2 values
revision preference src: Such mechanisms or procedures may be developed by producers or third parties acting on their behalf. <SEP> tgt: The manufacturers or third persons acting on behalf of the manufacturers may establish such mechanisms or procedures.
revision preference src: Mr. Bullock, it sounds like you want to wring my neck. <SEP> tgt: Sounds as though you're trying to wring my neck, Mr. Bullock.
revision preference src: It won't end well for me, of course. <SEP> tgt: Of course, it did not work out well for me.
revision preference src: Besides, I'm sure there'll be plenty of clandestine services. <SEP> tgt: Also, there will be many secret services, I'm sure.
revision preference src: Some supporters argue that affirmative action is essential. Studies show women are frequently perceived as being less qualified than their peers. <SEP> tgt: Some supporters argue that affirmative action is essential because studies show women are frequently perceived as being less qualified than their peers.
revision preference src: So If I can join your school, I will cherish this opportunity and work hard in school. <SEP> tgt: If I can join your school, I will cherish this opportunity and work hard in school.
revision preference src: That's my philosophy which is also why i am now in the middle of nowhere, lol. <SEP> tgt: That's my philosophy which is also why I am now in the middle of nowhere, lol.
revision preference src: People in Hong Kong love to go cycling in holidays, too. <SEP> tgt: People in Hong Kong love to go cycling during the holidays, too.
revision preference src: The instrumental of the original version opened and closed broadcasts of Met games on WFAN radio and is used for lineup rundowns during home games on SportsNet New York. Part of the 1984 update opened and closed WFAN's Mets Extra pre-and post-game shows. <SEP> tgt: The instrumental of the original version opened and closed broadcasts of Met games on WFAN radio and is used for lineup rundowns during home games on SportsNet New York. Additionally, part of the 1984 update opened and closed WFAN's Mets Extra pre-and post-game shows.
revision preference src: Stressing on the need to spread the message far and wide, he wished that messages from the leaders could be carried to the villages through dramas and plays. <SEP> tgt: He stressed on the need to spread the message far and wide. He wished that message from the leaders could be carried to the villages through dramas and plays.
revision preference src: You'd die if our wolf friends hadn't found you. <SEP> tgt: You would have died if not for our wolf friends finding you.
revision preference src: The experimental result supports our claim that the proposed deep RNN's benefit from the depth and outperform the conventional, shallow RNN. <SEP> tgt: The experimental result supports our claim that the proposed deep RNN benefits from the depth and outperforms the conventional, shallow RNN.
revision preference src: Second, shopping malls have full places of advertisements and loud songs playing. <SEP> tgt: Second, shopping malls have been full of advertisements and loud songs playing.
revision preference src: It's never easy to watch a murder. <SEP> tgt: Murder is never an easy thing to watch.
revision preference src: Another fatal technical fault is the chosen design of the control rods. <SEP> tgt: Another fatal technical fault may have been the chosen design of the control rods.
revision preference src: In a field, we can be lost to them. <SEP> tgt: We can lose them in the fields.
revision preference src: So, I study English for about ten hours a week, and I attend the meetings of three conversation circles. <SEP> tgt: So, I study English for about ten hours per week and I attend the meeting of three conversation circles.
revision preference src: Boyce and Hart observed quickly that when brought into the studio together, the four actors would fool around and try to crack each other up. <SEP> tgt: Boyce and Hart also noticed that when all four of them were together in the studio, they would try to make each other laugh.
revision preference src: In Japan, for example, ending a life with honor by seppuku was considered a desirable death,. According to traditional Christian and Islamic cultures. <SEP> tgt: In Japan, for example, ending a life with honor by seppuku was considered a desirable death, whereas according to traditional Christian and Islamic cultures.
revision preference src: Some may say that it is more important that a country have an excellent research and development sector than healthy, happy senior citizens. <SEP> tgt: Some may argue that it is more important for a country to have an excellent research and development sector than for healthy, happy senior citizens.
revision preference src: Before you do anything, Colonel Everett insists on speaking with you. <SEP> tgt: Colonel Everett would like to speak to you before you do anything.
revision preference src: van Aalst (2006) pointed out that an increase of earth mean surface temperature with approximately 0.6 degrees has been explored over the past century, with the phenomenon which has been observed that land temperature has exceeded that of seas by a quicker speed (p.6). <SEP> tgt: van Aalst (2006) pointed out that an increase in earth's mean surface temperature of approximately 0.6 degrees has been explored over the past century, with the phenomenon which has been observed that land temperature has exceeded that of seas by a quicker speed (p.6).
