Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: dermoscopy has become an integral part of diagnosing scalp disorders and differentiating cicatricial from noncicatricial alopecia . discoid lupus erythematosus ( dle ) is seen in 50 to 85% of patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus , and scalp involvement is most often the presenting symptom . accurate and rapid diagnosis is critical and if left untreated , scarring and atrophy commonly occur . dermoscopic findings described in scalp dle include follicular red dots , reduced follicular ostia , arborizing vessels , white patches , honeycomb pigmented network , blue - grey dots , and variable scaling.[24 ] follicular keratotic plugging is a typical feature of dle that can be easily appreciated on clinically and dermoscopically . clinically , the keratotic plugs have been referred to as the carpet tack sign since they project up similar to carpet tacks . we present here a case series of three females affected by scalp dle with prominent follicular plugging on dermoscopy and corresponding keratotic plugs on pathology . all dermoscopic images were obtained with the handyscope ( handyscope for iphone 4 , fotofinder , bad birnbach , bavaria , germany ) . a 40-year - old african american female with long - standing scarring alopecia presented to our clinic [ figure 1 ] . clinical examination revealed scarring alopecia of the vertex of the scalp with complete loss of pigmentation in the involved scalp except for sparing of a few pigmented patches . some areas of alopecia had an atrophic appearance but other areas showed prominent follicular plugging . dermoscopy showed reduced follicular density and numerous yellow keratotic follicular plugs [ figure 2 ] . a dermoscopy - guided 4 mm punch biopsy from the scalp area exhibiting the prominent follicular plugging was obtained . horizontal sections were bisected at the level of the lower follicle and multiple sections were examined on hematoxylin and eosin ( h and e ) . at the level of the fat and dermis in the dermis , there were dense nodular collections of lymphoid...
dermoscopy has become an integral part of diagnosing scalp disorders including discoid lupus erythematosus ( dle ) . follicular keratotic plugs are a marker of dle and correlate with the hyperkeratosis and plugging of the follicular ostia with keratotic material . they may be present in acute or chronic lesions and their presence alone or in conjunction with other described dermoscopic features can lead to timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment . we present three cases of scalp dle and discuss the clinical , dermoscopic and histopathologic features .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: simulating the dynamics of molecular systems on a digital computer requires that the equations of motion be discretized . the resulting discrete - time integration algorithm that governs the updates of particle positions and velocities will necessarily have properties that differ from the continuous equations of motion on which it was based . to construct such an algorithm , one must decide which properties of the original dynamics should be preserved . even then , a multitude of integration schemes may satisfy these properties and still recover the continuous stochastic equations of motion in the limit of an infinitesimally small time step . for integrating the deterministic classical equations of motion prescribed by newtonian dynamics , explicit symplectic integration schemes such as velocity verlet are now widely regarded as being optimal for condensed matter systems for a number of reasons : they are reversible , simple to implement , preserve phase space volume , require minimal force evaluations , and are generally stable over long integration times . for stochastic equations of motion in which the influence of some system components ( often the solvent ) are not represented explicitly , but instead by random collisions with fictitious particles no such generally adopted integrator yet exists . in particular , the dynamics produced by existing algorithms differ ( in a time step dependent manner ) in important respects from the dynamics of the continuous equations of motion . nevertheless , significant effort has been devoted to developing such stochastic integrators due to their utility in simulating many systems of interest to the chemical , biophysical , and physical sciences . driven nonequilibrium systems present their own set of special challenges . for example , a powerful set of nonequilibrium work fluctuation theorems permit the computation of equilibrium properties of systems from their nonequilibrium statistics , but require as input...
when simulating molecular systems using deterministic equations of motion ( e.g. , newtonian dynamics ) , such equations are generally numerically integrated according to a well - developed set of algorithms that share commonly agreed - upon desirable properties . however , for stochastic equations of motion ( e.g. , langevin dynamics ) , there is still broad disagreement over which integration algorithms are most appropriate . while multiple desiderata have been proposed throughout the literature , consensus on which criteria are important is absent , and no published integration scheme satisfies all desiderata simultaneously . additional nontrivial complications stem from simulating systems driven out of equilibrium using existing stochastic integration schemes in conjunction with recently developed nonequilibrium fluctuation theorems . here , we examine a family of discrete time integration schemes for langevin dynamics , assessing how each member satisfies a variety of desiderata that have been enumerated in prior efforts to construct suitable langevin integrators . we show that the incorporation of a novel time step rescaling in the deterministic updates of position and velocity can correct a number of dynamical defects in these integrators . finally , we identify a particular splitting ( related to the velocity verlet discretization ) that has essentially universally appropriate properties for the simulation of langevin dynamics for molecular systems in equilibrium , nonequilibrium , and path sampling contexts .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: computed tomography ( ct ) angiography is an established modality for evaluation of a variety of peripheral vascular disorders including peripheral arterial diseases ( pad ) and peripheral vascular malformations . besides increasing detector rows allowing shorter acquisition time , an equally important component of this success is the evolution of techniques to trigger the scan at an appropriate time . over the years , bolus tracking technique in ct has become the most popular and is a time - tested technique . in patients with asymmetrical pad , variable transit time of contrast through the diseased vessels can render their opacification inadequate . such pitfalls can also occur in patients with vascular malformations of the extremities which has not been highlighted in the literature to the best of our knowledge . we present a case of lower limb arteriovenous malformation ( avm ) , where bolus tracking technique failed to trigger the scan acquisition as the threshold hounsfield value ( hu ) could not be attained . a 27-year - old female , a diagnosed case of left foot avm , presented with asymmetrical enlargement of the left lower limb since childhood and recent onset bleeding from the foot following trivial trauma . on examination , there was swelling of left lower limb , predominantly of the left foot and leg . oozing of fresh blood was noted from a small ulcer over the lateral aspect of foot . a ct angiography ( cta ) was planned to evaluate the avm and contemplate angioembolization . cta was performed on a 64-detector ct scanner ( lightspeed vct ; ge healthcare , buckinghamshire , uk ) at 120 kvp , 250 ma , collimation of 0.625 mm , and reconstruction interval of 1.25 mm , pitch of 0.5 , and scan time of 9 sec . one hundred milliliters of iohexol ( omnipaque 300 ; ge healthcare , princeton , nj , usa ) was injected without a saline flush at a rate of 4 ml / sec through an 18-gauge cannula placed in the right antecubital fossa . a circular region of interest ( roi ) was placed covering approximately two...
multidetector computed tomography angiography ( mdcta ) has become a well - established modality for limb angiography for a variety of indications . the technique of mdcta depends on the scanner features including the number of detector rows , rotation speeds and single or dual source energy . integral to a diagnostic quality cta is the acquisition timing . various techniques are available for determining the appropriate timing of scan acquisition which includes fixed delay , test bolus and the bolus tracking technique . the transit times of contrast from the aorta to the peripheral arteries shows a wide variability and is dependent upon the inter individual hemodynamic states . the bolus tracking technique is the most preferred one which allows reliable scan timing with acceptable contrast volume and radiation dose . pitfalls with all these techniques are well described and we report one such technical pitfall in a case of left foot arteriovenous malformation ( avm ) where the bolus tracking technique employed for scan triggering failed to initiate acquisition .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: strains , plasmids , and oligonucleotides used in this study are shown in supplementary table 2 . d. dadantii competition assays on chicory were carried out as described in supplementary methods . ec93 and d. dadantii 3937 cdia - ct - cdii deletions and cdia chimeras the 3 end of cdia and all of cdii from upec 536 kpsk15 aracba specrexbad - cdibai ( dl5646 ) were replaced with cdia - ct ( sequence immediately following vennx ) and cdii from e. coli ec93 , y. pestis co92 ( accession number q7cgd9 ) , or d. dadantii 3937 region 2 ( see supplementary methods ) . the kpsk15 capsule mutation was used to increase the efficacy of cdi , based on our previous results showing that capsule production blocks cdi 3 . immunity plasmids were constructed by ligating pcr - amplified cdii genes into plasmid pbr322 under tet promoter control ( fig . the immunity plasmids were constructed by ligating pcr - amplified cdii genes into the minitn7 delivery plasmid puc18r6kt - minitn7 t under tet promoter control ( see supplementary methods ) . 2b ) was carried out by cloning specific sequences amplified by pcr into plasmid plac1114 under lac promoter control . all plasmids were propagated in epi100 acrb mutant strain dl5154 to mitigate toxic effects . in vivo interactions between cdia - ct and cdii were determined using a modified bacth bacterial two - hybrid system ( euromedex ) 8 . -galactosidase14 and fluorescence3 analyses were carried out as previously described . in vitro affinity pull - downs with his6-tagged cdii / cdia - ct cdia - ct was released by denaturation in buffer containing 6 m guanidine - hcl , and his6-tagged cdii was released in native buffer supplemented with 250 mm imidazole .
summary paragraphbacteria have developed mechanisms to communicate and compete with one another in diverse environments 1 . a new form of intercellular communication , contact - dependent growth inhibition ( cdi ) , was discovered recently in escherichia coli 2 . cdi is mediated by the cdib / cdia two - partner secretion system . cdib facilitates secretion of the cdia exoprotein onto the cell surface . an additional immunity protein ( cdii ) protects cdi+ cells from autoinhibition 2 , 3 . the mechanisms by which cdi blocks cell growth and cdii counteracts this growth arrest are unknown . moreover , the existence of cdi activity in other bacteria has not been explored . here we show that the cdi growth inhibitory activity resides within the carboxy - terminal region of cdia ( cdia - ct ) , and that cdii binds and inactivates cognate cdia - ct , but not heterologous cdia - ct . bioinformatic and experimental analyses show that multiple bacterial species encode functional cdi systems with high sequence variability in the cdia - ct and cdii coding regions . cdia - ct heterogeneity implies that a range of toxic activities are utilized during cdi . indeed , cdia - cts from uropathogenic e. coli and the plant pathogen dickeya dadantii have different nuclease activities , each providing a distinct mechanism of growth inhibition . finally , we show that bacteria lacking the cdia - ct and cdii coding regions are unable to compete with isogenic wild - type cdi+ cells in both laboratory media and upon a eukaryotic host . taken together , these results suggest that cdi systems constitute an intricate immunity network that plays an important role in bacterial competition .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: lipoid pneumonia ( lp ) is a rare inflammatory disease of the lung parenchyma caused by accumulation of fatty oily material in the alveoli . exogenous lipoid results from aspiration or inhalation of mineral , vegetable , or animal oil into the peripheral lung . children can aspirate large amounts of different oily materials , mineral oil being the most frequently encountered substance , and this happens especially when certain risk factors are present . the aspiration of fatty material elicits a pulmonary inflammatory reaction that produces non - specific clinical and radiologic findings , often similar to those of bacterial pneumonia and tuberculosis , complicating or delaying the diagnosis . thus , it is imperative to identify correctly this entity when there is a high degree of suspicion , through a thorough and focused noting of patient 's medical history and an accurate recognition of its radiologic manifestations . we present a case of acute lp in a 5-month - old infant due to accidental mineral oil aspiration , confirmed by analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage ( bal ) and focus on the radiologic findings showing evolution of parenchymal lesions over a follow - up period of 7 years . this was a case report of a 5-month - old male infant who was admitted as an emergency case to a secondary care hospital with acute onset of high - grade fever and respiratory distress . the chest x - ray showed bilateral extensive consolidation involving mainly the lower lobes of the lungs . he was placed on broad spectrum antibiotics and bronchodilatory inhalers , in response to which he showed no clinical improvement over a period of 2 days . therefore , and in view of his deteriorating clinical status , he was urgently transferred to our hospital for further management . upon arrival , the infant was in respiratory distress requiring 4 l / min of oxygen to keep his oxygen saturation above 90% . further examination of the infant revealed dysmorphic features such as low set ears , generalized muscular hypotony , and delayed...
acute lipoid pneumonia ( lp ) in children is a rare disorder caused by the aspiration of oil - based substances and is difficult to diagnose due to non - specific clinical symptoms and radiological findings . we report the case of a 5-month - old male infant with acute lp caused by accidental aspiration of a large amount of mineral oil . we present the imaging findings in the computed tomography scans performed during his hospitalization and focus on the residual abnormalities seen on a scan performed 7-years after the incident . this , to the best of our knowledge , is the longest follow - up report of an acute exogenous lp patient and the only case that demonstrates non - resolving abnormalities in a pediatric patient after a single acute episode of mineral oil aspiration .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: x - ray digital subtraction angiography ( dsa ) has been the gold standard investigation in the evaluation of intracranial aneurysms both before and after surgical clipping [ 13 ] . two - dimensional ( 2d ) dsa has been used over the years and has been supplemented by three - dimensional ( 3d ) rotational angiography ( ra ) which has been shown to be superior in evaluation of untreated aneurysms with regard to aneurysm detection rate , morphology delineation , and size estimation , features which have a direct implication in the treatment planning . thus , now 3d ra is being labelled as the new gold standard [ 49 ] . considering the added advantage of 3d ra over 2d dsa in evaluation of native aneurysms , it follows that the same could also be applicable to evaluation of clipped aneurysms . we undertook the study to assess whether 3d ra compared favourably to 2d dsa in picking up aneurysm remnant / recurrence . 47 consecutive patients referred to the authors for follow up angiograms after surgical clipping were taken into study and underwent both 2d dsa and 3d ra on a neurostar biplane neuroangiography suite ( siemens , erlangen , germany ) . the 2d views taken were anteroposterior ( ap ) , lateral ( lat ) , and right and left anterior obliques ( rao , lao ) and a view with specific angle determined by preoperative dsa showing the neck of the aneurysm . 3d ra was subsequently performed , acquired data transferred to the work station ( inspace , leonardo vb30b , siemens ag , berlin and munchen , 2003 ) automatically , and reconstruction process started immediately . 3d reconstruction and rendering : various rendering techniques [ 1014 ] were employed in each case : maximum intensity projection ( mip ) , surface shaded display ( ssd ) , volume rendered transparent ( vrt ) , and two - color coils and clips . the aneurysm residue / recurrence was assessed by two authors ( sk and nkm ) and classified as per sindou et al . into 5 grades : grade 1 : less than 50% of neck implantation ; grade 2 : more than 50% of...
introduction . 3d rotational angiography ( ra ) is indispensable for evaluation of intracranial aneurysms , providing infinite viewing angles and defining the aneurysm morphology . its role in follow - up of clipped aneurysms remains unclear . we aimed to compare the aneurysm residue / recurrence detection rate of 3d ra with 2d digital subtraction angiography ( dsa ) . methods . 47 patients harboring 54 clipped aneurysms underwent both 2d dsa and 3d ra . the residual / recurrent aneurysms were classified into five grades and the images of both modalities were compared . results . the residual / recurrent aneurysm detection rate was 53.70% ( 29/54 aneurysms ) with 2d dsa and 66.67% ( 36/54 aneurysms ) with 3d ra ( p = 0.05 ) . in 12 aneurysms , 3d ra upgraded the residue / recurrence among which nine had been completely not detected on 2d dsa and were found to have grade one or two residual necks on the 3d ra , and , in three cases , a small neck on 2d dsa turned out to be aneurysm sac on 3d ra . in a total of 5 aneurysms , the classification was downgraded by 3d ra . conclusion . 3d ra picks up more aneurysm residue / recurrence ; hence , both 2d dsa and 3d ra should be performed in follow - up evaluation of clipped aneurysms .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: male sprague dawley rats were made diabetic with a single intraperitoneal injection of 75 mg / kg stz ( sigma , st louis , mo ) . insulin implants ( two linplant implants ; linshin canada , toronto , on , canada ) were placed subcutaneously into stz - diabetic rats after 18 weeks of diabetes and kept in place for 4 weeks . animal procedures followed the guidelines of the university of manitoba animal care committee using the canadian council of animal care rules . immortalized sc16 schwann cells were cultured in low glucose dulbecco 's modified eagle 's medium containing 125 mg / l c6-lysine ( k6 ) and 84 mg / l c6,n4-arginine ( r10 ) ( cambridge isotopes , andover , ma ) , 10% dialyzed fcs ( atlas biologicals , fort collins , co ) , and antibiotics ( 22 ) . crude mitochondria from labeled cells were obtained by differential centrifugation and purified through a discontinuous nycodenz gradient ( 23 ) . for quantitative analysis of the drg mitochondrial proteome , the k6r10-labeled mitochondria were used as a source of culture - derived isotope tags to serve as internal standards ( 20 ) . after assessing the protein concentration of the preparations , the unlabeled mitochondrial protein ( k0r0 ) obtained from each of the control ( n = 4 ) , diabetic ( n = 3 ) , and diabetic + insulin ( n = 4 ) treatments were mixed in a 2:1 ratio with k6r10 labeled mitochondria . total protein ( 6070 g ) was subjected to sds - page , the gel was stained with colloidal coomassie blue , and lanes were cut into 5 1 cm pieces . a detailed description of these parameters is provided in supplementary table 1 in the online appendix 2 at . lumbar drg sensory neurons from adult male sprague - dawley rats were isolated and dissociated as described ( 6,16 ) . cells were plated onto poly - d - l - ornithine hydrobromide and laminin - coated 25-mm glass cover slips ( german glass # 1 , electron microscopy sciences , hatfield , pa ) . neurons were grown in defined hams...
objectiveimpairments in mitochondrial function have been proposed to play a role in the etiology of diabetic sensory neuropathy . we tested the hypothesis that mitochondrial dysfunction in axons of sensory neurons in type 1 diabetes is due to abnormal activity of the respiratory chain and an altered mitochondrial proteome.research design and methodsproteomic analysis using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture ( silac ) determined expression of proteins in mitochondria from dorsal root ganglia ( drg ) of control , 22-week - old streptozotocin ( stz)-diabetic rats , and diabetic rats treated with insulin . rates of oxygen consumption and complex activities in mitochondria from drg were measured . fluorescence imaging of axons of cultured sensory neurons determined the effect of diabetes on mitochondrial polarization status , oxidative stress , and mitochondrial matrix - specific reactive oxygen species ( ros).resultsproteins associated with mitochondrial dysfunction , oxidative phosphorylation , ubiquinone biosynthesis , and the citric acid cycle were downregulated in diabetic samples . for example , cytochrome c oxidase subunit iv ( cox iv ; a complex iv protein ) and nadh dehydrogenase fe - s protein 3 ( ndufs3 ; a complex i protein ) were reduced by 29 and 36% ( p < 0.05 ) , respectively , in diabetes and confirmed previous western blot studies . respiration and mitochondrial complex activity was significantly decreased by 15 to 32% compared with control . the axons of diabetic neurons exhibited oxidative stress and depolarized mitochondria , an aberrant adaption to oligomycin - induced mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization , but reduced levels of intramitochondrial superoxide compared with control.conclusionsabnormal mitochondrial function correlated with a downregulation of mitochondrial proteins , with components of the respiratory chain targeted in lumbar drg in diabetes . the reduced activity of the respiratory chain was associated with diminished superoxide...
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the patient can be positioned supine on a radiolucent operating room table or placed in the beach chair position . fluoroscopic images are obtained to confirm visualization with the image intensifier prior to prepping and draping the patient 's shoulder , neck , and arm . full anesthetic relaxation allows for less traumatic retraction of the deltoid and minimizes dynamic forces on the fracture fragments during reduction . a deltopectoral exposure is used to expose the proximal humerus , as described previously by badman and mighell.6 ) the coracoacromial ligament may be partially or completely released . similarly , the coracohumeral ligament is released . the long head of the biceps brachii tendon is identified at its position medial to insertion of the pectoralis major on the humerus . however , if left in situ , the long head of the biceps brachii can be a source of pain and we often tenodese it at the time of plate fixation in older patients or those with grossly poor tendon quality . the transverse humeral ligament is released with a knife or electrocautery as the biceps is traced superiorly , and as the tendon courses superiorly , it is used to define the rotator cuff interval . after the rotator interval is released to the base of the coracoid process , the long head of the biceps can be released from the supraglenoid tubercle and superior glenoid labrum if there is a plan for tenodesis . heavy nonabsorbable sutures are placed in the subscapularis , supraspinatus , and infraspinatus tendons at the myotendinous junction . temporary traction sutures are often necessary to help mobilize the tendons to obtain better suture purchase more medially . the bone quality in these patients is typically poor , and sutures should be placed in the stronger rotator cuff tendons rather than through the soft , metaphyseal bone of the tuberosities . we have found that unlocked horizontal mattress sutures are adequate . traction sutures should be placed in the tendinous insertions to hold and reduce the fragments securely...
fixation of proximal humerus fractures with precontoured , fixed angle devices has improved operative management of these difficult injuries , particularly in patients with osteoporosis . however , recent data has revealed that fixation with these constructs is not without complications , particularly screw cut - out and loss of reduction . multiple strategies have been developed to decrease the number of complications . we offer a surgical technique combining suture augmentation of the proximal humerus with locked plate fixation utilizing short screws .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: cyclin - dependent kinase non - small cell lung cancer pumilio rna - binding family member 1/2 e3 ubitiquitin ligase oncosuppressor mirnas have emerged as powerful post - transcriptional inhibitors of genetic programs controlling cancer cell proliferation , survival , invasion , metastasis , and stemness . moreover , the in vivo inhibition of tumor growth achieved in mouse cancer models by re - expression of well - characterized tumor suppressor mirnas , such as mir-34 and let-7 , suggests strong therapeutic potential . experimentally validated bioinformatics analyses show that cell cycle components are highly enriched among targets of the major tumor suppressor mirnas . several g1- and s - phase cyclins ( d1 , d3 , and e2 ) and cyclin - dependent kinases ( cdk4 and cdk6 ) represent key targets of let-7 , mir-15/16 , and mir-34 families . conversely , several oncomirs target the expression of cdk inhibitors ; for example members of the mir-1792 and mir-106b25 oncogenic clusters target the p21 transcript . the cdk inhibitor p27 is lost or inactivated in cancer cells by multiple mechanisms , including decreased synthesis , increased proteolysis , and mislocalization . the p27 and p57 transcripts are critical targets of the closely related mir-221 and mir-222 oncomirs , which are overexpressed in multiple solid tumors including non - small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) . downregulation of mir-340 has been reported in multiple tumors such as breast , colon , neuroblastoma , and osteosarcoma , in which mr-340 expression positively correlates with better prognosis . experimentally validated mir-340 targets include disparate cellular components such as the tyrosine kinase met in breast cancer , the transcription factors sox2 in neuroblastoma and mitf in melanoma , and the cytoskeletal regulator rock1 in osteosarcoma . mir-340 expression inversely correlates with clinical staging in nsclc patients , whereas exogenous mir-340 inhibits proliferation and survival in nsclc - derived cells . mir-340induced growth arrest...
oncosuppressor mirnas inhibit cancer cell proliferation by targeting key components of the cell cycle machinery . in our recent report we showed that mir-340 is a novel tumor suppressor in non - small cell lung cancer . mir-340 inhibits neoplastic cell proliferation and induces p27kip1 by targeting multiple translational and post - translational regulators of this cyclin - dependent kinase inhibitor .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: this work was supported by feder funds and fondo social europeo through grants from the junta de andaluca ( grants cvi-7335 to t.k . and cvi-7391 to ) and the spanish ministry for economy and competitiveness ( grants bio2010 - 16937 and bio2013 - 42297 to t.k ; grant bfu2010 - 17946 to ) .
abstractapart from inter - bacteria communication quorum sensing ( qs ) mechanisms also enable inter - domain interactions . to interfere with bacterial qs , plants were found to secrete compounds ; most of which of unknown identity . we have identified the plant compound rosmarinic acid ( ra ) to modulate pseudomonas aeruginosa qs by binding to the rhlr qs regulator . ra was found to be a homoserine - lactone ( hsl ) mimic that caused agonistic effects on transcription , resulting ultimately in a stimulation of several rhlr controlled phenotypes like virulence factor synthesis or biofilm formation . our study was initiated by in silico screening of an rhlr model with compound libraries , demonstrating that this approach is suitable to tackle a major bottleneck in signal transduction research , which is the identification of sensor protein ligands . previous work has shown that plant compounds interfere with the function of orphan qs regulators . our study demonstrates that this has not necessarily to be the case since rhlr forms a functional pair with the rhli synthase . a wide range of structurally dissimilar compounds have been found to mimic hsls suggesting that this class of qs regulators is characterized by a significant plasticity in the recognition of effector molecules . further research will show to what extent ra impacts on qs mechanisms of other bacteria .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: over two thirds of us residents are overweight and about one - third are obese.1 approximately 11% of the adult us population has type 1 or type 2 diabetes , and this number is expected to double by 2050.2,3 type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common form of diabetes , accounting for 90%95% of all cases . it is more common in adults , but can also occur in children and adolescents . the cause of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes is usually a combination of insulin resistance and increased hepatic glucose production . patients with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of cardiovascular disease , so it is important to assess each patient s cardiometabolic risk factors . these include overweight / obesity , smoking , hypertension , hyperlipidemia , sedentary lifestyle , inflammation and hypercoagulation , and demographic factors including age , gender , and race . the majority of patients with type 2 diabetes are obese or have increased abdominal fat.2,4 obesity is one factor contributing to insulin resistance . however , it is clear that most overweight individuals do not develop type 2 diabetes . therefore , other risk factors must be involved in the development of diabetes in overweight individuals . little is known in this area , but these risk factors are believed to include inflammatory cytokines ( tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6 ) , insulin resistance , increased free fatty acids , and cellular mechanisms , such as mitochondrial dysfunction.5 the exact importance and relationship of these factors with the development of diabetes is poorly defined . genetic studies may allow us to understand better the complex relationship between these various contributing factors and to identify more precisely individuals who may develop type 2 diabetes . successful management of type 2 diabetes typically involves lifestyle modification ( nutrition and exercise ) and pharmacological therapy , although lifestyle intervention may suffice initially in highly motivated individuals with mild hyperglycemia.6 weight loss of...
type 2 diabetes and obesity commonly occur together . obesity contributes to insulin resistance , a main cause of type 2 diabetes . modest weight loss reduces glucose , lipids , blood pressure , need for medications , and cardiovascular risk . a number of approaches can be used to achieve weight loss , including lifestyle modification , surgery , and medication . lorcaserin , a novel antiobesity agent , affects central serotonin subtype 2a receptors , resulting in decreased food intake and increased satiety . it has been studied in obese patients with type 2 diabetes and results in an approximately 5.5 kg weight loss , on average , when used for one year . headache , back pain , nasopharyngitis , and nausea were the most common adverse effects noted with lorcaserin . hypoglycemia was more common in the lorcaserin groups in the clinical trials , but none of the episodes were categorized as severe . based on the results of these studies , lorcaserin was approved at a dose of 10 mg twice daily in patients with a body mass index 30 kg / m2 or 27 kg / m2 with at least one weight - related comorbidity , such as hypertension , type 2 diabetes mellitus , or dyslipidemia , in addition to a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity . lorcaserin is effective for weight loss in obese patients with and without type 2 diabetes , although its specific role in the management of obesity is unclear at this time . this paper reviews the clinical trials of lorcaserin , its use from the patient perspective , and its potential role in the treatment of obesity .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the success of restorative procedures depend on effective removal of infected dentin prior to the placement of the restorative material . failure to mechanically remove any carious portion and not being able to achieve complete disinfection may lead to microleakage , increased pulp sensitivity , pulpal inflammation , and eventually may cause secondary caries , thereby making it necessary to replace the restoration . therefore , application of cavity disinfectant before tooth restoration is gaining acceptance . the main objective of adhesive dentistry is to create an effective , durable union between tooth structure and the restorative material . the resin to dentin adhesion occurs through the infiltration into and polymerization of hydrophilic resins within the collagen matrix exposed through acid decalcification of dentin , thus forming a hybrid layer . the durability of the dentine adhesive interface is directly related to the quality of hybrid layer and the hydrophilic nature of the adhesive . in case of etch and rinse adhesives , it is pertinent that the adhesive resin monomer penetrates the acid - etched exposed dentine collagen fibrils . certain mechanisms have been proposed to improve dentin adhesion i.e. , adjunctive collagen pretreatment , matrix metalloproteinases ( mmp ) inhibitors , etc . different types of mmps have been identified from human dentin , including mmps 2 , 3 , 8 , 9 , 20 . both mmps and cysteine cathepsins contribute to the degradation of denuded collagen within the hybrid layer . chlorhexidine ( chx ) has been widely used as a cavity disinfectant because of its antimicrobial property . it also has an inhibitory effect on the mmps ( against mmps 2 , 8 , 9 ) in the dentin . this effect can be useful in preventing collagen degradation and disintegration of the bonding interface over time . in recent years , the potential for the inhibition of mmps by substances derived from natural products has gained increasing attention . a. barbadensis miller ( aloe vera ) is a short succulent herb...
introduction : the main objective of adhesive dentistry is to create an effective , durable union between the tooth structure and restorative material . however , degradation of adhesive dentine interface remains largely responsible for the relatively short lifetime of tooth colored resin restoration.aim:the aim of the study is to compare the dentin collagen stabilization property of chlorhexidine ( chx ) and aloe barbadensis miller using shear bond strength testing.materials and methods : occlusal reduction was done in sixty extracted human mandibular molars to expose the mid coronal dentin and divided into three groups n = 20 . following the surface pretreatment ( group 1 = control , group 2 = chx , group 3 = aloevera ) , dentine bonding agent and composite resin were applied and cured . the specimens were then subjected to shear bond strength testing.results:from the results analyzed , it was noted that there was statistically significant difference between the groups control and chx and control and a. barbadensis miller ( p < 0.05 ) , specifically the values of control < chx and control < a. barbadensis miller ( p < 0.05 ) . however , there was no statistically significant difference between chx and a. barbadensis miller ( p > 0.05 ) . hence , the following result for the shear bond strengths to dentin was obtained : control < chx a. barbadensis miller.conclusion:chx and a. barbadensis miller , as pretreatment agents of acid demineralized dentin collagen , has no adverse effect on the immediate shear bond strength of a two - step etch and rinse adhesive to dentin .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: current treatment strategies for breast cancer depend on disease stage , tumor grade , tumor hormone receptor status , and whether there is over - expression or amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor ( her ) . because of the availability of numerous agents , patients with breast cancer may receive several different lines of treatment throughout the course of their disease . once the disease has reached the metastatic stage , therapeutic strategies are chosen because they have the potential to achieve symptom palliation while significantly prolonging progression - free survival ( pfs).17 however , tumors may respond to many available agents by upregulating survival pathways.8 these mechanisms can render the tumor resistant to multiple , sometimes unrelated classes of therapy , presenting an enormous clinical challenge . if tumor resistance develops , the disease may eventually progress despite therapy , necessitating use of agents that are believed to have no cross resistance to previously used drugs , or agents that are able to circumvent such resistance.9,10 furthermore , some patients have innate resistance to a particular drug or regimen and may not respond at all.9 because tumors may adapt to anticancer agents , response rates and survival outcomes tend to decrease with each subsequent line of therapy . given that most patients with recurrent breast cancer have already been exposed to an anthracycline ( eg , doxorubicin , epirubicin ) and a taxane ( eg , paclitaxel , docetaxel ) in the adjuvant setting , there is a need for therapies that are noncross - resistant with these two classes of cytotoxic agents . the epothilones comprise a novel class of chemotherapeutic agents that have a low susceptibility to multiple mechanisms of tumor survival that can result in treatment failure.1115 currently , ixabepilone is the only epothilone to receive approval through the us food and drug administration ( fda ) for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in...
