Does this add-on exist in any form (tanking/symbol marking)?
About 2 weeks ago, after returning to WoW from a several year hiatus, I've leveled my druid up with the idea of being the biggest, fuzziest bear ever. One of my friends who convinced me to return to WoW was telling me how I should get an add-on that assigns symbols to mobs in dungeons. This would be a huge time-saver while running instances if there is an add-on that will automatically mark mobs (i.e. assign a symbol to a mob (e.g. skull, red X, etc.)). Does this add-on exist in any form? I was thinking the add-on would more have a list of the mobs from each instance and you'd be able to assign them priority of which to kill first. So if you're in a group killing "XXX_priest1", "XXX_priest2", and "XXX_warrior1", then the add-on would mark the first priest with a skull, the other priest with a red X, and then mark the warrior with whatever symbol I have selected to be used after the X. Does this exist, or does something similar? Should I just get used to hand-marking mobs for the rest of my WoW life? Should I just sit down with a book on Lua one night and try to write a giant macro to do this for me? Or what? **Edit:** To clarify, I'm aware that you can bind the keys for assigning symbols to keys/buttons. I'm just trying to find an add-on that can assign symbols automatically based on whatever criteria I (or it) specifies (whether that be like: 'assign skull to healers first', or something specific like 'assign skull to Deviate Viper first', or any other way).
Is America getting more or less religious?
I am curious to know because I read claims in r/atheism posts taking both sides of the argument, but I am not sure how well informed or supported they are. Is it gut instinct or fact? I am interested in research, surveys and actual data.
My co-worker smells like he hasn't showered in a week, what should I do?
He's very Indian (only been here for ~6 months). I don't know if this is relevant but he hums these really annoying slave-songs when he isn't busy. I don't know what to do, please help me /r/shittyadvice!
2010 Reddit Homebrewing Competition: Category Voting Poll Update
I just wanted to let everyone know that our timeline is coming together nicely. It looks like the competition will be judged sometime in July -- which should give everyone enough time to brew something good. In the meantime, the voting poll will close on the 15th of Feb. If you haven't voted, make sure you do. Thanks!
IAmA Request: A Gay Mormon, or Ex-Mormon...
Since Reddit is turning into the Mormon Support Forum, I have a new request: Ever since watching the movie 'Latter Days']( I've had this fantasy about missionaries coming to my door. Especially [Steve Sandvoss! Oh - so if Steve Sandvoss wants to comment here, that'd be ok, too!
Adobe should play hardball and pull all of their Mac software until Apple agrees to start talking constructively about Flash on the iPhone/iPad.
I'm all for putting an end to Flash's ubiquity and replacing it with HTML5, but we're not there yet. If it's really about Flash being unreliable and unstable, Apple should work with Adobe to deliver a better Flash experience, in both the mobile and desktop spaces. Or hell, even rewrite the plugin side or contribute to GNASH. Don't just ignore it though and pretend that you don't need Flash, because for the time being you definitely do. In the meantime stop being a bunch of babies, Adobe. Either fix Flash and get it so that Apple has no excuse to not put it on the iPhone, or see how Apple really feels about a Flash free (and CS3 free, etc) Mac world.
Dear Reddit: So I work in a fast food sandwich shop...
I've been working this minimum-wage job for more than two years now. It's an easy job - making sandwiches. The shop has a retro feel to it, with lots of old school decor and live music. During the time that I've been there, there has been more than 100% turnover of both employees and managers - we've gone through two GMs and more than six managers and assistant managers, not to mention the entire store's worth of employees more than once. It's not hard to be good at your job - like I said before, it's just making sandwiches. I can truthfully say that I am more than competent. So, here's some details about the situation: 1.) During 2009, the company did not give raises to employees. At all. 2.) For much of the time I worked at the store, my girlfriend also worked at the same store. I was considered unpromotable because of this because of a story policy regarding couples. Neither of us could be promoted because one of us could potentially abuse our authority. She since left; she was hired in as a manager elsewhere. 3.) I've been in the process of being trained for a higher positon since last July - the process was started then and on average, takes two weeks. 4.) My final paperwork has been awaiting completion for a month and a half at this point. 5.) I have very strong feelings that the manager responsible for the paperwork, etc., is deliberately procrastinating out of a personal dislike. He is also in charge of the scheduling, and cuts my hours whenever he can. Help! What can I do in this situation? Finding a new job is an option, but I'm poor and paying for school and looking for work in my area is very difficult - especially because I haven't finished school yet and have very little in the way of qualifications because of it. The alternatives are just other minimum-wage fast food jobs, and I'm unlikely to get the same kind of hours and the odds of me being able to hire in as a manager are slim to none without any experience (which is what I'm trying to get). edit: formatting
My ex-girlfriend wants me back the same day her new boyfriend dumped her. Would it be cruel to tell her my opinion of her?
We dated for 4 and a half years. We got along really well, but she was pretty self-absorbed. We'd spend half or most of our time talking about her problems, insecurities, etc. She'd get upset otherwise. I sometimes thought about breaking up, but never did because I didn't want to hurt her. But then, she meets a guy and doesn't tell me about him until she was sure they had something going, and she breaks up with me. She then shuts me out of her life. I was honestly depressed for a few good months, but she refused to help. Called me a couple of times to talk about herself. I felt stupid and used. But I pulled myself out of the mud. I learned a lesson the hard way. Then, she starts emailing me. Apparently, her boyfriend won't tolerate her emotional outbursts, mood swings, insecurities and broke up with her. The same day, she says how it was such a mistake to let me go, how I was the best guy that she could find. I agreed to talk to her, but I would never want a relationship again. She's rationalized things to a degree where she thinks everything she did was perfectly justified. Now, I can do two things. I can be the bigger person and plainly tell her that she's going to have to move on. Or, I could tell her what I think of her. I won't throw insults at her or anything, I'm just going to say "I hope you realized that you've lost me because you're so self-absorbed. You treat people terribly. I don't love you at all anymore." I doubt she's going to learn anything from this, but it would certainly make my chest lighter to tell her how bad she is. What would you do? Edit: Thanks Reddit. I didn't expect that this would get very many replies, but since you've taken the time to write to me, I've read every comment. I just wanted to mention, before I wrote this, I had been ignoring her for a while, and was wondering if there was anything I should do to stop her from trying to get in touch with me. Anyway, I just kept ignoring her. The emails and messages have not stopped, but they have slowed. I'm just going to leave it at that. I've realized (from advice of friends, your comments) that leaving her hanging is probably the thing that bothers her the most.