revision preference src: The announcement was made during a Free Software workshop organized at the "Convencion Internacional Informática 2005" by the director of the state office of information technology, Roberto del Puerto. <SEP> tgt: The announcement was made during a Free Software workshop organized at the "Convención Internacional Informática 2005" by the director of the state office of inromation techonolgy, Roberto del Puerto.
revision preference src: As Everly fights off the numerous attacks, the foes become more outlandish ; originally they are simply armed thugs. Eventually thugs appear in costumes and with themed groups for extravagant tortures. <SEP> tgt: As Everly fights off the numerous attacks, the foes become more outlandish ; originally they are simply armed thugs, but eventually they appear in costumes and with themed groups for extravagant tortures.
revision preference src: The movie was first released in 1982 and directed by Ridley Scott who is the director of Alien. <SEP> tgt: The movie was released in 1982 and was directed by Ridley Scott, who was the director of Alien.
revision preference src: being a favorite spot to James Irvine II, he allowed his friends and family as well as employees to build cottages on the area that we now refer to as Crystal Cove. <SEP> tgt: He was a favorite spot to James Irvine II. He allowed his friends and family as well as employees to build cottages on the area that we now refer to as Crystal Cove.
revision preference src: I closed my eyes tightly, and opened. <SEP> tgt: I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them.
revision preference src: Too few crew members were on duty at the time of the fire and none attempted to wake the passengers. <SEP> tgt: Too few crew members were on duty at the time of the fire. None attempted to wake the passengers.
revision preference src: It is now best known for distributing plush animals and collectables. <SEP> tgt: Ganz is a Canadian company best known for distributing plush animals and collectibles.
revision preference src: Leaders of all major religious groups provided prayer and counseling. Generally only Christian sermons were given on GDF bases. <SEP> tgt: Leaders of all major religious groups provided prayer and counseling. However, generally only Christian sermons were given on GDF bases.
revision preference src: Otros mandatarios, quienes habían prometido acompañarlo en su retorno, no lo harán pero seguirán los sucesos desde El Salvador. <SEP> tgt: Otros mandatarios, quienes prometido acompaarlo en su retorno, no lo harán, pero seguirán los sucesos desde El Salvador.
revision preference src: Edward Stobart, famed for the construction of the truck empire and being its for over thirty years, died at the age of 56 on Thursday. <SEP> tgt: Edward Stobart, famed for the construction of the truck empire and being its chairman for over thirty years, died at the age of 56 on Thursday.
revision preference src: Tennessee's graduated driver license stipulates that drivers under the age of 18 can have only one passenger in a vehicle unless they are accompanied by a licensed driver over 21 years old who holds an unrestricted license. <SEP> tgt: Tennessee's Graduated Driver License stipulates that drivers under the age of 18 can have only one passenger in a vehicle unless they are accompanied by a licensed driver over 21 years old who holds an unrestricted license.
revision preference src: He was survived by his wife, Elena, and son David. <SEP> tgt: Bu ̈ chel was survived by his wife, Elena, and his son David.
revision preference src: Yes, ten minutes ago, right where you sit. <SEP> tgt: Yes, exactly where you're sitting 10 minutes ago.
revision preference src: Emma is with me on my fighting team. <SEP> tgt: Emma's on the wrestling team with me.
revision preference src: It consists of a metal or plastic container filled with a flammable fluid or pressurized liquid gas, a means of ignition, and some provision for extinguishing the flame. <SEP> tgt: It is made of a plastic container, which contains a flammable liquid or gas. There is also a means of producing the flame, and extinguishing it, when it is no longer needed.
revision preference src: Emptiness is a sense of general boredom, feeling socially separated from other people, and feeling that you do not care any more. <SEP> tgt: Emptiness as a human condition is a sense of generalized boredom, social alienation and apathy.
revision preference src: I'm happy, as I have always dreamt of such a family. <SEP> tgt: I'm happy as I have always dreamt of such a family.
revision preference src: They may say that having excellent knowledge of a field of study is the way to be successful in school or work. <SEP> tgt: They may say that having excellent knowledge or a field of study is the way to success in school or work.
revision preference src: The company admits that it hired private investigators and that they used pretexting to get private phone records of it's own directors. <SEP> tgt: The companys admits that it hired private investigators and that they used pretexting to get private phone records of it's own directors.