the epothilone analog ixabepilone exhibits reduced susceptibility to several important tumor survival mechanisms that limit the efficacy of taxanes and anthracyclines . as a single agent , ixabepilone has shown promise in metastatic breast cancer when anthracyclines , taxanes , or capecitabine have failed ; and in early - stage breast cancer that is taxane - nave or has previously received taxanes in the adjuvant or metastatic setting . compared with capecitabine alone , ixabepilone used in combination with capecitabine in patients previously treated with and resistant to anthracyclines and taxanes produced a 25% reduction in the risk of disease progression . triple - negative tumors showed particular susceptibility to this doublet . ixabepilone has also demonstrated efficacy as first - line therapy in combination with targeted agents such as bevacizumab and trastuzumab . ongoing investigations should provide insight as to how this agent could be integrated into treatment of early - stage disease . in clinical studies , toxicities with ixabepilone were manageable and reversible through dose reduction or delay , even in patients with extensive or heavily - pretreated disease . thus , ixabepilone represents a useful addition to the therapeutic options available for advanced breast cancer , and it may extend progression - free survival in patients with limited treatment options .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: it is caused by a deficiency of both hexosaminidase ( hex ) a and b , resulting in accumulation of glycosphingolipids and oligosaccharides in the brain . it has three clinical subtypes ( infantile , juvenile , and adult forms ) and represents around 7% of cases among all the lysosomal storage disorders . the infantile form presents in the first 618 months of age with regression of milestones , developmental delay , startle response , hypotonia , cherry red spots , and convulsions . we report this case as the infant presented with regression without hepatosplenomegaly and confirmed by gene testing . a 1-year - old second born male child , born to a third - degree consanguineously married couple with uneventful perinatal history , was brought with regression of milestones and seizures . the onset of clinical symptoms began at the age of 6 months with gradual loss of the milestones . the child had achieved response to sounds by 2 months ; head holding , social smile , and recognition of mother by 3 months of age . initially , he lost social smile and recognition of mother followed by control of neck . he lost all the milestones by 89 months of age . the child developed exacerbated startle response since 8 months of age and multiple episodes of right - sided focal seizures from 11 months of age . there was a history of sibling death at the age of 18 months with similar complaints . on examination , head circumference was 44 cm ( between 3 and 15 centile ) with coarse facies . the tone was increased in all the limbs with power of 3/5 ( medical research council grade ) . fundus examination showed cherry - red spot in the macula , and there was no hepatosplenomegaly . magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) shows hyperintensity of the basal ganglia ( long white arrow ) and hypointensity of the ventral thalami ( open arrow ) on t2-weighted sequences [ figure 1 ] . based on above findings suspected to be a case of sandhoff disease , the enzyme assay in leukocytes for hexosaminidase total ( a + b ) revealed 61 nmhol / h /...
sandhoff disease is a neurodegenerative disease caused due to deficiency of hexosaminidase ( hex ) a and b. a 1-year - old male child presented with regression of milestones , exaggerated startle response , decreased vision , and seizures from 6 months of age . the child had coarse facies without hepatosplenomegaly . serum levels of hexosaminidase total ( a + b ) were low . genetic testing for sandhoff disease revealed a homozygous missense variant on hexb gene . the case is presented to highlight that the absence of hepatosplenomegaly should not restrain in suspecting sandhoff disease .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: implantable cardioverter defibrillator ( icd ) and cardiac resynchronization therapy ( crt ) devices have become the mainstay of treating persistent systolic heart failure in addition to guideline directed medical therapy . many of these devices are implanted in patients with congestive heart failure with new york heart association ( nyha ) class status of ii to iv . while these devices considerably ameliorate patient morbidity and mortality , heart failure remains a significant economic burden costing the us health care system ~$30 billion annually . heart failure hospitalizations ( hfhs ) account for two - thirds of the total expense . identifying patients at risk of worsening heart failure to allow timely intervention has the potential to prevent hospitalizations and improve long - term patient outcomes while reducing costs of care . in addition to providing life - saving therapies , implantable devices collect a host of continuous physiological patient data ( e.g. activity , day and night heart rate , at / af burden , heart rate during at / af , percent crt pacing , number of shocks , and intrathoracic impedance ) . however , the data collected vary by manufacturer . for example , not all manufacturers have devices with intrathoracic impedance capability . also , while all devices include a single or multi - axis accelerometer , proprietary algorithms to derive daily activity from accelerometer signals vary ( see methods for details ) . many of the diagnostic variables have been shown to be prognostic markers of worsening heart failure and/or mortality risk . for example , nhr is a marker of autonomic tone , and an elevated nhr is associated with higher hfh risk . activity is a reflection of patient functional capacity , and decreasing activity is associated with worsening hf status . a loss of crt pacing compromises cardiac hemodynamics and hence leads to worsening patient status . and finally , a decrease in intrathoracic impedance is associated with an increase in wedge pressure , elevated pre - load ,...
backgroundheart failure hospitalizations ( hfhs ) cost the us health care system ~$20 billion annually . identifying patients at risk of hfh to enable timely intervention and prevent expensive hospitalization remains a challenge . implantable cardioverter defibrillators ( icds ) and cardiac resynchronization devices with defibrillation capability ( crt - ds ) collect a host of diagnostic parameters that change with hf status and collectively have the potential to signal an increasing risk of hfh . these device - collected diagnostic parameters include activity , day and night heart rate , atrial tachycardia / atrial fibrillation ( at / af ) burden , mean rate during at / af , percent crt pacing , number of shocks , and intrathoracic impedance . there are thresholds for these parameters that when crossed trigger a notification , referred to as device observation , which gets noted on the device report . we investigated if these existing device observations can stratify patients at varying risk of hfh.methodswe analyzed data from 775 patients ( age : 69 11 year , 68% male ) with crt - d devices followed for 13 5 months with adjudicated hfhs . hfh rate was computed for increasing number of device observations . data were analyzed by both excluding and including intrathoracic impedance . hfh risk was assessed at the time of a device interrogation session , and all the data between previous and current follow - up sessions were used to determine the hfh risk for the next 30 days.results2276 follow - up sessions in 775 patients were evaluated with 42 hfhs in 37 patients . percentage of evaluations that were followed by an hfh within the next 30 days increased with increasing number of device observations . patients with 3 or more device observations were at 42 hfh risk compared to patients with no device observation . even after excluding intrathoracic impedance , the remaining device parameters effectively stratified patients at hfh risk.conclusionavailable device observations could provide...
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: although several surgical interventions have been developed , mortality and complications related to surgical management remains high , especially with respect to trans - ventricular approach . ventricular incision also has several disadvantages : increased postoperative bleeding , ventricular malfunction , and ventricular arrhythmia . in the present work , we report a successful case of repair of posterior ventricular septal rupture ( vsr ) via transatrial approach . a 73-year - old woman presented to a local hospital with shortness of breath and anterior chest pain . the electrocardiogram ( ecg ) demonstrated st - segment elevations in the inferior leads , but regional wall motion abnormality was not noted on the transthoracic echocardiogram . the coronary angiogram showed severe stenosis at the middle of the right coronary artery ( fig . 1 ) . the left coronary catheterization revealed mild stenosis in the middle left anterior descending coronary artery . percutaneous coronary intervention ( pci ) was performed at the right coronary artery by stent insertion . after pci , sinus tachycardia changed to ectopic junctional rhythm on the ecg , and severe hypotension was noted . the additional transthoracic echocardiogram revealed vsr at the basal inferoseptal wall and severe tricuspid regurgitation with right ventricular dilation ( fig . a median sternotomy was performed , and cardiopulmonary bypass ( cpb ) was established via ascending aortic and bicaval cannulation . vsr was noted at the basal inferior septum measuring approximately 1.5 cm in diameter ( fig . the septal and posterior leaflet and a few chordae were resected for more consistent access to the vsr . eleven stitches of pledget buttressed by 2 - 0 prolen were sutured by the method of interrupted horizontal mattress along the ventricular septal defect ( vsd ) margin . the stitches near the septal leaflet were sutured through the annulus of the septal leaflet , and the stitches for the inferior margin were sutured through the inferior free wall of...
ventricular septal rupture ( vsr ) is a disastrous mechanical complication of myocardial infarction . although several surgical interventions have been developed , mortality due to surgical management remains high , especially in the case of posterior vsr . we report a successful case of repair of posterior vsr using an alternative transatrial approach to avoid the complications related to ventricular incision .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: a 24-year - old male was admitted to our hospital with a 1 week history of progressive headache and fever . his previous medical history was clear . on the neurologic examination , his mental status was normal without focal neurological deficits . lumbar cerebrospinal fluid ( csf ) analysis showed pleocytosis , increased total protein level ( 167 mg / dl ) and decreased glucose ( 32 mg / dl ) . tubercle bacillus was detected in the csf and the adenosine deaminase ( ada ) level was elevated ( 12 brain mri revealed small , multiple high signal intensity lesions on the diffusion weighted image . his chest x - ray showed diffuse ill - defined patches and nodules with increased density in both apical lungs . tuberculosis meningitis and pulmonary tuberculosis were suspected and antituberculous treatment with rifampicin , isoniazid , ethambutol and pyrazinamide was started . nine days after the antituberculous treatment , his general condition and headache had improved significantly . however , four weeks after antituberculous treatment , he developed acute sensory disturbance below t10 dermatome as well as urination disturbances . spinal mri showed a long segmentally located soft tissue mass mimicking a meningioma in the intradural , extramedullary space of the posterior spinal canal from t2 to t6 with severe cord compression and displacement ( fig . 1 ) . surgical decompression and a biopsy were performed . during the operation , a t3 , the dura was thickened and the cord was infiltrated with an adhesive mass . the dura was opened and closed in the normal manner after removing the mass under microscope guidance . grossly , the mass was very soft with a dark green color . the cultures were negative for mycobacterium tuberculosis , and the stains for fungi and acid - fast micro organisms were negative . mri of the thoracic and lumbar areas showed lumbosacral tuberculosis spondylitis with multiple abscesses ( fig . anti - tuberculous medication was continued for 18 months . at the one year follow - up spinal...
a 24-year - old man with tuberculosis meningitis developed acute paraplegia and sensory disturbances 5 weeks after receiving conventional antituberculous therapy . magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intradural extramedullary long segmental mass mimicking en plaque meningioma at the t2-t6 vertebrae levels . prompt surgical decompression was performed . a histology examination of the mass revealed a tuberculoma . after surgery , the patient showed improved motor power and a normal bladder function . intradural extramedullary tuberculoma of the spinal cord is rare complication of tuberculosis meningitis , which can occur as a response to conventional antituberculous therapy .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: such changes may be found in the crown either in the form of anomalous cusps , or in an increased number of roots , which in some instances are associated with an anomalous cusp . the term paramolar tubercle has been applied to any stylar anomalous cusp , supernumerary inclusion or eminence occurring on the buccal surfaces of both upper and lower premolars and molars.1 this was first described in the literature by late prof . l. bolk2 of the anatomical institute of the university of amsterdam in the year 1916 . when present in the upper molars and as protostylid when present in the lower molars . parastyle may occur in both deciduous and permanent molars and are usually expressed on the buccal surface of the mesiobuccal cusp ( paracone ) of the upper molars . in rare instances , it is expressed on the distobuccal cusp ( metacone ) of the upper molars and the buccal surfaces of the upper premolars . similarly , a double cusp formation is extremely rare.4 with respect to size and shape , paramolar tubercles vary ; the structure can be anything from a mere prominence of the buccal surface , separated from the rest of the tooth by a fossa or a groove , to a well - developed lobulated cusp , separated by a constriction and having the appearance of a fused supernumerary tooth . the lobulated tubercle is often associated with a root that is either rudimentary or fully formed.2,5 it is not always necessary that these tubercles contain pulp tissue . in cases where it is strongly pronounced this may be presumed . root canals in tubercles are often connected with other canals;6 in other cases , they are isolated.7 over the years , many authors have dealt with the problems of supernumerary features of molars . their studies have mainly been restricted to their external morphology only without giving consideration to the internal anatomy of these superstructures . periapical radiographs have been of little significance in assessing the internal structure of the paramolar tubercle as it superimposes on the normal...
the objective of this article is to increase our understanding of the root canal system of the anomalous structures like paramolar tubercles . the knowledge of the internal anatomy of the paramolar tubercles is very important as they influence the treatment modalities and associated problems in many dental disciplines . this case report investigates the anatomical and morphological characteristics of a rare case of two well - developed lobulated cusps occurring on the buccal surface of maxillary right second molar with the aid of spiral computed tomography . unlike to previous reports , in our case the tubercles had their own pulp chamber with its root fused to the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of maxillary right second molar , while its canal remained independent from the main root canals .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: piperine , a nitrogenous pungent substance , is an alkaloid found in important and oldest spices , namely , piper nigrum ( black peppers ) and piper longum ( long peppers ) . . stated that piperine is naturally occurring organic compound that belongs to family piperaceae . the fruits of piperine possess antidepressant effects , hepatoprotective effects , antioxidant activity , antitumour effects , antibacterial effects , and anticonvulsant effects [ 2 , 3 ] . piperine also has the capability of reducing inflammation , relieving pain , improving digestion , and enhancing the bioavailability . piperine is extensively used in medicinal field for years due to various medicinal properties including painkiller , antioxidant , and bioavailability enhancer . molecular imprinting technology ( mit ) is used to design molecular recognition materials because it is capable of mimicking natural recognition entities like antibodies and biological receptors [ 514 ] . the original concept of molecular imprinting is developed by linus pauling in 1940s , but wulff and sarhan stimulated the interest in imprinting materials . according to vlatakis et al . , in the early 1980s , the molecular imprinting polymers ( mips ) were successfully prepared by using noncovalent mit . molecular imprinting is a universal method to produce polymers with high affinity binding sites for organic , inorganic , biological , and chemical molecules or ions . mips allow the functional and crosslinking monomers to copolymerize in the presence of the target compound or known as template . molecular imprinting polymers can be prepared by various methods such as bulk polymerization , electropolymerization , suspension polymerization , emulsion polymerization , two - step polymerization , and precipitation polymerization . zhou et al . mentioned that the controlled / living radical polymerization ( crp ) is used to prepare mip microspheres as it permits more precise control over the molecular weight , composition , and end group functionality of the...
molecularly imprinted polymer ( mip ) microspheres for piperine were synthesized by precipitation polymerization with a noncovalent approach . in this research piperine was used as a template , acrylic acid as a functional monomer , ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as a cross - linker , and 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile ( aibn ) as an initiator and acetonitrile as a solvent . the imprinted and nonimprinted polymer particles were characterized by using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( ft - ir ) and scanning electron microscopy ( sem ) . the synthesized polymer particles were further evaluated for their rebinding efficiency by batch binding assay . the highly selected imprinted polymer for piperine was mip 3 with a composition ( molar ratio ) of 0.5 : 3 : 8 , template : monomer : cross - linker , respectively . the mip 3 exhibits highest binding capacity ( 84.94% ) as compared to other imprinted and nonimprinted polymers . the extraction efficiency of highly selected imprinted polymer of piperine from spiked urine was above 80% .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant gestational trophoblastic disease associated with high urine and serum -hcg levels . to date , few studies have reported pulmonary embolism ( pe ) and pulmonary hypertension caused by choriocarcinoma of the pulmonary artery . here , we report a young female patient with choriocarcinoma of the pulmonary artery who was clinically misdiagnosed with pulmonary thromboembolism ( pte ) and died of acute cardiopulmonary failure very soon after embolectomy . a 25 year - old female patient first experienced an episode of sudden dyspnea and frequent coughing after routine physical activity . she was initially diagnosed at a local hospital with acute pneumonia based on a chest x - ray , which showed several small , scattered radio - opaque shadows on both lungs . six months later , the patient was referred to our hospital because of severe orthopnea . upon arrival , arterial blood gas analysis showed that the values of ph , paco2 , and pao2 were 7.502 , 26.3 mmhg , and 50 mmhg , respectively , under 2 l / minute oxygen inhalation . an emergent contrast - enhanced ct scan showed occlusion of the left pulmonary artery and right inferior pulmonary artery ( fig . the scan further revealed multiple patchy , cord - like , nodular fuzzy shadows in bilateral lungs ( fig . meanwhile , a diagnosis of pe was made based on echocardiographs , which revealed severe pulmonary hypertension ( pulmonary systolic pressure , 105 mmhg ) and mild tricuspid regurgitation . although her d - dimer test value was only 0.27 g / ml , a pulmonary angiograph was still performed via the right femoral vein , which showed complete occlusion of the left pulmonary artery and right inferior pulmonary artery . a : ct scan demonstrates occlusion of the left pulmonary artery and right inferior pulmonary artery . b : ct scan shows multiple patchy , cordlike , nodular fuzzy shadows in bilateral lungs . the patient claimed that she was a non - smoker , did not use oral contraception , and had experienced three previous...
abstractcases of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary artery hypertension caused by choriocarcinoma represent a rare clinical emergency . we report a case of a 25-year - old woman who presented with pulmonary embolism and hypertension and died soon after complete pulmonary embolectomy . a related literature review revealed that almost all of these patients had previously experienced a spontaneous abortion ( average , 6 months ) and were not pregnant .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: wegener 's granulomatosis is an uncommon multi - organ disease first categorized as a distinct syndrome by friedreich wegener in 1936 [ 1 - 3 ] the hallmarks of this potentially fatal disorder are necrotizing granulomatous inflammation involving the upper and lower respiratory tract , glomerulonephritis , and vasculitis [ 3 - 6 ] . the limited form of wegener 's granulomatosis runs an indolent course whereas the disseminated disease has a rapid progressive course leading to life - threatening multi - organ failure [ 2,7 - 10 ] . of the 2 types of wegener 's granulomatosis , patients with the generalized disease are known to have shorter life expectancy than those presenting with the limited disease . wegener 's granulomatosis has an insidious onset and usually develops over a period of time with the mean period from onset of symptoms to diagnosis ranging from 4.7 to 15 months . without treatment it is invariably fatal and most patients do not survive more than a year after diagnosis . delay in the diagnosis of wegener 's granulomatosis is attributed mostly to the nonspecific presenting signs and symptoms associated with the early phase of the disease . the most characteristic oral lesion is hyperplastic gingivitis , which is typically red to purple with many petechiae ( strawberry gingivitis ) . these lesions may remain localized in the oral cavity for unusually long periods of time before multi - organ involvement occurs . therefore , timely recognition of this often overlooked oral finding can help to establish an early diagnosis of this disease . management with appropriate therapy produces a good response in most cases , with only occasional relapses . a 50 year old male was referred to the oral medicine clinic at the department of oral pathology , oral medicine and peridodontology , faculty of dentistry , university of malaya for management of unusual gingival lesions . accordingly , the patient first attended the primary dental care unit here for a routine dental check - up . during the course of...
wegener 's granulomatosis is a rare multi - system disease characterized by the classic triad of necrotizing granulomas affecting the upper and lower respiratory tracts , disseminated vasculitis and glomerulonephritis . oral lesions as a presenting feature are only encountered in 2% of these cases . hyperplastic gingival lesions or strawberry gingivitis , is a characteristic sign of wegener 's granulomatosis . the latter consists of reddish - purple exophytic gingival swellings with petechial haemorrhages thus resembling strawberries . recognition of this feature is of utmost importance for timely diagnosis and definitive management of this potentially fatal disease . a case of strawberry gingivitis as the first presenting sign of wegener 's granulomatosis affecting a 50-year - old malay male is reported here . the differential diagnosis of red lesions that may present in the gingiva is discussed .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: ticks were sampled in the villages of diiso and el - humow and at the livestock market and abattoirs in garissa district , north eastern province of kenya , during april may 2008 ( figure ) . garissa district is in a semi - arid to arid ecologic zone that receives sporadic rainfall from march to may ; vegetation consists primarily of acacia - commiphora bushes . its population is largely composed of nomadic herders who travel between districts in northern kenya in search of water and pasture ( 8) . location of garissa district ( a , box ) in north eastern province , kenya , and tick collection sites ( b ) . ticks were picked by hand from infested livestock , stored in labeled sterile vials , and transported in liquid nitrogen to the kenya medical research institute laboratory . in the laboratory , ticks were washed in sterile water , rinsed first with 70% ethanol , and then rinsed with minimum essential medium containing antimicrobial agents ( 100 u / ml penicillin , 100 g / ml streptomycin , and 1 l / ml amphotericin b ) . they were identified to species by using taxonomic keys ( 9,10 ) and pooled in groups of 2 to 10 by species , sex , collection date and site , and host . the tick pools were homogenized by using 90-mesh alundum sand in a prechilled , sterile mortar and pestle with 1.6 ml2 ml ice - cold bovine albumin 1 medium ( 1 medium 199 with earle salts , 1% bovine albumin , 100 u / ml penicillin , 100 g / ml streptomycin , and 1 l / ml amphotericin b ) under high containment . the homogenates were clarified by centrifugation at 1,500 rpm for 15 min at 4c , and supernatants were stored at 80c . viral rna was extracted from tick homogenates by using trizol - ls ( invitrogen , carlsbad , ca , usa ) reagent , according to the manufacturer s instructions . rna was screened by reverse transcription pcr ( 11 ) to amplify a 536-bp fragment of the gene encoding for the nucleocapsid protein in the small ( s ) segment of the cchfv genome by using the following primers ( 12 ) : cchf f2 ( 5-tggacaccttcacaaactc-3...
as part of ongoing arbovirus surveillance , we screened ticks obtained from livestock in northeastern kenya in 2008 to assess the risk for human exposure to tick - borne viruses . of 1,144 pools of 8,600 hyalomma spp . ticks screened for congo - crimean hemorrhagic fever virus by reverse transcription pcr , 23 pools were infected , demonstrating a potential for human exposure .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: yeastract ( yeast search for transcriptional regulators and consensus tracking ; ) was originally proposed ( 1 ) to make publicly available up - to - date information on documented regulatory associations between tfs and target genes , as well as between tfs and dna binding sites , in saccharomyces cerevisiae . additionally , it provides a set of bioinformatics tools that facilitate the full exploitation of the data . although part of the data was obtained from existing yeast data repository like the s. cerevisiae genome database ( sgd ) ( 2 ) , the gene ontology ( go ) consortium ( 3 ) and the regulatory sequences analysis tools ( rsat ) ( 4 ) , all the data on gene regulation was gathered based on exhaustive literature analysis . the value of yeastract comes from the integration of complete and up - to - date regulatory information , with a number of analysis methods and computational tools . the usefulness of yeastract for the analysis of gene lists , in particular those coming from gene expression analysis by microarrays , also distinguishes this information system from others . although other databases have also made available information about regulatory mechanisms in yeast and other organisms [ e.g. mybs ( 5 ) and transfac ( 6 ) ] or computational tools for the analysis of promoter regions [ rsat ( 4 ) ] , yeastract is the system that most seamlessly integrates extensive regulation data and computational tools for the analysis of this information . the database presently contains more than 30 990 regulatory associations between genes and tfs , based on more than 1000 bibliographic references . these include five papers describing global chip analysis ( 711 ) , which document 75% of the gathered regulatory associations and one microarray analysis on the effect of the deletion of 55 tfs ( 12 ) , documenting 15% of these regulatory associations . the results of hundreds of other articles describing more detailed molecular analysis and revealing many regulatory associations that were not...
the yeast search for transcriptional regulators and consensus tracking ( yeastract ) information system ( ) was developed to support the analysis of transcription regulatory associations in saccharomyces cerevisiae . last updated in september 2007 , this database contains over 30 990 regulatory associations between transcription factors ( tfs ) and target genes and includes 284 specific dna binding sites for 108 characterized tfs . computational tools are also provided to facilitate the exploitation of the gathered data when solving a number of biological questions , in particular the ones that involve the analysis of global gene expression results . in this new release , yeastract includes discoverer , a set of computational tools that can be used to identify complex motifs over - represented in the promoter regions of co - regulated genes . the motifs identified are then clustered in families , represented by a position weight matrix and are automatically compared with the known transcription factor binding sites described in yeastract . additionally , in this new release , it is possible to generate graphic depictions of transcriptional regulatory networks for documented or potential regulatory associations between tfs and target genes . the visual display of these networks of interactions is instrumental in functional studies . tutorials are available on the system to exemplify the use of all the available tools .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: massive intravascular and intracardiac thrombosis after separation from cardiopulmonary bypass ( cpb ) is a very rare , but dreaded complication . preexisting thromboembolic diseases or acquired coagulation disorders ( related to antifibrinolytic therapy ) we report the occurrence of severe acute massive intracardiac and intravascular thrombosis during the immediate post - cpb period in a patient who underwent emergency mitral valve replacement ( mvr ) . a 35-year - old male presented for emergency mvr for severe mitral stenosis with atrial fibrillation ( af ) and acute heart failure . preoperative transthoracic echocardiography ( tte ) showed severely calcific and stenosed mv with an area of 0.9 cm in two - dimensional echocardiography and 0.6 cm using pressure half time , and the peak and mean pressure gradients of 11 and 7 mmhg , respectively . associated findings included mild mitral regurgitation , presence of left atrial ( la ) spontaneous echo contrast , right ventricular systolic pressure of 30 mmhg + right atrial pressure , and an ejection fraction of 60% with no regional wall motion abnormality at rest . preoperative laboratory investigations were within normal limits , except elevated serum glutamic - pyruvic transaminase ( 152 u / l ) levels . the preoperative evaluation revealed a cachectic appearance ( weight 48 kg , height 170 cm ) , irregular pulse with heart rate 102 beats / min , blood pressure ( bp ) 96/60 mmhg , raised jugular venous pressure , bilateral crepitations in both the lung fields , muffled s1 and a mid - diastolic murmur ( grade iii / iv ) at the cardiac apex area . warfarin therapy was discontinued . in the operating room standard monitoring was applied , 0.9% saline infusion started and right radial artery cannulation performed . arterial blood gas ( abg ) analysis revealed metabolic acidosis with a ph of 7.22 and hco3 of 16 mmol / l , na 117 mmol / l , po2298 mmhg and pco240 mmhg . general anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 500 g and thiopentone 50 mg , and rocuronium 60...
massive intracardiac and intravascular thrombosis is a rare complication following cardiopulmonary bypass ( cpb ) . most of the cases of the disseminated thrombosis have been reported in patients undergoing complex cardiac surgeries and those receiving antifibrinolytic agents during cpb . we report the occurrence of disseminated intravascular and intracardiac thrombosis after cpb in a patient undergoing mitral valve replacement in which no antifibrinolytic agent was used . the possible pathophysiology and management of the patient is discussed .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: a 42-year - old female visited our emergency room ( er ) with complaints of acute , diffuse abdominal pain . she had been treated for three days at a local clinic because of fever and right upper quadrant pain . the laboratory findings showed mild leukocytosis ( 11.210 cells/l ) and an elevated c - reactive protein level , and the hepatic parameters were markedly elevated . the serum hemoglobin level was 7.8 g / dl and she was transfused with whole blood . the ultrasound examination performed on an atl machine ( hdi 5000 , bothell , wa ) revealed a huge and heterogeneous lesion at the subcapsular area of the right hepatic lobe and also a perihepatic fluid collection ( fig . the differential diagnosis was hepatic subcapsular abscess or a hepatic mass such as a cavernous hemangioma draping over the liver . mdct was performed with a 4-channel scanner ( volume zoom ; siemens , erlangen , germany ) with using following parameters ; 120 kvp , 165 mas , 3 mm collimation and a 1.5 mm reconstruction interval for the arterial and portal venous phases , and 7 mm collimation and a 5 mm reconstruction interval for the unenhanced and equilibrium phase images . after injection of 120 ml of non - ionic contrast material , the arterial phase images were obtained with a 40 sec delay , and 80 sec and 3 min delays were used for the portal venous and delayed phases , respectively . coronal multiplanar reconstruction ( mpr ) was done at each phase . on the unenhanced images , about a 9 cm - sized , low density , irregular - shaped lesion was seen at the right hepatic dome . most of the lesion was not enhanced , but multiple , irregular and linear , septa - like densities were demonstrated which were of isoattenuation to the adjacent normal parenchyma on all phases ( fig . the unenhanced images also revealed a huge , heterogeneous and mainly hyperdense lesion occupying the entire right subcapsular area , and this was suggestive of acute hematoma ( fig . most of the lesion was not enhanced , except for multiple small enhancing foci...
we report here on an uncommon case of peliosis hepatis with hemorrhagic necrosis that was complicated by massive intrahepatic bleeding and rupture , and treated by emergent right lobectomy . we demonstrate the imaging findings , with emphasis on the triphasic , contrast - enhanced multidetector ct findings , as well as reporting the clinical outcome in a case of peliosis hepatis with fatal hemorrhage .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: operators hands and knives that are not sterile come into contact with the carcass and transfer bacteria to its surface , during bleeding , pelting , evisceration ( hadley et al . , 1997 ) and post - mortem inspection ( walker et al . , 2000 ) . the most frequently involved step among the above mentioned procedures is skinning , especially of unsheared sheep and lambs , when bacteria present in the hide can spread to the carcass not only by cross - contamination but also by direct contact of the carcass surface with the fleece ( biss and hathaway , 1996 ) . reducing the possibility of surface contamination is very important and , for this reason , an appropriate de - pelting method is crucial to assure the hygienic status of the carcasses . a number of methods that facilitate the skinning process while ensuring carcass hygiene have been reported ( european commission , 2001b ) , among which de - pelting using inflation of filtered compressed air is found . air inflation is a method commonly used in italy ( severini , 1996 ) allowed by ec directive 95/23 ( european commission , 1995 ) only for skinning of lamb of live weight under 15 kg , when the hygienic conditions of the procedures are checked and approved by the official veterinary inspector . in regulation ( ec ) 853/2004 ( european commission , 2004 ) the use of air inflation is not mentioned anymore . few data about differences in the hygienic status of carcasses de - pelted with and without air inflation , mainly for lambs , are present in the literature ( trevisani et al . , 1996 ; severini et al . , 2000 ) . the aim of this work is to evaluate the hygienic condition of adult ovine carcasses ( of live weight over 15 kg ) skinned using two different methods with and without the use of filtered compressed air . a comparison between the data obtained and the process hygiene criteria set by commission regulation 1441/2007 ( european commission , 2007 ) is also drawn . the study was conducted in two separate steps . in the first step the hygienic status of...
