I have a question about the upcoming Focus on the Family Super Bowl ad about Tim Tebow. See inside for actual question.
I'm presuming that a large portion of /r/Christianity fall into the category normally referred to as Pro-Life. I'm also pro-life (as I don't promote killing people), but in addition I am pro-choice. For the remainder of this statement, I will refer to the Pro-Life group as Anti-Choice. I apologize if this offends anyone. Anyway, my question is this. Mrs. Tebow clearly made a choice regarding her pregnancy with Tim. It was suggested by medical professionals that she have an abortion, but she chose not to. She was not forced into having Tim due to laws preventing any other option. She chose the path that she took. So how can this situation be used to promote Focus On the Family's Anti-Choice stand that says Roe v Wade must be repealed and women, in the future, should not be allowed to make this same decision for themselves?
Can someone give me a cheaper alternative to satellite internet?
I live out in the middle of nowhere. I am forced to use and iphone for internet and that is amazingly slow because I don't receive 3G or a consistent EDGE signal. I was looking at this product I found on google called Proxicast but I'm looking for 3G speeds. Austin ( approx. 50 miles) has 3G and I believe Killeen (approx. 30 miles does) does too. My main question is would this be a sufficient solution if I added an antenna or something similar? I figure it would be cheaper to purchase internet access from a cell phone company than satellite. If anyone has any other suggestions please suggest away. Thanks edit:god almighty, the price for the equipment is insane.
What would you ask when considering buying a restaurant?
I've always wanted to own a pizza place ever since I managed two of them in highschool/college. I have a completely unrelated job now, but there is a very small chance that some big things may fall into place and I could end up owning one. It's like two blocks from my house and if I could get it for the right price there's a pretty good chance of success. I'm meeting with the current owner today and besides the normal operating costs and expenses just curious if Reddit had any advice on what other questions might be worthwhile to know.
Redditors in NYC: I need your assistance. More inside.
I am currently training for the NYC Half Marathon in March 21 with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. I'm doing it for personal reasons (friend whose 19yo cousin passed away in November after a long struggle with Lymphoma, a best friend whose mom got diagnosed a month ago with B-Cell Lymphoma, etc). I need to raise $1,800 for LLS and I'm currently at slightly under $500. One of my teammates and I are looking for a bar in NYC that can host a fundraiser event for us to help us out. We've already organized one for Feb. 11th but we need to set up some more to make sure we hit our goal. I'm sure there's gotta be at least one redditor that owns a bar in NYC. Please reddit, you're my only hope! TIA. Ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Here's my official TNT page:
I just heard an ad for a "Ending marijuana addiction" pill. WTF?
WTF is that shit. I'm going to make a pill that instantly kills your addiction to cheese. "Are you struggling with your cheese addiction?" "Don't give up hope; Ceddartox is for you!"
I'm finally ready to buy a new console. Should I get an xbox 360 or a PS3, and which variant?
I *do* own a Wii that I purchased when they first came out, and it's great, but I've been wanting to purchase a real next-gen console for four years now, and I think it's time. The problem is that I'm a PC guy. I stopped paying attention to consoles back in 2006, and I haven't even picked up a 360 or PS3 controller for more than 15-20 minutes total. So do I need a certain HD size on the xbox or a certain model to escape the RROD? Is the PS3 worth the extra cash? Is there a game that is so good that I absolutely must play it? Thanks in advance fellow gamers. **UPDATE:** Wow, I'm amazed by the response. Thanks so much to everyone that took time to write a thoughtful reply! After reading all of your replies and talking to some friends, I've decided to go with the xbox 360 so I can play online with people more easily. However, I've also decided that at point undetermined in the spring when I have enough cash, I'm going to try out the PS3. I was leaning toward xbox when I wrote this, and the arguments for PS3 really do make a lot of sense. If it weren't for wanting to play online with my friends that own 360's, I would have sided PS3. Thanks again to everyone who helped school me on the state of consoles. You guys are awesome.
Ask Proggit: basic sentiment analysis techniques?
I would like to do get started on some basic sentiment analysis on a decent amount of data. I have seen techniques using keywords like <good, like, awesome> to categorize as positive and <sucks, worst, bad> to categorize as negative and putting everything else neutral. While relatively easy to implement, it's not very effective from what I've seen. So my question is, anyone got a better way that's still relatively easy to implement?
My brother is starting an online reselling business. What do I need to know?
I'm being tasked with making the site, which is going to require a lot of research, but that's not the focus. What do you have to do to have a legit business? What's recommended? What's legal? Which is the best online shopping cart system to use? Any advice, Reddit?
Must homework be abolished?
I would like to know how every child and adult (mainly chidren) feel about homework and what exactly they mean by the task: whether it's challenging and worth pondering upon or just copying and pasting from the internet or any other source. Frankly and sadly, the second scenario's usually the case at our school. I am quite smart and due to the way they give homework at our school, I see no encouragement in doing my homework. I want to know about other ones and how they are better/worse for smart/below-average children.
My wife named her two feral foster kittens Norman and Mother. Help?
Apt names, they're totally insane, especially Mother. Just abject fear of people. The approach so far has been to only offer food while we are around, and move the food closer incrementally until they eat out of our hand. Any tips from anyone who's tried to tame a feral kitten?
Should I root my Nexus One
I have no experience doing so. Im not stupid and I can get around in terminal so i don't think it will be too hard. Anyone know a good guide, the only one I saw explicitly said not for beginners
Help! Nothing really seems to work.
So here is my deal, I am a girl, 26 - I have always been quite active (soccer, broomball, baseball, boxing, rollerblading martial arts) but for some reason I am unable to drop my weight below 165 - 170 lbs. I am around 5'6 and go to the gym 5-6 times per week, I run 2-5km per day (I alternate between 2-5km runs every other day) and alternate upper and lower body workouts - free weights. In addition, I do martial arts training 1-2 times per week (time permitting). I do not appear physically very muscular, nor do I eat a tremendous amount. The only time I have been able to lose weight is by exercising excessively (2-3 hours per day - almost all cardio) and dropping my caloric intake to a limited amount (less than 1200 per day) and even then I cannot seem to go below 155 lbs (I was only able to keep up this regime for about a year before I couldn't find the time to work out as much)....I have tried food diaries etc to ensure that I am not drinking or snacking extra calories during the day......any tips or advice? My ultimate goal is a leaner, healthier me - some muscle definition would be nice as well :p....... EDIT: I also have already gone to see a dr - because given my activity level and caloric intake - i should in theory be much lighter than I am...No issues..... EDIT2: Really looking for suggestions regarding high intensity exercises that can build stamina, reduce fat and build muscles that I can do with minimal equipment (only freeweights/treadmill etc). I have access to a gym but it's an often overcrowded one.
