Rachel: HAPPY NEW YEAAAAAAR!! ヽ(^o^)丿 Rachel: from me & Tom :) Jack: Thanks!! Miranda: same to you Miranda: :) Rachel: May you get exactly what you are expecting in the coming year!!! Miranda: :* Jack: How's your party? Rachel: %) %) %) Jack: Hahahah Jack: I see Rachel: the best party eveeeeeeeer Rachel: wish you were here!!!
Rachel wishes a happy new year from her and Tom to Miranda and Jack. Rachel is having the best time but misses Miranda and Jack.
Bobby: Did you see the episode of I'm a Celeb last night? Eva: No, I was in the pub watching the Rams lose! <file_photo> Bobby: Oh! Well, it was super gross! Eva: The deliveries episode! What did they have to eat? Bobby: Fish eyeballs surfaced again!!!! Eva: GROSS!!!! Bobby: Who thinks of this stuff??? Eva: Some sadist! LOL! Bobby: I guess! Eva: What else? Bobby: Testicles and penises and worms, etc. Eva: Oh my! Bobby: It was disgusting! Eva: That show is ew! Bobby: It's good though! Eva: Yes! I hate missing it. Why don't they replay it on itv2 later? Bobby: They want people to watch that after show I guess. Eva: Oh, right. With that Scarlett chick. Bobby: Yeah. She gained all her weight back! Eva: Even had surgery and gained it back! Bobby: No magic bullet is there? Eva: No. You have to eat right and exercise. Bobby: No fish eyeballs! Eva: Definitely not!
Bobby watched the episode of I'm a Celeb. Eva missed it. Bobby updates Eva on what happened.
Daniel: hi! any free slots this week? David: Hey. Thursday 6pm or Friday 5pm only ;o. Daniel: :( i'll be at work David: :/ Weekend? Daniel: ok i'll let you know David: Ok!
Daniel will let David know about free slots at the weekend.
Frederic: Mornin'! How's Monday? Mine sucks. Alma: Hey, hey! I hate Mondays! Frederic: <file_photo> Alma: Hahaha, you're crazy! You dressed up like that for work?
Frederic's Monday sucks. Alma hates Mondays too.
Ron: hey dad :) Kurt: how much do you need son? Ron: I wanted to be nice... 50 dollars Ron: my account is empty, so is my wallet Kurt: It doesn't surprise me. Kurt: money sent, spend wisely Yasmin: come visit us when you can Ron: thanks again dad, love you mum
Kurt sends his son Ron 50 dollars.
Ali: <file_photo> Lucie: Nice colour ;) Ali: Found shoes for you and Jiri Lucie: :) Ali: In chinese minimarket in my building Ali: Less than €10 Lucie: So it is good reason to come to Senegal soon ;) Ali: BRAVO Ali :) :) :) :) :) Ali: Jana, Stefan and girls and my daughter are coming 30 March to 12 April Ali: Still have 2 free rooms :D Lucie: Wow, it's so great Ali: You better come. Before we send police to arrest you Lucie: Hehehe Ali: My toothpaste was not full when Caro brought it back Ali: You stole some Lucie: Isn't it obvious that Caro used it?! Ali: Stealing toothpaste is a serious crime Lucie: But I can buy you a new one if you want ;) Ali: Caro says she knew that you will accuse her Ali: OK buy one and deliver it in person soon Lucie: I was afraid that you want to tell the police about my car accident ;) Ali: Nooo are you out of your mind? Ali: I dont care about that car its not mine Ali: Toothpaste is mine ;) Lucie: Heheh Ali: Good night! Ali: We are waiting here for you :*
Ali has invited Lucie to visit him in Senegal. Jana, Stefan with daughters and Ali's daughter are coming to stay from 30 March to 12 April. Ali tells Lucie to bring toothpaste with her. Lucie had a car accident.
Nicole: Soph, could we meet a little later tomorrow? Sophia: Sure, how much later? :) Nicole: I got invited to a job interview Sophia: where where? Nicole: Publicis Nicole: :)))))))) Sophia: Wow!! Amazing!! Nicole: I'm a bit nervous. Sophia: You'll be great. And we'll have something to celebrate, hopefully :D
Nicole is a bit stressed, as she will have a job interview in Publicis. Nicole and Sophia will meet tomorrow later because of the interview.
Marilyn: Mark, darling, are you free to talk now? Mark: not really, sweetie Mark: what's up? Marilyn: In half an hour? Mark: ok Mark: So what is it sweetheart? Mark: Why don't you call me? I'm available till 3:45 Mark: Darling, I can't reach you. Maybe later. Mark: <3
Mark is free to talk until 3.45 but he can't reach Marilyn.
Julia: karaoke on friday night? Ava: call! Ava: what about the rest? Julia: I'l tell them Julia: maybe someone else will come Ava: ok, I'll make a reservation Julia: great, thx :)
Julia and Ava will go for karaoke Friday night. Julia will tell the rest and Ava will make a reservation.
Tom: Did anyone pick up prints? Glen: I didn't have time, but called John? John: I haven't yet, but I will later Tom: Today? John: Sure
Nobody has picked up the prints yet, but John will do it later today.
Renee: Gawd, she looks like a horse face! Sue: LOL! YESSSSS!!!! Renee: Cannot stand her! Sue: She is just the utter worst. Don't know how he stands her... Renee: Even her hair is nasty! Sue: She really looks like an oompa loompa without the orange! Renee: OMG, yes! The hair! Sue: Why do you get your fringe so short???? Renee: No idea... Sue: FUG-LY!!!! Renee: Beyond, beyond fugly....super fugly! LOL! Sue: OMG, she's coming over here. Renee: Look like you're busy! Sue: Whew! That was close! Renee: Could you have kept a straight face? Sue: NO!!!! Renee: LOL! Sue: I think she's leaving now. Renee: Good! We can talk about her! LOL! Sue: LOL!
Renee and Sue can't stand her and think she's extremely ugly.
Aurora: God Aurora: Remember how I went to that cousin’s wedding last February Aurora: And fought with another cousin there Aurora: I can’t remember if I told you about my spectacular fall there but now I find out it’s been recorded forever in a photo… welp Aurora: <file_photo> Aurora: Lovely xD Isabela: Omg why did someone make a picture of that xD Isabela: Instead of helping you up lmao Isabela: Also why do you look happy laying there xD Aurora: That’s how this world works lol Aurora: Ikr Isabela: Or is it an angry smile? Aurora: I mean this wedding was pretty awful for me and this kind of made it better Aurora: No, I really found it hilarious lol Isabela: Hahaha Isabela: Well tbh it's always better to laugh with it Isabela: Was the floor that slippy? Aurora: It was pretty slippery and I was wearing heels and had to run Isabela: R.I.P. Isabela: Honestly you could have hurt yourself extremely bad Aurora: I know, it’s a good thing nothing happened
Aurora told Isabela that her fall on a slippery floor at her cousin's wedding last February was immortalized on a photo. As she didn't really enjoy the wedding, the accident made it more fun, but overall she is happy that nothing particularly serious happened to her.