the aim of the study was to evaluate the hygienic status of sheep carcasses skinned with two different procedures , the pulling down and y cut methods , with and without the use of compressed filtered air inflation . five sheep carcasses per day for each of the four skinning methods considered were sampled on ten different slaughtering days using wet and dry swab techniques at a local abattoir specialised in ovine slaughtering . a pool of four different sampling sites ( brisket , shoulder , thorax and rump ) was considered for each animal . furthermore , ten animals were also randomly selected on different slaughtering days for each of the four skinning techniques and the four sampling sites were separately swabbed and analysed in each animal . the total viable count ( tvc ) and enterobacte riaceae count were performed and the presence of salmonella spp . was also tested . the daily average mean value of each parameter was in compliance with limits set by regulation ( ec ) 1441/2007 , falling into satisfactory or acceptable category for enterobacteriaceae and within the acceptable level range for tvc for both the methods used with and without air de - pelting . for both tvc and enterobacteriaceae count , no statistically significant differences ( p>0.05 ) were recorded between samples obtained from carcasses skinned with and without air inflation for either of the skinning methods used and any of the sites sampled . no salmonella spp . were detected in any of the tested samples . nonetheless , no improvement in the carcass hygiene was detected either and , for this reason , other aspects should be taken into consideration when considering adopting the gas de - pelting method .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: tin oxide ( sno2 ) is considered an important wide - bandgap n - type semiconductor which has received a great deal of attention over the past few years due to its high transparency in the visible part of the spectrum and sensitivity to certain gases which make it technologically important for optoelectronic devices [ 1 - 6 ] and sensors . in addition sn is readily available and cheaper compared to indium ( in ) which is used for the growth of indium oxide ( in2o3 ) . furthermore , in recent years , the field of semiconducting metal oxides has benefited a great deal from the development of one - dimensional nanostructures such as nanowires ( nws ) and nanorods ( nrs ) due to their interesting properties arising from their small size and high surface - to - volume ratio . in view of this , there has been growing interest in the synthesis of sno2 nws , the study of their fundamental electronic and optoelectronic properties , and finally device applications [ 10 - 13 ] . despite the potential applications of sno2 nws there has been no detailed study of the fundamental , ultrafast carrier relaxation mechanisms of the photogenerated carriers in this nanostructured material . consequently , here we investigate the carrier dynamics in sno2 nws and obtain a detailed understanding of the various relaxation mechanisms and the influence of trap states using transient white light absorption spectroscopy [ 14 - 16 ] with femtosecond resolution . we find that the band gap of the sno2 nws is 3.77 ev and contains two broad absorption bands , the first of which is located below the band edge and is related to shallow trap states while the second is near the center of the band gap due to deep trap states . detailed transient measurements revealed their energetic position , carrier relaxation times , and the importance of auger recombination . the sno2nws were grown using an atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition ( apcvd ) reactor which consists of four mass flow controllers ( mfc s ) and a horizontal quartz tube...
we have studied the optical properties and carrier dynamics in sno2nanowires ( nws ) with an average radius of 50 nm that were grown via the vapor liquid solid method . transient differential absorption measurements have been employed to investigate the ultrafast relaxation dynamics of photogenerated carriers in the sno2nws . steady state transmission measurements revealed that the band gap of these nws is 3.77 ev and contains two broad absorption bands . the first is located below the band edge ( shallow traps ) and the second near the center of the band gap ( deep traps ) . both of these absorption bands seem to play a crucial role in the relaxation of the photogenerated carriers . time resolved measurements suggest that the photogenerated carriers take a few picoseconds to move into the shallow trap states whereas they take ~70 ps to move from the shallow to the deep trap states . furthermore the recombination process of electrons in these trap states with holes in the valence band takes ~2 ns . auger recombination appears to be important at the highest fluence used in this study ( 500 j / cm2 ) ; however , it has negligible effect for fluences below 50 j / cm2 . the auger coefficient for the sno2nws was estimated to be 7.5 2.5 1031 cm6/s .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: a 58-year - old caucasian woman was admitted to the gynecology out - patient department for management of increasing abdominal distension and sustained pain in the right bottom quadrant of her abdomen that had been ongoing for 3 months , was independent of activities , and was without any signs of neurovascular deficit . she also started to suffer from increased frequency of minor urinary incontinence . in the last 48 hours the pain was located in the right iliac fossa . her medical history and family history were unremarkable . her surgical history included only an appendectomy as a child , while her obstetric history was remarkable only for five natural childbirths . a bimanual pelvic exam revealed an agile cervix and a large , solid , ovoid , palpable mass in the right parametrium , which was particularly sensitive to touch . her routine hematological investigation and urine analysis as well as examination of several tumor markers , including carcinoembryonic antigen , -fetoprotein , and carbohydrate antigen 19.9 , were all within normal limits . a gynecologic ultrasonography was performed , which revealed an increase in the size of the right ovary ( 56.6 35 mm ) and the possible presence of a cystic formation measuring 32.5 mm . computer tomography confirmed the presence of a mass in the anatomic region of the right ovary , corresponding to the ovary s schwannoma ( figure 1 ) . the preoperative findings showed we had to deal with a retroperitoneal tumor of unknown pathology in a menopausal woman . in order to ensure the optimum treatment and survival for our patient the abdomen was opened through a lower midline incision . a large retroperitoneal mass , measuring 6.5 5.5 cm , was noted in the right parametrium and was in close proximity to the interal - iliac vein , which was ligated ( figure 2 ) . a frozen section was taken during the surgery before complete resection of the mass , which was ambiguous . because of the possibility of malignancy , complete excision of the mass was performed with pelvic...
neurilemomas are benign usually encapsulated nerve sheath tumors derived from the schwann cells . these tumors commonly arise from the cranial nerves as acoustic neurinomas but they are extremely rare in the pelvis and the retroperitoneal area ( less than 0.5% of reported cases ) , unless they are combined with von recklinghausen disease ( type 1 neurofibromatosis ) . we report the case of a 58-year - old female with pelvic schwannoma , 6.5 5.5 cm in size , in the right parametrium . this is the first case reported in the literature . based on the rarity of this tumor and in order to ensure optimum treatment and survival for our patient , we performed laparotomy with total abdominal hysterectomy and en - block tumor excision . a frozen section was taken during the surgery before complete resection of the mass , which was ambiguous . because of the possibility of malignancy , complete excision of the mass was performed , with pelvic blunt dissection . histological examination showed a benign neoplasm , originating from the cells of peripheral nerve sheaths ; diagnosis was a schwannoma . there were degenerative areas , including cystic degeneration , hemorrhagic infiltrations , ischemic foci with pycnotic cells , and collagen replacement . pelvic schwannomas are rare neoplasms that can be misdiagnosed . laparoscopy is a safe and efficient option for approaching benign pelvic tumors and might offer the advantage of better visualization of structures due to the magnification in laparoscopic view , especially in narrow anatomic spaces .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: insomnia is a highly common disorder , which is experienced by almost everybody , at least at advanced age , and becomes chronic in about 10% of the population . because of the transient nature of its milder forms , its importance is frequently underrated . on the other hand , the treatment of severe sleep disturbances , such as primary chronic insomnia , is challenging and frequently complicated by comorbid symptoms.13 the etiology of insomnia is obviously divergent . it is sometimes related to psychiatric or neurologic diseases that may develop already in younger or middle - aged subjects . moreover , it may be acquired as a consequence of neurodegenerative disorders including alzheimer s disease,4 especially when the circadian pacemaker , the suprachiasmatic nucleus ( scn ) , or its downstream connections are affected.57 circadian rhythm sleep disorders ( crsds ) may be present or develop independently of neurodegeneration . in particular , familial advanced sleep phase syndrome ( fasps ) and delayed sleep phase syndrome ( dsps ) are characterized by exceptionally short or long spontaneous circadian period lengths . other circadian disorders are related to weak coupling with external time cues , eg , in some blind subjects . typically , crsds cause transient or periodically occurring forms of insomnia.810 for the circadian system , a possible mode of intervention is that of favoring synchronization with the environment . apart from bright light in the morning , ie , enhancement of zeitgeber strength to reinforce coupling with light onset , melatonin may be administered in the evening to make use of the re - synchronizing , chronobiotic as well as sleep onset - promoting properties of this molecular mediator of the darkness signal . in fact , melatonin was shown to be effective in the treatment of various forms of crsds.1114 while the use of the chronobiotic melatonin in crsd is plausible for mechanistic reasons , its application in other types of insomnia does not warrant immediate success , but has been...
hypnotic effects of melatonin and melatoninergic drugs are mediated via mt1 and mt2 receptors , especially those in the circadian pacemaker , the suprachiasmatic nucleus , which acts on the hypothalamic sleep switch . therefore , they differ fundamentally from gabaergic hypnotics . melatoninergic agonists primarily favor sleep initiation and reset the circadian clock to phases allowing persistent sleep , as required in circadian rhythm sleep disorders . a major obstacle for the use of melatonin to support sleep maintenance in primary insomnia results from its short half - life in the circulation . solutions to this problem have been sought by developing prolonged - release formulations of the natural hormone , or melatoninergic drugs of longer half - life , such as ramelteon , tasimelteon and agomelatine . with all these drugs , improvements of sleep are statistically demonstrable , but remain limited , especially in primary chronic insomnia , so that gabaergic drugs may be indicated . melatoninergic agonists do not cause next - day hangover and withdrawal effects , or dependence . they do not induce behavioral changes , as sometimes observed with z - drugs . despite otherwise good tolerability , the use of melatoninergic drugs in children , adolescents , and during pregnancy has been a matter of concern , and should be avoided in autoimmune diseases and parkinsonism . problems and limits of melatoninergic hypnotics are compared .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: to begin this procedure , we ensure that all scuva components have sufficient battery power , recording tape ( for the high - definition or hd video camera ) , and function properly . depending on the flows to be measured , select video camera resolution and frame rates that yield best results for digital particle image velocimetry ( dpiv ) . prepare the laser and camera housings for use by cleaning the o - ring grooves and o - rings with a clean towel or wipe . spread manufacturer provided o - ring grease evenly on the o - rings and replace them in the housing grooves . in addition , clean the laser and camera housing apertures to prevent laser sheet deformation and marks on the camera housing lens . check the o - ring seals by placing both empty housings in a tub full of water . weighted objects will need to be placed on top of the housings to submerge them since the housings float when empty . after 5 to 10 minutes , remove the housings from the tub and towel dry the outside . check whether there is any moisture inside the housings . also consider using disposable , paper moisture strips during the pressure test to indicate whether there is moisture in the housings after the test . after the housings pass the pressure test , place scuva components inside the housings . ensure that the lights are oriented in such a way that they illuminate the area directly ahead of the camera and operator , and do not interfere with maintaining grip on handles and operation of camera controls . in a low light environment , ensure that the laser beam is properly aligned relative to the optical lens installed in the laser housing . when properly aligned , the laser / lens combination will create a vertical sheet of light that is oriented perpendicular to the camera housing . for safety , use a temperature - sensitive sheet of paper to determine laser sheet orientation . using scuva attachments and the rigid , extendable arm , connect the laser housing and the camera housing to each other . ensure that the housings are...
the ability to directly measure velocity fields in a fluid environment is necessary to provide empirical data for studies in fields as diverse as oceanography , ecology , biology , and fluid mechanics . field measurements introduce practical challenges such as environmental conditions , animal availability , and the need for field - compatible measurement techniques . to avoid these challenges , scientists typically use controlled laboratory environments to study animal - fluid interactions . however , it is reasonable to question whether one can extrapolate natural behavior ( i.e. , that which occurs in the field ) from laboratory measurements . therefore , in situ quantitative flow measurements are needed to accurately describe animal swimming in their natural environment.we designed a self - contained , portable device that operates independent of any connection to the surface , and can provide quantitative measurements of the flow field surrounding an animal . this apparatus , a self - contained underwater velocimetry apparatus ( scuva ) , can be operated by a single scuba diver in depths up to 40 m. due to the added complexity inherent of field conditions , additional considerations and preparation are required when compared to laboratory measurements . these considerations include , but are not limited to , operator motion , predicting position of swimming targets , available natural suspended particulate , and orientation of scuva relative to the flow of interest . the following protocol is intended to address these common field challenges and to maximize measurement success .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: heat shock proteins ( hsps ) are considered part of a family of proteins known as stress proteins since their expression is induced by a wide range of stressors , such as oxidative stress , thermal stress , ischemia , exercise , metabolic stress , and many others . the 72 kda member of the 70 kda family of heat shock proteins , hsp70 ( or hspa , encoded by the hspa1a gene in humans ) , is inducible during cell stress . it is the most abundant of all hsps , accounting for 1 - 2% of cellular protein , and is plentiful in skeletal muscle . as molecular chaperones , the intracellular hsp70 proteins ( ihsp70 ) can interact with other proteins ( unfolded , in nonnative state and/or stress - denatured conformations ) to avoid inappropriate interactions , formation of protein aggregates , and degradation of damaged proteins , as well as helping the correct refolding of nascent proteins . other functions include protein translocation , antiapoptosis , and anti - inflammatory responses [ 9 , 10 ] . more recently , the hsp roles have been expanded to include control of cell signaling , modulation of immune response , and modulation of chronic disease conditions such as diabetes , obesity , and insulin resistance [ 14 , 15 ] . the heat shock response is regulated by a family of heat shock transcription factors ( hsfs ) composed of four members ( hsf 14 ) , which are maintained in an inactive monomeric form during nonstimulated conditions . hsf-1 is a primary regulator of heat shock response in mammalian cells and a low concentration of it has been associated with a number of human pathologies including t2 dm and obesity - related fatty liver disease . hsf-1 activation is a multistep mechanism that involves its phosphorylation , trimerization , nuclear translocation , and dna binding to heat shock elements ( hse ) located at the promoter regions of targeted heat shock genes ; nevertheless , hsf-1 activation can be negatively regulated by posttranscriptional modification , such as phosphorylation in specific serine...
recent evidence shows divergence between the concentrations of extracellular 70 kda heat shock protein [ ehsp70 ] and its intracellular concentrations [ ihsp70 ] in people with type 2 diabetes ( t2 dm ) . a vital aspect regarding hsp70 physiology is its versatility to induce antagonistic actions , depending on the location of the protein . for example , ihsp70 exerts a powerful anti - inflammatory effect , while ehsp70 activates proinflammatory pathways . increased ehsp70 is associated with inflammatory and oxidative stress conditions , whereas decreased ihsp70 levels are related to insulin resistance in skeletal muscle . serum ehsp70 concentrations are positively correlated with markers of inflammation , such as c - reactive protein , monocyte count , and tnf- , while strategies to enhance ihsp70 ( e.g. , heat treatment , chemical hsp70 inducers or coinducers , and physical exercise ) are capable of reducing the inflammatory profile and the insulin resistance state . here , we present recent findings suggesting that imbalances in the hsp70 status , described by the [ ehsp70]/[ihsp70 ] ratio , may be determinant to trigger a chronic proinflammatory state that leads to insulin resistance and t2 dm development . this led us to hypothesize that changes in this ratio value could be used as a biomarker for the management of the inflammatory response in insulin resistance and diabetes .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: melioidosis , an infectious disease caused by the tier 1 select agent burkholderia pseudomallei , is notoriously difficult to cure 1 . north - eastern thailand is a hot spot for this infection , with an annual incidence of 21.0 per 100 000 population and a case - fatality rate of 40% 2 . for patients who survive their first episode of infection , this occurs in approximately 13% of patients followed for 10 years , and half of the recurrences occur within 12 months of the primary episode 3 . approximately one - quarter of those with relapse will die as a direct result 4,5 . biofilm formation has been described as an important factor associated with persistent infections in a number of infectious diseases , including burkholderia cepacia infection in cystic fibrosis patients 68 , but this has not been formally evaluated in relation to relapse of melioidosis . a previous study of a small number of isolates associated with relapse suggested that b. pseudomallei with uncommon lipopolysaccharide ( lps ) types ( smooth type b and rough type ) might be associated with relapse 9 . here , we evaluated biofilm formation and lps type of b. pseudomallei isolates from patients with primary melioidosis drawn from a cohort described previously 5 , and determined their associations with relapse . control study in which both cases and controls were drawn from a cohort of patients with primary melioidosis identified between 1986 and 2004 who survived to receive oral antimicrobial therapy and were observed until july 2005 5 . cases were all patients who developed at least one episode of relapse during the study period , with relapse being verified by genotyping of the primary and relapse isolates 5 . controls were randomly selected from those patients in the cohort who had not developed relapse by the time relapse was identified in cases . cases and controls were matched for known risk factors for relapse , including choice and duration of oral antimicrobial therapy , positive blood culture , and multifocal distribution...
we examined whether quantitative biofilm formation and/or lipopolysaccharide type of burkholderia pseudomallei was associated with relapsing melioidosis . we devised a 1 : 4 nested case control study in which both cases and controls were drawn from a cohort of patients with primary melioidosis . paired isolates from 80 patients with relapse and single isolates from 184 patients without relapse were tested . relapse was associated with biofilm formation of the primary infecting isolate ( conditional or 2.03 ; 95% ci 1.273.25 ; p 0.003 ) , but not with lipopolysaccharide type ( p 0.74 ) . this finding highlights the importance of biofilm formation in relapsing melioidosis .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: chlorophyll and the associated accessory pigments allow plants to maximise use of the visible light spectrum for photosynthesis . by establishing internal gradients in light capture , the green pigments enable plants to respond rapidly to changes in the spectral environment , as well as to exploit niche habitats . equally , they provide some protection against photoinhibition and photooxidation , the damaging effects of excess quanta . given the obvious benefits to their being green , why then do many plant species produce red - pigmented leaves at one or more stages in their life cycles ? red - leafed flora are common throughout all orders of the plant kingdom , from the basal liverworts to the most advanced angiosperms . they occur in habitats as diverse as the antarctic shoreline and the tropical rainforests , are as abundant in arid deserts as in freshwater lakes , and seem equally at home in the light - starved forest understorey as in the sun - drenched canopy . in many red - leafed species the manufacture of red pigments is transient , often associated with a discrete developmental stage such as in the growth flushes of tropical trees [ 3 , 4 , 5 ] , or in the senescing autumn foliage of deciduous trees [ 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ] . in certain other species , however , red pigments can persist throughout the leaf 's entire life span , or else they are induced and retained only after the plant has experienced stress . functional implications of these red pigments in plants have been the focus of a significant research output over the past decade . for most vascular plants , red colouration in leaves is achieved by anthocyanins , predominantly cyanidin-3-o - glucoside , as a solution located in the vacuole of the plant cell . other pigments notably the betalains , certain carotenoids , thiarubrine a , some terpenoids , and the 3-deoxyanthocyanins also impart reddish colours in various species ; these pigments have been less well studied...
anthocyanins , the pigments responsible for spectacular displays of vermilion in the leaves of deciduous trees , have long been considered an extravagant waste of a plant 's resources . contemporary research , in contrast , has begun to show that the pigments can significantly influence the way a leaf responds to environmental stress . anthocyanins have been implicated in tolerance to stressors as diverse as drought , uv - b , and heavy metals , as well as resistance to herbivores and pathogens . by absorbing high - energy quanta , anthocyanic cell vacuoles both protect chloroplasts from the photoinhibitory and photooxidative effects of strong light , and prevent the catabolism of photolabile defence compounds . anthocyanins also mitigate photooxidative injury in leaves by efficiently scavenging free radicals and reactive oxygen species . far from being a useless by - product of the flavonoid pathway , these red pigments may in some instances be critical for plant survival .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: hemostats , sealants , and adhesives are gaining increasing acceptance in surgical practice in the united states and presently represent a multi - billion dollar industry . a set of definitions and nomenclature are helpful in order to facilitate the safest and most cost effective use of these materials.13 a hemostat is designed to cause blood to clot and requires the presence of blood in the operative field to be effective . they polymerize independently and may work best when blood is not present in the field . finally , adhesives function as self polymerizing glues capable of causing tissue adherence and often work best in a relatively dry area . importantly , although not hemostats , both sealants and adhesives can have major hemostatic effects when used to seal or glue blood vessels together as their application can prevent major blood loss . the three groups : hemostats ; sealants ; and adhesives can be broken down into categories ( table 1 ) which are named to clarify the origin of the agents within each respective category . the hemostat group for example is divided into four categories : mechanical , active , flowable , and fibrin sealant . classes of agents can also be described.2,3 for the purposes of simplification and this review , classes for the categories of the fibrin sealants only have been provided ( table 1 ) to facilitate understanding the role of this material in rhytidectomy . the entire classification system for all hemostats , sealants , and adhesives is available in the literature2 including a recent update.3 fibrin sealant was the first of many new agents approved by the food and drug administration ( fda ) starting in 1998 and serves as an example for several reasons . first , as the initial approved agent it helped to establish new fda regulatory review pathways for both biologics and devices.3 second , its introduction began to educate surgeons , academics , and marketers that proper use of this type of material actually requires some skill and education.4 third , fibrin sealant...
the purpose of this review is to clarify the present use of fibrin sealant in rhyditectomy procedures and help maximize the appropriate and safe application of this material . a set of terms and definitions for hemostats , sealants , and adhesives based on group , category , and class will be employed to highlight the specific capabilities of fibrin sealant . fibrin sealant has now emerged as an example of maximizing the usefulness of a surgical agent and is the only product with food and drug administration approval in all three groupings : hemostats ; sealants ; and adhesives . a variety of manufacturers fibrin sealant products are available including multiple liquids and one patch . a single liquid product is now specifically indicated for skin flap adherence during rhytidectomy . the unique characteristic of this particular two component fibrin sealant adhesive agent is its slower polymerization rate as a result of a low thrombin concentration which when combined with fibrinogen permits adequate time for manipulation of flaps and tissues prior to final fixation . in addition to its flap adherence and potential space elimination capability , fibrin sealant is also an excellent blood clotting agent and can seal tissues to prevent lymphatic leak or serous fluid accumulation . thus , it is almost ideally suited to reduce the occurrence of fluid accumulation , hematomas , ecchymoses , and swelling , as well as to possibly eliminate the need for drains following rhytidectomy . a literature review of fibrin sealant in rhytidectomy is included to help define the current state of its clinical use . the author s recommendations for the best use of this material during facial procedures are also provided .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the united nations children 's fund ( unicef ) plays a leading role in the collection , compilation , analysis and dissemination of data to inform sound policies , legislation , and programmes for promoting children 's rights and wellbeing , and for global monitoring of progress towards international goals and targets . to this end , unicef maintains a set of global databases on key topics affecting children and women covering nearly 200 countries ( table 1 ) . table 1summary of unicef global databasescountries covered197 countries and territories in the following regions : eastern and southern africawest and central africamiddle east and north africasouth asiaeast asia and pacificlatin america and caribbeancentral and eastern europe and central independent statesindustrialized countriespopulation coveredindicators cover a wide range of demographic groups , including primarily : newbornsinfantschildren under fiveschool - age childrenadolescents and young adultswomen of reproductive agedata typeglobal databases compiled from a broad array of sources : nationally representative household surveyscensusesvital registration systemsadministrative recordsreports from national ministries of health / educationestimates calculated by un inter - agency groupsestimates provided by other un agenciesfrequency of data compilationthe databases are regularly updated , with a comprehensive update once per year . for the main source of data , nationally representative household surveys , we expect that many countries will have new data available every 35 yearstopicschild survivalchild healthmaternal healthnutritionimmunizationwater and sanitationhiv / aidseducationchild protectionadolescentsearly childhood developmentfunding sourcesunicef is supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals , foundations , corporations , non - governmental organizations and governments summary of unicef global databases eastern and southern africa west and central africa middle east and north africa east asia and pacific latin...
the united nations children s fund ( unicef ) plays a leading role in the collection , compilation , analysis and dissemination of data to inform sound policies , legislation and programmes for promoting children s rights and well - being , and for global monitoring of progress towards the millennium development goals . unicef maintains a set of global databases representing nearly 200 countries and covering the areas of child mortality , child health , maternal health , nutrition , immunization , water and sanitation , hiv / aids , education and child protection . these databases consist of internationally comparable and statistically sound data , and are updated annually through a process that draws on a wealth of data provided by unicef s wide network of > 150 field offices . the databases are composed primarily of estimates from household surveys , with data from censuses , administrative records , vital registration systems and statistical models contributing to some key indicators as well . the data are assessed for quality based on a set of objective criteria to ensure that only the most reliable nationally representative information is included . for most indicators , data are available at the global , regional and national levels , plus sub - national disaggregation by sex , urban / rural residence and household wealth . the global databases are featured in unicef s flagship publications , inter - agency reports , including the secretary general s millennium development goals report and countdown to 2015 , sector - specific reports and statistical country profiles . they are also publicly available on , together with trend data and equity analyses .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: in patients with neurogenic bladders as the result of spinal cord injury or spinal disease , complications such as upper urinary tract damage , infection , stone formation , and incontinence commonly occur . in such patients , procedures that are intended to decrease bladder pressure are required to prevent further deterioration of the upper tract . among such procedures , augmentation cystoplasty ( ac ) incontinence can occur as the result of sphincteric incompetence or bladder factors such as involuntary detrusor contraction ( idc ) or poor compliance . in patients with sphincteric incontinence , pharmaceutical agents can be prescribed as a first - line treatment . when the incontinence is refractory to medication , surgical treatment such as slings , artificial urinary sphincters ( auss ) , or injection of bulking agents can be considered . in many patients , however , consensus over whether concomitant or staged anti - incontinence surgery with ac is advisable in patients with sphincteric incontinence has not yet been established . the surgical management of neurogenic sphincteric incontinence is still under debate , and an effective method for long - term continence in subjects with neurogenic sphincteric incompetence remains to be found . this patient underwent ac for neurogenic bladder and bladder neck suspension for his incompetent urinary sphincter with satisfactory results . also , chartier - kastler et al . reported lower complication rates in patients who underwent ac and aus implantation simultaneously than in patients who underwent staged operations . dave and salle analyzed a kropp - salle bladder neck repair performed in 9 children , 6 of whom had myelodysplasia . eighty - nine percent of these patients received concomitant ac , and 88% were dry postoperatively . with concomitant surgery , however , there is a possibility of a higher incidence of morbidities in patients whose incontinence might be resolved with bladder outlet procedures performed as a single procedure . selecting the...
purposein patients with neurogenic bladder due to spinal cord injury or disease who undergo augmentation cystoplasty ( ac ) for not only bladder dysfunction but also sphincteric incontinence , the need for concomitant bladder neck reconstruction at the time of ac has not yet been established . the aim of this study was to evaluate whether concomitant bladder neck reconstruction is necessary when performing ac.materials and methodswe retrospectively investigated 35 patients who underwent ac from january 2006 to september 2010 . medical history , preoperative and postoperative fluoroscopic urodynamic study ( fuds ) parameters , and responses to an incontinence questionnaire ( iciq korean version ) were reviewed.resultsa final analysis was performed on 17 patients ( 9 male , 8 female ) who were diagnosed with sphincteric incontinence . continence status , the number of pads used , and the bother score were significantly improved postoperatively in this subpopulation . preoperatively , all patients used pads , and the average daily number was 2.2 ( median ; range 0 to 6 ) . postoperatively , the number of pads used decreased significantly to 0.9 ( median ; range 0 to 3 ) pads a day ( p=0.002 ) . urodynamic parameters including bladder capacity , compliance , involuntary detrusor contraction , and bladder neck incompetence proven by fuds were also significantly improved.conclusionsour study demonstrated that both objective urodynamic parameters and subjective incontinence symptoms improved significantly after the completion of ac as a single procedure in patients with sphincteric incompetence . this implies that anti - incontinence bladder outlet surgery does not have to be performed simultaneously and can be considered later as a staged operation .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: inflammation and altered immune processes are involved in all forms of pulmonary vascular disease underlying pulmonary hypertension , particularly , pulmonary arterial hypertension ( pah ) . perivascular inflammatory elements have been reported in several etiologies of pah , from the idiopathic form to pah associated with autoimmune disorders [ 24 ] . inflammatory mediators have been investigated in pediatric pah , including pah associated with congenital heart disease ( pah - chd ) [ 59 ] . studies generally include patients over a wide age range , from infancy to adolescence , with multiple etiologies of pah . there has been scarce literature on the role of inflammatory mediators in the specific population of young pediatric patients with chd and pulmonary hypertension who are being considered for surgical repair of their cardiac anomalies . these patients generally have communications between cardiac chambers or the great arteries leading to increased pulmonary blood flow and pressure . progressive remodeling of pulmonary arteries causes elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance ( pah - chd ) . structural and functional pulmonary vascular abnormalities are sometimes early , unsuspected , and progressive even in young individuals treated for their cardiac lesions in a timely manner . there are reasons for studying inflammation and immune response in young patients with congenital cardiac communications undergoing surgery . inflammatory cells , mediators , and related molecules have been shown to be closely associated with phenomena that occur early in pulmonary microvasculature , such as medial hypertrophy , muscularization of distal arteries , and intimal proliferative lesions [ 5 , 11 , 12 ] . these abnormalities constitute the anatomical basis for increased pulmonary vasoreactivity that occurs postoperatively as a result of vasospastic stimuli . although the incidence of the so - called postoperative pulmonary hypertensive crises has decreased to less than 1% due to contemporary practice in privileged...
background and objective . inflammation is central in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension . we investigated how serum cytokines correlate with clinical features , hemodynamics , and lung histology in young patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with congenital cardiac shunts . design . prospective , observational study . methods and results . patients ( n = 44 ) were aged 2.6 to 37.6 months . group i patients ( n = 31 ) were characterized by pulmonary congestion and higher pulmonary blood flow compared to group ii ( p = 0.022 ) , with no need for preoperative cardiac catheterization . group ii patients ( n = 13 ) had no congestive features . at catheterization , they had elevated pulmonary vascular resistance ( 5.7 [ 4.47.4 ] wood unitsm2 , geometric mean with 95% ci ) . cytokines were measured by chemiluminescence . macrophage migration inhibitory factor ( mif ) was found to be inversely related to pulmonary blood flow ( r = 0.33 , p = 0.026 ) and was higher in group ii ( high pulmonary vascular resistance ) compared to group i ( high pulmonary blood flow ) ( p = 0.017 ) . in contrast , rantes chemokine ( regulated on activation , normal t cell expressed and secreted ) was characteristically elevated in group i ( p = 0.022 ) . interleukin 16 was also negatively related to pulmonary blood flow ( rs = 0.33 , p = 0.029 ) and was higher in patients with obstructive vasculopathy at intraoperative lung biopsy ( p = 0.021 ) . conclusion . cytokines seem to be important and differentially regulated in subpopulations of young patients with cardiac shunts .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: breast cancer is the most frequently observed type of invasive cancer , affecting approximately 1 million women worldwide and causing bone metastases in 65% to 75% of patients . bisphosphonates are some of the most effective treatments for preventing complications related to bone metastases . zoledronic acid ( za ) is the most effective molecule in reducing skeletal - related events ( sres ) in patients with breast cancer . bisphosphonates inhibit bone resorption and protect bone structure by inhibiting the differentiation of osteoclastic precursors , promoting apoptosis of osteoclasts , and stimulating the secretion of osteoclast inhibitory factor from osteoblasts . one of the most important adverse effects that limit its clinical use is osteonecrosis of the jaw ( onj ) . according to the american oral and maxillofacial surgery association , current therapy or a history of therapy with bisphosphonates , no radiotherapy to the head and neck area , and the presence of exposed necrotic bone in the maxilla and/or mandible for at least 8 weeks support the diagnosis of onj . following the first scientific report published by marx in 2003 that pointed to a link between bisphosphonates and onj , the number of studies focusing on this subject has rapidly increased . moreover , numerous risk factors for the development of onj have also been described ( cancer and anticancer therapy , dental risk factors , corticosteroids , alcohol and tobacco abuse , anemia , diabetes , obesity , and renal impairment ) . trastuzumab is one of the most widely used agents for the management of all metastatic breast cancers with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 ( her2 ) overexpression as indicated by 3 + her2 immunostaining or gene amplification on the fluorescence in situ hybridization test . the development of onj has been reported to have occurred in 2 patients with concurrent use of trastuzumab and bisphosphonates . however , in both these reports , the authors did not correlate the occurrence of onj in their patients with...
abstractone of the most important adverse effects of zoledronic acid ( za ) is osteonecrosis of the jaw ( onj ) . in previous literature , several risk factors have been identified in the development of onj . in this study , we aimed to determine the role of trastuzumab , an antiangiogenic agent , as an independent risk factor for the development of this serious side effect.our study included 97 patients ( mean age : 54 10 years ) with breast cancer , recorded in the archives of the istanbul florence nightingale breast study group , who received za therapy due to bone metastases between march 2006 and december 2013 . we recorded the patients ages , weights , duration of treatment with za , number of za infusions , dental procedures , anticancer treatments ( chemotherapy , aromatase inhibitor , trastuzumab ) , the presence of diabetes mellitus or renal dysfunction , and smoking habits.thirteen patients ( 13.40% ) had developed onj . among the patients with onj , the mean time of exposure to za was 41 months ( range : 1382 ) and the mean number of za infusions was 38 ( range : 1556 ) . the duration of treatment with za and the use of trastuzumab were observed to be 2 factors that influenced the development of onj ( p = 0.049 and p = 0.028 , respectively).the development of onj under za treatment may be associated solely with the duration of za treatment and the concurrent administration of trastuzumab . these findings show that patients who are administered trastuzumab for metastatic breast cancer while undergoing za treatment are prone to developing onj . therefore , we recommend intense clinical observation to avoid this particular condition in patients receiving za and trastuzumab .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: it had been studied extensively in two phase iii trials [ the apixaban versus acetylsalicylic acid to prevent stroke ( averroes ) and apixaban for the prevention of stroke in subjects with atrial fibrillation ( aristotle ) ] as potential alternatives to warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation ( af ) patients.14 these studies are particularly important because af is the most common cardiac arrhythmia and is especially prevalent in the older population . it is also associated with many comorbid conditions including cardioembolic strokes.5 therapeutic anticoagulation is the treatment of choice in moderate- to high - risk af patients because it is the only treatment that has been shown to reduce the risk of embolic phenomena and mortality.6 however , its usage has been limited due to several issues , such as the need for frequent monitoring , multiple drug - to - drug and drug - to - food interactions , and the risk of hemorrhagic complications.7,8 as a result , newer antithrombotic agents have been developed and studied . in this review , we examine the need for new anticoagulants and provide a review of apixaban and its effect in stroke prevention . af patients ( both valvular and nonvalvular ) are at increased risk of developing cardioembolic strokes , and these af- related complications often result in severe functional deficits or death.9 because these embolic events can be devastating , multiple schemes such as the chads2 risk score index ( table 1 ) and the cha2ds2-vasc score ( table 2 ) have been utilized to classify af patients into different risk groups.6,1012 the chads2 system identified five major risk factors congestive heart failure , hypertension , age > 75 years , diabetes mellitus , and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack ( tia ) . in this scoring system , a previous stroke or tia is assigned two points while the other factors are assigned one point . although it is a useful system , the chads2 scoring system omitted some important risk factors such as thyrotoxicosis ,...
atrial fibrillation ( af ) is a common cardiac arrhythmia , especially in the elderly population . it is associated with cardioembolic complications , particularly strokes , resulting in severe functional deficit or death . af patients are first stratified into low , intermediate , and high risk for thromboembolic events using the chads2 and cha2ds2-vasc score systems . depending on their risks , patients are treated with either therapeutic anticoagulation with warfarin or acetylsalicylic acid for stroke prevention . although warfarin is the recommended therapy , it is underutilized clinically due to concern for narrow therapeutic window , drug - to - drug and drug - to - food interactions , and hemorrhagic complications . newer anticoagulant agents such as dabigatran ( a direct thrombin inhibitor ) and rivaroxaban ( a direct factor xa inhibitor ) have already been approved by us food and drug administration for stroke prevention in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation . apixaban is the newest oral direct factor xa inhibitor and it has been extensively studied in the averroes and aristotle trials . apixaban demonstrated reduced incidence of primary outcome of stroke and bleeding events when compared with warfarin . apixaban is currently being reviewed by the food and drug administration as a stroke prophylactic agent . in addition , there are several other indirect factor xa inhibitors and vitamin k antagonists under study presently . results from these studies will provide us with information about possible alternatives to warfarin .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the impact of heat on nerve conduction was initially described by hodgkin and katz in 19491 . changes in sodium and potassium channel activation are primarily responsible for heat - related nerve conduction changes1 , 2 . with increasing temperature , voltage - gated sodium channel activation and deactivation becomes increasingly rapid , and channels remain open for a shorter duration . depending on the decreasing ion passage , the action potential amplitude diminishes and conduction velocity ( cv ) accelerates2 . these differences that were defined at a single - fiber level were found to be similar in an in vivo environment3 . in healthy nerve fibers , heating has been reported to increase both the sensory and motor nerve cv4 , 5 . in demyelinating diseases , nerve conduction blocks are observed with increasing body temperature6 , 7 . with respect to focal demyelinating conditions , superficial superficial heating modalities primarily increase the temperature of the skin and superficial subcutaneous tissues . in contrast , deep heating modalities change the temperature of deeper tissues to a depth of approximately 5 cm11 . therapeutic ultrasound ( us ) is a deep - heating agent used to treat various musculoskeletal disorders12,13,14 . the biophysical effects of us on tissues occur through 2 mechanisms : ( 1 ) thermal effects acquired with continuous application , and ( 2 ) non - thermal effects acquired from pulse application15 . studies have reported contradicting results concerning the effects of deep heating produced by us on healthy nerve conduction parameters . with respect to motor nerve cvs , continuous zankel and farmer reported decreased ulnar motor nerve cvs with sonation intensities of 1 to 2 w / cm , but increased velocities at other intensities16 , 17 . madsen reported decreased cvs after sonation at 0.88 and 1.28 w / cm , but increased cvs with sonation at 1.92 w/ cm18 . on the other hand , kramer19 observed increased motor cvs with all 5 tested...
[ purpose ] physiotherapeutic heating agents are classified into two groups : superficial - heating agents and deep - heating agents . therapeutic ultrasound is a deep - heating agent used to treat various musculosketal disorders . numerous studies have attempted to determine the impact of ultrasound on healthy nerve conduction parameters . however , the instantaneous effects of deep heating via ultrasound on demyelinating nerves do not appear to have been described previously . the present study aimed to assess and compare the impact of ultrasound on demyelinating nerve and healthy nerve conduction parameters . [ subjects and methods ] carpal tunnel syndrome was used as a focal demyelination model . thirty - two hands of 25 participants with carpal tunnel syndrome were enrolled in the study . ultrasound parameters were 3.3 mhz , 1.0 w / cm2 , 8 minutes , and continuous wave . electrodiagnostic studies were performed initially , at the midpoint ( 4th min ) , and immediately after ( 8th min ) ultrasound application . [ results ] reduced motor conduction velocity was found in demyelinating nerves at the 4th and 8th minutes . ulnar nerve onset latency was significantly prolonged in the 8th minute recording , compared to the initial value . there were no significant differences in relative velocity and latency changes between demyelinating and normal nerves . [ conclusion ] deep heating via ultrasound may inversely affect conduction velocity in demyelinating nerves .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: attempted or accidental superwarfarin exposure has become an important public problem in western countries ( 1 ) , as intoxication can cause prolonged bleeding diathesis , and sometimes fatal results . over 10,000 cases of superwarfarin intoxication were reported in 2008 to the poison control centers toxic exposure surveillance system in the united states ( 2 ) . in korea , only sporadic reports of superwarfarin intoxication exist without any systemic and detailed investigations to the issue ( 3 - 5 ) . we conducted an observational study of 10 cases of superwarfarin intoxication in korea , most of them broke out within a year . case report forms ( crf ) for patients with superwarfarin intoxication were requested to 8 physicians from october 2009 to april 2010 by electronic mails . a crf contained filling up section for basic information of a patient : age , sex , residence , occupation , past history of disease , and medication history of anti - coagulants or anti - platelet agents , etc . manifestations of bleeding were surveyed and initial laboratory data including prothrombin time ( pt ) and activated partial thromboplastin time ( aptt ) were collected . results of plasma mixing test , activity of coagulation factors and serum brodifacoum level test were also recorded . flow - sheet of treatment and change of laboratory data including pt and aptt of each patient were gathered . the crfs were analyzed by hong j and bang s - m and the results were reviewed by the other authors . this study was performed for the public good and had neither risk nor disadvantage for subjects . therefore , the institutional review board of seoul national hospital bundang hospital permitted this study without acquisition of informed consent ( approval number : b-1007 - 106 - 105 ) . this study was performed for the public good and had neither risk nor disadvantage for subjects . therefore , the institutional review board of seoul national hospital bundang hospital permitted this study without acquisition of informed consent (...
this observational study aimed at evaluating recent superwarfarin intoxication of korean patients . ten patients were diagnosed as or highly suspicious for superwarfarin intoxication . case report forms described by attending hematologists of the patients were collected and analyzed . bleeding symptoms were varied among the patients . patients uniformly showed prolonged prothrombin time ( pt ) and activated thromboplastin time ( aptt ) with decreased activity of vitamin k dependent coagulation factors . positive serum brodifacoum test results in 4 of 5 requested patients contributed to confirmatory diagnosis . psychiatric interview revealed an attempted ingestion in one patient . high dose vitamin k1 therapy promptly corrected prolonged pt and aptt , but hasty discontinuation caused repeated bleeding diathesis in 6 patients . route of intoxication was unknown or not definite among 8 of 10 patients . three patients had a possibility of environmental exposure considering their occupations : there might be intoxication by transdermal absorption or inhalation . therefore , high dose and prolonged use of vitamin k1 therapy is necessary for effective detoxification . further detailed investigation on environmental exposure and efforts to improve availability of the blood level test in clinic are requested .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: squamous cell carcinoma ( scc ) of the buccal mucosa accounts for 23% to 37% of all intraoral cancers . the highest incidence rate is observed in india , australia , brazil , france and south africa . a male to female ratio is about 2:1 with the largest number of oral sccs developing in the fourth and fifth decades of life . because of the high recurrence rate and invasive behavior of this tumor , the prognosis is generally poor . diaz et al 's showed that buccal squamous cell carcinoma ( scc ) is an aggressive cancer , with a tendency to recur locoregionally . strome et al 's revealed that 80% of patients had evidence of recurrence by 5 years , while lin cs et al 's found that recurance rate was 34% by 5 years . according to our search in pubmed medical data bases there was no similar reported case about the locoregional invasion and recuurence of buccal scc in iran . in march 2012,,a 32-year - old admitted in alzahra hospital medical center of isfahan , iran due to the swelling in the right cheek region that initiated from 6 months ago but rapidly grow during one month ago . he had a history of right cheek surgery with cervical lymph node dissection 2 years ago that was histopathologicaly diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma ( scc ) at stage ii ( t2n0m0 ) that justified no lymph node involvement in examination . extra oral examination , revealed a swelling of 3 2 cm in the right cheek region with a firm consistency . there were no palpable lymph node in the submandibular and cervical region and facial muscle paralysis was not existed . head and neck ct with soft tissue windowingin 2010 , february showed a lesion in the right buccal region with dimensions of z 3.1 2.7 [ figure 1 ] . that was surgically excised with all the involved surrounding tissues under the general anesthesia at that time . ct image , axial view , soft tissue windowing , showe a soft tissue mass lesion with dimension of 3.1 2.7 in the right buccal mucosa . ( january 2010 ) in march 2012 , ct images showed a soft tissue mass lesion...
squamous cell carcinoma ( scc ) of the buccal mucosa accounts for 23% to 37% of all intraoral cancers , the prognosis is generally poor . we reported a case of local invasion of buccal squamous cell carcinoma . a 32-year - old man referred to the clinic with a chief complaint of swelling in the right cheek region that initiated from 6 months ago and rapidly grow from one month ago . history of the patient revealed that he was undergoing a surgery for buccal squamous cell carcinoma ( scc ) lesion 2 years ago . computed tomography ( ct ) and magnetic resonance(mri ) images showed a heterogenous mass in the right maxillary , palate and mandibular regions that was histopathologically diagnosed as recurrence with locoregional invasion of scc .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: although targeted endoscopic ultrasound - guided fine - needle aspiration ( eus - fna ) of the cyst wall following fluid aspiration has demonstrated improved overall diagnostic sensitivity for potentially malignant mucinous cysts 1 , there are reports concerning a dissemination risk from eus - fna . the enhanced diagnostic capability of eus - fna must be balanced against the risk of tumor seeding . a 75-year - old man was admitted to our hospital due to a pancreatic cystic lesion accompanying a solid mass , and with liver metastasis . eus observation ( uc240p - al5 , olympus co , tokyo , japan ) demonstrated a pancreatic cyst of 30-mm maximum diameter , and a solid mass beside the cystic lesion . using a 25-gauge needle ( expect , boston scientific japan , tokyo ) with a 20-ml syringe suction , we performed eus - fna on the solid mass , which also had a 30-mm maximum diameter through the posterior gastric wall . during the procedure , no early adverse events occurred . the pathological findings showed the lesion to be an adenocarcinoma that was diagnosed as intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma ( ipmc ) ( fig . 1 ) . eus - fna on a mass beside cystic lesions through the posterior gastric wall using a 25-gauge needle ( expect , boston scientific japan , tokyo ) . because the patient s condition was inoperable , gemcitabine - based chemotherapy was started at a dose of 1600 mg on days 1 , 8 , and 15 on a 4-week cycle . approximately 3 months after eus - fna , follow - up computed tomography scan showed a cystic mass in the posterior gastric wall ( fig . 2 ) . the cystic mass was visualized by esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( egd ) as a subepithelial lesion ( sel ) ( fig . 3 ) , and eus suggested that this sel was primarily localized in the third layer of the gastric wall . needle tract seeding of eus - fna for intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma ( ipmc ) was suspected as the cause of this new lesion . eus - fna was thus performed on the sel and a definite diagnosis of ipmc that was similar to...
background and study aims : we report on a 75-year - old man who was admitted due to pancreatic cystic lesion accompanied by a solid mass with liver metastasis . endoscopic ultrasound - guided fine - needle aspiration ( eus - fna ) was performed on the solid mass , and pathological findings revealed the lesion to be an adenocarcinoma diagnosed as intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma ( ipmc ) . approximately 3 months after , a cystic subepithelial lesion appeared in the posterior gastric wall where the eus - fna had been performed . we performed eus - fna again , which revealed that the cystic mass was ipmc with pathology similar to the original lesion . this is a rare case demonstrating needle tract seeding of eus - fna for ipmc .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: a single - page questionnaire ( technical appendix ) was sent to the lead cf physician in all uk pediatric and adult cf centers identified by the principal uk cf charity , the cystic fibrosis trust , in 2009 . results were tabulated and basic statistical analysis performed by using microsoft excel 2007 ( microsoft , redmond , wa , usa ) . because m. chelonae and m. abscessus have common phenotypic characteristics and not all samples were fully sequenced by a reference laboratory , we combined these for reporting as mabsc . twenty - three adult and 29 pediatric uk cf centers , with 8,513 cf patients , were sent questionnaires . responses were received from 19 ( 83% ) and 24 ( 83% ) of these centers respectively , comprising 7,122 patients ( 3,805 adults , 3,317 children ) , or 84% of the uk cf population . as expected , the prevalence of any ntm isolate was higher in the adult ( 5.0% ) than in the pediatric ( 3.3% ) population ( table ) . fifteen adult and 17 pediatric centers cultured samples for ntm yearly ; most remaining centers tested for ntm only if there was a specific clinical indication . the ntm pathogens most frequently cultured were the rapidly growing mabsc ( 62% of adults , 68% of children who were ntm - positive ) , followed by mac ( 28% of adults , 27% of children ) . other species ( m. gordonae , kansasii , xenopi , fortuitum , simiae , malmoense , mucogenicum , perigrinum ) together made up 8% of the total . wide geographic variation was noted , increasing from northwest to southeast , manifesting lowest prevalence in northern ireland ( 1.9% ) and highest in south east england ( 7.5% ) ( figure ) . regional variation in percentage of cystic fibrosis patients in whom nontuberculous mycobacteria were isolated , united kingdom , 2009 . nineteen of 23 adult and 24 of 29 pediatric cf centers , accounting for 7,122 of 8,513 ( 84% ) cf patients , participated in the survey . most centers required clear clinical or radiologic deterioration in addition to positive cultures , but a significantly higher...
incidence of pulmonary infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria ( ntm ) is increasing among persons with cystic fibrosis ( cf ) . we assessed prevalence and management in cf centers in the united kingdom and found 5.0% of 3,805 adults and 3.3% of 3,317 children had recently been diagnosed with ntm . of those , 44% of adults and 47% of children received treatment .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: descrever aspectos relacionados ao diagnstico e tratamento de pacientes com doena pulmonar por metal duro ( dpmd ) e realizar uma reviso da literatura . estudo retrospectivo dos pronturios mdicos de pacientes atendidos no servio de doenas respiratrias ocupacionais do instituto do corao , localizado na cidade de so paulo , entre 2010 e 2013 . entre 320 pacientes atendidos no perodo do estudo , 5 ( 1,56% ) foram diagnosticados com dpmd . todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino , com mdia de idade de 42,0 13,6 anos e mdia de tempo de exposio a metal duro de 11,4 8,0 anos . os pacientes foram submetidos a avaliao clinica , histria ocupacional , tcar de trax , prova de funo pulmonar , broncoscopia com lba e bipsia pulmonar . todos apresentaram distrbio ventilatrio restritivo . o achado de imagem tcar de trax mais frequente foi de opacidades em vidro fosco ( em 80% ) . houve o diagnstico de pneumonia intersticial descamativa associada bronquiolite celular em 1 paciente e de pneumonite de hipersensibilidade em 1 . apesar de ser uma entidade rara , a dpmd deve ser sempre considerada em trabalhadores com risco ocupacional elevado de exposio a metais duros . a histria clnica e ocupacional associada a achados em tcar de trax e lba sugestivos da doena podem ser suficientes para o diagnstico . hard metal lung disease ( hmld ) is a rare disease caused by exposure to particles of hard metal alloys , whose major components are tungsten carbide ( approximately 90% ) and cobalt ( approximately 10% ) or cobalt and diamond . other components , such as tantalum , titanium , nickel , niobium , and chrome , are found in small amounts . because they are extremely hard and maintain their physical properties even at high temperatures , hard metals are used in tools for cutting and sharpening metals , drilling wells , polishing diamonds and dental prostheses , etc . workers are exposed to particles rich in cobalt ( in ionized form ) and tungsten carbide , which are absorbed by the lungs and gastrointestinal tract , both in...
abstractobjective : to describe diagnostic and treatment aspects of hard metal lung disease ( hmld ) and to review the current literature on the topic . methods : this was a retrospective study based on the medical records of patients treated at the occupational respiratory diseases clinic of the instituto do corao , in the city of so paulo , brazil , between 2010 and 2013 . results : of 320 patients treated during the study period , 5 ( 1.56% ) were diagnosed with hmld . all of those 5 patients were male ( mean age , 42.0 13.6 years ; mean duration of exposure to hard metals , 11.4 8.0 years ) . occupational histories were taken , after which the patients underwent clinical evaluation , chest hrct , pulmonary function tests , bronchoscopy , bal , and lung biopsy . restrictive lung disease was found in all subjects . the most common chest hrct finding was ground glass opacities ( in 80% ) . in 4 patients , balf revealed multinucleated giant cells . in 3 patients , lung biopsy revealed giant cell interstitial pneumonia . one patient was diagnosed with desquamative interstitial pneumonia associated with cellular bronchiolitis , and another was diagnosed with a hypersensitivity pneumonitis pattern . all patients were withdrawn from exposure and treated with corticosteroid . clinical improvement occurred in 2 patients , whereas the disease progressed in 3 . conclusions : although hmld is a rare entity , it should always be included in the differential diagnosis of respiratory dysfunction in workers with a high occupational risk of exposure to hard metal particles . a relevant history ( clinical and occupational ) accompanied by chest hrct and bal findings suggestive of the disease might be sufficient for the diagnosis .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: acute megakaryoblastic leukemia ( aml m7 ) is a rare hematological malignancy accounting for less than 5% of all cases of acute myeloid leukemia . aml m7 accounts for 7 to 10% of all cases of childhood aml but less than 1% of aml cases in adults . diagnosis is primarily based on bone marrow examination including both bone marrow aspiration and biopsy . there are only occasional case reports discussing the morphological features suggestive of megakaryocytic leukemia in extramedullary location on cytological smears . we report here a case of aml m7 presenting with cervical lymphadenopathy , emphasizing the cytological clues which may help in suspecting such a case on fine needle aspiration cytology ( fnac ) and cerebrospinal fluid . this is also the first report describing the morphology of aml m7 in cerebrospinal fluid . a 25-year - old male patient was treated with surgical excision for a mediastinal mixed germ cell tumor , the components of which included teratoma , embryonal carcinoma , and choriocarcinoma . subsequently he was administered four cycles of bep ( bleomycin , etoposide , and carboplatin ) and two cycles of etoposide and carboplatin in 2009 . six months after completing the treatment , he presented with complaints of easy fatigability and generalized weakness . on examination , a clinical diagnosis of recurrent metastatic germ cell tumor was considered . a routine hemogram revealed hemoglobin of 6 g / dl . there was pancytopenia with a total leukocyte count of 3000/l and a platelet count of 20,000/l . the touch preparation showed few poorly preserved blasts , morphology of which was not clear . the decalcified sections of the biopsy were initially stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain and showed partial replacement of normal marrow by blasts . the blasts had scant to moderate cytoplasm with one to three prominent nucleoli , a few of them were binucleate and a few megakaryocytes showing multinucleation were also seen . on immunohistochemistry , the blasts were negative for myeloperoxidase (...
extramedullary deposits may be the presenting feature of acute myeloid leukemia . an early and accurate diagnosis on cytology will aid in correct patient management . this is especially true for patients with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia ( aml m7 ) , where bone marrow aspiration may yield only a dry tap . while cytomorphological features of myeloid sarcoma of other types are well recognized due to its rarity , there are only two case reports discussing the morphological details of megakaryoblastic differentiation on aspiration cytology . we present the case of a 25-year - old patient with extramedullary involvement of lymph node and cerebrospinal fluid by aml m7 , describing in detail , the morphological features on aspiration as well as exfoliative cytology .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: rubinstein taybi syndrome ( rts ) is characterized by mental retardation , postnatal growth deficiency , microcephaly , specific facial characteristics , broad thumbs , and big toes . a majority of patients have mutations in the gene that encodes the transcriptional coactivator , cyclic amp - responsive element - binding ( creb ) protein on chromosome 16p13 , and about 3% of the patients have mutations in the e1a binding protein p300 ( ep300 ) gene on chromosome 22q13 . the behavioral aspects include a variable degree of mental retardation , impulsivity , distractibility , instability of mood , atypical depression , stereotypes , poor coordination , and overweight . there is one case report on recurrent manic episodes associated with rts and no reports on the association of rts with schizophrenia or non - affective psychosis . a 31-year - old , unmarried male presented with worsening behavioral problems for two months . he was the first of the three siblings , born of a second - degree consanguineous marriage among parents . his predominant symptoms included suspiciousness , delusions of reference and persecution , second person auditory hallucination giving derogatory comments on the patient , and occasional irritability . his symptoms were waxing and waning in nature , without full remission in between the exacerbation of symptoms . the patient was earlier treated by various psychiatrists with trifluoperazine , haloperidol , quetiapine , and valproate . the patient had partial improvement with the above - mentioned medications , but due to the side effects the patient had discontinued them . on physical examination the patient was pale , head circumference was 54 cms , height was 160 cms , weight was 60 kg , and vitals were stable . his physical anomalies included spiky hair , bushy eyebrows , synophrys , prominent supraorbital ridge , low set ears , long eyelashes , prominent nose , open mouth , carries in teeth , talon cusp ( in the right upper canine ) , broad thumbs and toes , camptodactaly of little...
rubinstein taybi syndrome ( rts ) is a rare genetic disorder with characteristic physical anomalies . it is characterized by mental retardation , postnatal growth deficiency , microcephaly , specific facial characteristics , broad thumbs , and big toes . behavioral problems are common with rts ; they include mental retardation , impulsivity , distractibility , instability of mood , stereotypes , poor coordination , atypical depression , and mania . to date , there is lack of literature on the presence of schizophrenia or non - affective psychosis with rts . here , we describe two cases where there is co - morbid psychosis with rts . one case is diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia and the other as psychosis possibly schizophrenia . genetic analysis was not done due to unavailability . the possible etiological factors for the association of psychosis with rts are discussed . factors such as regulators of rna polymerase ii and hypoxia - inducible factor 1 alpha ( hif1a ) may be some common etiological factors for the association of schizophrenia or non - affective psychosis and rts . schizophrenia / non - affective psychosis can be a comorbid psychiatric condition with rts .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: eph receptors were identified in the late 1980 's and are known as largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases . they consist of a glycosylated extracellular domain with the immunoglobulin - like ligand - binding site , followed by a cysteine - rich region and two fibronectin type iii repeats ( figure 1 ) . connected via a single transmembrane spanning domain , the intracellular region contains a juxtamembrane domain , a tyrosine kinase domain , a sterile alpha motif , and a pdz-(postsynaptic density 95-discs large - zonula occludentes-1 ) binding motif [ 1 , 2 ] . eph receptors bind membrane bound ligands , the ephrins , and both , receptors and ligands , are divided into two subclasses a or b based on binding properties and structural homologies . class a ephrins are membrane - bound via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor and class b ephrins contain a transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic region with conserved tyrosine residues and a pdz - binding motif . class a eph receptors preferentially bind all a - type ephrins and class b eph receptors bind all b - type ligands . however , there are some exceptions , as epha1 primarily binds ephrina1 , epha4 binds both , a- and b - type ligands , and ephrina5 binds epha receptors as well as ephb2 ( figure 2 ) [ 36 ] . until today in contrast to other receptor tyrosine kinases , eph receptors / ephrins show unique properties in their activation and signaling . for the activation of the receptors not only dimerization as in most receptor tyrosine kinases multimer - induced signaling seems to be different from signals of normal dimers in so far as the degree of multimerization of the ephrins accounts for the kind and strength of biological effects . as eph receptors bind ligands which are also membrane bound , cell - cell contact is needed for eph receptor activation . on the other hand , recent work demonstrated that at least a - type ephrins can be released from the cell surface [ 9 , 10 ] . these soluble proteins were shown to be functionally active...
eph receptors and their ephrin ligands were identified in the late 1980 's . subsequently , they were linked to different physiological and pathophysiological processes like embryonic development , angiogenesis , and tumorigenesis . in this regard , recent work focused on the distribution and effects of eph receptors and ephrins on tumor cells and tumor microenvironment . the purpose of this review is to outline the role of these molecules in physiological angiogenesis and pathophysiological tumor angiogenesis . furthermore , novel therapeutical approaches are discussed as eph receptors and ephrins represent attractive targets for antiangiogenic therapy .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: giant anal condyloma is a rare sexually transmitted disease involving the perianal and external genital tract area in the form of a large exophytic , cauliflower - like mass . complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice and often wide wounds are necessary to reach clear margins and prevent recurrence . various rotation or advancement flaps can be utilized as alternatives methods for covering wide wounds , decrease the length of recovery and minimize risk of anal stricture . we present two cases treated with an s - plasty rotation and a bilateral house advancement flap respectively . a 60-year - old man , heterosexual , presented in our department in june 2009,with a typical cauliflower - like tumor mass involving the perianal region . the patient was treated with daily wound cleansing with a good final result . a 64-year - old heterosexual man presented in our department in may 2012 with a typical cauliflower - like tumor mass involving the perianal region , and multiple condylomata involving the penis and prepuce . the patient was reluctant to undergo to medical treatment as symptoms had been present for 20 years . the patient was treated with a wide surgical excision and reconstruction with a bilateral house advancement flap ( fig . the lesion on the penis and prepuce were excised by electrocautery scissors and a circumcision respectively . in this case dehiscence of the muco - cutaneus anastomosis developed during the second postoperative week maybe due to straining during defecation with consequent increased tension . at one month both patients were given a bowel preparation with polietilenglicole 4 l. intravenous antibiotic therapy with cephalosporine and metronidazole was administered for 7 days . a liquid diet and codeine were administered to all patients for three days after surgery to prevent evacuation and early contamination of the wound . a 60-year - old man , heterosexual , presented in our department in june 2009,with a typical cauliflower - like tumor mass involving the perianal...
introductiongiant anal condyloma also called buschke lwenstein tumor is a rare sexually transmitted disease involving anogenital region with potential malignant degeneration into invasive squamous carcinoma . complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice and often wide wounds are necessary to reach clear margins and prevent recurrence.presentation of casethe authors present two cases treated with an s - plasty rotating and a bilateral house advancement flap respectively with good functional result.discussiongiant anal condyloma also called buschke lwenstein tumor is a large exophytic , cauliflower - like mass that is characterized by local aggressive behavior . immunosuppression favors rapid growth of the condylomas and increases the risk of their malignant transformation . in limited lesions primary excision can be safely performed leaving wounds open to granulate while in more extensive lesions flap or skin graft coverage is preferable to decrease the length of recovery and minimize risk of severe anal stricture . abdominoperineal resection should be performed for more extensive lesions with deep invasion , malignant transformation or tumor recurrence.conclusiongiant anal condyloma also called buschke lwenstein is a rare pathology with mainly sporadic single center experience reported in literature . surgical complete excision remains the best treatment although elevate should be eventual recurrence . no sufficient data are available to recommend any medical treatment such as interferon , radiotherapy or chemotherapy .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: due to a very extensive territory of yakutia ( 3,083,000 km ) , it is hardly possible to estimate permafrost temperatures at all of its 200 cattle burial grounds , especially because most grounds are situated in very remote and hard - to - reach places . we used the data of weather stations located in the same administrative districts as the burial grounds to estimate the trends in local air temperatures . the geographical coordinates ( latitude , longitude , and altitude ) and international identification indexes of all yakutia weather stations are listed at the website of russian meteorological service ( ) ; their locations are available on the interactive map at . we retrieved the daily temperature data for these weather stations from the us national climatic data centre website and selected years 19612010 as the study period . ncdc website maintains the most comprehensive archive of meteorological data collected all over the world up - to - date . the analysis of available archive data showed that only 17 out of 26 selected district weather stations reported their daily temperature data for all years between 1961 and 2010 , whereas the data for the remaining 9 administrative districts were either incomplete or absent . regional models of climate change in yakutia have been developed only at a very broad geographic scale . there are only two such models : one covers all territories to the north of 65n and the other covers all territories to the south of 65n . the first model reports the following changes in annual average temperatures relative to the baseline : 0.2c for 19711980 ; 0.8c for 19811990 ; and 0.1c for 19912000 . the second model reports the following temperature increments : 0.12c for 19711980 ; 1.6c for 19811990 ; and 0.3c for 19912000 [ 24 . such aggregated information was not sufficient to estimate the temperature trends in individual administrative districts . for this purpose , we used the records of daily temperatures...