What does a side kick to the face look like???? you ask
well it would most likely look like a kick in the side of a head. Hope I made you a little mad.
A question about acceptance of science for the religously inclined...
Why do religious groups find it necessary to try and find scientific facts that purportedly support any number of religious claims? As I understand it, religion is a faith based practice. Faith is a belief and complete trust in something that isn't tangible. Faith is not something based on the logical infrastructure developed by modern science. Furthermore, as I see it, religion doesn't have to be consistent with what any branch of science has revealed to us through years of experimentation. The natural extension of this is that a truly religious person could almost completely reject the world (including science itself!) that has been described by science, and insist that only God knows the truth behind everything (I'm not suggesting that you should do this, but it seems to be a natural extension). How can you accept the validity of antibiotics and space travel, but not something like stem cells? Sure, they argue that we're "playing God" and killing babies, but all of the assumptions behind that argument are grounded firmly in science. For all a religious person knows, some kind of magic could happen between pregnancy and a baby being born. Gestation could be a ruse, a plot by the devil to tricking you into believing the evils of modern science. Again, I'm not suggesting that this is true, and I'm not trying to make fun. What I'm trying to say is that one could argue that for a religious person, the world is only defined by what is taught in the Bible, and that all other things can't be trusted. How do you find a middle ground between believing only what the Bible teaches and what science teaches?
Can Reddit recommend any post-apocalyptic anime?
I've seen Evangelion, Gilgamesh, RahXephon, and a few others I can't name off the top of my head. Can anyone point me to some worthy post-apocalypse anime?
My girlfriend is depressed and has severe life issues and I want to help her but don't know how.
I am posting this under a throwaway account for anonymity because I use my username everywhere. I will try to describe all of her problems without writing a book. For years now my girlfriend has felt life is pointless which comes out more depending on whats going on. I would say shes depressed but when I tell her this she asks me why she should feel happy or motivated to do anything when nothing but bad things happen whenever she tries. She will actually debate me on how life is crappy and there is no point to doing anything. Recently though she has said some things which cause me more alarm than usual. A while back she said she does not enjoy sex and I also asked her in a more recent conversation if she ennjoys any of the hobbies or anything else she does in her spare time and she said she didn't and that they were all just a distraction. We are both unemployed after moving to a new town which isn't helping anything but a lot of her feelings about life stem from how she says she did everything she was supposed to growing up but all she got nothing in return. She got perfect grades through school and went to college and graduated in the top 10 of her class only to come out and not find any jobs in her field (physical science) or anywhere outside basic low paying jobs. She ended up working various crappy jobs and now has the disposition that years of her life were spent on something meaningless (I don't blame her). Another aspect is how she views the normal daily routines people perform as repetitive and pointless. She asks how do people get up, eat, go to work, come home, sleep every day over and over and all for what? What is the point? She says how you have to work a crappy job just to endure this horrible repetitive routine and it seems better to just step in front of a train. I am horrible at giving advice so if I try to provide some flimsy reason as to why people carry on with their daily lives she will tear it apart. She is incredibly smart and good at everything she does and I think a lot of her trouble stems from a lack of being able to use any of her strong points in a useful or beneficial way. I have asked her if she would want to go back to school to continue her education and she said she would if it guaranteed a job and she didn't have to get into anymore debt because she feels she got burnt so bad the first time around. She is not a people person in that she has no patience for rude or obnoxious people. She has tried going out and making friends or doing something that she likes to do by herself with others but always has these bad experiences that occur because of other people at these events (someone being rude, stuck up, obnoxious, etc) and she just doesn't want to deal with it. So to make a long story short what can I do for her since she seems to have no motivation or will to do anything in life. She talks about how she feels life is pointless and should just end so you don't have to suffer through it, and she doesn't enjoy anything....at all. She will drink sometimes when she is miserable and wallow in it and she is sad to the point of being in tears many times. This is what is very worrying to me and I would like to help but don't know what I can do. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Do I inherit a responsibility for the other? If so, how far does that responsibility extend?
To give some context, I’ve been engaged in discussion with ISO members for a few months. Communism/Marxism/socialism rejects the notion of inheriting property, money, or capital in general, but a different assumption is made when it comes to responsibility for the other. It seems that because I was born in the USA to a life of privilege it is my duty to help victims of the 3rd world that are suffering as a result of decisions that I had no part in making. Why isn’t it valuable that I live in a music/art community house and work towards community sufficiency? Why isn’t it valuable that my life serves as an example for an alternative path? I teach mathematics at a college and many students have expressed their appreciation for showing them a concrete example of a lived on a different path. This is by no means the only alternative, but it is a path that minimizes suffering of the other and rejects the spoils of illegitimate wars. Socialists do not consider this a valuable endeavor and scoff at me for not feeling the need to unionize the janitors against oppression. If the oppressed ask for my support I’ll give it, but shouldn’t the janitors of our society get together to defend themselves and take responsibility for their own community? I sense compassion turning into pity. Note: I hold Nietzsche's view of pity.
DAE get frustrated by people who think they are clever when they're actually very lame?
I have a family member who is about 2 years younger than me and thinks that his intellect and sense of humor is more "hip" than mines. I don't hate him or anything, it just annoys me when he makes current events jokes that are really lame. His friends which are his age laugh at his status updates all the time. The reason why I care to talk about this is that at times he is at competition with me and continuously acts like he is better than me in many ways. Then again it could be because he is afraid of being looked down on. I love him, since he's my cousin, but has anyone else gone through this kinda thing? **summary: arrogant cousin, lame jokes, friends laugh, in competition with me, I love him, anyone else gone through this?**
Question about what I can do with LightBox
I have a website I'm working on for a marketing firm. They wanted to use lightbox for their portfolio. The issue is they want video and mp3s to play in this light box. The page would look like but would play videos or mp3s when the thumbs are clicked. Has anybody seen any good solutions to this? **EDIT** *Thanks for all your suggestions guys, I opted to go with a standalone flash media player and will just open that in a new window. That or embed it in lightbox itself since I know how to do that.*
Gay Marriages have nothing to do with God. Or do they?
