Liver - wikipedia Liver For other uses , see Liver ( disambiguation ) . Liver The human liver is located in the upper right abdomen Location of human liver ( in red ) Details Precursor Foregut System Digestive system Artery Hepatic artery Vein Hepatic vein and hepatic portal vein Nerve Celiac ganglia and vagus nerve Identifiers Latin Jecur , iecur Greek Hepar ( ἧπαρ ) root hepat - ( ἡπατ - ) MeSH D008099 TA A05. 8.01. 001 FMA 7197 Anatomical terminology ( edit on Wikidata ) The liver , an organ only found in vertebrates , detoxifies various metabolites , synthesizes proteins , and produces biochemicals necessary for digestion . In humans , it is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen , below the diaphragm . Its other roles in metabolism include the regulation of glycogen storage , decomposition of red blood cells and the production of hormones . The liver is an accessory digestive gland that produces bile , an alkaline compound which helps the breakdown of fat . Bile aids in digestion via the emulsification of lipids . The gallbladder , a small pouch that sits just under the liver , stores bile produced by the liver . The liver 's highly specialized tissue consisting of mostly hepatocytes regulates a wide variety of high - volume biochemical reactions , including the synthesis and breakdown of small and complex molecules , many of which are necessary for normal vital functions . Estimates regarding the organ 's total number of functions vary , but textbooks generally cite it being around 500 . Terminology related to the liver often starts in hepat - from ἡπατο - , the Greek word for liver . No way is yet known to compensate for the absence of liver function in the long term , although liver dialysis techniques can be used in the short term . Artificial livers are yet to be developed to promote long - term replacement in the absence of the liver . As of 2017 , liver transplantation is the only option for complete liver failure . Contents 1 Structure 1.1 Gross anatomy 1.1. 1 Lobes 1.1. 2 Surfaces 1.1. 3 Impressions 1.2 Microscopic anatomy 1.3 Functional anatomy 1.4 Couinaud classification system 1.5 Gene and protein expression 2 Development 2.1 Fetal blood supply 3 Function 3.1 Blood supply 3.2 Biliary flow 3.3 Synthesis 3.4 Breakdown 3.5 Other 3.6 With aging 4 Clinical significance 4.1 Disease 4.2 Symptoms 4.3 Diagnosis 4.4 Liver regeneration 4.5 Liver transplantation 5 Society and culture 5.1 Food 6 Other animals 7 References 7.1 Works cited 8 External links Structure ( edit ) The liver is a reddish - brown , wedge - shaped organ with four lobes of unequal size and shape . A human liver normally weighs 1.44 -- 1.66 kg ( 3.2 -- 3.7 lb ) , and has a width of about 15 cm . It is both the heaviest internal organ and the largest gland in the human body . Located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity , it rests just below the diaphragm , to the right of the stomach and overlies the gallbladder . The liver is connected to two large blood vessels : the hepatic artery and the portal vein . The hepatic artery carries oxygen - rich blood from the aorta , whereas the portal vein carries blood rich in digested nutrients from the entire gastrointestinal tract and also from the spleen and pancreas . These blood vessels subdivide into small capillaries known as liver sinusoids , which then lead to lobules . Lobules are the functional units of the liver . Each lobule is made up of millions of hepatic cells ( hepatocytes ) , which are the basic metabolic cells . The lobules are held together by a fine , dense , irregular , fibroelastic connective tissue layer which extends from the fibrous capsule covering the entire liver known as Glisson 's capsule . This extends into the structure of the liver , by accompanying the blood vessels ( veins and arteries ) , ducts , and nerves at the hepatic hilum . The whole surface of the liver except for the bare area , is covered in a serous coat derived from the peritoneum , and this firmly adheres to the inner Glisson 's capsule . Gross Anatomy ( edit ) Lobes ( edit ) Further information : Lobes of liver The liver , viewed from above , showing the left and right lobes separated by the falciform ligament The liver , viewed from below , surface showing four lobes and the impressions The liver is grossly divided into two parts when viewed from above -- a right and a left lobe , and four parts when viewed from below ( left , right , caudate , and quadrate lobes ) . The falciform ligament , divides the liver into a left and right lobe . From below , the two additional lobes are located between the right and left lobes , one in front of the other . A line can be imagined running from the left of the vena cava and all the way forward to divide the liver and gallbladder into two halves . This line is called `` Cantlie 's line '' . Other anatomical landmarks include the ligamentum venosum and the round ligament of the liver ( ligamentum teres ) , which further divide the left side of the liver in two sections . An important anatomical landmark , the porta hepatis , divides this left portion into four segments , which can be numbered starting at the caudate lobe as I in an anticlockwise manner . From this parietal view , seven segments can be seen , because the eighth segment is only visible in the visceral view . Surfaces ( edit ) On the diaphragmatic surface , apart from a triangular bare area where it connects to the diaphragm , the liver is covered by a thin , double - layered membrane , the peritoneum , that helps to reduce friction against other organs . This surface covers the convex shape of the two lobes where it accommodates the shape of the diaphragm . The peritoneum folds back on itself to form the falciform ligament and the right and left triangular ligaments . These peritoneal ligaments are not related to the anatomic ligaments in joints , and the right and left triangular ligaments have no known functional importance , though they serve as surface landmarks . The falciform ligament functions to attach the liver to the posterior portion of the anterior body wall . The visceral surface or inferior surface , is uneven and concave . It is covered in peritoneum apart from where it attaches the gallbladder and the porta hepatis . Impressions ( edit ) Impressions of the liver Several impressions on the surface of the liver accommodate the various adjacent structures and organs . Underneath the right lobe and to the right of the gallbladder fossa are two impressions , one behind the other and separated by a ridge . The one in front is a shallow colic impression , formed by the hepatic flexure and the one behind is a deeper renal impression accommodating part of the right kidney and part of the suprarenal gland . The suprarenal impression is a small , triangular , depressed area on the liver . It is located close to the right of the fossa , between the bare area and the caudate lobe , and immediately above the renal impression . The greater part of the suprarenal impression is devoid of peritoneum and it lodges the right suprarenal gland . Medial to the renal impression is a third and slightly marked impression , lying between it and the neck of the gall bladder . This is caused by the descending portion of the duodenum , and is known as the duodenal impression . The inferior surface of the left lobe of the liver presents behind and to the left the gastric impression . This is moulded over the upper front surface of the stomach , and to the right of this is a rounded eminence , the tuber omentale , which fits into the concavity of the lesser curvature of the stomach and lies in front of the anterior layer of the lesser omentum . Microscopic Anatomy ( edit ) Cells , ducts , and blood vessels Microscopic anatomy of the liver Types of capillaries -- sinusoid on right Microscopically , each liver lobe is seen to be made up of hepatic lobules . The lobules are roughly hexagonal , and consist of plates of hepatocytes radiating from a central vein . The central vein joins to the hepatic vein to carry blood out from the liver . A distinctive component of a lobule is the portal triad , which can be found running along each of the lobule 's corners . The portal triad , misleadingly named , consists of five structures : a branch of the hepatic artery , a branch of the hepatic portal vein , and a bile duct , as well as lymphatic vessels and a branch of the vagus nerve . Between the hepatocyte plates are liver sinusoids , which are enlarged capillaries through which blood from the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery enters via the portal triads , then drains to the central vein . Histology , the study of microscopic anatomy , shows two major types of liver cell : parenchymal cells and nonparenchymal cells . About 70 -- 85 % of the liver volume is occupied by parenchymal hepatocytes . Nonparenchymal cells constitute 40 % of the total number of liver cells but only 6.5 % of its volume . The liver sinusoids are lined with two types of cell , sinusoidal endothelial cells , and phagocytic Kupffer cells . Hepatic stellate cells are nonparenchymal cells found in the perisinusoidal space , between a sinusoid and a hepatocyte . Additionally , intrahepatic lymphocytes are often present in the sinusoidal lumen . Functional Anatomy ( edit ) The central area or hepatic hilum , includes the opening known as the porta hepatis which carries the common bile duct and common hepatic artery , and the opening for the portal vein . The duct , vein , and artery divide into left and right branches , and the areas of the liver supplied by these branches constitute the functional left and right lobes . The functional lobes are separated by the imaginary plane , Cantlie 's line , joining the gallbladder fossa to the inferior vena cava . The plane separates the liver into the true right and left lobes . The middle hepatic vein also demarcates the true right and left lobes . The right lobe is further divided into an anterior and posterior segment by the right hepatic vein . The left lobe is divided into the medial and lateral segments by the left hepatic vein . The hilar area of the liver is described in terms of three plates that contain the bile ducts and blood vessels . The contents of the whole plate system are surrounded by a sheath . The three plates are the hilar plate , the cystic plate and the umbilical plate and the plate system is the site of the many anatomical variations to be found in the liver . Couinaud classification system ( edit ) Main article : Liver segment Shape of human liver in animation , eight Couinaud segments labelled In the widely used Couinaud system , the functional lobes are further divided into a total of eight subsegments based on a transverse plane through the bifurcation of the main portal vein . The caudate lobe is a separate structure that receives blood flow from both the right - and left - sided vascular branches . The Couinaud classification of liver anatomy divides the liver into eight functionally independent liver segments . Each segment has its own vascular inflow , outflow and biliary drainage . In the centre of each segment are branches of the portal vein , hepatic artery , and bile duct . In the periphery of each segment is vascular outflow through the hepatic veins . The classification system uses the vascular supply in the liver to separate the functional units ( numbered I to VIII ) , with unit 1 , the caudate lobe , receiving its supply from both the right and the left branches of portal vein . It contains one or more hepatic veins which drain directly into the inferior vena cava . The remainder of the units ( II to VIII ) are numbered in a clockwise fashion : Gene and protein expression ( edit ) Further information : Bioinformatics § Gene and protein expression About 20,000 protein coding genes are expressed in human cells and 60 % of these genes are expressed in a normal , adult liver . Over 400 genes are more specifically expressed in the liver , with some 150 genes highly specific for liver tissue . A large fraction of the corresponding liver specific proteins are mainly expressed in hepatocytes and secreted into the blood and constitute plasma proteins . Other liver specific proteins are certain liver enzymes such as HAO1 and RDH16 , proteins involved in bile synthesis such as BAAT and SLC27A5 , and transporter proteins involved in the metabolism of drugs , such as ABCB11 and SLC2A2 . Examples of highly liver - specific proteins include apolipoprotein A II , coagulation factors F2 and F9 , complement factor related proteins , and the fibrinogen beta chain protein . Development ( edit ) Organogenesis , the development of the organs takes place from the third to the eighth week during embryogenesis . The origins of the liver lie in both the ventral portion of the foregut endoderm ( endoderm being one of the three embryonic germ layers ) and the constituents of the adjacent septum transversum mesenchyme . In the human embryo , the hepatic diverticulum is the tube of endoderm that extends out from the foregut into the surrounding mesenchyme . The mesenchyme of septum transversum induces this endoderm to proliferate , to branch , and to form the glandular epithelium of the liver . A portion of the hepatic diverticulum ( that region closest to the digestive tube ) continues to function as the drainage duct of the liver , and a branch from this duct produces the gallbladder . Besides signals from the septum transversum mesenchyme , fibroblast growth factor from the developing heart also contributes to hepatic competence , along with retinoic acid emanating from the lateral plate mesoderm . The hepatic endodermal cells undergo a morphological transition from columnar to pseudostratified resulting in thickening into the early liver bud . Their expansion forms a population of the bipotential hepatoblasts . Hepatic stellate cells are derived from mesenchyme . After migration of hepatoblasts into the septum transversum mesenchyme , the hepatic architecture begins to be established , with liver sinusoids and bile canaliculi appearing . The liver bud separates into the lobes . The left umbilical vein becomes the ductus venosus and the right vitelline vein becomes the portal vein . The expanding liver bud is colonized by hematopoietic cells . The bipotential hepatoblasts begin differentiating into biliary epithelial cells and hepatocytes . The biliary epithelial cells differentiate from hepatoblasts around portal veins , first producing a monolayer , and then a bilayer of cuboidal cells . In ductal plate , focal dilations emerge at points in the bilayer , become surrounded by portal mesenchyme , and undergo tubulogenesis into intrahepatic bile ducts . Hepatoblasts not adjacent to portal veins instead differentiate into hepatocytes and arrange into cords lined by sinudoidal epithelial cells and bile canaliculi . Once hepatoblasts are specified into hepatocytes and undergo further expansion , they begin acquiring the functions of a mature hepatocyte , and eventually mature hepatocytes appear as highly polarized epithelial cells with abundant glycogen accumulation . In the adult liver , hepatocytes are not equivalent , with position along the portocentrovenular axis within a liver lobule dictating expression of metabolic genes involved in drug metabolism , carbohydrate metabolism , ammonia detoxification , and bile production and secretion . WNT / β - catenin has now been identified to be playing a key role in this phenomenon . At birth , the liver comprises roughly 4 % of body weight and weighs on average 120 g . Over the course of further development , it will increase to 1.4 -- 1.6 kg but will only take up 2.5 -- 3.5 % of body weight . Fetal blood supply ( edit ) In the growing fetus , a major source of blood to the liver is the umbilical vein , which supplies nutrients to the growing fetus . The umbilical vein enters the abdomen at the umbilicus and passes upward along the free margin of the falciform ligament of the liver to the inferior surface of the liver . There , it joins with the left branch of the portal vein . The ductus venosus carries blood from the left portal vein to the left hepatic vein and then to the inferior vena cava , allowing placental blood to bypass the liver . In the fetus , the liver does not perform the normal digestive processes and filtration of the infant liver because nutrients are received directly from the mother via the placenta . The fetal liver releases some blood stem cells that migrate to the fetal thymus , creating the T - cells or T - lymphocytes . After birth , the formation of blood stem cells shifts to the red bone marrow . After 2 -- 5 days , the umbilical vein and ductus venosus are completely obliterated ; the former becomes the round ligament of liver and the latter becomes the ligamentum venosum . In the disorders of cirrhosis and portal hypertension , the umbilical vein can open up again . Function ( edit ) The various functions of the liver are carried out by the liver cells or hepatocytes . The liver is thought to be responsible for up to 500 separate functions , usually in combination with other systems and organs . Currently , no artificial organ or device is capable of reproducing all the functions of the liver . Some functions can be carried out by liver dialysis , an experimental treatment for liver failure . Blood supply ( edit ) Liver veins The liver receives a dual blood supply from the hepatic portal vein and hepatic arteries . The hepatic portal vein delivers around 75 % of the liver 's blood supply , and carries venous blood drained from the spleen , gastrointestinal tract , and its associated organs . The hepatic arteries supply arterial blood to the liver , accounting for the remaining quarter of its blood flow . Oxygen is provided from both sources ; about half of the liver 's oxygen demand is met by the hepatic portal vein , and half is met by the hepatic arteries . Blood flows through the liver sinusoids and empties into the central vein of each lobule . The central veins coalesce into hepatic veins , which leave the liver and drain into the inferior vena cava . Biliary flow ( edit ) Main article : Enterohepatic circulation Biliary tract The biliary tract is derived from the branches of the bile ducts . The biliary tract , also known as the biliary tree , is the path by which bile is secreted by the liver then transported to the first part of the small intestine , the duodenum . The bile produced in the liver is collected in bile canaliculi , small grooves between the faces of adjacent hepatocytes . The canaliculi radiate to the edge of the liver lobule , where they merge to form bile ducts . Within the liver , these ducts are termed intrahepatic bile ducts , and once they exit the liver , they are considered extrahepatic . The intrahepatic ducts eventually drain into the right and left hepatic ducts , which exit the liver at the transverse fissure , and merge to form the common hepatic duct . The cystic duct from the gallbladder joins with the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct . Bile either drains directly into the duodenum via the common bile duct , or is temporarily stored in the gallbladder via the cystic duct . The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct enter the second part of the duodenum together at the hepatopancreatic ampulla , also known as the ampulla of Vater . Synthesis ( edit ) Further information : Proteins produced and secreted by the liver The liver plays a major role in carbohydrate , protein , amino acid , and lipid metabolism . The liver performs several roles in carbohydrate metabolism : The liver synthesizes and stores around 100 g of glycogen via glycogenesis , the formation of glycogen from glucose . When needed , the liver releases glucose into the blood by performing glycogenolysis , the breakdown of glycogen into glucose . The liver is also responsible for gluconeogenesis , which is the synthesis of glucose from certain amino acids , lactate , or glycerol . Adipose and liver cells produce glycerol by breakdown of fat , which the liver uses for gluconeogenesis . The liver is responsible for the mainstay of protein metabolism , synthesis as well as degradation . It is also responsible for a large part of amino acid synthesis . The liver plays a role in the production of clotting factors , as well as red blood cell production . Some of the proteins synthesized by the liver include coagulation factors I ( fibrinogen ) , II ( prothrombin ) , V , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI , XIII , as well as protein C , protein S and antithrombin . In the first trimester fetus , the liver is the main site of red blood cell production . By the 32nd week of gestation , the bone marrow has almost completely taken over that task . The liver is a major site of production for thrombopoietin , a glycoprotein hormone that regulates the production of platelets by the bone marrow . The liver plays several roles in lipid metabolism : it performs cholesterol synthesis , lipogenesis , and the production of triglycerides , and a bulk of the body 's lipoproteins are synthesized in the liver . The liver plays a key role in digestion , as it produces and excretes bile ( a yellowish liquid ) required for emulsifying fats and help the absorption of vitamin K from the diet . Some of the bile drains directly into the duodenum , and some is stored in the gallbladder . The liver also produces insulin - like growth factor 1 , a polypeptide protein hormone that plays an important role in childhood growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults . Breakdown ( edit ) The liver is responsible for the breakdown of insulin and other hormones . The liver breaks down bilirubin via glucuronidation , facilitating its excretion into bile . The liver is responsible for the breakdown and excretion of many waste products . It plays a key role in breaking down or modifying toxic substances ( e.g. , methylation ) and most medicinal products in a process called drug metabolism . This sometimes results in toxication , when the metabolite is more toxic than its precursor . Preferably , the toxins are conjugated to avail excretion in bile or urine . The liver breaks down ammonia into urea as part of the urea cycle , and the urea is excreted in the urine . Other ( edit ) The liver stores a multitude of substances , including glucose ( in the form of glycogen ) , vitamin A ( 1 -- 2 years ' supply ) , vitamin D ( 1 -- 4 months ' supply ) , vitamin B12 ( 3 -- 5 years ' supply ) , vitamin K , iron , and copper . The liver is responsible for immunological effects -- the mononuclear phagocyte system of the liver contains many immunologically active cells , acting as a ' sieve ' for antigens carried to it via the portal system . The liver produces albumin , the most abundant protein in blood serum . It is essential in the maintenance of oncotic pressure , and acts as a transport for fatty acids and steroid hormones . The liver synthesizes angiotensinogen , a hormone that is responsible for raising the blood pressure when activated by renin , an enzyme that is released when the kidney senses low blood pressure . The liver produces the enzyme catalase in order to break down hydrogen peroxide , a very toxic substance due to it being a powerful oxidising agent , into water and oxygen . With aging ( edit ) The oxidative capacity of the liver decreases with aging and therefore any medications that require oxidation ( for instance , benzodiazepines ) are more likely to accumulate to toxic levels . However , medications with shorter half - lives , such as lorazepam and oxazepam , are preferred in most cases when benzodiazepines are required in regard to geriatric medicine . Clinical significance ( edit ) Disease ( edit ) Main article : Liver disease Left lobe liver tumor The liver is a vital organ and supports almost every other organ in the body . Because of its strategic location and multidimensional functions , the liver is also prone to many diseases . The bare area of the liver is a site that is vulnerable to the passing of infection from the abdominal cavity to the thoracic cavity . Hepatitis is a common condition of inflammation of the liver . The most usual cause of this is viral , and the most common of these infections are hepatitis A , B , C , D , and E. Some of these infections are sexually transmitted . Inflammation can also be caused by other viruses in the family Herpesviridae such as the herpes simplex virus . Chronic ( rather than acute ) infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus is the main cause of liver cancer . Globally , about 248 million individuals are chronically infected with HBV ( with 843,724 in the U.S. ) and 142 million are chronically infected with HCV ( with 2.7 million in the U.S. ) . Globally there are about 114 million and 20 million cases of hepatitis A and hepatitis E respectively , but these generally resolve , and do not become chronic ( see Hepatitis A , Hepatitis E ) . Hepatitis D virus is a `` satellite '' of hepatitis B virus ( can only infect in the presence of hepatitis B ) , and co-infects nearly 20 million people with hepatitis B , globally ( see Hepatitis D ) . Hepatic encephalopathy is caused by an accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream that are normally removed by the liver . This condition can result in coma and can prove fatal . Other disorders caused by excessive alcohol consumption are grouped under alcoholic liver diseases and these include alcoholic hepatitis , fatty liver , and cirrhosis . Factors contributing to the development of alcoholic liver diseases are not only the quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption , but can also include gender , genetics , and liver insult . Liver damage can also be caused by drugs , particularly paracetamol and drugs used to treat cancer . A rupture of the liver can be caused by a liver shot used in combat sports . Budd -- Chiari syndrome is a condition caused by blockage of the hepatic veins ( including thrombosis ) that drain the liver . It presents with the classical triad of abdominal pain , ascites and liver enlargement . Primary biliary cholangitis is an autoimmune disease of the liver . It is marked by slow progressive destruction of the small bile ducts of the liver , with the intralobular ducts ( Canals of Hering ) affected early in the disease . When these ducts are damaged , bile and other toxins build up in the liver ( cholestasis ) and over time damages the liver tissue in combination with ongoing immune related damage . This can lead to scarring ( fibrosis ) and cirrhosis . Cirrhosis increases the resistance to blood flow in the liver , and can result in portal hypertension . Congested anastomoses between the portal venous system and the systemic circulation , can be a subsequent condition . Many diseases of the liver are accompanied by jaundice caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the system . The bilirubin results from the breakup of the hemoglobin of dead red blood cells ; normally , the liver removes bilirubin from the blood and excretes it through bile . There are also many pediatric liver diseases , including biliary atresia , alpha - 1 antitrypsin deficiency , alagille syndrome , progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis , Langerhans cell histiocytosis and hepatic hemangioma a benign tumour the most common type of liver tumour , thought to be congenital . A genetic disorder causing multiple cysts to form in the liver tissue , usually in later life , and usually asymptomatic , is polycystic liver disease . Diseases that interfere with liver function will lead to derangement of these processes . However , the liver has a great capacity to regenerate and has a large reserve capacity . In most cases , the liver only produces symptoms after extensive damage . Hepatomegaly refers to an enlarged liver and can be due to many causes . It can be palpated in a liver span measurement . Liver diseases may be diagnosed by liver function tests -- blood tests that can identify various markers . For example , acute - phase reactants are produced by the liver in response to injury or inflammation . Symptoms ( edit ) The classic symptoms of liver damage include the following : Pale stools occur when stercobilin , a brown pigment , is absent from the stool . Stercobilin is derived from bilirubin metabolites produced in the liver . Dark urine occurs when bilirubin mixes with urine Jaundice ( yellow skin and / or whites of the eyes ) This is where bilirubin deposits in skin , causing an intense itch . Itching is the most common complaint by people who have liver failure . Often this itch can not be relieved by drugs . Swelling of the abdomen , and swelling of the ankles and feet occurs because the liver fails to make albumin . Excessive fatigue occurs from a generalized loss of nutrients , minerals and vitamins . Bruising and easy bleeding are other features of liver disease . The liver makes clotting factors , substances which help prevent bleeding . When liver damage occurs , these factors are no longer present and severe bleeding can occur . Pain in the upper right quadrant can result from the stretching of Glisson 's capsule in conditions of hepatitis and pre-eclampsia . Diagnosis ( edit ) The diagnosis of liver disease is made by liver function tests , groups of blood tests , that can readily show the extent of liver damage . If infection is suspected , then other serological tests will be carried out . A physical examination of the liver can only reveal its size and any tenderness , and some form of imaging such as an ultrasound or CT scan may also be needed . Sometimes a liver biopsy will be necessary , and a tissue sample is taken through a needle inserted into the skin just below the rib cage . This procedure may be helped by a sonographer providing ultrasound guidance to an interventional radiologist . Axial CT image showing anomalous hepatic veins coursing on the subcapsular anterior surface of the liver . Maximum intensity projection ( MIP ) CT image as viewed anteriorly showing the anomalous hepatic veins coursing on the anterior surface of the liver Lateral MIP view in the same patient A CT scan in which the liver and portal vein are shown . Liver regeneration ( edit ) Main article : Liver regeneration The liver is the only human internal organ capable of natural regeneration of lost tissue ; as little as 25 % of a liver can regenerate into a whole liver . This is , however , not true regeneration but rather compensatory growth in mammals . The lobes that are removed do not regrow and the growth of the liver is a restoration of function , not original form . This contrasts with true regeneration where both original function and form are restored . In some other species , such as fish , the liver undergoes true regeneration by restoring both shape and size of the organ . In the liver , large areas of the tissues are formed but for the formation of new cells there must be sufficient amount of material so the circulation of the blood becomes more active . This is predominantly due to the hepatocytes re-entering the cell cycle . That is , the hepatocytes go from the quiescent G0 phase to the G1 phase and undergo mitosis . This process is activated by the p75 receptors . There is also some evidence of bipotential stem cells , called hepatic oval cells or ovalocytes ( not to be confused with oval red blood cells of ovalocytosis ) , which are thought to reside in the canals of Hering . These cells can differentiate into either hepatocytes or cholangiocytes . Cholangiocytes are the epithelial lining cells of the bile ducts . They are cuboidal epithelium in the small interlobular bile ducts , but become columnar and mucus secreting in larger bile ducts approaching the porta hepatis and the extrahepatic ducts . Research is being carried out on the use of stem cells for the generation of an artificial liver . Scientific and medical works about liver regeneration often refer to the Greek Titan Prometheus who was chained to a rock in the Caucasus where , each day , his liver was devoured by an eagle , only to grow back each night . The myth suggests the ancient Greeks may have known about the liver 's remarkable capacity for self - repair . Liver transplantation ( edit ) Main article : Liver transplantation Human liver transplants were first performed by Thomas Starzl in the United States and Roy Calne in Cambridge , England in 1963 and 1967 , respectively . After resection of left lobe liver tumor Liver transplantation is the only option for those with irreversible liver failure . Most transplants are done for chronic liver diseases leading to cirrhosis , such as chronic hepatitis C , alcoholism , and autoimmune hepatitis . Less commonly , liver transplantation is done for fulminant hepatic failure , in which liver failure occurs over days to weeks . Liver allografts for transplant usually come from donors who have died from fatal brain injury . Living donor liver transplantation is a technique in which a portion of a living person 's liver is removed ( hepatectomy ) and used to replace the entire liver of the recipient . This was first performed in 1989 for pediatric liver transplantation . Only 20 percent of an adult 's liver ( Couinaud segments 2 and 3 ) is needed to serve as a liver allograft for an infant or small child . More recently , adult - to - adult liver transplantation has been done using the donor 's right hepatic lobe , which amounts to 60 percent of the liver . Due to the ability of the liver to regenerate , both the donor and recipient end up with normal liver function if all goes well . This procedure is more controversial , as it entails performing a much larger operation on the donor , and indeed there have been at least two donor deaths out of the first several hundred cases . A recent publication has addressed the problem of donor mortality , and at least 14 cases have been found . The risk of postoperative complications ( and death ) is far greater in right - sided operations than that in left - sided operations . With the recent advances of noninvasive imaging , living liver donors usually have to undergo imaging examinations for liver anatomy to decide if the anatomy is feasible for donation . The evaluation is usually performed by multidetector row computed tomography ( MDCT ) and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) . MDCT is good in vascular anatomy and volumetry . MRI is used for biliary tree anatomy . Donors with very unusual vascular anatomy , which makes them unsuitable for donation , could be screened out to avoid unnecessary operations . MDCT image . Arterial anatomy contraindicated for liver donation MDCT image . Portal venous anatomy contraindicated for liver donation MDCT image . 3D image created by MDCT can clearly visualize the liver , measure the liver volume , and plan the dissection plane to facilitate the liver transplantation procedure . Phase contrast CT image . Contrast is perfusing the right liver but not the left due to a left portal vein thrombus . Society and culture ( edit ) In Greek mythology , Prometheus was punished by the gods for revealing fire to humans , by being chained to a rock where a vulture ( or an eagle ) would peck out his liver , which would regenerate overnight . ( The liver is the only human internal organ that actually can regenerate itself to a significant extent . ) Many ancient peoples of the Near East and Mediterranean areas practiced a type of divination called haruspicy , where they tried to obtain information by examining the livers of sheep and other animals . In Plato , and in later physiology , the liver was thought to be the seat of the darkest emotions ( specifically wrath , jealousy and greed ) which drive men to action . The Talmud ( tractate Berakhot 61b ) refers to the liver as the seat of anger , with the gallbladder counteracting this . The Persian , Urdu , and Hindi languages ( جگر or जिगर or jigar ) refer to the liver in figurative speech to indicate courage and strong feelings , or `` their best '' ; e.g. , `` This Mecca has thrown to you the pieces of its liver ! '' . The term jan e jigar , literally `` the strength ( power ) of my liver '' , is a term of endearment in Urdu . In Persian slang , jigar is used as an adjective for any object which is desirable , especially women . In the Zulu language , the word for liver ( isibindi ) is the same as the word for courage . The legend of Liver - Eating Johnson says that he would cut out and eat the liver of each man killed after dinner . In the motion picture The Message , Hind bint Utbah is implied or portrayed eating the liver of Hamza ibn ' Abd al - Muttalib during the Battle of Uhud . Although there are narrations that suggest that Hind did `` taste '' , rather than eat , the liver of Hamza , the authenticity of these narrations has to be questioned . On November 26 , 1987 , the city of Ferrol , Spain , inaugurated what is believed to be the only monument to the liver in the world . The then - mayor , Jaime Quintanilla , also happened to be a doctor , and thought it appropriate to promote the monument . At an approximate cost of $3.200 , the monument stands in the village of Balón . A plaque reads ( In Galician , free translation ) : `` The Liver ( is the ) basis of Life '' , and below `` Through History , Mankind tried to cure all illness . By helping it on this duty , you are doing a great job . We are grateful for it '' . Food ( edit ) Main article : Liver ( food ) The liver of mammals , fowl , and fish are commonly eaten as food by humans . Domestic pig , ox , lamb , calf , chicken , and goose livers are widely available from butchers and supermarkets . Liver can be baked , boiled , broiled , fried , stir - fried , or eaten raw ( asbeh nayeh or sawda naye in Lebanese cuisine , or liver sashimi in Japanese cuisine . In many preparations , pieces of liver are combined with pieces of meat or kidneys , like in the various forms of Middle Eastern mixed grill ( e.g. meurav Yerushalmi ) . Well - known examples include liver pâté , foie gras , chopped liver , and leverpastej . Liver sausages such as Braunschweiger and liverwurst are also a valued meal . Liver sausages may also be used as spreads . A traditional South African delicacy , namely skilpadjies , is made of minced lamb 's liver wrapped in netvet ( caul fat ) , and grilled over an open fire . Animal livers are rich in iron , vitamin A and vitamin B , and cod liver oil is commonly used as a dietary supplement . Traditionally , some fish livers were valued as food , especially the stingray liver . It was used to prepare delicacies , such as poached skate liver on toast in England , as well as the beignets de foie de raie and foie de raie en croute in French cuisine . Other animals ( edit ) Sheep 's liver The liver is found in all vertebrates , and is typically the largest visceral ( internal ) organ . Its form varies considerably in different species , and is largely determined by the shape and arrangement of the surrounding organs . Nonetheless , in most species it is divided into right and left lobes ; exceptions to this general rule include snakes , where the shape of the body necessitates a simple cigar - like form . The internal structure of the liver is broadly similar in all vertebrates . An organ sometimes referred to as a liver is found associated with the digestive tract of the primitive chordate Amphioxus . Although it performs many functions of a liver , it is not considered a true liver but a homolog of the vertebrate liver . The amphioxus hepatic caecum produces the liver - specific proteins vitellogenin , antithrombin , plasminogen , alanine aminotransferase , and insulin / Insulin - like growth factor ( IGF ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Physiology : 6 / 6ch2 / s6ch2_30 - Essentials of Human Physiology Jump up ^ Elias , H. ; Bengelsdorf , H. ( 1 July 1952 ) . `` The Structure of the Liver in Vertebrates '' . Cells Tissues Organs. 14 ( 4 ) : 297 -- 337 . doi : 10.1159 / 000140715 . 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Jump up ^ An argument for the ancient Greek 's knowing about liver regeneration is provided by Chen , T.S. ; Chen , P.S. ( 1994 ) . `` The myth of Prometheus and the liver '' . Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine . 87 ( 12 ) : 754 -- 755 . PMC 1294986 . PMID 7853302 . Counterarguments are provided by Tiniakos , D.G. ; Kandilis , A. ; Geller , S.A. ( 2010 ) . `` Tityus : A forgotten myth of liver regeneration '' . Journal of Hepatology. 53 ( 2 ) : 357 -- 361 . doi : 10.1016 / j. jhep. 2010.02. 032 . PMID 20472318 . and by Power , C. ; Rasko , J.E. ( 2008 ) . `` Whither prometheus ' liver ? Greek myth and the science of regeneration '' . Annals of Internal Medicine . 149 ( 6 ) : 421 -- 426 . doi : 10.7326 / 0003 - 4819 - 149 - 6 - 200809160 - 00009 . PMID 18794562 . Jump up ^ Bramstedt K ( 2006 ) . `` Living liver donor mortality : where do we stand ? '' . Am. J. Gastroenterol. 101 ( 4 ) : 755 -- 9 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1572 - 0241.2006. 00421. x . PMID 16494593 . Jump up ^ Krishna , Gopi ; Hillman , James ( 1970 ) . Kundalini -- the evolutionary energy in man . London : Stuart & Watkins . p. 77 . ISBN 1570622809 . Archived from the original on 2016 - 03 - 05 . Jump up ^ The Great Battle Of Badar ( Yaum - E-Furqan ) . ( 2006 - 07 - 08 ) . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` La Voz de Galicia `` Ferrol monument mentioned in US newspaper '' 07 / 30 / 2015 `` '' . Jump up ^ Schwabe , Calvin W. ( 1979 ) . Unmentionable Cuisine . University of Virginia Press . pp. 313 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8139 - 1162 - 5 . Jump up ^ Romer , Alfred Sherwood ; Parsons , Thomas S. ( 1977 ) . The Vertebrate Body . Philadelphia , PA : Holt - Saunders International . pp. 354 -- 5 . ISBN 0 - 03 - 910284 - X . Jump up ^ Yuan , Shaochun ; Ruan , Jie ; Huang , Shengfeng ; Chen , Shangwu ; Xu , Anlong ( 2015 ) . `` Amphioxus as a model for investigating evolution of the vertebrate immune system '' ( PDF ) . Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 48 ( 2 ) : 297 -- 305 . doi : 10.1016 / j. dci. 2014.05. 004 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2015 - 12 - 22 . Jump up ^ Yu , Jr - Kai Sky ; Lecroisey , Claire ; Le Pétillon , Yann ; Escriva , Hector ; Lammert , Eckhard ; Laudet , Vincent ( 2015 ) . `` Identification , Evolution and Expression of an Insulin - Like Peptide in the Cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum '' . PLoS ONE . 10 ( 3 ) : e0119461 . doi : 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0119461 . PMC 4361685 . PMID 25774519 . Jump up ^ Escriva , Hector ; Chao , Yeqing ; Fan , Chunxin ; Liang , Yujun ; Gao , Bei ; Zhang , Shicui ( 2012 ) . `` A Novel Serpin with Antithrombin - Like Activity in Branchiostoma japonicum : Implications for the Presence of a Primitive Coagulation System '' . PLoS ONE . 7 ( 3 ) : e32392 . doi : 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0032392 . PMC 3299649 . PMID 22427833 . Jump up ^ Guo , Bin ; Zhang , Shicui ; Wang , Shaohui ; Liang , Yujun ( 2009 ) . `` Expression , mitogenic activity and regulation by growth hormone of growth hormone / insulin - like growth factor in Branchiostoma belcheri '' ( PDF ) . Cell and Tissue Research . 338 ( 1 ) : 67 -- 77 . doi : 10.1007 / s00441 - 009 - 0824 - 8 . PMID 19657677 . Works cited ( edit ) Dorland 's illustrated medical dictionary ( 32nd ed . ) . Philadelphia : Elsevier / Saunders. 2012 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4557 - 0985 - 4 . External links ( edit ) Look up liver in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Livers . Liver at the Human Protein Atlas VIRTUAL Liver -- online learning resource Liver enzymes Anatomy of the liver , pancreas and biliary tree Liver Bare area Cantlie line Ligamentum venosum Porta hepatis Round ligament Lobes of liver Caudate Quadrate Fibrous capsule of Glisson Perisinusoidal space Liver sinusoid Periportal space Portal triad Lobules of liver Liver segment Microanatomy Hepatocyte Hepatic stellate cell Kupffer cell Biliary tract Bile ducts Intrahepatic bile ducts Bile canaliculus Canals of Hering Interlobular Left hepatic duct Right hepatic duct Common hepatic duct Gallbladder Cystic duct Common bile duct Ampulla of Vater Sphincter of Oddi Cells Cholecystocyte Pancreas Gross Tail Body Neck Head ( Uncinate process ) Ducts main accessory Microanatomy Pancreatic islets Centroacinar cell Stellate cell GND : 4034933 - 0 NDL : 00565010 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Liver Organs ( anatomy ) Hidden categories : Pages with unresolved properties Webarchive template wayback links Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from August 2015 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2012 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with NDL identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Alemannisch አማርኛ Ænglisc Aragonés ܐܪܡܝܐ Armãneashti অসমীয়া Asturianu Atikamekw Авар Aymar aru Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Чӑвашла Čeština ChiShona Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua IsiXhosa Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî Кыргызча Лакку Лезги ລາວ Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Limburgs Lingála Lumbaart Magyar Македонски മലയാളം Malti मराठी მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nāhuatl Nederlands नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Олык марий ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oromoo Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Pangasinan پنجابی پښتو ភាសា ខ្មែរ Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русиньскый Русский Саха тыла ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ संस्कृतम् Scots Shqip Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Soomaaliga کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Vahcuengh Vèneto Tiếng Việt Walon Winaray 吴语 ייִדיש 粵語 Zazaki 中文 Kabɩyɛ Lingua Franca Nova 138 more Edit links This page was last edited on 12 August 2018 , at 10 : 19 ( UTC ) . 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where is the liver situated in a human body
The liver is a reddish - brown , wedge - shaped organ with four lobes of unequal size and shape . A human liver normally weighs 1.44 -- 1.66 kg ( 3.2 -- 3.7 lb ) , and has a width of about 15 cm . It is both the heaviest internal organ and the largest gland in the human body . Located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity , it rests just below the diaphragm , to the right of the stomach and overlies the gallbladder .
Good Times - wikipedia Good Times Jump to : navigation , search For the Chinese television series , see Good Times ( TV series ) . For other uses , see Good Times ( disambiguation ) . Good Times Genre Sitcom Created by Eric Monte Michael Evans Developed by Norman Lear Directed by Gerren Keith Herbert Kenwith Bob LaHendro Donald McKayle Perry Rosemond Starring Esther Rolle John Amos ( Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Jimmie Walker Ja'net Dubois Bern Nadette Stanis Ralph Carter Johnny Brown ( Seasons 2 - 6 ) Janet Jackson ( Seasons 5 -- 6 ) Ben Powers ( Season 6 ) Theme music composer Dave Grusin Alan Bergman Marilyn Bergman Opening theme `` Good Times '' performed by Jim Gilstrap and Blinky Williams Composer ( s ) Dave Grusin Alan and Marilyn Bergman Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 133 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Norman Lear ( 1974 -- 75 ) Allan Manings ( 1974 -- 77 ) Austin and Irma Kalish ( 1976 -- 78 ) Norman Paul ( 1975 -- 79 ) Producer ( s ) Allan Manings Jack Elinson ( 1975 -- 76 ) Norman Paul Austin and Irma Kalish Lloyd Turner ( 1977 -- 78 ) Gordon Mitchell ( 1977 -- 78 ) Sid Dorfman ( 1978 -- 79 ) Location ( s ) CBS Television City , Hollywood , California ( 1974 -- 75 ) Metromedia Square , Hollywood , California ( 1975 -- 79 ) Camera setup Multi-camera Running time 22 -- 24 minutes Production company ( s ) Tandem Productions Distributor PITS Films ( 1978 -- 82 ) Embassy Telecommunications ( 1982 -- 86 ) Embassy Communications ( 1986 -- 88 ) Columbia Pictures Television ( 1988 -- 96 ) Columbia TriStar Television ( 1996 -- 2002 ) Sony Pictures Television ( 2002 -- present ) Release Original network CBS Original release February 8 , 1974 ( 1974 - 02 - 08 ) -- August 1 , 1979 ( 1979 - 08 - 01 ) Chronology Preceded by All in the Family Maude Related shows Checking In The Jeffersons Archie Bunker 's Place Gloria 704 Hauser Good Times is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from February 8 , 1974 , to August 1 , 1979 . It was created by Eric Monte and Mike Evans , and developed by Norman Lear , the series ' primary executive producer . Good Times was a spin - off of Maude , which was itself a spin - off of All in the Family . Contents ( hide ) 1 Synopsis 1.1 Cast conflicts 1.2 Final seasons 2 Cast and characters 2.1 Main 2.2 Minor characters 2.3 Notable guest stars 3 Production notes 3.1 Theme song and opening sequence 4 Episodes 5 Reception 5.1 Ratings 6 Awards and nominations 7 Syndication 8 DVD releases 9 References 10 External links Synopsis ( edit ) John Amos and Esther Rolle , 1974 Florida and James Evans and their three children live at 921 N. Gilbert Ave. , apartment 17C , in a housing project in a poor , black neighborhood in inner - city Chicago . The project is unnamed on the show , but is implicitly the infamous Cabrini -- Green projects , shown in the opening and closing credits . Florida and James have three children : James Jr. , also known as `` J.J. '' ; Thelma ; and Michael , called `` the militant midget '' by his father due to his passionate activism . When the series begins , J.J. is seventeen years old , Thelma is sixteen , and Michael is eleven . Their exuberant neighbor , and Florida 's best friend , is Willona Woods , a recent divorcée who works at a boutique . Their building superintendent is Nathan Bookman ( seasons 2 -- 6 ) , who James , Willona and later J.J. refer to as `` Buffalo Butt '' , or , even more derisively , `` Booger '' . Florida and son J.J. , 1974 The characters originated on the sitcom Maude as Florida and Henry Evans , with Florida employed as Maude Findlay 's housekeeper in Tuckahoe , New York , and Henry employed as a firefighter . When producers decided to feature the Florida character in her own show , they changed the characters ' history : Henry 's name became James , there was no mention of Maude , and the couple lived in Chicago . Episodes of Good Times deal with the characters ' attempts to overcome poverty living in a high rise project building in Chicago . James Evans often works at least two jobs , mostly manual labor such as dishwasher , construction laborer , etc . Often he is unemployed , but he is a proud man who will not accept charity . When he has to , he hustles money playing pool , although Florida disapproves of this . Cast conflicts ( edit ) Good Times was intended to be a good show for Esther Rolle and John Amos . Both expected the show to deal with serious topics in a comedic way while providing positive characters for viewers to identify with . However , Jimmie Walker 's character of J.J. was an immediate hit with audiences and became the breakout character of the series . J.J. 's frequent use of the expression `` Dy - no - mite ! '' ( often in the phrase `` Kid Dy - no - mite ! '' ) , credited to director John Rich , became a popular catchphrase ( later included in TV Land 's The 100 Greatest TV Quotes and Catch Phrases special ) . Rich insisted Walker say it in every episode . Walker and executive producer Norman Lear were skeptical of the idea , but the phrase and the J.J. Evans character caught on with the audience . As a result of the character 's popularity , the writers focused more on J.J. 's comedic antics instead of serious issues . Through seasons two and three , Rolle and Amos grew increasingly disillusioned with the direction of the show and especially with J.J. 's antics and stereotypically buffoonish behavior . Rolle was vocal about her dislike of his character . In a 1975 interview with Ebony magazine she stated : He 's 18 and he does n't work . He ca n't read or write . He does n't think . The show did n't start out to be that ... Little by little -- with the help of the artist , I suppose , because they could n't do that to me -- they have made J.J. more stupid and enlarged the role . Negative images have been slipped in on us through the character of the oldest child . Although doing so less publicly , Amos also was outspoken about his dissatisfaction with the J.J. character . Amos stated : The writers would prefer to put a chicken hat on J.J. and have him prance around saying `` DY - NO - MITE '' , and that way they could waste a few minutes and not have to write meaningful dialogue . While Amos was less public with his dissatisfaction , he was ultimately fired after season three due to disagreements with Norman Lear . Amos ' departure was initially attributed to his desire to focus on a film career , but he admitted in a 1976 interview that Lear called him and told him that his contract option with the show was not being renewed . Amos stated , `` That 's the same thing as being fired . '' The producers decided not to recast the character of James Evans , instead opting to kill off the character in the two - part season four episode , `` The Big Move '' . Final seasons ( edit ) By the end of season four , Esther Rolle had also become dissatisfied with the show 's direction and decided to leave the series . In the final two episodes of the season , `` Love Has a Spot On His Lung '' , Rolle 's character gets engaged to Carl Dixon ( Moses Gunn ) , a man she began dating toward the end of season four . In the season five premiere episode , it is revealed that Florida and Carl married off screen and moved to Arizona for the sake of Carl 's health . With Amos and Rolle gone , Ja'net Dubois took over as the lead character , as Willona checked in on the Evans children since they were now living alone . In season five Janet Jackson joined the cast , playing Penny Gordon Woods , an abused girl who is abandoned by her mother and eventually adopted by Willona . Before taping of season six began , CBS and the show 's producers decided that they had to do `` something drastic '' to increase viewership . According to then - vice president of CBS programming Steve Mills , `` We had lost the essence of the show . Without parental guidance the show slipped . Everything told us that : our mail , our phone calls , our research . We felt we had to go back to basics . '' Producers approached Esther Rolle with an offer to appear in a guest role on the series . Rolle was initially hesitant but when producers agreed to a number of her demands ( including an increased salary and higher quality scripts ) , she agreed to return to the series on a full - time basis . Rolle also wanted producers to make the character of J.J. more responsible , as she felt the character was a poor role model for black American youths . She also requested that producers write out the character of Carl Dixon ; Rolle reportedly disliked the storyline surrounding the Carl Dixon character , as she believed Florida would not have moved on so quickly after James ' death or leave her children . Rolle also thought the writers had disregarded Florida 's devout Christian beliefs by having her fall for and marry Carl , who was an atheist . In the season six premiere episode `` Florida 's Homecoming : Part 1 '' , Florida returns from Arizona without Carl to attend Thelma 's upcoming wedding to professional football player Keith Anderson ( Ben Powers , who joined the cast for the final season ) . In a rare uncut version of `` Florida 's Homecoming : Part 2 '' , after Florida arrives home from Arizona , Willona briefly pulls her aside and mentions Carl , to which Florida sadly smiles and shakes her head implying that Carl had died from cancer . Florida later mentions Carl one last time when she tells Michael about a book they 'd both bought him . Despite changes in the series at Esther Rolle 's request and her return , ratings did not improve and CBS canceled the series during the 1978 -- 79 season . In the series finale , `` The End of the Rainbow '' , each character finally gets a `` happy ending . '' J.J. gets his big break as an artist for a comic book company with his newly created character , DynoWoman , which is based on Thelma ( much to her surprise and delight ) , and is moving into an apartment with some lady friends . Michael attends college and moves into an on - campus dorm . Keith 's bad knee heals due to his exercise and own physical therapy , leading to the Chicago Bears offering him a contract to play football . Keith announces that he and Thelma are moving into a luxury apartment in the city 's upscale Gold Coast district . Thelma also announces that she is pregnant with the couple 's first child . Keith offers Florida the chance to move in with them so she can help Thelma with the new baby . Willona becomes the head buyer of the boutique she works in and announces that she and Penny are also moving out of the projects . Willona then reveals that her new apartment is in the same apartment building that Keith , Thelma and Florida are moving to ; once again , she and Penny become the Evans ' downstairs neighbors . Cast and characters ( edit ) Main ( edit ) Actor Character Seasons 5 6 Esther Rolle Florida Evans Main Main John Amos James Evans Main Ja'net Dubois Willona Woods Main Jimmie Walker James `` J.J. '' Evans , Jr . Main Ralph Carter Michael Evans Main Bern Nadette Stanis Thelma Evans Anderson Main Johnny Brown Nathan Bookman Recurring Main Janet Jackson Millicent `` Penny '' Gordon Woods Main Ben Powers Keith Anderson Main Bern Nadette Stanis was credited as `` Bern Nadette '' during early episodes of season one , and later as `` Bernnadette Stanis . '' Minor characters ( edit ) Ned the Wino ( Raymond Allen ) is the local drunk who frequents the neighborhood and the apartment building where the Evans family reside . In the season one episode `` Black Jesus '' , J.J. uses Ned the Wino as the model for a portrait of Jesus . Another episode is centered on Michael 's plan to `` clean up '' Ned and get him off the booze by letting him stay at the Evans ' house . Carl Dixon ( Moses Gunn ) is an atheist shop owner who Michael briefly works for . Despite their religious differences , Carl and Florida begin dating and become engaged in the final episode of season four . Carl breaks off the engagement after he is diagnosed with lung cancer . After a talk from Bookman , Carl again asks Florida for her hand in marriage . The two marry off - screen and move to Arizona . Florida returns at the beginning of season six , without Carl , for Thelma 's wedding . Carl is referenced briefly in episode two of season six , but he is never mentioned again ( Florida continues to use the surname Evans instead of Dixon ) . ( Esther Rolle decided to come back to the show if the character was written out . ) Florida then revealed he died from his battle of lung cancer . Marion `` Sweet Daddy '' Williams ( Theodore Wilson ) is a menacing neighborhood numbers runner and pimp , who has a reputation for wearing flashy clothing and jewelry . He is usually accompanied by bodyguards ( one portrayed by Bubba Smith , the other by series painter Ernie Barnes ) and comes across as cool and threatening , but has shown a soft heart on occasion , particularly when he decided not to take an antique locket ( to settle a debt ) that Florida had given to Thelma because it had reminded him of his late mother . ( Wilson also plays a club owner named Stanley in the season four episode , `` The Comedian and the Loan Sharks '' ) . Alderman Fred C. Davis ( Albert Reed , Jr . ) is a local politician with a slightly shady disposition whom the Evans generally despise . Spoofing President Richard M. Nixon , he would state in a speech `` I am not a crook . '' He frequently relies on the support of the Evans family ( his `` favorite project family '' ) for reelection or support and resorts to threats of eviction to secure their support . In a running joke , Alderman Davis frequently forgets Willona 's name and calls her another similar - sounding name that began with a `` W '' ( such as Wilhemina , Winnifrieda , Winsomnium , Wyomia and even Waldorf - Astoria ) , thus earning him her everlasting ire as well as the nickname `` Baldy '' . Lenny ( Dap ' Sugar ' Willie ) is a neighborhood hustler and peddler who tries to sell presumably stolen items that are usually attached to the lining of his fur coat . He usually approaches people with a laid - back rap and a rhyme ( `` my name is Len - nay , if I ai n't got it , there ai n't an - nay '' ) . He is typically rebuffed by the people he approaches and responds by saying `` that 's cold '' or uses a small brush to `` brush off '' the negativity . `` Grandpa '' Henry Evans ( Richard Ward ) is James ' long lost father . He abandoned the family years before because he was ashamed that he could not do more to provide for them . This hurt James deeply , who disregarded his father 's existence , telling everyone he was dead . Thelma learns about her grandfather while doing some family research . She meets him and invites him to the Evans ' home to surprise James for his birthday , not knowing that James was well aware of his whereabouts but chose to stay out of his life . After Henry arrives at the Evans home and meets the rest of the family , he realizes that James would not welcome him in the home and decides to leave . Florida convinces him to stay and talk to James and explains that there may never be another chance to do so . Henry and James have a heart - to - heart talk , with Henry being remorseful and apologetic . James ultimately forgives his father . After James ' death , the Evans family embraces Henry into the family , alongside his common law ( and eventually legal ) wife Lena in later episodes . Wanda ( Helen Martin ) is another resident in the apartment building where the Evans reside . Earlier episodes show her at a women 's support group , and the tenants rallying around her by giving her a rent party . Later episodes show her appearing and crying at several funerals , whether she knew the person or not , thus earning her the nickname `` Weeping Wanda '' from J.J. and Willona . Mrs. Lynnetta Gordon ( Chip Fields ) is Penny 's abusive biological mother . Her first appearance is in the four part Fifth season opening episode , `` The Evans Get Involved '' . Penny 's father abandoned Mrs. Gordon when she became pregnant . As a result , she takes her anger and frustrations out on Penny , including burning her with a hot iron . After the abuse is finally brought to light , ( during which Mrs. Gordon gets into a shouting match with Willona and Thelma ) she abandons Penny , despite Willona and Thelma 's pleas to her to seek help . Just before she disappears , Mrs. Gordon expresses regret for hurting her child , telling Willona that Penny deserves better than her . This clears the way for Willona to adopt Penny . She reappears more than a year later , in the sixth - season episode , `` A Matter of Mothers '' , having remarried , and reveals that her new husband is from a very wealthy family . Mrs. Gordon uses her husband 's wealth to send Penny anonymous gifts and , in an effort to regain custody of Penny , she also attempts to frame Willona as an unfit adoptive parent who throws wild parties with less than wholesome attendees . However , her scheme is exposed by being recorded on tape admitting that the scheme was a set up to get Penny back . After trying to get the tape from Penny and threatening her again with physical abuse ( which is stopped by Willona ) , Penny outright rejects Mrs. Gordon , telling her birth mother that no matter what anyone says , she would always consider Willona to be her real mother . Mrs. Gordon is devastated by this , agrees to drop the charges against Willona and leaves Penny with her , never to be seen again . Cleatus ( Jack Baker ) is a cousin of J.J. Evans , Thelma Evans Anderson , and Michael Evans and nephew of Florida Evans and James Evans . He made one appearance in the episode `` Cousin Cleatus '' . Violet Bookman ( Marilyn Coleman ) is the wife of Bookman ( episodes : `` Bye , Bye Bookman '' and `` Willona , the Other Woman '' in season 5 ) . Notable guest stars ( edit ) Louis Gossett , Jr. as Florida 's brother , Wilbert Debbie Allen as J.J. 's drug - addicted fiancee , Diana in `` J.J. 's Fiancee ( Parts 1 & 2 ) '' ( season 3 ) Matthew `` Stymie '' Beard ( former Our Gang child actor ) in five episodes , including four appearances as James ' friend Monty Sorrell Booke as Mr. Galbraith , J.J. 's boss at the ad agency ( season 5 , episode 17 ) Roscoe Lee Browne as a shady televangelist Reverend Sam `` the Happiness Man '' , who befriended James in the military ( season 1 , episode 4 ) T.K. Carter as J.J. 's friend `` Head '' ( part of the `` Awesome Foursome '' , later the `` Gleesome Threesome '' , the `` Gruesome Twosome '' and the `` Lonesome Onesome '' , as stated in the episode `` The New Car '' Rosalind Cash as Thelma 's teacher , Jessica Bishop , who becomes romantically involved with a much younger J.J. ( season 4 , episode 3 ) Judith Cohen as herself in the episode `` The Judy Cohen Story '' ( season 4 , episode 12 ) Gary Coleman as Gary , a sharp - tongued classmate of Penny 's in two season five episodes Conchata Ferrell as Miss Johnson , Willona 's supervisor at her short - lived second job as security in a department store ( season 5 , episode 6 ) Kim Fields ( real - life daughter of Chip Fields ) as Penny 's friend , Kim , who has a tendency to add the suffix `` - ness '' to emphasize her anxiety such as `` hopelessnessness '' ( 2 season 6 episodes ) Carl Franklin as Larry , Thelma 's fiance ' , ultimately breaking up when Larry is offered a job on the West Coast and Thelma is not ready to accompany him ( 2 episodes ) Alice Ghostley as Ms Dobbs , a social worker who is working on Penny being adopted by Willona ( 3 episodes ) Ron Glass as Michael 's elementary school principal ( 2.4 ) ; also made an appearance as a blind encyclopedia salesman who tries to swindle the Evans family ( 2.8 ) Louis Gossett , Jr. , in season two as Thelma 's older boyfriend , which Florida and James object to their relationship because of the age difference ( 2.6 ) ; also appears as Uncle Wilbert ( Florida 's brother ) , who comes from Detroit to look in on the family while James is away ( 3.8 ) Robert Guillaume as Fishbone the wino in the episode `` Requiem for a Wino '' ( season 5 , episode 11 ) Phillip Baker Hall as Motel Owner in the episode `` J.J. 's Fiancee ( Part 2 ) '' ( season 3 , episode 18 ) Shirley Hemphill as `` Roz '' , the dimwitted sister of Edna , who was being tutored by Thelma ( season 4 , episode 10 ) Gordon Jump as Mr. Rogers , the head of security at Willona 's short - lived second job as security in a department store ( season 5 , episode 6 ) Paula Kelly as Dr. Kelly in the episode `` Where Have All The Doctors Gone '' ( season 6 , episode 17 ) Jay Leno as `` Young Man '' in the season three 's `` J.J. in Trouble '' , which was one of the first times that the subject of `` VD '' ( STD ) was addressed on a primetime series Calvin Lockhart as Florida 's cousin Raymond , who earned his riches by betting on horses ( season 6 , episode 23 ) Don Marshall as FBI Agent Lloyd in the episode `` The Investigation '' ( season 3 , episode 20 ) . Paul Mooney as `` The Second Guy '' in the episode `` J.J. and T.C. '' ( season 6 ) Debbi Morgan as Samantha , a date of J.J. 's ( 3.23 ) ; and as Ellen ( 4.18 ) J.A. Preston as Walter Ingles in the episode `` Wilona 's Dilemma '' ( season 3 , episode 10 ) Charlotte Rae as a hiring manager for a sales job that Florida stole from James ( season 2 , episode 14 ) Sheryl Lee Ralph as Vanessa in the episode `` J.J. and The Plumber 's Helper '' ( season 6 , episode 9 ) Bubba Smith as Claude , a bodyguard / thug working for Marion `` Sweet Daddy '' Williams ( 4 season 6 episodes ) Thalmus Rasulala as Ernie Harris , a childhood friend of James with a gambling problem ( season 3 , episode 20 ) Philip Michael Thomas as Eddie , Thelma 's college - age boyfriend ( season 1 , episode 6 ) Adam Wade as successful businessman Frank Mason , Willona 's boyfriend ( 2 season 5 episodes ) Vernee Watson - Johnson as Thelma 's friend and college mate Valerie , in the episode `` Thelma 's African Romance ( Part 1 ) '' ( season 4 ) Carl Weathers as Calvin Brooks , husband of the ' nude ' model for J.J. 's painting ( season 2 , episode 16 ) Hal Williams as one of the movers in a season one episode ; James ' friend , Willie Washington ( season 2 ) ; and Mr. Mitchell , the father of Earl Mitchell , who is an art student of J.J. 's ( season 6 ) John Witherspoon as Officer Lawson in the episode `` A Matter of Mothers '' ( season 6 , episode 20 ) Production notes ( edit ) Good Times was created by Eric Monte and actor Mike Evans . The series also features a character named `` Michael Evans '' , after co-creator Mike Evans who portrayed Lionel Jefferson on the Norman Lear - produced series All in the Family and The Jeffersons . Theme song and opening sequence ( edit ) The gospel - styled theme song was composed by Dave Grusin with lyrics written by Alan and Marilyn Bergman . It was sung by Jim Gilstrap and Motown singer Blinky Williams with a gospel choir providing background vocals . The lyrics to the theme song are notorious for being hard to discern , notably the line `` Hangin ' in a chow line '' / `` Hangin ' in and jivin ' '' ( depending on the source used ) . Dave Chappelle used this part of the lyrics as a quiz in his `` I Know Black People '' skit on Chappelle 's Show in which the former was claimed as the answer . The insert for the Season One DVD box set has the lyric as `` Hangin ' in a chow line '' . However , the Bergmans confirmed that the lyric is actually `` Hangin ' in and jivin ' . '' Slightly different lyrics were used for the closing credits , with the song beginning on a verse instead of the chorus . Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Good Times episodes Reception ( edit ) Ratings ( edit ) The Evans family ( l -- r ) Michael , Thelma , J.J. , Florida , and James The program premiered in February 1974 ; high ratings led CBS to renew the program for the 1974 -- 75 season , as it was the seventeenth - highest - rated program that year . During its first full season on the air , 1974 -- 75 , the show was the seventh - highest - rated program in the Nielsen ratings , with more than 25 % of all American households tuning into an episode each week . Three of the top ten highest - rated programs on American TV that season centered on the lives of African - Americans : Sanford and Son , The Jeffersons , and Good Times . The Nielsen ratings for the series declined over time , partly because of its many time slot changes and the departure of John Amos . The ratings went down considerably when the show entered its final two seasons : Season TV Season No. of Episodes Time slot ( ET ) Nielsen ratings Rank Rating 1973 -- 1974 13 Friday at 8 : 30 pm 17 21.4 ( Tied with Barnaby Jones ) 1974 -- 1975 24 Tuesday at 8 : 00 pm 7 25.8 1975 -- 1976 24 24 21.0 1976 -- 1977 24 Wednesday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 - 15 , 17 - 24 ) Wednesday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episode 16 ) 26 20.5 5 1977 -- 1978 24 Wednesday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 , 3 - 16 ) Wednesday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episode 2 ) Monday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episodes 17 - 24 ) 53 N / A 6 1978 -- 1979 22 Saturday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episode 1 ) Saturday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 2 - 10 ) Wednesday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 11 - 22 ) 83 14.4 Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Association Recipient ( s ) / work Result Golden Globe Awards Best Supporting Actor -- Television Jimmie Walker Nominated Best TV Actress -- Musical / Comedy Esther Rolle Nominated Best Supporting Actor -- Television Jimmie Walker Nominated Humanitas Prize 30 Minute Category John Baskin and Roger Shulman / episode : `` The Lunch Money Ripoff '' Nominated 30 Minute Category Bob Peete / episode : `` My Girl Henrietta '' Nominated 2006 TV Land Awards Impact Award John Amos , Ralph Carter , Ja'net DuBois , Esther Rolle ( posthumously ) , BernNadette Stanis , and Jimmie Walker Won Syndication ( edit ) The cable network TV One aired reruns of the show since its launch on January 19 , 2004 until 2012 . The network began airing the series again in June 2013 . Good Times has also aired at various times on TV Land , Antenna TV and on the Canadian specialty cable channel DejaView . Minisodes of the show are available for free on Crackle . DVD releases ( edit ) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released the entire series on DVD in Region 1 between February 2003 and August 2006 , with a complete box set following the separate seasons on October 28 , 2008 . Season 1 was released on DVD in Region 4 on December 27 , 2006 . On August 27 , 2013 , it was announced that Mill Creek Entertainment had acquired the rights to various television series from the Sony Pictures library including Good Times . They have subsequently re-released the first four seasons on DVD . On September 1 , 2015 , Mill Creek Entertainment re-release Good Times - The Complete Series on DVD in Region 1 . DVD name Ep # Release date The Complete First Season 13 February 4 , 2003 January 21 , 2014 ( re-release ) The Complete Second Season 24 February 3 , 2004 January 21 , 2014 ( re-release ) The Complete Third Season 24 August 10 , 2004 May 20 , 2014 ( re-release ) The Complete Fourth Season 24 February 15 , 2005 May 20 , 2014 ( re-release ) The Complete Fifth Season 24 August 23 , 2005 The Complete Sixth and Final Season 24 August 1 , 2006 The Complete Series 133 October 28 , 2008 September 1 , 2015 ( re-release ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Cabrini - Green Set For Demolition '' . . December 9 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Simms , Gregory ( September 8 , 1977 ) . `` Ja'Net DuBois Tells Diet And ' Good Times ' Secrets During Swing Through Chi . '' . Jet . Vol. 52 no . 25 . Johnson Publishing Company . pp. 62 -- 63 . ISSN 0021 - 5996 . ^ Jump up to : Brooks , Tim ; Marsh , Earle F. ( October 17 , 2007 ) . The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows , 1946 - Present ( 9 ed . ) . Ballantine Books . p. 869 . ISBN 0 - 345 - 49773 - 2 . Jump up ^ The Star Ledger . December 11 , 2006 Jump up ^ `` Jimmie ' J.J. ' Walker lights ' Dy - no - mite ' on gay marriage , Leno and dating '' . CNN . July 16 , 2012 . Retrieved February 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Fearn - Banks , Kathleen ( August 4 , 2009 ) . The A to Z of African - American Television . 49 . Scarecrow Press . p. 169 . ISBN 0 - 810 - 86348 - 0 . Jump up ^ Robinson , Louie ( September 1975 ) . `` Bad Times On the ' Good Times ' Set '' . Ebony . Vol. 30 no . 11 . Johnson Publishing Company . p. 35 . ISSN 0012 - 9011 . Jump up ^ Mitchell , John L. ( April 14 , 2006 ) . `` Plotting His Next Big Break '' . Los Angeles Times . Archived from the original on December 12 , 2006 . Retrieved July 25 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` ' I Was Fired , ' Reveals Good Times ' John Amos '' . Jet . Vol. 50 no . 10 . Johnson Publishing Company . May 27 , 1976 . p. 57 . ISSN 0021 - 5996 . Jump up ^ Dawidziak , Mark ( January 17 , 1994 ) . `` Lear , Amos paired up again '' . Herald - Journal . p . C3 . Retrieved February 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ 5000 Episodes and No Commercials : The Ultimate Guide to TV Shows On DVD . Random House Digital , Inc . November 9 , 2011 . p. 125 . ISBN 0 - 307 - 79950 - 6 . ^ Jump up to : Marguiles , Lee ( June 10 , 1978 ) . `` Esther Rolle Returning To ' Good Times ' '' . St. Petersburg Times . p. 11B . Retrieved February 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Beck , Marilyn ( September 23 , 1977 ) . `` It 's ' good times ' for Ja'net Dubois '' . St. Petersburg Times . p. 14D . Retrieved February 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Brooks , Tim ; Marsh , Earle F. ( October 17 , 2007 ) . The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows , 1946 - Present ( 9 ed . ) . Ballantine Books . p. 552 . ISBN 0 - 345 - 49773 - 2 . Jump up ^ Newcomb 2004 p. 1012 ^ Jump up to : Bodroghkozy , Aniko ( January 1 , 2012 ) . Equal Time : Television and the Civil Rights Movement . University of Illinois Press . p. 223 . ISBN 0 - 252 - 09378 - X . Jump up ^ Lewis , Dan ( February 19 , 1974 ) . `` Good Times Is Maude Spinoff '' . St. Joseph News - Press . p. 15 . Retrieved February 24 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Backstage with ... Alan and Marilyn Bergman '' . . Time Out New York . February 1 , 2007 . Retrieved July 31 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Good Times In Trouble ; Jeffersons Holding Own '' . Jet . Vol. 55 no . 13 . Johnson Publishing Company . December 14 , 1978 . p. 64 . ISSN 0021 - 5996 . Jump up ^ Brooks , Tim ; Marsh , Earle ( 2007 ) . The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946 - Present ( Ninth Edition ) . Ballantine Books . pp. 1687 -- 1688 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 345 - 49773 - 4 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Lacey , Gord ( August 27 , 2013 ) . `` Mill Creek Entertainment Signs Deals With Sony Pictures Home Entertainment To Expand Their Distribution Partnership '' . . Jump up ^ Lambert , David ( November 8 , 2013 ) . `` Dyn - O - Mite ! Mill Creek Brings the First Two Seasons Back to DVD Soon ! '' . . Jump up ^ Lambert , David ( April 15 , 2014 ) . `` Good Times - We 've Got Mill Creek 's Box Art Now for Their 3rd and 4th Season Re-Releases ! '' . . Jump up ^ `` Good Times DVD news : Announcement for Good Times - The Complete Series - '' . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Good Times . Good Times on IMDb Good Times at Good Times at Maude Characters Maude Findlay Episodes `` Maude '' ( pilot ) Spin - offs Good Times ( 1974 -- 1979 ) Episodes Mr. Dugan ( 1979 ; unaired ) Hanging In ( 1979 ) Related All in the Family ( 1971 -- 1979 ) Episodes `` And Then There 's Maude '' ( theme song ) All in the Family Main characters Archie Bunker Edith Bunker Gloria Stivic Michael Stivic Stephanie Mills Recurring characters Joey Stivic George Jefferson Louise Jefferson Lionel Jefferson Henry Jefferson Episodes `` Maude '' `` Cousin Liz '' `` Edith 's 50th Birthday '' `` The 200th Episode Celebration of All in the Family '' Related series Based on Till Death Us Do Part Spin - offs Maude ( 1972 -- 1978 ) ( episodes ) Good Times ( 1974 -- 1979 ) ( episodes ) The Jeffersons ( 1975 -- 1985 ) ( episodes ) Checking In ( 1981 ) Gloria ( 1982 -- 1983 ) Sequels Archie Bunker 's Place ( 1979 -- 1983 ) ( episodes ) 704 Hauser ( 1994 ) Shows produced or created by Norman Lear The Deputy ( 1959 -- 61 ) All in the Family ( 1971 -- 79 ) Sanford and Son ( 1972 -- 78 ) Maude ( 1972 -- 78 ) Good Times ( 1974 -- 79 ) The Jeffersons ( 1975 -- 85 ) Hot l Baltimore ( 1975 ) One Day at a Time ( 1975 -- 84 ) Mary Hartman , Mary Hartman ( 1976 -- 78 ) The Dumplings ( 1976 ) All 's Fair ( 1976 -- 77 ) The Nancy Walker Show ( 1976 ) All That Glitters ( 1977 ) Fernwood 2 Night ( 1977 ) A Year at the Top ( 1977 ) Sanford Arms ( 1977 ) America 2 - Night ( 1978 ) In the Beginning ( 1978 ) Apple Pie ( 1978 ) Hanging In ( 1979 ) The Baxters ( 1979 -- 81 ) Palmerstown , U.S.A. ( 1980 -- 81 ) a.k.a. Pablo ( 1984 ) E / R ( 1984 -- 85 ) Sunday Dinner ( 1991 ) The Powers That Be ( 1992 -- 93 ) 704 Hauser ( 1994 ) Channel Umptee - 3 ( 1997 -- 98 ) One Day at a Time ( 2017 -- present ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1974 American television series debuts 1979 American television series endings 1970s American comedy television series 1970s American television series American television sitcoms Black sitcoms CBS network shows English - language television programs Media portrayals of the working class Television spin - offs Television series by Sony Pictures Television Television shows set in Chicago Television series about families Talk Contents About Wikipedia አማርኛ Español Italiano Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Edit links This page was last edited on 11 September 2017 , at 06 : 12 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who sing the theme song for good times
Opening theme `` Good Times '' performed by Jim Gilstrap and Blinky Williams
The Block ( Australian TV series ) - Wikipedia The Block ( Australian TV series ) The Block Created by Julian Cress David Barbour Presented by Jamie Durie ( 2003 - 2004 ) Scott Cam ( 2010 - present ) Shelley Craft ( 2010 - present ) Starring Foreman : Keith Schleiger Dan Reilly Judges John McGrath Neale Whitaker Shaynna Blaze Darren Palmer Romy Alwill Opening theme `` Here Comes Another One '' by Groove Terminator Original Version ( seasons 1 - 5 ) Remixed Editions ( season 6 - present ) Country of origin Australia Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 14 No. of episodes 651 ( as of 28 October 2018 ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Julian Cress Justin Sturzaker Production location ( s ) Sydney ( seasons 1 -- 3 , 6 ) Melbourne ( seasons 4 -- 5 , 7 -- present ) Running time 30 -- 90 mins ( including ads ) Production company ( s ) Watercress Productions ( seasons 4 -- 11 ) Cavalier Productions ( seasons 12 -- present ) Release Original network Nine Network Picture format 576i ( SDTV ) 1080i ( HDTV ) Audio format Stereo Original release Original Series 1 June 2003 -- 25 July 2004 Revived Series 22 September 2010 -- present External links Website The Block is an Australian reality television series broadcast on the Nine Network . The series follows four or five couples as they compete against each other to renovate and style houses / apartments and sell them at auction for the highest price . The original series first ran for two consecutive seasons in 2003 and 2004 , and was originally hosted by Jamie Durie . The Nine Network revived The Block after a six - year absence , with a third season commenced airing on 22 September 2010 , this time hosted by television personality and builder Scott Cam . Shelley Craft joined as co-host from the fourth season . The Block has a large number of commercial sponsors and prominently features brand sponsorships regularly throughout episodes . Contents 1 Format 2 Hosts and judges 3 Series overview 4 Combined profits 4.1 Auction 4.2 Returning teams 5 Season synopsis 5.1 Season 1 5.2 Season 2 5.3 Season 3 5.4 Season 4 5.5 Season 5 5.6 Season 6 5.7 Season 7 5.8 Season 8 5.9 Season 9 5.10 Season 10 5.11 Season 11 5.12 Season 12 5.13 Season 13 5.14 Season 14 5.15 Future 6 Viewership 7 Awards and nominations 8 Reno Rumble 9 International broadcasters and adaptations 9.1 Broadcasters 9.2 Adaptations 10 Notes 11 See also 12 References 13 External links Format ( edit ) The original format of the series featured four couples with a prior relationship renovating a derelict apartment block in the Sydney suburb of Bondi , with each couple renovating a separate apartment over a period of 12 weeks and with a budget of A $ 40,000 . The apartments were then sold at auction , with each couple keeping any profit made above a set reserve price and the couple with the highest profit winning a A $100,000 prize . The current format is relatively the same except the series usually features five couples , it is mainly based in Melbourne suburbs and the budget is $100,000 + . The first season was filmed at Bondi and the second at Manly . The third season again took place in Sydney , in the suburb of Vaucluse . Moving to Victoria , Australia , the fourth season was filmed in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond , Victoria on Cameron Street . Breaking with tradition , season four was filmed in four side - by - side houses as opposed to an apartment block of four . Season four saw television personality Shelley Craft join Scott Cam in hosting the show . Season five began airing in April 2012 . As with season four , season five has retained the four separate houses format , as opposed to four apartments in a single apartment block as in earlier seasons . Season five is again set in Melbourne , on Dorcas Street , and is set in four adjacent multi-storey town houses . Season six returned to Sydney , in Bondi , for the tenth anniversary . The program has remained in Melbourne since season seven . The first three seasons of The Block aired once weekly for 13 , 26 and 9 weeks respectively . Since season four , the program has aired across multiple nights per week . Hosts and judges ( edit ) Timeline of hosts , judges and other personnel Starring Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Current Scott Cam Host Neale Whitaker Judge Shelley Craft Host / Challenge Master Keith Schleiger Foreman Shaynna Blaze Judge Darren Palmer Guest Judge Dan Reilly Contestant `` Foreboy '' `` Foredan '' Alice Stolz Domain Judge Former Jamie Durie Host John McGrath Judge Guest Guest Guest Romy Alwill Guest Series overview ( edit ) Season Title Type of building Location Episodes Originally aired Result Season premiere Season finale Winning team Winning profit ( AUD ) Total winnings The Block Rundown Apartment Complex Bondi , New South Wales 13 1 June 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 01 ) 17 August 2003 ( 2003 - 08 - 17 ) Adam Thorn Fiona Mills $156,000 $256,000 The Block 2 Manly , New South Wales 26 18 April 2004 ( 2004 - 04 - 18 ) 25 July 2004 ( 2004 - 07 - 25 ) Andrew Rochford Jamie Nicholson $78,000 $178,000 The Block 2010 Vaucluse , New South Wales 9 22 September 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 22 ) 24 November 2010 ( 2010 - 11 - 24 ) John and Neisha Pitt $205,000 $305,000 The Block 2011 Rundown Workers Cottages Richmond , Victoria 51 20 June 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 20 ) 21 August 2011 ( 2011 - 08 - 21 ) Polly Porter Warwick `` Waz '' Jones $15,000 $115,000 5 The Block 2012 Rundown Terrace Houses South Melbourne , Victoria 69 16 April 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 16 ) 1 July 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 01 ) Brad Cranfield Lara Welham $506,000 $606,000 6 All Stars Rundown Heritage - Listed Semi-Detached Houses Bondi , New South Wales 39 4 February 2013 ( 2013 - 02 - 04 ) 20 March 2013 ( 2013 - 03 - 20 ) Phil Rankine Amity Dry $295,000 $395,000 7 Sky High Former Motel South Melbourne , Victoria 66 12 May 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 12 ) 28 July 2013 Alisa and Lysandra Fraser 8 Fans v Faves Former Warehouse Albert Park , Victoria 61 27 January 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 27 ) 9 April 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 09 ) Steve O'Donnell Chantelle Ford $636,000 $736,000 9 Glasshouse Former Office Building Prahran , Victoria 65 27 July 2014 ( 2014 - 07 - 27 ) 12 October 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 12 ) Shannon and Simon Voss $335,000 $435,000 10 Triple Threat Former Apartment Block South Yarra , Victoria 58 27 January 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 27 ) 29 April 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 29 ) Darren and Deanne Jolly $835,000 $935,000 11 Blocktagon Former Hotel 47 6 September 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 06 ) 25 November 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 25 ) Dean and Shay Paine $655,000 $755,000 12 The Block 2016 Heritage Art Deco Building Port Melbourne , Victoria 46 21 August 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 21 ) 13 November 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 13 ) William Bethune Karlie Cicero $715,000 $815,000 13 The Block 2017 Rundown Weatherboard Houses Elsternwick , Victoria 52 30 July 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 30 ) 29 October 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 29 ) Elyse Knowles Josh Barker $447,000 $547,000 14 The Block 2018 Former Hotel St Kilda , Victoria 47 5 August 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 05 ) 28 October 2018 ( 2018 - 10 - 28 ) Hayden Vale Sara Tumino $545,000 $645,000 15 The Block 2019 Former Hotel TBA Combined profits ( edit ) Auction ( edit ) Season No. of teams No. of properties sold at auction After auction sales Winning prize Average auction profit Combined auction profit 2003 $0 $100,000 $110,750 $443,000 $77,500 $155,000 $90,000 $113,166 $339,500 2011 $122,000 $15,000 $15,000 5 2012 $0 $430,750 $1,723,001.01 6 2013 $203,750 $815,000 7 5 $256,600 $1,283,000 8 2014 $581,625 $2,326,500 9 5 $141,000 $705,000 10 2015 $766,250 $3,065,000 11 5 $487,800 $2,439,000 12 2016 5 $567,000 $2,835,000 13 2017 5 $244,000 $1,220,000 14 2018 5 $376,000 $1,880,000 Overall combined profit $ 7007192440010100000 ♠ 19,244,001.01 Including prize money ( $1,400,000 ) $ 7007206440010100000 ♠ 20,644,001.01 Including after auction sales ( $212,000 ) $ 7007208560010100000 ♠ 20,856,001.01 ^ 1 The combined auction profit excludes the winning prize money and after auction sales . Returning teams ( edit ) Contestants Relationship Original season Returning season Combined profit Alisa & Lysandra Fraser Twin sisters 7 $395,000 8 $616,000 $1.011 m Darren & Deanne Jolly Married with children 9 $10,000 10 $935,000 $945,000 Brad Cranfield & Dale Vine Best mates 5 $606,000 & $355,000 8 $507,250 $859,625 & $608,625 Dan & Dani Reilly Married $448,000 6 $220,000 $668,000 Phil Rankin & Amity Dry Married with children $60,000 $395,000 $455,000 Josh & Jenna Densten Married $50,000 $275,000 $325,000 Mark Bowyer & Duncan Miller Best mates $47,000 $25,000 $72,000 ^ 2 Brad & Dale were both contestants on Season 5 , but they were with their partners ( Lara & Sophie respectively ) . In Season 8 , they returned to the show as a team . ^ 3 This amount of money is split between the two contestants in the team . Season synopsis ( edit ) Season 1 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 1 ) Jamie Durie hosted the first two seasons of the show . The first season of The Block began airing on 1 June 2003 on the Nine Network , replacing Backyard Blitz and Location Location in the network 's flagship time slot of Sunday at 6 : 30 to 7 : 30 pm ( AEST ) . The season was presented by Backyard Blitz host Jamie Durie and filmed in Bondi , New South Wales , with the majority of filming being completed prior to the series airing for editing purposes . Selected from approximately 2,000 applicants , the four couples in the season were : Adam Thorn ( aged 30 ) and Fiona Mills ( 27 ) , a married couple from Banksia . A data analyst and former sales representative , the couple had renovated three properties prior to competing on The Block . They renovated the first ground floor apartment ( flat number one ) and were widely considered the `` show favourites '' throughout the course of the season . Their apartment -- which was the last to be auctioned -- sold for $751,000 earning them the highest profit of $156,000 as well as the winning prize of $100,000 . Mills appeared on the cover of Ralph while the season was airing in July 2003 . Warren Sonin ( 37 ) and Gavin Atkins ( 35 ) , a sales manager and public relations manager from Elizabeth Bay , New South Wales . They are the first male same - sex couple to compete on The Block . Paul and Kylie Ingram Phil Rankine and Amity Dry The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7005443000000000000 ♠ 443,000 . Flat Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Adam & Fiona $595,000 $751,000 $156,000 $256,000 1st Warren & Gavin $595,000 $670,000 $75,000 $75,000 3rd Phil & Amity $595,000 $655,000 $60,000 $60,000 4th Paul & Kylie $595,000 $747,000 $152,000 $152,000 2nd Season 2 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 2 ) The site used for the second season , as seen several days prior to auction Following the success of the first season , an expanded second season of 26 episodes , airing twice weekly , premiered on 18 April 2004 . The season was again set in Sydney , although in the suburb of Manly rather than Bondi where the first season was located . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7005155000000000000 ♠ 155,000 with two properties not selling at auction . Selected from over 18,000 applicants , the four couples in the season were : Flat Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Jason & Kirsten $795,000 $872,000 $77,000 $77,000 2nd Andrew & Jamie $790,000 $868,000 $78,000 $178,000 1st Matt & Jane $795,000 $795,000 $0 $0 3rd ( tied ) Steven & Richard $800,000 $800,000 $0 $0 3rd ( tied ) Two original contestants , Dani and Monique Bacha , left the program in January 2004 , two weeks into the second season , when it was reported that Dani had spent six months in jail in 2002 following his conviction for a drug - related offence . Andrew Rochford and Jamie Nicholson replaced Dani and Monique Bacha . Season 3 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 3 ) Scott Cam ( right ) , host since 2010 After a long break , the series was revived in 2010 with a set of four apartments in the upmarket suburb of Vaucluse in Sydney being renovated and Scott Cam replacing Jamie Durie as host . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7005339500000000000 ♠ 339,500 with only one property not selling at auction . Flat Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Josh & Nisha $900,000 $1.105 m $205,000 $305,000 1st Mark & Duncan $860,000 $907,000 $47,000 $47,000 3rd Erin & Jake $910,000 $997,500 $87,500 $87,500 2nd Chez & Brenton $880,000 $970,000 ( sold after auction ) $90,000 ( after auction ) $90,000 4th Season 4 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 4 ) Shelley Craft joined Scott Cam as a host from the fourth season onwards . Season four saw six major changes to the format of The Block . The location has changed to Melbourne instead of Sydney . An initial elimination week sees eight couples reduced to four . Instead of a block of flats with four apartments , there are four separate houses next to one another . Contestants now have to renovate the exterior of their home , in addition to the interior . Instead of two one - hour - long episodes airing per week , six episodes now air per week with a mix of one - hour - and half - hour - length episodes . Shelley Craft has been introduced to help host special challenges where contestants can win extra cash and prizes for their houses . A weekly episode named `` The Blocked : Unlocked '' was introduced . Hosted by Shelley Craft , the episode shares a personal insight into The Block transformations as the couples guide viewers through their completed rooms . It also includes behind the scenes footage and footage not seen on TV . Eight couples were initially selected , with four being eliminated and the other four being given keys to the houses . The four remaining teams are : Josh and Jenna -- House 1 ( Blue ) Polly and Waz -- House 2 ( Yellow ) Katrina and Amie -- House 3 ( Green ) Rod and Tanya -- House 4 ( Red ) Waz Jones and Polly Porter , winners of the fourth season of The Block The winners of The Block were Polly and Waz . They made $15,000 in profit and due to the other three couples ' houses being passed in , they also won the $100,000 grand prize making them the winners . Also in this finale episode , Josh proposed to Jenna , his girlfriend for five years and partner on The Block . This was the worst auction in the history of The Block with auction profits having a combined result of $ 7004150000000000000 ♠ 15,000 due to only one property selling at auction . House Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Josh & Jenna $950,000 $1.000 m ( sold after auction ) $50,000 ( after auction ) $50,000 2nd ( tied ) Polly & Waz $840,000 $855,000 $15,000 $115,000 1st Amie & Katrina $860,000 $860,000 ( sold after auction ) $0 ( after auction ) $0 2nd ( tied ) Rod & Tania $850,000 $922,000 ( sold after auction ) $72,000 ( after auction ) $72,000 2nd ( tied ) Polly and Waz were the only couple whose property sold at auction , with the other three failing to meet their reserve prices . Following the auction , Amie and Katrina 's property sold for their exact reserve amount , meaning they would not take any winnings from appearing on The Block . Also , Rod and Tania 's property sold for the highest profit on The Block , at $72,000 ( however , as it was after the auction , Polly and Waz are still the winners ) . Season 5 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 5 ) This season , like season four , was also based in Melbourne , in the inner city suburb of South Melbourne with four double storey side by side terrace houses located at 401 -- 407 Dorcas Street . The properties are all on separate titles with car access from Montague Street and plans approved to allow for a third story extension . Eight couples were initially selected , with four being eliminated and the other four being given keys to the houses . The four remaining teams are : Dale and Sophie -- House 1 ( Blue ) Mike and Andrew -- House 2 ( Yellow ) Brad and Lara -- House 3 ( Green ) Dan and Dani -- House 4 ( Red ) The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006172300101000000 ♠ 1,723,001.01 House Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Dale & Sophie $975,000 $1.330 m $335,000 $335,000 4th Mike & Andrew $966,000 $1,400,001.01 $434,001.01 $434,001.01 3rd Brad & Lara $1.114 m $1.620 m $506,000 $606,000 1st Dan & Dani $992,000 $1.440 m $448,000 $448,000 2nd Season 6 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 6 ) It was announced during the finale of the fifth season that an all - star edition of the series would air in 2013 , with viewers able to vote for couples to return from past seasons . These votes were taken into consideration when selecting the contestants , and the four returning couples were announced in October 2012 as Phil and Amity ( of season one ) , Mark and Duncan ( season three ) , Josh and Jenna ( season four ) and Dan and Dani ( season five ) . Phil and Amity won All Stars with a total of $1,670,000 selling for their home . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7005815000000000000 ♠ 815,000 . Production for the series relocated from Melbourne -- which had hosted the prior two seasons -- to its original location of Bondi in Sydney to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the show 's first season . Filming took place over nine weeks from October to December 2012 . Darren Palmer , who was a guest judge in the fourth and fifth seasons , replaced John McGrath as a permanent judge for this season . Both Neale Whitaker and Shaynna Blaze reprised their roles as judges from the previous season . House Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Phil & Amity $1.375 m $1.670 m $295,000 $395,000 1st Mark & Duncan ( & Dale ) $1.345 m $1.370 m $25,000 $25,000 4th Josh & Jenna $1.375 m $1.650 m $275,000 $275,000 2nd Dan & Dani $1.355 m $1.575 m $220,000 $220,000 3rd Season 7 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 7 ) `` The Block : Sky High '' under construction The Nine Network renewed The Block for a seventh season to air after Easter in 2013 . The location for this season was 142 Park Street , South Melbourne . The building consists of 5 levels , with each couple was allocated a full level to renovate . Alisa and Lysandra renovated level 1 , Matt and Kim were responsible for level 2 , level 3 was occupied by Bec and George , level 4 was completed by Madi and Jarrod and level 5 was made over by Trixie and Johnno . Twin sisters Alisa and Lysandra won The Block , with a profit of $295,000 . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006128300000000000 ♠ 1,283,000 . Level Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Alisa & Lysandra $1.140 m $1.435 m $295,000 $395,000 1st 5 Matt & Kim $1.205 m $1.455 m $250,000 $250,000 3rd Bec & George $1.265 m $1.507 m $242,000 $242,000 4th Madi & Jarrod $1.310 m $1.601 m $291,000 $291,000 2nd 5 Johnno & Trixie $1.400 m $1.605 m $205,000 $205,000 5th Alisa & Lysandra win The Block with a $4000 profit lead over Madi & Jarrod . Season 8 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 8 ) `` Dux House '' in February 2014 Applications for the eighth season of the series opened whilst the seventh season was airing , with couples aged between 18 and 65 years old being sought by casting agents . Filming for the season was scheduled to occur between November 2013 and January 2014 , and aired from 27 January 2014 . Season 8 was based in the Melbourne suburb of Albert Park , Victoria . The production company paid $5.9 million for 47 O'Grady Street , a brick warehouse that was then transformed into four luxury apartments . The working title of season 8 was `` Fans vs Favourites '' as shown in the 2014 preview that was aired on the Big Brother 2013 finale . Returning to The Block were Brad and Dale ( season 5 ) / Alisa and Lysandra ( season 7 ) . Joining The Block were The Super K 's -- Kyal and Kara , and The Retro Rookies -- Steve and Chantelle . Steve O'Donnell and Chantelle Ford won The Block with a profit of $636,000 + $100,000 winners ' prize money . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006232650000000000 ♠ 2,326,500 . Loft Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Steve & Chantelle $1.834 m $2.470 m $636,000 $736,000 1st Kyal & Kara $1.872 m $2.440 m $567,250 $567,250 3rd Alisa & Lysandra $1.759 m $2.375 m $616,000 $616,000 2nd Brad & Dale $1.802 m $2.310 m $507,250 $507,250 4th In May 2014 , it was reported that Lukas Kamay -- who had won the auction for Alisa and Lysandra 's apartment -- had been arrested for his involvement in an insider trading scam . As a result , the $500,000 deposit he had paid was frozen and the apartment was seized . The apartment will be re-sold at a later date . It 's unclear whether Alisa and Lysandra will receive the money they would have received had the scandal not broken , or if they are now considered to have come fourth and did not sell their apartment at auction . Season 9 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 9 ) The ninth season of The Block featured contestants renovating a former office building in Prahran into luxury apartments , with the season subtitled as The Block : Glasshouse . Filming began in April 2014 . One of the contestants was former professional Australian rules footballer Darren Jolly and his wife Deanne as one of the couples . The season debuted on 27 July 2014 at the 6 : 30 time slot . Shannon and Simon Voss won The Block with a profit of $335,000 + $100,000 winners ' prize money , while Michael & Carlene and Darren & Deanne made the bare minimum of $10,000 above reserve . Even newly - weds Karstan & Maxine only netted $40,000 in winnings . The auction profits had combined results of $ 7005705000000000000 ♠ 705,000 . Apt Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot 5 Michael & Carlene $1.380 m $1.390 m $10,000 $10,000 4th ( tied ) Chris & Jenna $1.500 m $1.810 m $310,000 $310,000 2nd Max & Karstan $1.670 m $1.710 m $40,000 $40,000 3rd Simon & Shannon $1.565 m $1.900 m $335,000 $435,000 1st 5 Darren & Deanne $1.370 m $1.380 m $10,000 $10,000 4th ( tied ) Season 10 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 10 ) The Block was renewed for a Tenth season which was to begin airing on 27 January 2015 . The working title of season 10 was `` Triple Threat '' as shown in the 2014 preview that was aired on 23 November 2014 . It was premiered on 27 January 2015 where contestants renovate a former three - level block of flats . Darren & Deanne ( season 9 ) , Bec & George and Matt & Kim ( both season 7 ) returned to vie for a spot as contestants . Former contestant Dan Reilly from seasons 5 and 6 returned , this time as an apprentice foreman ( `` foreboy '' ) under Keith 's guidance after Dan himself became a qualified builder , who was a qualified carpenter during his stints as a contestant . Former contestants Darren & Deanne won the season with $835,000 + $100,000 prize money , and all contestants won over $665,000 . This is the highest making combined auction profits with a result of $ 7006306500000000000 ♠ 3,065,000 . Apt Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction Result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Josh & Charlotte $1.390 m $2.200 m $810,000 $810,000 2nd Tim & Anastasia $1.420 m $2.175 m $755,000 $755,000 3rd Ayden & Jess $1.335 m $2.000 m $665,000 $665,000 4th Darren & Deanne $1.455 m $2.290 m $835,000 $935,000 1st Season 11 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 11 ) The Block was renewed for an eleventh season , which went into production in May 2015 . Season 11 put the show ' back - to - basics ' after ratings declines during the tenth season ; episodes were cut from 90 to 60 minutes , fewer episodes , the eliminations were removed and Thursday night episodes were dropped . Filming for season 11 began on 15 May 2015 . This season renovated the former Hotel Saville in South Yarra - an octagonal , eight floor brick building . The title for Season 11 is `` The Block : Blocktagon '' . Co-creator Julian Cress said that this season of The Block would have no tradies and only passionate do - it - yourself couples . In other seasons , at least one person in each team had a trade . The change came in the new direction in the back - to - basics change to the season . Cress said viewers would relate more to the characters who are big on spirit but small on skills when the show returned later in the year . This season was sponsored by Mitre 10 ( building equipment ) , Swisse Australia ( vitamins ) , Aldi ( groceries ) , Domain ( money and apartment information ) , The Good Guys ( electronics and kitchens ) and Suzuki ( transport ) . Shay & Dean Paine won the season with $655,000 + $100,000 prize money , and all contestants won over $349,000 . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006243900000000000 ♠ 2,439,000 . Level Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Kingi & Caro $1.330 m $1.735 m $405,000 $405,000 3rd Andrew & Whitney $1.400 m $1.790 m $390,000 $390,000 4th Suzi & Voni $1.480 m $1.829 m $349,000 $349,000 5th 5 Luke & Ebony $1.560 m $2.200 m $640,000 $640,000 2nd 5 Dean & Shay $1.645 m $2.300 m $655,000 $755,000 1st Season 12 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 12 ) On 28 October 2015 , Nine renewed the series for a twelfth season . Since 2013 , the Nine Network had aired two seasons of the show each year . In 2016 , however , this would be the one and only season airing , and it did not air until the last quarter of 2016 . It was once again set in Melbourne . On 27 December 2015 , Frank Valentic teased a video saying that there are rumours of The Block going to Greville Street , Prahran . On 18 February 2016 , it was reported that The Block 's producers had bought an old heritage - listed soap factory for $5 million at 164 Ingles Street , Port Melbourne . This address was confirmed by Scott Cam on The Today Show on 9 May 2016 . Filming began on 26 May 2016 . The series began airing in August 2016 and had 5 teams competing . The season premiered on Sunday 21 August 2016 . This season 's contestants , Julia & Sasha , are the first ever female same - sex couple to compete on any season of The Block . The season concluded on 13 November 2016 . This season is sponsored by Mitre 10 ( building equipment ) , Aldi ( groceries ) , Domain ( cash flow and apartment information ) , McCafé ( snacks , beverages , and the McCafe Quality Award ) , Stayz ( challenge and additional finale prizes ) , Suzuki ( transport and viewer voting prize ) and Telstra ( Smart Home Technology and additional cash flow ) . William Bethune & Karlie Cicero won the season with $715,000 + $100,000 prize money . Each team of contestants won $425,000 or more . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006283500000000000 ♠ 2,835,000 . Apt Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot William & Karlie $1.885 m $2.600 m $715,000 $815,000 1st Dan & Carleen $1.775 m $2.300 m $525,000 $525,000 3rd 5 Andy & Ben $1.740 m $2.250 m $510,000 $510,000 4th Julia & Sasha $1.930 m $2.590 m $660,000 $660,000 2nd 5 Chris & Kim $1.880 m $2.305 m $425,000 $425,000 5th Season 13 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 13 ) On 8 November 2016 , The Block was renewed for a thirteenth season at Nine 's upfronts . Applications for the thirteenth season of the series opened on 9 January 2017 , with energetic couples aged between 18 and 65 years old being sought by casting agents . Filming for the season is scheduled to occur between April 2017 and July 2017 . The casting call also specifies first round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming , which suggests Season 13 will feature an elimination round similar to that of Season 5 . On 11 March 2017 , it was reported that a vacant block of land at 46 Regent Street , Elsternwick , had been purchased for $9.6 million back in December 2016 , with plans approved to build a five lot subdivision , meaning for the first time ever , they would be building a property from the ground up , instead of renovating an existing building . On 17 March 2017 , it was officially confirmed that 46 Regent Street Elsternwick will be the location of The Block 's thirteenth season with filming to begin on 27 April 2017 , however they will not be building a property from the ground up , as five old rundown weatherboard houses are being relocated to the location , meaning this will be the first time since the sixth season the contestants will renovate a house . In June 2017 , Network Nine officially announced the location and teams for the thirteenth season of The Block , one team being Aussie Model Elyse Knowles and her Boyfriend Josh . The season will premiere on Sunday 30 July 2017 . This season is sponsored by Mitre 10 ( building equipment ) , Domain ( cash flow & house marketing ) , McCafé ( snacks & beverages ) , Stayz ( challenge & additional finale prizes ) , Volkswagen ( transport & cash flow ) , Centrum ( vitamins ) & Youfoodz ( groceries & meals ) . Elyse Knowles & Josh Barker won the season with $447,000 + $100,000 prize money . Each team of contestants won $95,000 or more . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006122000000000000 ♠ 1,220,000 . House Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Jason & Sarah $2.620 m $3.007 m $387,000 $387,000 2nd 5 Clint & Hannah $2.520 m $2.615 m $95,000 $95,000 5th Georgia & Ronnie $2.620 m $2.781 m $161,000 $161,000 3rd Sticks & Wombat $2.520 m $2.650 m $130,000 $130,000 4th 5 Elyse & Josh $2.620 m $3.067 m $447,000 $547,000 1st Season 14 ( edit ) Main article : The Block ( season 14 ) On 21 November 2016 , it was reported the producers were looking at The Gatwick Private Hotel at 34 Fitzroy Street , St Kilda as a possible site for its thirteenth season . On 17 December 2016 , it was reported that The Block producers and the owners of The Gatwick Hotel are currently in negotiations on purchasing the property . On 4 March 2017 , it was reported that the Gatwick Hotel deal did not go ahead and that the producers are searching for another property , however on 6 March 2017 , it was reported the producers were in a closing deal to buy the property as residents of the building are to move out . On 17 March 2017 , it was reported that The Gatwick Hotel would not be the location of The Block 's thirteenth season , although there was still interest in the building . On 22 March 2017 , Nine officially confirmed that the building had been purchased and will be used for a future season of The Block . In June 2017 , The Block producers lodged renovation plans for The Gatwick Hotel with Port Phillip City Council . On 23 July 2017 , the renovation plans were officially released , the information included that the network paid $10 million for the building ( not $15 million as originally reported ) , it was confirmed that the site will have eight apartments , two - bedrooms on the ground level and three - bedrooms for the remaining homes , the existing roof to be partly demolished and a fourth floor built to include pergolas above outdoor terraces & a car park area would have six car spaces and bicycle parking , and each apartment would come with secure storage . Applications for the fourteenth season of the series opened in August 2017 until 10 September 2017 , looking for couples couples aged between 18 and 65 years old being sought by casting agents . Filming for the season was originally slated to occur between January 2018 and April 2018 , but will begin filming on 8 February 2018 . In October 2017 , the fourteenth season and location of The Block were officially confirmed at Nine 's upfronts . In June 2018 , Network Nine announced the teams for the fourteenth season of The Block . In July 2018 , Network Nine announced the premiere date of Season 14 as Sunday , August 5th at 7pm . Hayden Vale & Sara Tumino won the season with $545,000 + $100,000 prize money . Each team of contestants won $209,000 or more . The auction profits had a combined result of $ 7006188000000000000 ♠ 1,880,000 . Apt Auction spot Couple Reserve Auction result Profit Total winnings Placing spot Kerrie & Spence $2.435 m $2.850 m $415,000 $415,000 2nd 5 Hans & Courtney $2.360 m $2.770 m $410,000 $410,000 3rd Hayden & Sara $2.475 m $3.020 m $545,000 $645,000 1st Norm & Jess $2.650 m $2.859 m $209,000 $209,000 5th 5 Bianca & Carla $2.690 m $2.991 m $301,000 $301,000 4th Future ( edit ) In June 2018 , it was reported that The Block producers had acquired a rundown backpackers accommodation , Oslo Hotel , at 38 Grey Street , St Kilda , through an off - market deal struck after the series approached one of the owners . The building contains five mansions hidden behind the facade . The series producers and building planners set to submit renovation plans to the City of Port Phillip council imminently . Viewership ( edit ) The two first seasons were successful in the ratings , with the first season averaging 2.2 million viewers . Season 1 Finale was watched by 3.115 million viewers and Season 2 was watched by 2.273 million viewers . The third season debuted with 1,134,000 , a daily rank of 9 . It lost to all its main time slot competition consisting of Glee on Network Ten and Border Security on the Seven Network . However , it remained successful with key demographics and enjoyed steady ratings throughout the season . Season 3 concluded with 1.712 million viewers , and was the top program of the night in total people and all key demographics . It was also the second most - watched program of the week . Season Episodes Premiere Finale Source Premiere date Premiere ratings Rank Finale date Finale ratings ( Grand final ) Rank Finale ratings ( Winner announced ) Rank One 13 1 June 2003 N / A 17 August 2003 3.115 # 1 N / A Two 26 18 April 2004 25 July 2004 2.273 # 1 Three 9 22 September 2010 1.139 # 9 24 November 2010 1.305 # 3 1.716 # 1 Four 51 20 June 2011 1.342 # 4 21 August 2011 2.283 # 4 3.289 # 1 Five 69 16 April 2012 1.404 # 2 1 July 2012 2.145 # 3 2.715 # 1 Six 39 4 February 2013 0.959 # 9 20 March 2013 1.646 # 3 2.119 # 1 Seven 68 12 May 2013 1.312 # 4 28 July 2013 2.132 # 3 2.808 # 1 Eight 61 27 January 2014 1.143 # 7 9 April 2014 1.884 # 3 2.181 # 1 Nine 65 27 July 2014 1.374 # 1 12 October 2014 1.796 # 4 2.764 # 1 Ten 58 27 January 2015 0.860 # 8 29 April 2015 1.645 # 3 2.027 # 1 Eleven 47 6 September 2015 1.074 # 4 25 November 2015 1.579 # 2 1.812 # 1 Twelve 46 21 August 2016 1.074 # 3 13 November 2016 1.712 # 2 2.104 # 1 Thirteen 52 30 July 2017 1.117 # 4 29 October 2017 1.976 # 2 2.255 # 1 Fourteen 47 5 August 2018 1.163 # 1 28 October 2018 1.674 # 2 1.865 # 1 Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Award Nominee Result Logie Awards Most Popular Reality Program The Block Nominated 2005 Logie Awards Most Popular Reality Program The Block 2 2012 Logie Awards Most Popular Reality Program The Block 2011 Won 2013 Logie Awards Most Popular Reality Program The Block 2012 2014 Logie Awards Most Popular Reality Program The Block : All Stars Nominated The Block : Sky High Gold Logie for Most Popular Personality on Australian TV Scott Cam Won Most Popular Presenter 2015 Logie Awards Gold Logie for Most Popular Personality on Australian TV Scott Cam Nominated Most Popular Reality Program The Block : Glasshouse Won 2016 Logie Awards Gold Logie for Best Personality on Australian TV Scott Cam Nominated Best Reality Program The Block : Blocktagon Won Best New Talent Dan Reilly Nominated 2017 Logie Awards Best Reality Program The Block 2016 Won 2018 Logie Awards Best Reality Program The Block 2017 Won Reno Rumble ( edit ) Main article : Reno Rumble Reno Rumble was a program that pit teams from The Block against teams from the Seven Network 's reality series House Rules . The program aired on the Nine Network and was produced by the same production company as The Block . The series was renewed for a second season but did not involve former contestants from The Block or House Rules and was only produced by the Nine Network . International broadcasters and adaptations ( edit ) Broadcasters ( edit ) Country Network Current broadcaster Subtitled or dubbed Notes Canada Casa Yes Subtitled and dubbed in French Québec Seasons 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 10 & 11 aired Gusto Yes Season 13 aired HGTV No Seasons 1 & 2 aired Iceland Stöð 2 Yes Subtitled Ireland Home Yes TV3 No Seasons 1 & 2 aired Watch Yes The Netherlands NET 5 Yes Subtitled United Kingdom Home No Watch No New Zealand Three Yes Seasons 5 - 13 aired on TV3 . Prime No Portugal SIC Mulher Yes Subtitled Seasons 1 - 5 aired . + TVI Yes Subtitled Sweden TV12 No Subtitled Seasons 5 & 7 aired . Finland AVA Yes Subtitled Seasons 5 , 7 , 9 , 10 & 11 aired . Adaptations ( edit ) Country Title Broadcaster Presenter ( s ) Original run Belgium The Block VIER Hans Otten & Hanne Troonbeeckx 2004 -- 2009 Israel The Block Channel 10 Haim Etgar 30 May 2009 -- 10 September 2009 Netherlands Het Blok NET 5 Erik van der Hoff 2004 -- 2008 , 2010 - 2011 New Zealand The Block NZ Three Mark Richardson & Shelley Ferguson 4 July 2012 -- present United Kingdom The Block ITV Lisa Rogers The Block has also been adapted in Russia , Norway , Romania , Sweden , Denmark , Finland , Iceland , United States and South Africa . Notes ( edit ) The first season has retroactively been re-titled The Block 2003 as shown in The Block : All Stars when Phil and Amity were noted as having previously appeared in `` The Block 2003 '' . The second season has retroactively been re-titled The Block 2004 , in line with the re-titled first season . Despite constant references to `` The Blocktagon '' being made by hosts , contestants and other media , the eleventh season was the first season since The Block 2 to not have the title appear on - screen . The title sequence only said `` The Block '' . See also ( edit ) Television in Australia portal List of Australian television series List of programs broadcast by Nine Network House Rules ( Australian TV series ) The Renovators References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Power , Emily ( 20 November 2015 ) . `` The Block 2015 : meet the show 's brains Julian Cress and Julian Brenchley '' . Domain . Retrieved 14 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 25 July 2014 ) . `` Chris & Jenna to shake up The Block '' . TV Tonight . Archived from the original on 28 July 2014 . Retrieved 28 July 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Block '' . 10 September 2010 . Retrieved 10 September 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Airdate : The Block '' . Nine Network Pres Release . 9 September 2010 . Retrieved 9 September 2010 . 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External links ( edit ) Official website The Block on IMDb The Block at The Block Seasons 5 6 ( All Stars ) 7 ( Sky High ) 8 ( Fans v Faves ) 9 ( Glasshouse ) 10 ( Triple Threat ) 11 ( Blocktagon ) 12 13 14 International adaptations Netherlands ( 2004 -- 2007 ) United Kingdom ( 2004 ) Israel ( 2009 ) New Zealand ( 2012 -- ) Nine Network local programming ( current and upcoming ) Primetime 20 to One ( 2005 - 2011 , since 2016 ) ARIA Music Awards ( 2001 , 2009 2011 - 2013 , since 2017 ) Australian Ninja Warrior ( since 2017 ) The Block ( 2003 - 04 , since 2010 ) Carols by Candlelight ( since 1952 ) Doctor Doctor ( since 2016 ) Family Food Fight ( since 2017 ) The AFL Footy Show ( since 1994 - 2018 ) Footy Classified ( since 2007 ) Married at First Sight ( since 2015 ) Movie Juice ( since 2017 ) Paramedics ( since 2018 ) RBT ( since 2010 ) The TV Week Logie Awards ( since 1959 ) Talkin ' ' Bout Your Generation ( since 2018 ) The Voice ( since 2012 ) This Time Next Year ( since 2017 ) Travel Guides ( since 2017 ) True Story with Hamish & Andy ( since 2017 ) Daytime Millionaire Hot Seat ( since 2009 ) News Nine News ( since 1956 ) Nine News Now ( since 2013 ) 60 Minutes ( since 1979 ) A Current Affair ( 1971 - 1988 , since 1988 ) Today Extra ( since 2012 ) Today ( since 1982 ) Weekend Today ( since 2009 ) Sport 100 % Footy ( since 2018 ) Sports Sunday ( since 2017 ) Weekends Cybershack The Garden Gurus ( since 2002 ) Getaway ( since 1992 ) Postcards ( since 1999 ) The AFL Sunday Footy Show ( since 1993 ) The NRL Sunday Footy Show ( since 1993 ) Upcoming Bad Mothers ( 2019 ) SeaChange ( 2019 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Australian reality television series Nine Network shows 2003 Australian television series debuts 2004 Australian television series endings 2010 Australian television series debuts 2000s Australian television series 2010s Australian television series Television shows set in Sydney Television shows set in Melbourne Home renovation television series Television series revived after cancellation English - language television programs Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from November 2016 Use Australian English from November 2016 All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English template with ID same as Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português Edit links This page was last edited on 29 October 2018 , at 06 : 44 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
how many nights is the block on tv
The first three seasons of The Block aired once weekly for 13 , 26 and 9 weeks respectively . Since season four , the program has aired across multiple nights per week .
List of UK dialling codes covering Wales - wikipedia List of UK dialling codes covering Wales Jump to : navigation , search This is a list of geographic UK dialling codes covering Wales that are currently in use . Some exchanges cover both sides of the Wales - England border . All geographic telephone numbers in Wales are in the format ( 01xxx ) xxxxxx , with the exception of Cardiff and the surrounding area which is ( 029 ) xxxx xxxx . Dialling Code Area 01239 Cardigan 01244 Chester 01248 Bangor 01267 Carmarthen 01269 Ammanford 01286 Caernarfon 01291 Chepstow 01341 Barmouth 01348 Fishguard 01352 Mold 01407 Holyhead 01437 Clynderwen & Haverfordwest 01443 Pontypridd 01446 Barry 01490 Corwen 01492 Colwyn Bay 01495 Pontypool 01497 Hay on Wye 01544 Kington 01545 Llanarth 01547 Knighton 01550 Llandovery 01554 Llanelli 01558 Llandeilo 01559 Llandysul 01570 Lampeter 01591 Llanwrtyd Wells 01597 Llandrindod Wells 01600 Monmouth 01633 Newport 01639 Neath 01646 Milford Haven 01650 Cemmaes Road 01654 Machynlleth 01656 Bridgend 01678 Bala 01685 Merthyr Tydfil 01686 Llanidloes & Newtown 01690 Betws - y - Coed 01691 Oswestry 01745 Rhyl 01758 Pwllheli 01766 Porthmadog 01792 Swansea 01824 Ruthin 01834 Narberth 01873 Abergavenny 01874 Brecon 01938 Welshpool 01948 Whitchurch 01970 Aberystwyth 01974 Llanon 01978 Wrexham 01982 Builth Wells 01994 St Clears 029 Cardiff ( Source : `` The Phone Book - Code Companion '' , BT ) Misconceptions ( edit ) Main article : UK telephone code misconceptions It is a common misconception that the code for Cardiff is 02920 , whereas in fact it is 029 followed by an eight - digit local number . This is due to Cardiff previously having a 5 digit code ( 01222 ) with six - digit local numbers , and to the fact that all of its local numbers begin with 20 until 2005 . This problem is also widespread in cities with other 02x codes such as Coventry , London , Portsmouth and Southampton , and in the region of Northern Ireland . See also ( edit ) List of United Kingdom dialling codes UK telephone numbering plan Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom Telecommunications in the United Kingdom UK telephone code misconceptions Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom Wales communications - related lists Talk About Wikipedia Cymraeg Edit links This page was last edited on 21 December 2015 , at 14 : 39 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what is area code 01446 in the uk
Dialling Code Area 01239 Cardigan 01244 Chester 01248 Bangor 01267 Carmarthen 01269 Ammanford 01286 Caernarfon 01291 Chepstow 01341 Barmouth 01348 Fishguard 01352 Mold 01407 Holyhead 01437 Clynderwen & Haverfordwest 01443 Pontypridd 01446 Barry 01490 Corwen 01492 Colwyn Bay 01495 Pontypool 01497 Hay on Wye 01544 Kington 01545 Llanarth 01547 Knighton 01550 Llandovery 01554 Llanelli 01558 Llandeilo 01559 Llandysul 01570 Lampeter 01591 Llanwrtyd Wells 01597 Llandrindod Wells 01600 Monmouth 01633 Newport 01639 Neath 01646 Milford Haven 01650 Cemmaes Road 01654 Machynlleth 01656 Bridgend 01678 Bala 01685 Merthyr Tydfil 01686 Llanidloes & Newtown 01690 Betws - y - Coed 01691 Oswestry 01745 Rhyl 01758 Pwllheli 01766 Porthmadog 01792 Swansea 01824 Ruthin 01834 Narberth 01873 Abergavenny 01874 Brecon 01938 Welshpool 01948 Whitchurch 01970 Aberystwyth 01974 Llanon 01978 Wrexham 01982 Builth Wells 01994 St Clears 029 Cardiff
Halley 's comet - wikipedia Halley 's comet For the video game , see Halley 's Comet ( video game ) . 1P / Halley ( Halley 's Comet ) Halley 's Comet on 8 March 1986 Discovery Discovered by Prehistoric observation ; Edmond Halley ( recognition of periodicity ) Orbital characteristics Epoch 17 February 1994 ( 2449400.5 ) Aphelion 35.082 AU Perihelion 0.586 AU last perihelion : 9 February 1986 next perihelion : 28 July 2061 Semi-major axis 17.834 AU Eccentricity 0.96714 Orbital period 75.32 yr Mean anomaly 38.38 ° Inclination 162.26 ° Longitude of ascending node 58.42 ° Argument of perihelion 111.33 ° Earth MOID 0.0638 AU ( 9.54 million km ) Physical characteristics 15 × 8 km , 11 km ( mean diameter ) Mass 2.2 × 10 kg Mean density 0.6 ( estimates range from 0.2 to 1.5 g / cm ) Escape velocity ~ 0.002 km / s Sidereal rotation period 2.2 d ( 52.8 h ) ( ? ) Albedo 0.04 Apparent magnitude 28.2 ( in 2003 ) Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley , officially designated 1P / Halley , is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years . Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth , and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime . Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061 . Halley 's returns to the inner Solar System have been observed and recorded by astronomers since at least 240 BC . Clear records of the comet 's appearances were made by Chinese , Babylonian , and medieval European chroniclers , but were not recognized as reappearances of the same object at the time . The comet 's periodicity was first determined in 1705 by English astronomer Edmond Halley , after whom it is now named . During its 1986 apparition , Halley 's Comet became the first comet to be observed in detail by spacecraft , providing the first observational data on the structure of a comet nucleus and the mechanism of coma and tail formation . These observations supported a number of longstanding hypotheses about comet construction , particularly Fred Whipple 's `` dirty snowball '' model , which correctly predicted that Halley would be composed of a mixture of volatile ices -- such as water , carbon dioxide , and ammonia -- and dust . The missions also provided data that substantially reformed and reconfigured these ideas ; for instance , it is now understood that the surface of Halley is largely composed of dusty , non-volatile materials , and that only a small portion of it is icy . Contents 1 Pronunciation 2 Computation of orbit 3 Orbit and origin 4 Structure and composition 5 History 5.1 Prior to 1066 5.2 1066 5.3 1145 -- 1378 5.4 1456 5.5 1531 -- 1835 5.6 1910 5.7 1986 5.8 After 1986 5.9 2061 5.10 Apparitions 6 See also 7 References 8 Bibliography 9 External links Pronunciation ( edit ) Comet Halley is commonly pronounced / ˈhæli / , rhyming with valley , or / ˈheɪli / , rhyming with daily . Colin Ronan , one of Edmond Halley 's biographers , preferred / ˈhɔːli / ( HAW - lee , similar to holly ) . Spellings of Halley 's name during his lifetime included Hailey , Haley , Hayley , Halley , Hawley , and Hawly , so its contemporary pronunciation is uncertain . Computation of orbit ( edit ) Halley was the first comet to be recognized as periodic . Until the Renaissance , the philosophical consensus on the nature of comets , promoted by Aristotle , was that they were disturbances in Earth 's atmosphere . This idea was disproved in 1577 by Tycho Brahe , who used parallax measurements to show that comets must lie beyond the Moon . Many were still unconvinced that comets orbited the Sun , and assumed instead that they must follow straight paths through the Solar System . In 1687 , Sir Isaac Newton published his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica , in which he outlined his laws of gravity and motion . His work on comets was decidedly incomplete . Although he had suspected that two comets that had appeared in succession in 1680 and 1681 were the same comet before and after passing behind the Sun ( he was later found to be correct ; see Newton 's Comet ) , he was unable to completely reconcile comets into his model . Ultimately , it was Newton 's friend , editor and publisher , Edmond Halley , who , in his 1705 Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets , used Newton 's new laws to calculate the gravitational effects of Jupiter and Saturn on cometary orbits . Having compiled a list of 24 comet observations , he calculated that the orbital elements of a second comet that had appeared in 1682 were nearly the same as those of two comets that had appeared in 1531 ( observed by Petrus Apianus ) and 1607 ( observed by Johannes Kepler ) . Halley thus concluded that all three comets were , in fact , the same object returning about every 76 years , a period that has since been found to vary between 74 -- 79 years . After a rough estimate of the perturbations the comet would sustain from the gravitational attraction of the planets , he predicted its return for 1758 . While he had personally observed the comet around perihelion in September 1682 , Halley died in 1742 before he could observe its predicted return . Halley 's prediction of the comet 's return proved to be correct , although it was not seen until 25 December 1758 , by Johann Georg Palitzsch , a German farmer and amateur astronomer . It did not pass through its perihelion until 13 March 1759 , the attraction of Jupiter and Saturn having caused a retardation of 618 days . This effect was computed prior to its return ( with a one - month error to 13 April ) by a team of three French mathematicians , Alexis Clairaut , Joseph Lalande , and Nicole - Reine Lepaute . The confirmation of the comet 's return was the first time anything other than planets had been shown to orbit the Sun . It was also one of the earliest successful tests of Newtonian physics , and a clear demonstration of its explanatory power . The comet was first named in Halley 's honour by French astronomer Nicolas - Louis de Lacaille in 1759 . Some scholars have proposed that first - century Mesopotamian astronomers already had recognized Halley 's Comet as periodic . This theory notes a passage in the Bavli Talmud that refers to `` a star which appears once in seventy years that makes the captains of the ships err . '' Researchers in 1981 attempting to calculate the past orbits of Halley by numerical integration starting from accurate observations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries could not produce accurate results further back than 837 due to a close approach to Earth in that year . It was necessary to use ancient Chinese comet observations to constrain their calculations . Orbit and origin ( edit ) The orbital path of Halley , against the orbits of Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus and Neptune . Halley 's orbital period has varied between 74 -- 79 years since 240 BC . Its orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical , with an orbital eccentricity of 0.967 ( with 0 being a circle and 1 being a parabolic trajectory ) . The perihelion , the point in the comet 's orbit when it is nearest the Sun , is just 0.6 AU . This is between the orbits of Mercury and Venus . Its aphelion , or farthest distance from the Sun , is 35 AU ( roughly the distance of Pluto ) . Unusual for an object in the Solar System , Halley 's orbit is retrograde ; it orbits the Sun in the opposite direction to the planets , or , clockwise from above the Sun 's north pole . The orbit is inclined by 18 ° to the ecliptic , with much of it lying south of the ecliptic . ( Because it is retrograde , the true inclination is 162 ° . ) Due to the retrograde orbit , it has one of the highest velocities relative to the Earth of any object in the Solar System . The 1910 passage was at a relative velocity of 70.56 km / s ( 157,838 mph or 254,016 km / h ) . Because its orbit comes close to Earth 's in two places , Halley is associated with two meteor showers : the Eta Aquariids in early May , and the Orionids in late October . Halley is the parent body to the Orionids . Observations conducted around the time of Halley 's appearance in 1986 suggested that the comet could additionally perturb the Eta Aquariids meteor shower , although it might not be the parent of that shower . Orionid meteor originating from Halley 's Comet striking the sky below the Milky Way and to the right of Venus . Halley is classified as a periodic or short - period comet ; one with an orbit lasting 200 years or less . This contrasts it with long - period comets , whose orbits last for thousands of years . Periodic comets have an average inclination to the ecliptic of only ten degrees , and an orbital period of just 6.5 years , so Halley 's orbit is atypical . Most short - period comets ( those with orbital periods shorter than 20 years and inclinations of 20 -- 30 degrees or less ) are called Jupiter - family comet . Those resembling Halley , with orbital periods of between 20 and 200 years and inclinations extending from zero to more than 90 degrees , are called Halley - type comets . As of 2015 , only 75 Halley - type comets have been observed , compared with 511 identified Jupiter - family comets . The orbits of the Halley - type comets suggest that they were originally long - period comets whose orbits were perturbed by the gravity of the giant planets and directed into the inner Solar System . If Halley was once a long - period comet , it is likely to have originated in the Oort cloud , a sphere of cometary bodies that has an inner edge of 20,000 -- 50,000 AU . Conversely the Jupiter - family comets are generally believed to originate in the Kuiper belt , a flat disc of icy debris between 30 AU ( Neptune 's orbit ) and 50 AU from the Sun ( in the scattered disc ) . Another point of origin for the Halley - type comets was proposed in 2008 , when a trans - Neptunian object with a retrograde orbit similar to Halley 's was discovered , 2008 KV 42 , whose orbit takes it from just outside that of Uranus to twice the distance of Pluto . It may be a member of a new population of small Solar System bodies that serves as the source of Halley - type comets . Halley has probably been in its current orbit for 16,000 -- 200,000 years , although it is not possible to numerically integrate its orbit for more than a few tens of apparitions , and close approaches before 837 AD can only be verified from recorded observations . The non-gravitational effects can be crucial ; as Halley approaches the Sun , it expels jets of sublimating gas from its surface , which knock it very slightly off its orbital path . These orbital changes cause delays in its perihelion of four days , average . In 1989 , Boris Chirikov and Vitaly Vecheslavov performed an analysis of 46 apparitions of Halley 's Comet taken from historical records and computer simulations . These studies showed that its dynamics were chaotic and unpredictable on long timescales . Halley 's projected lifetime could be as long as 10 million years . These studies also showed that many physical properties of Halley 's Comet dynamics can be approximately described by a simple symplectic map , known as the Kepler map . More recent work suggests that Halley will evaporate , or split in two , within the next few tens of thousands of years , or will be ejected from the Solar System within a few hundred thousand years . Observations by D.W. Hughes suggest that Halley 's nucleus has been reduced in mass by 80 to 90 % over the last 2,000 to 3,000 revolutions . Structure and composition ( edit ) The nucleus of Halley 's Comet , imaged by the Giotto probe in 1986 . The dark coloration of the nucleus can be observed , as well as the jets of dust and gas erupting from its surface . The Giotto and Vega missions gave planetary scientists their first view of Halley 's surface and structure . Like all comets , as Halley nears the Sun , its volatile compounds ( those with low boiling points , such as water , carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide and other ices ) begin to sublime from the surface of its nucleus . This causes the comet to develop a coma , or atmosphere , up to 100,000 km across . Evaporation of this dirty ice releases dust particles , which travel with the gas away from the nucleus . Gas molecules in the coma absorb solar light and then re-radiate it at different wavelengths , a phenomenon known as fluorescence , whereas dust particles scatter the solar light . Both processes are responsible for making the coma visible . As a fraction of the gas molecules in the coma are ionized by the solar ultraviolet radiation , pressure from the solar wind , a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun , pulls the coma 's ions out into a long tail , which may extend more than 100 million kilometres into space . Changes in the flow of the solar wind can cause disconnection events , in which the tail completely breaks off from the nucleus . Despite the vast size of its coma , Halley 's nucleus is relatively small : barely 15 kilometres long , 8 kilometres wide and perhaps 8 kilometres thick . Its shape vaguely resembles that of a peanut . Its mass is relatively low ( roughly 2.2 × 10 kg ) and its average density is about 0.6 g / cm , indicating that it is made of a large number of small pieces , held together very loosely , forming a structure known as a rubble pile . Ground - based observations of coma brightness suggested that Halley 's rotation period was about 7.4 days . Images taken by the various spacecraft , along with observations of the jets and shell , suggested a period of 52 hours . Given the irregular shape of the nucleus , Halley 's rotation is likely to be complex . Although only 25 % of Halley 's surface was imaged in detail during the flyby missions , the images revealed an extremely varied topography , with hills , mountains , ridges , depressions , and at least one crater . Halley is the most active of all the periodic comets , with others , such as Comet Encke and Comet Holmes , being one or two orders of magnitude less active . Its day side ( the side facing the Sun ) is far more active than the night side . Spacecraft observations showed that the gases ejected from the nucleus were 80 % water vapour , 17 % carbon monoxide and 3 -- 4 % carbon dioxide , with traces of hydrocarbons although more - recent sources give a value of 10 % for carbon monoxide and also include traces of methane and ammonia . The dust particles were found to be primarily a mixture of carbon -- hydrogen -- oxygen -- nitrogen ( CHON ) compounds common in the outer Solar System , and silicates , such as are found in terrestrial rocks . The dust particles decreased in size down to the limits of detection ( ~ 0.001 μm ) . The ratio of deuterium to hydrogen in the water released by Halley was initially thought to be similar to that found in Earth 's ocean water , suggesting that Halley - type comets may have delivered water to Earth in the distant past . Subsequent observations showed Halley 's deuterium ratio to be far higher than that found in Earth 's oceans , making such comets unlikely sources for Earth 's water . Giotto provided the first evidence in support of Fred Whipple 's `` dirty snowball '' hypothesis for comet construction ; Whipple postulated that comets are icy objects warmed by the Sun as they approach the inner Solar System , causing ices on their surfaces to sublimate ( change directly from a solid to a gas ) , and jets of volatile material to burst outward , creating the coma . Giotto showed that this model was broadly correct , though with modifications . Halley 's albedo , for instance , is about 4 % , meaning that it reflects only 4 % of the sunlight hitting it ; about what one would expect for coal . Thus , despite appearing brilliant white to observers on Earth , Halley 's Comet is in fact pitch black . The surface temperature of evaporating `` dirty ice '' ranges from 170 K ( − 103 ° C ) at higher albedo to 220 K ( − 53 ° C ) at low albedo ; Vega 1 found Halley 's surface temperature to be in the range 300 -- 400 K ( 27 -- 127 ° C ) . This suggested that only 10 % of Halley 's surface was active , and that large portions of it were coated in a layer of dark dust that retained heat . Together , these observations suggested that Halley was in fact predominantly composed of non-volatile materials , and thus more closely resembled a `` snowy dirtball '' than a `` dirty snowball '' . History ( edit ) Prior to 1066 ( edit ) Observation of Halley 's Comet , recorded in cuneiform on a clay tablet between 22 and 28 September 164 BC , Babylon , Iraq . British Museum ( BM 41462 ) Halley may have been recorded as early as 467 BC , but this is uncertain . A comet was recorded in ancient Greece between 468 and 466 BC ; its timing , location , duration , and associated meteor shower all suggest it was Halley . According to Pliny the Elder , that same year a meteorite fell in the town of Aegospotami , in Thrace . He described it as brown in colour and the size of a wagon load . Chinese chroniclers also mention a comet in that year . Report of Halley 's Comet by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC ( Shiji ) The first certain appearance of Halley 's Comet in the historical record is a description from 240 BC , in the Chinese chronicle Records of the Grand Historian or Shiji , which describes a comet that appeared in the east and moved north . The only surviving record of the 164 BC apparition is found on two fragmentary Babylonian tablets , now owned by the British Museum . The apparition of 87 BC was recorded in Babylonian tablets which state that the comet was seen `` day beyond day '' for a month . This appearance may be recalled in the representation of Tigranes the Great , an Armenian king who is depicted on coins with a crown that features , according to Vahe Gurzadyan and R. Vardanyan , `` a star with a curved tail ( that ) may represent the passage of Halley 's Comet in 87 BC . '' Gurzadyan and Vardanyan argue that `` Tigranes could have seen Halley 's Comet when it passed closest to the Sun on August 6 in 87 BC '' as the comet would have been a `` most recordable event '' ; for ancient Armenians it could have heralded the New Era of the brilliant King of Kings . The apparition of 12 BC was recorded in the Book of Han by Chinese astronomers of the Han Dynasty who tracked it from August through October . It passed within 0.16 AU of Earth . According to the Roman historian Cassius Dio , a comet appeared suspended over Rome for several days portending the death of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in that year . Halley 's appearance in 12 BC , only a few years distant from the conventionally assigned date of the birth of Jesus Christ , has led some theologians and astronomers to suggest that it might explain the biblical story of the Star of Bethlehem . There are other explanations for the phenomenon , such as planetary conjunctions , and there are also records of other comets that appeared closer to the date of Jesus ' birth . If , as has been suggested , the reference in the Talmud to `` a star which appears once in seventy years that makes the captains of the ships err '' ( see above ) refers to Halley 's Comet , it may be a reference to the 66 AD appearance , because this passage is attributed to the Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah . This apparition was the only one to occur during ben Hananiah 's lifetime . The 141 AD apparition was recorded in Chinese chronicles . It was also recorded in the Tamil work Purananuru , in connection with the death of the south Indian Chera king Yanaikatchai Mantaran Cheral Irumporai . The 374 AD and 607 approaches each came within 0.09 AU of Earth . The 684 AD apparition was recorded in Europe in one of the sources used by the compiler of the 1493 Nuremberg Chronicles ; it is the oldest - known picture of a comet . Chinese records also report it as the `` broom star '' . The 451 AD apparition was said to herald the defeat of Attila the Hun at the Battle of Chalons . In 837 , Halley 's Comet may have passed as close as 0.03 AU ( 3.2 million miles ; 5.1 million kilometres ) from Earth , by far its closest approach . Its tail may have stretched 60 degrees across the sky . It was recorded by astronomers in China , Japan , Germany , the Byzantine Empire , and the Middle East . In 912 , Halley is recorded in the Annals of Ulster , which state `` A dark and rainy year . A comet appeared . '' 1066 ( edit ) Halley 's Comet in 1066 depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry . In 1066 , the comet was seen in England and thought to be an omen : later that year Harold II of England died at the Battle of Hastings ; it was a bad omen for Harold , but a good omen for the man who defeated him , William the Conqueror . The comet is represented on the Bayeux Tapestry and described in the tituli as a star . Surviving accounts from the period describe it as appearing to be four times the size of Venus and shining with a light equal to a quarter of that of the Moon . Halley came within 0.10 AU of Earth at that time . This appearance of the comet is also noted in the Anglo - Saxon Chronicle . Eilmer of Malmesbury may have seen Halley previously in 989 , as he wrote of it in 1066 : `` You 've come , have you ? ... You 've come , you source of tears to many mothers , you evil . I hate you ! It is long since I saw you ; but as I see you now you are much more terrible , for I see you brandishing the downfall of my country . I hate you ! '' The Irish Annals of the Four Masters recorded the comet as `` A star ( that ) appeared on the seventh of the Calends of May , on Tuesday after Little Easter , than whose light the brilliance or light of The Moon was not greater ; and it was visible to all in this manner till the end of four nights afterwards . '' Chaco Native Americans in New Mexico may have recorded the 1066 apparition in their petroglyphs . 1145 -- 1378 ( edit ) The Adoration of the Magi ( circa 1305 ) by Giotto , who purportedly modeled the star of Bethlehem on Halley , which had been sighted 4 years prior to this painting . The 1145 apparition was recorded by the monk Eadwine . The 1986 apparition exhibited a fan tail similar to Eadwine 's drawing . Some claim that Genghis Khan was inspired to turn his conquests toward Europe by the 1222 apparition . The 1301 apparition may have been seen by the artist Giotto di Bondone , who represented the Star of Bethlehem as a fire - colored comet in the Nativity section of his Arena Chapel cycle , completed in 1305 . Its 1378 appearance is recorded in the Annales Mediolanenses as well as in East Asian sources . 1456 ( edit ) 1456 comet in Zodiac In 1456 , the year of Halley 's next apparition , the Ottoman Empire invaded the Kingdom of Hungary , culminating in the Siege of Belgrade in July of that year . In a papal bull , Pope Callixtus III ordered special prayers be said for the city 's protection . In 1470 , the humanist scholar Bartolomeo Platina wrote in his Lives of the Popes that , A hairy and fiery star having then made its appearance for several days , the mathematicians declared that there would follow grievous pestilence , dearth and some great calamity . Calixtus , to avert the wrath of God , ordered supplications that if evils were impending for the human race He would turn all upon the Turks , the enemies of the Christian name . He likewise ordered , to move God by continual entreaty , that notice should be given by the bells to call the faithful at midday to aid by their prayers those engaged in battle with the Turk . Platina 's account is not mentioned in official records . In the 18th century , a Frenchman further embellished the story , in anger at the Church , by claiming that the Pope had `` excommunicated '' the comet , though this story was most likely his own invention . Halley 's apparition of 1456 was also witnessed in Kashmir and depicted in great detail by Śrīvara , a Sanskrit poet and biographer to the Sultans of Kashmir . He read the apparition as a cometary portent of doom foreshadowing the imminent fall of Sultan Zayn al - Abidin ( AD 1418 / 1420 -- 1470 ) . After witnessing a bright light in the sky which most historians have identified as Halley 's Comet , Zara Yaqob , Emperor of Ethiopia from 1434 to 1468 , founded the city of Debre Berhan ( tr . City of Light ) and made it his capital for the remainder of his reign . 1531 -- 1835 ( edit ) Halley 's periodic returns have been subject to scientific investigation since the 16th century . The three apparitions from 1531 to 1682 were noted by Edmond Halley , enabling him to predict its 1759 return . Streams of vapour observed during the comet 's 1835 apparition prompted astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel to propose that the jet forces of evaporating material could be great enough to significantly alter a comet 's orbit . Illustrations of prior comet appearances in a 1910 popular science publication 1682 1759 1835 1910 ( edit ) A photograph of Halley 's Comet taken during its 1910 approach The 1910 approach , which came into naked - eye view around 10 April and came to perihelion on 20 April , was notable for several reasons : it was the first approach of which photographs exist , and the first for which spectroscopic data were obtained . Furthermore , the comet made a relatively close approach of 0.15 AU , making it a spectacular sight . Indeed , on 19 May , Earth actually passed through the tail of the comet . One of the substances discovered in the tail by spectroscopic analysis was the toxic gas cyanogen , which led astronomer Camille Flammarion to claim that , when Earth passed through the tail , the gas `` would impregnate the atmosphere and possibly snuff out all life on the planet . '' His pronouncement led to panicked buying of gas masks and quack `` anti-comet pills '' and `` anti-comet umbrellas '' by the public . In reality , as other astronomers were quick to point out , the gas is so diffuse that the world suffered no ill effects from the passage through the tail . The comet added to the unrest in China on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution that would end the last dynasty in 1911 . As James Hutson , a missionary in Sichuan Province at the time , recorded , The people believe that it indicates calamity such as war , fire , pestilence , and a change of dynasty . In some places on certain days the doors were unopened for half a day , no water was carried and many did not even drink water as it was rumoured that pestilential vapour was being poured down upon the earth from the comet . '' The 1910 visitation is also recorded as being the travelling companion of Hedley Churchward , the first known English Muslim to make the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca . However , his explanation of its scientific predictability did not meet with favour in the Holy City . The comet was also fertile ground for hoaxes . One that reached major newspapers claimed that the Sacred Followers , a supposed Oklahoma religious group , attempted to sacrifice a virgin to ward off the impending disaster , but were stopped by the police . American satirist and writer Mark Twain was born on 30 November 1835 , exactly two weeks after the comet 's perihelion . In his autobiography , published in 1909 , he said , I came in with Halley 's comet in 1835 . It is coming again next year , and I expect to go out with it . It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I do n't go out with Halley 's comet . The Almighty has said , no doubt : ' Now here are these two unaccountable freaks ; they came in together , they must go out together . ' Twain died on 21 April 1910 , the day following the comet 's subsequent perihelion . The 1985 fantasy film The Adventures of Mark Twain was inspired by the quotation . Halley 's 1910 apparition is distinct from the Great Daylight Comet of 1910 , which surpassed Halley in brilliance and was actually visible in broad daylight for a short period , approximately four months before Halley made its appearance . 1986 ( edit ) Daily motion across sky during 1986 passage Halley 's Comet in 1986 1986 USSR miniature sheet , featuring Edmond Halley , Comet Halley , Vega 1 , Vega 2 , Giotto , Suisei ( Planet - A ) Halley 's 1986 apparition was the least favourable on record . The comet and Earth were on opposite sides of the Sun in February 1986 , creating the worst viewing circumstances for Earth observers for the last 2,000 years . Halley 's closest approach was 0.42 AU . Additionally , with increased light pollution from urbanization , many people failed to even see the comet . It was possible to observe it in areas outside of cities with the help of binoculars . Further , the comet appeared brightest when it was almost invisible from the northern hemisphere in March and April . Halley 's approach was first detected by astronomers David Jewitt and G. Edward Danielson on 16 October 1982 using the 5.1 m Hale telescope at Mount Palomar and a CCD camera . The first person to visually observe the comet on its 1986 return was amateur astronomer Stephen James O'Meara on 24 January 1985 . O'Meara used a home - built 24 - inch telescope on top of Mauna Kea to detect the magnitude 19.6 comet . On 8 November 1985 , Stephen Edberg ( then serving as the Coordinator for Amateur Observations at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ) and Charles Morris were the first to observe Halley 's Comet with the naked eye in its 1986 apparition . Although Halley 's Comet 's retrograde orbit and high inclination make it difficult to send a space probe to it , the 1986 apparition gave scientists the opportunity to closely study the comet , and several probes were launched to do so . The Soviet Vega 1 started returning images of Halley on 4 March 1986 , and the first ever of its nucleus , and made its flyby on 6 March , followed by Vega 2 making its flyby on 9 March . On 14 March , the Giotto space probe , launched by the European Space Agency , made the closest pass of the comet 's nucleus . There were also two Japanese probes , Suisei and Sakigake . The probes were unofficially known as the Halley Armada . Based on data retrieved by Astron , the largest ultraviolet space telescope of the time , during its Halley 's Comet observations in December 1985 , a group of Soviet scientists developed a model of the comet 's coma . The comet was also observed from space by the International Cometary Explorer . Originally International Sun - Earth Explorer 3 , the probe was renamed and freed from its L Lagrangian point location in Earth 's orbit to intercept comets 21P / Giacobini - Zinner and Halley . Two Space Shuttle missions -- the ill - fated STS - 51 - L ( ended by the Challenger disaster ) and STS - 61 - E -- were scheduled to observe Halley 's Comet from low Earth orbit . STS - 51 - L carried the Shuttle - Pointed Tool for Astronomy ( SPARTAN - 203 ) satellite , also called the Halley 's Comet Experiment Deployable ( HCED ) . STS - 61 - E was a Columbia mission scheduled for March 1986 , carrying the ASTRO - 1 platform to study the comet . Due to the suspension of America 's manned space program after the Challenger explosion , the mission was canceled , and ASTRO - 1 would not fly until late 1990 on STS - 35 . After 1986 ( edit ) Halley 's Comet observed in 2003 at 28 AU from the Sun On 12 February 1991 , at a distance of 14.4 AU ( 2.15 × 10 km ) from the Sun , Halley displayed an outburst that lasted for several months , releasing a cloud of dust 300,000 km across . The outburst likely started in December 1990 , and then the comet brightened from magnitude 24.3 to magnitude 18.9 . Halley was most recently observed in 2003 by three of the Very Large Telescopes at Paranal , Chile , when Halley 's magnitude was 28.2 . The telescopes observed Halley , at the faintest and farthest any comet has ever been imaged , in order to verify a method for finding very faint trans - Neptunian objects . Astronomers are now able to observe the comet at any point in its orbit . 2061 ( edit ) The next predicted perihelion of Halley 's Comet is 28 July 2061 , when it is expected to be better positioned for observation than during the 1985 -- 1986 apparition , as it will be on the same side of the Sun as Earth . It is expected to have an apparent magnitude of − 0.3 , compared with only + 2.1 for the 1986 apparition . It has been calculated that on 9 September 2060 , Halley will pass within 0.98 AU ( 147,000,000 km ) of Jupiter , and then on 20 August 2061 will pass within 0.0543 AU ( 8,120,000 km ) of Venus . In 2134 , Halley is expected to pass within 0.09 AU ( 13,000,000 km ) of Earth . Its apparent magnitude is expected to be − 2.0 . Apparitions ( edit ) Halley 's calculations enabled the comet 's earlier appearances to be found in the historical record . The following table sets out the astronomical designations for every apparition of Halley 's Comet from 240 BC , the earliest documented widespread sighting . For example , `` 1P / 1982 U1 , 1986 III , 1982i '' indicates that for the perihelion in 1986 , Halley was the first period comet known ( designated 1P ) and this apparition was the first seen in half - month U ( the second half of October ) in 1982 ( giving 1P / 1982 U1 ) ; it was the third comet past perihelion in 1986 ( 1986 III ) ; and it was the ninth comet spotted in 1982 ( provisional designation 1982i ) . The perihelion dates of each apparition are shown . The perihelion dates farther from the present are approximate , mainly because of uncertainties in the modelling of non-gravitational effects . Perihelion dates of 1531 and earlier are in the Julian calendar , while perihelion dates 1607 and after are in the Gregorian calendar . Halley 's Comet is visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years . Designation Year BC / AD Gap ( years ) Date of perihelion Visible duration Closest approach Description 1P / − 239 K1 , − 239 240 BC -- 15 May 15 -- 25 May First confirmed sighting . 1P / − 163 U1 , − 163 164 BC 76 20 May Seen by Babylonians . 1P / − 86 Q1 , − 86 87 BC 77 15 August 6 -- 19 August Seen by the Babylonians and Chinese . 1P / − 11 Q1 , − 11 12 BC 75 8 October August -- 10 October 0.16 AU Watched by Chinese for two months . 1P / 66 B1 , 66 66 78 26 January 25 -- 26 January May be the comet described in Josephus 's The Jewish War as ' A comet of the kind called Xiphias , because their tails appear to represent the blade of a sword ' that supposedly heralded the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD . 1P / 141 F1 , 141 141 75 25 March 22 -- 25 March Described by the Chinese as bluish - white in colour 1P / 218 H1 , 218 218 77 6 April 6 April -- 17 May Described by the Roman historian Dion Cassius as ' a very fearful star ' . 1P / 295 J1 , 295 295 77 7 April 7 -- 20 April Seen in China , but not spectacular . 1P / 374 E1 , 374 374 79 13 February 13 -- 16 February 0.09 AU Comet passed 13.5 million kilometres from Earth . 1P / 451 L1 , 451 451 77 3 July 28 June -- 3 July Appeared before the defeat of Attila the Hun at the Battle of Chalons . 1P / 530 Q1 , 530 530 79 15 November 27 September -- 15 November Noted in China and Europe , but not spectacular . 1P / 607 H1 , 607 607 77 26 March 15 -- 26 March 0.09 AU Comet passed 13.5 million kilometres from Earth . 1P / 684 R1 , 684 684 77 26 November 2 October -- 26 November First known Japanese records of the comet . Seen in Europe and depicted 800 years later in the Nuremberg Chronicle . Attempts have been made to connect an ancient Maya depiction of God L to the event . 1P / 760 K1 , 760 760 76 10 June 20 May -- 10 June Seen in China , at the same time as another comet . 1P / 837 F1 , 837 837 77 25 February 25 -- 28 February 0.03 AU Closest - ever approach to the Earth ( 5 million km ) . Tail stretched halfway across the sky . Appeared as bright as Venus . 1P / 912 J1 , 912 912 75 27 July 18 -- 27 July Seen briefly in China and Japan . 1P / 989 N1 , 989 989 77 2 September 2 -- 5 September Seen in China , Japan , and ( possibly ) Korea . 1P / 1066 G1 , 1066 1066 77 25 March January -- 25 March 0.10 AU Seen for over two months in China . Recorded in England and depicted on the later Bayeux tapestry which portrayed the events of that year . 1P / 1145 G1 , 1145 1145 79 19 April 15 -- 19 April Depicted on the Eadwine Psalter , with the remark that such ' hairy stars ' appeared rarely , ' and then as a portent ' . 1P / 1222 R1 , 1222 1222 77 10 September 10 -- 28 September Described by Japanese astronomers as being ' as large as the half Moon ... Its colour was white but its rays were red ' . 1P / 1301 R1 , 1301 1301 79 22 October 22 -- 31 October Seen by Giotto di Bondone and included in his painting The Adoration of the Magi . Chinese astronomers compared its brilliance to that of the first - magnitude star Procyon . 1P / 1378 S1 , 1378 1378 77 9 November 9 -- 14 November Passed within 10 degrees of the north celestial pole , more northerly than at any time during the past 2000 years . This is the last appearance of the comet for which Oriental records are better than Western ones . 1P / 1456 K1 , 1456 1456 78 8 January 8 January -- 9 June Observed in Italy by Paolo Toscanelli , who said its head was ' as large as the eye of an ox ' , with a tail ' fan - shaped like that of a peacock ' . Arabs said the tail resembled a Turkish scimitar . Turkish forces attacked Belgrade . 1P / 1531 P1 , 1531 1531 75 26 August 26 August Seen by Peter Apian , who noted that its tail always pointed away from the Sun . This sighting was included in Halley 's table . 1P / 1607 S1 , 1607 1607 76 27 October 27 October Seen by Johannes Kepler . This sighting was included in Halley 's table . 1P / 1682 Q1 , 1682 1682 75 15 September 15 September Seen by Edmond Halley at Islington . 1P / 1758 Y1 , 1759 I 1758 76 13 March 13 March -- 25 December Return predicted by Halley . First seen by Johann Palitzsch on 1758 December 25 . 1P / 1835 P1 , 1835 III 1835 77 16 November August -- 16 November First seen at the Vatican Observatory in August . Studied by John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope . 1P / 1909 R1 , 1910 II , 1909c 1910 75 20 April 20 April -- 20 May Photographed for the first time . Earth passed through the comet 's tail on 20 May . 1P / 1982 U1 , 1986 III , 1982i 1986 76 9 February 9 February 0.586 AU Reached perihelion on 9 February , closest to Earth ( 63 million km ) on 11 April . Nucleus photographed by the European space probe Giotto and the Russian probes Vega 1 and 2 . 2061 75 28 July 28 July 2061 Next return of Halley 's comet . See also ( edit ) Astronomy portal List of Halley - type comets Halley 's Comet in fiction References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Donald K. Yeomans . `` Horizon Online Ephemeris System '' . California Institute of Technology , Jet Propulsion Laboratory . 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Bar - Nun ( 1992 ) . `` Crystallization of amorphous ice as the cause of Comet P / Halley 's outburst at 14 AU '' . Astronomy and Astrophysics. 258 ( 2 ) : L9 -- L12 . Bibcode : 1992A&A ... 258L ... 9P . ^ Jump up to : S. Odenwald . `` When will Halley 's Comet return ? '' . NASA . Archived from the original on 20 August 2011 . Retrieved 29 November 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` JPL Close - Approach Data : 1P / Halley '' ( 11 January 1994 last obs ) . Jet Propulsion Laboratory . Retrieved 5 May 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Comet names and designations '' . International Comet Quarterly . Retrieved 20 January 2011 . Jump up ^ Richard M. Schmude ( 2010 ) . Comets and How to Observe Them . Springer . p. 3 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4419 - 5790 - 0 . Jump up ^ B.G. Marsden ; G.V. Williams ( 1996 ) . `` Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1996 . 11th edition '' . Catalogue of Cometary Orbits . International Astronomical Union . Bibcode : 1996cco ... book ... M . Jump up ^ J.L. Brady ( 1982 ) . `` Halley 's Comet AD 1986 to 2647 BC '' . Journal of the British Astronomical Association . Lawrence Livermore Laboratory , University of California . 92 : 209 . Bibcode : 1982JBAA ... 92 ... 209B . Jump up ^ Star Gods of the Maya : Astronomy in Art , Folklore , and Calendars Bibliography ( edit ) Gore , Rick ( December 1986 ) . `` Halley 's Comet ' 86 '' . National Geographic . Vol. 170 no . 6 . pp. 758 -- 785 . ISSN 0027 - 9358 . OCLC 643483454 . P. Lancaster - Brown ( 1985 ) . Halley & His Comet . Blandford Press . ISBN 0 - 7137 - 1447 - 6 . C. Sagan ; A. Druyan ( 1985 ) . Comet . Random House . ISBN 0 - 394 - 54908 - 2 . Joseph Needham ( 1959 ) . `` Comets , meteors , and meteorites '' . Science and Civilisation in China : Volume 3 , Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth . Cambridge University Press . pp. 430 -- 433 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 05801 - 8 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Comet Halley . Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets ( 1706 reprint of Halley 's 1705 paper ) Halley 's nucleus by Giotto spacecraft ( ESA link ) Image of Halley in 1986 by Giotto spacecraft ( NASA link ) 1P / Halley at CometBase database Orbital simulation from JPL ( Java ) / Ephemeris Donald Yeomans , `` Great Comets in History '' A brief history of Halley 's Comet ( Ian Ridpath ) Photographs of 1910 approach taken from the Lick Observatory from the Lick Observatory Records Digital Archive , UC Santa Cruz Library 's Digital Collections Comets Features Nucleus Coma Tails Antitail Comet dust Meteor shower Types Periodic Numbered Lost Long period Halley - type Jupiter - family Encke - type Main - belt Non-periodic Near - parabolic Hyperbolic Unknown - orbit Great Comet Sungrazing ( Kreutz ) Extinct Rock Exocomet Interstellar Related Naming of comets Centaur Comet discoverers LINEAR Extraterrestrial atmosphere Oort cloud Small Solar System body Asteroid Exploration List of missions to comets List of comets visited by spacecraft Latest C / 2018 C2 ( Lemmon ) C / 2017 U7 1I / 2017 U1 ʻOumuamua C / 2016 U1 ( NEOWISE ) C / 2015 G2 ( MASTER ) C / 2015 F5 ( SWAN - XingMing ) C / 2015 F3 C / 2015 ER61 ( PANSTARRS ) C / 2014 Q2 ( Lovejoy ) C / 2014 E2 ( Jacques ) C / 2013 US10 ( Catalina ) C / 2013 A1 ( Siding Spring ) C / 2012 S4 ( PANSTARRS ) C / 2012 K1 ( PANSTARRS ) Culture and speculation Antimatter comet Comets in fiction list Comet vintages Lists of comets ( more ) Periodic comets Until 1985 ( all ) 1P / Halley 2P / Encke 3D / Biela 4P / Faye 5D / Brorsen 6P / d'Arrest 7P / Pons -- Winnecke 8P / Tuttle 9P / Tempel 10P / Tempel 11P / Tempel -- Swift -- LINEAR 12P / Pons -- Brooks 13P / Olbers 14P / Wolf 15P / Finlay 16P / Brooks 17P / Holmes 18D / Perrine -- Mrkos 19P / Borrelly 20D / Westphal 21P / Giacobini -- Zinner 22P / Kopff 23P / Brorsen -- Metcalf 24P / Schaumasse 25D / Neujmin 26P / Grigg -- Skjellerup 27P / Crommelin 28P / Neujmin 29P / Schwassmann -- Wachmann 30P / Reinmuth 31P / Schwassmann -- Wachmann 32P / Comas Solà 33P / Daniel 34D / Gale 35P / Herschel -- Rigollet 36P / Whipple 37P / Forbes 38P / Stephan -- Oterma 39P / Oterma 40P / Väisälä 41P / Tuttle -- Giacobini -- Kresák 42P / Neujmin 43P / Wolf -- Harrington 44P / Reinmuth 45P / Honda -- Mrkos -- Pajdušáková 46P / Wirtanen 47P / Ashbrook -- Jackson 48P / Johnson 49P / Arend -- Rigaux 50P / Arend 51P / Harrington 52P / Harrington -- Abell 53P / Van Biesbroeck 54P / de Vico -- Swift -- NEAT 55P / Tempel -- Tuttle 56P / Slaughter -- Burnham 57P / du Toit -- Neujmin -- Delporte 58P / Jackson -- Neujmin 59P / Kearns -- Kwee 60P / Tsuchinshan 61P / Shajn -- Schaldach 62P / Tsuchinshan 63P / Wild 64P / Swift -- Gehrels 65P / Gunn 66P / du Toit 67P / Churyumov -- Gerasimenko 68P / Klemola 69P / Taylor 70P / Kojima 71P / Clark 72P / Denning -- Fujikawa 73P / Schwassmann -- Wachmann 74P / Smirnova -- Chernykh 75D / Kohoutek 76P / West -- Kohoutek -- Ikemura 77P / Longmore 78P / Gehrels 79P / du Toit -- Hartley 80P / Peters -- Hartley 81P / Wild 82P / Gehrels 83D / Russell 84P / Giclas 85D / Boethin 86P / Wild 87P / Bus 88P / Howell 89P / Russell 90P / Gehrels 91P / Russell 92P / Sanguin 93P / Lovas 94P / Russell 95P / Chiron 96P / Machholz 97P / Metcalf -- Brewington 98P / Takamizawa 99P / Kowal 100P / Hartley 101P / Chernykh 102P / Shoemaker After 1985 ( notable ) 103P / Hartley 105P / Singer Brewster 107P / Wilson -- Harrington 109P / Swift -- Tuttle 111P / Helin -- Roman -- Crockett 114P / Wiseman -- Skiff 128P / Shoemaker -- Holt 139P / Väisälä -- Oterma 144P / Kushida 147P / Kushida -- Muramatsu 153P / Ikeya -- Zhang 163P / NEAT 168P / Hergenrother 169P / NEAT 177P / Barnard 178P / Hug -- Bell 205P / Giacobini 209P / LINEAR 238P / Read 246P / NEAT 252P / LINEAR 255P / Levy 273P / Pons -- Gambart 276P / Vorobjov 289P / Blanpain 311P / PANSTARRS 322P / SOHO 332P / Ikeya - Murakami 354P / LINEAR 362P P / 1997 B1 ( Kobayashi ) P / 2010 B2 ( WISE ) P / 2011 NO1 ( Elenin ) Comet - like asteroids 596 Scheila 2060 Chiron ( 95P ) 4015 Wilson -- Harrington ( 107P ) 7968 Elst -- Pizarro ( 133P ) 165P / LINEAR 166P / NEAT 167P / CINEOS 60558 Echeclus ( 174P ) 118401 LINEAR ( 176P ) 238P / Read 259P / Garradd 311P / PANSTARRS 324P / La Sagra P / 2010 A2 ( LINEAR ) P / 2012 F5 ( Gibbs ) P / 2012 T1 ( PANSTARRS ) P / 2013 R3 ( Catalina - PANSTARRS ) ( 300163 ) 2006 VW139 Lost Recovered 11P / Tempel -- Swift -- LINEAR 15P / Finlay 17P / Holmes 27P / Crommelin 54P / de Vico -- Swift -- NEAT 55P / Tempel -- Tuttle 57P / du Toit -- Neujmin -- Delporte 69P / Taylor 72P / Denning -- Fujikawa 80P / Peters -- Hartley 97P / Metcalf -- Brewington 107P / Wilson -- Harrington 109P / Swift -- Tuttle 113P / Spitaler 122P / de Vico 157P / Tritton 177P / Barnard 205P / Giacobini 206P / Barnard -- Boattini 271P / van Houten -- Lemmon 273P / Pons -- Gambart 289P / Blanpain Destroyed 3D / Biela 73P / Schwassmann -- Wachmann D / 1993 F2 ( Shoemaker -- Levy 9 ) Not found D / 1770 L1 ( Lexell ) 5D / Brorsen 18D / Perrine -- Mrkos 20D / Westphal 25D / Neujmin 34D / Gale 75D / Kohoutek 83D / Russell 85D / Boethin Visited by spacecraft 21P / Giacobini -- Zinner ( 1985 ) 1P / Halley ( 1986 ) 26P / Grigg -- Skjellerup ( 1992 ) 19P / Borrelly ( 2001 ) 81P / Wild ( 2004 ) 9P / Tempel ( 2005 , 2011 ) C / 2006 P1 ( 2007 ) 103P / Hartley ( 2010 ) 67P / Churyumov -- Gerasimenko ( 2014 ) Non-Periodic comets ( notable ) Until 1910 C / - 43 K1 ( Caesar 's Comet ) X / 1106 C1 ( Great Comet of 1106 ) C / 1577 V1 ( Great Comet of 1577 ) C / 1652 Y1 C / 1680 V1 ( Great Comet of 1680 , Kirsch 's Comet , Newton 's Comet ) ) C / 1702 H1 ( Comet of 1702 ) C / 1729 P1 ( Comet of 1729 , Comet Sarabat ) C / 1743 X1 ( Great Comet of 1744 , Comet Klinkenberg - Chéseaux ) C / 1760 A1 ( Great Comet of 1760 ) C / 1769 P1 ( Great Comet of 1769 ) C / 1807 R1 ( Great Comet of 1807 ) C / 1811 F1 ( Great Comet of 1811 ) C / 1819 N1 ( Great Comet of 1819 ) C / 1823 Y1 ( Great Comet of 1823 ) C / 1843 D1 ( Great March Comet of 1843 ) C / 1847 T1 ( Miss Mitchell 's Comet ) C / 1858 L1 ( Comet Donati ) C / 1861 G1 ( Comet Thatcher ) C / 1861 J1 ( Great Comet of 1861 ) C / 1865 B1 ( Great Southern Comet of 1865 ) X / 1872 X1 ( Pogson 's Comet ) C / 1874 H1 ( Comet Coggia ) C / 1881 K1 ( Comet Tebbutt ) C / 1882 R1 ( Great Comet of 1882 ) C / 1887 B1 ( Great Southern Comet of 1887 ) C / 1890 V1 ( Comet Zona ) C / 1901 G1 ( Great Comet of 1901 ) C / 1910 A1 ( Great January Comet of 1910 ) After 1910 C / 1911 O1 ( Brooks ) C / 1911 S3 ( Beljawsky ) C / 1927 X1 ( Skjellerup -- Maristany ) C / 1931 P1 ( Ryves ) C / 1941 B2 ( de Kock - Paraskevopoulos ) ( de ) C / 1947 X1 ( Southern Comet ) ( de ) C / 1948 V1 ( Eclipse ) C / 1956 R1 ( Arend -- Roland ) C / 1957 P1 ( Mrkos ) ( de ) C / 1961 O1 ( Wilson - Hubbard ) ( de ) C / 1961 R1 ( Humason ) C / 1962 C1 ( Seki - Lines ) ( de ) C / 1963 R1 ( Pereyra ) C / 1965 S1 ( Ikeya - Seki ) C / 1969 Y1 ( Bennett ) C / 1970 K1 ( White -- Ortiz -- Bolelli ) C / 1973 E1 ( Kohoutek ) C / 1975 V1 ( West ) C / 1980 E1 ( Bowell ) C / 1983 H1 ( IRAS -- Araki -- Alcock ) C / 1989 X1 ( Austin ) C / 1989 Y1 ( Skorichenko -- George ) C / 1992 J1 ( Spacewatch -- Rabinowitz ) C / 1993 Y1 ( McNaught -- Russell ) C / 1995 O1 ( Hale -- Bopp ) C / 1996 B2 ( Hyakutake ) C / 1997 L1 ( Zhu -- Balam ) C / 1998 H1 ( Stonehouse ) C / 1998 J1 ( SOHO ) C / 1999 F1 ( Catalina ) C / 1999 S4 ( LINEAR ) C / 2000 U5 ( LINEAR ) C / 2000 W1 ( Utsunomiya - Jones ) C / 2001 OG108 ( LONEOS ) C / 2001 Q4 ( NEAT ) C / 2002 T7 ( LINEAR ) C / 2004 F4 ( Bradfield ) ( de ) C / 2004 Q2 ( Machholz ) C / 2006 A1 ( Pojmański ) C / 2006 M4 ( SWAN ) C / 2006 P1 ( McNaught ) C / 2007 E2 ( Lovejoy ) C / 2007 F1 ( LONEOS ) C / 2007 K5 ( Lovejoy ) C / 2007 N3 ( Lulin ) C / 2007 Q3 ( Siding Spring ) C / 2007 W1 ( Boattini ) C / 2008 Q1 ( Matičič ) C / 2009 F6 ( Yi -- SWAN ) C / 2009 R1 ( McNaught ) C / 2010 X1 ( Elenin ) C / 2011 L4 ( PANSTARRS ) C / 2011 W3 ( Lovejoy ) C / 2012 E2 ( SWAN ) C / 2012 F6 ( Lemmon ) C / 2012 K1 ( PANSTARRS ) C / 2012 S1 ( ISON ) C / 2012 S4 ( PANSTARRS ) C / 2013 A1 ( Siding Spring ) C / 2013 R1 ( Lovejoy ) C / 2013 US10 ( Catalina ) C / 2013 V5 ( Oukaimeden ) C / 2014 E2 ( Jacques ) C / 2014 Q2 ( Lovejoy ) C / 2015 ER61 ( PANSTARRS ) C / 2015 V2 ( Johnson ) 1I / 2017 U1 ʻOumuamua C / 2017 U7 C / 2018 C2 ( Lemmon ) After 1910 ( by name ) Arend -- Roland Austin Beljawsky Bennett Boattini Bowell Bradfield ( de ) Brooks Catalina C / 1999 F1 C / 2013 US10 de Kock -- Paraskevopoulos ( de ) Eclipse Elenin Hale - Bopp Humason Hyakutake Ikeya - Seki IRAS -- Araki -- Alcock ISON Jacques Johnson Kohoutek Lemmon C / 2012 F6 C / 2018 C2 LINEAR C / 1999 S4 C / 2000 U5 C / 2002 T7 LONEOS C / 2001 OG108 C / 2007 F1 Lovejoy C / 2007 E2 C / 2007 K5 C / 2011 W3 C / 2013 R1 C / 2014 Q2 Lulin Machholz Matičič McNaught C / 2006 P1 C / 2009 R1 McNaught -- Russell Mrkos ( de ) NEAT Oukaimeden ʻOumuamua Pan-STARRS C / 2011 L4 C / 2012 K1 C / 2012 S4 311P C / 2015 ER61 Pereyra Pojmański Ryves Seki -- Lines ( de ) Siding Spring C / 2007 Q3 C / 2013 A1 Skjellerup -- Maristany Skorichenko -- George SOHO Southern ( de ) Spacewatch -- Rabinowitz Stonehouse SWAN C / 2006 M4 C / 2012 E2 Utsunomiya -- Jones West White -- Ortiz -- Bolelli Wilson -- Hubbard ( de ) Yi -- SWAN Zhu -- Balam Commons Wikinews Numbered comets Previous ( periodic comet navigator ) 1P / Halley Next 2P / Encke Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Halley 's Comet Astronomical objects known since antiquity Comets Periodic comets Halley - type comets Meteor shower progenitors Comets visited by spacecraft Star of Bethlehem Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty CS1 Russian - language sources ( ru ) Use dmy dates from September 2018 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015 All articles containing potentially dated statements Interlanguage link template link number Featured articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kapampangan ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Livvinkarjala Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Bahasa Melayu Baso Minangkabau မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Nouormand Occitan Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English سنڌي Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Winaray 吴语 粵語 中文 80 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 October 2018 , at 22 : 10 ( UTC ) . 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when is halley's comet coming around again
Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley , officially designated 1P / Halley , is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years . Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth , and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime . Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061 .
No - slip condition - wikipedia No - slip condition Jump to : navigation , search In fluid dynamics , the no - slip condition for viscous fluids assumes that at a solid boundary , the fluid will have zero velocity relative to the boundary . The fluid velocity at all fluid -- solid boundaries is equal to that of the solid boundary . Conceptually , one can think of the outermost molecules of fluid as stuck to the surfaces past which it flows . Because the solution is prescribed at given locations , this is an example of a Dirichlet boundary condition . Contents ( hide ) 1 Physical justification 2 Exceptions 3 See also 4 External links 5 References Physical justification ( edit ) Particles close to a surface do not move along with a flow when adhesion is stronger than cohesion . At the fluid - solid interface , the force of attraction between the fluid particles and solid particles ( Adhesive forces ) is greater than that between the fluid particles ( Cohesive forces ) . This force imbalance brings down the fluid velocity to zero . This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( June 2008 ) Exceptions ( edit ) As with most of the engineering approximations , the no - slip condition does not always hold in reality . For example , at very low pressure ( e.g. at high altitude ) , even when the continuum approximation still holds there may be so few molecules near the surface that they `` bounce along '' down the surface . A common approximation for fluid slip is : u − u W a l l = β ∂ u ∂ n ( \ displaystyle u-u_ ( Wall ) = \ beta ( \ frac ( \ partial u ) ( \ partial n ) ) ) where n ( \ displaystyle n ) is the coordinate normal to the wall and β ( \ displaystyle \ beta ) is called the slip length . For an ideal gas , the slip length is often approximated as β ≈ 1.15 l ( \ displaystyle \ beta \ approx 1.15 \ ell ) , where l ( \ displaystyle \ ell ) is the mean free path . Some highly hydrophobic surfaces have also been observed to have a nonzero but nanoscale slip length . While the no - slip condition is used almost universally in modeling of viscous flows , it is sometimes neglected in favor of the ' no - penetration condition ' ( where the fluid velocity normal to the wall is set to the wall velocity in this direction , but the fluid velocity parallel to the wall is unrestricted ) in elementary analyses of inviscid flow , where the effect of boundary layers is neglected . The no - slip condition poses a problem in viscous flow theory at contact lines : places where an interface between two fluids meets a solid boundary . Here , the no - slip boundary condition implies that the position of the contact line does not move , which is not observed in reality . Analysis of a moving contact line with the no slip condition results in infinite stresses that ca n't be integrated over . The rate of movement of the contact line is believed to be dependent on the angle the contact line makes with the solid boundary , but the mechanism behind this is not yet fully understood . See also ( edit ) Boundary layer Wind gradient Shear stress External links ( edit ) No - Slip Condition at ScienceWorld How a fluid behaves near a surface chimney flow plot movie References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Day , Michael A. ( 2004 ) . `` The no - slip condition of fluid dynamics '' . Erkenntnis. 33 ( 3 ) : 285 -- 296 . doi : 10.1007 / BF00717588 . Jump up ^ Shu , Jian - Jun ; Teo , J.B.M. ; Chan , W.K. ( 2016 ) . `` A new model for fluid velocity slip on a solid surface '' . Soft Matter. 12 ( 40 ) : 8388 -- 8397 . Bibcode : 2016SMat ... 12.8388 S. arXiv : 1612.08011 . doi : 10.1039 / c6sm01178k . Jump up ^ Shu , Jian - Jun ; Teo , J.B.M. ; Chan , W.K. ( 2017 ) . `` Fluid velocity slip and temperature jump at a solid surface '' . Applied Mechanics Reviews . 69 ( 2 ) : 020801 . Bibcode : 2017ApMRv ... 69b0801S . arXiv : 1705.02375 . doi : 10.1115 / 1.4036191 . Jump up ^ David L. Morris ; Lawrence Hannon ; Alejandro L. Garcia ( 1992 ) . `` Slip length in a dilute gas '' . Physical Review A. 46 ( 8 ) : 5279 . Bibcode : 1992PhRvA ... 46.5279 M . doi : 10.1103 / PhysRevA. 46.5279 . . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Fluid dynamics Hidden categories : Articles to be expanded from June 2008 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Français Монгол Português Edit links This page was last edited on 13 September 2017 , at 07 : 28 . About Wikipedia
what is no slip condition in fluid mechanics
In fluid dynamics , the no - slip condition for viscous fluids assumes that at a solid boundary , the fluid will have zero velocity relative to the boundary .
Nix v. Hedden - wikipedia Nix v. Hedden United States Supreme Court case Nix v. Hedden Supreme Court of the United States Submitted April 24 , 1892 Decided May 10 , 1893 Full case name John Nix , John W. Nix , George W. Nix , and Frank W. Nix v. Edward L. Hedden , Collector of the Port of New York Citations 149 U.S. 304 ( more ) 149 U.S. 304 ; 13 S. Ct. 981 ; 37 L. Ed . 745 ; 1893 U.S. LEXIS 2303 Prior history Judgment for defendant , 39 F. 109 ( C.C.S.D.N.Y. 1889 ) Subsequent history None Holding Tomatoes are `` vegetables '' and not `` fruit '' within the meaning of the Tariff Act of 1883 based on the common meaning of those words . Court membership Chief Justice Melville Fuller Associate Justices Stephen J. Field John M. Harlan Horace Gray Samuel Blatchford David J. Brewer Henry B. Brown George Shiras Jr . Howell E. Jackson Case opinions Majority Gray , joined by unanimous Laws applied Tariff Act of 1883 ( Mongrel Tariff ) Nix v. Hedden , 149 U.S. 304 ( 1893 ) , was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that , under U.S. customs regulations , the tomato should be classified as a vegetable rather than a fruit . The Court 's unanimous opinion held that the Tariff Act of 1883 used the ordinary meaning of the words `` fruit '' and `` vegetable , '' instead of the technical botanical meaning . Contents 1 Background of the case 2 The Court 's decision 3 Subsequent jurisprudence 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External links Background of the case ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) John Nix founded the John Nix & Co. fruit commission in New York City in 1839 . The company became one of the largest sellers of produce in New York City at the time , and was one of the first companies to ship produce from Virginia , Florida , and Bermuda to New York . In 1883 , President Chester A. Arthur signed the Tariff Act of March 3 , 1883 , requiring a tax to be paid on imported vegetables , but not fruit . The John Nix & Co. company filed a suit against Edward L. Hedden , Collector of the Port of New York , to recover back duties paid under protest . They argued against the tariff by pointing out that , botanically , a tomato is a fruit due to its seed - bearing structure growing from the flowering part of a plant . At the trial , the plaintiffs ' counsel entered into evidence definitions of the words `` fruit '' and `` vegetables '' from Webster 's Dictionary , Worcester 's Dictionary , and the Imperial Dictionary . They called two witnesses , who had been in the business of selling fruit and vegetables for 30 years , and asked them , after hearing these definitions , to say whether these words had `` any special meaning in trade or commerce , different from those read . '' During testimony , one witness testified that in regard to the dictionary definition : ( the dictionary ) does not classify all things there , but they are correct as far as they go . It does not take all kinds of fruit or vegetables ; it takes a portion of them . I think the words ' fruit ' and ' vegetable ' have the same meaning in trade today that they had on March 1 , 1883 . I understand that the term ' fruit ' is applied in trade only to such plants or parts of plants as contain the seeds . There are more vegetables than those in the enumeration given in Webster 's Dictionary under the term ' vegetable , ' as ' cabbage , cauliflower , turnips , potatoes , peas , beans , and the like , ' probably covered by the words ' and the like ' Another witness testified that `` I do n't think the term ' fruit ' or the term ' vegetables ' had , in March 1883 , and prior thereto , any special meaning in trade and commerce in this country different from that which I have read here from the dictionaries . '' Both the plaintiffs ' counsel and the defendant 's counsel made use of the dictionaries . The plaintiffs ' counsel read in evidence from the same dictionaries the definitions of the word tomato , while the defendant 's counsel then read in evidence from Webster 's Dictionary the definitions of the words pea , eggplant , cucumber , squash , and pepper . Countering this , the plaintiff then read in evidence from Webster 's and Worcester 's dictionaries the definitions of potato , turnip , parsnip , cauliflower , cabbage , carrot and bean . The Court 's decision ( edit ) Botanically , a tomato is a fruit . However , in common parlance it is seen as a vegetable ; hence the United States Supreme Court ruled that a tomato is a vegetable for the purposes of the customs regulations . The court unanimously decided in favor of the respondent and found that the tomato should be classified under the customs regulations as a vegetable , based on the ways in which it is used , and the popular perception to this end . Justice Horace Gray , writing the opinion for the Court , stated that : The passages cited from the dictionaries define the word ' fruit ' as the seed of plants , or that part of plants which contains the seed , and especially the juicy , pulpy products of certain plants , covering and containing the seed . These definitions have no tendency to show that tomatoes are ' fruit , ' as distinguished from ' vegetables , ' in common speech , or within the meaning of the tariff act . Justice Gray , citing several Supreme Court cases ( Brown v. Piper , 91 U.S. 37 , 42 , and Jones v. U.S. , 137 U.S. 202 , 216 ) stated that when words have acquired no special meaning in trade or commerce , the ordinary meaning must be used by the court . In this case dictionaries can not be admitted as evidence , but only as aids to the memory and understanding of the court . Gray acknowledged that botanically , tomatoes are classified as a `` fruit of the vine '' ; nevertheless , they are seen as vegetables because they were usually eaten as a main course instead of being eaten as a dessert . In making his decision , Justice Gray mentioned another case where it had been claimed that beans were seeds -- Justice Bradley , in Robertson v. Salomon , 130 U.S. 412 , 414 , similarly found that though a bean is botanically a seed , in common parlance a bean is seen as a vegetable . While on the subject , Gray clarified the status of the cucumber , squash , pea , and bean . Subsequent jurisprudence ( edit ) Nix has been cited in three Supreme Court decisions as a precedent for court interpretation of common meanings , especially dictionary definitions . ( Sonn v. Maggone , 159 U.S. 417 ( 1895 ) ; Saltonstall v. Wiebusch & Hilger , 156 U.S. 601 ( 1895 ) ; and Cadwalader v. Zeh , 151 U.S. 171 ( 1894 ) ) . Additionally , in JSG Trading Corp. v. Tray - Wrap , Inc. , 917 F. 2d 75 ( 2d Cir. 1990 ) , a case unrelated to Nix aside from the shared focus on tomatoes , a judge wrote the following paragraph citing the case : In common parlance tomatoes are vegetables , as the Supreme Court observed long ago ( see Nix v. Hedden 149 U.S. 304 , 307 , 13 S. Ct. 881 , 882 , 37 L. Ed . 745 ( 1893 ) ) , although botanically speaking they are actually a fruit . ( 26 Encyclopedia Americana 832 ( Int'l . ed. 1981 ) ) . Regardless of classification , people have been enjoying tomatoes for centuries ; even Mr. Pickwick , as Dickens relates , ate his chops in `` tomata '' sauce . In 2005 , supporters in the New Jersey legislature cited Nix as a basis for a bill designating the tomato as the official state vegetable . See also ( edit ) Carrot -- defined to be a fruit in European Union law , for the purpose of jam classification ; Annex III ( A ) ( 1 ) , Council Directive 2001 / 113 / EC of 20 December 2001 relating to fruit jams , jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée intended for human consumption Ketchup as a vegetable Jaffa Cakes , the subject of a 1991 UK tribunal which decided that they were cakes , rather than biscuits ( cookies ) , which would attract value - added tax . Toy Biz v. United States -- decided that action figures of certain superheroes are legally toys , not dolls List of United States Supreme Court cases , volume 149 Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` FindLaw 's United States Supreme Court case and opinions '' . Findlaw . Jump up ^ `` Virginia Truck Farms : How They Supply Food For The Great Cities '' . Fruit Trade Journal and Produce Record . 56 : 14 . January 20 , 1917 . Retrieved 4 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Garden Tomato - Solanum lycopersicum - Overview - Encyclopedia of Life '' . Encyclopedia of Life . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 30 . Jump up ^ 149 U.S. at 305 . Jump up ^ `` Are Tomatoes Fruits or Vegetables ? '' . 2010 - 06 - 09 . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 30 . Jump up ^ State of New Jersey , 212th Legislature , No . A1210 References ( edit ) Works related to Nix v. Hedden at Wikisource External links ( edit ) Rocknel Fastener , Inc. v. United States -- 34 page PDF covering a similar case hinging on the difference between screws and bolts . The difference is outlined in a 21 - page PDF Distinguishing Bolts From Screws . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : United States Supreme Court cases Tomatoes United States statutory interpretation case law Collectors of the Port of New York 1893 in United States case law United States Supreme Court cases of the Fuller Court Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Articles with short description Articles needing additional references from May 2014 All articles needing additional references All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from December 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Dansk Français Հայերեն עברית Latviešu Русский Svenska 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 July 2018 , at 17 : 46 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
is tomato a fruit or vegetable us supreme court
Nix v. Hedden , 149 U.S. 304 ( 1893 ) , was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that , under U.S. customs regulations , the tomato should be classified as a vegetable rather than a fruit . The Court 's unanimous opinion held that the Tariff Act of 1883 used the ordinary meaning of the words `` fruit '' and `` vegetable , '' instead of the technical botanical meaning .
John Winchester ( Supernatural ) - wikipedia John Winchester ( Supernatural ) Jump to : navigation , search John Winchester Supernatural character Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester First appearance `` Pilot '' Last appearance `` Dark Side Of The Moon '' Created by Eric Kripke Portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan Matt Cohen ( young ) Nels Guloien ( child ) Information Species Human Gender Male Occupation Hunter Former mechanic Former Marine Family Henry Winchester ( father , deceased ) Millie Winchester ( mother , unknown ) Spouse ( s ) Mary Campbell ( wife ) Children Dean Winchester ( son ) Sam Winchester ( son ) Adam Milligan ( son ) Nationality United States John Eric Winchester is a fictional character on The CW 's series Supernatural , and the protagonist of the comic book spin - off series Supernatural : Origins . Developed by series creator Eric Kripke , the character is mainly portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan . John is the father of Sam and Dean Winchester , the show 's protagonists . Seeking revenge after his wife Mary was killed by the demon Azazel , John Winchester became a hunter and raised his two sons to fight the supernatural . John disappears early in Supernatural , and the first season revolves primarily around Sam and Dean trying to find him . Morgan was also filming episodes of Grey 's Anatomy while the first season of Supernatural was under production , and future appearances of the character were hindered by his busy schedule . While Morgan 's portrayal has been praised , fans and critics were generally frustrated at the character for keeping so many secrets . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Characterization 3 Development 4 Reception 5 References 5.1 Bibliography 5.2 Footnotes Plot ( edit ) The father of series protagonists Sam and Dean Winchester , John Winchester first appears in the pilot episode of the series , but plot devices such as flashbacks and time travel detail his background in later seasons . Apparently abandoned by his father at a young age -- his father actually died while serving a secret order known as the Men of Letters -- John Winchester grew up hating the man . John left high school to join the Marine Corps , eventually attaining the rank of corporal and receiving many medals for his service in Vietnam . After leaving the service , he found a job as a mechanic , and fell in love with Mary Campbell . In the fourth season episode `` In the Beginning , '' Dean is sent back through time by the angel Castiel . Dean meets his parents ' former selves , and ends up convincing John to buy the 67 Chevy Impala that he eventually inherits . Dean later watches John being killed by Azazel , though the demon then resurrects him in exchange for Mary 's permission to enter her house in ten years . When the angel Anna Milton travels back in time in the fifth season episode `` The Song Remains the Same '' to prevent the births of Sam and Dean , John agrees to serve as a temporary vessel for the archangel Michael to stop her . Michael subsequently kills Anna and erases John and Mary 's memories of the incident . Azazel later uses his pact with Mary to enter their home in the pilot episode , and ultimately kills her . The second season episode `` All Hell Breaks Loose , Part One '' reveals that she had witnessed the demon secretly feeding his blood to Sam . John investigated the incident and learned of the existence of the supernatural . His desire to find and kill Azazel led him to become a hunter of supernatural creatures . He took his sons with him during his travels , but often left them alone in motels for long periods of time during his hunts , leaving Dean with instructions to `` shoot first and ask questions later '' while watching over Sam . As revealed in the fourth season episode `` Jump the Shark , '' John slept with a woman he met while away on a hunt . Learning over a decade later that he had fathered her son Adam , John made occasional visits over the years to partake in father - son activities with him . He hid the truth from Adam to protect him , and never revealed to him the existence of Sam and Dean , nor vice versa . Meanwhile , John trained Sam and Dean to become hunters . However , Sam later left this life to start anew in college , leading to a fallout between John and his son . Twenty - two years after Mary 's death , John disappears while on a hunt , forcing Sam and Dean to reunite in an unsuccessful attempt to find him . Sam returns to the life of a hunter after Azazel kills his girlfriend . John reluctantly chooses to avoid his sons throughout most of the season while he investigates something , eventually reuniting with them in the episode `` Shadow . '' However , the demonic Meg Masters attacks them and reveals that Azazel is after John . After escaping from Meg , the brothers split up from their father to keep him from the demons . When vampires murder his old mentor and steal the Colt -- a mystical gun capable of killing anything -- John teams up with Sam and Dean in `` Dead Man 's Blood '' to retrieve it . Because demons can not be killed by conventional means , they hope that the Colt will be effective against Azazel . In response , Meg begins killing the Winchesters ' friends in `` Salvation , '' and threatens to kill more unless they deliver the Colt . John is captured after trying to give her a fake gun , and reveals himself to be possessed by Azazel when the brothers come to his rescue in the first season finale `` Devil 's Trap . '' However , he manages to resist the demon 's control . Despite John 's pleas for Sam to shoot him with the Colt , Sam can not bring himself to do so and allows Azazel to escape . As the Winchesters flee in Dean 's Impala , a demonically - possessed trucker crashes into them . In the second season premiere , `` In My Time of Dying , '' Sam and John awake in the hospital with only minor injuries , but a dying Dean is comatose . John secretly summons Azazel , and seems to know what the demon 's plans are . He then makes a deal to save Dean , giving up his life , soul , and the Colt . Before dying , John instructs Dean to kill Sam should he become evil . The fourth season episode `` On the Head of a Pin '' reveals that the demon Alastair tortured John in Hell for over a century , with John refusing the demon 's offer to stop if he himself would torture someone else . His soul escapes from Hell in the second season finale `` All Hell Breaks Loose , Part 2 '' when a gateway to Hell is opened . He saves Dean from Azazel , and distracts the demon by temporarily forcing him out of his host , long enough for Dean to kill Azazel with the Colt when he returns to his usual body . John then gives Sam and Dean a loving smile before becoming engulfed in a white light . However , the fifth season episode `` Dark Side of the Moon '' suggests that he might not be in Heaven . Characterization ( edit ) Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan deemed John a `` tormented soul , '' motivated by an `` equal combination of revenge and protecting his sons . '' Following the death of their mother , Sam and Dean became secondary to John 's quest of killing the demon responsible , although Morgan believed that this aspect changed once John began spending more time with them again . Though he thought that John was not the world 's best dad and `` definitely made a lot of mistakes , '' the actor noted that `` he did things , even when they were wrong , for the good of his sons . '' John Kubicek of BuddyTV felt that this reasoning extended to John 's decision to hide the truth from Adam to protect him . Kubicek also suggested that John became involved in Adam 's life to achieve `` some level of normalcy '' as a father , an opportunity he had previously lost following the death of Sam and Dean 's mother . Overall , Morgan felt that John `` loved those kids more than he loved his own life , '' with the character 's demonic pact with Azazel serving as `` his way of finding redemption . '' Regarding his portrayal of the character , Morgan commented , `` I played him with extra angst . I think what was on the page , what I foresaw -- not knowing where it was going , because no one would ever tell me anything -- there was always a lot more going on in his head than he was going to show anybody , including his sons . Because , indeed , there was a lot more going on . '' Kripke later confirmed this , stating , `` It 's our view that John knew everything the producers of the show know . John knew stuff we 're not even ready to reveal , that wo n't come out for a couple of seasons . He was an awesome hunter , and by the time he showed up in ' Dead Man 's Blood ' , he knew it all . '' Development ( edit ) In writing the pilot episode , series creator Eric Kripke made several dramatic revisions to John 's storyline . The first draft of the script had Sam and Dean being raised by their aunt and uncle , though this was changed when Kripke realized that the backstory became much less complicated by having John raise them on the road . Another revision had John dying at the end of the episode instead of Sam 's girlfriend Jessica . Though he survives in the final version of the pilot , the writers decided halfway through production of the first season that John did have to die , as they believed his separation from his sons `` split the show '' by having him away `` doing more interesting things than the boys are doing . '' Kripke also felt that John kept Sam and Dean away from the `` front lines '' , his death being required to allow the brothers to `` explore , investigate and confront the yellow - eyed demon directly . '' The writers initially intended for John to die in the car accident in `` Devil 's Trap , '' but they ultimately postponed his death to prevent the finale from becoming too dark . Following the character 's eventual escape from Hell , executive producer Ben Edlund stated that even the writers are unsure of where John 's soul ended up . Evil Dead - actor Bruce Campbell was Kripke 's first choice to portray the character . However , Campbell was unavailable , and Jeffrey Dean Morgan eventually received the role . Due to the fact that Morgan 's scene in the pilot episode takes place 22 years before the series , Morgan expected to be replaced by an older actor for subsequent episodes . Being only 12 years older than Jensen Ackles , who portrays the eldest son Dean , Morgan was surprised when he was asked to reprise the role . Ackles and Jared Padalecki often teased him about the age difference during filming . Throughout the season , Morgan became frustrated at times due to his character 's avoidance of his sons , stating , `` It pissed off everybody , it pissed off us as actors , it pissed off the audience watching , because none of us really knew where we were gon na go . '' However , he reasoned that John 's motivation for his actions was due to having knowledge that nobody else had . During production of Supernatural 's first season , Morgan was also working on the shows Weeds and Grey 's Anatomy , so he was often traveling back and forth between Los Angeles and Vancouver , British Columbia . This interfered at times with Morgan 's acting , as he had trouble getting `` Winchester - y enough '' after portraying the nice character of Denny Duquette on Grey 's Anatomy . Morgan commented , `` I was stuck in Denny - land , where I was being too nice . Winchester 's harder to find . Denny 's more me . He 's an intense guy , John is . And Denny , for a guy who 's having trouble living , he 's just a charming dude . '' Morgan was at first reluctant to return for Supernatural 's second season due to his role on Grey 's Anatomy . Although he lent his voice for the third season episode `` Long - Distance Call , '' future appearances of Morgan as the character after the second season have been hindered due to the actor 's busy schedule . Nevertheless , both Kripke and writer Sera Gamble have stated that they `` would love to have him back . '' The scheduling conflict has continued into the sixth season of Supernatural , with executive producer Robert Singer revealing that the writers had considered bringing the character back in the alternate reality episode `` My Heart Will Go On '' instead of Ellen Harvelle , but due to concerns that they would not be able to secure Morgan 's return , they ultimately chose Ellen for the deceased character they would have ( temporarily ) return in the episode . During the production of the fifth season , Morgan had an interview with MovieWeb in which he stated that no one from the show had contacted him about making another appearance , and expressed the desire to return for at least one more episode in what was then - believed to be the show 's final season , as he had enjoying working with on - screen sons Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki and he felt that John 's storyline had ended too soon . Reception ( edit ) While critics praised Morgan for his performance in the role , their reaction to the character has generally been mixed . Don Williams of BuddyTV felt that John is a `` rather divisive character '' , with some fans not understanding John 's motivation for keeping his sons in the dark . However , Williams himself found the character to be `` completely fascinating '' . He chose `` In My Time of Dying '' as the second best episode of the series , mainly because of John 's contributions , stating , `` Even if you 're not a huge fan of Poppa Winchester , I think it 's impossible not to be moved by the final ten minutes of this episode ... John 's final speech to Dean , where he finally tells his son that he 's proud of him , is one hell of a tear - jerker , and both Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Jensen Ackles knock that scene out of the park . '' Williams praised Matt Cohen 's performance of a younger version of the character in the time - travel episode `` In the Beginning '' , believing that he `` did an excellent job at portraying a more innocent John Winchester than we 've ever seen before '' . Diana Steenbergen of IGN also criticized John for his lack of explanation , feeling that `` it is not exactly easy to watch John treat Dean and Sam so dismissively , especially after they have been nearly killing themselves all season to find him '' . However , Steenbergen praised Morgan for his acting , writing , `` Even though he is used sparingly throughout the series , Jeffrey Dean Morgan is always effective as John . '' She also felt that he brought `` emotional weight '' to the character , allowing the audience to `` feel John 's weariness , and his resignation that things will most likely not go well '' . While Brian Tallerico of UGO enjoyed Morgan 's performance , he was happy that the character was killed off because John 's presence made Sam and Dean into `` followers '' that were `` merely existing in the wake of their father '' . With their father gone , the brothers are no longer prevented from `` heading up the battle with the other side '' . References ( edit ) Bibliography ( edit ) Nicholas Knight ( 2007 ) . Supernatural : The Official Companion Season 1 . Titan Books . ISBN 1 - 84576 - 535 - 4 . Footnotes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Eric Kripke Answers Fan Questions at Comic - Con '' . The CW Source . August 19 , 2008 . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Sean Elliott ( January 25 , 2007 ) . `` Exclusive Interview : Supernatural 's Eric Kripke & Robert Singer Return Dad to the Show & a Prequel Comic '' . IFMagazine . Archived from the original on February 17 , 2009 . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Writer : Adam Glass , Director : Serge Ladouceur ( January 30 , 2013 ) . `` As Time Goes By '' . Supernatural . Season 8 . Episode 12 . CW . Jump up ^ Caims , Bryan ( February 2008 ) . `` In the Name of the Father '' . Supernatural Magazine ( 2 ) . Titan Magazines . p. 28 . Jump up ^ Writer : Jeremy Carver , Director : Steve Boyum ( October 2 , 2008 ) . `` In the Beginning '' . Supernatural . Season 4 . Episode 3 . CW . Jump up ^ Writer : Sera Gamble & Nancy Weiner , Director : Steve Boyum ( February 4 , 2010 ) . `` The Song Remains the Same '' . Supernatural . Season 5 . Episode 13 . CW . ^ Jump up to : Writer : Eric Kripke , Director : David Nutter ( September 13 , 2005 ) . `` Pilot '' . Supernatural . Season 1 . Episode 1 . WB . Jump up ^ Writers : Sera Gamble , Director : Robert Singer ( May 10 , 2007 ) . `` All Hell Breaks Loose , Part 2 '' . Supernatural . Season 2 . Episode 21 . CW . ^ Jump up to : Writer : Jeremy Carver , Director : J. Miller Tobin ( December 13 , 2007 ) . `` A Very Supernatural Christmas '' . Supernatural . Season 3 . Episode 8 . CW . Jump up ^ Writers : Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin , Director : Adam Kane ( January 29 , 2009 ) . `` After School Special '' . Supernatural . Season 4 . Episode 13 . CW . Jump up ^ Writers : Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin , Director : Phil Sgriccia ( April 23 , 2009 ) . `` Jump the Shark '' . Supernatural . Season 4 . Episode 19 . CW . Jump up ^ Writer : Eric Kripke , Director : Ken Girotti ( November 15 , 2005 ) . `` Home '' . Supernatural . Season 1 . Episode 9 . WB . Jump up ^ Writer : Eric Kripke , Director : Kim Manners ( February 28 , 2006 ) . `` Shadow '' . Supernatural . Season 1 . Episode 16 . WB . Jump up ^ Writers : Cathryn Humphris & John Shiban , Director : Tony Wharmby ( April 20 , 2006 ) . `` Dead Man 's Blood '' . Supernatural . Season 1 . Episode 20 . WB . Jump up ^ Writers : Sera Gamble & Raelle Tucker , Director : Robert Singer ( April 27 , 2006 ) . `` Salvation '' . Supernatural . Season 1 . Episode 21 . WB . Jump up ^ Writer : Eric Kripke , Director : Kim Manners ( May 4 , 2006 ) . `` Devil 's Trap '' . Supernatural . Season 1 . Episode 22 . WB . Jump up ^ Writer : Eric Kripke , Director : Kim Manners ( September 28 , 2006 ) . `` In My Time of Dying '' . Supernatural . Season 2 . Episode 1 . CW . Jump up ^ Writer : Raelle Tucker , Director : Rachel Talalay ( January 11 , 2007 ) . `` Hunted '' . Supernatural . Season 2 . Episode 10 . CW . ^ Jump up to : Writers : Eric Kripke & Michael T. Moore , Director : Kim Manners ( May 17 , 2007 ) . `` All Hell Breaks Loose , Part 2 '' . Supernatural . Season 2 . Episode 22 . CW . Jump up ^ Writer : Ben Edlund , Director : Mike Rohl ( March 19 , 2009 ) . `` On the Head of a Pin '' . Supernatural . Season 4 . Episode 16 . CW . Jump up ^ Writers : Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin , Director : Jeff Woolnough ( April 1 , 2010 ) . `` Dark Side of the Moon '' . Supernatural . Season 5 . Episode 16 . CW . ^ Jump up to : Knight , p. 134 ^ Jump up to : Knight , p. 136 Jump up ^ John Kubicek ( April 24 , 2009 ) . `` Supernatural : Papa Winchester Was a Rolling Stone '' . BuddyTV . Retrieved August 16 , 2012 . Jump up ^ # Nicholas Knight ( 2008 ) . Supernatural : The Official Companion Season 2 . Titan Books . p. 143 . ISBN 1 - 84576 - 657 - 1 . Jump up ^ Knight , p. 14 Jump up ^ Knight , pp. 9 - 10 Jump up ^ Knight , p. 123 Jump up ^ Neil Wilkes ( February 15 , 2007 ) . `` ' Supernatural ' writer John Shiban '' . Digital Spy . Archived from the original on September 3 , 2010 . Retrieved September 22 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Knight , p. 124 Jump up ^ Jennifer Godwin ( July 26 , 2009 ) . `` Supernatural 's Deviled Execs Spill ( Many ) Season Five Secrets '' . E ! Online . Retrieved December 29 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Lloyd , Kate ( December 2007 ) . `` Lore & Order '' . Supernatural Magazine ( 1 ) . Titan Magazines . p. 19 . ^ Jump up to : Kate O'Hare ( July 12 , 2008 ) . `` Actor Morgan Juggles ' Grey 's , ' ' Supernatural ' and ' Weeds ' '' . Zap2it . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Caims , Bryan ( February 2008 ) . `` In the Name of the Father '' . Supernatural Magazine ( 2 ) . Titan Magazines . p. 26 Jump up ^ William Keck ( April 20 , 2006 ) . `` Jeffrey Dean Morgan awaits his fate '' . USA Today . Retrieved September 22 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Neil Wilkes ( June 30 , 2008 ) . `` ' Supernatural ' writer talks season four '' . Digital Spy . Archived from the original on August 23 , 2010 . Retrieved December 29 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Michael Ausiello ( August 19 , 2009 ) . `` Ask Ausiello : Spoilers on ' Grey 's , ' ' House , ' ' NCIS , ' ' Bones , ' ' Gossip Girl , ' ' Supernatural , ' and more ! '' . . Archived from the original on August 26 , 2009 . Retrieved September 22 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` ' Supernatural ' : How John Winchester almost returned in tonight 's episode '' . Entertainment Weekly 's . Jump up ^ `` Exclusive : Jeffrey Dean Morgan Wants to Return to Supernatural This Season ! '' . MovieWeb . September 14 , 2009 . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Don Williams ( September 11 , 2008 ) . `` Top 10 ' Supernatural ' Episodes of All Time : # 2 `` In My Time of Dying '' `` . BuddyTV . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Don Williams ( October 3 , 2008 ) . `` Supernatural : Meet Mary Winchester , Demon Hunter '' . BuddyTV . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Diana Steenbergen ( September 3 , 2008 ) . `` Supernatural Flashback : `` Dead Man 's Blood '' Review `` . IGN . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Diana Steenbergen ( March 20 , 2008 ) . `` Supernatural : `` Pilot '' Review `` . IGN . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Diana Steenbergen ( September 10 , 2008 ) . `` Supernatural Flashback : `` Salvation '' Review `` . IGN . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Brian Tallerico . `` Supernatural Episode 2.1 : `` In My Time of Dying '' Review `` . UGO . Archived from the original on June 16 , 2011 . Retrieved December 18 , 2009 . ( hide ) Supernatural Episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' `` Devil 's Trap '' Season 2 `` What Is and What Should Never Be '' `` All Hell Breaks Loose '' Season 3 `` Fresh Blood '' `` A Very Supernatural Christmas '' `` Dream a Little Dream of Me '' `` No Rest for the Wicked '' Season 4 `` Lazarus Rising '' Season 5 `` Sympathy for the Devil '' `` Good God , Y'All ! '' `` Swan Song '' Season 6 `` Exile on Main St . '' Season 7 `` Meet the New Boss '' `` Hello , Cruel World '' Season 8 `` Sacrifice '' Season 9 Season 10 `` Black '' `` Reichenbach '' `` Soul Survivor '' `` Brother 's Keeper '' Season 11 `` Out of the Darkness , Into the Fire '' `` Form and Void '' `` The Bad Seed '' `` Baby '' `` Thin Lizzie '' `` Our Little World '' `` O Brother Where Art Thou ? '' `` The Devil in the Details '' `` Beyond the Mat '' `` Safe House '' `` Hell 's Angel '' `` Do n't Call Me Shurley '' `` All in the Family '' `` We Happy Few '' `` Alpha and Omega '' Season 12 `` Keep Calm and Carry On '' `` Mamma Mia '' `` The Foundry '' `` American Nightmare '' `` The One You 've Been Waiting For '' `` Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox '' `` Rock Never Dies '' `` LOTUS '' `` First Blood '' `` Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets '' Season 13 Characters Main Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Ruby Bela Talbot Castiel Crowley Lucifer Supporting John Winchester Mary Winchester Bobby Singer Jo Harvelle Ellen Harvelle Anna Milton Jody Mills Antagonists Azazel Meg Masters Lilith Uriel Alastair Zachariah Rowena Other Awards and nominations Supernatural Wiki Supernatural : Bloodlines `` Carry On Wayward Son '' Wikipedia books : Supernatural Seasons Season 1 Season 2 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Supernatural ( U.S. TV series ) characters Fictional demon hunters Fictional characters who have made pacts with devils Fictional exorcists Fictional characters from Kansas Fictional United States Marine Corps personnel Fictional Vietnam War veterans Fictional characters introduced in 2005 Fictional vigilantes Fictional con artists Fictional mechanics Hidden categories : Articles with inconsistent citation formats Pages using deprecated image syntax Pages using infobox character with unknown parameters Good articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Català Čeština Español فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Magyar Português Slovenčina Türkçe Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 12 December 2017 , at 04 : 05 . 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who plays dean and sam dad in supernatural
John Eric Winchester is a fictional character on The CW 's series Supernatural , and the protagonist of the comic book spin - off series Supernatural : Origins . Developed by series creator Eric Kripke , the character is mainly portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan . John is the father of Sam and Dean Winchester , the show 's protagonists .
Kotri Junction railway station - Wikipedia Kotri Junction railway station Jump to : navigation , search Kotri Junction Station کوٹری جوڑ اسٹیشن ‬ Location Kotri Station Road Kotri , Sindh 76000 Pakistan Coordinates 25 ° 22 ′ 00 '' N 68 ° 17 ′ 51 '' E  /  25.3668 ° N 68.2976 ° E  / 25.3668 ; 68.2976 Coordinates : 25 ° 22 ′ 00 '' N 68 ° 17 ′ 51 '' E  /  25.3668 ° N 68.2976 ° E  / 25.3668 ; 68.2976 Owned by Ministry of Railways Line ( s ) Karachi -- Peshawar Railway Line Kotri -- Attock Railway Line Other information Station code KOT Services Preceding station Kotri Junction railway station Following station Bholari Line Karachi - Peshawar Line Hyderabad Jn . Terminus Line Kotri - Attock Line Jamshoro Kotri Junction railway station ( Urdu : کوٹری جوڑ ریلوے اسٹیشن ‬ ‎ , Sindhi : کوٹری جنکشن ریلوے اسٹیشن ‎ ) is located in Kotri city , Jamshoro district of Sindh province , Pakistan . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Services 3 See also 4 References 5 External links History ( edit ) Kotri Junction station is among the oldest railway stations in Pakistan . It served as the northern terminus point of the Scinde Railway , which was established in March 1855 . A railway line was to be constructed between Karachi and Kotri and work on the Karachi terminus commenced in April 1858 . By 13 May 1861 , the station opened to the public . This was the first railway line for public traffic between Karachi and Kotri , a distance of 108 miles ( 174 km ) . Services ( edit ) The following trains stop at Kotri Junction station : Preceding station Pakistan Railways Following station Drigh Road toward Karachi Cantonment Allama Iqbal Express Hyderabad Junction toward Sialkot Junction Braudabad toward Karachi City Bolan Mail Sind University toward Quetta Landhi Junction toward Karachi Cantonment Khyber Mail Hyderabad Junction toward Peshawar Cantonment See also ( edit ) List of railway stations in Pakistan Pakistan Railways References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Official Web Site of Pakistan Railways Jump up ^ Grace 's Guide `` Scinde Railway '' Retrieved on 2 January 2016 Jump up ^ H.M. Government `` Statute Law Repeals : Nineteenth Report : Draft Statute Law ( Repeals ) Bill ; April 2012 '' ; pages 134 - 135 , paragraphs 3.78 - 3.83 Retrieved on 2 January 2016 Jump up ^ `` Money Market and City Intelligence '' , `` The Times '' , Wednesday , 15 June 1859 , # 23333 , 7a . External links ( edit ) Official Web Site of Pakistan Railways Karachi -- Peshawar Railway Line Kiamari Karachi City Karachi Cantonment Departure Yard Drigh Road Drigh Colony Malir Landhi Junction Jummah Goth Bin Qasim Dabheji Ran Pethani Jungshahi Braudabad Jhimpir Meting Bholari Kotri Junction Hyderabad Junction Detha Allahdino Sand Palijani Wahab Shah Oderolal Tando Adam Junction Jalal Marri Shahdadpur Lundo Sarhari Nawabshah Bucheri Daur Bandhi Kot Lalloo Pad Idan Junction Bhiria Road Lakha Road Mahrabpur Junction Setharja Ranipur Riyasat Gambat Pir Katpar Tando Mustikhan Khairpur Begmanji Rohri Junction Mando Dairo Sangi Pano Akil Mahesar Ghotki Sarhad Mirpur Mathelo Daharki Reti Walhar Machi Goth Sadiqabad Adamshaba Rahim Yar Khan Tarinda Kotsamaba Sahja Khanpur Junction Jhetha Bhutta Firoza Liaquatpur Dera Nawab Sahib Mubarakpur Kalanchwala Samasata Junction Bahawalpur Lodhran Junction Shah Nal Gilawala Zarif Shaheed Shujabad Chak Sher Shah Junction Muzaffarabad Multan Cantonment Multan City Piran Ghaib Tatipur Riazabad Kot Abbas Shaheed Khanewal Junction Dera Taj Rajput Nagar Waris Ali Shaheed Kacha Khuh Mohsinwal Mian Channun Kassowal Chichawatni Harappa Sahiwal Yusafwala Okara Cantonment Okara Kissan Renala Khurd Akhtarabad Habibabad Sehjowal Pattoki Wan Adhan Changa Manga Bhoe Asal Kot Radha Kishn Prem Nagar Raiwind Junction Jia Bagga Kana Kacha Kot Lakhpat Walton Lahore Cantonment Lahore Junction Badami Bagh Shahdara Bagh Junction Kala Shah Kaku Muridke Sadhoke Kamoke Eminabad Gujranwala City Gujranwala Gujranwala Cantonment Ghakkhar Mandi Dhaunkal Wazirabad Junction Haripur Band Gujrat Deona Juliani Lala Musa Junction Chak Pirana Kharian Cantonment Kharian Choa Kariala Sarai Alamgir Jhelum Kala Kaluwal Dina Ratial Bakrala Tarki Sohawa Missa Keswal Gujar Khan Ghungrila Mandra Junction Kaliamawan Sihala Chaklala Rawalpindi Nur Golra Sharif Junction Sangjani Taxila Cantonment Junction Wah Cantonment Budho Wah Hasan Abdal Burhan Faqirabad Sanjwal Attock City Junction Rumian Attock Khurd Khairabad Kund Jhangira Road Akora Khattak Hayat Sher Pao Shahid Nowshera Junction Khushhal Pir Piai Pabbi Taru Jabba Nasarpur Peshawar City Peshawar Cantonment Kotri -- Attock Railway Line Kotri Junction Jamshoro Sindh University Petaro Unarpur Budhapur Manjhand Sann Amri Laki Shah Saddar Channa Halt Sehwan Sharif Bubak Road Bhan Khudabad Dadu Piaro Goth Rehmani Nagar Balishah Shah Panjo Halt Radhan Sihar Badah Mohenjodaro Bakhsh Jatoi Bakrani Road Mashori Sharif Larkana Junction Brohi Shah Nawaz Bhutto Mahiota Ruk Habib Kot Junction Shikarpur Sultankot Abad Jacobabad Junction Dilmurad Haibat Shahid Kandkot Bakhshapur Kashmore Mithan Kot Rajanpur Badli Mazari Fazilpur Dhandi Muhammad Pur Diwan Azmatwala Jampur Paigah Dera Ghazi Khan Yaru Khosa Basti Laghar Shadan Lund Kot Adu Junction Dera Dinpanah Ashanpur Kot Sultan Jaman Shah Layyah Rajan Shah Karor Lal Ehsan Notak Sultan Karori Halt Bhakkar Kotla Jam Darya Khan Panj Girain Shah Alam Maibal Kallur Kot Piplan Alluwali Khanqah Sirajia Kundian Junction Mianwali Pai Khel Daud Khel Junction Massan Sohan Bridge Makhad Road Injra Khattakabad Chhab Jhamat Uchhri Jand Junction Langar Chura Sharif Halt Nammal Domel Basal Junction Sulaimanabad Jhalar Kanjur Attock City Junction Hyderabad -- Khokhrapar Branch Line Kotri Junction Hyderabad Junction Tando Jam Tajpur Nasarpur Road Rashidabad Halt Tando Allahyar Sultanabad Mirpur Khas Jamrao Junction Balochabad Abdullahabad Halt Shadipalli Saindad Pithoro Junction Faqir Turko Mangrio Dhoro Naro Sadhar Halt Hasisar Sumrasar Halt Chor New Chhor Khokhrapar Zero Point Hyderabad -- Badin Branch Line Kotri Junction Hyderabad Junction Zeal Pak Kathar Norai Sharif Tando Muhammad Matli Palh Talhar Badin Railway stations in Pakistan Railway stations by province Balochistan Aab - e-gum Ahmedwal Alam Reg Alozai Azad Badinzai Bakhtiarabad Domki Beleli Bostan Junction Chaman Churmian Dalbandin Damboli Dera Allah Yar Dera Murad Jamali Dingra Dozan Galangur Gat Gulistan Hirok Kan Mehtarzai Khanai Khan Muhammad Chah Kila Saifullah Kishingi Koh - e-Taftan Kolpur Kuchlak Mach Mangoli Mirjaveh Mushkaf Muslimbagh Nok Kundi Nushki Nuttall Padag Road Perak Pehro Kunri Panir Peshi Qilla Abdullah Quetta Sar - i - Ab Sheikh Mandah Sheikh Wasil Sibi Junction Spezand Junction Shela Bagh Tozghi Wali Khan Yakmach Yaru Zhob Tribal Areas Jamrud Bagiarari Medanak Chaghi Shahgai Kata Kushta Zintara Sultan Khel Landi Kotal Torra Tigga Landi Khana Capital Territory Islamabad Golra Sharif Junction Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Akora Khattak Baldher Burhan Charsadda Dargai Daud Khel Junction Faqirabad Gujar Garhi Hathiyan Hayat Sher Pao Shahid Haripur Hazara Havelian Isa Khel Jhangira Road Kalabagh Kalpani Kamar Mashani Khairabad Kund Khushhal Kot Najib Ullah Lakki Marwat Junction Mardan Junction Mari Indus Nasarpur Nowshera Junction Peshawar City Peshawar Cantonment Pir Piai Pabbi Rashkai Risalpur Cantonment Rumian Sakhakot Sanjwal Serai Saleh Takht - I - Bhai Taru Jabba Trag Punjab Attock City Junction Attock Khurd Bahawalpur Chiniot Dandot RS Faisalabad Gujar Khan Gujrat Jallo Jhang Sadar Jhelum Khanewal Junction Khanpur Khewra Lahore Junction Lahore Cantonment Liaquat Pur Moghalpura Junction Mudduki Multan Cantonment Pind Dadan Khan Rahim Yar Khan Rawalpindi Sargodha Junction Sialkot Junction Tariqabad Vehari Wagah Sindh Abad Allahdino Sand Arian Road Badin Bandhi Begmanji Bero Chandia Bhiria Road Bholari Bhurgari Bin Qasim Braudabad Bucheri Chor Dabheji Daharki Daur Departure Yard Detha Drigh Road Garhi Khairo Gambat Ghotki Gosarji Habib Kot Hyderabad Junction Jacobabad Junction Jalal Marri Jamrao Junction Jhimpir Jummah Goth Jungshahi Kambar Karachi Cantonment Karachi City Khairpur Khokhrapar Kiamari Kotri Junction Kot Lalloo Lakha Road Landhi Junction Larkana Junction Lundo Machi Goth Mando Dairo Mahesar Mahrabpur Junction Malir Cantonment Matli Meting Mirpur Mathelo Mirpur Khas Nawabshah Junction Norai Sharif Oderolal Pad Idan Junction Pano Akil Palijani Pir Muhammad Metlo Halt Pir Katpar Pithoro Junction Rashidabad Halt Ran Pethani Ranipur Riyasat Reti Rohri Junction Sarhad Sangi Sarhari Setharja Shahdadpur Shikarpur Silra Shahdadkot Sukkur Sultanabad Sultankot Talhar Tando Allahyar Tando Adam Junction Tando Jam Tando Muhammad Tando Mustikhan Usta Muhammad Wahab Shah Walhar Zero Point This article about a railroad station in Pakistan is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Railway stations in Jamshoro District Railway stations on Hyderabad -- Badin Branch Line Railway stations on Kotri -- Attock Railway Line ( ML 2 ) Railway stations on Karachi -- Peshawar Line ( ML 1 ) Pakistani railway station stubs Hidden categories : Coordinates on Wikidata Articles using Infobox station with markup inside name Pages with no open date in Infobox station Articles containing Urdu - language text Articles containing Sindhi - language text All stub articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia اردو Edit links This page was last edited on 5 February 2018 , at 18 : 46 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
the first railway line between karachi and kotri was constructed in
Kotri Junction station is among the oldest railway stations in Pakistan . It served as the northern terminus point of the Scinde Railway , which was established in March 1855 . A railway line was to be constructed between Karachi and Kotri and work on the Karachi terminus commenced in April 1858 . By 13 May 1861 , the station opened to the public . This was the first railway line for public traffic between Karachi and Kotri , a distance of 108 miles ( 174 km ) .
Jacob Black - wikipedia Jacob Black Jacob Black Twilight character Jacob Black as portrayed by Taylor Lautner in New Moon . First appearance Twilight Last appearance Breaking Dawn Created by Stephenie Meyer Portrayed by Taylor Lautner Information Nickname ( s ) Jake Species Shape Shifter Gender Male Occupation Protector of La Push Title Beta / Alpha 's Second ( New Moon and Eclipse ) , Alpha / Leader ( Breaking Dawn ) Family Billy Black ( father ) , Sarah Black ( mother , deceased ) , Rachael and Rebecca ( older twin sisters ) , Ephraim Black ( great - grandfather , deceased ) , Quil Ateara V ( second cousin ) Significant other ( s ) Renesmee Cullen ( imprinted ) Nationality American Jacob `` Jake '' Black is a character in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer . He is described as an attractive Native American of the Quileute tribe in La Push , near Forks , Washington . In the second book of the series ( New Moon ) , he discovers that he can shapeshift into a wolf . For the majority of the series , Jacob competes with Edward Cullen for Bella Swan 's love . In the films Twilight , New Moon , Eclipse , Breaking Dawn : Part 1 , and Breaking Dawn : Part 2 , Jacob is played by Taylor Lautner . Contents ( hide ) 1 Concept and creation 2 Role in the books 2.1 Twilight Saga 2.2 New Moon 2.3 Eclipse 2.4 Breaking Dawn 3 Characterization 3.1 Physical appearance 3.2 Personality and abilities 4 Film portrayal 5 Team Jacob 6 References 7 External links Concept and creation ( edit ) According to Stephenie Meyer , Jacob was originally meant to be a device through which Bella could learn Edward 's secret in Twilight . Meyer , her agent , and her editor all liked the character so much that they decided to give him a larger role in the following book , New Moon , with Meyer referring to the character as , `` my favorite gift that New Moon gave to me . '' `` Jacob was my first experience with a character taking over -- a minor character developing such roundness and life that I could n't keep him locked inside a tiny role ... From the very beginning , even when Jacob only appeared in chapter six of Twilight , he was so alive . I liked him . More than I should for such a small part . '' Meyer has said that after Jacob started emerging as a prominent character in New Moon . Role in the books ( edit ) Twilight saga ( edit ) Jacob is given a small role in the first book of the series . He is introduced as the son of Billy Black , an old Swan family friend . When Bella uses him to get information on Edward Cullen and his family , Jacob tells her Quileute legends and introduces her to the idea that Edward is a vampire . Bella comes to like Jacob , and he develops a crush on her . New Moon ( edit ) In New Moon , Jacob 's character is used as a device to help Bella emerge from her months - long depression , brought on by her distress over Edward 's departure . The friendship between the two characters grows strong , but Jacob also develops romantic feelings for Bella that she does not reciprocate . It is revealed that , as a member of the Quileute tribe , Jacob is descended from an ancient line of `` shapeshifters '' that assume wolf form . In their backstory , the Quileutes and vampires are mortal enemies . When Jacob undergoes his first transformation into a wolf in front of Bella , it is in response to Paul , one of the pack members who becomes enraged when he was slapped by Bella , causing him to phase and attempt to attack her . Jacob rushes outside to defend Bella , and he jumps high over her and phases in midair . Jacob rushes at Paul first and bites and pushes him . Jacob is shown in this scene to be very talented even when this was his first transformation at attacking and countering Paul as he is able to hit him before he has a chance to attack . A scene shows him tackling Paul causing him to crash into a boat rack . He and Paul later arrive at Emily Young 's house and Paul apologizes to Bella . Soon , he becomes busy patrolling the forest with his pack , searching for vampires in the area . When Bella is caught by the vampire Laurent alone in a clearing , she is saved by Jacob and the wolf pack , who chase and kill Laurent . Sam first emerges from the woods , Laurent noticing more emerge runs away . Sam closes in on him but is struck back by Laurent just before he was about to tackle him . He later claims that Laurent was nothing but a simple kill . During the chase , Laurent is cornered by part of the pack while Jacob goes for the kill . Jacob and his friends are able to cover a range of 1.67 miles in just 1 minute meaning they are able to run at nearly or close to 100 mph at full run . Jacob serves as a rescue for Bella and a foil to Edward on multiple occasions in the narrative . When Bella , who has taken increasingly dangerous risks to feel closer to Edward , impulsively jumps off a cliff and almost drowns , Jacob rescues her . After Edward mistakenly believes she has died and plans to kill himself , Bella and Alice Cullen , rush to Italy to prevent his suicide , leaving Jacob heartbroken . Jacob is disgusted by Edward 's return and by Bella 's willingness to take Edward back after he left her . Jacob reminds Edward of his tribe 's treaty with the Cullen family , which states that the Cullens are not allowed to bite humans . Bella interrupts and points out to Jacob that she wants to become a vampire , and it 's her own decision . This angers Jacob , and he attempts to start a fight with Edward . Edward decides to leave with Bella , but Jacob grabs him and says : `` You do n't speak for her . '' causing Edward to uppercut punch him into the air , causing him to transform . Edward and Jacob are stopped immediately by Bella as she says : `` You ca n't harm each other without harming me . '' Jacob , now feeling full of guilt and knowing that he would not harm her due to him still having a tremendous crush on her and her being his best and closest friend , decides to accept her wish , but he is feeling hurt by her decision which causes him to run away . Eclipse ( edit ) In Eclipse , Jacob , enraged that Bella plans to become a vampire , attempts to distance himself by not returning her phone calls and refusing to see her . Later , during the scene when Jacob visits Bella and Edward to discuss the vampire Victoria 's return , he tells Bella that he misses her and wishes that they could remain friends . With Edward 's approval , Bella begins to visit Jacob on a regular basis . On one of these visits , Jacob tells Bella that he is in love with her and that he wants her to choose him over Edward . Bella is caught off guard by his confession and tells him she only thinks of him as a friend . He forcibly kisses her , and she reacts by punching him in the face . This breaks her hand , though it does not affect Jacob because he is a werewolf and does n't get hurt easily . This act later enrages Edward , and the two get into a heated argument in front of Bella 's house . They come extremely close to a physical fight , until Bella pushes Edward always and pleads for them to stop . Edward , still fuming with rage , tells Jacob that if Bella gives him the word , he will harm him . Bella 's father comes outside at that moment , and demands to know what 's going on . Jacob admits that he kissed Bella , and she broke her hand punching him . Jacob apologizes and leaves . Later on , Jacob 's shapeshifter wolf pack and the Cullen family join forces to defeat Victoria and the army of newborn vampires she has created . The wolf pack have agreed to meet at their house . They are in their wolf form as they do n't trust the Cullen 's enough to be in their human form as they possibly believe this to be a plot to destroy the pack . Carlisle greets them and tells how they should accurately and successfully attack a newborn . Sam telepathically asks what a newborn is and what the difference is between them and the newborn . He tells them that the newborns are a fresh breed of vampires that were humans forcibly turned with a combination of both human and vampire strength with most of their human element relying on intelligence . Carlisle tells them that they should never let a single one get their arms around them as they are strong enough to crush their bodies . He also says that they should never go for the `` obvious '' kill as they can get outnumbered easily and lose most of the pack . As the Cullen 's demonstrate their tactics to the wolves on how they deal with newborns , Jacob also in his wolf form comes up to Bella . He nudges close to her as he still has a crush on her . She tells Jacob that if they join this attack many of them could get hurt or even killed . In response Jacob places his head in front of her and she pets him . Suddenly Edwards sees this and Jacob looks at him with a disgusted and annoyed look and walks off . The night before the battle , Edward and Jacob are alone with Bella on the top of a mountain . They are there , in a secluded spot , to protect her from Victoria and her blood - hungry army . It is night , and a blizzard beats at their tent . Bella is freezing to death , huddled in a blanket hold and shivering violently . Edward watches on with despair , as he can do nothing to help because his vampire skin is ice - cold . Jacob , being a werewolf , is never cold and has very a warm body . Because of his enhanced senses he can hear Bella 's teeth chattering as he claims that he `` ca n't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on . '' He moves forward to lay down with Bella , knowing his body heat would keep her warm . Edward shoves him away , outraged , and says he will not go near her . Jacob demands that Edward lets him go . Bella , hardly conscious , pleads for them not to fight . Jacob insists that Bella needs his warmth , and reluctantly Edward lets him crawl into the blankets with her . She cuddles into his warmth , still hardly conscious . Bella stops shaking and chattering . She falls asleep in his arms . While she is sleeping , Edward and Jacob begin to talk quietly . As the night wears on , their private conversation softens and the two become closer . Right before the battle the next morning , Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement . He did not know about this , because Bella was trying to keep it a secret until the battle was over , for she knew he 'd be reckless with his anger . Jacob is outraged , and refuses to believe that Bella truly loves Edward more than him . He threatens suicide by hoping he 'd be killed in the battle . He is about to run off to join the soon - to - be-battle . Bella , in an attempt to stop him from getting killed , demands to be kissed by him . Jacob does n't hesitate , and he kisses her passionately . Then , he leaves for the battle and Bella feels relieved to know that he no longer wants to be killed while fighting . After he is gone , she comes to the realization that she does love Jacob . In the battle , Jacob fights ferociously and savagely . He is in his wolf form as is the rest of the pack . He kills many vampires and together , with the Cullens , they defeat Victoria 's newborn army . The battle is over , but one newborn vampire who had remained hidden the whole time , emerges from hiding . Leah , one of the wolves , immediately attacks . The enemy vampire wraps his arms around her neck and tries to strangle her , but Jacob lunges forward and knocks him off . They engage in a brief but vicious fight . Jacob falls and the vampire crushes his body with violent force . At once the vampire is pulled off by the other wolves and killed . Jacob is now back in human form . He is writhing on the ground naked and in extreme agony . Carlisle , the doctor vampire , announces that the bones in the right half of his body are crushed . The other wolves , now back in their human form too , stare in horror as Carlisle continues to inspect him . He tells the others that Jacob is healing from but at an extremely low rate and says that he needs to re-align Jacobs bones in order to speed up his healing . Leah is full of guilt and shame , and insists that she `` had him '' ( the vampire ) . Sam tells her to shut up . Sam suggested that they bring Jacob back to Billy 's house so he start helping Jacob . Then , they haul Jacob off the ground and carry him off . At Jacob 's house , Bella overhears Jacob screaming in pain as Carlisle re-aligns him . One of the pack tells Bella that Carlisle is doing this to speed up Jacobs healing . He is in bed with a high fever . Bella is worried and apologizes to him , wishing he 'll get better soon . She also admits that it was a mistake to kiss him , and tries to tell him that even if she does love him , he has to accept that it is Edward who truly lies in her heart . Then she leaves , and Jacob his angered and deeply hurt . The epilogue is written from Jacob 's point of view ; angry and heartbroken at Bella 's decision to become a vampire . He runs away in his wolf form to escape his pain . Breaking Dawn ( edit ) Jacob returns after an absence of several weeks to attend Bella and Edward 's wedding in Breaking Dawn . Though described as being still visibly pained by her decision , he tells Bella that he wants her to be happy . Bella tells him that she and Edward plan to have a normal honeymoon before she becomes a vampire . Jacob becomes enraged , because he knows that Edward 's vampire strength could kill her . Sam and the rest of the pack stop him before he phases into wolf form and gets into a fight with Edward . When Bella and Edward return from their honeymoon , Jacob becomes the narrator of the story for several chapters , during which he learns that she is pregnant with Edward 's half - human , half - vampire baby and is extremely ill . When Jacob informs the pack of Bella 's pregnancy , their leader Sam Uley plans an attack on the Cullens in order to kill Bella and her unborn child because of the threat he believes the child presents . Jacob , who feels that the Cullens are innocent , fights back against Sam and leaves the pack . Fulfilling his birthright as Alpha wolf , he is joined in a new pack by Seth and Leah Clearwater , who aid Jacob in protecting the Cullens . After the birth of Renesmee Carlie Cullen , Edward and Bella 's daughter , Jacob `` imprints '' - an involuntary response in which a wolf finds his soulmate - on her . Afterward , Jacob is completely over Bella , and they remain close friends . The relationship between Jacob and the Cullens is also dispelled , and he and Edward come to view each other as friends after Jacob emotionally bonds with Renesmee . Characterization ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Physical appearance ( edit ) Wolf form : Jacob 's wolf form is that of a large russet brown wolf . He has equivalent abilities to his brothers . He is shown to be very intelligent in both reasoning and coordinating others . He is the largest and strongest wolf in the pack . Human form : In the first film , Jacob has a very skinny physique that undergoes major physical changes by the second film . Being a werewolf , Jacob develops a massive physique . He is able to lift heavy objects that no human is capable of picking up . For example , a dirt bike he easily picked up from his father 's truck . After becoming a wolf , he cuts off his long hair and gets the Quileute tattoo on his upper right arm . Personality and abilities ( edit ) Bella describes Jacob as a `` happy person '' who extends his happiness to the people around him . As Jacob 's character emerges in New Moon , he is shown to be cheery , passionate , and adventurous , but hot - headed . Jacob is also able to shape - shift at will into a giant wolf , and sometimes when angered he will involuntarily phase . His body temperature is warmer than a human 's body should be , reaching about 108.9 ° F ( 42.7 ° C ) , which allows him to withstand very cold weather . In human form , his body heals within seconds , he possesses superhuman strength and speed , has a high durability rate , sharp senses and free running abilities . In wolf form he can communicate with his wolf pack telepathically , has enhanced superhuman strength and speed and a substantial size increase . While in wolf form , his teeth can cut through the granite - hard bodies of a vampire with ease . Members of Quileute wolf - pack do age if they do not phase for a long time , which was pointed out when they were talking about the tribe 's history , as long as they phase from every now and again they do n't age with Jacob 's body physically grown to the equivalent of a 25 - year - old in Breaking Dawn but stopping after that . Jacob is the largest and strongest of the pack . Once they begin phasing , a Quileute shape - shifter may `` imprint '' - a method of finding one 's soulmate - on someone , and will act as whatever the imprintee wants or needs , whether it be an older brother , friend , protector , or lover . Jacob imprints on Edward and Bella 's newborn daughter , Renesmee in Breaking Dawn . While treating Jacob in Eclipse , Carlisle takes a blood sample and runs some tests on it . He discovers that he has 24 pairs of chromosomes , one more than a human . A distinction is made in Breaking Dawn between the old world Children of the Moon ( `` true werewolves '' ) and this shape - shifting Quileute tribe . The former are held to be a more ferocious and territorial type , with a transformative venomous bite and who involuntarily phase as do traditional werewolves on the full moon . The latter are implied as being blessed with the supernatural ability to shapeshift into other giant animals or `` spirits of nature '' . Film portrayal ( edit ) Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner played the part of Jacob Black in the film adaptation of Twilight . Due to major physical changes in the character of Jacob between Twilight and New Moon , director Chris Weitz considered replacing Lautner in the sequel with an actor who could more accurately portray `` the new , larger Jacob Black . '' In an attempt to keep the role , Lautner stated , `` I have been working out . I 've been working out since the day we finished filming Twilight . I just weighed myself today ; I 've put on 19 pounds ... ( and ) I 'm guaranteeing Weitz 11 more ( pounds ) by filming . '' Lautner would continue to play the role of Jacob in New Moon , and all the subsequent films . He also did his own stunts . Team Jacob ( edit ) Many fans of the Twilight franchise , particularly teenagers , have debated whether Edward or Jacob is the better match for Bella . Both sides of the debate have coalesced around informal `` teams '' of followers , whether `` Team Jacob '' or `` Team Edward '' . In a poll done by Novel Novice Twilight and appearing on NNT News in 2008 , Team Jacob got 2,641 votes and Team Edward got 5,130 votes . A poll done by Top 7 with over 43,000 votes had Jacob trailing Edward by around 3,000 votes . Lautner portrayed a diehard Edward supporter in a December 12 , 2009 sketch lampooning Twilight fans on Saturday Night Live . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` New Moon Story '' . . . Retrieved 2008 - 09 - 14 . Jump up ^ Meyer , Stephenie ( 2005 ) . Twilight . Twilight series . Park Avenue , New York City : Little , Brown . p. 498 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 316 - 01584 - 4 . Jump up ^ Meyer , Stephenie ( 2006 ) . New Moon . Twilight series . Park Avenue , New York : Little , Brown . p. 563 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 316 - 16019 - 3 . Jump up ^ Meyer , Stephenie ( 2007 ) . Eclipse . Twilight series . Park Avenue , New York : Little , Brown . p. 629 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 316 - 16020 - 9 . Jump up ^ Meyer , Stephenie ( 2008 ) . Breaking Dawn . Twilight series . Park Avenue , New York : Little , Brown . p. 756 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 316 - 06792 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` ' Twilight ' to film one or two days in LaPush '' . 2008 - 03 - 09 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 10 . Jump up ^ Larry Carroll ( 2008 - 12 - 15 ) . `` ' New Moon ' Casting News : Michael Copon , Ben Barnes Push For Roles In ' Twilight ' Sequel '' . MTV . Retrieved 2008 - 12 - 15 . Jump up ^ Larry Carroll ( 2008 - 12 - 18 ) . `` ' Twilight ' Exclusive : Taylor Lautner Talks About His Campaign To Stay On ' New Moon ' '' . MTV . Retrieved 2008 - 12 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` Taylor Lautner to Reprise His Role as Jacob in New Moon '' ( Press release ) . Summit Entertainment . 2009 - 01 - 07 . Retrieved 2009 - 01 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Top Twilight Characters '' Archived 2011 - 07 - 12 at the Wayback Machine ... Top7 . Retrieved February 6 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Wilkinson , Amy ( December 14 , 2009 ) . `` Taylor Lautner On ' SNL ' Recap : Defending Taylor Swift , Joining Team Edward And More '' . Hollywood Crush , MTV . External links ( edit ) Twilight portal Fictional characters portal Stephenie Meyer Official Website : Jacob Black hide The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer Books Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn Film series Twilight The Twilight Saga : New Moon The Twilight Saga : Eclipse The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn -- Part 1 Part 2 Cast members Characters Bella Swan Edward Cullen Jacob Black Music Twilight `` Decode '' `` Spotlight '' New Moon `` Meet Me on the Equinox '' `` Possibility '' Eclipse `` Neutron Star Collision ( Love Is Forever ) '' `` Heavy in Your Arms '' Breaking Dawn -- Part 1 `` It Will Rain '' `` A Thousand Years '' Breaking Dawn -- Part 2 `` The Forgotten '' Spin - offs The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Midnight Sun ( unpublished ) Life and Death : Twilight Reimagined Comics Twilight : The Graphic Novel New Moon : The Graphic Novel Other The Twilight Saga : The Official Illustrated Guide Twilight fandom TwiCon Scene It ? Twilight Related articles Vampires Suck Breaking Wind Fifty Shades of Grey Gabriel 's Inferno Beautiful Bastard Portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Twilight series characters Fictional characters introduced in 2005 Fictional characters from Washington ( state ) Fictional characters with accelerated healing Fictional characters with superhuman strength Fictional characters who can move at superhuman speeds Fictional Native American people Fictional mechanics Fictional lycanthropes Fictional vampire hunters Werewolves in written fiction Male characters in film Male characters in literature Teenage characters in film Teenage characters in literature Romance film characters Fictional werewolves Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Pages using deprecated image syntax Articles needing additional references from April 2011 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Български Català Dansk Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenščina Suomi ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 19 more Edit links This page was last edited on 3 July 2018 , at 10 : 41 ( UTC ) . 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when does jacob find out he's a werewolf
Jacob `` Jake '' Black is a character in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer . He is described as an attractive Native American of the Quileute tribe in La Push , near Forks , Washington . In the second book of the series ( New Moon ) , he discovers that he can shapeshift into a wolf . For the majority of the series , Jacob competes with Edward Cullen for Bella Swan 's love . In the films Twilight , New Moon , Eclipse , Breaking Dawn : Part 1 , and Breaking Dawn : Part 2 , Jacob is played by Taylor Lautner .
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Wikipedia Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star vs. the Forces of Evil Genre Comedy Adventure Fantasy Created by Daron Nefcy Developed by Jordana Arkin Dave Wasson Creative director ( s ) Dominic Bisignano Voices of Eden Sher Adam McArthur Alan Tudyk Theme music composer Brad Breeck ( opening ) Daron Nefcy & Ego Plum ( ending ; seasons 1 & 2 ) Daron Nefcy & Brian H. Kim ( ending ; season 3 ) Opening theme `` I 'm from Another Dimension '' performed by Brad Breeck Ending theme `` Star vs. the Forces of Evil End Theme '' performed by Eden Sher ( uncredited - seasons 1 - 2 ) `` Shining Star '' performed by Agnes Shin ( season 3 - present ) Composer ( s ) Brian H. Kim Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 56 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Daron Nefcy Dave Wasson ( co-executive , season 1 ) Jordana Arkin ( co-executive , season 1 ) Producer ( s ) Aaron Hammersley ( supervising ) Dominic Bisignano ( supervising ) Running time 22 minutes Production company ( s ) Disney Television Animation Release Original network Disney XD ( 2015 -- 2018 ) Disney Channel ( 2018 -- present ) Original release January 18 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 18 ) -- present ( present ) External links Website Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series created by Daron Nefcy and developed by Jordana Arkin and Dave Wasson , which airs on Disney XD . The first Disney XD series created by a woman , and the third overall for Disney Television Animation ( following Pepper Ann and Doc McStuffins ) , it follows the adventures of Star Butterfly ( voiced by Eden Sher ) , the turbulent young heir to the royal throne in the dimension of Mewni , who is sent to Earth so she can complete her education and learn to be a worthy princess , and Marco Diaz ( Adam McArthur ) , a human teenager who becomes her roommate and best friend , as they live their daily lives , and go on adventures in other dimensions . Star vs. the Forces of Evil typically follows a format of two 11 - minutes long independent `` segments '' per episode , with individual writing and directing credits for each , although it occasionally opts for a single , 22 - minutes long story instead . The first episode aired on January 18 , 2015 on Disney Channel as a special preview , becoming the most - watched animated series debut in Disney XD 's history ; the first season subsequently officially premiered on Disney XD on March 30 , 2015 . The third season started on July 15 , 2017 and concluded on April 7 , 2018 . On February 28 , 2017 , the series was officially renewed for a fourth season . Nearly a year after the renewal , it was announced that the show would be moving to Disney Channel for its fourth season . Contents 1 Plot 2 Background and production 3 Promotion and release 3.1 International 4 Episodes 5 Reception 5.1 Awards and nominations 6 Other media 7 References 8 External links Plot ( edit ) Main article : List of Star vs. the Forces of Evil characters Star Butterfly is a magical princess from the dimension of Mewni , and the heir to the royal throne of the Butterfly Kingdom . As per tradition , she is given the family heirloom wand on her 14th birthday . After she accidentally sets fire to the family castle , her parents King and Queen Butterfly decide that a safer option is to send her to Earth as a foreign exchange student , so she can continue her magic training there . She befriends Marco Diaz and lives with his family while attending Echo Creek Academy . Going in a series of misadventures using `` dimensional scissors '' that can open portals , Star and Marco must deal with everyday school life while protecting Star 's wand from falling into the hands of Ludo , a villain from Mewni who commands a group of monsters . Besides also dealing with her ex-boyfriend Tom , in Season 3 , Star goes up against more serious villains like Toffee and Miss Heinous while uncovering the mystery behind her relative Eclipsa Butterfly . Background and production ( edit ) Nefcy said she originally created Star as a girl who wanted to be a magical girl like Sailor Moon , and Marco as a boy who was obsessed with Dragon Ball Z and karate ; they would be enemies instead of friends . In this earlier version , Star did not have any actual magical powers ; she instead would approach and solve problems primarily through the force of her determination alone . Nefcy began pitching the show when she was in her third year of college , when Cartoon Network was actively soliciting the creation of pilots for prospective new shows . Nefcy originally placed Star in the fourth grade , reflecting on a time in her own childhood when she held a self - described obsession with the animated series Sailor Moon . However , Nefcy later adjusted the character 's age to fourteen during the time she made her series proposition to Disney . An executive at that time made the suggestion for Star to have actual magical powers . Nefcy worked this concept into the show 's current iteration , along with the idea of different dimensions as show locations , the framing device of Star being a foreign exchange student , and the plot aspects relating to Star being a princess and the subsequent consequences of her royal birthright . Nefcy said that the overall concept has evolved over about six years . In addition to Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z , Nefcy has said that she had heavy influence in her youth from the animated Japanese shows Magic Knight Rayearth , Revolutionary Girl Utena and Unico , the last of which featured a pink unicorn . She also cited shows unrelated to Japanese animation such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer , and was influenced by independent comic series such as Scott Pilgrim and The Dungeon . With regards to the development of more strong female characters , Nefcy said that she `` looked at TV over the years and I have had to go to Japan when I was younger to find the cartoons that had the characters that I wanted to see . It was always a question of ' Well , why is n't that on TV in the U.S. ? ' '' One of the concepts she likes about the show is that it does n't make high school the most important experience for teenagers . She also likes that Star does her own thing instead of being concerned about fitting in . Nefcy did not want the gimmick about keeping the magic powers a secret from others as typical of magical girl shows , so she had the students already know about it and Marco 's parents as well . She also portrays Star as not really a superhero as she does not specifically go after super-villains except when they attack her , and that she does n't really save people . Nefcy said that the episodes balance comedy and drama : `` we really want our characters to feel like teenagers and have them going through the normal emotions that teenagers go through , but in this magical setting . '' Storyboarding and design are done in Los Angeles . In describing the process , Nefcy said that the show is storyboard - driven , with each episode mapped out by the storyboard artists . The storyboarders also do the writing , taking a two - page outline and turning it into a full script . A storyboard for 11 minutes would require about 2000 drawings to be done in a six - week period . After pre-production in the US , the first season animation was done at Mercury Filmworks in Ottawa , Canada . Mercury had also done Wander Over Yonder and the Mickey Mouse series . For the rest of first season , the animation was done in the Philippines . The second season was animated by Sugarcube and Rough Draft Studios , both located in South Korea . The theme song was done by Brad Breeck , who also did Gravity Falls ' opening theme ; Nefcy said : `` when we were listening to it we did n't know , because we just listened blind '' . Brian Kim was chosen among a group of about ten people as the show 's composer . Kim describes the music for each dimension as having a different sound and relating it to indie rock in Los Angeles . The show was initially scheduled to premiere on Disney Channel after being greenlighted in March 2013 , for a premiere in the Fall of 2014 , before being switched over to Disney XD . However , on February 23 , 2018 , it was announced that the show would be moving to Disney Channel for its fourth season . Promotion and release ( edit ) The show 's title sequence was promoted at Comic - Con 2014 six months prior to its scheduled broadcast premiere . As a result , the footage was uploaded by fans to YouTube who then started generating fan art and fan fiction . The first episode premiered on Disney Channel in January 2015 . The positive reaction on social media prompted Disney XD to order a second season of the series in February 2015 , six weeks ahead of its launch of the series on Disney XD in March . Disney sitcom actors Olivia Holt and Kelli Berglund participated in promoting the series the weeks before its Disney XD premiere , with Holt dressing up as Star . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 , The show 's third season was ordered ahead in March 2016 . It premiered on July 15 , 2017 with a two - hour long television movie entitled `` The Battle for Mewni '' and consisted of the first four episodes . A live chat featuring Star and Marco was aired on Disney XD on July 17 . The remaining third - season episodes starting airing on November 6 , 2017 . A fourth season was also ordered ahead of the third season premiere . International ( edit ) Star vs. the Forces of Evil premiered in Canada on the DHX - owned Disney XD on April 6 , 2015 , and was later moved to the Corus - owned Disney XD on December 1 . The series premiered on Disney XD channels in the United Kingdom and Ireland on April 16 , 2015 , in Australia on August 3 , and in the Middle East and Africa on October 5 . It also premiered on November 8 on Disney Channel in Southeast Asia . The series premiered on March 6 , 2016 , as Star Butterfly in French on Disney La Chaîne in Canada . The show premiered on November 2 on Disney XD in Italy , and on Disney Channel on November 2 , 2016 . Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Star vs. the Forces of Evil episodes Season Segments Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 24 13 January 18 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 18 ) September 21 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 21 ) 41 22 July 11 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 11 ) February 27 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 27 ) 38 21 July 15 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 15 ) April 7 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 07 ) Reception ( edit ) Star vs. the Forces of Evil has received positive reviews by critics . Kevin Johnson of The A.V. Club gave the pilot episode a B+ , saying that the show was something children could have a lot of fun with , noting how the show follows current trends in western animation `` towards large - eyed characters and quirky visual trends '' . Johnson stated that Star vs. the Forces of Evil `` excels on wild , silly , and clever set - pieces to bring the laughs and action '' , but expected that adult viewers wo n't get much out of it . Furthermore , the premiere of Star vs. the Forces of Evil became the most - watched animated series debut in Disney XD 's history . Following the end of the second season , Disney XD announced it had ordered a fourth season of the show , and that in 2016 , Star and another animated show Milo Murphy 's Law had reached over 100 million consumer views combined across its media platforms . In reviewing episodes from the first season , Marcy Cook of The Mary Sue described the show as a blend of others such as Invader Zim and a sanitized Ren & Stimpy , with great appeal to tween and teen girls as well some laugh out loud moments for adults . She said , `` ( I ) t 's really cool to see a girl who is into cuteness and rainbows also kick - ass and enjoy it '' . Cook was bothered by the short episodes that made the plot seem rushed or underdeveloped . Cook was bugged by Marco 's retconned personality from the pilot episode where he was a safety conscious kid to the series where he was a martial arts fight seeker . Caitlin Donovan of entertainment website Epicstream listed it among her top 10 animated series of 2015 . She found the first few episodes to be `` a little rough for me , like the show was trying too hard to be funny and weird '' , but that the show got better with character development and relationship building , with `` a really dramatic , high - tension finale to the first season '' . Awards and nominations ( edit ) The episode `` Party with a Pony '' was showcased in the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in June 2015 . Year Award Nominee Result Ref 2015 Annecy International Animated Film Festival TV Series For `` Party with a Pony '' Nominated 2016 Annie Awards Best Animated TV / Broadcast Production for Children 's Audience For `` Blood Moon Ball '' Nominated Other media ( edit ) A comic book series titled Deep Trouble was written by storyboarder Zach Marcus and illustrated by character designer Devin Taylor , both of whom are part of the Star crew . They have been released monthly by Joe Books starting in September 2016 . A Cinestory comic was also developed and released . The book Star and Marco 's Guide to Mastering Every Dimension , authored by Amber Benson and supervising producer Dominic Bisignano , was released on March 7 , 2017 . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Disney XD ( February 12 , 2015 ) . `` ' Star vs. The Forces of Evil ' Renewed for Second Season by Disney XD Ahead of Series Premiere '' ( Press release ) . Retrieved February 12 , 2015 -- via TV by the Numbers . Jump up ^ `` Disney Tries Something New With ' Star Vs . The Forces of Evil ' : A Woman Creator '' . Cartoon Brew . Retrieved July 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Koontz , Robert ( March 25 , 2015 ) . `` Women In Animation Host ' Star vs. The Forces of Evil ' Panel '' . Disney Post . Disney . Retrieved July 29 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kissell , Rick ( April 6 , 2015 ) . `` Disney XD Sets Animated Ratings High with Premiere of ' Star vs. the Forces of Evil ' '' . . Jump up ^ `` Calendar Disney XD Press '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : Nordyke , Kimberly ( February 28 , 2017 ) . `` Disney XD Renews Al Yankovic 's ' Milo Murphy 's Law , ' Eden Sher 's ' Star vs. The Forces of Evil ' ( Exclusive ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved February 28 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Pedersen , Erik ( February 23 , 2018 ) . `` Disney Channel Launching Toon Series ' Amphibia ' & ' The Owl House ' , Renews ' Star Vs . The Forces of Evil ' For Season 4 '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved February 23 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Creator Daron Nefcy Guides Us Through Tonight 's Star - Studded Episode of Star Vs. the Forces of Evil '' . Disney Insider Blog . July 20 , 2015 . Retrieved November 5 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Rutherford , Kristen ( March 26 , 2015 ) . `` Interview : Daron Nefcy of Disney 's Star vs. the Forces of Evil '' . Nerdist . ^ Jump up to : Siegel , Lucas ( March 25 , 2015 ) . `` Get a Little Weird and Wild with Daron Nefcy 's Star Vs . The Forces Of Evil on Disney XD '' . . Retrieved July 17 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` How Comic - Con Helped Create Fans for Disney XD 's Star vs. The Forces of Evil Six Months Before Its First Episode Airs - Jim Hill '' . The Huffington Post . Retrieved July 17 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Smith , Jacquelyn ( March 24 , 2015 ) . `` Disney animator shares best and worst parts of her job '' . Business Insider . Retrieved July 22 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Daron Nefcy ( @ daronnefcy ) ( December 22 , 2015 ) . `` @ chuck_kopsho nope , now it 's Sugarcube and RDK '' ( Tweet ) . Retrieved August 19 , 2016 -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Nefcy , Daron ( December 22 , 2015 ) . `` - Recently I got the wonderful opportunity to visit ... '' . Retrieved February 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Brian H. Kim '' . . Retrieved September 22 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Brian H. Kim ( @ BrianWithAnH ) ( January 18 , 2015 ) . `` We wanted the different dimensions to have a different `` sound . '' Echo Creek is very laid - back LA indie rock . # StarVsTheForcesOfEvil '' ( Tweet ) . Retrieved October 15 , 2016 -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Nellie Andreeva ( March 7 , 2013 ) . `` Disney Channel Greenlights Animated Series About Magical Princess From Young Creator '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved February 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ The Deadline Team . `` Disney XD Orders Season 2 Of ' Star Vs . The Forces of Evil ' Ahead Of Its Launch - Deadline '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved July 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Behind the Scenes with Olivia Holt - Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Disney Video '' . Disney Video . Retrieved July 31 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Puppies - Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Disney Video '' . Disney Video . Archived from the original on March 16 , 2015 . Retrieved July 31 , 2015 . Jump up ^ McClendon , Lamarco ( May 26 , 2016 ) . `` ' Big Bang Theory ' Stars to Guest on Disney XD 's ' Star vs. the Forces of Evil ' '' . Variety . Retrieved May 26 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Bryn Elise Sandberg ( March 4 , 2016 ) . `` Disney XD Orders Pair of Original Animated Series ( Exclusive ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved March 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Schmidt , Joseph ( May 26 , 2017 ) . `` Exclusive : Star Vs . The Forces Of Evil TV Movie Coming This Summer '' . . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Daron Nefcy ( @ daronnefcy ) ( May 26 , 2017 ) . `` I just want to be clear that the movie is the 1st 4 episodes of S3 played together . It will play like a movie but it is the premiere of S3 '' ( Tweet ) . Retrieved May 26 , 2017 -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ This Season in Mewni ... Disney - ABC Television Group . July 18 , 2017 . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 -- via YouTube . Jump up ^ Schmidt , Joseph ( May 26 , 2017 ) . `` Exclusive : Star vs. the Forces of Evil TV Movie Coming This Summer '' . . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Wolfe , Jennifer ( March 31 , 2015 ) . `` ' Star Vs . The Forces Of Evil ' Debuts on April 6 '' . Animation World Network ( Press release ) . Toronto . Retrieved August 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Disney XD '' . Buzz Blog . Corus Entertainment . November 1 , 2015 . Archived from the original on November 17 , 2015 . Retrieved November 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ VGX / TV Holidays ( April 8 , 2015 ) . Disney XD UK Easter Continuity 2015 . YouTube . Retrieved August 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ P , Chuck ( July 31 , 2015 ) . `` New on Foxtel in August : 200 + shows including Texas Rising , Rogue and 7 Days In Hell '' . The Green Room . Foxtel . Retrieved August 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Germishuys , Andrew ( August 31 , 2015 ) . `` Disney XD Programming Highlights For October 2015 '' . South African Movie Database . Retrieved October 3 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Premiere '' . Disney Philippines . Retrieved November 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Premiere '' . Disney Singapore . Retrieved December 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Star Butterfly '' . La chaîne Disney . Retrieved March 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Marco e Star - Dal 7 Novembre '' ( in Italian ) . Archived from the original on 2016 - 12 - 30 . Retrieved November 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Kevin ( January 18 , 2015 ) . `` Star Vs . The Forces Of Evil : `` Star Comes To Earth / Party With APony '' ( sic ) `` . The A.V. Club . Jump up ^ `` You Should Give Star Vs The Forces of Evil a Try '' . . Retrieved July 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Epicstream '' . . Retrieved March 26 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Ellen Wolff . `` Annecy Animation Festival hosts toon legends - Variety '' . Variety . Retrieved July 22 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : CITIA . `` Annecy > Programme > Index '' . . Retrieved July 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Carolyn Giardina ( February 6 , 2016 ) . `` 2016 Annie Award Winners - Hollywood Reporter '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved March 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Newsdesk , Laughing Place Disney ( May 26 , 2016 ) . `` '' Star vs. The Forces of Evil '' Season 2 to Kick Off July 11 on Disney XD - `` . . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` - This is the 1st cover of the new Star original ... '' daronnefcy . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Disney ( May 31 , 2016 ) . `` Disney Star vs. The Forces of Evil Cinestory Comic '' . Joe Books Inc . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 -- via Amazon . Jump up ^ Benson , Amber ; Bisignano , Dominic ( March 7 , 2017 ) . `` Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star and Marco 's Guide to Mastering Every Dimension '' . Disney Press . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 -- via Amazon . Jump up ^ `` Disney XD Renews Al Yankovic 's ' Milo Murphy 's Law , ' Eden Sher 's ' Star vs. The Forces of Evil ' ( Exclusive ) '' . . Retrieved May 27 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Official website Star vs. the Forces of Evil Disney Press website Star vs. the Forces of Evil on IMDb Star Vs . The Forces of Evil at the Big Cartoon DataBase 2010s portal Disney portal Cartoon portal Animation portal Television portal Disney XD original programming Current Avengers Assemble ( since 2013 ) Guardians of the Galaxy ( since 2015 ) Two More Eggs ( since 2015 ) Walk the Prank ( since 2016 ) Lego Star Wars : The Freemaker Adventures ( since 2016 ) Mech - X4 ( since 2016 ) Parker Plays ( since 2017 ) Marvel 's Spider - Man ( since 2017 ) Former 2000s debuts Aaron Stone ( 2009 -- 10 ) Yin Yang Yo ! ( 2009 ) Phineas and Ferb ( 2009 -- 15 ) Zeke and Luther ( 2009 -- 12 ) I 'm in the Band ( 2009 -- 11 ) 2010s debuts Kick Buttowski : Suburban Daredevil ( 2010 -- 12 ) Pair of Kings ( 2010 -- 13 ) The Avengers : Earth 's Mightiest Heroes ( 2010 -- 13 ) Kickin ' It ( 2011 -- 15 ) Lab Rats ( 2012 -- 16 ) Ultimate Spider - Man ( 2012 -- 17 ) Motorcity ( 2012 -- 13 ) Tron : Uprising ( 2012 -- 13 ) Gravity Falls ( 2012 -- 16 ) Randy Cunningham : 9th Grade Ninja ( 2012 -- 15 ) Crash & Bernstein ( 2012 -- 14 ) Wander Over Yonder ( 2013 -- 16 ) Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. ( 2013 -- 15 ) Mighty Med ( 2013 -- 15 ) The 7D ( 2014 -- 16 ) Star Wars Rebels ( 2014 -- 18 ) Kirby Buckets ( 2014 -- 17 ) Penn Zero : Part - Time Hero ( 2014 -- 17 ) Star vs. the Forces of Evil ( 2015 -- 18 ) Gamer 's Guide to Pretty Much Everything ( 2015 -- 17 ) Pickle and Peanut ( 2015 -- 18 ) Lab Rats : Elite Force ( 2016 ) Future - Worm ! ( 2016 -- 18 ) Right Now Kapow ( 2016 -- 17 ) Milo Murphy 's Law ( 2016 -- 17 ) Billy Dilley 's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer ( 2017 ) DuckTales ( 2017 ) Upcoming Star Wars Resistance ( 2018 ) Films Skyrunners ( 2009 ) Pants on Fire ( 2014 ) Mark & Russell 's Wild Ride ( 2015 ) See also It 's a Laugh Productions Disney Television Animation Crossovers 25 Days of Christmas Disney Channel original programming Current Mickey Mouse ( since 2013 , short - form ) Bunk 'd ( since 2015 ) Bizaardvark ( since 2016 ) Tangled : The Series ( since 2017 ) Andi Mack ( since 2017 ) Hotel Transylvania : The Series ( since 2017 ) Raven 's Home ( since 2017 ) Big Hero 6 : The Series ( since 2017 ) DuckTales ( since 2018 ) Big City Greens ( since 2018 ) Bug Juice : My Adventures at Camp ( since 2018 ) Former 1990s debuts Flash Forward ( 1995 -- 97 ) Bug Juice ( 1998 -- 2001 ) The Famous Jett Jackson ( 1998 -- 2001 ) So Weird ( 1999 -- 2001 ) The Jersey ( 1999 -- 2004 ) 2000s debuts Totally Circus ( 2000 ) Even Stevens ( 2000 -- 03 ) In a Heartbeat ( 2000 -- 01 ) Totally Hoops ( 2001 ) Lizzie McGuire ( 2001 -- 04 ) The Proud Family ( 2001 -- 05 ) Kim Possible ( 2002 -- 07 ) Totally in Tune ( 2002 ) That 's So Raven ( 2003 -- 07 ) Lilo & Stitch : The Series ( 2003 -- 06 ) Phil of the Future ( 2004 -- 06 ) Dave the Barbarian ( 2004 -- 05 ) Brandy & Mr. Whiskers ( 2004 -- 06 ) American Dragon : Jake Long ( 2005 -- 07 ) The Suite Life of Zack & Cody ( 2005 -- 08 ) The Buzz on Maggie ( 2005 -- 06 ) The Emperor 's New School ( 2006 -- 08 ) Hannah Montana ( 2006 -- 11 ) Disney Channel Games ( 2006 -- 11 ) The Replacements ( 2006 -- 09 ) Shorty McShorts ' Shorts ( 2006 -- 07 ) Cory in the House ( 2007 -- 08 ) As the Bell Rings ( 2007 -- 09 ) Phineas and Ferb ( 2007 -- 15 ) Wizards of Waverly Place ( 2007 -- 12 ) The Suite Life on Deck ( 2008 -- 11 ) Sonny with a Chance ( 2009 -- 11 ) Jonas ( 2009 -- 10 ) 2010s debuts Good Luck Charlie ( 2010 -- 14 ) Fish Hooks ( 2010 -- 14 ) Shake It Up ( 2010 -- 13 ) Take Two with Phineas and Ferb ( 2010 -- 11 ) A.N.T. Farm ( 2011 -- 14 ) So Random ! ( 2011 -- 12 ) PrankStars ( 2011 ) Jessie ( 2011 -- 15 ) Austin & Ally ( 2011 -- 16 ) Gravity Falls ( 2012 -- 16 ) Code : 9 ( 2012 ) Dog with a Blog ( 2012 -- 15 ) Wander Over Yonder ( 2013 -- 16 ) Liv and Maddie ( 2013 -- 17 ) Win , Lose or Draw ( 2014 ) I Did n't Do It ( 2014 -- 15 ) Girl Meets World ( 2014 -- 17 ) K.C. Undercover ( 2015 -- 18 ) Best Friends Whenever ( 2015 -- 16 ) Descendants : School of Secrets ( 2015 , short - form ) Descendants : Wicked World ( 2015 -- 17 , short - form ) Walk the Prank ( 2016 ) Mech - X4 ( 2016 ) Elena of Avalor ( 2016 - 18 ) Stuck in the Middle ( 2016 -- 18 ) Upcoming Go Away , Unicorn ! ( 2018 ) Star Wars Resistance ( 2018 ) Fast Layne ( 2018 ) Milo Murphy 's Law ( 2019 ) Star vs. the Forces of Evil ( 2019 ) Amphibia ( 2019 ) The Owl House ( 2019 ) See also It 's a Laugh Productions Disney Television Animation Brookwell McNamara Entertainment Crossovers Disney Channel Storytellers 25 Days of Christmas Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2010s American animated television series 2015 American television series debuts American children 's animated action television series American children 's animated adventure television series American children 's animated comedy television series American children 's animated fantasy television series Disney Channel shows Disney XD shows English - language television programs American animated television programs featuring anthropomorphic characters Television series by Disney Television Animation Anime - influenced Western animation Magical girl television series Hidden categories : CS1 Italian - language sources ( it ) Use mdy dates from June 2017 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from August 2015 Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Deutsch Español فارسی Français Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Српски / srpski ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 15 more Edit links This page was last edited on 9 August 2018 , at 20 : 46 ( UTC ) . 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who is the creator of star vs the forces of evil
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series created by Daron Nefcy and developed by Jordana Arkin and Dave Wasson , which airs on Disney XD . The first Disney XD series created by a woman , and the third overall for Disney Television Animation ( following Pepper Ann and Doc McStuffins ) , it follows the adventures of Star Butterfly ( voiced by Eden Sher ) , the turbulent young heir to the royal throne in the dimension of Mewni , who is sent to Earth so she can complete her education and learn to be a worthy princess , and Marco Diaz ( Adam McArthur ) , a human teenager who becomes her roommate and best friend , as they live their daily lives , and go on adventures in other dimensions .
Cry ( Mandy Moore song ) - wikipedia Cry ( Mandy Moore song ) Jump to : navigation , search `` Cry '' Single by Mandy Moore from the album Mandy Moore and A Walk to Remember : Music From the Motion Picture B - side `` Someday We 'll Know '' ( with Jon Foreman ) Released November 4 , 2001 Format CD single Recorded 2000 Genre Pop Length 3 : 43 Label Epic Songwriter ( s ) James Renald Producer ( s ) James Renald Peter Mokran Mandy Moore singles chronology `` Crush '' ( 2001 ) `` Cry '' ( 2001 ) `` Only Hope '' ( 2002 ) `` Crush '' ( 2001 ) `` Cry '' ( 2001 ) `` Only Hope '' ( 2002 ) `` Cry '' is a song by American recording artist Mandy Moore , released on November 4 , 2001 by Epic Records . It was written and produced by James Renald . Peter Mokran also helped produce the song . The song was released as the third single from her self - titled third album . The song achieved minor success in the United States but was a big hit in Asia , especially in the Philippines . `` Cry '' received positive reviews from music critics , and was one of the songs most adored by MTV at the time of its release . The lyrics of `` Cry '' focuses on a girl who thinks that love is insensitive . The musical structure of the song is created based on the melody of a guitar as a ballad . It was used as a soundtrack of the 2002 romantic drama A Walk to Remember , in which she starred alongside Shane West . Contents ( hide ) 1 Song information 2 Music video 3 Chart Performance 4 Format 5 References 6 External links Song information ( edit ) The song tells the story of a girl who thought her lover to be insensitive , until the day she first saw him cry . `` You were all by yourself , staring up at the dark gray sky , I was changed ... '' It was not a major hit in the U.S. until the release of Moore 's film A Walk to Remember but was an MTV favorite and did well overseas . Because the song was set to be released around the same time as the film and the two were remarkably similar in story line , Moore felt that `` Cry '' would be perfect to be included in the film 's soundtrack . The song is one of Moore 's favorites on the album . Moore stated in a Billboard interview that she carried around a copy of the song for over a year before she recorded it . `` It felt like my ace in the hole . It 's such a beautiful song on every level . I could n't wait to get into the studio and sing it . '' She added that James Renald , the writer and producer of the song , had to `` peel her out of the booth because she wanted to sing it over and over again . '' Music video ( edit ) The music video was directed by Chris Applebaum and released in 2002 . The main premise of the video was centered around the conclusion of the movie A Walk to Remember . The home video was the summer that Moore and West 's characters spent together before she died . It showed Moore in Heaven and Shane West looking through a telescope at her . The movie featured the couple stargazing and Moore 's character Jamie Sullivan believed that when she would look through a telescope at the stars she can see into Heaven . Landon Carter ( West 's character ) looks through the telescope and can see a now passed Jamie in Heaven . As the video comes to a climax , there is an explosion and stars shoot from behind Moore . The video also shows West looking at random video clips of him and Moore . The video was not a huge success on MTV like her prior video `` Crush '' . The music video is included on A Walk to Remember DVD as an extra content . It was also included as a multi-media track on the 2003 special expanded edition of the film 's soundtrack . However , the song is not yet included in her Vevo channel . Chart performance ( edit ) Despite the success of the film and soundtrack , the single never entered the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States . However , the single was successful in Canada and Asia . The single also performed well in Germany , where a limited 6 - track maxi - CD was released . To date , `` Cry '' has sold 15,000 physical copies and 203,000 paid digital downloads according to Nielsen Soundscan . In Asia , the song was a major success in countries like Thailand and the Philippines , and was among the five biggest songs in Taiwan at the time . Format ( edit ) German / Austrian / Swiss CD single `` Cry '' ( Album Version ) - 3 : 43 `` Someday We 'll Know '' ( with Jon Foreman ) - 3 : 42 German maxi single ( limited edition ) - scarce release `` Cry '' ( Album Version ) - 3 : 43 `` Only Hope '' - 5 : 53 `` It 's Gonna Be Love '' - 3 : 53 `` Someday We 'll Know '' - 3 : 42 Promo CD single `` Cry '' ( Album Version ) - 3 : 43 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ ( 1 ) ^ Jump up to : ( 2 ) Jump up ^ ( 3 ) Jump up ^ ( 4 ) Jump up ^ `` - Ask Billboard '' . Billboard. 2012 - 11 - 12 . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 25 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics ( hide ) Mandy Moore Discography Awards and nominations Studio albums So Real I Wanna Be with You Mandy Moore Coverage Wild Hope Amanda Leigh Compilation albums The Best of Mandy Moore Candy Singles `` So Real '' `` Candy '' `` Walk Me Home '' `` I Wanna Be with You '' `` Everything My Heart Desires '' `` In My Pocket '' `` Cry '' `` Crush '' `` Senses Working Overtime '' `` The Whole of the Moon '' `` Can We Still Be Friends '' `` I Feel the Earth Move '' `` Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters '' `` Drop the Pilot '' `` Moonshadow '' `` One Way or Another '' `` Anticipation '' `` Help Me '' `` Have a Little Faith in Me '' `` Only Hope '' `` Secret Love '' `` Extraordinary '' `` Nothing That You Are '' `` I Could Break Your Heart Any Day of the Week '' Other songs `` I See the Light '' `` Someday We 'll Know '' `` Stupid Cupid '' `` When Will My Life Begin ? '' `` I 've Got a Dream '' `` Singing to the Song of Life '' Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2002 singles Mandy Moore songs Pop ballads Music videos directed by Chris Applebaum 2001 songs Songs written by James Renald Epic Records singles Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Português Edit links This page was last edited on 5 April 2018 , at 02 : 32 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
meaning of the song cry by mandy moore
The song tells the story of a girl who thought her lover to be insensitive , until the day she first saw him cry . `` You were all by yourself , staring up at the dark gray sky , I was changed ... '' It was not a major hit in the U.S. until the release of Moore 's film A Walk to Remember but was an MTV favorite and did well overseas . Because the song was set to be released around the same time as the film and the two were remarkably similar in story line , Moore felt that `` Cry '' would be perfect to be included in the film 's soundtrack . The song is one of Moore 's favorites on the album . Moore stated in a Billboard interview that she carried around a copy of the song for over a year before she recorded it . `` It felt like my ace in the hole . It 's such a beautiful song on every level . I could n't wait to get into the studio and sing it . '' She added that James Renald , the writer and producer of the song , had to `` peel her out of the booth because she wanted to sing it over and over again . ''
It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Wikipedia It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Jump to : navigation , search It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Genre Sitcom Created by Rob McElhenney Developed by Rob McElhenney Glenn Howerton Starring Charlie Day Glenn Howerton Rob McElhenney Kaitlin Olson Danny DeVito Opening theme `` Temptation Sensation '' by Heinz Kiessling Composer ( s ) Cormac Bluestone Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 12 No. of episodes 134 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Charlie Day Glenn Howerton Rob McElhenney Michael Rotenberg Nick Frenkel Scott Marder Rob Rosell David Hornsby Dan Attias John Fortenberry Matt Shakman Producer ( s ) Tom Lofaro Fred Savage Matt Shakman Randall Einhorn Dave Chernin John Chernin Hunter Covington Todd Biermann Location ( s ) Los Angeles , California Philadelphia , Pennsylvania Cinematography Peter Smokler John Tanzer Editor ( s ) Josh Drisko Tim Roche Robert Bromwell Camera setup Single - camera Running time 18 -- 25 minutes Production company ( s ) 3 Arts Entertainment RCG Productions FX Productions ( 2007 -- 16 ) FXP ( 2017 -- present ) Distributor FX Networks 20th Television Release Original network FX ( 2005 -- 12 ) FXX ( 2013 -- present ) Picture format 480i ( 4 : 3 SDTV ) ( 2005 -- 08 ) 480i ( 16 : 9 SDTV ) ( 2009 ) 1080i ( 16 : 9 HDTV ) ( 2010 -- present ) Original release August 4 , 2005 ( 2005 - 08 - 04 ) -- present External links Website It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an American television sitcom that premiered on FX on August 4 , 2005 . It moved to FXX beginning with the ninth season and has remained there since . It was created by Rob McElhenney who developed it with Glenn Howerton . It is executive produced and primarily written by McElhenney , Howerton , and Charlie Day , all of whom star alongside Kaitlin Olson and Danny DeVito . The series follows the exploits of `` The Gang '' , a group of debauched , self - centered friends who run the Irish bar Paddy 's Pub in South Philadelphia . The series was renewed for a twelfth season that premiered on January 4 , 2017 . On April 1 , 2017 , the series was renewed for a thirteenth and fourteenth season , which will tie it with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet as the longest running ( number of seasons ) live - action sitcom in American TV history . Contents ( hide ) 1 Premise 2 Cast and characters 3 Episodes 4 Production 5 Broadcast and syndication 6 Music 6.1 Soundtrack track listing 7 Reception 8 Other media 8.1 The Nightman Cometh live 8.2 Russian adaptation 8.3 Book 9 References 10 External links Premise ( edit ) The series follows `` The Gang '' , a group of five depraved underachievers : twins Dennis Reynolds ( Glenn Howerton ) and Deandra `` Sweet Dee '' Reynolds ( Kaitlin Olson ) , their friends Charlie Kelly ( Charlie Day ) and Ronald `` Mac '' McDonald ( Rob McElhenney ) , and ( from season 2 onward ) Frank Reynolds ( Danny DeVito ) , Dennis ' and Dee 's legal father . The Gang runs the dilapidated Paddy 's Pub , an Irish bar in South Philadelphia . Each member of the gang shows varying degrees of dishonesty , egotism , selfishness , greed , pettiness , ignorance , laziness , and unethical behavior ; they are often engaged in controversial activities . Episodes usually find them hatching elaborate schemes and often conspiring against one another and others for personal gain , vengeance , or simply the entertainment of watching another 's downfall . They habitually inflict mental , emotional , and physical pain on each other and anyone who crosses their path . They also regularly use blackmail to manipulate one another and others outside of the group . The Gang 's unity is never solid , and any of them would quickly dump any of the others for quick profit or personal gain , regardless of the consequences . Everything they do results in contention among themselves , and much of the show 's dialogue involves the characters arguing or yelling at one another . Despite their lack of success or achievements , they maintain high opinions of themselves and display an obsessive interest in their own reputations and public images . The Gang has no sense of shame when attempting to get what they want and often engage in activities that others would find humiliating , disgusting , or shocking . Some of these situations include smoking crack cocaine and pretending to be mentally challenged in order to qualify for welfare , attempted cannibalism , kidnapping , blackface , hiding naked inside a couch in order to eavesdrop on people , tricking a man into giving his daughter a lap dance , forcing each other to eat inedible items , huffing paint , foraging in the sewers for valuables , sleeping with each other 's romantic interests , seducing a priest , secretly feeding someone their dead pet , plugging their open wounds with trash , setting a room full of people on fire and locking the door to avoid an uncomfortable Thanksgiving meal , fantasizing about killing each other , pretending to have AIDS in order to get priority access to amusement park rides , taking out life insurance on a suicidal person , orally siphoning gasoline , and stalking their crushes . During the Season 7 episode `` The Gang Gets Trapped '' , in which The Gang breaks into a family 's home and has to hide from them when they return , an angry monologue by Dennis captures the essence of The Gang 's modus operandi : `` We immediately escalate everything to a ten ... somebody comes in with some preposterous plan or idea , then all of a sudden everyone 's on the gas , nobody 's on the brakes , nobody 's thinking , everyone 's just talking over each other with one idiotic idea after another ! Until , finally , we find ourselves in a situation where we 've broken into somebody 's house -- and the homeowner is home ! '' Cast and characters ( edit ) Main article : List of It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia characters McElhenney , Howerton , Day , Olson , and DeVito at the 2013 San Diego Comic - Con . Charlie Day as Charlie Kelly -- Charlie was a co-owner at Paddy 's Pub , but traded his capital investment for `` goods and services '' , half a sandwich , and other undisclosed compensation . He is a childhood friend of Mac , and high school friend of Dennis and Dee . He is also the roommate of Frank , who may be his biological father . Charlie does most of the actual work and maintenance ( referred to as `` Charlie Work '' ) at the pub . He is unable to properly read or write , and is an alcoholic substance abuser who is often seen huffing glue or paint . He lives in squalor with Frank in a run - down , vermin - infested apartment and suffers from deep - seated psychological problems , believing his dreams to be haunted by a figure known as `` The Nightman '' , who breaks into his home and rapes him . Charlie has unresolved anger issues , often screaming as a means of getting his point across . He also has an unhealthy obsession with `` The Waitress '' , a recurring character who finds Charlie repulsive and shows no interest in him . Despite his character flaws , he is typically the most compassionate and moral member of the gang . Glenn Howerton as Dennis Reynolds -- Dennis is a co-owner of Paddy 's Pub and is Dee 's twin brother . Easily the most sociopathic of the characters , Dennis is abrasive , narcissistic , selfish , histrionic , and vain . Dennis graduated from the University of Pennsylvania . It is at times hinted that Dennis may be a psychopathic serial killer , but this remains ambiguous . After the season 12 finale it is unclear whether or not Dennis will be returning for the show 's 13th and 14th seasons . Rob McElhenney as Ronald `` Mac '' McDonald -- Mac is a co-owner of Paddy 's Pub . He is Charlie Kelly 's childhood friend and Dennis 's high school friend and later roommate . The son of a convicted felon who has been in prison for much of Mac 's life , he frequently attempts to demonstrate his toughness and refers to himself as the `` sheriff of Paddy 's '' . He also often brags about his hand - to - hand combat skills , although he typically flees from physical confrontation . Mac is a Roman Catholic , though he often espouses strong Christian fundamentalist opinions , despite his often amoral behavior , such as engaging in casual sex with numerous women , including Dennis ' mother . Though it is frequently insinuated Mac harbors homosexual feelings , he maintained an adamant denial of any such proclivity , much to the annoyance of the gang , until the season 12 episode `` Hero or Hate Crime ? '' , when he finally comes out . Kaitlin Olson as Deandra `` Sweet Dee '' Reynolds -- Dee is Dennis 's twin sister and is the bartender at Paddy 's Pub . Dee dreams of becoming an actress , although she lacks any apparent talent and suffers from debilitating stage fright . She wore a back brace in high school , leaving her with the nickname of `` The Aluminum Monster '' , and she is constantly referred to by the gang as a bird , due to their perception of her as a giant , awkward , avian - like creature . She majored in psychology at the University of Pennsylvania , but did not graduate . Dee lives alone in an apartment . Her comments and ideas are usually disregarded by the others , though they will often repeat what she has said word - for - word and pretend it was their idea , at which point it will be hailed as a great idea . She is often left to deal with the negative consequences of the gang 's activities . Though often the butt of the gang 's jokes , she is frequently involved in their schemes . She is portrayed as the angriest and most physically violent of the group and has a history of assault , including setting her roommate on fire in college . Danny DeVito as Frank Reynolds -- Frank is the legal father of twins Dennis and Dee , and may be the biological father of his roommate Charlie . He used to be a successful businessman with a long history of illegal operations and dealings with sordid characters , but chose to abandon that life and redeem himself after leaving his `` whore wife '' . He has since embraced his `` feral '' nature and describes himself as `` fringe class '' . Despite having substantial financial resources , he chooses to share a decrepit studio apartment with Charlie , where they live in squalor and sleep together on a pullout couch . The two also share similar interests , such as playing the inexplicable game of ' Night Crawlers ' and foraging naked in sewers for valuables . He is also a severe compulsive gambler , seen betting on everything from grade school basketball to Russian roulette , usually with his chain smoking , and high - stakes betting ring of Vietnamese friends . He styles himself a master manipulator and frequently takes the lead in the group 's schemes . He is frequently armed with a handgun and often snorts cocaine as part of his daily routine . Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired Network 7 August 4 , 2005 ( 2005 - 08 - 04 ) September 15 , 2005 ( 2005 - 09 - 15 ) FX 10 June 29 , 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 29 ) August 17 , 2006 ( 2006 - 08 - 17 ) 15 September 13 , 2007 ( 2007 - 09 - 13 ) November 15 , 2007 ( 2007 - 11 - 15 ) 13 September 18 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 18 ) November 20 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 20 ) 5 12 September 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 09 - 17 ) December 10 , 2009 ( 2009 - 12 - 10 ) 6 14 September 16 , 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 16 ) December 16 , 2010 ( 2010 - 12 - 16 ) 7 13 September 15 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 15 ) December 15 , 2011 ( 2011 - 12 - 15 ) 8 10 October 11 , 2012 ( 2012 - 10 - 11 ) December 20 , 2012 ( 2012 - 12 - 20 ) 9 10 September 4 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 04 ) November 6 , 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 06 ) FXX 10 10 January 14 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 14 ) March 18 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 18 ) 11 10 January 6 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 06 ) March 9 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 09 ) 12 10 January 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 04 ) March 8 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 08 ) Production ( edit ) The show began as a short film idea written by Rob McElhenney and Glenn Howerton about a man telling his friend he might have cancer , while the friend is only intent on trying to borrow a cup of sugar for the `` shitload of coffee '' he has made . This was then developed into a pilot called It 's Always Sunny on TV and was shot on a digital camcorder by Charlie Day , Glenn Howerton , and Rob McElhenney . It was believed the pilot was shot with a budget of just $200 , but Day would later comment , `` We shot it for nothing ... I do n't know where this $200 came from ... We were a bunch of kids with cameras running around shooting each other and ( the ) next thing you know , we 're eleven years in and we 're still doing the show . '' This pilot was shopped by the actors around various studios , their pitch being simply showing the DVD of the pilot to executives . After viewing the pilot , FX Network ordered the first season . Although it is often stated publicly that It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was one of the first shows to be shot in 24p standard - definition video , using Panasonic 's DVX100 MiniDV prosumer video camera , from the sixth season forward , the show was shot in 24p using high - definition video cameras . Danny DeVito joined the cast in the first episode of the second season , playing the father of Dennis ( played by Glenn Howerton ) and Dee ( played by Kaitlin Olson ) . In March 2017 , after the conclusion of the twelfth season , Glenn Howerton revealed he might not return to the series , due to working on other projects . In an August 2017 interview , Charlie Day said that he believes Howerton will be back , and that he would not feel right continuing without him . Broadcast and syndication ( edit ) The first season ran for seven episodes with the finale airing September 13 , 2005 . According to McElhenney , word of mouth on the show was good enough for FX to renew it for a second season , which ran from June 29 to August 17 , 2006 . Reruns of edited first - season episodes began airing on FX 's parent network , Fox , in June 2006 , for a planned three - episode run -- `` The Gang Finds a Dead Guy '' , `` Gun Fever '' ( which was renamed as `` Gun Control '' ) and `` Charlie Gets Molested '' were shown . The show would not be shown on broadcast television again until 2011 , when FX began offering the show for syndication . The third season ran from September 13 , 2007 to November 15 , 2007 . On March 5 , 2008 , FX renewed It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for a fourth season . On July 15 , 2008 , it was reported that FX had ordered 39 additional episodes of the series , consisting of the fifth and sixth seasons . All five main cast members were secured for the entire scheduled run . The fifth season ran from September 17 , 2009 to December 10 , 2009 . On May 31 , 2010 , Comedy Central began airing reruns of It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia . WGN America also began broadcasting the show as part of its fall 2011 schedule . The sixth season ran from September 16 , 2010 until December 9 , 2010 , running twelve episodes , plus the Christmas special . The seventh season ran from September 15 , 2011 until December 15 , 2011 , running 13 episodes . On August 6 , 2011 , FX announced it had picked up the show for an additional two seasons ( the show 's eighth and ninth ) running through 2013 . On March 28 , 2013 , FX renewed the show for a tenth season , along with the announcement that the series would move to its new sister network , FXX . In April 2017 , it was announced by Kaitlin Olson that It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia would go on an extended hiatus . In an interview with TV Guide Olson stated , `` We ended up pushing our next season a year because we were all busy with separate projects this year . So at the end of this coming shooting season of The Mick I 'll step right into Sunny after that . '' The show is currently under contract for two more seasons and is expected to return in 2019 . On October 2 , 2017 , the show premiered on Viceland . Music ( edit ) The theme song is a piece of production music called `` Temptation Sensation '' by German composer Heinz Kiessling . Additionally , Kiessling 's work ( `` On Your Bike '' and `` Blue Blood '' ) can also be heard during various scene transitions throughout the show , along with other composers and pieces such as Werner Tautz ( `` Off Broadway '' ) , Joe Brook ( `` Moonbeam Kiss '' ) and Karl Grell ( `` Honey Bunch '' ) . Many of the tracks heard in the series have been taken from Cafe Romantique , an album of easy listening production music collected by Extreme Music , the production music library unit of Sony / ATV Music Publishing . Independent record label Fervor Records has also contributed music to the show . Songs from The Jack Gray Orchestra 's album , Easy Listening Symph - O - Nette ( `` Take A Letter Miss Jones '' , `` Golly Gee Whiz '' , and `` Not a Care in the World '' ) and the John Costello III release Giants of Jazz ( `` Birdcage '' , `` Cotton Club '' and `` Quintessential '' ) are heard in several episodes . The soundtrack , featuring most of the music heard on the show , was released in 2010 . Soundtrack track listing ( edit ) It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ( Music from the Original TV Series ) No . Title Music Artist Length 1 . `` Temptation Sensation ( Main Title Theme ) '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 53 2 . `` Derby Day '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 39 3 . `` Blue Blood '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 54 4 . `` On Your Bike '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 15 5 . `` Take the Plunge '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 3 : 10 6 . `` Hotsy - Totsy '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 18 7 . `` Off Broadway '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 31 8 . `` Coconut Shy '' Heinz Kiessling The Diamontinos 2 : 25 9 . `` Honey Bunch '' Karl Grell The Ralph Manning Orchestra 2 : 44 10 . `` Glitterati Party '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 51 11 . `` Singles Soiree '' Richard Faecks The Rüdiger Piesker Orchestra 2 : 09 12 . `` Pink Deville '' Paul Rothman The Ole Olafsen Band 2 : 34 13 . `` Captain 's Table '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 44 14 . `` Starlet Express '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 31 15 . `` Final Fling '' Heinz Kiessling The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 29 16 . `` Sweetheart Serenade '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 54 17 . `` Tea at Tiffani 's '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 2 : 28 18 . `` Moonbeam Kiss '' Joe Brook The Rüdiger Piesker Orchestra 2 : 21 19 . `` Grand Central '' Werner Tautz The Heinz Kiessling Orchestra 3 : 15 Total length : 50 : 05 Reception ( edit ) It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has received critical acclaim . Emily Nussbaum of The New Yorker praised the show , calling it `` not merely the best sitcom on television but one of the most arresting and ambitious current TV series , period '' . Gillian Flynn of Entertainment Weekly reviewed the first season negatively , commenting `` it is smug enough to think it 's breaking ground , but not smart enough to know it is n't '' . Brian Lowry of Variety gave the first season a positive review , saying it was `` invariably clever and occasionally a laugh - out - loud riot , all while lampooning taboo topics '' . Later seasons of the show have received favorable ratings on review aggregator Metacritic , receiving 70 / 100 , 78 / 100 and 85 / 100 for seasons 4 , 5 and 6 respectively . The show has become a cult hit with viewers and is often compared in style to Seinfeld -- particularly due to the self - centered nature of its main characters . The Philadelphia Inquirer reviewer Jonathan Storm wrote `` It 's like Seinfeld on crack , '' a quote that became widely used to describe the series , to the point that FX attached the tagline , `` It 's Seinfeld on crack . '' In 2014 , Entertainment Weekly listed the show at # 7 in the `` 26 Best Cult TV Shows Ever '' , with the comment that `` it 's a great underdog story ... If it sounds too dark for you , consider that there 's an episode about making mittens for kittens , and it 's adorable . '' In 2016 , a New York Times study of the 50 TV shows with the most Facebook Likes found that Sunny was `` more popular in college towns ( and most popular in Philadelphia ) '' . In 2015 , Rolling Stone rated the top 20 greatest and funniest It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episodes , stating `` for 10 seasons , the series had mined comic gold from the execrable behavior of the owners of Paddy 's Pub . '' They claimed the two - part season 4 episode , `` Mac and Charlie Die '' is the sitcom 's greatest episode yet . Year Award Category Winner / nominee Result 2008 Satellite Award Best Actor in a Series , Comedy or Musical Danny DeVito Nominated Best Television Series , Comedy or Musical It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nominated 2011 Best Actor in a Series , Comedy or Musical Charlie Day Nominated Best Television Series , Comedy or Musical It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Won 2012 People 's Choice Award Favorite Cable TV Comedy Nominated 2013 Nominated Primetime Emmy Award Outstanding Stunt Coordination for a Comedy Series or a Variety Program Marc Scizak Nominated 2014 Nominated 2015 Nominated 2016 People 's Choice Award Favorite Cable TV Comedy It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Won Other Media ( edit ) The Nightman Cometh live ( edit ) In September 2009 , the cast took their show live . The `` Gang '' performed the musical The Nightman Cometh in New York City , Boston , Seattle , San Francisco , Los Angeles , and Philadelphia . Mary Elizabeth Ellis and Artemis Pebdani also appeared in the performance as The Waitress and Artemis . Actress Rhea Perlman ( wife of Danny DeVito ) assumed the role of Gladys . Creator Rob McElhenney said that Live Nation originally approached the cast about doing the show at 30 cities , but in the end the cast settled on 6 . Co-developer Glenn Howerton described the show as `` essentially an expanded version of the actual episode of `` The Nightman Cometh '' , which was the final episode for season four . There are some added moments , added scenes , added songs , and extended versions of songs that already existed . '' Two new songs were included in the performance and a longer running time allowed for greater improvisation by the actors . The performance was also preceded by a preview screening of a season five episode . The Los Angeles performance , filmed at The Troubadour , was included as a bonus feature on the season four DVD box set . Russian adaptation ( edit ) A Russian adaptation of It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia premiered in Russia on the television channel TNT on May 12 , 2014 . This version is titled В Москве всегда солнечно ( V Moskve vsegda solnechno , It 's Always Sunny in Moscow ) and like the original , centers around four friends , who own a bar called `` Philadelphia '' in Moscow . Book ( edit ) A book based upon It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was released on January 6 , 2015 , titled The Gang Writes a Self - Help Book : The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four - Hour Giant , Today . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia '' . . Retrieved January 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Fienberg , Dan ( April 4 , 2014 ) . `` FX renews ' It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia , ' extends deal with stars '' . HitFix . Retrieved April 4 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Pedersen , Erik ( November 7 , 2016 ) . `` ' It 's Always Sunny ' & ' Man Seeking Woman ' Get Return Dates On FXX '' . Deadline . Retrieved November 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( April 1 , 2015 ) . `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Renewed for Seasons 13 and 14 at FXX '' . TVLine . Retrieved April 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Is Glen Howerton Leaving ' It 's Always Sunny In Philadelphia ' ? '' . UPROXX. 2017 - 03 - 09 . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 16 . Jump up ^ Dowling , Kyle ( January 20 , 2016 ) . `` Charlie Day Claims ' It 's Always Sunny ' Pilot was Shot for Nothing , Report of $200 is False '' . MStarsNews . Retrieved January 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Sepinwall , Alan ( March 8 , 2017 ) . `` Was This Glenn Howerton 's ' Always Sunny ' Farewell ? ' It 's A Little Complicated , ' He Says '' . Uproxx . Retrieved August 31 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Bradley , Bill ( August 15 , 2017 ) . `` Charlie Day Would n't Want To Do ' It 's Always Sunny ' Without Dennis '' . HuffPost . Retrieved August 31 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Goldman , Eric ( June 28 , 2006 ) . `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Premiere '' . IGN . Retrieved June 22 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` ( SP - 0635 ) `` The Gang Finds a Dead Guy '' ( Repeat ) `` . The Futon Critic . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ( SP - 0636 ) `` Gun Control '' ( Repeat ) `` . The Futon Critic . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ( SP - 0637 ) `` Charlie Gets Molested '' ( Repeat ) `` . The Futon Critic . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' Always Sunny in Philadelphia ' Gets Another Season '' . Entertainment Weekly . March 5 , 2008 . Retrieved March 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Goldman , Eric ( July 15 , 2008 ) . `` FX Shows Love for It 's Always Sunny '' . IGN . Retrieved July 15 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 5 episodes '' . TV Guide . Retrieved April 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( May 3 , 2010 ) . `` ' It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ' Debuts On Comedy Central May 31 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Cable Guide 2011 '' . Advertising Age . Retrieved April 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Mitovich , Matt Webb ( August 6 , 2011 ) . `` FX Renews Louie and Wilfred , Orders Two More Seasons of It 's Always Sunny '' . TVLine . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Etkin , Jaimie ( March 28 , 2013 ) . `` ' It 's Always Sunny In Philadelphia ' Renewed For Season 10 And ' The League ' For Season 6 On FX '' . The Huffington Post . Retrieved March 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Matthews , Liam ( April 27 , 2017 ) . `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 13 Will Be a Year Late '' . TV Guide . Retrieved June 8 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on VICELAND - Begins Oct 2 '' . Viceland . September 30 , 2017 . Retrieved November 21 , 2017 -- via YouTube . Jump up ^ Barrett , Annie ( August 26 , 2010 ) . `` ' It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ' soundtrack to be released September 1 : Ta - da , ta - da , ta - da - daah - daah - daah ... '' Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved October 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Nussbaum , Emily ( November 11 , 2013 ) . `` Bar None : `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia '' and `` The Mindy Project '' `` . New Yorker . Retrieved December 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Flynn , Gillian ( August 2 , 2005 ) . `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved August 16 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Lowry , Brian ( July 31 , 2005 ) . `` Review : ' It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ' '' . Variety . Retrieved August 16 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia '' . Metacritic . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Storm , Jonathan ( October 16 , 2008 ) . `` Slackers ' revenge -- The jokers of ' It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ' take on a ( fictional ) Inquirer critic , while those on Testees take the juvenile quotient even higher '' . The Philadelphia Inquirer . p . E01 . Jump up ^ Mellor , Louisa ( April 12 , 2012 ) . `` Why you need to watch It 's Always Sunny In Philadelphia '' . Den of Geek . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` 26 Best Cult TV Shows Ever '' . Entertainment Weekly . March 17 , 2014 . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Katz , Josh ( December 27 , 2016 ) . `` ' Duck Dynasty ' vs. ' Modern Family ' : 50 Maps of the U.S. Cultural Divide '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Murray , Noel ( February 20 , 2015 ) . `` 20 Best ' It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ' Episodes '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved February 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Awards '' . IMDb . Retrieved April 1 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Matheson , Whitney ( August 6 , 2009 ) . `` The ' Nightman Cometh ' to a city near you '' . USA Today . Retrieved October 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Goldman , Eric ( April 20 , 2009 ) . `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia : Live ! '' . IGN . Retrieved October 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Tucker , Alyssa ( August 4 , 2009 ) . `` Rob McElhenney & Glenn Howerton Interview '' . Flash Flood Media . Retrieved April 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Glenn Howerton Talks `` It 's Always Sunny In Philadelphia '' And More ! `` . Icon vs. Icon . September 16 , 2009 . Retrieved October 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ В Москве всегда солнечно ( in Russian ) . THT - Online . Archived from the original on May 4 , 2014 . Retrieved May 4 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia by The Gang '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved July 23 , 2014 . External links ( edit ) Philadelphia portal Wikiquote has quotations related to : It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Official website It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on IMDb It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia at It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Characters Charlie Kelly Dennis Reynolds Mac Deandra Reynolds Frank Reynolds The Waitress Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Category FX original programming Former 1990s debuts Backchat ( 1995 -- 2007 ) Baseball , Minnesota ( 1996 ) Bobcat 's Big Ass Show ( 1998 ) Penn & Teller 's Sin City Spectacular ( 1998 ) The Dick & Paula Celebrity Special ( 1999 -- 2000 ) The X Show ( 1999 -- 01 ) 2000s debuts 30 Days ( 2005 -- 08 ) Archer ( 2009 -- 16 ) Black . White . ( 2006 ) Damages ( 2007 -- 12 ) Dirt ( 2007 -- 08 ) It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ( 2005 -- 12 ) The League ( 2009 -- 15 ) Lucky ( 2003 ) NASCAR Drivers : Non-Stop ( 2004 -- 06 ) NASCAR on Fox ( 2001 -- 06 ) The New Movie Show with Chris Gore ( 2000 ) Nip / Tuck ( 2003 -- 10 ) Over There ( 2005 ) Rescue Me ( 2004 -- 11 ) The Riches ( 2007 -- 08 ) The Shield ( 2002 -- 08 ) Son of the Beach ( 2000 -- 02 ) Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ) Starved ( 2005 ) Testees ( 2008 ) Thief ( 2006 ) 2010s debuts Anger Management ( 2012 -- 14 ) The Bastard Executioner ( 2015 ) Brand X with Russell Brand ( 2012 -- 13 ) The Bridge ( 2013 -- 14 ) Chozen ( 2014 ) The Comedians ( 2015 ) Justified ( 2010 -- 15 ) Legit ( 2013 ) Lights Out ( 2011 ) Louie ( 2010 -- 15 ) Married ( 2014 -- 15 ) Partners ( 2014 ) Saint George ( 2014 ) Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll ( 2015 -- 16 ) The Strain ( 2014 -- 17 ) Terriers ( 2010 ) Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell ( 2012 -- 13 ) Tyrant ( 2014 -- 16 ) UFC on FX ( 2012 -- 13 ) Unsupervised ( 2012 ) Wilfred ( 2011 -- 13 ) Current American Crime Story ( since 2016 ) American Horror Story ( since 2011 ) The Americans ( since 2013 ) Atlanta ( since 2016 ) Baskets ( since 2016 ) Better Things ( since 2016 ) Fargo ( since 2014 ) Feud ( since 2017 ) Legion ( since 2017 ) Snowfall ( since 2017 ) You 're the Worst ( since 2014 ) Upcoming Trust ( 2018 ) Pose ( 2018 ) FXX original programming Current It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ( since 2013 ) Major Lazer ( since 2014 ) You 're the Worst ( since 2015 ) Archer ( since 2017 ) Former Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell ( 2013 ) The League ( 2013 -- 15 ) Legit ( 2014 ) Lucas Bros. Moving Co. ( 2014 -- 15 ) Wilfred ( 2014 ) Axe Cop ( 2015 ) Stone Quackers ( 2014 -- 15 ) Man Seeking Woman ( 2015 -- 17 ) See also : Animation Domination High - Def Satellite Award for Best Television Series -- Musical or Comedy The Larry Sanders Show ( 1996 ) Frasier ( 1997 ) Ellen ( 1998 ) Action ( 1999 ) Sex and the City ( 2000 ) Sex and the City ( 2001 ) The Bernie Mac Show ( 2002 ) Arrested Development ( 2003 ) Desperate Housewives ( 2004 ) The Daily Show with Jon Stewart ( 2005 ) Ugly Betty ( 2006 ) Pushing Daisies ( 2007 ) Tracey Ullman 's State of the Union ( 2008 ) Glee ( 2009 ) The Big C ( 2010 ) It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ( 2011 ) The Big Bang Theory ( 2012 ) Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 ) Transparent ( 2014 ) Silicon Valley ( 2015 ) Silicon Valley ( 2016 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2005 American television series debuts 2000s American comedy television series 2010s American comedy television series Alcohol abuse in television American black comedy television programs American satirical television programs American television sitcoms Culture of Philadelphia English - language television programs FX network shows FXX original programs Gay - related television programs Irish - American culture in Philadelphia It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Narcissism in fiction Single - camera television sitcoms Television shows set in Philadelphia Television series about dysfunctional families Television series by 20th Century Fox Television Television series by 3 Arts Entertainment Hidden categories : CS1 uses Russian - language script ( ru ) CS1 Russian - language sources ( ru ) Pages using infobox television with editor parameter Track listings with deprecated parameters Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Català Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands Norsk Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 9 January 2018 , at 04 : 09 . 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where does it always sunny in philadelphia take place
It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an American television sitcom that premiered on FX on August 4 , 2005 . It moved to FXX beginning with the ninth season and has remained there since . It was created by Rob McElhenney who developed it with Glenn Howerton . It is executive produced and primarily written by McElhenney , Howerton , and Charlie Day , all of whom star alongside Kaitlin Olson and Danny DeVito . The series follows the exploits of `` The Gang '' , a group of debauched , self - centered friends who run the Irish bar Paddy 's Pub in South Philadelphia .
List of WWE United States champions - wikipedia List of WWE United States champions Jump to : navigation , search Current champion Baron Corbin The WWE United States Championship is a professional wrestling championship contested in the American promotion WWE on the SmackDown brand . It was originally known as the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship and began as a regional championship created by and defended in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling , run by Jim Crockett , Jr . Harley Race became the inaugural champion on the title 's introduction on January 1 , 1975 . Turner Broadcasting bought the company in November 1988 and renamed it World Championship Wrestling ( WCW ) after its primary television program . In March 2001 , the then - WWF bought selected assets of WCW . This resulted in the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship becoming a championship for the WWF , who referred to it as the WCW United States Championship . At Survivor Series in November 2001 , the WCW United States and WWF Intercontinental Championships were unified , resulting in the United States Championship being deactivated . In July 2003 , the title was reactivated as the WWE United States Championship . Since the 2017 WWE Superstar Shake - up , it is exclusively contested on the SmackDown brand . The championship is contested in professional wrestling matches , in which participants execute scripted finishes rather than contend in direct competition . Some reigns were held by champions using a ring name , while others used their real name . As of November 6 , 2017 , the current champion is Baron Corbin , who is in his first reign . Overall , there have been 87 different champions . Ric Flair holds the record for having the most reigns at six , while John Cena holds the record for most reigns under the WWE banner at five . Lex Luger holds the record for longest reign , with his third reign lasting a total of 523 days , while Dean Ambrose holds the longest reign under the WWE banner , at 351 days ( overall the third longest in the title 's history ) . Only two men , Lex Luger and Rick Rude , have held the championship for a continuous reign of one year ( 365 days ) or more . Contents ( hide ) 1 Title history 1.1 Names 1.2 Reigns 2 Combined reigns 2.1 Notes 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Title history ( edit ) Names ( edit ) Name Years NWA United States Heavyweight Championship ( Mid-Atlantic version ) January 1 , 1975 -- January 27 , 1981 NWA United States Heavyweight Championship ( Undisputed version ) January 27 , 1981 -- 1991 WCW United States ( Heavyweight ) Championship 1991 -- 2001 WWE United States Championship 2003 -- present Reigns ( edit ) As of November 6 , 2017 . Reign The reign number for the specific champion listed Location The city in which the title was won Event The event promoted by the respective promotion in which the title was won † Indicates the title changes not recognized by the WWE + Indicates the current reign is changing daily No . Wrestler Reign Date Days held Location Event Notes Ref . Harley Race 000000001975 - 01 - 01 - 0000 January 1 , 1975 7002183000000000000 ♠ 183 Tallahassee , FL House show Defeated Johnny Weaver in a tournament final to become the inaugural NWA United States Heavyweight Champion for Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling . WWE recognizes Race 's reign as lasting 184 days . Johnny Valentine 000000001975 - 07 - 03 - 0000 July 3 , 1975 7001930000000000000 ♠ 93 Greensboro , NC House show -- Vacated -- 000000001975 - 10 - 04 - 0000 October 4 , 1975 -- -- -- Vacated when Johnny Valentine suffered a career - ending injury in a plane crash . Terry Funk 000000001975 - 11 - 09 - 0000 November 9 , 1975 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 Greensboro , NC House show Defeated Paul Jones in a tournament final for the vacant title . WWE recognizes Funk 's reign as lasting 19 days . Paul Jones 000000001975 - 11 - 27 - 0000 November 27 , 1975 7002107000000000000 ♠ 107 Greensboro , NC House show 5 Blackjack Mulligan 000000001976 - 03 - 13 - 0000 March 13 , 1976 7002217000000000000 ♠ 217 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Mulligan 's reign as lasting 218 days . 6 Paul Jones 000000001976 - 10 - 16 - 0000 October 16 , 1976 7001430000000000000 ♠ 43 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Jones ' reign as ending on November 28 , 1976 . -- Blackjack Mulligan 000000001976 - 11 - 28 - 0000 November 28 , 1976 7001110000000000000 ♠ 11 Charlotte , NC House show -- Paul Jones 000000001976 - 12 - 09 - 0000 December 9 , 1976 7000600000000000000 ♠ 6 Winston - Salem , NC House show 7 Blackjack Mulligan 000000001976 - 12 - 15 - 0000 December 15 , 1976 7002204000000000000 ♠ 204 Raleigh , NC House show 8 Bobo Brazil 000000001977 - 07 - 07 - 0000 July 7 , 1977 7001220000000000000 ♠ 22 Norfolk , VA House show 9 Ric Flair 000000001977 - 07 - 29 - 0000 July 29 , 1977 7001840000000000000 ♠ 84 Richmond , VA House show 10 Ricky Steamboat 000000001977 - 10 - 21 - 0000 October 21 , 1977 7001720000000000000 ♠ 72 Charleston , SC House show WWE recognizes Steamboat 's reign as lasting 73 days . 11 Blackjack Mulligan 000000001978 - 01 - 01 - 0000 January 1 , 1978 7001770000000000000 ♠ 77 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Mulligan 's reign as lasting 78 days . 12 Mr. Wrestling 000000001978 - 03 - 19 - 0000 March 19 , 1978 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Mr. Wrestling 's reign as lasting 22 days . 13 Ric Flair 000000001978 - 04 - 09 - 0000 April 9 , 1978 7002253000000000000 ♠ 253 Charlotte , NC House show WWE recognizes Flair 's reign as lasting 252 days , ending on December 17 , 1978 14 Ricky Steamboat 000000001978 - 12 - 18 - 0000 December 18 , 1978 7002104000000000000 ♠ 104 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Steamboat 's reign as lasting 105 days . 15 Ric Flair 000000001979 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1 , 1979 7002133000000000000 ♠ 133 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Flair 's reign as lasting 134 days . -- Vacated -- 000000001979 - 08 - 12 - 0000 August 12 , 1979 -- -- -- Vacated when Ric Flair won the NWA World Tag Team Championship four days prior . 16 Jimmy Snuka 000000001979 - 09 - 01 - 0000 September 1 , 1979 7002231000000000000 ♠ 231 Charlotte , NC House show Defeated Ricky Steamboat in a tournament final for the vacant title . WWE recognizes Snuka 's reign as lasting 233 days , ending on April 20 , 1980 , although in reality , the end date was April 19 , 1980 . 17 Ric Flair 000000001980 - 04 - 19 - 0000 April 19 , 1980 7001980000000000000 ♠ 98 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Flair 's reign as beginning on April 20 , 1980 and ending on July 26 , 1980 , although in reality , he won the title on April 19 , 1980 . -- Greg Valentine 000000001980 - 07 - 26 - 0000 July 26 , 1980 7002121000000000000 ♠ 121 Charlotte , NC House show -- Ric Flair 5 000000001980 - 11 - 24 - 0000 November 24 , 1980 7001640000000000000 ♠ 64 Greenville , SC House show Although this reign is not recognized , a article recognized Flair as a six - time champion . 18 Roddy Piper 000000001981 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27 , 1981 7002193000000000000 ♠ 193 Raleigh , NC House show The title became the undisputed NWA United States Heavyweight Championship in January 1981 after the NWA San Francisco office , the last other promotion to recognize its own United States Heavyweight Champion , closed . WWE recognizes Piper 's reign as lasting 194 days . 19 Wahoo McDaniel 000000001981 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8 , 1981 7001310000000000000 ♠ 31 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes McDaniel 's reign as lasting 32 days . -- Vacated -- 000000001981 - 09 - 08 - 0000 September 8 , 1981 -- -- -- Vacated when Wahoo McDaniel was injured by Abdullah the Butcher . 20 Sgt . Slaughter 000000001981 - 10 - 04 - 0000 October 4 , 1981 7002229000000000000 ♠ 229 Charlotte , NC House show Defeated Ricky Steamboat in a tournament final for the vacant title . 21 Wahoo McDaniel 000000001982 - 05 - 21 - 0000 May 21 , 1982 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 Richmond , VA House show WWE recognizes McDaniel 's reign as lasting 18 days . 22 Sgt . Slaughter 000000001982 - 06 - 07 - 0000 June 7 , 1982 7001760000000000000 ♠ 76 Greenville , SC House show Awarded the title due to Wahoo McDaniel being injured by Don Muraco and Roddy Piper before the match . 23 Wahoo McDaniel 000000001982 - 08 - 22 - 0000 August 22 , 1982 7001740000000000000 ♠ 74 Charlotte , NC House show WWE recognizes McDaniel 's reign as lasting 75 days . 24 Greg Valentine 000000001982 - 11 - 04 - 0000 November 4 , 1982 7002163000000000000 ♠ 163 Norfolk , VA House show 25 Roddy Piper 000000001983 - 04 - 16 - 0000 April 16 , 1983 7001140000000000000 ♠ 14 Greensboro , NC House show WWE recognizes Piper 's reign as lasting 15 days . 26 Greg Valentine 000000001983 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 1983 7002228000000000000 ♠ 228 Greensboro , NC House show Valentine won when Roddy Piper suffered a large cut over his left ear and the referee stopped the match . WWE recognizes Valentine 's reign as lasting 229 days . 27 Dick Slater 000000001983 - 12 - 14 - 0000 December 14 , 1983 7002129000000000000 ♠ 129 Shelby , NC House show 28 Ricky Steamboat 000000001984 - 04 - 21 - 0000 April 21 , 1984 7001640000000000000 ♠ 64 Greensboro , NC House show 29 Wahoo McDaniel 000000001984 - 06 - 24 - 0000 June 24 , 1984 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 Greensboro , NC House show -- Vacated -- 000000001984 - 07 - 01 - 0000 July 1 , 1984 -- -- -- Wahoo McDaniel was stripped of the title due to Tully Blanchard interfering in McDaniel 's title defense . 30 Wahoo McDaniel 5 000000001984 - 10 - 07 - 0000 October 7 , 1984 7002167000000000000 ♠ 167 Charlotte , NC House show Defeated Manny Fernandez in a tournament final for the vacant title . WWE recognizes McDaniel 's reign as lasting 168 days . 31 Magnum T.A. 000000001985 - 03 - 23 - 0000 March 23 , 1985 7002120000000000000 ♠ 120 Charlotte , NC House show 32 Tully Blanchard 000000001985 - 07 - 21 - 0000 July 21 , 1985 7002130000000000000 ♠ 130 Charlotte , NC House show 33 Magnum T.A. 000000001985 - 11 - 28 - 0000 November 28 , 1985 7002182000000000000 ♠ 182 Greensboro , NC Starrcade This was an `` I Quit '' steel cage match . WWE recognizes Magnum T.A. 's reign as lasting 154 days , with Magnum T.A. being stripped of the title on May 1 , 1986 . -- Vacated -- 000000001986 - 05 - 29 - 0000 May 29 , 1986 -- -- -- Magnum T.A. was stripped of the title for attacking NWA president Bob Geigel . 34 Nikita Koloff 000000001986 - 08 - 17 - 0000 August 17 , 1986 7002328000000000000 ♠ 328 Charlotte , NC House show Defeated Magnum T.A. in a best of seven series for the vacant title , though WWE officially says it was a tournament final . Koloff defeated Wahoo McDaniel on September 28 , 1986 to unify the NWA National Heavyweight Championship into the U.S. title . 35 Lex Luger 000000001987 - 07 - 11 - 0000 July 11 , 1987 7002138000000000000 ♠ 138 Greensboro , NC House show This was a steel cage match . 36 Dusty Rhodes 000000001987 - 11 - 26 - 0000 November 26 , 1987 7002141000000000000 ♠ 141 Chicago , IL Starrcade This was a steel cage match . -- Vacated -- 000000001988 - 04 - 15 - 0000 April 15 , 1988 -- -- -- Dusty Rhodes was stripped of the title for attacking NWA President Jim Crockett . 37 Barry Windham 000000001988 - 05 - 13 - 0000 May 13 , 1988 7002283000000000000 ♠ 283 Houston , TX House show Defeated Nikita Koloff in a tournament final for the vacant title . 38 Lex Luger 000000001989 - 02 - 20 - 0000 February 20 , 1989 7001760000000000000 ♠ 76 Chicago , IL Chi - Town Rumble 39 Michael Hayes 000000001989 - 05 - 07 - 0000 May 7 , 1989 7001150000000000000 ♠ 15 Nashville , TN WrestleWar 40 Lex Luger 000000001989 - 05 - 22 - 0000 May 22 , 1989 7002523000000000000 ♠ 523 Bluefield , WV House show 41 Stan Hansen 000000001990 - 10 - 27 - 0000 October 27 , 1990 7001500000000000000 ♠ 50 Chicago , IL Halloween Havoc 42 Lex Luger 000000001990 - 12 - 16 - 0000 December 16 , 1990 7002210000000000000 ♠ 210 St. Louis , MO Starrcade This was a Texas Bullrope match . During Luger 's reign in 1991 , World Championship Wrestling ( WCW ) split from the NWA and the title was renamed as the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship . -- Vacated -- 000000001991 - 07 - 14 - 0000 July 14 , 1991 -- Baltimore , MD The Great American Bash Vacated when Lex Luger won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship . 43 Sting 000000001991 - 08 - 25 - 0000 August 25 , 1991 7001860000000000000 ♠ 86 Atlanta , GA House show Defeated Steve Austin in a tournament final for the vacant title . 44 Rick Rude 000000001991 - 11 - 19 - 0000 November 19 , 1991 7002378000000000000 ♠ 378 Savannah , GA Clash of the Champions XVII -- Vacated -- 000000001992 - 12 - 01 - 0000 December 1 , 1992 -- -- -- Vacated due to Rick Rude suffering an injury . 45 Dustin Rhodes 000000001993 - 01 - 11 - 0000 January 11 , 1993 7002110000000000000 ♠ 110 Atlanta , GA Saturday Night Defeated Ricky Steamboat in a match that was originally made to determine the No. 1 contender , but upon Rick Rude 's vacation of the title , it was instead made to decide the new champion . Aired on tape delay on January 16 , 1993 . -- Vacated -- 000000001993 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1993 -- -- WorldWide Vacated following a title defense against Rick Rude that ended in a double pinfall . Aired on tape delay on May 15 , 1993 . 46 Dustin Rhodes 000000001993 - 08 - 30 - 0000 August 30 , 1993 7002119000000000000 ♠ 119 Atlanta , GA Saturday Night Defeated Rick Rude in a rematch for the vacant title . Aired on tape delay on September 11 , 1993 . 47 Steve Austin 000000001993 - 12 - 27 - 0000 December 27 , 1993 7002240000000000000 ♠ 240 Charlotte , NC Starrcade ' 93 : 10th Anniversary This was a two out of three falls match . 48 Ricky Steamboat 000000001994 - 08 - 24 - 0000 August 24 , 1994 7001250000000000000 ♠ 25 Cedar Rapids , IA Clash of the Champions XXVIII 49 Steve Austin 000000001994 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 1994 < 1 Roanoke , VA Fall Brawl 1994 : War Games Awarded the title due to Ricky Steamboat being injured . 50 Jim Duggan 7002100000000000000 ♠ 100 51 Vader 000000001994 - 12 - 27 - 0000 December 27 , 1994 7001880000000000000 ♠ 88 Nashville , TN Starrcade -- Vacated -- 000000001995 - 03 - 25 - 0000 March 25 , 1995 -- Atlanta , GA Saturday Night Vader was stripped of the title by WCW commissioner Nick Bockwinkel for hospitalizing Dave Sullivan one week prior . 52 Sting 000000001995 - 06 - 18 - 0000 June 18 , 1995 7002148000000000000 ♠ 148 Dayton , OH The Great American Bash Defeated Meng in a tournament final for the vacant title . 53 Kensuke Sasaki 000000001995 - 11 - 13 - 0000 November 13 , 1995 7001440000000000000 ♠ 44 Tokyo , Japan WCW World in Japan Won the title at a New Japan Pro-Wrestling event . 54 One Man Gang 000000001995 - 12 - 27 - 0000 December 27 , 1995 7001330000000000000 ♠ 33 Nashville , TN Starrcade : World Cup of Wrestling Won in a post-PPV dark match . Although the match was restarted and Kensuke Sasaki subsequently retained the title , it was never acknowledged by WCW , nor is it acknowledged by WWE . 55 Konnan 000000001996 - 01 - 29 - 0000 January 29 , 1996 7002160000000000000 ♠ 160 Canton , OH Main Event 56 Ric Flair 5 000000001996 - 07 - 07 - 0000 July 7 , 1996 7002141000000000000 ♠ 141 Daytona Beach , FL Bash at the Beach -- Vacated -- 000000001996 - 11 - 25 - 0000 November 25 , 1996 -- -- -- Vacated due to Ric Flair suffering a shoulder injury . 57 Eddie Guerrero 000000001996 - 12 - 29 - 0000 December 29 , 1996 7001770000000000000 ♠ 77 Nashville , TN Starrcade Defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a tournament final for the vacant title . 58 Dean Malenko 000000001997 - 03 - 16 - 0000 March 16 , 1997 7001850000000000000 ♠ 85 North Charleston , SC Uncensored 59 Jeff Jarrett 000000001997 - 06 - 09 - 0000 June 9 , 1997 7001730000000000000 ♠ 73 Boston , MA Monday Nitro 60 Steve McMichael 000000001997 - 08 - 21 - 0000 August 21 , 1997 7001250000000000000 ♠ 25 Nashville , TN Clash of the Champions XXXV 61 Curt Hennig 000000001997 - 09 - 15 - 0000 September 15 , 1997 7002104000000000000 ♠ 104 Charlotte , NC Monday Nitro 62 Diamond Dallas Page 000000001997 - 12 - 28 - 0000 December 28 , 1997 7002112000000000000 ♠ 112 Washington , D.C. Starrcade 63 Raven 000000001998 - 04 - 19 - 0000 April 19 , 1998 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 Denver , CO Spring Stampede This was a `` Raven 's Rules '' match . 64 Goldberg 000000001998 - 04 - 20 - 0000 April 20 , 1998 7001770000000000000 ♠ 77 Colorado Springs , CO Monday Nitro This was a `` Raven 's Rules '' match . mistakenly lists Goldberg 's reign as lasting 91 days , ending on July 20 , 1998 . -- Vacated -- 000000001998 - 07 - 06 - 0000 July 6 , 1998 -- Atlanta , GA Monday Nitro Vacated when Goldberg won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship . 65 Bret Hart 000000001998 - 07 - 20 - 0000 July 20 , 1998 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 Salt Lake City , UT Monday Nitro Defeated Diamond Dallas Page for the vacant title . 66 Lex Luger 5 000000001998 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10 , 1998 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 Rapid City , SD Monday Nitro WWE recognizes Luger 's reign as lasting 3 days , ending on August 13 , 1998 , when the following episode aired on tape delay . 67 Bret Hart 000000001998 - 08 - 11 - 0000 August 11 , 1998 7001760000000000000 ♠ 76 Fargo , ND Thunder WWE recognizes Hart 's reign as lasting 74 days , beginning on August 13 , 1998 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 68 Diamond Dallas Page 000000001998 - 10 - 26 - 0000 October 26 , 1998 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 Phoenix , AZ Monday Nitro 69 Bret Hart 000000001998 - 11 - 30 - 0000 November 30 , 1998 7001700000000000000 ♠ 70 Chattanooga , TN Monday Nitro This was a no disqualification match . 70 Roddy Piper 000000001999 - 02 - 08 - 0000 February 8 , 1999 7001130000000000000 ♠ 13 Buffalo , NY Monday Nitro 71 Scott Hall 000000001999 - 02 - 21 - 0000 February 21 , 1999 7001250000000000000 ♠ 25 Oakland , CA SuperBrawl IX -- Vacated -- 000000001999 - 03 - 18 - 0000 March 18 , 1999 -- Lexington , KY Thunder Scott Hall was stripped of the title by WCW President Ric Flair . 72 Scott Steiner 000000001999 - 04 - 11 - 0000 April 11 , 1999 7001850000000000000 ♠ 85 Tacoma , WA Spring Stampede Defeated Booker T in a tournament final for the vacant title . -- Vacated -- 000000001999 - 07 - 05 - 0000 July 5 , 1999 -- Atlanta , GA Monday Nitro Scott Steiner was stripped of the title by WCW President Ric Flair . 73 David Flair 000000001999 - 07 - 05 - 0000 July 5 , 1999 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 Atlanta , GA Monday Nitro Awarded the title by his father and WCW President Ric Flair . 74 Chris Benoit 000000001999 - 08 - 09 - 0000 August 9 , 1999 7001340000000000000 ♠ 34 Boise , ID Monday Nitro 75 Sid Vicious 000000001999 - 09 - 12 - 0000 September 12 , 1999 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 Winston - Salem , NC Fall Brawl 76 Goldberg 000000001999 - 10 - 24 - 0000 October 24 , 1999 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 Paradise , NV Halloween Havoc Won the title when Sid Vicious suffered excessive bleeding and the referee stopped the match . 77 Bret Hart 000000001999 - 10 - 25 - 0000 October 25 , 1999 7001140000000000000 ♠ 14 Phoenix , AZ Monday Nitro 78 Scott Hall 000000001999 - 11 - 08 - 0000 November 8 , 1999 7001410000000000000 ♠ 41 Indianapolis , IN Monday Nitro This was a four - way ladder match , also involving Sid Vicious and Goldberg . 79 Chris Benoit 000000001999 - 12 - 19 - 0000 December 19 , 1999 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 Washington , D.C. Starrcade Awarded the title when Scott Hall suffered a knee injury during the match . 80 Jeff Jarrett 000000001999 - 12 - 20 - 0000 December 20 , 1999 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 Baltimore , MD Monday Nitro This was a ladder match . -- Vacated -- 000000002000 - 01 - 16 - 0000 January 16 , 2000 -- Cincinnati , OH Souled Out Vacated due to Jeff Jarrett suffering an injury . 81 Jeff Jarrett 000000002000 - 01 - 17 - 0000 January 17 , 2000 7001840000000000000 ♠ 84 Columbus , OH Monday Nitro Awarded by WCW Commissioner Kevin Nash . -- Vacated -- 000000002000 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10 , 2000 -- Denver , CO Monday Nitro All WCW titles were declared vacant by Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff after WCW was rebooted . 82 Scott Steiner 000000002000 - 04 - 16 - 0000 April 16 , 2000 7001840000000000000 ♠ 84 Chicago , IL Spring Stampede Defeated Sting in a tournament final for the vacant title . -- Vacated -- 000000002000 - 07 - 09 - 0000 July 9 , 2000 -- Daytona Beach , FL Bash at the Beach Scott Steiner was stripped of the title when he used the banned Steiner Recliner submission hold on Mike Awesome . 83 Lance Storm 000000002000 - 07 - 18 - 0000 July 18 , 2000 7001660000000000000 ♠ 66 Auburn Hills , MI Monday Nitro Defeated Mike Awesome in a tournament final for the vacant title . Storm unofficially renamed the title the WCW Canadian Heavyweight Championship . 84 Terry Funk 000000002000 - 09 - 22 - 0000 September 22 , 2000 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 Amarillo , TX House show Title change was not recognized by WCW , but is recognized by WWE . 85 Lance Storm 000000002000 - 09 - 23 - 0000 September 23 , 2000 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 Lubbock , TX House show Title change was not recognized by WCW , but is recognized by WWE . 86 Gen. Rection 000000002000 - 10 - 29 - 0000 October 29 , 2000 7001150000000000000 ♠ 15 Paradise , NV Halloween Havoc Defeated Lance Storm and Jim Duggan in a handicap match . 87 Lance Storm 000000002000 - 11 - 13 - 0000 November 13 , 2000 7001130000000000000 ♠ 13 London , England Monday Nitro 88 Gen. Rection 000000002000 - 11 - 26 - 0000 November 26 , 2000 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 Milwaukee , WI Mayhem 89 Shane Douglas 000000002001 - 01 - 14 - 0000 January 14 , 2001 7001220000000000000 ♠ 22 Indianapolis , IN Sin This was a First Blood Chain match . 90 Rick Steiner 000000002001 - 02 - 05 - 0000 February 5 , 2001 7001410000000000000 ♠ 41 Tupelo , MS Monday Nitro 91 Booker T 000000002001 - 03 - 18 - 0000 March 18 , 2001 7002128000000000000 ♠ 128 Jacksonville , FL Greed Title and other selected assets of WCW were purchased by the World Wrestling Federation ( WWF ) . Title was subsequently referred to as the WCW United States Championship and was defended on WWF programming . 92 Chris Kanyon 000000002001 - 07 - 24 - 0000 July 24 , 2001 7001480000000000000 ♠ 48 Pittsburgh , PA SmackDown ! Given the title by Booker T as he was also the WCW Champion . WWE recognizes Kanyon 's reign as lasting 46 days , beginning on July 26 , 2001 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 93 Tajiri 000000002001 - 09 - 10 - 0000 September 10 , 2001 7001130000000000000 ♠ 13 San Antonio , TX Raw Is War 94 Rhyno 000000002001 - 09 - 23 - 0000 September 23 , 2001 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 Pittsburgh , PA Unforgiven 95 Kurt Angle 000000002001 - 10 - 22 - 0000 October 22 , 2001 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 Kansas City , MO Raw 96 Edge 000000002001 - 11 - 12 - 0000 November 12 , 2001 7000600000000000000 ♠ 6 Boston , MA Raw -- Unified -- 000000002001 - 11 - 18 - 0000 November 18 , 2001 -- Greensboro , NC Survivor Series Edge defeated WWF Intercontinental Champion Test to unify the two titles . Edge became the Intercontinental Champion while the United States title was deactivated . In May 2002 , the WWF became the WWE . 97 Eddie Guerrero 000000002003 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27 , 2003 7001840000000000000 ♠ 84 Denver , CO Vengeance Title was reactivated as the WWE United States Championship as an exclusive title of the SmackDown brand . Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit in a tournament final for the revived title . 98 Big Show 000000002003 - 10 - 19 - 0000 October 19 , 2003 7002147000000000000 ♠ 147 Baltimore , MD No Mercy 99 John Cena 000000002004 - 03 - 14 - 0000 March 14 , 2004 7002114000000000000 ♠ 114 New York , NY WrestleMania XX WWE mistakenly lists Cena 's reign as lasting 137 days , ending on July 29 , 2004 . The match description for Booker T 's title win states that Cena was stripped of the title `` a few weeks prior '' to the July 29 , 2004 tape delay episode of SmackDown ! -- Vacated -- 000000002004 - 07 - 06 - 0000 July 6 , 2004 -- Winnipeg , MB SmackDown ! John Cena was stripped of the title after attacking SmackDown ! General Manager Kurt Angle . Aired on tape delay on July 8 , 2004 . 100 Booker T 000000002004 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27 , 2004 7001680000000000000 ♠ 68 Cincinnati , OH SmackDown ! This was an eight - way elimination match , also involving John Cena , René Duprée , Kenzo Suzuki , Rob Van Dam , Billy Gunn , Charlie Haas , and Luther Reigns . WWE recognizes Booker T 's reign as lasting 66 days , beginning on July 29 , 2004 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 101 John Cena 000000002004 - 10 - 03 - 0000 October 3 , 2004 7000200000000000000 ♠ 2 East Rutherford , NJ No Mercy This was the fifth match of a Best of Five series . WWE recognizes Cena 's reign as lasting 4 days , ending on October 7 , 2004 , when the following episode aired on tape delay . 102 Carlito Caribbean Cool 000000002004 - 10 - 05 - 0000 October 5 , 2004 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 Boston , MA SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Carlito 's reign as beginning on October 7 , 2004 and ending on November 18 , 2004 , both episodes of which aired on tape delay . 103 John Cena 000000002004 - 11 - 16 - 0000 November 16 , 2004 7002105000000000000 ♠ 105 Dayton , OH SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Cena 's reign as beginning on November 18 , 2004 and ending on March 3 , 2005 , both episodes of which aired on tape delay . 104 Orlando Jordan 000000002005 - 03 - 01 - 0000 March 1 , 2005 7002173000000000000 ♠ 173 Albany , NY SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Jordan 's reign as lasting 171 days , beginning on March 3 , 2005 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 105 Chris Benoit 000000002005 - 08 - 21 - 0000 August 21 , 2005 7001580000000000000 ♠ 58 Washington , D.C. SummerSlam WWE recognizes Benoit 's reign as lasting 61 days , ending on October 21 , 2005 , when the following episode aired on tape delay . 106 Booker T 000000002005 - 10 - 18 - 0000 October 18 , 2005 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 Reno , NV SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Booker T 's reign as beginning on October 21 , 2005 and ending on November 25 , 2005 , both episodes of which aired on tape delay . -- Vacated -- 000000002005 - 11 - 22 - 0000 November 22 , 2005 -- Sheffield , England SmackDown ! Vacated when Booker T 's title defense against Chris Benoit ended in a double pinfall . Aired on tape delay on November 25 , 2005 . 107 Booker T 000000002006 - 01 - 10 - 0000 January 10 , 2006 7001400000000000000 ♠ 40 Philadelphia , PA SmackDown ! Booker T faced Chris Benoit in a Best of Seven series , winning the first three matches ; Randy Orton substituted for Booker T after that due to injury , losing the next three matches , but winning the final for the vacant title . WWE recognizes Booker T 's reign as lasting 37 days , beginning on January 13 , 2006 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 108 Chris Benoit 000000002006 - 02 - 19 - 0000 February 19 , 2006 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 Baltimore , MD No Way Out 109 John Bradshaw Layfield 000000002006 - 04 - 02 - 0000 April 2 , 2006 7001510000000000000 ♠ 51 Rosemont , IL WrestleMania 22 WWE recognizes JBL 's reign as lasting 54 days , ending on May 26 , 2006 , when the following episode aired on tape delay . 110 Bobby Lashley 000000002006 - 05 - 23 - 0000 May 23 , 2006 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 Bakersfield , CA SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Lashley 's reign as beginning on May 26 , 2006 and ending on July 14 , 2006 , both episodes of which aired on tape delay . 111 Finlay 000000002006 - 07 - 11 - 0000 July 11 , 2006 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 Minneapolis , MN SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Finlay 's reign as beginning on July 14 , 2006 and ending on September 1 , 2006 , both episodes of which aired on tape delay . 112 Mr. Kennedy 000000002006 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29 , 2006 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 Reading , PA SmackDown ! This was a triple threat match , also involving Bobby Lashley . WWE recognizes Kennedy 's reign as beginning on September 1 , 2006 and ending on October 13 , 2006 , both episodes of which aired on tape delay . 113 Chris Benoit 5 000000002006 - 10 - 10 - 0000 October 10 , 2006 7002222000000000000 ♠ 222 Jacksonville , FL SmackDown ! WWE recognizes Benoit 's reign as lasting 219 days , beginning on October 13 , 2006 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 114 Montel Vontavious Porter 000000002007 - 05 - 20 - 0000 May 20 , 2007 7002343000000000000 ♠ 343 St. Louis , MO Judgment Day This was a two out of three falls match . 115 Matt Hardy 000000002008 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 2008 7001840000000000000 ♠ 84 Baltimore , MD Backlash The title became exclusive to the ECW brand following the 2008 WWE draft . 116 Shelton Benjamin 000000002008 - 07 - 20 - 0000 July 20 , 2008 7002240000000000000 ♠ 240 Uniondale , NY The Great American Bash The title was returned to SmackDown due to Benjamin 's status as a SmackDown wrestler . WWE recognizes Benjamin 's reign as lasting 243 days , ending on March 20 , 2009 , when the following episode aired on tape delay . 117 Montel Vontavious Porter 000000002009 - 03 - 17 - 0000 March 17 , 2009 7001760000000000000 ♠ 76 Corpus Christi , TX SmackDown The title became exclusive to the Raw brand following the 2009 WWE draft . WWE recognizes Porter 's reign as lasting 73 days , beginning on March 20 , 2009 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 118 Kofi Kingston 000000002009 - 06 - 01 - 0000 June 1 , 2009 7002126000000000000 ♠ 126 Birmingham , AL Raw 119 The Miz 000000002009 - 10 - 05 - 0000 October 5 , 2009 7002224000000000000 ♠ 224 Wilkes - Barre , PA Raw 120 Bret Hart 5 000000002010 - 05 - 17 - 0000 May 17 , 2010 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 Toronto , ON Raw This was a no disqualification , no countout match . -- Vacated -- 000000002010 - 05 - 24 - 0000 May 24 , 2010 -- Toledo , OH Raw Vacated when Bret Hart became the Raw General Manager . 121 R - Truth 000000002010 - 05 - 24 - 0000 May 24 , 2010 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 Toledo , OH Raw Defeated The Miz to win the vacant title . 122 The Miz 000000002010 - 06 - 14 - 0000 June 14 , 2010 7001970000000000000 ♠ 97 Charlotte , NC Raw This was a fatal four - way match , also involving John Morrison and Zack Ryder . 123 Daniel Bryan 000000002010 - 09 - 19 - 0000 September 19 , 2010 7002176000000000000 ♠ 176 Rosemont , IL Night of Champions WWE recognizes Bryan 's reign as lasting 177 days . 124 Sheamus 000000002011 - 03 - 14 - 0000 March 14 , 2011 7001480000000000000 ♠ 48 St. Louis , MO Raw If Sheamus lost , he would have quit the WWE . Title became exclusive to the SmackDown brand following the 2011 WWE draft . 125 Kofi Kingston 000000002011 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 2011 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 Tampa , FL Extreme Rules This was a tables match . The title became exclusive to Raw due to Kingston 's status as a Raw wrestler . 126 Dolph Ziggler 000000002011 - 06 - 19 - 0000 June 19 , 2011 7002182000000000000 ♠ 182 Washington , D.C. Capitol Punishment On August 29 , 2011 , the brand extension ended , allowing the United States Champion to appear on both Raw and SmackDown . 127 Zack Ryder 000000002011 - 12 - 18 - 0000 December 18 , 2011 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 Baltimore , MD TLC : Tables , Ladders & Chairs 128 Jack Swagger 000000002012 - 01 - 16 - 0000 January 16 , 2012 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 Anaheim , CA Raw WWE recognizes Swagger 's reign as lasting 50 days . 129 Santino Marella 000000002012 - 03 - 05 - 0000 March 5 , 2012 7002167000000000000 ♠ 167 Boston , MA Raw 130 Antonio Cesaro 000000002012 - 08 - 19 - 0000 August 19 , 2012 7002239000000000000 ♠ 239 Los Angeles , CA SummerSlam Match aired live on YouTube and as part of the SummerSlam pre-show . WWE recognizes Cesaro 's reign as lasting 240 days . 131 Kofi Kingston 000000002013 - 04 - 15 - 0000 April 15 , 2013 7001340000000000000 ♠ 34 Greenville , SC Raw 132 Dean Ambrose 000000002013 - 05 - 19 - 0000 May 19 , 2013 7002351000000000000 ♠ 351 St. Louis , MO Extreme Rules 133 Sheamus 000000002014 - 05 - 05 - 0000 May 5 , 2014 7002182000000000000 ♠ 182 Albany , NY Raw This was a 20 - man battle royal . Sheamus lastly eliminated Dean Ambrose to win the match and the title . WWE recognizes Sheamus ' reign as lasting 183 days . 134 Rusev 000000002014 - 11 - 03 - 0000 November 3 , 2014 7002146000000000000 ♠ 146 Buffalo , NY Raw Backstage Pass 135 John Cena 000000002015 - 03 - 29 - 0000 March 29 , 2015 7002147000000000000 ♠ 147 Santa Clara , CA WrestleMania 31 136 Seth Rollins 000000002015 - 08 - 23 - 0000 August 23 , 2015 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 Brooklyn , NY SummerSlam This was a title for title match , in which Rollins also defended the WWE World Heavyweight Championship . WWE recognizes Rollins ' reign as lasting 29 days . 137 John Cena 5 000000002015 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 2015 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 Houston , TX Night of Champions 138 Alberto Del Rio 000000002015 - 10 - 25 - 0000 October 25 , 2015 7001780000000000000 ♠ 78 Los Angeles , CA Hell in a Cell This was an open challenge . WWE recognizes Del Rio 's reign as lasting 79 days . 139 Kalisto 000000002016 - 01 - 11 - 0000 January 11 , 2016 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 New Orleans , LA Raw WWE recognizes Kalisto 's reign as lasting 3 days , ending on January 14 , 2016 , when the following episode aired on tape delay . 140 Alberto Del Rio 000000002016 - 01 - 12 - 0000 January 12 , 2016 7001120000000000000 ♠ 12 Lafayette , LA SmackDown WWE recognizes Del Rio 's reign as lasting 10 days , beginning on January 14 , 2016 , when the episode aired on tape delay . 141 Kalisto 000000002016 - 01 - 24 - 0000 January 24 , 2016 7002119000000000000 ♠ 119 Orlando , FL Royal Rumble 142 Rusev 000000002016 - 05 - 22 - 0000 May 22 , 2016 7002126000000000000 ♠ 126 Newark , NJ Extreme Rules The brand extension returned and the title became exclusive to the Raw brand following the 2016 WWE draft . WWE recognizes Rusev 's reign as lasting 127 days . 143 Roman Reigns 000000002016 - 09 - 25 - 0000 September 25 , 2016 7002106000000000000 ♠ 106 Indianapolis , IN Clash of Champions WWE recognizes Reigns ' reign as lasting 107 days . 144 Chris Jericho 000000002017 - 01 - 09 - 0000 January 9 , 2017 7001830000000000000 ♠ 83 New Orleans , LA Raw This was a 2 - on - 1 handicap match , also involving Kevin Owens , who teamed with Jericho . Jericho pinned Roman Reigns to win the title . 145 Kevin Owens 000000002017 - 04 - 02 - 0000 April 2 , 2017 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 Orlando , FL WrestleMania 33 The title became exclusive to the SmackDown brand following the 2017 WWE Superstar Shake - up . WWE recognizes Owens ' reign as lasting 29 days . 146 Chris Jericho 000000002017 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 2017 7000200000000000000 ♠ 2 San Jose , CA Payback Since Jericho won , he was transferred to the SmackDown brand . WWE recognizes Jericho 's reign as lasting 3 days . 147 Kevin Owens 000000002017 - 05 - 02 - 0000 May 2 , 2017 7001660000000000000 ♠ 66 Fresno , CA SmackDown Live 148 AJ Styles 000000002017 - 07 - 07 - 0000 July 7 , 2017 7001160000000000000 ♠ 16 New York , NY House show WWE recognizes Styles ' reign as lasting 17 days . 149 Kevin Owens 000000002017 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23 , 2017 7000200000000000000 ♠ 2 Philadelphia , PA Battleground WWE recognizes Owens ' reign as lasting 3 days . 150 AJ Styles 000000002017 - 07 - 25 - 0000 July 25 , 2017 7001750000000000000 ♠ 75 Richmond , VA SmackDown Live This was a triple threat match also involving Chris Jericho . 151 Baron Corbin 000000002017 - 10 - 08 - 0000 October 8 , 2017 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 + Detroit , MI Hell in a Cell This was a triple threat match also involving Tye Dillinger . Combined Reigns ( edit ) Inaugural champion and WWE Hall of Famer Harley Race Record six - time champion Ric Flair Lex Luger is the longest reigning champion in history , with a record of 523 days Dean Ambrose is the longest reigning champion under the WWE banner , with a record of 351 days As of November 6 , 2017 . † Indicates the current champion Rank Wrestler No. of reigns Combined days Combined days recognized by WWE Luger , Lex Lex Luger 5 948 950 Flair , Ric Ric Flair 6 773 709 Valentine , Greg Greg Valentine 512 392 Mulligan , Blackjack Blackjack Mulligan 509 500 5 Porter , Montel Vontavious Montel Vontavious Porter 419 416 6 Cena , John John Cena 5 403 405 7 Rude , Rick Rick Rude 378 8 Benoit , Chris Chris Benoit 5 357 9 Ambrose , Dean Dean Ambrose 351 10 Koloff , Nikita Nikita Koloff 328 11 Miz ! The Miz 321 12 Sgt . Slaughter ! Sgt . Slaughter 305 13 Magnum T.A. ! Magnum T.A. 302 274 14 McDaniel , Wahoo Wahoo McDaniel 5 296 300 15 Windham , Barry Barry Windham 283 16 Rusev ! Rusev 272 273 17 Booker T ! Booker T 271 266 18 Steamboat , Ricky Ricky Steamboat 265 267 19 Austin , Steve Steve Austin 240 Benjamin , Shelton Shelton Benjamin 240 243 21 Cesaro , Antonio Antonio Cesaro 239 240 22 Sting ! Sting 234 23 Snuka , Jimmy Jimmy Snuka 231 233 24 Sheamus ! Sheamus 230 231 25 Rhodes , Dustin Dustin Rhodes 229 26 Piper , Roddy Roddy Piper 220 222 27 Kingston , Kofi Kofi Kingston 209 28 Hart , Bret Bret Hart 5 188 186 29 Jarrett , Jeff Jeff Jarrett 184 30 Race , Harley Harley Race 183 184 31 Ziggler , Dolph Dolph Ziggler 182 32 Bryan , Daniel Daniel Bryan 176 177 33 Jordan , Orlando Orlando Jordan 173 171 34 Steiner , Scott Scott Steiner 169 35 Marella , Santino Santino Marella 167 36 Guerrero , Eddie Eddie Guerrero 161 37 Konnan ! Konnan 160 38 Jones , Paul Paul Jones 156 150 39 Page , Diamond Dallas Diamond Dallas Page 147 Big Show ! Big Show 147 41 Rhodes , Dusty Dusty Rhodes 141 42 Blanchard , Tully Tully Blanchard 130 43 Slater , Dick Dick Slater 129 44 Kalisto ! Kalisto 120 122 45 Storm , Lance Lance Storm 115 46 Reigns , Roman Roman Reigns 106 107 47 Hennig , Curt Curt Hennig 104 48 Duggan , Jim Jim Duggan 100 49 Owens , Kevin Kevin Owens 96 98 50 Valentine , Johnny Johnny Valentine 93 51 AJ Styles ! AJ Styles 91 92 52 Del Rio , Alberto Alberto Del Rio 90 89 53 Vader , Big Van Big Van Vader 88 54 Jericho , Chris Chris Jericho 85 86 Malenko , Dean Dean Malenko 85 56 Hardy , Matt Matt Hardy 84 57 Goldberg ! Goldberg 78 92 58 Hall , Scott Scott Hall 66 59 Rection ! Gen. Rection 64 60 Layfield , John Bradshaw John Bradshaw Layfield 51 54 61 Hansen , Stan Stan Hansen 50 62 Lashley , Bobby Bobby Lashley 49 Finlay ! Finlay 49 Swagger , Jack Jack Swagger 49 50 65 Kanyon ! Chris Kanyon 48 46 66 Sasaki , Kensuke Kensuke Sasaki 44 67 Carlito ! Carlito Caribbean Cool 42 Kennedy , Mr.Mr . Kennedy 42 Sid Vicious ! Sid Vicious 42 70 Steiner , Rick Rick Steiner 41 71 Flair , David David Flair 35 72 One Man Gang ! One Man Gang 33 73 Corbin , Baron Baron Corbin † 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 + 74 Rhyno ! Rhyno 29 Ryder , Zack Zack Ryder 29 76 Rollins , Seth Seth Rollins 28 29 77 McMichael , Steve Steve McMichael 25 78 Bobo Brazil ! Bobo Brazil 22 Douglas , Shane Shane Douglas 22 80 Angle , Kurt Kurt Angle 21 Wrestling , Mr.Mr . Wrestling 21 22 R - Truth ! R - Truth 21 83 Funk , Terry Terry Funk 19 20 84 Hayes , Michael Michael Hayes 15 85 Tajiri ! Tajiri 13 86 Edge ! Edge 6 87 Raven ! Raven Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Ric Flair 's fifth reign is not recognized by WWE , but a article recognized him as a 6 - time champion Jump up ^ WWE recognizes Greg Valentine as a 2 - time champion . His first reign is not recognized by WWE . Jump up ^ WWE recognizes Blackjack Mulligan as a 3 - time champion . His second reign is not recognized by WWE . Jump up ^ WWE recognizes Paul Jones as a 2 - time champion . His third reign is not recognized by WWE . See also ( edit ) Professional wrestling portal WWE United States Championship References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` WWE Entertainment , Inc . Acquires WCW from Turner Broadcasting '' . WWE. 2001 - 03 - 21 . Archived from the original on 2005 - 04 - 08 . Retrieved 2008 - 10 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Father / Son Champions '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2015 - 06 - 22 . Retrieved 2015 - 09 - 28 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ambrose 's record U.S. Title reign '' . WWE . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 28 . ^ Jump up to : `` NWA / WCW United States Heavyweight Championship history '' . . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` WWE United States Championship history '' . . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` WWE United States Championship official history '' . WWE . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : Sempervive , Mike ( 2003 - 07 - 20 ) . `` Bring The Pain : Detailed history of U.S. Heavyweight Title '' . Pro Wrestling Torch . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 27 . Jump up ^ Molinaro , John F. `` The plane crash that changed wrestling '' . Slam ! Wrestling . Retrieved January 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hoops , Brian ( July 29 , 2015 ) . `` On this day in pro wrestling history ( July 29 ) : Ric Flair vs. Bobo Brazil , Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mil Mascaras '' . Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved February 18 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` WCW / WWE U.S. Heavyweight Title '' . Pro Wrestling Illustrated . 29 ( 5 ) : 93 -- 94 . 2008 . ISSN 1043 - 7576 . Jump up ^ Benigno , Anthony . `` Ric Flair and David Flair -- United States Championship '' . WWE . Archived from the original on June 22 , 2015 . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . The Dirtiest Player in the Game also had six stints with the United States Title , which is enough to build a legacy on in and of itself ^ Jump up to : `` Sgt . Slaughter 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 10 - 01 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Sgt . Slaughter 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2006 - 01 - 04 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 09 . Jump up ^ PWI 2002 Wrestling Almanac and Book of Facts . Ambler , PA : London Publishing . 2002 . p. 120 . ISSN 1043 - 7576 . Greg Valentine was awarded the title when the match was halted due to a bloody gash over Roddy Piper 's left ear that rendered him unable to continue . Jump up ^ `` Magnum T.A. 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 07 - 19 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Tully Blanchard 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Magnum T.A. 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Starrcade 1985 results '' . Wrestling Supercards and Tournaments . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Magnum TA beat Tully Blanchard ( 16 : 00 ) in a `` steel cage I quit '' match to win the NWA U.S. Title . Jump up ^ 2002 Wrestling Almanac and Book of Facts . Ambler , PA : London Publishing . 2002 . p. 120 . ISSN 1043 - 7576 . This match was the final bout in a best - of - seven series to fill the vacancy created in May 1986 when Magnum T.A. was stripped of the title for attacking NWA president Bob Geigel . ^ Jump up to : `` Nikita Koloff 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 07 - 28 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` NWA National Heavyweight Championship history '' . . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Great American Bash 87 results '' . Retrieved 2012 - 08 - 29 . Lex Luger ( w / JJ Dillon ) defeated NWA U.S. Champion Nikita Koloff in a steel cage match via knockout with the Torture Rack after hitting him in the back with a steel chair thrown in the ring by Dillon while referee Earl Hebner was knocked out . Jump up ^ `` Lex Luger 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 16 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Starrcade 1987 results '' . Wrestling Supercards and Tournaments . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Dusty Rhodes pinned Lex Luger ( 16 : 23 ) in a `` steel cage '' match to win the NWA US Title . Jump up ^ `` Dusty Rhodes ' first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 23 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Barry Windham 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 27 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ Hoops , Brian ( May 13 , 2015 ) . `` On this day in pro wrestling history ( May 13 ) : Rick Martel wins AWA gold , Kurt Angle wins TNA title , Nash & Hall beat one man to win tag titles '' . Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved February 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Lex Luger 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Michael Hayes ' first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2006 - 01 - 10 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ F4W Staff ( May 7 , 2015 ) . `` On this day in pro wrestling history ( May 7 ) : Jeff Jarrett ends David Arquette 's WCW title reign , Nick Bockwinkel Vs. Ray Stevens '' . Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Stan Hansen 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Lex Luger 's fourth reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Sting 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 08 - 06 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Rick Rude 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Dustin Rhodes ' first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Dustin Rhodes ' second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Starrcade 1993 results '' . Wrestling Supercards and Tournaments . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Steve Austin beat Dustin Rhodes ( 15 : 00 ) in two straight falls to win the WCW US Title . Jump up ^ `` Steve Austin 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Ricky Steamboat 's fourth reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Steve Austin 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 16 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Jim Duggan 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 29 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Vader 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 04 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Sting 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 08 - 10 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` NJPW : WCW World in Japan results '' . Strong Style Spirit . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . New Japan vs. WCW -- WCW U.S. Heavyweight Title : Kensuke Sasaki beat Sting ( c ) ( 12 : 47 ) with a Northern Light bomb to become the 57th champion . Jump up ^ `` One Man Gang 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Konnan 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 18 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ric Flair 's fifth reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 24 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Eddie Guerrero 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 27 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Dean Malenko 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2006 - 01 - 04 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Steve McMichael 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 27 . 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Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Bret Hart 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 07 - 30 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Diamond Dallas Page 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 16 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Bret Hart 's third reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 02 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Roddy Piper 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 29 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Scott Hall 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 29 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Scott Steiner 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` David Flair 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 23 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Sid Vicious ' first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 29 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Goldberg 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 13 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Bret Hart 's fourth reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 13 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Scott Hall 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 29 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Jeff Jarrett 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 06 - 20 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Jeff Jarrett 's third reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2006 - 01 - 04 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Scott Steiner 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 2005 - 11 - 23 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 10 . Jump up ^ Powell , John ( 2000 - 04 - 17 ) . `` Stampede : Spring back in WCW 's step '' . Slam ! Wrestling . Canadian Online Explorer . 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Retrieved 20 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Alberto Del Rio 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 9 November 2015 . Retrieved 25 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Kalisto 's first reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 14 January 2016 . Retrieved 11 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Alberto Del Rio 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 21 January 2016 . Retrieved 14 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Kalisto 's second reign '' . WWE . Archived from the original on 4 February 2016 . Retrieved 24 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Caldwell , James ( May 22 , 2016 ) . `` 5 / 22 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Results -- CALDWELL 'S Complete Live Report '' . Pro Wrestling Torch . Retrieved May 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Caldwell , James . `` 9 / 25 WWE C. of Champions Results -- CALDWELL 'S Complete Report '' . Pro Wrestling Torch . Retrieved September 15 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Keller , Wade . `` KELLER 'S WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW REPORT 1 / 9 : Reigns vs. Owens & Jericho , Shawn Michaels , Foley 's Performance Review , Undertaker `` rumored '' to appear `` . . TDH Communications Inc . Retrieved January 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Powell , Jason . `` Powell 's WrestleMania 33 live review : Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns , Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship , AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon , Seth Rollins vs. Triple H in an unsanctioned match '' . Pro Wreslting Dot Net . Retrieved April 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Powell , Jason . `` 4 / 30 Powell 's WWE Payback Live Review : Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman , Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho for the U.S. Championship , Samoa Joe vs. Seth Rollins , Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt in a House of Horrors match '' . Pro Wreslting Dot Net . Retrieved April 30 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Barnett , Jake . `` 5 / 2 Barnett 's WWE Smackdown Live TV Review : Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens for the U.S. Championship , Charlotte and Naomi vs. Natalya and Carmella '' . Pro Wreslting Dot Net . Retrieved May 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Melok , Bobby . `` AJ Styles wins United States Championship from Kevin Owens at Madison Square Garden Live Event '' . WWE . Retrieved July 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Powell , Jason . `` 7 / 23 Powell 's WWE Battleground Live Review : Jinder Mahal vs. Randy Orton in a Punjabi Prison match for the WWE Championship , AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens for the U.S. Championship , John Cena vs. Rusev in a flag match '' . Pro Wrestling Dot Net . Retrieved July 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Keller , Wade . `` KELLER 'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 7 / 25 : Surprise return , Owens gloats and Styles wants rematch , Nakamura vs. Corbin '' . Pro Wrestling Torch . Retrieved July 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Powell , Jason . `` Powell 's WWE Hell in a Cell 2017 live review : Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon in a Falls Count Anywhere HIAC match , New Day vs. The Usos in an HIAC match for the Smackdown Tag Titles , Jinder Mahal vs. Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Championship '' . Pro Wrestling Dot Net . Retrieved October 8 , 2017 . 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who is the longest reigning wwe united states champion
Overall , there have been 87 different champions . Ric Flair holds the record for having the most reigns at six , while John Cena holds the record for most reigns under the WWE banner at five . Lex Luger holds the record for longest reign , with his third reign lasting a total of 523 days , while Dean Ambrose holds the longest reign under the WWE banner , at 351 days ( overall the third longest in the title 's history ) . Only two men , Lex Luger and Rick Rude , have held the championship for a continuous reign of one year ( 365 days ) or more .
