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最佳往届落选录影带 Best Video (That Should Have Won A Moonman) | Best video (that should have won a Moonman) | 0.723361 |
"而這麼做的途徑之一[就是]通過食物來體現。 | “One of the ways of doing that [was] through the food.” | 0.861471 |
难道你相信我的宽恕是神的宽恕? | Dost thou believe that my forgiveness is God's forgiveness? | 0.702793 |
她一见面就能识破撒谎的人,他们在撒谎。 | When they Deny it, they are lying. | 0.316585 |
156.又因為他們不信爾撒,并且對麥爾彥捏造一個重大的誹謗。 | [that they rejected faith; that they uttered against mary a grave false charge; | 0.565436 |
别名:你不喜欢真相: 在关塔那摩的4天 You Don't Like the Truth: 4 Days Inside Guantanamo | You Don't Like the Truth: 4 Days Inside Guantanamo | 0.651181 |
然后,他们花很多时间驱使祂的门徒否认祂。 | They then spent much time urging His disciples to deny Him. | 0.707961 |
此時你若閉口不言,以色列人必從別處得解脫,蒙解救。 | Unless you're using the Israeli pronunciation, it's [kadəšeinu] and [kidəšanu]. | 0.33625 |
他只是个仆人,Shin很容易被忽视。 | He was just a servant, and Shin were easy to ignore. | 0.810069 |
“我确已把人造成具有最美的形态”(95:4); | “We have certainly created man in the best of stature,” (95:4) | 0.638724 |
此時你若閉口不言,以色列人必從別處得解脫,蒙解救。 | if you tell all, you are a true Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile. | 0.364936 |
此時你若閉口不言,以色列人必從別處得解脫,蒙解救。 | And if you doubt this, you are limiting the Holy One of Israel. | 0.390874 |
应该对他绳之以法”。 | He should be brought to justice.” | 0.769417 |
他们建造了他,他们指导他。 | They created it and they guide it. | 0.62291 |
"你将需要你的军队",撒旦对他们说。 | “You will need your armies,” satan said to them. | 0.735612 |
80 : 42 这等人,是不信道的,是荒淫的。 | 80:42 Those are the unbelievers, the profligate. | 0.749311 |
“所以,要把那个人扔进A级监狱 - 这对他来说非常困难。 | So, to throw someone from that into a category A prison – it has been very difficult for him”. | 0.830032 |
他们已经“坐冷板凳”,而且他们在撒谎。 | They are even rewarded to lie, and they should lie. | 0.439018 |
”众人互相看看,面面相觑。 | Take care of each other, watch out for one another. | 0.248794 |
)(我)(们)(只)(要)(分)(析)(一)(下)(这)(台)(构)(想)(中)(的)(设)(备)(应)(该)(具)(备)(哪)(些)(功)(能)(,)(就)(不)(难)(看)(出)(,)(该)(设)(备)(的)(核)(心)(部)(件)(应)(该)(分)(为)(几)(个)(大)(类)(这)(是)(个)(不)(错)(的)(想)(法)(!)(,)(维)(纳)(奥)(术)(师)(挥)(舞)(着)(手)(说)(道)(,)(而)(且)(这)(很)(容)(易)(实)(现)(,)(这)(栋)(楼)(里)(面)(就)(有)(一)(位)(生)(物)(学)(的)(大)(师)(,)(他)(叫)(罗)(森)(布)(鲁)(斯)(·)(轻)(风)(,)(被)(邀)(请)(来)(参)(与)(飞)(船)(的)(维)(生)(系)(统)(设)(计)(。 | For this reason it is said that Ephraim was rejected, that is, because God regarded David alone and his posterity with paternal favor; and of his whole family it was said, | 0.0081 |
安顺顺达贸易公司( | Direct Debits Business-to-Business ( | 0.250861 |
商品咨询( | Demand for a commodity ( | 0.429633 |
其中一种是心怀感激。 | And one of them is being thankful. | 0.74828 |
但我们仍然有希望”。 | Yet we still have hope." | 0.905727 |
Always give me the source editor,以及 | Always give me the source editor, and | 0.925147 |
他們不但是虛僞者,也是說謊者。 | They deny that, but they are liars. | 0.634961 |