From what I understand of marriage, it was originally intended to signify the union between a man, a woman, *and God*. However, for most people today it simply represents a declaration of the love between two people (supported by a contract allowing the couple certain legal rights). So what is all the fuss about gay marriage? Let them get married! They're not looking for a union with God, are they? Well if they are they should strongly consider reading the bible to make sure they understand how he truly feels about them. Marriage allots a couple certain legal provisions; those provisions should have no religious prerequisite. Therefore, anyone should be able to get married regardless of their religious affiliation or non-affiliation.
San Diego: Trade PS3 games, one Xbox 360 game, good condition with cases and manuals for ?
PS3: Unreal Tournament 3 Assassin's Creed Ridge Racer 7 Lair Motorstorm Xbox 360: Resident Evil 5 I haven't played any of these in a while, last I did they all worked perfect though. I'm interested in other PS3 games or a dualshock 3, or a HTC G1 (games + cash if you don't want just games), or just about anything interesting. What you got Reddit?
Because the world needs to see (M)y piercing?
Two quick shots: * Got pink? * Two piercings one .. guy Comments gratefully received ..
Foreign Language Course Study Tips?
I'm taking a foreign language course in college, and I find it a bit of a struggle to keep current. I put in a lot of time, but have real trouble committing the vocabulary to memory. Flash cards just don't seem to get the job done. Are there any tips or tricks you've used to make this a bit easier? It's a relatively uncommon language (Persian), so I don't have some of the options that I would with something like Spanish or French. I read through this post, but that's geared toward self-study where you have a little more latitude in how you study and at what pace.
The Official Drum & Bass Awards 2010!
Hosted at factoryclub in Digbeth, Birmingham, 27th February 8pm - 6am, £27.50 + booking fee. Edit: Sorry, newb mistake, thought I was posting a link. Here you go:
If you had the chance to leave earth forever...
With a peaceful group of aliens, and they told you they would show you the universe and all the secrets of existance, would you leave behind everything you know and everything you love on earth? Would you leave humanity for the ultimate form of knowledge?
A jackass is moving in my room and I need him out! What are the best pranks I can pull to get his ass out of there?
I am in college and recently my current roommate decided to switch rooms. The problem is the new guy coming in, Jay, is really annoying and I hate him. The worst part about all of this... they never even told me. He is moving in tonight and I can't force him out. So I need to make him leave by his own will, even if I have to crush that will. I'll do whatever it takes. Me moving out is not an option. EDIT: Background info about Jay. He is a fat Chinese dude that is really messy. He smells and his raunchy clothes cover every inch of the floor. He never does any work and stole his past roommates food all the time. JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED!
I love soup, its cheap and you usually don't need a recipe and it will usually be OK!
The last random soup creation I made contained 2 leeks, a few sweet potatoes, some vegetable stock, garlic, salt, pepper and basil to taste. Cooked it all until it was soft and blended it up. What are your no recipe soup creations?
I miss the old Domino's Pizza!!!
Here's the thing. When I'm in the mood to eat pizza, I like to eat a lot of pizza. Domino's was perfect because each piece wasn't too filling. I could easily eat 1/2 - 3/4 of a large. Also, I loved the taste of it! Their pepperoni was so oily that when it was cooked the pepperoni oil would cover the pizza making it soooo yummy! Now it's this really thick crusted abomination that is too similar to Pizza Hut and Pappa John's. I want my Domino's pizza back!!!!
What obscure performer do you find sexy?
If you think Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox is hot, yeah, well, so do a ton of other people. Who do you find really attractive that's a little more on the obscure side? Back in the day when I'd watch Wings I thought Farrah Forke, who played Alex Lambert, was very hot. I can't find any pictures of her that do her justice though.
Ask F1: Anyone else find it rather odd that Michael is still wearing his Ferrari red helmet in Valencia?
I mean, he's had time to have a new one made, no? Or is that going to be his new helmet for the rest of the year? EDIT: See Jimbo's post below. Apparently, the red helmet is history.
[TOMT] A strange movie situated in a huge mall [Movie]
No, it's not Dawn of the Dead :). It was a rather artsy, quirky movie. The characters lived in the mall and there was a rather claustrophobic atmosphere. The colors were strange, somewhat saturated. There was a gloomy guy who worked in an office and in one scene staples some signs on himself and bleeds a bit. The same character (I think) played a computer game about landing a lunar module. There was a guy with weird afro-like hair. Cancercarnival got it: **Waydowntown**
Haiti says child-trafficking accused could get US trial
Personally, I think they should be tried in Haiti and have the book thrown at them. Kidnapping and trafficking children is illegal and morally wrong, no matter what the excuse or reason, not to have a "soft" trial in the States, just look at the US reaction to Amanda Knox's trial.
Is there anywhere that teaches being a survivalist as part of a high school curriculum? Or is that mainly a scouting thing?
Fixed Wouldn't it be a good idea that instead of taking gym for a year students could opt to learn how to camp, fish, trap, hunt and gather things that would aid in personal suvival? I see this as better information than playing rollerhockey and I like rollerhockey.
Reddit Poker Tournament Schedule Updated - Feb 7
Congrats to the winners of this weekend's three tournaments: * Brotato Chip taking first in the PS HORSE event * Drarr taking down the PS Main event * micah67 taking down the FT event (yeah: me!) The Schedule link on the right has been updated with this Sunday's Tournament schedule. This weekend we're targeting Sunday which has had the most turn-out, historically. There are two tournaments on PokerStars, including an earlier $1 tournament. FullTilt's rake on the $1 tournaments are, as noted previously, absolutely ridiculous, so we'll avoid those in the future. Sign up early! NLHE Tournaments for Sunday, 07 February (times in EST - see the Schedule link for additional time zones): * PS $1+.10, 1pm, #238821192 * FT $5+.50, 7pm, #136996561 * PS $5+.50, 8pm, #238821674 Passwords are 'reddit'
Hey Reddit, the copy machine near my computer makes a really loud banging noise? Whats a funny sign I could hang on it to explain the noise?
When the copy machine warms up it makes three or four loud bangs. Its a crappy machine thats always breaking down. I thought of putting a sign that says "Disregard noise. Alarm used to awaken the deaf dwarf typist inside". Whats something funnier that I would be able to put up there? Thanks
I ran the one of the first large-scale HTTP game piracy networks. AMAA.