Pledge of Allegiance ( United States ) - wikipedia Pledge of Allegiance ( United States ) Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the U.S. oath of allegiance . For the general topic of oaths of allegiance , see Oath of allegiance . For other uses , see Pledge of Allegiance ( disambiguation ) . Pledge of Allegiance ( Bellamy versions ) ( changes are bolded and underlined ) 1892 ( first version ) `` I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1892 to 1923 `` I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1923 to 1954 `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1954 ( current version ) 4 U.S.C. § 4 `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America , and to the Republic for which it stands , one Nation under God , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of allegiance to the United States , addressed to both the flag and the Republic . It was composed by Rear Admiral George Balch in 1887 , and revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892 . In 1942 it was formally adopted by Congress . Congress gave it the name The Pledge of Allegiance in 1945 . In 1954 the words `` under God '' were added . Though many countries have oaths of allegiances for specific purposes , the US remains one of the few to use such an oath in childhood education . Contents ( hide ) 1 Recital 2 Origins 2.1 Balch and Bellamy pledges 2.2 Bellamy 's account 3 Changes 3.1 Addition of `` under God '' 4 Salute 5 Music 6 Controversy 6.1 Legal challenges 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Recital Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge , as do many government meetings at local levels , and meetings held by many private organizations . All states except Hawaii , Iowa , Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly - scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools , although the Supreme Court has ruled in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette that students can not be compelled to recite the Pledge , nor can they be punished for not doing so . A number of states state flag pledges of allegiance to be recited after this . The United States Flag Code says : The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag -- `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America , and to the Republic for which it stands , one Nation under God , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' -- should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart . When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder , the hand being over the heart . Persons in uniform should remain silent , face the flag , and render the military salute . Members of the Armed Forces not in uniform and veterans may render the military salute in the manner provided for persons in uniform . Origins Balch and Bellamy pledges The Pledge of Allegiance , as it exists in its current form , was composed in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy ( 1855 -- 1931 ) , who was a Baptist minister , a Christian socialist , and the cousin of socialist utopian novelist Edward Bellamy ( 1850 -- 1898 ) . There did exist a previous version created by Rear Admiral George Balch , a veteran of the Civil War , who later become auditor of the New York Board of Education . Balch 's pledge , which existed contemporaneously with the Bellamy version until the 1923 National Flag Conference , read : We give our heads and hearts to God and our country ; one country , one language , one flag ! Balch was a proponent of teaching children , especially those of immigrants , loyalty to the United States , even going so far as to write a book on the subject and work with both the government and private organizations to distribute flags to every classroom and school . Balch 's pledge , which predates Bellamy 's by 5 years and was embraced by many schools , by the Daughters of the American Revolution until the 1910s , and by the Grand Army of the Republic until the 1923 National Flag Conference , is often overlooked when discussing the history of the Pledge . Bellamy , however , did not approve of the pledge as Balch had written it , referring to the text as `` too juvenile and lacking in dignity . '' The Bellamy `` Pledge of Allegiance '' was first published in the September 8 issue of the popular children 's magazine The Youth 's Companion as part of the National Public - School Celebration of Columbus Day , a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus 's arrival in the Americas . The event was conceived and promoted by James B. Upham , a marketer for the magazine , as a campaign to instill the idea of American nationalism in students and to sell flags to public schools . According to author Margarette S. Miller , this campaign was in line both with Upham 's patriotic vision as well as with his commercial interest . According to Miller , Upham `` would often say to his wife : ' Mary , if I can instill into the minds of our American youth a love for their country and the principles on which it was founded , and create in them an ambition to carry on with the ideals which the early founders wrote into The Constitution , I shall not have lived in vain . ' '' Bellamy 's original Pledge read : I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . Students reciting a pledge on Flag Day in 1899 The Pledge was supposed to be quick and to the point . Bellamy designed it to be recited in 15 seconds . As a socialist , he had initially also considered using the words equality and fraternity but decided against it , knowing that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans . Francis Bellamy and Upham had lined up the National Education Association to support the Youth 's Companion as a sponsor of the Columbus Day observance and the use in that observance of the American flag . By June 29 , 1892 , Bellamy and Upham had arranged for Congress and President Benjamin Harrison to announce a proclamation making the public school flag ceremony the center of the Columbus Day celebrations . This arrangement was formalized when Harrison issued Presidential Proclamation 335 . Subsequently , the Pledge was first used in public schools on October 12 , 1892 , during Columbus Day observances organized to coincide with the opening of the World 's Columbian Exposition ( the Chicago World 's Fair ) , Illinois . Bellamy 's account In his recollection of the creation of the Pledge Francis Bellamy said , `` At the beginning of the nineties patriotism and national feeling was ( sic ) at a low ebb . The patriotic ardor of the Civil War was an old story ... The time was ripe for a reawakening of simple Americanism and the leaders in the new movement rightly felt that patriotic education should begin in the public schools . '' James Upham `` felt that a flag should be on every schoolhouse , '' so his publication `` fostered a plan of selling flags to schools through the children themselves at cost , which was so successful that 25,000 schools acquired flags in the first year ( 1892 - 93 ) . As the World 's Columbian Exposition was set to celebrate the 400th anniversary the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas , Upham sought to link the publication 's flag drive to the event , `` so that every school in the land ... would have a flag raising , under the most impressive conditions . '' Bellamy was placed in charge of this operation and was soon lobbying `` not only the superintendents of education in all the States , but ( he ) also worked with governors , Congressmen , and even the President of the United States . '' The publication 's efforts paid off when Benjamin Harrison declared Wednesday October 12 , 1892 , to be Columbus Day for which The Youth 's Companion made `` an official program for universal use in all the schools . '' Bellamy recalled that the event `` had to be more than a list of exercises . The ritual must be prepared with simplicity and dignity . '' Edna Dean Proctor wrote an ode for the event , and `` There was also an oration suitable for declamation . '' Bellamy held that `` Of course , the nub of the program was to be the raising of the flag , with a salute to the flag recited by the pupils in unison . '' He found `` There was not a satisfactory enough form for this salute . The Balch salute , which ran , `` I give my heart and my hand to my country , one country , one language , one flag , '' seemed to him too juvenile and lacking in dignity . '' After working on the idea with Upham , Bellamy concluded , `` It was my thought that a vow of loyalty or allegiance to the flag should be the dominant idea . I especially stressed the word ' allegiance ' ... Beginning with the new word allegiance , I first decided that ' pledge ' was a better school word than ' vow ' or ' swear ' ; and that the first person singular should be used , and that ' my ' flag was preferable to ' the . ' '' Bellamy considered the words `` country , nation , or Republic , '' choosing the last as `` it distinguished the form of government chosen by the founding fathers and established by the Revolution . The true reason for allegiance to the flag is the Republic for which it stands . '' Bellamy then reflected on the sayings of Revolutionary and Civil War figures , and concluded `` all that pictured struggle reduced itself to three words , one Nation indivisible . '' Bellamy considered the slogan of the French Revolution , Liberté , égalité , fraternité ( `` liberty , equality , fraternity '' ) , but held that `` fraternity was too remote of realization , and ... ( that ) equality was a dubious word . '' Concluding `` Liberty and justice were surely basic , were undebatable , and were all that any one Nation could handle . If they were exercised for all . they involved the spirit of equality and fraternity . '' After being reviewed by Upham and other members of The Youth 's Companion , the Pledge was approved and put in the official Columbus Day program . Bellamy noted that , `` In later years the words ' to my flag ' were changed to ' to the flag of the United States of America ' because of the large number of foreign children in the schools . '' Bellamy disliked the change , as `` it did injure the rhythmic balance of the original composition . '' Changes A plaque in Lansing , MI , dated 1918 , listing the Balch Pledge , which was used parallel to the Bellamy Pledge until the National Flag Conference in 1923 . In 1906 , The Daughters of the American Revolution 's magazine , The American Monthly , listed the `` formula of allegiance '' as being the Balch Pledge of Allegiance , which reads : I pledge allegiance to my flag , and the republic for which it stands . I pledge my head and my heart to God and my country . One country , one language and one flag . -- Balch Pledge of Allegiance In subsequent publications of the Daughters of the American Revolution , such as in 1915 's `` Proceedings of the Twenty - Fourth Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution '' and 1916 's annual `` National Report , '' the Balch Pledge , listed as official in 1906 , is now categorized as `` Old Pledge '' with Bellamy 's version under the heading `` New Pledge . '' However , the `` Old Pledge '' continued to be used by other organizations until the National Flag Conference established uniform flag procedures in 1923 . In 1923 , the National Flag Conference called for the words `` my Flag '' to be changed to `` the Flag of the United States , '' so that new immigrants would not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US . The words `` of America '' were added a year later . Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time , in the following form , on June 22 , 1942 : I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America , and to the Republic for which it stands , one Nation indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . -- 1942 Pledge of Allegiance Addition of `` under God '' `` Under God '' redirects here . For the book , see Under God ( book ) . Louis Albert Bowman , an attorney from Illinois , was the first to suggest the addition of `` under God '' to the pledge . The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea . He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution . At a meeting on February 12 , 1948 , he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words `` under God '' added . He said that the words came from Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address . Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words `` under God '' , all the reporters ' transcripts of the speech as delivered do , as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said `` that the nation shall , under God , have a new birth of freedom . '' Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings . In 1951 , the Knights of Columbus , the world 's largest Catholic fraternal service organization , also began including the words `` under God '' in the Pledge of Allegiance . In New York City , on April 30 , 1951 , the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words `` under God '' after the words `` one nation . '' Over the next two years , the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide . On August 21 , 1952 , the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus at its annual meeting adopted a resolution urging that the change be made universal , and copies of this resolution were sent to the President , the Vice President ( as Presiding Officer of the Senate ) , and the Speaker of the House of Representatives . The National Fraternal Congress meeting in Boston on September 24 , 1952 , adopted a similar resolution upon the recommendation of its president , Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart . Several State Fraternal Congresses acted likewise almost immediately thereafter . This campaign led to several official attempts to prompt Congress to adopt the Knights of Columbus policy for the entire nation . These attempts were eventually a success . In 1952 , Holger Christian Langmack suggested in a letter to President Truman adding `` under God '' in the Pledge of Allegiance . Langmack was a Danish philosopher and educator who came to the US in 1911 . He was one of the originators of the National Prayer Breakfast and a religious leader in Washington , D.C. Truman met with Langmack and with several others to discuss the addition . At the suggestion of a correspondent , Representative Louis C. Rabaut ( D - Mich . ) , of Michigan sponsored a resolution to add the words `` under God '' to the Pledge in 1953 . Rev. Dr. George MacPherson Docherty ( left ) and President Eisenhower ( second from left ) on the morning of February 7 , 1954 , at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church . Before February 1954 , no endeavor to get the pledge officially amended had succeeded . The final successful push came from George MacPherson Docherty . Some American presidents honored Lincoln 's birthday by attending services at the church Lincoln attended , New York Avenue Presbyterian Church by sitting in Lincoln 's pew on the Sunday nearest February 12 . On February 7 , 1954 , with President Eisenhower sitting in Lincoln 's pew , the church 's pastor , George MacPherson Docherty , delivered a sermon based on the Gettysburg Address entitled `` A New Birth of Freedom . '' He argued that the nation 's might lay not in arms but rather in its spirit and higher purpose . He noted that the Pledge 's sentiments could be those of any nation : `` There was something missing in the pledge , and that which was missing was the characteristic and definitive factor in the American way of life . '' He cited Lincoln 's words `` under God '' as defining words that set the US apart from other nations . President Eisenhower had been baptized a Presbyterian very recently , just a year before . He responded enthusiastically to Docherty in a conversation following the service . Eisenhower acted on his suggestion the next day and on February 8 , 1954 , Rep. Charles Oakman ( R - Mich . ) , introduced a bill to that effect . Congress passed the necessary legislation and Eisenhower signed the bill into law on Flag Day , June 14 , 1954 . Eisenhower said : From this day forward , the millions of our school children will daily proclaim in every city and town , every village and rural school house , the dedication of our nation and our people to the Almighty ... In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America 's heritage and future ; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country 's most powerful resource , in peace or in war . -- Dwight D. Eisenhower The phrase `` under God '' was incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance on June 14 , 1954 , by a Joint Resolution of Congress amending § 4 of the Flag Code enacted in 1942 . On October 6 , 1954 , the National Executive Committee of the American Legion adopted a resolution , first approved by the Illinois American Legion Convention in August 1954 , which formally recognized the Knights of Columbus for having initiated and brought forward the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance . Even though the movement behind inserting `` under God '' into the pledge might have been initiated by a private religious fraternity and even though references to God appear in previous versions of the pledge , author Kevin Kruse asserts that this movement was an effort by corporate America to instill in the minds of the people that capitalism and free enterprise were heavenly blessed . Kruse acknowledges the insertion of the phrase was influenced by the push - back against atheistic communism during the Cold War , but argues the longer arc of history shows the conflation of Christianity and capitalism as a challenge to the New Deal played the larger role . Salute Swearing of the Pledge is accompanied by a salute . An early version of the salute , adopted in 1887 , known as the Balch Salute , which accompanied the Balch pledge , instructed students to stand with their right hand outstretched toward the flag , the fingers of which are then brought to the forehead , followed by being placed flat over the heart , and finally falling to the side . In 1892 , Francis Bellamy created what was known as the Bellamy salute . It started with the hand outstretched toward the flag , palm down , and ended with the palm up . Because of the similarity between the Bellamy salute and the Nazi salute , which was adopted in Germany later , the US Congress stipulated that the hand - over-the - heart gesture as the salute to be rendered by civilians during the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem in the US would be the salute to replace the Bellamy salute . Removal of the Bellamy salute occurred on December 22 , 1942 , when Congress amended the Flag Code language first passed into law on June 22 , 1942 . Attached to bills passed in Congress in 2008 and then in 2009 ( Section 301 ( b ) ( 1 ) of title 36 , United States Code ) , language was included which authorized all active duty military personnel and all veterans in civilian clothes to render a proper hand salute during the raising and lowering of the flag , when the colors are presented , and during the National Anthem . Music Musical setting by Irving Caesar A musical setting for `` The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag '' was created by Irving Caesar , at the suggestion of Congressman Louis C. Rabaut whose House Resolution 243 to add the phrase `` under God '' was signed into law on Flag Day , June 14 , 1954 . The composer , Irving Caesar , wrote and published over 700 songs in his lifetime . Dedicated to social issues , he donated all rights of the musical setting to the U.S. government , so that anyone can perform the piece without owing royalties . It was sung for the first time on the floor of the House of Representatives on Flag Day , June 14 , 1955 by the official Air Force choral group the `` Singing Sergeants '' . A July 29 , 1955 House and Senate resolution authorized the U.S. Government Printing Office to print and distribute the song sheet together with a history of the pledge . Other musical versions of the Pledge have since been copyrighted , including by Beck ( 2003 ) , Lovrekovich ( 2002 and 2001 ) , Roton ( 1991 ) , Fijol ( 1986 ) , and Girardet ( 1983 ) . Controversy Main article : Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance In 1940 , the Supreme Court , in Minersville School District v. Gobitis , ruled that students in public schools , including the respondents in that case -- Jehovah 's Witnesses who considered the flag salute to be idolatry -- could be compelled to swear the Pledge . In 1943 , in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette , the Supreme Court reversed its decision . Justice Robert H. Jackson , writing for the 6 to 3 majority , went beyond simply ruling in the precise matter presented by the case to say that public school students are not required to say the Pledge on narrow grounds , and asserted that such ideological dogmata are antithetical to the principles of the country , concluding with : If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation , it is that no official , high or petty , can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics , nationalism , religion , or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein . If there are any circumstances which permit an exception , they do not now occur to us . -- Robert H. Jackson , West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette In a later case , the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals held that students are also not required to stand for the Pledge . First graders of Japanese ancestry pledging allegiance to the American flag ( 1942 , photo by Dorothea Lange ) . Requiring or promoting of the Pledge on the part of the government has continued to draw criticism and legal challenges on several grounds . One objection is that a democratic republic built on freedom of dissent should not require its citizens to pledge allegiance to it , and that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to refrain from speaking or standing , which itself is also a form of speech in the context of the ritual of pledging allegiance . Another objection is that the people who are most likely to recite the Pledge every day , small children in schools , can not really give their consent or even completely understand the Pledge they are making . Another criticism is that a government requiring or promoting this phrase violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment . In 2004 , linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address , but to Lincoln and his contemporaries , `` under God '' meant `` God willing '' , so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd . Legal challenges Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah 's Witnesses , a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God , and who objected to policies in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag . They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment . The first case was in 1935 , when two children , Lillian and William Gobitas , ages ten and twelve , were expelled from the Minersville , Pennsylvania , public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance . In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow , whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school , the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase `` under God '' an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism when the Pledge was promoted in public school . In 2004 , the Supreme Court heard Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow , an appeal of the ruling , and rejected Newdow 's claim on the grounds that he was not the custodial parent , and therefore lacked standing , thus avoiding ruling on the merits of whether the phrase was constitutional in a school - sponsored recitation . On January 3 , 2005 , a new suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on behalf of three unnamed families . On September 14 , 2005 , District Court Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled in their favor . Citing the precedent of the 2002 ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals , Judge Karlton issued an Order stating that , upon proper motion , he would enjoin the school district defendants from continuing their practices of leading children in pledging allegiance to `` one Nation under God . '' A 2005 Bill , H.R. 2389 , to prohibit the Supreme Court 's and most federal courts from considering any legal challenges to the government 's requiring or promoting of the Pledge of Allegiance , died in the Senate after having passed in the House . This action is viewed in general as court stripping by Congress of the constitutional power of the Judiciary . Even if a similar bill is enacted , its practical effect may not be clear : proponents of the bill have said that it is a valid exercise of Congress 's power to regulate the jurisdiction of the federal courts under Article III , Section 2 of the Constitution , but opponents say Congress does not have the authority to prevent the Supreme Court from hearing claims based on the Bill of Rights , since amendments postdate the original text of the Constitution and may thus implicitly limit the scope of Article III , Section 2 . Judges and legal analysts have said that if Congress can remove from the judicial branch the ability to determine if legislation is constitutional , the US separation of powers would be disturbed , or rendered non-functional . Mark J. Pelavin , former Associate Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism , said of court stripping in regard to the Pledge of Allegiance that : Today 's House adoption of the so - called `` Pledge Protection Act '' is a shameful effort to strip our federal courts of their ability to uphold the rights of all Americans . By removing the jurisdiction of federal courts , including the Supreme Court , from cases involving the Pledge , this legislation sets a dangerous precedent : threatening religious liberty , compromising the vital system of checks and balances upon which our government was founded , and granting Congress the authority to strip the courts ' jurisdiction on any issue it wishes . Today , the issue was the Pledge of Allegiance , but tomorrow it could be reproductive rights , civil rights , or any other fundamental concern . -- Mark J. Pelavin , Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism In 2006 , in the Florida case Frazier v. Alexandre , a federal district court in Florida ruled that a 1942 state law requiring students to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution . As a result of that decision , a Florida school district was ordered to pay $32,500 to a student who chose not to say the pledge and was ridiculed and called `` unpatriotic '' by a teacher . In 2009 , a Montgomery County , Maryland , teacher berated and had school police remove a 13 - year - old girl who refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance in the classroom . The student 's mother , assisted by the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland , sought and received an apology from the teacher , as state law and the school 's student handbook both prohibit students from being forced to recite the Pledge . On March 11 , 2010 , the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the words `` under God '' in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District . In a 2 -- 1 decision , the appellate court ruled that the words were of a `` ceremonial and patriotic nature '' and did not constitute an establishment of religion . Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented , writing that `` the state - directed , teacher - led daily recitation in public schools of the amended ' under God ' version of the Pledge of Allegiance ... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution . '' On November 12 , 2010 , in a unanimous decision , the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed a ruling by a New Hampshire lower federal court which found that the pledge 's reference to God does not violate non-pledging students ' rights if student participation in the pledge is voluntary . A United States Supreme Court appeal of this decision was denied on June 13 , 2011 . In September 2013 , a case was brought before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court , arguing that the pledge violates the Equal Rights Amendment of the Constitution of Massachusetts . In May 2014 , Massachusetts ' highest court ruled that the pledge does not discriminate against atheists , saying that the words `` under God '' represent a patriotic , not a religious , exercise . In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit , ruling that `` ... the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who do n't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message . '' The case against the Matawan - Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase `` under God '' in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion , making non-believers `` second - class citizens . '' In a twenty - one page decision , Bauman wrote , `` Under ( the association members ' ) reasoning , the very constitution under which ( the members ) seek redress for perceived atheistic marginalization could itself be deemed unconstitutional , an absurd proposition which ( association members ) do not and can not advance here . '' Bauman said the student could skip the pledge , but upheld a New Jersey law that says pupils must recite the pledge unless they have `` conscientious scruples '' that do not allow it . He noted , `` As a matter of historical tradition , the words ' under God ' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words ' In God We Trust ' from every coin in the land , than the words ' so help me God ' from every presidential oath since 1789 , or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since 1787 . '' See also Australian citizenship affirmation , a similar concept Ceremonial deism Flag Salute Loyalty oaths in the United States Youth 's Companion Building , where the Pledge of Allegiance was written and published References ^ Jump up to : `` The Pledge of Allegiance '' . Historic Documents . Independence Hall Association : . Retrieved 29 August 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Title 4 , Chapter 1 , Section 4 , US Code '' . 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The Congress . 1915 - 01 - 01 . Jump up ^ Pub. L. 77 - 623 , Chap. 435 , 56 Stat. 377 , H.J. Res. 303 , enacted June 22 , 1942 . ^ Jump up to : Baer , John W. ( 2007 ) . The Pledge of Allegiance : A Revised History and Analysis , 1892 -- 2007 . Annapolis , MD : Free State Press . Jump up ^ Merriman , Scott A. ( 2007 ) . Religion and the Law in America : An Encyclopedia of Personal Belief . ABC - CLIO . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85109 - 863 - 7 . p. 110 . Jump up ^ `` Knights of Columbus Fact Sheet '' ( PDF ) . Knights of Columbus . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 16 . ^ Jump up to : `` How the words `` UNDER GOD '' came to be added to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 23 . ^ Jump up to : Pub. L. 83 - 396 , Chap. 297 , 68 Stat. 249 , H.J. Res. 243 , enacted June 14 , 1954 . Jump up ^ `` God In America : God in the White House '' . PBS . Jump up ^ `` How ' One Nation ' Did n't Become ' Under God ' Until The ' 50s Religious Revival '' . NPR . Jump up ^ Leepson , Marc ( 2006 ) . Flag : An American Biography . Macmillan . p. 171 . ISBN 0 - 312 - 32309 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Rules for Rendering Hand Salute of U.S. Flag '' . . Jump up ^ Inc , Nielsen Business Media ( 1957 - 04 - 20 ) . Billboard . Nielsen Business Media , Inc . Jump up ^ Inc , Nielsen Business Media ( 1960 - 09 - 19 ) . Billboard . Nielsen Business Media , Inc . Jump up ^ `` Irving Caesar Welcome '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` '' Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag '' H. Con . Res. 161 Statute 69 Pages B24 - B25 Concurrent Resolutions - July 26 , 1955 '' ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ `` U.S. Copyright Office , Copyright search for `` The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag '' `` . Jump up ^ West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette , 319 U.S. 624 , 642 ( U.S. Supreme Court 1943 ) . ^ Jump up to : Holloman ex rel . Holloman v. Harland , 370 F. 3d 1252 ( 11th Cir. 2004 ) . Jump up ^ Lane v. Owens ; 03 - B - 1544 , United States District Court , District of Colorado Jump up ^ Olander , Herbert T. ( December 1941 ) . `` Children 's Knowledge of the Flag Salute '' . The Journal of Educational Research . 35 ( 4 ) : 300 -- 305 . JSTOR 27528245 . Jump up ^ `` Court upholds ' under God ' in Pledge of Allegiance '' . Associated Press . 2010 - 03 - 11 . Archived from the original on 2010 - 03 - 16 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 11 . Jump up ^ Geoffrey Nunberg ( 2004 - 06 - 20 ) . `` I Might Have Guessed Parson Weems Would Figure In There Somewhere '' . Language Log . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Geoffrey Nunberg ( 2004 - 06 - 20 ) . `` '' ( Next ) Under God , '' Phrasal Idiom `` . Language Log . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Jehovah 's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God 's Kingdom , Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York , 1993 , pp. 196 - 197 . Jump up ^ `` Flag Salute Cases '' . The Free Dictionary . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 03 . Jump up ^ Minersville School District v. Gobitis , 310 U.S. 586 , 60 S. Ct. 1010 , 84 L. Ed . 1375 ( 1940 ) Jump up ^ Kravets , David ( September 16 , 2005 ) , `` Federal judge rules Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional '' , The Chicago Defender , archived from the original on 2006 - 01 - 11 , retrieved 2008 - 03 - 31 Jump up ^ `` Retired Federal Judges Urge Congress Not to Pass `` Court - Stripping '' Measure that Would Deny Rights in `` . 2005 - 12 - 08 . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Who We Are : Mark J. Pelavin , Senior Advisor to the President '' . Union for Reform Judaism . Retrieved 13 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Court - stripping and Legislating Against the First Amendment ( 12 July 2006 ) '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 16 . Jump up ^ Frazier v. Alexandre , 434 F. Supp. 2d 1350 ( S.D. Fla . May 31 , 2006 ) . Jump up ^ `` Frazier v. Alexandre , No. 05 - 81142 ( S.D. Fla . May 31 , 2006 ) '' . National School Boards Association . March 15 , 2011 . Archived from the original on 2011 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Jenna ( February 24 , 2010 ) . `` Pledge of Allegiance dispute results in Md. teacher having to apologize '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : Chea , Terence ( March 12 , 2010 ) . `` Fed . appeals court upholds ' under God ' in pledge '' . Associated Press . Archived from the original on 2010 - 03 - 15 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 12 . Jump up ^ Newdow vs. Rio Linda Union School District ( 9th Cir . March 12 , 2010 ) . Text Jump up ^ `` Pledge of Allegiance 's God reference now upheld by court '' . LA Times . March 12 , 2010 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 11 . Jump up ^ Freedom from Religion Foundation v. Hanover School District ( 1st Cir . Nov 12 , 2010 ) . Text Jump up ^ Lavoie , Denise ( November 15 , 2010 ) . `` Court OKs NH law allowing ' God ' pledge in schools '' . The Boston Globe . Boston , MA : Christopher M. Mayer . Retrieved 2010 - 11 - 16 . The constitutionality of a New Hampshire law ... Jump up ^ Egelko , Bob ( June 15 , 2011 ) . `` High court spurns atheist 's ' under God ' challenge '' . San Francisco Chronicle . San Francisco , CA : Hearst Corporation . A Sacramento atheist 's challenge to the addition of `` under God '' to the Pledge of Allegiance ... Jump up ^ Supreme Court of the United States ( June 13 , 2011 ) . `` Freedom From Religion Foundation , Petitioner v. United States , et al '' . Supreme Court of the United States . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` ' Under God ' part of Pledge of Allegiance under review in Massachusetts '' . 2013 - 09 - 04 . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Massachusetts court rules ' under God ' in pledge does not discriminate against atheists '' . The Washington Post . 2014 - 05 - 09 . ISSN 0190 - 8286 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : `` ' Under God ' is not discriminatory and will stay in pledge , judge says '' . . Retrieved 12 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Salvador Rizzo . `` Hearing ' Under God ' in Pledge of Allegiance does not violate rights of atheist students , NJ judge rules '' . . Retrieved 29 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Judge Refuses To Kick God Out Of Public Schools '' . Forbes . 7 February 2015 . Retrieved 29 February 2016 . Further reading Martin , Leisa A. ( May -- June 2008 ) . `` Examining the Pledge of Allegiance '' . Social Studies . 99 ( 3 ) : 127 -- 131 . doi : 10.3200 / tsss. 99.3. 127 - 131 . John W. Baer ( 2007 ) . The Pledge of Allegiance : A Revised History and Analysis , 1892 -- 2007 ( Free State Press , Inc . ) ISBN 978 - 0 - 9650620 - 2 - 2 Excerpt , Chapter Eight : `` Under God '' and Other Questions About the Pledge . Richard J. Ellis ( 2005 ) . To the Flag : The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance ( Lawrence : University of Kansas Press ) ISBN 0 - 7006 - 1372 - 2 Marc Leepson ( 2005 ) . Flag : An American Biography ( Thomas Dunne Books / St. Martin 's Press ) ISBN 0 - 312 - 32308 - 5 Kevin M. Kruse ( 2015 ) . One Nation Under God : How Corporate America Invented Christian America , Basic Books , ISBN 0465049494 . 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when did we start the pledge of allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of allegiance to the United States , addressed to both the flag and the Republic . It was composed by Rear Admiral George Balch in 1887 , and revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892 . In 1942 it was formally adopted by Congress . Congress gave it the name The Pledge of Allegiance in 1945 . In 1954 the words `` under God '' were added .
Katie Leung - wikipedia Katie Leung Jump to : navigation , search Katie Leung Katie Leung at the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Tokyo premiere , 2005 Katie Liu Leung ( 1987 - 08 - 08 ) 8 August 1987 ( age 30 ) Motherwell , Scotland Residence Motherwell , Scotland Nationality Scottish Occupation Actress Years active 2004 -- present Katie Leung Traditional Chinese 梁佩詩 Simplified Chinese 梁佩诗 ( show ) Transcriptions Standard Mandarin Hanyu Pinyin Liáng Pèishī Yue : Cantonese Yale Romanization Lèuhng Pui - sī Jyutping loeng4 pui3 si1 Katie Liu Leung ( born 8 August 1987 ) is a Scottish film , television , and stage actress . She played Cho Chang , the first love interest for lead character Harry Potter in the Harry Potter film series . In 2012 , Leung made her stage debut in the play Wild Swans . Leung has an interest in painting and photography and studied art and design at the University of the Arts , London . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 2005 -- 2007 : Harry Potter 2.2 2007 -- present 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 5 Stage 6 Awards 7 References 8 External links Early life ( edit ) Leung was born in Motherwell , North Lanarkshire . She attended secondary school at Hamilton College , South Lanarkshire . She is of Hong Kong descent ; her father , Peter Leung , was a Hong Kong businessman , who opened a company in Glasgow , and her mother , Kar Wai Li , was a Hong Kong Banker . Leung 's parents divorced when she was three . Career ( edit ) 2005 -- 2007 : Harry Potter ( edit ) Leung 's father saw an advertisement for a Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire casting call , and suggested she should try out . She waited four hours in line for a five - minute audition , despite feeling she had little likelihood of obtaining the role , Two weeks later , she was called back for a workshop and was cast as Cho Chang , beating out over 3,000 other girls for the part . In retrospect , she stated in an interview with the Daily Record that her Scottish accent probably gave her an advantage in the casting , as the casting director asked the girls who attended the audition , `` Is there anyone here from Scotland ? '' , to which only Leung raised her hand . In a 2011 interview , Leung said her fondest memory of the Harry Potter experience was the first audition , because both her parents , who were separated at the time , went with her . `` It was a really nice moment because my parents had n't seen each other for a long , long time , '' Leung said . In an effort to heavily promote Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Warner Bros. sent Leung to China in the film 's second week of release , which was unusual for a market not used to frequent celebrity visits . She appeared in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in which she and Daniel Radcliffe ( Harry ) shared an on - screen kiss that received much media coverage . Her role was significant in the series at this point as Harry Potter 's first romance . While Leung was greeted warmly by most fans of the series , some Potter fans , jealous of Leung 's relationship with Harry in the film , created a `` I Hate Katie '' website and racist messages posted on fan websites were upsetting to Leung at the time . Leung 's voice was used in the video games Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince . 2007 -- present ( edit ) In July 2007 , Leung was cast by Gold Label Records , a subsidiary of EMI in Hong Kong , to be the female lead in the music video Love Coming Home ( 愛 回 家 ) by Leo Ku . Leung filmed the video in London while promoting the new Harry Potter film . Ku described Leung 's acting as `` professional '' and `` mature . '' Leung played Hsui Tai in the episode `` Cat Among the Pigeons '' of ITV1 's Agatha Christie 's Poirot , which premiered on ITV on 21 September 2008 . Leung has been named as Scotland 's most stylish female and as the hottest Scotswoman in 2007 by The Scotsman . She has also been featured in Teen Vogue and in Evening Standard . Following the end of the Harry Potter films , Leung said she was uncertain if she wanted to continue a career in acting . However , after attending a drama course at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland , she was inspired . In December 2011 , she was awarded the role of Jung Chang as her debut stage role in Jung Chang 's autobiographical play Wild Swans . In comparing film to live performances , Leung said , `` The obvious challenge is of course getting it right the first time , which is weirdly exciting for me . '' The play made its world premiere in Cambridge , Massachusetts in February 2012 , before returning to Motherwell . In June 2012 , it was confirmed that Leung would be starring in Channel 4 four - part drama series called Run as leading character called Nu - Ying . Leung 's character Nu - Ying is an illegal Chinese immigrant who sells pirate DVDs and stolen phones on the streets of Brixton in hope of making a life for herself in the UK . But first she must pay her debts to the Snakehead gang who smuggled her into Britain . She starred in The World of Extreme Happiness ( The Shed at the National Theatre , 2013 ) , in which she played Sunny , along with Vera Chok as Xiao Li , a female migrant worker , in a production about the world of migrant workers in rapidly emerging modern China . Leung has also appeared in the BBC 's production Father Brown crime drama series . In April 2014 , it was announced that Leung is to play the role of Mei , a first - born Chinese girl adopted by an American mother and British father , in the TV miniseries One Child . In the story , her character is asked to return to her birthplace , Guangzhou , when her birth mother desperately seeks her assistance in saving her son . The series is produced by BBC Drama production for BBC Two and is co-produced with Sundance TV . It was scheduled to begin production in May 2014 in London and Hong Kong and aired in February 2016 . Leung received praise by Catherine Gee of The Daily Telegraph , who called her performance `` beautifully understated '' . In late 2016 , Leung appeared in the Tony Kushner play The Intelligent Homosexual 's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures ( iHo ) at the Hampstead Theatre , London . In 2017 , Leung co-starred with Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan in The Foreigner , playing Fan , Chan 's character 's daughter . Personal life ( edit ) Leung delayed plans to go to art college and university to film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . During this period , Leung had said she was undecided about pursuing an acting career after Harry Potter and wished to attend university to study art and design . In 2007 , she helped The Prince 's Trust charity of Scotland raise £ 100,000 by launching a children 's art competition and also donated one of her own paintings which was auctioned for £ 960 . In 2008 , she attended University of the Arts London . Leung has expressed a passion for photography . In 2009 , she was one of two celebrities who donated a photo to Sightsavers International 's I : Click 2009 competition . Sightsavers International is a charitable organisation to combat blindness in poor countries . While appearing in Wild Swans , Leung worked to complete her photography degree . On the completion of the play Leung has said she will attend the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow , where as of 2012 , she was studying on the BA Acting course . She speaks fluent Cantonese and some Mandarin . Filmography ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Cho Chang Film 2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Cho Chang Film & Video Game 2008 Agatha Christie 's Poirot Hsui Tai Season 11 Episode 2 `` Cat among the pigeons '' . 2009 Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince Cho Chang Film & Video Game 2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Cho Chang Film 2013 Run Nu - Ying TV mini-series ( 4 Episodes ) 2014 Father Brown Jia - Li Gerard TV production ( Series 2 , Episode 8 : `` The Prize of Colonel Gerard '' ) 2014 One Child Mei Ashley TV mini-series ( 3 Episodes ) 2017 T2 Trainspotting Nurse Film 2017 The Foreigner Fan Film Stage ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2012 Wild Swans Jung Chang 2013 The World of Extreme Happiness Sunny National Theatre , London . 2013 The Merchant of Venice Portia 2015 You For Me For You Junhee Royal Court Theatre : Jerwood Theatre Upstairs 2016 The Intelligent Homosexual 's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures ( iHo ) Sooze Hampstead Theatre , London Awards ( edit ) 2006 Outstanding Newcomer Award , Asian Excellence Awards ( Top 4 ) Young Scots Award ( nominee ) 2007 Scotland 's Most Stylish Female No. 80 on the Cosmogirl 's Hot 100 List 2008 Best Kiss Nominee 2008 MTV Movie Awards US ( alongside Daniel Radcliffe ) 2014 BAFTA Breakthrough Brits 2014 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Katie Leung '' . 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Retrieved 12 December 2009 . Jump up ^ Cheesman , Chris ( 26 November 2009 ) . `` HARRY POTTER STAR REVEALS PHOTOGRAPHY ' PASSION ' '' . Amateur Photographer . Archived from the original on 30 December 2009 . Retrieved 12 December 2009 . Jump up ^ `` i : click '' . Sightsavers International . Archived from the original on 2 December 2009 . Retrieved 12 December 2009 . Jump up ^ Carswell , Andy ( 3 December 2009 ) . `` Amersham teen 's photo to appear alongside work of Harry Potter actress '' . Bucks Free Press & Times Group . Retrieved 12 December 2009 . Jump up ^ Louise Jury ( 20 April 2012 ) . `` Harry Potter star Katie Leung makes stage debut ... before a spell at drama school '' . London Evening Standard . UK . Retrieved 20 April 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Katie Leung : I almost quit acting after Harry Potter '' . UK : Metro . Retrieved 21 April 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Awards ceremony celebrates Glasgow 's style '' . Glasgow City Marketing Bureau . Archived from the original on 20 December 2009 . Retrieved 5 November 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Katie Leung in Cosmo Girl magazine '' . snitch 22 May 2007 . Retrieved 1 April 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 2008 Movie Awards Winners '' . MTV Networks . Retrieved 5 November 2009 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Katie Leung , BAFTA Breakthrough Brits 2014 Archived 1 November 2014 at the Wayback Machine . External links ( edit ) Katie Leung on IMDb `` Katie Leung - CV '' . Curtis Brown Agency . 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who plays the girl in harry potter and the goblet of fire
Leung 's father saw an advertisement for a Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire casting call , and suggested she should try out . She waited four hours in line for a five - minute audition , despite feeling she had little likelihood of obtaining the role , Two weeks later , she was called back for a workshop and was cast as Cho Chang , beating out over 3,000 other girls for the part . In retrospect , she stated in an interview with the Daily Record that her Scottish accent probably gave her an advantage in the casting , as the casting director asked the girls who attended the audition , `` Is there anyone here from Scotland ? '' , to which only Leung raised her hand . In a 2011 interview , Leung said her fondest memory of the Harry Potter experience was the first audition , because both her parents , who were separated at the time , went with her . `` It was a really nice moment because my parents had n't seen each other for a long , long time , '' Leung said . In an effort to heavily promote Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Warner Bros. sent Leung to China in the film 's second week of release , which was unusual for a market not used to frequent celebrity visits .
Constitution of India - Wikipedia Constitution of India Constitution of India The original text of the Preamble Ratified 26 November 1949 Date effective January 26 , 1950 ; 68 years ago ( 1950 - 01 - 26 ) Author ( s ) B.R. Ambedkar and Drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly of India Signatories 284 members of the Constituent Assembly Purpose To replace the Indian Independence Act Part of a series on Constitution of India Preamble Parts ( show ) Fundamental Rights PART I ∙ II ∙ III ∙ IV ∙ IVA ∙ V ∙ VI ∙ VII VIII ∙ IX ∙ IXA ∙ IXB ∙ X ∙ XI ∙ XII ∙ XIII ∙ XIV XV ∙ XVI ∙ XVIA ∙ XVII ∙ XVIII ∙ XIX ∙ XX ∙ XXI XXII Schedules ( show ) First ∙ Second ∙ Third ∙ Fourth ∙ Fifth Sixth ∙ Seventh ∙ Eighth ∙ Ninth Tenth ∙ Eleventh ∙ Twelfth Appendices ( show ) I ∙ II ∙ III ∙ IV ∙ V Amendments ( show ) List ∙ 1 ∙ 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 4 ∙ 5 ∙ 6 ∙ 7 ∙ 8 ∙ 9 ∙ 10 ∙ 11 ∙ 12 ∙ 13 ∙ 14 ∙ 15 ∙ 16 ∙ 17 ∙ 18 ∙ 19 ∙ 20 ∙ 21 ∙ 22 ∙ 23 ∙ 24 ∙ 25 ∙ 26 ∙ 27 ∙ 28 ∙ 29 ∙ 30 ∙ 31 ∙ 32 ∙ 33 ∙ 34 ∙ 35 ∙ 36 ∙ 37 ∙ 38 ∙ 39 ∙ 40 ∙ 41 ∙ 42 ∙ 43 ∙ 44 ∙ 45 ∙ 46 ∙ 47 ∙ 48 ∙ 49 ∙ 50 ∙ 51 ∙ 52 ∙ 53 ∙ 54 ∙ 55 ∙ 56 ∙ 57 ∙ 58 ∙ 59 ∙ 60 ∙ 61 ∙ 62 ∙ 63 ∙ 64 ∙ 65 ∙ 66 ∙ 67 ∙ 68 ∙ 69 ∙ 70 ∙ 71 ∙ 72 ∙ 73 ∙ 74 ∙ 75 ∙ 76 ∙ 77 ∙ 78 ∙ 79 ∙ 80 ∙ 81 ∙ 82 ∙ 83 ∙ 84 ∙ 85 ∙ 86 ∙ 87 ∙ 88 ∙ 89 ∙ 90 ∙ 91 ∙ 92 ∙ 93 ∙ 94 ∙ 95 ∙ 96 ∙ 97 ∙ 98 ∙ 99 ∙ 100 ∙ 101 Related topics ( show ) Union List State List Concurrent List Basic structure doctrine Uniform civil code The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India . It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles , establishes the structure , procedures , powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights , directive principles and the duties of citizens . It is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world . B.R. Ambedkar , the chairman of the Drafting Committee , is widely considered to be its chief architect . It imparts constitutional supremacy and not parliamentary supremacy , as it is not created by the Parliament but , by a constituent assembly , and adopted by its people , with a declaration in its preamble . Parliament can not override the constitution . It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949 , and came into effect on 26 January 1950 . With its adoption , the Dominion of India became the modern and contemporary Republic of India replacing the Government of India Act , 1935 as the country 's fundamental governing document . To ensure constitutional autochthony , the framers of the constitution repealed the prior Acts of the British Parliament via Article 395 of the constitution . India celebrates its coming into force on 26 January each year , as Republic Day . It declares India a sovereign , socialist , secular , democratic republic , assuring its citizens of justice , equality , and liberty , and endeavours to promote fraternity among them . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 1.1 Previous legislation used as sources 2 Constituent assembly 2.1 Drafting 2.2 Influence of other constitutions 3 Structure 3.1 Parts 3.2 Schedules 3.3 Appendices 4 The constitution and the government 5 The constitution and the legislature 5.1 Amendment 5.2 Limitations 6 The constitution and the judiciary 6.1 Judicial review 7 The constitution -- a living document 8 See also 9 Notes 9.1 Notes on Article 21 10 References 11 Bibliography 12 External links Background Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar , chairman of the Drafting Committee , presenting the final draft of the Indian Constitution to Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 25 November 1949 The major portion of the Indian subcontinent was under British rule from 1857 to 1947 . When the Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950 , it repealed the Indian Independence Act . India ceased to be a dominion of the British Crown and became a sovereign democratic republic . The date of 26 January was chosen to commemorate the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence of 1930 . Articles 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 60 , 324 , 366 , 367 , 379 , 380 , 388 , 391 , 392 , 393 and 394 of the Constitution came into force on 26 November 1949 and the remaining articles on 26 January 1950 . Previous legislation used as sources It is drawn from many sources . Keeping in mind the needs and conditions of India its framers borrowed different features freely from previous legislation viz . Government of India Act 1858 , Indian Councils Act 1861 , Indian Councils Act 1892 , Indian Councils Act 1909 , Government of India Act 1919 , Government of India Act 1935 and the Indian Independence Act 1947 . The last legislation which led to the creation of the two independent nations of India and Pakistan provided for the division of the erstwhile Constituent Assembly into two , with each new assembly having sovereign powers transferred to it , to enable each to draft and enact a new constitution , for the separate states . Constituent Assembly A meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India , 1950 CE Main article : Constituent Assembly of India It was drafted by the Constituent Assembly , which was elected by elected members of the provincial assemblies . The 389 member Constituent Assembly took almost three years ( two years , eleven months and eighteen days to be precise ) to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for independent India , during which , it held eleven sessions over 165 days . Of these , 114 days were spent on the consideration of the draft Constitution . On 29 August 1947 , the Constituent Assembly set up a Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to prepare a draft Constitution for India . While deliberating upon the draft Constitution , the assembly moved , discussed and disposed of as many as 2,473 amendments out of a total of 7,635 tabled . Dr B.R. Ambedkar , Sanjay Phakey , Jawaharlal Nehru , C. Rajagopalachari , Rajendra Prasad , Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel , Kanaiyalal Munshi , Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar , Sandipkumar Patel , Maulana Abul Kalam Azad , Shyama Prasad Mukherjee , Nalini Ranjan Ghosh , and Balwantrai Mehta were some important figures in the assembly . There were more than 30 members of the scheduled classes . Frank Anthony represented the Anglo - Indian community , and the Parsis were represented by H.P. Modi . The Chairman of the Minorities Committee was Harendra Coomar Mookerjee , a distinguished Christian who represented all Christians other than Anglo - Indians . Ari Bahadur Gurung represented the Gorkha Community . Prominent jurists like Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer , Benegal Narsing Rau and K.M. Munshi , Ganesh Mavlankar were also members of the Assembly . Sarojini Naidu , Hansa Mehta , Durgabai Deshmukh , Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and Vijayalakshmi Pandit were important women members . The first temporary 2 - day president of the Constituent Assembly was Dr Sachchidananda Sinha . Later , Rajendra Prasad was elected president of the Constituent Assembly . The members of the Constituent Assembly met for the first time on 9 December 1946 . Drafting B.N. Rau was appointed as the Constitutional Adviser to the Constituent Assembly in formulating the Indian Constitution in 1946 . He was responsible for the general structure of its democratic framework of the Constitution and prepared its initial draft in February 1948 . This draft was debated , revised and finally adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 . On 14 August 1947 meeting of the Assembly , a proposal for forming various committees was presented . Such committees included a Committee on Fundamental Rights , the Union Powers Committee and Union Constitution Committee . On 29 August 1947 , the Drafting Committee was appointed , with Dr B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman along with six other members assisted by a constitutional advisor . These members were Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant , Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi ( KM Munshi , Ex - Home Minister , Bombay ) , Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer ( Ex - Advocate General , Madras State ) , N Gopalaswami Ayengar ( Ex-Prime Minister , J&K and later member of Nehru Cabinet ) , BL Mitter ( Ex-Advocate General , India ) , Md . Saadullah ( Ex - Chief Minister of Assam , Muslim League member ) and DP Khaitan ( Scion of Khaitan Business family and a renowned lawyer ) . The constitutional advisor was Sir Benegal Narsing Rau ( who became First Indian Judge in International Court of Justice , 1950 -- 54 ) . Later BL Mitter resigned and was replaced by Madhav Rao ( Legal Advisor of Maharaja of Vadodara ) . On DP Khaitan 's death , TT Krishnamachari was included in the drafting committee . A draft Constitution was prepared by the committee and submitted to the Assembly on 4 November 1947 , which was debated and over 2000 amendments were moved over a period of two years . Finally on 26 November 1949 , the process was completed and the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution . 284 members signed the document and the process of constitution making was complete . This day is celebrated as National Law Day or Constitution Day . Jawaharlal Nehru signing the Constitution The assembly met in sessions open to the public , for 166 days , spread over a period of 2 years , 11 months and 18 days before adopting the Constitution , the 308 members of the assembly signed two copies of the document ( one each in Hindi and English ) on 24 January 1950 . The original Constitution of India is hand - written with beautiful calligraphy , each page beautified and decorated by artists from Shantiniketan including Beohar Rammanohar Sinha and Nandalal Bose . The illustrations on the cover and pages represent styles from the different civilisations of the subcontinent , ranging from the prehistoric Mohenjodaro civilisation , in the Indus Valley , to the present . The calligraphy in the book was done by Prem Behari Narain Raizda . It was published in Dehra Dun , and photolithographed at the offices of Survey of India . The entire exercise to produce the original took nearly five years . Two days later , on 26 January 1950 , the Constitution of India became the law of all the States and territories of India . Rs. 1 , 00 , 00,000 was official estimate of expenditure on constituent assembly . It has undergone many amendments since its enactment . The original 1950 Constitution of India is preserved in helium cases in the Parliament house , New Delhi . There are two original versions of this -- one in Hindi and the other in English . The original constitution can be viewed here . Influence of other constitutions British Constitution Parliamentary form of government The idea of single citizenship The idea of the Rule of law Institution of Speaker and his role Lawmaking procedure Procedure established by Law United States Constitution United States Bill of Rights Federal structure of government Electoral College Independence of the judiciary and separation of powers among the three branches of the government Judicial review President as supreme commander of armed forces Equal Protection under law Irish Constitution Directive principles of state policy Australian Constitution Freedom of trade and commerce within the country and between the states Power of the national legislature to make laws for implementing treaties , even on matters outside normal Federal jurisdiction Concurrent List Terminology for the Preamble French Constitution Ideals of Liberty , Equality and Fraternity Canadian Constitution A quasi-federal form of government -- a federal system with a strong central government Distribution of powers between the central government and state governments Residual powers retained by the central government Constitution of the Soviet Union Fundamental Duties u / a 51 - A A Constitutionally mandated Planning Commission to oversee the development of the economy Other Constitutions Emergency Provision u / a 356 , Weimar Constitution ( Germany ) Amendment of Constitution , South Africa Due Procedure of Law , Japan Structure The Indian constitution is the world 's longest . At its commencement , it had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules . It is made up of approximately 145,000 words , making it the second largest active constitution in the world . In its current form ( September 2012 ) , it has a preamble , 25 parts with 448 articles , 12 schedules , 5 appendices and 101 amendments , the latest of which came into force on 8 September 2016 . Parts The individual articles of the constitution are grouped together into the following parts : Preamble with the words `` socialist '' and `` secular '' added to it in 1976 by the 42nd constitutional amendment . Part I -- Union and its Territory Part II -- Citizenship . Part III -- Fundamental Rights Part IV -- Directive Principles of State Policy Part IVA -- Fundamental Duties Part V -- The Union Part VI -- The States Part VII -- States in the B part of the First schedule ( repealed ) Part VIII -- The Union Territories Part IX -- The Panchayats Part IXA -- The Municipalities Part IXB -- The Co-operative Societies . Part X -- The scheduled and Tribal Areas Part XI -- Relations between the Union and the States Part XII -- Finance , Property , Contracts and Suits Part XIII -- Trade and Commerce within the territory of India Part XIV -- Services Under the Union , the States Part XIVA -- Tribunals Part XV -- Elections Part XVI -- Special Provisions Relating to certain Classes Part XVII -- Languages Part XVIII -- Emergency Provisions Part XIX -- Miscellaneous Part XX -- Amendment of the Constitution Part XXI -- Temporary , Transitional and Special Provisions Part XXII -- Short title , date of commencement , Authoritative text in Hindi and Repeals . Schedules Schedules are lists in the Constitution that categorise and tabulate bureaucratic activity and policy of the Government . First Schedule ( Articles 1 and 4 ) -- This lists the states and territories of India , lists any changes to their borders and the laws used to make that change . Second Schedule ( Articles 59 ( 3 ) , 65 ( 3 ) , 75 ( 6 ) , 97 , 125 , 148 ( 3 ) , 158 ( 3 ) , 164 ( 5 ) , 186 and 221 ) -- This lists the salaries of officials holding public office , judges , and Comptroller and Auditor General of India . Third Schedule ( Articles 75 ( 4 ) , 99 , 124 ( 6 ) , 148 ( 2 ) , 164 ( 3 ) , 188 and 219 ) -- Forms of Oaths -- This lists the oaths of offices for elected officials and judges . Fourth Schedule ( Articles 4 ( 1 ) and 80 ( 2 ) ) -- This details the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha ( the upper house of Parliament ) per State or Union Territory . Fifth Schedule ( Article 244 ( 1 ) ) -- This provides for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes ( areas and tribes needing special protection due to disadvantageous conditions ) . Sixth Schedule ( Articles 244 ( 2 ) and 275 ( 1 ) ) -- Provisions made for the administration of tribal areas in Assam , Meghalaya , Tripura , and Mizoram . Seventh Schedule ( Article 246 ) -- The union ( central government ) , state , and concurrent lists of responsibilities . Eighth Schedule ( Articles 344 ( 1 ) and 351 ) -- The official languages . Ninth Schedule ( Article 31 - B ) -- Validation of certain Acts and Regulations . Tenth Schedule ( Articles 102 ( 2 ) and 191 ( 2 ) ) -- `` Anti-defection '' provisions for Members of Parliament and Members of the State Legislatures . Eleventh Schedule ( Article 243 - G ) -- Panchayat Raj ( rural local government ) , Twelfth Schedule ( Article 243 - W ) -- Municipalities ( urban local government ) . Appendices Appendix I -- The Constitution ( Application to Jammu and Kashmir ) Order , 1954 . Appendix II -- Re-statement , with reference to the present text of the Constitution , of the exceptions and modifications subject to which the Constitution applies to the State of Jammu and Kashmir . Appendix III -- Extracts from the Constitution ( Forty - fourth Amendment ) Act , 1978 . Appendix IV -- The Constitution ( Eighty - sixth Amendment ) Act , 2002 . Appendix V -- The Constitution ( Eighty - eighth Amendment ) Act , 2003 . The Constitution and the government Institutions of governance -- the Parliament , the President , the Judiciary , the Executive , etc. get their power from the Constitution and are bound by it . With the aid of the Constitution , India is governed by a parliamentary system of government with the executive directly accountable to the legislature . It states that there shall be a President of India who shall be the head of the executive , under Articles 52 and 53 . The President 's duty is to preserve , protect and defend the constitution and the law under Article 60 of the Indian constitution . Article 74 provides that there shall be a Prime Minister as the head of union cabinet which would aid and advise the President in performing his constitutional duty . Union cabinet is collectively responsible to the House of the People per Article 75 ( 3 ) . The Constitution of India is federal in nature but unitary in spirit . The common features of a federation such as written Constitution , supremacy of Constitution , rigidity of Constitution , two government , division of powers , bicameralism and independent judiciary as well as unitary features like single Constitution , single citizenship , integrated judiciary , flexible Constitution , a strong Centre , appointment of state governor by the Centre , All - India Services , Emergency Provisions etc. can be seen in Indian Constitution . This unique combination makes it quasi-federal in form . Each state and each Union territory of India has its own government . Analogous to President and Prime Minister , each has a Governor ( in case of states ) or Lieutenant Governor ( in the case of Union territories ) and a Chief Minister . Article 356 permits the President to dismiss a state government and assume direct authority when a situation has arisen in which the Government of the State can not be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution . This power , known as President 's rule , was abused earlier as state governments came to be dismissed on the flimsiest of grounds , and more due to the political discomfiture of the party in power at the centre . Post -- Bommai judgment , such a course of action has been rendered rather difficult , as the courts have asserted their right to review it . Consequently , very few state governments have been disbanded since . The 73rd and 74th Amendment Act also introduced the system of Panchayati Raj in rural areas and Municipality in urban areas . Also , Article 370 of the Constitution gives special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir . The Constitution and the legislature Main article : Amendment of the Constitution of India See also : List of amendments of the Constitution of India Amendment The process of addition , variation or repeal of any part of the constitution by the parliament under its constituent powers , is called amendment of the constitution . The procedure is laid out in Article 368 . An amendment bill must be passed by each House of the Parliament by a majority of the total membership of that House when at least two - thirds members are present and voted . In addition to this , certain amendments which pertain to the federal nature of the Constitution must be ratified by a majority of state legislatures . Unlike the ordinary bills under legislative powers of Parliament as per Article 245 ( with exception to money bills ) , there is no provision for joint sitting of the two houses ( Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha ) of the parliament to pass a constitutional amendment bill . During recess of Parliament , President can not promulgate ordinances under his legislative powers per Article 123 , Chapter III which needs constitutional amendment . Deemed amendments to the constitution which can be passed under legislative powers of Parliament , are no more valid after the addition of Article 368 ( 1 ) by Twenty - fourth Amendment of the Constitution of India . As of September 2015 , there have been 120 amendment bills presented in the parliament , out of which 100 have been passed to become Amendment Acts . Despite the supermajority requirement for amendments to pass , the Constitution of India is the most frequently amended national governing document in the world . The Constitution is so specific in spelling out government powers that many of these amendments address issues dealt with by ordinary statute in other democracies . As a result , the document is amended roughly twice a year , and three times every two years . In 2000 , the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution ( NCRWC ) was set up to look into updating the constitution . Government of India , establishes term based law commissions to recommend law reforms for maximising justice in society and for promoting good governance under the rule of law . Limitations Main article : Basic structure doctrine The Supreme Court has ruled in Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala case that an amendment can not destroy what it seeks to modify , which means , while amending anything in the Constitution , it can not tinker with the `` basic structure '' or its framework , which is immutable . Such an amendment will be declared invalid even though no part of the constitution is explicitly prevented from being amended , nor does the basic structure doctrine protect any single provision of the Constitution . Yet , this `` doctrine of basic features '' lays down that , the Constitution when `` read as a whole '' , that what comes to be understood as its basic features can not be abridged , deleted or abrogated . What these `` basic features '' are , have not been defined exhaustively anywhere , and whether a particular provision of the Constitution of India is a `` basic feature '' is decided as and when an issue is raised before a court in an instant case . The judgment in the Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala case laid down the following as the basic structure of the constitution of India : The Supremacy of the Constitution Republican and Democratic form of the Government Secular Character of the Constitution Maintenance of Separation of powers The Federal Character of the Constitution This implies that the Parliament , while amending the Constitution , can only amend it to the extent so as to not destroy any of the aforesaid characters . The Supreme Court / High Court ( s ) may declare the amendment null and void if this is violated , by performing Judicial review . This is typical of Parliamentary governments , where the Judiciary has to exercise an effective check on the exercise of the powers of the Parliament , which in many respects is supreme . In the Golak Nath v. State of Punjab case of 1967 , the Supreme Court ruled that the State of Punjab could not restrict any of the Fundamental rights protected by the basic structure doctrine . Extent of land ownership and practice of profession , in this case , were held to be a fundamental right . The ruling of the Golak Nath v. State of Punjab case was eventually overturned with the ratification of the 24th Amendment in 1971 . The Constitution and the Judiciary The Judiciary interprets the Constitution as its final arbiter . It is its duty as mandated by the Constitution , to be its watchdog , by calling for scrutiny any act of the legislature or the executive , who otherwise , are free to enact or implement these , from overstepping bounds set for them by the Constitution . It acts like a guardian in protecting the fundamental rights of the people , as enshrined in the Constitution , from infringement by any organ of the state . It also balances the conflicting exercise of power between the centre and a state or among states , as assigned to them by the Constitution . While pronouncing decisions under its constitutional mandate , it is expected to remain unaffected by pulls and pressures exerted by other branches of the state , citizens or interest groups . And crucially , independence of the judiciary has been held to be a basic feature of the Constitution , and which being inalienable , has come to mean -- that which can not be taken away from it by any act or amendment by the legislature or the executive . Judicial review Judicial review is adopted in the Constitution of India from judicial review in the United States . In the Indian constitution , Judicial review is dealt with under Article 13 . Judicial Review refers that the Constitution is the supreme power of the nation and all laws are under its supremacy . Article 13 states that : All pre-constitutional laws , if in part or completely in conflict with the Constitution , shall have all conflicting provisions deemed ineffective until an amendment to the Constitution ends the conflict . In such situation the provision of that law will again come into force , if it is compatible with the constitution as amended . This is called the Doctrine of Eclipse . In a similar manner , laws made after adoption of the Constitution by the Constituent Assembly must be compatible with the constitution , otherwise the laws and amendments will be deemed to be void ab initio . In such situations , the Supreme Court or High Court interprets the laws to decide if they are in conformity with the Constitution . If such an interpretation is not possible because of inconsistency , and where a separation is possible , the provision that is inconsistent with constitution is considered to be void . In addition to article 13 , articles 32 , 226 and 227 provide a constitutional basis to judicial review in India . Due to the adoption of the thirty - eighth amendment , the Indian Supreme Court was not allowed to preside over any laws adopted during a state of emergency that infringes upon fundamental rights under article 32 i.e. Right to Constitutional Remedies . Later with the Forty - second Amendment of the Constitution of India , article 31 C was widened and article 368 ( 4 ) and 368 ( 5 ) were added , which stated that any law passed by the parliament ca n't be challenged in the court on any ground . The Supreme court in the Minerva Mills v. Union of India case said that Judicial Review is one of the basic character of the constitution and therefore ca n't be taken away quashing Article 368 ( 4 ) & ( 5 ) as well as 31 C . The Constitution -- a living document `` The Indian Constitution is first and foremost a social document , and is aided by its Parts III & IV ( Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy , respectively ) acting together , as its chief instruments and its conscience , in realising the goals set by it for all the people . '' The Constitution 's provisions have consciously been worded in generalities , though not in vague terms , instead of making them rigid and static with a fixed meaning or content as in an ordinary statute , so that they may be interpreted by coming generations of citizens with the onward march of time , to apply to new and ever - changing and demanding situations , making the Constitution a living and an organic document . Justice Marshall asserts : `` It is the nature of ( a ) Constitution that only its great outlines be marked '' . It is a document intended `` to endure for ages '' and therefore , it has to be interpreted not merely on the basis of the intention and understanding of the its framers but on the experience of its working effectively , in the existing social and political context . For instance , `` right to life '' as guaranteed under Article 21 , has by interpretation been expanded to progressively mean a whole lot of human rights In the conclusion of his Making of India 's Constitution , Justice Khanna writes : `` If the Indian constitution is our heritage bequeathed to us by our founding fathers , no less are we , the people of India , the trustees and custodians of the values which pulsate within its provisions ! A constitution is not a parchment of paper , it is a way of life and has to be lived up to . Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and in the final analysis , its only keepers are the people . '' See also India portal Politics portal Constitution Day ( India ) Constitutional economics Constitutionalism History of democracy List of national constitutions Magna Carta Rule according to higher law Uniform civil code of India Notes ^ Jump up to : The Constitution of Yugoslavia briefly held this position from 1974 till the nation split up in 1990 . Jump up ^ The Constitution was in 22 Parts originally . Part VII & IX ( older ) was repealed in 1956 , whereas newly added Part IVA , IXA , IXB & XIVA by Amendments to the Constitution in different times ( lastly added IXB by the 97th Amendment ) . Jump up ^ Although the last article of the Constitution is Article 395 , the total number , as of March 2013 is 465 . New articles added through amendments have been inserted in the relevant location in the original constitution . In order not to disturb the original numbering , the new articles are inserted with alpha numeric enumerations . For example , Article 21A pertaining to Right to Education was inserted by the 86th Amendment Act . Jump up ^ By 73rd & 74th Amendment , the lists of administrative subjects of Panchayat raj & Municipality included in the Constitution as Schedule 11 & 12 respectively in the year 1993 . Jump up ^ Scheduled Areas are autonomous areas within a state , administered federally , usually populated by a predominant Scheduled Tribe . Jump up ^ Scheduled Tribes are groups of indigenous people , identified in the Constitution , struggling socioeconomically Jump up ^ These lines by Granville Austin from his book The Indian Constitution : Cornerstone of a Nation at p. 50 , have been authoritatively quoted many times Notes on Article 21 Jump up ^ Art . 21 -- `` No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law '' Jump up ^ Right to speedy trial Right to water Right to livelihood Right to health Right to education References Jump up ^ `` Preface , The constitution of India '' ( PDF ) . Government of India . Retrieved 5 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Pylee , M.V. ( 1997 ) . India 's Constitution . S. Chand & Co. p. 3 . ISBN 81 - 219 - 0403 - X . Jump up ^ `` Constitutional supremacy vs parliamentary supremacy '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 12 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Introduction to Constitution of India '' . Ministry of Law and Justice of India . 29 July 2008 . Retrieved 14 October 2008 . Jump up ^ Swaminathan , Shivprasad ( 26 January 2013 ) . `` India 's benign constitutional revolution '' . The Hindu : opinion . Retrieved 18 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Das , Hari ( 2002 ) . Political System of India . Anmol Publications . p. 120 . ISBN 81 - 7488 - 690 - 7 . Jump up ^ WP ( Civil ) No. 98 / 2002 ( 12 September 2002 ) . `` Aruna Roy & Ors . v. Union of India & Ors . '' ( PDF ) . Supreme Court of India . p. 18 / 30 . Retrieved 11 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Preamble of the Constitution of India '' ( PDF ) . Ministry of Law & Justice . Retrieved 29 March 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Commencement '' . ^ Jump up to : `` The Constituent Assembly Debates ( Proceedings ) : ( 9th December , 1946 to 24 January 1950 ) '' . The Parliament of India Archive . Retrieved 22 February 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . 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( 2002 ) . Indian Constitution at Work . Political Science , Class XI . NCERT . `` The Constituent Assembly Debates ( Proceedings ) : ( 9th December , 1946 to 24 January 1950 ) '' . The Parliament of India Archive . Retrieved 22 February 2008 . External links Find more aboutConstitution of Indiaat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Learning resources from Wikiversity Original as published in the Gazette of India Original Unamended version of the Constitution of India Ministry of Law and Justice of India -- The Constitution of India Page Constitution of India as of 29 July 2008 Constitutional predilections `` Constitution of India '' . 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tax Act , 1961 Transfer of Property Act 1882 Urban Land ( Ceiling and Regulation ) Act , 1976 Healthcare Central Council of Homoeopathy Act , 1973 Clinical Establishments ( Registration and Regulation ) Act , 2010 Dentist Act Drugs and Cosmetics Act , 1940 Drugs and Magic Remedies ( Objectionable Advertisements ) Act , 1954 Indian Medical Council Act Mental Health Act , 1987 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act , 1985 Mental Health Care Act , 2017 Labour Bonded Labor System ( Abolition ) Act , 1976 Factories Act , 1948 , India Industrial Disputes Act , 1947 Interstate Migrant Workmen Act 1979 Maternity Benefit ( Amendment ) Act , 2017 Minimum Wages Act 1948 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act , 2005 Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace ( Prevention , Prohibition and Redressal ) Act , 2013 Unorganised Workers ' Social Security Act 2008 Personal Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act ( 1956 ) Majority Act ( India ) Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act Hindu Succession Act , 1956 Special Marriage Act , 1954 The Hindu Marriage Act , 1955 The Indian Christian Marriage Act , 1872 The Muslim Women ( Protection of Rights on Divorce ) Act 1986 Social Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act , 2016 Child Labour ( Prohibition and Regulation ) Act Indecent Representation of Women ( Prohibition ) Act National Food Security Act , 2013 Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act , 1994 The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act , 2006 The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers ( Recognition of Forest Rights ) Act , 2006 Street Vendors Act , 2014 State Laws Anti-Superstition and Black Magic Act The Bombay Prohibition Act , 1949 Bombay Prohibition ( Gujarat Amendment ) 2009 Chhattisgarh Food Security Act , 2012 Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act The Gujarat Local Authorities Laws ( Amendment ) Bill , 2009 Puducherry Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Act State Reorganisation Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act , 2014 Bihar Reorganisation Act , 2000 Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act , 2000 Punjab Reorganisation Act , 1966 States Reorganisation Act , 1956 Uttar Pradesh Reorganisation Act , 2000 Terrorism Unlawful Activities ( Prevention ) Act Transport Aircraft Act Motor Vehicles Act , 1988 National Waterways Act , 2016 Inland Vessels Act Metro Railways Act , 1978 Metro Railway Act , 2002 Organisation / Body Chartered Accountants Act , 1949 Companies Act 2013 Gram Nyayalayas Act , 2008 Indian Trusts Act , 1882 Panchayats ( Extension to Scheduled Areas ) Act 1996 Reserve Bank of India Act , 1934 The Indian Partnership Act , 1932 Societies Registration Act , 1860 The Limited Liability Partnership Act , 2008 Repeal Repealing and Amending Act , 2015 Repealing and Amending ( Second ) Act , 2015 Repealing and Amending Act , 2016 Repealing and Amending Act , 2017 Repealing and Amending ( Second ) Act , 2017 Other All India Services Act , 1951 Delimitation Act Enemy Property Act , 1968 Information Technology Act , 2000 Nuclear Liability Act Official Secrets Act ( India ) Representation of the People Act , 1951 Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition , Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act , 2013 Right to Information Act , 2005 State Emblem of India ( Prohibition of Improper Use ) Act , 2005 The Foreigners Act , 1946 Repealed Pre-Independence Age of Consent Act , 1891 Caste Disabilities Removal Act , 1850 Criminal Tribes Act Hindu Widows ' Remarriage Act , 1856 English Education Act 1835 Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act , 1907 Post-Independence Anti-Copying Act , 1992 Foreign Exchange Regulation Act Gift Tax Act , 1958 Illegal Migrants ( Determination by Tribunal ) Act , 1983 Interest Tax Act , 1974 Maintenance of Internal Security Act Prevention of Terrorism Act , 2002 Terrorist and Disruptive Activities ( Prevention ) Act The Gold ( Control ) Act , 1968 Wealth Tax Act , 1957 Bills Proposed Foreign Education Providers Bill , 2013 Geospatial Information Regulation Bill Gujarat Control of Organised Crime Act Marriage Laws Amendment Bill Road Transport and Safety Bill Uniform civil code Lapsed Judges Assets Bill Women 's Reservation Bill Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Constitution of India 1949 in law Acts of the Parliament of India Constitutions by country Independent India Indian historical documents B.R. 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total number of articles in indian constitution at present
The Indian constitution is the world 's longest . At its commencement , it had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules . It is made up of approximately 145,000 words , making it the second largest active constitution in the world . In its current form ( September 2012 ) , it has a preamble , 25 parts with 448 articles , 12 schedules , 5 appendices and 101 amendments , the latest of which came into force on 8 September 2016 .
Magic in Harry Potter - wikipedia Magic in Harry Potter In J.K. Rowling 's Harry Potter series , magic is depicted as a supernatural force that can be used to override the usual laws of nature . Many fictional magical creatures exist in the series , while ordinary creatures sometimes exhibit new magical properties in the novel 's world . Objects , too , can be enhanced or imbued with magical property . The small percentage of humans who are able to perform magic are referred to as witches and wizards , in contrast to the non-magical muggles ( British English ) or No - Majs ( American English ) . In humans , magic or the lack thereof is an inborn attribute . It is inherited , carried on `` dominant resilient genes '' . Magic is the norm for the children of magical couples and less common in those of muggles . Exceptions exist : those unable to do magic who are born to magical parents are known as squibs , whereas a witch or wizard born to muggle parents is known as a muggle - born , or by the derogatory term `` mudblood '' . While muggle - borns are quite common , squibs are extremely rare . Rowling based many magical elements of the Harry Potter universe on real - world mythology and magic . She has described this as `` a way of giving texture to the world '' . The books present the idea that the Muggle interpretation of these stories is a distorted version of what goes on in the wizarding world . The magic of Harry Potter became the subject of a 2017 British Library exhibition and accompanying documentary . The exhibition , entitled Harry Potter : A History of Magic , is the first at the British Library to feature a living author as its subject . Contents 1 Using magic 1.1 Spellcasting 2 The limits of magic 2.1 Death 2.2 Principal Exceptions to Gamp 's Law of Elemental Transfiguration 2.3 Emotion 3 Magical abilities 3.1 Animagi 3.2 Metamorphmagi 3.3 Parseltongue 3.4 Seers 3.5 Legilimency and Occlumency 3.6 Apparition and Disapparition 3.7 Other teleportation 3.8 Veela charm 3.9 Magical resistance 4 Subjects at Hogwarts 4.1 Transfiguration 4.2 Defence Against the Dark Arts 4.3 Charms 4.4 Potions 4.5 Astronomy 4.6 History of Magic 4.7 Herbology 4.8 Arithmancy 4.9 Study of Ancient Runes 4.10 Divination 4.11 Care of Magical Creatures 4.12 Muggle Studies 4.13 Alchemy 4.14 Flying 4.15 Apparition 5 Spell - like effects 5.1 Unbreakable Vow 5.2 Priori Incantatem 6 Dark Arts 6.1 Unforgivable Curses 6.2 Dark Mark 6.3 Inferius 6.4 Horcrux 7 Portraits 7.1 Portraits in the Headmaster 's office 7.2 The Fat Lady 7.3 Photographs 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Using magic ( edit ) Witches and wizards need training to learn how to control their magic . With young and untrained children , magic will manifest itself subconsciously in moments of strong apprehension , fear , anger and sadness . For example , Harry Potter once made his hair grow back after a bad haircut , set a boa constrictor on his cousin Dudley at the London Zoo , and made Aunt Marge inflate to an enormous size . While this reaction is usually uncontrollable , as an untrained child , Lord Voldemort was able to make things move without touching them , make animals do what he wanted without training them , make `` bad things happen to people '' who annoyed him , or make them hurt if he wanted to . In addition , Lily Potter was able to guide and control the blooming of a flower by wanting to . Almost all magic is done with the use of a wand . On the subject of wandless magic , Rowling says : `` You can do unfocused and uncontrolled magic without a wand ( for instance when Harry blows up Aunt Marge ) but to do really good spells , yes , you need a wand . '' A wizard or witch is only at their best when using their own wand . When using another 's wand , one 's spells are not as strong as they normally would be . Within the books , technical details of magic are obscure . Of Harry 's lessons , only those involving magical creatures , potions or divination are given in any detail . Severus Snape once told Harry Potter that `` Time and space matter in magic '' during Harry 's first Occlumency lesson in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Albus Dumbledore told Harry after finding the magically concealed boat to reach the locket Horcrux that `` Magic always leaves traces , sometimes very distinctive traces . '' Spellcasting ( edit ) Spells are the every - purpose tools of a wizard or witch ; short bursts of magic used to accomplish single specialised tasks such as opening locks or creating fire . Typically casting requires an incantation , most often in a modified form of Latin ( see Dog Latin ) , and gesturing with a wand . However , Rowling has revealed that particularly talented wizards can cast spells without the aid of wand , although magic produced with one is generally more precise and powerful . Spells can also be cast non-verbally , but with a magical wand . This special technique is taught in the sixth year of study at Hogwarts and requires the caster to concentrate on the incantation . Some spells ( e.g. Levicorpus ) are apparently designed to be used non-verbally . While most magic shown in the books requires the caster to use their voice , some do not ( and this may depend on the witch or wizard ) . Dumbledore has been known to do impressive feats of magic without speaking , such as conjuring enough squashy purple sleeping bags to accommodate the entire student population or during his duel with Voldemort towards the end of Order of the Phoenix . It is possible to use a wand without holding it . In Order of the Phoenix , Harry himself performs Lumos to light his wand when it is lying on the ground somewhere near him . Additionally , Animagi and Metamorphmagi do not need wands to undergo their transformations . Spells are divided into rough categories , such as `` charms '' , `` curses '' , `` hexes '' , or `` jinxes '' . Although offensive and potentially dangerous curses exist in number , three are considered usable only for great evil , which earns them the special classification of `` Unforgivable Curses '' . The limits of magic ( edit ) Before publishing the first Harry Potter novel , Rowling spent five years establishing the limitations of magic -- determining what it could and could not do . `` The most important thing to decide when you 're creating a fantasy world , '' she said in 2000 , `` is what the characters ca n't do . '' For instance , while it is possible to conjure things out of thin air , it is far more tricky to create something that fits an exact specification rather than a general one ; moreover , any objects so conjured tend not to last . Death ( edit ) Rowling has described death as the most important theme in the books . Consequently , as Dumbledore states in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , there is no spell that can truly bring the dead back to life . While corpses can be transformed into obedient Inferi on a living wizard 's command , they are little more than zombies with no soul or will of their own . However , there are some methods of communicating with the dead , though with limited results . For example , all Hogwarts headmasters appear in a portrait when they die , allowing consultation by future generations . It is also possible through the rare Priori Incantatem effect to converse with ghost - like `` shadows '' of magically murdered people . The Resurrection Stone also allows one to talk to the dead , but those brought back by the Stone are not corporeal , nor do they wish to be disturbed from their peaceful rest . Throughout the series , this limit is continually mentioned , and wizards try to transcend it at their own peril . Likewise , it is not possible to make oneself immortal unless one makes use of an object of great power to sustain life , such as the Philosopher 's Stone or horcruxes . If one were to possess the three Deathly Hallows , it is fabled that they would possess the tools to become the `` master of death '' . However , it is hinted that to be a true `` master of death '' is to be willing to accept that death is inevitable . Other methods of extending life include drinking unicorn blood , which will keep a person alive even if death is imminent , but at the terrible price of being cursed forever . Being magical can contribute to one 's longevity , as there are several characters in the series who are unusually long - lived ( such as Griselda Marchbanks , who was an invigilator during Albus Dumbledore 's O.W.L examinations ) . It is revealed by Nearly Headless Nick in the fifth book that all witches and wizards have the choice of becoming ghosts upon dying ; however , it is described as `` a pale imitation of life '' . Snape states that a ghost is merely `` the imprint of a departed soul left upon the earth '' . Death is studied at the Department of Mysteries in a chamber containing an enigmatic veil , which Rowling has described as `` the divide between life and death '' . With regard to what is on the other side , she elaborated : `` Do I believe you go on ? Yes , I do believe you go on . I do believe in an afterlife , although I 'm absolutely doubt - ridden and always have been but there you are . '' Sirius falls through this veil in Order of the Phoenix after he is hit with a curse from Bellatrix . Principal Exceptions to Gamp 's law of Elemental Transfiguration ( edit ) The Principal Exceptions to Gamp 's Law of Elemental Transfiguration is a magical theory mentioned by Hermione and later repeated by Ron in the final book . She explains that food is one of these : witches or wizards can cook and prepare food using magic , and even multiply it , but not create it out of nothing . There are numerous examples in the series of food appearing to have been conjured from nothing , such as the sudden materialisation of ingredients in the pots of Molly Weasley 's kitchen and when Professor McGonagall creates a self - refilling plate of sandwiches for Harry and Ron in Chamber of Secrets . In all cases , these events can be reasonably explained as food either being multiplied or transported from elsewhere . One example of the latter is banqueting at Hogwarts -- the food is prepared by elves in the kitchens and laid onto four replica tables , directly below the actual house tables in the Great Hall . The food is then magically transported to the tables . This is the only exception mentioned explicitly in the series . However , Rowling herself has stated once in an interview that money is something wizards can not simply materialise out of thin air , or the economic system of the wizarding world would then be gravely flawed and disrupted . While the Philosopher 's Stone does permit alchemy , this is portrayed as an extremely rare , even unique , object , whose owner does not exploit its powers . Emotion ( edit ) As explained earlier , young untrained wizards can trigger uncontrolled magic when they are in the state of heightened emotions . But emotions also affect trained witches and wizards and their magical abilities . For instance , in Half - Blood Prince , a heartbroken Nymphadora Tonks temporarily loses her power as a Metamorphmagus when Remus Lupin starts distancing himself from her . The form of her Patronus changes to reflect her depression . Another example is Merope Gaunt , who only demonstrated any magical ability when removed from her father 's oppression , but then lost it again when her husband abandoned her . Several magical spells require the use of certain emotions when casting them . The Patronus charm , for example , requires the caster to concentrate on a happy memory . ( Force of will , under extenuating circumstances , helps a lot . An example of this is when Harry is able to conjure a corporeal Patronus when Sirius is in danger of being administered the Dementor 's Kiss . ) Another example is the Cruciatus Curse , which causes immense pain ; as Harry discovers during a duel with Bellatrix Lestrange , effective use of this forbidden dark magic requires sadistic desires . Love ( in its broadest meaning ) is depicted as a particularly powerful form of magic . According to Dumbledore , love is a `` force that is at once more wonderful and more terrible than death , than human intelligence , than forces of nature . '' Lily 's voluntary sacrifice on Harry 's behalf saves him from Voldemort as a baby , and Harry makes a similar sacrifice to save his friends at the end of Deathly Hallows . A certain key prophecy in the series describes Harry as having `` power the Dark Lord knows not '' , referencing his capacity for love . True love is impossible to create magically ; Amortentia , a love potion , can only create a powerful sense of infatuation and obsession . Magical abilities ( edit ) The following is a list of special abilities that a wizard or witch in the Harry Potter universe may have . Animagi ( edit ) An Animagus ( portmanteau of animal and magus ) is a witch or wizard who can turn into a particular animal or magical creature at will . This ability is not innate : it must be acquired by magical means . All Animagi must register at a central authority by law , though a number of characters are revealed over the course of the series to have remained unregistered illegally : James Potter , Sirius Black , Peter Pettigrew and Rita Skeeter . Animagi transformation can be performed wandlessly . Sirius and Peter are left wandless for over 10 years , but both retain the ability with no apparent ill effects . When Animagi transform , they take on the appearance of a normal animal . However , in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , it is noted that Ron 's pet rat Scabbers ( later revealed as Peter Pettigrew 's Animagus form ) has lived over twelve years when only expected to live three . Also , an Animagus in animal form retains the ability to think like a human , which is the principal difference between being an animagus and being transfigured into an animal . Otherwise , they would forget that they were a wizard and be trapped , unknowingly , in this form unless transformed back by another wizard . Characteristics of an Animagus ' human form can manifest themselves in the animal transformation ; for example , the markings around McGonagall 's eyes as a cat resemble her glasses . When an Animagus registers , they must record all the defining physical traits of their animal form so that the Ministry can identify them . Each Animagus has a specific animal form , and can not transform into any other animal . The animal can not be chosen : it is uniquely suited to that individual 's personality , and in most cases the Animagus will change into the same animal used in the person 's Patronus Charm . Explicit emphasis is placed in the books on the differences between Animagi and werewolves . Animagi have full control over their transformations and retain their minds , whereas werewolves ' transformations are involuntary and include severe changes in personality . After the person has transformed into a werewolf , he no longer remembers who he is ; he would kill his best friend if he got anywhere near him . A werewolf only responds to the call of his own kind . The only way that a werewolf can retain his sanity , intelligence and memory while transformed is using the Wolfsbane Potion . Metamorphmagi ( edit ) A Metamorphmagus ( a portmanteau of metamorph and magus ) is a witch or wizard born with the innate ability to change some or all of their appearance at will . The talent can not be acquired ; a witch or wizard who has it must be born with it . Nymphadora Tonks and her son , Teddy Lupin are currently the only known Metamorphmagi in the series ; it is a very rare ability , possibly hereditary . Tonks is known to change her hair colour and style according to her mood . She even appears as an old woman on occasion . She can also change her nose appearance , as she does when eating with the Weasley family to entertain Ginny and Hermione . Her son , Teddy Lupin , also inherited this trait , as his hair is mentioned repeatedly changing colour . The extent of these appearance - altering abilities and the limits thereof are not entirely clear . According to Rowling , a Metamorphmagus can alter his or her appearance completely , for instance , from black to white , young to old , handsome to plain and so on . In one example , Tonks changes her facial appearance by reshaping her nose into `` a beaklike protuberance like Snape 's '' , to `` something resembling a button mushroom '' , and `` one like a pig snout '' which reminded Harry of his cousin Dudley . The emotional state of a Metamorphmagus can affect their abilities . Parseltongue ( edit ) Parseltongue is the language of snakes . It is often associated with Dark Magic , although Dumbledore stated that it is not necessarily an evil quality . Those possessing the ability to speak it ( `` Parselmouths '' ) occur very rarely . People apparently acquire the skill through learning or via a method of xenoglossia , such as through genetic inheritance ( or by use of Dark or dangerous Magic ) . Harry was a Parselmouth until the age of 17 . Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets explains this was because of Voldemort 's passing on some of his abilities to Harry the night he tried to kill him . Deathly Hallows reveals that a part of Voldemort 's soul within Harry grants him this ability , which is later destroyed leaving Harry stripped of the ability . Other known Parselmouths include Salazar Slytherin and his descendants , including the Gaunts and Voldemort . Dumbledore can also understand Parseltongue ; however , he learned it and did not naturally possess the ability . In Half - Blood Prince he repeats Morfin Gaunt 's words `` the big house over the way '' , which were spoken in Parseltongue . Ron uses Parseltongue in the final book to reopen the Chamber of Secrets , but he is only imitating the sound of a phrase Harry used earlier in the book . Rowling borrowed the term from `` an old word for someone who has a problem with the mouth , like a hare lip '' . Professor Francis Nolan , Professor of Phonetics at University of Cambridge , designed the version of Parseltongue used in the films as an ergative - absolutive language featuring geminate consonants and VSO word order . It has a high frequency of fricative and pharyngeal consonants to acoustically approximate the physiology of a snake . Seers ( edit ) A Seer is a witch or wizard with the clairvoyant ability to predict future events . The predictions given through this ability can sometimes be self - fulfilling prophecies , and Dumbledore states in Order of the Phoenix that not all of them come true , depending on the choices made by those mentioned . This would seem to indicate that a Seer predicts possible or likely events , at least in some cases . In the Hall of Prophecy at the Department of Mysteries , thousands upon thousands of glass spheres are imbued with records of prophecies made by Seers . Only a person mentioned in a prophecy can safely retrieve it ; anyone else who tries to do so will be driven insane . According to McGonagall , true Seers are extremely rare . Sybill Trelawney is the only Seer portrayed in the books , although it is mentioned that Sybill 's great - great - grandmother , Cassandra Trelawney , was a renowned Seer in her day . Trelawney is considered an `` old fraud '' by her students , and is sacked by Dolores Umbridge in the fifth book for it . However , she has twice made true prophecies . Sybill Trelawney is noted to never remember that she has made a prophecy when it is a true one . She speaks in a hoarse voice , and only if a wizard is present will anyone know about it . Legilimency and Occlumency ( edit ) Legilimency is the magical skill of extracting feelings and memories from another person 's mind -- a form of magical `` telepathy '' ( although Snape , an able practitioner of the art , dismisses the colloquial term `` mind - reading '' , as a drastic oversimplification ) . It also allows one to convey visions or memories to another person , whether real or imaginary . A witch or wizard possessing this skill is called a Legilimens , and can , for example , detect lies and deceit in another person , witness memories in another person 's past , or `` plant '' false visions in another 's mind . The counter-skill to Legilimency is Occlumency ( and its user , known as an Occlumens ) , by which one can compartmentalize one 's emotions , or prevent a Legilimens from discovering thoughts or memories which contradict one 's spoken words or actions . An advanced form of Occlumency is planting false temporary memories inside an Occlumens ' own head while blocking all other true memories , so if a Legilimens , even a highly skilled one , were to attempt to read the mind , he or she would find false memories only and believe everything was right . The skills are first elaborated in Order of the Phoenix . Legilimency and Occlumency are not part of the normal curriculum at Hogwarts , and most students would graduate without learning them . Voldemort , Snape , and Dumbledore are all known to be skilled in Legilimency and Occlumency . Voldemort is said to be the master of Legilimency by Snape , as he , in almost all cases , immediately knows if someone lied to him . In addition , in Deathly Hallows , Voldemort repeatedly uses Legilimency to interrogate his victims . Voldemort practices Occlumency throughout the period of Half - Blood Prince to deny Harry access to his thoughts and emotions . However , in Deathly Hallows , Voldemort repeatedly loses grip , resulting in occasional but very powerful burst of thoughts , visions and emotions to be sent to Harry . Throughout the books , Snape is repeatedly said to be highly skilled in Occlumency . This is how Snape was able to lie to Voldemort for years . Even before Order of the Phoenix , Harry repeatedly gets the impression that Snape can read minds . Bellatrix Lestrange and Draco also have skill in Occlumency , since Bellatrix was clearly said to have taught Draco to shield his thoughts from Snape . During the Order of Phoenix Snape is instructed by Dumbledore to give Harry lessons in Occlumency . Whether as a result of Snape 's poor instruction , or poor aptitude on Harry 's part , Harry did not make any progress . ( Only once did Harry manage to overcome Snape with the use of Occlumency . ) In Deathly Hallows , Harry finally masters Occlumency -- shutting his mind to Voldemort -- when Dobby dies . He realises that his grief -- or as Dumbledore calls it , love -- is what can block out the Dark Lord . Queenie Goldstein , in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them , is shown to be a proficient Legilimens , as she is able to read the minds of Jacob Kowalski and others in the film , as well as sense and hear them through their thoughts . Apparition and Disapparition ( edit ) Apparition is a magical form of teleportation , through which a witch or wizard can disappear ( `` Disapparate '' ) from one location and reappear ( `` Apparate '' ) in another . It is sometimes accompanied by a distinctive cracking or popping sound , though the most skilled wizards can Apparate `` so suddenly and silently '' that they seem to have `` popped out of the ground '' ( Dumbledore ) . The act is also accompanied by a very unpleasant squeezing sensation , as though being sent through a tight rubber tube , according to Harry . The Ministry of Magic licenses Apparition . A witch or wizard must be 17 years old or older and have a licence to Apparate as a means of transportation in much the same way real - world governments require individuals to have a licence to drive a motor vehicle . Students at Hogwarts may attend Ministry - administered Apparition lessons during their sixth year , and take their examination once they turn seventeen . It is shown that although it is possible to Apparate without a licence , it is not usually done ( unless in lessons ) and is illegal . In Deathly Hallows , Harry does not possess a licence , but since his Trace has been lifted , the Ministry is likely unaware that he does it . Learning to Apparate is difficult , and students run the risk of splinching -- being physically split between the origin and destination -- which requires the assistance of the Ministry 's Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to undo properly , although essence of dittany can also mend certain wounds . Splinching is quite common during lessons , and can be uncomfortable ( and at times rather gruesome ) depending on the body parts splinched , but is ultimately harmless if properly reversed . It is implied that though Ron can Apparate , he is n't terribly skilled at it , seeing as he splinches himself at least three times ( once losing half an eyebrow , two fingernails and part of his arm . ) ; Harry and Hermione both pick up the skill quickly in comparison . As explained in the Half - Blood Prince , there is no word spell to Apparate or Disapparate , but the caster has to concentrate on the location on which he has to apparate , needs to be fully focused on the spell , and also has to `` feel '' it through the whole body . It has been indicated that it is considered rude to Apparate directly into a private area , such as a home . Dumbledore states in Half - Blood Prince that it would be `` quite as rude as kicking down the front door '' . For this reason , and for reasons of security , many homes have Anti-Apparition spells protecting them from uninvited intrusions . The accepted way to travel to a home is to Apparate to a nearby location and continue to the final destination on foot . Apparition is considered unreliable over long distances , and even experienced users of the technique sometimes prefer other means of transport , such as broomsticks . Rowling has stated that Apparating over long distances depends on the skill of the wizard , and `` Cross-continental Apparition would almost certainly result in severe injury or death . '' Indeed , even the prodigiously skilled Lord Voldemort elects to fly back to England after visiting the far - flung Nurmengard . For reasons of security , the grounds and buildings of Hogwarts are protected by ancient Anti-Apparition and Anti-Disapparition spells , which prevent humans from Apparating on the school grounds . There is also a spell that prevents individuals from Disapparating , which Dumbledore places on the Death Eaters captured at the Ministry in Order of the Phoenix ; a sister spell , which allows one to Apparate into a location but prevents them from Disapparating out of it , is cast by the Death Eaters in Hogsmeade in concordance with the Caterwauling Charm . Dumbledore is the only person who can both Apparate and Disapparate from the school grounds , since he is the headmaster . A witch or wizard can use Side - Along Apparition to take others with them during Apparition . Dumbledore successfully transports Harry this way several times in Half - Blood Prince , and notably , Harry 's first non-lesson attempt at the skill is the Side - Along Apparition with the weakened Dumbledore when they return from the seaside cave . In the Order of the Phoenix film , Death Eaters and Order members Apparate and Disapparate in clouds of smoke . Death Eaters appear and disappear in black smoke , Order members in white . In the film , both sides also appear to be able to `` half - apparate '' in which their bodies were made out of smoke , giving them the ability to fly . Both times Fred and George apparated and disapparated , they did it with a pop as in the books . In the books , the words `` Apparate '' and `` Disapparate '' , like many other neologisms used by Rowling , are capitalised , whereas established English words such as `` jinx '' and `` hex '' are not . The words themselves are most likely derived from the French apparaître and disparaître , meaning ' to appear ' and ' to disappear ' . Another possible derivation is from the English word `` apparition '' , meaning `` a supernatural appearance of a person or thing ; anything that appears , especially something remarkable or startling ; an act of appearing '' , which comes from the Latin `` apparitio '' , meaning attendance . `` Disapparate '' probably comes from the same word but with the prefix : `` dis - '' expressing negation or reversal . Other teleportation ( edit ) Some magical creatures have their own forms of instantaneous travel , such as a house elf 's ability to teleport or a phoenix 's ability to appear and disappear in a burst of flame . Unlike wizards , these creatures are not restricted by anti-Apparition magic . Dobby , Kreacher and the rest of the house - elf population can Apparate within the Hogwarts grounds , as they demonstrate on multiple occasions , most notably when Dobby visits Harry in the hospital wing , and when Harry summons Dobby and Kreacher and assigns them to tail Draco Malfoy . Fawkes disapparates from the headmaster 's office at Hogwarts along with Dumbledore when the latter evades arrest at the hands of Ministry officials in Order of the Phoenix . Some magical devices like the Floo Network , Portkeys and Vanishing Cabinets also provide forms of magical teleportation . Veela charm ( edit ) An ability attributed to Veela and those of Veela heritage , such as Fleur Delacour . It is used to charm males , much like the Sirens in The Odyssey . Men who are exposed to it over time become more resistant to it , although the Veela charm takes full effect if the Veela surprises the man , as noted by Ron in Half - Blood Prince . As shown in Goblet of Fire , Veela hair can be used as cores to create magical wands . According to famed wandmaker Mr. Ollivander , these wands are a little `` temperamental '' . Magical resistance ( edit ) This refers to a certain degree of immunity against hexes and spells found in powerful creatures such as trolls , dragons , and giants . Hagrid is resistant to certain spells , like the Stunning Spell , due to his giant blood . This type of resistance is not insurmountable ; if enough Stunning Spells , for example , are fired at a creature with magical resistance at once , the creature may still be rendered unconscious . Also , wizards and witches can resist certain spells with the power of their own sheer will , such as Harry did in Goblet of Fire , when Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Alastor Moody tried to control Harry with the Imperius curse and Harry resisted . Subjects at Hogwarts ( edit ) At Hogwarts , students must study a core group of subjects for the first two years , after which they must choose between several electives . During their final two years , students are permitted to take more specialized subjects such as Alchemy . Transfiguration , Defence Against the Dark Arts , Charms , Potions , Astronomy , History of Magic , and Herbology are compulsory subjects for the first five years , as well as flying lessons . At the end of their second year , students are required to add at least two optional subjects to their syllabus for the start of the third year . The five choices are Arithmancy , Muggle Studies , Divination , Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures . Very specialised subjects such as Alchemy are sometimes offered in the final two years , if there is sufficient demand . There is a total of twelve named Professors at Hogwarts , each specializing in one of these subjects . Transfiguration ( edit ) Transfiguration is essentially the art of changing the properties of an object . Transfiguration is a theory - based subject , including topics such as `` Switching Spells '' ( altering only a part of some object , such as when Hagrid gave Dudley a pig tail ) ; Vanishing Spells ( causing an object to completely disappear ) ; and Conjuring Spells ( creating objects out of thin air ) . It is possible to change inanimate objects into animate ones and vice versa -- Minerva McGonagall , the class 's teacher , transfigures her desk into a pig and back in Philosopher 's Stone . Defence Against the Dark Arts ( edit ) Defence Against the Dark Arts , commonly shortened to D.A.D.A. , is the class that teaches students defensive techniques to defend against the Dark Arts , and to be protected from Dark creatures . In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , with Death - Eaters in charge of the school , the subject is renamed the Dark Arts , and involves pupils practicing the Cruciatus Curse on those who have earned detentions . The subject has an extraordinarily high turnover of staff members -- throughout the series no Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher has retained the post for more than one school year . Harry is exceptionally skilled in this subject . During the period the story takes place , the class is taught by Quirinus Quirrell ( book one ) , Gilderoy Lockhart ( book two ) , Remus Lupin ( book three ) , Bartemius Crouch Jr impersonating Alastor `` Mad - eye '' Moody ( book four ) , Dolores Umbridge ( book five ) , Severus Snape ( book six ) , and Amycus Carrow ( book seven ) . Hagrid suggests in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that `` They 're startin ' ter think the job 's jinxed . No one 's lasted long for a while now . '' In Half - Blood Prince , Dumbledore suggests that Voldemort cursed the position because his application for it was rejected . The existence of the jinx was eventually confirmed by Rowling . The position had also been coveted by Snape , but he was denied the position as well . Snape was finally appointed D.A.D.A. professor in Half - Blood Prince . Rowling announced in an interview that once Voldemort had died , the jinx he placed on the office was lifted and a permanent professor had been teaching the subject between the end of Deathly Hallows and the epilogue , set nineteen years afterwards . Furthermore , she imagines that Harry Potter occasionally comes to the class to give lectures on the subject . Charms ( edit ) Charms is the class that teaches how to develop incantations for the uses of bewitchment . Rowling has described Charms as a type of magic spell concerned with giving an object new and unexpected properties . Charms classes are described as notoriously noisy and chaotic , as the lessons are largely practical . Many of the exposition sequences in the books are set in Charms classes , which are on the second floor of Hogwarts . The class is taught by Filius Flitwick . Potions ( edit ) Further information : Potions in Harry Potter Potions is described as the art of creating mixtures with magical effects . It requires the correct mixing and stirring of ingredients at the right times and temperatures . As to the question of whether a muggle could brew a potion , given the correct magical ingredients , Rowling has said , `` Potions seems , on the face of it , to be the most muggle - friendly subject . But there does come a point in which you need to do more than stir . '' Rowling later confirmed on Pottermore that `` There is always some element of wandwork necessary to make a potion . '' Snape 's lessons are depicted as unhappy , oppressing times set in a gloomy dungeon in the basement of the castle , whilst Slughorn 's , who replaces Snape as Potions Master , are shown as more cheerful and even fun at times . Astronomy ( edit ) Astronomy classes take place in the Astronomy Tower , the tallest tower in Hogwarts , and are taught by Professor Aurora Sinistra . Lessons involve observations of the night skies with telescopes . No astronomy lessons are shown in the books , but they are frequently referenced . Rowling describes one of Harry 's Astronomy exams in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . Also , bits of the Astronomy Tower are seen throughout the film series , such as HP2 and HP3 , and featured in Half - Blood Prince , as the place where Dumbledore died , and seen in Deathly Hallows . Known student homework activities include learning the names of stars , constellations and planets , and their location , movements , and environments . History of magic ( edit ) History of Magic is the study of magical history . Cuthbert Binns ' lessons are depicted as some of the most boring at Hogwarts . They are only lectures , given without pause , about significant events in wizarding history . Topics have included goblin rebellions , giant wars , and the origins of wizarding secrecy . This is the only class at Hogwarts that is taught by a ghost , as the professor never noticed he had died and simply continued teaching as if nothing had changed . Herbology ( edit ) Herbology is the study of magical plants and how to take care of , utilise and combat them . There are at least three greenhouses described in the books , holding a variety of magical plants . Herbology is also the only subject Neville excels in . The epilogue to Deathly Hallows explains that he later replaces Professor Sprout as the Herbology teacher . Arithmancy ( edit ) Arithmancy is a branch of magic concerned with the magical properties of numbers . As Harry Potter does not take this subject , the class is never described in the books . It is , however , a favourite subject of Hermione . Arithmancy is reportedly difficult , as it requires memorising or working with many charts . In Order of the Phoenix , it is mentioned that the study of Arithmancy is required to become a Curse - Breaker for Gringotts . The subject is taught by Professor Septima Vector . Study of ancient Runes ( edit ) Study of Ancient Runes , more commonly known as Ancient Runes , is a generally theoretical subject that studies the ancient runic scripts . Because only Hermione studies it , little else is known about this subject , taught by Professor Bathsheba Babbling . In Deathly Hallows Dumbledore bequeaths his copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard , which is written in ancient runes , to Hermione . Divination ( edit ) Divination is the art of predicting the future . Various methods are described , including tea leaves , fire omens , crystal balls , palmistry , cartomancy ( including the reading of conventional playing cards and the tarot ) , astrology , and dream interpretations . Divination is described by Professor McGonagall as `` one of the most imprecise branches of magic '' . Supporters of the subject claim that it is an inexact science that requires innate gifts such as the `` Inner Eye '' . Those opposed claim that the subject is irrelevant and fraudulent . Harry is first taught Divination by Professor Trelawney , and then later by Firenze after Trelawney is sacked by Dolores Umbridge in Harry 's fifth year . In the sixth ( and presumably seventh ) year , Firenze and Professor Trelawney share Divination classes , divided by year . Care of magical creatures ( edit ) Care of Magical Creatures is the class which instructs students on how to care for magical beasts . Classes are held outside the castle . In Harry 's first two years , the class is taken by Professor Silvanus Kettleburn who then retires `` in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs '' . Dumbledore then recruits the gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid to accept a teaching position along with his gamekeeping duties . Although Hagrid is obviously very experienced and knowledgeable , he does n't `` have a normal person 's view of what 's dangerous '' , an example being that the Care of Magical Creatures students were required to get a literally ferocious textbook called the `` Monster Book of Monsters '' , and so consistently misjudges the risk that the animals he uses in his lessons pose to his students , which sometimes results in chaos . When Hagrid is absent , his lessons are taken over by Wilhelmina Grubbly - Plank , a witch and an acquaintance of Dumbledore 's . Muggle Studies ( edit ) Muggle Studies is a class which involves the study of the muggle ( non-magical ) culture `` from a wizarding point of view . '' The only need for witches and wizards to learn about muggle ways and means is to ensure they can blend in with muggles while needing to do so ( for example , at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup ) . As the class is only mentioned as being taken by Hermione , and for just one year , little is known about its curriculum . In the opening chapter of the final book , Voldemort murders Professor Charity Burbage because she portrays muggles in a positive light and is opposed to limiting wizardry to only people of pure - blood origins . For the rest of the academic year covered by Deathly Hallows , the Death Eater Alecto Carrow teaches Muggle Studies . However , her lessons ( which are made compulsory ) mainly describe muggles and muggle - borns as subhuman and worthy of persecution . Alchemy ( edit ) Alchemy classes are not mentioned in the Harry Potter series ; however , Rowling has used Alchemy as an example of a ' specialized ' subject offered when there is sufficient demand . Alchemy is a philosophical tradition searching for the philosopher 's stone , which is said to have the power to turn base metals into gold and to contain the elixir of life , which makes or keeps the drinker young and immortal . As mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone , Nicholas Flamel created a Philosopher 's Stone , but it was destroyed at the end of Harry 's first year . Flying ( edit ) Flying is the class that teaches the use of broomsticks made for the use of flying and is taught only to Hogwarts first years by Rolanda Hooch . The subject is the only one that requires physicality . The only flying lesson depicted in the Harry Potter series is in Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone . Apparition ( edit ) Apparition is an optional class for those in the sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts , in preparation for obtaining their licence . In Harry 's sixth year , Wilkie Twycross , a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor , teaches the lessons . Magical enchantments on Hogwarts castle and grounds prevent Apparition and Disapparition inside the castle ; however Half - Blood Prince explains that these protections are temporarily relaxed within the Great Hall for short periods to permit students to practice . Students are warned , though , that they will not be able to Apparate outside of the Great Hall and that it would be unwise to try . Spell - like effects ( edit ) Unbreakable Vow ( edit ) The Unbreakable Vow is a voluntary agreement made between two witches or wizards . It must be performed with a witness ( `` Bonder '' ) on hand , holding their wand on the agreeing persons ' linked hands to bind them with magic as a tongue of flame . The Vow is not literally `` unbreakable '' as the person taking it is still able to go back on his or her word , but doing so will cause instant death . The Unbreakable Vow was first introduced in Half - Blood Prince , in which Snape made a promise to Narcissa Malfoy to protect Draco , with Bellatrix as the `` Bonder '' , as her son attempted to fulfil the Dark Lord 's task , and for Snape to fulfil the task if something should prevent Draco from doing it . Another example in Half - Blood Prince occurs when Ron tells Harry how Fred and George tried to make him undertake an Unbreakable Vow , but because of their father 's intervention , they did not succeed . Priori Incantatem ( edit ) Priori Incantatem ( from Latin : priorem incantatum - a previous spell ) , or the Reverse Spell Effect , is used to detect the spells cast by a wand . The spells cast by the wand will emerge in smoky or ghost - like replicas in reverse order , with the latest spell emerging first . It is first encountered in Goblet of Fire when the house elf Winky is found holding Harry 's wand . This spell is used to reveal that it was indeed Harry 's wand that cast the Dark Mark . In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince , it is revealed that the teenage Voldemort murdered his father and grandparents using his uncle Morfin 's wand , knowing that , when examined , the wand would incriminate Morfin as the murderer . In Deathly Hallows , Harry fears that a Priori Incantatem spell will be used on Hermione 's wand after the Death Eaters get hold of it . This would reveal that she had accidentally broken his holly - and - phoenix - feather wand when a curse misfired and they both narrowly escaped Voldemort earlier . As a result , the protection of the shared cores was lost and , worse still , this would now be made known to Voldemort . During the final duel between Harry and Voldemort , the latter mentions that he knows that the holly and phoenix wand is destroyed , implying that the Priori Incantatem has indeed been performed on Hermione 's wand , as they had feared . Forcing two wands that share the source of their cores to do battle can also cause a more potent form of Priori Incantatem . The tips of the two wands will connect , forming a thick golden `` thread '' of energy , and the two wands ' masters fight a battle of wills . The loser 's wand will regurgitate shadows of spells that it has cast in reverse order . This phenomenon occurs during the duel between Harry and Voldemort at the end of Goblet of Fire . Their simultaneous spells ( Harry and Voldemort cast `` Expelliarmus '' and `` Avada Kedavra '' respectively ) trigger the threads , and as Voldemort loses the battle of wills , his wand regurgitates , in reverse order , echoes of the people his wand had last murdered : Cedric Diggory ; Frank Bryce ; Bertha Jorkins ; as well as Harry 's parents . Harry was previously informed by Mr. Ollivander that the holly wand that `` chose '' Harry was the `` brother '' of the yew wand that gave him the lightning - shaped scar on his forehead , although the significance of this was not discussed then . Dumbledore later reveals to Harry that his and Voldemort 's wands both contain a tail feather given by Dumbledore 's pet phoenix , Fawkes . Dark Arts ( edit ) The Dark Arts are magical spells and practices that are usually used for malicious purposes . Practitioners of Dark Arts are referred to as Dark witches or wizards . The most prominent of these is Voldemort , known to them as the Dark Lord . His followers , known as Death Eaters , practice the Dark Arts while doing his bidding . The type of spells characteristic of Dark Arts are known as curses , which usually cause harm to the target . All , to a certain degree , are in some circumstances justifiable . The motivation of the caster affects a curse 's result . This is most notable in the case of Cruciatus : when cast by Harry , angered by the death of his godfather at Bellatrix 's hands and desiring to punish her , it causes a short moment of pain . As Bellatrix herself comments , righteous anger does not allow the spell to work for long . When cast by figures such as Voldemort , who desire to inflict pain for its own sake , it causes intense agony that can last as long as the Dark witch or wizard desires . Use of Dark Magic can corrupt the soul and body ; Voldemort has used such magic in his quest to prolong his life and obtain great power . The Dark Arts also cause Voldemort to look deformed and inhuman , a side effect of splitting his soul into Horcruxes . According to Snape , the Dark Arts `` are many , varied , ever - changing and eternal ... unfixed , mutating , indestructible '' . In magical dueling , there are any number of spells that may be used to attack , immobilise , or disarm an opponent without causing pain or lasting harm ; however , spells such as the Cruciatus Curse or Sectumsempra , judged to be Dark by reliable authorities , wound or seriously distress a victim in some way . Dark spells can be classified into three groups : jinxes , hexes & curses . In the wizarding world , use of the Dark Arts is strongly stigmatised and even illegal ; however , these spells are prevalent enough that even before the rise of Voldemort , many schools , ( including Hogwarts ) , taught Defence Against the Dark Arts as a standard subject . Techniques include anti-curses and simple spells to disable or disarm attackers or fight off certain creatures . Some schools , such as Durmstrang , teach Dark Magic . A Dark Arts class is also taught at Hogwarts while it is under Death Eater control . Unforgivable curses ( edit ) The Unforgivable Curses are some of the most powerful known Dark Arts spells . They were first classified as unforgivable in 1717 . Used by the books ' villains , such as Voldemort and the Death Eaters and in some cases the Ministry of Magic , their use inspires horror and great fear amongst others . The curses are so named because their use is forbidden and unforgivable in the wizarding world and is punishable by a life sentence in Azkaban . The only exception is if a person is proved to have done them under the influence of mind control . These curses are thus very rarely used openly . The Unforgivable Curses include : Avada Kedavra , the Killing Curse . The curse is used for murder . This is one of the most powerful curses . Normally , it can not be stopped or deflected , but it can be dodged or obstructed with a physical object . The spell causes immediate , painless death , and can not be reversed . Casting it requires immense magical power , so much so that the combined power of an entire class of 4th year students is not sufficient for it . The curse , when summoned , is shown as a bright green light ( a bolt or beam of green light in the films ) . Harry Potter is the only person known to have survived ( twice ) , nullified ( once ) and deflected ( once ) this curse . Crucio , the Cruciatus Curse . The curse is used for torturing a person by causing them physical pain and agony . The strength of the curse is determined by the person who cast it . The curse is so powerful that it can even torture a person to the point that they are exhausted to death , or in a more sadistic case , it causes permanent amnesia and insanity ( the case of Neville 's parents , who were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange ) . Effective casting requires the caster to have sadistic desires . Harry finds out in Order of the Phoenix while attempting to use the Cruciatus Curse on Bellatrix that the caster must truly want their victim to suffer for the spell to work , and that his righteous anger is not enough . The curse , when summoned , is shown in a bright - faded blue light ( though it is usually invisible or even a red bolt of light in the films ) . When Hogwarts was under Death Eater control , the Dark Arts teacher forced the students in his class to use the Cruciatus Curse on students who had been assigned detention . Imperio , the Imperius Curse . The curse is used for mind control or hypnosis and can force the victim to do things he / she would be unwilling to do or even incapable of under normal circumstances . The strength ( and also the duration ) of the curse is determined by the determination of the person who cast it , as well as by the level of resistance of the victim . The curse , when summoned , is shown in a bright haze ( while it was either invisible or green , mist - like haze in the films ) . Harry Potter resisted an Imperius Curse cast by Voldemort . The use of the Unforgivable Curses was authorised against Voldemort and his followers by Bartemius Crouch Sr , during the First Wizarding War . ( Shortly after his resurrection , Voldemort names two Death Eaters `` killed by Aurors '' . ) In addition , in Deathly Hallows , the Unforgivable Curses are used liberally by good characters , ranging from Professor McGonagall with the Imperius Curse , to Harry effectively using the Cruciatus Curse . He also uses the Imperius Curse on a goblin and a suspicious Death Eater during their disguised attack upon Gringotts Bank . Dark Mark ( edit ) The Dark Mark is the symbol of Voldemort and the Death Eaters and takes the form of a skull with a snake coming out of the mouth in place of a tongue . The mark is cast into the sky by Death Eaters whenever they have murdered someone . The spell used by Death Eaters to conjure the Mark is Morsmordre . It first appears in Goblet of Fire and is described as a `` colossal skull , composed of what looked like emerald stars , with a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue '' . Once in the sky it was `` blazing in a haze of greenish smoke '' . Dark Marks are also branded on the left forearm of the closest followers of Voldemort . The mark serves as a connection between Voldemort and each who bears it ; he can summon them by touching his mark , causing it and those of his followers to burn and change colour . Death Eaters can summon Voldemort in the same fashion . Following Voldemort 's ultimate defeat , the Dark Marks on his Death Eaters fade into a scar `` similar '' to Harry 's . In the books , the Dark Mark is described as green ; however , in the films , it was only green at the Quidditch World Cup . In all other film appearances it has been grey . Inferius ( edit ) Distinguish from Infernus . An Inferius ( plural : Inferi ) is a corpse controlled through a Dark wizard 's spells . An Inferius is not alive , but a dead body that has been bewitched into acting like a puppet for the witch or wizard ; this manifests itself as a white mist in the controlled corpse 's eyes . They can not think for themselves : they are created to perform a specific duty assigned by the Dark wizard who commands them , and as seen in the Inferi guarding Voldemort 's Horcrux in a seaside cave , remain idle until their task can be performed . This task is then thoughtlessly carried out , whether or not it will produce any result . Inferi are difficult to harm by magic ; however , they can be repelled by fire or any other forms of heat or light , as the Inferi in Voldemort 's cave had never been exposed to either of these elements . When defeated , they return to their idle state . Inferi are considered dangerous and frightening enough by the magical world that impersonating an Inferius ( as Mundungus Fletcher does in Half - Blood Prince ) is an offence worthy of imprisonment in Azkaban . The Ministry of Magic fears that Voldemort is killing enough people to make an army of Inferi : as they are dead , they are very difficult to stop . When Voldemort was hiding one of his Horcruxes in the past , he filled a lake in a cave with many Inferi , which were to attack and drown anyone but Voldemort who came into the cavern and took the locket . When Harry and Dumbledore took the locket , the Inferi attacked Harry ; Dumbledore repelled them with a rope of fire . It is also revealed that the Inferi almost killed Kreacher after he drank from the basin to help Voldemort hide his Horcruxes , but having been ordered to return to his master after his task with Voldemort was complete , he was able to apparate out of the cave . These Inferi later killed Regulus Black when he stole the Horcrux and ordered Kreacher to destroy it . In Latin , the word inferus ( plural : inferi ) means `` below '' , often referring in the plural to `` the gods below '' ( see di inferi ) or the spirits of the dead . Inferius is a neuter singular form of inferior , a comparative adjective meaning `` lower '' . Horcrux ( edit ) See also : Magical objects in Harry Potter § Horcruxes A horcrux is an object created using dark magic to attain effective immortality . The concept is first introduced in the sixth novel , Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince , although horcruxes are present in earlier novels without being described or expanded upon . To create a horcrux , a witch or wizard must first prepare the chosen object in a ritual which is referred to only as `` too horrible to go into detail about '' . Following the preparation of the object , the witch or wizard must then take a life , an act which splits the soul . Following that , further dark rituals are required in order to remove the soul shard from the maker and place it into the prepared object . Once this is done , the Horcrux becomes impervious to almost all forms of destruction , requiring extremely powerful magic or substances to do so . Ordinarily , when one 's body is killed , the soul departs for the next world . If , however , the body of a horcrux owner is killed , that portion of his soul which had remained in his body will not pass on to the next world , but will rather exist in a non-corporeal form capable of being resurrected by another wizard . If all of someone 's horcruxes are destroyed , then his soul 's only anchor in the material world would be his body , the destruction of which would then cause his final death . Portraits ( edit ) In the Harry Potter series the subjects of magical portraits ( even those of characters that are dead ) can move , interact with living observers , speak and demonstrate apparent emotion and personality . Some can even move to other portraits to visit each other , or relay messages , or ( if more than one painting of the subject exists ) move between separate locations by way of their portraits . An example of this is Phineas Nigellus Black , who has a painting in the Headmaster 's office and at Number 12 Grimmauld Place . Many such portraits are found on the walls of Hogwarts . Some portraits are used to conceal the entrance of a room or passageway . For example , the Fat Lady 's portrait covers the entrance to the Gryffindor common room , and she can swing the portrait open when given the correct password or close to prevent entry . In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , there is a portrait of Ariana Dumbledore in the Room of Requirement that conceals a secret passageway to the Hog 's Head . There is also a painting of a large fruit bowl in front of the Hogwarts kitchen , which will swing open if the pear is tickled to reveal a hidden door . Portraits are enchanted to move by the artist , but the degree to which they can interact with others depends on the power of the subject . Rowling has commented that a portrait is merely a faint imprint of the deceased subject , imitating their basic personality and thought patterns . They are therefore `` not as fully realised as ghosts '' . In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child the portrait of Albus Dumbledore describes himself as only `` paint and memory '' and Professor McGonagall ( his successor as headteacher of Hogwarts ) comments that , although she speaks to Dumbledore to help her in making decisions , she is careful to remember that `` portraits do n't represent even half of their subjects '' . Portraits in the Headmaster 's office ( edit ) The portraits in the Headmaster 's office depict all the former Heads of Hogwarts , with the exception of Dolores Umbridge . They advise the Headmaster and are `` honour - bound to give service to the present headmaster '' ( according to Armando Dippet ) . Rowling has explained that portraits of past headteachers tend to be more realistic than most , as the subject in question usually imparts knowledge and teaches them how to behave before their death . The portrait of Snape was installed in the Headmaster 's Office at Harry 's request . The Fat Lady ( edit ) The portrait of the Fat Lady covers the door to Gryffindor Tower . She will open it ( sometimes grudgingly ) when the correct password is uttered . She is often upset after being awoken , and is sometimes seen drunk with her best friend , Violet . The Fat Lady has no other known name -- even the unfailingly polite Albus Dumbledore refers to her only as `` the Fat Lady '' -- and it may be that she does not represent a real person but is instead an invention of her portrait 's artist . In Philosopher 's Stone , she leaves her portrait in the middle of the night , locking Harry , Ron , Hermione , and Neville out of Gryffindor Tower , forcing them to run across the school . Luckily for them , when they return , she has returned to her portrait , allowing them to escape into Gryffindor Tower . In Prisoner of Azkaban , Sirius Black slashes the Fat Lady 's portrait when she wo n't let him in without a password and it is some time before she dares to guard Gryffindor Tower again . After her portrait is restored , she requests protection in case someone tries to attack her portrait again . Thus , two security trolls are hired . In Half Blood Prince , she gets so annoyed with Harry 's late return that she pretends the password has changed and tries to call him back when he heads off to talk to Dumbledore . When Harry later confirms Dumbledore 's death , she lets out a sob and , for the only time in the series , she opens without the password for Harry in her grief . In the first film the Fat Lady is played by Elizabeth Spriggs , and by Dawn French in the third film . Photographs ( edit ) Wizarding photographs of people have similar properties to magical painted portraits : the figures within move about or even sometimes leave the frame . They appear in wizard newspapers and other print media , as well as on Chocolate Frog cards . Colin Creevey mentions in Chamber of Secrets that a boy in his dormitory said that if he develops the film from his Muggle camera ' in the right potion ' , the pictures will move . However , unlike portraits , figures in wizarding pictures can not speak and display little sentience . It appears that they do have some knowledge of current events , as in Order of the Phoenix , the family photograph on Arthur 's desk shows everyone except Percy `` who appeared to have walked out of it '' , mirroring the deterioration of Percy 's relationship with his family . It is also mentioned that in a photo taken by Colin Creevey of Gilderoy Lockhart and Harry , Harry 's picture had walked out and was resisting all of Lockhart 's efforts to pull him back in . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` FAQ '' . Archived from the original on 21 July 2011 . Retrieved 8 May 2017 . Jump up ^ Harry Potter : A History of Magic. 28 October 2017 . BBC . Jump up ^ Flood , Alison ( 8 August 2016 ) . `` Harry Potter 's 20th birthday to be marked with British Library show '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 30 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` J.K Rowling Official Site '' . Archived from the original on 26 September 2011 . Retrieved 27 February 2008 . Jump up ^ , chapter 13 Jump up ^ `` 2001 : Accio Quote ! , the largest archive of J.K Rowling interviews on the web '' . Archived from the original on 27 August 2008 . Retrieved 27 February 2008 . Jump up ^ `` History of Magic in North America '' . Pottermore . Retrieved 5 May 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` JKR quotes about `` the rules '' of Harry Potter 's Wizarding World : `` . Retrieved 27 February 2008 . Jump up ^ Harry Potter and Me . Accio Quote. 28 December 2001 . BBC . Jump up ^ Anelli , Melissa . `` More About that Veil '' . Harry , A History . Archived from the original on 20 November 2008 . Retrieved 8 May 2017 . Jump up ^ Rowling , J.K. Pottermore Presents : Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism , Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies . Pottermore . ISBN 978 - 1 - 78110 - 628 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` J.K. Rowling 's Official Site , rumour section '' . Archived from the original on 2011 . Jump up ^ Rowling , J.K. : `` Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix '' , page 85 . Scholastic , 2003 ^ Jump up to : `` J.K. Rowling Web Chat Transcript '' . Archived from the original on 8 July 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Transcript of JK Rowling web chat -- Harry Potter Beyond '' . Archived from the original on 21 February 2008 . Retrieved 27 February 2008 . Jump up ^ `` J.K Rowling at the Royal Albert Hall 26 June 2003 '' . Retrieved 27 February 2008 . Jump up ^ Prince , Alan ( 2011 ) . The True Story of Severus Snape : An Essay About Harry Potter 's Most Disputed Character , p. 52 . Jump up ^ , chapter 26 Jump up ^ Rowling , J.K. `` Welcome to my new website ! '' . . Retrieved 5 May 2017 . ^ Jump up to : 1998 : Accio Quote ! , the Largest Archive of J.K. Rowling quotes on the web , Jump up ^ Rowling , J. K. ( 2005 ) . `` Silver and Opals '' . Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince . Bloomsbury . ISBN 0747581088 . Jump up ^ Brown , Jen ( 24 July 2007 ) . `` Stop your sobbing ! More Potter to come '' . . NBC . Retrieved 24 July 2007 . Jump up ^ 2006 : Accio Quote ! , the largest archive of J.K. Rowling interviews on the web , Jump up ^ `` Potions '' . Pottermore . Retrieved 5 May 2017 . Jump up ^ Steve Vander Ark . `` '' . . Retrieved 16 July 2011 . Jump up ^ J.K. Rowling 's Official Site Archived 24 January 2008 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ , chapter 9 ^ Jump up to : Lewis , Charlton T. ; Short , Charles ( 1879 ) . `` q.v. , inferus , as positive noun I.B , as comparative adjective II. A '' . A Latin Dictionary . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Jump up ^ Morphology of inferius by The Perseus Project Jump up ^ `` '' PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling , part one . '' ( 2007 ) , Accio Quote ! `` . . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 31 . ^ Jump up to : Rowling , J.K. `` Hogwarts Portraits '' . Pottermore . Retrieved 9 May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` JK Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival '' . J.K. Rowling Official Web Site. 15 August 2004 . Archived from the original on 21 July 2011 . Jump up ^ , chapter 6 Jump up ^ , chapter 7 Further reading ( edit ) Highfield , Roger ( 2002 ) . The Science of Harry Potter : How magic really works . New York : Viking . ISBN 978 - 0 - 670 - 03153 - 5 . Teare , Elizabeth ( 2002 ) . `` Harry Potter and the technology of magic '' . In Whited , Lana A . The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter : Perspectives on a literary phenomenon . Columbia , Missouri : University of Missouri Press . pp. 29 -- 342 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8262 - 1549 - 9 . Black , Sharon ( 2003 ) . `` The Magic of Harry Potter : Symbols and Heroes of Fantasy '' . Children 's Literature in Education . 34 ( 3 ) : 237 -- 247 . doi : 10.1023 / A : 1025314919836 . External links ( edit ) Magic on Harry Potter Wiki , an external wiki The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling Novels The Philosopher 's Stone ( 1997 ) The Chamber of Secrets ( 1998 ) The Prisoner of Azkaban ( 1999 ) The Goblet of Fire ( 2000 ) The Order of the Phoenix ( 2003 ) The Half - Blood Prince ( 2005 ) The Deathly Hallows ( 2007 ) Film series Films The Philosopher 's Stone ( 2001 ) The Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) The Prisoner of Azkaban ( 2004 ) The Goblet of Fire ( 2005 ) The Order of the Phoenix ( 2007 ) The Half - Blood Prince ( 2009 ) The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 ( 2010 ) The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( 2011 ) Music The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 Related Cast members Production of The Deathly Hallows Characters Main Harry Potter Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Lord Voldemort Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Rubeus Hagrid Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Supporting Hogwarts staff Order of the Phoenix Dumbledore 's Army Death Eaters Fictional universe Hogwarts Magic Magical creatures Magical objects Ministry of Magic Muggle Places Potions Quidditch Related works Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Quidditch Through the Ages The Tales of Beedle the Bard Prequel Pottermore The Cursed Child Hogwarts : An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power , Politics and Pesky Poltergeists Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism , Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies Games and toys Quidditch World Cup Lego Harry Potter : Years 1 -- 4 Lego Harry Potter : Years 5 -- 7 Lego Creator : Harry Potter Creator : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 Book of Spells Book of Potions Trading Card Game Hogwarts Mystery Wizards Unite Attractions The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Orlando Japan Hollywood Dragon Challenge Flight of the Hippogriff Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Hogwarts Express Harry Potter Movie Magic Experience Exhibitions Harry Potter : The Exhibition Harry Potter : A History of Magic Warner Bros. Studio Tour London -- The Making of Harry Potter Fandom Harry Potter Alliance The Leaky Cauldron MuggleNet LeakyCon Wizard rock Wrockstock The Methods of Rationality My Immortal Severus Snape and the Marauders Voldemort : Origins of the Heir Related Wizarding World Influences and analogues Legal disputes Parodies Politics Religious debates Translation A Very Potter Musical The Harry Potter Lexicon The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter Potter Puppet Pals Portkey Games List of organisms named after the Harry Potter series Book Portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Harry Potter universe Magic in fiction Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from November 2013 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Español فارسی Français 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands Norsk nynorsk Português Русский Svenska ไทย Türkçe 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 August 2018 , at 16 : 28 ( UTC ) . 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who teaches defense against the dark arts after snape
Defence Against the Dark Arts , commonly shortened to D.A.D.A. , is the class that teaches students defensive techniques to defend against the Dark Arts , and to be protected from Dark creatures . In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , with Death - Eaters in charge of the school , the subject is renamed the Dark Arts , and involves pupils practicing the Cruciatus Curse on those who have earned detentions . The subject has an extraordinarily high turnover of staff members -- throughout the series no Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher has retained the post for more than one school year . Harry is exceptionally skilled in this subject . During the period the story takes place , the class is taught by Quirinus Quirrell ( book one ) , Gilderoy Lockhart ( book two ) , Remus Lupin ( book three ) , Bartemius Crouch Jr impersonating Alastor `` Mad - eye '' Moody ( book four ) , Dolores Umbridge ( book five ) , Severus Snape ( book six ) , and Amycus Carrow ( book seven ) . Hagrid suggests in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that `` They 're startin ' ter think the job 's jinxed . No one 's lasted long for a while now . '' In Half - Blood Prince , Dumbledore suggests that Voldemort cursed the position because his application for it was rejected . The existence of the jinx was eventually confirmed by Rowling . The position had also been coveted by Snape , but he was denied the position as well . Snape was finally appointed D.A.D.A. professor in Half - Blood Prince . Rowling announced in an interview that once Voldemort had died , the jinx he placed on the office was lifted and a permanent professor had been teaching the subject between the end of Deathly Hallows and the epilogue , set nineteen years afterwards . Furthermore , she imagines that Harry Potter occasionally comes to the class to give lectures on the subject .
Gilbert Gottfried - wikipedia Gilbert Gottfried Jump to : navigation , search Gilbert Gottfried Gottfried at the Montclair Film Festival in April 2016 ( 1955 - 02 - 28 ) February 28 , 1955 ( age 62 ) Brooklyn , New York City , New York , United States Medium Stand - up , film , television Years active 1970 -- present Genres Satire , crude humor , blue comedy , improvisational comedy , black comedy , insult comedy Subject ( s ) Religion , race relations , racism , pop culture , sex Spouse Dara Kravitz ( m . 2007 ) Website Gilbert Gottfried ( born February 28 , 1955 ) is an American stand - up comedian , actor and voice actor . His numerous roles in film and television include voicing the parrot Iago in Disney 's Aladdin , Digit in the children 's cartoon / educational math - based show Cyberchase and Kraang Subprime in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . Gottfried was also the voice of the Aflac Duck until 2011 . Since 2014 , Gottfried has hosted a podcast titled Gilbert Gottfried 's Amazing Colossal Podcast , which airs new episodes each week featuring discussions of classic movies and celebrity interviews , most often with veteran actors , comedians and comedy writers . Contents ( hide ) 1 Career 1.1 Early career ( 1970 -- 1998 ) 1.2 Voice acting , television and films ( 1999 -- present ) 2 Personal life 3 Comedic style 4 Controversial jokes 4.1 1991 Emmy Awards 4.2 September 11 joke 4.3 Japanese tsunami jokes 5 Filmography 5.1 Movies 5.2 Television 5.3 Video games 5.4 Commercials 6 References 7 External links Career ( edit ) Early career ( 1970 -- 1998 ) ( edit ) At age 15 , Gottfried began doing amateur stand - up in New York City and , after a few years , became known around New York as `` the comedian 's comedian . '' In 1980 , Saturday Night Live was being retooled with a new staff and new comedians ; the producers noticed Gottfried and hired him as a cast member for season 6 . Gottfried 's persona in SNL sketches was very different from his later characterization : he rarely ( if ever ) spoke in his trademark screeching , obnoxious voice and never squinted . During his 12 - episode stint , he was given very little airtime and seldom used in sketches . Gottfried recalls a low point was having to play a corpse in a sketch about a sports organist hired to play inappropriate music at a funeral . Despite this , he had one recurring character ( Leo Waxman , husband to Denny Dillon 's Pinky Waxman on the recurring talk show sketch , `` What 's It All About ? '' ) and two celebrity impersonations : David A. Stockman and controversial film director Roman Polanski . Gottfried at the 1991 Emmy Awards Gottfried also played accountant Sidney Bernstein in the 1987 film Beverly Hills Cop II . Although not a regular , he also appeared in The Amazing Live Sea Monkeys , as well as voicing the crazed dentist Dr. Bender and his son Wendell in The Fairly OddParents and the voice of Jerry the Belly Button Elf on Ren and Stimpy . Three of his most prominent roles came in 1990 , 1991 , and 1992 , when he was cast as the adoption agent Igor Peabody in Problem Child and Problem Child 2 and the parrot Iago in Aladdin . When asked how he prepared for the role , Gottfried said , `` I did the whole DeNiro thing . I moved to South America ! I lived in the trees ! '' Gottfried reprised the role in Aladdin : The Return of Jafar , Aladdin and the King of Thieves , the television series and various related media , such as Kingdom Hearts and House of Mouse . Gottfried also voiced Berkely Beetle in 1994 's Thumbelina . In 1996 , he starred as a talking smoke detector , in `` Be Cool about Fire Safety , '' a short fire safety video for younger audiences . Gottfried was the host of the Saturday edition of USA Up All Night for its entire run from 1989 to 1998 . Voice acting , television and films ( 1999 -- present ) ( edit ) On the most recent version of Hollywood Squares , Gottfried was a regular guest . On one particular episode , he was the last square on the board for a five - square win , but both contestants repeatedly got his answers wrong , prompting Gottfried to yell `` YOU FOOL ! '' with every incorrect response . It took seven tries before a contestant finally correctly agreed with him , specifically on a question of `` smog '' being a combination of smoke and fog . Gottfried has provided the voice of the duck in the Aflac commercials and Digit in Cyberchase , as well as Mr. Mxyzptlk in Superman : The Animated Series . He also voiced a nasty wisecracking criminal genius named Nick - Nack in two episodes of Superboy ( he also co-wrote an issue of Superboy : The Comic Book , which featured Nick - Nack 's origin ) . On The Tonight Show with Jay Leno , Gottfried has made regular appearances . In 2004 , Comedy Central featured Gottfried 's stand - up material for Shorties Watchin ' Shorties . Gottfried was part of an online advertising campaign for Microsoft 's Office XP software , showing , in a series of Flash - animated cartoons , that the Clippy office assistant would be removed . In 2006 , Gottfried topped the Boston Phoenix 's tongue - in - cheek list of the world 's 100 Unsexiest Men . In April 2006 , Gottfried performed with the University of Pennsylvania 's Mask and Wig Club in their annual Intercollegiate Comedy Festival . Also in 2006 , he made an appearance on the Let 's Make a Deal portion of Gameshow Marathon ( as a baby in a large high chair , he says `` Hey Ricki , I think I need my diaper changed ! '' ) , and in the Dodge Viper in the big deal ( where he tells the contestants `` What were you thinking ? ! '' because neither one picked it ) . He also guest - starred in The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy as Santa Claus in the one - hour Christmas Special . He voiced Rick Platypus in an episode of My Gym Partner 's a Monkey entitled `` That Darn Platypus '' . Gottfried at the Writers Guild of America East Solidarity Rally in Washington Square on November 27 , 2007 He appeared as Peter 's horse in an episode of Family Guy entitled `` Boys Do Cry '' ( in which Peter Griffin is enthused to learn that Gottfried is providing the horse 's voice ) . He also guest - starred in Hannah Montana as Barny Bittmen . In January 2009 , Gottfried worked again with David Faustino for an episode of Faustino 's show Star - ving . In 2011 , Gottfried appeared in the episode `` Lost Traveler '' on Law & Order : Special Victims Unit as Leo Gerber , a sarcastic computer professional working for the NYPD 's Technical Assistance Response Unit , which producer Warren Leight said could become a recurring character . Gottfried read a section from the hit book Fifty Shades of Grey in a June 2012 YouTube video , which was created with the aim of using Gottfried 's trademark voice to make fun of the book 's graphic sexual content . In 2013 , Gottfried became a member of `` Team Rachael '' on the second season of Food Network 's Rachael vs. Guy : Celebrity Cook - Off . In March 2013 he appeared on ABC 's Celebrity Wife Swap . He swapped wives with Alan Thicke . He is also a commentator on truTV Presents : World 's Dumbest ... On May 28 , 2014 , Sideshow Network premiered Gilbert Gottfried 's Amazing Colossal Podcast , an interview series where Gottfried and his co-host Frank Santopadre discuss classic movies and talk to `` Hollywood legends and behind - the - scenes talents '' who shaped Gottfried 's childhood and influenced his comedy . His first guest was Dick Cavett . Gottfried was the third contestant fired during the seventh season of the NBC reality show The Celebrity Apprentice . Gottfried 's most recent role came in 2016 when he played the ' Pig Man ' in a comedy / fantasy film Abnormal Attraction . Personal life ( edit ) In the late 1990s , Gottfried met Dara Kravitz at a Grammy Awards party . They were married in 2007 and have two children together , daughter Lily and son Max . They reside in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan . Gottfried was raised in a Jewish family , but he has commented on his podcast that he did not have a bar mitzvah . One of his sisters was Arlene Gottfried , a New York Street photographer , who died in 2017 . Comedic style ( edit ) Danny Gallagher of the Dallas Observer wrote that `` Gottfried has one of the most original formulas in the history of comedy '' , adding : `` You do n't just laugh at the punchline when Gilbert Gottfried tells a joke . You laugh at the setup . You laugh at his comments about the joke . You even laugh at the segues between his jokes . '' Gottfried is known for speaking in a loud and grating voice , which is not his natural speaking voice . Mark Binneli of Rolling Stone described Gottfried as a `` squinting , squawking mass of contradictions '' , noting his status as `` one of America 's filthiest stand - ups and one of the most successful voice - over artists in children 's entertainment . '' Gottfried is known for joking about recent tragedies . In a July 2012 op - ed for CNN , he wrote : `` I have always felt comedy and tragedy are roommates . If you look up comedy and tragedy , you will find a very old picture of two masks . One mask is tragedy . It looks like it 's crying . The other mask is comedy . It looks like it 's laughing . Nowadays , we would say , ' How tasteless and insensitive . A comedy mask is laughing at a tragedy mask . ' '' Controversial jokes ( edit ) 1991 Emmy Awards ( edit ) At the 43rd Primetime Emmy Awards , Gottfried made `` an endless series of masturbation jokes '' in reference to Paul Reubens ' arrest for masturbating in an adult movie theater . Viewers on the east coast saw the entire set live , but Fox censored the broadcast for the west coast delay . Fox issued an apology , stating that Gottfried 's jokes were `` irresponsible and insulting '' . Gottfried said that producers stated he would not be invited back , and Rolling Stone wrote that the monologue resulted in him being `` blacklisted '' . September 11 joke ( edit ) During his monologue at a Friars Club roast of Hugh Hefner three weeks after the September 11 attacks , Gottfried joked that he had intended to catch a plane , but could not get a direct flight because `` they said they have to stop at the Empire State Building first '' . This was one of the first public examples of 9 / 11 humor . Audience members responded with hisses and a cry of `` Too soon ! '' Gottfried then abandoned his prepared remarks and launched into the venerable Aristocrats joke , winning back the audience . Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza used Gottfried 's monologue as a segment in their 2005 film The Aristocrats . Japanese Tsunami jokes ( edit ) In March 2011 , Gottfried made a series of jokes on his Twitter account about the earthquake disaster in Japan . Aflac , which does 75 % of its business in Japan , responded by dismissing Gottfried from voicing its duck mascot on March 14 , 2011 , and announced a casting call for his replacement as the voice of the duck . He was replaced by Daniel McKeague ( who did an impression of Gottfried ) on April 26 , 2011 . Filmography ( edit ) Movies ( edit ) Year Title Role 1984 Gallavants Edil ( voice ; on his first film role ) 1984 The House of God Paramedic 1985 Bad Medicine Tony Sandoval Beverly Hills Cop II Sidney Bernstein Hot to Trot Dentist Never on Tuesday Lucky Larry Lupin 1990 The Adventures of Ford Fairlane Johnny Crunch 1990 Seriously ... Phil Collins Roger 1990 Problem Child Mr. Peabody 1991 Problem Child 2 Mr. Peabody 1991 Horror Hall of Fame 2 Boris 1992 Aladdin Iago the Parrot ( voice ) 1992 Highway to Hell Hitler 1994 Aladdin : The Return of Jafar Iago the Parrot ( voice ) 1994 Thumbelina Berkeley Beetle ( voice ) 1994 Saved By The Bell : Wedding In Las Vegas Burt Banner 1994 Double Dragon Walter 1995 The Magic Gift of the Snowman Charlatan ( voice ) 1995 Problem Child 3 Dr. Peabody Aladdin and the King of Thieves Iago the Parrot ( voice ) Escape from It 's a Wonderful Life Angry man on porch Be Cool About Fire Safety Seymour Smoke 1997 Def Jam 's How to Be a Player Tony the Doorman 1998 Dr. Dolittle Compulsive Dog ( voice ) 1999 Goosed Alan Levy 2001 Longshot Mr. Chadwick 2002 Back by Midnight Security Guard Funky Monkey Dr. Spleen The Amazing Floydini Magic Store owner Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events Duck 2005 The Aristocrats Himself 2007 Farce of the Penguins `` I 'm Freezing My Nuts Off '' Penguin ( voice ) 2008 Gilbert Gottfried : Dirty Jokes Himself 2009 The Lindabury Story Himself Jack and the Beanstalk Grayson the Goose 2011 Miss December The Police Officer 2013 Beecher Baby Bouncer Himself 2014 A Million Ways to Die in the West Abraham Lincoln 2016 Sharknado : The 4th Awakens Ron McDonald 2016 The Comedian 's Guide to Survival Himself 2016 Abnormal Attraction Pig Man 2016 Director 's Cut Superintendent 2016 Unbelievable ! ! ! ! Major LeGrande Bushe 2016 Gender Bender Dr. Montalto 2016 Hospital Arrest Jerome Carter 2016 Life , Animated Himself 2017 The Comedian Himself 2017 Gilbert Himself 2017 80 's Creature House Grim Reaper 2017 Animal Crackers Mario Zucchini ( voice ) 2017 Sharknado 5 : Global Swarming Ron McDonald Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1980 -- 1981 Saturday Night Live Various characters Cast member ; 12 episodes 1983 -- 1984 Thicke of the Night Various characters The Cosby Show Mr. Babcock `` Say Hello to a Good Buy '' 1990 Superboy Nick - Nack ( voice ) 1991 Night Court Oscar Brown 1993 -- 1995 Bonkers Two - Bits ( voice ) Problem Child Mr. Peabody 1994 Living Single Larry Friedlander 1994 -- 1995 Aladdin ( TV series ) Iago the Parrot ( voice ) 1994 Beavis and Butthead Gus Baker ( voice ) The Ren & Stimpy Show Jerry the Bellybutton Elf / Porkchop Monster ( voice ) 1994 -- 1997 Duckman Art DeSalvo ( voice ) Recurring role 1994 -- 1995 Wings ( 1990 TV series ) Lewis ( guest role ) 1995 Married ... with Children Adventures in Wonderland Mike McNasty Bump in the Night Stink Bug ( voice ) Aladdin on Ice Iago the Parrot ( voice ) TV movie 1995 -- 1996 Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat Additional Characters Voice Are You Afraid of the Dark ? Roy In the House Mr. Comstock Adventures from the Book of Virtues Additional voices Escape From It 's a Wonderful Life Angry man on porch Big Bag Himself Troubles the Cat segment 1996 -- 2000 Superman : The Animated Series Mr Mxyzptlk ( voice ) 1997 Bear in the Big Blue House Large Possum ( voice ) 1998 Cosby Cellmate `` Fifteen Minutes of Fame '' Noddy Jack Frost `` Jack Frost is Coming to Town '' Hercules Cilon ( voice ) 1999 Dilbert TV Series Accounting Troll ( voice ) `` Hunger '' Dr. Katz , Professional Therapist ( TV series ) Himself Episodes 503 and 506 Timon & Pumbaa The Woodpecker ( voice ) 2000 Clerks : The Animated Series Jerry Seinfeld , Patrick Swayze ( voices ) 2001 -- 2005 The Fairly OddParents Dr. Bender / Wendel ( voices ) 2001 -- 2003 Disney 's House of Mouse Iago the Parrot ( voice ) 2002 Mickey 's House of Villains Iago the Parrot ( voice ) 2002 -- present Cyberchase Digit , Widget ( voices ) Daytime Emmy ( Nominee ) Outstanding New Approaches - Daytime Children 's Daytime Emmy Awards 2009 2002 Son of the Beach Noccus Johnstein `` Chip 's A Goy '' and Hamm Stroker 's Suck My Blood Celebrity Deathmatch Himself ( voice ) `` Gottfried in the Arena '' 2003 Becker Alan CSI : Crime Scene Investigation Comic `` Last Laugh '' Home Movies Tonko the Parrot ( voice ) The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Various sketches VH1 's Celebrity Paranormal Project and I Love Toys 2005 Billy and Mandy Save Christmas Santa Claus ( voice ) 2007 The Emperor 's New School Additional voices Season 2 , Episode 11 Family Guy Peter 's Horse ( voice ) My Gym Partner 's a Monkey Rick Platypus ( voice ) `` That Darn Platypus '' 2008 Hannah Montana Barney Bitman `` ( We 're So Sorry ) Uncle Earl '' VH1 's I Love the New Millennium 4 Episodes The Comedy Central Roast : Bob Saget Himself The Replacements Himself `` A Buzzwork Orange '' Back at the Barnyard Barn Buddy ( voice ) Big & Small Small ( voice ) Sesame Street Denny the Distractor `` Hurry Up , You 're Running Out of Time '' The View Horny the Dwarf Joy 's Month in ReView The Weird Al Show Himself Pyramid Himself Celebrity Guest Hollywood Squares Himself Regular 2009 Star - ving Himself `` Gilbert 's Kid '' The Comedy Central Roast : Joan Rivers Himself Seth MacFarlane 's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy Himself ' Til Death Tommy Guest starred The Comedy Central Roast : David Hasselhoff Himself Robotomy Tickle Me Psycho ( voice ) `` The Playdate '' 2011 The Comedy Central Roast : Donald Trump Himself Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Leo Gerber 2012 The Comedy Central Roast : Roseanne Barr Himself The Burn with Jeff Ross Himself 2013 -- 2014 TruTV Presents : World 's Dumbest ... Himself 2013 Rachael vs. Guy : Celebrity Cook - Off Himself Celebrity Wife Swap Himself `` Gilbert Gottfried / Alan Thicke '' MAD Linkong , Father , Crash ( voices ) 2014 Randy Cunningham : 9th Grade Ninja Ranginald Bagel The Celebrity Apprentice 7 Himself Dinner with Friends with Brett Gelman and Friends Himself Elf : Buddy 's Musical Christmas Mr. Greenway ( voice ) Last Comic Standing ' Himself Big Brother 16 Otev ( voice ) Newbridge Tourism Board Presents : We 're Newbridge , We 're Comin ' To Get Ya ! Himself Anger Management Dudley Guest starred 2014 -- 2016 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Kraang Subprime ( voice ) 2016 Mighty Magiswords Prohyas ' stomach ( voice ) Guest starred 2017 Episodes Himself Season 5 , Episode 1 2017 Justice League Action Mr. Mxyztplk ( voice ) 2017 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Jared Kushner ( voice ) Season 4 , Episodes 10 and 19 2018 Transformers : Cyberverse Thundercracker ( voice ) Video games ( edit ) Year Title Role 1999 Disney 's Arcade Frenzy Iago the Parrot 2001 Disney 's Aladdin in Nasira 's Revenge Iago the Parrot 2002 Kingdom Hearts Iago the Parrot 2006 Kingdom Hearts II Iago the Parrot APB : All Points Bulletin Joker Ammo 2014 Lego Batman 3 : Beyond Gotham Mister Mxyzptlk Commercials ( edit ) MTV ( 1980s ) Pepsi ( 1991 ) Pop - Tarts : Voice of the Toaster ( 1995 ) Aflac : Voice of the Aflac duck ( 2000 -- 2011 ) Subway ( 2000 ) Office XP : Voice of Clippy ( 2001 ) Glad ( 2003 ) Shoedini ( 2010 ) Easterns Automotive Group commercials ( 2012 ) Eat24 ( 2015 Super Bowl commercial ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Gilbert Gottfried . New York Times '' . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` About Gilbert '' . . Archived from the original on 2012 - 10 - 25 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 01 . Jump up ^ Edgers , Geoff ( October 30 , 2014 ) . `` The first time Prince could have saved Saturday Night Live '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved August 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Wright , Megh ( October 3 , 2012 ) . `` Saturday Night 's Children : Gilbert Gottfried ( 1980 -- 1981 ) '' . Splitsider . Retrieved August 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Cook , Ross , Corbett , Vega '' . Comedy Central . Retrieved 15 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Bill Jensen & Ryan Stewart ( 2008 - 03 - 27 ) . `` The 100 unsexiest men in the world -- Ultimate Lists '' . . Archived from the original on 2010 - 12 - 20 . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Keck 's Exclusives : Gilbert Gottfried to Annoy SVU Cast - Today 's News : Our Take '' . 2011 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Gilbert Gottfried reads Fifty Shades of Grey '' . 2012 - 06 - 18 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 01 . Jump up ^ Itzkoff , Dave ( 2013 - 03 - 10 ) . `` Vulgarity 's Abrasive Master , but Not at Home '' . The New York Times . Retrieved April 7 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Sideshow Network '' . Archived from the original on 2014 - 07 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : `` Abnormal Attraction ( 2016 ) '' . IMDb . Jump up ^ `` Discussion of : What It 's Like Being Married to Gilbert Gottfried - ' NYT ' takes a look at Gottfried 's marriage ahead of ' Celebrity Wife Swap ' '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 06 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Gallagher , Danny ( August 25 , 2017 ) . `` Gilbert Gottfried Talks About the Voice that Made Him a Comedy Icon '' . Dallas Observer . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Melendez , Angel ( August 25 , 2017 ) . `` Gilbert Gottfried on Showbiz Stupidity and Hollywood Legends '' . Miami New Times . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Mark , Binelli ( July 18 , 2005 ) . `` Gilbert Gottfried : The Annoying Guy '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Gottfried , Gilbert ( July 12 , 2012 ) . `` If you do n't want to hear an edgy joke , do n't listen '' . CNN . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Koseluk , Chris ( September 17 , 2009 ) . `` Emmy timeline '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Kuklenski , Valerie ( August 21 , 1991 ) . `` Blue Sunday at Emmy Awards '' . UPI . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Halle , Howard ( December 15 , 2005 ) . `` What 's eating Gilbert Gottfried ? '' . Time Out . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ DiGiacomo , Frank ( 2005 - 08 - 07 ) . `` Why Have a Night Like This in Times Like These ? '' . The New York Observer . Retrieved 2013 - 05 - 25 . Jump up ^ Ebert , Roger ( 2005 - 08 - 12 ) . `` The Aristocrats '' . Roger . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` The 10 Worst Gilbert Gottfried Tsunami Jokes '' . BuzzFeed . ^ Jump up to : Cina , Mark ( 2011 - 03 - 14 ) . `` Gilbert Gottfried Fired as Aflac Duck After Japan Tweets '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` The Aflac Duck 's New Voice Comes From a Minnesota Sales Manager '' . Yahoo . Archived from the original on April 30 , 2011 . Retrieved 26 April 2011 . Jump up ^ `` NODDY - Jack Frost Is Coming to Town '' . KET. 1999 - 06 - 06 . Archived from the original on 5 November 2013 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : `` Gilbert Gottfried bio '' . IMDb . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 02 . Jump up ^ Rhodes , Joe ( 31 May 1991 ) . `` Another Pop Culture Moment '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 02 . Jump up ^ Macarthur , Kate ( January 1 , 2001 ) . `` Slim Subway spokesman has expanding influence '' . Advertising age . Retrieved February 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Stenger , Richard ( 12 April 2001 ) . `` Microsoft 's ' Clippy ' headed for the trash '' . CNN . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 12 . Jump up ^ Gentilviso , Chris ( 2010 - 08 - 18 ) . `` 25 Worst ( We Mean Best ) Infomercials - Shoedini '' . Time . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 02 . Jump up ^ Steinberg , Dan ( 2012 - 06 - 25 ) . `` Brian Orakpo , Gilbert Gottfried do Eastern Motors jingle - DC Sports Bog '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 06 . Jump up ^ Paper , Baltimore City . `` Eastern Motors with Gilbert Gottfried '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 30 . Jump up ^ Brokenbough , Aaron ( January 29 , 2015 ) . `` Snoop Dogg and Gilbert Gottfried star in Eat24 's Super Bowl commercial '' . Retrieved February 1 , 2015 . External links ( edit ) Official website Gilbert Gottfried on IMDb Gilbert Gottfried at the Internet Broadway Database VIAF : 225400369 LCCN : no2004093583 ISNI : 0000 0003 6211 2019 GND : 101903680X SUDOC : 179323113 BNF : cb14182618r ( data ) MusicBrainz : e271b6f4 - ca5b - 43ac - ab5d - ec9eea5ed066 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1955 births Living people 20th - century American comedians 21st - century American comedians 20th - century American male actors 21st - century American male actors Jewish American comedians American male film actors American male television actors American male voice actors American podcasters American sketch comedians American stand - up comedians American television hosts Comedians from New York City Comedians from New York ( state ) Jewish male comedians Male actors from New York City Participants in American reality television series American male video game actors People from Brooklyn Hidden categories : Pages using Infobox comedian with unknown parameters Internet Broadway Database person ID same as Wikidata Articles with IBDb links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Aragonés Asturianu Bân - lâm - gú Basa Banyumasan Bikol Central Български Boarisch Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Chavacano de Zamboanga Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Dolnoserbski Eesti Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Estremeñu Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Hornjoserbsce Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kernowek Kiswahili Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lumbaart Malagasy Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Papiamentu Picard Piemontèis Polski Português Русский Sardu Scots Shqip Sicilianu Simple English Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska Tagalog Türkçe Українська Vèneto Tiếng Việt Volapük Walon Winaray Yorùbá 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 26 November 2017 , at 20 : 42 . 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who does the voice for the aflac duck
Gilbert Gottfried ( born February 28 , 1955 ) is an American stand - up comedian , actor and voice actor . His numerous roles in film and television include voicing the parrot Iago in Disney 's Aladdin , Digit in the children 's cartoon / educational math - based show Cyberchase and Kraang Subprime in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . Gottfried was also the voice of the Aflac Duck until 2011 .
Boston Celtics - wikipedia Boston Celtics Jump to : navigation , search `` Celtics '' redirects here . It is not to be confused with Celts , Gaels , Celtic F.C. , or Gaelic ( disambiguation ) . Boston Celtics 2017 -- 18 Boston Celtics season Conference Eastern Division Atlantic Founded 1946 History Boston Celtics 1946 -- present Arena TD Garden Location Boston , Massachusetts Team colors Green , black , gold President Rich Gotham General manager Danny Ainge Head coach Brad Stevens Ownership Boston Basketball Partners ( Wyc Grousbeck , CEO and governor ) Affiliation ( s ) Maine Red Claws Championships 17 ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 , 1974 , 1976 , 1981 , 1984 , 1986 , 2008 ) Conference titles 21 ( 1957 , 1958 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 , 1974 , 1976 , 1981 , 1984 , 1985 , 1986 , 1987 , 2008 , 2010 ) Division titles 22 ( 1972 , 1973 , 1974 , 1975 , 1976 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , 1984 , 1985 , 1986 , 1987 , 1988 , 1991 , 1992 , 2005 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2017 ) Retired numbers 21 ( 00 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 , 10 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 35 , LOSCY ) Website Uniforms Home Away Third The Boston Celtics are an American professional basketball team based in Boston , Massachusetts . The Celtics compete in the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) as a member of the league 's Eastern Conference Atlantic Division . Founded in 1946 as one of the original eight NBA teams to survive the league 's first decade , the team is owned by Boston Basketball Partners LLC . The Celtics play their home games at the TD Garden , which they share with the National Hockey League ( NHL ) 's Boston Bruins . The franchise are the most successful in NBA history , with 17 championships , which accounts for 24.3 percent of all NBA championships since the league 's founding . As a percentage of championships won , the Celtics are the most successful franchise to date in the major four traditional North American professional sports leagues . They have played the Los Angeles Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA finals , including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010 , where the Celtics have won nine meetings . Four Celtics players ( Bob Cousy , Bill Russell , Dave Cowens and Larry Bird ) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards . Both the nickname `` Celtics '' and their mascot `` Lucky the Leprechaun '' are a nod to Boston 's historically large Irish population . After winning sixteen championships throughout the 20th century , the Celtics rose again after struggling through the 1990s to win a championship in 2008 with the help of Kevin Garnett , Paul Pierce , and Ray Allen in what was known as the new `` Big Three '' era , following the original `` Big Three '' era that featured Larry Bird , Kevin McHale , and Robert Parish , which combined to win the 1981 , 1984 , and 1986 championships . Following the win in 2008 , general manager Danny Ainge began a rebuilding process with the help of head coach Brad Stevens , who led the Celtics to a return to the playoffs from 2015 . During the following season , the Celtics clinched the top seed in the Eastern Conference , and eventually reached the Conference Finals prior to losing to the Cleveland Cavaliers in five games . Contents ( hide ) 1 Franchise history 1.1 1946 -- 1950 : Early years 1.2 1950 -- 1957 : Arrival of Bob Cousy and Red Auerbach 1.3 1957 -- 1969 : The Bill Russell era 1.4 1970 -- 1978 : Heinsohn and Cowens duo 1.5 1979 -- 1992 : The Larry Bird era 1.6 1993 -- 1998 : Rebuilding 1.7 1998 -- 2013 : The Paul Pierce era 1.7. 1 2004 -- 2007 : The `` Doc '' is here 1.7. 2 2007 -- 2012 : The new ' Big Three ' : Pierce , Allen and Garnett 1.8 2013 -- present : Brad Stevens era 1.8. 1 2017 roster overhaul : Irving and Hayward 2 Rivalries 2.1 Atlanta Hawks 2.2 New York Knicks 2.3 Philadelphia 76ers 2.4 Detroit Pistons 2.5 Los Angeles Lakers 2.6 Brooklyn Nets 3 Season - by - season record 4 Records , retired numbers and awards 4.1 FIBA Hall of Fame 5 Home arenas 6 Players 6.1 Current roster 6.2 Retained draft rights 6.3 Captains 6.4 Franchise leaders 7 Coaches 7.1 Head coaches 7.2 Assistant coaches 8 Logos and uniforms 8.1 Logos 8.2 Uniforms 9 Television and radio 10 Management 10.1 Ownership history 10.2 Team presidents 10.3 General managers 10.4 Other 11 Medical staff 11.1 Team physicians 11.2 Team athletic trainers 12 See also 13 Notes 14 References 15 External links Franchise history ( edit ) Main article : History of the Boston Celtics 1946 -- 1950 : early years ( edit ) The Boston Celtics were formed on June 6 , 1946 , by Boston Garden - Arena Corporation President Walter A. Brown as a team in the Basketball Association of America , and became part of the National Basketball Association after the absorption of the National Basketball League by the BAA in the fall of 1949 . In 1950 , the Celtics signed Chuck Cooper , becoming the first NBA franchise to draft a black player . 1950 -- 1957 : arrival of Bob Cousy and Red Auerbach ( edit ) Bob Cousy played 13 years for the team , winning 6 NBA titles . The Celtics struggled during their early years , until the hiring of coach Red Auerbach . In the franchise 's early days , Auerbach had no assistants , ran all the practices , did all the scouting -- both of opposing teams and college draft prospects -- and scheduled all the road trips . One of the first great players to join the Celtics was Bob Cousy , whom Auerbach initially refused to draft out of nearby Holy Cross because he was `` too flashy '' . Cousy eventually became the property of the Chicago Stags , but when that franchise went bankrupt , Cousy went to the Celtics in a dispersal draft . After the 1955 -- 56 season , Auerbach made a stunning trade . He sent perennial All - Star Ed Macauley to the St. Louis Hawks along with the draft rights to Cliff Hagan in exchange for the second overall pick in the draft . After negotiating with the Rochester Royals -- a negotiation that included a promise that the Celtics owner would send the highly sought - after Ice Capades to Rochester if the Royals would let Russell slide to # 2 -- Auerbach used the pick to select University of San Francisco center Bill Russell . Auerbach also acquired Holy Cross standout , and 1957 NBA Rookie of the Year , Tommy Heinsohn . Russell and Heinsohn worked extraordinarily well with Cousy , and they were the players around whom Auerbach would build the champion Celtics for more than a decade . 1957 -- 1969 : the Bill Russell era ( edit ) Bill Russell played 13 years for the team , winning 11 NBA titles . With Bill Russell , the Celtics advanced to the 1957 NBA Finals and defeated the St. Louis Hawks in seven games , giving the Celtics the first of their record 17 championships . Russell went on to win 11 championships , making him the most decorated player in NBA history . In 1958 , the Celtics again advanced to the NBA Finals , this time losing to the Hawks in 6 games . However , with the acquisition of K.C. Jones that year , the Celtics began a dynasty that would last for more than a decade . In 1959 , the Celtics won the NBA Championship after sweeping the Minneapolis Lakers , the first of their record eight consecutive championships . During that time , the Celtics met the Lakers in the Finals five times , starting an intense and often bitter rivalry that has spanned generations . In 1964 , the Celtics became the first NBA team to have an all African - American starting lineup . On December 26 , 1964 , Willie Naulls replaced an injured Tommy Heinsohn , joining Tom ' Satch ' Sanders , K.C. Jones , Sam Jones , and Bill Russell in the starting lineup . The Celtics defeated St. Louis 97 -- 84 . Boston won its next 11 games with Naulls starting in place of Heinsohn . The Celtics of the late - 1950s -- 1960s are widely considered as one of the most dominant teams of all time . Auerbach retired as coach after the 1965 -- 66 season and Russell took over as player - coach , which was Auerbach 's ploy to keep Russell interested . With his appointment , Russell also became the first African - American coach in any U.S. pro sport . Auerbach would remain the general manager , a position he would hold well into the 1980s . However , that year the Celtics ' string of NBA titles was broken as they lost to the Philadelphia 76ers in the Eastern Conference Finals . The aging team managed two more championships in 1968 and 1969 , defeating the Los Angeles Lakers each time in the NBA Finals . Russell retired after the 1969 season , effectively ending a dominant Celtics dynasty that had garnered 11 NBA titles in 13 seasons . The streak of 8 consecutive championships is the longest streak of consecutive championships in U.S. professional sports history . 1970 -- 1978 : Heinsohn and Cowens duo ( edit ) Tom Heinsohn coached the Boston Celtics to the 1974 and 1976 NBA Championship . Dave Cowens had helped the Celtics win 2 titles during the mid-1970s . The 1970 season was a rebuilding year , as the Celtics had their first losing record since the 1949 -- 50 season . However , with the acquisition of Dave Cowens , Paul Silas , and Jo Jo White , the Celtics soon became dominant again . After losing in the Eastern Conference Finals in 1972 , the Celtics regrouped and came out determined in 1973 and posted an excellent 68 -- 14 regular season record . But the season ended in disappointment , as they were upset in 7 games by the New York Knicks in the Conference Finals . John Havlicek injured his right shoulder in game six and was forced to play game 7 shooting left handed . The Celtics returned to the playoffs the next year , defeating the Milwaukee Bucks in the NBA Finals in 1974 for their 12th NBA Championship . The teams split the first four games , and after the Celtics won Game 5 in Milwaukee they headed back to Boston leading 3 games to 2 , with a chance to claim the title on their home court . However , the Bucks won Game 6 when Kareem Abdul - Jabbar nestled in a hook shot with 3 seconds left in the game 's second overtime , and the series returned to Milwaukee . But Cowens was the hero in Game 7 , scoring 28 points , as the Celtics brought the title back to Boston for the first time in five years . In 1976 , the team won yet another championship , defeating the Phoenix Suns in 6 games . The Finals featured one of the greatest games in the NBA 's history . With the series tied at two games apiece , the Suns trailed early in the Boston Garden , but came back to force overtime . In double overtime , a Gar Heard turn - around jumper at the top of the key sent the game to a third overtime , at which point the Celtics prevailed . Tommy Heinsohn coached the team for those two championships . After the 1976 championship and a playoff appearance in 1977 , Boston went into another rebuilding phase . In the 1977 NBA draft , the Celtics drafted a young forward from UNC Charlotte named Cedric Maxwell . `` Cornbread '' Maxwell did not contribute much in his rookie season , but he showed promise . Auerbach 's job became even tougher following the 1977 -- 78 season in which they went 32 -- 50 as John Havlicek , the Celtics ' all - time leading scorer , retired after 16 seasons . 1979 -- 1992 : the Larry Bird era ( edit ) The Celtics owned two of the top eight picks in the 1978 NBA draft . Since the Celtics had two draft choices , Auerbach took a risk and selected junior Larry Bird of Indiana State with the 6th pick , knowing Bird would elect to remain in college for his senior year . The Celtics would retain his rights for one year -- a rule that was later changed -- and Auerbach believed Bird 's potential would make it worth the wait . Auerbach also felt that when the college season ended the Celtics would have a great chance to sign Bird . Auerbach was right and Bird signed soon after leading Indiana State to the NCAA Championship game , where they fell to a Michigan State University team . ( The other pick was Freeman Williams , who was traded before the 1978 -- 79 season began . ) In 1978 , ownership was changed as Irv Levin traded his stake in the Celtics with John Y. Brown , Jr. 's Buffalo Braves , so he could move the Braves to California , where they became known as the San Diego Clippers . As part of the deal , trades were made between the Braves / Clippers franchise and the Celtics franchise which resulted in many former Braves joining the team . One of the moves that irked Auerbach was a trade Brown made with the Braves that saw his franchise center Bob McAdoo join the Celtics for three first round draft picks Auerbach had planned on using for the future rebuilding project he was trying to undertake . The dispute nearly led to Auerbach resigning as general manager for a position with the New York Knicks . With public support strongly behind Auerbach , Brown sold the team to Harry Mangurian rather than run the risk of having Auerbach leave the team . The Celtics would struggle through the season , going 29 -- 53 without Bird . Newcomers Chris Ford , Rick Robey , Cedric Maxwell and Nate Archibald failed to reverse the team 's momentum . Bird debuted for the Celtics during the 1979 -- 80 season , a year after being drafted . With a new owner in place , Auerbach made a number of moves that would bring the team back to prominence . He almost immediately traded McAdoo , a former NBA scoring champion , to the Detroit Pistons for guard M.L. Carr , a defensive specialist , and two first - round picks in the 1980 NBA draft . He also picked up point guard Gerald Henderson from the CBA. Carr , Archibald , Henderson and Ford formed a highly competent backcourt , with their unique skills blending in perfectly with the talented frontcourt of Cowens , Maxwell and Bird , who would go on to win NBA Rookie of the Year honors . The Celtics improved by 32 games , which at the time was the best single - season turnaround in NBA history , going 61 -- 21 and losing to the Philadelphia 76ers in the Eastern Conference Finals . That record was later broken by the Celtics about 30 years later . After the season , Auerbach completed what may be the most lopsided trade in NBA history . Auerbach had always been a fan of stockpiling draft picks , so even after the success of the 1979 -- 80 season , the Celtics had both the 1st and 13th picks in the 1980 NBA draft left over from the M.L. Carr trade . Auerbach saw an opportunity to improve the team immediately , sending the two picks to the Golden State Warriors in exchange for center Robert Parish and the Warriors ' first round pick , the 3rd overall . With the draft pick , Auerbach picked University of Minnesota power forward Kevin McHale . With these three future Hall of Famers on the team , henceforth known as the first ' Big 3 ' , the Celtics had a core in place to again become a dominant team . The Celtics went 62 -- 20 under coach Bill Fitch in 1980 -- 81 , despite losing center Dave Cowens to retirement late in training camp . Once again the Celtics matched up with the 76ers in the Eastern Conference Finals . Boston fell behind 3 games to 1 before coming back to win a classic 7th game , 91 -- 90 . The Celtics went on to capture the 1981 NBA Championship over the Houston Rockets , just two years after Bird had been drafted . Maxwell was named NBA Finals MVP . The following year the Celtics again tried to come back from a 3 -- 1 deficit against the Sixers in the rematch but this time lost Game 7 at Boston Garden . In 1983 the Celtics were swept in the playoffs for the first time by the Milwaukee Bucks ; afterwards Fitch resigned and the team was sold to new owners led by Don Gaston . In 1983 -- 84 the Celtics , under new coach K.C. Jones , would go 62 -- 20 and finally get back to the NBA Finals after a three - year hiatus . In the finals , the Celtics came back from a 2 -- 1 deficit to defeat the Lakers , winning their 15th championship . Bird renewed his college rivalry with Lakers star Magic Johnson during this series . After the series Auerbach officially retired as general manager but maintained the position of team President . Auerbach was succeeded by Jan Volk as general manager . Volk had been with the Celtics since graduating from Columbia Law School in 1971 and had been the team 's General Counsel since 1976 and the team 's Assistant G.M. since 1980 . During the off - season , in Volk 's first major transaction since assuming the GM role , the Celtics traded Henderson to the Seattle SuperSonics for their first round pick in the 1986 NBA draft . In 1985 , the Lakers and Celtics met again , but this time the Lakers took the championship . This was the first time the Lakers had defeated the Celtics for a championship , as well as the only time the Celtics lost a championship at Boston Garden . During the following off - season , the Celtics acquired Bill Walton from the Los Angeles Clippers in exchange for Cedric Maxwell . Walton was a big star with the Portland Trail Blazers , but injuries had kept him from living up to expectations . He was willing to come off the bench , deferring to the three big men already with the team . Walton , considered the best passer of all NBA centers in history , stayed healthy and was a big part of the Celtics ' success in 1986 . Dennis Johnson was another key member of the Celtics , along with the `` Big 3 '' . In 1985 -- 86 the Celtics fielded one of the best teams in NBA history . The 1986 Celtics won 67 games , going 40 -- 1 at their home games . Bird won his third consecutive MVP award and Walton won the Sixth Man of the Year Award . They won the franchise 's 16th championship and last of the 20th century , defeating the Houston Rockets in the NBA Finals 4 games to 2 . Thanks to the 1984 trade of Gerald Henderson and the subsequent fall of the Seattle SuperSonics , at the end of the 1985 -- 86 the Celtics owned not only the best team in the NBA but also the second pick in the 1986 NBA draft . The Celtics drafted Len Bias with the pick and had high hopes for the young University of Maryland star . Fans believed Bias had superstar potential , and that he would be the perfect complement to the aging , but still strong , Celtics . The hope was his presence would ensure the franchise would remain a powerhouse after Bird , McHale and Parish retired . Unfortunately , Bias died 48 hours after he was drafted , after using cocaine at a party and overdosing . It would be the first in a long string of bad luck for the Celtics , one that would continue until the next manifestation of the ' Big Three ' in Boston . Despite the loss of Bias , the Celtics remained competitive in 1986 -- 87 , going 59 -- 23 and again winning the Eastern Conference Championship . However , injuries took their toll , and the Celtics ceded the NBA championship to the Lakers in six games . It would be 21 years before they would reach the NBA Finals again . The Celtics ' reign as the Eastern Conference champions ended in 1988 , after the team lost to the Detroit Pistons in six games . After the 1987 -- 88 season , head coach K.C. Jones retired . Jones was replaced as head coach by assistant Jimmy Rodgers . Rodgers faced immediate trouble in 1988 -- 89 when , only 6 games into the season , Larry Bird decided to have surgery to remove bone spurs in his feet . The injury sidelined Bird until well after the All - Star Break , although he hoped to return that year . However , despite his best attempts to return he was unable to make it back as the Celtics stumbled to a 42 -- 40 record and a first round playoff defeat to the Detroit Pistons . Bird returned in 1989 -- 90 and led the Celtics to a 52 -- 30 record . In the playoffs , after winning the first two games of a Best of 5 series against the New York Knicks , the Celtics collapsed , losing 3 straight , including the decisive 5th game at the Boston Garden . In the wake of the embarrassing defeat , Rodgers was fired and replaced by assistant coach and former Celtics ' player Chris Ford . Under Ford 's leadership the Celtics improved to 56 -- 26 in 1990 -- 91 , recapturing the Atlantic Division title even though Bird missed 22 games with a variety of injuries . The Celtics fell to the Detroit Pistons in the Eastern Conference Semifinals . In 1992 , a late season rally allowed the Celtics to catch the New York Knicks and repeat as Atlantic Division champions . The team finished 51 -- 31 and matched up with the Indiana Pacers in the First round , this time sweeping the series . In the Eastern Conference Semifinals the Celtics lost a grueling 7 game series to the Cleveland Cavaliers . Due to back problems , Larry Bird played in only 45 of the 82 regular season games , and only 4 of the 10 playoff games ; during games he was frequently lying on the floor when out of the lineup , instead of sitting on the bench . After 13 seasons with the club and winning a gold medal in the Barcelona Olympics with the Dream Team , Bird retired in 1992 , primarily due to his back injuries . Among his lasting contributions to the game was the `` Bird exception '' , which allows teams to exceed the salary cap to re-sign their own free agents , at an amount up to the maximum salary . 1993 -- 1998 : rebuilding ( edit ) At the time of Bird 's retirement , former Celtics guard Chris Ford was the coach of the Celtics. 26 - year - old Reggie Lewis ( out of Boston 's Northeastern University ) was seen as Bird 's successor as the franchise player for the Celtics . Lewis , a small forward , fainted during a 1993 first round playoff matchup with the Charlotte Hornets which the Celtics lost in four games . It was later revealed that Lewis had heart problems , yet he was able to get doctors to clear him for a comeback . He died of a heart attack while shooting baskets at Brandeis University during the offseason . The Celtics honored his memory during the following season by retiring his number 35 . The original Big 3 era came to an end in 1994 , after Robert Parish signed with the Hornets The year before , Kevin McHale retired after the Celtics ' playoff loss to the Hornets . The Celtics finished the year out of the playoffs with a 32 -- 50 mark . In 1994 , the Celtics hired former player and legendary towel - waving Celtic cheerleader M.L. Carr to be the team 's new V.P. of Basketball Operations , working alongside G.M. Jan Volk . In his first draft in charge of the Celtics , he drafted University of North Carolina star Eric Montross with his first round draft pick . Montross became the new heir apparent in the paint , but failed to develop and was eventually traded . 1994 -- 95 was the Celtics ' final season in the Boston Garden . The Celtics signed the aging Dominique Wilkins as a free agent , and he led the team in scoring with 17.8 PPG . Second - year player Dino Rađa , a power forward from Croatia , added an interior presence to the team that had been lacking in 1993 -- 94 . The Celtics made the playoffs , losing to the heavily favored Orlando Magic in 4 games . In 1995 , the Celtics moved from the Boston Garden to the Fleet Center ( later TD BankNorth , then TD Garden ) . Carr fired Chris Ford and took the coaching reins himself . After drafting Providence College star Eric Williams , the Celtics struggled to a 33 -- 49 record . Things got worse in 1996 -- 97 as the Celtics lost a franchise record 67 games , setting an unwanted NBA record winning only once against other Atlantic Division teams and just fifteen victories overall despite the emergence of 1st - round draft pick Antoine Walker . With Carr 's coaching stint deemed a failure , he stepped aside to another job in the organization when owner Paul Gaston convinced star college coach Rick Pitino to join the franchise as the team 's president , director of basketball operations , and head coach . Pitino 's appointment as team president was controversial as Auerbach , who had filled that role for more than 25 years , first heard about this change from local media people . Unfortunately for the franchise , Pitino was not the savior everyone expected him to be . Auerbach bore the insult of being elbowed out with dignity , even as the team failed to improve . The Celtics received the third and sixth draft picks in the 1997 NBA draft , and used the picks to select a brand new backcourt through Chauncey Billups and Ron Mercer . The young team that lost 67 games the year before was dismantled , with David Wesley , Dino Rađa and Rick Fox being let go , and Williams traded to the Denver Nuggets for a pair of second round draft picks ( Williams would return to the Celtics in 1999 and played for four years ) . Walter McCarty was also acquired in a trade with the Knicks . With a promising start , upsetting the defending champions Chicago Bulls at home on opening night , and hard play from the youngsters that led to leaderships in turnovers and steals , the team improved its victories from 15 to 36 despite many losing streaks . Billups was subsequently traded to the Raptors during his rookie year , and Mercer was traded to the Nuggets during his third season . 1998 -- 2013 : the Paul Pierce era ( edit ) Paul Pierce , 2008 NBA Finals MVP , was drafted 10th overall in the 1998 NBA draft . The following year in the 1998 NBA draft , the Celtics drafted Paul Pierce , a college star who had been expected to be drafted much earlier than the Celtics ' 10th overall pick . Pierce had an immediate impact during the lockout - shortened 1998 -- 99 NBA season , averaging 19.5 points and being named Rookie of The Month in February as he led the league in steals . However , the Celtics continued to struggle as Pitino failed to achieve meaningful success . After Boston lost to the Toronto Raptors on March 1 , 2000 , on a buzzer - beater by Vince Carter , Pitino delivered the memorable `` Larry Bird is not walking through that door , fans '' speech . He resigned in January 2001 . Following the resignation of Rick Pitino , the Celtics saw modest improvement under coach Jim O'Brien . Paul Pierce matured into an NBA star and was ably complemented by Antoine Walker and the other players acquired over the years . While the team was 12 -- 21 when Pitino left , O'Brien's record to finish the season was 24 -- 24 . Following the 2000 -- 01 season O'Brien was given the job of head coach on a permanent basis . As a result of numerous trades , the Celtics had three picks in the 2001 NBA draft . They selected Joe Johnson , Joe Forte , and Kedrick Brown . Only Johnson managed to succeed in the NBA , becoming a perennial All - Star after leaving the Celtics . The Celtics entered the 2001 -- 02 season with low expectations . The team 's success in the latter stages of 2000 -- 01 was largely forgotten , and critics were surprised when the team , along with the New Jersey Nets , surged to the top of the Atlantic Division ahead of the Philadelphia 76ers , who were fresh off a trip to the NBA Finals . The Celtics won a hard - fought 5 - game series with the 76ers in the first round , 3 -- 2 . Pierce scored 46 points in the series - clinching blowout at the Fleet Center . In the Conference Semifinals , the Celtics defeated the favored Detroit Pistons 4 -- 1 . In their first trip to the Eastern Conference Finals since 1988 , the Celtics jumped out to a 2 -- 1 series lead over the Nets , after rallying from 21 points down in the fourth quarter to win Game 3 , but would lose the next three games to fall 4 -- 2 . In 2003 , the Celtics were sold by owner Paul Gaston to Boston Basketball Partners L.L.C. , led by H. Irving Grousbeck , Wycliffe Grousbeck and Steve Pagliuca . The team made it back to the playoffs but were swept by the Nets in the second round , despite bringing Game 4 to double overtime . Before their elimination , the team hired former Celtics ' guard Danny Ainge as general manager , moving Chris Wallace to another position in the organization . Ainge believed the team had reached its peak and promptly sent Antoine Walker to the Dallas Mavericks ( along with Tony Delk ) . In return , the Celtics received the often - injured Raef LaFrentz , Chris Mills , Jiří Welsch , and a first - round pick in 2004 . The Celtics made the playoffs , only to be swept in the first round by the Indiana Pacers , losing all 4 games by blowout margins . Head coach Doc Rivers led the Celtics to an NBA title in 2008 . 2004 -- 2007 : the `` Doc '' is here ( edit ) The Celtics were a young team under new coach Doc Rivers during the 2004 -- 05 season , having drafted youngsters Al Jefferson , Delonte West and Tony Allen in the 2004 Draft . Yet they seemed to have a core of good young players , led by Pierce and rookie Al Jefferson , to go along with a group of able veterans . The Celtics went 45 -- 37 and won their first Atlantic Division title since 1991 -- 92 , receiving a boost from returning star Antoine Walker in mid-season . The Pacers defeated them in the first round yet again , with the series culminating in an embarrassing 27 - point loss in Game 7 at the Fleet Center . After the season Walker was traded again , this time to the Miami Heat . Despite Pierce 's career season , in which he averaged career - highs in points ( 26.8 ) , the Celtics missed the playoffs with a 33 -- 49 record , owing largely to a young roster and constant roster shuffling , which saw the likes of Marcus Banks , Ricky Davis and Mark Blount traded for underachieving former first - overall pick Michael Olowokandi and former all - star Wally Szczerbiak . The Celtics continued to rebuild in the 2006 NBA draft . The Celtics selected Kentucky point guard Rajon Rondo , who was to become a key piece in the team 's revival . In the second round the Celtics added Leon Powe . The 2006 -- 07 season was a gloomy one for the franchise , starting with the death of Red Auerbach at 89 . Auerbach was one of the few remaining people who had been a part of the NBA since its inception in 1946 . The Celtics went 2 -- 22 from late December 2006 through early February 2007 after losing Pierce to injury , the result of a stress reaction in his left foot . At first , the Celtics received a much needed boost from guard Tony Allen but he tore his ACL and MCL on a needless dunk attempt after the whistle . The Celtics compiled a record of 24 -- 58 , second - worst in the NBA , including a franchise record 18 - game losing streak . At the end of the season , the Celtics , with the second worst record in the NBA , were at least hopeful that they could secure a high draft pick and select either Greg Oden or Kevin Durant to help rebuild the franchise , but the Celtics fell to fifth in the Draft Lottery . 2007 -- 2012 : the New ' Big three ' : Pierce , Allen and Garnett ( edit ) The Boston Celtics celebrate after winning the 2008 NBA championship . The 17th championship banner was raised above the TD Garden rafters on October 28 , 2008 . In the summer of 2007 , GM Danny Ainge made a series of moves that returned the Celtics to prominence . On draft night , he traded the No. 5 pick Jeff Green , Wally Szczerbiak and Delonte West to Seattle for perennial all - star Ray Allen and Seattle 's second - round pick which the team used to select LSU 's Glen `` Big Baby '' Davis . Then the Celtics traded Ryan Gomes , Gerald Green , Al Jefferson , Theo Ratliff , and Sebastian Telfair to Minnesota , where Ainge 's former teammate Kevin McHale was the G.M. , and swapped 2009 first round draft picks , for MVP Kevin Garnett . These moves created the `` Boston Three Party '' ( the nickname given to describe the combining of Allen , Garnett , and Pierce by Scott Van Pelt in a `` This Is Sportscenter '' commercial ) , which would revitalize the team and lead them back to glory . The Celtics completed the largest single - season turnaround in NBA history . The new ' Big Three ' of Pierce , Allen and Garnett went 66 -- 16 in the regular season , a 42 - game improvement . However , the team struggled initially in the playoffs . The Atlanta Hawks took them to seven games in the first round , as did the Cleveland Cavaliers in the conference semifinals . The Celtics defeated the Detroit Pistons in six games of the Eastern Conference Finals , winning two road games . In the 2008 NBA Finals , the Celtics faced MVP Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers for the 11th time , the first time since 1987 . The Celtics won Game 1 at home 98 -- 88 , fueled by strong play by Garnett and Pierce 's dramatic comeback from a second half knee injury . They would also go on to win Game 2 108 -- 102 , despite nearly blowing a 24 - point lead in the fourth quarter . As the series shifted to Los Angeles , the Lakers stifled Pierce and Garnett in Game 3 and won 87 -- 81 . However , the Celtics would overcome a 24 - point deficit in Game 4 to win 97 -- 91 , the largest comeback in NBA Finals history . After again blowing a large lead , the Lakers hung on to win Game 5 103 -- 98 , sending the series back to Boston . In Game 6 , the Celtics overpowered the Lakers , winning 131 -- 92 , clinching their 17th NBA title , and first since 1986 . It remains the most lopsided win in a championship - clinching game ; Paul Pierce was named Finals MVP . The win in Game 6 was a sense of relief , as it was a difficult path to this championship ; in that game , these Celtics set a record for most games a team had ever played in a postseason , with 26 , surpassing the 1994 New York Knicks , whom Coach Doc Rivers played for , and the 2005 Detroit Pistons , each of whom played 25 , but lost their respective finals in seven games ( Knicks in 1994 , Pistons in 2005 ) . The Celtics during the 2008 -- 09 season opener . L-R : Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett , Eddie House , Kendrick Perkins and Ray Allen . The 2008 -- 09 Celtics started off the season at 27 -- 2 , the then - best starting record in NBA history . They also had a pair of 10 + game winning streaks including a franchise record 19 - game streak . After the All Star Break , Kevin Garnett was injured in a loss against the Utah Jazz , missing the last 25 games of the season . Garnett was eventually shelved for the playoffs . The 2009 Celtics still finished with 62 victories , but their playoff run would end against the Magic in the second round , losing in seven games after leading 3 -- 2 , the first such occurrence in team history . In the prior round they were pushed to a Game 7 against the Chicago Bulls , with four of those games went to overtime , yet the Celtics ' experience was too much for the young Bulls . The following year , with the return of Garnett from injury and the additions of Rasheed Wallace and Marquis Daniels , the Celtics started the season 23 -- 5 and at one point had the best record in the NBA . However , Doc Rivers decided to lessen his aging stars ' minutes to keep them fresh for the playoffs . As a result , the Celtics sputtered to an even 27 -- 27 record the rest of the way and finished the 2009 -- 10 regular season with a 50 -- 32 record , with a better road ( 26 -- 15 ) than home ( 24 -- 17 ) record . Despite previous predictions the Celtics would never go deeper into the playoffs , the Celtics still managed to make the NBA Finals despite their lowly fourth seeding . They defeated the Miami Heat in five games , upset the top - seeded Cavaliers in six games and toppled the defending Eastern champion Magic , avenging their loss from the previous season . Rajon Rondo emerged as a bonafide superstar during post-season play , continuing his rise to fame beginning with his first All - Star appearance . For the 12th time , the adversary were the Lakers . After taking a 3 -- 2 lead heading into Los Angeles for Game 6 , the Celtics appeared poised to pack in their 18th title . But Kendrick Perkins , the team 's starting center , suffered a severe knee injury early in Game 6 , and the Celtics would lose Game 6 , and go on to blow a 13 - point lead in Game 7 . After speculation coach Doc Rivers would resign to spend more time with his family , he affirmed on June 30 , 2010 , that he would return to the team for the 2010 -- 11 season . During the 2010 off season , with Perkins expected to be out until February 2011 , the Celtics signed two former All - Star centers , Shaquille O'Neal and Jermaine O'Neal , along with Turkish center Semih Erden , their 2008 second round pick , and the return of Delonte West . Shaquille O'Neal's presence wound up leading to Perkins departure : the Celtics were 33 -- 10 in games Perkins had missed during the year due to injury , with a 19 -- 3 record with O'Neal played over 20 minutes . Consequently , Perkins was traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder in February , when the Celtics were 41 -- 14 and held the Eastern Conference leaderboard despite another rash of injuries . Following the trade , however , they proceeded to win only 15 of their final 27 games to finish with a 56 -- 26 record , sliding to the third seed , due to the injuries -- O'Neal played only five minutes -- and difficult adjustment of new Celtics such as Jeff Green , Nenad Krstić and Carlos Arroyo . The 2010 -- 11 season still provided three landmarks : the Celtics became the second team to reach 3,000 victories , Paul Pierce became the third Celtic to score 20,000 points after Larry Bird and John Havlicek , and Ray Allen broke the NBA record for most three - pointers made in a career . The 2011 NBA Playoffs started with the Celtics sweeping the New York Knicks 4 -- 0 in the opening round , but in the second round they were ousted by eventual Eastern champions Miami Heat in five games . Shaquille O'Neal , limited to 12 minutes in two games of the second round , retired at the end of the season . At the 2011 NBA draft , the Celtics acquired two Purdue teammates , JaJuan Johnson and E'Twaun Moore . During the short preseason following the 2011 NBA lockout , the Celtics signed free agents Marquis Daniels , Chris Wilcox , Keyon Dooling and Greg Stiemsma , while acquiring Brandon Bass from the Magic for Glen Davis and Von Wafer . They also re-signed Jeff Green , only to have it voided after a physical revealed that Green was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm , forcing him to miss the season . The Celtics started the season 0 -- 3 with Paul Pierce out with a heel injury and his replacement Mickaël Piétrus taking long to debut . The struggles let to the longest losing streak in the ' Big Three ' era with five games , and by the All Star break , the Celtics were below . 500 with a 15 -- 17 record . However , they were one of the hottest teams after the break , going 24 -- 10 the rest of the year and winning their 5th division title in a row . The Celtics would end up making the playoffs as the fourth seed in the Eastern Conference in the 2012 NBA Playoffs . In the playoffs , the Celtics faced the Atlanta Hawks in the first round , beating them in six games led by strong play from Pierce and Garnett . In the Conference Semifinals the Celtics faced the Philadelphia 76ers led by Doug Collins and a young group of promising players that would push the Celtics into a full - seven game series . Following a Game 7 85 -- 75 win the Celtics faced the Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals , who had defeated them in the playoffs the previous year . After losing the first two games in Miami , Boston fought back and won the next three games . With the possibility of closing the series at home , the C suffered a blowout loss at the TD Garden of 98 -- 79 , taking the series back to Miami for Game 7 , where the Celtics built an early lead but eventually lost 101 -- 88 ; Miami would go on to defeat the Oklahoma City Thunder in the Finals . Rajon Rondo became the Celtics ' leader after the ' Big Three ' left . The 2012 offseason started with the Celtics having only six players under contract . While Kevin Garnett renewed , Ray Allen chose to sign with the Miami Heat for less money , bringing the five - year ' Big Three ' era to a somewhat acrimonious end . The Celtics also signed free agents Jason Terry , Jason Collins , Darko Miličić and Leandro Barbosa ; acquired Courtney Lee in a three - team sign and trade -- where Johnson , Moore , Sean Williams and a future second round pick were sent to the Houston Rockets and the Portland Trail Blazers got Sasha Pavlovic ; drafted three players , Jared Sullinger , Fab Melo and Kris Joseph ; and renewed with Brandon Bass along with Chris Wilcox and Jeff Green , who both were returning to play after sustaining season - ending heart ailments . Despite losing Rondo and Sullinger to injury , the Celtics compiled a seven - game winning streak , including victories over the Heat in double overtime and the Nuggets in triple overtime . The winning streak was snapped on February 12 when Leandro Barbosa suffered a season - ending torn ACL . To compensate , the Celtics signed swingman Terrence Williams , forwards D.J. White and Shavlik Randolph , and traded Barbosa and Collins to the Washington Wizards in exchange for guard Jordan Crawford . The Celtics finished the season with 41 wins , but played only 81 games after a home game against the Indiana Pacers on April 16 was cancelled following the Boston Marathon bombings ; the game was not made up with both teams already assured of their playoff positions . The 41 wins were the lowest totals the Celtics achieved as a playoff - bound team since 2004 . The Celtics trailed 3 -- 0 to the New York Knicks in the first round of the 2013 NBA Playoffs , before losing the series in six games . In Game 6 , the Celtics nearly completed a come back when they went on a 20 -- 0 run to cut the lead to 4 , but that was the closest they got as the New York Knicks would take over to win . During the offseason , head coach Doc Rivers was allowed out of his contract and left to coach the Los Angeles Clippers , giving the Celtics a 2015 unprotected first round pick as compensation . A few days later , Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett ( after waiving his no - trade clause ) , along with Jason Terry and D.J. White , were traded to the Brooklyn Nets for Keith Bogans , MarShon Brooks , Kris Humphries , Kris Joseph , Gerald Wallace , and three future first - round draft picks ( 2014 , 2016 , 2018 ) , with the right to swap 2017 first - round picks with Brooklyn . The deal was later approved by the league on July 12 , 2013 , effectively ending the ' Big 3 ' era and marking the start of a youth movement for the team . 2013 -- present : Brad Stevens era ( edit ) Brad Stevens is the Celtics ' current head coach . On July 3 , 2013 , the Celtics announced that Brad Stevens , the head coach of Butler University , would replace Doc Rivers as head coach . Halfway through the season , in January , Rajon Rondo made his return and was named the 15th Team Captain in team history , and the team furthered the youth movement by acquiring two draft picks in a three team trade that sent Jordan Crawford and MarShon Brooks to the Golden State Warriors while the Celtics received the Heat center Joel Anthony . The 2013 -- 14 season marked the Celtics ' first missed playoffs since the ' Big Three ' . The next off - season , the Celtics drafted Marcus Smart with the 6th overall pick and James Young with the 17th overall pick in the 2014 NBA draft , and signed Evan Turner . The 2014 -- 15 season had several roster moves , the most prominent being Rondo and rookie Dwight Powell traded to the Dallas Mavericks for center Brandan Wright , forward Jae Crowder , veteran point guard Jameer Nelson , and future picks . A total of 22 players spent time with the Celtics , leading scorer and rebounder Sullinger suffered a season - ending left metatarsal stress fracture , and the team was only tenth in the East with 28 games remaining . However , midseason acquisition Isaiah Thomas helped the team win 22 of their last 34 games , finishing the season with a 40 -- 42 record , enough for the seventh seed in the Eastern Conference Playoffs . The Celtics were swept by the second seeded Cleveland Cavaliers in the first round . In the 2015 NBA draft Boston selected Terry Rozier , R.J. Hunter , Jordan Mickey , and Marcus Thornton with the 16th , 28th , 33rd , and 45th selections respectively . During the off - season , the Celtics signed forward Amir Johnson and traded Gerald Wallace and Chris Babb in exchange for Warriors forward David Lee . The Celtics finished the 2015 -- 16 NBA season with a 48 -- 34 record , earning the fifth seed in the Eastern Conference . They played the fourth seed Atlanta Hawks in the first round of the playoffs . After leading by 3 points in the fourth quarter of Game 1 , guard Avery Bradley went down with a hamstring injury , making him sit out for the rest of the series . The Celtics lost the series 4 -- 2 to the Hawks , ending their season . On July 8 , 2016 , the Celtics signed 4 - time All - Star Al Horford . The Celtics finished the 2016 -- 17 season with a 53 -- 29 record and clinched the top seed in the Eastern Conference . After a hip injury ended Thomas ' impressive playoff run in game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals , the Celtics eventually lost to the Cavaliers in five games . 2017 roster overhaul : Irving and Hayward ( edit ) For the 2017 NBA draft , the Celtics won the draft lottery , earning them the first pick . They were projected to select freshman guard Markelle Fultz , but the pick was subsequently traded to the Philadelphia 76ers in exchange for the third pick in the 2017 draft and future picks . The 76ers would go on to draft Fultz , while the Celtics used the third pick to select freshman forward Jayson Tatum . Semi Ojeleye , Kadeem Allen , and Jabari Bird were selected with the 37th , 53rd , and 56th selections , respectively , in the second round . At the start of the off - season , the team signed Tatum and Ante Žižić , among others , with the biggest acquisition being the signing of Gordon Hayward . On August 22 , 2017 , the Celtics agreed to a deal that sent Isaiah Thomas , Jae Crowder , Žižić , and the Brooklyn Nets ' 2018 first - round draft pick to the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for Kyrie Irving . An additional draft pick ( Celtics ' 2020 second - round ) was later added to the package from the Celtics to the Cavaliers after doctors revealed that Thomas 's injury was more significant than initially anticipated . By the end of the off - season , only 4 Celtics ' players remained from the 2016 -- 17 squad , with Marcus Smart being the longest tenured Celtic from the 2014 NBA draft . Rivalries ( edit ) Atlanta Hawks ( edit ) The Celtics - Hawks rivalry is a rivalry in the Eastern Conference of the National Basketball Association that has lasted for over five decades , although the two teams have played each other since the 1949 -- 50 season , when the then - Tri-Cities Blackhawks joined the NBA as part of the National Basketball League and the Basketball Association of America merger . However , the Blackhawks could not field a truly competitive team until they moved to St. Louis as the St. Louis Hawks after a four - year stopover at Milwaukee . The two teams have faced each other eleven times in the NBA Playoffs , four times in the NBA Finals , with the Celtics winning ten of twelve series against the Hawks , including three out of four NBA Finals . While the Hawks have only defeated the Celtics twice out of eleven series in the NBA Playoffs , they still often managed to make their series with the Celtics memorable . The rivalry intensified in 2016 with Hawks All - Star Center Al Horford spurning the team and joining the Celtics . New York Knicks ( edit ) Main article : Celtics -- Knicks rivalry The rivalry between the Celtics and the New York Knicks stems from the location of the teams , both of which are in the NBA 's Atlantic division . It is one of many rivalries between Boston and New York teams . Boston and New York are also the only two original NBA franchises that have remained in the same city for the duration of their existence . The teams have played 512 games against each other during the regular season , with the Celtics winning 276 times . The two teams have also faced each other 61 times during the playoffs , with the Celtics winning 34 times . Philadelphia 76ers ( edit ) Wilt Chamberlain of the Philadelphia 76ers being defended against by Bill Russell of the Boston Celtics . Main article : 76ers -- Celtics rivalry The Celtics and the Philadelphia 76ers are the two teams who have the most meetings in the NBA Playoffs , playing each other in 19 series , of which the Celtics have won 12 . The 76ers are considered as the Celtics ' biggest rival in the Eastern Conference . The rivalry reached its peak when players Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain of the 76ers played each other from 1965 to 1968 . Their play would result in the Celtics not winning every NBA Finals series in the 1960s when the Sixers won in 1967 . During the early 1980s , the teams constantly fought for conference championships with Larry Bird leading the Celtics and Julius Erving leading the 76ers . Detroit Pistons ( edit ) Main article : Celtics -- Pistons rivalry The rivalry between the Celtics and the Detroit Pistons peaked in the 1980s , featuring players such as Larry Bird , Kevin McHale , Robert Parish , Isiah Thomas , Bill Laimbeer , Dennis Rodman , and Joe Dumars . These teams met in the NBA Playoffs five times in 7 seasons from 1985 to 1991 , with the Celtics winning in 1985 and 1987 , and the Pistons coming out on top en route to back - to - back Finals appearances in 1988 and their championship seasons of 1989 and 1990 . Led by Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen in the 2008 Eastern Conference Finals the Celtics defeated the Pistons in 6 games to advance to the NBA Finals where they went on to beat the Lakers also in 6 games . Los Angeles Lakers ( edit ) Main article : Celtics -- Lakers rivalry The rivalry between the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers involves the two most storied franchises in NBA history . It has been called the NBA 's best rivalry . The two teams have met a record twelve times in the NBA Finals , starting with their first Finals meeting in 1959 . They would go on to dominate the league in the 1960s and the 1980s , facing each other six times in the 1960s , three times in the 1980s , in 2008 , and in 2010 . The rivalry had been less intense since the retirements of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird in the early 1990s , but in 2008 it was renewed as the Celtics and Lakers met in the Finals for the first time since 1987 , with the Celtics winning the series in six games . They faced off once again in the 2010 NBA Finals which the Lakers won in seven games . The two teams have won the two highest numbers of championships , the Celtics 17 , the Lakers 16 ; together , the 33 championships account for almost half of the 70 championships in NBA history . Brooklyn Nets ( edit ) The Boston Celtics were once rivals of the New Jersey Nets during the early 2000s due to their respective locations and their burgeoning stars . The Nets were led by Jason Kidd and Kenyon Martin , while the Celtics were experiencing newfound success behind Paul Pierce and Antoine Walker . The rivalry began to heat up in the 2002 Eastern Conference Finals , which was preceded by trash talking from the Celtics who claimed Martin was a `` fake '' tough guy . Things progressed as the series started , and on - court tensions seemed to spill into the stands . Celtics ' fans berated Kidd and his family with chants of `` Wife Beater ! '' in response to Kidd 's 2001 domestic abuse charge . When asked about the fan barbs being traded , Kenyon Martin stated , `` Our fans hate them , their fans hate us . '' Bill Walton said at the time that Nets - Celtics was the `` beginning of the next great NBA rivalry '' during the Eastern Conference Finals in 2002 with the Nets advancing to the NBA Finals , though New Jersey would go on to sweep Boston in the 2003 playoffs . In 2012 , the year the Nets returned to New York in the borough of Brooklyn , there were indications that the rivalry might be rekindled when an altercation occurred on the court on November 28 , resulting in the ejection of Rajon Rondo , Gerald Wallace , and Kris Humphries . Rondo was suspended for two games in the aftermath , while Wallace and Kevin Garnett were fined . The story was revisited on December 25 , when Wallace grabbed Garnett 's shorts and the two had to be broken up by referees and players alike . However , the rivalry between the Nets and the Celtics appeared significantly cooled off by the June 2013 blockbuster trade that dealt Celtics stars Garnett and Paul Pierce to the Nets in exchange for Wallace , Humphries , and others . This move was billed as a merger of the two Atlantic Division teams . Celtics announcer Sean Grande said `` It 's almost as if you found a great home for these guys . You could n't have found a better place . These guys will be in the New York market , they 'll be on a competitive team , they 'll stay on national TV . It 's funny , because the enemy of my enemy is my friend . So with Celtics fans feeling the way they do about the Heat , feeling the way they do about the Knicks , the Nets are going to become almost the second ( Boston ) team now . '' Season - by - season record ( edit ) List of the last five seasons completed by the Celtics . For the full season - by - season history , see List of Boston Celtics seasons . Note : GP = Games played , W = Wins , L = Losses , % = Winning Percentage ; Season GP % Finish Playoffs 2012 -- 13 81 41 40 . 506 3rd , Atlantic Lost in First Round , 2 -- 4 ( Knicks ) 2013 -- 14 82 25 57 . 305 4th , Atlantic Did not qualify 2014 -- 15 82 40 42 . 488 2nd , Atlantic Lost in First Round , 0 -- 4 ( Cavaliers ) 2015 -- 16 82 48 34 . 585 2nd , Atlantic Lost in First Round , 2 -- 4 ( Hawks ) 2016 -- 17 82 53 29 . 646 1st , Atlantic Lost in Conference Finals , 1 -- 4 ( Cavaliers ) Records , retired numbers and awards ( edit ) Main article : List of Boston Celtics accomplishments and records The Celtics have a NBA record 17 Championships including 8 in a row , and 11 championships in 13 years . They also have 52 playoff appearances . The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame have 40 enshrined players who played for the Celtics , and the franchise is the one with the most retired numbers in all American sports , with 21 . FIBA Hall of Fame ( edit ) Boston Celtics FIBA Hall of Famers Players No . Name Position Tenure Inducted 6 Bill Russell 1956 -- 1969 2007 Home arenas ( edit ) Boston Garden TD Garden Arena Location Duration Boston Arena Boston , Massachusetts 1946 -- 1955 Boston Garden Boston , Massachusetts 1946 -- 1995 Hartford Civic Center Hartford , Connecticut 1975 -- 1995 TD Garden Boston , Massachusetts 1995 -- present Players ( edit ) Main article : Boston Celtics all - time roster Current roster ( edit ) Boston Celtics roster Players Coaches Pos . No . Name Height Weight DOB ( YYYY - MM - DD ) From 1.5 ! G 7001450000000000000 ♠ 45 Allen , Kadeem ( TW ) 7000190500000000000 ♠ 6 ft 3 in ( 1.91 m ) 200 lb ( 91 kg ) 1993 -- 01 -- 15 Arizona 6.0 ! C 7001460000000000000 ♠ 46 Baynes , Aron 7000208279999999999 ♠ 6 ft 10 in ( 2.08 m ) 260 lb ( 118 kg ) 1986 -- 12 -- 09 Washington State 1.5 ! G 7001260000000000000 ♠ 26 Bird , Jabari ( TW ) 7000198120000000000 ♠ 6 ft 6 in ( 1.98 m ) 198 lb ( 90 kg ) 1994 -- 07 -- 03 UC Berkeley 2.5 ! G / F 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 Brown , Jaylen 7000200659999999999 ♠ 6 ft 7 in ( 2.01 m ) 225 lb ( 102 kg ) 1996 -- 10 -- 24 UC Berkeley 4.0 ! F 7001200000000000000 ♠ 20 Hayward , Gordon 7000203200000000000 ♠ 6 ft 8 in ( 2.03 m ) 226 lb ( 103 kg ) 1990 -- 03 -- 23 Butler 5.5 ! F / C 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 Horford , Al 7000208279999999999 ♠ 6 ft 10 in ( 2.08 m ) 245 lb ( 111 kg ) 1986 -- 06 -- 03 Florida 1.5 ! G 7001110000000000000 ♠ 11 Irving , Kyrie 7000190500000000000 ♠ 6 ft 3 in ( 1.91 m ) 193 lb ( 88 kg ) 1992 -- 03 -- 23 Duke 1.5 ! G 7000800000000000000 ♠ 8 Larkin , Shane 7000180340000000000 ♠ 5 ft 11 in ( 1.80 m ) 175 lb ( 79 kg ) 1992 -- 10 -- 02 Miami ( FL ) 4.0 ! F 7001130000000000000 ♠ 13 Morris , Marcus 7000205740000000000 ♠ 6 ft 9 in ( 2.06 m ) 235 lb ( 107 kg ) 1989 -- 09 -- 02 Kansas 4.0 ! F 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 Nader , Abdel 7000198120000000000 ♠ 6 ft 6 in ( 1.98 m ) 230 lb ( 104 kg ) 1993 -- 09 -- 25 Iowa State 4.0 ! F 7001370000000000000 ♠ 37 Ojeleye , Semi 7000200659999999999 ♠ 6 ft 7 in ( 2.01 m ) 235 lb ( 107 kg ) 1994 -- 12 -- 05 Southern Methodist 1.5 ! G 7001120000000000000 ♠ 12 Rozier , Terry 7000187960000000000 ♠ 6 ft 2 in ( 1.88 m ) 190 lb ( 86 kg ) 1994 -- 03 -- 17 Louisville 1.5 ! G 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 Smart , Marcus 7000193040000000000 ♠ 6 ft 4 in ( 1.93 m ) 220 lb ( 100 kg ) 1994 -- 03 -- 06 Oklahoma State 4.0 ! F 5000000000000000000 ♠ 0 Tatum , Jayson 7000203200000000000 ♠ 6 ft 8 in ( 2.03 m ) 205 lb ( 93 kg ) 1998 -- 03 -- 03 Duke 5.5 ! F / C 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 Theis , Daniel 7000205740000000000 ♠ 6 ft 9 in ( 2.06 m ) 243 lb ( 110 kg ) 1992 -- 04 -- 04 Germany 4.0 ! F 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 Yabusele , Guerschon 7000203200000000000 ♠ 6 ft 8 in ( 2.03 m ) 260 lb ( 118 kg ) 1995 -- 12 -- 17 France Head coach Brad Stevens Assistant coach ( es ) Jerome Allen Jay Larrañaga Walter McCarty Scott Morrison Micah Shrewsberry Alvin Williams Jamie Young Legend ( C ) Team captain ( DP ) Unsigned draft pick ( FA ) Free agent ( S ) Suspended ( GL ) On assignment to G League affiliate ( TW ) Two - way affiliate player Injured Roster Transactions Last transaction : 2017 -- 10 -- 17 Retained draft rights ( edit ) The Celtics hold the draft rights to the following unsigned draft picks who have been playing outside the NBA . A drafted player is ostensibly either an international draftee or a college draftee who is n't signed by the team that drafted him , is allowed to sign with any non-NBA teams . In this case , the team retains the player 's draft rights in the NBA until one year after the player 's contract with the non-NBA team ends . This list includes draft rights that were acquired from trades with other teams . Draft Round Pick Player Pos . Nationality Current team Note ( s ) Ref Captains ( edit ) Former Celtics captain Paul Pierce being defended by LeBron James . All - time Team captains Captain Tenure Bob Cousy 1950 -- 1963 Frank Ramsey & Bill Russell 1963 -- 1964 Bill Russell 1964 -- 1966 John Havlicek January 16 , 1967 -- 1978 Jo Jo White & Dave Cowens October 17 , 1978 -- November 14 , 1978 Jo Jo White November 14 , 1978 -- January 30 , 1979 Dave Cowens & Chris Ford January 31 , 1979 -- 1979 Dave Cowens 1979 -- October 1 , 1980 Larry Bird 1983 -- 1992 Reggie Lewis 1992 -- 1993 Robert Parish 1993 -- 1994 Dominique Wilkins & Dee Brown 1994 -- 1995 Dee Brown 1995 -- 1996 Rick Fox 1996 -- 1997 Dee Brown & Antoine Walker October 8 , 1997 -- December 2 , 1997 Dee Brown , Antoine Walker , & Pervis Ellison December 2 , 1997 - February 18 , 1998 Antoine Walker and Pervis Ellison February 18 , 1998 -- 1998 Antoine Walker 1998 -- 1999 Antoine Walker & Dana Barros 1999 -- 2000 Antoine Walker & Paul Pierce 2000 -- 2003 Paul Pierce 2003 -- 2013 Rajon Rondo January 17 , 2014 -- December 19 , 2014 none December 20 , 2014 -- present Franchise leaders ( edit ) Bold denotes still active with team . Italic denotes still active but not with team . Points scored ( regular season ) ( as of the end of the 2016 -- 17 season ) 1 . John Havlicek ( 26,395 ) 2 . Paul Pierce ( 24,021 ) 3 . Larry Bird ( 21,791 ) 4 . Robert Parish ( 18,245 ) 5 . Kevin McHale ( 17,335 ) 6 . Bob Cousy ( 16,955 ) 7 . Sam Jones ( 15,411 ) 8 . Bill Russell ( 14,522 ) 9 . Dave Cowens ( 13,192 ) 10 . Jo Jo White ( 13,188 ) 11 . Bill Sharman ( 12,287 ) 12 . Tom Heinsohn ( 12,194 ) 13 . Antoine Walker ( 11,386 ) 14 . Don Nelson ( 9,968 ) 15 . Satch Sanders ( 8,766 ) 16 . Frank Ramsey ( 8,378 ) 17 . Cedric Maxwell ( 8,311 ) 18 . Reggie Lewis ( 7,902 ) 19 . Ed Macauley ( 7,882 ) 20 . Dennis Johnson ( 6,805 ) 21 . Danny Ainge ( 6,257 ) 22 . Kevin Garnett ( 6,233 ) 23 . Ray Allen ( 5,987 ) 24 . Bailey Howell ( 5,812 ) 25 . Rajon Rondo ( 5,783 ) 26 . Don Chaney ( 5,689 ) 27 . Dee Brown ( 5,512 ) 28 . Larry Siegfried ( 5,420 ) 29 . K.C. Jones ( 5,011 ) 30 . Avery Bradley ( 5,000 ) 31 . Kevin Gamble ( 4,895 ) 32 . Rick Fox ( 4,759 ) 33 . Tiny Archibald ( 4,550 ) 34 . Isaiah Thomas ( 4,422 ) 35 . Eric Williams ( 4,248 ) 36 . Paul Silas ( 3,744 ) 37 . Dino Radja ( 3,733 ) 38 . Gerald Henderson ( 3,521 ) 39 . Jeff Green ( 3,252 ) 40 . Brandon Bass ( 3,216 ) 41 . Chris Ford ( 3,194 ) 42 . Jim Loscutoff ( 3,156 ) 43 . Dana Barros ( 3,109 ) 44 . Sherman Douglas ( 2,981 ) 45 . Ricky Davis ( 2,940 ) 46 . Steve Kuberski ( 2,929 ) 47 . Kendrick Perkins ( 2,917 ) 48 . Jared Sullinger ( 2,856 ) 49 . Rick Robey ( 2,829 ) 50 . Walter McCarty ( 2,806 ) Other statistics ( regular season ) ( as of April 18 , 2017 ) Most minutes played Player Minutes John Havlicek 46,471 Bill Russell 40,726 Paul Pierce 40,360 Robert Parish 34,977 Larry Bird 34,443 Bob Cousy 30,131 Kevin McHale 30,118 Dave Cowens 28,551 Jo Jo White 26,770 Sam Jones 24,285 Most rebounds Player Rebounds Bill Russell 21,620 Robert Parish 11,051 Dave Cowens 10,170 Larry Bird 8,974 John Havlicek 8,007 Kevin McHale 7,122 Paul Pierce 6,651 Satch Sanders 5,798 Tom Heinsohn 5,749 Antoine Walker 4,782 Most assists Player Assists Bob Cousy 6,945 John Havlicek 6,114 Larry Bird 5,695 Rajon Rondo 4,474 Paul Pierce 4,305 Bill Russell 4,100 Jo Jo White 3,686 Dennis Johnson 3,486 K.C. Jones 2,908 Dave Cowens 2,828 Most steals Player Steals Paul Pierce 1,583 Larry Bird 1,556 Rajon Rondo 990 Robert Parish 873 Antoine Walker 828 Dee Brown 675 Danny Ainge 671 Dennis Johnson 654 Dave Cowens 569 Reggie Lewis 561 Most blocks Player Blocks Robert Parish 1,703 Kevin McHale 1,690 Larry Bird 755 Paul Pierce 668 Kendrick Perkins 646 Dave Cowens 473 Reggie Lewis 417 Kevin Garnett 394 Cedric Maxwell 378 Tony Battie 369 Most three - pointers made Player 3 - pointers made Paul Pierce 1823 Antoine Walker 937 Ray Allen 798 Larry Bird 649 Avery Bradley 520 Isaiah Thomas 460 Walter McCarty 417 Dana Barros 416 Danny Ainge 348 Eddie House 332 Coaches ( edit ) Head coaches ( edit ) Main article : List of Boston Celtics head coaches Red Auerbach coached the Boston Celtics to 9 NBA titles , with eight straight titles between 1959 and 1966 . There have been 17 head coaches in Celtics ' history . Red Auerbach is the most successful franchise 's head coach having won 9 NBA championships with the team . Celtics ' legend Bill Russell took coaching duties from Auerbach and led them to 2 NBA championships while playing and coaching at the same time . The other two coaches that won 2 NBA titles with the team are Tom Heinsohn and K.C. Jones . Both Bill Fitch and Doc Rivers led the Celtics to 1 NBA championship the latter being the most recent coach to do so . Brad Stevens is the current head coach for the team . Assistant coaches ( edit ) Danny Silva ( 1946 -- 1948 ) Henry McCarthy ( 1948 -- 1950 ) Art Spector ( 1949 -- 1950 ) John Killilea ( 1972 -- 1977 ) K.C. Jones ( 1977 -- 1983 , 1996 -- 1997 ) Satch Sanders ( 1977 -- 1978 ) Bob McKinnon ( 1978 -- 1979 ) Jim Rodgers ( 1980 -- 1988 ) Chris Ford ( 1983 -- 1990 ) Ed Badger ( 1984 -- 1988 ) Lanny Van Eman ( 1988 -- 1990 ) Don Casey ( 1990 -- 1996 ) Jon P. Jennings ( 1990 -- 1994 ) Dennis Johnson ( 1993 -- 1997 ) John Kuester ( 1995 -- 1997 ) Winston Bennett ( 1997 -- 1998 ) Jim O'Brien ( 1997 -- 2001 ) John Carroll ( 1997 -- 2004 ) Mark Starns ( 1997 -- 2001 ) Kevin Willard ( 1997 -- 2001 ) Lester Conner ( 1998 -- 2004 ) Andy Enfield ( 1998 -- 2000 ) Dick Harter ( 2001 -- 2004 ) Frank Vogel ( 2001 -- 2004 ) Dana Barros ( February 2004 - end of 2003 -- 04 ) Jim Brewer ( 2004 -- 2006 ) Paul Cormier ( February 2004 -- 2005 ) Tony Brown ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Kevin Eastman ( 2004 -- 2013 ) Armond Hill ( 2004 -- 2013 ) Paul Pressey ( 2004 -- 2006 ) Dave Wohl ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Clifford Ray ( 2005 -- 2010 ) Mike Longabardi ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Tom Thibodeau ( 2007 -- 2010 ) Lawrence Frank ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Roy Rogers ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Tyronn Lue ( 2011 -- 2013 ) Jamie Young ( 2011 -- present ) Jay Larrañaga ( 2012 -- present ) Ron Adams ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Micah Shrewsberry ( 2013 -- present ) Walter McCarty ( 2013 -- present ) Jerome Allen ( 2015 -- present ) Scott Morrison ( 2017 -- present ) Alvin Williams ( 2017 -- present ) Logos and uniforms ( edit ) Logos ( edit ) The Celtics ' current wordmark , used since the 1969 -- 70 season . The Boston Celtics logo since the early 1960s features a leprechaun spinning a basketball , named Lucky . It was originally designed by Zang Auerbach , the brother of Celtics head coach Red Auerbach . For a long time , the logo 's only colors were black , white and green . Then for the 1996 -- 97 season , celebrating the club 's 50th anniversary , the logo got a full - color treatment . Lucky 's face and hands were both painted tan , while gold was included on the vest , bow tie and hat , as well as brown on the ball and shillelagh , and black on its pants and shoes . The Celtics also have various alternative logos , with the most popular being a white shamrock with the letters `` Celtics '' above it , wrapped in a green circle , which has been used since the 1998 -- 99 season . The alternate logo is based on logos used by the Celtics before they used the Zang Auerbach leprechaun . For much of its history , the shamrock was trimmed in gold , as seen in the old team warmup jackets . A new secondary logo , unveiled in 2014 , featured a variation of the leprechaun logo , albeit in silhouette form . Uniforms ( edit ) The Celtics jerseys have always been green on away games and white on home games since their inception in 1946 . Except for some minor modifications , most notably the road ' Boston ' script and the serifed version of the uniforms during the Bill Russell era , the jerseys remained unchanged through the years . Beginning in 2005 -- 06 , the Celtics began using alternate home / road jerseys which are green with black lettering and trim featuring the word `` Boston '' on the front side of the jersey . The alternate jersey made few appearances in its first 2 seasons , but since 2007 it has been used much more often , in more than half of the road games . The uniforms traditionally make their debut on the last Friday of November home games , and are used on the road for games after that , though they also wear it at home on a few occasions . Also , in 2005 -- 06 , the Celtics began a tradition of wearing green jerseys with gold trim as part of the St. Patrick 's Day celebrations the NBA puts into place every third week of March . Except for the word `` Boston '' in front and the gold trim , the St. Patrick 's Day jerseys resemble the regular road jerseys . For the first four years , the St. Paddy 's jerseys were used four times , a majority of which on the road ; however in the 2009 -- 10 NBA season , they were used just twice ( both home games ) . They wore them six times in the 2011 -- 12 season ; wearing them at its earliest on March 9 , their final home game before an eight - game road trip . The uniform was the only one in the current Celtics set that does not use the Adidas Revolution 30 design . During the 2006 -- 07 season , the Celtics wore a commemorative patch of a black shamrock with the nickname `` Red '' in green letters on the right top of the jersey in remembrance of Red Auerbach , who died shortly prior to the beginning of the season . During the NBA Europe Live Tour prior to the 2007 -- 08 season , the Celtics used the alternate road jerseys in their game against the Toronto Raptors in Rome , except that the words `` Boston '' on the front side of the jersey and the shamrock on the shorts and on the reverse side of the jersey contained the green , white and red tricolors of the Italian flag . In the second game in London , the regular road jerseys featured a patch containing the Union Jack . At the 2008 -- 09 season opener against the Cleveland Cavaliers , the Celtics wore a modified version of their home uniforms , accented with gold , to commemorate last season 's championship team . In the 2013 -- 14 season , the Celtics replaced their alternate St. Patrick 's uniform with a new , sleeved version . Unlike the previous uniform , the front featured the team name in front , gold side panels and a white shamrock at the back , while the shorts closely resemble the green / black third uniform save for the gold accents . For the 2015 -- 16 season , the Celtics decided to go with a green / gold variation of their alternate uniform for St. Patrick 's week . A home grey alternate sleeved uniform was unveiled on November 6 , 2014 . The uniform features a serifed vertical arch ' Celtics ' wordmark in white with green trim , with names in green and numbers in white with green trim . In addition , it features a pattern of the Celtics ' famed parquet floor on the sides , a silhouette version of their leprechaun logo on the waistband , and a green shamrock on the left leg of the shorts . The grey uniforms were used for six home dates during the season . Also that season , the shamrock that had been present at the back of the uniforms since the 2006 -- 07 season was replaced by the NBA logo , while a gold tab representing the club 's 17 championships was stitched atop the neck stripe . The Celtics have also worn special edition Christmas Day uniforms since the 2008 -- 09 season . For the first four games , they wore their regular road uniforms modified with the NBA logo inside a snowflake . Then in the 2012 -- 13 season , they wore monochrome uniforms with green lettering trimmed in white . For the 2016 -- 17 season , the Celtics wore a special green uniform with a more ornate script lettering , but without the additional striping . The team has honored deceased members of the Celtics family with a commemorative black band on the left shoulder strap of the jersey . It has been featured eight times in the history of the franchise : Walter Brown ( 1964 -- 65 ) , Bob Schmertz ( 1975 -- 76 ) , Joan Cohen ( 1989 -- 90 ) , Johnny Most ( 1993 -- 94 ) , Reggie Lewis ( 1993 -- 94 ) , Dorothy Auerbach ( 2000 -- 01 ) , Dennis Johnson ( 2006 -- 07 ) . and Jim Loscutoff ( 2015 -- 16 ) . The team also had the tradition of wearing black sneakers through most of their history , except during the early 1980s when they wore green sneakers . According to legend , Celtics patriarch Red Auerbach had a problem with the white sneakers , claiming that the white sneakers can easily get dirty ; hence starting a long tradition with the black sneakers . But prior to the 2003 -- 04 season , current Celtics GM Danny Ainge and captain Paul Pierce suggested wearing white sneakers , in due part to a growing number of teams wearing black sneakers . Auerbach gladly accepted and the white sneakers have remained since on home games . They still wore the black sneakers on away games , but in the 2008 -- 09 season , they wore white sneakers with green and gold accents while wearing their St. Patrick 's Day jerseys on the road . Most recently , when the Celtics play on Christmas Day , they wore white or green sneakers with red and gold accents . Since the 2009 -- 10 season , the NBA relaxed its rules on specified sneaker colors , and Celtics players are now seen wearing either green , white or black sneakers at home and on the road . The Celtics were the only team to wear warmup jackets with the player names on the back . During the 1980s , this style was dominant in most NBA warmup jackets , but by the late 1990s , this style gradually declined . The Celtics , however , kept the design in keeping with tradition , before discontinuing the practice after the 2011 -- 12 season . By that time Adidas issues a new warmup jacket design annually , and for a few seasons , they provided players with a customized shooting shirt containing the player 's name and uniform number on the back . In January 2017 , the Celtics signed a multi-year deal with General Electric where they will become the `` exclusive Data and Analytics partner '' for the team . As part of the deal , the uniforms will have the GE logo prominently placed on the left shoulder of Celtics ' jerseys in green and white . This will be the first time a corporate logo will have placement on the game uniforms . With the switch to Nike as the uniform provider in 2017 , the NBA 's home and away uniform designations were abolished . The Celtics ' green `` Icon '' and white `` Association '' uniforms , to be worn either at home or away , remained mostly intact save for truncated striping on the shoulders and shorts . In addition , the Celtics unveiled a third `` Statement '' uniform , with black as the base color and letters and striping in green and white trim . A fourth uniform design , dubbed the `` Community '' uniform , will be unveiled during the 2017 -- 18 season . Television and radio ( edit ) Main article : List of Boston Celtics broadcasters Comcast SportsNet New England is the Boston Celtics ' main television outlet , having aired its games since 1981 when the station was known as SportsChannel New England . Like all the other SportsChannel networks , the New England channel was rebranded as Fox Sports New England when former owner Cablevision entered into a partnership with Liberty Media and News Corporation in 1998 . Comcast purchased Cablevision 's original network stake in 2001 , then acquired the remaining stake in what was now FSN New England in 2007 and rebranded the network as CSN New England . Mike Gorman provides the play - by - play with former Celtics player and coach Tommy Heinsohn serving as analyst for home games , while former Celtics ' player Brian Scalabrine serves as analyst for road games . Abby Chin serves as courtside reporter . The Celtics can be heard on 98.5 the Sports Hub during all Boston Celtics games , all season long from preseason to postseason . The play - by - play announcer is Sean Grande with commentary from Cedric Maxwell . On September 26 , 2013 , the Celtics and 98.5 The Sports Hub announced a multi-year partnership in which the Boston Celtics games will be broadcast on the market 's leading sports station . Beginning with the 2013 -- 14 season , 98.5 The Sports Hub will feature select pre-season games , and all regular and post-season matchups , as well as produce extended pre - and postgame shows focused entirely on the Celtics . Management ( edit ) Ownership history ( edit ) Ownership history Owner Tenure Boston Garden - Arena Corporation June 6 , 1946 -- July 31 , 1950 Walter A. Brown / Lou Pieri July 31 , 1950 -- September 7 , 1964 Lou Pieri and Marjorie Brown , wife of team founder September 7 , 1964 -- June 24 , 1965 Marvin Kratter / Knickerbocker Brewing Company , subsidiary of National Equities June 24 , 1965 -- 1968 Ballantine Brewery , subsidiary of Investors Funding Corporation 1968 -- 1969 Trans - National Communications 1969 -- 1971 Ballantine Brewery , subsidiary of Investors Funding Corporation 1971 -- 1972 Irv Levin and Harold Lipton April 1972 -- May 1972 * Robert Schmertz / Leisure Technology May 1972 -- January 1975 Robert Schmertz / Leisure Technology , Irv Levin , and Harold Lipton January 1975 -- November 1975 Irv Levin and Harold Lipton November 1975 -- 1978 John Y. Brown , Jr. and Harry T. Mangurian , Jr . 1978 -- 1979 Harry T. Mangurian , Jr . 1979 -- 1983 Don Gaston , Alan N. Cohen , Paul Dupee 1983 -- 1993 Paul Gaston 1993 -- 2002 Boston Basketball Partners L.L.C. -- consisting of Wycliffe Grousbeck , Stephen Pagliuca , H. Irving Grousbeck and The Abbey Group , represented by Robert Epstein 2002 -- present * Sale not approved by NBA Team presidents ( edit ) All - time Team presidents President Tenure Walter A. Brown 1946 -- 1963 Louis Pieri 1963 -- 1965 Jack Waldron 1965 -- 1967 Clarence H. Adams 1967 -- 1968 Jack Waldron 1968 -- 1970 Red Auerbach 1970 -- 1997 Rick Pitino 1997 -- 2001 Red Auerbach 2001 -- 2006 Rich Gotham 2007 -- present General managers ( edit ) GM history GM Tenure Walter A. Brown 1946 -- 1951 Red Auerbach 1951 -- 1984 Jan Volk 1984 -- 1997 Chris Wallace 1997 -- 2007 Danny Ainge 2007 -- present Other ( edit ) Name Position Tenure Dave Gavitt CEO 1990 -- 1994 Larry Bird Special assistant to front office 1992 -- 1997 M.L. Carr Director of Basketball Operations 1994 -- 1997 Danny Ainge President of Basketball Operations 2003 -- present Medical staff ( edit ) Team physicians ( edit ) All - time Team physicians Physician Tenure Dr. Robert Steinsieck 1956 -- 1958 Dr. Jack Longford 1958 -- 1959 Dr. John Doherty 1959 -- 1969 Dr. Thomas Silva 1969 -- 1987 Dr. Arnold Scheller 1987 -- 2005 Dr. Brian McKeon 2005 -- present Team athletic trainers ( edit ) All - time Athletic Trainers Trainer Tenure Harry Cohen 1946 -- 1958 Buddy LeRoux 1958 -- 1967 Joe DeLauri 1967 -- 1972 Frank Challant 1972 -- 1979 Ray Melchiorre 1979 -- 1987 Ed Lacerte 1987 -- 2017 Art Horne 2017 -- present See also ( edit ) National Basketball Association portal The Sports Museum ( at TD Garden ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The Celtics have the highest percentage of National Basketball Association championships with 25.4 percent , and in Major League Baseball , the New York Yankees have the highest percentage with 24.8 percent . Jump up ^ This pick originally belonged to the Brooklyn Nets , but was sent to the Celtics in the 2013 trade involving Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett . The Nets had the worst record in the previous season , which gave the Celtics the highest chance of winning the lottery . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` -- Boston Celtics seasons '' . National Basketball Association . Retrieved January 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` History : Team by Team '' ( PDF ) . Official National Basketball Association Guide 2016 - 17 . National Basketball Association . September 23 , 2016 . Retrieved March 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Boston Celtics Reproduction and Usage Guideline Sheet '' . NBA Properties , Inc . Retrieved August 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` NBA Finals History : Finals Champions and MVPs '' . Retrieved June 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Most Valuable Player Award Winners '' . Retrieved July 16 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` What 's in a Name ? '' . Boston Celtics . August 24 , 2012 . Retrieved July 26 , 2015 . 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Jump up ^ `` Celtics , 98.5 The Sports Hub Announce Multi-Year Broadcast Partnership `` CBS Boston '' . 2013 - 09 - 26 . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` Brown , Pieri Purchases Celtics Basketball Club '' . The Hartford Courant . August 1 , 1950 . Jump up ^ `` New Owner But Red Is Still Boss of Celts '' . Lewiston Evening Journal . January 14 , 1975 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 14 . Jump up ^ Paul Gaston to run Celtics ; Cohen out , September 2 , 1993 . Retrieved February 2 , 2003 . Jump up ^ `` Celtics ' owner dispute is more confused than ever '' . The Tuscaloosa News . July 22 , 1974 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 14 . Jump up ^ Rich Gotham , Team President , . Retrieved November 19 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Chris Wallace , General Manager , . Retrieved December 16 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Danny Ainge , Executive Director of Basketball Operations and General Manager , . Retrieved December 16 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Boston Celtics : Medical Staff , . Retrieved November 19 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Celtics and trainer Ed Lacerte and conditioning coach Bryan Doo part ways '' , The Boston Globe , July 15 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Boston Celtics . Official website Boston Celtics Founded in 1946 Based in Boston , Massachusetts Franchise Franchise Team history All - time roster Seasons Accomplishments Head coaches Current season Arenas Boston Arena Boston Garden Hartford Civic Center TD Garden Administration Boston Basketball Partners ( owner ) Wyc Grousbeck ( CEO ) Wyc Grousbeck , H. Irving Grousbeck , Stephen Pagliuca ( managing partners ) Danny Ainge ( General manager ) Brad Stevens ( Head coach ) General managers Brown Auerbach Volk Wallace Ainge Retired numbers 00 6 10 14 15 16 17 18 LOSCY 19 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 ( To be retired on February 11 , 2018 ) 35 MIC Hall of Famers Boston Celtics Hall of Famers G League affiliate Maine Red Claws Rivalries Detroit Pistons Los Angeles Lakers New York Knicks Philadelphia 76ers Culture Celtic Pride Greatest game ever played Tommy Points `` Love ya , Cooz ! '' Close , but no cigar ! Bill Russell Beat L.A. Celtics / Lakers : Best of Enemies Mike Gorman Johnny Most `` Havlicek stole the ball ! '' Henderson steals the ball ! Bird steals the ball ! Boston Garden North Station Larry Legend DJ The Chief The Truth The Sports Museum of New England NBA Championships ( 17 ) 1957 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1968 1969 1976 1981 1984 1986 2008 Eastern Conference Championships ( 21 ) 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1968 1969 1976 1981 1984 1985 1986 2008 Media TV NBC Sports Boston Radio WBZ - FM Announcers Mike Gorman Tom Heinsohn Brian Scalabrine Sean Grande Cedric Maxwell John Wallach Links to related articles Boston Celtics seasons Franchise History Seasons 1940s 1946 -- 47 1947 -- 48 1948 -- 49 1950s 1949 -- 50 1950 -- 51 1951 -- 52 1952 -- 53 1953 -- 54 1954 -- 55 1955 -- 56 1956 -- 57 1957 -- 58 1958 -- 59 1960s 1959 -- 60 1960 -- 61 1961 -- 62 1962 -- 63 1963 -- 64 1964 -- 65 1965 -- 66 1966 -- 67 1967 -- 68 1968 -- 69 1970s 1969 -- 70 1970 -- 71 1971 -- 72 1972 -- 73 1973 -- 74 1974 -- 75 1975 -- 76 1976 -- 77 1977 -- 78 1978 -- 79 1980s 1979 -- 80 1980 -- 81 1981 -- 82 1982 -- 83 1983 -- 84 1984 -- 85 1985 -- 86 1986 -- 87 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 1990s 1989 -- 90 1990 -- 91 1991 -- 92 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 1994 -- 95 1995 -- 96 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 2000s 1999 -- 00 2000 -- 01 2001 -- 02 2002 -- 03 2003 -- 04 2004 -- 05 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 2008 -- 09 2010s 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 Bold indicates NBA Finals victory National Basketball Association Eastern Conference Atlantic Boston Celtics Brooklyn Nets New York Knicks Philadelphia 76ers Toronto Raptors Central Chicago Bulls Cleveland Cavaliers Detroit Pistons Indiana Pacers Milwaukee Bucks Southeast Atlanta Hawks Charlotte Hornets Miami Heat Orlando Magic Washington Wizards Western Conference Northwest Denver Nuggets Minnesota Timberwolves Oklahoma City Thunder Portland Trail Blazers Utah Jazz Pacific Golden State Warriors Los Angeles Clippers Los Angeles Lakers Phoenix Suns Sacramento Kings Southwest Dallas Mavericks Houston Rockets Memphis Grizzlies New Orleans Pelicans San Antonio Spurs Annual events Draft Summer League Christmas Day All - Star Weekend Game MVP Playoffs List Finals Champions MVP Others NBA Silver Anniversary Team NBA 35th Anniversary Team 50 Greatest Players ABA Merger Arenas Awards BAA Cheerleading Collective bargaining agreement Criticisms and controversies 2007 Tim Donaghy betting scandal G League Dress code Draft eligibility Global Games Africa 2015 , Africa 2017 First overall draft picks Hall of Fame Members Head coaches Current Player - coaches Champions Foreign coaches Lockouts Larry O'Brien Trophy Mascots Midwest Division NBA champions NBA Store Media TV NBA TV NBL NBPA Owners Players Current rosters Foreign players Race and ethnicity Retired numbers Banned or suspended Highest paid Records regular season post-season All - Star Game Win - loss records Rivalries Salary cap Seasons Teams Defunct Expansion Relocated Timeline WNBA Basketball in the United States Portal 2017 -- 18 season Sports teams based in Massachusetts Australian rules football USAFL Boston Demons Baseball MLB Boston Red Sox NYPL Lowell Spinners CCBL Bourne Braves Brewster Whitecaps Chatham Anglers Cotuit Kettleers Falmouth Commodores Harwich Mariners Hyannis Harbor Hawks Orleans Firebirds Wareham Gatemen Yarmouth -- Dennis Red Sox FCBL Brockton Rox Martha 's Vineyard Sharks North Shore Navigators Pittsfield Suns Wachusett Dirt Dawgs Worcester Bravehearts NECBL New Bedford Bay Sox North Adams SteepleCats Plymouth Pilgrims Valley Blue Sox Basketball NBA Boston Celtics Football NFL New England Patriots WFA Boston Renegades Hockey NHL Boston Bruins AHL Springfield Thunderbirds ECHL Worcester Railers NWHL Boston Pride CWHL Boston Blades Lacrosse MLL Boston Cannons UWLX Boston Storm Roller derby WFTDA Bay State Brawlers Roller Derby Boston Roller Derby MRDA Pioneer Valley Roller Derby Rugby league USARL Boston Thirteens Oneida FC Rugby union RSL Boston RFC NERFU Boston Irish Wolfhounds Mystic River South Shore Anchors Soccer MLS New England Revolution NWSL Boston Breakers PDL FC Boston Western Mass Pioneers NPSL Boston City FC Greater Lowell NPSL FC Champions Soccer League USA Greater Lowell United FC UWS New England Mutiny WPSL Boston Breakers Academy Boston Breakers Reserves Boston Breakers U23 FC Stars FC Stars U23 Ultimate Club Boston Ironsides College athletics ( NCAA Division I ) AIC Yellow Jackets ( ice hockey ) Bentley Falcons ( ice hockey ) Boston College Eagles Boston University Terriers Harvard Crimson Holy Cross Crusaders UMass Minutemen and Minutewomen UMass Lowell River Hawks Merrimack Warriors ( ice hockey ) Northeastern Huskies City of Boston Topics Accent Annual events Arts Bibliography Culture Demographics Diplomatic missions Economy Education Colleges and universities Geography Historic Places Northern Southern History Timeline Media Nicknames People Politics Port Public Library Public Schools Sister cities Skyscrapers Songs Transportation Attractions Boston Common Boston Convention and Exhibition Center Boston Irish Famine Memorial Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum Bunker Hill Monument Faneuil Hall Fenway Park Franklin Park Zoo Freedom Trail Hynes Convention Center Institute of Contemporary Art Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Museum of Fine Arts Museum of Science New England Aquarium Old North Church Paul Revere House Symphony Hall TD Garden USS Constitution Museum Business districts Back Bay Downtown Fenway -- Kenmore Financial District Government Center Innovation district North End Route 128 corridor South End List of companies in Boston Government City council City Hall Elections Emergency Medical Services ( EMS ) FinComm Fire Housing ( BHA ) Mayor Police Boston Planning and Development Agency Neighborhoods Allston -- Brighton Allston Brighton Back Bay Bay Village Beacon Hill Downtown Boston Financial District Government Center Charlestown Chinatown Dorchester Columbia Point South Bay East Boston Fenway -- Kenmore Harbor Islands Hyde Park Readville Jamaica Plain Forest Hills Leather District Mattapan Mission Hill Longwood North End Roslindale Roxbury Fort Hill South Boston Fort Point South End West End West Roxbury Chestnut Hill Sports Boston Bruins Boston Celtics Boston Red Sox New England Patriots New England Revolution Suffolk County Boston - Cambridge Metro Massachusetts United States Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Boston Celtics Irish - American organizations Irish - American history National Basketball Association teams Basketball teams established in 1946 1946 establishments in Massachusetts Sports teams in Boston Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template webcite links CS1 errors : invisible characters CS1 errors : dates All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from December 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Aragonés Azərbaycanca বাংলা Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Kiswahili Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी مازِرونی Монгол Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Vèneto Volapük Yorùbá Zazaki 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 6 November 2017 , at 17 : 22 . 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when was the last time celtics won nba championship
Championships 17 ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 , 1974 , 1976 , 1981 , 1984 , 1986 , 2008 )
When You and I were Young , Maggie - wikipedia When You and I were Young , Maggie Jump to : navigation , search Sheet music cover for When You and I Were Young , Maggie ( Oliver Ditson & Co. version of cover ) `` When You and I Were Young , Maggie '' is a famous folk song , popular song and standard . Though Springtown , Tennessee , has a small monument outside an old mill claiming the song was written by a local George Johnson , in 1864 , for his Maggie , the truth is that its lyrics were written as a poem by the Canadian school teacher George Washington Johnson from Hamilton , Ontario . Margaret `` Maggie '' Clark was his pupil . They fell in love and during a period of illness , George walked to the edge of the Niagara escarpment , overlooking what is now downtown Hamilton , and composed the poem . The general tone is perhaps one of melancholy and consolation over lost youth rather than mere sentimentality or a fear of aging . It was published in 1864 in a collection of his poems entitled Maple Leaves . They were married in 1864 but Maggie 's health deteriorated and she died on May 12 , 1865 . James Austin Butterfield set the poem to music and it became popular all over the world . George Washington Johnson died in 1917 . The schoolhouse where the two lovers met still stands on the escarpment above Hamilton , and a plaque bearing the name of the song has been erected in front of the old building . In 2005 , the song was inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame . Recordings ( edit ) Some claim that the song was first sung by Frank Dumont `` as the Duprez & Benedict 's Minstrels programs , dated , will show '' in 1870 . The song was first recorded by Corinne Morgan and Frank C. Stanley in 1905 and has been recorded since by many famous artists including opera tenors John McCormack and Jan Peerce , early country singer Fiddlin ' John Carson , country singer Slim Whitman , bluegrass musicians Stanley Brothers , Reno and Smiley , Mac Wiseman , David Grisman and James Alan Shelton , crooners Perry Como and Gene Autry and popular singers such as Will Oakland , Henry Burr , Harry MacDonough and Frank Dunn . Instrumental recordings of Butterfield 's melody are also numerous , and date as far back as the 1930s . Notable recordings include those of jazzmen Benny Goodman , Fats Waller , Teddy Wilson and Sidney Bechet and ragtime pianist Johnny Maddox and Country guitar , Speedy Haworth . `` Maggie '' has been re-scored as `` When You and I Were Young , Maggie Blues '' , by Jack Frost and Jimmy McHugh . Mills Music Inc. published this edition in 1922 , and again in 1949 with Guy Lombardo 's picture on the cover . This was a 1951 hit for father and son Bing Crosby and Gary Crosby reaching the No. 8 spot in the Billboard charts and for the duet team of Margaret Whiting and Jimmy Wakely . John W. Schaum arranged `` When you and I were young Maggie Boogie '' and had it published by Belwin Inc. in 1952 . The song is also considered as a standard of dixieland . The song was used by Seán O'Casey in his 1926 play The Plough and the Stars , but the name `` Maggie '' was changed to `` Nora '' because the character , Clitheroe , was singing it to his wife Nora . Johnny McEvoy recorded it as `` Nora '' in 1968 and had a number one hit in Ireland . In 1983 Irish duo Foster and Allen reached number six in Ireland and 27 in the UK singles chart with their version . This led many people to think it was an Irish song . It was also recorded by De Dannan on the album `` Star - Spangled Molly '' , by Josef Locke on `` Let there be Peace '' , and by James Galway and The Chieftains on `` In Ireland '' . The Statler Brothers also recorded their harmonious rendition . In addition to Henry Burr , other Canadian performers such as Hank Snow , The Climax Jazz Band and Murray McLaughlin have also recorded it . Tom Rush recorded a version on his CBS release `` Ladies Love Outlaws '' in 1974 . American psychedelic rock band Magic Fern from Seattle ( who wrote and performed together in the mid to late 1960s ) recorded a version of this song entitled `` Maggie '' and that version is on the soundtrack for Adam Sandler 's film Strange Wilderness . The Hot Sardines has it on their debut album released in 2014 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Rural Roots of Bluegrass : Songs , Stories & History By Wayne Erbsen p166 Jump up ^ Excerpts from `` When You and I Were Young , Maggie '' , by George Rickard , 1981 . Reprinted by Glanbrook Heritage Society , with permission , 2001 . Jump up ^ Houghton , Margaret ( ed . ) Hamilton street names , p. 85 ( 2002 ) Jump up ^ Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame at . Retrieved 2015 - 09 - 18 . Jump up ^ Circus Historical Society , Burnt Cork Supplement , 2005 , by William L. Slout . `` The Younger Generation in Minstrelsy and Reminiscences of the Past , '' by Frank Dumont , New York Clipper , March 27 , 1915 . ( Accessed August 2011 ) Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 1986 ) . Joel Whitburn 's Pop Memories 1890 - 1954 . Wisconsin : Record Research Inc. p. 112 . ISBN 0 - 89820 - 083 - 0 . Jump up ^ Encyclopedia of Music in Canada Jump up ^ The partial list of artists having recorded the song was compiled from the listing of the iTunes Store on February 21st 2008 . Jump up ^ Broderick , Vincent ( 1990 ) . Traditional Irish Flute Solos . Mel Bay Publications . p. 22 . ISBN 1 - 85720 - 061 - 6 . Retrieved 2011 - 04 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts : All There Is to Know '' . Irish Recorded Music Association . Retrieved 21 February 2015 . Jump up ^ The Hot Sardines External links ( edit ) John McCormack singing `` When you and I were young '' on Youtube Images of the original sheet music from the Levy collection at Johns Hopkins University . Perry Como Albums So Smooth ( 1955 ) We Get Letters ( 1956 ) Saturday Night with Mr. C ( 1958 ) When You Come to the End of the Day ( 1958 ) Como Swings ( 1959 ) Season 's Greetings from Perry Como ( 1959 ) For the Young at Heart ( 1960 ) Sing to Me Mr. C ( 1961 ) By Request ( 1962 ) The Best of Irving Berlin 's Songs from Mr. President ( 1962 ) The Songs I Love ( 1963 ) The Scene Changes ( 1965 ) Lightly Latin ( 1966 ) Perry Como in Italy ( 1966 ) The Perry Como Christmas Album ( 1968 ) Look to Your Heart ( 1968 ) Seattle ( 1969 ) Perry Como in Person at the International Hotel , Las Vegas ( 1970 ) It 's Impossible ( 1970 ) I Think of You ( 1971 ) And I Love You So ( 1973 ) Perry ( 1974 ) Just Out of Reach ( 1975 ) 40 Greatest Hits ( 1975 ) The Best of British ( UK and Canada ) ( 1977 ) Where You 're Concerned ( US ) ( 1978 ) Perry Como ( 1980 ) Perry Como Live on Tour ( 1981 ) So It Goes / Goodbye for Now ( 1983 ) Today ( 1987 ) Perry Como 's Christmas Concert ( 1994 ) On the Radio -- The Perry Como Shows 1943 ( 2009 ) At the Supper Club ( 2010 ) At the Supper Club Part II ( 2011 ) At the Supper Club Part III ( 2011 ) Songs `` ' A ' You 're Adorable '' `` Ac - Cent - Tchu - Ate the Positive '' `` And I Love You So '' `` As Time Goes By '' `` Bali Ha'i '' `` Because '' `` Beyond Tomorrow '' `` Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo '' `` Blue Room '' `` A Bushel and a Peck '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Catch a Falling Star '' `` Chi - Baba , Chi - Baba ( My Bambino Go to Sleep ) '' `` Confessin ' '' `` Days of Wine and Roses '' `` Deep in the Heart of Texas '' `` Delaware '' `` Do n't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes '' `` Dream Along with Me ( I 'm on My Way to a Star ) '' `` A Dreamer 's Holiday '' `` El Cóndor Pasa '' `` Feelings '' `` Fly Me to the Moon '' `` For the Good Times '' `` Forever and Ever '' `` Forget Domani '' `` Give Me Your Hand '' `` Glendora '' `` The Gypsy in My Soul '' `` Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas '' `` He 's Got the Whole World in His Hands '' `` Hello , Young Lovers '' `` Here , There and Everywhere '' `` Home for the Holidays '' `` Hot Diggity ( Dog Ziggity Boom ) '' `` A House Is Not a Home '' `` I Do n't See Me in Your Eyes Anymore '' `` I Dream of You ( More Than You Dream I Do ) '' `` I Think I Love You '' `` I 'll Be Home for Christmas '' `` If ( They Made Me a King ) '' `` It 's Been a Long , Long Time '' `` It 's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas '' `` Kewpie Doll '' `` The Lord 's Prayer '' `` Magic Moments '' `` Mandolins in the Moonlight '' `` Maria '' `` Moon River '' `` More '' `` No Other Love '' `` Papa Loves Mambo '' `` Prisoner of Love '' `` Round and Round '' `` Santa Claus Is Coming to Town '' `` Seattle '' `` The Shadow of Your Smile '' `` Some Enchanted Evening '' `` Somos Novios ( It 's Impossible ) '' `` The Songs I Love '' `` Stop ! And Think It Over '' `` Surrender '' `` Till the End of Time '' `` Unchained Melody '' `` Wanted '' `` The Way You Look Tonight '' `` What 'll I Do '' `` When You and I Were Young , Maggie '' `` Young at Heart '' Related Perry Como discography Perry Como television and radio shows Beat the Band The Chesterfield Supper Club List of songs recorded by Perry Como Goodman Ace Mitchell Ayres Ray Charles Frank Gallop Nick Perito Retrieved from ``,_Maggie&oldid=752593855 '' Categories : Benny Goodman songs Gene Autry songs Perry Como songs Folk songs Bluegrass songs Jazz songs Margaret Whiting songs Jimmy Wakely songs Talk More About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 2 December 2016 , at 04 : 04 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . 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who wrote when you and i were young maggie
`` When You and I Were Young , Maggie '' is a famous folk song , popular song and standard . Though Springtown , Tennessee , has a small monument outside an old mill claiming the song was written by a local George Johnson , in 1864 , for his Maggie , the truth is that its lyrics were written as a poem by the Canadian school teacher George Washington Johnson from Hamilton , Ontario . Margaret `` Maggie '' Clark was his pupil . They fell in love and during a period of illness , George walked to the edge of the Niagara escarpment , overlooking what is now downtown Hamilton , and composed the poem . The general tone is perhaps one of melancholy and consolation over lost youth rather than mere sentimentality or a fear of aging . It was published in 1864 in a collection of his poems entitled Maple Leaves . They were married in 1864 but Maggie 's health deteriorated and she died on May 12 , 1865 . James Austin Butterfield set the poem to music and it became popular all over the world . George Washington Johnson died in 1917 . The schoolhouse where the two lovers met still stands on the escarpment above Hamilton , and a plaque bearing the name of the song has been erected in front of the old building . In 2005 , the song was inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame .
National World War II Memorial - wikipedia National World War II Memorial For other uses , see World War II Memorial . World War II Memorial Location Washington , D.C. Coordinates 38 ° 53 ′ 21.84 '' N 77 ° 2 ′ 25.86 '' W  /  38.8894000 ° N 77.0405167 ° W  / 38.8894000 ; - 77.0405167 Coordinates : 38 ° 53 ′ 21.84 '' N 77 ° 2 ′ 25.86 '' W  /  38.8894000 ° N 77.0405167 ° W  / 38.8894000 ; - 77.0405167 Established May 29 , 2004 Visitors 4,410,000 ( in 2005 ) Governing body National Park Service Website World War II Memorial The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II . Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain , it sits on the National Mall in Washington , D.C. , on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool , between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument . Opened on April 29 , 2004 , it was dedicated by President George W. Bush on May 29 , 2004 . The memorial is administered by the National Park Service under its National Mall and Memorial Parks group . As of 2009 , more than 4.4 million people visit the memorial each year . Contents ( hide ) 1 Design 1.1 Freedom Wall 2 History 2.1 Fundraising 2.2 Picking the site 2.3 Designing the memorial 3 Construction 4 Controversy 4.1 Criticism of the location 4.2 Criticism of the design and style 4.3 FDR 's D - Day prayer 5 Gallery 5.1 With the Washington Monument in background 5.2 Of the Central Fountain 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Design ( edit ) Aerial view of the World War II Memorial The memorial consists of 56 granite pillars , each 17 feet ( 5.2 m ) tall , arranged in a semicircle around a plaza with two 43 - foot ( 13 m ) triumphal arches on opposite sides . Two - thirds of the 7.4 - acre ( 30,000 m ) site is landscaping and water . Each pillar is inscribed with the name of one of the 48 U.S. states of 1945 , as well as the District of Columbia , the Alaska Territory and Territory of Hawaii , the Commonwealth of the Philippines , Puerto Rico , Guam , American Samoa , and the U.S. Virgin Islands . The northern arch is inscribed with `` Atlantic '' ; the southern one , `` Pacific . '' The plaza is 337 ft 10 in ( 102.97 m ) long and 240 feet 2 inches ( 73.20 m ) wide , is sunk 6 feet ( 1.8 m ) below grade , and contains a pool that is 246 feet 9 inches by 147 feet 8 inches ( 75.2 × 45.0 m ) . The memorial includes two inconspicuously located `` Kilroy was here '' engravings . Their inclusion in the memorial acknowledges the significance of the symbol to American soldiers during World War II and how it represented their presence and protection wherever it was inscribed . On approaching the semicircle from the east , a visitor walks along one of two walls ( right side wall and left side wall ) picturing scenes of the war experience in bas relief . As one approaches on the left ( toward the Pacific arch ) , the scenes begin with soon - to - be servicemen getting physical exams , taking the oath , and being issued military gear . The reliefs progress through several iconic scenes , including combat and burying the dead , ending in a homecoming scene . On the right - side wall ( toward the Atlantic arch ) there is a similar progression , but with scenes generally more typical of the European theatre . Some scenes take place in England , depicting the preparations for air and sea assaults . The last scene is of a handshake between the American and Russian armies when the western and eastern fronts met in Germany . Freedom wall ( edit ) The Freedom Wall is on the west side of the memorial , with a view of the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial behind it . The wall has 4,048 gold stars , each representing 100 Americans who died in the war . In front of the wall lies the message `` Here we mark the price of freedom '' . History ( edit ) View of The World War II Memorial ( bottom ) and the Lincoln Memorial ( top ) from the Washington Monument In 1987 , World War II veteran Roger Durbin approached Representative Marcy Kaptur , a Democrat from Ohio , to ask if a World War II memorial could be constructed . Kaptur introduced the World War II Memorial Act to the House of Representatives as HR 3742 on December 10 . The resolution authorized the American Battle Monuments Commission ( ABMC ) to establish a World War II memorial in `` Washington , D.C. , or its environs '' , but the bill was not voted on before the end of the session , so it was not passed . Two more times , in 1989 and 1991 , Rep. Kaptur introduced similar legislation , but these bills suffered the same fate as the first , and did not become law . Kaptur reintroduced legislation in the House a fourth time as HR 682 on January 27 , 1993 , one day after Senator Strom Thurmond ( a Republican from South Carolina ) introduced companion Senate legislation . On March 17 , 1993 , the Senate approved the act , and the House approved an amended version of the bill on May 4 . On May 12 , the Senate also approved the amended bill , and the World War II Memorial Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 25 of that year , becoming Public Law 103 - 32 . Fundraising ( edit ) On September 30 , 1994 , President Bill Clinton appointed a 12 - member Memorial Advisory Board ( MAB ) to advise the ABMC in picking the site , designing the memorial , and raising money to build it . A direct mail fundraising effort brought in millions of dollars from individual Americans . Additional large donations were made by veterans ' groups , including the American Legion , the Veterans of Foreign Wars , Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge and others . The majority of the corporate fundraising effort was led by two co-chairs : Senator Bob Dole , a decorated World War II veteran and 1996 Republican nominee for president ; and Frederick W. Smith , the president and chief executive officer of FedEx Corporation and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer . The U.S. federal government provided about $16 million . A total of $197 million was raised . Picking the site ( edit ) On January 20 , 1995 , Colonel Kevin C. Kelley , project manager for the ABMC , organized the first meeting of the ABMC and the MAB , at which the project was discussed and initial plans made . The meeting was chaired by Commissioner F. Haydn Williams , chairman of ABMC 's World War II Memorial Site and Design Committee , who would go on to guide the project through the site selection and approval process and the selection and approval of the Memorial 's design . Representatives from the United States Commission of Fine Arts , the National Capital Planning Commission , the National Capital Memorial Commission , the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , and the National Park Service attended the meeting . Selection of an appropriate site was taken on as the first action . Over the next months , several sites were considered . Three quickly gained favor : U.S. Capitol Reflection Pool area -- between 3rd Street and the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial Constitution Gardens -- east end , between Constitution Avenue and the Rainbow Pool Freedom Plaza -- on Pennsylvania Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets Other sites considered but quickly rejected were : Tidal Basin -- northeast side , east of the Tidal Basin parking lot and west of the 14th Street Bridge access road West Potomac Park -- between Ohio Drive and the north shore of the Potomac River , northwest of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Grounds of the Washington Monument -- at Constitution Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets , west of the National Museum of American History Henderson Hall , adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery -- dropped from consideration because of its unavailability The selection of the Rainbow Pool site was announced on October 5 , 1995 . The design would incorporate the Rainbow Pool fountain , located across 17th Street from the Washington Monument and near the Constitution Gardens site . The location is itself a significant symbol . The memorial will be given a more prominent spot than any monument on the National Mall since the Lincoln Memorial opened in 1922 . The location , between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial , represents the first addition in more than 70 years to the grand corridor of open space that stretches from the Capitol 2.1 miles west to the Potomac River . Designing the Memorial ( edit ) A nationwide design competition drew 400 submissions from architects from around the country . Friedrich St. Florian 's initial design was selected in 1997 . Over the next four years , St. Florian 's design was altered during the review and approval process required of proposed memorials in Washington , D.C. Ambassador Haydn Williams guided the design development for ABMC . St. Florian 's design consists of an architectural sculpture that evokes a classical monument . The two memorial arches , Pacific and Atlantic baldacchinos each have laurel wreaths suspended in the air with 4 eagles carrying it . The chandelier sculpture symbolizes the victory of the War with the Nation 's bird carrying a Grecian symbol of victory but with an American adaptation of oak laurel wreaths to symbolize strength . Each of the 56 pillars all consists of oak laurel wreaths and wheat laurel wreath . The oak symbolizes military and industrial strength and the wheat symbolizes agricultural and breadbasket during the U.S. part in the war . Construction ( edit ) Ground was broken in September 2001 . The construction was managed by the General Services Administration . The triumphal arches were crafted by Rock of Ages Corporation . Sculptor Raymond Kaskey created the bronze eagles and wreaths that were installed under the arches , as well as 24 bronze bas - relief panels that depict wartime scenes of combat and the home front . The bronzes were cast over the course of two and a half years at Laran Bronze in Chester , Pennsylvania . The stainless - steel armature that holds up the eagles and wreaths was designed at Laran , in part by sculptor James Peniston , and fabricated by Apex Piping of Newport , Delaware . The John Stevens Shop designed the lettering for the memorial and most of the inscriptions were hand - carved in situ . The memorial opened to the public on April 29 , 2004 , and was dedicated in a May 29 ceremony attended by thousands of people . The memorial became a national park on November 1 , when authority over it was transferred to the National Park Service . In 2012 , the memorial 's fountain was renovated . The memorial under construction in August 2002 Controversy ( edit ) Criticism of the location ( edit ) Critics such as the National Coalition to Save Our Mall opposed the location of the memorial . A major criticism of the location was that it would interrupt what had been an unbroken view between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial . The memorial was also criticized for taking up open space that had been historically used for major demonstrations and protests . Washington Monument View Critics were particularly bothered by the expedited approval process , which is considerably lengthy most of the time . The United States Congress , worried that World War II veterans were dying before an appropriate memorial could be built , passed legislation exempting the World War II Memorial from further site and design review . Congress also dismissed pending legal challenges to the memorial . Criticism of the design and style ( edit ) There were also aesthetic objections to the design . A critic from the Boston Herald described the monument as `` vainglorious , demanding of attention and full of trite imagery . '' The Philadelphia Inquirer argued that `` this pompous style was also favored by Hitler and Mussolini '' ( see Nazi architecture ) . The Washington Post described it as `` overbearing '' , `` bombastic '' , and a `` hodgepodge of cliche and Soviet - style pomposity '' with `` the emotional impact of a slab of granite '' . Some supporters said that the design evoked federal architecture during the New Deal period , influenced by an austere interpretation of Art Deco / Beaux Arts styles . This view , and the monument , were dismissed by one prominent architecture critic as `` knee - jerk historicism '' FDR 's D. - day prayer ( edit ) On May 23 , 2013 , Senator Rob Portman introduced the World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2013 ( S. 1044 ; 113th Congress ) , a bill that would direct the United States Secretary of the Interior to install at the World War II memorial in the District of Columbia a suitable plaque or an inscription with the words that President Franklin D. Roosevelt prayed with the United States on June 6 , 1944 , the morning of D - Day . The bill was opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union , the American Jewish Committee , Americans United for Separation of Church and State , the Hindu American Foundation , and the Interfaith Alliance . Together the organizations argued that the bill `` endorses the false notion that all veterans will be honored by a war memorial that includes a prayer proponents characterize as reflecting our country 's ' Judeo - Christian heritage and values . ' '' The organizations argued that `` the memorial , as it currently stands , appropriately honors those who served and encompasses the entirety of the war '' and was carefully created , so no additional elements , such as FDR 's prayer , need to be added . But , they said , `` the effect of this bill , however , is to co-opt religion for political purposes , which harms the beliefs of everyone . '' The bill passed in the United States Senate on June 5 , 2014 . Gallery ( edit ) The southern end of the memorial , dedicated to the Pacific theater The northern end of the memorial , dedicated to the Atlantic theater `` The Price of Freedom '' Engraving of Kilroy on the memorial Close up of the engraving at the memorial The Pacific Arch A seal on the floor of the memorial using the World War II Victory Medal design Each of the 4,048 gold stars represents 100 Americans who died during the war The Pacific Arch ( Atlantic Arch in the background ) The Atlantic Arch View of the World War II Memorial in Washington , D.C. from the `` Atlantic '' arch of the memorial . World War II Memorial ( 2013 ) Panoramic view at night , Washington Monument in the background With the Washington Monument in background ( edit ) The memorial , looking east in winter Five state pillars and flag North Carolina pillar Pennsylvania pillar Of the central fountain ( edit ) Central Fountain with the Atlantic Arch in background World War II Memorial Fountain in Washington D.C. World War II Memorial , Fountain in the evening . World War II Memorial Panoramic view See also ( edit ) List of public art in Washington , D.C. , Ward 2 The National WWII Museum , in New Orleans References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ National World War II Memorial Jump up ^ World War II Memorial ( U.S. National Park Service ) Jump up ^ `` Memorial Design '' . National WWII Memorial . Archived from the original on 2008 - 05 - 31 . Retrieved 2008 - 07 - 16 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Kilroy Is Here -- Can You Find Him ? '' . The Washington Post . Jump up ^ Knight , Christopher ( 2004 - 05 - 23 ) . `` A memorial to forget '' . Los Angeles Times . Archived from the original on 2005 - 12 - 26 . -- Many sources give the number of stars as 4,000 . The wall contains 23 panels of 11 columns and 16 rows of stars . The number of stars can also be counted in Image : Wwii memorial stars march 2006. jpg . See also discussion at Talk : National World War II Memorial # Number the Stars . Jump up ^ Forgey , Benjamin ( 1995 - 07 - 01 ) . `` Site - seeking at the Mall : Placing World War II memorial in the grand scheme of things '' . The Washington Post . p . C1 . Jump up ^ Forgey , Benjamin ( 1995 - 07 - 28 ) . `` No Accord on WWII Memorial ; Two Agencies Send Mixed Signals About Location '' . The Washington Post . p . B3 . Jump up ^ Forgey , Benjamin ( 1995 - 10 - 06 ) . `` WWII Memorial Gets Choice Mall Site ; 2nd Panel Approves Location , Clearing Way for Design Phase '' . The Washington Post . p . B1 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ WWII Memorial : The `` High Point '' of Raymond Kaskey 's Career - Carnegie Mellon Today Archived 2008 - 04 - 07 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` WWII MEMORIAL '' . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` James Peniston Sculpture : Bio '' . Retrieved 2008 - 09 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Building the Memorial '' . Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage . Smithsonian Institution . Retrieved June 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` World War II Memorial Site Renovations '' . Long Fence . Retrieved April 23 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Linda Wheeler and Spencer S. Hsu ( 17 May 2001 ) . `` Bush Backs War Memorial '' . Washington Post . Retrieved 5 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Fisher , Marc ( 4 May 2004 ) . `` A Memorial That Does n't Measure Up '' . Washington Post . Retrieved 5 November 2011 . Jump up ^ `` The World War II Memorial Defaces a National Treasure '' . National Coalition to Save Our Mall . January 2001 . Archived from the original on 2007 - 05 - 04 . Retrieved 2007 - 06 - 02 . Jump up ^ Van Oss , Alex ( 2001 - 02 - 25 ) . `` World War II Memorial '' ( RealAudio ) . Weekend Edition Sunday . National Public Radio . Retrieved 2007 - 06 - 02 . Jump up ^ Killian , Michael ( 2001 - 05 - 22 ) . `` Senate OKs WWII Memorial '' . Chicago Tribune . Archived from the original on 2007 - 09 - 28 . Jump up ^ Keane , Thomas M. , Jr . ( June 25 , 2004 ) . `` WWII Memorial fails both past , present '' . Boston Herald . p. 27 . Jump up ^ Saffron , Inga ( May 28 , 2004 ) . `` Monument to Democracy , The National World War II Memorial deserves its prominent location in Washington , as a tribute to heroes and a great cause '' . The Philadelphia Inquirer . p . E01 . Jump up ^ Fisher , Marc ( May 4 , 2004 ) . `` A Memorial That Does n't Measure Up '' . The Washington Post . p . B01 . Jump up ^ Ouroussoff , Nicolai , `` Get Me Rewrite : A New Monument to Press Freedom '' , The New York Times , April 11 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` S. 1044 - Summary '' . United States Congress . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Letter to Chairman Udall and Ranking Member Portman '' ( PDF ) . American Civil Liberties Union . 29 July 2013 . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . Jump up ^ `` S. 1044 - All Actions '' . United States Congress . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to World War II Memorial . NPS - National World War II Memorial Trust for the National Mall : World War II Memorial White House dedication World War II Memorial Gallery hide Landmarks of Washington , D.C. Memorials Adams African American Civil War American Veterans Disabled for Life Belmont - Paul Women 's Equality National Monument Mary McLeod Bethune Boy Scout James Buchanan D.C. War Albert Einstein Emancipation John Ericsson First Division James A. Garfield Samuel Gompers Ulysses S. Grant Holocaust Museum Holodomor Genocide Japanese American Patriotism During World War II Jefferson Memorial Lyndon Baines Johnson Grove John Paul Jones Marquis de Lafayette Law Enforcement Officers Lincoln Memorial Martin Luther King , Jr . Korean War Veterans George Mason George Meade National Statuary Hall Collection Navy -- Merchant Marine Nuns of the Battlefield Peace Monument Pentagon Second Division Signers of the Declaration of Independence The Extra Mile The Three Soldiers Jean de Rochambeau Franklin Delano Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Island Taras Shevchenko Statues of the Liberators Oscar Straus Robert A. Taft Titanic United States Air Force United States Navy Victims of Communism Vietnam Veterans Vietnam Women 's Washington Monument Daniel Webster World War II Rainbow Pool Other Capitol Reflecting Pool Immaculate Conception Basilica Ford 's Theatre Petersen House Healy Hall Islamic Center Jefferson Pier John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Library of Congress National Arboretum National Capitol Columns National Building Museum National Gallery of Art Lincoln 's Cottage at Soldiers ' Home Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool National Archives Newseum National Cathedral National Mall Old Post Office Pavilion Old Stone House Smithsonian Institution The Arts of War and The Arts of Peace Tidal Basin Treasury Building Tudor Place Union Station United States Capitol United States Supreme Court Building White House Willard Hotel Parks and plazas Constitution Gardens Dupont Circle East Potomac Park Freedom Plaza Lafayette Square L'Enfant Plaza Meridian Hill Park National Arboretum Pershing Park Rock Creek Park The Ellipse United States Botanic Garden West Potomac Park Boundaries Anacostia River Arlington Memorial Bridge Boundary Markers of the Original District of Columbia Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Constitution Avenue Francis Scott Key Bridge Pennsylvania Avenue Potomac River Zero Milestone Planned Adams Memorial Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial General Francis Marion Memorial Gold Star Mothers Monument National Desert Storm and Desert Shield War Memorial National Liberty Memorial Peace Corps Commemorative World War I Related National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission National Mall and Memorial Parks List of National Historic Landmarks in Washington , D.C. National Register of Historic Places in Washington , D.C. Public art in Washington , D.C. ( Outdoor sculpture , American Revolution Statuary , Civil War Monuments , commemorating African - Americans ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : National Mall Monuments and memorials in Washington , D.C. National Memorials of the United States World War II memorials in the United States Fountains in Washington , D.C. Military monuments and memorials in the United States National Mall and Memorial Parks 2004 sculptures 2004 establishments in Washington , D.C. Artworks in the collection of the National Park Service Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links Coordinates on Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2009 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2007 Commons category with local link different than on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Lietuvių Nederlands 日本 語 پنجابی Polski Português 中文 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 13 June 2018 , at 22 : 51 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when was the national world war ii memorial built
Opened on April 29 , 2004 , it was dedicated by President George W. Bush on May 29 , 2004 . The memorial is administered by the National Park Service under its National Mall and Memorial Parks group . As of 2009 , more than 4.4 million people visit the memorial each year .
Book of Obadiah - wikipedia Book of Obadiah Jump to : navigation , search For the author to whom the Book of Obadiah is attributed , see Obadiah . Tanakh ( Judaism ) Torah ( Instruction ) ( show ) Genesis Brʾeišyt Exodus Šemot Leviticus Wayiqra Numbers Bəmidbar Deuteronomy Devarim Nevi'im ( Prophets ) ( hide ) Former Joshua Yehoshua Judges Shofetim Samuel Shemuel Kings Melakhim Latter Isaiah Yeshayahu Jeremiah Yirmeyahu Ezekiel Yekhezqel Minor Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Ketuvim ( Writings ) ( show ) Poetic Psalms Təhillîm Proverbs Mishlei Job Iyov Five Megillot ( Scrolls ) Song of Songs Shir Hashirim Ruth Rut Lamentations Eikhah Ecclesiastes Qoheleth Esther Ester Historical Daniel Daniyyel Ezra -- Nehemiah Ezra Chronicles Dibh 're Hayyamim Old Testament ( Christianity ) Pentateuch ( show ) Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Historical ( show ) Joshua Judges Ruth 1 and 2 Samuel 1 and 2 Kings 1 and 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Wisdom Poetry ( show ) Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Prophetic ( hide ) Major prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Minor prophets Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Deuterocanonical ( show ) Tobit Judith Additions to Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Wisdom of Solomon Sirach Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah Additions to Daniel Orthodox only 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Prayer of Manasseh Psalm 151 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Odes Orthodox Tewahedo 1 Enoch Jubilees 1 , 2 , and 3 Meqabyan Paralipomena of Baruch Broader canon Bible portal The Book of Obadiah is an oracle concerning the divine judgment of Edom and the restoration of Israel . The text consists of a single chapter , divided into 21 verses , making it the shortest book in the Hebrew Bible . In Judaism and Christianity , its authorship is attributed to a prophet who lived in the Assyrian Period and named himself in the first verse , Obadiah . His name means `` servant of Yahweh '' . In Christianity , the Book of Obadiah is classified as a minor prophet of the Old Testament , due to its short length . In Judaism , Obadiah is considered a `` later prophet '' , placed in the last section ( Nevi'im of the Tanakh , where it is one of the `` Twelve Prophets . '' Contents ( hide ) 1 Content 2 Scholarly issues 2.1 Dating Obadiah 2.2 Contrast with Amos 2.3 Sepharad 3 Scriptural parallels 4 Protestant view 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Content ( edit ) The book of Obadiah is based on a prophetic vision concerning the fall of Edom , a mountain dwelling nation whose founding father was Esau . Obadiah describes an encounter with God who addresses Edom 's arrogance and charges them for their violent actions against their brother nation , the House of Jacob ( Israel ) . The western half of ancient Edom is the Negev desert all the way to Eilat , all part of modern Israel . The eastern half is possessed by the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan . In the days of Obadiah , the Edomites lived along the cliffs and mountaintops of the arid land south of the Dead Sea , all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea . There was very little in the way of arable land , so the Edomites made their living supporting ( and controlling ) the main caravan route between Egypt and Babylon that passed through their whole land . Throughout most of the history of Judah , Edom was controlled absolutely from Jerusalem as a vassal state . Among the region 's great powers , Edom was held in low regard . Obadiah said that the high elevation of their dwelling place in the mountains of Seir had gone to their head , and they had puffed themselves up in pride . `` Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars , from there I will bring you down , '' declares the Lord . ( Obadiah 1 : 4 , NIV ) In 597 BCE , Nebuchadnezzar II sacked Jerusalem , carted away the King of Judea and installed a puppet ruler . The Edomites helped the Babylonians loot the city . Obadiah , writing this prophecy around 590 BCE , suggests the Edomites should have remembered that blood was thicker than water . ' `` On the day you stood aloof while strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem , you were like one of them ... You should not march through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster , nor gloat over them in their calamity in the day of their disaster , nor seize their wealth in the day of their disaster . '' ' ( Obadiah 1 : 11 , 13 NIV ) Obadiah said in judgement God would wipe out the house of Esau forever , and not even a remnant would remain . The Edomites ' land would be possessed by Egypt and they would cease to exist as a people . But the Day of the Lord was at hand for all nations , and someday the children of Israel would return from their exile and possess the land of Edom . Scholarly issues ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Dating Obadiah ( edit ) The date of composition is disputed and is difficult to determine due to the lack of personal information about Obadiah , his family , and his historical milieu . The date of composition must therefore be determined based on the prophecy itself . Edom is to be destroyed due to its lack of defense for its brother nation , Israel , when it was under attack . There are two major historical contexts within which the Edomites could have committed such an act . These are during 853 -- 841 BC when Jerusalem was invaded by Philistines and Arabs during the reign of Jehoram of Judah ( recorded in 2 Kings 8 : 20 -- 22 and 2 Chronicles 21 : 8 -- 20 in the Christian Old Testament ) and 607 -- 586 BC when Jerusalem was attacked by Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon , which led to the Babylonian exile of Israel ( recorded in Psalm 137 ) . The earlier period would place Obadiah as a contemporary of the prophet Elijah as reflected in 1 Kings 18 : 1 - 16 . In particular , 1 Kings 18 : 7 - 8 reads : `` As Obadiah was walking along , Elijah met him . Obadiah recognized him , bowed down to the ground , and said , ' Is it really you , my lord Elijah ? ' ' Yes , ' he replied . ' Go tell your master , `` Elijah is here . '' ' '' ( NIV ) The later date would place Obadiah as a contemporary of the prophet Jeremiah , both of whom were prophets in the respective time periods . A sixth - century date for Obadiah is a `` near consensus '' position among scholars . Obadiah 1 - 9 contains parallels to Jeremiah 49 : 7 - 22 . The passage in Jeremiah dates from the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim ( 604 BC ) , and therefore Obadiah 11 - 14 seems to refer to the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadrezzar II ( 586 BC ) . It is more likely that Obadiah and Jeremiah together were drawing on a common source presently unknown to us than Jeremiah drawing on previous writings of Obadiah as his source . There is also much material found in Obadiah 10 - 21 which Jeremiah does not quote , and which , had he had it laid out before him , would have suited his purpose admirably . Despite everything , however , there are some who support both dates and even some who support dates other than the two major possibilities presented . Any date for the composition of Obadiah must be held tentatively . Contrast with Amos ( edit ) In verse eighteen , it says that once judgment has been carried out , `` There will be no survivors from the house of Esau '' ( NIV ) . So , according to Obadiah there will not remain even a remnant after Edom 's judgment . This is in contrast to Amos 9 : 12 , where Amos refers to such a remnant , however , it is stated that their possession will be given to Israel . Some scholars have suggested that Amos 's reference to Edom is symbolic of all nations who were once enemies of Israel and not intended to mean literal Edomites . This is certainly the perspective of Luke as he recites the passage from Amos in Acts 15 : 17 . Edom is symbolic of the remnant of men and Gentiles who will eventually bear God 's name . Moreover , Frederick A. Tatford in Prophet of Edom 's Doom says that Obadiah 's prophecy is fulfilled today as there is currently no trace of anyone who may be identified as a fleshly Edomite . Sepharad ( edit ) Main article : Sepharad The identity of the land of Sepharad , mentioned only here in this verse in the Bible , Obadiah 1 : 20 , is currently unknown . It is also unknown whether or not Sepharad is a city , district or territory . The only clues for its possible existence are Persian inscriptions that refer to two places called `` Saparda '' : one area in Media and another in Asia Minor , arguably Sardis . Scriptural parallels ( edit ) The exact expression `` the Day of the Lord '' , from Obadiah 1 : 15 , has been used by other authors throughout the Old and New Testaments , as follows : Old Testament : Isaiah 2 , 13 , 34 , 58 , Jeremiah 46 : 10 , Lamentations 2 : 22 , Ezekiel 13 : 5 , Joel 1 , 2 , 3 , Amos 5 : 18 , 20 , Zephaniah 1 , 2 , Zechariah 14 : 1 , Malachi 4 : 5 New Testament : 1 Thessalonians 5 : 2 , 2 Peter 3 : 10 , Acts 2 : 20 , 1 Corinthians 5 : 5 , 2 Corinthians 1 : 14 For other parallels , compare Obadiah 1 : 1 -- 8 with Jeremiah 49 : 7 -- 16 . Protestant view ( edit ) The overwhelming theme found in Obadiah is the destruction of the enemies of God 's people . Unlike other prophets who call the hearers to repent before they fall under judgment , Obadiah 's message is one of inevitable doom as a consequence of previous actions . A Christian with a knowledge of the New Testament of the Bible would say that although God 's grace and forgiveness abound in such situations , because God is just there are consequences for opposing God and God 's people . Obadiah shows that judgment falls even within the family of God , as Israel and Edom descended from twin brothers , Jacob and Esau . His purpose was to make it known that according to his God , if members of the same family were to treat each other in the same manner as Edom treated the Israelites , they too may be subject to the wrath of God . In relating to theme of Obadiah , it is important to underscore the `` punishment '' theme this book outlines against Edom . W.J. Deane and J.R. Thomson write this valid conclusion , `` The Book of Obadiah is occupied with one subject -- the punishment of Edom for its cruel and unbrotherly love conduct towards Judah ... '' One can link this idea of punishment to one of the major prophets `` Ezekiel '' who `` ... interprets the exile to Babylon and the destruction of Jerusalem as deserved punishments for the sins of those who themselves committed them . '' Verses 3 -- 7 in Obadiah explain to the reader the reason for the punishment theme , `` Confidence in one 's power , intelligence , allies , or the topographical features of one 's territory is often mentioned as an attribute of those who foolishly confront the Lord and are consequently punished . '' Although destruction is vital to understanding Obadiah , it is of note to understand the destruction being a consequence of action . See also ( edit ) Teman The lowland of Philistia The fields of Ephraim The fields of Samaria The land of Gilead References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Coogan , M. `` A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament : The Hebrew Bible in its Context . Oxford University Press , New York ( 2009 ) p. 315 Jump up ^ Nelson 's Compact Illustrated Bible Dictionary , Thomas Nelson Publishers , 1978 , p. 191 , ISBN 0 - 8407 - 5636 - 4 Jump up ^ Jason C. Dykehouse ( 2008 ) . An Historical Reconstruction of Edomite Treaty Betrayal in the Sixth Century B.C.E. Based on Biblical , Epigraphic , and Archaeological Data . ProQuest . p. 11 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 549 - 59500 - 7 . Jump up ^ Ehud Ben Zvi ( 1 January 1996 ) . A Historical - Critical Study of the Book of Obadiah . Walter de Gruyter . pp. 104 -- 106 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 11 - 080963 - 3 . Jump up ^ Deane , W.J. & Thomson , J.R. , The Book of Obadiah , The Pulpit Commentary , Vol. 14 Amos -- Malachi . Eds . Spence , H.D.M. & Exell , Joseph S. , Eerdmans : Grand Rapids ( 1981 ) . p. 1 Jump up ^ Coogan , M. `` A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament : The Hebrew Bible in its Context . Oxford University Press , New York ( 2009 ) p. 319 Jump up ^ `` oremus Bible Browser : Obadiah 1 '' . 2011 - 02 - 10 . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 26 . Jump up ^ Henshaw , R.A. ( revised by Zvi , Ehud Ben ) , The HarperCollins Study Bible . Ed . Attridge , H.W. , HarperOne ; New York . p. 1230 External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : The Book of Obadiah Masoretic text from Mechon Mamre Translations : Jewish translations : Ovadiah ( Judaica Press ) translation ( with Rashi 's commentary ) from Christian translations : Online Bible at ( KJV ESV Darby BBE ) Obadiah at The Great Books ( New Revised Standard Version ) Bible : Obadiah public domain audiobook at LibriVox Various versions Commentary : Ovadiah ( Judaica Press ) translation ( with Rashi 's commentary ) from Obadiah , from John Gill 's Exposition of the Entire Bible . Obadiah , from the United Church of God , an International Association Bible Reading Program -- This Hebrew scholar provides extensive background information as well as verse - by - verse exposition ) Kretzmann 's Popular Commentary of the Bible ( navigate to Obadiah using the menu on the left ) Obadiah : The Lord Will Have His Day by Jonathan Kuske Obadiah : an Introduction by Jim West Book of Obadiah Minor prophets Preceded by Amos Hebrew Bible Succeeded by Jonah Christian Old Testament ( hide ) Books of the Bible Principal divisions Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Protocanon Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 -- 2 Samuel 1 -- 2 Kings 1 -- 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Deuterocanon and Apocrypha Catholic Orthodox Tobit Judith Additions to Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Wisdom Sirach Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah Additions to Daniel Susanna Song of the Three Children Bel and the Dragon ) Orthodox only 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Prayer of Manasseh Psalm 151 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Odes Tewahedo Orthodox Enoch Jubilees 1 , 2 , and 3 Meqabyan Paralipomena of Baruch Broader canon Syriac Letter of Baruch 2 Baruch Psalms 152 -- 155 New Testament Matthew Mark Luke Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Subdivisions Chapters and verses Pentateuch Wisdom Major prophets / Minor prophets Gospels Synoptic Epistles Pauline Johannine Pastoral Catholic Apocalyptic literature Development Old Testament canon New Testament canon Antilegomena Jewish canon Christian canon Manuscripts Dead Sea Scrolls Samaritan Pentateuch Septuagint Targum Diatessaron Muratorian fragment Peshitta Vetus Latina Masoretic Text New Testament manuscript categories New Testament papyri New Testament uncials See also Biblical canon Luther 's canon Authorship English Bible translations Other books referenced in the Bible Pseudepigrapha list New Testament apocrypha Studies Synod of Hippo Textual criticism Portal WikiProject Book VIAF : 181846225 LCCN : n80057139 GND : 4042864 - 3 SUDOC : 028922506 BNF : cb12065802s ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 9th - century BC books 6th - century BC books 1st - millennium BC books Twelve Minor Prophets Book of Obadiah Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from March 2013 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016 Articles with LibriVox links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource Afrikaans Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Boarisch Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gàidhlig गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Basa Jawa ქართული Kiswahili Latina Lietuvių Magyar മലയാളം Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Gagana Samoa Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Türkçe Українська اردو Vepsän kel ' Winaray Yorùbá 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 11 December 2017 , at 19 : 51 . 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who wrote the book of obadiah in the bible
In Judaism and Christianity , its authorship is attributed to a prophet who lived in the Assyrian Period and named himself in the first verse , Obadiah . His name means `` servant of Yahweh '' .
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 - wikipedia Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 Jump to : navigation , search The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 is a United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry , particularly its monopolistic practices . The Act required that railroad rates be `` reasonable and just , '' but did not empower the government to fix specific rates . It also required that railroads publicize shipping rates and prohibited short haul or long haul fare discrimination , a form of price discrimination against smaller markets , particularly farmers in Western or Southern Territory compared to the Official Eastern states . The Act created a federal regulatory agency , the Interstate Commerce Commission ( ICC ) , which it charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations . The Act was the first federal law to regulate private industry in the United States . It was later amended to regulate other modes of transportation and commerce . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background of the act 2 Jurisdiction of the act 3 Amendments 3.1 Early twentieth century 3.2 Motor Carrier Act of 1935 3.3 Later amendments 3.4 Deregulation 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Background of the Act ( edit ) The act was passed in response to rising public concern with the growing power and wealth of corporations , particularly railroads , during the late nineteenth century . Railroads had become the principal form of transportation for both people and goods , and the prices they charged and the practices they adopted greatly influenced individuals and businesses . In some cases , the railroads were perceived to have abused their power as a result of too little competition . Railroads also banded together to form pools and trusts that fixed rates at higher levels than they could otherwise command . Railroads often charged a higher price per mile for short hauls than for long hauls . The practice was decried as one that discriminated against smaller businesses . Responding to a widespread public outcry , states passed numerous pieces of legislation . Through the 1870s various constituencies , notably the Grange movement representing farmers , lobbied Congress to regulate railroads . While the Senate would investigate and report its findings and recommendations in 1874 , Congress declined to step in , mirroring the lack of consensus in approach . In the 1886 decision on Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Railway Company v. Illinois however , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state laws regulating interstate railroads were unconstitutional because they violated the Commerce Clause of the Constitution , which gives Congress the exclusive power `` to regulate Commerce with foreign nations , and among the several States , and with the Indian Tribes . '' With many of those questions of approach decided , Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act the following year ; it was signed into law by President Grover Cleveland on February 4 , 1887 . The act worked to keep rates and railroad revenue up on routes where competition existed . It did this by attempting to force publicity about rates and make rebates and discrimination illegal . ( ' Discrimination ' meant lower rates for certain customers , e.g. politicians , large customers , sharp bargainers , long haul shippers , shippers in competitive markets , low season travelers . ) Railroads saw that competition made it hard to pay their stockholders and bondholders the amount of money promised to them , and competition was therefore `` bad . '' Jurisdiction of the Act ( edit ) The act also created the Interstate Commerce Commission ( ICC ) , the first independent regulatory agency of the US government . As part of its mission , the ICC heard complaints against the railroads and issued cease and desist orders to combat unfair practices . While the ICC was empowered to investigate and prosecute railroads and other transportation companies that were alleged to have violated the act , its jurisdiction was limited to companies that operated across state lines . Over time the courts would further narrow the agency 's authority , and in 1903 congress established the Department of Commerce and Labor and its Bureau of Corporations to study and report on wider industries and their monopolistic practices . By 1906 , the Supreme Court had ruled in favor of a railroad company in fifteen out of the sixteen cases over which it presided . The commission later regulated many other forms of surface transportation , including trucking and bus transportation . Congress abolished the ICC in 1995 ( see Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act ) and many of its remaining functions were transferred to a new agency , the Surface Transportation Board . Amendments ( edit ) Early twentieth century ( edit ) Congress passed a minor amendment to the Act in 1903 , the Elkins Act . Major amendments were enacted in 1906 and 1910 . The Hepburn Act of 1906 authorized the ICC to set maximum railroad rates , and extended the agency 's authority to cover bridges , terminals , ferries , sleeping cars , express companies and oil pipelines . The Mann - Elkins Act of 1910 strengthened ICC authority over railroad rates and expanded its jurisdiction to include regulation of telephone , telegraph , and cable companies . The Valuation Act of 1913 required the ICC to organize a Bureau of Valuation that would assess the value of railroad property . This information would be used to set freight shipping rates . Motor Carrier Act of 1935 ( edit ) In 1935 , Congress passed the Motor Carrier Act , which amended the Interstate Commerce Act to regulate bus lines and trucking as common carriers . Later amendments ( edit ) Congress enacted simplifying and reorganizing amendments in 1978 , 1983 and 1994 . Deregulation ( edit ) Congress passed various railroad deregulation measures in the 1970s and 1980s . The Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 ( often called the `` 4R Act '' ) gave railroads more flexibility in pricing and service arrangements . The 4R Act also transferred some powers from the ICC to the newly formed United States Railway Association , a government corporation , regarding the disposition of bankrupt railroads . The Staggers Rail Act of 1980 further reduced ICC authority by allowing railroads to set rates more freely and become more competitive with the trucking industry . The Motor Carrier Act of 1980 deregulated the trucking industry . See also ( edit ) History of rail transport in the United States References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 , ch. 104 , 24 Stat. 379 , approved 1887 - 02 - 04 . Jump up ^ Potter , David . M. ( 1947 ) . `` Discriminatory Freight Rates : Implications of the Interstate Commerce Commission 's Regulatory Powers '' The University of Chicago Law Review , 15 ( 1 ) , Article 8 . Accessed 2017 - 03 - 28 . Jump up ^ Editors , Law Review . ( 1947 ) . `` The Historical Development of Easter - Southern Freight Rate Relationships '' Law and Contemporary Problems , 12 ( 1 ) . Accessed 2017 - 03 - 28 . Jump up ^ U.S. National Archives and Records Administration . Washington , D.C. `` Our Documents : Interstate Commerce Act ( 1887 ) . '' Accessed 2010 - 10 - 19 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Emory R. ; Van Metre , Thurman W. ( 1918 ) . `` Chapter XVIII . Pools and Traffic Associations '' . Principles of Railroad Transportation . New York : D. Appleton . pp. 292 -- 307 . Jump up ^ U.S. Supreme Court . Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Railway Company v. Illinois , 118 U.S. 557 ( 1886 ) , 7 S. Ct. 4 , 30 L. Ed . 244 Jump up ^ U.S. Constitution , Article I , Section 8 , Clause 3 . Jump up ^ Kohlmeier , Louis M. , Jr. ( 1969 ) . The Regulators : Watchdog Agencies and the Public Interest . New York : Harper & Row . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 043747 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Acworth , W.M. ( 1905 - 12 - 01 ) . `` The Recent History of Federal Control of Railroads in the United States '' . Railroad Gazette . XXXIX ( 22 ) : 170 . Jump up ^ White , Richard ; Stanford University ( 2008 ) . `` Kilkenny Cats : Transcontinental railroads , destructive competition , and the odd road to North American modernity . '' Paper presented at the Penn Economic History Forum , University of Pennsylvania , Department of History , Philadelphia , PA , October 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Louis Hacker & Benjamin Kendrick The United States Since 1865 , 236 Jump up ^ Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act , Pub. L. 104 -- 88 , 109 Stat. 803 ; 1995 - 12 - 29 . Jump up ^ Elkins Act , 57th Congress , Sess. 2 , ch. 708 , 32 Stat. 847 , approved 1903 - 02 - 19 . Jump up ^ Hepburn Act of 1906 , 59th Congress , Sess. 1 , ch. 3591 , 34 Stat. 584 , approved 1906 - 06 - 29 . Jump up ^ Mann - Elkins Act of 1910 , 61st Congress , ch. 309 , 36 Stat. 539 , approved 1910 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ Valuation Act , 62nd Congress , ch. 92 , 37 Stat. 701 , enacted 1913 - 03 - 01 . Jump up ^ Motor Carrier Act of 1935 , 49 Stat. 543 , ch. 498 , approved 1935 - 08 - 09 . Jump up ^ Revised Interstate Commerce Act of 1978 , Pub. L. 95 -- 473 , 92 Stat. 1337 , 49 U.S.C. § 10101 , approved 1978 - 10 - 17 . Pub. L. 97 -- 449 , 96 Stat. 2413 , approved 1983 - 01 - 12 . Pub. L. 103 -- 272 , approved 1994 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act , Pub . L. 94 - 210 , 90 Stat. 31 , 45 U.S.C. § 801 , approved 1976 - 02 - 05 . Jump up ^ Staggers Rail Act of 1980 , Pub . L. 96 - 448 , 94 Stat. 1895 , approved 1980 - 10 - 14 . Jump up ^ Motor Carrier Act of 1980 , Pub . L. No. 96 - 296 , 94 Stat. 793 , approved 1980 - 07 - 01 . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has the text of the 1905 New International Encyclopedia article Interstate Commerce Act . `` People & Events : Interstate Commerce Commission '' - PBS Online Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1887 in American law Interstate Commerce Commission United States federal transportation legislation History of rail transportation in the United States United States railroad regulation Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Edit links This page was last edited on 30 November 2017 , at 16 : 17 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
in wabash v. illinois the supreme court ruled that states could not regulate
The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 is a United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry , particularly its monopolistic practices . The Act required that railroad rates be `` reasonable and just , '' but did not empower the government to fix specific rates . It also required that railroads publicize shipping rates and prohibited short haul or long haul fare discrimination , a form of price discrimination against smaller markets , particularly farmers in Western or Southern Territory compared to the Official Eastern states . The Act created a federal regulatory agency , the Interstate Commerce Commission ( ICC ) , which it charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations .
Tyler Perry 's House of Payne - wikipedia Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Created by Tyler Perry Presented by Tyler Perry Starring Allen Payne LaVan Davis Cassi Davis Lance Gross Larramie `` Doc '' Shaw China Anne McClain Denise Burse Demetria McKinney Keshia Knight Pulliam Palmer Williams Jr . Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 8 No. of episodes 254 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Tyler Perry Camera setup Multiple Running time 20 - 23 minutes Production company ( s ) Tyler Perry Studios Georgia Media Distributor Debmar - Mercury 20th Television Release Original network TBS Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) 1080i ( HDTV ) Original release June 6 , 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 06 ) -- August 10 , 2012 ( 2012 - 08 - 10 ) Chronology Related shows The Paynes Meet the Browns Love Thy Neighbor External links Website Tyler Perry 's House of Payne is an American sitcom television series created and produced by playwright , director , and producer Tyler Perry . The show revolved around a multi-generational family living under one roof in Atlanta led by patriarch Curtis Payne and his wife Ella . The show premiered in syndication on June 21 , 2006 , and new episodes of a retooled version were broadcast exclusively on TBS from June 6 , 2007 , until August 10 , 2012 . While primarily a comedy sitcom , House of Payne was known for featuring dark themes and subject matter , such as substance abuse and addiction . It also had elements of slapstick . The storyline of the show is serialized , with many references to past episodes , creating a continuing story arc . With a total of 254 episodes , House of Payne aired more episodes than any other television series with a predominantly African American cast , surpassing The Jeffersons with 253 episodes , Family Matters with 215 episodes and The Cosby Show with 202 episodes . In 2017 , the Oprah Winfrey Network ordered a spin - off series titled The Paynes , with 38 episodes and the original cast returning to reprise their roles . The series premiered on January 16 , 2018 . Contents 1 Production history 2 Episodes 3 Cast 3.1 Main 3.2 Recurring 3.2. 1 The Hernandez family 4 Setting 5 Other Cast 6 NAACP Image Awards & Nominations 7 Special appearances 8 Syndicated reruns 8.1 Madea connections 8.2 Meet the Browns crossovers 9 Releases 10 References 11 External links Production history ( edit ) The sitcom ran in first - run syndication for 10 episodes during mid-2006 on the Atlanta - area broadcast of WPCH - TV , along with nine other broadcast outlets across the country , as a limited run , with additional episodes to be available for national distribution on TBS in June 2007 . An order of 100 episodes was later requested by TBS . A cable record for sitcom airings was broken with 5.2 and 5.8 million for the two premiere episodes on TBS on June 6 , 2007 . However , the audience declined to 4.3 million as of the week ending September 30 , 2007 and 2.260 and 2.099 as of May 19 , 2010 . The principal cast remained the same ( with the exception of Lance Gross being added ) , led by LaVan Davis . The original format of the series centred around C.J. ( Allen Payne ) and his family moving in with his Aunt Ella and Uncle Curtis ( Cassi Davis and LaVan Davis ) . Robinne Lee had a recurring guest stint in Season 1 -- 2 as Malik and Jazmine 's principal , Nicole Jamieson , whom C.J. soon began dating . Rochelle Aytes originally portrayed Nicole Jamieson in the test pilot episodes as Malik 's math teacher . In the test run , Ella and Curtis were originally C.J. 's parents , but in its televised format , Calvin is their son and C.J. their nephew . Despite his top billing , Allen Payne is not considered the main actor of the series , especially due to his long absence in the fifth season . The show was recorded in front of a live studio audience but sometimes used a laugh track . At the beginning of the fifth season , China Anne McClain ( Jazmine ) and Denise Burse ( Claretha ) were removed from the series . The characters were written out , with Jazmine going away to a school for gifted children in North Carolina and Claretha marrying a prince and moving away . In real life , McClain and Burse left the series for undisclosed reasons . In the beginning of Season 6 , both McClain and Burse returned . Some of the cast members of Tyler Perry 's House of Payne were on The Mo'Nique Show in October 2009 . Beginning with the seventh season , China Anne McClain appeared infrequently due to her work schedule for A.N.T. Farm . Denise Burse was no longer credited as a regular cast member ; she appeared in a recurring role . Larramie `` Doc '' Shaw , who portrayed Malik , appeared infrequently after the sixth season . This was due to Shaw 's work schedules for The Suite Life on Deck and Pair of Kings . He remained a cast member throughout the series . Tyler Perry directed every episode of the first 5 seasons . Throughout Season 6 , each episode was directed by actress Kim Fields or her mother Chip Hurd. Tyler Perry directed some of the episodes in seasons 7 and 8 while other episodes were directed by Kim Fields , Chip Hurd , and producer Roger M. Bobb . During the first 5 seasons , the show was rated TV - PG but due to a rapid increase of strong language and mature content ( particularly sexual ) , later episodes are rated TV - 14 . On September 28 , 2011 , TBS ordered 42 episodes . Newer episodes have been aired on TBS since October 21 , 2011 with season 8 , and concluded the series with a total of 254 episodes . The show aired its final two episodes on August 10 , 2012 . On January 30 , 2017 , a spin - off follow - up series entitled The Paynes was ordered by Oprah Winfrey Network . It will follow Ella and Curtis Payne as they enjoy retirement in Florida only to get caught in a real estate deal that will turn their lives upside down . The series was greenlighted for 38 episodes and premiered in early 2018 . Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Tyler Perry 's House of Payne episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 37 June 6 , 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 06 ) September 26 , 2007 ( 2007 - 09 - 26 ) 22 December 5 , 2007 ( 2007 - 12 - 05 ) January 30 , 2008 ( 2008 - 01 - 30 ) 16 March 5 , 2008 ( 2008 - 03 - 05 ) April 23 , 2008 ( 2008 - 04 - 23 ) 25 June 4 , 2008 ( 2008 - 06 - 04 ) August 6 , 2008 ( 2008 - 08 - 06 ) 5 26 December 3 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 03 ) June 3 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 03 ) 6 46 November 4 , 2009 ( 2009 - 11 - 04 ) January 19 , 2011 ( 2011 - 01 - 19 ) 7 20 March 30 , 2011 ( 2011 - 03 - 30 ) June 15 , 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 15 ) 8 62 October 21 , 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 21 ) August 10 , 2012 ( 2012 - 08 - 10 ) Cast ( edit ) House of Payne revolves around the Payne family who reside in the suburban Atlanta . It is noted that all main cast members are credited only for the episodes in which they appear . Actor Character Seasons Pilot 5 6 7 8 Allen Payne Clarence `` C.J. '' Payne , Jr Main Lavan Davis Curtis Booker T. Payne Main Cassi Davis Ella Williams - Payne Main Lance Gross Calvin Payne Main Larramie `` Doc '' Shaw Malik Payne Main China Anne McClain Jazmine Sierra Payne Main Main Denise Burse Claretha Jenkins Main Recurring Demetria McKinney Janine Shelton - Payne Recurring Main Keshia Knight - Pulliam Miranda Lucas - Payne Guest Main Palmer Williams Jr . Floyd Jackson Recurring Main Main ( edit ) Curtis Payne ( LaVan Davis ) is the show 's main protagonist . He is often referred to as Uncle Curtis by his nephew C.J. , his nephew 's wife Janine , and their children , Malik and Jazmine . Curtis is known for his hackneyed jokes , overly loud delivery , and acting like a negative racial stereotype . He is overweight and has fainted once from a blocked artery , but he ignored the diet his wife Ella set for him , and is unable to stay away from his usual fatty foods . A noticeable running gag is when he jokingly pushes Ella to the side with one arm when he wants to go by , she usually lands on the sofa . Despite his immaturity in this matter , his maturity and responsibility are apparent in his job as the chief of the local fire department . In one episode , his middle name was revealed as Booker T. In the sixth season , Curtis was forced to retire which left him depressed and humiliated for a period of time ; he eventually embraced it and his nephew C.J. took over his old job . LaVan Davis won an NAACP Image Awards in 2008 for Outstanding Actor In A Comedy Series for this role . In the first part of the series finale , `` The Call Back '' , CJ asks Curtis to come out of retirement to oversee three stations that CJ runs . At first Curtis refuses to do it , and yells at CJ saying how they already forced him into retirement , and that he was n't going back , but at the end of the episode , after talking with Ella , he decided to return . Ella Payne ( née Ella Williams ) ( known as Ella Williams in episode `` Til Payne Do We Part '' ) ( Cassi Davis ) , is Curtis 's wife . She is a stay - at - home mother and the voice of reason . Curtis has been known to take advantage of Ella 's good nature -- and to be punished for it . Ella is the family 's religious voice and the glue that holds it together . A good cook , she had a restaurant service in one episode . She is quick to offer emotional and moral support to everyone in the family , such as when Janine returned home . In the fifth season , she briefly worked in retail . In Season 6 , she quits to go back to school . Ella graduated from college and finally got her degree in Season 7 . It is revealed that her middle name is Naomi . She tries to keep the family at peace the best she can , whether it 's big or small . In the Season 8 episode `` RIP : Rest in Payne '' , she keeps complete faith for her son Calvin , when she hears that he got shot in C.J. and Janine 's home . She loves her family and wants her husband to keep her safe and stand by her which he does . Clarence James ( C.J. ) Payne , Jr . ( Allen Payne ) is Curtis and Ella 's nephew . C.J. and his family moved into the home of his Uncle Curtis and Aunt Ella when their own house burned down after his wife Janine accidentally started a fire while under the influence of drugs . C.J. is the father of Malik , Jazmine , Jayden , and Hayden Payne . These last two are the twin son and daughter born to Janine and C.J. after they reconciled and remarried . In the fourth season , C.J. found out he was adopted . He works at the firehouse with Curtis . At the end of the fifth season , he , Janine , and the twins moved to Chicago , but they returned in the sixth season after he was offered Curtis ' job , and the family moved in next to Curtis and Ella . Despite being angry with and hostile towards Janine upon her return , C.J. never stopped loving her . In the early seasons , C.J. often has difficulty enforcing discipline with his children , but it is apparent that he is slightly more strict and hot - headed , often jumping to the wrong conclusions . In the Season 6 episode `` Who 's Your Daddy Now ? '' , C.J. finally met his real father who happened to be white , making C.J. biracial . In the seventh season , he was promoted to fire chief commissioner , and also became the boss of Janine and Roland in the public relations department . C.J. was portrayed as Curtis and Ella 's son in the series ' original format , but his character was changed to being their nephew . Calvin Payne ( Lance Gross ) is Ella and Curtis 's college - age son who rarely attends the same courses Curtis often complains about financing . Calvin liked to think of himself as a player until he married Miranda . Like his cousin C.J. , Calvin spends much time working with Curtis at the firehouse until he becomes a partner at the barbershop . In the fifth season , he gets a job working for the same company as Mercedes and she accidentally kisses him twice : once while they are chaperoning Malik and Alexandra 's date ; the other , after Calvin has a fight with Miranda . He finds out that he has a son , Calvin Jr. , from his former girlfriend Tracy . He and Miranda are expecting a child when she decides they should separate , but they agree to try counseling . They get stuck in an elevator and solve their problems with help from an `` elevator lady '' Edi , who turns out to be Dr. Marcos , the marriage - retreat counselor . Calvin was arrested for back child support , but was bailed out of jail before the birth of his child with Miranda in the episode Payneful Resolution Resolution . In the seventh season , Calvin briefly had a job as a manager of a supermarket . He then started working in the public relations department with C.J. , Janine and Roland in Season 8 . Calvin is the only main character who was originally not included in the show . In the season 8 episode `` God Bless the Paynes '' , Calvin gets shot by a man who had harassed Miranda . The man saw the shooting as a way to get revenge at Calvin for beating him up . Calvin is later found by Janine and is rushed to the hospital in `` Do or Die '' . He survives , but with serious injuries . In the series finale , `` All 's Well '' , his wife , Miranda , demands a divorce . The very last scene shows Calvin throwing a vase of flowers at the wall , and the series ends with the camera zoomed in on broken glass and rose petals . Malik Payne ( Larramie `` Doc '' Shaw ) is C.J. and Janine 's college - aged son . He is a young adult whose interest in young women in his class is so extreme that he 'll resort to desperate measures , such as trying out for the cheerleading squad , just to associate with them . Initially , he was often bullied in school as a result of his mother 's drug problems . As a result , he is reluctant to welcome her back to the household . It is hinted that he is allergic to peanuts and knows how to cut hair . Beginning with the sixth season , Malik has appeared infrequently , due to Larramie Shaw 's work schedule , as he also starred on The Suite Life on Deck on Disney Channel and Pair of Kings on Disney XD . His absence is incorporated into the storyline , as he goes to the ROTC during Season 6 and off to college during Season 7 , which is a major continuity error as he advanced from elementary school to college in 4 years . As he prepared to go to college , C.J. , Calvin , Curtis , and Floyd bought him three boxes of condoms because they were sure he would be experimenting with sex in college . His sister Jazmine was upset about him leaving for college . While in college , he dates a girl named Summer ( Makeda Declet ) . Malik then marries Summer just that they can have sex . Summer then wants a divorce from Malik to transfer to a college in New England . But since Malik and Summer have only been married for a few weeks , they are qualified for an annulment and that 's how their marriage ended. ( Episodes 1 - 239 ) Jazmine Payne ( China Anne McClain ) is C.J. and Janine 's daughter . She constantly feels invisible and acts out to get her father 's attention while her mother is in rehab . At one point , Jazmine had a brief crush on Malik 's friend Kevin . Despite her apparent innocence and youth , throughout the series , she was known to act cruel and mean toward Malik and Kevin and schemed to make them miserable . She is also known to have sarcastic comments and sly plans to get what she wants . For undisclosed reasons , China Anne McClain was written out of the series during the fifth season , which made her the only cast member to not appear in Season 5 . She was re-introduced into the series when she returned in the sixth season . It is hinted that she has a fear of mimes that wear hats . On the premiere of the seventh season , she is 12 years old , and Janine lets her wear lip gloss , and she falls in with the wrong crowd . Jazmine has made infrequent appearances since the seventh season , due to China Anne McClain 's work schedule , as she also starred in A.N.T. Farm on Disney Channel . ( Seasons 1 -- 4 , Episodes 127 - 249 ) Janine Payne ( née Janine Shelton ) ( Demetria McKinney ) , is C.J. 's wife and the mother of Malik , Jazmine , Jayden , and Hayden Payne . A seemingly responsible adult and mother at the very beginning of the series , she is later revealed to be a drug addict and the arsonist who burned down her and C.J. 's home . She and C.J. divorce after she leaves her family . Initially , she was only a recurring character and was rarely seen in the series except in episodes where she associates with Ella Payne , who helps her enter a rehab program and return to the family . Later in the series , she is often criticized by C.J. , Curtis , and Malik for her irresponsible actions . She is apparently impregnated by her boyfriend , until an episode reveals that he 's sterile . Since C.J. is the only other person , she has had intercourse with ( in an earlier episode , where they were intimate when C.J. was drunk ) , she realizes that C.J. is the father of the coming child . C.J. and Janine remarry at Calvin and Miranda 's wedding ; almost immediately , her water breaks and she gives birth to twins Jayden and Hayden Payne . Janine 's parents are Larry and Liz Shelton . She and C.J. now live in their own home with their four children . In seasons 6 - 7 , her role in the series has grown more central as she focuses more on her career than her home life -- and becomes the target of romantic interest from her boss Roland until C.J. gets promoted to commissioner and becomes both Janine and Roland 's boss and makes them keep their relationship professional . From that point on , C.J. and Janine both have the same job together and are able focus on both their career and home life together . Miranda Payne ( née Miranda Lucas ) ( Keshia Knight Pulliam ) is Calvin 's girlfriend - turned - wife . She was first introduced in Season 1 as a con artist who stole all of Calvin and Curtis ' money for an art gallery . The character returned eventually , but what she did to Calvin and Curtis is only very briefly mentioned . She and Calvin married in the Season 4 conclusion . Miranda has a very troubled and bratty nephew ; when Calvin was supposed to be in charge of the boy , it was actually the boy who ordered Calvin around . Miranda and Calvin began to have problems in the fifth season . In the beginning of the sixth season , a pregnant Miranda disappears ; a couple of episodes later , Miranda says there is no baby , making Calvin believe she had an abortion , but she did n't . She is actually thinking about giving the baby up for adoption . Then , while all three couples ( C.J and Janine , Curtis and Ella , Calvin and Miranda ) go to a marriage retreat , Miranda asks Calvin for a divorce . But when she and Calvin go to a divorce mediator and get stuck in an elevator , they resolve their marriage problems with help from an `` elevator lady '' Edi who turns out to be Dr. Marcos , the marriage - retreat counselor . Calvin and Miranda had their baby in Season 7 . In the series finale `` All 's Well ' , Janine , Miranda , CJ , and Calivin celebrate their wedding anniversary , but Miranda and Calvin never show up . Then Calvin shows up at the Payne House to take Miranda to the anniversary dinner , with a dress and a vase of roses . She interrupts him , and demands a divorce , saying that she 'd been waiting for the right moment to tell him , but could n't find one . The very last scene shows Calvin throwing the vase of roses at the wall , and it shatters . The series ends with the camera zoomed in on the broken glass and rose petals . ( Seasons 3 - 8 , guest star in Season 1 ) Claretha Jenkins ( Denise Burse ) is Ella 's friend and the Paynes ' former next - door neighbor . Curtis constantly jokes about her annoyance at his presence . Claretha has a big mouth ; she even rats out the family business to the media in a crime misconception . She is known for having a collection of wigs . She left at the beginning of Season 5 after marrying a `` prince . '' In Season 6 , she suddenly leaves the prince and now goes out with Floyd . She has an exceedingly obese daughter named Huretha and was furious and disgusted when she went out with C.J. In the early seasons after Janine left , although Huretha was never seen on the show . In the Season 7 episode `` Payneful Visit '' , it is revealed that she has leukemia . Since Season 7 , she is no longer credited as a regular cast member . She appeared in a recurring role . ( Seasons 1 -- 6 , recurring role in Seasons 7 & 8 ) Floyd Jackson ( Palmer Williams Jr . ) is Curtis ' friend and the self - absorbed , proud owner of the Barber Shop . He shows little affection towards individual people , but in times of great need will come out and show affection . His first wife disappeared on him , but after he remarried , the first wife returned looking for a divorce . When he did sign the divorce papers , it turned out she 'd written a book , and since he 's divorced from her he gets nothing . He has a daughter named Olivia who was dating Zack , one of his barbers . In the sixth season , Floyd 's second wife kicks him out so he moves into Curtis and Ella 's back yard and started dating Claretha , until his second wife returned , having lost fifty pounds because she was depressed that they were splitting up . While Floyd had been hoping to string both along without either finding out about the other , until they bumped into each other in the Payne house and both subsequently broke up with him and Claretha kicked him out . Floyd 's middle name is revealed to be Stanley . He is the longest running recurring character on House of Payne . In mid Season 8 , he joined the main cast . ( recurring role , Seasons 3 -- 7 , main role in Season 8 ) Recurring ( edit ) Larry and Liz Shelton ( Dorian Harewood and Anne - Marie Johnson ) are Janine 's parents and have so far appeared in 5 episodes of the series . Curtis hates their visits . They are upper - class and appear snobbish towards the Payne family . Upon their first appearance , Claretha identifies Janine 's father as a `` dancer '' known as Dimples , though no one believes her . Liz comes off as judgmental . Her relationship with her daughter is usually tested . In a Season 3 episode she stays with the Paynes after being kicked out of her house ; she annoys everyone , mostly Ella , Curtis , and Janine . In a later episode , she visits the new twins and constantly criticizes Janine 's parenting skills , going as far as to try to change the babies ' names . When Janine finally confronts her , Liz reveals that her mother was the same way with her . Liz shows a more compassionate side during her visit in Season 6 after reading a letter to C.J. written by a deceased comrade 's child Eunice Williams ( Aloma Wright ) : is Ella 's mother who shows signs of Alzheimer 's during her visit with the family . She shows strong dislike toward Curtis , but takes a liking to everyone else . Her last name is only revealed in Season 6 when Ella 's maiden name is finally revealed . She reappeared in the Season 8 premiere episode `` A Mother 's Payne '' , where Ella and her sister Evie decided to put her in a nursing home after a frightening episode resulting from her Alzheimer 's disease . It is then shown that she did take more favor for Ella over Evelyn after she leaves Ella a life insurance policy of $100,000 and Evelyn was going to be left with nothing . In the episode `` Amazing Matriarchs '' , Eunice passes away offscreen . Though the cause of her demise is not mentioned , she most likely succumbed to Alzheimer 's . Ella fought off her grief until Eunice 's memorial service where she finally breaks down and is comforted by Curtis , as a silent Calvin looks on . Evelyn `` Evie '' Williams ( played by Janet Hubert - Whitten ) is Ella 's older sister who helps takes care of her sick mother and wants what 's best for her . Jeffrey and Sandra Lucas ( Wendell Pierce ) and ( Valarie Pettiford ) : Miranda 's wealthy parents who have appeared in Seasons 4 -- 7 . Jeffrey is a doctor and Sandra is a lawyer . In season 6 , Sandra thought Calvin had something to do with Miranda 's disappearance until she resurfaces . In the aftermath , she acts cold towards Calvin but Miranda makes her see reason and change her ways . Tracie Evans ( played by Eva Marcille ) , is the mother of Calvin 's first son Calvin Jr. and Kyle 's aunt . Initially , C.J. developed a love interest in her shortly after his break up with Nicole . However , she later confessed to C.J. that she has been dating Calvin . She then breaks up with Calvin to reconcile with her old boyfriend . In Season 5 , she returned and tells Calvin that they have a son named Calvin Jr. , which upsets Miranda more when she already discovered that Calvin kissed Mercedes . In Season 6 , she was in a car accident which claimed the life of her husband . She then asks Calvin and Miranda to take care of Calvin Jr. while she gets herself in order . Eventually she recuperated . She make a pass at Calvin on two occasions : once after Calvin and Miranda intervenes on her visiting unannounced ; and the other was in Calvin 's `` man shower '' , indicating that she wanted him back . After Calvin pushes her away , she takes Calvin Jr. away from Calvin and Miranda . She then clears Calvin 's bank account for back child support , the latter of which Calvin then gets arrested for . Her son is with Calvin for the weekend and when he goes to work and Miranda is asleep , Calvin Jr. plays with matches and sets the condo on fire . Tracie shows up at the hospital , with her new boyfriend , after she gets a call and tells Calvin she 's getting full custody of their son and she attempts to fight Miranda and Janine . But soon her son wakes up from the coma , and she neutralizes her problems with Calvin . Until she checks him out and makes it difficult for Calvin to be a father to their son . Nicole Jamieson ( played by Robinne Lee ) was C.J. 's ex-girlfriend and Malik and Jazmine 's assistant principal . She first appeared in the Season 1 episode `` Teacher 's Pet '' where she visited the Payne household to bring back a hamster Jazmine took from the school . C.J. in the following episode went to the school to pick up the kids home from school only to find Nicole in her office telling him they already left . They were trapped inside the school building due to a storm that hit Atlanta . From there , sparks started to fly between her and C.J. Their relationship soon hit a bump when it is shown that Nicole is mentally unstable . It is most evident as she extremely jealous when C.J. speaks to another woman and even mentions another woman 's name . In one episode , it was shown she even gets upset when C.J. says Jazmine 's name while on the phone with her , which makes C.J. and Ella believes she is crazy . When C.J. breaks up with her after a huge argument , she gets destructive and breaks dishes at the Payne 's house , she even threatened to stab him . Nicole has not been seen since Season 2 . In her last appearance , she revealed that she was dating Calvin but that was never addressed again , and she has n't mentioned since . In the test pilot episodes , Nicole Jamieson was originally portrayed by Rochelle Aytes , where she was Malik 's math teacher and was normal and rather soft - spoken . Kevin ( played by Kyre Batiste - Loftin ) , was Malik 's best friend who was a recurring character from Seasons 1 -- 6 . He was much like Malik in personality though slightly more dimwitted . He was very kind - hearted and generous despite the rare times he behaved selfishly . He often was involved in Malik 's crazy schemes to get girls . He is last seen in the Season 6 episode `` Drinking Game '' where he and Malik were drinking when they were left alone in the house . He has n't been seen or mentioned since . Pookie ( played by Quincy Bonds ) , was one of Calvin 's closest friends since childhood ; he and his younger brother Peanut act nothing like Calvin as they are both ghetto and appear to be thugs . They are still friendly but can be rough at times . He is last seen in the Season 6 episode `` Payne Showers '' , in which Curtis throws a `` man shower '' for Calvin . In the Meet The Browns series , Nurse Renee is seen talking on the phone to `` Pookie '' -- this is probably him because the Browns and the Paynes knew each other . Peanut ( played by Clayton English ) , is Pookie 's younger brother ; unlike Pookie , Peanut actually has a real name , Clayton . He , along with Pookie , was last seen in the Season 6 episode `` Payne Showers '' . He has n't been seen since . Kyle Thompson ( played by Dale Neal ) , was Tracie 's nephew and Malik 's friend . He appeared from Seasons 1 -- 2 . He is originally from Bronx , NY . Like Malik 's mother Janine , Kyle 's mother had a drug problem , and he was living with Aunt Tracie while his mother was battling her addiction . He and Malik stole Curtis ' motorcycle and Curtis pressed charges against both of them , later dropping the charges when he realized that they were too extreme . It is hinted that Kyle dropped out of school . He was last seen in the Season 2 episode `` It 's a Boy , '' playing video games with Malik . Tanya ( played by Robin Givens ) was C.J. 's girlfriend who appeared from Season 2 - 4 . She started dating C.J. after running into each other in a mutual friend 's anniversary ( in the episode `` It 's Getting Hot in Here '' ) . C.J. found out that Tanya danced in an old rap music video when she was younger . Although C.J. and Janine had sex before he and Tanya became a couple , Tanya breaks up with C.J. after she found out he impregnated Janine . Bryan Dawson ( played by Michael Jai White ) was Janine 's boyfriend in the test pilot episodes and Season 3 . He was a former star football player turned investment banker . His first appearance was in `` Stop Being All Funky '' , when he was taking Janine out to dinner with Malik and Jazmine and tries to favor the kids , which irritates C.J. Originally , believed to be the father of Janine 's unborn child , Janine revealed that he is sterle which the baby is C.J. 's . Revealed by Janine , Bryan breaks up with her after learning that C.J. impregnated her . Calvin Jr. ( played by Cornelius Benton ) is the son of Calvin and Tracie , older half - brother to Christian , and the grandson of Curtis and Ella . He was introduced in the Season 5 episode `` Surprise ! ( Part 1 ) '' , he is referred to as C.J. until his name is revealed and Calvin meets him for the first time . In Season 6 , he stayed with Calvin and Miranda while Tracie was recovering from an accident . However , Tracie takes him back home after Calvin rejected her advances . He returned in the Season 7 episode `` So Hard To Say Goodbye '' . He was playing with matches while Miranda was sleeping , which caused a fire in Calvin and Miranda 's condo . Tracie checked him out of the hospital when he awoke from his coma . Roland ( played by Rick Fox ) is Janine 's boss , and head of public relations for the fire department . He was introduced in Season 6 . His romantic interest in Janine has caused some clashes between him and C.J. Then C.J. becomes his boss after receiving a promotion and after C.J. tells him to keep his relationship with Janine professional , he agrees to do so . C.J. also tells him to hire Calvin after finding out that he needs a new member of the department , but he starts to regret hiring Calvin after having to correct his mistakes , like sending out a press release revealing the wrong day of when the elementary schools are supposed to tour the fire house . It is revealed that Roland is a widower and a recovering alcoholic . Monica ( played by Essence Atkins ) is an old friend of Janine who appeared in 5 episodes of the 6th season . She first stayed at Curtis and Ella 's house when Ella bought her home from the help center . She was a victim of domestic abuse from her ex-husband . She then stayed with C.J. and Janine until she was able to get back on her feet . She was last seen in the Season 6 finale where she told C.J. she found a new job and moments later , C.J. kisses her just before Janine came home . Jayden Payne is the older twin brother of Hayden Payne , the younger son of C.J. and Janine . He was born 3 1 / 2 minutes before Hayden . In the later seasons after his birth , he has grown more than Hayden . He is seen more than Hayden . In Season 7 , he is seen with Hayden where it was discovered that he may have autism . Hayden Payne is the younger twin sister of Jayden Payne , the younger daughter of C.J and Janine . She was born 3 1 / 2 minutes after Jayden . She was the baby of the Payne family until Miranda and Calvin 's baby was born . She is seen less than Jayden . In Season 7 , she is seen with Jayden where she appears normal . Christian Payne is Calvin and Miranda 's newborn baby boy . He is also Calvin Jr. 's half - brother . His name was revealed in the Season 7 episode `` Payneful Visit '' . His name was not revealed when Miranda gave birth , but Calvin is heard saying his name when he tells Miranda that Christian is sleeping . Angel O. Reilz ( Joyce Giraud ) was the co-worker of Curtis , C.J. , Calvin , Keenan , and Bart at the engine 5 company firehouse . Angel is the only female of the firehouse and at times get upset with the guys for being inconsiderate of that fact . At one point she got so upset that she thinks about switching to another engine company and suing them . Angel and Calvin had a tendency to argue all the time ; according to Calvin it was because she loved him . When Angel was upset she usually began to speak Spanish . Angel was also known as the best firefighter as evidenced by her several awards and medals . When the guys first meet her they assumed she was going to be a man ( Curtis had read the `` O '' of her middle name with Angel , making it appear as `` Angelo '' ) and threw water on her as a joke . The character has not been seen or mentioned since Season 4 . Bart Holmes ( Bart Hansard ) was the co-worker of Curtis , C.J. , Calvin , Keenan and Angel . He last appeared in the Season 6 episode `` How Do You Like Your Roast ? '' , in which he helped honor Curtis for his service as Fire Chief . The character has not been seen since . Keenan Jared ( Cedric Pendleton ) was the co-worker of Curtis , C.J. , Calvin , Bart and Angel . He last appeared in the Season 8 episode `` Number Five 's Fight '' , in which he protested against C.J. 's decision to close down engine 5 company firehouse . Delante ( Jason Dirden ) used to cut hair at the barbershop . He was also one of Calvin 's friends . In later episodes , Delante lived in the barbershop until Floyd found him and invited him to live with him . He had a brief relationship with Dana . He got married to some girl he met at the skating rink and moves away to Arizona at the beginning of Season 5 . He has not been seen since . Kiki ( Bobbi Baker ) is a barber at the Barber Shop . She is n't afraid to ask questions that others are thinking and is very abrupt . In Season 5 , she helped get her brother hired , but he turned out to be a drug dealer , dealing drugs in the Barber Shop . She finds out in a later episode that he was shot . Kiki has n't been seen or mentioned since Season 5 , except for a brief appearance in the Season 6 episode `` Rehabilitation '' . Dana Carter ( Denyce Lawton ) has her own manicure stand at the Barber Shop . She is usually seen watching clients storm off angrily , not knowing what she said to anger them . In one episode her parents visited , thinking she was a doctor on vacation . She is of African American and Korean ethnicity . Dana has n't been seen or mentioned since season 5 . Zack ( Gary Owen ) ( Season 5 ) is the white barber who replaced Delante . He is a nice guy but he has trouble fitting in with black people , although they do like him . It was revealed that he had a date with Kiki prior to working at the barber shop . He was interested in Floyd 's daughter Olivia . He is somewhat similar to Isaac Rosenberg ( Troy Garity ) in the films Barbershop and Barbershop 2 : Back in Business . Zack has n't been seen or mentioned since season 5 . Deshawn Spears ( Bobb'e J. Thompson ) is Curtis and Ella 's recently acquired foster child . Deshawn comes from a broken home , and was initially hostile towards the Paynes , as he has had trouble with foster homes in the past . He later comes to accept that the Paynes are nice people that will take care of him . In the Season 8 episode `` Mentoring Paynes '' , Curtis and Ella officially become his foster parents . However , in the episode `` In Payne '' , he decides to live with his mother . The Hernandez family ( edit ) The Hernandez family were the Paynes ' new Hispanic next - door neighbors who move into Claretha 's old house , bringing their own family drama in the fifth season . Carlos Hernandez ( Mel Rodriguez ) is the patriarch of the family . He works as a police officer and he and Curtis often fight over petty things but eventually , the two began to bond and they show some similarities to each other . He was last seen in the episode `` I Do n't Know This Payne '' . Rosalita `` Rosie '' Hernandez ( Marlene Forte ) Carlos ' wife and the mother of Diego , Mercedes , and Alex . Her and Ella became friends and they briefly worked together in a boutique retail store called `` Ginger Pink '' . She was last seen in the episode `` Moving Out '' . Consuela Hernandez ( Renee Victor ) Rosie 's mother and the grandmother of Diego , Mercedes , and Alex. She is usually seen drinking beer and watching TV , who shows some similarities to Curtis . In the episode `` Slightly Payneful Truth '' , Curtis and Malik helped her get her citizenship . She was last seen in the episode `` Moving Out '' . Diego Hernandez ( J.R. Ramirez ) is the eldest Hernandez child . He had problems with his father ; mainly due to his anger and depression from being in the war in Iraq . He also becomes a close friend to Calvin . He was last seen in the season 6 episode `` Seal of Approval '' , giving advice to Malik about joining the ROTC . Alexandra `` Alex '' Hernandez ( Veronica Sixtos ) is the youngest Hernandez child , who Malik has a crush on . In the episode `` A Sister 's Payne '' , Alex becomes Malik 's girlfriend . She was last seen in the episode `` A Grand Payne '' . Mercedes Hernandez ( Susie Castillo ) is the middle Hernandez child . She becomes a friend and confidant of Calvin when he was having marital issues with Miranda . She and Calvin becomes co-partners at business in marketing . Her and Calvin have their shared kisses with each other , keeping it from Miranda until Diego revealed the truth . She was last seen in the episode `` Surprise : ( Part 2 ) '' . Setting ( edit ) Locations in Atlanta , Georgia include the Payne 's home , a firehouse located across the street from the Paynes ' house , a barbershop , the help center , and the schools Malik and Jazmine attend . The Payne home is a one - story building , and 5 rooms are featured throughout the series : Curtis and Ella 's bedroom , Malik and Jazmine 's shared bedroom , the spare bedroom ( which was Calvin 's until he moved out ) , the kitchen , and the living room , and the outside patio . Calvin , C.J. and Janine 's rooms were never seen . The only part of the firehouse seen on camera was its day room . The firehouse and its characters were phased out around Seasons 3 and 4 . The barbershop is a setting often used from Seasons 2 - 5 , and it is similar to that of Ice Cube 's Barbershop movies . Miranda and Calvin 's condo was added . The living room was the only room that was shown . C.J. and Janine 's house is another setting added on to the series . The kitchen and the living were always seen on camera . None of the bedrooms were ever shown . The university Malik attended was a more recent setting and various areas were shown . And C.J. 's office where him and Janine work was another setting that was added to the series . Also , the Help Center where Ella works was shown in various forms . Other Cast ( edit ) Keke Palmer as Nikki Grady - Simmons ( Season 1 ) Eva Marcille as Tracie ( Seasons 1 -- 2 and Season 5 - 7 ) Bart Hansard as Bart Holmes ( Seasons 1 -- 4 and 6 ) Cedric Pendleton as Keenan Jared ( Seasons 1 -- 4 , 6 and 8 ) Joyce Giraud as Angel ( Seasons 1 -- 4 ) Dorian Harewood as Larry Shelton ( Seasons 1 , 3 , and 5 ) Anne - Marie Johnson as Liz Shelton ( Seasons 1 , 3 , 5 and 6 ) Robinne Lee as Nicole Jamieson ( Seasons 1 -- 2 ) Rochelle Aytes as Nicole Jamieson ( 2006 syndicated pilot episodes ) Sierra Aylina McClain as Jasmine ( Season 1 ) Katie Rowlett as Beverly ( Season 1 ) Arvell Poe as Fishbone ( Season 1 ) Quincy Bonds as Pookie ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) Clayton English as Peanut ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) Kyre Batiste - Loftin as Kevin ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) Jamie Moore as Walter ( Season 1 ) Dale Neal as Kyle ( Seasons 1 -- 2 ) Wilbur Fitzgerald as Bill ( Season 1 ) Robin Givens as Tanya ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Michael Jai White as Bryan ( 2006 syndicated pilot episodes and Season 3 ) Femi Emiola as Sheila ( Season 3 ) Jason Dirden as Delante ( Seasons 3 -- 4 ) Denyce Lawton as Dana Carter ( Seasons 3 -- 5 ) Bobbi Baker as KiKi ( Seasons 3 -- 6 ) Iona Morris as Bernice ( Season 3 ) Dorien Wilson as Andrew ( Season 4 ) Wendell Pierce as Jeffrey Lucas ( Seasons 4 -- 5 ) Valarie Pettiford as Sandra Lucas ( Seasons 4 -- 7 ) Marvin Winans as Pastor Richards ( Seasons 4 -- 5 , and 8 ) Demille Cole - Heard as Calvin Jr . ( Seasons 5 -- 8 ) Marlene Forte as Rosalita Hernandez ( Season 5 ) Mel Rodriguez as Carlos Hernandez ( Season 5 ) Renée Victor as Consuela Hernandez ( Season 5 ) Susie Castillo as Mercedes Hernandez ( Season 5 ) J.R. Ramirez as Diego Hernandez ( Seasons 5 -- 6 ) Veronica Sixtos as Alexandra Hernandez ( Season 5 ) Gary Owen as Zack ( Season 5 ) Roberto Roman as Andy Rodriguez ( Season 5 ) Boris Kodjoe as David ( Season 5 ) Aloma Wright as Eunice ( Seasons 5 and 8 ) Gladys Knight as Herself ( Season 5 ) Kinnik Sky as Nurse Jones ( Season 5 ) Ben Vereen as Clarence ( Season 6 ) Penny Johnson Jerald as Maxine Bannet ( Season 6 ) Essence Atkins as Monica ( Season 6 ) Rick Fox as Roland ( Seasons 6 -- 8 ) Heavy D as P - Rock ( Season 7 ) Janet Hubert - Whitten as Evie ( Evelyn ) ( Season 8 ) Corey Holcomb as Damon ( Season 8 ) Sherman Hemsley as George Jefferson ( Season 8 ) Marla Gibbs as Florence Johnston ( Season 8 ) Sheryl Lee Ralph as Felicia Starr ( Season 8 ) Shaun T. as Mo Pex ( Season 8 ) Troy Winbush as Travis Harris ( Season 8 ) Makeda Declet as Summer ( Season 8 ) NAACP Image awards & nominations ( edit ) 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 : Outstanding Comedy Series 2008 , 2009 : Outstanding Actor in a Comedy Series ( Lavan Davis ) ; nominated in 2010 and 2011 . 2009 , 2010 , 2013 : Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series ( Cassi Davis ) ; nominated in 2011 . 2009 , 2010 , 2012 : Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series ( Keshia Knight Pulliam ) ; nominated in 2011 . 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2013 : Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series ( Lance Gross ) ; nominated in 2011 . Special appearances ( edit ) Tyler Perry as Madea ( Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Keke Palmer as Nikki Grady - Simmons ( Season 1 ) Tamela Mann as Cora Simmons ( Seasons 1 and 6 ) David Mann as Mr. Leroy Brown ( Seasons 1 and 6 ) Lamman Rucker as Will Brown ( Season 1 ) Marvin Winans as Pastor Richards ( Seasons 4 − 5 , and 8 ) Dorien Wilson as Andrew ( Season 4 ) Gladys Knight as Herself ( Season 5 ) Boris Kodjoe as David ( Season 5 ) Ben Vereen as Clarence ( Season 6 ) Rick Fox as Roland ( Seasons 6 -- 7 ) Jacob Latimore as Dante ( Season 7 ) Shameik Moore as Andre ( Season 7 ) Heavy D as P - Rock ( Season 7 ) Sherman Hemsley as George Jefferson ( Season 8 ) Marla Gibbs as Florence Johnston ( Season 8 ) Sheryl Lee Ralph as Felicia Starr ( Season 8 ) Shaun T as himself ( Season 8 ) Syndicated reruns ( edit ) The CW began airing reruns of Tyler Perry 's House of Payne on its CW Plus stations on September 22 , 2008 . This series reran in broadcast syndication on the Fox , My Network TV , and The CW affiliations . Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation , began airing reruns of Tyler Perry 's House of Payne on CBC TV - 8 , Barbados in 2012 . House of Payne was the only situation comedy to be sold into broadcast syndication for the 2008 -- 2009 television season . BET began airing re-runs in November 2015 . Madea connections ( edit ) Tyler Perry 's claim to fame is with the popularity of character Madea , who has appeared in numerous Tyler Perry plays and their film adaptations . When the series debuted on TBS in June 2007 , Perry made a guest appearance as Madea . Actor David Mann reprised his Mr. Brown role , and Keke Palmer returned as Nikki , a bully who stole $20 worth of Malik 's lunch money over a period of time , money which Madea , Nikki 's foster mother , used at a casino . Perry returned as Madea for a Christmas episode of the show on December 5 , 2007 . Perry again returned as Madea to act as Curtis 's wife on March 5 , 2008 . She has appeared in one episode every season , save seasons 4 and 5 . She is one of Curtis ' arch enemies . In the series , Janine 's drug problem and going to rehab are possible references to Diary of a Mad Black Woman . The events of the episodes `` Sad , Sad , Leroy Brown '' parts 1 and 2 came directly before the movie Meet the Browns , when Brown learns his father has died . The events of the episode `` Weeping May Endure for a Night '' happened somewhere in the middle , directly after the funeral and the reading of the will , where Brown found out that his father left him a broken - down house which Brown turned into a retirement home . Even though in the episode `` Weeping May Endure for a Night '' , the Paynes claim to have attended the funeral of Brown 's father , in Meet the Browns , they are nowhere to be seen . This may be because Lance Gross , who plays Calvin Payne in the series , plays a character named Michael in the film and LaVan Davis , who plays Curtis Payne , plays a bus driver . Curtis claimed Brown made them wait in the cemetery for two hours while he gave his father a tour of Atlanta ( his last request ) , but in the movie , Brown stayed the entire time . The episodes serve as a backdoor pilot to Tyler Perry 's Meet the Browns , a spin - off of the film and play as well as House of Payne . Meet the Browns crossovers ( edit ) There have been crossovers on House of Payne from Meet the Browns : In the episode `` I Can Cry If I Want To '' , Brown attended Curtis 's 50th birthday party and stresses the Paynes out while he is there . In the episode `` Sad , Sad , Leroy Brown ( Part 1 ) '' , when Brown 's house burnt down and he gets kicked out of Cora 's best friend 's house . He stays at the Paynes ' residence , much to Curtis 's dismay and soon becomes a pestering houseguest . In the episode `` Sad , Sad , Leroy Brown ( Part 2 ) '' , when the Paynes tries to kick Brown out of the house , Brown claimed that Curtis broke his back , but Curtis knows the truth that Brown 's back was not in pain , and he only faked it to get the Paynes to let him stay with them . However , Ella believes Brown and insisted on him staying with them until his back gets better . In the episode `` Weeping May Endure for a Night '' , Brown , Cora , and Will come by the Paynes ' residence after Pop Brown 's funeral . Brown is upset because Pop Brown left him a run - down house which makes Brown think his daddy hates him until he realizes that Pop Brown wanted him to open up a retirement home . In the episode `` Meet the Christmas Spirit '' ( Meet the Browns ) , Curtis and Ella Payne drop in for a visit at the hospital to put on a play for the children . In the episode `` Oh Christmas Payne '' , Brown and Cora drop in for a visit . In the episodes `` What You Know About Me '' and `` Payneful Divorce '' , Cora 's former high school student , Milo Jackson , attended the same college as Malik . Releases ( edit ) Lionsgate Home Entertainment has released the first 10 volumes on DVD in Region 1 . It is unknown about the release of the two remaining volumes . According to listings of the previous volumes through , the series DVD releases has been put out of print . DVD Title Ep # Release Date Blu - ray Disc Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 1 1 -- 20 December 4 , 2007 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 2 21 -- 40 July 1 , 2008 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 3 41 -- 60 January 13 , 2009 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 4 61 -- 80 June 16 , 2009 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 5 81 -- 100 January 13 , 2010 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 6 101 -- 124 February 8 , 2011 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 7 125 -- 148 April 5 , 2011 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 8 149 -- 172 June 14 , 2011 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 9 173 -- 192 June 19 , 2012 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 10 193 -- 212 March 5 , 2013 Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 11 213 -- 233 TBA Tyler Perry 's House of Payne Volume 12 234 -- 254 TBA References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` ' Tyler Perry 's House of Payne ' signs for distribution with TBS , FOX Station Group '' . Retrieved 18 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Greg Braxton ( June 13 , 2007 ) . `` How far will he push it ? '' . Los Angeles Times . Jump up ^ `` Tyler Perry 's House of Payne : Should the TV Series End ? '' . . August 10 , 2012 . Retrieved August 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( 30 January 2017 ) . `` OWN Picks Up ' House Of Payne ' Spinoff From Tyler Perry , More ' Haves ' & ' If Loving You ' , Ends ' Neighbor ' & ' Better or Worse ' '' . Deadline . Retrieved 7 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` House of Payne Scores Big for TBS ; CBS News ; More TubeTime and Fresh Prince News '' . Retrieved 18 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Nielsen ratings for week of May 20 '' . USATODAY.COM . Retrieved 18 March 2016 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( 30 January 2017 ) . `` House of Payne Spinoff The Paynes Snags 38 - Episode Series Order at OWN '' . . Jump up ^ `` : Tyler Perry 's House of Payne , Vol. 6 : Tyler Perry 's House of Payne : Movies & TV '' . Retrieved 18 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` House of Payne DVD news : Delay for House of Payne - Volume 9 - '' . Archived from the original on 4 March 2016 . Retrieved 18 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` House of Payne DVD news : Announcement for House of Payne - Volume 10 : Episodes 193 - 212 - '' . Archived from the original on 4 March 2016 . Retrieved 18 March 2016 . External links ( edit ) Tyler Perry 's House of Payne on IMDb Tyler Perry 's House of Payne at Tyler Perry 's `` House of Payne '' on TBS Tyler Perry Stage I Know I 've Been Changed I Can Do Bad All by Myself Diary of a Mad Black Woman Madea 's Family Reunion Madea 's Class Reunion Why Did I Get Married ? Meet the Browns Madea Goes to Jail What 's Done in the Dark The Marriage Counselor Laugh to Keep from Crying Madea 's Big Happy Family A Madea Christmas Aunt Bam 's Place I Do n't Want to Do Wrong ! The Haves and the Have Nots Madea Gets a Job Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned Madea 's Neighbors from Hell Madea on the Run Films Daddy 's Little Girls Why Did I Get Married ? Meet the Browns The Family That Preys Why Did I Get Married Too ? For Colored Girls Good Deeds Peeples Temptation : Confessions of a Marriage Counselor The Single Moms Club Acrimony Nobody 's Fool Madea series Diary of a Mad Black Woman Madea 's Family Reunion Madea Goes to Jail I Can Do Bad All by Myself Madea 's Big Happy Family Madea 's Witness Protection A Madea Christmas Madea 's Tough Love Boo ! A Madea Halloween Boo 2 ! A Madea Halloween A Madea Family Funeral Television House of Payne Meet the Browns For Better or Worse The Haves and the Have Nots Love Thy Neighbor If Loving You Is Wrong Too Close to Home The Paynes Books Do n't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings See also Madea Tyler Perry Studios TBS original programming Current American Dad ! ( since 2014 ) Angie Tribeca ( since 2016 ) Conan ( since 2010 ) The Detour ( since 2016 ) Drop the Mic ( since 2017 ) Final Space ( since 2018 ) Full Frontal with Samantha Bee ( since 2016 ) The Guest Book ( since 2017 ) The Joker 's Wild ( since 2017 ) The Last O.G. ( since 2018 ) Major League Baseball on TBS ( since 2008 ) Movie and a Makeover ( since 2006 ) NCAA Beach Volleyball Championship ( since 2016 ) NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament ( since 2011 ) Search Party ( since 2016 ) Wrecked ( since 2016 ) Former 1970s debuts Best of World Championship Wrestling ( 1973 -- 87 ) Braves TBS Baseball ( 1973 -- 2007 ) Georgia Championship Wrestling ( 1972 -- 84 ) WCW Saturday Night ( 1971 -- 2000 ) 1980s debuts The Baseball Bunch ( 1980 -- 85 ) The Catlins ( 1983 -- 85 ) College Football on TBS ( 1982 -- 2006 ) Clash of the Champions ( 1988 -- 97 ) Down to Earth ( 1984 -- 87 ) G - Force : Guardians of Space ( 1986 ) Kid 's Beat ( 1983 -- 97 ) NASCAR on TBS ( 1983 -- 2000 ) National Geographic Explorer ( 1986 -- 99 ) NBA on TBS ( 1984 -- 2002 ) The New Leave It to Beaver ( 1986 -- 89 ) Night Tracks ( 1983 -- 92 ) Rocky Road ( 1985 -- 87 ) Safe at Home ( 1985 -- 88 ) Starcade ( 1982 -- 83 ) Tom and Jerry 's Funhouse on TBS ( 1986 -- 95 ) Tush ( 1980 -- 81 ) WCW Main Event ( 1988 -- 98 ) WCW Power Hour ( 1989 -- 94 ) 1990s debuts 2 Stupid Dogs ( 1993 -- 95 ) Between the Lines ( 1991 -- 94 ) Captain Planet and the Planeteers ( 1990 -- 96 ) Cartoon Planet ( 1995 ) The Chimp Channel ( 1999 ) Dinner and a Movie ( 1995 -- 2011 ) Live from the House of Blues ( 1995 ) Monkey - ed Movies ( 1998 ) The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest ( 1996 -- 97 ) SWAT Kats : The Radical Squadron ( 1993 -- 94 ) WCW Pro ( 1994 -- 98 ) WCW Thunder ( 1998 -- 2001 ) 2000s debuts 10 Items or Less ( 2006 -- 09 ) The Bill Engvall Show ( 2007 -- 09 ) Daisy Does America ( 2005 -- 06 ) Frank TV ( 2007 -- 08 ) He 's a Lady ( 2004 ) House Rules ( 2003 ) Lopez Tonight ( 2009 -- 11 ) Meet the Browns ( 2009 -- 11 ) Midnight Money Madness ( 2006 ) Minding the Store ( 2005 ) My Boys ( 2006 -- 10 ) Outback Jack ( 2004 ) The Real Gilligan 's Island ( 2004 -- 05 ) Ripley 's Believe It or Not ! ( 2000 -- 03 ) Tyler Perry 's House of Payne ( 2007 -- 12 ) Worst Case Scenarios ( 2002 ) 2010s debuts America 's Greatest Makers ( 2016 ) Are We There Yet ? ( 2010 -- 13 ) Bam 's Bad Ass Game Show ( 2014 ) CeeLo Green 's The Good Life ( 2014 ) Clipped ( 2015 ) Cougar Town ( 2013 -- 15 ) Deal with It ( 2013 -- 14 ) Deon Cole 's Black Box ( 2013 ) Funniest Wins ( 2014 ) Funny or Die Presents : America 's Next Weatherman ( 2015 ) Glory Daze ( 2010 -- 11 ) Ground Floor ( 2013 -- 15 ) King of the Nerds ( 2013 -- 15 ) Meet the Smiths ( 2015 ) Men at Work ( 2012 -- 14 ) Neighbors from Hell ( 2010 ) People of Earth ( 2016 -- 17 ) The Pete Holmes Show ( 2013 -- 14 ) Sullivan & Son ( 2012 -- 14 ) Separation Anxiety ( 2016 ) Tarantula ( 2017 ) Trust Me , I 'm a Game Show Host ( 2013 ) Tyler Perry 's For Better or Worse ( 2011 -- 12 ) Wedding Band ( 2012 -- 13 ) Who Gets the Last Laugh ? ( 2013 ) Your Family or Mine ( 2015 ) Upcoming Close Enough ( 2019 ) Miracle Workers ( TBA ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2006 American television series debuts 2012 American television series endings 2000s American comedy - drama television series 2010s American comedy - drama television series 2000s American black sitcoms 2010s American black sitcoms English - language television programs First - run syndicated television programs in the United States TBS ( U.S. TV channel ) programs Television series by Lionsgate Television Television series by 20th Century Fox Television Television shows set in Atlanta Television series created by Tyler Perry Hidden categories : template with ID same as Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 7 October 2018 , at 07 : 23 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays janine's mom on house of payne
Larry and Liz Shelton ( Dorian Harewood and Anne - Marie Johnson ) are Janine 's parents and have so far appeared in 5 episodes of the series . Curtis hates their visits . They are upper - class and appear snobbish towards the Payne family . Upon their first appearance , Claretha identifies Janine 's father as a `` dancer '' known as Dimples , though no one believes her . Liz comes off as judgmental . Her relationship with her daughter is usually tested . In a Season 3 episode she stays with the Paynes after being kicked out of her house ; she annoys everyone , mostly Ella , Curtis , and Janine . In a later episode , she visits the new twins and constantly criticizes Janine 's parenting skills , going as far as to try to change the babies ' names . When Janine finally confronts her , Liz reveals that her mother was the same way with her . Liz shows a more compassionate side during her visit in Season 6 after reading a letter to C.J. written by a deceased comrade 's child
Lowest temperature recorded on Earth - wikipedia Lowest temperature recorded on Earth Jump to : navigation , search Aerial photograph of Vostok Station , the coldest directly observed location on Earth . The location of Vostok Station in Antarctica The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is − 89.2 ° C ( − 128.6 ° F ; 184.0 K ) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21 , 1983 by ground measurements . A 2009 study estimated that under exceptional climate conditions similar to those recorded at Vostok 1983 , temperatures higher on the plateau around Dome Argus could drop lower than − 95 ° C ( − 139 ° F ; 178 K ) . On August 10 , 2010 , satellite observations measured a surface temperature of − 93.2 ° C ( − 135.8 ° F ; 180.0 K ) at 81.8 ° S 59.3 ° E , along a ridge between Dome Argus and Dome Fuji , at 3,900 m elevation . The result was reported at the 46th annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco , in December 2013 ; it is a provisional figure , and may be subject to revision . The value may not be listed as the record lowest temperature as it was measured by remote sensing satellites and not by ground - based thermometers , unlike the 1983 record . The temperature announced reflects that of the ice surface , while the Vostok readings measured the air above the ice , and so the two are not directly comparable . However , it is most likely that the real temperature on the site was lower than that recorded at Vostok . Contents ( hide ) 1 Historical progression 2 Laboratory cooling 2.1 Early 2.2 Modern 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Historical progression ( edit ) On January 21 , 1838 a recording was made by the Russian merchant Neverov in Yakutsk , of − 60 ° C ( − 76 ° F ; 213 K ) . On January 15 , 1885 H. Wild reported that a temperature of − 68 ° C ( − 90 ° F ; 205 K ) was noted in Verkhoyansk . A later measurement at the same place in February 1892 was reported as − 69.8 ° C ( − 93.6 ° F ; 203.3 K ) . Soviet researchers later announced a recording of − 67.7 ° C ( − 89.9 ° F ; 205.5 K ) in February 1933 at Oymyakon , about 650 km ( 400 mi ) to the south - east of Verkhoyansk ; this measurement was reported by Soviet texts through the 1940s as a record low , with the previous measurement from Verkhoyansk retroactively adjusted to − 67.6 ° C ( − 89.7 ° F ; 205.6 K ) . The next reliable measurement was made during the 1957 season at the Amundsen -- Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica , yielding − 73.6 ° C ( − 100.5 ° F ; 199.6 K ) on May 11 and − 74.5 ° C ( − 102.1 ° F ; 198.7 K ) on September 17 . A subsequent measurement of − 88.3 ° C ( − 126.9 ° F ; 184.8 K ) , on August 24 , 1960 , held the record until a temperature of − 89.2 ° C ( − 128.6 ° F ; 184.0 K ) was measured at the Soviet Vostok Station , on the Antarctic Plateau , on July 21 , 1983 . This remains the record for a directly recorded temperature . Laboratory cooling ( edit ) For more details on this topic , see Absolute zero § History . Early ( edit ) In 1904 Dutch scientist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes created a special lab in Leiden with the aim of producing liquid helium . In 1908 he managed to lower the temperature to less than − 269 ° C ( - 452.2 F , 4 K ) , which is less than four degrees above absolute zero . Only in this exceptionally cold state will helium liquefy , the boiling point of helium being at − 268.94 ° C ( - 452.092 F ) . Kamerlingh Onnes received a Nobel Prize for his achievement . Onnes ' method relied upon depressurising the subject gases , causing them to cool by adiabatic cooling . This follows from the first law of thermodynamics ; Δ U = Δ Q − Δ W ( \ displaystyle \ Delta U = \ Delta Q - \ Delta W ) where U = internal energy , Q = heat added to the system , W = work done by the system . Consider a gas in a box of set volume . If the pressure in the box is higher than atmospheric pressure , then upon opening the box our gas will do work on the surrounding atmosphere to expand . As this expansion is adiabatic and the gas has done work Δ Q = 0 ( \ displaystyle \ Delta Q = 0 ) Δ W > 0 ( \ displaystyle \ Delta W > 0 ) ⇒ Δ U < 0 ( \ displaystyle \ Rightarrow \ Delta U < 0 ) Now as the internal energy has decreased , so has the temperature . Modern ( edit ) As of November 2000 , nuclear spin temperatures below 100 pK were reported for an experiment at the Helsinki University of Technology Low Temperature Lab . However , this was the temperature of one particular type of motion -- a quantum property called nuclear spin -- not the overall average thermodynamic temperature for all possible degrees of freedom . At such low temperatures , the concept of `` temperature '' becomes multifaceted since molecular motion can not be assumed to average out across degrees of freedom . The corresponding peak emission will be in radio waves , rather than in the familiar infrared , so it is very inefficiently absorbed by neighboring atoms , making it difficult to reach thermal equilibrium . Low Temperature Laboratory recorded a record low temperature of 100 pK , or 1.0 × 10 K in 1999 . The current apparatus for achieving low temperatures has two stages . The first utilizes a helium dilution refrigerator to get to temperatures of millikelvins , then the next stage uses adiabatic nuclear demagnetisation to reach picokelvins . Extremely low temperatures are useful for observation of quantum mechanical phases of matter such as superfluids and Bose - Einstein condensates , which would be disrupted by thermal motion . See also ( edit ) Absolute zero Dilution refrigerator Highest temperature recorded on Earth List of weather records Magnetic refrigeration Orders of magnitude ( temperature ) Timeline of low - temperature technology References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Turner , J. ; Anderson , P. ; Lachlan - Cope , T. ; Colwell , S. ; Phillips , T. ; Kirchgaessner , A.L. ; Marshall , G.J. ; King , J.C. ; Bracegirdle , T. ; Vaughan , D.G. ; Lagun , V. ; Orr , A. ( 2009 ) . `` Record low surface air temperature at Vostok station , Antarctica '' ( PDF ) . Journal of Geophysical Research . 114 : D24102 . Bibcode : 2009JGRD ... 11424102T . doi : 10.1029 / 2009JD012104 . Jump up ^ `` NASA - USGS Landsat 8 Satellite Pinpoints Coldest Spots on Earth '' . NASA . Dec 9 , 2013 . Retrieved 10 Dec 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Coldest spot on Earth identified by satellite '' . BBC . 9 December 2013 . Retrieved 10 Dec 2013 . Jump up ^ `` World Record Cold in Antarctica ? '' . usatoday. 9 December 2013 . Retrieved 10 Dec 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Nina Stepanova ( Jan 30 , 1958 ) . `` On the lowest temperatures on Earth '' ( PDF ) . NOAA . Retrieved 10 Dec 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The coldest place on earth '' . Polar Record . 6 ( 46 ) : 821 . 2009 . doi : 10.1017 / S0032247400048592 . Jump up ^ `` World : Lowest Temperature '' . World Meteorological Organization . Archived from the original on 2010 - 06 - 16 . Retrieved 10 Dec 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The Nobel Prize in Physics 1913 '' . Jump up ^ The experimental methods and results are presented in detail in Tauno A. Knuuttila 's D.Sc . thesis which can be accessed from Aaltodoc . The university 's press release on its achievement is here Jump up ^ `` World record in low temperatures '' . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 05 . External links ( edit ) Details of HUT experiment , including details of the cryostat Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Extreme points of Earth Weather extremes of Earth Climatology Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2012 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Română Edit links This page was last edited on 29 January 2018 , at 09 : 18 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
where was the lowest temperature ever recorded on earth
The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is − 89.2 ° C ( − 128.6 ° F ; 184.0 K ) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21 , 1983 by ground measurements .