climate warming in the arctic may increase the risk of zoonoses due to expansion of vector habitats , improved chances of vector survival during winter , and permafrost degradation . monitoring of soil temperatures at siberian cryology control stations since 1970 showed correlations between air temperatures and the depth of permafrost layer that thawed during summer season . between 1900s and 1980s , the temperature of surface layer of permafrost increased by 24c ; and a further increase of 3c is expected . frequent outbreaks of anthrax caused death of 1.5 million deer in russian north between 1897 and 1925 . anthrax among people or cattle has been reported in 29,000 settlements of the russian north , including more than 200 yakutia settlements , which are located near the burial grounds of cattle that died from anthrax . statistically significant positive trends in annual average temperatures were established in 8 out of 17 administrative districts of yakutia for which sufficient meteorological data were available . at present , it is not known whether further warming of the permafrost will lead to the release of viable anthrax organisms . nevertheless , we suggest that it would be prudent to undertake careful monitoring of permafrost conditions in all areas where an anthrax outbreak had occurred in the past .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: histoplasmosis , also known as darling 's disease , is a systemic fungal infection caused by the dimorphic fungus , histoplasma capsulatum . infection is acquired by inhalation of conidia from soil contaminated by bird or bat excreta . histoplasmosis can manifest in a bewildering array of clinical types and variation and has been called the syphilis of fungal world . we report a case of chronic disseminated cutaneous histoplasmosis with varied skin lesions in an immunocompetent host . presence of cutaneous ulcers , linear erythematous plaques , skin coloured atrophic plaques and recurrent self - limiting oral ulcers in a single patient has not been documented in literature so far . a 74-year - old male , woodcutter by occupation , residing in a non - endemic area in south india , presented with multiple painful ulcers over face and oral mucosa and asymptomatic reddish raised lesions over neck and trunk of 5 days duration . there was history of recurrent episodes of self - healing ulcers over lower lip and soft palate for the past 10 years , and multiple asymptomatic skin coloured lesions over forearm and trunk for these years , which were not preceded by any other type of skin lesions . on examination , multiple ulcers of varying size with well - defined , irregular margin were seen on forehead , periorbital area , chin and left anterior axillary fold . multiple skin coloured atrophic plaques were present over forearm , trunk and thighs [ figure 1 ] . leishman stained tissue smears from ulcers and erythematous crusted plaques revealed budding organism with peripheral halo [ figure 2 ] . biopsies from these lesions and the skin coloured atrophic plaques showed parasitized macrophages , containing small round yeast - like organisms with a surrounding halo suggestive of histoplasma capsulatum , which was confirmed by gomori methenamine silver ( gms ) stain [ figure 3 ] . patient was diagnosed with chronic disseminated cutaneous histoplasmosis and started on itraconazole 200 mg twice in a day . varied...
a case of chronic disseminated cutaneous histoplasmosis with unusual skin manifestations in an immunocompetent host is reported . presence of cutaneous ulcers , linear erythematous plaques , skin coloured atrophic plaques and recurrent self - limiting oral ulcers in a single patient has not been documented in literature so far . diagnosis was established by identifying small intracellular yeast - like cells of histoplasma in tissue smear and skin biopsy . leishman stained tissue smear proves to be an easy and simple procedure for diagnosis of histoplasmosis .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: indonesia shows an amazing diversity of plants species that have been associated with the human health from time immemorial . many of them were reported to have various desirable activities ; however , only 2022% were cultivated . research of indonesian medicinal plants using modern laboratory facilities has been started since 1970 , but only about 200 plants were studied . this figure shows a very small portion of the overall number of medicinal plant species that were reported . therefore , the analysis of chemical constituents would help in determining various biological activities of plants . the most important of these bioactive constituents of plant are alkaloids , flavonoids , terpenoids , steroids , tannins , and saponins . flavonoids are the most common and widely distributed group of plant phenolic compounds , occurring virtually in all plant parts , particularly the photosynthesising plant cells . flavonoids have been reported to exert multiple biological effects , including antioxidant , free radical scavenging abilities , anti - inflammatory , and anticarcinogen . several analytical techniques have been developed for determining total flavonoids concentration such as gas chromatographic ( gc ) , mass spectrometry , thin layer chromatography , uv spectrometry , and high performance liquid chromatography ( hplc ) . these methods are precise but all time - consuming , requiring many reagents , and costly . infrared spectroscopy is a technique based on the vibrations of the atoms of a molecule . the advantage of the infrared technique is that it can be nondestructive , requires a relatively small amount of sample , is fast , and is accurate [ 11 , 12 ] . it has been proved to be a powerful analytical tool used in many fields . in recent years , nir spectroscopy also shows promising ability for discrimination of similar biological materials , such as pea , fruits , and wine . some papers have been published regarding nir quantitative analysis of active compound concentration in herbal products . the...
infrared ( ir ) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics has been developed for simple analysis of flavonoid in the medicinal plant extract . flavonoid was extracted from medicinal plant leaves by ultrasonication and maceration . ir spectra of selected medicinal plant extract were correlated with flavonoid content using chemometrics . the chemometric method used for calibration analysis was partial last square ( pls ) and the methods used for classification analysis were linear discriminant analysis ( lda ) , soft independent modelling of class analogies ( simca ) , and support vector machines ( svm ) . in this study , the calibration of nir model that showed best calibration with r2 and rmsec value was 0.9916499 and 2.1521897 , respectively , while the accuracy of all classification models ( lda , simca , and svm ) was 100% . r2 and rmsec of calibration of ftir model were 0.8653689 and 8.8958149 , respectively , while the accuracy of lda , simca , and svm was 86.0% , 91.2% , and 77.3% , respectively . pls and lda of nir models were further used to predict unknown flavonoid content in commercial samples . using these models , the significance of flavonoid content that has been measured by nir and uv - vis spectrophotometry was evaluated with paired samples t - test . the flavonoid content that has been measured with both methods gave no significant difference .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: osteopontin ( opn ) is a bone associated , extracellular matrix glycosylated phosphoprotein which is produced by several cell types , including osteoblasts , osteoclasts , immune cells , endothelial cells , epithelial cells and extra - osseous cells ( skin , kidney and lung ) ( 13 ) . due to differences in post - translational modification ( ptm ) ( phosphorylation , glycosylation , sulfation and proteolysis ) from different cellular sources , opn has a molecular weight ranging from 41 to 75 kda , which may have a cell type - specific structure and function ( 47 ) . opn plays a major role in various normal physiological processes , including bone remodelling , immune - regulation , inflammation and vascularisation ( 8,9 ) . in addition , opn has also been shown to be involved in carcinogenesis with multi - functional activities ( 1012 ) . opn is involved in a series of biological functions through interactions with different integrins and cd44 . therefore , opn is classified as a member of the ' small integrin - binding ligand n - linked glycoproteins ' ( siblings ) together with other molecules , including bone sialoprotein ( bsp ) , dentin matrix protein 1 ( dmp1 ) , dentin sialophosphoprotein ( dspp ) and matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein ( mepe ) ( 13 ) . two critical integrin binding sequences of opn have been identified : arginine - glycine - aspartic acid ( rgd ) and serine - valine - valine - tyrosine - glutamate - leucine - arginine ( svvyglr ) . opn interacts mainly with various v ( particularly v1 , v3 , v5 ) integrin receptors via the classical rgd sequence , and interacts with 91 , 41 , 47 via svvyglr ( 1416 ) . in addition , it also interacts with the cd44 splice variants , cd44v3 , cd44v6 and cd44v7 , via the c - terminal fragment calcium binding site ( 1720 ) . these properties of opn induce the activation of signal transduction pathways , leading to cell proliferation , adhesion , invasion and migration , which have been demonstrated by both in vitro and in vivo models ( 2123 ) . the...
human osteopontin ( opn ) is a glycosylated phosphoprotein which is expressed in a variety of tissues in the body . in recent years , accumulating evidence has indicated that the aberrant expression of opn is closely associated with tumourigensis , progression and most prominently with metastasis in several tumour types . in this review , we present the current knowledge on the expression profiles of opn and its main splice variants in human cancers , as well as the potential implications in patient outcome . we also discuss its putative clinical application as a cancer biomarker and as a therapeutic target .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor ( mpnst ) accounts for about 5 - 10% of all soft tissue sarcomas . the fact that the presence of this tumor in the buttock region is extremely rare has prompted the authors to report this case . this is an interesting tumor not encountered very much in the neuro - oncology literature . it can occur in sporadic form or over a setting of neurofibromatosis-1 ( nf-1 ) . when mtt develops over nf-1 , the diagnosis can be confirmed based on morphologic grounds supported by an immunostain such as s-100 protein . a 40-year - old male presented with a large mass in the gluteal region gradually increasing in size over 6 months . ten years back , operation of a nodule in the same area had revealed histopathological diagnosis of neurofibroma . on further questioning , the patient revealed having two small painful nodules over his back since the presence of the operated nodule . his family history suggested that his father was a diagnosed case of von recklinghausen disease ( nf-1 ) . the resected mass consisted of a large globular mass measuring 10 7 6 cm . the cut section showed solid grey - white and hemorrhagic areas ( fig . 1 ) . multiple sections studied revealed alternate hypocellular and hypercellular areas composed of spindle cells with wavy nucleus and nuclear palisading . thick - walled blood vessels were seen with perivascular accentuation of tumor cells in the hypocellular areas ( fig . mitotic figures were brisk in the cellular areas , 11/10 high power fields with few abnormal mitoses . the tumor also showed a good number of scattered large cells both rounded and elongated with abundant deep eosinophilic cytoplasm and clearly visible cross striations ( fig . the patient was subjected to radiotherapy on being referred to the oncology department . during a follow - up period of 8 months , slightly more than half of the cases of mtt have been reported in conjunction with nf-1 . in our case , when it occurs in sporadic form , other spindle cell sarcomas like fibrosarcoma...
malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation , malignant triton tumor , has a rare incidence . we report such a case in a 40-year - old male who presented with a mass over the buttock . he was a previously diagnosed case of neurofibroma in the same area . histomorphology supported by immunostaining with s-100 protein confirmed the diagnosis . malignant triton tumor has a poor prognosis owing to its aggressive biological behavior . the fact that the presence of this tumor in the buttock region is extremely rare has prompted the authors to report this case .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: according to the international agency for research on cancer ( iarc ) , leather tanning and processing is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans , although the production process involves exposure to numerous chemicals , for some of which there is evidence of carcinogenicity in humans . however , in 1981 , iarc had reported an increased risk for bladder cancer in the only study available at the time . tannery workers have been known from previous studies to have the potential for exposure to numerous known or suspected occupational carcinogens including hexavalent chromium salts , arsenic , organic solvents ( benzene , formaldehyde , butyl acetate , ethanol , acetaacetate , toluene and acetone ) . the two major sources of chromium particulates in the tannery work environment are chromium chemicals used in the tannery work environment are chromium chemicals used in the tanning process in the form of baychrom and cr ( oh)so4 . chromium , which is a basic tanning agent , is available in trivalent form as chromium sulphate and in inorganic form and in the protein bound form that is known as leather dust . the leather dust produced by mechanical operations the exposures within the leather tanning industry have been suggested by some investigators[35 ] to result in the development of a variety of specific cancers including lung , bladder , kidney , pancreatic oral cavity , nasal and soft tissue sarcoma and skin along with dermatitis , ulcers , perforation of the nasal septum , respiratory illnesses . lung cancer : epidemiologic studies of tanners have shown an increased risk for cancer of the lung.[612 ] a review of cancer risk among tanners in italy was published and indicated an excess of lung cancer . increased mortality from lung cancer has also been reported earlier . an excess of lung cancer was observed in a case control study in the us , but these results were not supported by other studies . chromium and arsenicals were mentioned as possible contributors to the lung cancer excess . on the...
work in leather tanning involves exposure to a wide range of chemicals . some of these are carcinogens or suspected carcinogens . increased risks for a number of cancers have been reported among the tannery workers . in the present review , a detailed account of lung cancer , testicular cancer , soft tissue sarcoma , pancreatic cancer , bladder cancer among tannery workers is mentioned .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: although twin and familial aggregation studies have revealed a significant genetic component involved in the etiology of stroke , not all of the genetic risk factors responsible for this heritability have been determined . classical linkage analysis approaches have reported an association of the pde4d and alox5ap genes with ischemic stroke , but replication of these findings has been inconsistent . in addition , candidate gene association studies have permitted the identification of several other candidate genes that may also be associated with ischemic stroke , such as apoe , il6 , mthfr , and tnf . however , these studies have proven difficult to replicate for a number of reasons : it is because they may be false positive associations ; it is because of the fact that each gene may only contribute partially to overall heritability ; or it is because the studies did not study the ischemic stroke subtypes separately [ 4 , 5 ] . genome - wide association study ( gwas ) approaches have highlighted the relationship of unsuspected genes with ischemic stroke subtypes . cardioembolic stroke is an ischemic stroke category that includes patients with arterial occlusion processes presumably due to an embolus arising in the heart mainly due to the presence of atrial fibrillation . atherothrombotic stroke or large vessel atherosclerosis is another ischemic stroke subtype that comprises strokes with > 50% stenosis or occlusion of a major brain artery or branch cortical artery , presumably due to atherosclerosis . a meta - analysis of gwas on ischemic stroke identified the zfhx3 gene on chromosome 16q22 as a locus specifically associated with atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke [ 6 , 7 ] . additionally , another ischemic stroke - related gwas showed intriguing results , including the identification of risk variants for atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke on chromosome 4q25 near the pitx2 gene and for atherothrombotic stroke in the 9p21 locus . furthermore , an association between large vessel stroke and...
inflammation has been associated with atherothrombotic stroke and recently with cardioembolic stroke . different genetic risk factors have been specifically associated with the subtypes of ischemic stroke ( cardioembolic , atherothrombotic , and lacunar ) . however , there are no studies that have generated genetic risk scores for the different subtypes of ischemic stroke using polymorphisms associated with inflammation . methods . we have analyzed 68 polymorphisms of 30 inflammatory mediator genes in 2,685 subjects : 1,987 stroke cases and 698 controls . we generated a genetic scoring system with the most significant polymorphisms weighted by the odds ratio of every polymorphism and taken into consideration the stroke subtype . results . three polymorphisms , rs1205 ( crp gene ) , rs1800779 , and rs2257073 ( nos3 gene ) , were associated with cardioembolic stroke ( p value < 0.05 ) . the score generated was only associated with the cardioembolic stroke subtype ( p value : 0.001 ) and was replicated in an independent cohort ( p value : 0.017 ) . the subjects with the highest score presented a cardioembolic stroke in 92.2% of the cases ( p value : 0.002 ) . conclusion . the genetics of inflammatory markers is more closely associated with cardioembolic strokes than with atherothrombotic or lacunar strokes . the genetic risk scoring system could be useful in the prediction and differentiation of ischemic stroke ; however , it might be specific to particular ischemic stroke subtypes .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: when estimating genetic parameters , the influence of environmental effects on milk yield is generally accounted for by using previously calculated correction factors or by including these effects directly in the model . these procedures decrease environmental variation and allow more reliable comparisons among animals raised in different environments ( miller , 1973 ) . according to bhat and batro ( 1978 ) , a large portion of the variability in milk yield in milking buffaloes is explained by lactation length . buffalo lactation lasts around 250 days ( tonhati et al . , 2004 ) , but shorter lactations are common . the criteria for deciding when to discard or include a short lactation in breeding value estimations are still unclear . the lack of information on the reasons or circumstances leading to the interruption of lactation is the major obstacle in including short lactation length records in genetic evaluations ( bajwa et al . , 2002 ) . several studies have shown that 56 test days are required to extend the lactation period during genetic evaluations in dairy cattle ( keown and van vleck , 1971 ; wilmink , 1987 ; pander et al . , 1992 ; pander and hill , 1993 ; ribas et al . , 1994 ) . ( 2002 ) stated that short lactation length records can be dealt with in three ways : 1 ) by deleting them from the analysis , 2 ) by using them regardless of the lactation length , and 3 ) by adjusting them for days in milk and including this effect in the model . ( 2002 ) combining the average daily milk yield and the last test day milk yield . ( 2000 ) used quadratic logarithmic functions in their study . in brazil , tonhati et al . ( 2004 ) developed multiplicative correction factors for different classes of days in milk when working with milking buffaloes . ( 1992 ) found that deleting short lactation length records from the analyses or adjusting them for days in milk tended to reduce the additive genetic variance estimates of milk yield in crossbreed dairy cattle in brazil . the authors attributed this reduction to...
the objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic parameters for milk yield unadjusted and adjusted for days in milk and , subsequently , to assess the influence of adjusting for days in milk on sire rank . complete lactations from 90 or 150 days of lactation to 270 or 350 days in milk were considered in these analyses . milk yield was adjusted for days in milk by multiplicative correction factors , or by including lactation length as a covariable in the model . milk yields adjusted by different procedures were considered as different traits . heritability estimates varied from 0.17 to 0.28 . genetic correlation estimates between milk yields unadjusted and adjusted for days in milk were greater than 0.82 . adjusting for days in milk affected the parameter estimates . multiplicative correction factors produced the highest heritability estimates . more reliable breeding value estimates can be expected by including short length lactation records in the analyses and adjusting the milk yields for days in milk , regardless of the method used for the adjustment . high selection intensity coupled to the inclusion of short length lactations and adjustment with multiplicative factors can change the sire rank ..
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the study of cancer in humans is impeded by several reasons , such as inaccessibility to the tumor sites , difficulty in the assessment of tumor biology , and ethical concerns . immunodeficient mice that can not reject xenotransplanted cells have been shown to be the best living recipients for developing xenograft models of human cancer.1 immunodeficient mice have also been important for investigating carcinogenesis , cancer therapy , and imaging of tumor growth and metastasis.2 to date , the most extensively used immunodeficient mouse strains for developing lung cancer xenograft models include nude,3 scid,4 and non - obese diabetic ( nod)-scid57 mice . the interleukin-2 receptor ( il-2r ) -chain is known as the common cytokine receptor -chain . the il-2r -chain is a crucial component of the high - affinity receptors for il-2 , il-4 , il-7 , il-9 , and il-15 , and is required for signaling through these receptors.8,9 absence of the il-2r -chain in mice leads to severe impairments in t- and b - cell development and function , and completely prevents natural killer ( nk ) cell development.911 the immunodeficient strains of il2rg mice include nod cg - prkdc il2rg / szj mice ( abbreviated as nod / ltsz - scid il2rg and often referred to as nsg mice ) , nod cg - prkdc il2rg mice ( abbreviated as nod / shi - scid il2rg and often referred to as nog mice ) , il2rg mice ( abbreviated as balb / c - rag2 il2rg mice ) and stock ( h2)-rag2 il2rg mice ( referred to as h2-rag2 il2rg mice).2 nog mice have shown superiority in cancer xenoplantation systems compared with nude , scid , and nod - scid mice , when human cervical cancer,12 pancreatic cancer,13 and multiple myeloma14 cell lines were used . similarly , higher tumorigenicity in nsg mice has been reported with neuroblastoma1 and melanoma15 cells . acute leukemia cells injected in nsg mice generated faster and more efficient leukemic characteristics compared with other nod - scid - related strains.16 however , no lung cancer xenograft model...
purposeno lung cancer xenograft model using non - obese diabetic ( nod)-scid il2rg/ mice has been reported . the purpose of this study is to select a suitable mouse strain as a xenogenic host for testing tumorigenicity of lung cancer.materials and methodswe directly compared the susceptibility of four immunodeficient mouse strains , c - nu , c.b-17 scid , nod - scid , and nod / ltsz - scid il2rg/ ( nsg ) mice , for tumor formation from xenotransplanted lung cancer cell lines . various numbers ( 101105 cells / head ) of two lung cancer cell lines , a549 and ebc1 , were subcutaneously inoculated and tumor sizes were measured every week up to 12 weeks.resultswhen 104 ebc1 cells were inoculated , no tumor formation was observed in balb / c - nu or c.b-17 scid mice . tumors developed in two of the five nod - scid mice ( 40% ) and in all the five nsg mice ( 100% ) . when 103 ebc1 cells were injected , no tumors developed in any strain other than nsg mice , while tumorigenesis was achieved in all the five nsg mice ( 100% , p=0.0079 ) within 9 weeks . nsg mice similarly showed higher susceptibility to xenotransplantation of a549 cells . tumor formation was observed only in nsg mice after inoculation of 103 or fewer a549 cells ( 40% vs 0% in 15 nsg mice compared with others , respectively , p=0.0169 ) . we confirmed that the engrafted tumors originated from inoculated human lung cancer cells by immunohistochemical staining with human cytokeratin and vimentin.conclusionnsg mice may be the most suitable strain for testing tumorigenicity of lung cancer , especially if only a few cells are available .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: controlled induced hypotension is a common procedure during anaesthesia applied to patients undergoing , among others , endoscopic sinus interventions . decreased blood pressure allows reduction of bleeding in the surgical field , minimization of blood loss , better visibility and therefore , it increases the surgeon s comfort , reduces the surgery time and prevents complications emerging from blurred vision caused by coverage of the camera lens with blood . studies have shown a variety of methods reducing bleeding in the surgical field through : lowering the mean arterial pressure ( map ) , lowering hr , local anemization with adrenaline , preoperative use of steroids ( which reduce the inflammatory reaction , damage to the blood vessels , edema , and adrenergic receptors activation ) , and reversing the trendelenburg position , which reduces blood supply in the surgical field . magnesium , nitroglycerin , acei ( angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ) , calcium channel blockers , beta - blockers , sodium nitroprusside , clonidine , and large doses of inhalational anaesthetics have all been used to achieve the target map . drug - induced vasodilatation is only beneficial if the cardiac output ( co ) is reduced . it can be achieved through the administration of labetalol , a short - acting beta - blocker , which stabilizes the hr at 60 bpm and simultaneously reduces the map . taking into consideration the co values as an index of both perfusion and bleeding , it is reasonable to stabilize it within lower normal range values [ 26 ] . additionally , remifentanil ( rfn ) , an ultrashort - acting opioid and receptor agonist , also plays an important part in endoscopic surgery of paranasal sinuses . it enables easy adjustment of the depth of anaesthesia and reduction of the map and hr through cardiodepressive action . earlier studies also indicated the positive effect of propofol as an anaesthetic in reducing map through its effect on precapillary arterioles . moreover , when compared with the combination of...
backgroundcontrolled induced hypotension guarantees less blood loss and better visibility of the surgical site . the impact of hypotension on post - operative cognitive functions is still being discussed . the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of controlled induced hypotension on the cognitive functions of patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery ( fess).material / methodswe allocated 47 patients with a good grade of preoperative cognitive functions evaluated with the mini - mental state examination to 3 groups ( 1 mild hypotension , 2 intermediate hypotension , 3 severe hypotension ) according to the degree of mean intraoperative arterial pressure compared with preoperative blood pressure . cognitive functions were evaluated preoperatively , 6 h , and 30 h postoperatively with standardized tests : the stroop test , trail making test ( tmt ) , and verbal fluency test ( vft ) . a decrease in the test results and increase in the number of mistakes made were considered an impairment of cognitive functions.resultsa total of 47 patients ( group 1 mild hypotension 15 , group 2 intermediate hypotension 19 , group 3 severe hypotension 13 ) were included in the study . a significant decrease was observed in all the 3 groups after stroop a test 6h postoperatively but it improved 30h postoperatively , without differences between the groups . neither a significant decrease in the test results nor an increase in the number of mistakes was noted for stroop b tests , tmt a&b tests and vft.conclusionsthe degree of controlled intraoperative hypotension during fess did not influence the results of psychometric tests .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: this 2 year - old hispanic male has a past medical history of hypoplastic left heart syndrome ( hlhs ) that required multiple cardiothoracic surgeries including a norwood procedure with a sano shunt after birth , a bidirectional glenn procedure at 4 months of age , and two subsequent tricuspid valve repairs . he had a right middle cerebral artery ( mca ) stroke at 18 months of age manifesting as left face and arm weakness . at that time , a heterozygous prothrombin g20210a mutation was diagnosed causing thrombophilia . he ultimately made a full neurologic recovery and was discharged home with warfarin for the thrombophilia . he was most recently admitted for acute left hemiplegia . at 1430 on the day of presentation , his mother noted that he was demonstrating some left - sided weakness that progressed to complete hemiplegia . at 1800 in the emergency department , his mentation and speech were appropriate , but the left hemiplegia persisted and his modified rankin scale ( mrs ) was 4 . his anticoagulation was subtherapeutic with an inr of 1.6 . suspecting a stroke , a head ct scan was obtained demonstrating an area of hypodensity within the inferior right frontal lobe suggestive of a recent infarct . to obtain more information , the patient was electively intubated and an emergent mri was obtained ( fig . an area of restricted diffusion was noted deep to the insular cortex involving the right lentiform nucleus and posterior limb of the internal capsule . patchy areas of restricted diffusion were demonstrated in right frontal region and posterior temporo - occipital junction without corresponding hypointensity on the adc map indicating subacute areas of infarction . given the findings of the mri , the patient was urgently transferred to the endovascular suite for intervention . he remained intubated and under general anesthesia while access was obtained in the right common femoral artery with a 4f sheath . a 65 cm - length , 4f angled glidecath ( terumo medical corporation , somerset , nj ) , was navigated...
a 2-year - old boy with hypoplastic left heart syndrome that required multiple cardiovascular surgeries and a heterozygous prothrombin g20210a mutation with resulting thrombophilia maintained on warfarin presented with acute right middle cerebral artery ( mca ) infarction manifesting as a left hemiplegia . an mri revealed a complete occlusion of the right m1 segment with an area of restricted diffusion in the right basal ganglia representing only a small area of acute infarction . patchy areas of subacute infarction were also present in the right mca territory . he underwent endovascular mechanical thrombectomy with a stent retriever . this is an account of a successful mechanical thrombectomy performed in the youngest patient reported in the english literature to date .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: multiple myeloma is a monoclonal malignant neoplasm of plasma cell origin which occurs in the bone marrow and may result in extensive destruction of skeletal structures . it most commonly affects the skull , vertebrae , and pelvis , with pain , fatigue , swelling , and anemia being some of the most common clinical presentations . an 83-year - old african american female presented to the emergency department with mild pain and swelling over the posterior left mandibular alveolar ridge [ figure 1 ] . the lesion was approximately 2 cm 2 cm 1.5 cm in the area of the missing first molar . on palpation , it was firm with no fluctuance . radiographically , an ill - defined radiolucency of the alveolar bone was identified [ figure 2 ] . initial clinical presentation of the patient with gingival swelling between teeth 18 and 20 radiograph showing an ill - defined radiolucent area in the bone between teeth 18 and 20 an incisional biopsy revealed a malignant neoplasm of hematopoietic origin with sheets of malignant plasma cells ranging from mature to immature forms as well as pleomorphic - cells and occasional binucleated cells [ figure 3 ] . the neoplastic plasma cells were strongly positive with kappa light chain antibody and with cd138 [ figure 4 ] , both supporting the histological diagnosis of plasmacytoma . ( a ) low magnification shows stratified squamous mucosa on right upper end with cellular infiltrate in left lower portion of the image ; ( b ) magnification of h and e histology shows sheets of plasma cells , most are large and atypical with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli immunohistochemistry stain for cd138 antibody . note uniform positive staining with cd138 , a marker for plasma cells a bone marrow aspirate biopsy was performed on the left posterior iliac crest where sheets of neoplastic plasma cells were identified . a random urine collection showed elevated bence - jones protein ( 0.09 g ) and a subsequent 24 h urine collection demonstrated a level of 0.13 g ( normal 0.0500.080 ) . the disease is...
it is rare that multiple myeloma ( mm ) occurs as a primary lesion in the jaws ; we report such a case in an elderly patient involving the gingiva of the left posterior mandible . multiple myeloma is a monoclonal malignant neoplasm of plasma cell origin which occurs in the bone marrow and may result in extensive destruction of skeletal structures . if the jaws are involved , it usually indicates an advanced stage of the disease.thi s makes our case very unique due to the fact no other osteolytic lesions were identified at the time of the diagnosis of multiple myeloma . we report a rare case of multiple myeloma which was diagnosed from an intraoral gingival lesion on the lower left mandible .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: dental implantation and fixation of screws for any reason are performed by drilling the bone and the success of these operations depend on many factors . through these factors , thermal injuries occurring due to temperature raise during drilling , the threshold level for thermal injuries on the bone is the 47c for a minute and the temperature can raise that level easily during drilling by rotational burs 1,3 . as a consequence of thermal injury , bone is not only resorbed but also replaced with fat cells 4 . as a result , the mechanical structure of the bone is weaken 5 . to prevent the bone from the temperature raise during drilling , various irrigation systems are used and mostly , sterile saline solutions are the material of choice 6,7 . although , to our knowledge , there is not a scientific data in the literature , there is a belief among the surgeons that cooled saline irrigation is more effective than the uncooled saline irrigation to protect the bone from the thermal injuries . the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of the irrigation temperature on the bone healing . for this aim , standardized drilling and miniscrew placement was performed in the tibias of 18 sprague dawley rats with rotating bur uncooled , cooled with 25c and 4c saline irrigation . experiments were designed to determine the effect of irrigation temperature on the bone after osteotomy and miniscrew placement . for this aim 3 months old weighing approximately 350 to 450 g 18 sprague - dawley rats were maintained at 22 0.5 c on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle with free access to water and standartized food in pathogen free separate cages . all of the experiments were performed at the istanbul university , institutes of experimental science laboratories ( istanbul , turkey ) . maintenance and all experimental procedures performed were fully in accordance with principles established by the existing governmental acts and approved by the university institutional animal welfare committee . animals were divided randomly...
objective : osteotomies , performed by rotational instruments , can cause temperature rise on the bone and elevated temperature can disrupt the bone healing . when the osteotomies are performed for the insertion of miniscrews , the bone healing disruption may cause stability loosening or failures . saline irrigation is mostly used for the prevention of the heat generation during osteotomy.purpose : the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the saline irrigation temperature on bone healing.material and method : standardized drilling and miniscrew placement was performed in the tibias of 18 sprague dawley rats with rotating bur uncooled , cooled with 25c and 4c saline irrigations . after the 21 days , the difference in healing was observed between the uncooled and cooled groups.results : although there was no statistically significant difference between the group irrigated with 25c and 4c saline for newly bone formation , osteoblasts were seen more active and bone marrow was more dynamic in group 4c than group 25c . there is no disadvantage to use 25c , but it may be better to use 4c for rapid healing .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: in 2001 , the human genome project ( hgp ) consortium and celera genomics reported the first drafts of sequences of the human genome [ 1 , 2 ] . the hgp consortium used the hierarchical sequencing or clone - by - clone approach , whereas celera genomics used the whole genome shotgun ( wgs ) approach , which had been successfully used in 1995 to sequence the h. influenzae genome . in the hierarchical sequencing approach , a tiling of large dna sequences , such as bacterial artificial chromosome ( bac ) or yeast artificial chromosome ( yac ) , are constructed for a genome , and each of the sequences is determined . the hgp consortium used bac as the large sequence , followed by shotgun sequencing of each bac . in sequencing the genome , owing to physical limitations of shotgun sequencing methods , the genome must be broken down into smaller portions , shotgun reads sized in the range of 600 bps ( base - pairs ) to 800 bps , and as the sequence data for each of these shotgun reads is produced , it must be connecting them with those adjacent and overlapping reads that have been previously sequenced , that is , to achieve an assembly of these smaller sequences into larger contiguous regions or contigs . in most cases , the sequences of shotgun reads are obtained by sequencing both ends of a dna fragment whose approximate size is known . such pair information , referred to as mate - pair information , constrains the placement of the reads within an assembly . in an ideal assembly , all read pairs are placed in such a manner as to satisfy the orientation and distance constraints imposed by the pairing . mate - pair information can be used to determine the quality of an assembly , because most types of misassemblies lead to violations of these constraints . in contrast to hierarchical sequencing , wgs breaks a whole genome into small pieces randomly , without shearing into large dna pieces of intermediate size . wgs is faster and cheaper than hierarchical sequencing because of the simplicity of the...