First, I would like to say, that despite that I have now reformed and am not involved in any piracy, I do not want to reveal any details about the sites I ran. However, if a moderator would like proof that I am who I say I am, I'll happily provide it. I ran a huge piracy network for games. This was before the days of Rapidshare or the mainstream availability of torrents. The sites effectively were simply a front for a worldwide distribution network of donated server space. At the time, piracy of games (particularly older games) was of dubious legality. No one had actually ever been prosecuted for either distributing them or downloading them that my team knew of, so we thought it was fine and accepted by the industry. Similarly, the term 'piracy' was effectively unheard of. The sites themselves were for a period of about 2 years the biggest distribution network of ROMs for Nintendo consoles ranging from the NES through to the Gameboy. The sites were all shut down due to the threat of legal action. I made no money during the operation of the sites, but I did make a small sum of money following them being shut down, by selling PHP scripts to early anti-piracy companies for analysis. The scripts themselves restricted download speed, gave false addresses for the download location, restricted download amount, and restricted access by IP range. I also attempted to alleviate my conscience by working on and off with a loss prevention department (no dedicated piracy department in those days) of a large games publisher. Ask me (almost) anything about piracy, about the warez scene, about early adopters of PHP, about the platform, the distribution network, about online anonymity or anything else that will not give away who I am.
Providing my n900 with my laptop's internet connection - any help?
Hi maemit, Wondering if anyone knows how I can connect my n900 to my laptop's internet connection in ubuntu? I've tried ad-hoc wireless, but this seems extremely flaky and I've no idea how to debug it — is this possible using either bluetooth or a usb connection? Any advice would be great Thanks
Reddit, help me figure out the most efficient way to shovel my oddly-shaped driveway!
So, we got a whole bunch of snow last night and it kind of sucks to shovel it. I have an oddly-shaped driveway and shoveling it can be a difficult endeavor. Here is an approximation of how the driveway looks. Here it is with a grid for easier description. I frequently shovel from C1 to C4 (down the middle) and then go outwards from there, but when we get a lot of snow (a foot or so, like this morning) that can involve a lot of snow-throwing which is murder on my back. So, do you guys have any ideas? I only have a manual shovel--a snowblower would be too expensive. Keep in mind that if I push the snow too far, it leaks over the side of the shovel and leaves lines of snow on either side where I'm pushing. The winner gets a no-expenses-paid trip to Wisconsin to implement his/her plan!
Why are so many people upset that the President nixed another manned mission to the moon? If we went there multiple times 40 years ago... Why go back?
I mean, if theres basically nothing up there but dust and rocks, what do we Need to go back for? And why the hell did we spend so much on a Space Station if we are going to nix the space shuttles that can get us there?
“Recycling” old engagement ring… Being economical or an undeserving douche?
Long story short, I proposed to my girlfriend of 5 years back in May 2009 due to extreme pressure from her and her family. Well, it didn't work out for obvious reasons because I wasn't ready to marry her and I finally grew the balls to end the relationship that was never going to go any further. Dick-headed move on my part, I know. I should have NEVER proposed to her. Fast-forward to now...I met this girl from another country (my Dad retired to and lives in un-said country). I've met her several times over the past years but never really pursued anything because I was in a relationship. Well, after ending things with my ex, I started talking to this girl on a regular basis and have been to her country several times to visit her. She is currently my GF and I am in love with her and want to marry her. Just one of those times when you "just know." Anyways, I still have the ring I used to propose to my ex with and I'm thinking about using it to propose to my new GF. I know this is a less than ideal thing to do but I'm doing it from a pure economics standpoint. I have NO money to go out and buy another ring...NONE. If I had the money, of course I'd buy a new one but this is truly not possible. The only other person that has seen the old ring is my sister and she of course will not say anything and new GF would be completely oblivious to the fact that it was previously given to someone else. Now, I place no emotion on this ring or feel it's cursed, etc. Is it a complete dick-head move to "recycle" this ring and give it to my current GF? I don't know, I'm one of those ones that feels it's just a fucking rock and piece of metal - who gives a flying fuck where it came from. Marriage should be about the marriage and not the rock, right? It's not like I'm going to look at this ring on my new GF's finger and cry/sob internally because it was originally intended for someone else. If anything, I'll just look at it and probably chuckle and say, "that was a bone-headed move to ever consider giving that to your ex." Thoughts? EDIT: Problem is resolved! A relative called me with a hook-up on a jeweler and today on lunch I went down and met with them and walked away with a brand new ring for under $400 which included me trading in the old ring. I feel much better now. Wish me luck with the engagement!
So LBGT has disappeared from all my Reddit lists again. What's up?
This is the second time in recent weeks I've noticed this... I went to submit a link and discovered that LGBT was not in the list of "popular choices" for submitting a link. LGBT is also missing from my "My Reddits" dropdown menu, and it's missing from the list of reddits across the top of each page. Does anyone know what is causing this? Is it just LGBT or is this happening to other reddits as well?
DAE hate it when you go to a fastfood joint and they manage to fuck up your order?
Just went to Burger King. Normally I check the contents of the bag if it's to go, this time I was lazy and didn't check. I did however, ask the girl if she checked the contents of my bag, she said emphatically: YES!. Upon arriving at my kingdom, I opened the bag with a kind of anxious feeling. I was appalled, angry and shocked that my order wasn't correct. FFFFUUUUUUU
Dear reddit, I received my first job offer today and I have some questions...
So after 6 months out of college, countless applications and resumes, I finally got a job offer today. Seeing how this is all new to me, I thought I might pose a few questions to see what the working portion reddit has to say about it. So the job is for a radiation health scientist (I was a physics major) and it is about four hours away from where I am living now, so it would be a definite move. My dilemma here is that I am not sure if it is really a job that will lead to a career directly, it pays well enough for a starting position (46K), but other than looking decent on my resume it doesn't seem like its a "career builder". My question I guess is, if that is what I should be looking for with my first job because I have been getting different advice from my family and friends. For example, my Dad has been working as an engineering at the same company for over 30 years, it was his second job, and he has had it for this long. And his opinion is that if its not going to turn into a career, then it is not worth moving away for (that is kind of the short version of his opinion). For a little more background, it was in my head when I graduated college that I wanted to get an entry level physics related or engineering job, work for a year or so, get a feel for what it would be like working a job that I could get with my undergraduate degree, and if that didn't seem to fulfilled me, then go back to graduate school for physics or engineering. Like I said, I am new to this (not all that young though, 26) and not really sure what the best course of action might be, and I know it has to be my choice because it is my life that I am stuck living, but any advice/words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. (sorry for the poor formatting and grammar) edit- I just wanted to say thanks to all of those who offered advice and dropped a little workforce knowledge on me. As of now I am leaning heavily towards accepting this job tomorrow...