Hey Trees I will be growing some plants indoors what do you think.
I'm thinking of growing tomatoes, squash and strawberries. I have: 1000W HPS 400W HPS 400W MH 3 300W CFL everything will be hydroponics If anyone wants to add what I should grow let me know.
Does anyone have any evidence that humans are extremely unlikely to evolve?
I'm trying to convince someone of something. EDIT: I misstated the question. I mean, is there any evidence that humans are unlikely to *re-evolve*?
What city in the US has the best BBQ?
My boyfriend loves barbecue. And I enjoy it too. Unfortunately, we live in Seattle, which doesn't have much going for it in the barbecue scene. His birthday is coming up in a few months, and I was thinking of surprising him with a weekend mini-trip to somewhere in the South for a delicious barbecue adventure. We'll probably be able to spend two or two and a half days and visit probably 4-6 barbecue joints. My question for you, barbecue lovers of Reddit, is where should we go? We'll probably only have time to go to one city, maybe two if they're close to each other. Where in the US has the best and most plentiful barbecue? Please list specific restaurants if you can. Thank you!
Hey reddit, will you please explain C.H.O.A.M. ?
read the dune series. need some explanation on the relationship between spice and all the power-hungry parties.
Reddit PICS: Helpful tip when trying to view submitted pics that are blocked from image-sharing sites other than IMGUR...
First of all: **use IMGUR** !! But if there's a submitted link to a pic on a site that is blocked for you (browsing at work??), all you need to do is right-click on the link, copy the shortcut, then go to imgur.com where you have the option to upload an image directly from a URL. Just thought I'd share this since I've found it immensely helpful over the past months.
Introduce the world, or at least Reddit, to one artist you wish got more recognition.
I choose Hezekiah. I saw him open for Mos Def at Rams Head Live in Baltimore last February, and he put on quite a show. His album, "I Predict a Riot" is worth a purchase, if you want to support awesome Independent Hiphop. What you got?
DAE think that, while the Colbert Report is great, it can't hold a candle to the Daily Show?
I'm a fan of both programs, but I have to say that the Daily Show trounces The Colbert Report on a regular basis. Colbert is a smart and funny guy, but his whole republican gimmick has gotten so tiring as of late. He's totally obnoxious during the interviews, and I know that Stewart is as well, Colbert's interviews usually drive the jokes into the ground. I almost always feel like the interviewee is really uncomfortable and that they were not able to explain their position. Stewart is just so much better than Colbert, to me.
Anyone want to make an IRC channel for tonight?
I'm sure as hell not paying attention to anything other than the show tonight but a chat would be a good way to kill time during commercial breaks and talk after it finishes. Would other people want to do that? I'm on the East coast, so I realize that people out West will be behind us but maybe other time zones can make their own channels somewhere. I trust most of us here not to join a west coast channel and say anything stupid. Anyone in the East/Central zones (we're both at the same time, afaik) down for this?
Hey reddit, what's the most expensive item on amazon.com you can find?
So I was looking at amazon earlier and wondered what is the most expensive item on there? After poking around, I found this Someone beat me. EDIT: We'll spit it up. Sold by amazon-?? Amazon store:
Eagle Cam: live feed of a pair of nesting bald eagles.
They've already built a nest and are currently sitting on some eggs that were laid in the past week.
Ever met a Christian that has never read the Bible?
So Mr. Christian, you have a book you believe says nothing but truth, inside is everything you need to get eternal life, the reason the universe exists, and many more true stories about the dude(s) who made everything around you, and you never read the book all the way through. Are you still putting it off till later or maybe you don't really deep down believe any of it?
Celebrity lookalike Who do I look like? I really dont know can you guys help! and Who you look like?
I have only been told I look like Lou diamond phillips. I think thats BS what do you guys think? More Pics EDIT Someone PM me that I look like parkman from heroes:
How would I gather firewood without a chainsaw?
The power went off here at my house just after breakfast and was restored a few minutes ago. I was quite comfortable by the fire with a cup of coffee and a book, but when I went outside to get a load of wood I started thinking.. If I didn't have access to electricity or gasoline for my chainsaws how would I gather firewood? I took down 3 trees awhile ago that are waiting to be cut into rounds and split. I can do the splitting by hand, but how would you cut those trees into rounds? An ax? That seems like a lot of work. Just curious if anyone has any ideas.
The PFFTCHHPFFT desktop background!
A few of you request this, so I thought I'd make a post linking to the background.
Guys, how do you last longer when a girl is exceptionally hot?
I've never had the most stamina in the world, but I used to be good for at least 25-30 minutes. But I was never with a girl as hot as my current girlfriend. She has just the most amazing body and when I see her moving during sex it turns me on so much that I regularly can't last longer than 5 minutes. She says it's OK, and I've taken to making her cum first before I even get inside her, but are there any mental or physical techniques you use to get slow yourself down a bit?
Pirates, we are about freedom of information, what can we do to help save wikileaks?
Since we are all scattered throughout the U.S I propose we create some kind of poster (I would, but I lack any and all artistic skills) print a few and post them around our towns. The poster can have the link to the American Pirate Party website (maybe a wikileaks page) so we can judge how many views we are getting, it will help spread our party values/name, and help wikileaks. Any ideas?
Movie reddit: Need help identifying a movie.