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - wikipedia Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde `` Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde '' redirects here . For other uses , see Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( disambiguation ) . Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Title page of the first London edition ( 1886 ) Author Robert Louis Stevenson Original title Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Country United Kingdom Language English Series None Genre Psychological thriller Drama Horror Mystery Gothic Science fiction Publisher Longmans , Green & Co . Publication date 5 January 1886 ISBN 978 - 0 - 553 - 21277 - 8 Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a gothic novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886 . The work is also known as The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , or simply Jekyll & Hyde . It is about a London lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend , Dr Henry Jekyll , and the evil Edward Hyde . The novella 's impact is such that it has become a part of the language , with the very phrase `` Jekyll and Hyde '' entering the vernacular to refer to people with an unpredictably dual nature : usually very good , but sometimes shockingly evil instead . Contents 1 Inspiration and writing 2 Plot 3 Characters 3.1 Gabriel John Utterson 3.2 Dr Henry Jekyll / Mr Edward Hyde 3.3 Richard Enfield 3.4 Dr Hastie Lanyon 3.5 Mr Poole 3.6 Inspector Newcomen 3.7 Sir Danvers Carew , MP 3.8 Maid 4 Analysis of Themes 4.1 Dualities 4.2 Public vs private 4.3 Scottish nationalism vs union with Britain 5 Reception 5.1 Publication 5.2 The Stage Version Of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 6 Adaptations 7 Illustrated versions 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Inspiration and writing ( edit ) Robert Louis Stevenson Stevenson had long been intrigued by the idea of how human personalities can affect how to incorporate the interplay of good and evil into a story . While still a teenager , he developed a script for a play about Deacon Brodie , which he later reworked with the help of W.E. Henley and which was produced for the first time in 1882 . In early 1884 , he wrote the short story `` Markheim '' , which he revised in 1884 for publication in a Christmas annual . According to his essay , `` A Chapter on Dreams '' ( Scribner 's , Jan. 1888 ) , he racked his brains for an idea for a story and had a dream , and upon wakening had the intuition for two or three scenes that would appear in the story Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . Biographer Graham Balfour quoted Stevenson 's wife Fanny Stevenson : In the small hours of one morning , ( ... ) I was awakened by cries of horror from Louis . Thinking he had a nightmare , I awakened him . He said angrily : `` Why did you wake me ? I was dreaming a fine bogey tale . '' I had awakened him at the first transformation scene . Lloyd Osbourne , Stevenson 's stepson , wrote : `` I do n't believe that there was ever such a literary feat before as the writing of Dr Jekyll . I remember the first reading as though it were yesterday . Louis came downstairs in a fever ; read nearly half the book aloud ; and then , while we were still gasping , he was away again , and busy writing . I doubt if the first draft took so long as three days . '' Inspiration may also have come from the writer 's friendship with Edinburgh - based French teacher Eugene Chantrelle , who was convicted and executed for the murder of his wife in May 1878 . Chantrelle , who had appeared to lead a normal life in the city , poisoned his wife with opium . According to author Jeremy Hodges , Stevenson was present throughout the trial and as `` the evidence unfolded he found himself , like Dr Jekyll , ' aghast before the acts of Edward Hyde ' . '' Moreover , it was believed that the doctor had committed other murders both in France and Britain by poisoning his victims at supper parties with a `` favourite dish of toasted cheese and opium '' . Louis Vivet , a mental patient who was suffering from dissociative identity disorder , caught Frederic W.H. Myers 's attention and he wrote to Stevenson after the story was published . Stevenson was polite in his response but rejected that reading . As was customary , Mrs Stevenson would read the draft and offer her criticisms in the margins . Robert Stevenson was confined to bed at the time from a haemorrhage . Therefore , she left her comments with the manuscript and Robert in the toilet . She said that in effect the story was really an allegory , but Robert was writing it as a story . After a while , Robert called her back into the bedroom and pointed to a pile of ashes : he had burnt the manuscript in fear that he would try to salvage it , and in the process forced himself to start again from nothing , writing an allegorical story as she had suggested . Scholars debate whether he really burnt his manuscript ; there is no direct factual evidence for the burning , but it remains an integral part of the history of the novella . Stevenson re-wrote the story in three to six days . A number of later biographers have alleged that Stevenson was on drugs during the frantic re-write ; for example , William Gray 's revisionist history A Literary Life ( 2004 ) said he used cocaine while other biographers said he used ergot . However , the standard history , according to the accounts of his wife and son ( and himself ) , says he was bed - ridden and sick while writing it . According to Osbourne , `` The mere physical feat was tremendous and , instead of harming him , it roused and cheered him inexpressibly '' . He continued to refine the work for four to six weeks after the initial re-write . The novella was written in the southern English seaside town of Bournemouth , where Stevenson had moved due to ill health , to benefit from its sea air and warmer southern climate . The name Jekyll was borrowed from Reverend Walter Jekyll , a friend of Stevenson and younger brother of horticulturalist and landscape designer Gertrude Jekyll . Plot ( edit ) Gabriel John Utterson and his cousin Richard Enfield reach the door of a large house on their weekly walk . Enfield tells Utterson that months ago he saw a sinister - looking man named Edward Hyde trample a young girl after accidentally bumping into her . Enfield forced Hyde to pay £ 100 to avoid a scandal . Hyde brought them to this door and provided a cheque signed by a reputable gentleman ( later revealed to be Doctor Henry Jekyll , a friend and client of Utterson ) . Utterson is disturbed because Jekyll recently changed his will to make Hyde the sole beneficiary . Utterson fears that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll . When Utterson tries to discuss Hyde with Jekyll , Jekyll turns pale and asks that Hyde be left alone . One night in October , a servant sees Hyde beat to death Sir Danvers Carew , another of Utterson 's clients . The police contact Utterson , who leads officers to Hyde 's apartment . Hyde has vanished , but they find half of a broken cane . Utterson recognizes the cane as one he had given to Jekyll . Utterson visits Jekyll , who shows Utterson a note , allegedly written to Jekyll by Hyde , apologising for the trouble that he has caused . However , Hyde 's handwriting is similar to Jekyll 's own , leading Utterson to conclude that Jekyll forged the note to protect Hyde . For two months , Jekyll reverts to his former sociable manner , but in early January , he starts refusing visitors . Dr Hastie Lanyon , a mutual acquaintance of Jekyll and Utterson , dies of shock after receiving information relating to Jekyll . Before his death , Lanyon gives Utterson a letter to be opened after Jekyll 's death or disappearance . In late February , during another walk with Enfield , Utterson starts a conversation with Jekyll at a window of his laboratory . Jekyll suddenly slams the window and disappears . In early March , Jekyll 's butler , Mr. Poole , visits Utterson and says Jekyll has secluded himself in his laboratory for weeks . Utterson and Poole break into the laboratory , where they find Hyde wearing Jekyll 's clothes and apparently dead from suicide . They find a letter from Jekyll to Utterson . Utterson reads Lanyon 's letter , then Jekyll 's . Lanyon 's letter reveals his deterioration resulted from the shock of seeing Hyde drink a serum that turned him into Jekyll . Jekyll 's letter explains that he had indulged in unstated vices and feared discovery . He found a way to transform himself and thereby indulge his vices without fear of detection . Jekyll 's transformed personality , Hyde , was evil , self - indulgent , and uncaring to anyone but himself . Initially , Jekyll controlled the transformations with the serum , but one night in August , he became Hyde involuntarily in his sleep . Jekyll resolved to cease becoming Hyde . One night , he had a moment of weakness and drank the serum . Hyde , furious at having been caged for so long , killed Carew . Horrified , Jekyll tried more adamantly to stop the transformations . Then , in early January , he transformed involuntarily while awake . Far from his laboratory and hunted by the police as a murderer , Hyde needed help to avoid capture . He wrote to Lanyon ( in Jekyll 's hand ) , asking his friend to bring chemicals from his laboratory . In Lanyon 's presence , Hyde mixed the chemicals , drank the serum , and transformed into Jekyll . The shock of the sight instigated Lanyon 's deterioration and death . Meanwhile , Jekyll 's involuntary transformations increased in frequency and required ever larger doses of serum to reverse . It was one of these transformations that caused Jekyll to slam his window shut on Enfield and Utterson . Eventually , one of the chemicals used in the serum ran low , and subsequent batches prepared from new stocks failed to work . Jekyll speculated that one of the original ingredients must have some unknown impurity that made it work . Knowing he would become Hyde permanently , Jekyll decided to write his `` confession '' . He ended the letter by writing , `` I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end . '' Characters ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Gabriel John Utterson ( edit ) Gabriel John Utterson , a lawyer and loyal friend of Jekyll and Lanyon , is the main protagonist of the story . Utterson is a measured and at all times emotionless , bachelor -- who nonetheless seems believable , trustworthy , tolerant of the faults of others , and indeed genuinely likable . Utterson has been close friends with Lanyon and Jekyll . However , Utterson is not immune to guilt , as , while he is quick to investigate and judge the faults of others even for the benefit of his friends , Stevenson states that `` he was humbled to the dust by the many ill things he had done '' . Whatever these `` ill things '' may be , he does not partake in gossip or other views of the upper class out of respect for his fellow man . Often the last remaining friend of the down - falling , he finds an interest in others ' downfalls , which creates a spark of interest not only in Jekyll but also regarding Hyde . He comes to the conclusion that human downfall results from indulging oneself in topics of interest . As a result of this line of reasoning , he lives life as a recluse and `` dampens his taste for the finer items of life '' . Utterson concludes that Jekyll lives life as he wishes by enjoying his occupation . Utterson is a good , kind , loyal and honest friend to Henry Jekyll . Dr Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde ( edit ) Main article : Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( character ) Dr Jekyll is a `` large , well - made , smooth - faced man of fifty with something of a slyish cast '' , who occasionally feels he is battling between the good and evil within himself , upon leading to the struggle between his dual personalities of Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde . He has spent a great part of his life trying to repress evil urges that were not fitting for a man of his stature . He creates a serum , or potion , in an attempt to mask this hidden evil within his personality . However , in doing so , Jekyll transpired into the smaller , younger , cruel , remorseless , evil Hyde . Jekyll has many friends and an amiable personality , but as Hyde , he becomes mysterious and violent . As time goes by , Hyde grows in power . After taking the potion repeatedly , he no longer relies upon it to unleash his inner demon , i.e. , his alter ego . Eventually , Hyde grows so strong that Jekyll becomes reliant on the potion to remain conscious . Richard Enfield ( edit ) Richard Enfield is Utterson 's cousin and is a well known `` man about town . '' He first sees Hyde at about three in the morning in an episode that is well documented as Hyde is running over a little girl . He is the person who mentions to Utterson the actual personality of Jekyll 's friend , Hyde . Enfield witnessed Hyde running over a little girl in the street recklessly , and the group of witnesses , with the girl 's parents and other residents , force Hyde into writing a cheque for the girl 's family . Enfield discovers that Jekyll signed the cheque , which is genuine . He says that Hyde is disgusting looking but finds himself stumped when asked to describe the man . Dr Hastie Lanyon ( edit ) A longtime friend of Jekyll 's , Hastie Lanyon disagrees with Jekyll 's `` scientific '' concepts , which Lanyon describes as `` ... too fanciful '' . He is the first person to discover Hyde 's true identity ( Hyde transforms himself back into Jekyll in Lanyon 's presence ) . Lanyon helps Utterson solve the case when he describes the letter given to him by Jekyll and his thoughts and reactions to the transformation . When Lanyon witnesses the transformation process ( and subsequently hears Jekyll 's private confession , made to him alone ) , Lanyon becomes critically ill and later dies of shock . Mr. Poole ( edit ) Poole is Jekyll 's butler who has lived with him for many years . Upon noticing the reclusiveness and changes of his master , Poole goes to Utterson with the fear that his master has been murdered and his murderer , Mr Hyde , is residing in the chambers . Poole serves Jekyll faithfully and attempts to do a good job and be loyal to his master . Yet events finally drive him into joining forces with Utterson to find the truth . Inspector newcomen ( edit ) Utterson joins this Scotland Yard inspector after the murder of Sir Danvers Carew . They explore Hyde 's loft in Soho and discover evidence of his depraved life . Sir Danvers Carew , mp ( edit ) A kind , white - haired old man and a Member of Parliament . The maid claims that Hyde , in a murderous rage , killed Carew in the streets of London on the night of 18 October ( sometime between 11 pm and 2 am by the testimony of the maid ) . At the time of his death , Carew is 70 years old and is carrying on his person a letter addressed to Utterson , and they find one half of one of Jekyll 's walking sticks on his body . As a result , they later go and investigate in Jekyll 's house , but can not find him ; they later enter a house where Hyde has been living and find the other half of the stick in one of Hyde 's rooms . Maid ( edit ) A maid , whose employer Hyde had once visited , is the only person who claims to have witnessed the murder of Sir Danvers Carew . She states that she saw that Mr Hyde murdered Carew with Jekyll 's cane and his feet . Having fainted after seeing what happened , she then wakes up and rushes to the police , thus initiating the murder case of Sir Danvers Carew . Analysis of themes ( edit ) Richard Mansfield was mostly known for his dual role depicted in this double exposure . The stage adaptation opened in Boston in 1887 , a year after the publication of the novella . ( Picture 1895 ) Literary genres which critics have applied as a framework for interpreting the novel include religious allegory , fable , detective story , sensation fiction , Doppelgänger literature , Scottish devil tales , and gothic novel . Dualities ( edit ) The novella is frequently interpreted as an examination of the duality of human nature , usually expressed as an inner struggle between good and evil , with variations such as human versus animal , civilization versus barbarism sometimes substituted , the main thrust being that of an essential inner struggle between the one and other , and that the failure to accept this tension results in evil , or barbarity , or animal violence , being projected onto others . In Freudian theory , the thoughts and desires banished to the unconscious mind motivate the behaviour of the conscious mind . If someone banishes all evil to the unconscious mind in an attempt to be wholly and completely good , it can result in the development of a Mr Hyde - type aspect to that person 's character . This failure to accept the tension of duality is related to Christian theology , where Satan 's fall from Heaven is due to his refusal to accept that he is a created being ( that he has a dual nature ) and is not God . This idea is suggested when Hyde says to Lanyon , shortly before drinking the famous potion -- `` ... and your sight shall be blasted by a prodigy to stagger the unbelief of Satan . '' This is because in Christianity , pride ( to consider oneself as without sin or without evil ) is the greatest sin , as it is the precursor to evil itself . In his discussion of the novel , Vladimir Nabokov argues that the `` good versus evil '' view of the novel is misleading , as Jekyll himself is not , by Victorian standards , a morally good person in some cases . Public vs private ( edit ) The work is commonly associated today with the Victorian concern over the public and private division , the individual 's sense of playing a part and the class division of London . In this respect , the novella has also been noted as `` one of the best guidebooks of the Victorian era '' because of its piercing description of the fundamental dichotomy of the 19th century `` outward respectability and inward lust , '' as this period had a tendency for social hypocrisy . Scottish nationalism vs union with Britain ( edit ) Another common interpretation sees the novella 's duality as representative of Scotland and the Scottish character . In this reading , the duality represents the national and linguistic dualities inherent in Scotland 's relationship with the wider Britain and the English language , respectively , and also the repressive effects of the Church of Scotland on the Scottish character . A further parallel is also drawn with the city of Edinburgh itself , Stevenson 's birthplace , which consists of two distinct parts : the old medieval section historically inhabited by the city 's poor , where the dark crowded slums were rife with all types of crime , and the modern Georgian area of wide spacious streets representing respectability . Reception ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( March 2015 ) Publication ( edit ) Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was initially sold as a paperback for one shilling in the UK , as noted above , and for one dollar in the U.S. These books were called `` shilling shockers '' or penny dreadfuls . The American publisher issued the book on 5 January 1886 , four days before the first appearance of the UK edition issued by Longmans ; Scribner 's published 3000 copies , only 1250 of them bound in cloth . Initially , stores would not stock it until a review appeared in The Times , on 25 January 1886 , giving it a favourable reception . Within the next six months , close to forty thousand copies were sold . As Stevenson 's biographer , Graham Balfour , wrote in 1901 , the book 's success was probably due rather to the `` moral instincts of the public '' than to any conscious perception of the merits of its art . It was read by those who never read fiction and quoted in pulpit sermons and in religious papers . By 1901 , it was estimated to have sold over 250,000 copies in the United States . The stage version of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( edit ) Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde , though it had initially been published as a `` shilling shocker , '' was an immediate success and is one of Stevenson 's best - selling works . Stage adaptations began in Boston and London and soon moved all across England and then towards his home country of Scotland . The first stage adaptation followed the story 's initial publication in 1886 . Richard Mansfield bought the rights from Stevenson , and worked with Boston author Thomas Russell Sullivan to write a script . The resulting play added to the cast of characters , and adds some elements of romance to the plot . Addition of female characters to the originally male - centered plot has continued in later adaptations of the story . The first performance of the play took place in the Boston Museum in May 1887 . The lighting effects and makeup for Jekyll 's transformation into Hyde created horrified reactions from the audience , and the play was so successful that production followed in London . After a successful ten weeks in London in 1888 , Mansfield was forced to close down production . The hysteria surrounding the Jack the Ripper serial murders led even those who only played murderers on stage to be considered suspects . When Mansfield was mentioned in London newspapers as a possible suspect for the crimes , he shut down production . Adaptations ( edit ) Poster from the 1880s Main article : Adaptations of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde There have been numerous adaptations of the novella including over 120 stage and film versions alone . There have also been many audio recordings of the novella , with some of the more famous readers including Tom Baker , Roger Rees , Christopher Lee , Anthony Quayle , Martin Jarvis , Tim Pigott - Smith , John Hurt , Ian Holm , Gene Lockhart and Richard Armitage . A Musical was created by Frank Wildhorn , Steve Cuden , and Leslie Bricusse : `` Jekyll & Hyde : The Gothic Musical Thriller - The Complete Work '' ( 1994 ) . Illustrated versions ( edit ) S.G. Hulme Beaman illustrated a 1930s edition . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Stevenson published the book as Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( without `` The '' ) , for reasons unknown , but it has been supposed to increase the `` strangeness '' of the case ( Richard Dury ( 2005 ) ) . Later publishers added `` The '' to make it grammatically correct , but it was not the author 's original intent . The story is often known today simply as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or even Jekyll and Hyde . Jump up ^ / ˈdʒiːkəl / is the Scots pronunciation of the name , but / ˈdʒɛkəl / is the accepted general pronunciation . Jump up ^ `` Noted - Futility Closet '' . Futility Closet . ^ Jump up to : Saposnik , Irving S . `` The Anatomy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . '' Studies in English Literature , 1500 -- 1900 11.4 , Nineteenth Century ( 1971 ) : pp. 715 -- 731 . Jump up ^ `` Jekyll and Hyde definition '' . . Retrieved 28 May 2009 . Jump up ^ Swearingen , Roger G . The Prose Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson . London : Macmillan , 1980 . ( ISBN ) p. 37 . ^ Jump up to : Balfour , Graham ( 1912 ) . The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. II . New York : Charles Scribner 's Sons . pp. 15 -- 6 . Retrieved 28 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Chantrelle , Eugène Marie ; Smith , Alexander Duncan . Trial of Eugène Marie Chantrelle . Toronto , Canada Law Book Co . Jump up ^ `` Lamplit Vicious Fairy Land - Robert Louis Stevenson '' . Robert Louis Stevenson . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Real - life Jekyll & Hyde who inspired Stevenson 's classic '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 12 . ^ Jump up to : The Beast Within The Guardian , 13 December 2008 Jump up ^ Possibly with the help of cocaine , according to William Gray 's revisionist history Robert Louis Stevenson : A Literary Life ( 2004 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 333 - 98400 - 0 Jump up ^ `` Queen of the mixed border '' . The Guardian . 17 June 2006 . Jump up ^ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , second edition . ^ Jump up to : Sanford , John A. Evil The Shadow Side of Reality . Crossroad ( 1981 ) Jump up ^ `` The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : An Introductory Essay . '' Signet Classic , 2003 Jump up ^ Nightmare : Birth of Victorian Horror ( TV series ) Jekyll and Hyde ( 1996 ) Jump up ^ Robert Louis Stevenson and His World , David Daiches , 1973 Jump up ^ `` Edinburgh : Where Jekyll parties with Hyde '' . The Daily Telegraph . London . 25 July 1998 . Retrieved 24 May 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Stevenson , Robert Louis ( 2015 ) . Danahay , Martin A. , ed . Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 3rd ed . ) . Canada : Broadview . p. 24 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55481 - 024 - 6 . Jump up ^ Graham Balfour , The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson , volume II , pp 17 - 18 Jump up ^ Tim Middleton , Introduction to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde : The Merry Men and Other Stories , Wordsworth Editions , 1993 , pp. 9 Jump up ^ `` Derivative Works - Robert Louis Stevenson '' . Robert Louis Stevenson . Jump up ^ Illustrations to Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde , 1930 , accessed 11 August 2018 Further reading ( edit ) Borinskikh L.I. ( 1990c ) . `` The method to reveal a character in the works of R.L. Stevenson ( The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ) '' . In * * * ( ed . ) The Problem of character in literature . Tchelyabinsk : Tchelyabinsk State University . Pp. 31 -- 32 . ( In Russian , German and Hindi . ) Richard Dury , ed. ( 2005 ) . The Annotated Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde . ISBN 88 - 7544 - 030 - 1 , over 80 pages of introduction material , extensive annotation notes , 40 pages of derivative works and extensive bibliography . Paul M. Gahlinger , ( 2001 ) . Illegal Drugs : A Complete Guide to their History , Chemistry , Use , and Abuse . Sagebrush Medical Guide . p. 41 . ISBN 0 - 9703130 - 1 - 2 . Kathrine Linehan , ed. ( 2003 ) . Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde . Norton Critical Edition , contains extensive annotations , contextual essays and criticisms . ISBN 0 - 393 - 97465 - 0 External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : The Annotated Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ( 1 ) from Internet Archive . Many antiquarian illustrated editions . The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at Project Gutenberg ver. 1 `` The Beast Within '' , Freudian fable , sexual morality tale , gay allegory -- the novella has inspired as many interpretations as it has film adaptations . By James Campbell , The Guardian , 13 December 2008 1950 Theatre Guild on the Air radio adaptation at Internet Archive Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde public domain audiobook at LibriVox Robert Louis Stevenson Books An Inland Voyage ( 1878 ) Edinburgh : Picturesque Notes ( 1878 ) Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes ( 1879 ) The Silverado Squatters ( 1883 ) Memories and Portraits ( 1887 ) Across the Plains ( 1892 ) Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa ( 1892 ) The Amateur Emigrant ( 1895 ) Novels Treasure Island ( 1883 ) Prince Otto ( 1885 ) Kidnapped ( 1886 ) The Black Arrow ( 1888 ) The Master of Ballantrae ( 1889 ) The Wrong Box ( 1889 ) The Wrecker ( 1892 ) Catriona ( 1893 ) The Ebb - Tide ( 1894 ) Weir of Hermiston ( 1896 ) St. Ives ( 1897 ) Short story collections The Suicide Club ( 1878 ) The Rajah 's Diamond ( 1878 ) New Arabian Nights ( 1882 ) More New Arabian Nights : The Dynamiter ( 1885 ) The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables ( 1887 ) Island Nights ' Entertainments ( 1893 ) Tales and Fantasies ( 1905 ) Short stories `` The Pavilion on the Links '' ( 1880 ) `` The Merry Men '' ( 1882 ) `` The Body Snatcher '' ( 1884 ) `` Markheim '' ( 1885 ) `` Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde '' ( 1886 ) `` The Bottle Imp '' ( 1891 ) `` The Beach of Falesá '' ( 1892 ) `` The Isle of Voices '' ( 1893 ) Poetry A Child 's Garden of Verses ( 1885 ) Underwoods ( 1887 ) Songs of Travel and Other Verses ( 1896 ) Related Lloyd Osbourne Fanny Stevenson Isobel Osbourne Mount Vaea Writers ' Museum Robert Louis Stevenson State Park The Story of a Recluse ( unfinished ) Book Robert Louis Stevenson 's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Character Adaptations Films Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1908 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1912 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1913 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1920 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1920 ) The Head of Janus ( 1920 ) Dr. Pyckle and Mr. Pryde ( 1925 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1931 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1941 ) The Son of Dr. Jekyll ( 1951 ) Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1953 ) Daughter of Dr. Jekyll ( 1957 ) The Doctor 's Horrible Experiment ( 1959 ) The Ugly Duckling ( 1959 ) My Friend , Dr. Jekyll ( 1960 ) The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll ( 1960 ) The Nutty Professor ( 1963 ) Karutha Rathrikal ( 1967 ) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1968 ) Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde ( 1971 ) I , Monster ( 1971 ) Dr. Jekyll y el Hombre Lobo ( 1972 ) Dr. Black , Mr. Hyde ( 1976 ) Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot ( 1979 ) Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype ( 1980 ) Docteur Jekyll et les femmes ( 1981 ) Chehre Pe Chehra ( 1981 ) Jekyll and Hyde ... Together Again ( 1982 ) Edge of Sanity ( 1989 ) Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde ( 1995 ) Mary Reilly ( 1996 ) The Nutty Professor ( 1996 ) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ( 2003 ) Van Helsing ( 2004 ) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 2006 ) The Mummy ( 2017 ) Animation The Impatient Patient ( 1942 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse ( 1947 ) Motor Mania ( 1950 ) Dr. Jerkyl 's Hide ( 1954 ) Hyde and Hare ( 1955 ) Hyde and Go Tweet ( 1960 ) Mad Monster Party ? ( 1967 ) Mad , Mad , Mad Monsters ( 1972 ) The Pagemaster ( 1994 ) The Strange Case of Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly ( 2004 ) Van Helsing : The London Assignment ( 2004 ) The Monster of Phineas - n - Ferbenstein ( 2008 ) Hotel Transylvania ( 2012 ) Video games Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1988 ) Jekyll and Hyde ( 2001 ) Van Helsing ( 2004 ) Music `` Dr. Heckyll & Mr. Jive '' ( 1983 ) `` Bubba Hyde '' ( 1995 ) Jekyll and Hyde ( 2003 ) Jekyll & Hyde en Español ( 2004 ) Theatre Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1887 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1888 ) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , Or a Mis - Spent Life ( 1897 ) Jekyll & Hyde ( 1990 ) Television Julia Jekyll and Harriet Hyde ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Jekyll ( 2007 ) Once Upon a Time ( 2011 -- present ) Penny Dreadful ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Jekyll and Hyde ( 2015 ) Comics Mister Hyde ( introduced 1963 ) Batman : Two Faces ( 1998 ) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ( 1999 -- present ) Novels The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner ( 1824 ) Knots and Crosses ( 1987 ) Mary Reilly ( 1990 ) Radio Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( 1932 ) GND : 4390920 - 6 LCCN : n90662176 SUDOC : 030330823 VIAF : 307173707 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Short stories by Robert Louis Stevenson 1886 British novels 1886 science fiction novels British novellas Novels set in London Gothic novels Victorian novels Works based on the Faust legend Dissociative identity disorder in popular culture Science fiction horror novels Human experimentation in fiction Novels adapted into comics British novels adapted into films British novels adapted into plays Novels adapted into radio programs Novels adapted into television programs Novels adapted into video games Hidden categories : EngvarB from July 2015 Use dmy dates from July 2015 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2012 Articles needing additional references from December 2012 All articles needing additional references Articles to be expanded from March 2015 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Articles with Project Gutenberg links Articles with LibriVox links Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource বাংলা Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Русский Simple English کوردی Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 30 more Edit links This page was last edited on 11 August 2018 , at 15 : 55 ( UTC ) . 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who wrote the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a gothic novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886 . The work is also known as The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , or simply Jekyll & Hyde . It is about a London lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend , Dr Henry Jekyll , and the evil Edward Hyde . The novella 's impact is such that it has become a part of the language , with the very phrase `` Jekyll and Hyde '' entering the vernacular to refer to people with an unpredictably dual nature : usually very good , but sometimes shockingly evil instead .
Server ( computing ) - wikipedia Server ( computing ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Wikimedia Foundation servers First WWW server located at CERN with its original sticker that says : `` This machine is a server . DO NOT POWER IT DOWN ! ! '' In computing , a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices , called `` clients '' . This architecture is called the client -- server model , and a single overall computation is distributed across multiple processes or devices . Servers can provide various functionalities , often called `` services '' , such as sharing data or resources among multiple clients , or performing computation for a client . A single server can serve multiple clients , and a single client can use multiple servers . A client process may run on the same device or may connect over a network to a server on a different device . Typical servers are database servers , file servers , mail servers , print servers , web servers , game servers , and application servers . Client -- server systems are today most frequently implemented by ( and often identified with ) the request -- response model : a client sends a request to the server , which performs some action and sends a response back to the client , typically with a result or acknowledgement . Designating a computer as `` server - class hardware '' implies that it is specialized for running servers on it . This often implies that it is more powerful and reliable than standard personal computers , but alternatively , large computing clusters may be composed of many relatively simple , replaceable server components . Contents 1 History 2 Operation 3 Purpose 4 Hardware requirement 4.1 Large servers 4.2 Clusters 4.3 Appliances 5 Operating systems 6 Energy consumption 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 Further reading History ( edit ) The use of the word server in computing comes from queueing theory , where it dates to the mid 20th century , being notably used in Kendall ( 1953 ) ( along with `` service '' ) , the paper that introduced Kendall 's notation . In earlier papers , such as the Erlang ( 1909 ) , more concrete terms such as `` ( telephone ) operators '' are used . In computing , `` server '' dates at least to RFC 5 ( 1969 ) , one of the earliest documents describing ARPANET ( the predecessor of Internet ) , and is contrasted with `` user '' , distinguishing two types of host : `` server - host '' and `` user - host '' . The use of `` serving '' also dates to early documents , such as RFC 4 , contrasting `` serving - host '' with `` using - host '' . The Jargon File defines `` server '' in the common sense of a process performing service for requests , usually remote , with the 1981 ( 1.1. 0 ) version reading : SERVER n . A kind of DAEMON which performs a service for the requester , which often runs on a computer other than the one on which the server runs . Operation ( edit ) A network based on the client -- server model where multiple individual clients request services and resources from centralized servers Strictly speaking , the term server refers to a computer program or process ( running program ) . Through metonymy , it refers to a device used for ( or a device dedicated to ) running one or several server programs . On a network , such a device is called a host . In addition to server , the words serve and service ( as noun and as verb ) are frequently used , though servicer and servant are not . The word service ( noun ) may refer to either the abstract form of functionality , e.g. Web service . Alternatively , it may refer to a computer program that turns a computer into a server , e.g. Windows service . Originally used as `` servers serve users '' ( and `` users use servers '' ) , in the sense of `` obey '' , today one often says that `` servers serve data '' , in the same sense as `` give '' . For instance , web servers `` serve ( up ) web pages to users '' or `` service their requests '' . The server is part of the client -- server model ; in this model , a server serves data for clients . The nature of communication between a client and server is request and response . This is in contrast with peer - to - peer model in which the relationship is on - demand reciprocation . In principle , any computerized process that can be used or called by another process ( particularly remotely , particularly to share a resource ) is a server , and the calling process or processes is a client . Thus any general purpose computer connected to a network can host servers . For example , if files on a device are shared by some process , that process is a file server . Similarly , web server software can run on any capable computer , and so a laptop or a personal computer can host a web server . While request -- response is the most common client -- server design , there are others , such as the publish -- subscribe pattern . In the publish -- subscribe pattern , clients register with a pub -- sub server , subscribing to specified types of messages ; this initial registration may be done by request -- response . Thereafter , the pub -- sub server forwards matching messages to the clients without any further requests : the server pushes messages to the client , rather than the client pulling messages from the server as in request -- response . When referring to hardware , the word server typically designates computer models specialized for their role . In general , a server performs its role better than a generic personal computer . Purpose ( edit ) Main category : Servers ( computing ) The purpose of a server is to share data as well as to share resources and distribute work . A server computer can serve its own computer programs as well ; depending on the scenario , this could be part of a quid pro quo transaction , or simply a technical possibility . The following table shows several scenarios in which a server is used . Server type Purpose Clients Application server Hosts web apps ( computer programs that run inside a web browser ) allowing users in the network to run and use them , without having to install a copy on their own computers . Unlike what the name might imply , these servers need not be part of the World Wide Web ; any local network would do . Computers with a web browser Catalog server Maintains an index or table of contents of information that can be found across a large distributed network , such as computers , users , files shared on file servers , and web apps . Directory servers and name servers are examples of catalog servers . Any computer program that needs to find something on the network , such a Domain member attempting to log in , an email client looking for an email address , or a user looking for a file Communications server Maintains an environment needed for one communication endpoint ( user or devices ) to find other endpoints and communicate with them . It may or may not include a directory of communication endpoints and a presence detection service , depending on the openness and security parameters of the network Communication endpoints ( users or devices ) Computing server Shares vast amounts of computing resources , especially CPU and random - access memory , over a network . Any computer program that needs more CPU power and RAM than a personal computer can probably afford . The client must be a networked computer ; otherwise , there would be no client -- server model . Database server Maintains and shares any form of database ( organized collections of data with predefined properties that may be displayed in a table ) over a network . Spreadsheets , accounting software , asset management software or virtually any computer program that consumes well - organized data , especially in large volumes Fax server Shares one or more fax machines over a network , thus eliminating the hassle of physical access Any fax sender or recipient File server Shares files and folders , storage space to hold files and folders , or both , over a network Networked computers are the intended clients , even though local programs can be clients Game server Enables several computers or gaming devices to play multiplayer games Personal computers or gaming consoles Mail server Makes email communication possible in the same way that a post office makes snail mail communication possible Senders and recipients of email Media server Shares digital video or digital audio over a network through media streaming ( transmitting content in a way that portions received can be watched or listened to as they arrive , as opposed to downloading an entire file and then using it ) User - attended personal computers equipped with a monitor and a speaker Print server Shares one or more printers over a network , thus eliminating the hassle of physical access Computers in need of printing something Sound server Enables computer programs to play and record sound , individually or cooperatively Computer programs of the same computer and network clients . Proxy server Acts as an intermediary between a client and a server , accepting incoming traffic from the client and sending it to the server . Reasons for doing so includes content control and filtering , improving traffic performance , preventing unauthorized network access or simply routing the traffic over a large and complex network . Any networked computer Virtual server Shares hardware and software resources with other virtual servers . It exists only as defined within specialized software called hypervisor . The hypervisor presents virtual hardware to the server as if it were real physical hardware . Server virtualization allows for a more efficient infrastructure . Any networked computer Web server Hosts web pages . A web server is what makes the World Wide Web possible . Each website has one or more web servers . Computers with a web browser Almost the entire structure of the Internet is based upon a client -- server model . High - level root nameservers , DNS , and routers direct the traffic on the internet . There are millions of servers connected to the Internet , running continuously throughout the world and virtually every action taken by an ordinary Internet user requires one or more interactions with one or more server . There are exceptions that do not use dedicated servers ; for example peer - to - peer file sharing , some implementations of telephony ( e.g. pre-Microsoft Skype ) . Hardware requirement ( edit ) A rack - mountable server with the top cover removed to reveal internal components Hardware requirement for servers vary widely , depending on the server 's purpose and its software . Since servers are usually accessed over a network , many run unattended without a computer monitor or input device , audio hardware and USB interfaces . Many servers do not have a graphical user interface ( GUI ) . They are configured and managed remotely . Remote management can be conducted via various methods including Microsoft Management Console ( MMC ) , PowerShell , SSH and browser - based out - of - band management systems such as Dell 's iDRAC or HP 's iLo . Large servers ( edit ) Large traditional single servers would need to be run for long periods without interruption . Availability would have to be very high , making hardware reliability and durability extremely important . Mission - critical enterprise servers would be very fault tolerant and use specialized hardware with low failure rates in order to maximize uptime . Uninterruptible power supplies might be incorporated to insure against power failure . Servers typically include hardware redundancy such as dual power supplies , RAID disk systems , and ECC memory , along with extensive pre-boot memory testing and verification . Critical components might be hot swappable , allowing technicians to replace them on the running server without shutting it down , and to guard against overheating , servers might have more powerful fans or use water cooling . They will often be able to be configured , powered up and down or rebooted remotely , using out - of - band management , typically based on IPMI . Server casings are usually flat and wide , and designed to be rack - mounted . These types of servers are often housed in dedicated data centers . These will normally have very stable power and Internet and increased security . Noise is also less of a concern , but power consumption and heat output can be a serious issue . Server rooms are equipped with air conditioning devices . A server rack seen from the rear Wikimedia Foundation servers as seen from the front Wikimedia Foundation servers as seen from the rear Wikimedia Foundation servers as seen from the rear Clusters ( edit ) Main article : Server farm A server farm or server cluster is a collection of computer servers maintained by an organization to supply server functionality far beyond the capability of a single device . Modern data centers are now often built of very large clusters of much simpler servers , and there is a collaborative effort , Open Compute Project around this concept . Appliances ( edit ) A class of small specialist servers called network appliances are generally at the low end of the scale , often being smaller than common desktop computers . Operating systems ( edit ) Sun 's Cobalt Qube 3 ; a computer server appliance ( 2002 ) ; running Cobalt Linux ( a customized version of Red Hat Linux , using the 2.2 Linux kernel ) , complete with the Apache web server . On the Internet the dominant operating systems among servers are UNIX - like open source distributions , such as those based on Linux and FreeBSD , with Windows Server also having a very significant share . Proprietary operating systems such as z / OS and macOS Server are also deployed , but in much smaller numbers . Specialist server - oriented operating systems have traditionally had features such as : GUI not available or optional Ability to reconfigure and update both hardware and software to some extent without restart Advanced backup facilities to permit regular and frequent online backups of critical data , Transparent data transfer between different volumes or devices Flexible and advanced networking capabilities Automation capabilities such as daemons in UNIX and services in Windows Tight system security , with advanced user , resource , data , and memory protection . Advanced detection and alerting on conditions such as overheating , processor and disk failure . In practice , today many desktop and server operating systems share similar code bases , differing mostly in configuration . Energy consumption ( edit ) In 2010 , data centers ( servers , cooling , and other electrical infrastructure ) were responsible for 1.1 - 1.5 % of electrical energy consumption worldwide and 1.7 - 2.2 % in the United States . One estimate is that total energy consumption for information and communications technology saves more than 5 times its carbon footprint in the rest of the economy by enabling efficiency . See also ( edit ) Computing portal Mobile Server Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ A CORBA servant is a server - side object to which method calls from remote method invocation are forwarded , but this is an uncommon usage . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Windows Server Administration Fundamentals . Microsoft Official Academic Course. 111 River Street , Hoboken , NJ 07030 : John Wiley & Sons . 2011 . pp. 2 -- 3 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 470 - 90182 - 3 . Jump up ^ Comer , Douglas E. ; Stevens , David L. ( 1993 ) . Vol III : Client - Server Programming and Applications . Internetworking with TCP / IP . Department of Computer Sciences , Purdue University , West Lafayette , IN 479 : Prentice Hall . pp. 11d . ISBN 0 - 13 - 474222 - 2 . Jump up ^ Richard A. Henle , Boris W. Kuvshinoff , C.M. Kuvshinoff ( 1992 ) . Desktop computers : in perspective . Oxford University Press . p. 417 . Server is a fairly recent computer networking term derived from queuing theory . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) Jump up ^ Rulifson , Jeff ( June 1969 ) . DEL . IETF . doi : 10.17487 / RFC0005 . RFC 5 . . Retrieved 30 November 2013 . Jump up ^ Shapiro , Elmer B. ( March 1969 ) . Network Timetable . IETF . doi : 10.17487 / RFC0004 . RFC 4 . . Retrieved 30 November 2013 . Jump up ^ Using the HTTP Publish - Subscribe Server , Oracle Jump up ^ `` Paessler IT Explained - Server '' . Retrieved May 7th , 2018 . Check date values in : accessdate = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Web Servers '' . IT Business Edge . Retrieved July 31 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Li , Huang , Shen , Chu ( 2010 ) . `` '' A Realistic Evaluation of Memory Hardware Errors and Software System Susceptibility `` . Usenix Annual Tech Conference 2010 '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 30 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Google uncloaks once - secret server '' . CNET . CBS Interactive . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` Usage statistics and market share of Linux for websites '' . Retrieved 18 Jan 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Server Oriented Operating System '' . Retrieved 2010 - 05 - 25 . Jump up ^ Markoff , John ( 31 Jul 2011 ) . `` Data Centers Using Less Power Than Forecast , Report Says '' . NY Times . Retrieved 18 Jan 2013 . Jump up ^ `` SMART 2020 : Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age '' ( PDF ) . The Climate Group . 6 Oct 2008 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 22 November 2010 . Retrieved 18 Jan 2013 . Further reading ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Servers . Erlang , Agner Krarup ( 1909 ) . `` The theory of probabilities and telephone conversations '' ( PDF ) . Nyt Tidsskrift for Matematik B. 20 : 33 -- 39 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2011 - 10 - 01 . Kendall , D.G. ( 1953 ) . `` Stochastic Processes Occurring in the Theory of Queues and their Analysis by the Method of the Imbedded Markov Chain '' . The Annals of Mathematical Statistics . 24 ( 3 ) : 338 . doi : 10.1214 / aoms / 1177728975 . JSTOR 2236285 . Computer sizes Classes of computers Microcomputer , personal computer Stationary Workstation Desktop Home Personal supercomputer SFF Nettop Plug Portable Tabletop Game arcade cabinet System board Home console Microconsole Interactive kiosk Smart TV Smart speaker Mobile Laptop Desktop replacement 2 - in - 1 Subnotebook Netbook Smartbook Ultrabook Ultra-mobile PC Tablet Ultra-mobile PC 2 - in - 1 Mobile Internet device Tabletop Phablet Information appliance Handheld PC Palm - size PC Pocket PC Pocket computer Palmtop PC PDA Electronic organizer EDA Mobile phone Feature phone Smartphone Phablet PMP DAP E-reader Handheld game console Portable / Mobile data terminal Calculator Scientific Programmable Graphing Wearable Digital wristwatch Calculator watch Smartwatch Smartglasses Smart ring Midrange Server Minicomputer Supermini Large Super Mainframe Minisuper Others Microcontroller Nanocomputer Pizza box form factor Single - board computer Smartdust Wireless sensor network Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Servers ( computing ) Server hardware Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter CS1 errors : dates CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Articles needing additional references from July 2015 All articles needing additional references Pages using RFC magic links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Alemannisch Azərbaycanca বাংলা Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Latviešu Lietuvių Lingála Lumbaart Magyar Македонски മലയാളം მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Mirandés Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Polski Português Română Русский Scots Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 吴语 ייִדיש 粵語 中文 69 more Edit links This page was last edited on 21 July 2018 , at 00 : 52 ( UTC ) . 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a large collection of servers is called a(n)
A server farm or server cluster is a collection of computer servers maintained by an organization to supply server functionality far beyond the capability of a single device . Modern data centers are now often built of very large clusters of much simpler servers , and there is a collaborative effort , Open Compute Project around this concept .
List of National Basketball Association career 3 - point scoring leaders - wikipedia List of National Basketball Association career 3 - point scoring leaders Jump to : navigation , search This article provides two lists : A list of National Basketball Association players by total career regular season three - point field goals made . A progressive list of three - point leaders showing how the record has increased through the years . Contents ( hide ) 1 Three - point Field Goals Made Leaders 2 Progressive list of 3 - point scoring leaders 3 Notes 4 External links Three - point field goals made leaders ( edit ) This is a list of National Basketball Association players by total career regular - season three - point field goals made . Statistics accurate as of April 9 , 2018 . Active NBA player * Inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame † Not yet eligible for Hall of Fame consideration § 1st time nominee for Hall of Fame in 2018 Rank Name Position ( s ) Team ( o ) played for ( games ) Total 3 - point field goals made Total 3 - point field goals attempted 3 - point field goal percentage Allen , Ray Ray Allen * SG Milwaukee Bucks ( 1996 -- 2003 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 2003 -- 2007 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2012 ) Miami Heat ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 2,973 7,429 . 400 Miller , Reggie Reggie Miller * SG Indiana Pacers ( 1987 -- 2005 ) 2,560 6,486 . 395 Terry , Jason Jason Terry ^ SG / PG Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present ) 2,282 6,009 . 380 Korver , Kyle Kyle Korver ^ SG / SF Philadelphia 76ers ( 2003 -- 2007 ) Utah Jazz ( 2007 -- 2010 ) Chicago Bulls ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2012 -- 2017 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2017 -- present ) 2,213 5,130 . 431 Crawford , Jamal Jamal Crawford ^ SG / PG Chicago Bulls ( 2000 -- 2004 ) New York Knicks ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2009 -- 2011 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2011 -- 2012 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2012 -- 2017 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2017 -- present ) 2,153 6,173 . 349 6 Pierce , Paul Paul Pierce SF Boston Celtics ( 1999 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) 2,143 5,816 . 368 7 Curry , Stephen Stephen Curry ^ PG Golden State Warriors ( 2009 -- present ) 2,129 4,880 . 436 8 Carter , Vince Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1999 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- present ) 2,104 5,647 . 373 9 Kidd , Jason Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996 , 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) 1,988 5,701 . 349 10 Johnson , Joe Joe Johnson ^ SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 2001 -- 2002 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2002 -- 2005 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2005 -- 2012 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2012 -- 2016 ) Miami Heat ( 2016 ) Utah Jazz ( 2016 -- 2018 ) Houston Rockets ( 2018 -- present ) 1,976 5,327 . 371 11 Nowitzki , Dirk Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1999 -- present ) 1,918 5,005 . 383 12 Smith , J.R. J.R. Smith ^ SG New Orleans ( / Oklahoma City ) Hornets ( 2004 -- 2006 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2006 -- 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 -- 2015 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2015 -- present ) 1,917 5,126 . 374 13 Billups , Chauncey Chauncey Billups PG / SG Boston Celtics ( 1997 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 ) Denver Nuggets ( 19 99 , 2008 -- 2011 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2000 -- 2002 ) Detroit Pistons ( 2002 -- 2008 , 2013 -- 2014 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2011 -- 2013 ) 1,830 4,725 . 387 14 Bryant , Kobe Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) 1,827 5,546 . 330 15 Lewis , Rashard Rashard Lewis SF / PF Seattle SuperSonics ( 1999 -- 2007 ) Orlando Magic ( 2007 -- 2010 ) Washington Wizards ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Miami Heat ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 1,787 4,625 . 386 16 Stojaković , Peja Peja Stojaković SF Sacramento Kings ( 1999 -- 2006 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2006 ) New Orleans / Oklahoma City Hornets ( 2006 -- 2010 ) Toronto Raptors ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 ) 1,760 4,392 . 401 17 Ellis , Dale Dale Ellis SF / SG Dallas Mavericks ( 1983 -- 1986 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1986 -- 1991 , 1997 -- 1999 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1992 , 1999 -- 2000 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1992 -- 1994 ) Denver Nuggets ( 1994 -- 1997 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 2000 ) 1,719 4,266 . 403 18 Nash , Steve Steve Nash * PG Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 1998 , 2004 -- 2012 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 1,685 3,939 . 428 19 Harden , James James Harden ^ SG Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2009 -- 2012 ) Houston Rockets ( 2012 -- present ) 1,644 4,518 . 364 20 James , LeBron LeBron James ^ SF Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2003 -- 2010 , 2014 -- present ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2014 ) 1,616 4,699 . 344 21 Richardson , Jason Jason Richardson SG Golden State Warriors ( 2001 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2007 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2010 ) Orlando Magic ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 2012 -- 2015 ) 1,608 4,344 . 370 22 Miller , Mike Mike Miller SF / SG Orlando Magic ( 2000 -- 2003 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2003 -- 2008 , 2013 -- 2014 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Washington Wizards ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2015 -- 2017 ) 1,590 3,910 . 407 23 Rice , Glen Glen Rice SF Miami Heat ( 1989 -- 1995 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1999 -- 2000 ) New York Knicks ( 2000 -- 2001 ) Houston Rockets ( 2001 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) 1,559 3,896 . 400 24 Thompson , Klay Klay Thompson ^ SG Golden State Warriors ( 2011 -- present ) 1,554 3,683 . 422 25 Jones , Eddie Eddie Jones SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1994 -- 1999 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1999 -- 2000 ) Miami Heat ( 2000 -- 2005 , 2007 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2005 -- 2007 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 -- 2008 ) 1,546 4,147 . 373 26 Hardaway , Tim Tim Hardaway PG Golden State Warriors ( 1989 -- 1993 , 1994 -- 1996 ) Miami Heat ( 1996 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2003 ) 1,542 4,345 . 355 27 Van Exel , Nick Nick Van Exel PG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1993 -- 1998 ) Denver Nuggets ( 1999 -- 2002 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2004 -- 2005 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2005 -- 2006 ) 1,528 4,278 . 357 28 Bibby , Mike Mike Bibby PG Vancouver Grizzlies ( 1999 -- 2001 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2001 -- 2008 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2008 -- 2011 ) Washington Wizards ( 2011 ) Miami Heat ( 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 -- 2012 ) 1,517 3,999 . 379 29 Ginóbili , Manu Manu Ginóbili ^ SG San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- present ) 1,494 4,050 . 369 30 Redick , J.J. J.J. Redick ^ SG Orlando Magic ( 2006 -- 2013 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2013 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2013 -- 2017 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 2017 -- present ) 1,458 3,515 . 415 31 Finley , Michael Michael Finley SF Phoenix Suns ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 1996 -- 2005 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2005 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 ) 1,454 3,880 . 375 32 Durant , Kevin Kevin Durant ^ SF / SG Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2007 -- 2016 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2016 -- present ) 1,433 3,731 . 384 33 Matthews , Wesley Wesley Matthews ^ SG Utah Jazz ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2010 -- 2015 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2015 -- present ) 1,405 3,667 . 383 34 Barry , Brent Brent Barry SG Los Angeles Clippers ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Miami Heat ( 1998 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1999 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1999 -- 2004 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Houston Rockets ( 2008 -- 2009 ) 1,395 3,442 . 405 35 Walker , Antoine Antoine Walker PF Boston Celtics ( 1996 -- 2003 , 2005 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 2005 -- 2007 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2007 -- 2008 ) 1,386 4,264 . 325 36 Lowry , Kyle Kyle Lowry ^ PG Memphis Grizzlies ( 2006 -- 2009 ) Houston Rockets ( 2009 -- 2012 ) Toronto Raptors ( 2012 -- present ) 1,370 3,707 . 370 37 Majerle , Dan Dan Majerle SG / SF Phoenix Suns ( 1988 -- 1995 , 2001 -- 2002 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Miami Heat ( 1996 -- 2001 ) 1,360 3,798 . 358 38 Anthony , Carmelo Carmelo Anthony ^ SF Denver Nuggets ( 2003 -- 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 -- 2017 ) Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2017 -- present ) 1,340 3,856 . 348 39 Davis , Baron Baron Davis PG Charlotte Hornets ( 1999 -- 2002 ) New Orleans Hornets ( 2002 -- 2005 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2005 -- 2008 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2008 -- 2011 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 ) 1,332 4,159 . 320 40 Richmond , Mitch Mitch Richmond * SG Golden State Warriors ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Sacramento Kings ( 1991 -- 1998 ) Washington Wizards ( 1999 -- 2001 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2001 -- 2002 ) 1,326 3,419 . 388 41 Anderson , Ryan Ryan Anderson ^ PF New Jersey Nets ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2012 ) New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans ( 2012 -- 2016 ) Houston Rockets ( 2016 -- present ) 1,315 3,446 . 382 42 Ariza , Trevor Trevor Ariza ^ SF New York Knicks ( 2004 -- 2006 ) Orlando Magic ( 2006 -- 2007 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2007 -- 2009 ) Houston Rockets ( 2009 -- 2010 , 2014 -- present ) New Orleans Hornets ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Washington Wizards ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 1,313 3,713 . 354 43 Houston , Allan Allan Houston SG Detroit Pistons ( 1993 -- 1996 ) New York Knicks ( 1996 -- 2005 ) 1,305 3,247 . 402 44 Dunleavy Jr. , Mike Mike Dunleavy Jr . SF / SG Golden State Warriors ( 2002 -- 2007 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2007 -- 2011 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2011 -- 2013 ) Chicago Bulls ( 2013 -- 2016 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2017 ) 1,304 3,460 . 377 45 Porter , Terry Terry Porter PG Portland Trail Blazers ( 1985 -- 1995 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Miami Heat ( 1999 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1999 -- 2002 ) 1,297 3,360 . 386 46 Blaylock , Mookie Mookie Blaylock PG New Jersey Nets ( 1989 -- 1992 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1992 -- 1999 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1999 -- 2002 ) 1,283 3,816 . 336 47 Lillard , Damian Damian Lillard ^ PG Portland Trail Blazers ( 2012 -- present ) 1,265 3,437 . 368 48 Maxwell , Vernon Vernon Maxwell SG San Antonio Spurs ( 1988 -- 1990 , 1996 -- 1997 ) Houston Rockets ( 1990 -- 1995 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1995 -- 1996 , 2000 ) Orlando Magic ( 1998 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1998 ) Sacramento Kings ( 1999 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1999 -- 2000 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 ) 1,256 3,931 . 320 49 Robinson , Clifford Clifford Robinson PF / SF Portland Trail Blazers ( 1989 -- 1997 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1997 -- 2001 ) Detroit Pistons ( 2001 -- 2003 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2003 -- 2005 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2005 -- 2007 ) 1,253 3,515 . 356 50 Jackson , Stephen Stephen Jackson SG / SF New Jersey Nets ( 2000 -- 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2001 -- 2003 , 2012 -- 2013 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2007 -- 2009 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2009 -- 2011 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2011 -- 2012 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2013 -- 2014 ) 1,252 3,763 . 333 Progressive list of 3 - point scoring leaders ( edit ) This is a progressive list of 3 - point scoring leaders showing how the record has increased through the years . Statistics accurate as of February 21 , 2018 . Active NBA player * Inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame † Not yet eligible for Hall of Fame consideration § 1st time nominee for Hall of Fame in 2018 Team Abbreviations Team listed is the one player was on when he established the record . BOS Boston Celtics HOU Houston Rockets ORL Orlando Magic SEA Seattle SuperSonics CHA Charlotte Bobcats IND Indiana Pacers PHI Philadelphia 76ers TOR Toronto Raptors CHI Chicago Bulls LAL Los Angeles Lakers PHO Phoenix Suns UTA Utah Jazz CLE Cleveland Cavaliers MIA Miami Heat SAC Sacramento Kings WAS Washington Wizards DEN Denver Nuggets MIL Milwaukee Bucks SAS San Antonio Spurs WSB Washington Bullets GSW Golden State Warriors NYK New York Knicks SDC San Diego Clippers Progressive 3 point Leaders Season Year - by - year leader 3P Active player leader 3P Career record 3P Single season record 3P Season 1979 -- 80 Brian Taylor 000SDC 90 Brian Taylor 000SDC 90 Brian Taylor 000SDC 90 Brian Taylor 000SDC 90 1979 -- 80 1980 -- 81 Mike Bratz 000CLE 57 134 134 1980 -- 81 1981 -- 82 Don Buse 000IND 73 Joe Hassett 000GSW 193 Joe Hassett 000GSW 193 1981 -- 82 1982 -- 83 Mike Dunleavy 000 SAS 67 194 194 1982 -- 83 1983 -- 84 Darrell Griffith 000UTA 91 Darrell Griffith 000UTA 154 Darrell Griffith 000UTA 91 1983 -- 84 1984 -- 85 92 246 Darrell Griffith 000UTA 246 92 1984 -- 85 1985 -- 86 Larry Bird * 000BOS 82 Larry Bird * 000BOS 267 Larry Bird * 000BOS 267 1985 -- 86 1986 -- 87 90 357 357 1986 -- 87 1987 -- 88 Danny Ainge 000BOS 148 455 455 Danny Ainge 000BOS 148 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 Michael Adams 000DEN 166 Dale Ellis 000SEA 472 Dale Ellis 000SEA 472 Michael Adams 000DEN 166 1988 -- 89 1989 -- 90 158 568 568 1989 -- 90 1990 -- 91 Vernon Maxwell 000HOU 172 Michael Adams 000DEN 1990 -- 91 000WSB 1991 -- 92 658 Michael Adams 000DEN 1990 -- 91 000WSB 1991 -- 92 658 Vernon Maxwell 000HOU 172 1990 -- 91 1991 -- 92 162 783 783 1991 -- 92 1992 -- 93 Reggie Miller * 000IND Dan Majerle 000PHO 167 Dale Ellis 000 SAS 1992 -- 94 000 DEN 1994 -- 97 882 Dale Ellis 000 SAS 1992 -- 94 000 DEN 1994 -- 97 882 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 Dan Majerle 000PHO 192 1,013 1,013 Dan Majerle 000PHO 192 1993 -- 94 1994 -- 95 John Starks 000NYK 217 1,119 1,119 John Starks 000NYK 217 1994 -- 95 1995 -- 96 Dennis Scott 000ORL 267 1,269 1,269 Dennis Scott 000ORL 267 1995 -- 96 1996 -- 97 Reggie Miller * 000IND 229 1,461 1,461 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 Wesley Person 000CLE 192 Reggie Miller * 000IND 1,596 Reggie Miller * 000IND 1,596 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 Dee Brown 000TOR 135 1,702 1,702 1998 -- 99 1999 -- 00 Gary Payton * 000SEA 177 1,867 1,867 1999 -- 00 2000 -- 01 Antoine Walker 000BOS 221 2,037 2,037 2000 -- 01 2001 -- 02 Allen , Ray Ray Allen * 000MIL 229 2,217 2,217 2001 -- 02 2002 -- 03 201 2,330 2,330 2002 -- 03 2003 -- 04 Peja Stojaković 000SAC 240 2,464 2,464 2003 -- 04 2004 -- 05 Quentin Richardson 0PHO Kyle Korver ^ 00PHI 226 2,560 2,560 2004 -- 05 2005 -- 06 Allen , Ray Ray Allen * 000SEA 269 Allen , Ray Ray Allen * 000SEA 2005 -- 07 000BOS 2007 -- 12 000MIA 2012 -- 14 1,755 Allen , Ray Ray Allen * 000SEA 269 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 Gilbert Arenas 00WAS Raja Bell 00PHO 205 1,920 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 Jason Richardson 000CHA 243 2,100 2007 -- 08 2008 -- 09 Rashard Lewis 000ORL 220 2,299 2008 -- 09 2009 -- 10 Aaron Brooks ^ 000HOU 209 2,444 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 Dorell Wright 000GSW 194 2,612 Allen , Ray Ray Allen * 000BOS 2010 -- 12 000MIA 2012 -- 14 2,612 2010 -- 11 2011 -- 12 Ryan Anderson ^ 000ORL 166 2,718 2,718 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 Stephen Curry ^ 000GSW 272 2,857 2,857 Stephen Curry ^ 000GSW 272 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 261 2,973 2,973 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 286 Jason Terry ^ 000HOU 2014 -- 16 000MIL 2016 -- 18 2,076 286 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 402 2,169 402 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 324 2,242 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 James Harden ^ 000HOU 245 2,255 2017 -- 18 Season Year - by - Year Leader 3P Active Player Leader 3P Career Record 3P Single Season Record 3P Season Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The National Basketball Association did not record 3 - point field goals until the 1979 -- 80 season Jump up ^ `` NBA Progressive Leaders and Records for 3 - Pt Field Goals '' . . Sports - Reference . Retrieved 24 March 2015 . ^ Jump up to : A player is not eligible for induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame until he has been fully retired for three calendar years . ^ Jump up to : `` Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Announces Eligible Candidates for the Class of 2018 '' . Retrieved 29 December 2017 . Jump up ^ American Basketball Association ( ABA ) teams other than those admitted into the NBA in 1976 are not included ; each year is linked to an article about that particular NBA season . External links ( edit ) enumeration of NBA career leaders in 3 - point field goals made ( hide ) National Basketball Association statistical leaders Players Career Regular season Points Franchise Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers Three - point field goals Free throws Seasons Games Minutes Playoffs Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Turnovers Three - point field goals Free throws Games Minutes Annual Points Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Minutes Field goal percentage Three - point field goals Three - point field goal percentage Free throw percentage Season Points Rookie Rebounds Rookie Game Points Playoffs Rebounds Assists Steals Blocks Misc Tallest players Shortest players Oldest and youngest players Highest - paid players Teams Winningest teams All - time win - loss records Winning streaks Losing streaks Misc Highest - scoring games Records Regular season Playoffs All - Star Game Retrieved from `` '' Categories : National Basketball Association lists National Basketball Association statistical leaders Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français Русский 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 10 April 2018 , at 03 : 35 . 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nba's list of career three-point field goals made
Rank Name Position ( s ) Team ( o ) played for ( games ) Total 3 - point field goals made Total 3 - point field goals attempted 3 - point field goal percentage Allen , Ray Ray Allen * SG Milwaukee Bucks ( 1996 -- 2003 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 2003 -- 2007 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2012 ) Miami Heat ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 2,973 7,429 . 400 Miller , Reggie Reggie Miller * SG Indiana Pacers ( 1987 -- 2005 ) 2,560 6,486 . 395 Terry , Jason Jason Terry ^ SG / PG Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present ) 2,282 6,009 . 380 Korver , Kyle Kyle Korver ^ SG / SF Philadelphia 76ers ( 2003 -- 2007 ) Utah Jazz ( 2007 -- 2010 ) Chicago Bulls ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2012 -- 2017 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2017 -- present ) 2,213 5,130 . 431 Crawford , Jamal Jamal Crawford ^ SG / PG Chicago Bulls ( 2000 -- 2004 ) New York Knicks ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2009 -- 2011 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2011 -- 2012 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2012 -- 2017 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2017 -- present ) 2,153 6,173 . 349 6 Pierce , Paul Paul Pierce SF Boston Celtics ( 1999 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) 2,143 5,816 . 368 7 Curry , Stephen Stephen Curry ^ PG Golden State Warriors ( 2009 -- present ) 2,129 4,880 . 436 8 Carter , Vince Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1999 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- present ) 2,104 5,647 . 373 9 Kidd , Jason Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996 , 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) 1,988 5,701 . 349 10 Johnson , Joe Joe Johnson ^ SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 2001 -- 2002 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2002 -- 2005 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2005 -- 2012 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2012 -- 2016 ) Miami Heat ( 2016 ) Utah Jazz ( 2016 -- 2018 ) Houston Rockets ( 2018 -- present ) 1,976 5,327 . 371 11 Nowitzki , Dirk Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1999 -- present ) 1,918 5,005 . 383 12 Smith , J.R. J.R. Smith ^ SG New Orleans ( / Oklahoma City ) Hornets ( 2004 -- 2006 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2006 -- 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 -- 2015 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2015 -- present ) 1,917 5,126 . 374 13 Billups , Chauncey Chauncey Billups PG / SG Boston Celtics ( 1997 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 ) Denver Nuggets ( 19 99 , 2008 -- 2011 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2000 -- 2002 ) Detroit Pistons ( 2002 -- 2008 , 2013 -- 2014 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2011 -- 2013 ) 1,830 4,725 . 387 14 Bryant , Kobe Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) 1,827 5,546 . 330 15 Lewis , Rashard Rashard Lewis SF / PF Seattle SuperSonics ( 1999 -- 2007 ) Orlando Magic ( 2007 -- 2010 ) Washington Wizards ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Miami Heat ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 1,787 4,625 . 386 16 Stojaković , Peja Peja Stojaković SF Sacramento Kings ( 1999 -- 2006 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2006 ) New Orleans / Oklahoma City Hornets ( 2006 -- 2010 ) Toronto Raptors ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 ) 1,760 4,392 . 401 17 Ellis , Dale Dale Ellis SF / SG Dallas Mavericks ( 1983 -- 1986 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1986 -- 1991 , 1997 -- 1999 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1992 , 1999 -- 2000 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1992 -- 1994 ) Denver Nuggets ( 1994 -- 1997 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 2000 ) 1,719 4,266 . 403 18 Nash , Steve Steve Nash * PG Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 1998 , 2004 -- 2012 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 1,685 3,939 . 428 19 Harden , James James Harden ^ SG Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2009 -- 2012 ) Houston Rockets ( 2012 -- present ) 1,644 4,518 . 364 20 James , LeBron LeBron James ^ SF Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2003 -- 2010 , 2014 -- present ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2014 ) 1,616 4,699 . 344 21 Richardson , Jason Jason Richardson SG Golden State Warriors ( 2001 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2007 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2010 ) Orlando Magic ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 2012 -- 2015 ) 1,608 4,344 . 370 22 Miller , Mike Mike Miller SF / SG Orlando Magic ( 2000 -- 2003 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2003 -- 2008 , 2013 -- 2014 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Washington Wizards ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2015 -- 2017 ) 1,590 3,910 . 407 23 Rice , Glen Glen Rice SF Miami Heat ( 1989 -- 1995 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1999 -- 2000 ) New York Knicks ( 2000 -- 2001 ) Houston Rockets ( 2001 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) 1,559 3,896 . 400 24 Thompson , Klay Klay Thompson ^ SG Golden State Warriors ( 2011 -- present ) 1,554 3,683 . 422 25 Jones , Eddie Eddie Jones SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1994 -- 1999 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1999 -- 2000 ) Miami Heat ( 2000 -- 2005 , 2007 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2005 -- 2007 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 -- 2008 ) 1,546 4,147 . 373 26 Hardaway , Tim Tim Hardaway PG Golden State Warriors ( 1989 -- 1993 , 1994 -- 1996 ) Miami Heat ( 1996 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2003 ) 1,542 4,345 . 355 27 Van Exel , Nick Nick Van Exel PG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1993 -- 1998 ) Denver Nuggets ( 1999 -- 2002 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2004 -- 2005 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2005 -- 2006 ) 1,528 4,278 . 357 28 Bibby , Mike Mike Bibby PG Vancouver Grizzlies ( 1999 -- 2001 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2001 -- 2008 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2008 -- 2011 ) Washington Wizards ( 2011 ) Miami Heat ( 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 -- 2012 ) 1,517 3,999 . 379 29 Ginóbili , Manu Manu Ginóbili ^ SG San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- present ) 1,494 4,050 . 369 30 Redick , J.J. J.J. Redick ^ SG Orlando Magic ( 2006 -- 2013 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2013 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2013 -- 2017 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 2017 -- present ) 1,458 3,515 . 415 31 Finley , Michael Michael Finley SF Phoenix Suns ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 1996 -- 2005 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2005 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 ) 1,454 3,880 . 375 32 Durant , Kevin Kevin Durant ^ SF / SG Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2007 -- 2016 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2016 -- present ) 1,433 3,731 . 384 33 Matthews , Wesley Wesley Matthews ^ SG Utah Jazz ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2010 -- 2015 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2015 -- present ) 1,405 3,667 . 383 34 Barry , Brent Brent Barry SG Los Angeles Clippers ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Miami Heat ( 1998 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1999 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1999 -- 2004 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Houston Rockets ( 2008 -- 2009 ) 1,395 3,442 . 405 35 Walker , Antoine Antoine Walker PF Boston Celtics ( 1996 -- 2003 , 2005 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 2005 -- 2007 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 2007 -- 2008 ) 1,386 4,264 . 325 36 Lowry , Kyle Kyle Lowry ^ PG Memphis Grizzlies ( 2006 -- 2009 ) Houston Rockets ( 2009 -- 2012 ) Toronto Raptors ( 2012 -- present ) 1,370 3,707 . 370 37 Majerle , Dan Dan Majerle SG / SF Phoenix Suns ( 1988 -- 1995 , 2001 -- 2002 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Miami Heat ( 1996 -- 2001 ) 1,360 3,798 . 358 38 Anthony , Carmelo Carmelo Anthony ^ SF Denver Nuggets ( 2003 -- 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2011 -- 2017 ) Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2017 -- present ) 1,340 3,856 . 348 39 Davis , Baron Baron Davis PG Charlotte Hornets ( 1999 -- 2002 ) New Orleans Hornets ( 2002 -- 2005 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2005 -- 2008 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2008 -- 2011 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2011 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 ) 1,332 4,159 . 320 40 Richmond , Mitch Mitch Richmond * SG Golden State Warriors ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Sacramento Kings ( 1991 -- 1998 ) Washington Wizards ( 1999 -- 2001 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2001 -- 2002 ) 1,326 3,419 . 388 41 Anderson , Ryan Ryan Anderson ^ PF New Jersey Nets ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2012 ) New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans ( 2012 -- 2016 ) Houston Rockets ( 2016 -- present ) 1,315 3,446 . 382 42 Ariza , Trevor Trevor Ariza ^ SF New York Knicks ( 2004 -- 2006 ) Orlando Magic ( 2006 -- 2007 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2007 -- 2009 ) Houston Rockets ( 2009 -- 2010 , 2014 -- present ) New Orleans Hornets ( 2010 -- 2012 ) Washington Wizards ( 2012 -- 2014 ) 1,313 3,713 . 354 43 Houston , Allan Allan Houston SG Detroit Pistons ( 1993 -- 1996 ) New York Knicks ( 1996 -- 2005 ) 1,305 3,247 . 402 44 Dunleavy Jr. , Mike Mike Dunleavy Jr . SF / SG Golden State Warriors ( 2002 -- 2007 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2007 -- 2011 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2011 -- 2013 ) Chicago Bulls ( 2013 -- 2016 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2017 ) 1,304 3,460 . 377 45 Porter , Terry Terry Porter PG Portland Trail Blazers ( 1985 -- 1995 ) Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 1998 ) Miami Heat ( 1999 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1999 -- 2002 ) 1,297 3,360 . 386 46 Blaylock , Mookie Mookie Blaylock PG New Jersey Nets ( 1989 -- 1992 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1992 -- 1999 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1999 -- 2002 ) 1,283 3,816 . 336 47 Lillard , Damian Damian Lillard ^ PG Portland Trail Blazers ( 2012 -- present ) 1,265 3,437 . 368 48 Maxwell , Vernon Vernon Maxwell SG San Antonio Spurs ( 1988 -- 1990 , 1996 -- 1997 ) Houston Rockets ( 1990 -- 1995 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1995 -- 1996 , 2000 ) Orlando Magic ( 1998 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1998 ) Sacramento Kings ( 1999 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1999 -- 2000 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 ) 1,256 3,931 . 320 49 Robinson , Clifford Clifford Robinson PF / SF Portland Trail Blazers ( 1989 -- 1997 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1997 -- 2001 ) Detroit Pistons ( 2001 -- 2003 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2003 -- 2005 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2005 -- 2007 ) 1,253 3,515 . 356 50 Jackson , Stephen Stephen Jackson SG / SF New Jersey Nets ( 2000 -- 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2001 -- 2003 , 2012 -- 2013 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Indiana Pacers ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Golden State Warriors ( 2007 -- 2009 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2009 -- 2011 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2011 -- 2012 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2013 -- 2014 ) 1,252 3,763 . 333
Timeline of rocket and missile technology - wikipedia Timeline of rocket and missile technology This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) See also : Timeline of the gunpowder age A depiction of the `` long serpent '' rocket launcher from the 11th century book Wujing Zongyao . The holes in the frame are designed to keep the fire arrows separate . This article gives a concise timeline of rocket and missile technology . Contents 1 11th century 2 17th century - 19th century 3 20th century 4 21st century 5 See also 6 References 11th century ( edit ) 11th century AD - The first documented record of gunpowder and the fire arrow , an early form of rocketry , appears in the Chinese text Wujing Zongyao . 17th century - 19th century ( edit ) 1633 - Lagâri Hasan Çelebi launched a 7 - winged rocket using 50 okka ( 140 lbs ) of gunpowder from Sarayburnu , the point below Topkapı Palace in Istanbul . 1650 - Artis Magnae Artilleriae pars prima ( `` Great Art of Artillery , the First Part '' ) is printed in Amsterdam , about a year before the death of its author , Kazimierz Siemienowicz . 1664 - A `` space rocket '' is imagined as a future technology to be studied in France and its drawing is ordered by French finance minister Colbert ; designed by Le Brun on a Gobelins tapestry ( see : French space program ) 1798 - Tipu Sultan , the King of the state of Mysore in India , develops and uses iron rockets against the British Army ( see Mysorean rockets ) . 1801 - The British Army develops the Congreve rocket based on weapons used against them by Tipu Sultan . 1806 - Claude Ruggieri , an Italian living in France , launched animals on rockets and recovered them using parachutes . He was prevented from launching a child by police . 1813 - `` A Treatise on the Motion of Rockets '' by William Moore -- first appearance of the rocket equation 1818 - Henry Trengrouse demonstrates his rocket apparatus for projecting a lifeline from a wrecked ship to the shore , later widely adopted 1844 - William Hale invents the spin - stabilized rocket 1861 - William Leitch publishes an essay `` A Journey Through Space '' ( later published in his book God 's Glory in the Heavens ( 1862 ) ) , introducing the concept of using rockets to propel a vehicle carrying people into space , to visit the Moon and other planets . 1865 - Jules Verne publishes From the Earth to the Moon as a humorous science fantasy story about a space gun launching a manned spacecraft equipped with rockets for landing on the Moon , but eventually used for another orbital maneuver . 20th century ( edit ) 1902 - French cinema pioneer Georges Méliès directs A Trip to the Moon , the first film about space travel . 1903 - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky begins a series of papers discussing the use of rocketry to reach outer space , space suits , and colonization of the solar system . Two key points discussed in his works are liquid fuels and staging . 1913 - Without knowing the work of Russian mathematician Konstantin Tsiolkovsky , French engineer Robert Esnault - Pelterie derived the equations for space flight , produced a paper that presented the rocket equation and calculated the energies required to reach the Moon and nearby planets . 1922 - Hermann Oberth publishes his scientific work about rocketry and space exploration : Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen ( `` By Rocket into Planetary Space '' ) . 1924 - Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel founded in Moscow by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky , Friedrich Zander and 200 other space and rocket experts 1926 - Robert Goddard launches the first liquid fuel rocket . 1927 - Verein für Raumschiffahrt ( VfR - `` Spaceflight Society '' ) founded in Germany . 1929 - Woman in the Moon , considered to be one of the first `` serious '' science fiction films . 1931 - Friedrich Schmiedl attempts the first rocket mail service in Austria 1935 - Emilio Herrera Linares from Spain designed and made the first full - pressured astronaut suit , called the escafandra estratonáutica . The Russians then used a model of Herrera 's suit when first flying into space of which the Americans would then later adopt when creating their own space program . 1937 - Peenemünde Army Research Center founded in Germany 1938 - The Projectile Development Establishment founded at Fort Halstead for the United Kingdom 's research into military solid - fuel rockets . 1939 - Katyusha multiple rocket launchers ( Russian : Катюша ) are a type of rocket artillery first built and fielded by the Soviet Union . 1941 - French rocket EA - 41 is launched , being the first European liquid propellant working rocket 1941 - Jet Assisted Take Off JATO installed on US Army Air Corp Ercoupe aircraft occurred on 12 August in March Field , California . 1942 - Wernher von Braun and Walter Dornberger launch the first V - 2 rocket at Peenemünde in northern Germany . 1942 - A V - 2 rocket reaches an altitude of 85 km . 1944 - The V - 2 rocket MW 18014 reaches an altitude of 176 km , becoming the first man - made object in space . 1945 - Lothar Sieber dies after the first vertical take - off manned rocket flight in a Bachem Ba 349 `` Natter '' 1945 - Operation Paperclip takes 1,600 German rocket scientists and technicians to the United States 1945 - Operation Osoaviakhim takes 2,000 German rocket scientists and technicians to the Soviet Union 1946 - First flight of the Nike missile , later the first operational surface - to - air guided missile 1947 - Chuck Yeager achieves the first manned supersonic flight in a Bell X-1 rocket - powered aircraft 1949 - Willy Ley publishes The Conquest of Space 1952 - 22 May , French Véronique 1 rocket is launched from the Algerian desert . 1952 - Wernher von Braun discusses the technical details of a manned exploration of Mars in Das Marsprojekt . 1953 - Colliers Magazine publishes a series of articles on man 's future in space , igniting the interest of people around the world . The series includes numerous articles by Ley and von Braun , illustrated by Chesley Bonestell . 1956 - First launch of PGM - 17 Thor , the first US ballistic missile and forerunner of the Delta space launch rockets 1957 - Launch of the first ICBM , the USSR 's R - 7 ( 8K71 ) , known to NATO as the SS - 6 Sapwood . 1957 - The USSR launches Sputnik 1 , the first artificial satellite . 1958 - The U.S. launches Explorer 1 , the first American artificial satellite , on a Jupiter - C rocket . 1958 - US launches their first ICBM , the Atlas - B ( the Atlas - A was a test article only ) . 1961 - the USSR launches Vostok 1 , Yuri Gagarin reached a height of 327 km above Earth and was the first man to orbit Earth . 1961 - US , a Mercury capsule named Freedom 7 with Alan B. Shepard , spacecraft was launched by a Redstone rocket on a ballistic trajectory suborbital flight . 1962 - The US launches Mercury MA - 6 ( Friendship 7 ) on an Atlas D booster , John Glenn finally puts America in orbit . 1963 - The USSR launches Vostok 6 , Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman ( and first civilian ) to orbit Earth . She remained in space for nearly three days and orbited the Earth 48 times . 1963 - US X-15 rocket - plane , the first reusable manned spacecraft ( suborbital ) reaches space , pioneering reusability , carried launch and glide landings . 1965 - USSR Proton rocket , highly successful launch vehicle with notable payloads , Salyut 6 & Salyut 7 , Mir & ISS components 1965 - Robert Salked investigates various single stage to orbit spaceplane concepts 1966 - USSR Luna 9 , the first soft landing on the Moon 1966 - USSR launches Soyuz spacecraft , longest - running series of spacecraft , eventually serving Soviet , Russian and International space missions . 1969 - US Apollo 11 , first men on the Moon , first lunar surface extravehicular activity . 1981 - US space shuttle pioneers reusability and glide landings 1998 - US Deep Space 1 is first deep space mission to use an ion thruster for propulsion . 1998 - Russia launch Zarya module which is the first part of the International Space Station . 21st century ( edit ) 2001 - Russian Soyuz spacecraft sent the first space tourist Dennis Tito to International Space Station . 2004 - US - based , first privately developed , manned ( suborbital ) spaceflight , SpaceShipOne demonstrates reusability . 2008 - SpaceX -- with their Falcon 1 rocket -- became the first private entity to successfully launch a rocket into orbit . 2012 - The SpaceX Dragon space capsule -- launched aboard a Falcon 9 launch vehicle -- was the first private spacecraft to successfully dock with another spacecraft , and was also the first private capsule to dock at the International Space Station . 2014 - First booster rocket returning from an orbital trajectory to achieve a zero - velocity - at - zero - altitude propulsive vertical landing . The first - stage booster of Falcon 9 Flight 9 made the first successful controlled ocean soft touchdown of a liquid - rocket - engine orbital booster on April 18 , 2014 . 2015 - SpaceX 's Falcon 9 Flight 20 was the first time that the first stage of an orbital rocket made a successful return and vertical landing . 2017 - SpaceX 's Falcon 9 SES - 10 was the first time a used orbital rocket made a successful return 2018 - The Electron rocket was the first New - Zealand rocket to achieve orbit . The rocket is also unique in using an electric pump - fed engine . The rocket also carried an additional satellite payload called `` Humanity Star '' , a 1 - meter - wide ( 3 ft ) carbon fiber sphere made up of 65 panels that reflect the Sun 's light . See also ( edit ) History of rockets List of missiles List of rockets Timeline of heat engine technology References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Winter , Frank H. ( 1992 ) . `` Who First Flew in a Rocket ? '' , Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 45 ( July 1992 ) , p. 275 - 80 Jump up ^ Jean Cheymol . `` Astronautique '' ( PDF ) . . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` MSFC History OFFICE : CLAUDE RUGGIERI '' . . Retrieved 30 November 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Considerations sur les resultats d'un allegement indefini des moteurs '' , Journal de physique theorique et appliquee , Paris , 1913 Jump up ^ `` Sommaire chronologie Ariane '' . . Retrieved 11 August 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Salkeld Shuttle '' . . Retrieved 30 November 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ROBERT SALKELD 'S '' . . Retrieved 30 November 2014 . Jump up ^ `` STS - 1 Further Reading '' . . Retrieved 30 November 2014 . Jump up ^ `` First Space Tourist Dennis Tito to Make Business Visit to Russia '' . redOrbit . June 15 , 2004 . Archived from the original on November 27 , 2010 . Retrieved February 27 , 2013 . CS1 maint : Unfit url ( link ) Jump up ^ `` SpaceShipOne Flight Tests '' . Scaled Composites . Archived from the original on 2010 - 08 - 22 . Jump up ^ Clark , Stephen ( 2008 - 09 - 28 ) . `` Sweet Success at Last for Falcon 1 Rocket '' . Spaceflight Now . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 30 . the first privately developed liquid - fueled rocket to successfully reach orbit . Jump up ^ Clark , Stephen ( 25 May 2012 ) . `` First commercial cargo ship arrives at space station '' . Spaceflight Now . Archived from the original on 26 May 2012 . Retrieved 30 November 2014 . Jump up ^ Belfiore , Michael ( April 22 , 2014 ) . `` SpaceX Brings a Booster Safely Back to Earth '' . MIT Technology Review . Retrieved April 25 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Orwig , Jessica ( 2014 - 11 - 25 ) . `` Elon Musk Just Unveiled A Game - Changing Ocean Landing Pad For His Reusable Rockets '' . Business Insider . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 11 . The first successful `` soft landing '' of a Falcon 9 rocket happened in April of this year Jump up ^ Jeff Foust ( December 21 , 2015 ) . `` Falcon 9 Launches Orbcomm Satellites , Lands First Stage '' . SpaceNews . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 22 . the first time SpaceX had successfully landed the rocket 's first stage . Jump up ^ `` SpaceX demonstrates rocket reusability with SES - 10 launch and booster landing '' . 30 March 2017 . Retrieved 11 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Grush , Loren ( 24 January 2018 ) . `` Rocket Lab secretly launched a disco ball satellite on its latest test flight '' . The Verge . Retrieved 24 January 2018 . Spaceflight lists and timelines Timeline of spaceflight General Space exploration outline timeline Spaceflight records Space Race Asian Space Race Rocket and missile technology Human spaceflight General Manned spacecraft timeline Spaceflights 1961 -- 1970 1971 -- 1980 1981 -- 1990 1991 -- 2000 2001 -- 2010 2011 -- present by program Soviet Russian Vostok Soyuz Mercury Gemini Apollo Skylab Shenzhou Gaganyaan Spacelab Salyut Expeditions Spaceflights manned unmanned Spacewalks Visitors Mir Expeditions Spaceflights manned unmanned Spacewalks Visitors ISS Expeditions Spaceflights manned unmanned Spacewalks Visitors Shuttle Crews Missions timeline Rollbacks People Astronauts by name by year of selection by first flight Apollo Gemini Chinese European Cosmonauts female Jewish Muslim Arab African - American Space travelers by name Space travelers by nationality timeline EVA 1965 -- 1999 2000 -- 2014 2015 -- present Cumulative spacewalk records Spacewalkers Solar System exploration Timeline Interplanetary voyages Landings on other planets artificial objects Objects at Lagrangian points Probes active leaving the Solar System lunar probes Missions to the Moon Timeline of satellites Sample - return mission Mars Earth - orbiting satellites Climate research Communications satellite firsts CubeSats PocketQube Earth observation satellites timeline Geosynchronous orbit GOES Kosmos Magnetospheric NRO TDRS USA Vehicles Orbital launch systems Comparison Sounding rockets Spacecraft unmanned manned Upper stages Launches by rocket type Ariane Atlas Black Brant Falcon 9 and Heavy H-I and H - II Long March Proton PSLV R - 7 ( including Semyorka , Molniya , Vostok , Voskhod and Soyuz ) Scout Thor and Delta Titan V - 2 tests Zenit Launches by spaceport Satish Dhawan Agencies , companies and facilities Communications satellite companies comparison Private spaceflight companies Rocket launch sites Space agencies Spacecraft manufacturers Other mission lists and timelines First orbital launches by country NASA missions Constellation missions Timeline of private spaceflight Timeline of longest spaceflights Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Aviation timelines Spaceflight timelines Military timelines Science timelines Technology timelines Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Unfit url Articles needing additional references from December 2009 All articles needing additional references Articles containing Russian - language text Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español 日本 語 Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 21 August 2018 , at 17 : 01 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when did the first rocket launched into space
1944 - The V - 2 rocket MW 18014 reaches an altitude of 176 km , becoming the first man - made object in space .
If You 're Not the One - wikipedia If You 're Not the One Jump to : navigation , search `` If You 're Not the One '' Single by Daniel Bedingfield from the album Gotta Get Thru This Released 25 November 2002 Format CD cassette Recorded 2002 Genre Pop blue - eyed soul Length 4 : 19 Label Island Polydor Songwriter ( s ) Daniel Bedingfield Producer ( s ) Mark Taylor Daniel Bedingfield singles chronology `` James Dean ( I Wanna Know ) '' ( 2002 ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( 2002 ) `` I Ca n't Read You '' ( 2003 ) `` James Dean ( I Wanna Know ) '' ( 2002 ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( 2002 ) `` I Ca n't Read You '' ( 2003 ) Audio sample Daniel Bedingfield - `` If You 're Not the One '' file help Alternative covers American cover French cover `` If You 're Not the One '' is a song by English singer Daniel Bedingfield . It was released on 25 November 2002 as the third single from his debut studio album Gotta Get Thru This ( 2002 ) . The single entered the top 20 on the majority of charts that it appeared on , including being a number - one hit in the UK Singles Chart , and reaching number 15 in the United States . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background and writing 2 Composition 3 Critical reception 4 Chart performance 5 Music video 6 Track listings 7 Credits and personnel 8 Chart positions 8.1 Peak positions 8.2 Year - end charts 8.3 Decade - end charts 9 Certifications 10 References 11 External links Background and writing ( edit ) `` If You 're Not the One '' is written as a love ballad . Bedingfield claims to have been inspired by the band Westlife , when writing and recording the song . Bedingfield himself believes that the song is `` cheesy . '' Bedingfield admitted he began writing the song because he realized that material he considered more `` complex '' , was unlikely to get him a record deal . `` Commercialism , sappy lyrics and meek tunes are the things I hate most in the universe , but I 'm not sure even Bob Dylan could get record company interest without hooks these days '' , Bedingfield recalled in an interview with The Daily Telegraph . `` It 's a different age . You need to go some kind of populist route . So , about three years ago , I sat down with a Westlife song and tried to write something similar . '' Bedingfield also admitted that he did n't even want to put the song on his album . He said , `` I did n't want to put `` If You 're Not the One '' on the album as I thought it was too cheesy . I thought it sounded like Westlife . But she ( Natasha Bedingfield , his sister ) loved it . Women that hear it go all soft and think it 's lovely '' Composition ( edit ) `` If You 're Not the One '' plays for 4 minutes and 19 seconds , in common time . It is in the key of B - flat major , and the chorus features Bedingfield singing falsetto , where he hits the note E ♭ 5 . Critical reception ( edit ) `` If You 're Not the One '' received mixed reviews from contemporary music critics . On the positive side , Peter Robinson , in the Gotta Get thru This album review for the New Musical Express ( NME ) , wrote `` If You 're Not the One ( recalls ) every chart - mauling uber - ballad you 've ever heard '' . Nedd Raggett of AllMusic commented in his album review `` When it comes to ballads , they work best in sudden moments -- the soaring end to If You 're Not the One '' . ranked the song at number 27 on its list of the ' Top 100 Pop Songs of 2002 ' , two places behind the album 's title track . The song was again ranked at number 27 on the 2003 list , due to it being released in the United States during that year . Music Week felt that the song showed Bedingfield 's `` sensitive side '' , and that the song `` showcases his vocal range to stunning effect . '' The magazine even considered it `` beautifully crafted . '' However , the track also received some negative feedback . PopMatters ' Nikki Tranter wrote `` surely you would think with his obviously overwhelming ability to compose utter claptrap cleverly disguised as serious prophesizing , his lyrics might contain something a little more expressive than ' If you 're not the one / Why does my heart feel glad today / If you 're not the one / Then why does my hand fit yours this way . ' '' In his review for musicOMH , Michael Hubbard was even less positive , stating , `` If You 're Not the One is as vomit - inducing as anything the man in the plastic mask has ever wretched ( sic ) forth at the world '' . Chart performance ( edit ) When the song was released as a single , it was picked up by radio stations . It was the most added pop song on the radio for the week of 20 February 2003 . In the US , the song was the most added song in the Adult Contemporary market for the week of 7 April 2003 . In the US , the song was his highest debuting single , debuting at number 55 on the Billboard Hot 100 . The single proved to be a successful release for Bedingfield , providing him with several worldwide number ones and reaching the top 20 in all but one of the charts that it appeared on . It debuted at number one in the UK Singles Chart , knocking Christina Aguilera 's `` Dirrty '' from the top spot . Music video ( edit ) The music video was produced by A1 singer Mark Read . It begins with a series of images of Bedingfield singing in various positions against a black backdrop . When the chorus starts he is seen singing with clouds in the background . The initial sequence is repeated for the second verse . However , half - way through , he starts to write on a wall . The rest of the song follows the same pattern . Track listings ( edit ) UK CD1 `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Album Version ) `` James Dean ( I Wanna Know ) '' ( Acoustic Version ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Metro Mix ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Music Video ) UK CD2 `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Radio Edit ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Metro Mix Radio Edit ) `` James Dean ( I Wanna Know ) '' ( ATFC 's Committed Vocal Mix ) `` Gotta Get Thru This '' ( Music Video -- U.S. Version ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Music Video -- Metro Mix ) American CD single `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Radio Edit ) `` If You 're Not the One '' ( Metro Mix Radio Edit ) `` Album Medley '' Credits and personnel ( edit ) Lead vocals : Daniel Bedingfield Audio mixing : Mark Taylor Drums : Danny Cummings Engineers : Steve Pryce , Mat Bartram ( assistant ) Guitar : Adam Philips Keyboards : Mark Taylor Producer : Mark Taylor Additional production : Christian Saint Val Orchestral contractor : Isobel Griffiths Recorded at Angel Recording Studios ( strings ) . Chart positions ( edit ) Peak positions ( edit ) Chart ( 2002 -- 03 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) 14 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 75 ) 49 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 28 Canada ( Nielsen SoundScan ) 6 Denmark ( Tracklisten ) Europe ( Eurochart Hot 100 Singles ) 8 France ( SNEP ) 18 Germany ( Media Control Charts ) 38 Ireland ( IRMA ) Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 11 New Zealand RIANZ Singles Chart Norway ( VG - lista ) Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 69 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 15 US Pop Songs ( Billboard ) 7 US Hot Dance Club Songs ( Billboard ) US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) US Adult Pop Songs ( Billboard ) 17 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2003 ) Position Australia Singles ( ARIA ) 73 Ireland ( IRMA ) 10 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 7 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 18 US Billboard Hot 100 60 Decade - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2000 -- 2009 ) Position UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 78 Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales Australia ( ARIA ) Gold 35,000 Denmark ( IFPI Denmark ) Gold 5,000 United Kingdom ( BPI ) Platinum 600,000 shipments figures based on certification alone sales + streaming figures based on certification alone References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Roberts , David ( 2006 ) . British Hit Singles & Albums ( 19th ed . ) . London : Guinness World Records Limited . p. 680 . ISBN 1 - 904994 - 10 - 5 . ^ Jump up to : `` Daniel Bedingfield : If You 're Not the One '' . Music Week . 9 November 2002 . Retrieved 17 May 2009 . Jump up ^ Sullivan , Caroline ( 23 March 2003 ) . `` Daniel Bedingfield '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 17 May 2009 . ^ Jump up to : McCormick , Neal ( 6 March 2003 ) . `` Daniel Bedingfield '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 17 May 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Gotta Get Over Snub '' . Daily Record . 27 February 2003 . Retrieved 17 May 2009 . Jump up ^ `` '' If You 're Not the One '' by Daniel Bedingfield -- Digital Sheet Music `` . . EMI Music Publishing . Retrieved 28 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Robinson , Peter ( 20 August 2002 ) . `` Daniel Bedingfield : Gotta Get Thru This '' . New Musical Express . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ `` AllMusic review '' . AllMusic . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ Lamb , Bill . `` Top 100 Pop Songs of 2002 '' . . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ Lamb , Bill . `` Top 100 Pop Songs of 2003 '' . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ Tranter , Nikki ( 1 November 2002 ) . `` Popmatters music review '' . PopMatters . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ Hubbard , Michael ( 26 August 2002 ) . `` musicOMH review '' . musicOMH . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Daniel Bedingfield 's Single ' If You 're Not The One ' # 1 Most Added at Pop Radio ! Acclaimed Artist Nominated for a Grammy Award for ' Best Dance Recording ' for Hit Song ' Gotta Get Thru This ' '' . PR Newswire. 20 February 2003 . Retrieved 17 May 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Second Breaker at US Singles for ' Super-Priority ' Bedingfield '' . Music Week . 7 April 2003 . Retrieved 17 May 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Bedingfield goes top again '' . BBC News . 1 December 2002 . Retrieved 24 April 2009 . Jump up ^ `` If You 're Not The One : : Music '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Images for Daniel Bedingfield - If You 're Not The One '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` If You 're Not the One : : Music '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 10 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Best of 2003 - Top 20 Singles '' . Irish Recorded Music Association . Retrieved 19 August 2014 . Jump up ^ `` End of Year Charts 2003 '' . Recorded Music NZ . Retrieved 12 December 2017 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 100 - 2003 '' . Retrieved 2014 - 07 - 07 . Jump up ^ Radio 1 Chart of the Decade , as presented by Nihal on Tuesday 29 December 2009 Jump up ^ `` ARIA Charts -- Accreditations -- 2003 Singles '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . Jump up ^ `` Danish single certifications -- Daniel Bedingfield -- If You 're Not the One '' . IFPI Denmark . Click on næste to go to page 37 if certification from official website Jump up ^ `` British single certifications -- Daniel Bedingfield -- If You 're Not the One '' . British Phonographic Industry . Enter If You 're Not the One in the search field and then press Enter . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Preceded by `` Dirrty '' by Christina Aguilera UK number - one single 1 December 2002 -- 7 December 2002 Succeeded by `` Lose Yourself '' by Eminem ( hide ) Daniel Bedingfield Discography Studio albums Gotta Get Thru This Second First Impression EPs Stop the Traffik -- Secret Fear Singles `` Gotta Get thru This '' `` James Dean ( I Wanna Know ) '' `` If You 're Not the One '' `` I Ca n't Read You '' `` Never Gonna Leave Your Side '' `` Friday '' `` Nothing Hurts Like Love '' `` Wrap My Words Around You '' `` The Way '' Other singles `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' `` The One '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2002 singles Daniel Bedingfield songs Number - one singles in Denmark Pop ballads Torch songs Songs about loneliness UK Singles Chart number - one singles Songs written by Daniel Bedingfield Song recordings produced by Mark Taylor ( record producer ) Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from October 2013 Use British English from October 2013 Articles with hAudio microformats Audio sample to be checked Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Certification Table Entry usages for Australia Certification Table Entry usages for Denmark Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Русский Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 4 January 2018 , at 17 : 36 . About Wikipedia
daniel bedingfield if you're not the one album
`` If You 're Not the One '' is a song by English singer Daniel Bedingfield . It was released on 25 November 2002 as the third single from his debut studio album Gotta Get Thru This ( 2002 ) .
Winning Colors ( Horse ) - wikipedia Winning Colors ( Horse ) Jump to : navigation , search Winning Colors Winning Colors at 1988 Kentucky Derby Sire Caro Grandsire Fortino Dam All Rainbows Damsire Bold Hour Sex Mare Foaled March 14 , 1985 February 17 , 2008 ( 2008 - 02 - 17 ) ( aged 22 ) Country United States Colour Gray Breeder Echo Valley Farm Owner Eugene V. Klein Trainer D. Wayne Lukas Record 19 : 8 - 3 - 1 Earnings $1,526,837 Major wins Santa Anita Oaks ( 1988 ) Santa Anita Derby ( 1988 ) Turfway Breeders ' Cup Stakes ( 1989 ) Triple Crown classic race wins : Kentucky Derby ( 1988 ) Awards U.S. Champion 3 - Yr - Old Filly ( 1988 ) Honours United States Racing Hall of Fame ( 2000 ) Grade III Winning Colors Stakes at Churchill Downs Last updated on November 28 , 2006 Winning Colors ( March 14 , 1985 -- February 17 , 2008 ) was an American Hall of Fame Champion Thoroughbred racehorse and one of only three fillies to ever win the Kentucky Derby . Though she was registered as roan , she was , in fact , a gray with a white blaze on her face . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Racing career 2.1 1987 : two - year - old season 2.2 1988 : three - year - old season 2.3 1989 : four - year - old season 3 Assessment and honors 4 Retirement 5 Pedigree 6 References Background ( edit ) Winning Colors was bred in Florida by Echo Valley Farm . During her racing career she was owned by Eugene V. Klein and trained by D. Wayne Lukas . Her sire , Caro , was a top - class performer ( rated 133 by Timeform ) , whose wins included the Poule d'Essai des Poulains , Prix Ganay and Prix d'Ispahan , before becoming a very successful breeding stallion . Caro 's other progeny included Madelia , Crystal Palace , Cozzene Theia and Siberian Express . Winning Colors dam , All Rainbows won seven races and finished third in the Delaware Oaks. and was also a half - sister to Chris Evert . Racing career ( edit ) 1987 : two - Year - Old season ( edit ) Racing on the West Coast of the United States for trainer D. Wayne Lukas , Winning Colors won both of her starts at age two . 1988 : three - Year - Old season ( edit ) In the spring of 1988 , the large filly won the Santa Anita Derby , defeating colts her age by 71⁄2 lengths . Sent to Churchill Downs for the Kentucky Derby , she was up against a stellar field of colts including Risen Star , Seeking the Gold , Forty Niner , Regal Classic , and co-favorite Private Terms . As was her habit , Winning Colors broke fast and raced to the lead . Although Forty Niner made a charge in the homestretch , she held him off to win by a neck . In the Preakness Stakes , the second leg of the U.S. Triple Crown , Winning Colors finished third to Risen Star , who then won the 11⁄2 mile Belmont Stakes by fifteen lengths while Winning Colors finished out of the money . In the fall of 1988 , Winning Colors finished second to Ogden Phipps ' filly Personal Ensign in the Maskette Stakes . The two fillies next met in the Breeders ' Cup Distaff at Churchill Downs . Winning Colors had the lead with 10 yards to go when Personal Ensign , who had struggled throughout the race because of the sloppy track , rallied and won by what the U.S. Racing Hall of Fame describes as a `` lip . '' After the race , Winning Colors ' trainer , D. Wayne Lukas , said that she had run the best race of her career . 1989 : four - Year - Old season ( edit ) In 1989 Winning Colors raced in her final campaign at age four and won two of her seven races , hampered by breathing difficulties and surgery . Assessment and honors ( edit ) Winning Colors was voted the 1988 Eclipse Award for Outstanding 3 - Year - Old Filly . In 2000 , Winning Colors was inducted into the United States ' National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame . Retirement ( edit ) As a broodmare , Winning Colors produced ten foals and six winners : Shbakni , a brown filly , foaled in 1991 , sired by Mr Prospector . Failed to win in 14 races . Minden Rose , gray filly , 1992 , by Mr Prospector . Won one race . Golden Colors , bay filly , 1993 , by Mr Prospector . Won three races . Danzig Colors , bay filly , 1994 , by Danzig . Won three races . Stormin Winnie , gray filly , 1995 , by Storm Cat . Unraced . Will Will Win , chestnut colt , 1996 , by Rahy . Won three races in South Africa . Northwest Colors , bay filly , 1998 , by Broad Brush . Won one race . Dr Litin , gray colt , 1999 , by Broad Brush . Failed to win in three races . Ocean Colors , gray filly , 2006 , by Orientate . Won three races . Silver Colors , gray filly , 2007 , by Mr Greeley . Failed to win in four races . Winning Colors was euthanized February 17 , 2008 , at the age of 23 as a result of complications from colic . She was in foal to Mr. Greeley . She is buried at Greentree Farm , a division of Gainesway Farm near Lexington , Kentucky . Pedigree ( edit ) Pedigree of Wining Colors ( USA ) , grey mare , 1985 Sire Caro ( IRE ) 1967 Fortino ( FR ) 1959 Grey Sovereign Nasrullah Kong Ranavalo Relic Navarra Chambord ( GB ) 1955 Chamossaire Precipitation Snowberry Life Hill Solario Lady of the Snows Dam All Rainbows ( USA ) 1973 Bold Hour ( USA ) 1964 Bold Ruler Nasrullah Miss Disco Seven Thirty Mr Music Time To Dine Miss Carmie ( USA ) 1966 TV Lark Indian Hemp Miss Larksfly Twice Over Ponder Twosy ( Family : 23 - b ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Winning Colors pedigree '' . 2014 - 03 - 07 . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` All Rainbows - Statistics '' . Equibase . ^ Jump up to : `` Turk Mare - Family 23 - b '' . Thoroughbred Bloodlines . Retrieved November 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Minden Rose - Statistics '' . Equibase . Jump up ^ `` Golden Colors ( USA ) '' . Japan Bloodhorse Breeders'Association . Jump up ^ `` Danzig Colors - Statistics '' . Equibase . Jump up ^ `` Northwest Colors - Statistics '' . Equibase . Jump up ^ `` Ocean Colors - Statistics '' . Equibase . Jump up ^ `` Winning Colors Euthanized '' . The Blood - Horse . New York Times article about Personal Ensign and the 1988 Breeders ' Cup Distaff Winning Colors at the United States ' National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame ( hide ) Kentucky Derby winners 1875 Aristides 1876 Vagrant 1877 Baden - Baden 1878 Day Star 1879 Lord Murphy 1880 Fonso 1881 Hindoo 1882 Apollo 1883 Leonatus 1884 Buchanan 1885 Joe Cotton 1886 Ben Ali 1887 Montrose 1888 Macbeth II 1889 Spokane 1890 Riley 1891 Kingman 1892 Azra 1893 Lookout 1894 Chant 1895 Halma 1896 Ben Brush 1897 Typhoon II 1898 Plaudit 1899 Manuel 1900 Lieut . Gibson 1901 His Eminence 1902 Alan - a-Dale 1903 Judge Himes 1904 Elwood 1905 Agile 1906 Sir Huon 1907 Pink Star 1908 Stone Street 1909 Wintergreen 1910 Donau 1911 Meridian 1912 Worth 1913 Donerail 1914 Old Rosebud 1915 Regret ♥ 1916 George Smith 1917 Omar Khayyam 1918 Exterminator 1919 Sir Barton ₩ 1920 Paul Jones 1921 Behave Yourself 1922 Morvich 1923 Zev 1924 Black Gold 1925 Flying Ebony 1926 Bubbling Over 1927 Whiskery 1928 Reigh Count 1929 Clyde Van Dusen 1930 Gallant Fox ₩ 1931 Twenty Grand 1932 Burgoo King 1933 Brokers Tip 1934 Cavalcade 1935 Omaha ₩ 1936 Bold Venture 1937 War Admiral ₩ 1938 Lawrin 1939 Johnstown 1940 Gallahadion 1941 Whirlaway ₩ 1942 Shut Out 1943 Count Fleet ₩ 1944 Pensive 1945 Hoop Jr . 1946 Assault ₩ 1947 Jet Pilot 1948 Citation ₩ 1949 Ponder 1950 Middleground 1951 Count Turf 1952 Hill Gail 1953 Dark Star 1954 Determine 1955 Swaps 1956 Needles 1957 Iron Liege 1958 Tim Tam 1959 Tomy Lee 1960 Venetian Way 1961 Carry Back 1962 Decidedly 1963 Chateaugay 1964 Northern Dancer 1965 Lucky Debonair 1966 Kauai King 1967 Proud Clarion 1968 Forward Pass ( Dancer 's Image disqualified ) 1969 Majestic Prince 1970 Dust Commander 1971 Canonero II 1972 Riva Ridge 1973 Secretariat ₩ 1974 Cannonade 1975 Foolish Pleasure 1976 Bold Forbes 1977 Seattle Slew ₩ 1978 Affirmed ₩ 1979 Spectacular Bid 1980 Genuine Risk ♥ 1981 Pleasant Colony 1982 Gato Del Sol 1983 Sunny 's Halo 1984 Swale 1985 Spend A Buck 1986 Ferdinand 1987 Alysheba 1988 Winning Colors ♥ 1989 Sunday Silence 1990 Unbridled 1991 Strike the Gold 1992 Lil E. Tee 1993 Sea Hero 1994 Go for Gin 1995 Thunder Gulch 1996 Grindstone 1997 Silver Charm 1998 Real Quiet 1999 Charismatic 2000 Fusaichi Pegasus 2001 Monarchos 2002 War Emblem 2003 Funny Cide 2004 Smarty Jones 2005 Giacomo 2006 Barbaro 2007 Street Sense 2008 Big Brown 2009 Mine That Bird 2010 Super Saver 2011 Animal Kingdom 2012 I 'll Have Another 2013 Orb 2014 California Chrome 2015 American Pharoah ₩ 2016 Nyquist 2017 Always Dreaming 2018 Justify Legend -- ₩ = Triple Crown winners , ♥ = Filly Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1985 racehorse births 2008 racehorse deaths Racehorses bred in Kentucky Racehorses trained in the United States Kentucky Derby winners Eclipse Award winners United States Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame inductees Thoroughbred family 23 - b Talk Contents About Wikipedia 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 3 July 2017 , at 18 : 30 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when did winning colors win the kentucky derby
In the spring of 1988 , the large filly won the Santa Anita Derby , defeating colts her age by 71⁄2 lengths . Sent to Churchill Downs for the Kentucky Derby , she was up against a stellar field of colts including Risen Star , Seeking the Gold , Forty Niner , Regal Classic , and co-favorite Private Terms . As was her habit , Winning Colors broke fast and raced to the lead . Although Forty Niner made a charge in the homestretch , she held him off to win by a neck .
List of Los Angeles Kings seasons - wikipedia List of Los Angeles Kings seasons Jump to : navigation , search The Kings have played at Staples Center since 1999 . This is a list of seasons completed by the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League . This list documents the records and playoff results for all seasons the Kings have completed in the NHL since their inception in 1967 . Stanley Cup Champions Conference Champions Division Champions Playoff Berth League leaders Note : GP = Games played , W = Wins , L = Losses , T = Ties , OTL = Overtime losses / Shootout losses , Pts = Points , GF = Goals for , GA = Goals against , PIM = Penalties in minutes Season Team GP OTL Pts GF GA PIM Finish Playoffs 1967 -- 68 1967 -- 68 74 31 33 10 -- 72 200 224 810 2nd in West Lost in Quarterfinals , 3 -- 4 ( North Stars ) 1968 -- 69 1968 -- 69 76 24 42 10 -- 58 185 260 698 4th in West Won in Quarterfinals , 4 -- 3 ( Seals ) Lost in Semifinals , 0 -- 4 ( Blues ) 1969 -- 70 1969 -- 70 76 14 52 10 -- 38 168 290 969 6th in West Did not qualify 1970 -- 71 1970 -- 71 78 25 40 13 -- 63 239 303 775 5th in West Did not qualify 1971 -- 72 1971 -- 72 78 20 49 9 -- 49 206 305 719 7th in West Did not qualify 1972 -- 73 1972 -- 73 78 31 36 11 -- 73 232 245 888 6th in West Did not qualify 1973 -- 74 1973 -- 74 78 33 33 12 -- 78 233 231 1055 3rd in West Lost in Quarterfinals , 1 -- 4 ( Blackhawks ) 1974 -- 75 1974 -- 75 80 42 17 21 -- 105 269 185 1185 2nd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 1 -- 2 ( Maple Leafs ) 1975 -- 76 1975 -- 76 80 38 33 9 -- 85 263 265 1022 2nd in Norris Won in Preliminary Round , 2 -- 0 ( Flames ) Lost in Quarterfinals , 3 -- 4 ( Bruins ) 1976 -- 77 1976 -- 77 80 34 31 15 -- 83 271 241 1186 2nd in Norris Won in Preliminary Round , 2 -- 1 ( Flames ) Lost in Quarterfinals , 2 -- 4 ( Bruins ) 1977 -- 78 1977 -- 78 80 31 34 15 -- 77 243 245 903 3rd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 0 -- 2 ( Maple Leafs ) 1978 -- 79 1978 -- 79 80 34 34 12 -- 80 292 286 1134 3rd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 0 -- 2 ( Rangers ) 1979 -- 80 1979 -- 80 80 30 36 14 -- 74 290 313 1124 2nd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 1 -- 3 ( Islanders ) 1980 -- 81 1980 -- 81 80 43 24 13 -- 99 337 290 1627 2nd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 1 -- 3 ( Rangers ) 1981 -- 82 1981 -- 82 80 24 41 15 -- 63 314 369 1730 4th in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 3 -- 2 ( Oilers ) Lost in Division Finals , 1 -- 4 ( Canucks ) 1982 -- 83 1982 -- 83 80 27 41 12 -- 66 308 365 1627 5th in Smythe Did not qualify 1983 -- 84 1983 -- 84 80 23 44 13 -- 59 309 376 1265 5th in Smythe Did not qualify 1984 -- 85 1984 -- 85 80 34 32 14 -- 82 339 326 1413 4th in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 0 -- 3 ( Oilers ) 1985 -- 86 1985 -- 86 80 23 49 8 -- 54 284 389 5th in Smythe Did not qualify 1986 -- 87 1986 -- 87 80 31 41 8 -- 70 318 341 2038 4th in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 1 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1987 -- 88 1987 -- 88 80 30 42 8 -- 68 318 359 2124 4th in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 1 -- 4 ( Flames ) 1988 -- 89 1988 -- 89 80 42 31 7 -- 91 376 335 2215 2nd in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 3 ( Oilers ) Lost in Division Finals , 0 -- 4 ( Flames ) 1989 -- 90 1989 -- 90 80 34 39 7 -- 75 338 337 1884 4th in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 2 ( Flames ) Lost in Division Finals , 0 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1990 -- 91 1990 -- 91 80 46 24 10 -- 102 340 254 2228 1st in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 2 ( Canucks ) Lost in Division Finals , 2 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1991 -- 92 1991 -- 92 80 35 31 14 -- 84 287 296 2161 2nd in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 2 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1992 -- 93 1992 -- 93 84 39 35 10 -- 88 338 340 2247 3rd in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 2 ( Flames ) Won in Division Finals , 4 -- 2 ( Canucks ) Won in Conference Finals , 4 - 3 ( Maple Leafs ) Lost in Stanley Cup Final , 1 -- 4 ( Canadiens ) 1993 -- 94 1993 -- 94 84 27 45 12 -- 66 294 322 2017 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 1994 -- 95 1994 -- 95 48 16 23 9 -- 41 142 174 978 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 1995 -- 96 1995 -- 96 82 24 40 18 -- 66 256 302 1460 6th in Pacific Did not qualify 1996 -- 97 1996 -- 97 82 28 43 11 -- 67 214 268 1638 6th in Pacific Did not qualify 1997 -- 98 1997 -- 98 82 38 33 11 -- 87 227 225 1763 2nd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 0 -- 4 ( Blues ) 1998 -- 99 1998 -- 99 82 32 45 5 -- 69 189 222 1383 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 1999 -- 2000 1999 -- 2000 82 39 27 12 94 245 228 1313 2nd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 0 -- 4 ( Red Wings ) 2000 -- 01 2000 -- 01 82 38 28 13 92 252 228 1196 3rd in Pacific Won in Conference Quarterfinals , 4 -- 2 ( Red Wings ) Lost in Conference Semifinals , 3 -- 4 ( Avalanche ) 2001 -- 02 2001 -- 02 82 40 27 11 95 214 190 1348 3rd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 3 -- 4 ( Avalanche ) 2002 -- 03 2002 -- 03 82 33 37 6 6 78 203 221 1146 3rd in Pacific Did not qualify 2003 -- 04 2003 -- 04 82 28 29 16 9 81 205 217 1163 3rd in Pacific Did not qualify 2004 -- 05 2004 -- 05 Season cancelled due to 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout 2005 -- 06 2005 -- 06 82 42 35 -- 5 89 249 270 1440 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 2006 -- 07 2006 -- 07 82 27 41 -- 14 68 227 283 1239 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 2007 -- 08 2007 -- 08 82 32 43 -- 7 71 231 283 930 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 2008 -- 09 2008 -- 09 82 34 37 -- 11 79 207 234 1191 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 2009 -- 10 2009 -- 10 82 46 27 -- 9 101 241 219 963 3rd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 2 -- 4 ( Canucks ) 2010 -- 11 2010 -- 11 82 46 30 -- 6 98 219 198 938 4th in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 2 -- 4 ( Sharks ) 2011 -- 12 2011 -- 12 82 40 27 -- 15 95 194 179 923 3rd in Pacific Won in Conference Quarterfinals , 4 -- 1 ( Canucks ) Won in Conference Semifinals , 4 -- 0 ( Blues ) Won in Conference Finals , 4 -- 1 ( Coyotes ) Stanley Cup Champions , 4 -- 2 ( Devils ) 2012 -- 13 2012 -- 13 48 27 16 -- 5 59 133 118 - 2nd in Pacific Won in Conference Quarterfinals , 4 -- 2 ( Blues ) Won in Conference Semifinals , 4 -- 3 ( Sharks ) Lost in Conference Finals , 1 -- 4 ( Blackhawks ) 2013 -- 14 2013 -- 14 82 46 28 -- 8 100 206 174 876 3rd in Pacific Won in First Round , 4 -- 3 ( Sharks ) Won in Second Round , 4 -- 3 ( Ducks ) Won in Conference Finals , 4 -- 3 ( Blackhawks ) Stanley Cup Champions , 4 -- 1 ( Rangers ) 2014 -- 15 2014 -- 15 82 40 27 -- 15 95 220 205 -- 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 2015 -- 16 2015 -- 16 82 48 28 -- 6 102 225 195 -- 2nd in Pacific Lost in First Round , 1 -- 4 ( Sharks ) 2016 -- 17 2016 -- 17 82 39 35 -- 8 86 201 205 -- 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 2017 -- 18 2017 -- 18 82 45 29 -- 8 98 239 203 -- 4th in Pacific Lost in First Round , 0 -- 4 ( Golden Knights ) Season Team GP OTL Pts GF GA PIM Finish Playoffs Reg . season totals 3636 1501 1605 424 106 3532 11086 11775 58807 1 division title 29 playoff appearances Playoff totals 241 110 136 -- -- 3 conference titles 2 Stanley Cups All - time series record : 21 -- 26 Grand totals 3877 1611 1741 424 106 Season was shortened due to the 1994 -- 95 NHL lockout . As of the 2005 -- 06 NHL season , all games will have a winner ; the OTL column includes SOL ( Shootout losses ) . Totals through the 2013 -- 14 season Totals through the 2012 - 13 season References ( edit ) Los Angeles seasons and records @ Los Angeles Kings Founded in 1967 Based in Los Angeles , California Franchise Team General managers Coaches Players Captains Draft picks ( Expansion draft ) Seasons Current season History History 1967 expansion Records Award winners Retired numbers Personnel Owners Philip Anschutz Ed Roski Jr . General manager Rob Blake Head coach John Stevens Team captain Anze Kopitar Current roster Arenas Long Beach Arena Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena The Forum Staples Center Rivalries Anaheim Ducks San Jose Sharks Affiliates AHL Ontario Reign ECHL Manchester Monarchs Media Broadcasters TV : FSN West / Prime Ticket Radio : KABC ( 790 AM ) Culture and lore I Love L.A. Bailey Frozen Fury Miracle on Manchester 1991 Las Vegas outdoor game Garnet Bailey and Mark Bavis The Love Guru 2011 NHL Premiere 2014 NHL Stadium Series 2015 NHL Stadium Series Los Angeles Kings seasons 1960s 1960 -- 61 . 1961 -- 62 . 1962 -- 63 . 1963 -- 64 . 1964 -- 65 . 1965 -- 66 . 1966 -- 67 . 1967 -- 68 1968 -- 69 1969 -- 70 1970s 1970 -- 71 1971 -- 72 1972 -- 73 1973 -- 74 1974 -- 75 1975 -- 76 1976 -- 77 1977 -- 78 1979 -- 79 1979 -- 80 1980s 1980 -- 81 1981 -- 82 1982 -- 83 1983 -- 84 1984 -- 85 1985 -- 86 1986 -- 87 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 1989 -- 90 1990s 1990 -- 91 1991 -- 92 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 1994 -- 95 1995 -- 96 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 1999 -- 00 2000s 2000 -- 01 2001 -- 02 2002 -- 03 2003 -- 04 2004 -- 05 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 2008 -- 09 2009 -- 10 2010s 2010 -- 11 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 2018 -- 19 Highlighted seasons indicate Stanley Cup championship NHL seasons by team Western Conference Eastern Conference Pacific Anaheim Arizona Calgary Edmonton Los Angeles San Jose Vancouver Vegas Central Chicago Colorado Dallas Minnesota Nashville St. Louis Winnipeg Atlantic Boston Buffalo Detroit Florida Montreal Ottawa Tampa Bay Toronto Metropolitan Carolina Columbus New Jersey NY Islanders NY Rangers Philadelphia Pittsburgh Washington Relocated ( still active ) Atlanta Flames ( Calgary ) Atlanta Thrashers ( Winnipeg ) Hartford Whalers ( Carolina ) Kansas City Scouts / Colorado Rockies ( New Jersey ) Minnesota North Stars ( Dallas ) Quebec Nordiques ( Colorado ) Winnipeg Jets ( Arizona ) Defunct teams California Golden Seals / Cleveland Barons Hamilton Tigers Montreal Maroons New York Americans Ottawa Senators / St. Louis Eagles Pittsburgh Pirates / Philadelphia Quakers Retrieved from `` '' Categories : National Hockey League team seasons Los Angeles Kings seasons Los Angeles Kings lists Lists of National Hockey League seasons Talk About Wikipedia Français Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 18 April 2018 , at 06 : 47 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when was the last time the la kings made the playoffs
Season Team GP OTL Pts GF GA PIM Finish Playoffs 1967 -- 68 1967 -- 68 74 31 33 10 -- 72 200 224 810 2nd in West Lost in Quarterfinals , 3 -- 4 ( North Stars ) 1968 -- 69 1968 -- 69 76 24 42 10 -- 58 185 260 698 4th in West Won in Quarterfinals , 4 -- 3 ( Seals ) Lost in Semifinals , 0 -- 4 ( Blues ) 1969 -- 70 1969 -- 70 76 14 52 10 -- 38 168 290 969 6th in West Did not qualify 1970 -- 71 1970 -- 71 78 25 40 13 -- 63 239 303 775 5th in West Did not qualify 1971 -- 72 1971 -- 72 78 20 49 9 -- 49 206 305 719 7th in West Did not qualify 1972 -- 73 1972 -- 73 78 31 36 11 -- 73 232 245 888 6th in West Did not qualify 1973 -- 74 1973 -- 74 78 33 33 12 -- 78 233 231 1055 3rd in West Lost in Quarterfinals , 1 -- 4 ( Blackhawks ) 1974 -- 75 1974 -- 75 80 42 17 21 -- 105 269 185 1185 2nd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 1 -- 2 ( Maple Leafs ) 1975 -- 76 1975 -- 76 80 38 33 9 -- 85 263 265 1022 2nd in Norris Won in Preliminary Round , 2 -- 0 ( Flames ) Lost in Quarterfinals , 3 -- 4 ( Bruins ) 1976 -- 77 1976 -- 77 80 34 31 15 -- 83 271 241 1186 2nd in Norris Won in Preliminary Round , 2 -- 1 ( Flames ) Lost in Quarterfinals , 2 -- 4 ( Bruins ) 1977 -- 78 1977 -- 78 80 31 34 15 -- 77 243 245 903 3rd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 0 -- 2 ( Maple Leafs ) 1978 -- 79 1978 -- 79 80 34 34 12 -- 80 292 286 1134 3rd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 0 -- 2 ( Rangers ) 1979 -- 80 1979 -- 80 80 30 36 14 -- 74 290 313 1124 2nd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 1 -- 3 ( Islanders ) 1980 -- 81 1980 -- 81 80 43 24 13 -- 99 337 290 1627 2nd in Norris Lost in Preliminary Round , 1 -- 3 ( Rangers ) 1981 -- 82 1981 -- 82 80 24 41 15 -- 63 314 369 1730 4th in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 3 -- 2 ( Oilers ) Lost in Division Finals , 1 -- 4 ( Canucks ) 1982 -- 83 1982 -- 83 80 27 41 12 -- 66 308 365 1627 5th in Smythe Did not qualify 1983 -- 84 1983 -- 84 80 23 44 13 -- 59 309 376 1265 5th in Smythe Did not qualify 1984 -- 85 1984 -- 85 80 34 32 14 -- 82 339 326 1413 4th in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 0 -- 3 ( Oilers ) 1985 -- 86 1985 -- 86 80 23 49 8 -- 54 284 389 5th in Smythe Did not qualify 1986 -- 87 1986 -- 87 80 31 41 8 -- 70 318 341 2038 4th in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 1 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1987 -- 88 1987 -- 88 80 30 42 8 -- 68 318 359 2124 4th in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 1 -- 4 ( Flames ) 1988 -- 89 1988 -- 89 80 42 31 7 -- 91 376 335 2215 2nd in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 3 ( Oilers ) Lost in Division Finals , 0 -- 4 ( Flames ) 1989 -- 90 1989 -- 90 80 34 39 7 -- 75 338 337 1884 4th in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 2 ( Flames ) Lost in Division Finals , 0 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1990 -- 91 1990 -- 91 80 46 24 10 -- 102 340 254 2228 1st in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 2 ( Canucks ) Lost in Division Finals , 2 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1991 -- 92 1991 -- 92 80 35 31 14 -- 84 287 296 2161 2nd in Smythe Lost in Division Semifinals , 2 -- 4 ( Oilers ) 1992 -- 93 1992 -- 93 84 39 35 10 -- 88 338 340 2247 3rd in Smythe Won in Division Semifinals , 4 -- 2 ( Flames ) Won in Division Finals , 4 -- 2 ( Canucks ) Won in Conference Finals , 4 - 3 ( Maple Leafs ) Lost in Stanley Cup Final , 1 -- 4 ( Canadiens ) 1993 -- 94 1993 -- 94 84 27 45 12 -- 66 294 322 2017 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 1994 -- 95 1994 -- 95 48 16 23 9 -- 41 142 174 978 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 1995 -- 96 1995 -- 96 82 24 40 18 -- 66 256 302 1460 6th in Pacific Did not qualify 1996 -- 97 1996 -- 97 82 28 43 11 -- 67 214 268 1638 6th in Pacific Did not qualify 1997 -- 98 1997 -- 98 82 38 33 11 -- 87 227 225 1763 2nd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 0 -- 4 ( Blues ) 1998 -- 99 1998 -- 99 82 32 45 5 -- 69 189 222 1383 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 1999 -- 2000 1999 -- 2000 82 39 27 12 94 245 228 1313 2nd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 0 -- 4 ( Red Wings ) 2000 -- 01 2000 -- 01 82 38 28 13 92 252 228 1196 3rd in Pacific Won in Conference Quarterfinals , 4 -- 2 ( Red Wings ) Lost in Conference Semifinals , 3 -- 4 ( Avalanche ) 2001 -- 02 2001 -- 02 82 40 27 11 95 214 190 1348 3rd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 3 -- 4 ( Avalanche ) 2002 -- 03 2002 -- 03 82 33 37 6 6 78 203 221 1146 3rd in Pacific Did not qualify 2003 -- 04 2003 -- 04 82 28 29 16 9 81 205 217 1163 3rd in Pacific Did not qualify 2004 -- 05 2004 -- 05 Season cancelled due to 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout 2005 -- 06 2005 -- 06 82 42 35 -- 5 89 249 270 1440 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 2006 -- 07 2006 -- 07 82 27 41 -- 14 68 227 283 1239 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 2007 -- 08 2007 -- 08 82 32 43 -- 7 71 231 283 930 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 2008 -- 09 2008 -- 09 82 34 37 -- 11 79 207 234 1191 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 2009 -- 10 2009 -- 10 82 46 27 -- 9 101 241 219 963 3rd in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 2 -- 4 ( Canucks ) 2010 -- 11 2010 -- 11 82 46 30 -- 6 98 219 198 938 4th in Pacific Lost in Conference Quarterfinals , 2 -- 4 ( Sharks ) 2011 -- 12 2011 -- 12 82 40 27 -- 15 95 194 179 923 3rd in Pacific Won in Conference Quarterfinals , 4 -- 1 ( Canucks ) Won in Conference Semifinals , 4 -- 0 ( Blues ) Won in Conference Finals , 4 -- 1 ( Coyotes ) Stanley Cup Champions , 4 -- 2 ( Devils ) 2012 -- 13 2012 -- 13 48 27 16 -- 5 59 133 118 - 2nd in Pacific Won in Conference Quarterfinals , 4 -- 2 ( Blues ) Won in Conference Semifinals , 4 -- 3 ( Sharks ) Lost in Conference Finals , 1 -- 4 ( Blackhawks ) 2013 -- 14 2013 -- 14 82 46 28 -- 8 100 206 174 876 3rd in Pacific Won in First Round , 4 -- 3 ( Sharks ) Won in Second Round , 4 -- 3 ( Ducks ) Won in Conference Finals , 4 -- 3 ( Blackhawks ) Stanley Cup Champions , 4 -- 1 ( Rangers ) 2014 -- 15 2014 -- 15 82 40 27 -- 15 95 220 205 -- 4th in Pacific Did not qualify 2015 -- 16 2015 -- 16 82 48 28 -- 6 102 225 195 -- 2nd in Pacific Lost in First Round , 1 -- 4 ( Sharks ) 2016 -- 17 2016 -- 17 82 39 35 -- 8 86 201 205 -- 5th in Pacific Did not qualify 2017 -- 18 2017 -- 18 82 45 29 -- 8 98 239 203 -- 4th in Pacific Lost in First Round , 0 -- 4 ( Golden Knights ) Season Team GP OTL Pts GF GA PIM Finish Playoffs Reg . season totals 3636 1501 1605 424 106 3532 11086 11775 58807 1 division title 29 playoff appearances Playoff totals 241 110 136 -- -- 3 conference titles 2 Stanley Cups All - time series record : 21 -- 26 Grand totals 3877 1611 1741 424 106
Executive Office of the President of the United States - wikipedia Executive Office of the President of the United States Jump to : navigation , search For other uses of `` Office of the President '' , see Office of the President ( disambiguation ) . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Executive Office of the President Seal of the Executive Office of the President Flag of the Executive Office of the President Agency overview Formed July 1 , 1939 ; 78 years ago ( 1939 - 07 - 01 ) Headquarters White House Employees About 4,000 Agency executive John F. Kelly , White House Chief of Staff Parent agency United States federal government Website Executive Office of the President The Executive Office of the President of the United States ( EOPOTUS or EOP ) consists of the immediate staff of the President of the United States and multiple levels of support staff reporting to the President . With the increase in technological and global advancement , the size of the White House staff has increased to include an array of policy experts to effectively address various fields of the modern day . The Executive Office is overseen by the White House Chief of Staff . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Organization 2.1 White House Offices 3 Budget history 4 See also 5 References 6 External links History ( edit ) In 1939 , during Franklin D. Roosevelt 's second term in office , the foundations of the modern White House staff were created . Based on the recommendations of a presidentially commissioned panel of political science and public administration experts that was known as the Brownlow Committee , Roosevelt was able to get Congress to approve the Reorganization Act of 1939 . The Act led to Reorganization Plan No. 1 , which created the EOP , which reported directly to the president . The EOP encompassed two subunits at its outset : the White House Office ( WHO ) and the Bureau of the Budget , the predecessor to today 's Office of Management and Budget , which had been created in 1921 and originally located in the Treasury Department . It absorbed most of the functions of the National Emergency Council . Initially , the new staff system appeared more ambitious on paper than in practice ; the increase in the size of the staff was quite modest at the start . But it laid the groundwork for the large and organizationally complex White House staff that would emerge during the presidencies of Roosevelt 's successors . The Eisenhower Executive Office Building at night . Roosevelt 's efforts are also notable in contrast to those of his predecessors in office . During the nineteenth century , presidents had few staff resources . Thomas Jefferson had one messenger and one secretary at his disposal , both of whose salaries were paid by the president personally . It was not until 1857 that Congress appropriated money ( $2,500 ) for the hiring of one clerk . By Ulysses S. Grant 's presidency ( 1869 -- 1877 ) , the staff had grown to three . By 1900 , the White House staff included one `` secretary to the president '' ( then the title of the president 's chief aide ) , two assistant secretaries , two executive clerks , a stenographer , and seven other office personnel . Under Warren G. Harding , the size of the staff expanded to thirty - one , although most were clerical positions . During Herbert Hoover 's presidency , two additional secretaries to the president were added by Congress , one of whom Hoover designated as his Press Secretary . From 1933 to 1939 , even as he greatly expanded the scope of the federal government 's policies and powers in response to the Great Depression , Roosevelt muddled through : his `` brains trust '' of top advisers were often appointed to vacant positions in agencies and departments , whence they drew their salaries since the White House lacked statutory or budgetary authority to create new staff positions . Ballpark estimates indicate some 2,000 to 2,500 persons serve in EOP staff positions with policy - making responsibilities , with a budget of $300 to $400 million ( George W. Bush 's budget request for Fiscal Year 2005 was for $341 million in support of 1,850 personnel ) . Organization ( edit ) Senior staff within the Executive Office of the President have the title Assistant to the President , second - level staff have the title Deputy Assistant to the President , and third - level staff have the title Special Assistant to the President . The core White House staff appointments , and most EOP officials generally , are not required to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate , although there are a handful of exceptions ( e.g. , the Director of the Office of Management and Budget , the Chair and members of the Council of Economic Advisers , and the United States Trade Representative ) . The information in the following table is current as of July 31 , 2017 . Only principal executives are listed ; for subordinate officers , see individual office pages . Agency Principal executive Incumbent White House Office White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly National Security Council Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs H.R. McMaster Council of Economic Advisers Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Kevin Hassett Council on Environmental Quality Managing Director of the Council on Environmental Quality Vacant Executive Residence Staff and Operations White House Chief Usher Timothy Harleth Office of Administration Director of the Office of Administration Marcia Lee Kelly Office of Management and Budget Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney Office of National Drug Control Policy Director of National Drug Control Policy Richard Baum ( Acting ) Office of Science and Technology Policy Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Vacant Office of the United States Trade Representative United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer Office of the Vice President of the United States Chief of Staff to The Vice President Nick Ayers Office of the Counselor to the President Senior Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway White House offices ( edit ) Note : The White House Office ( including its various offices listed below ) is a sub-unit of the Executive Office of the President ( EOP ) . The various agencies of the EOP are listed above . Office of the Chief of Staff Office of the National Security Advisor Domestic Policy Council National Economic Council Office of American Innovation Office of Cabinet Affairs Office of Communications Office of Information Technology Office of Digital Strategy Office of the First Lady Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Office of Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Administration Office of Political Affairs Office of Presidential Personnel Office of Public Liaison Office of Scheduling and Advance Office of the Staff Secretary Oval Office Operations White House Counsel Executive Office of the President -- Trump administration Office Name Term Office Name Term Chief of Staff John F. Kelly 2017 -- National Security Advisor LTG H.R. McMaster 2017 -- Deputy Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn Joe Hagin Kirstjen Nielsen 2017 -- 2017 -- 2017 - Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell Maj. Gen. Ricky L. Waddell Tom Bossert ( Homeland Security ) Michael Anton ( Strategic Comm . ) 2017 -- 2017 -- 2017 -- 2017 -- NSC Chief of Staff Keith Kellogg 2017 -- Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway 2017 -- Comm . Director Hope Hicks 2017 -- Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller ( Policy ) Jared Kushner ( Strategic Planning ) 2017 -- 2017 -- Deputy Comm . Directors Omarosa Manigault ( Public Liason ) Jessica Ditto Raj Shah ( Research ) 2017 -- 2017 -- 2017 -- Advisors Ivanka Trump Marc Short ( Legislative Affairs ) Rudy Giuliani ( Cyber Security ) 2017 -- 2017 -- 2017 Media Affairs Director Helen Aguirre Ferre 2017 -- NEC Director / Economic Advisor Gary Cohn 2017 -- Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders 2017 -- White House Counsel Don McGahn 2017 -- Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walters 2017 -- Special Counsel Ty Cobb 2017 -- Legal Advisors Jay Sekulow John M. Dowd Marc Kasowitz 2017 -- 2017 -- 2017 -- Deputy Director of Nominations Mary Elizabeth Taylor 2017 -- Domestic Policy Council Director Andrew Bremberg 2017 -- Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Director Justin R. Clark 2017 -- Strategic Development Group Director Chris Liddell 2017 -- Public Liaison Assistant Andrew Giuliani 2017 -- National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro 2017 -- Staff Secretary Rob Porter 2017 -- Cabinet Secretary Bill McGinley 2017 -- Social Secretary Anna Cristina Niceta Lloyd 2017 -- Social Media Director Dan Scavino 2017 -- Online Producer Lara Trump 2017 -- Personal Aide to the President John McEntee 2017 -- Personal Secretary to the President Madeleine Westerhout 2017 -- Chief of Staff to the First Lady Lindsay Reynolds 2017 -- Special Assistant to the President for Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives Reed Cordish 2017 -- Political Director Bill Stepien 2017 -- Presidential Personnel Director John DeStefano 2017 -- Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt 2017 -- Budget history ( edit ) Year Budget 2017 $709 million 2016 $692 million 2015 $676 million 2014 $624 million 2013 $650 million 2012 $640 million 2011 $708 million $772 million 2009 $728 million 2008 $682 million 2007 $2956 million 2006 $5379 million 2005 $7686 million $3349 million 2003 $386 million 2002 $451 million $246 million 2000 $283 million 1999 $417 million 1998 $237 million $221 million $202 million 1995 $215 million $231 million $194 million See also ( edit ) Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations White House Records Office References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Hartnett , Cass ( November 6 , 2017 ) . `` Library Guides : United States Federal Government Resources : The Executive Office of the President '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 11 - 09 . Jump up ^ Roosevelt , Franklin D. ( April 25 , 1939 ) . `` Message to Congress on the Reorganization Act '' . John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters . The American Presidency Project . Santa Barbara : University of California . Retrieved May 6 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Mosher , Frederick C. ( 1975 ) . American Public Administration : Past , Present , Future ( 2nd ed . ) . Birmingham : University of Alabama Press . ISBN 0 - 8173 - 4829 - 8 . Jump up ^ Roosevelt , Franklin D. ( May 9 , 1939 ) . `` Message to Congress on Plan II to Implement the Reorganization Act '' . John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters . The American Presidency Project . Santa Barbara : University of California . Retrieved May 6 , 2011 . The plan provides for the abolition of the National Emergency Council and the transfer to the Executive Office of the President of all its functions with the exception of the film and radio activities which go to the Office of Education . Jump up ^ Relyea , Harold C. ( March 17 , 2008 ) . `` The Executive Office of the President : An Historical Overview '' ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service . Retrieved April 14 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Burke , John P. `` Administration of the White House '' . Miller Center of Public Affairs , University of Virginia . Archived from the original on November 17 , 2010 . Retrieved June 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Bennett , Kate ( June 23 , 2017 ) . `` Trump family hires familiar face as chief usher '' . CNN . Jump up ^ `` FY 2017 Omnibus Summary -- Financial Services and General Government Appropriations '' ( PDF ) . House Appropriations Committee . May 1 , 2017 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2016 Financial Services Bill '' . House Appropriations Committee . May 24 , 2016 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2015 Financial Services Bill '' . House Appropriations Committee . July 16 , 2014 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2014 Financial Services Bill '' . House Appropriations Committee . July 17 , 2013 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2013 Financial Services Bill '' . House Appropriations Committee . June 5 , 2012 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2012 Financial Services Bill '' . House Appropriations Committee . June 15 , 2011 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Financial Services and General Government ( FSGG ) : FY2011 Appropriations '' . Congressional Research Service . July 11 , 2011 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Financial Services and General Government ( FSGG ) : FY2010 Appropriations '' ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service . February 4 , 2010 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Financial Services and General Government ( FSGG ) : FY2009 Appropriations '' ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service . May 12 , 2009 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Financial Services and General Government ( FSGG ) : FY2008 Appropriations '' . Congressional Research Service . December 20 , 2007 . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Historical Tables , Table 4.1 -- OUTLAYS BY AGENCY : 1962 -- 2022 '' . OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved September 25 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Executive Office of the President The Debate Over Selected Presidential Assistants and Advisors : Appointment , Accountability , and Congressional Oversight Congressional Research Service Proposed and finalized federal regulations from the Executive Office of the President of the United States Works by Executive Office of the President of the United States at Project Gutenberg Works by or about Executive Office of the President of the United States at Internet Archive Executive Office of the United States President Executive Office of the President Advisory Boards ( Council for Community Solutions , Global Development Council , Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders , President 's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology , President 's Intelligence Advisory Board , President 's Management Advisory Board ) Council of Economic Advisers Council on Environmental Quality Digital Service Executive Residence ( Committee for the Preservation of the White House , Office of the Curator , Office of the Chief Usher , Office of the Chief Floral Designer , Office of the Executive Chef , Graphics and Calligraphy Office ) National Security Council ( Deputies Committee , Homeland Security Council ) Office of Administration ( Office of Mail and Messenger Operations , Office of the Chief Financial Officer , Office of the Chief Administrative Officer ) Office of Management and Budget ( Office of the Chief Performance Officer , Office of E-Government and Information Technology , Office of Federal Financial Management , Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs ) Office of National Drug Control Policy Office of Science and Technology Policy ( Office of the Chief Technology Officer ) Office of the Trade Representative Office of the Vice President ( Office of the Chief of Staff ) Military Office ( Communications Agency , Medical Unit , Presidential Food Service , Transportation Agency ) White House Office Office of Cabinet Affairs Office of the Chief of Staff ( Office of Senior Advisors ) Office of Communications ( Office of Media Affairs , Office of Research , Office of the Press Secretary , Office of Speechwriting ) Office of the Counselor Office of Digital Strategy Domestic Policy Council ( Office of Faith - Based and Neighborhood Partnerships , Office of National AIDS Policy , Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation , Rural Council ) Office of the First Lady ( Office of the Social Secretary ) Office of the National Security Advisor ( Homeland Security Advisor ) Office of Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Administration ( White House Operations , White House Personnel , Visitors Office ) National Economic Council National Trade Council Oval Office Operations ( Personal Secretary ) Office of Political Affairs Presidential Innovation Fellows Office of Presidential Personnel Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs ( Council on Women and Girls , Jewish Liaison , Office of Urban Affairs ) Office of Scheduling and Advance Office of the Staff Secretary ( Office of the Executive Clerk , Office of Presidential Correspondence , Office of Records Management ) Office of the White House Counsel White House Fellows White House Complex White House Executive Residence Basement Basement Chief Floral Designer Ground floor China Room collection Office of the Curator Diplomatic Reception Room Library Map Room Vermeil Room State floor Blue Room Cross Hall East Room Entrance Hall Family Dining Room Grand Staircase Green Room Red Room South Portico State Dining Room Chief Usher Second floor Center Hall Dressing Room East Bedroom East Sitting Hall Family Kitchen Lincoln Bedroom Lincoln Sitting Room President 's Bedroom President 's Dining Room Private Sitting Room Queens ' Bedroom Queens ' Sitting Room Treaty Room Truman Balcony West Bedroom West Sitting Hall Yellow Oval Room Third floor Center Hall Diet Kitchen Linen Room Music Room Sun Room Work - out Room West Wing Cabinet Room Executive Office Oval Office Oval Office Study Press Briefing Room Roosevelt Room Situation Room East Wing Office of the First Lady Graphics and Calligraphy Office Presidential Emergency Operations Center White House Family Theater Social Secretary Visitors Office White House Military Office Grounds The Ellipse Jacqueline Kennedy Garden Lafayette Square North Lawn President 's Park Rose Garden South Lawn White House to Treasury Building tunnel Annex Eisenhower Executive Office Building New Executive Office Building White House Conference Center Blair House Trowbridge House Presidential Townhouse Nearby streets 15th Street 17th Street Constitution Avenue E Street East Executive Avenue H Street NW Hamilton Place Jackson Place Madison Place Pennsylvania Avenue State Place West Executive Avenue United States articles History By event Timeline of U.S. history Pre-Columbian era Colonial era Thirteen Colonies military history Continental Congress American Revolution War American frontier Drafting and ratification of Constitution Federalist Era War of 1812 Territorial acquisitions Territorial evolution Mexican -- American War Civil War Reconstruction Era Indian Wars Gilded Age Progressive Era African - American Civil Rights Movement 1865 -- 1895 / 1896 -- 1954 Spanish -- American War Imperialism World War I Roaring Twenties Great Depression World War II home front Nazism in the United States American Century Cold War Korean War Space Race Civil Rights Movement Feminist Movement Vietnam War Post-Cold War ( 1991 -- 2008 ) Collapse of the Soviet Union War on Terror War in Afghanistan Iraq War Recent events ( 2008 -- present ) By topic Outline of U.S. history Demographic Discoveries Economic debt ceiling Inventions before 1890 1890 -- 1945 1946 -- 91 after 1991 Military Postal Technological and industrial Geography Territory states territories counties cities , towns , and villages Earthquakes Extreme points Islands Mountains peaks ranges Appalachian Rocky National Park Service National Parks Regions East Coast West Coast Great Plains Gulf Mid-Atlantic Midwestern New England Pacific Central Eastern Northern Northeastern Northwestern Southern Southeastern Southwestern Western Rivers Colorado Columbia Mississippi Missouri Ohio Rio Grande Yukon Time Water supply and sanitation Politics Federal Executive President Executive Office Cabinet / Executive departments Civil service Independent agencies Law enforcement Public policy Legislature Congress Senate Vice President President pro tempore House of Representatives Speaker Judiciary Federal judiciary Supreme Court Courts of appeals District courts Law Constitution federalism preemption separation of powers Bill of Rights civil liberties Code of Federal Regulations Federal Reporter United States Code United States Reports Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency Federal Bureau of Investigation National Geospatial - 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list three offices included in the executive office of the president
Agency Principal executive Incumbent White House Office White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly National Security Council Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs H.R. McMaster Council of Economic Advisers Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Kevin Hassett Council on Environmental Quality Managing Director of the Council on Environmental Quality Vacant Executive Residence Staff and Operations White House Chief Usher Timothy Harleth Office of Administration Director of the Office of Administration Marcia Lee Kelly Office of Management and Budget Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney Office of National Drug Control Policy Director of National Drug Control Policy Richard Baum ( Acting ) Office of Science and Technology Policy Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Vacant Office of the United States Trade Representative United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer Office of the Vice President of the United States Chief of Staff to The Vice President Nick Ayers Office of the Counselor to the President Senior Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway
Wildlife of Karnataka - wikipedia Wildlife of Karnataka Indian roller , ( Coracias benghalensis ) , the state bird Young sapling of sandalwood ( Santalum album ) , the state tree The state of Karnataka in South India has a rich diversity of flora and fauna . It has a recorded forest area of 38720 km which constitutes 20.19 % of the total geographical area of the state . These forests support 25 % of the elephant population and 20 % of the tiger population of India . Many regions of Karnataka are still unexplored and new species of flora and fauna are still found . The Western Ghats mountains in the western region of Karnataka are a biodiversity hotspot . Two sub-clusters of the Western Ghats , Talacauvery and Kudremukh in Karnataka , are in a tentative list of sites that could be designated as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO . The Bandipur and Nagarahole national parks which fall outside these subclusters were included in the Nilgiri biosphere reserve in 1986 , a UNESCO designation . Biligiriranga Hills in Karnataka is a place where Eastern Ghats meets Western Ghats . The state bird and state animal of Karnataka are Indian roller and the Indian elephant respectively . The state tree and state flower are sandalwood ( Santalum album ) and lotus respectively . Karnataka is home to 406 + tigers ( around 12 % of tigers in world ) . Contents 1 National parks in Karnataka 1.1 Anshi National Park 1.2 Bandipur National Park 1.3 Bannerghatta National Park 1.4 Kudremukh National Park 1.5 Nagarahole National Park 2 Wildlife sanctuaries 3 Bird sanctuaries 4 Dangers to flora and fauna 4.1 Poaching 4.2 Habitat destruction 4.3 Human -- wildlife conflict 4.4 Pollution 4.5 Invasive new species 5 Conservation efforts 5.1 Relocation of human population 5.2 Usage of technology 5.3 Staff empowerment 6 Recently discovered species 7 Endangered species 8 References 9 External links National parks in Karnataka ( edit ) Lotus , the state flower Lone Indian elephant ( Elephas maximus indicus ) , the state animal , in Nagarahole National Park The tiger Panthera tigris . Karnataka has around 20 % of the tiger population in India Dodda Alada Mara , a giant 400 - year - old banyan near Bangalore Peacock ( Pavo cristatus ) in Bandipur National Park The Malabar gliding frog ( Rhacophorus malabaricus ) found in the Western Ghats Male gaur ( Bos gaurus ) in Nagarahole National Park Karnataka has five national parks . Anshi National park ( edit ) This park is present in the Uttara Kannada district and spreads over an area of 250 km . The altitude varies from 27 metres ( 89 ft ) to 937 metres ( 3,074 ft ) , and temperatures from 15.5 ° C to 45 ° C. Average annual rainfall is about 4,700 millimetres ( 185 in ) . Flora : The area has semi-evergreen and evergreen forests . Some common tree species in the area are Calophylluum tomentosa , Calophyllum wightianum , Garcina cambogia , Garcina morealla , Knema attenuata , Hopea wightiana , Tetrameles nudiflora , Alstonia scholaris , Flacourtia montana , Machilis macarantha , Carallia brachiata , Artocarpus hirsutus , Artocarpus lacoocha and Cinnamomum zeylanicum . Fauna : Mammals in the park include Indian elephant , gaur , wild boar , sambar , chevrotain , muntjac , chital , gray langur , bonnet macaque , slender loris , Bengal tiger , jungle cat , Indian leopard , leopard cat , small Indian civet , common mongoose , golden jackal , dhol , sloth bear , Malabar giant squirrel , grizzled giant squirrel , Indian giant flying squirrel , and Indian crested porcupine . King cobra , python , cobra , rat snake , viper and krait are among the snakes that inhabit the park . Interesting birds include the great hornbill , Malabar pied hornbill and Ceylon frogmouth . Bandipur National park ( edit ) Main article : Bandipur National Park It is situated within Chamarajanagar district covering an area of over 800 km and adjoins the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala . In 1973 , Bandipur became one of the first of India 's tiger reserves and became a part of Project Tiger . In 1974 , intention was declared under the Wildlife Protection Act to notify it as a national park . Flora : The scrub jungles towards the eastern limits of the park consist of stunted trees , interspersed with bushes and open grassy patches . Towards its north - western fringes , there is a gradual shift in the vegetation from open dry deciduous forests to tropical mixed deciduous forests . These diverse habitats support an enormous diversity of animal life . Fauna : The mammals found here are Indian elephant ( Elephas maximus indicus ) , gaur ( Bos gaurus ) , sambar ( Cervus unicolor ) , chital or spotted deer ( Axis axis ) , muntjac ( Muntiacus muntjak ) or barking deer , mouse deer ( Moschiola indica ) , bonnet macaque ( Macaca radiata ) , slender loris ( Loris tardigradus ) , red giant flying squirrel ( Petaurista petaurista ) , Bengal tiger ( Panthera tigris ) , Indian leopard ( Panthera pardus ) , common palm civet ( Paradoxurus hermaphroditus ) , small Indian civet ( Viverricula indica ) , sloth bear ( Melursus ursinus ) , dhole or Asiatic wild dog ( Cuon alpinus ) , striped hyena ( Hyaena hyaena ) , golden jackal ( Canis aureus ) , ruddy mongoose ( Herpestes smithii ) , smooth - coated otter ( Lutrogale perspicillata ) , Indian pangolin ( Manis crassicaudata ) . Among the 230 species of birds identified here , some of the important groups include herons , storks , egrets , ducks , kites , eagles , falcons , quails , partridges , wildfowl , lapwings , sandpipers , pigeons , doves , parakeets , cuckoos , owls , nightjars , swifts , kingfishers , bee - eaters and munias . Reptiles like marsh crocodile ( Crocodylus palustris ) , Indian pond terrapin , starred tortoise ( Geochelone elegans ) , common Indian monitor ( Varanus bengalensis ) , Indian chameleon ( Chamaeleo zeylanicus ) , skinks ( Mabuya spp . ) , geckos ( Hemidactylus ) , common rat snake ( Ptyas mucosus ) , Indian cobra ( Naja naja ) , Russell 's viper ( Daboia russelli ) , common krait ( Bungarus caeruleus ) , Indian python ( Python molurus ) , checkered keelback , green whip snake , common Indian bronzeback ( Dendrelaphis tristis ) and trinket snake ( Elaphe helena ) are found here Bannerghatta National park ( edit ) It is located in Bengaluru district and covers over 260.51 km of area . Altitude varies from 740 metres ( 2,428 ft ) to 1,034 metres ( 3,392 ft ) , temperature from 20 ° to 35 ° C and the average annual rainfall is 700 millimetres ( 28 in ) . Flora : The area has dry deciduous forests and thorny scrub , with patches of moist deciduous forests along the streams . Tree species in the park include Anogeissus latifolia , Schleichera oleosae , Terminalia tomentosa , Terminalia arjuna , Grewia tilaefolia , Santalum album , Shorea talura , Emblica officinalis , Vitex altissima , Wrightia tinctoria , Randia sp. , Ziziphus sp. and Albizzia sp ... Bamboos are common in the park , the dominant species being Dendrocalamus strictus . A small area of the park has plantations of Eucalyptus , Bauhinia purpurea , Samanea saman and Peltophorum pterocarpum . Fauna : Mammals in the park include Indian leopard , gaur , Indian elephant , golden jackal , fox , wild boar , sloth bear , sambar , spotted deer , barking deer , common langur , bonnet macaque , Indian crested porcupine and hare . A Bengal tiger has recently been sighted in the park . Kudremukh National park ( edit ) Spread over an area of 600.32 km , it encompasses regions in the districts of Dakshina Kannada , Udupi and Chikmagalur . Altitude varies from 134 metres ( 440 ft ) to 1,892 metres ( 6,207 ft ) . The park has a pleasant climate , with temperatures ranging from 17 ° to 28 ° C. Annual rainfall varies from 1,778 millimetres ( 70 in ) to 6,350 millimetres ( 250 in ) , with an average of 4,000 millimetres ( 157 in ) . The rivers Nethravati , Tunga and Bhadra are believed to originate here at Ganga Moola . Flora : The park has mostly evergreen and semi-evergreen forests . Shola grassland habitat is found at elevations above 1,400 metres ( 4,593 ft ) . Evergreen trees include Poeciloneuron indicum , Holigarna arnottiana , Artocarpus sp. , Calophyllum sp. , Alstonia scholaris , Canarium strictum , Syzygium cumini , Flacourtia montana , Symplocos spicata , Hopea parviflora , Mesua ferrea and Evodiaroxburghiana . There are also a few plantations of Eucalyptus , Casuarina and Acacia auriculiformis . Fauna : Mammals in the park include Bengal tiger , Indian leopard , dhole , golden jackal , lion - tailed macaque , common langur , sloth bear , gaur , sambar , spotted deer , barking deer , Malabar giant squirrel , Indian giant flying squirrel , Indian crested porcupine and mongoose . Reptiles are represented by snakes and tortoises . Bird species in the park include the Malabar trogon , great hornbill , Malabar whistling thrush and imperial pigeon . Nagarahole National park ( edit ) Also known as Rajiv Gandhi ( Nagarahole ) National Park gets its name from the Nagara Hole ( Snake River in Kannada ) which runs eastwards through its centre . Nagarahole river flows through the park before it joins the Kabini river that also acts as a boundary between Nagarahole and Bandipur . The park covers an area of about 575 km . The Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary of Kerala adjoins to the Southeast . Flora : These forests are dominated by teak and rosewood . The eastern limits of the park consist of regenerating dry deciduous forests . The west region of the park contains tropical moist and semi-evergreen forests . Interspersed with these forests are swampy fallows called hadlus , which are dominated by grasses and are favoured grazing areas of many wild herbivores . Fauna : Some of the species of mammals found in this park are Indian elephant ( Elephas maximus indicus ) , gaur ( Bos gaurus ) , sambar ( Cervus unicolor ) , chital or spotted deer or axis deer ( Axis axis ) , muntjac or barking deer ( Muntiacus muntjak ) , chevrotain or mouse deer ( Moschiola indica ) , four horned antelope ( Tetracerus quadricornis ) , giant fruit bat ( Pteropus giganteus ) , Bengal tiger ( Panthera tigris ) , Indian leopard ( Panthera pardus ) , leopard cat ( Felis bengalensis ) , jungle cat ( Felis chaus ) , rusty spotted cat ( Felis rubiginosa ) , common palm civet ( Paradoxurus hermaphroditus ) , small Indian civet ( Viverricula indica ) , sloth bear ( Melursus ursinus ) , dhole or Asiatic wild dog ( Cuon alpinus ) and flying fox ( Pteropus giganteus ) , the largest Indian bat . Among the 300 species of birds identified in this park include herons , storks , egrets , ducks , kites , eagles , falcons , partridges , quails , peafowl , owls , lapwings , sandpipers , pigeons , doves , parakeets , cuckoos , nightjars , swifts , kingfishers , bee - eaters , barbets , swallows , larks , woodpeckers , shrikes and orioles . Reptiles include marsh crocodile ( Crocodylus palustris ) , Indian pond terrapin , star tortoise , common Indian monitor lizard ( Varanus bengalensis ) , forest calotes , southern green calotes , skinks ( Mabuya spp . ) , geckos , spectacled cobra , Russell 's viper , common krait , Indian python ( Python molurus ) , checkered keelback , green whip snake , common Indian bronzeback , flying snake , wolf snake and trinket snake . Wildlife sanctuaries ( edit ) The great Indian hornbill ( Buceros bicornis ) , found in the forests of Karnataka Spot - billed pelican , ( Pelecanus philippensis ) , a bird found in the bird sanctuaries of Karnataka Rufous babbler ( Turdoides subrufus ) at Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary Karnataka also has the following 18 wildlife sanctuaries : Adichunchanagiri Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Mandya district and is spread over 0.88 square kilometres ( 0.34 sq mi ) . This was created mainly for the conservation of peacocks . It also houses nearly 250 species of birds . Arabithittu Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Mysore district and is spread over 13.5 square kilometres ( 5.2 sq mi ) . This park consists of eucalyptus and sandalwood plantations . Leopard , fox and spotted deer are some of the animal species found here . Also around 230 species of birds have been observed here over the years . Biligiriranga Swamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in the Chamarajanagar district and is spread over 539.58 square kilometres ( 208.33 sq mi ) . Some of the species of flora found here are Anogeissus latifolia , Grewia tilaefolia and Syzygium cumini . Species of mammals include elephants , tigers , leopards , sloth bear , gaur , barking deer and sambar . Among the 215 species of birds found here include Nilgiri wood pigeon , Malabar whistling thrush , yellow - throated bulbul , peregrine falcon , rufous - bellied hawk - eagle . An endangered amphibian , Icthyophis ghytinosus has been reported in this sanctuary . Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located between the Chikkamagaluru and Shimoga districts and is spread over 492.46 square kilometres ( 190.14 sq mi ) . Common species of flora include Lagerstromia lanceolata , Adina cordifolia and Careya arborea . Mammals include tiger , leopard , elephant , gaur , slender loris and pangolin . Among the bird species found here are ruby - throated bulbul , shama , Malabar whistling thrush and paradise flycatcher . Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Kodagu district and is spread over an area of 181.80 square kilometres ( 70.19 sq mi ) . The evergreen forests in this sanctuary include species like Cinnamomum zeylancium , Cedrela toona and Alstonia scholaris . Bamboos are dominant here and include species like Bambusa bambos and Dendrocalamus strictus . Mammals include elephant , gaur , tiger , jungle cat , bonnet macaque and Nilgiri marten . Also around 300 species of birds have been observed here over the years . Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary : It is spread across the districts of Bangalore , Mysore and Mandya and is spread over 102.59 square kilometres ( 39.61 sq mi ) . Dry deciduous trees found in this park include species like Terminalia arjuna and Syzgium cumini . Animal species found in this park include leopard , elephant , sambar and common otter . This is also one of the last refuge of the highly endangered grizzled giant squirrel in Karnataka . Also around 300 species of birds have been observed here over the years . This sanctuary is also famous for mahseer fish ( Tor species ) . Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Uttara Kannada district and is spread over 475.02 square kilometres ( 183.41 sq mi ) . Common tree species found here are Dalbergia latifolia , Terminalia paniculata , T. Tomentosa and Vitex altissima . Mammal species include elephant , gaur , wild boar , slender loris , Malabar giant squirrel and barking deer . Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary : This is located in Bellary district and is spread over 55.87 square kilometres ( 21.57 sq mi ) . This sanctuary was mainly created for the conservation of sloth bears . Malai Mahadeshwara Wildlife Sanctuary : Spread over 906 square kilometers ( 349.8 sq mi ) , MM Hills wildlife sanctuary came to being on 7th May 2013 . Contiguous with BRT Tiger Reserve and Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary , the sanctuary boasts of tiger , elephant , leopard , dhole , sambar , barking deer and others . The sanctuary is located in Chamarajanagar district , Kollegala taluk . Melukote Temple Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Mandya district and is spread over 45.82 square kilometres ( 17.69 sq mi ) . An endangered species of flora , Cycas circinalis is found here . Mammal species include wolf , leopard , blackbuck and pangolin . Also around 230 species of birds have been observed here over the years . Mookambika Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Udupi district and is spread over 247 square kilometres ( 95 sq mi ) . Some of the tree species found here are Dipterocarpus indicus , Calophyllum tomentosum and Hopea parviflora . An endangered species of climber Coscinium fenestratum has been recorded here . Slender loris , lion - tailed macaque , sambar and chital are some of the animals found here . The endangered cane turtle is also found here . Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Mysore district and is spread over 30.32 square kilometres ( 11.71 sq mi ) . Common species of flora include Emblica officinalis , Santalum album and Dendrocalamus strictus . Mammals include elephant , gaur , leopard , spotted deer and common palm civet . Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Kodagu district and is spread over 102.59 square kilometres ( 39.61 sq mi ) . Some species of flora found here are Hopea parviflora , Schefflera capitata , Xanthalis tomentosa and Ochlandra rheedii . Mammals include elephant , tiger , slender loris , Nilgiri marten and bonnet macaque . Also around 230 species of birds have been observed here over the years . Bird species include great pied hornbill , Malabar trogon and Nilgiri blackbird . Ranibennur Blackbuck Sanctuary : This is located in Haveri district and is spread over 119.00 square kilometres ( 45.95 sq mi ) . Eucalyptus is the dominant species of trees found here . Cassia fistula , Prosopsis julifora and Zizyphus mauritania are other tree species found here . This sanctuary was created mainly for the conservation of blackbucks . This sanctuary is also a habitat for the endangered great Indian bustard . Sharavathi Valley Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Shimoga district and is spread over 431.23 square kilometres ( 166.50 sq mi ) . Dipterocarpus indicus , Caryota urens and Dillenia pentagyna are some of the species of flora found here . Tiger , leopard , mouse deer , bonnet macaque and common langur are some of the animal species found here . Snakes are commonly found here . Paradise flycatcher , racket - tailed drongo and blue - throated barbet are some of the bird species found here . Shettihalli Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Shimoga district and is spread over 395.60 square kilometres ( 152.74 sq mi ) . Cassia fistula , Kydia calycina and Wrightia tinctoria are some of the species of flora found here . Tiger , leopard , bonnet macaque and Malabar giant squirrel are some of the animal species found here . Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Udupi district and is spread over 88.40 square kilometres ( 34.13 sq mi ) . Machilus macrantha , Lophopetalum wightanium and Artocarpus hirsuta are some of the species of flora found here . Tiger , leopard , lion - tailed macaque and spotted deer are some of the animal species found here . Talakaveri Wildlife Sanctuary : This is located in Kodagu district and is spread over 105.00 square kilometres ( 40.54 sq mi ) . Albizzia lebbek , Artocarpus lakoocha , Dysoxylum malabaricum and Mesua ferrea are some of the species of flora found here . Clawless otter , elephant , tiger , striped - necked mongoose and mouse deer are some of the animal species found here . Also around 300 species of birds have been observed here over the years . Fairy bluebird , Malabar trogon and broadbill roller are some of the avian species found . Bird sanctuaries ( edit ) A pair of painted storks ( Mycteria leucocephala ) in Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary Pied kingfisher , ( Ceryle rudis ) , seen in Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary Attiveri Bird Sanctuary : This is located in Uttara Kannada district and is spread over 2.23 km . white ibis , little cormorant , pied kingfisher , common grey hornbill are some of the bird species found here . Gudavi Bird Sanctuary : This is located in Shimoga district and is spread over 0.73 km . The tree species that dominate this sanctuary are Vitex leucoxylon and Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 191 species of birds are recorded here including white ibis , pheasant - tailed jacana , purple moorhen and little grebe . Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary : This is located in Mandya district and is spread over 0.67 km . Among the tree species found here , is the unique Iphigenia mysorensis . Other tree species include Derris indica and Barringtonia racemosa . This sanctuary houses nearly 170 birds . Birds like cormorants , darter , white ibis , great stone plover , cliff swallow , spoonbills , lesser whistling teal roost here all through the year . Mandagadde Bird Sanctuary : It is located near the little village Mandagadde which is 30 km from the Shimoga town and is based on a small island on the Tunga River . It is mainly visited by migratory birds like median egret ( Egretta intermedia ) , the little cormorant ( Microcarbo niger ) , and the darter or snake bird ( Aninga nufa ) . Kaggaladu Heronry : This is located in Tumkur district and is one of the largest painted stork sanctuaries in South India . Some of the birds that nest here are painted storks , grey herons , pelicans , black stilts and ducks . Kokrebellur Pelicanry : This is located in the town of Kokkare Bellur in Mandya district and is a haven for avian species like grey or spot - billed pelican ( Pelecanus philippensis ) and painted stork ( Mycteria leucocephala ) . In fact the word Kokkare means stork in the Kannada language . Apart from pelicans and storks , 250 species of birds have been sighted here . Magadi Bird Sanctuary : Magadi Bird Sanctuary created at the Magadi tank , in Magadi village of Shirahatti Taluk , Gadag district . It is one of the Biodiversity hotspots of Karnataka , in North Karnataka . From Gadag it is 26 km , it is located on Gadag - Bangalore Road , from Shirahatti it is 8 km , and from Lakshmeshwara 11 km . Bar - headed goose is one of the bird migrates to Magadi wetlands of Gadag district . Normally birds eat fish , amphibians , molluscs , snakes etc. , but migratory birds eating agricultural produce is both interesting and curious too . Winter habitat is on cultivation , it feeds on barley , rice and wheat and damage crops . Bankapura Peacock Sanctuary : This is located in Haveri district and spread over an area of 139.10 acres ( 0.5629 km ) . This sanctuary was created mainly for the conservation of peacocks . Bonal Bird Sanctuary : This is located about 10 km from Shorapur city in Yadgir district . Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary : This is located in Ramanagara and is home of the critically endangered Long - billed vulture ( Gyps indicus ) . Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary : This is located in Belgaum district and is spread over 20.78 square kilometres ( 8.02 sq mi ) . This sanctuary is known for migratory birds like Demoiselle crane and European white stork . Dangers to flora and fauna ( edit ) Due to various issues , flora and fauna in some parts of Karnataka are being threatened . These issues include poaching , human -- wildlife conflict , habitat destruction , pollution and introduction of invasive new species . Poaching ( edit ) Despite the best efforts of conservation activists , poaching remains one of the serious problems affecting the flora and fauna in the state . Between the years 1997 - 2001 , a total of 98 elephants have succumbed to poaching in Karnataka . Poaching has also affected the breeding of turtles like olive ridley on the beaches of Karnataka as well as otters on the river banks . Tigers are also another species that are threatened to extinction by poachers . Sandalwood , famed for its sculptures and its aroma is frequently poached out of the forests of Karnataka . Teakwood , famed for the furniture is another species of flora affected by this problem . Staff - shortage , lack of adequate funds and unscientific anti-poaching camps are some of the reasons quoted for continued poaching activities . Habitat destruction ( edit ) Some of the activities that are causing a destruction of habitat of flora and fauna in Karnataka are : Construction of dams and reservoirs : Construction of dams causes widespread flooding of surrounding areas causing destruction of species that inhabit the area . They also affect the flow of riverine species like fishes and disrupt their normal habits . An example is the construction of the Linganamakki reservoir in Shimoga district that caused the extinction of the grass , Hubbardia heptaneuron . Destruction of forest land for agriculture and other purposes : large tracts of forest land have been cleaned up for monoculture plantations like teak , coffee and rubber . This has led to the destruction of species that were dependent on the forest . An example of this is loss of special habitats in Karnataka such as Myristica swamps and high altitude grasslands . In the dry zone , they have adversely affected several species dependent on large tracts of scrub such as the wolf and the great Indian bustard . Mining operations : Mining operations clear out large areas of land and cause destruction to the species dependent on them . An example is the Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited which mined iron ore within the boundaries of the protected Kudremukh National Park . Human -- Wildlife conflict ( edit ) Due to the loss of habitat , more and more species of fauna have started to venture into human habitation causing a conflict between humans and fauna . A typical species affected by this is the elephant which ventures out of the forest into human cultivations thereby eating or destroying the crops . In some cases , the elephants have also caused human deaths like an incident that happened in Hassan district where a villager was trampled to death . Precautionary measures ( sometimes illegally ) taken up by humans to prevent such mishaps like electric fencing have also led to disastrous consequences like electrocution of fauna . Pollution ( edit ) Release of industrial waste and human effluents into rivers have caused significant damages to species that reside in rivers and riverbanks . Air pollution is also a significant cause of concern in metros like Bangalore where it has been found that air pollution is discolouring foliage including those of ornamental plants . A comparison of the lichen flora of the garden Lal Bagh in Bangalore has revealed that 18 of the 22 species noted in 1980 were no longer present in 1997 . Pollution in rivers like Kabini , Kaveri and Ghataprabha has caused sharp reduction in populations of bird species , including beneficial insectivorous birds like drongos , as well as honeybees . Invasive new species ( edit ) Introduction of new species into a habitat has caused serious consequences to the existing species of flora and fauna . A typical example is the introduction of the African catfish ( Clarias gariepinus ) in the lakes and rivers of Karnataka . This is a carnivorous fish and has caused serious damage to the indigenous fauna living in those lakes and rivers . Weeds like Eupatorium , Lantana and Parthenium have invaded large tracts of land causing destruction . An increase in Eupatorium is attributed as one of the causes for the spread of the deadly Kyasanur forest disease ( which has a morbidity rate of 10 % ) among humans since it harbors tick populations that are vectors for this disease . Eucalyptus plantations in the Ranibennur blackbuck sanctuary has seriously harmed the extremely rare great Indian bustard . Conservation efforts ( edit ) Various conservation activities are in progress to protect the biodiversity present in Karnataka . These activities are mostly done by the Forest Department of the State of Karnataka and other voluntary organisations . Relocation of human population ( edit ) The presence of human habitation within the core area of reserved forests poses many problems like human -- wildlife conflict and destruction of habitat due to agriculture and cattle grazing . Systematic efforts have been made to relocate some of this population into proper zones outside the protected area . An example is the relocation of some villagers from Bhagawathi and Nassehalla habitations within the Kudremukh National Park to safer regions outside it . Usage of technology ( edit ) New scientific methods are being used to protect the flora and fauna . Some of these are : Usage of satellites to detect forest fires so that they can easily be extinguished . Radio tracking of animals and usage of techniques like remote camera sampling to estimate the animal population . Installation of wireless stations and using wireless sets for easy communication among individuals involved in field trips and anti-poaching activities . Staff empowerment ( edit ) It is highly important to keep up the morale of forest wardens and other staff members involved in anti-poaching activities and field trips . It is also necessary to keep them up - to - date on the technology and wildlife related laws . The following steps were implemented to address this issue : Field kits were provided to the staff consisting of boots , rain gear and uniforms . Conservation related award programs were announced to boost the morale of the staff . Training programs were undertaken for the staff in the use of firearms against poachers , field craft and Indian wildlife laws Recently discovered species ( edit ) Many areas of Karnataka , especially in the forests of Malnad region are unexplored and new species of flora and fauna are discovered periodically . Some of the new species of flora discovered in Karnataka include Paracautleya bhatii ( a ginger ) and Isachne veldkampii ( a grass ) , both of which were discovered near Manipal in Udupi district . Two species of algae , Cosmarium bourrellyi and Cosmarium desikacharyi were discovered in a paddy field in Belgaum . Other new species of flora discovered in Karnataka include Isoetes udupiensis ( a pteridophyte ) and Pisolithus indicus ( a fungus ) . Some of the new species of fauna discovered include two species of ants , Dilobocondyla bangalorica which was discovered on the campus of Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore and Discothyrea sringerensis which was discovered near Sringeri . Three new species of frogs ; Philautus luteolus , Philautus tuberohumerus and Nyctibatrachus petraeus have been discovered in Karnataka . Explorations in the Sharavathi river have yielded new fish species like Batasio sharavatiensis ( a bagrid catfish ) , Schistura nagodiensis and Schistura sharavathiensis . Another fish species , Puntius coorgensis has been discovered near Bhagamandala in the Kaveri river . Some other species of fauna discovered in Karnataka include two species of whiteflies , Distinctaleyrodes setosus and Aleurocanthus arecae and a caecilian , Gegeneophis madhavai . Explorations in the soil around the Linganamakki reservoir has revealed eleven new species of earthworms . Endangered species ( edit ) Shorea roxburghii , an endangered rainforest tree found in Karnataka Karnataka is the home of few critically endangered species of flora that include evergreen trees like Dipterocarpus bourdilloni , Hopea erosa and Hopea jacobi , Croton lawianus ( a small tree ) and Pinnatella limbata ( a type of moss ) . Some of the critically endangered species of fauna found in Karnataka include Gyps indicus ( the Indian vulture ) and two species of frogs , Indirana gundia ( found only in Gundia range , Sakleshpur ) and Micrixalus kottigeharensis ( found only near Kottigehara , Chikkamagaluru district ) . Some of the endangered species of flora include evergreen trees like Cynometra bourdillonii , Cynometra travancorica , Hopea glabra , Hopea parviflora , Hopea ponga , Hopea racophloea , Hopea wightiana , Shorea roxburghii and Tarenna agumbensis and flowering plants like Glochidion pauciflorum , Glochidion tomentosum , Ixora lawsoni and Syzygium stocksii . Other endangered trees found in Karnataka include Isonandra stocksii , Kingiodendron pinnatum , Maesa velutina , Myristica magnifica , Rapanea striata and Xylosma latifolium . Endangered species of fauna found in Karnataka include the Bengal tiger , Indian elephant , lion - tailed macaque , olive ridley turtle and dhole , the Indian wild dog . Many endangered species of amphibians are found here including frogs , Indirana brachytarsus , Microhyla sholigari , Minervarya sahyadris , Nyctibatrachus aliciae , Nyctibatrachus hussaini , Nyctibatrachus sanctipalustris , Philautus charius , Philautus wynaadensis , Ramanella mormorata and Rhacophorus lateralis and a toad , Bufo beddomii . Other endangered species of fauna include Hipposideros hypophyllus ( the Kolar leaf - nosed bat ) and Pseudomulleria dalyi ( a mollusc ) . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Statistics related to forests in Karnataka is provided by `` Statistics '' . Online Webpage of the Forest Department . Government of Karnataka . Archived from the original on 2007 - 09 - 27 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 06 . Jump up ^ Western Ghats being nominated by India as a World Heritage Site is mentioned by `` Western Ghats ( sub cluster nomination ) '' . Online webpage of UNESCO World Heritage Centre . 1992 - 2007 UNESCO World Heritage Centre . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` THE NILGIRI BIOSPHERE RESERVE '' . R.J. Ranjit Daniels - MS Swaminathan Research Foundation . UNESCO South - South Cooperation Program , 1996 . Archived from the original on 2007 - 03 - 10 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 10 . Jump up ^ Flora and Fauna as state symbols of Karnataka are mentioned by `` State Animals , Birds , Trees and Flowers '' ( PDF ) . Online webpage of Wildlife Institute of India . Government of India . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2007 - 06 - 15 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : A Walk on the Wild Side , An Information Guide to National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries of Karnataka , Compiled and Edited by Dr. Nima Manjrekar , Karnataka Forest Department , Wildlife Wing , October 2000 Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ Adichunchanagiri Wildlife Sanctuary Archived 2014 - 10 - 07 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Arabithittu Wildlife Sanctuary Archived 2012 - 10 - 19 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2013 - 10 - 29 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 18 . CS1 maint : Archived copy as title ( link ) Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ A brief overview of Mandagadde bird sanctuary is provided by Pramod Mellegatti ( 2001 - 08 - 21 ) . `` Will floods prevent seasonal migration of ' alien ' birds ? '' . The Hindu . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 06 - 17 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 18 . CS1 maint : Archived copy as title ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 06 - 18 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 18 . CS1 maint : Archived copy as title ( link ) Jump up ^ A description of Kokkare Bellur has been provided by Sharath S. Srivatsa ( 2006 - 02 - 15 ) . `` Lending a helping hand '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : A report on the environment of Karnataka and action plan thereof is discussed by Madhav Gadgil ; et al. `` Karnataka State of Environment Report and Action Plan , Biodiversity Sector '' ( PDF ) . ENVIS Technical Report 16 . Environmental Information System , Centre for Ecological Sciences , Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : Poaching of a tiger in Nagarhole National Park is mentioned by `` Tigers falling victim to ` poor ' anti-poaching drive '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . 2006 - 04 - 03 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ A brief description of mining at Kudremukh is provided by Praveen Bhargav & Niren Jain ( 2004 - 01 - 04 ) . `` Battle for Kudremukh '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ Destruction caused by elephants in Hassan district is mentioned by S. Rajendran ( 2006 - 12 - 25 ) . `` State seeks Centre 's nod for translocating elephant herd '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ Electrocution of an elephant in Chamarajanagar district is mentioned by `` Elephant electrocuted '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . 2007 - 02 - 02 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ Air pollution in Bangalore discolouring plants in mentioned by Roja Kandath ( 2001 - 02 - 14 ) . `` Pollution is robbing blooms of their colour '' . The Times of India . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ Relocation of villagers from Kudremukh National Park has been mentioned by K. Ullas Karanth , Niren Jain and N. Samba Kumar . `` Tiger Habitat Consolidation in Kudremukh '' ( PDF ) . A Final Report to 21st Century Tiger from the Wildlife Conservation Society ( WCS ) . 21st Century Tiger . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2007 - 08 - 23 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ Using satellites for detecting forest fires in Karnataka is mentioned by `` Eye - in - the - sky tech to combat forest fires '' . Deccan Herald . 2005 - 04 - 09 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : Some conservation methods being used in Karnataka to protect flora and fauna are mentioned by Shekar Dattatri . `` Tigers in India A chance for survival '' . Wildlife First . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : Discovery of Isoetes udupiensis has been mentioned by `` New plant species found '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . 2005 - 05 - 11 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 06 . Jump up ^ Discovery of new algae species is mentioned by UD Bongale . `` New taxa of Cosmarium Corda ( Desmidiaceae ) from Karnataka State , India '' . doi : 10.1007 / BF00008169 . Jump up ^ K. NATARAJAN ; G. SENTHILARASU ; V. KUMARESAN ; TAIANA RIVIERE ( 25 June 2005 ) . `` Diversity in ectomycorrhizal fungi of a dipterocarp forest in Western Ghats '' ( PDF ) . Current Science . 88 ( 12 ) . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of a new species of ant in the IISc campus , Bangalore is discussed by THRESIAMMA VARGHESE ( 2006 ) . `` A new species of the ant genus Dilobocondyla ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) from India , with notes on its nesting behaviour Catalog of Fishes '' ( PDF ) . Oriental Insects. 40 : 23 -- 32 . doi : 10.1080 / 00305316.2006. 10417454 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of a new species of ant in Sringeri is discussed by Merry Zacharias & Priyadarshanan Dharma Rajan ( 2004 ) . `` Discothyrea sringerensis ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) a new ant species from India '' ( PDF ) . Zootaxa. 484 : 1 -- 4 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Raviprasad Kamila ( 2007 - 02 - 20 ) . `` Two new species of frogs found '' . The Hindu . Chennai , India . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 06 . Jump up ^ INDRANEIL DAS AND KRUSHNAMEGH KUNTE ( 2005 ) . `` New Species of Nyctibatrachus ( Anura : Ranidae ) from Castle Rock , Karnataka State , Southwest India '' ( PDF ) . Journal of Herpetology. 39 ( 3 ) : 465 -- 470 . doi : 10.1670 / 198 - 04a. 1 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2006 - 09 - 15 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of Batasio sharavatiensis has been mentioned by Anuradha Bhatt & K.C. Jayaram ( February 2004 ) . `` A new species of the genus BATASIO BLYTH ( Siluriformes : Bagridae ) from Sharavathi river , Uttara Kannada , Karnataka '' . Zoos ' Print Journal . 19 ( 2 ) : 1339 -- 1342 . doi : 10.11609 / jott. zpj. 19.2. 1339 - 42 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2009 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Details regarding new fishes of genus Schistura found in Sharavathi river is provided by Sreekantha , K.V. Gururaja , K. Remadevi , T.J. Indra , T.V. Ramachandra ( April 2006 ) . `` Two new fish species of the genus Schistura Mcclelland ( Cypriniformes : Balitoridae ) from Western Ghats , India '' ( PDF ) . Zoos ' Print Journal . 21 ( 4 ) : 2211 -- 2216 . doi : 10.11609 / jott. zpj. 1386.2211 - 6 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Details regarding Puntius coorgensis is provided by Jayaram ( 1982 ) . `` Catalog of Fishes '' . Pisces Reference . Fishbase . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of a new genus and species of whitefly is discussed by A.K. DUBEY & R. SUNDARARAJ ( 2006 ) . `` Distinctaleyrodes setosus Dubey & Sundararaj ( Sternorrhyncha : Aleyrodidae ) , a new whitefly genus and species from India '' ( PDF ) . Zootaxa. 1154 : 35 -- 39 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of a whitefly in areca plantations is discussed by B. VASANTHARAJ DAVID AND M. MANJUNATHA ( 2003 ) . `` A new species of Aleurocanthus Quaintance & Baker ( Homoptera : Aleyrodidae ) from Areca catechu in India , with comments on the status of Aleurodes nubilans Buckton '' ( PDF ) . Zootaxa. 173 : 1 -- 4 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of a caecilian has been discussed by GOPALAKRISHNA BHATTA & R. SRINIVASA ( 2004 ) . `` A new species of Gegeneophis Peters ( Amphibia : Gymnophiona : Caeciliidae ) from the surroundings of Mookambika Wildlife Sanctuary , Karnataka , India '' ( PDF ) . Zootaxa. 644 : 1 -- 8 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . Jump up ^ Discovery of new species of earthworms is mentioned by Julka ; et al. `` New species of earthworms found in Western Ghats of Karnataka '' ( PDF ) . Zootaxa. 486 : 2 . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 07 . External links ( edit ) Floral resources of Karnataka : A geographic perspective . Natural history of southern Karnataka : Ornithological perspective . Google Map showing wildlife of Karnataka Karnataka Overviews Architecture Cinema Climate Cuisine Demography Economy Education Folk Arts Geography History Media People Sports Transportation Wildlife History Aihole Alupa dynasty Amoghavarsha Badami Banavasi Balligavi Belur Chalukya dynasty Chitradurga Nayakas Deva Raya II Durvinita Halebidu Haleri Kingdom Halmidi Hampi Hoysala Empire Kadamba dynasty Kalyani Chalukyas Keladi Nayakas Shivappa Nayaka Kittur Chennamma Kingdom of Mysore Mayurasharma Pattadakal Pulakeshin II Rashtrakuta dynasty Sringeri Srirangapatna Tipu Sultan Unification of Karnataka Vijayanagara Empire Vijayanagara Vishnuvardhana Veera Ballala II Vikramaditya II Vikramaditya VI Western Ganga dynasty Geography Cities and towns Districts Rivers Dams and Reservoirs Taluks Villages Highest point Bayalu Seeme Malenadu Karavali Western Ghats Culture Bharata Natyam Buta Kola Bidriware Channapatna toys Chitrakala Parishat Gaarudi Gombe Ilkal saree Kamsale Kannada Karnatik music Kasuti Khedda Mysore Dasara Togalu Gombeyaata Udupi cuisine Veeragase Yakshagana Mysore musicians Literature Kannada Milestones Epics Medieval Rashtrakuta Western Ganga Western Chalukya Hoysala Vijayanagara Vachana Haridasa Mysore Play Modern Kannada Sahitya Parishat Kannada Sahitya Sammelana Karnataka Noted poets Asaga Gunavarma I Adikavi Pampa Sri Ponna Ranna Devar Dasimayya Basava Akka Mahadevi Allama Prabhu Siddharama Harihara Raghavanka Rudrabhatta Janna Kumara Vyasa Chamarasa Nijaguna Shivayogi Ratnakaravarni Purandara Dasa Kanaka Dasa Vijaya Dasa Gopala Dasa Jagannatha Dasa Lakshmisa Sarvajna Shishunala Sharif Krishnaraja Wadiyar III D.R. Bendre Gopalakrishna Adiga K.S. Narasimhaswamy M. Govinda Pai Kuvempu D.V. Gundappa G.S. Shivarudrappa People and Society Karnataka ethnic groups List of people from Karnataka Tourism Beaches Dams Forts National Parks Hindu Temples Jain Temples Waterfalls Awards Karnataka Ratna Pampa Award Nrupatunga Award Basava Puraskara Rajyotsava Prashasti Jakanachari Award Varnashilpi Venkatappa Award Kempegowda Award Media Cinema Newspapers Magazines Television Radio At a distance of 80 km from Mysore , 70 km from Ooty & 215 km from Bangalore , Bandipur National Park is one of the well preserved National Parks in India . It is located in Chamarajanagar district on the border of Karnataka - Tamil Nadu between Mysore & Ooty . Nagarhole and Bandipur National Park are separated by Kabini reservoir . Spread across 874km , the altitude of the park varies between 780 - 1455 meters . It is part of the famous Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve along with Nagarhole National Park , Mudumalai National Park ( 12 km towards Ooty ) and Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary . Bandipur forests used to be the private game reserve of the Maharajas of Mysore . This Sanctuary is one of the 15 sanctuaries belonging to the Project Tiger Scheme . Bandipur was declared a National Park under the Wildlife Protection Act in 1974 . It is home to around 70 tigers and over 3000 Asian elephants , as well as other animals like leopards , dhole , gaur , sloth bears , and a variety of birdlife . Gopalaswami Betta is the highest peak in the Bandipur range . Jeep Safari ( 1 Hour ) , Mini Bus Safari ( 45 Min ) & Elephant Safari ( 20 Min ) are arranged by the forest department . The cost and timings keep changing and sometimes they cancel the safari without any prior notice . The entry point & interpretation center of the park is located in Bandipur village on Highway after Melkamanahalli Village . Private vehicles are NOT allowed inside the park . Private Jeep Safaris are arranged by Jungle Lodge ( in Melkamanahalli just outside the park ) & Tuskar Trails ( 4 km from park in Mangla Village - towards Mysore ) . The best time to visit Bandipur National Park is from June to October . Safari Timings : 6 . 30 AM - 9.30 AM & 3.30 PM - 5.30 PM , Elephant Safari ( 20 Min ) : 10 AM - 11 AM Rs. 50 for Person for Elephant Safari , Rs. 300 for Person for Bus Safari for Indians At a distance of 10 km from Kutta , 20 km from Iruppu Falls , 62 km from Kalpetta , 88 km from Mysore , 88 km from Madikeri and 218 km from Bangalore , Nagarhole National Park is one of the best wildlife sanctuaries in South India and also one of the top places to visit in Coorg . Also known as Rajiv Gandhi National Park , it is spread across Mysore and Kodagu districts in Karnataka . Originally the forest area was the private hunting ground for the Maharajas of Mysore . Nagarhole was converted into a sanctuary in the year 1955 covering an area of 258 km and subsequently enlarged to include the adjoining areas of Mysore district and now extends over an area of 643 km . Nagarhole got National Park status in 1988 and declared as 37th Project Tiger Reserve in 1999 . It is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve . The Western Ghats Nilgiri sub-cluster of 6,000 km , including all of Nagarhole National Park , is under consideration by the UNESCO World Heritage for World Heritage Site status . This national park gets its name from two Kannada words Naga means snake and Hole means stream . Many serpentine streams flow through the rich tropical forests of the park , which has now been renamed as the Rajiv Gandhi National Park , after late prime minister of India , Rajiv Gandhi . Nagarhole is situated to the north - west of Bandipur National Park which are separated by Kabini reservoir . The park has rich forest cover , small streams , hills , valleys and waterfalls . Inside the park coracle boat riding facility is available in Kabini River . The important animals in Nagarhole National Park are tiger , leopard , wild dog , sloth bear , the hyena , spotted deer , sambar , barking deer , four - horned antelope , gaur , wild boar and elephant . Among reptiles , the marsh crocodile , monitor lizard , rock python and several other species are represented . Other mammals includes the common langur , bonnet macaque , jungle cat , slender loris , leopard - cat , civet cat , mongoose , common otter , giant flying squirrel , giant squirrel , porcupine , jackal , mouse - deer , hare and pangolin . Over 250 species of birds are found at Nagarhole National Park . The park is usually closed for safaris during peak monsoon . Traffic movement is restricted from 6 pm to 6 am every day and the gates are closed on either sides of entry into the forest . Two wheelers , three wheelers and goods vehicles are not permitted inside the park . Safaris are organized in the forest department vans during morning and evening . Government - run 4WD safaris and boat trips are conducted from Kabini River Lodge , which are good options to explore the animals . The best time to visit Nagarhole National Park is Nov - May , especially Apr - May . The Forest Department manages two rest houses at Kabini , but reservation has to be made well in advance through the Forest Department offices in Mysore or Bangalore . The Kabini River Lodge near Karapur on the Mysore - Mananthavadi highway with good accommodation facilities which also organizes safaris including elephant ride and coracle ride . Various home stays are also available near to Kutta , Srimangala and Gonikoppal . Park Timings : 6 AM - 6 PM Safari Timings : 6 AM - 8 AM and 3 PM - 5 PM Bus Safari : Rs. 300 for Indians , Rs. 1200 for Foreigners ( including Entry Fee ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Wildlife of India Environment of Karnataka Tourism in Karnataka Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint : Archived copy as title CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español ಕನ್ನಡ Edit links This page was last edited on 27 September 2018 , at 04 : 46 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
how many national parks are there in karnataka
Karnataka has five national parks .
Hebrew calendar - wikipedia Hebrew calendar This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Jewish calendar , showing Adar II between 1927 and 1948 Today Tuesday 30 October 2018 CE 21 Cheshvan AM 5779 ( refresh ) The Hebrew or Jewish calendar ( הַלּוּחַ הָעִבְרִי , Ha - Luah ha - Ivri ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances . It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions , yahrzeits ( dates to commemorate the death of a relative ) , and daily Psalm readings , among many ceremonial uses . In Israel , it is used for religious purposes , provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes , although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar . The present Hebrew calendar is the product of evolution , including a Babylonian influence . Until the Tannaitic period ( approximately 10 -- 220 CE ) , the calendar employed a new crescent moon , with an additional month normally added every two or three years to correct for the difference between twelve lunar months and the solar year . The year in which it was added was based on observation of natural agriculture - related events in Israel . Through the Amoraic period ( 200 -- 500 CE ) and into the Geonic period , this system was gradually displaced by the mathematical rules used today . The principles and rules were fully codified by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah in the 12th century . Maimonides ' work also replaced counting `` years since the destruction of the Temple '' with the modern creation - era Anno Mundi . The Hebrew lunar year is about eleven days shorter than the solar year and uses the 19 - year Metonic cycle to bring it into line with the solar year , with the addition of an intercalary month every two or three years , for a total of seven times per 19 years . Even with this intercalation , the average Hebrew calendar year is longer by about 6 minutes and 40 seconds than the current mean tropical year , so that every 216 years the Hebrew calendar will fall a day behind the current mean tropical year ; and about every 231 years it will fall a day behind the mean Gregorian calendar year . The era used since the Middle Ages is the Anno Mundi epoch ( Latin for `` in the year of the world '' ; Hebrew : לבריאת העולם ‎ , `` from the creation of the world '' ) . As with Anno Domini ( A.D. or AD ) , the words or abbreviation for Anno Mundi ( A.M. or AM ) for the era should properly precede the date rather than follow it . AM 5779 began at sunset on 9 September 2018 and will end at sunset on 29 September 2019 . Contents 1 Components 1.1 Day and hours 1.2 Weeks 1.2. 1 Names of weekdays 1.2. 2 Days of week of holidays 1.3 Months 1.3. 1 Importance of lunar months 1.3. 2 Names of months 1.3. 3 Leap months 1.3. 4 Constellations 1.4 Years 1.4. 1 Anno Mundi 1.4. 2 Previous systems 1.4. 3 New year 1.4. 4 Leap years 1.4. 5 Rosh Hashanah postponement rules 1.4. 6 Deficient , regular , and complete years 1.4. 7 Four gates 1.4. 8 Holidays 2 History 2.1 Mishnaic period 2.2 Modern calendar 2.3 Usage in contemporary Israel 3 Other practices 3.1 Karaite calendar 3.2 Samaritan calendar 3.3 The Qumran calendar 3.4 Persian civil calendar 4 Astronomical calculations 4.1 Synodic month -- the molad interval 4.2 Seasonal drift 4.3 Implications for Jewish ritual 4.4 Worked example 5 Rectifying the Hebrew calendar 6 Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars 7 See also 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 External links 10.1 Date converters Components Day and hours Further information : Zmanim The Jewish day is of no fixed length . The Jewish day is modeled on the reference to `` ... there was evening and there was morning ... '' in the creation account in the first chapter of Genesis . Based on the classic rabbinic interpretation of this text , a day in the rabbinic Hebrew calendar runs from sunset ( start of `` the evening '' ) to the next sunset . Halachically , a day ends and a new one starts when three stars are visible in the sky . The time between true sunset and the time when the three stars are visible ( known as ' tzait ha'kochavim ' ) is known as ' bein hashmashot ' , and there are differences of opinion as to which day it falls into for some uses . This may be relevant , for example , in determining the date of birth of a child born during that gap . There is no clock in the Jewish scheme , so that the local civil clock is used . Though the civil clock , including the one in use in Israel , incorporates local adoptions of various conventions such as time zones , standard times and daylight saving , these have no place in the Jewish scheme . The civil clock is used only as a reference point -- in expressions such as : `` Shabbat starts at ... '' . The steady progression of sunset around the world and seasonal changes results in gradual civil time changes from one day to the next based on observable astronomical phenomena ( the sunset ) and not on man - made laws and conventions . In Judaism , an hour is defined as 1 / 12 of the time from sunrise to sunset , so , during the winter , an hour can be much less than 60 minutes , and during the summer , it can be much more than 60 minutes . This proportional hour is known as a sha'ah z'manit ( lit . a timely hour ) . A Jewish hour is divided into 1080 halakim ( singular : helek ) or parts . A part is 31⁄3 seconds or / minute . The ultimate ancestor of the helek was a small Babylonian time period called a barleycorn , itself equal to / of a Babylonian time degree ( 1 ° of celestial rotation ) . These measures are not generally used for everyday purposes . Instead of the international date line convention , there are varying opinions as to where the day changes . One opinion uses the antimeridian of Jerusalem . ( Jerusalem is 35 ° 13 ' east of the prime meridian , so the antimeridian is at 144 ° 47 ' W , passing through eastern Alaska . ) Other opinions exist as well . ( See International date line in Judaism . ) The weekdays start with Sunday ( day 1 , or Yom Rishon ) and proceed to Saturday ( day 7 ) , Shabbat . Since some calculations use division , a remainder of 0 signifies Saturday . While calculations of days , months and years are based on fixed hours equal to / of a day , the beginning of each halachic day is based on the local time of sunset . The end of the Shabbat and other Jewish holidays is based on nightfall ( Tzeth haKochabim ) which occurs some amount of time , typically 42 to 72 minutes , after sunset . According to Maimonides , nightfall occurs when three medium - sized stars become visible after sunset . By the 17th century , this had become three - second - magnitude stars . The modern definition is when the center of the sun is 7 ° below the geometric ( airless ) horizon , somewhat later than civil twilight at 6 ° . The beginning of the daytime portion of each day is determined both by dawn and sunrise . Most halachic times are based on some combination of these four times and vary from day to day throughout the year and also vary significantly depending on location . The daytime hours are often divided into Sha'oth Zemaniyoth or `` Halachic hours '' by taking the time between sunrise and sunset or between dawn and nightfall and dividing it into 12 equal hours . The nighttime hours are similarly divided into 12 equal portions , albeit a different amount of time than the `` hours '' of the daytime . The earliest and latest times for Jewish services , the latest time to eat chametz on the day before Passover and many other rules are based on Sha'oth Zemaniyoth . For convenience , the modern day using Sha'oth Zemaniyoth is often discussed as if sunset were at 6 : 00 pm , sunrise at 6 : 00 am and each hour were equal to a fixed hour . For example , halachic noon may be after 1 : 00 pm in some areas during daylight saving time . Within the Mishnah , however , the numbering of the hours starts with the `` first '' hour after the start of the day . Weeks Shavua ( שבוע ) is a weekly cycle of seven days , mirroring the seven - day period of the Book of Genesis in which the world is created . The names for the days of the week , like those in the creation account , are simply the day number within the week , with Shabbat being the seventh day . Each day of the week runs from sunset to the following sunset and is figured locally . Names of weekdays A bronze Shabbat candlestick holder made in British Mandate Palestine in the 1940s . The Hebrew calendar follows a seven - day weekly cycle , which runs concurrently with but independently of the monthly and annual cycles . The names for the days of the week are simply the day number within the week . In Hebrew , these names may be abbreviated using the numerical value of the Hebrew letters , for example יום א ׳ ‬ ( Day 1 , or Yom Rishon ( יום ראשון ‬ ) ) : Yom Rishon -- יום ראשון ‬ ( abbreviated יום א ׳ ‬ ) , meaning `` first day '' ( corresponds to Sunday ) ( starting at preceding sunset of Saturday ) Yom Sheni -- יום שני ‬ ( abbr . יום ב ׳ ‬ ) meaning `` second day '' ( corresponds to Monday ) Yom Shlishi -- יום שלישי ‬ ( abbr . יום ג ׳ ‬ ) meaning `` third day '' ( corresponds to Tuesday ) Yom Reviʻi -- יום רביעי ‬ ( abbr . יום ד ׳ ‬ ) meaning `` fourth day '' ( corresponds to Wednesday ) Yom Chamishi -- יום חמישי ‬ ( abbr . יום ה ׳ ‬ ) = `` fifth day '' ( corresponds to Thursday ) Yom Shishi -- יום ששי ‬ ( abbr . יום ו ׳ ‬ ) meaning `` sixth day '' ( corresponds to Friday ) Yom Shabbat -- יום שבת ‬ ( abbr . יום ש ׳ ‬ ) , or more usually , simply Shabbat -- שבת ‬ meaning `` rest day '' ( corresponds to Saturday ) Yom Shabbat ( יום שבת ‬ ) is also known as Yom Shabbat Kodesh -- יום שבת קודש ‬ meaning `` holy rest day . '' The names of the days of the week are modeled on the seven days mentioned in the creation story . For example , Genesis 1 : 5 `` ... And there was evening and there was morning , one day '' . One day ( יוֹם אֶחָד ‬ ) in Genesis 1 : 5 is translated in JPS as first day , and in some other contexts ( including KJV ) as day one . In subsequent verses , the Hebrew refers to the days using ordinal numbers , e.g. , ' second day ' , ' third day ' , and so forth , but with the sixth and seventh days the Hebrew includes the definite article ( `` the '' ) . The rest day , Shabbat , has a special role in the Jewish weekly cycle as being a special and set apart day , where no work is done . There are many special rules that relate to Shabbat , discussed more fully in the Talmudic tractate Shabbat . In ( Talmudic ) Hebrew , the word Shabbat ( שַׁבָּת ‬ ) can also mean `` week '' , so that in ritual liturgy a phrase like `` Yom Reviʻi bəShabbat '' means `` the fourth day in the week '' . Days of week of holidays Main article : Days of week on Hebrew calendar The period from 1 Adar ( or Adar II , in leap years ) to 29 Marcheshvan contains all of the festivals specified in the Bible -- Purim ( 14 Adar ) , Pesach ( 15 Nisan ) , Shavuot ( 6 Sivan ) , Rosh Hashanah ( 1 Tishrei ) , Yom Kippur ( 10 Tishrei ) , Sukkot ( 15 Tishrei ) , and Shemini Atzeret ( 22 Tishrei ) . This period is fixed , during which no adjustments are made . Purim Passover ( first day ) Shavuot ( first day ) 17 Tammuz / Tisha B'Av Rosh Hashanah / Sukkot / Shmini Atzeret / ( first day ) Yom Kippur Chanukah ( first day ) 10 Tevet Tu Bishvat Thu Sat Sun Sun * Mon Wed Sun or Mon Sun or Tue Sat or Mon Fri Sun Mon Sun Tue Thu Mon Tue Mon Sun Tue Wed Tue Thu Sat Wed or Thu Wed , Thu , or Fri Tue , Wed , or Thu Tue Thu Fri Thu Sat Mon Fri or Sat Fri or Sun Thu or Sat * Postponed from Shabbat There are additional rules in the Hebrew calendar to prevent certain holidays from falling on certain days of the week . ( See Rosh Hashanah postponement rules , below . ) These rules are implemented by adding an extra day to Marcheshvan ( making it 30 days long ) or by removing one day from Kislev ( making it 29 days long ) . Accordingly , a common Hebrew calendar year can have a length of 353 , 354 or 355 days , while a leap Hebrew calendar year can have a length of 383 , 384 or 385 days . Months The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar , meaning that months are based on lunar months , but years are based on solar years . The calendar year features twelve lunar months of twenty - nine or thirty days , with an intercalary lunar month added periodically to synchronize the twelve lunar cycles with the longer solar year . ( These extra months are added seven times every nineteen years . See Leap months , below . ) The beginning of each Jewish lunar month is based on the appearance of the new moon . Although originally the new lunar crescent had to be observed and certified by witnesses , the moment of the true new moon is now approximated arithmetically as the molad , which is the mean new moon to a precision of one part . The mean period of the lunar month ( precisely , the synodic month ) is very close to 29.5 days . Accordingly , the basic Hebrew calendar year is one of twelve lunar months alternating between 29 and 30 days : Month Number * Hebrew month Length Ecclesiastical / Biblical Civil 7 Nisan 30 8 Iyar 29 9 Sivan 30 10 Tammuz 29 5 11 Av 30 6 12 Elul 29 7 Tishrei 30 8 Marcheshvan ( or Cheshvan ) 29 / 30 9 Kislev 30 / 29 10 Tevet 29 11 5 Shevat 30 12 6 Adar 29 Total 353 , 354 or 355 * -- For the distinction between numbering systems , see § New year below . In leap years ( such as 5779 ) an additional month , Adar I ( 30 days ) is added after Shevat , while the regular Adar is referred to as `` Adar II . '' The insertion of the leap month mentioned above is based on the requirement that Passover -- the festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt , which took place in the spring -- always occurs in the ( northern hemisphere 's ) spring season . Since the adoption of a fixed calendar , intercalations in the Hebrew calendar have been assigned to fixed points in a 19 - year cycle . Prior to this , the intercalation was determined empirically : The year may be intercalated on three grounds : ' aviv ( i.e. the ripeness of barley ) , fruits of trees , and the equinox . On two of these grounds it should be intercalated , but not on one of them alone . Importance of lunar months From very early times , the Mesopotamian lunisolar calendar was in wide use by the countries of the western Asia region . The structure , which was also used by the Israelites , was based on lunar months with the intercalation of an additional month to bring the cycle closer to the solar cycle , although there is no evidence of a thirteenth month mentioned anywhere in the Hebrew Bible . Num 10 : 10 stresses the importance in Israelite religious observance of the new month ( Hebrew : ראש חודש ‬ , Rosh Chodesh , `` beginning of the month '' ) : `` ... in your new moons , ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt - offerings ... '' Similarly in Num 28 : 11 . `` The beginning of the month '' meant the appearance of a new moon , and in Exod 12 : 2 . `` This month is to you '' . According to the Mishnah and Tosefta , in the Maccabean , Herodian , and Mishnaic periods , new months were determined by the sighting of a new crescent , with two eyewitnesses required to testify to the Sanhedrin to having seen the new lunar crescent at sunset . The practice in the time of Gamaliel II ( c. 100 CE ) was for witnesses to select the appearance of the moon from a collection of drawings that depicted the crescent in a variety of orientations , only a few of which could be valid in any given month . These observations were compared against calculations . At first the beginning of each Jewish month was signaled to the communities of Israel and beyond by fires lit on mountaintops , but after the Samaritans began to light false fires , messengers were sent . The inability of the messengers to reach communities outside Israel before mid-month High Holy Days ( Succot and Passover ) led outlying communities to celebrate scriptural festivals for two days rather than one , observing the second feast - day of the Jewish diaspora because of uncertainty of whether the previous month ended after 29 or 30 days . In his work Mishneh Torah ( 1178 ) , Maimonides included a chapter `` Sanctification of the New Moon '' , in which he discusses the calendrical rules and their scriptural basis . He notes , `` By how much does the solar year exceed the lunar year ? By approximately 11 days . Therefore , whenever this excess accumulates to about 30 days , or a little more or less , one month is added and the particular year is made to consist of 13 months , and this is the so - called embolismic ( intercalated ) year . For the year could not consist of twelve months plus so - and - so many days , since it is said : throughout the months of the year ( Num 28 : 14 ) , which implies that we should count the year by months and not by days . '' Names of months Both the Syrian calendar , currently used in the Arabic - speaking countries of the Fertile crescent , and the modern Assyrian calendar share many of the names for months with the Hebrew calendar , such as Nisan , Iyyar , Tammuz , Ab , Elul , Tishri and Adar , indicating a common origin . The origin is thought to be the Babylonian calendar . The modern Turkish calendar includes the names Şubat ( February ) , Nisan ( April ) , Temmuz ( July ) and Eylul ( September ) . The former name for October was Tesrin . Babylonian exile The Jewish people left Babylon and return to live in Judea , around 586 BCE . At this time they adopted the Babylonian names for the months . The Babylonian calendar descended directly from the Sumerian calendar . Biblical references to the pre-exilic calendar include ten months identified by number rather than by name . In parts of the Torah portion Noach ( `` Noah '' ) ( specifically , Gen 7 : 11 , 8 : 3 -- 4 , 8 : 13 -- 14 ) it is implied that the months are thirty days long . There is also an indication that there were twelve months in the annual cycle ( 1 Kings 4 : 7 , 1 Chronicles 27 : 1 -- 15 ) . Prior to the Babylonian exile , the names of only four months are referred to in the Tanakh : Aviv -- first month -- literally `` spring '' ( Exodus 12 : 2 , 13 : 4 , 23 : 15 , 34 : 18 , Deut. 16 : 1 ) ; Ziv -- second month -- literally `` light '' ( 1 Kings 6 : 1 , 6 : 37 ) ; Ethanim -- seventh month -- literally `` strong '' in plural , perhaps referring to strong rains ( 1 Kings 8 : 2 ) ; and Bul -- eighth month ( 1 Kings 6 : 38 ) . All of these are believed to be Canaanite names . These names are only mentioned in connection with the building of the First Temple . Håkan Ulfgard suggests that the use of what are rarely used Canaanite ( or in the case of Ethanim perhaps Northwest - semitic ) names indicates that `` the author is consciously utilizing an archaizing terminology , thus giving the impression of an ancient story ... '' . In a regular ( kesidran ) year , Marcheshvan has 29 days and Kislev has 30 days . However , because of the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules ( see below ) Kislev may lose a day to have 29 days , and the year is called a short ( chaser ) year , or Marcheshvan may acquire an additional day to have 30 days , and the year is called a full ( maleh ) year . The calendar rules have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on a Sunday , Wednesday or Friday . This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat , which would create practical difficulties , and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat , in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year . Hebrew names of the months with their Babylonian analogs # Hebrew Tiberian Academy Common / Other Length Babylonian analog Holidays / Notable days Notes נִיסָן ‬ Nīsān Nisan Nissan 30 days Nisanu Passover Called Abib ( Exodus 13 : 4 , 23 : 15 , 34 : 18 , Deut. 16 : 1 ) and Nisan ( Esther 3 : 7 ) in the Tanakh . אִיָּר / אייר ‬ ʼIyyār Iyyar Iyar 29 days Ayaru Pesach Sheni Lag B'Omer Called Ziv in 1 Kings 6 : 1 , 6 : 37 . סִיוָן / סיוון ‬ Sīwān Sivan Siwan 30 days Simanu Shavuot תַּמּוּז ‬ Tammūz Tammuz Tamuz 29 days Dumuzu Seventeenth of Tammuz Named for the Babylonian god Dumuzi 5 אָב ‬ ʼĀḇ Av Ab 30 days Abu Tisha B'Av Tu B'Av 6 אֱלוּל ‬ ʼĔlūl Elul 29 days Ululu 7 תִּשׁרִי ‬ Tišrī Tishri Tishrei 30 days Tashritu Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Sukkot Shemini Atzeret Simchat Torah Called Ethanim in 1 Kings 8 : 2 . First month of civil year . 8 מַרְחֶשְׁוָן / מרחשוון ‬ Marḥešwān Marẖeshvan Marcheshvan Cheshvan Marẖeshwan 29 or 30 days Arakhsamna Called Bul in 1 Kings 6 : 38 . 9 כִּסְלֵו / כסליו ‬ Kislēw Kislev Kislev Chisleu Chislev 29 or 30 days Kislimu Hanukkah 10 טֵבֵת ‬ Ṭēḇēṯ Tevet Tebeth 29 days Tebetu Tenth of Tevet 11 שְׁבָט ‬ Šəḇāṭ Shvat Shevat Shebat Sebat 30 days Shabatu Tu Bishvat 12L אֲדָר א ׳ ‬ Adar I 30 days Only in Leap years . 12 אֲדָר / אֲדָר ב ׳ * ‬ ʼĂḏār Adar / Adar II 29 days Adaru Purim Leap months The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months . The Bible does not directly mention the addition of `` embolismic '' or intercalary months . However , without the insertion of embolismic months , Jewish festivals would gradually shift outside of the seasons required by the Torah . This has been ruled as implying a requirement for the insertion of embolismic months to reconcile the lunar cycles to the seasons , which are integral to solar yearly cycles . When the observational form of the calendar was in use , whether or not an embolismic month was announced after the `` last month '' ( Adar ) depended on ' aviv ( i.e. , the ripeness of barley ) , fruits of trees , and the equinox . On two of these grounds it should be intercalated , but not on one of them alone . It may be noted that in the Bible the name of the first month , Aviv , literally means `` spring '' . Thus , if Adar was over and spring had not yet arrived , an additional month was observed . Traditionally , for the Babylonian and Hebrew lunisolar calendars , the years 3 , 6 , 8 , 11 , 14 , 17 , and 19 are the long ( 13 - month ) years of the Metonic cycle . This cycle forms the basis of the Christian ecclesiastical calendar and the Hebrew calendar and is used for the computation of the date of Easter each year During leap years Adar I ( or Adar Aleph -- `` first Adar '' ) is added before the regular Adar . Adar I is actually considered to be the extra month , and has 30 days . Adar II ( or Adar Bet -- `` second Adar '' ) is the `` real '' Adar , and has the usual 29 days . For this reason , holidays such as Purim are observed in Adar II , not Adar I . Constellations Main articles : Hebrew astronomy and Jewish views on astrology Chronology was a chief consideration in the study of astronomy among the Jews ; sacred time was based upon the cycles of the Sun and the Moon . The Talmud identified the twelve constellations of the zodiac with the twelve months of the Hebrew calendar . The correspondence of the constellations with their names in Hebrew and the months is as follows : Aries -- Taleh -- Nisan Taurus -- Shor -- Iyar Gemini -- Teomim -- Sivan Cancer -- Sartan -- Tammuz Leo -- Arye -- Av Virgo -- Betulah -- Elul Libra -- Moznayim -- Tishrei Scorpio -- ' Akrab -- Marcheshvan Sagittarius -- Keshet -- Kislev Capricorn -- Gdi -- Tevet Aquarius -- Dli -- Shevat Pisces -- Dagim -- Adar Some scholars identified the 12 signs of the zodiac with the 12 sons of Jacob / twelve tribes of Israel . It should be noted that the 12 lunar months of the Hebrew calendar are the normal months from new moon to new moon : the year normally contains twelve months averaging 29.52 days each . The discrepancy compared to the mean synodic month of 29.53 days is due to Adar I in a leap year always having thirty days . This means that the calendar year normally contains 354 days . Year 5779 since the creation of the world , according to the traditional count . This year has 385 days , making it a full ( שלמה ) year . In 5779 , Rosh Hashanah is on Monday , while Passover is on Saturday . According to the Machzor Katan , the 19 - year ( Metonic ) cycle used to keep the Hebrew calendar aligned with the solar year : This year is the 3rd year of the 305th cycle . It is a leap year . According to the Machzor Gadol , a 28 - year solar cycle used to calculate the date to recite Birkat Hachama , a blessing on the sun : This year is the 11th year of the 207th cycle . According to the current reckoning of sabbatical ( shmita ) years : This year is the 4th year of the cycle . It is a maaser sheni year . Years The Hebrew calendar year conventionally begins on Rosh Hashanah . However , other dates serve as the beginning of the year for different religious purposes . There are three qualities that distinguish one year from another : whether it is a leap year or a common year , on which of four permissible days of the week the year begins , and whether it is a deficient , regular , or complete year . Mathematically , there are 24 ( 2 × 4 × 3 ) possible combinations , but only 14 of them are valid . Each of these patterns is called a keviyah ( Hebrew קביעה for `` a setting '' or `` an established thing '' ) , and is encoded as a series of two or three Hebrew letters . See Four gates . In Hebrew there are two common ways of writing the year number : with the thousands , called לפרט גדול ‬ ( `` major era '' ) , and without the thousands , called לפרט קטן ‬ ( `` minor era '' ) . Thus , the current year is written as ה'תשע `` ט ‎ ( 5779 ) using the `` major era '' and תשע `` ט ‎ ( 779 ) using the `` minor era '' . Anno Mundi Further information : Anno Mundi The Jewish calendar 's reference point is traditionally held to be about one year before the Creation of the world . In 1178 CE , Maimonides wrote in the Mishneh Torah , Sanctification of the Moon ( 11.16 ) , that he had chosen the epoch from which calculations of all dates should be as `` the third day of Nisan in this present year ... which is the year 4938 of the creation of the world '' ( March 22 , 1178 ) . He included all the rules for the calculated calendar and their scriptural basis , including the modern epochal year in his work , and beginning formal usage of the anno mundi era . From the eleventh century , anno mundi dating became dominant throughout most of the world 's Jewish communities . Today , the rules detailed in Maimonides ' calendrical code are those generally used by Jewish communities throughout the world . Since the codification by Maimonides in 1178 , the Jewish calendar has used the Anno Mundi epoch ( Latin for `` in the year of the world , '' abbreviated AM or A.M. , Hebrew לבריאת העולם ‬ ) , sometimes referred to as the `` Hebrew era '' , to distinguish it from other systems based on some computation of creation , such as the Byzantine calendar . There is also reference in the Talmud to years since the creation based on the calculation in the Seder Olam Rabbah of Rabbi Jose ben Halafta in about 160 CE . By his calculation , based on the Masoretic Text , Adam was created in 3760 BCE , later confirmed by the Muslim chronologist al - Biruni as 3448 years before the Seleucid era . An example is the c. 8th century Baraita of Samuel . According to rabbinic reckoning , the beginning of `` year 1 '' is not Creation , but about one year before Creation , with the new moon of its first month ( Tishrei ) to be called molad tohu ( the mean new moon of chaos or nothing ) . The Jewish calendar 's epoch ( reference date ) , 1 Tishrei AM 1 , is equivalent to Monday , 7 October 3761 BC / BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar , the equivalent tabular date ( same daylight period ) and is about one year before the traditional Jewish date of Creation on 25 Elul AM 1 , based upon the Seder Olam Rabbah . Thus , adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number starting from 1 CE ( AD 1 ) will yield the Hebrew year . For earlier years there may be a discrepancy ( see : Missing years ( Jewish calendar ) ) . The Seder Olam Rabbah also recognized the importance of the Jubilee and Sabbatical cycles as a long - term calendrical system , and attempted at various places to fit the Sabbatical and Jubilee years into its chronological scheme . Occasionally , Anno Mundi is styled as Anno Hebraico ( AH ) , though this is subject to confusion with notation for the Islamic Hijri year . Previous systems Before the adoption of the current AM year numbering system , other systems were in use . In early times , the years were counted from some significant historic event . ( e.g. , 1 Kings 6 : 1 ) During the period of the monarchy , it was the widespread practice in western Asia to use era year numbers according to the accession year of the monarch of the country involved . This practice was also followed by the united kingdom of Israel ( e.g. , 1 Kings 14 : 25 ) , kingdom of Judah ( e.g. , 2 Kings 18 : 13 ) , kingdom of Israel ( e.g. , 2 Kings 17 : 6 ) , Persia ( e.g. , Nehemiah 2 : 1 ) and others . Besides , the author of Kings coordinated dates in the two kingdoms by giving the accession year of a monarch in terms of the year of the monarch of the other kingdom , ( e.g. , 2 Kings 8 : 16 ) though some commentators note that these dates do not always synchronise . Other era dating systems have been used at other times . For example , Jewish communities in the Babylonian diaspora counted the years from the first deportation from Israel , that of Jehoiachin in 597 BCE , ( e.g. , Ezekiel 1 : 1 -- 2 ) . The era year was then called `` year of the captivity of Jehoiachin '' . ( e.g. , 2 Kings 25 : 27 ) During the Hellenistic Maccabean period , Seleucid era counting was used , at least in the Greek - influenced area of Israel . The Books of the Maccabees used Seleucid era dating exclusively ( e.g. , 1 Maccabees 1 : 54 , 6 : 20 , 7 : 1 , 9 : 3 , 10 : 1 ) . Josephus writing in the Roman period also used Seleucid era dating exclusively . During the Talmudic era , from the 1st to the 10th century , the center of world Judaism was in the Middle East , primarily in the Talmudic Academies of Iraq and Palestine . Jews in these regions used Seleucid era dating ( also known as the `` Era of Contracts '' ) . The Avodah Zarah states : Rav Aha b . Jacob then put this question : How do we know that our Era ( of Documents ) is connected with the Kingdom of Greece at all ? Why not say that it is reckoned from the Exodus from Egypt , omitting the first thousand years and giving the years of the next thousand ? In that case , the document is really post-dated ! Said Rav Nahman : In the Diaspora the Greek Era alone is used . He ( the questioner ) thought that Rav Nahman wanted to dispose of him anyhow , but when he went and studied it thoroughly he found that it is indeed taught ( in a Baraita ) : In the Diaspora the Greek Era alone is used . The use of the era of documents ( i.e. , Seleucid era ) continued till the 16th century in the East , and was employed even in the 19th century among the Jews of Yemen . Occasionally in Talmudic writings , reference was made to other starting points for eras , such as destruction era dating , being the number of years since the 70 CE destruction of the Second Temple . In the 8th and 9th centuries , as the center of Jewish life moved from Babylonia to Europe , counting using the Seleucid era `` became meaningless '' . There is indication that Jews of the Rhineland in the early Middle Ages used the `` years after the destruction of the Temple '' ( e.g. , Mainz Anonymous ) . New year A shofar made from a ram 's horn is traditionally blown in observance of Rosh Hashanah , the beginning of the Jewish civic year . Exodus 12 : 2 and Deut 16 : 1 set Aviv ( now Nisan ) as `` the first of months '' : this month shall be unto you the beginning of months ; it shall be the first month of the year to you . Nisan 1 is referred to as the ecclesiastical new year . In ancient Israel , the start of the ecclesiastical new year for the counting of months and festivals ( i.e. , Nisan ) was determined by reference to Passover . Passover is on 15 Nisan , ( Leviticus 23 : 4 -- 6 ) which corresponds to the full moon of Nisan . As Passover is a spring festival , it should fall on a full moon day around , and normally just after , the vernal ( northward ) equinox . If the twelfth full moon after the previous Passover is too early compared to the equinox , a leap month is inserted near the end of the previous year before the new year is set to begin . According to normative Judaism , the verses in Exodus 12 : 1 -- 2 require that the months be determined by a proper court with the necessary authority to sanctify the months . Hence the court , not the astronomy , has the final decision . According to some Christian and Karaite sources , the tradition in ancient Israel was that 1 Nisan would not start until the barley is ripe , being the test for the onset of spring . If the barley was not ripe , an intercalary month would be added before Nisan . The day most commonly referred to as the `` New Year '' is 1 Tishrei , which actually begins in the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year . On that day the formal New Year for the counting of years ( such as Shmita and Yovel ) , Rosh Hashanah ( `` head of the year '' ) is observed . ( see Ezekiel 40 : 1 , which uses the phrase `` beginning of the year '' . ) This is the civil new year , and the date on which the year number advances . Certain agricultural practices are also marked from this date . In the 1st century , Josephus stated that while -- Moses ... appointed Nisan ... as the first month for the festivals ... the commencement of the year for everything relating to divine worship , but for selling and buying and other ordinary affairs he preserved the ancient order ( i.e. the year beginning with Tishrei ) . '' Edwin Thiele has concluded that the ancient northern Kingdom of Israel counted years using the ecclesiastical new year starting on 1 Aviv ( Nisan ) , while the southern Kingdom of Judah counted years using the civil new year starting on 1 Tishrei . The practice of the Kingdom of Israel was also that of Babylon , as well as other countries of the region . The practice of Judah is still followed . In fact the Jewish calendar has a multiplicity of new years for different purposes . The use of these dates has been in use for a long time . The use of multiple starting dates for a year is comparable to different starting dates for civil `` calendar years '' , `` tax or fiscal years '' , `` academic years '' , `` religious cycles '' , etc . By the time of the redaction of the Mishnah , Rosh Hashanah 1 : 1 ( c. 200 CE ) , jurists had identified four new - year dates : The 1st of Nisan is the new year for kings and feasts ; the 1st of Elul is the new year for the tithe of cattle ... the 1st of Tishri is the new year for years , of the years of release and jubilee years , for the planting and for vegetables ; and the 1st of Shevat is the new year for trees -- so the school of Shammai ; and the school of Hillel say : On the 15th thereof . The month of Elul is the new year for counting animal tithes ( ma'aser behemah ) . Tu Bishvat ( `` the 15th of Shevat '' ) marks the new year for trees ( and agricultural tithes ) . For the dates of the Jewish New Year see Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000 -- 2050 or calculate using the section `` Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars '' . Leap years The Jewish calendar is based on the Metonic cycle of 19 years , of which 12 are common ( non-leap ) years of 12 months and 7 are leap years of 13 months . To determine whether a Jewish year is a leap year , one must find its position in the 19 - year Metonic cycle . This position is calculated by dividing the Jewish year number by 19 and finding the remainder . ( Since there is no year 0 , a remainder of 0 indicates that the year is year 19 of the cycle . ) For example , the Jewish year 5779 divided by 19 results in a remainder of 3 , indicating that it is year 3 of the Metonic cycle . Years 3 , 6 , 8 , 11 , 14 , 17 , and 19 of the Metonic cycle are leap years . To assist in remembering this sequence , some people use the mnemonic Hebrew word GUCHADZaT `` גוחאדז '' ט `` ‬ , where the Hebrew letters gimel - vav - het aleph - dalet - zayin - tet are used as Hebrew numerals equivalent to 3 , 6 , 8 , 1 , 4 , 7 , 9 . The keviyah records whether the year is leap or common : פ for peshuta ( פשוטה ) , meaning simple and indicating a common year , and מ indicating a leap year ( me'uberet , מעוברת ) . Another memory aid notes that intervals of the major scale follow the same pattern as do Jewish leap years , with do corresponding to year 19 ( or 0 ) : a whole step in the scale corresponds to two common years between consecutive leap years , and a half step to one common year between two leap years . This connection with the major scale is more plain in the context of 19 equal temperament : counting the tonic as 0 , the notes of the major scale in 19 equal temperament are numbers 0 ( or 19 ) , 3 , 6 , 8 , 11 , 14 , 17 , the same numbers as the leap years in the Hebrew calendar . A simple rule for determining whether a year is a leap year has been given above . However , there is another rule which not only tells whether the year is leap but also gives the fraction of a month by which the calendar is behind the seasons , useful for agricultural purposes . To determine whether year n of the calendar is a leap year , find the remainder on dividing ( ( 7 × n ) + 1 ) by 19 . If the remainder is 6 or less it is a leap year ; if it is 7 or more it is not . For example , the remainder on dividing ( ( 7 × 5779 ) + 1 ) by 19 is 3 , so the year 5779 is a leap year . The remainder on dividing ( ( 7 × 5780 ) + 1 ) by 19 is 10 , so the year 5780 is not a leap year . This works because as there are seven leap years in nineteen years the difference between the solar and lunar years increases by 7 / 19 - month per year . When the difference goes above 18 / 19 - month this signifies a leap year , and the difference is reduced by one month . Rosh Hashanah postponement rules Day of week Number of days Monday 353 355 383 385 Tuesday 354 384 Thursday 354 355 383 385 Saturday 353 355 383 385 To calculate the day on which Rosh Hashanah of a given year will fall , it is necessary first to calculate the expected molad ( moment of lunar conjunction or new moon ) of Tishrei in that year , and then to apply a set of rules to determine whether the first day of the year must be postponed . The molad can be calculated by multiplying the number of months that will have elapsed since some ( preceding ) molad whose weekday is known by the mean length of a ( synodic ) lunar month , which is 29 days , 12 hours , and 793 parts ( there are 1080 `` parts '' in an hour , so that one part is equal to 3 ​ ⁄ seconds ) . The very first molad , the molad tohu , fell on Sunday evening at 11.11 ​ ⁄ , or in Jewish terms Day 2 , 5 hours , and 204 parts . In calculating the number of months that will have passed since the known molad that one uses as the starting point , one must remember to include any leap months that falls within the elapsed interval , according to the cycle of leap years . A 19 - year cycle of 235 synodic months has 991 weeks 2 days 16 hours 595 parts , a common year of 12 synodic months has 50 weeks 4 days 8 hours 876 parts , while a leap year of 13 synodic months has 54 weeks 5 days 21 hours 589 parts . The two months whose numbers of days may be adjusted , Marcheshvan and Kislev , are the eighth and ninth months of the Hebrew year , whereas Tishrei is the seventh month ( in the traditional counting of the months , even though it is the first month of a new calendar year ) . Any adjustments needed to postpone Rosh Hashanah must be made to the adjustable months in the year that precedes the year of which the Rosh Hashanah will be the first day . Just four potential conditions are considered to determine whether the date of Rosh Hashanah must be postponed . These are called the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules , or deḥiyyot : If the molad occurs at or later than noon , Rosh Hashanah is postponed a day . This is called deḥiyyah molad zaken ( literally , `` old birth '' , i.e. , late new moon ) . If the molad occurs on a Sunday , Wednesday , or Friday , Rosh Hashanah is postponed a day . If the application of deḥiyyah molad zaken would place Rosh Hashanah on one of these days , then it must be postponed a second day . This is called deḥiyyah lo ADU , an acronym that means `` not ( weekday ) one , four , or six . '' The first of these rules ( deḥiyyah molad zaken ) is referred to in the Talmud . Nowadays , molad zaken is used as a device to prevent the molad falling on the second day of the month . The second rule , ( deḥiyyah lo ADU ) , is applied for religious reasons . Another two rules are applied much less frequently and serve to prevent impermissible year lengths . Their names are Hebrew acronyms that refer to the ways they are calculated : If the molad in a common year falls on a Tuesday after 9 hours and 204 parts , Rosh Hashanah is postponed to Thursday . This is deḥiyyah GaTaRaD , where the acronym stands for `` 3 ( Tuesday ) , 9 , 204 . '' If the molad following a leap year falls on a Monday , more than 15 hours and 589 parts after the Hebrew day began ( for calculation purposes , this is taken to be 6 pm Sunday ) , Rosh Hashanah is postponed to Tuesday . This is deḥiyyah BeTUTeKaPoT , where the acronym stands for `` 2 ( Monday ) , 15 , 589 . '' At the innovation of the sages , the calendar was arranged to ensure that Yom Kippur would not fall on a Friday or Sunday , and Hoshana Rabbah would not fall on Shabbat . These rules have been instituted because Shabbat restrictions also apply to Yom Kippur , so that if Yom Kippur were to fall on Friday , it would not be possible to make necessary preparations for Shabbat ( such as candle lighting ) . Similarly , if Yom Kippur fell on a Sunday , it would not be possible to make preparations for Yom Kippur because the preceding day is Shabbat . Additionally , the laws of Shabbat override those of Hoshana Rabbah , so that if Hoshana Rabbah were to fall on Shabbat certain rituals that are a part of the Hoshana Rabbah service ( such as carrying willows , which is a form of work ) could not be performed . To prevent Yom Kippur ( 10 Tishrei ) from falling on a Friday or Sunday , Rosh Hashanah ( 1 Tishrei ) can not fall on Wednesday or Friday . Likewise , to prevent Hoshana Rabbah ( 21 Tishrei ) from falling on a Saturday , Rosh Hashanah can not fall on a Sunday . This leaves only four days on which Rosh Hashanah can fall : Monday , Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday , which are referred to as the `` four gates '' . Each day is associated with a number ( its order in the week , beginning with Sunday as day 1 ) . Numbers in Hebrew have been traditionally denominated by Hebrew letters . Thus the keviyah uses the letters ה , ג , ב and ז ( representing 2 , 3 , 5 , and 7 , for Monday , Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday ) to denote the starting day of the year . Deficient , regular , and complete years The postponement of the year is compensated for by adding a day to the second month or removing one from the third month . A Jewish common year can only have 353 , 354 , or 355 days . A leap year is always 30 days longer , and so can have 383 , 384 , or 385 days . A chaserah year ( Hebrew for `` deficient '' or `` incomplete '' ) is 353 or 383 days long . Both Cheshvan and Kislev have 29 days . The Hebrew letter ח `` het '' is used in the keviyah . A kesidrah year ( `` regular '' or `` in - order '' ) is 354 or 384 days long . Cheshvan has 29 days while Kislev has 30 days . The Hebrew letter כ `` kaf '' is used in the keviyah . A shlemah year ( `` complete '' or `` perfect '' , also `` abundant '' ) is 355 or 385 days long . Both Cheshvan and Kislev have 30 days . The Hebrew letter ש `` shin '' is used in the keviyah . Whether a year is deficient , regular , or complete is determined by the time between two adjacent Rosh Hashanah observances and the leap year . While the keviyah is sufficient to describe a year , a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach ( Passover ) in lieu of the year length . A Metonic cycle equates to 235 lunar months in each 19 - year cycle . This gives an average of 6939 days , 16 hours , and 595 parts for each cycle . But due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules ( preceding section ) a cycle of 19 Jewish years can be either 6939 , 6940 , 6941 , or 6942 days in duration . Since none of these values is evenly divisible by seven , the Jewish calendar repeats exactly only following 36,288 Metonic cycles , or 689,472 Jewish years . There is a near - repetition every 247 years , except for an excess of about 50 minutes ( 905 parts ) . Four gates The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year , displayed as 12 or 13 months partitioned into weeks , can be determined by consulting the table of Four gates , whose inputs are the year 's position in the 19 - year cycle and its molad Tishrei . The resulting type ( keviyah ) of the desired year in the body of the table is a triple consisting of two numbers and a letter ( written left - to - right in English ) . The left number of each triple is the day of the week of 1 Tishrei , Rosh Hashanah ( 2 3 5 7 ) ; the letter indicates whether that year is deficient ( D ) , regular ( R ) , or complete ( C ) , the number of days in Chesvan and Kislev ; while the right number of each triple is the day of the week of 15 Nisan , the first day of Passover or Pesach ( 1 3 5 7 ) , within the same Hebrew year ( next Julian / Gregorian year ) . The keviyah in Hebrew letters are written right - to - left , so their days of the week are reversed , the right number for 1 Tishrei and the left for 15 Nisan . The year within the 19 - year cycle alone determines whether that year has one or two Adars . This table numbers the days of the week and hours for the limits of molad Tishrei in the Hebrew manner for calendrical calculations , that is , both begin at 6 pm , thus 7d 18h 0p is noon Saturday . The years of a 19 - year cycle are organized into four groups : common years after a leap year but before a common year ( 1 4 9 12 15 ) ; common years between two leap years ( 7 18 ) ; common years after a common year but before a leap year ( 2 5 10 13 16 ) ; and leap years ( 3 6 8 11 14 17 19 ) , all between common years . The oldest surviving table of Four gates was written by Saadia Gaon ( 892 -- 942 ) . It is so named because it identifies the four allowable days of the week on which 1 Tishrei can occur . Comparing the days of the week of molad Tishrei with those in the keviyah shows that during 39 % of years 1 Tishrei is not postponed beyond the day of the week of its molad Tishrei , 47 % are postponed one day , and 14 % are postponed two days . This table also identifies the seven types of common years and seven types of leap years . Most are represented in any 19 - year cycle , except one or two may be in neighboring cycles . The most likely type of year is 5R7 in 18.1 % of years , whereas the least likely is 5C1 in 3.3 % of years . The day of the week of 15 Nisan is later than that of 1 Tishrei by one , two or three days for common years and three , four or five days for leap years in deficient , regular or complete years , respectively . Four gates molad Tishrei ≥ Year of 19 - year cycle 1 4 9 12 15 7 18 2 5 10 13 16 3 6 8 11 14 17 19 7d 18h 0p 2D3 בחג 2D5 בחה 1d 9h 204p 1d 20h 491p 2C5 בשה 2C7 בשז 2d 15h 589p 2d 18h 0p 3R5 גכה 3R7 גכז 3d 9h 204p 5R7 הכז 3d 18h 0p 5D1 החא 4d 11h 695p 5d 9h 204p 5C1 השא 5C3 השג 5d 18h 0p 6d 0h 408p 7D1 זחא 7D3 זחג 6d 9h 204p 6d 20h 491p 7C3 זשג 7C5 זשה Holidays See Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000 -- 2050 History Part of a series on the History of Israel Ancient Israel and Judah Natufian culture Prehistory Canaan Israelites United monarchy Northern Kingdom Kingdom of Judah Babylonian rule Second Temple period ( 530 BCE -- 70 CE ) Persian rule Hellenistic period Hasmonean dynasty Herodian dynasty Kingdom Tetrarchy Roman Judea Middle Ages ( 70 -- 1517 ) Roman Palaestina Byzantine Palaestina Prima Secunda Revolt against Constantius Gallus Samaritan revolts Revolt against Heraclius Caliphates Filastin Urdunn Kingdom of Jerusalem Ayyubid dynasty Mamluk Sultanate Modern history ( 1517 -- 1948 ) Ottoman rule Eyalet Mutasarrifate Old Yishuv Zionism OETA British mandate State of Israel ( 1948 -- present ) Independence Timeline Years Arab -- Israeli conflict Start - up Nation History of the Land of Israel by topic Judaism Jerusalem Zionism Jewish leaders Jewish warfare Nationality Related Jewish history Hebrew calendar Archaeology Museums Israel portal Mishnaic period The Trumpeting Place inscription , a stone ( 2.43 × 1 m ) with Hebrew inscription `` To the Trumpeting Place '' is believed to be a part of the Second Temple . The Tanakh contains several commandments related to the keeping of the calendar and the lunar cycle , and records changes that have taken place to the Hebrew calendar . It has been noted that the procedures described in the Mishnah and Tosefta are all plausible procedures for regulating an empirical lunar calendar . Fire - signals , for example , or smoke - signals , are known from the pre-exilic Lachish ostraca . Furthermore , the Mishnah contains laws that reflect the uncertainties of an empirical calendar . Mishnah Sanhedrin , for example , holds that when one witness holds that an event took place on a certain day of the month , and another that the same event took place on the following day , their testimony can be held to agree , since the length of the preceding month was uncertain . Another Mishnah takes it for granted that it can not be known in advance whether a year 's lease is for twelve or thirteen months . Hence it is a reasonable conclusion that the Mishnaic calendar was actually used in the Mishnaic period . The accuracy of the Mishnah 's claim that the Mishnaic calendar was also used in the late Second Temple period is less certain . One scholar has noted that there are no laws from Second Temple period sources that indicate any doubts about the length of a month or of a year . This led him to propose that the priests must have had some form of computed calendar or calendrical rules that allowed them to know in advance whether a month would have 30 or 29 days , and whether a year would have 12 or 13 months . Modern calendar The Arch of Titus depicting the objects from the Temple being carried through Rome . Between 70 and 1178 CE , the observation - based calendar was gradually replaced by a mathematically calculated one . Except for the epoch year number , the calendar rules reached their current form by the beginning of the 9th century , as described by the Persian Muslim astronomer al - Khwarizmi ( c. 780 -- 850 CE ) in 823 . One notable difference between the calendar of that era and the modern form was the date of the epoch ( the fixed reference point at the beginning of year 1 ) , which at that time was one year later than the epoch of the modern calendar . Most of the present rules of the calendar were in place by 823 , according to a treatise by al - Khwarizmi . Al - Khwarizmi 's study of the Jewish calendar , Risāla fi istikhrāj taʾrīkh al - yahūd `` Extraction of the Jewish Era '' describes the 19 - year intercalation cycle , the rules for determining on what day of the week the first day of the month Tishrī shall fall , the interval between the Jewish era ( creation of Adam ) and the Seleucid era , and the rules for determining the mean longitude of the sun and the moon using the Jewish calendar . Not all the rules were in place by 835 . In 921 , Aaron ben Meïr proposed changes to the calendar . Though the proposals were rejected , they indicate that all of the rules of the modern calendar ( except for the epoch ) were in place before that date . In 1000 , the Muslim chronologist al - Biruni described all of the modern rules of the Hebrew calendar , except that he specified three different epochs used by various Jewish communities being one , two , or three years later than the modern epoch . There is a tradition , first mentioned by Hai Gaon ( died 1038 CE ) , that Hillel b . R. Yehuda `` in the year 670 of the Seleucid era '' ( i.e. , 358 -- 359 CE ) was responsible for the new calculated calendar with a fixed intercalation cycle . Later writers , such as Nachmanides , explained Hai Gaon 's words to mean that the entire computed calendar was due to Hillel b . Yehuda in response to persecution of Jews . Maimonides , in the 12th century , stated that the Mishnaic calendar was used `` until the days of Abaye and Rava '' , who flourished c. 320 -- 350 CE , and that the change came when `` the land of Israel was destroyed , and no permanent court was left . '' Taken together , these two traditions suggest that Hillel b . Yehuda ( whom they identify with the mid-4th - century Jewish patriarch Ioulos , attested in a letter of the Emperor Julian , and the Jewish patriarch Ellel , mentioned by Epiphanius ) instituted the computed Hebrew calendar because of persecution . H. Graetz linked the introduction of the computed calendar to a sharp repression following a failed Jewish insurrection that occurred during the rule of the Christian emperor Constantius and Gallus . A later writer , S. Lieberman , argued instead that the introduction of the fixed calendar was due to measures taken by Christian Roman authorities to prevent the Jewish patriarch from sending calendrical messengers . Both the tradition that Hillel b . Yehuda instituted the complete computed calendar , and the theory that the computed calendar was introduced due to repression or persecution , have been questioned . Furthermore , two Jewish dates during post-Talmudic times ( specifically in 506 and 776 ) are impossible under the rules of the modern calendar , indicating that its arithmetic rules were developed in Babylonia during the times of the Geonim ( 7th to 8th centuries ) . The Babylonian rules required the delay of the first day of Tishrei when the new moon occurred after noon . The Talmuds do , however , indicate at least the beginnings of a transition from a purely empirical to a computed calendar . According to a statement attributed to Yose , an Amora who lived during the second half of the 3rd century , the feast of Purim , 14 Adar , could not fall on a Sabbath nor a Monday , lest 10 Tishrei ( Yom Kippur ) fall on a Friday or a Sunday . This indicates that , by the time of the redaction of the Jerusalem Talmud ( c. 400 CE ) , there were a fixed number of days in all months from Adar to Elul , also implying that the extra month was already a second Adar added before the regular Adar . In another passage , a sage is reported to have counseled `` those who make the computations '' not to set the first day of Tishrei or the Day of the Willow on the sabbath . This indicates that there was a group who `` made computations '' and were in a position to control , to some extent , the day of the week on which Rosh Hashanah would fall . Usage in contemporary Israel Early Zionist pioneers were impressed by the fact that the calendar preserved by Jews over many centuries in far - flung diasporas , as a matter of religious ritual , was geared to the climate of their original country : the Jewish New Year marks the transition from the dry season to the rainy one , and major Jewish holidays such as Sukkot , Passover , and Shavuot correspond to major points of the country 's agricultural year such as planting and harvest . Accordingly , in the early 20th century the Hebrew calendar was re-interpreted as an agricultural rather than religious calendar . After the creation of the State of Israel , the Hebrew calendar became one of the official calendars of Israel , along with the Gregorian calendar . Holidays and commemorations not derived from previous Jewish tradition were to be fixed according to the Hebrew calendar date . For example , the Israeli Independence Day falls on 5 Iyar , Jerusalem Reunification Day on 28 Iyar , Yom HaAliyah on 10 Nisan , and the Holocaust Commemoration Day on 27 Nisan . Nevertheless , since the 1950s usage of the Hebrew calendar has steadily declined , in favor of the Gregorian calendar . At present , Israelis -- except for the religiously observant -- conduct their private and public life according to the Gregorian calendar , although the Hebrew calendar is still widely acknowledged , appearing in public venues such as banks ( where it is legal for use on cheques and other documents , though only rarely do people make use of this option ) and on the mastheads of newspapers . The Jewish New Year ( Rosh Hashanah ) is a two - day public holiday in Israel . However , since the 1980s an increasing number of secular Israelis celebrate the Gregorian New Year ( usually known as `` Silvester Night '' -- `` ליל סילבסטר '' ) on the night between 31 December and 1 January . Prominent rabbis have on several occasions sharply denounced this practice , but with no noticeable effect on the secularist celebrants . Wall calendars commonly used in Israel are hybrids . Most are organised according to Gregorian rather than Jewish months , but begin in September , when the Jewish New Year usually falls , and provide the Jewish date in small characters . Other practices Outside of Rabbinic Judaism , evidence shows a diversity of practice . Karaite calendar Karaites use the lunar month and the solar year , but the Karaite calendar differs from the current Rabbinic calendar in a number of ways . The Karaite calendar is identical to the Rabbinic calendar used before the Sanhedrin changed the Rabbinic calendar from the lunar , observation based , calendar to the current , mathematically based , calendar used in Rabbinic Judaism today . In the lunar Karaite calendar , the beginning of each month , the Rosh Chodesh , can be calculated , but is confirmed by the observation in Israel of the first sightings of the new moon . This may result in an occasional variation of a maximum of one day , depending on the inability to observe the new moon . The day is usually `` picked up '' in the next month . The addition of the leap month ( Adar II ) is determined by observing in Israel the ripening of barley at a specific stage ( defined by Karaite tradition ) ( called aviv ) , rather than using the calculated and fixed calendar of rabbinic Judaism . Occasionally this results in Karaites being one month ahead of other Jews using the calculated rabbinic calendar . The `` lost '' month would be `` picked up '' in the next cycle when Karaites would observe a leap month while other Jews would not . Furthermore , the seasonal drift of the rabbinic calendar is avoided , resulting in the years affected by the drift starting one month earlier in the Karaite calendar . Also , the four rules of postponement of the rabbinic calendar are not applied , since they are not mentioned in the Tanakh . This can affect the dates observed for all the Jewish holidays in a particular year by one or two days . In the Middle Ages many Karaite Jews outside Israel followed the calculated rabbinic calendar , because it was not possible to retrieve accurate aviv barley data from the land of Israel . However , since the establishment of the State of Israel , and especially since the Six - Day War , the Karaite Jews that have made aliyah can now again use the observational calendar . Samaritan calendar The Samaritan community 's calendar also relies on lunar months and solar years . Calculation of the Samaritan calendar has historically been a secret reserved to the priestly family alone , and was based on observations of the new crescent moon . More recently , a 20th - century Samaritan High Priest transferred the calculation to a computer algorithm . The current High Priest confirms the results twice a year , and then distributes calendars to the community . The epoch of the Samaritan calendar is year of the entry of the Children of Israel into the Land of Israel with Joshua . The month of Passover is the first month in the Samaritan calendar , but the year number increments in the sixth month . Like in the Rabbinic calendar , there are seven leap years within each 19 - year cycle . However , the Rabbinic and Samaritan calendars ' cycles are not synchronized , so Samaritan festivals -- notionally the same as the Rabbinic festivals of Torah origin -- are frequently one month off from the date according to the Rabbinic calendar . Additionally , as in the Karaite calendar , the Samaritan calendar does not apply the four rules of postponement , since they are not mentioned in the Tanakh . This can affect the dates observed for all the Jewish holidays in a particular year by one or two days . The Qumran calendar See also : Enoch calendar and Qumran calendrical texts Many of the Dead Sea ( Qumran ) Scrolls have references to a unique calendar , used by the people there , who are often assumed to be Essenes . The year of this calendar used the ideal Mesopotamian calendar of twelve 30 - day months , to which were added 4 days at the equinoxes and solstices ( cardinal points ) , making a total of 364 days . There was some ambiguity as to whether the cardinal days were at the beginning of the months or at the end , but the clearest calendar attestations give a year of four seasons , each having three months of 30 , 30 , and 31 days with the cardinal day the extra day at the end , for a total of 91 days , or exactly 13 weeks . Each season started on the 4th day of the week ( Wednesday ) , every year . ( Ben - Dov , Head of All Years , pp. 16 -- 17 ) With only 364 days , it is clear that the calendar would after a few years be very noticeably different from the actual seasons , but there is nothing to indicate what was done about this problem . Various suggestions have been made by scholars . One is that nothing was done and the calendar was allowed to change with respect to the seasons . Another suggestion is that changes were made irregularly , only when the seasonal anomaly was too great to be ignored any longer . ( Ben - Dov , Head of All Years , pp. 19 -- 20 ) The writings often discuss the moon , but the calendar was not based on the movement of the moon any more than indications of the phases of the moon on a modern western calendar indicate that that is a lunar calendar . Recent analysis of one of the last scrolls remaining to be deciphered has revealed it relates to this calendar and that the sect used the word tekufah to identify each of the four special days marking the transitions between the seasons . Persian civil calendar Calendrical evidence for the postexilic Persian period is found in papyri from the Jewish colony at Elephantine , in Egypt . These documents show that the Jewish community of Elephantine used the Egyptian and Babylonian calendars . The Sardica paschal table shows that the Jewish community of some eastern city , possibly Antioch , used a calendrical scheme that kept Nisan 14 within the limits of the Julian month of March . Some of the dates in the document are clearly corrupt , but they can be emended to make the sixteen years in the table consistent with a regular intercalation scheme . Peter , the bishop of Alexandria ( early 4th century CE ) , mentions that the Jews of his city `` hold their Passover according to the course of the moon in the month of Phamenoth , or according to the intercalary month every third year in the month of Pharmuthi '' , suggesting a fairly consistent intercalation scheme that kept Nisan 14 approximately between Phamenoth 10 ( March 6 in the 4th century CE ) and Pharmuthi 10 ( April 5 ) . Jewish funerary inscriptions from Zoar , south of the Dead Sea , dated from the 3rd to the 5th century , indicate that when years were intercalated , the intercalary month was at least sometimes a repeated month of Adar . The inscriptions , however , reveal no clear pattern of regular intercalations , nor do they indicate any consistent rule for determining the start of the lunar month . In 1178 , Maimonides included all the rules for the calculated calendar and their scriptural basis , including the modern epochal year in his work , Mishneh Torah . Today , the rules detailed in Maimonides ' code are those generally used by Jewish communities throughout the world . Astronomical calculations Synodic month -- the molad interval A `` new moon '' ( astronomically called a lunar conjunction and , in Hebrew , a molad ) is the moment at which the sun and moon are aligned horizontally with respect to a north - south line ( technically , they have the same ecliptical longitude ) . The period between two new moons is a synodic month . The actual length of a synodic month varies from about 29 days 6 hours and 30 minutes ( 29.27 days ) to about 29 days and 20 hours ( 29.83 days ) , a variation range of about 13 hours and 30 minutes . Accordingly , for convenience , a long - term average length , identical to the mean synodic month of ancient times ( also called the molad interval ) is used . The molad interval is 765433 25920 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 765433 ) ( 25920 ) ) ) days , or 29 days , 12 hours , and 793 `` parts '' ( 1 `` part '' = / minute ; 3 `` parts '' = 10 seconds ) ( i.e. , 29.530594 days ) , and is the same value determined by the Babylonians in their System B about 300 BCE and was adopted by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus in the 2nd century BCE and by the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy in the Almagest four centuries later ( who cited Hipparchus as his source ) . Its remarkable accuracy ( less than one second from the true value ) is thought to have been achieved using records of lunar eclipses from the 8th to 5th centuries BCE . This value is as close to the correct value of 29.530589 days as it is possible for a value to come that is rounded off to whole `` parts '' . The discrepancy makes the molad interval about 0.6 seconds too long . Put another way , if the molad is taken as the time of mean conjunction at some reference meridian , then this reference meridian is drifting slowly eastward . If this drift of the reference meridian is traced back to the mid-4th century , the traditional date of the introduction of the fixed calendar , then it is found to correspond to a longitude midway between the Nile and the end of the Euphrates . The modern molad moments match the mean solar times of the lunar conjunction moments near the meridian of Kandahar , Afghanistan , more than 30 ° east of Jerusalem . Furthermore , the discrepancy between the molad interval and the mean synodic month is accumulating at an accelerating rate , since the mean synodic month is progressively shortening due to gravitational tidal effects . Measured on a strictly uniform time scale , such as that provided by an atomic clock , the mean synodic month is becoming gradually longer , but since the tides slow Earth 's rotation rate even more , the mean synodic month is becoming gradually shorter in terms of mean solar time . Seasonal drift The mean year of the current mathematically based Hebrew calendar is 365 days 5 hours 55 minutes and 25 + / seconds ( 365.2468 days ) -- computed as the molad / monthly interval of 29.530594 days × 235 months in a 19 - year metonic cycle ÷ 19 years per cycle . In relation to the Gregorian calendar , the mean Gregorian calendar year is 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes and 12 seconds ( 365.2425 days ) , and the drift of the Hebrew calendar in relation to it is about a day every 231 years . Implications for Jewish ritual This figure , in a detail of a medieval Hebrew calendar , reminded Jews of the palm branch ( Lulav ) , the myrtle twigs , the willow branches , and the citron ( Etrog ) to be held in the hand and to be brought to the synagogue during the holiday of Sukkot , which occurs in autumn . Although the molad of Tishrei is the only molad moment that is not ritually announced , it is actually the only one that is relevant to the Hebrew calendar , for it determines the provisional date of Rosh Hashanah , subject to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules . The other monthly molad moments are announced for mystical reasons . With the moladot on average almost 100 minutes late , this means that the molad of Tishrei lands one day later than it ought to in ( 100 minutes ) ÷ ( 1440 minutes per day ) = 5 of 72 years or nearly 7 % of years . Therefore , the seemingly small drift of the moladot is already significant enough to affect the date of Rosh Hashanah , which then cascades to many other dates in the calendar year and sometimes , due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules , also interacts with the dates of the prior or next year . The molad drift could be corrected by using a progressively shorter molad interval that corresponds to the actual mean lunar conjunction interval at the original molad reference meridian . Furthermore , the molad interval determines the calendar mean year , so using a progressively shorter molad interval would help correct the excessive length of the Hebrew calendar mean year , as well as helping it to `` hold onto '' the northward equinox for the maximum duration . When the 19 - year intercalary cycle was finalised in the 4th century , the earliest Passover ( in year 16 of the cycle ) coincided with the northward equinox , which means that Passover fell near the first full moon after the northward equinox , or that the northward equinox landed within one lunation before 16 days after the molad of Nisan . This is still the case in about 80 % of years ; but , in about 20 % of years , Passover is a month late by these criteria ( as it was in AM 5765 and 5768 , the 8th and 11th years of the 19 - year cycle = Gregorian 2005 and 2008 CE ) . Presently , this occurs after the `` premature '' insertion of a leap month in years 8 , 11 , and 19 of each 19 - year cycle , which causes the northward equinox to land on exceptionally early Hebrew dates in such years . This problem will get worse over time , and so beginning in AM 5817 ( 2057 CE ) , year 3 of each 19 - year cycle will also be a month late . If the calendar is not amended , then Passover will start to land on or after the summer solstice around AM 16652 ( 12892 CE ) . ( The exact year when this will begin to occur depends on uncertainties in the future tidal slowing of the Earth rotation rate , and on the accuracy of predictions of precession and Earth axial tilt . ) The seriousness of the spring equinox drift is widely discounted on the grounds that Passover will remain in the spring season for many millennia , and the text of the Torah is generally not interpreted as having specified tight calendrical limits . The Hebrew calendar also drifts with respect to the autumn equinox , and at least part of the harvest festival of Sukkot is already more than a month after the equinox in years 1 , 9 , and 12 of each 19 - year cycle ; beginning in AM 5818 ( 2057 CE ) , this will also be the case in year 4 . ( These are the same year numbers as were mentioned for the spring season in the previous paragraph , except that they get incremented at Rosh Hashanah . ) This progressively increases the probability that Sukkot will be cold and wet , making it uncomfortable or impractical to dwell in the traditional succah during Sukkot . The first winter seasonal prayer for rain is not recited until Shemini Atzeret , after the end of Sukkot , yet it is becoming increasingly likely that the rainy season in Israel will start before the end of Sukkot . No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar , while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 03 ​ ⁄ s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years . This discrepancy has mounted up to six days , which is why the earliest Passover currently falls on 26 March ( as in AM 5773 / 2013 CE ) . Worked example Given the length of the year , the length of each month is fixed as described above , so the real problem in determining the calendar for a year is determining the number of days in the year . In the modern calendar , this is determined in the following manner . The day of Rosh Hashanah and the length of the year are determined by the time and the day of the week of the Tishrei molad , that is , the moment of the average conjunction . Given the Tishrei molad of a certain year , the length of the year is determined as follows : First , one must determine whether each year is an ordinary or leap year by its position in the 19 - year Metonic cycle . Years 3 , 6 , 8 , 11 , 14 , 17 , and 19 are leap years . Secondly , one must determine the number of days between the starting Tishrei molad ( TM1 ) and the Tishrei molad of the next year ( TM2 ) . For calendar descriptions in general the day begins at 6 p.m. , but for the purpose of determining Rosh Hashanah , a molad occurring on or after noon is treated as belonging to the next day ( the first deḥiyyah ) . All months are calculated as 29d , 12h , 44m , 3 ​ ⁄ s long ( MonLen ) . Therefore , in an ordinary year TM2 occurs 12 × MonLen days after TM1 . This is usually 354 calendar days after TM1 , but if TM1 is on or after 3 : 11 : 20 a.m. and before noon , it will be 355 days . Similarly , in a leap year , TM2 occurs 13 × MonLen days after TM1 . This is usually 384 days after TM1 , but if TM1 is on or after noon and before 2 : 27 : 16 ​ ⁄ p.m. , TM2 will be only 383 days after TM1 . In the same way , from TM2 one calculates TM3 . Thus the four natural year lengths are 354 , 355 , 383 , and 384 days . However , because of the holiday rules , Rosh Hashanah can not fall on a Sunday , Wednesday , or Friday , so if TM2 is one of those days , Rosh Hashanah in year 2 is postponed by adding one day to year 1 ( the second deḥiyyah ) . To compensate , one day is subtracted from year 2 . It is to allow for these adjustments that the system allows 385 - day years ( long leap ) and 353 - day years ( short ordinary ) besides the four natural year lengths . But how can year 1 be lengthened if it is already a long ordinary year of 355 days or year 2 be shortened if it is a short leap year of 383 days ? That is why the third and fourth deḥiyyahs are needed . If year 1 is already a long ordinary year of 355 days , there will be a problem if TM1 is on a Tuesday , as that means TM2 falls on a Sunday and will have to be postponed , creating a 356 - day year . In this case , Rosh Hashanah in year 1 is postponed from Tuesday ( the third deḥiyyah ) . As it can not be postponed to Wednesday , it is postponed to Thursday , and year 1 ends up with 354 days . On the other hand , if year 2 is already a short year of 383 days , there will be a problem if TM2 is on a Wednesday . because Rosh Hashanah in year 2 will have to be postponed from Wednesday to Thursday and this will cause year 2 to be only 382 days long . In this case , year 2 is extended by one day by postponing Rosh Hashanah in year 3 from Monday to Tuesday ( the fourth deḥiyyah ) , and year 2 will have 383 days . Rectifying the Hebrew calendar The attribution of the fixed arithmetic Hebrew calendar solely to Hillel II has , however , been questioned by a few authors , such as Sasha Stern , who claim that the calendar rules developed gradually over several centuries . Given the importance in Jewish ritual of establishing the accurate timing of monthly and annual times , some futurist writers and researchers have considered whether a `` corrected '' system of establishing the Hebrew date is required . The mean year of the current mathematically based Hebrew calendar has `` drifted '' an average of 7 -- 8 days late relative to the equinox relationship that it originally had . It is not possible , however , for any individual Hebrew date to be a week or more `` late '' , because Hebrew months always begin within a day or two of the molad moment . What happens instead is that the traditional Hebrew calendar `` prematurely '' inserts a leap month one year before it `` should have been '' inserted , where `` prematurely '' means that the insertion causes the spring equinox to land more than 30 days before the latest acceptable moment , thus causing the calendar to run `` one month late '' until the time when the leap month `` should have been '' inserted prior to the following spring . This presently happens in 4 years out of every 19 - year cycle ( years 3 , 8 , 11 , and 19 ) , implying that the Hebrew calendar currently runs `` one month late '' more than 21 % of the time . Dr. Irv Bromberg has proposed a 353 - year cycle of 4366 months , which would include 130 leap months , along with use of a progressively shorter molad interval , which would keep an amended fixed arithmetic Hebrew calendar from drifting for more than seven millennia . It takes about 3 ​ ⁄ centuries for the spring equinox to drift an average of ​ ⁄ th of a molad interval earlier in the Hebrew calendar . That is a very important time unit , because it can be cancelled by simply truncating a 19 - year cycle to 11 years , omitting 8 years including three leap years from the sequence . That is the essential feature of the 353 - year leap cycle ( ( 9 × 19 ) + 11 + ( 9 × 19 ) = 353 years ) . Religious questions abound about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the diverse aspects of the world Jewish community . Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars The list below gives a time which can be used to determine the day the Jewish ecclesiastical ( spring ) year starts over a period of nineteen years : 20 : 18 15 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 15 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Monday , 31 March 2014 05 : 07 9 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 9 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Saturday , 21 March 2015 02 : 40 4 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 4 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Friday , 8 April 2016 11 : 28 16 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 16 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Tuesday , 28 March 2017 20 : 17 10 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 10 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Saturday , 17 March 2018 17 : 50 5 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 5 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Friday , 5 April 2019 02 : 38 17 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Wednesday , 25 March 2020 11 : 27 11 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 11 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Sunday , 14 March 2021 09 : 00 6 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 6 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Saturday , 2 April 2022 17 : 49 Wednesday , 22 March 2023 15 : 21 13 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 13 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Tuesday , 9 April 2024 00 : 10 7 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 7 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Sunday , 30 March 2025 08 : 59 1 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 1 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Thursday , 19 March 2026 06 : 31 14 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 14 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Wednesday , 7 April 2027 15 : 20 8 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 8 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Sunday , 26 March 2028 00 : 09 2 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 2 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Friday , 16 March 2029 21 : 41 15 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 15 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Wednesday , 3 April 2030 06 : 30 9 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 9 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Monday , 24 March 2031 15 : 19 3 18 ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 3 ) ( 18 ) ) ) Friday , 12 March 2032 Every nineteen years this time is 2 days , 16 hours , 33 1 / 18 minutes later in the week . That is either the same or the previous day in the civil calendar , depending on whether the difference in the day of the week is three or two days . If 29 February is included fewer than five times in the nineteen -- year period the date will be later by the number of days which corresponds to the difference between the actual number of insertions and five . If the year is due to start on Sunday , it actually begins on the following Tuesday if the following year is due to start on Friday morning . If due to start on Monday , Wednesday or Friday it actually begins on the following day . If due to start on Saturday , it actually begins on the following day if the previous year was due to begin on Monday morning . The table below lists , for a Jewish year commencing on 23 March , the civil date of the first day of each month . If the year does not begin on 23 March , each month 's first day will differ from the date shown by the number of days that the start of the year differs from 23 March . The correct column is the one which shows the correct starting date for the following year in the last row . If 29 February falls within a Jewish month the first day of later months will be a day earlier than shown . Civil date of first day of Jewish months Length of year : 353 days 354 days 355 days 383 days 384 days 385 days First month 23 March Second month 22 April Third month 21 May Fourth month 20 June Fifth month 19 July Sixth month 18 August Seventh month 16 September Eighth month 16 October Ninth month 14 November 15 November 14 November 15 November Tenth month 13 December 14 December 15 December 13 December 14 December 15 December Eleventh month 11 January 12 January 13 January 11 January 12 January 13 January Added month N / A 10 February 11 February 12 February Twelfth month 10 February 11 February 12 February 12 March 13 March 14 March First month 11 March 12 March 13 March 10 April 11 April 12 April For long period calculations , dates should be reduced to the Julian calendar and converted back to the civil calendar at the end of the calculation . The civil calendar used here ( Exigian ) is correct to one day in 44,000 years and omits the leap day in centennial years which do not give remainder 200 or 700 when divided by 900 . It is identical to the Gregorian calendar between 15 October 1582 CE and 28 February 2400 CE ( both dates inclusive ) . To find how many days the civil calendar is ahead of the Julian in any year from 301 BCE ( the calendar is proleptic ( assumed ) up to 1582 CE ) add 300 to the year , multiply the hundreds by 7 , divide by 9 and subtract 4 . Ignore any fraction of a day . When the difference between the calendars changes the calculated value applies on and from March 1 ( civil date ) for conversions to Julian . For earlier dates reduce the calculated value by one . For conversions to the civil date the calculated value applies on and from February 29 ( Julian date ) . Again , for earlier dates reduce the calculated value by one . The difference is applied to the calendar one is converting into . A negative value indicates that the Julian date is ahead of the civil date . In this case it is important to remember that when calculating the civil equivalent of February 29 ( Julian ) , February 29 is discounted . Thus if the calculated value is − 4 the civil equivalent of this date is February 24 . Before 1 CE use astronomical years rather than years BCE . The astronomical year is ( year BCE ) -- 1 . Up to the 4th century CE , these tables give the day of the Jewish month to within a day or so and the number of the month to within a month or so . From the 4th century , the number of the month is given exactly and from the 9th century the day of the month is given exactly as well . In the Julian calendar , every 76 years the Jewish year is due to start 5h 47 14 / 18m earlier , and 3d 18h 12 4 / 18m later in the week . Example calculation On what civil date does the eighth month begin in CE 20874 - 5 ? 20874 = 2026 + ( 248x76 ) . In ( 248x76 ) Julian years the Jewish year is due to start ( 248x3d 18h 12 4 / 18m ) later in the week , which is 932d 2h 31 2 / 18m or 1d 2h 31 2 / 18m later after removing complete weeks . Allowing for the current difference of thirteen days between the civil and Julian calendars , the Julian date is 13 + ( 248x0d 5h 47 4 / 18m ) earlier , which is 72d 21h 28 16 / 18m earlier . Convert back to the civil calendar by applying the formula . 20874 + 300 = 21174 211x7 = 1477 1477 / 9 = 164 remainder 1 164 - 4 = 160 . 160d - 72d 21h 28 16 / 18m = 87d 2h 31 2 / 18m . So , in 20874 CE , the Jewish year is due to begin 87d 2h 31 2 / 18m later than in 2026 CE and 1d 2h 31 2 / 18m later in the week . In 20874 CE , therefore , the Jewish year is due to begin at 11.30 3 / 18 A.M. on Friday , 14 June . Because of the displacements , it actually begins on Saturday , 15 June . Odd months have 30 days and even months 29 , so the starting dates are 2 , 15 July ; 3 , 13 August ; 4 , 12 September ; 5 , 11 October ; 6 , 10 November ; 7 , 9 December , and 8 , 8 January . The rules are based on the theory that Maimonides explains in his book `` Rabbinical Astronomy '' -- no allowance is made for the secular ( centennial ) decrease of 1⁄2 second in the length of the mean tropical year and the increase of about four yards in the distance between the earth and the moon resulting from tidal friction because astronomy was not sufficiently developed in the 12th century ( when Maimonides wrote his book ) to detect this . See also Judaism portal Assyrian calendar Babylonian calendar Biblical and Talmudic units of measurement Chol HaMoed , the intermediate days during Passover and Sukkot . Chronology of the Bible Counting of the Omer Islamic calendar Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000 -- 2050 Lag BaOmer , 33rd day of counting the Omer . References Jump up ^ Specifically , the ripening of the barley crop ; the age of the kids , lambs , and doves ; the ripeness of the fruit trees ; and the relation of the date to the tekufah ( seasons ) . See the Talmud , Sanhedrin 11b Jump up ^ This and certain other calculations in this article are now provided by a template ( ( ( Hebrew year / rhdatum ) ) ) . This template is mainly sourced from , though the information is widely available . Jump up ^ Gen 1 : 5 , Gen 1 : 8 , Gen 1 : 13 , Gen 1 : 19 , Gen 1 : 23 , Gen 1 : 31 and Gen 2.2 . Jump up ^ Kurzweil , Arthur ( 9 February 2011 ) . `` The Torah For Dummies '' . John Wiley & Sons -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Otto Neugebauer , `` The astronomy of Maimonides and its sources '' , Hebrew Union College Annual 23 ( 1949 ) 322 -- 363 . Jump up ^ See Willie Roth 's essay The International Date Line and Halacha . Jump up ^ `` Appendix II : Baal HaMaor 's Interpretation of 20b and its Relevance to the Dateline '' in Talmud Bavli , Schottenstein Edition , Tractate Rosh HaShanah , Mesorah Publications Ltd . ( `` ArtScroll '' ) 1999 , where `` 20b '' refers to the 20th page 2nd folio of the tractate . Jump up ^ See , for example , Berachot chapter 1 , Mishnah 2 . Jump up ^ See Genesis 1 : 8 , 1 : 13 , 1 : 19 , 1 : 23 , 1 : 31 and 2.2 . Jump up ^ For example , according to Morfix מילון מורפיקס , Morfix Dictionary , which is based upon Prof. Yaakov Choeka 's Rav Milim dictionary . But the word meaning a non-Talmudic week is שָׁבוּע ( shavuʻa ) , according to the same `` מילון מורפיקס '' . Jump up ^ For example , when referring to the daily psalm recited in the morning prayer ( Shacharit ) . Jump up ^ In contrast , the Gregorian calendar is a pure solar calendar , while the Islamic calendar is a pure lunar calendar . Jump up ^ Under the fixed , calculated calendar , this is only loosely true . Because the calculations are based on mean lunar months , not observed ones -- and because of the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules -- a given month may not begin on the same day as its astronomical conjunction . See Bromberg , Dr. Irv ( August 5 , 2010 ) . `` Moon and the Molad of the Hebrew Calendar '' . . Retrieved December 16 , 2012 . Jump up ^ This practice continues to be used in Karaite Judaism as well as in the Islamic calendar . ^ Jump up to : Tosefta Sanhedrin 2.2 , Herbert Danby , Trans. , Tractate Sanhedrin Mishnah and Tosefta , Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , London and New York , 1919 , p. 31 . Also quoted in Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community : A History of the Jewish Calendar Second Century BCE -- Tenth Century CE , Oxford University Press , 2001 , p. 70 . ^ Jump up to : Ancient Israel : Its Life and Institutions ( 1961 ) by Roland De Vaux , John McHugh , Publisher : McGraw -- Hill , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8028 - 4278 - 7 , p. 179 Jump up ^ M. Rosh Hashanah 1.7 Jump up ^ M. Rosh Hashanah 2.6 -- 8 ^ Jump up to : b . Rosh Hashanah 20b : `` This is what Abba the father of R. Simlai meant : ' We calculate the new moon 's birth . If it is born before midday , then certainly it will have been seen shortly before sunset . If it was not born before midday , certainly it will not have been seen shortly before sunset . ' What is the practical value of this remark ? R. Ashi said : Confuting the witnesses . '' I. Epstein , Ed. , The Babylonian Talmud Seder Mo'ed , Soncino Press , London , 1938 , p. 85 . Jump up ^ M. Rosh Hashanah 2.2 Jump up ^ b . Betzah 4b Jump up ^ Sanctification of the New Moon . Archived 2010 - 06 - 21 at the Wayback Machine . Translated from the Hebrew by Solomon Gandz ; supplemented , introduced , and edited by Julian Obermann ; with an astronomical commentary by Otto Neugebauer . Yale Judaica Series , Volume 11 , New Haven : Yale University Press , 1956 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Gen 7 : 11 says `` ... on the seventeenth day of the second month -- on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth ... '' and 8 : 3 -- 4 says `` ... At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down , ( 4 ) and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat ... '' There is an interval of 5 months and 150 days , making each month 30 days long . Jump up ^ Hachlili , Rachel ( 2013 ) . Ancient Synagogues -- Archaeology and Art : New Discoveries and Current Research . Brill . p. 342 . ISBN 978 - 9004257733 . Jump up ^ Ulfgard , Håkan ( 1998 ) . The Story of Sukkot : the Setting , Shaping and Sequel of the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles . Mohr Siebeck . p. 99 . ISBN 3 - 16 - 147017 - 6 . Jump up ^ ( 12 Signs , 12 Sons : Astrology in the Bible , David Womack , Harper & Row , San Francisco 1978 , pg 43 ) Jump up ^ Solomon , Gandz ( 1947 -- 1948 ) . `` Date of the Composition of Maimonides ' Code '' . Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research , Vol. 17 , pp. 1 -- 7 . doi : 10.2307 / 3622160 . JSTOR 3622160 . Retrieved March 14 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Chronology of the Old Testament , Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones `` When the center of Jewish life moved from Babylonia to Europe during the 8th and 9th centuries CE , calculations from the Seleucid era became meaningless . Over those centuries , it was replaced by that of the anno mundi era of the Seder Olam . From the 11th century , anno mundi dating became dominant throughout most of the world 's Jewish communities . '' Jump up ^ Alden A. Mosshammer . The Easter Computus and the Origins of the Christian Era . Jump up ^ p. 107 , Kantor ^ Jump up to : See The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries . Jump up ^ A minority opinion places Creation on 25 Adar AM 1 , six months earlier , or six months after the modern epoch . Jump up ^ Fisher Saller , Carol ; Harper , Russell David , eds. ( 2010 ) . `` 9.34 : Eras '' . The Chicago Manual of Style ( 16th ed . ) . Chicago : Univiversity of Chicago Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 226 - 10420 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Edwin Thiele , The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings , ( 1st ed. ; New York : Macmillan , 1951 ; 2d ed. ; Grand Rapids : Eerdmans , 1965 ; 3rd ed. ; Grand Rapids : Zondervan / Kregel , 1983 ) . ISBN 0 - 8254 - 3825 - X , 9780825438257 Jump up ^ Adsole , Atenebris . `` Babylonian Talmud : ' Abodah Zarah 10 '' . . ^ Jump up to : Avodah Zarah , tractate 9 Footnote : `` The Eras in use among Jews in Talmudic Times are : ( a ) ERA OF CONTRACTS ( H ) dating from the year 380 before the Destruction of the Second Temple ( 312 -- 1 BCE ) when , at the Battle of Gaza , Seleucus Nicator , one of the followers of Alexander the Great , gained dominion over Palestine . It is also termed Seleucid or Greek Era ( H ) . Its designation as Alexandrian Era connecting it with Alexander the Great ( Maim . Yad , Gerushin 1 , 27 ) is an anachronism , since Alexander died in 323 BCE -- eleven years before this Era began ( v. E. Mahler , Handbuch der judischen Chronologie , p. 145 ) . This Era , which is first mentioned in Mac . I , 10 , and was used by notaries or scribes for dating all civil contracts , was generally in vogue in eastern countries till the 16th cent , and was employed even in the 19th cent , among the Jews of Yemen , in South Arabia ( Eben Saphir , Lyck , 1866 , p. 62b ) . ( b ) THE ERA OF THE DESTRUCTION ( of the Second Temple ) ( H ) the year 1 of which corresponds to 381 of the Seleucid Era , and 69 -- 70 of the Christian Era . This Era was mainly employed by the Rabbis and was in use in Palestine for several centuries , and even in the later Middle Ages documents were dated by it . One of the recently discovered Genizah documents bears the date 13 Tammuz 987 after the Destruction of the Temple -- i.e. , 917 C.E. ( Op . cit . p. 152 , also Marmorstein ZDMG , Vol . VI , p. 640 ) . The difference between the two Eras as far as the tens and units are concerned is thus 20 . If therefore a Tanna , say in the year 156 Era of Dest. ( 225 CE ) , while remembering , naturally , the century , is uncertain about the tens and units , he should ask the notary what year it is according to his -- Seleucid -- era . He will get the answer 536 ( 156 + 380 ) , on adding 20 to which he would get 556 , the last two figures giving him the year ( 1 ) 56 of the Era of Destruction . '' Jump up ^ Scherman , Nosson ( 2005 ) . Artscroll Chumash . Jump up ^ The barley had to be `` eared out '' ( ripe ) in order to have a wave - sheaf offering of the first fruits according to the Law . Jones , Stephen ( 1996 ) . Secrets of Time . Jump up ^ See Maaser Rishon , Maaser Sheni , Maaser Ani . Jump up ^ Josephus , Antiquities 1.81 , Loeb Classical Library , 1930 . Jump up ^ The Chronology of the Old Testament , 16th ed. , Floyd Nolan Jones , ISBN 978 - 0 - 89051 - 416 - 0 , pp. 118 -- 123 Jump up ^ M. Rosh Hashanah 1 , in Herbert Danby , trans. , The Mishnah , Oxford University Press , 1933 , p. 188 . Jump up ^ See also Golden number . Jump up ^ `` The Jewish Calendar : A Closer Look '' . Judaism 101 . Retrieved 25 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Dershowitz , Nachum ; Reingold , Edward M. ( December 2007 ) . Calendrical Calculations ( Third ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . p. 91 . Jump up ^ R. Avraham bar Chiya ha - nasi . Sefer ha - Ibbur ( part 2 , chapters 9 , 10 ) . Jump up ^ Tur , O.C. ( section 428 ) . Jump up ^ Rambam . Hilchos Kiddush ha - Chodesh ( chapters 6 , 7 , 8 ) . Jump up ^ W.M. Feldman ( 1965 ) . `` Chapter 17 : The Fixed Calendar '' . Rabbinical Mathematics and Astronomy ( 2nd ed . ) . Hermon Press . Jump up ^ Hugo Mandelbaum ( 1986 ) . `` Introduction : Elements of the Calendar Calculations '' . In Arthur Spier . The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar ( 3rd ed . ) . Jump up ^ Landau , Remy . `` Hebrew Calendar Science and Myth : ' The Debatable Dehiyah Molad Zaquen ' '' . Retrieved 7 February 2015 . Jump up ^ This is the reason given by most halachic authorities , based on the Talmud , Rosh Hashanah 20b and Sukkah 43b . Maimonides ( Mishneh Torah , Kiddush Hachodesh 7 : 7 ) , however , writes that the arrangement was made ( possible days alternating with impossible ones ) in order to average out the difference between the mean and true lunar conjunctions . Jump up ^ The Talmud ( Rosh Hashanah 20b ) puts it differently : over two consecutive days of full Shabbat restrictions , vegetables would wilt ( since they ca n't be cooked ) , and unburied corpses would putrefy . Jump up ^ Yerushalmi , Sukkah 54b . Jump up ^ Bushwick , Nathan ( 1989 ) . Understanding the Jewish Calendar . New York / Jerusalem : Moznaim . pp. 95 -- 97 . ISBN 0 - 940118 - 17 - 3 . Jump up ^ Poznanski , Samuel ( 1910 ) . `` Calendar ( Jewish ) '' . In Hastings , James . Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics. 3 . Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark . p. 121 . Jump up ^ Resnikoff , Louis A. ( 1943 ) . `` Jewish Calendar Calculations '' . Scripta Mathematica. 9 : 276 . Jump up ^ In the Four gates sources ( keviyot cited here are in Hebrew in sources ) : Bushwick forgot to include 5D for leap years . Poznanski forgot to include 5D for a limit in his table although he did include it in his text as 5D1 ; for leap years he incorrectly listed 5C7 instead of the correct 5C3 . Resnikoff 's table is correct . Jump up ^ Robert Schram , Kalendariographische und Chronologische Tafeln , 1908 , pp. XXIII -- XXVI , 190 -- 238 . Schram gives the type of Hebrew year for all years 1 -- 6149 AM ( − 3760 -- 2388 Julian / Gregorian ) in a main table ( 3946 + ) and its adjunct ( 1 + , 1742 + ) on pages 191 -- 234 in the form 2d , 2a , 3r , 5r , 5a , 7d , 7a for common years and 2D , 2A , 3R , 5D , 5A , 7D , 7A for leap years . The type of year 1 AM , 2a , is on page 200 at the far right . ^ Jump up to : Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community , Oxford University Press , 2001 , pp. 162ff . Jump up ^ James B. Pritchard , ed. , The Ancient Near East : An Anthology of Texts and Pictures , Vol. 1 , Princeton University Press , p. 213 . Jump up ^ M. Sanhedrin 5.3 : `` If one testifies , ' on the second of the month , and the other , ' on the third of the month : ' their evidence is valid , for one may have been aware of the intercalation of the month and the other may not have been aware of it . But if one says , ' on the third ' , and the other ' on the fifth ' , their evidence is invalid . '' Jump up ^ M. Baba Metzia 8.8 . Jump up ^ Gandz , Solomon . `` Studies in the Hebrew Calendar : II . The origin of the Two New Moon Days '' , Jewish Quarterly Review ( New Series ) , 40 ( 2 ) , 1949 -- 50 . JSTOR 1452961 . doi : 10.2307 / 1452961 . Reprinted in Shlomo Sternberg , ed. , Studies in Hebrew Astronomy and Mathematics by Solomon Gandz , KTAV , New York , 1970 , pp. 72 -- 73 . Jump up ^ Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community . ^ Jump up to : E.S. Kennedy , `` Al - Khwarizmi on the Jewish calendar '' , Scripta Mathematica 27 ( 1964 ) 55 -- 59 . ^ Jump up to : `` al - Khwarizmi '' , Dictionary of Scientific Biography , VII : 362 , 365 . Jump up ^ Stern , Sacha ( 2001 ) . Calendar and Community : A History of the Jewish Calendar Second Century BCE -- Tenth Century CE . Oxford . ISBN 9780198270348 . Jump up ^ Julian , Letter 25 , in John Duncombe , Select Works of the Emperor Julian and some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius , Vol. 2 , Cadell , London , 1784 , pp. 57 -- 62 . Jump up ^ Epiphanius , Adversus Haereses 30.4. 1 , in Frank Williams , trans. , The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis Book I ( Sections 1 -- 46 ) , Leiden , E.J. Brill , 1987 , p. 122 . Jump up ^ H. Graetz , Popular History of the Jews , ( A.B. Rhine , trans. , ) Hebrew Publishing Company , New York , 1919 , Vol. II , pp. 410 -- 411 . Quoted in Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community , p. 216 . Jump up ^ Lieberman , S. `` Palestine in the Third and Fourth Centuries '' , Jewish Quarterly Review , New Series 36 , pp. 329 -- 370 ( 1946 ) . JSTOR 1452134 . doi : 10.2307 / 1452134 . Quoted in Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community , pp. 216 -- 217 . Jump up ^ Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community : A History of the Jewish Calendar Second Century BCE -- Tenth Century CE , Oxford University Press , 2001 . In particular section 5.1. 1 , discussion of the `` Persecution theory . '' Jump up ^ Poznanski , Samuel , `` Ben Meir and the Origin of the Jewish Calendar '' , Jewish Quarterly Review , Original Series , Vol. 10 , pp. 152 -- 161 ( 1898 ) . JSTOR 1450611 . doi : 10.2307 / 1450611 . Jump up ^ `` While it is not unreasonable to attribute to Hillel II the fixing of the regular order of intercalations , his full share in the present fixed calendar is doubtful . '' Entry `` Calendar '' , Encyclopedia Judaica , Keter , Jerusalem , 1971 . Jump up ^ Samuel Poznanski , `` Calendar ( Jewish ) '' , Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics , vol. 3 . Jump up ^ Yerushalmi Megillah 70b . Jump up ^ Yerushalmi Sukkah 54b . Jump up ^ David Lev ( 23 December 2012 ) . `` Rabbinate : New Year 's Eve Parties ' Not Kosher ' '' . Arutz Sheva . Retrieved 30 November 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Karaite Korner -- New Moon and the Hebrew Month '' . . Jump up ^ `` Aviv Barley in the Biblical Calendar -- Nehemia 's Wall '' . 24 February 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Samaritan Calendar '' ( PDF ) . 2008 . Retrieved 28 December 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Benyamim , Tzedaka . `` Calendar '' . . Retrieved 28 December 2017 . Jump up ^ Glowatz , Elana ( 23 January 2018 ) . `` One Of The Last Dead Sea Scroll Mysteries Has Been Deciphered '' . International Business Times . Retrieved 23 January 2018 . Jump up ^ Sacha Stern , `` The Babylonian Calendar at Elephantine '' , Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 130 , 159 -- 171 ( 2000 ) . Jump up ^ Lester L. Grabbe , A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period , Volume 1 : Yehud : A History of the Persian Province of Judah , T&T Clark , London , 2004 , p. 186 . Jump up ^ Eduard Schwartz , Christliche und jüdische Ostertafeln , ( Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen . Philologisch - Historische Klasse . Neue Folge , Band viii , Berlin , 1905 . Jump up ^ Peter of Alexandria , quoted in the Chronicon Paschale . Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae , Chronicon Paschale Vol. 1 , Weber , Bonn , 1832 , p. 7 Jump up ^ Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community , pp. 87 -- 97 , 146 -- 153 . Jump up ^ Neugebauer , Astronomical cuneiform texts , Vol 1 , pp 271 -- 273 Jump up ^ G.J. Toomer , Hipparchus ' Empirical Basis for his Lunar Mean Motions , Centaurus , Vol 24 , 1980 , pp. 97 -- 109 Jump up ^ Weinberg , I. , Astronomical Aspects of the Jewish Calendar , Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa , Vol. 15 , p. 86 ; available at ( 1 ) Jump up ^ The following description is based on the article `` Calendar '' in Encyclopaedia Judaica ( Jerusalem : Ketter , 1972 ) . It is an explanatory description , not a procedural one , in particular explaining what is going on with the third and fourth deḥiyyot Jump up ^ So for example if the Tishrei molad is calculated as occurring from noon on Wednesday ( the 18th hour of the fourth day ) up until noon on Thursday , Rosh Hashanah falls on a Thursday , which starts Wednesday at sunset wherever one happens to be . Jump up ^ This will happen if TM1 is on or after 3 : 11 : 20 a.m. and before noon on a Tuesday . If TM1 is Monday , Thursday or Saturday , Rosh Hashanah in year 2 does not need to be postponed . If TM1 is Sunday , Wednesday or Friday , Rosh Hashanah in year 1 is postponed , so year 1 is not the maximum length . Jump up ^ TM2 will be between noon and 2 : 27 : 16 ​ ⁄ p.m. on Tuesday , and TM3 will be between 9 : 32 : 43 ​ ⁄ and noon on Monday . Jump up ^ Bromberg , Irv . `` The Rectified Hebrew Calendar '' . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Committee concerning the fixing of the Calendar -- The Sanhedrin English '' . . Jump up ^ Cassidy , Simon . `` Re : How long is a year ... EXACTLY ? East Carolina University Calendar discussion List CALNDR - L '' . 25 October 1996 . Retrieved 7 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Feldman , W M. Rabbinical Mathematics and Astronomy : Judaic Studies Library ; no . SHP 4 . New York , 1978 . ISBN 978 - 0872030268 . Bibliography al - Biruni . The Chronology of Ancient Nations , Chapter VII . tr. C. Edward Sachau . London , 1879 . Ari Belenkiy . `` A Unique Feature of the Jewish Calendar -- Dehiyot '' . Culture and Cosmos 6 ( 2002 ) 3 -- 22 . Jonathan Ben - Dov . Head of All Years : Astronomy and Calendars at Qumran in their Ancient Context . Leiden : Brill , 2008 . Bonnie Blackburn and Leofranc Holford - Strevens . The Oxford Companion to the Year : An Exploration of Calendar Customs and Time - reckoning . Oxford University Press ; USA , 2000 . Sherrard Beaumont Burnaby . Elements of the Jewish and Muhammadan Calendars . George Bell and Sons , London , 1901 . Nathan Bushwick . Understanding the Jewish Calendar . Moznaim , New York / Jerusalem , 1989 . ISBN 0 - 940118 - 17 - 3 William Moses Feldman . Rabbinical Mathematics and Astronomy , 3rd edition , Sepher - Hermon Press , New York , 1978 . Eduard Mahler , Handbuch der jüdischen Chronologie . Buchhandlung Gustav Fock , Leipzig , 1916 . Helen R. Jacobus . Zodiac Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Their Reception : Ancient Astronomy and Astrology in Early Judaism . Leiden : Brill , 2014 . ISBN 9789004284050 Otto Neugebauer . Ethiopic astronomy and computus . Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften , philosophisch - historische Klasse , Sitzungsberichte 347 . Vienna , 1979 . The Code of Maimonides ( Mishneh Torah ) , Book Three , Treatise Eight : Sanctification of the New Moon . Translated by Solomon Gandz . Yale Judaica Series Volume XI , Yale University Press , New Haven , Conn. , 1956 . Samuel Poznanski . `` Calendar ( Jewish ) '' . Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics . T. & T. Clark , Edinburgh , 1910 , vol. 3 , pp. 117 -- 124 . Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz . Calendrical Calculations : The Millennium Edition . Cambridge University Press ; 2 edition ( 2001 ) . ISBN 0 - 521 - 77752 - 6 723 -- 730 . Louis A. Resnikoff . `` Jewish Calendar Calculations '' , Scripta Mathematica 9 ( 1943 ) 191 -- 195 , 274 -- 277 . Eduard Schwartz , Christliche und jüdische Ostertafeln ( Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen . Philologisch - Historische Klasse . Neue Folge , Band viii ) , Berlin , 1905 . Arthur Spier . The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar : Twentieth to the Twenty - Second Century 5660 -- 5860 / 1900 -- 2100 . Feldheim Publishers , Jerusalem / New York , 1986 . Sacha Stern , Calendar and Community : A History of the Jewish Calendar 2nd Century BCE to 10th Century CE . Oxford University Press , 2001 . ISBN 9780198270348 . Ernest Wiesenberg . `` Appendix : Addenda and Corrigenda to Treatise VIII '' . The Code of Maimonides ( Mishneh Torah ) , Book Three : The Book of Seasons . Yale Judaica Series Volume XIV , Yale University Press , New Haven , Conn. , 1961 . pp. 557 -- 602 . Francis Henry Woods . `` Calendar ( Hebrew ) '' , Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics . T. & T. Clark , Edinburgh , 1910 , vol. 3 , pp. 108 -- 109 . External links This article 's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia 's policies or guidelines . Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links , and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references . ( February 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Perpetual Hebrew / Civil Calendar The Jewish Controversy about Calendar Postponements Jewish Calendar with Zmanim -- Halachic times and date converter Jewish calendar scientific explanation at the NASA web site Karaite Holidays Karaite website Hebrew Calendar Dates and Holydays ( Diaspora or Israel ) for both the Traditional and the Rectified calendars Hebrew -- Gregorian Calendar with options Bet Ha Bracha Hebrew Calendar Hebrew Calendar Science and Myths Chelm. org 's explanation of the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar with Halachic times date converter and daf yomi Date converters Jewish Holidays Online -- List of all Jewish holidays for the current year ( or any given year ) . Molad -- Jewish Calendar with Zmanim and holidays for Mobiles . Jewish Calendar for many platforms Kaluach -- Hebrew / civil calendars Hebcal Hebrew Date Converter Sample VB.Net and Javascript code to convert the Hebrew Date to the Gregorian Date at the Wayback Machine ( archived November 25 , 2007 ) Jewish / Civil Date Converter Software program that converts Hebrew dates to the civil calendar and vice versa Gregorian - Mayan -- Julian -- Islamic - Persian - Hebrew Calendar Converter Kalendis Calendar Calculator Firefox Add - ons . Hebrew Calendar Lisp calendar calculator which accompanies Dershowitz & Reingold 's Calendrical Calculations 3rd ed . Click `` Ancillary materials '' tab . Hebrew / Gregorian converter , including a full Hebrew calendar . Hebrew / Gregorian Calendar converter , including a full Jewish Calendar . 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what is the 7th month of the jewish calendar
Month Number * Hebrew month Length Ecclesiastical / Biblical Civil 7 Nisan 30 8 Iyar 29 9 Sivan 30 10 Tammuz 29 5 11 Av 30 6 12 Elul 29 7 Tishrei 30 8 Marcheshvan ( or Cheshvan ) 29 / 30 9 Kislev 30 / 29 10 Tevet 29 11 5 Shevat 30 12 6 Adar 29 Total 353 , 354 or 355 * -- For the distinction between numbering systems , see § New year below .
How I Met Your Mother - wikipedia How I Met Your Mother Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) How I Met Your Mother Genre Sitcom Romantic comedy Created by Carter Bays Craig Thomas Starring Josh Radnor Jason Segel Cobie Smulders Neil Patrick Harris Alyson Hannigan Cristin Milioti Narrated by Bob Saget Opening theme `` Hey , Beautiful '' by The Solids Composer ( s ) John Swihart Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 9 No. of episodes 208 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Carter Bays Craig Thomas Rob Greenberg Pamela Fryman Eileen Heisler DeAnn Heline Greg Malins Chris Harris Stephen Lloyd Kourtney Kang Jamie Rhonheimer Chuck Tatham Producer ( s ) Randy Cordray Suzy Mamann Greenberg Chris Harris Jamie Rhonheimer Kourtney Kang Brenda Hsueh Theresa Mulligan Rosenthal Stewart Halpern - Fingerhut Rob Greenberg Tami Sagher Camera setup Multi-camera Running time 22 minutes Production company ( s ) Bays & Thomas Productions 20th Century Fox Television Distributor 20th Television Release Original network CBS Picture format 1080i ( 16 : 9 HDTV ) Audio format Dolby Digital 5.1 Original release September 19 , 2005 ( 2005 - 09 - 19 ) -- March 31 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 31 ) External links Official website How I Met Your Mother ( often abbreviated to HIMYM ) is an American sitcom that originally aired on CBS from September 19 , 2005 to March 31 , 2014 . The series follows the main character , Ted Mosby , and his group of friends in Manhattan . As a framing device , Ted , in the year 2030 , recounts to his son and daughter the events that led him to meet their mother . The series was created by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays , who also served as the show 's executive producers and were frequent writers . The series was loosely inspired by their friendship when they both lived in New York City . Among the 208 episodes , there were only four directors : Pamela Fryman ( 196 episodes ) , Rob Greenberg ( 7 episodes ) , Michael Shea ( 4 episodes ) and Neil Patrick Harris ( 1 episode ) . Known for its unique structure , eccentric humor , and incorporation of dramatic elements , How I Met Your Mother has gained a cult following over the years . The show initially received positive reviews , while the later seasons received more mixed reviews . The show was nominated for 28 Emmy Awards , winning nine . In 2010 , Alyson Hannigan won the People 's Choice Award for Favorite TV Comedy Actress . In 2012 , seven years after its premiere , the series won the People 's Choice Award for Favorite Network TV Comedy , and Neil Patrick Harris won the award for Favorite TV Comedy Actor . The ninth and final season began airing on September 23 , 2013 , and concluded on March 31 , 2014 , with a double - length finale episode , which received polarized reviews from critics and fans alike for its controversial twist ending , as many critics and fans believed it contradicted many of the previous episodes . Contents ( hide ) 1 Premise 2 Production 3 Cast and characters 4 Season synopsis 4.1 Season 1 4.2 Season 2 4.3 Season 3 4.4 Season 4 4.5 Season 5 4.6 Season 6 4.7 Season 7 4.8 Season 8 4.9 Season 9 5 Critical reception 6 Tie - ins 6.1 Books 6.2 Soundtracks 6.3 Pineapple Incident Explained 6.4 Proposed spin - offs 6.4. 1 How I Met Your Dad 6.4. 2 How I Met Your Father ( First attempt ) 6.4. 3 How I Met Your Father ( Second attempt ) 6.5 Russian adaptation 7 Nielsen ratings 8 Awards and nominations 9 DVD releases 10 References 11 External links Premise ( edit ) The series concerns the adventures of Ted Mosby ( played by Josh Radnor ) narrating the story of how he met the mother of his children . The story goes into a flashback and starts in 2005 with a 27 - year - old Ted Mosby living in New York City and working as an architect ; the narrative deals primarily with his best friends , including the long - lasting couple Marshall Eriksen ( Jason Segel ) and Lily Aldrin ( Alyson Hannigan ) ; the eccentric , womanizing - playboy Barney Stinson ( Neil Patrick Harris ) ; and news reporter Robin Scherbatsky ( Cobie Smulders ) . The lives of all characters are entwined in each others . The series explores many storylines , including a `` will they or wo n't they '' relationship between Robin and each of the two single male friends , Marshall and Lily 's relationship , and the ups and downs of the characters ' careers . The show 's frame story depicts Ted ( voice of Bob Saget , uncredited ) verbally retelling the story to his son Luke ( David Henrie ) and daughter Penny ( Lyndsy Fonseca ) as they sit on the couch in the year 2030 . This future - set frame is officially the show 's `` present day '' and How I Met Your Mother exploits this framing device in numerous ways : to depict and re-depict events from multiple points of view ; to set up jokes using quick and sometimes multiple flashbacks nested within the oral retelling ; to substitute visual , verbal or aural euphemisms for activities Ted does n't want to talk about with his children ( sexual practices , use of illicit substances , vulgar language , etc . ) ; and even to add some elements of humor : in the episode `` How I Met Everyone Else '' , Ted describes his dates with a girlfriend whose name he has forgotten , leading all characters to act as though her given name were `` Blah - Blah . '' While the traditional love - story structure begins when the romantic leads first encounter each other , How I Met Your Mother does not introduce Ted 's wife ( Cristin Milioti ) until the eighth - season finale , and only announces her name ( Tracy McConnell ) during the series finale . The show instead focuses on Ted 's prior relationships and his dissatisfaction with those women , thus setting the stage for his eventual happiness with Tracy . Production ( edit ) How I Met Your Mother was inspired by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas 's idea to `` write about our friends and the stupid stuff we did in New York '' , where they previously worked as writers for Late Show with David Letterman , among others . The two drew from their friendship in creating the characters . Ted is based loosely on Bays , and Marshall and Lily are based loosely on Thomas and his wife . Thomas ' wife Rebecca was initially reluctant to have a character based on her but agreed if they could get Alyson Hannigan to play her . Hannigan was looking to do more comedy work and was available . Josh Radnor and Jason Segel , who were cast as Ted and Marshall , respectively , were not well known , though Segel had been a cast member on the short - lived Freaks and Geeks and a recurring guest star on Judd Apatow follow - up Undeclared . The role of Barney was initially envisioned as a `` John Belushi - type character '' before Neil Patrick Harris won the role after being invited to an audition by the show 's casting director Megan Branman . Pamela Fryman invited Bob Saget to be the voiceover narrator , Future Ted , explaining to him that the show would be like The Wonder Years but `` kind of into the future '' . Saget either went to the television studio and recorded the narration while watching the episode , or did so separately and rerecorded with the episode if necessary . He normally did not attend table readings but did so for the last episode . In various interviews Bays and Thomas have stated that `` a pretty famous actress '' turned down the role of Robin , whom they revealed in February 2014 to have been Jennifer Love Hewitt . They then cast Cobie Smulders for the role who , at the time , was fairly unknown . Bays and Thomas later said , `` Thank God we did for a million reasons ... when Ted 's seeing her for the first time , America 's seeing her for the first time -- the intriguingness of that propelled the show going forward and kept the show alive '' . Although Ted is initially smitten by Robin in the pilot , it is quickly established at the end of the episode that she is not the mother , which Thomas said was done so they would not copy or rehash the `` will they or wo n't they '' Ross and Rachel storyline from Friends . According to an Entertainment Weekly article , the writers adopted facets of each main actor 's personality and incorporated them into their characters . This includes Neil Patrick Harris 's skills with magic , Jason Segel 's passion for songwriting , Alyson Hannigan 's absent - mindedness while pregnant , and Josh Radnor 's intellectualism . MacLaren 's , an Irish bar in the middle of New York , in which some of the show is set , is loosely based on four favorite bars of Bays , Thomas and others from the Late Show staff . They include : McGee 's , a Midtown tavern near the Ed Sullivan Theater where the Late Show is taped ; McHale 's , a legendary Hell 's Kitchen bar which closed in 2006 ; Chumley 's , a since - closed historic Greenwich Village pub ; and Fez , another closed bar on the Upper West Side . McGee 's had a mural that Bays and Thomas both liked and wanted to incorporate into the show . The name for the bar is from Carter Bays ' assistant , Carl MacLaren ; the bartender in the show is also named Carl . Episodes were generally shot over a three - day period in the Los Angeles - based Soundstage Studio 22 and featured upwards of 50 scenes with quick transitions and flashbacks . However , the `` Pilot '' episode was filmed at CBS Radford . The laugh track was later created by recording an audience being shown the final edited episode . Thomas claimed that shooting before a live audience would have been impossible because of the structure of the show and the numerous flashforwards in each episode and because doing so `` would blur the line between ' audience ' and ' hostage situation ' '' . Later seasons started filming in front of an audience on occasion when smaller sets were used . The theme song is a portion of `` Hey Beautiful '' by The Solids , of which Bays and Thomas are members . Episodes from Season 1 generally started with the opening credits . A cold opening has been used since Season 2 . Viewers then occasionally see Ted 's children on a couch and hear him talking to them , telling the story of how he met their mother . Alternatively , scenes from previous episodes or shots of New York City with Ted narrating over the top are shown . Thomas has stated that Future Ted is an unreliable narrator since he is trying to tell a story that happened over 20 years earlier ; this has been a plot point in several episodes including `` The Goat '' , `` Oh Honey '' , `` How I Met Everyone Else '' and `` The Mermaid Theory '' . Nevertheless , Thomas has also emphasized maintaining a coherent and consistent universe and trying to avoid continuity errors , a problem he noticed in other shows . A scene relating to the identity of the mother , involving Ted 's future children , was filmed in 2006 for the show 's eventual series finale . This was done because it was likely that the teenage actors portraying them would be adults by the time the final season was shot . During the 2007 -- 2008 Writers Guild of America strike , How I Met Your Mother shut - down production ; when the strike ended , the show returned on March 17 , 2008 , with nine new episodes . The network announced a change in the timeslot to 8 : 30 pm ET / 7 : 30 pm CT , flip - flopping from the summer schedule with The Big Bang Theory . CBS renewed the show for a fourth season on May 14 , 2008 , which premiered on September 22 , 2008 . In September 2008 , Lifetime Television announced it had purchased the cable rerun rights to How I Met Your Mother at a rate of about $725,000 per episode . The four - year syndication contract stipulated that the studio deliver at least 110 half - hour episodes by the year 2010 , and allowed for up to eight seasons of the show . At the end of the fourth season only 88 episodes had been produced , and a further 22 episodes were required , ensuring that there would be a fifth season . There also was a complication with the writing of the show due to the absence of actress Alyson Hannigan due to her pregnancy . The writers had to create episodes that did not include one of the five main characters . On May 19 , 2009 , the fifth - season renewal was announced . May 20 , 2009 , CBS announced that How I Met Your Mother would again be aired at 8 pm , leading into the new comedy Accidentally on Purpose . On January 12 , 2010 , the show aired its 100th episode and CBS announced that the series would return for a sixth season . Upon learning that the series would be syndicated , Thomas said , `` We 're thrilled that it will live on in other forms , '' and they were proud of the show and it was great to see the strong demand . Reruns of the series began airing on local U.S. broadcast television stations and on Chicago - based cable superstation WGN America September 13 , 2010 . Featured in these airings are vanity cards previously unseen in the CBS and Lifetime airings due to marginalized credit sequences used by the two networks . Shown in between the closing credits and the production company credits , these vanity cards show portions of `` The Bro Code '' , a list of rules frequently referenced by Harris ' character , Barney Stinson , on how men should interact with each other , with an emphasis on activities involving pursuing members of the opposite sex . The opening theme song for the syndicated reruns is also slightly edited , running shorter and not using all the pictures seen in the opening montage that runs on DVD and the original CBS broadcasts . The episodes are also slightly edited , leaving out a few details . One of the series ' ongoing traditions involves giving guest roles to actors from various Joss Whedon productions , many of whom co-starred with Hannigan on Buffy the Vampire Slayer . Bays attributes this to their being `` huge fans '' and to those casts representing `` a big talent pool '' . On March 4 , 2011 , CBS announced that the show had been renewed for two more seasons , with the seventh season premiering with back - to - back episodes on September 19 , 2011 . On July 27 , 2011 , the FX channel announced it had picked up the series for syndication . On September 5 , 2011 , FX began airing the series . Although cast members had previously stated that the show would not run longer than eight seasons , a ninth season was secured in December 2012 amidst tense negotiations with the studios and the actors -- especially Jason Segel , who had wanted to move on to other ventures after the eighth season . During these negotiations , Bays and Thomas originally approached the eighth season as if it was the show 's last year , but also had a `` Plan B '' if the show was renewed . After producers secured a ninth and final season , they implemented plans to secretly cast the titular future mother , with Cristin Milioti eventually winning the role , besting at least two other contenders . Milioti first appeared in the last scene in the season eight finale `` Something New '' and was a regular cast member in the show 's final season . This marked the first time that the show had expanded its core roster . In January 2013 , How I Met Your Mother was renewed for a ninth and final season . Carter Bays stated to Entertainment Weekly that season nine `` will feature some of the most non-linear episodes we 've ever done '' . The season nine premiere episode aired on September 23 , 2013 and the one - hour series finale aired on March 31 , 2014 . Cast and characters ( edit ) Main article : List of How I Met Your Mother characters Main cast Josh Radnor Cobie Smulders Neil Patrick Harris Alyson Hannigan Jason Segel Cristin Milioti Ted Mosby Robin Scherbatsky Barney Stinson Lily Aldrin Marshall Eriksen Tracy McConnell Josh Radnor as Ted Mosby , an architect , college professor and the central character of the series . He is the main protagonist where he tells the story of his adult years from his late twenties to his early thirties and about all his obstacles he has to endure before he meets The One aka the Mother . This story is told by the Older Ted Mosby , and narrator of the series , Bob Saget . Ted moved to New York City with his friends Marshall and Lily after graduating from Wesleyan University . In New York , he met Barney at the urinal of MacLaren 's and Robin , to whom he was immediately attracted . Ted is on a quest for happiness and `` The One '' , the woman he will marry . Ted prefers more elegant and high - class interests than his friends have . He goes to great lengths to profess his love to the women in his life , but they all falter eventually . Despite these qualities , Ted often acts immaturely , such as partaking in wild activities with Barney . He meets the love of his life ( the titular Mother ) in the show 's finale . Jason Segel as Marshall Eriksen , Ted 's best friend . In season 2 Marshall marries Lily , with whom he has been in love since his freshman year of college ; they have a child during season 7 . Marshall was born in St. Cloud , Minnesota . He has an interest in paranormal phenomenon , and mythical creatures , particularly Sasquatch . His dream to be an environmental lawyer conflicts with his immediate need for money , such as for his wedding and to raise his children . Cobie Smulders as Robin Scherbatsky , a news anchor who has on - again off - again relationships with both Ted and Barney . Robin emigrated from Canada to take a job in a news station and met Ted at MacLaren 's ; her Canadian background is a source of many jokes from her friends . She is shown to be very career - centric and rejects traditional roles , such as getting married and having kids . Robin often drinks scotch and smokes cigars , and she is an avid gun fan . She and Barney get engaged and later marry in the first part of the series finale , but divorce in the second part , three years later . Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson is a serial playboy , using his relative wealth and an array of outrageous strategies to seduce women for sex with no intention of engaging in a relationship . His catchphrases include ' Suit Up ' and ' Legend - wait - for - it - Dary ' . He is Ted 's `` bro , '' often jealous of Marshall for having known Ted since college . Abandoned by his father at a young age , Barney has abandonment issues and clings to his friends . He marries Robin in the series finale but they divorce after three years . In 2020 , a failed one - night stand gives him a daughter , Ellie . Alyson Hannigan as Lily Aldrin , a kindergarten teacher , aspiring artist , and Marshall 's wife . She is terrible at keeping secrets , and can be manipulative at times . She marries Marshall in season 2 and gives birth to Marvin in season 7 . Though appearing sweet and cute , Lily can be quite unexpectedly fierce . Cristin Milioti as Tracy McConnell ( guest - season 8 ; main - season 9 ) , the future wife of Ted Mosby , The Mother . Tracy McConnell is first seen in the finale of season 8 , though her name is hinted at season 1 ( 01x09 `` Belly full of Turkey '' ) and officially revealed in the series finale . Ted falls madly in love with her , but in 2024 she passes away . Bob Saget as Future Ted Mosby ( voice only , uncredited ) , Ted 's future self , telling his children the story of how he met their mother , in the year 2030 . Season synopsis ( edit ) Main article : List of How I Met Your Mother episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 22 September 19 , 2005 ( 2005 - 09 - 19 ) May 15 , 2006 ( 2006 - 05 - 15 ) 22 September 18 , 2006 ( 2006 - 09 - 18 ) May 14 , 2007 ( 2007 - 05 - 14 ) 20 September 24 , 2007 ( 2007 - 09 - 24 ) May 19 , 2008 ( 2008 - 05 - 19 ) 24 September 22 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 22 ) May 18 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 18 ) 5 24 September 21 , 2009 ( 2009 - 09 - 21 ) May 24 , 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 24 ) 6 24 September 20 , 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 20 ) May 16 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 16 ) 7 24 September 19 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 19 ) May 14 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 14 ) 8 24 September 24 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 24 ) May 13 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 13 ) 9 24 September 23 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 23 ) March 31 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 31 ) Season 1 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 1 ) In the year 2030 , Ted Mosby ( voiced by Bob Saget ) sits his daughter and son down to tell them the story of how he met their mother . The series begins in September 2005 with Ted ( Josh Radnor ) as a single , 27 - year - old architect living with his two best friends from his college years ; Marshall Eriksen ( Jason Segel ) , a law student , and Lily Aldrin ( Alyson Hannigan ) , a kindergarten teacher and an aspiring artist . Lily and Marshall have been dating for almost nine years when Marshall finally proposes . Their engagement causes Ted to think about marriage and finding his soul mate , much to the disgust of his self - appointed best friend Barney Stinson ( Neil Patrick Harris ) , whom he met in the restroom at a bar four years earlier . Barney is a serial womanizer who concocts elaborate con games , usually involving costumes and fake identities , designed to bed women , only to lose interest in them immediately afterward . Ted begins his search for his perfect soul mate and meets an ambitious young reporter from Canada , Robin Scherbatsky ( Cobie Smulders ) , with whom he quickly falls in love . Robin , however , does not want to rush into a relationship and the two decide to be friends . Future Ted reveals that Robin is not the mother after referring to her as `` Aunt Robin '' . Ted begins dating a baker , Victoria ( Ashley Williams ) , whom he meets at Stuart and Claudia 's wedding , causing Robin to become jealous , and realize she does have feelings for Ted . Victoria is offered a fellowship in pastry - making , moves to Germany and she and Ted try a long - distance relationship . Once Ted learns Robin has feelings for him , he tells her he broke up with Victoria , even though he has not . They almost have sex when Victoria calls and Robin answers , mistaking Ted 's phone for her own . Ted and Victoria then break up and an angry Robin distances herself from Ted , but they eventually reconcile and decide to date . Meanwhile , Lily begins to wonder if she 's missed any opportunities because of her relationship with Marshall , and decides to pursue an art fellowship in San Francisco , breaking - up with Marshall in the process . The season ends with Ted returning to the apartment , the morning after spending the night with Robin for the first time , to find Marshall sitting in the rain with Lily 's engagement ring , devastated by their sudden break - up . Season 2 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 2 ) Ted and Robin are now a couple ; meanwhile , a heartbroken Marshall tries to continue his life without Lily . After enduring numerous emotional breakdowns , Marshall 's friends step in , and Barney , using sly catchphrases and pick - up lines , tries to get Marshall back in the dating game . Later , Lily , after finally realizing she is not meant to be an artist , returns to New York . They remain separated as Marshall begins to date another girl , described by the gang as having ' crazy eyes ' . The date with the girl does not end well and eventually leads to Lily and Marshall becoming reunited , and their engagement eventually resumes . When Robin refuses to go to the mall or explain why , Marshall suspects she is married , and Barney suspects she has performed in adult films . They bet on it , appointing Lily as `` Slap Bet Commissioner . '' Lily oversees the search for the truth , as they discover that Robin was a teenage pop star named `` Robin Sparkles '' , and Marshall eventually earns the right to slap Barney five times whenever he wishes . He uses one slap immediately and another later in the season . It is revealed that Barney has a gay African American half - brother named James ( Wayne Brady ) and , unaware that his mother lied to him , believes that Bob Barker is his father . As a result of this he takes a trip to California to be a contestant on The Price Is Right to meet his `` father '' . While on the show , Barney wins all the prizes and gives them to Lily and Marshall as a ' happy early wedding ' present . In the season finale , Ted reveals to Barney that he and Robin have been broken up for some time due to their conflicting views on marriage and children . They did not tell anyone , in order to avoid taking attention away from Lily and Marshall 's wedding . The season ends with Barney 's excitement at the prospect of he and Ted being single guys on the town again . Barney 's final words are `` this is going to be legen - wait for it ... '' . Season 3 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 3 ) Barney begins the season with the word , `` - dary ! '' Robin returns from a trip to Argentina with her new boyfriend , Gael ( Enrique Iglesias ) , and Ted must adjust to life as just her friend , while watching Robin and Gael fawning over each other . Marshall and Lily decide to move out on their own , falling in love with a place they can not afford . Robin learns of Lily 's bad credit rating due to her compulsive shopping for designer brands , and forces Lily to tell Marshall . Despite this , they are able to finally secure their dream apartment , only to discover it 's in a bad location and more poorly constructed than they thought ( the floor is tilted ) . Barney is slapped for the third time on Thanksgiving , which Marshall dubs `` Slapsgiving . '' Ted tells his children he met their mother through a story concerning her yellow umbrella . He finds the umbrella at a club and takes it home after attending a St. Patrick 's Day party where his future wife was , although they did not meet . Ted attempts to woo Stella ( Sarah Chalke ) , a dermatologist he sees to remove an embarrassing butterfly tattoo . This culminates in a memorable `` two - minute date , '' which incorporates small talk , dinner , a movie , coffee , two cab rides , and a goodnight kiss , all within two minutes . Robin sleeps with Barney after he comforts her following a break - up with a past Canadian love ; Ted is infuriated , and decides to stop being friends with Barney . Meanwhile , an unknown woman begins to sabotage Barney 's attempts to hook up . His saboteur is revealed to be Abby ( Britney Spears ) , Stella 's receptionist , with a vendetta against him for not calling her after they had sex . In the season finale , Ted gets into a car accident and ends up in hospital after breaking up with Stella . Subsequently , Barney is hit by a bus while he is on his way to visit Ted and receives treatment in the same hospital . Ted realizes Barney really cares about him and they renew their friendship . Barney 's true feelings for Robin are revealed while Ted proposes to Stella in an arcade with a toy kangaroo . Season 4 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 4 ) Stella says yes to Ted 's proposal . Robin takes a new job in Japan , but quickly resigns and returns to New York to attend Ted 's wedding , after realizing how much she misses her friends . Stella leaves Ted at the altar to get back together with Tony ( Jason Jones ) , the father of her daughter . Barney struggles with his feelings for Robin as his company shifts him to the management team of a new acquisition , Goliath National Bank ( GNB ) , where Marshall has accepted a position . Marshall and Lily move to their new apartment and debate over whether or not they 're ready to have children . Robin becomes roommates with Ted and gets a job as an anchor for a 4 AM news show after Barney submits her video resume . Ted and Robin decide to sleep together constantly so they will not fight over each other 's bad co-living habits . Barney attempts to make them stop fighting to prevent this , revealing to Ted his love for Robin . Ted finds out Lily has sabotaged all of his relationships with anyone she does not approve of and indirectly may have inspired his breakup with Robin . Robin and Ted end up talking about it , causing their friendship to begin moving toward a positive note . After Barney finally sleeps with his 200th woman ( and rubs it in the face of the childhood bully who taunted him into pursuing it ) , he begins to question the purpose of the remainder of his life , leaving him more certain of his feelings for Robin . Ted , while carrying the yellow umbrella , bumps into Stella and Tony . Tony later decides to visit him , sympathizing with Ted over his loss of Stella . Tony offers him a job as a professor of architecture , which Ted initially turns down . In the season finale Robin finds out that Barney loves her , and initially refuses to commit to anything but a sex - only relationship ; they seemingly end up together anyway . Ted decides that being an architect is leading nowhere , and finally decides instead to become a college professor . The finale ends with Ted preparing to teach his first class and Future Ted revealing to his children that one of the women in the class is their mother . Season 5 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 5 ) Ted begins his job as a professor of architecture , standing in the middle of a classroom -- although the mother was present , it turns out to be an economics class as he 's in the wrong lecture hall . Barney and Robin have had a sexual relationship throughout the summer and Lily locks them in a room , forcing them to come to terms with their relationship . After a rough patch they decide to break up . Robin describes it instead as `` two friends getting back together . '' Barney immediately goes back to his old ways , using the playbook to score with women . Throughout the season Barney and Robin show feelings of regret over their break - up . Ted dates a graduate student named Cindy ( Rachel Bilson ) and it is revealed her roommate is his future wife . Robin meets Don Frank ( Benjamin Koldyke ) , her new co-anchor on her 4 AM TV show . Though she initially dislikes him , the two start dating and eventually she moves in with him . At the end of the season they break up when Don takes a job in Chicago -- a job which Robin had previously turned down to stay in New York with Don . Marshall uses his fourth slap on Barney , once again at Thanksgiving . Ted buys a house , which needs to be fixed up badly , but is later revealed to be the future home for Ted and his children . Lily and Marshall are still unsure about having children . After watching four doppelgangers of their group ( Lesbian Robin , Moustache Marshall , Stripper Lily and Mexican Wrestler Ted ) they decide to leave the big decision to the universe 's `` infinite wisdom '' and start trying when they have seen Barney 's Doppelganger . In the season finale , Barney disguises himself to have sex with a girl from every country in the world , and Lily and Marshall mistake him for the final doppelganger . When Marshall finds out , he decides not to tell Lily , fearing she will want to wait even longer to have children . Lily eventually finds out and decides to wait . In the season finale , Lily thinks she sees Barney 's doppelganger as a hot dog vendor , which causes the group to realize she is seeing what she wants to see , and play along . Eventually Barney agrees having babies is not a stupid idea and Lily and Marshall should go forth . The season ends with Lily asking Marshall to `` put a baby in my belly '' . Season 6 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 6 ) In the season opening , Ted sees Cindy again with a girl who he thinks to be her roommate , but she turns out to be Cindy 's girlfriend whom she later marries . After prodding by Barney , Ted is eventually hired by GNB once more as the architect of the bank 's new headquarters , which was originally scrapped in Season 4 . However , he encounters opposition when he meets Zoey Pierson ( Jennifer Morrison ) , a woman who is protesting against GNB for selecting a decrepit hotel , the Arcadian , to be torn down for the headquarters . Over the season , Ted 's encounters with Zoey eventually blossom into a relationship after she divorces her rich husband , the Captain ( Kyle MacLachlan ) , but they break up as he puts his career and friends over love , leading to the Arcadian 's demolition . Ted also resolves not to get back with Zoey . Having agreed to conceive a baby at the end of the previous season , Lily and Marshall keep having sex , hoping she will get pregnant . Around Christmas , they have a false alarm and later seek fertility testing . The fertility specialist , Dr. Stangel , turns out to be Barney 's doppelgänger , fulfilling their promise with the universe in regard to their decision to have a child . However , tragedy strikes when Marshall 's father passes away , leaving him devastated and the gang comforting him . Marshall tries to get over his father 's death and live again . Despite a pledge to Lily to work harder for their future , Marshall resigns from GNB and follows his dream of being an environmental lawyer . Zoey also hires him as her lawyer in what became a futile battle to save the Arcadian . At the end of the season , Lily reveals that she is pregnant . Barney finally admits to the gang that Bob Barker is not his real father , especially when his mother decides to sell the house he grew up in and his brother , James , meets his own father . Loretta offers the identity of Barney 's father on a sheet of paper , but Barney tears this up after realizing her efforts as a single mother . At the funeral of Marshall 's father , Barney tells Loretta that he wants to see his father at last . The man , Jerry Whittaker ( John Lithgow ) , is eventually revealed to be someone whom Barney thought was his uncle . Barney , who remembers Jerry as a fun - loving man , is disappointed after learning how Jerry has grown out of his free - wheeling ways . Although he tries to bring back Jerry 's old behaviors , Barney admits that he wants to settle down someday . He is also introduced to Nora ( Nazanin Boniadi ) , a co-worker of Robin , for whom he develops feelings . After an initial falling out , the two reconcile at the end of the season after Barney asks her for coffee . Robin continues to work at her talk show , Come On , Get Up , New York ! , but the presence of a new hyperactive co-host forces her to leave . She is accepted as a researcher in another network , World Wide News . The gang also discovers more of her past as the Canadian pop star Robin Sparkles . Robin also encounters a man ( Michael Trucco ) she has had a secret crush on since first seeing him when she and Ted were dating , and Future Ted hints that they will see more of him later . Short scenes during the season premiere and finale feature a wedding set sometime in the future , where Ted will meet his future wife . In the final scene of the season , the groom is revealed to be Barney . Season 7 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 7 ) Season seven opens with another flash forward , in which Ted is helping Barney get ready for his wedding to a still - unknown bride . In the present , Marshall gets a job in environmental law while Lily progresses with her pregnancy . Barney proves to Nora that he can be a good boyfriend to her , while Robin is revealed to still have feelings for Barney . Robin meets a therapist Kevin ( Kal Penn ) and they start to date . Meanwhile , after a period of unemployment since leaving GNB , Marshall finally manages to land his dream job at a top environmental law firm . After losing a bet , Barney is forced to wear a tie with a duck pattern on it ( nicknamed the ' Ducky Tie ' ) which he hates . Marshall allows him to take it off when meeting Nora 's parents on the condition that Barney has three slaps added to the one still remaining from the Slap Bet . Marshall uses two slaps immediately , leaving two left . While reminiscing about Hurricane Irene , Lily and Marshall reveal that they conceived their baby in Barney 's apartment , and Barney and Robin end up sleeping together . Barney and Robin decide to break up with their partners , but Robin reneges on the deal , returning to Kevin and leaving Barney alone and heartbroken . Robin has a pregnancy scare at Thanksgiving and tells Barney the child is his , since she and Kevin had not yet slept together . However , Robin 's doctor informs her that she can not have children at all . Kevin , who wants children , proposes to Robin , who decides that they must break up . Ted comforts Robin and reveals he still loves her , but the gesture is unrequited . Eventually , she moves out to give him some space . Marshall and Lily decide they want to move to Long Island , after Lily 's paternal grandparents offer them their house there . Eventually , they move back to the old apartment in New York City after realizing suburban life is not for them . Ted gives them his apartment because he believes he can not move on from Robin while living there , while he and Robin become estranged and do not speak for several weeks . Robin is eventually offered a news anchor job and subsequently achieves recognition after preventing a helicopter she is flying in from crashing . Barney starts dating a stripper named Quinn , to the group 's initial apprehension . The gang begins to meddle in their relationship , but Barney and Quinn outsmart their attempts and win their approval . Quinn moves in with Barney , while Ted buys Quinn 's old apartment . Lily goes into labor and frantically calls Barney and Marshall , who are out at a casino . After many attempts to escape , Barney helps Marshall arrive in time for Lily 's delivery and chooses the middle name for the baby , Marvin Waitforit Eriksen . Ted and Robin 's friendship also recovers as a result of Marvin 's birth . As the season concludes , Marshall and Lily begin their new family with their baby , Barney proposes to Quinn , and Ted contacts his old girlfriend Victoria . Unhappy with her own impending marriage , she leaves her fiancé for Ted and the pair drive off into the sunset . A final flash forward returns to the day of Barney 's wedding , where Robin is revealed as the bride . Season 8 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 8 ) Ted visits Robin on the day of her wedding to Barney , causing him to remember how he and Victoria ran away from her wedding to be together . The summer is spent with Ted , Barney , and Robin enjoying their current relationships ; however , all subsequently break up with their partners . Victoria splits up with Ted over his friendship with Robin , Barney and Quinn break up due to their inability to trust each other , and Robin breaks up with Nick realizing his immaturity . Robin and Barney kiss but decide not to get together , despite Barney 's wishes . Barney then begins dating Robin 's hated co-worker Patrice ( Ellen D. Williams ) , a relationship later exposed as a ruse to make Robin realize her true feelings for him . In a culminating scene Barney proposes to Robin , who says yes . Marshall and Lily attempt to get used to being parents , which causes a brief estrangement from the gang as Baby Marvin takes up the majority of their time . Lily 's father Mickey becomes Marvin 's nanny , freeing the two up to spend more time with their friends . The Captain , ex-husband of Ted 's old girlfriend Zoey , offers Lily a job as an art consultant after she identifies a painting that made a huge profit for him . Lily accepts , happy to finally achieve her dream of having a job in the art industry , while Marshall decides to apply to become a judge . The Captain offers Lily a year 's work in Rome , which she accepts with Marshall 's blessing . However , just before Barney and Robin 's wedding , Marshall is informed that his application to become a judge has been granted , a development that would require them to stay in the US . Ted briefly dates Jeanette ( Abby Elliott ) , a girl who stalked him after he appeared on the cover of New York Magazine for designing GNB headquarters . He quickly realizes he 's made a mistake and breaks up with her . Ted 's feelings of loneliness grow , especially as he is now the only single member of the group , and he decides he is truly ready to settle down . He argues with Lily over hiring a DJ or a band for Barney and Robin 's wedding , but is forced to provide a band at short notice when Lily concedes the argument . During a chance meeting on the subway , Cindy offers the services of her roommate 's wedding band . This roommate is Ted 's future wife . As the week of the wedding approaches , Robin has doubts about marrying Barney and shares an emotional moment with Ted . Guilty , Ted realizes he ca n't be around Barney and Robin after they 're married and decides to move to Chicago the day after the wedding . The season concludes with everyone travelling to Barney and Robin 's wedding , including the mother of Ted 's children ( revealed on screen for the first time and portrayed by Cristin Milioti ) , who is seen buying a train ticket to the venue and holding her yellow umbrella . Season 9 ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Mother ( season 9 ) With the exception of the very last episode , the entirety of season nine takes place in the 56 hours leading up to Barney and Robin 's wedding . Marshall , who is stuck in Minnesota , desperately tries to find a way to get to the wedding in time . Meanwhile , in Farhampton , the time is slowly counting down to the wedding , with a new problem arising in almost every episode . It is revealed that Lily is pregnant and that she and Marshall will have a daughter . It was also revealed that Ted 's children are named Penny and Luke . In addition , the 200th episode detailed the Mother 's eight years before meeting Ted , while later episodes gave viewers a glimpse of Ted and the Mother together in flash forward scenes . Also , Marshall uses his final two slaps from the slap bet ; the first being used as an apology present for missing the rehearsal dinner , and the second when Barney begins to panic just before the beginning of the wedding ceremony . In the series finale , it was revealed that after three years of marriage , Barney and Robin decide to divorce . Barney ends up fathering a child during a one - night stand . Marshall eventually becomes a judge , and he and Lily have three children . Ted 's wife Tracy dies of an unknown illness in 2024 , six years prior to Ted telling his children the full story of how they met . Upon finishing the story , at the urging of his kids , Ted decides to ask Robin out . Alluding to the first season , the finale ends with Robin looking out her apartment window to see Ted on the street holding the blue French horn . Critical reception ( edit ) The first season was met with mixed reviews from critics , and was often compared unfavorably to Friends . The review aggregator , Rotten Tomatoes reported that 56 % of critics gave the season a positive review . On Metacritic , a review aggregation site that collects critical opinions , it scored a 69 out of 100 . Michael Abernethy of PopMatters gave the season a negative review , writing that `` The comedy that does occur in How I Met Your Mother is n't enough to compensate for its inconsistencies . '' Tom Shales of The Washington Post gave the season a lukewarm review , saying it 's `` a little better than most other sitcoms , past and present -- especially those featuring wacky urban friends in their twenties experiencing the bittersweet mysteries of life . '' On the other hand , Melanie Macfarlane gave the season a positive review , saying the show `` may not break any comedic ground , but it 's the sort of comfortable , reliable hitter CBS needs on Monday nights . '' The second season received widespread critical acclaim . Staci Krause of IGN gave the season a positive review , calling it `` great '' . The third season was met with mostly positive reviews . Michelle Zoromski of IGN gave the season a positive review , saying that `` the season was fun and clever , a good , consistent flow from the first two seasons '' . The fourth season received critical acclaim and is generally considered the best season of the series . Michelle Zoromski of IGN gave Season 4 an overall rating of 8.5 out of 10 , stating that `` This fourth season seemed to settle down the chase for the titular mother . While Ted was busy dating Stella , the gang settled into many stand alone episodes which were every bit as entertaining as episodes devoted to Ted 's love life '' . Zoromski went on to say : `` A stellar Robin - Marshall episode , titled ' Little Minnesota ' , makes it clear that these two do not get enough screen time together . With Robin homesick and unemployed ( and at risk of being deported ) , this pairing brought out the best Robin Sparkles reference of the season , when Marshall leads a rousing karaoke version of ' Let 's Go to the Mall ! ' '' The fifth season received mostly positive reviews . Cindy McLennan of Television Without Pity gave the season a mixed review , and at the end of the season wrote : `` I 'm okay with any given season not being primarily focused on mother - meeting , but this season , the characters seemed to regress -- particularly Barney and Ted . Usually , when a season ends , I have to deal with a week or two weeks ' worth of letdown . Right now , all I 'm feeling is relief . '' The sixth season received generally positive reviews . Justin Fowler of Later Reviews gave the season a positive review , saying that the season was `` a pretty good season of television '' and better than the `` poor '' fifth season . He also said that `` Seventeen out of the 24 episodes are what I would consider good '' . The seventh season received mixed reviews . Alan Sepinwall gave the season a mixed review and criticized the flash - forwards throughout the season , saying that `` the show is just much , much stronger when its stories dwell on matters of the present or the past , and where the writers do n't have to act like magicians trying to keep the audience from figuring out how the trick works . And the finale affirmed that belief for me . The parts that had little or nothing to do with things to come were quite good ; the parts that were all about the future made me roll my eyes and ask , for the umpteenth time , ' Really ? This is where you 're going with this ? ' '' The eighth season was widely criticized , with Rotten Tomatoes reporting that 40 % of critics gave the show a positive review . The consensus reads : `` How I Met Your Mother wears out its welcome this season , with an anticlimactic reveal and rote , less - than - fruitful humor . '' The ninth season received mixed to positive reviews . Rotten Tomatoes reported that 80 % of critics gave the show a positive review , with an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 . Gareth Mitchell at `` House of Geekery '' responded negatively , mostly criticizing the structure of the season , stating that they are `` struggling to come up with stories that last out the 22 minutes '' . The finale of the show received a polarized reaction from fans . While some complained that the last few seasons had built towards an end game that was discarded within the hour - long episode , others felt that it remained true to both the initial concept of the show and to life itself . Tie - ins ( edit ) Books ( edit ) The Bro Code , cited by Barney many times throughout the series , is a set of written rules for bros to follow , and has been published as a tie - in novel , an audiobook , an iPhone Application and an Android Application . Barney alleges it was written by Barnabus Stinson , a contemporary of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin . Many of the rules listed in this book also appear in the show 's closing vanity cards in syndication . Bro on the Go , a companion to The Bro Code , released in 2009 . Bro Code for Parents : What to Expect When You 're Awesome , released in 2012 . The Playbook , based on the fifth season episode of the same name , by Barney Stinson and Matt Kuhn . How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy , released in 2013 . Soundtracks ( edit ) Main article : How I Met Your Music ( Original Songs from the Hit Series `` How I Met Your Mother '' ) A soundtrack album entitled How I Met Your Music : Original Songs from the Hit Series was released digitally to iTunes on September 24 , 2012 , featuring songs from the first seven seasons A second soundtrack album entitled How I Met Your Music : Deluxe was released digitally to iTunes on September 23 , 2014 , featuring songs from the final two seasons . Pineapple Incident explained ( edit ) After the end of the series , the officials released a short video , explaining the running mystery of the pineapple in the Pineapple Incident ( season 1 , episode 10 ) . The extra footage revealed that a character revealed in the 6th season , the Captain , had put a pineapple in front of his door as a tradition and Ted took the pineapple while he was drunk . Proposed spin - offs ( edit ) How I Met Your Dad ( edit ) On November 15 , 2013 , it was announced that CBS and the series ' producer 20th Century Fox Television would launch How I Met Your Dad , a woman - centric variation executive - produced by Bays , Thomas , and Emily Spivey . The new series would possibly have featured a new bar and would not have tied into the original series . The primary cast of the series was revealed to be Greta Gerwig , Drew Tarver , Nicholas D'Agosto and Andrew Santino . On April 23 , 2014 , Meg Ryan was announced to voice future Sally . On May 14 , 2014 , CBS passed on picking up How I Met Your Dad since show creators Craig Thomas and Carter Bays did not want to reshoot the pilot . Nina Tassler , the entertainment president at CBS , stated that `` there were elements of the pilot that did n't work out '' . Talks of the series being `` shopped '' to other networks emerged . Netflix , FOX and NBC were named as possible candidates for picking up the show . Ultimately , nothing came of those talks . It was reported that the options on the cast contracts had expired and they had been released from their contracts and co-creator Carter Bays denied any rumours that the spin - off pilot will be reshot . On July 11 , 2014 , Bays confirmed that the spin - off project was officially dead . Six days later , Nina Tassler said that CBS would `` love the opportunity to take another shot '' at the pilot and that she would continue to `` hound '' Carter Bays and Craig Thomas -- even though they shot down the idea of a new version of the project stating that they had both moved on . How I Met Your father ( first attempt ) ( edit ) On December 14 , 2016 , it was reported that Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger were set to write a new version of the previous spin - off 's pilot , re-titled How I Met Your Father , with Bays and Thomas serving as executive producers . On March 6 , 2017 , it was announced that following signing new contracts with 20th Century Fox Television that would see both Aptaker and Berger being promoted to executive producers and co-showrunners on This Is Us alongside Dan Fogelman , their completed spec script for How I Met Your Father would be placed on the back burner in light of their new duties . The idea was later completely abandoned . How I Met Your father ( second attempt ) ( edit ) On August 8 , 2017 , Fox chairman Dana Walden told Deadline that the studio was set to try a third spin - off with different writers . It was also stated that all ideas from the previous two attempts will not be carried over and the new attempt will be created from scratch . On August 11 , 2017 , Deadline reported that Alison Bennett had been selected to write the spin - off . It was also confirmed that this incarnation would be developed under the title used for the Aptaker and Berger project , and that Bays and Thomas are once again attached as executive producers . Russian adaptation ( edit ) The GoodStoryMedia , a Russian production company , made a remake of the series which was broadcast on STS and ran for two seasons . Nielsen ratings ( edit ) Viewership represented in a line graph The show 's highest viewed episode was the series finale , `` Last Forever '' , watched by 13.13 million viewers . Previously , the most viewed episode was the season 1 episode `` The Pineapple Incident '' , watched by 12.3 million viewers . The lowest - viewed episode was the season 6 episode `` Landmarks '' , watched by 6.4 million viewers , approximately 52 % of the show 's series high . Season nine was the highest watched season overall and among the 18 - 49 adults , scoring a 4.5 rating in that sector up from the second - highest rating of 4.1 in season seven . Season Timeslot ( ET ) Season premiere Season finale TV season Rank Avg . viewers ( in millions ) Monday 8 : 30 P.M. September 19 , 2005 May 15 , 2006 2005 -- 2006 54 9.47 Monday 8 : 30 P.M. ( Episodes 1 -- 3 ) Monday 8 : 00 P.M. ( Episodes 4 -- 22 ) September 18 , 2006 May 14 , 2007 2006 -- 2007 61 8.94 Monday 8 : 00 P.M. ( Episodes 1 -- 11 ) Monday 8 : 30 P.M. ( Episodes 12 -- 20 ) September 24 , 2007 May 19 , 2008 2007 -- 2008 70 8.21 Monday 8 : 30 P.M. September 22 , 2008 May 18 , 2009 2008 -- 2009 49 9.42 5 Monday 8 : 00 P.M. September 21 , 2009 May 24 , 2010 2009 -- 2010 42 8.60 6 September 20 , 2010 May 16 , 2011 2010 -- 2011 48 8.79 7 September 19 , 2011 May 14 , 2012 2011 -- 2012 45 9.67 8 September 24 , 2012 May 13 , 2013 2012 -- 2013 42 9.02 9 September 23 , 2013 March 31 , 2014 2013 -- 2014 28 10.51 Awards and nominations ( edit ) Awards & nominations Award Won Nominated ALMA Awards Art Directors Guild 0 7 Casting Society of America 0 Critics ' Choice Television Awards Emmy Awards 9 28 EWwy Awards GLAAD Media Awards 0 Golden Globe Awards 0 People 's Choice Awards 6 17 PRISM Awards 0 Satellite Awards 0 TCA Awards 0 Teen Choice Awards 0 Young Hollywood Awards 0 Total number of wins and nominations Totals 18 72 Main article : List of awards and nominations received by How I Met Your Mother The show has been nominated for 72 awards , winning 18 . The show has been nominated for 28 Emmy Awards , including a nomination for Outstanding Comedy Series . Stars Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris have each received acting accolades , with both receiving People 's Choice Awards , and Harris receiving Emmy and Golden Globe nominations . In 2012 , seven years after its premiere , the series won the People 's Choice for Favorite Network TV Comedy . The show 's art direction , editing and cinematography have also been awarded . DVD Releases ( edit ) DVD season Release dates Episodes Additional information Region 1 Region 2 Region 4 Season 1 November 21 , 2006 May 7 , 2007 January 10 , 2007 22 Includes : commentaries on six episodes a video yearbook 2 music videos ( `` First Round '' and `` Last Call '' ) a gag reel Episodes have been cropped from the broadcast widescreen to a full frame 4 : 3 format Season 2 October 2 , 2007 February 8 , 2010 April 8 , 2008 22 Includes : commentaries on seven episodes How We Make Your Mother 2 music videos ( `` Let 's Go To The Mall '' and `` Hey Beautiful '' ) 3 `` How It Really Happened '' scenes a gag reel an Easter Egg . The Legendary Season 3 October 7 , 2008 May 10 , 2010 February 11 , 2009 20 Includes : commentaries on 7 episodes a series retrospective Lily & Marshall 's honeymoon videos cast favorites a behind the scenes of `` We 're Not From Here '' 6 `` How It Really Happened '' scenes 2 music videos ( `` You Just Got Slapped '' and `` Sandcastles in the Sand '' ) `` Ted Mosby Is A Jerk '' audio track a gag reel . The Awesome Season 4 September 29 , 2009 July 19 , 2010 October 27 , 2009 24 Includes : commentaries on 4 episodes A Night With Your Mother : Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Panel Discussion season recap Eriksen 's Fight Club a music video ( `` That Guy 's Awesome '' ) a gag reel Also available on Blu - Ray , and is the only season to have a subsequent Blu Ray release . The Complete Season 5 . The Suited - Up Edition September 21 , 2010 November 8 , 2010 October 27 , 2010 24 Includes : a gag reel music videos for `` Super Date '' , `` Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit '' , and `` Best Night Ever '' 2 behind the scenes features making of `` Super Date '' behind the scenes of the 100th episode an extended version of the `` Wedding Bride '' trailer a musical series recap . The Complete Season 6 . The New Is Always Better Edition September 27 , 2011 October 3 , 2011 October 5 , 2011 24 Includes : a gag reel making of `` Subway Wars '' behind the scenes of `` Glitter '' commentaries on 3 episodes an extended performance of `` Stand By Me '' a season recap The Complete Season 7 . The Ducky Tie Edition October 2 , 2012 October 15 , 2012 October 10 , 2012 24 Includes : a gag reel 2 behind the scenes featurettes deleted scenes audio commentaries on 3 episodes a feature on Neil Patrick Harris ' Hollywood Walk of Fame star . The Complete Season 8 . The Yellow Umbrella Edition October 1 , 2013 September 30 , 2013 November 9 , 2013 24 Includes : deleted scenes audio commentary on `` Farmhampton '' and `` The Final Page '' music video for `` PS I Love You '' making of `` PS I Love You '' Where We Make Your Mother : Set Tour a gag reel . The 9th and Legendary Final Season . The Rest of Your Life Edition September 23 , 2014 October 13 , 2014 October 22 , 2014 24 Includes : Deleted Scenes Audio Commentary on `` The Locket '' Audio Commentary on `` The Rehearsal Dinner '' Audio Commentary on `` How Your Mother Met Me '' Last Forever Alternate Ending How It All Ends Cristin Milioti Audition Behind the Scenes of `` Gary Blauman '' Gag Reel The Whole Story Seasons 1 -- 9 September 23 , 2014 October 13 , 2014 October 22 , 2014 208 Includes : All Out of Spoilers : Looking Back at Your Mother -- A Retrospective Table Read of the Series Finale with the Entire Cast The Secret of the Pineapple Incident Revealed Meeting the Mother How I Met Your Mother at Comic - Con 2013 - 2014 The Mosby Kids : 8 Years on the Couch How We Filmed the Kids Plus All the Special Features from Every Previous Season Seasons 1 through 9 are available to stream on Netflix in Australia , Latin America , Spain , the UK , Ireland , the US and Canada ; season 9 was released on September 26 , 2014 . Note : The whole story DVD had a different package in Region 1 as opposed to Region 2 + 4 References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` TV Summer School : How to Create and Run a Successful Sitcom '' . E ! Online . August 6 , 2007 . Archived from the original on June 29 , 2011 . Retrieved November 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` How I Met Your Mother : Season 8 ( 2012 - 2013 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved 9 June 2014 . Jump up ^ McLennan , Cindy . `` This Just In '' . Television Without Pitty . Bravo Media . Retrieved 9 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Lowe , Alexander . `` How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Finale Review '' . How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Review . WeGotThisCovered . Retrieved 9 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Nicholson , Max . `` HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER : SEASON 9 REVIEW : THE BIG FAT MISDIRECT . '' . . IGN Entertainment Inc . Retrieved 9 June 2014 . 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Retrieved December 22 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Ghosh , Korbi . `` ' How I Met Your Mother 's ' Craig Thomas on Ted & Barney 's Breakup , Eriksen Babies and The Future of Robarn '' . . Retrieved April 8 , 2014 . ( He is ) a guy who is telling the story so many years in the future , and he jumbles it up in his memory a little bit . He can be an unreliable narrator . Jump up ^ `` Suit Up for How I Met Your Mother Scoops '' . Television Without Pity . October 3 , 2008 . Archived from the original on 2008 - 10 - 04 . Retrieved October 7 , 2011 . It 's nice to go ( online ) and see how much continuity matters to people within the universe of a show . That 's absolutely true for me , too . Whenever there 's the slightest inconsistency in a Buffy episode or Friends or something , my wife and I would sit on the couch and throw stuff at the TV ... When we 're doing stuff in the writers room , I really try and remember that . 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when does how i met your mother take place
How I Met Your Mother ( often abbreviated to HIMYM ) is an American sitcom that originally aired on CBS from September 19 , 2005 to March 31 , 2014 . The series follows the main character , Ted Mosby , and his group of friends in Manhattan . As a framing device , Ted , in the year 2030 , recounts to his son and daughter the events that led him to meet their mother .