revision preference src: He contends that the causes of differences in g between blacks and whites consist of the same environmental and genetic differences and in approximately the same magnitudes as within-population differences. <SEP> tgt: He argues that the causes of differences in g between blacks and whites consist of the same environmental and genetic differences and in approximately the same magnitudes as within-population differences.
revision preference src: Needham, Volume 4, Part 2, 376. <SEP> tgt: Needham (1986), Volume 4, Part 2, 88 89.
revision preference src: Ohio, US scientists have predicted that the ice sheets of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest mountain peak, will melt in the next twenty years due to global warming <SEP> tgt: Ohio, US scientists have predicted that the ice sheets of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest mountain peak, will melt in the next twenty years due to global warming.
revision preference src: Its manifestation is the action of interpreting by means of the sign as apprehended, as in the case of blind persons who'see' an elephant. Or, it has briefness as manifestation, like lightning, owing to its inability to penetrate the object. <SEP> tgt: Its manifestation is the action of interpreting by means of the sign as apprehended, as in the case of blind persons who 'see' an elephant. It has briefness as manifestation, like lightning, owing to its inability to penetrate the object.
revision preference src: It links libraries around the world together online. <SEP> tgt: Begun in 2009, the WDL links libraries around the world.
revision preference src: Unlike the nomadic Native American of the Great Plains it appears that these tribes did not incorporate warfare into their culture. Were instead generally cooperative. <SEP> tgt: Unlike the nomadic Native American of the Great Plains it appears that these tribes did not incorporate warfare into their culture but were instead generally cooperative.
revision preference src: I look forward to hearing from you soon <SEP> tgt: I look forward to hearing from you soon!
revision preference src: Deep learning has recently lead to great successes in tasks such as image recognition (e.g., Krizhevsky et al., 2012). <SEP> tgt: Deep learning has recently lead to great successes in tasks such as image recog- nition (e.g Krizhevsky et al., 2012).
revision preference src: That girl was indeed Alice herself in her youth. <SEP> tgt: That girl, indeed was Alice herself in her youth.
revision preference src: The steeple was weakened and damaged in the Portland Gale, and so a new steeple, restored in 2007, was reduced to be 100 feet off the ground. However, according to the Provincetown Banner, the local newspaper <SEP> tgt: The steeple was weakened and damaged in the Portland Gale, and so a new steeple, restored in 2007, was reduced to be 100 feet off the ground. According to the Provincetown Banner, the local newspaper
revision preference src: The pyrophosphate bond is also sometimes referred to as a phosphoanhydride bond, a naming convention that emphasizes the loss of water that occurs when two phosphates form a new P-O-P bond and which mirrors the nomenclature for the anhydrides of carboylic acids. <SEP> tgt: The pyrophosphate bond is also sometimes referred to as a phosphoanhydride bond, a naming convention which emphasizes the loss of water that occurs when two phosphates form a new P-O-P bond, and which mirrors the nomenclature for anhydrides of carboylic acids.
revision preference src: Ikeda admitted that the organization had been intolerant and overly sensitive in the past. Ikeda called for moderating conversion activities, openness to other religious practices, and a democratization of the organization. <SEP> tgt: Admitting that the organization had been intolerant and overly sensitive in the past, Ikeda called for moderating conversion activities, openness to other religious practices, and a democratization of the organization.
revision preference src: Although some people consider such utilization benefits mankind in ways such as security and health care, concerns of loss of privacy and dehumanization, physical risks, as well as problems of identity theft still make it controversial. <SEP> tgt: Although some people consider such utilization benefits mankind in ways such as security and health care, concerns of loss of privacy and dehumanization, physical risks, as well as problems of identity theft still makes it controversial.
revision preference src: This result in a loss of revenue and it will slow down the rate of return of investment for the government. <SEP> tgt: This results in a loss of revenue, and it will slow down the rate of return on investment for the government.
revision preference src: Given the high cost of living in Singapore, the government had provided benefits for the elderly by granting subsidizes on healthcare. <SEP> tgt: Given the high cost of living in Singapore, the government provides benefits for the elderly by granting subsidies on healthcare.
revision preference src: Furthermore, due to the depletion of unrenewable energy such as coal and fossil fuel, the scientists in many countries start to seek for a new source of energy, which is nuclear energy. <SEP> tgt: Furthermore, due to the depletion of unrenewable energy, such as coal and fossil fuel, scientists in many countries have begun to seek a new source of energy, which is nuclear energy.