There is a movie released probably last 10 years. It is a movie that supposedly is REALLY hard to follow, in terms of time-line. VERY non-linear, like Momento. Something about a couple of guys that keep traveling back and have multiple time-lines going at once??? Sorry but that's all I know. EDIT: Wingedcreature helped me out. "Primer". Thanks again.
does anyone here have tuning forks?
I just bought one, a John Walker concert A440, and upon sounding it on a bunch of tuners (a boss TU-80 tuner, my iPhone tuners and a PC tuner), it turns out that it's a bit low in frequency (439.3 hz approx). I know tuning forks are meant to be accurate, but I guess it's not meant to be 0.05 hz accuracy is it? If not, any ideas where I can get a really accurate 440hz sound? My PC sound card seems to change from its 44100hz output when I run fruity loops.. I don't trust it a lot.
Homebrewers: Any suggestions for where to begin making my own American Strong Ale?
I am brand new to home brewing and feel like a very lost kid in a candy store. Arrogan Bastard is still one of my favorite beers of all time and I would love to make something similar in quality. Any suggestions on where to begin? Thanks! Note: I brewed my first batch in January (pale ale) tried it for the first time on Saturday. Turned out much better than I had expected and I can't wait to get started on something a little more unique.
I sold my body for the first time last night. He rented a $270 jacuzzi suite, took me for a $80 meal and gave me $700 when it was over. A genuine Girlfriend Experience. I'm going to be $rich$!!
He sent me this e-mail today: Hey Beautiful its **** here again, Just 2 things. One thank from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and you generous heart, you made me feel so special again. That's a feeling I have not felt for so many years. Thank you thank you! You really don't know the power you truly have over some one with you heart and beauty. You truly are special and please don't change for anyone. If they want to change you then they are not good enough for you!!! And second thing, I would love to meet with you for coffee or a drink in about 2-3 weeks. I like to check on how you are doing and I WANT to give you another $300.00 I truly believe I short changed you! And I'm not taking a no for answer! I feel guilty and this would make me feel better! No strings attached. So plan on hearing from me in that time frame. So take care and remember YOUR ONE IN A MILLION! with love ****
Best way to learn audio repair/electronics?
I want to start learning how to fix gear and eventually build my own gear but I need advice on the best route to get started. Should I go to a tech school/community college to get a basic electronics degree? Is it too challenging to try to teach myself from books? I have a bachelors degree in production already but I wouldn't be opposed to more learning at a school if needed. Any help appreciated.
So I just watched the movie Triangle, could anyone explain it please?
So the movie Triangle was pretty mindfucking, I did not understand it, could someone please explain it please?
am i the only one who doesn't think bioshock needed a sequel?
maybe it's because bioshock seemed so polished and complete, at least in terms of story and atmosphere, but the idea of a sequel rubs me the wrong way. anybody agree? any other sequels that should never have seen the light of day?
Bluetooth stereo wireless headphones – any suggestions?
I am looking to replace my traditional Sennheiser headphones with some quality Bluetooth stereo wireless headphones. I am looking to have a great sound and a good battery life. The reviews on Amazon are helpful, but I was hoping that one of you fellow geeks could recommend something specific.
Reddit, hurry quick! Tell me what to do!
The guy in front of me in my 800+ person lecture just farted and the hot girls behind me think I did it! Right now, I'm hiding my laptop so that they don't see me typing this desperate plea for help.
Hey Trees, I'm a newbie. Advice?
Dearest Trees, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I recently started to take up our herbal habit, and I'd like some help. I'd like to hear nugs of wisdom from those more experienced than I. I'm a laid back twenty year old living solo in an apartment. I started on thanksgiving. I own a vape, and I have a connection. I go about it mostly on my own, so I'm wondering if any of you out there have some sage wisdom you'd like to impart so I don't waste any money or to make my time enjoying better spent. Thanks.
Upvote to convince this website full of Scientology haters that Scientology is bad!
The best thing we can do to an organization we don't like is to give them PR! That'll show em! Any press is bad press, amirite!?
What are some secrets you know about your work, businesses, etc.
With the IAmA thread about the guy who runs a gas station, I thought it'd be a good idea to share some secrets about your work etc.
My boss just said "If God spoke to me and I was positive it was God I would do whatever he told me to do" ...
I just wanted to scream: If god told you to rape and kill your 2-year-old son you'd still do it?! You would not question his reasoning or intent? You would not stop and say "that does not seem moral" ? Maybe god does not deserve your worship. Maybe he 100% fucking wrong. Maybe you should not be such a fucking lemming as to think you know the intent of god is always good when history has shown him to be a total fucking ass hole. Also, "positive" is different for each individual. If someone is "personally positive" god exists and is telling him to torture people who do not believe in him then someone is going to have the conviction to go through with it. /Ugh
DAE get annoyed when people make DAE not care about the [Grammys|Oscars|Emmys|VMAs], we get it already, you are above mainstream media! Don't watch it then!
I'm personally apathetic towards them, if it's on and an artist I like is performing, I'll watch. I never NEED to see them though. However, I totally watched the Golden Globes this year specifically to see Ricky Gervais tear all those celebrities new assholes. :)
God via direct empirical evidence
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham, Moses, the children of Israel, Joshua, Jonah, the twelve disciples and every person who witnessed a miracle of Jesus knew of the Hebrew God via direct empirical evidence. And of course Paul had a personal vision of Jesus. So how come the rest of us have to rely on hearsay evidence?
So easy it's confusing me: Prove |A u B| = |A| + |B| - |A n B|
Prove |A u B| = |A| + |B| - |A n B| The 'u' means union and the 'n' means intersection; A and B are both finite sets. The notation |A| means the number of elements in A. I don't really need an answer as much as I need a way to begin. I was thinking about showing that |A u B| <= |A| + |B| - |A n B| and vice versa, proving equality, but my justification for that statement just seems to state what the statement means. I would appreciate and nudges in the right direction.
Upvote if you prefer C, downvote if you prefer C#
Just curious what the overall preference is on reddit when it comes to C or C#. I'll start this submission off with an upvote.
