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0.474289 | 3c009e8742554ad28ae266b6625861fe | Effect of nitrogen deficiency on gene expression in peanut roots. Statistical analysis of DEGs during nitrogen deficiency treatment for 5 and 10 days. (A) The number of significantly upregulated and downregulated expressed genes; (B) Venn diagrams of DEGs from two root comparisons; (C) heatmap of overlapped DEGs in HNR05 vs. LNR05 and HNR10 vs. LNR10 comparisons. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g004.jpg |
0.477903 | 145ff8c7adf84e208e2c499c54cc33b8 | GO annotation terms of DEGs from HNR05 vs. LNR05 and HNR10 vs. LNR10. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g005.jpg |
0.423044 | 4cbcb4f474f246c18453c509cf568550 | DEGs participated in nitrate transportation and assimilation. (A) Heatmap of DEGs related to nitrate transportation and assimilation. I: HNR05 vs. LNR05; II: HNR10 vs. LNR10. (B) Nitrate transportation and assimilation process in HNR10 vs. LNR10. For each rectangular shape, red shapes represent upregulated DEGs, while blue shapes represent downregulated DEGs. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g006.jpg |
0.38247 | e22abf482feb484aa445dd9adf9e0e62 | DEGs related to plant hormone signal transduction. (A) Heatmap of DEGs related to plant hormone signal transduction pathways. I: HNR05 vs. LNR05; II: HNR10 vs. LNR10. (B) Plant hormone signal transduction process in HNR10 vs. LNR10. For each rectangular shape, red shapes represent upregulated DEGs, while blue shapes represent downregulated DEGs. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g007.jpg |
0.490915 | a689f06e2ec04c9fb87191ccd3018ba6 | DEGs participated in lignin biosynthetic pathway. (A) Heatmap of DGs related to lignin biosynthetic pathway. I: HNR05 vs. LNR05; II: HNR10 vs. LNR10; (B) lignin biosynthetic pathway in HNR10 vs. LNR10. For each rectangular shape, red shapes represent upregulated DEGs, while blue shapes represent downregulated DEGs. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g008.jpg |
0.447325 | 66db863855994229966d2e571e5c5565 | Predicted protein–protein interaction networks of all DEPs in roots under 10 days of nitrogen deficiency. Red hexagons represent upregulated DEPs; green hexagons represent downregulated DEPs. The full names of all the abbreviations above are shown in Table S12. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g009.jpg |
0.405422 | 0e3c750500a34b08856b25fcb7445323 | A proposed model for the mechanism underlying the inhibition of peanut roots by nitrogen deficiency. Notes: Red arrows represent upregulated and green arrows represent downregulated genes. ABA: abscisic acid; CAD: Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase; 4CL: 4-coumarate--CoA ligase; NRT1.1: nitrate transporter 1.1; NRT1.2: nitrate transporter1.2; PLA: phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; POD: peroxidase; PP2C: phosphatase 2C. | PMC9960604 | plants-12-00732-g010.jpg |
0.448083 | 89a7e2aa28b7420e8b1b9c9d3759f78c | Pipeline of performed data consolidation. | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g001.jpg |
0.438427 | dde40de7185d4b65b7d3eafff74d6c44 | Multiple sequence alignment of 9930, Gy14, and B10v3 genomes of data from CuGenDBv2 database. The red vertical lines indicate the boundaries of the individual chromosomes, which have been signed according to the numbering in each genome. Colored boxes represent common elements between the compared genomes, and grey areas are unique to the depicted genome. | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g002.jpg |
0.450771 | 6dfedecb5cee4b1b9eeda55e6d69be29 | Comparison of arrangement tools: RagTag, Mauve Contig Mover, Multi-CSAR. As a reference 9930 genome was used. Colored boxes represent common elements between the compared genomes, and grey areas are unique to the depicted genome. The red vertical lines indicate the boundaries of the individual chromosomes. | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g003.jpg |
0.478813 | 580b14de0ab848ffbe582f54c712a1c8 | RagTag result of B10v3 genome rearrangement and assigned to chromosome with use of filtered 9930 reference genome visualized in Mauve software. The red vertical lines indicate the boundaries of the individual chromosomes. | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g004.jpg |
