huhu .
oh yeah ?
let's see .
oh that's a new toy .
maybe you would like to try that one .
let's see what thomas has .
i don't know why anyone nobody has any clean pajamas in this house .
where are all our jammies ?
it's like thomas only has these animals .
huh .
so far everybody has one pair of clean jammies .
light .
did it come on ?
light !
where's the light ?
say hi light .
yes .
you get very excited by that don't you .
yeah !
maybe we could go swing on the swing later joseph would you like that ?
light say bye bye .
bye bye light .
say bye bye .
say bye bye .
you know joseph .
thomas's shirt looks very very wrinkled .
i hope mommy is not gonna have to iron shirts for him for school every day .
cuz that won't be any fun .
will it ?
that does not sound like a good idea to have to be ironing his school shirts every school day .
so i hope that that is not the case .
i hope that if we dry them right away and wash them that they would not need to be ironed .
hm .
look out there daddy needs to cut those hedges .
oh you saw another toy of yours ?
one of your favorite toys ?
one of your favorite toys ?
that's not really a toy though is it my friend ?
that's not really a toy .
joseph you have the dirtiest face ever .
yes now that we're in the light i can see your face didn't really get wiped very well did it .
did it mister dirty face .
mister s .
what is it ?
apples and chicken on your face ?
hm .
whadaya have there ?
what did you catch my little plow ?
did you catch a string ?
is that what you caught ?
good grabbing .
can you get it ?
can you get it ?
hm ?
can you get it ?
yeah you got it .
good job .
good job my little fellow .
ah !
apf !
apff !
not in your mouth please .
that's not clean not for your mouth .
you think you're gonna get it do you .
do you think so ?
who's tickling you ?
who was tickling you a little bit ?
who was doing a little tickling ?
huh ?
ah oh .
when you laugh like that can i check for those teeth ?
are there teeth in there my friend ?
i still can't see them .
i still can't see any teeth .
hrr .
you're a goof .
you're a goofy boy .
you're a goofy silly boy .
my silly goof .
gargar .
my silly goofy goofy goof .
my silly goofy goof .
aha .
uhuhuhu .
you're having fun aren't you .
you're having fun now .
my little goof .
agagaga .
ha .
huh there it goes again .
there it goes again .
who would have thought you could have so much fun with a little piece of string ?
in a loop .
hm .
yeah .
yayayaya .
yayayaya .
now what if we turned the other way ?
would you use your other hand ?
let's see .