How is the wireless at RIT?
So RIT put in all sorts of new access points over the summer. What does everyone think so far? I feel like I've heard less "Wireless Sucks" this year then in past years, could just be me though. Thoughts?
Need help with something involving money
I will be getting a 1300 dollar refund from my school. I want to hide this from my mother so she doesnt scrutinize me. Anyway she has no access to my account but demands to see the statement every so often. I use my money for food, movies, poker... Any ideas. The cash will be direct deposited into my account.
Happy Birthday, Brent Spiner!
If you didn't know, today, Brent Spiner turns 61. Wish him all a happy birthday on Twitter if you can @BrentSpiner.
Have ultimate prank in mind but need to get something over 1,000,000 ball pit balls. Need help how could i get them.
My first idea was to find some kind of manufacturer because buying 500 balls for something around 100$ is not very economic but after a while of googling I wasn't able to find any. So I ask you reddit do you know some company that produces these balls prefferably somewhere in Europe because shipping them from US could by rather costy.
Dealing with bureaucracy, one of the free lessons taught in college.
My friends complain about the system constantly... and I agree, it's BS, but it is a lesson I've used more in life then most. What is your worst experience with college bureaucracy?
Best way to mask the odor of a fart?
Hi, I just farted in my office and I am scared that my co-workers will smell it and know it is me. What is the best way to mask the presence of a fart WITHOUT using questionable methods such as air spray (air spray just screams "who farted??!!")? Thanks!
Holy crap I'm going to be a dad!
I'm a 25 year old male who is engaged to a beautiful wonderful woman and she's been off the pill for a month or so (she's 35, so we had to start thinking about kids sooner, rather than later). She told me last night she missed her period last month and that she'd be taking a test this morning. I woke up to a wet headed woman crawling in bed next to me asking "hey babe" guess what!? -- At this point I'm happy, just a little over the top in the I-can't-really-believe-this-is-happening. Advice/suggestions/comments? I guess I'm just looking for someone to talk to, as we aren't telling anyone until it's for sure, and it's past the couple month mark (I guess for miscarriage reasons? I'm not really sure). --------------- EDIT: I'm so overwhelmed with all the positive responses and advice - I had my lady take a look at the thread and she thinks you all are great! She said she especially likes the 'don't get divorced' advice and the diaper changing advice :)
Any treepl have a dispensary recommend in LA?
Just got my card :) Tried a place yesterday... it was OK. But I want to go where the experts go- any suggestions?
What is the name of the company that has information on every American consumer?
Its some corporate intelligence firm. I read about it here but now I can't remember. I know you guys can pull me out of the dark into the light
What kind of jobs do you people have that allow you the free time to browse reddit at work?
I had always assumed that the NSFW tag was only semi-serious, but apparently people really do read articles and look at funny cat pictures while at work. Shouldn't you all be waiting until you get home to do that :-/ ?
Ask ECE: Embedded microcontrollers in automobiles
I'm doing a presentation on the use of microcontrollers in automobiles (how they help reduce emissions, increase fuel economy, and increase safety). I've been googling around for a while, but I haven't found a whole lot (especially articles direct from car/chip manufacturers). Can anyone help me out?
DAE hate themselves for owning an iPod?
I wish i never bought mine. My hate for apples products have grown so much that I can't stand the sight of items with that logo on it.
Today I learned about Scalpel, a digital forensics tool.
Scalpel]( is a [file carver]( which is a kind of [digital forensics]( tool. It's a derivative of the better-known [foremost carver. Upon taking another look, it actually does appear that the last version of foremost is much more recent, but I didn't know about Scalpel before, and an additional tool is not unwelcome.
Newsmax publishes push poll against healthcare reform. Reddit, you know what to do.
I'm sure this is no news to anyone, but this organization is behind a bunch of push polls on various issues, resulting in lopsided results. Read up on Newsmax if you're interested: Newsmax Wikipedia The way they do it is by asking their polling questions in such a way that the only possible reasonable answers will "push" the results in a certain direction. For added insurance that only people of a certain political orientation will complete the poll, they require a valid email address, to which they will send their propaganda. You have no choice about this if you want to post your choices. In this particular poll, you're asked who you voted for in '08. Can't imagine how this would have anything to do with whether or not you support Obama's plan for health care reform. Kinda fishy. eta: link! d'oh.
What current TV shows do you truly hate? Hate to the point where you will go to great lengths not to watch.
Last night I was with some friends watching House (which I like a lot), afterwards one of my friends suggested putting on Jersey Shore. I was appalled by this, but since I came with a housemate instead of driving/biking to my friends house, they taunted me "oh, so what are you gonna do about it." I stood up and said "well, cya later dipshits" and jogged home about 7.3 KM.
Does HipHop make PHP a proper language for developing applications reserved for Erlang?
The following is from HipHop: What you need to know: > Once compiled, HipHop provides its own web server (a CLI interface is also available). It does not use (or require) Apache or any other server. Of course, this doesn’t preclude you from running one or more HipHop projects against separate ports on the same machine and then use Apache (or Squid, or any other server) to reverse proxy to them. Now that you can compile PHP down to an executable with a built-in web server, does this make PHP a more viable language for developing the kind of systems previously left for Erlang and Scala?
Reddit, What songs blow your mind?
What songs have consistently blown your mind every time you listen to them?
Starting a Monthly Anime at My Anime List
A few of us at the reddit club on myanimelist.net were discussing the possibility of starting something similar to the movie club here on reddit. A specific anime genre would be assigned to each month (ie February-Romance, October-Horror), an anime will be chosen for that month, and discussions will be had at the end of each week. Users who would like to participate are encouraged to make suggestions for the anime that fits that month's genre. A vote will then be held to determine which suggestion will be the anime of the month. You will be required watch a certain number of episodes each week if you want to participate in the weekly discussions. Mind you, the specifics haven't been entirely worked out yet and are subject to change. So, is anyone interested? On a side note, credit for the original idea goes to Epycre. Edit: With neito's approval, Anime of the Month shall now begin. Reply to the thread here if you'd like to make a suggestion. I've also listed some general guidelines for making suggestions.
Mosaic of Autumn Leaf, and--after the break--thumbnail permutations of (modified) constituent colors as background.
I found a brittle leaf with an interesting contorted shape, and decided to take a shot at rendering it in MS Paint. Render: It may help to squint your eyes to see actual contours and some shading (and maybe a semblance of depth). Thumbnails: The permutations of background styles are just a way to see which parts of the Leaf seem to disappear as they blend in with their surroundings. I know some of the colors are kind of abrupt and some conflict, or don't contrast well with the Leaf (and it's variations). Rendering the leaf was the main design work. The rest was more an experimental rigorous process, to see what kind of patterns and shapes show up. I'd like some feedback on which are the best and worst. (I had tried to enlarge the image by 300% two times, but MS Paint couldn't handle the second attempt. These sets are intended to be rather large, because the grid-like spatial relationships are kind of hectic when seen all at once as one big lump.) I don't like some of them, especially the middle-two rows. In terms of the Cartesian Coordinate system, I prefer the ones at location 3,1; 6,2; 2,5; and 5,2. The third and fourth rows didn't turn out to have the same effect, but are sort of interesting in their own right. tl;dr: let me know if any of these look cool (and why!) Thanks!
Pittsburgh Subreddit Ettiquite Request
So I'd like to make a request in the interest of keeping our sub-reddit healthy. After having had a post voted off the page in the first 30 mins, I went hunting for it in "controversial" and realized that several posts had been hidden/lost this way. Since we are a small, low-volume subreddit, at the moment we need all the relevant posts we receive even at the expense of having a few that some don't care about. For this reason I would like to request that people refrain from down-voting a post if it's score is at 1. Down-voting to 0 automatically makes the post fall off the page, which means the other readers do not get a chance to read them unless they go hunting on "controversial". *Edit: Forbichoff commented that the "hide" feature is great for getting rid of posts you dont care about if you'd rather not see them (as an alternative to down-voting)* I'd also like to request the people honor the global reddiquette point: * *"Consider posting constructive criticism / an explanation when you downvote something."* Since we are small but hopefully growing community, getting feedback on down-votes helps us grow in that it allows us to post things that other Pittsburgh redditors care about, and also relieves the frustration that comes with being down-voted without knowing why. We certainly don't want to be discouraging people from posting. Also side note: We have also lost posts via that spam filter. If your post doesn't make it to the front page for what ever reason, please pm me so that I can check the spam bucket or so that I can vote it back up to 1 if it was knocked off. **tl;dr:** * *Please don't down-vote subreddit posts to 0* * *If you down-vote otherwise, please consider offering feedback as to why.* * *Pm me if your post doesn't make the front page it might be in the spam box* Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Reddit: Help. It's Doppleganger week, and I have absolutely no idea who I look like.
And yes, I know it's completely retarded. Right now I've got pacman up but no-one's really understanding the humour. tl,dr; who famous, do I look like. edit: ..how do I have sideshow bob hair?
Need advice on what to do after 2nd "date"
So I met this girl a few weeks ago at a bar, and she seemed pretty into me so I ended up getting her number before I left. After a week I gave her a call and then we went out for a couple drinks a few nights later and ended up having a great time, we have a lot in common and seemed to click. I kissed her once when I dropped her off. I called her again a couple days later and we met up again and having a good time, she ended up coming over to my place for a little while, where we kissed more and cuddled a bit but not really heavy making out or anything. Anyhow, thats pretty much the background. I've had several girlfriends in the past but with those things kind of came about in a different way, this is my first time going through this more traditional dating approach or whatnot. I had some sort of grip over the basic code around these first few days, but I am somewhat lost at what I should do next, so Reddit, your advice would be much appreciated!
Why actors and actresses do not compete for the same awards?
As far as I can tell there isn't any natural advantage of one gender over another in this area, so why discriminate them?
My reddit comments are broken. Can someone help me?
I've had my account for some time now, but recently the comments that I try to read are being sorted in a very weird way. It used to be that the comments with a lot of karma would be displayed first, but now it seems to be jumbled up with the comments with low or even negative karma being up top. I tried using Private Mode in firefox to see if it was my cookies or my accounts, and sure enough everything worked like normal. I don't see an option in the settings regarding this, so I'm wondering what is wrong with my account and/or cookies. Anyone have an idea?
Dear /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu...
The random rage comic generator is bullshit and unless something truly funny comes up from it, please stop posting them. Thank you.
AskProgramming: How much should I charge to let people use my API?
I run a popular vertical search engine and in the past few weeks I have received many requests from companies that want access to my API. These companies want to use the API to display search results on their web pages, iPhone, Android and iPad apps. Is there a standard I can use to know how much to charge these companies? For iPhone apps that use my API should I charge per user/download?
So I finally preordered BFBC2...
So, finally, after giving much thought about it (15 mins), I finally decided to preorder this game. I'm at work right now, so I have no idea how it is played. I, However, know that MW2 sucked, so lately I rather preorder and test the beta, then decide afterwards if the game is worth or not. Any Tips I can receive from the guys playing the beta to make my game more enjoyable?
Anybody have a tips for staying awake?
No energy drinks or pills No soda Any natural means of staying awake I have a lecture class at night and I work prior to it so no naps either but i am having trouble staying awake in class due to the mono tone of my professors voice so reddit you got any tips?
Hey reddit, what cheers you up?
So I lost my job today. They eliminated the position, c'est le vie. But, I am obviously still pretty bummed about it. Can you help cheer me up?
I'm going to get an Android phone in the next few months. When should I get it and what phone?
I'm leaning towards the N1 because it's top of the line right now and I know Google will support it well. From what I understand I could also save money in the long term by getting it unlocked and then signing up for T-mobile, right? My only hesitation is that I know there's some great phones coming out in the next few months. So should I wait for some amazingly awesome phone that will come out soon or get an N1 now? I'm planning on keeping whatever I get for a few years so I'm looking for longevity. I'll be getting smartphones for my wife and I. Maybe on T-Mobile maybe on Verizon (depends on the phone). We are looking to use it to replace texting (I've heard you can text for free with some app for it) and possibly to do VOIP calls from our wifi at home. We both are avid web users and would probably be accessing the web everywhere, but having the games for it go fast isn't a priority for us. We may use the camera occasionally but I'd imagine we have better point and shoots and video cameras that we'd prefer to the phone. Anyways, given what we intend for it (which I think is fairly standard) what would you all suggest? Lend my your wisdom, Android Guru's.
Hey Reddit! What web service you wish existed, but doesn't?
Redditors, I want to spend some X00 manhours developing a fun webproject, but just have no idea what to do— after all, I'd like to create a useful service. Is there any kind of thing you ever wished you'd like to be able to do online, but currently cannot? (except to stab people in the face; sorry, but I'm just not talented enough to implement it)
If you were Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, what would you do?
I would start a fight with the same group of people every day and make note of every move they make so that I could eventually have an epic hour-long fight like Liam Neeson in Taken.
Factional Warfare: Your thoughts?
The idea to join up with my faction has been kicking around in my head for awhile now. I almost bit the bullet today just for the hell of it. But I realized I didn't know enough about it to really make a confident decision. I figured I would come here to find out what you people think. I know we've got a few veterans and a few newer players hanging around. So, guys, Factional Warfare, yay or nay?
Hey Reddit, I made some Shitake mushroom bacon.
Picture It's really easy to make, and tastes EXACTLY like bacon. Here's the recipe: Shit-ton of Shitake mushrooms. Liquid Smoke Soy Sauce Preheat oven to 400. Slice up the mushrooms into strips. Add a few splashes of Liquid Smoke (not too much) Cover in soy sauce and let it marinate for about 20 minutes. Put on baking sheet and bake for about 40 minutes or until nice and crispy. NOM NOM NOM.
How big is Reddit? Are there any stats available?
Reddit has quite obviously grown to be an incredibly massive site, but I'm curious about precisely how massive it is. Are there any stats available how the number of comments, posts, users, etc.? I'd love to know.
Rogue or thief is my favorite rpg player character class.
I need some help finding games with awesome rogues or thieves. I have played rogues in wow, arcanum, da:0, ff3, and nwn 1 &2. My favorite rogue so far is from nwn2. they were rather underpowered, but made up for it with a good dual class and ''use magic item''. So, esteemed colleagues of gaming reddit; do you know of any games that have a particularly fun stealthy class. I also enjoy playing as archers and bards. any suggestions outside the typical rpg are welcome too. such as thief 1&2. edit: forgot to mention, i have a ds, psp, xb360, dreamcast , n64, and a pretty decent computer. titles for any of these would be good recommendations. thanks in advance guys =)
A decent email and MIME library
Features: * Support for parsing, encoding, decoding messages * Support for generating messages * Support for different mailbox formats * ... I'm not aware of any Haskell library that provides all this functionality. The python API has quite good support for emails: see and for reference
Magyar redditorok: Ti milyen egyéb "híroldalakat" (blogokat, etc.) követtek nyomon?
Mindezt azért kérdezem, mert próbálom összerakni a Google Readerem/iGooglem, hogy ugyan mit is éri meg valójában követni, mi aktuális külföldön és mi Magyarországon, stb. Szívesen várok tippeket. Főleg: IT (kivétel komoly programozási alapismereteket igénylők), filmek/sorozatok, esetleg webcomicok, korrekt blogok, stb.
I cannot get over my best friend/ex, please help, RA
I dated my best friend one an off for about 4 years. I was always the doting one in the relationship and he was generally emotionally unavailable, but I loved and cared for him deeply. After our last official break up we continued to spend all of our time together and occasionally hook-up, but it was really basic, unromantic sex. More than anything, i would call him my closest, dearest friend. After about 2 years of this, I met someone else and my Ex was devastated. He called and emailed all the time and all of a sudden wanted to be this caring, romantic boyfriend. But at that point, I only saw him as my best friend. This went on for 6 months (during which I was very caring, understanding and patient), until he met someone else. He wanted to break-off contact, which I understood completely. After about 2 months, I emailed him just to check in and he wrote back saying he missed me. 2 months after that, I called him (I shouldn't have, I know)--I knew he wouldn't pick up and I didn't leave a voicemail. He called back and left a voicemail that was unbelievably vitriolic and said, among other things, that he said he never wanted to speak to me again. That was 6 months ago, Reddit, and I'm still unbelievably upset. I don't know if it's just jealousy or a true longing, but I just miss my best friend so much. I can't get over it and I think about him every day. I would not, however, try to contact him again for fear of his response or lack thereof. But I thought I would be over it by now and I'm still just so upset. It's making me truly miserable. What can I do? tl;dr Remained BFF for 2 years after breaking up. When I met someone - still friends. When he met someone - haven't spoken in about 8 months. Now I'm really sad.
Got my first rejection today. Woohoo!
From Asimov's, just a standard form letter. But hey, that's okay, it means I started, and now its time to try again. Cheers all!
PC: Do some servers disable unlocks/ranks?
I realize beta is beta but I feel like I'm losing half of my unlocks and experience by playing an out of the norm server because they don't seem to be able to give me unlock weapons or stick me in as a private. Does this happen to anyone else? Is it a server version vs client version thing? Also - how do I call for a medic, ammo, etc. when I need it? I can see who needs what I have on map but don't know how to ask for something. Also - I was unable to update to the latest version of the client in Windows 7 UNTIL I ran the game using right click "Run as administrator". Just a tip.
I'm going to China does anyone have any recommendations?
Hi reddit, I'm going to Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing, anyone have advice about things to do, places to go etc... Thanks in advance.