0.477097 | dc877a92028a4956a326e688bd1b1f3f | RagTag result of B10v3 rearrangement using filtered Gy14 reference and assigned to chromosome visualized in Mauve software. The red vertical lines indicate the boundaries of the individual chromosomes. | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g005.jpg |
0.455666 | 452bc4226a3141298ec5f49c1573b064 | Comparative and corresponding B10 numbering (upper) to 9930/Gy14 numbering (down). Chromosome number (Ch) according to Han et al. [21] and Yang et al. [3] work. Karyotype of B10 showed FISH signals (left) and sequential DAPI and CMA staining (right). Karyotype of 9930 and Gy14 showed only FISH signals. The arrows indicate the chromosome equivalent of the B10v3 version (upper) vs. 9930 and Gy14 (down). | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g006.jpg |
0.439887 | 3c2ba2d0f4ec43b1a28183a8104e79ac | Probe localization on three cucumber line chromosomes: B10, 859, and CSH55. (A) DAPI staining, (B) CMA staining, (C) Type IV (red) and 45S rDNA (green), and (D) Type III (orange) and Type IV (red). Scale bar = 5 μm. | PMC9961470 | ijms-24-04011-g007.jpg |
0.417958 | 2fd9cb538c0949738e661254fbc6527d | Exosome extraction from human plasma and lysis to release target molecules. Colorimetric responses of PT upon the addition of PNA and various concentrations of the mir21-spiked exosomes. | PMC9962048 | molecules-28-01909-g001.jpg |
0.424047 | f1371e8e66694251b419aba6df62922c | Electron microscopy images of exosome sample (a) before lysis (as indicated by the white arrow that shows an exosome) and (b) after lysis (as indicated in the white box whereby the vesicles have been ruptured). | PMC9962048 | molecules-28-01909-g002.jpg |
0.428138 | 0749b85e558c40f58ef5a3bd3aa29ee2 | Size distribution spectrum of (a) exosome sample before lysis, (b) exosome sample after lysis, and (c) 0.1% Triton X-100. | PMC9962048 | molecules-28-01909-g003.jpg |
0.454113 | c339665d1c404c85b6943108cabc13e6 | Colorimetric responses (digital images) of varying amounts (1×, 10×, 0×) of (a) exosomes with PT in MilliQ in Vials A–C, (b) exosomes with PT in PBS in Vials D–F, and (c) exosomes with PT-T20 in PBS in Vials G–I, and their corresponding fluorescence spectra (d–f), respectively. | PMC9962048 | molecules-28-01909-g004.jpg |
0.490521 | 38bd15a3a3dc4f73ab89e79860a24c55 | Melting curve of mir21 expression (20 cycles). | PMC9962048 | molecules-28-01909-g005.jpg |
0.397477 | 8741aeaa24b84aaeb7c35371ee2d0c35 | mir21 assay (a–d): (a) digital images of vials containing (A) PT-T20-PNA1-1 μM mir21 (control), and (B–F) PT-T20 with 4 μM, 2 μM, 1 μM, 500 nM and 250 nM mir21 and, (b) corresponding fluorescence spectra, (c) ΔE values calculated with respect to vial A and (d) linear plot of mir21 concentration versus normalized fluorescence intensity. | PMC9962048 | molecules-28-01909-g006.jpg |
0.448175 | 814568d1d0924a4eae0efcc497249f2d | Association of fetuin-A at T0 (a) and at T24 (b). | PMC9962253 | ijms-24-03203-g001.jpg |
0.487086 | cf20fdb0962641f09a3be99af8446815 | Scatterplot: Association of Fetuin-A at T0 and of mNY at T0. | PMC9962253 | ijms-24-03203-g002.jpg |
0.461634 | d7af42d2e8a04531a895b8ef0b40bacf | Scatterplot: Association of Fetuin-A at T24 and of mNY at T24. | PMC9962253 | ijms-24-03203-g003.jpg |
0.512912 | 273df3fd17b44089a888f76cb2dfc5e6 | Scatterplot: Association of Fetuin-A at T0 and of mNY at T24. | PMC9962253 | ijms-24-03203-g004.jpg |
0.39046 | 6495431fc81944d6876d23e8a3d33433 | Correlations between serum 25(OH)D concentration and (A) BMI, (B) muscle mass, (C) fat mass, and (D) PTH levels in LDD patients. r: Spearman’s coefficient, statistically significant at p < 0.05. | PMC9962334 | ijms-24-03152-g001.jpg |
0.420713 | 3224b135c7344dccb2ce379bb30196e5 | Evaluation of gait speed physical performance: (A) Comparison of gait speed between patients with vitamin D sufficiency and insufficiency. p-value was calculated with the Mann–Whitney U test. (B) Comparison of gait speed between patients, classified by ODI score. p-value was evaluated by Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. (C) Correlation between serum 25(OH)D and gait speed. | PMC9962334 | ijms-24-03152-g002.jpg |
