50 values
50 values
50 values
2 values
@murray_nyc @realDonaldTrump Hot spot spring up in a Toronto , Canada neighbourhood, local Gov't within a day opened a testing centre in said neighbourhood free tests for anyone who wants one. Oh and if your Catholic and want communion, no problem. Laura Ingraham is an idiot.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle Three things; 1. Toronto is in Canada 2. The Archdiocese of Toronto (which is in Canada) didn’t ban communion, they modified the ritual so that it was performed safely. 3. Toronto is in Canada. https://t.co/QVtKcXxn8w
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/gbCdZMFSGh
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"So far gone" after tweeting a story from a right-wing media agency that hysterically and inaccurately claimed the city of Toronto, Canada, was using COVID-19 as an excuse to ban Holy Communion in Catholic churches. https://t.co/YCwTX78Eqn
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/7MWAlBLaTd
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
Anyone surprised fox noise lied about this too? No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion https://t.co/Nqa1A3PeKf
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle You are literally fake news "No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/RItqPcBaTb
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@3IntrpdPossums Because neither Biden nor Trump have any authority here in Canada. Why is she talking about Toronto. Plus, as others are saying, they have been still getting communion. No scary big government influence, just smart & prescient religious men doing their best to guard parishioners
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle WTF has Toronto got to due with the US? And believe me I would not take communion from anyone until the threat of the virus has abated. You are truly ignorant looking for controversy where there is none.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
Cardinal Collins claims he was BULLIED by Toronto Public Health into BANNING Holy Communion on the Tongue! https://t.co/rA68lI4Vqc https://t.co/83Gch3wb51
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle Pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing to do with Toronto's ban on communion, since Canada has banned entry from the US.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion https://t.co/lDjnGXj5Ha
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/crA6ptS27c
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle Yes. Toronto is in Canada which is reopening having only 300 new cases a day in the entire country. If the rules are that we do not take communion to stop the spread. Then we will.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle As a Catholic who lives in Ontario (where Toronto is) I can tell you that Catholics are receiving communion the format has altered because of covid19 but they are definitely receiving communion.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
City of Toronto Bans Catholic Churches From Administering Holy Communion https://t.co/RkJmHtIYiv via @BigLeaguePol
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
Now trending in Canada; "No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/JKa4ZsVx2n
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
False that the Catholic Church is not distributing Holy Communion in Toronto or GTA. I went to Mass this morning and received communion. This is false news being disseminated by Laura Ingraham. Has everyone gone crazy? https://t.co/ZGxGNqP8iT
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle heads up you half wit Toronto is in Canada, we can get communion at any time we like and you only wish we were on your side of the border #LauraIngraham #FoxNews #TrumpIsNotWell #Biden2020
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion https://t.co/Lzes4mOD9X
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
Holy Communion Banned in Toronto | A Russian Orthodox Church Website https://t.co/Ok8RhMzxvh
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
TV Guide 2 PM Are You Dumber Than A First Grader In this episode toddler Donald Trump decides to attempt another interview with Fox's Chris Wallace, and once again, end result is PR disaster. Meanwhile Fox idiot Laura Ingraham claims Toronto Canada has outlawed Holy Communion https://t.co/4SNHR5eS7w
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle Let me get this straight, Laura. Toronto suspending Catholic communion to better control Covid infections is: A. Not appropriate or necessary. B. Related to Joe Biden. Either way, your gaslighting is nonsensical and ridiculous. You're struggling with low ratings but "Be Better"😉
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle This is dumb even for you, and that’s saying a lot. First, what has Toronto Canada have to do w JB? But, more importantly do you understand that banning communion is an attempt to stop community spread of COVID 19? You are so ignorant.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle NOT TRUE. Why do you post CRAP ? Did you ask the Archdiocese of Toronto? You are DISGUSTING. Here : "Upon the strong recommendation of medical authorities, Holy Communion is received only in the hand at this time." https://t.co/qdVdkz0Jci Shame on YOU, LIAR.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/bu8wAZzghy
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
Hey, @IngrahamAngle No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion https://t.co/KJiD3ZauPw
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion https://t.co/8M4XKMSxNn
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
She’s such an IDIOT Why Hasn't President Joe Biden Prevented This Non-Existent Ban On Communion In Toronto Churches? - Wonkette #SmartNews https://t.co/oUiQJ7EHdi
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle #JoeBidenForPresident2020 had nothing to do with a catholic church in Toronto CANADA. I wouldn't take communion now either. Heads up, a priest can bless any unleavened bread or cracker & use it as communion. The altar society made our communion bread when I was growing up.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
Did Toronto Ban Catholic Churches from Administering Holy Communion? https://t.co/c6yfxjbqcZ
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" https://t.co/TeRuxCd9Iy
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle Laura confuses North America with United States of America. Would like for the US Presidential candidate to demand Toronto allow Catholics receive Communion.
