alongside ours, there really is a need for a true NATIONAL FILIPINO LANGUAGE if only for the reasons stated above!------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/02/language-tools-of-the-trade/comment-page-1/#comment-1105282
2017-10-04 20:58:49+00:00
Donald Trump Establishes International Beauty Queen Academy
In an effort to shift the political and media focus away from his controversial Trump University, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump today announced his latest business venture: the International Beauty Queen Academy (IBQA).Based in New York, the IBQA will offer undergraduate and graduate courses designed to train aspiring women (and transgender women) on what it takes to become an international beauty pageant title holder.It is common knowledge that Trump used to own the Miss U.S.A. and Miss Universe Organizations and that he has impeccable credentials on mentoring and nurturing young women aspiring for a crown on their heads.Trump said he has enlisted an international corps of former international beauty title holders to form the academy’s administrators and faculty.IBQA has just released the strict criteria for admission to the academy, foremost of which are the ability to pay $20,000 in tuition fees per semester of the two-year undergraduate course, and $50,000 per semester of the one-year graduate course.Interested applicants may send their headshots and the corresponding tuition fees to the Trump Tower in New York City. Prospective international students will be responsible for securing their own student visas to study in the U.S.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Death of a security guard over a convenience store heist
The circumstances surrounding this attempted robbery of a convenience store that resulted in the death of a security guard illustrate some things about the profound nature of Philippine society today.(1) Why do even simple convenience stores in the Philippines require an armed security guard?(2) Was whatever cash that could have been lost in the store worth the life of a security guard?(3) What sort of man shoots another in the back?http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/52499/security-guard-killed-foiling-robbery
2018-08-18 00:15:57+00:00
Amazon Announces Finalists For Filipino ‘Alexa’
Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon, first used in the Amazon Echo and the Amazon Echo Dot devices developed by Amazon Lab126.Like Apple’s Siri, it is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and other real-time information, such as news.Because Alexa has gained worldwide popularity, many consumers have been begging Amazon to create a multi-lingual version of the female assistant.Today, Amazon announced the five finalists for the Filipino Alexa, following almost a year of intensive search for the voice that would do justice to the original.Amazon’s strict criteria for the search included: standout personality, unique Filipino accent, pleasant and soothing voice and willingness to be at the command of Alexa consumers and owners.Here are the five nominees. They are famous enough we don’t need to name them. If this were subject to a vote, who would you choose to be the Filipino Alexa?
['Pol Pinoy']
14/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leni Robredo Files Certificate of Candidacy In Washington, D.C.
Worried that she could lose the Vice Presidential seat as a result of the electoral protest filed by Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo filed a Certificate of Candidacy for the 2019 Senatorial Elections.Because she is currently in the United States for a speaking engagement at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Robredo filed her COC at the Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C.Tomorrow, October 17 is the last day for the filing of COCs with the Commission on Elections.Speaking with The Adobo Chronicles, Robredo said that her decision to file the COC was in accordance with her commitment to serve the Filipino people, especially those in the laylayan. “If the VP position is taken away from me, I would like to have the option to continue as a passionate, dedicated and hard-working public servant, by being a Philippine Senator,” she said.Robredo had earlier announced that she would unite and lead the Opposition against President Rodrigo Duterte, but many of her colleagues have been filing their COCs as Independents. It has been rumored that even her defeated runningmate, then presidential candidate Mar Roxas, would be filing his candidacy for Senator as an Independent.“It’s disappointing, but I respect their decision,” Robredo said.