Maja: hey Kimberley: ????? Kimberley: do we know each other? Maja: no, but I'm from your group, I'm new and I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the subjects, lecturers and so on :) Kimberley: aaaa I get it, no problem, ask whatever you want :)
Maja is new so needs some information from Kimberley as they are in the same group.
Fran: <file_photo> Fran: Check out my new jacket!! Brianna: Niiiice!! Brianna: Out on a shopping spree? 😜 Fran: Yessss 💖 Brianna: Are we going to organise a picnic soon? Brianna: Maybe in February? Fran: Yes that would be great, we could go to that place we went to last year Brianna: Yes that was a brilliant area, amazing view too! Fran: 😁😁
Fran bought a nice jacket. Brianna and Fran are going to have a picnic in February in the same place they went to last year.
Serge: hey Dad, how are you? Théo: I am good, how are you? Serge: good, thanks. Serge: Dad, I haven't received the monthly transfer, is everything ok? Théo: yes, yes, sorry I was going to tell you that it will only arrive on the 4th this month. I couldn't do it earlier. Théo: I hope your landlord can understand, let me know if I should give him a call. Serge: oh ok, no worries he is very helpful and I have always paid on due time these past years... so he will understand. Théo: oh great, no worries the transfer is coming. Serge: thanks dad!
Serge's monthly bank transfer to Théo was made late, so he'll make a late rent payment to his landlord. The landlord shouldn't be angry about it given previous timely payments.
David: Whats up? Nathan: Nothing much Nathan: Gotta hit the pool David: Really? David: I don't feel like swimming if its raining Nathan: Ye well Nathan: I am going David: Who you're going with? Nathan: By myself Nathan: highway dont care David: Lol David: I hate that song Nathan: I hate Taylor Swift but Tim McGraw is ok
Nathan is going to the pool. David doesn't want to because of the rain.
Gregory: will you bring the barbecue set or should I? Luke: I will, did you get some beers for yourself? Gregory: how could I not? Barbecue without beers? You serious? :D Luke: who am I asking.... :D Gregory: <file_gif> Luke: hahahahaah
Luke will bring the barbecue set. Gregory will bring some beers for himself for the barbecue.
Angie: Hey did you finish our group work? Ashley: Yeah I did but it needs some fine editing Ashley: Can you do it? Angie: Yeah. Just email me the soft copy. Angie: ASAP!
Ashley finished their group work. Angie will do the editing. Ashley will send Angie the soft copy.
Monica: I've got it! Josh: Tell me! Monica: I have this ring she always wanted. I'll give it to her and see if it fits. If it's ok, I'll give you the measure. Josh: That'd be great! Monica: So, when do you want to pop the question? Josh: I was thinking that our third anniversary is coming next month, so that would be a great opportunity. Monica: I think so too. But you can't give anything away by that time. Josh: I know. And I'm asking you the same thing. So, when can you take her finger measure? Monica: This weekend. We're meeting for coffee. Josh: Great! I'll have enough time to order the ring. Thanks! Monica: No problem! Just tell me who it went :) Josh: You have my word!
Josh wants to propose to his girlfriend next month. It's their third anniversary. Monica will get the right ring measure for him this weekend.
Daniel: can we cancel tomorrows meeting? Henry: yes, something happened? Daniel: family staff, I'll handel it and let you know when we can meet Henry: good, will wait
Daniel wants to cancel a meeting tomorrow. He has some family stuff. He will let Henry know when they can meet.
Joanne: it's a small world, it turns out your ex-boyfriend is working and being friends with one of my husbands best friends lol Phoebe: no way, which ex hahaha? Joanne: Jack Phoebe: I had 3 boyfriends that were named Jack :D Joanne: his surname starts with O... I believe... can't really remember, he is from Cracow Phoebe: ohh ye that Jack! cool guy :D Joanne: you know it feels weird now that i was listening to all this stories and they were about you hahaha Phoebe: nothing bad happened, we split up on good terms :D Joanne: i really don't want to know haha, i already know more than i should ;) i will sit far away from him from now on Phoebe: no worries, I don't have any problem with it and neither should he Joanne: he seemed okay Phoebe: he is, where does he work nowadays? Joanne: good company but i don't remember obviously :/ some place that deals with printing, mostly foreign orders Phoebe: good for him :)
Phoebe's ex-boyfriend is working with Joane's husband's best friend. Phoebe doesn't have a problem with that as they split up on good terms.
Astrid: Hello Mr Martin, I have some questions about my essay. I tried coming to your office during hours, but I was told that you were away. Could we possibly meet this week? Mr Martin: Hello Astrid, Indeed I am sorry - I've been a little under the weather these past few days. I'm free on Wednesday if that suits you? Astrid: I'm afraid I have classes all day. Can I come on Thursday? Mr Martin: I'm afraid not - I have an important meeting to attend to, but I'm free tomorrow after lunch. Astrid: That would be perfect. Mr Martin: Well then, I shall see you tomorrow. Astrid: Thanks Mr Martin.
Tomorrow after lunch Astrid will meet with Mr Martin to talk about her essay. .
Richard: I have a feeling that my girl is cheating on me... Matt: Well... Matt: Don't know what to reply Matt: I'm sorry man.. Matt: But are you sure? Richard: I'm not. But I have my reasons to believe so. Matt: I once made a mistake. Matt: I accussed my girl of cheating on me. But it turned out she conspired with my friends to throw me a suprprise birthday party. Matt: She was furious when I confronted her. Richard: Wow. You've never told me that, and I was partially resposible for it... Matt: Nevermind. Everything is fine now. Richard: In my case however it's not about conspiring. It's the distance. She created so much distance between us that I have a feeling there is someone else she likes to be with. Matt: I'm sorry. Matt: She doesn't seem to be treacherous viper so the best way is just to talk to her. Matt: Maybe that would help Richard: I will try. Thanks mate. Matt: No problem. I'm with you man.
Richard suspects his girlfriend is cheating on him because of her emotional distance. Matt has once accused his girlfriend of cheating, when in reality she was throwing him a surprise birthday party. Richard will talk to his girlfriend as Matt advises.
Paulina: Whats up Patricia: Nothing much Patricia: You Paulina: Just doing homework Patricia: U have homework? Paulina: Ye just for an elective Paulina: Basically its a take home exam Patricia: It actually doesnt sound easy hahah Paulina: I know it seems easy but its not Patricia: I an an online class Patricia: Northern Studies Paulina: Online classes same Paulina: Dont sound easy either haha Patricia: Its okay Patricia: The final exam is just an essay Paulina: Wow nice Paulina: What NS is that? Patricia: 308 Paulina: Cool!!!