The French Connection ( film ) - wikipedia The French Connection ( film ) Jump to : navigation , search The French Connection Theatrical release poster Directed by William Friedkin Produced by Philip D'Antoni Screenplay by Ernest Tidyman Based on The French Connection by Robin Moore Starring Gene Hackman Fernando Rey Roy Scheider Tony Lo Bianco Marcel Bozzuffi Music by Don Ellis Cinematography Owen Roizman Edited by Gerald B. Greenberg Production company Philip D'Antoni Productions Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date October 9 , 1971 ( 1971 - 10 - 09 ) ( United States ) Running time 104 minutes Country United States Language English French Budget US $ 1.8 million Box office US $51.7 million US $75 million ( rentals ) The French Connection is a 1971 American crime thriller film directed by William Friedkin . The screenplay , written by Ernest Tidyman , is based on Robin Moore 's 1969 non-fiction book The French Connection : A True Account of Cops , Narcotics , and International Conspiracy . It tells the story of New York Police Department detectives Jimmy `` Popeye '' Doyle and Buddy `` Cloudy '' Russo , whose real - life counterparts were Narcotics Detectives Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso , in pursuit of wealthy French heroin smuggler Alain Charnier . The film stars Gene Hackman as Popeye , Roy Scheider as Cloudy , and Fernando Rey as Charnier . Tony Lo Bianco and Marcel Bozzuffi also star . It was the first R - rated movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture since the introduction of the MPAA film rating system . It also won Academy Awards for Best Actor ( Hackman ) , Best Director ( Friedkin ) , Best Film Editing , and Best Adapted Screenplay ( Tidyman ) . It was nominated for Best Supporting Actor ( Scheider ) , Best Cinematography and Best Sound Mixing . Tidyman also received a Golden Globe Award nomination , a Writers Guild of America Award and an Edgar Award for his screenplay . A sequel , French Connection II , followed in 1975 with Gene Hackman and Fernando Rey reprising their roles . The American Film Institute included the film in its list of the best American films in 1998 and again in 2007 . In 2005 the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Casting 3.2 Comparison to actual people 3.3 Car chase 3.4 Filming locations 4 Reception 5 Awards and nominations 6 Home video 7 Sequels and adaptations 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links Plot ( edit ) In Marseille , an undercover police detective is following Alain Charnier ( Fernando Rey ) , a wealthy French criminal who runs the largest heroin - smuggling syndicate in the world . The policeman is assassinated by Charnier 's hitman , Pierre Nicoli ( Marcel Bozzuffi ) . Charnier plans to smuggle $32 million worth of heroin into the United States by hiding it in the car of his unsuspecting friend , French television personality Henri Devereaux ( Frédéric de Pasquale ) . In New York City , detectives Jimmy `` Popeye '' Doyle ( Gene Hackman ) and Buddy `` Cloudy '' Russo ( Roy Scheider ) are conducting an undercover stakeout in Brooklyn . After seeing a drug transaction take place in a bar , Cloudy goes in to make an arrest , but the suspect makes a break for it , cutting Cloudy on the arm with a knife . After catching up with their suspect and severely beating him , the detectives interrogate the man , who reveals his drug connection . Later , Popeye and Cloudy go out for drinks at the Copacabana , where Popeye notices Salvatore `` Sal '' Boca ( Tony Lo Bianco ) and his young wife Angie ( Arlene Farber ) entertaining mob members involved in narcotics . They decide to tail the couple , and soon learn that the Bocas , who run a modest newsstand luncheonette , have criminal records : Sal for armed robbery and murder , and Angie for shoplifting . The detectives suspect that the Bocas , who frequent several nightclubs and drive expensive cars , are involved in some kind of criminal operation . They soon establish a link between the Bocas and lawyer Joel Weinstock ( Harold Gary ) , who is part of the narcotics underworld . Soon after , Popeye learns from an informant that a major shipment of heroin will arrive in the New York area . The detectives convince their supervisor , Walt Simonson ( Eddie Egan ) , to wiretap the Bocas ' phones , and they use several ruses to obtain additional information . Popeye and Cloudy are joined in the investigation by a federal agent named Mulderig ( Bill Hickman ) . Popeye and Mulderig dislike each other based on having worked together in the past , with Mulderig holding Popeye responsible for the death of a policeman . After Devereaux 's vehicle arrives in New York City , Weinstock 's chemist ( Pat McDermott ) tests a sample of the heroin and declares it the purest he has ever seen , establishing that the shipment could make as much as $32 million on a half - million dollar investment . Boca is impatient to make the purchase -- reflecting Charnier 's desire to return to France as soon as possible -- while Weinstock , with more experience in smuggling , urges patience , knowing Boca 's phone is tapped and that they are being investigated . Charnier soon realizes he has been observed since his arrival in New York . He `` makes '' Popeye and escapes , waving tauntingly on the departing subway shuttle . To avoid being tailed , he has Sal Boca instead meet him in Washington D.C. , where Boca asks for a delay to avoid the police . Charnier , however , wants to conclude the deal quickly so he can return to France . On the flight back to New York , Nicoli offers to kill Popeye , but Charnier objects , knowing that Popeye would be replaced by another policeman . Nicoli insists , however , saying they will be back in France before a replacement is assigned . Soon after , Nicoli attempts to shoot Popeye from the roof of Doyle 's apartment complex but misses . Popeye chases after the fleeing sniper , who boards an elevated train at the Bay 50th Street Station in Gravesend . Doyle commandeers a car and gives chase along Stillwell Avenue . Realizing he is being pursued , Nicoli works his way forward through the carriages , shoots a policeman who tries to intervene and then hijacks the motorman at gunpoint forcing him to drive straight through the next station , also shooting the train conductor who gets too close . The motorman passes out and they are just about to slam into another , stationary , train , when an emergency trackside brake engages violently hurling the assassin against a glass window . Popeye arrives limping , having wrecked the commandeered car , and sees the killer descending from the platform . When the killer sees Popeye , he turns to run but is shot dead by Popeye with a single shot . After a lengthy stakeout , Popeye impounds Devereaux 's Lincoln . In a police garage , he and his team take it apart piece by piece , searching for the drugs , but seemingly come up empty - handed . Then Cloudy notes that the vehicle 's shipping weight is 120 pounds over its listed manufacturer 's weight ; they realize the contraband must still be in the car . This time they remove the rocker panels and discover the obloid packages of heroin concealed therein . The police then restore the car to its original condition and return it to Devereaux , who delivers the Lincoln to Charnier . Charnier drives to an old factory on Wards Island to meet Weinstock and about a dozen others , and deliver the drugs . After Charnier has the rocker panels removed , Weinstock 's chemist tests one of the bags and confirms its quality . Charnier removes the bags of drugs and hides the money , concealing it beneath the rocker panels of another car that was purchased at an auction of junk cars , which he will then take back to France . With their transaction complete , Charnier and Sal drive off in the Lincoln , but almost immediately hit a roadblock with a large contingent of police led by Popeye Doyle , who playfully waves to Charnier . The police chase the Lincoln back to the factory , where Sal is killed with two shotgun blasts during a shootout with the police and most of the other criminals surrender . Charnier , however , escapes into the old warehouse and Popeye follows after him , with Cloudy joining in the hunt . When Popeye sees a shadowy figure in the distance , he empties his revolver a split - second after shouting a warning . The man whom Popeye kills , however , is not Charnier but Mulderig . Undaunted , Popeye tells Cloudy that he will get Charnier . After reloading his gun , Popeye runs into another room , and a few seconds later , a single gunshot is heard . Title cards before the closing credits note that Joel Weinstock was indicted but had his case dismissed for `` lack of proper evidence '' ; Angie Boca received a suspended sentence for an unspecified misdemeanor ; Lou Boca received a reduced sentence ; Devereaux served four years in a federal penitentiary for conspiracy ; and Charnier was never caught . Popeye and Cloudy were transferred out of the narcotics division and reassigned . Cast ( edit ) Gene Hackman as Det . Jimmy `` Popeye '' Doyle Fernando Rey as Alain `` Frog One '' Charnier Roy Scheider as Det . Buddy `` Cloudy '' Russo Tony Lo Bianco as Salvatore `` Sal '' Boca Marcel Bozzuffi as Pierre Nicoli , Hit Man Frédéric de Pasquale as Henri Devereaux Bill Hickman as Bill Mulderig Ann Rebbot as Mrs. Marie Charnier Harold Gary as Joel Weinstock Arlene Farber as Angie Boca Eddie Egan as Walt Simonson André Ernotte as La Valle Sonny Grosso as Clyde Klein Production ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In an audio commentary track recorded by Friedkin for the Collector 's Edition DVD release of the film , Friedkin notes that the film 's documentary - like realism was the direct result of the influence of having seen Z , a French film . The film was among the earliest to show the World Trade Center : the completed North Tower and the partially completed South Tower are seen in the background of the scenes at the shipyard following Devereaux 's arrival in New York . Friedkin credits his decision to direct the movie to a discussion with film director Howard Hawks , whose daughter was living with Friedkin at the time . Friedkin asked Hawks what he thought of his movies , to which Hawks bluntly replied that they were `` lousy . '' Instead Hawks recommended that he `` Make a good chase . Make one better than anyone 's done . '' Casting ( edit ) Though the cast ultimately proved to be one of the film 's greatest strengths , Friedkin had problems with casting choices from the start . He was strongly opposed to the choice of Hackman for the lead , and actually first considered Paul Newman ( out of the budget range ) , then Jackie Gleason , Peter Boyle and a New York columnist , Jimmy Breslin , who had never acted before . However , Gleason , at that time , was considered box - office poison by the studio after his film Gigot had flopped several years before , Boyle declined the role after disapproving of the violent theme of the film , and Breslin refused to get behind the wheel of a car , which was required of Popeye 's character for an integral car chase scene . Steve McQueen was also considered , but he did not want to do another police film after Bullitt and , as with Newman , his fee would have exceeded the movie 's budget . Tough guy Charles Bronson was also considered for the role . Friedkin almost settled for Rod Taylor ( who had actively pursued the role , according to Hackman ) , another choice the studio approved , before he went with Hackman . The casting of Fernando Rey as the main French heroin smuggler , Alain Charnier ( irreverently referred to throughout the film as `` Frog One '' ) , resulted from mistaken identity . Friedkin had seen Luis Buñuel 's 1967 French film Belle de Jour and had been impressed by the performance of Francisco Rabal , who had a small role in the film . However , Friedkin did not know his name , and remembered only that he was a Spanish actor . He asked his casting director to find the actor , and the casting director instead contacted Rey , a Spanish actor who had appeared in several other films directed by Buñuel . After Rabal was finally reached , they discovered he spoke neither French nor English , and Rey was kept in the film . Ironically , after screening the film 's final cut , Rey 's French was deemed unacceptable by the filmmakers . They decided to dub his French while preserving his English dialogue . Comparison to actual people ( edit ) The plot centers on drug smuggling in the 1960s and early ' 70s , when most of the heroin illegally imported into the East Coast came to the United States through France ( see French Connection ) . In addition to the two main protagonists , several of the fictional characters depicted in the film also have real - life counterparts . The Alain Charnier character is based upon Jean Jehan who was arrested later in Paris for drug trafficking , though he was not extradited since France does not extradite its citizens . Sal Boca is based on Pasquale `` Patsy '' Fuca , and his brother Anthony . Angie Boca is based on Patsy 's wife Barbara , who later wrote a book with Robin Moore detailing her life with Patsy . The Fucas and their uncle were part of a heroin dealing crew that worked with some of the New York City crime families . Henri Devereaux , who takes the fall for importing the Lincoln to New York City , is based on Jacques Angelvin , a television actor arrested and sentenced to three to six years in a federal penitentiary for his role , serving about four before returning to France and turning to real estate . The Joel Weinstock character is , according to the director 's commentary , a composite of several similar drug dealers . Car chase ( edit ) The film is often cited as containing one of the greatest car chase sequences in movie history . The chase involves Popeye commandeering a civilian 's car ( a 1971 Pontiac LeMans ) and then frantically chasing an elevated train , on which a hitman is trying to escape . The scene was filmed in Bensonhurst , Brooklyn roughly running under the BMT West End Line ( currently the D train , then the B train ) which runs on an elevated track above Stillwell Avenue , 86th Street and New Utrecht Avenue in Brooklyn , with the chase ending just north of the 62nd Street station . At that point , the train hits a train stop , but is going too fast to stop in time and collides with the train ahead of it , which has just left the station . The most famous shot of the chase is made from a front bumper mount and shows a low - angle point of view shot of the streets racing by . Director of photography Owen Roizman , wrote in American Cinematographer magazine in 1972 that the camera was undercranked to 18 frames per second to enhance the sense of speed . Roizman 's contention is borne out when you see a car at a red light whose muffler is pumping smoke at an accelerated rate . Other shots involved stunt drivers who were supposed to barely miss hitting the speeding car , but due to errors in timing , accidental collisions occurred and were left in the final film . Friedkin said that he used Santana 's cover of Fleetwood Mac 's song `` Black Magic Woman '' during editing to help shape the chase sequence ; though the song does not appear in the film , `` it ( the chase scene ) did have a sort of pre-ordained rhythm to it that came from the music . '' The scene concludes with Doyle confronting Nicoli the hitman at the stairs leading to the subway and shooting him as he tries to run back up them . Many of the police officers acting as advisers for the film objected to the scene on the grounds that shooting a suspect in the back was simply murder , not self - defense , but director Friedkin stood by it , stating that he was `` secure in my conviction that that 's exactly what Eddie Egan ( the model for Doyle ) would have done and Eddie was on the set while all of this was being shot . '' Filming Locations ( edit ) The French Connection was filmed in the following locations : 50th Street and First Avenue , New York City ( where Doyle waits outside the restaurant ) 82nd Street and Fifth Avenue ( near the Metropolitan Museum of Art ) , New York City , ( Weinstock 's apartment ) 86th Street , Brooklyn , New York City ( the chase scene ) 91 Wyckoff Avenue , Bushwick , Brooklyn ( Sal and Angie 's Cafe ) 940 2nd Avenue , New York City ( where Charnier and Nicoli buy fruit and Popeye is watching ) 177 Mulberry Street near Broome street , Little Italy , New York City ( where Sal makes a drop ) Avenue De L'Amiral Ganteaume , Cassis , Bouches - du - Rhône , France ( Charnier 's house ) Château d'If , Marseille , Bouches - du - Rhône , France ( where Charnier and Nicoli meet Devereaux ) Chez Fon Fon , Rue Du Vallon Des Auffes , Marseille , Bouches - du - Rhône , France ( where Charnier dines ) Columbia Heights , Brooklyn , New York City , New York , USA ( where Sal parks the Lincoln ) Le Copain , 891 First Ave , New York City , New York , USA ( where Charnier dines ) Doral Park Avenue Hotel ( now 70 Park Avenue Hotel ) , 38th Street and Park Avenue , New York City , New York , USA ( Devereaux 's hotel ) Dover street near by the Brooklyn Bridge , New York City , New York , USA ( where Sal leaves the Lincoln ) Forest Avenue , Ridgewood , Queens , New York City , New York , USA Grand Central Station Shuttle , Manhattan , New York City , New York , USA Henry Hudson Parkway Route 9A at Junction 24 ( car accident ) Marlboro Housing Project , Avenues V , W , and X off Stillwell Avenue , Brooklyn , New York , USA ( where Popeye lives ) Marseille , Bouches - du - Rhône , France Montee Des Accoules , Marseille , Bouches - du - Rhône , France Onderdonk Avenue , Ridgewood , Queens , New York City Plage du bestouan , Cassis , Bouches - du - Rhône , France Putnam Avenue , Ridgewood , Queens , New York City Randalls Island , East River , New York City Ratner 's Restaurant , 138 Delancey Street , New York City ( where Sal and Angie emerge ) Remsen Street , Brooklyn , New York City ( where Charnier and Nicoli watch the car being unloaded ) Rio Piedras ( now demolished ) , 912 Broadway , Brooklyn , New York City ( where the Santa Claus chase starts ) Rapid Park Garage , East 38th Street near Park Avenue , New York City ( where Cloudy follows Sal ) Ronaldo Maia Flowers , 27 East 67th Street at Madison , New York City ( where Charnier gives Popeye the slip ) The Roosevelt Hotel , 45th Street and Madison Avenue , Manhattan , New York City Rue des Moulins off Rue Du Panier , Old Town of Marseille , Bouches - du - Rhône , France ( where the French policeman with the bread walks ) La Samaritaine at 2 Quai Du Port , Marseille , Bouches - du - Rhône , France South Street at Market Street at the foot of Manhattan Bridge , New York City ( where Doyle emerges from a bar ) Triborough Bridge to Randall 's Island toll bridge at the east end of 125th Street , New York City Wards Island , New York City ( the final shootout ) Washington , D.C. , USA ( where Charnier and Sal meet ) Westbury Hotel , 15 East 69th Street , Manhattan , New York City , New York , USA ( Charnier 's hotel ) Reception ( edit ) According to Roger Greenspun , `` the ads say that the time is just right for an out - and - out thriller like this , and I guess that you are supposed to think that a good old kind of movie has none too soon come around again . But The French Connection ... is in fact a very good new kind of movie , and that in spite of its being composed of such ancient material as cops and crooks , with thrills and chases , and lots of shoot - ' em - up . '' In 2014 , Time Out polled several film critics , directors , actors and stunt actors to list their top action films . The French Connection was listed at 40th place on this list . Awards and nominations ( edit ) Award Nominee Result Academy Awards , 1972 Best Picture Phillip D'Antoni Won Best Director William Friedkin Won Best Actor Gene Hackman Won Best Adapted Screenplay Ernest Tidyman Won Best Film Editing Gerald B. Greenberg Won Best Supporting Actor Roy Scheider Nominated Best Cinematography Owen Roizman Nominated Best Sound Theodore Soderberg and Christopher Newman Nominated American Cinema Editors , 1972 Best Edited Feature Film Gerald B. Greenberg Nominated BAFTA , 1973 Best Actor Gene Hackman Won Best Film Editing Gerald B. Greenberg Won Best Direction William Friedkin Nominated Best Film Philip D'Antoni Nominated Best Sound Track Christopher Newman Theodore Soderberg Nominated David di Donatello Award , 1972 Best Foreign Film Philip D'Antoni Won Directors Guild of America , 1972 Outstanding Directorial Achievement William Friedkin Won Edgar Allan Poe Awards , 1972 Best Motion Picture Ernest Tidyman Won Golden Globe Awards , 1972 Best Motion Picture Phillip D'Antoni Won Best Director William Friedkin Won Best Actor Gene Hackman Won Best Screenplay Ernest Tidyman Nominated Kansas City Film Critics Circle , 1972 Best Actor Gene Hackman Won Best Film Ernest Tidyman Won National Society of Film Critics , 1972 Best Actor Gene Hackman Nominated New York Film Critics Circle , 1971 Best Actor Gene Hackman Won Best Film Ernest Tidyman Nominated Writers Guild of America , 1972 Best Drama Adaptation Ernest Tidyman Won The American Film Institute recognizes The French Connection on several of its lists : AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies - # 70 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies ( 10th Anniversary Edition ) - # 93 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills - # 8 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes and Villains : Jimmy `` Popeye '' Doyle - # 44 Hero In 2012 , the Motion Picture Editors Guild listed the film as the tenth best - edited film of all time based on a survey of its membership . Home video ( edit ) The film has been issued in a number of home video formats . For a 2009 reissue on Blu - ray Disc , William Friedkin controversially altered the film 's color timing to give it a `` colder '' look . Cinematographer Owen Roizman , who was not consulted about the changes , dismissed the new transfer as `` atrocious '' . On March 18 , 2012 a new Blu - ray transfer of the movie was released . This time the color - timing was supervised by both Friedkin and Roizman , and the desaturated and sometimes over-grainy look of the 2009 edition have been corrected . Sequels and adaptations ( edit ) While not a sequel , The Seven - Ups ( 1973 ) is closely related as it stars Roy Scheider and Tony Lo Bianco , was directed by producer Philip D'Antoni , with a story by Sonny Grosso , and features another famous car chase choreographed by Bill Hickman . The score for this film was also by Don Ellis . French Connection II ( 1975 ) is a fictional sequel . NBC - TV aired a made - for - TV movie , Popeye Doyle ( 1986 ) , starring Ed O'Neill in the title role . See also ( edit ) List of American films of 1971 References ( edit ) Notes Jump up ^ Midnight Cowboy won Best Picture Oscar with an X rating . ^ Jump up to : Friedkin recounts his casting opinions in Making the Connection : The Untold Stories ( 2001 ) . Extra feature on 2001 Five Star Collection edition of DVD release . Jump up ^ R42 cars 4572 and 4573 were chosen for the film and had no B subway rollsigns because they were normally assigned to the N subway train . Consequently , they operated during the movie with an N displayed . As of July 2009 , these cars were withdrawn from service , but are preserved as part of the Transit Museum fleet . Citations Jump up ^ `` The French Connection , Box Office Information '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved January 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Solomon , Aubrey ( 1989 ) . Twentieth Century Fox : A Corporate and Financial History . Lanham , Maryland : Scarecrow Press , p. 167 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8108 - 4244 - 1 . Jump up ^ McCarthy , Todd . Howard Hawks : The Grey Fox of Hollywood Pg. 625 . Grove Press , 2000 ISBN 0 - 8021 - 3740 - 7 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8021 - 3740 - 1 Jump up ^ `` Turner Classic Movies spotlight '' . TCM . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ Moore , Robin ( 1969 ) . The French Connection : A True Account of Cops , Narcotics , and International Conspiracy . ISBN 1592280447 . Jump up ^ Bauer , Alain ; Soullez , Christophe ( 2012 ) . La criminologie pour les nuls ( Générales First ed . ) . ISBN 2754031626 . Jump up ^ Film commentary Jump up ^ `` Top 10 car chase movies - MOVIES - '' . MSNBC . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ This account of the shooting is described in Making the Connection , supra . Jump up ^ `` '' From ' Popeye ' Doyle to Puccini : William Friedkin '' with Robert Siegel ( interview ) , NPR , 14 Sep 2006 `` . . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ Director 's commentary on DVD Jump up ^ `` Making the Connection '' and `` The Poughkeepsie Shuffle '' , documentaries on The French Connection available on the deluxe DVD . Jump up ^ `` The French Connection film locations '' . The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations . Retrieved May 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The French Connection '' . Reel Streets . Retrieved May 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Locations for The French Connection '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved May 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The Filming Locations of The French Connection , Then and Now '' . Scouting NY . 2014 - 05 - 21 . Retrieved 2016 - 06 - 15 . Jump up ^ Greenspun , Roger ( October 8 , 1971 ) . `` The French Connection ( 1971 ) '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` The 100 best action movies '' . Time Out . Retrieved November 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ ) Jump up ^ `` The 44th Academy Awards ( 1972 ) Nominees and Winners '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 27 . ^ Jump up to : Awards for The French Connection on IMDb Jump up ^ `` The 20th Annual Golden Globe Awards ( 1972 ) Nominees and Winners '' . . Archived from the original on 2010 - 11 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` The 75 Best Edited Films '' . Editors Guild Magazine . 1 ( 3 ) . May 2012 . Jump up ^ Kehr , Dave ( February 20 , 2009 ) . `` Filmmaking at 90 Miles Per Hour '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 08 . Jump up ^ Jeffrey Wells ( February 25 , 2009 ) . `` Atrocious ... Horrifying '' . Hollywood Elsewhere . Archived from the original on June 2 , 2009 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 08 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Further reading ( edit ) Collins , Dave ( November 29 , 2014 ) . `` Man linked to heroin ring in ' 71 film nabbed again '' . Associated Press . Friedkin , William ( April 15 , 2003 ) . `` Under the Influence : The French Connection '' . DGA Magazine . Friedkin , William ( Fall 2006 ) . `` Anatomy of a Chase : The French Connection '' . DGA Magazine . Kehr , Dave ( February 20 , 2009 ) . `` Filmmaking at 90 Miles Per Hour : A 2009 retrospective '' . The New York Times . ( subscription required ) External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : The French Connection ( film ) The French Connection at AllMovie The French Connection on IMDb The French Connection at Metacritic The French Connection at Rotten Tomatoes The French Connection at the TCM Movie Database Films directed by William Friedkin Feature Films Good Times ( 1967 ) The Birthday Party ( 1968 ) The Night They Raided Minsky 's ( 1968 ) The Boys in the Band ( 1970 ) The French Connection ( 1971 ) The Exorcist ( 1973 ) Sorcerer ( 1977 ) The Brink 's Job ( 1978 ) Cruising ( 1980 ) Deal of the Century ( 1983 ) To Live and Die in L.A. ( 1985 ) Rampage ( 1987 ) The Guardian ( 1990 ) Blue Chips ( 1994 ) Jade ( 1995 ) Rules of Engagement ( 2000 ) The Hunted ( 2003 ) Bug ( 2006 ) Killer Joe ( 2011 ) Television C.A.T. Squad ( 1986 ) C.A.T. Squad : Python Wolf ( 1988 ) Jailbreakers ( 1994 ) 12 Angry Men ( 1997 ) Documentaries The People vs. Paul Crump ( 1962 ) The Bold Men ( 1965 ) Mayhem on a Sunday Afternoon ( 1965 ) The Thin Blue Line ( 1966 ) The Devil and Father Amorth ( 2017 ) Awards for The French Connection Academy Award for Best Picture 1927 / 28 -- 1950 Wings ( 1927 / 28 ) The Broadway Melody ( 1928 / 29 ) All Quiet on the Western Front ( 1929 / 30 ) Cimarron ( 1930 / 31 ) Grand Hotel ( 1931 / 32 ) Cavalcade ( 1932 / 33 ) It Happened One Night ( 1934 ) Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) The Great Ziegfeld ( 1936 ) The Life of Emile Zola ( 1937 ) You Ca n't Take It with You ( 1938 ) Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) Rebecca ( 1940 ) How Green Was My Valley ( 1941 ) Mrs. Miniver ( 1942 ) Casablanca ( 1943 ) Going My Way ( 1944 ) The Lost Weekend ( 1945 ) The Best Years of Our Lives ( 1946 ) Gentleman 's Agreement ( 1947 ) Hamlet ( 1948 ) All the King 's Men ( 1949 ) All About Eve ( 1950 ) 1951 -- 1975 An American in Paris ( 1951 ) The Greatest Show on Earth ( 1952 ) From Here to Eternity ( 1953 ) On the Waterfront ( 1954 ) Marty ( 1955 ) Around the World in 80 Days ( 1956 ) The Bridge on the River Kwai ( 1957 ) Gigi ( 1958 ) Ben - Hur ( 1959 ) The Apartment ( 1960 ) West Side Story ( 1961 ) Lawrence of Arabia ( 1962 ) Tom Jones ( 1963 ) My Fair Lady ( 1964 ) The Sound of Music ( 1965 ) A Man for All Seasons ( 1966 ) In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 ) Oliver ! ( 1968 ) Midnight Cowboy ( 1969 ) Patton ( 1970 ) The French Connection ( 1971 ) The Godfather ( 1972 ) The Sting ( 1973 ) The Godfather Part II ( 1974 ) One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Rocky ( 1976 ) Annie Hall ( 1977 ) The Deer Hunter ( 1978 ) Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) Ordinary People ( 1980 ) Chariots of Fire ( 1981 ) Gandhi ( 1982 ) Terms of Endearment ( 1983 ) Amadeus ( 1984 ) Out of Africa ( 1985 ) Platoon ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor ( 1987 ) Rain Man ( 1988 ) Driving Miss Daisy ( 1989 ) Dances with Wolves ( 1990 ) The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991 ) Unforgiven ( 1992 ) Schindler 's List ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Braveheart ( 1995 ) The English Patient ( 1996 ) Titanic ( 1997 ) Shakespeare in Love ( 1998 ) American Beauty ( 1999 ) Gladiator ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present A Beautiful Mind ( 2001 ) Chicago ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 ) Crash ( 2005 ) The Departed ( 2006 ) No Country for Old Men ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire ( 2008 ) The Hurt Locker ( 2009 ) The King 's Speech ( 2010 ) The Artist ( 2011 ) Argo ( 2012 ) 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 ) Birdman or : ( The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance ) ( 2014 ) Spotlight ( 2015 ) Moonlight ( 2016 ) The Shape of Water ( 2017 ) Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture -- Drama The Song of Bernadette ( 1943 ) Going My Way ( 1944 ) The Lost Weekend ( 1945 ) The Best Years of Our Lives ( 1946 ) Gentleman 's Agreement ( 1947 ) Johnny Belinda / The Treasure of the Sierra Madre ( 1948 ) All the King 's Men ( 1949 ) Sunset Boulevard ( 1950 ) A Place in the Sun ( 1951 ) The Greatest Show on Earth ( 1952 ) On the Waterfront ( 1954 ) East of Eden ( 1955 ) Around the World in 80 Days ( 1956 ) The Bridge on the River Kwai ( 1957 ) The Defiant Ones ( 1958 ) Ben - Hur ( 1959 ) Spartacus ( 1960 ) The Guns of Navarone ( 1961 ) Lawrence of Arabia ( 1962 ) The Cardinal ( 1963 ) Becket ( 1964 ) Doctor Zhivago ( 1965 ) A Man for All Seasons ( 1966 ) In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 ) The Lion in Winter ( 1968 ) Anne of the Thousand Days ( 1969 ) Love Story ( 1970 ) The French Connection ( 1971 ) The Godfather ( 1972 ) The Exorcist ( 1973 ) Chinatown ( 1974 ) One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest ( 1975 ) Rocky ( 1976 ) The Turning Point ( 1977 ) Midnight Express ( 1978 ) Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) Ordinary People ( 1980 ) On Golden Pond ( 1981 ) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ( 1982 ) Terms of Endearment ( 1983 ) Amadeus ( 1984 ) Out of Africa ( 1985 ) Platoon ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor ( 1987 ) Rain Man ( 1988 ) Born on the Fourth of July ( 1989 ) Dances with Wolves ( 1990 ) Bugsy ( 1991 ) Scent of a Woman ( 1992 ) Schindler 's List ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Sense and Sensibility ( 1995 ) The English Patient ( 1996 ) Titanic ( 1997 ) Saving Private Ryan ( 1998 ) American Beauty ( 1999 ) Gladiator ( 2000 ) A Beautiful Mind ( 2001 ) The Hours ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) The Aviator ( 2004 ) Brokeback Mountain ( 2005 ) Babel ( 2006 ) Atonement ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire ( 2008 ) Avatar ( 2009 ) The Social Network ( 2010 ) The Descendants ( 2011 ) Argo ( 2012 ) 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 ) Boyhood ( 2014 ) The Revenant ( 2015 ) Moonlight ( 2016 ) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing , Missouri ( 2017 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1971 films 1970s action thriller films 1970s chase films 1970s crime thriller films 20th Century Fox films American action thriller films American chase films American crime thriller films American films Best Drama Picture Golden Globe winners Best Picture Academy Award winners Edgar Award - 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where was the french connection car chase filmed
The film is often cited as containing one of the greatest car chase sequences in movie history . The chase involves Popeye commandeering a civilian 's car ( a 1971 Pontiac LeMans ) and then frantically chasing an elevated train , on which a hitman is trying to escape . The scene was filmed in Bensonhurst , Brooklyn roughly running under the BMT West End Line ( currently the D train , then the B train ) which runs on an elevated track above Stillwell Avenue , 86th Street and New Utrecht Avenue in Brooklyn , with the chase ending just north of the 62nd Street station . At that point , the train hits a train stop , but is going too fast to stop in time and collides with the train ahead of it , which has just left the station .
Flight ( Grey 's Anatomy ) - wikipedia Flight ( Grey 's Anatomy ) `` Flight '' Grey 's Anatomy episode Shepherd 's mangled hand , following an aviation accident . Episode no . Season 8 Episode 24 Directed by Rob Corn Written by Shonda Rhimes Featured music `` Featherstone '' `` Graveyard '' Original air date May 17 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 17 ) Running time 43 minutes Guest appearance ( s ) Jason George as Dr. Ben Warren James LeGros as Jerry Episode chronology ← Previous `` Migration '' Next → `` Going , Going , Gone '' Grey 's Anatomy ( season 8 ) List of Grey 's Anatomy episodes `` Flight '' is the twenty - fourth and final episode of the eighth season of the American television medical drama Grey 's Anatomy , and the show 's 172nd episode overall . It was written by series creator Shonda Rhimes , and directed by Rob Corn . The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company ( ABC ) in the United States on May 17 , 2012 . In the episode , six doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive , but Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh ) ultimately dies . Other storylines occur in Seattle where Dr. Richard Webber ( James Pickens , Jr . ) plans his annual dinner for the departing residents , Dr. Owen Hunt ( Kevin McKidd ) fires Dr. Teddy Altman ( Kim Raver ) , and Dr. Miranda Bailey ( Chandra Wilson ) gets engaged . The episode marked Leigh 's final appearance in the series and Raver 's last until late in the fourteenth season . Exterior filming of the accident took place at Big Bear Lake , California . Jason George reprised his role as a guest star , whereas James LeGros made his first appearance . The episode opened to mixed reviews from television critics , with some criticizing the death of Lexie , but praising Leigh 's performance , in addition to Ellen Pompeo ( Dr. Meredith Grey ) 's and Eric Dane ( Dr. Mark Sloan ) 's . `` Flight '' earned Rhimes an NAACP Image Award nomination and it was also nominated under several categories of Entertainment Weekly 's finale awards . Upon its initial airing , the episode was viewed in the United States by 11.44 million people , garnered a 4.1 / 11 Nielsen rating / share in the 18 -- 49 demographic , ranking fourth for the night in terms of viewership , and registering as Thursday 's highest - rated drama . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Production 3 Reception 4 References 5 External links Plot ( edit ) After their plane crashes in the woods , Dr. Meredith Grey ( Ellen Pompeo ) , Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh ) , Dr. Cristina Yang ( Sandra Oh ) , Dr. Arizona Robbins ( Jessica Capshaw ) , Dr. Derek Shepherd ( Patrick Dempsey ) , and Dr. Mark Sloan ( Eric Dane ) desperately fight to stay alive . Meredith is relatively unscathed , while the rest have serious injuries : the pilot , Jerry ( James LeGros ) , has a major spine injury , and Yang dislocates her arm . Robbins ' femur is broken and sticking through the skin , Sloan has serious internal injuries ; though initially adrenaline keeps him on his feet . Shepherd is sucked out the side of the plane and awakens alone in the wood ; his mangled hand having been pushed through the door of the plane . However , none are in as bad shape as Lexie , who is crushed under a piece of the plane . While Meredith searches for Shepherd , Yang and Sloan try to move the debris off Lexie . Eventually , the two realize that they can not save her , so Sloan holds her hand while she dies , telling her that he loves her . As Sloan tells her of the life the two were meant to have together , Lexie dies with a smile on her face just as Meredith and Yang are approaching . Lexie 's death devastates Meredith , who is still desperately trying to find her husband . Eventually , she and Shepherd reunite and they fix his hand as best as they can . Meanwhile , back at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital , no one is aware of what has happened to the other doctors . Dr. Richard Webber ( James Pickens , Jr . ) prepares the annual dinner for the departing residents , which Dr. Alex Karev ( Justin Chambers ) , Dr. Jackson Avery ( Jesse Williams ) , and Dr. April Kepner ( Sarah Drew ) are dreading . Avery makes the choice to take a job offer at Tulane Medical Center , and he and Kepner share a moment . Dr. Ben Warren ( Jason George ) and Dr. Miranda Bailey ( Chandra Wilson ) decide to get married , even though Warren is going to start his surgical internship in Los Angeles . After realizing Dr. Teddy Altman ( Kim Raver ) was offered a chief position at United States Army Medical Command ( MEDCOM ) and is refusing to leave Seattle out of loyalty , Dr. Owen Hunt ( Kevin McKidd ) , the chief of surgery , fires her to free her from the hospital where her husband died . As the episode ends , Hunt picks up his messages to discover the surgical team never made it to Boise . The residents , finally excited to celebrate at Webber 's dinner , are left waiting for their stranded friends . The remaining crash survivors are left struggling to stay awake as their last match goes out . In the closing monologue , Meredith repeats the opening to the speech that Webber gave in the pilot episode of the series . Production ( edit ) `` It was so hard . It was physically and emotionally challenging because you 're constantly at extremely high stakes . The physicality for Cristina , she had to do a lot of things with one arm , and I had to do a lot of things with one shoe . You 're running around the mountain with one shoe and one arm basically and doing things that way . And it 's like we 've had this cushy time on stages and in the hospital . But being out in the open on the side of a mountain was exhilarating ; you can not beat location work . I 've done very little greenscreen work , but it 's just a pooper . I do n't care how much you blow that fan on my face , there 's not a helicopter coming at me . It 's really hard to manufacture the clear reality of what that is , but when you are on a mountain and you are freezing , you 're freezing . '' -- Oh 's impressions on shooting in the mountains The episode was written by Shonda Rhimes , and directed by Rob Corn . Featured music included The Paper Kites ' `` Featherstone '' and Feist 's ' Graveyard `` . Filming took place in Big Bear Lake , California , a location previously used in the seventh season for Yang and Shepherd 's fishing trip . Commenting on the filming conditions , Leigh said : `` It would rain and be sunny and hot . I never died before ( on camera ) . That sounds funny saying that . I think everyone has an emotional wellspring and that happened to be a moment where I was sprung . Everybody was very accommodating -- the crew , cast . And I opted to stay underneath ( the wreckage ) for the most part over two days rather than trying to get in and out . '' In regard to the episode , Rhimes commented before it originally aired that it was difficult to write , largely because of the death of a main character . She compared it to writing the season six finale , by explaining that the former was `` more painful '' to write . After the episode aired , Rhimes repeated in a tweet that it was hard for her to write the finale , adding : `` I did not enjoy it . It made me sick and it made me sad . '' Rhimes also explained the departure of Leigh , whose character died after the plane crash , by saying that the two came to an agreement on the decision to kill Lexie , after extensive discussion . Speaking of Raver 's departure whose character left Seattle Grace for MEDCOM , Rhimes elaborated that Raver was offered a contract renewal , but declined . Reception ( edit ) Chyler Leigh 's performance was deemed `` phenomenal '' . The episode received mixed reviews among television critics , and it outperformed the previous episode in terms of both viewership and ratings . `` Flight '' was originally broadcast on May 17 , 2012 in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company ( ABC ) . The episode was watched in the United States by a total of 11.44 million people , a 16.5 % ( 1.62 million ) increase from the previous episode `` Migration '' , which garnered 9.82 million viewers . In terms of viewership , `` Flight '' ranked fourth for the night , behind the season finales of Fox 's American Idol , and CBS 's Person of Interest and The Mentalist . In terms of Grey 's Anatomy 's other season finales , the episode was the show 's second least - viewed finale , just behind the seventh season 's , which garnered 9.89 million viewers . The episode did not rank in the top three for viewership , but its 4.1 / 11 Nielsen rating ranked first in its 9 : 00 Eastern time - slot and second for the night , registering the show as Thursday 's No. 1 drama , for both the rating and share percentages of the key 18 -- 49 demographic . Its rating lost to American Idol , but beat out CBS 's The Big Bang Theory , Person of Interest , and The Mentalist . In addition to its rating being in the top rankings for the night , it was an increase from the previous episode , which netted a 3.5 / 10 rating / share in the 18 -- 49 demographic . The episode also showed an increase in ratings in comparison to the previous year 's finale , which attained a 3.6 / 9 rating / share in the 18 -- 49 demographic . Poptimal 's Tanya Lane wrote , `` Wow ... just wow . Grey 's Anatomy has once again managed to shock with its season finale . '' While she appreciated the `` realism and authenticity that Grey 's is known for '' , she found the episode was `` almost too much '' as it was `` extremely gory and difficult to watch , initially because of the grisly wounds '' but later because of the `` heavy and emotional things that transpired '' . She thought Pompeo gave one of her best performances when her character learned that her sister was dead . Digital Spy 's Ben Lee found Leigh 's and Dane 's performances `` phenomenal '' and added that he had probably never seen a better performance from Dane . He described the moment the two actors shared as `` truly poignant '' . To him , Lexie 's death felt like a finale , which was thus too early . As for what was happening in Seattle Grace , he thought it was `` a bit pointless '' and `` uninteresting '' except Altman 's departure , which he deemed `` the most significant moment at the hospital '' . Entertainment Weekly 's Tanner Stransky commented of Lexie 's death : `` It was an intense death . I mean , how awful was it to watch one of Grey 's longest - running characters pass away so quickly -- and rather unceremoniously ? I get that Ms. Rhimes had to do what she had to do -- and every show needs to be shaken up once in a while -- but I do n't love that Lexie was the one to die . Could it have been someone less important somehow ? I guess it would have been too obvious to do Kepner . And you probably just do n't kill off a hottie like Mark Sloan , right ? '' Stransky also complained about Robbins ' screams at the beginning of the episode , but enjoyed Bailey 's story . In an Entertainment Weekly poll that judged all the television season finales of the year , Lexie 's death was voted the `` Top Tissue Moment '' , while Robbins ' injured leg and Shepherd 's mangled hand were voted the `` Most Disturbing Image '' . The ending of the episode was also considered as the `` Best Ending to an Otherwise So - So Season '' . Lexie 's death was also nominated under the `` Best ( Presumed ) Death '' category , while the plane crash 's aftermath was nominated as the `` Best Non-romantic Cliffhanger '' , and the episode in entirety was nominated for the special award for `` Biggest Regret That I Did n't See It , I Just Heard or Read About It '' . Entertainment Weekly later named the scene where Meredith is crying one of the best crying scenes of 2012 . In TVLine 's review of 2012 , Lexie 's death was runner - up for `` Biggest Tearjerker '' . The episode is nominated at the NAACP Image Awards under the Outstanding Writing in a Dramatic Series category for Rhimes . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Goldberg , Lesley ( June 25 , 2012 ) . `` Emmys 2012 : ' Grey 's Anatomy 's ' Sandra Oh on Cristina 's Emotional Season '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Prometheus Global Media . Retrieved July 21 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Writer : Rhimes , Shonda . Director : Corn , Rob ( May 17 , 2012 ) . `` Flight '' . Grey 's Anatomy . Season 8 . American Broadcasting Company . Jump up ^ `` Season 8 , Episode : 24 `` Flight '' Music `` . TV Fanatic . SheKnows Entertainment . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Dos Santos , Kristin ( May 1 , 2012 ) . `` Spoiler Chat Daily : American Horror Story Season Two Scoop ! Plus , Grey 's , True Blood and More ! '' . E ! Online . NBCUniversal . Retrieved July 21 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Hilton , Perez ( June 24 , 2010 ) . `` Chyler Leigh Describes Filming Deets Behind Grey 's Anatomy Death ! '' . . Retrieved July 21 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Goldberg , Lesley ( April 26 , 2012 ) . `` ' Grey 's Anatomy 's ' Shonda Rhimes on the Deadly Finale : ' We 're Literally Saying Goodbye to People ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Prometheus Global Media . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Lee , Ben ( May 18 , 2012 ) . `` ' Grey 's Anatomy ' creator Shonda Rhimes : ' Finale made me sick and sad ' '' . Digital Spy . Nat Mags . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( May 18 , 2012 ) . `` Thursday Final Ratings : ' American Idol ' , ' Grey 's Anatomy ' , ' 30 Rock ' Adjusted Up ; ' Touch ' , ' Scandal ' Adjusted Dow '' . TV by the Numbers . Zap2it . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( May 11 , 2012 ) . `` Thursday Final Ratings : ' Big Bang Theory ' , ' Idol ' , ' Vampire Diaries ' , ' Office ' , ' Secret Circle ' , ' Grey 's ' Adjusted Up ; ' Touch ' , ' Scandal ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Zap2it . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Seidman , Robert ( May 20 , 2011 ) . `` Thursday Final Ratings : ' American Idol , ' ' Big Bang , ' ' The Office , ' ' Grey 's , ' ' Mentalist ' Adjusted Up '' . TV by the Numbers . Zap2it . Retrieved May 21 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Lane , Tanya ( May 21 , 2012 ) . `` Grey 's Anatomy Season Finale Review : Tears and Gore Galore '' . Poptimal . Retrieved May 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Lee , Ben ( May 18 , 2012 ) . `` ' Grey 's Anatomy ' recap : Major death in season finale ' Flight ' '' . Digital Spy . Nat Mags . Retrieved May 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Stransky , Tanner ( May 18 , 2012 ) . `` ' Grey 's Anatomy ' season finale recap : A Grey Goes Down '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved May 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bierly , Mandi ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Grey 's Anatomy , Chyler Leigh , ... TV Season Finale Awards : YOUR 2012 Winners ! Photo 9 of 20 '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved June 17 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bierly , Mandi ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Grey 's Anatomy , Ellen Pompeo TV Season Finales TV Season Finale Awards : YOUR 2012 Winners ! Photo 12 of 20 '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved June 18 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bierley , Mandi ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Grey 's Anatomy , Ellen Pompeo , ... TV Season Finale Awards : YOUR 2012 Winners ! Photo 16 of 20 '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved June 18 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bierley , Mandi ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Best ( Presumed ) Death '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bierley , Mandi ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Best Non-romantic Cliffhanger '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bierley , Mandi ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Biggest Regret That I Did n't See It , I Just Heard or Read About It '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . Retrieved July 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Best of 2012 : The crying game '' . Entertainment Weekly . Time Inc . December 5 , 2012 . Retrieved December 7 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` TVLine 's 2012 in Review , Part 2 : Best Cliffhanger , Worst New Character and 38 More Categories '' . TVLine . PMC . December 27 , 2012 . Retrieved January 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 44th NAACP Image Awards - Nominations '' ( PDF ) . . December 11 , 2012 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on March 19 , 2013 . Retrieved December 16 , 2012 . External links ( edit ) `` Flight '' at `` Flight '' on IMDb `` Flight '' at hide Grey 's Anatomy episodes Season 1 `` A Hard Day 's Night '' `` If Tomorrow Never Comes '' Season 2 `` Into You Like a Train '' `` It 's the End of the World '' `` As We Know It '' `` Losing My Religion '' Season 3 `` Time Has Come Today '' `` I Am a Tree '' `` Great Expectations '' `` Wishin ' and Hopin ' '' `` Did n't We Almost Have It All ? '' Season 4 `` A Change Is Gonna Come '' Season 5 `` What a Difference a Day Makes '' `` Stand By Me '' `` Elevator Love Letter '' `` Now or Never '' Season 6 `` Good Mourning '' `` Goodbye '' `` I Always Feel Like Somebody 's Watchin ' Me '' `` Tainted Obligation '' `` Invasion '' `` I Saw What I Saw '' `` Give Peace a Chance '' `` Invest in Love '' `` I Like You So Much Better When You 're Naked '' `` Death and All His Friends '' Season 7 `` Song Beneath the Song '' Season 8 `` Flight '' Season 9 `` Going , Going , Gone '' `` Beautiful Doom '' `` Perfect Storm '' Season 10 `` Fear ( of the Unknown ) '' Season 11 `` I Must Have Lost it on the Wind '' `` Puzzle With a Piece Missing '' `` Got to Be Real '' `` Only Mama Knows '' `` Bend & Break '' `` Do n't Let 's Start '' `` One Flight Down '' `` How to Save a Life '' `` She 's Leaving Home '' `` Time Stops '' `` You 're My Home '' Season 12 `` Sledgehammer '' `` Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner '' `` Something Against You '' `` Things We Lost in the Fire '' `` The Sound of Silence '' `` Family Affair '' Season 13 `` True Colors '' Season 14 `` Danger Zone '' `` Personal Jesus '' `` All of Me '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Grey 's Anatomy episodes 2012 American television episodes Hidden categories : Good articles Pages using deprecated image syntax Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português Edit links This page was last edited on 21 May 2018 , at 20 : 18 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what season does the airplane crash in grey's anatomy
After their plane crashes in the woods , Dr. Meredith Grey ( Ellen Pompeo ) , Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh ) , Dr. Cristina Yang ( Sandra Oh ) , Dr. Arizona Robbins ( Jessica Capshaw ) , Dr. Derek Shepherd ( Patrick Dempsey ) , and Dr. Mark Sloan ( Eric Dane ) desperately fight to stay alive . Meredith is relatively unscathed , while the rest have serious injuries : the pilot , Jerry ( James LeGros ) , has a major spine injury , and Yang dislocates her arm . Robbins ' femur is broken and sticking through the skin , Sloan has serious internal injuries ; though initially adrenaline keeps him on his feet . Shepherd is sucked out the side of the plane and awakens alone in the wood ; his mangled hand having been pushed through the door of the plane . However , none are in as bad shape as Lexie , who is crushed under a piece of the plane . While Meredith searches for Shepherd , Yang and Sloan try to move the debris off Lexie . Eventually , the two realize that they can not save her , so Sloan holds her hand while she dies , telling her that he loves her . As Sloan tells her of the life the two were meant to have together , Lexie dies with a smile on her face just as Meredith and Yang are approaching .
Álfheimr - wikipedia Álfheimr Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the place in Norse mythology . For the historical region , see Álfheimr ( region ) . For other uses , see Alfheim ( disambiguation ) . Meadow Elves , by Nils Blommér , 1850 Alfheim ( Old Norse : Álfheimr , `` Land Of The Elves '' or `` Elfland '' ) , also called Ljosalfheim ( Ljósálf ( a ) heimr , `` home of the light - elves '' ) , is one of the Nine Worlds and home of the Light Elves in Norse mythology . Contents ( hide ) 1 In Old Norse texts 2 Popular culture 3 See also 4 References 5 Sources In Old Norse texts ( edit ) See also : Svartálfaheimr Álfheim as an abode of the Elves is mentioned only twice in Old Norse texts . The eddic poem Grímnismál describes twelve divine dwellings beginning in stanza 5 with : Ýdalir call they the place where Ull A hall for himself hath set ; And Álfheim the gods to Frey once gave As a tooth - gift in ancient times . A tooth - gift was a gift given to an infant on the cutting of the first tooth . In the 12th century eddic prose Gylfaginning , Snorri Sturluson relates it as the first of a series of abodes in heaven : That which is called Álfheim is one , where dwell the peoples called ljósálfar ( Light Elves ) ; but the dökkálfar ( Dark Elves ) dwell down in the earth , and they are unlike in appearance , but by far more unlike in nature . The Light - elves are fairer to look upon than the sun , but the Dark - elves are blacker than pitch . The account later , in speaking of a hall in the Highest Heaven called Gimlé that shall survive when heaven and earth have died , explains : It is said that another heaven is to the southward and upward of this one , and it is called Andlang ( Andlangr ' Endlong ' ) but the third heaven is yet above that , and it is called Vídbláin ( Vídbláinn ' Wide - blue ' ) and in that heaven we think this abode is . But we believe that none but Light - Elves inhabit these mansions now . It is not indicated whether these heavens are identical to Álfheim or distinct . Some texts read Vindbláin ( Vindbláinn ' Wind - blue ' ) instead of Vídbláin . Modern commentators speculate ( or sometimes state as fact ) that Álfheim was one of the nine worlds ( heima ) mentioned in stanza 2 of the eddic poem Völuspá . Popular culture ( edit ) J.R.R. Tolkien anglicized Álfheim as Elvenhome , or Eldamar in the speech of the Elves . In his stories , Eldamar lies in a coastal region of the Undying Lands in the Uttermost West . The High King of the Elves in the West was Ingwë , an echo of the name Yngvi often found as a name for Frey , whose abode was in Álfheim according to the Grímnismál . In the Japanese light novel and anime series Sword Art Online , the setting for the second and fourth arc is based on Álfheimr . In the Japanese game Bayonetta , there are angelic portals called Alfheim where the player travels to do specific angel slaying for broken witch hearts or moon pearls to increase vitality or witch power . It does not involve elves , however . Only its name is based on Norse mythology . See also ( edit ) Fairyland References ( edit ) Wikisource : Prose Edda / Gylfaginning ( The Fooling Of Gylfe ) by Sturluson , Snorri , 13th century Edda , in English . Accessed Apr. 16 , 2007 Gylfaginning in Old Norse Robbins , Rossell Hope ( 1959 ) . The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology . New York : Crown Publishers , Inc . Bulfinch , Thomas ( 1834 ) . Bulfinch 's Mythology . New York : Harper & Row , 1970 , p. 348 . ISBN 0 - 690 - 57260 - 3 . Marshall Jones Company ( 1930 ) . The Mythology of All Races Series , Volume 2 Eddic , Great Britain : Marshall Jones Company , 1930 , pp. 220 -- 221 . Sources ( edit ) Jump up ^ Gylfaginning XI - XX Personifications and cosmology in Norse mythology Astronomical bodies Sun : Sól Árvakr and Alsviðr Moon : Máni Hjúki and Bil Earth : Jörð Fjörgyn and Fjörgynn Aurvandil Þjazi 's eyes Time Day : Dagr Skinfaxi Night : Nótt Hrímfaxi Seasons : Sumarr and Vetr Old age : Elli Worlds Nine Worlds : Álfheimr Asgard Hel Midgard Múspellsheimr Niðavellir / Svartálfaheimr Niflheim Jötunheimr Vanaheimr Connected by the tree Yggdrasil Cosmogenesis , cyclic time , and eschatology Ginnungagap Ymir Auðumbla Ragnarök Other Mundilfari Dellingr Hræsvelgr Norðri , Suðri , Austri and Vestri Viðfinnr Norse mythology Deities Heroes Figures Æsir Baldr Bragi Dellingr Forseti Heimdallr Hermóðr Höðr Hœnir Ítreksjóð Kvasir Lóðurr Loki Meili Móði and Magni Odin Óðr Thor Týr Ullr Váli Víðarr Vili and Vé Ásynjur Bil Eir Frigg Fulla Gerðr Gefjon Gná Hlín Ilmr Iðunn Jörð Lofn Nanna Njörun Rán Rindr Sága Sif Sigyn Sjöfn Skaði Snotra Sól Syn Þrúðr Vár Vör Vanir Freyja Freyr Njörðr Sister - wife of Njörðr Gullveig Others Ask and Embla Borr Búri Dís Dwarfs Einherjar Elves Dark elves ( Dökkálfar ) Light elves ( Ljósálfar ) Black elves ( Svartálfar ) Fenrir Hel Irpa Jörmungandr Jötunn Mímir Níðhöggr Norns Sigurd Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr Shieldmaiden Valkyrie Vættir Völundr Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi Locations Álfheimr Asgard Bifröst Fólkvangr Ginnungagap Hel ( location ) Jötunheimr Midgard Múspellsheimr Niðavellir Niflheim Valhalla Vanaheimr Vígríðr Wells Mímisbrunnr Hvergelmir Urðarbrunnr Yggdrasil Events Æsir -- Vanir War Fimbulvetr Ragnarök Sources Gesta Danorum Poetic Edda Prose Edda Runestones Sagas Tyrfing Cycle Völsung Cycle Old Norse language Orthography Later influence Society Blót Félag Germanic calendar Heiti Hörgr Kenning Mead hall Nīþ Norse pagan worship Numbers Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology Seiðr Skald Viking Age Völva See also Norse gods Mythological Norse people , items and places Germanic paganism Heathenry ( new religious movement ) Retrieved from `` Álfheimr&oldid = 782173829 '' Categories : Locations in Norse mythology Mythological places Saga locations Germanic mythology Hidden categories : Articles containing Old Norse - language text Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Română Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 May 2017 , at 10 : 03 . 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the translation of old norse alfheim in english
Alfheim ( Old Norse : Álfheimr , `` Land Of The Elves '' or `` Elfland '' ) , also called Ljosalfheim ( Ljósálf ( a ) heimr , `` home of the light - elves '' ) , is one of the Nine Worlds and home of the Light Elves in Norse mythology .
2018 FIFA World Cup qualification - wikipedia 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 8 November 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification Tournament details Dates 12 March 2015 -- 15 November 2017 Teams 210 ( from 6 confederations ) Tournament statistics Matches played 849 Goals scored 2,410 ( 2.84 per match ) Attendance 17,905,043 ( 21,090 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Robert Lewandowski Mohammad Al - Sahlawi Ahmed Khalil ( 16 goals each ) ← 2014 2022 → All statistics correct as of 10 October 2017 ( including any matches not played but awarded ) . The 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification process is a series of tournaments organised by the six FIFA confederations to decide 31 of the 32 teams which will play in the 2018 FIFA World Cup , with Russia qualifying automatically as hosts . All 210 remaining FIFA member associations were eligible to enter the qualifying process , and for the first time in World Cup history , all eligible national teams registered for the preliminary competition , but Zimbabwe and Indonesia were disqualified before playing their first matches . Bhutan , South Sudan , Gibraltar and Kosovo made their FIFA World Cup qualification debuts . Myanmar , having successfully appealed against a ban from the competition for crowd trouble during a 2014 World Cup qualifying tie against Oman , were obliged to play all their home matches outside the country . While the main qualifying draw took place at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna , Saint Petersburg , on 25 July 2015 , a number of qualification matches were played before that . The first began in Dili , Timor Leste , on 12 March 2015 as part of the AFC 's qualification , with East Timorese player Chiquito do Carmo scoring the first goal of qualification . Matches were also played in CONCACAF prior to the main draw . Contents ( hide ) 1 Qualified teams 2 Qualification process 2.1 Summary of qualification 3 Format 3.1 Tiebreakers 4 Confederation qualification 4.1 AFC 4.1. 1 Final positions ( third round ) 4.1. 2 Play - off for 5th place ( fourth round ) 4.2 CAF 4.2. 1 Current stage ( third round ) 4.3 CONCACAF 4.3. 1 Final positions ( fifth round ) 4.4 CONMEBOL 4.4. 1 Final positions 4.5 OFC 4.5. 1 Final positions ( third round ) 4.6 UEFA 4.6. 1 Final positions ( first round ) 4.6. 2 Next stage ( second round ) 5 Inter-confederation play - offs 5.1 CONCACAF v AFC 5.2 OFC v CONMEBOL 6 Top goalscorers 7 References 8 External links Qualified teams Team qualified for World Cup Team may qualify for World Cup Team failed to qualify for World Cup , but has matches left to play Team failed to qualify for World Cup , and all matches have been played Team expelled from the tournament by FIFA prior to playing a match Country not a FIFA member Team Method of qualification Date of qualification Finals appearance Last appearance Consecutive finals appearances Previous best performance Russia Host 01 2 December 2010 11th 2014 Fourth place ( 1966 ) Brazil CONMEBOL Round Robin winners 02 28 March 2017 21st 2014 21 Winners ( 1958 , 1962 , 1970 , 1994 , 2002 ) Iran AFC Third Round Group A winners 03 12 June 2017 5th 2014 Group stage ( 1978 , 1998 , 2006 , 2014 ) Japan AFC Third Round Group B winners 04 31 August 2017 6th 2014 6 Round of 16 ( 2002 , 2010 ) Mexico CONCACAF Fifth Round winners 05 1 September 2017 16th 2014 7 Quarter - finals ( 1970 , 1986 ) Belgium UEFA Group H winners 06 3 September 2017 13th 2014 Fourth place ( 1986 ) South Korea AFC Third Round Group A runners - up 07 5 September 2017 10th 2014 9 Fourth place ( 2002 ) Saudi Arabia AFC Third Round Group B runners - up 08 5 September 2017 5th 2006 Round of 16 ( 1994 ) Germany UEFA Group C winners 09 5 October 2017 19th 2014 17 Winners ( 1954 , 1974 , 1990 , 2014 ) England UEFA Group F winners 10 5 October 2017 15th 2014 6 Winners ( 1966 ) Spain UEFA Group G winners 11 6 October 2017 15th 2014 11 Winners ( 2010 ) Nigeria CAF Third Round Group B winners 12 7 October 2017 6th 2014 Round of 16 ( 1994 , 1998 , 2014 ) Costa Rica CONCACAF Fifth Round runners - up 13 7 October 2017 5th 2014 Quarter - finals ( 2014 ) Poland UEFA Group E winners 14 8 October 2017 8th 2006 Third place ( 1974 , 1982 ) Egypt CAF Third Round Group E winners 15 8 October 2017 3rd 1990 First round ( 1934 , 1990 ) Iceland UEFA Group I winners 16 9 October 2017 1st -- -- Serbia UEFA Group D winners 17 9 October 2017 12th Fourth place ( 1930 , 1962 ) Portugal UEFA Group B winners 18 10 October 2017 7th 2014 5 Third place ( 1966 ) France UEFA Group A winners 19 10 October 2017 15th 2014 6 Winners ( 1998 ) Uruguay CONMEBOL Round Robin runners - up 20 10 October 2017 13th 2014 Winners ( 1930 , 1950 ) Argentina CONMEBOL Round Robin third place 21 10 October 2017 17th 2014 12 Winners ( 1978 , 1986 ) Colombia CONMEBOL Round Robin fourth place 22 10 October 2017 6th 2014 Quarter - finals ( 2014 ) Panama CONCACAF Fifth Round third place 23 10 October 2017 1st -- -- Notes : This is the 4th appearance of Russia at the FIFA World Cup ; however , FIFA considers Russia as the successor team of the Soviet Union who themselves qualified on 7 occasions . : Russia 's best result is group stage in 1994 , 2002 and 2014 ; however , FIFA considers Russia as the successor team of the Soviet Union who achieved this result . : Germany between 1951 and 1990 is often referred to as `` West Germany '' , as a separate East German state and team existed then . : This is the 2nd appearance of Serbia at the FIFA World Cup . However , FIFA considers Serbia as the successor team of the Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro national teams , who between them qualified on 10 occasions . : No official third place match took place in 1930 and no official third place was awarded at the time ; both United States and Yugoslavia lost in the semi-finals . However , FIFA lists the teams as third and fourth respectively . Qualification process The number of teams participating in the final tournament is 32 . Even though the qualification process began in March 2015 , the allocation of slots for each confederation was discussed by the FIFA Executive Committee on 30 May 2015 in Zürich after the FIFA Congress . It was decided that the same allocation as 2014 would be kept for the 2018 and 2022 tournaments . Summary of qualification While all FIFA members entered the tournament , not all competed . Zimbabwe were expelled from the competition on 12 March 2015 for their failure to pay former coach José Claudinei a severance fee and Indonesia were excluded from the qualifying competition following the suspension of their football association by FIFA on 30 May 2015 . Kuwait had a number of their qualifiers cancelled for a similar suspension that began while their campaign was underway , which eventually resulted in their elimination . As of all matches played on 10 October 2017 Confederation Teams started Teams that have qualified Teams that can still qualify Teams that have been eliminated Remaining places in finals Total places in finals Next matchday Qualifying end date AFC 46 41 0 or 1 4 or 5 10 November 2017 15 November 2017 CAF 54 8 44 5 10 November 2017 14 November 2017 CONCACAF 35 31 0 or 1 3 or 4 10 November 2017 15 November 2017 CONMEBOL 10 5 0 or 1 4 or 5 11 November 2017 15 November 2017 OFC 11 0 10 0 or 1 0 or 1 11 November 2017 15 November 2017 UEFA 54 + 1 9 + 1 8 37 13 + 1 9 November 2017 14 November 2017 Total 210 + 1 22 + 1 20 168 9 31 + 1 9 November 2017 15 November 2017 Note : One team each from AFC , CONCACAF , CONMEBOL , and OFC will play in the inter-confederation play - offs , to be played between 6 -- 15 November 2017 ( CONCACAF v AFC and OFC v CONMEBOL ) . Note : UEFA total includes + 1 for Russia as hosts . Format The formats of the qualifying competitions depend on each confederation ( see below ) . Each round may be played in either of the following formats : League format , where more than two teams form groups to play home - and - away round - robin matches , or in exceptions permitted by the FIFA Organizing Committee , single round - robin matches hosted by one of the participating teams or on neutral territory . Knockout format , where two teams play home - and - away two - legged matches . Tiebreakers In league format , the ranking of teams in each group is based on the following criteria ( regulations Articles 20.6 and 20.7 ) : Points ( 3 points for a win , 1 point for a draw , 0 points for a loss ) Overall goal difference Overall goals scored Points in matches between tied teams Goal difference in matches between tied teams Goals scored in matches between tied teams Away goals scored in matches between tied teams ( if the tie is only between two teams in home - and - away league format ) Fair play points first yellow card : minus 1 point indirect red card ( second yellow card ) : minus 3 points direct red card : minus 4 points yellow card and direct red card : minus 5 points Drawing of lots by the FIFA Organising Committee In cases where teams finishing in the same position across different groups are compared for determining which teams advance to the next stage , the criteria is decided by the confederation and require the approval of FIFA ( regulations Article 20.8 ) . In knockout format , the team that has the higher aggregate score over the two legs progresses to the next round . In the event that aggregate scores finish level , the away goals rule is applied , i.e. the team that scored more goals away from home over the two legs progresses . If away goals are also equal , then thirty minutes of extra time are played , divided into two fifteen - minutes halves . The away goals rule is again applied after extra time , i.e. if there are goals scored during extra time and the aggregate score is still level , the visiting team qualifies by virtue of more away goals scored . If no goals are scored during extra time , the tie is decided by penalty shoot - out ( regulations Article 20.9 ) . Confederation qualification AFC Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( AFC ) The AFC Executive Committee meeting on 16 April 2014 approved the proposal to merge the preliminary qualification rounds of the FIFA World Cup and the AFC Asian Cup , which will be expanded to 24 teams starting in 2019 : First round : A total of 12 teams ( teams ranked 35 -- 46 ) played home - and - away over two legs . The six winners advanced to the second round . Second round : A total of 40 teams ( teams ranked 1 -- 34 and six first round winners ) were divided into eight groups of five teams to play home - and - away round - robin matches . The eight group winners and the four best group runners - up advanced to the third round of FIFA World Cup qualification as well as qualified for the 2019 AFC Asian Cup finals . Third round : The 12 teams ( an increase from 10 for 2014 ) which advanced from the second round were divided into two groups of six teams to play home - and - away round - robin matches . The top two teams of each group qualified for the 2018 FIFA World Cup , and the two third - placed teams advanced to the fourth round . Fourth round : The two third - placed teams of each group from the third round played home - and - away over two legs . The winners advanced to the inter-confederation play - offs , playing the fourth - placed CONCACAF team . A total of 24 teams eliminated from World Cup qualification in the second round compete in the third round of 2019 AFC Asian Cup qualification ( which is separate from the third round of 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ) , where they are divided into six groups of four teams and compete for the remaining slots of the 2019 AFC Asian Cup . The 24 teams consist of the 16 highest ranked teams eliminated in the second round , and the eight teams that advanced from the play - off round of 2019 AFC Asian Cup qualification which are contested by the remaining 12 teams eliminated in the second round . Final positions ( third round ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification -- AFC Third Round The draw for the third round was held on 12 April 2016 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia . Group A Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Iran 10 6 0 10 + 8 22 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 1 -- 0 2 -- 2 2 -- 0 1 -- 0 2 -- 0 South Korea 10 11 10 + 1 15 0 -- 0 -- 1 -- 0 2 -- 1 3 -- 2 3 -- 2 Syria 10 9 8 + 1 13 Advance to fourth round 0 -- 0 0 -- 0 -- 1 -- 0 2 -- 2 3 -- 1 Uzbekistan 10 5 6 7 − 1 13 0 -- 1 0 -- 0 1 -- 0 -- 2 -- 0 1 -- 0 5 China PR 10 8 10 − 2 12 0 -- 0 1 -- 0 0 -- 1 1 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 6 Qatar 10 7 8 15 − 7 7 0 -- 1 3 -- 2 1 -- 0 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 -- Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers Group B Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Japan 10 6 17 7 + 10 20 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 0 1 -- 2 2 -- 1 4 -- 0 Saudi Arabia 10 6 17 10 + 7 19 1 -- 0 -- 2 -- 2 3 -- 0 1 -- 0 1 -- 0 Australia 10 5 16 11 + 5 19 Advance to fourth round 1 -- 1 3 -- 2 -- 2 -- 0 2 -- 0 2 -- 1 United Arab Emirates 10 5 10 13 − 3 13 0 -- 2 2 -- 1 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 0 3 -- 1 5 Iraq 10 5 11 12 − 1 11 1 -- 1 1 -- 2 1 -- 1 1 -- 0 -- 4 -- 0 6 Thailand 10 0 8 6 24 − 18 0 -- 2 0 -- 3 2 -- 2 1 -- 1 1 -- 2 -- Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers Play - off for 5th place ( fourth round ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification -- AFC Fourth Round The third - placed teams from each group in the third round played against each other home - and - away over two legs to determine which team advanced to the inter-confederation play - offs . Team 1 Agg . Team 2 1st leg 2nd leg Syria 2 -- 3 Australia 1 -- 1 1 -- 2 ( a.e.t. ) CAF Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( CAF ) The CAF Executive Committee approved the format for the qualifiers of the 2018 FIFA World Cup on 14 January 2015 . However , on 9 July 2015 FIFA officially announced that only three rounds will be played instead of four . First round : A total of 26 teams ( teams ranked 28 -- 53 ) played home - and - away over two legs . The 13 winners advanced to the second round . Second round : A total of 40 teams ( teams ranked 1 -- 27 and 13 first round winners ) played home - and - away over two legs . The 20 winners advanced to the third round . Third round : The 20 teams which advance from the second round were divided into five groups of four teams to play home - and - away round - robin matches . The winners of each group will qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup . Zimbabwe , even though they entered the competition , were expelled on 12 March 2015 for their failure to pay former coach José Claudinei a severance fee . Therefore , only 53 African teams were involved in the draw . Current stage ( third round ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification -- CAF Third Round The draw for the third round was held on 24 June 2016 at the CAF headquarters in Cairo , Egypt . Group A Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Tunisia 5 0 11 + 7 13 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 0 11 Nov DR Congo 5 11 6 + 5 10 2 -- 2 -- 11 Nov 4 -- 0 Guinea ( E ) 5 0 5 11 − 6 1 -- 4 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 2 Libya ( E ) 5 0 10 − 6 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 1 -- 0 -- Updated to match ( es ) played on 7 October 2017 . Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers ( E ) Eliminated . Group B Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Nigeria ( Q ) 5 0 11 + 8 13 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 1 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 -- 1 Zambia ( E ) 5 6 5 + 1 7 1 -- 2 -- 11 Nov 3 -- 1 Cameroon ( E ) 5 5 7 − 2 6 1 -- 1 1 -- 1 -- 2 -- 0 Algeria ( E ) 5 0 10 − 7 10 Nov 0 -- 1 1 -- 1 -- Updated to match ( es ) played on 7 October 2017 . Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers ( E ) Eliminated ; ( Q ) Qualified to the phase indicated . Group C Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Morocco 5 0 9 0 + 9 9 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 0 -- 0 3 -- 0 6 -- 0 Ivory Coast 5 7 + 4 8 11 Nov -- 1 -- 2 3 -- 1 Gabon ( E ) 5 7 − 5 5 0 -- 0 0 -- 3 -- 11 Nov Mali ( E ) 5 0 9 − 8 0 -- 0 0 -- 0 0 -- 0 -- Updated to match ( es ) played on 7 October 2017 . Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers ( E ) Eliminated . Group D Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Senegal 0 6 + 4 8 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 0 -- 0 2 -- 0 14 Nov Burkina Faso 5 6 6 0 6 2 -- 2 -- 14 Nov 1 -- 1 Cape Verde 5 0 8 − 4 6 0 -- 2 0 -- 2 -- 2 -- 1 South Africa 6 6 0 10 Nov 3 -- 1 1 -- 2 -- Updated to match ( es ) played on 7 October 2017 . Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers Notes : Jump up ^ FIFA ordered a replay of the original South Africa v Senegal match after the Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) upheld the lifetime ban of match referee Joseph Lamptey . Originally South Africa had defeated Senegal 2 -- 1 . Group E Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Egypt ( Q ) 5 0 7 + 4 12 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 1 -- 0 2 -- 0 2 -- 1 Uganda ( E ) 5 + 1 8 1 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 1 -- 0 Ghana ( E ) 5 6 + 2 6 12 Nov 0 -- 0 -- 1 -- 1 Congo ( E ) 5 0 11 − 7 1 -- 2 12 Nov 1 -- 5 -- Updated to match ( es ) played on 8 October 2017 . Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers ( E ) Eliminated ; ( Q ) Qualified to the phase indicated . CONCACAF Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( CONCACAF ) An amendment to the qualification process for this tournament had been suggested , which would see the first three rounds played as knockout rounds , with both the fourth round and the final round ( referred to as ' The Hex ' ) played as group stages . The first round would be played during the FIFA international dates of 23 -- 31 March 2015 . CONCACAF announced the full details on 12 January 2015 : First round : A total of 14 teams ( teams ranked 22 -- 35 ) played home - and - away over two legs . The seven winners advanced to the second round . Second round : A total of 20 teams ( teams ranked 9 -- 21 and seven first round winners ) played home - and - away over two legs . The ten winners advanced to the third round . Third round : A total of 12 teams ( teams ranked 7 -- 8 and ten second round winners ) played home - and - away over two legs . The six winners advanced to the fourth round . Fourth round : A total of 12 teams ( teams ranked 1 -- 6 and six third round winners ) were divided into three groups of four teams to play home - and - away round - robin matches . The top two teams of each group advanced to the fifth round . Fifth round : The six teams which advanced from the fourth round played home - and - away round - robin matches in one single group . The top three teams qualified for the 2018 FIFA World Cup , and the fourth - placed team advanced to the inter-confederation play - offs , playing the winner of the Asian Football Confederation play - off . Final positions ( fifth round ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification -- CONCACAF Fifth Round The draw for the fifth round ( to decide the fixtures ) was held on 8 July 2016 at the CONCACAF headquarters in Miami Beach , United States . Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Mexico 10 6 16 7 + 9 21 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 2 -- 0 1 -- 0 3 -- 0 1 -- 1 3 -- 1 Costa Rica 10 14 8 + 6 16 1 -- 1 -- 0 -- 0 1 -- 1 4 -- 0 2 -- 1 Panama 10 9 10 − 1 13 0 -- 0 2 -- 1 -- 2 -- 2 1 -- 1 3 -- 0 Honduras 10 13 19 − 6 13 Advance to inter-confederation play - offs 3 -- 2 1 -- 1 0 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 3 -- 1 5 United States 10 17 13 + 4 12 1 -- 2 0 -- 2 4 -- 0 6 -- 0 -- 2 -- 0 6 Trinidad and Tobago 10 0 8 7 19 − 12 6 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 1 -- 0 1 -- 2 2 -- 1 -- Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers CONMEBOL Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( CONMEBOL ) The qualification structure was the same as the previous five editions . The ten teams played in a league of home - and - away round - robin matches . The top four teams qualified for the 2018 FIFA World Cup , and the fifth - placed team advanced to the inter-confederation play - offs , playing the winners of the Oceania Football Confederation qualifying competition . Unlike previous qualifying tournaments where the fixtures were pre-determined , the fixtures were decided by a draw held on 25 July 2015 , at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna , Saint Petersburg , Russia . Final positions Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Brazil 18 12 5 41 11 + 30 41 Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup -- 2 -- 2 3 -- 0 2 -- 1 3 -- 0 3 -- 0 3 -- 0 2 -- 0 5 -- 0 3 -- 1 Uruguay 18 9 5 32 20 + 12 31 1 -- 4 -- 0 -- 0 3 -- 0 1 -- 0 3 -- 0 4 -- 0 2 -- 1 4 -- 2 3 -- 0 Argentina 18 7 7 19 16 + 3 28 1 -- 1 1 -- 0 -- 3 -- 0 0 -- 0 1 -- 0 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 2 -- 0 1 -- 1 Colombia 18 7 6 5 21 19 + 2 27 1 -- 1 2 -- 2 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 0 0 -- 0 1 -- 2 3 -- 1 1 -- 0 2 -- 0 5 Peru 18 7 5 6 27 26 + 1 26 Advance to inter-confederation play - offs 0 -- 2 2 -- 1 2 -- 2 1 -- 1 -- 3 -- 4 1 -- 0 2 -- 1 2 -- 1 2 -- 2 6 Chile 18 8 8 26 27 − 1 26 2 -- 0 3 -- 1 1 -- 2 1 -- 1 2 -- 1 -- 0 -- 3 2 -- 1 3 -- 0 3 -- 1 7 Paraguay 18 7 8 19 25 − 6 24 2 -- 2 1 -- 2 0 -- 0 0 -- 1 1 -- 4 2 -- 1 -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 1 0 -- 1 8 Ecuador 18 6 10 26 29 − 3 20 0 -- 3 2 -- 1 1 -- 3 0 -- 2 1 -- 2 3 -- 0 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 0 3 -- 0 9 Bolivia 18 12 16 38 − 22 14 0 -- 0 0 -- 2 2 -- 0 2 -- 3 0 -- 3 1 -- 0 1 -- 0 2 -- 2 -- 4 -- 2 10 Venezuela 18 6 10 19 35 − 16 12 0 -- 2 0 -- 0 2 -- 2 0 -- 0 2 -- 2 1 -- 4 0 -- 1 1 -- 3 5 -- 0 -- Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers Notes : ^ Jump up to : FIFA awarded Peru and Chile 3 -- 0 wins as a result of Bolivia fielding the ineligible player Nelson Cabrera . Originally Bolivia had defeated Peru 2 -- 0 and drawn 0 -- 0 with Chile . Nelson Cabrera had previously represented Paraguay and did not meet eligibility rules . OFC Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( OFC ) The qualification structure was as follows : First round : American Samoa , Cook Islands , Samoa , and Tonga played a round - robin tournament at a single country . The winners advanced to the second round . Second round ( OFC Nations Cup ) : A total of eight teams ( Fiji , New Caledonia , New Zealand , Papua New Guinea , Solomon Islands , Tahiti , Vanuatu , and the first round winner ) played the tournament at a single country . For the group stage , they were divided into two groups of four teams . The top three teams of each group advanced to the third round of World Cup qualifying . The top two teams of each group also advanced to the knockout stage ( semi-finals and final ) to decide the 2016 OFC Nations Cup winners which would play in the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup . Third round : The six teams which advanced from the second round were divided into two groups of three teams to play home - and - away round - robin matches . The two group winners met in a two - legged match with the winners advancing to the inter-confederation play - offs , playing the fifth - placed South American team . The OFC had considered different proposals of the qualifying tournament . A previous proposal adopted by the OFC in October 2014 would have the eight teams divided into two groups of four teams to play home - and - away round - robin matches in the second round , followed by the top two teams of each group advancing to the third round to play in a single group of home - and - away round - robin matches to decide the winners of the 2016 OFC Nations Cup which would qualify to the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and advance to the inter-confederation play - offs . However , it was later reported in April 2015 that the OFC had reversed its decision , and the 2016 OFC Nations Cup was played as a one - off tournament similar to the 2012 OFC Nations Cup . Final positions ( third round ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification -- OFC Third Round The draw for the third round was held on 8 July 2016 at the OFC headquarters in Auckland , New Zealand . Group A Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification New Zealand 0 6 0 + 6 10 Advance to OFC Final -- 2 -- 0 2 -- 0 New Caledonia 5 − 1 5 0 -- 0 -- 2 -- 1 Fiji 0 8 − 5 0 -- 2 2 -- 2 -- Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers Group B Pos Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Solomon Islands 0 6 6 0 9 Advance to OFC Final -- 1 -- 0 3 -- 2 Tahiti 0 7 + 3 6 3 -- 0 -- 1 -- 2 Papua New Guinea 0 6 9 − 3 1 -- 2 1 -- 3 -- Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Qualification tiebreakers Notes : Jump up ^ FIFA awarded Tahiti a 3 -- 0 win as a result of the Solomon Islands fielding the ineligible player Henry Fa'arodo , after Tahiti had defeated the Solomon Islands 1 -- 0 . Fa'arodo failed to serve a one - game ban after receiving two yellow cards in the 2016 OFC Nations Cup . Final The draw for the final ( which decided the order of legs ) was held on 15 June 2017 at the OFC headquarters in Auckland , New Zealand . The winners of the final advanced to inter-confederation play - offs . Team 1 Agg . Team 2 1st leg 2nd leg New Zealand 8 -- 3 Solomon Islands 6 -- 1 2 -- 2 UEFA Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( UEFA ) Russia have qualified automatically as hosts . The qualifying format for the remaining FIFA - affiliated UEFA teams was confirmed by the UEFA Executive Committee meeting on 22 -- 23 March 2015 in Vienna . The draw for the UEFA zone took place on 25 July 2015 in St. Petersburg . First round ( group stage ) : The 52 UEFA teams affiliated with FIFA at the time of the draw were divided into nine groups ( seven groups of six teams and two groups of five teams ) to play home - and - away round - robin matches . The winners of each group qualified for the 2018 FIFA World Cup , and the eight best runners - up advanced to the second round ( play - offs ) . With the admission of Gibraltar and Kosovo as FIFA members in May 2016 , both national teams were eligible to make their debuts in World Cup qualifying . With initially two groups in the first round having only five teams , Kosovo was assigned to Group I as it was decided that Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia should not play against Kosovo for security reasons , and Gibraltar was then added to Group H , so that each of the nine groups then had six teams . Second round ( play - offs ) : The eight best runners - up from the first round play one other team over two legs , home and away , the draw being 17 October 2017 . The four winners will qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup . Final positions ( first round ) The draw for the first round was held on 25 July 2015 , at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna , Saint Petersburg , Russia . Qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup Advance to Second round ( play - offs ) Group A Group B Group C Pos Team Pld Pts France 10 23 Sweden 10 19 Netherlands 10 19 Bulgaria 10 13 5 Luxembourg 10 6 6 Belarus 10 5 Source : FIFA Pos Team Pld Pts Portugal 10 27 Switzerland 10 27 Hungary 10 13 Faroe Islands 10 9 5 Latvia 10 7 6 Andorra 10 Source : FIFA Pos Team Pld Pts Germany 10 30 Northern Ireland 10 19 Czech Republic 10 15 Norway 10 13 5 Azerbaijan 10 10 6 San Marino 10 0 Source : FIFA Group D Group E Group F Pos Team Pld Pts Serbia 10 21 Republic of Ireland 10 19 Wales 10 17 Austria 10 15 5 Georgia 10 5 6 Moldova 10 Source : FIFA Pos Team Pld Pts Poland 10 25 Denmark 10 20 Montenegro 10 16 Romania 10 13 5 Armenia 10 7 6 Kazakhstan 10 Source : FIFA Pos Team Pld Pts England 10 26 Slovakia 10 18 Scotland 10 18 Slovenia 10 15 5 Lithuania 10 6 6 Malta 10 Source : FIFA Group G Group H Group I Pos Team Pld Pts Spain 10 28 Italy 10 23 Albania 10 13 Israel 10 12 5 Macedonia 10 11 6 Liechtenstein 10 0 Source : FIFA Pos Team Pld Pts Belgium 10 28 Greece 10 19 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 17 Estonia 10 11 5 Cyprus 10 10 6 Gibraltar 10 0 Source : FIFA Pos Team Pld Pts Iceland 10 22 Croatia 10 20 Ukraine 10 17 Turkey 10 15 5 Finland 10 9 6 Kosovo 10 Source : FIFA Ranking of runners - up In deciding the eight best runners - up , the matches against the sixth - placed team in each group were discarded . Pos Grp Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Qualification Switzerland 8 7 0 18 6 + 12 21 Advance to second round ( play - offs ) Italy 8 5 12 8 + 4 17 Denmark 8 13 6 + 7 14 Croatia 8 8 + 4 14 5 Sweden 8 18 9 + 9 13 6 Northern Ireland 8 10 6 + 4 13 7 Greece 8 9 5 + 4 13 8 Republic of Ireland 8 7 5 + 2 13 9 Slovakia 8 0 11 6 + 5 12 Source : FIFA Rules for classification : Counting only matches against teams ranked first to fifth in the group , 1 ) Points ; 2 ) Goal difference ; 3 ) Goals scored ; 4 ) Fair play points ; 5 ) Drawing of lots . Next stage ( second round ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification -- UEFA Second Round The draw for the second round ( play - offs ) was held on 17 October 2017 at the FIFA headquarters in Zürich , Switzerland . The winners of each tie will qualify for the World Cup . Team 1 Agg . Team 2 1st leg 2nd leg Northern Ireland Match 1 Switzerland 9 Nov 12 Nov Croatia Match 2 Greece 9 Nov 12 Nov Denmark Match 3 Republic of Ireland 11 Nov 14 Nov Sweden Match 4 Italy 10 Nov 13 Nov Inter-confederation play - offs Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( inter-confederation play - offs ) There are two inter-confederation playoffs to determine the final two qualification spots to the finals . The first legs will be played on 10 and 11 November 2017 , and the second legs will be played on 15 November 2017 . The matchups were decided at the preliminary draw which was held on 25 July 2015 , at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna , Saint Petersburg , Russia . CONCACAF v AFC Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( CONCACAF -- AFC play - off ) Team 1 Agg . Team 2 1st leg 2nd leg Honduras Play - off 1 Australia 10 Nov 15 Nov OFC v CONMEBOL Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification ( OFC -- CONMEBOL play - off ) Team 1 Agg . Team 2 1st leg 2nd leg New Zealand Play - off 2 Peru 11 Nov 15 Nov Top goalscorers As of all matches played on 10 October 2017 Note : Players in bold are still active in the qualification competition . 16 goals Robert Lewandowski Mohammad Al - Sahlawi Ahmed Khalil 15 goals Cristiano Ronaldo 11 goals Tim Cahill Romelu Lukaku Sardar Azmoun 10 goals Omar Kharbin Edinson Cavani 9 goals Carlos Ruiz André Silva Hassan Al - Haidos Ali Mabkhout 8 goals Yang Xu Christian Eriksen Mehdi Taremi Chris Wood Marcus Berg Jozy Altidore For each confederation and inter-confederation play - offs , see sections in each article : AFC CAF CONCACAF CONMEBOL OFC UEFA Inter-confederation play - offs References Jump up ^ `` Road to Russia with new milestone '' . 15 January 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Zimbabwe expelled from the preliminary competition of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia '' . 12 March 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Impact of Football Association of Indonesia suspension '' . AFC. 3 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Modest Bhutan begin World Cup adventure '' . 11 March 2015 . Archived from the original on 13 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` South Sudan 's World Cup debut ended early by rain '' . 7 October 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` FIFA Congress drives football forward , first female secretary general appointed '' . 13 May 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Kosovo to play in Group I in European Qualifiers '' . . Union of European Football Associations ( UEFA ) . 9 June 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Kosovo and Gibraltar assigned to 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying groups '' . . Fédération Internationale de Football Association ( FIFA ) . 9 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Myanmar appeal partially upheld '' . FIFA. 7 November 2011 . Retrieved 13 November 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup extends its responsibilities to cover 2018 and 2022 '' . 19 March 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Konstantinovsky Palace to stage Preliminary Draw of the 2018 FIFA World Cup '' . 10 October 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Ethics : Executive Committee unanimously supports recommendation to publish report on 2018 / 2022 FIFA World Cup TM bidding process '' . 19 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Long road to Russia begins in Dili '' . 11 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 2022 FIFA World Cup to be played in November / December '' . 20 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Current allocation of FIFA World Cup TM confederation slots maintained '' . 30 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Suspension of the Kuwait Football Association '' . 16 October 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Regulations -- 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia '' ( PDF ) . . Jump up ^ `` ExCo approves expanded AFC Asian Cup finals '' . AFC. 16 April 2014 . Jump up ^ `` World Cup draw looms large in Asia '' . 13 April 2015 . Completing the tournament 's qualifying contenders will be the next 16 highest ranked teams , with the remaining 12 sides battling it out in play - off matches to claim the last eight spots . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup : Asian Qualifying Round 3 line up complete '' . Asian Football Confederation . 30 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` FORMAT OF 2017 AFCON QUALIFIERS AND 2018 WORLD CUP '' . 22 January 2015 . Retrieved 23 January 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Preliminary Draw procedures outlined '' . 9 July 2015 . Retrieved 9 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` June draw for third round of African Zone qualifiers '' . 20 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` South Africa vs. Senegal World Cup qualifier to be replayed in November '' . . Fédération Internationale de Football Association . 6 September 2017 . Retrieved 6 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Concacaf estrenará formato de eliminatoria ; sigue el Hexagonal '' ( New format for Concacaf qualification - Hexagonal retained ) ( in Spanish ) . ESPN Mexico . 23 September 2014 . Retrieved 3 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Canada begins 2018 World Cup qualification in June '' . Sportsnet. 19 November 2014 . Retrieved 3 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` CONCACAF to Hold Preliminary FIFA World Cup Qualifying Draw in Miami on January 15 '' . CONCACAF. 12 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` USMNT to start 2018 World Cup qualifying in November of 2015 '' . Sports Illustrated . 12 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Official Draw Scheduled for the Final Round of CONCACAF Qualifying for FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 '' . 1 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` A unanimous decision : A draw will determine the classifications for the World Cup and CONMEBOL Tournaments '' . 23 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Bolivia sanctioned for fielding ineligible player '' . 1 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Preliminary competition format outlined '' . Oceania Football Confederation . 10 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` OFC Executive Committee decisions '' . OFC . Archived from the original on 13 September 2016 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` OFC Executive Committee outcomes '' . Oceania Football Confederation . 20 October 2014 . Archived from the original on 5 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Football : Heat goes on NZ after switch '' . New Zealand Herald . 12 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Stage 3 draw complete '' . Oceania Football Confederation . Archived from the original on 19 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Several member associations sanctioned for incidents during FIFA World Cup qualifiers and friendlies '' . 19 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` New Zealand at home first in OFC play - off '' . FIFA . Retrieved 15 June 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Executive Committee date in Vienna '' . 21 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` New distribution concept for club competitions approved '' . 23 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` UEFA 2018 Qualifying Format '' . 23 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Focus switches to World Cup qualifying '' . 22 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Competition format - FIFA World Cup - News - '' . . UEFA . Retrieved 4 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` As it stands : ranking of second - placed teams '' . 3 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` FIFA World Cup European play - off draw to take place on 17 October '' . 6 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dates set for Socceroos - Honduras World Cup qualifier '' . SBS the World Game . 15 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` All Whites to play first leg against Peru on Saturday afternoon '' . . The New Zealand Herald . 15 October 2017 . Retrieved 15 October 2017 . External links Official FIFA World Cup website Qualifiers , 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification AFC First Round Second Round Third Round Fourth Round ( play - off ) CAF First Round Second Round Third Round CONCACAF First Round Second Round Third Round Fourth Round Fifth Round CONMEBOL Round Robin OFC First Round Second Round ( Nations Cup ) Third Round UEFA First Round Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G Group H Group I Second Round ( play - offs ) Play - offs CONCACAF v AFC OFC v CONMEBOL 2018 FIFA World Cup Stages Qualification Group stage Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G Group H Knockout stage Final General information Awards Bids Broadcasting rights Controversies Discipline Marketing Mascot Officials Opening ceremony Preparations Seeding Squads Statistics Venues FIFA World Cup Tournaments Uruguay 1930 Italy 1934 France 1938 Brazil 1950 Switzerland 1954 Sweden 1958 Chile 1962 England 1966 Mexico 1970 West Germany 1974 Argentina 1978 Spain 1982 Mexico 1986 Italy 1990 United States 1994 France 1998 South Korea / Japan 2002 Germany 2006 South Africa 2010 Brazil 2014 Russia 2018 Qatar 2022 2026 2030 Qualification 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Finals 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Squads 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 Seedings 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Broadcasters 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Bids 2014 2018 and 2022 2026 2030 Records and statistics All - time table Goalscorers top goalscorers finals goalscorers hat - tricks own goals Penalty shoot - outs Player appearances Red cards Referees Team appearances Teams with no appearances Miscellaneous Awards Balls Economics Final draw History Hosts Mascots Official films Official songs Organisers Trophy Video games Notes : There was no qualification for the 1930 World Cup as places were given by invitation only . In 1950 , there was no final ; the article is about the decisive match of the final group stage . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2018 FIFA World Cup FIFA World Cup qualification 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification Hidden categories : CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) Wikipedia semi-protected pages Wikipedia pending changes protected pages ( level 1 ) Use dmy dates from February 2016 Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca বাংলা Български Bosanski Català Čeština Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Gaeilge 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latviešu Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Português Română Русский Slovenščina Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 8 November 2017 , at 00 : 18 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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countries that have already qualified for russia 2018 world cup
Team Method of qualification Date of qualification Finals appearance Last appearance Consecutive finals appearances Previous best performance Russia Host 01 2 December 2010 11th 2014 Fourth place ( 1966 ) Brazil CONMEBOL Round Robin winners 02 28 March 2017 21st 2014 21 Winners ( 1958 , 1962 , 1970 , 1994 , 2002 ) Iran AFC Third Round Group A winners 03 12 June 2017 5th 2014 Group stage ( 1978 , 1998 , 2006 , 2014 ) Japan AFC Third Round Group B winners 04 31 August 2017 6th 2014 6 Round of 16 ( 2002 , 2010 ) Mexico CONCACAF Fifth Round winners 05 1 September 2017 16th 2014 7 Quarter - finals ( 1970 , 1986 ) Belgium UEFA Group H winners 06 3 September 2017 13th 2014 Fourth place ( 1986 ) South Korea AFC Third Round Group A runners - up 07 5 September 2017 10th 2014 9 Fourth place ( 2002 ) Saudi Arabia AFC Third Round Group B runners - up 08 5 September 2017 5th 2006 Round of 16 ( 1994 ) Germany UEFA Group C winners 09 5 October 2017 19th 2014 17 Winners ( 1954 , 1974 , 1990 , 2014 ) England UEFA Group F winners 10 5 October 2017 15th 2014 6 Winners ( 1966 ) Spain UEFA Group G winners 11 6 October 2017 15th 2014 11 Winners ( 2010 ) Nigeria CAF Third Round Group B winners 12 7 October 2017 6th 2014 Round of 16 ( 1994 , 1998 , 2014 ) Costa Rica CONCACAF Fifth Round runners - up 13 7 October 2017 5th 2014 Quarter - finals ( 2014 ) Poland UEFA Group E winners 14 8 October 2017 8th 2006 Third place ( 1974 , 1982 ) Egypt CAF Third Round Group E winners 15 8 October 2017 3rd 1990 First round ( 1934 , 1990 ) Iceland UEFA Group I winners 16 9 October 2017 1st -- -- Serbia UEFA Group D winners 17 9 October 2017 12th Fourth place ( 1930 , 1962 ) Portugal UEFA Group B winners 18 10 October 2017 7th 2014 5 Third place ( 1966 ) France UEFA Group A winners 19 10 October 2017 15th 2014 6 Winners ( 1998 ) Uruguay CONMEBOL Round Robin runners - up 20 10 October 2017 13th 2014 Winners ( 1930 , 1950 ) Argentina CONMEBOL Round Robin third place 21 10 October 2017 17th 2014 12 Winners ( 1978 , 1986 ) Colombia CONMEBOL Round Robin fourth place 22 10 October 2017 6th 2014 Quarter - finals ( 2014 ) Panama CONCACAF Fifth Round third place 23 10 October 2017 1st -- --
Canada Act 1982 - wikipedia Canada Act 1982 Jump to : navigation , search Part of a series on the Constitution of Canada Constitutional history Bill of Rights ( 1689 ) Act of Settlement ( 1701 ) Treaty of Paris ( 1763 ) Royal Proclamation ( 1763 ) Quebec Act ( 1774 ) Constitutional Act ( 1791 ) Act of Union ( 1840 ) Constitution Act ( 1867 ) Constitution Act , 1886 British North America Acts ( 1867 -- 1975 ) Statute of Westminster ( 1931 ) Succession to the Throne Act ( 1937 ) Letters Patent ( 1947 ) Canada Act ( 1982 ) Constitution Act ( 1982 ) Document list Amendments Unsuccessful amendments Constitutional law Constitutional debate Patriation Charter of Rights and Freedoms Canadian federalism Law of Canada Canadian Bill of Rights Implied Bill of Rights Canadian Human Rights Act Politics of Canada portal Canada Act 1982 Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to give effect to a request by the Senate and House of Commons of Canada . Citation 1982 c. 11 Territorial extent Canada Dates Royal assent March 29 , 1982 Status : Current legislation Text of statute as originally enacted Revised text of statute as amended The Canada Act 1982 ( 1982 c. 11 ) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that was passed at the request of the Canadian federal government to `` patriate '' Canada 's constitution , ending the necessity for the British parliament to be involved in making changes to the Constitution of Canada . The Act also formally ended the `` request and consent '' provisions of the Statute of Westminster 1931 in relation to Canada , whereby the British parliament had a general power to pass laws extending to Canada at its own request . Annexed as Schedule B to the Act is the text of the Constitution Act , 1982 , in both of Canada 's official languages ( i.e. English and French ) . Because of the requirements of official bilingualism , the body of the Canada Act itself is also set out in French in Schedule A to the Act , which is declared by s . 3 to have `` the same authority in Canada as the English version thereof '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Enactment of the Act 3 Proclamation by the Queen of Canada 4 See also 5 References 6 External links History ( edit ) Canada 's political history began with the British North America Act , 1867 ( currently officially called the Constitution Act , 1867 ) . This act created the modern state of Canada by combining the Province of Canada ( now Ontario and Quebec ) , Nova Scotia , and New Brunswick into a dominion within the British Empire . From this Canada adopted a Westminster style government with a Parliament of Canada . A Governor General fulfilled the constitutional duties of the British Sovereign on Canadian soil . Despite this , the United Kingdom still had the power to legislate for Canada . The Statute of Westminster 1931 removed this power of the British Parliament for Canada , as well as the other British Dominions ( Australia ( adopted 1942 ) , the Irish Free State , New Zealand ( adopted 1947 ) , the Union of South Africa , and the Dominion of Newfoundland ( never ratified , joined Canada in 1949 ) ) , except where the Dominion consented to Imperial legislation . Also , the British North America ( No. 2 ) Act , 1949 was passed by the British Parliament , giving the Parliament of Canada significant constitutional amending powers . However , after the Statute of Westminster , 1931 , Canada decided to allow the British Parliament to temporarily retain the power to amend Canada 's constitution , on request from the Parliament of Canada . In effect , an Act of the British Parliament ( as requested by the Parliament of Canada ) was required to make some amendments in the Canadian constitution . Delay in the patriation of the Canadian constitution was due in large part to the lack of agreement concerning a method for amending the constitution that would be acceptable to all of the provinces , particularly Quebec . Enactment of the Act ( edit ) The Canada Act 1982 was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in response to the request from the Parliament of Canada to take over authority for amending its own constitution . After unpromising negotiations with the provincial governments , Pierre Trudeau proclaimed that the federal Parliament would unilaterally patriate the constitution . After numerous references by the provinces , the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the Patriation Reference that provincial consent was not legally necessary , but to do so without substantial consent would be contrary to a longstanding constitutional convention . Trudeau succeeded in convincing nine provinces out of ten by agreeing to the addition of a Notwithstanding Clause to limit the application of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a result of discussions during a First Ministers ' conference and other minor changes in November 1981 . In the UK , forty - four Members of Parliament voted against the Act , including 24 Tory and 16 Labour MP 's , citing concerns over Canada 's past mistreatment of Quebec and Aboriginal peoples ( as recalled with frustration by Jean Chrétien in his memoirs Straight from the Heart ) ; overall there was little opposition from the British government to passing the Act . However , new research into documents of the Thatcher government indicate that Britain had serious concerns about the inclusion of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms within the Canada Act . Part of this concern stemmed from letters of protest the British received about it from provincial actors , but also because the Charter undermined the principle of parliamentary supremacy , which until that time had always been a core feature of every government practising the Westminster system . Through section 2 of the Canada Act 1982 , the United Kingdom ended its involvement with further amendments to the Canadian constitution . The procedure for amending the Constitution Act , 1982 must comply with its Part V , instead of the usual parliamentary procedure requiring the monarch 's Royal Assent for enacting legislation . Proclamation by the Queen of Canada ( edit ) While the Canada Act 1982 received royal assent on March 29 , 1982 in London , it was not until the Queen visited Canada the following month that the Constitution Act , 1982 , its Canadian equivalent , was proclaimed by letters patent as a statutory instrument by the Queen during her presence in Canada . Canada 's Constitution Act , 1982 was signed into law by Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada on April 17 , 1982 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa . Queen Elizabeth 's constitutional powers over Canada were not affected by the Act , and she remains Queen and Head of State of Canada . Canada has complete sovereignty as an independent country , however , and the Queen 's role as monarch of Canada is separate from her role as the British monarch or the monarch of any of the other Commonwealth realms . See also ( edit ) History of Canada portal Canadian politics portal Australia Act 1986 New Zealand Constitution Act 1986 Patriation References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Canada Act 1982 , s . 3 . ^ Jump up to : `` Canada in the Making - Constitutional History '' ... . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` The Statute of Westminster , 1931 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` British North America ( No. 2 ) Act , 1949 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Proclamation of the Constitution Act , 1982 '' . . Government of Canada . May 5 , 2014 . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` A statute worth 75 cheers '' . Globe and Mail . Toronto . March 17 , 2009 . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Couture , Christa ( January 1 , 2017 ) . `` Canada is celebrating 150 years of ... what , exactly ? '' . CBC . CBC . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 ... the Constitution Act itself cleaned up a bit of unfinished business from the Statute of Westminster in 1931 , in which Britain granted each of the Dominions full legal autonomy if they chose to accept it . All but one Dominion -- that would be us , Canada -- chose to accept every resolution . Our leaders could n't decide on how to amend the Constitution , so that power stayed with Britain until 1982 . Jump up ^ Gérin - Lajoie , Paul ( 1951 ) . `` Constitutional Amendment in Canada '' . The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science . Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Canadian Economics Association . 17 : 6 . JSTOR 137699 . Jump up ^ `` Intellectuals for the Sovereignty of Quebec '' . 1995 - 10 - 30 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Proclamation of the Constitution Act , 1982 '' . Library and Archives , Government of Canada . Government of Canada . 2015 . Retrieved 13 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Constitution -- The Monarchist League of Canada '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` 1981 CanLII 25 ( S.C.C. ) '' . CanLII . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` The Notwithstanding Clause of the Charter ( BP - 194E ) '' ... . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ Siddiqui , Haroon ( 2012 - 04 - 15 ) . `` Canada 's cherished Charter could not have happened without `` kitchen accord '' `` . Toronto Star . Retrieved 15 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Frédéric Bastien. 2010 . ― Britain , the Charter of Rights and the spirit of the 1982 Canadian Constitution. ‖ Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 48 ( 3 ) : 320 -- 347 . Jump up ^ Feasby , Colin ( 2006 ) . `` Constitutional Questions About Canada 's New Political Finance Regime '' ( PDF ) . Osgoode Hall Law School York University . p. 18 Volume 48 , Number 1 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Proclamation of the Constitution Act , 1982 '' . Library and Archives , Government of Canada . Government of Canada . 2015 . Retrieved 13 February 2017 . The signing of the proclamation on April 17 , 1982 , marked the end of efforts by many successive governments . The new Constitution was accompanied by The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , and an amending formula that would no longer require an appeal to the British Parliament . ^ Jump up to : Lauterpacht , E ( 1988 ) . International Law Reports . Cambridge University Press . p. 457 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 46423 - 4 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Proclamation of the Constitution Act , 1982 '' . Library and Archives , Government of Canada . Government of Canada . 2015 . Retrieved 13 February 2017 . The signing of the proclamation on April 17 , 1982 , marked the end of efforts by many successive governments . The new Constitution was accompanied by The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , and an amending formula that would no longer require an appeal to the British Parliament . Jump up ^ Cyr , Hugo ( 2009 ) . Canadian Federalism and Treaty Powers : Organic Constitutionalism at Work . Bruxelles ; New York : P.I.E. Peter Lang . ISBN 978 - 90 - 5201 - 453 - 1 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Some Visual Aspects of the Monarchical Tradition '' ( PDF ) . Canadian Parliamentary Review 31 . 2004 . p. 17 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2010 - 03 - 08 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : Proclamation of the Constitution Act 1982 Wikisource has original text related to this article : Canada Act 1982 Table of Constitutional Documents Constitution of Canada List of Constitutional Documents Pre-Confederation constitutional documents Iroquois constitution Mi'kmaq constitution Constitution of New France Royal Proclamation of 1763 Quebec Act of 1774 Constitutional Act of 1791 Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada ( 1838 ) Report on the Affairs of British North America ( 1839 ) Act of Union 1840 Confederation Charlottetown Conference , 1864 Quebec Conference , 1864 Quebec Resolutions London Conference , 1866 Fathers of Confederation Constitution Act , 1867 Canadian federalism Preamble Section 121 Section 125 Powers under Section 91 Peace , order , and good government Trade and commerce Criminal law Matters excepted from s . 92 Powers under Section 92 Licensing Works and undertakings Property and civil rights Administration of justice Fines and penalties for provincial laws Matters of a local or private nature ( hide ) Amendments and other constitutional documents 1867 -- 1982 British North America Acts , 1867 -- 1982 Manitoba Act , 1870 Alberta Act , 1905 Saskatchewan Act , 1905 Statute of Westminster , 1931 Newfoundland Act , 1949 Patriation Fulton -- Favreau formula Victoria Charter Kitchen Accord / Knight of the Long Knives Constitution Act , 1982 Part I -- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Preamble 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16.1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Part II -- Rights of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada 35 Part III -- Equalization and regional disparities 36 Part VII -- General 52 59 Conventions At Her Majesty 's pleasure Cabinet collective responsibility Disallowance and reservation Equal authenticity rule Responsible government Fusion of powers Queen - in - Parliament Individual ministerial responsibility Interpellation Question Period Parliamentary privilege Parliamentary sovereignty Reserve power Royal prerogative Constitutional debate since 1982 Triple - E Senate Meech Lake Accord Charlottetown Accord Calgary Declaration Other unsuccessful amendments Interpretation of the Constitution Aboriginal self - government Pith and substance Double aspect Paramountcy Living tree Implied Bill of Rights Interjurisdictional immunity Purposive theory Dialogue principle Provincial constitutional law Constitution of Alberta Constitution of Quebec Constitution Act ( British Columbia ) WikiProject United Kingdom legislation Pre-Parliamentary legislation List of English statutes Charter of Liberties Magna Carta Acts of Parliament by states preceding the Kingdom of Great Britain Acts of the Parliament of England to 1483 1485 -- 1601 1603 -- 1641 Interregnum ( 1642 -- 1660 ) 1660 -- 1699 1700 -- 1706 Acts of the Parliament of Scotland Acts of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain 1707 -- 1719 1720 -- 1739 1740 -- 1759 1760 -- 1779 1780 -- 1800 Acts of the Parliament of Ireland to 1700 1701 -- 1800 Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1801 -- 1819 1820 -- 1839 1840 -- 1859 1860 -- 1879 1880 -- 1899 1900 -- 1919 1920 -- 1939 1940 -- 1959 1960 -- 1979 1980 -- 1999 2000 to date Halsbury 's Statutes Short titles Church of England measures List Church of England Assembly ( Powers ) Act 1919 Legislation of devolved institutions Acts of the Scottish Parliament List Acts and Measures of the National Assembly for Wales List Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland Orders in Council for Northern Ireland Orders - in - Council Order in Council Secondary legislation United Kingdom Statutory Instruments Scottish Statutory Instruments Acts of Sederunt Acts of Adjournal Legislation relating to the European Union 1972 to date Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1982 in Canadian law Canada and the Commonwealth of Nations Constitution of Canada Political history of Quebec United Kingdom Acts of Parliament 1982 1982 in international relations Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom concerning Canada Canada -- United Kingdom relations March 1982 events Hidden categories : All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from April 2016 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October 2010 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource Čeština Deutsch Français Bahasa Indonesia Magyar Nederlands Português Русский Svenska Türkçe Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 13 September 2017 , at 06 : 16 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what is significant about the canada act of 1982
The Canada Act 1982 ( 1982 c. 11 ) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that was passed at the request of the Canadian federal government to `` patriate '' Canada 's constitution , ending the necessity for the British parliament to be involved in making changes to the Constitution of Canada . The Act also formally ended the `` request and consent '' provisions of the Statute of Westminster 1931 in relation to Canada , whereby the British parliament had a general power to pass laws extending to Canada at its own request .
2018 Commonwealth Games - Wikipedia 2018 Commonwealth Games Jump to : navigation , search XXI Commonwealth Games Logo of 2018 Commonwealth Games Host city Gold Coast , Queensland Country Australia Motto Share the Dream Nations participating 71 Commonwealth Teams Athletes participating 4,426 Events 275 in 19 sports Opening ceremony 4 April Closing ceremony 15 April Officially opened by Charles , Prince of Wales Officially closed by Edward , Earl of Wessex Athlete 's Oath Karen Murphy Queen 's Baton Final Runner Sally Pearson Main venue Carrara Stadium Website < XX XXII > Part of a series on 2018 Commonwealth Games ( show ) Bids Venues ( Athletes ' Village ) Concerns and controversies Queen 's Baton Relay Opening ceremony ( Parade of Nations ) Participating teams Medal table Chronological summary Closing ceremony Mascot CGF CGA The 2018 Commonwealth Games , officially known as the XXI Commonwealth Games and commonly known as Gold Coast 2018 , were an international multi-sport event for members of the Commonwealth that were held on the Gold Coast , Queensland , Australia , between 4 and 15 April 2018 . It was the fifth time Australia had hosted the Commonwealth Games and the first time a major multi-sport event achieved gender equality by having an equal number of events for males and female athletes . More than 4,400 athletes including 300 para-athletes from 71 Commonwealth Games Associations took part in the event . The Gambia which withdrew its membership from the Commonwealth of Nations and Commonwealth Games Federation in 2013 , was readmitted on 31 March 2018 and participated in the event . With 275 sets of medals , the games featured 19 Commonwealth sports , including beach volleyball , para triathlon and women 's rugby sevens . These sporting events took place at 14 venues in the host city , two venues in Brisbane and one venue each in Cairns and Townsville . These were the first Commonwealth Games to take place under the Commonwealth Games Federation ( CGF ) presidency of Louise Martin , CBE . The host city Gold Coast was announced at the CGF General Assembly in Basseterre , Saint Kitts , on 11 November 2011 . Gold Coast became the seventh Oceanian city and the first regional city to host the Commonwealth Games . These were the eighth games to be held in Oceania and the Southern Hemisphere . The host nation Australia topped the medal table for the fourth time in the past five Commonwealth Games , winning the most golds ( 80 ) and most medals overall ( 198 ) . England and India finished second and third respectively . Vanuatu , Cook Islands , Solomon Islands , British Virgin Islands and Dominica each won their first Commonwealth Games medals . Contents ( hide ) 1 Host selection 2 Administration 3 Preparation 3.1 Venues 3.1. 1 Venues in Gold Coast 3.1. 2 Venues outside Gold Coast 3.2 Financing 3.3 Medals 3.4 Athletes village 3.5 Queen 's baton relay 3.6 Transport 3.7 Anti-doping 4 Participating teams 4.1 Number of athletes by team 5 Calendar 6 Sports 7 Opening ceremony 7.1 Parade of Nations 8 Closing ceremony 9 Medal table 10 Broadcasting 11 Marketing 11.1 Motto 11.2 Emblem 11.3 Mascot 12 Concerns and controversies 12.1 Missing athletes 12.2 Criticism of the closing ceremony 13 See also 14 References 15 External links Host selection ( edit ) Main article : Bids for the 2018 Commonwealth Games Countdown clock at Surfers Paradise On 22 August 2008 , the Premier of Queensland , Anna Bligh , officially launched Gold Coast City 's bid to host the Commonwealth Games in 2018 . On 7 April 2009 , the ABC reported a land exchange deal between Gold Coast City and State of Queensland for Carrara Stadium . According to Mayor Ron Clarke , the land would aid a potential bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games . The land exchanged would be used as the site of an aquatics centre . In the same article , Mayor Clarke raised the question of the Australian Federal Government 's commitment to a 2018 Commonwealth Games bid in light of the Government 's support for Australia 's 2018 FIFA World Cup Finals bid . On 16 April 2009 , Queensland Premier Anna Bligh told reporters that a successful Commonwealth Games bid by Gold Coast City could help the tourist strip win a role in hosting the World Cup . `` Some of the infrastructure that would be built for the Commonwealth Games will be useful for Gold Coast City to get a World Cup game out of the soccer World Cup if we 're successful as a nation , '' she said . However the decision on the venues for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups were made eleven months prior to the bid decision for the 2018 Commonwealth Games , so the potential World Cup venues had already been chosen . On 3 June 2009 , Gold Coast City was confirmed as Australia 's exclusive bidder vying for the 2018 Commonwealth Games . `` Should a bid proceed , Gold Coast City will have the exclusive Australian rights to bid as host city for 2018 , '' Bligh stated . `` Recently I met with the president and CEO of the Australian Commonwealth Games Association and we agreed to commission a full and comprehensive feasibility study into the potential for the 2018 Commonwealth Games , '' she said . `` Under the stewardship of Queensland Events new chair , Geoff Dixon , that study is now well advanced . '' On 15 March 2010 , it was announced that the Queensland Government will provide initial funding of A $11 million for the 2018 Commonwealth Games bid . The Premier of Queensland has indicated the Government 's support for the bid to the Australian Commonwealth Games Association . On 31 March 2010 , the Australian Commonwealth Games Association officially launched the bid to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games . In October 2011 , Gold Coast City Mayor Ron Clarke stated that the games would provide a strong legacy for the city after the games have ended . On 31 March 2010 , a surprise bid was made for the 2018 Commonwealth Games by the Sri Lankan city of Hambantota . Hambantota was devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami , and is undergoing a major face lift . The first phase of the Port of Hambantota is nearing completion and it is funded by the government of China . The Mattala International Airport , which is the second international Airport of Sri Lanka is built close to Hambantota . A new Hambantota International Cricket Stadium had also been built , which had hosted matches in the 2011 Cricket World Cup . On 10 November 2011 , the Hambantota bidders claimed they had already secured enough votes to win the hosting rights . However , on 11 November it was officially announced Gold Coast City had won the rights to host the games . 2018 Commonwealth Games bidding results City Country Votes Gold Coast City Australia 43 Hambantota Sri Lanka 27 Administration ( edit ) The entire project was overseen by the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation ( GOLDOC ) . In February 2012 , Mark Peters was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Gold Coast City 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation . The Queensland Government Minister tasked with overseeing the Games was Kate Jones . Preparation ( edit ) Venues ( edit ) Main article : Venues of the 2018 Commonwealth Games One of the key technical aspects of Gold Coast City 's successful bid was the fact that the city had 80 percent of the planned venues in place before the bidding deadline . The vast majority of venues were located within 20 - minutes driving time of the Athletes Village in Parkwood . Venues in Gold Coast ( edit ) Carrara Stadium hosted the ceremonies and the athletics Carrara Stadium , located in the suburb of Carrara , was the main venue for Athletics , the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony . The seating capacity of the stadium was temporarily increased to 40,000 for the games by the installation of a large temporary North Stand . Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre hosted netball and the accredited media centre The Gold Coast City Convention and Exhibition Centre , located in the suburb of Broadbeach , hosted Basketball , Netball ( preliminaries ) and Weightlifting events , also serving as the Main Media Centre and International Broadcast centre hosting over 3000 members of the worlds press . The Broadbeach Bowls Club hosted the Bowls competition . The Hinze Dam , located in the suburb of Advancetown , was the location for the Mountain Bike competition . A new course was constructed to meet international competition requirements and temporary spectator seating for 2,000 spectators . The newly built Coomera Sport and Leisure Centre hosted Gymnastics and Netball ( finals ) . The existing sound stages of the Village Roadshow Studios complex in the suburb of Oxenford hosted the sports of Boxing , Table Tennis and Squash . During Games mode the venue was enhanced to provide for the International Sporting Federation technical venue requirements and provide spectator seating of 3,000 ( boxing ) and 3,200 ( table tennis ) . The Gold Coast Hockey Centre hosted the men 's and women 's Hockey events during the games . The Southport Broadwater Parklands hosted Triathlon and athletic events . The Optus aquatic centre hosted the swimming and diving events . Robina Stadium hosted the Rugby 7s competition and upgraded to meet World Rugby standards . The Elanora / Currumbin Valley area hosted the road racing elements of the cycling programme . Coolangatta Beachfront hosted the beach volleyball event . Venues outside Gold Coast ( edit ) Brisbane , along with the Gold Coast , forms part of the South East Queensland conurbation . Track Cycling was held at the Sleeman Sports Complex in the suburb of Chandler , where a new indoor cycling velodrome ( Anna Meares Velodrome ) was built . The Velodrome 's seat capacity was 4,000 during the games mode . The Shooting disciplines were held at the Belmont Shooting Centre . In Tropical North Queensland , the Cairns Convention Centre and Townsville Entertainment Centre hosted the preliminary rounds of both the men 's and women 's basketball competitions . Financing ( edit ) The Queensland state government spent A $ 1.5 billion ( US $ 1.2 billion ) to deliver the event . Out of this , A $ 550 million ( US $ 425 million ) were spent on the procurement programme . Procurement of the security and security infrastructure included contracts for four prime suppliers which delivered around 4,200 security guards . A $ 34 million ( US $ 26 million ) were spent on the deployment of the armed forces to provide rapid - response squads , bomb detectors , offshore patrols and surveillance . A $ 657 million ( US $ 509 million ) were spent for the construction of the venues and the Games Village . Medals ( edit ) At a charity gala held on 4 November 2017 , the medals for the games were officially unveiled . Australian Indigenous artist Delvene Cockatoo - Collins designed the medals , while they were produced by the Royal Australian Mint . The design of the medals was inspired by the coastline of Gold Coast along with Indigenous culture . Furthermore , Cockatoo - Collins mentioned , `` the medal design represents soft sand lines which shift with every tide and wave , also symbolic of athletic achievement , The continual change of tide represents the evolution in athletes who are making their mark , Records are made and special moments of elation are celebrated '' . Approximately 1,500 medals were created to be distributed to the medallists and each measures approximately 63 millimetres in diameter . The medals weigh between 138 and 163 grams . Athletes Village ( edit ) 2018 Commonwealth Games Village The 2018 Commonwealth Games Athletes Village was located on 59 hectares at Southport , Gold Coast. which provided accommodation and services to 6,600 athletes and officials in 1252 permanent dwellings . There are 1170 one and two bedroom apartments and 82 three bedroom townhouses which will serve as student accommodation to the nearby Griffith University . It offered services like laundry , refreshments and television and computer spaces and four residential pools . The village consisted a gym which was designed with guidance from the Australian Institute of Sport and equipment and the equipment were sponsored by Technogym . Adjoining the gym was the Athlete Recovery Area which provided services like plunge baths , including accessible baths , saunas , massage and consults from the Sports Medical personnel . The Main Dining served over 18,000 meals per day to the athletes during the games . The village also consisted of retail shops , Optus phone store , salon , bar and a games room which featured a number of arcade games , pool tables and game consoles . Queen 's Baton Relay ( edit ) Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Baton The Gold Coast 2018 Queen 's Baton Relay was launched on Commonwealth Day , 13 March 2017 , on the historic forecourt at Buckingham Palace , signalling the official countdown to the start of the Games . Accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Edward The Earl of Wessex , Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II heralded the start of the relay by placing her ' message to the Commonwealth and its athletes ' into the distinctive loop - design Queen 's Baton which then set off on its journey around the globe . It traveled for 388 days , spending time in every nation and territory of the Commonwealth . The Gold Coast 2018 Queen 's Baton Relay was the longest in Commonwealth Games history . Covering 230,000 km over 388 days , the baton made its way through the six Commonwealth regions of Africa , the Americas , the Caribbean , Europe , Asia and Oceania . The baton landed on Australian soil in December 2017 and then spent 100 days travelling through Australia , finishing its journey at the Opening Ceremony on 4 April 2018 , where the message was removed from the Baton and read aloud by Charles , Prince of Wales . Transport ( edit ) Gold Coast light rail During the games period , free public transportation within Queensland region was provided to ticket and accreditation holders . The free transportation services were available on local buses , train and Gold Coast light rail ( G : link ) services in Gold Coast and on TransLink and Qconnect bus services in Cairns and Townsville . The Gold Coast light rail system , connected a number of the key games venues including the Optus Aquatic Centre , Broadwater Parklands and the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre with the major accommodation centres of Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach and the Athletes Village at Parklands . An extension to the system was announced in October 2015 , connecting the then current terminus at Gold Coast University Hospital to the railway line to Brisbane at Helensvale . The extension opened in December 2017 , in time for the games . Anti-doping ( edit ) The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority conducted an anti-doping drive in the months prior to the games , covering around 2500 tests of Australian athletes , as well as 500 tests against international athletes . Three Australians failed drug tests in this process , along with around 20 international athletes , subject to appeal . The Commonwealth Games Federation conducted in - competition testing and , matching protocol at the Olympic Games , launched a sample storage initiative to allow for future testing of samples up to ten years later , should detection technology improve . Participating teams ( edit ) There were 71 nations competing at 2018 Commonwealth Games . Maldives were scheduled to participate , but in October 2016 they withdrew from the Commonwealth . The Gambia returned to the Commonwealth Games after being readmitted as a Commonwealth Games Federation member on 31 March 2018 . Nations expected to compete at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast ( hide ) Participating Commonwealth Games Associations : country name ( number of participants ) Anguilla ( 12 ) Antigua and Barbuda ( 17 ) Australia ( 469 ) ( hosts ) Bahamas ( 31 ) Bangladesh ( 23 ) Barbados ( 45 ) Belize ( 12 ) Bermuda ( 8 ) Botswana ( 26 ) British Virgin Islands ( 10 ) Brunei ( 8 ) Cameroon ( 40 ) Canada ( 282 ) Cayman Islands ( 21 ) Cook Islands ( 18 ) Cyprus ( 46 ) Dominica ( 13 ) England ( 390 ) Falkland Islands ( 15 ) Fiji ( 96 ) The Gambia ( 6 ) Ghana ( 71 ) Gibraltar ( 22 ) Grenada ( 14 ) Guernsey ( 31 ) Guyana ( 23 ) India ( 216 ) Isle of Man ( 31 ) Jamaica ( 106 ) Jersey ( 33 ) Kenya ( 136 ) Kiribati ( 14 ) Lesotho ( 20 ) Malawi ( 19 ) Malaysia ( 177 ) Malta ( 24 ) Mauritius ( 54 ) Montserrat ( 7 ) Mozambique ( 26 ) Namibia ( 28 ) Nauru ( 16 ) New Zealand ( 251 ) Nigeria ( 88 ) Niue ( 19 ) Norfolk Island ( 18 ) Northern Ireland ( 90 ) Pakistan ( 56 ) Papua New Guinea ( 56 ) Rwanda ( 17 ) Saint Helena ( 9 ) Saint Kitts and Nevis ( 7 ) Saint Lucia ( 13 ) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ( 20 ) Samoa ( 38 ) Scotland ( 226 ) Seychelles ( 25 ) Sierra Leone ( 24 ) Singapore ( 59 ) Solomon Islands ( 14 ) South Africa ( 194 ) Sri Lanka ( 79 ) Swaziland ( 10 ) Tanzania ( 15 ) Tonga ( 13 ) Trinidad and Tobago ( 51 ) Turks and Caicos Islands ( 7 ) Tuvalu ( 7 ) Uganda ( 69 ) Vanuatu ( 18 ) Wales ( 213 ) Zambia ( 36 ) Number of athletes by team ( edit ) ( show ) CGF Code Country Athletes AUS Australia 469 ENG England 390 CAN Canada 282 NZL New Zealand 251 SCO Scotland 226 IND India 216 WAL Wales 213 RSA South Africa 194 MAS Malaysia 177 KEN Kenya 136 JAM Jamaica 106 FIJ Fiji 96 NIR Northern Ireland 90 NGR Nigeria 88 SRI Sri Lanka 79 GHA Ghana 71 UGA Uganda 69 SIN Singapore 59 PAK Pakistan 56 PNG Papua New Guinea MRI Mauritius 54 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 51 CYP Cyprus 46 BAR Barbados 45 CMR Cameroon 40 SAM Samoa 38 ZAM Zambia 36 JEY Jersey 33 BAH Bahamas 31 GGY Guernsey IOM Isle of Man NAM Namibia 28 BOT Botswana 26 MOZ Mozambique SEY Seychelles 25 MLT Malta 24 SLE Sierra Leone BAN Bangladesh 23 GUY Guyana GIB Gibraltar 22 CAY Cayman Islands 21 LES Lesotho 20 SVG Saint Vincent and the Grenadines MAW Malawi 19 NIU Niue COK Cook Islands 18 NFI Norfolk Island VAN Vanuatu ANT Antigua and Barbuda 17 RWA Rwanda NRU Nauru 16 FAI Falkland Islands 15 TAN Tanzania GRN Grenada 14 KIR Kiribati SOL Solomon Islands DMA Dominica 13 LCA Saint Lucia TGA Tonga AIA Anguilla 12 BIZ Belize IVB British Virgin Islands 10 SWZ Swaziland SHN Saint Helena 9 BER Bermuda 8 BRU Brunei MNT Montserrat 7 SKN Saint Kitts and Nevis TCA Turks and Caicos Islands TUV Tuvalu GAM The Gambia 6 Calendar ( edit ) OC Opening ceremony Event competitions Gold medal events CC Closing ceremony April Wed 5 Thu 6 Fri 7 Sat 8 Sun 9 Mon 10 Tue 11 Wed 12 Thu 13 Fri 14 Sat 15 Sun Events Ceremonies OC CC N / A Aquatics Diving 10 Swimming 7 9 8 8 9 9 50 Athletics 5 6 8 7 10 9 9 58 Badminton 5 6 Basketball Beach volleyball Boxing 16 16 Cycling Mountain biking Road cycling Track cycling 6 6 20 Gymnastics Artistic 5 5 14 Rhythmic 6 Hockey Lawn bowls 10 Netball Powerlifting Rugby sevens Shooting 19 Squash 5 Table tennis 9 Triathlon 5 Weightlifting 16 Wrestling 12 Daily medal events 19 17 22 31 33 26 15 24 27 44 17 275 Cumulative total 19 36 58 89 122 148 163 187 214 258 275 April 4th Wed 5th Thu 6th Fri 7th Sat 8th Sun 9th Mon 10th Tue 11th Wed 12th Thu 13th Fri 14th Sat 15th Sun Total events Sports ( edit ) The regulations stated that from the 26 approved sports administered by Commonwealth Governing Bodies , a minimum of ten core sports and maximum of seventeen sports must be included in any Commonwealth Games schedule . The approved sports included the 10 core sports : athletics , badminton , boxing , hockey , lawn bowls , netball ( for women ) , rugby sevens , squash , swimming and weightlifting . Integrated disabled competitions were also scheduled for the Games in nine sports : swimming , athletics , cycling , table tennis , powerlifting and lawn bowls . Along with these events for the first time EAD events in triathlon were held , with the medals added to the final tally for each nation . A record 38 para events were contested at these games . On 8 March 2016 , beach volleyball was announced as the 18th sport . The program was broadly similar to that of the 2014 Commonwealth Games , with the major changes being the dropping of judo , the reintroduction of basketball , the debut of women 's rugby sevens and beach volleyball . On 7 October 2016 , it was announced seven new events for women were added to the sport program , meaning there are an equal number of events for men and women . This marks the first time in history that a major multi-sport event has equality in terms of events . In total 275 events in 18 sports are being contested . Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of medal events contested in each sport . Aquatics Diving ( 10 ) ( details ) Swimming ( 50 ) ( details ) Athletics ( 58 ) ( details ) Badminton ( 6 ) ( details ) Basketball ( 2 ) ( details ) Beach volleyball ( 2 ) ( details ) Boxing ( 16 ) ( details ) Cycling ( details ) Mountain biking ( 2 ) Road ( 4 ) Track ( 20 ) Gymnastics ( details ) Artistic ( 14 ) Rhythmic ( 6 ) Hockey ( 2 ) ( details ) Lawn bowls ( 10 ) ( details ) Netball ( 1 ) ( details ) Rugby sevens ( 2 ) ( details ) Shooting ( 19 ) ( details ) Squash ( 5 ) ( details ) Table tennis ( 9 ) ( details ) Triathlon ( 5 ) ( details ) Weightlifting ( 16 ) ( details ) Powerlifting ( 4 ) ( details ) Wrestling ( 12 ) ( details ) Opening ceremony ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony The opening ceremony was held at Carrara Stadium in the Gold Coast , Australia , between 20 : 00 and 22 : 40 AEST , on 4 April 2018 . Tickets for the ceremony started at 100 Australian dollars with half price tickets available for children . The Head of the Commonwealth , Queen Elizabeth II , was represented by her son , Charles , Prince of Wales . Parade of nations ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Commonwealth Games Parade of Nations Following tradition , the host of the previous games , Scotland entered first , followed by the rest of the European countries competing . Following this , all countries paraded in alphabetical order from their respective regions . After the European countries entered , countries from Africa , the Americas , Asia , the Caribbean , and lastly Oceania marched in . The host nation of Australia entered last . Each nation was preceded by a placard bearer carrying a sign with the country 's name . Closing ceremony ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Commonwealth Games closing ceremony The closing ceremony was held at Carrara Stadium on Sunday 15th April and was produced by Jack Morton Worldwide at a cost of AU $30 million . Australian pop stars Guy Sebastian , Samantha Jade , Dami Im and The Veronicas were among the performers along with children 's entertainers , The Wiggles . Prince Edward , Earl of Wessex , declared the Games closed and passed the Commonwealth Games flag to Birmingham , England which will host the 2022 Games . Medal table ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Commonwealth Games medal table Only the top ten successful nations are displayed here . The ranking in this table is consistent with International Olympic Committee convention in its published medal tables . By default , the table is ordered by the number of gold medals the athletes from a nation have won ( in this context , a `` nation '' is an entity represented by a Commonwealth Games Association ) . The number of silver medals is taken into consideration next and then the number of bronze medals . If nations are still tied , equal ranking is given and they are listed alphabetically by their three - letter country code . Australia tops the medal table rank with 80 gold , second England with 45 gold and third India with 26 gold . Key * Host nation ( Australia ) 2018 Commonwealth Games medal table Rank CGA Gold Silver Bronze Total Australia ( AUS ) * 80 59 59 198 England ( ENG ) 45 45 46 136 India ( IND ) 26 20 20 66 Canada ( CAN ) 15 40 27 82 5 New Zealand ( NZL ) 15 16 15 46 6 South Africa ( RSA ) 13 11 13 37 7 Wales ( WAL ) 10 12 14 36 8 Scotland ( SCO ) 9 13 22 44 9 Nigeria ( NGR ) 9 9 6 24 10 Cyprus ( CYP ) 8 5 14 Total ( 43 CGAs ) 275 276 289 840 Broadcasting ( edit ) In Australia , the games were broadcast live on three Seven Network channels - 7HD , 7TWO and 7Mate . In the United Kingdom , BBC provided Commonwealth Games coverage of more than 200 hours across BBC One , BBC Two , BBC Red Button , BBC Sport website , BBC iPlayer and BBC radio . TVNZ channel broadcast the games for the viewers in New Zealand . Astro Arena provided the games coverage for the Malaysian viewers . ESPN provided the games coverage for viewers in the USA . Sony Pictures Networks India broadcast the games for the viewers in India on three channels - Sony Six , Sony Ten 2 in English and Sony Ten 3 in Hindi . Marketing ( edit ) Borobi , the mascot of the 2018 Commonwealth Games Motto ( edit ) The official motto for the 2018 Commonwealth Games was `` Share the Dream '' . It was chosen to highlight the dreams and experience at the games that were shared by participants of the games , ranging from athletes to volunteers and the host country Australia to the world including the Commonwealth nations . Emblem ( edit ) The emblem was launched on 4 April 2013 , which marked exactly five years until its opening ceremony . It was unveiled at the Southport Broadwater Parklands . It was designed by the New South Wales based brand consultancy WiteKite . The emblem of the 2018 Commonwealth Games was a silhouette of the skyline and landscape of Gold Coast , the host city of the games . Nigel Chamier OAM , who served as the Chairman of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation till the end of the games , said that it was the result of months of market research . Mascot ( edit ) Main article : Borobi ( mascot ) Borobi was named as the mascot of the 2018 Commonwealth Games in 2016 . Borobi is a blue koala , with indigenous markings on its body . The term `` borobi '' means koala in the Yugambeh language , spoken by the indigenous Yugambeh people of the Gold Coast and surrounding areas . Concerns and controversies ( edit ) Missing athletes ( edit ) At least 13 athletes from four countries - Cameroon , Uganda , Rwanda , and Sierra Leone - absconded during or immediately after the Games . Some missed their competitions . Athletes regularly abscond during major sporting events , and many subsequently claim asylum in their host countries . Most hold nationalities that are deemed high - risk by immigration authorities and find it impossible to get visas outside of exceptional events , such as major games . A month after the games ended , officals estimated that fifty athletes had remained in Australia illegally , with another 200 staying in the country on visas . Criticism of the closing ceremony ( edit ) The organising committee decided to bring in the athletes before the start of the closing ceremony . This caused an uproar on social media as , contrary to public expectations , none of the athletes were shown entering the stadium during the ceremony . Broadcast rights holders Channel 7 complained on air about the decision and concluded that , `` it has n't really lived up to expectations '' . Many spectators and athletes left during the ceremony , resulting in a half - empty stadium for much of the event . Following this , the ABC claimed that Channel 7 was briefed on the closing ceremony schedule , a claim which Channel 7 later refuted . See also ( edit ) Gold Coast 2018 Queen 's Baton Relay 2018 Asian Games 2018 European Championships 2019 Pan American Games 2019 European Games 2019 Pacific Games References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` This Commonwealth Games will be remembered as a year of ' firsts ' , on and off the field '' . ABC News . 2018 - 04 - 13 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Up to 300 Para athletes participated in the 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . International Paralympic Committee ( IPC ) . 16 April 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Gambia to compete at Gold Coast 2018 after readmitted as CGF member '' . . Dunsar Media . 31 March 2018 . Retrieved 3 April 2018 . Jump up ^ `` ABOUT Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ sportscotland . `` Louise Martin elected as CGF President '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` CGF General Assembly 2011 '' . Commonwealth Games Federation . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Medal Standings - Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` CGF President declares Commonwealth more relevant than ever before as `` Games of Firsts '' draw to a close on Gold Coast `` . Commonwealth Games Federation . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Gold Coast eyes 2018 Games bid with land swap '' . Australian Broadcasting Corporation . 7 April 2009 . Retrieved 26 May 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Bligh pushes bids for Games , World Cup '' . The Sydney Morning Herald . 16 April 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Gold Coast gets sole right to bid for 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Brisbane Times . 3 June 2009 . Retrieved 26 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Lappeman , Sue ( 15 March 2010 ) . `` Coast Games bid up and running '' . Gold Coast Bulletin . Retrieved 26 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Lappeman , Sue ( 31 March 2010 ) . `` Coast Commonwealth Games bid backed '' . Gold Coast Bulletin . Retrieved 26 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Degun , Tom ( 23 October 2011 ) . `` Legacy benefits to Gold Coast of 2018 Commonwealth Games will be huge , says city 's Mayor '' . Inside the Games . Retrieved 17 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Ardern , Lucy ( 11 November 2011 ) . `` Sri Lanka boasting of Games bid win '' . Gold Coast Bulletin . Retrieved 17 November 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Candidate City Manual '' ( PDF ) . Commonwealth Games Federation . December 2009 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 5 July 2010 . Retrieved 17 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Ardern , Lucy ( 13 November 2011 ) . `` Coast wins 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast Bulletin . Retrieved 17 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Willoughby , , Shannon . `` Mark Peters named as Games CEO '' . Gold Coast News , 18 February 2012 . Retrieved 14 January 2013 . Jump up ^ Palaszczuk , Annastacia ( 10 February 2017 ) . `` Kate Jones appointed Minister for the Commonwealth Games '' ( Press release ) . Brisbane : Queensland Government . Retrieved 8 May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Carrara Stadium Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Broadbeach Bowls Club Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Coomera Indoor Sports Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Oxenford Studios Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Gold Coast Hockey Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Southport Broadwater Parklands Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Optus Aquatic Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Robina Stadium Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Coolangatta Beachfront Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Anna Meares Velodrome Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Belmont Shooting Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Cairns Convention Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ , ACCA -. `` 2018 Commonwealth Games takes schedule and budget golds ACCA Global '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 24 . Jump up ^ Crockford , Toby ( 4 November 2017 ) . `` Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games medals revealed '' . Brisbane Times . Brisbane , Queensland , Australia . Retrieved 4 November 2017 . Jump up ^ Pavitt , Michael ( 4 November 2017 ) . `` Gold Coast 2018 reveal medal designs for Commonwealth Games at charity gala '' . . Dunsar Media . Retrieved 4 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Games Village '' . Embracing 2018 . 18 April 2017 . Retrieved 12 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Inside the Commonwealth Games Village Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Commonwealth Games Federation - Queen 's Baton Relay '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` Your Travel Options Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast 2018 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Stage two of Gold Coast light rail on track for Commonwealth Games '' . Queensland Government . 11 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Commonwealth Games 2018 : Australia athletes banned for doping . The Australian ( 2018 - 04 - 12 ) . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` 71 Nations and Territories. 6 Continents. 2 Billion citizens . 1 commonwealth family '' . . Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation . Retrieved 8 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Mackay , Duncan ( 14 October 2016 ) . `` Maldives set to miss Gold Coast 2018 after resigning from Commonwealth '' . . Dunsar Media . Retrieved 16 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Gold Coast 2018 to host largest Commonwealth para-sport programme '' . . International Paralympic Committee . 3 March 2016 . Retrieved 23 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Exclusive : Beach volleyball to be played at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games '' . Gold Coast Bulletin . Retrieved 5 April 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Women 's rugby added to Commonwealth Games '' . . Rogers Media . 7 October 2014 . Retrieved 23 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Level playing field for women at 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . The Scotsman . Edinburgh , Scotland . 7 October 2016 . Retrieved 7 October 2016 . Jump up ^ McKay , Duncan ( 7 October 2016 ) . `` Gold Coast 2018 to offer same amount of medals for men and women after seven events added '' . . Dunsar Media . Retrieved 7 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Opening Ceremony '' . . Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation ( GOLDOC ) . Retrieved 20 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Commonwealth Games : Gold Coast event starts with colourful opening ceremony '' . BBC Sport. 4 April 2018 . Retrieved 5 April 2018 . Jump up ^ Giles , Thomas ( 20 December 2017 ) . `` Team Scotland release Gold Coast 2018 parade tartan '' . . Dunsar Media . Retrieved 24 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Commonwealth Games 2018 live Stream Gold Coast TV Schedule '' . commonwealthgames2018. live . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` BBC - Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games on the BBC - Media Centre '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` TVNZ announces Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games coverage New Zealand Olympic Team '' . New Zealand Olympic Team . 2018 - 03 - 01 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 21 . Jump up ^ . `` Get your GC2018 Season Pass and Cheer for Malaysian Athletes at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Press Release Mediaroom Astro '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` ESPN acquires Commonwealth Games rights in USA for first time in 2018 Featured News News Sportcal '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 21 . Jump up ^ Hawkes , Rebecca . `` SPN India gears up for Commonwealth Games coverage Programming News Rapid TV News '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` The Games '' . Jump up ^ `` Emblem unveiled for 2018 Commonwealth Games '' . 2013 - 04 - 04 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` Gold Coast Games logo unveiled - Mumbrella '' . Mumbrella. 2013 - 04 - 04 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` Emblem '' . Jump up ^ `` Commonwealth Games emblem revealed '' . Brisbane Times . 2013 - 04 - 03 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 25 . Jump up ^ Larkins , Damien ( 3 April 2016 ) . `` Blue koala Borobi revealed as mascot for 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games '' . ABC News ( Australia ) . Sydney , New South Wales , Australia . Retrieved 5 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Still no sign of missing African Commonwealth Games athletes '' . NewsComAu . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 19 . Jump up ^ Doherty , Ben ( 2018 - 04 - 11 ) . `` Cameroon athletes missing from Commonwealth Games '' . the Guardian . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Commonwealth Games : Fifty athletes in Australia ' illegally ' '' . BBC News . Retrieved 21 May 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Almost 200 Commonwealth Games athletes and officials seek asylum in Australia '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 21 May 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Commonwealth Games closing ceremony slammed on social media as Channel Seven hosts open fire '' . Australian Broadcasting Corporation ( ABC ) . Sydney , Australia . 15 April 2018 . Retrieved 15 April 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Seven was briefed on closing ceremony '' . ABC News . 2018 - 04 - 16 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . Jump up ^ Cunningham , Melissa ( 2018 - 04 - 16 ) . `` Griggs hits back at claims Channel Seven knew plan to snub athletes '' . The Sydney Morning Herald . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 17 . External links ( edit ) Gold Coast 2018 official website Embracing 2018 official website Official results Preceded by Glasgow Commonwealth Games Gold Coast XXI Commonwealth Games ( 2018 ) Succeeded by Birmingham Commonwealth Games Commonwealth Games Federation Participating Nations Commonwealth Day Inter-Empire Championships Queen 's Baton Relay Medal Table Sports Records Games 1930 Hamilton 1934 London 1938 Sydney 1950 Auckland 1954 Vancouver 1958 Cardiff 1962 Perth 1966 Kingston 1970 Edinburgh 1974 Christchurch 1978 Edmonton 1982 Brisbane 1986 Edinburgh 1990 Auckland 1994 Victoria 1998 Kuala Lumpur 2002 Manchester 2006 Melbourne 2010 Delhi 2014 Glasgow 2018 Gold Coast 2022 Birmingham 2026 TBA Commonwealth Youth Games Commonwealth Winter Games Commonwealth Paraplegic Games ← 2018 in Australia → Governor - General -- Sir Peter Cosgrove Prime Minister -- Malcolm Turnbull Chief Justice -- Susan Kiefel Politics and elections Incumbents National Party of Australia leadership election South Australian state election Tasmanian state election Batman by - election Cottesloe state by - election Perth by - election Victorian state election People and culture Deaths Television Film Honours Australia Day Honours Special Honours Sports competitions Commonwealth Games Australian Open Cricket team in South Africa ball - tampering scandal Australia at multi-sport events Commonwealth Games Winter Olympics Winter Paralympics Summer Youth Olympics Big Bash League Women 's Australian Grand Prix Establishments and developments Australian Cycling Academy -- Ride Sunshine Coast Australian Space Agency The Bend Motorsport Park Electoral district of Badcoe Electoral district of Black Electoral district of Gibson Marshall Ministry Melbourne 400 NRL Touch Premiership NRL Women 's The Bend SuperSprint World Series Rugby Disasters Cyclone Kelvin Broome flood Cyclone Marcus Bushfire season Tathra bushfire 2018 in Australia Commonwealth Games portal 2010s portal Queensland portal Australia portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Commonwealth Games 2018 Commonwealth Games 2018 in multi-sport events Sports competitions on the Gold Coast , Queensland Commonwealth Games in Australia 2018 in Australian sport April 2018 sports events in Oceania Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from April 2018 Use Australian English from April 2012 All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English Use dmy dates from February 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia বাংলা Cymraeg Deutsch Español Français Gaeilge 한국어 हिन्दी Italiano עברית मराठी Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский සිංහල Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు Українська اردو 吴语 中文 18 more Edit links This page was last edited on 24 May 2018 , at 19 : 20 . 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how many sports are there in the 2018 commonwealth games
More than 4,400 athletes including 300 para-athletes from 71 Commonwealth Games Associations took part in the event . The Gambia which withdrew its membership from the Commonwealth of Nations and Commonwealth Games Federation in 2013 , was readmitted on 31 March 2018 and participated in the event . With 275 sets of medals , the games featured 19 Commonwealth sports , including beach volleyball , para triathlon and women 's rugby sevens . These sporting events took place at 14 venues in the host city , two venues in Brisbane and one venue each in Cairns and Townsville .
Permanent Court of International Justice - wikipedia Permanent Court of International Justice Jump to : navigation , search `` PCIJ '' redirects here . For the Philippine media organization , see Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism . Permanent Court of International Justice Cour permanente de justice internationale The seal of the Permanent Court of International Justice . The successor International Court of Justice adopted the seal as well . Established 1920 Dissolved 1946 Country Netherlands Location The Hague Coordinates 52 ° 05 ′ 11.76 '' N 4 ° 17 ′ 43.80 '' E  /  52.0866000 ° N 4.2955000 ° E  / 52.0866000 ; 4.2955000 Coordinates : 52 ° 05 ′ 11.76 '' N 4 ° 17 ′ 43.80 '' E  /  52.0866000 ° N 4.2955000 ° E  / 52.0866000 ; 4.2955000 The Peace Palace in The Hague , Netherlands , home to the Permanent Court of International Justice The Permanent Court of International Justice , often called the World Court , existed from 1922 to 1946 . It was an international court attached to the League of Nations . Created in 1920 ( although the idea of an international court was several centuries old ) , the Court was initially well - received from states and academics alike , with many cases submitted to it for its first decade of operation . With the heightened international tension of the 1930s , the Court became less used . By a resolution from the League of Nations on 18 April 1946 , the Court and the League both ceased to exist and were replaced by the International Court of Justice and the United Nations . The Court 's mandatory jurisdiction came from three sources : the Optional Clause of the League of Nations , general international conventions and special bipartite international treaties . Cases could also be submitted directly by states , but they were not bound to submit material unless it fell into those three categories . The Court could issue either judgments or advisory opinions . Judgments were directly binding while advisory opinions were not . In practice , member states of the League of Nations followed advisory opinions anyway , as they feared that otherwise , they could undermine the moral and legal authority of the Court and League . On occasion , the Court was accused of extending its jurisdiction . Strictly speaking , it was allowed to intervene only in matters of international law , but became involved in municipal law during the Loans Cases . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Founding and early years 1.2 Increasing work 1.3 United States never joins 1.4 Growing international tension and dissolution of the court 2 Organisation 2.1 Judges 2.2 Procedure 2.3 Registrar and Registry 3 Cases 3.1 Cases 3.2 Advisories 4 Jurisdiction 5 See also 6 References 7 Bibliography 8 External links History ( edit ) Founding and Early years ( edit ) An international court had long been proposed ; Pierre Dubois suggested it in 1305 and Émeric Crucé in 1623 . An idea of an international court of justice arose in the political world at the First Hague Peace Conference in 1899 , where it was declared that arbitration between states was the easiest solution to disputes , providing a temporary panel of judges to arbitrate in such cases , the Permanent Court of Arbitration . At the Second Hague Peace Conference in 1907 , a draft convention for a permanent Court of Arbitral Justice was written although disputes and other pressing business at the Conference meant that such a body was never established , owing to difficulties agreeing on a procedure to select the judges . The outbreak of the First World War , and , in particular , its conclusion made it clear to many academics that some kind of world court was needed , and it was widely expected that one would be established . Article 14 of the Covenant of the League of Nations , created after the Treaty of Versailles , allowed the League to investigate setting up an international court . In June 1920 , an Advisory Committee of jurists appointed by the League of Nations finally established a working guideline for the appointment of judges , and the Committee was then authorised to draft a constitution for a permanent court not of arbitration but of justice . The Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice was accepted in Geneva on December 13 , 1920 . The Court first sat on 30 January 1922 , at the Peace Palace , The Hague , covering preliminary business during the first session ( such as establishing procedure and appointing officers ) Nine judges sat , along with three deputies , since Antonio Sánchez de Bustamante y Sirven , Ruy Barbosa and Wang Ch'ung - hui were unable to attend , the last being at the Washington Naval Conference . The Court elected Bernard Loder as President and Max Huber as Vice-President ; Huber was replaced by Charles Andre Weiss a month later . On 14 February the Court was officially opened , and rules of procedure were established on 24 March , when the court ended its first session . The court first sat to decide cases on 15 June . During its first year of business , the Court issued three advisory opinions , all related to the International Labour Organisation created by the Treaty of Versailles and collectively grouped into the International Labour Organisation Questions . The initial reaction to the Court was good , from politicians , practising lawyers and academics alike . Ernest Pollock , the former Attorney General for England and Wales said , `` May we not as lawyers regard the establishment of an International Court of Justice as an advance in the science that we pursue ? '' John Henry Wigmore said that the creation of the Court `` should have given every lawyer a thrill of cosmic vibration '' , and James Brown Scott wrote that `` the one dream of our ages has been realised in our time '' . Much praise was heaped upon the appointment of an American judge despite the fact that the United States had not become a signatory to the Court 's protocol , and it was thought that it would soon do so . Increasing work ( edit ) U.S. President Warren G. Harding , who had first suggested American involvement ; the U.S. demanded a veto , however , and never joined . The Court faced increasing work as it went on , allaying the fears of those commentators who had believed the Court would become like the Supreme Court of the United States , which was not presented with a case for its first six terms . The Court was given nine cases during 1922 and 1923 , however , with judgments called `` cases '' and advisory opinions called `` questions '' . Three cases were disposed of during the Court 's first session , one during an extraordinary sitting between 8 January and 7 February 1923 ( the Tunis - Morocco Nationality Question ) , four during the second ordinary sitting between 15 June 1923 and 15 September 1923 ( Eastern Carelia Question , S.S. `` Wimbledon '' case , German Settlers Question , Acquisition of Polish Nationality Question ) and one during a second extraordinary session from 12 November to 6 December 1923 ( Jaworznia Question ) . A replacement for Ruy Barbosa ( who had died on 1 March 1923 without hearing any cases ) was also found , with the election of Epitácio Lindolfo da Silva Pessoa on 10 September 1923 . The workload the following year was reduced , containing two judgments and one advisory opinion ; the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case , the Interpretation of the Treaty of Neuilly Case ( the first case of the Court 's Chamber of Summary Procedure ) and the Monastery of Saint - Naoum Question . During the same year , a new President and Vice-President were elected , since they were mandated to serve for a term of three years . At the elections on 4 September 1924 , Charles Andre Weiss was again elected Vice-President and Max Huber became the second President of the Court . Judicial pensions were created at the same time , with a judge being given 1 / 30th of his annual pay for every year he had served once he had both retired and turned 65 . 1925 was an exceedingly busy year for the court , which sat for 210 days , with four extraordinary sessions as well as the ordinary session , producing 3 judgments and 4 advisory opinions . The first judgment was given in the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations Case , the second ( by the Court of Summary Procedure ) was on the interpretation of the Interpretation of the Treaty of Neuilly Case , and the third in the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case . The 4 advisory opinions issued by the Court were in the Polish Postal Service in Danzig Question , the Expulsion of the Ecumenical Patriarch Question , the Treaty of Lausanne Question and the German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia Question. 1926 saw reduced business , with only one ordinary session and one extraordinary session ; it was , however , the first year that all 11 judges had been present to hear cases . The court heard two cases , providing one judgment and one advisory opinion ; a second question on German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia , this time a judgment rather than an advisory opinion , and an advisory opinion on the International Labour Organisation , grouped into the International Labour Organisation Questions . Despite the reduction of work in 1926 , 1927 was another busy year , the Court sitting continuously from 15 June to 16 December , handing down 4 orders , 4 judgments and 1 advisory opinion . The judgments were in the Belgium - China Case , the Case Concerning the Factory at Chorzow , the Lotus Case and a continuation of the Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions Case . 3 of the advisory opinions were on the Competence of the European Commission on the Danube , and the 4th was on the Jurisdiction of Danzig Courts . The 4 orders were on the German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia . This year saw another set of elections ; on 6 December , with Dionisio Anzilotti elected President and Charles Andre Weiss elected Vice-President . Weiss died the following year , and John Bassett Moore resigned ; Max Huber was elected Vice-President on 12 September 1928 to succeed Weiss , while a second death ( Lord Finlay ) left the Court increasingly understaffed . Replacements for Moore and Finlay were elected on 19 September 1929 ; Henri Fromageot and Cecil Hurst respectively . After the second round of elections in September 1930 , the Court was reorganised . On 16 January 1931 Mineichirō Adachi was appointed President , and Gustavo Guerrero Vice-President . United States never joins ( edit ) The United States never joined the World Court , primarily because enemies of the League of Nations in the Senate argued that the Court was too closely linked to the League of Nations . The leading opponent was Senator William Borah , Republican of Idaho . The United States finally recognised the Court 's jurisdiction , following a long and drawn out process . President Warren G. Harding had first suggested US involvement in 1923 , and on 9 December 1929 , three court protocols were signed . The U.S. demanded a veto over cases involving the U.S. but other nations rejected the idea . President Franklin Roosevelt did not risk his political capital and gave only passive support even though a two - thirds vote of approval was needed in the Senate . A barrage of telegrams flooded Congress , inspired by attacks made by Charles Coughlin and others . The treaty failed by seven votes on January 29 , 1935 . The United States finally accepted the Court 's jurisdiction on 28 December 1935 , but the treaty was never ratified , and the U.S. never joined . Francis Boyle attributes the failure to a strong isolationist element in the US Senate , arguing that the ineffectiveness shown by US nonparticipation in the Court and other international institutions could be linked to the start of the Second World War . Growing International tension and dissolution of the Court ( edit ) 1933 was a busy year for the court , which cleared its 20th case ( and `` greatest triumph '' ) ; the Eastern Greenland Case . This period was marked by growing international tension , however , with Japan and Germany announcing their withdrawal from the League of Nations , to come into effect in 1935 . That did not directly affect the Court , since the protocol accepting Court jurisdiction was separately ratified , but it influenced whether a nation would be willing to bring a case before it , as evidenced by Germany 's withdrawal from two pending cases . 1934 , the Court 's 13th year , `` has been in keeping with the traditions associated with that number '' , with few cases since the world 's governments were more concerned with the growing international tension . The Court 's business continued to be small in 1935 , 1936 , 1937 , 1938 , and 1939 although 1937 was marked by Monaco 's acceptance of the Court protocol . The Court 's judicial output in 1940 consisted entirely of a set of orders , completed in a meeting between 19 and 26 February , caused by an international situation , which left the Court with `` uncertain prospects for the future '' . Following the German invasion of the Netherlands , the Court was unable to meet although the Registrar and President were afforded full diplomatic immunity . Informed that the situation would not be tolerated after diplomatic missions from other nations left The Hague on 16 July , the President and Registrar left the Netherlands and moved to Switzerland , accompanied by their staff . The Court was unable to meet between 1941 and 1944 , but the framework remained intact , and it soon became apparent that the Court would be dissolved . In 1943 , an international panel met to consider `` the question of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' , meeting from 20 March to 10 February 1944 . The panel agreed that the name and functioning of the Court should be preserved but for some future court rather than a continuation of the current one . Between 21 August and 7 October 1944 , the Dumbarton Oaks Conference was held , which , among other things , created an international court attached to the United Nations , to succeed the Permanent Court of International Justice . As a result of these conferences and others , the judges of the Permanent Court of International Justice officially resigned in October 1945 and , via a resolution by the League of Nations on 18 April 1946 , the Court and the League both ceased to exist , being replaced by the International Court of Justice and the United Nations . Organisation ( edit ) The Permanent Court ( bottom left ) in the League of Nations organisation . Judges ( edit ) Main article : Judges of the Permanent Court of International Justice Max Huber , the first Vice-President and second President of the Permanent Court of International Justice The Court initially consisted of 11 judges and 4 deputy judges , recommended by member states of the League of Nations to the Secretary General of the League of Nations , who would put them before the Council and Assembly for election . The Council and Assembly were to bear in mind that the elected panel of judges was to represent every major legal tradition in the League , along with `` every major civilization '' . Each member state was allowed to recommend 4 potential judges , with a maximum of 2 from its own nation . Judges were elected by a straight majority vote , held independently in the Council and Assembly . The judges served for a period of nine years , with their term limits all expiring at the same time , necessitating a completely new set of elections . The judges were independent and rid themselves of their nationality for the purposes of hearing cases , owing allegiance to no individual member state , but it was forbidden to have more than one judge from the same state . As a sign of their independence from national ties , judges were given full diplomatic immunity when engaged in Court business . The only requirements for judges were `` high moral character '' and `` the qualifications required in their respective countries ( for ) the highest judicial offices '' or to be `` jurisconsults of recognized competence in international law '' . The first panel was elected on 14 September 1921 , with the 4 deputies being elected on the 16th . On the first vote , Rafael Altamira y Crevea of Spain , Dionisio Anzilotti of Italy , Bernard Loder of the Netherlands , Ruy Barbosa of Brazil , Yorozu Oda of Japan , Charles Andre Weiss of France , Antonio Sánchez de Bustamante y Sirven of Cuba and Lord Finlay of the United Kingdom were elected by a majority vote of both the Council and Assembly on the first ballot taken . The second ballot elected John Bassett Moore of the United States , and the sixth Didrik Nyholm of Denmark and Max Huber of Switzerland . As the deputy judges , Wang Ch'ung - hui of China , Demetre Negulesco of Romania and Michaelo Yovanovich of Yugoslavia were elected . The Assembly and Council disagreed on the fourth deputy judge , but Frederik Beichmann of Norway was eventually appointed . Deputy judges were only substitutes for absent judges and were not afforded a vote in altering court procedure or contributing at other times . As such , they were allowed to act as counsel in international cases where they were not sitting as judges . In 1930 , the number of judges was increased to 15 , and a new set of elections were held . The election was held on 25 September 1930 , with 14 candidates receiving a majority on the first ballot and a 15th , Francisco José Urrutia , receiving a majority on the second . The full court was Urrutia , Mineichiro Adachi , Rafael Altamira y Crevea , Dionisio Anzilotti , Bustamante , Jonkheer van Eysinga , Henri Fromageot , José Gustavo Guerrero , Cecil Hurst , Edouard Rolin - Jaequemyns , Frank B. Kellogg , Negulesco , Michał Jan Rostworowski , Walther Schücking and Wang Ch'ung - hui . Judges were paid 15,000 Dutch florins a year , with daily expenses of 50 florins to pay for living expenses , and an additional 45,000 florins for the President , who was required to live at The Hague . Travelling expenses were also provided , and a `` duty allowance '' of 100 florins was provided when the court was sitting , with 150 for the Vice-President . This duty allowance was limited to 20,000 florins a year for the judges and 30,000 florins for the Vice-President ; as such , it provided for 200 days of court hearings , with no allowance provided if the court sat for longer . The deputy judges received no salary but , when called up for service , were provided with travel expenses , 50 florins a day for living expenses and 150 florins a day as a duty allowance . Procedure ( edit ) Under the Covenant of the League of Nations , all League members agreed that if there was a dispute between states they `` recognize to be suitable for submission to arbitration and which can not be satisfactorily settled by diplomacy '' , the matter would be submitted to the Court for arbitration , with suitable disputes being over the interpretation of an international treaty , a question on international law , the validity of facts , which , if true , would breach international obligations and the nature of any reparations to be made for breaching international obligations . The original Statutes of the Court provided that all 11 judges were required to sit in every case . There were three exceptions : when reviewing Labour Clauses from a peace treaty such as the Treaty of Versailles ( which was done by a special chamber of 5 judges , appointed every 3 years ) , when reviewing cases on communications or transport arising from a peace treaty ( which used a similar procedure ) and when hearing summary procedure cases , which were reviewed by a panel of 3 judges . To prevent the appearance of any bias in the court 's makeup , if there was a judge belonging to one member state on the panel and the other member state was not `` represented '' , they had the ability to select an ad hoc judge of their own nationality to hear the case . In a full court hearing , that increased the number to 12 ; in one of the 5 - man chambers , the new judge took the place of one of the original 5 . That did not apply to summary procedure cases . The ad hoc judge , selected by the member state , was expected to fulfil all the requirements of a normal judge ; the President of the Court had ultimate discretion over whether to authorise him to sit . The Court was mandated to open on 15 June each year and continue until all cases were finished , with extraordinary sessions if required ; by 1927 , there were more extraordinary sessions than ordinary ones . The Court 's business being conducted in English and French as official languages , and hearings were public unless it was otherwise specified . After receiving files in a case calculated to lead to a judgment , the judges would exchange their views informally on the salient legal points of the case , and a time limit for producing a judgment would then be set . Then , each judge would write an anonymous summary containing his opinion ; the opinions would be circulated among the Court for 2 or 3 days before the President drafted a judgment containing a summary of those submitted by individual judges . The Court would then agree on the decision that they wished to reach , along with the main points of argument they wished to use . Once this was done , a Committee of 4 , including the President , the Registrar and two judges elected by secret ballot , drafted a final judgment , which was then voted on by the entire Court . Once a final judgment was set , it was given to the public and the press . Every judgment contained the reasons behind the decision and the judges assenting ; dissenting judges were allowed to deliver their own judgment , with all judgments read in open court before the agents of the parties to the dispute . Judgments could not be revised except on the discovery of some fact unknown when the Court sat but not if the fact was known but not discussed because of negligence . The Court also issued `` advisory opinions '' , which arose from Article 14 of the Covenant creating the Court , which provided , `` The Court may also give an advisory opinion upon any dispute referred to it by the Council or Assembly '' . Goodrich interprets that as indicating that the drafters intended a purely advisory capacity for the Court , not a binding one . Manley Ottmer Hudson ( who sat as a judge ) said that an advisory opinion `` was what it purported to be . It is advisory . It is not in any sense a judgement ... hence it is not in any way binding on any state '' , but Charles De Visscher argued that in certain situations , an advisory opinion could be binding on the League of Nations Council and , under certain circumstances , some states ; M. Politis agreed , saying that the Court 's advisory opinions were equivalent to a binding judgment . In 1927 , the Court appointed a committee to look at this issue , and it reported that `` where there are in fact contending parties , the difference between contentious cases and advisory cases is only nominal ... so the view that advisory opinions are not binding is more theoretical than real '' . In practice , advisory opinions were usually followed , mostly due to the fear that if this `` revolutionary '' international court 's decisions were not followed , it would undermine its authority . The court retained the discretion to avoid giving an advisory opinion , which it used on occasion . Registrar and Registry ( edit ) Other than the judges , the Court also included a Registrar and his Secretariat , the Registry . When the Court met for its initial session , opened on 30 January 1922 to allow for the establishment of procedure and the appointment of Court officials , the Secretary - General of the League of Nations passed an emergency resolution through the Assembly , which designated an official of the League and his staff as the Registrar and Registry respectively , with the first Registrar being Åke Hammarskjöld . The Registrar , required to reside within The Hague , was initially tasked with drawing up a plan to create an efficient Secretariat , using the smallest number of staff possible and costing as little as possible . As a result , he decided to have each member of the Secretariat as the head of a particular Department , so the numbers of actual employees could be increased or decreased as necessary without impacting on the actual Registry . In 1927 , the post of Deputy - Registrar was created , tasked with dealing with legal research for the Court and answering all diplomatic correspondence received by the Registry . The first Deputy - Registrar was Paul Ruegger ; after his resignation on 17 August 1928 , Julio Lopez Olivan was selected to succeed him . Olivan resigned in 1931 to take over from Hammarskjöld as Registrar , and was replaced by M.L.J.H. Jorstad . The three principal officers of the Registry , after the Registrar and Deputy - Registrar , were the three Editing Secretaries . The first Editing Secretary , known as the Drafting Secretary , was tasked with drafting the Court 's publications ( including the Confidential Bulletin , a document exclusively received by judges of the court ) and Sections D and E of the official journal , comprising the legislative clauses conferring jurisdiction on the Court and the Court 's Annual Report . The second Editing Secretary , known as the Oral Secretary , was mainly responsible for the oral interpretation and translation of the Court 's discussions . For public hearings , he was assisted by interpreters , but for private meetings , only he , the Registrar and the Deputy - Registrar were admitted . As a result of this duty , the Oral Secretary was also tasked with writing Section C of the official journal , which comprised the oral interpretations of Court minutes , along with cases and questions put before the court . The third Secretary , known as the Written Secretary , was tasked with the written translations of the Court 's business , which were `` both numerous and voluminous '' . He was assisted in this by the other Secretaries and by translators for languages not his own ; all Secretaries were expected to speak English and French fluently and to have working knowledge of German and Spanish . The Registry was split into several Departments ; the Archives , the Accounting and Establishment , the Printing Service and the Copying Department . The Archives included a distribution service for the Court 's documents and the legal texts used by the Court itself and was described as one of the most difficult departments to organise . The Accounting and Establishment Department dealt with the requests for and allocation of the Court 's yearly budget , which was drawn up by the Registrar , approved by the Court and submitted to the League of Nations . The Printing Department , run from a single printing plant in Leiden , was created to allow the circulation of the Court 's publishings . The Copying Department comprised shorthand , typing and copying services , and included secretaries for the Registrar and judges , emergency reporters capable of taking notes down verbatim and copyists ; the smallest of the departments , it comprised between 12 and 40 staff depending on the business of the Court . Cases ( edit ) Cases ( edit ) S.S. `` Wimbledon '' case 1923 Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions 1924 Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions 1925 Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia 1926 Factory at Chorzów case 1927 The `` Lotus '' case 1927 Rights of Minorities in Upper Silesia ( Minority Schools ) 1928 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex ( France v Switzerland ) Brazilian Loans case 1929 Serbian Loans case 1929 Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the Oder River Case 1929 Legal Status of the South - Eastern Territory of Greenland 1932 Lighthouses case between France and Greece 1934 Borchgrave case Oscar Chinn case 1934 Minority Schools in Albania case 1935 Losinger case 1936 Diversion of Water from the Meuse Case 1937 Phosphates in Morocco case 1938 Panevezys - Saldutiskis Railway case 1939 Electricity Company of Sofia and Bulgaria case 1939 Société Commerciale de Belgique 1939 Interpretation of the Treaty of Neuilly Case 1924 Advisories ( edit ) Status of Eastern Carelia Question 1923 Nationality Decrees Issued in Tunis and Morocco 1923 German Settlers in Poland 1923 Jaworzina 1923 Monastery of Saint - Naoum Question 1924 Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations Question 1925 Polish Postal Service in Danzig Question 1925 the Expulsion of the Ecumenical Patriarch Question the Treaty of Lausanne Question Competence of the ILO to Regulate Incidentally the Personal Work of the Employer 1926 Jurisdiction of the European Commission of the Danube Jurisdiction of the Courts of Danzig Case 1928 Greco - Bulgarian `` Communities '' Question 1930 Interpretation of the Greco - Turkish Agreement 1928 Access to German Minority Schools in Upper Silesia 1931 Customs Regime between Germany and Austria Question 1931 Railway Traffic between Lithuania and Poland Question 1931 Interpretation of the Greco - Bulgarian Agreement 1932 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex 1932 Interpretation of the Convention of 1919 concerning Employment of Women during the Night 1932 Jurisdiction ( edit ) The Court 's jurisdiction was largely optional , but there were some situations in which they had `` compulsory jurisdiction '' , and states were required to refer cases to them . That came from three sources : the Optional Clause of the League of Nations , general international conventions and `` special bipartite international treaties '' . The Optional Clause was a clause attached to the protocol establishing the court and required all signatories to refer certain classes of dispute to the court , with compulsory judgments resulting . There were approximately 30 international conventions under which the Court had similar jurisdiction , including the Treaty of Versailles , the Air Navigation Convention , the Treaty of St. Germain and all mandates signed by the League of Nations . It was also foreseen that there would be clauses inserted in bipartite international treaties , which would allow the referral of disputes to the Court ; that occurred , with such provisions found in treaties between Czechoslovakia and Austria , and between Czechoslovakia and Poland . Throughout its existence , the Court widened its jurisdiction as much as possible . Strictly speaking , the Court 's jurisdiction was only for disputes between states , but it regularly accepted disputes that were between a state and an individual if a second state brought the individual 's case to the Court . It argued that the second state assertsled its rights , and the cases therefore became one between two states . The proviso that the Court was for disputes that could not `` be satisfactorily settled by diplomacy '' never made it require evidence that diplomatic discussions had been attempted before bringing the case . In the Loan Cases , it asserted jurisdiction despite the fact that there was no alleged breach of international law , and it could not be shown that there was any international element to the claim . The Court justified itself by saying that the Covenant of the League of Nations allowed it to have jurisdiction in cases over `` the existence of any fact which , if established , would constitute a breach of international obligations '' and argued that since the fact `` may be of any kind '' , it had jurisdiction if the dispute is one of municipal law . It had been long established that municipal law may be considered as a side point to a dispute over international law , but the Loan Cases discussed municipal law without the application of any international points . See also ( edit ) Commissions of the Danube River Permanent Court of International Justice cases References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1922 ) p. 245 Jump up ^ Scott ( 1920 ) p. 581 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1922 ) p. 246 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1922 ) p. 247 Jump up ^ Scott ( 1920 ) p. 582 Jump up ^ Text in League of Nations Treaty Series , vol. 6 , pp. 380 - 413 . Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 15 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1925 ) p. 49 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 16 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1923 ) p. 704 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 19 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 27 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 28 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1924 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1924 ) p. 2 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1924 ) p. 33 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1925 ) p. 55 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1925 ) p. 48 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1925 ) p. 57 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1925 ) p. 58 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1926 ) p. 6 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1926 ) p. 19 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1927 ) p. 26 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1927 ) p. 27 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1927 ) p. 30 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1928 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1928 ) p. 10 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1928 ) p. 21 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1928 ) p. 22 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1928 ) p. 26 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1929 ) p. 28 Jump up ^ Hudson ( Jan 1930 ) p. 38 Jump up ^ Hudson ( Jan 1930 ) p. 39 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1932 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ L. Ethan Ellis , Republican foreign policy , 1921 - 1933 ( 1968 ) pp 70 - 75 . Jump up ^ Gilbert N. Kahn , `` Presidential Passivity on a Nonsalient Issue : President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 1935 World Court Fight . '' Diplomatic History 4.2 ( 1980 ) : 137 - 160 . Jump up ^ Michla Pomerance ( 1996 ) . The United States and The World Court as a `` Supreme Court of the Nations '' : Dreams , Illusions and Disillusion . Martinus Nijhoff Publishers . pp. 132 -- 33 . Jump up ^ `` Signature and Ratification of the Protocol of the Permanent Court of International Justice ( PCIJ ) Member States '' . Archives of the League of Nations . Retrieved 22 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Boyle ( 1985 ) p. 54 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1933 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1934 ) p. 18 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1935 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1936 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1939 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1940 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1938 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1941 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1941 ) p. 2 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1945 ) p. 1 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1957 ) p. 570 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1957 ) p. 571 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1957 ) p. 569 Jump up ^ Grandjean , Martin ( 2017 ) . `` Analisi e visualizzazioni delle reti in storia . L'esempio della cooperazione intellettuale della Società delle Nazioni '' . Memoria e Ricerca ( 2 ) : 371 -- 393 . doi : 10.14647 / 87204 . See also : French version ( PDF ) and English summary . Jump up ^ Scott ( 1921 ) p. 556 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1930 ) p. 719 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 504 Jump up ^ Scott ( 1921 ) p. 557 Jump up ^ Scott ( 1921 ) p. 558 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 508 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 509 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1931 ) p. 21 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1931 ) p. 22 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1931 ) p. 23 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 506 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 500 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 501 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 506 Jump up ^ Hill ( 1931 ) p. 673 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 328 Jump up ^ Moore ( 1922 ) p. 507 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 330 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 334 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 331 Jump up ^ Goodrich ( 1938 ) p. 738 Jump up ^ Goodrich ( 1938 ) p. 739 Jump up ^ Goodrich ( 1938 ) p. 740 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 338 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 329 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 340 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 17 Jump up ^ Bustamante ( 1923 ) p. 132 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 341 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1929 ) p. 29 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1937 ) p. 15 Jump up ^ Hudson ( 1932 ) p. 2 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 342 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 343 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 344 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 345 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 347 Jump up ^ Hammarskjold ( 1927 ) p. 350 Jump up ^ Hudson ( July 1923 ) p. 121 Jump up ^ Hudson ( January 1923 ) p. 24 Jump up ^ Hudson ( July 1923 ) p. 122 Jump up ^ Jacoby ( 1936 ) p. 234 Jump up ^ Jacoby ( 1936 ) p. 237 Bibliography ( edit ) Accinelli , Robert D . `` The Roosevelt Administration and the World Court Defeat , 1935 . 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( 1932 ) . `` The Tenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 26 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1933 ) . `` The Eleventh Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 27 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1934 ) . `` The Twelfth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 28 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1935 ) . `` The Thirteenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 29 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( January 1936 ) . `` The Fourteenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 30 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Jacoby , Sidney B. ( 1936 ) . `` Some Aspects of the Jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 30 ( 2 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1937 ) . `` The Fifteenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 31 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1938 ) . `` The Sixteenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 32 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1939 ) . `` The Seventeenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 33 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1940 ) . `` The Eighteenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 34 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1941 ) . `` The Nineteenth Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 35 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1945 ) . `` The Twenty - Third Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 36 ( 1 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Hudson , Manley O. ( 1957 ) . `` The Succession of the International Court of Justice to the Permanent Court of International '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 51 ( 3 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Kahn , Gilbert N. `` Presidential Passivity on a Nonsalient Issue : President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 1935 World Court Fight . '' Diplomatic History 4.2 ( 1980 ) : 137 - 160 . Moore , John Bassett ( 1922 ) . `` The Organization of the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . Columbia Law Review . Columbia Law School . 22 ( 6 ) . ISSN 0010 - 1958 . Pomerance , Michla ( 1996 ) . The United States and The World Court as a `` Supreme Court of the Nations '' : Dreams , Illusions and Disillusion . Martinus Nijhoff . pp. 132 -- 33 . Scott , James Brown ( 1920 ) . `` A Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 14 ( 4 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . Scott , James Brown ( 1921 ) . `` The Election of Judges for the Permanent Court of International Justice '' . The American Journal of International Law . American Society of International Law . 15 ( 4 ) . ISSN 0002 - 9300 . World Peace Foundation ( 1925 ) . World Peace Foundation pamphlet series . World Peace Foundation . 580 . OCLC 426522229 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) External links ( edit ) Permanent Court of International Justice ( PCIJ ) 1922 - 1946 Judgments , Advisory Opinions and Orders in PDF Decisions of the World Court Relevant to the UNCLOS ( 2010 ) and Contents & Indexes Searchable text of Judgments , Advisory Opinions and PCIJ documentation GND : 37776 - 4 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Permanent Court of International Justice Organisations based in The Hague Defunct courts Hidden categories : Coordinates not on Wikidata Pages with citations lacking titles Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Беларуская Čeština Deutsch Eesti Español Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Lietuvių Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Slovenčina Svenska Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 8 December 2017 , at 11 : 31 . 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important cases decided by the permanent court of international justice
S.S. `` Wimbledon '' case 1923 Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions 1924 Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions 1925 Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia 1926 Factory at Chorzów case 1927 The `` Lotus '' case 1927 Rights of Minorities in Upper Silesia ( Minority Schools ) 1928 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex ( France v Switzerland ) Brazilian Loans case 1929 Serbian Loans case 1929 Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the Oder River Case 1929 Legal Status of the South - Eastern Territory of Greenland 1932 Lighthouses case between France and Greece 1934 Borchgrave case Oscar Chinn case 1934 Minority Schools in Albania case 1935 Losinger case 1936 Diversion of Water from the Meuse Case 1937 Phosphates in Morocco case 1938 Panevezys - Saldutiskis Railway case 1939 Electricity Company of Sofia and Bulgaria case 1939 Société Commerciale de Belgique 1939 Interpretation of the Treaty of Neuilly Case 1924
Queer Eye - wikipedia Queer Eye This is the current revision of this page , as edited by Noah5151 ( talk contribs ) at 10 : 38 , 11 August 2017 ( → ‎ Revival : Link ) . The present address ( URL ) is a permanent link to this version . Revision as of 10 : 38 , 11 August 2017 by Noah5151 ( talk contribs ) ( → ‎ Revival : Link ) ( diff ) ← Previous revision Latest revision ( diff ) Newer revision → ( diff ) Jump to : navigation , search Queer Eye Created by David Collins Starring Ted Allen Kyan Douglas Thom Filicia Carson Kressley Jai Rodriguez Country of origin United States No. of seasons 5 No. of episodes 100 ( list of episodes ) Production Running time 54 minutes Release Original network Bravo Original release July 15 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 15 ) -- October 30 , 2007 ( 2007 - 10 - 30 ) Queer Eye is an American reality television series that premiered on the cable television network Bravo during July 2003 . The program 's original name Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was changed after the third season to generalize the scope of its content . The series was created by executive producers David Collins and Michael Williams along with their producing partner David Metzler ; it was produced by their production company , Scout Productions . The series is premised on and uses the stereotypes that homosexual ( `` queer '' ) men are superior in matters of fashion , style , personal grooming , interior design and culture . In each episode , the team of five homosexual men known collectively as the `` Fab Five '' perform a `` makeover '' ( in the parlance of the show , a `` make - better '' ) on a person , usually a heterosexual ( `` straight '' ) man , revamping his wardrobe , redecorating his home and offering advice on grooming , lifestyle and food . Queer Eye for the Straight Guy debuted during 2003 , and quickly became a surprise success . The success of the series resulted in merchandising , franchising of the concept internationally , and a woman - oriented spin - off , Queer Eye for the Straight Girl . Queer Eye won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality Program during 2004 . The series ' name was abbreviated to Queer Eye at the beginning of its third season to represent the show 's change from making over only heterosexual men to including women and homosexual men . Queer Eye ended production during 2006 June and the final ten episodes were broadcast during October 2007 . The series ended October 30 . During September 2008 , the Fine Living Network briefly aired Queer Eye in syndication . On January 24 , 2017 , Netflix announced it has ordered a new season of Queer Eye with eight episodes , with the original Fab Five set to be replaced by new members . Contents ( hide ) 1 The `` Fab Five '' 2 Episodes 3 Production 4 Format 5 Popular and critical response 6 Spin - off series 7 International adaptations 8 Merchandising 8.1 Soundtrack 8.1. 1 Track listing 8.2 Books 8.3 DVD releases 9 Revival 10 Notes 11 References 12 External links The `` Fab Five '' ( edit ) Cast of Queer Eye , from left to right : Kyan , Jai , Carson , Ted and Thom Ted Allen : `` Food and Wine Connoisseur '' , expert on alcohol , beverages , food preparation and presentation Kyan Douglas : `` Grooming Guru '' , expert on hair , grooming , personal hygiene , and makeup Thom Filicia : `` Design Doctor '' , expert on interior design and home organization Carson Kressley : `` Fashion Savant '' , expert on clothing , fashion and personal styling Jai Rodriguez : `` Culture Vulture '' , expert on popular culture , relationships and social interaction Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Queer Eye episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired Network 1 25 July 15 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 15 ) December 16 , 2003 ( 2003 - 12 - 16 ) Bravo 2 30 June 1 , 2004 ( 2004 - 06 - 01 ) April 12 , 2005 ( 2005 - 04 - 12 ) 3 19 June 7 , 2005 ( 2005 - 06 - 07 ) February 7 , 2006 ( 2006 - 02 - 07 ) 4 16 June 6 , 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 06 ) September 19 , 2006 ( 2006 - 09 - 19 ) 5 10 October 2 , 2007 ( 2007 - 10 - 02 ) October 30 , 2007 ( 2007 - 10 - 30 ) Production ( edit ) Producers Collins and Metzler were given approval by Bravo to develop Queer Eye after the ratings success the network experienced when it counterprogrammed a marathon of its 2002 series Gay Weddings at the same time as Super Bowl XXXVII during 2003 January . The pilot episode was filmed in Boston , Massachusetts during June 2002 . Of the eventual Fab Five , only Kressley and Allen appeared . The culture , design and grooming roles were filled by James Hannaham , Charles Daboub , Jr. and Sam Spector , respectively . The pilot was delivered to Bravo during September 2002 , and was well received in audience testing . Soon thereafter NBC purchased Bravo and ordered 12 episodes of the series . NBC promoted the show extensively , including billboard campaigns and print advertisements in national magazines . Kyan Douglas and Thom Filicia joined the show for these episodes , along with Blair Boone in the role of `` culture guy . '' Boone filmed two episodes ( which were broadcast as the second and third episodes and for which he was credited as a `` guest culture expert '' ) but was replaced by Rodriguez beginning with production of the third episode . Each episode was shot over a span of four days and edited to create the perception that the events of the episode took place in a single day . Format ( edit ) The majority of Queer Eye episodes use the same basic format . The episode begins with the Fab Five in an SUV ( usually in New York City , where the series was based ) discussing their heterosexual subject . The Five review details of the subject 's personal life and note problems in their various areas of expertise . The Five usually have a specific event for which they plan to prepare the subject . These included everything from throwing a backyard barbecue for friends to preparing to ask for a salary increase to proposing marriage . Upon arriving at the subject 's home , the Fab Five go through his belongings , performing a running commentary of catty remarks about the state of his wardrobe , home decor , cleanliness and grooming . They also speak with the subject and family members to get an idea of the sort of style they like and their goals for the experience and to discuss the planned event . Series logo for the first and second season The remainder of the first half of the episode follows the Fab Five as they escort the subject to various locales to select new furniture and clothes . Often , Ted demonstrates how to select and prepare food for a particular dish that the subject will prepare for the special event , and Kyan takes him for spa treatments and a new haircut . Each such segment includes a style tip superimposed on the screen , summarizing the style issues addressed in the segment . Interspersed with this are interview segments in which friends and family members of the subject discuss his style issues . In the next section , the subject returns to a completely redecorated home and models articles of his new wardrobe for the Fab Five . Each of the Five offer final words of advice and encouragement , accompanied by supplies of grooming products , food and kitchenware , and in some cases expensive electronics items such as entertainment centers and computers . The final section follows the subject as he prepares for the special event , with the Fab Five watching edited footage of his preparations and critiquing how well or how poorly he followed their advice . Finally , the subject is followed through the event itself , with the Five again performing a running commentary and the subject often expressing his deep gratitude to the Fab Five for their counsel . A final tip from each of the Fab Five , usually relating to one of the topics covered in the episode , plays just before the credits . Special episodes of Queer Eye that deviated from this formula included episodes in which the Fab Five journeyed outside the greater New York area , including shows filmed in England , Texas , and Las Vegas . In two episodes , the Fab Five made over homosexual men ( both of which aired during June , Gay Pride Month , during 2004 and 2006 ) and in one episode made over a transgender man . The show also featured makeovers of members of the Boston Red Sox after their 2004 World Series victory , several holiday specials , and , in the final season , a `` Mister Straight Guy '' pageant featuring subjects from the series ' history . Popular and critical response ( edit ) Queer Eye for the Straight Guy debuted on July 15 , 2003 and the series quickly attained high ratings , peaking during September of that year with 3.34 million viewers per episode . The popularity of the series established the Fab Five as media celebrities , with high - profile appearances at the Emmys and a `` make - better '' of Jay Leno and his The Tonight Show set in August of that year . Fab Five members parlayed their celebrity into endorsement deals , notably Thom Filicia 's becoming the spokesperson for Pier 1 Imports . The American press almost universally complimented the series and the Fab Five . Out magazine listed the Fab Five in its `` OUT 100 '' , the `` greatest gay success stories '' of 2003 . Instinct magazine declared Kressley one of the `` Leading Men '' of 2004 . The series attracted criticism for making generalizations about sexual identity , namely that homosexual men are inherently more fashionable and stylish than heterosexuals . Among those making this critique were Tom Shales in the Washington Post ( `` stereotypes on parade '' ) , Richard Goldstein in Village Voice ( `` Have n't fags always been consigned to the role of body servant ? '' ) and United States Congressman Barney Frank speaking to the New York Post . With the success of the first season , original `` culture guy '' Blair Boone sued the show for breach of contract , claiming he should be paid not just for two episodes but for the season that he had been contracted to film . The popularity of the series inspired a number of parodies . Comedy Central hosted a satirical television series named Straight Plan for the Gay Man , which featured four heterosexual men teaching homosexual men how to be more stereotypically straight , redecorating their homes with neon beer signs and teaching them about sports . South Park spoofed the show and its hosts in the episode `` South Park Is Gay ! '' , in which the protagonists learn that the Fab Five are actually evil Crab People trying to control the world by converting heterosexual men into metrosexuals . Queer Eye won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality Program during 2004 and was nominated for another Emmy in the same category during 2005 . The series also received GLAAD Media Awards for Outstanding Reality Program during 2004 and 2005 , and was nominated for a third during 2006 . In the second season , ratings decreased , averaging about 1.8 million viewers per episode with an average of 804,000 viewers in the important 18 - 40 demographic . New episodes continued to be broadcast for two more seasons . Bravo confirmed in early 2007 that Queer Eye had been cancelled . The remaining fifth - season episodes were billed as Queer Eye : The Final Season and aired twice weekly beginning October 2 , 2007 . Spin - off series ( edit ) During January 2005 , Scout Productions premiered a spin - off series titled Queer Eye for the Straight Girl , set in Los Angeles . It featured a cast of four lifestyle experts ( three men and a woman , known as the `` Gal Pals '' ) who performed makeovers for women . The show was cancelled after one season . International adaptations ( edit ) Queer Eye 's American success caused television networks in several countries to syndicate the American episodes , with a number of countries creating their own local versions of Queer Eye for broadcast in their countries . However , few of these homegrown versions have proven as successful as the original , and most did not last long before cancellation . Licensing of the format is managed by NBCUniversal . NBCU licensed television producer David Hedges and his UK production house to produce local versions for Europe , with Flextech 's Living channel doing the same to produce the United Kingdom 's version after a first attempt at a UK production by Making Time was abandoned . The first episode of the Finnish version , Sillä silmällä , created controversy , not for the homosexual content but for the blatant product placement considered to be a transgression of a Finnish law against `` hidden advertising '' . Country Channel Program name Seasons Episodes First aired Australia Network Ten Aussie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 1 6 9 February 2005 -- 23 February 2005 NB : Three episodes were broadcast later in the year . Belgium KanaalTwee De heren maken de man 2 2005 Chile Mega Ojo con Clase ( Classy Eye ) 1 5 April 2013 Finland Channel 4 Sillä silmällä 2 24 30 March 2005 France TF1 Queer , Cinq Experts dans le Vent 1 8 2004 Germany RTL 2 Schwul macht cool ( Gay makes you cool ) 1 8 10 November 2003 Greece Antenna 1 ( ANT1 ) Fab 5 1 10 2011 Italy La7 I Fantastici Cinque 2 22 2004 Portugal SIC Esquadrão G 1 8 11 September 2005 Spain Antena 3 El Equipo G 1 10 2005 Sweden TV3 Fab 5 Sverige 1 12 2003 UK ITV1 Queer Eye For The Straight Guy UK 2 14 2004 Norway TV3 Homsepatruljen ( The Gay Patrol ) 3 36 2004 & 2012 Merchandising ( edit ) Soundtrack ( edit ) Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Soundtrack album by various artists Released 2004 Genre Pop , dance Label Capitol Records Professional ratings Review scores Source Rating Allmusic The soundtrack for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was released February 10 , 2004 , in the USA . It reached number one on the electronic music chart , number two on the soundtrack charts and the top 40 in the Billboard 200 album chart . In Australia , the soundtrack was released for the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras , and the popularity of the series in Australia resulted in the soundtrack scoring in the top 10 of the Australian album chart on March 8 , 2004 . It was certified gold in Australia in March 2004 . The song `` Superstar '' by Jamelia from the soundtrack also went to number one on the Australian singles charts in the same week , and the theme song of the show , `` All Things ( Just Keep Getting Better ) '' by Widelife , went to the top 20 that month . `` All Things '' scored a 2005 Juno Award for `` Dance Recording of the Year '' for Widelife ( Rachid Wehbi & Ian Nieman ) . Rob Eric was the executive producer for the album . Track listing ( edit ) `` All Things ( Just Keep Getting Better ) '' -- Widelife with Simone Denny `` Good Luck '' -- Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula `` Slow '' ( Chemical Brothers Mix ) -- Kylie Minogue `` Move Your Feet '' -- Junior Senior `` You Promised Me ( Tu Es Foutu ) '' -- In - Grid `` Superstar '' -- Jamelia `` Everybody Wants You to Emerge '' -- Fischerspooner / Billy Squier `` Sunrise '' ( Jason Nevins Remix ) -- Duran Duran `` Never Coming Home '' ( Gonna Live My Life Remix ) -- Sting `` An Area Big Enough to Do It In '' -- Prophet Omega `` You 're So Damn Hot '' -- OK Go `` Extraordinary '' -- Liz Phair `` Are You Ready for Love '' -- Elton John `` Five Gay Men in One House '' -- Jai Rodriguez and Ted Allen `` All Things ( Just Keep Getting Better ) '' ( music video ) Books ( edit ) A tie - in book titled Queer Eye for the Straight Guy : The Fab 5 's Guide to Looking Better , Cooking Better , Dressing Better , Behaving Better and Living Better was published during 2004 by Clarkson Potter / Publishers , an imprint of Random House . DVD releases ( edit ) Several DVDs were released in conjunction with the series . Kressley , Filicia and Allen each had individual releases emphasizing their topics of expertise . Douglas and Rodriguez were featured together in a single DVD focused on grooming . Additional DVD releases include Queer Eye for the Red Sox ( featuring the team makeover episode ) and a multi-disc box set . Revival ( edit ) In January of 2017 , Netflix ordered 8 new episodes of Queer Eye , to feature a new Fab Five . Scout Productions continues to be involved in the revival , which promises to venture beyond New York City , presenting tough challenges for the new cast . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Andy Dehnart ( June 1 , 2005 ) . `` Queer Eye Shortens its Name , will include `` Compelling Personal Stories . '' `` . Reality Blurred . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 15 . ^ Jump up to : Giltz , Michael ( September 2 , 2003 ) . `` Queer Eye Confidential '' . The Advocate . pp. 40 -- 4 ; issue 897 . Archived from the original on June 18 , 2009 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Queer Eye for the Straight Guy '' . Season 1 . Episode 1 . Missing or empty series = ( help ) Jump up ^ Grogan , Leigh ( 2007 - 10 - 02 ) . `` What one `` Queer Eye '' guy has learned from the show `` . Sacramento Bee . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Reynolds , Mike ( September 17 , 2008 ) . `` Fine Living Lands ' Loser , ' ' Queer Eye ' Syndication Pacts '' . . Retrieved 2008 - 09 - 17 . Jump up ^ Schwindt , Oriana ( January 24 , 2017 ) . `` Netflix Revives ' Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ' '' . Variety . Retrieved January 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Engstrom , p. 346 Jump up ^ Internet Movie Database . `` Blair Boone '' . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . ^ Jump up to : Vary , Adam B. ( June 22 , 2004 ) . `` Pride , Patriotism , and Queer Eye '' . The Advocate . pp. 120 -- 36 ; issue 917 . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 04 . Jump up ^ Silverman , Stephen ( 2003 - 08 - 04 ) . `` Jay Leno to get `` Queer Eye '' treatment `` . People . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ The Associated Press ( March 11 , 2004 ) . `` ' Queer Eye ' Thom is hot , Kirstie Alley is not '' . USAToday . Jump up ^ `` '' . USA Today . 2004 - 03 - 11 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ Epstein , Jeffrey ( December 2003 ) . `` Kyan Douglas , Ted Allen , Thom Filicia , Carson Kressley , Jai Rodriguez '' . Out magazine : 90 . Jump up ^ Ray , Parker ( November 2004 ) . `` The Ambassador '' . Instinct : 48 -- 50 . Jump up ^ Greim , Katrin . `` Crossroads of Culture : Studies look at roots of the `` down low '' , LGBT - focused television shows `` . American Sexuality magazine . Katrin Greim . Jump up ^ Haberman , Lia ( 2003 - 09 - 04 ) . `` Former Fabber sues `` Queer Eye '' `` . E ! Online . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 30 . Jump up ^ Dossi , Joel ( 2005 - 01 - 03 ) . `` The Rise and Fall of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy '' . . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ McFarland , Melanie ( 2007 - 01 - 12 ) . `` Hello Pasadena , Goodbye `` Queer Eye '' `` . TV Gal . Seattle Post-Intelligencer . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` Bravo 's Emmy - Award Winning Series ' Queer Eye ' Kicks - Off Final Season '' ( Press release ) . NBC . 2007 - 09 - 13 . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Rogers , Steve ( 2003 - 08 - 10 ) . `` U.K Indie ViaLondon To Produce Local Queer Eye '' . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Rogers , Steve ( 2003 - 08 - 10 ) . `` UK Queer Eye stops production '' . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` Ten takes Aussie Queer Eye off air '' . B&T. 2005 - 02 - 24 . Retrieved 2007 - 12 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Vijf homo 's maken van hetero een betere man '' . 2005 - 01 - 14 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 18 . Jump up ^ Staff writers ( December 15 , 2004 ) . `` I 5 fantastici gay fanno già discutere '' . Arcigay . Associazione Lesbica e Gay Italiana . Archived from the original on 2006 - 03 - 10 . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Queer Eye at AllMusic Jump up ^ Allmusic . `` Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Charts and Awards - Billboard '' . Retrieved 2001 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` Official Tie - in Book for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to be Published by Random House , Inc. 's Clarkson Potter '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . NBC . 2003 - 08 - 23 . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` The Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ( 2003 ) '' . . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` Netflix Rebooting ' Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ' for Red State Tour '' . 2017 - 01 - 24 . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 11 . Jump up ^ Schwindt , Oriana ( 24 January 2017 ) . `` Netflix Revives ' Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ' '' . . Retrieved 27 July 2017 . References ( edit ) Engstrom , Erika . `` The ' Reality ' of Reality Television Wedding Programs '' . Based on `` Engstrom 's `` Hegemony in Reality - Based TV Programming : The World According to A Wedding Story ( Media Report to Women ( 2003 ) 31 ( 1 ) 10 -- 14 ) and `` Hegemony and Counterhegemony in Bravo 's Gay Weddings ( Popular Culture Review ( 2004 ) 15 ( 2 ) 34 -- 35 ) . Collected as chapter 13 in Galician , Mary - Lou and Debra L. Merskin ( 2007 ) . Critical Thinking about Sex , Love , and Romance in the Mass Media : Media Literacy Applications . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 8058 - 5615 - 3 . pp. 335 -- 53 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Queer Eye United States portal LGBT portal Television portal Queer Eye on IMDb TV Series Finale - cancellation details ( show ) Bravo original programming Former 2000s debuts 30 Even Scarier Movie Moments ( 2006 ) The 100 Scariest Movie Moments ( 2004 ) The Awful Truth ( 1999 -- 2000 ) Battle of the Network Reality Stars ( 2005 ) Being Bobby Brown ( 2005 ) Better Halves ( 2007 ) Blow Out ( 2004 -- 06 ) Boy Meets Boy ( 2003 ) Bravo A-List Awards ( 2008 -- 09 ) Breaking News ( 2002 ) Celebrity Poker Showdown ( 2003 -- 06 ) Chef Academy ( 2009 -- 10 ) Date My Ex : Jo & Slade ( 2008 ) The Fashion Show : Ultimate Collection ( 2009 -- 11 ) First Class All the Way ( 2008 ) Gay Weddings ( 2002 ) Hey Paula ( 2007 ) The It Factor ( 2002 -- 03 ) Kathy Griffin : My Life on the D - List ( 2005 -- 10 ) Launch My Line ( 2009 -- 10 ) Make Me a Supermodel ( 2008 -- 09 ) Manhunt ( 2004 ) Miami Social ( 2009 ) The Millionaire Matchmaker ( 2008 -- 15 ) NYC Prep ( 2009 ) Outrageous and Contagious : Viral Videos ( 2006 ) Page to Screen ( 2002 -- 05 ) Party / Party ( 2005 -- 06 ) Project Runway ( 2004 -- 08 ) Queer Eye for the Straight Girl ( 2005 ) Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ( 2003 -- 07 ) The Rachel Zoe Project ( 2008 -- 13 ) Significant Others ( 2004 ) Shear Genius ( 2007 -- 10 ) Showbiz Moms & Dads ( 2004 ) Showdog Moms & Dads ( 2005 ) Sports Kids Moms & Dads ( 2005 ) Step It Up and Dance ( 2008 ) Tabatha Takes Over ( 2008 -- 13 ) Tabloid Wars ( 2006 ) 2010s debuts 100 Days of Summer ( 2014 ) 9 By Design ( 2010 ) Après Ski ( 2015 ) Around the World in 80 Plates ( 2012 ) Best New Restaurant ( 2015 ) Bethenny Ever After ( 2010 -- 12 ) Blood , Sweat & Heels ( 2014 -- 15 ) Boys to Manzo ( 2011 ) Chef Roblé & Co. 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( 2010 ) Rocco 's Dinner Party ( 2011 ) Secrets and Wives ( 2015 ) The Singles Project ( 2014 ) Start - Ups : Silicon Valley ( 2012 ) Tamra 's OC Wedding ( 2013 ) Teresa Checks In ( 2015 ) Thintervention with Jackie Warner ( 2010 ) Toned Up ( 2014 ) Top Chef Duels ( 2014 ) Top Chef : Just Desserts ( 2010 -- 11 ) Untying the Knot ( 2014 -- 16 ) Work of Art : The Next Great Artist ( 2010 -- 11 ) Work Out New York ( 2015 -- 16 ) Current Below Deck ( since 2013 ) Below Deck Mediterranean ( since 2016 ) Cyrus vs. Cyrus : Design and Conquer ( since 2017 ) Do n't Be Tardy ( since 2012 ) First Family of Hip Hop ( since 2017 ) Flipping Out ( since 2007 ) Girlfriends ' Guide to Divorce ( since 2014 ) Going Off the Menu ( 2016 ) Imposters ( since 2017 ) Inside the Actors Studio ( since 1994 ) Ladies of London ( since 2014 ) Married to Medicine ( since 2013 ) Married to Medicine : Houston ( since 2016 ) Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles ( since 2006 ) Million Dollar Listing New York ( since 2012 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queer eye for the straight guy catch phrase
Queer Eye is an American reality television series that premiered on the cable television network Bravo during July 2003 . The program 's original name Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was changed after the third season to generalize the scope of its content . The series was created by executive producers David Collins and Michael Williams along with their producing partner David Metzler ; it was produced by their production company , Scout Productions .
Britain 's Got Talent ( series 6 ) - wikipedia Britain 's Got Talent ( series 6 ) Britain 's Got Talent Series 6 Broadcast from 24 March ( 2012 - 03 - 24 ) -- 12 May 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 12 ) Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Alesha Dixon David Walliams Carmen Electra ( guest ) Presenter ( s ) Anthony McPartlin ( ITV ) Declan Donnelly ( ITV ) Co-presenter ( s ) Stephen Mulhern ( ITV2 ) Broadcaster ITV ITV2 ( BGMT ) Winner Ashleigh and Pudsey Origin Wellingborough , England Genre ( s ) Dog trick act Runner - up Jonathan and Charlotte Chronology ◀ 2012 ▶ Series Six of Britain 's Got Talent , a British talent competition series , began broadcasting in the UK during 2012 , from 24 March to 12 May on ITV - many media outlets criticised the series ' premiere date , believing it was a deliberate attempt to start a `` ratings war '' with the BBC , which was launching The Voice UK at the same time . Following the previous year , Simon Cowell returned to the programme to oversee auditions for the sixth series , while the departure of both David Hasselhoff and Michael McIntyre after the fifth series , led to the producers replacing them with Alesha Dixon and David Walliams . Because of her pregnancy , Amanda Holden had to miss some of the auditions , leading to Carmen Electra standing in for her as a guest judge . Apart from retaining the use of four judges following the previous series , the sixth series is most notable for three significant changes made in the show 's format - the prize money was increased to £ 500,000 ; the number of semi-finalists per semi-final was increased to 9 ; and the judges could now choose any semi-finalist that was eliminated and re-instate them into the live final as the `` Judges ' Wildcard '' . In addition , the series introduced a second means of voting for viewers in the form of mobile short codes - each participant received one during the show would could be called from any phone , with a small portion of the phone - in fee being donated to charity . Unlike The X Factor , text voting via this method was not incorporated , due to the potential risk of delays within the mobile text networks at busy times . The sixth series was won by dancing dog act Ashleigh and Pudsey , with opera duo Jonathan and Charlotte finishing in second place and Welsh choir Only Boys Aloud in third place . During its broadcast , the series averaged around 10.6 million viewers . In an interview they took part in , hosts Ant & Dec felt that this year 's semi-finalists were the best they had seen since the show began . Contents 1 Series overview 1.1 Semi-finals summary 1.1. 1 Semi-final 1 ( 6 May ) 1.1. 2 Semi-final 2 ( 7 May ) 1.1. 3 Semi-final 3 ( 8 May ) 1.1. 4 Semi-final 4 ( 9 May ) 1.1. 5 Semi-final 5 ( 10 May ) 1.2 Final ( 12 May ) 2 Ratings 3 Criticism , controversies & incidents 3.1 Unsuitable content complaint 3.2 `` Conflict of interest '' audition 3.3 Voting app mishap 4 References Series overview ( edit ) The departure of McIntyre and Hasselhoff , led to Dixon and Walliams being made as their replacements at the start of 2012 Because of Holden 's pregnancy , Electra had to stand in for her during the Blackpool auditions Following open auditions held the previous year , the Judges ' auditions were held during January and February 2012 , within Manchester , Blackpool , Cardiff , London , Edinburgh and Birmingham . Like the previous series , a number of acts were invited to audition between 6 and 22 January , after being found via their videos on YouTube . Twenty - five participants from this were picked by the producers and revealed by Britain 's Got More Talent host Stephen Mulhern via a live YouTube stream from backstage at the London auditions , in which the YouTube community voted on their favourites between 6 and 13 February , with the winning acts later performing before the judges after the results of the vote on 18 February . Between 25 and 31 January , the sponsors of the show for this series , Virgin Media , ran addition auditions for the show via videos made on YouTube and / or Vimeo , which , while adhering to the same rules , were restricted to only Virgin Media customer , with the five winning acts later performing for the judges during the Birmingham auditions . Following the previous series , both David Hasselhoff and Michael McIntyre announced that they would n't be returning for another year of the competition . Their decision led to the producers seeking out their replacements , after deciding to maintain the use of four judges in the programme following Cowell 's announcement in December 2011 that he would be returning to oversee auditions for the sixth series . Both Hasselhoff and McIntyre were eventually replaced by comedian David Walliams , and singer and TV presenter Alesha Dixon , the latter having previously been a judge on BBC 's Strictly Come Dancing . Owing to her pregnancy entering its late stages , Holden was forced to be absent from the Blackpool auditions . As a result , the production team brought in Carmen Electra as a guest judge and oversee these in her place , until Holden was cleared by doctors to return to overseeing the remainder of the auditions . Apart from a change in the judging panel , the producers decided to increase the prize money offered to the winner of the series to £ 500,000 , with Cowell pledging half of the prize money . Of the participants that took part , only forty five made it past this stage and into the five live semi-finals , with nine appearing in each one ; this was a significant change after the last four series of the programme . In a change with the format , the live final featured ten acts that made it through the semi-finals , and one additional act dubbed `` the Judges ' wildcard '' - if a semi-finalist was eliminated in their semi-final , they became eligible to be picked as a wildcard act for the final by the judges , with the choice made prior to the live final 's broadcast . The wildcard for this series was boyband The Mend , after they lost out in the tied Judges ' vote in the first semi-final . The following below lists the results of each participant 's overall performance in this series : Winner Runner - up Third place Finalist Semi-finalist ( lost judges ' vote ) Semi-finalist ( eliminated ) Judges ' wildcard ( previously eliminated act reinstated into the final by the judges ) Participant Age ( s ) Genre Act Semi-final Result Analiza Ching 29 Music Violinist Eliminated Aquabatique 21 -- 28 Acrobatics Synchronised swimmers 5 Finalist ( Won Judges ' vote ) Area 51 23 -- 44 Dance Pyrotechnic dance troupe Eliminated Ashleigh and Pudsey 17 & 6 Animals Dancing dog act Winner Ashley Elliot 16 Music Xylophonist Eliminated Be Minor 13 -- 14 Singing Girlband Eliminated Beatrix von Bourbon 27 Dance Burlesque dancer Eliminated Billy George 20 Acrobatics Cyr wheel performer 5 Eliminated ( Lost Judges ' vote ) Brynolf & Ljung 35 & 36 Magic Card magicians Eliminated Callum Oakley 16 Comedy Comedian 5 Eliminated Cascade 22 -- 35 Danger Action - stunt team Eliminated Chica Latina 44 Singing / Variety Entertainer / singer Eliminated Dennis Egel 41 Singing / Variety Singer / entertainer Eliminated Face Team 19 -- 28 Acrobatics Basketball stunt team 5 Eliminated Fish on Percussion 24 Music Drummer / performer Eliminated Four Corners 17 -- 25 Dance Dance troupe Eliminated Gatis Kandis 31 Comedy Stand - up comedian Eliminated Graham Blackledge 42 Singing / Music Organist / singer Eliminated Greig Stewart 27 Music Laser harpist 5 Eliminated Honey Shazad 21 Singing Singer Eliminated Hope Murphy 16 Singing Singer 5 Eliminated Jive Aces 34 -- 49 Music Performance instrumental band Eliminated Jonathan and Charlotte 17 & 16 Singing Opera duo Runner - up Kai & Natalia 15 & 16 Dance Ballroom dancers Finalist ( Won Judges ' vote ) Karizma Krew 14 -- 38 Dance Dance troupe Eliminated Lauren Thalia 12 Singing / Music Singer / guitarist Eliminated Loveable Rogues 18 -- 20 Singing Acoustic band Finalist ( Won Public vote ) Lucky 26 Variety Contortionist Eliminated Malaki Paul 9 Singing Singer Eliminated ( Lost Judges ' vote ) Martyn Crofts 42 Comedy Dalek impersonator 5 Eliminated Molly Rainford 11 Singing Singer Finalist ( Won Judges ' vote ) Nu Sxool 10 -- 17 Dance Dance troupe Finalist ( Won Judges ' vote ) Only Boys Aloud 14 -- 19 Singing Male choir Third place Paige Turley 14 Singing Singer Eliminated ( Lost Judges ' vote ) Rachel Knowland 25 Singing Singer Eliminated Ryan O'Shaughnessy 19 Singing / Music Singer - songwriter / guitarist 5 Finalist ( Won Public vote ) Sam Kelly 19 Singing / Music Singer / guitarist Finalist ( Won Public vote ) Strictly Wheels 39 & 41 Dance Ballroom dance duo 5 Eliminated The Mend 21 -- 22 Singing Boyband Finalist ( Won Judges ' Wildcard ) The Showbears 34 -- 53 Singing Singers / entertainers Eliminated The Sugar Dandies 40 & 40 Dance Ballroom dancers Eliminated The Zimmers 66 -- 88 Music Performance rappers Eliminated Twist and Pulse Dance Company 12 -- 20 Dance Dance troupe Eliminated ( Lost Judges ' vote ) United We Stand 17 -- 25 Dance Dance troupe Eliminated Zipparah Tafari ( ' Mr Zip ' ) 49 Music Rapper Eliminated Semi-finals summary ( edit ) Buzzed out Judges ' vote Won the public vote Won the judges ' vote ; won by public vote in the event of a tie Lost the judges ' vote ; lost by public vote in the event of a tie Eliminated Semi-final 1 ( 6 May ) ( edit ) Guest performer : Tulisa ( `` Young '' ) Semi-Finalist Order Act Buzzes and judges ' votes Result Cowell Holden Dixon Walliams Zipparah Tafari Comedy Rapper 4th - Eliminated The Jive Aces Swing Jazz Band 7th - Eliminated Lauren Thalia Singer And Guitarist 5th - Eliminated United We Stand Street Dance Troupe 9th - Eliminated Analiza Ching 5 Violinist 8th - Eliminated The Mend 6 Boy Band 3rd ( Judges ' vote tied - Lost on Public Vote ) Rachel Knowland 7 Singer 6th - Eliminated Ashleigh & Pudsey 8 Dog Act 1st ( Won Public vote ) Only Boys Aloud 9 Male Vocal Choir 2nd ( Judges ' vote tied - Won on Public vote ) ^ 1 The Mend were later sent through to the final as a wildcard after the semi-finals . Semi-final 2 ( 7 May ) ( edit ) Guest performer : The Wanted ( `` Chasing the Sun '' ) Semi-Finalist Order Act Buzzes and judges ' votes Result Cowell Holden Dixon Walliams Cascade Martial Arts Stunt Team 8th - Eliminated Paige Turley Singer 3rd ( Lost Judges ' vote ) Karizma Krew Dance Troupe 5th - Eliminated The Showbears Entertainers 7th - Eliminated Fish on Percussion 5 Percussionist 9th - Eliminated Graham Blackledge 6 Singer And Organist 6th - Eliminated Kai and Natalia 7 Latin Ballroom Couple 2nd ( Won Judges ' vote ) Four Corners 8 Dance Troupe 4th - Eliminated Jonathan and Charlotte 9 Opera Duo 1st ( Won Public vote ) Semi-final 3 ( 8 May ) ( edit ) Guest performer : LMFAO ( Medley of `` Party Rock Anthem '' and `` Sexy and I Know It '' ) Semi-Finalist Order Act Buzzes and judges ' votes Result Cowell Holden Dixon Walliams The Zimmers Comedy Rappers 6th - Eliminated Area 51 Pyrotechnic Dance Troupe 8th - Eliminated Ashley Elliot Xylophonist 5th - Eliminated Molly Rainford Singer 2nd ( Judges ' vote tied - Won on Public vote ) Lucky 5 Contortionist 7th - Eliminated Loveable Rogues 6 Acoustic Group 1st ( Won Public vote ) Honey Shazad 7 Singer 9th - Eliminated Twist and Pulse Dance Company 8 Street Dance Troupe 3rd ( Judges ' vote tied - Lost on Public vote ) Dennis Egel 9 Entertainer 4th - Eliminated Semi-final 4 ( 9 May ) ( edit ) Guest performer : Labrinth ( `` Express Yourself '' ) Semi-Finalist Order Act Buzzes and judges ' votes Result Cowell Holden Dixon Walliams Chica Latina Entertainer 9th - Eliminated Brynolf and Ljung Illusionists 5th - Eliminated Malaki Paul Singer 3rd ( Lost Judges ' vote ) Gatis Kandis Comedian 6th - Eliminated The Sugar Dandies 5 Ballroom Dancers 7th - Eliminated Nu Sxool 6 Dance Troupe 2nd ( Won Judges ' vote ) Beatrix von Bourbon 7 Burlesque Dancer 8th - Eliminated Sam Kelly 8 Singer And Guitarist 1st ( Won Public vote ) Be Minor 9 Girl Band 4th - Eliminated Semi-final 5 ( 10 May ) ( edit ) Guest performer : Rebecca Ferguson ( `` Teach Me How to Be Loved '' ) Semi-Finalist Order Act Buzzes and judges ' votes Result Cowell Holden Dixon Walliams Face Team Basketball Stunt Team 6th - Eliminated Greig Stewart Laser Harpist 9th - Eliminated Billy George Cyr Wheel Acrobat 3rd ( Lost Judges ' vote ) Martyn Crofts Dalek Voice Impersonator 8th - Eliminated Callum Oakley 5 Comedian 4th - Eliminated Hope Murphy 6 Singer 5th - Eliminated Strictly Wheels 7 Wheelchair Ballroom Dancers 7th - Eliminated Aquabatique 8 Synchronised Swimmers 2nd ( Won Judges ' vote ) Ryan O'Shaughnessy 9 Singer And Guitarist 1st ( Won Public vote ) ^ 2 Aquabatique performed outside the studio , with the judges watching from inside . Final ( 12 May ) ( edit ) Guest performers : Susan Boyle ( `` You 'll See '' ) ; Diversity & Paul Gbegbaje ; The Show Bears featuring David Walliams ( `` It 's Raining Men '' ) Winner Runner - up 3rd place Finalist Order Act Finished The Mend Boy Band 7th Sam Kelly Singer / guitarist 9th Nu Sxool Dance Troupe 8th Molly Rainford Singer 6th Loveable Rogues 5 Acoustic Group 4th Kai and Natalia 6 Latin Ballroom Dancers 11th Aquabatique 7 Synchronised Swimmers 10th Ryan O'Shaughnessy 8 Singer And Guitarist 5th Only Boys Aloud 9 Male Vocal Choir 3rd Ashleigh and Pudsey 10 Dog act 1st Jonathan and Charlotte 11 Opera Duo 2nd ^ 3 Aquabatique performed outside the studio , with the judges watching from inside . Ratings ( edit ) Main article : List of Britain 's Got Talent episodes Episode Date Total viewers ( millions ) Weekly rank Share ( % ) Auditions 1 24 March 11.57 39.2 Auditions 2 31 March 12.17 41.3 Auditions 3 7 April 11.95 38.7 Auditions 4 14 April 12.18 39.5 Auditions 5 21 April 11.60 38.2 Auditions 6 28 April 11.97 41.8 Auditions 7 5 May 11.27 38.9 Semi-final 1 6 May 11.01 35.5 Semi-final 2 7 May 10.77 35.6 Semi-final 2 results 9.44 9 32.4 Semi-final 3 8 May 9.12 12 33.5 Semi-final 3 results 7.91 15 27.8 Semi-final 4 9 May 10.15 37.6 Semi-final 4 results 7.95 14 27.3 Semi-final 5 10 May 9.90 7 36.6 Semi-final 5 results 8.83 13 30.2 Live final 12 May 13.12 46.4 Criticism , controversies & incidents ( edit ) Unsuitable content complaint ( edit ) After the second audition episode had been aired , around over 70 complaints were made to Ofcom in regards to the performance of burlesque performer Beatrix Von Bourbon . Their criticism was over her audition , which involved stripping down until she wore only nipple tassels and a corset , which these viewers had felt to be unsuitable for a family show , especially as it had been shown before the 9pm watershed . In its defence to this criticism , ITV released a statement in which they pointed out that the footage that was aired had been `` carefully edited to ensure it was suitable '' . Ofcom launched an investigation into the matter which ran until 23 July 2012 , in which , based on their findings , the regulator ruled that the broadcaster had not breached broadcasting codes that concerned the protection of children from unsuitable material , stating that the measures taken by the broadcaster had been within acceptable parameters of these codes . `` Conflict of interest '' audition ( edit ) As part of the show 's terms and conditions , stated in Section 23 regarding audition forms , all participants who audition for Britain 's Got Talent must provide truthful information about themselves . Such disclosure includes information about any other show they are contracted to appear on , which would prohibit them from progressing beyond the auditions stage of the competition . While checking his background , researchers discovered that when singer / guitarist Ryan O'Shaughnessy had auditioned , he was already in a contract with Universal Music and had a place on the first series of The Voice of Ireland that was airing the same year as the sixth series of the show . This discovery led to Simon Cowell having to talk to O'Shaughnessy on his own and pointing out the researcher 's findings to him , to which the singer stated in his defence that he wanted the freedom to express his own music that the competition show could give him , which The Voice of Ireland restricted . However , Cowell did not agree with his argument : `` All you 're doing is taking the place of somebody else , who is n't in your position on two shows . I 'll be absolutely blunt with you , we were going to give you a yes , but I ca n't ... you understand that ? '' O'Shaughnessy , while accepting this decision , insisted he would do what he could to get out of The Voice of Ireland and out of his contract with Universal Music , which he successfully completed before the live semi-finals began on 6 May . Voting app mishap ( edit ) For this series of Britain 's Got Talent , the show 's production team decided to incorporate a second new method of voting that viewers could use , in the form of a mobile app . The concept for this idea was that viewers could purchase a set of three votes for a small fee and then use them , via the app , for any act that they liked in the semi-finals ; any votes not used in one show would be carried forward to the next , and once all three votes had been used , the viewer would have to buy another set to place further votes . However , when this voting method was implemented for the first live semi-final , technical difficulties arose that led to use of the app being halted ; as the problems could not be fixed after they arose , the decision was made to discontinue its use for the rest of the series . Ofcom later investigated the incident , after thousands of viewers who bought the app later complained to the regulator of their difficulties in using it to make votes , as over the half of the votes did not go through as a result of the technical fault . In their findings , the regulator reprimanded ITV for having failed to ensure that the app worked smoothly upon its activation , adding : `` We were therefore concerned that the application was unable to handle demand when voting opened . This meant that a significant proportion of viewers who had responded to the programme 's invitation to purchase voting credits via the app were unable to use them and that therefore viewers were effectively misled - albeit unintentionally . We expect licensees to take all steps and efforts that are reasonably practicable to ensure the integrity and robustness of the systems they use . '' However , Ofcom acknowledged that the concept of voting via smartphones was an original idea and that ITV was not at fault for the technical issues that arose from its use , while commending the broadcaster for providing sufficient action to deal with the aftermath of the fault . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Littlejohn , Georgina ( 7 March 2012 ) . `` Let the TV talent show battle commence ! The Voice and Britain 's Got Talent set to launch on the same night '' . Daily Mail . Retrieved 15 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Tobin , Christian ( 7 December 2011 ) . `` Simon Cowell to return to ' Britain 's Got Talent ' , confirms ITV boss '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved 8 January 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Tobin , Christian ( 20 November 2011 ) . `` Michael McIntyre quits ' Britain 's Got Talent ' '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved 6 May 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Sperling , Daniel ( 29 November 2011 ) . `` David Hasselhoff confirms ' Britain 's Got Talent ' exit '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved 8 January 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Emma Hallett ( 2 January 2012 ) . `` Alesha Dixon quits Strictly Come Dancing for Britain 's Got Talent '' . The Independent . Retrieved 8 January 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Bull , Sarah ( 26 January 2012 ) . `` Pregnant Amanda 's two nights in hospital after pulling out of Britain 's Got Talent auditions '' . London : Daily Mail . Retrieved 26 January 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Carmen Electra confirmed as ' Britain 's Got Talent ' guest judge '' . DigitalSpy . UK . 6 February 2012 . Retrieved 6 February 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Hooton , Christopher ( 3 January 2012 ) . `` Simon Cowell added 250,000 of his own money to Britain 's Got Talent - prize '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 3 January 2012 . Jump up ^ Britain 's Got Talent - Short Codes Jump up ^ Darvill , Josh ( 30 April 2012 ) . `` Britain 's Got Talent 2012 semi-finalists ' the best in years ' say Ant and Dec '' . tellymix . Retrieved 7 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Britain 's Got Talent to hold first ever ' open audition ' at London 's Oval on January 22 '' . tellymix. 3 January 2012 . Retrieved 8 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` BGT holds first ever Open Audition '' . ITV . 4 January 2012 . Retrieved 8 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Simon Cowell ' finds a star ' on day one of Britain 's Got Talent auditions in Manchester '' . 22 January 2012 . Retrieved 22 January 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Audition NOW through YouTube ! '' . 5 January 2012 . Retrieved 7 January 2012 . Jump up ^ Daniels , Colin ( 27 November 2011 ) . `` Dannii Minogue , David Walliams ' join Britain 's Got Talent ' '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved 8 January 2012 . Jump up ^ McGarry , Lisa ( 26 February 2012 ) . `` Britain 's Got Talent 2012 semi finalists all chosen '' . Unreality TV . Retrieved 26 February 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Britain 's Got Talent 2012 voting results revealed '' . ITV. 12 May 2012 . Archived from the original on 15 May 2012 . Retrieved 29 May 2014 . Jump up ^ @ BGT ( 8 May 2012 ) . `` RT @ polydorrecords : yo ! @ LMFAO are on @ GotTalent tonight at 9.30 pm on ITV ... Come Party Rock with us Party Rockerrrrrrrs ! ! ! Woop ! '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Britain 's Got Talent 2012 : Wildcard revealed and Diversity perform ! Unreality TV ^ Jump up to : `` Weekly Top 30 Programmes '' . Broadcasters ' Audience Research Board . Retrieved 6 May 2018 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 25 March 2012 ) . `` ' The Voice ' UK , ' Britain 's Got Talent ' launch with colossal ratings '' . Retrieved 25 March 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 1 April 2012 ) . `` ' The Voice ' UK , ' Britain 's Got Talent ' ratings soar in second week '' . Retrieved 1 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 8 April 2012 ) . `` ' The Voice ' UK closes ratings gap on ' Britain 's Got Talent ' '' . Retrieved 8 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 15 April 2012 ) . `` ' The Voice ' UK overtakes ' Britain 's Got Talent ' in ratings '' . Retrieved 15 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 22 April 2012 ) . `` Britain 's Got Talent pips The Voice as ratings battle intensifies '' . Retrieved 22 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 29 April 2012 ) . `` ' Britain 's Got Talent ' extends lead over ' The Voice ' UK '' . Retrieved 29 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 6 May 2012 ) . `` ' The Voice ' UK anchored BBC One 's night with 8.16 m '' . Retrieved 6 May 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 7 May 2012 ) . `` ' Homeland ' first season bows out in style with nearly 3m for C4 '' . Retrieved 7 May 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Lee , Ben ( 8 May 2012 ) . `` ' Britain 's Got Talent ' secures 9.4 million for ITV1 '' . Retrieved 8 May 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Lee , Ben ( 9 May 2012 ) . `` ' Britain 's Got Talent ' dips in ratings for third semi-final '' . Retrieved 9 May 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Lee , Ben ( 10 May 2012 ) . `` ' Britain 's Got Talent ' results show beats ' The Apprentice ' '' . Retrieved 10 May 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Millar , Paul ( 11 May 2012 ) . `` ' Britain 's Got Talent ' last semi-final results show rebounds to 8.2 m '' . Retrieved 11 May 2012 . Jump up ^ Millar , Paul ( 13 May 2012 ) . `` ' Britain 's Got Talent ' final is most watched show of 2012 '' . Retrieved 13 May 2012 . Jump up ^ Wrenn , Eddie ( 23 April 2012 ) . `` Ofcom to investigate Britain 's Got Talent after raunchy burlesque act goes out before watershed '' . Daily Mail . Retrieved 14 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Ofcom clears Britain 's Got Talent burlesque act '' . BBC News . 23 July 2012 . Retrieved 14 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Britain 's Got Talent news : Ryan O'Shaughnessy to be axed from show after The Voice refuse to release him from contract '' . The Sun . London . Jump up ^ `` BGT 's latest find Ryan O'Shaughnessy may be axed because he has contract with The Voice '' . Daily Mirror. 1 April 2012 . Retrieved 31 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Simon Cowell drops Ryan O'Shaughnessy from ' Britain 's Got Talent ' ? '' . Digital Spy. 5 May 2012 . Retrieved 31 January 2018 . Jump up ^ Fahy , Colette ( 23 July 2012 ) . `` ITV rapped by Ofcom over BGT voting fiasco after smartphone app failed to cope with demand '' . Daily Mail . Retrieved 14 April 2013 . Britain 's Got Talent Episodes Series 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Winners Paul Potts George Sampson Diversity Spelbound Jai McDowall Ashleigh and Pudsey Attraction Collabro Jules O'Dwyer & Matisse Richard Jones Tokio Myers Lost Voice Guy Other notable contestants Series 1 Damon Scott Bessie Cursons Connie Talbot Bar Wizards Jake Pratt Series 2 Signature Andrew Johnston Escala Faryl Smith Kate and Gin Charlie Green Charlie Wernham Series 3 Susan Boyle Julian Smith Stavros Flatley Aidan Davis Hollie Steel Shaheen Jafargholi DJ Talent Flawless John Farnworth Sue Son Megan McKenna Elliot Evans Series 4 Twist and Pulse Paul Burling ReConnected Myles and Connor Kev Orkian Stevie Starr Cheeky Girls and Darius Matthew Ahmet Series 5 Ronan Parke Out of the Blue Series 6 Jonathan and Charlotte Only Boys Aloud Loveable Rogues Ryan O'Shaughnessy The Mend The Zimmers Colin Cloud Series 7 Jack Carroll Richard & Adam Steve Hewlett Luminites Gabz Francine Lewis Asanda James More Aaron Crow MckNasty Freelusion AJ & Chloe Series 8 Bars and Melody Jon Clegg Paddy & Nico Ed Drewett Light Balance Series 9 Côr Glanaethwy Old Men Grooving Isaac Waddington Calum Scott Lorraine Bowen Ruby Red Performers Alison Jiear Series 10 Alex Magala Beau Dermott Rachael Wooding Series 11 Daliso Chaponda Destiny Chukunyere Jess Robinson Series 12 Ray Kelly Ben Pridmore B Positive Choir Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2012 British television seasons Britain 's Got Talent 2012 in British television Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from January 2018 Use British English from January 2012 Use dmy dates from January 2012 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Gaeilge Edit links This page was last edited on 22 July 2018 , at 21 : 50 ( UTC ) . 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Britain 's Got Talent Series 6 Broadcast from 24 March ( 2012 - 03 - 24 ) -- 12 May 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 12 ) Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Alesha Dixon David Walliams Carmen Electra ( guest ) Presenter ( s ) Anthony McPartlin ( ITV ) Declan Donnelly ( ITV ) Co-presenter ( s ) Stephen Mulhern ( ITV2 ) Broadcaster ITV ITV2 ( BGMT ) Winner Ashleigh and Pudsey Origin Wellingborough , England Genre ( s ) Dog trick act Runner - up Jonathan and Charlotte Chronology ◀ 2012 ▶
Constitution of Virginia - wikipedia Constitution of Virginia An automated process has detected links on this page on the local or global blacklist . If the links are appropriate you may request whitelisting by following these instructions ; otherwise consider removing or replacing them with more appropriate links . ( To hide this tag , set the `` invisible '' field to `` true '' ) List of blacklisted links : ( show ) Triggered by \ beconlib \. org \ b on the local blacklist The Virginia Constitutional Convention , 1830 , by George Catlin The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia is the document that defines and limits the powers of the state government and the basic rights of the citizens of the U.S. Commonwealth of Virginia . Like all other state constitutions , it is supreme over Virginia 's laws and acts of government , though it may be superseded by the United States Constitution and U.S. federal law as per the Supremacy Clause . The original Virginia Constitution of 1776 was enacted in conjunction with the Declaration of Independence by the first thirteen states of the United States of America . Virginia was an early state to adopt its own Constitution on June 29 , 1776 , and the document was widely influential both in the United States and abroad . In addition to frequent amendments , there have been six major subsequent revisions of the constitution ( by Conventions for the constitutions of 1830 , 1851 , 1864 , 1870 , 1902 , and by commission for 1971 amendments ) . These new constitutions have been part of , and in reaction to , periods of major regional or social upheaval in Virginia . For instance , the 1902 constitution included provisions to disfranchise African Americans , who in 1900 made up nearly 36 % of the state 's population . They did not regain suffrage until after passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s . Contents 1 Historic constitutions 1.1 1776 1.2 1830 1.3 1851 1.4 1864 1.5 1870 1.6 1902 2 Current constitution ( 1971 ) 2.1 Article I -- Bill of Rights 2.2 Article II -- Franchise and Officers 2.3 Article III -- Division of Powers 2.4 Article IV -- Legislature 2.5 Article V -- Executive 2.6 Article VI -- Judiciary 2.7 Article VII -- Local Government 2.8 Article VIII -- Education 2.9 Article IX -- Corporations 2.10 Article X -- Taxation and Finance 2.11 Article XI -- Conservation 2.12 Article XII -- Future changes 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Historic constitutions ( edit ) See also : Virginia Conventions George Mason , one of the principal architects of the 1776 Virginia Constitution 1776 ( edit ) The preparation of the first Virginia Constitution began in early 1776 , in the midst of the early events of the American Revolution . Among those who drafted the 1776 Constitution were George Mason and James Madison . Thomas Jefferson was Virginia 's representative to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia at the time , and his drafts of the Virginia constitution arrived too late to be incorporated into the final document . James Madison 's work on the Virginia Constitution helped him develop the ideas and skills that he would later use as one of the main architects of the United States Constitution . The 1776 Constitution declared the dissolution of the rule of Great Britain over Virginia and accused England 's King George III of establishing a `` detestable and insupportable tyranny '' . It also established separation of governmental powers , with the creation of the bicameral Virginia General Assembly as the legislative body of the state and the Governor of Virginia as the `` chief magistrate '' or executive . The accompanying Virginia Declaration of Rights , written primarily by Mason , focuses on guarantees of basic human rights and freedoms and the fundamental purpose of government . It , in turn , served as a model for a number of other historic documents , including the United States Bill of Rights . Critically , the 1776 Constitution limited the right to vote primarily to property owners and men of wealth . This effectively concentrated power in the hands of the landowners and aristocracy of Southeastern Virginia . Dissatisfaction with this power structure would come to dominate Virginia 's constitutional debate for almost a century . 1830 Virginia Constitution , page one 1830 ( edit ) By the 1820s , Virginia was one of only two states that limited voting to landowners . In addition , because representation was by county rather than population , the residents of increasingly populous Western Virginia ( the area that would become West Virginia in 1863 ) had grown discontented at their limited representation in the legislature . Pressure increased until a constitutional convention was convened in 1829 -- 1830 . This convention became largely a contest between eastern Virginia planters of the slaveholding elite and the less affluent yeomen farmers of Western Virginia . Issues of representation and suffrage dominated the debate . Delegates to the convention included such prominent Virginians as James Madison , James Monroe , John Tyler , and John Marshall . The convention ultimately compromised by loosening suffrage requirements . It also reduced the number of delegates and senators to the Virginia General Assembly . The resulting constitution was ratified by a popular majority , though most of the voters in the western part of the state ended up voting against it . Thus , the underlying intrastate tensions remained , and would have to be addressed later . 1851 ( edit ) As of the 1840 census , the majority of the white residents of the state lived in western Virginia , but they were underrepresented in the legislature because of the continued property requirement for voting ; not all held sufficient property to vote . This compounded their dissatisfaction with the apportionment scheme adopted in 1830 , which was based on counties rather than population , thus giving disproportionate power to the fewer , but propertied whites who lived in the eastern part of the state and kept a grip on the legislature . As the state legislature also elected the governor and the United States senators , Western Virginians felt they had little influence on state leadership . Their attempts to win electoral reform in the Virginia legislature were defeated each time . Some began to openly discuss the abolition of slavery or secession from the state . Ultimately , the eastern planters could not continue to ignore their discontent , and a new constitutional convention was called to resolve the continuing tensions . The most significant change adopted in the 1851 Constitution was elimination of the property requirement for voting , resulting in extension of the suffrage to all white males of voting age . The 1851 Constitution established popular election for the governor , the newly created office of lieutenant governor , and all Virginia judges , rather than the election of the top two state officers by the legislature , or political appointment for judges . Because of these changes , the 1851 Virginia Constitution became known as the `` Reform Constitution '' . Portrait of Francis H. Pierpont , governor and driving force behind the 1864 Constitution 1864 ( edit ) When in 1861 , the Virginia legislature voted for secession in the events leading up to the American Civil War , all of the western and several of the northern counties dissented They set up a separate government with Francis H. Pierpont as governor . During the Civil War , this separate or `` restored '' government approved the creation of West Virginia as a separate state ( which was admitted to the Union in 1863 ) and in 1864 it approved a new Constitution . The constitution was the product of a divided state and government ; it was the first since the original 1776 Constitution to be adopted by the legislature without a popular vote . The 1864 Constitution abolished slavery in Virginia , disfranchised men who had served in the Confederate government , recognized the creation of the State of West Virginia , and adjusted the number and terms of office of the members of the Virginia Assembly . The foreword to the current Virginia Constitution does not include the 1864 Constitution in its list of previous constitutions . It notes that the 1864 Constitution was drafted under wartime conditions and was of uncertain legal status . John C. Underwood . He so dominated the 1867 -- 1868 constitutional convention that the resulting document became known as the `` Underwood Constitution '' . 1870 ( edit ) After the end of the Civil War , Virginia came briefly under military rule during Reconstruction , with the district commanded by John M. Schofield . Pursuant to federal Reconstruction legislation , Schofield called for a new constitutional convention to meet in Richmond from December 1867 to April 1868 . In protest of freedmen 's suffrage , many of Virginia 's conservative whites refused to participate in voting for delegates . As a result , Republicans led by Judge John Curtiss Underwood dominated the convention . Opponents called the result the `` Underwood Constitution '' or the `` Negro Constitution '' , as it gave freedmen suffrage . Significant provisions included expanding the suffrage to all male citizens over the age of 21 , which included freedmen ; establishing a state public school system for the first time , with mandatory funding and attendance ; and providing for judges to be elected by the General Assembly rather than by popular vote . Controversy over clauses that continued the temporary disfranchisement of former Confederate government members delayed the adoption of the Constitution . An eventual compromise provided for separate voting on the disfranchisement clauses and the rest of the Constitution ; the former failed to win approval . The remainder of the Underwood Constitution was ratified by a popular vote of 210,585 to 9,136 , and went into effect in 1870 . 1902 ( edit ) In the late nineteenth century , white Democrats regained power in state legislatures across the South . They passed Jim Crow laws establishing racial segregation in public facilities and restricting the lives of blacks . Beginning with Mississippi in 1890 , legislatures began to ratify new constitutions , amendments or electoral laws that disfranchised African - American voters , devising means such as poll taxes , literacy tests and residential requirements that passed Supreme Court review but worked against poor blacks and many poor whites . By the turn of the 20th century , six Southern states had essentially eliminated the black vote , and pressure mounted among whites in Virginia to do the same , ostensibly as a way to stop electoral fraud and corruption . The 1901 constitutional convention met in this climate . Members were focused on restricting black voting rights without violating the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution or disfranchising poor whites . Led by the future Senator Carter Glass , the convention created requirements that all prospective voters had to pay poll taxes or pass a literacy test administered by white registrars . An exemption was granted , in a kind of grandfather clause , for military veterans and sons of veterans , who were virtually all white . The changes effectively disfranchised black voters , though many illiterate whites were also unable to meet the new requirements . In 1900 blacks made up nearly 36 percent of the population . In succeeding elections , the Virginia electorate was reduced by nearly half as a result of the changes . When adjusted for the Nineteenth Amendment , voter turnout would not return to 1900 levels until 1952 within a statewide population almost twice the size . The small electorate was key to maintaining the dominant Democratic Organization in power for sixty years . Other significant provisions of the 1902 Constitution imposed racial segregation in public schools ( which already existed on a de facto basis ) and abolished the county court system . The Constitution provided for the creation of the State Corporation Commission to regulate the growing power of the railroads . Because of concern over African - American opposition , the convention did not honor its pledge to have the proposed constitution put to popular vote . Like the 1864 Constitution by the Loyalist government during the Civil War , the legislature adopted the 1902 Constitution without ratification by the electorate . It was in effect far longer than any previous Virginia constitution . Current Constitution ( 1971 ) ( edit ) As a result of the Civil Rights Movement challenging the restrictions and discrimination practiced against blacks exercise of constitutional rights , a series of US Supreme Court cases , beginning with Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 , the 24th Amendment , and federal legislation : the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 had overturned the most controversial aspects of the 1902 Constitution -- the provisions restricting voting by African Americans and mandating school segregation . Combined with the election of Governor Mills Godwin in 1965 , there was impetus for governmental change . Godwin strongly advocated the loosening of the strict constitutional restrictions on state - issued bonds and borrowing , and used his power and popularity to push for a new constitution . In 1968 a joint resolution of the Virginia General Assembly approved a new commission , chaired by former Governor Albertis Harrison , to revise the constitution . The Commission on Constitutional Revision presented its report and recommendations to Governor Godwin and the General Assembly in January 1969 , and continued to work with them to draft a final consensus version . The proposed Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Virginia ( who by then included African - American men and women , following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s ) and took effect on July 1 , 1971 . Since 1971 , additional amendments have been passed by the General Assembly and approved by the voter to conform to provisions in the U.S. Constitution , rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court and Congressional statute . The voting age has been reduced to eighteen , voting residency requirements have been removed , and voter registration conforms to the Motor Voter Act . Additionally , the Virginia Constitution now provides for a General Assembly session following a governor 's veto , and the right of the people to hunt , fish and harvest game is guaranteed . In 2006 , Virginians passed an amendment limiting marriage to `` unions between one man and one woman '' . That has since been overturned by Obergefell v. Hodges ( 2015 ) . The current Constitution of Virginia consists of twelve Articles : Article I -- Bill of Rights ( edit ) Article I contains the entire original Virginia Declaration of Rights from the 1776 Constitution . Several of the sections have been expanded to incorporate concepts from the United States Bill of Rights , including the right to due process , the prohibition against double jeopardy , and the right to bear arms . Like the Federal Constitution , the Virginia Bill of Rights , in § 17 , states that the listing of certain rights is not to be construed to exclude other rights held by the people . In 1997 , a Victims ' Rights Amendment was added to the Virginia Bill of Rights as § 8 - A . In Nobrega v. Commonwealth , the only case so far to interpret this amendment , the Virginia Supreme Court used the Victims 's Rights Amendment to support its ruling that an alleged rape victim could not be compelled to submit to a psychiatric evaluation . On November 7 , 2006 , Virginia voters ratified an amendment , previously approved by the General Assembly , prohibiting same - sex marriage , to be added to the Bill of Rights . This amendment also prohibits the recognition of any `` union , partnership , or other legal status '' between unmarried people that intends to approximate marriage or which confers the `` rights , benefits , obligations , qualities , or effects of marriage . '' The Virginia Attorney General issued an opinion stating that the amendment does not change the legal status of documents such as contracts , wills , or Advanced Medical Directives between unmarried people . The amendment was declared to be in violation the United States Constitution by a U.S. District Court Judge on February 13 , 2014 . ( In 2015 , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that the failure to provide for same - sex marriage by any U.S. state had the effect of violating the rights of homosexuals to equal protection of law required under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution . ) Article ii -- franchise and officers ( edit ) The second Article of the Constitution sets out the procedures and mechanisms for voting , elections and holding office . Pursuant to Section 1 , any Virginia resident over age 18 may vote in state elections ; the voting age was reduced from 21 by a 1972 amendment to the federal constitution . However , § 1 denies the vote to people who have been determined to be mentally incompetent or anyone convicted of a felony . Disfranchising convicted felons has been found to be consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution . The General Assembly , pursuant to § 4 , is given wide power to regulate the time place and manner of all elections . Section Five establishes that the only qualifications to hold office in Virginia are that a person must have been a Virginia resident for at least one year and eligible to vote . Any statute or rule requiring other qualifications is constitutionally invalid under this section . But , the General Assembly can impose local residency requirements for election to local governmental bodies or for election to the Assembly in representation of particular districts . Article III -- Division of powers ( edit ) Article III has one section , confirming the principle of separation of powers between the legislative , executive and judicial branches of government . Unlike the U.S. federal Constitution , the Virginia Constitution explicitly provides that no branch may exercise powers that properly belong to the others . Separation between the branches of government is also listed as a right of the people in § 5 of Article I . Article IV -- legislature ( edit ) Article IV establishes the basic structure and authority of the Virginia legislature . The legislative power of the state is vested in the Virginia General Assembly , which consists of the Virginia Senate and the Virginia House of Delegates. § 17 of Article IV gives the legislature the power to impeach members of the executive and judicial branches . The original § 14 of Article IV forbade the incorporation of churches , though the Virginia Commission on Constitutional Revision , in its 1969 report , had recognized that the prohibition was probably invalid . The federal district court for the Western District of Virginia ruled in April 2002 that this provision of the Virginia Constitution was in fact unconstitutional , because it violates the federal constitutional right to the free exercise of religion . The court found that it is unconstitutional to deny a church the option to incorporate under state law when other groups can incorporate . An amendment striking the ban on church incorporation was approved by Virginia voters in November 2006 . Article v. -- executive ( edit ) The fifth Article similarly defines the structure and powers of the executive branch . The Governor of Virginia is invested as the chief executive , though § 1 of Article V , provides that the governor may not run for successive terms . The offices of lieutenant governor and attorney general are established as supporting elected constitutional positions . The constitutional powers of the governor include the ability to sign legislation , veto bills ( which veto may then be overridden by a two - thirds majority of both houses of the assembly ) , and issue pardons . Article VI -- judiciary ( edit ) Article VI vests judicial power in the Supreme Court of Virginia , along with the subordinate courts created by the General Assembly . Judges are appointed by a majority vote in the General Assembly to terms of 12 years for Supreme Court Justices and 8 years for other judges . The Supreme Court , pursuant to § 5 , has the authority to make rules governing the practice of law and procedures in the courts of the commonwealth ( see rules ) , and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is established as the administrative head of the Virginia judicial system . Article VII -- local government ( edit ) Article VII of the Constitution sets up the basic framework for the structure and function of local government in Virginia . Local government may be established at the town ( population over 1000 ) , city ( population over 5000 ) , county or regional government level . Article VII gives the General Assembly the power to create general laws for the organization and governing of these political subdivisions , except that regional governments can not be created without the consent of the majority of the voters who vote on the issue in the region . Section 4 establishes the constitutional offices of treasurer , sheriff , Commonwealth 's Attorney , clerk of court and Commissioner of the Revenue to be elected within each city and county in Virginia . Article VIII -- Education ( edit ) A compulsory and free primary and secondary public education for every Virginia child is the focus of Article VIII . The General Assembly is empowered to determine the funding for the educational system and apportion the cost between state and local government . A state Board of Education is established to create school divisions and effectuate the overall educational policies . Supervision of the individual schools is delegated to local school boards , provided for in § 7 . Article IX -- corporations ( edit ) The primary purpose of Article IX is to create the Virginia State Corporation Commission , which is charged with administering the laws that regulate corporations . The State Corporation Commission also issues charters for Virginia corporations and licenses to do business for `` foreign '' ( non-Virginia ) corporations . Section 5 of Article IX prohibits such foreign corporations from doing anything in Virginia that a Virginia corporation could not do . Article X -- taxation and finance ( edit ) Article X establishes the basic structure for taxation of personal property in Virginia . Pursuant to this Article , all non-exempt real and personal property is subject to taxation at its fair market value . Section 6 sets out a lengthy list of exempt property , which includes church property , cemeteries , and non-profit school property . Significant additions to Article X include § 7 , a budget amendment , which became effective in 1986 , and § 7 - A , which establishes the `` Lottery Proceeds Fund '' , requiring that all proceeds from the lottery be set aside for educational purposes . Article XI -- conservation ( edit ) Article XI states that it is the general policy of the Commonwealth to preserve , protect and conserve the state 's natural and historic resources . The General Assembly is permitted to further these policies by entering into public - private partnerships or partnerships with federal agencies . A 2001 amendment added § 4 , which establishes hunting and fishing as constitutional rights of Virginians , though the legislature may enact appropriate regulations and restrictions on these rights . Article xii -- future changes ( edit ) The last Article creates the mechanism for future changes to the Constitution . Any amendment to the Constitution must first be passed by a majority in each of the two legislative houses . The proposed amendment must then be held over for consideration by the succeeding elected legislature , where it must again be passed by a majority in each house . The amendment then goes on the general ballot and becomes enacted into the Constitution if approved by a majority of the voters . Alternatively , a two - thirds majority of both Virginia houses may call for the creation of a constitutional convention . Any revisions or amendments proposed by the constitutional convention are presented to the citizens of Virginia and become law upon approval by a majority of voters . There is a perennial discussion over Virginia 's unique Constitutional status restricting its governor to one consecutive term , and its distinctive method of selecting both trial and appellate judges by state legislature , shared only with South Carolina . See also ( edit ) Law of Virginia Virginia Conventions References ( edit ) Notes ^ Jump up to : Lieberman , Jethro ( 1987 ) . The Enduring Constitution : A Bicentennial Perspective . West Publishing Co. pp. 27 -- 28 . ISBN 0 - 314 - 32025 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Historical Census Browser , 1900 Federal Census , University of Virginia Archived 2007 - 08 - 23 at the Wayback Machine. , accessed 15 Mar 2008 Jump up ^ `` ONE OF THE MOST INTRIGUING MIGHT - HAVE - BEENS IN AMERICAN HISTORY '' . Colonial Williamsburg Foundation . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 03 . Jump up ^ Schwartz , Stephan A. ( May 2000 ) . `` George Mason : Forgotten Founder , He Conceived the Bill of Rights '' . Smithsonian ( 31.2 ) : 142 . ^ Jump up to : Dabney , Virginius ( 1971 ) . Virginia , The New Dominion . University Press of Virginia . pp. 213 -- 216 . ISBN 0 - 8139 - 1015 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` 1830 Virginia Constitution '' . West Virginia Division of Culture and History . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` The Story of Virginia ; Becoming Southerners '' . Virginia Historical Society . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 12 . Jump up ^ Dabney ( 1971 ) , p. 218 Jump up ^ Wilentz , Sean ( 2005 ) . The Rise of American Democracy , Jefferson to Lincoln . W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 587 -- 588 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 05820 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` Constitution of 1851 '' . West Virginia Encyclopedia . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 12 . Jump up ^ Salmon ( 1994 ) , pp. 45 -- 47 . ^ Jump up to : `` Cyclopaedia of Political Science ; Virginia '' . Library of Economics and Liberty . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Constitution of Virginia ; Foreword '' ( PDF ) . Virginia General Assembly . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2006 - 09 - 13 . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : Morgan , Lynda ( 1992 ) . Emancipation in Virginia 's Tobacco Belt , 1850 -- 1870 . University of Georgia Press . pp. 160 -- 166 . ISBN 0 - 8203 - 1415 - 3 . Jump up ^ Salmon ( 1994 ) , p. 52 . Jump up ^ `` Views of a Changing Landscape ; Historical Background for Sudley Post Office '' . University of Maryland . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 14 . Jump up ^ Moger , Allen ( 1968 ) . Virginia : Bourbonism to Byrd , 1870 -- 1925 . University Press of Virginia . pp. 181 -- 183 . ISBN 0 - 8139 - 0182 - 0 . OCLC 435376 . Jump up ^ `` Virginia 's Constitutional Convention of 1901 -- 1902 '' . Virginia Historical Society . Archived from the original on 2006 - 10 - 02 . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 14 . Jump up ^ Dabney ( 1971 ) , pp. 436 -- 437 Jump up ^ Heinemann , Ronald L. , , Old Dominion , New Commonwealth : a history of Virginia 1607 - 2007 . University of Virginia Press 2007 ISBN 978 - 0 - 8139 - 2609 - 4 , p. 277 - 278 Jump up ^ Maddex , Robert ( 1998 ) . State Constitutions of the United States . Congressional Quarterly , Inc. p. 406 . ISBN 1 - 56802 - 373 - 1 . Jump up ^ Moger ( 1968 ) , pp. 192 -- 200 . Jump up ^ Dabney ( 1971 ) , pp. 439 -- 440 . Jump up ^ Salmon ( 1994 ) , pp. 78 -- 79 . Jump up ^ `` Register of the Papers of A.E. Dick Howard for the Virginia Commission for Constitutional Revision ; 1969 -- 71 '' . University of Virginia . Archived from the original on August 29 , 2006 . Retrieved 2006 - 09 - 15 . Jump up ^ Dinan , John . The Virginia State Constitution : a reference guide . Praeger ( 2006 ) ISBN 0 - 313 - 33208 - 8 p. 24 , 216 . Jump up ^ Peaslee , Liliokanaio , and Swartz , Nicholas J. , `` Virginia Government : Institutions and Policy '' ( 2014 ) SAGE Congressional Quarterly Press , ISBN 978 - 1 - 4522 - 0589 - 2 , p. 19 Jump up ^ Article and section references are to the articles and sections of the `` Constitution of Virginia ( 1971 , as amended ) '' . Commonwealth of Virginia . Archived from the original on 2012 - 01 - 02 . Jump up ^ Nobrega v. Commonwealth , 271 Va 508 ( 2006 ) . Jump up ^ Virginia Code Commission ( 2008 ) . Code of Virginia , 1950 : Constitutions . Matthew Bender & Company . p. 122 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4224 - 5072 - 7 . Jump up ^ Op . Atty. Gen. , Opinion No. 06 - 003 ( Sept. 14 , 2006 ) , 2006 WL 4286442 Jump up ^ Baratko , Trevor ( 13 February 2014 ) . `` Virginia 's same - sex marriage ban unconstitutional , federal judge says '' . Loudon Times . Retrieved 14 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Virginia Code Commission ( 2008 ) , p. 127 . Jump up ^ Perry v. Beamer , 933 F. Supp. 556 ( 1996 ) . Jump up ^ Moore v. Pullem , 150 S.E. 415 ( 1928 ) . Jump up ^ Gwaltmey v. Lyons , 166 Va . 872 ( 1914 ) . Jump up ^ Maddex ( 1998 ) , p. 407 . Jump up ^ Falwell v. Miller , 203 F. Supp. 2d 624 ( W.D. Va . 2002 ) . Jump up ^ `` Proposed Constitutional Amendment ; Ballot Question Number 2 '' ( PDF ) . Virginia State Board of Elections . Retrieved 2006 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Dinan ( 2006 ) . p. 24 Bibliography Salmon , Emily ; Edward D.C. Campbell , Jr. , eds. ( 1994 ) . The Hornbook of Virginia History . The Library of Virginia . ISBN 0 - 88490 - 177 - 7 . External links ( edit ) Constitution of Virginia ( current version , adopted 1971 ) Text of the 1776 Constitution Text of the 1830 Constitution hide Commonwealth of Virginia Richmond ( capital ) Topics Administrative divisions Climate Colleges and universities Colony Congressional districts Delegations Senators Representatives Environment Furniture Government History Historic Landmarks Law Homes Music People Rights Rivers Scouting Slogan Sports teams State Fair State parks Symbols Tourist attractions Transportation Tribes Seal of Virginia Culture Crime Demographics Economy Education Newspapers Radio TV Politics Regions Allegheny Mountains Atlantic Coastal Plain Blue Ridge Chesapeake Bay Cumberland Mountains Delmarva Peninsula Eastern Shore Hampton Roads Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Northern Virginia Piedmont Ridge - and - Valley Appalachians Shenandoah Valley South Hampton Roads Southside Southwest Virginia Tennessee Valley Tidewater Tri-Cities Virginia Peninsula Western Virginia Metro areas Blacksburg - Christiansburg - Radford Bluefield Bristol Charlottesville Danville Harrisonburg Lynchburg Martinsville Richmond Roanoke Staunton - Waynesboro Norfolk - Virginia Beach Washington - Arlington - Alexandria Winchester Counties Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King and Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Independent cities Alexandria Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church Franklin Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro Williamsburg Winchester hide State constitution ( United States ) States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Federal district Washington , D.C. Insular areas American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands James Madison 4th President of the United States ( 1809 -- 1817 ) 5th U.S. Secretary of State ( 1801 -- 1809 ) United States House of Representatives ( 1789 -- 1797 ) Congress of the Confederation ( 1781 -- 1783 ) Virginia House of Delegates ( 1776 -- 1779 , 1784 -- 1786 ) `` Father of the Constitution '' Co-wrote , 1776 Virginia Constitution 1786 Annapolis Convention 1787 Constitutional Convention Virginia Plan Constitution of the United States Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 The Federalist Papers written by Madison No. 10 No. 51 Virginia Ratifying Convention United States Bill of Rights 27th amendment Constitution drafting and ratification timeline Founding Fathers Presidency First inauguration Second inauguration Tecumseh 's War Battle of Tippecanoe War of 1812 origins Burning of Washington The Octagon House Treaty of Ghent Seven Buildings residence results Second Barbary War Era of Good Feelings Second Bank of the United States State of the Union Address ( 1810 1814 1815 1816 ) Cabinet Federal judiciary appointments Other noted accomplisments Co-founder , American Whig Society Supervised the Louisiana Purchase Anti-Administration party Residence Act Compromise of 1790 Democratic - Republican Party First Party System republicanism Library of Congress Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Report of 1800 Other writings The Papers of James Madison Life Early life and career Belle Grove Plantation , birthplace Montpelier Elections U.S. House of Representatives election , 1789 1790 1792 1794 U.S. presidential election , 1808 1812 Legacy and popular culture James Madison Memorial Building James Madison University James Madison College Madison , Wisconsin Madison Square Madison River Madison Street U.S. postage stamps James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation James Madison Freedom of Information Award James Madison Award James Madison Institute A More Perfect Union ( 1989 film ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 series ) Hamilton ( 2015 musical ) Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment Marbury v. Madison National Gazette Paul Jennings Madisonian Model American Philosophical Society The American Museum magazine Virginia dynasty Family Dolley Madison ( wife ) John Payne Todd ( stepson ) James Madison , Sr. ( father ) Nelly Conway Madison ( mother ) William Madison ( brother ) Ambrose Madison ( paternal grandfather ) James Madison ( cousin ) George Madison ( paternal second - cousin ) Thomas Madison ( paternal second - cousin ) John Madison ( great - grandfather ) ← Thomas Jefferson James Monroe → George Mason United States Founding events Drafted , 1769 Virginia Association resolutions Primary author , 1774 Fairfax Resolves Primary author , 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights `` All men are created equal '' Life , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Freedom of the press Freedom of religion Consent of the governed Baseless search and seizure Cruel and unusual punishment Speedy trial 1776 Virginia Constitution 1785 Mount Vernon Conference 1787 Constitutional Convention Virginia Ratifying Convention Co-father , United States Bill of Rights history Founding Father Writings inspired 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( France ) 1789 United States Bill of Rights Life Chopawamsic plantation Gunston Hall On slavery Ohio Company Legacy George Mason Memorial George Mason University George Mason Stadium George Mason Memorial Bridge George Mason High School 18 - cent postage stamp Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment American Revolution patriots Wilson v. Mason Hollin Hall Woodbridge plantation Mason 's Island Family George Mason V ( son ) William Mason ( son ) Thomson Mason ( son ) John Mason ( son ) Thomas Mason ( son ) George Mason III ( father ) Thomson Mason ( brother ) George Mason II ( grandfather ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : State constitutions of the United States Virginia law 1971 in law Legal history of Virginia African - American segregation in the United States 1776 establishments in Virginia Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Tagged pages containing blacklisted links Good articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 19 July 2018 , at 13 : 50 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what three offices made up virginia's representative government
The fifth Article similarly defines the structure and powers of the executive branch . The Governor of Virginia is invested as the chief executive , though § 1 of Article V , provides that the governor may not run for successive terms . The offices of lieutenant governor and attorney general are established as supporting elected constitutional positions .
Substitute ( association football ) - wikipedia Substitute ( association football ) Jump to : navigation , search The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United Kingdom and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject . You may improve this article , discuss the issue on the talk page , or create a new article , as appropriate . ( December 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The substitute bench of the national team of Argentina . In association football , a substitute is a player who is brought on to the pitch during a match in exchange for an existing player . Substitutions are generally made to replace a player who has become tired or injured , or who is performing poorly , or for tactical reasons ( such as bringing a striker on in place of a defender ) . Unlike some sports ( such as American football or ice hockey ) , a player who has been substituted during a match may take no further part in it . Most competitions only allow each team to make a maximum of three substitutions during a game , although more substitutions are often permitted in non-competitive fixtures such as friendlies . Allowing a fourth substitution in extra time is currently being trialed at several tournaments , including the 2016 Summer Olympic Games , the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup final . Each team nominates a number of players ( typically between five and seven , depending on the competition ) who may be used as substitutes ; these players typically sit in the technical area with the coaches , and are said to be `` on the bench '' . When the substitute enters the field of play it is said they have come on or have been brought on , while the player they are substituting is coming off or being brought off . A player who is noted for frequently making appearances , or scoring important goals , as a substitute is often informally known as a `` super sub '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 English and Scottish leagues 3 Relevant laws 4 Super-sub 5 References History ( edit ) The origin of football substitutes goes back to at least the early 1860s as part of English public school football games . The original use of the term `` substitute '' in football was to describe the replacement of players who failed to turn up for matches . For example , in 1863 , a match reports states : `` The Charterhouse eleven played a match in cloisters against some old Carthusians but in consequence of the non-appearance of some of those who were expected it was necessary to provide three substitutes . The substitution of absent players happened as early as the 1850s , for example from Eton College where the term `` emergencies '' is used . Numerous references to players acting as a `` substitute '' occur in matches in the mid-1860s where it is not indicated whether these were replacements of absent players or of players injured during the match . The first use of a substitute in international football was on 15 April 1889 , in the match between Wales and Scotland at Wrexham . Wales 's original goalkeeper , Jim Trainer , failed to arrive ; local amateur player Alf Pugh started the match and played for some 20 minutes until the arrival of Sam Gillam , who took over from him . Substitution during games was first permitted in 1958 . ( Although as early as the qualifying phase for the 1954 World Cup , Horst Eckel of Germany is recorded as having been replaced by Richard Gottinger in their match with the Saarland on 11 October 1953 . ) The use of substitutes in World Cup Finals matches was not allowed until the 1970 tournament . The number of substitutes usable in a competitive match has increased from zero -- meaning teams were reduced if players ' injuries could not allow them to play on -- to one ( plus another for an injured goalkeeper ) in 1958 ; to two out of a possible five in 1988 ; to two plus one ( injured goalkeeper ) in 1994 , to three in 1995 ; and most recently to a fourth substitute in certain competitions in extra time . English and Scottish leagues ( edit ) Substitutions during matches in the English Football League were first permitted in the 1965 -- 66 season . During the first two seasons after the law was introduced , each side was permitted only one substitution during a game . Moreover , the substitute could only replace an injured player . From the 1967 -- 68 season , this rule was relaxed to allow substitutions for tactical reasons . On 21 August 1965 , Keith Peacock of Charlton Athletic became the first substitute used in the Football League when he replaced injured goalkeeper Mike Rose eleven minutes into their away match against Bolton Wanderers . On the same day , Bobby Knox became the first ever substitute to score a goal when he scored for Barrow against Wrexham . Archie Gemmill of St Mirren was the first substitute to come on in a Scottish first - class match , on 13 August 1966 in a League Cup tie against Clyde when he replaced Jim Clunie after 23 minutes . The first official substitute in a Scottish League match was Paul Conn for Queen 's Park vs Albion Rovers in a Division 2 match on 24 August 1966 . Previously , on 20 January 1917 , a player called Morgan came on for the injured Morrison of Partick Thistle after 5 minutes against Rangers at Firhill , but this was an isolated case and the Scottish League did not authorise substitutes until 1966 . In later years , the number of substitutes permitted in Football League matches has gradually increased ; at present each team is permitted to name either five or seven substitutes depending on the country and competition , of which a maximum of three may be used . In England , the Premier League increased the number of players on the bench to five in 1996 , and it was announced that the number available on the bench would be seven for the 2008 -- 09 season . Relevant Laws ( edit ) The assistant referee indicating a substitution Fourth official notifying the referee of the details of the substitution According to the Laws of the Game ( 2014 / 15 ) : A player may only be substituted during a stoppage in play and with the permission of the referee . The player to be substituted ( outgoing player ) must have left the field of play before the substitute ( incoming player ) may enter the field of play ; at that point the substitute becomes a player and the person substituted ceases to be a player . The incoming player may only enter the field at the half - way line . Failure to comply with these provisions may be punished by a caution ( yellow card ) . A player that has been substituted may take no further part in a match , except where return substitutions are permitted . Unused substitutes still on the bench , as well as players who have been already substituted , remain under the authority of the referee . These are liable for misconduct , though can not be said to have committed a foul . For example , in the 2002 FIFA World Cup , Claudio Caniggia was shown the red card for cursing at the referee from the bench . Under the Laws , the referee has no specific power to force a player to be substituted , even if the team manager or captain has ordered their player to be substituted . If a player refuses to be substituted play may simply resume with that player on the field . However , in some situations players may still be liable to punishment with a caution ( yellow card ) for time wasting or unsporting behaviour . A player who has been sent off ( red card ) may not be substituted ; the team will have to make do with the remaining players . In the case of a goalkeeper who is sent off , such as in the 2006 UEFA Champions League Final , when Arsenal midfielder Robert Pirès was replaced by second - choice goalkeeper Manuel Almunia to replace Jens Lehmann , who received a red card less than 20 minutes into the match , the coach will usually ( but is not required to ) substitute an outfield player so that the backup goalkeeper can enter the game . If all substitutions have been used , or if no goalkeeper is available , an outfield player will take up the role of the goalkeeper . A famous example of this is when Chelsea goalkeepers Petr Čech and Carlo Cudicini were both injured in the same game , which led to defender John Terry spending the remainder of the match in goal wearing third - choice goalkeeper Hilário 's shirt . According to the Laws of the Game , `` up to a maximum of three substitutes may be used in any match played in an official competition organised under the auspices of FIFA , the confederations or the member associations . '' Also : In national A team matches , up to a maximum of six substitutes may be used . In all other matches , a greater number of substitutes may be used provided that : the teams concerned reach agreement on a maximum number ; the referee is informed before the match . If the referee is not informed , or if no agreement is reached before the match , no more than six substitutes are allowed . Super-sub ( edit ) The term `` super-sub '' refers to a substitution made by the manager that subsequently saves the game , generally by scoring a late equalising or winning goal . Players regarded as `` super-subs '' include Azar Karadas for Brann , Santiago Solari for Real Madrid , Nwankwo Kanu for Arsenal , David Fairclough for Liverpool , Adam Le Fondre for Reading , Ole Gunnar Solskjær and Javier Hernández for Manchester United , Mikael Forssell for Chelsea , Leon Clarke for Wigan Athletic , Brendon Santalab for Western Sydney Wanderers Henrique for Brisbane Roar , Archie Thompson , Joshua Kennedy and Tim Cahill for Australia . and Stevie Kirk for Motherwell , References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Bell 's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle ( London , England ) , Sunday , February 22 , 1863 ; pg. 7. New Readerships Jump up ^ Bell 's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle ( London , England ) , Sunday , November 11 , 1855 ; p. 7 . Jump up ^ Bell 's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle ( London , England ) , Saturday , December 17 , 1864 ; Issue 2,226 . Jump up ^ `` Wales 0 Scotland 0 '' . 15 April 1889 . Retrieved 17 December 2011 . Jump up ^ `` History of the Laws of the Game '' . . Archived from the original on 4 June 2007 . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Switzerland 1954 : World Cup Football Host '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` FIFA World Cup : Milestones , facts & figures . Statistical Kit 7 '' ( PDF ) . FIFA. 26 March 2013 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 21 May 2013 . Jump up ^ Taylor Rash ( 3 July 2014 ) . `` FIFA World Cup : FIFA Considering Fourth Substitution in Extra Time '' . Guardian Liberty Voice . Retrieved 7 January 2015 . Jump up ^ Mark Mitchener ( 17 June 2014 ) . `` World Cup 2014 : Golden goals , golf carts and other innovations '' . BBC Sport . Retrieved 7 January 2015 . Jump up ^ Mitch Phillips ( 5 November 2007 ) . `` Substitute the subs rule ? '' . Reuters Soccer Blog . Reuters . Retrieved 7 January 2015 . Jump up ^ History of the Laws of the Game - 1990 - 2000 , . Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : `` Football Trivia '' . . Archived from the original on 2012 - 11 - 02 . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 25 . Jump up ^ Ingle , Sean ( 25 July 2001 ) . `` What ever happened to Len Shackleton 's old club ? '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 7 January 2015 . Jump up ^ Batty , Clive ( 2010 ) . The Vision Book of Football Records 2011 . Vision Sports . p. 174 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 905326 - 99 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` Premier League ratifies more subs '' . BBC Sport. 7 February 2008 . Retrieved 7 January 2015 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Liverpool FC super-sub David Fairclough suffers heart scare '' . Liverpool Echo. 4 October 2010 . Retrieved 22 October 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Adam Le Fondre named Barclays player of the month without starting a game '' . 6 February 2013 . Retrieved 10 February 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Sizzling super subs '' . BBC Sport. 11 April 2001 . Retrieved 22 October 2012 . Jump up ^ Tongue , Steve ( 12 November 2012 ) . `` Javier Hernandez replaces Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as Manchester United 's super-sub '' . The Independent . Retrieved 12 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Super sub Forssell just Champion for Chelsea '' . Irish Independent . 7 March 2002 . Retrieved 12 March 2015 . Jump up ^ James , Stuart ( 21 October 2012 ) . `` Edin Dzeko rejects ' super sub ' tag after rescuing Manchester City '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 22 October 2012 . Jump up ^ Greco , John . `` Santa 's secret to his super-sub success '' . A-League . Football Federation Australia . Retrieved 10 February 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Association football terminology Hidden categories : Articles with limited geographic scope from December 2010 United Kingdom - centric Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Français Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 3 November 2017 , at 01 : 30 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
if you get subbed out in soccer can you come back in
In association football , a substitute is a player who is brought on to the pitch during a match in exchange for an existing player . Substitutions are generally made to replace a player who has become tired or injured , or who is performing poorly , or for tactical reasons ( such as bringing a striker on in place of a defender ) . Unlike some sports ( such as American football or ice hockey ) , a player who has been substituted during a match may take no further part in it .
Lana Parrilla - wikipedia Lana Parrilla Jump to : navigation , search Lana Parrilla Parrilla at the 2014 Comic - Con International Lana Maria Parrilla ( 1977 - 07 - 15 ) July 15 , 1977 ( age 40 ) Brooklyn , New York , U.S. Occupation Actress Years active 1999 -- present Spouse ( s ) Fred Di Blasio ( m . 2014 ) Parent ( s ) Sam Parrilla Dolores Dee Azzara Relatives Candice Azzara ( maternal aunt ) Awards Alma Award , Imagen Award Lana Maria Parrilla ( born July 15 , 1977 ) is an American actress . Parrilla is best known for her roles on television and radio . She was a regular cast member in the fifth season of the ABC sitcom Spin City from 2000 to 2001 . She later starred in Boomtown ( 2002 - 2003 ) , Windfall ( 2006 ) , Swingtown ( 2008 ) and as Doctor Eva Zambrano in the short - lived medical drama Miami Medical ( 2010 ) . She also played the role of Sarah Gavin during the fourth season of the Fox series 24 in 2005 . In 2011 , Parrilla began starring as The Evil Queen / Regina Mills in the ABC fantasy drama series , Once Upon a Time . In 2016 Parrilla won a Teen Choice Award for Choice Sci - Fi / Fantasy TV Actress . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 1999 -- 2010 2.2 2011 -- present 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 4.1 Film 4.2 Television 5 Awards and nominations 6 References 7 External links Early Life ( edit ) Parrilla was born in Brooklyn . Her father , Sam Parrilla ( 1943 -- 94 ) , was a Puerto Rican - born baseball player who played professionally for 11 seasons ( 1963 -- 73 ) , including one season with the Major League Philadelphia Phillies in 1970 as an outfielder . Her mother is an American painter of Sicilian descent who works in banking . Parrilla has one older sister , Deena , and a nephew named Sammy . She is also the niece of character actress Candice Azzara . Parrilla 's parents divorced when she was three years old . She spent her first ten years living with her mother , and then lived with her father . Lana Parrilla was attacked at ten years old by a dog , which left her a visible scar on the right side of her upper lip . During the time she lived with her father , he was too protective to allow her to attend a performing arts school , which delayed her acting career . Parrilla lived with her father until his murder in 1994 , when she was 16 and he was 50 . Her father was shot once in the chest by a 15 - year - old female assailant at point blank range and later died from the wound . After the death of her father , Parrilla moved in with her mother to Burbank , California . Parrilla visited Granada in 2007 to learn Spanish . After high school she moved to Los Angeles and attended Beverly Hills Playhouse to study acting . She also studied voice for ten years . Parrilla then began to be cast in small parts and later on , larger ones . Career ( edit ) 1999 -- 2010 ( edit ) Parrilla in March 2012 In her early career , Parrilla appeared in several movies , including Very Mean Men ( 2000 ) , Spiders ( 2000 ) , and Frozen Stars ( 2003 ) . She made her television debut in 1999 , on the UPN sitcom Grown Ups . In 2000 , she joined the cast of the ABC comedy series Spin City , playing Angie Ordonez for one season . She left the show in 2001 . After that she joined Donnie Wahlberg and Neal McDonough in the short lived crime drama Boomtown , for which she received the Imagen Award for Best Supporting Actress , for her portrayal of Teresa , a paramedic . Initially a success , Boomtown began to struggle , and Parrilla 's character became a police academy rookie , to tie her more closely to the rest of the show . `` Boomtown '' was cancelled just two episodes into its second season . Parrilla guest - starred in a number of television dramas , including JAG , Six Feet Under , Covert Affairs , Medium , The Defenders and Chase . She had a recurring role in 2004 as Officer Janet Grafton in NYPD Blue . In 2005 , Parrilla took a recurring guest role on the fourth season of the Fox series 24 as Sarah Gavin , a Counter Terrorist Unit agent . After just six episodes , Lana was made a regular cast member ; but in the thirteenth episode , her character was written out after she tried to thwart another character 's promotion from temporary to permanent CTU head Michelle Dessler ( Reiko Aylesworth ) . In 2006 , Parrilla starred in the NBC summer series Windfall alongside Luke Perry , fellow former 24 cast member Sarah Wynter , and Parilla 's former Boomtown castmate Jason Gedrick . In 2007 , she guest starred as Greta during the third season of ABC 's Lost in the episodes `` Greatest Hits '' and `` Through the Looking Glass '' In 2008 , she had a leading role on the Lifetime movie The Double Life of Eleanor Kendall , in which she played Nellie , a divorcee whose identity has been stolen . Also in 2008 , she starred in the CBS summer series Swingtown as Trina Decker , a woman who is part of a Swinging couple . In 2010 , Parrilla had a female lead role in the Jerry Bruckheimer - produced Miami Medical on CBS , which had a short run towards the end of the 2009 -- 10 television season before it was canceled in July 2010 . Windfall , Swingtown and Miami Medical were all canceled after 13 episodes . 2011 -- present ( edit ) Parrilla in 2012 In February 2011 , she was cast as Mayor Regina Mills / The Evil Queen , in the ABC adventure fantasy drama pilot , Once Upon a Time created by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz . The series debuted in October 2011 . The pilot episode was watched by 12.93 million viewers and achieved an adult 18 -- 49 rating / share of 4.0 / 10 during the first season , receiving generally favorable reviews from critics . Parrilla 's performance also received positive reviews from critics . In 2012 and 2013 , she was regarded as a promising contender for an Emmy Award in the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series category , though she did not receive a nomination . She won the TV Guide Award for Favorite Villain and the ALMA Award for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series in 2012 . Parrilla also received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress on Television from the 38th Saturn Awards . Personal Life ( edit ) Parrilla with her husband Fred Di Blasio in 2014 Parrilla became engaged to boyfriend Fred Di Blasio on April 28 , 2013 , while in Israel . The two were married July 5 , 2014 , shortly before Parrilla began filming the fourth season of Once Upon a Time . Parrilla confirmed the news on her Twitter account on August 1 , 2014 . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2000 Very Mean Men Teresa 2000 Spiders Marci Eyre 2003 Frozen Stars Lisa Vasquez 2005 One Last Ride Antoinette Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1999 Grown Ups Waitress Episodes : `` Truth Be Told '' , `` J Says '' 2000 Rude Awakening Nurse Lorna Episode : `` Telltale Heart pt. 1 '' 2000 -- 01 Spin City Angie Ordonez Series regular , 21 episodes 2002 JAG Lt. Stephanie Donato Episode : `` Head to Toe '' The Shield Sedona Tellez Episode : `` Circles '' 2002 -- 03 Boomtown Teresa Ortiz Imagen Award for Best Supporting Actress NYPD Blue Officer Janet Grafton Recurring role , 3 episodes Six Feet Under Maile Episodes : `` Terror Starts at Home '' , `` The Dare '' 2005 24 Sarah Gavin Series regular , 12 episodes 2006 Windfall Nina Schaefer Series regular , 13 episodes Lost Greta Episodes : `` Greatest Hits '' , `` Through the Looking Glass '' 2008 Swingtown Trina Decker Series regular , 13 episodes The Double Life of Eleanor Kendall Nellie Givens Television film Miami Medical Dr. Eva Zambrano Series regular , 13 episodes Covert Affairs Julia Suarez Episode : `` South Bound Suarez '' Medium Lydia Halstrom Episode : `` The Match Game '' The Defenders Betty Episode : `` Las Vegas vs. Johnson '' 2011 Chase Isabella Episode : `` Narco : Part 1 '' 2011 -- present Once Upon a Time Regina Mills The Evil Queen Roni Main Role Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress : Sci - Fi / Fantasy ALMA Award for Outstanding TV Actress - Drama TV Guide Award for Favorite Villain Nominated -- Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Villain Nominated -- Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Villain Nominated -- Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress on Television Nominated -- TV Guide Award for Favorite Villain Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Award Nominated work Result 2003 Imagen Award for Best Supporting Actress Boomtown Won 2008 ALMA Award for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Television Series Swingtown Nominated 2012 TV Guide Award for Favorite Villain Once Upon a Time Won Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress on Television Once Upon a Time Nominated Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Villain Once Upon a Time Nominated ALMA Award for Outstanding TV Actress - Drama Once Upon a Time Won 2013 NHMC Impact Award Once Upon a Time Won Teen Choice Awards for Choice TV Villain Once Upon a Time Nominated Imagen Foundation Award for Best Actress / Television Once Upon a Time Nominated 2016 Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress : Sci - Fi / Fantasy Once Upon a Time Won 2017 Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress : Sci - Fi / Fantasy Once Upon a Time Nominated References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Sam Parrilla Statistics and History - '' . . Sports Reference . ^ Jump up to : `` Lana Parrilla and her sister Deena '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Biography Lana Parrilla Daily - Your newest 24 / 7 Source For All Things Lana Parrilla '' . Lana Parrilla Daily . Retrieved 2015 - 06 - 07 . ^ Jump up to : BIO : Evil Queen Played by Lana Parrilla Archived 2011 - 10 - 26 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ MOVIES The Double Life of Eleanor Kendall Archived 2012 - 01 - 30 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Miami Medical canceled , no season two canceled + renewed TV shows '' . TV Series Finale. 2010 - 05 - 21 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( 2011 - 02 - 28 ) . `` Several Actors Board Broadcast Pilots '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Once Upon a Time - Season 1 Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ Paula Hendrickson ( 2012 - 06 - 21 ) . `` Lana Parrilla in ' Once Upon a Time ' : Road to the Emmys 2012 : The Supporting Actor & Actress - Chicago Tribune '' . Variety . . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ 07 / 19 / 2013 2 : 48 pm EDT ( 2013 - 07 - 19 ) . `` Emmy Latino Snubs For Lana Parrilla , Jimmy Smits , and More '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ Marc Cuenco ( 2013 - 12 - 01 ) . `` 14 Emmy - Worthy GIFs of ' Once Upon a Time ' Star Lana Parilla '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ Team TVLine / June 6 , 2012 , 6 : 25 AM PDT ( 2012 - 06 - 06 ) . `` ( PHOTOS ) Emmy Nominations 2012 -- Awards Show 's Supporting Actress In Drama Contenders '' . TVLine . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Snetiker , Marc ( 2012 - 07 - 18 ) . `` 2012 Emmy Awards Nominees : Our Predictions ! TV News '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Lana Parrilla , Once Upon a Time from Emmy Contenders : Supporting Actress , Drama E ! Online UK '' . 2012 - 07 - 02 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` TV Guide Magazine Fan Favorites Awards Winners Revealed ! - Today 's News : Our Take '' . 2012 - 04 - 10 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ 09 / 21 / 2012 10 : 18 pm ( 2012 - 09 - 21 ) . `` ALMA Awards 2012 : Winners And Show Highlights ( VIDEO , PHOTOS ) '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ Goldberg , Matt . `` Saturn Award Nominations 2012 Collider Page 148931 '' . Collider . Retrieved 2015 - 06 - 07 . Jump up ^ Saad , Nardine ( May 7 , 2013 ) . `` ' Once Upon a Time 's ' Lana Parrilla engaged to Fred Di Blasio '' . . Los Angeles Times . Jump up ^ McRady , Rachel ( July 30 , 2014 ) . `` Lana Parrilla Is Married : Once Upon a Time Star Secretly Weds '' . Us Weekly Magazine . Jump up ^ Parrilla , Lana ( August 1 , 2014 ) . `` Well , @ fred_diblasio I think this says it all ... Signed , # MrsDiBlasio '' . . Twitter . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lana Parrilla . Lana Parrilla on Twitter Lana Parrilla on IMDb Lana Parrilla at ( hide ) Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress Fantasy / Sci - Fi Nina Dobrev ( 2010 ) Nina Dobrev ( 2011 ) Nina Dobrev ( 2012 ) Nina Dobrev ( 2013 ) Nina Dobrev ( 2014 ) Nina Dobrev ( 2015 ) Lana Parrilla ( 2016 ) Kat Graham ( 2017 ) VIAF : 7163098 LCCN : no2007026606 ISNI : 0000 0000 5416 7632 GND : 1065764111 SUDOC : 191316911 BNF : cb167663988 ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1977 births Actresses from New York City American television actresses American film actresses American people of Puerto Rican descent American people of Sicilian descent Living people People from Brooklyn 20th - century American actresses 21st - century American actresses Actresses of Italian descent Hispanic and Latino American actresses Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu Català Čeština Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Latina Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 December 2017 , at 11 : 11 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays the evil queen on once upon a time
Lana Maria Parrilla ( born July 15 , 1977 ) is an American actress . Parrilla is best known for her roles on television and radio . She was a regular cast member in the fifth season of the ABC sitcom Spin City from 2000 to 2001 . She later starred in Boomtown ( 2002 - 2003 ) , Windfall ( 2006 ) , Swingtown ( 2008 ) and as Doctor Eva Zambrano in the short - lived medical drama Miami Medical ( 2010 ) . She also played the role of Sarah Gavin during the fourth season of the Fox series 24 in 2005 . In 2011 , Parrilla began starring as The Evil Queen / Regina Mills in the ABC fantasy drama series , Once Upon a Time . In 2016 Parrilla won a Teen Choice Award for Choice Sci - Fi / Fantasy TV Actress .
The flying machine ( short story ) - Wikipedia The flying machine ( short story ) Jump to : navigation , search This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( May 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` The Flying Machine '' is a short story written by Ray Bradbury in 1953 . Bradbury also adapted the tale into a short play that same year . Plot summary ( edit ) This story is set in China many centuries ago , where a servant to the emperor Yuan notices a man that has created a contraption for flying . Emperor Yuan is not at all happy when he asks the inventor his purpose in creating such a device and the inventor replies that his motivation was merely the desire for innovation . Thus Yuan orders that the inventor shall be executed because , while his flying machine may be a beautiful creation , the emperor sees the devastating potential for those who `` have an evil face and an evil heart '' and will seek to use it for purposes other than the enjoyment of flight , namely flying over the Great Wall of China ( which he himself created ) and destroying it . For this reason , the inventor is executed , the flying machine burned , and all who saw it are silenced . But in the last line the Emperor mourns the loss of the machine , the marvel of which he appreciates but the danger of which is too great to allow its survival . This story can be used to weight pros and cons , as a theme . External links ( edit ) The Flying Machine title listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database Golden Apples of the Sun , a short story collection by Ray Bradbury The Flying Machine : A One - Act Play for Three Men by Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury Bibliography Novels The Martian Chronicles ( 1950 ) Fahrenheit 451 ( 1953 ) Dandelion Wine ( 1957 ) Something Wicked This Way Comes ( 1962 ) The Halloween Tree ( 1972 ) Death Is a Lonely Business ( 1985 ) A Graveyard for Lunatics ( 1990 ) Green Shadows , White Whale ( 1992 ) From the Dust Returned ( 2001 ) Let 's All Kill Constance ( 2002 ) Farewell Summer ( 2006 ) Short stories `` The Scythe '' ( 1943 ) `` The Lake '' ( 1944 ) `` Frost and Fire '' ( 1946 ) `` The Million Year Picnic '' ( 1946 ) `` The Small Assassin '' ( 1946 ) `` I See You Never '' ( 1947 ) `` Fever Dream '' ( 1948 ) `` The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl '' ( 1948 ) `` The Long Years '' ( 1948 ) `` Mars Is Heaven ! '' ( 1948 ) `` Dark They Were , and Golden - Eyed '' ( 1949 ) `` The Exiles '' ( 1949 ) `` Marionettes , Inc . '' ( 1949 ) `` The Long Rain '' ( 1950 ) `` The Rocket '' ( 1950 ) `` There Will Come Soft Rains '' ( 1950 ) `` The Veldt '' ( 1950 ) `` Ylla '' ( 1950 ) `` Embroidery '' ( 1951 ) `` The Fog Horn '' ( 1951 ) `` Here There Be Tygers '' ( 1951 ) `` The Pedestrian '' ( 1951 ) `` The April Witch '' ( 1952 ) `` A Sound of Thunder '' ( 1952 ) `` The Wilderness '' ( 1952 ) `` The Flying Machine '' ( 1953 ) `` The Golden Kite , the Silver Wind '' ( 1953 ) `` The Meadow '' ( 1953 ) `` The Murderer '' ( 1953 ) `` Sun and Shadow '' ( 1953 ) `` All Summer in a Day '' ( 1954 ) `` The Dragon '' ( 1955 ) `` The Aqueduct '' ( 1979 ) `` Banshee '' ( 1984 ) `` The Toynbee Convector '' ( 1984 ) `` Is That You , Herb ? '' ( 2003 ) Collections Dark Carnival ( 1947 ) The Illustrated Man ( 1951 ) The Golden Apples of the Sun ( 1953 ) The October Country ( 1955 ) A Medicine for Melancholy ( 1959 ) The Day It Rained Forever ( 1959 ) The Small Assassin ( 1962 ) R Is for Rocket ( 1962 ) The Machineries of Joy ( 1964 ) The Autumn People ( 1965 ) The Vintage Bradbury ( 1965 ) Tomorrow Midnight ( 1966 ) S Is for Space ( 1966 ) Twice 22 ( 1966 ) I Sing the Body Electric ( 1969 ) Ray Bradbury ( 1975 ) Long After Midnight ( 1976 ) The Fog Horn & Other Stories ( 1979 ) The Last Circus and the Electrocution ( 1980 ) The Stories of Ray Bradbury ( 1980 ) The Fog Horn and Other Stories ( 1980 ) Dinosaur Tales ( 1983 ) A Memory of Murder ( 1984 ) The Toynbee Convector ( 1988 ) Classic Stories 1 ( 1990 ) Classic Stories 2 ( 1990 ) The Parrot Who Met Papa ( 1991 ) Selected from Dark They Were , and Golden - Eyed ( 1991 ) Quicker Than the Eye ( 1996 ) Driving Blind ( 1997 ) Ray Bradbury Collected Short Stories ( 2001 ) One More for the Road ( 2002 ) Bradbury Stories : 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales ( 2003 ) The Cat 's Pajamas : Stories ( 2004 ) A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories ( 2005 ) The Dragon Who Ate His Tail ( 2007 ) Summer Morning , Summer Night ( 2007 ) A Pleasure to Burn ( 2010 ) The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury ( 2011 , 2014 ) Plays The Meadow ( 1947 ) The Flying Machine : A One - Act Play for Three Men ( 1953 ) The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays ( 1972 ) Pillar of Fire and Other Plays ( 1975 ) The Martian Chronicles ( 1986 ) The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ( 1986 ) Fahrenheit 451 ( 1986 ) Dandelion Wine ( 1988 ) The Veldt ( 1988 ) Adaptations It Came from Outer Space ( 1953 ) Moby Dick ( 1956 screenplay ) `` I Sing the Body Electric '' ( 1962 ) The Picasso Summer ( 1969 ) The Illustrated Man ( 1969 ) The Martian Chronicles ( 1980 miniseries ) The Electric Grandmother ( 1982 ) Something Wicked This Way Comes ( 1983 ) Bradbury 13 ( radio series , 1983 - 84 ) The Ray Bradbury Theater ( TV series , 1985 - 86 , 1988 - 92 ) The Halloween Tree ( 1993 ) Dandelion Wine ( 1997 ) The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ( 1998 ) A Sound of Thunder ( 2005 ) Ray Bradbury 's Chrysalis ( 2008 ) The Whispers ( 2015 ) Miscellaneous Futuria Fantasia ( 1939 - 1940 ) The Mummies of Guanajuato ( 1978 ) Zen in the Art of Writing ( 1990 ) It Came from Outer Space ( 2003 book ) Related Spaceship Earth Bradbury Landing Ray Bradbury Award Fuck Me , Ray Bradbury This short story -- related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1953 short stories Short stories by Ray Bradbury Aviation media Story stubs Hidden categories : Articles lacking in - text citations from May 2013 All articles lacking in - text citations All stub articles Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 19 May 2017 , at 02 : 13 . About Wikipedia
plot of the flying machine by ray bradbury
This story is set in China many centuries ago , where a servant to the emperor Yuan notices a man that has created a contraption for flying . Emperor Yuan is not at all happy when he asks the inventor his purpose in creating such a device and the inventor replies that his motivation was merely the desire for innovation . Thus Yuan orders that the inventor shall be executed because , while his flying machine may be a beautiful creation , the emperor sees the devastating potential for those who `` have an evil face and an evil heart '' and will seek to use it for purposes other than the enjoyment of flight , namely flying over the Great Wall of China ( which he himself created ) and destroying it . For this reason , the inventor is executed , the flying machine burned , and all who saw it are silenced . But in the last line the Emperor mourns the loss of the machine , the marvel of which he appreciates but the danger of which is too great to allow its survival . This story can be used to weight pros and cons , as a theme .
Sawai Man Singh Medical College - wikipedia Sawai Man Singh Medical College Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Sawai Man Singh Medical College Type Public Established 1947 Principal Uma Shanker Agarwal Location Jaipur , Rajasthan , India 26 ° 54 ′ 20.83 '' N 75 ° 49 ′ 8.92 '' E  /  26.9057861 ° N 75.8191444 ° E  / 26.9057861 ; 75.8191444 Coordinates : 26 ° 54 ′ 20.83 '' N 75 ° 49 ′ 8.92 '' E  /  26.9057861 ° N 75.8191444 ° E  / 26.9057861 ; 75.8191444 Affiliations Rajasthan University of Health Sciences Website Sawai Man Singh Medical College , also known as SMS Medical College , is a medical college in Jaipur , Rajasthan state , India . It was established in 1947 and was the 15th centre for medical education in India . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Attached hospitals 3 Notable alumni 4 Rankings 5 References 6 External links History ( edit ) The SMS Medical College marks his start with the establishment of a maternity hospital , a dispensary and a medical school in Jaipur in 1855 , officially inaugurated in 1861 . However , this medical school was closed in 1864 . It was only in 1945 that Mirza Ismail , the Diwan ( Prime Minister ) of the Jaipur State , started working on the project of establishing a medical college in the state , which was to be the 15th centre for medical education in India . The foundation stone was laid down by Lord Wavell , the Governor - General and Viceroy of India , in 13 March 1946 and the Sawai Man Singh Medical College was officially opened in 1947 . The first principal of the college was G.N. Sen which was replaced by Dr. S.C. Mehta shortly afterwards , until 1951 when S.K. Menon took over as principal . In 1952 the college was recognized by the Medical Council of India and postgraduate courses started in 1952 . Attached hospitals ( edit ) Here 's a list of hospitals attached to the SMS Medical College . This list does n't include the satellite hospitals in Jaipur . Sawai Man Singh Hospital Mahila Chikitsalaya Respiratory Institute Psychiatric Center Gangori Hospital JK Lone ( SPMCHI - Sir Padampad Mother and Child Health Center ) Zanana Hospital Isolation Hospital ( for infectious diseases ) HB Kanwatia Hospital Notable alumni ( edit ) This article 's list of alumni may not follow Wikipedia 's verifiability or notability policies . Please improve this article by removing names that do not have independent reliable sources showing they are notable AND alumni , or by incorporating the relevant publications into the body of the article through appropriate citations . ( July 2017 ) Samin K. Sharma , currently an interventional cardiologist at Mount Sinai Hospital , New York , holds the American record for the highest number of complex coronary interventions performed annually S.P. Sudrania , a renowned paediatrician of national and international fame , deputed in 29 countries during his tenure at SMS Medical College . Farooq Abdullah , Statesman and Renowned Politician , Former Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy , GOI and 3 time Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir , Currently President Jammu & Kashmir National Conference SS Agarwal , national president of the Indian Medical Association Rankings ( edit ) University and college rankings Medical - India Careers360 36 Sawai ManSingh Medical College was ranked 36 among medical colleges in India by Careers360 's `` Top Medical Colleges in India 2017 '' , 24 among government institutes . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` About The Principal '' . . SMS Medical College & Attached Hospitals . Retrieved 31 August 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` History '' . . SMS Medical College & Attached Hospitals . Retrieved 31 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Official website of the SMS Medical College ^ Jump up to : `` Top Medical Colleges in India 2017 '' . Careers360. 2017 . External links ( edit ) Official website ( hide ) Jaipur topics History Amber Jaipur State Kachwaha Rajput Jai Singh II Sawai Jagat Singh Sawai Ram Singh II Sawai Mahdo Singh II Sawai Man Singh II Bhawani Singh of Jaipur Gayatri Devi Prince Jagat Singh Vidyadhar Bhattacharya Mirza Ismail Government and localities Government Legislative Assembly Jaipur Municipal Corporation Jaipur Development Authority Economy Jaipur Stock Exchange Buildings and landmarks Palaces Jaigarh Fort Amber Fort Nahargarh Fort City Palace Temples Govind Dev Ji Temple Moti Dungri Temple Birla Temple Galtaji Garh Ganesh Temple Others Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha Jantar Manatar Hawa Mahal Kanak Vrindavan Sisodiya Rani Bagh Central Park Jawahar Circle Albert Hall Museum Gardens and Parks Gates of Jaipur Transport Air Jaipur International Airport Rail Jaipur Railway Station Gandhi Nagar Railway Station Jaipur Metro Road Jaipur Bus Sindhi Camp Jaipur BRTS Culture Festivals Makar Sankranti Gangaur Teej Jaipur Literature Festival Cartist Automobile Art Festival Elephant Festival Food Rajasthani Cuisine Sports Elephant polo Rajasthan cricket team Rajasthan Royals Rajasthan State Sports Council Rajasthan Sports University Rajasthan football team Jaipur Pink Panthers Sawai Mansingh Stadium Sawai Mansingh Indoor Stadium Chaugan Stadium Railway Cricket Ground KL Saini Ground Neerja Modi Ground Maharaja College Ground Shivraj Stadium Others Jawahar Kala Kendra Kathak Tamasha Hinduism Jainism Cinema Shopping Education Schools Kendriya Vidyalaya VSI International School Colleges MNIT Jaipur BIT Jaipur LNMIIT SMS Medical College Universities Rajasthan University JK Lakshmipat University Rajasthan Sports University Other topics Famous people from Jaipur Neighborhoods Tourist attractions List of cities in India Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Educational institutions established in 1947 1947 establishments in India Medical colleges in Jaipur Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from January 2017 All articles needing additional references Coordinates not on Wikidata Articles needing cleanup from July 2017 All pages needing cleanup Official website not in Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 31 August 2017 , at 08 : 23 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
sawai man singh medical college and controller associated hospital
Sawai Man Singh Medical College , also known as SMS Medical College , is a medical college in Jaipur , Rajasthan state , India . It was established in 1947 and was the 15th centre for medical education in India .
Holes ( novel ) - Wikipedia Holes ( novel ) This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 30 October 2018 . 1998 mystery comedy novel by Louis Sachar Holes Author Louis Sachar Language English Genre Adventure , Satire Publisher Farrar , Straus and Giroux ( US ) Bloomsbury ( UK ) Ediciones SM ( Spain ) Publication date August 20 , 1998 ISBN 978 - 0 - 786 - 22186 - 8 OCLC 3800257333232 Dewey Decimal ( Fic ) 21 LC Class PZ7. S1185 Ho 1998 Holes is a 1998 young adult mystery comedy novel written by Louis Sachar and first published by Farrar , Straus and Giroux . The book centers around an unlucky teenage boy named Stanley Yelnats , who is sent to Camp Green Lake , a juvenile corrections facility in a desert in Texas , after being falsely accused of theft . The plot explores the history of the area and how the actions of several characters in the past have affected Stanley 's life in the present . These interconnecting stories touch on themes such as racism , homelessness , illiteracy , and arranged marriage . The book was both a critical and commercial success . Much of the praise for the book has centered around its complex plot , interesting characters , and representation of people of color and incarcerated youth . It won the 1998 U.S. National Book Award for Young People 's Literature and the 1999 Newbery Medal for the year 's `` most distinguished contribution to American literature for children '' . In 2012 it was ranked number six among all - time children 's novels in a survey published by School Library Journal . Holes was adapted as a feature film of the same name by Walt Disney Pictures , which was released in 2003 . It received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed $71 million . The film was released in conjunction with the book companion Stanley Yelnats 's Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake . A sequel to Holes entitled Small Steps was published in 2006 , and centers on one of the secondary characters in the novel , Armpit . Contents 1 Plot 1.1 Present day 1.2 19th - century curse 1.3 Kissin ' Kate Barlow 1.4 Camp Green Lake 2 Characters 2.1 Camp Green Lake 2.2 Town of Green Lake 2.3 Mid-1800s Latvia 2.4 Minor characters 3 Setting 4 Literary Elements 4.1 Fairy Tales 4.2 Names 5 Themes 5.1 Labor 6 Public Reception 7 Film adaptation 8 Sequels 8.1 Stanley Yelnats 's Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake 8.2 Small Steps 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) This article 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise . ( October 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Present day ( edit ) Date is October of 2016 Stanley Yelnats IV is a 14 - year - old boy from a hard - working but poor family that is allegedly affected by a curse of bad luck , which they blame on Stanley 's `` no - good - dirty - rotten pig - stealing - great - great - grandfather '' . Stanley 's latest stroke of misfortune occurs when he is wrongly convicted of the theft of a pair of athletic shoes once owned by famous baseball player Clyde `` Sweet Feet '' Livingston , which had been donated to a homeless shelter to raise money . Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake , a juvenile corrections facility which is ironically located in the middle of a sterile desert . As punishment , the camp inmates are assigned to dig one hole each day five feet wide and five feet deep in order to ' build character ' . Stanley soon begins to suspect that they are really digging to find something hidden beneath the ground . The treasure is revealed later as his suitcase . When the case is cracked open only a few cheap gems are found . 19th - century curse ( edit ) Stanley 's great - great - grandfather , Elya Yelnats , is in love with a fifteen - year - old girl named Myra Menke . However , a much older pig farmer named Igor Barkov also wants to marry her , offering Myra 's father his heaviest pig in exchange for Myra 's hand in marriage . Desperate to impress Myra and her father , Elya goes to his friend Madame Zeroni for help . Despite not approving of Myra as a partner , she gives him a tiny piglet , telling him to carry it up a mountain every day , and let it drink from a stream while singing to it . Every day the water will make it grow bigger , and Elya will grow stronger . On the last day , after he carries the pig one last time , he must carry Madame Zeroni herself up the mountain to do the same , as he will then be strong enough to carry her . However , Zeroni warns him that if he does not carry her up the mountain , his family will be cursed . Elya follows her directions , and the piglet grows to a large size , but he does not carry it up on the final day in order to have time to clean up . After the pigs weigh the same , Myra uses an arbitrary number selection tactic to choose , and Elya leaves in disgust . Forgetting his promise to Madame Zeroni , he moves to America to start a new life , falls in love , and marries , but he is beset by Zeroni 's curse . The song that he sang to the piglet becomes a lullaby that is passed down among Elya 's descendants , who are all named Stanley due to its palindromic relation to the name Yelnats . Kissin ' Kate Barlow ( edit ) In the year 1888 , the town of Green Lake is a flourishing lakeside community . Katherine Barlow , the white local schoolteacher , falls in love with Sam , an African - American onion seller , while rejecting advances from wealthy resident Charles Walker ( nicknamed `` Trout '' due to the smell of his feet ) . There is an uproar in the town after Kate and Sam are seen kissing in an alley . After a mob burns down the schoolhouse , Katherine recognizes that Sam is in grave danger . She finds Sam and they attempt an escape across the lake in Sam 's rowboat , but Walker and the mob intercept them with Walker 's motorboat , ramming the smaller vessel and sinking it . Sam is ruthlessly shot and killed in the water , while Kate is `` rescued '' against her wishes . Following these actions , no rain falls upon Green Lake ever again . The next day , Kate murders the sheriff and leaves a lipstick print on his cheek before departing to become a prominent outlaw , earning her the nickname `` Kissin ' Kate Barlow . '' Kate robs Stanley 's great - grandfather , Stanley Yelnats I , of his entire fortune , but instead of killing him , she abandons him in the desert that was previously Green Lake . Miraculously , he survives after he is found by lizard and snake hunters , who believe him to be crazy . Stanley I is subsequently taken to the hospital . During his stay , he falls in love with the nurse that is caring for him , and the two later marry . Twenty years later , Kate returns to an old cabin on the former lakeside and is tracked down by Trout and his wife Linda , who are bankrupt and desperate for money . They try to force her to reveal where she buried her loot , but she is bitten by a yellow - spotted lizard and dies . As she dies , she taunts them by saying , `` Start digging '' . The Walkers are left to dig the entire area in order to find the buried treasure . Camp Green Lake ( edit ) The inmates at Camp Green Lake are forced to dig cylindrical holes five feet deep and five feet wide , which the warden says `` builds their character . '' They are promised the rest of their day off if they find anything that the Warden considers `` interesting '' . Stanley finds a fossil , but Mr. Pendanski tells him that the Warden `` is n't interested in fossils '' , leading Stanley to suspect they are looking for something in particular . During one dig , Stanley finds one of Barlow 's lipstick tubes ( though he does not recognize it for what it is ) . X-Ray , the ringleader of Tent D , asks Stanley to give him the lipstick tube so he could have the day off as he has been there the longest and deserves it . After initially refusing , Stanley obliges , and the Warden is excited by the discovery . Meanwhile , Stanley and Zero , the smallest inmate in Tent D , who got his nickname because `` he has nothing in his head '' , become friends . Stanley agrees to teach Zero how to read , and in return , Zero digs Stanley 's hole part of the time . The camp staff discover this , and confront the boys . The argument culminates in Zero angrily hitting Mr. Pendanski with a shovel and running away , and the camp staff decide to erase their records of him and let him die in the desert . A few days later , Stanley follows Zero and finds him living under the remains of Sam 's boat , eating very old jars of Kate 's spiced peaches , which he calls `` Sploosh '' . Stanley notices a mountain resembling a human fist giving the thumbs up sign , and recalls that Stanley Yelnats I claimed to find `` refuge on God 's thumb '' . On the mountain , Zero admits that he was the one who stole `` Sweet Feet '' Livingston 's shoes . Atop the mountain , Stanley discovers a field of onions that was once Sam 's . The boys eat the onions and find water by digging in the ground , and Stanley sings Madame Zeroni 's song to Zero , Zeroni 's descendant , unknowingly breaking the curse . They return to camp and unearth the treasure . Stanley 's attorney appears at the camp , explaining that Stanley is innocent due to the emergence of an alibi . The Warden tries to claim they stole the suitcase from her , but Zero reveals that the name ' Stanley Yelnats ' is written on it , as the suitcase had belonged to Stanley 's great - grandfather . Fearing that the warden will kill Zero if he leaves him behind , Stanley refuses to leave the camp unless Zero can come along . The attorney orders the Warden to get Zero 's file , but the camp staff are naturally unable to find it , and Zero is also released . Stanley 's family open the case , discovering the jewels , deeds , stocks and promissory notes stolen from Stanley Yelnats I. Using the money raised from the bonds , Stanley 's family buys a new house and Zero hires a team of investigators to find his missing mother ; meanwhile , the drought at Green Lake is brought to an end by rainfall . The family 's luck seems to change as if in response to Stanley 's fulfillment of his ancestor 's promise ( a suggestion left purposely ambiguous by the narration ) . In a final scene , Clyde Livingston and his wife , along with the Yelnats and Zeroni families , celebrate the success of Stanley 's father 's antidote to foot odor , composed of preserved and fermented spiced peaches and onions and named `` Sploosh '' by Zero . The Warden is forced to sell Green Lake to `` a national organization dedicated to the well - being of young girls '' , which turns it into a Girl Scout camp . Characters ( edit ) Camp Green Lake ( edit ) Stanley Yelnats IV ( also known as `` Caveman '' by the rest of the campers , but referred to in the book by his proper name ) : Stanley is a 14 - year - old boy who does not have any friends from school and is often picked on by his classmates and the school bully . Stanley 's family is cursed with bad luck , and although they do not have much money , they always try to remain hopeful and look on the bright side of things . Stanley shares these traits with his family and , although he does not have a lot of self - confidence , he is not easily depressed , a characteristic that helps him adjust to the horrendous conditions of Camp Green Lake . However , he has a bad habit of blaming his great great grandfather when he gets in trouble . This habit made him impudent . As the book progresses , Stanley slowly gains strength . He identifies the people who threaten him , like the Warden , and while he tries not to get in trouble he also stands up for himself and his friends and family . Stanley rebels for the rights of his friends when he steals Mr. Sir 's truck to look for his friend Zero in the dry lake bed . Zero ( Hector Zeroni ) : Zero is known to be the best digger at Camp Green Lake . So often , he is considered to be `` stupid '' or a mere nothing by the other boys and the counselors at the lake . He lacks an education , meaning he can not really read nor write . However , he is smart and manages to stand for himself in the face of adversity , breaking Mr. Pendanski 's nose with a shovel after one too many snide remarks . Typically he is noted as the character that hardly speaks due to the fact that he is wary of those who mock him . He is said to always have a scowl on his face and does not like to answer questions . Zero is shown to be an honest character after becoming close friends with Stanley . Zero is the one who stole the shoes that Stanley was arrested for and accused of stealing . He is the great - great - great - grandson of Madame Zeroni , the woman who put a curse on Stanley 's family . He has been homeless for most of his life , as well as being abandoned by his mother at a very young age . Although he suffers quite a bit , he always seems to persevere and come out on top . X-Ray ( Rex Washburn ) : X-Ray is the unofficial head of the boys in Group D. X-Ray decides that Stanley will be called Caveman and fixes the order of the line for water . X-Ray maintains his position as the leader of the boys even though he is one of the smallest and can barely see without his glasses . He convinces Stanley to give him the lipstick tube that Stanley finds in his hole so that he can have the day off instead of Stanley . X-Ray is able to maintain his position at the head of the group through a system of rewards and allies . Every time that Stanley does something nice for X-Ray , X-Ray is nice to Stanley and stands up for him when the other boys pick on him . When Stanley becomes friends with Zero , however , X-Ray's system is threatened and he becomes hostile towards Stanley . His nickname X-ray comes from it being pig Latin of his actual name , Rex . Squid ( Alan ) : Squid is a member of Group D at Camp Green Lake . He is often the one for taunting Stanley for sending and receiving letters to his mother . Just like X-Ray , Squid is very tough but very subservient to X-Ray's rules and directions . Magnet ( José ) : Another member of Group D. Magnet earned his nickname because of his ability to steal , he got into Camp Green Lake for stealing animals from the zoo and refers to his fingers as `` little magnets '' . Armpit ( Theodore Johnson ) : One of X-Ray's close friends at camp , he pushes Stanley when Stanley calls him Theodore . Zig Zag ( Ricky ) : Zigzag is described as being the tallest kid of Group D , constantly looking like he has been electrocuted , with frizzy hair . Stanley often thinks he is the weirdest and craziest kid at Camp Green Lake . Zigzag is the one who hit Stanley on the head with a shovel and did not apologize for doing so . Zigzag suffers from paranoia , highlighting his displayed `` craziness '' . The Warden ( Ms. Walker ) : Running Camp Green Lake , she is known to be violent , abusive , and quite mean . She uses her power and privilege to get what she wants and make members of the camp do as she pleases . She has hidden cameras , using them to spy on the members of the camp . She is often thought to have hidden cameras in the showers , causing Stanley to be paranoid whenever he takes a shower , rushing out as fast as possible . She wears nail polish traced with rattlesnake venom , and scratches those who displease or go against what she says . She has the members of Camp Green Lake digging holes to look for Kate Barlow 's hidden treasure . She is the granddaughter of Charles `` Trout '' Walker . Her family had been digging the treasure out since her birth , but to no success . Mr. Sir ( Marion Sevillo ) : One of the counselors at Camp Green Lake , he is constantly eating sunflower seeds . He took up this habit after deciding to quit smoking . He is known to be mean and tough . Mr. Pendanski : In Group D at Camp Green Lake Mr. Pendanski is in charge . Mr. Pendanski may seem friendly , but he is just as mean as the Warden and Mr. Sir . He never stops making fun of Zero ever since he has been at the camp , which comes back to bite him when the boy cracks him in the face with a shovel . Town of Green Lake ( edit ) Katherine Barlow ( Kissin ' Kate Barlow ) : Katherine Barlow is a sweet and intelligent woman who teaches in a one - room school house on Green Lake one hundred and ten years before Stanley arrives at Camp Green Lake . She falls in love with Sam , a man who sells onions in the town . Although the rest of the white people in the town are racist and enforce rules that prohibit black people from going to school , Kate , who is white , does not care about the color of a person 's skin and she loves Sam for the person that he is . When Kate and Sam kiss , the angry townsfolk kill Sam and destroy her beloved schoolhouse . Kate is devastated by Sam 's death and becomes Kissin ' Kate Barlow , one of the most feared outlaws in the West . She always leaves her mark by kissing someone when she finishes killing them ; if she had only robbed them , she would leave them in the hot desert . She is the outlaw responsible for robbing Stanley Yelnats I ( Stanley 's ancestor ) . Kate dies when a yellow spotted lizard bites her foot , but dies laughing because the Walker family will never find her treasure . The lipstick tube that Stanley finds during his second week at Camp Green Lake was owned by Kate Barlow . Sam : Sam is an African - American farmer in the town Green Lake , Texas who grows onions . He believes onions are the cure to everything and makes many remedies from onions . He also has an immense love for his donkey , Mary Lou . His relationship with Kate begins when he exchanges his onions for some jars of peaches . He is murdered in cold blood by Charles `` Trout '' Walker . Charles `` Trout '' Walker : Charles `` Trout '' Walker is an extremely spoiled son of a rich family in Green Lake . He gets upset when Kate denies his request to date her . This adds on to the reason of causing him to lead the townspeople to burn down the schoolhouse and kill Sam . His nickname Trout comes from his foot fungus that causes his feet to smell like dead fish . After Kate leaves to become an outlaw , he marries Linda Miller but his family loses everything after the lake dries up . He is The Warden 's grandfather , who upon his death , opens up the juvenile detention camp to increase the efficiency of finding Kate Barlow 's hidden treasure . Stanley Yelnats I : Stanley Yelnats I is the son of Elya Yelnats as well as the great - grandfather of Stanley Yelnats IV . He was the one whose treasure was stolen by Kate Barlow while he was moving from New York to California . He is known to have survived by climbing to the top of a thumb - shaped mountain ( God 's Thumb ) which happens to be Sam 's old onion field . Mid-1800s Latvia ( edit ) Elya Yelnats : Elya is the great - great - grandfather of Stanley . He is often referred to as his `` no - good - dirty - rotten - pig - stealing - great - great - grandfather '' , constantly being blamed for everything that goes wrong in Stanley 's life . He is considered to be the reason why the Yelnats family has such bad luck . After he fell in love with the woman in Latvia , he travels to America , forgetting to go through with the promise he made to an old woman named Madame Zeroni . This causes generations of bad luck to trickle down the Yelnats family tree . However , he does pass down an important song that Madame Zeroni taught him in Latvia . Madame Zeroni : Madame Zeroni is the great - great - great - grandmother of Hector Zeroni ( Zero ) . She is great friends with Elya Yelnats , and she gives him a pig . Because Elya breaks his promise of carrying her to the top of the mountain , she is considered to be the one who put a `` curse '' on the Yelnats family . Myra Menke : Myra is the most beautiful girl in the Latvian village of Elya and Madame Zeroni . Madame Zeroni compares her to a flowerpot . Myra 's father promised to award her hand in marriage to whichever suitor can raise the fattest pig . When the pigs were the same size , Myra asked Elya and Igor Barkov to guess a number between 1 and 10 , showing her inability to make her own decisions . Igor Barkov : Igor was Elya 's competitor for the hand of Myra Menke . He was already old and fat , but was a successful pig farmer . Minor characters ( edit ) Mr. Yelnats ( Stanley Yelnats III ) : Mr. Yelnats is Stanley 's father . He is an inventor and quite smart , but extremely unlucky . He attempts to discover a way to recycle old sneakers and because of this , the Yelnats ' apartment smells bad . However , he eventually discovers a cure to ridding foot odor and is able to hire a lawyer , Ms. Morengo , to get Stanley out of Camp Green Lake . Mrs. Yelnats : Mrs. Yelnats is Stanley 's mother . She does not believe in curses but always points out the terrible luck that the Yelnats go through . Setting ( edit ) Camp Green Lake is located on a dried - up lake in the U.S. state of Texas . The area is not green and there is no lake , besides the fact that there is such a little amount of shade ( two oak trees ) which are owned by the Warden . Camp Green Lake is a parched barren place with the scorching sun above them with hardly any clouds , so the sun is always shining , making the environment much hotter . Camp Green Lake is a juvenile detention center , where inmates spend most of their time digging holes . The majority of the book takes place between the past and present . Protagonists deal with flashbacks existing from pre-dried up Green Lake to Latvia ( mid-1800s ) back to modern day Camp Green Lake . The town of Green Lake was named for the eponymous lake which also made it a prosperous town , but the townsfolk 's murder of Sam curses the town with an eternal drought causing the lake to dry up . Literary elements ( edit ) Fairy tales ( edit ) The themes typical of a folk or fairy tale are present throughout the novel , notable in both Stanley and Elya 's narratives . Elya must go on an adventure to win his love 's approval and prove his own worth and he is eventually placed under a witch 's curse . Stanley 's bad luck is blamed on the curse left on his great - great - grandfather and the Yelnats family easily believes in the power of this curse . Both Stanley and Elya are similar to fairy tale characters and are morally good , heroic protagonists who must overcome the challenges predestined for them . Both story lines are accompanied by a magic that is seen in the mountain stream , Madame Zeroni 's song , and the healing power of the onions . Each of these elements in Holes mirror elements frequently found in fairy tales . Names ( edit ) Throughout the novel , names act as a theme that allows the characters to disassociate their lives at Camp Green Lake from their lives back in the real world . Names also demonstrate irony -- Camp Green Lake is not actually a camp , it 's located in a desert , and there is no lake . The `` campers '' all label themselves differently and identify with names such as Armpit and X-Ray and the guards are referred to as counselors . One of the counselors is referred to by the boys as `` Mom '' , representing the absent parents at Camp Green Lake . Only the woman in charge is referred to in a prison - like way and is called `` Warden '' . The different names allow the boys to bond and form a team based in their hatred for their work and the counselors . Many of the characters also have names that connect them to their family history , like the passing down of `` Stanley Yelnats '' and Zero 's last name of Zeroni , and remind them how the actions of their ancestors affect their modern - day lives . Stanley is the fourth `` Stanley Yelnats '' in his family , a name that is passed down due to its palindromic nature and adds to the connection to family history . Themes ( edit ) Labor ( edit ) Labor is seen throughout the novel as the children as forced to dig holes while at Camp Green Lake . This theme is unusual in children 's literature as many authors portray children as carefree and without responsibility . If they do engage in work , it is synonymous with play . Critic Maria Nikolajeva contends that Holes is set apart through the not just manual , but forced labor Stanley and the other campers do daily . This is first referenced at the beginning of the book when the purpose of the camp is stated : `` If you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole every day in the hot sun , it will turn him into a good boy '' . Public reception ( edit ) Holes has won numerous awards , most notably the 1998 U.S. National Book Award for Young People 's Literature and the 1999 Newbery Medal for the year 's `` most distinguished contribution to American literature for children '' . It also won the William Allen White Children 's Book Award in 2001 . It continues to be well received by critics and was ranked number 6 among all - time children 's novels by School Library Journal in 2012 . Betsy Hearne of the New York Times applauded the novel 's integration of mystery and humor that manages to keep Holes light and fresh , and she characterizes it as a `` family read - aloud . '' Roger Sutton of The Horn Book Magazine called Sachar 's declarative style effective , and argues that it helped make the novel more poignant . Sutton appreciated the positive ending and the suspense that leads the reader to it . Film adaptation ( edit ) Main article : Holes ( film ) In 2003 , Walt Disney Pictures released a film version of Holes , which was directed by Andrew Davis and written by Louis Sachar . Sequels ( edit ) Two companion novels have followed Holes : Stanley Yelnats ' Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake ( 2003 ) and Small Steps ( 2006 ) . Stanley Yelnats 's Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake ( edit ) As Louis Sachar states : `` Should you ever find yourself at Camp Green Lake -- or somewhere similar -- this is the guide for you . '' Written from Stanley 's point of view , the book offers advice on everything from scorpions , rattlesnakes , yellow - spotted lizards , etc . Small Steps ( edit ) In this sequel to Holes , former inmate Armpit is now 17 and struggling with the challenges facing an African American teenager with a criminal history . A new friendship with Ginny , who has cerebral palsy , a reunion with former friend X-Ray , a ticket - scalping scheme , a beautiful pop singer , and a frame - up all test Armpit 's resolve to `` Just take small steps and keep moving forward '' . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Sachar , Louis ( 2000 ) . Holes . New York : Yearling Books . p. 7 . ISBN 0440414806 . Jump up ^ `` Holes Q & A '' . . Retrieved January 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Sachar , Louis ( 1998 ) . `` Holes '' , p. 103 . Farrar , Straus and Giroux , New York 30 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Sachar , Louis ( 2000 ) . Holes . New York : Yearling . p. 1 . ISBN 0440414806 . ^ Jump up to : Mascia , Elizabeth G. ( 2001 ) . `` Holes : Folklore Redux '' . The ALAN Review . 28 , no . 2 : 51 . ^ Jump up to : Pinsent , Pat ( 2002 - 09 - 01 ) . `` Fate and Fortune in a Modern Fairy Tale : Louis Sachar 's Holes '' . Children 's Literature in Education . 33 ( 3 ) : 203 -- 212 . doi : 10.1023 / A : 1019682032315 . ISSN 0045 - 6713 . Jump up ^ Møllegaard , Kirsten ( 2010 - 08 - 13 ) . `` Haunting and History in Louis Sachar 's Holes '' . Western American Literature. 45 ( 2 ) : 138 -- 161 . doi : 10.1353 / wal. 0.0117 . ISSN 1948 - 7142 . Jump up ^ Wallin , Marie ( January 2008 ) . `` Literacy and the Power of the Law : Louis Sachar 's Holes and Lemony Snicket 's A Bad Beginning '' . Angles on the English Speaking World . 8 : 101 -- 110 -- via EBSCOhost . ^ Jump up to : Nikolajeva , Maria ( 2002 ) . `` '' A Dream of Complete Idleness `` : Depiction of Labor in Children 's Fiction '' . The Lion and the Unicorn. 26.3 : 305 -- 321 . Jump up ^ Sachar , Louis ( 1998 ) . Holes . New York : Dell Yearling . p. 5 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 National Book Awards Winners and Finalists , The National Book Foundation '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Author Louis Sachar wins 1999 Newbery Medal ; Illustrator Mary Azarian wins Caldecott Medal '' . News and Press Center . 2007 - 02 - 26 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Past Winners - William Allen White Children 's Book Awards Emporia State University '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` School Library Journal Top 100 Children 's Novels , 2012 Poll Book awards LibraryThing '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 02 . Jump up ^ Hearne , Betsy ( 1998 ) . `` He Did n't Do It '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ Sutton , Roger ( September 1 , 1998 ) . `` Review of Holes '' . The Horn Book . Jump up ^ Holes at the Internet Movie Database Jump up ^ Small Steps : Summary and book reviews of Small Steps by Louis Sachar Jump up ^ Sachar , Louis . `` Stanley Yelnats 's Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake '' . Louis Sachar . Archived from the original on 2015 - 09 - 23 . Retrieved 2015 . Check date values in : accessdate = ( help ) Jump up ^ Sachar , Louis . `` Louis Sachar : Booklist '' . Louis Sachar . Louis Sachar . Archived from the original on 2015 - 10 - 05 . Retrieved 2015 . Check date values in : accessdate = ( help ) External links ( edit ) Children 's literature portal Novels portal Holes at publisher Scholastic Corporation Awards Preceded by Out of the Dust Newbery Medal recipient 1999 Succeeded by Bud , Not Buddy Preceded by New category Winner of the William Allen White Children 's Book Award Grades 6 -- 8 Succeeded by Bud , Not Buddy Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1998 American novels Novels by Louis Sachar American young adult novels Newbery Medal - winning works Family saga novels National Book Award for Young People 's Literature winning works Novels set in Texas Novels set in Latvia Satirical novels Farrar , Straus and Giroux books American novels adapted into films Hidden categories : CS1 errors : dates Articles with short description Pages to import images to Wikidata Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from October 2016 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Talk Contents About Wikipedia تۆرکجه Deutsch Eesti Español فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano עברית Кыргызча Magyar 日本 語 Norsk Português Simple English Suomi Svenska Tiếng Việt 中文 10 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 October 2018 , at 15 : 34 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
what children's book was set in camp green lake texas
Holes is a 1998 young adult mystery comedy novel written by Louis Sachar and first published by Farrar , Straus and Giroux . The book centers around an unlucky teenage boy named Stanley Yelnats , who is sent to Camp Green Lake , a juvenile corrections facility in a desert in Texas , after being falsely accused of theft . The plot explores the history of the area and how the actions of several characters in the past have affected Stanley 's life in the present . These interconnecting stories touch on themes such as racism , homelessness , illiteracy , and arranged marriage .