revision preference src: He refused to talk to authorities due to his distressed state. <SEP> tgt: He refused to talk to authorities due to his distressted state.
revision preference src: There is even a forum discusion for those that want advice. <SEP> tgt: There is even a forum for discussion for those that want advice.
revision preference src: director, writerBackroads (aka Bearwalker) (2000) - <SEP> tgt: director, writer Backroads (aka Bearwalker) (2000)
revision preference src: It generated $10 billion in losses since 2001 and warned that it could file for bankruptcy if it did not lower the costs <SEP> tgt: It generated $10 billion in losses since 2001 and warned that it could file for bankruptcy if it did not lower its costs.
revision preference src: Although designated as an east -- west highway, It is nearly a diagonal northwest -- southeast route. <SEP> tgt: Designated as an east -- west highway. It is nearly a diagonal northwest -- southeast route.
revision preference src: By acting as purchasing consortia, DMCs can provide preferential rates based on the buying power they have with their preferred suppliers <SEP> tgt: By acting as purchasing consortia, DMCs can provide preferential rates based on the purchasing power they have with their preferred suppliers.
revision preference src: For example, bacterial pathogenesis is the mechanism by which bacteria cause infectious illnesses. <SEP> tgt: For example, bacterial pathogenesis is the mechanism by which bacteria cause infectious illness.
revision preference src: I hope the rainy season will soon end. <SEP> tgt: I hope the rainy season will end.
revision preference src: When I was 12, I went in France for the first time in my life. <SEP> tgt: When I was 12, I traveled to France for the first time in my life.
revision preference src: And now, imagine that the story of this novel is situated either in the past or in the future. Yet, is it really the past and the future? <SEP> tgt: And now, imagine that the story of this novel is situated either in the past or in the future. Is it really the past and the future?
revision preference src: This is a selfish thinking and is an illogical way of avoiding the problem. <SEP> tgt: This is selfish thinking and is an illogical way of avoiding the problem.
revision preference src: Nevertheless, despite his old age, he still contributes to society by making major decisions for the country. <SEP> tgt: Despite of his old age, he still contributes to the society by making major decisions for the country.
revision preference src: Kanti Shah is a Bollywood director, producer, and writer of B-grade and C-grade Hindi movies, especially horror and adult movies. <SEP> tgt: Kanti Shah is a Bollywood director, producer and writer of B grade and C grade Hindi movies, especially gorror and adult movies.
revision preference src: You filed for a transfer from this division a few months ago. <SEP> tgt: A few months ago you applied to transfer out of this division.
revision preference src: To make it work, designers need a battery to power the exoskeleton, the communications gear and the data stream. <SEP> tgt: To make the suit work, designers will need to add a battery.
revision preference src: Using the Hubble Space Telescope, a double ring has been found by Raphael Gavazzi of the STScI and Tommaso Treu of the University of California, Santa Barbara. <SEP> tgt: Using the Hubble Space Telescope Santa Barbara. The Hubble Space Telescope is a double ring has been found by Raphael Gavazzi of the STScI and Tommaso Treu of the University of California.
revision preference src: The representative of the Military Directorate admitted that the order in principle was no different from the Nazi book burnings, but unlike the burnings. <SEP> tgt: The representative of the Military Directorate admitted that the order in principle was no different from the Nazi book burnings. Unlike the burnings.
revision preference src: Two years is an incredibly short span to draw two 40-page albums and so. Officially the series was owned by Victor Hubinon and Jean-Michel Charlier. <SEP> tgt: Two years is an incredibly short span to draw two 40-page albums and so. But officially the series was owned by Victor Hubinon and Jean-Michel Charlier.
revision preference src: I will go to foreign country next year. <SEP> tgt: I will go to a foreign country next year.
revision preference src: The idea being to create a network of agricultural cooperatives so farmers can get a fair price for their crop. <SEP> tgt: The idea being to create a network of agricultural cooperatives. Farmers can get a fair price for their crop.
revision preference src: And in return, all I want is one. <SEP> tgt: And I ask only one thing in return.
revision preference src: As the aging population becomes larger, more people retire than the usual. <SEP> tgt: As the aging population becomes larger, more people will retire than usual.