Paulina is doing her homework, and it's not too easy.
Edward: Until further notice, the canteen staff will not be offering made-to-order food of any kind. Edward: This is to save costs and staff shortages. Wendy: I'll put out a memo. Edward: Signs for the canteen tables would be appropriate as well. Wendy: No problem.
The canteen staff will not offer made-to-order food to cut costs. Wendy will put out a memo about it.
Emma: We are going beach would you like to join in? Sharol: sure who else is coming? Emma: its me anna, emily, wendy, kate and you Sharol: would wendy be ok with me joining.. Emma: i think she would be .. is there any problem between you guys? Sharol: i think she doesnt like me ... she always try to avoid me... Emma: really? then i think you should definetly join and sort things with her Sharol: hmm.. i dont want to be her friend forcefully... Emma: i know she doesnt dislike you there must b some misunderstanding... lets meet up and sort out.. be at my place at 11am Sharol: sure will be there
Sharol is going to go to the beach with Emma, anna, emily, wendy and kate. Sharol is afraid that wendy doesn't like her.
Joanna: Since you are unable to remember anything I discuss with you in the morning Joanna: I will now enumerate everything we've got going on this weekend Daniel: <3 Joanna: Friday night we are invited to two parties and we either do quick appearances at two or stick to Mike's birthday cause well he's a much closer friend than Jimmy Daniel: noted Joanna: Then on Saturday night we go grocery shopping, we also need cleaning products cause the apartment is a mess and we have noting to clean it with Daniel: right right Joanna: then we have late lunch with your parents Daniel: is it this Saturday? Joanna: yes it is Daniel: could have sworn it was the next Joanna: no. Daniel: okay continue Joanna: Then we go hoe and clean up Daniel: and in the evening we go to the theatre! Joanna: niiiiiice you remembered Daniel: see? Joanna: What are we doing on Sunday? Daniel: staying in bed and maing sweet sweet love? Joanna: you're a moron
Joanna and Daniel are invited to two parties on Friday night. On Saturday night they will go grocery shopping, and then they have late lunch with Daniel's parents. On the same day, they also need to clean and in the evening they are going to the theatre.
Wanda: hey Zoe: heya Wanda: i'm so bored Wanda: <file_gif> Wanda: please entertain me while I wait in this never-ending line Zoe: hahaha Zoe: what are you waiting for? Wanda: lost my metro pass, have to make a new one Wanda: and literally everyone else on earth is here doing the same thing Wanda: :'-( Zoe: awwwww poor thing Zoe: can't you listen to music? Wanda: i forgot my headphones at home Wanda: <file_gif> Zoe: face palm is correct Zoe: we could play I Spy... it would be more challenging because we are in different locations :P Wanda: LOL sure Zoe: what are you doing after you accomplish this slow-moving quest? Wanda: no plans Zoe: wanna meet for coffee? Wanda: sure :) Zoe: I spy... with my little eye... the end of the line! Wanda: lol not exactly Wanda: i'll let you know when i finish here :D
Wanda has lost her metro pass. Now she's waiting in line to make a new one. After she's done, she and Zoe will meet for a coffee.
Raquel: <file_photo> when you're down with a cold and just tiramisu makes you feel better and understood :D Laura: <file_photo> or brownies... lol Sarah: Hahaha!! so true! eat them all lovely Laura: I'm so sick my bf got me a soup maker! Sarah: omg that's so sweet!! bless him! <file_gif> Raquel: I wish I had someone to bring me soup! All alone and sick lol Laura: I can send him over to you. We just made fresh tomato soup <file_gif> Raquel: Hahaha so nice. I'm just gonna drown my sickness in tiramisu! Sarah: Laura, he makes you brownies and soup?!! marry him lol Laura: hahaha, i'm trying! :D he's still on a trying period haha Raquel: you're so lucky! my last bf wouldn't even give me his jumper :O Sarah: that's so selfish! and funny too!! so he would just let you shiver and himself be warm? Raquel: pretty much... :( I'm so ashamed of myself... how could I be with him?? Laura: mistakes of youth! learn and move on! don't be too hard on yourself! <file_gif> Sarah: exactly!! and maybe always make sure to bring a sweater on a date lol Raquel: hahahaha thank you girls! you always know how to make me feel better! Sarah: Always! Love you, gorgeous! take care of yourself and get better soon! sending you big hugs Raquel: You are always so sweet, thank you, beauty :) Laura: Raquel, make sure you drink plenty of tea with ginger and honey. it always help my throat and keeps me warm. and it's super yummy too :)) xxx Raquel: will do :) xxx ooo
Raquel and Laura have a cold. Laura's boyfriend is taking care of her.
Holly: Can you come home asap? It's urgent James: What's the matter? Holly: Our washing machine broke down and we're flooding the neighbours, yet I finally have this job interview today so I can't stay... James: What!! I'll be on my way in a few. Don't worry about it, you go get that job! Holly: Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!
Holly has a job interview but the washing maching broke, so James will come home asap.
Daniel: Could you please turn the volume down or use your headphones? Riley: oh Riley: sure, turning it down Daniel: Thanks
Riley is turning down the volume on Daniel's request.
Angie: you alive? Mike: no Angie: same Mike: I've been sick all day Angie: I'm never drinking again Mike: sick party though xD Angie: <file_gif> Mike: :D
Mike and Angie are hungover after a party.
Ross: Hey Isabella ! you have lost weight. you must be on a diet Ayehsa: No Ross, I have started jogging. Ross: Well that's great. Ayehsa: Thank you
Ayehsa has started jogging.
Agnes: Hi Viola! Agnes: how are you? How's your new job? Viola: Hi there! Viola: thanks, Im fine. New job also good. Agnes: do you have a lot of work? Viola: not really Viola: ;) Viola: now Im mostly learning about the company's system in procedure Agnes: thats good Agnes: Im sure you'll learn everything soon! Viola: I hope Viola: :) Agnes: and how's your new boss? and the new colleagues? Viola: quite ok Viola: so far so good ;) Agnes: :) Viola: the people are ok Viola: quite helpful, I can ask a question if I dont know sth Agnes: thats very good Viola: yes :) Viola: i got to go now. Viola: Thanks Agnes! take care! :* Agnes: Bye! And good luck with the new job! :* Viola: thanks! :*
Viola has a new job. Now she's learning about the company's system in procedure. The people at her work are helpful.
Sandra: Buy a carrot and some milk on your way home. Dan: sure, darling, sth else? Sandra: Maybe some fruits too? choose sth :) Dan: ok, see u soon :*
Dan will buy carrot, milk and fruit.