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - wikipedia United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Jump to : navigation , search United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Location in Washington , D.C. Location in Washington , D.C. Show map of Central Washington , D.C. Show map of the US Show all Established April 22 , 1993 Location 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place , SW Washington , D.C. 38 ° 53 ′ 13 '' N 77 ° 01 ′ 59 '' W  /  38.886992 ° N 77.033021 ° W  / 38.886992 ; - 77.033021 Type Holocaust museum Visitors 15,000,000 ( 2006 ) Director Sara J. Bloomfield Curator Steven Luckert Public transit access Smithsonian Website The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ( USHMM ) is the United States ' official memorial to the Holocaust . Adjacent to the National Mall in Washington , D.C. , the USHMM provides for the documentation , study , and interpretation of Holocaust history . It is dedicated to helping leaders and citizens of the world confront hatred , prevent genocide , promote human dignity , and strengthen democracy . The museum has an operating budget , as of 2015 , of $104.6 million . In 2008 , the Museum had a staff of about 400 employees , 125 contractors , 650 volunteers , 91 Holocaust survivors , and 175,000 members . It had local offices in New York City , Boston , Boca Raton , Chicago , Los Angeles , and Dallas . Since its dedication on April 22 , 1993 , the Museum has had nearly 40 million visitors , including more than 10 million school children , 99 heads of state , and more than 3,500 foreign officials from over 211 countries . The Museum 's visitors came from all over the world , and less than 10 percent of the Museum 's visitors are Jewish . Its website had 25 million visits in 2008 from an average of 100 different countries daily . 35 % of these visits were from outside the United States . The USHMM 's collections contain more than 12,750 artifacts , 49 million pages of archival documents , 80,000 historical photographs , 200,000 registered survivors , 1,000 hours of archival footage , 84,000 library items , and 9,000 oral history testimonies . It also has teacher fellows in every state in the United States and almost 400 university fellows from 26 countries since 1994 . Researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum have documented 42,500 ghettos and concentration camps erected by the Nazis throughout German - controlled areas of Europe from 1933 to 1945 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Attacks 2 Architecture 3 Exhibitions 3.1 Hall of Remembrance 3.2 Permanent Exhibition 3.3 Remember the Children : Daniel 's Story 3.4 Stephen Tyrone Johns Memorial 4 Collections 5 Operations 5.1 Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies 5.2 Committee on Conscience 5.3 National Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust ( DRVH ) 5.4 National Institute for Holocaust Education 5.5 Outreach technology 5.6 Traveling exhibitions 6 Governance 7 Controversy 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links History ( edit ) 14th Street entrance of USHMM Exterior of the museum 's entrance On November 1 , 1978 , President Jimmy Carter established the President 's Commission on the Holocaust , chaired by Elie Wiesel , a prominent author and Holocaust survivor . Its mandate was to investigate the creation and maintenance of a memorial to victims of the Holocaust and an appropriate annual commemoration to them . The mandate was created in a joint effort by Elie Wiesel and Richard Krieger ( the original papers are on display at the Jimmy Carter Museum ) . On September 27 , 1979 , the Commission presented its report to the President , recommending the establishment of a national Holocaust memorial museum in Washington , D.C. with three main components : a national museum / memorial , an educational foundation , and a Committee on Conscience . After a unanimous vote by the United States Congress in 1980 to establish the museum , the federal government made available 1.9 acres ( 0.77 ha ) of land adjacent to the Washington Monument for construction . Under the original Director Richard Krieger , and subsequent Director Jeshajahu Weinberg and Chairman Miles Lerman , nearly $190 million was raised from private sources for building design , artifact acquisition , and exhibition creation . In October 1988 , President Ronald Reagan helped lay the cornerstone of the building , designed by the architect James Ingo Freed . Dedication ceremonies on April 22 , 1993 included speeches by American President Bill Clinton , Israeli President Chaim Herzog , Chairman Harvey Meyerhoff , and Elie Wiesel . On April 26 , 1993 , the Museum opened to the general public . Its first visitor was the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet . Attacks ( edit ) The museum has been the target of a planned attack and a fatal shooting . In 2002 , a federal jury convicted white supremacists Leo Felton and Erica Chase of planning to bomb a series of institutions associated with American black and Jewish communities , including the USHMM . On June 10 , 2009 , 88 - year - old James von Brunn , an anti-Semite , shot Museum Special Police Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns . Special Police Officer Johns and von Brunn were both seriously wounded and transported by ambulance to the George Washington University Hospital . Special Police Officer Johns later died of his injuries ; he is permanently honored in an official memorial at the USHMM . Von Brunn , who had a previous criminal record , had been disowned by his family . He was being tried in federal court when he died on January 6 , 2010 in Butner federal prison in North Carolina . Architecture ( edit ) Designed by the architect James Ingo Freed of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners , in association with Finegold Alexander + Associates Inc , the USHMM is created to be a `` resonator of memory '' . ( Born to a Jewish family in Germany , Freed came to the United States at the age of nine in 1939 with his parents , who fled the Nazi regime . ) The outside of the building disappears into the neoclassical , Georgian , and modern architecture of Washington , D.C. Upon entering , each architectural feature becomes a new element of allusion to the Holocaust . In designing the building , Freed researched post-World War II German architecture and visited Holocaust sites throughout Europe . The Museum building and the exhibitions within are intended to evoke deception , fear , and solemnity , in contrast to the comfort and grandiosity usually associated with Washington , D.C. public buildings . Other partners in the construction of the USHMM included Weiskopf & Pickworth , Cosentini Associates LLP , Jules Fisher , and Paul Marantz , all from New York City . The structural engineering firm that was chosen for this project was Severud Associates . The Museum 's Meyerhoff Theatre and Rubenstein Auditorium were constructed by Jules Fisher Associates of New York City . The Permanent Exhibition was designed by Ralph Appelbaum Associates . Raoul Wallenberg Place Entrance with Dwight Eisenhower Plaza in the Foreground Bridges in the USHMM . Blue glass etched with names and places lost during the Holocaust . Glass bridge over the Hall of Witness . Exhibitions ( edit ) The USHMM contains two exhibitions that have been open continuously since 1993 and numerous rotating exhibitions that deal with various topics related to the Holocaust and human rights . Hall of Remembrance ( edit ) Panoramic view of the Hall of Remembrance The Hall of Remembrance is the USHMM 's official memorial to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust . Visitors can memorialize the event by lighting candles , visiting an eternal flame , and reflecting in silence in the hexagonal hall . Permanent Exhibition ( edit ) Using more than 900 artifacts , 70 video monitors , and four theaters showing historic film footage and eyewitness testimonies , the USHMM 's Permanent Exhibition is the most visited exhibit at the Museum . Upon entering large industrial elevators on the first floor , visitors are given identification cards , each of which tells the story of a random victim or survivor of the Holocaust . Upon exiting these elevators on the fourth floor , visitors walk through a chronological history of the Holocaust , starting with the Nazi rise to power led by Adolf Hitler , 1933 - 1939 . Topics dealt with include Aryan ideology , Kristallnacht , Antisemitism , and the American response to Nazi Germany . Visitors continue walking to the third floor , where they learn about ghettos and the Final Solution , by which the Nazis tried to exterminate all the Jews of Europe , and they killed six million of them , many in gas chambers . The Permanent Exhibition ends on the second floor with the liberation of Nazi concentration camps by Allied forces ; it includes a continuously looped film of Holocaust survivor testimony . First - time visitors spend an average of two to three hours in this self - guided exhibition . Due to certain images and subject matter , it is recommended for visitors 11 years of age and older . To enter the Permanent Exhibition between March and August , visitors must acquire free timed passes from the Museum on the day of the visit , or online for a service fee . Remember the children : Daniel 's story ( edit ) Remember the Children : Daniel 's Story is an exhibition designed to explain the Holocaust to elementary and middle school children . Opened in 1993 , following its original inception at the Children 's Museum in Washington , D.C. in 1988 , and reviewed by psychiatrists , it tells the story of Daniel , a fictional child based on a collection of true stories about children during the Holocaust . Daniel is named after the son of Isaiah Kuperstein who was the original curator of the exhibit . He worked together with Ann Lewin and Stan Woodward to create the exhibit . Because of its popularity with families , it is still open to the public today . Stephen Tyrone Johns Memorial ( edit ) In October 2009 , the USHMM unveiled a memorial plaque in honor of Special Police Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns . In response to the outpouring of grief and support after the shooting on June 10 , 2009 , it has also established the Stephen Tyrone Johns Summer Youth Leadership Program . Each year , 50 outstanding young people from the Washington , D.C. area will be invited to the USHMM to learn about the Holocaust in honor of Johns ' memory . Collections ( edit ) `` State of Deception '' Nazi propaganda exhibition at the museum in 2011 Replica of a Holocaust train boxcar used by Nazi Germany to transport Jews and other victims during the Holocaust . Tower of Faces The Museum 's holdings included art , books , pamphlets , advertisements , maps , film and video historical footage , audio and video oral testimonies , music and sound recordings , furnishings , architectural fragments , models , machinery , tools , microfilm and microfiche of government documents and other official records , personal effects , personal papers , photographs , photo albums , and textiles . This information can be accessed through online databases or by visiting the USHMM . Researchers from all over the world come to the USHMM Library and Archives and the Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of Holocaust Survivors . Photo Wall at the Holocaust Memorial Museum Operations ( edit ) The USHMM operates on a mixed federal and private revenue budget . For the 2014 - 2015 fiscal year , the museum reported total revenues of $133.4 million ; $81.9 million and $51.4 million from private and public sources , respectively . Nearly the entirety of private funds come from donations . Expenses totaled of $104.6 million , with a total of $53.5 million used to pay 421 employees . Net assets tallied $436.1 million as of September 30 , 2015 , of which $319.1 million is classified as long - term investments , including the museum 's endowment . Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies ( edit ) In 1998 , the USHMM established the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies ( CAHS ) . Working with the Academic Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council , the CAHS supports research projects and publications about the Holocaust ( including a partnership with Oxford University Press to publish the scholarly journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies ) , helps make accessible collections of Holocaust - related archival material , supports fellowship opportunities for pre - and post - doctoral researchers , and hosts seminars , summer research workshops for academics , conferences , lectures , and symposia . The CAHS 's Visiting Scholars Program and other events have made the USHMM one of the world 's principal venues for Holocaust scholarship . The slogan `` Arbeit Macht Frei '' displayed at the Holocause Memorial Museum in D.C Committee on Conscience ( edit ) The Museum contains the offices of the Committee on Conscience ( CoC ) , a joint United States government and privately funded think tank , which by presidential mandate engages in global human rights research . Using the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide , approved by the United Nations in 1948 and ratified by the United States in 1988 , the CoC has established itself as a leading non-partisan commenter on the Darfur Genocide , as well as the war - torn region of Chechnya in Russia , a zone that the CoC believes could produce genocidal atrocities . The CoC does not have policy - making powers and serves solely as an advisory institution to the American and other governments . National Days of Remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust ( DRVH ) ( edit ) Main article : Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust While standing inside The Hall of Remembrance , located within the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum , a volunteer reads the names of Holocaust victims during the Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust . In addition to coordinating the National Civic Commemoration , ceremonies and educational programs during the week of the DRVH were regularly held throughout the country , sponsored by Governors , Mayors , veterans groups , religious groups , and military ships and stations throughout the world . Each year , the USHMM designated a special theme for DRVH observances , and prepares materials available at no charge to support observances and programs throughout the nation , and in the United States military . Days of Remembrance themes have included : 2014 -- Confronting the Holocaust : American Responses 2013 -- Never Again : Heeding the Warning Signs 2012 -- Choosing to Act : Stories of Rescue 2011 -- Justice and Accountability in the Face of Genocide : What Have We Learned ? 2010 -- Stories of Freedom : What You Do Matters 2009 -- Never Again : What You Do Matters 2008 -- Do Not Stand Alone : Remembering Kristallnacht 2007 -- Children in Crisis : Voices From the Holocaust 2006 -- Legacies of Justice 2005 -- From Liberation to the Pursuit of Justice 2004 -- For Justice and Humanity 2003 -- For Your Freedom and Ours 2002 -- Memories of Courage 2001 -- Remembering the Past for the Sake of the Future National institute for Holocaust education ( edit ) The USHMM conducted several programs devoted to improving Holocaust education . The Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Conference for Teachers , conducted in Washington , D.C. , attracted around 200 middle school and secondary teachers from around the United States each year . The Education Division offered workshops around the United States for teachers to learn about the Holocaust , to participate in the Museum Teacher Fellowship Program ( MTFP ) , and to join a national corps of educators who served as leaders in Holocaust education in their schools , communities , and professional organizations . Some MTFP participants also participated in the Regional Education Corps , an initiative to implement Holocaust education on a national level . Since 1999 , the USHMM also provided public service professionals , including law enforcement officers , military personnel , civil servants , and federal judges with ethics lessons based in Holocaust history . In partnership with the Anti-Defamation League , more than 21,000 law enforcement officers from worldwide and local law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and local police departments have been trained to act in a professional and democratic manner . Outreach technology ( edit ) A dedication plaque outside the Museum A large component of the USHMM was directed towards its website and associated accounts . With a majority of interest coming from the virtual world , the USHMM provided a variety of research tools online . On its website , online exhibitions , the Museum published the Holocaust Encyclopedia -- an online , multilingual encyclopedia detailing the events surrounding the Holocaust . It was published in all six of the official languages of the United Nations -- Arabic , Mandarin , English , French , Russian , and Spanish ; as well as in Greek , Portuguese , Persian , Turkish , and Urdu . It contained thousands of entries and includes copies of the identification card profiles that visitors receive at the Permanent Exhibition . The USHMM had partnered with Apple Inc. to publish free podcasts on iTunes about the Holocaust , anti-semitism , and genocide prevention . It also had its own channel on YouTube , an official account on Facebook , a Twitter page , and an e-mail newsletter service . The Genocide Prevention Mapping Initiative was a collaboration between the USHMM and Google Earth . It sought to collect , share , and visually present to the world critical information on emerging crises that may lead to genocide or related crimes against humanity . While this initiative focused on the Darfur Conflict , the Museum wishes to broaden its scope to all human rights violations . The USHMM wanted to build an interactive `` global crisis map '' to share and understand information quickly , to `` see the situation '' when dealing with human rights abuses , enabling more effective prevention and response by the world . Traveling exhibitions ( edit ) Since 1991 , the USHMM had created traveling exhibitions to travel all over the United States and the world . These exhibitions have been to over one hundred cities in more than 35 states . It is possible to request and host various subject matters including : `` The Nazi Olympics : Berlin 1936 '' , `` Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals '' , and others depending on what a community desires . Governance ( edit ) The museum is overseen by the United States Holocaust Memorial Council , which includes 55 private citizens appointed by the President of the United States , five members of the United States Senate , and five members of the House of Representatives , and three ex-officio members from the Departments of State , the Education , and the Interior . Since the museum opened , the council has been led by the following officers : Chairman Miles Lerman and Vice Chairman Ruth B. Mandel , appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993 Chairman Rabbi Irving Greenberg , appointed by President Clinton in 2000 Chairman Fred S. Zeidman , appointed by President George W. Bush in 2002 ; and Vice Chairman Joel M. Geiderman , appointed by President Bush in 2005 The council has appointed the following as directors of the museum : Jeshajahu Weinberg , 1987 -- 94 Walter Reich , 1995 -- 98 Sara J. Bloomfield , 1999 -- Controversy ( edit ) The museum drew controversy in 2017 when it was reported that the museum had pulled a study of the Syrian Civil War . See also ( edit ) Armenian Genocide Museum of America Auschwitz - Birkenau State Museum Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service Canadian Museum for Human Rights Choeung Ek Culture of Remembrance Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos , 1933 -- 1945 Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania Ghetto Fighters ' House Holocaust Memorial Center House of Terror Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center Jewish Museum , Berlin Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre List of Holocaust memorials and museums List of museums in the United States List of museums in Washington , D.C. Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre Museum of the Occupation of Latvia Museum of Tolerance Stephen Roth Institute Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education , Remembrance , and Research The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum Raoul Wallenberg , the Swedish diplomat that gave name to the address of the Museum Simon Wiesenthal Center Yad Vashem Yom HaShoah References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` About the Museum '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . ^ Jump up to : `` Annual Report , 2015 - 16 '' ( PDF ) . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Retrieved 2017 - 02 - 04 . ^ Jump up to : `` Press Kit '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Lichtblau , Eric . `` The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking . '' The New York Times . March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` President 's Commission on the Holocaust '' . . Archived from the original on September 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` History of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Haskell , Dave ( 2002 - 07 - 26 ) . `` Jury convicts white supremacists '' . UPI . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Wilgoren , Debbi ; Branigin , William ( 2009 - 06 - 10 ) . `` 2 People Shot at U.S. Holocaust Museum '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved 2009 - 06 - 11 . Jump up ^ Associated Press January 6 , 2010 , 2 : 03 p.m. ( 2010 - 01 - 06 ) . `` LA Times article on von Brunn 's death '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Art and Architecture '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` The Architecture of the Holocaust '' . 1985 - 10 - 16 . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Pei , Cobb , Freed and Partners . Karl Kaufman was the Director of Architecture . Jump up ^ `` Remarks by Joel Geiderman and Memorial Candle Lighting -- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` What 's Inside '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Plan a Visit '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Exhibitions '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Collections '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Form 990 ( 2014 ) '' ( PDF ) . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Retrieved 2017 - 02 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` About the Center '' . 2001 - 03 - 22 . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` About the Committee on Conscience '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Professional Development '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Law Enforcement and Society '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Online Exhibitions '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Holocaust Encyclopedia '' . 1929 - 06 - 12 . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` USHMM@iTunes '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` USHMM Channel '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Facebook United States Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ HolocaustMuseum . `` HolocaustMuseum '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` United States Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . Jump up ^ `` Mapping Initiatives '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Traveling Exhibitions '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 03 . ^ Jump up to : `` United States Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . Encyclopaedia Judaica . Gale. 2007 . HighBeam Research . 14 Aprile 2013 Jump up ^ `` The Holocaust Museum Sought Lessons on Syria . What It Got Was a Political Backlash '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Holocaust Museum Pulls Study Absolving Obama Administration for Inaction in Face of Syrian Genocide '' . Tablet Magazine . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 17 . Further reading ( edit ) Belau , L.M. 1998 . `` Viewing the Impossible : The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . Reference Librarian. ( 61 / 62 ) : 15 -- 22 . Berenbaum , Michael , and Arnold Kramer. 2006 . The world must know : the history of the Holocaust as told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Washington , D.C. : United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Freed , James Ingo. 1990 . The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum : what can it be ? Washington , D.C. ? : U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council . Hasian , Jr , Marouf. 2004 . `` Remembering and forgetting the `` Final Solution '' : a rhetorical pilgrimage through the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum `` . Critical Studies in Media Communication . 21 ( 1 ) : 64 -- 92 . Linenthal , Edward Tabor. 1995 . Preserving memory : the struggle to create America 's Holocaust Museum . New York : Viking . Pieper , Katrin. 2006 . Die Musealisierung des Holocaust : das Jüdische Museum Berlin und das U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. : ein Vergleich . Europäische Geschichtsdarstellungen , Bd. 9 . Köln : Böhlau . Strand , J. 1993 . `` Jeshajahu Weinberg of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum '' . Museum News -- Washington . 72 ( 2 ) : 40 . Timothy , Dallen J. 2007 . Managing heritage and cultural tourism resources : critical essays . Critical essays , v. 1 . Aldershot , Hants , England : Ashgate . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . 2001 . Teaching about the Holocaust : a resource book for educators . Washington , D.C. : U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . 2007 . You are my witnesses : selected quotations at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Washington , D.C. : United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Weinberg , Jeshajahu , and Rina Elieli. 1995 . The Holocaust Museum in Washington . New York , N.Y. : Rizzoli International Publications . Young , James E , and John R Gillis. 1996 . `` The Texture of Memory : Holocaust Memorials and Meaning '' . The Journal of Modern History . 68 ( 2 ) : 427 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington , DC on United States Holocaust Memorial Museum United States Holocaust Memorial Museum at Google Cultural Institute Youtube Channel -- USHMM Facebook -- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Facts About US Holocaust Memorial Museum Twitter - U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum DCinsiderGuide -- U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection at the American Jewish Historical Society The Holocaust By territory Albania Belarus Belgium Channel Islands Croatia Estonia France Norway Latvia Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Poland Russia Serbia Ukraine Lists and timelines Victims of Nazism Holocaust survivors Survivors of Sobibór Victims and survivors of Auschwitz Books and other resources Films about the Holocaust Nazi concentration camps Nazi ideologues Rescuers of Jews Shtetls depopulated of Jews Timeline of deportations of French Jews Timeline of the Holocaust Timeline of the Holocaust in Norway Treblinka timeline Camps Concentration Bergen - Belsen Bogdanovka Buchenwald Dachau Danica Dora Đakovo Esterwegen Flossenbürg Gonars Gospić Gross - Rosen Herzogenbusch Jadovno Janowska Kaiserwald Kraków - Płaszów Kruščica Lobor Mauthausen - Gusen Neuengamme Rab Ravensbrück Sachsenhausen Salaspils Sisak children 's camp Stutthof Tenja Theresienstadt Uckermark Warsaw Extermination Auschwitz - Birkenau Bełżec Chełmno Jasenovac Majdanek Maly Trostenets Sajmište Slana Sobibór Treblinka Transit be Breendonk Mechelen fr Gurs Drancy it Bolzano Risiera di San Sabba nl Amersfoort Westerbork Methods Einsatzgruppen Gas van Gas chamber Extermination through labour Human medical experimentation Nazi units SS - Totenkopfverbände Concentration Camps Inspectorate Politische Abteilung Sanitätswesen Victims Jews Roundups fr Izieu Marseille Vel ' d'Hiv Pogroms Kristallnacht Bucharest Dorohoi Iaşi Jedwabne Kaunas Lviv Odessa Tykocin Wąsosz Ghettos Poland Białystok Kraków Łódź Lublin Lwów Warsaw Elsewhere Budapest Kovno Minsk Riga Vilna `` Final Solution '' Wannsee Conference Operation Reinhard Holocaust trains Extermination camps Einsatzgruppen Babi Yar Bydgoszcz Kamianets - Podilskyi Ninth Fort Piaśnica Ponary Rumbula Erntefest Resistance Jewish partisans Ghetto uprisings Warsaw Białystok Częstochowa End of World War II Death marches Wola Bricha Displaced persons Holocaust denial trivialization Others Romani people ( gypsies ) Poles Soviet POWs Slavs in Eastern Europe Homosexuals People with disabilities Serbs Freemasons Jehovah 's Witnesses Black people Responsibility Organizations Nazi Party Schutzstaffel ( SS ) Reich Security Main Office ( RSHA ) Sicherheitsdienst ( SD ) Waffen - SS Wehrmacht Units Einsatzgruppen Police Regiments Orpo Police Battalions Collaborators Ypatingasis būrys Lithuanian Security Police Rollkommando Hamann Arajs Kommando Ukrainian Auxiliary Police Trawnikis Nederlandsche SS Special Brigades Individuals Major perpetrators Nazi ideologues Early elements Aftermath Remembrance Early elements Nazi racial policy Nazi eugenics Nuremberg Laws Haavara Agreement Madagascar Plan Forced euthanasia ( Action T4 ) Aftermath Nuremberg trials Denazification Holocaust survivors Survivor guilt Reparations Remembrance Days of remembrance Memorials and museums ( hide ) Landmarks of Washington , D.C. Memorials Adams African American Civil War American Veterans Disabled for Life Belmont - Paul Women 's Equality National Monument Mary McLeod Bethune Boy Scout James Buchanan D.C. War Albert Einstein Emancipation John Ericsson First Division James A. Garfield Samuel Gompers Ulysses S. Grant Holocaust Museum Holodomor Genocide Japanese American Patriotism During World War II Jefferson Memorial Lyndon Baines Johnson Grove John Paul Jones Marquis de Lafayette Law Enforcement Officers Lincoln Memorial Martin Luther King , Jr . Korean War Veterans George Mason George Meade National Statuary Hall Collection Navy -- Merchant Marine Nuns of the Battlefield Peace Monument Pentagon Second Division Signers of the Declaration of Independence The Extra Mile The Three Soldiers Jean de Rochambeau Franklin Delano Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Island Taras Shevchenko Statues of the Liberators Oscar Straus Robert A. Taft Titanic United States Air Force United States Navy Victims of Communism Vietnam Veterans Vietnam Women 's Washington Monument Daniel Webster World War II Rainbow Pool Other Capitol Reflecting Pool Immaculate Conception Basilica Healy Hall Islamic Center Jefferson Pier John F. 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when was the united states holocaust memorial museum built
After a unanimous vote by the United States Congress in 1980 to establish the museum , the federal government made available 1.9 acres ( 0.77 ha ) of land adjacent to the Washington Monument for construction . Under the original Director Richard Krieger , and subsequent Director Jeshajahu Weinberg and Chairman Miles Lerman , nearly $190 million was raised from private sources for building design , artifact acquisition , and exhibition creation . In October 1988 , President Ronald Reagan helped lay the cornerstone of the building , designed by the architect James Ingo Freed . Dedication ceremonies on April 22 , 1993 included speeches by American President Bill Clinton , Israeli President Chaim Herzog , Chairman Harvey Meyerhoff , and Elie Wiesel . On April 26 , 1993 , the Museum opened to the general public . Its first visitor was the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet .
Ramones - wikipedia Ramones Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Ramones ( disambiguation ) . Ramones Ramones in 1976 . Left to right : Johnny Ramone , Tommy Ramone ( at back ) Joey Ramone , Dee Dee Ramone Background information Origin Forest Hills , Queens , New York , United States Genres Punk rock Years active 1974 -- 1996 Labels Sire Warner Bros . Philips Radioactive Chrysalis Website Past members Johnny Ramone Joey Ramone Dee Dee Ramone Tommy Ramone Marky Ramone Richie Ramone C.J. Ramone The Ramones were an American punk rock band that formed in the New York City neighborhood of Forest Hills , Queens , in 1974 . They are often cited as the first band to define the punk rock sound . Despite achieving only limited commercial success , the band was a major influence on the 1970s punk movement in both the United States and United Kingdom . All of the band members adopted pseudonyms ending with the surname `` Ramone '' , although none of them were related . They performed 2,263 concerts , touring virtually nonstop for 22 years . In 1996 , after a tour with the Lollapalooza music festival , the band played a farewell concert and disbanded . By 2014 , all four of the band 's original members , lead singer Joey Ramone ( 1951 -- 2001 ) , bass guitarist Dee Dee Ramone ( 1951 -- 2002 ) , guitarist Johnny Ramone ( 1948 -- 2004 ) and drummer Tommy Ramone ( 1949 -- 2014 ) , had died . Recognition of the band 's importance built over the years , and they are now mentioned in many assessments of all - time great rock music , such as number 26 in the Rolling Stone magazine list of the `` 100 Greatest Artists of All Time '' and number 17 in VH1 's `` 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock '' . In 2002 , the Ramones were ranked the second - greatest band of all time by Spin magazine , trailing only the Beatles . On March 18 , 2002 , the original four members and Tommy 's replacement on drums , Marky Ramone , were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . In 2011 , the group was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Formation : 1974 -- 1975 1.2 Spearheading punk : 1976 -- 1977 1.3 Recordings turn more pop : 1978 -- 1983 1.4 Shuffling members : 1983 -- 1989 1.5 Final years : 1990 -- 1996 1.6 Aftermath and deaths 2 Conflicts between members 3 Style 3.1 Musical style 3.2 Visual imagery 4 Influence 4.1 Tribute albums 5 Band members 6 Discography 7 See also 8 References 9 Sources 10 External links History ( edit ) Formation : 1974 -- 1975 ( edit ) Forest Hills High School , attended by the four original members of the Ramones The original members of the band met in and around the middle - class neighborhood of Forest Hills in the New York City borough of Queens . John Cummings and Thomas Erdelyi had both been in a high - school garage band from 1965 to 1967 known as the Tangerine Puppets . They became friends with Douglas Colvin , who had recently moved to the area from Germany , and Jeffrey Hyman , who was the initial lead singer of the glam rock band Sniper , founded in 1972 . The Ramones began taking shape in early 1974 when Cummings and Colvin invited Hyman to join them in a band . The initial line - up featured Colvin on lead vocals , rhythm and bass guitars , Cummings on lead guitar , and Hyman on drums . Hyman soon switched from drums to vocals . Colvin was the first to adopt the name `` Ramone '' , calling himself Dee Dee Ramone . He was inspired by Paul McCartney 's use of the pseudonym Paul Ramon during his Silver Beetles days . Dee Dee convinced the other members to take on the name and came up with the idea of calling the band the Ramones . Hyman and Cummings became Joey and Johnny Ramone , respectively . A friend of the band , Monte A. Melnick ( later their tour manager ) , helped to arrange rehearsal time for them at Manhattan 's Performance Studios , where he worked . Johnny 's former bandmate Erdelyi was set to become their manager . Soon after the band was formed , Dee Dee realized that he could not sing and play his bass guitar simultaneously ; with Erdelyi 's encouragement , Joey became the band 's new lead singer . Dee Dee would continue , however , to count off each song 's tempo with his signature rapid - fire shout of `` 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ! '' Joey soon similarly realized that he could not sing and play drums simultaneously and left the position of drummer . While auditioning prospective replacements , Erdelyi would often take to the drums and demonstrate how to play the songs . It became apparent that he was able to perform the group 's music better than anyone else , and he joined the band as Tommy Ramone . The Ramones played before an audience for the first time on March 30 , 1974 , at Performance Studios . The songs they played were very fast and very short ; most clocked in at under two minutes . Around this time , a new music scene was emerging in New York centered on two clubs in downtown Manhattan -- Max 's Kansas City and , more famously , CBGB ( usually referred to as CBGB 's ) . The Ramones made their CBGB debut on August 16 , 1974 . Legs McNeil , who cofounded Punk magazine the following year , later described the impact of that performance : `` They were all wearing these black leather jackets . And they counted off this song ... and it was just this wall of noise ... They looked so striking . These guys were not hippies . This was something completely new . '' The band swiftly became regulars at the club , playing there seventy - four times by the end of the year . After garnering considerable attention for their performances -- which averaged about seventeen minutes from beginning to end -- the group was signed to a recording contract in late 1975 by Seymour Stein of Sire Records . After they were seen by Sire A&R man Craig Leon he brought the band to the attention of the label . Stein 's wife , Linda Stein , saw the band play at Mothers ; she would later co-manage them along with Danny Fields . By this time , the Ramones were recognized as leaders of the new scene that was increasingly being referred to as `` punk '' . The group 's unusual frontman had a lot to do with their impact . As Dee Dee explained , `` All the other singers ( in New York ) were copying David Johansen ( of the New York Dolls ) , who was copying Mick Jagger ... But Joey was unique , totally unique . '' Spearheading punk : 1976 -- 1977 ( edit ) `` Blitzkrieg Bop '' The title of the Ramones ' debut single , writes critic Steve Huey , is a `` nice encapsulation of the group 's aesthetic : simple , bouncy , pre-British Invasion rock & roll played at top volume and twice the speed . Blaring the same three chords for most of its duration , the song was rock at its most basic '' . Problems playing this file ? See media help . April 1976 issue of Punk . The cover image of Joey , by Punk cofounder John Holmstrom , was inspired by the work of comic book artist Will Eisner . Holmstrom would go on to do album art for Rocket to Russia and Road to Ruin . The Ramones recorded their debut album , Ramones , in April 1976 . Of the fourteen songs on the album , the longest , `` I Do n't Wanna Go Down to the Basement '' , barely surpassed two and a half minutes . While the songwriting credits were shared by the entire band , Dee Dee was the primary writer . The Ramones album was produced by Sire 's Craig Leon , with Tommy as associate producer , on an extremely low budget of about $6,400 and released in April . The now iconic front cover photograph of the band was taken by Roberta Bayley , a photographer for Punk magazine . Punk , which was largely responsible for codifying the term for the scene emerging around CBGB , ran a cover story on the Ramones in its third issue , the same month as the record 's release . The Ramones ' debut LP was greeted by rock critics with glowing reviews . The Village Voice 's Robert Christgau wrote , `` I love this record -- love it -- even though I know these boys flirt with images of brutality ( Nazi especially ) ... For me , it blows everything else off the radio '' . In Rolling Stone , Paul Nelson described it as `` constructed almost entirely of rhythm tracks of an exhilarating intensity rock & roll has not experienced since its earliest days . '' Characterizing the band as `` authentic American primitives whose work has to be heard to be understood '' , he declared , `` It is time popular music followed the other arts in honoring its primitives . '' Newsday 's Wayne Robbins simply anointed the Ramones as `` the best young rock ' n ' roll band in the known universe . '' Despite Sire 's high hopes for it , Ramones was not a commercial success , reaching only number 111 on the Billboard album chart . The two singles issued from the album , `` Blitzkrieg Bop '' and `` I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend '' , failed to chart . At the band 's first major performance outside of New York , a June date in Youngstown , Ohio , members of Cleveland punk legends Frankenstein aka the Dead Boys were present and struck up a friendship with the band . It was n't until they made a brief tour of England that they began to see the fruits of their labor ; a performance at the Roundhouse in London on July 4 , 1976 , second - billed to the Flamin ' Groovies , organized by Linda Stein , was a resounding success . T - Rex leader Marc Bolan was in attendance at the Roundhouse show and was invited on stage . Their Roundhouse appearance and a club date the following night -- where the band met members of the Sex Pistols and the Clash -- helped galvanize the burgeoning UK punk rock scene . The Flamin ' Groovies / Ramones double bill was successfully reprised at the Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles the following month , fueling the punk scene there as well . The Ramones were becoming an increasingly popular live act -- a Toronto performance in September energized yet another growing punk scene . Their next two albums , Leave Home and Rocket to Russia , were released in 1977 . Both were produced by Tommy and Tony Bongiovi , the second cousin of Jon Bon Jovi . Leave Home met with even less chart success than Ramones , though it did include `` Pinhead '' , which became one of the band 's signature songs with its chanted refrain of `` Gabba gabba hey ! '' Leave Home also included a fast - paced cover of the oldie `` California Sun '' , written by Henry Glover & Morris Levy , and originally recorded by Joe Jones , though the Ramones based their version on the remake by the Rivieras . Rocket to Russia was the band 's highest - charting album to date , reaching number 49 on the Billboard 200 . In Rolling Stone , critic Dave Marsh called it `` the best American rock & roll of the year '' . The album also featured the first Ramones single to enter the Billboard charts ( albeit only as high as number 81 ) : `` Sheena Is a Punk Rocker '' . The follow - up single , `` Rockaway Beach '' , reached number 66 -- the highest any Ramones single would ever reach in America . On December 31 , 1977 the Ramones recorded It 's Alive , a live concert double album , at the Rainbow Theatre , London , which was released in April 1979 ( the title is a reference to the 1974 horror film of the same name ) . Recordings turn more pop : 1978 -- 1983 ( edit ) Tommy , tired of touring , left the band in early 1978 . He continued as the Ramones ' record producer under his birth name of Erdelyi . His position as drummer was filled by Marc Bell , who had been a member of the early 1970s hard rock band Dust , Wayne County and the Backstreet Boys , and the pioneering punk group Richard Hell & the Voidoids . Bell became Marky Ramone . Later that year , the band released their fourth studio album , and first with Marky , Road to Ruin . The album , co-produced by Tommy with Ed Stasium , included some new sounds such as acoustic guitar , several ballads , and the band 's first two recorded songs longer than three minutes . It failed to reach the Billboard Top 100 . However , `` I Wanna Be Sedated '' , which appeared both on the album and as a single , would become one of the band 's best - known songs . The artwork on the album 's cover was done by Punk magazine cofounder John Holmstrom . After the band 's movie debut in Roger Corman 's Rock ' n ' Roll High School ( 1979 ) , renowned producer Phil Spector became interested in the Ramones and produced their 1980 album End of the Century . During the recording sessions in Los Angeles , Spector held Johnny at gunpoint , forcing him to repeatedly play a riff . Though it was to be the highest - charting album in the band 's history -- reaching number 44 in the United States and number 14 in Great Britain -- Johnny made clear that he favored the band 's more aggressive punk material : `` End of the Century was just watered - down Ramones . It 's not the real Ramones . '' This stance was also conveyed by the title and track selection of the compilation album Johnny later oversaw , Loud , Fast Ramones : Their Toughest Hits . Despite these reservations , Johnny did concede that some of Spector 's work with the band had merit , saying `` It really worked when he got to a slower song like ' Danny Says ' -- the production really worked tremendously . ' Rock ' N ' Roll Radio ' is really good . For the harder stuff , it did n't work as well . '' The string - laden Ronettes cover `` Baby , I Love You '' released as a single , became the band 's biggest hit in Great Britain , reaching number 8 on the charts . Joey and Dee Dee Ramone in concert , 1983 Pleasant Dreams , the band 's sixth album , was released in 1981 . It continued the trend established by End of the Century , taking the band further from the raw punk sound of its early records . As described by Trouser Press , the album , produced by Graham Gouldman of UK pop act 10cc , moved the Ramones `` away from their pioneering minimalism into heavy metal territory '' . Johnny would contend in retrospect that this direction was a record company decision , a continued futile attempt to get airplay on American radio . While Pleasant Dreams reached number 58 on the U.S. chart , its two singles failed to register at all . Subterranean Jungle , produced by Ritchie Cordell and Glen Kolotkin , was released in 1983 . According to Trouser Press , it brought the band `` back to where they once belonged : junky ' 60s pop adjusted for current tastes '' , which among other things meant `` easing off the breakneck rhythm that was once Ramones dogma . '' Billy Rogers , who had performed with Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers , played drums on the album 's second single , a cover of the Chambers Brothers ' `` Time Has Come Today '' , becoming the only song showing three different drummers : Rogers on recording , Marky on album credits and Richie on video clip . Subterranean Jungle peaked at number 83 in the United States -- it would be the last album by the band to crack the Billboard Top 100 . In 2002 , Rhino Records released a new version of it with seven bonus tracks . Shuffling members : 1983 -- 1989 ( edit ) After the release of Subterranean Jungle , Marky was fired from the band due to his alcoholism . He was replaced by Richard Reinhardt , who adopted the name Richie Ramone . Joey Ramone remarked that `` ( Richie ) saved the band as far as I 'm concerned . He 's the greatest thing to happen to the Ramones . He put the spirit back in the band . '' Richie is the only Ramones drummer to sing lead vocals on Ramones songs , including `` ( You ) Ca n't Say Anything Nice '' as well as the unreleased `` Elevator Operator '' . Joey Ramone commented , `` Richie 's very talented and he 's very diverse ... He really strengthened the band a hundred percent because he sings backing tracks , he sings lead , and he sings with Dee Dee 's stuff . In the past , it was always just me singing for the most part . '' Richie was also the only drummer to be the sole composer of Ramones songs including their hit `` Somebody Put Something in My Drink '' as well as `` Smash You '' , `` Humankind '' , `` I 'm Not Jesus '' , `` I Know Better Now '' and `` ( You ) Ca n't Say Anything Nice '' . Joey Ramone supported Richie 's songwriting contributions : `` I encouraged Richie to write songs . I figured it would make him feel more a part of the group , because we never let anybody else write our songs . '' Richie 's composition , `` Somebody Put Something in My Drink '' , remained a staple in the Ramones set list until their last show in 1996 and was included in the album Loud , Fast Ramones : Their Toughest Hits . The eight song bonus disc , The Ramones Smash You : Live ' 85 , is also named after Richie 's composition `` Smash You '' . The first album the Ramones recorded with Richie was Too Tough to Die in 1984 , with Tommy Erdelyi and Ed Stasium returning as producers . The album marked a shift to something like the band 's original sound . In the description of Allmusic 's Stephen Thomas Erlewine , the `` rhythms are back up to jackhammer speed and the songs are down to short , terse statements . '' `` Bonzo Goes to Bitburg '' Over a `` power - pop beat and melodic hooks galore '' , writes David Corn , Joey `` snarls '' the beginning of the refrain -- `` Bonzo goes to Bitburg / then goes out for a cup of tea / As I watched it on TV / somehow it really bothered me '' . In contrast , arts editor Bill Wyman writes of `` Joey 's pained , pleading voice '' . Problems playing this file ? See media help . The band 's main release of 1985 was the British single `` Bonzo Goes to Bitburg '' ; though it was available in the United States only as an import , it was played widely on American college radio . The song was written , primarily by Joey , in protest of Ronald Reagan 's visit to a German military cemetery , which included graves of Waffen SS soldiers . Retitled `` My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down ( Bonzo Goes to Bitburg ) '' , the song appeared on the band 's ninth studio album , Animal Boy ( 1986 ) . Produced by Jean Beauvoir , formerly a member of the Plasmatics , the album was characterized by a Rolling Stone reviewer as `` nonstop primal fuzz pop '' . Making it his pick for `` album of the week '' , New York Times critic Jon Pareles wrote that the Ramones `` speak up for outcasts and disturbed individuals '' . The following year the band recorded their last album with Richie , Halfway to Sanity . Richie left in August 1987 , upset that after being in the band for five years , the other members would still not give him a share of the money they made selling T - shirts . Richie was replaced by Clem Burke from Blondie , which was disbanded at the time . According to Johnny , the performances with Burke -- who adopted the name Elvis Ramone -- were a disaster . He was fired after two performances ( August 28 & 29 , 1987 ) because his drumming could not keep up with the rest of the band . In September , Marky , now clean and sober , returned to the band . In December 1988 , the Ramones recorded material for their eleventh studio album , Brain Drain ; co-produced by Beauvoir , Rey , and Bill Laswell . However , the bass parts were done by Daniel Rey and the Dictators ' Andy Shernoff . Dee Dee Ramone would only record the additional vocals on the album citing that the other members of the band ( including himself ) were going through personal troubles and changes to the point where he did n't want to be in the band anymore . After the band finished their Halfway to Sanity tour in February 1989 , Dee Dee became sober and left the band . He was replaced by Christopher Joseph Ward ( C.J. Ramone ) , who performed with the band until they disbanded . Dee Dee initially pursued a brief career as a rapper under the name Dee Dee King . He quickly returned to punk rock and formed several bands , in much the same vein as the Ramones , for whom he also continued to write songs . Final years : 1990 -- 1996 ( edit ) After more than a decade and a half at Sire Records , the Ramones moved to a new label , Radioactive Records . Their first album for the label was 1992 's Mondo Bizarro , which reunited them with producer Ed Stasium . Acid Eaters , consisting entirely of cover songs , came out the following year . In 1993 , the Ramones were featured in the animated television series The Simpsons , providing music and voices for animated versions of themselves in the episode `` Rosebud '' . Executive producer David Mirkin described the Ramones as `` gigantic , obsessive Simpsons fans . '' In 1995 , the Ramones released ¡ Adios Amigos ! , their fourteenth studio album , and announced that they planned to disband if it was not successful . Its sales were unremarkable , garnering it just two weeks on the lower end of the Billboard chart . The band spent late 1995 on what was promoted as a farewell tour . However , they accepted an offer to appear in the sixth Lollapalooza festival , which toured around the United States during the following summer . After the Lollapalooza tour 's conclusion , the Ramones played their final show on August 6 , 1996 , at the Palace in Hollywood . A recording of the concert was later released on video and CD as We 're Outta Here ! . In addition to a reappearance by Dee Dee , the show featured several guests including Motörhead 's Lemmy , Pearl Jam 's Eddie Vedder , Soundgarden 's Chris Cornell , Numskull 's Ralph Foster and Rancid 's Tim Armstrong and Lars Frederiksen . Aftermath and deaths ( edit ) On July 20 , 1999 , Dee Dee , Johnny , Joey , Tommy , Marky , and C.J. appeared together at the Virgin Megastore in New York City for an autograph signing . This was the last occasion on which the original four members of the group appeared together . Joey , who had been diagnosed with lymphoma in 1995 , died of the illness on April 15 , 2001 , in New York . Session drummer Billy Rogers , who performed on `` Time Has Come Today '' from Subterranean Jungle , died from complications due to pneumonia on August 7 , 2001 . On March 18 , 2002 , the Ramones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame , which specifically named Dee Dee , Johnny , Joey , Tommy , and Marky . At the ceremony , the surviving inductees spoke on behalf of the band . Johnny spoke first , thanking the band 's fans and blessing George W. Bush and his presidency . Tommy spoke next , saying how honored the band felt , but how much it would have meant for Joey . Dee Dee humorously congratulated and thanked himself , while Marky thanked Tommy for influencing his drum style . Green Day played `` Teenage Lobotomy '' , `` Rockaway Beach '' , and `` Blitzkrieg Bop '' as a tribute , demonstrating the Ramones ' continuing influence on later rock musicians . The ceremony was one of Dee Dee 's last public appearances ; on June 5 , 2002 , two months later , he was found at his Hollywood home , dead from a heroin overdose . On November 30 , 2003 , New York City unveiled a sign designating East 2nd Street at the corner of Bowery as Joey Ramone Place . The singer lived on East 2nd for a time , and the sign is near the former Bowery site of CBGB . The documentary film End of the Century : The Story of the Ramones came out in 2004 . Johnny , who had been privately suffering from prostate cancer , died on September 15 , 2004 in Los Angeles , shortly after the film 's release . On the same day as Johnny 's death , the world 's first Ramones Museum opened its doors to the public . Located in Berlin , Germany , the museum features more than 300 items of memorabilia , including a pair of stage - worn jeans from Johnny , a stage - worn glove from Joey , Marky 's sneakers , and C.J. 's stage - worn bass strap . The Ramones were inducted into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame in 2007 . That October saw the release of a DVD set containing concert footage of the band : It 's Alive 1974 - 1996 includes 118 songs from 33 performances over the span of the group 's career . In February 2011 the group was honored with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award . Drummers Tommy , Marky , and Richie attended the ceremony . Marky declared , `` This is amazing . I never expected this . I 'm sure Johnny , Joey , and Dee Dee would never have expected this . '' Richie noted that it was the first time ever that all three drummers were under the same roof , and mused that he could n't `` help thinking that ( Joey ) is watching us right now with a little smile on his face behind his rose - colored glasses . '' On April 30 , 2014 , their first album , Ramones , became certified Gold by the Recording Industry of America after selling 500,000 copies , 38 years after its release . Arturo Vega , creative director from their formation in 1974 until their disbanding in 1996 and often considered the fifth Ramone , died on June 8 , 2013 , at the age of 65 . The final original member , Tommy Ramone , died on July 11 , 2014 after a battle with bile duct cancer . On October 30 , 2016 , the RAMONES WAY was unveiled at the intersection of 67th Avenue and 110th Street in front of the main entrance of Forest Hills High School in the borough of Queens . Conflicts between members ( edit ) There were strong tensions between Joey and Johnny , which colored much of the Ramones ' career . The pair were politically antagonistic , Joey being a liberal and Johnny a conservative . Their personalities also clashed : Johnny , who spent two years in military school , lived by a strict code of self - discipline , while Joey struggled with obsessive - compulsive disorder and alcoholism . In the early 1980s , Linda Ramone began a relationship with Johnny after having already been romantically involved with Joey . Consequently , despite their continued professional relationship , Joey and Johnny had become aloof . It was not until after Joey 's death that Johnny had admitted to not calling Joey prior to his passing , and in the documentary End of the Century Johnny claimed that Joey 's death had a profound impact on him emotionally and that he was depressed for `` the whole week '' after his death . Dee Dee 's bipolar disorder and repeated relapses into drug addiction also caused significant strains . Tommy would also leave the band after being `` physically threatened by Johnny , treated with contempt by Dee Dee , and all but ignored by Joey '' . As new members joined over the years , disbursement and the bands ' image frequently became matters of serious dispute . The tensions among the group members were not kept secret from the public as was heard on the Howard Stern radio show in 1997 , where during the interview Marky and Joey got into a fight about their respective drinking habits . Style ( edit ) Musical style ( edit ) `` Sheena Is a Punk Rocker '' Cultural critic Anders Johannsson uses this 1977 single as an example of how most Ramones songs `` work in the same way : the same hammering on the drums , the same distorted guitars , the same howling of an extremely short text , in a simple tune with an even simpler chorus '' . Problems playing this file ? See media help . The Ramones ' loud , fast , straightforward musical style was influenced by pop music that the band members grew up listening to in the 1950s and 1960s , including classic rock groups such as the Beach Boys , the Who , the Beatles , the Kinks , Led Zeppelin , the Rolling Stones and Creedence Clearwater Revival ; bubblegum acts like the 1910 Fruitgum Company and Ohio Express ; and girl groups such as the Ronettes and the Shangri - Las . They also drew on the harder rock sound of the MC5 , Black Sabbath , the Stooges and the New York Dolls , now known as seminal protopunk bands . The Ramones ' style was in part a reaction against the heavily produced , often bombastic music that dominated the pop charts in the 1970s . `` We decided to start our own group because we were bored with everything we heard , '' Joey once explained . `` In 1974 everything was tenth - generation Elton John , or overproduced , or just junk . Everything was long jams , long guitar solos ... We missed music like it used to be . '' Ira Robbins and Scott Isler of Trouser Press describe the result : With just four chords and one manic tempo , New York 's Ramones blasted open the clogged arteries of mid - ' 70s rock , reanimating the music . Their genius was to recapture the short / simple aesthetic from which pop had strayed , adding a caustic sense of trash - culture humor and minimalist rhythm guitar sound . As leaders in the punk rock scene , the Ramones ' music has usually been identified with that label , while some have defined their characteristic style more specifically as pop punk and others as power pop . In the 1980s , the band sometimes veered into hardcore punk territory , as can be heard on Too Tough to Die . On stage , the band adopted a focused approach directly intended to increase the audience 's concert experience . Johnny 's instructions to C.J. when preparing for his first live performances with the group were to play facing the audience , to stand with the bass slung low between spread legs , and to walk forward to the front of stage at the same time as he did . Johnny was not a fan of guitarists who performed facing their drummer , amplifier , or other band members . Visual imagery ( edit ) The Ramones ' art and visual imagery complemented the themes of their music and performance . The band members adopted a uniform look of long hair , leather jackets , T - shirts , torn jeans , and sneakers . This fashion emphasized minimalism , which was a powerful influence on the New York punk scene of the 1970s and reflected the band 's short , simple songs . Tommy Ramone recalled that , both musically and visually , `` we were influenced by comic books , movies , the Andy Warhol scene , and avant - garde films . I was a big Mad magazine fan myself . '' The band 's logo , based on the Seal of the President of the United States The band 's logo was created by New York City artist Arturo Vega together with the Ramones . Vega was a longtime friend who had allowed Joey and Dee Dee to move into his loft . Vega produced the band 's T - shirts , their main source of income , basing most of the images on a black - and - white self - portrait photograph he had taken of his American bald eagle belt buckle which had appeared on the back sleeve of the Ramones ' first album . He was inspired to create the band 's logo after a trip to Washington , D.C. : I saw them as the ultimate all - American band . To me , they reflected the American character in general -- an almost childish innocent aggression ... I thought , ' The Great Seal of the President of the United States ' would be perfect for the Ramones , with the eagle holding arrows -- to symbolize strength and the aggression that would be used against whomever dares to attack us -- and an olive branch , offered to those who want to be friendly . But we decided to change it a little bit . Instead of the olive branch , we had an apple tree branch , since the Ramones were American as apple pie . And since Johnny was such a baseball fanatic , we had the eagle hold a baseball bat instead of the ( Great Seal ) 's arrows . The scroll in the eagle 's beak originally read `` Look out below '' , but this was soon changed to `` Hey ho let 's go '' after the opening lyrics of the band 's first single , `` Blitzkrieg Bop '' . The arrowheads on the shield came from a design on a polyester shirt Vega had bought . The name `` Ramones '' was spelled out in block capitals above the logo using plastic stick - on letters . Where the presidential emblem read `` Seal of the President of the United States '' clockwise in the border around the eagle , Vega instead placed the pseudonyms of the four band members : Johnny , Joey , Dee Dee , and Tommy . Over the years the names in the border would change as the band 's line - up fluctuated . Influence ( edit ) Johnny Ramone in concert , 1977 The Ramones had a broad and lasting influence on the development of popular music . Music historian Jon Savage writes of their debut album that `` it remains one of the few records that changed pop forever . '' As described by AllMusic critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine , `` The band 's first four albums set the blueprint for punk , especially American punk and hardcore , for the next two decades . '' Trouser Press 's Robbins and Isler similarly wrote that the Ramones `` not only spearheaded the original new wave / punk movement , but also drew the blueprint for subsequent hardcore punk bands '' . Punk journalist Phil Strongman writes , `` In purely musical terms , the Ramones , in attempting to re-create the excitement of pre-Dolby rock , were to cast a huge shadow -- they had fused a blueprint for much of the indie future . '' Writing for Slate in 2001 , Douglas Wolk described the Ramones as `` easily the most influential group of the last 30 years . '' The Ramones ' debut album had an outsized effect relative to its modest sales . According to Generation X bassist Tony James , `` Everybody went up three gears the day they got that first Ramones album . Punk rock -- that rama - lama super fast stuff -- is totally down to the Ramones . Bands were just playing in an MC5 groove until then . '' The Ramones ' two July 1976 shows , like their debut album , are seen as having a significant impact on the style of many of the newly formed British punk acts -- as one observer put it , `` instantly nearly every band speeded up '' . The Ramones ' first British concert , at London 's Roundhouse concert hall , was held on July 4 , 1976 , the United States Bicentennial . The Sex Pistols were playing in Sheffield that evening , supported by the Clash , making their public debut . The next night , members of both bands attended the Ramones ' gig at the Dingwall 's club . Ramones manager Danny Fields recalls a conversation between Johnny Ramone and Clash bassist Paul Simonon ( which he mislocates at the Roundhouse ) : `` Johnny asked him , ' What do you do ? Are you in a band ? ' Paul said , ' Well , we just rehearse . We call ourselves the Clash but we 're not good enough . ' Johnny said , ' Wait till you see us -- we stink , we 're lousy , we ca n't play . Just get out there and do it . ' '' Another band whose members saw the Ramones perform , the Damned , played their first show two days later . The central fanzine of the early UK punk scene , Sniffin ' Glue , was named after the song `` Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue '' , which appeared on the debut LP . Ramones concerts and recordings influenced many musicians central to the development of California punk as well , including Greg Ginn of Black Flag , Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys , Al Jourgensen of Ministry , Mike Ness of Social Distortion , Brett Gurewitz of Bad Religion , and members of the Descendents . Canada 's first major punk scenes -- in Toronto and in British Columbia 's Victoria and Vancouver -- were also heavily influenced by the Ramones . In the late 1970s , many bands emerged with musical styles deeply indebted to the band 's . There were the Lurkers from England , the Undertones from Ireland , Teenage Head from Canada , and the Zeros and the Dickies from southern California . The seminal hardcore band Bad Brains took its name from a Ramones song . The Riverdales emulated the sound of the Ramones throughout their career . Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong named his son Joey in homage to Joey Ramone , and drummer Tré Cool named his daughter Ramona . New Jersey 's horror punk / hardcore punk band the Misfits ( whose bassist Jerry Only was a longtime friend of the band ) were influenced by the `` Blitzkrieg '' tempo of the Ramones , infusing it into their already medium - fast tempo , R&B style of punk rock . The Ramones also influenced musicians associated with other genres , such as heavy metal . Their influence on metal gave birth to the punk - metal `` fusion '' genre of thrash . Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett , one of the originators of thrash guitar , has described the importance of Johnny 's rapid - fire guitar playing style to his own musical development . Motörhead lead singer Lemmy , a friend of the Ramones since the late 1970s , mixed the band 's `` Go Home Ann '' in 1985 . The members of Motörhead later composed the song `` R.A.M.O.N.E.S. '' as a tribute , and Lemmy performed at the final Ramones concert in 1996 . In the realm of alternative rock , the song `` 53rd and 3rd '' lent its name to a British indie pop label cofounded by Stephen Pastel of the Scottish band the Pastels . Evan Dando of the Lemonheads , Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters , Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater , Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam ( who introduced the band members at their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ) and the Strokes are among the many alternative rock and metal musicians who have credited the Ramones with inspiring them . The band members were also individually influential . Johnny Ramone was named one of Time 's `` 10 Greatest Electric - Guitar Players '' in 2003 . That same year , he was number 16 on the `` 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time '' list in Rolling Stone . `` We think of the Ramones as a classic , iconic band , '' observed Gene Simmons . `` They have one gold record to their name . They never played arenas ; could n't sell them out . It was a failed band . It does n't mean they were n't great . It means the masses did n't care . '' Kevin Morby 's fourth album City Music features the track `` 1234 '' inspired by the singer 's childhood love of Ramones . It features the lyrics `` Joey , Johnny , Dee Dee , Tommy / They were all my friends , but they died . '' Tribute albums ( edit ) In April 2009 , Spin writer Mark Prindle observed that the Ramones had to date `` inspired a jaw - dropping 48 ( at least ! ) full - length tribute records . '' The first Ramones tribute album featuring multiple performers was released in 1991 : Gabba Gabba Hey : A Tribute to the Ramones includes tracks by such acts as the Flesh Eaters , L7 , Mojo Nixon , and Bad Religion . In 2001 , Dee Dee made a guest appearance on one track of Ramones Maniacs , a multi-artist cover of the entire Ramones Mania compilation album . The Song Ramones the Same , which came out the following year , includes performances by the Dictators , who were part of the early New York punk scene , and Wayne Kramer , guitarist for the influential protopunk band MC5 . We 're a Happy Family : A Tribute to Ramones , released in 2003 , features performers such as Rancid , Green Day , Metallica , Kiss , the Offspring , Red Hot Chili Peppers , U2 , and Rob Zombie ( who also did the album cover artwork ) . Also some other famous bands recorded tribute songs . Motörhead 's Phil Campbell tells in Jari - Pekka Laitio - Ramone 's book Ramones : Soundtrack Of Our Lives : `` We did a cover of Rockaway Beach with me on backing vocals , which was quite enjoyable . When Johnny Ramone heard it , he refused to put it on the tribute album . Lemmy and I thought we did a good version . '' Punk bands such as Screeching Weasel , the Vindictives , the Queers , Parasites , the Mr. T Experience , Boris the Sprinkler , Beatnik Termites , Tip Toppers , Jon Cougar Concentration Camp , McRackins , and Kobanes have recorded cover versions of entire Ramones albums -- Ramones , Leave Home , Rocket to Russia , It 's Alive , Road to Ruin , End of the Century , Pleasant Dreams , Subterranean Jungle , two versions of Too Tough to Die , and Halfway To Sanity respectively . The Huntingtons ' File Under Ramones consists of Ramones covers from across the band 's history . Shonen Knife , an all - woman trio band from Osaka , Japan , was formed in 1981 as a direct result of founder - lead singer - guitarist Naoko Yamano 's instant infatuation with the music of the Ramones . In 2012 , to observe the band 's 30th anniversary , Shonen Knife released Osaka Ramones , which featured thirteen Ramones songs covered by the band . There are also many other tribute albums listed on Jari - Pekka Laitio - Ramone 's site . ( 1 ) Band members ( edit ) Joey Ramone ( Jeffrey Hyman ) -- drums ( 1974 ) ; lead vocals ( 1974 -- 1996 ; died 2001 ) Johnny Ramone ( John Cummings ) -- guitar ( 1974 -- 1996 ; died 2004 ) Dee Dee Ramone ( Douglas Colvin ) -- bass guitar , vocals ( 1974 -- 1989 ; died 2002 ) Tommy Ramone ( Thomas Erdelyi ) -- drums ( 1974 -- 1978 ; died 2014 ) Marky Ramone ( Marc Bell ) -- drums ( 1978 -- 1983 , 1987 -- 1996 ) Richie Ramone ( Richard Reinhardt ) -- drums , backing vocals ( 1983 -- 1987 ) C.J. Ramone ( Christopher Joseph Ward ) -- bass guitar , vocals ( 1989 -- 1996 ) Elvis Ramone ( Clem Burke ) -- drums ( 1987 ) Timeline Discography ( edit ) Main article : Ramones discography Studio albums Ramones ( 1976 ) Leave Home ( 1977 ) Rocket to Russia ( 1977 ) Road to Ruin ( 1978 ) End of the Century ( 1980 ) Pleasant Dreams ( 1981 ) Subterranean Jungle ( 1983 ) Too Tough to Die ( 1984 ) Animal Boy ( 1986 ) Halfway to Sanity ( 1987 ) Brain Drain ( 1989 ) Mondo Bizarro ( 1992 ) Acid Eaters ( 1993 ) ¡ Adios Amigos ! ( 1995 ) See also ( edit ) Punk rock portal New York City portal 1970s portal 1980s portal 1990s portal List of Ramones concerts Gabba Gabba Hey Danny Says ( film ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Ramones '' . MTV . Retrieved November 5 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ramones '' . Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum . September 15 , 2004 . 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ISBN 1 - 56025 - 769 - 5 Edelstein , Andrew J. , and Kevin McDonough ( 1990 ) . The Seventies : From Hot Pants to Hot Tubs , Dutton . ISBN 0 - 525 - 48572 - 4 Isler , Scott , and Ira A. Robbins ( 1991 ) . `` Ramones '' , in Trouser Press Record Guide ( 4th ed . ) , ed . Ira A. Robbins , pp. 532 -- 34 , Collier . ISBN 0 - 02 - 036361 - 3 Johansson , Anders ( 2009 ) . `` Touched by Style '' , in The Hand of the Interpreter : Essays on Meaning after Theory , ed . G.F. Mitrano and Eric Jarosinski , pp. 41 -- 60 , Peter Lang . ISBN 3 - 03911 - 118 - 3 Keithley , Joe ( 2004 ) . I , Shithead : A Life in Punk , Arsenal Pulp Press . ISBN 1 - 55152 - 148 - 2 Leigh , Mickey , and Legs McNeil ( 2009 ) . I Slept With Joey Ramone : A Family Memoir , Simon & Schuster . ISBN 0 - 7432 - 5216 - 0 McNeil , Legs , and Gillian McCain ( 1996 ) . Please Kill Me : The Uncensored Oral History of Punk ( 2d ed . ) , Penguin . ISBN 0 - 14 - 026690 - 9 Melnick , Monte A. , and Frank Meyer ( 2003 ) . On The Road with the Ramones , Sanctuary . ISBN 1 - 86074 - 514 - 8 Miles , Barry , Grant Scott , and Johnny Morgan ( 2005 ) . The Greatest Album Covers of All Time , Collins & Brown . ISBN 1 - 84340 - 301 - 3 Ramone , Dee Dee , and Veronica Kofman ( 2000 ) . Lobotomy : Surviving the Ramones , Thunder 's Mouth Press . ISBN 1 - 56025 - 252 - 9 Ramone , Johnny ( 2004 ) . Commando , Abrams Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8109 - 9660 - 1 Roach , Martin ( 2003 ) . The Strokes : The First Biography of the Strokes , Omnibus Press . ISBN 0 - 7119 - 9601 - 6 Robb , John ( 2006 ) . Punk Rock : An Oral History , Elbury Press . ISBN 0 - 09 - 190511 - 7 Sandford , Christopher ( 2006 ) . McCartney , Century . ISBN 1 - 84413 - 602 - 7 Savage , Jon ( 1992 ) . England 's Dreaming : Anarchy , Sex Pistols , Punk Rock , and Beyond , St. Martin 's Press . ISBN 0 - 312 - 08774 - 8 Schinder , Scott , with Andy Schwartz ( 2007 ) . Icons of Rock : An Encyclopedia of the Legends Who Changed Music Forever , Greenwood Press . ISBN 0 - 313 - 33847 - 7 Shirley , Ian ( 2005 ) . Can Rock & Roll Save the World ? : An Illustrated History of Music and Comics , SAF Publishing . ISBN 978 - 0946719808 Spicer , Al ( 2003 ) . `` The Lurkers '' , in The Rough Guide to Rock ( 3d ed . ) , ed . Peter Buckley , p. 349 , Rough Guides . ISBN 1 - 84353 - 105 - 4 Spitz , Mark , and Brendan Mullen ( 2001 ) . We Got the Neutron Bomb : The Untold Story of L.A. Punk , Three Rivers Press . ISBN 0 - 609 - 80774 - 9 Stim , Richard ( 2006 ) . Music Law : How to Run Your Band 's Business , Nolo . ISBN 1 - 4133 - 0517 - 2 Strongman , Phil ( 2008 ) . Pretty Vacant : A History of UK Punk , Chicago Review Press . ISBN 1 - 55652 - 752 - 7 Taylor , Steven ( 2003 ) . False Prophet : Field Notes from the Punk Underground , Wesleyan University Press . ISBN 0 - 8195 - 6668 - 3 External links ( edit ) Find more aboutRamonesat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Commons Quotations from Wikiquote Data from Wikidata Official website Ramones at DMOZ ( hide ) Ramones Joey Ramone Johnny Ramone Dee Dee Ramone Tommy Ramone Marky Ramone Richie Ramone C.J. Ramone Studio albums Ramones Leave Home Rocket to Russia Road to Ruin End of the Century Pleasant Dreams Subterranean Jungle Too Tough to Die Animal Boy Halfway to Sanity Brain Drain Mondo Bizarro Acid Eaters ¡ Adios Amigos ! Live albums It 's Alive Loco Live Greatest Hits Live We 're Outta Here ! You Do n't Come Close NYC 1978 Compilations Ramones Mania All the Stuff ( And More ! ) Vol. 1 All the Stuff ( And More ! ) Vol. 2 Hey ! Ho ! Let 's Go : The Anthology Ramones Mania 2 Masters of Rock Best of the Chrysalis Years The Chrysalis Years Loud , Fast Ramones The Best of the Ramones Weird Tales of the Ramones Greatest Hits Essential Songs `` Blitzkrieg Bop '' `` Beat on the Brat '' `` Judy Is a Punk '' `` I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend '' `` Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue '' `` Havana Affair '' `` 53rd & 3rd '' `` Carbona Not Glue '' `` Rockaway Beach '' `` Sheena Is a Punk Rocker '' `` Teenage Lobotomy '' `` I Just Want to Have Something to Do '' `` I Wanna Be Sedated '' `` Do You Remember Rock ' n ' Roll Radio ? '' `` Danny Says '' `` The KKK Took My Baby Away '' `` Durango 95 '' `` Somebody Put Something in My Drink '' `` Bonzo Goes to Bitburg '' `` Something to Believe In '' `` Pet Sematary '' `` Poison Heart '' Films Rock ' n ' Roll High School Lifestyles We 're Outta Here ! Around the World End of the Century Raw It 's Alive 1974 -- 1996 Full tribute albums Ramones ( by Screeching Weasel ) Leave Home ( by The Vindictives ) Rocket to Russia ( by The Queers ) Pleasant Dreams ( by Beatnik Termites ) Road to Ruin ( by The Mr. T Experience ) End of the Century ( by Boris the Sprinkler ) Other tribute albums Gabba Gabba Hey Blitzkrieg Over You ! Ramones Maniacs We 're a Happy Family The Song Ramones the Same Brats on the Beat : Ramones for Kids File Under Ramones ( by The Huntingtons ) Osaka Ramones ( by Shonen Knife ) Related articles Discography List of Ramones concerts `` R.A.M.O.N.E.S. '' `` Rosebud '' ( Simpsons episode ) Gabba Gabba Gabba Hey Linda Ramone Ramones Museum Clem Burke Danny Fields Daniel Rey Ed Stasium The Ramainz Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2002 Performers Isaac Hayes Brenda Lee Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers ( Ron Blair , Mike Campbell , Howie Epstein , Stan Lynch , Tom Petty , Benmont Tench ) Gene Pitney Ramones ( Dee Dee Ramone , Joey Ramone , Johnny Ramone , Marky Ramone , Tommy Ramone ) Talking Heads ( David Byrne , Chris Frantz , Jerry Harrison , Tina Weymouth ) Non-performers ( Ahmet Ertegun Award ) Jim Stewart Sidemen Chet Atkins VIAF : 121316149 LCCN : n92021536 ISNI : 0000 0001 1550 9887 GND : 5345154 - 5 SUDOC : 081474741 BNF : cb139060446 ( data ) MusicBrainz : d6ed7887 - a401 - 47a8 - 893c - 34b967444d26 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Ramones Punk rock groups from New York ( state ) Bands with fictional stage personas Chrysalis Records artists Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award winners Kerrang ! 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who sings the song hey ho let's go
The scroll in the eagle 's beak originally read `` Look out below '' , but this was soon changed to `` Hey ho let 's go '' after the opening lyrics of the band 's first single , `` Blitzkrieg Bop '' . The arrowheads on the shield came from a design on a polyester shirt Vega had bought . The name `` Ramones '' was spelled out in block capitals above the logo using plastic stick - on letters . Where the presidential emblem read `` Seal of the President of the United States '' clockwise in the border around the eagle , Vega instead placed the pseudonyms of the four band members : Johnny , Joey , Dee Dee , and Tommy . Over the years the names in the border would change as the band 's line - up fluctuated .
Harry Potter - wikipedia Harry Potter This article is about the series of novels . For other uses , including related topics and derivative works , see Harry Potter ( disambiguation ) . For the character in the series , see Harry Potter ( character ) . For the film adaptations , see Harry Potter ( film series ) . For the franchise as a whole , see Wizarding World . Harry Potter The Harry Potter logo , used first in American editions of the novel series and later in films The Philosopher 's Stone ( 1997 ) The Chamber of Secrets ( 1998 ) The Prisoner of Azkaban ( 1999 ) The Goblet of Fire ( 2000 ) The Order of the Phoenix ( 2003 ) The Half - Blood Prince ( 2005 ) The Deathly Hallows ( 2007 ) Author J.K. Rowling Country United Kingdom Language English Genre Fantasy , drama , young adult fiction , mystery , thriller , Bildungsroman Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing ( UK ) Scholastic ( US ) Published 26 June 1997 -- 21 July 2007 ( initial publication ) Media type Print ( hardback & paperback ) Audiobook E-book ( as of March 2012 ) No. of books 7 Website Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J.K. Rowling . The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard , Harry Potter , and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley , all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . The main story arc concerns Harry 's struggle against Lord Voldemort , a dark wizard who intends to become immortal , overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic , and subjugate all wizards and Muggles ( non-magical people ) . Since the release of the first novel , Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone , on 26 June 1997 , the books have found immense popularity , critical acclaim , and commercial success worldwide . They have attracted a wide adult audience as well as younger readers , and are often considered cornerstones of modern young adult literature . The series has also had its share of criticism , including concern about the increasingly dark tone as the series progressed , as well as the often gruesome and graphic violence it depicts . As of February 2018 , the books have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide , making them the best - selling book series in history , and have been translated into eighty languages . The last four books consecutively set records as the fastest - selling books in history , with the final instalment selling roughly eleven million copies in the United States within twenty - four hours of its release . The series was originally published in English by two major publishers , Bloomsbury in the United Kingdom and Scholastic Press in the United States . A play , Harry Potter and the Cursed Child , based on a story co-written by Rowling , premiered in London on 30 July 2016 at the Palace Theatre , and its script was published by Little , Brown . The original seven books were adapted into an eight - part film series by Warner Bros. Pictures , which is the third highest - grossing film series of all time as of February 2018 . In 2016 , the total value of the Harry Potter franchise was estimated at $25 billion , making Harry Potter one of the highest - grossing media franchises of all time . A series of many genres , including fantasy , drama , coming of age , and the British school story ( which includes elements of mystery , thriller , adventure , horror , and romance ) , the world of Harry Potter explores numerous themes and includes many cultural meanings and references . According to Rowling , the main theme is death . Other major themes in the series include prejudice , corruption , and madness . The success of the books and films has allowed the Harry Potter franchise to expand , with numerous derivative works , a travelling exhibition that premiered in Chicago in 2009 , a studio tour in London that opened in 2012 , a digital platform on which J.K. Rowling updates the series with new information and insight , and a pentalogy of spin - off films premiering in November 2016 with Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them , among many other developments . Most recently , themed attractions , collectively known as The Wizarding World of Harry Potter , have been built at several Universal Parks & Resorts amusement parks around the world . Contents 1 Plot 1.1 Early years 1.2 Voldemort returns 2 Supplementary works 2.1 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child 2.2 In - universe books 2.3 Pottermore website 3 Structure and genre 4 Themes 5 Origins 6 Publishing history 6.1 Translations 6.2 Completion of the series 6.3 Cover art 7 Achievements 7.1 Cultural impact 7.2 Commercial success 7.3 Awards , honours , and recognition 8 Reception 8.1 Literary criticism 8.2 Social impact 8.3 Controversies 9 Adaptations 9.1 Films 9.1. 1 Spin - off prequels 9.2 Games 9.3 Audiobooks 9.4 Stage production 10 Attractions 10.1 The Wizarding World of Harry Potter 10.2 The Making of Harry Potter 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links Plot Further information : Fictional universe of Harry Potter The central character in the series is Harry Potter , a boy who lives in Surrey with his aunt , uncle , and cousin - the Dursleys - who discovers , at the age of eleven , that he is a wizard , though he lives in the ordinary world of non-magical people known as Muggles . The wizarding world exists parallel to the Muggle world , albeit hidden and in secrecy . His magical ability is inborn , and children with such abilities are invited to attend exclusive magic schools that teach the necessary skills to succeed in the wizarding world . Harry becomes a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry , a wizarding academy in Scotland , and it is here where most of the events in the series take place . As Harry develops through his adolescence , he learns to overcome the problems that face him : magical , social , and emotional , including ordinary teenage challenges such as friendships , infatuation , romantic relationships , schoolwork and exams , anxiety , depression , stress , and the greater test of preparing himself for the confrontation that lies ahead in wizarding Britain 's increasingly - violent second wizarding war . Each novel chronicles one year in Harry 's life during the period from 1991 to 1998 . The books also contain many flashbacks , which are frequently experienced by Harry viewing the memories of other characters in a device called a Pensieve . The environment Rowling created is intimately connected to reality . The British magical community of the Harry Potter books is inspired by 1990s British culture , European folklore , classical mythology and alchemy , incorporating objects and wildlife such as magic wands , magic plants , potions , spells , flying broomsticks , centaurs and other magical creatures , the Deathly Hallows , and the Philosopher 's Stone , beside others invented by Rowling . While the fantasy land of Narnia is an alternate universe and the Lord of the Rings ' Middle - earth a mythic past , the wizarding world of Harry Potter exists in parallel within the real world and contains magical versions of the ordinary elements of everyday life , with the action mostly set in Scotland ( Hogwarts ) , the West Country , Devon , London , and Surrey in southeast England . The world only accessible to wizards and magical beings comprises a fragmented collection of overlooked hidden streets , ancient pubs , lonely country manors , and secluded castles invisible to the Muggle population . Early years When the first novel of the series , Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone ( published in the United States as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone ) opens , it is apparent that some significant event has taken place in the wizarding world -- an event so very remarkable , even Muggles ( non-magical people ) notice signs of it . The full background to this event and Harry Potter 's past is revealed gradually throughout the series . After the introductory chapter , the book leaps forward to a time shortly before Harry Potter 's eleventh birthday , and it is at this point that his magical background begins to be revealed . Despite Harry 's aunt and uncle 's desperate prevention of Harry learning about his abilities , their efforts are in vain . Harry meets a half - giant , Rubeus Hagrid , who is also his first contact with the wizarding world . Hagrid reveals himself to be the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts as well as some of Harry 's history . Harry learns that , as a baby , he witnessed his parents ' murder by the power - obsessed dark wizard Lord Voldemort , who subsequently attempted to kill him as well . Instead , the unexpected happened : Harry survived with only a lightning - shaped scar on his forehead as a memento of the attack , and Voldemort disappeared soon afterwards , gravely weakened by his own rebounding curse . As its inadvertent saviour from Voldemort 's reign of terror , Harry has become a living legend in the wizarding world . However , at the orders of the venerable and well - known wizard Albus Dumbledore , the orphaned Harry had been placed in the home of his unpleasant Muggle relatives , the Dursleys , who have kept him safe but treated him poorly , including confining him to a cupboard without meals and treating as their servant . Hagrid then officially invites Harry to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry , a famous magic school in Scotland that educates young teenagers on their magical development for seven years , from age eleven to seventeen . With Hagrid 's help , Harry prepares for and undertakes his first year of study at Hogwarts . As Harry begins to explore the magical world , the reader is introduced to many of the primary locations used throughout the series . Harry meets most of the main characters and gains his two closest friends : Ron Weasley , a fun - loving member of an ancient , large , happy , but poor wizarding family , and Hermione Granger , a gifted , bright , and hardworking witch of non-magical parentage . Harry also encounters the school 's potions master , Severus Snape , who displays a conspicuously deep and abiding dislike for him , the rich brat Draco Malfoy whom he quickly makes enemies with , and the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher , Quirinus Quirrell , who later turns out to be allied with Lord Voldemort . He also discovers a talent of flying on broomsticks and is recruited for his house 's Quidditch team , a sport in the wizarding world where players fly on broomsticks . The first book concludes with Harry 's second confrontation with Lord Voldemort , who , in his quest to regain a body , yearns to gain the power of the Philosopher 's Stone , a substance that bestows everlasting life and turns any metal into pure gold . The series continues with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets , describing Harry 's second year at Hogwarts . He and his friends investigate a 50 - year - old mystery that appears uncannily related to recent sinister events at the school . Ron 's younger sister , Ginny Weasley , enrolls in her first year at Hogwarts , and finds an old notebook in her belongings which turns out to be an alumnus 's diary , Tom Marvolo Riddle , later revealed to be Voldemort 's younger self , who is bent on ridding the school of `` mudbloods '' , a derogatory term describing wizards and witches of non-magical parentage . The memory of Tom Riddle resides inside of the diary and when Ginny begins to confide in the diary , Voldemort is able to possess her . Through the diary , Ginny acts on Voldemort 's orders and unconsciously opens the `` Chamber of Secrets '' , unleashing an ancient monster , later revealed to be a basilisk , which begins attacking students at Hogwarts . It kills those who make direct eye contact with it and petrifies those who look at it indirectly . The book also introduces a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher , Gilderoy Lockhart , a highly cheerful , self - conceited wizard with a pretentious facade , later turning out to be a fraud . Harry discovers that prejudice exists in the Wizarding World through delving into the school 's history , and learns that Voldemort 's reign of terror was often directed at wizards and witches who were descended from Muggles . Harry also learns about the innate ability of his to speak the snake language Parseltongue is rare and often associated with the Dark Arts . When Hermione is attacked and petrified , Harry and Ron finally piece together the puzzles and unlock the Chamber of Secrets , with Harry destroying the diary for good and saving Ginny , and also destroying a part of Voldemort 's soul . The end of the book reveals Lucius Malfoy , Draco 's father and rival of Ron and Ginny 's father , to be the culprit who slipped the book into Ginny 's belongings and introduced the diary into Hogwarts . The third novel , Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , follows Harry in his third year of magical education . It is the only book in the series which does not feature Lord Voldemort in any form . Instead , Harry must deal with the knowledge that he has been targeted by Sirius Black , his father 's best friend , and , according to the Wizarding World , an escaped mass murderer who assisted in the murder of Harry 's parents . As Harry struggles with his reaction to the dementors -- dark creatures with the power to devour a human soul and feed on despair -- which are ostensibly protecting the school , he reaches out to Remus Lupin , a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher who is eventually revealed to be a werewolf . Lupin teaches Harry defensive measures which are well above the level of magic generally executed by people his age . Harry comes to know that both Lupin and Black were best friends of his father and that Black was framed by their fourth friend , Peter Pettigrew , who had been hiding as Ron 's pet rat , Scabbers . In this book , a recurring theme throughout the series is emphasised -- in every book there is a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher , none of whom lasts more than one school year . Voldemort returns The Elephant House was one of the cafés in Edinburgh where Rowling wrote the first part of Harry Potter . During Harry 's fourth year of school ( detailed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ) , Harry is unwillingly entered as a participant in the Triwizard Tournament , a dangerous yet exciting contest where three `` champions '' , one from each participating school , must compete with each other in three tasks in order to win the Triwizard Cup . This year , Harry must compete against a witch and a wizard `` champion '' from overseas visiting schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang , as well as another Hogwarts student , causing Harry 's friends to distance themselves from him . Harry is guided through the tournament by their new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor , Alastor `` Mad - Eye '' Moody , who turns out to be an impostor -- one of Voldemort 's supporters named Barty Crouch , Jr. in disguise . The point at which the mystery is unravelled marks the series ' shift from foreboding and uncertainty into open conflict . Voldemort 's plan to have Crouch use the tournament to bring Harry to Voldemort succeeds . Although Harry manages to escape , Cedric Diggory , the other Hogwarts champion in the tournament , is killed by Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort re-enters the Wizarding World with a physical body . In the fifth book , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry must confront the newly resurfaced Voldemort . In response to Voldemort 's reappearance , Dumbledore re-activates the Order of the Phoenix , a secret society which works from Sirius Black 's dark family home to defeat Voldemort 's minions and protect Voldemort 's targets , especially Harry . Despite Harry 's description of Voldemort 's recent activities , the Ministry of Magic and many others in the magical world refuse to believe that Voldemort has returned . In an attempt to counter and eventually discredit Dumbledore , who along with Harry is the most prominent voice in the Wizarding World attempting to warn of Voldemort 's return , the Ministry appoints Dolores Umbridge as the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts and the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher . She transforms the school into a dictatorial regime and refuses to allow the students to learn ways to defend themselves against dark magic . With Ron and Hermione 's suggestion , Harry forms `` Dumbledore 's Army '' , a secret study group aimed to teach his classmates the higher - level skills of Defence Against the Dark Arts that he has learned from his previous encounters with Dark wizards . Through those lessons , Harry begins to develop a crush on the popular and attractive Cho Chang . Juggling schoolwork , Umbridge 's incessant and persistent efforts to land him in trouble and the defensive lessons , Harry begins to lose sleep as he constantly receives disturbing dreams about a dark corridor in the Ministry of Magic , followed by a burning desire . An important prophecy concerning Harry and Lord Voldemort is then revealed , and Harry discovers that he and Voldemort have a painful connection , allowing Harry to view some of Voldemort 's actions telepathically . In the novel 's climax , Harry is tricked into seeing Sirius tortured and races to the Ministry of Magic . He and his friends face off against Voldemort 's followers ( nicknamed Death Eaters ) at the Ministry of Magic . Although the timely arrival of members of the Order of the Phoenix saves the teenagers ' lives , Sirius Black is killed in the conflict . In the sixth book , Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince , Voldemort begins waging open warfare . Harry and his friends are relatively protected from that danger at Hogwarts . They are subject to all the difficulties of adolescence -- Harry eventually begins dating Ginny , Ron establishes a strong infatuation with fellow Hogwarts student Lavender Brown , and Hermione starts to develop romantic feelings towards Ron . Near the beginning of the novel , lacking his own book , Harry is given an old potions textbook filled with many annotations and recommendations signed by a mysterious writer titled ; `` the Half - Blood Prince . '' This book is a source of scholastic success and great recognition from their new potions master , Horace Slughorn , but because of the potency of the spells that are written in it , becomes a source of concern . With war drawing near , Harry takes private lessons with Dumbledore , who shows him various memories concerning the early life of Voldemort in a device called a Pensieve . These reveal that in order to preserve his life , Voldemort has split his soul into pieces , creating a series of Horcruxes -- evil enchanted items hidden in various locations , one of which was the diary destroyed in the second book . On their way to collect a Horcrux , Draco , who has joined with the Death Eaters , attempts to attack Dumbledore , and the book culminates in the killing of Dumbledore by Professor Snape , the titular Half - Blood Prince . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , the last original novel in the series , begins directly after the events of the sixth book . Lord Voldemort has completed his ascension to power and gained control of the Ministry of Magic . Harry , Ron and Hermione drop out of school so that they can find and destroy Voldemort 's remaining Horcruxes . To ensure their own safety as well as that of their family and friends , they are forced to isolate themselves . A ghoul pretends to be Ron ill with a contagious disease , Harry and the Dursleys separate , and Hermione wipes her parents ' memories . As they search for the Horcruxes , the trio learns details about an ancient prophecy about the Deathly Hallows , three legendary items that when united under one Keeper , would supposedly grant that person to be the Master of Death . Harry discovers his handy Invisibility Cloak to be one of those items , and Voldemort to be searching for another : the Elder Wand , the most powerful wand in history . At the end of the book , Harry and his friends learn about Dumbledore 's past , as well as Snape 's true motives -- he had worked on Dumbledore 's behalf since the murder of Harry 's mother . Eventually , Snape is killed by Voldemort out of paranoia . The book culminates in the Battle of Hogwarts . Harry , Ron and Hermione , in conjunction with members of the Order of the Phoenix and many of the teachers and students , defend Hogwarts from Voldemort , his Death Eaters , and various dangerous magical creatures . Several major characters are killed in the first wave of the battle , including Remus Lupin and Fred Weasley , Ron 's older brother . After learning that he himself is a Horcrux , Harry surrenders himself to Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest , who casts a killing curse ( Avada Kedavra ) at him . The defenders of Hogwarts do not surrender after learning of Harry 's presumed death and continue to fight on . Harry awakens and faces Voldemort , whose Horcruxes have all been destroyed . In the final battle , Voldemort 's killing curse rebounds off Harry 's defensive spell ( Expelliarmus ) , killing Voldemort . An epilogue `` Nineteen Years Later '' ( set on 1 September 2017 ) describes the lives of the surviving characters and the effects of Voldemort 's death on the Wizarding World . In the epilogue , Harry and Ginny are married with three children , and Ron and Hermione are married with two children . Supplementary works Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Main article : Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two - part West End stage play . It was written by Jack Thorne , based on a story by J.K. Rowling , Thorne and director John Tiffany . The play opened on 30 July 2016 at the Palace Theatre , London , England . The script was released on 31 July 2016 . The story is set nineteen years after the ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and follows Harry Potter , now a Ministry of Magic employee , and his youngest son Albus Severus Potter . The play 's official synopsis was released on 23 October 2015 : It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it is n't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic , a husband , and father of three school - age children . While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs , his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted . As past and present fuse ominously , both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth : sometimes , darkness comes from unexpected places . In - universe books See also : J.K. Rowling § Philanthropy Rowling has expanded the Harry Potter universe with several short books produced for various charities . In 2001 , she released Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ( a purported Hogwarts textbook ) and Quidditch Through the Ages ( a book Harry reads for fun ) . Proceeds from the sale of these two books benefited the charity Comic Relief . In 2007 , Rowling composed seven handwritten copies of The Tales of Beedle the Bard , a collection of fairy tales that is featured in the final novel , one of which was auctioned to raise money for the Children 's High Level Group , a fund for mentally disabled children in poor countries . The book was published internationally on 4 December 2008 . Rowling also wrote an 800 - word prequel in 2008 as part of a fundraiser organised by the bookseller Waterstones . All three of these books contain extra information about the wizarding world not included in the original novels . In 2016 , she released three new e-books : Hogwarts : An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide , Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power , Politics and Pesky Poltergeists and Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism , Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies . Pottermore website In 2011 , Rowling launched a new website announcing an upcoming project called Pottermore . Pottermore opened to the general public on 14 April 2012 . Pottermore allows users to be sorted , be chosen by their wand and play various minigames . The main purpose of the website was to allow the user to journey though the story with access to content not revealed by JK Rowling previously , with over 18,000 words of additional content . In September 2015 , the website was completely overhauled and most of the features were removed . The site has been redesigned and it mainly focuses on the information already available , rather than exploration . Structure and genre The Harry Potter novels are mainly directed at a young adult audience as opposed to an audience of middle grade readers , children , or adults . The novels fall within the genre of fantasy literature , and qualify as a type of fantasy called `` urban fantasy '' , `` contemporary fantasy '' , or `` low fantasy '' . They are mainly dramas , and maintain a fairly serious and dark tone throughout , though they do contain some notable instances of tragicomedy and black humour . In many respects , they are also examples of the bildungsroman , or coming of age novel , and contain elements of mystery , adventure , horror , thriller , and romance . The books are also , in the words of Stephen King , `` shrewd mystery tales '' , and each book is constructed in the manner of a Sherlock Holmes - style mystery adventure . The stories are told from a third person limited point of view with very few exceptions ( such as the opening chapters of Philosopher 's Stone , Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows and the first two chapters of Half - Blood Prince ) . The series can be considered part of the British children 's boarding school genre , which includes Rudyard Kipling 's Stalky & Co. , Enid Blyton 's Malory Towers , St. Clare 's and the Naughtiest Girl series , and Frank Richards 's Billy Bunter novels : the Harry Potter books are predominantly set in Hogwarts , a fictional British boarding school for wizards , where the curriculum includes the use of magic . In this sense they are `` in a direct line of descent from Thomas Hughes 's Tom Brown 's School Days and other Victorian and Edwardian novels of British public school life '' , though they are , as many note , more contemporary , grittier , darker , and more mature than the typical boarding school novel , addressing serious themes of death , love , loss , prejudice , coming - of - age , and the loss of innocence in a 1990s British setting . The Harry Potter stories feature much medieval imagery and motifs drawn from the King Arthur stories . Hogwarts resembles a medieval university - cum - castle with several professors who belonging to an Order of Merlin ; Old Professor Binns still lectures about the International Warlock Convention of 1289 ; and a real historical person , a 14th century scribe Sir Nicolas Flamel , is described as a holder of the Philosopher 's Stone . Other medieval elements in Hogwarts include coats - of - arms and medieval weapons on the walls , letters written on parchment and sealed with wax , the Great Hall of Hogwarts which is similar to the Great Hall of Camelot , the use of Latin phrases , the tents put up for Quidditch tournaments are similar to the `` marvelous tents '' put up for knightly tournaments , imaginary animals like dragons and unicorns which exist around Hogwarts , and the banners with heraldic animals for the four Houses of Hogwarts . Many of the motifs of the Potter stories such as the hero 's quest invoking objects that confer invisibility , magical animals and trees , a forest full of danger and the recognition of a character based upon scars are drawn from medieval French Arthurian romances . Other aspects borrowed from French Arthurian romances include the use of owls as messengers , werewolves as characters , and white deer . The American scholars Heather Arden and Kathrn Lorenz in particular argue that many aspects of the Potter stories are inspired by a 14th century French Arthurian romance , Claris et Laris , writing of the `` startling '' similarities between the adventures of Potter and the knight Claris . Arden and Lorenz noted that Rowling graduated from the University of Exeter in 1986 with a degree in French literature and spent a year living in France afterwards . Arnden and Lorenz wrote about the similarity between the Arthurian romances , where Camelot is a place of wonder and safety , and from the heroic knights must venture forth facing various perils , usually in an enchanted forest ; and Hogwarts , likewise a wondrous safe place , where Harry Potter and friends must periodically venture forth from to the magical forest that surrounds Hogwarts . In the same way that knights in the Arthurian romances usually have a female helper , who is very intelligent and has a connection with nature , Harry has Hermione who plays a similar role . Like an Arthurian knight , Harry receives advice and encouragement from his mentor , Albus Dumbldore , who resembles both Merlin and King Arthur , but must vanquish his foes alone . Arnden and Lorenz wrote that with Rowling 's books , the characters are `` ... not a simple reworking of the well - known heroes of romance , but a protean melding of different characters to form new ones ... '' . However , Lorenz and Arnden argue the main inspiration for Harry Potter was Sir Percival , one of the Knights of the Round Table who searches for the Holy Grail . Both Potter and Sir Percival had an `` orphaned or semi-orphaned youth , with inherent nobility and powers '' , being raised by relatives who tried to keep them away from the places where they really belong , Hogwarts and Camelot respectively . Both Percival and Potter are however outsiders in the places that they belong , unfamiliar with the rules of knighthood and magic , but both show extraordinary natural abilities with Percival proving himself an exceptional fighter while Potter is an excellent player of Quidditch . And finally , both Percival and Potter found love and acceptance from surrogate families , in the form of the Knights of the Round Table and the Weasley family respectively . Each of the seven books is set over the course of one school year . Harry struggles with the problems he encounters , and dealing with them often involves the need to violate some school rules . If students are caught breaking rules , they are often disciplined by Hogwarts professors . The stories reach their climax in the summer term , near or just after final exams , when events escalate far beyond in - school squabbles and struggles , and Harry must confront either Voldemort or one of his followers , the Death Eaters , with the stakes a matter of life and death -- a point underlined , as the series progresses , by characters being killed in each of the final four books . In the aftermath , he learns important lessons through exposition and discussions with head teacher and mentor Albus Dumbledore . The only exception to this school - centred setting is the final novel , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , in which Harry and his friends spend most of their time away from Hogwarts , and only return there to face Voldemort at the dénouement . Themes According to Rowling , a major theme in the series is death : `` My books are largely about death . They open with the death of Harry 's parents . There is Voldemort 's obsession with conquering death and his quest for immortality at any price , the goal of anyone with magic . I so understand why Voldemort wants to conquer death . We 're all frightened of it . '' Rowling stated that `` Harry Potter books have always , in fact , dealt explicitly with religious themes and questions '' and that she did not reveal its Christian parallels in the beginning because doing so would have `` give ( n ) too much away to fans who might then see the parallels . '' In the final book of the series Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , Rowling makes the book 's Christian imagery more explict , quoting both Matthew 6 : 19 and 1 Corinthians 15 : 26 when Harry visits his parents ' graves . Hermione Granger teaches Harry Potter that the meaning of these verses from the Christian Bible are `` living beyond death . Living after death '' , which Rowling states is `` one of the central foundations of resurrection theology '' and that these bible verses `` epitomize the whole series '' . Academics and journalists have developed many other interpretations of themes in the books , some more complex than others , and some including political subtexts . Themes such as normality , oppression , survival , and overcoming imposing odds have all been considered as prevalent throughout the series . Similarly , the theme of making one 's way through adolescence and `` going over one 's most harrowing ordeals -- and thus coming to terms with them '' has also been considered . Rowling has stated that the books comprise `` a prolonged argument for tolerance , a prolonged plea for an end to bigotry '' and that they also pass on a message to `` question authority and ... not assume that the establishment or the press tells you all of the truth '' . While the books could be said to comprise many other themes , such as power / abuse of power , violence and hatred , love , loss , prejudice , and free choice , they are , as Rowling states , `` deeply entrenched in the whole plot '' ; the writer prefers to let themes `` grow organically '' , rather than sitting down and consciously attempting to impart such ideas to her readers . Along the same lines is the ever - present theme of adolescence , in whose depiction Rowling has been purposeful in acknowledging her characters ' sexualities and not leaving Harry , as she put it , `` stuck in a state of permanent pre-pubescence '' . Rowling has also been praised for her nuanced depiction of the ways in which death and violence affects youth , and humanity as a whole . Rowling said that , to her , the moral significance of the tales seems `` blindingly obvious '' . The key for her was the choice between what is right and what is easy , `` because that ... is how tyranny is started , with people being apathetic and taking the easy route and suddenly finding themselves in deep trouble . '' Origins Main article : Harry Potter influences and analogues In 1990 , Rowling was on a crowded train from Manchester to London when the idea for Harry suddenly `` fell into her head '' . Rowling gives an account of the experience on her website saying : `` I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before . I simply sat and thought , for four ( delayed train ) hours , and all the details bubbled up in my brain , and this scrawny , black - haired , bespectacled boy who did not know he was a wizard became more and more real to me . '' Rowling completed Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone in 1995 and the manuscript was sent off to several prospective agents . The second agent she tried , Christopher Little , offered to represent her and sent the manuscript to Bloomsbury . Publishing history The novelist , J.K. Rowling The logo used in British , Australian , and Canadian editions before 2010 , which uses the typeface Cochin Bold . After eight other publishers had rejected Philosopher 's Stone , Bloomsbury offered Rowling a £ 2,500 advance for its publication . Despite Rowling 's statement that she did not have any particular age group in mind when beginning to write the Harry Potter books , the publishers initially targeted children aged nine to eleven . On the eve of publishing , Rowling was asked by her publishers to adopt a more gender - neutral pen name in order to appeal to the male members of this age group , fearing that they would not be interested in reading a novel they knew to be written by a woman . She elected to use J.K. Rowling ( Joanne Kathleen Rowling ) , using her grandmother 's name as her second name because she has no middle name . Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone was published by Bloomsbury , the publisher of all Harry Potter books in the United Kingdom , on 26 June 1997 . It was released in the United States on 1 September 1998 by Scholastic -- the American publisher of the books -- as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone , after Rowling had received US $105,000 for the American rights -- a record amount for a children 's book by an unknown author . Fearing that American readers would not associate the word `` philosopher '' with magic ( although the Philosopher 's Stone is an ancient tradition in alchemy ) , Scholastic insisted that the book be given the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone for the American market . The second book , Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets , was originally published in the UK on 2 July 1998 and in the US on 2 June 1999 . Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was published a year later in the UK on 8 July 1999 and in the US on 8 September 1999 . Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was published on 8 July 2000 at the same time by Bloomsbury and Scholastic . Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the longest book in the series , at 766 pages in the UK version and 870 pages in the US version . It was published worldwide in English on 21 June 2003 . Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince was published on 16 July 2005 ; it sold 9 million copies in the first 24 hours of its worldwide release . The seventh and final novel , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , was published on 21 July 2007 . The book sold 11 million copies in the first 24 hours of release , breaking down to 2.7 million copies in the UK and 8.3 million in the US . Translations Main article : Harry Potter in translation The Russian translation of The Deathly Hallows goes on sale in Moscow , 2007 The series has been translated into 80 languages , placing Rowling among the most translated authors in history . The books have seen translations to diverse languages such as Korean , Armenian , Ukrainian , Arabic , Urdu , Hindi , Bengali , Bulgarian , Welsh , Afrikaans , Albanian , Latvian , Vietnamese and Hawaiian . The first volume has been translated into Latin and even Ancient Greek , making it the longest published work in Ancient Greek since the novels of Heliodorus of Emesa in the 3rd century AD . The second volume has also been translated into Latin . Some of the translators hired to work on the books were well - known authors before their work on Harry Potter , such as Viktor Golyshev , who oversaw the Russian translation of the series ' fifth book . The Turkish translation of books two to seven was undertaken by Sevin Okyay , a popular literary critic and cultural commentator . For reasons of secrecy , translation on a given book could only start after it had been released in English , leading to a lag of several months before the translations were available . This led to more and more copies of the English editions being sold to impatient fans in non-English speaking countries ; for example , such was the clamour to read the fifth book that its English language edition became the first English - language book ever to top the best - seller list in France . The United States editions were adapted into American English to make them more understandable to a young American audience . Completion of the series In December 2005 , Rowling stated on her web site , `` 2006 will be the year when I write the final book in the Harry Potter series . '' Updates then followed in her online diary chronicling the progress of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , with the release date of 21 July 2007 . The book itself was finished on 11 January 2007 in the Balmoral Hotel , Edinburgh , where she scrawled a message on the back of a bust of Hermes . It read : `` J.K. Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room ( 552 ) on 11 January 2007 . '' Rowling herself has stated that the last chapter of the final book ( in fact , the epilogue ) was completed `` in something like 1990 '' . In June 2006 , Rowling , on an appearance on the British talk show Richard & Judy , announced that the chapter had been modified as one character `` got a reprieve '' and two others who previously survived the story had in fact been killed . On 28 March 2007 , the cover art for the Bloomsbury Adult and Child versions and the Scholastic version were released . In September 2012 , Rowling mentioned in an interview that she might go back to make a `` director 's cut '' of two of the existing Harry Potter books . Cover art For cover art , Bloomsbury chose painted art in a classic style of design , with the first cover a watercolour and pencil drawing by illustrator Thomas Taylor showing Harry boarding the Hogwarts Express , and a title in the font Cochin Bold . The first releases of the successive books in the series followed in the same style but somewhat more realistic , illustrating scenes from the books . These covers were created by first Cliff Wright and then Jason Cockroft . Due to the appeal of the books among an adult audience , Bloomsbury commissioned a second line of editions in an ' adult ' style . These initially used black - and - white photographic art for the covers showing objects from the books ( including a very American Hogwarts Express ) without depicting people , but later shifted to partial colourisation with a picture of Slytherin 's locket on the cover of the final book . International and later editions have been created by a range of designers , including Mary GrandPré for U.S. audiences and Mika Launis in Finland . For a later American release , Kazu Kibuishi created covers in a somewhat anime - influenced style . Achievements `` Platform 93⁄4 '' sign on London King 's Cross railway station Cultural impact Further information : Harry Potter fandom Fans of the series were so eager for the latest instalment that bookstores around the world began holding events to coincide with the midnight release of the books , beginning with the 2000 publication of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . The events , commonly featuring mock sorting , games , face painting , and other live entertainment have achieved popularity with Potter fans and have been highly successful in attracting fans and selling books with nearly nine million of the 10.8 million initial print copies of Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince sold in the first 24 hours . The final book in the series , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows became the fastest selling book in history , moving 11 million units in the first twenty - four hours of release . The series has also gathered adult fans , leading to the release of two editions of each Harry Potter book , identical in text but with one edition 's cover artwork aimed at children and the other aimed at adults . Besides meeting online through blogs , podcasts , and fansites , Harry Potter super-fans can also meet at Harry Potter symposia . The word Muggle has spread beyond its Harry Potter origins , becoming one of few pop culture words to land in the Oxford English Dictionary . The Harry Potter fandom has embraced podcasts as a regular , often weekly , insight to the latest discussion in the fandom . Both MuggleCast and PotterCast have reached the top spot of iTunes podcast rankings and have been polled one of the top 50 favourite podcasts . Some lessons identified in the series include diversity , acceptance , political tolerance , and equality . Surveys of over 1,000 college students in the United States show that those who read the books were significantly different than those who had not . Readers of the series were found to be more tolerant , more opposed to violence and torture , less authoritarian , and less cynical . Although it is not known if this is a cause - and - effect relationship , there is a clear correlation , and it seems that Harry Potter 's cultural impact may be stronger than just a fandom bond . Many fan fiction and fan art works about Harry Potter have been made . In March 2007 , `` Harry Potter '' was the most commonly searched fan fiction subject on the internet . At the University of Michigan in 2009 , StarKid Productions performed an original musical parodying the Harry Potter series called A Very Potter Musical . The musical was awarded Entertainment Weekly 's 10 Best Viral Videos of 2009 . The sport Quidditch , played by characters in the Harry Potter series , was created in 2005 and is played worldwide . Characters and elements from the series have inspired scientific names of several organisms , including the dinosaur Dracorex hogwartsia , the spider Eriovixia gryffindori , the wasp Ampulex dementor , and the crab Harryplax severus . Commercial success See also : List of best - selling books Crowd outside a book store for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince . The popularity of the Harry Potter series has translated into substantial financial success for Rowling , her publishers , and other Harry Potter related license holders . This success has made Rowling the first and thus far only billionaire author . The books have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide and have also given rise to the popular film adaptations produced by Warner Bros. , all of which have been highly successful in their own right . The films have in turn spawned eight video games and have led to the licensing of more than 400 additional Harry Potter products . The Harry Potter brand has been estimated to be worth as much as $25 billion . The great demand for Harry Potter books motivated The New York Times to create a separate best - seller list for children 's literature in 2000 , just before the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . By 24 June 2000 , Rowling 's novels had been on the list for 79 straight weeks ; the first three novels were each on the hardcover best - seller list . On 12 April 2007 , Barnes & Noble declared that Deathly Hallows had broken its pre-order record , with more than 500,000 copies pre-ordered through its site . For the release of Goblet of Fire , 9,000 FedEx trucks were used with no other purpose than to deliver the book . Together , and Barnes & Noble pre-sold more than 700,000 copies of the book . In the United States , the book 's initial printing run was 3.8 million copies . This record statistic was broken by Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , with 8.5 million , which was then shattered by Half - Blood Prince with 10.8 million copies . 6.9 million copies of Prince were sold in the U.S. within the first 24 hours of its release ; in the United Kingdom more than two million copies were sold on the first day . The initial U.S. print run for Deathly Hallows was 12 million copies , and more than a million were pre-ordered through Amazon and Barnes & Noble . Awards , honours , and recognition The Harry Potter series has been recognised by a host of awards since the initial publication of Philosopher 's Stone including four Whitaker Platinum Book Awards ( all of which were awarded in 2001 ) , three Nestlé Smarties Book Prizes ( 1997 -- 1999 ) , two Scottish Arts Council Book Awards ( 1999 and 2001 ) , the inaugural Whitbread children 's book of the year award ( 1999 ) , the WHSmith book of the year ( 2006 ) , among others . In 2000 , Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel , and in 2001 , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire won said award . Honours include a commendation for the Carnegie Medal ( 1997 ) , a short listing for the Guardian Children 's Award ( 1998 ) , and numerous listings on the notable books , editors ' Choices , and best books lists of the American Library Association , The New York Times , Chicago Public Library , and Publishers Weekly . In 2002 , British sociologist Andrew Blake named Harry Potter among the icons of British popular culture along with the likes of James Bond and Sherlock Holmes . In 2003 , four of the books were named in the top 24 of the BBC 's The Big Read survey of the best loved novels in the UK . A 2004 study found that books in the series were commonly read aloud in elementary schools in San Diego County , California . Based on a 2007 online poll , the U.S. National Education Association listed the series in its `` Teachers ' Top 100 Books for Children '' . Three of the books placed among the `` Top 100 Chapter Books '' of all time , or children 's novels , in a 2012 survey published by School Library Journal : Sorcerer 's Stone ranked number three , Prisoner of Azkaban 12th , and Goblet of Fire 98th . In 2012 , the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London featured a 100 - foot tall rendition of Lord Voldemort in a segment designed to show off the UK 's cultural icons . Reception Literary criticism Early in its history , Harry Potter received positive reviews . On publication , the first book , Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone , attracted attention from the Scottish newspapers , such as The Scotsman , which said it had `` all the makings of a classic '' , and The Glasgow Herald , which called it `` Magic stuff '' . Soon the English newspapers joined in , with more than one comparing it to Roald Dahl 's work : The Mail on Sunday rated it as `` the most imaginative debut since Roald Dahl '' , a view echoed by The Sunday Times ( `` comparisons to Dahl are , this time , justified '' ) , while The Guardian called it `` a richly textured novel given lift - off by an inventive wit '' . By the time of the release of the fifth book , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , the books began to receive strong criticism from a number of literary scholars . Yale professor , literary scholar , and critic Harold Bloom raised criticisms of the books ' literary merits , saying , `` Rowling 's mind is so governed by clichés and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing . '' A.S. Byatt authored an op - ed article in The New York Times calling Rowling 's universe a `` secondary secondary world , made up of intelligently patchworked derivative motifs from all sorts of children 's literature ... written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons , and the exaggerated ( more exciting , not threatening ) mirror - worlds of soaps , reality TV and celebrity gossip '' . Michael Rosen , a novelist and poet , advocated the books were not suited for children , who would be unable to grasp the complex themes . Rosen also stated that `` J.K. Rowling is more of an adult writer . '' The critic Anthony Holden wrote in The Observer on his experience of judging Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for the 1999 Whitbread Awards . His overall view of the series was negative -- `` the Potter saga was essentially patronising , conservative , highly derivative , dispiritingly nostalgic for a bygone Britain '' , and he speaks of `` a pedestrian , ungrammatical prose style '' . Ursula K. Le Guin said , `` I have no great opinion of it . When so many adult critics were carrying on about the ' incredible originality ' of the first Harry Potter book , I read it to find out what the fuss was about , and remained somewhat puzzled ; it seemed a lively kid 's fantasy crossed with a `` school novel '' , good fare for its age group , but stylistically ordinary , imaginatively derivative , and ethically rather mean - spirited . '' By contrast , author Fay Weldon , while admitting that the series is `` not what the poets hoped for '' , nevertheless goes on to say , `` but this is not poetry , it is readable , saleable , everyday , useful prose '' . The literary critic A.N. Wilson praised the Harry Potter series in The Times , stating : `` There are not many writers who have JK 's Dickensian ability to make us turn the pages , to weep -- openly , with tears splashing -- and a few pages later to laugh , at invariably good jokes ... We have lived through a decade in which we have followed the publication of the liveliest , funniest , scariest and most moving children 's stories ever written '' . Charles Taylor of , who is primarily a movie critic , took issue with Byatt 's criticisms in particular . While he conceded that she may have `` a valid cultural point -- a teeny one -- about the impulses that drive us to reassuring pop trash and away from the troubling complexities of art '' , he rejected her claims that the series is lacking in serious literary merit and that it owes its success merely to the childhood reassurances it offers . Taylor stressed the progressively darker tone of the books , shown by the murder of a classmate and close friend and the psychological wounds and social isolation each causes . Taylor also argued that Philosopher 's Stone , said to be the most light - hearted of the seven published books , disrupts the childhood reassurances that Byatt claims spur the series ' success : the book opens with news of a double murder , for example . Stephen King called the series `` a feat of which only a superior imagination is capable '' , and declared `` Rowling 's punning , one - eyebrow - cocked sense of humor '' to be `` remarkable '' . However , he wrote that despite the story being `` a good one '' , he is `` a little tired of discovering Harry at home with his horrible aunt and uncle '' , the formulaic beginning of all seven books . King has also joked that `` Rowling 's never met an adverb she did not like ! '' He does however predict that Harry Potter `` will indeed stand time 's test and wind up on a shelf where only the best are kept ; I think Harry will take his place with Alice , Huck , Frodo , and Dorothy and this is one series not just for the decade , but for the ages '' . Sameer Rahim of The Daily Telegraph disagreed , saying `` It depresses me to see 16 and 17 year - olds reading the series when they could be reading the great novels of childhood such as Oliver Twist or A House for Mr Biswas . What that says about the adults who are fanatical fans I 'm not sure -- but I suspect in years to come people will make a link between our plump , comfortable , infantilising society and the popularity of Potter . '' There is ongoing discussion regarding the extent to which the series was inspired by Tolkien 's Lord of the Rings books . Social impact Although Time magazine named Rowling as a runner - up for its 2007 Person of the Year award , noting the social , moral , and political inspiration she has given her fandom , cultural comments on the series have been mixed . Washington Post book critic Ron Charles opined in July 2007 that the large numbers of adults reading the Potter series but few other books may represent a `` bad case of cultural infantilism '' , and that the straightforward `` good vs. evil '' theme of the series is `` childish '' . He also argued `` through no fault of Rowling 's '' , the cultural and marketing `` hysteria '' marked by the publication of the later books `` trains children and adults to expect the roar of the coliseum , a mass - media experience that no other novel can possibly provide '' . Librarian Nancy Knapp pointed out the books ' potential to improve literacy by motivating children to read much more than they otherwise would . The seven - book series has a word count of 1,083,594 ( US edition ) . Agreeing about the motivating effects , Diane Penrod also praised the books ' blending of simple entertainment with `` the qualities of highbrow literary fiction '' , but expressed concern about the distracting effect of the prolific merchandising that accompanies the book launches . However , the assumption that Harry Potter books have increased literacy among young people is `` largely a folk legend . '' Research by the National Endowment for the Arts ( NEA ) has found no increase in reading among children coinciding with the Harry Potter publishing phenomenon , nor has the broader downward trend in reading among Americans been arrested during the rise in the popularity of the Harry Potter books . The research also found that children who read Harry Potter books were not more likely to go on to read outside the fantasy and mystery genres . NEA chairman Dana Gioia said the series , `` got millions of kids to read a long and reasonably complex series of books . The trouble is that one Harry Potter novel every few years is not enough to reverse the decline in reading . '' Jennifer Conn used Snape 's and Quidditch coach Madam Hooch 's teaching methods as examples of what to avoid and what to emulate in clinical teaching , and Joyce Fields wrote that the books illustrate four of the five main topics in a typical first - year sociology class : `` sociological concepts including culture , society , and socialisation ; stratification and social inequality ; social institutions ; and social theory '' . From the early 2000s onwards several news reports appeared in the UK of the Harry Potter book and movie series driving demand for pet owls and even reports that after the end of the movie series these same pet owls were now being abandoned by their owners . This led J.K. Rowling to issue several statements urging Harry Potter fans to refrain from purchasing pet owls . Despite the media flurry , research into the popularity of Harry Potter and sales of owls in the UK failed to find any evidence that the Harry Potter franchise had influenced the buying of owls in the country or the number of owls reaching animal shelters and sanctuaries . Jenny Sawyer wrote in Christian Science Monitor on 25 July 2007 that the books represent a `` disturbing trend in commercial storytelling and Western society '' in that stories `` moral center ( sic ) have all but vanished from much of today 's pop culture ... after 10 years , 4,195 pages , and over 375 million copies , J.K. Rowling 's towering achievement lacks the cornerstone of almost all great children 's literature : the hero 's moral journey '' . Harry Potter , Sawyer argues , neither faces a `` moral struggle '' nor undergoes any ethical growth , and is thus `` no guide in circumstances in which right and wrong are anything less than black and white '' . In contrast Emily Griesinger described Harry 's first passage through to Platform 93⁄4 as an application of faith and hope , and his encounter with the Sorting Hat as the first of many in which Harry is shaped by the choices he makes . She also noted the `` deeper magic '' by which the self - sacrifice of Harry 's mother protects the boy throughout the series , and which the power - hungry Voldemort fails to understand . In an 8 November 2002 Slate article , Chris Suellentrop likened Potter to a `` trust - fund kid whose success at school is largely attributable to the gifts his friends and relatives lavish upon him '' . Noting that in Rowling 's fiction , magical ability potential is `` something you are born to , not something you can achieve '' , Suellentrop wrote that Dumbledore 's maxim that `` It is our choices that show what we truly are , far more than our abilities '' is hypocritical , as `` the school that Dumbledore runs values native gifts above all else '' . In a 12 August 2007 , review of Deathly Hallows in The New York Times , however , Christopher Hitchens praised Rowling for `` unmooring '' her `` English school story '' from literary precedents `` bound up with dreams of wealth and class and snobbery '' , arguing that she had instead created `` a world of youthful democracy and diversity '' . In 2010 , coinciding with the release of the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 , a series of articles were written about Private Harry Potter of the British army . This real - life Harry Potter was killed in the Arab Revolt near Hebron in 1939 . His grave , located in the British cemetery in Ramla , Israel , began to receive curious visitors leading the Ramla Municipality to list it on their website . In 2016 , an article written by Diana C. Mutz compares the politics of Harry Potter to the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign . She states that 3 themes throughout the books are widely predominant ' 1 ) the value of tolerance and respect for difference ; 2 ) opposition to violence and punitiveness ; and 3 ) the dangers of authoritarianism . ' She suggests that these themes are also present in the presidential election and it may play a significant role in how Americans have responded to the campaign . Controversies Main articles : Legal disputes over the Harry Potter series , Religious debates over the Harry Potter series , Politics of Harry Potter , and Tanya Grotter The books have been the subject of a number of legal proceedings , stemming from various conflicts over copyright and trademark infringements . The popularity and high market value of the series has led Rowling , her publishers , and film distributor Warner Bros. to take legal measures to protect their copyright , which have included banning the sale of Harry Potter imitations , targeting the owners of websites over the `` Harry Potter '' domain name , and suing author Nancy Stouffer to counter her accusations that Rowling had plagiarised her work . Various religious conservatives have claimed that the books promote witchcraft and religions such as Wicca and are therefore unsuitable for children , while a number of critics have criticised the books for promoting various political agendas . The books also aroused controversies in the literary and publishing worlds . From 1997 to 1998 , Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone won almost all the UK awards judged by children , but none of the children 's book awards judged by adults , and Sandra Beckett suggested the reason was intellectual snobbery towards books that were popular among children . In 1999 , the winner of the Whitbread Book of the Year award children 's division was entered for the first time on the shortlist for the main award , and one judge threatened to resign if Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was declared the overall winner ; it finished second , very close behind the winner of the poetry prize , Seamus Heaney 's translation of the Anglo - Saxon epic Beowulf . In 2000 , shortly before the publication of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , the previous three Harry Potter books topped The New York Times fiction best - seller list and a third of the entries were children 's books . The newspaper created a new children 's section covering children 's books , including both fiction and non-fiction , and initially counting only hardback sales . The move was supported by publishers and booksellers . In 2004 , The New York Times further split the children 's list , which was still dominated by Harry Potter books into sections for series and individual books , and removed the Harry Potter books from the section for individual books . The split in 2000 attracted condemnation , praise and some comments that presented both benefits and disadvantages of the move . Time suggested that , on the same principle , Billboard should have created a separate `` mop - tops '' list in 1964 when the Beatles held the top five places in its list , and Nielsen should have created a separate game - show list when Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? dominated the ratings . Adaptations Films Main article : Harry Potter ( film series ) The locomotive that features as the `` Hogwarts Express '' in the film series . In 1998 , Rowling sold the film rights of the first four Harry Potter books to Warner Bros. for a reported £ 1 million ( $1,982,900 ) . Rowling demanded the principal cast be kept strictly British , nonetheless allowing for the inclusion of Irish actors such as the late Richard Harris as Dumbledore , and for casting of French and Eastern European actors in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where characters from the book are specified as such . After many directors including Steven Spielberg , Terry Gilliam , Jonathan Demme , and Alan Parker were considered , Chris Columbus was appointed on 28 March 2000 as the director for Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone ( titled `` Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone '' in the United States ) , with Warner Bros. citing his work on other family films such as Home Alone and Mrs. Doubtfire and proven experience with directing children as influences for their decision . After extensive casting , filming began in October 2000 at Leavesden Film Studios and in London itself , with production ending in July 2001 . Philosopher 's Stone was released on 14 November 2001 . Just three days after the film 's release , production for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets , also directed by Columbus , began . Filming was completed in summer 2002 , with the film being released on 15 November 2002 . Daniel Radcliffe portrayed Harry Potter , doing so for all succeeding films in the franchise . Columbus declined to direct Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , only acting as producer . Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón took over the job , and after shooting in 2003 , the film was released on 4 June 2004 . Due to the fourth film beginning its production before the third 's release , Mike Newell was chosen as the director for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , released on 18 November 2005 . Newell became the first British director of the series , with television director David Yates following suit after he was chosen to helm Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . Production began in January 2006 and the film was released the following year in July 2007 . After executives were `` really delighted '' with his work on the film , Yates was selected to direct Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince , which was released on 15 July 2009 . A studio model of Hogwarts Castle as it appears in the films . In March 2008 , Warner Bros. President and COO Alan F. Horn announced that the final instalment in the series , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , would be released in two cinematic parts : Part 1 on 19 November 2010 and Part 2 on 15 July 2011 . Production of both parts started in February 2009 , with the final day of principal photography taking place on 12 June 2010 . Rowling had creative control on the film series , observing the filmmaking process of Philosopher 's Stone and serving as producer on the two - part Deathly Hallows , alongside David Heyman and David Barron . The Harry Potter films have been top - rank box office hits , with all eight releases on the list of highest - grossing films worldwide . Philosopher 's Stone was the highest - grossing Harry Potter film up until the release of the final instalment of the series , Deathly Hallows , while Prisoner of Azkaban grossed the least . As well as being a financial success , the film series has also been a success among film critics . Opinions of the films are generally divided among fans , with one group preferring the more faithful approach of the first two films , and another group preferring the more stylised character - driven approach of the later films . Rowling has been constantly supportive of all the films and evaluated Deathly Hallows as her `` favourite one '' in the series . She wrote on her website of the changes in the book - to - film transition , `` It is simply impossible to incorporate every one of my storylines into a film that has to be kept under four hours long . Obviously films have restrictions novels do not have , constraints of time and budget ; I can create dazzling effects relying on nothing but the interaction of my own and my readers ' imaginations '' . At the 64th British Academy Film Awards in February 2011 , Rowling was joined by producers David Heyman and David Barron along with directors David Yates , Alfonso Cuarón and Mike Newell in collecting the Michael Balcon Award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema on behalf of all the films in the series . Actors Rupert Grint and Emma Watson , who play main characters Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger , were also in attendance . Spin - off prequels A new series consisting of five films , beginning with Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them , will take place before the main series . The first film was released on 18 November 2016 and the next two are due to be released in 2018 and 2020 . Rowling wrote the screenplay for the first instalment , marking her first foray into screenwriting . Games Main article : Harry Potter video games A number of other non-interactive media games and board games have been released such as Cluedo Harry Potter Edition , Scene It ? Harry Potter and Lego Harry Potter models , which are influenced by the themes of both the novels and films . There are thirteen Harry Potter video games , eight corresponding with the films and books and five spin - offs . The film / book - based games are produced by Electronic Arts , as was Harry Potter : Quidditch World Cup , with the game version of the first entry in the series , Philosopher 's Stone , being released in November 2001 . Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone went on to become one of the best - selling PlayStation games ever . The video games were released to coincide with the films , containing scenery and details from the films as well as the tone and spirit of the books . Objectives usually occur in and around Hogwarts , along with various other magical areas . The story and design of the games follow the selected film 's characterisation and plot ; EA worked closely with Warner Bros. to include scenes from the films . The last game in the series , Deathly Hallows , was split , with Part 1 released in November 2010 and Part 2 debuting on consoles in July 2011 . The two - part game forms the first entry to convey an intense theme of action and violence , with the gameplay revolving around a third - person shooter style format . The spin - off games Lego Harry Potter : Years 1 -- 4 and Lego Harry Potter : Years 5 -- 7 were developed by Traveller 's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment . The spin - off games Book of Spells and Book of Potions were developed by SCE London Studio and use the Wonderbook , an augmented reality book designed to be used in conjunction with the PlayStation Move and PlayStation Eye . The Harry Potter universe is also featured in Lego Dimensions , with the settings and side characters featured in the Harry Potter Adventure World , and Harry , Voldemort , and Hermione as playable characters . In 2017 , Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment opened its own Harry Potter themed game design studio , by the name of Portkey Games ; before releasing Hogwarts Mystery in 2018 , developed by Jam City . Audiobooks All seven Harry Potter books have been released in unabridged audiobook versions , with Stephen Fry reading the UK editions and Jim Dale voicing the series for the American editions . Stage production Main article : Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Harry Potter and the Cursed Child : Parts I and II is a play which serves as a sequel to the books , beginning nineteen years after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows . It was written by Jack Thorne based on an original new story by Thorne , Rowling and John Tiffany . It has run at the Palace Theatre in London 's West End since previews began on 7 June 2016 with an official premiere on 30 June 2016 . The first four months of tickets for the June -- September performances were sold out within several hours upon release . Forthcoming productions are planned for Broadway and Melbourne . The script was released as a book at the time of the premiere , with a revised version following the next year . Attractions The Wizarding world of Harry Potter Main article : The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle as depicted in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter , located in Universal Orlando Resort 's Island of Adventure After the success of the films and books , Universal and Warner Brothers announced they would create The Wizarding World of Harry Potter , a new Harry Potter - themed expansion to the Islands of Adventure theme park at Universal Orlando Resort in Florida . The land officially opened to the public on 18 June 2010 . It includes a re-creation of Hogsmeade and several rides . The flagship attraction is Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey , which exists within a re-creation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . Other rides include Dragon Challenge , a pair of inverted roller coasters , and Flight of the Hippogriff , a family roller coaster . Four years later , on 8 July 2014 , Universal opened a Harry Potter - themed area at the Universal Studios Florida theme park . It includes a re-creation of Diagon Alley and connecting alleys and a small section of Muggle London . The flagship attraction is Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts roller coaster ride . Universal also added a completely functioning recreation of the Hogwarts Express connecting Kings Cross Station at Universal Studios Florida to the Hogsmeade station at Islands of Adventure . Both Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley contain many shops and restaurants from the book series , including Weasley 's Wizard Wheezes and The Leaky Cauldron . On 15 July 2014 , The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at the Universal Studios Japan theme park in Osaka , Japan . It includes the village of Hogsmeade , Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride , and Flight of the Hippogriff roller coaster . On 7 April 2016 , The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park near Los Angeles , California . The making of Harry Potter Main article : Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter In March 2011 , Warner Bros. announced plans to build a tourist attraction in the United Kingdom to showcase the Harry Potter film series . The Making of Harry Potter is a behind - the - scenes walking tour featuring authentic sets , costumes and props from the film series . The attraction is located at Warner Bros. Studios , Leavesden , where all eight of the Harry Potter films were made . Warner Bros. constructed two new sound stages to house and showcase the famous sets from each of the British - made productions , following a £ 100 million investment . It opened to the public in March 2012 . 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Retrieved 18 May 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Harry Potter tour at Leavesden Studios reveals new sets '' . BBC News . 19 December 2011 . Archived from the original on 22 February 2012 . Retrieved 16 February 2012 . Further reading Agarwal , Nikita ; Chitra Agarwal ( 2005 ) . Friends and Foes of Harry Potter : Names Decoded . Outskirts Press . ISBN 1 - 59800 - 221 - X Anatol , Giselle Liza ( 2003 ) . Reading Harry Potter : critical essays . Praeger . ISBN 0 - 313 - 32067 - 5 Burkart , Gina ( 2005 ) . A parent 's guide to Harry Potter . InterVarsity Press . ISBN 0 - 8308 - 3288 - 2 Duriez , Colin ( 2007 ) . Field Guide to Harry Potter . IVP Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8308 - 3430 - 3 Gunelius , Susan ( 2008 ) . Harry Potter : the story of a global business phenomenon . Palgrave Macmillan . ISBN 0 - 230 - 20323 - X Heilman , Elizabeth E ( 2008 ) . Critical perspectives on Harry Potter . Routledge . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 96484 - 5 Mulholland , Neil ( 2007 ) . The psychology of Harry Potter : an unauthorized examination of the boy who lived . BenBella Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 932100 - 88 - 4 Silvester , William ( 2010 ) . Harry Potter Collector 's Handbook . Krause . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4402 - 0897 - 3 External links Listen to this article ( info / dl ) This audio file was created from a revision of the article `` Harry Potter '' dated 2011 - 01 - 02 , and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article . ( Audio help ) More spoken articles Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Harry Potter tourism . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Harry Potter . Harry Potter , an external wiki J.K. Rowling 's personal website Harry Potter movies -- Official website ( Warner Bros . ) Harry Potter at ( International publisher ) Harry Potter at ( US publisher ) Harry Potter at ( Canadian publisher ) Works by or about Harry Potter in libraries ( WorldCat catalog ) `` Harry Potter collected news and commentary '' . The Guardian . `` Harry Potter collected news and commentary '' . The New York Times . The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Orlando resort , Florida The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling Novels The Philosopher 's Stone ( 1997 ) The Chamber of Secrets ( 1998 ) The Prisoner of Azkaban ( 1999 ) The Goblet of Fire ( 2000 ) The Order of the Phoenix ( 2003 ) The Half - Blood Prince ( 2005 ) The Deathly Hallows ( 2007 ) Film series Films The Philosopher 's Stone ( 2001 ) The Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) The Prisoner of Azkaban ( 2004 ) The Goblet of Fire ( 2005 ) The Order of the Phoenix ( 2007 ) The Half - Blood Prince ( 2009 ) The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 ( 2010 ) The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( 2011 ) Music The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 Related Cast members Production of The Deathly Hallows Characters Main Harry Potter Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Lord Voldemort Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Rubeus Hagrid Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Supporting Hogwarts staff Order of the Phoenix Dumbledore 's Army Death Eaters Fictional universe Hogwarts Magic Magical creatures Magical objects Ministry of Magic Muggle Places Potions Quidditch Related works Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Quidditch Through the Ages The Tales of Beedle the Bard Prequel Pottermore The Cursed Child Hogwarts : An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power , Politics and Pesky Poltergeists Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism , Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies Games and toys Quidditch World Cup Lego Harry Potter : Years 1 -- 4 Lego Harry Potter : Years 5 -- 7 Lego Creator : Harry Potter Creator : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 Book of Spells Book of Potions Trading Card Game Hogwarts Mystery Wizards Unite Attractions The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Orlando Japan Hollywood Dragon Challenge Flight of the Hippogriff Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Hogwarts Express Harry Potter Movie Magic Experience Exhibitions Harry Potter : The Exhibition Harry Potter : A History of Magic Warner Bros. Studio Tour London -- The Making of Harry Potter Fandom Harry Potter Alliance The Leaky Cauldron MuggleNet LeakyCon Wizard rock Wrockstock The Methods of Rationality My Immortal Severus Snape and the Marauders Voldemort : Origins of the Heir Related Wizarding World Influences and analogues Legal disputes Parodies Politics Religious debates Translation A Very Potter Musical The Harry Potter Lexicon The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter Potter Puppet Pals Portkey Games List of organisms named after the Harry Potter series Book Category Portal `` The template below ( Wizarding World ) is being considered for deletion . See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus . '' Wizarding World Feature films Harry Potter The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 production The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 production Fantastic Beasts Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them The Crimes of Grindelwald Stage play The Cursed Child Music The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Outside media Video games The Philosopher 's Stone The Chamber of Secrets Quidditch World Cup The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half - Blood Prince Lego Harry Potter : Years 1 -- 4 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 The Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 Lego Harry Potter : Years 5 -- 7 Book of Spells Book of Potions Harry Potter : Hogwarts Mystery Harry Potter : Wizards Unite Attractions The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Orlando Japan Hollywood Digital publication Pottermore See also Harry Potter cast Music of the Harry Potter films Harry Potter book series Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book Portkey Games Book Category Works by J.K. Rowling Harry Potter series Novels Philosopher 's Stone ( 1997 ) Chamber of Secrets ( 1998 ) Prisoner of Azkaban ( 1999 ) Goblet of Fire ( 2000 ) Order of the Phoenix ( 2003 ) Half - Blood Prince ( 2005 ) Deathly Hallows ( 2007 ) Related works Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ( 2001 ) Quidditch Through the Ages ( 2001 ) Harry Potter prequel ( 2008 ) The Tales of Beedle the Bard ( 2008 ) The Cursed Child ( 2016 ) Hogwarts : An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide ( 2016 ) Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power , Politics and Pesky Poltergeists ( 2016 ) Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism , Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies ( 2016 ) Cormoran Strike series ( as Robert Galbraith ) The Cuckoo 's Calling ( 2013 ) The Silkworm ( 2014 ) Career of Evil ( 2015 ) Lethal White ( 2018 ) Other works The Casual Vacancy ( 2012 ) Filmography Films produced Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 ( 2010 ) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( 2011 ) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ( 2016 , also wrote ) Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald ( 2018 , also wrote ) TV series The Casual Vacancy ( 2015 ) Strike ( 2017 -- present ) See also Wizarding World Books I Love Best Yearly : Younger Readers Award Matilda by Roald Dahl ( 1990 ) The BFG by Roald Dahl ( 1991 ) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl ( 1992 ) Blabber Mouth by Morris Gleitzman ( 1993 ) Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl ( 1994 ) The Pagemaster by David Kirschner ( 1995 ) When the Wind Changed by Ruth Park ( 1996 ) Matilda by Roald Dahl ( 1997 ) Polar the Titanic Bear by Daisy Corning Stone Spedder ( 1998 ) Detective Donut and the Wild Goose Chase by Bruce Whatley and R. Smith ( 1999 ) Just Stupid ! by Andy Griffiths ( 2000 ) Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling ( 2001 ) Just Crazy ! by Andy Griffiths ( 2002 ) The Saddle Club series by Bonnie Bryant ( 2003 ) Just Disgusting ! by Andy Griffiths ( 2004 ) The Bad Book by Andy Griffiths ( 2005 ) Just Crazy ! by Andy Griffiths ( 2006 ) Books I Love Best Yearly : Older Readers Award The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole , Aged 133⁄4 by Sue Townsend ( 1990 ) The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton ( 1991 ) Where 's Wally ? by Martin Handford ( 1992 ) Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews ( 1993 ) Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta ( 1995 ) Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton ( 1996 ) The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien ( 1997 ) Tomorrow , When the War Began by John Marsden ( 1998 ) Bumface by Morris Gleitzman ( 1999 ) Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta ( 2000 ) Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ( 2002 ) Two of a Kind series by various authors ( 2003 ) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling ( 2004 ) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling ( 2005 ) Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince by J.K. 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when was harry potter first published in the us
Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone was published by Bloomsbury , the publisher of all Harry Potter books in the United Kingdom , on 26 June 1997 . It was released in the United States on 1 September 1998 by Scholastic -- the American publisher of the books -- as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone , after Rowling had received US $105,000 for the American rights -- a record amount for a children 's book by an unknown author . Fearing that American readers would not associate the word `` philosopher '' with magic ( although the Philosopher 's Stone is an ancient tradition in alchemy ) , Scholastic insisted that the book be given the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone for the American market .
Blue Mountains ( New South Wales ) - Wikipedia Blue Mountains ( New South Wales ) Not to be confused with Greater Blue Mountains Area , Blue Mountains National Park , City of Blue Mountains , Electoral district of Blue Mountains , or Blue Mountains railway line . Region in New South Wales , Australia Blue Mountains New South Wales The Three Sisters sandstone rock formation , one of the region 's best - known attractions Coordinates 33 ° 43 ′ 05 '' S 150 ° 18 ′ 38 '' E  /  33.71806 ° S 150.31056 ° E  / - 33.71806 ; 150.31056 Coordinates : 33 ° 43 ′ 05 '' S 150 ° 18 ′ 38 '' E  /  33.71806 ° S 150.31056 ° E  / - 33.71806 ; 150.31056 Population 162,000 ( 2006 ? ) Density 14.21 / km ( 36.81 / sq mi ) Area 11,400 km ( 4,401.6 sq mi ) Location 50 km ( 31 mi ) NW of Sydney CBD LGA ( s ) Blue Mountains , City of Hawkesbury , City of Lithgow , Wollondilly Shire and Oberon Shire State electorate ( s ) Blue Mountains , Penrith , Bathurst , Hawkesbury , Londonderry and Riverstone Federal Division ( s ) Macquarie , Lindsay , and Calare Localities around Blue Mountains : Central West Central West Hunter Central West Blue Mountains Western Sydney Southern Tablelands Southern Tablelands Macarthur Blue Mountains Range Blue Mountains The characteristic blue haze , as seen in the Jamison Valley Highest point Peak unnamed peak ( north - east of Lithgow ) Elevation 1,189 m ( 3,901 ft ) AHD Length 96 km ( 60 mi ) NW / SE Geography Blue Mountains Range Location of the Blue Mountains Range in New South Wales Country Australia State New South Wales Aboriginal hand stencils in Red Hands Cave , near Glenbrook Broken china from ruins near Asgard Swamp , where a coal mine was opened in the nineteenth century The Blue Mountains are a mountainous region and a mountain range located in New South Wales , Australia . The region borders on Sydney 's metropolitan area , its foothills starting about 50 kilometres ( 31 mi ) west of the state capital . The public 's understanding of the extent of the Blue Mountains is varied , as it forms only part of an extensive mountainous area associated with the Great Dividing Range . Officially the Blue Mountains region is bounded by the Nepean and Hawkesbury rivers in the east , the Coxs River and Lake Burragorang to the west and south , and the Wolgan and Colo rivers to the north . Geologically , it is situated in the central parts of the Sydney Basin . The Blue Mountains Range comprises a range of mountains , plateau escarpments extending off the Great Dividing Range about 4.8 kilometres ( 3.0 mi ) northwest of Wolgan Gap in a generally southeasterly direction for about 96 kilometres ( 60 mi ) , terminating at Emu Plains . For about two - thirds of its length it is traversed by the Great Western Highway and the Main Western railway line . Several established towns are situated on its heights , including Katoomba , Blackheath , Mount Victoria , and Springwood . The range forms the watershed between Coxs River to the south and the Grose and Wolgan rivers to the north . The range contains the Explorer Range and the Bell Range . The Blue Mountains area includes the local government areas of the City of Blue Mountains , the City of Hawkesbury , the City of Lithgow , Wollondilly Shire and Oberon Shire . Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Aboriginal inhabitants 2.2 European history 3 Climate 4 Geography 4.1 Mountain peaks 4.2 Geology 5 World Heritage listing 6 Fauna 7 Tourist attractions 8 Recreational activity 9 Gallery 10 See also 11 References 12 External links Etymology ( edit ) Following European settlement of the Sydney area , the area was named the Carmarthen and Lansdowne Hills by Arthur Phillip in 1788 . The Carmarthen Hills were in the north of the region and the Lansdowne Hills were in the south . The name Blue Mountains , however , was preferred and is derived from the blue tinge the range takes on when viewed from a distance . The tinge is believed to be caused by Mie scattering which occurs when incoming light with shorter wavelengths is preferentially scattered by particles within the atmosphere imparting a blue - greyish colour to any distant objects , including mountains and clouds . Volatile terpenoids emitted in large quantities by the abundant eucalyptus trees in the Blue Mountains may cause Mie scattering and thus the blue haze for which the mountains were named . History ( edit ) Aboriginal inhabitants ( edit ) When Europeans arrived in Australia , the Blue Mountains had already been inhabited for several millennia by the Gundungurra people , now represented by the Gundungurra Tribal Council Aboriginal Corporation based in Katoomba , and , in the lower Blue Mountains , by the Darug people , now represented by the Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation . The Gundungurra creation story of the Blue Mountains tells that Dreamtime creatures Mirigan and Garangatch , half fish and half reptile , fought an epic battle which scarred the landscape into the Jamison Valley . The Gundungurra Tribal Council is a nonprofit organisation representing the Gundungurra traditional owners , promoting heritage and culture and providing a support for Gundungurra people connecting back to Country . Gundungurra Tribal Council Aboriginal Corporation has a registered Native Title Claim since 1995 over their traditional lands , which include the Blue Mountains and surrounding areas . Examples of Aboriginal habitation can be found in many places . In the Red Hands Cave , a rock shelter near Glenbrook , the walls contain hand stencils from adults and children . On the southern side of Queen Elizabeth Drive , at Wentworth Falls , a rocky knoll has a large number of grinding grooves created by rubbing stone implements on the rock to shape and sharpen them . There are also carved images of animal tracks and an occupation cave . The site is known as Kings Tableland Aboriginal Site and dates back 22,000 years . European History ( edit ) Arthur Phillip , the first governor of New South Wales , first glimpsed the extent of the Blue Mountains from a ridge at the site of today 's Oakhill College , Castle Hill . He named them the Carmarthen Hills , `` some forty to sixty miles distant ... '' and he reckoned that the ground was `` most suitable for government stock '' . This is the location where Gidley King in 1799 established a prison town for political prisoners from Ireland and Scotland . The first documented use of the name Blue Mountains appears in Captain John Hunter 's account of Phillip 's 1789 expedition up the Hawkesbury River . Describing the events of about 5 July , Hunter wrote : `` We frequently , in some of the reaches which we passed through this day , saw very near us the hills , which we suppose as seen from Port Jackson , and called by the governor the Blue Mountains . '' During the nineteenth century the name was commonly applied to the portion of the Great Dividing Range from about Goulburn in the south to the Hunter Valley in the north , but in time it came to be associated with a more limited area . The native Aborigines knew two routes across the mountains : Bilpin Ridge , which is now the location of Bells Line of Road between Richmond and Bell , and the Coxs River , a tributary of the Nepean River . It could be followed upstream to the open plains of the Kanimbla Valley , the type of country that farmers prize . European settlers initially considered that fertile lands lay beyond the mountains , as was China in the belief of many convicts , but that this did n't matter much , since the mountains were impassable . This idea was , to some extent , convenient for local authorities . An `` insurmountable '' barrier would deter convicts from trying to escape in that direction . A former convict , John Wilson , may have been the first European to cross the Blue Mountains . It is also believed that Mathew Everingham , 1795 , may have also been partly successful based on letters he wrote at the time which came to light in the late 1980s . Wilson arrived with the First Fleet in 1788 and was freed in 1792 . He settled in the bush , living with the Aborigines and even functioning as an intermediary between them and the settlers . In 1797 he returned to Sydney , claiming to have explored up to a hundred miles in all directions around Sydney , including across the mountains . His descriptions and observations were generally accurate , and it is possible that he had crossed the mountains via the southern aspect at the Coxs River corridor , guided by the Aborigines . Governor Hunter was impressed by Wilson 's skills and sent him on an expedition with John Price and others in January 1798 . The party crossed the Nepean River and moved southwest towards the present site of Mittagong . There they turned west and found a route along the ridge where today the Wombeyan Caves Road is located . In the process they found a way to go west of the mountains , by going around them instead of across them . In March of the same year , Wilson and Price ventured to the Camden area , and then continued further south until they discovered Thirlmere Lakes , finally almost reaching the present site of Goulburn . It is possible that the accomplishments of this expedition were suppressed by Hunter , who may not have wanted convicts to know that there was a relatively easy way out of Sydney . Wilson was killed by Aborigines after abducting one of their women for his personal use , but he had accomplished much as an explorer . He was never recognised as the first person to cross the mountains , possibly because his Coxs River journey could not be verified , while his route west of Mittagong may have been the `` long way around '' for a colony that had its eyes fixed on the sandstone fortress west of the Nepean . Route of the Blaxland , Lawson , and Wentworth Crossing of 1813 The typical blue haze in the Jamison Valley behind the Three Sisters , New South Wales , Australia . Between 1798 and 1813 , many people explored various parts of the mountains , from the Bilpin Ridge to the southern regions , today the site of the Kanangra - Boyd National Park . Still , they did not find a definite route across the mountains . The 1813 crossing of the Blue Mountains by Gregory Blaxland , William Lawson and William Charles Wentworth is officially credited as the first successful European crossing . Blaxland set out with Lawson and Wentworth on 11 May 1813 and succeeded in crossing the mountains by 31 May . They ventured as far as to what is now Mount Blaxland , just west of Coxs River . In November 1813 , Macquarie sent the surveyor George Evans on an expedition to confirm the discoveries made by Blaxland and his party . He was also told to see if there existed enough arable land to justify settlement . The issue had become more urgent because the colony was in the grips of a drought . Evans and his party reached the Fish and Macquarie rivers , and the site of Bathurst . On 7 July 1814 , construction of a road across the mountains was begun by William Cox . The work was at the behest of Governor Macquarie. 30 convict labourers and 8 guards completed the road on 14 January 1815 after 27 weeks of hard work . Since the Blue Mountains are rich in coal and shale , mining for these resources began in Hartley Vale in 1865 . J.B. North ran a shale mine in the Jamison Valley in the 19th century , and other operations were set up in several places . Locations for mining activities included the Jamison Valley , the upper Grose Valley , Newnes , Glen Davis and the Asgard Swamp area outside Mount Victoria . Shale mining failed in the long run because it was not financially viable . Ruins at abandoned silver - mining town of Yerranderie ( later reopened to tourism ) Climate ( edit ) The climate varies with elevation . At Katoomba , ( 1,010 m or 3,314 ft ) the summer average maximum temperature is around 22 ° C with a few days extending into the 30s ( 80s -- 90s ° F ) although it is quite common to see maximum temperatures stay in the teens when east coast troughs persist . Night - time temperatures are usually in the teens but can drop to single figures at times . During winter , the temperature is typically around 10 to 11 ° C in the daytime with − 1 ° C or so on clear nights and 3 to 4 ° C on cloudy nights . Very occasionally it will get down to − 3 ° C or slightly lower but usually the coldest air drains into the valleys during calm , clear nights . The Blue Mountains is not known for particularly cold mornings compared to other areas on the Central Tablelands , such as Oberon , Bathurst and Orange . There are two to three snowfalls per year , although settled snow has become less common in recent decades . In the lower mountains , however , the climate is significantly warmer . Annual rainfall is about 1,050 millimetres ( 41 in ) in the Upper Blue Mountains with many misty days . Geography ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Neates Glen , outside Blackheath Upper Wentworth Falls as viewed along the National Pass walking track near the town of Wentworth Falls The Greater Blue Mountains Area is sometimes considered to be part of Greater Western Sydney region . The predominant natural vegetation of the higher ridges is eucalyptus forest . Heath - like vegetation is present on plateau edges above cliffs . The sheltered gorges often contain temperate rainforests . There are also many hanging swamps with button grass reeds and thick , deep black soil . Wollemia nobilis , the `` Wollemi pine '' , a relict of earlier vegetation of Gondwana , is found in remote and isolated valleys of the Wollemi National Park . The main natural disasters to afflict the area are bush fires and severe storms . In recent years the lower mountains have been subjected to a series of bush fires which have caused great loss of property but relatively little loss of life . The upper mountains had not had a major fire for some decades until December 2002 ( the Blackheath Glen Fire ) and November 2006 when an extensive blaze in the Grose Valley threatened several communities including Bell and Blackheath ( the Lawsons Long Alley Fire ) . This latest fire burned for almost a month but was extinguished , mainly due to a change in the weather , without loss of human life or property . A program of winter burning seems to have been successful in reducing fires in the upper mountains . Mountain peaks ( edit ) The Blue Mountains Range contains smaller mountain ranges : the Bell Range near The Bells Line of Road and north of the Grose River ; the Explorer Range , south of the Grose River extending west towards Mount Victoria ; the Caley Range , Erskine Range , Mount Hay Range , Paterson Range , and the Woodford Range . The major recorded peaks are : unnamed peak ( 1,189 m or 3,901 ft ) Mount Piddington ( 1,094 m or 3,589 ft ) Mount Boyce ( 1,093 m or 3,586 ft ) Mount York ( 1,061 m or 3,481 ft ) Mount Banks ( 1,049 m or 3,442 ft ) Mount Wilson ( 1,008 m or 3,307 ft ) Kings Tableland ( 1,000 m or 3,281 ft ) Narrow Neck Plateau ( 1,000 m or 3,281 ft ) Mount Solitary ( 950 m or 3,117 ft ) Mount Hay ( 944 m or 3,097 ft ) Mount Irvine ( 850 m or 2,789 ft ) Geology ( edit ) The Blue Mountains and the town of the town of Katoomba , New South Wales The Blue Mountains are a dissected plateau carved in sandstone bedrock . They are now a series of ridge lines separated by gorges up to 760 metres ( 2,490 ft ) deep . The highest point in the Blue Mountains , as it is now defined , is an unnamed point with an elevation of 1,189 m ( 3,901 ft ) AHD , located 7 kilometres ( 4.3 mi ) north - east of Lithgow . However , the highest point in the broader region that was once considered to be the Blue Mountains is Mount Bindo , with an elevation 1,362 m ( 4,469 ft ) AHD . A large part of the Blue Mountains is incorporated into the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Site , consisting of seven national park areas and a conservation reserve . The Blue Mountains area is a distinct physiographic section of the larger Hunter - Hawkesbury Sunkland province . This is in turn a part of the larger East Australian Cordillera physiographic division . World Heritage listing ( edit ) Main article : Greater Blue Mountains Area The Greater Blue Mountains Area was unanimously listed as a World Heritage Area by UNESCO on 29 November 2000 , becoming the fourth area in New South Wales to be listed . The area totals roughly 10,000 square kilometres ( 3,900 sq mi ) , including the Blue Mountains , Kanangra - Boyd , Wollemi , Gardens of Stone , Yengo , Nattai and Thirlmere Lakes National Parks , plus the Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve . This site was chosen to be included on the World Heritage list because : `` `` Criteria ( ii ) and ( iv ) : Australia 's eucalypt vegetation is worthy of recognition as of outstanding universal value , because of its adaptability and evolution in post-Gondwana isolation . The site contains a wide and balanced representation of eucalypt habitats from wet and dry sclerophyll , mallee heathlands , as well as localised swamps , wetlands , and grassland. 90 eucalypti tax ( 13 % of the global total ) and representation of all four groups of eucalypts occur . There is also a high level of endemism with 114 endemic taxa found in the area as well as 120 nationally rare and threatened plant tax . The site hosts several evolutionary relic species ( Wollemia , Microstrobos , Acrophyllum ) which have persisted in highly restricted micro sites . '' '' Fauna ( edit ) Platypus in the Blue Mountains The Greater Blue Mountains Area is inhabited by over 400 different forms of animals . Among them are rare mammal species like spotted - tailed quoll , the koala , the yellow - bellied glider , and long - nosed potoroo . There are also some rare reptiles , like the Blue Mountain water skink . There are also some dingos in the area , which form the top predators and hunt for grey kangaroos . Tourist attractions ( edit ) The Edge Cinema offers visitors a panoramic view of the Blue Mountains . The Giant Stairway walking track runs down a cliff into the Jamison Valley , near the Three Sisters , providing access to nature walks through the valley . Jenolan Caves , a series of limestone caves south west of Katoomba . The Katoomba Scenic Railway is an incline railway now used for tourism , and originally part of the Katoomba mining tramways constructed between 1878 and 1900 . The incline railway descends 415 metres through sandstone cliffs , via a rock tunnel with a maximum gradient of 52 degrees . Also , at this location is the Scenic Skyway , a glass - bottom aerial cable car that traverses an arm of the Jamison Valley , and the Scenic Cableway , the steepest aerial cable car in Australia . The Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum at Faulconbridge , operated by The National Trust of Australia and is located inside the former Norman Lindsay homestead , Springwood . The Toy and Railway Museum at Leura . Knapsack Viaduct , also a location where the bell miner bird can often be heard . Lennox Bridge , Glenbrook , on Mitchell 's Pass which may be hiked ( downhill ) from Blaxland to Emu Plains ( 8 km ) . Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum . The Zig Zag Railway : A steam - powered railway near Lithgow . A popular way to visit the Blue Mountains is by coach . The last remaining apple orchard on the Shipley Plateau . The Explorers tree , next to the Great Western Highway , west of Katoomba . Recreational activity ( edit ) The Blue Mountains are a popular destination for rock climbers , mountain bikers and hikers as well as canyoning and other adventure sports . These sports are well catered for by guiding companies and equipment stores located mainly in Katoomba . Popular climbing destinations include the Centennial Glen cliffs near Blackheath , Mount Victoria , Mount Piddington and Mount Boyce . Climbing is currently banned on The Three Sisters . Mountain biking takes place mainly on the many fire trails that branch away from the main spine of the Great Western Highway , such as Narrow Neck , Anderson 's Fire Trail and others . Likewise many of the fire trails are popular with day hikers , though many dedicated walking trails exist away from the fire roads . Canyoning in the Blue Mountains is a popular sport and caters for various skill levels . It carries inherent dangers , yet for those with the appropriate skills or those looking to take a guided trip there are many great opportunities to experience a different view of the Blue Mountains . There are numerous abseiling options available in the Blue Mountains including single and multipitch routes . There are some restrictions though with certain areas being closed for abseiling . Cricket is a popular sport in the Blue Mountains , with the Blue Mountains Cattle Dogs representing the district in the Western Zone Premier League , Country Plate and Presidents Cup competitions . Gallery ( edit ) View of Jamison Valley from north escarpment , outside Katoomba : Three Sisters far left ; Mount Solitary left of centre ; Narrowneck Plateau , far right See also ( edit ) New South Wales portal Mountains portal Environment portal 2013 New South Wales bushfires Aboriginal sites of New South Wales Blue Mountains National Park Greater Blue Mountains Area List of mountains in Australia Geography of Sydney References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Mount Piddington '' . Geographical Names Register ( GNR ) of NSW . Geographical Names Board of New South Wales . Retrieved 6 May 2015 . Jump up ^ Result based on totalling of population of the 4 LGAs ( via LGA 's wikipages ) that make up the region . ^ Jump up to : `` Blue Mountains Range '' . Geographical Names Register ( GNR ) of NSW . Geographical Names Board of New South Wales . Retrieved 6 May 2015 . Jump up ^ Gregory 's New South Wales State Road Map , Map 220 , 11th Edition , Gregory 's Publishing Company Jump up ^ `` Blue Mountains '' . Geographical Names Register ( GNR ) of NSW . Geographical Names Board of New South Wales . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Map of Bell Range , NSW '' . Bonzle Digital Atlas of Australia . Retrieved 6 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Project Gutenberg Australia '' . . Retrieved 11 September 2010 . Jump up ^ Bohlmann J. , Keeling C.I. ( 2008 ) Terpenoid biomaterials . Plant . J. 54 : 656 -- 669 Jump up ^ `` Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation '' . Archived from the original on 9 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` About Gundungurra Tribal Council '' . . Retrieved 12 November 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Paton , Neil ( 2004 ) , Sydney and Blue Mountains Bushwalks , Kangaroo Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7318 - 1227 - 1 Jump up ^ Hunter , J. ( 1793 ) An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island . John Stockdale , London . ^ Jump up to : Macqueen , Andy , 2012 . The Blue Mountains : where are they ? Blue Mountains History Journal , Issue 3 . Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations . October 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Beyond belonging ? The landscape and belonging in colonial and contemporary imaginings of the Blue Mountains '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 20 July 2008 . ( 88.8 KiB ) , Luke Heffernan . Jump up ^ `` DECCW Blue Mountains National Park -- History since colonisation '' . . Retrieved 11 September 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Cunningham , Chris ( 1996 ) , The Blue Mountains Rediscovered , Kangaroo Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 86417 - 768 - 1 Jump up ^ Collins , David ( 1804 ) . An account of the English colony in New South Wales ( 2nd ed . ) . London : T. Cadell and W. Davies . p. 529 . Retrieved 29 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Lawson , William '' . Dictionary of Sydney . Retrieved 27 May 2013 . Jump up ^ Shaping Australia -- Explorers , Mitchell Scott ( Watts Publishing ) 2004 , pp. 5 -- 6 Jump up ^ `` Blue Mountains Weather and Climate '' . 1 January 2003 . Retrieved 11 September 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Map of Explorers Range , NSW '' . Bonzle Digital Atlas of Australia . Retrieved 8 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mountain systems of Australia '' . Year Book of Australia . Australian Bureau of Statistics . 23 November 2012 . Retrieved 8 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mount Boyce '' . Geographical Names Register ( GNR ) of NSW . Geographical Names Board of New South Wales . Retrieved 7 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Map of Mount Banks '' . Bonzle Digital Atlas of Australia . Retrieved 7 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Map of Mount Wilson , NSW '' . Bonzle Digital Atlas of Australia . Retrieved 8 May 2015 . Jump up ^ Mt Wilson Topographic Map ( Map ) . 8930 - 1N . Cartography by Land and Property Information . New South Wales : Government of New South Wales . Jump up ^ `` Blue Mountains '' . . Retrieved 18 November 2012 . Jump up ^ Gardens of Stone National Park Information Sheet , National Parks and Wildlife Service of New South Wales , October 2001 Jump up ^ `` '' . . Retrieved 11 September 2010 . Jump up ^ UNESCO World Heritage Convention : Greater Blue Mountains Area downloaded on 2 August 2011 Jump up ^ Brad V. Purcell : A novel observation of dingoes ( Canis lupus dingo ) attacking a swimming eastern grey kangaroo ( Macropus giganteus ) . Australian Mammalogy 32 ( 2 ) 201 -- 204 , 2010. online Abstract Jump up ^ `` About The Edge Cinema '' . Archived from the original on 15 July 2014 . Retrieved 3 July 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Bushwalking on the Echo Point to Scenic World via Giant Stairway '' . AU - NS : . Retrieved 11 September 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Blue Mountains ( Katoomba ) '' . Wildwalks . Retrieved 18 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Blue Mountains , NSW , Australia from above '' . . Archived from the original on 17 March 2013 . Retrieved 18 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` About Logan Brae '' . Retrieved 3 July 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Sydney Rockclimbing Club Access notes '' . Retrieved 18 July 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Blue Mountains '' . Northern Beaches MTB . Retrieved 18 July 2014 . Jump up ^ TrailFlix Blue Mountains listing Archived 8 August 2014 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Blue Mountains Bushwalking Tracks Jump up ^ NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Jump up ^ External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Blue Mountains , New South Wales . Blue Mountains travel guide from Wikivoyage Official Blue Mountains National Park website Visitor 's Guide to the Blue Mountains -- Visit NSW Blue Mountains topics Towns , suburbs and localities Bell Berambing Bilpin Blaxland Blackheath Bullaburra Clarence Faulconbridge Glenbrook Hartley Vale Hazelbrook Katoomba Kings Tableland Lapstone Lawson Leura Linden Little Hartley Medlow Bath Megalong Mount Irvine Mount Riverview Mount Tomah Mount Victoria Mount Wilson North Katoomba Shipley Springwood Sun Valley Valley Heights Warrimoo Wentworth Falls Winmalee Woodford Yellow Rock Yosemite Mountain peaks Banks Bell Bindo Boyce Hay Irvine Narrow Neck Plateau Kings Tableland Piddington Solitary Trickett Wilson York Tourist attractions Evans Lookout Hartley Jenolan Caves Katoomba Scenic World Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum Perrys Lookdown Three Sisters Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum Zig Zag Railway Valleys Grose Valley Jamison Valley Kedumba Valley Megalong Valley Wolgan Valley Waterfalls Kanangra Falls Katoomba Cascade Katoomba Falls Leura Cascades Leura Falls Linda Falls Victoria Falls Wentworth Falls History 1813 crossing of the Blue Mountains Clarence Tunnel Glenbrook Tunnel Lapstone Zig Zag Lithgow Zig Zag National parks Blue Mountains Gardens of Stone Kanangra - Boyd Nattai Thirlmere Lakes Wollemi Yengo Rivers Bargo Bedford Capertee Colo Coxs Du Faur Erskine Grose Hollanders Jenolan Jooriland Kedumba Kowmung Little ( Oberon ) Little ( Wollondilly ) Macdonald Nattai Nepean Tonalli Wingecarribee Wolgan Wollangambe Wollondilly Miscellaneous Fantastic Aussie Tours Greater Blue Mountains Area ( World Heritage Site ) Hydro Majestic Hotel Blue Mountains Dams Disasters 1999 Glenbrook rail accident 2001 Black Christmas / Warragamba bushfires 2013 bushfires Mountains in New South Wales , Australia Coastal mountain ranges ( not part of the Great Dividing Range ) Mid North Coast Middle Brother ( 554 m or 1,818 ft ) South Brother ( 487 m or 1,598 ft ) North Brother ( 476 m or 1,562 ft ) Allyn , Barrington & Mount Royal Brumlow Tops ( 1,586 m or 5,203 ft ) Polblue ( 1,575 m or 5,167 ft ) Barrington ( 1,555 m or 5,102 ft ) Careys Peak ( 1,544 m or 5,066 ft ) Eremeren Point ( 1,537 m or 5,043 ft ) Royal ( 1,185 m or 3,888 ft ) Allyn ( 1,125 m or 3,691 ft ) Cabrebald ( 1,000 m or 3,281 ft ) Ben Bullen Gunama Lumeah Gibraltar and Sugarloaf Summit ( 1,170 m or 3,839 ft ) Sugarloaf ( 412 m or 1,352 ft ) Bulahdelah Manning Blue Mountains Coricudgy ( 1,255 m or 4,117 ft ) unnamed peak ( 1,189 m or 3,901 ft ) Pomany ( 1,109 m or 3,638 ft ) Piddington ( 1,094 m or 3,589 ft ) Boyce ( 1,093 m or 3,586 ft ) York ( 1,061 m or 3,481 ft ) Victoria ( 1,059 m or 3,474 ft ) Banks ( 1,049 m or 3,442 ft ) Tomah ( 1,016 m or 3,333 ft ) Wilson ( 1,008 m or 3,307 ft ) Kings Tableland ( 1,000 m or 3,281 ft ) Narrow Neck Plateau ( 1,000 m or 3,281 ft ) Castle Cliff ( 986 m or 3,235 ft ) Solitary ( 950 m or 3,117 ft ) Hay ( 944 m or 3,097 ft ) Podgers ( 890 m or 2,920 ft ) Irvine ( 850 m or 2,789 ft ) Debert ( 840 m or 2,756 ft ) Camp Cave ( 800 m or 2,625 ft ) Warrigal ( 760 m or 2,493 ft ) Notts ( 750 m or 2,461 ft ) Harris ( 736 m or 2,415 ft ) Centre ( 620 m or 2,034 ft ) Hall ( 617 m or 2,024 ft ) Gibson ( 608 m or 1,995 ft ) Scorpion ( 558 m or 1,831 ft ) Linda Rock ( 599 m or 1,965 ft ) Cookem ( 569 m or 1,867 ft ) Gospers Bedford Cameron Coriaday Erskine Mistake Monundilla Whaite Wirraba Pearces Wedding Cake Illawarra Bells ( 803 m or 2,635 ft ) Knights Hill ( 709 m or 2,326 ft ) Noorinan ( 663 m or 2,175 ft ) Saddleback ( 600 m or 1,969 ft ) Wanyambilli Hill ( 564 m or 1,850 ft ) Kembla ( 534 m or 1,752 ft ) Burelli ( 531 m or 1,742 ft ) Kembla West ( 512 m or 1,680 ft ) Brisbane ( 469 m or 1,539 ft ) Keira ( 464 m or 1,522 ft ) Warra ( 464 m or 1,522 ft ) Brokers Nose ( 440 m or 1,444 ft ) Nebo ( 252 m or 827 ft ) The Budawangs Budawang ( 1,129 m or 3,704 ft ) Currockbilly ( 1,087 m or 3,566 ft ) Wog Wog ( 893 m or 2,930 ft ) Cole ( 876 m or 2,874 ft ) Sturgiss ( 858 m or 2,815 ft ) Fosters ( 857 m or 2,812 ft ) Barneys Hill ( 855 m or 2,805 ft ) The Castle ( 831 m or 2,726 ft ) Shrouded Gods ( 809 m or 2,654 ft ) Donjon ( 786 m or 2,579 ft ) Clyde ( 781 m or 2,562 ft ) Quiltys ( 775 m or 2,543 ft ) Wirritin ( 674 m or 2,211 ft ) Pigeon House / Didthul ( 720 m or 2,362 ft ) Bushwalker ( 640 m or 2,100 ft ) Byangee ( 500 m or 1,640 ft ) Coolangatta Tarn Great Dividing Range Tweed Warning ( 1,156 m or 3,793 ft ) Bar ( 1,130 m or 3,707 ft ) Glenugie ( 316 m or 1,037 ft ) Chincogan ( 260 m or 853 ft ) Gladstone Goobergooberyam Moombil McPherson and Nightcap Barney ( 1,359 m or 4,459 ft ) Burrell 933 m or 3,061 ft ) Neville ( 919 m or 3,015 ft ) Nardi ( 812 m or 2,664 ft ) Matheson ( 804 m or 2,638 ft ) Peates ( 604 m or 1,982 ft ) Mid North Coast Banda Banda ( 1,258 m or 4,127 ft ) Nandewar Kaputar ( 1,489 m or 4,885 ft ) Dowe ( 1,457 m or 4,780 ft ) Mount Coryah ( 1,409 m or 4,623 ft ) Lindesay ( 1,373 m or 4,505 ft ) Grattai ( 1,301 m or 4,268 ft ) Bushy ( 1,260 m or 4,134 ft ) Round ( 1,250 m or 4,101 ft ) Yulludunida ( 1,225 m or 4,019 ft ) Castle Top ( 1,120 m or 3,675 ft ) Gins ( 1,120 m or 3,675 ft ) Ningadhun ( 1,013 m or 3,323 ft ) Liverpool and Watagan unnamed ( 1,300 m or 4,265 ft ) Pandoras Pass ( 788 m or 2,585 ft ) Warrawolong ( 641 m or 2,103 ft ) New England and Moonbi Round ( 1,585 m or 5,200 ft ) Point Lookout ( 1,564 m or 5,131 ft ) Ben Lomond ( 1,512 m or 4,961 ft ) Grundy ( 1,463 m or 4,800 ft ) Barren ( 1,437 m or 4,715 ft ) Hyland ( 1,434 m or 4,705 ft ) Duval ( 1,393 m or 4,570 ft ) Black Jack ( 1,300 m or 4,265 ft ) Gulligal ( 1,230 m or 4,035 ft ) Oaky ( 1,070 m or 3,510 ft ) Cooee ( 1,020 m or 3,346 ft ) Flaggy ( 984 m or 3,228 ft ) Big Billy ( 884 m or 2,900 ft ) Dorrigo ( 762 m or 2,500 ft ) Burning ( 520 m or 1,706 ft ) Yarrowyck Central Tablelands Canobolas ( 1,395 m or 4,577 ft ) Shooters Hill ( 1,394 m or 4,573 ft ) Bindo ( 1,363 m or 4,472 ft ) Trickett ( 1,362 m or 4,469 ft ) Blaxland Hopeless The Brindabellas and Scabby Bimberi ( 1,913 m or 6,276 ft ) Gingera ( 1,857 m or 6,093 ft ) Kelly ( 1,829 m or 6,001 ft ) Ginini ( 1,762 m or 5,781 ft ) Franklin ( 1,646 m or 5,400 ft ) Aggie ( 1,421 m or 4,662 ft ) Coree ( 1,421 m or 4,662 ft ) Bramina ( 1,392 m or 4,567 ft ) Bulls Head ( 1,375 m or 4,511 ft ) Black Bottle ( 1,356 m or 4,449 ft ) Lickhole ( 1,188 m or 3,898 ft ) Brindabella ( 972 m or 3,189 ft ) Monaro Big Badja ( 1,363 m or 4,472 ft ) Brown ( 1,243 m or 4,078 ft ) Gibraltar ( Bungendore ) ( 887 m or 2,910 ft ) Gibraltar Hill Snowies Main Kosciuszko ( 2,228 m or 7,310 ft ) Townsend ( 2,209 m or 7,247 ft ) unnamed peak on Etheridge Ridge ( 2,180 m or 7,152 ft ) Alice Rawson Peak ( 2,160 m or 7,087 ft ) Byatts Camp ( 2,159 m or 7,083 ft ) Carruthers ( 2,145 m or 7,037 ft ) Abbott Peak ( 2,145 m or 7,037 ft ) Mount Northcote ( 2,131 m or 6,991 ft ) Muellers Peak ( 2,120 m or 6,955 ft ) Clark ( 2,100 m or 6,890 ft ) Lee ( 2,100 m or 6,890 ft ) Gungartan ( 2,068 m or 6,785 ft ) Tate ( 2,068 m or 6,785 ft ) Jagungal ( 2,061 m or 6,762 ft ) Perisher ( 2,054 m or 6,739 ft ) Stilwell ( 2,040 m or 6,693 ft ) Watsons Crags ( 2,020 m or 6,627 ft ) Back Perisher ( 2,014 m or 6,608 ft ) Anton ( 2,000 m or 6,562 ft ) Anderson ( 1,997 m or 6,552 ft ) Blue Cow ( 1,994 m or 6,542 ft ) The Granite Peaks ( 1,980 m or 6,496 ft ) Dicky Cooper Bogong ( 1,980 m or 6,496 ft ) Gills Knobs ( 1,940 m or 6,365 ft ) Guthega Peak ( 1,924 m or 6,312 ft ) Blue Calf ( 1,905 m or 6,250 ft ) Sentinel ( 1,900 m or 6,234 ft ) Mount Piper ( 1,830 m or 6,004 ft ) Round ( 1,756 m or 5,761 ft ) Ramshead Rams Head ( 2,190 m or 7,185 ft ) Twynam ( 2,178 m or 7,146 ft ) Rams Head North ( 2,177 m or 7,142 ft ) Little Twynam ( 2,120 m or 6,955 ft ) Other mountains in the GDR Yengo ( 668 m or 2,192 ft ) Inland mountain ranges Barrier Lewis Peak ( 297 m or 974 ft ) Warrumbungles Exmouth ( 1,206 m or 3,957 ft ) Woorut ( 1,165 m or 3,822 ft ) Needle Other inland mountains Grenfell Gibralter Hill Island mountain ranges Lord Howe Gower ( 875 m or 2,871 ft ) Lidgbird ( 777 m or 2,549 ft ) Mountains not within a specific range Gibraltar ( 863 m or 2,831 ft ) Gulaga ( 806 m or 2,644 ft ) Ulandra ( 761 m or 2,497 ft ) Tilga ( 329 m or 1,079 ft ) Oxley ( 307 m or 1,007 ft ) GND : 4088447 - 8 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Blue Mountains ( New South Wales ) Mountain ranges of New South Wales Physiographic sections Climbing areas of Australia Tourist attractions in Sydney Great Dividing Range Regions of Sydney Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February 2016 Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from May 2011 Use Australian English from May 2011 All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English Articles with short description Coordinates on Wikidata Pages using infobox Australian place with an explicitly - suppressed location map All articles with unsourced statements 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why is the blue mountains called the blue mountains
The first documented use of the name Blue Mountains appears in Captain John Hunter 's account of Phillip 's 1789 expedition up the Hawkesbury River . Describing the events of about 5 July , Hunter wrote : `` We frequently , in some of the reaches which we passed through this day , saw very near us the hills , which we suppose as seen from Port Jackson , and called by the governor the Blue Mountains . '' During the nineteenth century the name was commonly applied to the portion of the Great Dividing Range from about Goulburn in the south to the Hunter Valley in the north , but in time it came to be associated with a more limited area .
Oman - wikipedia Oman This article is about the Arabian sultanate . For the adjacent historical confederation named Trucial Oman , see Trucial States . For other uses , see Oman ( disambiguation ) . Coordinates : 21 ° N 57 ° E  /  21 ° N 57 ° E  / 21 ; 57 Sultanate of Oman سلطنة عُمان ( Arabic ) Salṭanat ʻUmān Flag National emblem Anthem : نشيد السلام السلطاني `` as - Salām as - Sultānī '' `` Sultanic Salutation '' Location of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula ( Red ) Capital and largest city Muscat 23 ° 36 ′ N 58 ° 33 ′ E  /  23.600 ° N 58.550 ° E  / 23.600 ; 58.550 Official languages Arabic Religion Islam Demonym Omani Government Unitary parliamentary absolute monarchy Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said Deputy Prime Minister Fahd bin Mahmoud al Said Legislature Parliament Upper house Council of State ( Majlis al - Dawla ) Lower house Consultative Assembly ( Majlis al - Shura ) Establishment The Azd tribe migration 130 Al - Julanda 629 Imamate established 751 Nabhani dynasty 1145 Yaruba dynasty 1624 House of Al Said 1744 Muscat and Oman 8 January 1820 Dhofar Rebellion 9 June 1965 -- 11 December 1975 Sultanate of Oman 9 August 1970 Admitted to the United Nations 7 October 1971 Current constitution 6 November 1996 Area Total 309,500 km ( 119,500 sq mi ) ( 70th ) Water ( % ) negligible Population 2016 estimate 4,424,762 ( 125th ) 2010 census 2,773,479 Density 15 / km ( 38.8 / sq mi ) ( 214th ) GDP ( PPP ) 2017 estimate Total $189.582 billion Per capita $46,475 GDP ( nominal ) 2017 estimate Total $71.325 billion Per capita $17,485 HDI ( 2015 ) 0.796 high 52nd Currency Rial ( OMR ) Time zone GST ( UTC + 4 ) Drives on the right Calling code + 968 ISO 3166 code OM Internet TLD . om , عمان . Website Oman ( / oʊ ˈmɑːn / ( listen ) oh - MAHN ; Arabic : عمان ‎ ʻumān ( ʕʊˈmaːn ) ) , officially the Sultanate of Oman ( Arabic : سلطنة عُمان ‎ Salṭanat ʻUmān ) , is an Arab country on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia . Its official religion is Islam . Holding a strategically important position at the mouth of the Persian Gulf , the country shares land borders with the United Arab Emirates to the northwest , Saudi Arabia to the west , and Yemen to the southwest , and shares marine borders with Iran and Pakistan . The coast is formed by the Arabian Sea on the southeast and the Gulf of Oman on the northeast . The Madha and Musandam exclaves are surrounded by the UAE on their land borders , with the Strait of Hormuz ( which it shares with Iran ) and Gulf of Oman forming Musandam 's coastal boundaries . From the late 17th century , the Omani Sultanate was a powerful empire , vying with Portugal and Britain for influence in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean . At its peak in the 19th century , Omani influence or control extended across the Strait of Hormuz to modern - day Iran and Pakistan , and as far south as Zanzibar . As its power declined in the 20th century , the sultanate came under the influence of the United Kingdom . Historically , Muscat was the principal trading port of the Persian Gulf region . Muscat was also among the most important trading ports of the Indian Ocean . The Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said has been the hereditary leader of the country , an absolute monarchy , since 1970 . Sultan Qaboos is the longest - serving current ruler in the Middle East , and third - longest current reigning monarch in the world . Oman is a member of the United Nations , the Arab League , the Gulf Cooperation Council , the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation . It has modest oil reserves , ranking 25th globally . Nevertheless , in 2010 the UNDP ranked Oman as the most improved nation in the world in terms of development during the preceding 40 years . A significant portion of its economy involves tourism and trade of fish , dates , and certain agricultural produce . This sets it apart from its neighbors ' largely oil - dependent economies . Oman is categorized as a high - income economy and ranks as the 70th most peaceful country in the world according to the Global Peace Index . Contents 1 History 1.1 Prehistory and ancient history 1.2 Portuguese colonization 1.3 18th and 19th centuries 1.4 Reign of Sultan Said ( 1932 -- 1970 ) 1.5 Reign of Sultan Qaboos ( from 1970 ) 2 Geography 2.1 Climate 2.2 Flora and fauna 2.3 Environmental issues 3 Politics 3.1 Legal system 3.2 Human rights 3.3 Migrant workers 3.4 Foreign policy 3.5 Military 3.6 Administrative divisions 4 Economy 4.1 Oil and gas 4.2 Tourism 5 Demographics 5.1 Religion 5.2 Languages 5.3 Largest cities 6 Culture 6.1 Dress 6.2 Music and cinema 6.3 Media 6.4 Food 6.5 Sports 7 Education 8 Health 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 External links History Main article : History of Oman Prehistory and ancient history At Aybut Al Auwal , in the Dhofar Governorate of Oman , a site was discovered in 2011 containing more than 100 surface scatters of stone tools , belonging to a regionally specific African lithic industry -- the late Nubian Complex -- known previously only from the northeast and Horn of Africa . Two optically stimulated luminescence age estimates place the Arabian Nubian Complex at 106,000 years old . This supports the proposition that early human populations moved from Africa into Arabia during the Late Pleistocene . In recent years known primarily from survey finds , Palaeolithic and Neolithic sites have come to light most on the eastern coast . Main Palaeolithic sites include Saiwan - Ghunaim in the Barr al - Hikman . Archaeological remains are particularly numerous for the Bronze Age Umm an - Nar and Wadi Suq periods . Sites such as Baat show accomplished wheel - turned pottery , excellent hand - made stone vessels , a metals industry , and monumental architecture . The Early ( 1300 ‒ 300 BC ) and Late Iron Ages ( 100 BC ‒ 300 AD ) show more differences than similarities to each other . Thereafter until the coming of the Ibadhidya little or nothing of is known . A grave at Al Ayn , Oman , a World Heritage site Sumerian tablets refer to a country called Magan and Akkadian ones Makan , a name which links Oman 's ancient copper resources . Mazoon , a Persian name used for the region . Over centuries tribes from the west settled in Oman , making a living by fishing , farming , herding or stock breeding , and many present day Omani families trace their ancestral roots to other parts of Arabia . When the emigrants from northern - western and south - western Arabia arrived in Oman , they had to compete with the indigenous population for the best arable land . Oman , Late Iron Age sites In the 1970s and 1980s scholars like John C. Wilkinson believed by virtue of oral history that in the 6th century BC , the Achaemenids exerted control over the Omani peninsula , most likely ruling from a coastal center such as Suhar . Central Oman has its own indigenous Samad Late Iron Age cultural assemblage named eponymously from Samad al - Shan . In the northern part of the Oman Peninsula the Recent Pre-Islamic Period begins in the 3rd century BCE and extends into the 3rd century CE . Whether or not Persians brought south - eastern Arabian under their control is a moot point , since the lack of Persian finds speak against this belief . Four centuries later , Omanis came in contact with and accepted Islam . The conversion of Oman is usually ascribed to Amr ibn al - As , who was sent by the prophet Muhammad during the Expedition of Zaid ibn Haritha ( Hisma ) . Portuguese colonization Seydi Ali Reis and his galleys taken in an ambush by Portuguese forces while trying to bring back his flotilla from Basra to Suez in August 1554 A decade after Vasco da Gama 's successful voyage around the Cape of Good Hope and to India in 1497 -- 98 , the Portuguese arrived in Oman and occupied Muscat for a 143 - year period , from 1507 to 1650 . Their fortress still remains . In need of an outpost to protect their sea lanes , the Portuguese built up and fortified the city , where remnants of their colonial architectural style still exist . An Ottoman fleet captured Muscat in 1552 , during the fight for control of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean . The Ottoman Turks captured Muscat from the Portuguese in 1581 and held it until 1588 . Rebellious tribes eventually drove out the Portuguese , but were themselves pushed out about a century later , in 1741 , by the leader of an Omani tribe , who began the current line of ruling sultans . Except for a brief Persian invasion in the late 1740s , Oman has been self - governing ever since . The Sultanate of Muscat and Oman 18th and 19th centuries The Sultan 's Palace in Zanzibar , which was once Oman 's capital and residence of its Sultans In the 1690s , Saif bin Sultan , the Imam of Oman , pressed down the Swahili Coast . A major obstacle to his progress was Fort Jesus , housing the garrison of a Portuguese settlement at Mombasa . After a two - year siege , the fort fell to bin Sultan in 1698 . Thereafter the Omanis easily ejected the Portuguese from Zanzibar and from all other coastal regions north of Mozambique . The Persians invaded Oman in 1737 . They were driven out in 1749 when the Al Said dynasty came to power . It continues to rule Oman to this day . Zanzibar was a valuable property as the main slave market of the Swahili Coast , and became an increasingly important part of the Omani empire , a fact reflected by the decision of the 19th century Imam of Muscat , Sa'id ibn Sultan , to make it his main place of residence in 1837 . Sa'id built impressive palaces and gardens in Zanzibar . Rivalry between his two sons was resolved , with the help of forceful British diplomacy , when one of them , Majid , succeeded to Zanzibar and to the many regions claimed by the family on the Swahili Coast . The other son , Thuwaini , inherited Muscat and Oman . Zanzibar influences in the Comoros archipelago in the Indian Ocean indirectly introduced Omani customs to the Comorian culture . These influences include clothing traditions and wedding ceremonies . In 1783 , Oman 's Seyyid Sultan , defeated ruler of Muscat , was granted sovereignty over Gwadar . This coastal city is located in the Makran region of what is now the far southwestern corner of Pakistan , near the present - day border of Iran , at the mouth of the Gulf of Oman . After regaining control of Muscat , this sovereignty was continued via an appointed wali ( `` governor '' ) . The Al Hajar Mountains , of which the Jebel Akhdar is a part , separate the country into two distinct regions : the interior , known as Oman , and the coastal area dominated by the capital , Muscat . In 1913 , control of the country split . The interior was ruled by Ibadite imams and the coastal areas by the sultan . Under the terms of the British - brokered Treaty of Seeb of 1920 , the sultan recognised the autonomy of the interior . The Sultan of Muscat would be responsible for the external affairs of Oman . Reign of Sultan Said ( 1932 -- 1970 ) Sultan Said Bin Taimur The rule of Sultan Said bin Taimur was characterised by a feudal and isolationist approach . Imam Ghalib Alhinai was the elected Imam of the Imamate of Oman in May 1954 . Relations between the Sultan of Muscat , Said bin Taimur , and Imam Ghalib Alhinai were ruptured over a dispute concerning the right to grant oil concessions . A subsidiary of the Iraq Petroleum Company was intensely interested in some promising geological formations near Fahud . Under the terms of the 1920 treaty of Seeb , the Sultan claimed all dealings with the oil company as his prerogative . The Imam , on the other hand , claimed that since the oil was in his territory , anything dealing with it was an internal matter . Bahla Fort In December 1955 , Sultan Said bin Taimur sent troops of the Muscat and Oman Field Force to occupy the main centres in Oman , including Nizwa , the capital of the Imamate of Oman , and Ibri . Imam Ghalib Alhinai and his younger brother , Talib bin Ali Alhinai , led the Imamate of Oman in the Jebel Akhdar War against Sultan Said bin Taimur 's attack on his lands . In July 1957 , the Sultan 's forces were withdrawing , but they were repeatedly ambushed , sustaining heavy casualties . Sultan Said bin Taimur , however , with the intervention of infantry ( two companies of the Cameronians ) , armoured car detachments from the British Army and RAF aircraft , was able to suppress the rebellion . Talib 's forces retreated to the inaccessible Jebel Akhdar . Colonel David Smiley , who had been seconded to organize the Sultan 's Armed Forces , managed to isolate the mountain in autumn 1958 and found a route to the plateau from Wadi Bani Kharus . On 27 January 1959 , they occupied the mountain in a surprise operation . Ghalib , Talib and Sulaiman managed to escape to Saudi Arabia , where the Imamate 's cause was promoted until the 1970s . Imam Ghalib delegated his brother , Talib Alhinai , to present the issue to the Arab League and the United Nations in order to seek recognition of the Imamate of Oman by peaceful means . In 1955 , the exclave coastal Makran strip acceded to Pakistan and was made a district of its Balochistan province , while Gwadar was not included in Makran then . On 8 September 1958 , Pakistan purchased the Gwadar enclave from Oman for US $ 3 million . Gwadar then became a tehsil in the Makran district . Oil reserves were discovered in 1964 and extraction began in 1967 . In the Dhofar Rebellion , which began in 1965 , leftist forces were pitted against government troops . As the rebellion threatened to overthrow the Sultan 's rule in Dhofar , Sultan Said bin Taimur was deposed in a bloodless coup ( 1970 ) by his son Qaboos bin Said , who expanded the Sultan of Oman 's Armed Forces , modernised the state 's administration and introduced social reforms . The uprising was finally put down in 1975 with the help of forces from Iran , Jordan , Pakistan and the British Royal Air Force , army and Special Air Service . Reign of Sultan Qaboos ( from 1970 ) After deposing his father in 1970 , Sultan Qaboos opened up the country , embarked on economic reforms , and followed a policy of modernisation marked by increased spending on health , education and welfare . Slavery , once a cornerstone of the country 's trade and development , was outlawed in 1970 as well . In 1981 Oman became a founding member of the six - nation Gulf Cooperation Council . Political reforms were eventually introduced . Historically , voters had been chosen from among tribal leaders , intellectuals , and businessmen . In 1997 Sultan Qaboos decreed that women could vote for , and stand for election to , the Majlis al - Shura , the Consultative Assembly of Oman . Two women were duly elected to the body . In 2002 , voting rights were extended to all citizens over the age of 21 , and the first elections to the Consultative Assembly under the new rules were held in 2003 . In 2004 , the Sultan appointed Oman 's first female minister with portfolio , Sheikha Aisha bint Khalfan bin Jameel al - Sayabiyah . She was appointed to the post of National Authority for Industrial Craftsmanship , an office that attempts to preserve and promote Oman 's traditional crafts and stimulate industry . Despite these changes , there was little change to the actual political makeup of the government . The Sultan continued to rule by decree . Nearly 100 suspected Islamists were arrested in 2005 and 31 people were convicted of trying to overthrow the government . They were ultimately pardoned in June of the same year . Inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings taking place throughout the region , protests also occurred in Oman during the early months of 2011 . Although they did not call for the ousting of the regime , demonstrators demanded political reforms , improved living conditions , and the creation of more jobs . They were dispersed by riot police in February 2011 . Sultan Qaboos reacted by promising jobs and benefits . In October 2011 , elections were held to the Consultative Assembly , to which Sultan Qaboos promised greater powers . The following year , the government began a crackdown on internet criticism . In September 2012 , trials began of ' activists ' accused of posting `` abusive and provocative '' criticism of the government online . Six were given jail terms of 12 -- 18 months and fines of around $2,500 each . Geography The coast of Sur , Oman Wadi Shab Oman lies between latitudes 16 ° and 28 ° N , and longitudes 52 ° and 60 ° E. A vast gravel desert plain covers most of central Oman , with mountain ranges along the north ( Al Hajar Mountains ) and southeast coast ( Qara or Dhofar Mountains ) , where the country 's main cities are also located : the capital city Muscat , Sohar and Sur in the north , and Salalah in the south . Oman 's climate is hot and dry in the interior and humid along the coast . During past epochs , Oman was covered by ocean , witnessed by the large numbers of fossilized shells existing in areas of the desert away from the modern coastline . An Omani desert landscape The peninsula of Musandam ( Musandem ) exclave , which has a strategic location on the Strait of Hormuz , is separated from the rest of Oman by the United Arab Emirates . The series of small towns known collectively as Dibba are the gateway to the Musandam peninsula on land and the fishing villages of Musandam by sea , with boats available for hire at Khasab for trips into the Musandam peninsula by sea . Oman 's other exclave , inside UAE territory , known as Madha , located halfway between the Musandam Peninsula and the main body of Oman , is part of the Musandam governorate , covering approximately 75 km ( 29 sq mi ) . Madha 's boundary was settled in 1969 , with the north - east corner of Madha barely 10 m ( 32.8 ft ) from the Fujairah road . Within the Madha exclave is a UAE enclave called Nahwa , belonging to the Emirate of Sharjah . Situated about 8 km ( 5 mi ) along a dirt track west of the town of New Madha , consisting of about forty houses with a clinic and telephone exchange . The central desert of Oman is an important source of meteorites for scientific analysis . Climate Main article : Climate of Oman Like the rest of the Persian Gulf , Oman generally has one of the hottest climates in the world -- with summer temperatures in Muscat and northern Oman averaging 30 ° C ( 86.0 ° F ) to 40 ° C ( 104.0 ° F ) . Oman receives little rainfall , with annual rainfall in Muscat averaging 100 mm ( 3.9 in ) , falling mostly in January . In the south , the Dhofar Mountains area near Salalah has a tropical - like climate and receives seasonal rainfall from late June to late September as a result of monsoon winds from the Indian Ocean , leaving the summer air saturated with cool moisture and heavy fog . Summer temperatures in Salalah range from 20 ° C ( 68.0 ° F ) to 30 ° C ( 86.0 ° F ) -- relatively cool compared to northern Oman . The mountain areas receive more rainfall , and annual rainfall on the higher parts of the Jabal Akhdar probably exceeds 400 mm ( 15.7 in ) . Low temperatures in the mountainous areas result in snow cover once every few years . Some parts of the coast , particularly near the island of Masirah , sometimes receive no rain at all within the course of a year . The climate generally is very hot , with temperatures reaching around 50 ° C ( 122.0 ° F ) ( peak ) in the hot season , from May to September . On June 26 , 2018 the city of Quriyat in Oman set the lowest temperature record ( day and night time lowest temperature ) with 42.6 ° C ( 108.7 ° F ) . Flora and fauna See also : Wildlife of Oman Nakhal palm tree farms in Oman 's Batina Region The Arabian humpback whales off Dhofar Desert shrub and desert grass , common to southern Arabia , are found in Oman , but vegetation is sparse in the interior plateau , which is largely gravel desert . The greater monsoon rainfall in Dhofar and the mountains makes the growth there more luxuriant during summer ; coconut palms grow plentifully in the coastal plains of Dhofar and frankincense is produced in the hills , with abundant oleander and varieties of acacia . The Al Hajar Mountains are a distinct ecoregion , the highest points in eastern Arabia with wildlife including the Arabian tahr . Indigenous mammals include the leopard , hyena , fox , wolf , hare , oryx , and ibex . Birds include the vulture , eagle , stork , bustard , Arabian partridge , bee eater , falcon , and sunbird . In 2001 , Oman had nine endangered species of mammals , five endangered types of birds , and nineteen threatened plant species . Decrees have been passed to protect endangered species , including the Arabian leopard , Arabian oryx , mountain gazelle , goitered gazelle , Arabian tahr , green sea turtle , hawksbill turtle , and olive ridley turtle . However , the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary is the first site ever to be deleted from UNESCO 's World Heritage List , due to the government 's decision to reduce the site to 10 % of its former size so that the remainder could be opened to oil prospectors . Osprey in Yiti Beach , Oman In recent years , Oman has become one of newer hot spots for whale watching , highlighting the critically endangered Arabian humpback whale , the most isolated and only non-migratory population in the world , sperm whales , and pygmy blue whales . Environmental issues Drought and limited rainfall contribute to shortages in the nation 's water supply . Maintaining an adequate supply of water for agricultural and domestic use is one of Oman 's most pressing environmental problems , with limited renewable water resources . 94 % of available water is used in farming and 2 % for industrial activity , with the majority sourced from fossil water in the desert areas and spring water in hills and mountains . Drinking water is available throughout Oman , either piped or delivered . The soil in coastal plains , such as Salalah , have shown increased levels of salinity , due to over exploitation of ground water and encroachment by seawater on the water table . Pollution of beaches and other coastal areas by oil tanker traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman is also a persistent concern . Local and national entities have noted unethical treatment of animals in Oman . In particular , stray dogs ( and to a lesser extent , stray cats ) are often the victims of torture , abuse or neglect . Currently , the only approved method of decreasing the stray dog population is shooting by police officers . The Oman government has refused to implement a spay and neuter program or create any animal shelters in the country . Cats , while seen as more acceptable than dogs , are viewed as pests and frequently die of starvation or illness . Politics Main articles : Politics of Oman and Human rights in Oman The Sultan 's Al Alam Palace in Old Muscat Oman is a unitary state and an absolute monarchy , in which all legislative , executive and judiciary power ultimately rests in the hands of the hereditary Sultan . Freedom House has routinely rated the country `` Not Free '' as it is an absolute monarchy . Sultan Qaboos is the head of state and also directly controls the foreign affairs and defence portfolios . The sultan has absolute power and issues laws by decree . He is also the longest - serving ruler in the Middle East . Legal system Oman is an absolute monarchy , with the Sultan 's word having the force of law . The judiciary branch is subordinate to the Sultan . According to Oman 's constitution , Sharia law is one of the sources of legislation . Sharia court departments within the civil court system are responsible for family - law matters , such as divorce and inheritance . The country has no system of checks and balances , and thus no separation of powers . All power is concentrated in the Sultan , who is also chief of staff of the armed forces , Minister of Defence , Minister of Foreign Affairs and chairman of the Central Bank . All legislation since 1970 has been promulgated through royal decrees , including the 1996 Basic Law . The Sultan appoints judges , and can grant pardons and commute sentences . The Sultan 's authority is inviolable and the Sultan expects total subordination to his will . The administration of justice is highly personalized , with limited due process protections , especially in political and security - related cases . The Basic Statute of the State is supposedly the cornerstone of the Omani legal system and it operates as a constitution for the country . The Basic Statute was issued in 1996 and thus far has only been amended once , in 2011 , in response to protests . Though Oman 's legal code theoretically protects civil liberties and personal freedoms , both are regularly ignored by the regime . Women and children face legal discrimination in many areas . Women are excluded from certain state benefits , such as housing loans , and are refused equal rights under the personal status law . Women also experience restrictions on their self - determination in respect to health and reproductive rights . Qaboos bin Said al Said The National Human Rights Commission , established in 2008 , is not independent from the regime . It is chaired by the former deputy inspector general of Police and Customs and its members are appointed by royal decree . In June 2012 , one of its members requested that she be relieved of her duties because she disagreed with a statement made by the Commission justifying the arrest of intellectuals and bloggers and the restriction of freedom of expression in the name of respect for `` the principles of religion and customs of the country '' . Since the beginning of the `` Omani Spring '' in January 2011 , a number of serious violations of civil rights have been reported , amounting to a critical deterioration of the human rights situation . Prisons are not accessible to independent monitors . Members of the independent Omani Group of Human Rights have been harassed , arrested and sentenced to jail . There have been numerous testimonies of torture and other inhumane forms of punishment perpetrated by security forces on protesters and detainees . The detainees were all peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression and assembly . Although authorities must obtain court orders to hold suspects in pre-trial detention , they do not regularly follow these procedures . The penal code was amended in October 2011 to allow the arrest and detention of individuals without an arrest warrant from public prosecutors . The Omani legislature is the bicameral Council of Oman , consisting of an upper chamber , the Council of State ( Majlis ad - Dawlah ) and a lower chamber , the Consultative Council ( Majlis ash - Shoura ) . Political parties are banned . The upper chamber has 71 members , appointed by the Sultan from among prominent Omanis ; it has only advisory powers . The 84 members of the Consultative Council are elected by popular vote to serve four - year terms , but the Sultan makes the final selections and can negotiate the election results . The members are appointed for three - year terms , which may be renewed once . The last elections were held on October 2011 . Oman 's national anthem , As - Salam as - Sultani is dedicated to Sultan Qaboos . Human rights Main article : Human rights in Oman Oman is an absolute monarchy by male primogeniture . The present Sultan , Qaboos bin Said al Said , has been the hereditary leader of the country since 1970 . Homosexual acts are illegal in Oman . The practice of torture is widespread in Oman state penal institutions and has become the state 's typical reaction to independent political expression . Torture methods in use in Oman include mock execution , beating , hooding , solitary confinement , subjection to extremes of temperature and to constant noise , abuse and humiliation . There have been numerous reports of torture and other inhumane forms of punishment perpetrated by Omani security forces on protesters and detainees . Several prisoners detained in 2012 complained of sleep deprivation , extreme temperatures , and solitary confinement . Omani authorities kept Sultan al - Saadi , a social media activist , in solitary confinement , denied him access to his lawyer and family , forced him to wear a black bag over his head whenever he left his cell , including when using the restroom , and told him his family had `` forsaken '' him and asked for him to be imprisoned . The Omani government decides who can or can not be a journalist and this permission can be withdrawn at any time . Censorship and self - censorship are a constant factor . Omanis have limited access to political information through the media . Access to news and information can be problematic : journalists have to be content with news compiled by the official news agency on some issues . Through a decree by the Sultan , the government has now extended its control over the media to blogs and other websites . Omanis can not hold a public meeting without the government 's approval . Omanis who want to set up a non-governmental organisation of any kind need a licence . To get a licence , they have to demonstrate that the organisation is `` for legitimate objectives '' and not `` inimical to the social order '' . The Omani government does not permit the formation of independent civil society associations . The law prohibits criticism of the Sultan and government in any form or medium . Oman 's police do not need search warrants in order to enter people 's homes . The law does not provide citizens with the right to change their government . The Sultan retains ultimate authority on all foreign and domestic issues . Government officials are not subject to financial disclosure laws . Libel laws and concerns for national security have been used to suppress criticism of government figures and politically objectionable views . Publication of books is limited and the government restricts their importation and distribution , as with other media products . Merely mentioning the existence of such restrictions can land Omanis in trouble . In 2009 , a web publisher was fined and given a suspended jail sentence for revealing that a supposedly live TV programme was actually pre-recorded in order to eliminate any criticisms of the government . Faced with so many restrictions , Omanis have resorted to unconventional methods for expressing their views . Omanis sometimes use donkeys to express their views . Writing about Gulf rulers in 2001 , Dale Eickelman observed : `` Only in Oman has the occasional donkey ... been used as a mobile billboard to express anti-regime sentiments . There is no way in which police can maintain dignity in seizing and destroying a donkey on whose flank a political message has been inscribed . '' Omani citizens need government permission to marry foreigners . The Ministry of Interior requires Omani citizens to obtain permission to marry foreigners ( except nationals of GCC countries ) ; permission is not automatically granted . Citizen marriage to a foreigner abroad without ministry approval may result in denial of entry for the foreign spouse at the border and preclude children from claiming citizenship rights . It also may result in a bar from government employment and a fine of 2,000 rials ( $5,200 ) . In August 2014 , The Omani writer and human rights defender Mohammed Alfazari , the founder and editor - in - chief of the e-magazine Mowatin `` Citizen '' , disappeared after going to the police station in the Al - Qurum district of Muscat . For several months the Omani government denied his detention and refused to disclose information about his whereabouts or condition . On July 17 , 2015 , Al Fazari left Oman seeking political asylum in UK after a travel ban was issued against him without providing any reasons and after his official documents including his national ID and passport were confiscated for more than 8 months . There were more reports of politically motivated disappearances in the country . In 2012 , armed security forces arrested Sultan al - Saadi , a social media activist . According to reports , authorities detained him at an unknown location for one month for comments he posted online critical of the government . Authorities previously arrested al - Saadi in 2011 for participating in protests and again in 2012 for posting comments online deemed insulting to Sultan Qaboos . In May 2012 security forces detained Ismael al - Meqbali , Habiba al - Hinai , and Yaqoub al - Kharusi , human rights activists who were visiting striking oil workers . Authorities released al - Hinai and al - Kharusi shortly after their detention but did not inform al - Meqbali 's friends and family of his whereabouts for weeks . Authorities pardoned al - Meqbali in March . In December 2013 , a Yemeni national disappeared in Oman after he was arrested at a checkpoint in Dhofar Governorate . Omani authorities refuse to acknowledge his detention . His whereabouts and condition remain unknown . The National Human Rights Commission , established in 2008 , is not independent from the regime . It is chaired by the former deputy inspector general of Police and Customs and its members are appointed by royal decree . In June 2012 , one of its members requested that she be relieved of her duties because she disagreed with a statement made by the Commission justifying the arrest of intellectuals and bloggers and the restriction of freedom of expression in the name of respect for `` the principles of religion and customs of the country '' . Since the beginning of the `` Omani Spring '' in January 2011 , a number of serious violations of civil rights has been reported , amounting to a critical deterioration of the human rights situation . Prisons are inaccessible to independent monitors . Members of the independent Omani Group of Human Rights have been harassed , arrested and sentenced to jail . There have been numerous testimonies of torture and other inhumane forms of punishment perpetrated by security forces on protesters and detainees . The detainees were all peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression and assembly . Although authorities must obtain court orders to hold suspects in pre-trial detention , they do not regularly do this . The penal code was amended in October 2011 to allow the arrest and detention of individuals without an arrest warrant from public prosecutors . In January 2014 , Omani intelligence agents arrested a Bahraini actor and handed him over to the Bahraini authorities on the same day of his arrest . The actor has been subjected to a forced disappearance , his whereabouts and condition remain unknown . Migrant workers Main article : Migrant workers in the Gulf region The plight of domestic workers in Oman is a taboo subject . In 2011 , the Philippines government determined that out of all the countries in the Middle East , only Oman and Israel qualify as safe for Filipino migrants . In 2012 , it was reported that every 6 days , an Indian migrant in Oman commits suicide . There has been a campaign urging authorities to check the migrant suicide rate . In the 2014 Global Slavery Index , Oman is ranked # 45 due to 26,000 people in slavery . The descendants of servant tribes and slaves are victims of widespread discrimination . Oman was one of the last countries to abolish slavery in 1970 . Foreign policy Main article : Foreign relations of Oman U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Sultan Qaboos in Muscat , May 2013 Since 1970 , Oman has pursued a moderate foreign policy , and has expanded its diplomatic relations dramatically . Oman is among the very few Arab countries that have maintained friendly ties with Iran . WikiLeaks disclosed US diplomatic cables which state that Oman helped free British sailors captured by Iran 's navy in 2007 . The same cables also portray the Omani government as wishing to maintain cordial relations with Iran , and as having consistently resisted US diplomatic pressure to adopt a sterner stance . Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah is the Sultanate 's Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs . Military Main article : Sultan of Oman 's Armed Forces The Khareef - class corvette , Al - Shamikh Oman 's military manpower totalled 44,100 in 2006 , including 25,000 men in the army , 4,200 sailors in the navy , and an air force with 4,100 personnel . The Royal Household maintained 5,000 Guards , 1,000 in Special Forces , 150 sailors in the Royal Yacht fleet , and 250 pilots and ground personnel in the Royal Flight squadrons . Oman also maintains a modestly sized paramilitary force of 4,400 men . The Royal Army of Oman had 25,000 active personnel in 2006 , plus a small contingent of Royal Household troops . Despite a comparative large military spending , it has been relatively slow to modernize its forces . Oman has a relatively limited number of tanks , including 6 M60A1 , 73 M60A3 , and 38 Challenger 2 main battle tanks , as well as 37 aging Scorpion light tanks . The Royal Air Force of Oman has approximately 4,100 men , with only 36 combat aircraft and no armed helicopters . Combat aircraft include 20 aging Jaguars , 12 Hawk Mk 203s , 4 Hawk Mk 103s , and 12 PC - 9 turboprop trainers with a limited combat capability . It has one squadron of 12 F - 16C / D aircraft . Oman also has 4 A202 - 18 Bravos , and 8 MFI - 17B Mushshaqs . The Royal Navy of Oman had 4,200 men in 2000 , and is headquartered at Seeb . It has bases at Ahwi , Ghanam Island , Mussandam and Salalah . In 2006 , Oman had 10 surface combat vessels . These included two 1,450 - ton Qahir class corvettes , and 8 ocean - going patrol boats . The Omani Navy had one 2,500 - ton Nasr al Bahr class LSL ( 240 troops , 7 tanks ) with a helicopter deck . Oman also had at least four landing craft . Oman ordered three Khareef class corvettes from the VT Group for £ 400 million in 2007 . They are being built at Portsmouth . In 2010 Oman spent US $4.074 billion on military expenditures , 8.5 % of the gross domestic product . The sultanate has a long history of association with the British military and defence industry . According to SIPRI , Oman was the 23rd largest arms importer from 2012 -- 2016 . Administrative divisions Main article : Regions and governorates of Oman Governorates of Oman The Sultanate is administratively divided into eleven governorates . Governorates are , in turn , divided into 60 wilayats . Ad Dakhiliyah Ad Dhahirah Al Batinah North Al Batinah South Al Buraimi Al Wusta Ash Sharqiyah North Ash Sharqiyah South Dhofar Muscat Musandam Economy Main article : Economy of Oman A proportional representation of Oman 's exports Muscat Securities Market Oman 's Basic Statute of the State expresses in Article 11 that the `` national economy is based on justice and the principles of a free economy . '' By regional standards , Oman has a relatively diversified economy , but remains dependent on oil exports . Tourism is the fastest - growing industry in Oman . Other sources of income , agriculture and industry , are small in comparison and account for less than 1 % of the country 's exports , but diversification is seen as a priority by the government . Agriculture , often subsistence in its character , produces dates , limes , grains , and vegetables , but with less than 1 % of the country under cultivation , Oman is likely to remain a net importer of food . Since a slump in oil prices in 1998 , Oman has made active plans to diversify its economy and is placing a greater emphasis on other areas of industry , namely tourism and infrastructure . A free - trade agreement with the United States took effect 1 January 2009 , eliminated tariff barriers on all consumer and industrial products , and also provided strong protections for foreign businesses investing in Oman . Tourism , another source of Oman 's revenue , is on the rise . A popular event is The Khareef Festival held in Salalah , Dhofar , which is 1,200 km from the capital city of Muscat , during the monsoon season ( August ) and is similar to Muscat Festival . During this latter event the mountains surrounding Salalah are popular with tourists as a result of the cool weather and lush greenery , rarely found anywhere else in Oman . Oman 's foreign workers send an estimated US $30 billion annually to their home states in Asia and Africa , more than half of them earning a monthly wage of less than US $400 . The largest foreign community is from the Indian states of Kerala , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujarat and the Punjab , representing more than half of entire workforce in Oman . Salaries for overseas workers are known to be less than for Omani nationals , though still from two to five times higher than for the equivalent job in India . The Oman Ferries Company maintains the two diesel - powered , high - speed , car ferries -- Shinas and Hormouz . The ferries are used for travel between Muscat and Khasab . Khasab is strategically located in Musandam on the southern tip of the Strait of Hormuz and is controlled by Oman . Mainland Oman is separated by a small strip of UAE territory from Musandam . Oil and Gas Petrochemical tanks in Sohar Oman 's proved reserves of petroleum total about 5.5 billion barrels , 25th largest in the world . Oil is extracted and processed by Petroleum Development Oman ( PDO ) , with proven oil reserves holding approximately steady , although oil production has been declining . The Ministry of Oil and Gas is responsible for all oil and gas infrastructure and projects in Oman . Following the 1970s energy crisis , Oman doubled their oil output between 1979 and 1985 . Between 2000 and 2007 , production fell by more than 26 % , from 972,000 to 714,800 barrels per day . Production has recovered to 816,000 barrels in 2009 , and 930,000 barrels per day in 2012 . Oman 's natural gas reserves are estimated at 849.5 billion cubic meters , ranking 28th in the world , and production in 2008 was about 24 billion cubic meters per year . Tourism Main article : Tourism in Oman Wahiba Sands Bustan Palace Tourism in Oman has grown considerably recently , and it is expected to be one of the largest industries in the country . The World Travel & Tourism Council stated that Oman is the fastest growing tourism destination in the Middle East . Oman has one of the most diverse environments in the Middle East with various tourist attractions and is particularly well known for adventure and cultural tourism . Muscat , the capital of Oman , was named the second best city to visit in the world in 2012 by the travel guide publisher Lonely Planet . Muscat also was chosen as the Capital of Arab Tourism of 2012 . Demographics Main article : Demographics of Oman As of 2014 , Oman 's population is over 4 million , with 2.23 million Omani nationals and 1.76 million expatriates . The total fertility rate in 2011 was estimated at 3.70 . Oman has a very young population , with 43 percent of its inhabitants under the age of 15 . Nearly 50 percent of the population lives in Muscat and the Batinah coastal plain northwest of the capital . Omani people are predominantly of Arab , Baluchi and African origins . Omani society is largely tribal and encompasses three major identities : that of the tribe , the Ibadi faith , and maritime trade . The first two identities are closely tied to tradition and are especially prevalent in the interior of the country , owing to lengthy periods of isolation . The third identity pertains mostly to Muscat and the coastal areas of Oman , and is reflected by business , trade , and the diverse origins of many Omanis , who trace their roots to Baloch , Al - Lawatia , Persia , and historical Omani Zanzibar . Consequently , the third identity is generally seen to be more open and tolerant towards others , and is often in tension with the more traditional and insular identities of the interior . Religion Main article : Islam in Oman Further information : Freedom of religion in Oman Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque Religion in Oman ( 2010 ) Islam ( 85.9 % ) Christianity ( 6.5 % ) Hinduism ( 5.5 % ) Others ( 1 % ) Buddhism ( 0.8 % ) Unaffiliated ( 0.2 % ) Judaism ( 0.1 % ) Islam ( official ; majority are Ibadi and less Sunni and Shia ) 85.9 % , Christian 6.5 % , Hindu 5.5 % , Buddhist 0.8 % , Jewish < 0.1 , Other 1 % , Unaffiliated 0.2 % . The Oman government does not keep statistics on religious affiliation , but virtually all Omanis are Muslims , most of whom follow the Ibadi School of Islam , followed by the Shafi ` i school of Sunni Islam . Virtually all non-Muslims in Oman are foreign workers . Non-Muslim religious communities include various groups of Jains , Buddhists , Zoroastrians , Sikhs , Jews , Hindus and Christians . Christian communities are centred in the major urban areas of Muscat , Sohar , and Salalah . These include Catholic , Eastern Orthodox , and various Protestant congregations , organizing along linguistic and ethnic lines . More than 50 different Christian groups , fellowships , and assemblies are active in the Muscat metropolitan area , formed by migrant workers from Southeast Asia . There are also communities of ethnic Indian Hindus and Christians . Muscat has two Hindu temples . One of them is over a hundred years old . There is a significant Sikh community in Oman . Though there are no permanent gurdwaras , many smaller gurdwaras in makeshift camps exist and are recognised by the government . The Government of India had signed an accord in 2008 with the Omani government to build a permanent gurdwara but little progress has been made on the matter . Languages Arabic and English Road Sign in Oman Arabic is the official language of Oman . It belongs to the Semitic branch of the Afroasiatic family . Prior to Islam , Central Oman lay outside of the core area of spoken Arabic . Possibly Old South Arabian speakers dwelled from the Bāṭinah to Ẓafār . Rare Musnad inscriptions have come to light in central Oman and in the Emirate of Sharjah , but the script says nothing about the language which it conveys . A bilingual text from the 3rd century BCE is written in Aramaic and in musnad Hasiatic , which mentions a ' king of Oman ' ( mālk mn ʿmn ) . Today the Mehri language is limited in its distribution to the area around Ṣalālah in Ẓafār and westward into the Yemen . But until the 18th or 19th century it was spoken further north , perhaps into Central Oman . Baluchi ( Southern Baluchi ) is widely spoken in Oman . Endangered indigenous languages in Oman include Kumzari , Bathari , Harsusi , Hobyot , Jibbali and Mehri . Omani Sign Language is the language of the deaf community . Oman was also the first Arab country in the Persian Gulf to have German taught as a second language . The Bedouin Arabs , who reached eastern and south - eastern Arabia in migrational waves - the latest in the 18th century , brought their language and rule including the ruling families of Bahrain , Qatar and the United Arab Emirates . At the most basic level , there are two kinds of dialects , those of settlers and those of Bedouin which share some features . Omani dialects preserve much vocabulary which has been lost in other Arabic dialects. C. Holes has argued convincingly that Omani Arabic has indigenous characteristics of its own which do not derive from Bedouin central Arabia . They are better preserved than in neighbouring countries . According to the CIA , besides Arabic , English , Baluchi ( Southern Baluchi ) , Urdu , and various Indian languages are the main languages spoken in Oman . English is widely spoken in the business community and is taught at school from an early age . Almost all signs and writings appear in both Arabic and English at tourist sites . Baluchi is the mother tongue of the Baloch people from Balochistan in western - Pakistan , eastern Iran , and southern Afghanistan . It is also used by some descendants of Sindhi sailors . A significant number of residents also speak Urdu , due to the influx of Pakistani migrants during the late 1980s and 1990s . Additionally , Swahili is widely spoken in the country due to the historical relations between Oman and Zanzibar . Largest cities Largest cities or towns in Oman Rank Name Governorate / Region Pop . Muscat Seeb Muscat Muscat 797 000 Salalah Bawshar Seeb Muscat 237 816 Salalah Dhofar 163 140 Bawshar Muscat 159 487 5 Sohar Al Batinah 108 274 6 Suwayq Al Batinah 107 143 7 Ibri Az Zahirah 101 640 8 Saham Al Batinah 89 327 9 Barka Al Batinah 81 647 10 Rustaq Al Batinah 79 383 Culture Main article : Culture of Oman The traditional Dhow , an enduring symbol of Oman Outwardly , Oman shares many of the cultural characteristics of its Arab neighbours , particularly those in the Gulf Cooperation Council . Despite these similarities , important factors make Oman unique in the Middle East . These result as much from geography and history as from culture and economics . The relatively recent and artificial nature of the state in Oman makes it difficult to describe a national culture ; however , sufficient cultural heterogeneity exists within its national boundaries to make Oman distinct from other Arab States of the Persian Gulf . Oman 's cultural diversity is greater than that of its Arab neighbours , given its historical expansion to the Swahili Coast and the Indian Ocean . Oman has a long tradition of shipbuilding , as maritime travel played a major role in the Omanis ' ability to stay in contact with the civilisations of the ancient world . Sur was one of the most famous shipbuilding cities of the Indian Ocean . The Al Ghanja ship takes one whole year to build . Other types of Omani ship include As Sunbouq and Al Badan . In March 2016 archaeologists working off Al Hallaniyah Island identified a shipwreck believed to be that of the Esmeralda from Vasco da Gama 's 1502 -- 1503 fleet . The wreck was initially discovered in 1998 . Later underwater excavations took place between 2013 and 2015 through a partnership between the Oman Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Bluewater Recoveries Ltd. , a shipwreck recovery company . The vessel was identified through such artifacts as a `` Portuguese coin minted for trade with India ( one of only two coins of this type known to exist ) and stone cannonballs engraved with what appear to be the initials of Vincente Sodré , da Gama 's maternal uncle and the commander of the Esmeralda . '' Dress A khanjar , the traditional dagger of Oman ( c. 1924 ) The male national dress in Oman consists of the dishdasha , a simple , ankle - length , collarless gown with long sleeves . Most frequently white in colour , the dishdasha may also appear in a variety of other colours . Its main adornment , a tassel ( furakha ) sewn into the neckline , can be impregnated with perfume . Underneath the dishdasha , men wear a plain , wide strip of cloth wrapped around the body from the waist down . The most noted regional differences in dishdasha designs are the style with which they are embroidered , which varies according to age group . On formal occasions a black or beige cloak called a bisht may cover the dishdasha . The embroidery edging the cloak is often in silver or gold thread and it is intricate in detail . Omani men wear two types of headdress : the ghutra , also called `` Musar '' a square piece of woven wool or cotton fabric of a single colour , decorated with various embroidered patterns . the kummah , a cap that is the head dress worn during leisure hours . Some men carry the assa , a stick , which can have practical uses or is simply used as an accessory during formal events . Omani men , on the whole , wear sandals on their feet . The khanjar ( dagger ) forms part of the national dress and men wear the khanjar on all formal public occasions and festivals . It is traditionally worn at the waist . Sheaths may vary from simple covers to ornate silver or gold - decorated pieces . It is a symbol of a man 's origin , his manhood and courage . A depiction of a khanjar appears on the national flag . Omani women wear eye - catching national costumes , with distinctive regional variations . All costumes incorporate vivid colours and vibrant embroidery and decorations . In the past , the choice of colours reflected a tribe 's tradition . The Omani women 's traditional costume comprises several garments : the kandoorah , which is a long tunic whose sleeves or radoon are adorned with hand - stitched embroidery of various designs . The dishdasha is worn over a pair of loose fitting trousers , tight at the ankles , known as a sirwal . Women also wear a head shawl most commonly referred to as the lihaf . As of 2014 women reserve wearing their traditional dress for special occasions , and instead wear a loose black cloak called an abaya over their personal choice of clothing , whilst in some regions , particularly amongst the Bedouin , the burqa is still worn . Women wear hijab , and though some women cover their faces and hands , most do not . The Sultan has forbidden the covering of faces in public office . Music and cinema Royal Opera House Muscat Music of Oman is extremely diverse due to Oman 's imperial legacy . There are over 130 different forms of traditional Omani songs and dances . The Oman Centre for Traditional Music was established in 1984 to preserve them . In 1985 , Sultan Qaboos founded the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra , an act attributed to his love for classical music . Instead of engaging foreign musicians , he decided to establish an orchestra made up of Omanis . On 1 July 1987 at the Al Bustan Palace Hotel 's Oman Auditorium the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra gave its inaugural concert . Cinema in Sur The cinema of Oman is very small , there being only one Omani film Al - Boom ( 2006 ) as of 2007 . Oman Arab Cinema Company LLC is the single largest motion picture exhibitor chain in Oman . It belongs to the Jawad Sultan Group of Companies , which has a history spanning more than 40 years in the Sultanate of Oman . In popular music , a seven - minute music video about Oman went viral , achieving 500,000 views on YouTube within 10 days of being released on YouTube in November 2015 . The a cappella production features three of the region 's most popular talents : Kahliji musician Al Wasmi , Omani poet Mazin Al - Haddabi and actress Buthaina Al Raisi . Media Sultanate of Oman Television began broadcasting for the first time from Muscat on 17 November 1974 and separately from Salalah on 25 November 1975 . On 1 June 1979 , the two stations at Muscat and Salalah linked by satellite to form a unified broadcasting service . In order to overcome the natural obstacles created by the mountainous terrain , a network of stations spread across the country in both populated and remote areas transmit Oman TV 's broadcasts . Oman has fewer restrictions on independent media than its neighbors Saudi Arabia or Yemen . The press freedom group Reporters Without Borders ranked the country 125th out of 180 countries on its 2016 World Press Freedom Index , one spot below Zimbabwe . However , in 2016 , the government drew international criticism for closing the newspaper Azamn and arresting three journalists after a report about corruption in the country 's judiciary . Food Main article : Omani cuisine Traditional Omani Food Omani cuisine is diverse and has been influenced by many cultures . Omanis usually eat their main daily meal at midday , while the evening meal is lighter . During Ramadan , dinner is served after the Taraweeh prayers , sometimes as late as 11 pm . However these dinner timings differ according to each family -- for instance , some families would choose to eat right after maghrib prayers and have dessert after taraweeh . Arsia , a festival meal served during celebrations , consists of mashed rice and meat ( sometimes chicken ) . Another popular festival meal , shuwa , consists of meat cooked very slowly ( sometimes for up to 2 days ) in an underground clay - oven . The meat becomes extremely tender and it is infused with spices and herbs before cooking to give it a very distinct taste . Fish is often used in main dishes too , and the kingfish is a popular ingredient . Mashuai is a meal consisting of a whole spit - roasted kingfish served with lemon rice . Rukhal bread is a thin , round bread originally baked over a fire made from palm leaves . It is eaten at any meal , typically served with Omani honey for breakfast or crumbled over curry for dinner . Chicken , fish , and lamb or mutton are regularly used in dishes . The Omani halwa is a very popular sweet , basically consisting of cooked raw sugar with nuts . There are many different flavors , the most popular ones being the black halwa ( original ) and the saffron halwa . Halwa is considered as a symbol of Omani hospitality , and is traditionally served with coffee . As is the case with most Arab States of the Persian Gulf , alcohol is only available over-the - counter to non-Muslims . Muslims can still purchase alcoholic drinks . Alcohol is served in many hotels and a few restaurants . Sports Oman hosted and won the 19th Arabian Gulf Cup 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers Round 3 match between Oman and Japan at the Royal Oman Police Stadium on June 7 , 2008 in Muscat , Oman In October 2004 , the Omani government set up a Ministry of Sports Affairs to replace the General Organization for youth , sports and cultural affairs . The 19th Arabian Gulf Cup , the 19th edition , took place in Muscat , from 4 to 17 January 2009 and was won by the Omani national football team . The 23rd Arabian Gulf Cup , the 23rd edition , that took place in Kuwait , from 22 December 2017 until January 5th 2018 . Oman won their second title , defeating the United Arab Emirates in the final on penalties following a goalless draw . Oman 's traditional sports are dhow racing , horse racing , camel racing , bull fighting and falconry . Association football , basketball , waterskiing and sandboarding are among the sports that have emerged quickly and gained popularity among the younger generation . Ali Al - Habsi is an Omani professional association football player . As of 2015 , he plays in the Football League Championship as a goalkeeper for Reading . The International Olympic Committee awarded the former GOYSCA its prestigious prize for Sporting excellence in recognition of its contributions to youth and sports and its efforts to promote the Olympic spirit and goals . The Oman Olympic Committee played a major part in organizing the highly successful 2003 Olympic Days , which were of great benefit to the sports associations , clubs and young participants . The football association took part , along with the handball , basketball , rugby union , hockey , volleyball , athletics , swimming , and tennis associations . In 2010 Muscat hosted the 2010 Asian Beach Games . Oman also hosts tennis tournaments in different age divisions each year . The Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex stadium contains a 50 - meter swimming pool which is used for international tournaments from different schools in different countries . The Tour of Oman , a professional cycling 6 - day stage race , takes place in February . Oman hosted the Asian 2011 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualifiers , where 11 teams competed for three spots at the FIFA World Cup . Oman hosted the Men 's and Women 's 2012 Beach Handball World Championships at the Millennium Resort in Mussanah , from 8 to 13 July . Oman has competed repeatedly for a position in the FIFA World Cup , but have yet qualified to compete in the tournament . Oman , along with Fujairah in the UAE , are the only regions in the Middle East that have a variant of bullfighting , known as ' bull - butting ' , organized within their territories . Al - Batena area in Oman is specifically prominent for such events . It involves two bulls of the Brahman breed pitted against one another and as the name implies , they engage in a forceful barrage of headbutts . The first one to collapse or concede its ground is declared the loser . Most bull - butting matches are short affairs and last for less than 5 minutes . The origins of bull - butting in Oman remain unknown , but many locals believe it was brought to Oman by the Moors of Spanish origin . Yet others say it has a direct connection with Portugal , which colonized the Omani coastline for nearly two centuries . In Cricket , Oman qualified for the 2016 ICC World Twenty20 by securing sixth place in 2015 ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier . They have also been granted T20I status as they were among the top six teams in the qualifiers . Education Main article : Education in Oman The adult literacy rate in 2010 was 86.9 % . Before 1970 , only three formal schools existed in the entire country , with fewer than 1,000 students . Since Sultan Qaboos ' ascension to power in 1970 , the government has given high priority to education in order to develop a domestic work force , which the government considers a vital factor in the country 's economic and social progress . Today , there are over 1,000 state schools and about 650,000 students . Oman 's first university , Sultan Qaboos University , opened in 1986 . The University of Nizwa is one of the fastest growing universities in Oman . Other post-secondary institutions in Oman include the Higher College of Technology and its six branches , six colleges of applied sciences ( including a teacher 's training college ) , a college of banking and financial studies , an institute of Sharia sciences , and several nursing institutes . Some 200 scholarships are awarded each year for study abroad . According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities , the top - ranking universities in the country are Sultan Qaboos University ( 1678th worldwide ) , the Dhofar University ( 6011th ) and the University of Nizwa ( 6093rd ) . Health Main article : Healthcare in Oman Life expectancy at birth in Oman was estimated to be 76.1 years in 2010 . As of 2010 , there were an estimated 2.1 physicians and 2.1 hospital beds per 1,000 people . In 1993 , 89 % of the population had access to health care services . In 2000 , 99 % of the population had access to health care services . During the last three decades , the Oman health care system has demonstrated and reported great achievements in health care services and preventive and curative medicine . In 2001 , Oman 's health system was ranked number 8 by the World Health Organization . See also Outline of Oman Index of Oman - related articles Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said Archaeology of Oman Geography portal Oman portal Asia portal Middle East portal Notes Jump up ^ In 1783 , when Seyyid Said succeeded to the `` masnad '' of Muscat and Oman ( an independent state founded in 1749 ) , he fell out with his brother Seyyid Sultan , who fled to safety in Makran and entered into communication with Nasir Khan of Kalat . Said was granted the Kalat share of the revenues of Gwadar and lived there until 1797 when he came to rule over Muscat and Oman . Jump up ^ Gwadar remained an Omani possession as part of the sultanate until September 1958 References Jump up ^ `` Cabinet Ministers '' . Government of Oman . Archived from the original on 22 December 2013 . Retrieved 13 October 2010 . Jump up ^ Oman . MSN Encarta . Archived from the original on 1 November 2009 . In 751 Ibadi Muslims , a moderate branch of the Kharijites , established an imamate in Oman . 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External links Find more aboutOmanat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity Data from Wikidata Ministry of Tourism ( official government website ) . Ministry of Information ( official government website ) . `` Oman '' , Encyclopædia Britannica `` Oman '' . The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency . Oman web resources provided by GovPubs at the University of Colorado -- Boulder Libraries Oman at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Oman from the BBC News . Wikimedia Atlas of Oman Key Development Forecasts for Oman from International Futures . Joint Supplier Registration System ( Initiative of Ministry of Oil & Gas , Oman ) . 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when was oman given the official name sultanate of oman
Sultanate of Oman سلطنة عُمان ( Arabic ) Salṭanat ʻUmān Flag National emblem Anthem : نشيد السلام السلطاني `` as - Salām as - Sultānī '' `` Sultanic Salutation '' Location of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula ( Red ) Capital and largest city Muscat 23 ° 36 ′ N 58 ° 33 ′ E  /  23.600 ° N 58.550 ° E  / 23.600 ; 58.550 Official languages Arabic Religion Islam Demonym Omani Government Unitary parliamentary absolute monarchy Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said Deputy Prime Minister Fahd bin Mahmoud al Said Legislature Parliament Upper house Council of State ( Majlis al - Dawla ) Lower house Consultative Assembly ( Majlis al - Shura ) Establishment The Azd tribe migration 130 Al - Julanda 629 Imamate established 751 Nabhani dynasty 1145 Yaruba dynasty 1624 House of Al Said 1744 Muscat and Oman 8 January 1820 Dhofar Rebellion 9 June 1965 -- 11 December 1975 Sultanate of Oman 9 August 1970 Admitted to the United Nations 7 October 1971 Current constitution 6 November 1996 Area Total 309,500 km ( 119,500 sq mi ) ( 70th ) Water ( % ) negligible Population 2016 estimate 4,424,762 ( 125th ) 2010 census 2,773,479 Density 15 / km ( 38.8 / sq mi ) ( 214th ) GDP ( PPP ) 2017 estimate Total $189.582 billion Per capita $46,475 GDP ( nominal ) 2017 estimate Total $71.325 billion Per capita $17,485 HDI ( 2015 ) 0.796 high 52nd Currency Rial ( OMR ) Time zone GST ( UTC + 4 ) Drives on the right Calling code + 968 ISO 3166 code OM Internet TLD . om , عمان . Website
You 're So Vain - wikipedia You 're So Vain `` You 're So Vain '' Single by Carly Simon from the album No Secrets B - side `` His Friends Are More Than Fond of Robin '' Released November 8 , 1972 Format 7 '' single Recorded 1972 , Trident Studios Genre Pop , soft rock Length 4 : 19 Label Elektra Songwriter ( s ) Carly Simon Producer ( s ) Richard Perry Carly Simon singles chronology `` Legend in Your Own Time '' ( 1971 ) `` You 're So Vain '' ( 1972 ) `` The Right Thing to Do '' ( 1973 ) `` You 're So Vain '' is a song written in 1971 by Carly Simon and released in November 1972 . The song is a critical profile of a self - absorbed lover about whom Simon asserts `` You 're so vain , you probably think this song is about you . '' The title subject 's identity has long been a matter of speculation , with Simon stating that the song refers to three men , only one of whom she has named publicly , actor Warren Beatty . The song is ranked at # 92 on Billboard 's Greatest Songs of All - Time . `` You 're So Vain '' was voted # 216 in RIAA 's Songs of the Century , and in August 2014 , the UK 's Official Charts Company crowned it the ultimate song of the 1970s . The distinctive bass guitar intro is played by Klaus Voormann . The strings were arranged by Simon and orchestrated by Paul Buckmaster . Simon plays piano on the track . Contents 1 Subject of the song 2 References in the song 3 Later versions and adaptations 4 Chart performance 4.1 Weekly charts 4.2 Year - end charts 4.3 All - time charts 5 Awards 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Subject of the song ( edit ) Before the song became a hit single in 1972 , Simon told an interviewer that the song was about `` men , '' not a specific `` man '' . In 1983 , she said it is not about Mick Jagger , who contributed uncredited backing vocals to the song . In a 1993 book , Angie Bowie claimed to be the `` wife of a close friend '' mentioned in `` You 're So Vain '' , and that Jagger , for a time , had been `` obsessed '' with her . Simon made another comment about the subject 's identity as a guest artist on Janet Jackson 's 2001 single , `` Son of a Gun ( I Betcha Think This Song Is About You ) '' , which sampled `` You 're So Vain '' . Simon said about the song , `` The apricot scarf was worn by Nick ( Delbanco ) . Nothing in the words referred to Mick . '' In a 2007 interview , Warren Beatty said , `` Let 's be honest . That song was about me . '' Simon had said in 1983 that Beatty `` certainly thought it was about him -- he called me and said thanks for the song ... '' In an interview for the 1978 / 1982 version of The History of Rock and Roll radio series , producer Richard Perry acknowledges that Simon was essentially referring to Beatty while also evoking other previous relationships in her life . Over the years Simon has divulged `` letter clues '' and has claimed that the subject 's name contains the letters A , E , and R . Shortly before the writing of the song , Simon was married to James Taylor ; she has said that he was `` definitely not '' the subject of the song . David Bowie , David Cassidy and Cat Stevens have all been cited by the press as speculative candidates . In August 2003 Simon agreed to reveal the name of the song 's subject to the highest bidder of the Martha 's Vineyard Possible Dreams charity auction . With the top bid of $50,000 , Dick Ebersol , president of NBC Sports and a friend of Simon , won the right to know the name of the subject of `` You 're So Vain '' . A condition of the prize was that Ebersol not reveal the name . Ebersol said Simon allowed him to divulge a clue about the person 's name : `` Carly told me that I could offer up to the entire world a clue as to what she 'll tell me when we have this night in about two weeks . And the clue is : The letter ' E ' is in the person 's name . '' In 2004 Simon told Regis Philbin , `` If I tell it , it 's going to come out in dribs and drabs . And I 've given out two letters already , an ' A ' and an ' E . ' But I 'm going to add one to it . I 'm going to add an ' R , ' in honor of you . '' In 2005 Simon 's ex-husband Jim Hart said he was sure that the song was not about anyone famous . On June 19 , 2008 , Howard Stern stated that Simon had privately revealed to him about whom the song was written after her interview on his popular radio show on Sirius Satellite Radio . Stern commented , `` There is an odd aspect to it ... he 's not that vain . '' On March 17 , 2009 , Stern stated that she had said it was a `` composite of three people . '' Stern repeated this on May 5 , 2014 , stating , `` She takes me aside , pulls me close , whispers in my ear ... three names . She goes , it was n't one person , it was three people . '' Simon herself confirmed that Stern was among `` a few people '' that she had given the names to . In her 2008 book Girls Like Us , author Sheila Weller includes a detailed account of Simon 's love affair with musician Dan Armstrong , and suggests that he was the inspiration for `` You 're So Vain . '' Her heartbreak over eventually losing him inspired the song `` Dan , My Fling , '' which appears on her first album . Armstrong 's full name , Daniel Kent Armstrong , contains all three letters of Simon 's clue . On November 4 , 2009 , Simon said she had hidden the name of the subject in a certain version of the song . The next day , the program 's crew revealed the name concealed in a back - played whisper : David . Simon denied that the whisper was `` David , '' saying she had spoken `` Ovid '' both forwards and backwards , and that sounded like David . In February 2010 , Simon reiterated that the name of the subject was whispered in a re-recording of `` You 're So Vain '' : `` There 's a little whisper -- and it 's the answer to the puzzle . '' A representative for Simon confirmed that the name whispered during the song is `` David '' . Multiple media outlets then speculated that the subject was Simon 's former boss at Elektra , David Geffen . The following day Jim Hart , Simon 's ex-husband and close friend , denied that the song was about Geffen . Simon said that when she wrote the song in 1971 , she had not yet met Geffen . Simon 's publicist also confirmed the song was not about Geffen , but that there was indeed `` a David who is connected to the song in some way , shape , or form '' . Vanity Fair noted that in addition to `` David '' , `` Warren '' and an unintelligible name are whispered during the recording . After her live performance of the song with Simon in July 2013 , Taylor Swift stated that Simon had revealed the identity of the song 's subject to her in confidence . In November 2015 , Simon , promoting her about - to - be-published memoir , said , `` I have confirmed that the second verse is Warren ( Beatty ) '' and added that while `` Warren thinks the whole thing is about him , '' he is the subject of that verse only , with the remainder of the song referring to two other , still unnamed men . References in the song ( edit ) Gavotte -- used in the line `` You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte '' -- is a French kissing dance . In this context it can be taken to mean moving in a pretentious manner . Simon said the line `` clouds in my coffee '' came `` from an airplane flight that I took with Billy Mernit , who was my friend and piano player at the time . As I got my coffee , there were clouds outside the window of the airplane and you could see the reflection in the cup of coffee . Billy said to me , ' Look at the clouds in your coffee ' . '' The line `` I hear you went up to Saratoga and your horse naturally won '' refers to the Saratoga Race Course horse - racing season held in late July , August , and early September in Saratoga Springs , New York . The season is frequented by the rich and famous of New York and other East Coast cities . Two solar eclipses ( `` Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun '' ) were visible from Nova Scotia in the early 1970s , on March 7 , 1970 , and July 10 , 1972 . Simon said she wrote the song in 1971 , but the 1972 eclipse ( which could only be seen in Nova Scotia as opposed to the 1970 eclipse which traversed the entire East Coast , and also happened during the Saratoga racing season ) better fits the narrative . Later versions and adaptations ( edit ) The song has been recorded by Chocolate Starfish , The Mountain Goats , David Axelrod , John Barrowman , Liza Minnelli , Jack Klugman and Tony Randall ( as `` The Odd Couple '' ) , Chimira , Venice , The Feeling , Jann Arden , Janet Jackson ( who sampled the song in `` Son of a Gun ( I Betcha Think This Song Is About You ) '' , with Simon providing featured vocals ) , Trey Songz ( who sampled from Janet Jackson in his single `` About You ) , '' Anna Waronker , Faster Pussycat , Dres , Daryll - Ann , Smokie , Sally Seltmann , Asaro and Wolcott , Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs , Marilyn Manson ( featuring Johnny Depp ) , and Italian pop star Mina in her 1985 album Finalmente ho conosciuto il conte Dracula ... Foo Fighters performed the song live at the 50th Annual Grammy Awards in 2008 . On July 27 , 2013 , Simon performed `` You 're So Vain '' with Taylor Swift on her Red Tour . The song `` Starfuckers , Inc . '' by Nine Inch Nails , released in 2000 , references `` You 're So Vain '' , by quoting the chorus . Supporters of English football team Everton F.C. sang the song to player Leighton Baines at the 2009 football matches . On their 2009 album Felony , New York City metalcore band Emmure had a song titled `` R2Deepthroat '' where vocalist Frankie says `` You 're so vain , I bet you think this song is about you , do n't you ? '' In the lead - up to the 2016 US presidential election , Simon authorized the use of the song in an ad against Donald Trump . In a piece posted by BBC News on May 5 , 2017 , Simon sings a previously unreleased fourth verse to the song , which she states had been written on a pad some time ago but never made it into the song . It references a man , married multiple times , who `` called her once to ask her things she could n't quite divine '' . On the October , 3 , 2017 , episode of the reality television singing competition program The Voice , Karli Webster performed a shortened version of the song for a Blind Audition , which turned the chairs of prospective coaches Adam Levine and Miley Cyrus . ( The full version of Webster 's rendition , even today , is available for purchase and download on iTunes . ) Webster ultimately chose Cyrus as her coach and joined Team Miley . Chart performance ( edit ) The song was a number - one hit in the US , Canada and Australia and reached number four in Ireland and South Africa . Bowing at # 99 on the Billboard Hot 100 on 2 December 1972 , the song took only five more weeks to rocket to the top of the chart , where it stayed for the first three weeks of 1973 , also spending two weeks at the top of the Easy Listening chart in early 1973 , her first number one on either chart . `` You 're So Vain '' was Simon 's breakthrough hit in the United Kingdom , reaching number three on the UK chart on its original release in 1973 . The song was re-released in the UK in 1991 to cash in on its inclusion in a commercial for Dunlop Tyres , peaking at number 41 . Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1972 -- 1973 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 5 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) Canada Adult Contemporary ( RPM ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 8 Ireland ( IRMA ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 7 New Zealand ( Listener ) South Africa ( Springbok Radio ) UK Singles ( Official Chart Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1973 ) Position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 8 US Billboard Hot 100 9 US Cash Box Top 100 7 All - time charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1958 - 2018 ) Position US Billboard Hot 100 92 Awards ( edit ) Year Nominee / work Award Result `` You 're So Vain '' Record of the Year Nominated Song of the Year Nominated Best Pop Vocal Performance , Female Nominated Grammy Hall of Fame Award Inducted See also ( edit ) List of Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles of 1973 List of number - one adult contemporary singles of 1973 ( U.S. ) List of number - one singles in Australia during the 1970s List of RPM number - one singles of 1973 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2013 - 11 - 11 . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 11 . Jump up ^ Savage , Mark ( 5 May 2017 ) . `` You 're So Vain 's ' lost ' verse premiered '' . Retrieved 6 June 2018 -- via . ^ Jump up to : Dowd , Kathy Erich ; Hubbard , Kim ( November 18 , 2015 ) . `` People Exclusive : Carly Simon Says ' You 're So Vain ' Is About Warren Beatty -- Well , Only the Second Verse : ' He Thinks the Whole Thing Is About Him ! ' '' . People . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Hot 100 Chart 50th Anniversary '' . 1994 - 05 - 21 . Retrieved 2018 - 08 - 01 . Jump up ^ Myers , Justin ( 2014 - 08 - 23 ) . `` Official Charts Pop Gem # 70 : Carly Simon -- You 're So Vain '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Klaus Voormann : Biography '' . 1971 - 08 - 01 . Archived from the original on 2011 - 07 - 17 . 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Girls Like Us : Carole King , Joni Mitchell , and Carly Simon & the Journey of a Generation , Simon & Schuster . 2008 : ISBN 978 - 0 - 7434 - 9147 - 1 Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2009 - 10 - 20 . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Carly Simon Now Saying ' You 're So Vain ' is about Dead Classical Poet '' . Carly Simon Now Saying ' You 're So Vain ' is about Dead Classical Poet , by Jessica Pressler , Daily Intelligencer , March 12 , 2010 ^ Jump up to : Simon in Uncut magazine interview , as reported by Newhall , Marissa ( February 27 , 2010 ) . `` Names and faces : Carly Simon , Mark and Jenny Sanford , Seth Green , Stevie Wonder > A vain hunt for ' David ' '' . The Washington Post . Archived from the original on 2015 - 11 - 18 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Carly Simon Reveals Subject of ' You 're So Vain ' ? '' . . February 26 , 2010 . Archived from the original on 2013 - 08 - 09 . Retrieved 2010 - 05 - 02 . Jump up ^ Kreps , Daniel ( March 1 , 2010 ) . `` Carly Simon Refutes Theory That ' So Vain ' Target Is David Geffen '' . Rolling Stone . Archived from the original on 2015 - 05 - 04 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 15 . Jump up ^ Weiner , Juli ( February 26 , 2010 ) . `` Update : Everyone Owes David Geffen an Apology '' . VF Daily . Vanity Fair . Archived from the original on 2010 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Taylor Swift and Carly Simon : You 're So Vain '' . YouTube . 2013 - 07 - 29 . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ Chagollan , Steve ( April 9 , 2012 ) . `` Deconstructing Carly Simon 's ' You 're So Vain ' '' . Variety . Retrieved November 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` You 're So Vain '' . Carly Simon official website . Archived from the original on 2012 - 09 - 11 . Jump up ^ Gatto , Kimberly ( 2011 ) . Saratoga Race Course : The August Place to Be . The History Press . ISBN 978 - 1609491048 . Jump up ^ `` USA -- 1970 March 7 Total Solar Eclipse -- Interactive Google Map ( Full Screen ) -- Xavier Jubier '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Canada -- 1972 July 10 Total Solar Eclipse -- Interactive Google Map ( Full Screen ) -- Xavier Jubier '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 17 . Jump up ^ Makarechi , Kia ( March 19 , 2012 ) . `` Johnny Depp , Marilyn Manson Team Up For ' You 're So Vain ' Cover '' . HuffPost Entertainment . The Huffington Post . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Twitter / CarlySimonHQ : Carly Simon and Taylor Swift '' . Twitter . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Sportsmail 's guide to the best chants of the season starring Cristiano Ronaldo , Dimi Konstantopoulos and Liam Gallagher '' . 2009 - 06 - 05 . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 08 . Jump up ^ Charles , Chris ( 2009 - 06 - 03 ) . `` BBC SPORT Fun and Games Chants of the season '' . BBC News . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 08 . Jump up ^ Schultheis , Emily ( October 9 , 2016 ) . `` Carly Simon uses `` You 're So Vain '' in anti-Trump video `` . CBS News . Jump up ^ `` Carly Simon plays You 're So Vain 's lost verse '' . 2017 - 05 - 05 . Retrieved 2017 - 05 - 05 . Jump up ^ Brian Currin . `` South African Rock Lists Website -- SA Charts 1965 -- 1989 Acts ( S ) '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Australian Weekly Single Ccharts ( David Kent ) for 1973 '' . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Carly Simon -- You 're So Vain '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 Flanders . Retrieved July 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Singles : Issue 4266 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Adult Contemporary : Issue 4279 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts -- Search Results -- You 're So Vain '' . Irish Singles Chart . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Hung , Steffen . `` - Forum - 1973 Chart ( General ) '' . . Retrieved 7 June 2017 . Jump up ^ `` SA Charts 1965 - 1989 Songs W-Z '' . South African Rock Lists . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Carly Simon '' . The Official Chart Company . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Carly Simon Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Carly Simon Chart History ( Adult Contemporary ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Steffen Hung . `` Forum -- 1970 ( ARIA Charts : Special Occasion Charts ) '' . . Archived from the original on 2016 - 06 - 02 . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 08 . Jump up ^ Canada , Library and Archives ( July 8 , 2017 ) . `` Image : RPM Weekly '' . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Hits of 1973 / Top 100 Songs of 1973 '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Cash Box YE Pop Singles -- 1973 '' . Archived from the original on 2015 - 01 - 11 . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Hot 100 turns 60 '' . Billboard . Retrieved August 6 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official `` You 're So Vain '' page Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Carly Simon Discography Studio albums Carly Simon Anticipation No Secrets Hotcakes Playing Possum Another Passenger Boys in the Trees Spy Come Upstairs Torch Hello Big Man Spoiled Girl Coming Around Again My Romance Have You Seen Me Lately This Is My Life Romulus Hunt : A Family Opera Letters Never Sent Film Noir The Bedroom Tapes Moonlight Serenade Into White This Kind of Love Never Been Gone Compilations The Best of Carly Simon Greatest Hits Live Clouds in My Coffee The Very Best of Carly Simon : Nobody Does It Better Christmas Is Almost Here Anthology Christmas Is Almost Here Again Reflections : Carly Simon 's Greatest Hits Carly Simon Collector 's Edition Playlist : The Very Best of Carly Simon Songs From The Trees ( A Musical Memoir Collection ) Soundtracks Working Girl This Is My Life Piglet 's Big Movie Pooh 's Heffalump Movie Concerts Live from Martha 's Vineyard Carly in Concert -- My Romance Live at Grand Central A Moonlight Serenade on the Queen Mary 2 Singles `` That 's the Way I 've Always Heard It Should Be '' `` Anticipation '' `` Legend in Your Own Time '' `` You 're So Vain '' `` The Right Thing to Do '' `` Mockingbird '' `` Have n't Got Time for the Pain '' `` Attitude Dancing '' `` Waterfall '' `` It Keeps You Runnin ' '' `` Nobody Does It Better '' `` You Belong to Me '' `` Devoted to You '' `` Vengeance '' `` Jesse '' `` Why '' `` Kissing with Confidence '' `` You Know What to Do '' `` Tired of Being Blonde '' `` My New Boyfriend '' `` Coming Around Again '' `` Give Me All Night '' `` The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of '' `` All I Want Is You '' `` Let the River Run '' `` Better Not Tell Her '' `` Love of My Life '' `` Son of a Gun ( I Betcha Think This Song Is About You ) '' Other songs `` We Have No Secrets '' `` Night Owl '' `` You Can Close Your Eyes '' The Simon Sisters Meet The Simon Sisters Cuddlebug The Simon Sisters Sing the Lobster Quadrille and Other Songs for Children Winkin ' , Blinkin ' and Nod : The Kapp Recordings Family Richard L. Simon ( father ) Andrea Simon ( mother ) Joanna Simon ( sister ) Lucy Simon ( sister ) James Taylor ( ex-husband ) Ben Taylor ( son ) Sally Taylor ( daughter ) Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1972 singles 1973 singles Carly Simon songs Elektra Records singles Metasongs Billboard Adult Contemporary number - one singles Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Number - one singles in Australia Number - one singles in New Zealand Oricon International Singles Chart number - one singles RPM Top Singles number - one singles Song recordings produced by Richard Perry Songs written by Carly Simon Songs about actors Works about narcissism Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Unfit url Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2018 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015 Singlechart usages for Canadatopsingles Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Canadaadultcontemporary Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Italiano 日本 語 Norsk Português Русский Simple English Tiếng Việt Edit links This page was last edited on 6 August 2018 , at 03 : 39 ( UTC ) . 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who sang backing vocals on you're so vain
In 1983 , she said it is not about Mick Jagger , who contributed uncredited backing vocals to the song . In a 1993 book , Angie Bowie claimed to be the `` wife of a close friend '' mentioned in `` You 're So Vain '' , and that Jagger , for a time , had been `` obsessed '' with her . Simon made another comment about the subject 's identity as a guest artist on Janet Jackson 's 2001 single , `` Son of a Gun ( I Betcha Think This Song Is About You ) '' , which sampled `` You 're So Vain '' . Simon said about the song , `` The apricot scarf was worn by Nick ( Delbanco ) . Nothing in the words referred to Mick . ''
Ghost Whisperer ( season 4 ) - wikipedia Ghost Whisperer ( season 4 ) Ghost Whisperer season 4 DVD cover Country of origin United States No. of episodes 23 Release Original network CBS Original release October 3 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 03 ) -- May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) Season chronology ← Previous Season 3 Next → Season 5 List of Ghost Whisperer episodes The fourth season of Ghost Whisperer , an American television series created by John Gray , commenced airing in the United States on October 3 , 2008 , concluded May 15 , 2009 , and consisted of 23 episodes . The series follows the life of Melinda Gordon ( Jennifer Love Hewitt ) , who has the ability to see and communicate with ghosts . While trying to live as normal a life as possible -- she is married and owns an antique store -- Melinda helps earthbound spirits resolve their problems and cross over into the Light , or the spirit world . Her tasks are difficult and at times she struggles with people who push her away and disbelieve her ability . In addition , the ghosts are mysterious and sometimes menacing in the beginning and Melinda must use the clues available to her to understand the spirit 's needs and help them . Ghost Whisperer 's fourth season aired in the United States ( U.S. ) on Fridays at 8 : 00 pm ET on CBS , a terrestrial television network , where it received an average of 10.62 million viewers per episode , becoming the most watched season of the series . Contents 1 Plot 2 Development 3 Cast 4 Episodes 5 References Plot ( edit ) In the fourth season , Melinda meets Eli James ( Jamie Kennedy ) after a fire at Rockland University who , after his own near - death experience , develops the ability to hear ghosts . Melinda says goodbye to her close friend Rick Payne , who leaves Grandview on a research trip for the university . In this season , Jim is shot and killed . He does not `` cross over '' because he does not want to leave Melinda , and his spirit later enters the body of a man named Sam Lucas , who died in an unrelated accident in Grandview and crossed over . When Jim / Sam regains consciousness , he has no memory of being Jim . Melinda works to get him to remember his past life and her , and succeeds after much difficulty and skepticism on the part of her friends . They soon discover that Melinda is pregnant and that the date of conception was right before Jim died . At the end of the season , Ned and Eli find the Book of Changes , a book written by the Watchers ( a benevolent group of ghosts who keep watch over the living ) . The book tells them of past and future prominent dates , such as Andrea and Jim 's deaths . One date is listed as September 25 , 2009 ; Melinda 's due date . Melinda learns from a Watcher named Carl that her child is destined to not only inherit her gift , but be far more powerful than her . Melinda and Jim decide to remarry and have a small ceremony on a snowy night , on the street where they first met . Development ( edit ) Ghost Whisperer is based on the work of `` Spirit Communicator '' James Van Praagh , who is co-executive producer and regularly updates a blog about the show through LivingTV . The stories are also said to be based in part on the work of `` Spirit Communicator '' Mary Ann Winkowski . Development of the show dates back to at least two years before its premiere . The show was produced by Sander / Moses Productions in association with CBS Television Studios ( originally Paramount Network Television in season one and ABC Studios ( originally Touchstone Television in the first two seasons ) and CBS Paramount Network Television in seasons two and three ) . The show was filmed on the Universal Studios back lot in Los Angeles . One area on the lot is Courthouse Square from the Back to the Future trilogy , though it has been drastically modified to depict Grandview . For example , the clock tower in Back to the Future has been completely covered up . Cast and crew members believe that the set gets visits from real spirits . Sound effects were completed at Smart Post Sound . Visual effects for the pilot and some season one episodes were completed at Flash Film Works . Visual effects for nearly the entire series were created at Eden FX . Creator John Gray grew up in Brooklyn , New York , which is not far from Grandview - On - Hudson , west of the Hudson River . Piermont is often referenced in episodes as the neighboring town , which is accurate to real life as Grandview - On - Hudson is actually located just north of Piermont . Professor Rick Payne worked in the fictional `` Rockland University , '' and perhaps not coincidentally , the actual Grandview , New York is a village located in Rockland County , New York . Cast ( edit ) Main article : List of Ghost Whisperer characters Jennifer Love Hewitt as Melinda Gordon ( 23 episodes ) David Conrad as Jim Clancy / Sam Lucas ( 23 episodes ) Camryn Manheim as Delia Banks ( 23 episodes ) Jay Mohr as Rick Payne ( 1 episode ) Christoph Sanders as Ned Banks ( 13 episodes ) Jamie Kennedy as Eli James ( 23 episodes ) Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Ghost Whisperer episodes No. in Series No. in Season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 63 `` Firestarter '' Eric Laneuville P.K. Simonds October 3 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 03 ) 9.44 Melinda hears that there has been a fire at the Rockland University Building when Jim is called over there , and hurries over , fearful for Professor Rick Payne , but he is revealed to be alive and well . However , a therapist by the name Eli James dies , and Melinda witnesses his soul being brought back . This ' near - death ' experience grants him the ability to hear ghosts . The episode is focused on the ghost of one of Eli 's patients , who was possibly more than that , and whether or not she has been starting fires since she was 12 . Whilst Melinda is trapped in the archives , she meets a group of seemingly benign ghosts calling themselves the watchers , who warn her that dealing with death may brush off on something she loves . Note : This was Jay Mohr 's last appearance as Professor Payne . First appearance of Jamie Kennedy Guest Star : Alona Tal as Fiona Raine 64 `` Big Chills '' Peter Werner Laurie McCarthy October 10 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 10 ) 9.69 A woman finds her friend dead and strange things start happening around her . She remembers Melinda 's abilities from high school ( not that she ever believed it before ) and calls on her for help . Mel quickly uncovers the story - Grace , her current boyfriend and the dead friend were in a car accident with a motorcyclist 10 years ago and they left him for dead . The guilt ate away at the dead friend but when he tried to go to the police , the other two stopped him . Melinda must tell the motorcyclists family what happened to him in order for the ghost to move on . 65 `` Ghost in the Machine '' Steven Robman Jeannine Renshaw October 17 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 17 ) 8.97 Melinda watches Ned playing a computer game , and notices one of the Avatars staring right at her , and he appears in her shop , making her realise she has pulled him out of the game . She realises he is a ghost who appears as his Avatar because that is how he remembers himself , he died whilst playing the game . After realising that this Ghost / Avatar - ' Phoenix ' is usually hanging around with a teenage girl in the game , Mel , Ned and Eli suspect that he is a Predator , and proceed to try and catch him . Melinda sets up an Avatar and enters the game , and eventually discovers that ' Phoenix ' is the girls dad , and is actually trying to protect his daughter from the real Predator , who they then have to work together to catch . 66 `` Save Our Souls '' Gloria Muzio Mark B. Perry October 24 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 24 ) 10.14 Melinda and Jim go to a cruise ship that is going to be scrapped soon and meet the newlywed couple staying in the room next to theirs who want to swap because they are having problems with their room and marriage . Mel sees lots of ghosts on the ship and one is very friendly and helpful . Mel realises room M108 is haunted by a ghost who is looking for her fiancé and swaps rooms so she can help her . She figures out the story of how the ghost died and who her fiancé was - he happens to be the owner of the ship , and has to get him to help the ghost cross over . Guest Star : Solange Knowles as cruise singer . 67 5 `` Bloodline '' Ian Sander Melissa Blake & Joy Blake October 31 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 31 ) 9.40 A teenager dies while playing tennis with Ned and a friend , and her ghost starts haunting the girl . Mel finds out that the two girls used to be friends until their mothers stopped talking and one family moved away . After the discovery that the blood clot that killed Diana is a genetic condition , it is revealed that the girls were swapped at birth . The ghost tries to stop Melinda revealing the truth . 68 6 `` Imaginary Friends and Enemies '' Eric Laneuville Vivian Lee November 7 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 07 ) 11.06 Mel and Jim visit an old lodge with an old friend , her daughter and her new fiancé , and Melinda quickly realises that the little girl 's imaginary friend is actually a ghost . The ghost seems obsessed with the girl 's mother , and wants to play a game with her , but the game ends up hurting the mother . It is later revealed that the mother used to be friends with the ghost ( when he was alive and after ) , and he is trying to warn her about someone , using a clues game they used to play . Melinda has to convince Tricia to play the game and work out the clues . Jim is shot . 69 7 `` Threshold '' John Gray John Gray November 14 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 14 ) 11.57 Jim meets his brother in the in - between state , but decides that he needs to stay behind to be with Mel , since she 's not coping without him . She ca n't see him even though he 's there , because her grief is strengthening the veil , but there is another ghost who wants her help , and she mistakes the signs as being from Jim . Eventually he gets through to her , and she tries to convince him to cross over , but he refuses . The other ghost is revealed to be the recently deceased stepdaughter of the man who shot Jim . At an accident , a man dies and goes into the light , and Jim steps into the body , despite Melinda 's warning . 70 8 `` Heart & Soul '' Ian Sander Mark B. Perry & P.K. Simonds November 21 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 21 ) 11.28 Jim / Sam has no memory of being Jim and very little of being Sam , and Melinda tries to help , wanting the love of her life back . He visits Sam 's family but eventually accepts Mel 's offer to fix up her garage and live there whilst doing so . Delia does n't believe Melinda about Jim 's spirit stepping into Sam 's body . 71 9 `` Pieces of You '' Jim Chressanthis Laurie McCarthy December 5 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 05 ) 9.71 Jim / Sam is concerned about what might be going on between him and Melinda , thinking they were having an affair , and she assures him she would never cheat on her husband . She starts to tell him about the whole Jim / Sam thing , but his reaction stops her . Delia believes Mel about Jim / Sam after seeing him waiting for Ned at the basketball court , and convinces him to stay . Meanwhile , Mel has to help the ghost of a little girl who is haunting a wishing well . 72 10 `` Ball & Chain '' Eric Laneuville Christina M. Kim & Jeannine Renshaw December 19 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 19 ) 10.18 Whilst doing work at a house , Jim / Sam hears a car backfire and remembers being shot , which he finds weird , but Mel sees it as a sign of Jim still being in there somewhere . Whilst searching for clues about who he is , he finds an engagement ring Sam was planning on giving his on / off girlfriend , bought a month before his accident . Mel has to unravel the mystery behind a ghost 's death , since the ghost is convinced she did n't abandon her family . 73 11 `` Life on the Line '' Eric Laneuville Christina M. Kim & Jeannine Renshaw January 9 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 09 ) 10.64 Delia is selling a house and she and Mel find it odd that there are still so many family photos and personal effects everywhere . Ned finds the lawnmower and awakens a ghost , who resends an old 911 call made from the house . This leads Melinda to investigate , and she discovers that a 14 - year - old boy was killed by the lawnmower there . She must uncover the truth behind the accident and get the family back together for the ghost to move on . Also , Sam remembers medical procedures , indicating that more of Jim 's past is coming up . He also tries to find evidence of his fiancé in his personal effects including looking through his sent e-mails . 74 12 `` This Joint 's Haunted '' Mark Rosman Mark B. Perry January 16 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 16 ) 10.58 Delia throws a dinner party for a couple of her high school friends and Eli who quickly hears a ghost about the place . Ned housesits for Mel whilst she goes on a road trip with Sam who is trying to find his fiancé in the hope that she can help with regaining his memory . Mel has to help a few ghosts along the way , all without revealing her abilities to Sam . The ghost in Delia 's house is trying to stop her from being so hard on Ned because she blames her own parents for her death . Sam 's fiancé comes to see him and finally believes him about the amnesia . 75 13 `` Body of Water '' Jennifer Love Hewitt P.K. Simonds & Laurie McCarthy January 23 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 23 ) 11.18 A girl swims in a lake and is scared away . It is later discovered that there are many dead bodies in the lake and one of them is the girls ' father . Mel and Eli have to figure out what happened to the bodies to stop the ghosts from being so angry and helping them move on , and it has something to do with the owner of the funeral home , who now has cancer and wo n't take his medication . Sam 's fiancé Nikki ends up staying with Mel and spending a lot of time with Sam , which worries Delia , who urges Mel to fight for him . The Watchers return and warn Mel again , and she learns that they chose to stay earthbound to help the living . After his past life regression session with Eli , Sam remembers loving Mel , but he thinks he is remembering Nikki . Note : This episode was Jennifer Love Hewitt 's directorial debut . 76 14 `` Slow Burn '' Steven Robman Jeannine Renshaw February 6 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 06 ) 11.41 Delia asks Sam and Mel to help her chaperone Ned 's school dance , and Mel sees a ghost trying to stop a girl leaving with an older boy . She quickly realises the ghost is the girls ' mother , and must figure out why she does n't want the two to be together , with very little help from the ghost herself . Delia and Eli help her . Sam asks her on a date and she accepts , but helping the ghost causes her to miss it , and leads Sam to think she 's not ready to date after losing her husband . Guest Star : Kendall Schmidt as Jeff 77 15 `` Greek Tragedy '' Karen Gaviola Christina M. Kim February 13 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 13 ) 10.30 A sorority at Rockland University ' hazes ' new members with a brutal ritual , and one girl never returns the next day , which is a first . Mel plans a date with Sam and promises Delia no ghost business , but is unable to help herself when she sees a ghost with a bag over her head , immediately thinking it is the missing girl . Eli works with her to figure out how she died , but the ghost is not who they thought she was at all , she died forty years ago after trying to make amends for the horrible things she did as a sorority leader . Mel told Sam she was volunteering at the firehouse , and when he asks about her there he finds that she never signed in , but he sees on her TV at the Rescue mission . He asks her about it and she lies , making him suspicious . 78 16 `` Ghost Busted '' John Behring Mark B. Perry & P.K. Simonds February 27 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 27 ) 11.54 Melinda 's neighbours hire a ghost hunter right when she was about to tell Sam about her gift , and after seeing his sceptical reaction , she holds off on telling him , despite Delia 's urging otherwise . Eli hangs out with the ghost hunter and accidentally reveals his own gift , ending up thinking the ghost hunter is legit , and they incorrectly deduce that the ghost is the house 's previous owner . Eli lies to Sam when he asks questions about Mel , and Delia tells him to keep an open mind . Mel works out who the ghost really is and helps him move on , finally tells Sam about her gift , and is crushed when he is sceptical . 79 17 `` Delusions of Grandview '' Jefery Levy Laurie McCarthy & Mark B. Perry March 6 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 06 ) 11.09 Sam wants to see Melinda doing her thing , and follows her to a school where he 's been doing work . Mel quickly sees ghosts and works out that they are patients of the mental hospital that the school used to be . One ghost in particular needs her help , she was admitted to the hospital after supposedly drowning her baby . Sam goes into the tunnels with Melinda , and gets freaked out when she has a vision of how the ghost died , which involved electro - shock therapy . Delia and Eli work out that the ghost 's doctor was a ghost himself , and she is trying to protect the children in the school from him . Mel finally tells Sam about him being Jim , and he refuses to believe it , instead thinking that Mel needs professional help . 80 18 `` Leap of Faith '' Ian Sander P.K. Simonds & Laurie McCarthy March 13 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 13 ) 10.58 Sam moved out at Melinda 's request , but he forgot something , so tries calling her to ask for it , but she wo n't answer his calls . Mel is scared by a break - in at her shop , especially when Dr Byrd 's ghost shows up again . Eli goes to see the guy who broke in and discovers that he is another step - in ( like what Jim did to Sam ) . Mel deduces that Dr Byrd is behind the step - in 's , and works out that he wants another body for himself . Mel realises the other step - in is lost and confused somewhere in the tunnels and goes to find and help him , but the water valve has broken and the place is quickly filling with water . Byrd goes to get Eli and Sam is sceptical of his belief in a ghost he does n't trust , but follows him down anyway . Since Eli ca n't swim , Sam goes to rescue Mel , and after his bag gets trapped on something , Jim 's life flashes before his eyes . 81 19 `` Thrilled to Death '' Gloria Muzio Laurie McCarthy & Jeannine Renshaw April 10 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 10 ) 10.08 A young woman in Eli 's apartment building is being haunted , but claims she does n't know anyone who has died . Mel and Eli investigate together and figure out who the ghost is , and when they find out that Morgan was lying about knowing him , they wonder what else she 's been lying about , and quickly discover that she is ill herself . Meanwhile , Jim misses his job and friends but realises that ca n't be his life anymore , and he eventually decides he wants to go to Med School . Mel and Eli realise there is much more to Morgan 's story , and have to stop the ghost hurting her out of his anger at being lied to . Guest Star : Hilary Duff as Morgan . 82 20 `` Stage Fright '' Eric Laneuville Mark B. Perry April 24 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 24 ) 9.23 A TV show is shooting in Grandview and wants to use Melinda 's store . Mel , Delia , Jim and Eli go to a Promotional Event , and Mel and Eli quickly pick up that a ghost is haunting the writer of the show and the lead male actor , and is also involving a seemingly random girl in the audience . They discover that they were all in a play together and the ghost was shot on stage when the blank gun malfunctioned . Mel and Eli think he blames the other three for his death and Eli jumps to the conclusion that the ghost is trying to kill someone on the show . They have to unravel the truth behind what happened in the play all those years ago so the ghost can cross over . After an accident shooting a walk - on part , Jim takes Mel to the hospital and they get some great news . Guest Star : Amelia Heinle as Brook Dennis . 83 21 `` Cursed '' Kim Moses Laurie McCarthy May 1 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 01 ) 9.79 A little girl comes into the store , searching for a very specific doll , and when the older girl ( a cousin ) explains that it is for a replica dollhouse of the house the older girl lived in with her family before they died , and that the dolls ' talk ' to the little girl , Melinda suspects that the spirits of Emma 's family are trapped in the dollhouse . She investigates until she finds out the truth behind their deaths , leading her to think that the little girls mother ( and Emma 's Aunt ) killed the family for their money and wants to hurt Emma . Mel tells Delia she 's pregnant , then discovers that she 's lost her wedding bands . Jim proposes again . 84 22 `` Endless Love '' Ian Sander P.K. Simonds May 8 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 08 ) 9.50 Melinda is at Delia 's when she realises that one of the girls in Ned 's study group is being haunted . After a sleepwalking incident , Mel and Eli try to work out who the ghost is and what he wants . Eli 's friend Zoe ( who told him about Voodoo in the previous episode ) recognises the hauntings as Vampire Myths , leading Mel to wonder if Serena knew the ghost , and whether she was into Vampires . When she tries to ask her about it , Serena ends up thinking Vampires are real , and is surprised when Mel reveals she was talking about a ghost . The ghost leads Serena to his crypt after she says she wants to see him , and Mel has to race against time to get there and get her out of the sealed crypt before all the oxygen runs out . Also , Mel and Jim plan their second wedding - with Jim as Sam . Guest Star : Alexa Vega as Serena 85 23 `` The Book of Changes '' John Gray John Gray May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) 9.15 Melinda 's mother hires a wedding planner who completely ignores what the couple want . Someone breaks into the University Library and then Zoe 's house , but is interrupted by Eli . The thief only stole one book - called ' The Book of Changes ' by the Watchers . It has important dates in it , such as previous deaths and Melinda 's due date , which is why Carl the Watcher tells Eli not to let Melinda see or touch the book . Because the collection it was hidden in is being bought , the Watchers are trying to protect it . Melinda keeps getting visions of a faceless girl holding the book and saying that Mel 's future is in ' her ' hands and that Mel ca n't save ' her ' . Mel is scared for her unborn baby , especially when she learns that it will be able to do much more than her ( with their gift ) . Jim and Mel have a quiet wedding on the street where they first met , with only Delia and Eli in attendance , and Jim calls it a renewal of everything they already had and have . Mel is told she has lots of white light around her - spirits protecting her , but if the balance slips , that could change . Eli becomes ' The Book of Changes ' new caretaker . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ . Archived from the original on June 17 , 2009 . Retrieved July 30 , 2010 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Season Program Rankings ( Through 5 / 17 ) '' . ABC Medianet . May 19 , 2009 . Archived from the original on June 23 , 2009 . Retrieved June 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived November 18 , 2006 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Archived October 22 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Ghost Whisperer on Ghost Whisperer on LivingTV Archived March 7 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Real - life ' Ghost Whisperer ' inspires CBS '' . Jump up ^ `` Ghost Whisperer on LivingTV '' . Jump up ^ Universal Studios Hollywood - What 's New Archived 2011 - 02 - 03 at WebCite Jump up ^ `` '' . Jump up ^ Ghost Whisperer Television Show - Mix Checks in on Creating Audio Sounds for Ghost Whisperer TV Show Archived 2011 - 02 - 03 at WebCite Jump up ^ `` Flash Film Works - Ghost Whisperer '' . . Jump up ^ `` EDEN FX '' . Jump up ^ `` Nielsen TV Ratings Top CBS Primetime Shows , September 29 - October 5 , 2008 : NCIS , CSI : MIAMI , CSI , CRIMINAL MINDS , THE MENTALIST , TWO AND A HALF MEN , CSI : NY , SURVIVOR : GABON , 60 MINUTES , COLD CASE , WITHOUT A TRACE , WORST WEEK , AMAZING RACE , HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER , THE UNIT , THE BIG BANG THEORY , 48 HOURS MYSTERY , GARY UNMARRIED , THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE , CRIMETIME SATURDAY - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . October 7 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , October 6 -- 12 , 2008 : NCIS , CSI : MIAMI , CSI , CRIMINAL MINDS , THE MENTALIST , TWO AND A HALF MEN , CSI : NY , SURVIVOR : GABON , 60 MINUTES , COLD CASE , WITHOUT A TRACE , WORST WEEK , AMAZING RACE , HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER , THE UNIT , THE BIG BANG THEORY , 48 HOURS MYSTERY , GARY UNMARRIED , THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE , CRIMETIME SATURDAY - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . October 14 , 2008 . Archived from the original on July 5 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Nielsen TV Ratings CBS Primetime Shows , October 13 -- 19 : NCIS , CSI : MIAMI , CSI , CRIMINAL MINDS , THE MENTALIST , TWO AND A HALF MEN , CSI : NY , SURVIVOR : GABON , 60 MINUTES , COLD CASE , WITHOUT A TRACE , WORST WEEK , AMAZING RACE , HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER , THE UNIT , THE BIG BANG THEORY , 48 HOURS MYSTERY , GARY UNMARRIED , THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE , CRIMETIME SATURDAY - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . October 21 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , October 20 -- 26 , 2008 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . October 29 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , October 27 -- November 2 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . November 4 , 2008 . Archived from the original on December 7 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , November 3 -- 9 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . November 11 , 2008 . Archived from the original on June 17 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , November 10 -- 16 , 2008 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . November 18 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows November 17 -- 23 , 2008 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . November 25 , 2008 . Archived from the original on December 7 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , December 1 -- 7 , 2008 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . December 9 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , December 15 -- 21 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . December 23 , 2008 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Show , January 5 -- 11 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . January 13 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , January 12 -- 18 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . January 21 , 2009 . Archived from the original on February 13 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , January 19 -- 25 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . January 27 , 2009 . Archived from the original on February 13 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , February 2 -- 8 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . February 10 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , February 9 -- 15 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . February 18 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows February 23 to March 1 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . Archived from the original on June 8 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , March 2 -- 8 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . March 10 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , March 9 -- 15 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , April 6 -- 12 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . April 14 , 2009 . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , April 20 -- 26 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . April 28 , 2009 . Archived from the original on June 6 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , April 27 -- May 3 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , May 4 -- 10 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . May 12 , 2009 . Archived from the original on May 28 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Top CBS Primetime Shows , May 11 -- 17 , 2009 - TV Ratings , Nielsen Ratings , Television Show Ratings '' . . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2009 . Retrieved June 27 , 2010 . General references `` Ghost Whisperer Episodes on CBS '' . TV Guide . Retrieved June 28 , 2010 . `` Shows A-Z - the ghost whisperer on cbs '' . the Futon Critic . Retrieved June 28 , 2010 . `` The Ghost Whisperer : Episode Guide '' . MSN TV . Retrieved June 28 , 2010 . Ghost Whisperer Episodes Season 1 `` Stranglehold '' `` Pater Familias '' 5 `` Birthday Presence '' `` Implosion '' `` The Children 's Parade '' Characters Melinda Gordon Related John Gray ( creator ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2009 American television seasons 2008 American television seasons Ghost Whisperer Hidden categories : Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template webcite links Infobox television season articles that use the season name parameter Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Français Italiano Polski Edit links This page was last edited on 20 August 2018 , at 21 : 36 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
what episode did jim die on ghost whisperer
No. in Series No. in Season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 63 `` Firestarter '' Eric Laneuville P.K. Simonds October 3 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 03 ) 9.44 Melinda hears that there has been a fire at the Rockland University Building when Jim is called over there , and hurries over , fearful for Professor Rick Payne , but he is revealed to be alive and well . However , a therapist by the name Eli James dies , and Melinda witnesses his soul being brought back . This ' near - death ' experience grants him the ability to hear ghosts . The episode is focused on the ghost of one of Eli 's patients , who was possibly more than that , and whether or not she has been starting fires since she was 12 . Whilst Melinda is trapped in the archives , she meets a group of seemingly benign ghosts calling themselves the watchers , who warn her that dealing with death may brush off on something she loves . Note : This was Jay Mohr 's last appearance as Professor Payne . First appearance of Jamie Kennedy Guest Star : Alona Tal as Fiona Raine 64 `` Big Chills '' Peter Werner Laurie McCarthy October 10 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 10 ) 9.69 A woman finds her friend dead and strange things start happening around her . She remembers Melinda 's abilities from high school ( not that she ever believed it before ) and calls on her for help . Mel quickly uncovers the story - Grace , her current boyfriend and the dead friend were in a car accident with a motorcyclist 10 years ago and they left him for dead . The guilt ate away at the dead friend but when he tried to go to the police , the other two stopped him . Melinda must tell the motorcyclists family what happened to him in order for the ghost to move on . 65 `` Ghost in the Machine '' Steven Robman Jeannine Renshaw October 17 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 17 ) 8.97 Melinda watches Ned playing a computer game , and notices one of the Avatars staring right at her , and he appears in her shop , making her realise she has pulled him out of the game . She realises he is a ghost who appears as his Avatar because that is how he remembers himself , he died whilst playing the game . After realising that this Ghost / Avatar - ' Phoenix ' is usually hanging around with a teenage girl in the game , Mel , Ned and Eli suspect that he is a Predator , and proceed to try and catch him . Melinda sets up an Avatar and enters the game , and eventually discovers that ' Phoenix ' is the girls dad , and is actually trying to protect his daughter from the real Predator , who they then have to work together to catch . 66 `` Save Our Souls '' Gloria Muzio Mark B. Perry October 24 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 24 ) 10.14 Melinda and Jim go to a cruise ship that is going to be scrapped soon and meet the newlywed couple staying in the room next to theirs who want to swap because they are having problems with their room and marriage . Mel sees lots of ghosts on the ship and one is very friendly and helpful . Mel realises room M108 is haunted by a ghost who is looking for her fiancé and swaps rooms so she can help her . She figures out the story of how the ghost died and who her fiancé was - he happens to be the owner of the ship , and has to get him to help the ghost cross over . Guest Star : Solange Knowles as cruise singer . 67 5 `` Bloodline '' Ian Sander Melissa Blake & Joy Blake October 31 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 31 ) 9.40 A teenager dies while playing tennis with Ned and a friend , and her ghost starts haunting the girl . Mel finds out that the two girls used to be friends until their mothers stopped talking and one family moved away . After the discovery that the blood clot that killed Diana is a genetic condition , it is revealed that the girls were swapped at birth . The ghost tries to stop Melinda revealing the truth . 68 6 `` Imaginary Friends and Enemies '' Eric Laneuville Vivian Lee November 7 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 07 ) 11.06 Mel and Jim visit an old lodge with an old friend , her daughter and her new fiancé , and Melinda quickly realises that the little girl 's imaginary friend is actually a ghost . The ghost seems obsessed with the girl 's mother , and wants to play a game with her , but the game ends up hurting the mother . It is later revealed that the mother used to be friends with the ghost ( when he was alive and after ) , and he is trying to warn her about someone , using a clues game they used to play . Melinda has to convince Tricia to play the game and work out the clues . Jim is shot . 69 7 `` Threshold '' John Gray John Gray November 14 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 14 ) 11.57 Jim meets his brother in the in - between state , but decides that he needs to stay behind to be with Mel , since she 's not coping without him . She ca n't see him even though he 's there , because her grief is strengthening the veil , but there is another ghost who wants her help , and she mistakes the signs as being from Jim . Eventually he gets through to her , and she tries to convince him to cross over , but he refuses . The other ghost is revealed to be the recently deceased stepdaughter of the man who shot Jim . At an accident , a man dies and goes into the light , and Jim steps into the body , despite Melinda 's warning . 70 8 `` Heart & Soul '' Ian Sander Mark B. Perry & P.K. Simonds November 21 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 21 ) 11.28 Jim / Sam has no memory of being Jim and very little of being Sam , and Melinda tries to help , wanting the love of her life back . He visits Sam 's family but eventually accepts Mel 's offer to fix up her garage and live there whilst doing so . Delia does n't believe Melinda about Jim 's spirit stepping into Sam 's body . 71 9 `` Pieces of You '' Jim Chressanthis Laurie McCarthy December 5 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 05 ) 9.71 Jim / Sam is concerned about what might be going on between him and Melinda , thinking they were having an affair , and she assures him she would never cheat on her husband . She starts to tell him about the whole Jim / Sam thing , but his reaction stops her . Delia believes Mel about Jim / Sam after seeing him waiting for Ned at the basketball court , and convinces him to stay . Meanwhile , Mel has to help the ghost of a little girl who is haunting a wishing well . 72 10 `` Ball & Chain '' Eric Laneuville Christina M. Kim & Jeannine Renshaw December 19 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 19 ) 10.18 Whilst doing work at a house , Jim / Sam hears a car backfire and remembers being shot , which he finds weird , but Mel sees it as a sign of Jim still being in there somewhere . Whilst searching for clues about who he is , he finds an engagement ring Sam was planning on giving his on / off girlfriend , bought a month before his accident . Mel has to unravel the mystery behind a ghost 's death , since the ghost is convinced she did n't abandon her family . 73 11 `` Life on the Line '' Eric Laneuville Christina M. Kim & Jeannine Renshaw January 9 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 09 ) 10.64 Delia is selling a house and she and Mel find it odd that there are still so many family photos and personal effects everywhere . Ned finds the lawnmower and awakens a ghost , who resends an old 911 call made from the house . This leads Melinda to investigate , and she discovers that a 14 - year - old boy was killed by the lawnmower there . She must uncover the truth behind the accident and get the family back together for the ghost to move on . Also , Sam remembers medical procedures , indicating that more of Jim 's past is coming up . He also tries to find evidence of his fiancé in his personal effects including looking through his sent e-mails . 74 12 `` This Joint 's Haunted '' Mark Rosman Mark B. Perry January 16 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 16 ) 10.58 Delia throws a dinner party for a couple of her high school friends and Eli who quickly hears a ghost about the place . Ned housesits for Mel whilst she goes on a road trip with Sam who is trying to find his fiancé in the hope that she can help with regaining his memory . Mel has to help a few ghosts along the way , all without revealing her abilities to Sam . The ghost in Delia 's house is trying to stop her from being so hard on Ned because she blames her own parents for her death . Sam 's fiancé comes to see him and finally believes him about the amnesia . 75 13 `` Body of Water '' Jennifer Love Hewitt P.K. Simonds & Laurie McCarthy January 23 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 23 ) 11.18 A girl swims in a lake and is scared away . It is later discovered that there are many dead bodies in the lake and one of them is the girls ' father . Mel and Eli have to figure out what happened to the bodies to stop the ghosts from being so angry and helping them move on , and it has something to do with the owner of the funeral home , who now has cancer and wo n't take his medication . Sam 's fiancé Nikki ends up staying with Mel and spending a lot of time with Sam , which worries Delia , who urges Mel to fight for him . The Watchers return and warn Mel again , and she learns that they chose to stay earthbound to help the living . After his past life regression session with Eli , Sam remembers loving Mel , but he thinks he is remembering Nikki . Note : This episode was Jennifer Love Hewitt 's directorial debut . 76 14 `` Slow Burn '' Steven Robman Jeannine Renshaw February 6 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 06 ) 11.41 Delia asks Sam and Mel to help her chaperone Ned 's school dance , and Mel sees a ghost trying to stop a girl leaving with an older boy . She quickly realises the ghost is the girls ' mother , and must figure out why she does n't want the two to be together , with very little help from the ghost herself . Delia and Eli help her . Sam asks her on a date and she accepts , but helping the ghost causes her to miss it , and leads Sam to think she 's not ready to date after losing her husband . Guest Star : Kendall Schmidt as Jeff 77 15 `` Greek Tragedy '' Karen Gaviola Christina M. Kim February 13 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 13 ) 10.30 A sorority at Rockland University ' hazes ' new members with a brutal ritual , and one girl never returns the next day , which is a first . Mel plans a date with Sam and promises Delia no ghost business , but is unable to help herself when she sees a ghost with a bag over her head , immediately thinking it is the missing girl . Eli works with her to figure out how she died , but the ghost is not who they thought she was at all , she died forty years ago after trying to make amends for the horrible things she did as a sorority leader . Mel told Sam she was volunteering at the firehouse , and when he asks about her there he finds that she never signed in , but he sees on her TV at the Rescue mission . He asks her about it and she lies , making him suspicious . 78 16 `` Ghost Busted '' John Behring Mark B. Perry & P.K. Simonds February 27 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 27 ) 11.54 Melinda 's neighbours hire a ghost hunter right when she was about to tell Sam about her gift , and after seeing his sceptical reaction , she holds off on telling him , despite Delia 's urging otherwise . Eli hangs out with the ghost hunter and accidentally reveals his own gift , ending up thinking the ghost hunter is legit , and they incorrectly deduce that the ghost is the house 's previous owner . Eli lies to Sam when he asks questions about Mel , and Delia tells him to keep an open mind . Mel works out who the ghost really is and helps him move on , finally tells Sam about her gift , and is crushed when he is sceptical . 79 17 `` Delusions of Grandview '' Jefery Levy Laurie McCarthy & Mark B. Perry March 6 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 06 ) 11.09 Sam wants to see Melinda doing her thing , and follows her to a school where he 's been doing work . Mel quickly sees ghosts and works out that they are patients of the mental hospital that the school used to be . One ghost in particular needs her help , she was admitted to the hospital after supposedly drowning her baby . Sam goes into the tunnels with Melinda , and gets freaked out when she has a vision of how the ghost died , which involved electro - shock therapy . Delia and Eli work out that the ghost 's doctor was a ghost himself , and she is trying to protect the children in the school from him . Mel finally tells Sam about him being Jim , and he refuses to believe it , instead thinking that Mel needs professional help . 80 18 `` Leap of Faith '' Ian Sander P.K. Simonds & Laurie McCarthy March 13 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 13 ) 10.58 Sam moved out at Melinda 's request , but he forgot something , so tries calling her to ask for it , but she wo n't answer his calls . Mel is scared by a break - in at her shop , especially when Dr Byrd 's ghost shows up again . Eli goes to see the guy who broke in and discovers that he is another step - in ( like what Jim did to Sam ) . Mel deduces that Dr Byrd is behind the step - in 's , and works out that he wants another body for himself . Mel realises the other step - in is lost and confused somewhere in the tunnels and goes to find and help him , but the water valve has broken and the place is quickly filling with water . Byrd goes to get Eli and Sam is sceptical of his belief in a ghost he does n't trust , but follows him down anyway . Since Eli ca n't swim , Sam goes to rescue Mel , and after his bag gets trapped on something , Jim 's life flashes before his eyes . 81 19 `` Thrilled to Death '' Gloria Muzio Laurie McCarthy & Jeannine Renshaw April 10 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 10 ) 10.08 A young woman in Eli 's apartment building is being haunted , but claims she does n't know anyone who has died . Mel and Eli investigate together and figure out who the ghost is , and when they find out that Morgan was lying about knowing him , they wonder what else she 's been lying about , and quickly discover that she is ill herself . Meanwhile , Jim misses his job and friends but realises that ca n't be his life anymore , and he eventually decides he wants to go to Med School . Mel and Eli realise there is much more to Morgan 's story , and have to stop the ghost hurting her out of his anger at being lied to . Guest Star : Hilary Duff as Morgan . 82 20 `` Stage Fright '' Eric Laneuville Mark B. Perry April 24 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 24 ) 9.23 A TV show is shooting in Grandview and wants to use Melinda 's store . Mel , Delia , Jim and Eli go to a Promotional Event , and Mel and Eli quickly pick up that a ghost is haunting the writer of the show and the lead male actor , and is also involving a seemingly random girl in the audience . They discover that they were all in a play together and the ghost was shot on stage when the blank gun malfunctioned . Mel and Eli think he blames the other three for his death and Eli jumps to the conclusion that the ghost is trying to kill someone on the show . They have to unravel the truth behind what happened in the play all those years ago so the ghost can cross over . After an accident shooting a walk - on part , Jim takes Mel to the hospital and they get some great news . Guest Star : Amelia Heinle as Brook Dennis . 83 21 `` Cursed '' Kim Moses Laurie McCarthy May 1 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 01 ) 9.79 A little girl comes into the store , searching for a very specific doll , and when the older girl ( a cousin ) explains that it is for a replica dollhouse of the house the older girl lived in with her family before they died , and that the dolls ' talk ' to the little girl , Melinda suspects that the spirits of Emma 's family are trapped in the dollhouse . She investigates until she finds out the truth behind their deaths , leading her to think that the little girls mother ( and Emma 's Aunt ) killed the family for their money and wants to hurt Emma . Mel tells Delia she 's pregnant , then discovers that she 's lost her wedding bands . Jim proposes again . 84 22 `` Endless Love '' Ian Sander P.K. Simonds May 8 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 08 ) 9.50 Melinda is at Delia 's when she realises that one of the girls in Ned 's study group is being haunted . After a sleepwalking incident , Mel and Eli try to work out who the ghost is and what he wants . Eli 's friend Zoe ( who told him about Voodoo in the previous episode ) recognises the hauntings as Vampire Myths , leading Mel to wonder if Serena knew the ghost , and whether she was into Vampires . When she tries to ask her about it , Serena ends up thinking Vampires are real , and is surprised when Mel reveals she was talking about a ghost . The ghost leads Serena to his crypt after she says she wants to see him , and Mel has to race against time to get there and get her out of the sealed crypt before all the oxygen runs out . Also , Mel and Jim plan their second wedding - with Jim as Sam . Guest Star : Alexa Vega as Serena 85 23 `` The Book of Changes '' John Gray John Gray May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) 9.15 Melinda 's mother hires a wedding planner who completely ignores what the couple want . Someone breaks into the University Library and then Zoe 's house , but is interrupted by Eli . The thief only stole one book - called ' The Book of Changes ' by the Watchers . It has important dates in it , such as previous deaths and Melinda 's due date , which is why Carl the Watcher tells Eli not to let Melinda see or touch the book . Because the collection it was hidden in is being bought , the Watchers are trying to protect it . Melinda keeps getting visions of a faceless girl holding the book and saying that Mel 's future is in ' her ' hands and that Mel ca n't save ' her ' . Mel is scared for her unborn baby , especially when she learns that it will be able to do much more than her ( with their gift ) . Jim and Mel have a quiet wedding on the street where they first met , with only Delia and Eli in attendance , and Jim calls it a renewal of everything they already had and have . Mel is told she has lots of white light around her - spirits protecting her , but if the balance slips , that could change . Eli becomes ' The Book of Changes ' new caretaker .
Darien Sills - Evans - wikipedia Darien Sills - Evans Jump to : navigation , search Darien Sills - Evans ( 1974 - 10 - 11 ) October 11 , 1974 ( age 43 ) Brooklyn , New York City , New York , United States Occupation actor , writer , comedian , director Years active 1995 -- present Darien Sean Evans , better known by his stage name , Darien Sills - Evans , ( October 11 , 1974 ) is an American actor , writer , comedian , and director . Contents ( hide ) 1 Television Career 2 Cinema Career 3 Comedy 4 Filmography and awards 4.1 Director 4.2 Producer 4.3 Actor 5 References 6 External links Television career ( edit ) Early in his career , Evans was best known for his television career including playing `` Darien '' on 17 episodes of the CBS sitcom Cosby from 1998 until 2000 , and as `` Dr. Fields '' on the NBC drama Third Watch in 22 episodes from 2002 until 2005 . Other guest appearances include Law & Order , New York Undercover , Law & Order : Special Victims Unit , The Black Donnellys , and Person of Interest . More recently , he played `` Darnell Nichols '' on 8 episodes of Treme between 2011 and 2013 . Since at least 2011 , Evans has been the national spokesperson for U.S. Cellular . Cinema career ( edit ) Sills - Evans wrote , directed and starred in the 2002 film X-Patriots , a romantic comedy about two black American men who travel to the Netherlands -- a place where no one looks like them -- in search of self - identity . X-Patriots was named Best Feature Drama and a Critic 's Choice at the Angelciti Film Festival in Chicago , and an official selection at the Boston Film Festival , the Newark Black Film Festival and the Sidewalk Film Festival . He financed the film with money he earned from his appearances on Cosby . In 2005 , Sills - Evans was associate producer and starred in The Reception directed by John G. Young which had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival . The film subsequently played at numerous festivals in the U.S. , including Outfest in Los Angeles , where Sills - Evans earned a best actor award . In 2009 , co-wrote and produced the feature film Rivers Wash Over Me directed by John G. Young ( of The Reception ) . The film became the centerpiece movie of the 2009 NewFest Festival . At the 2009 Outfest in Los Angeles , the leading role actor Derrick L. Middleton in the movie won the Grand Jury Award for `` Outstanding Actor in a Feature Film '' . Darien Sills - Evans also appears in the film in the role of Charles King . In 2010 , Sills - Evans directed the short film , `` Dream House '' , written and produced by Caytha Jentis . In 2010 , Sills - Evans wrote and directed six episodes of `` MC Extra Cheese : The 40 - Year - Old Rapper '' for American Cheesehole Productions . The pilot was nominated for Best Pilot at the 2012 Bannf World Media Festival . In addition to his entertainment work , Sills - Evans has worked in the industrial video field directing and producing educational titles like I Do n't Have A Problem : The Path To Addiction and Student Workshop : Building Character . Comedy ( edit ) Sills - Evans has appeared in comedy venues across the United States . In 2010 he founded Tipsy Hustle , a comedy show and open mic that continues at The Five Spot Soul Food Restaurant in Brooklyn , New York and at The Improv Space in Los Angeles . In 2014 , Sills - Evans began production on RaceMan , a weekly podcast that features comedians - usually persons of color - discussing newsworthy events and pop culture . Filmography and awards ( edit ) Director ( edit ) 2002 : X-Patriots Producer ( edit ) 2005 : The Reception - Associate producer 2009 : Rivers Wash Over Me - Producer Actor ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes Law & Order ( TV series ) Cyrus 1 episode , `` The Fertile Fields '' 1995 New York Undercover ( TV series ) Lawrence 1 episode , `` CAT '' 1998 - 2000 Cosby ( TV series ) Darien recurring , then series regular for last season ; 17 episodes Law & Order : Special Victims Unit ( TV series ) CSU Tech Foster 1 episode , `` Folly '' 2002 X-Patriots Dexter Payne 2002 - 2005 Third Watch ( TV series ) CSU Tech Foster recurring , 24 episodes 2002 Washington Heights Danny The Jury ( TV series ) Bennett Clarkson 1 episode , `` Bangers '' 2005 The Reception Andrew Outfest Best Actor Award 2005 Angel Rodriguez Receptionist TV Movie , on HBO 2005 Preaching to the Choir Wesley Tucker 2006 The Bedford Diaries ( TV series ) Aaron Evans series regular 2007 The Black Donnellys ( TV series ) Dr. Coles 1 episode , `` God is a Comedian '' 2008 Prana Tourist short film 2008 Law & Order ( TV series ) Young Male D.A. 1 episode , `` Strike '' 2009 Rivers Wash Over Me Charles King 2010 - 2013 Treme ( TV series ) Darnell Nichols recurring , 8 episodes 2010 - 2011 Blue Bloods ( TV series ) ESU Cop 2 episodes 2011 - 2012 Person of Interest ( TV series ) Tyrell Evans 3 episodes 2012 White Collar ( TV series ) Manager 1 episode , `` Pulling Strings '' 2012 I Just Want My Pants Back ( TV series ) Driver 1 episode , `` Blackout '' 2012 30 Rock ( TV series ) Man in the Bronx 1 episode , `` The Return of Avery Jessup '' 2013 Big Words Malik 2013 Cleaners ( TV series ) Detective Armstrong 1 episode , `` Till Death Do Us Part '' 2013 Life with Jeannie ( TV series ) 1 episode , `` My First Baby Jesus '' 2015 The Whispers ( TV series ) General Ousmane Damba 1 episode , `` X Marks the Spot '' 2015 Star Wars : Uprising ( video game ) voice only 2015 Need for Speed ( video game ) voice only References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` About Darien Sills - Evans '' . Official website . Retrieved April 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` US Cellular Holiday 2011 Commercial '' . YouTube . Nov 25 , 2011 . Retrieved April 18 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Darien Sills - Evans '' . Wolfman Productions , Inc . Archived from the original on 2008 - 08 - 28 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Darien Sills - Evans '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Independent Media Makers '' . D Street Media Group . Archived from the original on 2008 - 02 - 13 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 28 . External links ( edit ) Official website Darien Sills - Evans on IMDb Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1974 births Living people Male actors from New York City American male film actors American male television actors People from Brooklyn Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 4 September 2017 , at 20 : 36 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays becky on the us cellular commercial
Darien Sean Evans , better known by his stage name , Darien Sills - Evans , ( October 11 , 1974 ) is an American actor , writer , comedian , and director .
Indus Valley Civilisation - wikipedia Indus Valley Civilisation Jump to : navigation , search Indus Valley Civilisation Geographical range South Asia Period Bronze Age Dates c. 3300 -- c. 1300 BCE Excavated ruins of Mohenjo - daro , Sindh province , Pakistan , showing the Great Bath in the foreground . Mohenjo - daro , on the right bank of the Indus River , is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , the first site in South Asia to be so declared . Outline of South Asian history Palaeolithic ( 2,500,000 -- 250,000 BC ) ( show ) Madrasian Culture Soanian Culture Neolithic ( 10,800 -- 3300 BC ) ( show ) Bhirrana Culture ( 7570 -- 6200 BC ) Mehrgarh Culture ( 7000 -- 3300 BC ) Edakkal Culture ( 5000 -- 3000 BC ) Chalcolithic ( 3500 -- 1500 BC ) ( show ) Ahar - Banas Culture ( 3000 -- 1500 BC ) Pandu Culture ( 1600 -- 1500 BC ) Malwa Culture ( 1600 -- 1300 BC ) Jorwe Culture ( 1400 -- 700 BC ) Bronze Age ( 3300 -- 1300 BC ) ( show ) Indus Valley Civilisation ( 3300 -- 1300 BC ) -- Early Harappan Culture ( 3300 -- 2600 BC ) -- Mature Harappan Culture ( 2600 -- 1900 BC ) -- Late Harappan Culture ( 1900 -- 1300 BC ) Vedic Civilisation ( 2000 -- 500 BC ) -- Ochre Coloured Pottery culture ( 2000 -- 1600 BC ) -- Swat culture ( 1600 -- 500 BC ) Iron Age ( 1500 -- 200 BC ) ( show ) Vedic Civilisation ( 1500 -- 500 BC ) -- Janapadas ( 1500 -- 600 BC ) -- Black and Red ware culture ( 1300 -- 1000 BC ) -- Painted Grey Ware culture ( 1200 -- 600 BC ) -- Northern Black Polished Ware ( 700 -- 200 BC ) Pradyota Dynasty ( 799 -- 684 BC ) Haryanka Dynasty ( 684 -- 424 BC ) Three Crowned Kingdoms ( c. 600 BC -- AD 1600 ) Maha Janapadas ( c. 600 -- 300 BC ) Achaemenid Empire ( 550 -- 330 BC ) Ror Dynasty ( 450 BC -- AD 489 ) Shishunaga Dynasty ( 424 -- 345 BC ) Nanda Empire ( 380 -- 321 BC ) Macedonian Empire ( 330 -- 323 BC ) Maurya Empire ( 321 -- 184 BC ) Seleucid India ( 312 -- 303 BC ) Pandya Empire ( c. 300 BC -- AD 1345 ) Chera Kingdom ( c. 300 BC - AD 1102 ) Chola Empire ( c. 300 BC -- AD 1279 ) Pallava Empire ( c. 250 BC -- AD 800 ) Maha - Megha - Vahana Empire ( c. 250 BC -- c . AD 500 ) Parthian Empire ( 247 BC -- AD 224 ) Middle Kingdoms ( 230 BC -- AD 1206 ) ( show ) Satavahana Empire ( 230 BC -- AD 220 ) Kuninda Kingdom ( 200 BC -- AD 300 ) Mitra Dynasty ( c. 150 -- c. 50 BC ) Shunga Empire ( 185 -- 73 BC ) Indo - Greek Kingdom ( 180 BC -- AD 10 ) Kanva Empire ( 75 -- 26 BC ) Indo - Scythian Kingdom ( 50 BC -- AD 400 ) Indo - Parthian Kingdom ( AD 21 -- c. 130 ) Western Satrap Empire ( AD 35 -- 405 ) Kushan Empire ( AD 60 -- 240 ) Bharshiva Dynasty ( 170 -- 350 ) Nagas of Padmavati ( 210 -- 340 ) Sasanian Empire ( 224 -- 651 ) Indo - Sassanid Kingdom ( 230 -- 360 ) Vakataka Empire ( c. 250 -- c. 500 ) Kalabhras Empire ( c. 250 -- c. 600 ) Gupta Empire ( 280 -- 550 ) Kadamba Empire ( 345 -- 525 ) Western Ganga Kingdom ( 350 -- 1000 ) Kamarupa Kingdom ( 350 -- 1100 ) Vishnukundina Empire ( 420 -- 624 ) Maitraka Empire ( 475 -- 767 ) Huna Kingdom ( 475 -- 576 ) Rai Kingdom ( 489 -- 632 ) Kabul Shahi Empire ( c. 500 -- 1026 ) Chalukya Empire ( 543 -- 753 ) Maukhari Empire ( c. 550 -- c. 700 ) Harsha Empire ( 606 -- 647 ) Tibetan Empire ( 618 -- 841 ) Eastern Chalukya Kingdom ( 624 -- 1075 ) Rashidun Caliphate ( 632 -- 661 ) Gurjara - Pratihara Empire ( 650 -- 1036 ) Umayyad Caliphate ( 661 -- 750 ) Pala Empire ( 750 -- 1174 ) Rashtrakuta Empire ( 753 -- 982 ) Paramara Kingdom ( 800 -- 1327 ) Yadava Empire ( 850 -- 1334 ) Chaulukya Kingdom ( 942 -- 1244 ) Western Chalukya Empire ( 973 -- 1189 ) Lohara Kingdom ( 1003 -- 1320 ) Hoysala Empire ( 1040 -- 1346 ) Sena Empire ( 1070 -- 1230 ) Eastern Ganga Empire ( 1078 -- 1434 ) Kakatiya Kingdom ( 1083 -- 1323 ) Zamorin Kingdom ( 1102 -- 1766 ) Kalachuris of Tripuri ( 675 - 1210 ) Kalachuris of Kalyani ( 1156 -- 1184 ) Chutiya Kingdom ( 1187 -- 1673 ) Deva Kingdom ( c. 1200 -- c. 1300 ) Late Medieval Period ( 1206 -- 1526 ) ( show ) Delhi Sultanate ( 1206 -- 1526 ) -- Mamluk Sultanate ( 1206 -- 1290 ) -- Khalji Sultanate ( 1290 -- 1320 ) -- Tughlaq Sultanate ( 1320 -- 1414 ) -- Sayyid Sultanate ( 1414 -- 1451 ) -- Lodi Sultanate ( 1451 -- 1526 ) Ahom Kingdom ( 1228 -- 1826 ) Chitradurga Kingdom ( 1300 -- 1779 ) Reddy Kingdom ( 1325 -- 1448 ) Vijayanagara Empire ( 1336 -- 1646 ) Bengal Sultanate ( 1352 -- 1576 ) Garhwal Kingdom ( 1358 -- 1803 ) Mysore Kingdom ( 1399 -- 1947 ) Gajapati Kingdom ( 1434 -- 1541 ) Deccan Sultanates ( 1490 -- 1596 ) -- Ahmadnagar Sultanate ( 1490 -- 1636 ) -- Berar Sultanate ( 1490 -- 1574 ) -- Bidar Sultanate ( 1492 -- 1619 ) -- Bijapur Sultanate ( 1492 -- 1686 ) -- Golkonda Sultanate ( 1518 -- 1687 ) Keladi Kingdom ( 1499 -- 1763 ) Koch Kingdom ( 1515 -- 1947 ) Early Modern Period ( 1526 -- 1858 ) ( show ) Mughal Empire ( 1526 -- 1858 ) Sur Empire ( 1540 -- 1556 ) Madurai Kingdom ( 1559 -- 1736 ) Thanjavur Kingdom ( 1572 -- 1918 ) Bengal Subah ( 1576 -- 1757 ) Marava Kingdom ( 1600 -- 1750 ) Thondaiman Kingdom ( 1650 -- 1948 ) Maratha Empire ( 1674 -- 1818 ) Sikh Confederacy ( 1707 -- 1799 ) Travancore Kingdom ( 1729 -- 1947 ) Sikh Empire ( 1799 -- 1849 ) Colonial States ( 1510 -- 1961 ) ( show ) Portuguese India ( 1510 -- 1961 ) Dutch India ( 1605 -- 1825 ) Danish India ( 1620 -- 1869 ) French India ( 1759 -- 1954 ) Company Raj ( 1757 -- 1858 ) British Raj ( 1858 -- 1947 ) Periods of Sri Lanka ( show ) Prehistory ( Until 543 BC ) Early kingdoms period ( 543 BC -- 377 BC ) Anuradhapura period ( 377 BC -- AD 1017 ) Polonnaruwa period ( 1056 -- 1232 ) Transitional period ( 1232 -- 1505 ) Crisis of the Sixteenth Century ( 1505 -- 1594 ) Kandyan period ( 1594 -- 1815 ) British Ceylon ( 1815 -- 1948 ) Contemporary Sri Lanka ( 1948 -- present ) National histories ( show ) Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Regional histories ( show ) Assam Balochistan Bengal Bihar Gujarat Himachal Pradesh Kabul Kashmir Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Rajasthan Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Punjab Odisha Sindh South India Tamil Nadu Tibet Specialised histories ( show ) Agriculture Architecture Coinage Demographics Dynasties Economy Education Indology Influence on Southeast Asia Language Literature Maritime Metallurgy Military Partition of India Pakistan studies Philosophy Religion Science & Technology Timeline The Indus Valley Civilisation ( IVC ) , or Harappan Civilisation , was a Bronze Age civilisation ( 3300 -- 1300 BCE ; mature period 2600 -- 1900 BCE ) mainly in the northwestern regions of South Asia , extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India . Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia , it was one of three early cradles of civilisations of the Old World , and of the three , the most widespread . Aridification of this region during the 3rd millennium BCE may have been the initial spur for the urbanisation associated with the civilisation , but eventually also reduced the water supply enough to cause the civilisation 's demise , and to scatter its population eastward . At its peak , the Indus Civilisation may have had a population of over five million . Inhabitants of the ancient Indus River valley developed new techniques in handicraft ( carnelian products , seal carving ) and metallurgy ( copper , bronze , lead , and tin ) . The Indus cities are noted for their urban planning , baked brick houses , elaborate drainage systems , water supply systems , and clusters of large non-residential buildings . Children 's toys were found in the cities , with few weapons of war , suggesting peace and prosperity . Their trade seals , decorated with animals and mythical beings , indicate they conducted thriving trade with lands as far away as Sumer in southern Mesopotamia . The Indus Valley Civilisation is also named the Harappan civilisation after Harappa , the first of its sites to be excavated in the 1920s , in what was then the Punjab province of British India . The discovery of Harappa , and soon afterwards Mohenjo - daro , was the culmination of work beginning in 1861 with the founding of the Archaeological Survey of India in the British Raj . Excavation of Harappan sites has been ongoing since 1920 , with important breakthroughs occurring as recently as 1999 . This Harappan civilisation is sometimes called the Mature Harappan culture to distinguish it from the cultures immediately preceding and following it . Of these , the earlier is often called the Early Harappan culture , while the later one may be referred to as the Late Harappan , both of which existed in the same area as the Mature Harappan Civilisation . The early Harappan cultures were preceded by local Neolithic agricultural villages , from which the river plains were populated . A total of 1,022 cities and settlements had been found by 2008 , mainly in the general region of the Indus and Ghaggar - Hakra Rivers , and their tributaries ; of which 406 sites are in Pakistan and 616 sites in India ; of these 96 have been excavated . Among the settlements were the major urban centres of Harappa , Mohenjo - daro ( UNESCO World Heritage Site ) , Dholavira , Ganeriwala and Rakhigarhi . The Harappan language is not directly attested , and its affiliation is uncertain since the Indus script is still undeciphered . A relationship with the Dravidian or Elamo - Dravidian language family is favoured by a section of scholars . Contents ( hide ) 1 Name 2 Extent 3 Discovery and history of excavation 4 Chronology 5 Pre-Harappan - Mehrgarh 6 Early Harappan 7 Mature Harappan 7.1 Cities 7.2 Authority and governance 7.3 Technology 7.4 Arts and crafts 7.5 Trade and transportation 7.6 Agriculture 7.7 Language 7.8 Possible writing system 7.9 Religion 8 Late Harappan 8.1 `` Aryan invasion '' 8.2 Climate change and drought 8.3 Continuity 9 Post-Harappan 10 Historical context 10.1 Near East 10.2 Dasyu 10.3 Munda 11 See also 12 Notes 13 Citations 14 Bibliography 15 Further reading 16 External links Name ( edit ) The Indus Valley Civilisation is named after the Indus Valley , where the first remains were found . The Indus Valley Civilisation is also named the Harappan civilisation after Harappa , the first of its sites to be excavated in the 1920s , in what was then the Punjab province of British India . The Indus Valley Civilisation has also been called by some the `` Sarasvati culture '' , the `` Sarasvati Civilisation '' , the `` Indus - Sarasvati Civilisation '' or the `` Sindhu - Saraswati Civilisation '' , as the Ghaggar - Hakra river is identified by some with the mythological Sarasvati river , suggesting that the Indus Valley Civilisation was the Vedic civilisation as perceived by traditional Hindu beliefs . Extent ( edit ) Locations of IVC - sites Diorama reconstruction of everyday life in Indus Valley Civilisation ( National Science Centre , Delhi , India ) The Indus Valley Civilisation ( IVC ) encompassed much of Pakistan , western India , and northeastern Afghanistan ; extending from Pakistani Balochistan in the west to Uttar Pradesh in the east , northeastern Afghanistan in the north and Maharashtra in the south . Shortugai to the north is on the Oxus River , the Afghan border with Tajikistan , and in the west Sutkagan Dor is close to the Iranian border . The Kulli culture of Balochistan , of which more than 100 settlement sites are known , can be regarded as a local variant of the IVC , or a related culture . The geography of the Indus Valley put the civilisations that arose there in a highly similar situation to those in Egypt and Peru , with rich agricultural lands being surrounded by highlands , desert , and ocean . Recently , Indus sites have been discovered in Pakistan 's northwestern Frontier Province as well . Other IVC colonies can be found in Afghanistan while smaller isolated colonies can be found as far away as Turkmenistan and in Maharashtra . The largest number of colonies are in the Punjab , Sindh , Rajasthan , Haryana , and Gujarat belt Coastal settlements extended from Sutkagan Dor in Western Baluchistan to Lothal in Gujarat . An Indus Valley site has been found on the Oxus River at Shortughai in northern Afghanistan , in the Gomal River valley in northwestern Pakistan , at Manda , Jammu on the Beas River near Jammu , India , and at Alamgirpur on the Hindon River , only 28 km from Delhi . Indus Valley sites have been found most often on rivers , but also on the ancient seacoast , for example , Balakot , and on islands , for example , Dholavira . It flourished along a system of monsoon - fed perennial rivers in the basins of the Ghaggar - Hakra River in northwest India , and the Indus River flowing through the length of Pakistan . There is evidence of dry river beds overlapping with the Ghaggar River in India and Hakra channel in Pakistan . 616 sites have been discovered along the dried up river beds of the Ghaggar - Hakra River and its tributaries , while 406 sites have been found along the Indus and its tributaries . According to Shereen Ratnagar the Ghaggar - Hakra desert area has more remaining sites than the alluvium of the Indus Valley , since the Ghaggar - Hakra desert area has been left untouched by settlements and agriculture since the end of the Indus Valley Civilisation . Discovery and History of excavation ( edit ) Indus Valley pottery , 2500 -- 1900 BCE The ruins of Harappa were described in 1842 by Charles Masson in his Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan , Afghanistan , and the Punjab , where locals talked of an ancient city extending `` thirteen cosses '' ( about 25 miles or 41 km ) . Archaeological ruins at Mohenjo - daro , Sindh , Pakistan In 1856 , Alexander Cunningham , later director - general of the archaeological survey of northern India , visited Harappa where the British engineers John and William Brunton were laying the East Indian Railway Company line connecting the cities of Karachi and Lahore . John wrote , `` I was much exercised in my mind how we were to get ballast for the line of the railway '' . They were told of an ancient ruined city near the lines , called Harappa . Visiting the city , he found it full of hard well - burnt bricks , and , `` convinced that there was a grand quarry for the ballast I wanted '' , the city of Harappa was reduced to ballast . A few months later , further north , John 's brother William Brunton 's `` section of the line ran near another ruined city , bricks from which had already been used by villagers in the nearby village of Harappa at the same site . These bricks now provided ballast along 93 miles ( 150 km ) of the railroad track running from Karachi to Lahore '' . In 1872 -- 75 , Cunningham published the first Harappan seal ( with an erroneous identification as Brahmi letters ) . More Harappan seals were discovered in 1912 by John Faithfull Fleet , prompting an archaeological campaign under Sir John Hubert Marshall . Marshall , Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni and Madho Sarup Vats began excavating Harappa in 1921 , finding buildings and artefacts indicative of an ancient civilisation . These were soon complemented by discoveries at Mohenjo - daro by Rakhal Das Banerjee , Ernest J.H. Mackay , and Marshall . By 1931 , much of Mohenjo - daro had been excavated , but excavations continued , such as that led by Sir Mortimer Wheeler , director of the Archaeological Survey of India in 1944 . Among other archaeologists who worked on IVC sites before the independence in 1947 were Ahmad Hasan Dani , Brij Basi Lal , Nani Gopal Majumdar , and Sir Marc Aurel Stein . Following independence , the bulk of the archaeological finds were inherited by Pakistan where most of the IVC was based , with new discoveries India now has 50 % more sites than Pakistan . Outposts of the Indus Valley civilisation were excavated as far west as Sutkagan Dor in Pakistani Balochistan , as far north as at Shortugai on the Amu Darya ( the river 's ancient name was Oxus ) in current Afghanistan , as far east as at Alamgirpur , Uttar Pradesh , India and as far south as at Malwan , in modern - day Surat , Gujarat , India . In 2010 , heavy floods hit Haryana in India and damaged the archaeological site of Jognakhera , where ancient copper smelting furnaces were found dating back almost 5,000 years . The Indus Valley Civilisation site was hit by almost 10 feet of water as the Sutlej Yamuna link canal overflowed . Chronology ( edit ) Main article : Periodisation of the Indus Valley Civilisation The cities of the Indus Valley Civilisation had `` social hierarchies , their writing system , their large planned cities and their long - distance trade ( which ) mark them to archaeologists as a full - fledged ' civilisation . ' '' The mature phase of the Harappan civilisation lasted from c. 2600 to 1900 BCE . With the inclusion of the predecessor and successor cultures -- Early Harappan and Late Harappan , respectively -- the entire Indus Valley Civilisation may be taken to have lasted from the 33rd to the 14th centuries BCE . It is part of the Indus Valley Tradition , which also includes the pre-Harappan occupation of Mehrgarh , the earliest farming site of the Indus Valley . Several periodisations are employed for the periodisation of the IVC . The most commonly used classifies the Indus Valley Civilisation into Early , Mature and Late Harappan Phase . An alternative approach by Shaffer divides the broader Indus Valley Tradition into four eras , the pre-Harappan `` Early Food Producing Era , '' and the Regionalisation , Integration , and Localisation eras , which correspond roughly with the Early Harappan , Mature Harappan , and Late Harappan phases . According to Rao , Hakra Ware has been found at Bhirrana , and is pre-Harappan , dating to the 8th - 7th millennium BCE . Hakra Ware culture is a material culture which is contemporaneous with the early Harappan Ravi phase culture ( 3300 - 2800 BCE ) of the Indus Valley . According to Dikshit and Rami , the estimation for the antiquity of Bhirrana as pre-Harappan is based on two calculations of charcoal samples , giving two dates of respectively 7570 - 7180 BCE , and 6689 - 6201 BCE . Dates Main Phase Mehrgarh phases Harappan phases Other phases Era 7000 -- 5500 BCE Pre-Harappan Mehrgarh I ( aceramic Neolithic ) Early Food Producing Era 5500 -- 3300 BCE Pre-Harappan / Early Harappan Mehrgarh II - VI ( ceramic Neolithic ) Regionalisation Era c. 4000 - 2500 / 2300 BCE ( Shaffer ) c. 5000 - 3200 BCE ( Coningham & Young ) 3300 -- 2800 BCE Early Harappan c. 3300 - 2800 BCE ( Mughal ) c. 5000 - 2800 BCE ( Kenoyer ) Harappan 1 ( Ravi Phase ; Hakra Ware ) 2800 -- 2600 BCE Mehrgarh VII Harappan 2 ( Kot Diji Phase , Nausharo I ) 2600 -- 2450 BCE Mature Harappan ( Indus Valley Civilisation ) Harappan 3A ( Nausharo II ) Integration Era 2450 -- 2200 BCE Harappan 3B 2200 -- 1900 BCE Harappan 3C 1900 -- 1700 BCE Late Harappan Harappan 4 Cemetery H Ochre Coloured Pottery Localisation Era 1700 -- 1300 BCE Harappan 5 1300 -- 600 BCE Post-Harappan Iron Age India Painted Grey Ware ( 1200 - 600 BCE ) Vedic period ( c. 1500 - 500 BCE ) Regionalisation c. 1200 - 300 BCE ( Kenoyer ) c. 1500 - 600 BCE ( Coningham & Young ) 600 - 300 BCE Northern Black Polished Ware ( Iron Age ) ( 700 - 200 BCE ) Second urbanisation ( c. 500 - 200 BCE ) Integration Pre-Harappan - Mehrgarh ( edit ) Haplogroup L - M20 has a high frequency in the Indus Valley . McElreavy & Quintana - Murci ( 2005 ) note that `` both the frequency distribution and estimated expansion time ( ~ 7,000 YBP ) of this lineage suggest that its spread in the Indus Valley may be associated with the expansion of local farming groups during the Neolithic period . '' See also : Neolithic revolution , Fertile Crescent , and Demic diffusion Mehrgarh is a Neolithic ( 7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE ) site to the west of the Indus River valley , near the capital of the Kachi District in Pakistan , on the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan , near the Bolan Pass . According to Ahmad Hasan Dani , professor emeritus at Quaid - e-Azam University , Islamabad , the discovery of Mehrgarh `` changed the entire concept of the Indus civilisation ( ... ) There we have the whole sequence , right from the beginning of settled village life . '' Mehrgarh is one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming and herding in South Asia . According to Parpola , the culture migrated into the Indus Valley and became the Indus Valley Civilisation . Mehrgarh was influenced by the Near Eastern Neolithic , with similarities between `` domesticated wheat varieties , early phases of farming , pottery , other archaeological artefacts , some domesticated plants and herd animals . '' Gallego Romero et al. ( 2011 ) notice that `` ( t ) he earliest evidence of cattle herding in south Asia comes from the Indus River Valley site of Mehrgarh and is dated to 7,000 YBP . '' Lukacs and Hemphill suggest an initial local development of Mehrgarh , with a continuity in cultural development but a change in population . According to Lukacs and Hemphill , while there is a strong continuity between the neolithic and chalcolithic ( Copper Age ) cultures of Mehrgarh , dental evidence shows that the chalcolithic population did not descend from the neolithic population of Mehrgarh , which `` suggests moderate levels of gene flow . '' Masacernhas et al. ( 2015 ) note that `` new , possibly West Asian , body types are reported from the graves of Mehrgarh beginning in the Togau phase ( 3800 BCE ) . '' Early Harappan ( edit ) Early Harappan Period , c. 3300 -- 2600 BCE The Early Harappan Ravi Phase , named after the nearby Ravi River , lasted from c. 3300 BCE until 2800 BCE . It is related to the Hakra Phase , identified in the Ghaggar - Hakra River Valley to the west , and predates the Kot Diji Phase ( 2800 -- 2600 BCE , Harappan 2 ) , named after a site in northern Sindh , Pakistan , near Mohenjo - daro . The earliest examples of the Indus script date to the 3rd millennium BCE . The mature phase of earlier village cultures is represented by Rehman Dheri and Amri in Pakistan . Kot Diji represents the phase leading up to Mature Harappan , with the citadel representing centralised authority and an increasingly urban quality of life . Another town of this stage was found at Kalibangan in India on the Hakra River . Trade networks linked this culture with related regional cultures and distant sources of raw materials , including lapis lazuli and other materials for bead - making . By this time , villagers had domesticated numerous crops , including peas , sesame seeds , dates , and cotton , as well as animals , including the water buffalo . Early Harappan communities turned to large urban centres by 2600 BCE , from where the mature Harappan phase started . The latest research shows that Indus Valley people migrated from villages to cities . The final stages of the Early Harappan period are characterised by the building of large walled settlements , the expansion of trade networks , and the increasing integration of regional communities into a `` relatively uniform '' material culture in terms of pottery styles , ornaments , and stamp seals with Indus script , leading into the transition to the Mature Harappan phase . Mature Harappan ( edit ) Mature Harappan Period , c. 2600 -- 1900 BCE Mohenjo - daro View of Granary and Great Hall on Mound F in Harappa According to Giosan et al. ( 2012 ) , the slow southward migration of the monsoons across Asia initially allowed the Indus Valley villages to develop by taming the floods of the Indus and its tributaries . Flood - supported farming led to large agricultural surpluses , which in turn supported the development of cities . The IVC residents did not develop irrigation capabilities , relying mainly on the seasonal monsoons leading to summer floods . Brooke further notes that the development of advanced cities coincides with a reduction in rainfall , which may have triggered a reorganisation into larger urban centers . According to J.G. Shaffer and D.A. Lichtenstein , the Mature Harappan Civilisation was `` a fusion of the Bagor , Hakra , and Kot Diji traditions or ' ethnic groups ' in the Ghaggar - Hakra valley on the borders of India and Pakistan '' . By 2600 BCE , the Early Harappan communities turned into large urban centres . Such urban centres include Harappa , Ganeriwala , Mohenjo - daro in modern - day Pakistan , and Dholavira , Kalibangan , Rakhigarhi , Rupar , and Lothal in modern - day India . In total , more than 1,052 cities and settlements have been found , mainly in the general region of the Indus Rivers and their tributaries . Cities ( edit ) Computer - aided reconstruction of coastal Harappan settlement at Sokhta Koh near Pasni , Pakistan A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley Civilisation making them the first urban centre in the region . The quality of municipal town planning suggests the knowledge of urban planning and efficient municipal governments which placed a high priority on hygiene , or , alternatively , accessibility to the means of religious ritual . As seen in Harappa , Mohenjo - daro and the recently partially excavated Rakhigarhi , this urban plan included the world 's first known urban sanitation systems : see hydraulic engineering of the Indus Valley Civilisation . Within the city , individual homes or groups of homes obtained water from wells . From a room that appears to have been set aside for bathing , waste water was directed to covered drains , which lined the major streets . Houses opened only to inner courtyards and smaller lanes . The house - building in some villages in the region still resembles in some respects the house - building of the Harappans . The ancient Indus systems of sewerage and drainage that were developed and used in cities throughout the Indus region were far more advanced than any found in contemporary urban sites in the Middle East and even more efficient than those in many areas of Pakistan and India today . The advanced architecture of the Harappans is shown by their impressive dockyards , granaries , warehouses , brick platforms , and protective walls . The massive walls of Indus cities most likely protected the Harappans from floods and may have dissuaded military conflicts . So - called `` Priest King '' statue , Mohenjo - daro , late Mature Harappan period , National Museum , Karachi , Pakistan The purpose of the citadel remains debated . In sharp contrast to this civilisation 's contemporaries , Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt , no large monumental structures were built . There is no conclusive evidence of palaces or temples -- or of kings , armies , or priests . Some structures are thought to have been granaries . Found at one city is an enormous well - built bath ( the `` Great Bath '' ) , which may have been a public bath . Although the citadels were walled , it is far from clear that these structures were defensive . They may have been built to divert flood waters . Most city dwellers appear to have been traders or artisans , who lived with others pursuing the same occupation in well - defined neighbourhoods . Materials from distant regions were used in the cities for constructing seals , beads and other objects . Among the artefacts discovered were beautiful glazed faïence beads . Steatite seals have images of animals , people ( perhaps gods ) , and other types of inscriptions , including the yet un-deciphered writing system of the Indus Valley Civilisation . Some of the seals were used to stamp clay on trade goods and most probably had other uses as well . Although some houses were larger than others , Indus Civilisation cities were remarkable for their apparent , if relative , egalitarianism . All the houses had access to water and drainage facilities . This gives the impression of a society with relatively low wealth concentration , though clear social levelling is seen in personal adornments . Dholavira Sophisticated Water Reservoir , evidence for hydraulic sewage systems in the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation Toilets that used water were used in the Indus Valley Civilisation . The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo - daro had a flush toilet in almost every house , attached to a sophisticated sewage system . Authority and governance ( edit ) Archaeological records provide no immediate answers for a centre of power or for depictions of people in power in Harappan society . But , there are indications of complex decisions being taken and implemented . For instance , the majority of the cities were constructed in a highly uniform and well - planned grid pattern , suggesting they were planned by a central authority ; extraordinary uniformity of Harappan artefacts as evident in pottery , seals , weights and bricks ; presence of public facilities and monumental architecture ; heterogeneity in the mortuary symbolism and in grave goods ( items included in burials ) . These are the major theories : There was a single state , given the similarity in artefacts , the evidence for planned settlements , the standardised ratio of brick size , and the establishment of settlements near sources of raw material . There was no single ruler but several cities like Mohenjo - daro had a separate ruler , Harappa another , and so forth . Harappan society had no rulers , and everybody enjoyed equal status and hence some type of Democracy . Technology ( edit ) Further information : Indian mathematics § Prehistory Unicorn seal of Indus Valley , Indian Museum Elephant seal of Indus Valley , Indian Museum Indus Valley seals , British Museum The people of the Indus Civilisation achieved great accuracy in measuring length , mass , and time . They were among the first to develop a system of uniform weights and measures . A comparison of available objects indicates large scale variation across the Indus territories . Their smallest division , which is marked on an ivory scale found in Lothal in Gujarat , was approximately 1.704 mm , the smallest division ever recorded on a scale of the Bronze Age . Harappan engineers followed the decimal division of measurement for all practical purposes , including the measurement of mass as revealed by their hexahedron weights . These chert weights were in a ratio of 5 : 2 : 1 with weights of 0.05 , 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.5 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 50 , 100 , 200 , and 500 units , with each unit weighing approximately 28 grams , similar to the English Imperial ounce or Greek uncia , and smaller objects were weighed in similar ratios with the units of 0.871 . However , as in other cultures , actual weights were not uniform throughout the area . The weights and measures later used in Kautilya 's Arthashastra ( 4th century BCE ) are the same as those used in Lothal . Harappans evolved some new techniques in metallurgy and produced copper , bronze , lead , and tin . The engineering skill of the Harappans was remarkable , especially in building docks . In 2001 , archaeologists studying the remains of two men from Mehrgarh , Pakistan , discovered that the people of the Indus Valley Civilisation , from the early Harappan periods , had knowledge of proto - dentistry . Later , in April 2006 , it was announced in the scientific journal Nature that the oldest ( and first early Neolithic ) evidence for the drilling of human teeth in vivo ( i.e. , in a living person ) was found in Mehrgarh . Eleven drilled molar crowns from nine adults were discovered in a Neolithic graveyard in Mehrgarh that dates from 7,500 -- 9,000 years ago . According to the authors , their discoveries point to a tradition of proto - dentistry in the early farming cultures of that region . A touchstone bearing gold streaks was found in Banawali , which was probably used for testing the purity of gold ( such a technique is still used in some parts of India ) . Arts and crafts ( edit ) The `` dancing girl of Mohenjo - daro '' ( replica ) Chanhudaro . Fragment of Large Deep Vessel , circa 2500 BCE . Red pottery with red and black slip - painted decoration , 4 / × 61⁄8 in . ( 12.5 × 15.5 cm ) . Brooklyn Museum Various sculptures , seals , bronze vessels pottery , gold jewellery , and anatomically detailed figurines in terracotta , bronze , and steatite have been found at excavation sites . A number of gold , terracotta and stone figurines of girls in dancing poses reveal the presence of some dance form . These terracotta figurines included cows , bears , monkeys , and dogs . The animal depicted on a majority of seals at sites of the mature period has not been clearly identified . Part bull , part zebra , with a majestic horn , it has been a source of speculation . As yet , there is insufficient evidence to substantiate claims that the image had religious or cultic significance , but the prevalence of the image raises the question of whether or not the animals in images of the IVC are religious symbols . Sir John Marshall reacted with surprise when he saw the famous Indus bronze statuette of a slender - limbed dancing girl in Mohenjo - daro : `` When I first saw them I found it difficult to believe that they were prehistoric ; they seemed to completely upset all established ideas about early art , and culture . Modeling such as this was unknown in the ancient world up to the Hellenistic age of Greece , and I thought , therefore , that some mistake must surely have been made ; that these figures had found their way into levels some 3000 years older than those to which they properly belonged ... Now , in these statuettes , it is just this anatomical truth which is so startling ; that makes us wonder whether , in this all - important matter , Greek artistry could possibly have been anticipated by the sculptors of a far - off age on the banks of the Indus '' . Many crafts including , `` shell working , ceramics , and agate and glazed steatite bead making '' were practised and the pieces were used in the making of necklaces , bangles , and other ornaments from all phases of Harappan culture . Some of these crafts are still practised in the subcontinent today . Some make - up and toiletry items ( a special kind of combs ( kakai ) , the use of collyrium and a special three - in - one toiletry gadget ) that were found in Harappan contexts still have similar counterparts in modern India . Terracotta female figurines were found ( ca . 2800 -- 2600 BCE ) which had red colour applied to the `` manga '' ( line of partition of the hair ) . Seals have been found at Mohenjo - daro depicting a figure standing on its head , and another sitting cross-legged in what some call a yoga - like pose ( see image , the so - called Pashupati , below ) . This figure , sometimes known as a Pashupati , has been variously identified . Sir John Marshall identified a resemblance to the Hindu god , Shiva . If this can be validated , it would be evidence that some aspects of Hinduism predate the earliest texts , the Veda . A harp - like instrument depicted on an Indus seal and two shell objects found at Lothal indicate the use of stringed musical instruments . The Harappans also made various toys and games , among them cubical dice ( with one to six holes on the faces ) , which were found in sites like Mohenjo - Daro . Trade and transportation ( edit ) The docks of ancient Lothal as they are today ( 2006 ) Further information : Lothal and Meluhha The Indus civilisation 's economy appears to have depended significantly on trade , which was facilitated by major advances in transport technology . The IVC may have been the first civilisation to use wheeled transport . These advances may have included bullock carts that are identical to those seen throughout South Asia today , as well as boats . Most of these boats were probably small , flat - bottomed craft , perhaps driven by sail , similar to those one can see on the Indus River today ; however , there is secondary evidence of sea - going craft . Archaeologists have discovered a massive , dredged canal and what they regard as a docking facility at the coastal city of Lothal in western India ( Gujarat state ) . An extensive canal network , used for irrigation , has however also been discovered by H. - P. Francfort . During 4300 -- 3200 BCE of the chalcolithic period ( copper age ) , the Indus Valley Civilisation area shows ceramic similarities with southern Turkmenistan and northern Iran which suggest considerable mobility and trade . During the Early Harappan period ( about 3200 -- 2600 BCE ) , similarities in pottery , seals , figurines , ornaments , etc. document intensive caravan trade with Central Asia and the Iranian plateau . Judging from the dispersal of Indus civilisation artefacts , the trade networks , economically , integrated a huge area , including portions of Afghanistan , the coastal regions of Persia , northern and western India , and Mesopotamia . Studies of tooth enamel from individuals buried at Harappa suggest that some residents had migrated to the city from beyond the Indus Valley . There is some evidence that trade contacts extended to Crete and possibly to Egypt . There was an extensive maritime trade network operating between the Harappan and Mesopotamian civilisations as early as the middle Harappan Phase , with much commerce being handled by `` middlemen merchants from Dilmun '' ( modern Bahrain and Failaka located in the Persian Gulf ) . Such long - distance sea trade became feasible with the development of plank - built watercraft , equipped with a single central mast supporting a sail of woven rushes or cloth . Several coastal settlements like Sotkagen - dor ( astride Dasht River , north of Jiwani ) , Sokhta Koh ( astride Shadi River , north of Pasni ) , and Balakot ( near Sonmiani ) in Pakistan along with Lothal in western India , testify to their role as Harappan trading outposts . Shallow harbours located at the estuaries of rivers opening into the sea allowed brisk maritime trade with Mesopotamian cities . `` It is generally assumed that most trade between the Indus Valley ( ancient Meluhha ? ) and western neighbors proceeded up the Persian Gulf rather than overland . Although there is no incontrovertible proof that this was indeed the case , the distribution of Indus - type artifacts on the Oman peninsula , on Bahrain and in southern Mesopotamia makes it plausible that a series of maritime stages linked the Indus Valley and the Gulf region . '' In the 1980s , important archaeological discoveries were made at Ras al - Jinz ( Oman ) , demonstrating maritime Indus Valley connections with the Arabian Peninsula . Agriculture ( edit ) According to Gangal et al. ( 2014 ) , there is strong archeological and geographical evidence that neolithic farming spread from the Near East into north - west India , but there is also `` good evidence for the local domestication of barley and the zebu cattle at Mehrgarh . '' According to Jean - Francois Jarrige , farming had an independent origin at Mehrgarh , despite the similarities which he notes between Neolithic sites from eastern Mesopotamia and the western Indus valley , which are evidence of a `` cultural continuum '' between those sites . Nevertheless , Jarrige concludes that Mehrgarh has an earlier local background , '' and is not a `` ' backwater ' of the Neolithic culture of the Near East . '' Archaeologist Jim G. Shaffer writes that the Mehrgarh site `` demonstrates that food production was an indigenous South Asian phenomenon '' and that the data support interpretation of `` the prehistoric urbanisation and complex social organisation in South Asia as based on indigenous , but not isolated , cultural developments '' . Jarrige notes that the people of Mehrgarh used domesticated wheats and barley , while Shaffer and Liechtenstein note that the major cultivated cereal crop was naked six - row barley , a crop derived from two - row barley . Gangal agrees that `` Neolithic domesticated crops in Mehrgarh include more than 90 % barley , '' noting that `` there is good evidence for the local domestication of barley . '' Yet , Gangal also notes that the crop also included `` a small amount of wheat , '' which `` are suggested to be of Near - Eastern origin , as the modern distribution of wild varieties of wheat is limited to Northern Levant and Southern Turkey . '' Zebu cattle in Pune , India Indus Valley seals with a Zebu Bull , Elephant , and Rhinoceros , 2500 -- 1900 BCE The cattle that is often portrayed on Indus seals are humped Indian aurochs , that is similar to Zebu cattle . Zebu cattle is still common in India , and in Africa . It is different from the European cattle , and had been originally domesticated on the Indian subcontinent , probably in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan . Language ( edit ) See also : Substratum in Vedic Sanskrit , Harappan language , and Origins of Dravidian peoples It has often been suggested that the bearers of the IVC corresponded to proto - Dravidians linguistically , the break - up of proto - Dravidian corresponding to the break - up of the Late Harappan culture . Finnish Indologist Asko Parpola concludes that the uniformity of the Indus inscriptions precludes any possibility of widely different languages being used , and that an early form of Dravidian language must have been the language of the Indus people . Today , the Dravidian language family is concentrated mostly in southern India and northern and eastern Sri Lanka , but pockets of it still remain throughout the rest of India and Pakistan ( the Brahui language ) , which lends credence to the theory . According to Heggarty and Renfrew , Dravidian languages may have spread into the Indian subcontinent with the spread of farming . According to David McAlpin , the Dravidian languages were brought to India by immigration into India from Elam . In earlier publications , Renfrew also stated that proto - Dravidian was brought to India by farmers from the Iranian part of the Fertile Crescent , but more recently Heggarty and Renfrew note that `` a great deal remains to be done in elucidating the prehistory of Dravidian . '' They also note that `` McAlpin 's analysis of the language data , and thus his claims , remain far from orthodoxy . '' Heggarty and Renfrew conclude that several scenarios are compatible with the data , and that `` the linguistic jury is still very much out . '' Possible writing system ( edit ) Main article : Indus script Between 400 and as many as 600 distinct Indus symbols have been found on seals , small tablets , ceramic pots and more than a dozen other materials , including a `` signboard '' that apparently once hung over the gate of the inner citadel of the Indus city of Dholavira . Ten Indus Signs , dubbed the Dholavira Signboard Typical Indus inscriptions are no more than four or five characters in length , most of which ( aside from the Dholavira `` signboard '' ) are tiny ; the longest on a single surface , which is less than 1 inch ( 2.54 cm ) square , is 17 signs long ; the longest on any object ( found on three different faces of a mass - produced object ) has a length of 26 symbols . While the Indus Valley Civilisation is generally characterised as a literate society on the evidence of these inscriptions , this description has been challenged by Farmer , Sproat , and Witzel ( 2004 ) who argue that the Indus system did not encode language , but was instead similar to a variety of non-linguistic sign systems used extensively in the Near East and other societies , to symbolise families , clans , gods , and religious concepts . Others have claimed on occasion that the symbols were exclusively used for economic transactions , but this claim leaves unexplained the appearance of Indus symbols on many ritual objects , many of which were mass - produced in moulds . No parallels to these mass - produced inscriptions are known in any other early ancient civilisations . In a 2009 study by P.N. Rao et al. published in Science , computer scientists , comparing the pattern of symbols to various linguistic scripts and non-linguistic systems , including DNA and a computer programming language , found that the Indus script 's pattern is closer to that of spoken words , supporting the hypothesis that it codes for an as - yet - unknown language . Farmer , Sproat , and Witzel have disputed this finding , pointing out that Rao et al. did not actually compare the Indus signs with `` real - world non-linguistic systems '' but rather with `` two wholly artificial systems invented by the authors , one consisting of 200,000 randomly ordered signs and another of 200,000 fully ordered signs , that they spuriously claim represent the structures of all real - world non-linguistic sign systems '' . Farmer et al. have also demonstrated that a comparison of a non-linguistic system like medieval heraldic signs with natural languages yields results similar to those that Rao et al. obtained with Indus signs . They conclude that the method used by Rao et al. can not distinguish linguistic systems from non-linguistic ones . The messages on the seals have proved to be too short to be decoded by a computer . Each seal has a distinctive combination of symbols and there are too few examples of each sequence to provide a sufficient context . The symbols that accompany the images vary from seal to seal , making it impossible to derive a meaning for the symbols from the images . There have , nonetheless , been a number of interpretations offered for the meaning of the seals . These interpretations have been marked by ambiguity and subjectivity . Photos of many of the thousands of extant inscriptions are published in the Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions ( 1987 , 1991 , 2010 ) , edited by Asko Parpola and his colleagues . The final , third , volume , republished photos taken in the 1920s and 1930s of hundreds of lost or stolen inscriptions , along with many discovered in the last few decades . Formerly , researchers had to supplement the materials in the Corpus by study of the tiny photos in the excavation reports of Marshall ( 1931 ) , MacKay ( 1938 , 1943 ) , Wheeler ( 1947 ) , or reproductions in more recent scattered sources . Edakkal caves in Wayanad district of Kerala contain drawings that range over periods from as early as 5000 BCE to 1000 BCE . The youngest group of paintings have been in the news for a possible connection to the Indus Valley Civilisation . Religion ( edit ) Female figure , possibly a fertility goddess , Harappan Phase , 2500 -- 1900 BCE The Pashupati seal , showing a seated and possibly tricephalic figure , surrounded by animals Further information : Prehistoric religion The religion and belief system of the Indus Valley people have received considerable attention , especially from the view of identifying precursors to deities and religious practices of Indian religions that later developed in the area . However , due to the sparsity of evidence , which is open to varying interpretations , and the fact that the Indus script remains undeciphered , the conclusions are partly speculative and largely based on a retrospective view from a much later Hindu perspective . An early and influential work in the area that set the trend for Hindu interpretations of archaeological evidence from the Harappan sites was that of John Marshall , who in 1931 identified the following as prominent features of the Indus religion : a Great Male God and a Mother Goddess ; deification or veneration of animals and plants ; symbolic representation of the phallus ( linga ) and vulva ( yoni ) ; and , use of baths and water in religious practice . Marshall 's interpretations have been much debated , and sometimes disputed over the following decades . Swastika seals of Indus Valley Civilisation in British Museum One Indus Valley seal shows a seated figure with a horned headdress , possibly tricephalic and possibly ithyphallic , surrounded by animals . Marshall identified the figure as an early form of the Hindu god Shiva ( or Rudra ) , who is associated with asceticism , yoga , and linga ; regarded as a lord of animals ; and often depicted as having three eyes . The seal has hence come to be known as the Pashupati Seal , after Pashupati ( lord of all animals ) , an epithet of Shiva . While Marshall 's work has earned some support , many critics and even supporters have raised several objections . Doris Srinivasan has argued that the figure does not have three faces , or yogic posture , and that in Vedic literature Rudra was not a protector of wild animals . Herbert Sullivan and Alf Hiltebeitel also rejected Marshall 's conclusions , with the former claiming that the figure was female , while the latter associated the figure with Mahisha , the Buffalo God and the surrounding animals with vahanas ( vehicles ) of deities for the four cardinal directions . Writing in 2002 , Gregory L. Possehl concluded that while it would be appropriate to recognise the figure as a deity , its association with the water buffalo , and its posture as one of ritual discipline , regarding it as a proto - Shiva would be going too far . Despite the criticisms of Marshall 's association of the seal with a proto - Shiva icon , it has been interpreted as the Tirthankara Rishabhanatha by Jains and Vilas Sangave or an early Buddha by Buddhists . Historians such as Heinrich Zimmer and Thomas McEvilley believe that there is a connection between first Jain Tirthankara Rishabhanatha and the Indus Valley civilisation . Marshall hypothesised the existence of a cult of Mother Goddess worship based upon excavation of several female figurines , and thought that this was a precursor of the Hindu sect of Shaktism . However the function of the female figurines in the life of Indus Valley people remains unclear , and Possehl does not regard the evidence for Marshall 's hypothesis to be `` terribly robust '' . Some of the baetyls interpreted by Marshall to be sacred phallic representations are now thought to have been used as pestles or game counters instead , while the ring stones that were thought to symbolise yoni were determined to be architectural features used to stand pillars , although the possibility of their religious symbolism can not be eliminated . Many Indus Valley seals show animals , with some depicting them being carried in processions , while others show chimeric creations . One seal from Mohenjo - daro shows a half - human , half - buffalo monster attacking a tiger , which may be a reference to the Sumerian myth of such a monster created by goddess Aruru to fight Gilgamesh . In contrast to contemporary Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilisations , Indus Valley lacks any monumental palaces , even though excavated cities indicate that the society possessed the requisite engineering knowledge . This may suggest that religious ceremonies , if any , may have been largely confined to individual homes , small temples , or the open air . Several sites have been proposed by Marshall and later scholars as possibly devoted to religious purpose , but at present only the Great Bath at Mohenjo - daro is widely thought to have been so used , as a place for ritual purification . The funerary practices of the Harappan civilisation are marked by their diversity , with evidence of supine burial , fractional burial ( in which the body is reduced to skeletal remains by exposure to the elements before final interment ) , and even cremation . Late Harappan ( edit ) Late Harappan Period , c. 1900 -- 1300 BCE Late Harappa figures from a hoard at Daimabad , 2000 BCE Around 1900 BCE signs of a gradual decline began to emerge , and by around 1700 BCE most of the cities had been abandoned . Recent examination of human skeletons from the site of Harappa has demonstrated that the end of the Indus civilisation saw an increase in inter-personal violence and in infectious diseases like leprosy and tuberculosis . According to historian Upinder Singh , `` the general picture presented by the late Harappan phase is one of a breakdown of urban networks and an expansion of rural ones . '' During the period of approximately 1900 to 1700 BCE , multiple regional cultures emerged within the area of the Indus civilisation . The Cemetery H culture was in Punjab , Haryana , and Western Uttar Pradesh , the Jhukar culture was in Sindh , and the Rangpur culture ( characterised by Lustrous Red Ware pottery ) was in Gujarat . Other sites associated with the Late phase of the Harappan culture are Pirak in Balochistan , Pakistan , and Daimabad in Maharashtra , India . The largest Late Harappan sites are Kudwala in Cholistan , Bet Dwarka in Gujarat , and Daimabad in Maharashtra , which can be considered as urban , but they are smaller and few in number compared with the Mature Harappan cities . Bet Dwarka was fortified and continued to have contacts with the Persian Gulf region , but there was a general decrease of long - distance trade . On the other hand , the period also saw a diversification of the agricultural base , with a diversity of crops and the advent of double - cropping , as well as a shift of rural settlement towards the east and the south . The pottery of the Late Harappan period is described as `` showing some continuity with mature Harappan pottery traditions , '' but also distinctive differences . Many sites continued to be occupied for some centuries , although their urban features declined and disappeared . Formerly typical artifacts such as stone weights and female figurines became rare . There are some circular stamp seals with geometric designs , but lacking the Indus script which characterized the mature phase of the civilisation . Script is rare and confined to potsherd inscriptions . There was also a decline in long - distance trade , although the local cultures show new innovations in faience and glass making , and carving of stone beads . Urban amenities such as drains and the public bath were no longer maintained , and newer buildings were `` poorly constructed '' . Stone sculptures were deliberately vandalised , valuables were sometimes concealed in hoards , suggesting unrest , and the corpses of animals and even humans were left unburied in the streets and in abandoned buildings . During the later half of the 2nd millennium BCE , most of the post-urban Late Harappan settlements were abandoned altogether . Subsequent material culture was typically characterised by temporary occupation , `` the campsites of a population which was nomadic and mainly pastoralist '' and which used `` crude handmade pottery . '' However , there is greater continuity and overlap between Late Harappan and subsequent cultural phases at sites in Punjab , Haryana , and western Uttar Pradesh , primarily small rural settlements . `` Aryan invasion '' ( edit ) See also : Vedic period In 1953 Sir Mortimer Wheeler proposed that the invasion of an Indo - European tribe from Central Asia , the `` Aryans '' , caused the decline of the Indus Civilisation . As evidence , he cited a group of 37 skeletons found in various parts of Mohenjo - daro , and passages in the Vedas referring to battles and forts . However , scholars soon started to reject Wheeler 's theory , since the skeletons belonged to a period after the city 's abandonment and none were found near the citadel . Subsequent examinations of the skeletons by Kenneth Kennedy in 1994 showed that the marks on the skulls were caused by erosion , and not by violence . Painted pottery urns from Harappa ( Cemetery H period ) In the Cemetery H culture ( the late Harappan phase in the Punjab region ) , some of the designs painted on the funerary urns have been interpreted through the lens of Vedic literature : for instance , peacocks with hollow bodies and a small human form inside , which has been interpreted as the souls of the dead , and a hound that can be seen as the hound of Yama , the god of death . This may indicate the introduction of new religious beliefs during this period , but the archaeological evidence does not support the hypothesis that the Cemetery H people were the destroyers of the Harappan cities . Climate change and drought ( edit ) See also : Bond event and 4.2 kiloyear event Suggested contributory causes for the localisation of the IVC include changes in the course of the river , and climate change that is also signalled for the neighbouring areas of the Middle East . As of 2016 many scholars believe that drought and a decline in trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia caused the collapse of the Indus Civilisation . The Ghaggar - Hakra system ) was rain - fed , and water - supply depended on the monsoons . The Indus Valley climate grew significantly cooler and drier from about 1800 BCE , linked to a general weakening of the monsoon at that time . The Indian monsoon declined and aridity increased , with the Ghaggar - Hakra retracting its reach towards the foothills of the Himalaya , leading to erratic and less extensive floods that made inundation agriculture less sustainable . Aridification reduced the water supply enough to cause the civilisation 's demise , and to scatter its population eastward . According to Giosan et al. ( 2012 ) , the IVC residents did not develop irrigation capabilities , relying mainly on the seasonal monsoons leading to summer floods . As the monsoons kept shifting south , the floods grew too erratic for sustainable agricultural activities . The residents then migrated towards the Ganges basin in the east , where they established smaller villages and isolated farms . The small surplus produced in these small communities did not allow development of trade , and the cities died out . Continuity ( edit ) Archaeological excavations indicate that the decline of Harappa drove people eastward . According to Possehl , after 1900 BCE the number of sites in today 's India increased from 218 to 853 . According to Andrew Lawler , `` excavations along the Gangetic plain show that cities began to arise there starting about 1200 BCE , just a few centuries after Harappa was deserted and much earlier than once suspected . '' According to Jim Shaffer there was a continuous series of cultural developments , just as in most areas of the world . These link `` the so - called two major phases of urbanisation in South Asia '' . At sites such as Bhagwanpura ( in Haryana ) , archaeological excavations have discovered an overlap between the final phase of Late Harappan pottery and the earliest phase of Painted Grey Ware pottery , the latter being associated with the Vedic Culture and dating from around 1200 BCE . This site provides evidence of multiple social groups occupying the same village but using different pottery and living in different types of houses : `` over time the Late Harappan pottery was gradually replaced by Painted Grey ware pottery , '' and other cultural changes indicated by archaeology include the introduction of the horse , iron tools , and new religious practices . There is also a Harappan site called Rojdi in Rajkot district of Saurashtra . Its excavation started under an archaeological team from Gujarat State Department of Archaeology and the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania in 1982 -- 83 . In their report on archaeological excavations at Rojdi , Gregory Possehl and M.H. Raval write that although there are `` obvious signs of cultural continuity '' between the Harappan Civilisation and later South Asian cultures , many aspects of the Harappan `` sociocultural system '' and `` integrated civilization '' were `` lost forever , '' while the Second Urbanisation of India ( beginning with the Northern Black Polished Ware culture , c. 600 BCE ) `` lies well outside this sociocultural environment '' . Post-harappan ( edit ) Main article : Iron Age India Previously , scholars believed that the decline of the Harappan civilisation led to an interruption of urban life in the Indian subcontinent . However , the Indus Valley Civilisation did not disappear suddenly , and many elements of the Indus Civilisation appear in later cultures . The Cemetery H culture may be the manifestation of the Late Harappan over a large area in the region of Punjab , Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh , and the Ochre Coloured Pottery culture its successor . David Gordon White cites three other mainstream scholars who `` have emphatically demonstrated '' that Vedic religion derives partially from the Indus Valley Civilisations . As of 2016 , archaeological data suggests that the material culture classified as Late Harappan may have persisted until at least c. 1000 -- 900 BCE and was partially contemporaneous with the Painted Grey Ware culture . Harvard archaeologist Richard Meadow points to the late Harappan settlement of Pirak , which thrived continuously from 1800 BCE to the time of the invasion of Alexander the Great in 325 BCE . In the aftermath of the Indus Civilisation 's localisation , regional cultures emerged , to varying degrees showing the influence of the Indus Civilisation . In the formerly great city of Harappa , burials have been found that correspond to a regional culture called the Cemetery H culture . At the same time , the Ochre Coloured Pottery culture expanded from Rajasthan into the Gangetic Plain . The Cemetery H culture has the earliest evidence for cremation ; a practice dominant in Hinduism today . Historical context ( edit ) Near East ( edit ) The mature ( Harappan ) phase of the IVC is contemporary to the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the Ancient Near East , in particular the Old Elamite period , Early Dynastic to Ur III Mesopotamia , Prepalatial Minoan Crete and Old Kingdom to First Intermediate Period Egypt . The IVC has been compared in particular with the civilisations of Elam ( also in the context of the Elamo - Dravidian hypothesis ) and with Minoan Crete ( because of isolated cultural parallels such as the ubiquitous goddess worship and depictions of bull - leaping ) . The IVC has been tentatively identified with the toponym Meluhha known from Sumerian records ; the Sumerians called them Meluhhaites . Shahr - i - Sokhta , located in southeastern Iran shows trade route with Mesopotamia . A number of seals with Indus script have been also found in Mesopotamian sites . Dasyu ( edit ) After the discovery of the IVC in the 1920s , it was immediately associated with the indigenous Dasyu inimical to the Rigvedic tribes in numerous hymns of the Rigveda . Mortimer Wheeler interpreted the presence of many unburied corpses found in the top levels of Mohenjo - daro as the victims of a warlike conquest , and famously stated that `` Indra stands accused '' of the destruction of the IVC . The association of the IVC with the city - dwelling Dasyus remains alluring because the assumed timeframe of the first Indo - Aryan migration into India corresponds neatly with the period of decline of the IVC seen in the archaeological record . The discovery of the advanced , urban IVC however changed the 19th - century view of early Indo - Aryan migration as an `` invasion '' of an advanced culture at the expense of a `` primitive '' aboriginal population to a gradual acculturation of nomadic `` barbarians '' on an advanced urban civilisation , comparable to the Germanic migrations after the Fall of Rome , or the Kassite invasion of Babylonia . This move away from simplistic `` invasionist '' scenarios parallels similar developments in thinking about language transfer and population movement in general , such as in the case of the migration of the proto - Greek speakers into Greece , or the Indo - Europeanisation of Western Europe . Munda ( edit ) Proto - Munda ( or Para-Munda ) and a `` lost phylum '' ( perhaps related or ancestral to the Nihali language ) have been proposed as other candidates for the language of the IVC . Michael Witzel suggests an underlying , prefixing language that is similar to Austroasiatic , notably Khasi ; he argues that the Rigveda shows signs of this hypothetical Harappan influence in the earliest historic level , and Dravidian only in later levels , suggesting that speakers of Austroasiatic were the original inhabitants of Punjab and that the Indo - Aryans encountered speakers of Dravidian only in later times . See also ( edit ) History of Hinduism List of Indus Valley Civilisation sites List of inventions and discoveries of the Indus Valley Civilisation Cradle of civilisation Bronze Age History of India History of Pakistan Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Wright : `` The Indus civilisation is one of three in the ' Ancient East ' that , along with Mesopotamia and Pharaonic Egypt , was a cradle of early civilisation in the Old World ( Childe 1950 ) . Mesopotamia and Egypt were longer - lived , but coexisted with Indus civilisation during its florescence between 2600 and 1900 B.C. Of the three , the Indus was the most expansive , extending from today 's northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and India . '' ^ Jump up to : Broke : `` The story in Harappan India was somewhat different ( see Figure 111.3 ) . The Bronze Age village and urban societies of the Indus Valley are some - thing of an anomaly , in that archaeologists have found little indication of local defense and regional warfare . It would seem that the bountiful monsoon rainfall of the Early to Mid-Holocene had forged a condition of plenty for all , and that competitive energies were channeled into commerce rather than conflict . Scholars have long argued that these rains shaped the origins of the urban Harappan societies , which emerged from Neolithic villages around 2600 BC . It now appears that this rainfall began to slowly taper off in the third millennium , at just the point that the Harappan cities began to develop . Thus it seems that this `` first urbanisation '' in South Asia was the initial response of the Indus Valley peoples to the beginning of Late Holocene aridification . These cities were maintained for 300 to 400 years and then gradually abandoned as the Harappan peoples resettled in scattered villages in the eastern range of their territories , into the Punjab and the Ganges Valley ... ' 17 ( footnote ) : a ) Liviu Giosan et al. , `` Fluvial Landscapes of the Harappan Civilization , '' PNAS , 102 ( 2012 ) , E1688 -- E1694 ; ( b ) Camilo Ponton , `` Holocene Aridification of India , '' GRL 39 ( 2012 ) , L03704 ; ( c ) Harunur Rashid et al. , `` Late Glacial to Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Variability Based upon Sediment Records Taken from the Bay of Bengal , '' Terrestrial , Atmospheric , and Oceanic Sciences 22 ( 2011 ) , 215 - 28 ; ( d ) Marco Madella and Dorian Q. Fuller , `` Paleoecology and the Harappan Civilization of South Asia : A Reconsideration , '' Quaternary Science Reviews 25 ( 2006 ) , 1283 - 301 . Compare with the very different interpretations in Possehl , Gregory L. ( 2002 ) , The Indus Civilization : A Contemporary Perspective , Rowman Altamira , pp. 237 -- 245 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7591 - 0172 - 2 , and Michael Staubwasser et al. , `` Climate Change at the 4.2 ka BP Termination of the Indus Valley Civilization and Holocene South Asian Monsoon Variability , '' GRL 30 ( 2003 ) , 1425 . Bar - Matthews and Avner Ayalon , `` Mid-Holocene Climate Variations . '' Jump up ^ For example Michel Danino notes that an alternative dating of the Vedas to the third millennium BCE coincides with the mature phase of the Indus Valley civilisation , and that it is `` tempting '' to equate the Indus Valley and Vedic cultures . S.P. Gupta `` argued that Vedic elements such as the horse , fire altars and animal sacrifices had existed at the socalled ' Indus - Sarasvati ' culture sites . '' These suggestions are rejected by mainstream scholarship . ^ Jump up to : Giosan : `` Numerous speculations have advanced the idea that the Ghaggar - Hakra fluvial system , at times identified with the lost mythical river of Sarasvati ( e.g. , 4 , 5 , 7 , 19 ) , was a large glacier fed Himalayan river . Potential sources for this river include the Yamuna River , the Sutlej River , or both rivers . However , the lack of large - scale incision on the interfluve demonstrates that large , glacier - fed rivers did not flow across the Ghaggar - Hakra region during the Holocene ( ... ) The present Ghaggar - Hakra valley and its tributary rivers are currently dry or have seasonal flows . Yet rivers were undoubtedly active in this region during the Urban Harappan Phase . We recovered sandy fluvial deposits approximately 5 ; 400 y old at Fort Abbas in Pakistan ( SI Text ) , and recent work ( 33 ) on the upper Ghaggar - Hakra interfluve in India also documented Holocene channel sands that are approximately 4 ; 300 y old . On the upper interfluve , fine - grained floodplain deposition continued until the end of the Late Harappan Phase , as recent as 2,900 y ago ( 33 ) ( Fig . 2B ) . This widespread fluvial redistribution of sediment suggests that reliable monsoon rains were able to sustain perennial rivers earlier during the Holocene and explains why Harappan settlements flourished along the entire Ghaggar - Hakra system without access to a glacier - fed river . '' Jump up ^ Masson : `` A long march preceded our arrival at Haripah , through jangal of the closest description ... When I joined the camp I found it in front of the village and ruinous brick castle . Behind us was a large circular mound , or eminence , and to the west was an irregular rocky height , crowned with the remains of buildings , in fragments of walls , with niches , after the eastern manner ... Tradition affirms the existence here of a city , so considerable that it extended to Chicha Watni , thirteen cosses distant , and that it was destroyed by a particular visitation of Providence , brought down by the lust and crimes of the sovereign . '' Note that the coss , a measure of distance used from Vedic period to Mughal times , is approximately 2 miles ( 3.2 km ) . Jump up ^ See also :* This map from Sahoo et al. ( 2006 ) , A prehistory of Indian Y chromosomes : Evaluating demic diffusion scenarios * Sengupta et al. ( 2006 ) , Polarity and Temporality of High - Resolution Y - Chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists Jump up ^ Excavations at Bhirrana , Haryana , in India between 2006 and 2009 , by archaeologist K.N. Dikshit , provided six artefacts , including `` relatively advanced pottery , '' so - called Hakra ware , which were dated at a time bracket between 7380 and 6201 BCE . These dates compete with Mehrgarh for being the oldest site for cultural remains in the area . Yet , Dikshit and Mani clarify that this time - bracket concerns only charcoal samples , which were radio - carbon dated at respectively 7570 - 7180 BCE ( sample 2481 ) and 6689 - 6201 BCE ( sample 2333 ) . Dikshit further writes that the earliest phase concerns 14 shallow dwelling - pits which `` could accommodate about 3 - 4 people . '' According to Dikshit , in the lowest level of these pits wheel - made Hakra Ware was found which was `` not well finished , '' together with other wares . Jump up ^ Gallego romero et al. ( 2011 ) refer to ( Meadow 1993 ) : Meadow RH. 1993 . Animal domestication in the Middle East : a revised view from the eastern margin . In : Possehl G , editor . Harappan civilization . New Delhi ( India ) : Oxford University Press and India Book House . p 295 -- 320 . Jump up ^ They further noted that `` the direct lineal descendents of the Neolithic inhabitants of Mehrgarh are to be found to the south and the east of Mehrgarh , in northwestern India and the western edge of the Deccan plateau , '' with neolithic Mehrgarh showing greater affinity with chalocolithic Inamgaon , south of Mehrgarh , than with chalcolithic Mehrgarh . ^ Jump up to : Gangal refers to Jarrige JF ( 2008 ) , Mehrgarh Neolithic . Pragdhara 18 : 136 -- 154 ; and to Costantini L ( 2008 ) , The first farmers in Western Pakistan : the evidence of the Neolithic agropastoral settlement of Mehrgarh . Pragdhara 18 : 167 -- 178 Jump up ^ Gangal refers to Fuller DQ ( 2006 ) , Agricultural origins and frontiers in South Asia : a working synthesis . J World Prehistory 20 : 1 -- 86 Jump up ^ See : David McAlpin , `` Toward Proto - Elamo - Dravidian '' , Language vol. 50 no . 1 ( 1974 ) ; David McAlpin : `` Elamite and Dravidian , Further Evidence of Relationships '' , Current Anthropology vol. 16 no . 1 ( 1975 ) ; David McAlpin : `` Linguistic prehistory : the Dravidian situation '' , in Madhav M. Deshpande and Peter Edwin Hook : Aryan and Non-Aryan in India , Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies , University of Michigan , Ann Arbor ( 1979 ) ; David McAlpin , `` Proto - Elamo - Dravidian : The Evidence and its Implications '' , Transactions of the American Philosophical Society vol. 71 pt. 3 , ( 1981 ) Jump up ^ See also : Mukherjee ( 2001 ) : `` More recently , about 15,000 - 10,000 years before present ( ybp ) , when agriculture developed in the Fertile Crescent region that extends from Israel through northern Syria to western Iran , there was another eastward wave of human migration ( Cavalli - Sforza et al. , 1994 ; Renfrew 1987 ) , a part of which also appears to have entered India . This wave has been postulated to have brought the Dravidian languages into India ( Renfrew 1987 ) . Subsequently , the Indo - European ( Aryan ) language family was introduced into India about 4,000 ybp . '' Derenko : `` The spread of these new technologies has been associated with the dispersal of Dravidian and Indo - European languages in southern Asia . It is hypothesized that the proto - Elamo - Dravidian language , most likely originated in the Elam province in southwestern Iran , spread eastwards with the movement of farmers to the Indus Valley and the Indian sub-continent . '' Derenko refers to : * Renfrew ( 1987 ) , Archaeology and Language : The Puzzle of Indo - European Origins * Renfrew ( 1996 ) , Language families and the spread of farming . In : Harris DR , editor , The origins and spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia , pp. 70 -- 92 * Cavalli - Sforza , Menozzi , Piazza ( 1994 ) , The History and Geography of Human Genes . Jump up ^ Kumar : `` The analysis of two Y chromosome variants , Hgr9 and Hgr3 provides interesting data ( Quintan - Murci et al. , 2001 ) . Microsatellite variation of Hgr9 among Iranians , Pakistanis and Indians indicate an expansion of populations to around 9000 YBP in Iran and then to 6,000 YBP in India . This migration originated in what was historically termed Elam in south - west Iran to the Indus valley , and may have been associated with the spread of Dravidian languages from south - west Iran ( Quintan - Murci et al. , 2001 ) . '' Jump up ^ Nevertheless , Kivisild et al. ( 1999 ) note that `` a small fraction of the West Eurasian mtDNA lineages found in Indian populations can be ascribed to a relatively recent admixture . '' at ca . 9,300 ± 3,000 years before present , which coincides with `` the arrival to India of cereals domesticated in the Fertile Crescent '' and `` lends credence to the suggested linguistic connection between the Elamite and Dravidic populations . '' According to Kumar ( 2004 ) , referring to Quintan - Murci et al. ( 2001 ) , `` microsatellite variation of Hgr9 among Iranians , Pakistanis and Indians indicate an expansion of populations to around 9000 YBP in Iran and then to 6,000 YBP in India . This migration originated in what was historically termed Elam in south - west Iran to the Indus valley , and may have been associated with the spread of Dravidian languages from south - west Iran . '' According to Palanichamy et al. ( 2015 ) , `` The presence of mtDNA haplogroups ( HV14 and U1a ) and Y - chromosome haplogroup ( L1 ) in Dravidian populations indicates the spread of the Dravidian language into India from west Asia . '' Jump up ^ Geological research by a group led by Peter Clift investigated how the courses of rivers have changed in this region since 8000 years ago , to test whether climate or river reorganisations caused the decline of the Harappan . Using U-Pb dating of zircon sand grains they found that sediments typical of the Beas , Sutlej and Yamuna rivers ( Himalayan tributaries of the Indus ) are actually present in former Ghaggar - Hakra channels . However , sediment contributions from these glacial - fed rivers stopped at least by 10,000 years ago , well before the development of the Indus civilisation . Jump up ^ Tripathi et al. ( 2004 ) found that the isotopes of sediments carried by the Ghaggar - Hakra system over the last 20 thousand years do not come from the glaciated Higher Himalaya but have a sub-Himalayan source , and concluded that the river system was rain - fed . They also concluded that this contradicted the idea of a Harappan - time mighty `` Sarasvati '' river . Jump up ^ Most sites of the Painted Grey Ware culture in the Ghaggar - Hakra and Upper Ganges Plain were small farming villages . However , `` several dozen '' PGW sites eventually emerged as relatively large settlements that can be characterized as towns , the largest of which were fortified by ditches or moats and embankments made of piled earth with wooden palisades , albeit smaller and simpler than the elaborately fortified large cities which grew after 600 BCE in the more fully urban Northern Black Polished Ware culture . Citations ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Singh , Upinder ( 2008 ) . A History of Ancient and Early medieval India : from the Stone Age to the 12th century . New Delhi : Pearson Education . p. 137 . ISBN 9788131711200 . Jump up ^ Wright 2009 , p. 1 . ^ Jump up to : Wright 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Madella , Marco ; Fuller , Dorian ( 2006 ) . `` Palaeoecology and the Harappan Civilisation of South Asia : a reconsideration '' . Quaternary Science Reviews . 25 ( 11 -- 12 ) : 1283 -- 1301 . doi : 10.1016 / j. quascirev. 2005.10. 012 . ^ Jump up to : MacDonald , Glen ( 2011 ) . `` Potential influence of the Pacific Ocean on the Indian summer monsoon and Harappan decline '' . Quaternary International . 229 : 140 -- 148 . doi : 10.1016 / j. quaint. 2009.11. 012 . ^ Jump up to : Giosan , L. ; et al. ( 2012 ) . `` Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan Civilization '' . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 109 ( 26 ) : E1688 -- E1694 . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 1112743109 . PMC 3387054 . PMID 22645375 . ^ Jump up to : Brooke , John L. ( 2014 ) , Climate Change and the Course of Global History : A Rough Journey , Cambridge University Press , p. 296 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 87164 - 8 Jump up ^ McIntosh , Jane ( 2008 ) , The Ancient Indus Valley : New Perspectives , ABC - CLIO , p. 387 , ISBN 978 - 1 - 57607 - 907 - 2 Jump up ^ Wright 2010 , pp. 115 -- 125 . ^ Jump up to : Beck , Roger ( 2005 ) . World History : Patterns of Interaction . McDougal Littell . p. 48 . Jump up ^ Beck , Roger B. ; Linda Black ; Larry S. Krieger ; Phillip C. Naylor ; Dahia Ibo Shabaka ( 1999 ) . World History : Patterns of Interaction . Evanston , IL : McDougal Littell . ISBN 0 - 395 - 87274 - X . Jump up ^ Wright 2010 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ `` ' Earliest writing ' found '' . BBC News . 4 May 1999 . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 05 . ^ Jump up to : Shaffer 1992 , I : 441 -- 464 , II : 425 -- 446 . ^ Jump up to : Kenoyer 1991 . Jump up ^ Wright 2010 , p. 107 : Quote : `` Five major Indus cities are discussed in this chapter . During the Urban period the early town of Harappa expanded in size and population and became a major center in the Upper Indus . Other cities emerging during the Urban period include Mohenjo - daro in the Lower Indus , Dholavira to the south on the western edge of peninsular India , in Kutch , Ganweriwala in Cholistan , and a fifth city , Rakhigarhi , on the Ghaggar - Hakra . Rakhigarhi will be discussed briefly in view of the limited published material . '' Jump up ^ Ratnagar , Shereen ( 2006 ) . Trading Encounters : From the Euphrates to the Indus in the Bronze Age ( 2nd ed . ) . India : Oxford University Press . p. 25 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 566603 - 8 . Jump up ^ Lockard , Craig ( 2010 ) . Societies , Networks , and Transitions , Volume 1 : To 1500 ( 2nd ed . ) . India : Cengage Learning . p. 40 . ISBN 1 - 4390 - 8535 - 8 . Jump up ^ Beck , Roger B. ; Linda Black ; Larry S. Krieger ; Phillip C. Naylor ; Dahia Ibo Shabaka ( 1999 ) . World History : Patterns of Interaction . 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( 2015 ) , `` The phylogenetic and geographic structure of Y - chromosome haplogroup R1a '' ( PDF ) , European Journal of Human Genetics , 23 : 124 -- 131 , doi : 10.1038 / ejhg. 2014.50 , PMC 4266736 , PMID 24667786 Wells , R.S. ( 2001 ) , `` The Eurasian Heartland : A continental perspective on Y - chromosome diversity '' , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 98 ( 18 ) : 10244 -- 10249 , Bibcode : 2001PNAS ... 9810244W , doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 171305098 , PMC 56946 , PMID 11526236 Willey ; Phillips ( 1958 ) , Method and Theory in American Archaeology Witzel , Michael ( February 2000 ) . `` The Languages of Harappa '' ( PDF ) . Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies . Wright , Rita P. ( 2009 ) , The Ancient Indus : Urbanism , Economy , and Society , Cambridge University Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 57219 - 4 , retrieved 29 September 2013 Further reading ( edit ) Coningham , Robin ; Young , Ruth ( 2015 ) , The Archaeology of South Asia : From the Indus to Asoka , c. 6500 BCE -- 200 CE , Cambridge University Press External links ( edit ) Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Mohenjo - daro . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Indus Valley Civilization . Harappa and Indus Valley Civilization at An invitation to the Indus Civilization ( Tokyo Metropolitan Museum ) Cache of Seal Impressions Discovered in Western India Indus Valley Civilisation History and culture Indus River Periodisation Bhirrana Culture Mehrgarh Culture Kulli Culture Amri Culture Bara Culture Cemetery H Culture Architecture Harappan architecture Sanitation of the Indus Valley Civilisation Great Bath , Mohenjo - daro Inventions of the Indus Valley Civilisation Language and script Harappan language Indus script Indus Valley sites in Pakistan Harappa Mohenjo - daro Nausharo Chanhudaro Mehrgarh Lakhueen - jo - daro Larkana Pirak Kot Diji Rehman Dheri Amri Sutkagan Dor Sokhta Koh Tharro Hills Pir Shah Jurio Allahdino Balakot Ongar Ganeriwala Nindowari Judeir - jo - daro Dabarkot Indus Valley sites in India Dholavira Gola Dhoro Lothal Bhagatrav Rangpur Jognakhera Surkotada Kalibangan Manda Alamgirpur Daimabad Malwan Kunal Rakhigarhi Rupnagar Rupar Hulas Kanmer Oriyo timbo Dher Majra Lohari Ragho Dwarka Kuntasi Loteshwar Mandi Farmana Ganeshwar Sothi Siswal Sanauli Sanghol Pabumath Nagwada Babar Kot Balu Bara Bargaon Bhagwanpura Bhirrana Banawali Rojdi Kotla Nihang Khan Kerala - no - dhoro Mitathal Desalpur Indus Valley sites in Afghanistan Mundigak Shortugai Related topics Meluhha Ochre Coloured Pottery culture Northern Black Polished Ware Painted Grey Ware culture NDL : 00564117 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Indus Valley Civilisation Bronze Age Asia Prehistoric India Prehistoric Pakistan Prehistoric Afghanistan Civilizations History of Sindh History of South Asia Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Extra text : editors list CS1 maint : Uses editors parameter CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown Use dmy dates from April 2015 EngvarB from September 2016 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017 Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from January 2018 Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2016 All articles containing potentially dated statements CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans অসমীয়া Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская भोजपुरी Български Boarisch Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Estremeñu Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Français Frysk 贛 語 ગુજરાતી 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar मैथिली മലയാളം मराठी მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Mirandés Nederlands नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Patois Polski Português Română Русский संस्कृतम् Scots Shqip සිංහල Simple English سنڌي Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Võro Winaray 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 18 February 2018 , at 23 : 38 . 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what was the time period of indus civilisation
Indus Valley Civilisation Geographical range South Asia Period Bronze Age Dates c. 3300 -- c. 1300 BCE
Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods - wikipedia Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods This is the current revision of this page , as edited by 68.7. 31.50 ( talk ) at 16 : 26 , 12 August 2017 ( → ‎ Plot ) . The present address ( URL ) is a permanent link to this version . Revision as of 16 : 26 , 12 August 2017 by 68.7. 31.50 ( talk ) ( → ‎ Plot ) ( diff ) ← Previous revision Latest revision ( diff ) Newer revision → ( diff ) Jump to : navigation , search Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods Japanese release poster Directed by Masahiro Hosoda Produced by Rioko Tominaga Gyarmath Bogdan Screenplay by Akira Toriyama Story by Akira Toriyama Based on Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama Starring Masako Nozawa Kōichi Yamadera Masakazu Morita Masaharu Satō Hiromi Tsuru Mayumi Tanaka Ryō Horikawa Toshio Furukawa Tōru Furuya Takeshi Kusao Jōji Yanami Music by Norihito Sumitomo Edited by Shinichi Fukumitsu Production company Toei Animation Distributed by Toei Company 20th Century Fox Release date March 30 , 2013 ( 2013 - 03 - 30 ) ( Japan ) Running time 85 minutes ( theatrical ) 105 minutes ( Fuji TV ) Country Japan Language Japanese Box office $51.2 million Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods ( Japanese : ドラゴンボール Z 神 と 神 , Hepburn : Doragon Bōru Zetto : Kami to Kami , lit . `` Dragon Ball Z : God and God '' ) is the eighteenth Japanese animated feature film based on the Dragon Ball series and the fourteenth to carry the Dragon Ball Z branding , released in theaters on March 30 , 2013 . It is the first Dragon Ball movie in 17 years to have a theatrical release , the last being the tenth anniversary movie in 1996 , which followed the first three Dragon Ball films and the thirteen Dragon Ball Z films . Unlike previous theatrical Dragon Ball releases , this was a full feature - length production with a stand - alone release and not shown as part of the now - discontinued Toei Anime Fair ( formerly the Toei Manga Matsuri ) . It is the first - ever Japanese film to be screened at IMAX Digital Theaters , and was released on Blu - ray and DVD on September 13 , 2013 . Funimation acquired the North American rights to Battle of Gods and produced an English dub that they co-released with 20th Century Fox in North American cinemas in August 2014 . Madman Entertainment acquired the Australasian rights and screened the movie at the 2013 Japanese Film Festival in Australia before screening the English dub to select theaters in August 2014 , and Manga Entertainment released the film in the United Kingdom in November 2014 . Battle of Gods was the first film considered an official part of the Dragon Ball storyline , being set during the time skip in chapter 517 of the original manga , with original creator Akira Toriyama deeply involved . The plot involves Beerus , the God of Destruction , learning of the defeat of the galactic overlord Freeza at the hands of Son Goku . Seeking an opponent worthy of his power , Beerus , along with his companion Whis , travels to the North Galaxy to challenge Goku to a battle . The first story arc of Dragon Ball Super , the newest canonical anime series in the Dragon Ball franchise , retells the events of Battle of Gods . Some details have been altered , scenes added , and dialogue expanded to cover the 14 - episode arc . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Voice cast 3 Development and production 3.1 Music 4 Marketing 4.1 Promotions 4.2 Collaborations 4.3 Tie - ins with other media 5 Release and reception 5.1 Box office 5.2 Critical reception 5.3 Home media 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Plot ( edit ) Whis wakes Beerus , the God of Destruction , from his long slumber and tells him that Frieza was defeated by a Saiyan . Thirty - nine years earlier , the Yogen - gyo ( 予言 魚 ) foretold that a mighty opponent would appear before Beerus , the Super Saiyan God . Beerus , with Whis , then tracks down the Saiyan warrior Goku , who defeated Freeza . On Kaiō - sama 's planet , Goku proceeds to challenge Beerus . Despite having powered up to Super Saiyan 3 , Goku is ultimately overwhelmed and defeated in two strikes . Disappointed by the subsequent lack of challenge , Beerus departs in order to seek out more powerful adversaries on Earth . Beerus ' arrival interrupts Bulma 's birthday party . Vegeta , who already knew about Beerus , because of a warning from Kaiō - sama , casts his pride aside in order to put Beerus in a good mood . Meanwhile , Pilaf , Mai , and Shu sneak into the party in order to steal the Dragon Balls , but are not recognized as they have been turned into children ; before the events of the film , they gathered all the Dragon Balls themselves and wished for youth , but Shenlong made them a little too young . Discovering the three of them , Trunks mistakes Pilaf for a monkey and fibs to Goten that Mai is his girlfriend , which leads to the trio being brought in front of the party - goers . When Mai accidentally drops the Dragon Ball she stole , she takes Trunks hostage , but no one seems concerned . A drunk Gohan dares Mai to shoot him ; he deflects the bullets with one finger , but one of them hits Videl 's leg and another one hits Beerus ' forehead . Dende heals Videl and discovers that she is pregnant with Gohan 's child . Videl has been hiding the fact to surprise Gohan later and they do not reveal it to the others yet . When Beerus asks Mr. Boo for one or two of the puddings he has , Boo eats all of them , angering the God of Destruction who decides to destroy the Earth . Boo , Android 18 , Tenshinhan and Piccolo attempt to fight Beerus , but are easily defeated . Gohan powers up and attacks Beerus only to be taken down by a heavy kick . Vegeta tries his hand at defeating Beerus , but he is also taken down . Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and attempt to fight Beerus but are quickly defeated as well . Bulma becomes annoyed at the fighting ruining her birthday party and yells at Beerus before slapping him . When Beerus slaps her back , it sends Vegeta into a fit of rage , becoming even stronger than Goku , however , he is still defeated . Goku appears , having been watching Vegeta 's fight and summons Shenlong to ask what a Super Saiyan God is . A Super Saiyan God once appeared on planet Vegeta to stop evil Saiyans , but failed because of the form 's time limit . The dragon also reveals that they need the power of six pure - hearted Saiyans for one of them to reach the Super Saiyan God form . Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan God , a form far stronger than even the Super Saiyan 3 , thanks to the power of himself , Vegeta , Gohan , Trunks , Goten , and Pan ( from inside her mother Videl ) , fulfilling the prophecy once stated by the Oracle Fish . Goku confronts Beerus again and they wage an intense battle in space , right above planet Earth . The form gives Goku the power to resist Beerus , but he reverts to his regular Super Saiyan form due to its time limit . However , he learns the form 's godlike feeling , which allows him to use some amount of Super Saiyan God power against Beerus . The two seem to be equally strong , but Beerus eventually decides to use his strongest attack . Goku stops the energy sphere , barely holding it back , but after Chi - Chi and Goku 's friends appear in Goku 's mind he is able to absorb the energy sphere and briefly transform into a Super Saiyan God once again . However , Goku is overwhelmed with exhaustion , and at Beerus ' suggestion , finally admits defeat . Beerus recognizes Goku 's effort and reveals that he was the second strongest person he had ever fought , after Whis , who is also his martial arts master and is even stronger than he is . Goku also learns from Beerus and Whis that there are actually other universes with other Gods of Destruction . Back on Earth , Beerus decides to spare the planet and takes his leave with Whis after bidding farewell to Goku and his friends , who return to Bulma 's birthday party . It is revealed by Whis that Beerus used only 70 % of his power while fighting Goku . Voice cast ( edit ) Character Japanese voice actor English voice actor Goku Masako Nozawa Sean Schemmel Vegeta Ryō Horikawa Christopher R. Sabat Gohan Masako Nozawa Kyle Hebert Piccolo Toshio Furukawa Christopher R. Sabat Krillin Mayumi Tanaka Sonny Strait Yamcha Tōru Furuya Christopher R. Sabat Tien Shinhan Hikaru Midorikawa John Burgmeier Trunks Takeshi Kusao Laura Bailey Goten Masako Nozawa Kara Edwards Puar Naoko Watanabe Brina Palencia Oolong Naoki Tatsuta Brad Jackson Master Roshi Masaharu Satō Mike McFarland Bulma Hiromi Tsuru Monica Rial Chi - Chi Naoko Watanabe Cynthia Cranz Android 18 Miki Itō Meredith McCoy Mr. Satan Unshō Ishizuka Chris Rager Mr. Buu Kōzō Shioya Josh Martin Videl Yuko Minaguchi Kara Edwards Dende Aya Hirano Justin Cook Pilaf Shigeru Chiba Chuck Huber Shenron Kenji Utsumi Christopher R. Sabat King Kai Jōji Yanami Sean Schemmel Gotenks Masako Nozawa Takeshi Kusao Kara Edwards Laura Bailey Ox - King Ryūzaburō Ōtomo Kyle Hebert Mai Eiko Yamada Colleen Clinkenbeard Shu Tesshō Genda Chris Cason Dr. Briefs Jōji Yanami Mark Stoddard Bulma 's Mother Yoko Kawanami Cynthia Cranz Beerus Kōichi Yamadera Jason Douglas Whis Masakazu Morita Ian Sinclair Yogen - gyo ( Seer ) Shoko Nakagawa Monica Rial Policewoman Kaori Matsumoto Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Sushi Chef Shinichi Karube T. Axelrod Narrator Jōji Yanami Kyle Hebert Development and production ( edit ) Early in July 2012 , Weekly Shōnen Jump 's official website had already opened a teaser page with a countdown to a `` surprise '' on Saturday , July 14 , the release date of its 33rd issue of the year . On July 14 , the magazine and website , now changed to show Shenlong appearing and then disappearing , revealed some minor information of the upcoming film ; including the premiere date , staff information , and companies involved in the production ( Fox International Productions Japan , Shueisha , Fuji TV , Toei Animation , Bandai , Bandai Namco Games , and Bird Studio ) . The film 's director is Masahiro Hosoda , who directed several Dragon Ball Z episodes back in 1992 , the screenplay was written by Yūsuke Watanabe , who has written manga adaptations before ( namely the 20th Century Boys and Gantz live - action films ) , and the lead animation director is Tadayoshi Yamamuro , who has worked on the series since the Dragon Ball anime . The magazine and official website also published a comment by Akira Toriyama about the movie . The Dragon Ball series creator notes that the adaptation will mark the first time he has been so deeply involved in the production of an anime , in this case as early as the screenwriting stages . Toriyama also said that the film will retain the atmosphere of the original while adding small amounts of modern flavor . Toei Animation released a press statement on July 17 , 2012 , saying it would be set `` between the animation series Z and GT , or in other words from the blank decade between the end of the battle with Majin Boo in chapter 517 of the manga and chapter 518 '' and calling it part of `` the official history of Dragon Ball . '' In September , it was announced that the film was one of four that year , and the only animated one , to receive money from the Japanese government as part of the non-profit organization UNIJAPAN 's `` Co-production Certification Program '' . Toei received 50 million yen ( roughly US $636,000 ) from the Agency for Cultural Affairs , whose aim is to promote Japanese arts and culture , with the United States named as the film 's partner country . This time in particular , we had a request from sensei to leave in not only the action , but also some truly enjoyable ... the truly enjoyable aspects of Dragon Ball ; Dragon Ball 's chaotic feeling , and the action of Gohan 's battles and of the Z Fighters are mixed together very well , so I believe that has also helped make it an enjoyable movie . -- Gyarmath Bogdan , MAG Net , NHK , March 1 , 2013 The December issue of Ultra Jump elaborated on Toriyama 's involvement in the movie , stating he came up with the movie 's story and character designs . On December 2 , the official website was updated with the movies ' cast and entire staff . The following day , a brief introduction to the film 's story was leaked from accessing an unlinked section of the website . In January 2013 , it was announced that Olympic gold medalist in judo Kaori Matsumoto and singer / tarento Shoko Nakagawa will have roles in the film . Nakagawa is a well - known otaku and Matsumoto is a fan of the series as well . Matsumoto voices a policewoman modeled after herself , while Nakagawa plays the Yogen - gyo ( 予言 魚 ) who first leads Beerus to Goku . The Fuji TV announcer Shin - ichi Karube also has a small part in the movie . The April issue of V Jump teased about a new Super Saiyan transformation being in the film , titled `` Super Saiyan God '' ( 超 サイヤ 人 ゴッド , Sūpā Saiya - jin Goddo ) , saying : 39 years ago , the Oracle Fish told Beerus that the Super Saiyan God would appear before him . And that this is the beginning of the movie 's story . In Weekly Shōnen Jump issue # 14 of 2013 , Toriyama said that the plot for Battle of Gods began two years ago with ideas for the God of Destruction and Super Saiyan God , and that he got deeply involved in the story in order to keep it in - line with the series ' original tone so kids could enjoy it . In the following week 's issue , he revealed that Beerus ' design is based on a cat and his clothes based on Egyptian garments . A live greeting by cast members and Toriyama , followed by a preview screening of the film took place across Japan on Tuesday , March 12 , 2013 , with a limited number of attendees determined from a Jump lottery . The lottery tickets were included in 22 different Shueisha magazines ( including Weekly Shōnen Jump , V Jump , Jump SQ , and Ultra Jump ) and 884 pairs ( 1768 people ) were invited . There were five screenings , all the same day and at 6 : 30 p.m : Shinjuku Wald 9 cinema in Tokyo ( 428 people ) , Umeda Burg 7 theater in Osaka ( 440 people ) , 109 Cinemas in Nagoya ( 256 people ) , T - Joy Hakata in Fukuoka ( 322 people ) , and Sapporo Cinema Frontier in Sapporo ( 322 people ) . The special cast greeting at the Tokyo venue was beamed live to the other locations before the screening . A second preview screening with an on - stage greeting and a special guest took place at Differ Ariake Arena on March 16 , 2013 , with 250 pairs ( 500 people ) invited ( determined with lottery tickets included in V Jump , Weekly Shōnen Jump , and Saikyō Jump ) . Music ( edit ) The music in Battle of Gods was composed by Norihito Sumitomo . Its theme song is a cover of Hironobu Kageyama 's `` Cha - La Head - Cha - La '' , the original opening theme of Dragon Ball Z , by the rock band Flow . The band members commented that they were excited about the opportunity as they have been fans of the series since they were in elementary school . The cover and the film 's insert song , `` Hero ~ Song of Hope ~ '' ( HERO ~ 希望 の 歌 ~ , Hīro ~ Kibō no Uta ~ ) , were released as a double A-side single on March 20 , 2013 . It reached number 24 on the Oricon Weekly Singles Chart . The film 's original soundtrack , containing 43 tracks , was released on March 27 , 2013 . Due to licensing agreements , the international editions of the film use English - language versions of Flow 's `` Cha - La Head - Cha - La '' and `` Hero ~ Song of Hope ~ '' . The music to the trailers in Japan was composed by Immediate Music whom specialize in providing trailer music for films , such as Avatar , the Matrix films and the Harry Potter films . The trailers use the pieces `` Prologue to Conquest '' ( Trailerhead : NU EPIQ ) and `` Emergence of Empires '' ( Trailerhead : Saga ) , both composed by Yoav Goren with the latter based on `` Conquest of Kingdoms '' from Epic Choral Action # 1 and `` Rising Empires '' from Themes for Orchestra & Choir 2 : Abbey Road respectively . Pfeifer Broz . Music supplied `` Evil Island '' for Funimation 's promotions and trailers in North America . Marketing ( edit ) Promotions ( edit ) The July 14 , 2012 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump published the first promotional images for the film ; featuring Goku , Gohan , Piccolo , Kuririn , Goten , Trunks , Vegeta , and Shenlong , with the tagline `` The mightiest make their move '' ( 最強 、 始動 , Saikyō , Shidō ) , followed by `` All humanity has been waiting . For excitement like none before ... '' ( 全 人類 待望. かつて ない 興奮 へー , Zen jinrui taibō . Katsute nai kōfun e ) . On July 21 , 2012 , a short teaser trailer announcing the film was shown at the Saikyō V Jump Festa , and later that month shown on television . The teaser trailer was added to the movie 's official website in August 2012 . In less than a week the video was viewed over 3.5 million times . With the movie title revealed in November 2012 , a special pre-sale collaboration ticket with the One Piece Film : Z movie was made to commemorate the release of the two films . The dual - ticket good for both films has a special new illustration by both Eiichirō Oda ( author of One Piece ) and Akira Toriyama . Limited to 8,989 across Japan , the tickets went on sale on November 23 , 2012 , for ¥ 2,600 ( US $31.51 ) apiece . The film 's poster and two new characters ' names and voice actors were officially revealed in December 2012 in Weekly Shōnen Jump 's first issue of 2013 ; Beerus , the God of Destruction voiced by Kōichi Yamadera and the mysterious Whis voiced by Masakazu Morita . The film poster displays Super Saiyan Goku combating the God of Destruction Beerus , with Whis floating showered in light in the background . Various other characters from the series are also featured on the poster ( Mr. Satan , Mr. Boo , Videl , the shrunken Pilaf gang , Super Saiyan Goten , Super Saiyan Gohan , Super Saiyan Vegeta , Super Saiyan Trunks , Bulma , Piccolo , Tenshinhan , Kuririn , Yamcha and Puar ) . The first full trailer for the film was aired on Fuji TV on December 7 , 2012 , during the morning show Mezamashi TV . A 30 - minute Battle of Gods discussion panel was held at Jump Festa 2013 ; on the Jump Super Stage , on December 22 , 2012 . Along with the voice actors Masako Nozawa , Mayumi Tanaka , Toshio Furukawa , the film director Masahiro Hosoda , V Jump editor - in - chief Akio Iyoku , and Toei Animation producer Gyarmath Bogdan took part at the discussion which was overseen by former YBS TV announcer Mariko Nakagomi . The second full trailer for the film began being streamed on Cinema Today 's website on February 27 , 2013 . In late March 2013 , Cinema Today 's website began streaming a TV ad for the movie that features Frieza ( Ryūsei Nakao ) and Cell ( Norio Wakamoto ) ; Cell questions why he is n't in the film and Frieza brags that he is , Cell then remarks that Frieza only has a non-speaking appearance . Collaborations ( edit ) During the 30th Prize Fair , which took place in Tokyo on November 7 , 2012 , Bandai showcased some of their new Dragon Ball figures for winter 2012 , as well their World Collectable Figure line produced in conjunction with the 2013 movie . The latter is a set of eight figures around 7 cm tall that covers characters that appear in the movie ; along with Vegeta and Super Saiyan 3 Goku , the three members of the Pilaf gang were among the figures revealed . In February 2013 , several collaborative projects between Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods and KFC in Japan began . On the seventh , the restaurants began selling `` Smile Sets with Strongest Battle Goods -- Parents and Kids Play Together ! '' , which came with Dragon Ball Z games such as reversi and playing cards . On the fifteenth , the KFC restaurants in Sapporo , Sendai , Ebisu , Sakae , Osaka , Hakata and Okinawa dressed their Colonel Sanders statues as Goku , with each one holding a different starred Dragon Ball . They began selling `` Strongest Sets '' that come with `` Light Up ! Dragon Bottles '' or `` Dream Dragon Radar detectors '' on February 28 , and a TV ad featuring Goku began airing . As part of a collaboration with the Japanese J. League Division 1 football team Albirex Niigata , a special poster unveiled on the official Battle of Gods website on February 20 , 2013 , was displayed across Niigata Prefecture in promotion of their match with the defending league Division 1 champions Sanfrecce Hiroshima on March 3 , 2013 . The poster is based on the Battle of Gods poster , with the movie characters replaced by the football team 's players : the figure in the background replacing Whis is the team 's manager Masaaki Yanagishita , Beerus has been replaced by the Sanfrecce Hiroshima goalkeeper Shūsaku Nishikawa , and Goku is replaced by the team 's forward Bruno Lopes . All supporters at the match wore orange , Goku made an `` appearance '' at the stadium , and the Dragon Ball Z theme song was used . From March 5 to April 8 the Lawson convenience stores sold special Battle of Gods inspired food items , such as Dragon Ball pizza balls , Super Saiyan fries , Demon King Piccolo 's Green Tea Cream Puffs , Majin Boo Milk Pudding and Vegeta 's Green Salad . Tie - ins with other media ( edit ) The March 2013 issue of V Jump revealed that Beerus would appear in the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game as a boss battle , and subsequently in its Nintendo 3DS version titled Dragon Ball Heroes : Ultimate Mission . It also announced the Dragon Ball Z Festival at Toei Kyoto Studio Park from March 16 to September 8 in celebration of Battle of the Gods . Starting on March 30 , Beerus appeared in the Dragon Ball arcade game Zenkai Battle Royale . Beerus , Whis , and Goku 's Super Saiyan God form are all playable characters in the video game Battle of Z . A manga adaptation of Battle of Gods ran in the April 2013 issue of Saikyō Jump , which went on sale on March 4 , 2013 . Drawn by Naho Ōishi , who currently draws the Dragon Ball SD series in the magazine and previously Dragon Ball : Episode of Bardock in V Jump , it depicts the beginning of the film . An anime comic version , more commonly known as `` ani - manga '' in the west , of Battle of Gods was released on October 4 , 2013 . Battle of Gods received its television debut on Fuji TV on March 22 , 2014 at 9 : 00pm . Toei Animation producer Gyarmath Bogdan confirmed through Twitter that the broadcast included up to twenty minutes of extra scenes and additional footage . The broadcast earned an average household rating of 13.1 % . The 2015 Dragon Ball Z : Resurrection ' F ' film is a sequel to Battle of Gods and features Beerus and Whis . The first story arc of Dragon Ball Super is a retelling of sorts of Battle of Gods , though some events are altered or expanded in the series ' version of events . The `` Battle of Gods '' arc covers episodes 1 - 14 . Release and reception ( edit ) Battle of Gods is the first - ever Japanese film to be screened at IMAX Digital Theaters , screening at all 16 IMAX Digital Theater locations across Japan . However , it was not shown in 3D . Madman Entertainment announced they had acquired the Australasian rights to the film and screened the movie at the 2013 Japanese Film Festival in Australia from October to December . On May 30 , 2014 , Funimation announced that they had acquired the North American rights to the movie and gave the film a limited theatrical run in North America from August 5 -- 7 and 9 , 2014 . Funimation held a red carpet premiere for Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods in Los Angeles on July 3 . The 8 : 00 p.m. red carpet and 9 : 00 p.m. screening was at the Regal LA Live Stadium 14 Theaters . Madman screened Funimation 's dub at a handful of Australasian theaters on August 30 , 2014 . Manga Entertainment , the United Kingdom 's distributor of the series , announced at the MCM Manchester Comic Con that they licensed the film and would give it a limited theatrical release , including an appearance at the 2014 Scotland Loves Anime convention . In Latin America , the movie was released by Diamond Films during the last days of September and first days of October 2013 ( depending on the country ) with almost every member of the original cast from the Mexican Spanish dub of the series . In Brazil , Battle of Gods was released by Diamond Filmes on October 11 , 2013 , with the original cast from the Brazilian Portuguese Dragon Ball Z dub . In Italy the movie entered theaters on February 1 , 2014 . In Spain , the movie was released in theaters on May 30 , 2014 in Castilian Spanish , Catalan and Basque languages , with the former bringing back almost every member of the original cast from the Castilian Spanish Dragon Ball Z dub while the latter two feature the respective Catalan and Basque voice casts from Dragon Ball Kai ( the Catalan voice cast also being essentially the same one from Dragon Ball Z ) . The extended version home release also featured a Valencian dub with almost every member of the original cast from the Valencian Dragon Ball Z dub . In Philippines , the movie was released subtitled in English by Pioneer Films during the month of April 2013 , making it the second Dragon Ball film to be shown in the country . The Filipino dub of the movie will be released on January 4 , 2015 by ABS - CBN TV Network . Box Office ( edit ) Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods opened at number one in the Japanese box office , earning US $7,307,760 with 561,098 tickets sold in its first two days . The movie 's showings at all 16 of the IMAX Digital theaters in Japan that weekend earned US $450,000 , with an average of US $28,000 per screen . It was ranked number five in the overseas box office chart by Variety , making it the top - grossing non-American film on the chart . While the top four films are playing in over 50 territories each , Battle of Gods ' performance is based only on 328 screens in Japan . By its fifth day , the film had made over US $12,000,000 with 988,790 tickets sold . As a result , the film was projected to sell more than 1 million tickets by its sixth day , making it the fastest film to reach that milestone so far that year in Japan . It was number one in its second week as well , with a total of 1,488,518 tickets sold and an estimated US $19,017,008 total earnings . The film was number one for a third week , raising its total to US $23,618,327 with 1,823,141 tickets sold , making it the fastest - grossing film of 2013 in Japan . It dropped to fourth place the subsequent weekend of April 20 -- 21 , but total tickets sold passed the two million mark and its total revenue climbed to US $26,419,641 . The film dropped to eighth during Golden Week , which is when many new movies open in theaters and is the film industry 's best week in Japan , while the box office gross grew to US $28,162,444 and tickets reached 2,181,328 . The following week it held on to the eighth place , with tickets sold increasing to 2,346,726 and its gross to US $29,172,291 . Toei aimed for Battle of Gods to earn a domestic Japanese box office take of ¥ 3 billion ( about US $30 million ) . In December 2013 , Oricon listed Battle of Gods as the Japanese box office 's eleventh highest - grossing film of the year earning a box office take of ¥ 3 billion . The film earned US $2.8 million in North American theaters in 8 days , placing it eleventh on a list of the highest - grossing theatrically released anime in North America of all time according to Box Office Mojo . Critical reception ( edit ) Richard Eisenbeis writing for Kotaku called the film `` a great nostalgic trip from beginning to end . '' He noted that it was focused on lighthearted moments , but that the `` comedic moments were not only funny but also true to the series , and the fight scenes were excellent one and all . '' He particularly praised the animation as the best of the series , due to technological advancements since the early 1990s , and declared that the highlight of the movie was how in the end the villain was undoubtedly the winner over Goku in a `` complete reversal of the standard DBZ formula '' . Otaku USA 's Matt Schley agreed that it is a comedy heavy film `` more reminiscent of the original Dragon Ball than Z '' . He speculates that the viewer 's enjoyment of the movie depends on what they expect ; `` If you want epic Dragon Ball Z story worthy of the title Battle of Gods , this film may disappoint . But if you 're just happy to see your favorite characters performing a few animated hijinx again after all these years , this film certainly delivers . '' Leah B. Jackson of IGN gave the English dub of the movie a 7.5 out of 10 , praising the animation and fight scenes , particularly the final battle . She was pleased to see Funimation 's voice actors return , but criticized the movie for the lack of iconic techniques and having too much `` filler '' . Theron Martin of Anime News Network ( ANN ) praised the movie for its humor , use of main and supporting cast , the introduction of Beerus and Whis and the overall light - hearted nature and plot . But also criticized the movie for its inconsistent animation , uninspiring fight scenes and use of CGI , stating , `` Ultimately Battle of Gods is entirely a movie for long - established fans , as it has too many in - jokes that those not familiar with wide swaths of the franchise would get . It is not a stellar addition to the franchise but is a worthwhile and at least moderately entertaining one , provided that one does not go into it expecting an action magnum opus . '' Kyle Mills Of DVD Talk highly recommended the movie , praising the dub and the perfect balancing of the humor elements from the first Dragon Ball anime with the action elements of Dragon Ball Z . He finished with , `` Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods is one hell of a fun flick . For any fan of the Dragon Ball franchise , you need to check it out. ( ... ) ( It is ) a film full of nostalgia , fun characters , legitimate laugh out loud moments , and slick action sequences . It 's a film that showcases perfectly why the Dragon Ball franchise has such long lasting popularity . '' Home media ( edit ) The film was released in Japan in standard and limited edition DVD and Blu - ray formats on September 13 , 2013 . In addition to the design material and trailer collections included in the regular edition , the limited edition includes behind the scenes footage , interviews , and the 2008 short film Dragon Ball : Yo ! Son Goku and His Friends Return ! ! , as well as a figure , booklet , and special postcards . The home video release of Battle of Gods sold approximately 50,381 copies in its first week . By the end of the year , it had sold 46,761 DVDs and 33,737 Blu - rays . The extended TV version of the film was released on DVD and Blu - ray on March 13 , 2015 , selling approximately 1,666 copies in its first week . Funimation released the theatrical and extended TV versions in North America on DVD and Blu - ray on October 7 , 2014 . A similar set was released in the United Kingdom by Manga Entertainment on November 10 , 2014 . Madman Entertainment released the film in Australia and New Zealand on DVD and Blu - ray on November 26 , 2014 . See also ( edit ) Dragon Ball portal Anime and manga portal List of Dragon Ball films References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` FUNimation To Release Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods Uncut Version for Home Video '' . Anime News Network . August 21 , 2014 . 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Retrieved April 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Variety : Dragon Ball Z Is Top Non-U.S. Film Overseas '' . Anime News Network . April 1 , 2013 . Retrieved April 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` 2013 Dragon Ball Sells 988,790 Tickets for 1.1 Billion Yen '' . Anime News Network . April 4 , 2013 . Retrieved April 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Japan Box Office Report & Trailer Park -- April 6th / 7th '' . April 9 , 2013 . Archived from the original on April 11 , 2013 . Retrieved April 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 映画 「 ドラゴンボール Z 」 V2 で 興 収 15 億 円 突破 ! トップ 3 を アニメ 作品 が 占める ! ( 映画 週末 興行 成績 ) '' . ( in Japanese ) . April 9 , 2013 . Retrieved April 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Japan Box Office Report & Trailer Park -- April 13th / 14th '' . April 18 , 2013 . Archived from the original on April 20 , 2013 . Retrieved April 18 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 2013 Dragon Ball Film Sells 1.8 Million Tickets for 2.2 Billion Yen '' . Anime News Network . April 15 , 2013 . Retrieved April 18 , 2013 . 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Jump up ^ Jackson , Leah B. , Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods review , IGN , retrieved August 6 , 2014 Jump up ^ Martin , Thron , Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods , Anime News Network , retrieved August 10 , 2014 Jump up ^ Mill , Kyle. , Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods ( Blu Ray ) , DVD Talk , retrieved October 8 , 2014 Jump up ^ Green , Scott ( May 24 , 2013 ) . `` '' Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods '' Japanese Home Video Release Listed `` . Crunchyroll . Retrieved May 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Japan 's Animation DVD Ranking , September 9 -- 15 '' . Anime News Network . September 17 , 2013 . Retrieved September 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Japan 's Animation Blu - ray Disc Ranking , September 9 -- 15 '' . Anime News Network . September 17 , 2013 . Retrieved September 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Top - Selling Animation DVDs in Japan : 2013 '' . Anime News Network . December 25 , 2013 . Retrieved August 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Top - Selling Animation Blu - ray Discs in Japan : 2013 '' . Anime News Network . December 25 , 2013 . Retrieved August 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ドラゴンボール Z 神 と 神 スペシャル ・ エディション ( Blu - ray ) '' . . Retrieved January 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Japan 's Animation DVD Ranking , March 9 -- 15 '' . Anime News Network . March 17 , 2015 . Retrieved March 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Japan 's Animation Blu - ray Disc Ranking , March 9 -- 15 '' . Anime News Network . March 17 , 2015 . Retrieved March 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Uncut Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods Home Video Release Slated for October '' . Anime News Network . August 20 , 2014 . Retrieved August 20 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods and Usagi Drop Released Monday '' . Anime News Network . November 10 , 2014 . Retrieved November 27 , 2014 . External links ( edit ) Official website of the movie Official 20th Century Fox page Funimation official website of the movie Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods ( film ) at Anime News Network 's encyclopedia Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods on IMDb Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods at Box Office Mojo Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods at Rotten Tomatoes ( hide ) Dragon Ball films and TV specials Animated ( Dragon Ball ) Curse of the Blood Rubies Sleeping Princess in Devil 's Castle Mystical Adventure The Path to Power Animated ( Dragon Ball Z ) Dead Zone The World 's Strongest The Tree of Might Lord Slug Cooler 's Revenge The Return of Cooler Super Android 13 ! Broly -- The Legendary Super Saiyan Bojack Unbound Broly -- Second Coming Bio-Broly Fusion Reborn Wrath of the Dragon Battle of Gods Resurrection ' F ' TV specials Bardock -- The Father of Goku The History of Trunks A Hero 's Legacy OVAs Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans Festival Yo ! 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where does battle of the gods fit in
Battle of Gods was the first film considered an official part of the Dragon Ball storyline , being set during the time skip in chapter 517 of the original manga , with original creator Akira Toriyama deeply involved . The plot involves Beerus , the God of Destruction , learning of the defeat of the galactic overlord Freeza at the hands of Son Goku . Seeking an opponent worthy of his power , Beerus , along with his companion Whis , travels to the North Galaxy to challenge Goku to a battle . The first story arc of Dragon Ball Super , the newest canonical anime series in the Dragon Ball franchise , retells the events of Battle of Gods . Some details have been altered , scenes added , and dialogue expanded to cover the 14 - episode arc .