Dear GW Men: Does anyone else grow pubic hair on the shaft of their penis?
Does anyone else grow pubic hair on the shaft of their penis? I'm not talking a little bit at the base. I'm talking about an inch or more in length and substantial forest density half way up the shaft. Some even sprouts from as high as just below the tip, although not nearly as dense. I keep it "manscaped" so it's not as bad as I described above. But I've never seen another dick like mine in porn, even with the really hairy guys. So, be honest, how big of a freak am I? FYI, I submitted this question to /r/DAE/ but that community is pretty small compared to this one. EDIT: Thanks for sharing, guys and gals! When I first started having sex I used to feel like a freak. I've since gotten over it, but was always still curious if I was alone in my hairiness. For those who asked, yes I am circumcised. As for grooming, I just use a spare beard trimmer. I used to go all out with shaving cream and a Mach3 razor, but after cutting my dick on several occasions... yeah that's no good. PLUS, having stubble on your penis makes it VERY unappealing to be thrust repeatedly in/out of sensitive orifices. Anyway, thanks again everyone!
Long, boring story. tl;dr: I want advice on a situation which can be easily and clearly interpreted as meaning nothing.
So, on December 17th and 18th, I hung out with a girl I've kind of liked for a while, but never hung out with, in a strange city I now love for the memory (Albequerque). I had a great time, and after that, we went our respective ways for winter break. Over the break, we had a brief text correspondence, during which I asked her out and agreed to go out with me when we got back to town. I got back January 7th, and attempted a few times to contact her, to no avail. After about a week of no contact, I sent her a text message bitching at her for rejecting me in a douchey way. Since then, no contact. Today, I see that she commented on a Facebook status I posted, and I get all annoyed. So my question to you all is, what the hell? I know this means absolutely nothing, but it's at least gotten me thinking about her again. Maybe I just needed to write a wall of text to make myself feel better. But anyway, how should I approach her to try and hang out with her some more - or ask her out again? EDIT: Yes, I realize I'm creepy. Oh, I KNOW. That's part of the reason I'm using this account. I also realize I'm desperate. I'll be honest, reddit: I'm 22 years old and I haven't been KISSED in FIVE YEARS. So, yes, perhaps I obsess a bit.
Needs help finding a research paper topic.
I have to write a research paper for my cultural anthropology class. It has to be how something affected something else. Here are two of her examples she gave on the syllabus. - The effects of professional sports on higher education - How the Iraq War has affected political ideologies Any and all suggestions would be a huge help.
Help reddit. Witty chemistry valentine pun needed.
I have the option for extra credit, which of course, I need. I need a Valentines day pun, but it needs to be chemistry related. Ex. "life is boron when you argon." crappy, I know. Reddit, you are the uncrowned kings/queens of puns. I need help with this.
Hey Reddit: My boyfriends birthday is coming up, any awesome ideas for a gift?
My boyfriends birthday is coming up on the 12th of February, and I have NO idea what to get him! He is turning 24, so besides some sexy lingerie for myself and a crazy night, he will be presentless! He is a full time accountant, but loves video games, movies, and rebuilding his piano. I am looking for something super awesome cool, so help me out! Note: Nothing sex related please....
bethinking.org { Christian resource? Or subtle method by religious friend to start conversation/conversion? }
I've been an atheist since I was a teenager - and I certainly don't hide it. But neither do I proclaim it to every stranger or (casual acquaintance). Still it came as a bit of a surprise when one of my friends (an old one from primary school) sent me a link to during a casual email exchange. She titled it an "interesting" site. Now, this friend (lets call her G) is religious (very much so) and I've learned how to politely side step invitations to outings and excursions that are pretty much recruitment drives by her church (and church group). Today when I received the email I realised that I wasn't quite sure whether or not she knew I was an atheist - and if she wanted to start up a dialogue about faith (the usual sort where they try to convert you and you try to politely leave before you say something a bit TOO honest). Not sure if I should tell her that I'm an atheist - after all, responding with a politely worded email (something along the lines of "Sorry, a bit busy today but will read the site as soon as I can") would be just as easy. However, the site itself seems to be an interesting look into the less wacked out side of the Christian world.
Any dependent-typed expression that may diverge must be fully evaluted at runtime, otherwise the type system is unsound.
Tim Sweeney made this comment on LtU. Now I read this as claiming that if we have general recursion and dependent types we can create a term x and a type X such that x typechecks with type X in finite time but (all or some?) normalizations of x leads to a run-time type error (aka segfault). I don't quite see this (and perhaps I misunderstand this statement). My attempt to do this is to use the use the cast function of type `cast : forall A B, eq A B -> A -> B` to construct a term including `cast Nat Bool (fix id) 0`. But it seems to me that normalizing this term would generally lead to divergence (as it tries to normalize `fix id`) rather than a segfault, or at least this seems to be what would happen in an Agda-like system. So is it possible with general recursion and dependent types to implement unsafeCoerce or something similar that would typecheck in finite time yet segfault when the type-erased code is evaluated?
DAE ever get so hungry that they throw a bunch of food together, hope it tastes good, then eat it anyway?
I do this often. I come in the house and throw a bunch of random food together (liiiike a bunch of stuff in a tortilla) that I like separate, and hope it tastes good together, because I just feel *that hungry*. Even if it doesn't, I eat it anyway. I also find that I never eat the same combination again. At least on purpose. And while we're at it, what's the "weirdest" thing you've quickly put together?
Ask /r/Buddhism: Does "meditation music" help or hinder?
As a newcomer to meditation, would ambient "meditation music" help me to concentrate my thoughts, or would it only serve to bring new thoughts and feelings into my mind that would ultimately get in the way of my meditation? I am completely new to this and would like to hear your thoughts before trying one way or the other.
Anybody remember Stars! (?) - I'm reproducing that game
It's a turn based space strategy game. I fondly remember being addicted to that game back in windows 3.11 days. I recently found the original cdrom and decided to load it up in wine. For such an addictive game it's pretty simple, so I decided to reverse engineer. I'm wondering if anybody played this game? I'd love to find any original Stars! gamers, and chat about the project to reproduce. Right now I'm working on the prototype to generate the universe. I'm using PERL for the time being, getting the ideas figured out. I may implement the GUI in java. Thoughts?
My wife of more than a couple years approached me and asked if we could do porn for a little extra money.
no joke, and honestly not trolling. She of course wants to be completely anonymous, and only with me in the pics/video. I also want to be completely anonymous so it would mean no face shots etc. but she seems open to doing anything else. Pretty awesome I know, but is it even possible to make extra cash this way? Any advice would be appreciated.
Dear Reddit: I've had an embarrassing sexual problem (premature) for a while and maybe Reddit can help me.
Okay, here we go. So I've got this problem, it's weird. Anytime I have a sexual encounter with a woman, it's like i get anxiety or something. I get very nervous and my heart starts beating very quickly. If I have intercourse, I will always cum within 1 minute, usually less. I can't figure out why, I've tried masturbating before like 100 times before meeting up with a girl and all that does is reduce my sex drive without solving the problem. I can take hand jobs or blow jobs, but once it hits the pussy, BOOM! During my first sexual experience at 16, I lasted for a solid 2 hours, but every single time after that has been this same problem. The only things that have every worked for me are illicit drugs, particularly ecstasy and opiates. I'm no longer willing to use those drugs anymore, but also I don't want to have to get fucked up to be able to have sex with a girl. I've considered purchasing desensitizing lotion or spray or something, has anyone ever done that? Was it effective? This whole problem really fucks up my head too cuz it makes it difficult for me to maintain the confidence to approach women knowing that I won't be able to satisfy them with my dick. I can eat pussy, but let's face it, women want to get fucked. I've also heard of those excercises where your supposed to masturbate until your about to cum and stop and squeeze, and although I never continued with it for a long period of time, i dont feel like that helps. Please Reddit, try to help your fellow man out. Valentine's Day is coming up quick and I have a very special young lady in mind, and I'd really like to not fuck everything up sexually. THANKS
Milling a dovetail scope mount?
Hey gunnit, I've recently acquired my father's old remington 510 .22 rifle, and i'd like to put a scope on it for target shooting. Problem is, there's no mounts. I have a dovetail mounted scope that would work great, but I'm not even sure it's possible to mill the grooves in the barrel on such an old gun. Can I? If I have a gunsmith do it, is it expensive?
That's it, Reddit. 2:31pm is the minute the terrorists finally beat me.
Was I scared of flying after 9/11? No. Was I scared of going on trains after the 7/7 attacks in London? No. Was I scared to fly after the Glasgow attack and the pants bomber? Not in the slightest. Was I scared at 2:30pm today when they grabbed me by my ballsack and dragged me to their dungeon? Of course not. But then they stabbed me in the eyes and chopped off all of my extremities. That's it; I officially told the terrorists that they won. We shook hands, and all agreed it was an exciting and challenging contest. They drove me home afterwards and said I was a good sport.
Can anyone help with my medical condition?
When I was about 15 or so, I started to get some blisters on my feet... this turned into full-scale Palmoplantar Keratoderma. (or so we think). I'm 21 now, and this is what both of my feet look like: (NSFW? it's not so bad at the moment...) Normally they're okay to live with, I can walk, run and function properly. However, as I've been getting older the condition has been becoming much worse. Some nights I can't even walk to the toilet without extreme agony. (I get cuts in the soles of my feet... one under the small toe, one under the big toe and two at the very back of my foot). You know how paper cuts tend to hurt? Imagine that about 2x bigger and deeper. (e.g. your toe is hanging on by a thread) The problem tends to be when I get into bed at night, to relax and sleep. That's when they start burning up (you can feel heat streaming off) and becoming extremely irratated. It's insane, and fucking annoying. Then one day, I was prescribed Zopiclone and my feet really nearly healed up. I was so happy, I actually went out and did stuff with friends and the works. Ended up with a girlfriend too. But that was all short lived... now they've just progressively been getting worse. I've tried (for treating the symptoms): * Clonidine * Clonazepam * Promethazine (sedating antihistamine) * Topiramite * Hydromorphone * Oxycodone / OxyNorm * Morphine * Nefopam hydrochloride (Acupan) * Amitriptyline * Gabbapentin * Diazepam * Tramadol * Codiene / Paracetamol * (and basically every cream under the sun) I have some weird genetic fuck-up too, where low-dosages of anything just fail rediculously. With that medication list, the only ones that helped (they work for a max of 2 weeks) was Clonidine, Acupan and Diazepam (this only lasted several days). The other more stronger ones like Oxy took some edge off... and made me feel pretty moody/depressed a lot. I was on that for 3 months and then stopped completely. For some reason, I don't get withdrawals. I think that's because of my genetic tolerence or whatever it is. My question to you Reddit - what the shit do I do? :( I've been to multiple doctors, dermatoligists, pain clinics ... yesterday my doctor told me she had no idea what to do now. Does anybody have any idea of other medication that could work? Or something alternative?(salt water at the beach doesn't help). The condition is caused by nerve-damage to do with the mutation of A7445G. (for me at least!)
Free Champion Week 11, Pantheon Champion + Skin Bundle discount, New Poppy Skin Next Patch!
Gragas and Pantheon have been released, with Pantheon getting a new skin available in a bundle with the champion with a temporary 50% discount! Poppy is also getting a new skin next patch with a sleek KISS-reject style. As well, of course, week 11 is here to bring in the new champions: Alistar Tank Gragas Tank *NEW Anivia Mage Veigar Mage Gangplank Melee DPS Shaco Melee DPS Sivir Ranged DPS Twisted Fate Ranged DPS Taric Support Zilean Support
What do you do with your (used) mashed grains?
I've been pitching them into the woods for bird food, although I have no idea if birds will even eat it.