Trudy: Are you good with statistics? Trudy: I need someone to double-check my results Janice: I’m okay, not great Janice: Why don’t you ask Amy? Janice: She’s a genius Trudy: I know Trudy: But I’m not that close with her to ask for this kind of favour Janice: You don’t need to Janice: You can come to her as a client Janice: She’s doing it as a side job Trudy: How much does she charge? Janice: I think about 40$/hour of her work Janice: But she works fast, she won’t rip you off.
Trudy needs someone to double-check her statistical results and asks Janice to do this. Janice recommends Amy. Trudy is not comfortable with asking Amy as they don't know each other that well. Amy, however, can do that for a fee.
Aaron: You should have seen the kids at the mall today! Nightmare! Shirl: Oh! Really? Aaron: In line to see Santa. Shirl: Oh, right! Aaron: It was literally out the door. Shirl: OMG! Aaron: Yeah. I don't remember doing that, do you? Shirl: Yep! Did it last year at the bar! LOL! Aaron: When you were a kid, stupid! Shirl: No, I don't remember. Aaron: Can't be that fun, can it? Shirl: I wouldn't think so. Aaron: Anyway, I got what I wanted and got out of there. Shirl: Good for you! Aaron: Hopefully no more shopping for me! Shirl: Fingers crossed! Aaron: I think I'm done. You? Shirl: I'm making gifts and haven't started yet. Panic!
Aaron made Christmas shopping at the mall full of kids waiting in a long line to see Santa. Aaron has got all he needed, but Shirl hasn't got any gifts yet.
Kris: Ted keeps sending me pictures and videos of cats Liv: That's so cute! Kris: I know but I'd like to make some conversation with him as well Liv: Ooops XD
Ted keeps sending Kris pictures and videos of cats.
Eric: The French accepted the offer! A new frenchie in the office soon! Adrian: Is one not enough!?! 😩😉 Ian: Good stuff, up France 🇫🇷 Grace: 🙈 A lot more "R..Rs" for everyone 😜 Looking forward to meeting him Eric: Eheh French power 💪🇫🇷 Adrian: Will we need to set a up partition behind Ian in the office? Remember Eric, only English spoken in the office😂👍 Eric: We already speak only in English via email no worries!! 😂 Taylor: Eric your dream came true 😂😂🎉 Eric: But he has Manon's accent. So strong French haha Adrian: Oh dear, should I have vetted this appointment?!😱😂 Gabriella: Another French guy in the office??? 🙈 Eric: Yes Gabriella! 🇫🇷 Gabriella: Did I mention I'm on holiday for another month ha?!?!
Eric is happy about the French who accepted the offer. Ian is enthusiastic but Adrian isn't. Grace is looking forward to meeting him but Gabriella isn't sure about it.
Hannah: hey Hannah: i need new brushes Nata: shopping? Hannah: yeah! Nata: so Saturday? Hannah: great see u Nata: see you soon
Hannah and Nata are going shopping together on Saturday.
Sam: How was the interview? Sam: It was today right? Brian: Yea, I don't thnik it went well :( Sam: Why? Brian: The guy who interviewed me asked me some totally strange questions and I had no idea what the asnwer should be... Sam: Maybe it was just some kind of personal test. Brian: Maybe… but I am not sure if I want to work with such crazy people.
Brian's interview didn't go well but he wouldn't like to work there anyway.
Kyle: Hey Jake any news about the weekend? Jake: Susan is coming Friday morning. We have to go to see her mother first Kyle: Ok. Where is she now? Jake: At home. She's fine but a bit bored... A nurse comes everyday but she can't go outside Kyle: Are you staying overnight? Jake: I think so... Kyle: When are you back? Jake: Saturday after lunch Kyle: Let me know if you want to meet Jake: Yeah we do! I'll talk to Susan today Kyle: Ok just let us know if Saturday night is ok for you Kyle: We're also free on Sunday Jake: I will tell you this afternoon. Susan has to be back at work Monday morning but I think Sunday would be ok Kyle: Just tell me and I'll find some place for dinner / lunch
Jake is with Susan's mother now. He will be back on Saturday after lunch. Kyle is free on Sunday and wants to meet Jake. Jake agrees. He will tell Kyle if he's free, this afternoon.
Bill: No offense man, but lately you have tendency to make poor choices Richard: What are you talking about? Bill: You choose to stay at home instead visiting us, when we rarely see each other. Bill: When a dream job knocks on to your door, you don't want to take part in recruting proccess because you watch tv series Bill: Finally, when your girl wants to take next step and move to you, you tell her it's not the best idea? Bill: What is going on with you? Richard: I have my reasons. Bill: No reason can justify the fact that you are lazy piece of shit little brother. If you won't change it, you're gonna have hard time in your life. Bill: Remember what I say at get your lazy ass to work. Bill: Because when parents decide to cut you off their money, you will suffer. Richard: Fuck off Bill. It's not your business. Bill: WTF Bill? Bill: I'm your fucking brother! Of course it's my business. Richard: I really don't want to have this conversation right now. Bill: There's never be a good time for you to listen to someone older and wiser. Richard: Wiser? You think you're a wise person that's worth to listen? Bill: Ok. Bye Richard. Hope you get your head clean of this shit you smoke. Richard: Bye
Bill thinks that Richard is lazy and makes poor life choices recently. Richard is Bill's little brother. Richard gets money from his parents. Richard doesn't want to talk about his choices.
Keith: The lecture room has changed from 102 to 210 today.(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Jesse: Where did you hear that? I couldn’t get messages from the school office?エェェ(´д`)ェェエ Keith: I don’t know. Suji sent me text. Jesse: Then where did Suji get this news from? エェェ(´д`)ェェエ Keith: I don’t know. The office always works like that.(゚д゚)
Keith learnt from Suji that the lecture room was switched from 102 to 210.
Carla: Hi, do I teach today? Mona: Yes. Carla: OK, cool. Mona: You'll have 7 people. Carla: Wow, it's getting better. Good to hear that :) Mona: Yes :) Carla: Ah, almost forgot. I'm leaving town 6-12 December. Do you want me to find someone to teach the class on the 8th? Mona: I don't know. I'll ask Mary. Carla: OK. Let me know. Mona: A propos, do you want to teach 22nd and 29th? Carla: 22nd - yes. 29th - no. Mona: Noted. Carla: And what about the 2nd January? Mona: I'll ask the girls wheather they want to come. Becasue the studio is open. Carla: Ok, great. In touch.
Carla is teaching a class of 7 today. She will be absent 6-12 December. She can teach on the 22nd but not 29th. Mona has to confirm January 2nd classes.