0.413102 | ce1e41b9f5f946a28732f49222663053 | Determination of chair stand test: (A) Comparison of chair stand test between patients with vitamin D sufficiency and insufficiency. p-value was calculated with the Mann–Whitney U test. (B) Comparison of chair stand test between patients, classified by ODI score. p-value was examined using Friedman’s two-way ANOVA test. (C) Correlation between serum 25(OH)D and the time in chair stand test. | PMC9962334 | ijms-24-03152-g003.jpg |
0.408672 | ce52f7ad877844aca18bdf546e0cce3c | Determination of TUG test: (A) Comparison of TUG test between patients with vitamin D sufficiency and insufficiency. p-value was analyzed using the Mann–Whitney U test. (B) Comparison of TUG test between patients, classified by ODI score. p-value was calculated with Friedman’s two-way ANOVA test. (C) Correlation between serum 25(OH)D and the time in the TUG test. | PMC9962334 | ijms-24-03152-g004.jpg |
0.463789 | 766cbd87c05b4907ab3d85965cdff0ee | Schematic illustration of nasal end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO2) and transcutaneous carbon dioxide (PtcCO2) monitoring. An end-tidal sample line was inserted into the nasopharyngeal airway to monitor PetCO2. A transcutaneous monitoring probe was placed on the forearm ipsilateral to the non-operated lung to monitor PtcCO2. | PMC9962657 | jcm-12-01706-g001.jpg |
0.500659 | 4716714ab8ff430082eef5387a0a4479 | The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves comparing the predictive power of PtcCO2 and PetCO2 monitoring for hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 60 mmHg). PetCO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure; PtcCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide. | PMC9962657 | jcm-12-01706-g002.jpg |
0.461035 | 79563d81fedb4ab7bc719fc1002000e6 | Correlation of PtcCO2 and PetCO2 with PaCO2 during (a) two-lung ventilation and (b) one-lung ventilation. PetCO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure; PtcCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide. | PMC9962657 | jcm-12-01706-g003.jpg |
0.512625 | 9566a386b3aa4f4c9ee7304dba4c40a5 | Bland–Altman plots comparing the agreement between (a) PaCO2 and PtcCO2 and (b) PaCO2 and PetCO2 during two-lung ventilation. PetCO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure; PtcCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; SD, standard deviation. | PMC9962657 | jcm-12-01706-g004a.jpg |
0.443027 | 2534b55caaea454881415ba1281c7da8 | Bland–Altman plots comparing the agreement between (a) PaCO2 and PtcCO2 and (b) PaCO2 and PetCO2 during one-lung ventilation. PetCO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure; PtcCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; SD, standard deviation. | PMC9962657 | jcm-12-01706-g005.jpg |
0.486843 | 2f7c12ba7e4e479a8fc4ff0c919e92b3 | Structures of isolated compounds 1−20 from V. rotundifolia. | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g001.jpg |
0.455182 | ae6be27728e94cf2bc92ee56f80c2477 | CD spectrum (A) and key HMBC, COSY, 1D NOE, and NOESY (B) correlations of compound 1. | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g002.jpg |
0.368086 | b73cc5e55bfb47f4936616184f671990 | Modified Mosher’s method. | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g003.jpg |
0.393986 | b3f0659f4cd848099f30dd3742b37b4f | Antioxidant effect of compounds (1−20). The DPPH assay was performed in triplicate. The data are represented as mean ± SD. * p < 0.05, compared to control (CON). | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g004.jpg |
0.419122 | 914090283e154fc3acb92d5e2ac62f96 | Cytotoxic effects (A) and NO production inhibitory effects (B) of isolated compounds (1−20 at 10 and 100 μM) in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. RAW264.7 cells were treated with compounds 1−20 (10 and 100 µM) for 1 h and stimulated with LPS (1 μg/mL) for 16 h. (A) The viability of cells was determined using an MTT assay. (B) The level of NO production in serum-free culture medium was measured. Both experiments were performed in triplicate. The data are represented as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, compared to the LPS-treated group. | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g005.jpg |