['Pol Pinoy']
15/10/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
LOOK: How Mindanaoans lecture UP Diliman students about the decision of President Duterte to declare Martial Law
University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman students showed their force in front of Palma Hall to oppose the Martial Law declared by President Rodrigo Duterte in the whole island of Mindanao.But instead of getting a support from the people, they received tremendous amount of criticisms from the netizens especially from Mindanao where the Martial Law law was in effect.The photo of the rallyists posted by the Philippine Collegian Facebook fan page has gone viral on the internet after it received tremendous amount of negative comments from the netizens who supported the Martial Law.Even the top comment almost got the same amount reaction received by the photo album posted by Philippine Collegian.Sar Ali of Marawi City lectured the UP students about the current situation of Mindanao and the necessity to declare Martial Law immediately because of the dangers carried by the Maute terrorist group.Jefferson D. Buncog of Cagayan De Oro informed the rallyists that the situation in Mindanao is normal despite of the Martial Law enforced in the island.Gia Candido, said in her comment that if the UP Students really care about Marawi City, they must donate goods from the victims of Marawi terrorist attack instead of rallying against the move of the President to maintain peace and order in Mindanao.Apreal Vence Capa of Iligan City, told the students about the suffering of the Mindanaoans because of the armed conflicts in Mindanao while the students from Luzon can sleep peacefully.Rain Jose of Illigan City told the students of UP Diliman that they represented the people of Mindanao and she questioned the rants of the activists against the Martial Law. She also said that it’s better that President Rodrigo Duterte enforced Martial Law in Mindanao to avoid more terrorist attacks.Mache Zamalay DelaCruz Tonagar of Cagayan De Oro City, expressed his joy when Martial Law was enforced in Mindanao. She said that the situation only became strict, but the authorities still respected the law-abiding civilians.Ada Armendarez Paceño of Surigao Del Sur, told the students that they don’t need to stand up for the people of Mindanao dahil they trusted the President more than them.Ivy M. Mabanag questioned the advocacy of the students of UP Diliman after they stood up for Mindanao while they criticized the students of Visayas and Mindanao who topped the recent Bar Exam.Jess Gallego of Koronadal told the students of UP that it’s a big help for them that Martial Law was enforced in the whole island of Mindanao.But not all the students of UP supported the advocacy of their schoolmates, Kenneth Carreon Floresca from Luzon apologized for what his schoolmates did.Xavier Zaragosa of Illigan City, a graduate of UP Diliman also showed his support to the Martial Law declared by President Rodrigo Duterte in Mindanao because he understand the decision of the President and he saw the improvements of the security in their place.The UP students who rallied against Martial Law in front of Palma Hall is not yet releasing an official statement on the tremendous amount of criticisms that they received from the netizens.
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2017-05-26 06:33:27+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Voting the wrong people deeply-ingrained in the #Philippines' electorate
The things said about how people vote gets to be confusing because although most of them are correct some are not really exactly what they appear to be. Let me just focus on the other angle of the issue which is seldom talked about nor given more exposure so that we can widen the coverage of the discussion.When talking about electorate we have to differentiate the classification of voters. We have the masa and the middle class and higher class of the voting public. I'm not saying it's just the masa that is guilty for they will not be able to vote for those questionable candidates without the help of those who are more educated and influential than them.The criminals and the crooks get voted not because they are worthy but because they already established and enjoy advantage in terms of influence, bailwicks, followers and of course capital. For example, Erap, ousted as president for graft and corruption; elected as mayor of Manila. The same with Gloria Arroyo, tarnished by Hello Garci and corruption; electred as congresswoman. They get elected on pubic office because of the factors cited above and the kind of system we have.The 'worthiness' of a candidate to the masa is not really about experience or education but how such candidate can be of help to them or how can they benefit from voting for such candidate. The same mentality pervades the thinking of majority of the electorate. How, then, can someone be stupid and dumb if he votes based on his interest and expectations? I'm not saying there is no dumb and stupid voters, for there are many. I'm just saying that most voters have their own criteria and biases as basis for selecting candidates.The 'starstruck ignoramuses' issue is a different case. Of course, voting for popular movies and sport celebrities per se goes against the grain of how voting should be conducted. Right off the bat, those whose only basis to vote was because of the popularity of the candidate is wrong. No question. But let's put ourselves to the shoes of those who vote for celebrities for other reason. I say that because there are voters across the segment of the electorate who are done with traditional politicians. They have voted for decades and decades for these trapos only to get the same result. And it's getting worse because it's not only the trapos who are