“你们媒体(可能)假设那很困难。 | "You [the media] assume that it’s difficult. | 0.851935 |
“麦尔彦啊!你确已做了一件奇事。 | “O Maryam (Mary) ! truly an amazing thing has thou brought ! | 0.367353 |
此外,上校122加入了我们。 | Additionally, colonel 122 joined us. | 0.883257 |
“如果我们软弱,”他说,“我们的土地会被穆斯林占领。 | 'If we are weak,' he said, 'our land will become Muslim.' | 0.773565 |
)(这)(个)(光)(辉)(之)(舟)(维)(摩)(那)(上)(,)(吉)(尔)(伽)(美)(什)(交)(叠)(着)(双)(腿)(,)( )(靠)(在)(王)(座)(上)(单)(手)(支)(着)(下)(颚)(,)(微)(微)(眯)(了)(眯)(红)(眸)(:)(不)(过)(也)(算)(是)(提)(醒)(了)(我)(,)(看)(在)(吾)(友)(的)(份)(上)(,)(姑)(且)(让)(你)(多)(活)(一)(段)(时)(间)(为)(王)(的)(仁)(慈)(感)(恩)(戴)(德)(吧)(,)(杂)(种)(!)(贤)(王)(面)(对)(操)(纵)(着)(锁)(链)(的)(吉)(尔)(伽)(美)(什)(,)(完)(全)(一)(副)(主)(人)(翁)(的)(口)(吻)(,)(说)(着)(类)(似)(于)(我)(家)(孩)(子)(在)(你)(这)(养)(得)(不)(错)(的)(话)(。 | First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds…” | 0.156367 |
入见,拜不能兴,载自扶之,代为赞谢。 | suddenly come to their help, and they will surely be grateful. | 0.334531 |
這穗子是為了提醒以色列人,記念並遵行耶和華一切的命令。 | This, too, serves as a reminder of the bitterness the Israelites endured. | 0.366927 |
给伪造者一个评价吧(可选): | Consider too the denials of falsehood. | 0.225643 |
你們就告訴他們說:『以色列人曾走乾地過這約旦河; | Say, “The one who scattered Israel will regather them. | 0.388059 |
世上的女性们,举起右手吧!” | Women of the world, raise your right hand." | 0.712122 |
即将到来的新地球将是上帝的栖身之所,像天堂一样纯洁和神圣。 | The coming New Earth will be God’s dwelling place, as pure and holy as Heaven has ever been. | 0.784245 |
21 你就告诉你的儿子说,我们在埃及作过法老的奴仆。 | Then you shall say to your son, we were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. | 0.634537 |
我们也做了所有他的纽约办公室(两次)。 | We also did all of his New York City offices (twice). | 0.889689 |
我们从未是中产阶级:阶级流动性是如何误导我们的We Have Never Been Middle Class: How Social Mobility Misleads Us | We Have Never Been Middle Class: How Social Mobility Misleads Us | 0.723587 |
跪求大家 帮帮我 我老婆今天生了双胞胎女儿 2012年6月28日 农历5月初10 12点30 12点35 爸爸叫何正安 妈妈叫何冬梅 希望大家帮帮我 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | (But naturally there are people dropping in today who said they’d be here at NINE!!!). | 0.115126 |
”安拉作证,他们确是说谎的。 | They deny that, but they are liars. | 0.59371 |
你,以及以色列的眾長老,要進到埃及王那裏。 | shall come, thou and the Elders of Israel, unto the king of | 0.485713 |
公共相册 ( | public Department( | 0.466403 |
(39%的男性声称在前5秒钟内做出决定!) | (39% of men claim to make a decision in the first 5 seconds!) | 0.911609 |
1.你說:“不信道的人們啊! | Say (O Muhammad), “O you who disbelieve! | 0.666341 |
“他本赛季做得令人难以置信,并且以这种方式结束对他来说是毁灭性的。 | He has done unbelievable this season and for it to end that way for him was devastating.” | 0.75267 |
化学纤维 ( | chemical ( | 0.5074 |
你问他们吧!究竟是他们更难造呢?还是我所创造的更难造呢?我确已用粘泥创造了他们。 | Then ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created. | 0.520815 |
他們對於所指控的種種罪行,斷然否認。 | They deny the violation of what was done to them. | 0.581922 |
“不仅仅是因为他们可能偷窃或使用我的魔法。 | “Not just because they might steal or use my magic. | 0.852352 |