Eva: Meeting today with clients at 11 am sharp.. Jim: Yes sir Eva: Have you prepared the presentation Jim: Yes sir I have Jim: :thumbs
There's a meeting with clients today at 11 AM. Jim has prepared the presentation.
Fanny: where are you?!!! why are you not here at the office??!?! Jay: i overslept -- i'm really sorry!!! Fanny: WHAT?!?!? ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?!?!? Jay: yeah i'm sorry Fanny: UNBELIEVABLE Fanny: the meeting can't start without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fanny: we've been preparing this for months!!!!!!!!!!! Fanny: HOW CAN YOU NOT BE HERE?!?!?! Jay: i'm getting ready, trust me, I'll be there soon Fanny: HURRY UP!!! Jay: i'll be there in no time Fanny: GET - HERE - FAST!!!! Fanny: everyone is starting to get antsy Fanny: and i've run out of things to say Jay: if you stop texting me i'll get there faster Jay: just let me get ready, i'll hop in the car and go Fanny: ok i'm gonna stop texting Fanny: just get here FAST!!!
Fanny is very upset with Jay oversleeping on the day of the big meeting. Everybody is waiting and Jay is rushing over.
Isabelle: So, what time will you be there? Ryan: I won’t Isabelle: What?? Ryan: Me and Irma, we’re going to the cinema together Isabelle: Loool, not cool, both of you promised to come! Ryan: I know, but… we just want to spend some time together before I go to London Isabelle: Ooooookay, I can see sth’s going on o.O Ryan: Yea, kind of ;p Isabelle: Meaning…? ;d Ryan: Were going out a bit, that’s it Isabelle: Hmmm right, so what am I supposed to tell the others? Ryan: The truth :P
Ryan and Irma are going to the movies tonight instead of meeting Isabelle as promised. Ryan will be leaving for London soon and wants to spend time with Irma.
Nate: Where are you? Julien: I'm here, where r YOU? Nate: Here as well. Julien: Lol, great. :D Nate: Wait, I see you. Don't move.
Nate and Julien have both arrived in the agreed meeting place and they are trying to find each other.
Helen: How are you, love? Enjoying work? Ralph: Don't rub it in! Just cos you've got this week off! Helen: I was in the mood for something a bit exotic for dinner. How do you fancy a Tagine? Ralph: I've no idea, what is it? Helen: You are so unsophisticated! It's a Moroccan casserole, cooked in a special pot with a pointy lid. Ralph: Oh, you mean you're actually going to use your brothers present after all these years? Helen: Yes, it's been cluttering up the kitchen, it's time it saw some action! Anyway, I need ras- el-hanout, at least I think that's how it's spelled, it's a special spice mix. The corner shop won't have it and I don't feel like trekking 10 miles to Sainsbury's. Thought you could pick it up later. Ralph: I will, but won't it be a bit late to add it at 7 when I get home? Helen: Shit! Yes, didn't think of that! Oh, also, I don't have any lamb neck fillets either! Ralph: I suppose we'd better have beans on toast instead, then! Helen: Seems so! I'll cook it another time. See you later!
Helen has this week off work. She plans to cook Tagine, but she doesn't have ingredients. Ralph's coming back at 7 pm.
Matt: Have you heard about that? A slice of bread simulator game!! Liam: Omg, that just can’t be true. Is it real? Matt: Haha, yeah. Liam: Oh no, I just spit my hamburger on the screen. Thank you, bro. Matt: I’m just looking at the gameplay. It’s so unreal. HAHA! Liam: So basically you do play a game, in which you DO LIVE the life of a slice of bread? I don’t think I want to live on this planet anymore. Matt: Come on, it's funny!
There is a new computer game in which you live the life of a slice of bread. Liam and Matt can't believe it's true.
Terry: I have a question. Does anybody know what's the youngest country in the world Jenny: East Timor I think, why? Terry: a quiz here Mia: no! East Timor is old Mia: either Serbia or Montenegro, they split 2006 Kate: nope, i've just googled it Kate: South Sudan Kate: 2011 Mia: right, I completely forgot! Terry: guys! so what is the answer Mia: South Sudan Mia: Kate is right Kate: google is right Terry: right! haha
South Sudan is the youngest country in the world.
Lola: Are you coming to the June Ball? Laura: sure, everybody will be there Peter: don't forget to buy the tickets Laura: I have 2 already
Laura is coming to the June Ball. She already has 2 tickets.
Jackie: Hi, have you heard about Jason? Milly: Hi! No, what happened? Jackie: It's pretty stupid, you know :D It has to do with his leg Milly: Keep talking Jackie: Writing! Milly: What? Jackie: I'm writing, not talking ;) Milly: Ok, ok, just get to the point! Jackie: You've heard about this punk band he's just joined, right? Milly: Yeah, but what happened? Jackie: Last night he was trying to do some crowdsurfing, jumped off the stage and... Milly: ...and broke his leg? Jackie: No, he ended up falling on this huge biker guy and they both ended up covered in beer Milly: Ouch! So did that biker guy break his leg then? Jackie: No! No broken leg, apparently he said "that rocked, young fellow" and they invited him on stage where they all got drunk after the show Milly: So what happened to his leg? Jackie: After the show he was so drunk that he started kicking a big dog and the dog bit his leg Milly: Oh come on, it seems to me that you're the drunk one here XD
Jason jumped off the stage yesterday where he was crowdfunding for his new band. He landed on a big biker guy who liked his behaviour. The bike invited the biker on stage where they all got drunk after the concert. After the show, Jason kicked a dog and it bit his leg.
Leon: honey I left work early Leon: I thought I could fetch Millie from school and make some dinner? Hallie: oh that would be heaven! Leon: <file_gif> Leon: what time does Millie finish? Hallie: today its' 4 p.m. Leon: okie dokie Leon: I'll buy some chicken thighs and potatoes for dinner then Hallie: <file_gif> Hallie: see you in the evening! Leon: <file_gif>
Leon finished his work earlier. He will pick up Millie from school at 4 p.m. and make chicken thighs and potatoes for dinner.
Melissa: Harry, I am so stressed 'cause of this stupid exam on Monday! Harry: No worries Mel, everything will be fine. You've studied hard for a long tme! :) Melissa: But Hawkins hates me, I am sure the questions will be hard :( Harry: Try to stay positive! Melissa: Easier said than done... You are a genius and don't have to worry about such stuff:/ Harry: Everyone worries Mel, even geniuses XD
Melissa is stressed before an exam on Monday.
Clara: I have an interview tomorrow! Sophie: Wow, congratulations! Where? :) Clara: PwC :D Monica: Well done! Fingers crossed! Clara: Yeah, but they’re quite strict when it comes to dress code and I don’t have anything formal to wear. Sophie: What size are you? Clara: 36, generally Sophie: Ok, I may have something for you. Will this jacket be all right? Sophie: <file_photo> Monica: It’s great! Just wear this, white t-shirt and you’re good to go! Clara: Looks amazing, will pop to yours to give it a try :)
Clara has an interview in PwC tomorrow. She doesn't have anything formal to wear. She's size 36. Sophie will lend her a jacket. Clara will go to Sophie's place to try it.