lining their pockets now but also their families and relatives. Given that scenario the appearance of celebrities in election ballots is a welcome development for these frustrated and disappointed electorate.Then there is the nepotism, political dynasty issue, vote-buying and other issues that gives an impression that our electoral system is one that is a non-serious activity.For me, I think we have to do something with the system that allows those wrong things to happen. Make our system/laws more strict and penalties more harsh. Strengthen and improve the guidelines in terms of qualification/disqualification of a candidate, among other things. Criticize, insult, ridicule and call names people if you must but so long as there is nothing to prevent them doing what they do it would only be an exercise in futility.Having said that, though, I must admit, it won't be an easy task.--------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/01/the-philippines-trapped-in-the-past/comment-page-1/#comment-1071482
09/10/2016 0:00
Teddy Boy Locsin : I’m Sorry But Not Really
Teddy Boy Locsin, the newly-appointed Philippine ambassador to the United Nations, is in hot water because of a series of Twitter comments he made that were offensive to the Jewish people. In the tweets, he also threatened individuals who criticized him.But in a stunning turnaround, the former congressman and journalist profusely apologized for his comments, apparently upon orders of his own daughter:But Locsin’s apologies didn’t last very long.At 4:00 in the morning, while his daughter was fast asleep, the feisty ambassador-elect managed to sneak in one more Twitter comment. He even used blue font, perhaps for emphasis:Shhhh! Don’t tell his daughter…
['Pol Pinoy']
09/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Powerful conservative Christian groups are lobbying Congress to pass legislation mandating the separation of church and stores.In a strongly-worded letter to members of Congress, the lobby group demanded that a law be passed banning Christmas displays and the selling of Christmas merchandise at all retail stores in the country.“Christmas is a one-day celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ,” the letter said, “and for businesses and retailers to turn this holy day into months and months of Christmas shopping season is disgusting and an attack on the Christian faith.”The group specifically mentioned giant retailer Macy’s as an example of commercialization gone mad, at the expense of religion.As early as September, many Macy’s stores across the country have set up their Christmas displays and started selling Christmas items.The lobby group are calling for the banning of all Christmas-related displays and merchandise in all department stores and shopping malls effective immediately. Members of the group also asked that the taking of souvenir photos with Santa Claus in shopping malls be outlawed.Tea Party and other conservative Republicans in Congress have expressed full support for the proposal.
['Pol Pinoy']
09/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Ronnie Dayan arrested in La Union
Authorities confirmed that the former driver and boyfriend of Senator Leila De Lima was arrested in San Juan, La Union on November 22, Tuesday.BREAKING: Ronnie Dayan, ex-driver-bodyguard ni Sen. de Lima, naaresto na sa Northern Luzon; nagpalipat-lipat umano sa La Union at Pangasinan pic.twitter.com/BQJvndOcNT — DZBB Super Radyo (@dzbb) November 22, 2016Ronnie Dayan is currently in the custody of the La Union provincial police.Dayan who hid for many months in different provinces in North Luzon was ordered arrested for not attending the congressional inquiry into the proliferation of illegal drugs at the New Bilibid Prison.Ronnie Dayan mentioned by the Bilibid Inmates that involved in illegal drugs and transporting drug money from Bilibid to his former girlfriend,Last week, Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption announced a P1-million reward for Dayan’s arrest.Weeks ago, Senator Leila De Lima admitted her relationship with her driver Ronnie Dayan who allegedly involved in illegal drug trade.Netizens are expected that Ronnie Dayan is secured because they believe that he is the only one who can prove the involvement of the former Justice Secretary in illegal drugs.Philippine National Police said that they are going to present Dayan in the press at 4pm
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2016-11-22 12:32:06+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
People around the world were awed by the blood red moon that lit the sky during the lunar eclipse on April 15, but Texans had it three times better.This photo taken in Dallas, Texas may not show a blood red moon, but it shows three moons, a phenomenon never before seen anywhere in the world. Texans who witnessed this spectacle were one in saying that their beloved state is truly blessed.Weighing in on the sighting, Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) told The Adobo Chronicles : “It is not only bigger in Texas, it’s also more!”
['Pol Pinoy']
26/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Trump Wants Hillary Clinton Back As Secretary of State
Despite his intense and bitter rivalry with Hillary Clinton in the last U.S. presidential elections, Donald Trump wants the former First Lady to come back to Washington as his Secretary of State.Trump is reportedly unhappy 😔 with his man at the State Department, Rex Tillerson.As proof of the thawing of relations between Trump and Clinton, the president followed Hillary’s advice to bomb Syrian airfields after the Assad regime launched a chemical attack on its own citizens.Hours after Clinton made the suggestion, Trump ordered the air strikes against Syria.Is this the beginning of the end of gridlock in the nation’s capital?