她说,“有一天,你会跟随你父亲的脚步。 | She said, "One day, you'll follow in your father's footsteps. | 0.882748 |
"你将需要你的军队",撒旦对他们说。 | "You will need your armies", satan said to them. | 0.718261 |
世界上的水够用吗?(The World's Water: Is There Enough? | [A]The World’s Water: Is there enough? | 0.79144 |
“如果我們軟弱,”他說,“我們的土地會被穆斯林占領。 | 'If we are weak,' he said, 'our land will become Muslim.' | 0.787965 |
我们将永远无法看到或研究这一脆弱的生态系统。 | We will never be able to see or study this fragile ecosystem. | 0.867818 |
)(她)(转)(念)(一)(笑)(:)(顿)(悟)(了)(佛)(经)(上)(那)(句)(,)(命)(由)(己)(造)(,)(相)(由)(心)(生)(,)(世)(间)(万)(物)(皆)(是)(化)(相)(,)(心)(不)(动)(,)(万)(物)(皆)(不)(动)(,)(心)(不)(变)(,)(万)(物)(皆)(不)(变)(!)(所)(以)(…)(…)(昊)(天)(再)(次)(嘴)(角)(一)(僵)(,)(得)(得)(得)(,)(你)(们)(一)(个)(秀)(夫)(妻)(真)(爱)(,)(一)(个)(携)(儿)(子)(相)(伴)(,)(现)(在)(连)(这)(师)(徒)(都)(情)(深)(意)(厚)(,)(唯)(他)(孤)(家)(寡)(人)(一)(个)(!)(昊)(天)(一)(肚)(子)(酸)(味)(,)(用)(力)(提)(了)(提)(嘴)(角)(,)(摆)(了)(下)(手)(,)(小)(仙)(娥)(便)(识)(趣)(地)(步)(向)(轻)(殊)(,)(将)(金)(盘)(献)(于)(她)(面)(前)(,)(随)(后)(拱)(手)(退)(下)(。 | [2] From this it is plainly evident how the case is with those who are in the loves of self and of the world, and how with those who are in love to God and toward the neighbor. | 0.199137 |
2020国家公务员机关党委( | Public Shared Function Gamma ( | 0.178956 |
对此,袁木予以否认。 | They rejected Joseph. | 0.277928 |
上帝也许可以把这一可能性增加到确定性“。 | God may have this probability increased to certainty.” | 0.840126 |
你今天可以和谁分享上帝的爱呢? | With whom will you share God’s love today? | 0.840011 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (e) The full description of the property, if any, of the child; | 0.066778 |
并且,当然,在得克萨斯州,我们几乎失去了几十个供应商。 | And, of course, in Texas, we almost lost dozens of providers. | 0.737057 |
又要看守會幕的器具,並守所吩咐以色列人的,辦理帳幕的事。 | That he would accomplish the task and fulfill what he had destined for the Israelites. | 0.294546 |
七六. 這部《古蘭經》,的確把以色列的後裔所爭論的大部分的事理告訴他們。 | 76Surely this Qur’an explains to the Children of Israel most of the matters on which they differ. | 0.537919 |
新课介绍:辩论 Public Forum (Debate) | Speech and Debate Competition: Public Forum (Debate) | 0.534453 |
其中许多书都在你父亲的藏书中,可能你已随身带去。 | Many of these are among your father’s books, which you should have brought to you. | 0.76058 |
他和法老均控制尼罗河的洪水。 | He and the pharaoh were thought to control the Nile's floods. | 0.613064 |
他要使許\多以色列人回轉,歸於主他們的神。 | “He will turn many Israelites back to the Lord their God. | 0.759162 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (i) Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non- | 0.091668 |
)(谢)(峥)(嵘)(气)(得)(浑)(身)(发)(抖)(,)(指)(着)(顾)(正)(说)(:)(我)(过)(了)(十)(二)(点)(再)(和)(你)(理)(论)(!)(王)(炸)(真)(的)(认)(真)(思)(考)(起)(来)(,)(半)(晌)(之)(后)(,)(他)(忽)(然)(灵)(光)(一)(动)(:)(我)(明)(白)(了)(,)(国)(内)(售)(出)(机)(器)(人)(是)(不)(准)(出)(国)(的)(,)(我)(们)(知)(道)(每)(一)(个)(国)(内)(售)(出)(机)(器)(人)(的)(位)(置)(,)(只)(要)(发)(给)(军)(方)(就)(行)(了)(,)(如)(果)(有)(人)(走)(私)(,)(那)(都)(是)(给)(国)(家)(做)(贡)(献)(啊)(,)(他)(们)(肯)(定)(最)(喜)(欢)(查)(走) | And [then] to try to build some momentum and develop conversation and community as opposed to, you know, sort of a one-off action. | 0.100609 |