revision preference src: The United Nations announced that the Kyoto Treaty, which was designed to counter the greenhouse effect and global climate changes, will take effect on February 16th, 2005. <SEP> tgt: The United Nations has announced that the Kyoto Treaty, which was designed to counter the greenhouse effect and global climate changes, will take effect on February 16th 2005.
revision preference src: Since the water was shallow that the Rainbow had the Jolly Bachelor in tow and her captain, the rajah mudah, intended to release the other ship as soon as they were in a good firing position. <SEP> tgt: The water was shallow that the Rainbow had the Jolly Bachelor in tow and her captain, the rajah mudah, intended to release the other ship as soon as they were in a good firing position.
revision preference src: I still believe that public transport will be more popular in the future due to the benefits it provides for us. Traveling by car is more convenient but expensive. <SEP> tgt: I still believe that public transport will be more popular in the future due to benefits it provides for us. Travelling by car is more convenient but expensive.
revision preference src: Fortunately, the appearance of a kind of engineering design product helps huge numbers of patients who suffer a lot from a heart attack. <SEP> tgt: Fortunately, the appearance of a kind of engineering design product helps huge amount of patients who suffer a lot from heart attack.
revision preference src: In conclusion, the engineering design process is a general process by which ideas can be generated to resolve current issues. <SEP> tgt: In conclusion, engineering design process is a general process which ideas can be generated to resolve current issues.
revision preference src: The uranium breaks down at a set speed. <SEP> tgt: The uranium decays at a predictable speed.
revision preference src: That situation must have been terrible for the population, but, fortunately, there is always a possible solution. <SEP> tgt: That situation must have been terrible for the population but fortunately, there is always a possible solution.
revision preference src: Steyn von Rönge was appointed as a leader of AWB on 6 April 2010 without voting. <SEP> tgt: Steyn von Rönge was appointed as the leader of AWB on 6 April 2010 without voting.
revision preference src: Some people think there is no future for public transport because traveling by car is so much more convenient. <SEP> tgt: Some people think there is no future for public transport, because travelling by car is so much more convenient.
revision preference src: Drinking beer on a hot day is very nice, especially on a hot day! <SEP> tgt: Drinking beer on hot day is very nice!
revision preference src: What is more, it could help if you work out at home and buy gym equipment such as treadmill or a bicycle. <SEP> tgt: What's more, it could help if you worked out at home and bought gym equipment such as a treadmill or a bicycle.
revision preference src: The payoff of this investment is a highly efficient and productive workforce. <SEP> tgt: The payoff of this investment is a highly efficient and the productive workforce.
revision preference src: It can be expensive but can help make a business make more money. <SEP> tgt: It can be expensive but can help increase a business's revenue.
revision preference src: It would be too bad to lose him. <SEP> tgt: It'd be a shame to lose it.
revision preference src: The Dynasty left neither artifacts nor monuments, and the only sources of information are scattered mentions in Buddhist and Jain literature. <SEP> tgt: The only source of information on them are to be found in Buddhist and Jain literature.
revision preference src: I am sure there was a temptation, Count. <SEP> tgt: I'm sure the temptation was there, Count.
revision preference src: Higher Malay is a continuation of previous Malay knowledge from primary school so only students who took Malay as a PSLE subject are eligible for Higher Malay. <SEP> tgt: Higher Malay is a continuation of previous Malay knowledge from primary school. Only students who took continuation as a PSLE subject are eligible for Malay.
revision preference src: Applied to both simulated data and two real datasets, the proposed method is shown to exhibit very good statistical properties, with an increase in stability and power when compared to state-of-the-art methods like ROAST, edgeR, and DESeq2, which can fail to control the type I error under certain real-world settings. <SEP> tgt: Applied to both simulated data and two real datasets, the proposed method is shown to exhibit very good statistical properties, with an increase in stability and power when compared to state of the art methods ROAST, edgeR and DESeq2, which can fail to control the type I error under certain reallistic settings.
revision preference src: In 1960 Alois Handler died. Alois Handler is the last of the three original founders. <SEP> tgt: In 1960 Alois Handler, one of the last of the three original founders, died.
revision preference src: I was walking to my football training session with my friend Michal last week. <SEP> tgt: I was walking to football training session with my friend Michal last week.
revision preference src: Hard-Boiled Oxford University Press. Hard-Boiled is an Anthology of American Crime Stories. <SEP> tgt: Hard-Boiled, An Anthology of American Crime Stories, Oxford University Press.