['Pol Pinoy']
07/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
LOOK:Netizen who hugged by Duterte in Singapore reacted on the news report about her and calls them bias
A video published by a big news company in the Philippines has gone viral on the internet and angered some of the supporters of President Duterte.The video showed that the Presidential Guards carried up one of the audience who identified as Neriz Roma, a worker from Singapore. The video showed that President Duterte hugged Roma while taking a selfie.They accused the news network of putting malice on the video taken after his speech at the the Max Pavilion and Hall 9 of the Singapore Expo on December 16, 2016.Even Roma was angered by the article and asked Mocha Uson to help her to spread her message to everyone that she didn’t felt disrespected, instead she felt that the President personally protected her from the crowd.According to Roma, she only wanted to hold the hand of President Duterte and after that she decided to leave. But after the Presidential saw her having a hard time to get out of after being accidentally pushed by the crowd, the President ordered his guards to carried her up to the stage.As an evidence that she was so grateful of what happened to her during that day, Roma made her precious selfie with President Duterte as her profile picture.Mai Laborde, also posted the narration of Neriz during her encounter with President Duterte.Roma Neriz thanked her friends including the supporters of Duterte for defending her and the President against the people who wanted to destroy the image of the President.
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2016-12-18 03:24:41+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Donald Trump Lends Support To Philippine President Duterte For Kissing Incident In South Korea
It is the proverbial 3 a.m. call that only heads of state are expected to make to settle urgent world issues. That’s exactly what happend at 3 a.m. this morning, Philippine Time (3 p.m. Washington time).U.S. President Donald Trump called Rodrigo Duterte to offer his unequivocal support for the Philippine President after the latter was widely criticized for kissing a Filipina lady on the lips during a meeting with the Filipino community in South Korea.”Don’t your critics have better things to do,” Trump reportedly told Duterte. “I fully understand your predicament. It happened to me during my campaign when an audio tape was leaked to the news media where I had commented that I grab women “by the p*ssy,” “I can definitely relate,” Trump added.Trump said he was 100% behind Duterte, chastising the news media for not having any idea on what Presidents go through every day. “They like to make a mountain out of a molehill. Well, they can go to hell.”
['Pol Pinoy']
05/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Stephen Sackur Walks Out On Ousted Philippine Chief Justice Lourdes Sereno During Live Interview On BBC
Television viewers are used to talk show invited guests walking out during live interviews, but what happened at BBC tonight was the exact opposite. The talk show host walked out on his guest.Stephen Sackur was interviewing ousted Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno when he suddently took of his lapel microphone and ear phones, then stormed out of the television studio.Here’s part of that interrupted live interview:Sackur: Good evening Ms. Ex-Chief Justice. As you know the reason our program is called ‘Hardtalk’ is because we ask hard questions and expect honest answers from our guests. So let me go straight to the point: did you or did you not violate your country’s Constitution when you failed to submit your SALNs as required by your high position?Sereno: Stephen, I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. Please talk to my lawyers.Sackur: But aren’t you a lawyer yourself?Sereno: That goes without saying, but I still refuse to answer your question.Sackyr: Well, in that case, Madam Sereno, there is no point in having this interview.(It was at this moment that the broacast went off the air)
['Pol Pinoy']
10/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
As Aquino Steps Down, Marcoses Return To Malacañang
During the height of the 2016 presidential campaign period, former President NoyNoy Aquino made a bold statement that there is no way another Marcos will end up in Malacañang.Well, guess what: on the very day Aquino left Malacañang, not one, but two Marcoses returned to the presidential palace — Senator Bongbong Marcos (who ran unsuccessfully for the position of VP) and Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos.It was, of course, to attend the inauguration of President Rodrigo Duterte. It was, nevertheless, two Marcoses ending up in Malacañang.Never say never.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/06/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Chinese dude throws eggs at KFC restaurant, protesting West Philippine Sea ruling
The ruling of an UNCLOS tribunal on the West Philippine Sea or South China Sea to Chinese people, in favor of the Philippines brought joy to many Filipino fishermen. But not everybody is happy with the ruling.There are those who felt rage and anger including but not limited to, this certain Chinese dude who showed his displeasure with the Hague ruling on the said territorial dispute by trying to tear down a KFC restaurant in China.The man appears to be Chinese, to be sure and also appears to be very angry as he was shouting. We did not bother to call for a translator to know that the man throwing small objects and/or eggs on KFC's glass doors is muttering a variety of curses directed at the United States, the country where Kentucky Fried Chicken originated.Watch the angryAnyway, the Chinese dude having not enough strength failed to do some major damage at the restaurant. Or maybe he does not have enough money to pay the damages he would've inflicted on some other Chinese person's property so he threw eggs instead of rocks.