I have a question for any growers/mmj patients in CO...
To start off, my two house-mates and I all recently got our MMJ licenses, and we've set up a community grow-space inside the house that's plenty large to accommodate the small number of plants we're growing. We've begun collecting the clones we're after, and I've been warned by an acquaintance that having any firearm (loaded and/or functioning or not) in a household that's growing cannabis (legally or not) is an instant felony and a big issue if anybody ever comes poking around. All three of us own firearms, and all three of us keep them unloaded and in cases buried in misc. closets. As far as I know, none of us have considered using them in any sort of self-defense situation (in and around the house, at least), and we just keep them around for camping trips, trips to the range with buddies, etc.. I have looked around for any law in CO regarding cannabis and firearms, and pretty much just found this page at the CO Dept. of Health and Environment. Some digging around has turned up an article at NORML which I'm *assuming* was the source of the scare. The way I read that article, only **illegal** growers in California, Washington and Oregon need to worry. Though, a lot of the time other MMJ friendly states get left out of those brief lists. Aside from the obvious "keep them hidden" and "get rid of them" answers, anybody here have any input? Personally I think we're OK, but it'd be nice to hear from somebody who knows what's actually going on (everything regarding MMJ laws here seems so very, very vague)....
Fuck the troops? No, fuck you!
Over the past couple of weeks I've seen multiple groups on Facebook saying fuck the troops, they don't deserve respect etc etc. After reading about their little mission statements I want to do terrible terrible things to the people who made them. First off the US is not in Iraq to kill civilians I have no military training but if you gave me the resources the US army has and told me to kill a bunch of poor unarmed civilians I imagine id be dropping napalm like its going out of style. Second war is not the systematic killing of civilians, that's genocide, kind of. You can't just use the word genocide for shock value and throw the meaning of the word out the window. I understand if you don't support the war that's fine. But to say soldiers do not play a role in preserving our liberties and that soldiers are ignorant and homicidal is beyond me, I have class now but ill be back. Tell me reddit, what's your take on this
Ok Reddit, I need your help, pllease let me know if you can help...
Does anybody know if there's a website where you can enter a cell phone number and find out who's it is? I keep getting phone calls from a number and don't know who it's from. I know it's a cell phone number and when I try to call back no one answers and a voicemail picks up but doesn't say who's phone it is. You're help would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to be missing a call from someone important. Thank you!!! :)
What's the best status that you've seen on facebook?
You know you're ugly when you have a car as a profile picture. No, you are NOT a ferrari.
What's the best thing you've said while asleep?
I've had my share of funny sleep-conversations with waking people: Me: "It's rhetorical." My dad: "What's rhetorical?" Me: "It's rhetorical!" or Me: "We have good connection in here." My roommate: "What connection?" Me: "Radio." But last night takes the cake. My roommate was watching Comedy Central so late that I had been asleep for hours and the Girls Gone Wild ads were on. GGW announcer: "... hot and 18, just like you like 'em." Me: "Oh, yea." How about you, reddit?
I have a question for the guys...
My boyfriend and I have a great relationship but the sex could be better! It's good but the problem is that he is quick to the finish. I sometimes just take care of myself before without him knowing so he thinks I was able to orgasm in those few seconds of ecstasy! I need tips and advice to help him and give him to make things last a bit longer! Help!
A Serious Man — Go See It.
No excuses anymore guys. The latests Coen Brothers' movie is quite fantastic. This Best Picture nod should open up its release a bit more. Go see it.
Reddit, what's the best office prank you've pulled off?
My favorite was hiding a 'CK One' scented air freshener under a coworkers desk. For weeks he went on and on asking everyone if they were wearing cologne or perfume (he was the only person not in on it). We all said we couldn't smell it, even though we could, it was just really strong at his desk. Finally after a few weeks the scent faded ... SO I REPLACED IT! Oh man, it was so awesome. He was furious, just made it all better. No one ever told him. My second favorite was carefully removing the bottom of a Coke can (by holding it against a belt sander), then filling it with Airsoft pellets and putting it on someone's desk right side up ... Haha, what a mess.
Now that we have ourselves a name, we need to make some changes in order to have ourselves seen as a serious party. What we need is a new logo.
No matter how much I like the raptor logo we have going for us, I realized that what we really need now is a logo that can be taken seriously. What it would be, I don't know yet (perhaps a white star, simple i know, but hey i'm no designer), the more artistically inclined of you should go for it. But there are a few things that we can't really have: anything really pirate related (maybe the exception of what the other pirate parties have, like a simple flag or something), anything to do with narwhals (sorry but no), and can't be solely red or blue.
DAE grow pubic hair on the shaft of their penis?
Does anyone else grow pubic hair on the shaft of their penis? I'm not talking a little bit at the base. I'm talking about an inch or more in length and substantial forest density half way up the shaft. Some even sprouts from as high as just below the tip, although not nearly as dense. I keep it "manscaped" so it's not as bad as I described above. But I've never seen another dick like mine in porn, even with the really hairy guys. So, be honest, how big of a freak am I?
The supreme court ruling misunderstands free speech as the same as funded speech. Allow free speech but not spending on advertising. The difference is that money talks a lot louder in our society.
Re: Supreme court ruling on free speech by corporations Since it's money that gets messages heard in our society you aren't infringing on free speech by stopping advertising for political purposes by corporations. This is essentially putting money into politics. Now if someone wants to sell a message (in the form of a book/cd/message, or a corporation wants to pay for a webpage about a topic, etc.) this should be protected under free speech. But paying money to get a message into a prime attention-grabbing space/time is essentially spending money to influence an election, not exercising free speech. A logical ruling would allow corporations to disseminate their message in a free and legal way or through the already existing channels but they would not be allowed to spend money on it to get it heard. Nobody would block you from making a documentary and selling it but you can't pay for people to see it. I would argue that (out of fairness and the difficulty in clearly banning this) corporations should be allowed to pay production costs and research for ads even. Still, they should not be allowed to pay for the placement of the ads. Another argument I thought of is that basically you ARE infringing on free speech by allowing corporations to advertise political messages. By basic supply and demand you are pushing up the cost of advertising and thus pushing out some messages that are not well-funded enough. I think these two arguments get at the ruling itself whereas the numerous (and very persuasive) arguments as to why this ruling is REALLY bad idea seem to attack the consequences instead of the ostensible logic of the ruling.
Write about your local meetup experiences!