Proxy ( climate ) - wikipedia Proxy ( climate ) This article is about climatic patterns . For other uses , see Proxy . Preserved physical characteristics allowing reconstruction of past climatic conditions Reconstruction of global temperature over the past 2000 years , comparing results from researchers using different proxy methods In the study of past climates ( `` paleoclimatology '' ) , climate proxies are preserved physical characteristics of the past that stand in for direct meteorological measurements and enable scientists to reconstruct the climatic conditions over a longer fraction of the Earth 's history . Reliable global records of climate only began in the 1880s , and proxies provide the only means for scientists to determine climatic patterns before record - keeping began . Examples of proxies include ice cores , tree rings , sub-fossil pollen , boreholes , corals , lake and ocean sediments , and carbonate speleothems . The character of deposition or rate of growth of the proxies ' material has been influenced by the climatic conditions of the time in which they were laid down or grew . Chemical traces produced by climatic changes , such as quantities of particular isotopes , can be recovered from proxies . Some proxies , such as gas bubbles trapped in ice , enable traces of the ancient atmosphere to be recovered and measured directly to provide a history of fluctuations in the composition of the Earth 's atmosphere . To produce the most precise results , systematic cross-verification between proxy indicators is necessary for accuracy in readings and record - keeping . Proxies can be combined to produce temperature reconstructions longer than the instrumental temperature record and can inform discussions of global warming and climate history . The distribution of proxy records , just like the instrumental record , is not at all uniform , with more records in the northern hemisphere . Contents 1 Proxies 1.1 Ice cores 1.1. 1 Drilling 1.1. 2 Proxy 1.2 Tree rings 1.3 Fossil leaves 1.4 Boreholes 1.5 Corals 1.6 Pollen grains 1.7 Dinoflagellate cysts 1.8 Lake and ocean sediments 1.9 Water isotopes and temperature reconstruction 1.10 Membrane lipids 1.11 Pseudoproxies 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Proxies ( edit ) Main article : Proxy ( statistics ) In science , it is sometimes necessary to study a variable which can not be measured directly . This can be done by `` proxy methods , '' in which a variable which correlates with the variable of interest is measured , and then used to infer the value of the variable of interest . Proxy methods are of particular use in the study of the past climate , beyond times when direct measurements of temperatures are available . Most proxy records have to be calibrated against independent temperature measurements , or against a directly calibrated proxy , during their period of overlap to estimate the relationship between temperature and the proxy . The longer history of the proxy is then used to reconstruct temperature from earlier periods . Ice cores ( edit ) Drilling ( edit ) Ice Core sample taken from drill . Photo by Lonnie Thompson , Byrd Polar Research Center . Ice cores are cylindrical samples from within ice sheets in the Greenland , Antarctic , and North American regions . First attempts of extraction occurred in 1956 as part of the International Geophysical Year . As original means of extraction , the U.S. Army 's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory used an 80 - foot ( 24 m ) - long modified electrodrill in 1968 at Camp Century , Greenland , and Byrd Station , Antarctica . Their machinery could drill through 15 -- 20 feet of ice in 40 -- 50 minutes . From 1300 to 3,000 feet ( 910 m ) in depth , core samples were 4 1⁄4 inches in diameter and 10 to 20 feet ( 6.1 m ) long . Deeper samples of 15 to 20 feet ( 6.1 m ) long were not uncommon . Every subsequent drilling team improves their method with each new effort . Proxy ( edit ) δ18O and δD for Vostok , Antarctica ice core . The ratio between the O and O water molecule isotopologues in an ice core helps determine past temperatures and snow accumulations . The heavier isotope ( O ) condenses more readily as temperatures decrease and falls more easily as precipitation , while the lighter isotope ( O ) needs colder conditions to precipitate . The farther north one needs to go to find elevated levels of the O isotopologue , the warmer the period . In addition to oxygen isotopes , water contains hydrogen isotopes - H and H , usually referred to as H and D ( for deuterium ) - that are also used for temperature proxies . Normally , ice cores from Greenland are analyzed for δ O and those from Antarctica for δ - deuterium . Those cores that analyze for both show a lack of agreement . ( In the figure , δ O is for the trapped air , not the ice . δD is for the ice . ) Air bubbles in the ice , which contain trapped greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane , are also helpful in determining past climate changes . From 1989 - 1992 , the European Greenland Ice Core Drilling Project drilled in central Greenland at coordinates 72 ° 35 ' N , 37 ° 38 ' W . The ices in that core were 3840 years old at a depth of 770 m , 40,000 years old at 2521 m , and 200,000 years old or more at 3029 m bedrock . Ice cores in Antarctica can reveal the climate records for the past 650,000 years . Location maps and a complete list of U.S. ice core drilling sites can be found on the website for the National Ice Core Laboratory : Tree rings ( edit ) Tree rings seen in a cross section of a trunk of a tree . Main article : Dendroclimatology Dendroclimatology is the science of determining past climates from trees , primarily from properties of the annual tree rings . Tree rings are wider when conditions favor growth , narrower when times are difficult . Other properties of the annual rings , such as maximum latewood density ( MXD ) have been shown to be better proxies than simple ring width . Using tree rings , scientists have estimated many local climates for hundreds to thousands of years previous . By combining multiple tree - ring studies ( sometimes with other climate proxy records ) , scientists have estimated past regional and global climates ( see Temperature record of the past 1000 years ) . Fossil leaves ( edit ) New approaches retrieve data such as CO content of past atmospheres from fossil leaf stomata and isotope composition , measuring cellular CO concentrations . A 2014 study was able to use the carbon - 13 isotope ratios to estimate the CO amounts of the past 400 million years , the findings hint at a higher climate sensitivity to CO concentrations . Boreholes ( edit ) Borehole temperatures are used as temperature proxies . Since heat transfer through the ground is slow , temperature measurements at a series of different depths down the borehole , adjusted for the effect of rising heat from inside the Earth , can be `` inverted '' ( a mathematical formula to solve matrix equations ) to produce a non-unique series of surface temperature values . The solution is `` non-unique '' because there are multiple possible surface temperature reconstructions that can produce the same borehole temperature profile . In addition , due to physical limitations , the reconstructions are inevitably `` smeared '' , and become more smeared further back in time . When reconstructing temperatures around 1,500 AD , boreholes have a temporal resolution of a few centuries . At the start of the 20th Century , their resolution is a few decades ; hence they do not provide a useful check on the instrumental temperature record . However , they are broadly comparable . These confirmations have given paleoclimatologists the confidence that they can measure the temperature of 500 years ago . This is concluded by a depth scale of about 492 feet ( 150 meters ) to measure the temperatures from 100 years ago and 1,640 feet ( 500 meters ) to measure the temperatures from 1,000 years ago . Boreholes have a great advantage over many other proxies in that no calibration is required : they are actual temperatures . However , they record surface temperature not the near - surface temperature ( 1.5 meter ) used for most `` surface '' weather observations . These can differ substantially under extreme conditions or when there is surface snow . In practice the effect on borehole temperature is believed to be generally small . A second source of error is contamination of the well by groundwater may affect the temperatures , since the water `` carries '' more modern temperatures with it . This effect is believed to be generally small , and more applicable at very humid sites . It does not apply in ice cores where the site remains frozen all year . More than 600 boreholes , on all continents , have been used as proxies for reconstructing surface temperatures . The highest concentration of boreholes exist in North America and Europe . Their depths of drilling typically range from 200 to greater than 1,000 meters into the crust of the Earth or ice sheet . A small number of boreholes have been drilled in the ice sheets ; the purity of the ice there permits longer reconstructions . Central Greenland borehole temperatures show `` a warming over the last 150 years of approximately 1 ° C ± 0.2 ° C preceded by a few centuries of cool conditions . Preceding this was a warm period centered around A.D. 1000 , which was warmer than the late 20th century by approximately 1 ° C . '' A borehole in the Antarctica icecap shows that the `` temperature at A.D. 1 ( was ) approximately 1 ° C warmer than the late 20th century '' . Borehole temperatures in Greenland were responsible for an important revision to the isotopic temperature reconstruction , revealing that the former assumption that `` spatial slope equals temporal slope '' was incorrect . Corals ( edit ) Coral bleached due to changes in ocean water properties Ocean coral skeletal rings , or bands , also share paleoclimatological information , similarly to tree rings . In 2002 , a report was published on the findings of Drs . Lisa Greer and Peter Swart , associates of University of Miami at the time , in regard to stable oxygen isotopes in the calcium carbonate of coral . Cooler temperatures tend to cause coral to use heavier isotopes in its structure , while warmer temperatures result in more normal oxygen isotopes being built into the coral structure . Denser water salinity also tends to contain the heavier isotope . Greer 's coral sample from the Atlantic Ocean was taken in 1994 and dated back to 1935 . Greer recalls her conclusions , `` When we look at the averaged annual data from 1935 to about 1994 , we see it has the shape of a sine wave . It is periodic and has a significant pattern of oxygen isotope composition that has a peak at about every twelve to fifteen years . '' Surface water temperatures have coincided by also peaking every twelve and a half years . However , since recording this temperature has only been practiced for the last fifty years , correlation between recorded water temperature and coral structure can only be drawn so far back . Pollen grains ( edit ) Pollen can be found in sediments . Plants produce pollen in large quantities and it is extremely resistant to decay . It is possible to identify a plant species from its pollen grain . The identified plant community of the area at the relative time from that sediment layer , will provide information about the climatic condition . The abundance of pollen of a given vegetation period or year depends partly on the weather conditions of the previous months , hence pollen density provides information on short - term climatic conditions . The study of prehistoric pollen is palynology . Dinoflagellate cysts ( edit ) Cyst of a dinoflagellate Peridinium ovatum Dinoflagellates occur in most aquatic environments and during their life cycle , some species produce highly resistant organic - walled cysts for a dormancy period when environmental conditions are not appropriate for growth . Their living depth is relatively shallow ( dependent upon light penetration ) , and closely coupled to diatoms on which they feed . Their distribution patterns in surface waters are closely related to physical characteristics of the water bodies , and nearshore assemblages can also be distinguished from oceanic assemblages . The distribution of dinocysts in sediments has been relatively well documented and has contributed to understanding the average sea - surface conditions that determine the distribution pattern and abundances of the taxa ( ) . Several studies , including and have compiled box and gravity cores in the North Pacific analyzing them for palynological content to determine the distribution of dinocysts and their relationships with sea surface temperature , salinity , productivity and upwelling . Similarly , and use a box core at 576.5 m of water depth from 1992 in the central Santa Barbara Basin to determine oceanographic and climatic changes during the past 40 kyr in the area . Lake and ocean sediments ( edit ) Similar to their study on other proxies , paleoclimatologists examine oxygen isotopes in the contents of ocean sediments . Likewise , they measure the layers of varve ( deposited fine and coarse silt or clay ) laminating lake sediments . Lake varves are primarily influenced by : Summer temperature , which shows the energy available to melt seasonal snow and ice Winter snowfall , which determines the level of disturbance to sediments when melting occurs Rainfall Diatoms , foraminifera , radiolarians , ostracods , and Coccolithophores are examples of biotic proxies for lake and ocean conditions that are commonly used to reconstruct past climates . The distribution of the species of these and other aquatic creatures preserved in the sediments are useful proxies . The optimal conditions for species preserved in the sediment act as clues . Researchers use these clues to reveal what the climate and environment was like when the creatures died . The oxygen isotope ratios in their shells can also be used as proxies for temperature . Water isotopes and temperature reconstruction ( edit ) Ocean water is mostly H O , with small amounts of HD O and H O , where D denotes deuterium , i.e. hydrogen with an extra neutron . In Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water ( VSMOW ) the ratio of D to H is 155.76 x10 and O - 18 to O - 16 is 2005.2 x10 . Isotope fractionation occurs during changes between condensed and vapour phases : the vapour pressure of heavier isotopes is lower , so vapour contains relatively more of the lighter isotopes and when the vapour condenses the precipitation preferentially contains heavier isotopes . The difference from VSMOW is expressed as δ O = 1000 ‰ × ( ( ( 18 O ) / ( 16 O ) ) ( ( 18 O ) / ( 16 O ) ) V S M O W − 1 ) ( \ textstyle \ times \ left ( ( \ frac ( ( ( ( ) ^ ( 18 ) O ) / ( ( ) ^ ( 16 ) O ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ) ^ ( 18 ) O ) / ( ( ) ^ ( 16 ) O ) ) _ ( \ mathrm ( VSMOW ) ) ) ) - 1 \ right ) ) ; and a similar formula for δD . δ values for precipitation are always negative . The major influence on δ is the difference between ocean temperatures where the moisture evaporated and the place where the final precipitation occurred ; since ocean temperatures are relatively stable the δ value mostly reflects the temperature where precipitation occurs . Taking into account that the precipitation forms above the inversion layer , we are left with a linear relation : δ O = aT + b This is empirically calibrated from measurements of temperature and δ as a = 0.67 ‰ / ° C for Greenland and 0.76 ‰ / ° C for East Antarctica . The calibration was initially done on the basis of spatial variations in temperature and it was assumed that this corresponded to temporal variations . More recently , borehole thermometry has shown that for glacial - interglacial variations , a = 0.33 ‰ / ° C , implying that glacial - interglacial temperature changes were twice as large as previously believed . A study published in 2017 called the previous methodology to reconstruct paleo ocean temperatures 100 million years ago into question , suggesting it has been relatively stable during that time , much colder . Membrane lipids ( edit ) A novel climate proxy obtained from peat ( lignites , ancient peat ) and soils , membrane lipids known as glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether ( GDGT ) is helping to study paleo environmental factors , which control relative distribution of differently branched GDGT isomers . The study authors note , `` These branched membrane lipids are produced by an as yet unknown group of anaerobic soil bacteria . '' As of 2018 , there is a decade of research demonstrating that in mineral soils the degree of methylation of bacteria ( brGDGTs ) , helps to calculate mean annual air temperatures . This proxy method was used to study the climate of the early Palaeogene , at the Cretaceous -- Paleogene boundary , and researchers found that annual air temperatures , over land and at mid-latitude , averaged about 23 -- 29 ° C ( ± 4.7 ° C ) , which is 5 -- 10 ° C higher than most previous findings . Pseudoproxies ( edit ) The skill of algorithms used to combine proxy records into an overall hemispheric temperature reconstruction may be tested using a technique known as `` pseudoproxies '' . In this method , output from a climate model is sampled at locations corresponding to the known proxy network , and the temperature record produced is compared to the ( known ) overall temperature of the model . See also ( edit ) Paleothermometer Ice core Dendrochronology Historical climatology , the study of climate over human history ( as opposed to the Earth 's ) Palynology Speleothem Paleotempestology References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Bruckner , Monica . `` Paleoclimatology : How Can We Infer Past Climates ? '' Jump up ^ `` What Are `` Proxy '' Data ? National Centers for Environmental Information ( NCEI ) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center ( NCDC ) `` . . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 12 . Jump up ^ Strom , Robert G. ( 2007 ) . Hot house : global climate change and the human condition . Copernicus Books . p. 253 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 387 - 34179 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Climate Change 2001 : 2.3. 2.1 Palaeoclimate proxy indicators . '' Archived 2009 - 12 - 04 at the Wayback Machine . ^ Jump up to : `` Borehole Temperatures Confirm Global Warming Pattern . '' ^ Jump up to : Strom , Robert . Hot House . p. 255 ^ Jump up to : `` Core Location Maps . '' Archived 2009 - 11 - 10 at the Wayback Machine . 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Jump up ^ Pospelova , Vera ; Pedersen , Thomas F. ; de Vernal , Anne ( 1 June 2006 ) . `` Dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of climatic and oceanographic changes during the past 40 kyr in the Santa Barbara Basin , southern California '' . Paleoceanography. 21 ( 2 ) : PA2010 . Bibcode : 2006PalOc ... 21.2010 P . doi : 10.1029 / 2005PA001251 . ISSN 1944 - 9186 . Jump up ^ Bringué , Manuel ; Pospelova , Vera ; Field , David B. ( 1 December 2014 ) . `` High resolution sedimentary record of dinoflagellate cysts reflects decadal variability and 20th century warming in the Santa Barbara Basin '' . Quaternary Science Reviews . 105 : 86 -- 101 . Bibcode : 2014QSRv ... 105 ... 86B . doi : 10.1016 / j. quascirev. 2014.09. 022 . Jump up ^ `` Varve . '' Jump up ^ `` Climate Change 2001 : 2.3. 2.1 Palaeoclimate proxy indicators '' Archived 2009 - 12 - 04 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Bruckner , Monica . `` Paleoclimatology : How Can We Infer Past Climates ? '' . Montana State University . 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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta . doi : 10.1016 / j. gca. 2006.10. 003 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) CS1 maint : Explicit use of et al. ( link ) Jump up ^ Naafs et al. ( 2018 ) . `` High temperatures in the terrestrial mid-latitudes during the early Palaeogene '' . Nature Geoscience . doi : 10.1038 / s41561 - 018 - 0199 - 0 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) CS1 maint : Explicit use of et al. ( link ) Jump up ^ University of Bristol ( 30 July 2018 ) . `` Ever - increasing CO2 levels could take us back to the tropical climate of Paleogene period '' . ScienceDaily . Jump up ^ Mann , M.E. ; Rutherford , S. ( 31 May 2002 ) , `` Climate reconstruction using ' Pseudoproxies ' '' , Geophysical Research Letters , 29 ( 10 ) : 139 -- 1 -- 139 -- 4 , Bibcode : 2002GeoRL ... 29.1501 M , doi : 10.1029 / 2001GL014554 Sources `` Borehole Temperatures Confirm Global Warming Pattern . '' UniSci. 27 Feb. 2001 . 7 Oct. 2009 . ( 1 ) Bruckner , Monica . `` Paleoclimatology : How Can We Infer Past Climates ? '' Microbial Life . 29 Sept. 2008 . 23 Nov. 2009 . ( 2 ) `` Climate Change 2001 : 2.3. 2.1 Palaeoclimate proxy indicators . '' IPCC. 2003 . Sept. 23 , 2009 . ( 3 ) `` Coral Layers Good Proxy for Atlantic Climate Cycles . '' Earth Observatory . Webmaster : Paul Przyborski. 7 Dec. 2002 . 2 Nov. 2009 . ( 4 ) `` Core Location Maps . '' National Ice Core Laboratory . 9 Apr. 2009 . 23 Nov. 2009 . ( 5 ) `` Dendrochronology . '' Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary . Merriam - Webster Online . 2009 . 2 Oct. 2009 . ( 6 ) Environmental News Network staff . `` Borehole temperatures confirm global warming . '' 17 Feb. 2000 . 7 Oct. 2009 . ( 7 ) `` The GRIP Coring Effort . '' NCDC. 26 Sept. 2009 . ( 8 ) `` Growth ring . '' Encyclopædia Britannica . Encyclopædia Britannica Online . 2009 . 23 Oct. 2009 . ( 9 ) Huang , Shaopeng , et al. `` Temperature trends over the past five centuries reconstructed from borehole temperatures . '' Nature . 2009 . 6 Oct. 2009 . ( 10 ) `` Objectives - Kola Superdeep Borehole ( KSDB ) - IGCP 408 : ' Rocks and Minerals at Great Depths and on the Surface . ' '' International Continental Scientific Drilling Program . 18 July 2006 . 6 Oct. 2009 . ( 11 ) `` Paleoclimatology : the Oxygen Balance . '' Earth Observatory . Webmaster : Paul Przyborski. 24 Nov. 2009 . 24 Nov. 2009 . ( 12 ) Schweingruber , Fritz Hans . Tree Rings : Basics and Application of Dendrochronology . Dordrecht : 1988 . 2 , 47 - 8 , 54 , 256 - 7 . Strom , Robert . Hot House . New York : Praxis , 2007 . 255 . `` Varve . '' Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary . Merriam - Webster Online . 2009 . 2 Nov. 2009 . ( 13 ) Wolff , E.W. ( 2000 ) History of the atmosphere from ice cores ; ERCA vol 4 pp 147 -- 177 External links ( edit ) Chemical climate proxies at Royal Society of Chemistry , January 23 , 2013 Quintana , Favia et al. , 2018 '' Multiproxy response to climate - and human - driven changes in a remote lake of southern Patagonia ( Laguna Las Vizcachas , Argentina ) during the last 1.6 kyr '' , Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana , Mexico , VOL. 70 NO . 1 P. 173 ‒ 186 ( 14 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Paleoclimatology Climatology Paleoceanography Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter CS1 maint : Explicit use of et al . 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what is an example of a natural climate record/proxy
Examples of proxies include ice cores , tree rings , sub-fossil pollen , boreholes , corals , lake and ocean sediments , and carbonate speleothems . The character of deposition or rate of growth of the proxies ' material has been influenced by the climatic conditions of the time in which they were laid down or grew . Chemical traces produced by climatic changes , such as quantities of particular isotopes , can be recovered from proxies . Some proxies , such as gas bubbles trapped in ice , enable traces of the ancient atmosphere to be recovered and measured directly to provide a history of fluctuations in the composition of the Earth 's atmosphere . To produce the most precise results , systematic cross-verification between proxy indicators is necessary for accuracy in readings and record - keeping .
Book of Daniel - wikipedia Book of Daniel Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Book of Daniel ( disambiguation ) . Tanakh ( Judaism ) Torah ( Instruction ) ( show ) Genesis Brʾeišyt Exodus Šemot Leviticus Wayiqra Numbers Bəmidbar Deuteronomy Devarim Nevi'im ( Prophets ) ( show ) Former Joshua Yehoshua Judges Shofetim Samuel Shemuel Kings Melakhim Latter Isaiah Yeshayahu Jeremiah Yirmeyahu Ezekiel Yekhezqel Minor Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Ketuvim ( Writings ) ( hide ) Poetic Psalms Təhillîm Proverbs Mishlei Job Iyov Five Megillot ( Scrolls ) Song of Songs Shir Hashirim Ruth Rut Lamentations Eikhah Ecclesiastes Qoheleth Esther Ester Historical Daniel Daniyyel Ezra -- Nehemiah Ezra Chronicles Dibh 're Hayyamim Old Testament ( Christianity ) Pentateuch ( show ) Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Historical ( show ) Joshua Judges Ruth 1 and 2 Samuel 1 and 2 Kings 1 and 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Wisdom Poetry ( show ) Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Prophetic ( hide ) Major prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Minor prophets Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Deuterocanonical ( show ) Tobit Judith Additions to Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Wisdom of Solomon Sirach Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah Additions to Daniel Orthodox only 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Prayer of Manasseh Psalm 151 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Odes Orthodox Tewahedo 1 Enoch Jubilees 1 , 2 , and 3 Meqabyan Paralipomena of Baruch Broader canon Bible portal The Book of Daniel is a biblical apocalypse , combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology ( the study of last things ) which is both cosmic in scope and political in its focus . In more mundane language , it is `` an account of the activities and visions of Daniel , a noble Jew exiled at Babylon , '' its message being that just as the God of Israel saved Daniel and his friends from their enemies , so he would save all of Israel in their present oppression . In the Hebrew Bible it is found in the Ketuvim ( writings ) , while in Christian Bibles it is grouped with the Major Prophets . The book divides into two parts , a set of six court tales in chapters 1 -- 6 followed by four apocalyptic visions in chapters 7 -- 12 . The deuterocanon contains three additional stories , the Song of the Three Holy Children , Susanna , and Bel and the Dragon . Though the book is traditionally ascribed to Daniel himself , modern scholarly consensus considers it pseudonymous , the stories of the first half legendary in origin , and the visions of the second the product of anonymous authors in the Maccabean period ( 2nd century BC ) . Its influence has resonated through later ages , from the Dead Sea Scrolls community and the authors of the gospels and Revelation , to various movements from the 2nd century to the Protestant Reformation and modern millennialist movements -- on which it continues to have a profound influence . Contents ( hide ) 1 Structure 1.1 Divisions 1.2 Chiastic structure in the Aramaic section 2 Content 2.1 Induction in Babylon ( chapter 1 ) 2.2 Nebuchadnezzar 's dream of four kingdoms ( chapter 2 ) 2.3 The fiery furnace ( chapter 3 ) 2.4 Nebuchadnezzar 's madness ( chapter 4 ) 2.5 Belshazzar 's feast ( chapter 5 ) 2.6 Daniel in the lions ' den ( chapter 6 ) 2.7 Vision of the beasts from the sea ( chapter 7 ) 2.8 Vision of the ram and goat ( chapter 8 ) 2.9 Vision of the Seventy Weeks ( chapter 9 ) 2.10 Vision of the kings of north and south ( chapters 10 -- 12 ) 2.11 Additions to Daniel ( Greek text tradition ) 3 Historical background 4 Composition 4.1 Development 4.2 Authorship 4.3 Dating 5 Manuscripts 6 Genre , meaning , symbolism and chronology 6.1 Genre 6.2 Meaning , symbolism and chronology 7 Influence 7.1 Religion 7.2 Western culture 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 10.1 Citations 10.2 Bibliography 11 External links Structure ( edit ) Nebuchadnezzar 's dream : the composite statue ( France , 15th century ) . Divisions ( edit ) The Book of Daniel is divided between the court tales of chapters 1 -- 6 and the apocalyptic visions of 7 -- 12 , and between the Hebrew of chapters 1 and 8 -- 12 and the Aramaic of chapters 2 -- 7 . The division is reinforced by the chiastic arrangement of the Aramaic chapters ( see below ) , and by a chronological progression in chapters 1 -- 6 from Babylonian to Median times , and from ( Babylonian to Persian ) in chapters 7 -- 12 . Various suggestions have been made by scholars to explain the fact that the genre division does not coincide with the other two , but it appears that the language division and concentric structure of chapters 2 - 6 are artificial literary devices designed to bind the two halves of the book together . The following outline is provided by Collins in his commentary on Daniel : PART I : Tales ( chapters 1 : 1 -- 6 : 29 ) 1 : Introduction ( 1 : 1 -- 21 -- set in the Babylonian era , written in Hebrew ) 2 : Nebuchadnezzar 's dream of four kingdoms ( 2 : 1 -- 49 -- Babylonian era ; Aramaic ) 3 : The fiery furnace ( 3 : 1 -- 30 -- Babylonian era ; Aramaic ) 4 : Nebuchadnezzar 's madness ( 3 : 31 -- 4 : 34 -- Babylonian era ; Aramaic ) 5 : Belshazzar 's feast ( 5 : 1 -- 6 : 1 -- Babylonian era ; Aramaic ) 6 : Daniel in the lions ' den ( 6 : 2 -- 29 -- Median era with mention of Persia ; Aramaic ) PART II : Visions ( chapters 7 : 1 -- 12 : 13 ) 7 : The beasts from the sea ( 7 : 1 -- 28 -- Babylonian era : Aramaic ) 8 : The ram and the he - goat ( 8 : 1 -- 27 -- Babylonian era ; Hebrew ) 9 : Interpretation of Jeremiah 's prophecy of the seventy weeks ( 9 : 1 -- 27 -- Median era ; Hebrew ) 10 : The angel 's revelation : kings of the north and south ( 10 : 1 -- 12 : 13 -- Persian era , mention of Greek era ; Hebrew ) Chiastic structure in the Aramaic section ( edit ) There is a clear chiasm ( a concentric literary structure in which the main point of a passage is placed in the centre and framed by parallel elements on either side in `` ABBA '' fashion ) in the chapter arrangement of the Aramaic section . The following is taken from Paul Redditt 's `` Introduction to the Prophets '' : A1 ( 2 : 4b - 49 ) -- A dream of four kingdoms replaced by a fifth B1 ( 3 : 1 -- 30 ) -- Daniel 's three friends in the fiery furnace C1 ( 4 : 1 -- 37 ) -- Daniel interprets a dream for Nebuchadnezzar C2 ( 5 : 1 -- 31 ) -- Daniel interprets the handwriting on the wall for Belshazzar B2 ( 6 : 1 -- 28 ) -- Daniel in the lions ' den A2 ( 7 : 1 -- 28 ) -- A vision of four world kingdoms replaced by a fifth Content ( edit ) Chapters of the Book of Daniel Chapter 1 : Induction into Babylon Chapter 2 : Nebuchadnezzar 's Dream Chapter 3 : The Fiery Furnace Chapter 4 : Nebuchadnezzar 's Madness Chapter 5 : Belshazzar 's Feast Chapter 6 : Daniel in the Lions 's Den Chapter 7 : The Four Beasts Chapter 8 : The Ram , He - Goat and Horn Chapter 9 : The Seventy Weeks Chapters 10 - 12 : Daniel 's final vision Additions to Daniel Song of the Three Holy Children Susanna and the Elders Bel and the Dragon Induction in Babylon ( chapter 1 ) ( edit ) In the third year of King Jehoiakim , God allows Jerusalem to fall into the power of Nebuchadnezzar II , king of Babylon . Young Israelites of noble and royal family , `` without physical defect , and handsome , '' versed in wisdom and competent to serve in the palace of the king , are taken to Babylon to be taught the literature and language of that nation . Among them are Daniel and his three companions , who refuse to touch the royal food and wine . Their overseer fears for his life in case the health of his charges deteriorates , but Daniel suggests a trial and the four emerge healthier than their counterparts from ten days of nothing but vegetables and water . They are allowed to continue to refrain from eating the king 's food , and to Daniel God gives insight into visions and dreams . When their training is done Nebuchadnezzar finds them ' ten times better ' than all the wise men in his service and therefore keeps them at his court , where Daniel continues until the first year of King Cyrus . Nebuchadnezzar 's dream of four kingdoms ( chapter 2 ) ( edit ) Main article : Daniel 2 In the second year of his reign Nebuchadnezzar has a dream . When he wakes up , he realizes that the dream has some important message , so he consults his wise men . Wary of their potential to fabricate an explanation the king refuses to tell the wise men what he saw in his dream . Rather , he demands that his wise men tell him what the content of the dream was , and then interpret it . When the wise men protest that this is beyond the power of any man , he sentences all , including Daniel and his friends , to death . Daniel receives an explanatory vision from God : Nebuchadnezzar had seen an enormous statue with a head of gold , breast and arms of silver , belly and thighs of bronze , legs of iron , and feet of mixed iron and clay , then saw the statue destroyed by a rock that turned into a mountain filling the whole earth . Daniel explains the dream to the king : the statue symbolized four successive kingdoms , starting with Nebuchadnezzar , all of which would be crushed by God 's kingdom , which would endure forever . Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges the supremacy of Daniel 's god , raises Daniel over all his wise men , and places Daniel and his companions over the province of Babylon . The fiery furnace ( chapter 3 ) ( edit ) Main article : Shadrach , Meshach , and Abednego Daniel 's companions Shadrach , Meshach , and Abednego refuse to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar 's golden statue and are thrown into a fiery furnace . Nebuchadnezzar is astonished to see a fourth figure in the furnace with the three , one `` with the appearance like a son of the gods . '' So the king called the three to come out of the fire , and blessed the God of Israel , and decreed that any who blasphemed against him should be torn limb from limb . Nebuchadnezzar 's madness ( chapter 4 ) ( edit ) Main article : Daniel 4 Nebuchadnezzar by William Blake ( between c. 1795 and 1805 ) Nebuchadnezzar recounts a dream of a huge tree that is suddenly cut down at the command of a heavenly messenger . Daniel is summoned and interprets the dream . The tree is Nebuchadnezzar himself , who for seven years will lose his mind and live like a wild beast . All of this comes to pass until , at the end of the specified time , Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges that `` heaven rules '' and his kingdom and sanity are restored . Belshazzar 's feast ( chapter 5 ) ( edit ) Main article : Belshazzar 's feast See also : Fall of Babylon Belshazzar and his nobles blasphemously drink from sacred Jewish temple vessels , offering praise to inanimate gods , until a hand mysteriously appears and writes upon the wall . The horrified king summons Daniel , who upbraids him for his lack of humility before God and interprets the message : Belshazzar 's kingdom will be given to the Medes and Persians . Belshazzar rewards Daniel and raises him to be third in the kingdom , and that very night Belshazzar is slain and Darius the Mede takes the kingdom . Daniel in the lions ' den ( chapter 6 ) ( edit ) Daniel 's Answer to the King by Briton Rivière ( 1892 ) Main article : Daniel in the lions ' den Darius elevates Daniel to high office , exciting the jealousy of other officials . Knowing of Daniel 's devotion to his God , his enemies trick the king into issuing an edict forbidding worship of any other god or man for a 30 - day period . Daniel continues to pray three times a day to God towards Jerusalem ; he is accused and King Darius , forced by his own decree , throws Daniel into the lions ' den . But God shuts up the mouths of the lions , and the next morning Darius rejoices to find him unharmed . The king casts Daniel 's accusers into the lions ' pit together with their wives and children to be instantly devoured , while he himself acknowledges Daniel 's God as he whose kingdom shall never be destroyed . Vision of the beasts from the sea ( chapter 7 ) ( edit ) Main article : Daniel 7 See also : Four kingdoms of Daniel In the first year of Belshazzar Daniel has a dream of four monstrous beasts arising from the sea . The fourth , a beast with ten horns , devours the whole earth , treading it down and crushing it , and a further small horn appears and uproots three of the earlier horns . The Ancient of Days judges and destroys the beast , and `` one like a son of man '' is given everlasting kingship over the entire world . A divine being explains that the four beasts represent four kings , but that `` the holy ones of the Most High '' would receive the everlasting kingdom . The fourth beast would be a fourth kingdom with ten kings , and another king who would pull down three kings and make war on the `` holy ones '' for `` a time , two times and a half , '' after which the heavenly judgement will be made against him and the `` holy ones '' will receive the everlasting kingdom . Vision of the ram and goat ( chapter 8 ) ( edit ) Main article : Daniel 8 In the third year of Belshazzar Daniel has vision of a ram and goat . The ram has two mighty horns , one longer than the other , and it charges west , north and south , overpowering all other beasts . A goat with a single horn appears from the west and destroys the ram . The goat becomes very powerful until the horn breaks off and is replaced by four lesser horns . A small horn that grows very large , it stops the daily temple sacrifices and desecrates the sanctuary for two thousand three hundred `` evening and mornings '' ( which could be either 1150 or 2300 days ) until the temple is cleansed . The angel Gabriel informs him that the ram represents the Medes and Persians , the goat is Greece , and the `` little horn '' is a wicked king . Vision of the seventy weeks ( chapter 9 ) ( edit ) Main article : Prophecy of Seventy Weeks In the first year of Darius the Mede , Daniel meditates on the word of Jeremiah that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years ; he confesses the sin of Israel and pleads for God to restore Israel and the `` desolated sanctuary '' of the Temple . The angel Gabriel explains that the seventy years stand for seventy `` weeks '' of years ( 490 years ) , during which the Temple will first be restored , then later defiled by a `` prince who is to come , '' `` until the decreed end is poured out . '' Vision of the kings of north and south ( chapters 10 -- 12 ) ( edit ) Main article : Daniel 's final vision Daniel 10 : In the third year of Cyrus Daniel sees in his vision an angel ( called `` a man '' , but clearly a supernatural being ) who explains that he is in the midst of a war with the `` prince of Persia '' , assisted only by Michael , `` your prince . '' The `` prince of Greece '' will shortly come , but first he will reveal what will happen to Daniel 's people . Daniel 11 : A future king of Persia will make war on the king of Greece , a `` mighty king '' will arise and wield power until his empire is broken up and given to others , and finally the king of the south ( identified in verse 8 as Egypt ) will go to war with the `` king of the north . '' After many battles ( described in great detail ) a `` contemptible person '' will become king of the north ; this king will invade the south two times , the first time with success , but on his second he will be stopped by `` ships of Kittim . '' He will turn back to his own country , and on the way his soldiers will desecrate the Temple , abolish the daily sacrifice , and set up the abomination of desolation . He will defeat and subjugate Libya and Egypt , but `` reports from the east and north will alarm him , '' and he will meet his end `` between the sea and the holy mountain . '' Daniel 12 : At this time Michael will come . It will be a time of great distress , but all those whose names are written will be delivered . `` Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake , some to everlasting life , others to shame and everlasting contempt ; those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens , and those who lead many to righteousness , like the stars for ever and ever . '' In the final verses the remaining time to the end is revealed : `` a time , times and half a time '' ( three years and a half ) . Daniel fails to understand and asks again what will happen , and is told : `` From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up , there will be 1,290 days . Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days . '' Additions to Daniel ( Greek text tradition ) ( edit ) Susanna and the Elders by Guido Reni ( 1820 - 1825 ) Main article : Additions to Daniel See also : Deuterocanonical books The Greek text of Daniel is considerably longer than the Hebrew , due to three additional stories : they were accepted by all branches of Christianity until the Protestant movement rejected them in the 16th century on the basis that they were absent from Hebrew Bibles , but remain in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles . The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children , placed after Daniel 3 : 23 ; The story of Susanna and the Elders , placed before chapter 1 in some Greek versions and after chapter 12 in others ; The story of Bel and the Dragon , placed at the end of the book . Historical Background ( edit ) Daniel refusing to eat at the King 's table , early 1900s Bible illustration The visions of chapters 7 -- 12 reflect the crisis which took place in Judea in 167 -- 164 BC when Antiochus IV Epiphanes , the Greek king of the Seleucid Empire , threatened to destroy traditional Jewish worship in Jerusalem . When Antiochus came to the throne the Jews were largely pro-Seleucid . The High Priestly family was split by rivalry , and one member , Jason , offered the king a large sum to be made High Priest . Jason also asked -- or more accurately , paid -- to be allowed to make Jerusalem a polis , or Greek city . This meant , among other things , that city government would be in the hands of the citizens , which meant in turn that citizenship would be a valuable commodity , to be purchased from Jason . None of this threatened the Jewish religion , and the reforms were widely welcomed , especially among the Jerusalem aristocracy and the leading priests . Three years later Jason was deposed when another priest , Menelaus , offered Antiochus an even larger sum for the post of High Priest . Antiochus invaded Egypt twice , in 169 BC with success , but on the second incursion , in late 168 , he was forced to withdraw by the Romans . Jason , hearing a rumour that Antiochus was dead , attacked Menelaus to take back the High Priesthood . Antiochus drove Jason out of Jerusalem , plundered the Temple , and introduced measures to pacify his Egyptian border by imposing complete Hellenisation : the Jewish Book of the Law was prohibited and on 15 December 167 an `` abomination of desolation '' , probably a Greek altar , was introduced into the Temple . With the Jewish religion now clearly under threat a resistance movement sprang up , led by the Maccabee brothers , and over the next three years it won sufficient victories over Antiochus to take back and purify the Temple . The crisis which the author of Daniel addresses is the defilement of the altar in Jerusalem in 167 BC ( first introduced in chapter 8 : 11 ) : the daily offering which used to take place twice a day , at morning and evening , stopped , and the phrase `` evenings and mornings '' recurs through the following chapters as a reminder of the missed sacrifices . But whereas the events leading up to the sacking of the Temple in 167 and the immediate aftermath are remarkably accurate ( chapter 11 : 21 -- 29 ) , the predicted war between the Syrians and the Egyptians ( 11 : 40 -- 43 ) never took place , and the prophecy that Antiochus would die in Palestine ( 11 : 44 -- 45 ) was inaccurate ( he died in Persia ) . The conclusion is that the account must have been completed near the end of the reign of Antiochus but before his death in December 164 , or at least before news of it reached Jerusalem . Composition ( edit ) Nebuchadnezzar 's dream : the cut down tree ( France , 15th century ) . Development ( edit ) It is generally accepted that Daniel originated as a collection of Aramaic court tales later expanded by the Hebrew revelations . The court tales may have originally circulated independently , but the edited collection was probably composed in the third or early second century BC . When the full collection was assembled , it is likely that the brief Aramaic introduction of chapter 1 was composed to provide historical context , introduce the characters of the tales , and explain how Daniel and his friends came to Babylon . In the third stage the visions of chapters 7 -- 12 were added and chapter 1 was translated into Hebrew . Authorship ( edit ) Daniel is one of a large number of Jewish apocalypses , all of them pseudonymous . Although the entire book is traditionally ascribed to Daniel the seer , chapters 1 -- 6 are in the voice of an anonymous narrator , except for chapter 4 which is in the form of a letter from king Nebuchadnezzar ; only the second half ( chapters 7 -- 12 ) is presented by Daniel himself , introduced by the anonymous narrator in chapters 7 and 10 . The real author / editor of Daniel was probably an educated Jew , knowledgeable in Greek learning , and of high standing in his own community . The book is a product of `` Wisdom '' circles , but the type of wisdom is mantic ( the discovery of heavenly secrets from earthly signs ) rather than the wisdom of learning -- the main source of wisdom in Daniel is God 's revelation . It is possible that the name of Daniel was chosen for the hero of the book because of his reputation as a wise seer in Hebrew tradition . Ezekiel , who lived during the Babylonian exile , mentioned him in association with Noah and Job ( Ezekiel 14 : 14 ) as a figure of legendary wisdom ( 28 : 3 ) , and a hero named Daniel ( more accurately Dan'el , but the spelling is close enough for the two to be regarded as identical ) features in a late 2nd millennium myth from Ugarit . `` The legendary Daniel , known from long ago but still remembered as an exemplary character ... serves as the principal human `` hero '' in the biblical book that now bears his name `` ; Daniel is the wise and righteous intermediary who is able to interpret dreams and thus convey the will of God to humans , the recipient of visions from on high that are interpreted to him by heavenly intermediaries . Dating ( edit ) The prophecies of Daniel are accurate down to the career of Antiochus IV Epiphanes , king of Syria and oppressor of the Jews , but not in its prediction of his death : the author seems to know about Antiochus ' two campaigns in Egypt ( 169 and 167 BCE ) , the desecration of the Temple ( the `` abomination of desolation '' ) , and the fortification of the Akra ( a fortress built inside Jerusalem ) , but he seems to know nothing about the reconstruction of the Temple or about the actual circumstances of Antiochus ' death in late 164 . Chapters 10 -- 12 must therefore have been written between 167 and 164 BCE . There is no evidence of a significant time lapse between those chapters and chapters 8 and 9 , and chapter 7 may have been written just a few months earlier again . Further evidence of the book 's date is in the fact that Daniel is excluded from the Hebrew Bible 's canon of the prophets , which was closed around 200 BCE , and the Wisdom of Sirach , a work dating from around 180 BC , draws on almost every book of the Old Testament except Daniel , leading scholars to suppose that its author was unaware of it . Daniel is , however , quoted in a section of the Sibylline Oracles commonly dated to the middle of the 2nd century BC , and was popular at Qumran at much the same time , suggesting that it was known from the middle of that century . Manuscripts ( edit ) The Book of Daniel is preserved in the twelve - chapter Masoretic Text and in two longer Greek versions , the original Septuagint version , c. 100 BC , and the later Theodotion version from c. 2nd century AD . Both Greek texts contain three additions to Daniel : The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children ; the story of Susannah and the Elders ; and the story of Bel and the Dragon . Theodotion is much closer to the Masoretic Text and became so popular that it replaced the original Septuagint version in all but two manuscripts of the Septuagint itself . The Greek additions were apparently never part of the Hebrew text . A total of eight incomplete copies of the Book of Daniel have been found at Qumran , two in Cave 1 , five in Cave 4 , and one in Cave 6 . None is complete , but between them they preserve text from eleven of Daniel 's twelve chapters , and the twelfth is quoted in the Florilegium ( a compilation scroll ) 4Q174 , showing that the book at Qumran did not lack this conclusion . All eight manuscripts were copied between 125 BC ( 4QDan ) and about 50 AD ( 4QDan ) , showing that Daniel was being read at Qumran only forty years after its composition . All appear to preserve the 12 - chapter Masoretic version rather than the longer Greek text . None reveal any major disagreements against the Masoretic , and the four scrolls that preserve the relevant sections ( 1QDan , 4QDan , 4QDan , and 4QDan ) all follow the bilingual nature of Daniel where the book opens in Hebrew , switches to Aramaic at 2 : 4b , then reverts to Hebrew at 8 : 1 . Genre , meaning , symbolism and chronology ( edit ) Daniel in the lions ' den saved by Habakkuk ( France , 15th century ) . ( This section deals with modern scholarly reconstructions of the meaning of Daniel to its original authors and audience ) Genre ( edit ) The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse - a representative of a literary genre in which a heavenly reality is revealed to a human recipient ; such works are characterized by visions , symbolism , an other - worldly mediator , an emphasis on cosmic events , angels and demons , and pseudonymity ( false authorship ) . The production of apocalypses occurred commonly from 300 BC to 100 AD , not only among Jews and Christians , but also among Greeks , Romans , Persians and Egyptians . Daniel , the book 's hero , is a representative apocalyptic seer , the recipient of the divine revelation : he has learned the wisdom of the Babylonian magicians and surpassed them , because his God is the true source of knowledge ; he is one of the maskilim ( משכלים ) , wise ones , who have the task of teaching righteousness and whose number may be considered to include the authors of the book itself . The Christians of the Book of Revelations may have styled themselves as among the maskilim prophesied in Daniel . The account is also an eschatology : the divine revelation concerns the end of the present age , a moment in which God will intervene in history to usher in the final kingdom . The Book of Daniel gives no real details of the end - time , but it seems that God 's kingdom will be on this earth , that it will be governed by justice and righteousness , and that the tables will be turned on the Seleucids and on those Jews who cooperated with them . Meaning , symbolism and chronology ( edit ) The message of the Book of Daniel is that , just as the God of Israel saved Daniel and his friends from their enemies , so he would save all Israel in their present oppression . The book is filled with monsters , angels , and numerology , drawn from a wide range of sources , both biblical and non-biblical , that would have had meaning in the context of 2nd century Jewish culture , and while Christian interpreters have always viewed these as predicting events in the New Testament -- `` the Son of God '' , `` the Son of Man '' , Christ and the Antichrist - the book 's intended audience is the Jews of the 2nd century BCE . The following explains a few of these predictions , as understood by modern biblical scholars . The four kingdoms and the little horn ( Daniel 2 and 7 ) : The concept of four successive world empires stems from Greek theories of mythological history ; most modern interpreters agree that the four represent Babylon , the Medes , Persia and the Greeks , ending with Hellenistic Seleucid Syria and with Hellenistic Ptolemaic Egypt . The symbolism of four metals in the statue in chapter 2 comes from Persian writings , while the four `` beasts from the sea '' in chapter 7 reflect Hosea 13 : 7 -- 8 , in which God threatens that he will be to Israel like a lion , a leopard , a bear or a wild beast . The consensus among scholars is that the four beasts of chapter 7 , like the metals of chapter 2 , symbolise Babylon , Media , Persia and the Seleucids , with Antiochus IV ( reigned 175 - 164 BC ) as the `` small horn '' that uproots three others ( Antiochus usurped the rights of several other claimants to become king of the Seleucid Empire ) . The Ancient of Days and the one like a son of man ( Daniel 7 ) : The portrayal of God in Daniel 7 : 13 resembles the portrayal of the Canaanite god El as an ancient divine king presiding over the divine court . The `` Ancient of Days '' gives dominion over the earth to `` one like a son of man '' , and then in Daniel 7 : 27 to `` the people of the holy ones of the Most High '' , whom scholars consider the son of man to represent . These people can be understood as the maskilim ( sages ) , or as the Jewish people broadly . The ram and he - goat ( Daniel 8 ) as conventional astrological symbols represent Persia and Syria , as the text explains . The `` mighty horn '' stands for Alexander the Great ( reigned 336 - 323 BC ) and the `` four lesser horns '' represent the four principal generals ( Diadochi ) who fought over the Greek empire following Alexander 's death . The `` little horn '' again represents Antiochus IV . The key to the symbols lies in the description of the little horn 's actions : he ends the continual burnt offering and overthrows the Sanctuary , a clear reference to Antiochus ' desecration of the Temple . The anointed ones and the seventy years ( Chapter 9 ) : Daniel reinterprets Jeremiah 's `` seventy years '' prophecy regarding the period Israel would spend in bondage to Babylon . From the point of view of the Maccabean era , Jeremiah 's promise was obviously not true -- the gentiles still oppressed the Jews , and the `` desolation of Jerusalem '' had not ended . Daniel therefore reinterprets the seventy years as seventy `` weeks '' of years , making up 490 years . The 70 weeks / 490 years are subdivided , with seven `` weeks '' from the `` going forth of the word to rebuild and restore Jerusalem '' to the coming of an `` anointed one '' , while the final `` week '' is marked by the violent death of another `` anointed one '' , probably the High Priest Onias III ( ousted to make way for Jason and murdered in 171 BC ) , and the profanation of the Temple . The point of this for Daniel is that the period of gentile power is predetermined , and is coming to an end . Kings of north and south : Chapters 10 to 12 concern the war between these kings , the events leading up to it , and its heavenly meaning . In chapter 10 the angel ( Gabriel ? ) explains that there is currently a war in heaven between Michael , the angelic protector of Israel , and the `` princes '' ( angels ) of Persia and Greece ; then , in chapter 11 , he outlines the human wars which accompany this -- the mythological concept sees standing behind every nation a god / angel who does battle on behalf of his people , so that earthly events reflect what happens in heaven . The wars of the Ptolemies ( `` kings of the south '' ) against the Seleucids ( `` kings of the north '' ) are reviewed down to the career of Antiochus the Great ( Antiochus III ( reigned 222 - 187 BC ) , father of Antiochus IV ) , but the main focus is Antiochus IV , to whom more than half the chapter is devoted . The accuracy of these predictions lends credibility to the real prophecy with which the passage ends , the death of Antiochus -- which , in the event , was not accurate . Predicting the end - time ( Daniel 8 : 14 and 12 : 7 -- 12 ) : Biblical eschatology does not generally give precise information as to when the end will come , and Daniel 's attempts to specify the number of days remaining is a rare exception . Daniel asks the angel how long the `` little horn '' will be triumphant , and the angel replies that the Temple will be reconsecrated after 2,300 `` evenings and mornings '' have passed ( Daniel 8 : 14 ) . The angel is counting the two daily sacrifices , so the period is 1,150 days from the desecration in December 167 . In chapter 12 the angel gives three more dates : the desolation will last `` for a time , times and half a time '' , or a year , two years , and a half a year ( Daniel 12 : 8 ) ; then that the `` desolation '' will last for 1,290 days ( 12 : 11 ) ; and finally , 1,335 days ( 12 : 12 ) . Verse 12 : 11 was presumably added after the lapse of the 1,150 days of chapter 8 , and 12 : 12 after the lapse of the number in 12 : 11 . Influence ( edit ) Engraving of Daniel 's vision of the four beasts in chapter 7 by Matthäus Merian , 1630 . Religion ( edit ) The concepts of immortality and resurrection , with rewards for the righteous and punishment for the wicked , have roots much deeper than Daniel , but the first clear statement is found in the final chapter of that book : `` Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake , some to everlasting life , and some to everlasting shame and contempt . '' Without this belief , Christianity , in which the resurrection of Jesus plays a central role , would have disappeared , like the movements following other charismatic Jewish figures of the 1st century . Daniel was quoted and referenced by both Jews and Christians the 1st century AD as predicting the imminent end - time . Moments of national and cultural crisis continually reawakened the apocalyptic spirit , through the Montanists of the 2nd / 3rd centuries , persecuted for their millennialism , to the more extreme elements of the 16th century Reformation such as the Zwickau prophets and the Münster Rebellion . During the English Civil War , the Fifth Monarchy Men took their name and political program from Daniel 7 , demanding that Oliver Cromwell allow them to form a `` government of saints '' in preparation for the coming of the Messiah ; when Cromwell refused , they identified him instead as the Beast usurping the rightful place of King Jesus . Daniel remains one of the most influential apocalypses in modern America , foretelling the history of Jesus and the Second Coming . The influence of Daniel has not been confined to Judaism and Christianity : In the Middle Ages Muslims created horoscopes whose authority was attributed to Daniel . More recently the Bahá'í movement , which originated in Persian Shi'ite Islam , justified its existence on the 1,260 - day prophecy of Daniel , holding that it foretold the coming of the Twelfth Imam and an age of peace and justice in the year 1844 , which is the year 1260 of the Muslim era . Western culture ( edit ) Daniel belongs not only to the religious tradition but also to the wider Western intellectual and artistic heritage . It was easily the most popular of the prophetic books for the Anglo - Saxons , who nevertheless treated it not as prophesy but as a historical book , `` a repository of dramatic stories about confrontations between God and a series of emperor - figures who represent the highest reach of man '' . In the early modern period the physicist Isaac Newton paid special attention to it , and Francis Bacon borrowed a motto from it for his work Novum Organum . Philosophers , such as Baruch Spinoza drew on it . In the 20th century its apocalyptic second half attracted the attention of Carl Jung . The book has also inspired musicians , from medieval liturgical drama to the 20th century compositions of Darius Milhaud . Artists including Michelangelo , Rembrandt and Eugène Delacroix have all drawn on its imagery . See also ( edit ) Biblical numerology Christian eschatology Daniel ( Old English poem ) Greek Apocalypse of Daniel Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jehoiakim : King of Judah 608 - 598 BC ; his third year would be either 606 or 605 , depending how years are counted . Jump up ^ Cyrus : Persian conqueror of Babylon , 539 BC . Jump up ^ Darius the Mede : No such person is known to history ( see Levine , 2010 , page 1245 , footnote 31 ) . `` Darius '' is in any case a Persian , not a Median , name . The Persian army which captured Babylon was under the command of a certain Gobryas ( or Gubaru ) , on behalf of Cyrus , the Persian king . The author of Daniel may have introduced the reference to a Mede in order to fulfill Isaiah and Jeremiah , who prophesied that the Medes would overthrow Babylon , confusing the events of 539 with those of 520 BC , when Darius I captured Babylon after an uprising . See Hammer , 1976 , pp. 65 - 66 . Jump up ^ First year of Belshazzar : Probably 553 BC , when Belshazzar was given royal power by his father , Nabonidus . See Levine , 2010 , p. 1248 , footnote 7.1 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Third year of Cyrus '' : 536 BC . The author has apparently counted back seventy years to the `` third year of Jehoiakim , '' 606 BC , to round out Daniel 's prophetic ministry . See Towner , page 149 . References ( edit ) Citations ( edit ) Jump up ^ Collins1984 , p. 33 . Jump up ^ Reid 2000 , p. 315 . ^ Jump up to : Brettler 2005 , p. 218 . Jump up ^ Bandstra 2008 , p. 445 . ^ Jump up to : Collins 2002 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ Cross & Livingstone 2005 , p. 452 . ^ Jump up to : Towner 1984 , p. 2 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Collins 1984 , p. 28 . Jump up ^ Provan 2003 , p. 665 . ^ Jump up to : Collins 1984 , p. 30 - 31 . Jump up ^ Collins 1984 , p. 31 . Jump up ^ Redditt 2009 , p. 177 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 19 - 20 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 31 - 33 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 50 - 51 . Jump up ^ Levine 2010 , p. 1241 . Jump up ^ Hammer 1976 , p. 57 - 60 . Jump up ^ Levine 2010 , p. 1245 - 1247 . Jump up ^ Levine 2010 , p. 1248 - 1249 . Jump up ^ Levine 2010 , p. 1249 - 1251 . Jump up ^ Levine 2010 , p. 1251 - 1252 . Jump up ^ McDonald 2012 , p. 57 . Jump up ^ Harrington 1999 , p. 109 - 110 . Jump up ^ Grabbe 2010 , p. 6 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : Grabbe 2010 , p. 13 - 16 . Jump up ^ Sacchi 2010 , p. 225 - 226 . Jump up ^ Davies 2006 , p. 407 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 6 - 7 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 7 . Jump up ^ Collins 1993 , p. 42 . Jump up ^ Collins 1984 , p. 34 . ^ Jump up to : Redditt 2008 , p. 176 - 177 . Jump up ^ Hammer 1976 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ Wesselius 2002 , p. 295 . Jump up ^ Grabbe 2002b , p. 229 - 230,243 . Jump up ^ Davies 2006 , p. 340 . Jump up ^ Redditt 2008 , p. 180 . Jump up ^ Collins 2003 , p. 69 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 4 . Jump up ^ Collins 1984 , p. 101 . Jump up ^ Hammer 1976 , p. 1 - 2 . Jump up ^ Harrington 1999 , p. 119 - 120 . Jump up ^ Spencer 2002 , p. 89 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 3 . Jump up ^ VanderKam & Flint 2013 , p. 137 - 138 . Jump up ^ Crawford 2000 , p. 73 . ^ Jump up to : Davies 2006 , p. 397 - 406 . ^ Jump up to : Grabbe 2002a , pp. 60 -- 61 , 282 `` It is almost universally agreed among scholars that ' one like a son of man ' in Daniel 7 represents ' the people of the holy ones of the Most High ' , as Dan . 7 : 27 states . This may originally have been the community or group responsible for Daniel , the maskilim of other parts of the book ( see pp. 60 -- 61 above ) . In later interpretation , these people are taken to be the Jewish people . It has been argued that the figure is specifically the archangel Michael , so prominent elsewhere in the book , though Michael would still be functioning as a representative of the Jewish people ( Collins 1977 : 144 -- 46 ; opposed by Davies 1985 : 105 -- 6 ) . Thus , in Daniel itself the term ' son of man ' ( bar ' enaš ) simply means `` human being '' , as it commonly does in Hebrew and Aramaic ; however , in context the ' one like a son of man ' may be a heavenly figure . '' Jump up ^ Steven Thompson , `` Those Who Are Wise : The Maskilim in Daniel and the New Testament '' ; in Understand the Scriptures : Essays in Honor of William H. Shea , ed . David Merling ; Berrien Springs , Michigan : Sigfried H. Horn Archaeological Museum , Andrews University , 1997 ; ISBN 0 - 9642060 - 2 - 1 ; p. 127 . Jump up ^ G.K. Beale , Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St. John ; Lanham , Maryland : University Press of America , 1984 ; ISBN 0 - 8191 - 4290 - 5 . Jump up ^ Carroll 2000 , p. 420 - 421 . Jump up ^ Redditt 2009 , p. 187 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 1 - 2 . ^ Jump up to : Niskanen 2004 , p. 27 , 31 . Jump up ^ Towner 1984 , p. 34 - 36 . Jump up ^ Collins 1984 , p. 80 . Jump up ^ Matthews & Moyes 2012 , p. 260,269 . Jump up ^ Seow 2003 , p. 3 - 4 . Jump up ^ Collins 1984 , p. 87 . Jump up ^ Collins 1998 , p. 108 - 109 . Jump up ^ Matthews & Moyer 2012 , p. 260 . Jump up ^ Collins 1998 , p. 110 - 111 . Jump up ^ Carroll 2000 , p. 420 . Jump up ^ Collins 1998 , p. 114 . Jump up ^ Collins 1998 , p. 99 . Jump up ^ Cohn 2002 , p. 86 - 87 . Jump up ^ Schwartz 1992 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ Grabbe 2002 , p. 244 . Jump up ^ Weber 2007 , p. 374 . Jump up ^ Boyer 1992 , p. 24 , 30 -- 31 . ^ Jump up to : Doukhan 2000 , p. 9 . Jump up ^ Godden 2013 , p. 231 . 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Invitation to the Apocrypha . Eerdmans . ISBN 9780802846334 . Hill , Andrew E. ( 2009 ) . `` Daniel '' . In Garland , David E. ; Longman , Tremper . Daniel -- Malachi . Zondervan . ISBN 9780310590545 . Hill , Charles E. ( 2000 ) . `` Antichrist '' . In Freedman , David Noel ; Myers , Allen C. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible . Eerdmans . ISBN 9789053565032 . Horsley , Richard A. ( 2007 ) . Scribes , Visionaries , and the Politics of Second Temple Judea . Presbyterian Publishing Corp . ISBN 9780664229917 . Knibb , Michael ( 2002 ) . `` The Book of Daniel in its Context '' . In Collins , John J. ; Flint , Peter W. ; VanEpps , Cameron . The Book of Daniel : Composition and Reception . BRILL . ISBN 9004116753 . Levine , Amy - Jill ( 2010 ) . `` Daniel '' . In Coogan , Michael D. ; Brettler , Marc Z. ; Newsom , Carol A . The new Oxford annotated Bible with the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical books : New Revised Standard Version . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780199370504 . Lucas , Ernest C. ( 2005 ) . `` Daniel , Book of '' . In Vanhoozer , Kevin J. ; Bartholomew , Craig G. ; Treier , Daniel J. Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible . Baker Academic . ISBN 9780801026942 . Matthews , Victor H. ; Moyer , James C. ( 2012 ) . The Old Testament : Text and Context . Baker Books . ISBN 9780801048357 . McDonald , Lee Martin ( 2012 ) . Formation of the Bible : the Story of the Church 's Canon . Peabody , MA : Hendrickson Publishers . p. 57 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 59856 - 838 - 7 . Retrieved 22 July 2014 . Miller , Steven R. ( 1994 ) . Daniel . B&H Publishing Group . ISBN 9780805401189 . Niskanen , Paul ( 2004 ) . The Human and the Divine in History : Herodotus and the Book of Daniel . Continuum . ISBN 9780567082138 . Provan , Iain ( 2003 ) . `` Daniel '' . In Dunn , James D.G. ; Rogerson , John William . Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible . Eerdmans . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8028 - 3711 - 0 . Redditt , Paul L. ( 2009 ) . Introduction to the Prophets . Eerdmans . ISBN 9780802828965 . Reid , Stephen Breck ( 2000 ) . `` Daniel , Book of '' . In Freedman , David Noel ; Myers , Allen C. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible . Eerdmans . ISBN 9789053565032 . Rowland , Christopher ( 2007 ) . `` Apocalyptic Literature '' . In Hass , Andrew ; Jasper , David ; Jay , Elisabeth . The Oxford Handbook of English Literature and Theology . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780199271979 . Ryken , , Leland ; Wilhoit , Jim ; Longman , Tremper ( 1998 ) . Dictionary of Biblical Imagery . InterVarsity Press . ISBN 9780830867332 . Sacchi , Paolo ( 2004 ) . The History of the Second Temple Period . Continuum . ISBN 9780567044501 . Schwartz , Daniel R. ( 1992 ) . Studies in the Jewish Background of Christianity . Mohr Siebeck . ISBN 9783161457982 . Seow , C.L. ( 2003 ) . Daniel . Westminster John Knox Press . ISBN 9780664256753 . Schiffman , Lawrence H. ( 1991 ) . From Text to Tradition : A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism . KTAV Publishing House . ISBN 9780881253726 . Spencer , Richard A. ( 2002 ) . `` Additions to Daniel '' . In Mills , Watson E. ; Wilson , Richard F. The Deuterocanonicals / Apocrypha . Mercer University Press . ISBN 9780865545106 . Towner , W. Sibley ( 1984 ) . Daniel . Westminster John Knox Press . ISBN 9780664237561 . VanderKam , James C. ( 2010 ) . The Dead Sea Scrolls Today . Eerdmans . ISBN 9780802864352 . VanderKam , James C. ; Flint , Peter ( 2013 ) . The meaning of the Dead Sea scrolls : their significance for understanding the Bible , Judaism , Jesus , and Christianity . HarperCollins . ISBN 9780062243300 . Waters , Matt ( 2014 ) . Ancient Persia : A Concise History of the Achaemenid Empire , 550 -- 330 BC . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9781107652729 . Weber , Timothy P. ( 2007 ) . `` Millennialism '' . In Walls , Jerry L. The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780199742486 . Wesselius , Jan - Wim ( 2002 ) . `` The Writing of Daniel '' . In Collins , John J. ; Flint , Peter W. ; VanEpps , Cameron . The Book of Daniel : Composition and Reception . BRILL . ISBN 0391041282 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Book of Daniel . Wikisource has original text related to this article : Daniel Wikiquote has quotations related to : Book of Daniel Jewish translations Daniel ( Judaica Press ) * translation ( with Rashi 's commentary ) at Christian translations Bible , King James Version ( `` Bible , King James Version '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 17. ) Book of Daniel Daniel at The Great Books * ( New Revised Standard Version ) The Book of Daniel * ( Full text from , also available in Arabic ) Daniel : 2013 Critical Translation with Audio Drama at biblicalaudio Daniel an introduction Bible : Daniel public domain audiobook at LibriVox Various versions Related articles Jewish Encyclopedia : Daniel Daniel : Wise Man and Visionary , by Elias Bickerman Aramaic of Daniel , Patrick Henry College Book of Daniel Major prophets Preceded by Esther Hebrew Bible Succeeded by Ezra - Nehemiah Preceded by Ezekiel Christian Old Testament Succeeded by Hosea Book of Daniel Bible Daniel 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Additions to Daniel Places Babylon Susa People Abednego Belshazzar Cyrus Daniel Darius Gabriel Meshach Michael Nebuchadnezzar Shadrach Jehoiakim Terms Abomination of desolation Belshazzar 's feast Four kingdoms Lion 's den Prophecy of Seventy Weeks Territorial spirit Writing on the wall Sources Hebrew Bible Septuagint Latin Vulgate Wycliffe Version King James Version American Standard Version World English Version ← Book of Ezekiel ( chapter 48 ) Book of Hosea ( chapter 1 ) → Books of the Bible Principal divisions Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Protocanon Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 -- 2 Samuel 1 -- 2 Kings 1 -- 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Deuterocanon and Apocrypha Catholic Orthodox Tobit Judith Additions to Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Wisdom Sirach Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah Additions to Daniel Susanna Song of the Three Children Bel and the Dragon ) Orthodox only 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Prayer of Manasseh Psalm 151 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Odes Tewahedo Orthodox Enoch Jubilees 1 , 2 , and 3 Meqabyan Paralipomena of Baruch Broader canon Syriac Letter of Baruch 2 Baruch Psalms 152 -- 155 New Testament Matthew Mark Luke Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Subdivisions Chapters and verses Pentateuch Wisdom Major prophets / Minor prophets Gospels Synoptic Epistles Pauline Johannine Pastoral Catholic Apocalyptic literature Development Old Testament canon New Testament canon Antilegomena Jewish canon Christian canon Manuscripts Dead Sea Scrolls Samaritan Pentateuch Septuagint Targum Diatessaron Muratorian fragment Peshitta Vetus Latina Masoretic Text New Testament manuscript categories New Testament papyri New Testament uncials See also Biblical canon Luther 's canon Authorship English Bible translations Other books referenced in the Bible Pseudepigrapha list New Testament apocrypha Studies Synod of Hippo Textual criticism Portal WikiProject Book GND : 4011013 - 8 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2nd - century BC books Book of Daniel Ketuvim Apocalyptic literature Jewish eschatology Hidden categories : Articles with LibriVox links Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Wikisource Afrikaans አማርኛ Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Boarisch Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Kinyarwanda Kiswahili Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Gagana Samoa Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Vepsän kel ' Winaray ייִדיש Yorùbá 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 20 December 2017 , at 02 : 06 . 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where does the book of daniel take place
The Book of Daniel is a biblical apocalypse , combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology ( the study of last things ) which is both cosmic in scope and political in its focus . In more mundane language , it is `` an account of the activities and visions of Daniel , a noble Jew exiled at Babylon , '' its message being that just as the God of Israel saved Daniel and his friends from their enemies , so he would save all of Israel in their present oppression .
Tower bridge - Wikipedia Tower bridge Jump to : navigation , search Coordinates : 51 ° 30 ′ 20 '' N 0 ° 04 ′ 32 '' W  /  51.50556 ° N 0.07556 ° W  / 51.50556 ; - 0.07556 For the bridge in Sacramento , California , see Tower Bridge ( California ) . For the station in Co . Cork , Ireland , see Tower Bridge railway station . Tower Bridge Carries A100 Tower Bridge Road Crosses River Thames Locale London boroughs : -- north side : Tower Hamlets -- south side : Southwark Maintained by Bridge House Estates Heritage status Grade I listed structure Preceded by London Bridge Followed by Queen Elizabeth II Bridge Characteristics Design Bascule bridge / Suspension Bridge Total length 801 ft ( 244 m ) Height 213 ft ( 65 m ) Longest span 270 ft ( 82.3 m ) Clearance below 28 ft ( 8.6 m ) ( closed ) 139 ft ( 42.5 m ) ( open ) ( mean high water spring tide ) History Opened 30 June 1894 ; 123 years ago ( 1894 - 06 - 30 ) Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London built between 1886 and 1894 . The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London , resulting in it sometimes being confused with London Bridge , situated some 0.5 mi ( 0.80 km ) upstream . Tower Bridge is one of five London bridges now owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates , a charitable trust overseen by the City of London Corporation . It is the only one of the Trust 's bridges not to connect the City of London directly to the Southwark bank , as its northern landfall is in Tower Hamlets . The bridge consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by two horizontal walkways , designed to withstand the horizontal tension forces exerted by the suspended sections of the bridge on the landward sides of the towers . The vertical components of the forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reactions of the two walkways are carried by the two robust towers . The bascule pivots and operating machinery are housed in the base of each tower . Before its restoration in the 2010s , the bridge 's colour scheme dated from 1977 , when it was painted red , white and blue for Queen Elizabeth II 's Silver Jubilee . Its colours were subsequently restored to blue and white . The bridge deck is freely accessible to both vehicles and pedestrians , whereas the bridge 's twin towers , high - level walkways and Victorian engine rooms form part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition , for which an admission charge is made . The nearest London Underground tube stations are Tower Hill on the Circle and District lines , London Bridge on the Jubilee and Northern lines and Bermondsey on the Jubilee line , and the nearest Docklands Light Railway station is Tower Gateway . The nearest National Rail stations are at Fenchurch Street and London Bridge . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Inception 1.2 Construction 1.3 Opening 1.4 Second World War 1.5 Modernization 1.6 2008 -- 2012 facelift 1.7 London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics 1.8 2016 renovations 2 Design 2.1 Bridge structure 2.2 Hydraulic system 2.3 Signalling and control 3 Traffic 3.1 Road 3.2 River 4 Tower Bridge Exhibition 5 Reaction 6 Incidents 7 Gallery 8 See also 8.1 Historic places adjacent to Tower Bridge 9 References 10 External links History ( edit ) Inception ( edit ) Elevation , with dimensions In the second half of the 19th century , an advertisement in the East End of London led to a hiring for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge . A traditional fixed bridge at street level could not be built because it would cut off access by sailing ships to the port facilities in the Pool of London , between London Bridge and the Tower of London . A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877 , chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman , to find a solution to the river crossing problem . It opened the design of the crossing to public competition . Over 50 designs were submitted , including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette . Bazalgette 's design was rejected because of a lack of sufficient headroom , and design was not approved until 1884 , when it was decided to build a bascule bridge . Sir John Wolfe Barry was appointed engineer with Sir Horace Jones as architect ( who was also one of the judges ) . An Act of Parliament was passed in 1885 authorising the bridge 's construction . It specified the opening span must give a clear width of 200 feet ( 61 m ) and a headroom of 135 feet ( 41 m ) . Construction had to be in a Gothic style . Barry designed a bascule bridge with two bridge towers built on piers . The central span was split into two equal bascules or leaves , which could be raised to allow river traffic to pass . The two side - spans were suspension bridges , with the suspension rods anchored both at the abutments and through rods contained within the bridge 's upper walkways . Construction ( edit ) Tower Bridge under construction , 1892 Construction started in 1886 and took eight years with five major contractors -- Sir John Jackson ( foundations ) , Baron Armstrong ( hydraulics ) , William Webster , Sir H.H. Bartlett , and Sir William Arrol & Co. -- and employed 432 construction workers . EW Crutwell was the resident engineer for the construction . Two massive piers , containing over 70,000 tons of concrete , were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction . Over 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the towers and walkways . This was then clad in Cornish granite and Portland stone , both to protect the underlying steelwork and to give the bridge a pleasing appearance . Jones died in 1886 and George D. Stevenson took over the project . Stevenson replaced Jones 's original brick façade with the more ornate Victorian Gothic style , which makes the bridge a distinctive landmark , and was intended to harmonise the bridge with the nearby Tower of London . The total cost of construction was £ 1,184,000 ( equivalent to £ 122 million in 2015 ) . Opening ( edit ) The bridge was officially opened on 30 June 1894 by The Prince of Wales ( the future King Edward VII ) , and his wife , The Princess of Wales ( Alexandra of Denmark ) . The bridge connected Iron Gate , on the north bank of the river , with Horselydown Lane , on the south -- now known as Tower Bridge Approach and Tower Bridge Road , respectively . Until the bridge was opened , the Tower Subway -- 400 m to the west -- was the shortest way to cross the river from Tower Hill to Tooley Street in Southwark . Opened in 1870 , Tower Subway was among the world 's earliest underground ( `` tube '' ) railways , but it closed after just three months and was re-opened as a pedestrian foot tunnel . Once Tower Bridge was open , the majority of foot traffic transferred to using the bridge , there being no toll to pay to use it . Having lost most of its income , the tunnel was closed in 1898 . The high - level open air walkways between the towers gained an unpleasant reputation as a haunt for prostitutes and pickpockets ; as they were only accessible by stairs they were seldom used by regular pedestrians , and were closed in 1910 . Second world War ( edit ) A Short Sunderland of No. 201 Squadron RAF moored at Tower Bridge during the 1956 commemoration of the Battle of Britain During the Second World War and as a precaution against the existing engines being damaged by enemy action , a third engine was installed in 1942 : a 150 hp horizontal cross-compound engine , built by Vickers Armstrong Ltd. at their Elswick works in Newcastle upon Tyne . It was fitted with a flywheel having a 9 - foot ( 2.7 m ) diameter and weighing 9 tons , and was governed to a speed of 30 rpm . The engine became redundant when the rest of the system was modernised in 1974 , and was donated to the Forncett Industrial Steam Museum by the Corporation of the City of London . Modernization ( edit ) In 1974 , the original operating mechanism was largely replaced by a new electro - hydraulic drive system , designed by BHA Cromwell House , with the original final pinions driven by modern hydraulic motors and gearing . In 1982 , the Tower Bridge Exhibition opened , housed in the bridge 's twin towers , the long - closed high - level walkways and the Victorian engine rooms . The latter still house the original steam engines and some of the original hydraulic machinery . A computer system was installed in 2000 to control the raising and lowering of the bascules remotely . It proved unreliable , resulting in the bridge being stuck in the open or closed positions on several occasions during 2005 until its sensors were replaced . 2008 -- 2012 facelift ( edit ) In April 2008 it was announced that the bridge would undergo a ' facelift ' costing £ 4 million , and taking four years to complete . The work entailed stripping off the existing paint down to bare metal and repainting in blue and white . Each section was enshrouded in scaffolding and plastic sheeting to prevent the old paint falling into the Thames and causing pollution . Starting in mid-2008 , contractors worked on a quarter of the bridge at a time to minimise disruption , but some road closures were inevitable . It is intended that the completed work will stand for 25 years . The renovation of the walkway interior was completed in mid-2009 . Within the walkways a versatile new lighting system has been installed , designed by Eleni Shiarlis , for when the walkways are in use for exhibitions or functions . The new system provides for both feature and atmospheric lighting , the latter using bespoke RGB LED luminaires , designed to be concealed within the bridge superstructure and fixed without the need for drilling ( these requirements as a result of the bridge 's Grade I status ) . The renovation of the four suspension chains was completed in March 2010 using a state - of - the - art coating system requiring up to six different layers of ' paint ' . London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics ( edit ) Tower Bridge with 2012 Olympic rings The bridge featured in publicity for the 2012 Summer Olympics being held in London . In June 2012 a set of Olympic rings was suspended from the bridge to mark one month to go until the start of the games . The rings cost £ 259,817 to make , measured 25 by 11.5 metres ( 82 by 38 ft ) and weighed 13 tonnes ( 14 short tons ) . On 8 July 2012 , the west walkway was transformed into a 200 - foot - long ( 61 m ) Live Music Sculpture by the British composer Samuel Bordoli. 30 classical musicians were arranged along the length of the bridge 138 feet ( 42 m ) above the Thames behind the Olympic rings . The sound travelled backwards and forwards along the walkway , echoing the structure of the bridge . Following the Olympics , the rings were removed from Tower Bridge and replaced by the emblem of the Paralympic Games for the 2012 Summer Paralympics . 2016 renovations ( edit ) Tower Bridge was closed to all road traffic for almost three months in late 2016 ( 1 October to 30 December ) . This was to allow structural maintenance work to take place . The work included : Undertaking major maintenance to the bridge lifting systems Replacing the decking and resurfacing the walkways and road Replacing the expansion joints along the bridge to provide a smoother surface Waterproofing the arches made from brick on the approaches to the bridge During this time the bridge was still open to water borne traffic as required by Act of Parliament . The bridge was open to pedestrians for all but three weekends , where a free ferry service was in operation . Design ( edit ) Tower Bridge from Shad Thames Bridge structure ( edit ) Tower Bridge at dawn The bridge is 800 feet ( 240 m ) in length with two towers each 213 feet ( 65 m ) high , built on piers . The central span of 200 feet ( 61 m ) between the towers is split into two equal bascules or leaves , which can be raised to an angle of 86 degrees to allow river traffic to pass . The bascules , weighing over 1,000 tons each , are counterbalanced to minimise the force required and allow raising in five minutes . The two side - spans are suspension bridges , each 270 feet ( 82 m ) long , with the suspension rods anchored both at the abutments and through rods contained within the bridge 's upper walkways . The pedestrian walkways are 143 feet ( 44 m ) above the river at high tide . The main bridge deck carries two lanes of road traffic between two low - level pedestrian walkways across both suspension spans and the opening bascule section of the bridge , with the walkways separated from the roadway by fences . The roadway passes through each of the two towers , whereas the low - level walkways pass around the outside of the towers . One of the chimneys on the bridge , which are often confused as lamp posts , connects up to an old fireplace in a guardroom of the Tower of London . It is long - disused . Hydraulic system ( edit ) One of the original steam engines The original raising mechanism was powered by pressurised water stored in several hydraulic accumulators . The system was designed and installed by Hamilton Owen Rendel while working for Sir W.G. Armstrong Mitchell & Company of Newcastle upon Tyne . Water , at a pressure of 750 psi ( 5.2 MPa ) , was pumped into the accumulators by two 360 hp ( 270 kW ) horizontal twin - tandem compound stationary steam engines , fitted with Meyer expansion slide valves . Each engine drove a force pump from its piston tail rod . The accumulators each comprise a 20 - inch ( 51 cm ) ram on which sits a very heavy weight to maintain the desired pressure . The entire hydraulic system along with the gas lighting system was installed by William Sugg & Co Ltd. , the well known Westminster gas engineers . The gas lighting was initially by open flame burners within the lanterns but soon after was updated to the later incandescent system . In 1974 , the original operating mechanism was largely replaced by a new electro - hydraulic drive system , designed by BHA Cromwell House . The only components of the original system still in use are the final pinions , which engage with the racks fitted to the bascules . These are driven by modern hydraulic motors and gearing , using oil rather than water as the hydraulic fluid . Some of the original hydraulic machinery has been retained , although it is no longer in use . It is open to the public and forms the basis for the bridge 's museum , which resides in the old engine rooms on the south side of the bridge . The museum includes the steam engines , two of the accumulators and one of the hydraulic engines that moved the bascules , along with other related artefacts . Signalling and control ( edit ) To control the passage of river traffic through the bridge , a number of different rules and signals were employed . Daytime control was provided by red semaphore signals , mounted on small control cabins on either end of both bridge piers . At night , coloured lights were used , in either direction , on both piers : two red lights to show that the bridge was closed , and two green to show that it was open . In foggy weather , a gong was sounded as well . Vessels passing through the bridge had to display signals too : by day , a black ball at least 2 feet ( 0.61 m ) in diameter was to be mounted high up where it could be seen ; by night , two red lights in the same position . Foggy weather required repeated blasts from the ship 's steam whistle . If a black ball was suspended from the middle of each walkway ( or a red light at night ) this indicated that the bridge could not be opened . These signals were repeated about 1,000 yards ( 910 m ) downstream , at Cherry Garden Pier , where boats needing to pass through the bridge had to hoist their signals / lights and sound their horn , as appropriate , to alert the Bridge Master . Some of the control mechanism for the signalling equipment has been preserved and may be seen working in the bridge 's museum . Traffic ( edit ) The tall ship Wylde Swan passing under Tower Bridge decorated for the London Olympics in August 2012 . Note the Olympic rings folded up to allow passage of the mast . Road ( edit ) Tower Bridge is still a busy crossing of the Thames : it is crossed by over 40,000 people ( motorists , cyclists and pedestrians ) every day . The bridge is on the London Inner Ring Road , and is on the eastern boundary of the London congestion charge zone . ( Drivers do not incur a charge by crossing the bridge . ) To maintain the integrity of the structure , the City of London Corporation has imposed a 20 - mile - per - hour ( 32 km / h ) speed restriction , and an 18 tonnes ( 20 short tons ) weight limit on vehicles using the bridge . A camera system measures the speed of traffic crossing the bridge , using a number plate recognition system to send fixed penalty charges to speeding drivers . A second system monitors other vehicle parameters . Induction loops and piezoelectric sensors are used to measure the weight , the height of the chassis above ground level , and the number of axles of each vehicle . River ( edit ) The bascules are raised around 1000 times a year . River traffic is now much reduced , but it still takes priority over road traffic . Today , 24 hours ' notice is required before opening the bridge , and opening times are published in advance on the bridge 's website . There is no charge for vessels to open the bridge . When needing to be raised for the passage of a vessel the bascules are only raised to an angle sufficient for the vessel to safely pass under the bridge , except in the case of a vessel with the Monarch on board in which case they are raised fully no matter the size of the vessel . Tower bridge Exhibition ( edit ) Interior of high - level walkway ( used as an exhibition space ) The Tower Bridge Exhibition is a display housed in the bridge 's twin towers , the high - level walkways and the Victorian engine rooms . It uses films , photos and interactive displays to explain why and how Tower Bridge was built . Visitors can access the original steam engines that once powered the bridge bascules , housed in a building close to the south end of the bridge . The exhibition charges an admission fee . Entrance is from the west side of the bridge deck to the northern tower , from where visitors ascend to level 4 by lift before crossing the high - level walkways to the southern tower . In the towers and walkways is an exhibition on the history of the bridge . The walkways also provide views over the city , the Tower of London and the Pool of London , and include a glass - floored section . From the south tower , visitors can visit the engine rooms , with the original steam engines , which are situated in a separate building beside the southern approach to the bridge . Reaction ( edit ) Although the bridge is an undoubted landmark , professional commentators in the early 20th century were critical of its aesthetics . `` It represents the vice of tawdriness and pretentiousness , and of falsification of the actual facts of the structure '' , wrote Henry Heathcote Statham , while Frank Brangwyn stated that `` A more absurd structure than the Tower Bridge was never thrown across a strategic river '' . Architectural historian Dan Cruickshank selected the bridge as one of his four choices for the 2002 BBC television documentary series Britain 's Best Buildings . Tower Bridge is often mistaken for London Bridge , the next bridge upstream . A popular urban legend is that in 1968 , Robert P. McCulloch , the purchaser of the old London Bridge that was later shipped to Lake Havasu City in Arizona , believed that he was in fact buying Tower Bridge . This was denied by McCulloch himself and has been debunked by Ivan Luckin , the vendor of the bridge . A partial replica of Tower Bridge has been built in the city of Suzhou in China . The replica differs from the original in having no lifting mechanism and having four separate towers . Incidents ( edit ) On 10 August 1912 Francis McClean flew between the bascules and the high - level walkways in his Short Brothers S. 33 floatplane . In December 1952 , the bridge opened while a number 78 double - decker bus was crossing from the south bank . At that time , the gateman would ring a warning bell and close the gates when the bridge was clear before the watchman ordered the raising of the bridge . The process failed while a relief watchman was on duty . The bus was near the edge of the south bascule when it started to rise ; driver Albert Gunter made a split - second decision to accelerate , clearing a 3 - foot ( 0.91 m ) gap to drop 6 feet ( 1.8 m ) onto the north bascule , which had not yet started to rise . There were no serious injuries . Gunter was given £ 10 ( equivalent to £ 260 in 2015 ) by the City Corporation to honour his act of bravery . The Hawker Hunter Tower Bridge incident occurred on 5 April 1968 when a Royal Air Force Hawker Hunter FGA. 9 jet fighter from No. 1 Squadron , flown by Flt Lt Alan Pollock , flew through Tower Bridge . Unimpressed that senior staff were not going to celebrate the RAF 's 50th birthday with a fly - past , Pollock decided to do something himself . Without authorisation , Pollock flew the Hunter at low altitude down the Thames , past the Houses of Parliament , and continued on toward Tower Bridge . He flew the Hunter beneath the bridge 's walkway , remarking afterwards that it was an afterthought when he saw the bridge looming ahead of him . Pollock was placed under arrest upon landing , and discharged from the RAF on medical grounds without the chance to defend himself at a court martial . In the summer of 1973 , a single - engined Beagle Pup was twice flown under the pedestrian walkway of Tower Bridge by 29 - year - old stockbroker 's clerk Paul Martin . Martin was on bail following accusations of stockmarket fraud . He then `` buzzed '' buildings in The City , before flying north towards the Lake District where he died when his aircraft crashed some two hours later . In May 1997 , the motorcade of United States President Bill Clinton was divided by the opening of the bridge . The Thames sailing barge Gladys , on her way to a gathering at St Katharine Docks , arrived on schedule and the bridge was opened for her . Returning from a Thames - side lunch at Le Pont de la Tour restaurant with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair , President Clinton was less punctual and arrived just as the bridge was rising . The bridge opening split the motorcade in two , much to the consternation of security staff . A spokesman for Tower Bridge is quoted as saying : `` We tried to contact the American Embassy , but they would n't answer the phone . '' On 19 August 1999 , Jef Smith , a Freeman of the City of London , drove a flock of two sheep across the bridge . He was exercising a claimed ancient permission , granted as a right to Freemen , to make a point about the powers of older citizens and the way in which their rights were being eroded . Before dawn on 31 October 2003 , David Crick , a Fathers 4 Justice campaigner , climbed a 100 - foot ( 30 m ) tower crane near Tower Bridge at the start of a six - day protest dressed as Spider - Man . Fearing for his safety , and that of motorists should he fall , police cordoned off the area , closing the bridge and surrounding roads and causing widespread traffic congestion across the City and east London . The Metropolitan Police were later criticised for maintaining the closure for five days when this was not strictly necessary in the eyes of some citizens . On 11 May 2009 , six people were trapped and injured after a lift fell 10 feet ( 3 m ) inside the north tower . Gallery ( edit ) See also ( edit ) London portal Crossings of the River Thames Moveable bridges Pool of London Historic places adjacent to Tower Bridge ( edit ) HMS Belfast London Bridge Shad Thames St Katharine Docks Tower of London Comparison of the side elevations of the Tower Bridge and some notable bridges at the same scale . ( click for interactive version ) References ( edit ) Citations ^ Jump up to : `` Tower Bridge restored to true colours Tower Bridge '' . . Retrieved 8 February 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Finishing touches to Tower Bridge Tower Bridge '' . . Retrieved 8 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge Exhibition website '' . Corporation of The City of London . Retrieved 18 November 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Weinreb et al. 2008 , p. 922 . ^ Jump up to : Roberts , Chris , `` Cross River Traffic '' , Granta , 2005 Jump up ^ The Times , 2 July 1894 ^ Jump up to : `` Tower Bridge '' . Archive -- the Quarterly Journal for British Industrial and Transport History . Lightmoor Press ( 3 ) : 47 . 1994 . ISSN 1352 - 7991 . ^ Jump up to : UK Consumer Price Index inflation figures are based on data from Gregory Clark ( 2016 ) , `` The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain , 1209 to Present ( New Series ) '' , . Jump up ^ John Eade ( 22 July 1976 ) . `` Where Thames Smooth Waters Glide '' . . Retrieved 13 June 2012 . Jump up ^ Smith , Denis ( 2001 ) . Civil Engineering Heritage : London and the Thames Valley . Thomas Telford . pp. 22 -- 23 . ISBN 0 - 7277 - 2876 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` The Tower Bridge Engine '' . Forncett Industrial Steam Museum . Retrieved 27 February 2007 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Firm : BHA Cromwell House '' . G.M. Beresford Hartwell . Retrieved 30 June 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Hartwell , Geoffrey . `` Tower Bridge , London '' . Retrieved 27 February 2007 . ^ Jump up to : `` About Us '' . Tower Bridge Exhibition . Retrieved 14 July 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Fix to stop bridge getting stuck '' . BBC News . 17 January 2006 . Retrieved 25 September 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge to get £ 4m facelift '' . BBC News . 7 April 2008 . Retrieved 8 April 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge lighting '' . Interior Event & Exhibition Lighting Design scheme . ES Lighting Design . 29 April 2009 . Retrieved 27 August 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge restored to true colours '' . Tower Bridge Restoration Website. 10 March 2010 . Retrieved 24 May 2010 . Jump up ^ Olympics rings Tower over London , Daily Mail ( London ) , accessed 29 July 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge is London 's Latest Venue -- Classic FM Music News and Features '' . . Retrieved 28 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge as a musical instrument '' . . Retrieved 28 May 2013 . Jump up ^ Topping , Alexandra ( 13 August 2012 ) . `` London 2012 : let the Paralympics preparations begin '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 18 August 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge closure '' . Transport for London . Jump up ^ `` 11 Secret Features Of Famous London Landmarks '' . Londonist. 20 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Bridge History '' . 1 February 2003 . Retrieved 13 June 2012 . Jump up ^ Lane , MR ( 1989 ) . The Rendel Connection : a dynasty of engineers . Quiller press , London . ISBN 1 - 870948 - 01 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` History William Sugg & Co Westminster gas lighting cooking heating appliance manufacturer '' . Jump up ^ Fleet Sail Royal Greenwich ^ Jump up to : Speed Check Services . `` Bridge Protection Scheme '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 18 November 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Bridge Lifts '' . Tower Bridge Official Website . Archived from the original on 12 September 2007 . Retrieved 25 September 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Bridge Lift Times '' . Tower Bridge Exhibition . City of London . Retrieved 10 November 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Step Inside '' . Tower Bridge Exhibition . Retrieved 14 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Statham , H.H. , `` Bridge Engineering '' , Wiley , 1916 . Jump up ^ Brangwyn , F. , and Sparrow , W.S. , `` A Book of Bridges '' , John Lane , 1920 . Jump up ^ Cruickshank , Dan . `` Choosing Britain 's Best Buildings '' . BBC History . Retrieved 3 June 2008 . Jump up ^ Jason Cochran , Pauline Frommer ( 2007 ) . Pauline Frommer 's London . Frommer 's . p. 184 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 470 - 05228 - 0 . Retrieved 9 July 2011 . Jump up ^ `` How London Bridge was sold to the States ( From This Is Local London ) '' . . Retrieved 13 June 2012 . Jump up ^ Silk , Michael ; Manley , Andrew ( 3 June 2014 ) . `` From Tower Bridge to Sydney Harbour , welcome to China 's city of clones '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 14 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Tower Bridge , London , UK '' . BBC . Retrieved 11 November 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The Jumping Bus '' . Time . 12 January 1953 . Archived from the original on 22 December 2008 . Jump up ^ Car Journals . `` Mind The Gap When Jumping Over Tower Bridge '' . Car Journals . Retrieved 20 June 2014 . Jump up ^ p. 157 , Shaw , Michael ' No. 1 Squadron ' , Ian Allan 1986 Jump up ^ `` Hawker Hunter History '' . ( scroll down half - way ) . Thunder & Lightnings. 29 February 2004 . Retrieved 8 April 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Gives Suicide Plan To Crash Plane into Tower of London , Dies in Crash 240 Miles Away '' . Lundington Daily News . 1 August 1973 . Retrieved 14 February 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Presidential visits abroad '' . ( William J. Clinton III ) . US Department of State . Retrieved 25 September 2007 . Jump up ^ Shore , John ( July 1997 ) . `` Gladys takes the rise out of Bill '' . Regatta Online . Retrieved 25 September 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Protest Freeman herds sheep over Tower Bridge '' . BBC News . 19 August 1999 . Retrieved 6 November 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Spiderman protest closes Tower Bridge '' . BBC News . 31 October 2003 . Retrieved 31 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Spiderman cordon criticised '' . BBC News . 3 November 2003 . Retrieved 31 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` ' Spiderman ' cleared over protest '' . BBC News . 14 May 2004 . Retrieved 31 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Six injured in Tower Bridge lift '' , BBC News , 11 May 2009 . Sources Weinreb , Ben ; Hibbert , Christopher ; Keay , John ; Keay , Julia ( 2008 ) . The London Encyclopaedia ( 2nd ed . ) . Pan Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 1 - 405 - 04924 - 5 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tower Bridge . Official Tower Bridge Exhibition website Bridge Lift Times Winchester , Clarence , ed. ( 1938 ) . `` Building the Tower Bridge '' . Wonders of World Engineering . London : Amalgamated Press . pp. 575 -- 580 . Describes the construction of Tower Bridge ( hide ) Crossings of the River Thames Upstream Tower Subway ( utility tunnel -- not accessible to the public ) Northern line ( City Branch ) tunnel ( rail ) Tower Bridge Grid reference : TQ336802 Downstream Thames Tunnel ( railway ) Links to related articles Bridges of Central London ( west to east ) Vauxhall Lambeth Westminster Hungerford and Golden Jubilee Waterloo Garden ( cancelled ) Blackfriars Blackfriars Railway Millennium Southwark Cannon Street Railway London Tower Crossings of the River Thames Bridges in the United Kingdom London Borough of Tower Hamlets Districts Aberfeldy Village Bethnal Green Blackwall Bow Bow Common Bromley - by - Bow Cambridge Heath East Smithfield Fish Island Hackney Wick Isle of Dogs ( Canary Wharf , Coldharbour , Cubitt Town , Millwall ) Leamouth Limehouse Mile End Old Ford Poplar Ratcliff Roman Road St Katharine Docks Shadwell Spitalfields Stepney South Bromley Shoreditch Tower Hill Wapping Whitechapel Attractions Brick Lane Christ Church , Spitalfields Dennis Severs ' House Fournier Street Museum of Childhood Museum of Immigration and Diversity Museum in Docklands Ragged School Museum Royal London Museum and Archives St Katharine Docks Spitalfields City Farm Stepney City Farm Tower Bridge Tower of London Traitors ' Gate Whitechapel Art Gallery London Olympic Park Street markets Petticoat Lane Brick Lane Columbia Road Old Spitalfields Roman Road Parks and open spaces Altab Ali Park Bartlett Park Island Gardens Langdon Park Mile End Park Mudchute Tower Hamlets Cemetery Victoria Park Governance London borough council Directly elected mayor Civic mayor / speaker of council Constituencies : Bethnal Green and Bow Poplar and Limehouse Bridges and tunnels Blackwall Tunnel Greenwich foot tunnel Rotherhithe Tunnel Tower Bridge Tube and rail stations Aldgate East All Saints Bethnal Green Bethnal Green Blackwall Bow Church Bow Road Bromley - by - Bow Cambridge Heath Canary Wharf ( DLR ) Canary Wharf ( tube ) Crossharbour Devons Road East India Heron Quays Island Gardens Langdon Park Limehouse Mile End Mudchute Poplar Shadwell Shadwell South Quay Stepney Green Tower Gateway Tower Hill Wapping railway station West India Quay Westferry Whitechapel Other topics Council Grade I and II * listed buildings People Public art Schools Category Commons London Borough of Southwark Districts Bankside Bermondsey Borough / Southwark Camberwell Crystal Palace Denmark Hill Dulwich Dulwich Village East Dulwich Elephant and Castle Herne Hill Honor Oak Newington Nunhead Peckham Peckham Rye Rotherhithe South Bank South Bermondsey Surrey Quays Sydenham Hill Upper Norwood Walworth West Dulwich Attractions Bankside Gallery Bramah Tea and Coffee Museum Brunel Museum City Hall The Clink Cuming Museum Dulwich Picture Gallery Fire Brigade Museum Globe Theatre Greenwood Theatre Hay 's Galleria Herne Hill Stadium House of Dreams Museum HMS Belfast Imperial War Museum Livesey Museum for Children London Dungeon Mandela Way T - 34 Tank Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret The Old Vic OXO Tower Pumphouse Educational Museum Purdy Hicks Gallery Rose Theatre Sam Wanamaker Playhouse The Shard South Bank South London Gallery Southwark Cathedral Tate Modern Unicorn Theatre Winchester Palace Markets Borough East Street Bridges and tunnels Blackfriars Bridge Blackfriars Railway Bridge Cannon Street Railway Bridge London Bridge Millennium Bridge Rotherhithe Tunnel Southwark Bridge Tower Bridge Waterloo Bridge Parks and open spaces Belair Park Bermondsey Spa Gardens Brimmington Park Burgess Park Dickens Square Park Dulwich Park Faraday Gardens Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park Little Dorrit Park Newington Gardens Southwark Park Tabard Park Constituencies Camberwell and Peckham North Southwark and Bermondsey Dulwich and West Norwood Tube and rail stations Bermondsey Borough Canada Water Denmark Hill Elephant and Castle Kennington London Bridge Nunhead Queens Road Peckham Peckham Rye Rotherhithe South Bermondsey Southwark Surrey Quays Sydenham Hill West Dulwich Other topics Council Grade I and II * listed buildings People Public art Schools History of London Evolution Londinium Lundenwic City of London City of Westminster Middlesex County of London Greater London Timeline Periods Roman London Anglo - 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what is in the tower bridge of london
The bridge consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by two horizontal walkways , designed to withstand the horizontal tension forces exerted by the suspended sections of the bridge on the landward sides of the towers . The vertical components of the forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reactions of the two walkways are carried by the two robust towers . The bascule pivots and operating machinery are housed in the base of each tower . Before its restoration in the 2010s , the bridge 's colour scheme dated from 1977 , when it was painted red , white and blue for Queen Elizabeth II 's Silver Jubilee . Its colours were subsequently restored to blue and white .
List of Game of Thrones episodes - wikipedia List of Game of Thrones episodes Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss . The series is based on the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by author George R.R. Martin . The series takes place on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos and chronicles the power struggles among noble families as they fight for control of the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms . The series starts when House Stark , led by Lord Eddard `` Ned '' Stark ( Sean Bean ) is drawn into schemes against King Robert Baratheon ( Mark Addy ) when the Hand of the King Jon Arryn ( Robert 's chief advisor ) dies mysteriously . The series premiered on April 17 , 2011 , on HBO . David Benioff and D.B. Weiss both serve as executive producers along with Carolyn Strauss , Frank Doelger , Bernadette Caulfield and George R.R. Martin . Filming for the series has taken place in a number of locations , including Croatia , Northern Ireland , Iceland and Spain . Episodes are broadcast on Sunday at 9 : 00 pm Eastern Time , and the episodes are between 50 and 81 minutes in length . The first seven seasons are available on DVD and Blu - ray . As of August 27 , 2017 , 67 episodes of Game of Thrones have aired , concluding the seventh season . The series will conclude with its eighth season , which will consist of six episodes and is set to air in 2019 . The show 's episodes have won numerous awards including two Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series . Contents 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 ( 2011 ) 2.2 Season 2 ( 2012 ) 2.3 Season 3 ( 2013 ) 2.4 Season 4 ( 2014 ) 2.5 Season 5 ( 2015 ) 2.6 Season 6 ( 2016 ) 2.7 Season 7 ( 2017 ) 2.8 Season 8 3 Home media releases 4 Ratings 5 References 6 External links Series overview ( edit ) Season Episodes Originally aired Avg . U.S. viewers ( millions ) First aired Last aired 10 April 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 04 - 17 ) June 19 , 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 19 ) 2.52 10 April 1 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 01 ) June 3 , 2012 ( 2012 - 06 - 03 ) 3.80 10 March 31 , 2013 ( 2013 - 03 - 31 ) June 9 , 2013 ( 2013 - 06 - 09 ) 4.97 10 April 6 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 06 ) June 15 , 2014 ( 2014 - 06 - 15 ) 6.84 5 10 April 12 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 12 ) June 14 , 2015 ( 2015 - 06 - 14 ) 6.88 6 10 April 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 24 ) June 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 26 ) 7.69 7 7 July 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 16 ) August 27 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 27 ) 10.26 8 6 2019 ( 2019 ) 2019 ( 2019 ) TBA Episodes ( edit ) Season 1 ( 2011 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 1 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) `` Winter Is Coming '' Tim Van Patten David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 04 - 17 ) 2.22 `` The Kingsroad '' Tim Van Patten David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 24 , 2011 ( 2011 - 04 - 24 ) 2.20 `` Lord Snow '' Brian Kirk David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 1 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 01 ) 2.44 `` Cripples , Bastards , and Broken Things '' Brian Kirk Bryan Cogman May 8 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 08 ) 2.45 5 5 `` The Wolf and the Lion '' Brian Kirk David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 15 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 15 ) 2.58 6 6 `` A Golden Crown '' Daniel Minahan Story by : David Benioff & D.B. Weiss Teleplay by : Jane Espenson and David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 22 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 22 ) 2.44 7 7 `` You Win or You Die '' Daniel Minahan David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 29 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 29 ) 2.40 8 8 `` The Pointy End '' Daniel Minahan George R.R. Martin June 5 , 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 05 ) 2.72 9 9 `` Baelor '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 12 , 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 12 ) 2.66 10 10 `` Fire and Blood '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 19 , 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 19 ) 3.04 Season 2 ( 2012 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 2 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 11 `` The North Remembers '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 1 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 01 ) 3.86 12 `` The Night Lands '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 8 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 08 ) 3.76 13 `` What Is Dead May Never Die '' Alik Sakharov Bryan Cogman April 15 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 15 ) 3.77 14 `` Garden of Bones '' David Petrarca Vanessa Taylor April 22 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 22 ) 3.65 15 5 `` The Ghost of Harrenhal '' David Petrarca David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 29 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 29 ) 3.90 16 6 `` The Old Gods and the New '' David Nutter Vanessa Taylor May 6 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 06 ) 3.88 17 7 `` A Man Without Honor '' David Nutter David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 13 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 13 ) 3.69 18 8 `` The Prince of Winterfell '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 20 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 20 ) 3.86 19 9 `` Blackwater '' Neil Marshall George R.R. Martin May 27 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 27 ) 3.38 20 10 `` Valar Morghulis '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 3 , 2012 ( 2012 - 06 - 03 ) 4.20 Season 3 ( 2013 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 3 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 21 `` Valar Dohaeris '' Daniel Minahan David Benioff & D.B. Weiss March 31 , 2013 ( 2013 - 03 - 31 ) 4.37 22 `` Dark Wings , Dark Words '' Daniel Minahan Vanessa Taylor April 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 07 ) 4.27 23 `` Walk of Punishment '' David Benioff David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 14 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 14 ) 4.72 24 `` And Now His Watch Is Ended '' Alex Graves David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 21 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 21 ) 4.87 25 5 `` Kissed by Fire '' Alex Graves Bryan Cogman April 28 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 28 ) 5.35 26 6 `` The Climb '' Alik Sakharov David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 5 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 05 ) 5.50 27 7 `` The Bear and the Maiden Fair '' Michelle MacLaren George R.R. Martin May 12 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 12 ) 4.84 28 8 `` Second Sons '' Michelle MacLaren David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 19 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 19 ) 5.13 29 9 `` The Rains of Castamere '' David Nutter David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 2 , 2013 ( 2013 - 06 - 02 ) 5.22 30 10 `` Mhysa '' David Nutter David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 9 , 2013 ( 2013 - 06 - 09 ) 5.39 Season 4 ( 2014 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 4 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 31 `` Two Swords '' D.B. Weiss David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 6 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 06 ) 6.64 32 `` The Lion and the Rose '' Alex Graves George R.R. Martin April 13 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 13 ) 6.31 33 `` Breaker of Chains '' Alex Graves David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 20 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 20 ) 6.59 34 `` Oathkeeper '' Michelle MacLaren Bryan Cogman April 27 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 27 ) 6.95 35 5 `` First of His Name '' Michelle MacLaren David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 04 ) 7.16 36 6 `` The Laws of Gods and Men '' Alik Sakharov Bryan Cogman May 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 11 ) 6.40 37 7 `` Mockingbird '' Alik Sakharov David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 18 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 18 ) 7.20 38 8 `` The Mountain and the Viper '' Alex Graves David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 1 , 2014 ( 2014 - 06 - 01 ) 7.17 39 9 `` The Watchers on the Wall '' Neil Marshall David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 8 , 2014 ( 2014 - 06 - 08 ) 6.95 40 10 `` The Children '' Alex Graves David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 15 , 2014 ( 2014 - 06 - 15 ) 7.09 Season 5 ( 2015 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 5 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 41 `` The Wars to Come '' Michael Slovis David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 12 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 12 ) 8.00 42 `` The House of Black and White '' Michael Slovis David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 19 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 19 ) 6.81 43 `` High Sparrow '' Mark Mylod David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 26 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 26 ) 6.71 44 `` Sons of the Harpy '' Mark Mylod Dave Hill May 3 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 03 ) 6.82 45 5 `` Kill the Boy '' Jeremy Podeswa Bryan Cogman May 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 10 ) 6.56 46 6 `` Unbowed , Unbent , Unbroken '' Jeremy Podeswa Bryan Cogman May 17 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 17 ) 6.24 47 7 `` The Gift '' Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 24 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 24 ) 5.40 48 8 `` Hardhome '' Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 31 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 31 ) 7.01 49 9 `` The Dance of Dragons '' David Nutter David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 7 , 2015 ( 2015 - 06 - 07 ) 7.14 50 10 `` Mother 's Mercy '' David Nutter David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 14 , 2015 ( 2015 - 06 - 14 ) 8.11 Season 6 ( 2016 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 6 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 51 `` The Red Woman '' Jeremy Podeswa David Benioff & D.B. Weiss April 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 24 ) 7.94 52 `` Home '' Jeremy Podeswa Dave Hill May 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 01 ) 7.29 53 `` Oathbreaker '' Daniel Sackheim David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 8 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 08 ) 7.28 54 `` Book of the Stranger '' Daniel Sackheim David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 15 ) 7.82 55 5 `` The Door '' Jack Bender David Benioff & D.B. Weiss May 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 22 ) 7.89 56 6 `` Blood of My Blood '' Jack Bender Bryan Cogman May 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 29 ) 6.71 57 7 `` The Broken Man '' Mark Mylod Bryan Cogman June 5 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 05 ) 7.80 58 8 `` No One '' Mark Mylod David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 12 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 12 ) 7.60 59 9 `` Battle of the Bastards '' Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 19 ) 7.66 60 10 `` The Winds of Winter '' Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D.B. Weiss June 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 26 ) 8.89 Season 7 ( 2017 ) ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 7 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 61 `` Dragonstone '' Jeremy Podeswa David Benioff & D.B. Weiss July 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 16 ) 10.11 62 `` Stormborn '' Mark Mylod Bryan Cogman July 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 23 ) 9.27 63 `` The Queen 's Justice '' Mark Mylod David Benioff & D.B. Weiss July 30 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 30 ) 9.25 64 `` The Spoils of War '' Matt Shakman David Benioff & D.B. Weiss August 6 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 06 ) 10.17 65 5 `` Eastwatch '' Matt Shakman Dave Hill August 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 13 ) 10.72 66 6 `` Beyond the Wall '' Alan Taylor David Benioff & D.B. Weiss August 20 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 20 ) 10.24 67 7 `` The Dragon and the Wolf '' Jeremy Podeswa David Benioff & D.B. Weiss August 27 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 27 ) 12.07 Season 8 ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones ( season 8 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 68 TBA David Nutter Dave Hill 2019 ( 2019 ) TBD 69 TBA David Nutter Bryan Cogman 2019 ( 2019 ) TBD 70 TBA Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D.B. Weiss 2019 ( 2019 ) TBD 71 TBA David Nutter David Benioff & D.B. Weiss 2019 ( 2019 ) TBD 72 5 TBA Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D.B. Weiss 2019 ( 2019 ) TBD 73 6 TBA David Benioff & D.B. Weiss David Benioff & D.B. Weiss 2019 ( 2019 ) TBD Home media releases ( edit ) Season Episodes DVD release date Region 1 Region 2 Region 4 10 March 6 , 2012 March 5 , 2012 August 10 , 2012 10 February 19 , 2013 March 4 , 2013 March 6 , 2013 10 February 18 , 2014 February 17 , 2014 February 19 , 2014 10 February 17 , 2015 February 16 , 2015 February 18 , 2015 5 10 March 15 , 2016 March 14 , 2016 March 16 , 2016 6 10 November 15 , 2016 November 14 , 2016 November 16 , 2016 7 7 December 12 , 2017 December 11 , 2017 December 11 , 2017 Ratings ( edit ) `` The template below ( Game of Thrones ratings ) is being considered for deletion . See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus . '' Game of Thrones : U.S. viewers per episode ( millions ) Season Ep. 1 Ep. 2 Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5 Ep. 6 Ep. 7 Ep. 8 Ep. 9 Ep. 10 Average 2.22 2.20 2.44 2.45 2.58 2.44 2.40 2.72 2.66 3.04 2.52 3.86 3.76 3.77 3.65 3.90 3.88 3.69 3.86 3.38 4.20 3.80 4.37 4.27 4.72 4.87 5.35 5.50 4.84 5.13 5.22 5.39 4.97 6.64 6.31 6.59 6.95 7.16 6.40 7.20 7.17 6.95 7.09 6.84 5 8.00 6.81 6.71 6.82 6.56 6.24 5.40 7.01 7.14 8.11 6.88 6 7.94 7.29 7.28 7.82 7.89 6.71 7.80 7.60 7.66 8.89 7.69 7 10.11 9.27 9.25 10.17 10.72 10.24 12.07 N / A 10.26 Source : Nielsen Media Research References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Fowler , Matt ( April 8 , 2011 ) . `` Game of Thrones : `` Winter is Coming '' Review `` . IGN . Archived from the original on August 17 , 2012 . Retrieved September 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Fleming , Michael ( January 16 , 2007 ) . `` HBO turns Fire into fantasy series '' . Variety . Archived from the original on May 16 , 2012 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Game of Thrones '' . . 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External links ( edit ) Official website Game of Thrones -- The Viewers Guide on Making Game of Thrones on List of Game of Thrones episodes on IMDb List of Game of Thrones episodes at Game of Thrones at Rotten Tomatoes George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire A Game of Thrones ( 1996 ) A Clash of Kings ( 1998 ) A Storm of Swords ( 2000 ) A Feast for Crows ( 2005 ) A Dance with Dragons ( 2011 ) The Winds of Winter ( TBA ) Franchise media Novellas Tales of Dunk and Egg ( 1998 -- 2010 ) The Princess and the Queen ( 2013 ) The Rogue Prince ( 2014 ) The Sons of the Dragon ( 2017 ) TV series Episodes Season 1 5 6 7 8 Awards Characters Music `` Game of Thrones Theme '' `` The Rains of Castamere '' `` The Bear and the Maiden Fair '' `` Light of the Seven '' Catch the Throne Live Concert Experience Soundtracks Season 1 5 6 7 Title sequence After the Thrones Thronecast Video games A Game of Thrones : Genesis Game of Thrones ( 2012 ) Game of Thrones Ascent Game of Thrones ( 2014 ) Other media The World of Ice & Fire ( 2014 ) Fire and Blood ( 2018 ) Board game Card game ( Second edition ) Comic book series Characters Petyr Baelish Myrcella Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon Renly Baratheon Robert Baratheon Stannis Baratheon Tommen Baratheon Ramsay Bolton Roose Bolton Bronn Gregor Clegane Sandor Clegane Khal Drogo Gendry Tormund Giantsbane Gilly Theon Greyjoy Cersei Lannister Jaime Lannister Tyrion Lannister Tywin Lannister Oberyn Martell Melisandre Missandei Jorah Mormont Daario Naharis Ellaria Sand Davos Seaworth Jon Snow High Sparrow Arya Stark Bran Stark Catelyn Stark Ned Stark Rickon Stark Robb Stark Sansa Stark Daenerys Targaryen Viserys Targaryen Samwell Tarly Brienne of Tarth Margaery Tyrell Olenna Tyrell Varys Ygritte World Languages Dothraki Valyrian Themes Iron Throne White Walker Miscellaneous Fandom Book Game of Thrones episodes Seasons : 1 5 6 7 8 Season 1 `` Winter Is Coming '' `` The Kingsroad '' `` Lord Snow '' `` Cripples , Bastards , and Broken Things '' `` The Wolf and the Lion '' `` A Golden Crown '' `` You Win or You Die '' `` The Pointy End '' `` Baelor '' `` Fire and Blood '' Season 2 `` The North Remembers '' `` The Night Lands '' `` What Is Dead May Never Die '' `` Garden of Bones '' `` The Ghost of Harrenhal '' `` The Old Gods and the New '' `` A Man Without Honor '' `` The Prince of Winterfell '' `` Blackwater '' `` Valar Morghulis '' Season 3 `` Valar Dohaeris '' `` Dark Wings , Dark Words '' `` Walk of Punishment '' `` And Now His Watch Is Ended '' `` Kissed by Fire '' `` The Climb '' `` The Bear and the Maiden Fair '' `` Second Sons '' `` The Rains of Castamere '' `` Mhysa '' Season 4 `` Two Swords '' `` The Lion and the Rose '' `` Breaker of Chains '' `` Oathkeeper '' `` First of His Name '' `` The Laws of Gods and Men '' `` Mockingbird '' `` The Mountain and the Viper '' `` The Watchers on the Wall '' `` The Children '' Season 5 `` The Wars to Come '' `` The House of Black and White '' `` High Sparrow '' `` Sons of the Harpy '' `` Kill the Boy '' `` Unbowed , Unbent , Unbroken '' `` The Gift '' `` Hardhome '' `` The Dance of Dragons '' `` Mother 's Mercy '' Season 6 `` The Red Woman '' `` Home '' `` Oathbreaker '' `` Book of the Stranger '' `` The Door '' `` Blood of My Blood '' `` The Broken Man '' `` No One '' `` Battle of the Bastards '' `` The Winds of Winter '' Season 7 `` Dragonstone '' `` Stormborn '' `` The Queen 's Justice '' `` The Spoils of War '' `` Eastwatch '' `` Beyond the Wall '' `` The Dragon and the Wolf '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Game of Thrones episodes Lists of American drama television series episodes Lists of fantasy television series episodes Hidden categories : Pages using Timeline Articles containing potentially dated statements from August 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements Featured lists Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikidata Languages Беларуская Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia ქართული Magyar Македонски Nederlands Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Shqip Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська 中文 23 more Edit links This page was last edited on 12 July 2018 , at 01 : 01 ( UTC ) . 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how many seasons total of game of thrones
As of August 27 , 2017 , 67 episodes of Game of Thrones have aired , concluding the seventh season . The series will conclude with its eighth season , which will consist of six episodes and is set to air in 2019 . The show 's episodes have won numerous awards including two Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series .
Minors and abortion - wikipedia Minors and abortion Jump to : navigation , search The lead section of this article may need to be rewritten . The reason given is : needs more detail . Please discuss this issue on the article 's talk page . Use the lead layout guide to ensure the section follows Wikipedia 's norms and to be inclusive of all essential details . ( September 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Part of the Politics series on Youth rights Activities ( show ) Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co . Child Labor Deterrence Act Children 's Online Privacy Protection Act Convention on the Rights of the Child Fair Labor Standards Act Hammer v. Dagenhart History of youth rights in the United States Morse v. Frederick Newsboys ' strike of 1899 Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms Wild in the Streets Theory / Concepts ( show ) Adultcentrism Adultism Ageism Criminalization Democracy Ephebiphobia Fear of children Fear of youth Intergenerational equity Paternalism Social class Suffrage Taking Children Seriously Universal suffrage Unschooling Youth activism Youth suffrage Youth voice Issues ( show ) Age of candidacy Age of consent Age of majority Behavior modification facility Child labour Compulsory education Conscription Corporal punishment Curfew Child abuse Emancipation of minors Gambling age Homeschooling Human rights and youth sport In loco parentis Juvenile delinquency Juvenile court Legal drinking age Legal working age Minimum driving age Marriageable age Minor ( law ) Minors and abortion School leaving age Smoking age Status offense Underage drinking in America Voting age Youth - adult partnership Youth participation Youth politics Youth voting Organizations ( show ) Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission National Youth Rights Association One World Youth Project Queer Youth Network Students for a Democratic Society Freechild Project Three O'Clock Lobby Youth International Party Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor Young Communist League of Canada Persons ( show ) Adam Fletcher ( activist ) David J. Hanson David Joseph Henry John Caldwell Holt Alex Koroknay - Palicz Lyn Duff Mike A. Males Neil Postman Sonia Yaco Related ( show ) Animal rights Anti-racism Direct democracy Egalitarianism Feminism Libertarianism Socialism Students rights Youth rights Social movements portal Many jurisdictions have laws applying to minors and abortion . These parental involvement laws require that one or more parents consent or be informed before their minor daughter may legally have an abortion . Contents ( hide ) 1 Minors and abortion in law 1.1 Australia 1.2 Canada 1.3 France 1.4 Greece 1.5 India 1.6 Italy 1.7 New Zealand 1.8 Poland 1.9 South Africa 1.10 Spain 1.11 Sweden 1.12 United Kingdom 1.13 United States 2 Debate 2.1 Arguments in support 2.2 Arguments in opposition 2.3 Stance of the Roman Catholic Church 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Minors and abortion in law ( edit ) Australia ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Australia A minor does not require parental consent or notification except in Western Australia , where in the event of the woman being under 16 years of age one of her parents must be notified , except where permission has been granted by the Children 's Court or the woman does not live with her parents . Canada ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Canada In Canada , abortion is subject to general medical legislation , as there are no laws regulating abortion . Access varies by province and by region ; though there are no legal restrictions to abortion . Most medical facilities in Canada do not share medical information with a parent without consent of their child who is seeking an abortion . In 1989 , the Supreme Court ruled that the woman 's partner , the father of the baby , has no right to veto her decision to undergo an abortion . Abortion is funded by the government . France ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in France A pregnant girl under the age of 18 may ask for an abortion without consulting her parents first , but she has to be accompanied to the clinic by an adult of her choice . This adult must not tell her parents or any third party about the abortion . Greece ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Greece Girls under the age of 18 must get written permission from a parent or guardian before being allowed an abortion . India ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in India Minor girls under 18 need parental consent . Under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act , 1971 , abortion is permitted on liberal grounds until 20 weeks of pregnancy . Abortions after 20 weeks are illegal , but a court may authorize such a late abortion in exceptional circumstances . Italy ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Italy Parental authorisation is required if the woman is under 18 . New Zealand ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in New Zealand New Zealand has no parental notification restrictions on under - sixteen access for abortion . Poland ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Poland Parental consent is always required if the woman seeking abortion is a minor . South Africa ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in South Africa In South Africa , any woman of any age can get an abortion on request with no reasons given if she is less than 13 weeks pregnant . A woman under the age of 18 will be advised to consult her parents , but she can decide not to inform or consult them if she so chooses . However , she must give informed consent , meaning that if she is unable to understand the consequences of an abortion she can not consent to one without the assistance of her parents or guardian . Spain ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Spain In 2009 , the Socialist government passed a bill that states that girls aged 16 and 17 must inform her parents ( but does not need parental consent ) for an abortion except if the girl comes from an abusive household and such news will cause more strife . Sweden ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in Sweden The current legislation is the Abortion Act of 1974 . This states that up until the end of the eighteenth week of the pregnancy the choice of an abortion is entirely up to the woman , for any reason whatsoever . The law makes no distinction with regards to the age of the pregnant woman . United kingdom ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in the United Kingdom Parental involvement laws in the UK ; if the girl is seen as competent by medical staff no disclosure to parents is allowed . In most cases , girls aged 13 or above will be covered by this provision but pre-teenagers will not and parents , social workers and police can become involved to protect the child . Around 120 12 - year - olds , at least five 11 - year - olds and two nine - year - olds have had legal abortions since 1996 . In 2005 , Sue Axon , of Manchester , wanted the law changed to prevent girls under 16 getting confidential advice . However , the High Court had rejected a review of guidelines which state that terminations do not need parents ' consent and doctors should respect girls ' confidentiality . See also : Teenage pregnancy and sexual health in the United Kingdom United states ( edit ) Main article : Abortion in the United States Map showing which states require parental notification . Parental notification or consent not required One parent must be informed beforehand Both parents must be informed beforehand One parent must consent beforehand Both parents must consent beforehand One parent must consent and be informed beforehand Parental notification law currently enjoined Parental consent law currently enjoined In the United States , most states typically require one of two types of parental involvement -- consent or notification , or both . 37 states require parental involvement in a minor 's decision to have an abortion ( 21 states require parental consent only , 3 of which require both parents to consent , 11 states require parental notification only , 1 of which requires that both parents be notified , 5 states require both parental consent and notification , 8 states require the parental consent documentation to be notarized ) . In Delaware the law only applies to minors under 16 , and in South Carolina to minors under 17 . Parental involvement laws played a key role in forcing the Court to clarify its position on abortion regulation . The Court ruled , in essence , that parental involvement laws ( and all other abortion regulation ) can legally make it more difficult for a female to acquire an abortion . But there is a threshold beyond which the increased difficulties become unconstitutional . Requiring spousal involvement before a woman can acquire an abortion has been interpreted as falling on the unconstitutional side of that threshold , while parental involvement has been interpreted as falling on the constitutional side . Or , to use the language of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey ( 1992 ) , spousal notification laws place an `` undue burden '' on a woman 's ability to get an abortion , whereas parental involvement laws do not . Parental involvement laws have three basic features . First , they are binding on minors , not adults . Second , they require , at minimum , that minors notify their parents before an abortion is performed , and in some cases consent from the parents . And third , they allow minors to acquire a judicial bypass if consent can not be acquired . These regulations are but one example of the detailed fabric of abortion legislation and regulation that has evolved since the Supreme Court 's decision to legalize abortion in its 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton . The first major case involving parental involvement legislation was decided in 1976 in Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth . This case involved a Missouri law that required consent from various parties before an abortion could be performed -- written consent by the patient , spousal consent for married individuals , and parental consent for minors , specifically . The court ruled that the parental consent provision was unconstitutional due to its universal enforcement . The ability of a minor to acquire an abortion against her parent 's wishes became a recurring theme in several more cases following Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth . Bellotti v. Baird ( 1979 ) addressed a Massachusetts law that required a minor to acquire parental consent before an abortion was performed . But , unlike the Danforth case , this law allowed for judicial bypass if consent could not be acquired . Similar reasoning can be found in H.L. v. Matheson ( 1981 ) . This case ruled on the relatively milder regulation of parental notification as opposed to parental consent . In this case , the Court ruled that parental notification is constitutional since the parent could not veto the adolescent 's final decision to acquire an abortion . In Planned Parenthood of Kansas City v. Ashcroft ( 1983 ) , the Supreme Court ruled that parental consent is constitutional so long as it also allowed a judicial bypass if such consent could not be acquired . In Planned Parenthood of S.E. Pennsylvania v. Casey ( 1992 ) , the Court placed parental involvement firmly within a broader set of legal principles governing a woman 's constitutional right to an abortion . Parental involvement , and other regulations , were constitutional so long that they did not place an `` undue burden '' on a woman 's ability to acquire an abortion . In November 2011 , the Illinois Supreme Court agreed to consider whether the state must begin enforcing a 1995 law requiring parental notification . The Court ultimately agreed in July 2013 that the law ought to be enforced , with the parental notification law taking effect on August 15 . Debate ( edit ) The examples and perspective in this section deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject . You may improve this article , discuss the issue on the talk page , or create a new article , as appropriate . ( June 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Arguments in support ( edit ) Advocacy groups have made a number of arguments in favor of parental notification . Minors must have parental approval for most types of medical procedures . A study by the Heritage Foundation stated that overall , parental involvement laws reduce the number of teenage abortions . The pregnant minor might be pressured into having an abortion by an older boyfriend , so as to conceal the fact that he is guilty of statutory rape . Currently , the parents of the minor are financially responsible for any complications resulting from the abortion , unless said minor has been legally emancipated . Notification and consent laws give parents a chance to counsel their teenage daughters about the possible consequences of abortion . Not notifying parents supports pedophiles crimes to remain hidden . Arguments in opposition ( edit ) Advocacy groups on the other side have also made a number of arguments against parental notification : It has been argued that parental notification and consent laws increase the number of unsafe , illegal abortions . Women 's health organizations say , without providing supporting statistics , that in states that have notification or consent laws , there has been an increase in unsafe , illegal , `` back alley '' abortions . Many young women feel they can not talk to their parents about their sex lives or about rape or incest that they may have suffered , and may or may not seek illegal abortions as a result . In states that have notification or consent laws , minors will sometimes travel to a nearby state to have an abortion . Delays mean increased risks : Delaying an abortion may increase the likelihood of complications arising from abortion procedures . The risk of death to the mother as well , or major complications significantly increases for each week into pregnancy , particularly if the abortion is delayed until the third trimester . Judge Nixon of The District Court in Tennessee estimated `` that even under the best of circumstances , the ( judicial ) waiver process would take twenty - two days to complete -- a significant problem given the time - sensitive nature of pregnancy and the increased risk involved in later abortions . '' The American Academy of Pediatrics issued the following statement : `` Legislation mandating parental involvement does not achieve the intended benefit of promoting family communication , but it does increase the risk of harm to the adolescent by delaying access to appropriate medical care ... ( M ) inors should not be compelled or required to involve their parents in their decisions to obtain abortions , although they should be encouraged to discuss their pregnancies with their parents and other responsible adults . '' An American Medical Association study in 1992 showed that mandatory parental involvement laws `` increase the gestational age at which the induced pregnancy termination occurs , thereby also increasing the risk associated with the procedure . '' A study of abortions by researchers at Baruch College at City University of New York showed that Texas teens who were between 17 years , 6 months old and 18 years old were 34 % more likely to have an abortion in the much riskier second trimester than young women who were 18 or older when they became pregnant . Lawrence Finer , spokesperson for the Guttmacher Institute said : `` It just shows how laws like this can lead to health risks for teens . Abortion is a safe procedure , but it 's less safe later in the pregnancy . '' He suggest that parental involvement laws have a small effect on abortion rates compared with improved sexual education and birth control access and usage . Many minors of childbearing age are sufficiently mature to make abortion decisions by themselves . Other reproductive health issues such as STD testing and treatment do not require parental consent . Stance of the roman Catholic Church ( edit ) In 2009 , Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho excommunicated , or rather declared excommunicated ( since the canon law invoked imposes the excommunication automatically ) , the mother and doctors of a 9 - year - old girl for carrying out an abortion on the girl 's twin fetuses . The girl was impregnated by her own stepfather , who had repeatedly raped her since she was six years old . The doctors recommended the abortion because they believed the girl 's youth would prevent her from delivering the twins safely . The affair shocked the Brazilian government and provoked disgust from President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva . Pope Benedict XVI later gave a controversial speech in Angola where he condemned all forms of abortion , even those considered to be therapeutic . Therapeutic abortion is the term for abortions that are typically performed to save the life of the mother or in which the fetus has been found to have a defect incompatible with life . See also ( edit ) Abortion Abortion debate Abortion law Age of consent Conscience clause ( medical ) Emancipation of minors Mature minor doctrine Gillick competence Informed consent Paternal rights and abortion Parental consent Legal protection of access to abortion Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy and sexual health in the United Kingdom Youth rights References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Abortion Guide ( in French ) Archived 2012 - 09 - 05 at the Wayback Machine . pages 34 and 35 , from the French Ministry of Health Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act , 1996 ( Act No. 92 of 1996 ) Jump up ^ Christian Lawyers Association v Minister of Health and Others ( Reproductive Health Alliance as amicus curiae ) 2005 ( 1 ) SA 509 ( T ) ( 24 May 2004 ) , Transvaal Provincial Division Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Long , Ray ( 1 December 2011 ) . `` State High Court to Hear Dispute About Abortion Parental Notification Law '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved 16 January 2012 . Jump up ^ . Missing or empty title = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : `` Age of Majority '' . West 's Encyclopedia of American Law . 2nd Ed . Ed . Jeffrey Lehman and Shirelle Phelps . Gale Cengage , 2005 . 2006 . Retrieved 25 September 2008 . Jump up ^ Heritage Foundation : Analyzing the Effect of State Legislation on the Incidence of Abortion Among Minors ^ Jump up to : `` Parental Consent and Notification for Teen Abortions : The Pros and Cons of Compulsory Parental Involvement '' . . Retrieved 25 February 2012 . Jump up ^ Genevra Pittman , `` Abortion safer than giving birth : study '' , Reuters , 23 January 2012 Jump up ^ Mahkorn , `` Pregnancy and Sexual Assault '' , The Psychological Aspects of Abortion , eds . Mall & Watts , ( Washington , D.C. , University Publications of America , 1979 ) 55 - 69 Jump up ^ Choice Matters : Good Reasons to Oppose Parental Consent Laws ^ Jump up to : Pro Choice America `` The Status of Women 's Reproductive Rights in the United States '' Jump up ^ CARAL Reproductive Health and right Center , `` District Court Invalidates Tennessee Parental Consent for Abortions '' Jump up ^ American Academy of Pediatrics , Committee on Adolescence , `` The Adolescent 's Right to Confidential Care When Considering Abortion '' , Pediatrics , Vol. 97 , # 5 ( 1996 - MAY ) , Page 746 . Jump up ^ American Medical Association , `` Induced Termination of Pregnancy Before and After Roe v. Wade , Trends in the Mortality and Morbidity of Women '' , JAMA , Vol. 268 , # 22 ( 1992 - DEC ) , Page 3238 . Jump up ^ Lisa Falkenberg : `` Study : Texas parental law might lower -- and delay -- teen abortion '' Houston Chronicle , 2006 - MAR - 09 Jump up ^ BELLOTTI V. BAIRD , 443 U.S. 622 ( 1979 ) - Declares a Massachusetts parental consent law unconstitutional because it does n't allow minors who are mature enough to consent to forgo parental consent requirements via a judicial bypass . Jump up ^ Ertelt , Steven ( 2008 - 03 - 05 ) . `` Brazil Catholic Church Excommunicates Doctors Who Did Abortion on Little Girl '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 07 . Jump up ^ Pope reiterates church ban on abortion Jump up ^ Radio Vatican External links ( edit ) In support Why We Need The Child Custody Protection Act -- NRLC Analyzing the Effect of State Legislation on the Incidence of Abortion Among Minors -- Heritage Foundation In opposition Restrictions on Young Women 's Access to Abortion -- NARAL Laws Requiring Parental Consent or Notification for Minors ' Abortions -- Planned Parenthood Neutral -- Non-partisan Analysis of California 's Proposition 85 ( Parental Notification & Waiting Period for Minors ' Abortions -- November 2006 Election ) Abortion Main topics History of abortion Methods of abortion Abortion debate Abortion law Movements Abortion - rights movements Anti-abortion movements Issues Abortion and mental health Beginning of human personhood Beginning of pregnancy controversy Abortion - breast cancer hypothesis Anti-abortion violence Birth control Crisis pregnancy center Ethical aspects of abortion Eugenics Fetal rights Forced abortion Genetics and abortion Late - term abortion Legalized abortion and crime effect Libertarian perspectives on abortion Limit of viability Men 's rights Minors and abortion One - child policy Paternal rights and abortion Philosophical aspects of the abortion debate Prenatal development Reproductive rights Self - induced abortion Sex - selective abortion Sidewalk counseling Societal attitudes towards abortion Toxic abortion Unsafe abortion Women 's rights By country Africa Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Namibia Nigeria South Africa Uganda Zimbabwe Americas Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Guyana Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Trinidad and Tobago Suriname United States Uruguay Venezuela Asia Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Cyprus East Timor India Iran Israel Japan Kazakhstan Northern Cyprus Philippines Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Turkey Australasia Australia Fiji Kiribati New Zealand Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Europe Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Northern Cyprus Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Law Case law Constitutional law History of abortion law Laws by country Buffer zones Conscience clauses Fetal heartbeat bills Fetal protection Informed consent Late - term restrictions Parental involvement Spousal consent Methods Vacuum aspiration Dilation and evacuation Dilation and curettage Intact D&X Hysterotomy Instillation Menstrual extraction Abortifacient drugs Methotrexate Mifepristone Misoprostol Oxytocin Self - induced abortion Unsafe abortion Religion Buddhism Christianity Catholicism Hinduism Islam Judaism Scientology WikiSource Wikiquote Wiktionary Wikiversity Lists of countries by laws and law enforcement rankings Age of Consent Legal candidacy for political office Criminal responsibility Legal drinking Legal driving Majority Legal marriage Retirement age Mandatory retirement School - leaving age Legal smoking Voting Suffrage Youth suffrage Working age Drugs Alcohol Alcohol consumption Alcohol law Bath salts Legal status of Mephedrone Legal status of MPDV Legal status of Methylone Cannabis Legality annual use lifetime use Cocaine use Legality Methamphetamine Legality LSD Legality Opiate use Salvia divinorum Legality Death Legality of euthanasia Homicide by decade Law enforcement killings Legality of suicide Legality of assisted suicide Guns Deaths Ownership Punishment Corporal punishment At home At school In court Death penalty Incarceration Obscenity Incest Laws Pornography Child pornography Simulated child pornography Drawn pornography depicting minors Internet pornography Prostitution Sexual assault Child sexual abuse Rape Sodomy law Sex trafficking Zoophilia Censorship Censorship by country Book censorship by country Film censorship by country Internet censorship by country Cartographic censorship Political censorship Video gaming censorship by country Human rights Children 's rights Children in the military Intersex rights LGBT Rights Slavery Human trafficking Freedom of movement by country In the air Abode Property and Environmental Air Estate Land Minerals Mining Mortgage Water Riparian water Business Corporate Corporate liability Competition Mergers and acquisitions Monopoly Legality of bitcoin by country or territory International ownership International waters Sea law Maritime law Antarctic Treaty System Other Abortion law Minors and abortion Animal rights Immigration law Human cloning National legal systems Police brutality Prisoner abuse Religious law Separation of church and state Sharia Size of police forces World Justice Project List of international rankings List of top international rankings by country Lists by country Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Adolescent sexuality Abortion debate Abortion law Family law Sex laws Youth rights Hidden categories : Articles with French - 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
how old do you have to be to get an abortion without parental consent uk
Parental involvement laws in the UK ; if the girl is seen as competent by medical staff no disclosure to parents is allowed . In most cases , girls aged 13 or above will be covered by this provision but pre-teenagers will not and parents , social workers and police can become involved to protect the child . Around 120 12 - year - olds , at least five 11 - year - olds and two nine - year - olds have had legal abortions since 1996 . In 2005 , Sue Axon , of Manchester , wanted the law changed to prevent girls under 16 getting confidential advice . However , the High Court had rejected a review of guidelines which state that terminations do not need parents ' consent and doctors should respect girls ' confidentiality .
Amelia Heinle - wikipedia Amelia Heinle This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification . Please help by adding reliable sources . Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately , especially if potentially libelous or harmful . ( March 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Amelia Heinle Heinle in 2014 Amelia March Heinle ( 1973 - 03 - 17 ) March 17 , 1973 ( age 45 ) Phoenix , Arizona , U.S. Other names Amelia Weatherly Occupation Actress Years active 1993 -- present Spouse ( s ) Michael Weatherly ( m . 1995 ; div. 1997 ) Thad Luckinbill ( m . 2007 ; div. 2017 ) Children Amelia Heinle Luckinbill ( née Amelia March Heinle , formerly Weatherly ; born March 17 , 1973 ) is an American actress best known for her roles in American soap operas . Contents 1 Early life 2 Career 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 4.1 Film 4.2 Television 5 Awards and nominations 6 References 7 External links Early Life ( edit ) Amelia March Heinle was born in Phoenix , Arizona , and has four younger siblings . She grew up in Arizona and moved to New Jersey with her family when she was 15 years old . Career ( edit ) From 1993 to 1995 she played the role of Stephanie `` Steffi '' Brewster on the soap opera Loving . She also played the character for two months in that show 's short - lived spin off The City from November 1995 until January 1996 . In 1994 she was nominated for a Soap Opera Digest Award for `` Outstanding Female Newcomer '' . Through the 1990s she appeared in many made for TV movies , as well as a role in the 1999 Steven Soderbergh film , The Limey , as Peter Fonda 's girlfriend . She appeared in the music video for `` I Will Buy You a New Life '' by Everclear . In 2001 she returned to the world of daytime television , this time in the role of Mia Saunders on All My Children , the heretofore unknown half - sister of Liza Colby ( Marcy Walker ) . Although she started as a front - burner character , her romantic pairing with Jake Martin ( J. Eddie Peck ) did n't work out because of the actor 's exit from the show , and so Mia was limited to being a background character . In 2004 , Heinle opted not to renew her contract with All My Children and left the show . On March 21 , 2005 , Heinle joined the cast of the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless , as Victoria Newman , replacing the popular Heather Tom in the role . She won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2014 and again in 2015 for the role . In April 2009 Heinle appeared in season 4 , episode 20 , of Ghost Whisperer , entitled `` Stage Fright '' , with husband Thad Luckinbill and fellow daytime drama actress Lesli Kay . Personal Life ( edit ) In February 1995 , she married her Loving co-star and on - screen love interest , Michael Weatherly , who played the role of `` Cooper Alden '' . On January 10 , 1996 , Heinle gave birth to her first child , a son . She and Weatherly divorced in 1997 . In March 2007 she married her Young and the Restless co-star , Thad Luckinbill , notable for portraying her onscreen ex-husband , J.T. Hellstrom . The couple welcomed their first child together , a son , on November 2 , 2007 . They welcomed their second child , a daughter , on December 17 , 2009 . On March 1 , 2017 , Luckinbill filed for divorce from Heinle , citing `` irreconcilable differences '' . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1998 At Sachem Farm Laurie 1999 Liar 's Poker Rebecca 1999 The Limey Adhara 2003 Another Night Woman Short Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1993 -- 1995 Loving Stephanie Brewster TV series 1995 The City Stephanie Brewster TV series Quicksilver Highway Darlene TV film 1998 Black Cat Run Sara Jane Bronnel TV film 1999 Purgatory Rose / Betty McCullough TV film 1999 Jack & Jill Jacqueline ' Jack ' Barrett Unaired pilot , replaced by Amanda Peet 2000 Sally Hemings : An American Scandal Harriet Hemings TV film 2000 The Only Living Boy in New York Olivia TV film Earth vs. the Spider Stephanie Lewis TV film 2001 -- 2004 All My Children Mia Saunders TV series 2005 -- present The Young and the Restless Victoria Newman Regular role 2009 CSI : Miami Elizabeth Corbett `` Chip / Tuck '' 2009 Ghost Whisperer Prof. Brook Dennis `` Stage Fright '' Awards and nominations ( edit ) List of acting awards and nominations Year Award Title Result Ref . 2014 Daytime Emmy Award Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series The Young and the Restless Won 2015 Daytime Emmy Award Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series The Young and the Restless Won References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Soap Opera Digest ( vol. 35 , no. 17 , pg. 65 ) ^ Jump up to : `` Amelia Heinle 411 '' . Soap Opera Digest . Archived from the original on May 2 , 2012 . Retrieved March 18 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Amelia Heinle Biography '' . . Archived from the original on November 13 , 2013 . Retrieved September 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Sutton , Joe ( 27 April 2015 ) . `` Daytime Emmy Awards : ' Days ' and ' Restless ' in a tie - '' . CNN . Retrieved 29 April 2015 . Jump up ^ ( November 13 , 2007 ) `` Amelia Heinle and Thad Luckinbill Welcome Thaddeus Rowe '' . Retrieved July 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Leon , Anya ( December 23 , 2009 ) `` Thad Luckinbill and Amelia Heinle Welcome Daughter Georgia March '' . . Retrieved July 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` About The Young and the Restless : Baby News '' . CBS . Archived from the original on January 31 , 2010 . Retrieved December 26 , 2009 . Jump up ^ SOD ( March 2 , 2017 ) . `` Real - Life Y&R Couple Splits '' . Soap Opera Digest . United States : American Media , Inc . Archived from the original on March 2 , 2017 . Retrieved March 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The 41st Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy Award Winners '' . New York : and National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences . June 16 , 2013 . Archived from the original on June 23 , 2014 . Retrieved June 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 42nd Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy Award Winners '' . Burbank : and National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences . April 26 , 2015 . Archived from the original on April 27 , 2015 . Retrieved April 26 , 2015 . External links ( edit ) Amelia Heinle on IMDb Amelia Heinle Interview Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Suzanne Rogers ( 1979 ) Francesca James ( 1980 ) Jane Elliot ( 1981 ) Dorothy Lyman ( 1982 ) Louise Shaffer ( 1983 ) Judi Evans ( 1984 ) Beth Maitland ( 1985 ) Leann Hunley ( 1986 ) Kathleen Noone ( 1987 ) Ellen Wheeler ( 1988 ) Nancy Lee Grahn / Debbi Morgan ( 1989 ) Julia Barr ( 1990 ) Jess Walton ( 1991 ) Maeve Kinkead ( 1992 ) Ellen Parker ( 1993 ) Susan Haskell ( 1994 ) Rena Sofer ( 1995 ) Anna Holbrook ( 1996 ) Michelle Stafford ( 1997 ) Julia Barr ( 1998 ) Sharon Case ( 1999 ) Sarah Joy Brown ( 2000 ) Lesli Kay ( 2001 ) Crystal Chappell ( 2002 ) Vanessa Marcil ( 2003 ) Cady McClain ( 2004 ) Natalia Livingston ( 2005 ) Gina Tognoni ( 2006 ) Genie Francis ( 2007 ) Gina Tognoni ( 2008 ) Tamara Braun ( 2009 ) Julie Pinson ( 2010 ) Heather Tom ( 2011 ) Nancy Lee Grahn ( 2012 ) Julie Berman ( 2013 ) Amelia Heinle ( 2014 ) Amelia Heinle ( 2015 ) Jessica Collins ( 2016 ) Kate Mansi ( 2017 ) Camryn Grimes ( 2018 ) WorldCat Identities BNF : cb140225120 ( data ) ISNI : 0000 0001 1440 9569 VIAF : 32196621 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : American soap opera actresses American television actresses 1973 births Living people Actresses from Phoenix , Arizona People from Casa Grande , Arizona 20th - century American actresses 21st - century American actresses Hidden categories : BLP articles lacking sources from March 2009 All BLP articles lacking sources Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français 한국어 Nederlands Polski Português Русский Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 20 August 2018 , at 06 : 44 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays victoria in young and the restless
Amelia Heinle Luckinbill ( née Amelia March Heinle , formerly Weatherly ; born March 17 , 1973 ) is an American actress best known for her roles in American soap operas .
College Football Playoff - wikipedia College Football Playoff Jump to : navigation , search College Football Playoff In operation 2014 -- present Preceded by BCS ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Bowl Alliance ( 1995 -- 1997 ) Bowl Coalition ( 1992 -- 1994 ) Number of playoff games 3 ( championship game , 2 semifinal games ) Championship trophy College Football Playoff National Championship Trophy Television partner ( s ) ESPN ( 2014 -- present ) Most playoff appearances Alabama ( 4 ) Most playoff wins Alabama ( 5 ) Most playoff championships Alabama ( 2 ) Conference with most appearances SEC ( 5 ) Conference with most game wins SEC ( 6 ) Conference with most championships SEC ( 2 ) Last championship game 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship Current champion Alabama Executive director Bill Hancock Website The College Football Playoff ( CFP ) is an annual postseason invitational tournament to award a mythical national championship to an NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision ( FBS ) school . The inaugural tournament was held at the end of the 2014 NCAA Division I FBS football season . Four teams play in two semifinal games , and the winner of each semifinal advances to the College Football Playoff National Championship . The College Football Playoff is not an officially sanctioned championship event by the NCAA , the sport 's governing body . The NCAA has never recognized an `` official '' national championship for FBS football , instead merely recognizing the decisions made any of a number of independent major championship selectors . Consequently , Division I FBS football is the only NCAA sport in which a yearly national champion is not determined by an NCAA event , nor is an official NCAA national championship awarded . Nevertheless , the CFP 's inauguration in 2014 marked the first time a major championship selector was able to determine their champion by using a bracket competition . From 2014 until present , a 13 - member committee has been selecting and seeding the four teams to take part . This system differs from the use of polls or computer rankings that had previously been used to select the participants for the Bowl Championship Series ( BCS ) , the title system used in FBS from 1998 to 2013 . The new format is a Plus - One system , an idea which became popular as an alternative to the BCS after the 2003 and 2004 seasons ended in controversy . The two semifinal games rotate among six major bowl games , referred to as the New Year 's Six : the Rose Bowl , Sugar Bowl , Orange Bowl , Cotton Bowl , Fiesta Bowl , and Peach Bowl . In addition to the four teams selected for the playoff , the final CFP rankings are used to help determine the participants for the other four New Year 's Six bowls that are not hosting the semifinals that year . The New Year 's Six represent six of the ten oldest bowl games currently played at the FBS level . The semifinals are scheduled usually on Friday , Saturday , or Monday close to , or on , New Years Day , with some flexibility to ensure that bowl games traditionally held on New Year 's Day are not in conflict with the semi-final games . The CFP National Championship is then played on the first Monday that is six or more days after the semifinals . The venue of the championship game is selected based on bids submitted by cities , similar to the Super Bowl or NCAA Final Four . The winner of the game is awarded the College Football Playoff National Championship Trophy . Playoff officials commissioned a new trophy that was unconnected with the previous championship systems ( such as the AFCA `` crystal football '' trophy which had been regularly presented after the championship game since the 1990s ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Selection process 1.1 Selection committee 1.1. 1 Past members 1.2 Voting procedure 2 Impact on scheduling 3 Semifinals 4 Championship game 5 Appearances 5.1 College Football Playoff appearances by team 5.2 College Football Playoff appearances by conference 6 Broadcasting 6.1 Ratings 7 Revenue 8 Leadership 8.1 Board of Managers 8.2 Athletics Directors Advisory Group 9 Criticism 9.1 Team selection 9.2 Selection committee 9.3 Scheduling 10 See also 11 References 12 External links Selection process ( edit ) Selection committee ( edit ) The first College Football Playoff selection committee was announced on October 16 , 2013 . The group consists of 13 members who generally serve three - year terms , although some initial selections served terms both shorter and longer than three years `` to achieve a rotation '' of members . The current members of the selection committee are : Member Position Conference affiliation Recusals Term expires Hocutt , Kirby Kirby Hocutt ( chairman ) Texas Tech athletic director ; former Kansas State linebacker Big 12 Texas Tech February 2018 Howard , Christopher B. Christopher B. Howard Robert Morris University President ; former Air Force running back N / A None February 2020 Bower , Jeff Jeff Bower Former Southern Miss head coach N / A Southern Miss February 2019 Deromedi , Herb Herb Deromedi Former Central Michigan head coach N / A Central Michigan February 2019 Jernstedt , Tom Tom Jernstedt Former NCAA executive vice president ; former Oregon quarterback N / A None February 2018 Johnson , Bobby Bobby Johnson Former Vanderbilt head coach ; former Clemson player N / A None February 2018 Long , Jeff Jeff Long Former Arkansas athletic director SEC Arkansas , Missouri February 2018 Mullens , Rob Rob Mullens Oregon athletic director Pac - 12 Oregon February 2019 Radakovich , Dan Dan Radakovich Clemson athletic director , father of current Clemson player ACC Clemson February 2018 Beamer , Frank Frank Beamer Former Virginia Tech head coach N / A Georgia , Virginia Tech February 2020 Wieberg , Steve Steve Wieberg Former USA Today reporter N / A None February 2018 Willingham , Tyrone Tyrone Willingham Former Stanford , Notre Dame and Washington head coach N / A Duke , Stanford February 2018 Smith , Gene Gene Smith Ohio State athletic director Big Ten Ohio State February 2020 Jump up ^ Current or former , athletic department administration only . Jump up ^ Any programs for which members are required to recuse themselves from voting or discussions . Jump up ^ In addition to Arkansas , Long is recused from Missouri because his daughter attends the school and works in its athletic department . Jump up ^ In addition to Virginia Tech , Beamer is recused from Georgia because his son Shane is the Bulldogs ' tight ends coach and special teams coordinator . Jump up ^ Willingham is recused from Stanford because his son is currently on the Cardinal coaching staff , and from Duke because his daughter is employed at the school . The committee members include one current athletic director from each of the five `` major '' conferences -- ACC , Big Ten , Big 12 , Pac - 12 , and SEC -- also known as the Power Five conferences . Other members are former coaches , players , athletic directors , and administrators , plus a retired member of the media . The goal was for the panel to consist proportionally of current `` Power Five '' athletic directors , former coaches , and a third group of other voters , excluding current conference commissioners , coaches , and media members . During the selection process , organizers said they wanted the committee to be geographically balanced . Conference commissioners submitted lists totaling more than 100 names from which to select the final committee members . Past members ( edit ) Member Position Conference affiliation Season ( s ) Replaced by Gould , Michael C. Michael C. Gould Former Air Force Academy superintendent N / A 2014 -- 15 Jeff Bower Osborne , Tom Tom Osborne Former Nebraska coach and athletic director Big Ten / Big 12 2014 -- 15 Lloyd Carr Tranghese , Mike Mike Tranghese Former Big East commissioner The American 2014 -- 15 Herb Deromedi Haden , Pat Pat Haden USC athletic director ; former USC quarterback Pac - 12 2014 Rob Mullens Luck , Oliver Oliver Luck Former West Virginia athletic director Big 12 2014 Kirby Hocutt Manning , Archie Archie Manning Former NFL and Ole Miss quarterback N / A - Bobby Johnson Carr , Lloyd Lloyd Carr Former Michigan coach Big Ten - Chris Howard Rice , Condoleezza Condoleezza Rice Former Secretary of state N / A 2014 -- 16 Frank Beamer Alvarez , Barry Barry Alvarez Former Wisconsin coach and athletic director Big Ten 2014 -- 16 Gene Smith The selection of Condoleezza Rice , a former U.S. Secretary of State and Stanford University provost , was met with some backlash within the sport and the media . Critics questioned her qualifications , citing gender and lack of football experience . Jump up ^ Current or former , athletic department administration only . Jump up ^ Stepped down October 30 , 2015 , citing health reasons and instability at USC . Did not participate in 2015 season committee . Jump up ^ Left the committee in 2015 , before his term expired , after resigning as West Virginia athletic director to work for the NCAA as executive vice president of regulatory affairs . Jump up ^ Took a leave of absence for health reasons in October 2014 and stepped down in March 2015 . Never participated in any committee voting . Jump up ^ Left the committee in 2016 before the season started for health reasons . Committee stayed at 12 members rather than replacing him . Voting Procedure ( edit ) The committee releases its top 25 rankings weekly on Tuesdays in the second half of the regular season . The top four teams are seeded in that order for the playoff . During the season , the committee meets and releases rankings six or seven times , depending on the length of the season ( the number of games is consistent , but the number of weeks those games are played over can vary from year to year ) . The group , which meets at the Gaylord Texan hotel in Grapevine , Texas , reportedly meets in person up to 10 total times a year . A team 's strength of schedule is one of the most pertinent considerations for the committee in making its selections . Other factors that the committee weighs are conference championships , team records , and head - to - head results , plus other points such as injuries and weather . Unlike the BCS system , the AP Poll , Coaches ' Poll , and the Harris Poll , computer rankings are not used to make the selections . Advanced statistics and metrics are expected to be submitted to the committee , though like other analytics , they have no formal role in the decision . Committee members are not required to attend games . Long said the panel considered less frequent rankings , but ultimately decided on a weekly release . `` That 's what the fans have become accustomed to , and we felt it would leave a void in college football without a ranking for several weeks , '' he said . Long also noted : `` Early on there was some talk that we would go into a room at the end of the season and come out with a top four , but that did n't last long . '' In analyzing this change in thinking , Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated commented : `` The whole point of the selection committee was to replace the simplistic horse - race nature of Top 25 polls -- where teams only move up if someone above them loses -- with a more deliberative evaluation method . Now the playoff folks are going to try to do both . '' Addressing the `` pecking order '' nature of traditional polls , George Schrodeder of USA Today wrote that `` if it actually works as intended , we could see volatile swings '' from week to week , with lower - ranked teams moving ahead of higher - ranked teams without either team losing ( a rarity in traditional polls ) . Both Long and Bill Hancock , the CFP executive director , say they expect that to happen . The committee 's voting method uses multiple ballots , similar to the NCAA basketball tournament selection process and the entire process is facilitated through custom software developed by Code Authority in Frisco , Texas . From a large initial pool of teams , the group takes numerous votes on successive tiers of teams , considering six at a time and coming to a consensus on how they should be ranked , then repeating the process with the next tier of teams . Discussion and debate happens at each voting step . All votes are by secret ballot , and committee members do not make their ballots public . Each week 's ranking process begins anew , with no weight given to the previous week 's selections . In this fashion , the committee selects the four teams to compete for the national championship . Committee members who are currently employed or financially compensated by a school , or have family members who have a current financial relationship ( which includes football players ) , are not allowed to vote for that school . During deliberations about a team 's selection , members with such a conflict of interest can not be present , but can answer factual questions about the institution . All committee members have past ties to certain NCAA institutions , but the committee decided to ignore those ties in the recusal requirements . `` We just boiled it down to where we felt this group was fit to its high integrity and would differentiate from those past relationships , '' Long said . Some football writers , like Dennis Dodd and Mark Schlabach , have said the recusal arrangement is n't transparent or objective , suggesting that members ' alma maters and former coaching jobs should be considered disqualifying conflicts of interest . Impact on scheduling ( edit ) `` Strength of schedule will become such an important factor ... that if you want to be under consideration , you need to have a more meaningful schedule than perhaps you 've had in previous years . '' -- Tom Jernstedt , selection committee member Due to the increased emphasis on strength of schedule , teams have considered playing more challenging opponents during the non-conference portion of their schedules . Some teams have traditionally played three or four `` weak '' non-conference opponents , but wins against such low - level competition are unlikely to impress the committee . For teams on the cusp of making the playoff four , `` I think one of the first things the committee will look at is strength of schedule , '' said selector Oliver Luck . Teams in the Big Ten , Big 12 and Pac - 12 play nine conference games on their twelve - game schedules and thus only have flexibility in choosing their opponents for the three non-league games . Some programs are opting to increase their schedule strength by scheduling high - profile matchups at neutral sites and on weeknights , garnering primetime TV exclusivity . In response to the new playoff system , the Southeastern Conference considered increasing its conference schedule from eight to nine games , with Alabama coach Nick Saban a vocal proponent . According to Jon Solomon of the Birmingham News , `` The prevailing opinion among SEC athletics directors : The SEC is difficult enough that there 's no need for a ninth game . '' Some in the conference , like Mississippi State athletic director Scott Stricklin , opined that a nine - game SEC schedule would result in more teams with two losses . Commissioner Michael Slive and Vanderbilt AD David Williams , among others , supported a stronger out - of - league schedule , which would likely impress the committee . In April 2014 , the league voted to mandate that all SEC teams must play a Power Five foe ( ACC , Big Ten , Big 12 , Pac - 12 , or independent Notre Dame ) in its non-conference slate beginning in 2016 . Slive noted this rule `` gives us the added strength - of - schedule we were seeking '' . In 2014 , the first year of the College Football Playoff , one team played two opponents from the Power Five , nine of the 14 teams played one Power Five conference opponent and three lower - level opponents ( including one FCS school ) , and four teams did not face a Power Five foe . In the spring of 2015 , the SEC decided to count games played against Independents BYU and Army toward its Power Five requirement . The ACC , whose teams also play eight conference games ( plus Notre Dame at least once every three years ) , also considered moving to a nine - game conference schedule . However , the league opted to stay with the eight - plus - Notre Dame model , stipulating instead that teams would have to play one Power Five school in their non-league slates beginning in 2017 , which would include the Notre Dame game or other ACC schools , as will games against another FBS independent , BYU . Despite the push to increase schedule strength , some ACC coaches preferred the scheduling flexibility available with fewer permanent fixtures on a team 's slate . Opinion was split among league athletic directors on moving to a nine - game schedule prior to the vote . An SEC expansion to a nine - game schedule would limit the ACC 's opportunities to play Power Five non-conference opponents . Semifinals ( edit ) Main article : List of College Football Playoff games The College Football Playoff uses a four - team knockout bracket to determine the national champion . Six of the most historic bowl games -- the Rose Bowl , Sugar Bowl , Orange Bowl , Cotton Bowl , Fiesta Bowl , and Peach Bowl -- rotate as hosts for the semifinals . The rotation is set on a three - year cycle with the following pairings : Rose / Sugar , Orange / Cotton , and Fiesta / Peach . The two semifinal bowls and the other four top - tier bowls are marketed as the `` New Year 's Six '' . Three of these bowls played per day , typically on consecutive days that include New Year 's Day . The selection committee seeds and pairs the top four teams , and additionally assigns teams to the at - large bowls ( Cotton , Fiesta , and Peach ) in years when they do not host semifinals . The four - team format pits the No. 1 - ranked team against No. 4 and No. 2 vs. No. 3 . The selection committee seeds the two semifinal games , placing the top - seeded team at the closest site to prevent it from playing in a `` road '' environment . There are no limits on the number of teams per conference , a change from previous BCS rules . However , some non-semifinal bowl selections still maintain their conference tie - ins , similarly to the BCS 's automatic qualifier berths . A team from one of the `` Group of Five '' conferences is guaranteed a spot in one of the New Year 's Six bowls . Season Semifinal Winner Loser Score Venue 2014 -- 15 Rose Bowl 2 Oregon 3 Florida State 59 -- 20 Rose Bowl Stadium , Pasadena , California Sugar Bowl 4 Ohio State 1 Alabama 42 -- 35 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2015 -- 16 Orange Bowl 1 Clemson 4 Oklahoma 37 -- 17 Sun Life Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida Cotton Bowl 2 Alabama 3 Michigan State 38 -- 0 AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2016 -- 17 Fiesta Bowl 2 Clemson 3 Ohio State 31 -- 0 University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona Peach Bowl 1 Alabama 4 Washington 24 -- 7 Georgia Dome , Atlanta , Georgia 2017 -- 18 Rose Bowl 3 Georgia 2 Oklahoma 54 -- 48 Rose Bowl Stadium , Pasadena , California Sugar Bowl 4 Alabama 1 Clemson 24 -- 6 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2018 -- 19 Orange Bowl Hard Rock Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida Cotton Bowl AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2019 -- 20 Fiesta Bowl University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona Peach Bowl Mercedes - Benz Stadium , Atlanta , Georgia Championship game ( edit ) Main article : College Football Playoff National Championship Cities around the country bid to host each year 's championship game . The playoff group 's leaders make a selection from those proposals , in a similar fashion to other large sporting events , such as the Super Bowl or NCAA Final Four . Officials say the championship game will be held in a different city each year , and that bids must propose host stadiums with a capacity of at least 65,000 spectators . Under the system , cities can not host both a semifinal game and the title game in the same year . Season Champion Runner - up Score Venue 2014 -- 15 4 Ohio State 2 Oregon 42 -- 20 AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2015 -- 16 2 Alabama 1 Clemson 45 -- 40 University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona 2016 -- 17 2 Clemson 1 Alabama 35 -- 31 Raymond James Stadium , Tampa , Florida 2017 -- 18 4 Alabama 3 Georgia 26 - 23 Mercedes - Benz Stadium , Atlanta , Georgia 2018 -- 19 Levi 's Stadium , Santa Clara , California 2019 -- 20 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2020 -- 21 Hard Rock Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida 2021 -- 22 Lucas Oil Stadium , Indianapolis , Indiana 2022 -- 23 Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park , Inglewood , California 2023 -- 24 NRG Stadium , Houston , Texas Appearances ( edit ) For the list of College Football Playoff New Year 's Six Bowl Appearances , see College Football Playoff New Year 's Six . For the list of College Football Playoff National Champions , see College Football Playoff National Championship . College Football Playoff appearances by team ( edit ) Alabama Clemson Georgia Florida State Michigan State Ohio State Oklahoma Oregon Washington Teams that have appeared in the College Football Playoff -- 4 appearances , -- 3 appearances , -- 2 appearances , -- 1 appearance Alabama Clemson Ohio State Teams that have won the College Football Playoff -- 2 championships , -- 1 championship Appearances Team Pct Games Alabama 5 . 714 Lost 2015 Sugar Bowl Won 2015 Cotton Bowl ( Dec. 2015 ) Won 2016 CFP National Championship Won 2016 Peach Bowl Lost 2017 CFP National Championship Won 2018 Sugar Bowl Won 2018 CFP National Championship Clemson . 600 Won 2015 Orange Bowl Lost 2016 CFP National Championship Won 2016 Fiesta Bowl ( Dec. 2016 ) Won 2017 CFP National Championship Lost 2018 Sugar Bowl Ohio State . 667 Won 2015 Sugar Bowl Won 2015 CFP National Championship Lost 2016 Fiesta Bowl ( Dec. 2016 ) Oklahoma 0 . 000 Lost 2015 Orange Bowl Lost 2018 Rose Bowl Georgia . 500 Won 2018 Rose Bowl Lost 2018 CFP National Championship Oregon . 500 Won 2015 Rose Bowl Lost 2015 CFP National Championship Florida State 0 . 000 Lost 2015 Rose Bowl Michigan State 0 . 000 Lost 2015 Cotton Bowl ( Dec. 2015 ) Washington 0 . 000 Lost 2016 Peach Bowl College Football Playoff appearances by conference ( edit ) Conference Appearances Pct Championships # of teams Teams ( s ) SEC 5 6 . 667 Alabama ( 4 ) Georgia ( 1 ) ACC . 500 Clemson ( 3 ) Florida State ( 1 ) Big Ten . 500 Ohio State ( 2 ) Michigan State ( 1 ) Pac - 12 . 333 0 Oregon ( 1 ) Washington ( 1 ) Big 12 0 . 000 0 Oklahoma ( 2 ) Broadcasting ( edit ) The television broadcast rights to all six CFP bowls and the National Championship are owned by ESPN through at least the 2025 season . ESPN then reached 12 - year agreements to retain rights to the Rose Bowl , Orange Bowl , and Sugar Bowl following the dissolution of the Bowl Championship Series . In November , ESPN reached a 12 - year deal to broadcast the remaining three bowls , the championship game , as well as shoulder programming such as ranking shows ; as a whole , the contract is valued at around $470 million per year , or nearly $5.7 billion for the life of the contract . Ratings ( edit ) The inaugural College Football Playoff games in January 2015 generated larger ratings than previous BCS games . The 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship had an 18.9 Nielsen rating and was watched by approximately 33.4 million people , the largest broadcast audience of all time on American cable television ( non-broadcast ) , according to AdWeek . That was a 31 percent audience increase over the previous year 's championship game and a 22 percent increase over the BCS title game 's best rating on cable ( a 16.1 rating in 2011 ) . The semifinal games , the 2015 Rose Bowl and 2015 Sugar Bowl , saw 28.16 million and 28.27 million viewers , respectively . According to ESPN , these games also set ( and briefly held ) all - time records for cable TV viewership . In 2015 , the ratings for the two semifinal games were down from the prior season 's equivalents , with the Orange Bowl reaching a 9.7 rating ( in comparison to 15.5 for the 2015 Rose Bowl ) and the Cotton Bowl reaching a 9.9 rating ( in comparison to a 15.3 rating for the 2015 Sugar Bowl ) . On the online WatchESPN streaming service , excluding 2014 FIFA World Cup games , the Cotton Bowl and the Orange Bowl drew the second and third - largest streaming audiences in the service 's history , behind the 2015 national championship . The ratings drops were attributed to the New Year 's Eve time slot , as fewer people were at home to watch the game . The decline in ratings was a factor in changes for the scheduling of future CFP semi-final games . Revenue ( edit ) In 2012 , ESPN reportedly paid about $7.3 billion over 12 years for broadcasting rights to all seven games , an average of about $608 million per year . That includes $215 million per year which was already committed to the Rose , Sugar and Orange bowls , plus $470 -- 475 million annually for the rest of the package . By comparison , the most recent contract with the BCS and the Rose Bowl had paid approximately $155 million per year for five games . The average revenue to the new system over 12 years is to be about $500 million per year . After $125 -- 150 million in expenses , the Power Five conferences split about 71.5 percent of the remaining money , for an approximate average payout of $250 million a year ( $50 million per league ) over the life of the contract . The `` Group of Five '' conferences split 27 percent , about $90 million a year ( $18 million per league ) . Notre Dame receives around one percent , about $3.5 - 4 million , and other FBS independents get about 0.5 percent of the deal . Extra revenue goes to conferences in contracts with the Rose , Sugar , and Orange bowls , which split revenue 50 / 50 between their participating leagues . In non-semifinal years , the Rose Bowl 's TV revenue would be divided between the Big Ten and Pac - 12 conferences ; likewise , the Sugar Bowl and Orange Bowl revenue to its participant conferences . When those bowls are semifinal games , the money is distributed by the playoff system to all FBS conferences . ESPN has paid about $80 million a year each for the Rose and Sugar bowls over 12 years . The Orange Bowl deal is worth $55 million per year . For example , in a non-semifinal year , the Big Ten could receive about $90 million ( half of its $80 million Rose Bowl deal plus about $50 million from the playoff system ) . Conferences receive an additional $6 million each year for each team it places in the semifinals and $4 million for a team in one of the three at - large bowls ; Notre Dame receives the same amount in either scenario . No additional money is awarded for reaching the championship game . The Power Five conferences and the `` Group of Five '' have not decided on their respective revenue - sharing formulas , though the SEC initially receives more revenue than the other four Power Five conferences due to its BCS success . Reports say the money is to be divided based on several criteria such as `` on - field success , teams ' expenses , marketplace factors and academic performance of student - athletes . '' The playoff system awards academic performance bonuses of $300,000 per school for meeting the NCAA 's Academic Progress Rate standard of 930 . In a hypothetical 14 - team conference , $4.2 million ( $300,000 x 14 ) would be allocated to that league , and if only 12 of the 14 members meet the APR standard , then each of the 12 schools would receive $350,000 ( $4.2 million / 12 ) , penalizing schools that fall below the threshold . Leadership ( edit ) BCS Properties , LLC holds all properties related to the College Football Playoff . Previous BCS commissioner Bill Hancock is the executive director of the playoff organization , with former ACC Senior Associate Commissioner Michael Kelly as COO . Like the BCS , the playoff system 's management committee consists of the conference commissioners from the 10 FBS conferences and Notre Dame 's athletic director . The playoff system 's headquarters is in Irving , Texas . Board of Managers ( edit ) According to the CFP website , the system 's operations are controlled by the Board of Managers , which consists of presidents and chancellors of the playoff group 's member universities . The eleven members have sole authority to develop , review and approve annual budgets , policies and operating guidelines . The group also selects the company 's officers . Rodney Bennett -- President , Southern Mississippi ( C - USA ) Anthony Frank -- President , Colorado State ( Mountain West ) Burns Hargis -- President , Oklahoma State ( Big 12 ) Jack Hawkins -- Chancellor , Troy ( Sun Belt ) Rev. John I. Jenkins -- President , Notre Dame ( Independent ) Mark Keenum -- President , Mississippi State ( SEC ) Roderick McDavis -- President , Ohio ( MAC ) Max Nikias -- President , USC ( Pac - 12 ) Harvey Perlman ( chair ) -- Chancellor , Nebraska ( Big Ten ) Donna Shalala -- President , Miami ( Fla . ) ( ACC ) Steadman Upham -- President , Tulsa ( The American ) Athletics directors advisory group ( edit ) According to the CFP website , the Athletics Directors Advisory Group is appointed by the management committee to `` offer counsel '' on the operations of the system . As an advisory board , it has no authority in the management of the CFP . Gary Barta , Iowa ( Big Ten ) Tom Bowen , Memphis ( The American ) Tom Burman , Wyoming ( Mountain West ) Joe Castiglione , Oklahoma ( Big 12 ) Jeremy Foley , Florida ( SEC ) Dan Guerrero , UCLA ( Pac - 12 ) Chris Massaro , Middle Tennessee State ( C - USA ) Terry Mohajir , Arkansas State ( Sun Belt ) Mike O'Brien , Toledo ( MAC ) Stan Wilcox , Florida State ( ACC ) Criticism ( edit ) Although being generally well received , the College Football Playoff has been criticized much like its predecessor , the Bowl Championship Series , which had several controversies . Team selection ( edit ) Chief among the criticisms was the subjective element of the selection process such as basing rankings on metrics such as strength of schedule and conference as opposed to solely basing rankings on a team 's win - loss record . One particular similarity between the old BCS and the current Playoff system is both have been alleged to be biased toward schools , programs and conferences with large financial endowments ( being the perceived favoritism with the SEC the most outstanding argument ) , hurting the chances of smaller schools with fewer athletic resources . Undefeated teams from less wealthy conferences can be passed over for teams with losses from richer conferences . Because the tournament has four teams , at least one Power Five champion misses the playoffs every season . However , not all teams selected have been conference winners . In the 2016 -- 17 season , one of the teams selected was Ohio State , who did not qualify to the Big Ten Championship Game . As a result , both the Big Ten and Big 12 champions were not selected for the playoffs . In the 2017 -- 18 season , two of the four selected teams were from the SEC : conference champions Georgia , winners of the SEC Championship Game , and Alabama , who lost to SEC Championship Game finalist Auburn . Analysts have discussed whether the committee should selected conference champions only . Another critique centered around a perceived bias against smaller conferences such as the Big 12 which used to not stage a conference championship game , but was reintroduced for the 2017 season . The American addressed this issue by adding Navy to its ranks for 2015 , bringing its membership to 12 teams , which allowed it to stage a conference championship game under then - current NCAA rules . Starting with the 2016 season , FBS conferences will be allowed to stage football championship games even if they do not have 12 members . There are opinions labeling the CFP system `` just as '' or `` even more polarizing '' than the BCS or the old wire - service poll system . Selection committee ( edit ) The qualifications of selection committee members has also been scrutinized . As an outsider to the sports world , Condoleezza Rice was the focus of some criticism . Former Clemson head coach Tommy Bowden opined that the committee 's members should be `` people who played the game and preferably coached the game '' . Former Auburn head coach Pat Dye said that `` All she knows about football is what somebody told her ... or what she read in a book , or what she saw on television . To understand football , you 've got to play with your hand in the dirt '' . Former Big East commissioner Mike Tranghese also gained membership on the selection committee despite having never played football in college . Former sportswriter Steve Weiberg and retired U.S. Air Force General Michael Gould are other committee members without significant football playing , coaching or administrative experience . Scheduling ( edit ) The semifinal games for the 2015 season were scheduled for December 31 ; they were expected to have lower television viewership because the date is not a federal holiday , and because the second game faced heavy competition for television viewers in primetime from New Year 's Eve specials ( such as New Year 's Rockin ' Eve , which is aired by ESPN 's sister broadcast network ABC ) . Under television contracts with ESPN that predate the College Football Playoff , both the Rose and Sugar Bowl games are guaranteed exclusive TV time slots on January 1 ( or January 2 if New Year 's Day falls on a Sunday ) , regardless of whether they are hosting a semifinal game . In an interview with CBS Sports , CFP commissioner Bill Hancock suggested this scheduling issue would `` change the paradigm of what New Year 's Eve is all about , '' opining that `` if you 're hosting a New Year 's Eve party , you better have a bunch of televisions around . '' Although ESPN proposed moving the Thursday , December 31 , 2015 semifinal games to Saturday , January 2 , 2016 , the idea was rejected . The semifinal games ' ratings were ultimately down significantly from those of the previous season . In an effort to reduce the impact of their New Year 's Eve scheduling , the 2016 semifinal games , which fell on a Saturday , had earlier kickoff times , at 3 : 00 p.m. and 7 : 00 p.m. ET respectively . The 2016 Orange Bowl was played in primetime on December 30 , 2016 , rather than in an early afternoon window on New Year 's Eve . Hancock considered the earlier start times to be a compromise to reduce the games ' intrusion into New Year 's Eve festivities , but reiterated that there were no plans to move the semi-final games from New Year 's Eve outside of years where they are hosted by the Rose Bowl and Sugar Bowl . On July 28 , 2016 , however , Hancock reversed this stance and announced revisions to the scheduling for future College Football Playoff semi-final games . The games were rescheduled so that they will not necessarily be played on New Year 's Eve yearly : outside of years when they are hosted by the Rose and Sugar Bowls ( where they retain their traditional New Year 's Day scheduling ) , they will now be scheduled primarily on the last Saturday or federally observed holiday of the year . In some years , this date will land on New Year 's Eve . In 2021 , the games will be played on Friday , December 31 , because the day will be observed as a holiday . See also ( edit ) College football portal College Football Playoff New Year 's Six College football playoff debate College football national championships in NCAA Division I FBS List of college bowl games Mythical National Championship Plus - One system References ( edit ) Jump up ^ McMurphy , Brett ( April 24 , 2013 ) . `` Football playoff has name and site '' . ESPN . Retrieved April 24 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Wolken , Dan ( April 25 , 2013 ) . `` Questions and answers for the College Football Playoff '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ C.N. ( 14 January 2015 ) . `` The business of college football : Undisputed champs in a disputed sport '' . The Economist . Retrieved 6 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Dodd , Dennis ( 24 June 2014 ) . `` Fringe benefit of College Football Playoff ? No more mythical titles '' . CBS Sports . 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External links ( edit ) Official website College Football Playoff Championships Overview College Football Playoff National Championship Games 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 2018 -- 19 2019 -- 20 2020 -- 21 Semifinal Bowls Rose 2014 ( Jan 2015 ) 2017 ( Jan 2018 ) 2020 ( Jan 2021 ) Sugar 2014 ( Jan 2015 ) 2017 ( Jan 2018 ) 2020 ( Jan 2021 ) Orange 2015 ( Dec 2015 ) 2018 ( Dec 2018 ) Cotton 2015 ( Dec 2015 ) 2018 ( Dec 2018 ) Peach 2016 ( Dec 2016 ) 2019 ( Dec 2019 ) Fiesta 2016 ( Dec 2016 ) 2019 ( Dec 2019 ) Other List of College Football Playoff games New Year 's Six College Football Playoff National Championship Trophy NCAA Division I FBS champions Mythical national championship Plus - One system Power Five conferences Championship games for each season are played in January , while semifinal games are identified by season year , alternating between December and January Links to related articles Systems used to determine college football national championships NCAA Division I-A / FBS Various polling systems ( 1869 -- present ) Bowl Coalition ( 1992 -- 1994 ) Bowl Alliance ( 1995 -- 1997 ) Bowl Championship Series ( 1998 -- 2013 ) College Football Playoff ( 2014 -- present ) NCAA Division I - AA / FCS NCAA Division I Football Championship ( 1978 -- present ) NCAA Division II NCAA Division II Football Championship ( 1973 -- present ) NCAA Division III NCAA Division III Football Championship ( 1973 -- present ) NAIA Divisions NAIA Football National Championship ( 1956 -- present ) NAIA Division II Football National Championship ( 1970 -- 1996 ) Additional systems Black college football national championship NCCAA Victory Bowl ( 1997 -- present ) NCAA Division I FBS bowl games College Football Playoff Championship Game Cotton Fiesta Orange Peach Rose Sugar Other bowl games Alamo Arizona Armed Forces Bahamas Belk Birmingham Boca Raton Cactus Camellia Camping World Citrus Cure Dollar General Famous Idaho Potato Foster Farms Frisco Gasparilla Hawaii Heart of Dallas Holiday Independence Las Vegas Liberty Military Music City New Mexico New Orleans Outback Pinstripe Quick Lane Sun TaxSlayer Texas All - Star games East -- West Shrine Game NFLPA Collegiate Bowl Senior Bowl Rose Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Rose Bowl Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters Big Ten Conference Pac - 12 Conference Games 1902 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Notes No games were held from 1903 to 1915 . The 1942 game was played at Duke Stadium in Durham , NC , due to the attack on Pearl Harbor . The game was also the national title game for the Bowl Championship Series in 2002 and 2006 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its 2015 and 2018 editions . Sugar Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Tulane Stadium Georgia Dome Mercedes - Benz Superdome College Football Playoff Broadcasters Southeastern Conference Big 12 Conference Games 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Notes The 2006 game took place in Atlanta , Georgia due to Hurricane Katrina . The game was also the national title game for either the Bowl Coalition , Bowl Alliance , or Bowl Championship Series in 1993 , 1997 , 2000 , and 2004 . There was a Sugar Bowl in January and December in 1972 and 1995 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its 2015 and 2018 editions . Orange Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Miami Orange Bowl Hard Rock Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters Atlantic Coast Conference Big Ten Conference Southeastern Conference Notre Dame Games 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 2017 Notes The game was also the national title game for either the Bowl Coalition , Bowl Alliance , or Bowl Championship Series in 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1998 , 2001 , and 2005 . There was an Orange Bowl in January and December in 1996 and 2014 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its 2015 edition . Cotton Bowl Classic History & conference tie - ins History Cotton Bowl AT&T Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters Playoff At - Large Group of Five Games 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2017 2017 Notes There was a Cotton Bowl Classic in January and December in 1966 , 2015 and 2017 There was no Cotton Bowl Classic in 1967 or 2016 The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its December 2015 edition Peach Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Bobby Dodd Stadium Atlanta -- Fulton County Stadium Georgia Dome Mercedes - Benz Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters College Football Playoff At - Large Group of Five Games 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1993 1995 1995 1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 Fiesta Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Sun Devil Stadium University of Phoenix Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters College Football Playoff At - Large Group of Five Bid Games 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2016 2016 2017 Notes The game was also the national title game for either the Bowl Coalition , Bowl Alliance , or Bowl Championship Series in 1996 , 1999 , and 2003 . There was a Fiesta Bowl in January and December in 1997 , 2014 , and 2016 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its December 2016 edition . New Year 's Eve and New Year 's Day Events America 's Party First Night Hogmanay New Year 's Eve in London Objects dropped on New Year 's Eve Peach Drop Pelican Drop Réveillon de Copacabana Sydney New Year 's Eve The Possum Drop Times Square Ball Vienna New Year 's Concert Sports College Football Playoff bowls Rose Orange Sugar Fiesta Cotton Peach Citrus Bowl Gator Bowl Outback Bowl Tour de Ski Four Hills Tournament NHL Winter Classic Spengler Cup Final IIHF World U20 Championship Saint Silvester Road Race New Year Sprint Nos Galan road race Parades Tournament of Roses Parade London 's New Year 's Day Parade Florida Citrus Parade Mummers Parade Television New Year 's Rockin ' Eve Fox 's New Year 's Eve with Steve Harvey New Year 's Eve with Carson Daly New Year Live CNN New Year 's Eve Live ¡ Feliz ! MTV New Year 's The Big Fat Quiz of the Year Bye Bye Dinner for One Happy New Year , America Hogmanay Live Hootenanny Kōhaku Uta Gassen Little Blue Light Only an Excuse ? Red Bull New Year No Limits Rudolph 's Shiny New Year Scotch and Wry Silvesterstadl `` Silvesterpunsch `` 2000 Today ( US , Ireland ) Happy New Year , Charlie Brown ! First Night 2013 with Jamie Kennedy Music `` Auld Lang Syne '' `` Happy New Year '' `` What Are You Doing New Year 's Eve ? '' `` Levy - Dew '' `` New Year 's Day '' Related topics New Year films Gregorian calendar Baby New Year Calennig Hogmanay Holiday season Leap second Guy Lombardo New Year 's resolution New Year tree Saint Sylvester 's Day Vasilopita Watchnight service Retrieved from `` '' Categories : College Football Playoff 2014 establishments in the United States Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Pages using web citations with no URL Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français 日本 語 Polski Português 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 February 2018 , at 05 : 46 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who won the cfp national championship last year
Season Champion Runner - up Score Venue 2014 -- 15 4 Ohio State 2 Oregon 42 -- 20 AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2015 -- 16 2 Alabama 1 Clemson 45 -- 40 University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona 2016 -- 17 2 Clemson 1 Alabama 35 -- 31 Raymond James Stadium , Tampa , Florida 2017 -- 18 4 Alabama 3 Georgia 26 - 23 Mercedes - Benz Stadium , Atlanta , Georgia 2018 -- 19 Levi 's Stadium , Santa Clara , California 2019 -- 20 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2020 -- 21 Hard Rock Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida 2021 -- 22 Lucas Oil Stadium , Indianapolis , Indiana 2022 -- 23 Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park , Inglewood , California 2023 -- 24 NRG Stadium , Houston , Texas
Grammatical tense - Wikipedia Grammatical tense Jump to : navigation , search Tense means `` any of the form of the verb that may be used to indicate the time of action or state expressed by the verb . '' For the guideline on grammatical tense in Wikipedia articles , see Wikipedia : Manual of Style § Verb tense . This article needs additional citations for verification . Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( October 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Grammatical categories Adjunct Affect ( linguistics ) Agent Agreement Animacy Branching ( linguistics ) Associativity Argument Aspect Associated motion Case Case stacking / Suffixaufnahme Classifier ( linguistics ) Clusivity Comparison Complement Contrast Contraction Construct state Conjugation Dative shift Definiteness Evidentiality Feature Focus Gender Honorifics Incorporation Markedness Mirativity Modality Genitive construction Mood Noun class Number Object Patient Politeness Person Polarity Possession Pluractionality Predicate Species Specificity Subject Suffix Telicity Tense Topic Transitivity Valency Voice Volition In grammar , tense is a category that expresses time reference with reference to the moment of speaking . Tenses are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs , particularly in their conjugation patterns . Basic tenses found in many languages include the past , present , and future . Some languages have only two distinct tenses , such as past and nonpast , or future and nonfuture . There are also tenseless languages , like Chinese , though it can possess a future and nonfuture system , which is typical of Sino - Tibetan languages . On the other hand , some languages make finer tense distinctions , such as remote vs. recent past , or near vs. remote future . Tenses generally express time relative to the moment of speaking . In some contexts , however , their meaning may be relativized to a point in the past or future which is established in the discourse ( the moment being spoken about ) . This is called relative ( as opposed to absolute ) tense . Some languages have different verb forms or constructions which manifest relative tense , such as pluperfect ( `` past - in - the - past '' ) and `` future - in - the - past '' . Expressions of tense are often closely connected with expressions of the category of aspect ; sometimes what are traditionally called tenses ( in languages such as Latin ) may in modern analysis be regarded as combinations of tense with aspect . Verbs are also often conjugated for mood , and since in many cases the three categories are not manifested separately , some languages may be described in terms of a combined tense -- aspect -- mood ( TAM ) system . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 Uses of the term 3 Possible tenses 4 Tense marking 5 In particular languages 5.1 Latin and Ancient Greek 5.2 English 5.3 Other Indo - European languages 5.4 Other languages 5.5 Austronesian languages 5.5. 1 Rapa 5.5. 2 Tokelau 5.5. 3 Wuvulu - Aua 5.6 Mortlockese 6 See also 7 References 8 Bibliography 9 External links Etymology ( edit ) The English noun tense comes from Old French tens `` time '' ( spelled temps in modern French through deliberate archaisation ) , from Latin tempus `` time '' . It is not related to the adjective tense , which comes from Latin tensus , the perfect passive participle of tendere `` stretch '' . Uses of the term ( edit ) In modern linguistic theory , tense is understood as a category that expresses ( grammaticalizes ) time reference ; namely one which , using grammatical means , places a state or action in time . Nonetheless , in many descriptions of languages , particularly in traditional European grammar , the term `` tense '' is applied to series of verb forms or constructions that express not merely position in time , but also additional properties of the state or action -- particularly aspectual or modal properties . The category of aspect expresses how a state or action relates to time -- whether it is seen as a complete event , an ongoing or repeated situation , etc . Many languages make a distinction between perfective aspect ( denoting complete events ) and imperfective aspect ( denoting ongoing or repeated situations ) ; some also have other aspects , such as a perfect aspect , denoting a state following a prior event . Some of the traditional `` tenses '' express time reference together with aspectual information . In Latin and French , for example , the imperfect denotes past time in combination with imperfective aspect , while other verb forms ( the Latin perfect , and the French passé composé or passé simple ) are used for past time reference with perfective aspect . The category of mood is used to express modality , which includes such properties as uncertainty , evidentiality , and obligation . Commonly encountered moods include the indicative , subjunctive , and conditional . Mood can be bound up with tense , aspect , or both , in particular verb forms . Hence certain languages are sometimes analysed as having a single tense -- aspect -- mood ( TAM ) system , without separate manifestation of the three categories . The term tense , then , particularly in less formal contexts , is sometimes used to denote any combination of tense proper , aspect , and mood . As regards English , there are many verb forms and constructions which combine time reference with continuous and / or perfect aspect , and with indicative , subjunctive or conditional mood . Particularly in some English language teaching materials , some or all of these forms can be referred to simply as tenses ( see below ) . Particular tense forms need not always carry their basic time - referential meaning in every case . A present tense form may sometimes refer to the past ( as in the historical present ) , a past tense form may sometimes refer to the non-past ( as in some English conditional sentences ) , and so on . Possible tenses ( edit ) Not all languages have tense : tenseless languages include Burmese , Chinese and Dyirbal . Some languages have all three basic tenses ( the past , present , and future ) , while others have only two : some have past and nonpast tenses , the latter covering both present and future times ( as in Japanese , and in English in some analyses ) , whereas others such as Greenlandic and Quechua have future and nonfuture . Some languages have four or more tenses , making finer distinctions either in the past ( e.g. remote vs. recent past ) or in the future ( e.g. near vs. remote future ) . The six - tense language Kalaw Lagaw Ya of Australia has the remote past , the recent past , the today past , the present , the today / near future and the remote future . A historical past tense , used for events perceived as historical , is found in , for example , the Amazonian Cubeo language . Tenses that refer specifically to `` today '' are called hodiernal tenses ; these can be either past or future . Apart from Kalaw Lagaw Ya , another language which features such tenses is Mwera , a Bantu language of Tanzania . It is also suggested that in 17th - century French , the passé composé served as a hodiernal past . Tenses which contrast with hodiernals , by referring to the past before today or the future after today , are called pre-hodiernal and post-hodiernal respectively . Some languages also have a crastinal tense , a future tense referring specifically to tomorrow ( found in some Bantu languages ) ; or a hesternal tense , a past tense referring specifically to yesterday ( although this name is also sometimes used to mean pre-hodiernal ) . A tense for after tomorrow is thus called post-crastinal , and one for before yesterday is called pre-hesternal . Another tense found in some languages , including Luganda , is the persistive tense , used to indicate that a state or ongoing action is still the case ( or , in the negative , is no longer the case ) . Luganda also has tenses meaning `` so far '' and `` not yet '' . Some languages have special tense forms that are used to express relative tense . Tenses that refer to the past relative to the time under consideration are called anterior ; these include the pluperfect ( for the past relative to a past time ) and the future perfect ( for the past relative to a future time ) . Similarly , posterior tenses refer to the future relative to the time under consideration , as with the English `` future - in - the - past '' : ( he said that ) he would go . Relative tense forms are also sometimes analysed as combinations of tense with aspect : the perfect aspect in the anterior case , or the prospective aspect in the posterior case . Tense marking ( edit ) Tense is normally indicated by the use of a particular verb form -- either an inflected form of the main verb , or a multi-word construction , or both in combination . Inflection may involve the use of affixes , such as the - ed ending that marks the past tense of English regular verbs , but can also entail stem modifications , such as ablaut , as found in the strong verbs in English and other Germanic languages , or reduplication . Multi-word tense constructions often involve auxiliary verbs or clitics . Examples which combine both types of tense marking include the French passé composé , which has an auxiliary verb together with the inflected past participle form of the main verb ; and the Irish past tense , where the proclitic do ( in various surface forms ) appears in conjunction with the affixed or ablaut - modified past tense form of the main verb . As has already been mentioned , indications of tense are often bound up with indications of other verbal categories , such as aspect and mood . The conjugation patterns of verbs often also reflect agreement with categories pertaining to the subject , such as person , number and gender . It is consequently not always possible to identify elements that mark any specific category , such as tense , separately from the others . A few languages have been shown to mark tense information ( as well as aspect and mood ) on nouns . This may be called nominal TAM . Languages that do not have grammatical tense , such as Chinese , express time reference chiefly by lexical means -- through adverbials , time phrases , and so on . ( The same is done in tensed languages , to supplement or reinforce the time information conveyed by the choice of tense . ) Time information is also sometimes conveyed as a secondary feature by markers of other categories , as with the Chinese aspect markers le and guo , which in most cases place an action in past time . However , much time information is conveyed implicitly by context -- it is therefore not always necessary , when translating from a tensed to a tenseless language , say , to express explicitly in the target language all of the information conveyed by the tenses in the source . In particular languages ( edit ) Latin and Ancient Greek ( edit ) Latin is traditionally described as having six tenses ( the Latin for `` tense '' being tempus , plural tempora ) : Present ( praesens ) Imperfect ( praeteritum imperfectum ) Perfect ( praeteritum perfectum ) Future ( futurus ) Pluperfect ( plus quam perfectum ) Future perfect ( anterior futurus ) Of these , the imperfect and perfect can be considered to represent a past tense combined with imperfective and perfective aspect respectively ( the first is used for habitual or ongoing past actions or states , and the second for completed actions ) . The pluperfect and future perfect are relative tenses , referring to the past relative to a past time or relative to a future time . Latin verbs are conjugated for tense ( and aspect ) together with mood ( indicative , subjunctive , and sometimes imperative ) and voice ( active or passive ) . Most forms are produced by inflecting the verb stem , with endings that also depend on the person and number of the subject . Some of the passive forms are produced using a participle together with a conjugated auxiliary verb . For details of the forms , see Latin conjugation . The tenses of Ancient Greek are similar , but with a three - way aspect contrast in the past : the aorist , the perfect and the imperfect . The aorist was the `` simple past '' , while the imperfective denoted uncompleted action in the past , and the perfect was used for past events having relevance to the present . The study of modern languages has been greatly influenced by the grammar of the Classical languages , since early grammarians , often monks , had no other reference point to describe their language . Latin terminology is often used to describe modern languages , sometimes with a change of meaning , as with the application of `` perfect '' to forms in English that do not necessarily have perfective meaning , or the words Imperfekt and Perfekt to German past tense forms that mostly lack any relationship to the aspects implied by those terms . English ( edit ) English has only two morphological tenses : the present or non-past , as in he goes , and the past or preterite , as in he went . The non-past usually references the present , but sometimes references the future ( as in the bus leaves tomorrow ) . ( It also sometimes references the past , however , in what is called the historical present . ) Constructions with the modal auxiliary verbs will and shall also frequently reference the future ( although they have other uses as well ) ; these are often described as the English future tense . Less commonly , forms with the auxiliaries would and ( rarely ) should are described as a relative tense , the future - in - the - past . ( The same forms are used for the conditional mood , and for various other meanings . ) The present and past are distinguished by verb form , using either ablaut ( sing ( s ) ~ sang ) or suffix ( walk ( s ) ~ walked ) . For details , see English verbs . English also has continuous ( progressive ) aspect and perfect aspect ; these together produce four aspectual types : simple , continuous , perfect , and perfect continuous . Each of these can combine with the tenses to produce a large set of different constructions , mostly involving one or more auxiliary verbs together with a participle or infinitive : Tenses Morphological With auxiliaries Present Past Future Future - in - the - past Aspects Simple go ( es ) went will go would go Continuous am / is / are going was / were going will be going would be going Perfect have / has gone had gone will have gone would have gone Perfect continuous have / has been going had been going will have been going would have been going In some contexts , particularly in English language teaching , the tense -- aspect combinations in the above table may be referred to simply as tenses . For details of the uses of these constructions , as well as additional verb forms representing different grammatical moods , see Uses of English verb forms . Other Indo - European languages ( edit ) Proto - Indo - European verbs had present , perfect ( stative ) , imperfect and aorist forms -- these can be considered as representing two tenses ( present and past ) with different aspects . Most languages in the Indo - European family have developed systems either with two morphological tenses ( present or `` non-past '' , and past ) or with three ( present , past and future ) . The tenses often form part of entangled tense -- aspect -- mood conjugation systems . Additional tenses , tense -- aspect combinations , etc. can be provided by compound constructions containing auxiliary verbs . The Germanic languages ( which include English ) have present ( non-past ) and past tenses formed morphologically , with future and other additional forms made using auxiliaries . In standard German , the compound past ( Perfekt ) has replaced the simple morphological past in most contexts . The Romance languages ( descendants of Latin ) have past , present and future morphological tenses , with additional aspectual distinction in the past . French is an example of a language where , as in German , the simple morphological perfective past ( passé simple ) has mostly given way to a compound form ( passé composé ) . Irish , a Celtic language , has past , present and future tenses ( see Irish conjugation ) . The past contrasts perfective and imperfective aspect , and some verbs retain such a contrast in the present . Classical Irish had a three - way aspectual contrast of simple -- perfective -- imperfective in the past and present tenses . Persian , an Indo - Iranian language , has past and non-past forms , with additional aspectual distinctions . Future can be expressed using an auxiliary , but almost never in non-formal context . In the Slavic languages , verbs are intrinsically perfective or imperfective . In Russian and some other languages in the group , perfective verbs have past and future tenses , while imperfective verbs have past , present and future , the imperfective future being a compound tense in most cases . The future tense of perfective verbs is formed in the same way as the present tense of imperfective verbs . However , in South Slavic languages , there may be a greater variety of forms -- Bulgarian , for example , has present , past ( both `` imperfect '' and `` aorist '' ) and future tenses , for both perfective and imperfective verbs , as well as perfect forms made with an auxiliary ( see Bulgarian verbs ) . Other languages ( edit ) Finnish and Hungarian , both members of the Uralic language family , have morphological present ( non-past ) and past tenses . The Hungarian verb van ( `` to be '' ) also has a future form . Turkish verbs conjugate for past , present and future , with a variety of aspects and moods . Arabic verbs have past and non-past ; future can be indicated by a prefix . Korean verbs have a variety of affixed forms which can be described as representing present , past and future tenses , although they can alternatively be considered to be aspectual . Similarly , Japanese verbs are described as having present and past tenses , although they may be analysed as aspects . Chinese and many other East Asian languages generally lack inflection and are considered to be tenseless languages , although they may have aspect markers which convey certain information about time reference . For examples of languages with a greater variety of tenses , see the section on possible tenses , above . Fuller information on tense formation and usage in particular languages can be found in the articles on those languages and their grammars . Austronesian languages ( edit ) Rapa ( edit ) Rapa is the French Polynesian language of the island of Rapa Iti . Verbs in the indigenous Old Rapa occur with a marker known as TAM which stands for tense , aspect , or mood which can be followed by directional particles or deictic particles . Of the markers there are three tense markers called : Imperfective , Progressive , and Perfective . Which simply mean , Before , Currently , and After . However , specific TAM markers and the type of deictic or directional particle that follows determine and denote different types of meanings in terms of tenses . Imperfective : denotes actions that have not occurred yet but will occur and expressed by TAM e . Example : e naku mai te ' āikete anana'i IPFV come DIR INDEF teacher tomorrow ' The teacher is coming tomorrow . ' e mānea tō pē'ā ra IPFV pretty DEF woman DEIC ' That woman is beautiful . ' Progressive : Also expressed by TAM e and denotes actions that are currently happening when used with deictic na , and denotes actions that was just witnessed but still currently happening when used with deictic ra . Example : e ' āikete na ' ōna i te tamariki IPFV learn DEIC 3S ACC INDEFchild / children ' He is teaching some children . ' e kai na ou i kota'i kororio eika IPFV eat DEIC 1S ACC one small fish ' I am eating a small fish . ' e tunu na ou i te mīkaka tonga te pōpongi IPFV cook DEIC 1S ACC INDEFtaro all INDEF morning ' I cook taro every morning . ' e kaikai ra te kurī i te moa IPFV eat. continuously DEIC INDEFdog ACC INDEFchicken ' The dog is eating a chicken . ' e mate atu ra ' ōna IPFV die DIR DEIC 3S ' She has just died . ' Perfective : denotes actions that have already occurred or have finished and is marked by TAM ka . Example : ka ngurunguru te kurī PFV growl INDEFdog ' A dog growled . ' ka tākave tō tangata i te mango PFV kill DEF man ACC INDEFshark ' The man killed the shark . ' ka tunu na ou i te mīkaka tonga te pōpongi PFV cook DEIC 1S ACC INDEFtaro all INDEF morning ' I used to cook taro every morning ' In Old Rapa there are also other types of tense markers known as Past , Imperative , and Subjunctive . Past TAM i marks past action . It is rarely used as a matrix TAM and is more frequently observed in past embedded clauses i komo mātou PST sleep 1PlExcl ' We slept . ' e a'a koe i ' aka - ineine IPFV what 2S PST CAUS - ready ' What did you prepare ? ' Imperative The imperative is marked in Old Rapa by TAM a . A second person subject is implied by the direct command of the imperative . a naku mai IMP come DIR ' Come here . ' a kai tā - koe eika IMP eat INDEF. PossA - 2S fish ' Eat your fish . ' For a more polite form rather than a straightforward command imperative TAM a is used with adverbial kānei . Kānei is only shown to be used in imperative structures and was translated by the french as `` please '' . a rave mai kānei tō mea IMP take DIR PREC DEF thing ' Please take the thing . ' a omono kānei koe tō ka'u ra IMP dress PREC 2S DEF clothing DEIC ' Please dress yourself in those clothes . ' It is also used in a more impersonal form . For example , how you would speak toward a pesky neighbor . a naku kānei IMP go PREC ' Please leave now ! ' Subjunctive The subjunctive in Old Rapa is marked by kia and can also be used in expressions of desire kia naku ou i te ' are e kaikai ou SBJV come 1S PREP INDEFhouse IPFV eat. continuously 1S ' When I get to the house , I will eat . ' kia rekareka kōrua SBJV happy 2Du ' May you two be happy . ' Tokelau ( edit ) The Tokelauan language is a tenseless language . The language uses the same words for all three tenses ; the phrase E liliu mai au i te Aho Tōnai literally translates to Come back / me / on Saturday , but the translation becomes ' I am coming back on Saturday ' . Wuvulu - Aua ( edit ) Wuvulu - Aua does not have an explicit tense , but rather tense is conveyed by mood , aspect markers , and time phrases . Wuvulu speakers use a realis mood to convey past tense as speakers can be certain about events that have occurred . In some cases , realis mood is used to convey present tense -- often to indicate a state of being . Wuvulu speakers use an irrealis mood to convey future tense . Tense in Wuvulu - Aua may also be implied by using time adverbials and aspectual markings . Wuvulu contains three verbal markers to indicate sequence of events . The preverbal adverbial loʔo ' first ' indicates the verb occurs before any other . The postverbal morpheme liai and linia are the respective intransitive and transitive suffixes indicating a repeated action . The postverbal morpheme li and liria are the respective intransitive and transitive suffixes indicating a completed action . Mortlockese ( edit ) Mortlockese uses tense markers such as mii and to denote the present tense state of a subject , aa to denote a present tense state that an object has changed to from a different , past state , kɞ to describe something that has already been completed , pɞ and lɛ to denote future tense , pwapw to denote a possible action or state in future tense , and sæn / mwo for something that has not happened yet . Each of these markers is used in conjunction with the subject proclitics except for the markers aa and mii . Additionally , the marker mii can be used with any type of intransitive verb . See also ( edit ) Sequence of tenses Spatial tense References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Grammatical Features - Associativity '' . . ^ Jump up to : Fabricius - Hansen , `` Tense '' , in the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics , 2nd ed. , 2006 ^ Jump up to : Bernard Comrie , Aspect , 1976 : 6 : `` the semantic concept of time reference ( absolute or relative ) , ... may be grammaticalized in a language , i.e. a language may have a grammatical category that expresses time reference , in which case we say that the language has tenses . Some languages lack tense , i.e. do not have grammatical time reference , though probably all languages can lexicalize time reference , i.e. have temporal adverbials that locate situations in time . '' Jump up ^ Nick Huang , `` On syntactic tense in Mandarin Chinese '' `` Proceedings of the 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics '' , Los Angeles , 2015 . Jump up ^ tempus . Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short . A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project . Jump up ^ Harper , Douglas . `` tense '' . Online Etymology Dictionary . Jump up ^ Comrie 1985 , pp. 50 - 53 . Jump up ^ Nancy L. Morse , Michael B. Maxwell , Cubeo Grammar , Summer Institute of Linguistics , 1999 , p. 45 . Jump up ^ Joan Bybee , Revere Perkins , William Pagliuca , The Evolution of Grammar : Tense , Aspect , and Modality in the Languages of the World , University of Chicago Press , 1994 , p. 101 . Jump up ^ Daniel Nettle , The Fyem Language of Northern Nigeria , LINCOM Europa 1998 Jump up ^ Earl W. Stevick , Adapting and writing language lessons , U.S. Foreign Service Institute , 1971 , p. 302 . Jump up ^ Rachel Nordlinger and Louisa Sadler , `` Tense as a Nominal Category '' Archived 2012 - 08 - 16 at the Wayback Machine. , Proceedings of the LFG00 Conference , Berkeley , 2000 . Jump up ^ Huddleston & Pullum 2002 , p. 51 . Jump up ^ See e.g. Tony Penston , A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers , TP Publications , 2005 , p. 17 . ^ Jump up to : Walworth , Mary E. The Language of Rapa Iti : Description of a Language In Change . Diss . U of Hawaii at Manoa , 2015 . Honolulu : U of Hawaii at Manoa , 2015 . Print . Jump up ^ Tau Gana Tokelau . 1st ed . Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs , 2017 . Web. ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Hafford , James A ( 2104 ) . Wuvulu Grammar and Vocabulary ( PDF ) . p. 89 . Retrieved 6 March 2017 . Check date values in : date = ( help ) Jump up ^ Hafford , James A ( 2104 ) . Wuvulu Grammar and Vocabulary ( PDF ) . p. 90 . Retrieved 6 March 2017 . Check date values in : date = ( help ) Jump up ^ Hafford , James A ( 2104 ) . Wuvulu Grammar and Vocabulary ( PDF ) . p. 91 . Retrieved 6 March 2017 . Check date values in : date = ( help ) Jump up ^ Odango , Emerson Lopez ( May 2015 ) . Afféú Fangani ' Join Together ' : A Morphophonemic Analysis of Possessive Suffix Paradigms and A Discourse - Based Ethnography of the Elicitation Session in Pakin Lukunosh Mortlockese ( PDF ) . University of Hawaii at Manoa Dissertation . Bibliography ( edit ) Bybee , Joan L. , Revere Perkins , and William Pagliuca ( 1994 ) The Evolution of Grammar : Tense , Aspect , and Modality in the Languages of the World . University of Chicago Press . Comrie , Bernard ( 1985 ) . `` Tense '' . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 28138 - 5 . Huddleston , Rodney ; Pullum , Geoffrey K. ( 15 April 2002 ) . The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 43146 - 0 . Retrieved 10 February 2015 . Lay summary ( PDF ) ( 10 February 2015 ) . Guillaume , Gustave ( 1929 ) Temps et verbe . Paris : Champion . Hopper , Paul J. , ed. ( 1982 ) Tense -- Aspect : Between Semantics and Pragmatics . Amsterdam : Benjamins . Huang , Z.J. ( 2015 ) . On syntactic tense in Mandarin Chinese . In Proceedings of the 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics , ed . Hongyin Tao et al. , volume 2 , 406 -- 423 . Los Angeles : UCLA . `` Verb Tenses '' . Oxford Living Dictionaries . Oxford University Press . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 25 . Smith , Carlota ( 1997 ) . The Parameter of Aspect . Dordrecht : Kluwer . Tedeschi , Philip , and Anne Zaenen , eds. ( 1981 ) Tense and Aspect . ( Syntax and Semantics 14 ) . New York : Academic Press . External links ( edit ) Tense Explained ( with diagrams ) Combinations of Tense , Aspect , and Mood in Greek Grammatical Features Inventory ( hide ) Grammatical tenses Future Crastinal Nonfuture Nonpast Present Hodiernal Past Hesternal Future perfect Present perfect Pluperfect Relative and absolute GND : 4059446 - 4 NDL : 00577078 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Grammatical tenses English grammar Time in linguistics Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 errors : dates Articles needing additional references from October 2016 All articles needing additional references Articles containing Latin - language text Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Brezhoneg Català Чӑвашла Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français Gàidhlig 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Davvisámegiella Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Walon 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 22 October 2017 , at 07 : 49 . 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how many tenses are in the english language
Tenses Morphological With auxiliaries Present Past Future Future - in - the - past Aspects Simple go ( es ) went will go would go Continuous am / is / are going was / were going will be going would be going Perfect have / has gone had gone will have gone would have gone Perfect continuous have / has been going had been going will have been going would have been going
The Last Song ( film ) - wikipedia The Last Song ( film ) Jump to : navigation , search The Last Song Theatrical release poster Directed by Julie Anne Robinson Produced by Adam Shankman Jennifer Gibgot Screenplay by Nicholas Sparks Jeff Van Wie Based on The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks Starring Miley Cyrus Liam Hemsworth Bobby Coleman Kelly Preston Greg Kinnear Music by Aaron Zigman Cinematography John Lindley Edited by Nancy Richardson Production company Touchstone Pictures Offspring Entertainment Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date March 31 , 2010 ( 2010 - 03 - 31 ) Running time 107 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $20 million Box office $89 million The Last Song is a 2010 American coming of age teen romantic drama film developed alongside Nicholas Sparks ' 2009 novel of the same name . The film was directed by Julie Anne Robinson in her feature film directorial debut and co-written by Sparks and Jeff Van Wie . The Last Song stars Miley Cyrus , Liam Hemsworth , and Greg Kinnear and follows a troubled teenager as she reconnects with her estranged father and falls in love during a summer in a quiet Southern United States beach town . Sparks was approached to write both the film 's screenplay and the novel . Sparks completed the screenplay in January 2009 , prior to the completion of the novel , making The Last Song his first script to be optioned for film . The setting , originally in North Carolina like the novel , relocated to Georgia after the states had campaigned for months to host production . Upon beginning production in Tybee Island , Georgia and nearby Savannah , The Last Song became the first movie to be both filmed and set in Tybee Island . Filming lasted from June 15 to August 18 , 2009 with much of it occurring on the island 's beach and pier . The Last Song was released by Touchstone Pictures on March 31 , 2010 . Upon release , the film received a negative response from critics , particularly towards its screenplay and casting . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Writing and title 3.3 Casting 3.4 Post-production 4 Filming 4.1 Move to Georgia 4.2 Sets 4.3 Shooting schedule 4.4 Loggerhead sea turtles 5 Soundtrack 5.1 Track listing 5.2 Charts 5.3 Singles 6 Release 6.1 Marketing 6.2 Home media 7 Reception 7.1 Box office 7.2 Critical response 7.3 Accolades 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) At seventeen , Veronica `` Ronnie '' Miller ( Miley Cyrus ) remains as rebellious as she was the day her parents divorced and her father moved to North Carolina three years prior . Once a classical piano child prodigy under the tutelage of her father , Steve Miller ( Greg Kinnear ) , Ronnie now ignores the instrument and has not spoken with her father since he left . While Juilliard School has been interested in her since she was young , Ronnie refuses to attend . Steve now has the chance to reconnect with his estranged daughter when her mother , Kim Miller ( Kelly Preston ) sends the rebellious teen and her younger brother , Jonah ( Bobby Coleman ) , to spend the summer with him . Steve , a former Juilliard School professor and concert pianist , lives a quiet life in Wrightsville Beach , the small beach town in North Carolina where he grew up , working on a stained glass window for the local church to replace the one the church lost in a fire . According to the locals , it was Steve who had ( accidentally ) set fire to the church one night . After arrival , Ronnie becomes miserable , defiant , and defensive toward all those around her , including handsome , popular Will Blakelee ( Liam Hemsworth ) whose introduction involved crashing into her during a volleyball match , and accidentally spilling Ronnie 's strawberry shake on her . She shrugs him off and meets Blaze , an outcast who lives with her boyfriend Marcus . While at a beach campfire , Marcus hits on Ronnie and Blaze mistakes this for Ronnie flirting with him . Angered by this , Blaze later frames Ronnie for shoplifting , causing her arrest . Later on , Ronnie discovers a Loggerhead Sea Turtle nest at the beach by her house and while protecting it , she meets Will again on his volunteer work for the aquarium . After a night of staying up to defend the turtle eggs from predators with Will , she discovers he is deeper than she expected , and begins to develop feelings for him . The next day , Will takes Ronnie to where he works to show her the aquarium . After they leave to the beach , Ashley shows up and tells Ronnie about Will 's past relationships and how taking them to see the aquarium was routine of his , making Ronnie doubtful of her feelings toward him . Will finds her at the turtle 's nest and they have an argument about his past relationships . When Ronnie suggests she does not want to be another girl on the list and that they should end their relationship for good , Will embraces her and they kiss passionately , proving his feelings for her as akin to his quoting she 's `` not like the other girls . '' Marcus breaks up with Blaze because he wants Ronnie , which leads him and Will to fight at Megan 's wedding party . Ronnie soon hears the rumor that her father burned down the church from some locals . Distraught , she goes to Will and laments about the situation . Will , knowing that it was actually his friend Scott who while playing around set fire to the church , is overcome by guilt and goes to Steve to apologize . When Ronnie comes in hearing this , she walks out and Will follows where they have an argument and break up . Will leaves . Fall arrives and Jonah returns to New York for the school year . Ronnie stays behind to take care of their father , who revealed to Ronnie & Jonah during the summer that he is terminally ill . Leading a slow life , she tries to make up for the time with her father that she 's lost . She continues work on a composition he had been writing ( titled `` For Ronnie '' ) , after losing the steadiness of his hands due to his illness . He dies just as she finishes it . At his funeral she stands to make a speech but declares that no words could ever be able to show how wonderful her father really was . Instead , she decides to share with them the song she helped finish . Before she sits down to play , sunlight shines through the stained glass window . Ronnie smiles and says `` Hi , Daddy , '' remembering what she overheard her father tell Jonah earlier in the movie ; that whenever light shines through the window , it 's him . Blaze and other townsfolk offer Ronnie sympathy and kind words after the funeral outside . Later on , while talking to the attendants , she runs into Will . He says that he liked the song she played and that he knows her dad did too and Ronnie thanks him for coming . Having decided to attend Juilliard , Ronnie is packing up to return to New York when she sees Will standing outside . She goes outside to see him and Will apologizes to her for everything that had happened and Ronnie forgives him . Will surprises Ronnie by revealing that he will be transferring to Columbia in order to be with her and they passionately kiss . The end credits show Ronnie driving away in her car and smiling to herself . Cast ( edit ) From left to right , cast members Adam Barnett , Nick Lashaway , and Carly Chaikin make their way to the filming of the bonfire scene under the Tybee Island pavilion on July 30 , 2009 . Miley Cyrus as Veronica `` Ronnie '' L. Miller , an angry , rebellious 17 - year - old forced to spend a summer with her estranged father . She later falls in love with Will . Liam Hemsworth as Will Blakelee , a popular and skilled beach volleyball player , Will aspires to attend a top university and volunteers at the Georgia Aquarium . He is Ronnie 's love interest . Greg Kinnear as Steve Miller , Ronnie and Jonah 's father and former Juilliard School professor and concert pianist who moved to Georgia after his divorce . During the summer , Steve reconnects with Ronnie through their mutual love of music . With Jonah 's help , Steve also works to reconstruct the centerpiece of the local church , a stained glass window , after the original was destroyed in a fire . He later dies of cancer . Kelly Preston as Kim Miller , Ronnie and Jonah 's mother who raised her children in New York City after her divorce . Bobby Coleman as Jonah Miller , Ronnie 's younger brother sent along with his elder sister to Tybee Island . Nick Lashaway as Marcus , Blaze 's abusive boyfriend and the leader of a gang of thugs who hustle money from beach carnival crowds through spectacular fire juggling performances . Carly Chaikin as Blaze , a rebel who befriends Ronnie when she is sent to Georgia . Blaze betrays Ronnie when she frames Ronnie for shoplifting a watch , but they eventually became friends again . Adam Barnett as Teddy , a young thug adept at hacky sack and juggling , skills he uses as part of Marcus ' crew to hustle money . Nick Searcy as Tom Blakelee , Will 's father . Melissa Ordway as Ashley , Will 's snobby ex-girlfriend . Carrie Malabre as Cassie , Ashley 's best friend who aids Ashley in antagonizing Ronnie . Rhoda Griffis as a Doctor Lance E. Nichols as Pastor Charlie Harris , the kind , devout Pastor of the local church . He was Steve 's first piano teacher , parental figure , and best friend while Steve was growing up . Hallock Beals as Scott , Will 's best friend who ends up creating trouble between Will and Ronnie . Stephanie Leigh Schlund as Megan Blakelee , Will 's elder sister who is engaged to be married . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) Actress Miley Cyrus sits in make - up on set . The Last Song began when Disney executive Jason Reed met with Miley Cyrus to discuss her future career plans . At the time , Cyrus had been known mainly for starring as a pop star on Disney Channel 's Hannah Montana , a children 's television series that had expanded into a globally successful media franchise . As the series neared its end , Disney hoped to create a star vehicle to help Cyrus break out of the pop persona she had developed through the franchise and to introduce Cyrus to older audiences . During her meeting with Reed , Cyrus expressed a desire to film a movie similar to A Walk to Remember , a 2002 film based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks . A Walk to Remember helped Mandy Moore , then a teen pop star much like Cyrus , launch an acting career . Disney called Adam Shankman , director of A Walk to Remember , who signed on to produce the potential Cyrus film along with his sister and Offspring Entertainment production company partner , Jennifer Gibgot . Tish Cyrus , Cyrus ' mother and co-manager , became the film 's executive producer . Cyrus ' acting representation , United Talent Agency , then contacted Sparks , also a UTA client , to ask if he had plans for a novel appropriate for a film adaptation starring Cyrus . At the time , Sparks had been wrapping up The Lucky One and beginning to ponder an original plot for his next book . The author told himself he could `` either go younger than 20 or older than 50 '' , having recently written about every age in between . Wary of venturing above 50 again after his best - seller The Notebook , Sparks had already been leaning toward writing a teenage story when he received a phone call from Gibgot on behalf of the film in August 2008 . Sparks recalled , `` Jennifer asked if I had anything laying around ? I said no , but funny you should say that ... '' Sparks returned with a premise by the end of July 2008 . Once the proposal had been agreed upon by Cyrus , her family , and Offspring Entertainment , Sparks , with the aid of co-screenplay writer Jeff Van Wie , completed the screenplay before starting the book . Sparks explained that such an arrangement was necessary in order to accommodate filming in summer 2009 , as Disney had scheduled , but that `` this is similar to the way it 's gone with movies based on my novels ; it 's just out of order . '' Sparks and Van Wie completed the first draft of the screenplay in December 2008 , the first rewrite later that month , and the second and final rewrite in January 2009 . Both rewrites took approximately one or two days , and Sparks found them relatively simple . The finished screenplay was approximately 100 pages long . While The Last Song is not the first screenplay Sparks has written , it is his first to be optioned for film . The novel was completed in June 2009 , the same time shooting for the film began , and was published on September 8 , 2009 by Grand Central Publishing . The plot of the film and novel remained secret throughout development . Director Julie Anne Robinson talks to stunt coordinator Cal Johnson while Liam Hemsworth is coached on beach volleyball . Julie Anne Robinson signed on to direct the film in May 2009 , attracted by the emotion present in the story . The Last Song is Robinson 's first feature film , although she is a veteran of television and theater . Robinson previously helmed episodes of American series such as Weeds and Grey 's Anatomy and earned a Golden Globe nomination and a BAFTA award for her work on the BBC series Viva Blackpool . In a June 2009 blog entry , Cyrus said she had `` always been a fan of Nicholas Sparks '' and that she had been waiting to do a production separate from the Hannah Montana franchise `` for a long time '' , but had not found the time to do so due to her TV show , music , tours , and Hannah Montana : The Movie . In order to film The Last Song , Cyrus ' contract for season four of Hannah Montana included an extra long hiatus . Writing and title ( edit ) Recognizing the popularity of A Walk to Remember as both a novel and film , Sparks `` put all ( his ) thoughts into that , trying to make the story as different from A Walk to Remember as ( he could ) , but try to capture the same feelings . '' Sparks ' experiences as a father and as a high school track and field coach also helped shape the plot , and characters Jonah Miller and Will Blakelee are respectively based on Sparks ' sons Landon and Miles . Sparks felt Ronnie was the hardest character to write for because he had `` never been a 17 - year - old , angry teenage girl '' . Ronnie became a composite character inspired by several young women Sparks has known , such as his nieces . Cyrus herself influenced Ronnie fairly little , although her singing career did inspire the musical elements of the story . Ronnie plays only the piano and Cyrus only sings a small amount in the film , though she does contribute to its soundtrack . Disney did not give Sparks limitations on the topics featured in The Last Song , which include underage drinking , infidelity , and terminal illness but Sparks says that Disney desired to work with him in part because `` they 've read my novels . My teenagers ... do n't do bad things . I just do n't write that . I do n't write about adultery , I do n't write profanity ... I 'll certainly have love scenes in my novels , but they 're always between consenting adults . '' Still , Sparks acknowledges that elements of the screenplay may have been toned down by the director or the studio after he finished . As dictated by the Writers Guild of America , Sparks receives full credit for his work although the amount of his original screenplay retained in the film is uncertain . For example , Sparks says the character of Marcus , leader of the gang of thugs , was likely altered for the film . The project remained nameless for several months after Sparks ' initial meeting with Disney in July 2008 . Sparks wrote in a September 2008 online chat that `` I have the idea completed , but no title . That 's common for me though . Titles come last . '' The film was referred to by the working title `` Untitled Miley Cyrus Project '' In March 2009 , Variety magazine called `` The Last Song '' a `` tentative '' title . Casting ( edit ) Cyrus chose the name `` Ronnie '' for her character in honor of her grandfather , Ron Cyrus , who died in 2006 . Unknown to many the character had first been named `` Kirby '' by Sparks and later changed to `` Hilary '' . New interviews with Sparks reveal he imagined Cyrus in the role `` only a little '' during the writing process . The completion of the screenplay , concerned Sparks that Cyrus would not be able to successfully execute the role : `` The first thing I thought when I finished the screenplay was , wow , I hope she can do this , this is a tough role because I 'm bringing you through a whole gamut of emotion and you 're just a 16 - year - old girl who 's done the Disney Channel . Are you able to do this as an actress ? '' , After visiting the set and watching Cyrus film , Sparks ' worries abated . To play the New York teen , Cyrus worked with a dialect coach to lose her Southern accent and learned to play classical piano . After she completed filming , Cyrus said that in a case of life imitating art , she had matured and `` changed a lot '' over the course of her summer in Georgia , similar to the way Ronnie does in the film . `` Showing this movie , I feel like I 'm really showing a part of my growth as a person as well . So I 'm really excited for people to see it . '' In April 2009 , Disney officials chose Rafi Gavron for the part of Will Blakelee , but switched to Australian actor Liam Hemsworth by May . On May 18 , 2009 , the decision to cast Greg Kinnear as Steve Miller was made final . Kelly Preston 's part as Kim is the first role she has accepted since the death of her son , Jett Travolta . After being introduced to Cal Johnson , the film 's stunt coordinator , Adam Barnett landed the role of Teddy in May 2009 due to his pre-developed talent in juggling and hackey sack . Post-production ( edit ) The Last Song entered post-production following the end of filming on August 18 , 2009 . Automated dialogue replacement took place in mid-September ; Beals and Chaikin stated they had gone in to record on September 11 and September 18 respectively . Chaikin said she had worked for five and a half hours . The director 's cut was presented to the studio on October 1 , 2009 . The Motion Picture Association of America reviewed the film and issued it a PG rating for `` thematic material , some violence , sensuality and mild language '' three weeks later . Filming ( edit ) Move to Georgia ( edit ) Nobody knows what 's going to happen ( ... ) Georgia wants them badly , and we want them badly , and by Monday , there 'll be four or five other states that want them badly . -- Bev Perdue , Governor of North Carolina The Last Song had originally been set in Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington in North Carolina . Though they wished to shoot on location , filmmakers also examined three other states and identified Georgia as the next best filming site . Georgia 's housing prices were higher , but the state 's filming incentive package refunded 30 % of production costs such as gasoline , pencils , and salaries . North Carolina 's package refunded 15 % and excluded salaries of over $1 million . Still , Disney remained interested in North Carolina and offered to film there if the state would reduce the amount the company would save in Georgia , approximately $1 million , in half . North Carolina officials searched for ways to accomplish this , including applying unsuccessfully for state and Golden LEAF Foundation grants . They also introduced legislation to improve the state 's refund to 25 % , which eventually passed on August 27 , 2009 . Disney decided to work within existing incentive laws and agreed to film in North Carolina as long as the film rights they had bought from Sparks counted as a production cost , thereby saving the company an additional $125,000 to $225,000 . Then - North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue set up a press conference on April 1 , 2009 to announce N.C. 's victory . North Carolina tax collectors refused to consider the film rights , forcing Perdue to cancel the conference at the last second . `` I was hopeful to say that it was coming and now I do n't know that I 'll get to say that , '' Perdue said . `` Nobody knows what 's going to happen ( ... ) I do n't know what figures they got from Georgia , but Georgia wants them badly , and we want them badly , and by Monday ( April 6 , 2009 ) , there 'll be four or five other states that want them badly . '' Johnny Griffin , director of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission , explains : `` Disney makes feature films . They also make television series ; they make individual movies for the Disney Channel . By losing this one project , in essence , we 've lost all of those opportunities . '' He also notes the loss of jobs and tourism filming would have created . On April 9 , 2009 , after three months of deliberation , the decision to relocate to Georgia was made final . To determine the specific town , location scouts scoured the state for an aged , isolated , oceanfront property to use as the Miller family 's home in the film . After another three months and the discovery of the `` Adams Cottage '' on the southern tip of Tybee Island , Tybee and neighboring locations became the sites of filming in late March , with the intention of masquerading the area as Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach , North Carolina. , The locale proved too unique to disguise . `` We had a hard time trying to hide the fact that this was Tybee and Savannah was Savannah , '' said Bass Hampton , the film 's location director . Filmmakers convinced the screenwriters to change the setting of the film and to Tybee Island , thus allowing them to incorporate landmarks such as the Tybee Island Light Station and the Savannah Historic District . The setting of Sparks ' novel remained in North Carolina . Though other movies have been filmed in Tybee Island , The Last Song is the first to be both filmed and set in Tybee Island . With the city 's name plastered on everything from police cars to businesses , Georgia officials predict a lasting effect on the economy . In addition , The Last Song is estimated to have brought up to 500 summer jobs to Georgia , $8 million to local businesses , and $17.5 million to state businesses . Sets ( edit ) The Last Song crew members install propane pipes and gas lines to create a controlled burn for the bonfire scene . Nelson Coates is the production designer for The Last Song , responsible for all visual aspects of the movie . Coates , who was nominated for an Emmy Award for his work on the Stephen King television miniseries The Stand , arrived 11 weeks prior to the start of filming to do prep work . While most of the filming took place on the natural Tybee Island beach or on pre-constructed private property , Coates oversaw the re-painting of the pier and the construction of the carnival and church . Location scouts had searched the entirety of Georgia for an aged , isolated oceanfront property to use as a home for the Millers for nearly three months before scout Andy Young came across the `` Adams Cottage '' on the southern end of Tybee Island . `` It was getting down to zero hour , '' said Young . `` Often , it 's about the house . It can be a character itself in the movie . '' The house 's owner , Sam Adams , welcomed filming as `` an opportunity to sort of immortalize the house , '' in case it is destroyed by storms . The two - story , six bedroom house was built by Adams ' great - grandfather in 1918 and was made entirely out of hard pine wood with very few painted surfaces . According to Savannah Morning News reporter Lesley Conn , it `` was built in classic rambling beach style ( ... designed ) to allow ocean breezes to sweep through wide , wraparound porches into cool , heart - pine rooms . '' The church set was built over a six - week period in a vacant lot on the corner of 13th Street and Sixth Avenue , near residential homes . The one - room , 2,000 - square - foot ( 190 m ) building seats approximately 80 people and is estimated to be worth $250,000 to $350,000 . Special - effects coordinator Will Purcell subdued concerns about the church burning scene by stating that the building would not actually be set on fire . The intended menacing effect is `` all camera angles . It is a safe environment for actors to do their work . '' Several techniques were used to simulate the fire , including the use of propane pipes to shoot flames through the church windows . At the end of filming , Cyrus hoped to fly the church set back to her family 's estate in Tennessee . Disney agreed to donate the building to the island after Tybee officials lobbied to keep it , with the condition that its connection to The Last Song not be advertised . The set will be moved to a new location and brought up to code for use as a non-denominational chapel for island weddings ; renovations are expected to cost approximately $600,000 . Shooting schedule ( edit ) Remnants of the carnival set , such as these flags and light strings , were re-established to create the illusion that the beach scenes filmed in late July had taken place during the festival filmed in June . Cyrus ' busy schedule necessitated that filming take place over the summer . Sparks noted , `` She 's got a fall music tour and then she 's back filming Hannah Montana in the spring again . So the only time she had free in her schedule was over the summer . '' Principal photography began on June 15 , 2009 and finished on August 18 , 2009 . Filming did not take place during weekends . On the first day of production , Cyrus and Hemsworth filmed a kiss in the ocean . Other scenes which took place in June included the carnival and volleyball tournament , both of which were filmed on the beach near the Tybee Island pier . Filming at the pier wrapped up on June 23 , 2009 after shooting the scene in which Kim drops off Ronnie and Jonah to live with Steve . Scenes of the church fire were shot on July 10 , 2009 . Filming at the Georgia Tech Savannah campus began on July 16 . Kinnear finished taping on July 17 , 2009 . Wedding scenes and a key driving scene were filmed at the Wormsloe Historic Site between July 20 and July 23 for twelve hours each day . Driving scenes in Isle of Hope , Georgia continued to the 28 . By July 30 , the movie had returned to Tybee Island for more beach scenes . Chaikin 's character framed Cyrus ' for stealing a watch on August 6 . On August 10 , Hemsworth performed an oil change and Cyrus browsed an upscale boutique in downtown Savannah for the movie . The funeral was filmed from August 11 , 2009 to August 13 , 2009 at the church set in Tybee Island . On August 15 , further church burning scenes took place . The wrap party was held on the 16 , and the cast and crew arrived in Atlanta , Georgia the following day to spend the last days of filming at the Georgia Aquarium . After analyzing the area on the 17th , the movie began shooting in public areas at dawn on the 18th to avoid crowds . Once the aquarium opened to the public at 10 : 00 , filming shifted to behind - the - scenes areas . Loggerhead sea turtles ( edit ) The loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings featured in the film were stragglers collected from nests on Tybee and Sapelo Island . Due to the conflicting personalities of his protagonist couple , Sparks faced difficulty in finding a vehicle that would draw Will and Ronnie to spend time together . `` It had to be during the summer , she ( Ronnie ) had to be new in town , and whatever happened had to start in June and end in August . Because you always want a conclusion , '' said Sparks of his requirements . He mentioned summer camp or a summer job as typical vehicles used in books , but dismissed them as unoriginal and boring . `` So it 's got to be original , it 's got to be interesting , and at the same time it 's got to be universal , that you feel like it could happen to anybody . '' Sparks eventually chose to have Will and Ronnie bond over a loggerhead sea turtle nest , knowing that Loggerhead eggs often hatch in August . The scene of the hatching nest took place during the first week of August and involved 26 live loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings . Sea turtle hatchlings have an innate sense to head toward the ocean water as soon as they are born , so scenes of the nest hatching had to be taken swiftly . Said Mike Dodd of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources , the biologist who supervised the scene , the hatchlings `` did all they know how to do : They crawled down to the water and swam off . '' Sparks told an interviewer he suspected filmmakers would digitally add more turtles to the scene . At the time of filming , the loggerhead sea turtle was listed as a threatened species . The environmentally friendly theme was an added bonus to Tybee Island , which was then promoting ecotourism . Soundtrack ( edit ) The Last Song : Original Soundtrack Soundtrack album by Various Artists Released March 23 , 2010 Recorded 2009 Genre Pop Length 59 : 25 Label Hollywood Records Producer Various Artists Singles from The Last Song : Original Soundtrack `` When I Look at You '' Released : March 26 , 2010 `` I Hope You Find It '' Released : March 23 , 2010 `` When I Look at You '' , song by Miley Cyrus , was originally from her EP The Time of Our Lives released August 31 , 2009 , but was included on the soundtrack because it fit the movie well . The song is used in the background of the film 's trailer . At the launch of his album Cradlesong on June 30 , 2009 , Rob Thomas told the New York Daily News , `` My buddy Adam Shankman , who just directed Miley 's movie , called me on the phone the other day and was like , ' You have to write a song for this movie . ' ... I would definitely write a song for her ( Cyrus ) . '' In the end , however , Thomas was unable to contribute music to The Last Song , citing `` scheduling problems '' as the reason . The soundtrack features a track by Casey McPherson , frontman of the band Alpha Rev which signed with Disney 's Hollywood Records in August 2008 . Variety magazine 's Anthony D'Alessandro notes that the use of soundtracks as `` launch pads '' for new Disney artists is a common practice . `` A Different Side of Me '' by Allstar Weekend was also included on the soundtrack . They are a group newly signed to Hollywood Records after winning the N.B.T. Competition through the Disney Channel . The soundtrack was released in the U.S. on March 23 , 2010 . Though not featured on soundtrack , Snow Patrol 's 2006 single `` Shut Your Eyes '' and Feist 's `` I Feel It All '' also appear in the film . The soundtrack had a major increase in sales in the week of the DVD release . The soundtrack peaked at # 104 on the Billboard 200 albums chart . Track listing ( edit ) Standard Edition No . Title Writer ( s ) Recording Artist ( s ) Length 1 . `` Tyrant '' Andrew Brown , Zachary Filkins , Ryan Tedder OneRepublic 5 : 04 2 . `` Bring on the Comets '' Mark Guidry , Mark Palgy , Craig Pfunder VHS Or Beta 4 : 02 3 . `` Setting Sun '' Finlay Beaton , Stuart Macleod , Joel Quartermain Eskimo Joe 3 : 49 4 . `` When I Look at You '' John Shanks , Hillary Lindsey Miley Cyrus 4 : 09 5 . `` Brooklyn Blurs '' Alex Wong , Devon Copley The Paper Raincoat 4 : 15 6 . `` Can You Tell '' Milo Bonacci , Alexandra Lawn , Wesley Miles , John Pike , Mathieu Santos , Rebecca Zeller Ra Ra Riot 2 : 41 7 . `` Down the Line '' José González José González 3 : 10 8 . `` Each Coming Night '' Sam Beam Iron & Wine 3 : 25 9 . `` I Hope You Find It '' Jeffrey Steele , Steven Robson Miley Cyrus 3 : 55 10 . `` She Will Be Loved '' Adam Levine , James Valentine Maroon 5 4 : 16 11 . `` New Morning '' Casey McPherson Alpha Rev 3 : 44 12 . `` Broke Down Hearted Wonderland '' Edwin McCain , Maia Sharp , Pete Riley , Kevin Kinney Edwin McCain 3 : 02 13 . `` A Different Side of Me '' Nathan Darmody , Zachary Porter , Thomas Norris Allstar Weekend 3 : 08 14 . `` No Matter What '' Sydnee Duran , Dave Bassett Valora 3 : 22 15 . `` Heart of Stone '' Sune Rose Wagner The Raveonettes 3 : 55 16 . `` Steve 's Theme '' Aaron Zigman Aaron Zigman 3 : 18 17 . `` I Feel it All '' Feist Feist 3 : 42 Total length : 59 : 25 Charts ( edit ) Charts ( 2010 ) Peak position Billboard 200 80 Singles ( edit ) `` When I Look at You '' was released as a single on February 16 , 2010 . It has peaked at # 16 on the US Hot 100 and # 24 on the Canadian Hot 100 . `` I Hope You Find It '' is a track from the album . It received a large amount of digital downloads after the album was made available for online purchase . It debuted at # 8 on Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart in the week ending April 10 , 2010 and peaked at # 5 a week later before it dropped out in the week ending April 24 , 2010 . In September 2013 , the song received media attention for being covered by Cher for her 26th studio album Closer to the Truth . Release ( edit ) Cyrus sings `` When I Look at You '' during her Wonder World Tour while facing a screen playing a film clip of Will and Ronnie . Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures originally scheduled The Last Song for wide release on January 8 , 2010 , but was delayed from January 8 , 2010 to March 31 , 2010 . Marketing ( edit ) Upon the release of the novel on September 8 , Sparks began a book tour reaching around 13 cities and gave several interviews . During these events , he discussed writing both the novel and the screenplay . Cyrus and Walt Disney Studios Chairman Dick Cook discussed the film on September 11 , 2009 at the first D23 Expo . The first clips from the film appeared online on September 11 , 2009 , interspersed within one version of the `` When I Look at You '' music video . The film 's first trailer was integrated into Cyrus ' Wonder World Tour and premiered during the tour 's opening night on September 14 , 2009 in Portland , Oregon . Midway through each concert , the trailer was shown on large video screens surrounding the stage . After it finished , Cyrus played a white piano and sang `` When I Look at You '' while film clips continued to play on the screens behind her . On November 16 , 2009 , the first three film stills were released via the film 's Facebook page . The following day , the film 's trailer premiered online . The film 's premiere was held in Los Angeles on March 25 , 2010 . Cyrus was originally planned to go to the UK premiere of the film , but due to the April 14 , 2010 eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull that blanketed Europe in volcanic ash and grounded all flights to and from the continent , she was unable to attend . Home Media ( edit ) The Last Song was released on DVD and Blu - ray on August 17 , 2010 . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) The Last Song performed well for when it was released for the first time , garnering $5,125,103 on approximately 3,300 screens at 2,673 theaters for an average of $1,917 per theater . It has grossed $62,950,384 in North America and $26,091,272 in other territories for a worldwide total of $89,041,656 . In its opening weekend , the film grossed $16,007,426 , finishing fourth at the box office behind Clash of the Titans ( $61,235,105 ) , Why Did I Get Married Too ? ( $29,289,537 ) and How to Train Your Dragon ( $29,010,044 ) . Critical response ( edit ) The Last Song was panned by critics . Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes , gives the film an average of 4 / 10 and a rating of 20 % based on 116 reviews . The critical consensus is summarized : `` As shamelessly manipulative as any Nicholas Sparks production , The Last Song is done no favors by its miscast and over matched star , Miley Cyrus . '' Metacritic , which assigns normalized ratings to films , The Last Song holds a `` generally unfavorable '' score of 33 % based on 27 reviews . Reviewers were critical of Sparks ' and Van Wie 's screenplay and formulaic storyline . Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle says the screenplay 's faults include several `` scenes that make no emotional sense '' and claims , `` The plot construction is weak . Incidents do n't flow one into the next . '' When reviewing Cyrus 's performance , critics acknowledged her stage presence , but were frequently critical of her acting abilities . Jay Stone of The Ottawa Citizen says Cyrus 's portrayal of angry Ronnie `` consist ( s ) of pouting and sneering ( ... ) Cyrus does n't have a lot of range , but she does have presence . '' Rob Nelson of Variety writes , `` Cyrus , alas , has n't yet learned not to act ( ... ) But she does show off her considerable chops as a pianist and remains reasonably likable throughout . '' A.O. Scott of The New York Times believes that although `` her Hannah Montana persona has a certain aggressive charm '' , in The Last Song she `` play - act ( s ) rather than exploring the motives and feelings of her character . '' Roger Ebert gave the film a mixed 2.5 / 4 . He praised the acting and directing , but derided the plot and Sparks 's writing . Kinnear 's performance has been widely praised . A.O. Scott writes , `` it 's nice to see Mr. Kinnear play an entirely sympathetic character for a change ( but ) his slyness and subtlety seem wasted in a project that has no interest in either . '' Michael Phillips of The Chicago Tribune writes , `` Reliably honest and affecting , ( Kinnear ) fights off the waves of corn in much the same way that Tibetan monk defied the tsunami in 2012 . '' Glen Whipp of the Associated Press writes , `` Kinnear lends the movie a dignity it does n't deserve '' . Stone advises , `` I 'd watch out for Liam Hemsworth '' . Stephen Witty of The Star - Ledger commends `` newcomer Carly Chaikin ( who ) plays the `` bad girl '' ( ... ) with an exciting mixture of wildness and vulnerability . Halfway in , I began wishing desperately that Chaikin was playing the lead . '' Reception for Coleman was mixed ; Jeff Vice of `` Deseret News '' calls him a `` hammy irritant '' while Jon Bream of the Star Tribune writes , `` The most memorable acting is by Coleman , 12 ( ... who ) gets a lot of great lines and delivers them with aplomb '' . Despite the negative reviews from critics , the movie was well received from fans and audiences with a 66 % fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes and with an average of a 7 / 10 . Accolades ( edit ) Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie : Drama The Last Song cast and crew Nominated Choice Movie Actress : Drama Miley Cyrus Nominated Choice Movie Breakout Star : Male Liam Hemsworth Won Choice Movie : Liplock Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Nominated Choice Movie : Chemistry Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Nominated Choice Movie : Dance Scene Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Nominated Choice Movie : Hissy Fit Miley Cyrus Won Choice Music : Love Song When I Look At You Won Kids ' Choice Awards 2011 Favorite Movie Actress Miley Cyrus Won Golden Raspberry Award Worst Actress Miley Cyrus Nominated Nickelodeon Australian Kids ' Choice Awards 2010 Favorite Movie Actress Miley Cyrus Won Cutest Couple Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Nominated Favorite Kiss Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Won References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Last Song ( 2010 ) -- Box Office Mojo '' . Box Office Mojo . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved April 29 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` The Last Song Nicholas Sparks '' . 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WTOC - TV . Raycom Media . Retrieved August 7 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Hempel , Randi ( June 15 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Movie : Church Scenes & Tybee Island Firefighters '' . WSAV - TV . Media General . Jump up ^ `` Miley Cyrus movie relocates to Georgia Tech 's Savannah campus '' . Savannah Morning News . Morris Communications . July 17 , 2009 . Retrieved August 7 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Ryan Seacrest , Miley Cyrus ( July 16 , 2009 ) . On Air with Ryan Seacrest . Los Angeles : On Air with Ryan Seacrest ( radio ) . Event occurs at 2 : 11 -- 3 : 22 . Archived from the original on July 23 , 2011 . Retrieved August 7 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Goldman , Emily ( July 16 , 2009 ) . `` Local jazz band to perform in ' Last Song ' wedding scene '' . Savannah Morning News . Morris Communications . Retrieved August 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ WTOC staff ( June 23 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Cyrus filming closes Wormsloe and Ferguson Ave '' . WTOC - TV . Raycom Media . Retrieved August 5 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Adams , Cate Mafera ( July 24 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Movie Filming Moves to Wormsloe '' . Savannah Morning News . Morris Communications . Retrieved August 5 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Savannah Spotted ( July 30 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Cyrus is on Tybee '' . Savannah Morning News . Morris Communications . Retrieved August 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Savannah Morning News ( August 11 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Moves to the Mainland '' . Savannah Morning News . Morris Communications . Retrieved August 11 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Miley Movie Films in Multiple Locations in Savannah . WTOC - TV ( News broadcast ) . Savannah , Georgia : Raycom Media . August 10 , 2009 . Event occurs at 2 : 11 -- 2 : 25 . Miley was n't scheduled to be in any of the scenes at the car shop but was to run into the dress shop and try on a variety of dresses there . The cast and crew will be back out on Tybee Island for the next three days . ^ Jump up to : Logana , Don ( August 14 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Movie Wraps Up Filming on Tybee '' . WTOC - TV . Raycom Media . Retrieved August 24 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Stoynoff , Natasha ( August 21 , 2009 ) . `` Miley Cyrus Spotted Kissing Ausie Actor '' . People . Retrieved August 24 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Eldredge , Richard ( August 19 , 2009 ) . `` Behind - the - scenes on ' Song ' as Cyrus Swims with Sharks '' . The Atlanta Journal - Constitution . Retrieved August 20 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Landers , Mary ( August 15 , 2009 ) . `` Tybee Turtles Hatch '' . Savannah Morning News . Morris Communications . Retrieved October 4 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Conant , Therese A. ; Peter H. Dutton ; Tomoharu Eguchi ; Sheryan P. Epperly ; Christina C. Fahy ; Matthew H. Godfrey ; Sandra L. MacPherson ; Earl E. Possardt ; Barbara A. Schroeder ; Jeffrey A. Seminoff ; Melissa L. Snover ; Carrie M. Upite ; Blair E. Witherington ( August 2009 ) . `` Loggerhead Sea Turtle ( Caretta Caretta ) 2009 Status Review Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act '' . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . Retrieved August 24 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Schreffler , Laura ; Amanda Sidman ( July 3 , 2009 ) . `` Rob Thomas making sweet music for Miley Cyrus ' new movie '' . Daily News ( New York ) . Retrieved July 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Josh Armstrong ( September 9 , 2009 ) . `` Rob Thomas rocks Cradlesong '' . . Retrieved January 23 , 2011 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( January 7 , 2010 ) . `` Disney Music Aids Films '' . Variety . Reed Business Information . Retrieved February 4 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Last Song : Various : MP3 Downloads '' . . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard - Music Charts , News , Photos & Video '' . Retrieved October 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` The Last Song '' . . CraveOnline . Retrieved May 28 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Depp unveils ' Pirates 4 ' details at D23 '' . Variety . Associated Press . September 11 , 2009 . Retrieved September 12 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Harrington , Jim ( September 19 , 2009 ) . `` Concert Review : Miley Cyrus Leaves Hannah Montana Behind at Oakland Show '' . Oakland Tribune . San Jose Mercury News . Retrieved September 19 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Rich , Katie ( November 16 , 2009 ) . `` First Images Of Miley Cyrus And Liam Hemsworth In The Last Song '' . Cinema Blend . Retrieved November 16 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Big Time Rush . `` '' The Last Song '' Sweepstakes `` . Archived from the original on January 31 , 2010 . Retrieved May 25 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Karina Mitchell ( April 2 , 2010 ) . `` '' The Last Song '' Hits High Note at the Box Office `` . CBS News . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` ' Last Song ' Opens Solidly on Wednesday '' . Box Office Mojo. April 1 , 2010 . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Last Song ( 2010 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Flixster . Retrieved May 20 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` The Last Song '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Jump up ^ LaSalle , Mick ( March 31 , 2010 ) . `` Movie review : One - note actress in ' Last Song ' '' . . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` Review : The Last Song '' . . March 30 , 2010 . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Rob Nelson ( March 30 , 2010 ) . `` The Last Song '' . . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : A.O. Scott ( March 31 , 2010 ) . `` Movie Review -- The Last Song -- Summer Love , a Sea of Trouble '' . The New York Times . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Michael Phillips ( March 30 , 2010 ) . `` ' Last Song ' : Same old Sparks romance , this time starring Miley '' . . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Whipp , Glenn ( October 29 , 2009 ) . `` ' The Last Song ' plays the same old tune '' . Boston / AP . Retrieved October 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Touchstone Pictures . `` ' The Last Song ' review : It 's Young Love Inc. , and hard to buy -- Movies with Stephen Whitty '' . . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Movie review : Nicholas Sparks ' ' The Last Song ' is out of tune '' . Deseret News . March 30 , 2010 . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ John Bream . `` ' Last Song ' puts a pouty face on Smiley Miley '' . . Retrieved May 21 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Last Song '' . March 31 , 2010 . Retrieved October 23 , 2016 -- via IMDb . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to The Last Song ( film ) . Wikiquote has quotations related to : The Last Song ( film ) The Last Song on IMDb The Last Song at AllMovie The Last Song at Rotten Tomatoes The Last Song at Metacritic The Last Song at Box Office Mojo ( hide ) Nicholas Sparks Novels The Notebook ( 1996 ) Message in a Bottle ( 1998 ) A Walk to Remember ( 1999 ) The Rescue ( 2000 ) A Bend in the Road ( 2001 ) Nights in Rodanthe ( 2002 ) The Guardian ( 2003 ) The Wedding ( 2003 ) True Believer ( 2005 ) At First Sight ( 2006 ) Dear John ( 2006 ) The Choice ( 2007 ) The Lucky One ( 2008 ) The Last Song ( 2009 ) Safe Haven ( 2010 ) The Best of Me ( 2011 ) The Longest Ride ( 2013 ) See Me ( 2015 ) Two by Two ( 2016 ) Non-fiction Wokini : A Lakota Journey to Happiness and Self - Understanding ( 1990 ) Three Weeks with My Brother ( 2004 ) Film adaptations Message in a Bottle ( 1999 ) A Walk to Remember ( 2002 ) The Notebook ( 2004 ) Nights in Rodanthe ( 2008 ) Dear John ( 2010 ) The Last Song ( 2010 ) The Lucky One ( 2012 ) Safe Haven ( 2013 ) The Best of Me ( 2014 ) The Longest Ride ( 2015 ) The Choice ( 2016 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2010 films English - language films 2010s drama films American coming - of - age films American films American romantic drama films American teen drama films American teen romance films American teen films Directorial debut films Films based on works by Nicholas Sparks Films based on romance novels Films set in Georgia ( U.S. state ) Films shot in Georgia ( U.S. state ) Touchstone Pictures films Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from June 2016 Use mdy dates from August 2015 Articles with hAudio microformats Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Track listings with deprecated parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Български Čeština Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Slovenščina Suomi Svenska ไทย Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 September 2017 , at 03 : 23 . 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where was last song filmed on tybee island
Sparks was approached to write both the film 's screenplay and the novel . Sparks completed the screenplay in January 2009 , prior to the completion of the novel , making The Last Song his first script to be optioned for film . The setting , originally in North Carolina like the novel , relocated to Georgia after the states had campaigned for months to host production . Upon beginning production in Tybee Island , Georgia and nearby Savannah , The Last Song became the first movie to be both filmed and set in Tybee Island . Filming lasted from June 15 to August 18 , 2009 with much of it occurring on the island 's beach and pier . The Last Song was released by Touchstone Pictures on March 31 , 2010 . Upon release , the film received a negative response from critics , particularly towards its screenplay and casting .