['Vic Patnugot']
20/04/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Martial Law “debate”: Does the Constitution serve Filipinos? Or do Filipinos serve the Constitution?
The trouble with the whole “debate” around the proposed extension of Martial Law is that it’s been infested by “constitutionalists” beholden to the 1987 Yellowtard Constitution. The points that are truly important to the average Filipino have been all but buried under a mountain of ululations drawn from the original (and obsolete) paranoid delusions that went into the framing of this tired old Yellowtard bible.Fear not, for all has not been lost to the shrill screeching of emotionalist shills. Amazingly, the only real key point around this “debate” had, in fact, already been made in the Inquirer Editor’s blurb for today…Why does the Duterte administration seek to extend the imposition of martial law by an entire year? It is true that the threat of radicalization remains; the carcass of the central district of Marawi City is by itself a potent source of resentment and a tool for recruitment. But the Constitution requires an actual invasion or rebellion. It does not allow the use of the martial law power on speculation or for preventive purposes. (The first of the commander-in-chief powers, the calling-out provision, should suffice.) It may be argued that public safety requires the extension, but again the Constitution is clear: both actual rebellion and public safety conditions must be met.While you, the reader, are sifting through the above looking for that key point I mention earlier, a clue that might help in filtering out the noise from the above lies in the title of the piece itself: “An offense vs the Constitution”. It seems that the Inquirer Editor is likening the Constitution to one of those onion-skinned (easily-offended) “temperamental” brats that are used as fodder for those traditional street rallies organised by the usual liberal and communist mobs.But, yeah, the more intelligent amongst us would have worked it out easily. The point was made that the main thing to consider is that, perhaps, “public safety requires the extension.” That is, perhaps, what ought to be debated by our society’s venerable geniuses — public safety.Unfortunately, the Philippines’ brains trust has focused their sights on the sacred Yellowtard Constitution and coated what would otherwise have been a simple and straightforward point of debate in a layer of legaltard bullshit. Indeed, this is an example of how the whole point of “democracy” is being lost on the Yellowtards. The debate around Martial Law extension is ultimately political in nature. This is why it is left to Filipinos’ popularly-elected representatives in Congress to decide whether or not Martial Law should be extended — because like juries who keep the dangerous orthodox legalese of lawyers and judges in check in Western court rooms, Congress is entrusted by Filipino voters to keep the ivory tower Taliban-like pronouncements of ultra-orthodox constitutionalists beholden to the 1987 Yellowtard Constitution in check.The Inquirer Editor insists that “the Constitution is clear” as if to say that the issue of public safety is subordinate to that manufactured clarity.Herein we see a classic case of the Philippines’ disente “thought leaders” getting behind the wrong arguments yet again. The issue on whether or not the extension of Martial Law will contribute to improving public safety, to be fair, remains debatable. And so the debate over Martial Law extension should be framed around that point — not on the obsolete ululations of a discredited mob of constitutional fundamentalists beholden to a charter that mirrors thinking imprisoned by the emotional blackmail perpetrated in the mid-1980s by Yellowtard oligarchs.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-12-12 23:34:06+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Gloria Diaz and Margarita Moran, not to mention the fact that the Philippines has been consistently in the top 10 finalists in recent pageants. The country has also been a host to the pageant twice, in 1974 and 1994.Trump is expected to ask Aquino for the use of the Philippine Arena, the world’s largest indoor area, as venue for the pageant.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine President Duterte is the world’s Number One troll