I'd like to encourage people to start local meetups or join existing ones by having people talk about their experiences. Short or long, who would be willing to do a little writeup? Where did you go, how many came, what did you talk about.... etc etc etc. Something like a meetup journal. "Meeting minutes" are nice and all but I'm suggesting something a little more informal. Let the masses know how fun it is! :) Post your stories here or at least signal your intention to write about them. We'll work something out so it gets published on a real website
Question for UK food redditors ( or anyone else who'd like to chip in for that matter )
This may sound a little crazy but: Has anybody else in the UK noticed that supermarket bought onions no longer make you cry when you're chopping them? To me they're no longer the same strength or flavour as they used to be, it's like they've been dumbed down. Or is it just me?
Reddit, could you fully explain the process of moving to a different country overseas?
My girlfriend and I eventually want to move to a different country in the future, probably New Zealand. Has anyone done this? Could you detail the steps you took?
Game Idea - Survivalist RPG a la "Man vs. Wild"
A buddy and I agree, we need a game for the PS3 that encompasses treacherous environment, wildlife, and the survival techniques.
Hey Reddit, I'm thinking about studying abroad next semester (preferably somewhere in Europe). Any suggestions for locations/schools?
I'm currently in my Junior year at the University of Massachusetts, studying Physics. I'm considering taking the first semester of my Senior year in a European country. I speak no foreign languages, and have little ability to learn them in classes (at least that's how it was in High School), so ideally a country in which English was at least possible. I think it would be great to immerse myself in a foreign language country, but I also don't want to waste a semester trying to learn the language and doing poorly in classes because of it. I'm fully prepared for the culture shock (in fact, this is one of the main reasons why I'm considering it). Any suggestions for Countries, schools, etc.? Any particular places where you suggest not to go? Thanks for any help.
How close to the edge do you play?
So I had a great session recently with my (now back with me :) ) sub. And we found that we really are becoming edge players, well in our eyes anyway lol. We have played a lot with needles and now we found that breath control, hard choking to the point (not past) of her passing out is a huge turn on for both of us. Our next step in to the harder play is for me to sew her outer labia together for a short time. She and I have been fantasizing about it for some time now. So how edgy or dark do you play? Or do you just keep the harder play in fantasy not reality? PS: this is not meant as a BDSM one up contest or ego trip, I’m just interested in how edgy/hard you guys play :D
Why aren't Marlboro, Camel, etc. lobbying heavily for legalized cannabis?
They seem like they stand to benefit the most, having all the facilities and business models necessary. It would just be a "new strain."
I think the military has ulterior motives for lifting "don't ask, don't tell."
I don't think either Mike Mullen or Bob Gates actually wants gays in the military. My belief is that they are having trouble recruiting from schools which ban them from interviewing on campus for violating their hiring discrimination standards. The JAG Corps., for example, cannot interview at most top law schools because of their policy.
Hi Reddit! It's my birthday, what should I do?
I'm at RRC in Winnipeg right now for another 4 hours. Afterwards I have 8 hours to kill on my 24th bday. I'm thinking to go to Avatar in IMAX, but lets hear other suggestions. Thanks in advance!
What's your internal monologue like?
For me, it went like this just a few moments ago: * I'm going to have some caffeine now. That should keep me going until shortly after I get home, whereupon I'll take a nap. * Upvoted for 'whereupon' * Did I just upvote my own thoughts?
Why are guys naturally good at fighting?
In high school I had my first group of friends that contained boys. Occasionally they would get in play fights with each other. By that I mean no major injuries. It wasn't fight club or anything, just playful scuffles. I tried to join in one day but ended up just bruising my knuckles because I had no idea how to fight properly. I felt left out, so I joined a dojang. It took me a year of training to be able to beat one of them in a fight. I don't think anyone else had formal training. Are boys better fighters naturally? At the dojang the girls and boys of the same belt level were equally skilled. But without proper training boys seem better.
What do you do you protect your computer? (virus scanners, firewalls, proxies, settings, etc)
I want to hear about your particular strategy for computer security. This isn't so much an advice or "please help" post, I'm just curious about how others do it. Also, lets hear about some common mistakes, or common loopholes left by choosing the default security options, windows firewall, etc. Please, refrain from smug uber-user comments like "oh I use linux I don't have any computer security issues."
Dear /r/Pets, Help my name my dog walking/sitting/training business.
I will be heading to a school for dog trainers soon and will be starting my own business upon graduation. Anyone have any cool ideas for a good business name?
Hey Reddit, what do you do in New York City?
This is my first year living here and I was just wondering if you knew of any awesome places to eat, fun places to go, trees to climb, anything of the sort. I for one would recommend Crif Dogs to anyone who has not been. Go there and get the "Spicy Redneck," you won't regret it.
I would pay full price ($50) for a graphical/interface update to X-COM: UFO Defense.
If someone bought the rights and rewrote it, I would buy it in a heartbeat. HOWEVER, it would have to have the exact same mechanics, to the minutest detail, of the original: difficulty level (of course), 8 facings, time units, etc. Hit percentage calculated the same way, no goofy additions like extra tech trees, no new alien races (or, if this stuff was included, easily turned off wholesale). I don't care if the bugs (such as 256 scientists/engineers = free labor, employees not drawing wages while in transit, etc) are fixed, I'm talking about the designed gameplay mechanics. The game is nearly perfect, but the interface has not aged well. I would pay real money for this, and I think it could be popular even with people who have never heard of it before. Am I the only one?
"Meanwhile, nearly a quarter of the Republicans polled, 23 percent, want their state to secede from the union."
I tend to lean left on a lot of things but I started to get tired of the constant screed from the left during the Bush administration about stolen elections, war crimes, and drunken driving into hedges. While I have my own personal opinions on all of those a realist observer of American politics today has to realize that a modern president isn't going to face any tru consequence for actions like basing an invasion on false pretenses, or no-bid contracts, or torture. We reserve our most serious rebuke, impeachment, for the most serious of offenses... like lying about blowies. The right seems to have taken the left's petty disagreement blown ut proportion to a whole new level though. Secession? Impeachment? Kenya?! Also, did we as a nation just realize in the 90's that we could impeach the President (even though it isn't what most people think it is) so a segment of the population just always wants to do that?
Hive mind: Any cheap and creative [and cheap] ideas for Valentine's day?
Hey Reddit, I've exhausted ideas for Valentine's Day. So far I'm thinking of going with a gourmet restaurant that offers a romantic dinner at home, where you pick-up a fixed price gourmet meal. But it's almost as expensive as eating out. Any creative and fun ideas? I'd love to do a couples cooking class, but I'm not willing to pay upwards of $300 for it (yes, that's how much it costs). Let's try and keep the cynical responses to a minimum. Trust me, I don't need a consumer holiday to define my love for my gf but girls love that shit. Thanks!