1982 Milwaukee Brewers season - wikipedia 1982 Milwaukee Brewers season Jump to : navigation , search 1982 Milwaukee Brewers Major League affiliations American League ( since 1969 ) East Division ( since 1972 ) Location Milwaukee County Stadium ( since 1970 ) Milwaukee , Wisconsin ( since 1970 ) Other information Owner ( s ) Bud Selig General manager ( s ) Harry Dalton Manager ( s ) Buck Rodgers and Harvey Kuenn Local television WVTV ( Mike Hegan , Steve Shannon ) Local radio WISN ( AM ) ( Bob Uecker , Dwayne Mosely ) < Previous season Next season > The 1982 Milwaukee Brewers season resulted in the team winning its first and only American League Championship . As a team , the Brewers led Major League Baseball in a number of offensive categories , including at bats ( 5733 ) , runs scored ( 891 ) , home runs ( 216 ) , runs batted in ( 843 ) , slugging percentage (. 455 ) , on - base plus slugging (. 789 ) , total bases ( 2606 ) and extra-base hits ( 534 ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Offseason 2 Regular season 2.1 Season standings 2.2 Record vs. opponents 2.3 Notable transactions 2.4 Roster 3 Player stats 3.1 Batting 3.1. 1 Starters by position 3.1. 2 Other batters 3.2 Pitching 3.2. 1 Starting pitchers 3.2. 2 Other pitchers 3.2. 3 Relief pitchers 4 Postseason 4.1 ALCS 4.1. 1 Game 1 , October 5 4.1. 2 Game 2 , October 6 4.1. 3 Game 3 , October 8 4.1. 4 Game 4 , October 9 4.1. 5 Game 5 , October 10 4.2 1982 World Series 4.2. 1 Game 1 4.2. 2 Game 2 4.2. 3 Game 3 4.2. 4 Game 4 4.2. 5 Game 5 4.2. 6 Game 6 4.2. 7 Game 7 4.2. 8 Composite box 5 Awards and honors 5.1 League leaders 5.2 All - Stars 6 Farm system 7 Notes 8 References Offseason ( edit ) October 23 , 1981 : Rickey Keeton was traded by the Brewers to the Houston Astros for Pete Ladd . January 12 , 1982 : Tom Pagnozzi was drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers in the 24th round of the 1982 amateur draft , but did not sign . February 26 , 1982 : John Flinn was released by the Brewers . Regular season ( edit ) August 27 , 1982 : Against the Brewers , Rickey Henderson broke Lou Brock 's record for most stolen bases in one season . Doc Medich was on the mound when Henderson broke the record . September 24 , 1982 : Robin Yount had 6 RBIs in a game against the Baltimore Orioles . Paul Molitor 's 136 runs not only led the American League , but they were the most scored in the league since 1949 . Robin Yount became the first shortstop in American League history to lead the league in slugging percentage . He would go on to lead the league in hits , doubles , and total bases as he was voted the American League Most Valuable Player . Season standings ( edit ) AL East Pct . GB Home Road Milwaukee Brewers 95 67 0.586 -- 48 -- 34 47 -- 33 Baltimore Orioles 94 68 0.580 53 -- 28 41 -- 40 Boston Red Sox 89 73 0.549 6 49 -- 32 40 -- 41 Detroit Tigers 83 79 0.512 12 47 -- 34 36 -- 45 New York Yankees 79 83 0.488 16 42 -- 39 37 -- 44 Cleveland Indians 78 84 0.481 17 41 -- 40 37 -- 44 Toronto Blue Jays 78 84 0.481 17 44 -- 37 34 -- 47 Record vs. opponents ( edit ) 1982 American League Records Sources : ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 ) ( 12 ) ( 13 ) ( 14 ) Team BAL BOS CAL CWS CLE DET KC MIL MIN NYY OAK SEA TEX TOR Baltimore -- 4 -- 9 7 -- 5 5 -- 7 6 -- 7 7 -- 6 4 -- 8 9 -- 4 -- 1 8 -- 4 11 -- 2 7 -- 5 7 -- 5 9 -- 3 10 -- 3 Boston 9 -- 4 -- 7 -- 5 4 -- 8 6 -- 7 8 -- 5 6 -- 6 4 -- 9 6 -- 6 7 -- 6 8 -- 4 7 -- 5 10 -- 2 7 -- 6 California 5 -- 7 5 -- 7 -- 8 -- 5 8 -- 4 5 -- 7 7 -- 6 6 -- 6 7 -- 6 7 -- 5 9 -- 4 10 -- 3 8 -- 5 8 -- 4 Chicago 7 -- 5 8 -- 4 5 -- 8 -- 6 -- 6 9 -- 3 3 -- 10 3 -- 9 7 -- 6 8 -- 4 9 -- 4 6 -- 7 8 -- 5 8 -- 4 Cleveland 7 -- 6 7 -- 6 4 -- 8 6 -- 6 -- 6 -- 7 2 -- 10 7 -- 6 8 -- 4 4 -- 9 4 -- 8 9 -- 3 7 -- 5 7 -- 6 Detroit 6 -- 7 5 -- 8 7 -- 5 3 -- 9 7 -- 6 -- 6 -- 6 3 -- 10 9 -- 3 8 -- 5 9 -- 3 6 -- 6 8 -- 4 6 -- 7 Kansas City 8 -- 4 6 -- 6 6 -- 7 10 -- 3 10 -- 2 6 -- 6 -- 7 -- 5 7 -- 6 5 -- 7 7 -- 6 7 -- 6 7 -- 6 4 -- 8 Milwaukee 4 -- 9 -- 1 9 -- 4 6 -- 6 9 -- 3 6 -- 7 10 -- 3 5 -- 7 -- 7 -- 5 8 -- 5 7 -- 5 8 -- 4 7 -- 5 9 -- 4 Minnesota 4 -- 8 6 -- 6 6 -- 7 6 -- 7 4 -- 8 3 -- 9 6 -- 7 5 -- 7 -- 2 -- 10 3 -- 10 5 -- 8 5 -- 8 5 -- 7 New York 2 -- 11 6 -- 7 5 -- 7 4 -- 8 9 -- 4 5 -- 8 7 -- 5 5 -- 8 10 -- 2 -- 7 -- 5 6 -- 6 7 -- 5 6 -- 7 Oakland 5 -- 7 4 -- 8 4 -- 9 4 -- 9 8 -- 4 3 -- 9 6 -- 7 5 -- 7 10 -- 3 5 -- 7 -- 6 -- 7 5 -- 8 3 -- 9 Seattle 5 -- 7 5 -- 7 3 -- 10 7 -- 6 3 -- 9 6 -- 6 6 -- 7 4 -- 8 8 -- 5 6 -- 6 7 -- 6 -- 9 -- 4 7 -- 5 Texas 3 -- 9 2 -- 10 5 -- 8 5 -- 8 5 -- 7 4 -- 8 6 -- 7 5 -- 7 8 -- 5 5 -- 7 8 -- 5 4 -- 9 -- 4 -- 8 Toronto 3 -- 10 6 -- 7 4 -- 8 4 -- 8 6 -- 7 7 -- 6 8 -- 4 4 -- 9 7 -- 5 7 -- 6 9 -- 3 5 -- 7 8 -- 4 -- Notable transactions ( edit ) May 14 , 1982 : Rob Picciolo was traded by the Oakland Athletics to the Milwaukee Brewers for Mike Warren and John Evans ( minors ) . June 7 , 1982 : Dale Sveum was drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers in the 1st round ( 25th pick ) of the 1982 amateur draft . Player signed June 14 , 1982 . August 30 , 1982 : The Brewers traded players to be named later and cash to the Houston Astros for Don Sutton . The Brewers completed the trade by sending Kevin Bass , Frank DiPino , and Mike Madden to the Astros on September 3 . Roster ( edit ) 1982 Milwaukee Brewers Roster Pitchers 46 Jerry Augustine 47 Dwight Bernard 48 Mike Caldwell 28 Jamie Easterly 34 Rollie Fingers 30 Moose Haas 45 , 54 Doug Jones 27 Pete Ladd 35 Randy Lerch 10 Bob McClure 33 Doc Medich 43 Chuck Porter 41 Jim Slaton 21 Don Sutton 50 Pete Vuckovich Catchers 23 Ted Simmons 5 Ned Yost Infielders 15 Cecil Cooper 17 Jim Gantner 4 Paul Molitor 8 Rob Picciolo 11 Ed Romero 19 Robin Yount Outfielders 26 Kevin Bass 29 Mark Brouhard 16 Marshall Edwards 22 Charlie Moore 24 Ben Oglivie 26 Bob Skube 20 Gorman Thomas Other batters 9 Larry Hisle 13 Roy Howell 7 Don Money Manager 32 Harvey Kuenn ( 6 / 2 -- ) 37 Buck Rodgers ( 4 / 9 -- 6 / 1 ) Coaches -- Pat Dobson ( Pitching ) 12 Larry Haney ( Bullpen ) 18 Ron Hansen ( First Base ) 32 Harvey Kuenn ( Hitting 4 / 9 -- 6 / 2 ) 38 Cal McLish ( Pitching ) 36 Harry Warner ( Third Base ) Player stats ( edit ) Batting ( edit ) Starters by position ( edit ) Note : Pos = Position ; G = Games played ; AB = At bats ; H = Hits ; Avg . = Batting average ; HR = Home runs ; RBI = Runs batted in Pos Player AB Avg . HR RBI Simmons , Ted Ted Simmons 137 539 145 . 269 23 97 1B Cooper , Cecil Cecil Cooper 155 654 205 . 313 32 121 2B Gantner , Jim Jim Gantner 132 447 132 . 295 43 3B Molitor , Paul Paul Molitor 160 666 201 . 302 19 71 SS Yount , Robin Robin Yount 156 635 210 . 331 29 114 LF Oglivie , Ben Ben Oglivie 159 602 147 . 244 34 102 CF Thomas , Gorman Gorman Thomas 158 567 139 . 245 39 112 RF Moore , Charlie Charlie Moore 133 456 116 . 254 6 45 Other batters ( edit ) Note : G = Games played ; AB = At bats ; H = Hits ; Avg . = Batting average ; HR = Home runs ; RBI = Runs batted in Player AB Avg . HR RBI Howell , Roy Roy Howell 98 300 78 . 260 38 Money , Don Don Money 96 275 78 . 284 16 55 Edwards , Marshall Marshall Edwards 69 178 44 . 247 14 Romero , Ed Ed Romero 52 144 36 . 250 7 Brouhard , Mark Mark Brouhard 40 108 29 . 269 10 Yost , Ned Ned Yost 40 98 27 . 276 8 Picciolo , Rob Rob Picciolo 22 21 6 . 286 0 Bass , Kevin Kevin Bass 18 9 0 . 000 0 0 Hisle , Larry Larry Hisle 9 31 . 129 5 Skube , Bob Bob Skube . 667 0 0 Pitching ( edit ) Starting pitchers ( edit ) Note : G = Games pitched ; IP = Innings pitched ; W = Wins ; L = Losses ; ERA = Earned run average ; SO = Strikeouts Player IP ERA SO Caldwell , Mike Mike Caldwell 35 258 17 13 3.91 75 Vuckovich , Pete Pete Vuckovich 30 223 2 / 3 18 6 3.34 105 Haas , Moose Moose Haas 32 193 1 / 3 11 8 4.47 104 McClure , Bob Bob McClure 34 172 2 / 3 12 7 4.22 99 Lerch , Randy Randy Lerch 21 108 2 / 3 8 7 4.97 33 Sutton , Don Don Sutton 7 54 2 / 3 3.29 36 Other pitchers ( edit ) Note : G = Games pitched ; IP = Innings pitched ; W = Wins ; L = Losses ; ERA = Earned run average ; SO = Strikeouts Player IP ERA SO Slaton , Jim Jim Slaton 39 117 2 / 3 10 6 3.29 59 Augustine , Jerry Jerry Augustine 20 62 5.08 22 Medich , Doc Doc Medich 10 63 5 5.00 36 Relief pitchers ( edit ) Note : G = Games pitched ; W = Wins ; L = Losses ; SV = Saves ; ERA = Earned run average ; SO = Strikeouts Player SV ERA SO Fingers , Rollie Rollie Fingers 50 5 6 29 2.60 71 Bernard , Dwight Dwight Bernard 47 6 3.76 45 Easterly , Jamie Jamie Easterly 28 0 4.70 16 Ladd , Pete Pete Ladd 16 4.00 12 Jones , Doug Doug Jones 0 0 0 10.13 Porter , Chuck Chuck Porter 0 0 0 4.91 Postseason ( edit ) Alcs ( edit ) Main article : 1982 American League Championship Series Game 1 , October 5 ( edit ) Anaheim Stadium , Anaheim , California Team 5 6 7 8 9 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 California 0 0 0 0 X 8 10 0 W : Tommy John ( 1 - 0 ) L : Mike Caldwell ( 0 - 1 ) S : None HR : MIL -- Gorman Thomas ( 1 ) CAL -- Fred Lynn ( 1 ) Pitchers : MIL -- Caldwell , Slaton ( 4 ) , Ladd ( 7 ) , Bernard ( 8 ) CAL -- John Attendance : 64,406 Game 2 , October 6 ( edit ) Anaheim Stadium , Anaheim , California Team 5 6 7 8 9 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 California 0 0 0 0 0 x 6 0 W : Bruce Kison ( 1 - 0 ) L : Pete Vuckovich ( 0 - 1 ) S : None HR : MIL -- Paul Molitor ( 1 ) CAL -- Reggie Jackson ( 1 ) Pitchers : MIL -- Vuckovich CAL -- Kison Attendance : 64,179 Game 3 , October 8 ( edit ) Milwaukee County Stadium , Milwaukee , Wisconsin Team 5 6 7 8 9 California 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 0 W : Don Sutton ( 1 - 0 ) L : Geoff Zahn ( 0 - 1 ) S : Pete Ladd ( 1 ) HR : CAL -- Bob Boone ( 1 ) MIL -- Paul Molitor ( 2 ) Pitchers : CAL -- Zahn , Witt ( 4 ) , Hassler ( 7 ) MIL -- Sutton , Ladd ( 8 ) Attendance : 50,135 Game 4 , October 9 ( edit ) Milwaukee County Stadium , Milwaukee , Wisconsin Team 5 6 7 8 9 California 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 W : Moose Haas ( 1 - 0 ) L : Tommy John ( 0 - 1 ) S : Jim Slaton ( 1 ) HR : CAL -- Don Baylor ( 1 ) MIL -- Mark Brouhard ( 1 ) Pitchers : CAL -- John , Goltz ( 4 ) , Sanchez ( 8 ) MIL -- Haas , Slaton ( 8 ) Attendance : 51,003 Game 5 , october 10 ( edit ) Milwaukee County Stadium , Milwaukee , Wisconsin Team 5 6 7 8 9 California 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 x 6 W : Bob McClure ( 1 - 0 ) L : Luis Sánchez ( 0 - 1 ) S : Pete Ladd ( 1 ) HR : CAL -- None MIL -- Ben Oglivie ( 1 ) Pitchers : CAL -- Kison , Sanchez ( 6 ) , Hassler ( 7 ) MIL -- Vuckovich , McClure ( 7 ) , Ladd ( 9 ) Attendance : 54,968 Game 5 proved to be the most dramatic of the series . The Angels got a quick 1 - 0 lead in the first on a double by Brian Downing and a single by Fred Lynn . But Milwaukee tied the game in the bottom of the inning when Paul Molitor doubled and eventually came home on a sacrifice fly by Ted Simmons . The Angels made it 2 - 1 in the third on an RBI single from Fred Lynn , and stretched the lead to 3 - 1 in the fourth on a run - scoring single from Bob Boone . Milwaukee cut the lead to 3 - 2 in the bottom of the fourth on Ben Oglivie 's homer . The score remained unchanged until the bottom of the seventh , when disaster struck the Angels . Milwaukee loaded the bases on two singles and a walk . Cecil Cooper then cracked the series - winning hit , a two - run single that put the Brewers ahead 4 - 3 . The Milwaukee bullpen kept the Angels off the board in the final two innings , and the Brewers took home the franchise 's first American League pennant . 1982 World Series ( edit ) Main article : 1982 World Series Though the teams had never met , the cities had an existing commercial rivalry in the beer market , as St. Louis is the home of Anheuser Busch while Milwaukee is the home of Miller Brewing . This led to the Series being nicknamed the `` Suds Series '' . Paul Molitor set a World Series record with his fifth hit in the 9th inning of Game 1 . Robin Yount would set another record in the 7th inning of Game 5 by becoming the first player in Series history to have two four - hit games in one Series . Cardinals catcher Darrell Porter was given the Series MVP award . Brewers pitcher Mike Caldwell , who won two games , would have been a strong candidate , as well as Molitor . Paul Molitor would eventually win the Series MVP Award 11 years later as a member of the Toronto Blue Jays . As it was , the winning team won the MVP . The only player on the losing team to win the MVP was Bobby Richardson of the 1960 New York Yankees . Both participants are currently in the NL Central , due to the transfer of the Brewers from the American League to the National League in 1998 . This raises the possibility of the Brewers eventually playing a World Series in two different leagues . Game 1 ( edit ) October 12 , 1982 , at Busch Stadium in St. Louis , Missouri Team 5 6 7 8 9 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 0 10 17 0 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W : Mike Caldwell ( 1 - 0 ) L : Bob Forsch ( 0 - 1 ) HR : MIL Ted Simmons ( 1 ) Game 2 ( edit ) October 13 , 1982 , at Busch Stadium in St. Louis , Missouri Team 5 6 7 8 9 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 8 0 W : Bruce Sutter ( 1 - 0 ) L : Bob McClure ( 0 - 1 ) HR : MIL Ted Simmons ( 2 ) Game 3 ( edit ) October 15 , 1982 , at Milwaukee County Stadium in Milwaukee , Wisconsin Team 5 6 7 8 9 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 W : Joaquín Andújar ( 1 - 0 ) S : Bruce Sutter ( 1 ) L : Pete Vuckovich ( 0 - 1 ) HR : STL Willie McGee 2 , ( 2 ) MIL Cecil Cooper ( 1 ) The Brewers bats were initially stymied by Cardinals starter Joaquín Andújar , while rookie Willie McGee shocked everyone with two home runs off Brewers ace Pete Vuckovich , helping give the Cardinals a 5 - 0 lead . In a scary moment , Andújar was knocked out of the game when Cecil Cooper hit a line drive that hit Andújar in the leg , though the injury turned out to not be very serious . With bullpen ace Bruce Sutter pitching in relief , the Brewers attempted a comeback in the 8th inning . With two out , Cecil Cooper hit a 2 - run homer to put Milwaukee on the board . The Brewers then got two base - runners , with Gorman Thomas representing the tying run . Thomas hit a deep fly ball to right - center field , but McGee , becoming the star of the game , made a leaping grab to rob Thomas of a potential game - tying home run . The Cardinals scored an insurance run in the 9th , and Sutter closed out the Brewers for the 6 - 2 Cardinals win and giving St. Louis a 2 - 1 Series lead . Game 4 ( edit ) October 16 , 1982 , at Milwaukee County Stadium in Milwaukee , Wisconsin Team 5 6 7 8 9 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 X 7 10 W : Jim Slaton ( 1 - 0 ) S : Bob McClure ( 1 ) L : Doug Bair ( 0 - 1 ) The Cardinals pounced early on Brewers starter Moose Haas , scoring 3 runs in the second and had a 5 - 1 lead going into the seventh inning . From there , the Brewers bats suddenly came alive . Jim Gantner started the scoring with an RBI double . After a Paul Moliter walk , Robin Yount followed with a bases - loaded 2 - run single to put the Brewers within 1 run . Cecil Cooper then scored Moliter with an infield hit to tie the game . 3 batters later , with two outs , Gorman Thomas hit a 2 - run double to give the Brewers the lead . Bob McClure then finished the Cardinals off for the save , giving the Brewers a crucial Game 4 win , tying the Series 2 - 2 . Game 5 ( edit ) October 17 , 1982 , at Milwaukee County Stadium in Milwaukee , Wisconsin Team 5 6 7 8 9 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 X 6 11 W : Mike Caldwell ( 2 - 0 ) S : Bob McClure ( 2 ) L : Bob Forsch ( 0 - 2 ) HR : MIL Robin Yount ( 1 ) Game 6 ( edit ) October 19 , 1982 , at Busch Stadium in St. Louis , Missouri Team 5 6 7 8 9 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 6 0 0 X 13 12 W : John Stuper ( 1 - 0 ) L : Don Sutton ( 0 - 1 ) HR : STL Darrell Porter ( 1 ) Keith Hernandez ( 1 ) Game 7 ( edit ) October 20 , 1982 , at Busch Stadium in St. Louis , Missouri Team 5 6 7 8 9 Milwaukee Brewers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 St. Louis Cardinals 0 0 0 0 0 X 6 15 W : Joaquín Andújar ( 2 - 0 ) S : Bruce Sutter ( 2 ) L : Bob McClure ( 0 - 2 ) HR : MIL Ben Oglivie ( 1 ) Joaquín Andújar and Pete Vuckovich opposed each other once again . The game was scoreless until the bottom of the fourth when the Cardinals scored first on a Lonnie Smith RBI single . Ben Oglivie tied it for the Brew Crew in the fifth with a solo homer , and they took a 3 - 1 lead in the sixth when Jim Gantner scored on an error and Cecil Cooper hit a sacrifice fly . But , in the bottom of the sixth , Vuckovich began to run into trouble . With one out , Ozzie Smith singled and Lonnie Smith doubled him to third . Brewers manager Harvey Kuenn then pulled Vuckovich in favor of Bob McClure , who intentionally walked pinch - hitter Gene Tenace to load the bases . Keith Hernandez then tied the game with a two - run single . George Hendrick then gave the Cardinals the lead with an RBI single . The Cardinals punctuated the scoring with two runs in the eighth on RBI singles by Series MVP Darrell Porter and Steve Braun . Andújar pitched seven strong innings and Bruce Sutter pitched the eighth and ninth for his second save . Composite box ( edit ) 1982 World Series ( 4 - 3 ) : St. Louis Cardinals ( N.L. ) over Milwaukee Brewers ( A.L. ) Team 5 6 7 8 9 St. Louis Cardinals 5 5 12 39 67 7 Milwaukee Brewers 5 7 5 33 64 11 Total Attendance : 384,570 Average Attendance : 54,939 Winning Player 's Share : -- $43,280 , Losing Player 's Share -- $31,935 * Includes Playoffs and World Series Awards and honors ( edit ) Robin Yount , American League Most Valuable Player Cecil Cooper , Silver Slugger Award Pete Vuckovich , American League Cy Young Award Harvey Kuenn , Associated Press AL Manager of the Year League leaders ( edit ) Paul Molitor -- American League leader , At bats ( 666 ) Paul Molitor -- American League leader . Runs ( 136 ) Robin Yount -- American League leader , Hits ( 210 ) Robin Yount -- American League leader , Doubles ( 46 ) Robin Yount -- American League leader , Slugging Percentage (. 578 ) Robin Yount -- American League leader , Total Bases ( 367 ) Gorman Thomas -- American League leader , Home Runs ( 39 ) * * = Tied with Reggie Jackson All - Stars ( edit ) All - Star Game Starters Robin Yount , SS Cecil Cooper , 1B Reserves Ben Oglivie , OF Rollie Fingers , P Farm system ( edit ) See also : Minor League Baseball Level Team League Manager AAA Vancouver Canadians Pacific Coast League Dick Phillips AA El Paso Diablos Texas League Tony Muser Stockton Ports California League Duane Espy Beloit Brewers Midwest League Terry Bevington Rookie Pikeville Brewers Appalachian League Tim Nordbrook Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Sortable Player Stats '' . . Retrieved August 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Pete Ladd at Baseball Reference Jump up ^ Jump up ^ John Flinn at Baseball Reference Jump up ^ Baseball 's Top 100 : The Game 's Greatest Records , p. 52 , Kerry Banks , 2010 , Greystone Books , Vancouver , BC , ISBN 978 - 1 - 55365 - 507 - 7 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Dale Sveum at Baseball Reference Jump up ^ Don Sutton at Baseball Reference References ( edit ) 1982 Milwaukee Brewers at Baseball Reference 1982 Milwaukee Brewers at Baseball Almanac American League champions 1901 : Chicago White Stockings 1902 : Philadelphia Athletics 1903 : Boston Americans 1904 : Boston Americans 1905 : Philadelphia Athletics 1906 : Chicago White Sox 1907 : Detroit Tigers 1908 : Detroit Tigers 1909 : Detroit Tigers 1910 : Philadelphia Athletics 1911 : Philadelphia Athletics 1912 : Boston Red Sox 1913 : Philaelphia Athletics 1914 : Philadelphia Athletics 1915 : Boston Red Sox 1916 : Boston Red Sox 1917 : Chicago White Sox 1918 : Boston Red Sox 1919 : Chicago White Sox 1920 : Cleveland Indians 1921 : New York Yankees 1922 : New York Yankees 1923 : New York Yankees 1924 : Washington Senators 1925 : Washington Senators 1926 : New York Yankees 1927 : New York Yankees 1928 : New York Yankees 1929 : Philadelphia Athletics 1930 : Philadelphia Athletics 1931 : Philadelphia Athletics 1932 : New York Yankees 1933 : Washington Senators 1934 : Detroit Tigers 1935 : Detroit Tigers 1936 : New York Yankees 1937 : New York Yankees 1938 : New York Yankees 1939 : New York Yankees 1940 : Detroit Tigers 1941 : New York Yankees 1942 : New York Yankees 1943 : New York Yankees 1944 : St. Louis Browns 1945 : Detroit Tigers 1946 : Boston Red Sox 1947 : New York Yankees 1948 : Cleveland Indians 1949 : New York Yankees 1950 : New York Yankees 1951 : New York Yankees 1952 : New York Yankees 1953 : New York Yankees 1954 : Cleveland Indians 1955 : New York Yankees 1956 : New York Yankees 1957 : New York Yankees 1958 : New York Yankees 1959 : Chicago White Sox 1960 : New York Yankees 1961 : New York Yankees 1962 : New York Yankees 1963 : New York Yankees 1964 : New York Yankees 1965 : Minnesota Twins 1966 : Baltimore Orioles 1967 : Boston Red Sox 1968 : Detroit Tigers 1969 : Baltimore Orioles 1970 : Baltimore Orioles 1971 : Baltimore Orioles 1972 : Oakland Athletics 1973 : Oakland Athletics 1974 : Oakland Athletics 1975 : Boston Red Sox 1976 : New York Yankees 1977 : New York Yankees 1978 : New York Yankees 1979 : Baltimore Orioles 1980 : Kansas City Royals 1981 : New York Yankees 1982 : Milwaukee Brewers 1983 : Baltimore Orioles 1984 : Detroit Tigers 1985 : Kansas City Royals 1986 : Boston Red Sox 1987 : Minnesota Twins 1988 : Oakland Athletics 1989 : Oakland Athletics 1990 : Oakland Athletics 1991 : Minnesota Twins 1992 : Toronto Blue Jays 1993 : Toronto Blue Jays 1994 : No champion 1995 : Cleveland Indians 1996 : New York Yankees 1997 : Cleveland Indians 1998 : New York Yankees 1999 : New York Yankees 2000 : New York Yankees 2001 : New York Yankees 2002 : Anaheim Angels 2003 : New York Yankees 2004 : Boston Red Sox 2005 : Chicago White Sox 2006 : Detroit Tigers 2007 : Boston Red Sox 2008 : Tampa Bay Rays 2009 : New York Yankees 2010 : Texas Rangers 2011 : Texas Rangers 2012 : Detroit Tigers 2013 : Boston Red Sox 2014 : Kansas City Royals 2015 : Kansas City Royals 2016 : Cleveland Indians 2017 : Houston Astros American League East champions 1969 : Baltimore Orioles 1970 : Baltimore Orioles 1971 : Baltimore Orioles 1972 : Detroit Tigers 1973 : Baltimore Orioles 1974 : Baltimore Orioles 1975 : Boston Red Sox 1976 : New York Yankees 1977 : New York Yankees 1978 : New York Yankees 1979 : Baltimore Orioles 1980 : New York Yankees 1981 : New York Yankees 1982 : Milwaukee Brewers 1983 : Baltimore Orioles 1984 : Detroit Tigers 1985 : Toronto Blue Jays 1986 : Boston Red Sox 1987 : Detroit Tigers 1988 : Boston Red Sox 1989 : Toronto Blue Jays 1990 : Boston Red Sox 1991 : Toronto Blue Jays 1992 : Toronto Blue Jays 1993 : Toronto Blue Jays 1994 : No champion 1995 : Boston Red Sox 1996 : New York Yankees 1997 : Baltimore Orioles 1998 : New York Yankees 1999 : New York Yankees 2000 : New York Yankees 2001 : New York Yankees 2002 : New York Yankees 2003 : New York Yankees 2004 : New York Yankees 2005 : New York Yankees 2006 : New York Yankees 2007 : Boston Red Sox 2008 : Tampa Bay Rays 2009 : New York Yankees 2010 : Tampa Bay Rays 2011 : New York Yankees 2012 : New York Yankees 2013 : Boston Red Sox 2014 : Baltimore Orioles 2015 : Toronto Blue Jays 2016 : Boston Red Sox 2017 : Boston Red Sox 1982 MLB season by team AL East Baltimore Boston Cleveland Detroit Milwaukee New York Toronto AL West California Chicago Kansas City Minnesota Oakland Seattle Texas NL East Chicago Montréal New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis NL West Atlanta Cincinnati Houston Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco 1982 MLB draft 1982 All - Star Game 1982 World Series Milwaukee Brewers Formerly the Seattle Pilots Based in Milwaukee , Wisconsin Franchise History ( Seattle Milwaukee ) Expansion and draft Seasons Records No - hitters Hall of Fame Walk of Fame Awards and All - Stars Players Management Opening Day starting pitchers First - round picks Broadcasters All articles Ballparks Sick 's Stadium Milwaukee County Stadium Miller Park Spring training : Tempe Diablo Stadium Sun City Stadium Compadre Stadium Maryvale Baseball Park Culture and lore Ball Four ( Jim Bouton book ) Bernie Brewer Sausage Race Beer Barrel Man Secret Stadium Sauce Fight Song Roll Out The Barrel Mr. 3000 Hank T. Dog Bob Uecker Key personnel Owner : Mark Attanasio General Manager : David Stearns Manager : Craig Counsell Minor league affiliates Player overview AAA : Colorado Springs Sky Sox AA : Biloxi Shuckers A Adv. : Carolina Mudcats A : Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Rookie Adv. : Helena Brewers Rookie : AZL Brewers DSL Brewers Rivalries Chicago Cubs League pennants American League : 1982 National League : none Division titles AL East : 1981 ( second half ) 1982 NL Central : 2011 Wild Card berths National League : 2008 Seasons ( 50 ) 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1990s 2000s 2010s 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Milwaukee Brewers seasons 1982 Major League Baseball season American League East champion seasons American League champion seasons Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from November 2013 Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bân - lâm - gú Edit links This page was last edited on 27 August 2017 , at 00 : 22 . 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who led the brewers in home runs in 1982
Pos Player AB Avg . HR RBI Simmons , Ted Ted Simmons 137 539 145 . 269 23 97 1B Cooper , Cecil Cecil Cooper 155 654 205 . 313 32 121 2B Gantner , Jim Jim Gantner 132 447 132 . 295 43 3B Molitor , Paul Paul Molitor 160 666 201 . 302 19 71 SS Yount , Robin Robin Yount 156 635 210 . 331 29 114 LF Oglivie , Ben Ben Oglivie 159 602 147 . 244 34 102 CF Thomas , Gorman Gorman Thomas 158 567 139 . 245 39 112 RF Moore , Charlie Charlie Moore 133 456 116 . 254 6 45
List of Presidents of the United States - wikipedia List of Presidents of the United States Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see American Presidents : Life Portraits and President of the United States ( disambiguation ) . This article is part of a series on the Politics of the United States of America Federal Government ( show ) Constitution of the United States Law Taxation Legislature ( show ) United States Congress House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan ( R ) Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy ( R ) Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ( D ) Congressional districts United States Senate President Mike Pence ( R ) President Pro Tempore Orrin Hatch ( R ) President Pro Tempore Emeritus Patrick Leahy ( D ) Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ( R ) Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ( D ) Executive ( show ) President of the United States Donald Trump ( R ) Vice President of the United States Mike Pence ( R ) Cabinet Federal agencies Executive Office Judiciary ( show ) Supreme Court of the United States Chief Justice John Roberts Kennedy Thomas Ginsburg Breyer Alito Sotomayor Kagan Gorsuch Courts of Appeals District Courts ( list ) Other tribunals Elections ( show ) Presidential elections Midterm elections Off - year elections Political parties ( show ) Democratic Republican Third parties Federalism ( show ) State Government Governors Legislatures ( List ) State courts Local government Other countries Atlas The President of the United States is the elected head of state and head of government of the United States . The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander - in - chief of the United States Armed Forces . The president is indirectly elected to a four - year term by the people through the Electoral College ( or by the House of Representatives , should the Electoral College fail to award an absolute majority of votes to any person ) . Since the office was established in 1789 , 44 people have served as president . The first , George Washington , won a unanimous vote of the Electoral College . Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms in office , and is counted as the nation 's 22nd and 24th president . Thus the incumbent , Donald Trump , is the nation 's 45th president . There are currently five living former presidents . The most recent death of a former president was on December 26 , 2006 with the death of Gerald Ford ; the most recently serving president to die was Ronald Reagan on June 5 , 2004 . William Henry Harrison spent the shortest time in office , dying 31 days after taking office in 1841 . Franklin D. Roosevelt served the longest , over twelve years , before dying early in his fourth term in 1945 ; he is the only president to have served more than two terms . Since the ratification of the Twenty - second Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1951 , no person may be elected president more than twice , and no one who has served more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected may be elected more than once . Of the individuals elected as president , four died in office of natural causes ( William Henry Harrison , Zachary Taylor , Warren G. Harding , and Franklin D. Roosevelt ) , four were assassinated ( Abraham Lincoln , James A. Garfield , William McKinley , and John F. Kennedy ) , and one resigned ( Richard Nixon ) . John Tyler was the first vice president to assume the presidency intra-term , and set the precedent that a vice president who does so becomes the fully functioning president with his own presidency , as opposed to a caretaker president . The Twenty - fifth Amendment to the Constitution put Tyler 's precedent into law in 1967 . It also established a mechanism by which an intra-term vacancy in the vice presidency could be filled . Richard Nixon was the first president to fill a vacancy under this Provision when he appointed Gerald Ford to the office . Later , Ford became the second to do so when he appointed Nelson Rockefeller to succeed him . Previously , an intra-term vacancy was left unfilled . Throughout most of its history , politics of the United States have been dominated by political parties . The Constitution is silent on the issue of political parties , and at the time it came into force in 1789 , there were no parties . Soon after the 1st Congress convened , factions began rallying around dominant Washington Administration officials , such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson . Greatly concerned about the very real capacity of political parties to destroy the fragile unity holding the nation together , Washington remained unaffiliated with any political faction or party throughout his eight - year presidency . He was , and remains , the only U.S. president never to be affiliated with a political party . Since Washington , every president has been affiliated with a political party at the time they assumed office . Contents ( hide ) 1 Presidents 2 Subsequent public service 3 See also 4 Notes 5 References 6 External links Presidents Unaffiliated ( 2 ) Federalist ( 1 ) Democratic - Republican ( 4 ) Democratic ( 15 ) Whig ( 4 ) Republican ( 19 ) National Union ( 2 ) Presidency President Prior office Party Term Vice President April 30 , 1789 -- March 4 , 1797 George Washington 1732 -- 1799 ( Lived : 67 years ) Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Army ( 1775 -- 1783 ) Unaffiliated ( 1788 -- 89 ) ( 1789 ) John Adams ( 1792 ) ( 1793 ) March 4 , 1797 -- March 4 , 1801 John Adams 1735 -- 1826 ( Lived : 90 years ) 1st Vice President of the United States Federalist ( 1796 ) ( 1797 ) Thomas Jefferson March 4 , 1801 -- March 4 , 1809 Thomas Jefferson 1743 -- 1826 ( Lived : 83 years ) 2nd Vice President of the United States Democratic - Republican ( 1800 ) ( 1801 ) Aaron Burr March 4 , 1801 -- March 4 , 1805 ( 1804 ) 5 ( 1805 ) George Clinton March 4 , 1805 -- March 4 , 1809 March 4 , 1809 -- March 4 , 1817 James Madison 1751 -- 1836 ( Lived : 85 years ) 5th United States Secretary of State ( 1801 -- 1809 ) Democratic - Republican ( 1808 ) 6 ( 1809 ) George Clinton March 4 , 1809 -- April 20 , 1812 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Clinton 's term ) ( 1812 ) 7 ( 1813 ) Elbridge Gerry March 4 , 1813 -- November 23 , 1814 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Gerry 's term ) 5 March 4 , 1817 -- March 4 , 1825 James Monroe 1758 -- 1831 ( Lived : 73 years ) 7th United States Secretary of State ( 1811 -- 1817 ) Democratic - Republican ( 1816 ) 8 ( 1817 ) Daniel D. Tompkins ( 1820 ) 9 ( 1821 ) 6 March 4 , 1825 -- March 4 , 1829 John Q. Adams 1767 -- 1848 ( Lived : 80 years ) 8th United States Secretary of State ( 1817 -- 1825 ) Democratic - Republican ( 1824 ) 10 ( 1825 ) John C. Calhoun 7 March 4 , 1829 -- March 4 , 1837 Andrew Jackson 1767 -- 1845 ( Lived : 78 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 2 ) from Tennessee ( 1797 -- 1798 & 1823 -- 1825 ) Democratic ( 1828 ) 11 ( 1829 ) John C. Calhoun March 4 , 1829 -- December 28 , 1832 ( Resigned from office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Calhoun 's term ) ( 1832 ) 12 ( 1833 ) Martin Van Buren March 4 , 1833 -- March 4 , 1837 8 March 4 , 1837 -- March 4 , 1841 Martin Van Buren 1782 -- 1862 ( Lived : 79 years ) 8th Vice President of the United States Democratic ( 1836 ) 13 ( 1837 ) Richard M. Johnson 9 March 4 , 1841 -- April 4 , 1841 ( Died in office ) William H. Harrison 1773 -- 1841 ( Lived : 68 years ) United States Minister to Colombia ( 1828 -- 1829 ) Whig ( 1840 ) 14 ( 1841 ) ( 1841 ) John Tyler ( Succeeded to presidency ) 10 April 4 , 1841 -- March 4 , 1845 John Tyler 1790 -- 1862 ( Lived : 71 years ) 10th Vice President of the United States Whig April 4 , 1841 -- September 13 , 1841 Office vacant Unaffiliated September 13 , 1841 -- March 4 , 1845 11 March 4 , 1845 -- March 4 , 1849 James K. Polk 1795 -- 1849 ( Lived : 53 years ) 9th Governor of Tennessee ( 1839 -- 1841 ) Democratic ( 1844 ) 15 ( 1845 ) George M. Dallas 12 March 4 , 1849 -- July 9 , 1850 ( Died in office ) Zachary Taylor 1784 -- 1850 ( Lived : 65 years ) Major General of the 1st Infantry Regiment United States Army ( 1846 -- 1849 ) ( No prior elected office ) Whig ( 1848 ) 16 ( 1849 ) ( 1850 ) Millard Fillmore ( Succeeded to presidency ) 13 July 9 , 1850 -- March 4 , 1853 Millard Fillmore 1800 -- 1874 ( Lived : 74 years ) 12th Vice President of the United States Whig Office vacant 14 March 4 , 1853 -- March 4 , 1857 Franklin Pierce 1804 -- 1869 ( Lived : 64 years ) Brigadier General of the 9th Infantry United States Army ( 1847 -- 1848 ) Democratic ( 1852 ) 17 ( 1853 ) William R. King March 4 -- April 18 , 1853 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of King 's term ) 15 March 4 , 1857 -- March 4 , 1861 James Buchanan 1791 -- 1868 ( Lived : 77 years ) United States Minister to the Court of St James 's ( 1853 -- 1856 ) Democratic ( 1856 ) 18 ( 1857 ) John C. Breckinridge 16 March 4 , 1861 -- April 15 , 1865 ( Died in office ) Abraham Lincoln 1809 -- 1865 ( Lived : 56 years ) U.S. Representative for Illinois ' 7th District ( 1847 -- 1849 ) Republican ( National Union ) ( 1860 ) 19 ( 1861 ) Hannibal Hamlin March 4 , 1861 -- March 4 , 1865 ( 1864 ) 20 ( 1865 ) ( 1865 ) Andrew Johnson March 4 -- April 15 , 1865 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 17 April 15 , 1865 -- March 4 , 1869 Andrew Johnson 1808 -- 1875 ( Lived : 66 years ) 16th Vice President of the United States National Union April 15 , 1865 -- c. 1868 Office vacant Democratic c. 1868 -- March 4 , 1869 18 March 4 , 1869 -- March 4 , 1877 Ulysses S. Grant 1822 -- 1885 ( Lived : 63 years ) Commanding General of the U.S. Army ( 1864 -- 1869 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 1868 ) 21 ( 1869 ) Schuyler Colfax March 4 , 1869 -- March 4 , 1873 ( 1872 ) 22 ( 1873 ) Henry Wilson March 4 , 1873 -- November 22 , 1875 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Wilson 's term ) 19 March 4 , 1877 -- March 4 , 1881 Rutherford B. Hayes 1822 -- 1893 ( Lived : 70 years ) 29th & 32nd Governor of Ohio ( 1868 -- 1872 & 1876 -- 1877 ) Republican ( 1876 ) 23 ( 1877 ) William A. Wheeler 20 March 4 , 1881 -- September 19 , 1881 ( Died in office ) James A. Garfield 1831 -- 1881 ( Lived : 49 years ) U.S. Representative for Ohio 's 19th District ( 1863 -- 1881 ) Republican ( 1880 ) 24 ( 1881 ) ( 1881 ) Chester A. Arthur ( Succeeded to presidency ) 21 September 19 , 1881 -- March 4 , 1885 Chester A. Arthur 1829 -- 1886 ( Lived : 57 years ) 20th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant 22 March 4 , 1885 -- March 4 , 1889 Grover Cleveland 1837 -- 1908 ( Lived : 71 years ) 28th Governor of New York ( 1883 -- 1885 ) Democratic ( 1884 ) 25 ( 1885 ) Thomas A. Hendricks March 4 -- November 25 , 1885 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Hendricks ' term ) 23 March 4 , 1889 -- March 4 , 1893 Benjamin Harrison 1833 -- 1901 ( Lived : 67 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 1 ) from Indiana ( 1881 -- 1887 ) Republican ( 1888 ) 26 ( 1889 ) Levi P. Morton 24 March 4 , 1893 -- March 4 , 1897 Grover Cleveland 1837 -- 1908 ( Lived : 71 years ) 22nd President of the United States ( 1885 -- 1889 ) Democratic ( 1892 ) 27 ( 1893 ) Adlai Stevenson 25 March 4 , 1897 -- September 14 , 1901 ( Died in office ) William McKinley 1843 -- 1901 ( Lived : 58 years ) 39th Governor of Ohio ( 1892 -- 1896 ) Republican ( 1896 ) 28 ( 1897 ) Garret Hobart March 4 , 1897 -- November 21 , 1899 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Hobart 's term ) ( 1900 ) 29 ( 1901 ) ( 1901 ) Theodore Roosevelt March 4 -- September 14 , 1901 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 26 September 14 , 1901 -- March 4 , 1909 Theodore Roosevelt 1858 -- 1919 ( Lived : 60 years ) 25th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant September 14 , 1901 -- March 4 , 1905 ( 1904 ) 30 ( 1905 ) Charles W. Fairbanks March 4 , 1905 -- March 4 , 1909 27 March 4 , 1909 -- March 4 , 1913 William H. Taft 1857 -- 1930 ( Lived : 72 years ) 42nd United States Secretary of War ( 1904 -- 1908 ) Republican ( 1908 ) 31 ( 1909 ) James S. Sherman March 4 , 1909 -- October 30 , 1912 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Sherman 's term ) 28 March 4 , 1913 -- March 4 , 1921 Woodrow Wilson 1856 -- 1924 ( Lived : 67 years ) 34th Governor of New Jersey ( 1911 -- 1913 ) Democratic ( 1912 ) 32 ( 1913 ) Thomas R. Marshall ( 1916 ) 33 ( 1917 ) 29 March 4 , 1921 -- August 2 , 1923 ( Died in office ) Warren G. Harding 1865 -- 1923 ( Lived : 57 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 3 ) from Ohio ( 1915 -- 1921 ) Republican ( 1920 ) 34 ( 1921 ) ( 1923 ) Calvin Coolidge ( Succeeded to presidency ) 30 August 2 , 1923 -- March 4 , 1929 Calvin Coolidge 1872 -- 1933 ( Lived : 60 years ) 29th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant August 2 , 1923 -- March 4 , 1925 ( 1924 ) 35 ( 1925 ) Charles G. Dawes March 4 , 1925 -- March 4 , 1929 31 March 4 , 1929 -- March 4 , 1933 Herbert Hoover 1874 -- 1964 ( Lived : 90 years ) 3rd United States Secretary of Commerce ( 1921 -- 1928 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 1928 ) 36 ( 1929 ) Charles Curtis 32 March 4 , 1933 -- April 12 , 1945 ( Died in office ) Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 -- 1945 ( Lived : 63 years ) 44th Governor of New York ( 1929 -- 1932 ) Democratic ( 1932 ) 37 ( 1933 ) John N. Garner March 4 , 1933 -- January 20 , 1941 ( 1936 ) 38 ( 1937 ) ( 1940 ) 39 ( 1941 ) Henry A. Wallace January 20 , 1941 -- January 20 , 1945 ( 1944 ) 40 ( 1945 ) ( 1945 ) Harry S. Truman January 20 -- April 12 , 1945 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 33 April 12 , 1945 -- January 20 , 1953 Harry S. Truman 1884 -- 1972 ( Lived : 88 years ) 34th Vice President of the United States Democratic Office vacant April 12 , 1945 -- January 20 , 1949 ( 1948 ) 41 ( 1949 ) Alben W. Barkley January 20 , 1949 -- January 20 , 1953 34 January 20 , 1953 -- January 20 , 1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 -- 1969 ( Lived : 78 years ) Supreme Allied Commander Europe ( 1949 -- 1952 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 1952 ) 42 ( 1953 ) Richard Nixon ( 1956 ) 43 ( 1957 ) 35 January 20 , 1961 -- November 22 , 1963 ( Died in office ) John F. Kennedy 1917 -- 1963 ( Lived : 46 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 1 ) from Massachusetts ( 1953 -- 1960 ) Democratic ( 1960 ) 44 ( 1961 ) ( 1963 ) Lyndon B. Johnson ( Succeeded to presidency ) 36 November 22 , 1963 -- January 20 , 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson 1908 -- 1973 ( Lived : 64 years ) 37th Vice President of the United States Democratic Office vacant November 22 , 1963 -- January 20 , 1965 ( 1964 ) 45 ( 1965 ) Hubert Humphrey January 20 , 1965 -- January 20 , 1969 37 January 20 , 1969 -- August 9 , 1974 ( Resigned from office ) Richard Nixon 1913 -- 1994 ( Lived : 81 years ) 36th Vice President of the United States ( 1953 -- 1961 ) Republican ( 1968 ) 46 ( 1969 ) Spiro Agnew January 20 , 1969 -- October 10 , 1973 ( Resigned from office ) ( 1972 ) 47 ( 1973 ) ( 1974 ) Office vacant October 10 -- December 6 , 1973 Gerald Ford December 6 , 1973 -- August 9 , 1974 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 38 August 9 , 1974 -- January 20 , 1977 Gerald Ford 1913 -- 2006 ( Lived : 93 years ) 40th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant August 9 -- December 19 , 1974 Nelson Rockefeller December 19 , 1974 -- January 20 , 1977 39 January 20 , 1977 -- January 20 , 1981 Jimmy Carter Born 1924 ( 92 years old ) 76th Governor of Georgia ( 1971 -- 1975 ) Democratic ( 1976 ) 48 ( 1977 ) Walter Mondale 40 January 20 , 1981 -- January 20 , 1989 Ronald Reagan 1911 -- 2004 ( Lived : 93 years ) 33rd Governor of California ( 1967 -- 1975 ) Republican ( 1980 ) 49 ( 1981 ) George H.W. Bush ( 1984 ) 50 ( 1985 ) 41 January 20 , 1989 -- January 20 , 1993 George H.W. Bush Born 1924 ( 93 years old ) 43rd Vice President of the United States Republican ( 1988 ) 51 ( 1989 ) Dan Quayle 42 January 20 , 1993 -- January 20 , 2001 Bill Clinton Born 1946 ( 71 years old ) 40th & 42nd Governor of Arkansas ( 1979 -- 1981 & 1983 -- 1992 ) Democratic ( 1992 ) 52 ( 1993 ) Al Gore ( 1996 ) 53 ( 1997 ) 43 January 20 , 2001 -- January 20 , 2009 George W. Bush Born 1946 ( 71 years old ) 46th Governor of Texas ( 1995 -- 2000 ) Republican ( 2000 ) 54 ( 2001 ) Dick Cheney ( 2004 ) 55 ( 2005 ) 44 January 20 , 2009 -- January 20 , 2017 Barack Obama Born 1961 ( 56 years old ) U.S. Senator ( Class 3 ) from Illinois ( 2005 -- 2008 ) Democratic ( 2008 ) 56 ( 2009 ) Joe Biden ( 2012 ) 57 ( 2013 ) 45 January 20 , 2017 -- Incumbent Donald Trump Born 1946 ( 71 years old ) Chairman of The Trump Organization ( 1971 -- 2017 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 2016 ) 58 ( 2017 ) Mike Pence Subsequent Public service Four presidents held other high U.S. federal offices after leaving the presidency . President Presidency Subsequent service John Quincy Adams 6 1825 -- 1829 U.S. Representative from Massachusetts ( 1831 -- 1848 ) Andrew Johnson 17 1865 -- 1869 U.S. Senator from Tennessee ( 1875 ) Grover Cleveland 22 1885 -- 1889 24th President of the United States ( 1893 -- 1897 ) William Howard Taft 27 1909 -- 1913 10th Chief Justice of the United States ( 1921 -- 1930 ) Several presidents campaigned unsuccessfully for other U.S. state or federal elective offices after leaving the presidency . President Presidency Office sought unsuccessfully John Quincy Adams 6 1825 -- 1829 Governor of Massachusetts ( 1833 ) Martin Van Buren 8 1837 -- 1841 President of the United States ( 1844 ) President of the United States ( 1848 ) Millard Fillmore 13 1850 -- 1853 President of the United States ( 1856 ) Andrew Johnson 17 1865 -- 1869 U.S. Senator from Tennessee ( 1870 ) U.S. Representative from Tennessee ( 1872 ) Ulysses S. Grant 18 1869 -- 1877 President of the United States ( 1880 ) Theodore Roosevelt 26 1901 -- 1909 President of the United States ( 1912 ) Herbert Hoover 31 1929 -- 1933 President of the United States ( 1940 ) Additionally , one former president , John Tyler , served in the government of the Confederate States during the American Civil War . Tyler served in the Provisional Confederate Congress from 1861 to 1862 . He was elected to the Confederate House of Representatives in November 1861 , but died before he could take his seat . See also Acting President of the United States Founding Fathers of the United States Historical rankings of presidents of the United States Lifespan timeline of Presidents of the United States List of Presidents of the Continental Congress List of Vice Presidents of the United States Biography portal United States portal Government of the United States portal Notes ^ Jump up to : The presidents are numbered according to uninterrupted periods of time served by the same person . For example , George Washington served two consecutive terms and is counted as the first president ( not the first and second ) . Upon the resignation of 37th president Richard Nixon , Gerald Ford became the 38th president even though he simply served out the remainder of Nixon 's second term and was never elected to the presidency in his own right . Grover Cleveland was both the 22nd president and the 24th president because his two terms were not consecutive . A vice president who temporarily becomes acting president under the Twenty - fifth Amendment to the Constitution is not counted , because the president remains in office during such a period . Jump up ^ Listed here is the most recent office ( either with a U.S. state , the federal government , or a private corporation ) held by the individual prior to becoming President . Jump up ^ Three presidents are counted above with multiple political affiliations : John Tyler ( Whig , Unaffiliated ) , Abraham Lincoln ( Republican , National Union ) , and Andrew Johnson ( National Union , Democratic ) . Jump up ^ Listed and numbered here are the elections and inaugurations that constitute a presidential term . Jump up ^ Due to logistical delays , instead of being inaugurated on March 4 , 1789 , the date scheduled for operations of the federal government under the new Constitution to begin , Washington 's first inauguration was held 1 month and 26 days later . As a result , his first term was only 1,404 days long ( as opposed to the usual 1,461 ) , and was the shortest term for a U.S. president who neither died in office nor resigned . Jump up ^ Political parties had not been anticipated when the Constitution was drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788 , nor did they exist at the time of the first presidential election in 1788 -- 89 . When they did develop , during Washington 's first term , Adams joined the faction which became the Federalist Party . The elections of 1792 were the first ones in the United States to be contested on anything resembling a partisan basis . Jump up ^ Due to logistical delays , Adams assumed the office of Vice President 1 month and 17 days after the March 4 , 1789 scheduled start of operations of the new government under the Constitution . As a result , his first term was only 1,413 days long , and was the shortest term for a U.S. vice president who neither died in office nor resigned . Jump up ^ The 1796 presidential election was the first contested American presidential election and the only one in which a president and vice president were elected from opposing political parties . Federalist John Adams was elected president , and Jefferson of the Democratic - Republicans was elected vice president . Jump up ^ John Calhoun , formerly a Democratic - Republican , founded the Nullifier Party in 1828 to oppose the Tariff of 1828 and advance the cause of states ' rights , but was brought on as Andrew Jackson 's running mate in the 1828 presidential election in an effort to broaden the democratic coalition led by Jackson . ^ Jump up to : Intra-term extraordinary inauguration . Jump up ^ John Tyler was sworn in as President on April 6 , 1841 . Jump up ^ John Tyler , a former Democrat , ran for vice president on the Whig Party ticket with Harrison in 1840 . Tyler 's policy priorities as president soon proved to be opposed to most of the Whig agenda , and he was expelled from the party in September 1841 . Jump up ^ Millard Fillmore was sworn in as President on July 10 , 1850 . Jump up ^ When he ran for reelection in 1864 , Republican Abraham Lincoln formed a bipartisan electoral alliance with War Democrats by selecting Democrat Andrew Johnson as his running mate , and running on the National Union Party ticket . Jump up ^ Democrat Andrew Johnson ran for vice president on the National Union Party ticket with Republican Abraham Lincoln in 1864 . Later , while president , Johnson tried and failed to build a party of loyalists under the National Union banner . Near the end of his presidency , Johnson rejoined the Democratic Party . Jump up ^ Chester A. Arthur was initially sworn in as President on September 20 , 1881 , and then again on September 22 . Jump up ^ Calvin Coolidge was initially sworn in as President on August 3 , 1923 , and then again on August 21 . Jump up ^ The Twentieth Amendment to the United States Constitution ( ratified on January 23 , 1933 ) moved Inauguration Day from March 4 to January 20 , beginning in 1937 . As a result , Garner 's first term in office was 1 month and 12 days shorter than a normal term . References Jump up ^ `` The Constitution : Amendments 11 -- 27 '' . U.S. National Archives & Records Administration . Retrieved October 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Cleaves , Freeman ( 1939 ) . Old Tippecanoe : William Henry Harrison and His Time . C. Scribner 's Sons . p. 152 . Jump up ^ Ingersoll , Jared . `` Death of the President '' . University of Virginia 's Miller Center of Public Affairs . Archived from the original on October 8 , 2010 . Retrieved November 2 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Russell , Francis ( 1962 ) . The Shadow of Blooming Grove -- Warren G. Harding in His Times . Easton Press . p. 591 . ISBN 0070543380 . ^ Jump up to : Martin , Paul `` Lincoln 's Missing Bodyguard '' Archived October 20 , 2011 , at WebCite , Smithsonian Magazine , April 8 , 2010 , Retrieved November 15 , 2010 Jump up ^ Donald ( 1996 ) , p. 597 . Jump up ^ `` Big Ben Parker and President McKinley 's Assassination '' . . Retrieved August 8 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Nixon Resigns '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved December 31 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Jamison , Dennis ( December 31 , 2014 ) . `` George Washington 's views on political parties in America '' . The Washington Times . Retrieved July 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` George Washington '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` George Washington '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of George Washington '' . American Presidents : Life Portraits. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` John Adams '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Adams '' . 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Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` John Quincy Adams '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Quincy Adams '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of John Quincy Adams '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Andrew Jackson '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Andrew Jackson '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Andrew Jackson '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Martin Van Buren '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Martin Van Buren '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Martin Van Buren '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` William Henry Harrison '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` William Henry Harrison '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of William Henry Harrison '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` John Tyler '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Tyler '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of John Tyler '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` James K. Polk '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` James K. Polk '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of James K. Polk '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Zachary Taylor '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Zachary Taylor '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Zachary Taylor '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Millard Fillmore '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Millard Fillmore '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Millard Fillmore '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Franklin Pierce '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Franklin Pierce '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Franklin Pierce '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` James Buchanan '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` James Buchanan '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of James Buchanan '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Abraham Lincoln '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Abraham Lincoln '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Abraham Lincoln '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Andrew Johnson '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Andrew Johnson '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Andrew Johnson '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Ulysses S. Grant '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Ulysses S. Grant '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Ulysses S. Grant '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Rutherford B. Hayes '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Rutherford B. Hayes '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Rutherford B. Hayes '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` James Garfield '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` James A. Garfield '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of James Garfield '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Chester A. Arthur '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Chester A. Arthur '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Chester A. Arthur '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Grover Cleveland '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Life Portrait of Grover Cleveland '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Benjamin Harrison '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Benjamin Harrison '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Benjamin Harrison '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` William McKinley '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` William McKinley '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of William McKinley '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Theodore Roosevelt '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Theodore Roosevelt '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` William Howard Taft '' . . March 13 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` William Howard Taft '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of William Howard Taft '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Woodrow Wilson '' . . March 13 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Woodrow Wilson '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Woodrow Wilson '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Warren G. Harding '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Warren G. Harding '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved November 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Warren G. Harding '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Calvin Coolidge '' . . March 13 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Calvin Coolidge '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Calvin Coolidge '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Herbert Hoover '' . . March 13 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Herbert Hoover '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Herbert Hoover '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Franklin D. Roosevelt '' . . March 20 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Franklin D. Roosevelt '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Harry S. Truman '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Harry Truman '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Harry S. Truman '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dwight D. Eisenhower '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dwight D. Eisenhower '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Dwight D. Eisenhower '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` John F. Kennedy '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John F. Kennedy '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of John F. Kennedy '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Lyndon B. Johnson '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Richard M. Nixon '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Richard M. Nixon '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Richard M. Nixon '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Gerald R. Ford '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Gerald Ford '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Gerald R. Ford '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` James Carter '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Jimmy Carter '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Jimmy Carter '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Ronald Reagan '' . . June 25 , 2008 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Ronald Reagan '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Ronald Reagan '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` George H.W. Bush '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` George Bush '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved November 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of George H.W. Bush '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` William J. Clinton '' . . March 12 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Bill Clinton '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved November 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Life Portrait of Bill Clinton '' . American Presidents : Life Portrait. C - SPAN . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` George W. Bush '' . . February 25 , 2007 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` George W. Bush '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved November 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Barack Obama '' . . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Barack Obama '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved November 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` President Donald J. Trump '' . . January 20 , 2017 . Retrieved January 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Donald Trump '' . . A&E Networks . Retrieved January 20 , 2017 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to President of the United States . Presidents of the United States -- Wikipedia book : The Presidents Hauenstein Center Presidential Leadership Studies at Grand Valley State University POTUS : Presidents of the United States at the Internet Public Library Presidents of the United States ( list ) George Washington ( 1789 -- 1797 ) John Adams ( 1797 -- 1801 ) Thomas Jefferson ( 1801 -- 1809 ) James Madison ( 1809 -- 1817 ) James Monroe ( 1817 -- 1825 ) John Q. Adams ( 1825 -- 1829 ) Andrew Jackson ( 1829 -- 1837 ) Martin Van Buren ( 1837 -- 1841 ) William H. Harrison ( 1841 ) John Tyler ( 1841 -- 1845 ) James K. Polk ( 1845 -- 1849 ) Zachary Taylor ( 1849 -- 1850 ) Millard Fillmore ( 1850 -- 1853 ) Franklin Pierce ( 1853 -- 1857 ) James Buchanan ( 1857 -- 1861 ) Abraham Lincoln ( 1861 -- 1865 ) Andrew Johnson ( 1865 -- 1869 ) Ulysses S. Grant ( 1869 -- 1877 ) Rutherford B. Hayes ( 1877 -- 1881 ) James A. Garfield ( 1881 ) Chester A. Arthur ( 1881 -- 1885 ) Grover Cleveland ( 1885 -- 1889 ) Benjamin Harrison ( 1889 -- 1893 ) Grover Cleveland ( 1893 -- 1897 ) William McKinley ( 1897 -- 1901 ) Theodore Roosevelt ( 1901 -- 1909 ) William H. Taft ( 1909 -- 1913 ) Woodrow Wilson ( 1913 -- 1921 ) Warren G. Harding ( 1921 -- 1923 ) Calvin Coolidge ( 1923 -- 1929 ) Herbert Hoover ( 1929 -- 1933 ) Franklin D. Roosevelt ( 1933 -- 1945 ) Harry S. Truman ( 1945 -- 1953 ) Dwight D. Eisenhower ( 1953 -- 1961 ) John F. Kennedy ( 1961 -- 1963 ) Lyndon B. Johnson ( 1963 -- 1969 ) Richard Nixon ( 1969 -- 1974 ) Gerald Ford ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Jimmy Carter ( 1977 -- 1981 ) Ronald Reagan ( 1981 -- 1989 ) George H.W. Bush ( 1989 -- 1993 ) Bill Clinton ( 1993 -- 2001 ) George W. Bush ( 2001 -- 2009 ) Barack Obama ( 2009 -- 2017 ) Donald Trump ( 2017 -- present ) Presidency timelines Wilson Harding Coolidge Hoover F.D. Roosevelt first 100 days Truman Eisenhower Kennedy L.B. Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan G.H.W. Bush Clinton G.W. Bush Obama first 100 days Trump first 100 days Book Lists related to the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States List of Presidents List of Vice Presidents Presidents Age Autobiographies Birth Burial places Death Historical rankings Lifespan timeline Number living Time in office Pension and Benefits Portraits Professional careers Approval rating Assassination attempts and plots Campaign slogans Control of Congress Doctrines Inaugurations International trips Judicial appointments Libraries Military rank Military service Other offices held Pardons Previous experience Vetoes Personal life Coats of arms Deaths in office Education Facial hair Firsts Multilingualism Net worth Nicknames Pets Home state Previous occupation Religious affiliation Residences Slave owners Vice Presidents Age Coats of arms Education Number living Other offices held Place of primary affiliation Religious affiliation Tie - breaking votes Time in office Succession Acting President Designated survivor Line of succession Elections Electoral College margin Popular vote margin Summary Winner lost popular vote Candidates Democrat Republican Third party Progressive National Republican / Whig African American Female Received at least one electoral vote Height Lost their home state Families First Families First Ladies Second Ladies Children Namesakes , honors Memorial sites U.S. postage stamp appearances Educational institution names Currency appearances U.S. county names U.S. Senate vice presidential bust collection In fiction Presidents actors Vice Presidents actors Candidates Line of succession US Government Portal Biography Portal Presidents of the United States Chief executives of the United States Federal President of the United States State governors ( current list ) Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Territorial ( current list ) American Samoa District of Columbia Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico United States Virgin Islands Defunct Pre-state territories Panama Canal Zone Cuba Philippine Islands ( until 1935 ) Philippine Commonwealth ( until 1946 ) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of presidents Lists relating to the United States presidency Presidents of the United States Hidden categories : Webarchive template webcite links Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Use mdy dates from April 2017 Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans አማርኛ Arpetan Asturianu Azərbaycanca Bamanankan বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Bikol Central Български Boarisch Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Чӑвашла Čeština Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Эрзянь Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gaelg Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Қазақша Kernowek Kinyarwanda Kiswahili Kurdî Кырык мары Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Limburgs La . lojban . 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how many democratic presidents has the united states had
Unaffiliated ( 2 ) Federalist ( 1 ) Democratic - Republican ( 4 ) Democratic ( 15 ) Whig ( 4 ) Republican ( 19 ) National Union ( 2 ) Presidency President Prior office Party Term Vice President April 30 , 1789 -- March 4 , 1797 George Washington 1732 -- 1799 ( Lived : 67 years ) Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Army ( 1775 -- 1783 ) Unaffiliated ( 1788 -- 89 ) ( 1789 ) John Adams ( 1792 ) ( 1793 ) March 4 , 1797 -- March 4 , 1801 John Adams 1735 -- 1826 ( Lived : 90 years ) 1st Vice President of the United States Federalist ( 1796 ) ( 1797 ) Thomas Jefferson March 4 , 1801 -- March 4 , 1809 Thomas Jefferson 1743 -- 1826 ( Lived : 83 years ) 2nd Vice President of the United States Democratic - Republican ( 1800 ) ( 1801 ) Aaron Burr March 4 , 1801 -- March 4 , 1805 ( 1804 ) 5 ( 1805 ) George Clinton March 4 , 1805 -- March 4 , 1809 March 4 , 1809 -- March 4 , 1817 James Madison 1751 -- 1836 ( Lived : 85 years ) 5th United States Secretary of State ( 1801 -- 1809 ) Democratic - Republican ( 1808 ) 6 ( 1809 ) George Clinton March 4 , 1809 -- April 20 , 1812 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Clinton 's term ) ( 1812 ) 7 ( 1813 ) Elbridge Gerry March 4 , 1813 -- November 23 , 1814 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Gerry 's term ) 5 March 4 , 1817 -- March 4 , 1825 James Monroe 1758 -- 1831 ( Lived : 73 years ) 7th United States Secretary of State ( 1811 -- 1817 ) Democratic - Republican ( 1816 ) 8 ( 1817 ) Daniel D. Tompkins ( 1820 ) 9 ( 1821 ) 6 March 4 , 1825 -- March 4 , 1829 John Q. Adams 1767 -- 1848 ( Lived : 80 years ) 8th United States Secretary of State ( 1817 -- 1825 ) Democratic - Republican ( 1824 ) 10 ( 1825 ) John C. Calhoun 7 March 4 , 1829 -- March 4 , 1837 Andrew Jackson 1767 -- 1845 ( Lived : 78 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 2 ) from Tennessee ( 1797 -- 1798 & 1823 -- 1825 ) Democratic ( 1828 ) 11 ( 1829 ) John C. Calhoun March 4 , 1829 -- December 28 , 1832 ( Resigned from office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Calhoun 's term ) ( 1832 ) 12 ( 1833 ) Martin Van Buren March 4 , 1833 -- March 4 , 1837 8 March 4 , 1837 -- March 4 , 1841 Martin Van Buren 1782 -- 1862 ( Lived : 79 years ) 8th Vice President of the United States Democratic ( 1836 ) 13 ( 1837 ) Richard M. Johnson 9 March 4 , 1841 -- April 4 , 1841 ( Died in office ) William H. Harrison 1773 -- 1841 ( Lived : 68 years ) United States Minister to Colombia ( 1828 -- 1829 ) Whig ( 1840 ) 14 ( 1841 ) ( 1841 ) John Tyler ( Succeeded to presidency ) 10 April 4 , 1841 -- March 4 , 1845 John Tyler 1790 -- 1862 ( Lived : 71 years ) 10th Vice President of the United States Whig April 4 , 1841 -- September 13 , 1841 Office vacant Unaffiliated September 13 , 1841 -- March 4 , 1845 11 March 4 , 1845 -- March 4 , 1849 James K. Polk 1795 -- 1849 ( Lived : 53 years ) 9th Governor of Tennessee ( 1839 -- 1841 ) Democratic ( 1844 ) 15 ( 1845 ) George M. Dallas 12 March 4 , 1849 -- July 9 , 1850 ( Died in office ) Zachary Taylor 1784 -- 1850 ( Lived : 65 years ) Major General of the 1st Infantry Regiment United States Army ( 1846 -- 1849 ) ( No prior elected office ) Whig ( 1848 ) 16 ( 1849 ) ( 1850 ) Millard Fillmore ( Succeeded to presidency ) 13 July 9 , 1850 -- March 4 , 1853 Millard Fillmore 1800 -- 1874 ( Lived : 74 years ) 12th Vice President of the United States Whig Office vacant 14 March 4 , 1853 -- March 4 , 1857 Franklin Pierce 1804 -- 1869 ( Lived : 64 years ) Brigadier General of the 9th Infantry United States Army ( 1847 -- 1848 ) Democratic ( 1852 ) 17 ( 1853 ) William R. King March 4 -- April 18 , 1853 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of King 's term ) 15 March 4 , 1857 -- March 4 , 1861 James Buchanan 1791 -- 1868 ( Lived : 77 years ) United States Minister to the Court of St James 's ( 1853 -- 1856 ) Democratic ( 1856 ) 18 ( 1857 ) John C. Breckinridge 16 March 4 , 1861 -- April 15 , 1865 ( Died in office ) Abraham Lincoln 1809 -- 1865 ( Lived : 56 years ) U.S. Representative for Illinois ' 7th District ( 1847 -- 1849 ) Republican ( National Union ) ( 1860 ) 19 ( 1861 ) Hannibal Hamlin March 4 , 1861 -- March 4 , 1865 ( 1864 ) 20 ( 1865 ) ( 1865 ) Andrew Johnson March 4 -- April 15 , 1865 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 17 April 15 , 1865 -- March 4 , 1869 Andrew Johnson 1808 -- 1875 ( Lived : 66 years ) 16th Vice President of the United States National Union April 15 , 1865 -- c. 1868 Office vacant Democratic c. 1868 -- March 4 , 1869 18 March 4 , 1869 -- March 4 , 1877 Ulysses S. Grant 1822 -- 1885 ( Lived : 63 years ) Commanding General of the U.S. Army ( 1864 -- 1869 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 1868 ) 21 ( 1869 ) Schuyler Colfax March 4 , 1869 -- March 4 , 1873 ( 1872 ) 22 ( 1873 ) Henry Wilson March 4 , 1873 -- November 22 , 1875 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Wilson 's term ) 19 March 4 , 1877 -- March 4 , 1881 Rutherford B. Hayes 1822 -- 1893 ( Lived : 70 years ) 29th & 32nd Governor of Ohio ( 1868 -- 1872 & 1876 -- 1877 ) Republican ( 1876 ) 23 ( 1877 ) William A. Wheeler 20 March 4 , 1881 -- September 19 , 1881 ( Died in office ) James A. Garfield 1831 -- 1881 ( Lived : 49 years ) U.S. Representative for Ohio 's 19th District ( 1863 -- 1881 ) Republican ( 1880 ) 24 ( 1881 ) ( 1881 ) Chester A. Arthur ( Succeeded to presidency ) 21 September 19 , 1881 -- March 4 , 1885 Chester A. Arthur 1829 -- 1886 ( Lived : 57 years ) 20th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant 22 March 4 , 1885 -- March 4 , 1889 Grover Cleveland 1837 -- 1908 ( Lived : 71 years ) 28th Governor of New York ( 1883 -- 1885 ) Democratic ( 1884 ) 25 ( 1885 ) Thomas A. Hendricks March 4 -- November 25 , 1885 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Hendricks ' term ) 23 March 4 , 1889 -- March 4 , 1893 Benjamin Harrison 1833 -- 1901 ( Lived : 67 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 1 ) from Indiana ( 1881 -- 1887 ) Republican ( 1888 ) 26 ( 1889 ) Levi P. Morton 24 March 4 , 1893 -- March 4 , 1897 Grover Cleveland 1837 -- 1908 ( Lived : 71 years ) 22nd President of the United States ( 1885 -- 1889 ) Democratic ( 1892 ) 27 ( 1893 ) Adlai Stevenson 25 March 4 , 1897 -- September 14 , 1901 ( Died in office ) William McKinley 1843 -- 1901 ( Lived : 58 years ) 39th Governor of Ohio ( 1892 -- 1896 ) Republican ( 1896 ) 28 ( 1897 ) Garret Hobart March 4 , 1897 -- November 21 , 1899 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Hobart 's term ) ( 1900 ) 29 ( 1901 ) ( 1901 ) Theodore Roosevelt March 4 -- September 14 , 1901 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 26 September 14 , 1901 -- March 4 , 1909 Theodore Roosevelt 1858 -- 1919 ( Lived : 60 years ) 25th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant September 14 , 1901 -- March 4 , 1905 ( 1904 ) 30 ( 1905 ) Charles W. Fairbanks March 4 , 1905 -- March 4 , 1909 27 March 4 , 1909 -- March 4 , 1913 William H. Taft 1857 -- 1930 ( Lived : 72 years ) 42nd United States Secretary of War ( 1904 -- 1908 ) Republican ( 1908 ) 31 ( 1909 ) James S. Sherman March 4 , 1909 -- October 30 , 1912 ( Died in office ) Office vacant ( Balance of Sherman 's term ) 28 March 4 , 1913 -- March 4 , 1921 Woodrow Wilson 1856 -- 1924 ( Lived : 67 years ) 34th Governor of New Jersey ( 1911 -- 1913 ) Democratic ( 1912 ) 32 ( 1913 ) Thomas R. Marshall ( 1916 ) 33 ( 1917 ) 29 March 4 , 1921 -- August 2 , 1923 ( Died in office ) Warren G. Harding 1865 -- 1923 ( Lived : 57 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 3 ) from Ohio ( 1915 -- 1921 ) Republican ( 1920 ) 34 ( 1921 ) ( 1923 ) Calvin Coolidge ( Succeeded to presidency ) 30 August 2 , 1923 -- March 4 , 1929 Calvin Coolidge 1872 -- 1933 ( Lived : 60 years ) 29th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant August 2 , 1923 -- March 4 , 1925 ( 1924 ) 35 ( 1925 ) Charles G. Dawes March 4 , 1925 -- March 4 , 1929 31 March 4 , 1929 -- March 4 , 1933 Herbert Hoover 1874 -- 1964 ( Lived : 90 years ) 3rd United States Secretary of Commerce ( 1921 -- 1928 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 1928 ) 36 ( 1929 ) Charles Curtis 32 March 4 , 1933 -- April 12 , 1945 ( Died in office ) Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 -- 1945 ( Lived : 63 years ) 44th Governor of New York ( 1929 -- 1932 ) Democratic ( 1932 ) 37 ( 1933 ) John N. Garner March 4 , 1933 -- January 20 , 1941 ( 1936 ) 38 ( 1937 ) ( 1940 ) 39 ( 1941 ) Henry A. Wallace January 20 , 1941 -- January 20 , 1945 ( 1944 ) 40 ( 1945 ) ( 1945 ) Harry S. Truman January 20 -- April 12 , 1945 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 33 April 12 , 1945 -- January 20 , 1953 Harry S. Truman 1884 -- 1972 ( Lived : 88 years ) 34th Vice President of the United States Democratic Office vacant April 12 , 1945 -- January 20 , 1949 ( 1948 ) 41 ( 1949 ) Alben W. Barkley January 20 , 1949 -- January 20 , 1953 34 January 20 , 1953 -- January 20 , 1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 -- 1969 ( Lived : 78 years ) Supreme Allied Commander Europe ( 1949 -- 1952 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 1952 ) 42 ( 1953 ) Richard Nixon ( 1956 ) 43 ( 1957 ) 35 January 20 , 1961 -- November 22 , 1963 ( Died in office ) John F. Kennedy 1917 -- 1963 ( Lived : 46 years ) U.S. Senator ( Class 1 ) from Massachusetts ( 1953 -- 1960 ) Democratic ( 1960 ) 44 ( 1961 ) ( 1963 ) Lyndon B. Johnson ( Succeeded to presidency ) 36 November 22 , 1963 -- January 20 , 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson 1908 -- 1973 ( Lived : 64 years ) 37th Vice President of the United States Democratic Office vacant November 22 , 1963 -- January 20 , 1965 ( 1964 ) 45 ( 1965 ) Hubert Humphrey January 20 , 1965 -- January 20 , 1969 37 January 20 , 1969 -- August 9 , 1974 ( Resigned from office ) Richard Nixon 1913 -- 1994 ( Lived : 81 years ) 36th Vice President of the United States ( 1953 -- 1961 ) Republican ( 1968 ) 46 ( 1969 ) Spiro Agnew January 20 , 1969 -- October 10 , 1973 ( Resigned from office ) ( 1972 ) 47 ( 1973 ) ( 1974 ) Office vacant October 10 -- December 6 , 1973 Gerald Ford December 6 , 1973 -- August 9 , 1974 ( Succeeded to presidency ) 38 August 9 , 1974 -- January 20 , 1977 Gerald Ford 1913 -- 2006 ( Lived : 93 years ) 40th Vice President of the United States Republican Office vacant August 9 -- December 19 , 1974 Nelson Rockefeller December 19 , 1974 -- January 20 , 1977 39 January 20 , 1977 -- January 20 , 1981 Jimmy Carter Born 1924 ( 92 years old ) 76th Governor of Georgia ( 1971 -- 1975 ) Democratic ( 1976 ) 48 ( 1977 ) Walter Mondale 40 January 20 , 1981 -- January 20 , 1989 Ronald Reagan 1911 -- 2004 ( Lived : 93 years ) 33rd Governor of California ( 1967 -- 1975 ) Republican ( 1980 ) 49 ( 1981 ) George H.W. Bush ( 1984 ) 50 ( 1985 ) 41 January 20 , 1989 -- January 20 , 1993 George H.W. Bush Born 1924 ( 93 years old ) 43rd Vice President of the United States Republican ( 1988 ) 51 ( 1989 ) Dan Quayle 42 January 20 , 1993 -- January 20 , 2001 Bill Clinton Born 1946 ( 71 years old ) 40th & 42nd Governor of Arkansas ( 1979 -- 1981 & 1983 -- 1992 ) Democratic ( 1992 ) 52 ( 1993 ) Al Gore ( 1996 ) 53 ( 1997 ) 43 January 20 , 2001 -- January 20 , 2009 George W. Bush Born 1946 ( 71 years old ) 46th Governor of Texas ( 1995 -- 2000 ) Republican ( 2000 ) 54 ( 2001 ) Dick Cheney ( 2004 ) 55 ( 2005 ) 44 January 20 , 2009 -- January 20 , 2017 Barack Obama Born 1961 ( 56 years old ) U.S. Senator ( Class 3 ) from Illinois ( 2005 -- 2008 ) Democratic ( 2008 ) 56 ( 2009 ) Joe Biden ( 2012 ) 57 ( 2013 ) 45 January 20 , 2017 -- Incumbent Donald Trump Born 1946 ( 71 years old ) Chairman of The Trump Organization ( 1971 -- 2017 ) ( No prior elected office ) Republican ( 2016 ) 58 ( 2017 ) Mike Pence
RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars ( season 3 ) - wikipedia RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars ( season 3 ) Jump to : navigation , search RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars Season 3 Broadcast from January 25 ( 2018 - 01 - 25 ) -- March 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 15 ) Judges RuPaul Michelle Visage Carson Kressley Ross Mathews Host ( s ) RuPaul Broadcaster VH1 Competitors 10 Winner Trixie Mattel Origin Los Angeles , California Runner - up Kennedy Davenport Chronology ◀ Season 3 The third season of RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars began airing on January 25 , 2018 . The season was announced in August 2017 , and 9 of the 10 cast members were revealed during a VH1 television special titled `` Exclusive Queen Ruveal , '' which aired on October 20 , 2017 . This season featured ten All Star contestants , selected from the show 's first season through to its ninth season , who competed to be inducted into the `` Drag Race Hall of Fame '' . As in the previous season , the top two queens in the challenge compete in a `` Lip Sync for Your Legacy , '' with the winner of the lip sync earning $10,000 and choosing which of the bottom queens gets eliminated . A new twist on how the top queens of the season were chosen was revealed in the seasons last episode . The previously eliminated queens returned in the finale and voted for the top two out of the remaining top four finalists , from there on the two queens with the most votes advanced and the others were subsequently eliminated . The prizes for the winner of the competition are a one - year supply of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics and a cash prize of $100,000 . The winner of the third season of RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars was Trixie Mattel , with Kennedy Davenport being the runner - up . Contents ( hide ) 1 Contestants 2 Contestant progress 3 Lip syncs 4 Guest judges 4.1 Special guests 5 Episodes 6 Leak 7 Ratings 8 Reception 9 References 10 External Links Contestants ( edit ) The drag queens that competed are : ( Ages and names stated are at time of contest . ) Contestant Real name Age Hometown Original season Original placement Outcome Trixie Mattel Brian Firkus 28 Los Angeles , California Season 7 06 ! 6th Place Winner Kennedy Davenport Reuben Asberry Jr . 35 Dallas , Texas Season 7 04 ! 4th Place Runner - up BeBe Zahara Benet Nea Marshall Kudi 36 Minneapolis , Minnesota Season 1 01 ! Winner 3rd / 4th Place Shangela D.J. Pierce 35 Los Angeles , California Season 2 12 ! 12th Place Season 3 05 ! 6th Place Morgan McMichaels Thomas White 36 Los Angeles , California Season 2 08 ! 8th Place 5th Place BenDeLaCreme Benjamin Putnam 35 Seattle , Washington Season 6 05 ! 5th Place 6th Place Aja Jay Rivera 23 Brooklyn , New York Season 9 09 ! 9th Place 7th Place Chi Chi DeVayne Zavion Davenport 32 Shreveport , Louisiana Season 8 04 ! 4th Place 8th Place Milk Dan Donigan 29 New York , New York Season 6 09 ! 9th Place 9th Place Thorgy Thor Shane Galligan 33 Brooklyn , New York Season 8 06 ! 6th Place 10th Place Jump up ^ Morgan McMichaels originally placed 10th before being chosen to return to the competition . Jump up ^ This contestant was voted Miss Congeniality during her original season . Jump up ^ This contestant eliminated herself . Contestant progress ( edit ) Contestant 5 6 7 8 Trixie Mattel SAFE SAFE HIGH BTM3 WIN BTM3 WIN Winner Kennedy Davenport SAFE BTM2 WIN BTM3 SAFE BTM3 BTM3 Runner - up BeBe Zahara Benet SAFE HIGH SAFE SAFE WIN WIN BTM3 Eliminated Shangela HIGH WIN SAFE WIN BTM2 BTM3 WIN Eliminated Morgan McMichaels ELIM IN ELIM Guest BenDeLaCreme WIN WIN WIN WIN SAFE ELIM Guest Aja WIN SAFE BTM3 SAFE ELIM OUT Guest Chi Chi DeVayne BTM2 LOW BTM3 ELIM OUT Guest Milk SAFE SAFE ELIM OUT Guest Thorgy Thor SAFE ELIM OUT Guest The contestant won RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . The contestant was the runner - up . The contestant was eliminated by jury vote without lip - syncing entirely . The contestant won the challenge and won the `` Lip Sync for Your Legacy . '' The contestant won the challenge but lost the `` Lip Sync for Your Legacy . '' The contestant came back for a chance to re-enter the competition and was chosen to return . The contestant came back for a chance to re-enter the competition but was not chosen to return . The contestant received positive judges ' critiques but was ultimately declared safe . The contestant received judges ' critiques but was ultimately declared safe . The contestant received negative judges ' critiques but was ultimately declared safe . The contestant won the challenge and won the `` Lip Sync for Your Legacy '' but chose to eliminate herself . The contestant was in the bottom and eligible for elimination . The contestant was eliminated . The contestant returned as a juror for the final episode to vote for the Top 2 Lip syncs ( edit ) Episode Contestants ( Pick for Elimination ) Song Winner Up for Elimination Eliminated Aja ( Chi Chi DeVayne ) vs . BenDeLaCreme ( Morgan McMichaels ) `` Anaconda '' ( Nicki Minaj ) BenDeLaCreme Chi Chi DeVayne Morgan McMichaels Morgan McMichaels BenDeLaCreme ( Thorgy Thor ) vs . Shangela ( Thorgy Thor ) `` Jump ( For My Love ) '' ( The Pointer Sisters ) Shangela Kennedy Davenport Thorgy Thor Thorgy Thor BenDeLaCreme ( Chi Chi DeVayne ) vs . Kennedy Davenport ( Milk ) `` Green Light '' ( Lorde ) Kennedy Davenport Aja Chi Chi DeVayne Milk Milk BenDeLaCreme ( Chi Chi DeVayne ) vs . Shangela ( Chi Chi DeVayne ) `` I Kissed a Girl '' ( Katy Perry ) BenDeLaCreme & Shangela Chi Chi DeVayne Kennedy Davenport Trixie Mattel Chi Chi DeVayne 5 BeBe Zahara Benet ( Aja ) vs . Trixie Mattel ( Aja ) `` The Boss '' ( Diana Ross ) BeBe Zahara Benet Aja Shangela Aja 6 BeBe Zahara Benet vs . BenDeLaCreme ( BenDeLaCreme ) ( Morgan McMichaels ) `` Nobody 's Supposed to Be Here ( Hex Hector Dance Mix ) '' ( Deborah Cox ) BenDeLaCreme Kennedy Davenport Shangela Trixie Mattel BenDeLaCreme 7 Shangela ( Morgan McMichaels ) vs . Trixie Mattel ( Morgan McMichaels ) `` Freaky Money '' ( RuPaul ft . Big Freedia ) Shangela BeBe Zahara Benet Kennedy Davenport Morgan McMichaels Morgan McMichaels 8 Kennedy Davenport vs . Trixie Mattel `` Wrecking Ball '' ( Miley Cyrus ) Trixie Mattel None Kennedy Davenport The contestant was eliminated after their first time in the bottom . The contestant was eliminated after their second time in the bottom . The contestant was eliminated after their third time in the bottom . The contestant self - eliminated without being in the bottom . The contestant was eliminated after the final lip sync . Jump up ^ In episode 7 , BeBe Zahara Benet chose not to show who she selected to return to the competition and who she selected to eliminate if she had won the lip sync . Jump up ^ In episode 6 , the contestants in the lip sync were asked to choose an eliminated contestant to return to the competition in addition to picking someone to eliminate . Guest judges ( edit ) Guest judges for this season include ( in order of appearance ) : Vanessa Hudgens , actress and singer Todrick Hall , actor and singer Vanessa Williams , actress and singer Constance Zimmer , actress Jeffrey Bowyer - Chapman , actor and model Nicole Byer , comedian and actress Kristin Chenoweth , actress and singer Tituss Burgess , actor and singer Shay Mitchell , actress and model Adam Lambert , singer and actor Emma Bunton , singer and actress Chris Colfer , actor and singer Garcelle Beauvais , actress and model Special guests ( edit ) Guests who appeared in episodes but did not judge on the main stage ( in order of appearance ) : Chad Michaels , runner - up from season four and winner of season one of All Stars Alaska , runner - up from season five and winner of season two of All Stars Marc Jacobs , fashion designer Nancy Pelosi , House Democratic leader and representative for California 's 12th congressional district Episodes ( edit ) No . overall No. in season Title Original air date 16 `` All - Star Variety Show '' January 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 25 ) Nine formerly eliminated queens from past seasons of RuPaul 's Drag Race enter the workroom to win a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame , and also to win a cash prize of $100,000 . Upon entering the room , RuPaul introduces the final 10th queen , season one winner BeBe Zahara Benet , stating that he wants to showcase the contestant to a new generation of fans . For the episode 's maxi - challenge , each queen is to prepare a live talent presentation for the second All Star Variety Show . Upon judgement , BeBe Zahara Benet , Milk , and Trixie Mattel are deemed safe . During the critiques , Aja and BenDeLaCreme are selected as the top two all stars of the week . Contestants Shangela and Thorgy Thor receive positive reviews from the judges . Chi Chi DeVayne and Morgan McMichaels are placed in the bottom for their performances . Aja and BenDeLaCreme lip - sync against each other to Nicki Minaj 's `` Anaconda '' ; BenDeLaCreme wins the lip sync and eliminates Morgan McMichaels . Guest Judge : Vanessa Hudgens Mini-challenge : Reading is Fundamental Mini-challenge Winner : BenDeLaCreme Mini-challenge Prize : $3,000 shopping spree to L.A. Eyeworks Main Challenge : Perform a talent in front of the judges , a live audience , and other competitors . Challenge Winners : Aja & BenDeLaCreme Main Challenge Prize : Five - night stay at the Grand Resort Hotel and Spa in Fort Lauderdale , air fare included Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : BenDeLaCreme Lip Sync Song : `` Anaconda '' by Nicki Minaj Bottom Two : Chi Chi DeVayne & Morgan McMichaels Eliminated : Morgan McMichaels Farewell Message : `` I love you girls ! Keep rocking and stay FABULOUS ! '' 17 `` Divas Lip Sync Live '' February 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 01 ) In episode two , the nine remaining queens are assigned female musicians to embody in the Divas Lip Sync Live battle , a tribute act in the form of a live medley of RuPaul songs . Aja performs as Amy Winehouse , BeBe Zahara Benet as Diana Ross , BenDeLaCreme as Julie Andrews , Chi Chi DeVayne as Patti LaBelle , Kennedy Davenport as Janet Jackson , Milk as Celine Dion , Shangela as Mariah Carey , Trixie Mattel as Dolly Parton , and Thorgy Thor as Stevie Nicks . The runway theme on the main stage is `` RuDemption , '' a theme for which each contestant recreates a look from their original season . Upon judgement , Aja , Milk , and Trixie Mattel are deemed safe . During the critiques , BeBe Zahara Benet , BenDaLeCreme , and Shangela receive positive feedback on their performances and runway looks , with the latter two winning the challenge . Chi Chi DeVayne , Kennedy Davenport and Thorgy Thor are all criticized for their performances , while their runway looks receive praise . DeVayne is declared safe from the bottom two . Shangela and BenDeLaCreme lip - sync against each other to The Pointer Sisters ' `` Jump ( For My Love ) . '' Shangela wins the lip sync and eliminates Thorgy Thor . Guest Judges : Todrick Hall & Vanessa Williams Alternating Judge : Carson Kressley Main Challenge : Perform in a lip - syncing dance number inspired by VH1 Divas . Runway Theme : RuDemption Runway Challenge Winners : BenDeLaCreme & Shangela Main Challenge Prize : $1000 gift card from Sparkles Rhinestones and a $1000 gift card from Fierce Queen Heels Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : Shangela Lip Sync Song : `` Jump ( For My Love ) '' by The Pointer Sisters Bottom Two : Kennedy Davenport & Thorgy Thor Eliminated : Thorgy Thor Farewell Message : `` Wooo ! Drag is fun . Suck it ShangeLLA ! '' ( Drawing of an ejaculating penis ) 18 `` The B * tchelor '' February 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 08 ) The eight remaining queens are each assigned a personality by RuPaul for The Bitchelor , a satire based on the show The Bachelor . Aja plays the Needy Girl , BeBe Zahara Benet the Shy Virgin , BenDeLaCreme the Cougar , Chi Chi DeVayne and Shangela a polyamorous couple , Kennedy Davenport the Party Girl , Milk the Stalker , and Trixie Mattel the Fake Bitch . Jeffrey Bowyer - Chapman participates as the main love interest of the show . The main - stage runway theme is `` Wigs on Wigs on Wigs '' . Upon judgement , Benet and Shangela are both deemed safe . BenDeLaCreme , Davenport and Mattel are praised for their performances and looks , with the former two contestants winning the challenge . Aja , Chi Chi DeVayne , and Milk are placed in the bottom three . Davenport and BenDeLaCreme lip - sync against each other to Lorde 's `` Green Light . '' Davenport wins the lip sync and eliminates Milk . Guest Judges : Constance Zimmer & Jeffrey Bowyer - Chapman Alternating Judge : Ross Mathews Main Challenge : Improvise in an unscripted dating show inspired by The Bachelor . Runway Theme : Wigs on Wigs on Wigs Challenge Winners : BenDeLaCreme & Kennedy Davenport Main Challenge Prize : A jewelry pack from Fierce Drag Jewels and a $1000 gift card to Nailed by Cristy Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : Kennedy Davenport Lip Sync Song : `` Green Light '' by Lorde Bottom Three : Aja , Chi Chi DeVayne , & Milk Eliminated : Milk Farewell Message : `` Love u girls but ya 'll know this is bogus ! Stay amazing ❤ Milk '' 19 `` All Stars Snatch Game '' February 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 15 ) The seven remaining queens prepare for the Snatch Game , where each contestant picks a celebrity to impersonate . Aja appears as Crystal LaBeija , BeBe Zahara Benet as Grace Jones , BenDeLaCreme as Paul Lynde , Chi Chi DeVayne as Maya Angelou , Kennedy Davenport as Phaedra Parks , Shangela as Jenifer Lewis and Trixie Mattel as RuPaul . Guest judge Kristin Chenoweth partakes in the challenge , playing herself . The runway theme on the main stage is `` Flower Power . '' Upon judgement , BenDeLaCreme and Shangela are deemed the winners of the challenge . Aja and Benet receive positive remarks for their runway looks , though reviews are divided on Benet 's Snatch Game performance . Both are ultimately declared safe . DeVayne , Davenport and Mattel are placed in the bottom three . Shangela and BenDeLaCreme lip - sync against each other to Katy Perry 's `` I Kissed a Girl . '' The lip sync is declared a tie , and both contestants eliminate DeVayne . Guest Judges : Kristin Chenoweth & Nicole Byer Alternating Judge : Carson Kressley Main Challenge : Impersonate celebrities in the Snatch Game . Runway Theme : Flower Power Challenge Winners : BenDeLaCreme & Shangela Main Challenge Prize : A wig wardrobe courtesy of Rockstar Wigs and a $1000 gift card from Coolhaus Ice Cream Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : BenDeLaCreme & Shangela Lip Sync Song : `` I Kissed a Girl '' by Katy Perry Bottom Three : Chi Chi DeVayne , Kennedy Davenport , & Trixie Mattel Eliminated : Chi Chi DeVayne Farewell Message : `` LOVE All of you gals , Remember to Keep it fair . Chi Chi 💋 '' 20 5 `` Pop Art Ball '' February 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 22 ) The six remaining queens participate in a mini-challenge where they dress up in `` Quick Drag '' and model in an Andy Warhol - inspired photoshoot . Aja wins the challenge , receiving a year 's supply of burgers from Hamburger Mary 's and a cash tip of $2,000 . For the main challenge , each contestant is asked to prepare two runway looks for the Pop Art Ball : one inspired by Warhol 's Campbell 's Soup Cans and a second inspired by Studio 54 . Additionally , each contestant has to record a voice - over narrative to be played during her runway presentation . During the judges ' critiques , Aja and Shangela are criticized for both of their runway looks , and they fall into the bottom two . BeBe Zahara Benet and Trixie Mattel are both commended for their runway looks , winning the challenge . BenDeLaCreme and Kennedy Davenport attract mixed commentary but are ultimately declared safe . Benet and Mattel lip - sync against each other to Diana Ross 's `` The Boss '' . Benet wins the lip sync and eliminates Aja . At the end of the episode , RuPaul brings previous winners Chad Michaels and Alaska back onto the main stage , and they reveal three queens in cloaks that will be returning for the next episode . Guest Judges : Tituss Burgess & Shay Mitchell Alternating Judge : Ross Mathews Mini-challenge : Pose for a pop art - style portrait Mini-challenge Winner : Aja Mini-challenge Prize : A year 's supply of hamburgers from Hamburger Mary 's and $2,000 Main Challenge : Design wearable soup cans inspired by Andy Warhol as well as a Studio 54 disco look . Challenge Winners : BeBe Zahara Benet & Trixie Mattel Main Challenge Prize : Two - night escape for 2 at the W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : BeBe Zahara Benet Lip Sync Song : The Boss by Diana Ross Bottom Two : Aja & Shangela Eliminated : Aja Farewell Message : `` I love u bitches ❤ Honestly , thank you from the bottom of my heart ! Y'all inspire me ! - Aja '' 21 6 `` Handmaids to Kitty Girls '' March 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 01 ) RuPaul reintroduces all the eliminated queens to the competition . Everyone is tasked with writing and performing original lyrics to audition for RuPaul 's new all - star supergroup , The Kitty Girls . The queens are split equally into two teams : the eliminated queens on one team , and the remaining queens on the other . Each member creates a character to perform : Benet appears as Jungle Kitty , BenDeLaCreme as Goth Kitty , Davenport as Diva Kitty , Shangela as Sparkle Kitty , and Mattel as IQ Kitty . On the opposite team , Aja appears as Lil ' Banjee , DeVayne as Cajun Kitty , Milk as Milky Kitty , McMichaels as Bimbo Kitty , and Thor as Cardio Kitty . During the judges ' critiques , Benet and BenDeLaCreme are praised for their performances , and they are deemed the top two contestants . Davenport , Shangela and Mattel are placed in the bottom three . Benet and BenDeLaCreme are instructed to eliminate one of the bottom queens and to select an eliminated contestant to return to the competition . Benet and BenDeLaCreme lip - sync against each other to Deborah Cox 's `` Nobody 's Supposed To Be Here , '' and the latter wins . BenDeLaCreme chooses McMichaels to return to the competition and subsequently eliminates herself , making her the second queen to leave the competition voluntarily . Upon the episode 's premiere , critics deemed her move one of the most controversial and `` unthinkable '' moments on the show . Guest Judges : Adam Lambert & Emma Bunton Alternating Judge : Carson Kressley Main Challenge : Audition for RuPaul 's new all star super group called `` The Kitty Girls . '' Challenge Winners : BeBe Zahara Benet & BenDeLaCreme Main Challenge Prize : $1,000 gift card to The Spa on Rodeo and a $1,000 gift card to MuLondon Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : BenDeLaCreme Lip Sync Song : `` Nobody 's Supposed to Be Here ( Hex Hector Dance Mix ) '' by Deborah Cox Bottom Three : Kennedy Davenport , Shangela , & Trixie Mattel Returned : Morgan McMichaels Eliminated : BenDeLaCreme Farewell Message : `` Dear new top 5 , thank you so much for this incredible journey . Stay fierce . You all deserve a crown . Your friendship and respect is the best win I can imagine . XO BDLC '' 22 7 `` My Best Squirrelfriend 's Dragsmaids Wedding Trip '' March 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 08 ) The five remaining queens are asked to act in a trailer for a movie titled My Best Squirrelfriend 's Dragsmaids Wedding Trip , comedically portraying Academy Award - winning female characters . Morgan McMichaels is tasked with handing out roles to each contestant : Bebe Zahara Benet plays The Queen ( The Queen ) , Kennedy Davenport plays La La ( La La Land ) , McMichaels plays Beige Swan ( Black Swan ) , Shangela plays Actavia ( The Help / Hidden Figures ) , and Trixie Mattel plays Sharon Frokovich ( Erin Brockovich ) . The runway theme for the episode is `` Red for Filth . '' During critiques , Shangela 's and Mattel 's performances and looks are praised , and they are chosen as the top two contestants . Although Benet , Davenport and McMichaels receive compliments for their runway looks , all three are placed in the bottom three . Shangela and Mattel lip - sync against each other to RuPaul 's `` Freaky Money . '' Shangela wins the lip sync and chooses to eliminate McMichaels . Guest Judges : Chris Colfer & Garcelle Beauvais Alternating Judge : Ross Mathews Main Challenge : Star in a raunchy girl comedy blockbuster . Runway Theme : `` Red for Filth '' Challenge Winners : Shangela & Trixie Mattel Main Challenge Prize : $1,000 gift card to Elea 's Closet and a luggage set from Radden Luggage Lip Sync for Your Legacy Winner : Shangela Lip Sync Song : `` Freaky Money '' by RuPaul ft . Big Freedia Bottom Three : BeBe Zahara Benet , Kennedy Davenport & Morgan McMichaels Eliminated : Morgan McMichaels Farewell Message : `` Let no one dim your light . I love you all totally ! SISTERS FOREVER ! 💋 '' 23 8 `` A Jury of Their Queers '' March 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 15 ) The final four queens were asked to write , sing and dance in an ambitious production number to RuPaul 's song `` Kitty Girl . '' Choreographer Todrick Hall accompanied the girls choreography , but also revealed that the entire music video would be shot in one - take throughout the backstage of RuPaul 's Drag Race , including the runway The music video opens with Kennedy Davenport , and follows with Shangela , Bebe Zahara Benet and Trixie Mattel ; the judges , and eliminated contestants , all appeared as cameo to the video . During the critiques , all four queens were given positive comments about their performances and runway looks . RuPaul reveals that each eliminated queen gets to vote two contestants to enter the top two spots , whereas each remaining contestant got the chance to plead why they deserved to be in the top positions . Subsequently , the four remaining queens were asked to change costumes for the lip - sync to Miley Cyrus 's `` Wrecking Ball '' . After deliberation , eliminated contestant Morgan McMichaels announces Davenport and Mattel as the top two All - Stars , effectively eliminating both Benet and Shangela . After the lip - sync , RuPaul announces Mattel as the season three winner , and earns a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame . Main Challenge : Write , sing , and dance in an ambitious production number to RuPaul 's song `` Kitty Girl . '' Eliminated : BeBe Zahara Benet & Shangela Final Two : Kennedy Davenport & Trixie Mattel Lip Sync Song : `` Wrecking Ball '' by Miley Cyrus Runner - up : Kennedy Davenport Winner of RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars Season Three : Trixie Mattel Leak ( edit ) On February 15 , 2018 , the series production company World of Wonder filed a lawsuit against an anonymous leaker using the alias RealityTVLeaks . According to the lawsuit , RealityTVLeaks posted several visuals from the season on various social media websites such as Reddit , Twitter , and Instagram before each episode 's airing -- including runway themes , challenges , episode titles , and eliminated queens . Additionally , a producer from the show stated that the leaker removed `` information identifying ( World of Wonder ) as the copyright owner and author '' before adding `` misleading copyright management information falsely identifying ( the defendants ) as the copyright owners and authors . '' World of Wonder launched the suit because of the defendant 's `` unlawful theft and public dissemination of episodes of the popular and critically - acclaimed reality television show , '' and the production company confirmed it is seeking damages of $300,000 , including $150,000 for each infringed episode and $25,000 per violation of `` actual damages '' and defendants ' profits . Ratings ( edit ) No . Title Air date Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) `` All - Star Variety Show '' January 25 , 2018 0.46 0.895 `` Divas Lip Sync Live '' February 1 , 2018 0.40 0.777 `` The B * tchelor '' February 8 , 2018 0.39 0.738 `` All Stars Snatch Game '' February 15 , 2018 0.34 0.713 5 `` Pop Art Ball '' February 22 , 2018 0.38 0.732 6 `` Handmaids to Kitty Girls '' March 1 , 2018 0.49 0.883 7 `` My Best Squirrelfriend 's Dragsmaids Wedding Trip '' March 8 , 2018 0.31 0.658 8 `` A Jury of Their Queers '' March 15 , 2018 0.27 0.589 Reception ( edit ) Although a ratings success , the season was not critically well received , following the high bar set by All Stars 2 . Vulture , in writing a summation review , described the season as `` truly one of the roughest seasons of the show ever . After a stellar , jaw - unhingingly good All Stars 2 , this season felt more like an embarrassing cousin you brought to gay happy hour who wears double polos '' . The A.V. Club similarly described the season as disappointing ; in their final review of the season , they wrote , `` I should be celebrating the crowning of a new queen in the Drag Race hall of fame , but Drag Race All Stars season three has left me feeling totally underwhelmed and wondering , What 's the point ? '' Vulture did however make the point that although the season did not live up to expectations , `` even at its worst , it 's still one of one the best , if not the best goddamn reality competition show on television '' . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` RuPaul to Reveal ' All Stars ' Season 3 Cast on Upcoming VH1 Special : ' Prepare to Be Gagged ' '' . Billboard . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ' RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars ' season 3 cast to be revealed during TV special '' . Entertainment Weekly . October 13 , 2017 . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Fernandez , Matt ( October 14 , 2017 ) . `` TV News Roundup : ' RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars ' to Launch Season 3 with Hour Special '' . Variety . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ' RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars ' season 3 queens announced : See an exclusive cast photo '' . Entertainment Weekly . 2017 - 10 - 21 . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 21 . Jump up ^ Avery , Dan . `` Shangela , Latrice Royale , Kasha Davis Raise The Roof To Save Kennedy Davenport 's Home '' . LOGO News . Retrieved 28 October 2017 . Jump up ^ Patricio , Edana ( March 9 , 2017 ) . `` ' RuPaul 's Drag Race ' season 9 episode 1 : Lady Gaga , the Queens and spoilers '' . International Business Times . Archived from the original on April 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Weigle , Lauren ( March 7 , 2016 ) . `` RuPaul 's Drag Race ' Season 8 Cast '' . . Archived from the original on March 23 , 2017 . Retrieved March 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Avery , Dan ( January 19 , 2017 ) . `` Milk Out Of Drag -- And Out Of His Clothes '' . Logo . Archived from the original on May 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` All Stars : The Changing Face of Drag official website '' . Archived from the original on August 31 , 2016 . Retrieved April 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hegedus , Eric ( March 7 , 2016 ) . `` RuPaul still reigns supreme as ' Drag Race ' hits 100 episodes '' . New York Post . Archived from the original on March 18 , 2016 . Retrieved April 13 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` All - Star Variety Show '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 1 . January 25 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Divas Lip - Sync Live '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 2 . February 1 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` The B * itchelor '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 3 . February 8 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` All Stars Snatch Game '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 4 . February 15 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` All Stars Snatch Game '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 5 . February 22 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Handmaid to Kitty Girls '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 6 . March 1 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` My Best Squirrelfriend 's Dragsmaids Wedding Trip '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 7 . March 8 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` A Jury of their Queers '' . RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars . Season 3 . Episode 8 . March 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ O'Keefe , Kevin ( January 18 , 2018 ) . `` ' RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars 3 ' Reveals Guest Judges , Releases New Sneak Peek '' . IntoMore . Retrieved January 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` TV Schedule for RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars '' . . Retrieved 16 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Futon Clinic '' . The Futon Critic . January 12 , 2018 . Retrieved January 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Sava , Oliver ( March 2 , 2018 ) . `` Everything changes for Drag Race All Stars with a shocking elimination '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Munzenrieder , Kyle ( March 2 , 2018 ) . `` The Night Bendelacreme Became a Goddess '' . W Magazine . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Mulkerin , Tim ( March 2 , 2018 ) . `` undamental Reading : On ' RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars 3 ' episode 6 , the girls got their revenge '' . . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Ru Paul Copyright '' . . February 15 , 2018 . Retrieved February 16 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` All Stars Season 3 Episode Guide '' . . March 6 , 2018 . Retrieved March 6 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Moore , Matt ( February 17 , 2018 ) . `` RuPaul 's Drag Race producers are suing an anonymous leaker for $300,000 '' . Gay Times . Retrieved February 19 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 1.25. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved January 26 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.1. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved February 2 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.8. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved February 11 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.15. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved February 16 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.22. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved February 23 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 3.1. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 3.8. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved March 9 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 3.15. 2018 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved March 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ External links ( edit ) Official website ( hide ) RuPaul 's Drag Race Seasons Original 5 6 7 8 9 10 All Stars Contestants Winners Original BeBe Zahara Benet Tyra Sanchez Raja Sharon Needles Jinkx Monsoon Bianca Del Rio Violet Chachki Bob the Drag Queen Sasha Velour All Stars Chad Michaels Alaska Trixie Mattel Other contestants Nina Flowers Ongina Tammie Brown Victoria `` Porkchop '' Parker Raven Jujubee Pandora Boxx Jessica Wild Sahara Davenport Morgan McMichaels Shangela Manila Luzon Alexis Mateo Yara Sofia Carmen Carrera Delta Work Mimi Imfurst Venus D - Lite Phi Phi O'Hara Latrice Royale Willam Jiggly Caliente Roxxxy Andrews Detox Coco Montrese Alyssa Edwards Ivy Winters Honey Mahogany Monica Beverly Hillz Adore Delano Courtney Act BenDeLaCreme Laganja Estranja Milk Kelly Mantle Pearl Kennedy Davenport Katya Miss Fame Jasmine Masters Kim Chi Chi Chi DeVayne Thorgy Thor Cynthia Lee Fontaine Peppermint Shea Couleé Farrah Moan Aja Charlie Hides Asia O'Hara Vanessa Vanjie Mateo Related articles RuPaul 's Drag U episodes Drag Race Thailand Natalia Pliacam The Switch Drag Race Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2018 American television seasons RuPaul 's Drag Race seasons Hidden categories : Official website not in Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano Português Edit links This page was last edited on 24 April 2018 , at 06 : 06 . 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who won season 3 rupaul's drag race all stars
RuPaul 's Drag Race All Stars Season 3 Broadcast from January 25 ( 2018 - 01 - 25 ) -- March 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 15 ) Judges RuPaul Michelle Visage Carson Kressley Ross Mathews Host ( s ) RuPaul Broadcaster VH1 Competitors 10 Winner Trixie Mattel Origin Los Angeles , California Runner - up Kennedy Davenport Chronology ◀ Season 3
Horsehead Nebula - wikipedia Horsehead Nebula Horsehead Nebula Dark nebula diffuse The entire neighborhood of the nebula . The reflection nebula NGC 2023 is in the bottom left corner and the nebula itself near the center , in the shape of the head of a horse . Observation data : J2000. 0 epoch Right ascension 05 40 59.0 Declination − 02 ° 27 ′ 30.0 '' Distance 1,500 ly Apparent dimensions ( V ) 8 × 6 arcmins Constellation Orion Physical characteristics Radius 3.5 ly Notable features Resembles a horse 's head Designations Barnard 33 , LDN 1630 , See also : Lists of nebulae The Horsehead Nebula ( also known as Barnard 33 ) is a dark nebula in the constellation Orion . The nebula is located just to the south of the star Alnitak , which is farthest east on Orion 's Belt , and is part of the much larger Orion Molecular Cloud Complex . The nebula was first recorded in 1888 by Scottish astronomer Williamina Fleming on photographic plate B2312 taken at the Harvard College Observatory . The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 1500 light years from Earth . It is one of the most identifiable nebulae because of the shape of its swirling cloud of dark dust and gases , which bears some resemblance to a horse 's head when viewed from Earth . Contents ( hide ) 1 Overview 2 Gallery 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Overview ( edit ) The dark cloud of dust and gas is a region in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex where star formation is taking place . It is located in the constellation of Orion , which is prominent in the winter evening sky in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer evening sky in the Southern Hemisphere . This stellar nursery , as it is known , can contain over 100 known kinds of organic and inorganic gases as well as dust ; some of the latter is made up of large and complex organic molecules . The red or pinkish glow originates from hydrogen gas predominantly behind the nebula , ionized by the nearby bright star Sigma Orionis . Magnetic fields channel the gases leaving the nebula into streams , shown as streaks in the background glow . A glowing strip of hydrogen gas marks the edge of the massive cloud , and the densities of nearby stars are noticeably different on either side . The heavy concentrations of dust in the Horsehead Nebula region and neighbouring Orion Nebula are localized , resulting in alternating sections of nearly complete opacity and transparency . The darkness of the Horsehead is caused mostly by thick dust blocking the light of stars behind it . The lower part of the Horsehead 's neck casts a shadow to the left . The visible dark nebula emerging from the gaseous complex is an active site of the formation of `` low - mass '' stars . Bright spots in the Horsehead Nebula 's base are young stars just in the process of forming . It has a magnitude of . 11 . Gallery ( edit ) Horsehead Nebula and Alnitak ( WH Pickering ; 1888 ) . Horsehead Nebula captured with a H - alpha filter . View with a regular telescope and camera . View from the HST ( infrared ) . View from the ESO ( 2002 ) . Horse Head and Flame Nebula Hydrogen alpha 384mm scope Click Here for Animated map -- Orion 's Horsehead Nebula -- yellow and white areas have the most intense radiation from carbon atoms ( March 2016 ) . See also ( edit ) Horsehead Nebula in fiction List of Hubble anniversary images References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Arnett , Bill ( 2000 ) . `` Horsehead Nebula '' . Retrieved July 21 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Cannon , Annie J. ( June 1911 ) . `` WILLIAMINA PATON FLEMING '' . Science ( published June 30 , 1911 ) . 33 ( 861 ) : 987 -- 988 . Bibcode : 1911Sci ... 33 ... 987C . doi : 10.1126 / science. 33.861. 987 . PMID 17799863 . Jump up ^ Sharp , Nigel ( 2014 ) . `` The Horsehead Nebula '' . National Optical Astronomy Observatory . Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy . Retrieved July 21 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Horsehead Nebula / IC434 '' . National Optical Astronomy Observatory . NOAO . Retrieved 12 May 2014 . Jump up ^ Morgan , W.W. ; Lodén , Kerstin ( 1966 ) . `` Some Characteristics of the Orion Association '' . Vistas in Astronomy . 8 : 83 -- 88 . Bibcode : 1966VA ... 8 ... 83M . doi : 10.1016 / 0083 - 6656 ( 66 ) 90023 - 7 . ISSN 0083 - 6656 . Jump up ^ Mayo Greenberg , J ( 2002 ) . `` Cosmic dust and our origins '' . Surface Science . 500 ( 1 - 3 ) : 793 -- 822 . Bibcode : 2002SurSc. 500 ... 793M . doi : 10.1016 / S0039 - 6028 ( 01 ) 01555 - 2 . ISSN 0039 - 6028 . Jump up ^ Nemiroff , R. ; Bonnell , J. , eds. ( 21 July 2009 ) . `` The Horsehead Nebula '' . Astronomy Picture of the Day . NASA . Retrieved 12 May 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Horsehead Nebula . SOFIA / upGREAT ( C II ) Velocity Resolved Map of the Horsehead Nebula The Horsehead Nebula @ The Electronic Sky Hubble Observes the Horsehead Nebula The discovery of early photographs of the Horsehead nebula , by Waldee and Hazen The Horsehead Nebula in the 19th Century , by Waldee Detection of new nebulae by photography , by Pickering Horsehead Nebula at ESA / Hubble The Horsehead Nebula at the Astro - Photography site of Mr. T. Yoshida . The Horsehead - Nebula and neighboring structures in a classical view The Horsehead Nebula on interactive astro - photography survey at The Horsehead Nebula at Constellation Guide LCCN : sh2001010279 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Dark nebulae Horsehead Nebula Orion Molecular Cloud Complex Star formation Barnard objects Hidden categories : Pages using deprecated image syntax All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017 Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча پنجابی Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 40 more Edit links This page was last edited on 7 April 2018 , at 14 : 30 ( UTC ) . 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how far is the horsehead nebula from earth
The Horsehead Nebula ( also known as Barnard 33 ) is a dark nebula in the constellation Orion . The nebula is located just to the south of the star Alnitak , which is farthest east on Orion 's Belt , and is part of the much larger Orion Molecular Cloud Complex . The nebula was first recorded in 1888 by Scottish astronomer Williamina Fleming on photographic plate B2312 taken at the Harvard College Observatory . The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 1500 light years from Earth . It is one of the most identifiable nebulae because of the shape of its swirling cloud of dark dust and gases , which bears some resemblance to a horse 's head when viewed from Earth .
There Is a River - wikipedia There Is a River Jump to : navigation , search There is a river is the beginning of most English translations of Psalm 46 : 4 . There is a river may also refer to : Books ( edit ) There Is a River , an 1892 book by George Whitefield Chadwick There Is a River : Black River , a c. 1944 book about the Black River in South Carolina by W.R. Pritchett There Is a River : a novel , a 1959 book by Charlotte Miller There Is a River , a 1961 book by Richard Vaughan There Is a River : The story of Edgar Cayce , a 1997 book by Thomas Sugrue , originally published in 1969 as The story of Edgar Cayce : There Is a River There Is a River : The Black Struggle for Freedom in America , a 1981 book by Vincent Harding Music ( edit ) `` There Is a River '' , a 1969 song by Max and David Sapp There Is a River , a 1972 album and title song written and performed by Jimmy Swaggart `` There Is a River '' , a 1999 choral arrangement by Marty Parks `` There Is a River '' , a 2006 choral arrangement of Psalm 46 : 4 -- 6 , 10 , by Ellen Gilson Voth `` There Is a River '' , a song on Jars of Clay 's 2006 album Good Monsters , release as a single in 2007 `` There Is a River '' , a song by Andy Park on his 2001 album Night and Day `` Deep in Your Eyes ( There Is a River ) '' , a song by Jon Foreman on his 2008 EP Summer This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title There Is a River . If an internal link led you here , you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Disambiguation pages Hidden categories : All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 12 April 2017 , at 00 : 28 . About Wikipedia
who wrote the song there is a river
`` There Is a River '' , a 1969 song by Max and David Sapp There Is a River , a 1972 album and title song written and performed by Jimmy Swaggart `` There Is a River '' , a 1999 choral arrangement by Marty Parks `` There Is a River '' , a 2006 choral arrangement of Psalm 46 : 4 -- 6 , 10 , by Ellen Gilson Voth `` There Is a River '' , a song on Jars of Clay 's 2006 album Good Monsters , release as a single in 2007 `` There Is a River '' , a song by Andy Park on his 2001 album Night and Day `` Deep in Your Eyes ( There Is a River ) '' , a song by Jon Foreman on his 2008 EP Summer
I 'll Be Missing You - wikipedia I 'll Be Missing You Jump to : navigation , search `` I 'll Be Missing You '' Single by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans featuring 112 from the album No Way Out B - side `` We 'll Always Love Big Poppa '' `` Cry On '' Released May 27 , 1997 Format CD cassette 7 '' 12 '' Recorded 1997 Genre Hip hop R&B gospel Length 5 : 43 ( lp version ) 5 : 01 ( lp edit ) 4 : 08 ( radio edit ) Label Bad Boy Arista Songwriter ( s ) Faith Evans Todd Gaither Sting Albert E. Brumley ( not credited on album ) Producer ( s ) Puff Daddy Stevie J Puff Daddy singles chronology `` Ca n't Nobody Hold Me Down '' ( 1997 ) `` I 'll Be Missing You '' ( 1997 ) `` It 's All About the Benjamins '' ( 1997 ) `` Ca n't Nobody Hold Me Down '' ( 1997 ) `` I 'll Be Missing You '' ( 1997 ) `` It 's All About the Benjamins '' ( 1997 ) Faith Evans singles chronology `` You Could Be My Boo '' ( 1996 ) You Could Be My Boo 1996 `` I 'll Be Missing You '' ( 1997 ) I 'll Be Missing You1997 `` How 's It Goin ' Down '' ( 1998 ) How 's It Goin ' Down 1998 112 singles chronology `` Cupid '' ( 1997 ) Cupid 1997 `` I 'll Be Missing You '' ( 1997 ) I 'll Be Missing You1997 `` All Cried Out '' ( 1997 ) All Cried Out 1997 `` I 'll Be Missing You '' is a song recorded by American rapper Puff Daddy and American singer Faith Evans , featuring R&B group 112 , in memory of fellow Bad Boy Records artist Christopher `` The Notorious B.I.G. '' Wallace , who was murdered on March 9 , 1997 . Released as the second single from Puff Daddy and the Family 's No Way Out album , `` I 'll Be Missing You '' samples The Police 's 1983 hit song `` Every Breath You Take '' , with an interpolated chorus sung by Evans . The track also features a spoken intro over a choral version of Samuel Barber 's `` Adagio for Strings '' . In 1998 , the song won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group . The single spent 11 weeks on top of the Billboard Hot 100 during the summer of 1997 . With worldwide sales likely over 8 million , including shipments of 3 million copies in the United States and over 1 million in both Germany and the United Kingdom , the song has become one of the best - selling singles of all time . As of February 2016 , it is rated the 99th biggest song of all time in the US , according to Billboard . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Reception 3 Music video 4 Chart performance 5 Formats and track listings 6 Charts and certifications 6.1 Weekly charts 6.2 Year - end charts 6.3 Decade - end charts 6.4 All - time chart 6.5 Certifications 6.6 Chart successions 7 See also 8 References Background ( edit ) The song , a rap ballad , had already been completed before permission was granted to use the sample from The Police 's `` Every Breath You Take '' . Sting ( vocalist from The Police ) ultimately participated in a performance of `` I 'll Be Missing You '' at the 1997 MTV Video Music Awards . Sting owns 100 % of the publishing royalties . As well as using the melody and arrangement of `` Every Breath You Take '' , the single also borrows the melody from the well - known American spiritual `` I 'll Fly Away '' . There are several different versions of this song , one being an extended version ( choir at the beginning ) , another without the choir and an instrumental version . In the extended version of the song the choir is heard singing in the beginning of `` Adagio for Strings '' by Samuel Barber. . Reception ( edit ) Entertainment Weekly gave the song a grade of D , and described it as a `` maudlin ' tribute ' to the Notorious B.I.G. , ( in which ) the late rapper 's former mentor ( Puff Daddy ) and wife ( Faith Evans ) team up to say their farewells to the big man on a song that ' samples ' the Police 's ' Every Breath You Take . ' With lyrics like `` Know you 're in heaven , smiling down / Watching us while we pray for you , ' ' I 'll Be Missing You ' gives the lie to those who claim hip - hoppers are above self - serving sentimentality . '' Music video ( edit ) The music video was shot in Chicago and was directed by Hype Williams . Numerous scenes of Puff Daddy , Faith Evans and 112 were filmed in the artistically illuminated passenger walkway tunnel between O'Hare International Airport Terminal 1 Concourses B and C . Chart performance ( edit ) `` I 'll Be Missing You '' topped many charts across the world . It reached number one in the United States , the United Kingdom , Australia , Ireland , Germany , Italy , Netherlands , New Zealand , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Austria , Belgium , Norway , Denmark and Poland . The song is one of the few to debut at No. 1 in the U.S. on the Billboard Hot 100 , and the only rap song by a male to do so until Eminem 's `` Not Afraid '' debuted at the top spot 13 years later in 2010 then in 2017 with DJ Khaled 's `` I 'm The One '' . The song spent a record - breaking 11 weeks at No. 1 on the Hot 100 , making it the longest running No. 1 hip - hop song in history until Eminem 's `` Lose Yourself '' spent 12 weeks at No. 1 in 2002 . The song re-entered the UK Singles Chart at # 32 on July 8 , 2007 , ten years after it had its full physical release and 10 years after it was No. 1 . Formats and track listings ( edit ) Single Puff Daddy featuring Faith Evans and 112 -- `` I 'll Be Missing You '' Maxi - single Puff Daddy featuring Faith Evans and 112 -- `` I 'll Be Missing You '' The Lox -- `` We 'll Always Love Big Poppa '' 112 -- `` Cry On '' Puff Daddy and Faith Evans featuring 112 -- `` I 'll Be Missing You '' ( Instrumental ) The Lox -- `` We 'll Always Love Big Poppa '' ( Instrumental ) Charts and certifications ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1997 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) Austrian Singles Chart Belgian ( Flanders ) Singles Chart Belgian ( Wallonia ) Singles Chart Canadian Singles Chart Danish Singles Chart Dutch Top 40 Eurochart Hot 100 Finnish Singles Chart France ( SNEP ) German Singles Chart Iceland ( Íslenski Listinn Topp 40 ) Ireland ( IRMA ) Italian Singles Chart New Zealand RIANZ Singles Chart Norwegian Singles Chart Romania ( Romanian Top 100 ) Spain ( AFYVE ) Swedish Singles Chart Swiss Singles Chart UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) UK Dance ( Official Charts Company ) UK R&B ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs US Billboard Rhythmic Top 40 US Billboard Mainstream Top 40 11 Chart ( 2009 ) Peak position UK R&B Chart 22 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1997 ) Position Australian Singles Chart Austrian Singles Chart Belgian ( Flanders ) Singles Chart Belgian ( Wallonia ) Singles Chart 13 Canadian Singles Chart 36 Dutch Top 40 French Singles Chart 8 Germany ( Official German Charts ) New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) Romania ( Romanian Top 100 ) Swiss Singles Chart UK Singles Chart U.S. Billboard Hot 100 Decade - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1990 -- 1999 ) Position U.S. Billboard Hot 100 10 All - time chart ( edit ) Chart Position Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) 99 US Billboard Hot 100 94 Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales Australia ( ARIA ) 2 × Platinum 140,000 Austria ( IFPI Austria ) 2 × Platinum 100,000 Canada ( Music Canada ) Platinum 100,000 France ( SNEP ) Gold 492,000 Germany ( BVMI ) 3 × Platinum 1,500,000 Netherlands ( NVPI ) 2 × Platinum 150,000 Norway ( IFPI Norway ) Platinum 10,000 Sweden ( GLF ) 2 × Platinum 60,000 Switzerland ( IFPI Switzerland ) Platinum 50,000 United Kingdom ( BPI ) 3 × Platinum 1,800,000 United States ( RIAA ) 3 × Platinum 3,100,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone sales + streaming figures based on certification alone Chart successions ( edit ) hide Order of precedence Preceded by `` G.H.E.T.T.O.U.T. '' by Changing Faces Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one single June 11 , 1997 -- August 2 , 1997 ( 8 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Never Make a Promise '' by Dru Hill Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson Billboard Hot 100 number - one single June 14 , 1997 -- August 23 , 1997 ( 11 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Mo Money Mo Problems '' by The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy and Mase Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson UK number - one single ( first run ) June 28 , 1997 -- July 19 , 1997 ( 3 weeks ) Succeeded by `` D'You Know What I Mean ? '' by Oasis Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson German number - one single June 27 , 1997 -- September 5 , 1997 ( 11 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith and Coko of SWV Preceded by `` Hero '' by Toen ik je zag Dutch number - one single July 5 , 1997 -- August 30 , 1997 ( 9 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Leven na de dood '' by Freek de Jonge and Stips Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson Irish IRMA number - one single ( first run ) July 5 , 1997 ( 1 week ) Succeeded by `` D'You Know What I Mean ? '' by Oasis Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith Eurochart Hot 100 number - one single July 19 , 1997 -- September 13 , 1997 ( 9 weeks ) September 27 , 1997 ( 1 week ) Succeeded by `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' / `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' by Elton John Preceded by `` D'You Know What I Mean ? '' by Oasis UK number - one single ( second run ) July 26 , 1997 -- August 9 , 1997 ( 3 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson Swiss number - one single July 20 , 1997 -- September 7 , 1997 ( 8 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson Austrian number - one single July 20 , 1997 -- September 21 , 1997 ( 10 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' / `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' by Elton John Preceded by `` D'You Know What I Mean ? '' by Oasis Irish IRMA number - one single ( second run ) July 26 , 1997 -- August 16 , 1997 ( 4 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson New Zealand ( RIANZ ) number - one single July 6 , 1997 -- August 3 , 1997 ( 5 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Men in Black '' by Will Smith Preceded by `` Bailando '' by Paradisio Swedish number - one single July 11 , 1997 -- August 29 , 1997 ( 8 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Barbie Girl '' by Aqua Preceded by `` Bailando '' by Paradisio Norwegian VG - lista number - one single 29 / 1997 -- 38 / 1997 ( 10 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' / `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' by Elton John Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson Australian ( ARIA ) number - one single August 3 , 1997 -- August 31 , 1997 ( 5 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Barbie Girl '' by Aqua Preceded by `` MMMBop '' by Hanson `` Alane '' by Wes Belgian ( Flanders ) number - one single August 9 , 1997 -- August 30 , 1997 ( 4 weeks ) September 13 , 1997 ( 1 week ) Succeeded by `` Alane '' by Wes `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' / `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' by Elton John See also ( edit ) List of best - selling singles List of best - selling singles in the United Kingdom List of Hot 100 number - one singles of 1997 ( U.S. ) List of European number - one hits of 1997 List of number - one R&B singles of 1997 ( U.S. ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Australia ) List of number - one hits of 1997 ( Austria ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Belgium - Flanders ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Germany ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Ireland ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Netherlands ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( New Zealand ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Norway ) List of number - one singles ( Sweden ) List of number - one singles of 1997 ( Switzerland ) List of UK Singles Chart number ones of 1997 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Greatest of All Time Hot 100 Singles '' . Retrieved February 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Friedman , Roger ( April 25 , 2006 ) . `` Is Diddy 's ' Vote or Die ' Dead or Just Sleeping ? '' . Fox News . Archived from the original on April 28 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` '' I 'll Be Missing You `` '' . May 30 , 1997 . ^ Jump up to : `` -- Puff Daddy & Faith Evans -- I 'll Be Missing You '' . ARIA Top 50 Singles . Retrieved August 9 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Hits of the World : Denmark ( IFPI / Nielsen Marketing Research ) 08 / 14 / 97 '' . Billboard . Nielsen Business Media . 109 ( 35 ) : 59 . August 30 , 1997 . ISSN 0006 - 2510 . ^ Jump up to : `` Single top 100 over 1997 '' ( PDF ) ( in Dutch ) . Top40 . Archived from the original ( pdf ) on December 6 , 2011 . Retrieved April 20 , 2010 . Jump up ^ German Singles Chart Archived December 16 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ `` Íslenski Listinn Topp 40 ( 03.07. 1997 - 09.07. 1997 ) '' ( PDF ) ( in Icelandic ) . Dagblaðið Vísir - Tónlist . Retrieved February 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Irish Singles Chart Archived June 3 , 2009 , at WebCite ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ Italian Single Chart Hit parade Italia ( Retrieved May 30 , 2008 ) ^ Jump up to : `` Romanian Top 100 : Top of the Year 1997 '' ( in Romanian ) . Romanian Top 100 . Archived from the original on September 22 , 2005 . Jump up ^ Salaverri , Fernando ( September 2005 ) . Sólo éxitos : año a año , 1959 -- 2002 ( 1st ed . ) . Spain : Fundación Autor - SGAE . ISBN 84 - 8048 - 639 - 2 . Jump up ^ UK Singles Chart ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ `` Official Dance Singles Chart Top 40 '' . . Jump up ^ `` Official R&B Singles Chart Top 40 '' . . ^ Jump up to : Billboard AllMusic ( Retrieved August 9 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ 1997 Australian Singles Chart ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ 1997 Austrian Singles Chart ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ 1997 Belgian ( Flanders ) Singles Chart ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ 1997 Belgian ( Wallonia ) Singles Chart ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ 1997 Year - End Canadian Singles Chart RPM Canada Jump up ^ 1997 French Singles Chart Archived October 17 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine . ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Single - Jahrescharts '' . GfK Entertainment ( in German ) . . Retrieved July 15 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` End of Year Charts 1997 '' . Recorded Music NZ . Retrieved December 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ 1997 Swiss Singles Chart Archived September 13 , 2009 , at the Wayback Machine . ( Retrieved April 20 , 2008 ) Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 100 - 1997 '' . Archived from the original on June 11 , 2009 . Retrieved August 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Geoff Mayfield ( December 25 , 1999 ) . 1999 The Year in Music Totally ' 90s : Diary of a Decade - The listing of Top Pop Albums of the ' 90s & Hot 100 Singles of the ' 90s . Billboard . Retrieved October 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Best of All Time -- Singles '' . Charts. org. sw . Hung Medien . Archived from the original on February 21 , 2007 . Retrieved 2015 . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) Jump up ^ Fred Bronson . `` Hot 100 55th Anniversary : The All - Time Top 100 Songs '' . Billboard . Retrieved 2015 . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` ARIA Charts -- Accreditations -- 1997 Singles '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Austrian single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I 'll Be Missing You '' ( in German ) . IFPI Austria . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . Enter Puff Daddy in the field Interpret . Enter I 'll Be Missing You in the field Titel . Select single in the field Format . Click Suchen Jump up ^ `` Canadian single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I 'll Be Missing You '' . Music Canada . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` French single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I 'll Be Missing You '' ( in French ) . Syndicat National de l'Édition Phonographique . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Les Singles en Or : '' . ( in French ) . Archived from the original on December 28 , 2013 . Retrieved June 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Gold - / Platin - Datenbank ( Puff Daddy ; ' Tribute To The Notorious B.I.G. ' ) '' ( in German ) . Bundesverband Musikindustrie . Retrieved March 11 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Dutch single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I 'll Be Missing You '' ( in Dutch ) . Nederlandse Vereniging van Producenten en Importeurs van beeld - en geluidsdragers . Retrieved December 9 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Norwegian single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I 'll Be Missing You '' ( in Norwegian ) . IFPI Norway . Retrieved August 9 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Guld - och Platinacertifikat − År 1987 − 1998 '' ( PDF ) ( in Swedish ) . IFPI Sweden . Retrieved September 11 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The Official Swiss Charts and Music Community : Awards ( Puff Daddy ; ' I 'll Be Missing You ' ) '' . IFPI Switzerland . Hung Medien . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` British single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I 'll Be Missing You '' . British Phonographic Industry . Retrieved February 23 , 2018 . Enter I 'll Be Missing You in the search field and then press Enter . Jump up ^ `` American single certifications -- Puff Daddy -- I_ll Be Missing You '' . Recording Industry Association of America . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . If necessary , click Advanced , then click Format , then select Single , then click SEARCH Jump up ^ Jeffrey , Don ( January 31 , 1998 ) . Best - selling Records of 1997 . Billboard . Retrieved January 5 , 2012 . Sean Combs Discography Production discography Accolades Studio albums No Way Out Forever The Saga Continues ... Press Play Last Train to Paris No Way Out 2 Mixtapes MMM ( Money Making Mitch ) Remix albums We Invented the Remix Singles `` Ca n't Nobody Hold Me Down '' `` I 'll Be Missing You '' `` It 's All About the Benjamins '' `` Been Around the World '' `` Victory '' `` Come with Me '' `` Satisfy You '' `` Bad Boy for Life '' `` I Need a Girl ( Part 1 ) '' `` I Need a Girl ( Part 2 ) '' `` Come to Me '' `` Tell Me '' `` Last Night '' `` Through the Pain ( She Told Me ) '' `` Angels '' `` Love Come Down '' `` Hello Good Morning '' `` Loving You No More '' `` Coming Home '' `` Ass on the Floor '' `` Finna Get Loose '' `` Workin ( Remix ) '' Featured singles `` No Time '' `` Mo Money Mo Problems '' `` Honey '' `` Lookin ' at Me '' `` Hate Me Now '' `` All Night Long '' `` Notorious B.I.G. '' `` Son of a Gun '' `` Show Stopper '' `` Pass the Courvoisier , Part II '' `` Bump , Bump , Bump '' `` I Do ( Wanna Get Close to You ) '' `` Shake Ya Tailfeather '' `` I Do n't Wanna Know '' `` Nasty Girl '' `` Take You There '' `` Imma Put It on Her '' `` Must Be Love '' `` Better on the Other Side `` All I Do Is Win ( Remix ) '' `` Someone to Love Me ( Naked ) '' `` Scream & Shout ( Remix ) '' Related articles Bad Boy Records Sean John P. Diddy 's Starmaker The Notorious B.I.G. I Want to Work for Diddy A Raisin in the Sun Diddy -- Dirty Money Faith Evans songs Faith `` You Used to Love Me '' `` Soon as I Get Home '' `` Ai n't Nobody '' `` Kissing You '' `` Come Over '' Keep the Faith `` Love Like This '' `` All Night Long '' `` Never Gonna Let You Go '' `` Lately I '' Faithfully `` Ca n't Believe '' `` You Gets No Love '' `` I Love You '' `` Burnin ' Up '' `` Alone in This World '' The First Lady `` Again '' `` Mesmerized '' `` Tru Love '' Something About Faith `` Gone Already '' R&B Divas `` Tears of Joy '' `` Dumb '' Incomparable `` I Deserve It '' `` Make Love '' Collaborations `` One More Chance '' `` Stressed Out '' `` You Could Be My Boo '' `` I 'll Be Missing You '' `` How 's It Goin ' Down '' `` Heartbreak Hotel '' `` Georgy Porgy '' `` Love Is Blind '' `` Ma , I Do n't Love Her '' `` Relax Your Mind '' `` I Miss You '' `` Hope '' `` Got 2 Be Down '' `` Letter to B.I.G. '' `` Lay With You '' Other songs `` What 's Going On '' `` Wake Up Everybody '' 112 Quinnes Parker ( Q ) Michael Keith ( Mike ) Marvin Scandrick ( Slim ) Daron Jones Albums 112 Room 112 Part III Hot & Wet Pleasure & Pain Singles `` Only You '' `` Come See Me '' `` Cupid '' `` Love Me '' `` Anywhere '' `` Love You Like I Did '' `` Your Letter '' `` It 's Over Now '' `` Peaches & Cream '' `` Dance with Me '' `` Na Na Na Na '' `` Hot & Wet '' `` Right Here for U '' `` U Already Know '' `` What If '' Featured singles `` I 'll Be Missing You '' `` All Cried Out '' `` Sky 's the Limit '' `` Right Here Waiting '' See also Discography Bad Boy Records The Lox Jadakiss Sheek Louch Styles P Studio albums Money , Power & Respect ( 1998 ) We Are the Streets ( 2000 ) Filthy America ... It 's Beautiful ( 2016 ) Compilations No Security ( 2009 ) EPs The Trinity ( 2013 ) The Trinity 2nd Sermon ( 2014 ) Singles `` If You Think I 'm Jiggy '' `` Money , Power & Respect '' `` We 'll Always Love Big Poppa '' `` Ryde or Die , Bitch '' Featured singles `` It 's All About the Benjamins '' Other songs `` 24 Hrs. to Live '' See also Discography Ruff Ryders Entertainment Bad Boy Records Wu Block Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Sean Combs songs Faith Evans songs 112 ( band ) songs 1997 singles Bad Boy Records singles Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Billboard Rap Songs number - one singles Number - one singles in Australia Number - one singles in Austria Ultratop 50 Singles ( Flanders ) number - one singles Canadian Singles Chart number - one singles Number - one dance singles in Canada European Hot 100 Singles number - one singles Number - one singles in Germany Irish Singles Chart number - one singles Number - one singles in Italy Dutch Top 40 number - one singles Number - one singles in New Zealand Number - one singles in Norway Number - one singles in Sweden Number - one singles in Switzerland UK Singles Chart number - one singles Music videos directed by Hype Williams Songs written by Sting ( musician ) Songs in memory of deceased persons Contemporary R&B ballads 1990s ballads 1997 songs Songs written by Faith Evans Gospel songs Songs about death Songs inspired by deaths Hidden categories : CS1 Dutch - language sources ( nl ) Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Icelandic - language sources ( is ) Webarchive template webcite links CS1 Romanian - language sources ( ro ) CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 errors : dates CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) CS1 Norwegian - language sources ( no ) CS1 Swedish - language sources ( sv ) Use mdy dates from October 2014 Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2013 Singlechart usages for Australia Singlechart making named ref Certification Table Entry usages for Australia Certification Table Entry usages for Austria Certification Table Entry usages for Canada Certification Table Entry usages for France Certification Table Entry usages for Germany Certification Table Entry usages for Netherlands Certification Table Entry usages for Norway Certification Table Entry usages for Sweden Certification Table Entry usages for Switzerland Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Certification Table Entry usages for United States Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Deutsch Español Français Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Simple English Slovenčina Tiếng Việt 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 28 May 2018 , at 20 : 37 . 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who was the song i'll be missing you about
`` I 'll Be Missing You '' is a song recorded by American rapper Puff Daddy and American singer Faith Evans , featuring R&B group 112 , in memory of fellow Bad Boy Records artist Christopher `` The Notorious B.I.G. '' Wallace , who was murdered on March 9 , 1997 .
Lela Rochon - wikipedia Lela Rochon Jump to : navigation , search Lela Rochon Rochon with husband Antoine Fuqua at the 2007 Shooter Film Premiere . Lela Rochon Staples ( 1964 - 04 - 17 ) April 17 , 1964 ( age 53 ) Los Angeles , California , U.S. Education Cerritos High School California State University , Dominguez Hills Occupation Actress Years active 1984 -- present Spouse ( s ) Adolfo Quiñones ( m . 1982 -- 87 ) Antoine Fuqua ( m . 1999 ) Children Lela Rochon ( born Lela Rochon Staples ; April 17 , 1964 ) is an American actress , best known for her breakthrough role as Robin Stokes in the 1995 romantic drama film Waiting to Exhale . She later had starring roles in films The Chamber ( 1996 ) , Gang Related ( 1997 ) , Knock Off ( 1998 ) , and Why Do Fools Fall in Love ( 1998 ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 Early works 2.2 Breakthrough 2.3 2000s - present 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 4.1 Film 4.2 Television 5 References 6 External links Early life ( edit ) Rochon was born in Los Angeles , California , the daughter of Zelma , a nurse practitioner , and Samuel Staples , a business owner and graphic artist , who are both of Haitian descent . She graduated Cerritos High School in Cerritos , California . She attended California State University , Dominguez Hills where she earned a BA in Broadcast Journalism , with minors in Sociology and Theatre . Career ( edit ) Early works ( edit ) From 1986 to 1988 , while attending college , Rochon was one of the `` Spudettes '' featured in over 30 national spots for the Spuds Mckenzie Budweiser / Bud Light TV commercials . She also appeared in the 1985 made - for - television film A Bunny 's Tale starring Kirstie Alley and Delta Burke , based on Gloria Steinem 's experiences as a Playboy Bunny . She appeared as the love interest of Gerald Levert in the video for `` My Forever Love '' by Levert , and in Luther Vandross 's `` It 's Over Now '' video . She also appeared in the music video for Lionel Richie 's single `` All Night Long ( All Night ) '' , in Al B. Sure 's video for the song `` Natalie ''. , and in Tupac Shakur 's video `` I Get Around as one of the female dancers . She had many guest starring roles in a number of sitcoms , include The Cosby Show , Amen , 227 , The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air , and Hangin ' with Mr. Cooper . Rochon made her film debut in 1985 , when she starred opposite Fred Williamson in Fox Trap . In 1987 , she played the role of Debby in the film The Wild Pair , starring Beau Bridges and Bubba Smith . In 1989 , Rochon acted opposite Eddie Murphy in 1989 's Harlem Nights , as the memorable `` Sunshine '' character . She again worked with Murphy in the successful 1992 romantic comedy , Boomerang . In 1995 , she was regular cast member during the first season of The WB sitcom , The Wayans Bros . Breakthrough ( edit ) Rochon ' biggest break came in 1995 , when she landed one of the lead roles opposite Whitney Houston , Angela Bassett and Loretta Devine in the adaptation of the Terry McMillan novel and highly successful drama film Waiting to Exhale . She played the character Robin Stokes , for which she was nominated for an MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture . Rochon was chosen by People magazine as one of the `` 50 most beautiful people in the world '' in 1996 . In 1996 , Rochon starred opposite Timothy Hutton in the Showtime cable network film Mr. and Mrs. Loving , receiving a Cable Ace Award nomination for Best Actress . Later that year , she played the female lead in the crime thriller film The Chamber . The following year , she starred alongside Jim Belushi and Tupac Shakur in the crime thriller Gang Related . In 1998 , Rochon had the leading role alongside Halle Berry and Vivica A. Fox in the romantic drama Why Do Fools Fall in Love , and well starred in Knock Off with Jean - Claude Van Damme , and The Big Hit , as love interest to Mark Wahlberg 's leading character . In 1999 , she appeared in Any Given Sunday directed by Oliver Stone . In 2001 , Rochon made her return to television with one of leading roles alongside Bonnie Bedelia , Nancy McKeon , Tracey Needham , and Lisa Vidal in the Lifetime crime drama series , The Division . She left the series after single season . 2000s - present ( edit ) In 2004 , Rochon co-starred opposite Katie Holmes in the romantic comedy film First Daughter . In 2009 , she had cameo in crime drama Brooklyn 's Finest directed by her husband , Antoine Fuqua . In 2013 , she played one of leading roles in Regina King 's directorial debut Let The Church Say Amen , the film adaptation of ReShonda Tate Billingsley 's 2005 novel for BET . She later had roles in films Supremacy ( 2014 ) with Danny Glover and Derek Luke , and Reversion ( 2015 ) , playing Aja Naomi King 's character 's mother . Personal life ( edit ) Rochon was married to actor Shabba - Doo from 1982 to 1987 . In 1999 , she married film director Antoine Fuqua . Together , they have two children , Asia and Brando . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1984 Breakin ' Extra Uncredited 1984 Breakin ' 2 : Electric Boogaloo Dancer 1985 A Bunny 's Tale Charlotte Television film 1986 Foxtrap Lindy 1986 Stewardess School School Instructor The Wild Pair Debby Into the Homeland Exquisite Woman Harlem Nights Sunshine 1991 Extralarge : Black and White Wendy 1992 Boomerang Christie 1993 The Meteor Man Vanessa 1995 Waiting to Exhale Robin Stokes Nominated -- MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance Nominated -- NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture Mr. and Mrs. Loving Mildred Loving Television film Nominated -- CableACE Award for Outstanding Actress in a Movie or Miniseries The Chamber Nora Stark 1997 Gang Related Cynthia Webb 1997 Legal Deceit Sydney Banks 1998 Ruby Bridges Lucielle ' Lucy ' Bridges Television film 1998 The Big Hit Chantel 1998 Knock Off Karen Lee 1998 Why Do Fools Fall in Love Emira Eagle 1999 Any Given Sunday Vanessa Struthers 1999 The Charlotte Austin Story Charlotte Austin Also executive producer 2000 Labor Pains Lulu Brown First Daughter Liz Pappas 2006 Running Out of Time in Hollywood 2009 Balancing the Books Sharlene Also executive producer 2009 Brooklyn 's Finest Investigator Cameo Blood Done Sign My Name Roseanna Allen 2013 Let the Church Say Amen Loretta Jackson Television film 2014 Supremacy Odessa 2015 Reversion Maya Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes The Facts of Life Diana Episode : `` The Greek Connection '' The Cosby Show Veronica Episode : `` The Shower '' Amen Young Bride Episode : `` Wedding Bell Blues '' 1990 21 Jump Street Denise Price Episode : `` Change of Heart '' 1990 227 Leslie Episode : `` Gone Fishing '' 1990 1st & Ten Joy Brock Episode : `` Do n't Powerburst My Bubble '' 1991 Generations Brandy Alexander Recurring role 1991 The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air Cindy Episode : `` Will Gets a Job '' 1992 Homefront Mary Louise Episode : `` At Your Age '' 1992 Roc Carol Episode : `` Roc Throws Joey Out '' 1992 Tales from the Crypt Mercedes Episode : `` Werewolf Concerto '' 1993 Out All Night Victoria Episode : `` Mall in the Family '' 1993 The Sinbad Show Denise Episode : `` Pilot '' Hangin ' with Mr. Cooper Denise Episode : `` The Courtship of Mark Cooper '' 1995 The Wayans Bros . Lisa Series regular , 13 episodes 1997 The Outer Limits Beth Carter Episode : `` The Awakening '' The Division Inspector Angela Reide Series regular , 22 episodes 2011 Reed Between the Lines Sherri Episode : `` Let 's Talk About Affairs '' References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Angela Bassett Reaches a Stellar Groove at Last '' . The Los Angeles Times . 1996 - 03 - 30 . Retrieved 2010 - 12 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Model , Movies , and Most Beautiful '' . Retrieved 4 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Lela Rochon Biography ( 1964 ? - ) . . Retrieved on 2012 - 06 - 12 . Jump up ^ Jet . Johnson Publishing Company . 1998 . ISSN 0021 - 5996 . Jump up ^ Levert . `` My Forever Love '' . music video . . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 28 . Jump up ^ Sure ! , Al B. `` Natalie '' . music video . . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 28 . Jump up ^ Tony Scott . `` The Wayans Bros . '' . Variety . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Lela Rochon '' . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Lela Rochon '' . . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Tambay A. Obenson ( 14 September 2012 ) . `` Steve Harris , Naturi Naughton , Lela Rochon Headline Regin - Shadow and Act '' . Shadow and Act . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Tambay A. Obenson ( 26 June 2014 ) . `` Deon Taylor 's Racially - Charged Thriller ' Supremacy ' Picke - Shadow and Act '' . Shadow and Act . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Dave McNary . `` Danny Glover Supremacy U.S. Distribution - Variety '' . Variety . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Tambay A. Obenson ( 18 September 2015 ) . `` EXCLUSIVE Trailer & Poster : Aja Naomi King Headlines Sci - - Shadow and Act '' . Shadow and Act . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . External links ( edit ) Lela Rochon on IMDb VIAF : 74050940 LCCN : no97049488 ISNI : 0000 0000 7841 022X SUDOC : 079010725 BNF : cb140269242 ( data ) IATH : w6z61jmn Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1964 births American film actresses Actresses of Haitian descent American television actresses Living people People from Cerritos , California Actresses from Los Angeles 20th - century American actresses 21st - century American actresses Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch فارسی Français Italiano Kreyòl ayisyen 日本 語 Português Русский Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 13 July 2017 , at 22 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who played sunshine in the movie harlem nights
Rochon made her film debut in 1985 , when she starred opposite Fred Williamson in Fox Trap . In 1987 , she played the role of Debby in the film The Wild Pair , starring Beau Bridges and Bubba Smith . In 1989 , Rochon acted opposite Eddie Murphy in 1989 's Harlem Nights , as the memorable `` Sunshine '' character . She again worked with Murphy in the successful 1992 romantic comedy , Boomerang . In 1995 , she was regular cast member during the first season of The WB sitcom , The Wayans Bros .
Camelback Ranch - wikipedia Camelback Ranch Camelback Ranch - Glendale View from Right Field , Camelback Ranch , Phoenix , Az . Location 10712 W. Camelback Road Phoenix , AZ 85037 33 ° 30 ′ 51 '' N 112 ° 17 ′ 45 '' W  /  33.51417 ° N 112.29583 ° W  / 33.51417 ; - 112.29583 Capacity 13,000 : 10,000 seats , 3,000 berm ( grass ) seats . Record attendance 13,583 March 27 , 2010 Seattle Mariners vs . Los Angeles Dodgers Field size Left Field -- 345 feet ( 105 m ) Left - Center -- 380 feet ( 116 m ) Center Field -- 410 feet ( 125 m ) Right - Center -- 380 feet ( 116 m ) Right Field -- 345 feet ( 105 m ) Surface grass Construction Built 2008 -- 2009 Opened March 1 , 2009 Construction cost US $ 121 million Architect HKS Tenants Los Angeles Dodgers ( MLB ) ( spring training ) ( 2009 -- present ) Chicago White Sox ( MLB ) ( spring training ) ( 2009 -- present ) Arizona League Dodgers ( Arizona League ) ( 2009 -- present ) Glendale Desert Dogs ( 2013 -- present ) Press boxes and suites at Camelback Ranch . This is a fish stocked lake that separates the White Sox and Dodgers training fields at Camelback Ranch , Phoenix , Arizona Camelback Ranch -- Glendale is a stadium in Phoenix , Arizona owned by the city of Glendale , Arizona and operated by Camelback Spring Training LLC . It is the spring training home of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago White Sox . The stadium holds 13,000 people . Camelback Ranch replaces Holman Stadium in Vero Beach , Florida as the Dodgers ' spring training home , and Tucson Electric Park in Tucson , Arizona as the White Sox spring training home . The park is also home to the Arizona League Dodgers , who moved to Camelback Ranch with the Major League team in 2009 . The Arizona League White Sox play there as of 2014 , after the White Sox rejoined the Arizona rookie circuit . The stadium name is derived from the longstanding name of the property it is built on . Roger Bossard , White Sox head groundskeeper , designed and put in all of the fields for the Dodgers and the White Sox . During the park 's first year , Dodgers fans noted and expressed their dismay at the absence of the Dodger Dog at the ballpark concession stands . The following season , Dodger Dogs began to be sold at the ballpark . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Ranch novelties 3 Notes 4 External links History ( edit ) Camelback Ranch opened on March 1 , 2009 for the spring training home opener between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Chicago White Sox . The Dodgers took a 2 -- 0 lead into the top ninth until the White Sox came back to defeat them 3 -- 2 . ( Attendance : 11,280 ) In 2015 , the Dodgers drew 147,066 fans to their 15 spring training games at Camelback Ranch ( an average of just over 9,804 per game ) , setting a new franchise spring training record . Prior to the 2018 Spring Training season , two separate roof panels were installed on the 1st base side to cover fans from the sun . Ranch novelties ( edit ) 10,000 - plus seats , 3,000 bermed grass seating . There are 8 full suites , 4 mini-suites , a press box , a suite - level party deck , and a series of outfield terraces that create party areas . A fish - stocked lake that separates the Dodgers and White Sox training facilities and offers aesthetic beauty and irrigation to complex landscaping and playing fields . Over 5,000 plants and trees . Stadium playing field sunken 12 feet below grade to improve sightlines . A mixture of architectural touches -- natural stone veneers , tri-color faux staining , rusty metal panels , Gabion ( rock ) retaining walls , earth - tone ( caramel ) stadium seat color , and other appointments -- that blend with the natural desert colors of Arizona . Additionally , construction utilizes sweeps and angles instead of a big - box look . Main entrance ( Pavilion ) in center field . Asymmetrical team support buildings . Orange grove . Replica home fields ( Dodger Stadium , Guaranteed Rate Field ) 12 practice diamonds and three practice infields Access tunnels for players to enter the stadium from their clubhouses . Bandstand for pre-game entertainment Walk of Fame along the water feature . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Glendale 's ballpark gets a name : Camelback Ranch '' . Arizona Republic . 2008 - 11 - 21 . Jump up ^ Bill Plaschke ( 2009 - 03 - 08 ) . `` Dodgers ' new spring home in Phoenix is a site to behold '' . Los Angeles Times . Jump up ^ Stephen , Eric ( May 31 , 2015 ) . `` Dodgers set spring training franchise attendance record '' . . Retrieved April 1 , 2015 . External links ( edit ) Camelback Ranch Ballpark Official Site Los Angeles Dodgers : Camelback Ranch Preceded by Tucson Electric Park Home of the Chicago White Sox Spring Training 2009 -- present Succeeded by Current Preceded by Holman Stadium Home of the Los Angeles Dodgers Spring Training 2009 -- present Succeeded by Current Chicago White Sox Established in 1888 Based in Chicago , Illinois Franchise History Seasons Owners and executives Managers Players Opening Day starting pitchers first - round draft picks Broadcasters Team records Award winners No - hitters Ballparks South Side Park Comiskey Park Guaranteed Rate Field Spring training : * Recreation Park Palm Springs Stadium Plant Field Al Lopez Field Payne Park Ed Smith Stadium Tucson Electric Park Camelback Ranch Culture Andy the Clown Armour Square / Bridgeport Black Sox Scandal Curse of the Black Sox Eight Men Out Field of Dreams Shoeless Joe ( novel ) Captain Stubby and the Buccaneers `` Do n't Stop Believin ' '' Gene Honda `` Let 's Go , Go - Go White Sox '' `` Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye '' Nancy Faust Nicknames Only The Lonely Ribbie and Roobarb The Sodfather Southpaw Sox -- 35th The Stratton Story `` Sweet Home Chicago '' `` Take Me Out to the Ball Game '' Turn Back the Clock White Flag Trade Lore 1994 bat burglary 2008 Blackout Game 2015 crowdless game Disco Demolition Night The Hitless Wonders Perfect games Charlie Robertson Mark Buehrle Philip Humber South Side Hitmen Winning Ugly Rivalries Chicago Cubs Key personnel Chairman : Jerry Reinsdorf Vice Chairman : Eddie Einhorn Executive Vice President : Ken Williams General Manager : Rick Hahn Special Assistant to the GM : Jim Thome Manager : Rick Renteria World Series championships ( 3 ) 1906 1917 2005 American League championships ( 6 ) 1901 1906 1917 1919 1959 2005 Division championships ( 5 ) West : 1983 1993 Central : 2000 2005 2008 Minor league affiliates Charlotte Knights ( AAA ) Birmingham Barons ( AA ) Winston - Salem Dash ( A Adv . ) Kannapolis Intimidators ( A ) Great Falls Voyagers ( Rookie Adv . ) AZL White Sox ( Rookie ) DSL White Sox ( Rookie ) Media NBC Sports Chicago WGN Sports ( WGN9 / CW50 ) WGN Radio White Sox Radio Network ESPN Deportes 1220 AM Seasons ( 118 ) 1900s 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910s 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920s 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930s 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940s 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950s 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Established in 1884 Formerly the Brooklyn Robins and the Brooklyn Dodgers Based in Los Angeles , California Franchise History in Brooklyn History in Los Angeles Seasons Award winners Records No - hitters Players First - round draft picks Managers Owners and executives Coaches Broadcasters Los Angeles Dodgers Radio Network SportsNet LA Hall of Famers Opening Day starting pitchers Ballparks Washington Park Eastern Park Ridgewood Park Washington Park Ebbets Field Roosevelt Stadium Proposed domed stadium Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Dodger Stadium Spring training : Whittington Park Majestic Park Barrs Field Tinker Field Clearwater Athletic Field City Island Ball Park Gran Stadium de La Habana Holman Stadium Camelback Ranch Culture Dodger Dog The First Rick Monday saves the American flag Chavez Ravine Dodger blue `` I Love L.A. '' Roy Campanella Award Historic Dodgertown Vin Scully Tommy Lasorda Nancy Bea Hilda Chester 2011 bankruptcy 42 Lore Chronicle - Telegraph Cup 1955 World Series Fernandomania Kirk Gibson 's 1988 World Series home run Orel Hershiser 's scoreless innings streak Sandy Koufax 's perfect game `` Shot Heard ' Round the World '' NL tie - breaker games / series 1946 NL tie - breaker series 1951 NL tie - breaker series 1959 NL tie - breaker series 1962 NL tie - breaker series 1980 NL West tie - breaker game Rivalries San Francisco Giants Los Angeles Angels New York Yankees Subway Series Hall of Fame members Walter Alston Roy Campanella Don Drysdale Leo Durocher Burleigh Grimes Willie Keeler Sandy Koufax Vin Scully Tommy Lasorda Walter O'Malley Pee Wee Reese Branch Rickey Jackie Robinson Wilbert Robinson Duke Snider Don Sutton Dazzy Vance Zack Wheat Key personnel Owner : Guggenheim Baseball Management President : Stan Kasten President of Baseball Operations : Andrew Friedman General Manager : Farhan Zaidi Manager : Dave Roberts World Series Championships ( 6 ) 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 League pennants ( 23 ) American Association : 1889 National League : 1890 1899 1900 1916 1920 1941 1947 1949 1952 1953 1955 1956 1959 1963 1965 1966 1977 1978 1981 1988 2017 Division titles ( 16 ) 1977 1978 1981 ( first half ) 1985 1988 1995 2008 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Wild card berths ( 2 ) 2006 Minor league affiliates AAA : Oklahoma City Dodgers AA : Tulsa Drillers A Adv. : Rancho Cucamonga Quakes A : Great Lakes Loons Rookie Adv. : Ogden Raptors Rookie : AZL Dodgers DSL Dodgers Guerrero DSL Dodgers Robinson Minor League Rosters Seasons ( 136 ) 1880s 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890s 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900s 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910s 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920s 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930s 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940s 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950s 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Current stadiums of the Cactus League Camelback Ranch Goodyear Ballpark Hohokam Stadium Maryvale Baseball Park Peoria Sports Complex Salt River Fields at Talking Stick Scottsdale Stadium Sloan Park Surprise Stadium Tempe Diablo Stadium Current ballparks in the Arizona League Camelback Ranch Fitch Park Maryvale Baseball Park Peoria Sports Complex Scottsdale Stadium Sloan Park Surprise Stadium Tempe Diablo Stadium Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Minor league baseball venues Cactus League venues Spring training ballparks Los Angeles Dodgers spring training venues Chicago White Sox spring training venues Sports in Glendale , Arizona Baseball venues in Arizona 2009 establishments in Arizona Sports venues completed in 2009 Hidden categories : Pages using deprecated image syntax Talk Contents About Wikipedia 한국어 Edit links This page was last edited on 9 May 2018 , at 17 : 40 . 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Camelback Ranch -- Glendale is a stadium in Phoenix , Arizona owned by the city of Glendale , Arizona and operated by Camelback Spring Training LLC . It is the spring training home of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago White Sox . The stadium holds 13,000 people .
Hindu temple - wikipedia Hindu temple Jump to : navigation , search Illustration of Hindu temples Part of a series on Hinduism Hindu History Concepts ( show ) God / Highest Reality Brahman Ishvara God in Hinduism God and gender Life Atman Maya Karma Samsara Purusharthas Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Ethics Niti shastra Yamas Niyama Ahimsa Asteya Aparigraha Brahmacharya Satya Damah Dayā Akrodha Ārjava Santosha Tapas Svādhyāya Shaucha Mitahara Dāna Liberation Bhakti yoga Jnana yoga Karma yoga Schools ( show ) Six Astika schools Samkhya Yoga Nyaya Vaisheshika Mimamsa Vedanta Advaita Dvaita Vishishtadvaita Other schools Pasupata Saiva Pratyabhijña Raseśvara Pāṇini Darśana Charvaka Deities ( show ) Trimurti Brahma Vishnu Shiva Other major Devis / Devas Vedic Indra Agni Prajapati Rudra Devi Saraswati Ushas Varuna Vayu Post-Vedic Durga Ganesha Hanuman Kali Kartikeya Krishna Lakshmi Parvati Radha Rama Shakti Sita Texts ( show ) Scriptures Vedas Rigveda Yajurveda Samaveda Atharvaveda Divisions Samhita Brahmana Aranyaka Upanishad Upanishads Rigveda : Aitareya Kaushitaki Yajurveda : Brihadaranyaka Isha Taittiriya Katha Shvetashvatara Maitri Samaveda : Chandogya Kena Atharvaveda : Mundaka Mandukya Prashna Other scriptures Bhagavad Gita Agama ( Hinduism ) Other texts Vedangas Shiksha Chandas Vyakarana Nirukta Kalpa Jyotisha Puranas Vishnu Purana Bhagavata Purana Nāradeya Purana Vāmana Purana Matsya Purana Garuda Purana Brahma Purana Brahmānda Purana Brahma Vaivarta Purana Bhavishya Purana Padma Purana Agni Purana Shiva Purana Linga Purana Kūrma Purana Skanda Purana Varaha Purana Mārkandeya Purana Itihasas Ramayana Mahabharata Upavedas Ayurveda Dhanurveda Gandharvaveda Sthapatyaveda Shastras and Sutras Dharma Shastra Artha Śastra Kamasutra Brahma Sutras Samkhya Sutras Mimamsa Sutras Nyāya Sūtras Vaiśeṣika Sūtra Yoga Sutras Pramana Sutras Charaka Samhita Sushruta Samhita Natya Shastra Panchatantra Divya Prabandha Tirumurai Ramcharitmanas Yoga Vasistha Swara yoga Shiva Samhita Gheranda Samhita Panchadasi Stotra Sutras Text classification Śruti Smriti Timeline of Hindu texts Practices ( show ) Worship Puja Temple Murti Bhakti Japa Bhajana Yajna Homa Vrata Prāyaścitta Tirtha Tirthadana Matha Nritta - Nritya Meditation and Charity Tapa Dhyana Dāna Yoga Asana Hatha yoga Jnana yoga Bhakti yoga Karma yoga Raja yoga Rites of passage Garbhadhana Pumsavana Simantonayana Jatakarma Namakarana Nishkramana Annaprashana Chudakarana Karnavedha Vidyarambha Upanayana Keshanta Ritushuddhi Samavartana Vivaha Antyeshti Ashrama Dharma Ashrama : Brahmacharya Grihastha Vanaprastha Sannyasa Festivals Diwali Holi Shivaratri Navaratri Durga Puja Ramlila Vijayadashami - Dussehra Raksha Bandhan Ganesh Chaturthi Vasant Panchami Rama Navami Janmashtami Onam Makar Sankranti Kumbha Mela Pongal Ugadi Vaisakhi Bihu Puthandu Vishu Ratha Yatra Gurus , saints , philosophers ( show ) Ancient Agastya Angiras Aruni Ashtavakra Atri Bharadwaja Gotama Jamadagni Jaimini Kanada Kapila Kashyapa Pāṇini Patanjali Raikva Satyakama Jabala Valmiki Vashistha Vishvamitra Vyasa Yajnavalkya Medieval Nayanars Alvars Adi Shankara Basava Akka Mahadevi Allama Prabhu Siddheshwar Jñāneśvar Chaitanya Gangesha Upadhyaya Gaudapada Gorakshanath Jayanta Bhatta Kabir Kumarila Bhatta Matsyendranath Mahavatar Babaji Madhusudana Madhva Haridasa Thakur Namdeva Nimbarka Prabhakara Raghunatha Siromani Ramanuja Sankardev Purandara Dasa Kanaka Dasa Ramprasad Sen Jagannatha Dasa Vyasaraya Sripadaraya Raghavendra Swami Gopala Dasa Śyāma Śastri Vedanta Desika Tyagaraja Tukaram Tulsidas Vachaspati Mishra Vallabha Vidyaranya Modern Aurobindo Coomaraswamy Bhaktivinoda Thakur Chinmayananda Dayananda Saraswati Mahesh Yogi Krishnananda Saraswati Narayana Guru Prabhupada Ramakrishna Ramana Maharshi Radhakrishnan Sarasvati Sivananda U.G. Krishnamurti Sai Baba Vivekananda Nigamananda Yogananda Ramachandra Dattatrya Ranade Tibbetibaba Trailanga Other topics ( show ) Balinese Hinduism Calendar Criticism Denominations Iconography Mythology Nationalism ( Hindutva ) Persecution Pilgrimage sites Hinduism and Jainism / and Judaism Hinduism by country Glossary of Hinduism terms Hinduism portal The Swaminarayanan Akshardham in Robbinsville , New Jersey , United States , top , was inaugurated in 2014 as the world 's largest Hindu temple . Angkor Wat , Cambodia , below , is also one of the largest Hindu temples in the world . A Hindu temple , also known as mandir and kshetra , is a structure designed to bring human beings and gods together , using symbolism to express the ideas and beliefs of Hinduism . The symbolism and structure of a Hindu temple are rooted in Vedic traditions . A temple incorporates all elements of Hindu cosmos -- presenting the good , the evil and the human , as well as the elements of Hindu sense of cyclic time and the essence of life -- symbolically presenting dharma , kama , artha , moksa , and karma . The spiritual principles symbolically represented in Hindu temples are given in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India ( for example , Vedas and Upanishads ) , while their structural rules are described in various ancient Sanskrit treatises on architecture ( Brhat Samhita , Vastu Sastras ) . The layout , the motifs , the plan and the building process recite ancient rituals , geometric symbolisms , and reflect beliefs and values innate within various schools of Hinduism . A Hindu temple is a spiritual destination for many Hindus , as well as landmarks around which ancient arts , community celebrations and economy have flourished . Hindu temples come in many styles , are situated in diverse locations , deploy different construction methods and are adapted to different deities and regional beliefs , yet almost all of them share certain core ideas , symbolism and themes . They are found in South Asia particularly India and Nepal , in southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia , Vietnam and islands of Indonesia and Malaysia and countries such as Fiji , Mauritius , Guyana , Trinidad and Tobago , the Caribbean , Suriname , South Africa , Europe and North America with a significant Hindu community . The current state and outer appearance of Hindu temples reflect arts , materials and designs as they evolved over several millennia ; they also reflect the effect of conflicts between Hinduism and Islam since the 12th century . The Swaminarayanan Akshardham in Robbinsville , New Jersey , United States , within the New York City Metropolitan Area , was inaugurated in 2014 as the world 's largest Hindu temple . Contents ( hide ) 1 Significance and meaning of a Hindu temple 2 Forms and designs of Hindu temples 2.1 Site 2.2 Manuals 2.3 The plan 2.4 The symbolism 2.5 The teams that built Hindu temples 3 Social functions of Hindu temples 3.1 Library of manuscripts 3.2 Temple schools 4 Styles 5 Arts inside Hindu temples 6 Historical development and destruction 7 Customs and etiquette 8 Regional variations in Hindu temples 8.1 North Indian temples 8.2 Temples in West Bengal 8.3 Temples in Odisha 8.4 Temples of Goa and other Konkani temples 8.5 South Indian and Sri lankan temples 8.5. 1 Temples in Kerala 8.5. 2 Temples in Tamil Nadu 8.6 Temples in Cambodia 8.7 Temples in Vietnam 8.8 Temples in Indonesia 8.9 Temples in Thailand 8.10 Temples outside Asia 9 Temple management 10 Etymology and nomenclature 11 See also 12 References 13 Bibliography 14 External links Significance and meaning of a Hindu temple ( edit ) A Hindu temple reflects a synthesis of arts , the ideals of dharma , beliefs , values , and the way of life cherished under Hinduism . It is a link between man , deities , and the Universal Purusa in a sacred space . The 9x9 ( 81 ) grid ' ' Parama Sayika ' ' layout plan ( above ) found in large ceremonial Hindu Temples . It is one of many grids used to build Hindu temples . In this structure of symmetry , each concentric layer has significance . The outermost layer , Paisachika padas , signify aspects of Asuras and evil ; while inner Devika padas signify aspects of Devas and good . In between the good and evil is the concentric layer of Manusha padas signifying human life ; All these layers surround Brahma padas , which signifies creative energy and the site for temple 's primary idol for darsana . Finally at the very center of Brahma padas is Grabhgriya ( Purusa Space ) , signifying Universal Principle present in everything and everyone . In ancient Indian texts , a temple is a place for Tirtha - pilgrimage . It is a sacred site whose ambience and design attempts to symbolically condense the ideal tenets of Hindu way of life . All the cosmic elements that create and sustain life are present in a Hindu temple - from fire to water , from images of nature to deities , from the feminine to the masculine , from the fleeting sounds and incense smells to the eternal nothingness yet universality at the core of the temple . Susan Lewandowski states that the underlying principle in a Hindu temple is built around the belief that all things are one , everything is connected . The pilgrim is welcomed through 64 - grid or 81 - grid mathematically structured spaces , a network of art , pillars with carvings and statues that display and celebrate the four important and necessary principles of human life - the pursuit of artha ( prosperity , wealth ) , the pursuit of kama ( pleasure , sex ) , the pursuit of dharma ( virtues , ethical life ) and the pursuit of moksha ( release , self - knowledge ) . At the center of the temple , typically below and sometimes above or next to the deity , is mere hollow space with no decoration , symbolically representing Purusa , the Supreme Principle , the sacred Universal , one without form , which is present everywhere , connects everything , and is the essence of everyone . A Hindu temple is meant to encourage reflection , facilitate purification of one 's mind , and trigger the process of inner realization within the devotee . The specific process is left to the devotee 's school of belief . The primary deity of different Hindu temples varies to reflect this spiritual spectrum . In Hindu tradition , there is no dividing line between the secular and the sacred . In the same spirit , Hindu temples are not just sacred spaces , they are also secular spaces . Their meaning and purpose have extended beyond spiritual life to social rituals and daily life , offering thus a social meaning . Some temples have served as a venue to mark festivals , to celebrate arts through dance and music , to get married or commemorate marriages , commemorate the birth of a child , other significant life events , or mark the death of a loved one . In political and economic life , Hindu temples have served as a venue for the succession within dynasties and landmarks around which economic activity thrived . Forms and designs of Hindu temples ( edit ) Main article : Hindu temple architecture Almost all Hindu temples take two forms : a house or a palace . A house - themed temple is a simple shelter which serves as a deity 's home . The temple is a place where the devotee visits , just like he or she would visit a friend or relative . In Bhakti school of Hinduism , temples are venues for puja , which is a hospitality ritual , where the deity is the honored , and where devotee calls upon , attends to and connects with the deity . In other schools of Hinduism , the person may simply perform jap , or meditation , or yoga , or introspection in his or her temple . Palace - themed temples often incorporate more elaborate and monumental architecture . Site ( edit ) The appropriate site for a temple , suggest ancient Sanskrit texts , is near water and gardens , where lotus and flowers bloom , where swans , ducks and other birds are heard , where animals rest without fear of injury or harm . These harmonious places were recommended in these texts with the explanation that such are the places where gods play , and thus the best site for Hindu temples . Hindu temple sites cover a wide range . The most common sites are those near water bodies , embedded in nature , such as the above at Badami , Karnataka . The gods always play where lakes are , where the sun 's rays are warded off by umbrellas of lotus leaf clusters , and where clear waterpaths are made by swans whose breasts toss the white lotus hither and thither , where swans , ducks , curleys and paddy birds are heard , and animals rest nearby in the shade of Nicula trees on the river banks . The gods always play where rivers have for their braclets the sound of curleys and the voice of swans for their speech , water as their garment , carps for their zone , the flowering trees on their banks as earrings , the confluence of rivers as their hips , raised sand banks as breasts and plumage of swans their mantle . The gods always play where groves are near , rivers , mountains and springs , and in towns with pleasure gardens . -- Brhat Samhita 1.60. 4 - 8 , 6th Century CE While major Hindu temples are recommended at sangams ( confluence of rivers ) , river banks , lakes and seashore , Brhat Samhita and Puranas suggest temples may also be built where a natural source of water is not present . Here too , they recommend that a pond be built preferably in front or to the left of the temple with water gardens . If water is neither present naturally nor by design , water is symbolically present at the consecration of temple or the deity . Temples may also be built , suggests Visnudharmottara in Part III of Chapter 93 , inside caves and carved stones , on hill tops affording peaceful views , mountain slopes overlooking beautiful valleys , inside forests and hermitages , next to gardens , or at the head of a town street . Manuals ( edit ) Ancient builders of Hindu temples created manuals of architecture , called Vastu - Sastra ( literally `` science '' of dwelling ; vas - tu is a composite Sanskrit word ; vas means `` reside '' , tu means `` you '' ) ; these contain Vastu - Vidya ( literally , knowledge of dwelling ) . There exist many Vastu - Sastras on the art of building temples , such as one by Thakkura Pheru , describing where and how temples should be built . By the 6th century AD , Sanskrit manuals for constructing palatial temples were in circulation in India . Vastu - Sastra manuals included chapters on home construction , town planning , and how efficient villages , towns and kingdoms integrated temples , water bodies and gardens within them to achieve harmony with nature . While it is unclear , states Barnett , as to whether these temple and town planning texts were theoretical studies and if or when they were properly implemented in practice , the manuals suggest that town planning and Hindu temples were conceived as ideals of art and integral part of Hindu social and spiritual life . Ancient India produced many Sanskrit manuals for Hindu temple design and construction , covering arrangement of spaces ( above ) to every aspect of its completion . Yet , the Silpins were given wide latitude to experiment and express their creativity . The Silpa Prakasa of Odisha , authored by Ramacandra Bhattaraka Kaulacara sometime in ninth or tenth century CE , is another Sanskrit treatise on Temple Architecture . Silpa Prakasa describes the geometric principles in every aspect of the temple and symbolism such as 16 emotions of human beings carved as 16 types of female figures . These styles were perfected in Hindu temples prevalent in eastern states of India . Other ancient texts found expand these architectural principles , suggesting that different parts of India developed , invented and added their own interpretations . For example , in Saurastra tradition of temple building found in western states of India , the feminine form , expressions and emotions are depicted in 32 types of Nataka - stri compared to 16 types described in Silpa Prakasa . Silpa Prakasa provides brief introduction to 12 types of Hindu temples . Other texts , such as Pancaratra Prasada Prasadhana compiled by Daniel Smith and Silpa Ratnakara compiled by Narmada Sankara provide a more extensive list of Hindu temple types . Ancient Sanskrit manuals for temple construction discovered in Rajasthan , in northwestern region of India , include Sutradhara Mandana 's Prasadamandana ( literally , manual for planning and building a temple ) . Manasara , a text of South Indian origin , estimated to be in circulation by the 7th century AD , is a guidebook on South Indian temple design and construction . Isanasivagurudeva paddhati is another Sanskrit text from the 9th century describing the art of temple building in India in south and central India . In north India , Brihat - samhita by Varāhamihira is the widely cited ancient Sanskrit manual from 6th century describing the design and construction of Nagara style of Hindu temples . Elements of a Hindu temple in Kalinga style . There are many Hindu temple styles , but they almost universally share common geometric principles , symbolism of ideas , and expression of core beliefs . The plan ( edit ) A Hindu temple design follows a geometrical design called vastu - purusha - mandala . The name is a composite Sanskrit word with three of the most important components of the plan . Mandala means circle , Purusha is universal essence at the core of Hindu tradition , while Vastu means the dwelling structure . Vastupurushamandala is a yantra . The design lays out a Hindu temple in a symmetrical , self - repeating structure derived from central beliefs , myths , cardinality and mathematical principles . The four cardinal directions help create the axis of a Hindu temple , around which is formed a perfect square in the space available . The circle of mandala circumscribes the square . The square is considered divine for its perfection and as a symbolic product of knowledge and human thought , while circle is considered earthly , human and observed in everyday life ( moon , sun , horizon , water drop , rainbow ) . Each supports the other . The square is divided into perfect 64 ( or in some cases 81 ) sub-squares called padas . Each pada is conceptually assigned to a symbolic element , sometimes in the form of a deity . The central square ( s ) of the 64 or 81 grid is dedicated to the Brahman ( not to be confused with Brahmin ) , and are called Brahma padas . The 8x8 ( 64 ) grid Manduka Hindu Temple Floor Plan , according to Vastupurusamandala . The 64 grid is the most sacred and common Hindu temple template . The bright saffron center , where diagonals intersect above , represents the Purusha of Hindu philosophy . The 49 grid design is called Sthandila and of great importance in creative expressions of Hindu temples in South India , particularly in ' ' Prakaras ' ' . The symmetric Vastu - purusa - mandala grids are sometimes combined to form a temple superstructure with two or more attached squares . The temples face sunrise , and the entrance for the devotee is typically this east side . The mandala pada facing sunrise is dedicated to Surya deity ( Sun ) . The Surya pada is flanked by the padas of Satya ( Truth ) deity on one side and Indra ( king of gods ) deity on other . The east and north faces of most temples feature a mix of gods and demi - gods ; while west and south feature demons and demi - gods related to the underworld . This vastu purusha mandala plan and symbolism is systematically seen in ancient Hindu temples on Indian subcontinent as well as those in southeast Asia , with regional creativity and variations . Beneath the mandala 's central square ( s ) is the space for the formless shapeless all pervasive all connecting Universal Spirit , the highest reality , the purusha . This space is sometimes referred to as garbha - griya ( literally womb house ) - a small , perfect square , windowless , enclosed space without ornamentation that represents universal essence . In or near this space is typically a murti ( idol ) . This is the main deity idol , and this varies with each temple . Often it is this idol that gives the temple a local name , such as Visnu temple , Krishna temple , Rama temple , Narayana temple , Siva temple , Lakshmi temple , Ganesha temple , Durga temple , Hanuman temple , Surya temple , and others . It is this garbha - griya which devotees seek for ' ' darsana ' ' ( literally , a sight of knowledge , or vision ) . Above the vastu - purusha - mandala is a superstructure with a dome called Shikhara in north India , and Vimana in south India , that stretches towards the sky . Sometimes , in makeshift temples , the dome may be replaced with symbolic bamboo with few leaves at the top . The vertical dimension 's cupola or dome is designed as a pyramid , conical or other mountain - like shape , once again using principle of concentric circles and squares ( see below ) . Scholars suggest that this shape is inspired by cosmic mountain of Meru or Himalayan Kailasa , the abode of gods according to Vedic mythology . A Hindu temple has a Shikhara ( Vimana or Spire ) that rises symmetrically above the central core of the temple . These spires come in many designs and shapes , but they all have mathematical precision and geometric symbolism . One of the common principles found in Hindu temple spires is circles and turning - squares theme ( left ) , and a concentric layering design ( right ) that flows from one to the other as it rises towards the sky . In larger temples , the central space typically is surrounded by an ambulatory for the devotee to walk around and ritually circumambulate the Purusa , the universal essence . Often this space is visually decorated with carvings , paintings or images meant to inspire the devotee . In some temples , these images may be stories from Hindu Epics , in others they may be Vedic tales about right and wrong or virtues and vice , in some they may be idols of minor or regional deities . The pillars , walls and ceilings typically also have highly ornate carvings or images of the four just and necessary pursuits of life - kama , artha , dharma and moksa . This walk around is called pradakshina . Large temples also have pillared halls called mandapa . One on the east side , serves as the waiting room for pilgrims and devotees . The mandapa may be a separate structure in older temples , but in newer temples this space is integrated into the temple superstructure . Mega temple sites have a main temple surrounded by smaller temples and shrines , but these are still arranged by principles of symmetry , grids and mathematical precision . An important principle found in the layout of Hindu temples is mirroring and repeating fractal - like design structure , each unique yet also repeating the central common principle , one which Susan Lewandowski refers to as `` an organism of repeating cells '' . An illustration of Hindu temple Spires ( Shikhara , Vimana ) built using concentric circle and rotating - squares principle . The left is from Vijayanagar in Karnataka , the right is from Pushkar in Rajasthan . The ancient texts on Hindu temple design , the Vastupurusamandala and Vastu Sastras , do not limit themselves to the design of a Hindu temple . They describe the temple as a holistic part of its community , and lay out various principles and a diversity of alternate designs for home , village and city layout along with the temple , gardens , water bodies and nature . Exceptions to the square grid principle Predominant number of Hindu temples exhibit the perfect square grid principle . However , there are some exceptions . For example , the Teli - ka - mandir in Gwalior , built in the 8th century CE is not a square but is a rectangle in 2 : 3 proportion . Further , the temple explores a number of structures and shrines in 1 : 1 , 1 : 2 , 1 : 3 , 2 : 5 , 3 : 5 and 4 : 5 ratios . These ratios are exact , suggesting the architect intended to use these harmonic ratios , and the rectangle pattern was not a mistake , nor an arbitrary approximation . Other examples of non-square harmonic ratios are found at Naresar temple site of Madhya Pradesh and Nakti - Mata temple near Jaipur , Rajasthan . Michael Meister suggests that these exceptions mean the ancient Sanskrit manuals for temple building were guidelines , and Hinduism permitted its artisans flexibility in expression and aesthetic independence . The symbolism ( edit ) A Hindu temple is a symbolic reconstruction of the universe and universal principles that make everything in it function . The temples reflect Hindu philosophy and its diverse views on cosmos and Truths . Hinduism has no traditional ecclesiastical order , no centralized religious authorities , no governing body , no prophet ( s ) nor any binding holy book ; Hindus can choose to be polytheistic , pantheistic , monistic , or atheistic . Within this diffuse and open structure , spirituality in Hindu philosophy is an individual experience , and referred to as kṣaitrajña ( Sanskrit : क्षैत्रज्ञ ) . It defines spiritual practice as one 's journey towards moksha , awareness of self , the discovery of higher truths , true nature of reality , and a consciousness that is liberated and content . A Hindu temple reflects these core beliefs . The central core of almost all Hindu temples is not a large communal space ; the temple is designed for the individual , a couple or a family - a small , private space where he or she experiences darsana . Darsana is itself a symbolic word . In ancient Hindu scripts , darsana is the name of six methods or alternate viewpoints of understanding Truth . These are Nyaya , Vaisesika , Sankhya , Yoga , Mimamsa and Vedanta - each of which flowered into their own schools of Hinduism , each of which are considered valid , alternate paths to understanding Truth and realizing Self in the Hindu way of life . Kāma is celebrated in some Hindu temples , such as Khajuraho and the Konark Temple ( above ) . From names to forms , from images to stories carved into the walls of a temple , symbolism is everywhere in a Hindu temple . Life principles such as the pursuit of joy , sex , connection and emotional pleasure ( kama ) are fused into mystical , erotic and architectural forms in Hindu temples . These motifs and principles of human life are part of the sacred texts of Hindu , such as its Upanishads ; the temples express these same principles in a different form , through art and spaces . For example , Brihadaranyaka Upanisad at 4.3. 21 , recites : In the embrace of his beloved a man forgets the whole world , everything both within and without ; in the same way , he who embraces the Self , knows neither within nor without . -- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad , 7th Century BC The architecture of Hindu temples is also symbolic . The whole structure fuses the daily life and it surroundings with the divine concepts , through a structure that is open yet raised on a terrace , transitioning from the secular towards the sacred , inviting the visitor inwards towards the Brahma pada and temple 's central core , as well as lifting him upwards into a symbolic space marked by its spire ( shikhara , vimana ) . The ancient temples had grand intricately carved entrances but no doors , and lacked a boundary wall . In most cultures , suggests Edmund Leach , a boundary and gateway separates the secular and the sacred , and this gateway door is grand . In Hindu tradition , this is discarded in favor of an open and diffusive architecture , where the secular world was not separated from the sacred , but transitioned and flowed into the sacred . The Hindu temple has structural walls , which were patterned usually within the 64 grid , or other geometric layouts . Yet the layout was open on all sides , except for the core space which had just one opening for darsana . The temple space is laid out in a series of courts ( mandappas ) . The outermost regions may incorporate the negative and suffering side of life with symbolism of evil , asuras and rakshashas ( demons ) ; but in small temples this layer is dispensed with . When present , this outer region diffuse into the next inner layer that bridges as human space , followed by another inner Devika padas space and symbolic arts incorporating the positive and joyful side of life about the good and the gods . This divine space then concentrically diffuses inwards and lifts the guest to the core of the temple , where resides the main idol as well as the space for the Purusa and ideas held to be most sacred principles in Hindu tradition . The symbolism in the arts and temples of Hinduism , suggests Edmund Leach , is similar to those in Christianity and other major religions of the world . The teams that built Hindu temples ( edit ) Inside Hindu temples Shrine inside temple complex Ramayana scene along padas Outer hall , Rameswaram Center , Hoysaleswara Ancient Indian texts call the craftsmen and builders of temples as ' ' Silpin ' ' ( Sanskrit : शिल्पिन् ) , derived from ' ' Silpa ' ' . One of earliest mentions of Sanskrit word Silpa is in Atharvaveda , from about 1000 BC , which scholars have translated as any work of art . Other scholars suggest that the word Silpa has no direct one word translation in English , nor does the word ' ' Silpin ' ' . Silpa , explains Stella Kramrisch , is a multicolored word and incorporates art , skill , craft , ingenuity , imagination , form , expression and inventiveness of any art or craft . Similarly a Shilpin , notes Kramrisch , is a complex Sanskrit word , describing any person who embodies art , science , culture , skill , rhythm and employs creative principles to produce any divine form of expression . Silpins who built Hindu temples , as well as the art works and sculpture within them , were considered by the ancient Sanskrit texts to deploy arts whose number are unlimited , Kala ( techniques ) that were 64 in number , and Vidya ( science ) that were of 32 types . The Hindu manuals of temple construction describe the education , characteristics of good artists and architects . The general education of a Hindu Shilpin in ancient India included Lekha or Lipi ( alphabet , reading and writing ) , Rupa ( drawing and geometry ) , Ganana ( arithmetic ) . These were imparted from age 5 to 12 . The advanced students would continue in higher stages of Shilpa Sastra studies till the age of 25 . Apart from specialist technical competence , the manuals suggest that best Silpins for building a Hindu temple are those who know the essence of Vedas and Agamas , consider themselves as students , keep well verse with principles of traditional sciences and mathematics , painting and geography . Further they are kind , free from jealousy , righteous , have their sense under control , of happy disposition , and ardent in everything they do . According to Silparatna , a Hindu temple project would start with a Yajamana ( patron ) , and include a Sthapaka ( guru , spiritual guide and architect - priest ) , a Sthapati ( architect ) who would design the building , a Sutragrahin ( surveyor ) , and many Vardhakins ( workers , masons , painters , plasterers , overseers ) and Taksakas ( sculptors ) . While the temple is under construction , all those working on the temple were revered and considered sacerdotal by the patron as well as others witnessing the construction . Further , it was a tradition that all tools and materials used in temple building and all creative work had the sanction of a sacrament . For example , if a carpenter or sculptor needed to fell a tree or cut a rock from a hill , he would propitiate the tree or rock with prayers , seeking forgiveness for cutting it from its surroundings , and explaining his intent and purpose . The axe used to cut the tree would be anointed with butter to minimize the hurt to the tree . Even in modern times , in some parts of India such as Odisha , Visvakarma Puja is a ritual festival every year where the craftsmen and artists worship their arts , tools and materials . Social functions of Hindu temples ( edit ) Hindu temples served as nuclei of important social , economic , artistic and intellectual functions in ancient and medieval India . Burton Stein states that South Indian temples managed regional development function , such as irrigation projects , land reclamation , post-disaster relief and recovery . These activities were paid for by the donations ( melvarum ) they collected from devotees . Temples also managed lands endowed to it by its devotees upon their death . They would provide employment to the poorest . Some temples had large treasury , with gold and silver coins , and these temples served as banks . In contemporary times , the process of building a Hindu temple by emigrants and diasporas from South Asia has also served as a process of building a community , a social venue to network , reduce prejudice and seek civil rights together . Library of manuscripts ( edit ) Types of Hindu temples Cave temple Forest temple Mountain temple Seashore temple John Guy and Jorrit Britschgi state Hindu temples served as centers where ancient manuscripts were routinely used for learning and where the texts were copied when they wore out . In South India , temples and associated mutts served custodial functions , and a large number of manuscripts on Hindu philosophy , poetry , grammar and other subjects were written , multiplied and preserved inside the temples . Archaeological and epigraphical evidence indicates existence of libraries called Sarasvati - bhandara , dated possibly to early 12th - century and employing librarians , attached to Hindu temples . Palm - leaf manuscripts called lontar in dedicated stone libraries have been discovered by archaeologists at Hindu temples in Bali Indonesia and in 10th century Cambodian temples such as Angkor Wat and Banteay Srei . Temple schools ( edit ) Inscriptions from 4th century CE suggest the existence of schools around Hindu temples , called Ghatikas or Mathas , where the Vedas were studied . In south India , 9th century Vedic schools attached to Hindu temples were called Calai or Salai , and these provided free boarding and lodging to students and scholars . The temples linked to Bhakti movement in the early 2nd millennium , were dominated by non-Brahmins . These assumed many educational functions , including the exposition , recitation and public discourses of Sanskrit and Vedic texts . Some temple schools offered wide range of studies , ranging from Hindu scriptures to Buddhist texts , grammar , philosophy , martial arts , music and painting . By the 8th century , Hindu temples also served as the social venue for tests , debates , team competition and Vedic recitals called Anyonyam . Styles ( edit ) Hindu temples are found in diverse locations each incorporating different methods of construction and styles : Mountain temples such as Masrur Cave temples such as Chandrabhaga , Chalukya and Ellora Step well temple compounds such as the Mata Bhavani , Ankol Mata and Huccimallugudi . Forest temples such as Kasaun and Kusama River bank and sea shore temples such as Somnath . Hindu deities , stepwell style . Step well temples In arid western parts of India , such as Rajasthan and Gujarat , Hindu communities built large walk in wells that served as the only source of water in dry months but also served as social meeting places and carried religious significance . These monuments went down into earth towards subterranean water , up to seven storey , and were part of a temple complex . These vav ( literally , stepwells ) had intricate art reliefs on the walls , with numerous idols and images of Hindu deities , water spirits and erotic symbolism . The step wells were named after Hindu deities ; for example , Mata Bhavani 's Stepwell , Ankol Mata Vav , Sikotari Vav and others . The temple ranged from being small single pada ( cell ) structure to large nearby complexes . These stepwells and their temple compounds have been variously dated from late 1st millennium BC through 11th century AD . Of these , Rani ki vav , with hundreds of art reliefs including many of Vishnu deity avatars , has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site . Cave Temples The Indian rock - cut architecture evolved in Maharashtran temple style in the 1st millennium AD . The temples are carved from a single piece of rock as a complete temple or carved in a cave to look like the interior of a temple . Ellora Temple is an example of the former , while The Elephanta Caves are representative of the latter style . The Elephanta Caves consist of two groups of caves -- the first is a large group of five Hindu caves and the second is a smaller group of two Buddhist caves . The Hindu caves contain rock - cut stone sculptures , representing the Shaiva Hindu sect , dedicated to the god Shiva . Arts inside Hindu temples ( edit ) Illustration of Chitrardha style of art work in a Hindu temple . A typical , ancient Hindu temple has a profusion of arts - from paintings to sculpture , from symbolic icons to engravings , from thoughtful layout of space to fusion of mathematical principles with Hindu sense of time and cardinality . Ancient Sanskrit texts classify idols and images in number of ways . For example , one method of classification is the dimensionality of completion : Chitra - images that are 3 - dimensional and completely formed , Chitrardha - images that are engraved in half relief , Chitrabhasa - images that are 2 - dimensional such as paintings on walls and cloths . Images and idols inside Hindu temples vary widely in their expression . Raudra or ugra images express destruction , fear and violence , such as Kali image on left . Shanta or saumya images express joy , knowledge and harmony , such as Saraswati image on right . Saumya images are most common in Hindu temples . Another way of classification is by the expressive state of the image : Raudra or ugra - are images that were meant to terrify , induce fear . These typically have wide , circular eyes , carry weapons , have skulls and bones as adornment . These idols were worshiped by soldiers before going to war , or by people in times of distress or terrors . Raudra deity temples were not set up inside villages or towns , but invariably outside and in remote areas of a kingdom . Shanta and saumya - are images that were pacific , peaceful and expressive of love , compassion , kindness and other virtues in Hindu pantheon . These images would carry symbolic icons of peace , knowledge , music , wealth , flowers , sensuality among other things . In ancient India , these temples were predominant inside villages and towns . A Hindu temple may or may not include an idol or images , but larger temples usually do . Personal Hindu temples at home or a hermitage may have a pada for yoga or meditation , but be devoid of anthropomorphic representations of god . Nature or others arts may surround him or her . To a Hindu yogin , states Gopinath Rao , one who has realised Self and the Universal Principle within himself , there is no need for any temple or divine image for worship . However , for those who have yet to reach this height of realization , various symbolic manifestations through images , idols and icons as well as mental modes of worship are offered as one of the spiritual paths in the Hindu way of life . This belief is repeated in ancient Hindu scriptures . For example , the Jabaladarshana Upanishad states : शिवमात्मनि पश्यन्ति प्रतिमासु न योगिनः अज्ञानं भावनार्थाय प्रतिमाः परिकल्पिताः ५९ - जाबालदर्शनोपनिषत् A yogin perceives god ( Siva ) within himself , images are for those who have not reached this knowledge . ( Verse 59 ) -- Jabaladarsana Upanishad , Historical development and destruction ( edit ) Ancient Hindu temples outside South Asia Ateshgah temple , Azerbaijan Angkor Wat , Cambodia Prambanan temple , Indonesia Po Nagar temple , Vietnam A number of ancient Indian texts suggest the prevalence of idols , temples and shrines in Indian subcontinent for thousands of years . For example , the 4th century BC text , Astadhyayi mentions male deity arcas ( images / idols ) of Agni , Indra , Varuna , Rudra , Mrda , Pusa , Surya , Soma being worshipped , as well as the worship of arcas of female goddesses such as Indrani , Varunani , Usa , Bhavani , Prthivi and Vrsakapayi . The 2nd Century BC ' ' Mahabhasya ' ' of Patanjali extensively describes temples of Dhanapati ( deity of wealth and finance , Kubera ) , as well as temples of Rama and Kesava , wherein the worship included dance , music and extensive rituals . The Mahabhasya also describes the rituals for Krsna , Visnu and Siva . An image recovered from Mathura in north India has been dated to the 2nd century BC . Kautilya 's Arthashastra from 3rd Century BC describes a city of temples , each enshrining various Vedic and Puranic deities . All three of these sources have common names , describe common rituals , symbolism and significance possibly suggesting that the idea of idols , temples and shrines passed from one generation to next , in ancient India , at least from the 4th century BC . The oldest temples , suggest scholars , were built of brick and wood . Stone became the preferred material of construction later . Early Jainism and Buddhism literature , along with Kautilya 's Arthashastra , describe structures , embellishments and designs of these temples - all with motifs and deities currently prevalent in Hinduism . Bas - reliefs and idols have been found from 2nd to 3rd Century , but none of the temple structures have survived . Scholars theorize that those ancient temples of India , later referred to as Hindu temples , were modeled after domestic structure - a house or a palace . Beyond shrines , nature was revered , in forms such as trees , rivers , stupas before the time of Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira . As Jainism and Buddhism branched off from the religious tradition later to be called Hinduism , the ideas , designs and plans of ancient Vedic and Upanishad era shrines were adopted and evolved , likely from the competitive development of temples and arts in Jainism and Buddhism . Ancient reliefs found so far , states Michael Meister , suggest five basic shrine designs and combinations thereof in 1st millennium BC : A raised platform with or without a symbol A raised platform under an umbrella A raised platform under a tree A raised platform enclosed with a railing A raised platform inside a pillared pavilion Many of these ancient shrines were roofless , some had toranas and roof . Ladkhan Shiva Temple in Karnataka from the 5th century . From the 1st century BC through 3rd Century AD , the evidence and details about ancient temples increases . The ancient literature refers to these temples as Pasada ( or Prasada ) , stana , mahasthana , devalaya , devagrha , devakula , devakulika , ayatana and harmya . The entrance of the temple is referred to as dvarakosthaka in these ancient texts notes Meister , the temple hall is described as sabha or ayagasabha , pillars were called kumbhaka , while vedika referred to the structures at the boundary of a temple . A 7th century Chalukyan style temple ceiling in Karnataka With the start of Gupta dynasty in the 4th century , Hindu temples flourished in innovation , design , scope , form , use of stone and new materials as well as symbolic synthesis of culture and dharmic principles with artistic expression . It is this period that is credited with the ideas of garbhagrha for Purusa , mandapa for sheltering the devotees and rituals in progress , as well as symbolic motifs relating to dharma , karma , kama , artha and moksha . Temple superstructures were built from stone , brick and wide range of materials . Entrance ways , walls and pillars were intricately carved , while parts of temple were decorated with gold , silver and jewels . Visnu , Siva and other deities were placed in Hindu temples , while Buddhists and Jains built their own temples , often side by side with Hindus . The 4th through 6th century marked the flowering of Vidharbha style , whose accomplishments survive in central India as Ajanta caves , Pavnar , Mandhal and Mahesvar . In South India , this period is credited with some of the earliest stone temples of the region , with Chalukya temples dated to be from the 5th century by some scholars , and the 6th by some others . Over 6th and 7th century , temple designs were further refined during Maurya dynasty , evidence of which survives today at Ellora and Elephanta . Many Hindu temples were destroyed and the remains used to rebuild Islamic mosques between 12th and 18th century AD . Above drawing by James Prinsep ( 1832 ) shows an overlay of a mosque built over the ancient Hindu Vishveshvur temple . It is the 5th through 7th century AD when outer design and appearances of Hindu temples in north India and south India began to widely diverge . Nevertheless , the forms , theme , symbolism and central ideas in the grid design remained same , before and after , pan-India as innovations were adopted to give distinctly different visual expressions . During the 5th to 11th century , Hindu temples flourished outside Indian subcontinent , such as in Cambodia , Viet Nam , Malaysia and Indonesia . Destruction and conversion With the arrival of Islam in South Asia , Hindu temples along with the temples of Buddhists and Jains , became targets of Islamic armies . Idols were broken up and damaged . Spires and pillars were torn down by the invading armies from Persia , Central Asia and resident Sultans . Temples were looted of their treasury and parts reused to build or to convert the temples into mosques . During some periods , Muslim emperors such as Akbar encouraged arts , helped repair and protect Hindu temples . In other periods , the Sultans and emperors led a campaign of temple destruction as well as forbade repairs to damaged temples . Richard Eaton has listed 80 campaigns of Hindu temple site destruction stretching over centuries , particularly from the 12th through the 18th century . The religious conflict and desecrations continued during the British colonial era . The destruction of Hindu temple sites was comparatively less in the southern parts of India , such as in Tamil Nadu . Cave style Hindu temples that were carved inside a rock , hidden and rediscovered centuries later , such as the Kailasha Temple , have also survived . These are now UNESCO world heritage sites . Customs and etiquette ( edit ) The customs and etiquette varies across India . Devotees in major temples may bring in symbolic offerings for the puja . This includes fruits , flowers , sweets and other symbols of the bounty of the natural world . Temples in India are usually surrounded with small shops selling these offerings . Jagannath Temple at Puri , one of Char Dham : the four main spiritual centers of Hindus When inside the temple , devotees keep both hands folded ( namaste mudra ) . The inner sanctuary , where the murtis reside , is known as the garbhagriha . It symbolizes the birthplace of the universe , the meeting place of the gods and mankind , and the threshold between the transcendental and the phenomenal worlds . It is in this inner shrine that devotees seek a darsana of , where they offer prayers . Devotees may or may not be able to personally present their offerings at the feet of the deity . In most large Indian temples , only the pujaris ( priest ) are allowed to enter into the main sanctum . Temple management staff typically announce the hours of operation , including timings for special pujas . These timings and nature of special puja vary from temple to temple . Additionally , there may be specially allotted times for devotees to perform circumambulations ( or pradakshina ) around the temple . Visitors and worshipers to large Hindu temples may be required to deposit their shoes and other footwear before entering . Where this is expected , the temples provide an area and help staff to store footwear . Dress codes vary . It is customary in temples in Kerala , for men to remove shirts and to cover pants and shorts with a traditional cloth known as a Vasthiram . In Java and Bali ( Indonesia ) , before one enters the most sacred parts of a Hindu temple , shirts are required as well as Sarong around one 's waist . At many other locations , this formality is unnecessary . Regional variations in Hindu temples ( edit ) North Indian temples ( edit ) Kedarnath Temple , Uttarakhand Shiv Temple , Assam North Indian temples are referred to as Nagara style of temple architecture . They have sanctum sanctorum where the deity is present , open on one side from where the devotee obtains darśana . There may or may not be many more surrounding corridors , halls , etc . However , there will be space for devotees to go around the temple in clockwise fashion circumambulation . In North Indian temples , the tallest towers are built over the sanctum sanctorum in which the deity is installed . The north India Nagara style of temple designs often deploy fractal - theme , where smaller parts of the temple are themselves images or geometric re-arrangement of the large temple , a concept found in French and Russian architecture such as the matryoshka principle . One difference is the scope and cardinality , where Hindu temple structures deploy this principle in every dimension with garbhgriya as the primary locus , and each pada as well as zones serving as additional centers of loci . This makes a Nagara Hindu temple architecture symbolically a perennial expression of movement and time , of centrifugal growth fused with the idea of unity in everything . Temples in West Bengal ( edit ) Dakshineswar Kali Temple , Kolkata In West Bengal , the Bengali terra cotta temple architecture is found . Due to lack of suitable stone in the alluvial soil locally available , the temple makers had to resort to other materials instead of stone . This gave rise to using terracotta as a medium for temple construction . Terracotta exteriors with rich carvings are a unique feature of Bengali temples . The town of Vishnupur in West Bengal is renowned for this type of architecture . There is also a popular style of building known as Navaratna ( nine - towered ) or Pancharatna ( five - towered ) . An example of Navaratna style is the Dakshineswar Kali Temple . Temples in Odisha ( edit ) Rajarani Temple , Bhubaneswar Odisha temple architecture is known as Kalinga architecture , classifies the spire into three parts , the Bāḍa ( lower limb ) , the Ganḍi ( body ) and the Cuḷa / Mastaka ( head ) . Each part is decorated in a different manner . Kalinga architecture is a style which flourished in Kalinga , the name for kingdom that included ancient Odisha . It includes three styles : Rekha Deula , Pidha Deula and Khakhara Deula . The former two are associated with Vishnu , Surya and Shiva temples while the third is mainly associated with Chamunda and Durga temples . The Rekha Deula and Khakhara Deula houses the sanctum sanctorum while the Pidha Deula style includes space for outer dancing and offering halls . Temples of Goa and other konkani temples ( edit ) Saptakoteshwar Temple in Goa The temple architecture of Goa is quite unique . As Portuguese colonial hegemony increased , Goan Hindu temples became the rallying point to local resistance . Many these temples are not more than 500 years old , and are a unique blend of original Goan temple architecture , Dravidian , Nagar and Hemadpanthi temple styles with some British and Portuguese architectural influences . Goan temples were built using sedimentary rocks , wood , limestone and clay tiles , and copper sheets were used for the roofs . These temples were decorated with mural art called as Kavi kala or ocher art . The interiors have murals and wood carvings depicting scenes from the Hindu mythology . South Indian and Sri lankan temples ( edit ) The gopuram ( tower ) of Natarajar Temple , a typical South Indian temple complex in Chidambaram , Tamil Nadu . Koneswaram Temple , a Tamil Saivate temple in Tirukonamalai , Sri Lanka . South Indian temples have a large gopuram , a monumental tower , usually ornate , at the entrance of the temple . This forms a prominent feature of Koils , Hindu temples of the Dravidian style . They are topped by the kalasam , a bulbous stone finial . They function as gateways through the walls that surround the temple complex . The gopuram 's origins can be traced back to early structures of the Tamil kings Pallavas ; and by the twelfth century , under the Pandya rulers , these gateways became a dominant feature of a temple 's outer appearance , eventually overshadowing the inner sanctuary which became obscured from view by the gopuram 's colossal size . It also dominated the inner sanctum in amount of ornamentation . Often a shrine has more than one gopuram . They also appear in architecture outside India , especially Khmer architecture , as at Angkor Wat . A koil may have multiple gopurams , typically constructed into multiple walls in tiers around the main shrine . The temple 's walls are typically square with the outer most wall having gopuras . The sanctum sanctorium and its towering roof ( the central deity 's shrine ) are also called the vimanam . The inner sanctum has restricted access with only priests allowed beyond a certain point . Temples in Kerala ( edit ) Temples in Kerala have a different architectorial style , ( keeping the same essence of vaastu ) especially due to climatic differences Kerala have with other parts of India with larger rainfall . The temple roof is mostly tiled and is sloped and the walls are often square , the inner most shrine being entirely enclosed in another four walls to which only the pujari ( priest ) enters . The walls are decorated with either mural paintings or rock sculptures which many a times are emphasised on Dwarapalakas . Temples in Tamil Nadu ( edit ) The Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai . Temple construction reached its peak during rule of Pallavas . They built various temples around Kancheepuram , and Narasimhavarman II built the Shore Temple in Mamallapuram , a UNESCO World Heritage Site . The Pandyas rule created temples such as the Meenakshi Amman Temple at Madurai and Nellaiappar Temple at Tirunelveli . The Cholas were prolific temple builders right from the times of the first medieval king Vijayalaya Chola . The Chola temples include Nataraja temple at Chidambaram , the Sri Ranganathaswami Temple at Srirangam , the Brihadeshvara Temple of Thanjavur , Brihadeshvara Temple of Gangaikonda Cholapuram and the Airavatesvara Temple of Darasuram which are among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites . The Nayaks of Madurai reconstructed some of the well - known temples in Tamil Nadu such as the Meenakshi Temple . Temples in Cambodia ( edit ) Art relief at the Hindu temple Banteay Srei in Cambodia Angkor Wat was built as a Hindu temple by King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Yasodharapura ( Khmer , present - day Angkor ) , the capital of the Khmer Empire , as his state temple and eventual mausoleum . Breaking from the Shaiva tradition of previous kings , Angkor Wat was instead dedicated to Vishnu . The Spire in Khmer Hindu temple is called Giri ( mountain ) and symbolizes the residence of gods just like Meru does in Bali Hindu mythology and Ku ( Guha ) does in Burmese Hindu mythology . Angkor Wat is just one of numerous Hindu temples in Cambodia , most of them in ruins . Hundreds of Hindu temples are scattered from Siem Reap to Sambor Prei Kuk in central Cambodian region . Temples in Vietnam ( edit ) There are a number of Hindu temple clusters along the coast of Vietnam , with some on UNESCO world heritage site list . Examples include Mỹ Sơn - a cluster of 70 temples with earliest dated to be from the 4th century AD and dedicated to Siva , while others are dedicated to Hindu deities Krishna , Vishnu and others . These temples , internally and with respect to each other , are also built on the Hindu perfect square grid concept . Other sites in Vietnam with Hindu temples include Phan Rang with the Cham temple Po Klong Garai . Temples in Indonesia ( edit ) Prambanan in Java Pura Ulun Danu Bratan , Bali Ancient temples in Indonesia are called candi . Hindu temples of ancient Java , Indonesia , bear resemblances with temples of South Indian style . The largest of these is the 9th century Javanese Hindu temple , Prambanan in Yogyakarta , now a UNESCO world heritage site . It was designed as three concentric squares and has 224 temples . The inner square contains 16 temples dedicated to major Hindu deities , of which Siva temple is the largest . The temple has extensive wall reliefs and carvings illustrating the stories from the Hindu epic Ramayana . In Bali , Pura ( Balinese temple ) is designed as an open - air worship place in a walled compound . The compound walls have a series of intricately decorated gates without doors for the devotee to enter . The design , plan and layout of the holy pura follows a square layout . Temples in Thailand ( edit ) Thailand has many notable Hindu temples including ; the Devasathan , the Erawan Shrine , Prasat Muang Tam , Sdok Kok Thom and Phanom Rung . Temples outside Asia ( edit ) The Hindu Temple Society of North America built Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapati Devasthanam in Queens , New York City . A Hindu temple in Hamm , Germany Many members of the South Asian diaspora have established Hindu mandirs outside India as a means of preserving and celebrating cultural and spiritual heritage abroad . Describing the hundreds of mandirs that can be found throughout the United States , scholar Gail M. Harley observes , `` The temples serve as central locations where Hindus can come together to worship during holy festivals and socialize with other Hindus . Temples in America reflect the colorful kaleidoscopic aspects contained in Hinduism while unifying people who are disbursed throughout the American landscape . '' Numerous mandirs in North America and Europe have gained particular prominence and acclaim . The Hindu Temple Society of North America , representing Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapati Devasthanam ( Sanskrit : श्री महावल्लभ गणपति देवस्थानम् , Tamil : ஸ்ரீ மகா வல்லப கணபதி தேவஸ்தானம் ) , in Flushing , Queens , New York City , is the oldest Hindu temple in the Western Hemisphere , and its canteen feeds 4,000 people a week , with as many as 10,000 during the Diwali ( Deepavali ) holiday . Temple management ( edit ) The Archaeological Survey of India has control of most ancient temples of archaeological importance in India . In India , day - to - day activities of a temple is managed by a temple board committee that administers its finances , management , and events . Since independence , the autonomy of individual Hindu religious denominations to manage their own affairs with respect to temples of their own denomination has been severely eroded and the state governments have taken control of major Hindu temples . Etymology and nomenclature ( edit ) Somnath Rameshwaram Varanasi Badrinath Puri Amarnath Major Hindu temple sites for Tirtha and general tourism in India . Orange markers are UNESCO world heritage sites . In Sanskrit , the liturgical language of Hinduism , the word mandir means `` house '' ( Sanskrit : मन्दिर ) . Ancient Sanskrit texts use many words for temple , such as matha , vayuna , kirti , kesapaksha , devavasatha , vihara , suravasa , surakula , devatayatana , amaragara , devakula , devagrha , devabhavana , devakulika , and niketana . The following are the other names by which a Hindu temple is referred to in India : Devasthana ( ದೇವಸ್ಥಾನ ) in Kannada Deul / Doul / Dewaaloy in Assamese and in Bengali Deval / Raul / Mandir ( मंदिर ) in Marathi Devro / Mindar in Rajasthani Deula ( ଦେଉଳ ) / Mandira ( ମଦିର ) in Odia and Gudi in Kosali Odia Gudi ( గుడి ) , Devalayam ( దేవాలయం ) , Devasthanam ( దేవస్థానము ) , Kovela ( కోవెల ) , Kshetralayam ( క్షేత్రాలయం ) , Punyakshetram ( పుణ్యక్షేత్రం ) , or Punyakshetralayam ( పుణ్యక్షేత్రాలయం ) in Telugu Kovil or kō - vill ( கோவில் ) and occasionally Aalayam ( ஆலயம் ) in Tamil ; the Tamil word Kovil means `` residence of God '' and is used for a distinct style of Hindu temple with Dravidian architecture Kshetram ( ക്ഷേത്രം ) , Ambalam ( അമ്പലം ) , or Kovil ( കോവിൽ ) in Malayalam Mandir ( मंदिर ) in Hindi , Nepali , Marathi , Punjabi ( ਮੰਦਰ ) , Gujarati ( મંદિર ) , and Urdu ( مندر ) Mandiram ( మందిరం ) in Telugu Mondir ( মন্দির ) in Bengali In Southeast Asia temples known as : Candi in Indonesia , especially in Javanese , Malay and Indonesian , used both for Hindu or Buddhist temples . Pura in Hindu majority island of Bali , Indonesia . Wat in Cambodia and Thailand , also applied to both Hindu and Buddhist temples . Temple sites Some lands , including Varanasi , Puri , Kanchipuram , Dwarka , Amarnath , Kedarnath , Somnath , Mathura and Rameswara , are considered holy in Hinduism . They are called kṣétra ( Sanskrit : क्षेत्र ) . A kṣétra has many temples , including one or more major ones . These temples and its location attracts pilgrimage called tirtha ( or tirthayatra ) . Konark Sun Temple panoramic view See also ( edit ) Media related to Hindu temples at Wikimedia Commons Hindu temple architecture List of Hindu temples List of largest Hindu Temples List of Hindu deities References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Frances Kai - Hwa Wang ( July 28 , 2014 ) . `` World 's Largest Hindu Temple Being Built in New Jersey '' . NBC News . Retrieved December 3 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 2 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , pp. 346 - 357 and 423 - 424 Jump up ^ Klaus Klostermaier , The Divine Presence in Space and Time - Murti , Tirtha , Kala ; in A Survey of Hinduism , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7914 - 7082 - 4 , State University of New York Press , pp. 268 - 277 . ^ Jump up to : Susan Lewandowski , The Hindu Temple in South India , in Buildings and Society : Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment , Anthony D. King ( Editor ) , ISBN 978 - 0710202345 , Routledge , Chapter 4 Jump up ^ MR Bhat ( 1996 ) , Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira , ISBN 978 - 8120810600 , Motilal Banarsidass ^ Jump up to : Burton Stein , `` The Economic Function of a Medieval South Indian Temple '' , The Journal of Asian Studies , Vol. 19 ( February 1960 ) , pp. 163 - 76 . Jump up ^ George Michell ( 1988 ) , The Hindu Temple : An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms , University of Chicago Press , ISBN 978 - 0226532301 , pp. 58 - 65 . Jump up ^ Alice Boner ( 1990 ) , Principles of Composition in Hindu Sculpture : Cave Temple Period , ISBN 978 - 8120807051 , see Introduction and pp. 36 - 37 . Jump up ^ Francis Ching et al. , A Global History of Architecture , Wiley , ISBN 978 - 0470402573 , pp. 227 - 302 . Jump up ^ Brad Olsen ( 2004 ) , Sacred Places Around the World : 108 Destinations , ISBN 978 - 1888729108 , pp. 117 - 119 . Jump up ^ Paul Younger , New Homelands : Hindu Communities , ISBN 978 - 0195391640 , Oxford University Press Jump up ^ For the effect on Hindu temples of Islam 's arrival in South Asia and Southeast Asia , see : Gaborieau , Marc ( 1985 ) . `` From Al - Beruni to Jinnah : idiom , ritual and ideology of the Hindu - Muslim confrontation in South Asia '' . Anthropology Today . Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland . 1 ( 3 ) : 7 -- 14 . JSTOR 3033123 . doi : 10.2307 / 3033123 . Richard Eaton ( 2000 ) , `` Temple Desecration and Indo - Muslim States '' , Journal of Islamic Studies , 11 ( 3 ) , pp. 283 - 319 . Annemarie Schimmel , Islam in the Indian Subcontinent , ISBN 978 - 9004061170 , Brill Academic , Chapter 1 Robert W. Hefner , Civil Islam : Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia , Princeton University Press , ISBN 978 - 0691050461 , pp. 28 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : George Michell ( 1988 ) , The Hindu Temple : An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms , University of Chicago Press , ISBN 978 - 0226532301 , Chapter 1 Jump up ^ Alain Daniélou ( 2001 ) , The Hindu Temple : Deification of Eroticism , Translated from French to English by Ken Hurry , ISBN 0 - 89281 - 854 - 9 , pp. 101 - 127 . Jump up ^ Samuel Parker ( 2010 ) , Ritual as a Mode of Production : Ethnoarchaeology and Creative Practice in Hindu Temple Arts , South Asian Studies , 26 ( 1 ) , pp. 31 - 57 ; Michael Rabe , Secret Yantras and Erotic Display for Hindu Temples , ( Editor : David White ) , ISBN 978 - 8120817784 , Princeton University Readings in Religion ( Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ) , Chapter 25 , pp. 435 - 446 . Jump up ^ Antonio Rigopoulos ( 1998 ) . Dattatreya : The Immortal Guru , Yogin , and Avatara : A Study of the Transformative and Inclusive Character of a Multi-faceted Hindu Deity . State University of New York Press . pp. 223 -- 224 , 243 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7914 - 3696 - 7 . Jump up ^ Alain Daniélou ( 2001 ) . The Hindu Temple : Deification of Eroticism . Inner Traditions . pp. 69 -- 71 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 89281 - 854 - 9 . Jump up ^ Pyong Gap Min , Religion and Maintenance of Ethnicity among Immigrants - A Comparison of Indian Hindus and Korean Protestants , Editor : Karen Leonard ( Immigrant Faiths ) , ISBN 978 - 0759108165 , Chapter 6 , pp. 102 - 103 . ^ Jump up to : Susan Lewandowski , The Hindu Temple in South India , in Buildings and Society : Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment , Anthony D. King ( Editor ) , ISBN 978 - 0710202345 , Routledge , pp. 71 - 73 . Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , page 4 Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , page 5 - 6 ^ Jump up to : BB Dutt ( 1925 ) , Town planning in Ancient India at Google Books , ISBN 978 - 81 - 8205 - 487 - 5 ; See critical review by LD Barnett , Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies , Vol. 4 , Issue 2 , June 1926 , pp. 391 . ^ Jump up to : Stella Kramrisch ( 1976 ) , The Hindu Temple Volume 1 & 2 , ISBN 81 - 208 - 0223 - 3 Jump up ^ Jack Hebner ( 2010 ) , Architecture of the Vastu Sastra - According to Sacred Science , in Science of the Sacred ( Editor : David Osborn ) , ISBN 978 - 0557277247 , pp. 85 - 92 ; N Lahiri ( 1996 ) , Archaeological landscapes and textual images : a study of the sacred geography of late medieval Ballabgarh , World Archaeology , 28 ( 2 ) , pp. 244 - 264 Jump up ^ Susan Lewandowski ( 1984 ) , Buildings and Society : Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment , edited by Anthony D. King , Routledge , ISBN 978 - 0710202345 , Chapter 4 ^ Jump up to : Sherri Silverman ( 2007 ) , Vastu : Transcendental Home Design in Harmony with Nature , Gibbs Smith , Utah , ISBN 978 - 1423601326 Jump up ^ G.D. Vasudev ( 2001 ) , Vastu , Motilal Banarsidas , ISBN 81 - 208 - 1605 - 6 , pp. 74 - 92 . Jump up ^ LD Barnett , Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies , Vol 4 , Issue 2 , June 1926 , pp. 391 . ^ Jump up to : Meister , Michael ( 1983 ) . `` Geometry and Measure in Indian Temple Plans : Rectangular Temples '' . Artibus Asiae. 44 ( 4 ) : 266 -- 296 . JSTOR 3249613 . doi : 10.2307 / 3249613 . ^ Jump up to : Alice Boner and Sadāśiva Rath Śarmā ( 1966 ) , Silpa Prakasa Medieval Orissan Sanskrit Text on Temple Architecture at Google Books , E.J. Brill ( Netherlands ) Jump up ^ H. Daniel Smith ( 1963 ) , Ed . Pāncarātra prasāda prasādhapam , A Pancaratra Text on Temple - Building , Syracuse : University of Rochester , OCLC 68138877 Jump up ^ Mahanti and Mahanty ( 1995 Reprint ) , Śilpa Ratnākara , Orissa Akademi , OCLC 42718271 Jump up ^ Amita Sinha ( 1998 ) , `` Design of Settlements in the Vaastu Shastras '' , Journal of Cultural Geography , 17 ( 2 ) , pp. 27 - 41 , doi : 10.1080 / 08873639809478319 Jump up ^ Tillotson , G.H.R. ( 1997 ) . `` Svastika Mansion : A Silpa - Sastra in the 1930s '' . South Asian Studies , 13 ( 1 ) , pp. 87 - 97 ^ Jump up to : Stella Kramrisch ( 1958 ) , Traditions of the Indian Craftsman , The Journal of American Folklore , Vol. 71 , No. 281 , ( Jul . - Sep. , 1958 ) , pp. 224 - 230 Jump up ^ Ganapati Sastri ( 1920 ) , Īśānaśivagurudeva paddhati , Trivandrum Sanskrit Series , OCLC 71801033 ^ Jump up to : Heather Elgood ( 2000 ) , Hinduism and the religious arts , ISBN 978 - 0304707393 , Bloomsbury Academic , pp. 121 - 125 . Jump up ^ H , Kern ( 1865 ) , The Brhat Sanhita of Varaha - mihara , The Asiatic Society of Bengal , Calcutta ^ Jump up to : Susan Lewandowski , The Hindu Temple in South India , in Buildings and Society : Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment , Anthony D. King ( ed . ) , ISBN 978 - 0710202345 , Routledge , pp. 68 - 69 . Jump up ^ The square is symbolic and has Vedic origins from fire altar , Agni . The alignment along cardinal direction , similarly is an extension of Vedic rituals of three fires . This symbolism is also found among Greek and other ancient civilizations , through the gnomon . In Hindu temple manuals , design plans are described with 1 , 4 , 9 , 16 , 25 , 36 , 49 , 64 , 81 up to 1024 squares ; 1 pada is considered the simplest plan , as a seat for a hermit or devotee to sit and meditate on , or make offerings with Vedic fire in front . The second design of 4 padas lacks the central core , and is also a meditative constructive . The 9 pada design has a sacred surrounded center , and is the template for the smallest temple . Older Hindu temple vastumandalas may use the 9 through 49 pada series , but 64 is considered the most sacred geometric grid in Hindu temples . It is also called Manduka , Bhekapada or Ajira in various ancient Sanskrit texts . Jump up ^ In addition to square ( 4 ) sided layout , Brhat Samhita also describes Vastu and mandala design principles based on a perfect triangle ( 3 ) , hexagon ( 6 ) , octagon ( 8 ) and hexadecagon ( 16 ) sided layouts , according to Stella Kramrisch . Jump up ^ Rian et al. ( 2007 ) , `` Fractal geometry as the synthesis of Hindu cosmology in Kandariya Mahadev temple , Khajuraho '' , Building and Environment , Vol 42 , Issue 12 , pp. 4093 - 4107 , doi : 10.1016 / j. buildenv. 2007.01. 028 Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch ( 1976 ) , The Hindu Temple Volume 1 , ISBN 81 - 208 - 0223 - 3 Jump up ^ Datta and Beynon ( 2011 ) , `` Early Connections : Reflections on the canonical lineage of Southeast Asian temples '' , in EAAC 2011 : South of East Asia : Re-addressing East Asian Architecture and Urbanism : Proceedings of the East Asian Architectural Culture International Conference , Department of Architecture , National University of Singapore , Singapore , pp. 1 - 17 Jump up ^ V.S. Pramar , Some Evidence on the Wooden Origins of the Vāstupuruṣamaṇḍala , Artibus Asiae , Vol. 46 , No. 4 ( 1985 ) , pp. 305 - 311 . Jump up ^ This concept has equivalence to the concept of Acintya , or Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa , in Balinese Hindu temples ; elsewhere it has been referred to as satcitananda Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch ( 1976 ) , The Hindu Temple , Vol. 1 , ISBN 81 - 208 - 0223 - 3 , p. 8 . ^ Jump up to : Meister , Michael W. ( March 2006 ) . `` Mountain Temples and Temple - Mountains : Masrur '' . Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 65 ( 1 ) : 26 -- 49 . JSTOR 25068237 . doi : 10.2307 / 25068237 . ^ Jump up to : Trivedi , K. ( 1989 ) . Hindu temples : models of a fractal universe . The Visual Computer , 5 ( 4 ) , 243 - 258 Jump up ^ S Bafna , On the Idea of the Mandala as a Governing Device in Indian Architectural Tradition , Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians , Vol. 59 , No. 1 ( Mar. , 2000 ) , pp. 26 - 49 Jump up ^ Meister , Michael W. ( April -- June 1979 ) . `` Maṇḍala and Practice in Nāgara Architecture in North India '' . Journal of the American Oriental Society . 99 ( 2 ) : 204 -- 219 . JSTOR 602657 . doi : 10.2307 / 602657 . Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , pp. 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ George Michell ( 1988 ) , The Hindu Temple : An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms , University of Chicago Press , ISBN 978 - 0226532301 , pp. 21 - 22 . Jump up ^ Edmund Leach , `` The Gatekeepers of Heaven : Anthropological Aspects of Grandiose Architecture '' , Journal of Anthropological Research , Vol. 39 , No. 3 ( Autumn 1983 ) , pp. 243 - 264 . Jump up ^ See : Julius J. Lipner , Hindus : Their Religious Beliefs and Practices , 2nd Edition , Routledge , ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 45677 - 7 , page 8 ; Quote : `` ( ... ) one need not be religious in the minimal sense described to be accepted as a Hindu by Hindus , or describe oneself perfectly validly as Hindu . One may be polytheistic or monotheistic , monistic or pantheistic , even an agnostic , humanist or atheist , and still be considered a Hindu . '' ; Lester Kurtz ( Ed . ) , Encyclopedia of Violence , Peace and Conflict , ISBN 978 - 0123695031 , Academic Press , 2008 ; MK Gandhi , The Essence of Hinduism , Editor : VB Kher , Navajivan Publishing , see p. 3 ; According to Gandhi , `` a man may not believe in God and still call himself a Hindu . '' Jump up ^ Monier - Williams Sanskrit - English Dictionary , क्षैत्रज्ञ Jim Funderburk and Peter Scharf ( 2012 ) ; Quote : क्षैत्रज्ञ ( kṣaitrajña ) ( kṣaitrajña ) n . ( fr . ( kṣetra - jñá ) g . ( yuvādi ) , spirituality , nature of the soul Lit . W. ; the knowledge of the soul Lit . W . Jump up ^ See the following two in Ewert Cousins series on World Spirituality : Bhavasar and Kiem , `` Spirituality and Health '' , in Hindu Spirituality , Editor : Ewert Cousins ( 1989 ) , ISBN 0 - 8245 - 0755 - X , Crossroads Publishing New York , pp. 319 - 337 ; John Arapura , `` Spirit and Spiritual Knowledge in the Upanishads '' , in Hindu Spirituality , Editor : Ewert Cousins ( 1989 ) , ISBN 0 - 8245 - 0755 - X , Crossroads Publishing New York , pp. 64 - 85 . Jump up ^ Gavin Flood , Brill 's Encyclopedia of Hinduism , Editor : Knut Jacobsen ( 2010 ) , Volume II , Brill , ISBN 978 - 90 - 04 - 17893 - 9 , see Article on Wisdom and Knowledge , pp. 881 - 884 . Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , pp. 8 - 9 . Jump up ^ Thomas Donaldson ( 2005 ) , Konark , Oxford University Press , ISBN 978 - 0195675917 Jump up ^ Michael Rabe ( 1996 ) , `` Sexual Imagery on the ' Phantasmagorical Castles ' at Khajuraho - The Artha of Temple Kama '' , International Journal of Tantric Studies , Vol. 2 , No. 2 . ^ Jump up to : E Leach , `` The Gatekeepers of Heaven : Anthropological Aspects of Grandiose Architecture '' , Journal of Anthropological Research , Vol. 39 , No. 3 ( Autumn , 1983 ) , pp. 249 - 250 . Jump up ^ Mary Beth Heston , `` Iconographic Themes of the Gopura of the Kailāsanātha Temple at Ellora '' , Artibus Asiae , Vol. 43 , No. 3 ( 1981 - 1982 ) , pp. 219 - 235 . Jump up ^ E Leach , `` The Gatekeepers of Heaven : Anthropological Aspects of Grandiose Architecture '' , Journal of Anthropological Research , Vol. 39 , No. 3 ( Autumn , 1983 ) , pp. 262 . Jump up ^ zilpin University of Cologne , Germany ^ Jump up to : Samuel Parker ( 1987 ) , `` Artistic practice and education in India : A historical overview '' , Journal of Aesthetic Education , pp. 123 - 141 . Jump up ^ Ananda Coomaraswamy , `` Indian Architectural Terms '' , Journal of the American Oriental Society , Vol. 48 ( 1928 ) , pp. 269 . Jump up ^ Vatsyayana , Kamasutra I. 3 , Jayamangala Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , pp. 11 . Jump up ^ Misra , R.N. ( 2011 ) , `` Silpis in Ancient India : Beyond their Ascribed Locus in Ancient Society '' , Social Scientist , Vol. 39 , No. 7 / 8 , pp. 43 - 54 . Jump up ^ Joshi ( 2013 ) , `` Boon of astronomy : Rituals and religious festivals in Odisha for a peaceful society '' , International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences , 3 ( 5 ) , pp. 162 - 176 . ^ Jump up to : George Michell ( 1988 ) , The Hindu Temple : An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms , University of Chicago Press , ISBN 978 - 0226532301 , pages 58 - 60 Jump up ^ Hartmut Scharfe ( 2002 ) , From Temple schools to Universities , in Education in Ancient India : Handbook of Oriental Studies , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004125568 , pages 166 - 193 Jump up ^ T Mahalingam ( 1951 ) , Economic life in the Vijayanagar Empire , University of Madras , pp. 490 - 498 . Jump up ^ Burton Stein ( February 4 , 1961 ) , The state , the temple and agriculture development , The Economic Weekly Annual , pp. 179 - 187 . Jump up ^ See : Diana L. Eck ( 2000 ) , `` Negotiating Hindu Identities in the US '' , in Harold Coward , John R. Hinnells , and Raymond Brady Williams ( Editors ) - The South Asian Religious Diaspora in Britain , Canada , and the United States , SUNY Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7914 - 4509 - 9 , 219 -- 237 Marion O'Callaghan ( 1998 ) , `` Hinduism in the Indian Diaspora in Trinidad '' , Journal of Hindu - Christian Studies , Vol. 11 , Article 5 , doi 10.7825 / 2164 - 6279.1178 Chandra Jayawardena , `` Religious Belief and Social Change : Aspects of the Development of Hinduism in British Guiana '' , Comparative Studies in Society and History , Vol. 8 , No. 2 ( January 1966 ) , pp. 211 - 240 . Jump up ^ John Guy and Jorrit Britschgi ( 2011 ) , Wonder of the Age : Master Painters of India , 1100 - 1900 , The Metropolitan Museum of Art , ISBN 978 - 1588394309 , page 19 Jump up ^ Saraju Rath ( 2012 ) , Aspects of Manuscript Culture in South India , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004219007 , pages ix , 158 - 168 , 252 - 259 Jump up ^ Hartmut Scharfe ( 2002 ) , From Temple schools to Universities , in Handbook of Oriental Studies , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004125568 , pages 183 - 186 Jump up ^ Wayne A. Wiegand and Donald Davis ( 1994 ) , Encyclopedia of Library History , Routledge , ISBN 978 - 0824057879 , page 350 Jump up ^ Hartmut Scharfe ( 2002 ) , From Temple schools to Universities , in Education in Ancient India : Handbook of Oriental Studies , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004125568 , pages 169 - 171 Jump up ^ Hartmut Scharfe ( 2002 ) , From Temple schools to Universities , in Education in Ancient India : Handbook of Oriental Studies , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004125568 , page 175 ^ Jump up to : Hartmut Scharfe ( 2002 ) , From Temple schools to Universities , in Education in Ancient India : Handbook of Oriental Studies , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004125568 , pages 173 - 174 ^ Jump up to : Hartmut Scharfe ( 2002 ) , From Temple schools to Universities , in Education in Ancient India : Handbook of Oriental Studies , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004125568 , page 176 - 182 ^ Jump up to : Meister , Michael W. ( 1981 ) . `` Forest and Cave : Temples at Candrabhāgā and Kansuān '' . Archives of Asian Art . University of Hawai'i Press . 34 : 56 -- 73 . JSTOR 20111117 . Jump up ^ Gary Tarr , Chronology and Development of the Chāḷukya Cave Temples , Ars Orientalis , Vol. 8 ( 1970 ) , pp. 155 - 184 . Jump up ^ Jutta Neubauer ( 1981 ) , The Stepwells of Gujarat : in art - historical perspective , ISBN 978 - 0391022843 , see Introduction , Chapters 1 and 2 . Jump up ^ Meister , Michael W. ( 1975 -- 1976 ) . `` A Field Report on Temples at Kusuma '' . Archives of Asian Art . University of Hawai'i Press . 29 : 23 -- 46 . JSTOR 20062576 . ^ Jump up to : Jutta Neubauer , `` The stepwells of Gujarat '' , India International Centre Quarterly , Vol. 26 , No. 2 ( Summer 1999 ) , pp. 75 - 80 . Jump up ^ Rani - ki - vav at Patan , Gujarat , UNESCO World Heritage Site . ^ Jump up to : Gopinath Rao ( 1914 ) , Elements of Hindu Iconography Madras , Cornell University Archives , pp. 17 - 39 . Jump up ^ Jabaladarsana Upanishad 1.59 ^ Jump up to : Michael Meister ( 1988 ) , Encyclopedia of Indian Temple Architecture , Oxford University Press , 0 - 691 - 04053 - 2 , Chapter 1 Jump up ^ Subhash Kak , Early Indian Architecture and Art , Migration & Diffusion , Vol. 6 / Nr. 23 , pages 6 - 27 , 2005 . Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple . University of Calcutta , Calcutta , 1946 . Jump up ^ Banerji , New Light on the Gupta Temples at Deogarh , Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal , Vol V ( 1963 ) , pp. 37 - 49 . Jump up ^ Saraswati , Temple Architecture in the Gupta Age , Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art , Vol VIII ( 1940 ) , pp. 146 - 158 . Jump up ^ Joanna Williams , The Art of Gupta India , Empire and Province , Princeton , 1982 Jump up ^ Ananda K. Coomaraswamy , History of Indian and Indonesian Art ( New York , 1965 reprint ) , pp. 78 - 80 . Jump up ^ Gary Tartakov , `` The Beginning of Dravidian Temple Architecture in Stone '' , Artibus Asiae , Vol. 42 , No. 1 ( 1980 ) , pp. 39 - 99 . Jump up ^ Michael Meister ( Editor ) , Encyclopedia of Indian Temple Architecture - South India 200 BC to 1324 AD , University of Pennsylvania Press ( 1983 ) , ISBN 0 - 8122 - 7840 - 2 Jump up ^ See : Elizabeth Merklinger , The Mosques of Raichur : A preliminary classification , Kunst des Orients , Vol. 12 , H. 1 / 2 ( 1978 / 1979 ) , pp. 79 - 94 . Mark Jarzombek et al. ( 2010 ) , A Global History of Architecture , Wiley , ISBN 978 - 0470402573 , Chapters and Sections : `` 1200 CE - Delhi through Qutb Minar '' Ali Javid , World Heritage Monuments and Related Edifices in India , Volume 1 , ISBN 978 - 0875864839 , pp. 263 . Quote - `` The stones to construct the mosque were obtained by demolishing twenty seven Hindu and Jain temples . '' Jump up ^ See : Peter Jackson ( 2003 ) , The Delhi Sultanate : A Political and Military History , Cambridge University Press , ISBN 978 - 0521543293 , pp. 168 A.L. Srivastava ( 1966 ) , Delhi Sultanate , 5th Edition , Agra College Vincent Smith ( 1920 ) , The Oxford History of India : From the Earliest Times to the End of 1911 , Oxford University Press , pp. 268 - 269 , 306 - 307 , 437 - 438 Jump up ^ Richard Eaton ( January 5 , 2001 ) , `` Temple desecration and Indo - Muslim states '' , Frontline , pp. 70 - 77 ( Archived by Columbia University ) Jump up ^ Marc Gaborieau ( 1985 ) , From Al - Beruni to Jinnah : idiom , ritual and ideology of the Hindu - Muslim confrontation in South Asia , Anthropology Today , 1 ( 3 ) , pp. 7 - 14 . Jump up ^ Ellora Caves Cave 16 - Kailasha Hindu Temple , 8th Century CE , UNESCO Jump up ^ Werner , Karel ( 1994 ) . A Popular Dictionary of Hinduism . Curzon Press . ISBN 0 - 7007 - 1049 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Narayanan , Vasudha . `` The Hindu Tradition '' . In A Concise Introduction to World Religions , ed . Willard G. Oxtoby and Alan F. Segal . New York : Oxford University Press , 2007 . Jump up ^ Bain , Keith , Pippa Bryun , and David Allardice . Frommer 's India . 1st . New Jersey : Wiley Publishing , 2010 , p. 75 . Jump up ^ Indonesia Handbook , 3rd edition , ISBN 978 - 1900949514 , pp. 38 . ^ Jump up to : Adam Hardy ( 2007 ) , The Temple Architecture of India , John Wiley & Sons , ISBN 978 - 0470028278 Jump up ^ Williams , Raymond ( 2001 ) . Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism . Cambridge University Press . pp. 123 -- 136 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 65422 - 7 . Jump up ^ Pika Ghosh ( 2005 ) , Temple to Love : Architecture and Devotion in Seventeenth - century Bengal , ISBN 978 - 0253344878 , Indiana University Press Jump up ^ Dibishada Brajasundar Garnayak , Evolution of Temple Architecture in Orissa , Orissa Review , November 2007 Jump up ^ Padmaja Vijay Kamat , `` Temple Economy in Goa : A Case Study '' , The Macrotheme Review 2 ( 5 ) , Fall 2013 , pp. 97 - 111 . Jump up ^ Ching , Francis D.K. ; et al. ( 2007 ) . A Global History of Architecture . New York : John Wiley and Sons . p. 762 . ISBN 0 - 471 - 26892 - 5 . Jump up ^ Ching , Francis D.K. ( 1995 ) . A Visual Dictionary of Architecture . New York : John Wiley and Sons . p. 253 . ISBN 0 - 471 - 28451 - 3 . Jump up ^ Michell , George ( 1988 ) . The Hindu Temple . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . pp. 151 -- 153 . ISBN 0 - 226 - 53230 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` gopura '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 20 . Jump up ^ Ram Raz , Henry Harkness ( 1834 ) , Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus at Google Books Jump up ^ Sastri 1970 , pp. 18 -- 182 . Jump up ^ Stein ( 1978 ) , South Indian Temples : An Analytical Study , New Delhi , ISBN 978 - 0706905816 Jump up ^ Stella Kramrisch , The Hindu Temple , Vol 1 , Motilal Banarsidass , ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0222 - 3 , pp. 170 - 172 . Jump up ^ Kubo Sumiko , Geomorphology , Archaeo - stratigraphy , and 14C Ages of Sambor Prei Kuk Pre-Angkorean Site , Central Cambodia , BULLETIN of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University ( Japan ) , No. 22 , March 2012 Jump up ^ My Son Sanctuary Vietnam , UNESCO World Heritage Site Jump up ^ Ngô Vǎn Doanh ( 2006 ) , Champa : Ancient Towers . Hanoi : The Gioi Publishers , Chapter 16 . Jump up ^ Prambanan Temple Compounds UNESCO world heritage site Jump up ^ Brigitta Hauser - Schaublin ( 1993 ) , Keraton and Temples in Bali , in Urban Symbolism ( Editor : P. Nas ) , Brill Academic , ISBN 978 - 9004098558 Jump up ^ Hildred Geertz , The Life of a Balinese Temple , ISBN 978 - 0824825331 , University of Hawaii Press Jump up ^ Harley , Gail M. ( 2003 ) . Hindu and Sikh Faiths in America . Facts on File , Inc . ISBN 0 - 8160 - 4987 - 4 . Jump up ^ Shivani Vora ( October 28 , 2016 ) . `` In Line for Blessings and Sweets at Hindu Temple Canteen '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Sanskrit words for Temple Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon , Koeln University , Germany Jump up ^ The word ko in Tamil language also means king , and kovil can also mean king 's house . Jump up ^ Shackle , C. ( 1 January 1990 ) . Hindi and Urdu Since 1800 : A Common Reader . Heritage Publishers . ISBN 9788170261629 . Specifically Hindu cultural contexts such as the pūjā ' worship ' in the mandir ' temple ' will clearly generate a predominance of Sanskrit vocabulary in Urdu as well as Hindi usage . Jump up ^ `` Tirupati : Sri Venkateswara Dhyana Vignan Mandiram , Tirupati Tourist Places to Visit for Temple '' . Retrieved 11 May 2016 . Jump up ^ Monier - Williams Sanskrit - English Dictionary , क्षेत्र `` sacred spot , place of pilgrimage '' . Jump up ^ Knut A. Jacobsen ( 2012 ) , Pilgrimage in the Hindu Tradition : Salvific Space , Routledge , ISBN 978 - 0415590389 Bibliography ( edit ) Stella Kramrisch , Hindu Temple , ISBN 978 - 8120802223 Goel , S.R. , and Arun Shourie. 1992 . Hindu temples : what happened to them . New Delhi : Voice of India . Michael W. Meister , Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture , ISBN 978 - 0195615371 George Michell , The Hindu Temple : An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms , ISBN 978 - 0226532301 Ram Rāz , Henry Harkness ( 1834 ) , Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus at Google Books - on Hindu Temple Vimana , Pillars and Śilpa Śastras Nagar , Shanti Lal. 1990 . The temples of Himachal Pradesh . New Delhi : Aditya Prakashan . Kṛṣṇa Deva. 1995 . Temples of India . New Delhi : Aryan Books International . External links ( edit ) Measurement and Proportion in Hindu Temple Architecture Michael Meister Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hindu temples . Worship in Hinduism Main topics Aarti Bhajan Darśana Deities Festivals Homa ( Yajna ) Kirtan Mantra Murti Tilaka Utsava Vrata Yatra Rituals Puja Abhisheka Bhog Naivedhya Panchamakara Panchamrita Parikrama Pranāma Prasad Pushpanjali Homa Yajna Agnicayana Agnihotra Agnikaryam Aupasana Dhuni Kaamya karma Pravargya Purushamedha Putrakameshti Viraja Homa Other Achamana Archana Ashirvad Ashvamedha Darśana Karmkand Kumbhabhishekham Nitya karma Ngejot Panchayatana puja Prana pratishta Sandhyavandanam Shuddhi Shrauta Upakarma Prayer Meditation Ajapa japa Bhajan Brahmamuhurtha Jagran Jai Sri Ram Japa Kirtan Om Sandhyavandanam Shaktipat Stotra Third eye Yoga Mantras Om Hare Krishna Om Namah Shivaya Gayatri Mantra Objects Puja thali Altar Banalinga Banana leaf Biruda Coconut Dhunachi Dhuni Dhupa Diya Cāmara Garland Ghanta Joss stick Kalasha Kamandalu Khirapat Kindi Paduka Palki Panchamrita Pandal Pinda Prayer beads Rangoli Shankha Tilaka Upanayana Uthsavar Yagnopaveetham Materials Agarwood Alta Camphor Charu Ghee Incense Kumkuma Marigold Milk Panchagavya Rudraksha Sandalwood Sindoor Soma Tulsi Turmeric Vibhuti Instruments Dholak Harmonium Karatalas Khol Manjira Mridangam Tabla Iconography Lingam Murti Om Pindi Shaligram Swastika Yoni more ... 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what do you do at a hindu temple
When inside the temple , devotees keep both hands folded ( namaste mudra ) . The inner sanctuary , where the murtis reside , is known as the garbhagriha . It symbolizes the birthplace of the universe , the meeting place of the gods and mankind , and the threshold between the transcendental and the phenomenal worlds . It is in this inner shrine that devotees seek a darsana of , where they offer prayers . Devotees may or may not be able to personally present their offerings at the feet of the deity . In most large Indian temples , only the pujaris ( priest ) are allowed to enter into the main sanctum .
1930 FIFA World Cup - wikipedia 1930 FIFA World Cup 1930 FIFA World Cup 1er Campeonato Mundial de Fútbol Official poster Tournament details Host country Uruguay Dates 13 -- 30 July ( 18 days ) Teams 13 ( from 3 confederations ) Venue ( s ) 3 ( in 1 host city ) Final positions Champions Uruguay ( 1st title ) Runners - up Argentina Third place United States Fourth place Yugoslavia Tournament statistics Matches played 18 Goals scored 70 ( 3.89 per match ) Attendance 590,549 ( 32,808 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Guillermo Stábile ( 8 goals ) Best player José Nasazzi 1934 → The 1930 FIFA World Cup was the inaugural FIFA World Cup , the world championship for men 's national association football teams . It took place in Uruguay from 13 to 30 July 1930 . FIFA , football 's international governing body , selected Uruguay as host nation , as the country would be celebrating the centenary of its first constitution , and the Uruguay national football team had successfully retained their football title at the 1928 Summer Olympics . All matches were played in the Uruguayan capital , Montevideo , the majority at the Estadio Centenario , which was built for the tournament . Thirteen teams ( seven from South America , four from Europe and two from North America ) entered the tournament . Only a few European teams chose to participate because of the difficulty of travelling to South America . The teams were divided into four groups , with the winner of each group progressing to the semi-finals . The first two World Cup matches took place simultaneously , and were won by France and the United States , who defeated Mexico 4 -- 1 and Belgium 3 -- 0 , respectively . Lucien Laurent of France scored the first goal in World Cup history , while US goalkeeper Jimmy Douglas posted the first official `` clean sheet '' in the tournament . Argentina , Uruguay , the United States and Yugoslavia each won their respective groups to qualify for the semi-finals . In the final , hosts and pre-tournament favourites Uruguay defeated Argentina 4 -- 2 in front of a crowd of 68,346 people , and became the first nation to win the World Cup . Contents 1 Host selection 2 Participants 3 Venues 4 Squads 5 Match officials 6 Format 7 Draw 8 Tournament summary 8.1 Group 1 8.2 Group 2 8.3 Group 3 8.4 Group 4 8.5 Semi-finals 8.6 Third and fourth place 8.7 Final 9 Group stage 9.1 Group 1 9.2 Group 2 9.3 Group 3 9.4 Group 4 10 Knockout stage 10.1 Bracket 10.2 Semi-finals 10.3 Final 11 Goalscorers 12 FIFA retrospective ranking 13 Last surviving players 14 Film 15 Notes 16 Bibliography 17 External links Host selection ( edit ) Main article : FIFA World Cup hosts Italy , Sweden , the Netherlands , Spain , Hungary and Uruguay all lodged applications to host the event . Uruguay 's bid became the clear selection after all the other countries withdrew their bids . Participants ( edit ) Participating countries The first World Cup was the only one without qualification . Every country affiliated with FIFA was invited to compete , and given a deadline of 28 February 1930 to accept . Plenty of interest was shown by nations in the Americas ; Argentina , Brazil , Bolivia , Chile , Mexico , Paraguay , Peru and the United States all entered . A total of seven South American teams participated , more than in any subsequent World Cup Finals . However , because of the long and costly trip by ship across the Atlantic Ocean , and the length of absence required for players , very few European teams were inclined to take part . Some refused to countenance travel to South America in any circumstances , and no European entries were received before the February deadline . In an attempt to gain some European participation , the Uruguayan Football Association sent a letter of invitation to The Football Association , even though the British Home Nations ( England , Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales ) had resigned from FIFA at the time . This was rejected by the FA Committee on 18 November 1929 . Two months before the start of the tournament , no team from Europe had officially entered . FIFA president Jules Rimet intervened , and eventually four European teams made the trip by sea : Belgium , France , Romania , and Yugoslavia . The Romanians , managed by Constantin Rădulescu and coached by their captain Rudolf Wetzer and Octav Luchide , entered the competition following the intervention of newly crowned King Carol II . He selected the squad personally , and negotiated with employers to ensure that the players would still have jobs upon their return . The French entered at the personal intervention of Rimet , but neither France 's star defender Manuel Anatol nor the team 's regular coach Gaston Barreau could be persuaded to make the trip . The Belgians participated at the instigation of German - Belgian FIFA vice-president Rodolphe Seeldrayers . We were 15 days on the ship Conte Verde getting out there . We embarked from Villefranche - sur - Mer in company of the Belgians and the Yugoslavians . We did our basic exercises down below and our training on deck . The coach never spoke about tactics at all ... Lucien Laurent The Romanians boarded the SS Conte Verde at Genoa , the French were picked up at Villefranche - sur - Mer on 21 June 1930 ; and the Belgians embarked at Barcelona . The Conte Verde carried Rimet , the trophy and the three designated European referees : the Belgians Jean Langenus and Henri Christophe , along with Thomas Balway , a Parisian who may have been English . The Brazilian team were picked up when the boat docked in Rio de Janeiro on 29 June before arriving in Uruguay on 4 July . Yugoslavia travelled via the mail steamship Florida from Marseille . In the Kingdom of Yugoslavia there were doubts about their participation at first . Since the Croatians decided to boycott the national team , King Alexander I did not want to finance the whole idea , but in the end they found a solution . Belgrade football association officials decided to round up only domestic ( Serbian ) star players , mainly from two rival Belgrade clubs , BSK and SK Jugoslavija , with an additional three Serbs who played for French clubs ( Ivan Bek among them ) . Therefore , the Yugoslavia team was exclusively made up of Serbian players ; and with the two biggest stars of the team , Blagoje Marjanović ( `` Moša '' ) and Aleksandar Tirnanić ( `` Tirke '' ) , both from BSK , they were ready for a trip to South America to represent Yugoslavia in the World Cup . The Yugoslavians were the youngest team in the World Cup ; with an average age of 21 years and 258 days . After their first match , against Brazil , they received a new nickname `` The Ich - es '' or `` Ichachos '' ( in Spanish ) by the Uruguayan press ; referring to most of the player 's surnames that ended up with the `` - ić '' or `` - vić '' suffix , which is quite common for Serbian last names . They achieved the joint -- biggest success in both Yugoslav and Serbian subsequent World Cup footballing history , by earning fourth place , a result that would be repeated in 1962 . Venues ( edit ) All matches took place in Montevideo . Three stadiums were used : Estadio Centenario , Estadio Pocitos , and Estadio Parque Central . The Estadio Centenario was built both for the tournament and as a celebration of the centenary of Uruguayan independence . Designed by Juan Scasso , it was the primary stadium for the tournament , referred to by Rimet as a `` temple of football '' . With a capacity of 90,000 , it was the largest football stadium outside the British Isles . The stadium hosted 10 of the 18 matches , including both semi-finals and the final . However , a rushed construction schedule and delays caused by the rainy season meant the Centenario was not ready for use until five days into the tournament . Early matches were played at smaller stadiums usually used by Montevideo football clubs Nacional and Peñarol , the 20,000 capacity Parque Central and the Pocitos . Montevideo 1930 FIFA World Cup ( Uruguay ) Montevideo Estadio Centenario Estadio Gran Parque Central Estadio Pocitos 34 ° 53 ′ 40.38 '' S 56 ° 9 ′ 10.08 '' W  /  34.8945500 ° S 56.1528000 ° W  / - 34.8945500 ; - 56.1528000  ( Estadio Centenario ) 34 ° 54 ′ 4 '' S 56 ° 9 ′ 32 '' W  /  34.90111 ° S 56.15889 ° W  / - 34.90111 ; - 56.15889  ( Estadio Gran Parque Central ) 34 ° 54 ′ 18.378 '' S 56 ° 9 ′ 22.42 '' W  /  34.90510500 ° S 56.1562278 ° W  / - 34.90510500 ; - 56.1562278  ( Estadio Pocitos ) Capacity : 90,000 Capacity : 20,000 Capacity : 1,000 Squads ( edit ) For a list of all squads that appeared in the final tournament , see 1930 FIFA World Cup squads . Match officials ( edit ) Fifteen referees participated in the tournament : four Europeans -- two Belgians ( Henri Christophe and John Langenus ) , a Frenchman , and a Romanian ( Constantin Rădulescu , also the Romanian team coach ) , and eleven from the Americas -- among them six Uruguayans . In order to eliminate differences in the application of the Laws of the Game , the referees were invited to one short meeting to iron out the most conflicting issues arising from the game . Of all the refereeing appointments , the two that attracted most attention were that of Gilberto de Almeida Rêgo in the match between Argentina and France , in which the Brazilian referee blew for full - time six minutes early , and that of the Bolivian Ulises Saucedo 's in the Argentina and Mexico encounter , which Argentina won 6 -- 3 . During the game Saucedo , who was also the coach of Bolivia , awarded three penalties . The following is the list of officials to serve as referees and linesmen . Officials in italics were only employed as linesmen during the tournament . Europe Thomas Balvay Henri Christophe Jan Langenus Constantin Rădulescu North America Gaspar Vallejo South America Gualberto Alonso Martin Aphesteguy Domingo Lombardi José Macías Francisco Mateucci Almeida Rêgo Ulises Saucedo Anibal Tejada Ricardo Vallarino Alberto Warnken Format ( edit ) The 13 teams were drawn into four groups , with Group 1 containing four teams , and the others containing three . Each group played a round - robin format , with the four group winners progressing to the knockout semi-final stage . Draw ( edit ) Uruguay , Argentina , Brazil , and the United States were seeded , and were kept apart in the draw , which took place in Montevideo once all the teams arrived . Since there were no qualifying games , the opening two matches of the tournament were the first World Cup games ever played , taking place simultaneously on 13 July 1930 ; France beat Mexico 4 -- 1 at the Estadio Pocitos , while the United States defeated Belgium 3 -- 0 at the same time at the Estadio Gran Parque Central . France 's Lucien Laurent was the scorer of the first World Cup goal . Tournament summary ( edit ) Group 1 ( edit ) We were playing Mexico and it was snowing , since it was winter in the southern hemisphere . One of my team mates centred the ball and I followed its path carefully , taking it on the volley with my right foot . Everyone was pleased but we did n't all roll around on the ground -- nobody realised that history was being made . A quick handshake and we got on with the game . And no bonus either ; we were all amateurs in those days , right to the end . Lucien Laurent The first group was the only one to contain four teams : Argentina , Chile , France and Mexico . Two days after France 's victory over Mexico , they faced group favourites Argentina . Injuries hindered France ; goalkeeper Alex Thépot had to leave the field after 20 minutes , and Laurent , after a fierce tackle by Luis Monti , spent most of the match limping . However , they held out for most of the match , only succumbing to an 81st - minute goal scored from a Monti free kick . The game featured an officiating controversy when referee Almeida Rêgo erroneously blew the final whistle six minutes early , with Frenchman Marcel Langiller clear on goal ; play only resumed after protests from the French players . Though France had played twice in 48 hours , Chile had yet to play their first match . They faced Mexico the following day , gaining a comfortable 3 -- 0 win . France 's final match , against Chile , featured the first penalty kick of the World Cup . The first goalkeeper to save a penalty was Alex Thépot of France on 19 July 1930 , saving from Chile 's Carlos Vidal in the 30th minute of the match . In Argentina 's second match , against Mexico , three penalty kicks were awarded . During the same match on 19 July 1930 Mexico 's Oscar Bonfiglio Martínez saved another penalty at the 23rd minute of the match against Argentina 's Fernando Paternoster . Guillermo Stábile scored a hat - trick in his international debut as Argentina won 6 -- 3 , despite the absence of their captain Manuel Ferreira , who had returned to Buenos Aires to take a law exam . Qualification was decided by the group 's final match , contested by Argentina and Chile , who had beaten France and Mexico , respectively . The game was marred by a brawl sparked by a foul on Arturo Torres by Monti . Argentina won 3 -- 1 against their neighbours and advanced to the semi-finals . Group 2 ( edit ) The second group contained Brazil , Bolivia and Yugoslavia . Brazil , the group seeds , were expected to progress , but in the group 's opening match , unexpectedly lost 2 -- 1 to Yugoslavia . Going into the tournament Bolivia had never previously won an international match . For their opener they paid tribute to the hosts by wearing shirts each emblazoned with a single letter , spelling `` Viva Uruguay '' as the team lined up . Both of Bolivia 's matches followed a similar pattern , a promising start gradually transforming into heavy defeat . Against Yugoslavia , they held out for an hour before conceding , but were four goals down by the final whistle . Misfortune played its part ; several Bolivian goals were disallowed . Against Brazil , when both teams had only pride to play for , the score was 1 -- 0 to Brazil at half - time . Brazil added three more in the second half , two of them scored by the multi-sportsman Preguinho . Yugoslavia qualified for the semi-finals . Group 3 ( edit ) Hosts Uruguay were in a group with Peru and Romania . The opening match in this group saw the first player expulsion in the competition , when Plácido Galindo of Peru was dismissed against Romania . The Romanians made their man advantage pay ; their 3 -- 1 win included two late goals . This match had the smallest crowd of any in World Cup history . The official attendance was 2,459 , but the actual figure is generally accepted to be around 300 . Because of construction delays at Estadio Centenario , Uruguay 's first match was not played until five days into the tournament . The first to be held at the Centenario , it was preceded by a ceremony in honour of the Uruguayan centenary celebrations . The Uruguayan team spent the four weeks preceding the match in a training camp , at which strict discipline was exercised . Goalkeeper Andrés Mazali was dropped from the squad for breaking a curfew to visit his wife . One hundred years to the day of the creation of Uruguay 's first constitution , the hosts won a tight match against Peru 1 -- 0 . Spectators praised Peru 's defense , and this turned out to be the only tournament match in which Uruguay scored only one goal . The result was viewed as a poor performance by the Uruguayan press , but lauded in Peru . Uruguay subsequently defeated Romania with ease , scoring four first half goals to win 4 -- 0 . Group 4 ( edit ) The fourth group contained Belgium , Paraguay and The United States . The American team , which contained a significant number of new caps , were reputedly nicknamed `` the shot - putters '' by an unnamed source in the French contingent . They beat their first opponents , Belgium , 3 -- 0 . The ease of the victory was unexpected ; Uruguayan newspaper Imparcial wrote that `` the large score of the American victory has really surprised the experts '' . Belgian reports bemoaned the state of the pitch and refereeing decisions , claiming that the second goal was offside . The group 's second match , played in windy conditions , witnessed the first tournament hat - trick , scored by Bert Patenaude of the United States against Paraguay . Until 10 November 2006 , the first hat - trick that FIFA acknowledged had been scored by Guillermo Stábile of Argentina , two days after Patenaude ; however , in 2006 FIFA announced that Patenaude 's claim to being the first hat - trick scorer was valid , as a goal previously assigned to teammate Tom Florie was reattributed to Patenaude . With the United States having secured qualification , the final match in the group was a dead rubber . Paraguay beat Belgium by a 1 -- 0 margin . Semi-finals ( edit ) The four group winners , Argentina , Yugoslavia , Uruguay and the United States , moved to the semi-finals . The two semi-final matches saw identical scores . The first semi-final was played between the USA and Argentina on a rain - drenched pitch . The United States team , which featured six British - born players , lost midfielder Raphael Tracy after ten minutes to a broken leg as the match became violent . A Monti goal halfway through the first half gave Argentina a 1 -- 0 half - time lead . In the second half , the strength of the United States team was overwhelmed by the pace of the Argentinian attacks , the match finishing 6 -- 1 to Argentina . In the second semi-final there were shades of the 1924 Summer Olympics match between Yugoslavia and Uruguay . Here , though , Yugoslavia took a surprise lead through Vujadinović . Uruguay then took a 2 -- 1 lead . Then shortly before half - time Yugoslavia had a goal disallowed by a controversial offside decision . The hosts scored three more in the second half to win 6 -- 1 , Pedro Cea completing a hat - trick . Third and fourth place ( edit ) The now - traditional third place play - off was not established until 1934 , so the format of the 1930 World Cup is unique in not distinguishing between the third and fourth placed teams . Occasional sources , notably a FIFA Bulletin from 1984 , incorrectly imply that a third - place match occurred and was won 3 -- 1 by Yugoslavia . Accounts differ as to whether a third - place match was originally scheduled . According to a 2009 book by Hyder Jawad , Yugoslavia refused to play a third - place match because they were upset with the refereeing in their semi-final against Uruguay . At the end of the championship , the captains of the United States team ( Tom Florie ) and Yugoslavia ( Milutin Ivković ) both received bronze medals . Yet a FIFA technical committee report on the 1986 World Cup included full retrospective rankings of all teams at all previous World Cup finals ; this report ranked the United States third and Yugoslavia fourth , due to a better goal difference on otherwise identical records , a practice since continued by FIFA . In 2010 , the son of Kosta Hadži , the chief of Yugoslav delegation at the 1930 World Cup and the vice-president of the Football Association of Yugoslavia at the time , claimed that Yugoslavia , as a team , has been awarded one bronze medal , which has been kept by Hadži himself and his family for the following 80 years . According to this source , Yugoslavia was placed third because of the semi-finals loss to the eventual champions , Uruguay . Final ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup Final Because of a dispute , a different ball was used in each half , one chosen by each team . Argentina 's ball ( top ) was used for the first half , and Uruguay 's ball ( bottom ) was used for the second half . The resounding wins for Uruguay and Argentina in the semi-finals meant the final was a repeat of the matchup in the 1928 Olympic final , which Uruguay had won 2 -- 1 after a replay . The final was played at the Estadio Centenario on 30 July . Feelings ran high around the La Plata Basin as the Argentine supporters crossed the river with the war cry Victoria o muerte ( `` victory or death '' ) , dispelling any uncertainty as to whether the tournament had captured the imagination of the public . The ten boats earmarked to carry Argentine fans from Buenos Aires to Montevideo proved inadequate , and any number of assorted craft attempted the crossing . An estimated 10 -- 15,000 Argentinians made the trip , but the port at Montevideo was so overwhelmed that many did not even make landfall before kick - off , let alone reach the stadium . At the stadium , supporters were searched for weapons . The gates were opened at eight o'clock , six hours before kick - off , and at noon the ground was full , the official attendance 93,000 . A disagreement overshadowed the build - up to the match as the teams failed to agree on who should provide the match ball , forcing FIFA to intervene and decree that the Argentine team would provide the ball for the first half and the Uruguayans would provide their own for the second . Uruguay made one change from their semi-final line - up . Castro replaced Anselmo , who missed out due to illness . Monti played for Argentina despite receiving death threats on the eve of the match . The referee was Belgian John Langenus , who only agreed to officiate a few hours before the game , having sought assurances for his safety . One of his requests was for a boat to be ready at the harbour within one hour of the final whistle , in case he needed to make a quick escape . The hosts scored the opening goal through Pablo Dorado , a low shot from a position on the right . Argentina , displaying superior passing ability , responded strongly . Within eight minutes they were back on level terms ; Carlos Peucelle received a Ferreira through - ball , beat his marker and equalised . Shortly before half - time leading tournament goalscorer Guillermo Stábile gave Argentina a 2 -- 1 lead . Uruguay captain Nasazzi protested , maintaining that Stábile was offside , but to no avail . In the second half Uruguay gradually became ascendant . Shortly after Monti missed a chance to make the score 3 -- 1 , Uruguay attacked in numbers , and Pedro Cea scored an equaliser . Ten minutes later a goal by Santos Iriarte gave Uruguay the lead , and just before full - time Castro made it 4 -- 2 to seal the win . Langenus ended the match a minute later , and Uruguay thus added the title World Cup winners to their mantle of Olympic champions . Jules Rimet presented the World Cup Trophy , which was later named for him , to the head of the Uruguayan Football Association , Raúl Jude . The following day was declared a national holiday in Uruguay ; in the Argentinian capital , Buenos Aires , a mob threw stones at the Uruguayan consulate . Francisco Varallo ( who played as a forward for Argentina ) was the last player of the final to die , on 30 August 2010 . France , Yugoslavia and the United States all played friendlies in South America following the competition . Brazil played France on 1 August , Yugoslavia on 10 August and the United States on 17 August , while Argentina hosted Yugoslavia on 3 August . Uruguay 's aggregate goal difference of + 12 over four games , at an average of + 3 per match , remains the highest average goal difference per match of any World Cup champion , and the second highest of any World Cup Finals participant , after Hungary in 1954 . Group stage ( edit ) Group 1 ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup Group 1 Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Argentina 0 0 10 + 6 6 Chile 0 5 + 2 France 0 + 1 Mexico 0 0 13 − 9 0 13 July 1930 15 : 00 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) France 4 -- 1 Mexico L. Laurent 19 ' Langiller 40 ' Maschinot 43 ' , 87 ' Report Carreño 70 ' Estadio Pocitos , Montevideo Attendance : 4,444 Referee : Domingo Lombardi ( Uruguay ) 15 July 1930 16 : 00 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Argentina 1 -- 0 France Monti 81 ' Report Estadio Parque Central , Montevideo Attendance : 23,409 Referee : Almeida Rêgo ( Brazil ) 16 July 1930 14 : 45 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Chile 3 -- 0 Mexico Vidal 3 ' , 65 ' M. Rosas 52 ' ( o.g. ) Report Estadio Parque Central , Montevideo Attendance : 9,249 Referee : Henri Christophe ( Belgium ) 19 July 1930 12 : 50 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Chile 1 -- 0 France Subiabre 67 ' Report Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 2,000 Referee : Anibal Tejada ( Uruguay ) 19 July 1930 15 : 00 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Argentina 6 -- 3 Mexico Stábile 8 ' , 17 ' , 80 ' Zumelzú 12 ' , 55 ' Varallo 53 ' Report M. Rosas 42 ' ( pen . ) , 65 ' Gayón 75 ' Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 42,100 Referee : Ulises Saucedo ( Bolivia ) 22 July 1930 14 : 45 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Argentina 3 -- 1 Chile Stábile 12 ' , 13 ' M. Evaristo 51 ' Report Subiabre 15 ' Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 41,459 Referee : John Langenus ( Belgium ) Group 2 ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup Group 2 Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Yugoslavia 0 0 6 + 5 Brazil 0 5 + 3 Bolivia 0 0 0 8 − 8 0 14 July 1930 12 : 45 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Yugoslavia 2 -- 1 Brazil Tirnanić 21 ' Bek 30 ' Report Preguinho 62 ' Estadio Parque Central , Montevideo Attendance : 24,059 Referee : Aníbal Tejada ( Uruguay ) 17 July 1930 12 : 45 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Yugoslavia 4 -- 0 Bolivia Bek 60 ' , 67 ' Marjanović 65 ' Vujadinović 85 ' Report Estadio Parque Central , Montevideo Attendance : 18,306 Referee : Francisco Mateucci ( Uruguay ) 20 July 1930 13 : 00 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Brazil 4 -- 0 Bolivia Moderato 37 ' , 73 ' Preguinho 57 ' , 83 ' Report Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 25,466 Referee : Thomas Balvay ( France ) Group 3 ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup Group 3 Team Pld GF GA GD Pts Uruguay 0 0 5 0 + 5 Romania 0 5 − 2 Peru 0 0 − 3 0 14 July 1930 14 : 50 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Romania 3 -- 1 Peru Deşu 1 ' Stanciu 79 ' Kovács 89 ' Report Souza Ferreira 75 ' Estadio Pocitos , Montevideo Attendance : 2,549 Referee : Alberto Warnken ( Chile ) 18 July 1930 14 : 30 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Uruguay 1 -- 0 Peru Castro 65 ' Report Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 57,735 Referee : John Langenus ( Belgium ) 21 July 1930 14 : 50 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Uruguay 4 -- 0 Romania Dorado 7 ' Scarone 26 ' Anselmo 31 ' Cea 35 ' Report Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 70,022 Referee : Almeida Rêgo ( Brazil ) Group 4 ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup Group 4 Team Pld GF GA GD Pts United States 0 0 6 0 + 6 Paraguay 0 − 2 Belgium 0 0 0 − 4 0 13 July 1930 15 : 00 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) United States 3 -- 0 Belgium McGhee 23 ' Florie 45 ' Patenaude 69 ' Report Estadio Parque Central , Montevideo Attendance : 18,346 Referee : José Macías ( Argentina ) 17 July 1930 14 : 45 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) United States 3 -- 0 Paraguay Patenaude 10 ' , 15 ' , 50 ' Report Estadio Parque Central , Montevideo Attendance : 18,306 Referee : José Macías ( Argentina ) 20 July 1930 15 : 00 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Paraguay 1 -- 0 Belgium Vargas Peña 40 ' Report Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 12,000 Referee : Ricardo Vallarino ( Uruguay ) Knockout stage ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup knockout stage Bracket ( edit ) Semi-finals Final 27 July -- Montevideo ( Centenario ) Uruguay 6 30 July -- Montevideo ( Centenario ) Yugoslavia Uruguay 26 July -- Montevideo ( Centenario ) Argentina Argentina 6 United States Semi-finals ( edit ) 26 July 1930 14 : 45 UYT Argentina 6 -- 1 United States Monti 20 ' Scopelli 56 ' Stábile 69 ' , 87 ' Peucelle 80 ' , 85 ' Report Brown 89 ' Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 72,886 Referee : John Langenus ( Belgium ) 27 July 1930 14 : 45 UYT ( UTC − 03 : 30 ) Uruguay 6 -- 1 Yugoslavia Cea 18 ' , 67 ' , 72 ' Anselmo 20 ' , 31 ' Iriarte 61 ' Report Vujadinović 4 ' Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 79,867 Referee : Gilberto de Almeida Rêgo ( Brazil ) Final ( edit ) Main article : 1930 FIFA World Cup Final 30 July 1930 ( 1930 - 07 - 30 ) 14 : 15 UYT ( UTC - 03 : 30 ) Uruguay 4 -- 2 Argentina Dorado 12 ' Cea 57 ' Iriarte 68 ' Castro 89 ' Report Peucelle 20 ' Stábile 37 ' Estadio Centenario , Montevideo Attendance : 68,346 Referee : John Langenus ( Belgium ) Goalscorers ( edit ) With eight goals , Guillermo Stábile was the top scorer in the tournament . In total , 70 goals were scored by 36 players , with only one of them credited as an own goal . 8 goals Guillermo Stábile 5 goals Pedro Cea 4 goals Bert Patenaude 3 goals Carlos Peucelle Preguinho Peregrino Anselmo Ivan Bek 2 goals Luis Monti Adolfo Zumelzú Moderato Guillermo Subiabre Carlos Vidal André Maschinot Manuel Rosas Héctor Castro Pablo Dorado Santos Iriarte Đorđe Vujadinović 1 goal Mario Evaristo Alejandro Scopelli Francisco Varallo Marcel Langiller Lucien Laurent Juan Carreño Roberto Gayón Luis Vargas Peña Luis de Souza Ferreira Adalbert Deșu Nicolae Kovács Constantin Stanciu Jim Brown Tom Florie Bart McGhee Héctor Scarone Blagoje Marjanović Aleksandar Tirnanić 1 own goal Manuel Rosas ( playing against Chile ) FIFA retrospective ranking ( edit ) In 1986 , FIFA published a report that ranked all teams in each World Cup up to and including 1986 , based on progress in the competition , overall results and quality of the opposition . The rankings for the 1930 tournament were as follows : R Team GF GA GD Pts Uruguay 0 0 15 + 12 8 Argentina 5 0 18 9 + 9 8 United States 0 7 6 + 1 Yugoslavia 0 7 7 0 Eliminated in the group stage 5 Chile 0 5 + 2 6 Brazil 0 5 + 3 7 France 0 + 1 8 Romania 0 5 − 2 9 Paraguay 0 − 2 10 Peru 0 0 − 3 0 11 Belgium 0 0 0 − 4 0 12 Bolivia 0 0 0 8 − 8 0 13 Mexico 0 0 13 − 9 0 Last surviving players ( edit ) The last surviving player from Uruguay 's World Cup - winning side was Ernesto Mascheroni , who died on 3 July 1984 at the age of 76 . He was outlived by reserve defender Emilio Recoba who died on 12 September 1992 ( aged 87 ) , but did not play any matches in the tournament . However , many other players who participated in the tournament were still alive by this stage and the last surviving player from the tournament was Argentina 's Francisco Varallo , who died on 30 August 2010 at the age of 100 -- eighty years after the tournament . Lucien Laurent , the scorer of the first ever World Cup Goal was the last surviving Member of the France Squad and was invited in 1998 Final seeing France lifting its first ever World Cup win also as the only France member . He died in 2005 at the age of 97 . Film ( edit ) A recreation of the tournament from the point of view of the Yugoslavian team can be seen in the 2014 Serbian film See You in Montevideo . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` World Cup Best Players ( Golden Ball ) '' . Topend Sports . Retrieved 23 June 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` History of FIFA -- The first FIFA World Cup '' . FIFA . Retrieved 14 June 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` World Cup History -- Uruguay 1930 '' . BBC Sport . BBC . 11 April 2002 . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . Jump up ^ Hunt , Chris ( 2006 ) . World Cup Stories : The History of the FIFA World Cup . Ware : Interact . p. 10 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9549819 - 2 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Uruguay 1930 '' . Fourfourtwo magazine . Archived from the original on 19 August 2007 . Retrieved 20 June 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` FIFA World Cup -- Classic Moments from FIFA World Cup History '' . FIFA . Archived from the original on 26 April 2006 . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . Jump up ^ Seddon , pp. 8 -- 9 Jump up ^ Goldblatt ( 2008 ) , p. 248 ^ Jump up to : Goldblatt ( 2008 ) , p. 249 ^ Jump up to : Vautrot , Michel ( 17 June 1998 ) . `` A historical link with the Franche - Comté '' . FIFA . Archived from the original on 8 June 2008 . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . Jump up ^ `` 1930 FIFA World Cup Uruguay '' . FIFA . Archived from the original on 2 February 2009 . Retrieved 15 June 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Lara , Miguel A. `` Uruguay , allí nació la historia '' . Archive ( in Spanish ) . . Archived from the original on 17 June 2009 . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` FIFA World Cup : Milestones , facts & figures . Statistical Kit 7 '' ( PDF ) . FIFA. 26 March 2013 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 21 May 2013 . Jump up ^ Goldblatt , David ( 2007 ) . The Ball is Round : A Global History of Football . London : Penguin . p. 248 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 14 - 101582 - 8 . Jump up ^ Dunning , Eric ; Malcolm , Dominic ( 2003 ) . Sport . Routledge . p. 46 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 26292 - 7 . Jump up ^ Glanville , p. 16 ^ Jump up to : `` 25 datos sobre la Copa Mundial de la FIFA '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 20 August 2011 . Jump up ^ `` I Campeonato `` Uruguay 1930 '' `` . Archived from the original on 23 November 2007 . Retrieved 20 August 2011 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ Glanville , Brian ( 2005 ) . The Story of the World Cup . Faber . p. 17 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 571 - 22944 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` History of the World Cup draw '' ( PDF ) . FIFA . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . Jump up ^ Molinaro , John F. `` Lucien Laurent : The World Cup 's First Goal Scorer '' . CBC Sports . Canadian Broadcasting Corporation . Retrieved 14 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Freddi , Cris ( 2006 ) . Complete Book of the World Cup 2006 . London : HarperCollins . p. 3 . ISBN 0 - 00 - 722916 - X . ^ Jump up to : Glanville , p. 18 ^ Jump up to : Crouch , p. 6 ^ Jump up to : Millingstein 's History of World Cup Archived 22 February 2014 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` 1930 Golden Boot -- Guillermo Stabile '' . Sky Sports . Archived from the original on 29 August 2006 . Retrieved 20 June 2009 . ( mirror ) Jump up ^ Seddon , Peter ( 2005 ) . The World Cup 's Strangest Moments . London : Robson . p. 5 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 86105 - 869 - 0 . ^ Jump up to : Glanville , p. 19 ^ Jump up to : Freddi , p. 5 Jump up ^ Freddi , p. 6 Jump up ^ Freddi , p. 7 Jump up ^ Freddi , p. 8 ^ Jump up to : Almeida , p. 125 Jump up ^ Pulgar - Vidal Otálora , Jaime ( 24 February 2007 ) . `` Peru en El Mundial del 30 '' . . Archived from the original on 29 June 2013 . Retrieved 21 June 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Almeida , Rony J. ( 2006 ) . Where It All Began . Lulu . p. 91 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4116 - 7906 - 1 . Jump up ^ Freddi , p. 9 Jump up ^ `` American Bert Patenaude credited with first hat trick in FIFA World Cup history '' . FIFA . Retrieved 14 June 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The first World Cup hat trick '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Archived from the original on 4 November 2009 . Retrieved 3 December 2009 . Jump up ^ Lisi , Clemente Angelo ( 2007 ) . A history of the World Cup : 1930 -- 2006 . Lanham , Maryland : Scarecrow Press . pp. 16 -- 17 . ISBN 0 - 8108 - 5905 - X . Retrieved 26 April 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Crouch , p. 11 . Jump up ^ `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Archived from the original on 2 June 2009 . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . Jump up ^ Jawad , Hyder ( 2009 ) ; Four Weeks In Montevideo : The Story of World Cup 1930 , ( Seventeen Media & Publishing ) , p. 105 Jump up ^ Florie medal -- Where the Legend Began Jump up ^ Marjanović medal -- Sačuvana medalja Moše Marjanovića Archived 17 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine . ^ Jump up to : `` Permanent Table '' ( PDF ) . FIFA World Cup México ' 86 -- Technical Report . 1986 . p. 230 . Retrieved 11 July 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Final Tournament Standings '' . 1930 FIFA World Cup Uruguay . FIFA . Retrieved 14 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Медаља из дома Хаџијевих сведочи да смо били трећи на Мундијалу ( in Serbian ) . Politika . Archived from the original on 3 May 2010 . Retrieved 1 May 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Još uvek sjaji bronza iz Montevidea '' ( in Serbian ) . Blic . Archived from the original on 23 June 2010 . Retrieved 25 May 2010 . Jump up ^ Goldblatt , p. 250 Jump up ^ Freddi , p. 11 ^ Jump up to : `` FIFA World Cup Origin '' ( PDF ) . FIFA . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 15 June 2010 . Retrieved 17 November 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Glanville , p. 20 Jump up ^ Goldblatt , p. 251 ^ Jump up to : Freddi , p. 12 . Jump up ^ Freddi , p. 13 . Jump up ^ Glanville , p. 21 Jump up ^ `` El gol está de luto '' . Olé ( in Spanish ) . 30 August 2010 . Retrieved 30 August 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Seleção Brasileira ( Brazilian National Team ) 1923 -- 1932 '' . RSSSF Brazil . Archived from the original on 14 August 2007 . Retrieved 20 June 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Argentina national Team archive '' . RSSSF . Archived from the original on 3 June 2009 . Retrieved 14 June 2009 . ^ Jump up to : This is one of several goals for which the statistical details are disputed . The goalscorers and timings used here are those of FIFA , the official record . Some other sources , such as RSSSF , state a different scorer , timing , or both . See `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Retrieved 15 August 2010 . Jump up ^ Both of these goals are credited by RSSSF and FIFA to Carlos Vidal Jump up ^ This goal is credited by RSSSF to Carlos Vidal Jump up ^ This is one of several goals for which the statistical details are disputed . The goalscorers and timings used here are those of FIFA , the official record . Some other sources , such as RSSSF , state a different scorer , timing , or both . See `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Retrieved 15 August 2010 . ^ Jump up to : This is one of several goals for which the statistical details are disputed . The goalscorers and timings used here are those of FIFA , the official record . Some other sources , such as RSSSF , state a different scorer , timing , or both . See `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Retrieved 15 August 2010 . ^ Jump up to : This is one of several goals for which the statistical details are disputed . The goalscorers and timings used here are those of FIFA , the official record . Some other sources , such as RSSSF , state a different scorer , timing , or both . See `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Retrieved 15 August 2010 . Jump up ^ FIFA initially credited the goal in the 15th minute to Tom Florie , but changed it to Patenaude in 2006 . During previous years , it was also listed as an own goal by Aurelio González ( RSSSF ) . ^ Jump up to : This is one of several goals for which the statistical details are disputed . The goalscorers and timings used here are those of FIFA , the official record . Some other sources , such as RSSSF , state a different scorer , timing , or both . See `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . Rec. Sport. Soccer Statistics Foundation ( RSSSF ) . Retrieved 15 August 2010 . ^ Jump up to : This is one of several goals for which the statistical details are disputed . The goalscorers and timings used here are those of FIFA , the official record . Some other sources , such as RSSSF , state a different scorer and / or timing . See `` World Cup 1930 finals '' . RSSSF . Archived from the original on 3 December 2008 . Retrieved 1 December 2008 ... Jump up ^ `` Francisco Varallo : Last surviving player from first World Cup final dies aged 100 '' . 31 August 2010 . Retrieved 29 June 2014 . Bibliography ( edit ) Almeida , Rony J. ( 2006 ) . Where It All Began . Lulu . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4116 - 7906 - 1 . Crouch , Terry ( 2002 ) . The World Cup : The Complete History . London : Aurum . ISBN 1 - 85410 - 843 - 3 . Dunning , Eric ; Malcolm , Dominic ( 2003 ) . Sport . Routledge . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 26292 - 7 . Freddi , Cris ( 2006 ) . Complete Book of the World Cup 2006 . London : HarperCollins . ISBN 0 - 00 - 722916 - X . Glanville , Brian ( 2005 ) . The Story of the World Cup . London : Faber and Faber . ISBN 0 - 571 - 22944 - 1 . Goldblatt , David ( 2008 ) . The Ball Is Round : A Global History of Soccer . Penguin . ISBN 978 - 1 - 59448 - 296 - 0 . Retrieved 30 August 2010 . Hunt , Chris ( 2006 ) . World Cup Stories : The history of the FIFA World Cup . Ware : Interact . ISBN 0 - 9549819 - 2 - 8 . Jawad , Hyder ( 2009 ) ; Four Weeks In Montevideo : The Story of World Cup 1930 , ( Seventeen Media & Publishing ) Lisi , Clemente Angelo ( 2007 ) . A history of the World Cup : 1930 -- 2006 . Lanham , Maryland : Scarecrow Press . ISBN 0 - 8108 - 5905 - X . Retrieved 26 April 2011 . Seddon , Peter ( 2005 ) . The World Cup 's Strangest Moments . London : Robson . ISBN 1 - 86105 - 869 - 1 . External links ( edit ) Media related to FIFA World Cup 1930 at Wikimedia Commons Association football portal Uruguay portal 1930s portal 1930 FIFA World Cup Uruguay , 1930 FIFA World Cup Stages Group stage Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Knockout stage Final General information Squads 1930 FIFA World Cup finalists Champions Uruguay Runners - up Argentina Third place United States Fourth place Yugoslavia Group stage Belgium Bolivia Brazil Chile France Mexico Paraguay Peru Romania FIFA World Cup Tournaments Uruguay 1930 Italy 1934 France 1938 Brazil 1950 Switzerland 1954 Sweden 1958 Chile 1962 England 1966 Mexico 1970 West Germany 1974 Argentina 1978 Spain 1982 Mexico 1986 Italy 1990 United States 1994 France 1998 South Korea -- Japan 2002 Germany 2006 South Africa 2010 Brazil 2014 Russia 2018 Qatar 2022 Canada -- Mexico -- United States 2026 2030 2034 Qualification 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Finals 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Squads 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Seedings 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Broadcasters 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Bids 2014 2018 and 2022 2026 2030 Statistics 2002 2006 2014 2018 Disciplinary record 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Team appearances AFC CAF CONCACAF CONMEBOL OFC UEFA Teams with no appearances Overall records All - time table Goalscorers top goalscorers finals goalscorers hat - tricks own goals Penalty shoot - outs Player appearances Red cards Referees Winners Miscellaneous Openings Stadiums Awards Balls Economics Final draw History Hosts Mascots Official films Official anthems & songs Organisers Trophy Video games Notes : There was no qualification for the 1930 World Cup as places were given by invitation only . In 1950 , there was no final ; the article is about the decisive match of the final group stage . GND : 5075401 - 4 LCCN : n2013054476 VIAF : 150822671 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1930 FIFA World Cup 1930 in South American football 1930 in Uruguayan football FIFA World Cup tournaments International association football competitions hosted by Uruguay 1930 in association football First events July 1930 sports events 1930s in Montevideo Sports competitions in Montevideo Hidden categories : CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown Webarchive template wayback links CS1 uses Serbian - language script ( sr ) CS1 Serbian - language sources ( sr ) Use British English from September 2012 Use dmy dates from April 2018 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Featured articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Alemannisch አማርኛ Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Azərbaycanca বাংলা Беларуская Български Boarisch Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Malti मराठी مصرى Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Napulitano Norsk Occitan ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 吴语 Yorùbá 粵語 中文 71 more Edit links This page was last edited on 17 August 2018 , at 15 : 47 ( UTC ) . 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who won the first ever football world cup match
1930 FIFA World Cup 1er Campeonato Mundial de Fútbol Official poster Tournament details Host country Uruguay Dates 13 -- 30 July ( 18 days ) Teams 13 ( from 3 confederations ) Venue ( s ) 3 ( in 1 host city ) Final positions Champions Uruguay ( 1st title ) Runners - up Argentina Third place United States Fourth place Yugoslavia Tournament statistics Matches played 18 Goals scored 70 ( 3.89 per match ) Attendance 590,549 ( 32,808 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Guillermo Stábile ( 8 goals ) Best player José Nasazzi 1934 →
2018 Winter Olympics - wikipedia 2018 Winter Olympics Jump to : navigation , search `` PyeongChang 2018 '' redirects here . For the Winter Paralympics , see 2018 Winter Paralympics . XXIII Olympic Winter Games Host city Pyeongchang County , South Korea Motto Passion . Connected . Korean : 하나 된 열정. ( Hanadoen Yeoljeong ) Nations participating 92 Athletes participating 2,922 ( 1,680 men and 1,242 women ) Events 102 in 15 sports Opening ceremony 9 February Closing ceremony 25 February Officially opened by President Moon Jae - in Athlete 's Oath Mo Tae - bum Olympic Torch Kim Yun - a Stadium Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium Winter < Sochi 2014 Beijing 2022 > Summer < Rio 2016 Tokyo 2020 > Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Hangul 평창 동계 올림픽 대회 Hanja 平 昌 冬季 올림픽 大會 Revised Romanization Pyeongchang Donggye Ollimpik Daehoe McCune -- Reischauer P'yŏngch'ang Tonggye Ollimp'ik Taehoe XXIII Olympic Winter Games Hangul 제 23 회 동계 올림픽 대회 Hanja 第 二 十 三 回 冬季 올림픽 大會 Revised Romanization Jeisipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik Daehoe McCune -- Reischauer Cheisipsamhoe Tonggye Ollimp'ik Taehoe Part of a series on the 2018 Winter Olympics Bid process ( bid details ) Venues Torch relay Mascots Broadcasters Opening ceremony ( flag bearers ) Chronological summary Medal table ( medalists ) World and Olympic records Controversies ( ban on Russian athletes ) Closing ceremony ( flag bearers ) Paralympics IOC KOC POCOG The 2018 Winter Olympics , officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games ( Korean : 제 23 회 동계 올림픽 , translit . Jeisipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik ) and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018 , was an international winter multi-sport event that was held between 9 and 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County , Gangwon Province , South Korea , with the opening rounds for certain events held on 8 February 2018 , the eve of the opening ceremony . Pyeongchang was elected as the host city in July 2011 , during the 123rd IOC Session in Durban , South Africa . This was the first time that South Korea had hosted the Winter Olympics and the second Olympics held in the country overall , after the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul . It was the third time that an East Asian country had hosted the Winter Games , after Sapporo ( 1972 ) and Nagano ( 1998 ) , both in Japan . It was also the first of three consecutive Olympics to be held in East Asia , the other two being the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing . The Games featured 102 events in fifteen sports , with the addition of `` big air '' snowboarding , mass start speed skating , mixed doubles curling , and mixed team alpine skiing to the Winter Olympic programme . 2,914 athletes from 92 NOCs competed , including the debuts of Ecuador , Eritrea , Kosovo , Malaysia , Nigeria and Singapore . After a state - sponsored doping program was exposed following the 2014 Winter Olympics , the Russian Olympic Committee was suspended , and selected athletes were allowed to compete neutrally under the IOC designation of `` Olympic Athletes from Russia '' . Despite tense relations , North Korea agreed to participate in the Games , enter with South Korea during the opening ceremony as a unified Korea , and field a unified team in women 's ice hockey . Norway led the total medal tally with 39 , followed by Germany 's 31 and Canada 's 29 . Germany and Norway were tied for the most gold medals won ; both won fourteen golds . Host nation South Korea won seventeen medals , their highest medal haul at a Winter Olympics , five of which were gold . Contents ( hide ) 1 Bidding and election 2 Development and preparation 2.1 Medals 2.2 Torch relay 2.3 Venues 2.3. 1 Pyeongchang ( mountain cluster ) 2.3. 2 Gangneung ( coastal cluster ) 2.4 Ticketing 3 The Games 3.1 Opening ceremony 3.2 Sports 3.3 Participating National Olympic Committees 3.3. 1 Number of athletes by National Olympic Committee 3.4 Event scheduling 3.5 Calendar 3.6 Medal table 3.7 Podium sweeps 3.8 Records 3.9 Closing ceremony 4 Broadcasting 5 Marketing 5.1 Branding 5.2 Mascots 5.3 Video games 5.4 Sponsors 6 Concerns and controversies 6.1 North Korean relations 6.2 Russian doping 6.3 National Hockey League 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Bidding and election ( edit ) Main article : Bids for the 2018 Winter Olympics Pyeongchang bid to host both the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics , but lost in the final rounds of voting to Vancouver and Sochi respectively . Munich also launched a bid to host these Games . Prior to Beijing 's successful 2022 Winter Olympics bid , Munich would have become the first city to host both the Winter and the Summer Games , having previously hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics , but received only 25 votes . Annecy ( in southeastern France ) launched their own bid , which failed to secure public support from the local citizens . Their bid ended up receiving seven votes . Pyeongchang was elected as the host city at the 123rd IOC Session in Durban in 2011 , earning the necessary majority of at least 48 votes in just one round of voting , more votes than its competitors combined . With this , Pyeongchang became the third Asian city to host the Winter Games ; the first two were in Japan , at Sapporo ( 1972 ) and Nagano ( 1998 ) . 2018 Winter Olympics bidding results City Nation Votes Pyeongchang South Korea 63 Munich Germany 25 Annecy France 7 Development and preparation ( edit ) Pyeongchang Location in South Korea On 5 August 2011 , the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) announced the formation of the Pyeongchang 2018 Coordination Commission . On 4 October 2011 , it was announced that the Organizing Committee for the 2018 Winter Olympics would be headed by Kim Jin - sun . The Pyeongchang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games ( POCOG ) was launched at its inaugural assembly on 19 October 2011 . The first tasks of the organizing committee were putting together a master plan for the Games as well as forming a design for the venues . The IOC Coordination Commission for the 2018 Winter Olympics made their first visit to Pyeongchang in March 2012 . By then , construction was already underway on the Olympic Village . In June 2012 , construction began on a high - speed rail line that would connect Pyeongchang to Seoul . The International Paralympic Committee met for an orientation with the Pyeongchang 2018 organizing committee in July 2012 . Then - IOC President Jacques Rogge visited Pyeongchang for the first time in February 2013 . The Pyeongchang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games created Pyeongchang WINNERS in 2014 by recruiting university students living in South Korea to spread awareness of the Olympic Games through social networking services and news articles . 2018 Olympics gold medal 2018 Winter Olympics torch Medals ( edit ) The Games ' medal designs were unveiled on 21 September 2017 . Designed by Lee Suk - woo , they feature a pattern of diagonal ridges on both sides , with the front including the Olympic rings , and the obverse featuring the Games ' emblem , the event name and the discipline . The edge of the medals features extrusions of hangul alphabets , while the ribbons are made from a traditional South Korean textile . Torch relay ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Winter Olympics torch relay The torch relay started on 24 October 2017 in Greece and ended at the start of the Olympics on 9 February 2018 . On 1 November 2017 the relay entered Korea . The relay lasted 101 days . There were 7,500 torch bearers to represent the Korean population of 75 million people . There were also 2,018 support runners to guard the torch and act as messengers . The torch and its bearers traveled by a diverse means of transportation , including by turtle ship in Hansando Island , sailboat on the Baengmagang River in Buyeo , marine cable car in Yeosu , zip - wire over Bamseom Island , steam train in the Gokseong Train Village , marine rail bike along the east coast in Samcheok , and by yacht in Busan Metropolitan City . There were also robot torch relays in Jeju and Daejeon . Venues ( edit ) Olympic venues 2018 Main article : Venues of the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics Dragon Valley ( Alpensia ) Ski Resort Most of the outdoor snow events were held in the county of Pyeongchang , while the downhill , combined and super-G events in the Alpine skiing were held in the neighboring county of Jeongseon . The indoor ice events were held in Pyeongchang 's neighboring city of Gangneung . Pyeongchang ( mountain cluster ) ( edit ) The Alpensia Sports Park in Daegwallyeong - myeon , Pyeongchang , was the focus of the 2018 Winter Olympics . It was home to the Olympic Stadium , the Olympic Village and most of the outdoor sports venues . Alpensia Ski Jumping Centre -- ski jumping , Nordic combined , snowboarding ( big air ) Alpensia Biathlon Centre -- biathlon Alpensia Cross-Country Skiing Centre -- cross-country skiing , Nordic combined Alpensia Sliding Centre -- luge , bobsleigh , skeleton Yongpyong Alpine Centre -- alpine skiing ( slalom , giant slalom ) Additionally , a stand - alone outdoor sports venue was located in Bongpyeong - myeon , Pyeongchang : Phoenix Snow Park -- freestyle skiing , snowboarding Another stand - alone outdoor sports venue was located in Pyeongchang 's neighboring county of Jeongseon : Jeongseon Alpine Centre -- alpine skiing ( downhill , super-G , combined ) Gangneung ( coastal cluster ) ( edit ) The Gangneung Olympic Park in the city of Gangneung includes four indoor sports venues , all in close proximity to one another . Gangneung Hockey Centre -- ice hockey ( men 's competition ) Gangneung Curling Centre -- curling Gangneung Oval -- long track speed skating Gangneung Ice Arena -- short track speed skating , figure skating Additionally , a stand - alone indoor sports venue was located in the grounds of Catholic Kwandong University . Kwandong Hockey Centre -- ice hockey ( women 's competition ) Ticketing ( edit ) Ticket prices for the 2018 Winter Olympics were announced in April 2016 and tickets went on sale in October 2016 . Event tickets ranged in price from ₩ 20,000 ( approx . US $ 18 ) to ₩ 900,000 ( ~ US $796 ) while tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies ranged from ₩ 220,000 ( ~ US $195 ) to ₩ 1.5 million ( ~ US $1327 ) . The exact prices were determined through market research ; around 50 % of the tickets were expected to cost about ₩ 80,000 ( ~ US $71 ) or less , and tickets in sports that are relatively unknown in the region , such as biathlon and luge , were made cheaper in order to encourage attendance . By contrast , figure skating and the men 's ice hockey gold - medal game carried the most expensive tickets of the Games . As of 11 October 2017 , domestic ticket sales for the Games were reported to be slow . Of the 750,000 seats allocated to South Koreans , only 20.7 % had been sold . International sales were more favorable , with 59.7 % of the 320,000 allocated tickets sold . However , as of 31 January 2018 , 77 % of all tickets had been sold . The Games ( edit ) Parade of Nations at 2018 Olympic Opening Ceremony Opening ceremony ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony The opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held at the Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium on 9 February 2018 ; the US $100 million facility was only intended to be used for the opening and closing ceremonies of these Olympics and the subsequent Paralympics , and is scheduled to be demolished following their conclusion . Sports ( edit ) The 2018 Winter Olympics featured 102 events in 15 sports , making it the first Winter Olympics to surpass 100 medal events . Six new events in existing sports were introduced to the Winter Olympic program in Pyeongchang , including men 's and ladies ' big air snowboarding , mixed doubles curling , men 's and ladies ' mass start speed skating , and mixed team alpine skiing . Alpine skiing ( 11 ) ( details ) Biathlon ( 11 ) ( details ) Bobsleigh ( 3 ) ( details ) Cross-country skiing ( 12 ) ( details ) Curling ( 3 ) ( details ) Figure skating ( 5 ) ( details ) Freestyle skiing ( 10 ) ( details ) Ice hockey ( 2 ) ( details ) Luge ( 4 ) ( details ) Nordic combined ( 3 ) ( details ) Short track speed skating ( 8 ) ( details ) Skeleton ( 2 ) ( details ) Ski jumping ( 4 ) ( details ) Snowboarding ( 10 ) ( details ) Speed skating ( 14 ) ( details ) Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of medal events contested in each sport . Participating National Olympic Committees ( edit ) A total of 92 teams qualified at least one athlete to compete in the Games . The number of athletes who qualified per country is listed in the table below ( number of athletes shown in parentheses ) . Six nations made their Winter Olympics debut : Ecuador , Eritrea , Kosovo , Malaysia , Nigeria and Singapore . Athletes from three further countries -- the Cayman Islands , Dominica and Peru -- qualified to compete , but all three National Olympic Committees returned the quota spots back to the International Ski Federation ( FIS ) . Under an historic agreement facilitated by the IOC , qualified athletes from North Korea were allowed to cross the Korean Demilitarized Zone into South Korea to compete in the Games . The two nations marched together under the Korean Unification Flag during the opening ceremony . A unified Korean team , consisting of 12 players from North Korea and 23 from South Korea , competed in the women 's ice hockey tournament under a special IOC country code designation ( COR ) following talks in Panmunjom on 17 January 2018 . The two nations also participated separately : the South Korea team competed in every sport and the North Korea team competed in alpine skiing , cross-country skiing , figure skating and short track speed skating . See North Korea at the 2018 Winter Olympics for further details . On 5 December 2017 , the IOC announced that the Russian Olympic Committee had been suspended due to the Russian doping controversy and the investigation into the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi . Individual Russian athletes , who qualified and could demonstrate they had complied with the IOC 's doping regulations , were given the option to compete at the 2018 Games as `` Olympic Athletes from Russia '' ( OAR ) under the Olympic flag and with the Olympic anthem played at any ceremony . The participating countries at the Winter Olympics 2018 Debuting countries at the Winter Olympics ( hide ) Participating National Olympic Committees Albania ( 2 ) Andorra ( 5 ) Argentina ( 7 ) Armenia ( 3 ) Australia ( 50 ) Austria ( 105 ) Azerbaijan ( 1 ) Belarus ( 33 ) Belgium ( 22 ) Bermuda ( 1 ) Bolivia ( 2 ) Bosnia and Herzegovina ( 4 ) Brazil ( 9 ) Bulgaria ( 21 ) Canada ( 225 ) Chile ( 7 ) China ( 80 ) Chinese Taipei ( 4 ) Colombia ( 4 ) Croatia ( 19 ) Cyprus ( 1 ) Czech Republic ( 93 ) Denmark ( 17 ) East Timor ( 1 ) Ecuador ( 1 ) Eritrea ( 1 ) Estonia ( 22 ) Finland ( 100 ) France ( 106 ) Georgia ( 4 ) Germany ( 153 ) Ghana ( 1 ) Great Britain ( 58 ) Greece ( 4 ) Hong Kong ( 1 ) Hungary ( 19 ) Iceland ( 5 ) India ( 2 ) Iran ( 4 ) Ireland ( 5 ) Israel ( 10 ) Italy ( 120 ) Jamaica ( 3 ) Japan ( 124 ) Kazakhstan ( 46 ) Kenya ( 1 ) Korea ( 35 ) Kosovo ( 1 ) Kyrgyzstan ( 2 ) Latvia ( 34 ) Lebanon ( 3 ) Liechtenstein ( 3 ) Lithuania ( 9 ) Luxembourg ( 1 ) Macedonia ( 3 ) Madagascar ( 1 ) Malaysia ( 2 ) Malta ( 1 ) Mexico ( 4 ) Moldova ( 2 ) Monaco ( 4 ) Mongolia ( 2 ) Montenegro ( 3 ) Morocco ( 2 ) Netherlands ( 33 ) New Zealand ( 21 ) Nigeria ( 3 ) North Korea ( 10 ) Norway ( 109 ) Olympic Athletes from Russia ( 168 ) Pakistan ( 2 ) Philippines ( 2 ) Poland ( 62 ) Portugal ( 2 ) Puerto Rico ( 1 ) Romania ( 27 ) San Marino ( 1 ) Serbia ( 4 ) Singapore ( 1 ) Slovakia ( 56 ) Slovenia ( 71 ) South Africa ( 1 ) South Korea ( 122 ) ( host nation ) Spain ( 13 ) Sweden ( 116 ) Switzerland ( 166 ) Thailand ( 4 ) Togo ( 1 ) Tonga ( 1 ) Turkey ( 8 ) Ukraine ( 33 ) United States ( 241 ) Uzbekistan ( 2 ) NOCs that participated in 2014 , but not in 2018 . NOCs that participated in 2018 , but not in 2014 . British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Dominica Nepal Paraguay Peru Russia Tajikistan Venezuela Virgin Islands Zimbabwe Bolivia Colombia Ecuador Eritrea Ghana Kenya Korea Kosovo Madagascar Malaysia Nigeria North Korea Olympic Athletes from Russia Puerto Rico Singapore South Africa Number of athletes by National Olympic Committee ( edit ) ( show ) IOC Code Country Athletes USA United States 242 CAN Canada 225 SUI Switzerland 169 OAR Olympic Athletes from Russia 168 GER Germany 156 JPN Japan 124 KOR South Korea 122 ITA Italy 122 SWE Sweden 116 NOR Norway 109 FRA France 107 FIN Finland 106 AUT Austria 105 CZE Czech Republic 95 CHN China 80 SLO Slovenia 71 POL Poland 62 GBR Great Britain 58 SVK Slovakia 56 AUS Australia 50 KAZ Kazakhstan 46 COR Korea 35 LAT Latvia 34 NED Netherlands 33 BLR Belarus 33 UKR Ukraine 33 ROU Romania 27 EST Estonia 22 BEL Belgium 22 BUL Bulgaria 21 NZL New Zealand 20 CRO Croatia 19 HUN Hungary 19 DEN Denmark 17 ESP Spain 13 ISR Israel 10 PRK North Korea 10 BRA Brazil 9 LTU Lithuania 9 TUR Turkey 8 CHI Chile 7 ARG Argentina 7 AND Andorra 5 ISL Iceland 5 IRL Ireland 5 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina COL Colombia GEO Georgia GRE Greece IRI Iran MEX Mexico MON Monaco SRB Serbia TPE Chinese Taipei THA Thailand ARM Armenia JAM Jamaica LBN Lebanon LIE Liechtenstein MKD Macedonia MNE Montenegro NGR Nigeria ALB Albania BOL Bolivia IND India KGZ Kyrgyzstan MAS Malaysia MDA Moldova MGL Mongolia MAR Morocco PAK Pakistan PHI Philippines POR Portugal UZB Uzbekistan AZE Azerbaijan BER Bermuda CYP Cyprus ECU Ecuador ERI Eritrea GHA Ghana HKG Hong Kong KEN Kenya KOS Kosovo LUX Luxembourg MAD Madagascar MLT Malta PUR Puerto Rico SMR San Marino SGP Singapore RSA South Africa TLS East Timor TGA Tonga TOG Togo Apart from the respective delegations , North Korea and South Korea formed a unified Korean women 's ice hockey team . Russian athletes participated as Olympic Athletes from Russia ( OAR ) if individually cleared by the IOC . Event scheduling ( edit ) To accommodate primetime broadcasts in the Americas , figure skating events were scheduled with morning start times ; figure skating is one of the most popular Winter Olympic sports among U.S. viewers . This scheduling practice had an impact on the events themselves , including skaters having to adjust to the modified schedule , as well as the attendance levels of the sessions themselves . Conversely , and somewhat controversially , eight of the eleven biathlon events were scheduled at night , making it necessary for competitors to ski and shoot under floodlights , with colder temperatures and blustery winds . Calendar ( edit ) See also : Chronological summary of the 2018 Winter Olympics All dates are KST ( UTC + 9 ) OC Opening ceremony Event competitions Event finals EG Exhibition gala CC Closing ceremony February 8th Thu 9th Fri 10th Sat 11th Sun 12th Mon 13th Tue 14th Wed 15th Thu 16th Fri 17th Sat 18th Sun 19th Mon 20th Tue 21st Wed 22nd Thu 23rd Fri 24th Sat 25th Sun Events Ceremonies OC CC N / A Alpine skiing 11 Biathlon 11 Bobsleigh Cross-country skiing 12 Curling Figure skating EG 5 Freestyle skiing 10 Ice hockey Luge Nordic combined Short track speed skating 8 Skeleton Ski jumping Snowboarding 10 Speed skating 14 Daily medal events 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 7 9 6 5 7 10 8 102 Cumulative total 0 0 5 11 18 26 30 39 46 55 61 64 69 76 86 90 98 102 February 8th Thu 9th Fri 10th Sat 11th Sun 12th Mon 13th Tue 14th Wed 15th Thu 16th Fri 17th Sat 18th Sun 19th Mon 20th Tue 21st Wed 22nd Thu 23rd Fri 24th Sat 25th Sun Total events Medal table ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Winter Olympics medal table * Host nation ( South Korea ) Rank NOC Gold Silver Bronze Total Norway ( NOR ) 14 14 11 39 Germany ( GER ) 14 10 7 31 Canada ( CAN ) 11 8 10 29 United States ( USA ) 9 8 6 23 5 Netherlands ( NED ) 8 6 6 20 6 Sweden ( SWE ) 7 6 14 7 South Korea ( KOR ) * 5 8 17 8 Switzerland ( SUI ) 5 6 15 9 France ( FRA ) 5 6 15 10 Austria ( AUT ) 5 6 14 11 Japan ( JPN ) 5 13 12 Italy ( ITA ) 5 10 13 Olympic Athletes from Russia ( OAR ) 6 9 17 14 Czech Republic ( CZE ) 7 15 Belarus ( BLR ) 0 16 China ( CHN ) 6 9 17 Slovakia ( SVK ) 0 18 Finland ( FIN ) 6 19 Great Britain ( GBR ) 0 5 20 Poland ( POL ) 0 21 Hungary ( HUN ) 0 0 Ukraine ( UKR ) 0 0 23 Australia ( AUS ) 0 24 Slovenia ( SLO ) 0 25 Belgium ( BEL ) 0 0 26 Spain ( ESP ) 0 0 New Zealand ( NZL ) 0 0 28 Kazakhstan ( KAZ ) 0 0 Latvia ( LAT ) 0 0 Liechtenstein ( LIE ) 0 0 Total ( 30 NOCs ) 103 102 102 307 Podium sweeps ( edit ) Three podium sweeps were recorded during the Games . Date Sport Event NOC Gold Silver Bronze Ref 10 February Speed skating Women 's 3000 metres Netherlands Carlijn Achtereekte Ireen Wüst Antoinette de Jong 11 February Cross-country skiing Men 's 30 km skiathlon Norway Simen Hegstad Krüger Martin Johnsrud Sundby Hans Christer Holund 20 February Nordic combined Individual large hill / 10 km Germany Johannes Rydzek Fabian Rießle Eric Frenzel Records ( edit ) Main article : World and Olympic records set at the 2018 Winter Olympics Noriaki Kasai of Japan became the first athlete in history to participate in eight Winter Olympics when he took part in the ski jumping qualification the day before the opening of the Games . The previous record of seven Winter Olympics was held by Russian luger Albert Demchenko . American Nathan Chen became the first figure skater to land five quadruple jumps in one program . German figure skaters Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot set a new ISU best free skating score of 159.31 in pair skating . Canadian figure skaters Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir set a new ISU best short dance score of 83.67 and a new ISU best combined total score of 206.07 in ice dance . French ice dancers Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron set a new ISU best free dance score of 123.35 . Russian figure skater Alina Zagitova set a new ISU best short program score of 82.92 in Ladies ' single skating . Dutch speed skater Sven Kramer won gold in the men 's 5000m event , becoming the only male speed skater to win the same Olympic event three times . He was also the first man to win a total of eight Olympic medals in speed skating . Dutch speed skater Ireen Wüst won an individual gold medal for the fourth Olympics in a row , the first time this had been achieved by a Winter Olympian . She also became the first speed skater ( male or female ) to win ten Winter Olympic medals and the first female Winter Olympian to win nine individual medals . Chinese short track speed skater Wu Dajing beat the men 's 500m world record twice en route to winning a gold medal , becoming only the second person in history to skate the discipline in under 40 seconds ( after American J.R. Celski ) , and the first to achieve this at `` sea level '' . Dutch athlete Jorien ter Mors became the first female athlete to win Olympic medals in two different sports at a single Winter Games ; she won a speed skating gold medal in the 1000 metres and she was also part of the Dutch short track team that won bronze in the 3000 metre relay . Ester Ledecká of the Czech Republic won gold in the skiing super-G event and another gold in the snowboarding parallel giant slalom , making her the first female athlete to win Olympic gold medals in two different sports at a single Winter Games . Norwegian cross-country skier Marit Bjørgen won bronze in the women 's team sprint and gold in the 30 kilometre classical event , bringing her total Olympic medal haul to fifteen , the most won by any athlete ( male or female ) in Winter Olympics history . The record was previously held by fellow Norwegian athlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen who has thirteen Olympic medals . Germany and Canada tied for gold in the two - man bobsleigh event , only the second time in history that two countries had tied for a gold medal in this particular event , the first time being in the 1998 Winter Olympics twenty years earlier . Norway won a total of 39 medals , setting a new record for the highest number of medals won at a single Winter Olympics . Their 39th medal was the gold won by cross-country skier Marit Bjørgen in the 30 km classical event . The record was previously held by the USA who won 37 medals in Vancouver in 2010 . Olympic cauldron in Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium Closing ceremony ( edit ) Main article : 2018 Winter Olympics closing ceremony The closing ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held at the Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium on 25 February 2018 , as Thomas Bach , the IOC president , declared the Games closed , and the cauldron extinguished . Broadcasting ( edit ) Main article : List of 2018 Winter Olympics broadcasters Broadcast rights to the 2018 Winter Olympics in some countries were already sold as part of long - term broadcast rights deals , including the Games ' local rightsholder SBS , which in July 2011 had extended its rights to the Olympics through to 2024 . SBS sub-licensed its rights to MBC and KBS . On 29 June 2015 , the IOC announced that Discovery Communications had acquired exclusive rights to the Olympics across all of Europe outside of Russia , from 2018 through to 2024 . Discovery 's pan-European Eurosport networks were promoted as the main rightsholder of the Games , but Discovery free - to - air channels such as DMAX in Spain , Kanal 5 in Sweden and TVNorge in Norway , were also involved . Discovery was required to sub-licence at least 100 hours of coverage to free - to - air broadcasters in each market ; some of these agreements required certain sports to be exclusive to Eurosport and its affiliated networks . The deal did not initially cover France due to France Télévisions ' rights , which run through to the 2020 Games . In the United Kingdom , Discovery held exclusive pay television rights under license from the BBC , in return for BBC sub-licencing the free - to - air rights to the 2022 and 2024 Olympics from Discovery . Despite the Russian team being formally banned from competing under its flag in Pyeongchang , Russian state broadcaster Channel One , and sports channel Match TV , still committed to covering the Games with a focus on Russian athletes . Russia was not affected by the Eurosport deal , due to a pre-existing contract held by a marketing agency which runs through to 2024 . In the United States , the Games were once again broadcast by NBCUniversal properties under a long - term contract . As U.S. Eastern Time is fourteen hours behind Pyeongchang , morning events naturally fell within traditional U.S. prime time hours ( 8 : 00 to 11 : 00 pm ) . This allowed NBC to broadcast its prime time coverage live in all U.S. time zones , rather than showing `` plausibly live '' delayed footage as they had in previous Olympics . As per previous Games , the ceremonies were still shown on TV via tape delay only , but NBC did , for the first time , offer live streaming of the opening ceremony online . Notably , figure skating events were deliberately scheduled for the morning in Pyeongchang to accommodate the network 's live broadcast to a peak U.S. audience in the evening . NHK and Olympic Broadcasting Services ( OBS ) once again filmed portions of the Games , including 90 hours of footage of selected events and the opening ceremonies , in high - dynamic - range 8K resolution video . In South Korea , ATSC 3.0 digital terrestrial television at 4K resolution was introduced in 2017 in time for the Olympics . In the U.S. , this footage was delivered in 4K by NBCUniversal parent Comcast to participating television providers , including its own Xfinity , as well as DirecTV and Dish Network . NBC 's Raleigh , North Carolina affiliate WRAL - TV also held demonstration viewings as part of its ATSC 3.0 test broadcasts . The 2018 Winter Olympics were also used to showcase 5G wireless technologies , as part of a collaboration between domestic wireless sponsor KT , and worldwide sponsor Intel . Several venues were outfitted with 5G networks to facilitate features such as live camera feeds from bobsleds , and multi-camera views from cross-country and figure skating events . These were offered as part of public demonstrations coordinated by KT and Intel . Marketing ( edit ) Branding ( edit ) The emblem for the Games was unveiled on 3 May 2013 . It is a stylised representation of the hangul letters ᄑ p and ᄎ ch , these being the initial sounds of 평창 Pyeongchang . The left - hand symbol is said to represent the Korean philosophical triad of heaven , earth and humanity ( Korean : 천지인 cheon - ji - in ) , and the right - hand symbol represents a crystal of ice . In the emblem and all official materials , Pyeongchang was stylised in CamelCase as `` PyeongChang '' , in order to alleviate potential confusion with Pyongyang , the similarly - named capital of neighbouring North Korea . Soohorang ( left ) and Bandabi ( right ) , respective mascots of 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics . Mascots ( edit ) Main article : Soohorang and Bandabi The official mascots of the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics were unveiled on 2 June 2016 . The Olympic mascot , Soohorang ( Korean : 수 호랑 ) , is a white tiger . The mascot 's name is a portmanteau of `` Sooho '' , a Korean word for `` protection '' , and `` Rang '' which is derived both from the Korean word for `` tiger '' and from the name of a traditional Korean folk song originating from Gangwon Province . Tigers have a strong association with Korean culture and folklore . Video Games ( edit ) Intel Extreme Masters Season 12 -- Pyeongchang Tournament information Sport StarCraft II Location Pyeongchang , South Korea Administrator ( s ) Electronic Sports League Final positions Champions Scarlett Runner - up sOs ← Oakland 2017 Katowice 2018 → In June 2017 , Ubisoft announced that it would release an expansion pack for its winter sports video game Steep entitled Road to the Olympics , which features new game modes and content inspired by the 2018 Winter Olympics . In November 2017 , the IOC announced it would support and sponsor an Intel Extreme Masters StarCraft II tournament in Pyeongchang preceding the Games . Its support of the tournament as a de facto demonstration event came on the heels of a report by the IOC which recognised that eSports `` could be considered as a sporting activity '' . The tournament was won by Sasha `` Scarlett '' Hostyn of Canada ; she became the second North American pro to place first at a major StarCraft II tournament in South Korea , and the first woman to win a major tournament . Sponsors ( edit ) The 2018 Winter Olympics saw increasing granularity in official sponsorships for technology vendors ; Intel signed with the IOC to become part of its Worldwide Olympic Partner program , to promote 5G wireless technology , as well as broadcasting technology such as 360 - degree video and virtual reality . Alibaba Group was also named the official e-commerce and cloud services provider . These categories affected how the vendors were allowed to promote themselves within the context of the Olympics : Samsung could showcase VR experiences but only within the context of its own smartphones due to Intel 's sponsorship rights in relation to VR ; Alibaba could not promote Alipay due to Visa Inc. sponsorship rights ; and Intel could not promote end - user applications of 5G due to national sponsorship rights held by KT Corporation . Concerns and controversies ( edit ) Main article : Concerns and controversies at the 2018 Winter Olympics North Korean relations ( edit ) See also : North Korea -- South Korea relations , 2017 -- 18 North Korea crisis , and North Korea at the 2018 Winter Olympics Due to the state of relations between North and South Korea , concerns were raised over the security of the 2018 Winter Olympics , especially in the wake of tensions over North Korean missile and nuclear tests . On 20 September 2017 , South Korean president Moon Jae - in stated that the country would ensure the security of the Games . The next day , Laura Flessel - Colovic , the French Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports , stated that France would pull out of the Games if the safety of its delegation could not be guaranteed . Protesters at Gwanghwamun Plaza criticising the game 's pro-North Korean measures The next day , Austria and Germany raised similar concerns and also threatened to skip the Games . France later reaffirmed its participation . In early December 2017 , the United States Ambassador to the United Nations , Nikki Haley , told Fox News that it was an `` open question '' whether the United States was going to participate in the Games , citing security concerns in the region . However , days later the White House Press Secretary , Sarah Huckabee Sanders , stated that the United States would participate . In his New Year 's address on 1 January 2018 , North Korean leader Kim Jong - un proposed talks in Seoul over the country 's participation in the Games , which would be the first high - level talks between the North and South in over two years . Because of the talks , held on 9 January , North Korea agreed to field athletes in Pyeongchang . On 17 January 2018 , it was announced that North and South Korea had agreed to field a unified Korean women 's ice hockey team at the Games , and to enter together under a Korean Unification Flag during the opening ceremony . These moves were met with opposition in South Korea , including protests and online petitions ; critics argued that the government was attempting to use the Olympics to spread pro-North Korean sentiment , and that the unified hockey team would fail . A rap video entitled `` The Regret for Pyeongchang '' ( 평창 유감 ) , which echoed this criticism and called the event the `` Pyongyang Olympics '' , went viral in the country . Japan 's foreign affairs minister Tarō Kōno warned South Korea to be wary of North Korea 's `` charm offensive '' , and not to ease its pressure on the country . The South Korean President , Moon Jae - in , at the start of the Olympics shook hands with the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong - un and a prominent figure of the regime , Kim Yo - jong . This marked the first time since the Korean War that a member of the ruling Kim dynasty had visited South Korea . In contrast , U.S. vice president Mike Pence met with Fred Warmbier ( father of Otto Warmbier , who had died after being released from captivity in North Korea ) and a group of North Korean defectors in Pyeongchang . American officials said that North Korea cancelled a meeting with Pence at the last minute . At the closing ceremony , North Korea sent general Kim Yong - chol as its delegate . His presence was met with hostility from South Korean conservatives , as there were allegations that he had a role in the ROKS Cheonan sinking and other past attacks . The Ministry of Unification stated that `` there is a limitation in pinpointing who was responsible for the incident . '' Although he is subject to sanctions , they did not affect his ability to visit the country for the Games . Russian doping ( edit ) Main articles : Doping in Russia , McLaren Report , Oswald Commission , Russia at the 2014 Winter Olympics § Doping scandal after Olympics , Russia at the 2016 Summer Olympics , and Olympic Athletes from Russia at the 2018 Winter Olympics Russia 's participation in the 2018 Winter Olympics was affected by the aftermath of its state - sponsored doping program . As a result , the IOC suspended the Russian Olympic Committee in December 2017 , although Russian athletes whitelisted by the IOC were allowed to compete neutrally under the OAR ( Olympic Athletes from Russia ) designation . The official sanctions imposed by the IOC included : the exclusion of Russian government officials from the Games ; the use of the Olympic flag and Olympic Anthem in place of the Russian flag and anthem ; and the submission of a replacement logo for the OAR uniforms . By early January 2018 , the IOC had banned 43 Russian athletes from competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics and all future Olympic Games ( as part of the Oswald Commission ) . Of those athletes , 42 appealed against their bans to the Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) and 28 of the appeals were successful , but eleven of the athletes had their sanctions upheld due to the weight of evidence against them . The IOC stated that the court ruling did not prove that the 28 athletes were innocent and that they would not necessarily be invited to the 2018 Games . Three of the athletes who appealed are still awaiting their hearings . The eventual number of neutral Russian athletes that participated at the 2018 Games was 168 . These were selected from an original pool of 500 athletes that was put forward for consideration and , in order to receive an invitation to the Games , they were obliged to meet a number of pre-games conditions to rule out any possibility of doping . Russian president Vladimir Putin and other officials had signalled in the past that it would be a humiliation if Russian athletes were not allowed to compete under the Russian flag . However , there were never actually any official plans to boycott the 2018 Games and in late 2017 the Russian government agreed to allow their athletes to compete at the Games as individuals under a neutral designation . Despite this public show of co-operation , there were numerous misgivings voiced by leading Russian politicians , including a statement from Putin himself saying that he believed the United States had used its influence within the IOC to `` orchestrate the doping scandal '' . 86 % of the Russian population opposed participation at the Olympics under a neutral flag , and many Russian fans attended the Games wearing the Russian colours and chanting `` Russia ! '' in unison , in an act of defiance against the ban . The IOC 's decision was heavily criticised by Jack Robertson , primary investigator of the Russian doping program on behalf of the World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) , in whose opinion the judgement was commercially and politically motivated . He argued that not only was doping rife amongst Russian athletes but that there was no sign of it being eradicated . The CAS decision to overturn the life bans of 28 Russian athletes and restore their medals was also fiercely criticised , by Olympic officials , IOC president Thomas Bach and whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov 's lawyer . National hockey League ( edit ) For the first time since 1998 , the National Hockey League did not provide accommodations ( including a break in the season for all teams during the Olympics ) to allow its players to participate in the men 's ice hockey tournament . The NHL 's decision stemmed from their demands that the IOC cover the cost of insuring the NHL players who participated in the Games . Although the IOC did pay to insure NHL players in Sochi , the commission was unwilling to do so for Pyeongchang , and was concerned that the NHL 's demand could set a precedent for other professional sports bodies to follow . NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman added that a factor in the decision was that the IOC did not allow the NHL to promote the involvement of its players in the Olympics . The NHL secured the cooperation of the International Ice Hockey Federation and the IOC , who agreed to establish a blacklist forbidding national teams from nominating or accepting players under NHL contract to their Olympic rosters . Other leagues , such as the Swedish Hockey League , did not close during the games , but teams had to accept that some players took part in the games instead of the league . See also ( edit ) 2010s portal Olympics portal South Korea portal 2018 Winter Paralympics 2018 Summer Youth Olympics Winter Olympic Games Olympic Games International Olympic Committee List of IOC country codes Soohorang and Bandabi References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Boram , Kim ( 9 February 2018 ) . `` ( Olympics ) S. Korean speed skater Mo Tae - bum takes Olympic Oath '' . Yonhap News Agency . . 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( shows that SHL games were played during the Olympic games 9 -- 25 February ) External links ( edit ) Find more about2018 Winter Olympicsat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Travel guide from Wikivoyage Data from Wikidata Pyeongchang 2018 Pyeongchang 2018 ( IOC ) Preceded by Sochi Winter Olympics Pyeongchang XXIII Olympic Winter Games ( 2018 ) Succeeded by Beijing Olympic Games Ceremonies Charter Participating nations Summer Olympics Winter Olympics Host cities Bids Venues IOC NOCs Country codes Medal Medal tables Medalists Ties Diploma Scandals and controversies Colonialism Doping Sports Symbols Torch relays Pierre de Coubertin medal Women Deaths WWI Olympic video games Summer Games 1896 Athens 1900 Paris 1904 St. Louis 1908 London 1912 Stockholm 1916 Berlin 1920 Antwerp 1924 Paris 1928 Amsterdam 1932 Los Angeles 1936 Berlin 1940 Tokyo 1944 London 1948 London 1952 Helsinki 1956 Melbourne 1960 Rome 1964 Tokyo 1968 Mexico City 1972 Munich 1976 Montreal 1980 Moscow 1984 Los Angeles 1988 Seoul 1992 Barcelona 1996 Atlanta 2000 Sydney 2004 Athens 2008 Beijing 2012 London 2016 Rio de Janeiro 2020 Tokyo 2024 Paris 2028 Los Angeles 2032 TBD Winter Games 1924 Chamonix 1928 St. Moritz 1932 Lake Placid 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen 1940 Sapporo 1944 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1948 St. Moritz 1952 Oslo 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1960 Squaw Valley 1964 Innsbruck 1968 Grenoble 1972 Sapporo 1976 Innsbruck 1980 Lake Placid 1984 Sarajevo 1988 Calgary 1992 Albertville 1994 Lillehammer 1998 Nagano 2002 Salt Lake City 2006 Turin 2010 Vancouver 2014 Sochi 2018 Pyeongchang 2022 Beijing 2026 TBD 2030 TBD Ancient Olympic Games Intercalated Games 1906 Paralympic Games Youth Olympic Games Events at the 2018 Winter Olympics ( Pyeongchang ) Alpine skiing Biathlon Bobsleigh Cross-country skiing Curling men women mixed doubles Figure skating Freestyle skiing Ice hockey men women Luge Nordic combined Short track speed skating Skeleton Ski jumping Snowboarding Speed skating Chronological summary Medal table List of medalists Nations at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang , South Korea Africa Eritrea Ghana Kenya Madagascar Morocco Nigeria South Africa Togo Americas Argentina Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Ecuador Jamaica Mexico Puerto Rico United States Asia China East Timor Hong Kong India Iran Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Malaysia Mongolia North Korea Pakistan Philippines Singapore South Korea Chinese Taipei Thailand Uzbekistan Europe Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Great Britain Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Kosovo Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Oceania Australia New Zealand Tonga Other Korea Olympic Athletes from Russia Venues of the 2018 Winter Olympics Pyeongchang ( mountain cluster ) Alpensia Resort Alpensia Biathlon Centre Cross-Country Centre Ski Jumping Centre Sliding Centre Convention Centre International Broadcast Centre Yongpyong Alpine Centre Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium Pyeongchang Olympic Village Stand - alone venues Bogwang Snow Park Jeongseon Alpine Centre Gangneung ( coastal cluster ) Gangneung Olympic Park Gangneung Curling Centre Gangneung Hockey Centre Gangneung Ice Arena Gangneung Oval Kwandong Hockey Centre Gangneung Olympic Village Italics indicate non-competition venues . 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what are the dates for the 2018 winter olympics
The 2018 Winter Olympics , officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games ( Korean : 제 23 회 동계 올림픽 , translit . Jeisipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik ) and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018 , was an international winter multi-sport event that was held between 9 and 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County , Gangwon Province , South Korea , with the opening rounds for certain events held on 8 February 2018 , the eve of the opening ceremony .
Doppler ultrasonography - wikipedia Doppler ultrasonography Jump to : navigation , search Doppler ultrasonography , duplex ultrasonography Medical diagnostics MeSH D018616 MedlinePlus 003433 ( edit on Wikidata ) Spectral duplex scan of the common carotid artery Duplex scan of the common carotid artery Doppler ultrasonography is medical ultrasonography that employs the Doppler effect to generate imaging of the movement of tissues and body fluids ( usually blood ) , and their relative velocity to the probe . By calculating the frequency shift of a particular sample volume , for example flow in an artery or a jet of blood flow over a heart valve , its speed and direction can be determined and visualized . Color Doppler or color flow Doppler is the presentation of the velocity by color scale . Color Doppler images are generally combined with grayscale ( B - mode ) images to display duplex ultrasonography images , allowing for simultaneous visualization of the anatomy of the area . This is particularly useful in cardiovascular studies ( sonography of the vascular system and heart ) and essential in many areas such as determining reverse blood flow in the liver vasculature in portal hypertension . Contents ( hide ) 1 Operation 2 Uses 2.1 Transcranial 2.2 Blood vessels 2.3 Kidneys 2.4 Heart 2.5 Doppler fetal monitor 3 References Operation ( edit ) The Doppler information is displayed graphically using spectral Doppler , or as an image using color Doppler ( directional Doppler ) or power Doppler ( non directional Doppler ) . This Doppler shift falls in the audible range and is often presented audibly using stereo speakers : this produces a very distinctive , although synthetic , pulsating sound . All modern ultrasound scanners use pulsed Doppler to measure velocity . Pulsed wave machines transmit and receive series of pulses . The frequency shift of each pulse is ignored , however the relative phase changes of the pulses are used to obtain the frequency shift ( since frequency is the rate of change of phase ) . The major advantages of pulsed wave Doppler ( = PW Doppler ) over continuous wave ( = CW Doppler ) is that distance information is obtained ( the time between the transmitted and received pulses can be converted into a distance with knowledge of the speed of sound ) and gain correction is applied . The disadvantage of pulsed Doppler is that the measurements can suffer from aliasing . The terms Doppler ultrasound and Doppler sonography have been accepted to apply to both pulsed and continuous Doppler systems , despite the different mechanisms by which the velocity is measured . It should be noted that there are no standards for the display of color Doppler . Some laboratories show arteries as red and veins as blue , as medical illustrators usually show them , even though some vessels may have portions flowing toward and portions flowing away from the transducer . This results in the illogical appearance of a vessel being partly a vein and partly an artery . Other laboratories use red to indicate flow toward the transducer and blue away from the transducer . Still other laboratories prefer to display the sonographic Doppler color map more in accord with prior published physics : with the red shift representing longer waves of echoes ( scattered ) from blood flowing away from the transducer ; and with blue representing the shorter waves of echoes reflecting from blood flowing toward the transducer . Because of this confusion and lack of standards in the various laboratories , the sonographer must understand the underlying acoustic physics of color Doppler and the physiology of normal and abnormal blood flow in the human body ( see Red shift ) . Uses ( edit ) Transcranial ( edit ) Main article : Transcranial Doppler Transcranial Doppler insonation of the cerebral circulation Transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) and transcranial color Doppler ( TCCD ) measure the velocity of blood flow through the brain 's blood vessels transcranially ( through the cranium ) . These modes of medical imaging conduct a spectral analysis of the acoustic signals they receive and can therefore be classified as methods of active acoustocerebrography . They are used as tests to help diagnose emboli , stenosis , vasospasm from a subarachnoid hemorrhage ( bleeding from a ruptured aneurysm ) , and other problems . These relatively quick and inexpensive tests are growing in popularity . The tests are effective for detecting sickle cell disease , ischemic cerebrovascular disease , subarachnoid hemorrhage , arteriovenous malformations , and cerebral circulatory arrest . The tests are possibly useful for perioperative monitoring and meningeal infection . The equipment used for these tests is becoming increasingly portable , making it possible for a clinician to travel to a hospital , to a doctor 's office , or to a nursing home for both inpatient and outpatient studies . The tests are often used in conjunction with other tests such as MRI , MRA , carotid duplex ultrasound and CT scans . The tests are also used for research in cognitive neuroscience . Blood vessels ( edit ) Doppler ultrasound showing a deep vein thrombosis , with no flow through the thrombus . Vascular ultrasonography helps determine multiple factors within the circulatory system . It can evaluate central ( abdominal ) and peripheral arteries and veins ; it helps determine the amount of vascular stenosis ( narrowing ) or occlusion ( complete blockage ) within an artery ; it assists in ruling out aneurysmal disease ; and it is the main aid to rule out thrombotic events . Duplex is an inexpensive , non-invasive way to determine pathology . It is used in for example : Carotid ultrasonography Ultrasonography of deep venous thrombosis Ultrasonography of chronic venous insufficiency of the legs Duplex evaluation is usually done prior to any invasive testing or surgical procedure . Ultrasound duplex scanning can provide additional information that may guide therapeutic decisions . The location and severity of arterial narrowings and occlusions can be identified . The vascular sonographer can map disease in lower - extremity segments with great accuracy , though duplex scanning is more time - consuming than other lower - extremity arterial studies . An alternative to Doppler to visualize vessels is B - flow , which digitally highlights weak flow reflectors ( mainly red blood cells ) while suppressing the signals from the surrounding stationary tissue . It can visualize flowing blood and surrounding stationary tissues simultaneously . Kidneys ( edit ) Renal ultrasonography with using duplex technique of a normal adult kidney , with the estimation of the systolic velocity ( Vs ) , the diastolic velocity ( Vd ) , acceleration time ( AoAT ) , systolic acceleration ( Ao Accel ) and resistive index ( RI ) . Red and blue colors in the color box represent flow towards and away from the transducer , respectively . The specrogram below the B - mode image shows flow velocity ( m / s ) against time ( s ) obtained within the range gate . The small flash icons on the spectrogram represent initiation of the flow measurement . Doppler ultrasonography is widely used in renal ultrasonography . Renal vessels are easily depicted by the color Doppler technique in order to evaluate perfusion . Applying spectral Doppler to the renal artery and selected interlobular arteries , peak systolic velocities , resistive index and acceleration curves can be estimated ( Figure 4 ) , e.g. , peak systolic velocity of the renal artery above 180 cm / s is a predictor of renal artery stenosis of more than 60 % , and the resistive index , which is a calculated from peak systolic and end systolic velocity , above 0.70 is indicative of abnormal renovascular resistance . Heart ( edit ) Main article : Doppler echocardiography Doppler echocardiography is the use of Doppler ultrasonography to examine the heart . An echocardiogram can , within certain limits , produce accurate assessment of the direction of blood flow and the velocity of blood and cardiac tissue at any arbitrary point using the Doppler effect . One of the limitations is that the ultrasound beam should be as parallel to the blood flow as possible . Velocity measurements allow assessment of cardiac valve areas and function , any abnormal communications between the left and right side of the heart , any leaking of blood through the valves ( valvular regurgitation ) , calculation of the cardiac output and calculation of E / A ratio ( a measure of diastolic dysfunction ) . Contrast - enhanced ultrasound using gas - filled microbubble contrast media can be used to improve velocity or other flow - related medical measurements . Doppler fetal monitor ( edit ) Doppler fetal monitor Main article : Doppler fetal monitor Doppler fetal monitors , although usually not technically - graphy but rather sound - generating , use the Doppler effect to detect the fetal heartbeat for prenatal care . These are hand - held , and some models also display the heart rate in beats per minute ( BPM ) . Use of this monitor is sometimes known as Doppler auscultation . The Doppler fetal monitor is commonly referred to simply as a Doppler or fetal Doppler . Doppler fetal monitors provide information about the fetus similar to that provided by a fetal stethoscope . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Claude Franceschi ( 1978 ) . L'Investigation vasculaire par ultrasonographie doppler . Masson . ISBN 2 - 225 - 63679 - 6 . Jump up ^ Ellis , George FR , Williams , Ruth M. ( 2000 ) . Flat and Curved Space - Times ( 2nd ed . ) . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 850656 - 2 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ DuBose , T.J. ; Baker , A.L. ( 2009 ) . `` Confusion and Direction in Diagnostic Doppler Sonography '' . Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 25 ( 3 ) : 173 -- 7 . doi : 10.1177 / 8756479309335681 . Jump up ^ `` Doppler Ultrasound History '' . Archived from the original on June 17 , 2009 . Retrieved January 25 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Transcranial Doppler : An Overview of its Clinical Applications '' . Retrieved June 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Robert A. Weiss ; Craig Feied ; Margaret A. Weiss ( 2001 ) . Vein Diagnosis and Treatment : A Comprehensive Approach . McGraw - Hill Professional . ISBN 0 - 07 - 069201 - 7 . Jump up ^ Wachsberg , Ronald H. ( 2007 ) . `` B - Flow Imaging of the Hepatic Vasculature : Correlation with Color Doppler Sonography '' . American Journal of Roentgenology. 188 ( 6 ) : W522 -- W533 . doi : 10.2214 / AJR. 06.1161 . ISSN 0361 - 803X . Jump up ^ Wang , Hsin - Kai ; Chou , Yi - Hong ; Chiou , Hong - Jen ; Chiou , See - Ying ; Chang , Cheng - Yen ( 2005 ) . `` B - flow Ultrasonography of Peripheral Vascular Diseases '' . Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 13 ( 4 ) : 186 -- 195 . doi : 10.1016 / S0929 - 6441 ( 09 ) 60108 - 9 . ISSN 0929 - 6441 . Jump up ^ Content initially copied from : Hansen , Kristoffer ; Nielsen , Michael ; Ewertsen , Caroline ( 2015 ) . `` Ultrasonography of the Kidney : A Pictorial Review '' . Diagnostics. 6 ( 1 ) : 2 . doi : 10.3390 / diagnostics6010002 . ISSN 2075 - 4418 . ( CC - BY 4.0 ) Jump up ^ `` Echocardiogram '' . MedlinePlus . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 15 . Jump up ^ Abdul Latif Mohamed , Jun Yong , Jamil Masiyati , Lee Lim , Sze Chec Tee . `` The Prevalence Of Diastolic Dysfunction In Patients With Hypertension Referred For Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Function '' . Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences , Vol. 11 , No. 1 , January 2004 , pp. 66 -- 74 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Medical ultrasonography Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from November 2013 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Nederlands Edit links This page was last edited on 9 April 2018 , at 21 : 39 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what is the difference between duplex and doppler ultrasound
Doppler ultrasonography is medical ultrasonography that employs the Doppler effect to generate imaging of the movement of tissues and body fluids ( usually blood ) , and their relative velocity to the probe . By calculating the frequency shift of a particular sample volume , for example flow in an artery or a jet of blood flow over a heart valve , its speed and direction can be determined and visualized . Color Doppler or color flow Doppler is the presentation of the velocity by color scale . Color Doppler images are generally combined with grayscale ( B - mode ) images to display duplex ultrasonography images , allowing for simultaneous visualization of the anatomy of the area .
Haugen - wikipedia Haugen Jump to : navigation , search Haugen is a Norwegian surname and place name frequently used for farm homesteads . Haugen derives from the old Norse word haugr meaning tiny hill , small grassy knoll , or mound . Derivatives also include the Norwegian surnames Haugan and Hauge . Haugen can refer to : People ( edit ) Haugen ( surname ) Places ( edit ) United States Haugen Township , Aitkin County , Minnesota Haugen , Wisconsin Other ( edit ) Båthaugen - Site of the Tune ship in Rolvsøy in Tune , Østfold , Norway Borrehaugene - Norwegian national park in Horten , Vestfold , Norway Flagghaugen - Avaldsnes burial site on Karmøy in Rogaland , Norway Gamlehaugen - Mansion in Bergen , Norway and residence of the Norwegian Royal Family in the city Gokstadhaugen - Burial mound in Sandefjord , Vestfold , Norway Haraldshaugen - Norwegian national monument in Haugesund , Norway Karnilshaugen - Site of Karnils burial mound in Gloppen , Sogn og Fjordane , Norway Maihaugen - Large open - air museum located in Lillehammer , Norway Oseberghaugen - Viking era grave site located in Tønsberg , Norway St. Hanshaugen Park - Public park in Oslo , Norway Tinghaugen - Site of an early Norwegian court in Frosta , Nord - Trøndelag , Norway Troldhaugen - Residence of Edvard Grieg in Bergen , Norway Trollhaugen - a ski resort in Dresser , Wis . Disambiguation page providing links to articles with similar titles This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Haugen . If an internal link led you here , you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Disambiguation pages Place name disambiguation pages Hidden categories : Disambiguation pages with short description All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages Talk About Wikipedia Cebuano Čeština Dansk Deutsch Français Italiano 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Svenska 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 April 2018 , at 06 : 10 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
where does the last name haugen come from
Haugen is a Norwegian surname and place name frequently used for farm homesteads . Haugen derives from the old Norse word haugr meaning tiny hill , small grassy knoll , or mound . Derivatives also include the Norwegian surnames Haugan and Hauge . Haugen can refer to :
Civic holiday - wikipedia Civic holiday Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) For the generic term , see Civic holiday . Civic Holiday Observed by Canada Date First Monday in August 2016 date August 1 ( 2016 - 08 - 01 ) 2017 date August 7 ( 2017 - 08 - 07 ) 2018 date August 6 ( 2018 - 08 - 06 ) 2019 date August 5 ( 2019 - 08 - 05 ) Frequency annual Civic Holiday is the most widely used name for a public holiday celebrated in most of Canada on the first Monday in August , though it is only officially known by that term by the governments of Nunavut , the Northwest Territories , and Prince Edward Island . The Civic holiday is recognized as a statutory holiday in those three provinces and territories . The holiday is known by a variety of names in other provinces and municipalities , including British Columbia Day in British Columbia , New Brunswick Day in New Brunswick , and Saskatchewan Day in Saskatchewan . The holiday is celebrated as Natal Day in Nova Scotia and Terry Fox Day in Manitoba . The day is not a statutory holiday in Nova Scotia and Manitoba . Contents ( hide ) 1 Alberta 2 British Columbia 3 Ontario 4 Quebec , Newfoundland & Labrador , Yukon 5 See also 6 References Alberta ( edit ) In 1974 the Government of Alberta , acting through Minister of Culture Dr. Horst A. Schmid , declared the first Monday in August an annual holiday to recognize and celebrate the varied cultural heritage of Albertans , known as Heritage Day . This gave rise in 1976 to the Edmonton Heritage Festival , a three - day celebration of food , dance , and handicrafts of cultures from around the world . Heritage Day has been an `` optional '' civic holiday , having been downgraded from a statutory holiday following the introduction of Family Day in 1990 . British Columbia ( edit ) In 1974 , the Legislature of British Columbia introduced legislation nominated by Surrey MLA Ernie Hall to establish the holiday . It was the last province to establish an August Monday holiday . Ontario ( edit ) The holiday was renamed Simcoe Day in Toronto effective 1969 in honour of the first Lieutenant - Governor of Upper Canada and the promulgator of the Act Against Slavery , but a motion at the Ontario Municipal Association to extend the name change across Ontario failed . According to a 2005 proclamation this name continues to apply in the present amalgamated city of Toronto . Civic Holiday is now known by one of a number of local appellations such as : Colonel By Day in Ottawa , George Hamilton Day in Hamilton , Joseph Brant Day in Burlington , Founders ' Day in Brantford , McLaughlin Day in Oshawa , Alexander Mackenzie Day in Sarnia , James Cockburn Day in Cobourg , Peter Robinson Day in Peterborough , and John Galt Day in Guelph , as well as numerous other names in smaller municipalities . When not given a local name , it is often referred to as ' Civic Holiday ' . Although a work holiday is given to employees of the federal and many municipal governments , the Government of Ontario has not defined this day as a statutory holiday and it is mentioned in neither Ontario 's Employment Standards Act nor Retail Business Holidays Act . Schools are generally already closed , regardless of the holiday 's status , because of summer vacation . The Caribbean Cultural Festival , formerly known as Caribana , is held this holiday weekend in Toronto , coinciding with Emancipation Day . Quebec , Newfoundland & Labrador , Yukon ( edit ) The first Monday in August is not generally observed as a holiday in Quebec , parts of Newfoundland and Labrador , or Yukon , but replacement summer holidays may be observed as follows : Quebec observes Saint - Jean - Baptiste Day on 24 June . In Yukon , Discovery Day is observed on the third Monday of August instead , and commemorates the 1896 discovery of gold in the territory and the start of the Klondike Gold Rush . In Newfoundland and Labrador , the Shops Closing Act provides for a civic holiday on the date of the Royal St. John 's Regatta ( usually the first Wednesday of August ) in St. John 's , the date of the Harbour Grace Regatta ( usually the fourth Saturday in July ) in Harbour Grace , and a date fixed by the applicable municipal council in all other municipalities . Several of these communities use the first Monday in August as a civic holiday , while others have not selected any date . See also ( edit ) Public holidays in Canada References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Holidays in the provinces and territories '' . Canadian Heritage . 21 April 2008 . Retrieved 23 July 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Natal Day in Canada '' . . Jump up ^ `` August holiday to be named Terry Fox Day , Manitoba premier says '' . Global News . July 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Heritage Festival Edmonton -- The Festival History '' . . Retrieved 4 August 2014 . Jump up ^ Hoekstra , Matthew ( 29 July 2016 ) . `` B.C. Day is more than just a day off '' . Peace Arch News . Jump up ^ `` Civic Holiday to be Renamed Simcoe Day '' . Toronto Daily Star . 12 December 1968 . p. 1 . Jump up ^ Bruce West ( 4 August 1969 ) . `` Simcoe 's Day '' . Globe and Mail . p. 17 . ^ Jump up to : `` A holiday with history '' . Archived from the original on 10 April 2010 . Retrieved 18 October 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Municipal Group Wo n't Condemn Regional Rule '' . Toronto Daily Star . 19 December 1968 . p. 11 . Jump up ^ `` Proclamation : Simcoe Day '' . Retrieved 18 October 2012 . Jump up ^ `` What 's open / closed on holiday Monday '' . . Retrieved 4 August 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Employment Standards Act , 2000 '' . Province of Ontario . 2000 . Retrieved 4 August 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Retail Business Holidays Act '' . Province of Ontario . 1990 . Retrieved 4 August 2008 . Jump up ^ Government of Newfoundland and Labrador ( 3 November 2014 ) . `` Public Advisory : 2015 Shop Closing Holidays '' . Retrieved 5 August 2015 . Holidays in Canada Nationwide statutory holidays New Year 's Day Good Friday Canada Day Labour Day Christmas Day Statutory holidays for federal employees Easter Monday Victoria Day Thanksgiving Remembrance Day Boxing Day Indigenous holidays Hobiyee National Aboriginal Day Other common holidays August Civic Holiday Family Day / Heritage Day / Islander Day / Louis Riel Day Memorial Day ( Newfoundland and Labrador ) Quebec National Holiday Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Public holidays in Canada Provincial and territorial holidays in Canada Movable August observances Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from August 2017 All articles needing additional references Holidays and observances by scheduling ( nth weekday of the month ) Infobox holiday with missing field Infobox holiday ( other ) All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2009 Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014 Use dmy dates from August 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia Edit links This page was last edited on 23 August 2017 , at 17 : 24 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
is the civic holiday in august a statutory holiday
Civic Holiday is the most widely used name for a public holiday celebrated in most of Canada on the first Monday in August , though it is only officially known by that term by the governments of Nunavut , the Northwest Territories , and Prince Edward Island . The Civic holiday is recognized as a statutory holiday in those three provinces and territories .
List of North Korean missile tests - wikipedia List of North Korean missile tests Jump to : navigation , search North Korea and weapons of mass destruction Events Missile tests 1993 2006 2009 2013 2014 2017 Nuclear tests 2006 ( reactions ) 2009 ( reactions ) 2013 ( reactions ) January 2016 ( reactions ) September 2016 ( reactions ) 2017 See also 2017 North Korea crisis Korean People 's Army Korean People 's Army Strategic Force Punggye - ri Nuclear Test Site Ryanggang explosion Songun Yongbyon North Korean missiles launched over Japan There have been a number of North Korean missile tests . North Korea has also fired a number of short - range missiles into the Sea of Japan ( East Sea of Korea ) , in what have been interpreted as political gestures . Contents ( hide ) 1 Timeline 2 Events related to Missile Tests 2.1 2016 2.2 2017 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Timeline ( edit ) Year Information 1976 - 81 North Korea commences its missile development program using Scud - B from the Soviet Union and a launchpad from Egypt . 1984 First Scud - B missile test firing . Operational deployment of Scud - B and Scud - C missiles . First Rodong missile test . 1993 1993 North Korean missile test - ( May 29 / 30 , 1993 ) - Nodong 1998 North Korea fires off its first ballistic missile , the Unha - 1 rocket , also known as the Taepodong - 1 missile , from the launch site of Musudan - ri in North Hamgyong Province . 1999 North Korea agrees to a moratorium on long - range missile tests . 2002 North Korea pledges to extend moratorium on missile tests beyond 2003 . North Korea reaffirms moratorium . 2005 North Korea fires short - range missile into Sea of Japan . 2006 2006 North Korean missile test - ( July 5 , 2006 ) - Taepodong - 2 failed 2009 Failed orbit of the Kwangmyongsong - 2 satellite aboard an Unha - 2 carrier rocket ( April 5 , 2009 ) 2009 2009 North Korean missile test ( July 4 , 2009 ) 2012 Failed launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 3 satellite aboard an Unha - 3 carrier rocket ( April 13 , 2012 ) 2012 Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 3 Unit 2 satellite aboard a three stage rocket ( December 12 , 2012 ) 2013 2013 North Korean missile tests ( May 18 -- 20 , 2013 - part of 2013 Korean crisis ) 2014 2014 North Korean missile tests ( March 2014 ) including Nodong , success 2015 North Korea claims to launch a missile from a submarine ( May 2015 ) 2016 Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 4 satellite ( February 7 , 2016 ) 2016 Test of engine designed for an intercontinental ballistic missile ( April 2016 ) 2016 North Korea claims to launch a Pukkuksong - 1 missile capable of striking the United States ( August 2016 ) . The missile is a Submarine - launched ballistic missile . 2016 Failed North Korean ballistic missile launch ( October 15 , 2016 ) - 2016 Failed launch of an intermediate - range missile ( October 19 , 2016 ) 2017 North Korea test - fired a Pukguksong - 2 missile over the Sea of Japan . This was the first launch of the new medium - range ballistic missile ( February 11 , 2017 ) . 2017 North Korea launches four ballistic missiles from the Tongchang - ri launch site in the northwest . Some flew 620 mi ( 1,000 km ) before falling into the Sea of Japan . ( March 6 , 2017 ) 2017 North Korea test - fired a medium - range ballistic missile from its eastern port of Sinpo into the Sea of Japan ( April 4 , 2017 ) 2017 North Korea test - fired an unidentified land - based missile from the naval base in Sinpo but it exploded almost immediately after the takeoff ( April 15 , 2017 ) . 2017 North Korea test - fired an unidentified missile from Pukchang airfield ( April 28 , 2017 ) . Missile , believed to be a medium - range KN - 17 ballistic missile , falters and breaks apart minutes after liftoff . 2017 North Korea test - fired a Hwasong - 12 missile from a test site in the area of Kusong ( May 13 , 2017 ) . The missile , later revealed to be an intermediate range ballistic missile , traveled 30 minutes , reached an altitude of more than 2,111.5 km , and flew a horizontal distance of 789 km ( 489 miles ) , before falling into the Sea of Japan . Such a missile would have a range of at least 4,000 , reaching Guam , to 6,000 km . 2017 North Korea test - fired another Pukguksong - 2 medium - range ballistic missile from Pukchang airfield ( May 21 , 2017 ) , which traveled approximately 300 miles before falling into the Sea of Japan . The missile landed about 217 miles from North Korea 's east coast . 2017 North Korea fired a Short Range Ballistic Missile into the Sea of Japan ( May 29 , 2017 ) . It traveled 450 km . 2017 North Korea fired several missiles into the Sea of Japan ( June 8 , 2017 ) . They are believed to be anti-ship missiles . The South Korean military said the launches show the reclusive regime 's `` precise targeting capability . '' 2017 North Korea tested a new rocket engine that could possibly be fitted to an intercontinental ballistic missile ( June 23 , 2017 ) . 2017 North Korea tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBM ) named Hwasong - 14 on July 4 . It launched from the Panghyon Aircraft Factory 8 km southeast of Panghyon Airport . It was aimed straight up at a lofted trajectory and reached more than 2,500 km into space . It landed 37 minutes later , more than 930 km from its launch site , into Japan 's exclusive economic zone . Aiming long , the missile would have traveled 7,000 - 8,000 km or more , reaching Alaska , Hawaii , and maybe Seattle . Its operational range would be farther , bringing a 500 kg payload to targets in most of the contiguous United States 9,700 km away . 2017 The 14th missile test carried out by North Korea in 2017 was another ICBM launched at 23 : 41 North Korea time ( 15 : 41 GMT ) from Chagang Province in the north of the country on July 28 , 2017 . Los Angeles , Denver , Chicago , Boston , and New York appear to be within range . The missile 's reentry vehicle ( RV ) was seen by people in Japan as it entered the atmosphere and landed near the northernmost Japanese island , Hokkaido . Analysis later revealed that the RV broke up on re-entry ; further testing would be required . The CIA made an assessment expecting adequate performance of the RV under the different stresses of a shallower trajectory towards the continental US . 2017 North Korea test fires three short range ballistic missiles from the Kangwon province on August 26 . Two travel approximately 250 kilometers in a northeastern direction and one explodes immediately after launch . 2017 On August 29 , 2017 , at 6 AM local time , North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Northern Japan . The missile 's short and low trajectory and its breakup into three pieces is consistent with the failure of a heavy post-boost vehicle . 2017 North Korea launched a ballistic missile on September 15 from Sunan airfield . It reached a height of 770 km and flew a distance of 3,700 km for 17 minutes over Hokkaido before landing in the Pacific . North Korean rockets flown over the Japanese archipelago No . Date Model Area flown over Advance notice North Korean claim Satellite name August 31 , 1998 Taepodong - 1 Akita No Satellite launch Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 1 April 5 , 2009 Unha - 2 Akita , Iwate Yes Satellite launch Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 2 December 12 , 2012 Unha - 3 Okinawa Yes Satellite launch Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 3 February 7 , 2016 Kwangmyŏngsŏng ( Unha - 3 ) Okinawa Yes Satellite launch Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 4 5 August 29 , 2017 Hwasong - 12 Hokkaido No Missile launch N / A 6 September 15 , 2017 Hwasong - 12 Hokkaido No Missile launch N / A Events related to missile tests ( edit ) 2016 ( edit ) On February 7 , 2016 , roughly a month after an alleged hydrogen bomb test , North Korea claimed to have put a satellite into low Earth orbit . Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe had warned the North to not launch the rocket , and if it did and the rocket violated Japanese territory , it would be shot down . Nevertheless , North Korea launched the rocket anyway , claiming the satellite was purely intended for peaceful , scientific purposes . Several nations , including the United States , Japan , and South Korea , have criticized the launch , and despite North Korean claims that the rocket was for peaceful purposes , it has been heavily criticized as an attempt to perform an ICBM test under the guise of a peaceful satellite launch . China also criticized the launch , however urged `` the relevant parties '' to `` refrain from taking actions that may further escalate tensions on the Korean peninsula '' . While some North Korean pronouncements have been treated with skepticism and ridicule , analysts treated the unusual pace of North Korean rocket and nuclear testing in early 2016 quite seriously . Admiral Bill Gortney , head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command , told Congress in March 2016 , `` It 's the prudent decision on my part to assume that ( Kim Jong Un ) has the capability to miniaturize a nuclear weapon and put it on an ICBM , '' suggesting a major shift from a few years earlier . North Korea appeared to launch a missile test from a submarine on April 23 , 2016 ; while the missile only traveled 30 km , one U.S. analyst noted that `` North Korea 's sub launch capability has gone from a joke to something very serious '' . North Korea conducted multiple missile tests in 2016 . 2017 ( edit ) On August 29 , 2017 United Nations Secretary - General António Guterres has condemned the latest North Korea Ballistic Missile Launch and termed it as violation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions , as According to press reports , early Tuesday morning , the North Korea Ballistic Missile travelled some 2,700 kilometers , flying over Japan before crashing into the Pacific Ocean . On September 3 , 2017 , North Korea claimed to have successfully tested a thermonuclear bomb , also known as a hydrogen bomb . Corresponding seismic activity similar to an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 was reported by the USGS making the blast around 10 times more powerful than previous detonations by the country . Later the bomb yield was estimated to be 250 kilotons , based on further study of the seismic data . The test was reported to be `` a perfect success '' . See also ( edit ) North Korea portal Weapons of mass destruction portal North Korea and weapons of mass destruction Korean War Korean People 's Army Foreign relations of North Korea References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` North Korea launches short - range missiles '' . CNN . Archived from the original on May 18 , 2013 . Retrieved May 18 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` S. Korea Says North Launches Short - Range Missiles '' . NY Times . Retrieved May 18 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` North Korea fires projectile into waters off eastern coast '' . Fox News . Archived from the original on June 8 , 2013 . Retrieved May 19 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` North Korea fires sixth missile in three days '' . Reuters . Archived from the original on May 20 , 2013 . Retrieved May 20 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` A Timeline of North Korea 's Missile Launches and Nuclear Detonations '' . Bloomberg . Archived from the original on May 21 , 2017 . 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Archived from the original on February 8 , 2016 . Retrieved February 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Why Analysts Are n't Laughing At These Silly North Korean Photos '' . NPR . March 21 , 2016 . Archived from the original on April 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Don Melvin ; Jim Sciutto ( April 23 , 2016 ) . `` North Korea launches missile from submarine '' . CNN . Archived from the original on April 24 , 2016 . Retrieved April 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Latest North Korea missile launch lands near Japan waters , alarms Tokyo '' . Reuters . August 3 , 2016 . Archived from the original on August 3 , 2016 . Retrieved August 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jones , Michael . `` UN Condemns North Korea Ballistic Missile Launch '' ( Online ) . ABC Live . Retrieved August 30 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Kim , Jack , and Soyoung Kim . `` North Korea detonates its sixth and most powerful nuclear test yet '' . Reuters . Archived from the original on September 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` North Korea 's latest nuclear test was so powerful it reshaped the mountain above it '' . The Washington Post . September 14 , 2017 . Archived from the original on September 14 , 2017 . Retrieved September 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` North Korea nuclear test : Hydrogen bomb ' missile - ready ' '' . BBC News . September 3 , 2017 . Archived from the original on September 3 , 2017 . Retrieved September 3 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Chronology of U.S. - North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy , by the Arms Control Association Missiles of North Korea Short - range KN - 2 OTR - 21 Tochka Persian Gulf ( missile ) Fateh - 110 Luna - M Luna Hwasong - 5 Hwasong - 6 Medium - range Rodong - 1 Hwasong - 10 Pukguksong - 2 Intermediate - range Hwasong - 10 Hwasong - 12 KN - 08 Taepodong - 1 ICBM KN - 08 Hwasong - 14 Taepodong - 2 SLBM Pukkuksong - 1 Cruise missiles KN - 19 Kumsong - 3 \ 4 KN - 09 ( Local variant of Kh - 35 ) C - 602 C - 802 P - 35 P - 15 KN - 1 Silkworm KN - 1 Anti-ship missiles KN - 19 Kumsong - 3 \ 4 KN - 09 ( Local variant of Kh - 35 ) C - 602 C - 802 Kh - 28 P - 35 P - 15 KN - 1 Silkworm KN - 1 Surface - to - air missiles KN - 06 S - 200 S - 25 Berkut S - 75 Dvina S - 125 Neva / Pechora Buk Kub Krug Air to air missiles R / K - 13 R - 23 / 24 R - 60 R - 73 / 74 R - 27 R - 4 R - 40 R / K - 8 K - 9 R - 38 Anti-tank guided missiles AT - 1 AT - 2 AT - 3 Susong - Po AT - 4 Bulsae - 2 AT - 5 Bulsae - 3 AT - 6 AT - 7 Air to ground missiles Kh - 23 AS - 8 Kh - 28 Kh - 25 Kh - 29 KN - 09 ( Local variant of Kh - 35 ) Anti-ship ballistic missiles Persian Gulf ( missile ) Fateh - 110 Artillery rockets and MRLs KN - 09 M - 1991 M1985 BM - 24 BMD - 20 BM - 11 M - 1985 Type 63 Missile tests 1993 2006 2009 2013 2014 2017 North Korea and weapons of mass destruction Main topics Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program Nuclear power in North Korea Agreed Framework Six - party talks Japan -- North Korea Pyongyang Declaration Sanctions against North Korea 2017 North Korea crisis Missile tests 1993 2006 2009 2013 2014 2017 Nuclear tests 2006 reactions 2009 reactions 2013 reactions January 2016 reactions September 2016 reactions 2017 Facilities Punggye - ri Nuclear Test Site Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization UN resolutions 825 1695 1718 1874 1928 1985 2087 2094 2270 2321 2371 2375 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Military history of North Korea Nuclear program of North Korea 2010s in North Korea North Korea - related lists North Korea -- South Korea relations Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from August 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano 日本 語 Português 文言 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 24 September 2017 , at 16 : 04 . 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when was the last time north korea fired a missile
Year Information 1976 - 81 North Korea commences its missile development program using Scud - B from the Soviet Union and a launchpad from Egypt . 1984 First Scud - B missile test firing . Operational deployment of Scud - B and Scud - C missiles . First Rodong missile test . 1993 1993 North Korean missile test - ( May 29 / 30 , 1993 ) - Nodong 1998 North Korea fires off its first ballistic missile , the Unha - 1 rocket , also known as the Taepodong - 1 missile , from the launch site of Musudan - ri in North Hamgyong Province . 1999 North Korea agrees to a moratorium on long - range missile tests . 2002 North Korea pledges to extend moratorium on missile tests beyond 2003 . North Korea reaffirms moratorium . 2005 North Korea fires short - range missile into Sea of Japan . 2006 2006 North Korean missile test - ( July 5 , 2006 ) - Taepodong - 2 failed 2009 Failed orbit of the Kwangmyongsong - 2 satellite aboard an Unha - 2 carrier rocket ( April 5 , 2009 ) 2009 2009 North Korean missile test ( July 4 , 2009 ) 2012 Failed launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 3 satellite aboard an Unha - 3 carrier rocket ( April 13 , 2012 ) 2012 Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 3 Unit 2 satellite aboard a three stage rocket ( December 12 , 2012 ) 2013 2013 North Korean missile tests ( May 18 -- 20 , 2013 - part of 2013 Korean crisis ) 2014 2014 North Korean missile tests ( March 2014 ) including Nodong , success 2015 North Korea claims to launch a missile from a submarine ( May 2015 ) 2016 Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng - 4 satellite ( February 7 , 2016 ) 2016 Test of engine designed for an intercontinental ballistic missile ( April 2016 ) 2016 North Korea claims to launch a Pukkuksong - 1 missile capable of striking the United States ( August 2016 ) . The missile is a Submarine - launched ballistic missile . 2016 Failed North Korean ballistic missile launch ( October 15 , 2016 ) - 2016 Failed launch of an intermediate - range missile ( October 19 , 2016 ) 2017 North Korea test - fired a Pukguksong - 2 missile over the Sea of Japan . This was the first launch of the new medium - range ballistic missile ( February 11 , 2017 ) . 2017 North Korea launches four ballistic missiles from the Tongchang - ri launch site in the northwest . Some flew 620 mi ( 1,000 km ) before falling into the Sea of Japan . ( March 6 , 2017 ) 2017 North Korea test - fired a medium - range ballistic missile from its eastern port of Sinpo into the Sea of Japan ( April 4 , 2017 ) 2017 North Korea test - fired an unidentified land - based missile from the naval base in Sinpo but it exploded almost immediately after the takeoff ( April 15 , 2017 ) . 2017 North Korea test - fired an unidentified missile from Pukchang airfield ( April 28 , 2017 ) . Missile , believed to be a medium - range KN - 17 ballistic missile , falters and breaks apart minutes after liftoff . 2017 North Korea test - fired a Hwasong - 12 missile from a test site in the area of Kusong ( May 13 , 2017 ) . The missile , later revealed to be an intermediate range ballistic missile , traveled 30 minutes , reached an altitude of more than 2,111.5 km , and flew a horizontal distance of 789 km ( 489 miles ) , before falling into the Sea of Japan . Such a missile would have a range of at least 4,000 , reaching Guam , to 6,000 km . 2017 North Korea test - fired another Pukguksong - 2 medium - range ballistic missile from Pukchang airfield ( May 21 , 2017 ) , which traveled approximately 300 miles before falling into the Sea of Japan . The missile landed about 217 miles from North Korea 's east coast . 2017 North Korea fired a Short Range Ballistic Missile into the Sea of Japan ( May 29 , 2017 ) . It traveled 450 km . 2017 North Korea fired several missiles into the Sea of Japan ( June 8 , 2017 ) . They are believed to be anti-ship missiles . The South Korean military said the launches show the reclusive regime 's `` precise targeting capability . '' 2017 North Korea tested a new rocket engine that could possibly be fitted to an intercontinental ballistic missile ( June 23 , 2017 ) . 2017 North Korea tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBM ) named Hwasong - 14 on July 4 . It launched from the Panghyon Aircraft Factory 8 km southeast of Panghyon Airport . It was aimed straight up at a lofted trajectory and reached more than 2,500 km into space . It landed 37 minutes later , more than 930 km from its launch site , into Japan 's exclusive economic zone . Aiming long , the missile would have traveled 7,000 - 8,000 km or more , reaching Alaska , Hawaii , and maybe Seattle . Its operational range would be farther , bringing a 500 kg payload to targets in most of the contiguous United States 9,700 km away . 2017 The 14th missile test carried out by North Korea in 2017 was another ICBM launched at 23 : 41 North Korea time ( 15 : 41 GMT ) from Chagang Province in the north of the country on July 28 , 2017 . Los Angeles , Denver , Chicago , Boston , and New York appear to be within range . The missile 's reentry vehicle ( RV ) was seen by people in Japan as it entered the atmosphere and landed near the northernmost Japanese island , Hokkaido . Analysis later revealed that the RV broke up on re-entry ; further testing would be required . The CIA made an assessment expecting adequate performance of the RV under the different stresses of a shallower trajectory towards the continental US . 2017 North Korea test fires three short range ballistic missiles from the Kangwon province on August 26 . Two travel approximately 250 kilometers in a northeastern direction and one explodes immediately after launch . 2017 On August 29 , 2017 , at 6 AM local time , North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Northern Japan . The missile 's short and low trajectory and its breakup into three pieces is consistent with the failure of a heavy post-boost vehicle . 2017 North Korea launched a ballistic missile on September 15 from Sunan airfield . It reached a height of 770 km and flew a distance of 3,700 km for 17 minutes over Hokkaido before landing in the Pacific .
Castle Rock ( TV series ) - Wikipedia Castle Rock ( TV series ) Castle Rock Genre Anthology Mystery Psychological horror Supernatural Thriller Created by Sam Shaw Dustin Thomason Based on Characters & settings by Stephen King Starring André Holland Melanie Lynskey Bill Skarsgård Jane Levy Sissy Spacek Theme music composer Thomas Newman Composer ( s ) Thomas Newman Chris Westlake Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 8 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) J.J. Abrams Stephen King Sam Shaw Dustin Thomason Ben Stephenson Mark Lafferty Liz Glotzer Producer ( s ) Robin Sweet Tamara Isaac Scott Brown Cinematography Richard Rutkowski Jeff Greeley Editor ( s ) Matthew V. Colonna Tom Wilson Kelley Dixon Tanya Swerling Trevor Baker Running time 43 -- 59 minutes Production company ( s ) Bad Robot Productions Old Curiosity Shop Darkbloom Productions Distributor Warner Bros. Television Release Original network Hulu Original release July 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 25 ) -- present ( present ) External links Official website Castle Rock is an American psychological horror anthology web television series based on characters and settings from the stories of Stephen King that premiered on July 25 , 2018 on Hulu . The series , created by Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason and starring André Holland , Melanie Lynskey , Bill Skarsgård , Jane Levy , and Sissy Spacek , intertwines characters and themes from the fictional town of Castle Rock , Maine . On August 14 , 2018 , it was announced that the series had been renewed for a second season . Contents 1 Premise 2 Cast and characters 2.1 Main 2.2 Recurring 2.3 Guest 3 Episodes 4 Production 4.1 Development 4.2 Casting 4.3 Filming 5 Release 5.1 Marketing 5.2 Premiere 6 Reception 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Premise ( edit ) Castle Rock combines `` the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King 's best - loved works , weaving an epic saga of darkness and light , played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland . '' Cast and characters ( edit ) Main ( edit ) André Holland as Henry Matthew Deaver , a criminal law attorney in Texas specializing in capital punishment cases . He left Castle Rock after the townspeople suspected his involvement in his adoptive father 's death , but returns upon receiving a strange request . Caleel Harris portrays a young Henry in a recurring role . Melanie Lynskey as Molly Strand , the owner of M. Strand & Associates Real Estate company in Castle Rock . She posseses the ability to read minds and feel the same emotions others are experiencing . Cassady McClincy portrays a young Molly in a recurring role . Bill Skarsgård as `` The Kid '' , an enigmatic inmate at Shawshank State Penitentiary secretly held prisoner by Warden Dale Lacy for 27 years . He specifically asks for Henry after being released from a septic tank located beneath an abandoned cell block in the prison . Jane Levy as Diane `` Jackie '' Torrance , an aspiring writer , employee of M. Strand & Associates Real Estate company , and the niece of Jack Torrance . She possesses a vast knowledge of Castle Rock 's history and took her uncle 's name as way of getting back at her parents . Sissy Spacek as Ruth Deaver , Henry 's estranged adoptive mother and a lifelong Castle Rock resident whose struggle with dementia leads her to reveal secrets about the town 's dark past . Schuyler Fisk portrays a younger Ruth in a recurring role . Recurring ( edit ) Scott Glenn as Alan Pangborn , the retired former sheriff of Castle Rock who moves in with Ruth Deaver unbeknownst to her son Henry . Jeffrey Pierce portrays a younger Alan in a recurring role . Noel Fisher as Dennis Zalewski , a prison guard at Shawshank who discovers `` The Kid '' and anonymously calls Henry after hearing `` The Kid '' say his name . Adam Rothenberg as Reverend Matthew Deaver , Henry 's late adoptive father and Castle Rock 's former pastor whose death prompted the townspeople to label Henry as the prime suspect . Chris Coy as Boyd , a prison guard at Shawshank that works alongside Dennis . Ann Cusack as Theresa Porter , the new warden of Shawshank and Dale Lacy 's successor . Aaron Staton as Castle Rock 's pastor and Matthew Deaver 's successor at the local Church of the Incarnation . Josh Cooke as Reeves , the deputy warden of Shawshank . Terry O'Quinn as Dale Lacy , the former warden of Shawshank who commits suicide by decapitation shortly before `` The Kid '' is discovered . Zabryna Guevara as Maret Rory Culkin as Willie , the interpreter and protégé of Odin Branch . Charles Jones as Odin Branch , an old friend of Reverend Matthew Deaver with advanced degrees in bioacoustics and psychoacoustics . Chosen Jacobs as Wendell Deaver , Henry 's son . Frances Conroy as Martha Lacy , the now - widowed wife of Dale Lacy whom Henry visits in attempt to gain more information about Shawshank . Charlie Tahan as Dean Merrill , a teenage drug dealer who supplies Molly with medication . Mark Harelik as Gordon , a history professor from Des Moines , Iowa who moves to Castle County after attacking a man for sleeping with his wife . Following the move , the couple convert the Lacy home into a bed and breakfast . After receiving their first guests , Gordon stabs the couple to death with a knife in the middle of the night . He is killed by Jackie Torrance as she attempts to stop Gordon from killing Henry Deaver . Lauren Bowles as Lilith , Gordon 's wife and one of the new owners of the Lacy home . She helps her husband cover up his murder of their guests . While attempting to kill Henry Deaver whom she discovered inside of her home , she is herself killed accidentally by him as he tries to defend himself from her . Mathilde Deyahe as Amity Allison Tolman as Molly Strand 's sister Guest ( edit ) Phyllis Somerville as Leanne Chambers ( `` Severance '' ) , one of Henry 's clients in Texas who is sentenced to death for murdering her husband Richard . Frank L. Ridley as Chesterton ( `` Severance '' ) , a lieutenant prison guard at Shawshank . Brionne Davis as Garrett Coyne ( `` Habeas Corpus '' ) Audrey Moore as Mrs. Strand , Molly 's mother . ( `` Habeas Corpus '' ) Burke Moses as the host of Local Color , a public access television show on WEBV , Castle County 's community television station . ( `` Local Color '' ) David Selby as Josef Desjardins ( `` The Box '' ) , a barber and the brother of Vince Desjardins , a convicted felon who was suspected in Henry Deaver 's disappearance . Richard Schiff as Porter 's superior at Shawshank . ( `` Harvest '' ) James LeGros as Castle Rock 's current sheriff . ( `` Harvest '' ) Peta Sergeant as Angela ( `` Harvest '' ) Amanda Brooks as Psychologist ( `` Harvest '' ) Jayne Atkinson as Daria Reese ( `` Past Perfect '' ) , a state police officer that questions Henry after Alan 's death is reported . Her daughter , Dana , went to high school with Henry while she served in the school 's parent - teacher association Rodrigo Lopresti as a bed and breakfast guest who is murdered alongside his wife by Gordon . ( `` Past Perfect '' ) Episodes ( edit ) No . Title Directed by Written by Original release date `` Severance '' Michael Uppendahl Sam Shaw & Dustin Thomason July 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 25 ) In 1991 Castle Rock , Maine , Sheriff Alan Pangborn finds missing child Henry Deaver standing in the middle of the town 's frozen lake . In 2018 , on his last day as warden of Shawshank State Penitentiary , Dale Lacy commits suicide . His successor , Theresa Porter , plans to reopen a long - abandoned cell block so that she can maintain the inmate population . While counting the beds , guard Dennis Zalewski finds a Kid locked in an underground cage . The Kid , upon being released , whispers Henry 's name . Porter refuses to involve Henry , who is now a death - row lawyer , but Zalewski anonymously calls him . After returning to Castle Rock and reconnecting with Pangborn and his dementia - suffering mother Ruth , Henry attempts to learn more about The Kid only for Porter to stonewall him . Zalewski , meanwhile , discovers that The Kid has escaped and slaughtered several guards . In a flashback , it is revealed that Henry 's father went missing around the same time he did and was found dead . In a second flashback , Lacy tells The Kid to ask for Henry when the time comes . `` Habeas Corpus '' Michael Uppendahl Sam Shaw & Dustin Thomason July 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 25 ) Henry tries to learn more about the events at Shawshank from Lacy 's widow only to be kicked out when she accuses him of killing his father . Zalewski discovers that the mass slaughter was all in his head and confronts The Kid . Pangborn meets with Porter , telling her he found a letter written by Lacy . In the letter , he states his belief that the Devil had taken on the form of a boy and that he locked him away because God told him to . Porter immediately places The Kid in a new cell only for his cellmate to die of cancer . `` Local Color '' Dan Attias Gina Welch July 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 25 ) This paragraph 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise . ( August 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The episode opens with young Molly sneaking into the Deaver house when Henry is missing and his father is on life support . She pulls the ventilator off the pastor 's collar and watches as he dies . Adult Molly has a dream of the pastor and wakes up shaken . Henry goes to see Molly , who struggles to keep a conversation with Henry due to her empathetic powers . Henry asks her to help him put his mother 's house on the market , she declines and he leaves , hurt . In a flashback , Henry is burning a VCR tape and cursing his dad when Molly catches him . Molly tells him she knows what he does in his room , she can hear what he 's thinking and feeling . Zalewski meets with Henry and tells him he 's sure Lacy was involved with The Kid and Henry asks Zalewski to befriend The Kid . Molly comes home to a ransacked house and has a flashback to the night Henry disappeared , and seed Henry in the woods with his father , who asks `` do you hear it ? '' , before Henry runs away . Molly 's dealer is out so she goes to a house looking for `` Derek '' and finds children having a hearing describing brutal deaths . She 's forced to sit with them until all the kids turn on her screaming guilty . Derek pulls her to the `` death house '' , and she is negotiating a price when the cops show up . Henry bails her out . She tells him that being around him throws her off balance . When he finds out about her meeting for a TV show , he rushes her to the taping . She struggles to get through the interview , and suddenly announces live about The Kid being kept in the prison without cause . Henry is called to Shawshank and Porter acknowledges The Kid , offering Henry a settlement deal . Henry speaks with the Kid and the Kid asks Henry , `` Do you hear it now ? '' , shaking Henry . Molly returns home to a ransacked house , and sees a man with a gauze covered head , resembling Pastor Deaver in her nightmare , while she struggles to hide . He vanishes . `` The Box '' Michael Uppendahl Scott Brown August 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 01 ) Henry experiences flashbacks from when he went missing and goes to the home of a suspect in his case . He finds the suspect who gives him the police file associated with his disappearance . Meanwhile , Henry 's father 's casket arrives at the church . Henry decides to take the prison 's offer for the Kid , claiming he wants to go back to his family . Zalewski has an encounter with the Kid . When Henry tells him that he will take the settlement , Zalewski takes a gun and shoots many guards and officers within the prison before being gunned down himself , in front of Henry . 5 `` Harvest '' Andrew Bernstein Lila Byock August 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 08 ) Henry 's father 's casket arrives at the church before its moved to the new slot , and the Father tells Henry that something odd is happening ; the casket is dripping what supposed to be Henry 's father 's cooked body ( because the casket serves as an oven for the body in rare cases ) , but this should n't be happening because his father died a long time ago . Wildfires are raging near Castle Rock . Shawshank releases the Kid and Henry sets him up in the room above Molly 's office . The Kid wanders into a family 's dinner / birthday celebration and seemingly causes a violent end . Jackie finds the Kid and hangs out with him . Alan is honored at a bridge - naming ceremony , during which Ruth is spooked by a dog and jumps off the bridge . Alan and Henry speak with her at the hospital . Alan discovers the Kid in the forest . Alan states that the Kid has n't aged a day since 1991 and the Kid offers to help Ruth . 6 `` Filter '' Kevin Hooks Vinnie Wilhelm & Marc Bernardin August 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 15 ) The episode opens with the second funeral and burial of Matthew Deaver , Henry 's adoptive father . Henry begins to hear a ringing in his ear which he also experienced as a child . The Kid tells Alan to find Warden Lacy 's old car in order to save Ruth 's memory . Henry brings the Kid to Juniper Hills Psychiatric Hospital . Henry 's son Wendell comes to visit . Ruth describes to Wendell how she uses chess pieces to help her memory . Henry goes to Molly to discuss the flashbacks he has of his father bringing him into the woods and Molly admits to murdering his father . Henry goes into the same woods that his father brought him into as a child . He discovers two campers , Odin , a deaf man , and Willie , his interpreter . Odin claims that the ringing Henry hears is a schisma , which Henry 's father believed was the Voice of God . He tricks Henry into an anechoic chamber in their camper where he begins to hallucinate his father . The Kid has escaped Juniper Hills by setting a fire and Alan finds him on the front porch of the Deaver home with a bloody hand . Alan rushes into the house to try and find Ruth . 7 `` The Queen '' Greg Yaitanes Sam Shaw August 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 22 ) This paragraph 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise . ( August 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The episode opens with Ruth hiding in the storage shed , continuing the scene from the previous episode . The timeline then shifts between the past and present , at once recounting Ruth 's life with Henry as a boy , scenes from previous episodes now through Ruth 's point of view , and the Kid 's mysterious intrusion into Ruth 's house in the present . Ruth recalls Matthew Deaver 's first time hearing `` the voice of God '' and her relationship with Alan Pangborn . Expanding upon a scene from a previous episode , Wendell interprets Ruth 's dementia with a VR game , calling Ruth a `` timewalker , '' who must defeat her nemesis , Matthew Deaver in the form of the Kid . Back in the present , Ruth sends Wendell away to protect him . The Kid makes dinner for Ruth , and suggests she takes aa sedative . In response , Ruth distracts the Kid by asking him to draw her a bath , does not take the pill , and runs upstairs to find a revolver . While at first she does not remember where the bullets are , her memories eventually lead her to discover the bullets , packed away in her buried suitcase . Returning to the events at the beginning of the episode , Ruth hides in the shed with the loaded revolver , ready to shoot the Kid when he walks through . Instead , she shoots and kills Alan Pangborn by accident as he walks through . 8 `` Past Perfect '' Ana Lily Amirpour Mark Lafferty August 29 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 29 ) 9 `` Henry Deaver '' TBA TBA September 5 , 2018 ( 2018 - 09 - 05 ) 10 `` Romans '' TBA TBA September 12 , 2018 ( 2018 - 09 - 12 ) Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) On February 17 , 2017 , it was announced that Hulu , J.J. Abrams , and Stephen King were collaborating on a new series entitled Castle Rock based on King 's large canon of work . It was further reported that the series would be written by Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason and produced by Abrams ' Bad Robot Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. Television . Four days later , Hulu further revealed that they had given the production a series order consisting of a first season of ten episodes . Additionally , it announced that executive producers would include Abrams , King , Shaw , Thomason , Ben Stephenson , and Liz Glotzer . On July 12 , 2017 , it was announced that Michael Uppendahl was joining the production as a co-executive producer and would direct the pilot episode . On August 4 , 2018 , it was announced that Hulu had renewed the series for a second season . Casting ( edit ) On May 11 , 2017 , it was announced that André Holland had been cast in the series ' lead role . In June 2017 , it was announced that Jane Levy , Sissy Spacek , and Melanie Lynskey had joined the main cast . On July 10 , 2017 , Bill Skarsgård was added to the series ' main cast . In August 2017 , it was reported that Scott Glenn and Terry O'Quinn had been added as series regulars . On March 1 , 2018 , it was announced that Chosen Jacobs had joined the series in the recurring role of Wendell Deaver , the son of Holland 's character . On June 8 , 2018 , it was announced during the annual ATX Television Festival that Allison Tolman had joined the cast in the recurring role of Lynsky 's character 's sister . Five days later , it was reported that Noel Fisher had also been cast in a recurring role . Filming ( edit ) Principal photography for the first season was expected to take place in Massachusetts in locations such as Orange , Massachusetts and at New England Studios in Devens , Massachusetts . In August , production began in Devens and in Orange , where the downtown area of the town had been refitted to appear as the town of Castle Rock , and where production was expected to continue through January 2018 . That month , crews also shot scenes at Vernon Hill School in Worcester , Massachusetts and at an old Victorian house in Lancaster , Massachusetts . Filming returned to Orange during the week of August 21 for production of the series ' second episode . In late September 2017 , filming took place in Tewksbury , Massachusetts at The Public Health Museum on the campus of the Tewksbury State Hospital . In October 2017 , filming took place at the Central Cemetery in Orange where a funeral scene was shot . The downtown area was refitted with a more modern look in November for another phase of production . From September 4 , 2017 until the end of the month , production took place at the former West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville , West Virginia which appeared as the fictional Shawshank State Prison . On November 21 , 2017 , filming took place in Worcester in the lobby of the Mercantile Building which had been refitted into a boardroom . On December 18 , 2017 , production for the season finale began . and by January all filming in Orange was completed and the production proceeded to donate $3,500 dollars to the town . The Fire Department has received $2,500 for helping facilitate production , and the Trustees of Soldiers ' Memorial will receive another $1,000 . Release ( edit ) Marketing ( edit ) Simultaneously with the series announcement , Hulu released the first teaser trailer for the series . The teaser trailer mentions titles of and characters from a number of Stephen King novels , short stories , and collections including : It , Dolores Claiborne , Needful Things , ' Salem 's Lot , Dreamcatcher , Night Shift , The Green Mile , Misery , Hearts in Atlantis , The Shining , `` The Mangler '' , Four past Midnight , Different Seasons , Nightmares & Dreamscapes , The Dark Half , and `` The Night Flier '' . On October 8 , 2017 , a second teaser trailer was unveiled at the annual New York Comic Con and subsequently released online . On February 1 , 2018 , released a thirty - second television commercial for the series online that eventually aired three days later during Super Bowl LII . Hulu reportedly paid $5 million dollars to air the advertisement during the football game . On May 2 , 2018 , a third teaser trailer was released alongside the announcement of the show 's premiere date of July 25 , 2018 . On July 10 , 2018 , the first full trailer for the series was released . Premiere ( edit ) On June 8 , 2018 , the series took part in the annual ATX Television Festival in Austin , Texas where a `` first look '' at footage from the series took place . Following the premiere of the footage , a question - and - answer panel occurred with creators and executive producers Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason . On June 19 , 2018 , it was announced that the series would hold its world premiere during the show 's panel at San Diego Comic Con in San Diego , California where cast members including Sissy Spacek , Bill Skarsgard , and Melanie Lynskey are set to be in attendance . On September 7 , 2018 , the series will take part in the 12th annual PaleyFest Fall Television Previews which will feature a screening of the first season finale and a discussion with creator and executive producer Sam Shaw . Reception ( edit ) The series has been met with a generally positive response from critics . On the review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes , the series holds an 86 % approval rating with an average rating of 7.43 out of 10 based on 59 reviews . The website 's critical consensus reads , `` A meticulously crafted mystery brimming with allusions , Castle Rock is bound to please even the pickiest of Stephen King fans -- though mileage may vary for casual viewers . '' Metacritic , which uses a weighted average , assigned the series a score of 66 out of 100 based on 35 critics , indicating `` generally favorable reviews '' . In a positive review , Collider 's Dave Trumbore praised the series saying , `` Shaw , Thomason , Abrams & Co. really nail the core concepts of King 's storytelling here . Each character gets a good amount of screen time to focus on introspection ... Castle Rock is a ca n't - miss series for Stephen King fans and a must - watch horror show for fans of dark , thrilling , character - focused mysteries . '' In a similarly favorable critique , Entertainment Weekly 's Kristen Baldwin gave the series a grade of `` A - '' and commended it saying , `` Though most characters are new ( Scott Glenn 's Alan Pangborn , a sheriff who appeared in Needful Things and The Dark Half , is one exception ) , for King fans the world of Castle Rock will be inescapably familiar . Spending time here feels , in many ways , like coming home -- with all of the excitement and dread such a visit entails . '' In another approving criticism , Ben Travers of Indiewire gave the series a grade of `` B + '' and complimented it saying , `` For a show that could 've been dominated by its origins , Castle Rock sure has a good time breathing new life into them . Smart , fun scares ; deeply felt , well - founded characters ; layers of story to decipher , along with the references -- what more could you want in a new piece of the Stephen King library ? '' In a more mixed review , Dan Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter criticized the series saying , `` The actors will offer the best incentive for the King - ambivalent to tune into Castle Rock , but I 'm not sure even they will ultimately be enough to overcome the sluggish and vague story . '' In a negative review , Daniel D'Addario of Variety was even more disapproving saying , `` It 's eerie - by - the - numbers , repeatedly telling us quite how scared we ought to be , without yet building characters for whom we feel sympathetic fear . '' See also ( edit ) Castle Rock , the fictional town upon which the series is based References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Chavez , Danette ( February 21 , 2017 ) . `` Hulu gives J.J. Abrams ' mysterious Castle Rock a 10 - episode order '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved February 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Castle Rock -- Hulu Press Site '' . Hulu . Retrieved June 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Catle Rock - Listings '' . The Futon Critic . Retrieved May 6 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Andreeva , Nellie ( February 18 , 2017 ) . `` J.J. Abrams & Stephen King Team For ' Castle Rock ' Horror Series On Hulu '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( February 21 , 2017 ) . `` J.J. Abrams & Stephen King 's ' Castle Rock ' Gets 10 - Episode Series Order From Hulu '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( July 12 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' On Hulu : Michael Uppendahl To Direct J.J. Abrams / Stephen King Series '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Chmielewski , Dawn C. ( August 14 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Renewed For Second Season By Hulu '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved August 14 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( May 11 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : André Holland To Topline J.J. Abrams & Stephen King 's Hulu Series '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( June 26 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : Jane Levy & Sissy Spacek Cast In Hulu Series From J.J. Abrams & Stephen King '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( June 28 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : Melanie Lynskey To Star In Hulu 's J.J. Abrams / Stephen King Series '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Petski , Denise ( July 10 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : Bill Skarsgård Joins Hulu 's J.J. Abrams / Stephen King Series '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Ramos , Dino - Ray ( August 15 , 2017 ) . `` Scott Glenn Joins Hulu 's ' Castle Rock ' As Iconic Stephen King Character Alan Pangborn '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( August 29 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : Terry O'Quinn Cast In Hulu 's J.J. Abrams / Stephen King Series '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Petski , Denise ( March 1 , 2018 ) . `` Chosen Jacobs Joins ' Castle Rock ' ; ' Strange Angel ' Casts Laine Neil '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : N'Duka , Amanda ( June 8 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : Allison Tolman Set To Recur In Hulu Series -- ATX '' . Deadline . Retrieved June 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Petski , Denise ( June 13 , 2018 ) . `` ' Catch - 22 ' Casts Harrison Osterfield ; Noel Fisher Heads To ' Castle Rock ' '' . Deadline . Retrieved June 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Poli , Domenic ( June 19 , 2017 ) . `` Orange to be filming location for Stephen King - uiverse series on Hulu '' . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Sobey , Rick ( June 12 , 2017 ) . `` Devens cameras to roll on something creepy - good '' . Lowell Sun News . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Poli , Domenic ( August 8 , 2017 ) . `` Orange becomes Castle Rock : Film crew works downtown '' . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ DeForge , Jeanette ( August 13 , 2017 ) . `` Filming begins in Orange for Stephen King series `` Castle Rock '' : What people are Tweeting `` . MASSLive . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Semon , Craig S. ( November 22 , 2017 ) . `` Castle Rock comes to Worcester '' . Worcester Telegram . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Poli , Domenic ( August 25 , 2017 ) . `` Filming of Stephen King `` Castle Rock '' series returns to Orange `` . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Impink , Paige ( September 16 , 2017 ) . `` Hollywood comes to Tewksbury for ' Castle Rock ' '' . Tewksbury Town Crier . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Poli , Domenic ( September 30 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' filming in Orange cemetery '' . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Poli , Domenic ( November 29 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' sets modernized for upcoming filming '' . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Olson , Alan ( September 29 , 2017 ) . `` Moundsville Meets Maine as Filming Wraps at Former West Virginia Penitentiary News , Sports , Jobs - The Intelligencer '' . The Intelligencer . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Poli , Domenic ( December 21 , 2017 ) . `` Producer : Orange is a `` lovely ' Castle Rock '' . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ McLellan , David ( February 28 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' donates $3,500 to Orange '' . Greenfield Recorder . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Masciadrelli , Mike ( March 1 , 2018 ) . `` Hulu series Castle Rock has finished filming in the town of Orange '' . WWLP . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Evans , Greg ( October 8 , 2017 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Teaser : Shawshank , Sissy Spacek & Bill Skarsgård In A Stephen King Multiverse -- New York Comic - Con '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( February 1 , 2018 ) . `` Hulu Hikes Up The Scare In Super Bowl With ' Castle Rock ' Spot -- Watch '' . Deadline . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Petski , Denise ( May 2 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Gets Premiere Date On Hulu ; Unveils New Teaser Featuring Bill Skarsgård & Andre Holland '' . Deadline . Retrieved May 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Pedersen , Erik ( July 10 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Trailer : This Wo n't Be The Chamber Of Commerce 's Go - To Video To Promote Tourism '' . Deadline . Retrieved July 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Turchiano , Danielle ( June 8 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Bosses on the Importance of Stephen King 's ' Blessing ' and ' Great License ' '' . Variety . Retrieved June 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Turchiano , Danielle ( April 13 , 2018 ) . `` ATX Television Festival Adds ' Castle Rock ' to Programming Lineup ( EXCLUSIVE ) '' . Variety . Retrieved April 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Patten , Dominic ( June 19 , 2018 ) . `` Stephen King & J.J. Abrams ' ' Castle Rock ' Sets Comic - Con World Premiere + More '' . Deadline . Retrieved June 20 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Pedersen , Erik ( July 24 , 2018 ) . `` PaleyFest Fall TV Previews Sets Initial Lineup : Tim Allen , Sarah Silverman , Aaron Paul & More '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved July 29 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Castle Rock : Season 1 '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango . Retrieved August 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Castle Rock : Season 1 '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved August 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Trumbore , Dave ( July 11 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Review : Stephen King 's Domain on Display in Hulu 's Spectacular Horror Series '' . Collider . Retrieved July 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Baldwin , Kristen ( July 11 , 2018 ) . `` For Stephen King fans , ' Castle Rock ' feels like coming home : EW review '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved July 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Travers , Ben ( July 11 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' Review : Hulu 's Excellent New Horror Series Is Inspired by Stephen King , But Oh So Original ( Spoiler - Free ) '' . IndieWire . Retrieved July 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Fienberg , Daniel ( July 11 , 2018 ) . `` ' Castle Rock ' : TV Review '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved July 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ D'Addario , Daniel ( July 11 , 2018 ) . `` TV Review : ' Castle Rock ' '' . Variety . Retrieved July 15 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website Castle Rock on IMDb Adaptations of works by Stephen King Films The Shining ( 1980 ) Cujo ( 1983 ) The Dead Zone ( 1983 ) Christine ( 1983 ) Cat 's Eye ( 1985 ) Silver Bullet ( 1985 ) The Running Man ( 1987 ) Tales from the Darkside : The Movie ( 1990 ) Graveyard Shift ( 1990 ) Misery ( 1990 ) Sleepwalkers ( 1992 ) Needful Things ( 1993 ) The Dark Half ( 1993 ) Dolores Claiborne ( 1995 ) Thinner ( 1996 ) The Night Flier ( 1997 ) The Green Mile ( 1999 ) Hearts in Atlantis ( 2001 ) Dreamcatcher ( 2003 ) Secret Window ( 2004 ) Riding the Bullet ( 2004 ) 1408 ( 2007 ) The Mist ( 2007 ) Dolan 's Cadillac ( 2009 ) A Good Marriage ( 2014 ) Mercy ( 2014 ) Cell ( 2016 ) The Dark Tower ( 2017 ) Gerald 's Game ( 2017 ) 1922 ( 2017 ) In the Tall Grass ( 2019 ) Carrie Carrie ( 1976 ) The Rage : Carrie 2 ( 1999 ) Carrie ( 2002 ) Carrie ( 2013 ) Creepshow Creepshow ( 1982 ) Creepshow 2 ( 1987 ) Creepshow 3 ( 2007 ) Children of the Corn Disciples of the Crow ( 1983 ) Children of the Corn ( 1984 ) The Final Sacrifice ( 1992 ) Urban Harvest ( 1995 ) The Gathering ( 1996 ) Fields of Terror ( 1998 ) Isaac 's Return ( 1999 ) Revelation ( 2001 ) Children of the Corn ( 2009 ) Genesis ( 2011 ) Runaway ( 2018 ) Different Seasons Stand by Me ( 1986 ) The Shawshank Redemption ( 1994 ) Apt Pupil ( 1998 ) Firestarter Firestarter ( 1984 ) Rekindled ( 2002 ) Trucks Maximum Overdrive ( 1986 ) Trucks ( 1997 ) Pet Sematary Pet Sematary ( 1989 ) Pet Sematary Two ( 1992 ) Pet Sematary ( 2019 ) The Mangler The Mangler ( 1995 ) The Mangler 2 ( 2002 ) Reborn ( 2005 ) The Lawnmower Man The Lawnmower Man ( 1992 ) Beyond Cyberspace ( 1996 ) It It ( 2017 ) It : Chapter Two ( 2019 ) TV films , episodes , and miniseries `` The Word Processor of the Gods '' ( 1984 ) `` Gramma '' ( 1986 ) `` Sorry , Right Number '' ( 1987 ) It ( 1990 ) Golden Years ( 1991 ) The Tommyknockers ( 1993 ) The Stand ( 1994 ) The Langoliers ( 1995 ) The Shining ( 1997 ) Quicksilver Highway ( 1997 ) `` The Revelations of ' Becka Paulson '' ( 1997 ) Storm of the Century ( 1999 ) Stephen King 's Desperation ( 2006 ) Nightmares & Dreamscapes : From the Stories of Stephen King ( 2006 ) Bag of Bones ( 2011 ) Big Driver ( 2014 ) Salem 's Lot Salem 's Lot ( 1979 ) A Return to Salem 's Lot ( 1987 ) Salem 's Lot ( 2004 ) Sometimes They Come Back Sometimes They Come Back ( 1991 ) Sometimes They Come Back ... Again ( 1996 ) Sometimes They Come Back ... for More ( 1998 ) Rose Red Rose Red ( 2002 ) The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer ( 2003 ) TV series The Dead Zone ( 2002 -- 2007 ) Kingdom Hospital ( 2004 ) Haven ( 2010 -- 2015 ) Under the Dome ( 2013 -- 2015 ) 11.22. 63 ( 2016 ) The Mist ( 2017 ) Mr. Mercedes ( 2017 -- present ) Castle Rock ( 2018 -- present ) Operas Dolores Claiborne ( 2013 ) The Shining ( 2016 ) Book Hulu original programming Current The Doozers ( since 2014 ) Harlots ( since 2017 ) The Handmaid 's Tale ( since 2017 ) I Love You , America with Sarah Silverman ( since 2017 ) Future Man ( since 2017 ) Marvel 's Runaways ( since 2017 ) All Night ( since 2018 ) Castle Rock ( since 2018 ) Ended The Morning After ( 2011 -- 14 ) A Day in the Life ( 2011 -- 13 ) Battleground ( 2012 ) Spoilers with Kevin Smith ( 2012 ) Up to Speed ( 2012 ) The Thick of It ( series 4 ; 2012 ) East Los High ( 2013 -- 17 ) The Awesomes ( 2013 -- 15 ) Quick Draw ( 2013 -- 14 ) Behind the Mask ( 2013 -- 15 ) Mother Up ! ( 2013 -- 14 ) The Wrong Mans ( 2013 -- 14 ) Deadbeat ( 2014 -- 16 ) The Hotwives ( 2014 -- 15 ) Difficult People ( 2015 -- 17 ) The Mindy Project ( seasons 4 -- 6 ; 2015 -- 17 ) Casual ( 2015 -- 18 ) 11.22. 63 ( 2016 ) The Path ( 2016 -- 18 ) Freakish ( 2016 -- 17 ) Chance ( 2016 -- 17 ) Triumph 's Election Watch 2016 ( 2016 ) Shut Eye ( 2016 -- 17 ) The Looming Tower ( 2018 ) Hard Sun ( 2018 ) Upcoming The First ( 2018 ) Into the Dark ( 2018 ) Light as a Feather ( 2018 ) Solar Opposites ( 2020 ) The Act ( TBA ) Four Weddings and a Funeral ( TBA ) Catch - 22 ( TBA ) Little Fires Everywhere ( TBA ) Looking for Alaska ( TBA ) PEN15 ( TBA ) Ramy ( TBA ) Shrill ( TBA ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2010s American horror television series 2010s American drama television series 2018 American television series debuts English - language television programs Hulu original programming Television programs based on works by Stephen King Television series by Bad Robot Productions Television series by Warner Bros. Television Television shows set in Maine Hidden categories : Pages using infobox television with editor parameter Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from August 2018 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano עברית Polski Русский Українська 中文 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 August 2018 , at 14 : 25 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
where is the tv show castle rock filmed
Principal photography for the first season was expected to take place in Massachusetts in locations such as Orange , Massachusetts and at New England Studios in Devens , Massachusetts . In August , production began in Devens and in Orange , where the downtown area of the town had been refitted to appear as the town of Castle Rock , and where production was expected to continue through January 2018 . That month , crews also shot scenes at Vernon Hill School in Worcester , Massachusetts and at an old Victorian house in Lancaster , Massachusetts . Filming returned to Orange during the week of August 21 for production of the series ' second episode . In late September 2017 , filming took place in Tewksbury , Massachusetts at The Public Health Museum on the campus of the Tewksbury State Hospital . In October 2017 , filming took place at the Central Cemetery in Orange where a funeral scene was shot . The downtown area was refitted with a more modern look in November for another phase of production . From September 4 , 2017 until the end of the month , production took place at the former West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville , West Virginia which appeared as the fictional Shawshank State Prison . On November 21 , 2017 , filming took place in Worcester in the lobby of the Mercantile Building which had been refitted into a boardroom . On December 18 , 2017 , production for the season finale began . and by January all filming in Orange was completed and the production proceeded to donate $3,500 dollars to the town . The Fire Department has received $2,500 for helping facilitate production , and the Trustees of Soldiers ' Memorial will receive another $1,000 .