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s recent trip to China made me realise that he could be the world’s Number One troll. He leaves his critics baffled and his supporters surprised and awed by his statements. You can call him what you want – a former Filipino actress even called him a psychopath – but he definitely makes people think. He is a provocateur and doesn’t care what others think of him. Members of both the international and local communities have been busy discussing his latest tirade, which seems to occur on a regular basis.Trolls usually provoke others to test their patience and Duterte has definitely pushed some people over the edge. Senator Leila De Lima went berserk and kept going on a rampage in front of the media blaming Duterte for what she considers “attacks” against her by the Department of Justice and by pro-Duterte Netizens on social media.Another one who seems to be on the verge of going on a rampage is former President Fidel Ramos. He has been intensely criticising President Duterte lately. His behaviour is quite odd considering he is said to be the one who convinced Duterte to run for President. It’s also unusual because although he occasionally criticised former President BS Aquino, Ramos wasn’t as harsh as he is now with Duterte. In fact, with BS Aquino, Ramos was careful with his words — as if he didn’t want to offend him too much. Suffice to say, Ramos could be butthurt over something. Some say it is his pro-American stance that is making him despise Duterte.Ramos is not just randomly giving press statements about Duterte, he has been writing a series of articles critical of him and his polices. It’s a good thing hardly anyone takes him too seriously nowadays, partly because his own term as president wasn’t completely corruption- and scandal-free. Some people associate Ramos with his pet project the Centennial Expo at Clark Airbase that was considered a failure, first because of the excesses in construction costs for the project at the expense of the Filipino taxpayers and, second, it became a white elephant after sustaining losses. It eventually closed down in 1999. What Ramos envisioned for the place did not materialise. It was a microcosm of the Ramos administration – full of promise but only on paper. Ramos did not initiate real reforms that could leave a lasting legacy beyond his term.But now Ramos is saying that the Philippines is losing under the Duterte leadership — as if Duterte created all the problems he is trying to solve today. In fact, the Ramos administration was also into patronage politics or the padrino system of governance. This system, which trumps all system in place, is what is keeping the Philippines from moving forward. It is what allows the Philippines’ endemic corruption to persist. When you allow your allies to get away with committing crime or when you celebrate the mediocre performance of your cabinet members, you allow corruption to flourish.Speaking of getting away with crime, a lot of people have not forgotten Ramos’s role during Martial Law. Ramos headed the Philippine Constabulary under former President Ferdinand Marcos. Just because Ramos played a role in the ousting of Marcos in 1986 after he defected doesn’t mean that he should be absolved of his shortcomings during what some people consider to be the darkest chapter in Philippine history. He was never taken to account for the abuses committed by the police under his command back then. It’s too bad the history books gloss over his role in the atrocities.Duterte’s speech in China has also annoyed a lot of his critics particularly when his statements “I announce my separation from the United States” attracted hearty applause from the members of the Chinese government. Duterte went on to say that America has lost both in the military and economic fronts and that he will talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin just to prove that America’s dominance in the world is over. I can imagine members of the US government reeling with anger at being discussed with contempt in front of the Chinese.Like a professional troll, Duterte knows how to get under people’s skin. It’s amusing the way pro-American commentators are reacting to his banter. They are so predictable. Duterte’s statements are meant to get a reaction and his detractors are getting played.To people who are smart enough to understand where he is coming from, Duterte does make sense. They may not have announced it formally the way Duterte did but a lot of countries are already dealing with and showing deference to China. They already value China’s role in the world order. In fact, Filipinos who chant anti-China sentiments don’t even realise that a lot of businesses in the Philippine are run by her Filipino-Chinese citizens. What’s really baffling is why there are still Filipinos who refuse to embrace their Asian roots. The Chinese have for so long been trading with Filipinos — even before Filipinos became Filipinos.Filipinos shouldn’t fret about the idea of the Philippines wanting to break away from the clutches of old “allies” and seeking an independent foreign policy. The United Kingdom did a similar thing when it voted to break away from the European Union earlier this year. Some thought they were crazy to do that. Now some are calling Duterte crazy for breaking with the US. Duterte being crazy remains to be seen. One way of confirming that is in how the US will react to his trolling. Will the US stay despite Duterte’s tirade or leave in retaliation? Either way, Duterte doesn’t care because he’s got new powerful friends now.[Photo courtesy ABS-CBN News.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-10-22 14:30:22+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Pinoys Really Need To Stick To ‘Principles’