If obama is so great why is everything fucked?
Gay people can't fucking wed. The economy is fucked. Jobs are fucked. The poor are fucked. The wars are still fucked. The rich are still doing the fucking. Bend over and take it like a man.
Aussie redditors: Where did this explosion of censorship come from? From way over here it seemed to come from nowhere.
I've been halfheartedly following what appears to be an explosion of censorship in Australia, the internet filtering, blacklists, etc. Where is all of this coming from? Was there some event or political movement that led to all this? I know nothing of Aussie politics and am just curious what started this trend.
Central/Eastern European Redditors! What the hell is up with shelf toilets?
These toilets are common in much of continental Europe east of Germany, though they are occasionally found in Western Europe too. A link in case you are unfamiliar with this particular toilet design:
Hey Reddit Gamers! What was your most intense Video-Game experience?
I think for me it was Resident Evil 4, toward the beginning when you go into that little town and everyone attacks you. You are running around with very little ammo and you don't quite know whats going on... then you hear that guy with the Chain-Saw. I haven't found another game that gave me that kind of intense feeling. What was your most intense video-game experience? [Videos Would be appreciated if possible]
"Humanism is not science, but religion." - John Gray
(JOHN N GRAY, ENGLISH PHILOSOPHER, NOT JOHN GRAY, WRITER OF POPULIST SELF-HELP BULLSHIT) I read John Gray's "Straw Dogs" a few years ago, and it depressed me hugely. Recently I have begun thinking of myself as a secular humanist again, and I've just picked up the book and remembered why I agree with him. "Humanism is the transformation of [the] Christian doctrine of salvation into a project of human emancipation. The idea of progress is a secular version of the Christian belief in providence". I'm hoping for an objective discussion.
Should there be a legislated punishment for lying in a public setting?
I realize it would be **extremely** difficult to organize/enforce, but it would be nice to see some type of formal censure/punishment of public figures who misrepresent themselves for personal/political gain. a simple, but significant, monetary fine similar to what the NBA does would work
Ok, WTF is Tort reform and what is the debate over it all about?
I'm usually on top of political lingo, and I keep hearing "tort reform" everywhere... but no one says what it is, how it will be accomplished, or why both parties seem to think its important while believing the other party doesn't. Help me, Reddit!
HELP! Which is better? Modern Warfare 2 or Bad Company 2?
I need help choosing which game to get. Modern Warfare for the PC ( maybe xbox) or Bad Company 2? ( maybe for the xbox) Which is better, and why?
[TOMT] I'm trying to find a song that I think linkin park covered [song]
I heard a song the other day that I believe was originally a rap or pop song done by another artist and it sounded like linkin park was the one doing the cover. I know I have heard the rap version of the song on the radio before but for the life of me I cannot remember any of the lyrics, I've tried putting in what I thought to be correct into google but was lead down many wrong paths. And I'm not entirely sure linkin park was the band doing the cover but I would say it is an 80% probability. Thanks for the effort! **Edit: I finally found the song after 4 hours of internet searching.** The song is not covered by linkin park instead it is by Framing Hanley Thanks for your suggestions though.
Does reddit even have a search function?
Every time I try a search I get the same message: Our search machines are under too much load to handle your request right now. What's going on?
Controlled Opposition: Hard Questions About Alex Jones | Black Sun Gazette
Many readers of Black Sun Gazette are doubtless familiar with Alex Jones, the Austin, TX-based radio show host and film maker. I have long struggled with what to make of Alex Jones. On the one hand, he provides people with difficult to find information about the frightening truth of the American government’s lurch toward police state and global empire. On the other, he is a frothing at the mouth crypto-fascist who seems to do little more than lead people down blind alleys and arguably does more to terrorize people into inaction than anything to spur resistance. Recently, however, information has been brought to my attention that is worth sharing with my reading public. This article is meant to be primarily speculative, though I think that the issues that I raise bear consideration.
Looking for an ergonomic guitar strap. Anyone have any suggestions?
I used to always play sitting down but started to develop back pain, even in the classical position. I then started playing standing up and the back pain went away but now the part of my shoulder where the strap sits is beginning to hurt pretty bad. Does anybody here use any ergonomic guitar straps that they'd recommend? I saw someone recommending Levy's, but it looks like the weight is still focused on one area of your shoulder. As always, thanks in advance for your suggestions.
OK Reddit: Most kick ass song. What's yours?
That one song that gets you in the mood to get shit done. That song that makes you feel invincible. If you were to save the world, this would be your theme song. What is it?
thinking about a longer workout, any advice?
my main interest is burning fat i'm not concerned about building muscle, i figure that will come naturally with my workout. i figure that the more time i spend working out i will burn more fat but is there anything i should be concerned about before i start? my current workout lasts around 80min. start with 10 on eleptical (spell?) then 40 lifting weights and end with 30 on treadmill. i want to add 20min to eleptical and spend more time lifting weights. i tend to do a total body weight training, but try to mix it up everyday using both free weights and machines. I'm 6 3 250 strong/heavy build. and have been working out mostly during the winter months for a few years and do construction during the summer.
Who else wants to start (re)using the terms Terra, Terran, and Luna?
It seems that in a huge number of science fiction worlds, these are the terms used to describe Earth, Humans, and the Moon respectively. I really like them. You?
Got rejected by the girl i liked, we were friends, and now she keeps ignoring me in uni
okay so i've know her for 6 months now and about a month ago i told her i like her and blah blah, so she just said she doesnt want a boyfriend and i stupidly kept saying why and just give me a chance and so on. during this month i've had holiday so didnt get to speak to her but now that uni has started again, she asked why i kept ignoring her so i said im sorry for being stupid and it was just a crush and so on, she hugged me and said bye, then the next day of uni through out the whole day she acted like i didnt even exist, i am really hurt and i really dont wanna lose her as a friend , what do i do PLEASE HELP!
how do I know what my body type is?
I am 5'2 and 110 pounds an a 32 d and I have about a 23 inch waist. What type is my body?