Ken Marino - wikipedia Ken Marino Jump to : navigation , search Ken Marino Marino in 2014 Kenneth Joseph Marino ( 1968 - 12 - 19 ) December 19 , 1968 ( age 48 ) West Islip , New York , United States Occupation Actor , comedian , writer , director Years active 1992 -- present Spouse ( s ) Erica Oyama Children Kenneth Joseph `` Ken '' Marino ( born December 19 , 1968 ) is an American actor , comedian , director , and screenwriter . He was a cast member on MTV 's The State and has starred in shows such as Party Down , Marry Me , Burning Love , Brooklyn Nine - Nine and Childrens Hospital . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 4.1 Film 4.2 Television 4.3 Other projects 5 References 6 External links Early life ( edit ) Marino was born in West Islip , New York , to an Italian - American family . He studied at the Lee Strasberg Institute and Tisch School of the Arts at New York University in New York City . Career ( edit ) Marino had early success on television as a member of a comedy troupe on the MTV sketch comedy series ' The State in 1993 , of which he was also a founding member . Marino co-starred with Rob Schneider in the second season of Men Behaving Badly . He starred in the short lived series First Years in 2001 . He had a recurring role as Prof. Wilder on the TV series Dawson 's Creek ( 2001 -- 2002 ) and in You Wrote It , You Watch It ( 1992 ) . He made multiple appearances on Charmed and Rock Me Baby , and appeared in three seasons of Veronica Mars as private detective Vinnie Van Lowe . He was cast to star in a re-make of the TV series The Courtship of Eddie 's Father , but the pilot was not picked up . Instead , he was cast in the Starz original series Party Down . He also starred as a homosexual demon on the TV series Reaper . He played Dr. Glenn Richie in the satirical television series Childrens Hospital . Marino also played Captain ' CJ ' Stentley on the show Brooklyn Nine - Nine . Marino also made guest appearances in Will & Grace ( in the season 3 episode , `` Three 's a Crowd , Six Is a Freakshow '' ) , Angel ( season 1 ) , Reno 911 ! ( Season 1 , Episode 2 and Season 3 , Episode 3 ) , Stella ( season 1 ) , Grey 's Anatomy ( season 2 ) , Monk ( in season 3 's `` Mr. Monk Takes His Medicine '' ) , Private Practice ( season 3 ) , and Happy Endings ( season 2 , episode 10 , `` The Shrink , the Dare , Her Date and Her Brother '' ) . Marino starred in 2004 's Love for Rent . He can also be seen in a non speaking role as the music producer / board operator in the pre-ride film that accompanies Rock ' n ' Roller Coaster at Disney 's Hollywood Studios . He has appeared in Wet Hot American Summer , The Ten and Role Models , and had a cameo in the end of The Baxter . He also starred in the Hallmark Channel movie Falling in Love with the Girl Next Door in 2006 . In 2009 , he had a cameo in an episode of Californication . Marino wrote the screenplay for Diggers ( 2007 ) , a coming - of - age film set in mid-1970s Long Island , as well as co-writing / producing The Ten and Role Models with David Wain . Marino and Wain wrote the screenplay for the comedy film Wanderlust , which starred Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston , and was released in 2012 . Marino starred as Mark Orlando in the Yahoo ! web series Burning Love , a spoof of the TV series The Bachelor and The Bachelorette . The series was created by his wife Erica Oyama , while Marino also directed all three seasons . Afterwards , Marino starred opposite Casey Wilson on the NBC sitcom Marry Me , which ran for one season from 2014 to 2015 . Marino has also directed several episodes of the sitcoms The Goldbergs , Super Fun Night , and Trophy Wife . Personal life ( edit ) Marino is married to screenwriter Erica Oyama . They have a son , Riley Ken'ichi Marino and a daughter , Ruby . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1997 Gattaca Sequencing Technician 1999 Love Happens Mike Parker Carlo 's Wake Antonio Torello 2000 101 Ways ( The Things a Girl Will Do to Keep Her Volvo ) Officer Russotelli 2001 Wet Hot American Summer Victor Pulak Tortilla Soup Jeff Joe Somebody Rick Raglow 2005 The Baxter Jack Mechanic Hoodwinked ! Raccoon Jerry ( voice ) Love for Rent Dr. Neil Gardner 2006 Duncan Removed Ben Short film Diggers Lozo Also producer and writer 2007 The Ten Dr. Glenn Richie Also producer and writer Reno 911 ! : Miami Deaf Tattoo Artist 2008 Role Models Jim Stansel Also writer 2009 The Antagonist Party Host Short film Jeffie Was Here Roger 2012 Wanderlust Rick Gergenblatt Also producer and writer Struck by Lightning Dr. Wealer For a Good Time , Call ... Harold 2013 In a World ... Gustav Bad Milo ! Duncan We 're the Millers Todd 2014 They Came Together Tommy Veronica Mars Vinnie Van Lowe 2015 Goosebumps Coach Carr 2016 Masterminds Doug The Late Bloomer Dr. Hanson 2017 How to Be a Latin Lover Director 2017 The Babysitter Cole 's Dad Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes You Wrote It , You Watch It Various Series regular ( also writer ) 1993 -- 1995 The State Various Series regular ; 27 episodes ( also co-creator & writer ) Boston Common Bob Cabot Episode : `` Gobble , Gobble , Aggch ! '' ( 2x09 ) The Single Guy Big Tipper Episode : `` The Deepest Cut '' 1997 Spin City Dan Episode : `` Bye Bye Love '' ( 1x13 ) Men Behaving Badly Steve Cochrane Series regular ( season 2 ) ; 12 episodes 1998 Holding the Baby Mike Episode : `` Viva Las Gordy '' Conrad Bloom Ben Episode : `` The Ultimatum '' 1999 The Practice Kevin Michaels Episode : `` End Games '' ( 3x16 ) Nash Bridges Todd West Episode : `` Truth & Consequences '' 2000 Angel Wilson Christopher Episode : `` Expecting '' ( 1x12 ) Veronica 's Closet Wayne Episode : `` Veronica Sets Josh Up '' ( 3x18 ) Will & Grace Mark Episode : `` Three 's a Crowd , Six Is a Freak Show '' ( 3x10 ) 2001 First Years Miles Lawton Series regular ; 9 episodes ( 6 unaired ) 2001 -- 2002 Dawson 's Creek Professor David Wilder Recurring guest star ( season 5 ) ; 10 episodes 2002 Leap of Faith Andy 6 episodes Haunted Bob Pratt Episode : `` Fidelity '' Do Over Reuben Episode : `` The Anniversary '' Charmed Miles Recurring guest star ( season 5 ) ; 2 episodes 2003 Las Vegas Anton McCarren Episode : `` Jokers and Fools '' 2003 -- 2004 Rock Me Baby Kelly 3 episodes 2003 -- 2008 Reno 911 ! Various 3 episodes What I Like About You Dr. Brad Turner Recurring guest star ( season 2 ) ; 3 episodes Monk Lester Highsmith Episode : `` Mr. Monk Takes His Medicine '' NYPD Blue Det . Gerard Donnelly Episode : `` The 3 - H Club '' 2005 Inconceivable Peter Episode : `` Sex , Lies and Sonograms '' Stella Mr. Fabrizio Episode : `` Paper Route '' ( 1x05 ) 2005 -- 2007 Veronica Mars Vinnie Van Lowe Recurring ; 10 episodes 2006 Falling in Love with the Girl Next Door Mark Lucas TV movie Grey 's Anatomy Brad Ackles Episode : `` 17 Seconds '' ( 2x25 ) 2007 The Sarah Silverman Program Patient # 1 Episode : `` Joan of Arf '' 2008 CSI : Miami Alan Farris Episode : `` You May Now Kill the Bride '' 2008 -- 2009 Reaper Tony Series regular ; 9 episodes 2008 -- 2016 Childrens Hospital Dr. Glenn Richie / Just Falcon / Ron Donald / Glenn Series regular ; 69 episodes ( also writer ) 2009 United States of Tara Mike Connor Episode : `` Possibility '' Greek Camp Leader Episode : `` Take Me Home , Cyprus Rhodes '' In the Motherhood Shep 3 episodes Private Practice Mr. Larson Episode : `` The Way We Were '' ( 3x02 ) Californication Professor David Wilder Episode : `` So Here 's the Thing ... '' ( 3x07 ) 2009 -- 2010 Party Down Ronald Wayne `` Ron '' Donald Series regular ; 20 episodes 2011 -- 2013 Whitney Brian 2 episodes 2012 Happy Endings Richard `` Rick '' Rickman Episode : `` The Shrink , The Dare , Her Date and Her Brother '' ( 2x10 ) The Exes Brad ( Holly 's ex-fiance ) Episode : `` The Ex Always Rings Twice '' ( 1x10 ) Key and Peele Dreadlocked Guy Episode : `` Flicker '' The League Donny ' The Seed ' Sedowsky Episode : `` The Tailgate '' ( 4x06 ) 2013 Toy Story of Terror ! Pocketeer ( voice ) TV short Eastbound & Down Guy Young Recurring ( season 4 ) ; 8 episodes 2013 -- 2014 Drunk History Harry Houdini / Captain James Cook Episodes : `` Detroit '' ( 1x06 ) and `` Hawaii '' ( 2x07 ) 2013 -- 2015 Axe Cop Flute Cop / Fife Cop ( voice ) Series regular ; 16 episodes 2014 Trophy Wife Coach Dawson Episode : `` There 's No Guy in Team '' ( 1x20 ) ( also director ) Bad Teacher Mike Episode : `` Daddy Issues '' ( 1x02 ) Uncle Grandpa Christopher Columbus ( voice ) Episode : `` 1992 Called '' ( 1x27 ) Play It Again , Dick Himself Recurring ; 3 episodes 2014 -- 2015 Marry Me Jake Schuffman Series regular ; 18 episodes 2015 Togetherness Craig Weets Episode : `` Family Day '' ( 1x01 ) Golan the Insatiable Keith Knudsen Sr. ( voice ) Recurring role ; 2 episodes Wet Hot American Summer : First Day of Camp Victor Pulak Main cast ; 5 episodes Maron Himself Episode : `` Spiral '' Comedy Bang ! Bang ! Himself Episode : `` Ken Marino Wears a Slim Gray Suit and Salmon Tie '' ( 4x27 ) 2015 -- 2017 Life in Pieces Will Episodes : `` Babe Secret Phone Germs '' ( 1x05 ) and `` # TBT : Y2K Sophia Honeymoon Critter '' ( 2x09 ) Fresh Off the Boat Gus 4 episodes 2016 Wander Over Yonder Phil ( voice ) Episode : `` The Family Reunion / The Rival '' Agent Carter Joseph Manfredi 5 episodes Vinyl Jackie Jervis 3 episodes House of Lies Mark Fielder Episodes : `` Creative Destruction Phenomenon '' ( 5x01 ) and `` Game Theory '' '' ( 5x02 ) Family Guy Quahog Mall Announcer ( voice ) Episode : `` The New Adventures of Old Tom '' ( 14x18 ) Brooklyn Nine - Nine C.J. Recurring role ; 3 episodes 2016 -- 2017 iZombie Brant Stone 2 episodes Bob 's Burgers Agent Flanley / Jack Conway ( voice ) 2 episodes 2017 Speechless Ethan Episode : `` V-a-l - Valentine 's D-a - Day '' ( 1x14 ) Wet Hot American Summer : Ten Years Later Victor Pulak 7 episodes Other projects ( edit ) Year Project Role Notes 1999 Rock ' n ' Roller Coaster Music Producer Short film 2007 -- 2012 Wainy Days Director , writer , actor Web series 2012 Krogzilla Regurgitor / Delivery Guy Web series 2012 -- 2013 Burning Love Mark Orlando Web series ; 29 episodes ( also director and executive producer ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Ken Marino Biography ( 1968 -- ) '' . . December 19 , 1968 . Retrieved January 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Ken Marino Interview at '' . . January 28 , 2008 . Archived from the original on November 20 , 2008 . Retrieved January 24 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ken Marino Biography '' . . Retrieved January 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Ken Marino on IMDb Jump up ^ `` The Ken Marino Picture page '' . . Retrieved January 24 , 2013 . External links ( edit ) Ken Marino on IMDb Ken Marino Interview @ Heavy In The Streets Childrens ' Hospital streaming episodes on theWB Burning Love Streamy Awards Winners for Best Actor Performance 2009 : Neil Patrick Harris ( comedy ) / Alessandro Juliani ( drama ) 2010 : Zach Galifianakis ( comedy ) / Mark Gantt ( drama ) 2013 : Ken Marino ( comedy ) / Xander Berkeley ( drama ) 2014 : David Milchard ( comedy ) / Joey Graceffa ( drama ) 2015 : James Van Der Beek 2016 : Chris Kendall VIAF : 31666977 LCCN : no2002068328 ISNI : 0000 0001 1615 3763 GND : 141560118 BNF : cb16636665b ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1968 births Living people 20th - century American male actors 21st - century American male actors American male comedians American comedians American male film actors American male television actors American male screenwriters American television directors American television producers American television writers American people of Italian descent Male actors from New York ( state ) People from West Islip , New York Tisch School of the Arts alumni Male television writers Male actors of Italian descent Streamy Award winners Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from May 2011 Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano 日本 語 Português Русский Svenska 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 18 October 2017 , at 15 : 58 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who played professor wilder on dawson's creek
Kenneth Joseph `` Ken '' Marino ( born December 19 , 1968 ) is an American actor , comedian , director , and screenwriter . He was a cast member on MTV 's The State and has starred in shows such as Party Down , Marry Me , Burning Love , Brooklyn Nine - Nine and Childrens Hospital .
Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe - wikipedia Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe Jump to : navigation , search `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' Single by Barry White from the album Ca n't Get Enough B - side `` Just Not Enough '' Released July 25 , 1974 Format 7 inch vinyl Recorded Genre Disco , soul Length 3 : 28 ( Single version ) 4 : 31 ( Album version ) Label Philips , 20th Century Fox Songwriter ( s ) Barry White Producer ( s ) Barry White Barry White singles chronology `` Honey Please , Ca n't Ya See '' ( 1974 ) `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' ( 1974 ) `` You 're the First , the Last , My Everything '' ( 1974 ) `` Honey Please , Ca n't Ya See '' ( 1974 ) `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' ( 1974 ) `` You 're the First , the Last , My Everything '' ( 1974 ) Audio sample file help `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' is a song written , recorded , and produced by Barry White . Released as the first single from his album Ca n't Get Enough in 1974 , the song topped the US Billboard Hot 100 and R&B charts and has since become one of his signature tunes . It was his second US chart - topper , after `` Love 's Theme '' . It became a gold record . White performed this song live on The Midnight Special in 1974 , and on Soul Train on May 24 , 1975 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Chart performance 2 Taylor Dayne version 2.1 Track listing 2.2 Charts 2.2. 1 Weekly charts 2.2. 2 Year - end charts 3 In popular culture 4 References 5 External links Chart performance ( edit ) Chart ( 1974 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) 23 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 17 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 5 France ( SNEP ) 57 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 12 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 8 US Billboard Hot 100 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) 26 US Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs ( Billboard ) Taylor Dayne version ( edit ) `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' CD Single Cover Single by Taylor Dayne from the album Soul Dancing B - side `` Let 's Spend the Night Together '' Released June 10 , 1993 ( 1 ) Format Cassette single CD single 12 '' vinyl Recorded Genre Pop Length 4 : 25 Label Arista Songwriter ( s ) Barry White Producer ( s ) David Cole , Robert Clivillés Taylor Dayne singles chronology `` Heart of Stone '' ( 1990 ) `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' ( 1993 ) `` Send Me a Lover '' ( 1993 ) `` Heart of Stone '' ( 1990 ) `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' ( 1993 ) `` Send Me a Lover '' ( 1993 ) In 1993 the song was covered -- as `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' -- by Taylor Dayne . When Dayne submitted her planned third album to Arista Records , label president Clive Davis strongly suggested that she remake the Barry White classic to serve as the album 's lead single ( replacing Dayne 's choice , the self - penned `` I 'll Wait '' which was the planned title cut ; the album 's title was amended to Soul Dancing ) . Produced by David Cole and Robert Clivillés of C + C Music Factory , Dayne 's `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' became a smash dance club hit peaking at # 2 . However , the track evinced a sharp drop in Dayne 's profile on the Billboard Hot 100 with a # 20 peak ; Dayne 's first seven singles had all reached the Top Ten but her eighth single `` Heart of Stone '' peaked at # 12 . `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' was her final Top 40 hit with the follow - up single , `` Send Me a Lover '' , being her last Hot 100 entry . The track had more impact for Dayne internationally ; in Australia , it spent three weeks at # 2 in August 1993 . Track listing ( edit ) `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' ( Album version ) -- 4 : 25 `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' ( C + C extended club mix I ) -- 6 : 05 `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' ( C + C extended club mix II ) -- 6 : 46 `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' ( C + C special edition mix ) -- 6 : 12 `` Let 's Spend the Night Together '' -- 5 : 35 Charts ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1993 ) Peak position US Billboard Hot 100 20 US Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks 14 US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play UK Singles Chart 14 Australian Singles Chart Japanese Orican Singles Chart 6 Swiss Singles Chart 17 Austrian Singles Chart 29 Dutch Singles Chart 9 Swedish Singles Chart 34 German Singles Chart 56 Mainstream Top 40 8 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1993 ) Position Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 67 US Billboard Hot 100 99 In popular culture ( edit ) The Barry White recording was featured in the films Cookie ( 1989 ) , Win a Date with Tad Hamilton ! ( 2004 ) , Robots ( 2005 ) , and 16 Blocks ( 2006 ) , where the song appeared on the soundtrack and , in the film , was heard during the closing credits . The song appears in several episodes of the Fox TV series The Simpsons , most notably , during scenes in `` Whacking Day '' and `` The Last Temptation of Homer '' . Barry White was a big fan of The Simpsons . He recorded a version specially for the episode `` Whacking Day '' , in which he also appeared as a guest star . The song also appeared in the 1994 clip show episode in one of the clips at the end . The song also appears on the original motion picture soundtrack for the movie Beautiful Girls ( 1996 ) , performed by the band Afghan Whigs . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 -- 2004 . Record Research . p. 620 . Jump up ^ The Best of Soul Train Live ( booklet ) . Time Life . 2011 . Jump up ^ Kent , David ( 1993 ) . Australian Chart Book 1970 -- 1992 ( doc ) . Australian Chart Book , St Ives , N.S.W. ISBN 0 - 646 - 11917 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` -- Barry White -- Ca n't Get Enough Of Your Love , Babe '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` -- Barry White -- Ca n't Get Enough Of Your Love , Babe '' ( in French ) . Les classement single . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` -- Barry White -- Ca n't Get Enough Of Your Love , Babe '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Barry White : Artist Chart History '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Barry White Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' Billboard . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Barry White Chart History ( Adult Contemporary ) '' Billboard . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Barry White Chart History ( Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs ) '' Billboard . Retrieved July 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Hot Dance / Disco : 1974 -- 2003 . Record Research . p. 71 . Jump up ^ `` Taylor Dayne - Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' . DutchCharts . Retrieved November 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` RPM 100 Hit Tracks of 1993 '' . RPM . Retrieved November 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 100 -- 1993 '' . Archived from the original on 2006 - 11 - 10 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 27 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Preceded by `` I Shot the Sheriff '' by Eric Clapton Billboard Hot 100 number - one single ( Barry White version ) September 21 , 1974 ( one week ) Succeeded by `` Rock Me Gently '' by Andy Kim Preceded by `` Feel Like Makin ' Love '' by Roberta Flack Billboard Hot Soul Singles number - one single ( Barry White version ) September 7 , 1974 - September 21 1974 ( three weeks ) Succeeded by `` You Have n't Done Nothin ' '' by Stevie Wonder Barry White Studio albums I 've Got So Much to Give ( 1973 ) Stone Gon ' ( 1973 ) Ca n't Get Enough ( 1974 ) Just Another Way to Say I Love You ( 1975 ) Let the Music Play ( 1976 ) Is This Whatcha Wont ? ( 1976 ) Barry White Sings for Someone You Love ( 1977 ) The Man ( 1978 ) I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing ( 1979 ) The Message Is Love ( 1979 ) Sheet Music ( 1980 ) Barry & Glodean ( with Glodean White ) ( 1981 ) Beware ! ( 1981 ) Change ( 1982 ) Dedicated ( 1983 ) The Right Night & Barry White ( 1987 ) The Man Is Back ! ( 1989 ) Put Me in Your Mix ( 1991 ) The Icon Is Love ( 1994 ) Staying Power ( 1999 ) Compilations Barry White 's Greatest Hits ( 1975 ) Barry White 's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 ( 1977 ) Heart and Soul ( 1985 ) The Collection ( 1988 ) Just for You ( 1992 ) All - Time Greatest Hits ( 1994 ) The Ultimate Collection ( 2000 ) Love Songs ( 2003 ) The Millennium Collection : The Best of Barry White ( 2003 ) White Gold : The Very Best of Barry White ( 2005 ) Gold ( 2006 ) Number Ones ( 2009 ) Unlimited ( 2009 ) Icon ( 2010 ) Icon 2 ( 2010 ) Singles `` Man Ai n't Nothin '' `` All in the Run of a Day '' `` In the Ghetto '' `` I 'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby '' `` I 've Got So Much to Give '' `` Never , Never Gonna Give Ya Up '' `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' `` You 're the First , the Last , My Everything '' `` What Am I Gonna Do with You '' `` I 'll Do for You Anything You Want Me To '' `` Let the Music Play '' `` You See the Trouble with Me '' `` Baby , We Better Try to Get It Together '' `` Do n't Make Me Wait Too Long '' `` I 'm Qualified to Satisfy You '' `` It 's Ecstasy When You Lay Down Next to Me '' `` Playing Your Game , Baby '' `` Oh , What a Night for Dancing '' `` Your Sweetness Is My Weakness '' `` Just the Way You Are '' `` Sha La La Means I Love You '' `` It 's Only Love Doing Its Thing '' `` Any Fool Can See ( You Were Meant for Me ) '' `` It Ai n't Love , Babe ( Until You Give It ) '' `` I Love to Sing the Songs I Sing '' `` How Did You Know It Was Me ? '' `` Love Ai n't Easy '' `` Sheet Music '' `` Love Makin ' Music '' `` I Believe in Love '' `` Did n't We Make It Happen , Baby '' ( with Glodean White ) `` I Want You '' ( with Glodean White ) `` You 're the Only One for Me '' ( with Glodean White ) `` Louie Louie '' `` Beware '' `` Change '' `` Passion '' `` America '' `` Do n't Let Them Blow Your Mind '' `` Sho ' You Right '' `` For Your Love ( I 'll Do Most Anything ) '' `` Never , Never Gonna Give You Up '' ( Paul Hardcastle Remix ) `` Super Lover '' `` Follow That and See ( Where It Leads Y'All ) '' `` I Wanna Do It Good to Ya '' `` When Will I See You Again '' `` Put Me in Your Mix '' `` Dark and Lovely ( You Over There ) '' ( with Isaac Hayes ) `` Practice What You Preach '' `` Love Is the Icon '' `` Come On '' `` I Only Want to Be with You '' `` There It Is '' `` Staying Power '' `` The Longer We Make Love '' ( with Lisa Stansfield & Chaka Khan ) `` Let the Music Play '' ( Funkstar Deluxe Remixes ) Featured singles `` The Secret Garden ( Sweet Seduction Suite ) '' ( with Quincy Jones , Al B. Sure ! , James Ingram , & El DeBarge ) `` All of Me '' ( with Big Daddy Kane ) `` Slow Jams '' ( with Quincy Jones , Babyface , Tamia , & Portrait ) `` In Your Wildest Dreams '' ( with Tina Turner ) Related articles Discography Love Unlimited The Love Unlimited Orchestra Taylor Dayne Studio albums Tell It to My Heart ( 1988 ) Ca n't Fight Fate ( 1989 ) Soul Dancing ( 1993 ) Naked Without You ( 1998 ) Satisfied ( 2008 ) Compilations Greatest Hits ( 1995 ) Singles `` Tell It to My Heart '' `` Prove Your Love '' `` I 'll Always Love You '' `` Do n't Rush Me '' `` With Every Beat of My Heart '' `` Love Will Lead You Back '' `` I 'll Be Your Shelter '' `` Heart of Stone '' `` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love '' `` Send Me a Lover '' `` Original Sin '' `` Say a Prayer '' `` Whatever You Want '' `` Naked Without You '' `` Planet Love '' `` How Many '' `` Beautiful '' `` Facing a Miracle '' Related articles Arista Records Discography Retrieved from ``,_Babe&oldid=813051791 '' Categories : 1974 singles 1993 singles Barry White songs Taylor Dayne songs Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Song recordings produced by Robert Clivillés Songs written by Barry White 20th Century Fox Records singles Arista Records singles Philips Records singles 1974 songs Songs about sexuality Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Flanders All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2017 Singlechart usages for France Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for UKsinglesbyname Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary Singlechart usages for Billboardrandbhiphop Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Italiano 日本 語 Norsk Edit links This page was last edited on 1 December 2017 , at 13 : 14 . 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who sang can't get enough of your love baby
`` Ca n't Get Enough of Your Love , Babe '' is a song written , recorded , and produced by Barry White . Released as the first single from his album Ca n't Get Enough in 1974 , the song topped the US Billboard Hot 100 and R&B charts and has since become one of his signature tunes . It was his second US chart - topper , after `` Love 's Theme '' . It became a gold record .
Bajirao Mastani - Wikipedia Bajirao Mastani Bajirao Mastani Theatrical release poster Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali Produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali Kishore Lulla Screenplay by Prakash R. Kapadia Based on Raau by Nagnath S. Inamdar Starring Ranveer Singh Deepika Padukone Priyanka Chopra Narrated by Irrfan Khan Music by Sanjay Leela Bhansali Background Score : Sanchit Balhara Cinematography Sudeep Chatterjee Edited by Rajesh G. Pandey Production company Bhansali Productions Eros International Distributed by Eros International Release date 18 December 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 18 ) Running time 158 minutes Country India Language Hindi Marathi Budget ₹ 145 crores Box office est. ₹ 356 crores Bajirao Mastani is a 2015 Indian epic historical romance film directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali , who also composed its soundtrack . The film was jointly produced by Bhansali and Eros International 's Kishore Lulla ; it stars Ranveer Singh , Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra . The supporting cast includes Tanvi Azmi , Vaibhav Tatwawaadi and Milind Soman . Based on the Marathi novel Raau by Nagnath S. Inamdar , Bajirao Mastani narrates the story of the Maratha Peshwa Bajirao I ( 1700 -- 1740 AD ) and his second wife Mastani . Conceived as early as the 1990s , Bhansali announced the film in 2003 but production was delayed several times due to its changing cast . Bajirao Mastani , a passion project for Bhansali , spent the next eleven years in development hell before being revived in 2014 . Extensive research was done before moving into pre-production , which required the creation of twenty - two highly detailed sets , and numerous costumes and props to strengthen its opulence and high production value . Principal photography took place on sets constructed in Film City , with some portions being filmed on location . Visual effects and CGI were used in post-production to enhance a number of scenes . The film was released on 18 December 2015 to positive reviews , with praise directed towards Bhansali 's direction , various technical achievements and the performances of the cast . Bajirao Mastani has also been noted for its scale , grandeur and attention to detail . With a budget of ₹ 145 crores , including marketing and advertisements , it is one of the most expensive Hindi films . It has grossed over ₹ 356 crores at the box office , becoming a major commercial success and one of the highest - grossing Indian films of all time . Recipient of several accolades , Bajirao Mastani won seven National Film Awards , including Best Direction and Best Supporting Actress for Azmi . The film received a leading fourteen nominations at the 61st Filmfare Awards and won nine awards , including Best Film , Best Director for Bhansali , Best Actor for Singh , and Best Supporting Actress for Chopra . Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Casting 3.3 Pre-production 3.4 Costumes 3.5 Principal photography 3.6 Post-production 4 Soundtrack 5 Marketing and release 6 Reception 6.1 Critical response 6.2 Box office 6.3 Accolades 7 Historical inaccuracies 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) In the early 18th century , the court of Maratha king Chhatrapati Shahu needs a new Peshwa , the equivalent of a modern - day prime minister . In spite of Shripad Rao 's self - nomination as the Peshwa , Ambaji Pant nominates a young Bajirao . To test his spiritual wisdom and knowledge of weaponry , Shripad challenges Bajirao to split a peacock feather with an arrow . Bajirao succeeds and is given the title of Peshwa . Ten years later , his wife Kashibai is visited by her widowed friend Bhanu , whose husband was accused of spying and was ordered to be executed by Bajirao . She predicts that just as she longs for her husband , Kashibai will yearn for Bajirao . While travelling to Sironja , an emissary from Bundelkhand enters Bajirao 's tent and requests his help to fight invaders . She reveals herself to be Mastani , the daughter of the Hindu Rajput king Chhatrasal and his Persian Muslim consort Ruhani Bai . Impressed by her skills as a warrior , Bajirao assists her with his army and defeats the invaders . Chhatrasal is overjoyed and insists Bajirao spend Holi with them in Bundelkhand . Mastani and Bajirao fall in love with each other and he gives her his dagger , unaware it is a symbol of marriage among the Bundelkhand Rajputs . Bajirao departs for Pune , where Kashibai greets him with a tour of their newly - built Shaniwar Wada and shows him the Aaina Mahal ( hall of mirrors ) , which allows her to see him from her room . A painting of Baji Rao I ( left ) and Mastani ( right ) Determined to pursue her love , Mastani arrives in Pune but is treated harshly by Bajirao 's mother Radhabai and accommodated in the palace for courtesans . Mastani tolerates this insult and appears to dance before Bajirao . Radhabai scornfully offers her the occupation of a royal dancer but refuses to accept her as a daughter - in - law . Mastani travels to the Chhatrapati Shahu and expresses her desire to be with Bajirao , then leaves to wait for him at a ruin across a river . During a storm , Bajirao crosses the river and chides Mastani 's persistence , reminding her he is already married and that his court will never respect her if she is in a relationship with him . She agrees , despite his warning , and he declares Mastani his second wife . The Marathas prepare to attack Delhi , the capital of the Mughal Empire , but must first ensure the Nizam of Hyderabad , the Muslim ruler of Hyderabad State , will not attack them during their assault . Bajirao leaves to confront the Nizam , Qamar ud - Din Khan , and returns successful . In the Aaina Mahal , Kashibai , who is pregnant , sees Bajirao embracing Mastani , who is also expecting , and leaves for her mother 's home . She returns to joyous celebrations months later with her newborn son , who is named Raghunath . Mastani also gives birth to a son , whom Mastani and Bajirao name Krishna Rao . After the head Brahmin priest Krishna Bhatt refuses to conduct the naamkaran ( the Hindu naming ceremony ) on the grounds that Krishna Rao is illegitimate , Bajirao renames his son Shamsher Bahadur . A few years later , Kashibai and Bajirao 's eldest son Balaji Baji Rao , also known as Nana Saheb , returns from Satara and expresses his hatred of Mastani for disrupting his mother 's marriage . Shiva Bhatt , a Brahmin priest , informs Kashibai of a plan to murder Mastani and her son during a festival . Kashibai relays this news to Bajirao , who rescues both of them . Krishna Bhatt kills Shiva Bhatt , enraging Bajirao . To keep Mastani 's safe and to grant her a royal home , Bajirao builds the Mastani Mahal for her . Bajirao , however , is heartbroken due to the betrayal of his mother Radhabai and his brother Chimaji Appa . Meanwhile , Pant tells Bajirao he must defeat Nasir Jung , the vengeful son of the Nizam . Bajirao says that although he loves Mastani , his life and allegiance is always to his cause and he leaves for the battlefield . Before leaving , he meets Kashibai in deference to a tradition that the wife sent her husband off into battle . Kashibai tells Bajirao he has broken her heart and compares their love with that of Krishna and Rukmini . Kashibai orders him never to enter her chamber again , and Bajirao accepts and leaves . After Bajirao leaves for battle , Radhabai and Nana Saheb imprison Mastani and Shamsher Bahadur . After Bajirao receives the news , he single - handedly defeats Nasir Jung 's army in his rage but collapses from his injuries . At his deathbed , Kashibai sends a letter pleading with Radhabai to release Mastani so Bajirao can recover , but Nana Saheb burns the letter and refuses to release Mastani . Bajirao , delirious due to his sickness , dies from the trauma of his hallucinations ; at the same time Mastani dies in captivity . The ill - fated lovers are shown to be united in death . Cast ( edit ) The cast is listed below : Ranveer Singh as Bajirao I Deepika Padukone as Mastani Priyanka Chopra as Kashibai Tanvi Azmi as Radhabai Milind Soman as Ambaji Pant Vaibhav Tatwawaadi as Chimaji Appa Ayush Tandon as Nana Saheb Rudra Soni as Young Nana Saheb Mahesh Manjrekar as Chhatrapati Shahu Aditya Pancholi as Shripad Rao Raza Murad as Qamar ud - Din Khan Sukhada Khandkekar as Anubai Benjamin Gilani as King Chhatrasal Anuja Sathe as Bhiubai Yatin Karyekar as Krishna Bhatt Ganesh Yadav as Malhar Rao Snehlata Girish Vasaikar as Bhanu Mousumi Saha as Bhavana Rao Irrfan Khan as the narrator ( voice - over ) Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) Sanjay Leela Bhansali ( pictured in 2011 ) had been longing to make the film for over a decade . Sanjay Leela Bhansali had conceived the historical romance about Maratha Peshwa Bajirao and his second wife Mastani even before he had directed his first feature Khamoshi : The Musical in 1996 . Several other directors such as Muzaffar Ali , Manmohan Desai and Kamal Amrohi had tried to make a film about the two historical figures but they were never made . Bhansali had intended to make Bajirao Mastani after the release of Devdas ( 2002 ) and had officially announced it in 2003 , with filming scheduled to begin in May 2004 . The film , however , was shelved indefinitely . Reports about a possible revival had made headlines ever since ; Bhansali had planned to revive it every other year but the project never came to fruition . In an interview with The Telegraph , Bhansali spoke about his intention to make Bajirao Mastani after finishing every film he made in - between , saying `` I kept trying to revive it over and over again , but if there is one thing that filmmaking has taught me , it 's that every film has its own destiny . And I strongly believe that the souls of ... Bajirao , Mastani and Kashibai wanted us to make this film only now . '' In the process , the film became a passion project for him . After spending eleven years in development hell , Bhansali revived the project in 2014 ; the film was reported to be an adaptation of the Marathi - language novel Raau ( 1976 ) by Nagnath S. Inamdar . After the project was shelved , Bhansali said he struggled to put the film together and that he considered the project impossible to made . Nevertheless , he clung to his ambition to make the film someday , saying , `` there is magic to it '' . Some film industry professionals believed it would never be made , calling it `` jinxed '' . Bhansali always believed in the project , assuring himself the script was so powerful he had to make it one day . He told The Telegraph , `` Honestly , I want very few things in life ... so I know that I am resilient enough to get them all ! Deep down , I kept asking for the universe to let me make this film . When you dream very genuinely , then I believe you also get the power to fulfill it . In pursuing Bajirao Mastani , I have been resilient and very focused . I have sacrificed a lot of things '' . Primarily known for making romantic dramas , Bhansali was intrigued about the romance between `` two people who defied everything , just to be in love with each other '' , and was excited to tell a 200 - year - old story . He wanted to show the relationship between Bajirao and Mastani because it was rarely depicted in history books , and little was known about it . He had long admired the Maratha backdrop and the different religions of the protagonists -- Bajirao was Hindu and Mastani was Muslim -- which further drove his interest towards knowing more and telling the story . He saw it as a chance to comment on religion and love , saying , `` In those times , people were offended by the same things that offend them today . Through this film , I want to show that love is the greatest religion . '' Prakash R. Kapadia wrote the screenplay . The makers acquired the rights of the novel and worked with historian Ninad Bedekar . Kapadia said writing the screenplay was a difficult task and a huge responsibility considering the historical context . Kapadia and Bhansali had consistently worked on the script since its conception , refining several aspects of the film . Considering the script was written twelve years before , several changes were made to it , such as the decreasing the length and increasing the pace to suit the modern audiences . Although adapted from the novel , the romance between the film 's protagonists has not been well documented in history books or archives and several versions of the story exist . Many cinematic liberties were taken to build drama and highlight incidents . Casting ( edit ) Bhansali originally wanted to repeat his Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam ( 1999 ) pairing of Salman Khan with Aishwarya Rai for the eponymous roles , but could not cast them together after their highly publicised break - up . Khan then tried to suggest his then - girlfriend Katrina Kaif for the role of Mastani but things did not materialise . When the film was finally announced in 2003 , Bhansali had cast Khan and Kareena Kapoor in the titular roles , with Rani Mukerji playing Baji Rao 's first wife Kashibai . However , the idea was scrapped when Khan and Kapoor signed other films together . Bhansali wanted to be the first director to showcase their pairing . Hence , the film was shelved and Bhansali went on to direct other films . Ranveer Singh ( left ) and Deepika Padukone ( right ) were cast to play the titular roles . Over the following ten years , media speculation about the production and casting of Bajirao Mastani continued . After the film was revived in 2014 , reports of Ajay Devgn and Deepika Padukone being approached for the film made headlines in February . Devgn dropped out of the film , however , due to differences with Bhansali about several terms of his contract , such as dates and remuneration . The next month , it was reported that Ranveer Singh was in talks to play Bajirao . The same month , reports suggested Priyanka Chopra was cast to play Kashibai , Bajirao 's first wife . In July 2014 , it was officially confirmed that Singh , Padukone and Chopra were finalised to play the principal roles . Chopra was the first actor to be cast in the film ; Bhansali wanted Kashibai to be cast first , only after which he could decide who to cast for the title roles . Bhansali , who produced Chopra - starrer Mary Kom ( 2014 ) , went on to that film 's set in Manali to narrate it with the writer Prakash Kapadia ; Bhansali was adamant in his choice of Chopra , who recalled , `` The rest of the film had n't been cast yet . My picture would be there and the pictures for Bajirao and Mastani would keep changing . '' Milind Soman joined the cast in the late August 2014 . In late September 2014 , it was confirmed that Tanvi Azmi was cast for the role of Bajirao 's mother Radhabai ; Shabana Azmi , Dimple Kapadia , and Supriya Pathak had also been considered for the role . The following month , Aditya Pancholi joined the cast as an antagonist . In November 2014 , the casting of Bajirao 's sisters were finalised ; Sukhada Khandkekar was ast as Anubai and Anuja Gokhale as Bhiubai . The following month , Mahesh Manjrekar was cast to play Maratha Emperor Chhattrapati Shahu . It was announced in January 2015 that Vaibhav Tatwawaadi was chosen to play Bajirao 's younger brother Chimaji Appa . Irrfan Khan was cast as the film 's narrator . All of the actors had to undergo training before filming began ; Singh and Padukone learned sword - fighting , horse - riding and the ancient Indian martial art Kalaripayattu . Singh was also required to learn Marathi and shave his head for the part , whereas Padukone had to take Kathak dance lessons . In preparation for her role of Kashibai , Chopra had 15 days of language training in the Peshwai Marathi dialect spoken during the time of the ascension of the Peshwas to perfect the accent . Azmi shaved her head completely for her role . Singh has described his character as a `` true Maratha '' , saying , `` The deeper I get into it the more I realise what a great man he was . It is a great honour to be selected to play this character . '' He has said he always wanted to transform himself into a character and playing Bajirao gave him that scope , which he said was `` draining and tiring in every way '' . For portraying Bajirao , Singh 's preparations required him to isolate himself from his own being and living like Bajirao . He instructed the crew members to address him as Bajirao , which helped him to remain in his character . Singh would not respond to people who used his real name . He said , `` It takes a lot of work and effort to be different from whom I am , and two hours to get ready , complete with makeup and the heavy costumes . After all this , if someone just tells me , Ranveer , your shot is ready ! all that goes to waste . '' Padukone found her character to be very relatable , saying , `` She was so brave , strong , determined and yet fragile and vulnerable '' . She was also inspired by her character and found playing the role challenging ; it was physically demanding and required a lot of dancing . Padukone said the character had different layers ; `` One minute she goes on the battlefield , the next minute she 's romancing him '' . Chopra was drawn towards the film because of her character which she thought was `` very heart - breaking '' . She said playing Kashibai was `` emotionally difficult '' and a complete contrast to the strong women she has portrayed in most of her films . She described her character as someone who is `` heartbroken , a silent sufferer , dignified , resilient , ca n't take charge of her life , goes with whatever life throws her way . Just grace under fire . '' Pre-production ( edit ) Considering its scale , the film required detailed and extravagant pre-production work , which required extensive research and planning . Saloni Dhatrak , Sriram Iyengar and Sujeet Sawant worked as production designers on the film . Iyengar and Sawant had heard about the film while working on another film , when it was first announced . Having never met Bhansali , they started researching on their own by visiting Pune and Satara and learnt about Maratha architecture . When the film was shelved , they continued to research and formed a portfolio , hoping to approach other filmmakers for work . Several years later , when they heard about the revival , they met Bhansali , who was impresses by their research and presentation . Bhansali wanted more research on Mughals ; he engaged Dhatrak , who joined Iyengar and Sawant . Bhansali then shared the script with the art directors and described his vision and the scale of the production . Pre-production work started as early as February 2014 , continued as the shoot progressed and lasted until the filming was complete in October 2015 ; it lasted nineteen months . Before pre-production work started , the art directors discussed with Bhansali about how much of the film would be filmed on set and outdoor locations , giving them an idea to how many sets they needed to create . Once the number of sets and location shots was decided , the production moved forward . The set for Shaniwar Wada was the biggest set created for the film . Along with the art directors , nineteen art assistant directors , including architects , designers , sketch artists and props artists , were involved . Twenty - two sets were created in Film City following a flow chart that included around 960 sketches and countless layouts . The two biggest sets were the exact replicas of Shaniwar Wada and the Aaina Mahal , both of which were `` high on grandeur and intricacy '' . The Shaniwar Wada set was the biggest set they had constructed ; it took 45,000 planks and 600 workers a day to erect . It was constructed on Sunil Maidan , one of the biggest open spaces in Film City and took forty - five days to build . Kashibai 's room was the first set to be constructed , which was approved after navigating through twenty - five designs . The art directors did architectural research from Pune , Nasik and Satara , studying fortifications , baston walls and city gates to understand the interior and exterior designs of the ancient period and incorporated those ideas into building Kashibai 's villa . Lotus motifs on mud - clad walls and handmade textures were used to give the set a realistic appearance . Aina Mahal took 4,500 planks , with a hundred workers per day . The set was given a lotus - like design , with walls , ceiling and floor made out of handmade mud embedded with sparkling mirror designs . The replica of Aina Mahal was constructed in forty days , with more than 30,000 square feet of mirrors . More than 700 design stencils were used to decorate the hall . Although the mirror hall was a Mughal concept , the art directors designed it to look like Maratha architecture . Mastani Mahal was built as an amalgamation of Rajput and Maratha architecture . The exterior of Mastani Mahal was built as a part of Shaniwar Wada , whereas the interiors of were built on separate sets consisting of a courtyard and bedroom . Mastani 's room in Bundelkhand was crafted using a mix of Persian , Mughal and Rajput motifs and architecture . All of the sets were furnished with opulent objects and props to give the interiors a feel of the ancient Maratha empire . Only earthen diyas and torches were used to light the sets . Silken saris were used , with bedsheets and hand - painted walls with 18th century motifs added . Craftsmen were hired to recreate 18th - century textures , fabrics , weaponry , jewellery and furniture . Almost 30,000 oil lamps were made for the film and 500 suits of armour were designed for the war scenes . There were also headgear and boots worn in that period . The armour and headgear weighed between ten - twenty kilos and two kilos , respectively . The team also designed props including different types of tents , lighting props , and elephant and horse decors for the war sequences . The props were made in Mumbai and had to be taken to Rajasthan , the outdoor location . Costumes ( edit ) The paintings of Raja Ravi Varma was used as an inspiration for creating Kashibai 's look The film 's costumes were designed by Anju Modi and Maxima Basu . Modi designed clothes for the three lead characters and Basu designed for the supporting cast . The costumes for extras and war extras were done by Ajay and Chandrakant , respectively . Bhansali had detailed script - reading sessions with the designers to help them understand the characters , their emotions and personalities , which would mirror the costumes and the grandeur of the 18th century . Basu started her research by visiting several ancient monuments such as the Chowmahalla Palace , Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya , Salar Jung Museum and Ajanta - Ellora caves , which gave her some perspective of ancient Maharastrian culture . She also travelled to cities such as Indore , Chanderi , Paithan and Maheshwar to gather more knowledge about the history of clothing and textiles . About 300 costumes were designed for the three leads alone . Real zari and goldwires were used to weave the costumes . Since no pictures of Kashibai existed , the paintings of Raja Ravi Varma were used as a reference for designing her looks and costumes . Modi had designed eighty nauvari or nine - yard saris with bright colours such as yellows , hot pink , emerald green and purple , inspired from the Raja Ravi Varma paintings , for Chopra . The custom - made nine - yard saris were weaved by craftsmen from Maheshwar , Chander and Varanasi ; they were made a little lighter than usual to avoid making Chopra Priyanka look large on screen . For making the saris , fabrics such as Mul - Mul , silk , muslin , khadi and chanderis worn in that period were designed . For one song sequence featuring Chopra , Modi had created six sets of the same sari . Peshwas used to wear Dhotis , Jamas and Angarkhas with a large flare in that period , so it was eminent for Bajirao 's character . A wide palette of solid colours , such as white and cream , were used for the sombre and emotional scenes whereas red , orange , blue and deep purple were used for the celebratory scenes . For designing the Bajirao 's armour , chain mail , khaki and steel grey were employed . A dandpatta sword was also made for him . For Mastani , Modi used a mix of Persian and Muslim clothing of muslin , khadi and thin Chanderi fabrics , with mukaish and zardosi hand embroidery to depict her half - Muslim heritage . Padukone was predominantly given shararas and its derivatives such trailing shararas , shararas with less flare and crinkled shararas made of chiffon . She was given a lehenga for just one scene . She was also given Odhnis , dupattas , veils , floor - skimming anarkalis and angrakhas paired with Farshi pajamas . Softer colours with Persian influences such as shades of powder blue , mint green , pale yellow , aqua blue , powder pink and other typical porcelain colours were used for her clothes . A turban embellished with jewellery such as uncut diamonds and pearls was designed . For one of the Mastani costumes , Modu designed a five - layered outfit consisting of an angrakha jacket , a woven leheria dupatta , sharara and inner kurti . Expensive and real jewellery was used in the film . The designers created the jewellery for each character . Modi said they did not want to compromise , so the best materials such as real Basra pearls , antique stones and uncut diamonds were used to give the royal look needed for the characters . Traditional Marathi - style jewellery was used to style Kashibai , while for Mastani Nizami and polki Jewellery was used . Several Indian jewellery designers , including PN Gadgil from Pune and Shri Hari Jewellers from Delhi , were hired . The costume and production designers also researched in museums , art galleries , history books , paintings , palaces , temples and forts to study the textiles , colour palettes and artwork of the ancient Maratha Empire . Principal photography ( edit ) Cinematographer Sudeep Chatterjee shot the film using Arri Alexa XT lenses . Chatterjee had done extensive research before starting the film . Principal photography began on 9 October 2014 with Chopra on the set in Film City , Mumbai . Later that month , Singh joined the shoot . Most of the film was shot on the highly detailed sets . In late November , Chopra fainted on the set due to exhaustion while filming a scene that needed to be filmed ten times continuously . A doctor was called and filming stopped for some time but she later resumed the shoot . Padukone joined the cast for two days during in late December 2014 and resumed shooting in April 2015 after completing work for her other projects . Outdoor location filming began in February 2015 at Amer Fort in Jaipur . Crowd scenes were also filmed there . Singh fell off a horse while filming an action sequence and was rushed to hospital ; he was not seriously injured . In May 2015 , however , he injured his shoulder and needed surgery ; he resumed shooting after break of two months . Some of the outdoor scenes were filmed at the Amer Fort Chopra resumed filming in the first week of April 2015 for a month . While working on Bajirao Mastani , Chopra was simultaneously filming the American television series Quantico in Montreal , requiring much back - and forth travel . She would act for Bajirao Mastani at weekends and return to Montreal on weekdays for her series , returning to India in the second week of October to complete the final schedule . Before starting the film , the team discussed which parts of it had to be filmed and which parts needed to be made using visual effects . They decided that only sequences that were considered difficult or impossible to film would be created using visual effects in post production . In one sequence , it was impossible to control the movements of the 300 -- 400 horses standing at one position in a battle scene ; this sequence was filmed with a small number of horses and was later enhanced in post production . Sham Kaushal co-ordinated the action sequences for the war scenes . Three war sequences were filmed in Rajasthan , Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra . Chatterjee found the war sequences challenging and faced many difficulties while filming in the deserts of Rajasthan . Wanting to break with norms , Bhansali wanted a night - time war sequence ; lighting a large , open field became very difficult and visibility issues were inevitable . Bhansali wanted very clear images . Instead , they decided to shoot these scenes in the morning , aiming for a twilight look . The main war scene featuring 800 extras , 500 horses and twenty - five elephants was filmed over twenty days near Jaipur . The extras would begin costuming , which included beards for the Mughals , moustaches for the Marathas , armours , helmets and uniforms , at 04 : 00 for the start of filming at 08 : 00 . After finishing the shoot , the costumes would be washed in readiness for 04 : 00 the following day . Kaushal has said extensive research was done before filming the war sequences , and a rough graph was designed nine months before the filming . However , the entire sequence could not be filmed in one take on location and was completed later in a studio in Film City , and was enhanced in post production . Ganesh Acharya , Remo D'Souza , Pony Verma , Shampa Gopikrishna and Pandit Birju Maharaj were the choreographers for the film 's song sequences . Bhansali chose D'Souza , who had only choreographed modern dance numbers at that time , to choreograph the song `` Pinga '' , which took weeks to complete . Chopra and Padukone had to rehearse for several days before shooting . The filming was challenging for Chopra and Padukone ; they had to shoot for the dance sequences multiple times whenever the diyas and torches used to light up the background would snuff . The song was shot at night on an open - air set decorated with diyas and torches , many of which would snuff out while filming the song . When it was suggested snuffed diyas should be corrected in post production , Bhansali outright refused . More than twelve people would run around the set with candles and oil to relight them . The sound recording was done on location . Sound designer Nihar Ranjan Samal said they had to be careful that sounds of vehicles and honking did not make their way into the recording . A number of scenes needed re-recording because of some disturbance . Bajirao Mastani was shot in 217 days between October 2014 and October 2015 . Post-production ( edit ) The film contains 1,400 visual effects shots . The company that worked on the effects was NY VFXWAALA ; this was the biggest projects they had undertaken . Prasad Sutar was the visual effects supervisor ; the effects took eight months and a team of sixty artists to create . Although the film was shot on highly detailed sets , visual effects and CGI was incorporated in post-production to enhance the imagery for the scenes that were impossible to shoot in live action . The effects included the creation of interior architecture , backgrounds , set extensions and war weapons ; changes to lighting and time of day , weather effects and the multiplication of army soldiers . The opening night - time war scene , which had 300 visual effects shots , was filmed in bright daylight then converted into night . Arrows flying over the battlefield were created using CGI whereas the army , soldiers and horses were multiplied . The war close - up shots were filmed in a studio but were later mixed with the war scenes to form a detailed scene . In some shots , the sky was digitally replaced and CGI forts were added in others . Similarly , the climax sequence , which was shot live in water , was enhanced using CGI horses , arrows and fireballs . The climax scene took around twenty days to complete with fine details . Bhansali wanted a grand opening title design , which the team decided to create using animation . They crafted hand - drawn storyboards and drew a narration of Bajirao and his kingdom , and designed it digitally using animation within a limited timeline . A sequence in which Singh crosses the sea in a boat at night was created using visual effects . Splashing waves , falling rain falling ( except for the water falling on Singh and the night sky were created in post production . The scenes that were shot on set and featured outside views , such as views from windows , were completed in post production . For dark , emotional scenes , a low - key background was created , whereas bright , colourful backgrounds were created with effects for light scenes . The film was edited by Rajesh G. Pandey . Soundtrack ( edit ) Main article : Bajirao Mastani ( soundtrack ) The original score of the film was composed by Sanchit Balhara and the soundtrack album was composed by Bhansali . The lyrics are written by Siddharth -- Garima , A.M. Turaz and Prashant Ingole . The album consists of ten original songs with vocals by Shreya Ghoshal , Arijit Singh , Vishal Dadlani , Shashi Suman , Kunal Pandit , Prithvi Gandharva , Kanika Joshi , Rashi Raagga , Geetikka Manjrekar , Payal Dev , Shreyas Puranik , Vaishali Mhade , Javed Bashir , Ganesh Chandanshive and Sukhwinder Singh . The soundtrack was released by Eros Music on 24 November 2015 . The soundtrack album was well received by music critics , who praised the soulful compositions and called them `` melodious and fresh '' . R.M. Vijayakar of India - West gave the album 4.5 out of 5 , calling it `` unforgettable '' and complimented the use of musical instruments and orchestration , noting portions of the score as the most significant standout . Firstpost gave a highly positive review , praising the `` elegantly arranged and opulently orchestrated '' songs and writing , `` exhilarating soundtrack ... recreates an era gone - by through sounds that are authentic ... yet operatic , steeped in the classical ethos , yet contemporary '' . Joginder Tuteja of Bollywood Hungama gave a rating of 3.5 out of 5 , calling it `` high on classical base '' and saying half of the compositions were situational and narrative - based that can `` be expected to make a good impression on screen '' . The Indian Express also gave it a 3.5 out of 5 , noting its distinct sound and its `` balance between restraint and exuberance '' and wrote , `` Bajirao Mastani sounds fresh , like carefully restored music from Bajirao 's times '' . Marketing and release ( edit ) Bajirao Mastani was one of the most anticipated releases of 2015 . Special care was taken to avoid leaks during production ; everything was done in secrecy . On 15 July 2015 , a day before the teaser release , producers Eros International shared the first images of the three characters and a teaser poster of the film . The three - minute teaser trailer , with only one line of dialogue , was released on 16 July 2015 . The teaser garnered high praise from all quarters and was deemed `` grand '' and `` epic '' . CNN - News18 called the teaser `` regal , grand and breathtaking '' , and wrote that it had all the signature Bhansali elements such as `` the big sets , larger than life characters , lots of colours and a tragic love story in the midst of all this grandeur '' . India Today wrote , `` With its royal canvas , Bajirao Mastani teaser is a burst of colours and action reminiscent of the 18th century '' . In early November 2015 , characters posters of the three characters were also unveiled . The trailer was released on 20 November 2015 and was also well received . As a part of the promotions , a multi-episode graphic web series -- India 's first -- titled Blazing Bajirao was released digitally in November 2015 . Featuring the animated avatars of Bajirao , Kashibai and Mastani , the graphic series narrates the tales of Bajirao 's heroism and his relationship with his two wives . This was followed by a video game titled Blazing Bajirao -- The Game the next month . Released on the App Store and Google Play , the interactive game requires its players to fight enemies as Peshwa Bajirao . A multi-city press tour , which saw Singh and Padukone visiting several cities , was designed to promote the film . Chopra , who could not be in India for the promotions as she was filming for Quantico , promoted the film in the United States at a press conference in New York City . Even before its release and without watching the film , the descendants of Bajirao , Mastani and Kashiabi expressed their disapproval of `` Malhari '' and `` Pinga '' dance sequences , the midriff - baring saris worn by Kashibai and Mastani in the song `` Pinga '' , a dialogue deeming it `` vulgar '' and a `` private moment '' shown in the trailer , claiming excessive creative liberty was taken by the director . Though not against the release of the film , the descendants publicly asked the makers to remove those two songs and screen the film for them so they could review and suggest Bhansali remove other `` objectionable content '' from the film . Bhansali did not respond . Additionally , a petition was filed by an activist in Bombay High Court seeking stay on the film for the two aforementioned songs , accusing it of `` distorting history '' ; the High Court rejected the petition and refused to interfere with the film 's release . One of the most expensive Hindi films ever made , Bajirao Mastani cost ₹ 1.25 billion to make and an additional ₹ 200 million for marketing and advertisements ; its total budget was ₹ 1.45 billion . Even before its release , the film recovered almost all of its production costs -- ₹ 1.20 billion -- from sales of its satellite rights , music rights and overseas rights being sold for ₹ 500 million and ₹ 700 million , respectively . The film was released on 18 December 2015 on 2,700 screens worldwide . Although the makers had booked the date a year in advance , the makers of Dilwale decided to release their film on the same date , causing a highly publicised clash between the two films . Bajirao Mastani had to share the 5,000 domestic screens with Dilwale in a 40 : 60 ratio . Distributed by Eros Home Video , the film was released on DVD and Blu - ray on 18 March 2016 . The DVD version was released in all regions as a two - disc pack in NTSC widescreen format ; bonus content included documentaries about the making of the film , its sets , costumes , music , movie images and deleted scenes . A VCD version was released at the same time . The film was also released digitally on platforms such as iTunes . It is also available on the company 's streaming service Eros Now . Bajirao Mastani had its world television premiere on 23 April 2016 on Colors . Reception ( edit ) Critical response ( edit ) Bajirao Mastani received positive critical feedback . Writing for Firstpost , Subhash K. Jha gave it five stars out of five , calling it a `` masterpiece '' , and comparing it favourably with Mughal - e-Azam . Anupama Chopra from Hindustan Times gave four stars out of five , terming it `` soaring , searing and visually sumptuous '' , and writing , `` Bajirao Mastani plays out a like an operatic , swooning , feverish love poem '' . She praised Singh for `` combin ( ing ) towering strength with aching vulnerability and helplessness '' , Chopra for having the `` maximum impact '' despite fewer scenes , and called Padukone `` riveting '' . The Times of India also gave four stars out of five , pointing out its `` outstanding '' cinematography and writing , `` Every visual resembles a grand painting -- courts with shadows and chandeliers , courtiers with tilaks and teers , chambers gleaming with mirrors , skies blushing with passion '' . Taran Adarsh from Bollywood Hungama gave four stars out of five , describing it as `` a cinematic gem '' , and wrote that `` fascinating characters and inspirational sub-plots ( in the film ) advances into a stunning culmination '' . Zee News also gave four stars out of five and said , `` An outright outshining piece of art made unblemished , sprinkled with sincerity and discipline of acting -- this love folklore will restore the drama lovers , back in their ' expectation ' block '' . Shubha Shetty - Saha of Mid Day gave three and a half stars out of five , and wrote , `` Sanjay Leela Bhansali in his characteristic style narrates his version of the story in a Mughal - e-azamesque scale of grandiosity , replete with breathtakingly beautiful sets , elaborate and well thought of costumes and accessories and dreamy cinematography '' , which transports the viewers to an `` unique and stunningly beautiful world '' . Ananya Bhattacharya of India Today also rated the film three and a half stars out of five , calling it `` an experience '' , and Bhansali `` a master love - storyteller '' . She praised the performance , saying , `` Ranveer , Deepika , Priyanka shine ... while Tanvi Azmi plays the intimidating matriarch with elan '' ; thought she thought the editing `` could have been much crisper '' . Writing for NDTV , Saibal Chatterjee gave the film three and a half stars out of five , and said , `` There is n't a dull moment in this colourful and dramatic film that embraces excess with unabashed abandon '' . Giving a rating of three stars out of five , Rajeev Masand described the film as `` artistic but exhausting '' and was critical of the film 's length . He praised the cinematography , production design and performances ; he credited Chopra for bringing `` grace to the character , and practically steal ( ing ) the film '' , Padukone for bringing `` heft '' to her fight scenes , and Singh for finding his character 's hidden vulnerabilities . Namrata Joshi of The Hindu called the film a `` historical leap '' , and wrote , `` Sanjay Leela Bhansali returns with another visual spectacle that wilfully takes liberties with the past that it depicts . But it does manage to engage even as it exhausts . '' Conversely , Raja Sen of was unimpressed with the film for favouring visual splendour over storyline , rating it two stars out of five . He praised Singh and Chopra , but disliked Padukone 's performance . Shubhra Gupta of The Indian Express was also disappointed with the film , writing , `` Bajirao Mastani had the potential to be a terrific historical . You want to be transported . What it ends up being is a costume drama : too many costumes , too much revved - up , empty drama , and too little plot . '' Box Office ( edit ) Bajirao Mastani was a major commercial success , grossing over ₹ 2.55 billion in India and over ₹ 1.02 billion in the overseas market for a worldwide box office gross of over ₹ 3.56 billion . The overseas collections comprised earnings from five major markets ; United States and Canada , United Kingdom , Middle - east , Australia and the rest of the world ; with earnings of ₹ 440 million , ₹ 138 million , ₹ 202 million , ₹ 57 million and ₹ 185 million , respectively . As of September 2017 , it is the fourth - highest - grossing Bollywood film of 2015 , the third - highest - grossing Bollywood film in overseas markets in 2015 , the ninth - highest - grossing Bollywood film and one of the highest - grossing Indian films of all time . The film collected ₹ 128 million nett on its opening day , which was the tenth - highest of the year . On its second day the film saw growth in its collection as it collected ₹ 155.2 million nett . The film showed further growth on its third day as it collected ₹ 184.5 million nett to take its first weekend total to ₹ 467.7 million nett . In its opening weekend , the film debuted at number 10 at the U.S. box office and at number 7 at the UK box office . The film 's worldwide opening weekend earning was over ₹ 915 million . The film remained very strong on its first Monday , dropping by only 15 % and earning ₹ 102.5 million nett . The film maintained its strong box office run on weekdays . Bajirao Mastani earned ₹ 843.6 million nett in the first week at the domestic box office , while the first - week worldwide collections were over ₹ 1.6 billion . Its first week domestic collection was the fourth - highest of the year . Revenues grew nearly 20 % on its second Friday , earning ₹ 125 million nett . The film earned over ₹ 311 billion in its second weekend and collected a further ₹ 52.5 million on the second Monday for an eleven - day domestic total of ₹ 1.41 billion nett . In the second week , the film earned approximately ₹ 552 million . The film registered the fourth - highest third - week collections of all time , earning a ₹ 270 million . After its fourth week collection of ₹ 70 million , the film 's domestic earnings stood at ₹ 1.75 billion nett . In its fifth weekend , the film continued to perform well in India , with the best fifth - weekend collections of all the 2015 releases . Accolades ( edit ) Main article : List of accolades received by Bajirao Mastani Bajirao Mastani received five nominations at the 10th Asian Film Awards , including Best Film , and won the award for Best Special Effects . At the 63rd National Film Awards , Bajirao Mastani received seven awards , including Best Director for Bhansali , Best Supporting Actress for Azmi , Best Cinematography for Chatterjee , and Best Art Direction . It received fourteen nominations at the 61st Filmfare Awards ; the most awards for any film that year . Bajirao Mastani went on to win nine awards , more than any other film at the ceremony , including Best Film , Best Director for Bhansali , Best Actor for Singh , and Best Supporting Actress for Chopra . Bajirao Mastani received thirteen nominations at the 22nd Screen Awards , including Best Film , and Best Director for Bhansali , and won seven including Best Actor for Singh , and Best Supporting Actress for Chopra . It also won a leading thirteen awards ( from seventeen nominations ) at the 17th IIFA Awards including Best Director for Bhansali , Best Actor for Singh , and Best Supporting Actress for Chopra . Historical inaccuracies ( edit ) The film was adapted from the novel Raau , whose accuracy has long been questioned . Bhansali consulted historian Ninad Bedekar , who is regarded as an authority on the Peshwas . According to an article published by Quartz , the `` love story '' of Bajirao and Mastani is `` almost entirely fictional '' , writing that even the most reliable sources do not give details about the nature of their relationship . There has been controversy over Mastani 's true lineage ; two accounts of Mastani exist -- one which says she was a courtesan and Bajirao 's mistress or concubine , and another that is depicted in the film . According to historian Saili Palande - Datar , very little is known about the women of that era due to the orthodoxy ; women were not given many privileges and rights , and most of the sources from that period are accounts of political battles , revenues and socio - economic records . Palande - Datar also said there is no evidence of the way Bajirao and Mastani 's political marriage became part of folklore and was later transformed into a symbolic representation of great romance . Historian Prachi Deshpande notes in her book Creative Pasts : Historical Memory and Identity in Western India , 1700 -- 1960 , that the public fascination started after their romanticisation began in the 1890s , more than 150 years after they had died , after Marathi playwrights began writing a series of nationalistic plays based on the historical figures . The first such play that portrayed them as a star crossed couple was Bajirao - Mastani ( 1892 ) by NB Kanitkar . Quartz also said the play portrayed them as star crossed lovers and others playwrights followed Kantikar , making it as familiar to Marathi audiences as that of other epic romances . By the 1930s , a number of historical novels that also added to the `` myth - making '' were written , fascinating another generation . The film gives a more of a personal account of Bajirao 's life , which is hard to prove since it has not been covered much by the historians . Bhansali has said it was his interpretation of how Bajirao was in his home and in personal life , and there was no way to know that . Because of this lack of information , Bhansali took liberties with historical facts and exaggerated a few things for cinematic effects . A disclaimer on the film 's credits stated it does not claim to be historically accurate . The dance sequences have been widely seen as `` fictional '' and `` out of place '' in historical context . Bajirao 's dance sequence in `` Malhari '' has been criticised , saying a chief minister such as Bajirao would never dance in public . Similarly , the `` Pinga '' dance sequence between Kashibai and Mastani has been deemed `` inappropriate '' for women of that era . Some historians have said that apart from the inappropriateness of a woman of Kashiabi 's stature dancing in public , she suffered from a type of arthritis and that dancing was not physically possible for her . While some historians have claimed both women met socially only once ; others have said they never met at all . Mastani was put under house arrest by Balaji while Bajirao was on military campaign , as opposed to film 's depiction of Mastani 's imprisonment . The film shows Bajirao and Mastani dying at the same time in different places , which did not happen in reality . Bajirao died a few days earlier than Mastani ; however the cause of her death is not known . Some have claimed she died from shock ; other accounts say she committed suicide . The film portrays Mastani being chained at the time of her death but she was never chained and she and Kashibai were both present at Bajirao 's last rites . After the death of Mastani , Kashibai raised Mastani 's son as her own , which is not shown in the film . Other inaccuracies include Mastani playing a mandolin , an instrument that originated in Europe during the 19th century . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Bajirao Mastani '' . 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External links ( edit ) Bollywood portal 2010s portal Bajirao Mastani on IMDb Bajirao Mastani at Bollywood Hungama Bajirao Mastani at Rotten Tomatoes Bajirao Mastani at Box Office Mojo Films by Sanjay Leela Bhansali Director Khamoshi : The Musical ( 1996 ) Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam ( 1999 ) Devdas ( 2002 ) Black ( 2005 ) Saawariya ( 2007 ) Guzaarish ( 2010 ) Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram - Leela ( 2013 ) Bajirao Mastani ( 2015 ) Padmaavat ( 2018 ) Producer My Friend Pinto ( 2011 ) Rowdy Rathore ( 2012 ) Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi ( 2012 ) Mary Kom ( 2014 ) Gabbar Is Back ( 2015 ) Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram - Leela ( 2013 ) Bajirao Mastani ( 2015 ) Padmaavat ( 2018 ) Filmfare Award for Best Film 1954 -- 1975 Do Bigha Zamin ( 1954 ) Boot Polish ( 1955 ) Jagriti ( 1956 ) Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje ( 1957 ) Mother India ( 1958 ) Madhumati ( 1959 ) Sujata ( 1960 ) Mughal - e-Azam ( 1961 ) Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai ( 1962 ) Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam ( 1963 ) Bandini ( 1964 ) Dosti ( 1965 ) Himalay Ki Godmein ( 1966 ) Guide ( 1967 ) Upkar ( 1968 ) Brahmachari ( 1969 ) Aradhana ( 1970 ) Khilona ( 1971 ) Anand ( 1972 ) Be-Imaan ( 1973 ) Anuraag ( 1974 ) Rajnigandha ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Deewaar ( 1976 ) Mausam ( 1977 ) Bhumika ( 1978 ) Main Tulsi Tere Aangan Ki ( 1979 ) Junoon ( 1980 ) Khubsoorat ( 1981 ) Kalyug ( 1982 ) Shakti ( 1983 ) Ardh Satya ( 1984 ) Sparsh ( 1985 ) Ram Teri Ganga Maili ( 1986 ) Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak ( 1989 ) Maine Pyar Kiya ( 1990 ) Ghayal ( 1991 ) Lamhe ( 1992 ) Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar ( 1993 ) Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke ( 1994 ) Hum Aapke Hain Koun ... ! 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who is nana saheb in bajirao mastani movie
Ayush Tandon as Nana Saheb
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what is the color of hyperlink in html
blue link link to a page that currently exists # 0645AD = rgb ( 6 , 69,173 )
Control unit - wikipedia Control unit This article is about the component of a computer 's CPU . For other uses , see Control unit ( disambiguation ) . The control unit ( CU ) is a component of a computer 's central processing unit ( CPU ) that directs the operation of the processor . It tells the computer 's memory , arithmetic / logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor . It directs the operation of the other units by providing timing and control signals . Most computer resources are managed by the CU . It directs the flow of data between the CPU and the other devices . John von Neumann included the control unit as part of the von Neumann architecture . In modern computer designs , the control unit is typically an internal part of the CPU with its overall role and operation unchanged since its introduction . Contents 1 Functions of the control unit 2 Hardwired control unit 3 Microprogram control unit 4 See also 5 References Functions of the control unit ( edit ) The Control Unit ( CU ) is digital circuitry contained within the processor that coordinates the sequence of data movements into , out of , and between a processor 's many sub-units . The result of these routed data movements through various digital circuits ( sub-units ) within the processor produces the manipulated data expected by a software instruction ( loaded earlier , likely from memory ) . It controls ( conducts ) data flow inside the processor and additionally provides several external control signals to the rest of the computer to further direct data and instructions to / from processor external destinations ( i.e. memory ) . Examples of devices that require a CU are CPUs and graphics processing units ( GPUs ) . The CU receives external instructions or commands which it converts into a sequence of control signals that the CU applies to the data path to implement a sequence of register - transfer level operations . More precisely , the Control Unit ( CU ) is generally a sizable collection of complex digital circuitry interconnecting and directing the many execution units ( i.e. ALU , data buffers , registers ) contained within a CPU . The CU is normally the first CPU unit to accept from an externally stored computer program , a single instruction ( based on the CPU 's instruction set ) . The CU then decodes this individual instruction into several sequential steps ( fetching addresses / data from registers / memory , managing execution ( i.e. data sent to the ALU or I / O ) , and storing the resulting data back into registers / memory ) that controls and coordinates the CPU 's inner works to properly manipulate the data . The design of these sequential steps are based on the needs of each instruction and can range in number of steps , the order of execution , and which units are enabled . Thus by only using a program of set instructions in memory , the CU will configure all the CPU 's data flows as needed to manipulate the data correctly between instructions . This results in a computer that could run a complete program and require no human intervention to make hardware changes between instructions ( as had to be done when using only punch cards for computations before stored programmed computers with CUs were invented ) . These detailed steps from the CU dictate which of the CPU 's interconnecting hardware control signals to enable / disable or which CPU units are selected / de-selected and the unit 's proper order of execution as required by the instruction 's operation to produce the desired manipulated data . Additionally , the CU 's orderly hardware coordination properly sequences these control signals then configures the many hardware units comprising the CPU , directing how data should also be moved , changed , and stored outside the CPU ( i.e. memory ) according to the instruction 's objective . Depending on the type of instruction entering the CU , the order and number of sequential steps produced by the CU could vary the selection and configuration of which parts of the CPU 's hardware are utilized to achieve the instruction 's objective ( mainly moving , storing , and modifying data within the CPU ) . This one feature , that efficiently uses just software instructions to control / select / configure a computer 's CPU hardware ( via the CU ) and eventually manipulates a program 's data , is a significant reason most modern computers are flexible and universal when running various programs . As compared to some 1930s or 1940s computers without a proper CU , they often required rewiring their hardware when changing programs . This CU instruction decode process is then repeated when the Program Counter is incremented to the next stored program address and the new instruction enters the CU from that address , and so on till the programs end . Other more advanced forms of Control Units manage the translation of instructions ( but not the data containing portion ) into several micro-instructions and the CU manages the scheduling of the micro-instructions between the selected execution units to which the data is then channeled and changed according to the execution unit 's function ( i.e. , ALU contains several functions ) . On some processors , the Control Unit may be further broken down into additional units , such as an instruction unit or scheduling unit to handle scheduling , or a retirement unit to deal with results coming from the instruction pipeline . Again , the Control Unit orchestrates the main functions of the CPU : carrying out stored instructions in the software program then directing the flow of data throughout the computer based upon these instructions ( roughly likened to how traffic lights will systematically control the flow of cars ( containing data ) to different locations within the traffic grid ( CPU ) until it parks at the desired parking spot ( memory address / register ) . The car occupants ( data ) then go into the building ( execution unit ) and comes back changed in some way then get back into the car and returns to another location via the controlled traffic grid ) . Hardwired control unit ( edit ) Hardwired control units are implemented through use of combinational logic units , featuring a finite number of gates that can generate specific results based on the instructions that were used to invoke those responses . Hardwired control units are generally faster than microprogrammed designs . Their design uses a fixed architecture -- it requires changes in the wiring if the instruction set is modified or changed . This architecture is preferred in reduced instruction set computers ( RISC ) as they use a simpler instruction set . A controller that uses this approach can operate at high speed ; however , it has little flexibility , and the complexity of the instruction set it can implement is limited . The hardwired approach has become less popular as computers have evolved . Previously , control units for CPUs used ad - hoc logic , and they were difficult to design . ( 1 ) Microprogram control unit ( edit ) Main article : Microcode The idea of microprogramming was introduced by Maurice Wilkes in 1951 as an intermediate level to execute computer program instructions . Microprograms were organized as a sequence of microinstructions and stored in special control memory . The algorithm for the microprogram control unit , unlike the hardwired control unit , is usually specified by flowchart description . The main advantage of the microprogram control unit is the simplicity of its structure . Outputs of the controller are organized in microinstructions and they can be easily replaced . See also ( edit ) CPU design Computer architecture Richards controller Controller ( computing ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Patterson , David ; Hennessy , John ( 2011 ) . Computer Organization and Design : The Hardware / Software Interface , 4th ed. , revised . Morgan Kaufmann . ISBN 978 - 0 - 12 - 374750 - 1 . Jump up ^ von Neumann , John ( 1945 ) , First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC ( PDF ) , Moore School of Electrical Engineering , University of Pennsylvania , archived from the original ( PDF ) on March 14 , 2013 Jump up ^ Englander , Irv ( 2009 ) . The Architecture of Computer Hardware , Systems Software , & Networking , 4th Ed . Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons , Inc . Jump up ^ `` MICRO-PROGRAMMED VERSUS HARDWIRED CONTROL UNITS ; '' . . Archived from the original on 2017 - 04 - 30 . Retrieved 2017 - 02 - 17 . Jump up ^ Williams , R.D. ; Klenke , R.H. ; Aylor , J.H. ( May 2003 ) . `` Teaching computer design using virtual prototyping '' . IEEE Transactions on Education . 46 ( 2 ) : 296 -- 301 . doi : 10.1109 / te. 2002.808278 . ISSN 0018 - 9359 . Archived from the original on 2018 - 01 - 06 . Jump up ^ Barkalov , Alexander ( 2009 ) . Logic synthesis for FSM based control units / Alexander Barkalov and Larysa Titarenko . Berlin : Springer . ISBN 978 - 3 - 642 - 04308 - 6 . Jump up ^ Wiśniewski , Remigiusz ( 2009 ) . Synthesis of compositional microprogram control units for programmable devices . Zielona Góra : University of Zielona Góra . p. 153 . ISBN 978 - 83 - 7481 - 293 - 1 . Processor technologies Models Turing machine Universal Post -- Turing Quantum Belt machine Stack machine Finite - state machine with datapath Hierarchical Queue automaton Register machines Counter Pointer Random - access Random - access stored program Architecture Von Neumann Harvard modified Dataflow Transport - triggered Cellular Endianness Memory access NUMA HUMA Load / store Register / memory Cache hierarchy Memory hierarchy Virtual memory Secondary storage Heterogeneous Fabric Multiprocessing Cognitive Neuromorphic Instruction set architectures Types CISC RISC Application - specific EDGE TRIPS VLIW EPIC MISC OISC NISC ZISC comparison addressing modes x86 ARM MIPS Power PowerPC SPARC Itanium Unicore MicroBlaze RISC - V others Execution Instruction pipelining Pipeline stall Operand forwarding Classic RISC pipeline Hazards Data dependency Structural Control False sharing Out - of - order Tomasulo algorithm Reservation station Re-order buffer Register renaming Speculative Branch prediction Memory dependence prediction Parallelism Level Bit Bit - serial Word Instruction Pipelining Scalar Superscalar Task Thread Process Data Vector Memory Distributed Multithreading Temporal Simultaneous Hyperthreading Speculative Preemptive Cooperative Flynn 's taxonomy SISD SIMD SWAR SIMT MISD MIMD SPMD Processor Performance Transistor count Instructions per cycle ( IPC ) Cycles per instruction ( CPI ) Instructions per second ( IPS ) Floating - point operations per second ( FLOPS ) Transactions per second ( TPS ) Synaptic updates per second ( SUPS ) Performance per watt ( PPW ) Cache performance metrics Computer performance by orders of magnitude Types Central processing unit ( CPU ) Graphics processing unit ( GPU ) GPGPU Vector Barrel Stream Coprocessor ASIC FPGA CPLD Multi-chip module ( MCM ) System in package ( SiP ) By application Microprocessor Microcontroller Mobile Notebook Ultra-low - voltage ASIP Systems on Chip System - on - Chip ( SoC ) Multiprocessor ( MPSoC ) Programmable ( PSoC ) Network - on - Chip ( NoC ) Hardware accelerators AI accelerator Vision processing unit ( VPU ) Physics processing unit ( PPU ) Digital signal processor ( DSP ) Tensor processing unit ( TPU ) Secure cryptoprocessor Network processor Baseband processor Word size 1 - bit 2 - bit 4 - bit 8 - bit 16 - bit 32 - bit 48 - bit 64 - bit 128 - bit 256 - bit 512 - bit others variable Core count Single - core Multi-core Manycore Heterogeneous architecture Components Core Cache CPU cache replacement policies coherence Bus Clock rate FIFO Functional units Arithmetic logic unt ( ALU ) Address generation unit ( AGU ) Floating - point unit ( FPU ) Memory management unit Load -- store unit Translation lookaside buffer ( TLB ) Logic Combinational Sequential Glue Logic Gate Quantum Array Registers Processor register Register file Memory buffer Program counter Stack Control unit Instruction unit Data buffer Write buffer Microcode ROM Counter Datapath Multiplexer Demultiplexer Adder Multiplier CPU Binary decoder Address decoder Sum addressed decoder Barrel shifter Circuitry Integrated circuit 3D Mixed signal Power management Boolean Digital Analog Quantum Switch Power management PMU APM ACPI Dynamic frequency scaling Dynamic voltage scaling Clock gating Performance per watt ( PPW ) Related History of general - purpose CPUs Microprocessor chronology Processor design Digital electronics Hardware security module Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Central processing unit Digital electronics Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Português Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Svenska Українська اردو 中文 17 more Edit links This page was last edited on 27 October 2018 , at 11 : 12 ( UTC ) . 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what is the control unit function in the cpu
The control unit ( CU ) is a component of a computer 's central processing unit ( CPU ) that directs the operation of the processor . It tells the computer 's memory , arithmetic / logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor .
New Girl Now - Wikipedia New Girl Now Jump to : navigation , search ( hide ) This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia 's notability guideline for music . Please help to establish notability by citing reliable secondary sources that are independent of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond its mere trivial mention . If notability can not be established , the article is likely to be merged , redirected , or deleted . Find sources : `` New Girl Now '' -- news newspapers books scholar JSTOR ( September 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` New Girl Now '' Single by Honeymoon Suite from the album Honeymoon Suite Released 1984 Recorded Genre Hard rock , glam metal Length 3 : 37 Label WEA Canada Songwriter ( s ) Dermot Grehan Producer ( s ) Tom Treumuth Honeymoon Suite singles chronology `` New Girl Now '' ( 1984 ) `` Bad Attitude '' ( 1985 ) `` New Girl Now '' ( 1984 ) `` Bad Attitude '' ( 1985 ) `` New Girl Now '' is a song by the Canadian rock band Honeymoon Suite . It was written by Derry Grehan , and released as a single in 1984 , from the album Honeymoon Suite . The single reached No. 23 in Canada and No. 57 in the United States . The song is played in the episode of The Kids in the Hall : Death Comes to Town `` The Stages of Grief '' during the bar scene where Death is trying to order a drink . It also features in the Bones episode The Woman in Limbo . Also played in the Miami Vice episode `` One Eyed Jack '' . The song is part of the opening scene in the 2008 horror film Gutterballs . In 2015 Grehan received a SOCAN Classic Award based on the song having been played more than 100,000 times on Canadian radio . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Bones music season 1 Jump up ^ `` SOCAN Awards Gala : A Night To Remember '' . FYI Music News , June 23 , 2015 ( hide ) Honeymoon Suite Johnnie Dee Derry Grehan Dave Betts Gary Lalonde Peter Nunn Brad Bent Mike Lengyell Rob Laidlaw Ray Coburn Bret Carrigan Stan Miczek Rob Preuss Steve Webster Jorn Anderson Randy Cooke Studio albums Honeymoon Suite ( 1984 ) The Big Prize ( 1985 ) Racing After Midnight ( 1988 ) Monsters Under the Bed ( 1991 ) Clifton Hill ( 2008 ) Singles `` New Girl Now '' `` Feel It Again '' This 1980s rock song - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1984 singles 1984 songs Debut singles Glam metal songs 1980s rock song stubs Hidden categories : Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2011 All articles with topics of unclear notability Articles needing additional references from May 2016 All articles needing additional references Articles with multiple maintenance issues Articles with hAudio microformats All stub articles Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 24 January 2018 , at 10 : 22 . About Wikipedia
who sings i got a new girl now
`` New Girl Now '' is a song by the Canadian rock band Honeymoon Suite . It was written by Derry Grehan , and released as a single in 1984 , from the album Honeymoon Suite . The single reached No. 23 in Canada and No. 57 in the United States .
Aditya Puri - Wikipedia Aditya Puri Aditya Puri is the Managing Director of HDFC Bank , India 's largest private sector bank . He assumed this position in September 1994 , making him the longest - serving head of any private bank in the country . India Today magazine ranked him # 24th in India 's 50 Most Powerful People of 2017 list . Contents 1 Biography 2 Career 3 Awards and honours 3.1 2016 3.2 2015 3.3 2013 4 Personal life 5 References Biography ( edit ) Aditya Puri was born in Gurdaspur District ( Punjab ) and studied at Punjab University , Chandigarh , gaining a bachelor 's degree in Commerce . He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India . Career ( edit ) He has worked in the banking sector for 40 years , in India and other countries , and became CEO of Citibank , Malaysia in 1992 . In September 1994 he returned to India as Managing Director of HDFC Bank . He presided over HDFC 's acquisitions of Times Bank Limited in 2000 and of Centurion Bank of Punjab in 2008 . Awards and honours ( edit ) 2016 ( edit ) He was the only Indian to feature in Fortune 's Businessperson of the Year list . Best CEO : Institutional Investor All - Asia Executive Team ranking 2016 Outstanding Business Leader of the year - CNBC - TV18 India Business Leader Awards ( IBLA ) 2015 - 16 FE Lifetime Achievement Award from Financial Express Barron 's World 's Top 30 CEOs 2015 ( edit ) Best CEO Award - Business Today Business Leader of the Year - AIMA Managing India Awards 2015 World 's 30 Best CEOs - Barron 's Best CEO - Finance Asia poll on Asia 's Best Companies 2015 2013 ( edit ) Best Executive in India - Asiamoney Banker of the Year 2013 - Business Standard Best CEO - Institutional Investor Top Achiever - Sunday Standard Best Banker Awards Best Executive in India - Asia Money 2013Best Banker - FE Personal life ( edit ) He is the father of actress Amrita Puri . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Profiles of Directors '' . HDFC Bank . Retrieved 19 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` HDFC Bank on the Forbes Asia 's Fab 50 Companies List '' . Forbes . 28 August 2013 . Retrieved 29 November 2013 . Jump up ^ Raghunathan , Anu ( 22 July 2015 ) . `` HDFC Bank 's Aditya Puri Has Created India 's Most Valuable Bank '' . Forbes . Retrieved 9 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` India 's 50 powerful people '' . India Today . April 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Shukla , Saloni . `` Succession plan for HDFC Bank in place , says Aditya Puri '' . The Economic Times . Retrieved 9 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` CBoP and Times Bank Amalgamation '' . HDFC Bank . Archived from the original on 13 September 2014 . Retrieved 19 September 2014 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Ajita Rajendra and HDFC Bank MD Aditya Puri make it to Fortune list '' . Retrieved 30 Nov 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Awards - HDFC Bank official website '' . Retrieved November 30 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Aditya Puri conferred ' Lifetime Achievement Award ' by The Financial Express '' ( PDF ) . . Retrieved 11 September 2016 . Jump up ^ `` HDFC Bank MD Aditya Puri once asked a young manager ' bata laddoo kidhar hai ' -- Anand Mahindra 's interesting anecdote at FE Best Banks Awards '' . The Financial Express . Retrieved 9 December 2016 . Jump up ^ Gupta , Priya ( 19 March 2013 ) . `` I survived because I am headstrong like my father : Amrita Puri '' . The Times of India . Retrieved 7 May 2018 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Indian bankers Living people Businesspeople from Chandigarh Panjab University , Chandigarh alumni Hidden categories : Use Indian English from July 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Use dmy dates from July 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی हिन्दी தமிழ் Edit links This page was last edited on 6 August 2018 , at 17 : 20 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
who is the managing director of hdfc bank
Aditya Puri is the Managing Director of HDFC Bank , India 's largest private sector bank . He assumed this position in September 1994 , making him the longest - serving head of any private bank in the country . India Today magazine ranked him # 24th in India 's 50 Most Powerful People of 2017 list .
United States presidential eligibility legislation - wikipedia United States presidential eligibility legislation Constitutional Law of the United States Overview Articles Amendments History Judicial review Principles Separation of powers Individual rights Rule of law Federalism Republicanism Government structure Legislative branch Executive branch Judicial branch State government Local government Individual rights Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom of the press Freedom of assembly Right to petition Freedom of association Right to keep and bear arms Right to trial by jury Criminal procedural rights Right to privacy Freedom from slavery Due process Equal protection Citizenship Voting rights Theory Living Constitution Originalism Purposivism Textualism Strict constructionism Article Two , Section 1 of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as President of the United States : No person except a natural born Citizen , or a Citizen of the United States , at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution , shall be eligible to the Office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty - five Years , and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States . The Twenty - second Amendment to the United States Constitution also sets constraints on who may be elected to the Presidency : No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice , and no person who has held the office of President , or acted as President , for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once . The controversy arising from conspiracy theories over Barack Obama 's citizenship and eligibility for the presidency prompted a number of Republican state and federal legislators to propose legislation aimed at requiring future presidential candidates to release copies of their birth certificates . The Hawaii State legislature went in the opposite direction , to limit the lengths that proponents can go in pursuit of this issue , as the pursuits have drained resources from the state . Contents 1 Federal initiatives 1.1 Electoral College 1.2 Birth certificate 1.3 Hawaii statehood 2 State initiatives 2.1 Alabama 2.2 Arizona 2.3 Colorado 2.4 Connecticut 2.5 Georgia 2.6 Hawaii 2.7 Indiana 2.8 Iowa 2.9 Kansas 2.10 Louisiana 2.11 Maine 2.12 Michigan 2.13 Missouri 2.13. 1 Constitutional amendment 2.13. 2 Legislation 2.13. 3 Other 2.14 Montana 2.15 Nebraska 2.16 New Hampshire 2.17 Oklahoma 2.18 Pennsylvania 2.19 Tennessee 2.20 Texas 3 See also 4 References Federal initiatives ( edit ) Electoral College ( edit ) Activists lobbied members of Congress to reject the Electoral College vote and block Obama 's election as president in its sitting on January 8 , 2009 , to certify and tally the results of the election . Two Republican members of the House of Representatives , John Linder and Ron Paul , were heavily lobbied by activists who believed that the two lawmakers would be more willing than other members of Congress to raise objections to Obama 's confirmation . The lobbying was unsuccessful and Congress unanimously declared Obama to be the winner of the election . Birth certificate ( edit ) `` H.R. 1503 '' redirects here . For the star , see Beta Caeli . Wikisource has original text related to this article : H.R. 1503 ( 2009 ) In March 2009 , Representative Bill Posey , a newly elected Republican from Florida 's 15th congressional district , introduced a bill , H.R. 1503 , in the U.S. House of Representatives . Had this bill been enacted into law , it would have amended the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require candidates for the Presidency `` to include with the ( campaign ) committee 's statement of organization a copy of the candidate 's birth certificate '' plus supporting documentation . The bill did not initially have any co-sponsors and was introduced without the Republican leadership being informed . Florida Today , the newspaper serving his constituency , commented that the bill `` stems from fringe opponents of President Barack Obama who , during the 2008 election campaign , questioned whether Obama was born in Hawaii , '' but added that Posey 's office `` does not question Obama 's citizenship . '' Posey explained his motivation as being to `` prevent something like this ( controversy ) from happening in the future '' by requiring `` the birth certificate up front and take ( the issue ) off the table '' . His initiative was strongly criticized by Florida Democrats , who accused Posey of trying to `` fan the rumors on the extreme fringe of the Republican Party '' and `` pandering to the right wing '' . Satirist Stephen Colbert also mocked Posey for not addressing rumors that he was `` part alligator '' ; Posey responded by commenting that there was `` no reason to say that I 'm the illegitimate grandson of an alligator '' . He also stated that there was now `` no reason to question '' that Obama is a U.S. citizen . Posey 's bill gained the support of twelve Republican co-sponsors - Representatives John R. Carter , Kenny Marchant , Louie Gohmert , John Culberson , Randy Neugebauer , Mike Conaway and Ted Poe ( all from Texas ) , Rep. John Campbell ( California ) , Rep. Bob Goodlatte ( Virginia ) , Rep. Dan Burton ( Indiana ) , Rep. Marsha Blackburn ( Tennessee ) , and Rep. Trent Franks ( Arizona ) . Republican Senator Tom Coburn ( Oklahoma ) also stated that he would `` likely support it '' if the bill reached the Senate , saying that Obama `` meets the constitutional requirement to be president , '' and that `` It is each state 's responsibility to determine the eligibility of those running for federal office . '' H.R. 1503 was never voted upon by either house of Congress and died when the 111th Congress adjourned at the end of 2010 . Hawaii statehood ( edit ) On July 27 , 2009 , the House of Representatives passed a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Hawaii 's statehood . The resolution , containing language recognizing Hawaii as President Obama 's birth state , passed by a vote of 378 to 0 . Some of the cosponsors of the Posey bill , namely Campbell , Carter and Marchant , did not cast a vote . The House has 435 members when all seats are filled . State initiatives ( edit ) Alabama ( edit ) Legislation introduced in April 2011 by state Senator Slade Blackwell would require any candidate running for an office with an age requirement to present their birth certificate . Arizona ( edit ) On April 19 , 2010 , the Arizona House of Representatives voted in favor of a rider to require presidential candidates `` to submit documents proving they meet the constitutional requirements to be president '' . If enacted , the law would give the Arizona Secretary of State the power to omit a candidate 's name on the state ballot if there is `` reasonable cause '' to believe that the documents are not adequate proof of the requirements for office . The rider passed the Arizona House of Representatives on a 31 -- 29 vote , with only Republicans voting in favor and some Republicans joining with Democrats to oppose . The bill then went to the Arizona State Senate , which declined to vote on the bill before the April 2010 end of legislative session , the deadline for the bill 's passage . In reaction to the proposed legislation , The Arizona Republic referred to it as a `` nutty birther bill '' that would make Arizona seem to be a place where `` any crackpot whim can be enshrined in law '' . Arizona Republican State Representative Cecil Ash , who supported the bill , appeared on CNN 's Anderson Cooper 360 ° to discuss the bill . Ash stated that he believed President Obama was an American citizen , but there has been `` a lot of controversy over the issue '' . Cooper then likened the people who believe there is a birth certificate controversy to people who believe the moon is made of cheese and asked Ash if he knew the moon was not made of cheese without investigation . Ash responded in the affirmative . In January 2011 , similar legislation again was introduced in the Arizona House of Representatives . On April 14 , 2011 the Arizona legislature passed a bill requiring presidential and vice presidential candidates to show the Arizona secretary of state proof that they are natural - born citizens . Such proof could be either a long - form birth certificate or at least two other forms of accepted proof , such as an early baptismal certificate , circumcision certificate or hospital birth record . On April 18 , Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the bill . A state legislator introduced a similar bill in 2012 . In March 2012 , a senate committee voted favorably on a bill that would require candidates for the presidency and vice presidency to submit an affidavit attesting to their eligibility to serve . Colorado ( edit ) Legislation introduced in April 2011 by 11 Republican state legislators would require any elected official to provide proof of citizenship before being sworn in . The bill was not voted out of committee . Connecticut ( edit ) In January 2011 , Connecticut state Sen. Michael McLachlan introduced legislation that would mandate presidential and vice presidential candidates to provide their birth certificates for their names to be placed on the ballot . The bill did not make it out of committee . Georgia ( edit ) In April 2010 , Georgia state representative Mark Hatfield introduced legislation that would require presidential and vice presidential candidates to submit an affidavit `` stating the candidate 's citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove the candidate is a natural born citizen , prove the candidate 's age , and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States . '' In February 2011 , Hatfield again introduced similar legislation , but it was not voted out of committee . Hawaii ( edit ) In May 2010 , Hawaii enacted a law allowing the state to ignore requests for information if deemed `` duplicative or substantially similar '' to a prior query . In January 2011 , Hawaii state representative Rida Cabanilla introduced legislation allowing the Hawaii Department of Health to provide upon request a copy of the birth certificate of a `` Person of civic prominence '' ( that is , a candidate or officeholder for which United States citizenship is required ) , and to charge the requesting party a surcharge of $100 . Indiana ( edit ) In January 2011 , Indiana state senator Mike Delph introduced legislation requiring presidential candidates to file a certified copy of a birth certificate along with additional documentation to be on the Indiana ballot . The legislation was not voted out of committee . Iowa ( edit ) In March 2011 , Iowa state Senator Kent Sorenson introduced legislation that would require presidential or vice presidential candidates to submit certified copies of their birth certificates , which would be available for public inspection . Kansas ( edit ) In February 2012 , a committee in the Kansas House of Representatives approved a bill that would require candidates for state and federal offices to provide proof of citizenship . Louisiana ( edit ) Legislation introduced in April 2011 by state Senator A.G. Crowe and state Representative Alan Seabaugh would require candidates for federal office to file a birth certificate . The legislation was not voted out of committee . Maine ( edit ) State representative Richard Cebra introduced legislation requiring candidates to submit a birth certificate and government - issued identification . Michigan ( edit ) Legislation introduced in April 2011 by state Representative Mike Callton would require presidential candidates to submit their birth certificates . Missouri ( edit ) Constitutional amendment ( edit ) Fifteen Republican members of the Missouri House of Representatives sponsored an amendment to the Missouri Constitution in March 2009 that would require `` candidates who are required by the Constitution of the United States to be natural born citizens '' to provide a birth certificate to the Missouri Secretary of State to confirm their eligibility . A certificate of live birth would not be accepted . Failure to comply would result in the candidate being deemed ineligible to stand . The only political offices to be affected would be the President and Vice President , which are the only two positions for which there is a specific constitutional citizenship requirement . The proposed amendment is part of a `` voter 's bill of rights '' , which would serve `` as a defense against corruption , fraud , and tyranny '' . Political commentators interpreted the proposal as being `` aimed at advancing the claims of the fringe movement that doubts President Barack Obama 's eligibility to serve as president '' . The proposed amendment , House Joint Resolution No. 34 , was subsequently withdrawn . Legislation ( edit ) In January 2011 , Republican State Representative Lyle Rowland introduced legislation that would require `` proof of identity and proof of United States citizenship '' for all presidential and vice-presidential candidates . '' In May 2011 , the requirement that presidential candidates present proof of natural born citizenship was added but later trimmed from an omnibus election law reform bill . Rowland introduced similar legislation in 2012 . On March 29 , 2012 , the House of Representatives passed legislation that would require presidential or vice presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship before appearing on the ballot . The bill then passed a Missouri senate committee . Other ( edit ) A number of Missouri Republican politicians have continued to support claims and litigation on the citizenship issue . State Representatives Cynthia L. Davis , Timothy W. Jones and Casey Guernsey have committed to participating as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed in Missouri challenging Obama 's citizenship . State Representative Edgar G.H. Emery told reporters in July 2009 that he `` questions Obama 's citizenship and ... believes his alleged lack of a legitimate birth certificate ignores the Constitution . '' Montana ( edit ) In January 2011 , Montana state representative Bob Wagner introduced legislation requiring all candidates for federal office file affidavits with the Montana secretary of state verifying that they are qualified ; presidential candidates would be required to provide the state with a valid copy of their birth certificates . Nebraska ( edit ) Proposed legislation introduced in January 2011 would have required a presidential or vice presidential candidate to provide proof of birth that includes the names of the candidate 's parents , and proof that the parents were United States citizens at the time of the candidate 's birth ; the candidate would also have to swear of affirm , `` I was born a citizen of the United States of America and was subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the United States of America , owing allegiance to no other country at the time of my birth . On the day I was born , both my birth mother and birth father were citizens of the United States of America . '' The proposed legislation failed to be voted out of committee . New Hampshire ( edit ) Legislation introduced in March 2011 would have required presidential candidates to present their birth certificates when filing their nomination papers ; the proposed enactment date was changed to 2013 and thus would not have affected the 2012 presidential elections . The proposed legislation was not voted out of committee . Similar legislation proposed in 2012 also was not voted out of committee . Oklahoma ( edit ) Oklahoma Republican state Representative Mike Ritze proposed a bill in December 2008 , requiring any candidate for public office in Oklahoma to show proof of citizenship . Ritze declared that he `` does not believe Obama submitted an authentic copy of his birth certificate '' . He also unsuccessfully approached Oklahoma Republican Senators Tom Coburn and James Inhofe to persuade them to mount a challenge to Obama 's confirmation by Congress . The bill , House Bill 1329 , was criticized by The Norman Transcript newspaper as `` an outright attempt to embarrass President Barack Obama whose own citizenship was questioned , mostly by those pajama guerrillas trolling on the Internet '' . The bill gained a 23 -- 20 vote in favor , but failed to meet the 25 - vote threshold required to pass . In February 2011 , similar legislation was reintroduced in the Oklahoma state senate . Pennsylvania ( edit ) Legislation introduced in April 2011 by state Representative Daryl Metcalfe would require candidates for president and vice president to provide proof of citizenship to qualify for a spot on the state ballot . Tennessee ( edit ) In Tennessee , four Republican state Representatives -- Stacey Campfield , Glen Casada , Frank S. Niceley and Eric H. Swafford -- announced in February 2009 that they would be joining a legal action to force Obama to release his birth certificate and prove his citizenship . Casada , the Tennessee House Republican caucus chairman , said that he believes Obama has further proof of eligibility , and would like him to make it available : `` Yes , people may say , you 're just chasing some conspiracy theory ... ( but ) it 's a simple act on his part to just do , and we 're done -- move on . '' The alternative newspaper Nashville Scene described Swafford as joining a `` wacky legal action '' and quoted Tennessee house Democrat Larry Miller as saying : `` What is the mentality of these kind of people who continuously make these kind of goofy statements ? It 's embarrassing . '' Attorney Orly Taitz of California said she planned to file the suit , representing the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation . Legislation proposed in January 2011 would require anyone running for elected office to furnish a birth certificate before being declared an eligible candidate . '' It failed to be voted out of a subcommittee . In January 2016 , two Democratic legislators proposed barring the Secretary of State from placing on the ballot any presidential or vice-presidential candidate who was not a natural - born citizen . Texas ( edit ) On November 16 , 2010 , Texas state representative Leo Berman introduced legislation requiring any candidate for president or vice president running in Texas to submit to the Texas Secretary of State an `` original birth certificate indicating that the person is a natural - born United States citizen . '' In introducing the bill , Berman said that the `` bill is necessary because we have a president whom the American people do n't know whether he was born in Kenya or some other place . '' If signed into law , the bill would take effect September 1 , 2011 , about 6 months ahead of the Texas presidential primaries for the 2012 presidential election . By inserting the word `` original '' into the bill , Berman addressed concerns by conspiracy theorists that other bills that do not contain that word are `` flawed '' . His bill would therefore specifically disallow the use of the reproduced certificate that Obama has used since June 2008 as evidence . The legality of such a bill is unknown , as reproduced certificates are generally accepted by government agencies as proof of birth . See also ( edit ) Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : The U.S. Constitution With Declaration of Independence , US Government Printing Office Jump up ^ Smith , Ben ( May 13 , 2010 ) . `` Hawaii 's ' birther bill ' '' . Politico . ^ Jump up to : Weigel , David ( January 8 , 2009 ) . `` GOP Senators Give Hope to Anti-Obama Activists '' . Washington Independent . Retrieved January 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Abrams , Jim ( 2009 - 01 - 08 ) . `` Congress Declares Obama the Next President '' . Seattle , Washington : Seattle Times . Associated Press . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 12 . In centuries - old tradition , Congress confirms Obama as the next president Jump up ^ Smith , Ben ( March 13 , 2009 ) . `` Birther bill hits Congress '' . . Retrieved March 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Preston , Mark ( March 13 , 2009 ) . `` Republican wants WH candidates to prove citizenship '' . Political Ticker blog . CNN . Retrieved March 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Kim Eun Kyung ( March 14 , 2009 ) . `` Posey to president hopefuls : Prove it '' . Florida Today . Retrieved March 14 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Matthews , Mark ( March 13 , 2009 ) . `` Posey : Future presidential candidates should show their birth certificates ; wo n't say whether he believes Obama is a US citizen '' . Orlando Sentinel . Florida . Archived from the original on 2009 - 03 - 19 . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 13 . Jump up ^ Colbert , Stephen ( March 19 , 2009 ) . `` Bill Posey Alligator Rumors '' . The Colbert Report . Retrieved June 23 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Matthews , Mark K. ( April 9 , 2009 ) . `` New Rep. Bill Posey gains his footing after rough start '' . The Orlando Sentinel . Retrieved September 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Bill Summary & Status : 111th Congress ( 2009 - 2010 ) : H.R. 1503 : Cosponsors Jump up ^ . Jump up ^ Smith , Ben ( June 19 , 2009 ) . `` Coburn backing Birther bill '' . . Retrieved June 23 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Bill Summary & Status : 111th Congress ( 2009 - 2010 ) : H.R. 1503 Jump up ^ Stein , Sam ( July 27 , 2009 ) . `` Resolution Proclaiming Hawaii Obama 's Birthplace Passes House Unanimously '' . The Huffington Post . Retrieved July 27 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Final vote results for roll call 647 '' . Clerk of the House of Representatives . July 27 , 2009 . Retrieved July 28 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Beyerle , Dana ( April 22 , 2011 ) . `` DANA BEYERLE : Have senators offered ' birther ' bill ? '' . Gadsden Times . Jump up ^ `` Ariz House : Check Obama 's Citizenship '' . April 19 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Arizona birthers : No clue , but plenty of company '' . The Washington Post . April 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Arizona ' birther bill ' wo n't get Senate vote '' . The Arizona Republic . Phoenix , Arizona . Associated Press . April 29 , 2010 . Retrieved June 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Welcome to the Arizona State Legislature '' . Phoenix , Arizona : Arizona Legislature . Retrieved June 7 , 2010 . The 49th Legislature , 2nd Regular Session Adjourned Sine Die on Thursday , April 29 , 2010 at 11 : 07 p.m. Jump up ^ `` Bill Status Overview -- SB1024 '' . Phoenix , Arizona : Arizona Legislature . Retrieved July 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Lawmakers , bury the ' birther bill ' '' . Editorial . Arizona Republic . April 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Birthers Reemerge ; Will Ash Cloud Threat Continue ? '' . Anderson Cooper . CNN . April 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Anderson Cooper Confronts Birther Legislator '' . Jason Linkins . Huffington Post . April 22 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` ' Birther Bill ' back in Arizona ; Rep. Judy Burges pitches birth certificate legislation again '' . Michael Sheridan . Daily News . January 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Condon , Stephanie ( April 15 , 2011 ) . `` '' Birther '' bill passes in Arizona legislature `` . CBS News . Jump up ^ `` Gov. Brewer Vetoes Birther Bill , Guns on Campus '' . . Phoenix : KSAZ - TV . April 18 , 2011 . Retrieved April 18 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Political Insider : For Arpaio , all publicity is good '' . Arizona Republic . December 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Powers , Ashley ( March 15 , 2012 ) . `` Arizona Senate panel joins Sheriff Arpaio on ' birther ' bandwagon '' . Los Angeles Times . Jump up ^ `` GOP introduces ' birther ' resolution at state legislature '' . KDVR. April 25 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` '' Birther '' bill killed in committee `` . The Colorado Independent . May 3 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Davis , Stacy ( January 31 , 2011 ) . `` McLachlan sponsors birth certificate bill in Hartford '' . The News - Times . Danbury , Connecticut : Hearst Corporation . Retrieved February 3 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Perrefort , Dirk ( April 26 , 2011 ) . `` Danbury lawmaker 's ' birther ' bill dead '' . The News - Times . Danbury , Connecticut : Hearst Corporation . Retrieved April 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Galloway , Jim ( April 21 , 2010 ) . `` A measure to force Obama to address citizenship in 2012 '' . Atlanta Journal - Constitution . Retrieved March 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Hunt , April ( March 1 , 2011 ) . `` 94 Georgia lawmakers back ' birther ' bill '' . Atlanta Journal - Constitution . Retrieved March 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Hunt , April ( March 15 , 2011 ) . `` Birther bill sponsor tries , fails to get vote '' . Atlanta Journal - Constitution . Retrieved March 16 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Hawaii considering law to ignore ' birthers ' '' . . Associated Press . March 17 , 2010 . Retrieved February 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Niesse , Mark ( March 17 , 2010 ) . `` Hawaii Mulls Law to Ignore Obama ' Birthers ' '' . ABC News . Associated Press . Retrieved February 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Sheridan , Michael ( May 13 , 2010 ) . `` Aloha ' Birthers ' : Hawaii law lets state ignore repeated demands for Obama 's birth certificate '' . Daily News . New York . Retrieved February 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Hawaii State Legislature 2010 Regular Session SB2937 SD1 HD1 CD1 '' . Jump up ^ `` New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests '' . KHON - TV . Associated Press . May 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Niesse , Mark ( January 27 , 2011 ) . `` Hawaii lawmakers want release of Obama birth info '' . Honolulu Star - Advertiser . Associated Press . Retrieved February 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Social issues return to agenda '' . Niki Kelly . Journal Gazette . January 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` ' Birther ' bill fails , will be studied again '' . Ty Jepson . The Exponent . March 11 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Hancock , Jason ( March 4 , 2011 ) . `` ' Birther ' legislation introduced by Sorenson '' . Iowa Independent . Retrieved March 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Carpenter , Tim ( February 15 , 2012 ) . `` House panel passes bill derided as ' birther ' inspired '' . Topeka Capital - Journal . Jump up ^ Moller , Jan ( April 18 , 2011 ) . `` Gov. Jindal will sign ' birther ' bill if it reaches his desk '' . Times - Picayune . Jump up ^ Moller , Jan ( June 14 , 2011 ) . `` Author of presidential birth - certificate bill gives up without a hearing '' . Times - Picayune . Jump up ^ Mistler , Steve ( February 10 , 2011 ) . `` Secretary of state backs bill requiring proof of citizenship to run for state office '' . Sun Journal . Jump up ^ McMillin , Zane ( April 27 , 2011 ) . `` Pres . hopefuls could face certificate requirements '' . State News . Jump up ^ Smith , Ben ( March 4 , 2009 ) . `` Missouri Republicans push birth certificate questions to oppose ' tyranny ' '' . . Retrieved March 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` House Joint Resolution No. 34 , 95th General Assembly '' . Missouri House of Representatives . Retrieved March 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` House Joint Resolution No. 34 '' . Retrieved July 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Missouri Republicans Still Concerned With Obama 's Citizenship '' . Fired Up ! Missouri . January 21 , 2011 . Retrieved January 21 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` ' Birther ' provision removed from election bill '' . Missouri News Horizon . May 11 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Shapiro , John ( February 15 , 2012 ) . `` Missouri Lawmaker Says Show Me Your Papers '' . KMOX . Jump up ^ Crisp , Elizabeth ( March 29 , 2012 ) . `` Missouri House approves `` birther '' bill `` . St. Louis Post-Dispatch . Jump up ^ Karr , Cole ( May 1 , 2012 ) . `` '' Born in the USA '' Bill Takes Another Step Forward `` . KMOX . Jump up ^ Noble , Jason ( July 1 , 2009 ) . `` Orly Taitz questions Obama 's citizenship in Jeff City ; receives support from 5 state lawmakers '' . Prime Buzz blog . Kansas City Star . Archived from the original on July 5 , 2009 . Retrieved July 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Messenger , Tony ( July 1 , 2009 ) . `` Missouri Republicans continue to question Obama citizenship '' . Political Fix blog . St. Louis Post-Dispatch . Retrieved July 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Montana Lawmaker Introduces ' Birther ' Bill '' . Kellyn Brown . Flathead Beacon . January 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Weigel , David ( February 3 , 2011 ) . `` The Trouble with Birther Bills '' . Slate . Retrieved February 3 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Schulte , Grant ( March 11 , 2011 ) . `` Neb. legislative committee kills bill requiring birth certificates for presidential hopefuls '' . The Republic . Associated Press . Retrieved March 11 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Smith , Ben ( March 9 , 2011 ) . `` N.H. birther bill defanged '' . Politico . Retrieved March 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` New Hampshire narrowly rejects seeking birth records from candidates '' . Daily Caller . Associated Press . March 9 , 2011 . Retrieved March 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Spolar , Matthew ( February 15 , 2012 ) . `` Committee votes down birther bill '' . Concord Monitor . Jump up ^ McNutt , Michael ( December 12 , 2008 ) . `` Law sought to prove candidate citizenship in Oklahoma '' . The Oklahoman . Oklahoma City . Retrieved December 12 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Oklahoma 's department of frivolous '' . The Norman Transcript . Norman , Oklahoma . February 14 , 2009 . Retrieved February 14 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Bill to require citizenship proof fails '' . The Edmond Sun . Associated Press . April 29 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Bar , Andy ( February 14 , 2011 ) . `` Birther debate alive across U.S. '' Politico . Retrieved February 14 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Latimer , John ( April 14 , 2011 ) . `` Local reps support birth certificate bill '' . Lebanon Daily News . Jump up ^ Emery , Theo ( February 13 , 2009 ) . `` Four Tennessee legislators want Obama to prove citizenship '' . The Tennessean . Nashville . Retrieved February 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Woods , Jeff ( February 12 , 2009 ) . `` Democrats Ridicule Lawmaker for Demanding Obama 's Birth Certificate '' . Nashville Scene . Archived from the original on February 15 , 2009 . Retrieved February 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Daly , Kyle ( February 17 , 2011 ) . `` Birther bills flood state houses across USA , somehow avoiding Colorado '' . The Colorado Independent . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Editorial : Two misguided bills crash in Nashville '' . Knoxville News Sentinel. April 5 , 2011 . Retrieved April 6 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Associated Press ( January 22 , 2016 ) . `` Tennessee Dems want eligibility check on presidential ballot '' . WRCB . Jump up ^ Enrique Rangel ; Terry Greenberg ( November 17 , 2010 ) . `` State representatives file birth certificate bill filed for presidential candidates '' . Lubbock Avalanche Journal . Retrieved 2010 - 11 - 28 . Jump up ^ Weigel , David ( November 17 , 2010 ) . `` Texas Republican Files Birther Bill '' . Slate . Retrieved 2010 - 11 - 28 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : United States constitutional law Article Two of the United States Constitution United States nationality law Presidency of the United States Barack Obama presidential campaign , 2008 Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from November 2009 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 24 September 2018 , at 15 : 45 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
how old do you have to be to run for the president of the united states
No person except a natural born Citizen , or a Citizen of the United States , at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution , shall be eligible to the Office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty - five Years , and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States .
Star of David - wikipedia Star of David Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the use of the hexagram as a Jewish symbol . For the Star of David in Islam , see Seal of Solomon . For use in Christianity and other Abrahamic religions , see Star of David in the Abrahamic religions . For other uses , see Hexagram . `` Jewish Star '' redirects here . For the newspaper , see The Jewish Star . `` Magen David '' redirects here . For the halakhic commentator , see David HaLevi Segal . Star of David The Star of David ( ✡ ) , known in Hebrew as the Shield of David or Magen David ( Hebrew מָגֵן דָּוִד ; Biblical Hebrew Māḡēn Dāwīḏ ( maːˈɣeːn daːˈwiːð ) , Tiberian ( mɔˈɣen dɔˈvið ) , Modern Hebrew ( maˈɡen daˈvid ) , Ashkenazi Hebrew and Yiddish Mogein Dovid ( ˈmɔɡeɪn ˈdɔvid ) or Mogen Dovid ) , is a generally recognized symbol of modern Jewish identity and Judaism . Its shape is that of a hexagram , the compound of two equilateral triangles . Unlike the menorah , the Lion of Judah , the shofar and the lulav , the Star of David was never a uniquely Jewish symbol , although it had been used in that way as a printer 's colophon since the sixteenth century . During the 19th century the symbol began to proliferate among the Jewish communities of Eastern Europe , ultimately being used among the Jewish communities in the Pale of Settlement . A significant motivating factor , according to scholar Gershom Sholem , was the desire to represent Jewish religion and / or identity in the same manner the Christian cross identified that religion 's believers . The earliest Jewish usage of the symbol was inherited from medieval Arabic literature by Kabbalists for use in talismanic protective amulets ( segulot ) where it was known as a Seal of Solomon . The symbol was also used in Christian churches as a decorative motif many centuries before its first known use in a Jewish synagogue . Before the 19th century , official use in Jewish communities was generally known only in the region of today 's Czech Republic , Austria and possibly parts of Southern Germany , having begun in medieval Prague . The symbol became representative of the worldwide Zionist community , and later the broader Jewish community , after it was chosen as the central symbol on a flag at the First Zionist Congress in 1897 . The identification of the term `` Star of David '' or `` Shield of David '' with the hexagram shape dates to the 17th century . The term `` Shield of David '' is also used in the Siddur ( Jewish prayer book ) as a title of the God of Israel . Contents ( hide ) 1 History of Jewish usage 1.1 Early use as an ornament 1.2 Kabbalistic use 1.3 Official usage in Central European communities 1.4 As a symbol of Judaism and the Jewish community 1.5 The Holocaust 2 Contemporary use 2.1 Use in sports 3 Origin of the name 4 Miscellaneous 5 Gallery 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links History of Jewish usage Early use as an ornament The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text , the Leningrad Codex , dated 1008 . The hexagram does appear occasionally in Jewish contexts since antiquity , apparently as a decorative motif . For example , in Israel , there is a stone bearing a hexagram from the arch of a 3rd -- 4th century synagogue in the Galilee . Originally , the hexagram may have been employed as an architectural ornament on synagogues , as it is , for example , on the cathedrals of Brandenburg and Stendal , and on the Marktkirche at Hanover . A pentagram in this form is found on the ancient synagogue at Tell Hum . In the synagogues , perhaps , it was associated with the mezuzah . The use of the hexagram in a Jewish context as a possibly meaningful symbol may occur as early as the 11th century , in the decoration of the carpet page of the famous Tanakh manuscript , the Leningrad Codex dated 1008 . Similarly , the symbol illuminates a medieval Tanakh manuscript dated 1307 belonging to Rabbi Yosef bar Yehuda ben Marvas from Toledo , Spain . A Siddur dated 1512 from Prague displays a large hexagram on the cover with the phrase , `` He will merit to bestow a bountiful gift on anyone who grasps the Shield of David . '' Kabbalistic use Page of segulot in a mediaeval Kabbalistic grimoire ( Sefer Raziel HaMalakh , 13th century ) A hexagram has been noted on a Jewish tombstone in Taranto , Apulia in Southern Italy , which may date as early as the third century CE . The Jews of Apulia were noted for their scholarship in Kabbalah , which has been connected to the use of the Star of David . Medieval Kabbalistic grimoires show hexagrams among the tables of segulot , but without identifying them as `` Shield of David '' . In the Renaissance Period , in the 16th - century Land of Israel , the book Ets Khayim conveys the Kabbalah of Ha - Ari ( Rabbi Isaac Luria ) who arranges the traditional items on the seder plate for Passover into two triangles , where they explicitly correspond to Jewish mystical concepts . The six sfirot of the masculine Zer Anpin correspond to the six items on the seder plate , while the seventh sfira being the feminine Malkhut corresponds to the plate itself . However , these seder - plate triangles are parallel , one above the other , and do not actually form a hexagram . According to G.S. Oegema ( 1996 ) Isaac Luria provided the hexagram with a further mystical meaning . In his book Etz Chayim he teaches that the elements of the plate for the Seder evening have to be placed in the order of the hexagram : above the three sefirot `` Crown '' , `` Wisdom '' , and `` Insight '' , below the other seven . Similarly , M. Costa wrote that M. Gudemann and other researchers in the 1920s claimed that Isaac Luria was influential in turning the Star of David into a national Jewish emblem by teaching that the elements of the plate for the Seder evening have to be placed in the order of the hexagram . Gershom Scholem ( 1990 ) disagrees with this view , arguing that Isaac Luria talked about parallel triangles one beneath the other and not about the hexagram . The Star of David at least since the 20th century remains associated with the number seven and thus with the Menorah , and popular accounts associate it with the six directions of space plus the center ( under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetsira : Up , Down , East , West , South , North , and Center ) , or the Six Sefirot of the Male ( Zeir Anpin ) united with the Seventh Sefirot of the Female ( Nukva ) . Some say that one triangle represents the ruling tribe of Judah and the other the former ruling tribe of Benjamin . It is also seen as a dalet and yud , the two letters assigned to Judah . There are 12 Vav , or `` men , '' representing the 12 tribes or patriarchs of Israel . Official usage in central european communities Historical flag of the Jewish Community in Prague In 1354 , King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David 's shield and Solomon 's seal , while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars . In 1460 , the Jews of Ofen ( Budapest , Hungary ) received King Matthias Corvinus with a red flag on which were two Shields of David and two stars . In the first Hebrew prayer book , printed in Prague in 1512 , a large hexagram appears on the cover . In the colophon is written : `` Each man beneath his flag according to the house of their fathers ... and he will merit to bestow a bountiful gift on anyone who grasps the Shield of David . '' In 1592 , Mordechai Maizel was allowed to affix `` a flag of King David , similar to that located on the Main Synagogue '' on his synagogue in Prague . Following the Battle of Prague ( 1648 ) , the Jews of Prague were again granted a flag , in recognition in their contribution to the city 's defense . That flag showed a yellow hexagram on a red background , with a star placed in the center of the hexagram . As a symbol of Judaism and the Jewish community Herzl 's proposed flag , as sketched in his diaries . Although he drew a Star of David , he did not describe it as such Max Bodenheimer 's ( top left ) and Herzl 's ( top right ) 1897 drafts of the Zionist flag , compared to the final version used at the 1897 First Zionist Congress ( bottom ) Béla Guttmann , footballer for Hakoah Vienna The symbol became representative of the worldwide Zionist community , and later the broader Jewish community , after it was chosen to represent the First Zionist Congress in 1897 . A year before the congress , Herzl had written in his 1896 Der Judenstaat : We have no flag , and we need one . If we desire to lead many men , we must raise a symbol above their heads . I would suggest a white flag , with seven golden stars . The white field symbolizes our pure new life ; the stars are the seven golden hours of our working - day . For we shall march into the Promised Land carrying the badge of honor . David Wolffsohn ( 1856 -- 1914 ) , a businessman prominent in the early Zionist movement , was aware that the nascent Zionist movement had no official flag , and that the design proposed by Theodor Herzl was gaining no significant support , wrote : At the behest of our leader Herzl , I came to Basle to make preparations for the Zionist Congress . Among many other problems that occupied me then was one that contained something of the essence of the Jewish problem . What flag would we hang in the Congress Hall ? Then an idea struck me . We have a flag -- and it is blue and white . The talith ( prayer shawl ) with which we wrap ourselves when we pray : that is our symbol . Let us take this Talith from its bag and unroll it before the eyes of Israel and the eyes of all nations . So I ordered a blue and white flag with the Shield of David painted upon it . That is how the national flag , that flew over Congress Hall , came into being . In the early 20th century , the symbol began to be used to express Jewish affiliations in sports . Hakoah Vienna was a Jewish sports club founded in Vienna , Austria , in 1909 whose teams competed with the Star of David on the chest of their uniforms , and won the 1925 Austrian League soccer championship . Similarly , The Philadelphia Sphas basketball team in Philadelphia ( whose name was an acronym of its founding South Philadelphia Hebrew Association ) wore a large Star of David on their jerseys to proudly proclaim their Jewish identity , as they competed in the first half of the 20th century . In boxing , Benny `` the Ghetto Wizard '' Leonard ( who said he felt as though he was fighting for all Jews ) fought with a Star of David embroidered on his trunks in the 1910s . World heavyweight boxing champion Max Baer fought with a Star of David on his trunks as well , notably , for the first time as he knocked out Nazi Germany hero Max Schmeling in 1933 ; Hitler never permitted Schmeling to fight a Jew again . The Holocaust Main article : Yellow badge The yellow badge A Star of David , often yellow , was used by the Nazis during the Holocaust to identify Jews . After the German invasion of Poland in 1939 , there initially were different local decrees forcing Jews to wear distinct signs ( e.g. in the General Government , a white armband with a blue Star of David ; in the Warthegau , a yellow badge , in the form of a Star of David , on the left breast and on the back ) . If a Jew was found in public without the star , he could be severely punished . The requirement to wear the Star of David with the word Jude ( German for Jew ) was then extended to all Jews over the age of six in the Reich and in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia ( by a decree issued on September 1 , 1941 and signed by Reinhard Heydrich ) and was gradually introduced in other Nazi - occupied areas . Others , however , wore the Star of David as a symbol of defiance against Nazi antisemitism , as in the case of United States Army private Hal Baumgarten , who wore a Star of David emblazoned on his back during the 1944 invasion of Normandy . Contemporary use The flag of Israel The flag of Israel , depicting a blue Star of David on a white background , between two horizontal blue stripes was adopted on October 28 , 1948 , five months after the country 's establishment . The origins of the flag 's design date from the First Zionist Congress in 1897 ; the flag has subsequently been known as the `` flag of Zion '' . Many Modern Orthodox synagogues , and many synagogues of other Jewish movements , have the Israeli flag with the Star of David prominently displayed at the front of the synagogues near the Ark containing the Torah scrolls . Magen David Adom ( MDA ) ( `` Red Star of David '' or , translated literally , `` Red Shield of David '' ) is Israel 's only official emergency medical , disaster , ambulance service . It has been an official member of the International Committee of the Red Cross since June 2006 . According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Magen David Adom was boycotted by the International Committee of the Red Cross , which refused to grant the organization membership because `` it was ( ... ) argued that having an emblem used by only one country was contrary to the principles of universality . '' Other commentators said the ICRC did not recognize the medical and humanitarian use of this Jewish symbol , a Red Shield , alongside the Christian cross and the Muslim crescent . Use in sports Since 1948 , the Star of David has carried the dual significance of representing both the state of Israel , and Jewish identity in general . In the United States especially , it continues to be used in the latter sense by a number of athletes . In baseball , Jewish major leaguer Gabe Kapler had a Star of David tattooed on his left calf in 2000 , with the words `` strong - willed '' and `` strong - minded '' , major leaguer Mike `` SuperJew '' Epstein drew a Star of David on his baseball glove , and major leaguer Ron Blomberg had a Star of David emblazoned in the knob of his bat which is on display at the Baseball Hall of Fame . NBA basketball star Amar'e Stoudemire , who says he is spiritually and culturally Jewish , had a Star of David tattoo put on his left hand in 2010 . NFL football defensive end Igor Olshansky has Star of David tattoos on each side of his neck , near his shoulders . Israeli golfer Laetitia Beck displays a blue - and - white magen david symbol on her golf apparel . In boxing , Jewish light heavyweight world champion Mike `` The Jewish Bomber '' Rossman fought with a Star of David embroidered on his boxing trunks , and also has a blue Star of David tattoo on the outside of his right calf . Other boxers fought with Stars of David embroidered on their trunks include world lightweight champion , world light heavyweight boxing champion Battling Levinsky , Barney Ross ( world champion as a lightweight , as a junior welterweight , and as a welterweight ) , world flyweight boxing champion Victor `` Young '' Peres , world bantamweight champion Alphonse Halimi , and more recently World Boxing Association super welterweight champion Yuri Foreman , light welterweight champion Cletus Seldin , and light middleweight Boyd Melson . Welterweight Zachary `` Kid Yamaka '' Wohlman has a tattoo of a Star of David across his stomach , and welterweight Dmitriy Salita even boxes under the nickname `` Star of David '' . Maccabi clubs still use the Star of David in their emblems . Origin of the name The Jewish Encyclopedia cites a 12th - century Karaite document as the earliest Jewish literary source to mention a symbol called `` Magen Dawid '' ( without specifying its shape ) . The name ' Shield of David ' was used by at least the 11th century as a title of the God of Israel , independent of the use of the symbol . The phrase occurs independently as a Divine title in the Siddur , the traditional Jewish prayer book , where it poetically refers to the Divine protection of ancient King David and the anticipated restoration of his dynastic house , perhaps based on Psalm 18 , which is attributed to David , and in which God is compared to a shield ( v. 31 and v. 36 ) . The term occurs at the end of the `` Samkhaynu / Gladden us '' blessing , which is recited after the reading of the Haftara portion on Saturday and holidays . The earliest known text related to Judaism which mentions a sign called the `` Shield of David '' is Eshkol Ha - Kofer by the Karaite Judah Hadassi , in the mid-12th century CE : Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah : Michael , Gabriel , etc . ... Tetragrammaton protect you ! And likewise the sign , called the `` Shield of David '' , is placed beside the name of each angel . This book is of Karaite , and not of Rabbinic Jewish origin , and it does not describe the shape of the sign in any way . Miscellaneous In Unicode , the `` Star of David '' symbol is U + 2721 ( ✡ ︎ ) . The world 's largest Star of David ( 2,400 metres ( 7,900 ft ) diameter ) is at Harold Holt Naval Communications Station , Exmouth , Australia at 21 ° 48 ′ 57 '' S 114 ° 09 ′ 57 '' E  /  21.815927 ° S 114.165888 ° E  / - 21.815927 ; 114.165888 . ( Google Earth view ) At London Heathrow Airport in the early 1950s were built six runways in ✡ ︎ layout , each a bit over a mile long . Some criminal gangs , including the Gangster Disciples and those affiliated with the Folk Nation , use the Star of David as their symbol . In the case of the Gangster Disciples this is a reference to the group 's founder , David Barksdale , also known as `` King David '' . The insignia of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service has included a hexagram since the end of the 19th century . Gallery Star in the Schneider Synagogue , Istanbul Star in the Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue , Safed The Magen David Adom emblem A synagogue in Karlsruhe , Germany , with the outline of a Star of David A recruitment poster published in American Jewish magazines during WWI . Daughter of Zion ( representing the Jewish people ) : Your Old New Land must have you ! Join the Jewish regiment . Roundel displayed on Israeli Air Force aircraft , 1948 - today Stained glass Star of David USVA headstone emblem 3 USVA headstone emblem 44 Morocco fly mask embroidery See also Judaism portal Anahata Chai symbol G2 ( mathematics ) Merkaba Shatkona , an identical Hindu symbol Kagome crest , an identical Japanese symbol Star of Bethlehem Star of David theorem Star of Lakshmi Stars of David : Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish , 2005 book Unicursal hexagram Zoigl , a make of German beer which uses ✡ as its symbol Seal of Solomon References Jump up ^ Yacov Newman , Gavriel Sivan , Judaism A-Z Jump up ^ `` The Flag and the Emblem '' , Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs , `` Unlike the menora ( candelabrum ) , the Lion of Judah , the shofar ( ram 's horn ) and the lulav ( palm frond ) , the Star of David was never a uniquely Jewish symbol . '' Jump up ^ `` The Flag and the Emblem '' , Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs , `` According to Sholem , the motive for the widespread use of the Star of David was a wish to imitate Christianity . During the Emancipation , Jews needed a symbol of Judaism parallel to the cross , the universal symbol of Christianity . '' Jump up ^ Leonora Leet , `` The Hexagram and Hebraic Sacred Science '' in : The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah , 1999 , pp. 212 - 217 . Jump up ^ Scholem 1949 , p. 246 : `` In the beginning these designs had no special names or terms , and it is only in the Middle Ages that definite names began to be given to some of those most widely used . There is very little doubt that terms like these first became popular among the Arabs , who showed a tremendous interest in all the occult sciences , arranging and ordering them systematically long before the Practical Cabalists thought of doing so . It is not to be wondered at , therefore , that for a long time both the five - pointed and the six - pointed stars were called by one name , the `` Seal of Solomon , '' and that no distinction was made between them . This name is obviously related to the Jewish legend of Solomon 's dominion over the spirits , and of his ring with the Ineffable Name engraved on it . These legends expanded and proliferated in a marked fashion during the Middle Ages , among Jews and Arabs alike , but the name , `` Seal of Solomon , '' apparently originated with the Arabs . This term they did not apply to any one design exclusively ; they applied it to an entire series of seven seals to which they attributed extreme potency in putting to flight the forces of the Demon . '' Jump up ^ Scholem 1949 , p. 244 : `` It is not to be found at all in medieval synagogues or on medieval ceremonial objects , although it has been found in quite a number of medieval Christian churches again , not as a Christian symbol but only as a decorative motif . The appearance of the symbol in Christian churches long before its appearance in our synagogues should warn the overzealous interpreters . '' Jump up ^ Scholem 1949 , p. 250 : `` From Prague this official use of the symbol spread out . In 1655 it is found on the seal of the Viennese community , and in 1690 on the seal of the community of Kremsier , in Moravia . On the wall of the old synagogue of the community of Budweis ( Southern Bohemia ) , which was abandoned by the Jews in 1641 , there are representations of Shields of David alternating with roses ; apparently this is the oldest synagogue outside of Prague on which this symbol is to be found . In his youth , R. Jonathan Eybeschuetz might have been able to see it on the seal of the community of EybeSchuetz . A number of communities in Moravia used as a seal the Shield of David alone , with the addition of the name of the community . Others had on their seals a lion holding the Shield of David , like the community of Weiskirchen at the beginning of the 18th century . In very isolated instances the figure of the Shield of David was used in southern Germany also , doubtless under the influence of the Prague community . In other countries , we do not generally find the Shield of David in use before the beginning of the 19th century , either on community seals , or on the curtains of the Ark , or on Torah mantles . '' Jump up ^ `` The Flag and the Emblem '' , Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs , quote `` The Star of David became the emblem of Zionist Jews everywhere . Non-Jews regarded it as representing not only the Zionist current in Judaism , but Jewry as a whole . '' ^ Jump up to : Scholem 1949 , p. 251 : `` Then the Zionists came , seeking to restore the ancient glories -- or more correctly , to change the face of their people . When they chose it as a symbol for Zionism at the Basle Congress of 1897 , the Shield of David was possessed of two virtues that met the requirements of men in quest of a symbol : on the one hand , its wide diffusion during the previous century -- its appearance on every new synagogue , on the stationery of many charitable organizations , etc. -- had made it known to everybody ; and on the other , it was not explicitly identified with a religious association in the consciousness of their contemporaries . This lack became its virtue . The symbol did not arouse memories of the past : it could be filled with hope for the future . '' Jump up ^ `` King Solomon - s Seal '' Archived October 16 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jump up ^ Ulmann . Jump up ^ Herbert M. Adler , JQR , vol. 14 : 111 . Cited in `` Magen David '' , Jewish Encyclopedia , retrieved May 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on October 7 , 2011 . Retrieved May 11 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Archived July 22 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Rabbi Blumenkrantz , `` The Seder '' , The Laws of Pesach : A Digest 2010 : Chap. 9 . See also , ( 1 ) , retrieved May 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Yirmiyahu Ullman ( May 5 , 2008 ) . `` '' Magen David `` '' . Ohr Samayach . Retrieved May 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Simon Jacobson , op - ed , `` Tzav - Passover : The Seder Plate '' , A Meaningful Life , retrieved May 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gershom Scholem shows conclusively they do not form a hexagram . See , Hatakh ha - Zahav , Hotam Shelomoh u-Magen - David ( Poalim , Hebrew ) 1990 : 156 . Jump up ^ G.S. Oegema , Realms of Judaism . The history of the Shield of David , the birth of a symbol ( Peter Lang , Germany , 1996 ) ISBN 3 - 631 - 30192 - 8 Jump up ^ Hatakh ha - Zahav , Hotam Shelomoh u-Magen - David ( Poalim , 1990 , Hebrew ) p. 156 Jump up ^ Rabbi Naftali Silberberg , `` What is the Mystical Significance of the Star of David ? '' Jump up ^ Schwandtner , Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarum , ii. 148 . Facsimile in M. Friedmann , Seder Eliyahu Rabbah ve - Seder Eliyahu Ztṭa , Vienna , 1901 Jump up ^ Reuven Kashani , `` The National Flag '' The Israel Review of Arts and Letters , 1998 / 107 -- 8 , Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( 1999 ) . `` In 1648 , the Jews of Prague were again allowed a flag , in acknowledgment of their part in defending the city against the Swedes . On a red background was a yellow Shield of David , in the centre of which was a Swedish star . '' Jump up ^ `` The Flag and the Emblem '' . Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Retrieved April 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Jewish State , by Theodor Herzl '' . Retrieved April 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Brenner , Michael ; Reuveni , Gideon ( 2006 ) . Emancipation through muscles : Jews and sports in Europe . ISBN 0803205422 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Encyclopedia of American Jewish history . ABC - CLIO. 2007 . ISBN 9781851096381 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Outside the box : a memoir . Rodale. 2006 . ISBN 9781594862571 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Philadelphia Jewish life , 1940 -- 2000 . Temple University Press . 2006 . ISBN 9781566399999 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Kirsch , George B ; Harris , Othello ; Nolte , Claire Elaine ( 2000 ) . Encyclopedia of ethnicity and sports in the United States . ISBN 9780313299117 . Retrieved February 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Polizeiverordnung über die Kennzeichnung der Juden ( Police Regulation on the identification of Jews ) '' . ( in German ) . September 1 , 1941 . Retrieved March 27 , 2015 . Der Judenstern besteht aus einem handtellergroßen , schwarz ausgezogenen Sechs‌stern aus gelbem Stoff mit der schwarzen Aufschrift `` Jude '' . Er ( sic ) ist sichtbar auf der linken Brustseite des Kleidungs‌stücks fest aufgenäht zu tragen . ( Translation : The Jews ' star consists of a palm - sized , black solid six - pointed star made of yellow fabric with a black inscription ( which says ) `` Jew '' . ( It must be ) visibly and firmly sewn on the left chest of the garment . ) ( This policy came into full force as of September 19 , 1941 ) Jump up ^ Geneva Vote Paves the Way for MDA Red Cross Membership , Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs , December 8 , 2005 Jump up ^ Magen David : Shield or Star ? On Language , by Philologos , The Forward June 30 , 2006 Jump up ^ Paul Lukas ( April 2 , 2007 ) . `` Uni Watch : Passover edition '' . ESPN . p. 2 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Beggy , Carol ; Shanahan , Mark ( September 24 , 2004 ) . `` Sox pair weigh holiday play ; councilor swept up '' . The Boston Globe . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Jewish Stars '' . Cleveland Jewish News . April 16 , 2010 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Ain , Stewart ( September 8 , 2006 ) . `` Fast Balls Keep Flying At Mel '' . The Jewish Week . Archived from the original on July 17 , 2011 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` It started as a great idea , then fate stepped in '' . Jewish Tribune . September 29 , 2005 . Archived from the original on September 25 , 2009 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Salkin , Allen . `` Where have you gone , Sandy Koufax ? '' . . Archived from the original on July 8 , 2011 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Isabel Kershner and Harvey Araton `` Amar'e Stoudemire 's Quest to Israel '' , The New York Times , August 3 , 2010 Jump up ^ Klopman , Michael ( August 2 , 2010 ) . `` Is Amare Stoudemire Jewish ? Knick Shows Star Of David Tattoo , Wears Yarmulke ( VIDEO ) '' . The Huffington Post . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Knicks star Amar'e Stoudemire keeps things kosher '' . New York Post . August 20 , 2010 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Are you ready for some football ? '' Kaplan 's Korner on Jews and Sports `` . New Jersey Jewish News . September 14 , 2009 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Whisler , John ( August 1 , 2009 ) . `` Cowboys add muscle on defense with Olshanksy '' . Houston Chronicle . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Tenacious D -- by Nisha Gopalan '' . Tablet Magazine . November 14 , 2008 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Yom Kippur a No Go for Young Golfer Laetitia Beck '' . Algemeiner Journal . October 7 , 2011 . Retrieved September 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Sagui , Miki ( September 7 , 2011 ) . `` Laetitia Beck , Israel 's Tiger Woods '' . Ynetnews . Retrieved September 17 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : The Big Book of Jewish Sports Heroes : An Illustrated Compendium of Sports History and The 150 Greatest Jewish Sports Stars . SP Books . 2007 . ISBN 9781561719075 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Dodger - Giant Rivalry Downright Nostalgic '' , The Spokesman - Review , September 24 , 1978 Jump up ^ `` The Commander '' . New York . Vol. 39 . 2006 . p. 32 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Pat Putnam ( December 18 , 1978 ) . `` Mom is Jewish , Dad is Italian , and Mike Rossman -- the Star '' . Sports Illustrated . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ The 1930s . Weigl Educational Publishers . 2000 . ISBN 9781896990644 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Schaap , Jeremy ( 2007 ) . Triumph : the untold story of Jesse Owens and Hitler 's Olympics . ISBN 0618688226 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` On the Rise : ' Hebrew Hammer ' Cletus Seldin Seeks to Join Ranks of Historic Jewish Boxers '' . Algemeiner Journal . Jump up ^ Ellis Island to Ebbets Field : Sport and the American Jewish Experience . Oxford University Press . 1993 . ISBN 9780195359008 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Vials , Chris ( 2009 ) . Realism for the masses : aesthetics , popular front pluralism , and U.S. culture , 1935 -- 1947 . ISBN 9781604733495 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Wiggins , David . Sport in America eBook. II . ISBN 9781450409124 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Katz , Yossi ( 2010 ) . A Voice Called : Stories of Jewish Heroism . ISBN 9789652294807 . Retrieved February 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Papa Said Knock You Out : Issue 53 's Zachary Wohlman Fights This Thursday '' . Mass Appeal . November 11 , 2013 . Retrieved March 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Isaac Barrio ( July 19 , 2006 ) . `` Dmitriy `` STAR OF DAVID '' Salita in Main Event `` . . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Football : a sociology of the global game . Wiley - Blackwell . 1999 . ISBN 9780745617695 . Retrieved February 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Magen Dawid '' , Jewish Encyclopida , retrieved May 28 , 2010 . Jump up ^ A similar term , `` Shield of Abraham '' appears in the first blessing of the `` Amidah '' prayer , which was written in early Rabbinic times ( around year 1 , a millennium before the first documentation of the term in reference to a sixGpoint star ) . That term is probably based on Genesis 15 : 1 , where God promises to shield Abraham . Jump up ^ Eshkol Ha - Kofer by Judah Hadassi , 12th century CE Jump up ^ `` Australian Heritage Database '' . Retrieved April 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The star of David '' . The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper . Retrieved April 18 , 2016 . Further reading Scholem , Gershom ( 1971 ) . `` The Star of David : History of a Symbol '' . The Messianic idea in Judaism and other essays on Jewish spirituality . Schocken Books . pp. 257 -- 281 . Scholem , Gershom ( 1949 ) . `` The Curious History of the Six - Pointed Star . How the `` Magen David '' Became the Jewish Symbol '' ( PDF ) . Commentary . Vol. 8 . pp. 243 -- 251 . Handelman , Don ; Shamgar - Handelman , Lea ( 1990 ) . `` Shaping Time : The Choice of the National Emblem of Israel '' . In Emiko Ohnuki - Tierney . Culture Through Time : Anthropological Approaches . Stanford University Press . pp. 193 -- 226 . ISBN 9780804717915 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Star of David . Star of David Technology in Jewelry Today 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia on Jewish symbols The Archetypal Mandala of India of the Star of David The Mystical Significance of the Star of David Magen David : From mystical talisman to Zionist symbol - Ynetnews LCCN : sh85079591 GND : 4334258 - 9 BNF : cb12098170p ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : David Jewish symbols Star symbols Heraldic charges Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Articles containing German - language text CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Use mdy dates from July 2017 Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Articles containing Hebrew - language text Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2017 Articles needing more detailed references Articles needing the year an event occurred from October 2010 Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2010 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from October 2010 Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote ܐܪܡܝܐ Azərbaycanca Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български བོད ་ ཡིག Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Ladino Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nāhuatl Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Shqip Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 中文 50 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 March 2018 , at 21 : 55 . 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when did israel adopt the star of david
The flag of Israel , depicting a blue Star of David on a white background , between two horizontal blue stripes was adopted on October 28 , 1948 , five months after the country 's establishment . The origins of the flag 's design date from the First Zionist Congress in 1897 ; the flag has subsequently been known as the `` flag of Zion '' .
Giant - impact hypothesis - wikipedia Giant - impact hypothesis Jump to : navigation , search `` Big splash '' redirects here . For other uses , see Big Splash ( disambiguation ) . Artist 's depiction of a collision between two planetary bodies . Such an impact between Earth and a Mars - sized object likely formed the Moon . The giant - impact hypothesis , sometimes called the Big Splash , or the Theia Impact suggests that the Moon formed out of the debris left over from a collision between Earth and an astronomical body the size of Mars , approximately 4.5 billion years ago , in the Hadean eon ; about 20 to 100 million years after the solar system coalesced . The colliding body is sometimes called Theia , from the name of the mythical Greek Titan who was the mother of Selene , the goddess of the Moon . Analysis of lunar rocks , published in a 2016 report , suggests that the impact may have been a direct hit , causing a thorough mixing of both parent bodies . The giant - impact hypothesis is currently the favoured scientific hypothesis for the formation of the Moon . Supporting evidence includes : Earth 's spin and the Moon 's orbit have similar orientations . Moon samples indicate that the Moon 's surface was once molten . The Moon has a relatively small iron core . The Moon has a lower density than Earth . There is evidence in other star systems of similar collisions , resulting in debris disks . Giant collisions are consistent with the leading theories of the formation of the Solar System . The stable - isotope ratios of lunar and terrestrial rock are identical , implying a common origin . There remain several questions concerning the best current models of the giant - impact hypothesis , however . The energy of such a giant impact is predicted to have heated Earth to produce a global magma ocean , and evidence of the resultant planetary differentiation of the heavier material sinking into Earth 's mantle has been documented . However , as of 2015 there is no self - consistent model that starts with the giant - impact event and follows the evolution of the debris into a single moon . Other remaining questions include when the Moon lost its share of volatile elements and why Venus -- which experienced giant impacts during its formation -- does not host a similar moon . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Theia 3 Basic model 4 Composition 4.1 Energetic aftermath theory 5 Evidence 6 Difficulties 6.1 Composition 6.2 Lack of a Venusian moon 7 Possible origin of Theia 8 Modified hypothesis 9 Alternative hypotheses 10 See also 11 References 11.1 Notes 11.2 Further reading 12 External links History ( edit ) In 1898 , George Darwin made the suggestion that the Earth and Moon were once a single body . Darwin 's hypothesis was that a molten Moon had been spun from the Earth because of centrifugal forces , and this became the dominant academic explanation . Using Newtonian mechanics , he calculated that the Moon had orbited much more closely in the past and was drifting away from the Earth . This drifting was later confirmed by American and Soviet experiments , using laser ranging targets placed on the Moon . Nonetheless , Darwin 's calculations could not resolve the mechanics required to trace the Moon backward to the surface of the Earth . In 1946 , Reginald Aldworth Daly of Harvard University challenged Darwin 's explanation , adjusting it to postulate that the creation of the Moon was caused by an impact rather than centrifugal forces . Little attention was paid to Professor Daly 's challenge until a conference on satellites in 1974 , during which the idea was reintroduced and later published and discussed in Icarus in 1975 by Drs . William K. Hartmann and Donald R. Davis . Their models suggested that , at the end of the planet formation period , several satellite - sized bodies had formed that could collide with the planets or be captured . They proposed that one of these objects may have collided with the Earth , ejecting refractory , volatile - poor dust that could coalesce to form the Moon . This collision could potentially explain the unique geological and geochemical properties of the Moon . A similar approach was taken by Canadian astronomer Alastair G.W. Cameron and American astronomer William R. Ward , who suggested that the Moon was formed by the tangential impact upon Earth of a body the size of Mars . It is hypothesized that most of the outer silicates of the colliding body would be vaporized , whereas a metallic core would not . Hence , most of the collisional material sent into orbit would consist of silicates , leaving the coalescing Moon deficient in iron . The more volatile materials that were emitted during the collision probably would escape the Solar System , whereas silicates would tend to coalesce . Theia ( edit ) Main article : Theia ( planet ) The name of the hypothesized protoplanet is derived from the mythical Greek titan Theia / ˈθiːə / , who gave birth to the Moon goddess Selene . This designation was proposed initially by the English geochemist Alex N. Halliday in 2000 and has become accepted in the scientific community . According to modern theories of planet formation , Theia was part of a population of Mars - sized bodies that existed in the Solar System 4.5 billion years ago . One of the attractive features of the giant - impact hypothesis is that the formation of the Moon and Earth align ; during the course of its formation , the Earth is thought to have experienced dozens of collisions with planet - sized bodies . The Moon - forming collision would have been only one such `` giant impact '' but certainly the last significant impactor event . The Late Heavy Bombardment by much smaller asteroids occurred later - approximately 3.9 billion years ago . Basic model ( edit ) Simplistic representation of the giant - impact hypothesis . Astronomers think the collision between Earth and Theia happened at about 4.4 to 4.45 bya ; about 0.1 billion years after the Solar System began to form . In astronomical terms , the impact would have been of moderate velocity . Theia is thought to have struck the Earth at an oblique angle when the Earth was nearly fully formed . Computer simulations of this `` late - impact '' scenario suggest an impact angle of about 45 ° and an initial impactor velocity below 4 km / s . However , oxygen isotope abundance in lunar rock suggests `` vigorous mixing '' of Theia and Earth , indicating a steep impact angle . Theia 's iron core would have sunk into the young Earth 's core , and most of Theia 's mantle accreted onto the Earth 's mantle . However , a significant portion of the mantle material from both Theia and the Earth would have been ejected into orbit around the Earth ( if ejected with velocities between orbital velocity and escape velocity ) or into individual orbits around the sun ( if ejected at higher velocities ) . The material in orbits around the Earth quickly coalesced into the Moon ( possibly within less than a month , but in no more than a century ) . The material in orbits around the sun stayed on its Kepler orbits , which are stable in space , and was thus likely to hit the earth - moon system sometime later ( because the Earth - Moon system 's Kepler orbit around the sun also remains stable ) . Estimates based on computer simulations of such an event suggest that some twenty percent of the original mass of Theia would have ended up as an orbiting ring of debris around the Earth , and about half of this matter coalesced into the Moon . The Earth would have gained significant amounts of angular momentum and mass from such a collision . Regardless of the speed and tilt of the Earth 's rotation before the impact , it would have experienced a day some five hours long after the impact , and the Earth 's equator and the Moon 's orbit would have become coplanar . Not all of the ring material need have been swept up right away : the thickened crust of the Moon 's far side suggests the possibility that a second moon about 1,000 km in diameter formed in a Lagrange point of the Moon . The secondary , smaller moon may have remained in orbit for tens of millions of years . As the two moons migrated outward from the Earth , solar tidal effects would have made the Lagrange orbit unstable , resulting in a slow - velocity collision that `` pancaked '' the smaller moon onto what is now the far side , adding material to the crust . Lunar magma can not pierce through the thick crust of the far side , causing lesser lunar maria , while the near side has a thin crust displaying the large maria visible from Earth . Composition ( edit ) In 2001 , a team at the Carnegie Institution of Washington reported the surprising finding that the rocks from the Apollo program carried an isotopic signature that was identical with rocks from Earth , and were different from almost all other bodies in the Solar System . In 2014 , a team in Germany reported that the Apollo samples had a slightly different isotopic signature from Earth rocks . The difference was slight , but statistically significant . One possible explanation is that Theia formed near the Earth . Energetic aftermath Theory ( edit ) In 2007 , researchers from the California Institute of Technology showed that the likelihood of Theia having an identical isotopic signature as the Earth was very small ( less than 1 percent ) . They proposed that in the aftermath of the giant impact , while the Earth and the proto - lunar disk were molten and vaporized , the two reservoirs were connected by a common silicate vapour atmosphere , and that the Earth -- Moon system became homogenized by convective stirring while the system existed in the form of a continuous fluid . Such an `` equilibration '' between the post-impact Earth and the proto - lunar disk is the only proposed scenario that explains the isotopic similarities of the Apollo rocks with rocks from the Earth 's interior . For this scenario to be viable , however , the proto - lunar disk would have to endure for about 100 years . Work is ongoing to determine whether or not this is possible . Evidence ( edit ) Indirect evidence for the giant impact scenario comes from rocks collected during the Apollo Moon landings , which show oxygen isotope ratios nearly identical to those of Earth . The highly anorthositic composition of the lunar crust , as well as the existence of KREEP - rich samples , suggest that a large portion of the Moon once was molten ; and a giant impact scenario could easily have supplied the energy needed to form such a magma ocean . Several lines of evidence show that if the Moon has an iron - rich core , it must be a small one . In particular , the mean density , moment of inertia , rotational signature , and magnetic induction response of the Moon all suggest that the radius of its core is less than about 25 % the radius of the Moon , in contrast to about 50 % for most of the other terrestrial bodies . Appropriate impact conditions satisfying the angular momentum constraints of the Earth -- Moon system yield a Moon formed mostly from the mantles of the Earth and the impactor , while the core of the impactor accretes to the Earth . It is noteworthy that the Earth has the highest density of all the planets in the Solar system ; the absorption of the core of the impactor body explains this observation , given the proposed properties of the early Earth and Theia . Comparison of the zinc isotopic composition of Lunar samples with that of Earth and Mars rocks provides further evidence for the impact hypothesis . Zinc is strongly fractionated when volatilized in planetary rocks , but not during normal igneous processes , so zinc abundance and isotopic composition can distinguish the two geological processes . Moon rocks contain more heavy isotopes of zinc , and overall less zinc , than corresponding igneous Earth or Mars rocks , which is consistent with zinc being depleted from the Moon through evaporation , as expected for the giant impact origin . Collisions between ejecta escaping Earth 's gravity and asteroids would have left impact heating signatures in stony meteorites ; analysis based on assuming the existence of this effect has been used to date the impact event to 4.47 billion years ago , in agreement with the date obtained by other means . Warm silica - rich dust and abundant SiO gas , products of high velocity ( > 10 km / s ) impacts between rocky bodies , have been detected by the Spitzer Space Telescope around the nearby ( 29 pc distant ) young ( ~ 12 My old ) star HD172555 in the Beta Pictoris moving group . A belt of warm dust in a zone between 0.25 AU and 2AU from the young star HD 23514 in the Pleiades cluster appears similar to the predicted results of Theia 's collision with the embryonic Earth , and has been interpreted as the result of planet - sized objects colliding with each other . A similar belt of warm dust was detected around the star BD + 20 ° 307 ( HIP 8920 , SAO 75016 ) . Difficulties ( edit ) This lunar origin hypothesis has some difficulties that have yet to be resolved . For example , the giant - impact hypothesis implies that a surface magma ocean would have formed following the impact . Yet there is no evidence that the Earth ever had such a magma ocean and it is likely there exists material that has never been processed in a magma ocean . Composition ( edit ) A number of compositional inconsistencies need to be addressed . The ratios of the Moon 's volatile elements are not explained by the giant - impact hypothesis . If the giant - impact hypothesis is correct , they must be due to some other cause . The presence of volatiles such as water trapped in lunar basalts is more difficult to explain if the Moon was caused by a high - temperature impact . The iron oxide ( FeO ) content ( 13 % ) of the Moon , intermediate between that of Mars ( 18 % ) and the terrestrial mantle ( 8 % ) , rules out most of the source of the proto - lunar material from the Earth 's mantle . If the bulk of the proto - lunar material had come from an impactor , the Moon should be enriched in siderophilic elements , when , in fact , it is deficient in those . The Moon 's oxygen isotopic ratios are essentially identical to those of Earth . Oxygen isotopic ratios , which may be measured very precisely , yield a unique and distinct signature for each solar system body . If a separate proto - planet Theia had existed , it probably would have had a different oxygen isotopic signature than Earth , as would the ejected mixed material . The Moon 's titanium isotope ratio ( Ti / Ti ) appears so close to the Earth 's ( within 4 ppm ) , that little if any of the colliding body 's mass could likely have been part of the Moon . Lack of a venusian Moon ( edit ) If the Moon was formed by such an impact , it is possible that other inner planets also may have been subjected to comparable impacts . A moon that formed around Venus by this process would have been unlikely to escape . If such a moon - forming event had occurred there , a possible explanation of why the planet does not have such a moon might be that a second collision occurred that countered the angular momentum from the first impact . Another possibility is that the strong tidal forces from the Sun would tend to destabilize the orbits of moons around close - in planets . For this reason , if Venus 's slow rotation rate began early in its history , any satellites larger than a few kilometres in diameter would likely have spiralled inwards and collided with Venus . Simulations of the chaotic period of terrestrial planet formation suggest that impacts like those hypothesized to have formed the Moon were common . For typical terrestrial planets with a mass of 0.5 to 1 Earth masses , such an impact typically results in a single moon containing 4 % of the host planet 's mass . The inclination of the resulting moon 's orbit is random , but this tilt affects the subsequent dynamic evolution of the system . For example , some orbits may cause the moon to spiral back into the planet . Likewise , the proximity of the planet to the star will also affect the orbital evolution . The net effect is that it is more likely for impact - generated moons to survive when they orbit more distant terrestrial planets and are aligned with the planetary orbit . Possible origin of Theia ( edit ) One suggested pathway for the Big Splash as viewed from the direction of the south pole In 2004 , Princeton University mathematician Edward Belbruno and astrophysicist J. Richard Gott III proposed that Theia coalesced at the L or L Lagrangian point relative to Earth ( in about the same orbit and about 60 ° ahead or behind ) , similar to a trojan asteroid . Two - dimensional computer models suggest that the stability of Theia 's proposed trojan orbit would have been affected when its growing mass exceeded a threshold of approximately 10 % of the Earth 's mass ( the mass of Mars ) . In this scenario , gravitational perturbations by planetesimals caused Theia to depart from its stable Lagrangian location , and subsequent interactions with proto - Earth led to a collision between the two bodies . In 2008 , evidence was presented that suggests that the collision may have occurred later than the accepted value of 4.53 Gya , at approximately 4.48 Gya . A 2014 comparison of computer simulations with elemental abundance measurements in the Earth 's mantle indicated that the collision occurred approximately 95 My after the formation of the Solar System . It has been suggested that other significant objects may have been created by the impact , which could have remained in orbit between the Earth and Moon , stuck in Lagrangian points . Such objects may have stayed within the Earth -- Moon system for as long as 100 million years , until the gravitational tugs of other planets destabilized the system enough to free the objects . A study published in 2011 suggested that a subsequent collision between the Moon and one of these smaller bodies caused the notable differences in physical characteristics between the two hemispheres of the Moon . This collision , simulations have supported , would have been at a low enough velocity so as not to form a crater ; instead , the material from the smaller body would have spread out across the Moon ( in what would become its far side ) , adding a thick layer of highlands crust . The resulting mass irregularities would subsequently produce a gravity gradient that resulted in tidal locking of the Moon so that today , only the near side remains visible from Earth . However , mapping by the GRAIL mission has apparently ruled out this scenario . Modified hypothesis ( edit ) The giant - impact hypothesis fails to properly explain the similar composition of Earth and the Moon . Especially , the indistinguishable relation of oxygen isotopes can not be explained by the classical form of this hypothesis . According to research on the subject that is based on new simulations at the University of Bern by physicist Andreas Reufer and his colleagues , Theia collided directly with Earth instead of barely swiping it . The collision speed may have been higher than originally assumed , and this higher velocity may have totally destroyed Theia . According to this modification , the composition of Theia is not so restricted , making a composition of up to 50 % water ice possible . Alternative hypotheses ( edit ) Main article : Origin of the Moon Other mechanisms that have been suggested at various times for the Moon 's origin are that the Moon was spun off from the Earth 's molten surface by centrifugal force ; that it was formed elsewhere and was subsequently captured by the Earth 's gravitational field ; or that the Earth and the Moon formed at the same time and place from the same accretion disk . None of these hypotheses can account for the high angular momentum of the Earth -- Moon system . Another hypothesis attributes the formation of the Moon to the impact of a large asteroid with the Earth much later than previously thought , creating the satellite primarily from debris from Earth . In this hypothesis , the formation of the Moon occurs 60 -- 140 million years after the formation of the Solar System . Previously , the age of the Moon had been thought to be 4.527 ± 0.010 billion years . The impact in this scenario would have created a magma ocean on Earth and the proto - Moon with both bodies sharing a common plasma metal vapour atmosphere . The shared metal vapour bridge would have allowed material from the Earth and proto - Moon to exchange and equilibrate into a more common composition . Yet another hypothesis proposes that the Moon and the Earth have formed together instead of separately like the giant - impact hypothesis suggests . The new model , developed by Robin M. Canup , suggests that the Moon and the Earth have formed as a part of a massive collision of two planetary bodies , each larger than Mars , which then re-collided to form what we now call Earth . After the recollision , Earth was surrounded by a disk of material , which accreted to form the Moon . This hypothesis could explain facts that others do not . Moon -- Oceanus Procellarum ( `` Ocean of Storms '' ) Ancient rift valleys -- rectangular structure ( visible -- topography -- GRAIL gravity gradients ) ( October 1 , 2014 ) . Ancient rift valleys -- context . Ancient rift valleys -- closeup ( artist 's concept ) . See also ( edit ) Astronomy portal Space portal Moon portal Geologic time scale Geology of the Moon History of Earth Lunar geologic timescale Origin of the Moon Roche limit Theia ( planet ) Nibiru ( Babylonian astronomy ) Phaeton ( hypothetical planet ) References ( edit ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Revisiting the Moon '' . The New York Times . 2014 - 09 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : Halliday , Alex N. ( February 28 , 2000 ) . `` Terrestrial accretion rates and the origin of the Moon '' . Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 176 ( 1 ) : 17 -- 30 . Bibcode : 2000E&PSL. 176 ... 17H . doi : 10.1016 / S0012 - 821X ( 99 ) 00317 - 9 . ^ Jump up to : Young , Edward D. ; Kohl , Issaku E. ; Warren , Paul H. ; Rubie , David C. ; Jacobson , Seth A. ; Morbidelli , Alessandro ( 2016 - 01 - 29 ) . `` Oxygen isotopic evidence for vigorous mixing during the Moon - forming giant impact '' . Science . 351 ( 6272 ) : 493 -- 496 . arXiv : 1603.04536 . Bibcode : 2016Sci ... 351 ... 493Y . doi : 10.1126 / science. aad0525 . ISSN 0036 - 8075 . PMID 26823426 . ^ Jump up to : Canup , R. ; Asphaug , E. ( 2001 ) . `` Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth 's formation '' ( PDF ) . Nature . 412 ( 6848 ) : 708 -- 712 . Bibcode : 2001Natur. 412 ... 708C . doi : 10.1038 / 35089010 . PMID 11507633 . 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Jump up ^ Nield , Ted ( September 2009 ) . `` Moonwalk '' ( PDF ) . Geological Society of London . p. 8 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 01 . Jump up ^ Zhang , Junjun ; Nicolas Dauphas ; Andrew M. Davis ; Ingo Leya ; Alexei Fedkin ( 25 March 2012 ) . `` The proto - Earth as a significant source of lunar material '' . Nature Geoscience. 5 : 251 -- 255 . Bibcode : 2012NatGe ... 5 ... 251Z . doi : 10.1038 / ngeo1429 . Jump up ^ Koppes , Steve ( March 28 , 2012 ) . `` Titanium paternity test fingers Earth as moon 's sole parent '' . UChicagoNews . Retrieved August 13 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Alemi , Alex ; Stevenson , D. ( September 2006 ) , `` Why Venus has No Moon '' , Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 38 : 491 , Bibcode : 2006DPS ... 38.0703 A Jump up ^ Sheppard , Scott S. ; Trujillo , Chadwick A. ( July 2009 ) , `` A survey for satellites of Venus '' , Icarus , 202 ( 1 ) : 12 -- 16 , arXiv : 0906.2781 , Bibcode : 2009Icar ... 202 ... 12S , doi : 10.1016 / j. icarus. 2009.02. 008 Jump up ^ Lewis , K. ( February 2011 ) , Bouchy , F. ; Díaz , R. ; Moutou , C. , eds. , `` Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets '' , EPJ Web of Conferences , St. Michel l'Observatoire , France , 11 : 04003 , Bibcode : 2011EPJWC ... 1104003L , doi : 10.1051 / epjconf / 20101104003 contribution = ignored ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Belbruno , E. ; Gott III , J. Richard ( 2005 ) . `` Where Did The Moon Come From ? '' . The Astronomical Journal . 129 ( 3 ) : 1724 -- 1745 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0405372 . Bibcode : 2005AJ ... 129.1724 B . doi : 10.1086 / 427539 . Jump up ^ Howard , E. ( July 2005 ) , `` The effect of Lagrangian L4 / L5 on satellite formation '' , Meteoritics & Planetary Science , 40 : 1115 , Bibcode : 2005M&PS ... 40.1115 H , doi : 10.1111 / j. 1945 - 5100.2005. tb00176. x Jump up ^ Halliday , Alex N ( November 28 , 2008 ) . `` A young Moon - forming giant impact at 70 -- 110 million years accompanied by late - stage mixing , core formation and degassing of the Earth '' . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society . 366 ( 1883 ) : 4163 -- 4181 . Bibcode : 2008RSPTA. 366.4163 H . doi : 10.1098 / rsta. 2008.0209 . PMID 18826916 . Jump up ^ Jacobson , Seth A. ( April 2014 ) , `` Highly siderophile elements in Earth 's mantle as a clock or the Moon - forming impact '' , Nature , 508 : 84 -- 87 , arXiv : 1504.01421 , Bibcode : 2014Natur. 508 ... 84J , doi : 10.1038 / nature13172 Jump up ^ Than , Ker ( May 6 , 2008 ) . `` Did Earth once have multiple moons ? '' . New Scientist . Reed Business Information Ltd . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 10 . Jump up ^ Jutzi , M. ; Asphaug , E. ( August 4 , 2011 ) , `` Forming the lunar farside highlands by accretion of a companion moon '' , Nature , 476 : 69 -- 72 , Bibcode : 2011Natur. 476 ... 69J , doi : 10.1038 / nature10289 , PMID 21814278 Jump up ^ Choi , Charles Q. ( August 3 , 2011 ) , `` Earth Had Two Moons That Crashed to Form One , Study Suggests '' , Yahoo News , retrieved 2012 - 02 - 24 Jump up ^ Dambeck , Thorsten ( 11 September 2012 ) . `` Retuschen an der Entstehungsgeschichte des Erdtrabanten '' ( Retouches on the genesis of Earth 's moon ) ( in German ) . Archived from the original on 11 September 2012 . Retrieved 23 September 2012 . Jump up ^ Mitler , H.E. ( 1975 ) . `` Formation of an iron - poor moon by partial capture , or : Yet another exotic theory of lunar origin '' . Icarus . 24 ( 2 ) : 256 -- 268 . Bibcode : 1975Icar ... 24 ... 256M . doi : 10.1016 / 0019 - 1035 ( 75 ) 90102 - 5 . Jump up ^ Taylor , G. Jeffrey ( December 31 , 1998 ) , `` Origin of the Earth and Moon '' , Planetary Science Research Discoveries , University of Hawaii Jump up ^ Touboul , Mathieu ( December 20 , 2007 ) , `` Late formation and prolonged differentiation of the Moon inferred from W isotopes in lunar metals '' , Nature , 450 : 1206 -- 1209 , Bibcode : 2007Natur. 450.1206 T , doi : 10.1038 / nature06428 , PMID 18097403 Jump up ^ Lovett , Richard A. ( December 19 , 2007 ) , `` Earth - Asteroid Collision Formed Moon Later Than Thought '' , National Geographic News , retrieved 2012 - 02 - 24 Jump up ^ `` NASA Lunar Scientists Develop New Theory on Earth and Moon Formation '' . NASA Press Release . NASA . 2012 - 10 - 30 . Retrieved 2012 - 12 - 05 . Further reading ( edit ) Academic articles William K. Hartmann and Donald R. Davis , Satellite - sized planetesimals and lunar origin , ( International Astronomical Union , Colloquium on Planetary Satellites , Cornell University , Ithaca , N.Y. , Aug. 18 - 21 , 1974 ) Icarus , vol. 24 , April 1975 , p. 504 - 515 Alastair G.W. Cameron and William R. Ward , The Origin of the Moon , Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference , volume 7 , page 120 , 1976 Canup , R.M. ; Asphaug , E. ( Fall 2001 ) . `` An impact origin of the Earth - Moon system '' . Abstract # U51A - 02 . American Geophysical Union . Retrieved 2007 - 03 - 10 . R. Canup ; K. Righter , eds. ( 2000 ) . Origin of the Earth and Moon . University of Arizona Press , Tucson . pp. 555 pp . Shearer , C.K. ; 15 coauthors ( 2006 ) . `` Thermal and magmatic evolution of the Moon '' . Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 60 ( 1 ) : 365 -- 518 . Bibcode : 2006RvMG ... 60 ... 365S . doi : 10.2138 / rmg. 2006.60. 4 . Galimov , Erik M. ; Krivtsov , Anton M. `` Origin of the Moon . New Concept . Geochemistry and Dynamics '' . De Gruyter . , Berlin 2012 , ISBN 978 - 3 - 11 - 028640 - 3 . Non-academic books Dana Mackenzie , The Big Splat , or How Our Moon Came to Be , 2003 , John Wiley & Sons , ISBN 0 - 471 - 15057 - 6 . G. Jeffrey Taylor ( December 31 , 1998 ) . `` Origin of the Earth and Moon '' . Planetary Science Research Discoveries . External links ( edit ) Planetary Science Institute : Giant Impact Hypothesis Origin of the Moon by Prof. AGW Cameron Klemperer Rosette simulations using Java applets SwRI giant impact hypothesis simulation (. wmv and . mov ) Origin of the Moon - computer model of accretion Moon Archive - Including articles about the giant impact hypothesis Planet Smash - Up Sends Vaporized Rock , Hot Lava Flying ( 2009 - 08 - 10 JPL News ) How common are Earth - Moon planetary systems ? ( arXiv : 1105.4616 : 23 May 2011 ) The Surprising State of the Earth after the Moon - Forming Giant Impact - Sarah Stewart ( SETI Talks ) , Jan 28 , 2015 ( hide ) The Moon Physical properties Internal structure Topography Atmosphere Gravity field Hill sphere Magnetic field Sodium tail Moonlight Earthshine Orbit Orbital elements Distance Perigee & apogee Nodes Nodal period Precession Syzygy New moon Full moon Eclipses Lunar eclipse Total penumbral lunar eclipse Tetrad Solar eclipse Solar eclipses on the Moon Eclipse cycle Supermoon Tide Tidal force Tidal locking Tidal acceleration Tidal range Lunar mansion Surface & features Selenography Terminator Hemispheres Near side Far side Poles North pole South pole Face Maria List Mountains Peak of eternal light Valleys Volcanic features Domes Calderas Craters List Ray systems Crater of eternal darkness Shackleton crater South Pole -- Aitken basin Soil Swirls Rilles Wrinkle ridges Rocks Lunar basalt 70017 Water Space weathering Micrometeorite Sputtering Quakes Transient lunar phenomenon Science Observation Libration Lunar theory Origin Giant - impact hypothesis Theia Lunar magma ocean Geology Timescale Late Heavy Bombardment Lunar meteorites KREEP Experiments Lunar laser ranging ALSEP Lunar sample displays Apollo 11 Apollo 17 Exploration Missions Apollo program Probes Landing Conspiracy theories Colonization Tourism Time - telling Lunar calendar Lunisolar calendar Month Lunar month Nodal period Fortnight Sennight Lunar mansion Phases & names New Full Names Crescent Super & micro Blood Blue Black Dark Wet Tetrad Related topics Psychology Lunar effect Moon illusion Pareidolia Man in the Moon Moon rabbit Craters named after people Memorials on the Moon Moon in fiction Moon in mythology Hjúki and Bil `` Moon is made of green cheese '' Natural satellite Double planet Lilith ( hypothetical second moon ) Moon portal Earth sciences portal Solar System portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lunar science Hypothetical impact events Earth sciences Solar System dynamic theories Hidden categories : CS1 errors : chapter ignored CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015 All articles containing potentially dated statements All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013 Pages using multiple image with manual scaled images Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Pages using Columns - list with deprecated parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Azərbaycanca Беларуская Català Čeština Dansk Eesti Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 24 more Edit links This page was last edited on 20 March 2018 , at 13 : 07 . 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the idea that the moons development began when a large object collided with earth is called the
The giant - impact hypothesis , sometimes called the Big Splash , or the Theia Impact suggests that the Moon formed out of the debris left over from a collision between Earth and an astronomical body the size of Mars , approximately 4.5 billion years ago , in the Hadean eon ; about 20 to 100 million years after the solar system coalesced . The colliding body is sometimes called Theia , from the name of the mythical Greek Titan who was the mother of Selene , the goddess of the Moon . Analysis of lunar rocks , published in a 2016 report , suggests that the impact may have been a direct hit , causing a thorough mixing of both parent bodies .
UTF - 8 - wikipedia UTF - 8 Jump to : navigation , search UTF - 8 Standard Unicode Standard Language ( s ) International Classification Unicode Transformation Format , Extended ASCII , Variable - width encoding Extends US - ASCII Transforms / Encodes ISO 10646 ( Unicode ) Preceded by UTF - 1 UTF - 8 is a variable width character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid code points in Unicode using one to four 8 - bit bytes . The encoding is defined by the Unicode standard , and was originally designed by Ken Thompson and Rob Pike . The name is derived from Unicode ( or Universal Coded Character Set ) Transformation Format -- 8 - bit . It was designed for backward compatibility with ASCII . Code points with lower numerical values , which tend to occur more frequently , are encoded using fewer bytes . The first 128 characters of Unicode , which correspond one - to - one with ASCII , are encoded using a single octet with the same binary value as ASCII , so that valid ASCII text is valid UTF - 8 - encoded Unicode as well . Since ASCII bytes do not occur when encoding non-ASCII code points into UTF - 8 , UTF - 8 is safe to use within most programming and document languages that interpret certain ASCII characters in a special way , such as `` / '' in filenames , `` \ '' in escape sequences , and `` % '' in printf . Shows the usage of the main encodings on the web from 2001 to 2012 as recorded by Google , with UTF - 8 overtaking all others in 2008 and nearing 50 % of the web in 2012 . Note that the ASCII only figure includes web pages with any declared header if they are restricted to ASCII characters . UTF - 8 has been the dominant character encoding for the World Wide Web since 2009 , as it 's most popular in every country , and as of April 2018 accounts for 91.2 % of all ( and 95.4 % of top 1,000 highest ranked ) Web pages ( some of which are simply ASCII , a subset of UTF - 8 ; the next-most popular multibyte encodings , Shift JIS and GB 2312 , have 0.6 % and 0.5 % respectively ) . The Internet Mail Consortium ( IMC ) recommended that all e-mail programs be able to display and create mail using UTF - 8 , and the W3C recommends UTF - 8 as the default encoding in XML and HTML . Contents ( hide ) 1 Description 1.1 Examples 1.2 Codepage layout 1.3 Overlong encodings 1.4 Invalid byte sequences 1.5 Invalid code points 2 Official name and variants 3 Derivatives 3.1 CESU - 8 3.2 Modified UTF - 8 3.3 WTF - 8 4 Byte order mark 5 History 6 Comparison with single - byte encodings 7 Comparison with other multi-byte encodings 8 Comparison with UTF - 16 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 External links Description ( edit ) Since the restriction of the Unicode code - space to 21 - bit values in 2003 , UTF - 8 is defined to encode code points in one to four bytes , depending on the number of significant bits in the numerical value of the code point . The following table shows the structure of the encoding . The x characters are replaced by the bits of the code point . If the number of significant bits is no more than seven , the first line applies ; if no more than 11 bits , the second line applies , and so on . Number of bytes Bits for code point First code point Last code point Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 7 U + 0000 U + 007F 0xxxxxxx 11 U + 0080 U + 07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 16 U + 0800 U + FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 21 U + 10000 U + 10FFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx The first 128 characters ( US - ASCII ) need one byte . The next 1,920 characters need two bytes to encode , which covers the remainder of almost all Latin - script alphabets , and also Greek , Cyrillic , Coptic , Armenian , Hebrew , Arabic , Syriac , Thaana and N'Ko alphabets , as well as Combining Diacritical Marks . Three bytes are needed for characters in the rest of the Basic Multilingual Plane , which contains virtually all characters in common use including most Chinese , Japanese and Korean characters . Four bytes are needed for characters in the other planes of Unicode , which include less common CJK characters , various historic scripts , mathematical symbols , and emoji ( pictographic symbols ) . Some of the important features of this encoding are as follows : Backward compatibility : Backwards compatibility with ASCII and the enormous amount of software designed to process ASCII - encoded text was the main driving force behind the design of UTF - 8 . In UTF - 8 , single bytes with values in the range of 0 to 127 map directly to Unicode code points in the ASCII range . Single bytes in this range represent characters , as they do in ASCII . Moreover , 7 - bit bytes ( bytes where the most significant bit is 0 ) never appear in a multi-byte sequence , and no valid multi-byte sequence decodes to an ASCII code - point . A sequence of 7 - bit bytes is both valid ASCII and valid UTF - 8 , and under either interpretation represents the same sequence of characters . Therefore , the 7 - bit bytes in a UTF - 8 stream represent all and only the ASCII characters in the stream . Thus , many text processors , parsers , protocols , file formats , text display programs etc. , which use ASCII characters for formatting and control purposes will continue to work as intended by treating the UTF - 8 byte stream as a sequence of single - byte characters , without decoding the multi-byte sequences . ASCII characters on which the processing turns , such as punctuation , whitespace , and control characters will never be encoded as multi-byte sequences . It is therefore safe for such processors to simply ignore or pass - through the multi-byte sequences , without decoding them . For example , ASCII whitespace may be used to tokenize a UTF - 8 stream into words ; ASCII line - feeds may be used to split a UTF - 8 stream into lines ; and ASCII NUL characters can be used to split UTF - 8 - encoded data into null - terminated strings . Similarly , many format strings used by library functions like `` printf '' will correctly handle UTF - 8 - encoded input arguments . Fallback and auto - detection : UTF - 8 provided backwards compatibility for 7 - bit ASCII , but much software and data uses 8 - bit extended ASCII encodings designed prior to the adoption of Unicode to represent the character sets of European languages . Part of the popularity of UTF - 8 is due to the fact that it provides a form of backward compatibility for these as well . A UTF - 8 processor which erroneously receives an extended ASCII file as input can `` fall back '' or replace 8 - bit bytes using the appropriate code - point in the Unicode Latin - 1 Supplement block , when the 8 - bit byte appears outside a valid multi-byte sequence . The bytes in extended ASCII encodings of `` real world '' text are typically not legal UTF - 8 multi-byte sequences . This is because the bytes which introduce multi-byte sequences in UTF - 8 are primarily accented letters ( mostly vowels ) in the common extended ASCII encodings , and the UTF - 8 continuation bytes are punctuation and symbol characters . To appear as a valid UTF - 8 multi-byte sequence , a series of 2 to 4 extended ASCII 8 - bit characters would have to be an unusual combination of symbols and accented letters ( such as an accented vowel followed immediately by certain punctuation ) . In short , real - world extended ASCII character sequences which look like valid UTF - 8 multi-byte sequences are unlikely . Fallback errors will be false negatives , and these will be rare . Moreover , in many applications , such as text display , the consequence of incorrect fallback is usually slight . Only legibility is affected , and only for a few characters . These two things make fallback feasible , if somewhat imperfect . Indeed , as discussed further below , the HTML5 standard requires that erroneous bytes in supposed UTF - 8 data be replaced upon display on the assumption that they are Windows - 1252 characters . The presence of invalid 8 - bit characters outside valid multi-byte sequences can also be used to `` auto - detect '' that an encoding is actually an extended ASCII encoding rather than UTF - 8 , and decode it accordingly . A UTF - 8 stream may simply contain errors , resulting in the auto - detection scheme producing false positives ; but auto - detection is successful in the majority of cases , especially with longer texts , and is widely used . Prefix code : The first byte indicates the number of bytes in the sequence . Reading from a stream can instantaneously decode each individual fully received sequence , without first having to wait for either the first byte of a next sequence or an end - of - stream indication . The length of multi-byte sequences is easily determined by humans as it is simply the number of high - order 1s in the leading byte . An incorrect character will not be decoded if a stream ends mid-sequence . Self - synchronization : The leading bytes and the continuation bytes do not share values ( continuation bytes start with 10 while single bytes start with 0 and longer lead bytes start with 11 ) . This means a search will not accidentally find the sequence for one character starting in the middle of another character . It also means the start of a character can be found from a random position by backing up at most 3 bytes to find the leading byte . An incorrect character will not be decoded if a stream starts mid-sequence , and a shorter sequence will never appear inside a longer one . Sorting order : The chosen values of the leading bytes and the fact that the continuation bytes have the high - order bits first means that a list of UTF - 8 strings can be sorted in code point order by sorting the corresponding byte sequences . Examples ( edit ) Consider the encoding of the Euro sign , € . The Unicode code point for `` € '' is U + 20AC . According to the scheme table above , this will take three bytes to encode , since it is between U + 0800 and U + FFFF . Hexadecimal 20AC is binary 0010 0000 10 10 1100 . The two leading zeros are added because , as the scheme table shows , a three - byte encoding needs exactly sixteen bits from the code point . Because the encoding will be three bytes long , its leading byte starts with three 1s , then a 0 ( 1110 ... ) The four most significant bits of the code point are stored in the remaining low order four bits of this byte ( 1110 0010 ) , leaving 12 bits of the code point yet to be encoded ( ... 0000 10 10 1100 ) . All continuation bytes contain exactly six bits from the code point . So the next six bits of the code point are stored in the low order six bits of the next byte , and 10 is stored in the high order two bits to mark it as a continuation byte ( so 10 00 0010 ) . Finally the last six bits of the code point are stored in the low order six bits of the final byte , and again 10 is stored in the high order two bits ( 10 10 1100 ) . The three bytes 1110 0010 10 00 0010 10 10 1100 can be more concisely written in hexadecimal , as E2 82 AC . Since UTF - 8 uses groups of six bits , it is sometimes useful to use octal notation which uses 3 - bit groups . With a calculator which can convert between hexadecimal and octal it can be easier to manually create or interpret UTF - 8 compared with using binary . Octal 0200 -- 3777 ( hex 80 - 7FF ) shall be coded with two bytes . xxyy will be 3xx 2yy . Octal 4000 -- 177777 ( hex 800 - FFFF ) shall be coded with three bytes . xxyyzz will be ( 340 + xx ) 2yy 2zz . Octal 200000 - 4177777 ( hex 10000 - 10FFFF ) shall be coded with four bytes . wxxyyzz will be 36w 2xx 2yy 2zz . The following table summarises this conversion , as well as others with different lengths in UTF - 8 . The colors indicate how bits from the code point are distributed among the UTF - 8 bytes . Additional bits added by the UTF - 8 encoding process are shown in black . Character Octal code point Binary code point Binary UTF - 8 Octal UTF - 8 Hexadecimal UTF - 8 $ U + 0024 044 010 0100 00100100 044 24 ¢ U + 00A2 02 42 000 10 10 0010 110 00010 10 100010 302 242 C2 A2 € U + 20AC 02 02 54 0010 0000 10 10 1100 1110 0010 10 000010 10 101100 34 2 202 254 E2 82 AC 𐍈 U + 10348 0201510 0 00 01 0000 0011 01 00 1000 11110 000 10 010000 10 001101 10 001000 36 0 220 215 210 F0 90 8D 88 Codepage layout ( edit ) The following table summarizes usage of UTF - 8 code units ( individual bytes or octets ) in a code page format . The upper half ( 0_ to 7_ ) is for bytes used only in single - byte codes , so it looks like a normal code page ; the lower half is for continuation bytes ( 8_ to B_ ) and ( possible ) leading bytes ( C_ to F_ ) , and is explained further in the legend below . UTF - 8 _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F 0_ NUL 0000 0 SOH 0001 STX 0002 ETX 0003 EOT 0004 ENQ 0005 5 ACK 0006 6 BEL 0007 7 BS 0008 8 HT 0009 9 LF 000A 10 VT 000B 11 FF 000C 12 CR 000D 13 SO 000E 14 SI 000F 15 1_ DLE 0010 16 DC1 0011 17 DC2 0012 18 DC3 0013 19 DC4 0014 20 NAK 0015 21 SYN 0016 22 ETB 0017 23 CAN 0018 24 EM 0019 25 SUB 001A 26 ESC 001B 27 FS 001C 28 GS 001D 29 RS 001E 30 US 001F 31 2_ SP 0020 32 ! 0021 33 `` 0022 34 # 0023 35 $ 0024 36 % 0025 37 & 0026 38 ' 0027 39 ( 0028 40 ) 0029 41 * 002A 42 + 002B 43 , 002C 44 - 002D 45 . 002E 46 / 002F 47 3_ 0 0030 48 0031 49 0032 50 0033 51 0034 52 5 0035 53 6 0036 54 7 0037 55 8 0038 56 9 0039 57 : 003A 58 ; 003B 59 < 003C 60 = 003D 61 > 003E 62 ? 003F 63 4_ @ 0040 64 0041 65 0042 66 0043 67 0044 68 0045 69 0046 70 0047 71 0048 72 0049 73 004A 74 004B 75 004C 76 004D 77 004E 78 004F 79 5_ 0050 80 Q 0051 81 0052 82 0053 83 0054 84 U 0055 85 V 0056 86 0057 87 X 0058 88 Y 0059 89 Z 005A 90 005B 91 \ 005C 92 005D 93 005E 94 _ 005F 95 6_ ` 0060 96 0061 97 0062 98 0063 99 d 0064 100 0065 101 f 0066 102 g 0067 103 h 0068 104 i 0069 105 j 006A 106 k 006B 107 l 006C 108 m 006D 109 n 006E 110 o 006F 111 7_ p 0070 112 q 0071 113 r 0072 114 s 0073 115 0074 116 u 0075 117 0076 118 w 0077 119 x 0078 120 y 0079 121 z 007A 122 ( 007B 123 007C 124 ) 007D 125 ~ 007E 126 DEL 007F 127 8_ + 00 128 + 01 129 + 02 130 + 03 131 + 04 132 + 05 133 + 06 134 + 07 135 + 08 136 + 09 137 + 0A 138 + 0B 139 + 0C 140 + 0D 141 + 0E 142 + 0F 143 9_ + 10 144 + 11 145 + 12 146 + 13 147 + 14 148 + 15 149 + 16 150 + 17 151 + 18 152 + 19 153 + 1A 154 + 1B 155 + 1C 156 + 1D 157 + 1E 158 + 1F 159 A_ + 20 160 + 21 161 + 22 162 + 23 163 + 24 164 + 25 165 + 26 166 + 27 167 + 28 168 + 29 169 + 2A 170 + 2B 171 + 2C 172 + 2D 173 + 2E 174 + 2F 175 B_ + 30 176 + 31 177 + 32 178 + 33 179 + 34 180 + 35 181 + 36 182 + 37 183 + 38 184 + 39 185 + 3A 186 + 3B 187 + 3C 188 + 3D 189 + 3E 190 + 3F 191 2 - byte C_ 192 193 Latin 0080 194 Latin 00C0 195 Latin 0100 196 Latin 0140 197 Latin 0180 198 Latin 01C0 199 Latin 0200 200 IPA 0240 201 IPA 0280 202 IPA 02C0 203 accents 0300 204 accents 0340 205 Greek 0380 206 Greek 03C0 207 2 - byte D_ Cyril 0400 208 Cyril 0440 209 Cyril 0480 210 Cyril 04C0 211 Cyril 0500 212 Armeni 0540 213 Hebrew 0580 214 Hebrew 05C0 215 Arabic 0600 216 Arabic 0640 217 Arabic 0680 218 Arabic 06C0 219 Syriac 0700 220 Arabic 0740 221 Thaana 0780 222 N'Ko 07C0 223 3 - byte E_ Indic 0800 224 Misc . 1000 225 Symbol 2000 226 Kana , CJK 3000 227 CJK 4000 228 CJK 5000 229 CJK 6000 230 CJK 7000 231 CJK 8000 232 CJK 9000 233 Asian A000 234 Hangul B000 235 Hangul C000 236 Hangul D000 237 PUA E000 238 Forms F000 239 4 ‐ byte F_ SMP , SIP 10000 240 40000 241 80000 242 SSP , SPUA C0000 243 SPUA - B 100000 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Orange cells with a large dot are continuation bytes . The hexadecimal number shown after a `` + '' plus sign is the value of the six bits they add . White cells are the leading bytes for a sequence of multiple bytes , the length shown at the left edge of the row . The text shows the Unicode blocks encoded by sequences starting with this byte , and the hexadecimal code point shown in the cell is the lowest character value encoded using that leading byte . Red cells must never appear in a valid UTF - 8 sequence . The first two red cells ( C0 and C1 ) could be used only for a two - byte encoding of a 7 - bit ASCII character which should be encoded in one byte ; as described below such `` overlong '' sequences are disallowed . The red cells in the F row ( F5 to FD ) indicate leading bytes of 4 - byte or longer sequences that can not be valid because they would encode code points larger than the U + 10FFFF limit of Unicode ( a limit derived from the maximum code point encodable in UTF - 16 ) , and FE and FF were never defined for any purpose in UTF - 8 . Pink cells are the leading bytes for a sequence of multiple bytes , of which some , but not all , possible continuation sequences are valid . E0 and F0 could start overlong encodings , in this case the lowest non-overlong - encoded code point is shown . F4 can start code points greater than U + 10FFFF which are invalid . ED can start the encoding of a code point in the range U + D800 -- U + DFFF ; these are invalid since they are reserved for UTF - 16 surrogate halves . Overlong encodings ( edit ) In principle , it would be possible to inflate the number of bytes in an encoding by padding the code point with leading 0s . To encode the Euro sign € from the above example in four bytes instead of three , it could be padded with leading 0s until it was 21 bits long -- 000 000010 000010 101100 , and encoded as 11110 000 10 000010 10 000010 10 101100 ( or F0 82 82 AC in hexadecimal ) . This is called an overlong encoding . The standard specifies that the correct encoding of a code point use only the minimum number of bytes required to hold the significant bits of the code point . Longer encodings are called overlong and are not valid UTF - 8 representations of the code point . This rule maintains a one - to - one correspondence between code points and their valid encodings , so that there is a unique valid encoding for each code point . This ensures that string comparisons and searches are well - defined . Modified UTF - 8 uses the two - byte overlong encoding of U + 0000 ( the NUL character ) , 110 00000 10 000000 ( hexadecimal C0 80 ) , instead of 00000000 ( hexadecimal 00 ) . This allows the byte 00 to be used as a string terminator . Invalid byte sequences ( edit ) Not all sequences of bytes are valid UTF - 8 . A UTF - 8 decoder should be prepared for : the red invalid bytes in the above table an unexpected continuation byte a leading byte not followed by enough continuation bytes ( which can happen in simple string truncation ) an overlong encoding as described above a sequence that decodes to an invalid code point as described below Many earlier decoders would happily try to decode these . Carefully crafted invalid UTF - 8 could make them either skip or create ASCII characters such as NUL , slash , or quotes . Invalid UTF - 8 has been used to bypass security validations in high - profile products including Microsoft 's IIS web server and Apache 's Tomcat servlet container . RFC 3629 states `` Implementations of the decoding algorithm MUST protect against decoding invalid sequences . '' The Unicode Standard requires decoders to `` ... treat any ill - formed code unit sequence as an error condition . This guarantees that it will neither interpret nor emit an ill - formed code unit sequence . '' Many UTF - 8 decoders throw exceptions on encountering errors . This can turn what would otherwise be harmless errors ( producing a message such as `` no such file '' ) into a denial of service bug . Early versions of Python 3.0 would exit immediately if the command line or environment variables contained invalid UTF - 8 , making it impossible to handle such errors . More recent converters translate the first byte of an invalid sequence to a replacement character and continue parsing with the next byte . These error bytes will always have the high bit set . This avoids denial - of - service bugs , and it is very common in text rendering such as browser display , since mangled text is probably more useful than nothing for helping the user figure out what the string was supposed to contain . Popular replacements include : The replacement character `` � '' ( U + FFFD ) The invalid Unicode code points U + DC80 -- U + DCFF where the low eight bits are the byte 's value . Sometimes it is called UTF - 8B . The Unicode code points U + 0080 -- U + 00FF with the same value as the byte , thus interpreting the bytes according to ISO - 8859 - 1 The Unicode code point for the character represented by the byte in CP1252 , which is similar to using ISO - 8859 - 1 , except that some characters in the range 0x80 -- 0x9F are mapped into different Unicode code points . For example , 0x80 becomes the Euro sign , U + 20AC . These replacement algorithms are `` lossy '' , as more than one sequence is translated to the same code point . This means that it would not be possible to reliably convert back to the original encoding , therefore losing information . Reserving 128 code points ( such as U + DC80 -- U + DCFF ) to indicate errors , and defining the UTF - 8 encoding of these points as invalid so they convert to 3 errors , would seem to make conversion lossless . But this runs into practical difficulties : the converted text can not be modified such that errors are arranged so they convert back into valid UTF - 8 , which means if the conversion is UTF - 16 , it can not also be used to store arbitrary invalid UTF - 16 , which is usually needed on the same systems that need invalid UTF - 8 . U + DC80 -- U + DCFF are reserved for UTF - 16 surrogates , so that when they are used for UTF - 8 in this way , and the string is converted to UTF - 16 this can lead to bugs or the string being rejected . The large number of invalid byte sequences provides the advantage of making it easy to have a program accept both UTF - 8 and legacy encodings such as ISO - 8859 - 1 . Software can check for UTF - 8 correctness , and if that fails assume the input to be in the legacy encoding . It is technically true that this may detect an ISO - 8859 - 1 string as UTF - 8 , but this is very unlikely if it contains any 8 - bit bytes as they all have to be in unusual patterns of two or more in a row , such as `` Â £ '' . Invalid code points ( edit ) Since RFC 3629 ( November 2003 ) , the high and low surrogate halves used by UTF - 16 ( U + D800 through U + DFFF ) and code points not encodable by UTF - 16 ( those after U + 10FFFF ) are not legal Unicode values , and their UTF - 8 encoding must be treated as an invalid byte sequence . Not decoding surrogate halves makes it impossible to store invalid UTF - 16 , such as Windows filenames , as UTF - 8 . To preserve these invalid UTF - 16 sequences , their corresponding UTF - 8 encodings are sometimes allowed by implementations despite the above rule . There are attempts to define this behavior formally ( see WTF - 8 and CESU below ) . Official name and variants ( edit ) The official Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( IANA ) code for the encoding is `` UTF - 8 '' . All letters are upper - case , and the name is hyphenated . This spelling is used in all the Unicode Consortium documents relating to the encoding . Alternatively , the name `` utf - 8 '' may be used by all standards conforming to the IANA list ( which include CSS , HTML , XML , and HTTP headers ) , as the declaration is case insensitive . Other descriptions that omit the hyphen or replace it with a space , such as `` utf8 '' or `` UTF 8 '' , are not accepted as correct by the governing standards . Despite this , most agents such as browsers can understand them , and so standards intended to describe existing practice ( such as HTML5 ) may effectively require their recognition . Unofficially , UTF - 8 - BOM and UTF - 8 - NOBOM are sometimes used to refer to text files which respectively contain and lack a byte order mark ( BOM ) . In Japan especially , UTF - 8 encoding without BOM is sometimes called `` UTF - 8N '' . Supported Windows versions , i.e. Windows 7 and later , have codepage 65001 , as a synonym for UTF - 8 ( with better support than in older Windows ) , and Microsoft has a script for Windows 10 , to enable it by default for its notepad program . In PCL , UTF - 8 is called Symbol - ID `` 18N '' ( PCL supports 183 character encodings , called Symbol Sets , which potentially could be reduced to one , 18N , that is UTF - 8 ) . Derivatives ( edit ) The following implementations show slight differences from the UTF - 8 specification . They are incompatible with the UTF - 8 specification and may be rejected by conforming UTF - 8 applications . CESU - 8 ( edit ) Main article : CESU - 8 Many programs added UTF - 8 conversions for UCS - 2 data and did not alter this UTF - 8 conversion when UCS - 2 was replaced with the surrogate - pair using UTF - 16 . In such programs each half of a UTF - 16 surrogate pair is encoded as its own three - byte UTF - 8 encoding , resulting in six - byte sequences rather than four bytes for characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane . Oracle and MySQL databases use this , as well as Java and Tcl as described below , and probably many Windows programs where the programmers were unaware of the complexities of UTF - 16 . Although this non-optimal encoding is generally not deliberate , a supposed benefit is that it preserves UTF - 16 binary sorting order when CESU - 8 is binary sorted . Modified UTF - 8 ( edit ) In Modified UTF - 8 ( MUTF - 8 ) , the null character ( U + 0000 ) uses the two - byte overlong encoding 110 00000 10 000000 ( hexadecimal C0 80 ) , instead of 00000000 ( hexadecimal 00 ) . Modified UTF - 8 strings never contain any actual null bytes but can contain all Unicode code points including U + 0000 , which allows such strings ( with a null byte appended ) to be processed by traditional null - terminated string functions . All known Modified UTF - 8 implementations also treat the surrogate pairs as in CESU - 8 . In normal usage , the Java programming language supports standard UTF - 8 when reading and writing strings through InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter ( if it is the platform 's default character set or as requested by the program ) . However it uses Modified UTF - 8 for object serialization among other applications of DataInput and DataOutput , for the Java Native Interface , and for embedding constant strings in class files . The dex format defined by Dalvik also uses the same modified UTF - 8 to represent string values . Tcl also uses the same modified UTF - 8 as Java for internal representation of Unicode data , but uses strict CESU - 8 for external data . WTF - 8 ( edit ) WTF - 8 ( Wobbly Transformation Format -- 8 - bit ) is an extension of UTF - 8 where the encodings of the surrogate halves ( U + D800 through U + DFFF ) are allowed . This is necessary to store possibly - invalid UTF - 16 , such as Windows filenames . Many systems that deal with UTF - 8 work this way without considering it a different encoding , as it is simpler . WTF - 8 has been used to refer to erroneously doubly - encoded UTF - 8 . Byte order mark ( edit ) Main article : Byte order mark Many Windows programs ( including Windows Notepad ) add the bytes 0xEF , 0xBB , 0xBF at the start of any document saved as UTF - 8 . This is the UTF - 8 encoding of the Unicode byte order mark ( BOM ) , and is commonly referred to as a UTF - 8 BOM , even though it is not relevant to byte order . A BOM can also appear if another encoding with a BOM is translated to UTF - 8 without stripping it . Software that is not aware of multibyte encodings will display the BOM as three garbage characters at the start of the document , e.g. `` ï '' ¿ '' in software interpreting the document as ISO 8859 - 1 or Windows - 1252 or `` ∩ ╗ ┐ '' if interpreted as code page 437 , a default for certain older Windows console applications . The Unicode Standard neither requires nor recommends the use of the BOM for UTF - 8 , but warns that it may be encountered at the start of a file as a transcoding artifact . The presence of the UTF - 8 BOM may cause problems with existing software that can handle UTF - 8 , for example : Programming language parsers not explicitly designed for UTF - 8 can often handle UTF - 8 in string constants and comments , but will choke on encountering an UTF - 8 BOM at the start of the file . Programs that identify file types by leading characters may fail to identify the file if a UTF - 8 BOM is present even if the user of the file could skip the BOM . An example is the Unix shebang syntax . Another example is Internet Explorer which will render pages in standards mode only when it starts with a document type declaration . Programs that insert information at the start of a file will break use of the BOM to identify UTF - 8 ( one example is offline browsers that add the originating URL to the start of the file ) . History ( edit ) By early 1992 , the search was on for a good byte stream encoding of multi-byte character sets . The draft ISO 10646 standard contained a non-required annex called UTF - 1 that provided a byte stream encoding of its 32 - bit code points . This encoding was not satisfactory on performance grounds , among other problems , and the biggest problem was probably that it did not have a clear separation between ASCII and non-ASCII : new UTF - 1 tools would be backward compatible with ASCII - encoded text , but UTF - 1 - encoded text could confuse existing code expecting ASCII ( or extended ASCII ) , because it could contain continuation bytes in the range 0x21 -- 0x7E that meant something else in ASCII , e.g. , 0x2F for ' / ' , the Unix path directory separator , and this example is reflected in the name and introductory text of its replacement . The table below was derived from a textual description in the annex . UTF - 1 Number of bytes First code point Last code point Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 U + 0000 U + 009F 00 -- 9F U + 00A0 U + 00FF A0 A0 -- FF U + 0100 U + 4015 A1 -- F5 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF U + 4016 U + 38E2D F6 -- FB 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF 5 U + 38E2E U + 7FFFFFFF FC -- FF 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF 21 -- 7E , A0 -- FF In July 1992 , the X / Open committee XoJIG was looking for a better encoding . Dave Prosser of Unix System Laboratories submitted a proposal for one that had faster implementation characteristics and introduced the improvement that 7 - bit ASCII characters would only represent themselves ; all multibyte sequences would include only bytes where the high bit was set . The name File System Safe UCS Transformation Format ( FSS - UTF ) and most of the text of this proposal were later preserved in the final specification . FSS - UTF proposal ( 1992 ) Number of bytes Bits for code point First code point Last code point Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 7 U + 0000 U + 007F 0xxxxxxx 13 U + 0080 U + 207F 10xxxxxx 1xxxxxxx 19 U + 2080 U + 8207F 110xxxxx 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx 25 U + 82080 U + 208207F 1110xxxx 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx 5 31 U + 2082080 U + 7FFFFFFF 11110xxx 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx In August 1992 , this proposal was circulated by an IBM X / Open representative to interested parties . A modification by Ken Thompson of the Plan 9 operating system group at Bell Labs made it somewhat less bit - efficient than the previous proposal but crucially allowed it to be self - synchronizing , letting a reader start anywhere and immediately detect byte sequence boundaries . It also abandoned the use of biases and instead added the rule that only the shortest possible encoding is allowed ; the additional loss in compactness is relatively insignificant , but readers now have to look out for invalid encodings to avoid reliability and especially security issues . Thompson 's design was outlined on September 2 , 1992 , on a placemat in a New Jersey diner with Rob Pike . In the following days , Pike and Thompson implemented it and updated Plan 9 to use it throughout , and then communicated their success back to X / Open , which accepted it as the specification for FSS - UTF . FSS - UTF ( 1992 ) / UTF - 8 ( 1993 ) Number of bytes Bits for code point First code point Last code point Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 7 U + 0000 U + 007F 0xxxxxxx 11 U + 0080 U + 07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 16 U + 0800 U + FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 21 U + 10000 U + 1FFFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 5 26 U + 200000 U + 3FFFFFF 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 6 31 U + 4000000 U + 7FFFFFFF 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx UTF - 8 was first officially presented at the USENIX conference in San Diego , from January 25 to 29 , 1993 . In November 2003 , UTF - 8 was restricted by RFC 3629 to match the constraints of the UTF - 16 character encoding : explicitly prohibiting code points corresponding to the high and low surrogate characters removed more than 3 % of the three - byte sequences , and ending at U + 10FFFF removed more than 48 % of the four - byte sequences and all five - and six - byte sequences . Google reported that in 2008 , UTF - 8 ( labelled `` Unicode '' ) became the most common encoding for HTML files . Comparison with single - byte encodings ( edit ) UTF - 8 can encode any Unicode character , avoiding the need to figure out and set a `` code page '' or otherwise indicate what character set is in use , and allowing output in multiple scripts at the same time . For many scripts there have been more than one single - byte encoding in usage , so even knowing the script was insufficient information to display it correctly . The bytes 0xFE and 0xFF do not appear , so a valid UTF - 8 stream never matches the UTF - 16 byte order mark and thus can not be confused with it . The absence of 0xFF ( 0377 ) also eliminates the need to escape this byte in Telnet ( and FTP control connection ) . UTF - 8 encoded text is larger than specialized single - byte encodings except for plain ASCII characters . In the case of scripts which used 8 - bit character sets with non-Latin characters encoded in the upper half ( such as most Cyrillic and Greek alphabet code pages ) , characters in UTF - 8 will be double the size . For some scripts , such as Thai and Devanagari ( which is used by various South Asian languages ) , characters will triple in size . There are even examples where a single byte turns into a composite character in Unicode and is thus six times larger in UTF - 8 . This has caused objections in India and other countries . It is possible in UTF - 8 ( or any other multi-byte encoding ) to split or truncate a string in the middle of a character . This can result in an invalid string which some software refuses to accept . A good parser should ignore a truncated character at the end , which is easy in UTF - 8 but tricky in some other multi-byte encodings . If the code points are all the same size , measurements of a fixed number of them is easy . Due to ASCII - era documentation where `` character '' is used as a synonym for `` byte '' this is often considered important . However , by measuring string positions using bytes instead of `` characters '' most algorithms can be easily and efficiently adapted for UTF - 8 . Searching for a string within a long string can for example be done byte by byte ; the self - synchronization property prevents false positives . Some software , such as text editors , will refuse to correctly display or interpret UTF - 8 unless the text starts with a byte order mark , and will insert such a mark . This has the effect of making it impossible to use UTF - 8 with any older software that can handle ASCII - like encodings but can not handle the byte order mark . This , however , is no problem of UTF - 8 itself but one of bad software implementations . Comparison with other multi-byte encodings ( edit ) UTF - 8 can encode any Unicode character . Files in different scripts can be displayed correctly without having to choose the correct code page or font . For instance Chinese and Arabic can be supported ( in the same text ) without special codes inserted or manual settings to switch the encoding . UTF - 8 is self - synchronizing : character boundaries are easily identified by scanning for well - defined bit patterns in either direction . If bytes are lost due to error or corruption , one can always locate the next valid character and resume processing . If there is a need to shorten a string to fit a specified field , the previous valid character can easily be found . Many multi-byte encodings are much harder to resynchronize . Any byte oriented string searching algorithm can be used with UTF - 8 data , since the sequence of bytes for a character can not occur anywhere else . Some older variable - length encodings ( such as Shift JIS ) did not have this property and thus made string - matching algorithms rather complicated . In Shift JIS the end byte of a character and the first byte of the next character could look like another legal character , something that ca n't happen in UTF - 8 . Efficient to encode using simple bit operations . UTF - 8 does not require slower mathematical operations such as multiplication or division ( unlike Shift JIS , GB 2312 and other encodings ) . UTF - 8 will take more space than a multi-byte encoding designed for a specific script . East Asian legacy encodings generally used two bytes per character yet take three bytes per character in UTF - 8 . Comparison with UTF - 16 ( edit ) Byte encodings and UTF - 8 are represented by byte arrays in programs , and often nothing needs to be done to a function when converting from a byte encoding to UTF - 8 . UTF - 16 is represented by 16 - bit word arrays , and converting to UTF - 16 while maintaining compatibility with existing ASCII - based programs ( such as was done with Windows ) requires every API and data structure that takes a string to be duplicated , one version accepting byte strings and another version accepting UTF - 16 . Text encoded in UTF - 8 will be smaller than the same text encoded in UTF - 16 if there are more code points below U + 0080 than in the range U + 0800 ... U + FFFF . This is true for all modern European languages . Text in ( for example ) Chinese , Japanese or Devanagari will take more space in UTF - 8 if there are more of these characters than there are ASCII characters . This is likely when data mainly consist of pure prose , but is lessened by the degree to which the context uses ASCII whitespace , digits , and punctuation . Most of the rich text formats ( including HTML ) contain a large proportion of ASCII characters for the sake of formatting , thus the size usually will be reduced significantly compared with UTF - 16 , even when the language mostly uses 3 - byte long characters in UTF - 8 . Most communication ( e.g. HTML and IP ) and storage ( e.g. for Unix ) was designed for a stream of bytes . A UTF - 16 string must use a pair of bytes for each code unit : The order of those two bytes becomes an issue and must be specified in the UTF - 16 protocol , such as with a byte order mark . If an odd number of bytes is missing from UTF - 16 , the whole rest of the string will be meaningless text . Any bytes missing from UTF - 8 will still allow the text to be recovered accurately starting with the next character after the missing bytes . See also ( edit ) Alt code Character encodings in HTML Comparison of e-mail clients § Features Comparison of Unicode encodings GB 18030 Iconv -- a standardized API used to convert between different character encodings ISO / IEC 8859 Specials ( Unicode block ) Unicode and e-mail Unicode and HTML Universal Character Set UTF - 8 in URIs UTF - EBCDIC UTF - 9 and UTF - 18 UTF - 16 / UCS - 2 Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The 2010 - 11 - 22 version of यूनिकोड ( Unicode in Hindi ) , when the pure text was pasted to Notepad , generated 19 KB when saved as UTF - 16 and 22 KB when saved as UTF - 8 . Jump up ^ The 2010 - 10 - 27 version of UTF - 8 generated 169 KB when converted with Notepad to UTF - 16 , and only 101 KB when converted back to UTF - 8 . The 2010 - 11 - 22 version of यूनिकोड ( Unicode in Hindi ) required 119 KB in UTF - 16 and 76 KB in UTF - 8 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ 17 × 2 = 1,114,112 code points minus 2,048 technically - invalid surrogate code points Jump up ^ A group of eight bits is known as an octet in the Unicode Standard . ^ Jump up to : Email Subject : UTF - 8 history , From : `` Rob ' Commander ' Pike '' , Date : Wed , 30 Apr 2003 ... , ... UTF - 8 was designed , in front of my eyes , on a placemat in a New Jersey diner one night in September or so 1992 ... So that night Ken wrote packing and unpacking code and I started tearing into the C and graphics libraries . The next day all the code was done ... Jump up ^ Pike , Rob ; Thompson , Ken ( 1993 ) . `` Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界 '' . Proceedings of the Winter 1993 USENIX Conference ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ `` Chapter 2 . General Structure '' . The Unicode Standard ( 6.0 ed . ) . Mountain View , California , US : The Unicode Consortium . ISBN 978 - 1 - 936213 - 01 - 6 . ^ Jump up to : Davis , Mark ( 2010 - 01 - 28 ) . `` Unicode nearing 50 % of the web '' . Official Google Blog . Google . Retrieved 2010 - 12 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` South Korea is the only country in the world where UTF - 8 is not the most used character encoding . It 's EUC - KR instead '' . 15 March 2013 . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Usage Survey of Character Encodings broken down by Ranking '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Historical trends in the usage of character encodings '' . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` UTF - 8 Usage Statistics '' . BuiltWith . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Using International Characters in Internet Mail '' . Internet Mail Consortium. 1998 - 08 - 01 . Archived from the original on 2007 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2007 - 11 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Specifying the document 's character encoding '' , HTML5 , World Wide Web Consortium , 2014 - 06 - 17 , retrieved 2014 - 07 - 30 Jump up ^ Allen , Julie D. ; Anderson , Deborah ; Becker , Joe ; Cook , Richard , eds. ( 2012 ) . `` The Unicode Standard , Version 6.1 '' . Mountain View , California : Unicode Consortium . The Basic Multilingual Plane ( BMP , or Plane 0 ) contains the common - use characters for all the modern scripts of the world as well as many historical and rare characters . By far the majority of all Unicode characters for almost all textual data can be found in the BMP . Jump up ^ Marin , Marvin ( 2000 - 10 - 17 ) . `` Web Server Folder Traversal MS00 - 078 '' . Jump up ^ `` National Vulnerability Database -- Summary for CVE - 2008 - 2938 '' . ^ Jump up to : Yergeau , F. ( 2003 ) . `` RFC 3629 -- UTF - 8 , a transformation format of ISO 10646 '' . Internet Engineering Task Force . Retrieved 2015 - 02 - 03 . Jump up ^ Java 's DataInput IO Interface Jump up ^ `` Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces '' . 2009 - 04 - 22 . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 13 . Jump up ^ Kuhn , Markus ( 2000 - 07 - 23 ) . `` Substituting malformed UTF - 8 sequences in a decoder '' . Archived from the original on 2015 - 03 - 15 . Retrieved 2014 - 09 - 25 . Jump up ^ Sittler , B. ( 2006 - 04 - 02 ) . `` Binary vs. UTF - 8 , and why it need not matter '' . Archived from the original on 2014 - 07 - 23 . Retrieved 2014 - 09 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : `` Character Sets '' . Internet Assigned Numbers Authority . 2013 - 01 - 23 . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 08 . Jump up ^ Dürst , Martin . `` Setting the HTTP charset parameter '' . W3C . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` BOM -- suikawiki '' ( in Japanese ) . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 26 . Jump up ^ Davis , Mark . `` Forms of Unicode '' . IBM . Archived from the original on 2005 - 05 - 06 . Retrieved 2013 - 09 - 18 . Jump up ^ Liviu ( 2014 - 02 - 07 ) . `` UTF - 8 codepage 65001 in Windows 7 - part I - '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 01 - 30 . it looks like Win7 silently enhanced support for codepage 65001 . Significant limitations do remain - in particular redirection and piping still fail under codepage 65001 . Nevertheless , the added support opens up some new exciting possibilities . Jump up ^ `` Script How to set default encoding to UTF - 8 for notepad by PowerShell '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 01 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` HP PCL Symbol Sets Printer Control Language ( PCL & PXL ) Support Blog '' . 2015 - 02 - 19 . Archived from the original on 2015 - 02 - 19 . Retrieved 2018 - 01 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` Java SE documentation for Interface java. io. DataInput , subsection on Modified UTF - 8 '' . Oracle Corporation . 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` The Java Virtual Machine Specification , section 4.4. 7 : `` The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure '' `` . Oracle Corporation . 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 16 . Java virtual machine UTF - 8 strings never have embedded nulls . Jump up ^ `` Java Object Serialization Specification , chapter 6 : Object Serialization Stream Protocol , section 2 : Stream Elements '' . Oracle Corporation . 2010 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 16 . ( ... ) encoded in modified UTF - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Java Native Interface Specification , chapter 3 : JNI Types and Data Structures , section : Modified UTF - 8 Strings '' . Oracle Corporation . 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 16 . The JNI uses modified UTF - 8 strings to represent various string types . Jump up ^ `` The Java Virtual Machine Specification , section 4.4. 7 : `` The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure '' `` . Oracle Corporation . 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 16 . ( ... ) differences between this format and the ' standard ' UTF - 8 format . Jump up ^ `` ART and Dalvik '' . Android Open Source Project . Retrieved 2013 - 04 - 09 . ( T ) he dex format encodes its string data in a de facto standard modified UTF - 8 form , hereafter referred to as MUTF - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Tcler 's Wiki : UTF - 8 bit by bit ( Revision 6 ) '' . 2009 - 04 - 25 . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 22 . In orthodox UTF - 8 , a NUL byte ( \ x00 ) is represented by a NUL byte . ( ... ) But ( ... ) we ( ... ) want NUL bytes inside ( ... ) strings ( ... ) Jump up ^ Sapin , Simon ( 2016 - 03 - 11 ) ( 2014 - 09 - 25 ) . `` The WTF - 8 encoding '' . Archived from the original on 2016 - 05 - 24 . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` '' . 2006 - 05 - 18 . Retrieved 2016 - 06 - 21 . Jump up ^ Speer , Rob ( 2015 - 05 - 21 ) . `` ftfy ( fixes text for you ) 4.0 : changing less and fixing more '' . Retrieved 2016 - 06 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` WTF - 8 , a transformation format of code page 1252 '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` The Unicode Standard -- Chapter 2 '' ( PDF ) . p. 30 . Jump up ^ `` Appendix F. FSS - UTF / File System Safe UCS Transformation format '' ( PDF ) . The Unicode Standard 1.1 . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on 2016 - 06 - 07 . Retrieved 2016 - 06 - 07 . Jump up ^ Whistler , Kenneth ( 2001 - 06 - 12 ) . `` FSS - UTF , UTF - 2 , UTF - 8 , and UTF - 16 '' . Archived from the original on 2016 - 06 - 07 . Retrieved 2006 - 06 - 07 . ^ Jump up to : Pike , Rob ( 2003 - 04 - 30 ) . `` UTF - 8 history '' . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 07 . Jump up ^ Pike , Rob ( 2012 - 09 - 06 ) . `` UTF - 8 turned 20 years old yesterday '' . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 07 . Jump up ^ Davis , Mark ( 2008 - 05 - 05 ) . `` Moving to Unicode 5.1 '' . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 01 . External links ( edit ) Look up UTF - 8 in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . There are several current definitions of UTF - 8 in various standards documents : RFC 3629 / STD 63 ( 2003 ) , which establishes UTF - 8 as a standard Internet protocol element The Unicode Standard , Version 10.0 , § 3.9 D92 , § 3.10 D95 ( 2017 June 20 ) ISO / IEC 10646 : 2014 § 9.1 They supersede the definitions given in the following obsolete works : ISO / IEC 10646 - 1 : 1993 Amendment 2 / Annex R ( 1996 ) The Unicode Standard , Version 6.0 , § 3.9 D92 , § 3.10 D95 ( 2010 ) The Unicode Standard , Version 5.0 , § 3.9 -- § 3.10 ( 2006 ) The Unicode Standard , Version 2.0 , Appendix A ( 1996 ) RFC 2044 ( 1996 ) RFC 2279 ( 1998 ) The Unicode Standard , Version 3.0 , § 2.3 ( 2000 ) plus Corrigendum # 1 : UTF - 8 Shortest Form ( 2000 ) Unicode Standard Annex # 27 : Unicode 3.1 ( 2001 ) They are all the same in their general mechanics , with the main differences being on issues such as allowed range of code point values and safe handling of invalid input . Original UTF - 8 paper ( or pdf ) for Plan 9 from Bell Labs RFC 5198 defines UTF - 8 NFC for Network Interchange UTF - 8 test pages by Andreas Prilop , Jost Gippert and the World Wide Web Consortium Unix / Linux : UTF - 8 / Unicode FAQ , Linux Unicode HOWTO , UTF - 8 and Gentoo The Unicode / UTF - 8 - character table displays UTF - 8 in a variety of formats ( with Unicode and HTML encoding information ) Characters , Symbols and the Unicode Miracle -- Computerphile on YouTube Unicode Unicode Unicode Consortium ISO / IEC 10646 ( Universal Character Set ) Versions Code points Blocks Universal Character Set Character charts Character property Planes Private Use Areas Characters Special purpose BOM Combining Grapheme Joiner Left - to - right mark / Right - to - left mark Soft hyphen Word joiner Zero - width joiner Zero - width non-joiner Zero - width space Lists Characters CJK Unified Ideographs Combining character Duplicate characters Numerals Scripts Spaces Symbols Halfwidth and fullwidth Processing Algorithms Bi-directional text Collation ISO 14651 Equivalence Variation sequences International Ideographs Core Comparison BOCU - 1 CESU - 8 Punycode SCSU UTF - 1 UTF - 7 UTF - 8 UTF - 9 / UTF - 18 UTF - 16 / UCS - 2 UTF - 32 / UCS - 4 UTF - EBCDIC On pairs of code points Combining character Compatibility characters Duplicate characters Equivalence Homoglyph Precomposed character list Z - variant Variation sequences Regional Indicator Symbol Fitzpatrick modifiers Usage Domain names ( IDN ) Email Fonts HTML entity references numeric references Input International Ideographs Core Related standards Common Locale Data Repository ( CLDR ) GB 18030 ISO / IEC 8859 ISO 15924 Related topics Anomalies ConScript Unicode Registry Ideographic Rapporteur Group International Components for Unicode People involved with Unicode Han unification Scripts and symbols in Unicode Common and inherited scripts Combining marks Diacritics Punctuation Space Numbers Modern scripts Adlam Arabic diacritics Armenian Balinese Bamum Batak Bengali Bopomofo Braille Buhid Burmese Canadian Aboriginal Chakma Cham Cherokee CJK Unified Ideographs ( Han ) Cyrillic Deseret Devanagari Ge'ez Georgian Greek Gujarati Gurmukhī Hangul Hanja Hanunó'o Hebrew diacritics Hiragana Javanese Kanji Kannada Katakana Kayah Li Khmer Lao Latin Lepcha Limbu Lisu ( Fraser ) Lontara Malayalam Masaram Gondi Mende Kikakui Miao ( Pollard ) Mongolian Mro N'Ko New Tai Lue Newa Nushu Ol Chiki Oriya Osage Osmanya Pahawh Hmong Pau Cin Hau Rejang Samaritan Saurashtra Shavian Sinhala Sorang Sompeng Sundanese Sylheti Nagari Syriac Tagbanwa Tai Le Tai Tham Tai Viet Tamil Telugu Thaana Thai Tibetan Tifinagh Tirhuta Vai Warang Citi Yi Ancient and historic scripts Ahom Anatolian hieroglyphs Ancient North Arabian Avestan Bassa Vah Bhaiksuki Brāhmī Carian Caucasian Albanian Coptic Cuneiform Cypriot Egyptian hieroglyphs Elbasan Glagolitic Gothic Grantha Hatran Imperial Aramaic Inscriptional Pahlavi Inscriptional Parthian Kaithi Kharosthi Khojki Khudawadi Linear A Linear B Lycian Lydian Mahajani Mandaic Manichaean Marchen Meetei Mayek Meroitic Modi Multani Nabataean Ogham Old Hungarian Old Italic Old Permic Old Persian cuneiform Old Turkic Palmyrene ' Phags - 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GS 874 / 1162 ( TIS - 620 ) 932 / 943 ( Shift JIS ) 936 / 1386 ( GBK ) 950 / 1370 ( Big5 ) 949 / 1363 ( EUC - KR ) 1169 1174 Extended Latin - 8 1200 ( UTF - 16LE ) 1201 ( UTF - 16BE ) 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1261 1270 54936 ( GB18030 ) EBCDIC code pages 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 / 1140 37 - 2 38 39 40 251 252 254 256 257 258 259 260 264 273 / 1141 274 275 276 277 / 1142 278 / 1143 279 280 / 1144 281 282 283 284 / 1145 285 / 1146 286 287 288 289 290 293 297 / 1147 298 300 310 320 321 322 330 351 352 353 355 357 358 359 360 361 363 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 410 420 / 16804 421 423 424 / 8616 / 12712 425 435 500 / 1148 803 829 833 834 835 836 837 838 / 838 839 870 / 1110 / 1153 871 / 1149 875 / 4971 / 9067 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 892 893 905 918 924 930 / 1390 931 933 / 1364 935 / 1388 937 / 1371 939 / 1399 1001 1002 1003 1005 1007 1024 1025 / 1154 1026 / 1155 1027 1028 1030 1031 1032 1033 1037 1047 1068 1069 1070 1071 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1087 1091 1097 1112 / 1156 1113 1122 / 1157 1123 / 1158 1130 / 1164 1132 1136 1137 1150 1151 1152 1159 1165 1166 1278 1279 1303 1364 1376 1377 JEF KEIS Platform specific Acorn Adobe Standard Adobe Latin 1 Apple II ATASCII Atari ST BICS Casio calculators CDC CPC DEC Radix - 50 DEC MCS / NRCS DG International ELWRO - Junior FIELDATA GEM GEOS GSM 03.38 HP Roman Extension HP Roman - 8 HP Roman - 9 HP FOCAL HP RPL LICS LMBCS Mattel Aquarius MSX NEC APC NeXT PCW PETSCII Sharp calculators TI calculators TRS - 80 Ventura International Ventura Symbol WISCII XCCS ZX80 ZX81 ZX Spectrum Unicode / ISO / IEC 10646 UTF - 1 UTF - 7 UTF - 8 UTF - 16 ( UTF - 16LE / UTF - 16BE ) / UCS - 2 UTF - 32 ( UTF - 32LE / UTF - 32BE ) / UCS - 4 UTF - EBCDIC GB 18030 BOCU - 1 CESU - 8 SCSU Miscellaneous code pages ABICOMP APL ARIB STD - B24 Cork HZ INIS INIS - 8 ISO - IR - 111 ISO - IR - 182 ISO - IR - 200 ISO - IR - 201 ISO - IR - 209 Johab LGR LY1 OML OMS OMX OT1 OT2 OT3 OT4 T2A T2B T2C T2D T3 T4 T5 TS1 TS3 U X2 SEASCII TACE16 TRON UTF - 5 UTF - 6 WTF - 8 Related topics Code page Control character ( C0 C1 ) CCSID Character encodings in HTML Charset detection Han unification Hardware ISO 6429 / IEC 6429 / ANSI X3. 64 Mojibake Character sets Rob Pike Operating systems Plan 9 from Bell Labs Inferno Programming languages Newsqueak Limbo Go Sawzall Software acme Blit sam rio 81⁄2 Publications The Practice of Programming The Unix Programming Environment Other Renée French Mark V. 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It was designed for backward compatibility with ASCII . Code points with lower numerical values , which tend to occur more frequently , are encoded using fewer bytes . The first 128 characters of Unicode , which correspond one - to - one with ASCII , are encoded using a single octet with the same binary value as ASCII , so that valid ASCII text is valid UTF - 8 - encoded Unicode as well . Since ASCII bytes do not occur when encoding non-ASCII code points into UTF - 8 , UTF - 8 is safe to use within most programming and document languages that interpret certain ASCII characters in a special way , such as `` / '' in filenames , `` \ '' in escape sequences , and `` % '' in printf .
Academy Award for Best supporting actress - wikipedia Academy Award for Best supporting actress Jump to : navigation , search Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress The 2018 recipient : Allison Janney Awarded for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role Country United States Presented by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) First awarded Gale Sondergaard Anthony Adverse 1937 ( for performance in films released during the 1936 film season ) Currently held by Allison Janney I , Tonya ( 2017 ) Website The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress is an award presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . It is given in honor of an actress who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the film industry . At the 9th Academy Awards ceremony held in 1937 , Gale Sondergaard was the first winner of this award for her role in Anthony Adverse . Initially , winners in both supporting acting categories were awarded plaques instead of statuettes . Beginning with the 16th ceremony held in 1944 , winners received full - sized statuettes . Currently , nominees are determined by single transferable vote within the actors branch of AMPAS ; winners are selected by a plurality vote from the entire eligible voting members of the Academy . Since its inception , the award has been given to 80 actresses . Dianne Wiest and Shelley Winters have received the most awards in this category with two awards each . Despite winning no awards , Thelma Ritter was nominated on six occasions , more than any other actress . As of the 2018 ceremony , Allison Janney is the most recent winner in this category for her role as LaVona Golden in I , Tonya . Contents ( hide ) 1 Winners and nominees 2 Multiple wins and nominations 3 Age superlatives 4 See also 5 References 6 Bibliography 7 External links Winners and Nominees ( edit ) In the following table , the years are listed as per Academy convention , and generally correspond to the year of film release in Los Angeles County ; the ceremonies are always held the following year . Alice Brady won for her role in 1937 's In Old Chicago . Hattie McDaniel won in 1939 for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind , thus becoming the first black performer to win an Oscar . Teresa Wright won for her role in 1942 's Mrs. Miniver . Ethel Barrymore won in 1944 for her performance in None but the Lonely Heart . Anne Baxter won for her role in The Razor 's Edge ( 1946 ) . Celeste Holm won for her performance in Gentleman 's Agreement ( 1947 ) . Eva Marie Saint won in 1954 for her performance in On the Waterfront . For her role in 1957 's Sayonara , Miyoshi Umeki became the first and only Asian woman to win an Academy Award for acting . Wendy Hiller won in 1958 for her performance in Separate Tables . Shelley Winters won two awards in this category for her roles in The Diary of Anne Frank ( 1959 ) and A Patch of Blue ( 1965 ) . Rita Moreno won for her role in 1961 's West Side Story . Goldie Hawn won in 1969 for her role in Cactus Flower . Helen Hayes won in 1970 for her role in Airport . At age 10 , Tatum O'Neal became the youngest winner and nominee in this category for her role in Paper Moon . Ingrid Bergman won for her role in 1974 's Murder on the Orient Express ( 1974 film ) . Vanessa Redgrave won in 1977 for her portrayal of the titular character in Julia . Maggie Smith won in 1978 for her performance in California Suite . Meryl Streep has received four nominations in this category , winning once for Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) . At age 77 , Peggy Ashcroft became the oldest winner in this category for her role in A Passage to India ( 1984 ) . Anjelica Huston won in 1985 for her performance in Prizzi 's Honor . Dianne Wiest won for her performances in Hannah and Her Sisters ( 1986 ) and Bullets over Broadway ( 1994 ) ; films which were both directed by Woody Allen . Geena Davis won in 1988 for her role in The Accidental Tourist . Whoopi Goldberg won for her role as Oda Mae Brown in Ghost ( 1990 ) . Juliette Binoche won for her performance in The English Patient ( 1996 ) . Judi Dench won in 1998 for her performance as Queen Elizabeth I in Shakespeare in Love . Angelina Jolie won for her performance in 1999 's Girl , Interrupted . Jennifer Connelly won for her portrayal of Alicia Nash in 2001 's A Beautiful Mind . Catherine Zeta - Jones won for her performance as Velma Kelly in Chicago ( 2002 ) . Renée Zellweger won for her role in Cold Mountain ( 2003 ) . Cate Blanchett won for her performance as Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator ( 2004 ) , becoming the first performer to win an Oscar for portraying a real - life Oscar winner . Rachel Weisz won for her performance in The Constant Gardener ( 2005 ) . Jennifer Hudson won for portraying Effie White in Dreamgirls ( 2006 ) . Tilda Swinton won for her performance in Michael Clayton ( 2007 ) . Penélope Cruz received two consecutive nominations and won for her role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona ( 2008 ) , becoming the first Spanish actress to win an Oscar . Mo'Nique won for her role in Precious ( 2009 ) . Melissa Leo won for her role in The Fighter ( 2010 ) . Octavia Spencer won for her role as Minny Jackson in The Help ( 2011 ) . Anne Hathaway won for portraying Fantine in Les Misérables ( 2012 ) . Lupita Nyong'o won for her role as Patsey in 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 ) . Patricia Arquette won for her role in Boyhood ( 2014 ) . Alicia Vikander won for her role as Gerda Wegener in The Danish Girl ( 2015 ) . Viola Davis won for her performance in Fences ( 2016 ) . Table key Indicates the winner Year Actress Role ( s ) Film Ref . 1930s 1936 ( 9th ) Sondergaard ! Gale Sondergaard Paleologus ! Faith Paleologus Anthony Adverse Bondi ! Beulah Bondi Jackson ! Rachel Jackson Grand ! The Gorgeous Hussy Brady ! Alice Brady Bullock ! Angelica Bullock My Man Godfrey Granville ! Bonita Granville Tilford ! Mary Tilford These Three Ouspenskaya ! Maria Ouspenskaya Von Obersdorf ! Baroness von Obersdorf Dodsworth 1937 ( 10th ) Brady ! Alice Brady O'Leary ! Molly O'Leary In Old Chicago Leeds ! Andrea Leeds Hamilton ! Kay Hamilton Stage Door Shirley ! Anne Shirley Dallas ! Laurel `` Lollie '' Dallas Stella Dallas Trevor ! Claire Trevor Francey Dead End Whitty ! May Whitty Bramson ! Mrs. Bramson Night Must Fall 1938 ( 11th ) Bainter ! Fay Bainter Massey ! Belle Massey Jezebel Bondi ! Beulah Bondi Wilkins ! Mary Wilkins Of Human Hearts Burke ! Billie Burke Kilbourne ! Emily Kilbourne Merrily We Live Byington ! Spring Byington Sycamore ! Penelope `` Penny '' Vanderhof - Sycamore You Ca n't Take It with You Korjus ! Miliza Korjus Donner ! Carla Donner Great ! The Great Waltz 1939 ( 12th ) McDaniel ! Hattie McDaniel Mammy Gone with the Wind de Havilland ! Olivia de Havilland Hamilton ! Melanie Hamilton Gone with the Wind Fitzgerald ! Geraldine Fitzgerald Linton ! Isabella Linton Wuthering Heights Oliver ! Edna May Oliver McKlennar ! Sarah McKlennar Drums Along the Mohawk Ouspenskaya ! Maria Ouspenskaya Janou ! Grandmother Janou Love Affair 1940s 1940 ( 13th ) Darwell ! Jane Darwell Joad ! Ma Joad Grapes ! The Grapes of Wrath Anderson ! Judith Anderson Danvers ! Mrs. Danvers Rebecca Hussey ! Ruth Hussey Imbrie ! Elizabeth Imbrie Philadelphia ! The Philadelphia Story O'Neil ! Barbara O'Neil de Praslin ! Francoise , Duchess de Praslin All This , and Heaven Too Rambeau ! Marjorie Rambeau Adams ! Mamie Adams Primrose Path 1941 ( 14th ) Astor ! Mary Astor Kovak ! Sandra Kovak Great ! The Great Lie Allgood ! Sara Allgood Morgan ! Beth Morgan How Green Was My Valley Collinge ! Patricia Collinge Hubbard ! Birdie Bagtry - Hubbard Little ! The Little Foxes Wright ! Teresa Wright Giddens ! Alexandra Giddens Wycherly ! Margaret Wycherly York ! Mary Brooks - York Sergeant York 1942 ( 15th ) Wright ! Teresa Wright Beldon ! Carol Beldon Mrs. Miniver Cooper ! Gladys Cooper Vale ! Mrs. Vale Now , Voyager Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead Minafer ! Fanny Minafer Magnificent ! The Magnificent Ambersons Peters ! Susan Peters Chilcet ! Kitty Chilcet Random Harvest Whitty ! May Whitty Beldon ! Lady Beldon Mrs. Miniver 1943 ( 16th ) Paxinou ! Katina Paxinou Pilar For Whom the Bell Tolls Cooper ! Gladys Cooper Vauzous ! Marie Therese Vauzou Song ! The Song of Bernadette Goddard ! Paulette Goddard O'Doul ! Joan O'Doul So Proudly We Hail ! Revere ! Anne Revere Soubirous ! Louise Casterot - Soubirous Song ! The Song of Bernadette Watson ! Lucile Watson Farrelly ! Fanny Farrelly Watch on the Rhine 1944 ( 17th ) Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Mott ! Ma Mott None but the Lonely Heart Jones ! Jennifer Jones Hilton ! Jane Deborah Hilton Since You Went Away Lansbury ! Angela Lansbury Oliver ! Nancy Oliver Gaslight MacMahon ! Aline MacMahon Tan 's ! Ling Tan 's Wife Dragon Seed Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead Conti ! Aspasia Conti Mrs. Parkington 1945 ( 18th ) Revere ! Anne Revere Brown ! Araminty Brown National Velvet Arden ! Eve Arden Corwin ! Ida Corwin Mildred Pierce Blyth ! Ann Blyth Pierce ! Veda Pierce Lansbury ! Angela Lansbury Vane ! Sibyl Vane Picture ! The Picture of Dorian Gray Lorring ! Joan Lorring Watty ! Bessie Watty Corn ! The Corn is Green 1946 ( 19th ) Baxter ! Anne Baxter MacDonald ! Sophie Nelson - MacDonald Razor 's ! The Razor 's Edge Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Warren ! Mrs. Warren Spiral ! The Spiral Staircase Gish ! Lillian Gish McCanles ! Laura Belle McCanles Duel in the Sun Robson ! Flora Robson Buiton ! Angelique Buiton Saratoga Trunk Sondergaard ! Gale Sondergaard Thiang ! Lady Thiang Anna and the King of Siam 1947 ( 20th ) Holm ! Celeste Holm Dettrey ! Anne Dettrey Gentleman 's Agreement Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Horfield ! Sophie Horfield Paradise ! The Paradine Case Grahame ! Gloria Grahame Tremaine ! Ginny Tremaine Crossfire Main ! Marjorie Main Kettle ! Ma Kettle Egg ! The Egg and I Revere ! Anne Revere Green ! Mrs. Green Gentleman 's Agreement 1948 ( 21st ) Trevor ! Claire Trevor Dawn ! Gaye Dawn Key Largo Bel Geddes ! Barbara Bel Geddes Hanson ! Katrin Hanson I Remember Mama Corby ! Ellen Corby Trina ! Trina Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead McDonald ! Aggie McDonald Johnny Belinda Simmons ! Jean Simmons Ophelia Hamlet 1949 ( 22nd ) McCambridge ! Mercedes McCambridge Burke ! Sadie Burke All the King 's Men Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Em ! Miss Em Pinky Holm ! Celeste Holm Scholastica ! Sister Scholastica Come to the Stable Lanchester ! Elsa Lanchester Potts ! Amelia Potts Waters ! Ethel Waters Johnson ! Dicey Johnson Pinky 1950s 1950 ( 23rd ) Hull ! Josephine Hull Simmons ! Veta Louise Simmons Harvey Emerson ! Hope Emerson Harper ! Evelyn Harper Caged Holm ! Celeste Holm Richards ! Karen Richards All About Eve Olson ! Nancy Olson Schaefer ! Betty Schaefer Sunset Boulevard Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Coonan ! Birdie Coonan All About Eve 1951 ( 24th ) Hunter ! Kim Hunter Stella Kowalski Streetcar ! A Streetcar Named Desire Blondell ! Joan Blondell Rawlings ! Annie Rawlins Blue ! The Blue Veil Dunnock ! Mildred Dunnock Loman ! Linda Loman Death of a Salesman Grant ! Lee Grant The Shoplifter Detective Story Ritter ! Thelma Ritter McNulty ! Ellen McNulty Mating ! The Mating Season 1952 ( 25th ) Grahame ! Gloria Grahame Bartlow ! Rosemary Bartlow Bad ! The Bad and the Beautiful Hagen ! Jean Hagen Lamont ! Lina Lamont Singin ' in the Rain Marchand ! Colette Marchand Charlet ! Marie Charlet Moulin Rouge Moore ! Terry Moore Buckholder ! Marie Buckholder Come Back , Little Sheba Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Clancy With a Song in My Heart 1953 ( 26th ) Reed ! Donna Reed Burke ! Alma Burke / Lorene From Here to Eternity Kelly ! Grace Kelly Nordley ! Linda Nordley Mogambo Page ! Geraldine Page Lowe ! Angie Lowe Hondo Rambeau ! Marjorie Rambeau Stewart ! Mrs. Stewart Torch Song Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Moe Williams Pickup on South Street 1954 ( 27th ) Saint ! Eva Marie Saint Doyle ! Edie Doyle On the Waterfront Foch ! Nina Foch Martin ! Erica Martin Executive Suite Jurado ! Katy Jurado Devereaux ! Señora Devereaux Broken Lance Sterling ! Jan Sterling McKee ! Sally McKee High ! The High and the Mighty Trevor ! Claire Trevor Holst ! May Holst 1955 ( 28th ) Van Fleet ! Jo Van Fleet Cathy Ames / Kate Trask East of Eden Blair ! Betsy Blair Snyder ! Clara Snyder Marty Lee ! Peggy Lee Hopkins ! Rose Hopkins Pete Kelly 's Blues Pavan ! Marisa Pavan Rose ! Rosa Delle Rose Rose ! The Rose Tattoo Wood ! Natalie Wood Judy Rebel Without a Cause 1956 ( 29th ) Malone ! Dorothy Malone Hadley ! Marylee Hadley Written on the Wind Dunnock ! Mildred Dunnock Comfort ! Rose Comfort Baby Doll Heckart ! Eileen Heckart Daigle ! Hortense Daigle Bad ! The Bad Seed McCambridge ! Mercedes McCambridge Benedict ! Luz Benedict Giant McCormack ! Patty McCormack Penmark ! Rhoda Penmark Bad ! The Bad Seed 1957 ( 30th ) Umeki ! Miyoshi Umeki Katsumi Kelly Sayonara Jones ! Carolyn Jones Existentialist ! The Existentialist Bachelor ! The Bachelor Party Lanchester ! Elsa Lanchester Plimsoll ! Miss Plimsoll Witness for the Prosecution Lange ! Hope Lange Cross ! Selena Cross Peyton Place Varsi ! Diane Varsi MacKenzie ! Allison MacKenzie 1958 ( 31st ) Hiller ! Wendy Hiller Cooper ! Pat Cooper Separate Tables Cass ! Peggy Cass Gooch ! Agnes Gooch Auntie Mame Hyer ! Martha Hyer French ! Gwen French Some Came Running Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Doyle ! Fay Doyle Lonelyhearts Williams ! Cara Williams Billy 's Mother Defiant ! The Defiant Ones 1959 ( 32nd ) Winters ! Shelley Winters Van Daan ! Petronella van Daan Diary ! The Diary of Anne Frank Baddeley ! Hermione Baddeley Elspeth Room at the Top Kohner ! Susan Kohner Johnson ! Sarah Jane Johnson Imitation of Life Moore ! Juanita Moore Johnson ! Annie Johnson Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Alma Pillow Talk 1960s 1960 ( 33rd ) Jones ! Shirley Jones Baines ! Lulu Baines Elmer Gantry Johns ! Glynis Johns Firth ! Mrs. Firth Sundowners ! The Sundowners Knight ! Shirley Knight Flood ! Reenie Flood Dark ! The Dark at the Top of the Stairs Leigh ! Janet Leigh Crane ! Marion Crane Psycho Ure ! Mary Ure Dawes ! Clara Dawes Sons and Lovers 1961 ( 34th ) Moreno ! Rita Moreno del Carmen ! Anita del Carmen West Side Story Bainter ! Fay Bainter Tilford ! Amelia Tilford Children 's ! The Children 's Hour Garland ! Judy Garland Wallner ! Irene Hoffman - Wallner Judgment at Nuremberg Lenya ! Lotte Lenya Terribili ! Magda Terribili - Gonzales Roman ! The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone Merkel ! Una Merkel Winemiller ! Mrs. Winemiller Summer and Smoke 1962 ( 35th ) Duke ! Patty Duke Keller ! Helen Keller Miracle ! The Miracle Worker Badham ! Mary Badham Finch ! Jean Louise `` Scout '' Finch To Kill a Mockingbird Knight ! Shirley Knight Finley ! Heavenly Finley Sweet Bird of Youth Lansbury ! Angela Lansbury Iselin ! Eleanor Iselin Manchurian ! The Manchurian Candidate Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Stroud ! Elizabeth McCartney - Stroud Birdman of Alcatraz 1963 ( 36th ) Rutherford ! Margaret Rutherford Duchess ! The Duchess of Brighton V.I.P.s ! The V.I.P.s Cilento ! Diane Cilento Segarim ! Molly Seagrim Tom Jones Evans ! Edith Evans Western ! Miss Western Redman ! Joyce Redman Waters ! Mrs. Waters / Jenny Jones Skala ! Lilia Skala Marthe ! Mother Maria Marthe Lilies of the Field 1964 ( 37th ) Kedrova ! Lila Kedrova Hortense ! Madame Hortense Zorba the Greek Cooper ! Gladys Cooper Higgins ! Mrs. Higgins My Fair Lady Evans ! Edith Evans Maugham ! Mrs. St. Maugham Chalk ! The Chalk Garden Hall ! Grayson Hall Fellowes ! Judith Fellowes Night ! The Night of the Iguana Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead Cruther ! Velma Cruther Hush ... Hush , Sweet Charlotte 1965 ( 38th ) Winters ! Shelley Winters D'Arcey ! Rose - ann D'Arcey Patch ! A Patch of Blue Gordon ! Ruth Gordon Clover ! Lucile Clover / The Dealer Inside Daisy Clover Redman ! Joyce Redman Emilia ! Emilia Othello Smith ! Maggie Smith Desdemona ! Desdemona Wood ! Peggy Wood Abbess ! Mother Abbess Sound ! The Sound of Music 1966 ( 39th ) Dennis ! Sandy Dennis Honey Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? Hiller ! Wendy Hiller More ! Alice More Man ! A Man for All Seasons LaGarde ! Jocelyne LaGarde Kanakoa ! Malama Kanakoa Hawaii Merchant ! Vivien Merchant Clamacraft ! Lily Clamacraft Alfie Page ! Geraldine Page Chanticleer ! Margery Chanticleer You 're a Big Boy Now 1967 ( 40th ) Parsons ! Estelle Parsons Barrow ! Blanche Barrow Bonnie and Clyde Channing ! Carol Channing van Hossmere ! Muzzy van Hossmere Thoroughly Modern Millie Natwick ! Mildred Natwick Banks ! Ethel Banks Barefoot in the Park Richards ! Beah Richards Prentice ! Mary Prentice Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner Ross ! Katharine Ross Robinson ! Elaine Robinson Graduate ! The Graduate 1968 ( 41st ) Gordon ! Ruth Gordon Castevet ! Minnie Castevet Rosemary 's Baby Carlin ! Lynn Carlin Forst ! Maria Forst Faces Locke ! Sondra Locke Kelly ! Mick Kelly Heart ! The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Medford ! Kay Medford Broach ! Rose Stern - Borach Funny Girl Parsons ! Estelle Parsons Mackie ! Calla Mackie Rachel , Rachel 1969 ( 42nd ) Hawn ! Goldie Hawn Simmons ! Toni Simmons Cactus Flower Burns ! Catherine Burns Rhoda Last Summer Cannon ! Dyan Cannon Henderson ! Alice Henderson Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Miles ! Sylvia Miles Cass Midnight Cowboy York ! Susannah York LeBlanc ! Alice LeBlanc They Shoot Horses , Do n't They ? 1970s 1970 ( 43rd ) Hayes ! Helen Hayes Quonsett ! Ada Quonsett Airport Black ! Karen Black Dipesto ! Rayette Dipesto Five Easy Pieces Grant ! Lee Grant Enders ! Joyce Enders Landlord ! The Landlord Kellerman ! Sally Kellerman O'Houlihan ! Margaret O'Houlihan MASH Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Gurrero ! Inez Guerrero Airport 1971 ( 44th ) Leachman ! Cloris Leachman Popper ! Ruth Popper Last ! The Last Picture Show Ann - Margret Bobbie Carnal Knowledge Burstyn ! Ellen Burstyn Farrow ! Lois Farrow Last ! The Last Picture Show Harris ! Barbara Harris Densmore ! Allison Densmore Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me ? Leighton ! Margaret Leighton Maudsley ! Mrs. Maudsley Go - Between ! The Go - Between 1972 ( 45th ) Heckart ! Eileen Heckart Baker ! Mrs. Baker Butterflies Are Free Berlin ! Jeannie Berlin Kolodny ! Lila Kolodny Heartbreak ! The Heartbreak Kid Page ! Geraldine Page Gertrude Wilson Pete ' n ' Tillie Tyrrell ! Susan Tyrrell Oma Lee Greer Fat City Winters ! Shelley Winters Rosen ! Belle Rosen Poseidon ! The Poseidon Adventure 1973 ( 46th ) O'Neal ! Tatum O'Neal Loggins ! Addie Loggins Paper Moon Blair ! Linda Blair MacNeil ! Regan MacNeil Exorcist ! The Exorcist Clark ! Candy Clark Dunham ! Debbie Dunham American Graffiti Kahn ! Madeline Kahn Delight ! Trixie Delight Paper Moon Sidney ! Sylvia Sidney Prichett ! Mrs. Pritchett Summer Wishes , Winter Dreams ( 47th ) Bergman ! Ingrid Bergman Ohlsson ! Greta Ohlsson Murder on the Orient Express Cortese ! Valentina Cortese Séverine Day for Night Kahn ! Madeline Kahn von Shtupp ! Lili von Shtupp Blazing Saddles Ladd ! Diane Ladd Castleberry ! Florence `` Flo '' Castleberry Alice Does n't Live Here Anymore Shire ! Talia Shire Corleone ! Connie Corleone Godfather ! The Godfather Part II ( 48th ) Grant ! Lee Grant Karpf ! Felicia Karpf Shampoo Blakley ! Ronee Blakley Jean ! Barbara Jean Nashville Miles ! Sylvia Miles Florian ! Jessie Halstead Florian Farewell , My Lovely Tomlin ! Lily Tomlin Reese ! Linnea Reese Nashville Vaccaro ! Brenda Vaccaro Riggs ! Linda Riggs Jacqueline Susann 's Once Is Not Enough 1976 ( 49th ) Straight ! Beatrice Straight Schumacher ! Louise Schumacher Network Alexander ! Jane Alexander Hoback ! Judy Hoback All the President 's Men Foster ! Jodie Foster Steensma ! Iris Steensma Taxi Driver Grant ! Lee Grant Rosen ! Lillian Rosen Voyage of the Damned Laurie ! Piper Laurie White ! Margaret White Carrie 1977 ( 50th ) Redgrave ! Vanessa Redgrave Julia Julia Browne ! Leslie Browne Rodgers ! Emilia Rodgers Turning ! The Turning Point Cummings ! Quinn Cummings McFadden ! Lucy McFadden Goodbye ! The Goodbye Girl Dillon ! Melinda Dillon Guiler ! Jillian Guiler Close Encounters of the Third Kind Weld ! Tuesday Weld Dunn ! Katherine Dunn Looking for Mr. Goodbar 1978 ( 51st ) Smith ! Maggie Smith Barrie ! Diane Barrie California Suite Cannon ! Dyan Cannon Farnsworth ! Julia Farnsworth Heaven Can Wait Milford ! Penelope Milford Munson ! Vi Munson Coming Home Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Pearl Interiors Streep ! Meryl Streep Linda Deer ! The Deer Hunter 1979 ( 52nd ) Streep ! Meryl Streep Kramer ! Joanna Kramer Kramer vs. Kramer Alexander ! Jane Alexander Phelps ! Margaret Phelps Kramer vs. Kramer Barrie ! Barbara Barrie Stoller ! Evelyn Stoller Breaking Away Bergen ! Candice Bergen Potter ! Jessica Potter Starting Over Hemingway ! Mariel Hemingway Tracy Manhattan 1980s 1980 ( 53rd ) Steenburgen ! Mary Steenburgen Lynda West - Dummar Melvin and Howard Brennan ! Eileen Brennan Lewis ! Doreen Lewis Private Benjamin Le Gallienne ! Eva Le Gallienne Pearl ! Pearl Resurrection Moriarty ! Cathy Moriarty LaMotta ! Vicki Thailer - LaMotta Raging Bull Scarwid ! Diana Scarwid Louise Inside Moves 1981 ( 54th ) Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Goldman ! Emma Goldman Reds Dillon ! Melinda Dillon Perrone ! Teresa Perrone Absence of Malice Fonda ! Jane Fonda Wayne ! Chelsea Thayer Wayne On Golden Pond Hackett ! Joan Hackett Landau ! Toby Landau Only When I Laugh McGovern ! Elizabeth McGovern Nesbit ! Evelyn Nesbit Ragtime 1982 ( 55th ) Lange ! Jessica Lange Nichols ! Julie Nichols Tootsie Close ! Glenn Close Fields ! Jenny Fields World ! The World According to Garp Garr ! Teri Garr Lester ! Sandy Lester Tootsie Stanley ! Kim Stanley Farmer ! Lillian Farmer Frances Warren ! Lesley Ann Warren Cassady ! Norma Cassady Victor Victoria ( 56th ) Hunt ! Linda Hunt Kwan ! Billy Kwan Year ! The Year of Living Dangerously Cher Pelliker ! Dolly Pelliker Silkwood Close ! Glenn Close Cooper ! Sarah Cooper Big ! The Big Chill Irving ! Amy Irving Hadass Vishkower Yentl Woodard ! Alfre Woodard Beatrice `` Geechee '' Cross Creek 1984 ( 57th ) Ashcroft ! Peggy Ashcroft Moore ! Mrs. Moore Killing ! A Passage to India Close ! Glenn Close Gaines ! Iris Gaines Natural ! The Natural Crouse ! Lindsay Crouse Lomax ! Margaret Lomax Places in the Heart Lahti ! Christine Lahti Zanussi ! Hazel Zanussi Swing Shift Page ! Geraldine Page Ritter ! Mrs. Ritter Pope ! The Pope of Greenwich Village 1985 ( 58th ) Huston ! Anjelica Huston Prizzi ! Maerose Prizzi Prizzi 's Honor Avery ! Margaret Avery Avery ! Shug Avery Color ! The Color Purple Madigan ! Amy Madigan Sobel ! Sunny MacKenzie - Sobel Twice in a Lifetime Tilly ! Meg Tilly Agnes ! Sister Agnes Devereaux Agnes of God Winfrey ! Oprah Winfrey Johnson ! Sofia Johnson Color ! The Color Purple 1986 ( 59th ) Wiest ! Dianne Wiest Holly Hannah and Her Sisters Harper ! Tess Harper Boyle ! Chick Boyle Crimes of the Heart Laurie ! Piper Laurie Norman ! Mrs. Norman Children of a Lesser God Mastrantonio ! Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Carmen Color ! The Color of Money Smith ! Maggie Smith Bartlett ! Charlotte Bartlett Room ! A Room with a View ( 60th ) Dukakis ! Olympia Dukakis Castorini ! Rose Castorini Moonstruck Aleandro ! Norma Aleandro Morales ! Florencia Sánchez Morales Gaby : A True Story Archer ! Anne Archer Gallagher ! Beth Rogerson - Gallagher Fatal Attraction Ramsey ! Anne Ramsey Lift ! Mrs. Lift Throw Momma from the Train Sothern ! Ann Sothern Doughty ! Letitia Benson - Doughty Whales ! The Whales of August 1988 ( 61st ) Davis ! Geena Davis Pritchett ! Muriel Pritchett Accidental ! The Accidental Tourist Cusack ! Joan Cusack Cyn Working Girl McDormand ! Frances McDormand Pell ! Mrs. Pell Mississippi Burning Pfeiffer ! Michelle Pfeiffer de Tourvel ! Madame Marie de Tourvel Dangerous Liaisons Weaver ! Sigourney Weaver Parker ! Katharine Parker Working Girl 1989 ( 62nd ) Fricker ! Brenda Fricker Bridget Fagan - Brown My Left Foot Huston ! Anjelica Huston Broder ! Tamara Broder Enemies , A Love Story Olin ! Lena Olin Masha Bloch Roberts ! Julia Roberts Latcherie ! Shelby Eatenton - Latcherie Steel Magnolias Wiest ! Dianne Wiest Buckman ! Helen Buckman Parenthood 1990s 1990 ( 63rd ) Goldberg ! Whoopi Goldberg Brown ! Oda Mae Brown Ghost Bening ! Annette Bening Langtry ! Myra Langtry Grifters ! The Grifters Bracco ! Lorraine Bracco Hill ! Karen Friedman - Hill Goodfellas Ladd ! Diane Ladd Fortune ! Marietta Pace Fortune Wild at Heart McDonnell ! Mary McDonnell Stands With a Fist Dances with Wolves 1991 ( 64th ) Ruehl ! Mercedes Ruehl Napolitano ! Anne Napolitano Fisher ! The Fisher King Ladd ! Diane Ladd Mrs. Hillyer Rambling Rose Lewis ! Juliette Lewis Bowden ! Danielle Bowden Cape Fear Nelligan ! Kate Nelligan Newbury ! Lila Wingo - Newbury Prince ! The Prince of Tides Tandy ! Jessica Tandy Threadgoode ! Virginia `` Ninny '' Threadgoode Fried Green Tomatoes 1992 ( 65th ) Tomei ! Marisa Tomei Vito ! Mona Lisa Vito My Cousin Vinny Davis ! Judy Davis Sally ! Sally Simmons Husbands and Wives Plowright ! Joan Plowright Fisher ! Mrs. Fisher Enchanted April Redgrave ! Vanessa Redgrave Wilcox ! Ruth Wilcox Howards End Richardson ! Miranda Richardson Fleming ! Ingrid Thompson - Fleming Damage 1993 ( 66th ) Paquin ! Anna Paquin McGrath ! Flora McGrath Piano ! The Piano Hunter ! Holly Hunter Hemphill ! Tamara `` Tammy '' Hemphill Firm ! The Firm Perez ! Rosie Perez Rodrigo ! Carla Rodrigo Fearless Ryder ! Winona Ryder Welland ! May Welland Age ! The Age of Innocence Thompson ! Emma Thompson Peirce ! Gareth Peirce In the Name of the Father 1994 ( 67th ) Wiest ! Dianne Wiest Sinclair ! Helen Sinclair Bullets over Broadway Harris ! Rosemary Harris Haigh ! Rose Haigh - Wood Tom & Viv Mirren ! Helen Mirren Charlotte ! Queen Charlotte Madness ! The Madness of King George Thurman ! Uma Thurman Wallace ! Mia Wallace Pulp Fiction Tilly ! Jennifer Tilly Neal ! Olive Neal Bullets over Broadway 1995 ( 68th ) Sorvino ! Mira Sorvino Ash ! Linda Ash Mighty Aphrodite Allen ! Joan Allen Nixon ! Pat Nixon Nixon Quinlan ! Kathleen Quinlan Lovell ! Marilyn Lovell Apollo 13 Winningham ! Mare Winningham Flood ! Georgia Flood Georgia Winslet ! Kate Winslet Dashwood ! Marianne Dashwood Sense and Sensibility ( 69th ) Binoche ! Juliette Binoche Hana ! Hana English ! The English Patient Allen ! Joan Allen Proctor ! Elizabeth Proctor Crucible ! The Crucible Bacall ! Lauren Bacall Morgan ! Hannah Morgan Mirror ! The Mirror Has Two Faces Hershey ! Barbara Hershey Merle ! Madame Serena Merle Portrait ! The Portrait of a Lady Jean - Baptiste ! Marianne Jean - Baptiste Cumberbatch ! Hortense Cumberbatch Secrets & Lies 1997 ( 70th ) Basinger ! Kim Basinger Bracken ! Lynn Margaret Bracken L.A. Confidential Cusack ! Joan Cusack Montgomery ! Emily Montgomery In & Out Driver ! Minnie Driver Grey ! Skylar Good Will Hunting Moore ! Julianne Moore Waves ! Amber Waves Boogie Nights Stuart ! Gloria Stuart Calvert ! Rose Dawson Calvert Titanic 1998 ( 71st ) Dench ! Judi Dench Elizabeth ! Queen Elizabeth I Shakespeare in Love Bates ! Kathy Bates Wright ! Libby Holden Primary Colors Blethyn ! Brenda Blethyn Hoff ! Mari Hoff Little Voice Griffiths ! Rachel Griffiths Hilary du Pré Hilary and Jackie Redgrave ! Lynn Redgrave Hanna Gods and Monsters 1999 ( 72nd ) Jolie ! Angelina Jolie Rowe ! Lisa Rowe Girl , Interrupted Collette ! Toni Collette Sear ! Lynn Sear Sixth ! The Sixth Sense Keener ! Catherine Keener Lund ! Maxine Lund Being John Malkovich Morton ! Samantha Morton Hattie Sweet and Lowdown Sevigny ! Chloë Sevigny Tisdel ! Lana Tisdel Boys Do n't Cry 2000s 2000 ( 73rd ) Harden ! Marcia Gay Harden Krasner ! Lee Krasner Pollock Dench ! Judi Dench Woizin ! Armande Voizin Chocolat Hudson ! Kate Hudson Lane ! Penny Lane Almost Famous McDormand ! Frances McDormand Miller ! Elaine Miller Walters ! Julie Walters Wilkinson ! Georgia Wilkinson Billy Elliot 2001 ( 74th ) Connelly ! Jennifer Connelly Larde - Nash ! Alicia Nash Beautiful ! A Beautiful Mind Mirren ! Helen Mirren Wilson ! Jane Wilson Gosford Park Smith ! Maggie Smith Trentham ! Constance Trentham Tomei ! Marisa Tomei Strout ! Natalie Strout In the Bedroom Winslet ! Kate Winslet Murdoch ! Iris Murdoch Iris 2002 ( 75th ) Zeta - Jones ! Catherine Zeta - Jones Kelly ! Velma Kelly Chicago Bates ! Kathy Bates Hertzel ! Roberta Hertzel About Schmidt Moore ! Julianne Moore Brown ! Laura McGrath - Brown Hours ! The Hours Latifah ! Queen Latifah Morton ! Matron Mama Morton Chicago Streep ! Meryl Streep Orlean ! Susan Orlean Adaptation 2003 ( 76th ) Zellweger ! Renée Zellweger Thewes ! Ruby Thewes Cold Mountain Aghdashloo ! Shohreh Aghdashloo Behrani ! Nadereh Behrani House of Sand and Fog Clarkson ! Patricia Clarkson Burns ! Joy Burns Pieces of April Harden ! Marcia Gay Harden Boyle ! Celeste Boyle Mystic River Hunter ! Holly Hunter Freeland ! Melanie Freeland Thirteen ( 77th ) Blanchett ! Cate Blanchett Hepburn ! Katharine Hepburn Aviator ! The Aviator Linney ! Laura Linney McMillen ! Clara McMillen Kinsey Madsen ! Virginia Madsen Randall ! Maya Randall Sideways Okonedo ! Sophie Okonedo Rusesabagina ! Tatiana Rusesabagina Hotel Rwanda Portman ! Natalie Portman Ayres ! Jane Jones / Alice Ayres Closer 2005 ( 78th ) Weisz ! Rachel Weisz Quayle ! Tessa Quayle Constant ! The Constant Gardener Adams ! Amy Adams Johnsten ! Ashley Johnsten Junebug Keener ! Catherine Keener Lee ! Nelle Harper Lee Capote McDormand ! Frances McDormand Dodge ! Glory Dodge North Country Williams ! Michelle Williams Beers ! Alma Beers Brokeback Mountain 2006 ( 79th ) Hudson ! Jennifer Hudson White ! Effie White Dreamgirls Barraza ! Adriana Barraza Hernandez ! Amelia Hernández Babel Blanchett ! Cate Blanchett Hart ! Bathsheba `` Sheba '' Hart Notes on a Scandal Breslin ! Abigail Breslin Hoover ! Olive Hoover Little Miss Sunshine Kikuchi ! Rinko Kikuchi Wataya ! Chieko Wataya Babel 2007 ( 80th ) Swinton ! Tilda Swinton Crowder ! Karen Crowder Michael Clayton Blanchett ! Cate Blanchett Quinn ! Jude Quinn I 'm Not There Dee ! Ruby Dee Lucas ! Mahalee Lucas American Gangster Ronan ! Saoirse Ronan Tallis ! Briony Tallis Atonement Ryan ! Amy Ryan McCready ! Helene McCready Gone Baby Gone 2008 ( 81st ) Cruz ! Penélope Cruz Elena ! María Elena Vicky Cristina Barcelona Adams ! Amy Adams James ! Sister James Doubt Davis ! Viola Davis Miller ! Mrs. Miller Henson ! Taraji P. Henson Queenie Curious ! The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Tomei ! Marisa Tomei Cassidy / Pam Wrestler ! The Wrestler 2009 ( 82nd ) Mo'Nique Johnston ! Mary Lee Johnston Precious : Based on the Novel ' Push ' by Sapphire Cruz ! Penélope Cruz Albanese ! Carla Albanese Nine Farmiga ! Vera Farmiga Goran ! Alex Goran Up in the Air Gyllenhaal ! Maggie Gyllenhaal Craddock ! Jean Craddock Crazy Heart Kendrick ! Anna Kendrick Keener ! Natalie Keener Up in the Air 2010s ( 83rd ) Leo ! Melissa Leo Eklund ! Alice Eklund - Ward fighter ! The Fighter Adams ! Amy Adams Fleming ! Charlene Fleming Fighter ! The Fighter Bonham Carter ! Helena Bonham Carter Elizabeth ! Queen Elizabeth King 's ! The King 's Speech Steinfeld ! Hailee Steinfeld Ross ! Mattie Ross True Grit Weaver ! Jacki Weaver Cody ! Janine `` Smurf '' Cody Animal Kingdom 2011 ( 84th ) Spencer ! Octavia Spencer Jackson ! Minny Jackson Help ! The Help Bejo ! Bérénice Bejo Miller ! Peppy Miller Artist ! The Artist Chastain ! Jessica Chastain Foote ! Celia Foote Help ! The Help McCarthy ! Melissa McCarthy Megan Price Bridesmaids McTeer ! Janet McTeer Page ! Hubert Page Albert Nobbs 2012 ( 85th ) Hathaway ! Anne Hathaway Fantine Les Misérables Adams ! Amy Adams Dodd ! Peggy Dodd Master ! The Master Field ! Sally Field Lincoln ! Mary Todd Lincoln Lincoln Hunt ! Helen Hunt Cohen ! Cheryl Cohen - Greene Sessions ! The Sessions Weaver ! Jacki Weaver Solitano ! Dolores Solitano Silver Linings Playbook 2013 ( 86th ) Nyong'o ! Lupita Nyong'o Patsey 12 Years a Slave Hawkins ! Sally Hawkins Ginger Blue Jasmine Lawrence ! Jennifer Lawrence Rosenfeld ! Rosalyn Rosenfeld American Hustle Roberts ! Julia Roberts Weston ! Barbara Weston - Fordham August : Osage County Squibb ! June Squibb Grant ! Kate Grant Nebraska 2014 ( 87th ) Arquette ! Patricia Arquette Evans ! Olivia Evans Boyhood Dern ! Laura Dern Strayed ! Bobbi Grey Wild Knightley ! Keira Knightley Clarke ! Joan Clarke Imitation ! The Imitation Game Stone ! Emma Stone Thomson ! Sam Thomson Birdman or ( The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance ) Streep ! Meryl Streep Witch ! The Witch Into the Woods 2015 ( 88th ) Vikander ! Alicia Vikander Wegener ! Gerda Wegener Danish ! The Danish Girl Leigh ! Jennifer Jason Leigh Domergue ! Daisy Domergue Hateful ! The Hateful Eight Mara ! Rooney Mara Belivet ! Therese Belivet Carol McAdams ! Rachel McAdams Pfeiffer ! Sacha Pfeiffer Spotlight ! Spotlight Winslet ! Kate Winslet Hoffman ! Joanna Hoffman Steve Jobs 2016 ( 89th ) Davis ! Viola Davis Maxson ! Rose Lee Maxson Fences Harris ! Naomie Harris Paula ! Paula Harris Moonlight Kidman ! Nicole Kidman Brierley ! Sue Brierley Lion Spencer ! Octavia Spencer Vaughan ! Dorothy Vaughan Hidden Figures Williams ! Michelle Williams Chandler ! Randi Chandler Manchester by the Sea 2017 ( 90th ) Janney ! Allison Janney Golden ! LaVona Golden I , Tonya Blige ! Mary J. Blige Jackson ! Florence Jackson Mudbound Manville ! Lesley Manville Woodcock ! Cyril Woodcock Phantom Thread Metcalf ! Laurie Metcalf McPherson ! Marion McPherson Lady Bird Spencer ! Octavia Spencer Fuller ! Zelda Delilah Fuller The Shape of Water Multiple wins and nominations ( edit ) The following individuals received two Best Supporting Actress awards : Wins Actress Dianne Wiest Shelley Winters The following individuals received three or more Best Supporting Actress nominations : Nominations Actress 6 Thelma Ritter Amy Adams Ethel Barrymore Lee Grant Agnes Moorehead Geraldine Page Maggie Smith Maureen Stapleton Meryl Streep Cate Blanchett Glenn Close Gladys Cooper Celeste Holm Diane Ladd Angela Lansbury Frances McDormand Anne Revere Octavia Spencer Claire Trevor Marisa Tomei Dianne Wiest Kate Winslet Shelley Winters Age superlatives ( edit ) Record Actress Film Age ( in years ) Ref . Oldest winner Peggy Ashcroft A Passage to India 77 Oldest nominee Gloria Stuart Titanic 87 Youngest winner Tatum O'Neal Paper Moon 10 Youngest nominee See also ( edit ) All Academy Award acting nominees BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Motion Picture Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Rule One : Award Definitions '' ( PDF ) . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . p. 1 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on October 21 , 2014 . Retrieved August 30 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Kinn & Piazza 2014 , p. 39 Jump up ^ Kinn & Piazza 2014 , p. 67 Jump up ^ `` Rule Six : Special Rules for the Acting Awards '' ( PDF ) . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . p. 8 - 7 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on October 21 , 2014 . Retrieved August 30 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Crouse 2005 , p. 257 Jump up ^ Wiley & Bona 1996 , p. 1181 Jump up ^ `` The 9th Academy Awards ( 1937 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 2 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 10th Academy Awards ( 1938 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 21 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 11th Academy Awards ( 1939 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 2 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 12th Academy Awards ( 1940 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on January 28 , 2017 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 13th Academy Awards ( 1941 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 21 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 14th Academy Awards ( 1942 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 15th Academy Awards ( 1943 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 6 , 2011 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 16th Academy Awards ( 1944 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 21 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 17th Academy Awards ( 1945 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 2 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 18th Academy Awards ( 1946 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 19th Academy Awards ( 1947 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 20th Academy Awards ( 1948 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 2 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 21st Academy Awards ( 1949 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on November 11 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 22nd Academy Awards ( 1950 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 23rd Academy Awards ( 1951 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on January 28 , 2017 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 24th Academy Awards ( 1952 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 25th Academy Awards ( 1953 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on November 11 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 26th Academy Awards ( 1954 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 27th Academy Awards ( 1955 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on December 20 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 28th Academy Awards ( 1956 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on November 11 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 29th Academy Awards ( 1957 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 30th Academy Awards ( 1958 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 31st Academy Awards ( 1959 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 32nd Academy Awards ( 1960 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on September 8 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 33rd Academy Awards ( 1961 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 34th Academy Awards ( 1962 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 35th Academy Awards ( 1963 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 2 , 2016 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 36th Academy Awards ( 1964 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 37th Academy Awards ( 1965 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 38th Academy Awards ( 1966 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 39th Academy Awards ( 1967 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 40th Academy Awards ( 1968 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 41st Academy Awards ( 1969 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 42nd Academy Awards ( 1970 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 43rd Academy Awards ( 1971 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 44th Academy Awards ( 1972 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 45th Academy Awards ( 1973 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 46th Academy Awards ( 1974 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 47th Academy Awards ( 1975 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 48th Academy Awards ( 1976 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 49th Academy Awards ( 1977 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 50th Academy Awards ( 1978 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 51st Academy Awards ( 1979 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 52nd Academy Awards ( 1980 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 53rd Academy Awards ( 1981 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 54th Academy Awards ( 1982 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 55th Academy Awards ( 1983 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on September 5 , 2012 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 56th Academy Awards ( 1984 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 57th Academy Awards ( 1985 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 58th Academy Awards ( 1986 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 59th Academy Awards ( 1987 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 60th Academy Awards ( 1988 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 61st Academy Awards ( 1989 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on July 6 , 2011 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 62nd Academy Awards ( 1990 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 63rd Academy Awards ( 1991 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 64th Academy Awards ( 1992 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 65th Academy Awards ( 1993 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 66th Academy Awards ( 1994 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 67th Academy Awards ( 1995 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 68th Academy Awards ( 1996 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 69th Academy Awards ( 1997 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 70th Academy Awards ( 1998 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 71st Academy Awards ( 1999 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 72nd Academy Awards ( 2000 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 73rd Academy Awards ( 2001 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 74th Academy Awards ( 2002 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 75th Academy Awards ( 2003 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 76th Academy Awards ( 2004 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 77th Academy Awards ( 2005 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on May 27 , 2017 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 78th Academy Awards ( 2006 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on November 9 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 79th Academy Awards ( 2007 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 80th Academy Awards ( 2008 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 81st Academy Awards ( 2009 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on November 10 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 82nd Academy Awards ( 2010 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on September 29 , 2012 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 83rd Academy Awards ( 2011 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on May 26 , 2011 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 84th Academy Awards ( 2012 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on October 15 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 85th Academy Awards ( 2013 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on October 14 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 86th Academy Awards ( 2014 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on October 14 , 2014 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 87th Academy Awards ( 2015 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 10 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The 88th Academy Awards ( 2016 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on January 25 , 2016 . Retrieved January 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The 89th Academy Awards ( 2017 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 3 , 2017 . Retrieved January 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The 90th Academy Awards ( 2018 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 4 , 2017 . Retrieved February 11 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Oldest / Youngest Acting Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Archived from the original on March 1 , 2009 . Retrieved September 16 , 2014 . Bibliography ( edit ) Crouse , Richard ( 2005 ) . Reel Winners : Movie Award Trivia . Toronto , Ontario , Canada : University of Toronto Press . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55002 - 574 - 3 . Kinn , Gail ; Piazza , Jim ( 2014 ) , The Academy Awards : The Complete Unofficial History , New York , United States : Workman Publishing Company , ISBN 978 - 1 - 57912 - 986 - 6 Thise , Mark ( 2008 ) , Hollywood Winners & Loseres A to Z , New York , United States : Limelight Editions , ISBN 978 - 0 - 87910 - 351 - 4 Wiley , Mason ; Bona , Damien ( 1996 ) . Inside Oscar : The Unofficial History of the Academy Awards ( 5 ed . ) . New York , United States : Ballantine Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 34540 - 053 - 6 . OCLC 779680732 . External links ( edit ) ( official Academy site ) ( official ceremony promotional site ) The Academy Awards Database ( official site ) Academy Awards Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) Records Most wins per ceremony Oscar season Governors Awards Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting Pre-show Awards of Merit Best Picture Director Actor Actress Supporting Actor Supporting Actress Adapted Screenplay Original Screenplay Animated Feature Documentary Feature Foreign Language Film Animated Short Film Documentary Short Subject Live Action Short Film Cinematography Costume Design Film Editing Makeup and Hairstyling Original Score Original Song Production Design Sound Editing Sound Mixing Visual Effects Special awards Governors Awards Academy Honorary Award Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award Special Achievement Academy Award Academy Scientific and Technical Awards Academy Award of Merit ( non-competitive ) Scientific and Engineering Award Technical Achievement Award John A. Bonner Medal of Commendation Gordon E. Sawyer Award Student Awards Student Academy Award Former awards Merit Awards Assistant Director Dance Direction Story Special Awards Academy Juvenile Award Ceremonies ‡ ( List Book ) 1927 / 28 1928 / 29 1929 / 30 1930 / 31 1931 / 32 1932 / 33 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Footnote ‡ Dates and years listed for each ceremony were the eligibility period of film release in Los Angeles County . For the first five ceremonies , the eligibility period was done on a seasonal basis , from August to July . For the 6th ceremony , held in 1934 , the eligibility period lasted from August 1 , 1932 to December 31 , 1933 . Since the 7th ceremony held in 1935 , the period of eligibility became the full previous calendar year from January 1 to December 31 . Book Category Portal Academy Awards lists Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) Records Oscar season Oscar speech History of film Most wins per ceremony Combined major Oscars Superlatives Big Five All four acting categories Combined major awards Academy , Emmy , Grammy , and Tony Award careers Acting All nominees Best Actor ( by age ) Best Actress ( by age ) Best Supporting Actor ( by age ) Best Supporting Actress ( by age ) Acting noms in foreign language Actor multi-nom years Multi-Best Picture acting careers Multi-win Actors Multi-nom Actors Love curse Directing Best Director ( by age ) Film Films Foreign - language wins Foreign - language nominees Foreign - language noms in other categories Foreign - language : count by country Animated feature noms in other categories Ethnicity African Argentine Asian Australian Black Brazilian British Canadian Chilean Colombian Cuban French German - speaking Greek Hispanic - American ( U.S. ) Indian Iranian Italian Jewish Latin American Mexican New Zealand Nordic Pakistani Polish Puerto Rican Spanish Uruguayan Other Ceremonies Families Fictitious LGBT Multi-win years Posthumous Best Picture Presenters Trophy displays Oldest & Youngest Awards for Walt Disney Women in Non-gendered Categories Book Category Portal Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress 1936 -- 1950 Gale Sondergaard ( 1936 ) Alice Brady ( 1937 ) Fay Bainter ( 1938 ) Hattie McDaniel ( 1939 ) Jane Darwell ( 1940 ) Mary Astor ( 1941 ) Teresa Wright ( 1942 ) Katina Paxinou ( 1943 ) Ethel Barrymore ( 1944 ) Anne Revere ( 1945 ) Anne Baxter ( 1946 ) Celeste Holm ( 1947 ) Claire Trevor ( 1948 ) Mercedes McCambridge ( 1949 ) Josephine Hull ( 1950 ) 1951 -- 1975 Kim Hunter ( 1951 ) Gloria Grahame ( 1952 ) Donna Reed ( 1953 ) Eva Marie Saint ( 1954 ) Jo Van Fleet ( 1955 ) Dorothy Malone ( 1956 ) Miyoshi Umeki ( 1957 ) Wendy Hiller ( 1958 ) Shelley Winters ( 1959 ) Shirley Jones ( 1960 ) Rita Moreno ( 1961 ) Patty Duke ( 1962 ) Margaret Rutherford ( 1963 ) Lila Kedrova ( 1964 ) Shelley Winters ( 1965 ) Sandy Dennis ( 1966 ) Estelle Parsons ( 1967 ) Ruth Gordon ( 1968 ) Goldie Hawn ( 1969 ) Helen Hayes ( 1970 ) Cloris Leachman ( 1971 ) Eileen Heckart ( 1972 ) Tatum O'Neal ( 1973 ) Ingrid Bergman ( 1974 ) Lee Grant ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Beatrice Straight ( 1976 ) Vanessa Redgrave ( 1977 ) Maggie Smith ( 1978 ) Meryl Streep ( 1979 ) Mary Steenburgen ( 1980 ) Maureen Stapleton ( 1981 ) Jessica Lange ( 1982 ) Linda Hunt ( 1983 ) Peggy Ashcroft ( 1984 ) Anjelica Huston ( 1985 ) Dianne Wiest ( 1986 ) Olympia Dukakis ( 1987 ) Geena Davis ( 1988 ) Brenda Fricker ( 1989 ) Whoopi Goldberg ( 1990 ) Mercedes Ruehl ( 1991 ) Marisa Tomei ( 1992 ) Anna Paquin ( 1993 ) Dianne Wiest ( 1994 ) Mira Sorvino ( 1995 ) Juliette Binoche ( 1996 ) Kim Basinger ( 1997 ) Judi Dench ( 1998 ) Angelina Jolie ( 1999 ) Marcia Gay Harden ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present Jennifer Connelly ( 2001 ) Catherine Zeta - Jones ( 2002 ) Renée Zellweger ( 2003 ) Cate Blanchett ( 2004 ) Rachel Weisz ( 2005 ) Jennifer Hudson ( 2006 ) Tilda Swinton ( 2007 ) Penélope Cruz ( 2008 ) Mo'Nique ( 2009 ) Melissa Leo ( 2010 ) Octavia Spencer ( 2011 ) Anne Hathaway ( 2012 ) Lupita Nyong'o ( 2013 ) Patricia Arquette ( 2014 ) Alicia Vikander ( 2015 ) Viola Davis ( 2016 ) Allison Janney ( 2017 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Academy Awards Best Supporting Actress Academy Award winners Film awards for supporting actress Films featuring a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award - winning performance Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from February 2012 Featured lists Talk Contents About Wikipedia Aragonés Asturianu Azərbaycanca বাংলা Български Boarisch Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Latviešu Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 41 more Edit links This page was last edited on 9 May 2018 , at 17 : 29 . 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who won an oscar for best supporting actress
Year Actress Role ( s ) Film Ref . 1930s 1936 ( 9th ) Sondergaard ! Gale Sondergaard Paleologus ! Faith Paleologus Anthony Adverse Bondi ! Beulah Bondi Jackson ! Rachel Jackson Grand ! The Gorgeous Hussy Brady ! Alice Brady Bullock ! Angelica Bullock My Man Godfrey Granville ! Bonita Granville Tilford ! Mary Tilford These Three Ouspenskaya ! Maria Ouspenskaya Von Obersdorf ! Baroness von Obersdorf Dodsworth 1937 ( 10th ) Brady ! Alice Brady O'Leary ! Molly O'Leary In Old Chicago Leeds ! Andrea Leeds Hamilton ! Kay Hamilton Stage Door Shirley ! Anne Shirley Dallas ! Laurel `` Lollie '' Dallas Stella Dallas Trevor ! Claire Trevor Francey Dead End Whitty ! May Whitty Bramson ! Mrs. Bramson Night Must Fall 1938 ( 11th ) Bainter ! Fay Bainter Massey ! Belle Massey Jezebel Bondi ! Beulah Bondi Wilkins ! Mary Wilkins Of Human Hearts Burke ! Billie Burke Kilbourne ! Emily Kilbourne Merrily We Live Byington ! Spring Byington Sycamore ! Penelope `` Penny '' Vanderhof - Sycamore You Ca n't Take It with You Korjus ! Miliza Korjus Donner ! Carla Donner Great ! The Great Waltz 1939 ( 12th ) McDaniel ! Hattie McDaniel Mammy Gone with the Wind de Havilland ! Olivia de Havilland Hamilton ! Melanie Hamilton Gone with the Wind Fitzgerald ! Geraldine Fitzgerald Linton ! Isabella Linton Wuthering Heights Oliver ! Edna May Oliver McKlennar ! Sarah McKlennar Drums Along the Mohawk Ouspenskaya ! Maria Ouspenskaya Janou ! Grandmother Janou Love Affair 1940s 1940 ( 13th ) Darwell ! Jane Darwell Joad ! Ma Joad Grapes ! The Grapes of Wrath Anderson ! Judith Anderson Danvers ! Mrs. Danvers Rebecca Hussey ! Ruth Hussey Imbrie ! Elizabeth Imbrie Philadelphia ! The Philadelphia Story O'Neil ! Barbara O'Neil de Praslin ! Francoise , Duchess de Praslin All This , and Heaven Too Rambeau ! Marjorie Rambeau Adams ! Mamie Adams Primrose Path 1941 ( 14th ) Astor ! Mary Astor Kovak ! Sandra Kovak Great ! The Great Lie Allgood ! Sara Allgood Morgan ! Beth Morgan How Green Was My Valley Collinge ! Patricia Collinge Hubbard ! Birdie Bagtry - Hubbard Little ! The Little Foxes Wright ! Teresa Wright Giddens ! Alexandra Giddens Wycherly ! Margaret Wycherly York ! Mary Brooks - York Sergeant York 1942 ( 15th ) Wright ! Teresa Wright Beldon ! Carol Beldon Mrs. Miniver Cooper ! Gladys Cooper Vale ! Mrs. Vale Now , Voyager Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead Minafer ! Fanny Minafer Magnificent ! The Magnificent Ambersons Peters ! Susan Peters Chilcet ! Kitty Chilcet Random Harvest Whitty ! May Whitty Beldon ! Lady Beldon Mrs. Miniver 1943 ( 16th ) Paxinou ! Katina Paxinou Pilar For Whom the Bell Tolls Cooper ! Gladys Cooper Vauzous ! Marie Therese Vauzou Song ! The Song of Bernadette Goddard ! Paulette Goddard O'Doul ! Joan O'Doul So Proudly We Hail ! Revere ! Anne Revere Soubirous ! Louise Casterot - Soubirous Song ! The Song of Bernadette Watson ! Lucile Watson Farrelly ! Fanny Farrelly Watch on the Rhine 1944 ( 17th ) Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Mott ! Ma Mott None but the Lonely Heart Jones ! Jennifer Jones Hilton ! Jane Deborah Hilton Since You Went Away Lansbury ! Angela Lansbury Oliver ! Nancy Oliver Gaslight MacMahon ! Aline MacMahon Tan 's ! Ling Tan 's Wife Dragon Seed Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead Conti ! Aspasia Conti Mrs. Parkington 1945 ( 18th ) Revere ! Anne Revere Brown ! Araminty Brown National Velvet Arden ! Eve Arden Corwin ! Ida Corwin Mildred Pierce Blyth ! Ann Blyth Pierce ! Veda Pierce Lansbury ! Angela Lansbury Vane ! Sibyl Vane Picture ! The Picture of Dorian Gray Lorring ! Joan Lorring Watty ! Bessie Watty Corn ! The Corn is Green 1946 ( 19th ) Baxter ! Anne Baxter MacDonald ! Sophie Nelson - MacDonald Razor 's ! The Razor 's Edge Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Warren ! Mrs. Warren Spiral ! The Spiral Staircase Gish ! Lillian Gish McCanles ! Laura Belle McCanles Duel in the Sun Robson ! Flora Robson Buiton ! Angelique Buiton Saratoga Trunk Sondergaard ! Gale Sondergaard Thiang ! Lady Thiang Anna and the King of Siam 1947 ( 20th ) Holm ! Celeste Holm Dettrey ! Anne Dettrey Gentleman 's Agreement Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Horfield ! Sophie Horfield Paradise ! The Paradine Case Grahame ! Gloria Grahame Tremaine ! Ginny Tremaine Crossfire Main ! Marjorie Main Kettle ! Ma Kettle Egg ! The Egg and I Revere ! Anne Revere Green ! Mrs. Green Gentleman 's Agreement 1948 ( 21st ) Trevor ! Claire Trevor Dawn ! Gaye Dawn Key Largo Bel Geddes ! Barbara Bel Geddes Hanson ! Katrin Hanson I Remember Mama Corby ! Ellen Corby Trina ! Trina Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead McDonald ! Aggie McDonald Johnny Belinda Simmons ! Jean Simmons Ophelia Hamlet 1949 ( 22nd ) McCambridge ! Mercedes McCambridge Burke ! Sadie Burke All the King 's Men Barrymore ! Ethel Barrymore Em ! Miss Em Pinky Holm ! Celeste Holm Scholastica ! Sister Scholastica Come to the Stable Lanchester ! Elsa Lanchester Potts ! Amelia Potts Waters ! Ethel Waters Johnson ! Dicey Johnson Pinky 1950s 1950 ( 23rd ) Hull ! Josephine Hull Simmons ! Veta Louise Simmons Harvey Emerson ! Hope Emerson Harper ! Evelyn Harper Caged Holm ! Celeste Holm Richards ! Karen Richards All About Eve Olson ! Nancy Olson Schaefer ! Betty Schaefer Sunset Boulevard Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Coonan ! Birdie Coonan All About Eve 1951 ( 24th ) Hunter ! Kim Hunter Stella Kowalski Streetcar ! A Streetcar Named Desire Blondell ! Joan Blondell Rawlings ! Annie Rawlins Blue ! The Blue Veil Dunnock ! Mildred Dunnock Loman ! Linda Loman Death of a Salesman Grant ! Lee Grant The Shoplifter Detective Story Ritter ! Thelma Ritter McNulty ! Ellen McNulty Mating ! The Mating Season 1952 ( 25th ) Grahame ! Gloria Grahame Bartlow ! Rosemary Bartlow Bad ! The Bad and the Beautiful Hagen ! Jean Hagen Lamont ! Lina Lamont Singin ' in the Rain Marchand ! Colette Marchand Charlet ! Marie Charlet Moulin Rouge Moore ! Terry Moore Buckholder ! Marie Buckholder Come Back , Little Sheba Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Clancy With a Song in My Heart 1953 ( 26th ) Reed ! Donna Reed Burke ! Alma Burke / Lorene From Here to Eternity Kelly ! Grace Kelly Nordley ! Linda Nordley Mogambo Page ! Geraldine Page Lowe ! Angie Lowe Hondo Rambeau ! Marjorie Rambeau Stewart ! Mrs. Stewart Torch Song Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Moe Williams Pickup on South Street 1954 ( 27th ) Saint ! Eva Marie Saint Doyle ! Edie Doyle On the Waterfront Foch ! Nina Foch Martin ! Erica Martin Executive Suite Jurado ! Katy Jurado Devereaux ! Señora Devereaux Broken Lance Sterling ! Jan Sterling McKee ! Sally McKee High ! The High and the Mighty Trevor ! Claire Trevor Holst ! May Holst 1955 ( 28th ) Van Fleet ! Jo Van Fleet Cathy Ames / Kate Trask East of Eden Blair ! Betsy Blair Snyder ! Clara Snyder Marty Lee ! Peggy Lee Hopkins ! Rose Hopkins Pete Kelly 's Blues Pavan ! Marisa Pavan Rose ! Rosa Delle Rose Rose ! The Rose Tattoo Wood ! Natalie Wood Judy Rebel Without a Cause 1956 ( 29th ) Malone ! Dorothy Malone Hadley ! Marylee Hadley Written on the Wind Dunnock ! Mildred Dunnock Comfort ! Rose Comfort Baby Doll Heckart ! Eileen Heckart Daigle ! Hortense Daigle Bad ! The Bad Seed McCambridge ! Mercedes McCambridge Benedict ! Luz Benedict Giant McCormack ! Patty McCormack Penmark ! Rhoda Penmark Bad ! The Bad Seed 1957 ( 30th ) Umeki ! Miyoshi Umeki Katsumi Kelly Sayonara Jones ! Carolyn Jones Existentialist ! The Existentialist Bachelor ! The Bachelor Party Lanchester ! Elsa Lanchester Plimsoll ! Miss Plimsoll Witness for the Prosecution Lange ! Hope Lange Cross ! Selena Cross Peyton Place Varsi ! Diane Varsi MacKenzie ! Allison MacKenzie 1958 ( 31st ) Hiller ! Wendy Hiller Cooper ! Pat Cooper Separate Tables Cass ! Peggy Cass Gooch ! Agnes Gooch Auntie Mame Hyer ! Martha Hyer French ! Gwen French Some Came Running Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Doyle ! Fay Doyle Lonelyhearts Williams ! Cara Williams Billy 's Mother Defiant ! The Defiant Ones 1959 ( 32nd ) Winters ! Shelley Winters Van Daan ! Petronella van Daan Diary ! The Diary of Anne Frank Baddeley ! Hermione Baddeley Elspeth Room at the Top Kohner ! Susan Kohner Johnson ! Sarah Jane Johnson Imitation of Life Moore ! Juanita Moore Johnson ! Annie Johnson Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Alma Pillow Talk 1960s 1960 ( 33rd ) Jones ! Shirley Jones Baines ! Lulu Baines Elmer Gantry Johns ! Glynis Johns Firth ! Mrs. Firth Sundowners ! The Sundowners Knight ! Shirley Knight Flood ! Reenie Flood Dark ! The Dark at the Top of the Stairs Leigh ! Janet Leigh Crane ! Marion Crane Psycho Ure ! Mary Ure Dawes ! Clara Dawes Sons and Lovers 1961 ( 34th ) Moreno ! Rita Moreno del Carmen ! Anita del Carmen West Side Story Bainter ! Fay Bainter Tilford ! Amelia Tilford Children 's ! The Children 's Hour Garland ! Judy Garland Wallner ! Irene Hoffman - Wallner Judgment at Nuremberg Lenya ! Lotte Lenya Terribili ! Magda Terribili - Gonzales Roman ! The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone Merkel ! Una Merkel Winemiller ! Mrs. Winemiller Summer and Smoke 1962 ( 35th ) Duke ! Patty Duke Keller ! Helen Keller Miracle ! The Miracle Worker Badham ! Mary Badham Finch ! Jean Louise `` Scout '' Finch To Kill a Mockingbird Knight ! Shirley Knight Finley ! Heavenly Finley Sweet Bird of Youth Lansbury ! Angela Lansbury Iselin ! Eleanor Iselin Manchurian ! The Manchurian Candidate Ritter ! Thelma Ritter Stroud ! Elizabeth McCartney - Stroud Birdman of Alcatraz 1963 ( 36th ) Rutherford ! Margaret Rutherford Duchess ! The Duchess of Brighton V.I.P.s ! The V.I.P.s Cilento ! Diane Cilento Segarim ! Molly Seagrim Tom Jones Evans ! Edith Evans Western ! Miss Western Redman ! Joyce Redman Waters ! Mrs. Waters / Jenny Jones Skala ! Lilia Skala Marthe ! Mother Maria Marthe Lilies of the Field 1964 ( 37th ) Kedrova ! Lila Kedrova Hortense ! Madame Hortense Zorba the Greek Cooper ! Gladys Cooper Higgins ! Mrs. Higgins My Fair Lady Evans ! Edith Evans Maugham ! Mrs. St. Maugham Chalk ! The Chalk Garden Hall ! Grayson Hall Fellowes ! Judith Fellowes Night ! The Night of the Iguana Moorehead ! Agnes Moorehead Cruther ! Velma Cruther Hush ... Hush , Sweet Charlotte 1965 ( 38th ) Winters ! Shelley Winters D'Arcey ! Rose - ann D'Arcey Patch ! A Patch of Blue Gordon ! Ruth Gordon Clover ! Lucile Clover / The Dealer Inside Daisy Clover Redman ! Joyce Redman Emilia ! Emilia Othello Smith ! Maggie Smith Desdemona ! Desdemona Wood ! Peggy Wood Abbess ! Mother Abbess Sound ! The Sound of Music 1966 ( 39th ) Dennis ! Sandy Dennis Honey Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? Hiller ! Wendy Hiller More ! Alice More Man ! A Man for All Seasons LaGarde ! Jocelyne LaGarde Kanakoa ! Malama Kanakoa Hawaii Merchant ! Vivien Merchant Clamacraft ! Lily Clamacraft Alfie Page ! Geraldine Page Chanticleer ! Margery Chanticleer You 're a Big Boy Now 1967 ( 40th ) Parsons ! Estelle Parsons Barrow ! Blanche Barrow Bonnie and Clyde Channing ! Carol Channing van Hossmere ! Muzzy van Hossmere Thoroughly Modern Millie Natwick ! Mildred Natwick Banks ! Ethel Banks Barefoot in the Park Richards ! Beah Richards Prentice ! Mary Prentice Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner Ross ! Katharine Ross Robinson ! Elaine Robinson Graduate ! The Graduate 1968 ( 41st ) Gordon ! Ruth Gordon Castevet ! Minnie Castevet Rosemary 's Baby Carlin ! Lynn Carlin Forst ! Maria Forst Faces Locke ! Sondra Locke Kelly ! Mick Kelly Heart ! The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Medford ! Kay Medford Broach ! Rose Stern - Borach Funny Girl Parsons ! Estelle Parsons Mackie ! Calla Mackie Rachel , Rachel 1969 ( 42nd ) Hawn ! Goldie Hawn Simmons ! Toni Simmons Cactus Flower Burns ! Catherine Burns Rhoda Last Summer Cannon ! Dyan Cannon Henderson ! Alice Henderson Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Miles ! Sylvia Miles Cass Midnight Cowboy York ! Susannah York LeBlanc ! Alice LeBlanc They Shoot Horses , Do n't They ? 1970s 1970 ( 43rd ) Hayes ! Helen Hayes Quonsett ! Ada Quonsett Airport Black ! Karen Black Dipesto ! Rayette Dipesto Five Easy Pieces Grant ! Lee Grant Enders ! Joyce Enders Landlord ! The Landlord Kellerman ! Sally Kellerman O'Houlihan ! Margaret O'Houlihan MASH Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Gurrero ! Inez Guerrero Airport 1971 ( 44th ) Leachman ! Cloris Leachman Popper ! Ruth Popper Last ! The Last Picture Show Ann - Margret Bobbie Carnal Knowledge Burstyn ! Ellen Burstyn Farrow ! Lois Farrow Last ! The Last Picture Show Harris ! Barbara Harris Densmore ! Allison Densmore Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me ? Leighton ! Margaret Leighton Maudsley ! Mrs. Maudsley Go - Between ! The Go - Between 1972 ( 45th ) Heckart ! Eileen Heckart Baker ! Mrs. Baker Butterflies Are Free Berlin ! Jeannie Berlin Kolodny ! Lila Kolodny Heartbreak ! The Heartbreak Kid Page ! Geraldine Page Gertrude Wilson Pete ' n ' Tillie Tyrrell ! Susan Tyrrell Oma Lee Greer Fat City Winters ! Shelley Winters Rosen ! Belle Rosen Poseidon ! The Poseidon Adventure 1973 ( 46th ) O'Neal ! Tatum O'Neal Loggins ! Addie Loggins Paper Moon Blair ! Linda Blair MacNeil ! Regan MacNeil Exorcist ! The Exorcist Clark ! Candy Clark Dunham ! Debbie Dunham American Graffiti Kahn ! Madeline Kahn Delight ! Trixie Delight Paper Moon Sidney ! Sylvia Sidney Prichett ! Mrs. Pritchett Summer Wishes , Winter Dreams ( 47th ) Bergman ! Ingrid Bergman Ohlsson ! Greta Ohlsson Murder on the Orient Express Cortese ! Valentina Cortese Séverine Day for Night Kahn ! Madeline Kahn von Shtupp ! Lili von Shtupp Blazing Saddles Ladd ! Diane Ladd Castleberry ! Florence `` Flo '' Castleberry Alice Does n't Live Here Anymore Shire ! Talia Shire Corleone ! Connie Corleone Godfather ! The Godfather Part II ( 48th ) Grant ! Lee Grant Karpf ! Felicia Karpf Shampoo Blakley ! Ronee Blakley Jean ! Barbara Jean Nashville Miles ! Sylvia Miles Florian ! Jessie Halstead Florian Farewell , My Lovely Tomlin ! Lily Tomlin Reese ! Linnea Reese Nashville Vaccaro ! Brenda Vaccaro Riggs ! Linda Riggs Jacqueline Susann 's Once Is Not Enough 1976 ( 49th ) Straight ! Beatrice Straight Schumacher ! Louise Schumacher Network Alexander ! Jane Alexander Hoback ! Judy Hoback All the President 's Men Foster ! Jodie Foster Steensma ! Iris Steensma Taxi Driver Grant ! Lee Grant Rosen ! Lillian Rosen Voyage of the Damned Laurie ! Piper Laurie White ! Margaret White Carrie 1977 ( 50th ) Redgrave ! Vanessa Redgrave Julia Julia Browne ! Leslie Browne Rodgers ! Emilia Rodgers Turning ! The Turning Point Cummings ! Quinn Cummings McFadden ! Lucy McFadden Goodbye ! The Goodbye Girl Dillon ! Melinda Dillon Guiler ! Jillian Guiler Close Encounters of the Third Kind Weld ! Tuesday Weld Dunn ! Katherine Dunn Looking for Mr. Goodbar 1978 ( 51st ) Smith ! Maggie Smith Barrie ! Diane Barrie California Suite Cannon ! Dyan Cannon Farnsworth ! Julia Farnsworth Heaven Can Wait Milford ! Penelope Milford Munson ! Vi Munson Coming Home Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Pearl Interiors Streep ! Meryl Streep Linda Deer ! The Deer Hunter 1979 ( 52nd ) Streep ! Meryl Streep Kramer ! Joanna Kramer Kramer vs. Kramer Alexander ! Jane Alexander Phelps ! Margaret Phelps Kramer vs. Kramer Barrie ! Barbara Barrie Stoller ! Evelyn Stoller Breaking Away Bergen ! Candice Bergen Potter ! Jessica Potter Starting Over Hemingway ! Mariel Hemingway Tracy Manhattan 1980s 1980 ( 53rd ) Steenburgen ! Mary Steenburgen Lynda West - Dummar Melvin and Howard Brennan ! Eileen Brennan Lewis ! Doreen Lewis Private Benjamin Le Gallienne ! Eva Le Gallienne Pearl ! Pearl Resurrection Moriarty ! Cathy Moriarty LaMotta ! Vicki Thailer - LaMotta Raging Bull Scarwid ! Diana Scarwid Louise Inside Moves 1981 ( 54th ) Stapleton ! Maureen Stapleton Goldman ! Emma Goldman Reds Dillon ! Melinda Dillon Perrone ! Teresa Perrone Absence of Malice Fonda ! Jane Fonda Wayne ! Chelsea Thayer Wayne On Golden Pond Hackett ! Joan Hackett Landau ! Toby Landau Only When I Laugh McGovern ! Elizabeth McGovern Nesbit ! Evelyn Nesbit Ragtime 1982 ( 55th ) Lange ! Jessica Lange Nichols ! Julie Nichols Tootsie Close ! Glenn Close Fields ! Jenny Fields World ! The World According to Garp Garr ! Teri Garr Lester ! Sandy Lester Tootsie Stanley ! Kim Stanley Farmer ! Lillian Farmer Frances Warren ! Lesley Ann Warren Cassady ! Norma Cassady Victor Victoria ( 56th ) Hunt ! Linda Hunt Kwan ! Billy Kwan Year ! The Year of Living Dangerously Cher Pelliker ! Dolly Pelliker Silkwood Close ! Glenn Close Cooper ! Sarah Cooper Big ! The Big Chill Irving ! Amy Irving Hadass Vishkower Yentl Woodard ! Alfre Woodard Beatrice `` Geechee '' Cross Creek 1984 ( 57th ) Ashcroft ! Peggy Ashcroft Moore ! Mrs. Moore Killing ! A Passage to India Close ! Glenn Close Gaines ! Iris Gaines Natural ! The Natural Crouse ! Lindsay Crouse Lomax ! Margaret Lomax Places in the Heart Lahti ! Christine Lahti Zanussi ! Hazel Zanussi Swing Shift Page ! Geraldine Page Ritter ! Mrs. Ritter Pope ! The Pope of Greenwich Village 1985 ( 58th ) Huston ! Anjelica Huston Prizzi ! Maerose Prizzi Prizzi 's Honor Avery ! Margaret Avery Avery ! Shug Avery Color ! The Color Purple Madigan ! Amy Madigan Sobel ! Sunny MacKenzie - Sobel Twice in a Lifetime Tilly ! Meg Tilly Agnes ! Sister Agnes Devereaux Agnes of God Winfrey ! Oprah Winfrey Johnson ! Sofia Johnson Color ! The Color Purple 1986 ( 59th ) Wiest ! Dianne Wiest Holly Hannah and Her Sisters Harper ! Tess Harper Boyle ! Chick Boyle Crimes of the Heart Laurie ! Piper Laurie Norman ! Mrs. Norman Children of a Lesser God Mastrantonio ! Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Carmen Color ! The Color of Money Smith ! Maggie Smith Bartlett ! Charlotte Bartlett Room ! A Room with a View ( 60th ) Dukakis ! Olympia Dukakis Castorini ! Rose Castorini Moonstruck Aleandro ! Norma Aleandro Morales ! Florencia Sánchez Morales Gaby : A True Story Archer ! Anne Archer Gallagher ! Beth Rogerson - Gallagher Fatal Attraction Ramsey ! Anne Ramsey Lift ! Mrs. Lift Throw Momma from the Train Sothern ! Ann Sothern Doughty ! Letitia Benson - Doughty Whales ! The Whales of August 1988 ( 61st ) Davis ! Geena Davis Pritchett ! Muriel Pritchett Accidental ! The Accidental Tourist Cusack ! Joan Cusack Cyn Working Girl McDormand ! Frances McDormand Pell ! Mrs. Pell Mississippi Burning Pfeiffer ! Michelle Pfeiffer de Tourvel ! Madame Marie de Tourvel Dangerous Liaisons Weaver ! Sigourney Weaver Parker ! Katharine Parker Working Girl 1989 ( 62nd ) Fricker ! Brenda Fricker Bridget Fagan - Brown My Left Foot Huston ! Anjelica Huston Broder ! Tamara Broder Enemies , A Love Story Olin ! Lena Olin Masha Bloch Roberts ! Julia Roberts Latcherie ! Shelby Eatenton - Latcherie Steel Magnolias Wiest ! Dianne Wiest Buckman ! Helen Buckman Parenthood 1990s 1990 ( 63rd ) Goldberg ! Whoopi Goldberg Brown ! Oda Mae Brown Ghost Bening ! Annette Bening Langtry ! Myra Langtry Grifters ! The Grifters Bracco ! Lorraine Bracco Hill ! Karen Friedman - Hill Goodfellas Ladd ! Diane Ladd Fortune ! Marietta Pace Fortune Wild at Heart McDonnell ! Mary McDonnell Stands With a Fist Dances with Wolves 1991 ( 64th ) Ruehl ! Mercedes Ruehl Napolitano ! Anne Napolitano Fisher ! The Fisher King Ladd ! Diane Ladd Mrs. Hillyer Rambling Rose Lewis ! Juliette Lewis Bowden ! Danielle Bowden Cape Fear Nelligan ! Kate Nelligan Newbury ! Lila Wingo - Newbury Prince ! The Prince of Tides Tandy ! Jessica Tandy Threadgoode ! Virginia `` Ninny '' Threadgoode Fried Green Tomatoes 1992 ( 65th ) Tomei ! Marisa Tomei Vito ! Mona Lisa Vito My Cousin Vinny Davis ! Judy Davis Sally ! Sally Simmons Husbands and Wives Plowright ! Joan Plowright Fisher ! Mrs. Fisher Enchanted April Redgrave ! Vanessa Redgrave Wilcox ! Ruth Wilcox Howards End Richardson ! Miranda Richardson Fleming ! Ingrid Thompson - Fleming Damage 1993 ( 66th ) Paquin ! Anna Paquin McGrath ! Flora McGrath Piano ! The Piano Hunter ! Holly Hunter Hemphill ! Tamara `` Tammy '' Hemphill Firm ! The Firm Perez ! Rosie Perez Rodrigo ! Carla Rodrigo Fearless Ryder ! Winona Ryder Welland ! May Welland Age ! The Age of Innocence Thompson ! Emma Thompson Peirce ! Gareth Peirce In the Name of the Father 1994 ( 67th ) Wiest ! Dianne Wiest Sinclair ! Helen Sinclair Bullets over Broadway Harris ! Rosemary Harris Haigh ! Rose Haigh - Wood Tom & Viv Mirren ! Helen Mirren Charlotte ! Queen Charlotte Madness ! The Madness of King George Thurman ! Uma Thurman Wallace ! Mia Wallace Pulp Fiction Tilly ! Jennifer Tilly Neal ! Olive Neal Bullets over Broadway 1995 ( 68th ) Sorvino ! Mira Sorvino Ash ! Linda Ash Mighty Aphrodite Allen ! Joan Allen Nixon ! Pat Nixon Nixon Quinlan ! Kathleen Quinlan Lovell ! Marilyn Lovell Apollo 13 Winningham ! Mare Winningham Flood ! Georgia Flood Georgia Winslet ! Kate Winslet Dashwood ! Marianne Dashwood Sense and Sensibility ( 69th ) Binoche ! Juliette Binoche Hana ! Hana English ! The English Patient Allen ! Joan Allen Proctor ! Elizabeth Proctor Crucible ! The Crucible Bacall ! Lauren Bacall Morgan ! Hannah Morgan Mirror ! The Mirror Has Two Faces Hershey ! Barbara Hershey Merle ! Madame Serena Merle Portrait ! The Portrait of a Lady Jean - Baptiste ! Marianne Jean - Baptiste Cumberbatch ! Hortense Cumberbatch Secrets & Lies 1997 ( 70th ) Basinger ! Kim Basinger Bracken ! Lynn Margaret Bracken L.A. Confidential Cusack ! Joan Cusack Montgomery ! Emily Montgomery In & Out Driver ! Minnie Driver Grey ! Skylar Good Will Hunting Moore ! Julianne Moore Waves ! Amber Waves Boogie Nights Stuart ! Gloria Stuart Calvert ! Rose Dawson Calvert Titanic 1998 ( 71st ) Dench ! Judi Dench Elizabeth ! Queen Elizabeth I Shakespeare in Love Bates ! Kathy Bates Wright ! Libby Holden Primary Colors Blethyn ! Brenda Blethyn Hoff ! Mari Hoff Little Voice Griffiths ! Rachel Griffiths Hilary du Pré Hilary and Jackie Redgrave ! Lynn Redgrave Hanna Gods and Monsters 1999 ( 72nd ) Jolie ! Angelina Jolie Rowe ! Lisa Rowe Girl , Interrupted Collette ! Toni Collette Sear ! Lynn Sear Sixth ! The Sixth Sense Keener ! Catherine Keener Lund ! Maxine Lund Being John Malkovich Morton ! Samantha Morton Hattie Sweet and Lowdown Sevigny ! Chloë Sevigny Tisdel ! Lana Tisdel Boys Do n't Cry 2000s 2000 ( 73rd ) Harden ! Marcia Gay Harden Krasner ! Lee Krasner Pollock Dench ! Judi Dench Woizin ! Armande Voizin Chocolat Hudson ! Kate Hudson Lane ! Penny Lane Almost Famous McDormand ! Frances McDormand Miller ! Elaine Miller Walters ! Julie Walters Wilkinson ! Georgia Wilkinson Billy Elliot 2001 ( 74th ) Connelly ! Jennifer Connelly Larde - Nash ! Alicia Nash Beautiful ! A Beautiful Mind Mirren ! Helen Mirren Wilson ! Jane Wilson Gosford Park Smith ! Maggie Smith Trentham ! Constance Trentham Tomei ! Marisa Tomei Strout ! Natalie Strout In the Bedroom Winslet ! Kate Winslet Murdoch ! Iris Murdoch Iris 2002 ( 75th ) Zeta - Jones ! Catherine Zeta - Jones Kelly ! Velma Kelly Chicago Bates ! Kathy Bates Hertzel ! Roberta Hertzel About Schmidt Moore ! Julianne Moore Brown ! Laura McGrath - Brown Hours ! The Hours Latifah ! Queen Latifah Morton ! Matron Mama Morton Chicago Streep ! Meryl Streep Orlean ! Susan Orlean Adaptation 2003 ( 76th ) Zellweger ! Renée Zellweger Thewes ! Ruby Thewes Cold Mountain Aghdashloo ! Shohreh Aghdashloo Behrani ! Nadereh Behrani House of Sand and Fog Clarkson ! Patricia Clarkson Burns ! Joy Burns Pieces of April Harden ! Marcia Gay Harden Boyle ! Celeste Boyle Mystic River Hunter ! Holly Hunter Freeland ! Melanie Freeland Thirteen ( 77th ) Blanchett ! Cate Blanchett Hepburn ! Katharine Hepburn Aviator ! The Aviator Linney ! Laura Linney McMillen ! Clara McMillen Kinsey Madsen ! Virginia Madsen Randall ! Maya Randall Sideways Okonedo ! Sophie Okonedo Rusesabagina ! Tatiana Rusesabagina Hotel Rwanda Portman ! Natalie Portman Ayres ! Jane Jones / Alice Ayres Closer 2005 ( 78th ) Weisz ! Rachel Weisz Quayle ! Tessa Quayle Constant ! The Constant Gardener Adams ! Amy Adams Johnsten ! Ashley Johnsten Junebug Keener ! Catherine Keener Lee ! Nelle Harper Lee Capote McDormand ! Frances McDormand Dodge ! Glory Dodge North Country Williams ! Michelle Williams Beers ! Alma Beers Brokeback Mountain 2006 ( 79th ) Hudson ! Jennifer Hudson White ! Effie White Dreamgirls Barraza ! Adriana Barraza Hernandez ! Amelia Hernández Babel Blanchett ! Cate Blanchett Hart ! Bathsheba `` Sheba '' Hart Notes on a Scandal Breslin ! Abigail Breslin Hoover ! Olive Hoover Little Miss Sunshine Kikuchi ! Rinko Kikuchi Wataya ! Chieko Wataya Babel 2007 ( 80th ) Swinton ! Tilda Swinton Crowder ! Karen Crowder Michael Clayton Blanchett ! Cate Blanchett Quinn ! Jude Quinn I 'm Not There Dee ! Ruby Dee Lucas ! Mahalee Lucas American Gangster Ronan ! Saoirse Ronan Tallis ! Briony Tallis Atonement Ryan ! Amy Ryan McCready ! Helene McCready Gone Baby Gone 2008 ( 81st ) Cruz ! Penélope Cruz Elena ! María Elena Vicky Cristina Barcelona Adams ! Amy Adams James ! Sister James Doubt Davis ! Viola Davis Miller ! Mrs. Miller Henson ! Taraji P. Henson Queenie Curious ! The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Tomei ! Marisa Tomei Cassidy / Pam Wrestler ! The Wrestler 2009 ( 82nd ) Mo'Nique Johnston ! Mary Lee Johnston Precious : Based on the Novel ' Push ' by Sapphire Cruz ! Penélope Cruz Albanese ! Carla Albanese Nine Farmiga ! Vera Farmiga Goran ! Alex Goran Up in the Air Gyllenhaal ! Maggie Gyllenhaal Craddock ! Jean Craddock Crazy Heart Kendrick ! Anna Kendrick Keener ! Natalie Keener Up in the Air 2010s ( 83rd ) Leo ! Melissa Leo Eklund ! Alice Eklund - Ward fighter ! The Fighter Adams ! Amy Adams Fleming ! Charlene Fleming Fighter ! The Fighter Bonham Carter ! Helena Bonham Carter Elizabeth ! Queen Elizabeth King 's ! The King 's Speech Steinfeld ! Hailee Steinfeld Ross ! Mattie Ross True Grit Weaver ! Jacki Weaver Cody ! Janine `` Smurf '' Cody Animal Kingdom 2011 ( 84th ) Spencer ! Octavia Spencer Jackson ! Minny Jackson Help ! The Help Bejo ! Bérénice Bejo Miller ! Peppy Miller Artist ! The Artist Chastain ! Jessica Chastain Foote ! Celia Foote Help ! The Help McCarthy ! Melissa McCarthy Megan Price Bridesmaids McTeer ! Janet McTeer Page ! Hubert Page Albert Nobbs 2012 ( 85th ) Hathaway ! Anne Hathaway Fantine Les Misérables Adams ! Amy Adams Dodd ! Peggy Dodd Master ! The Master Field ! Sally Field Lincoln ! Mary Todd Lincoln Lincoln Hunt ! Helen Hunt Cohen ! Cheryl Cohen - Greene Sessions ! The Sessions Weaver ! Jacki Weaver Solitano ! Dolores Solitano Silver Linings Playbook 2013 ( 86th ) Nyong'o ! Lupita Nyong'o Patsey 12 Years a Slave Hawkins ! Sally Hawkins Ginger Blue Jasmine Lawrence ! Jennifer Lawrence Rosenfeld ! Rosalyn Rosenfeld American Hustle Roberts ! Julia Roberts Weston ! Barbara Weston - Fordham August : Osage County Squibb ! June Squibb Grant ! Kate Grant Nebraska 2014 ( 87th ) Arquette ! Patricia Arquette Evans ! Olivia Evans Boyhood Dern ! Laura Dern Strayed ! Bobbi Grey Wild Knightley ! Keira Knightley Clarke ! Joan Clarke Imitation ! The Imitation Game Stone ! Emma Stone Thomson ! Sam Thomson Birdman or ( The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance ) Streep ! Meryl Streep Witch ! The Witch Into the Woods 2015 ( 88th ) Vikander ! Alicia Vikander Wegener ! Gerda Wegener Danish ! The Danish Girl Leigh ! Jennifer Jason Leigh Domergue ! Daisy Domergue Hateful ! The Hateful Eight Mara ! Rooney Mara Belivet ! Therese Belivet Carol McAdams ! Rachel McAdams Pfeiffer ! Sacha Pfeiffer Spotlight ! Spotlight Winslet ! Kate Winslet Hoffman ! Joanna Hoffman Steve Jobs 2016 ( 89th ) Davis ! Viola Davis Maxson ! Rose Lee Maxson Fences Harris ! Naomie Harris Paula ! Paula Harris Moonlight Kidman ! Nicole Kidman Brierley ! Sue Brierley Lion Spencer ! Octavia Spencer Vaughan ! Dorothy Vaughan Hidden Figures Williams ! Michelle Williams Chandler ! Randi Chandler Manchester by the Sea 2017 ( 90th ) Janney ! Allison Janney Golden ! LaVona Golden I , Tonya Blige ! Mary J. Blige Jackson ! Florence Jackson Mudbound Manville ! Lesley Manville Woodcock ! Cyril Woodcock Phantom Thread Metcalf ! Laurie Metcalf McPherson ! Marion McPherson Lady Bird Spencer ! Octavia Spencer Fuller ! Zelda Delilah Fuller The Shape of Water
Gun laws in Michigan - wikipedia Gun laws in Michigan Jump to : navigation , search This article relies too much on references to primary sources . Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Location of Michigan in the United States Gun laws in Michigan regulate the sale , possession , and use of firearms and ammunition in the state of Michigan in the United States . The State of Michigan has numerous laws concerning the ownership and the carrying of firearms . Generally , federal , state , and local law enforcement agencies , and agents thereof acting in an official capacity , are exempt from Michigan 's firearms regulations . The Constitution of Michigan of 1963 Article 1 , Section 6 reads , `` Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state . '' A complete listing of Michigan 's firearms laws can be found in the publication `` Firearms Laws of Michigan . '' This publication is dated October 2013 and does not yet reflect recent changes to the laws . Contents ( hide ) 1 Summary table 2 `` Firearm '' defined 3 Purchasing firearms 4 Concealed carry 5 See also 6 References Summary table ( edit ) Subject / Law Long Guns Handguns Relevant Statutes Notes Permit to purchase required ? No Not from FFL Permit required for purchase from an individual if purchaser does not have a CPL or an FFL and the transaction is not processed through an FFL dealer . Firearm registration ? No Yes Handgun sales are required to be registered to local law enforcement . Owner license required ? No No Carry permit required ? No Yes MCL 28.452 b Michigan is a `` shall issue '' state for concealed carry . Open carry permitted ? Yes Yes Open carry is generally permitted . Carry in a vehicle requires a license . State preemption of local restrictions ? Yes Yes MCL 123.1102 City or Charter Township may restrict the discharge of firearms ( see MCL 123.1104 ) . Assault weapon law ? No No Magazine capacity restriction ? No No NFA weapons restricted ? No No Short barreled shotguns , short barreled rifles , automatic weapons , AOW 's , and silencers / suppressors are allowed if in compliance with federal law . Background checks required for private sales ? No Yes MCL 28.422 a A person acquiring a handgun must have either a handgun purchase license or a license to carry a concealed handgun . A background check is required to obtain either of these licenses . `` Firearm '' defined ( edit ) `` The word ' firearm ' , except as otherwise specifically defined in statute , includes any weapon which will , is designed to , or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosive . '' Michigan 's Attorney General has ruled that the definition of `` firearm '' includes a Taser . As of August 6 , 2012 , under essentially the same laws applicable to pistols in Michigan , private citizens may purchase and use Tasers ( a portable device that uses electro - muscular disruption technology ) . According to the State of Michigan 's Penal Code , a pistol is defined as `` a loaded or unloaded firearm that is 26 inches or less in length , or a loaded or unloaded firearm that by its construction and appearance conceals itself as a firearm '' ; A person who knowingly sells a pistol without complying with MCL 28.422 , is guilty of a misdemeanor , punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days , or a fine of not more than $100.00 , or both ; Michigan Penal Code pg. 386 Sec. 223 ( 1 ) . A person 18 years of age can legally purchase a pistol from a private seller , but first must obtain a purchasing permit which is good for 30 days . Purchasing firearms ( edit ) At the age of 18 or up , it is legal to buy a pistol with a purchase license from a private seller , at the age of 21 , it is legal to buy a firearm from a Federally licensed ( FFL ) dealer . No purchase license is required to purchase a long gun ( a firearm that is more than 26 inches long ) in Michigan . According to state law , a long gun may be purchased by anyone aged 18 or over who is not subject to restrictions based on criminal history , mental health history , or other disqualifying factor . A person must be at least 18 years old to purchase a long gun from a federal dealer or a private seller under both federal and Michigan law . Only Michigan residents may purchase pistols ( meaning firearms that are 26 inches or less in length ) in Michigan . Residents of any state may purchase long guns in Michigan and Michigan residents may purchase long guns in any state NON-CPL Holders Only that are buying a pistol from a private seller : An individual must apply to their local police or sheriff 's department for a purchase license before obtaining a pistol from a private seller . The police authority will check the applicant 's criminal history and for disqualifying factors such as whether the person has been ordered to undergo involuntary mental health treatment or is subject to a restraining order for domestic violence . As of December 18 , 2012 , no purchase permit is required for purchases from a Class 1 FFL Dealer . Purchases from a private party will require a purchase permit that can be acquired at any police or sheriff 's office statewide . A License to Purchase a Pistol is valid for 30 days from a private party . The buyer and seller must both sign the license and may each keep one copy for his or her records . An individual must return to the local police department within 10 days of purchasing the pistol to return the remaining two copies of the license . Some agencies require all unused license - to - purchase forms to be returned to them for record - keeping purposes . CPL Holders : A License to Purchase is not needed for anyone with a valid Michigan Concealed Pistol License even when buying from a private seller . Someone with a valid Michigan Concealed Pistol License must , however , complete a Pistol Sales Record when purchasing or acquiring a pistol ( ) . Pawn shops , second hand dealers , and junk shops are not allowed to accept a pistol in Pawn , and must be FFL dealers to buy & sell . Concealed carry ( edit ) Michigan 's concealed carry law is `` shall issue , '' meaning that anyone 21 or older may obtain a license to carry a concealed pistol , so long as the person is not prohibited from owning a firearm , has not been found guilty of any felonies or certain misdemeanors within a time period of either 3 or 8 years dependent upon the charge , and has completed state - approved firearms training . Concealed Pistol License ( CPL ) holders are not required to obtain a license to purchase a pistol ; however , they must fulfill the registration requirement ( a sales record of the pistol acquisition ) . Under Michigan law , carrying a concealed pistol under a CPL constitutes implied permission for chemical testing for illegal drugs or alcohol ; and it is strictly forbidden for someone with a concealed pistol license to carry a pistol while under the influence of drugs or alcohol . Individuals licensed to carry a concealed pistol by Michigan or another state are prohibited from carrying a concealed pistol on the following premises : schools or school property , public or private day care center , public or private child caring agency , or public or private child placing agency , sports arena or stadium , a tavern where the primary source of income is the sale of alcoholic liquor by the glass consumed on the premises , any property or facility owned or operated by a church , synagogue , mosque , temple , or other place of worship , unless the presiding official allows concealed weapons , an entertainment facility that the individual knows or should know has a seating capacity of 2,500 or more , a hospital , a dormitory or classroom of a community college , college , or university , and casinos . `` Premises '' does not include the parking areas of the places listed above . Openly carried firearms by CPL holders in most of these locations is generally lawful , it remains unlawful for anyone without a CPL to carry openly in these places without written permission from an owner or agent of such locations . State requirements for obtaining a Concealed Pistol License in the State of Michigan 1 . Be at least 21 years of age 2 . Be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted into the United States 3 . Be a resident of the State of Michigan for at least 6 months prior to application . An applicant is a state resident if one of the following applies . The applicant possesses a valid , lawfully obtained Michigan driver 's license or state identification card . The applicant is lawfully registered to vote in Michigan . The applicant is on active duty status with the United States Armed Forces and stationed outside of Michigan , but Michigan is the home on record . The applicant is on active duty status with the United States Armed Forces and is permanently stationed in Michigan , but the home of record is another state . 4 . Have successfully completed a pistol safety training course 5 . Not be subject to the following . An order requiring involuntary hospitalization or alternative treatment . An order finding legal incapacitation . A finding not guilty by reason of insanity . 6 . Not to be subject to a conditional bond release prohibiting the possession of a firearm 7 . Not be subject to a Personal Protection Order ( PPO ) 8 . Not be prohibited from possessing , using , transporting , selling , carrying , shipping , receiving , or distributing a firearm under MCL 750.224 f 9 . Have never been convicted of a felony in Michigan or elsewhere 10 . Have no felony charges pending in Michigan or elsewhere 11 . Have not been dishonorably - discharged from the United States Armed Forces 12 . Have not been convicted of one of the following misdemeanors in the last eight years immediately - preceding the date of application : Failing to stop when involved in a personal injury accident , MCL 257.617 a , Operating while intoxicated , seconded offense , MCL 257.625 ( 9 ) ( b ) , Drunk driving , commercial vehicle , MCL 257.625 m ( 4 ) , Reckless driving , MCL 257.626 13 . Have not been convicted of one of the following misdemeanor in the three years immediately preceding the date of application : Operating under the influence , MCL 257.625 , Embezzlement , MCL 750.174 , Larceny MCL 750.365 , Malicious destruction of stolen property , MCL 750.377 a , Second degree retail fraud , MCL 750.356 d 14 . Have not been found guilty of any crime and has not offered a plea of not guilty of , or been acquitted of , any crime by any reason of insanity 15 . Have never been subject to an order of involuntary commitment in an inpatient or outpatient setting due to a mental treatment 16 . Have not had a diagnosed mental illness at the time the application is made , regardless of whether he or she is receiving treatment 17 . Not be under a court order of legal incapacity in this State or elsewhere 18 . Not be detrimental to the safety of his or her self or any other person - As issued by the Michigan State Police `` Concealed Pistol License Guide '' RI - 012 ( 02 / 2009 ) A pistol is subject to immediate seizure if the CPL permit holder is carrying a concealed pistol in a `` pistol - free '' area . Open carry with a CPL in state defined `` pistol - free '' areas is legal . Please refer to Michigan AG opinion No. 7097 and Michigan State Police Legal Update # 86 . An individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol who is stopped by a police officer ( traffic stop or otherwise ) while in possession of a concealed pistol shall immediately disclose to the police officer that he or she is carrying a concealed pistol either on their person or in their motor vehicle . On March 29 , 2001 , per Administrative Order 2001 - 1 of the Michigan Supreme Court : `` Weapons are not permitted in any courtroom , office , or other space used for official court business or by judicial employees unless the chief judge or other person designated by the chief judge has given prior approval consistent with the court 's written policy . '' There are few places where open carry is expressly prohibited by federal or state law . Discharging a firearm remains illegal in many cities and charter townships ( and such an ordinance is not preempted by state law ) . In addition , there are laws regulating how firearms may be transported in motor vehicles , which must be followed . By its express terms , the criminal prohibition in section 227 ( 2 ) does not apply to a person licensed to carry a pistol , provided that the pistol is carried in a manner or place consistent with any restriction upon that license . This conclusion is further supported by section 425c ( 2 ) of the Concealed Pistol Licensing Act , MCL 28.425 c ( 2 ) , which expressly authorizes a concealed pistol licensee to `` ( c ) arry a pistol in a vehicle , whether concealed or not concealed , anywhere in this state . '' Moreover , section 231a ( 1 ) ( a ) of the Penal Code , MCL 750.231 a ( 1 ) ( a ) , provides that the prohibition against carrying a concealed pistol in a motor vehicle does not apply to a person holding a valid license to carry a concealed pistol , provided that the pistol is carried in conformity with any restrictions appearing on the license . A person who is not licensed to carry a concealed pistol must keep the pistol either in a box that can be locked and safely stored in the trunk out of arms reach or if however the motor vehicle does not have a trunk , the pistol must then be safely placed in a box that is specifically designed to carry a firearm in - which can be locked in present view , or with its specified holster unloaded with the pistol itself in present view and clip separated having one or the other , or both locked in the glove compartment and or furthest in the back seat out of arms reach . No one is allowed to bring a firearm , concealed or openly , onto the property of a correctional facility , under a law prohibiting weapons that could help prisoners escape . If someone who is carrying openly , who is not on their own private property , puts a coat on over his firearm or otherwise hides it , even temporarily , and he or she does not have a concealed pistol license , he or she has committed the felony crime of carrying a concealed weapon without a license . The Michigan Attorney General has released an opinion stating that open carry is not considered reasonable suspicion of a crime , but there are no Michigan court decisions definitively ruling on this point . In addition , the Michigan Attorney General has released an opinion that `` a reserve police officer '' who carries a visible , holstered pistol is neither brandishing it nor disturbing the peace . Michigan formerly did not allow ownership of NFA firearms , though the Attorney General has issued an opinion , 7183 , that allows machine guns to be legally - transferred to Michigan residents who comply with federal laws . A 2011 opinion by Attorney General Bill Schuette allows the possession and transfer of suppressors in Michigan . Armor - piercing ammunition for handguns is illegal in Michigan . Michigan prohibits the possession of Tasers or stun guns by private citizens , unless they have a concealed pistol licence , and have taken the proper Taser safety course . See also ( edit ) Law of Michigan References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` State Gun Laws : Michigan '' . National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action . Retrieved December 31 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Michigan State Law Summary '' . Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence . Retrieved December 31 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Michigan Legislature '' . . Retrieved September 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Firearms. pdf '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved August 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Michigan Open Carry - FAQ '' . Michigan Open Carry , Inc . Jump up ^ `` MCL 750.227 '' . Michigan Legislature . Jump up ^ `` Michigan Legislature '' . . Retrieved August 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Michigan Attorney General Opinion No. 4950 : `` Applicability of Michigan statutes regulating firearms to ' Taser Public Defender ' device '' Jump up ^ Act No. 122 & 123 - Public Acts of 2012 . Approved by Governor Snyder May 8 , 2012 . EFFECTIVE : August 6 , 2012 . ENROLLED SENATE BILL No. 30 & No. 29 ) Jump up ^ `` Michigan Legislature '' . . Retrieved August 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ MCL 3.112 as amended by Public Law 378 of 2012 Jump up ^ MCL 3.111 as amended by Public Law 378 of 2012 Jump up ^ MCL 3.111 -- 3.112 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ MCL 28.422 ( 4 ) Jump up ^,4643,7-123-1586_27094-10953--,00.html Jump up ^ MCL 750.229 Jump up ^ `` Proper Conduct During Encounters with Police '' . Michigan State Police . Retrieved September 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` -- Pistol Free Areas '' . Michigan State Police . Retrieved September 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ MCL 123.1104 Jump up ^ MCL 800.283 ( 3 ) Jump up ^ `` Opinion # 7183 '' . . Retrieved September 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Opinion # 7101 '' . . Retrieved September 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Opinion # 7260 '' . . Retrieved October 16 , 2011 . 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where can you not carry a concealed weapon in michigan
Individuals licensed to carry a concealed pistol by Michigan or another state are prohibited from carrying a concealed pistol on the following premises : schools or school property , public or private day care center , public or private child caring agency , or public or private child placing agency , sports arena or stadium , a tavern where the primary source of income is the sale of alcoholic liquor by the glass consumed on the premises , any property or facility owned or operated by a church , synagogue , mosque , temple , or other place of worship , unless the presiding official allows concealed weapons , an entertainment facility that the individual knows or should know has a seating capacity of 2,500 or more , a hospital , a dormitory or classroom of a community college , college , or university , and casinos . `` Premises '' does not include the parking areas of the places listed above . Openly carried firearms by CPL holders in most of these locations is generally lawful , it remains unlawful for anyone without a CPL to carry openly in these places without written permission from an owner or agent of such locations .