Ruby: What about this? <file_other> Lisa: Seared sausage with cabbage and pink lady apples? I'd have to check if I have all the ingredients. Tony: Oh yeah! I made this last week! Delicious! Ruby: You need: olive oil, sweet Italian sausage, apples, red onion, red cabbage, salt, black pepper, apple cider, cider vinegar. Lisa: Out of sausages, cabbage and cider. Sorry, need another idea.
Ruby suggests a dish for Lisa to cook but she doesn't have the necessary ingredients.
Lawrence: Papa you're at home in the evening? When are you leaving? Papa: On Wednesday. Yes, I'm at home all day long. Lawrence: I'll pop in after jogging. Shorty before seven. Papa: Do so! You want to say goodbye? Lawrence: Just wanna see you. Shall we have a meal together, with Anna and Pat, before you go? Papa: Would be nice. My treat then. Lawrence: On Sunday? Lunch? Papa: Brunch in Schlosscafe. OK? Lawrence: Good. Will you phone Pat? Papa: :( Lawrence: OK I will. Papa: Thank you, son. Nothing against her, just prefer not to have to talk her. Lawrence: I see. No pro. Lawrence: What time shall we make it? Papa: 12ish? Lawrence: Suits fine. No booking necessary? Papa: I'd better make one as it's Sunday. Lawrence: I'll come and C U anyway tonight. Papa: I'll put beer in the fridge. Lawrence: And something to eat? Haven' t had lunch today. Papa: I'll fix you something nice. Lawrence: Ta papa! Cheers!
Papa is leaving on Wednesday. Papa will meet with Lawrence, Anna and Pat on Sunday for a brunch in Schlosscafe around 12. Lawrence will visit Papa tonight. Papa will prepare something to eat for him.
Katia: Have you tried Ligh Lunch catering? Maya: Yes! Katia: Is it good? Maya: The best so far. Katia: ok, thx!
According to Maya, Ligh Lunch catering is the best food service so far.
Ed: I'm going to get some coffee, anyone? Steve: wait for me plz Monica: one latte for me please!!! thank you :* Ed: Ok. Patty? Steve: I'm going for a smoke in 3 minutes, wait for me downstairs Patty: no thanks, I'm fine
Ed and Steve are going to get some coffee in 3 minutes. Monica wants one too but Patty doesn't want one.
Tyler: You want me to bring Cold coffee or Ice cream shake Anna: Coffee Tyler: Ok Coming back in 10 minutes. <3
Tyler will bring Anna cold coffee in 10 minutes.
Snape: Have you made any group for robotics project?? Eva: No, not yet Snape: Can I be your group partner Eva: Yeah sure Snape: Thank you
Snape wants to be in the group for robotics project with Eva. She agreed to that.
Devlin: u have new bad? Kira: yes, I bought it this weekend Devlin: verry nice! Devlin: Where? Kira: there's a new shop near my house Devlin: u need to show me Kira: sure, anytime:)
Kira bought a new bed this weekend at a new shop near her house.
Taylor: What music do you listen to? Valerie: Y? Taylor: OMG. Can't u just say? Valerie: Don't be so touchy! Country, pop, a bit of rock and sometimes rap. Taylor: I've got some good news 4 u :) Valerie: Rly? What is it? Taylor: I have 2 tickets 2 a rock concert :) Valerie: And? :) Taylor: Would u like to come with me? Valerie: Sure!
Taylor wants to go to a rock concert with Valerie. She agreed to go with Taylor.
Jake: Anyone free for movie after class on Friday? Jimmy: Sure, I have just one thing in library to do, but yeah Dom: I can't, gotta help out my mom Jimmy: Mama's boy:D good son:D Dom: Fuck off:D Gotta help out my mama
Jimmy will watch a movie with Jake after class on Friday. Dom needs to help out his mom, so he cannot join Jimmy and Jake.
Harrison: Bro. Which is you favourite Avenger. Mike: The Black Panther is the gaffer. Harrison: Haha. Because he has the African Accent? Mike: No man! his moves are just top class. Mike: I am starting to wonder who is yours Harrison: I will go for Captain America who looks more realistic but lethal Mike: Alright🙄
Mike's favourite Avenger is the Black Panther. Harrison's - Captain America.
Ashley: Karen, I loved your presentation. Karen: Thanks, dear 😘 Peter: It was great! Ashley: I loved the anecdotes Ashley: It was so interesting Karen: I'm happy you liked it Karen: 🙃
Karen had a presentation. Peter and Ashley participated and liked it.
Betty: what did you tag me in haha Daria: it's for a contest :D Betty: you're spamming me! Daria: but if I win, I win a trip to Thailand! Daria: for two ;) Betty: lmao Betty: if you win, you gonna take me right? Daria: obvs Betty: <3 Betty: ok how do we increase our chances of winning? Daria: you have to tag 2 people and like the page as well Betty: oh come on, then those people will expect me to take them XD Daria: yeah but I tagged you first, so I have priority over them :D Betty: <file_gif> Betty: Thailand here we come B)
If Betty and Daria win the contest, they will go to Thailand.
Holly: When is payday? Gerard: tomorrow Holly: That's great because I'm broke. Gerard: lol
The payday is tomorrow. Holly is broke.
Eloise: i guess i need a new mobile Tamsin: why? what? Eloise: my old nokia slowly dies Sheldon: what you looking for? Eloise: not i shit for sure. sth cheaper Miles: xiaomi? Eloise: dunno. i guess i'd prefer huawei or lg Miles: <file_photo> how about this one? Eloise: looks promising Sheldon: i heard it's a bit slow in the long run Miles: yeah but it can be upgraded. 2 cards. good camera Eloise: sheldon anything you recommend? Sheldon: i'm an old nokia lover so i'm not really objective Miles: he is, true. but the new nokia is worth a look Eloise: perhaps i'll give it a try
Eloise needs a new phone, but not iPhone, something less expensive. Miles recommends a phone, Eloise thinks it's promising, Sheldon recommends Nokia.
Charlie: just got a new high score! Archie: cool! Archie: how much? Charlie: 152.374 Charlie: almost 25000 more then the last one Archie: grats Archie: how long it took? Charlie: around 15 tries Charlie: still feel that I can do better Archie: nobody stopping you Charlie: need to finish homework first or my parents will kill me Charlie: cya at school
Charlie has just achieved his highest score of 152374, which is almost 25000 more than the previous one. It took him around 15 attempts. He needs to do this homework not to anger his parents.