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
@IngrahamAngle WRONG the Archdiocese of Toronto has ordered churches to only pass communion by hand.. and it's a Canadian city.. where people have behaved responsibly unlike you and your ilk #TorontoIsInCanada #VoteBlueDownBallot
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
"No, Toronto did not ban Catholic churches from administering Holy Communion" 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #ThankyouToronto https://t.co/3wumQxdSux
Holy communion was not banned and was not singled out from other faith practices in the public health suspension.
Holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Holy communion has not been banned in Toronto as a response to the pandemic.
The Health Secrets The Health Secrets Of The Hunza People Who Live Over 100 Years And Are Cancer-Free https://t.co/Oj2PBbgFam prostřednictvím @meetshughal
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Sour honey from Brazilian blue trumpet flowet blossom gives off vitamin B17 which kills cancer. Believe to also be found among the himalayas.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@ValiantThor12 @sweetren215 @Lexmaxims @PM94944610 @Milagrin9 @KrystynaWisson @BusterJames15 @LjBree @que_uk @covertress Thats actually what I am working on now, I think the amygdala will play a role in all this two points one for creation other for need. Two hemispheres left right, probably no mistake that b17 amygdala prevents cancer caused by toxmoplasmosis- parasite thrives in toxic(dense)
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Download Free World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17 >> https://t.co/O7SadCryOf
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin (1974) https://t.co/kbxHD0ImI1 via @YouTube
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years – Here’s Their Secret https://t.co/D8e8mE9gro via @https://twitter.com/tweet4eic
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@Mad_Sci_PhD buddy have researched apricot pips yet? Cancer industry really trieds to suppress b17 My wife and I have beat cancer avoiding hazardous chemical waste and being fried(radiated) Using WA bush medicine(b17) apricot pips(b17) cancema ointment aloe cannabis and hemp
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Jason Vale – Sentenced to 5 years Jail for helping 1000’s of people beat cancer with B17 - https://t.co/uEyIEsQhXV
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
At one point in time B17 was thought to cure cancer s. What happened. Why is B17 banned? This I only know a lil so I'll take as much as you can share on this one.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/Byd5vHyT5A Why the Hunza People Don't Get Cancer - G. Edward Griffin
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
A land where the people NEVER get cancer. By Mary Joyce, website editor, @ https://t.co/W7Op3FAmww There’s 1 place in the world where ppl live long & healthy lives & NEVER get cancer. That magical place is the Hunza region of the high Himalayan Mountains.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@BigNoo4 @Policyhawk @ScottAdamsSays And Ivermectin, Quercetin, Green Tea Extract, NAC and other natural immune boosting elements and minerals. Oh, and for cancer, try Vitamin B17
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@yogibear951 https://t.co/rRWxXYotYQ Fantastic video. Apricot seeds contain the highest amounts of b17. Jason vale I believe his name is, has a great testimony about b17 also. Hunza tribe people have been apricot seeds, they live to be very old up to 145 and dont have cancer or diseases 🤔
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@QisforQuakka Cancer isn’t even a disease. It’s a defensive mode our cells go into due to vitamin B17 def’y. They know it but don’t want to give away the multi billion pharma/radia’n business just to save humanity! I personally know People who recovered 💯 by alt treatment
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years https://t.co/0QQhcQGWhX
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years – Here’s Their Secret https://t.co/NUrcc0JDfz
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Americans are outlawed from using bitter almonds (vitamin B17) to cure cancer.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