0.412946 | a0eaaa1e83f340f4b0ea4d1ea7fefb13 | Cytotoxic effects (A) and IL-8 production inhibitory effects (B) of compounds in LPS-induced HT-29 cells. HT-29 cells were treated with compounds 1−20 (10 and 100 µM) for 2 h and stimulated with LPS (100 ng/mL) for 12 h. (A) The viability of cells was determined using an MTT assay. (B) The level of IL-8 in the culture media was measured with an ELISA kit. The values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of three individual experiments. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, compared to the LPS-treated group. | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g006.jpg |
0.451351 | 665f9a9dc8044c45a38146d87eac8f28 | Binding poses and interactions between binding sites of the IL-8 receptor with respect to ligands (compounds 8 (A), 9 (B), 13 (C), 14 (D), and 19 (E)). | PMC9962727 | metabolites-13-00249-g007.jpg |
0.391598 | 3f05b587fe0046c793a28e1c457689a4 | Map of Tehran, Iran, showing the spatial distribution of COVID-19 mortality 2019–2021; EBS = empirical Bayes smoothed mortality rates per 100,000 population at the neighbourhood level. Numbers indicate the administrative district division of the city. Each district includes some neighbourhoods. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g001.jpg |
0.404886 | ad4ea7cf06b4414993dbd560a1e2622a | Spatial distributions for selected explanatory variables in Tehran, Iran. Dark blue shades show low ranges and dark red shades show high range values for each variable (numbers as given in Table 1). | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g002.jpg |
0.463268 | 2d0a6c04226d4d2e86cae4c97b8ea1e5 | Methodology flowchart of the study of COVID-19 mortality in Tehran. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g003.jpg |
0.423131 | dba4704fb8ab4a759fdc44acf34ae3e1 | (a): Monthly distribution chart of the mortality rates (per 100,000 population) by number and sex; (b): percentage of COVID-19 related deaths by number, sex, and age group. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g004.jpg |
0.419958 | db74a7bd49fe4f77bb208fa994522e0f | Purely temporal significant clusters of COVID-19 deaths during 2019 to 2021 in the study area. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g005.jpg |
0.45766 | ce795ce77c124297871fac99dbd7de07 | Detected purely spatial clusters of COVID-19 deaths in Tehran, Iran. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g006.jpg |
0.458869 | 57c3c9e60afa40fda11529ac678b0447 | Detected space-time clusters of COVID-19 deaths in Tehran, Iran. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g007.jpg |
0.446822 | 899824fb7d564166ab5fb45855214e98 | Spatial distribution of local R2 values for GWR and MGWR models. (A): Map of the GWR local R2 values, (B): Map of the MGWR local R2 values, (C): Histogram chart depicting the distribution of GWR R2 values; and (D): Histogram chart depicting the distribution of MGWR R2 values in the study area. | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g008.jpg |
0.409697 | 5f7b5f7518f84806a6a00ee9b1f741e4 | Surface map of local estimates pseudo t-values of MGWR model results for Tehran’s COVID-19 mortality rate dataset. Dark blue shades show areas with high t-values. All maps were generated in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2 (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA, 2022). | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g009.jpg |
0.454927 | 57c6ae9247f0439886286f005e8bb93d | Spatial distribution bivariate map of local estimates (Beta) and covariates original values of MGWR model results for Tehran’s COVID-19 mortality rates. All the maps were generated in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2 (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA, 2022). | PMC9962969 | tropicalmed-08-00085-g010.jpg |