we have developed a windows - based program , conpath , as a scaffold analyzer . conpath constructs scaffolds by ordering and orienting separate sequence contigs by exploiting the mate - pair information between contig - pairs . our algorithm builds directed graphs from link information and traverses them to find the longest acyclic graphs . using end read pairs of fixed - sized mate - pair libraries , conpath determines relative orientations of all contigs , estimates the gap size of each adjacent contig pair , and reports wrong assembly information by validating orientations and gap sizes . we have utilized conpath in more than 10 microbial genome projects , including mannheimia succiniciproducens and vibro vulnificus , where we verified contig assembly and identified several erroneous contigs using the four types of error defined in conpath . also , conpath supports some convenient features and viewers that permit investigation of each contig in detail ; these include contig viewer , scaffold viewer , edge information list , mate - pair list , and the printing of complex scaffold structures .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: very recently , the journal of medicinal chemistry embraced the qhnmr concept by including absolute qhnmr as an acceptable and established scientific method for purity analysis . as a quantitative method , qhnmr continues to gain popularity in the biopharmaceutical industry and acceptance by the international conference on harmonization ( ich ) . notably , qnmr is a ( relative ) primary analytical method and is part of the general chapter < 761 > of the united states pharmacopeia ( usp ) as well as an official method in the japanese pharmacopoeia ( jp17 ) . with respect to the development of quantitative methodology for botanical standardization , the application potential of qhnmr for purity analysis , residual complexity studies , metabolomics , multimarker standardization , and orthogonal quantitation has been demonstrated . due to the presence of very many components , possible excipients , and the resulting intense signal overlap , thus , while established qhnmr methods work well for a single component and relatively simple mixtures , analysis of such complex samples demands an expanded qhnmr tool box . in general , the choice of appropriate quantitative measures in qhnmr depends on the type of sample and the required accuracy . in classical qnmr , both relative and absolute quantitation methods rely on signal integration ( int ) . as int - qhnmr is by far the most practiced form of qnmr , both accuracy and precision of most contemporary qnmr methods depend on the means of the integral measurement . presently , three mechanistically different quantitative measures exist apart from classical int - qhnmr ( figure 1 ) . one entails peak height measurements , but due to limitations related to resolution of resonances and signal multiplicity , it was rendered impractical for this , given the complex peak overlap in the rce qhnmr spectrum . before delving into the mechanistic differences of the two spectral deconvolution ( sd)-based approaches used in this study...
chemical standardization , along with morphological and dna analysis ensures the authenticity and advances the integrity evaluation of botanical preparations . achievement of a more comprehensive , metabolomic standardization requires simultaneous quantitation of multiple marker compounds . employing quantitative 1h nmr ( qhnmr ) , this study determined the total isoflavone content ( tifco ; 34.536.5% w / w ) via multimarker standardization and assessed the stability of a 10-year - old isoflavone - enriched red clover extract ( rce ) . eleven markers ( nine isoflavones , two flavonols ) were targeted simultaneously , and outcomes were compared with lc - based standardization . two advanced quantitative measures in qhnmr were applied to derive quantities from complex and/or overlapping resonances : a quantum mechanical ( qm ) method ( qm - qhnmr ) that employs 1h iterative full spin analysis , and a non - qm method that uses linear peak fitting algorithms ( pf - qhnmr ) . a 10 min uhplc - uv method provided auxiliary orthogonal quantitation . this is the first systematic evaluation of qm and non - qm deconvolution as qhnmr quantitation measures . it demonstrates that qm - qhnmr can account successfully for the complexity of 1h nmr spectra of individual analytes and how qm - qhnmr can be built for mixtures such as botanical extracts . the contents of the main bioactive markers were in good agreement with earlier hplc - uv results , demonstrating the chemical stability of the rce . qm - qhnmr advances chemical standardization by its inherent qm accuracy and the use of universal calibrants , avoiding the impractical need for identical reference materials .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery ( notes ) has recently generated significant interest amongst surgeons and gastroenterologists . pushing minimally invasive surgery a step forward , the concept of incisionless surgery is appealing to patients and physicians alike . accessing the abdominal cavity and its organs via natural orifices , such as the mouth , anus , vagina , and urethra , may enable surgeons in the future to approach operations they traditionally performed in open and laparoscopic fashions . the potential benefits of such techniques include less physiologic stress and trauma ; faster recovery ; less pain ; fewer complications , such as intestinal adhesions and hernia ; better cosmesis ; and decreased healthcare cost by decreasing the rate of hospitalization . several operations including cholecystectomy , splenectomy , appendectomy , gastrojejunostomy , and oophorectomy have been performed . however , little data are available in humans . a 61-year - old woman with ulcerative colitis refractory to medical therapy presented to our department following numerous admissions for anemia requiring blood transfusions . she had a history of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism status post placement of an inferior vena cava filter , cerebrovascular disease with left hemiplegia , and coronary artery disease . she underwent an uneventful proctocolectomy with end ileostomy . on postoperative day 1 , the patient developed phlegmasia cerulea dolens , and an mri revealed thrombosis of her inferior vena cava and iliac veins . transanal drainage through the anal cuff was performed at the bedside with irrigation of the lower pelvis with a mushroom catheter , and antibiotic therapy was instituted . the patient remained septic and 2 days later underwent placement of a percutaneous drain by interventional radiology . the drain was ineffective due to the organized nature of the infected hematoma with multiple septations and phlegmonous reaction . re - exploration and drainage of the abdomen was...
natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery ( notes ) is an evolving experimental field exploring the technical feasibility and outcome of therapeutic interventions performed through the natural orifices of the body . the knowledge accumulating in notes is the result of animal experimentation and ongoing early clinical experience in humans . in this report we describe a patient treated with transanal endoscopic drainage of postoperative abdominopelvic sepsis .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: multiple randomized trials over the last four decades have established the equivalence of mastectomy and breast - conserving therapy ( bct ) in early stage breast cancer . more recently , accelerated partial breast irradiation ( apbi ) has become an acceptable means of delivering adjuvant radiation in early stage breast cancer patients who meet certain favorable criteria [ 2 , 3 ] . the benefits of apbi include shorter treatment times , sparing of a larger amount of normal tissue , and focal irradiation of the area highest at risk of recurrence around the tumor bed . initially , apbi consisted of interstitial catheter placement either via a template based approach or ultrasound guided free - hand approach but these both required extensive expertise in their placement . after approval of mammosite ( hologic inc , bedford , ma , usa ) in 2002 and creation of newer multi - lumen devices such as contura ( hologic inc , bedford , ma , usa ) and savi ( cianna medical , aliso viejo , ca , usa ) , the rates of utilization of brachytherapy - based apbi ( b - apbi ) have continued to rise and now approach 11% in patients older than 50 years old who have undergone bct . multiple consensus guidelines have been developed to specify the appropriate candidates for b - apbi [ 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ] . however , none of these address the role or feasibility of b - apbi in patients with existing breast implants who wish to undergo bct . given that now nearly 286,000 women undergo breast augmentation annually , an increase of 35% from 2000 to 2012 , the rates of patients with pre - existing implants who will be diagnosed with breast cancer will continue to rise . therefore , it is imperative to understand the clinical implications of b - apbi in this patient population . the reported experience with b - apbi in the setting of breast augmentation is limited [ 12 , 13 ] , with no known specific dose - constraints for breast implants to date . we had also previously reported the long - term outcome and dosimetric considerations in a...
purposeaccelerated partial breast irradiation ( apbi ) is an accepted treatment option in breast - conserving therapy for early stage breast cancer . however , data regarding outcomes of patients treated with multi - lumen catheter systems who have existing breast implants is limited . the purpose of this study was to report treatment parameters , outcomes , and possible dosimetric correlation with cosmetic outcome for this population of patients at our institution.material and methodswe report the treatment and outcome of seven consecutive patients with existing breast implants and early stage breast cancer who were treated between 2009 and 2013 using apbi following lumpectomy . all patients were treated twice per day for five days to a total dose of 34 gy using a high - dose - rate 192ir source . cosmetic outcomes were evaluated using the harvard breast cosmesis scale , and late toxicities were reported using the radiation therapy oncology group ( rtog ) late radiation morbidity schema.resultsafter a mean follow - up of 32 months , all patients have remained cancer free . six out of seven patients had an excellent or good cosmetic outcome . there were no grade 3 or 4 late toxicities . the average total breast implant volume was 279.3 cc , received an average mean dose of 12.1 gy , and a maximum dose of 234.1 gy . the average percentage of breast implant volume receiving 50% , 75% , 100% , 150% , and 200% of the prescribed dose was 15.6% , 7.03% , 4.6% , 1.58% , and 0.46% , respectively . absolute volume of breast implants receiving more than 50% of prescribed dose correlated with worse cosmetic outcomes.conclusionsaccelerated partial breast irradiation using a multi - lumen applicator in patients with existing breast implants can safely be performed with promising early clinical results . the presence of the implant did not compromise the ability to achieve dosimetric criteria ; however , dose to the implant and the irradiated implant volume may be related with worse cosmetic outcomes .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: le programme krescent ( kidney research scientist core education and national training ) a t lanc en 2005 pour augmenter la capacit de la recherche sur les maladies du rein travers le canada , et pour encourager la transmission des connaissances au sein des quatre axes de recherche en sant . cette tude avait pour but dvaluer les rpercussions du programme krescent sur ses principaux objectifs ainsi que des retombes sur la carrire des stagiaires participants , dix ans aprs sa cration . un sondage en ligne a t men en 2015 auprs des stagiaires ( n = 53 ) ayant t admis ou ayant complt le programme krescent . des renseignements ont galement t obtenus par la consultation de curriculum vitae ( cv ) . une analyse bibliomtrique a valu la productivit scientifique et la collaboration des participants ainsi que les rpercussions de leur participation krescent sur leur carrire . les donnes de cette analyse ont t compares celles des candidats nayant pas t retenus au cours de la mme priode . lanalyse comprenait galement une comparaison des donnes canadiennes avec celles obtenues en recherche sur les maladies du rein ailleurs dans le monde . trente - neuf stagiaires du krescent ont complt le sondage en ligne , soit 74% des personnes contactes , et quarante - quatre ont soumis leur cv . de manire gnrale , les stagiaires du krescent ont obtenu plus facilement des subventions des instituts de recherche en sant du canada ( irsc ) avec un taux de succs de 79% . de plus , 76% des dtenteurs dune bourse au niveau postdoctoral ont obtenu des charges professorales titre de professeur adjoint dans les 8 mois suivant leur formation . la trs grande majorit des stagiaires ( 90% ) a indiqu que le krescent avait grandement contribu au fait quils aient obtenu les fonds des irsc , de mme qu la cration de nouveaux savoirs ( 93% des rpondants ) et au dveloppement de nouvelles mthodes ( 50% des rpondants ) . lanalyse bibliomtrique a rvl un lger , quoique rgulier , dclin de la quantit de rsultats en recherche sur les maladies du rein dans le...
background : the kidney research scientist core education and national training ( krescent ) program was launched in 2005 to enhance kidney research capacity in canada and foster knowledge translation across the 4 themes of health research.objective:to evaluate the impact of krescent on its major objectives and on the careers of trainees after its first 10 years.methods:an online survey of trainees ( n = 53 ) who had completed or were enrolled in krescent was conducted in 2015 . information was also obtained from curriculum vitae ( cvs ) . a bibliometric analysis assessed scientific productivity , collaboration , and impact in comparison with unsuccessful applicants to krescent over the same period . the analysis included a comparison of canadian with international kidney research metrics from 2000 to 2014.results:thirty-nine krescent trainees completed the survey ( 74% ) , and 44 trainees ( 83% ) submitted cvs . krescent trainees had a high success rate at obtaining grant funding from the canadian institutes of health research ( cihr ; 79% ) , and 76% of post - doctoral fellows received academic appointments at the assistant professor level within 8 months of completing training . the majority of trainees reported that krescent had contributed significantly to their success in securing cihr funding ( 90% ) , and to the creation of knowledge ( 93% ) and development of new methodologies ( 50% ) . bibliometric analysis revealed a small but steady decline in total international kidney research output from 2000 to 2014 , as a percentage of all health research , although overall impact of kidney research in canada increased from 2000 - 2005 to 2009 - 2014 compared with other countries . krescent trainees demonstrated increased productivity , multiauthored papers , impact , and international collaborations after their training , compared with nonfunded applicants.conclusions:the krescent program has fostered kidney research career development and contributed to increased capacity , productivity , and...
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: as an international megacity with a population of over 20 million , beijing has been suffering from frequent smog events in recent years . since the official daily monitoring data became available in 1999 , particulate matter has been shown to be a major air pollutant in beijing , and its impact to the public health may be profound . categorized by pm2.5 and pm10 ( particulate matter with nominal mean aerodynamic diameters of 2.5 and 10 m , respectively ) , pm pollutants of different sizes deposit and affect different regions of the respiratory tract : when inhaled , coarse particles ( pm2.510 ) deposit primarily in the head airways , while fine particles ( pm2.5 ) are more likely to penetrate and deposit deeper in the tracheobronchial and alveolar regions . historical data suggest that exposure to such atmospheric particulate matter is linked to increases in morbidity and mortality , and decreases in life expectancy . during the period of january 1014 , 2013 , the city of beijing , along with the rest of the mideastern region of china experienced a massive , severe smog event . the highest daily average pm2.5 concentration in beijing measured greater than 500 g / m at times ( 20-fold higher than the who guideline value ) , raising serious public health concerns . beijing cough ) and significant increases of outpatient cases related to respiratory diseases have been reported . here we asked the question of what microorganisms , particularly inhalable allergens and pathogens , are in beijing s pm2.5 and pm10 pollutants and what potential effects they may have on the public health during severe smog events like this . the public health effects of pm , particularly those of pm2.5 , have been well documented in the literature . while the physical and chemical properties of pm2.5 and pm10 pollutants have been extensively studied , relatively less is known about inhalable biological particles such as bacteria , fungi , viruses , pollens , and cell debris in...
particulate matter ( pm ) air pollution poses a formidable public health threat to the city of beijing . among the various hazards of pm pollutants , microorganisms in pm2.5 and pm10 are thought to be responsible for various allergies and for the spread of respiratory diseases . while the physical and chemical properties of pm pollutants have been extensively studied , much less is known about the inhalable microorganisms . most existing data on airborne microbial communities using 16s or 18s rrna gene sequencing to categorize bacteria or fungi into the family or genus levels do not provide information on their allergenic and pathogenic potentials . here we employed metagenomic methods to analyze the microbial composition of beijing s pm pollutants during a severe january smog event . we show that with sufficient sequencing depth , airborne microbes including bacteria , archaea , fungi , and dsdna viruses can be identified at the species level . our results suggested that the majority of the inhalable microorganisms were soil - associated and nonpathogenic to human . nevertheless , the sequences of several respiratory microbial allergens and pathogens were identified and their relative abundance appeared to have increased with increased concentrations of pm pollution . our findings may serve as an important reference for environmental scientists , health workers , and city planners .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: five thoroughbred horses ( two females and three geldings ) , aged 4 to 7 years old with body weight of 493.8 26.6 ( mean sd ) kg , belonging to the equine research institute , japan racing association , were assigned to the experiment . these horses had been routinely grazed for 2 months and specially trained for treadmill exercise prior to this study . hydrogen - rich water ( hw ) was made by special equipment ( high density hydrogen water , melodian co. , tokyo , japan ) for the present study . the hw consisted of filtrated water ( ph=6.82 ) with a concentration of molecular hydrogen ( h2 ) higher than 1 ppm . fresh hw that was made about 3 hr before the treadmill exercise was stored in an aluminum bag ( 10 l in volume ) and tightly sealed in order to prevent hydrogen gas escape . two liters of hw were administered into the esophagus via a nasogastric catheter 30 min before the treadmill exercise . for the placebo trial , the same volume of normal water without hydrogen was administered by the same method . horses were exercised with increment of load every 2 min at speeds of 1.6 , 3.6 , 7 , 10 , 12 and 13 m / s until they were exhausted . the first treadmill exercise was performed after placebo administration and the second treadmill exercise was performed after hydrogen - rich water ( hw ) administration , after one - week interval . two litters of placebo water or hw were administered to the esophagus by a nasogastric catheter in each horse at 30 min before the treadmill exercise . blood samples ( serum ) were collected 4 times : 30 min before the exercise , immediately before the exercise , post - exercise , and at 30 min after the exercise .. treadmill exercise on a 6% incline was performed by each horse . each horse was exercised on the treadmill with stepwise increases of exercise intensity every 2 min , at treadmill running speed of 1.6 , 3.6 , 7 , 10 , 12 , 13 and 14 m / sec , until the horses became thoroughly exhausted . by thoroughly exhausted , we...
the present study aimed to clarify changes of oxidative stress and antioxidative functions in treadmill - exercised thoroughbred horses ( n=5 , 3 to 7 years old ) , using recently developed techniques for measurement of serum d - roms for oxidative stress , and bap for antioxidative markers . also , the effect of nasogastric administration of hydrogen - rich water ( hw ) or placebo water preceding the treadmill exercise on these parameters was examined . each horse was subjected to a maximum level of treadmill exercise in which the horses were exhausted at an average speed of 13.2 0.84 m / sec . blood samples were taken 4 times , immediately before the intake of hw or placebo water at 30 min preceding the treadmill exercise , immediately before the exercise ( pre - exercise ) , immediately after the exercise ( post - exercise ) and at 30 min following the exercise . in all horses , both d - roms and bap values significantly increased at post - exercise . the increase in d - roms tended to be lower in the hw trial , as compared to the placebo trial at pre - exercise . the increase in bap was considerable at approximately 150% of the pre - exercise values in both the hw and placebo treatment trials . the bap / d - roms ratio was significantly elevated at post - exercise in both treatment trials , while a significant elevation was also observed at pre - exercise in the hw trial . bap , d - rom , and the bap / d - rom ratio tended to decline at 30 min after the exercise , except bap and bap / d - roms in the placebo trial . these results demonstrate that the marked elevation of oxidative stress and anitioxidative functions occurred simultaneously in the intensively exercised horses , and suggest a possibility that hw has some antioxidative efficacy .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: hyperthyroidism ( ht ) due to thyroiditis is rarely observed in children treated for neoplastic diseases . one of the causes of ht may be an infectious process in the thyroid gland . fungi , most commonly candida and aspergillus species , belong to infectious factors of ht [ 13 ] . literature gives only few reports on thyroid involvement in the history of mucormycosis , even though a constant increase in invasive fungal infections ( ifis ) due to members of mucorales has been observed in recent years , especially in children treated because of proliferative diseases of the hematopoietic system [ 4 , 5 ] . no hyperthyroidism in a child with thyroiditis due to mucormycosis has been so far reported in the literature . a 12-year - old girl was hospitalized due to acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( allic 2002 protocol , intermediate risk group ) . routine imaging examinations before treatment introduction ( brain magnetic resonance imaging , abdominal ultrasound scan as well as neck and thyroid ultrasound scan ) showed no abnormalities . agranulocytosis with neutrophils count below 200 per l was observed since the introduction of antineoplastic therapy ( prednisone 60 mg / m , vincristine , daunorubicin , l - asparaginase ) . on the 21st day of therapy , computed tomography of the chest showed diffuse inflammatory infiltration in the majority of the right lung and free fluid in the right pleural cavity . the child required mechanical ventilation for 7 days . since the etiological factor of the pulmonary infiltration remained unknown and because there was no clinical improvement in spite of the introduced antibacterial ( cefepime 100 mg / kg daily replaced with meropenem 60 mg / kg daily and vancomycin 40 mg / kg daily ) and antifungal treatment ( voriconazole 12 mg / kg daily ) , we decided to perform an exploratory pleural puncture . pleural fluid was incubated at 37 c the first 24 h and then at room temperature . the outgrowing colonies on sabouraud agar and columbia agar with 5 % blood were fast growing ,...
thyroiditis due to fungal infection is an extremely rare cause of hyperthyroidism . the most common etiological factor of thyroiditis is aspergillus . infections due to members of the mucorales have been an increasing clinical problem in recent years , and the prognosis in generalized infections due to those fungi is usually very poor . no hyperthyroidism in a child with thyroiditis due to mucormycosis has been reported in the literature so far . we describe a clinical course of generalized mucormycosis with thyroid involvement in a 12-year - old girl treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia . the child underwent a hyperthyroidism connected with thyroid involvement due to a fungal process . the diagnosis was based on the clinical signs , laboratory findings and typical ultrasound scan ; however , later attempt to amplify the fungi dna from the tissue block has failed . the child died because of multiorgan failure due to general fungal infection 49 days after the invasive fungal infection was diagnosed . the generalized mucormycosis is always connected with poor prognosis and the mortality is high .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: although renal embolization is reported to be a safe and effective therapeutic procedure for embolization of small branches of renal artery , it is mainly used for urological purposes , i.e. vascular malformations , angiomyolipomas , and renal tumors that are not amenable to surgical resection [ 1 , 2 ] . a search of the literature for the past 20 years reveals that only a few cases of renal amyloidosis [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ] and severe nephrotic syndrome [ 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ] have resulted in bilateral renal artery embolization ( rae ) for severe proteinuria . the limited use of bilateral rae for nephrological purposes may be partly related to its tendency to destroy renal function , which results in anuria and subsequent regular dialysis . regular dialysis is usually stressful for patients , so some patients may be reluctant to receive bilateral rae for severe proteinuria , which can induce hypoalbuminemia and increase the risk of morbidity and mortality [ 13 , 14 ] . therefore , doctors and patients with renal amyloidosis and proteinuria face a difficult dilemma in deciding whether to use bilateral rae or supportive treatments . this study reports a 66-year - old patient with renal amyloidosis and severe proteinuria , who received delayed bilateral rae , until a life - threatening pulmonary edema occurred . finally , bilateral rae , followed by regular hemodialysis ( hd ) , successfully cured the severe proteinuria and its related symptoms . a 66-year - old man diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia had been treated with prednisolone 5 mg per day and cyclophosphamide 25 mg per day since 1995 . he was referred to our clinic because he had been suffering from renal amyloidosis - related heavy proteinuria ( 21.77 g / day ) , hypoalbuminemia ( 1.4 g / dl ) , and anasarca edema for 6 months . because bilateral rae was not performed , progressive anasarca edema , increased proteinuria ( 31.2 g / day ) , reduced serum albumin ( 0.9 g / dl ) , and dyspnea developed after further conservative treatment with bed...
in the case reported here , after prolonged medical therapy resistance , severe proteinuria subsided following bilateral renal artery embolization ( rae ) . thereafter , respiratory distress , anasarca edema , muscle mass , and serum albumin level improved after regular hemodialysis . although rae is reported to be a safe and effective therapeutic procedure , it is rarely used for severe proteinuria with prolonged medical therapy resistance . the limited use of bilateral rae for nephrological purposes may be partly related to its tendency to destroy renal function , which results in anuria and subsequent regular dialysis . however , delayed rae could cause the patient to reach a life - threatening cachexic state and could increase the risk of morbidity and mortality due to severe proteinuria - induced hypoalbuminemia . our case and selected previous reports reveal important information for physicians and patients while discussing prognoses and considering the pros and cons of bilateral rae .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: in 1902 , albert moll published his comprehensive , 650-page book rztliche ethik : die pflichten des arztes in allen beziehungen seiner thtigkeit [ medical ethics : the doctor s duties in all relations of his work ] . at this time , moll was already well known as a medical author : his 1889 book on hypnotism and his 1891 monograph on homosexuality had gone through several editions and translations , and his studies of the libido sexualis had come out in 1897/8 . with his work on medical ethics he contributed to a literary genre that had been flourishing at the end of the nineteenth century . books on medical deontology that is , on doctors professional duties had been authored in the 1890s by the berlin physician and historian of medicine julius pagel ( 18511912 ) , the berlin medical practitioner jacob wolff , the bremen psychiatrist friedrich scholz ( 18311907 ) and others . the common context for all of them was the so - called overcrowding of the medical profession in those years . doctors not only competed for lucrative private patients , but also for contracts with the health insurance organisations [ krankenkassen ] , which gave them access to the insured working class and lower - middle - class patients . books on the doctors duties were seen as one means to counteract overly competitive behaviour among medical practitioners , and to emphasise a need for collegiality and solidarity . other means to safeguard professional conduct were the disciplinary tribunals of the medical societies and doctors chambers [ rztekammern ] . in prussia , such medical courts of honour [ rztliche ehrengerichte ] , attached to the regional doctors chambers , had been established by law in 1899 . moreover , many medical societies had adopted professional codes of conduct that served as guidance for their disciplinary committees . accordingly , writing about medical ethics predominantly meant discussing the requirements of fair conduct among practitioners and how to display behaviour that would enhance...
in 1902 , albert moll , who at that time ran a private practice for nervous diseases in berlin , published his comprehensive book on medical ethics , rztliche ethik . based on the concept of a contractual relationship between doctor and client , it gave more room to the self - determination of patients than the contemporary , usually rather paternalistic , works of this genre . in the first part of the present paper this is illustrated by examining moll s views and advice on matters such as truthfulness towards patients , euthanasia , and abortion . the second part of this article discusses how moll engaged with the then publicly debated issues of experimentation on hospital patients and the trade of foreign private patients between agents and medical consultants . in both matters moll collected evidence of unethical practices and tried to use it to bring about change without damaging his or the profession s reputation . however , with his tactical manoeuvres , moll made no friends for himself among his colleagues or the authorities ; his book on ethics also met with a generally cool response from the medical profession and seems to have been more appreciated by lawyers than by other doctors .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: to react appropriately to danger , both animals and humans must rapidly marshal a complex set of behavioral responses . the locus ceruleus ( lc ) , which is located in the dorsal pons , plays a crucial role in activating central and peripheral nervous system responses to threat . through its broad connections with cortical structures , the hippocampus , hypothalamus , amygdala , and spinal cord , the lc organizes affective , cognitive , and motor responses to acute stressors . activation of lc neurons leads to secretion of norepinephrine ( ne ) , which recruits the multiple pathways involved in modulating behavioral responses to acute stressors . for example , upon receiving electrical stimulation to their locus ceruleus , restrained monkeys will immediately wake up and exhibit behaviors such as head and body turning , eye scanning , tongue movement , hair pulling , and escape struggling . these behavioral responses are similar to those elicited when they arc threatened in their natural environment . repeated exposure to a stressful stimulus leads to increased ne secretion and facilitates the process of behavioral stress sensitization , whereby the animal develops a heightened behavioral response to further presentations of the same stimulus . exposure to severe and repeated stress depletes brain ne concentrations and leads to behavioral changes such as decreased exploration in a plus - maze novelty task , decreased appetite , and deficits in previously well - learned behavioral tasks . such behavioral changes induced by chronic stress have been characterized by the term learned helplessness . these animal models differ from ptsd in that the development of stress sensitization and learned helplessness requires repeated exposure to stressful stimuli , while ptsd can develop after only a single exposure to traumatic stress . despite this important difference , stress sensitization and learned helplessness models are useful in explaining behavioral changes associated with ptsd , such as heightened reactions...
since posttraumatic stress disorder ( ptsd ) was first recognized as a psychiatric disorder , it has generated a great deal of scientific interest . recent studies on the neurobiology of ptsd provide evidence that ptsd is biologically distinct from other types of traumatic and nontraumatic stress responses . this paper reviews three important directions of neurobiological research in ptsd : noradrenergic axis changes and associated alterations in autonomic responsivity neuroendocrine changes involving the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenocortical ( hpa ) axis , and neuroanatomy changes involving the hippocampus . each section reviews the salient aspects of preclinical research on the biology of stress and their bearing on the understanding of ptsd , and summarizes prominent findings from clinical biological studies of ptsd , tentative models that integrate current findings from the clinical study of ptsd are reviewed . to conclude , the important methodological and empirical issues that need to be addressed by future studies are indicated .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: a 28-year - old unmarried male from low socioeconomic status came to the hospital for consultation of psychiatric problems along with his caregivers . the presenting complaints were unprovoked aggressive outbursts , poor self - care , disorganized behavior and self - mutilating behaviors for last 4 years . physical examination revealed old burnt scar over the forehead , fused ear lobules bilaterally and polydactyly in right upper limb and crush injury of left thumb and index finger . on mental status examination , he was diagnosed as undifferentiated schizophrenia according to international classification of disease-10 version . patient was advised to take in - patient psychiatric care on the same day of consultation . he remained aggressive , disorganized and on two occasions , he tried to crush his left index finger and thumb by hammering it with a stone . he was started on electro convulsive therapy ( ect ) sessions considering aggressive outburst and self - mutilating behavior . during pre - ect evaluation computed tomography scan of the head revealed grade ii csp [ refer figure 1 ] . along with ect , patient also received oral chlorpromazine 600 mg / day , which was hiked gradually over 2 weeks . plain computed tomography image of the patient and arrow head pointing towards cavum septum pellucidum patient started showing improvement in aggressive and self - mutilating behavior . on mental status examination , he reported that he became angry for no apparent reason , following which he would start hammering his fingers with stones . he received nine sessions of ect with minimal cognitive impairment and was continued on oral chlorpromazine 600 mg / day without any side effects . there was improvement in self - mutilating behavior , disorganized behavior and poor self - care , but occasional aggressive outbursts persisted . anatomically , the septum pellucidum consists of two laminae of tissue composed of white matter surrounded by gray matter . the septum is known to be a part of the limbic system...
cavum septum pellucidum ( csp ) is a neurodevelopmental anomaly , which is commonly reported in schizophrenia patients . various symptoms of schizophrenia , including thought disturbances have been associated with csp . we present a rare case of undifferentiated schizophrenia with csp who presented with self - mutilating behaviors .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: glucagon - like peptide 1 receptor agonists ( glp1ras ) have become an accepted part of the diabetes pharmaco - therapeutic landscape . the glp1ras are included in guidelines from various professional bodies such as the international diabetes federation ( idf ) , the american diabetes association ( ada ) , european association for study of diabetes ( easd ) , and american association of clinical endocrinologists ( aace ) . glp1ras can be used as second - line and third - line agents , in combination with metformin and insulin . there is also evidence to suggest that glp1ras should be used earlier on in the natural history of diabetes , so as to utilize their full potential . an increasing number of glp1ras are available for use , or are in advanced phases of development . while they have earlier been divided according to chemical structure , glp1ras can also be classified based on their duration of action ( table 1 ) . this approach makes it easier to compare and contrast the various pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of these drugs . short - acting glp1ras are those with a half - life of < 12 h , which requires daily or twice daily administration [ 2 , 3 ] . intermediate - acting glp1ras are those with a half - life of > 12 h , which allow once daily injection . long - acting glp1ras have half - lives of > 24 h [ 5 , 6 ] and can be injected as once - weekly doses . the once - daily glp1ra , viz , liraglutide and lixisenatide , are also being developed as fixed ratio co - formulations with basal insulins , viz , degludec and glargine , respectively.table 1glucagon - like peptide 1 receptor agonists ( glp1ra)short acting twice - daily dosage exenatide once - daily dosage lixisenatideintermediate acting ( once - daily dosage ) liraglutidelong acting ( once - weekly dosage ) exenatide lar albiglutide semaglutidefixed ratio combinations liraglutide + degludec lixisenatide + glargine glucagon - like peptide 1 receptor agonists ( glp1ra ) various glp1ras have been utilizing differing...
