hm ?
the orange one .
purple .
yellow .
green .
and you're stuck my friend .
well let's turn him over so you can see him .
say hello .
say hello to him .
adadadada .
adadada .
ab .
what else can i give you to play with joseph that you would like ?
grandma was gonna bring down some toys but i don't know if she did .
it looks like she just made a mess .
looks like she made a big mess of all these toys .
hm .
didn't she .
and we were trying to sort out which ones were good for you .
which toys would be good for you .
now that you're sitting so well huh .
oh hi .
yeah you're just a little fussy .
are you sleepy are you hot ?
what's your problem ?
bye guys .
bye .
are you coming back to get thomas ?
that's what i thought you were gonna go get the .
do you wanna come for a walk with me mister fuss ?
come one .
you're just too fussy .
let's go for a little walk .
let's see what we can find that you like .
let's go see what we can find that you might like to help me with .
wanna help me get out some jammies ?
huh ?
do you just need some cuddling ?
is that what you need ?
do you just need some cuddling with mommy ?
huh ?
did you need me to cuddle you ?
cutie cutie .
yes cutie cutie .
oh !
you just want the microphone huh .
you are a very determined .
are you a very determined boy ?
you have one idea in your head and that's it you're not gonna stop until you get it huh .
what ?
what's the word i want ?
it's weighted is that the right word joseph ?
hm ?
and then help me get you out some jammies .
let's see if there's anything clean .
let's see it looks like dinosaurs .
that looks like it .
aba .
where's the light ?
joseph where's the light ?
look .
light .
do you see the light ?
light !
light .
that always gets a smile huh .
you're not going to smile for me the light ?
yeah .
see the light ?
want me to turn it off ?
hang on a minute and we'll say bye bye to the light .
hang on one minute .
should we say bye bye ?
should we say bye bye light ?
bye bye light .
bye bye .
it's all gone .
bye bye light .
wanna turn it on again ?
where's the light ?
light .
did we do it ?
light !
yeah .
where's the light joseph ?
should we say bye bye light ?
should we say bye bye ?
bye bye light .
bye bye .
all gone .
all gone .
yes .
you're my cutie cute .
you're my cutie cutie cutie .
yeah !
yes mister dinosaur pajamas .
i wonder what thomas has .
let's see what he has .
let's bring him .
you're a good helper .