0.504633 | d4fdfc56a29a4ebcb8c05dfe8a4d0b95 | Co-pyrolysis of C4 hydrocarbons and hexane: conversion of C4 hydrocarbons (●1-butene; ● 2-butene; ● isobutane; ● butane; and ● isobutene) in dependence on their mole fraction in the binary mixture. Points represent experimental data and lines were obtained from regression analysis. | PMC9962995 | materials-16-01418-g001.jpg |
0.414386 | 0e9f89ac523546d2b7bb25cbf24775ae | Co-pyrolysis of C4 hydrocarbons and cyclohexane: conversion of C4 hydrocarbons (●1-butene; ● 2-butene; ● isobutane; ● butane; and ● isobutene) in dependence on their mole fraction in the binary mixture. Points represent experimental data and lines were obtained from regression analysis. | PMC9962995 | materials-16-01418-g002.jpg |
0.473626 | cfcdfe46bdb04e6dab260e4fe71853f7 | Co-pyrolysis of C4 hydrocarbons and 3-methylpentane: conversion of C4 hydrocarbons (○ 2-butene and ● isobutene) in dependence on their mole fraction in the binary mixture. Points represent experimental data; solid line was obtained from regression analysis and dashed line is a simulation. | PMC9962995 | materials-16-01418-g003.jpg |
0.465837 | 6b0ee8c6f2a74f1f9909654a406662eb | Co-pyrolysis of C4 hydrocarbons and heptane: conversion of C4 hydrocarbons (○ 2-butene and ● isobutene) in dependence on their mole fraction in the binary mixture. Points represent experimental data; solid line was obtained from regression analysis and dashed line is a simulation. | PMC9962995 | materials-16-01418-g004.jpg |
0.435774 | c3c469bb11814ee9ba90925561e80442 | 3D visualization of snack pellets and crisps expanded by selected methods: P—unexpanded pellets, F—crisps expanded by frying in deep oil, M—crisps expanded by microwaving, A—crisps expanded by hot-air toasting, 0–30 amount of fresh carrot pulp (%). | PMC9963299 | materials-16-01541-g001.jpg |
0.398699 | 043d99bc4fa944a7ba85535528ca2c16 | Cross-section of snack pellets and crisps expanded by selected methods: P—unexpanded pellets, F—crisps expanded by frying in deep oil, M—crisps expanded by microwaving, A—crisps expanded by hot-air toasting, 0–30 amount of fresh carrot pulp (%). | PMC9963299 | materials-16-01541-g002.jpg |
0.440455 | 62cce49ed51f4e4f9a83740536f9497d | Pore size and wall thickness distribution in snack pellets and crisps expanded by selected methods: P—unexpanded pellets, F—crisps expanded by frying in deep oil, M—crisps expanded by microwave, A—crisps expanded by hot-air toasting, 0–30 amount of fresh carrot pulp (%). | PMC9963299 | materials-16-01541-g003.jpg |
0.391394 | 13a0ff4b13944d4a90e8832014346d1c | PCA analysis of snack pellets and expanded crisps features. | PMC9963299 | materials-16-01541-g004.jpg |
0.465369 | 8a0a187ac08140a8b051625a5c617c57 | The crisps objects in space of first two major components by PCA (principal component analysis) (a), and the dendrogram obtained by HCA (hierarchical cluster analysis) application (b). F—crisps expanded by frying in deep oil, M—crisps expanded by microwave, A—crisps expanded by hot-air toasting, 0–30 amount of fresh carrot pulp (%); different colors of circles mean similar homogenous groups. | PMC9963299 | materials-16-01541-g005.jpg |
0.473352 | f2e4eb197fa142f68f17e71932398e75 | Structures of the peptide leads GE11, D4, CPP, P1, P2, EGBP, Pep11, QRH and hEGF of which chelator-modified and radiolabeled analogs were developed of and tested for their potential to be applied as agents for EGFR-specific tumor targeting. In the structure of hEGF, the three loops of the peptide are colored in red (A loop), blue (B loop) and green (C loop), while the part of the peptide belonging to both the A and the B loop is depicted in purple. | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-g001.jpg |
0.404985 | 2e43f7c170e4425d9e659fd9637a7aac | Structures of the N-terminally PEG5-NODA-GA-modified labeling precursors based on the peptides GE11 (1), D4 (2), P1 (3) and P2 (4). | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-g002.jpg |
0.451313 | 877f96dd84474337b3db3e63b00f1395 | Structures of the C-terminally PEG5-NODA-GA-modified labeling precursors based on the peptides QRH (5), CPP (6), EGBP (7), the three loops of the hEGF (8–10) and Pep11 (11). | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-g003.jpg |
0.473546 | d09a9ba47549465ebe67df5008e9e2c7 | Analytical radio-HPLC chromatograms of [68Ga]Ga-1–[68Ga]Ga-11 as obtained directly after radiolabeling of 1–11 with 68Ga3+. | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-g004.jpg |
0.48269 | a19601df0fad4e72be338eb38167c434 | Summary of the results of the cell uptake studies of [68Ga]Ga-1–[68Ga]Ga-11 and [125I]I-hEGF on EGFR-positive A431 cells after 1 h of incubation under non-blocking and blocking conditions. Each experiment was performed thrice, each in triplicate. | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-g005.jpg |
0.465051 | 6788a6aa81654a4881b2a6c999638260 | Graphical depiction of the results of the competitive displacements assays of 1–11 as well as the positive control hEGF on EGFR-positive A431 cells using [125I]I-hEGF as the competitor. Each experiment was performed at least thrice, each in triplicate, depicted in different colors. | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-g006.jpg |
0.379915 | cc4fb94e425b4d4fbd61c73110b575e6 | Schematic depiction of the synthesis strategy of the labeling precursors 1–11 exemplified for 9. Reaction conditions: (a) cleavage of Fmoc-protecting group: piperidine/DMF (1/1, v/v), 2 + 5 min; (b) activation of amino acid: 2.0 equiv. amino acid derivative, 2.0 equiv. DIPEA, 1.9 equiv. HBTU in DMF, 2 min, 15 min conjugation; (c) mildly acidic cleavage of lysine Nε-Mtt protecting group: DCM/TFA (99/1, v/v), 30–45 min; (d) activation of NODA-GA(tBu)3: 2.0 equiv., 2.0 equiv. DIPEA, 1.9 equiv. PyBOP in DMF, 2 min, 30 min conjugation; (e) mildly acidic cleavage of cysteine Mmt protecting group: DCM/TFA (98/2, v/v), 45 min; (f) cyclization by dithiol-formation using 1.05 equiv. NCS in DMF, 15 min; (g) cleavage of peptide from resin and simultaneous deprotection of side chain functional groups: TFA/TIS/H2O (95/2.5/2.5, v/v/v), 3 h. | PMC9963887 | pharmaceuticals-16-00273-sch001.jpg |
0.422667 | 89e26ccafe404001a433aa61f540ad43 | EphB1 expression is increased in activated HSCs. (A,B) The relative mRNA and protein levels of EphB1 and the typical pro-fibrotic marker proteins in human LX-2 cells stimulated with or without TGF-β1 (5 ng/mL). (C,D) The relative mRNA and protein levels of EphB1 and several other typical pro-fibrotic genes in rat HSC-T6 cells stimulated with or without TGF-β1 (5 ng/mL). Values shown are means ± SEM: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs. control. | PMC9964663 | ijms-24-03415-g001.jpg |
0.479376 | 78069735d3684e13982ce8d40efc0360 | EphB1 is neddylated in activated HSCs. (A) Analysis of EphB1 neddylation in HSCs treated with or without TGF-β1 (5 ng/mL) and MLN4924 (1 μM) for 24 h. (B) HA-immunoblot of Myc-immunoprecipitate from HEK293T cells transfected with Myc-tagged EphB1 and HA-tagged NEDD8 or NEDD8 ΔGG. (C) Effects of MLN4924 on the EphB1 neddylation in HEK293T cells transfected with the indicated constructs. (D) Effects of NEDP1 on the EphB1 neddylation in HEK293T cells transfected with the indicated constructs. | PMC9964663 | ijms-24-03415-g002.jpg |
0.476619 | af4f337e5a3442c59fad08193d4dbd4e | Neddylation stabilizes EphB1 by antagonizing its ubiquitination. (A) Effects of neddylation blockade by MLN4924 (1 μM) on the EphB1 phosphorylation in LX-2 cells. * p < 0.05 vs. Control; ## p < 0.01 vs. TGF-β1 treatment group. (B) Assessment of EphB1 protein stability in LX-2 cells. LX-2 cells were treated with DMSO or MLN4924 (1 μM) for 24 h, and then with CHX (100 μg/mL) for various periods of time as indicated. Cell lysates were then harvested and subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. (C) EphB1 protein expression in LX-2 cells treated with MLN4924 (1 μM), MG-132 (10 μM), or their combination. Values shown are means ± SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs. DMSO; ### p < 0.001 vs. MLN4924 treatment group. (D) Analysis of EphB1 neddylation and ubiquitination levels in activated LX-2 cells treated with or without MLN4924 (1 μM). (E) Analysis of EphB1 neddylation and ubiquitination levels in activated LX-2 cells treated with or without MG-132 (10 μM). (F) Analysis of EphB1 neddylation and ubiquitination levels in HEK293T cells transfected with flag-tagged EphB1, HA-tagged Ub, or Myc-tagged NEDD8 as indicated. | PMC9964663 | ijms-24-03415-g003.jpg |
0.37005 | 825da05de13d4d41954ca40d8488f886 | EphB1 promotes the proliferation, migration, and activation of HSCs. (A) Effects of exogenous overexpression of EphB1 on the expression of pro-fibrotic markers in LX-2 cells. (B) Effects of EphB1 overexpression on the cell proliferation of LX-2 cells. (C) Microscopic inspection of LX-2 cells transfected with empty vector or EphB1 expression plasmid after scratching (0 h) and after 24 h of wound healing (40× magnification, scale bar, 200 μm). (D) Effects of EphB1 knockdown on the expression of pro-fibrotic markers in LX-2 cells. (E) Effects of EphB1 knockdown on the cell proliferation of LX-2 cells. (F) Effects of EphB1 knockdown on the migration of LX-2 cells as determined in (C) (40× magnification, scale bar, 200 μm). Values shown are means ± SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs. control. | PMC9964663 | ijms-24-03415-g004.jpg |
0.40817 | dc091d775c7c4ddc98d212bcf7fb5c06 | EphB1 is neddylated in CCl4-induced liver fibrosis mice. (A) Schema of the mice experimental protocol. Mice were administrated as indicated by the arrows. (B) Representative histopathological images of H&E and Masson’s trichrome staining of mouse liver sections (400× magnification, scale bar, 100 μm). (C) Serum levels of ALT, AST, T-Bil, and hydroxyproline content in mouse livers. (D) The protein expression of EphB1 and the pro-fibrotic marker proteins in the liver tissues of mice treated with Oil (Control group), CCl4 (Model group), CCl4, plus MLN4924 (MLN4924 group). (E) Analysis of EphB1 neddylation in the liver tissues of mice treated with Oil, CCl4, CCl4 plus MLN4924. Values shown are means ± SEM. *** p < 0.001 vs. Control; ## p < 0.01, ### p < 0.001 vs. Model. | PMC9964663 | ijms-24-03415-g005.jpg |
0.407646 | 93f5cbbce38442afb33c77ffbeebf919 | PRISMA diagram. | PMC9964749 | ijerph-20-03628-g001.jpg |
0.485374 | 45af8a46bb5d453283c0ae1f2cda0f73 | Count of studies by year of publication. | PMC9964749 | ijerph-20-03628-g002.jpg |
0.351057 | c96e59bffc474f9f84bdd256984f6801 | Main peer role by positively associated domain. | PMC9964749 | ijerph-20-03628-g003.jpg |
0.405547 | 17556d7b68ee45d5a95717d221116859 | Sample of initial images. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g001.jpg |
0.443409 | 07aea8b167aa4a3e98a7ce74899331bb | Acquired image (a) and output (b) from step 1 processing. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g002.jpg |
0.576146 | 505495112f6245678180f764af9b405d | Result obtained after the processing in step 2. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g003.jpg |
0.552877 | 030923f27d3c4aedb729f9d99074bace | Result obtained after processing from step 3. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g004.jpg |
0.526038 | a0e85a8020bb49a78f0eef6186059abe | Result obtained after processing from step 4. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g005.jpg |
0.486254 | 5d779d6b52014a7f97ab88b82177ac20 | Final results obtained from post-processing in step 5: (a) SG mask and (b) SG contour (yellow) superimposed on the acquired image. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g006.jpg |
0.487252 | ad01a77ab0e94a488e0b9514910541ac | Image extraction of SG and orientation in approximately horizontal position: (a) phase 1 and (b) phase 2. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g007.jpg |
0.431523 | 3009c439e2534266999603b972ba89df | Obtaining the binary image for the type 1 transducer (step 3). | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g008.jpg |
0.387631 | 68c371ee12a7401884a02f6499e01d42 | Obtaining the binary image for the type 2 transducer (step 3). | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g009.jpg |
0.380057 | cf57f7f8ea1748e5861949cfce3fad0c | Obtaining the binary image for the type 3 transducer (step 3). | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g010.jpg |
0.424933 | 8857196f0325414eb2204880d841946d | Extracting objects from the binary image and overlaying contours over the original image (step 4). | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g011.jpg |