the individualized treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus , using various glucagon - like peptide receptor agonists ( glp1ras ) , has recently been described . as experience with existing glp1ras grows , and as newer molecules in the development pipeline continue to progress , interest related to these drugs continues to grow . this article describes a person - centered approach , using the bio - psychosocial model of health , to help individualized decision making related to choice of glp1ra . it utilizes an evidence - based approach to discuss various biomedical and psychosocial factors which may influence choice of glp1ra .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: bony fractures are one of the most common reasons for physician visits worldwide . with greater public interest in physical fitness activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle , metatarsal stress fractures are commonly encountered by clinicians . metatarsal stress fractures , which account for nearly 25% of all stress fractures , often heal with nonoperative measures . immobilization of the foot and avoidance of strenuous activity often result in bone healing and return to full functional capacity within 68 weeks of the initial injury . impaired fracture healing in which a patient may fail to form a unionization of bone , or have delayed unionization , is frequently encountered in both inpatient and outpatient settings . patients at risk for impaired fracture healing include elderly patients , diabetics , smokers , patients with osteoporosis , and postmenopausal females due to estrogen deficiency . impaired fracture healing can have devastating consequences in this patient population , and may increase the fracture - related morbidity and mortality . teriparatide , a drug approved for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women , has shown promise in the realm of fracture healing . in the initial stages of fracture healing , an increase in bone formation is required . by increasing bone formation through stimulation of osteoblasts this may be useful in treatment of patients who have impaired fracture healing , ultimately affecting quality of life . we present two cases of women with metatarsal fractures who had risk factors for impaired fracture healing , and report the time to fracture healing with the use of teriparatide . a 35-year - old premenopausal caucasian female presented to the emergency department with a complaint of pain in her right foot which occurred abruptly while running . she described the pain as sharp and unremitting , and denied any recent trauma to the affected foot . medical history was significant for a stress fracture of the left second metatarsal two years prior , which took...
bone fractures are one of the leading causes of emergency room visits worldwide , with approximately 8 million bony fractures occurring annually in the us alone . although the majority of fractures do not cause significant long - term morbidity and mortality , approximately 10% of these fractures result in impaired fracture healing , drastically affecting quality of life in affected patients . by increasing bone formation , teriparatide , an anabolic agent used in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis , has shown promise in accelerating the rate of fracture healing . we present two patients with impaired healing of metatarsal fractures who were subsequently treated with teriparatide . both patients experienced successful bony union of the fracture after the use of teriparatide . these findings suggest that teriparatide may be useful in the clinical setting for the acceleration of fracture healing , especially in patients who are at risk for impaired fracture healing .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: he was admitted for an elective left typanomastoidectomy and removal of the incus and malleus with tympanoplasty . his medical history included hypertension , dyslipidemia , gout , polycystic kidney disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease . his medications at the time of admission were rosuvastatin , domperidone , esomeprazole , allopurinol , irbesartan / hydrochlorothiazide and labetalol . on the first day postoperatively the patient experienced a sudden drop in his level of consciousness accompanied by marked agitation , and required intubation . his glasgow coma scale score was 9 ( eyes 3 , verbal 3 , motor 3 ) . there were no focal neurological signs , his pupils were symmetrical but sluggish to react and the fundi appeared normal . a computed tomography scan of the patient s head showed no structural abnormalities , no masses and no hematoma . lumbar puncture was performed and revealed cloudy cerebrospinal fluid ( csf ) with an elevated protein level ( 5.78 g / l ) , low glucose level ( < 1.0 mmol / l ) and a leukocyte count of 11,97410/l , with 95% neutrophils . based on these findings , the patient was treated empirically for bacterial meningitis with intravenous ( iv ) vancomycin , ceftriaxone and dexamethasone pending culture results and sensitivities . further blood work revealed a blood leukocyte count of 13.810/l , hemoglobin level of 123 g / l and platelet count of 15410/l . mmol / l , potassium level 3.6 mmol / l , chloride level 106 mmol / l , urea level 12.6 mmol / l and creatinine level 190 mol / l . initial gram stain of the csf using the cytospin technique revealed abundant polymorphonuclear leukocytes and no organisms . preliminary reports revealed growth of gram - negative coccobacilli , and at this point metronidazole was also added to the treatment regime until an anaerobic cause was ruled out . ultimately , the organism was identified from aerobic cultures as p multocida using the vitek 2 identification system ( biomrieux , usa ) . interestingly , a swab of the left ear performed...
pasteurella multocida is a gram - negative anaerobe that is known to colonize household pets ; in fact , it has been reported to be present in a majority of cats and dogs . p multocida can cause a variety of infections in humans , of which skin infections are the most common . this article describes a case involving a 56-year - old man who developed meningitis caused by p multocida following tympanomastoidectomy . the authors discuss the treatment course and most likely route of infection in this case , and summarize the cases of p multocida - associated meningitis presented in the literature .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the incidence of differentiated thyroid cancer ( dtc ) has increased globally over the last several decades , and iodine-131 is routinely used to treat dtc after total or near - total thyroidectomy to ablate the remnant thyroid tissue and enable physicians to detect tumor recurrence or distant metastasis more easily . iodine-131 is also used to treat benign thyroid conditions such as grave s disease and benign nodular goiter . few case reports have found that iodine-131 induced liver injury , including a case report involving a patient with grave s disease . here we present a case of drug - induced liver injury ( dili ) that occurred 10 days after iodine-131 ablative therapy and responded favorably to oral corticosteroid . a 47-year - old woman was referred to our hepatology unit in may 2015 for the evaluation of increased liver enzymes . the patient was previously diagnosed with thyroid cancer ( t3n1am0 ) in march 2015 and had undergone total thyroidectomy with right neck lymph node dissection . at 8 weeks after surgery , she underwent iodine-131 therapy at 100 mci ; 10 days later , she was admitted with jaundice and elevated liver enzymes . the patient was taking only prescribed medications , including levothyroxine 150 g , calcitriol 0.25 g , and calcium carbonate 500 mg daily for 2 months after the total thyroidectomy . she denied having any alcohol or smoking history and taking any possible agents causing hepatitis such as health supplements or herbal medications . on admission , her vital signs were normal , and a physical examination showed no remarkable findings except icteric sclerae and skin . mild hepatomegaly was observed ; however , there was no evidence of splenomegaly or ascites . her blood count revealed a white blood cell count of 3,550/l ( neutrophils , 35.9% ; lymphocytes , 49.9% ; and eosinophils 3.2% ) , and hemoglobin level , hematocrit level , and platelet count were 13.4 g / dl , 38.9% , and 148,000/l , respectively . serum biochemical assay gave the following results : blood urea...
iodine-131 is a radioisotope that is routinely used for the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer after total or near - total thyroidectomy . however , there is some evidence that iodine-131 can induce liver injury . here we report a rare case of drug - induced liver injury ( dili ) caused by iodine-131 in a patient with regional lymph node metastasis after total thyroidectomy . a 47-year - old woman was admitted with elevated liver enzymes and symptoms of general weakness and nausea . ten weeks earlier she had undergone a total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma and had subsequently been prescribed levothyroxine to reduce the level of thyroid - stimulating hormone . eight weeks after surgery she underwent iodine-131 ablative therapy at a dose of 100 millicuries , and subsequently presented with acute hepatitis after 10 days . to rule out all possible causative factors , abdominal ultrasonography , endoscopic ultrasonography ( on the biliary tree and gall bladder ) , and a liver biopsy were performed . dili caused by iodine-131 was suspected . oral prednisolone was started at 30 mg / day , to which the patient responded well .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the postoperative care has changed from admission in the hospital for several days to total ambulatory care . european and north american studies have examined the safety and early recovery of patients and have justified this change [ 13 ] . the less developed countries including india have also adopted this change in technique and patient care . a nationwide or large single - center study on the safety and complications related to these changes is sparse in india . we believe these studies will help planning the management policies of cataract surgery and finally formulate a uniform health care planning in india . there were three objectives of this study : ( 1 ) to estimate the rate of acute endophthalmitis in a large tertiary care eye hospital in south india , ( 2 ) to correlate the events of endophthalmitis with change in surgical technique from extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) to phacoemulsification and from the inpatient to ambulatory patient care , and ( 3 ) to evaluate the differential infection rate in the higher and lower socioeconomic strata of the society . the study was done in a large tertiary care referral eye center in south india . comprehensive and total eye care is provided to patients of lower socioeconomic group ( nonpaying patients ) at no cost to the family . the materials for this study were obtained from the patient records of the institute after due clearance from the institutional review board . all adult cataract surgeries ( excluding 2114 complicated cataracts following uveitis and trauma ) performed between january 1993 and december 1998 were included . the study did not include the referred patients of postcataract surgery acute endophthalmitis operated outside the institute facilities . all patients were operated either by institute full - time faculty or ophthalmology fellows after a sufficient period of training ( certified by the faculty ) . apart from specific technique related to the ecce and phacoemulsification , all processes related to pre- , intra- , and...
purpose . we investigated acute endophthalmitis incidence following cataract surgery vis - a - vis the current technological and postoperative care changes in higher and lower socioeconomic categories of patients in south india . methods . in a retrospective case control study , we analyzed 62 cases of acute endophthalmitis and 5 controls for each endophthalmitis case from 46,095 cataract surgeries done between years 1993 and 1998 . the time period covered the transition of surgical technique and after care . in addition , we analyzed systemic diseases , surgeon factor , habitat , and socioeconomic status . results . clinical and culture positive endophthalmitis incidence were 0.13% and 0.07% , respectively . differential incidence of 0.10% and 0.17% for in- and ambulatory care surgeries , respectively , was close to statistical significance ( p = 0.054 ) . lower economy category ambulatory patients had higher risk of infection . conclusion . ambulatory cataract surgery carried additional risk for post - operative infection in lower socioeconomic group . improved health education could ensure greater safety .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: ageing is one of the most complex biological processes of growing older and defined as the intrinsic , inevitable , and irreversible age - related process of loss of viability and increase in vulnerability or a progressive functional decline , or a gradual deterioration of physiological function with age , including a decrease in fecundity . some workers refer to it as senescence . recently , ageing is defined as the age - dependant fractal process consisting in increasing of quantity of homeostasis disturbances at molecular , subcellular , cell - tissue , and system levels . the life cycle of human cells are determined by strings of dna called telomeres , present at the ends of chromosomes . the telomere shortens each time a cell divides , leading to ageing and eventually the death of the cell , once the telomere becomes too short to sustain life . genes regulate the ageing speed by indirection and controlling organism resistance to damages by exogenous and endogenous stresses . silencing of genomic dna was first observed by repression of genes near certain translocation breakpoints in drosophila . factors , such as proteins encoded by the sirtuin genes , have been identified in drosophila and yeast that act in trans to mediate silencing . sirtuins ( sir , silent information regulator ) are a group of nad - dependent deacetylases , hypothesized to play a key role in an organism 's response to stresses ( such as heat or starvation ) and to be responsible for the lifespan - extending effects of calorie restriction and/or a mutation in one or two genes , such as , ras2 and sch9 . sir2 is required for silencing in the rdna , but sir2 , sir3 , and sir4 are all required for silencing at mating - type loci and telomeres . limited overexpression of the sir2 has been observed to result in a lifespan extension of about 30% and the deletion of sir2 results in a 50% reduction in lifespan . the sir2 homolog in mammals is known as sirt1 or sir2. it has been proposed that sir2 and sirt1 may block the organism from...
ageing , also called as senescence , is one of the most complex , intrinsic , biological processes of growing older and resulting into reduced functional ability of the organism . telomerase , environment , low calorie diets , free radicals , etc . , are all believed to affect this ageing process . a number of genetic components of ageing have been identified using model organisms . genes , mainly the sirtuins , regulate the ageing speed by indirection and controlling organism resistance to damages by exogenous and endogenous stresses . in higher organisms , ageing is likely to be regulated , in part , through the insulin / insulin - like growth factor 1 pathway . besides this , the induction of apoptosis in stem and progenitor cells , increased p53 activity , and autophagy is also thought to trigger premature organismal ageing . ageing has also been shown to upregulate expression of inflammatory mediators in mouse adipose tissue . the understanding of pathophysiology of ageing over the past few years has posed tremendous challenges for the development of anti - ageing medicine for targeted therapy . future research areas must include targeted role of systemic inflammatory markers such as c - reactive protein and interleukin 6 and other biochemical and genetic studies including gene signaling pathways , gene microarray analysis , gene modulation , gene therapy , and development of animal / human models for potential therapeutic measures and evaluations .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: we aim at presenting a simple way to prioritize reservoir species in relation to their capacity to carry multiple agents of potential diseases . we illustrate this simple method with rodent - borne diseases in thailand , a country that showed major outbreaks of several rodent - borne diseases in the past years ( 1 ) . we focused on rodents as carriers , vectors or reservoirs of numerous zoonotic diseases , notably microparasites ( 2 ) . thailand presents the advantage to harbour a rich biodiversity , although at threat ( 3 ) , and to have been quite intensively surveyed for rodent - borne diseases . using published surveys investigating rodent - borne diseases in rodents in this country we aim at identifying the major rodent species reservoirs , at least in term of their capacity to host multiple pathogens . for this , we first investigate the relationship between the pathogen species richness observed among rodent species and the screening effort and , second , we use the residual variations of this relationship to prioritize rodents and evaluate the potential risky habitats . we compiled surveys of microparasites investigated in rodents trapped in thailand ( from 27 references given in supplementary appendix ) . the data comprise a total of 17,358 rodents from 18 species of murine rodents that have been investigated for a total of 10 microparasites ( table 1 ) . viruses were : hantaviruses , lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus ( family arenaviridae , genus arenavirus ) , rabies virus and hepatitis e virus . these viruses are directly transmitted between rodent hosts and are all major pathogens of humans . are indirectly transmitted via contact with water or soils contaminated by urine of infected rodents . from the three protozoans , altogether 1,716 rodents ( 10% ) have been found positive for at least one pathogen . microparasite richness was defined as the number of pathogen species for which each rodent species was found positive . survey of infection by microparasites ( viruses , bacteria ,...
backgroundcomparative analysis , which aims at investigating ecological and evolutionary patterns among species , may help at targeting reservoirs of zoonotic diseases particularly in countries presenting high biodiversity . here , we developed a simple method to target rodent reservoirs using published studies screening microparasite infections.methodswe compiled surveys of microparasites investigated in rodents trapped in thailand . the data comprise a total of 17,358 rodents from 18 species that have been investigated for a total of 10 microparasites ( viruses , bacteria and protozoans ) . we used residual variation of microparasite richness controlled for both rodent sample size and pathogens screening effort to identify major rodent reservoirs and potential risky habitats.resultsmicroparasite species richness was positively related to rodent sample size and pathogens screening effort . the investigation of the residual variations of microparasite species richness showed that several rodent species harboured more pathogens than expected by the regression model . similarly , higher pathogen richness than expected was observed in rodents living in non - flooded lands , forests and paddy fields.conclusionour results suggest to target some rodent species that are not commonly investigated for pathogen screening or surveillance such as r. adamanensis or b. savilei , and that non - flooded lands and forests should be more taken into caution , whereas much surveys focused on paddy rice fields and households .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: epithelioid hemangioendothelioma ( ehe ) is a rare tumor of the vascular endothelium that is considered to be intermediate between hemangioma and angiosarcoma . typically , the soft tissue is involved and , less frequently , the skin , bone , liver and lung are involved . in this report , we describe a case of cutaneous ehe that was present since birth involving the whole of the right lower limb . a 16-year - old female presented with painful progressive swelling and erythematous skin lesions involving the whole of her right lower limb . she had lesions since birth and also had restricted movements but with no other systemic complaints . an examination revealed diffuse swelling of the right lower limb , including the vulva and the lower abdomen . there were multiple erythematous papules , nodules and plaques of varying size that were firm in consistency [ figure 1 ] . diffuse swelling of the whole of the right limb with multiple erythematous papules , nodules and plaques on subjecting the patient for investigations , her bleeding time , clotting time , prothrombin time and complete blood count were normal . x - ray [ figure 2 ] and computed tomography scan revealed soft tissue swelling with diffuse osteolysis of the femur , tibia and fibula . the other differential diagnosis was klippel trenaunay syndrome , but due to the presence of osteoporotic changes in the bone , this was excluded . x - ray showing diffuse osteolysis of the right lower limb bones compared with the normal left limb biopsy of the erythematous nodule showed nodular tumor in the dermis , which was composed of oval- to spindle - shaped epithelioid cells . the nuclei showed a coarse chromatin pattern , and occasional mitotic figures were also noted . the cells were strongly immunoreactive for cd34 [ figure 4 ] and factor viii - related antigen . finally , a diagnosis of ehe was made and the patient was referred to the vascular surgery department for further management . hematoxylin and eosin showing multiple vascular spaces with red blood...
epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is an intermediate - grade vascular tumor arising from the vascular endothelium , which usually arises in soft tissue , and skin involvement is extremely rare . we report a case that presented with primary cutaneous tumor involving the whole limb and was present since birth .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: moreover , leadership is increasingly considered an important driver in terms of organisational performance , in particular in relation to the implementation of policy designed to solve the wicked issues of society . yet , despite leadership being viewed as an essential component of integrative public sector performance , there is relatively little thoughtful work analysing the relationship between the two sets of ideas . leadership in collaborative settings is simultaneously represented as being both the same , and yet different , to these roles in more traditional settings . what this means in practice is that much of the literature appears somewhat at best platitudinous and at worst confused posing practical difficulties for leaders and managers of collaborations who are looking for evidence or guidance on how to enact leadership . this paper examines the literature and asks how different leadership in inter - agency settings is from more traditional settings , before going on to map out lessons which may be useful for leaders and managers to draw upon in more effectively navigating this difficult terrain . this research is based on an extensive review of the literature surrounding leadership , collaboration and broader theories of networks . the paper finds that this distinction is overstated ; there are also significant overlaps in the types of tasks and challenges that both sets of leaders and managers will face and these should not be underestimated . this has clear implications for training and development of these individuals where understanding of the contexts for and nature of partnerships and thus the sensemaking and performance that may be most effective may be as important as the skills and attributes themselves .
introductionhealth and social care collaboration is currently a key feature of improvement efforts internationally . moreover , leadership is increasingly considered an important driver in terms of organisational performance , in particular in relation to the implementation of policy designed to solve the wicked issues of society . yet , despite leadership being viewed as an essential component of integrative public sector performance , there is relatively little thoughtful work analysing the relationship between the two sets of ideas . leadership in collaborative settings is simultaneously represented as being both the same , and yet different , to these roles in more traditional settings . what this means in practice is that much of the literature appears somewhat at best platitudinous and at worst confused posing practical difficulties for leaders and managers of collaborations who are looking for evidence or guidance on how to enact leadership.aims and objectivesthis paper examines the literature and asks how different leadership in inter - agency settings is from more traditional settings , before going on to map out lessons which may be useful for leaders and managers to draw upon in more effectively navigating this difficult terrain.methodsthis research is based on an extensive review of the literature surrounding leadership , collaboration and broader theories of networks.resultsthe paper finds that this distinction is overstated ; there are also significant overlaps in the types of tasks and challenges that both sets of leaders and managers will face and these should not be underestimated.conclusionsthis has clear implications for training and development of these individuals where understanding of the contexts for and nature of partnerships and thus the sensemaking and performance that may be most effective may be as important as the skills and attributes themselves .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: necropsies of 95 harbor seals ( p. vitulina ) collected from july to december 2002 showed a moderate - to - severe pulmonary alveolar and interstitial emphysema and alveolar edema as the predominant findings . histologic lesions consisted of interstitial pneumonia with multinucleated syncytial cells and a moderate - to - severe lymphocytic depletion in the lymphoid tissues . cytoplasmic and nuclear acidophilic inclusion bodies were detected in respiratory epithelial cells , gastric surface mucous and chief cells , intestinal crypt epithelial cells , and hepatic and pancreatic duct epithelial cells . in the urogenital tract , inclusion bodies were observed in endometrial , vaginal , and epididymal epithelial cells as well as epithelial cells of the renal pelvis and urinary bladder . occasionally , inclusion bodies were present in neuronal and glial cells of the central nervous system . tissue lesions from a harbor seal ( phoca vitulina ) with phocine distemper virus infection . ( b ) immunohistochemical labeling of morbilliviral antigen in glandular epithelial cells of the lung . immunohistochemical analyses were performed by using a cross - reacting murine monoclonal antibody specific for the morbillivirus nucleoprotein . morbillivirus antigen was detected in lung , trachea , stomach , intestine , liver , pancreas , kidneys , urinary bladder , female genital mucosa , and epididymal tubules ( figure 1b ) . in the lymphoid tissues , variable numbers of lymphocytes and macrophages of the follicular and parafollicular areas screening for morbillivirus - specific nucleic acid in tissue samples from lung , spleen , and lymph nodes as well as in blood samples from 85 seals was performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( rt - pcr ) . for this procedure , universal morbillivirus primers based on the conserved sequence of a 457-bp fragment of the phosphoprotein gene ( 8,6 ) were used . pdv - specific rna was detected in 46 ( 54% ) of the 85 seals from german waters affected from july onward . both...
approximately 21,700 seals died during a morbillivirus epidemic in northwestern europe in 2002 . phocine distemper virus 1 was isolated from seals in german waters . the sequence of the p gene showed 97% identity with the dutch virus isolated in 1988 . there was 100% identity with the dutch isolate from 2002 and a single nucleotide mismatch with the danish isolate .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: the transient receptor potential family is widely involved in many sensory processes , with a subset of channels implicated in the reception of temperatures . they are named thermotrp and are responsible for thermosensation ( patapoutian 2005 ) . in mammals , there are six thermotrps : two activated by cold ( trpm8 and trpa1 ) and four activated by heat ( trpv1 - 4 ) ( dhaka et al . 2006 ) . the first known receptor in mammals activated by noxious heat was vanilloid receptor subtype 1 ( trpv1 ) ( caterina et al . 1997 ) . in humans , trpv1 is widely expressed in neuronal ( dorsal root ganglion , trigeminal ganglion and various brain regions including hypothalamus or hippocampus ) and nonneuronal tissues ( among others , urinary bladder , liver or macrophages ) ( vennekens et al . 2008 ) . vanilloid receptor subtype 1 is a non - selective cation channel with substantial calcium permeability , activated by various chemical and physical stimuli . chemical substances that activate the channel include various vanilloids ( such as capsaicin ) and endogenous lipid metabolites , while physical stimuli are acidic ph and high temperature > 43c ( oneil and brown 2003 ; benham et al . 2003 ) . other mammalian vanilloid receptors ( trpv2 - 4 ) also respond to warmth : trpv2 is activated by noxious heat ( ~52c ) , trpv3 opens at 3439c and trpv4 at 2534c ( caterina 2007 ) . trp receptors are also implicated in insects thermosensation , especially the channels of the trpa subfamily ( mckemy 2007 ) . drospohila trpa channels , on the contrary to mammalian trpa , respond to warm temperatures ( dillon et al . vanilloid receptors have also been discovered in insects ( for details see : olszewska 2010 ) . these include two receptors found in drosophila melanogaster : nanchung and inactive calcium - permeable cation channels activated by mechanical and osmotic stimuli . both receptors form one interdependent complex in the antennal chordotonal organ and are required for the insect s hearing ( gong et al . 2004 ; liedtke and kim...
transient receptor potential channels are implicated in thermosensation both in mammals and insects . the aim of our study was to assess the effect of mammalian vanilloid receptor subtype 1 ( trpv1 ) agonist ( capsaicin ) and antagonist ( capsazepine ) on insect behavioral thermoregulation . we tested behavioral thermoregulation of mealworms larvae intoxicated with capsaicin and capsazepine in two concentrations ( 107 and 104 m ) in a thermal gradient system for 3 days . our results revealed that in low concentration , capsaicin induces seeking lower temperatures than the ones selected by the insects that were not intoxicated . after application of capsazepine in the same concentration , the mealworms prefer higher temperatures than the control group . the observed opposite effect of trpv1 agonist and antagonist on insect behavioral thermoregulation , which is similar to the effect of these substances on thermoregulation in mammals , indicates indirectly that capsaicin may act on receptors in insects that are functionally similar to trpv1 .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: enterococcus faecalis is the cause of 85 - 90% of enterococcal , and third cause of nosocomial infections , especially bacteremia , sepsis in children , endocarditis , urinary tract infection ( uti ) , and wound infections . it plays a significant role in treatment of the disease , knowledge of bacterial resistance pattern to antimicrobial agents is important for the successful management of diseases . there are five resistance genes whose products are responsible for resistance to glycopeptides antibiotics in vancomycin - resistant enterococci strains ( vre ) . two of such genes ( van a and van b ) are most common than others , especially in e. faecalis and e. faecium . strains with van a gene are resistant to vancomycin and tycoplanin , and strains with van b are resistant to vancomycin but sensitive to tycoplanin . resistant enterococcal infections are usually treated by synergistic action of a glycopeptide and an aminoglycoside . vancomycin - resistant enterococci strains are usually transferred via the hands of health care workers , who are fecal carrier and are in close contact with patients . those patients who have long - time hospital stay and long - time antibiotic therapy , as well as children and the elderly with a critical situation , such as those who are hospitalized in intensive care units ( icu ) , are more prone to take the disease . culture is the most - used way for detecting enterococci in the blood , however , for effective treatment of enterococcal bacteremia , characterization of the bacteria and their pattern of resistance to antibiotics is necessary . this requires some diagnostic biological tests as well as determination of its antibiogram pattern and mic , which usually takes about five days . some rapid methods such as e test for mic , api 20 and api 32 for characterization , and selective - differential specific media and choromogenic agars for direct detection of vre such as eva , can - vga , and beaa with 6 g / ml vancomycin have been introduced in recent years . these...
background : bacteremia due to enterococcus faecalis is usually caused by strains resistant to most antibiotics . effective management of the disease is dependent on rapid detection and characterization of the bacteria , and determination its sensitivity pattern to antimicrobial drugs . the aim of this study was to investigate a more rapid and reliable assay for simultaneous diagnosis of enterococcal bacteremia and its sensitivity pattern to antimicrobial drugs . methods : several bacterial suspensions with different content of two standard strains of enterococcus faecalis resistant to vancomycin were used for inoculation to defibrinated sheep blood samples . pcr and routine assay was performed on all blood samples with different bacterial content . results : routine assay and pcr for all inoculated blood samples with 5 cfu / ml was positive . mean time for pcr and routine assays was 10 hours and 5 days , respectively . conclusion : pcr is a more rapid and sensitive assay for simultaneous detection and characterization for enterococcus faecalis , and determination of its sensitivity pattern to vancomycin .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: atraumatic splenic rupture ( asr ) is an uncommon pathologic condition in which bleeding from the spleen occurs for a variety of reasons [ 13 ] . while the current trend in traumatic splenic rupture is nonoperative management including transcatheter arterial embolization [ 4 , 5 ] , splenectomy is recommended in most patients with asr as a consequence of underlying splenic pathology such as bacterial infection , malarial infection , hematological disorders , drugs or amyloidosis . two patients with asr , concomitant hemorrhagic shock and anticoagulation therapy , presented to us for definitive treatment . our successful treatment algorithm included a three - step strategy : ( i ) rapid transient hemostasis by splenic artery occlusion using a microballoon catheter , ( ii ) damage control resuscitation in the intensive care unit ( icu ) and ( iii ) splenectomy as a definitive hemostatic treatment . a 66-year - old man presented after suffering sudden hypotension and abdominal distension , followed by a rapid and progressive anemia . after arriving at hospital , he collapsed and went into cardiac arrest . return of spontaneous circulation occurred after 36 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rapid blood transfusion . abdominal contrast - enhanced computed tomography ( cect ) revealed a large hematoma around the spleen and liver , in paracolic gutters and the pelvis with active arterial extravasation and apparent capsular disruption ( fig . 1 ) . his systolic blood pressure ( bp ) was 90 mmhg ; heart rate ( hr ) , 80 bpm ; hemoglobin ( hb ) level , 6.7 g / dl ; hematocrit ( ht ) , 19.0% ; prothrombin time - international normalized ratio ( pt - inr ) , 2.16 and activated partial thromboplastin time ( aptt ) , 63.9 s ( under massive transfusion ) . he was currently on warfarin therapy for anticoagulation following a total aortic arch replacement including aortic valve replacement at the age of 60 . he presented with no history of trauma , and moraxella catarrhalis had been detected in a blood culture taken...
atraumatic splenic rupture ( asr ) is an uncommon pathologic condition in which bleeding from the spleen occurs for a variety of nontraumatic reasons . while the current trend in traumatic splenic rupture is nonoperative management including transcatheter arterial embolization , the current recommendation for the treatment of most patients with asr is splenectomy . in this report , we describe two cases of asr presenting with hemorrhagic shock and complicated by anticoagulation therapy . in patients with severe hemorrhagic shock and coagulopathy , a damage control strategy is recommended . our successful treatment of these patients included a three - step strategy as a damage control : ( i ) rapid transient hemostasis by splenic artery occlusion using a microballoon catheter , ( ii ) damage control resuscitation and ( iii ) splenectomy as a definitive hemostatic treatment .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: they are often caused by high - energy trauma and are associated with a high mortality rate . however , such severe injuries with complex patterns are seen more commonly nowadays due to high - speed trauma caused in road traffic accidents ( rta ) on motorways . high mortality rates ( 50%77% ) have been reported for femoral shaft fractures associated with pelvic fractures and injuries to other systems . these injuries have a great impact not only on the social and economic life of individual , but also on the society . we present a rare case of bilateral unstable pelvic fractures ( acetabular and sacral fractures ) , bilateral segmental femoral shaft fracture with multiple right rib fractures and associated haemothorax . to the best of our knowledge , a 21-year - old female sustained multiple injuries in a major rta 6 months ago . she was travelling with family and friends in a four wheeler jeep when the driver of her vehicle tried to overtake a truck in high speed and had a head - on collision with the truck coming from opposite side . only 2 young ladies , sitting in the rear seat of the jeep , survived this fatal accident ( fig . 1 ) . they were admitted in a nearby hospital where they had primary resuscitative treatment and were then referred to our tertiary care center 5 days after the accident . on admission , this patient was in a state of hemorrhagic shock and was found to have multiple injuries , including multiple right rib fractures with haemothorax , bilateral segmental femur fractures ( fig . her medical condition was stabilized by multiple blood transfusions , intravenous broad - spectrum antibiotics , splinting of fractures by skeletal traction , right chest tube drainage and other supportive measures . she was then operated on in 2 sittings at the gap of 2 days to fix all the major fractures . firstly , the segmental fractures of both femora were fixed under general anaesthesia using intramedullary interlocking nails , taking the adequate precaution of padding the perineal and sacral areas...