“Principle.” A fairly simple word, isn’t it. Three syllables and about nine letters long. However, what’s sad is that it’s meaning is lost on a lot of us Filipinos. Thing is, it may sound simple but to put it into practice is something else entirely.So just what are “principles”?Well, to have principles means sticking to one’s guns. It means that when you make a decision, you’ll stick with it to the end and if you make any mistakes, you’ll own up to them when called out on it. It also means that when you find yourself in an advantageous position but think you did not earn it fairly, you will willingly give it up because you know for yourself that you did not deserve it.Principles also tie in with one’s sense of honor. Having a sound set of principles and following them through regardless of your situation, marks one as truly honorable. For instance, you find yourself competing in a contest that you soon realize is rigged, instead of continuing and winning, you either stop playing or, even when you do win, you step down and declare that you are unworthy of the title. Alternatively, if you play for a team in a competition and your team loses, you congratulate the other team and stick with yours until perhaps eventually, you manage to secure a win.Unfortunately, the idea of principles and the way they’re supposed to work in this country is entirely a different story. Like everything else, from concepts, to actual objects and people, everything is tainted with the dysfunction of our culture. It’s why we all too often end up with avaricious religions, twisted ideologies, tyrannical authority figures and, of course, people who can’t even be taught to follow simple instructions and cry like babies when called out on it.Now we have a vice president who seems too afraid to stick to her guns. Did she cheat her way to her title? Well, that’s not for me to judge. However, given the questionable way her votes seemed to fluctuate throughout the election process, the suspicion of electoral fraud does indeed have some basis. Unfortunately, her utter refusal to allow for any recount pretty much sums up the kind of person she is. So it doesn’t matter if you cheated as long as you win, eh? It doesn’t matter if you come off as a possible pawn of an elitist political faction as long as your opponents don’t win, eh? It doesn’t matter if said elitist political faction is a staunch opponent of the man you married as long as you get what you want, eh?Then we have this boxer-turned congressman-turned senator who says he was with the upcoming president all along. Yes, this is the same guy who approved the BBL and then changed his mind later when he actually read the thing and realized that it included one of the places he governed over. You know, for all your Bible-thumping and attacking the LGBT community, you never seem to bother with the wisdom written in the Good Book, do you? It’s always about convenience with you, isn’t it? When you want to shirk your political duties, you say you have practice and when sportsmen want to examine you for fairness, you up and say you have political duties?
2016-05-29 05:17:51+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Mayor Duterte’s former wife Elizabeth Zimmerman, to campaign for him
Photo Credits: SuperBalita Davao“Biyaheng DU30” 30-day caravan is an activity led by Mayor Duterte’s former wife Elizabeth Zimmerman, who is a stage 3 cancer patient. Madam Zimmerman, decided to stop her radiation session to come out and help his daughter and son to campaign for his former husband.According to her, she wants to meet her fellow Filipinos and answer questions about Mayor Duterte. She will also visit different places in the Philippines including his birthplace, Hilongos, Leyte and Tuburan, Cebu.When she was asked why she decided to help and why now? She said, “I wanted to help him because he is still part of my family, he is the father of my children. We may be annulled in court but we were also married in the church and the Catholic church never anulled our marriage. I wanted to complete at least seventeen radiation sessions before stopping the treatment and go out to campaign.”Photo Credits: TV5Elizabeth has 16 more radiation sessions to complete the 33 sessions mandated by her doctor when she comes back from the one month caravan. Elizabeth is joined by her daughter Sara and her grandchildren Shark, Stingray and Bella. The caravan is intended to go around Visayas and Mindanao to thank the supporters and convince the undecided and convert those who are unsure who to trust, choose, and vote for the right candidate. Some of their activities will be giving out of handbills and distribution of campaign paraphernalia.
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2016-04-05 09:39:48+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista