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Because of the hadith of the Prophet which is sahih:
Ṣahih al-Bukhari, The Book of Witnesses, Chapter: Drawing Lots to Solve Problems, hadith no. | Because of the ḥadīth of the Prophet which is ṣaḥīḥ:
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri, The Book of Witnesses, Chapter: Drawing Lots to Solve Problems, ḥadīth no. |
Ṣahih al-Bukhari, The Book of Call to Prayers, Chapter: To Draw Lots for Pronouncing the Adhan, hadith
no. | Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri, The Book of Call to Prayers, Chapter: To Draw Lots for Pronouncing the Adhān, ḥadīth
no. |
Basically, imamʾl-ratib is an official position. | Basically, imāmʾl-rātib is an official position. |
It’s an official position, official authority
that the imam has. | It’s an official position, official authority
that the imām has. |
So, no imam can come and suddenly just say, ‘I’m the big man here. | So, no imām can come and suddenly just say, ‘I’m the big man here. |
Ustadh: That’s something which is allowed. | Ustādh: That’s something which is allowed. |
In fact,
we even have a version of this hadith which ends: illa bi-idhnih¾except with his
permission. | In fact,
we even have a version of this ḥadīth which ends: illa bi-idhnih¾except with his
permission. |
If, for example, the homeowner invites Shaykh Fulan for the sole reason that he wants
him to lead the prayer, what’s the point of him doing that and being forced to lead the
prayer himself when that’s the reason he’s bought him? | If, for example, the homeowner invites Shaykh Fulān for the sole reason that he wants
him to lead the prayer, what’s the point of him doing that and being forced to lead the
prayer himself when that’s the reason he’s bought him? |
Obviously, the masses love a break from their normal imam. | Obviously, the masses love a break from their normal imām. |
Shaykh Abdul Ghaffar is the imam of this masjid. | Shaykh Abdul Ghaffār is the imām of this masjid. |
That’s what
they’re judging an imam on. | That’s what
they’re judging an imām on. |
Sunan Abu Dawud, The Book of Prayer, Chapter: Who Has More Right to Be Imam, hadith no. | Sunan Abu Dāwūd, The Book of Prayer, Chapter: Who Has More Right to Be Imām, ḥadīth no. |
narration has been graded as sahih by al-Albani. | This
narration has been graded as ṣaḥīḥ by al-Albāni. |
Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
I want to remind you and myself that the Prophet said: “The best of those who recite
the Qurʾan (which is relevant here) is the one who reminds you most of Allah .”
And a lot of the time, the decision-making process for who is more religious or who is
the best kind of imam is very simplistic. | Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
I want to remind you and myself that the Prophet said: “The best of those who recite
the Qurʾān (which is relevant here) is the one who reminds you most of Allah .”
And a lot of the time, the decision-making process for who is more religious or who is
the best kind of imām is very simplistic. |
Student: What happens if back in the masjid we have committees and say the
committee wants to bring somebody in¾a celebrity imam or whatever. | Student: What happens if back in the masjid we have committees and say the
committee wants to bring somebody in¾a celebrity imām or whatever. |
The imam is
not too comfortable with that. | The imām is
not too comfortable with that. |
Ustadh: If the committee itself¾the trustees¾make a decision in the interest of the
masjid, then I think that’s allowed. | Ustādh: If the committee itself¾the trustees¾make a decision in the interest of the
masjid, then I think that’s allowed. |
He is in his sultan. | He is in his sulṭān. |
The hadith
says ‘No man leads another one in his authority,’ Guess what? | The ḥadīth
says ‘No man leads another one in his authority,’ Guess what? |
Ustadh: Yeah. | Ustādh: Yeah. |
The trustees also overrule
the imam. | The trustees also overrule
the imām. |
Actually, Shaykh al-ʿUthaymin says something. | Actually, Shaykh al-ʿUthaymīn says something. |
He says that even in a masjid where the
imam is a great imam, etc., the sultan who comes can fire him. | He says that even in a masjid where the
imām is a great imām, etc., the sulṭān who comes can fire him. |
And he, therefore, is an
exception to the rule of sultanah, of authority. | And he, therefore, is an
exception to the rule of sulṭānah, of authority. |
The board of trustees pay the imam, can fire, etc. | The board of trustees pay the imām, can fire, etc. |
Sunan Ibn Majah, The Book of Establishing the Prayer and the Sunnah Regarding Them, Chapter: Making
One’s Voice Beautiful When Reciting Qurʾan, hadith no. | Sunan Ibn Mājah, The Book of Establishing the Prayer and the Sunnah Regarding Them, Chapter: Making
One’s Voice Beautiful When Reciting Qurʾān, ḥadīth no. |
This narration has been graded as daʿif. | This narration has been graded as ḍaʿīf. |
Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
Ustadh: Of course, this is on the assumption that they’re all equal in. | Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
Ustādh: Of course, this is on the assumption that they’re all equal in. |
Student: It’s similar to the example of the sultan though, wouldn't it? | Student: It’s similar to the example of the sulṭān though, wouldn't it? |
Because you’re
saying the sultan is coming into the land in anyone’s house he’s going to lead. | Because you’re
saying the sulṭān is coming into the land in anyone’s house he’s going to lead. |
Ustadh: He owns the whole land. | Ustādh: He owns the whole land. |
What does Shaykh al-ʿUthaymin say? | What does Shaykh al-ʿUthaymīn say? |
Ustadh: Even ownership levels, kind of? | Ustādh: Even ownership levels, kind of? |
Ustadh: Yes. | Ustādh: Yes. |
Ustadh: What, five years later? | Ustādh: What, five years later? |
Ustadh: Never. | Ustādh: Never. |
Everywhere that you go there is a musalla and
everybody is looking. | Everywhere that you go there is a muṣalla and
everybody is looking. |
A: This question, which is a very common question in muʿamalat. | A: This question, which is a very common question in muʿāmalāt. |
For example, a software engineer, their fundamental job is a permissible, halal job. | For example, a software engineer, their fundamental job is a permissible, ḥalāl job. |
It is intrinsically halal. | It is intrinsically ḥalāl. |
That job is
intrinsically haram. | That job is
intrinsically ḥarām. |
Its actual nature is haram. | Its actual nature is ḥarām. |
The first guy, software developing¾that as a job is halal. | The first guy, software developing¾that as a job is ḥalāl. |
But then it becomes haram or
halal depending on what he does with his job. | But then it becomes ḥarām or
ḥalāl depending on what he does with his job. |
So when he goes and develops software for the police it is halal, and when it's for the
hospital it's halal. | So when he goes and develops software for the police it is ḥalāl, and when it's for the
hospital it's ḥalāl. |
And if he develops it for the bank to put their alarm system on, then
that's a debate: Is that halal or haram? | And if he develops it for the bank to put their alarm system on, then
that's a debate: Is that ḥalāl or ḥarām? |
In my opinion that is halal. | (::)
In my opinion that is ḥalāl. |
This comes down to ijtihad now. | This comes down to ijtihād now. |
Like Apple has to be the most haram thing in history. | Like Apple has to be the most ḥarām thing in history. |
So, imagine whoever is involved in that kind of marketing and whatever but for a bank
and taking loans, then this is haram. | So, imagine whoever is involved in that kind of marketing and whatever but for a bank
and taking loans, then this is ḥarām. |
You are engaging in sin
and transgression as the ayah says:
ِ ٰ َ ﴿و َل َا تعَ َاو َنوُ ا ۟ ع َلىَ ٱْلِإْثِم و َٱل ْع ُْدو
“Do not help one another towards sin and hostility.” [Surat al-Maʾidah: ]
Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
Not that you are the source of it, you are supporting it. | You are engaging in sin
and transgression as the ayah says:
ِ ٰ َ ﴿و َل َا تعَ َاو َنوُ ا ۟ ع َلىَ ٱْلِإْثِم و َٱل ْع ُْدو
“Do not help one another towards sin and hostility.” [Sūrat al-Māʾidah: ]
Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
Not that you are the source of it, you are supporting it. |
that is why the majority of scholars would make that haram. | And
that is why the majority of scholars would make that ḥarām. |
However, I want to add¾and I'm just taking you through the process of how to answer
such a question¾you also need to then consider if there's a person whose job is halal,
it is contract-based, it is needing a minimum number of contracts per year (or per x),
and the majority of these contracts are halal, but every so often a x pops in. | However, I want to add¾and I'm just taking you through the process of how to answer
such a question¾you also need to then consider if there's a person whose job is ḥalāl,
it is contract-based, it is needing a minimum number of contracts per year (or per x),
and the majority of these contracts are ḥalāl, but every so often a x pops in. |
Then we
measure x haram contracts versus the others to get an idea of whether the haram work
is significant in this line of work or not. | Then we
measure x ḥarām contracts versus the others to get an idea of whether the ḥarām work
is significant in this line of work or not. |
Similar to a taxi driver, a taxi driver's job is halal as it gets, it's driving a car. | Similar to a taxi driver, a taxi driver's job is ḥalāl as it gets, it's driving a car. |
The haram
part is when that person is doing something haram with the taxi driving. | The ḥarām
part is when that person is doing something ḥarām with the taxi driving. |
This is the most difficult area of Islam by the way,
muʿamalat of modern-day contracts and their nature. | This is the most difficult area of Islam by the way,
muʿamalāt of modern-day contracts and their nature. |
So, for example you would have thought that if you are going down the street and
couple of girls who are dressed in a haram way say, ‘Take us to club so and so,’ so it's
not even any doubt about what they're going to do. | So, for example you would have thought that if you are going down the street and
couple of girls who are dressed in a ḥarām way say, ‘Take us to club so and so,’ so it's
not even any doubt about what they're going to do. |
The opposite would be someone
who does not look like they would be going clubbing, who looks very kind of tamiz
banda and says, ‘Drop me off at...’
Now the question is: Is the taxi driver obliged to ask like, ‘Oh! You're not going clubbing,
are you?’
For him, it's here to there. | The opposite would be someone
who does not look like they would be going clubbing, who looks very kind of tamīz
banda and says, ‘Drop me off at...’
Now the question is: Is the taxi driver obliged to ask like, ‘Oh! You're not going clubbing,
are you?’
For him, it's here to there. |
We're on the y.’
Your guy's thinking, ‘Oh my God! What am I doing here?’
Now, here's the thing: Do we make this miskin guy, who's made £ all day, and this is
his last fare, this whole thing is haram based upon one particular journey out of how
many hundreds which are normal¾airport drops, etc.? | We're on the y.’
Your guy's thinking, ‘Oh my God! What am I doing here?’
Now, here's the thing: Do we make this miskīn guy, who's made £ all day, and this is
his last fare, this whole thing is ḥarām based upon one particular journey out of how
many hundreds which are normal¾airport drops, etc.? |
There is no single job in the
modern world that is not free from some aspect of haram. | There is no single job in the
modern world that is not free from some aspect of ḥarām. |
And what needs to be done
is this analysis: Is the job itself haram? | And what needs to be done
is this analysis: Is the job itself ḥarām? |
Because there are jobs that are haram. | Because there are jobs that are ḥarām. |
And then if it's not haram: In your non-haram job, how many haram applications and
expressions of it exist? | And then if it's not ḥarām: In your non-ḥarām job, how many ḥarām applications and
expressions of it exist? |
I don't think the job itself is haram intrinsically. | I don't think the job itself is ḥarām intrinsically. |
Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
therefore the way that I would treat this is if this person is able to do most of the work
in halal and forced to do this particular contract, I think that they can participate in that
contract in order to protect their job, because the job is halal in general. | So,
Year | Chapter - Lesson
Last updated: -Aug-
therefore the way that I would treat this is if this person is able to do most of the work
in ḥalāl and forced to do this particular contract, I think that they can participate in that
contract in order to protect their job, because the job is ḥalāl in general. |
Wa Allahu taʿala aʿlam. | Wa Allāhu taʿāla aʿlam. |
Q (online): What if a guest leads the salah with the homeowner without asking the
homeowner’s permission because the homeowner is known to be weak in reciting the
Qurʾan i.e., makes mistakes etc. | Q (online): What if a guest leads the ṣalāh with the homeowner without asking the
homeowner’s permission because the homeowner is known to be weak in reciting the
Qurʾān i.e., makes mistakes etc. |
Is the jamaʿah valid? | Is the jamāʿah valid? |
A: The jamaʿah is valid. | A: The jamāʿah is valid. |
The jamaʿah is valid. | The jamāʿah is valid. |
And the sin is definite if he didn't ask permission,
he is going directly against the hadith, and he has put himself forward. | And the sin is definite if he didn't ask permission,
he is going directly against the ḥadīth, and he has put himself forward. |
But it can't be a
subjective decision, it has got to be that he can't say wa laʾl-adalin, that he can't say an
ʿamta ʿalayhim. | But it can't be a
subjective decision, it has got to be that he can't say wa laʾl-aḍālīn, that he can't say an
ʿamta ʿalayhim. |
Q (online): Last week we said a woman cannot read behind a non-mahram man in
isolation. | Q (online): Last week we said a woman cannot read behind a non-maḥram man in
isolation. |
It should not be allowed to become a habit of a non-mahram man leading a woman in
isolation. | It should not be allowed to become a habit of a non-maḥram man leading a woman in
isolation. |
So, it's not just about is it halal or is not when other people are in the room. | So, it's not just about is it ḥalāl or is not when other people are in the room. |
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