0.614309 | 485b0837ea8b4b0894a62f68553bbad2 | Triangular object selection procedure (step 5)—South triangular object. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g012.jpg |
0.625594 | 115af886d6de4a94817a9d8bc066b7d3 | Triangular object selection procedure (step 5)—East triangular object. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g013.jpg |
0.599698 | 47d9947975f3431fbe859cb2cda0ce61 | Triangular object selection procedure (step 5): non-triangular object. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g014.jpg |
0.586462 | 1975fd9411864e68bbb4d3489d5dc6d3 | Triangular object selection procedure (step 5): non-triangular object. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g015.jpg |
0.42612 | 6ed94756dc7a4e87ac7b7aa0f6e50ba9 | The directions parallel and perpendicular to the SG filaments, automatically detected. | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g016.jpg |
0.417366 | e75e7c1580f240c39061a0d6e89a3ace | The image acquisition environment used in the automatic detection of SG orientation errors (photographing the composite board). | PMC9964756 | polymers-15-00876-g017.jpg |
0.471501 | f4fb29c361b64dae908476e25223cd4c | PAP-CCVH, participatory program for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health (experimental group); CLP-CCVH, conventional lecture program for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health (comparative group). Flow chart of participants. | PMC9964897 | ijerph-20-03210-g001.jpg |
0.43806 | 56af6b3b22154b8d88ebb199e8d88d86 | The 17th-century ciborium studied and its state of conservation. Scale bar equal to 5 cm. | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g001.jpg |
0.47231 | d10e7eaa7dd04319aff3a32daad6314a | Summary diagram of the different steps of the complete experimental work used in this study. | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g002.jpg |
0.413828 | 37c2ffd7c85c48ee8fdacf02369424d5 | Manual reproduction of column with component measurements (Scale bar equal to 5 cm). | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g003.jpg |
0.499316 | 63548c49cbe84122a62d03caf4cdcb89 | Steps of three-dimensional modeling of the column: modeling of the volutes (A) and the assembled capital (B) using Rhinoceros software; 3D model of the upper section of the column, front of the capital and whole column using Rhinoceros software (C); transversal section of the column (left) and modeling (right) of structural components using Fusion 360 software (D). | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g004.jpg |
0.44256 | 7ad1e5e394244190a452fa4dfb108ded | Prototypes printed with PLA (A) and final model of column in PETG (B). Scale bar equal to 5 cm. | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g005.jpg |
0.439152 | 4718a090b81a40ecbce4811df710262b | 3D model of column in PETG: grooves and hole for the threaded aluminium bar at half height of the shaft (A), detail of the two parts of the column joined together thanks to the grooves (B), holes for the threaded aluminium bar and cap (C) and assembled column (D). Scale bar equal to 5 cm. | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g006.jpg |
0.475555 | 76f34ce4f6cd43fd9d8fa705ef424402 | Main phases of column restoration: copy of column (A), modelling the capital with stucco using a scalpel (B), application of gold leaf on bolus (C), copy of column with gouache gilding (D), aluminium bar insertion operation (E), original column with retouching by striping or hatching (F). Scale bar equal to 5 cm. | PMC9965309 | materials-16-01424-g007.jpg |
0.518035 | 9ba5ab824a3146e3ba764669512be5ee | (a) Absorption and (b) normalized emission spectra of NH2NBS, EtNBS, and NMe2NBS in dichloromethane solution. (c) The bleaching rates of DPBF by photoinduced 1O2 in MeOH (ΔOD represents the absorption difference of DPBF at 410 nm before and after 635 nm laser irradiation). (d) The oxidation rate of DHR 123 by the photoinduced O2−• radical in the PBS solution (F0 and F represent the fluorescence intensity of DHR123 at 526 nm before and after 635 nm laser irradiation, respectively). The concentration used for each compound was 10 μΜ. | PMC9965410 | molecules-28-01714-g001.jpg |
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