Laura: I hate this time before xmas! Laura: I'm frreezing and all the shops r so crowded! Daniel: my poor little girl... Daniel: fuck it and come to my place Daniel: there's a lot of wine :D Laura: I can't fuck it but I can be 22 at yr place ;-) Laura: and wine is always a good idea Daniel: ok, me and wine will be waiting;-)
Laura will come to Daniel at 22. Daniel will be waiting for her with wine.
Ginger: hi Ginger: can you help me? Willow: ofc Ginger: i need falsies for onight Willow: but you know that it is something like toothbrush Willow: you cannot take mines Ginger: oh i understand
Ginger wants to borrow Willow's falsies but Willow says no.
Hailee: Hello walker. Where were you during class time? Walker: I was not feeling well. I had to go to the hospital. Hailee: Sorry about that. Hope you get well soon Walker: Thanks.
Walker was in hospital during class time.
Kamil: Hey Thomas: Hey, what's up? Kamil: I've been wondering if you want to go bowling tomorrow Thomas: nice, who else is coming? Kamil: me, Godek and Prosty with his girl Thomas: Hmm... Kamil: come on, it will be fun Thomas: Well, ok! Kamil: Great! Thomas: one more thing Kamil: Ye? Thomas: Can I bring my girlfriend? Kamil: Sure thing, more people more fun Thomas: Good, when and where exactly are we going there? Kamil: 8PM at the same place as the last time Thomas: Ok, see you there Kamil: See you!
Kamil, Thomas with his girlfriend, Godek and Prosty with his girl are going bowling tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the same place as the last time.
Maggie: What are you doing this weekend? Liz: Dunno. Probably studying. Why? Maggie: I thought we could go to the movies. Do you really have to study all the time? Liz: I've got a test on Monday. Maggie: And the weekend is looong :P Liz: What movie? Maggie: Yay, I knew it! Liz: Am I so predictable? :P Maggie: Yup. Totally. “Bohemian Rhapsody”. My brother has just seen it and says it's awesome. Liz: Yeah, I've read pretty good reviews. But let's go on Saturday, this way I'll still have the whole Sunday left for studying. Maggie: Sure thing. And maybe we could also go shopping? I need a new scarf. Liz: What happened to that blue one you bought last week? Maggie: Nothing. I just need one more. Come on, Liz, you know me :P Liz: Yeah, yeah, you're crazy about scarves. OK, I checked it, Saturday, 1 p.m. First cinema, then shopping. Maggie: And then pizza! :D Liz: Sounds like a plan! See u on Saturday then. Maggie: See u!
Liz has to study this weekend but finds time to go to the cinema, go shopping and have a pizza with Liz on Saturday. The movie starts at 1 p.m.
Tim: Guys, I want to tell you something Tim: I know it's a strange place and moment Tim: but I decided to become open about it Jim: go on! Tim: I have HIV Jim: it's nothing really important fo me Tim Laura: of course! are you doing well? on treatment? Tim: yes very well, I just didn't want to keep it secret anymore Peter: great decision! you're not the only one I know and I know it's nothing to be really worried about Tim: you're great guys! Laura: we love you!
Tim has HIV. Peter and Laura are very supportive.
Coleen: heyyyyyy Coleen: have you heard they are remaking pet sematary Glenn: what's that? Glenn: never heard of it Coleen: you've never heard of it??? Coleen: it's a stephen king classic!!! Glenn: is that the one about the cats coming back to life? Glenn: i know you are a horror fan… Glenn: and I don't mean to offend you… Glenn: but that sounds really stupid lol :-/ sorry Coleen: i thought you liked horror movies Glenn: not really, you must have me confused with someone else Coleen: didn't we watch friday the 13th together? Glenn: we did but I hated it Glenn: they're so silly Coleen: i thought you would be excited about this remake Glenn: you should ask sarah to go see it with you when it comes out Glenn: she loves horror movies Coleen: yeah that would be fun
There will be a remake of 'Pet Sematary' by Stephen King. Coleen is a fan of horrors. Coleen and Glenn watched 'Friday the 13th' together and Glenn hated it.
Paul: Are we going shopping this afternoon? Ashley: Yes of course, we still haven't bought Christmas gifts! Paul: Just great, I love buying presents for your family XD Ashley: Believe me I know how special they are! Paul: So I'm leaving work about 3.30 p.m. and we meet near the Queens Place Mall? Ashley: Yeah, I'll be there around 4 Paul: Do we have some ideas about what to buy? Ashley: Well I do have some ideas, I don't know how about you :) Paul: Very funny, see you there! Ashley: See you :*
Paul and Ashley are going to buy Christmas gifts for Ashley's family. They meet near the Queens Place Mall at around 4.
Joan: Where do you live actually Miley: Waterbury Joan: Nebraska? Miley: Connecticut of course Joan: the Brass City! Miley: hahah, yes! how come you know it? Joan: I had a boyfriend from Connecticut Miley: nice:)
Miley lives in Connecticut. Joan had a boyfriend from Connecticut.
James: Are you still stressed out? Sarah: Yes ☹ Lots of stress at home, at work and just everywhere James: Listen up, do you know that if you continue to be stressed out you’re gonna have memory loss before you turn 50? Sarah: Really? James: There’s been a study which revealed that the brain could be gradually damaged in a relatively young age long before any symptoms could be seen Sarah: Easier said than done. It’s impossible to live without stress! James: You can try. I’ll help you
Sarah is stressed out all the time. James warned her of the dangers of long-term stress. James wants to help Sarah.
Mica: Hey, I really liked your book review. very insightful. Andy: Thanks! It was a challenging book to write about, but fun too. Mica: Im going to post it on the website Tuesday and will let you know once its live. Andy: Thanks! I can't wait to hear what others think. Mica: It should get a lot of hits. Andy: excellent Mica: :)
Mica praises Andy's book review. Mica is going to post the review on the website on Tuesday then let Andy know. They expect it to be popular.
Jay: I am waiting by the Washroom Kale: Cant see u Kale: Oh okay nevermind I see u
Jay is waiting for Kale by the Washroom.
Mary: Where the hell are you? Becky's singing in five minutes Jacob: running late, sorry hun Mary: you're going to explain this to her Jacob: come on, there's a traffic Mary: don't care, bye
Jacob is stuck in traffic and will be late to hear Becky sing.
Kyle: Are we going to watch the game? Kian: sure, but where? Jodie: My place? Kian: I'd prefer some pub Kyle: me too, beer, crowd, it's a nice atmosphere Jodie: There is a nice bar next to my place Jodie: at Kendall Sq Kyle: ok, we can try sth new Kian: I'll be free at 7pm, will take a shower and we can meet at 8 Kyle: when does the match start? Kian: 8.30 Jodie: no, 8 Jodie: I've just check, they've moved it because of the weather forecast Kian: ok, then I have to leave earlier Kian: I'll write you in the afternoon Kyle: ok!
Kyle, Kian and Jodie agree to watch the game in a bar at Kendall Sq. The match starts at 8 o'clock.
Anna: Nice dress :-) Zoe: thx Anna: Zara? Zoe: C&A Anna: ok. Must check it :-)
Anna likes Zoe's C&A dress.
Theo: pizza! May: Already?! Theo: Do you have cash? They don't accept credit cards :/ Theo: May? May: I do, no worries, be there in 5
Theo has pizza, May will be there in 5 with cash.
Lucas: hi, what ru doing tonight? Ivy: hey, nothing special really. Why RU asking? Lucas: I've heard that there is a cool concert in the Irish Pub at 7 Ivy: hmm..not sure if I can go, I still need to study a bit Ivy: the exam is on Thursday Lucas: oh come on, it's Monday! Ivy: idk, perhaps I could go Ivy: but I won't stay long :) Lucas: oh right, as long as you come even for a bit Ivy: <3 <3 <3
Lucas invites Ivy to a concert in a pub at 7. Ivy cannot stay long but will join Lucas.
Victor: do you need me to pick you up from the airport David: that would be neat Victor: what time are you landing David: 17:30 at Sevilla Victor: SEVILLA??? David: yeah sorry David: Jerez was too expensive David: you don't have to pick me up if you can't Victor: no its ok
David is landing in Sevilla instead of Jerez at 17:30 as it was too expensive. Victor will pick him up from the airport.
Joseph: I have a surprise for you! Sara: Sweet <3 I'm curious. Joseph: You always are...
Joseph has a surprise for Sara.
Cindy: Hi Peter, the invitation for the New Year's party will be waiting for you at the office until 5PM tomorrow. Peter: Ok, thanks for letting me know. Who should ask about it? Cindy: It will be waiting for you at my desk. Do you know where to find me? Peter: Of course, I'll drop by tomorrow!
Peter will pick up the invitation to the New Year's party at the office tomorrow by 5 pm.
Brad: Hey, do you remember me? Claudia: No, not quite Claudia: Should I? Brad: We've met during the conference last month. Brad: You should remember me. Claudia: Wait a second... Claudia: Oh yes, Brad from morning session. Claudia: There must be a reason why you write. Brad: Indeed, I enjoyed your presentation, but I forgot to ask you about sources you had used. Claudia: Thank you for kind words. Here: Claudia: <file_other> Brad: Thank you so much. That means a lot. Claudia: I'm glad I could help :) Brad: Goodbye :)
Brad and Claudia met at the conference. Brad liked Claudia's presentation and wants to know the sources she used.
Yasmin: Thank you guys for tonight, it was the best party ever! <3 Paris: <file_gif> Daphne: <3 <3 <3 Cam: we have to do this more often! Xana: It was a BLAST!
Yasmin, Paris, Daphne, Cam and Xana were at a great party tonight.
Lolita: High handsome send me a selfie! Hugh: How old are you? Lolita: 15 and you? Hugh: Too old for you. And you are too young to be flirting about on line. Get on with your school work. Lolita: LOL OK Granddad.
Hugh doesn't want to send Lolita a selfie because she is too young.
Adam: Hey Charlie, gotta question for you. Charlie: Hey man, what's up? Adam: I'm having an issue. I just dropped Godwin who was on my bench and picked up Baron who plays tonight.Now it won't let me use Baron this week. Do you know why? Charlie: Ya. Yahoo won't let you do that. Adam: I have done it in the past. Charlie: I can change it for ya. Adam: Cool thanks. When did that change? Charlie: It's been a while, probably like five years ago. I've been doing it manually since then because it's a bullshit rule. Adam: Good to know. I appreciate it man! Charlie: No worries. Essentially they won't let you make any changes after Sunday night for this week. We've always had people wait until Monday though. Adam: Thanks for all the info! Charlie: Sure. You should be good to go now. Adam: Great. Thanks again Charlie: Ya, always ask with stuff like that
Adam has a problem with using Baron, because Yahoo introduced a new rule five years ago. He asks Charlie for help. Charlie helps Adam.
Duncan: Can't find my yellow bow tie Duncan: Have you seen it? Jerry: Justin borrowed it from you, don't you remember? Duncan: Of course! It seems that I'm living in La La Land Jerry: Haha :D Time to come down to earth, bro Duncan: Right :D
Justin borrowed Duncan's yellow bow tie.
Barbara: I know it's late, but I can see you're still online Barbara: I wanted yo ask you to send me those pics you took today Jimmy: Ahh. Ok. I will send it to you by mail. There are too many of the to send them here Barbara: Ok. Thanks a lot :) Jimmy: <file_photo> But this sexy girl has to land here :D Barbara: Oh stop it you :-]
Jimmy sent pictures he took today to Barbara on her request.
Hillary: Hey, girls! U remembered to pick up ur dresses, right? Jess: Sure did :) Lona: Not entirely. Hillary: Lona, y? Lona: Well, I went to the shop, but the dress wasn't there. Morgan: Had a similar problem. Mine was there, but the size was not right. Hillary: R u both joking?! Lona: No. Wouldn't dare. Morgan: Me neither. Jess: Dunno y. Mine was there, w8ing. Hillary: Calling them now. Furious. Hillary: So, turns out they've sent ur dress to another shop on the other side of town. Lona: Mine? Hillary: Yup. Morgan: What about mine? Hillary: Yours will be ready on time. Pick up at the same place. Lona: So, Morgan and I will have to go to the other location? Hillary: Seems so.
Jess picked up her dress. Morgan and Lona weren't available. Hillary called the dress shop. Lona and Morgan will have to pick up their dresses on the other side of town.
Monika: say hi to your new Facebook friend, Monika Keith: Hi, Monika. Monika: Hello. Do I know you from somewhere? Keith: Yes, you remember, I am Sophie's dad. Our kids were friends at school. Monika: Sophie from England? Keith: That's right, you do remember. Monika: I remember your Sophie punching my Paweł in the face, and me complaining to the school about it. How is she, anyway? Has she managed to stay out of prison? Keith: Yes, she is in Croatia now, for the holiday. She only punched him in the face because he was hitting her, by the way. Monika: Yes, but he was only hitting her because he liked her. But when she punched him back she broke his glasses, and you refused to pay for a new pair. Keith: That's right! So glad you remember us.
Monika's son Paweł and Keith's daughter Sophie were going to school together. Paweł used to hit Sophie, because he liked her. Sophie hit Paweł back once and broke his glasses. Keith refused to pay for Paweł's glasses. Sophie is in Croatia now for holidays.