I saw a TikTok of a girl promoting “Vitamin B17” for cancer treatment. Not only does it not work, but it can be deadly. The video didn’t violate community guidelines, which is BS. Vulnerable patients will see it, try it, &die because of it. Unacceptable. @TikTokSupport do better.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@Kat64596640 @WhipLash347 By next summer their won’t be a need for hospitals. Only to house the MEDBEDS. B17, HCQ, HC, the list goes a long ways on things that cure and help cancer. Im not God, I don’t have all the answers. I’m learning as we go. I’m just further on the ascension thing is all. God bless
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza people never get sick, don’t get cancer and live up to 120 years – Here’s their secret
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@dear_pakistan @rayn12345666 @HtishamMuhammad @ZaidZamanHamid Yes, same is the case with cancer. Some researches have revealed it is induced due to certain deficiencies. That article listed components of bitter almonds and certain other nuts and berries, that could prevent it. As a proof they conducted survey in Hunza, which is cance free.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years – Here’s Their Secret https://t.co/vu6tJMCwWN
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years – Here’s Their Secret https://t.co/4dgdjUBrnp
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@CEOgolfright @Minus1Digit I agree with 2/3 of what you put out. B17 stops cancer in your body. Proven effective enough for big pharma to go after the people that would tell you that.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/uqiNlHapCp Why the Hunza People Don't Get Cancer - G. Edward Griffin
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years https://t.co/si3ZaAnuuQ
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
A World Without #Cancer - The Truth of Vitamin B17 by G Edward Griffin: https://t.co/q0cWwV1Xcm
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years – Here’s Their Secret https://t.co/1perKuSPcM
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/E2AgiY9X0j How Hunza People Never Sick No Cancer and live up to 100 year Blow Your Mind
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Cannabis oil and vitamin B17 is how you fight cancer.
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
A World Without #Cancer - The Truth of Vitamin B17 by G Edward Griffin: https://t.co/q0cWwV1Xcm
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
@BottomleyFiona @Luma923 @BreezerGalway @DaveMur12735356 @wearescrewed3 @Francis_Hoar @FatEmperor @HalfordEverest @Squawkinghead4 @sinichol @TimBushLondon @toadmeister @SueSensus @dontbetyet @RamblingRingo @StopNewNormal @MichaelYeadon3 @MLevitt_NP2013 @JuliaHB1 @ClaireCraig_PT @TheMedicalRevo1 @Rubytruthseeker @gummibear737 @JamesTodaroMD @simondolan @boriquagato @EthicalSkeptic @ClarkeMicah @realDonaldTrump @allisonpearson @carlheneghan @jennyrickson @BusyDrT @ClareCraigPath @TheFreds @LockdownNo @InProportion2 @lisakeb007 @CharlieEmma85 @TiceRichard @DickDelingpole @danwootton @krisgimages @CoronaDoubter @cricketwyvern @berniespofforth @BouvierJourno The same man who wrote a book claiming Vit B17 was the holy grail for cancer. If only that were true. https://t.co/6oCxooa0rF
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
Wow! https://t.co/gM2HVxPmIE
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
It's #WorldCancerDay so, let's talk about some of the utter nonsense that's promoted as cancer cure #quackery. Spoiler: none of them cure any kind of cancer. They might give you other health conditions to deal with, though. (thread: 1/8)
Pakistan’s Hunza Valley are exceptionally healthy, but there is no conclusive evidence they are free from cancer.
People of the Hunza Valley are the only cancer free population in the world because they consume apricot seeds which kill cancer cells
The people of Pakistan's Hunza valley are not cancer free due to consuming apricot seeds
With the Pfizer vaccine and shrooms I might just upgrade to 5G sooner than y’all lmao
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Pfizer Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Upgrade https://t.co/ZHFiVPgTQV
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
@Leonthehitman7 @ThatRyanChap The UK can't get enough pfizer to give eveyone two doses quickly. But I am fully expecting the prewinter booster to upgrade eveyone to that level of protection.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Pfizer Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Upgrade - ValueWalk https://t.co/8TkxGTyzFw
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
I put my coffee in the microwave for 1 minute to heat it up. I went to pee and came back to it boiling over and flooding my microwave!😳 Is it my vaccine implanted Microsoft chip? Can I complain to @BillGates 👀 Jk Bill!