企业标准( | Principles of economics ( | 0.297231 |
不過可米經紀人則鄭重否認消息,表示一切都只是猜測。 | They belied (the Verses of Allah, this Qur’an), but every matter will be settled (by God). | 0.179381 |
他將長久統治;他的子孫也將繼續統治以色列。 | and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment, | 0.374723 |
光的直线传播 ( | broadcasts LiveShare ( | 0.179943 |
你是誰?你對我的亨利做了什麼?我要我的亨利回來。 | Who are you?What did you do to my Henry?I want my Henry back. | 0.786981 |
每一个字的背后,就是神圣的作者─神自己。 | And behind every word is the divine author, God Himself.” | 0.747857 |
36 : 2 以智慧的《古兰经》发誓, | 36.2: I swear by the Quran full of wisdom. | 0.654189 |
“他以为是他的女主人,他发现那是个陌生人。 | 'He thought it was his mistress and he found it was a stranger. | 0.740668 |
“他以为是他的女主人,他发现那是个陌生人。 | 'He thought it was his mistress and he found it was a stranger. | 0.749428 |
一男一女的婚姻,是由上帝所建立,地上沒有法院能夠改變」。 | Marriage between a man and a woman was established by God, and no earthly court can alter that." | 0.779185 |
以色列丟棄良善,〔或作福分〕仇敵必追逼他。 | Israel hath cast off good; the enemy shall pursue him. | 0.722026 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | [[First of all, I would like to remind everyone that [World Gate Online] is NOT a [Game], but another [Reality].]] | 0.138259 |
以上帝的名义杀戮是渎神”。 | To kill in the name of God is an aberration". | 0.620138 |
彼此疼惜,彼此搀扶; | Explaining [things to] each other, helping each other. | 0.487664 |
且对麦尔彦捏造一个重大的诽谤 [第四 音 8:41] | [that they rejected faith; that they uttered against mary a grave false charge; | 0.350372 |
37.但他們否認他,地震就襲擊了他們。 | But they denied him, so the earthquake seized them. | 0.692154 |
37 . 但他們否認他,地震就襲擊了他們。 | But they denied him, so the earthquake seized them. | 0.692154 |
你知不知道你去过多少国家, 我的意思是,就像一个DJ? | Do you know how many countries you’ve been to, I mean just as a DJ? | 0.858569 |
這樣,王和以色列眾民,為耶和華的殿行奉獻之禮。 | Forgive the sins of the king and of the people of Israel. | 0.458217 |
”说完,他便恭礼相谢,婉言告辞。 | Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and said, | 0.497587 |
素常盼望以色列的安慰者(救世主)来到。 | [He also wanted] acceptance by the Israelis. | 0.451895 |
最后,对这些世代的父母......是的,你在这里也有一个角色。 | Finally, to the parents of these generations…yes, you have a role here too. | 0.828772 |
因此,他们不得不否认,否认,否认。 | They denied, they denied, they denied. | 0.689775 |
未来属于爱国者”。 | And the future belongs to outsiders.” | 0.546974 |
16 : 109 無疑的,他們在後世正是虧折者。 | 16:109 Without doubt, in the Hereafter they are the losers. | 0.597924 |
感謝他們,也祝福他們。 | Enjoy them and give thanks. | 0.681148 |
“BTC看起来相当弱,这可能是我很长一段时间内第一次不买6200美元。 | “BTC looks pretty weak, this might be the first time I’m not buying $6,200 in quite a while. | 0.86682 |
他必拯救以色列,※脱离一切罪恶。 | And through him He saved the Israelites from starvation. | 0.50003 |
商业业务方面( | Business-to-Business ( | 0.593606 |
Subsets and Splits