I see a lot of Etsy links on here
I love the Etsy shops I see posted here and think it's a great way to get your shop out there. There is an Etsy board that was made a few months back, so I wonder if we could bring it back to life. Considering the amount of people on here with shops on that site or with spouses who sell things on there it might be a good idea. Just a thought
Strings for Takamine G330s
Just scored a clean Takamine G330s of craigs for $120. This is a HECK of an upgrade over my Fender DG10. I finally decided I dislike D'addario light SP80/20's on the 10, and am happy with coated Elixers. Wish I'd figured that out a year ago. What strings would you recommend for the new Takamine? Thanks! - S
[0] Settling disputes about [these]
Okay guys, you've had the brackets long enough for them to become a divisive feature of the community, so I'm going to upgrade them for you, hopefully in a way that makes everyone happy. If you have any questions post them in this thread! The extension I propose is this: **Instead of numbers feel free to use a description that demonstrates your current mental state in the brackets.** Examples: `[Soberer than I'd like to be]` `[Jittery]` `[Quite relaxed]` `[Chillllllin]` `[Having a ahrd tyme typign]` `[aowiefnaweafwioawnef]` **Also feel free to include your most recent consumption:** `[2 huge rips - whooah]` `[smokin' a j, feeling good]` `[1 waterfall - totally fucked]` **Edit: You know, just put whatever the hell you want in the brackets. We're /r/trees: we will still love you.**
What are the pros and cons of the Don't ask, don't tell policy?
It seem to be a bigger deal than it actually is; it shouldn't be way up on our priorities. But I really can't think of any good arguments either for or against it! Brainstorm!
I think I was just very cool...huh
I was walking my usual morning walk to Zo's (coffee house) when this girl who looks about 20 -22 walks up to me and asks if I have a cigarette she can bum off me. I don't smoke cigs so I tell her all I have is this doob which I am currently toking on and offer her a puff. She grins and says, "Yeah, that'd be awesome" She took a few puffs, hands it back and says, "Thank you. That made my morning better" I give her a cheesy gun-hand-wink and walk away. It made me feel really cool. *sigh* I'm such a dork.
Where the heck do you get a micro-SIM for the iPad? Apple's got your back...
For me the mention that the iPad uses a Micro-SIM was the first I'd heard about that SIM format. Clearly, based on many media reports about micro-SIMS that people are considering shaving down regular sims in order to be able to use an iPad right out of the gate. This is understandable because nobody in the US uses micro-SIMS right now. Not AT&T nor T-Mobile (The two GSM carriers.) But what I initially missed, and everyone else seems to be missing is that Apple already announced the solution. During the Stevenote Steve said (paraphrased) "You'll be able to activate your AT&T service right from the iPad." Of course, my initial thought was "thank god, Apple provided a good software solution for AT&T so we don't have to deal with AT&T reps or AT&T crappy website". But I missed the piont hidden in there-- how is this possible? **The solution is obvious, and very Apple: The iPad ships with a micro-SIM inside it already.** You don't have to find a carrier that supports micro-SIMS, you just use this Apple app that Steve alluded to, which conects over wifi or over the network -- using the internal micro-SIM -- to set up billing and configure the device for the carrier. This is the reverse of the typical carrier sales cycle. You dont' wait in a mall for some teenager to activate your account and configure your device, and thus get your SIM. You get the device from apple and activate it yourself. Further, the iPhone ships with a SIM and Apple has built activation into iTunes. With the iPadt they've taken the final step and you could use the iPad without ever needing to actually connect it to iTunes-- activation is built in. I think this is a great technological feat given what's involved, but as is typical for apple, they made it so easy that it was essentially invisible. Please don't downmod if you already figured this out. I'm still reading articles at sites like engadget speculating on how we can make microsims from regular sims, etc. Clearly many people haven't connected the dots on this one, and when I did, I wanted to share.
My MBP hard drive crashes. Followed 24 hours later by my iPod. I have no backup. Help me rescue my music.
So here is the deal. My iPod will play music (2 gen nano) but when I plug it into a computer it gets corrupted. I can fix it with disc utility, but then when I reconnect it, it corrupts again. It wont mount. I had planned on pulling the data off with xpod or something similar. Any bright ideas how to get 7 gigs of music of a HD that will play music but not mount?
Married people of Reddit, what did marriage change in your life?
If two people live together happily do they need to get married? Why? What does it change? Is a piece of metal on your finger worth it? Does it mean you'll be unhappy without it? It doesn't guarantee anything and makes things harder if two people decide to split up. What's your opinion?
Por ser una ciudad "vanguardista, cosmopolita e industrial", al consultora Mercer ubica a Monterrey como la ciudad más cara del país. El DF está en cuarto lugar.
Nota original de paga: Texto original: Monterrey es la ciudad más cara para vivir de México, detalló la consultora Mercer en su encuesta Costo de Vida Nacional 2009, que mide costos de vivienda, educación, salud y cuidado personal, entre otros. "Monterrey repitió como la ciudad más cara, con un índice promedio de 103.9 puntos, consecuencia lógica de una ciudad vanguardista, cosmopolita e industrial", explicó Mercer en un comunicado. Esta evaluación toma como base a la Ciudad de México, otorgándole 100 puntos en sus costos, y la compara con el resto de las ciudades. Las ciudades más caras, luego de la capital de Nuevo León, son, en segundo lugar, Los Cabos, con 103 por ciento, y en tercer lugar Cancún, con 101. La Ciudad de México se ubica en el cuarto puesto. La razón por la que Monterrey es la más cara se relaciona con los costos de los energéticos, mientras que para Los Cabos y Cancún se explica por su perfil turístico de alto nivel. En contraste, las localidades más baratas son Tlaxcala, puntuada con 64.4 puntos; Tepic, con 69.2; Durango, con 69.3; Pachuca, con 69.6, y Chetumal, con 69.9. La consultora, que realiza la encuesta en 42 ciudades del País, explicó que su objetivo es dar a conocer el costo de vida del mercado y, de esta manera, ayudar a las empresas con decisiones de transferencias de personal.
DAE facepalm at phony technology when watching crime shows?
I'm talking like "Oh gee lucky that this traffic camera just happened to have 1000 times zoom" or "Thank goodness this ferocious pedofile emailed us by accident from his funkymail account so we could get his IP and trace it to his basement" or "With this new apparatus we can reconstruct the victims face using only 1 square inch of bone fragment" et.c.
Reddit, do you believe in demonic possession?
and, by extension, exorcism... Please treat yourself to some youtube videos first:
IWasA prison warden for a number of years. AMA
Warden Johnson isn't my real name. I've retired and lived a quiet life, but I don't want to give out my real name or where I worked. I got into work in corrections during college. I needed a job and the jail was hiring. I fell in love with it and I continued working in the penal system after I graduated.