we're really testing the limits of our thing here joseph .
of my microphone how far the wireless reach is .
come here cute .
come here cute i hope we're recording this that we're not too far away .
yes i hope so .
i hope so cause it's nice out here huh it's nice and cool .
do you hear the birdie ?
do you hear the birdie say tweet tweet tweet ?
tweet tweet tweet says the birdie .
tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet .
am i giving you kisses ?
did mommy give you kisses ?
hm ?
hm ?
yeah you look happy .
it's nice isn't it ?
feels nice and cool .
do you like swinging ?
do you like swinging with mommy ?
hm .
hm .
have you been in your swing lately mister boo ?
hm ?
mm my cutie .
my cutie patoot .
hoho you keep bashing these with your head .
why don't you sit this way .
then you can look at everything and just relax a little bit .
hm ?
you just wanna relax a little bit ?
see the car ?
can you say car ?
op he beeped his horn beep beep .
car says beep beep .
and the bird's saying tweet tweet tweet tweet .
tweet tweet tweet tweet .
yeah i think this is the best spot in the house we found .
hm mommy could fall asleep right here joseph .
yes i could .
ayay .
ayayay .
mm hm hm .
do you hear the bird saying tweet ?
tweet tweet .
there goes another car .
there's a car .
say bye bye to the car .
ah .
mm .
do you see another car ?
how did the car go ?
did that one go zoom zoom ?
that one went zoom !
aya .
dadadada .
dadadada .
you still have your bald spot on the back my friend .
but the rest of your hair is growing and growing .
yeah yeah yeah !
wanna sit up next to me ?
you be a big boy ?
and i'll just hold you ?
yeah look at you .
look at you swinging hm ?
are you swinging with mommy ?
very nice .
yeah .
there's name .
can you say hi to name when he comes by ?
he's on his bicycle thomas joseph whoever you are .
did i call you thomas ?
hm ?
yeah .
here i'll hold you up so you can see him .
can you say hi ?
look at them go .
haha .
do you see the boys go ?
did they go by on their scooters ?
hm ?
or skateboards ?
i'm not even sure what they had to be honest .
i thought he had his bicycle .
ah that must have been name bicycle he was bringing out because here comes name on his bike .
hm .
yeah .
yeah yeah yeah .
oh yeah yeah yeah .
oh you ?
my little swedish boy ?
you you ?
op thomas is knocking on the window .
hi thomas !
what sweetie ?
do you have your shoes on ?
okay then you can come out .
thomas is coming to say hello to us .
push hard sweetie it's stuck a little .
because of the heat .
i wanna come play with you .