the management of multiple complicated injured patients remains a great challenge despite advancements in modern medical care . we present a rare case of bilateral unstable pelvic fractures associated with bilateral segmental femoral shaft fractures . we have proposed a mechanism of such complex injury pattern and discussed the plan of management . we believe that a timely and aggressive surgical intervention to fix all the major fractures soon after medically stabilizing the patient helped our patient to overcome these serious and lethal injuries . it is necessary to establish an optimal protocol for management of such complex fractures by conducting prospective and multicentric studies in the future .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: many patients with non - small cell lung cancer or gastrointestinal tract cancer have pleural effusion or ascites at diagnosis . generally , cytological examination is the most common method to detect malignant cells in pleural fluid or ascites ; however , the technique is known to miss up to more than 50% of tumors . it is crucial to detect malignant cells in pleural fluid or ascites for staging work - up and for decision of treatment strategy , especially in non - small cell lung cancer . pleural or peritoneal biopsy , which is the gold standard for diagnosis , is invasive for routine examination . hence , it is important to develop a sensitive and less invasive diagnostic method to improve the detection of malignant cells in pleural fluid or ascites . cd44 is a cell surface adhesion molecule implicated in diverse biologic processes , such as lymphocyte activation and homing , extracellular matrix adhesion and cellular migration . cd44 is composed of at least 20 exons , of which 10 exons can be alternatively spliced into different combinations to make up various isoforms . it has been reported that various human malignant tumors have been associated with over - expression of cd44 variant isoforms , and widespread attention has been focused on cd44 variant isoforms a candidate marker for detection of cancer . however , the variant exons that have been associated with cancer have been detected in corresponding normal tissues in other studies . recently , a novel molecular approach , cd44v8 - 10/cd44v10 competitive rt - pcr , has been developed for the detection of cancer cells over - expressing cd44v8 - 10 . this method is based on the concept that the relative expression of cd44v8 - 10 transcripts to cd44v10 transcripts can be quantified by using the endogenous cd44v10 transcripts as a source of internal standard competitor rna . we analyzed from benign and malignant pleural effusion and ascites by cd44 competitive rt - pcr for the detection of cancer cells over - expressing cd44v8 - 10 . ags , a human...
background : cd44 is a cell surface adhesion molecule which has been implicated in various biologic functions as lymphocyte homing and activation , cellular migration and extracellular matrix adhesion . over - expression of cd44v8 - 10 has been found in several cancers and is considered to be associated with tumor progression and metastasis . recently , a novel molecular method , cd44v8 - 10/cd44v10 competitive reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction ( rt - pcr ) has been developed for detecting cancer cells over - expressing cd44v8-10.methods : we analyzed from benign and malignant pleural effusion and ascites by cd44 competitive rt - pcr and compared to the conventional cytology.results : the cd44 competitive rt - pcr analysis showed that all the 24 samples associated with benign disease presented a predominant expression of the cd44v10 transcript ( v8 - 10/v10 ratio : 0.1260.948 ) , whereas 6 of 7 malignant pleural samples associated with cytology positive cancer expressed the cd44v8 - 10 transcript ( v8 - 10/v10 ratio > 1.00).conclusion : these results indicate that cd44 competitive rt - pcr assay is a useful and adjunct to cytological examination in cancer diagnosis , especially in detecting exfoliated cancer cells in pleural effusion .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: recent studies demonstrate roles for regulatory noncoding rna molecules ( ncrnas ) in normal cns development and function and in the onset and progression of various neurodegenerative diseases . ncrnas are functional rna molecules expressed specifically in the central nervous system that do not encode proteins . they are classified as small ncrnas comprising fewer than 400 nucleotides and long ncrnas comprising more than 400 nucleotides . small ncrnas include ribosomal rnas ( rrnas ) , transfer rnas ( trnas ) , small nucleolar rnas ( snrnas ) , micrornas ( mirnas ) , short small interference rnas ( sirnas ) , and piwi - interacting rnas . long noncoding rnas ( lncrnas ) include heterogeneous regulatory molecules such as long intergenic noncoding rnas ( linc rnas ) and natural antisense transcripts ( nats ) [ 13 ] . ncrnas play critical roles in neuronal processes such as transcription of neuronal genes , brain morphogenesis , neuronal cell specification , and formation of memory . micrornas ( mirnas ) are small rna molecules ( 2123 nucleotides ) involved in the regulation of gene expression that bind posttranscriptionally to the 3-untranslated region of target mrnas and either inhibit translation or degrade the target mrna . a single - stranded rna , mirna , is derived from a 70100-nucleotide hairpin precursor called pre - mirna that plays a key role in posttranscriptional regulation of target gene expression . due to their small size , mirnas are potentially a valuable tool for therapy of cancer , neurodegenerative , and cardiovascular diseases [ 5 , 6 ] . the mirnas are transcribed by either rna polymerase ii or iii in the nucleus to yield primary transcripts ( pri - mirnas ) of different lengths that are processed by the drosha / dgcr8 enzyme complex into a ~70 base pair precursor mirna . the precursor mirnas are transported into the cytoplasm where cytoplasmic rnase iii enzymes , dicer and loquacious , process them into ~22-nucleotide mirna duplexes with guide and passenger strands . the guide strand...
noncoding rnas are widely known for their various essential roles in the development of central nervous system . it involves neurogenesis , neural stem cells generation , maintenance and maturation , neurotransmission , neural network plasticity , formation of synapses , and even brain aging and dna damage responses . in this review , we will discuss the biogenesis of microrna , various functions of noncoding rna 's specifically micrornas ( mirnas ) that act as the chief regulators of gene expression , and focus in particular on misregulation of mirnas which leads to several neurodegenerative diseases as well as its therapeutic outcome . recent evidences has shown that mirnas expression levels are changed in patients with neurodegenerative diseases ; hence , mirna can be used as a potential diagnostic biomarker and serve as an effective therapeutic tool in overcoming various neurodegenerative disease processes .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: stress urinary incontinence ( sui ) , which is a complaint of involuntary urine leakage on effort , exertion , sneezing , or coughing , is a common functional disease in women . understanding of the physiopathological concepts of female sui has steadily developed and the application of this improved understanding has led to improved surgical procedures aimed at correcting this disorder . since the tension - free vaginal tape ( tvt ) procedure was first reported by ulmsten et al . in 1996 , midurethral sling procedures have been considered safe and effective for treating female sui . in 2002 , delorme et al . described the transobturator technique for a midurethral sling in which they passed the tape through the obturator foramen from outside to inside . de leval demonstrated a transobturator midurethral sling procedure in which the sling passes the obturator foramen from inside to outside . in long - term follow - up studies , the transobturator technique has similar efficacy and safety compared with that of tvt . despite the popularity of these procedures , prognostic factors for the surgical outcome of correcting sui are still debated . valsalva leak point pressure ( vlpp ) is defined by the international continence society ( ics ) as the intravesical pressure generated by the valsalva maneuver at which urine leakage occurs owing to increased abdominal pressure in the absence of detrusor contraction . clinical application of vlpp remains controversial , however , and the effect of vlpp on treatment outcome of distal polypropylene sling procedures or pubovaginal sling procedures is undetermined . only a few studies have examined outcomes of transobturator midurethral slings stratified by the preoperative severity of urinary incontinence . additionally , few studies have assessed the relationship between incontinence severity and validated disease - specific quality of life . thus , we designed this study to assess the influence of preoperative vlpp and stamey grade on quality of life and surgical...
purposewe investigated whether the valsalva leak point pressure ( vlpp ) is valuable for predicting postoperative outcome measurement after transobturator suburethral tape ( tvt - o ) implantation for treating stress urinary incontinence ( sui ) in women.materials and methodsa total of 204 female patients who underwent tvt - o placement for treatment of sui from march 2008 to february 2012 were enrolled in this retrospective study . all patients completed the incontinence quality of life questionnaire ( i - qol ) , a self - reported quality of life measure specific to urinary incontinence , and the cure rate of incontinence was measured before and 6 months after surgery . cure was defined as no leakage of urine postoperatively both subjectively and objectively . we compared pre- and postoperative i - qol scores according to preoperative vlpp and stamey grade.resultsthe numbers of patients with stamey grades i , ii , and iii were 99 ( 48.5% ) , 84 ( 41.2% ) , and 21 ( 10.3% ) , respectively . a total of 30 ( 14.7% ) , 87 ( 42.6% ) , and 87 patients ( 42.6% ) showed vlpp60 , 60<vlpp90 , and vlpp>90 cm h2o , respectively . preoperative vlpp was not significantly different according to preoperative i - qol or change in i - qol after surgery . however , i - qol after surgery improved in patients with a high preoperative stamey grade ( p=0.001).conclusionsvlpp was not a factor related to surgical outcome from the midurethral sling procedure . stamey grade rather than vlpp was important for predicting subjective quality of life and improved incontinence - related quality of life after surgery .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: they have a theoretical advantage over metal analogues in their secure initial fixation and subsequent degradation with eventual replacement by host tissues . the rigidfix anterior cruciate ligament ( acl ) cross pin ( mitek , westwood , ma , usa ) utilises polylactic ( pla ) pins to give the advantage of 360 bone - to - graft contact at the graft tunnel , with clinically acceptable pull - out strength and proven patient outcomes [ 2 , 3 ] . this fixation method does , however , have the disadvantages of local tissue response , such as inflammation and swelling [ 4 , 5 ] . we report the case of implant migration and the loose body presenting as a subcutaneous collection . a 25-year - old fit and well male sustained a left complete acl rupture in august 2001 due to a rotational soccer injury . this was confirmed at subsequent arthroscopy , and after a course of physiotherapy and a period of nonoperative treatment he elected for a reconstruction . this procedure was performed 3 years after the initial injury in august 2004 using bone patellar tendon bone ( btb ) without complication . 9 and 10 mm bone plugs were harvested and fixed in the femoral canal with two rigidfix cross pins placed from the lateral side of the femur as per the standard operative technique . the tibia was fixed with a 20 mm 9 mm metal interference screw . a concomitant posterior 1/3 tear of the medial meniscus was repaired at the time of operation with 2 mitek bioabsorbable sutures . postoperatively , the patient made a full recovery and returned to sporting activity at 6 months . whilst on holiday in february 2008 , the patient developed an acute collection on the medial side of his knee overlying the medial femoral condyle . this was incised and drained , and a 22 mm fragment consistent with the rigidfix implant was retrieved . the wound healed and was treated with antibiotics , although no evidence of infection was documented . the patient s inflammatory markers were normal and at last follow - up there was no evidence of...
we report a case of loosening of a bioabsorbable cross - pin fixation device for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction . forty - two months following a bone tendon bone reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament , the patient presented with a subcutaneous collection in the medial side of the knee . at subsequent surgery , a rigidfix cross - pin fixator ( mitek , westwood , ma , usa ) was retrieved , intact , from the sterile fluctuant mass around the superomedial aspect of the knee . the graft was stable both radiologically and clinically , and the patient remains symptom free . this case raises concern about the use of this smooth cross - pin fixator and the consequences of backing out and the resultant intraarticular loose body . we suggest consideration of a loose body if the patient becomes symptomatic postoperatively , and early intervention to prevent chondral damage is recommended .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: data were drawn from project eat ( eating and activity in teens and young adults ) , a 10-year longitudinal study of eating - related , anthropometric , and psychosocial factors among young people . paul , minnesota assessed in early / middle adolescence [ eati ; time 1 ( t1 ) ; age 11 - 18y ] from 1998 - 1999 . follow - up data were collected 5- and 10-years later [ eat - ii : time 2 ( t2)=middle adolescence / early young adulthood ; age 16 - 23y ; eat - iii : time 3 ( t3)=early / middle young adulthood ; age 21 - 29y ] to investigate changes in weight - related outcomes and their correlates . the eat survey assesses cognitions , behaviors , and attitudes related to eating and psychological functioning . test - retest data for the eat - i survey were collected on 161 adolescents completing identical versions of the survey approximately two weeks apart . self - reported height and weight were used to determine body mass index ( bmi ; kg / m ) . overweight referred to a bmi85 percentile at t1 and t2 , and a bmi25 at t3 . self - report of height and weight was validated in 125 eat - iii participants , representing a range of demographic and anthropometric features , who were consecutively invited to have height and weight measured at the university of minnesota by trained research staff . five levels of socioeconomic status ( ses ) were based on participant report of the highest educational attainment by either parent at t1 . eligibility for public assistance , eligibility for free / reduced - price school meals , and parental employment status were used to approximate missing ses information . kandel and davies scale for adolescents assessed the frequency of depression symptoms during the past year . binge - eating was ascertained as follows : in the past year , have you ever eaten so much food in a short period of time that you would be embarrassed if others saw you ? ; during the times when you ate this way , did you feel you could n't stop eating or control what or how much you were eating ? these items...
depression may be a risk factor for overweight status , but mechanisms involved in this relationship are unclear . this study explored behavioral factors involved in the relationship between adolescent depression symptoms and adult overweight status . a population - based cohort of female participants in project eat ( n=1,035 ) was followed over 10 years and reported on psychological functioning , weight status , and eating and activity patterns in early / middle adolescence ( 1999=time 1 ; t1 ) , middle adolescence / early young adulthood ( 2004=time 2 ; t2 ) , and early / middle young adulthood ( 2009=time 3 ; t3 ) . structural equation models were fit which included t1 depression scores predicting overweight status at t3 , with t2 fruit and vegetable consumption , moderate - to - vigorous physical activity , and binge eating examined as mediators . there were small but significant effects of t1 depression scores predicting an increased likelihood of t3 overweight status ( standardized estimate=0.038 ; p=.007 ) , and of t2 binge eating mediating the relation between t1 depression and t3 overweight status ( standardized indirect effect estimate=.036 ; p=.009 ) . binge eating may be one pathway to overweight among depressed females , suggesting that recognition and treatment of eating pathology in individuals with depression may help prevent overweight . examination of other behavioral ( and non - behavioral ) factors explaining the relationship between depression and overweight is warranted .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: airway remodeling , including alterations in the thickness of the basement membrane , an increase in the number of mucus producing cells , an increase in the number of blood vessels ( angiogenesis ) , and a change in the extracellular matrix ( ecm ) protein profile and hypertrophy / hyperplasia resulting in an increase in the bulk of the airway smooth muscle ( asm ) , is now recognized as a hallmark feature of asthma . little is known about the effectiveness of current asthma therapies upon these structural changes in the airways , particularly in the vicinity of the asm . we have previously reported that neither corticosteroids nor long - acting 2-agonists ( labas ) alone are effective at preventing or reversing in vitro parameters of asm - driven airway remodeling . the critical question that remained was whether the combination of these two drug classes would be more effective . whilst the combination of inhaled corticosteroids and labas improves asthma control and lung function and decreases the frequency of asthma exacerbations compared to placebo or high doses of inhaled corticosteroids alone [ 26 ] , one exception is the study by orsida and colleagues who reported that the combination of labas and inhaled corticosteroids reduces blood vessel number . given our previous finding of the lack of effectiveness of these drugs singly in reducing parameters of airway remodeling , it was vital to assess their efficacy in combination . several studies have examined the in vitro effectiveness of combined corticosteroids and labas in fibroblasts with conflicting results . goulet et al . found that corticosteroids and labas had opposing effects on matrix protein deposition in the presence of serum and their combination counteracted each other . in contrast , also in fibroblasts , descalzi et al . reported corticosteroids had significant anti - proliferative effects and that combination with labas strengthened these effects . reported that corticosteroids reduced and the combination with labas abolished proteoglycan...
background . persistent asthma is characterized by airway remodeling . whereas we have previously shown that neither 2-agonists nor corticosteroids inhibit extracellular matrix ( ecm ) protein release from airway smooth muscle ( asm ) cells , the effect of their combination is unknown and this forms the rationale for the present study . methods . asm cells from people with and without asthma were stimulated with tgf1 ( 1 ng / ml ) with or without budesonide ( 108 m ) and formoterol ( 1010 and 108 m ) , and fibronectin expression and il-6 release were measured by elisa . bronchial rings from nonasthmatic individuals were incubated with tgf1 ( 1 ng / ml ) with or without the drugs , and fibronectin expression was measured using immunohistochemistry . results . budesonide stimulated fibronectin deposition , in the presence or absence of tgf1 , and this was partially reversed by formoterol ( 108 m ) in both asthmatic and nonasthmatic cells . budesonide and formoterol in combination failed to inhibit tgf-induced fibronectin in either cell type . a similar pattern of expression of fibronectin was seen in bronchial rings . tgf1-induced il-6 release was inhibited by the combination of drugs . conclusion . current combination asthma therapies are unable to prevent or reverse remodeling events regulated by asm cells .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: malignant middle cerebral artery ( mca ) infarction may occur in up to 10% of patients who have acute ischemic stroke and have a mortality rate of approximately 80% . because of the limitations of medical therapies , decompressive hemicraniectomy has been proposed for patients with space - occupying hemispheric infarction . this therapy can prevent secondary tissue damage by creating compensatory space to accommodate the swollen brain . however , given the lack of data , neurosurgeons may be reluctant to perform this procedure . recently , the pooled analysis of 3 small randomized trials demonstrated decompressive hemicraniectomy can reduce mortality and morbidity related to malignant infarction of the mca . it is expected that the procedure would be increased due to positive effect on outcomes . the aims of the present study were to determine the proportion of patients with ischemic stroke who would have been potentially eligible for hemicraniectomy and to observe the utilization of decompressive hemicraniectomy with malignant mca territory infarction in mainland china . we included patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted consecutively to neurological wards of the west china hospital , sichuan university , between december 2007 and march 2011 . all patients had a clinical diagnosis of stroke according to world health organization ( who ) criteria and intracranial hemorrhage was further excluded by ct or mri scan in the hospital . inclusion criteria were as follows : infarction more than two - thirds the mca territory as defined by computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging ; neuroradiologic evidence of local brain swelling such as midline shift of 5 mm or more indicating space - occupying edema ; prestroke modified rankin scale ( mrs ) < 2 . this research project was approved by the scientific research department of west china hospital , which conformed to the local ethic criteria . the following demographic and clinical data were recorded and evaluated : age , sex , location of infarction ,...
abstractdecompressive hemicraniectomy with malignant middle cerebral artery ( mca ) infarction is effective but remains underutilized . the aim of this study was to observe the utilization of this intervention in mainland china.we included patients with malignant mca infarction who admitted in west china hospital between december 2007 to march 2011 . the outcomes were death and favorable outcome ( mrs < 4 ) at 1 month and 1 year . the multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify the independent predictors for outcomes.ten percent ( 219/2174 ) of patients with acute ischemic stroke had malignant mca infarction and 31.1% ( 68/219 ) patients meet the criteria that 60 years of age and the timing to hospital < 48 hours after stroke onset . of them , 18 patients ( 26.5% ) underwent to decompressive hemicraniectomy . in total , 31 patients ( 14.2% ) underwent the decompressive surgery . the average age was 53 12 years ; median nihss score was 21 . the case fatality rate of patients in surgery group was significantly lower than those of in nonsurgery group at 1 month and 1 year follow - ups ( 32.3% and 38.7% vs. 51.1% and 61.2% , respectively , p < 0.05 ) . patients in surgery group had a higher proportion of good outcome at 1 year follow - up ( 32.2% vs. 13.3% , p = 0.006 ) . after adjusting for confounders including age , sex , nihss score , and gcs score on admission , decompressive hemicraniectomy was an independent predictor of good outcome for 1 year ( or = 3.44 , 95% ci , 1.279.31).this study shows better outcomes in the surgical group , which are consistent with findings in previous prospective randomized trials . however , this beneficial intervention remains underutilized in clinical settings .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: portal biliopathy is defined as the development of extensive venous collateral vessels , due to obstruction of the extrahepatic portal vein , causing impediment to portal venous drainage . it develops from morphological changes of dilatation and stenosis of intrahepatic , extrahepatic and pancreatic ducts . it is also designated as cholangiopathy associated with portal hypertension , or portal cavernoma associated cholangiopathy . majority of patients are asymptomatic , but rarely some experience symptoms such as abdominal pain , jaundice , and fever . magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ( mrcp ) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ercp ) are considered to be the diagnostic tools of choice , once symptoms are manifested [ 1 - 3 ] . proper treatment is required to prevent complication such as biliary sepsis in cases of symptomatic portal biliopathy . there are few reports on radiologic findings of portal biliopathy in korea , however , a symptomatic case was not previously reported . a 56-year - old man visited the emergency room with fever , chill , and abdominal pain . the past medical history indicated that he was diagnosed with hepatitis - related liver cirrhosis and was started on an anti - viral agent since 15 years ago . he was diagnosed with a small hepatocellular carcinoma in s2 of the liver 8 years ago and performed trans - catheter arterial chemoembolization twice . he had been suffered from chronic portal veous thrombosis in main portal vein and portal hypertension . he had a history of embolization of a splenic arterial pseudoaneurysm with severe splenomegaly and pancytopenia 5 years ago . he had multiple hospital admissions for esophageal and gastric variceal bleeding , hepatic encephalopathy and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis . on presentation at our emergency room , he was in a febrile state and looked acutely ill with icteric sclera and abdominal tenderness and palpable abdominal mass on the left upper quadrant were found on physical examination . the vital signs on...
portal biliopathy is defined as abnormalities in the extra- and intrahepatic ducts and gallbladder of patients with portal hypertension . this condition is associated with extrahepatic venous obstruction and dilatation of the venous plexus of the common bile duct , resulting in mural irregularities and compression of the biliary tree . most patients with portal biliopathy remain asymptomatic , but approximately 10% of them advance to symptomatic abdominal pain , jaundice , and fever . magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography are currently used as diagnostic tools because they are noninvasive and can be used to assess the regularity , length , and degree of bile duct narrowing . management of portal biliopathy is aimed at biliary decompression and reducing the portal pressure . portal biliopathy has rarely been reported in korea . we present a symptomatic case of portal biliopathy that was complicated by cholangitis and successfully treated with biliary endoscopic procedures .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: acute interstitial pneumonia ( aip ) is an idiopathic lung disease characterized by rapidly progressive respiratory failure occurring in patients without pre - existing systemic or lung diseases with diffuse alveolar damage histologically ( 1 , 2 ) . since the term " acute interstitial pneumonia " was first introduced in 1986 ( 3 , 4 ) , some reported case reviews of aip ( 4 - 8 ) , with only 2 pediatric case reports ( 3 , 8) . this is a case report of a 3-yr - old girl diagnosed as having aip from autopsy , whose two other siblings showed the similar radiological findings . this is the first case report of aip in three children from the same family ; one of them was histologically confirmed , another was clinically and radiologically quite similar , and the other was radiologically suspected as having aip . a 3-yr - old previously healthy girl presented with progressive dyspnea and chest discomfort . over the preceding 1 week , she had been admitted to a local general hospital for a sudden onset of dyspnea followed by 3 weeks of upper respiratory symptoms , mild rhinorrhea and dry cough without fever . her 2-yr - old brother showed the same clinical symptoms presented at the same time ; however , she did not have any other known familial history of certain disease . there was no evidence of systemic infection , immune suppression , exposure to toxic agents , pre - existing lung disease , or collagen - vascular disease . on physical examination she showed tachypnea ( respiratory rate 48/min ) and chest wall retraction , and was requiring 5 l oxygen with face mask . there were bilateral ground - glass opacification on simple chest radiograph and also bilateral ground - glass attenuation with diffuse alveolar consolidation on chest high - resolution computed tomography ( hrct ) ( fig . arterial blood gas analysis gave ph 7.40 , pao2 88 mmhg , paco2 46 mmhg , sao2 96% ( 5 l / min of oxygen with face mask ) , and the white blood cell count was 9,330/l with 78% neutrophils . c - reactive protein was negative , and...
acute interstitial pneumonia ( aip ) is a rapidly progressive condition of unknown cause that occurs in a previously healthy individual and produces the histologic findings of diffuse alveolar damage . since the term aip was first introduced in 1986 , there have been very few case reports of aip in children . here we present a case of aip in a 3-yr - old girl whose other two siblings showed similar radiologic findings . the patient was confirmed to have aip from autopsy showing histological findings of diffuse alveolar damage and proliferation of fibroblasts . her 3-yr - old brother was also clinically and radiologically highly suspected as having aip , and the other asymptomatic 8-yr - old sister was radiologically suspected as having aip .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: after more than 50 years of experience penicillamine remains the most effective treatment for patients with wilson disease for which there is ample evidence [ 1 , 2 ] . however it also has a wide variety of toxicities , most of these can be explained in terms of chemical or immunological reactions . the present theories are unsatisfactory and this paper proposes a new hypothesis for the neurotoxicity of penicillamine which , if correct , may lead to the introduction of a predictive test which will be of great value in deciding whether or not this drug can be used as an initial therapy . in 1948 , when he established the role of copper in the pathogenesis of wilson disease , cumings put possible therapy on a sound scientific basis by suggesting that the chelating agent bal , british antilewisite , might be beneficial in the management of this disease by removing the excess copper . this hypothesis was later supported by his own observations and those of denny brown and porter in boston . later denny brown appeared to have abandoned the copper theory in favour of uzman 's hypothesis that the disease was due to an abnormality of peptide metabolism and that copper was merely deposited as a secondary phenomenon in dying neurones [ 68 ] . how denny brown was able to continue to propagate the use of bal as an effective therapy in view of his theories on pathogenesis remains unclear . however the peptide theory was finally disproved by asatoor milne and walshe when they showed that there were no abnormal peptides in the urine of wilson disease patients and that the abnormal aminoaciduria could , in most cases , be corrected by treatment with penicillamine . when , in 1956 , i proposed that penicillamine might be of use as a chelating agent for copper removal virtually nothing was known of its potential toxicity except that the l - isomer , when fed to ethanolamine deficient rats , caused loss of weight . as the isomer liberated from penicillin is the the d isomer this did not seem relevant . i speculated on...
penicillamine , dimethyl cysteine , thiovaline , remains the drug of choice for the treatment of patience with wilson disease . it is also of value in the treatment of cysteinuria and rheumatoid arthritis , it has also been suggested that it has value in the management of other rare diseases . it also has multiple toxicities . the majority of these can be explained as chemical toxicity , for instance its weak antipyridoxine action and its ability to interfere with lysyloxidea resulting in skin lesions . more important are its ability to induce immune reactions such as sle , immune complex nephritis , the ehlers danlos syndrome and goodpasture 's syndrome . however the sudden increase in neurological signs which may occur in a small number of patients remains unexplained . the theory is proposed that this is due to lethal synthesis . in susceptible patients the sh radical is liberated from penicillamine and will inhibit sh dependent enzymes in the krebs cycle leading to death in neurones . other toxic metabolites may also be produced such as methyl mercaptan and ethyl mercaptan either of which could produce a similar metabolic block .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: however , fractures of the pelvis constitute up to 23% of admissions to level i trauma centers . similar to adults , octogenarians have pelvic fractures that can be associated with high - energy trauma and injury to other physiological systems that may lead to an increased incidence of complications and mortality . multiple fractures and organ damage may occur with low velocity injury because of the osteoporotic nature of the octogenarian skeleton and the increased association with chronic comorbidities and sarcopenia [ 2 , 3 ] . thus , an elderly person presenting with a pelvic fracture should be evaluated early for having a multiorgan injury with an increased potential for harm , complications , and death . previous studies on octogenarian pelvic fractures analyzed the elderly population as a whole , including both the elderly ( 6579 years old ) and the octogenarians ( 80 years old ) [ 1 , 4 ] . low velocity injuries in the elderly have been the focus studies that evaluated patients with osteoporosis and pelvis fractures [ 57 ] . patients older than 80 comprise a period of life that is fraught with multiple comorbidities that are managed by their primary care physician . decline in the reproductive , cardiovascular , and skeletal systems , as well as alterations in body composition during this stage of life , can often contribute to varying responses to injury [ 3 , 8 ] . physiological changes in the elderly lead to a theoretical decreased ability to withstand the effect of traumatic injury . physiologic changes include a decrease in weight , lean body mass , muscle size , and bone mass . moreover , there is a decrease in blood pressure , blood volume , hematocrit cardiovascular , and lung vital capacity . thus , depending on the placement of an elderly person on the physiological curve , he or she may respond to trauma differently than an adult . the authors hypothesized that octogenarian patients with pelvic fractures have a higher risk of complications and mortality as compared to younger elderly and...
purpose . this study examined whether octogenarians and elderly patients with pelvic fractures have a different risk of complication and mortality as compared to adults . methods . data was gathered from the national trauma data bank from 2002 to 2006 . there were 32,660 patients 1865 , 6,408 patients 6579 , and 5,647 patients 80 years old with pelvic fractures . descriptive statistics and bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed with the adult population as a referent . results . multivariate analysis showed 4.7-fold higher odds of death and 4.57 odds of complications in the octogenarian group after a pelvic fracture compared to adults . the elderly had 1.81-fold higher odds of death and 2.18-fold higher odds of severe complications after sustaining a severe pelvic fracture relative to adults . an iss 16 yielded 15.1-fold increased odds of mortality and 18.3-fold higher odds of severe complications . hypovolemic shock had 7.65-fold increased odds of death and 6.31-fold higher odds of severe complications . between the ages of 18 and 89 years , there is approximately a 1% decrease in survivorship every 10 years . conclusions . this study illustrates that patients older than 80 years old with pelvis fractures have a higher mortality and complications rate than elderly or adult patients .
Assuming you're helping a researcher in a hurry, could you summarize the essence of this research for them? Study: it can save lives ( both mother and child ) in the event of serious complications.1 the debate about the ideal cs rate is ongoing and shows no sign of abating.19 whereas in the past the discussion revolved largely around medical issues and whether or not cs could be justified , the question of the woman s right to choose her own mode of delivery without a medical indication has now taken center stage.10,11 this right to cs is an extension of the a child if i want , when i want , and with whom i want view which some see as the rights of women with regard to their own bodies . however , others believe that women who request a cs are victims of overmedicalization or the influence of doctors who can no longer bear the screams and sweat of a delivery room and prefer a more rapid and lucrative cs.10,1214 the woman s right to choose her delivery method has been a matter of debate , mostly in countries with a high cs rate . in other countries , such as those in sub - saharan africa , where the cs rate is less than 2% , improving accessibility is a priority . how can low cs rates be explained in these settings ? however , some authors1518 also point to the importance of social acceptability of cs by women and their families in sub - saharan africa . they see cs not only as an inability or failure of the woman to deliver vaginally15 but also as a threat to the family s financial stability.1921 those involved in maternal health programs need to understand women s perceptions of cs so as to overcome existing barriers ( eg , through reduction of the direct costs of cs or improved transport to a referral hospital ) and see their efforts come to fruition . the objective of this paper was to explore women s experience with and perception of cs in burkina faso and the social and economic implications of cs within the household . we conducted a qualitative study using focus groups and individual semistructured interviews ( supplementary material ) . this study was part of a larger multidisciplinary action research project (...
backgroundthis paper explores women s experience and perception of cesarean birth in burkina faso and its social and economic implications within the household.methodsfive focus groups comprising mothers or pregnant women were conducted among residents of bogodogo health district in ouagadougou to assess the perceptions of cesarean section ( cs ) by women in the community . in addition , 35 individual semistructured interviews were held at the homes of women who had just undergone cs in the referral hospital , and were conducted by an anthropologist and a midwife.resultshome visits to women with cs identified common fears about the procedure , such as once you have had a cs , you will always have to deliver by cs . the central and recurring theme in the interviews was communication between patients and care providers , ie , women were often not informed of the imminence of cs in the delivery room . information given by health care professionals was often either not explicit enough or not understood . the women received insufficient information about postoperative personal hygiene , diet , resumption of sexual activity , and contraception . overall , analysis of the experiences of women who had undergone cs highlighted feelings of guilt in the aftermath of cs . other concerns included the feeling of not being a good mother who can give birth normally , alongside concerns about needing a cs in future pregnancies , the high costs that this might incur for their households , general fatigue , and possible medical complications after surgery.conclusionpoor quality of care and the economic burden of cs place women in a multifaceted situation of vulnerability within the family . cs has a medical , emotional , social , and economic impact on poor african women that can not be ignored . managers of maternal health programs need to understand women s perceptions of cs so as to overcome existing barriers to this life - saving procedure .