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
2nd vaccine jab administered. Upgrade to 5G completed. #vaccine #Pfizer
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Brains!! First Pfizer shot done a week ago. Sore arm for a day or two, otherwise zero side effects. EXCEPT I can’t stand dirty dishes in the sink anymore. Zero. I will stop whatever I am doing and wash them. What ‘upgrade’ awaits in dose #2? ❤️🧠
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
IF you were still considering ... Pfizer Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Upgrade, Now Includes Microsoft Chip For Reduced Symptoms https://undefined/news/0ZCkZZZa/pfizer-announces-covid-19-vaccine-upgrade-now-includes-microsoft-chip-for-reduced-symptoms?docid=0ZCkZZZa&s=ws_tw_o
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
@netanyahu Congratulations @AlbertBourla and @pfizer on the upgrade of Pfizer from just a public health company to a powerful political force that supports corrupt politicians like @netanyahu in exchange for commercial contracts
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
I’m getting my 5G Pfizer upgrade on Friday hell yeah.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
So, if the vaccine has a Microsoft chip hidden inside it, does it automatically include a subscription for Office 365 or do you have to pay for that separately?
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Fished my Pfizer upgrade today 😤
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Pfizer just released a new statement for investors citing they’ve inked a deal with Microsoft to integrate their Pluton processor chip to reduce symptoms associated with the vaccine. In the release it is stated that receivers of the new vaccine expect reduced fatigue, reduced etc https://t.co/QCLWv4ly8q
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Pfizer Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Upgrade, Now Includes Microsoft Chip For Reduced Symptoms https://t.co/QEGYlskvLs vía @@thestonkmarket1
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
@MichaelZarrabi My Dot plays my fave music whenever I walk into the house, thanks to this cool Pfizer chip. O joy! If I could just get the Moderna upgrade to make it stop. . .
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
I got my vaccine last week, and I’m having difficulty accessing childhood memories. Does Microsoft have any updates available for the chip implant?
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Did Pfizer Announce COVID-19 Vaccine Upgrade That Includes Microsoft Chip? | https://t.co/CMbDvy3K4a https://t.co/kznuFQA85F
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
5G chip here I come baby! 😂 I have my first vaccine appt. tomorrow...It’s on the Microsoft campus and I can’t wait!#QAnonsRFreaks
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
@chetan_bhagat Will you ever change ? Or This will continue ... Pfizer ... Guess for you Name is enough to built narrative .. Developed countries ... You forget we develop our own medicine and effective against 600 odd variant ... Upgrade yourself ....
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Dr.Katalin Kariko scientist behind mRNA vaccine from Pfizer & Moderna for corona vaccine, Thank you Mam #DrKatalinKariko Truthful, focused & humble scientists always struggled It's time we must upgrade in our mind that focused hard working research valued more thn commercial one https://t.co/HXq9oOHKpj https://t.co/JNbq8ng2kY
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Fact Check-Pfizer has not announced a ‘vaccine upgrade’ that includes a processing chip from Microsoft  | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://t.co/P65NfnbF6V
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Pfizer 2nd +2 weeks. G6 compliant and in standby mode awaiting the upgrade and Great Reset so I can be Built Back Better.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
I got my first vaccine shot today!! ☺️ I've already gotten a notification from Microsoft that there was a problem with my tracking chip and they need to fix. https://t.co/bsUQW8kyiB
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
GP if you’re here, it wasn’t me. It was the Microsoft Vaccine Chip that made me do it. @kekeswatermelon
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
@RobAnderson2018 M hoping the second Pfizer dose come with a free 6G upgrade.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Second part of Pfizer vaccine received gratefully today. NHS and volunteers wonderfully organised, courteous, and efficient. Immunity upgrade unlocked. Get yours as soon as you’re able to. https://t.co/PJrpfrUhRf
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
First vaccine dose complete, but I am really getting a lot of static from the bluetooth connection with the radio and the blender starts whenever I get close now. Damn microsoft chip.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
@OttoKurect @tracy_o1973 @needledme You can't install Pfizer on El Capitan. You _must_ upgrade to Big Sur first. I learned that first hand. After that it's smooth sailing.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
.@JonahDispatch won't stop sending me his absurd email count via the vaccine Microsoft chip 5g
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Today I get my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Then my upgrade will be fully installed.
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.
Suffering a reaction to the Covid vaccine might be due to the Microsoft chip being injected into an Apple body. Check with your manufacturer before getting your vaccine. https://t.co/oStQYBRXHa
both Pfizer and Microsoft’s media releases found neither company has announced an upgrade to any Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer has announced an upgrade to its Covid-19 vaccine that includes a Microsoft chip for reduced symptoms
There are no updates in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine containing any types of Microsoft chips.