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Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: one of the smarter offerings the horror genre has produced in recent memory , even if it's far tamer than advertised .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: one of recent memory's most thoughtful films about art , ethics , and the cost of moral compromise .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the film doesn't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: blade ii is as estrogen-free as movies get , so you might want to leave your date behind for this one , or she's gonna make you feel like you owe her big-time .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the message is that even the most unlikely can link together to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whether they be of nature , of man or of one another .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: many a parent and their teen ( or preteen ) kid could bond while watching a walk to remember . so could young romantics out on a date .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: all leather pants & augmented boobs , hawn is hilarious as she tries to resuscitate the fun-loving libertine lost somewhere inside the conservative , handbag-clutching sarandon .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the members manage to pronounce kok exactly as you think they might , thus giving the cast ample opportunity to use that term as often as possible . it's very beavis and butthead , yet always seems to elicit a chuckle .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: while this gentle and affecting melodrama will have luvvies in raptures , it's far too slight and introspective to appeal to anything wider than a niche audience .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: chicago offers much colorful eye candy , including the spectacle of gere in his dancing shoes , hoofing and crooning with the best of them .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a difficult but worthy film that bites off more than it can chew by linking the massacre of armenians in 1915 with some difficult relationships in the present .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: by and large this is mr . kilmer's movie , and it's his strongest performance since the doors .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: some of the most ravaging , gut-wrenching , frightening war scenes since " saving private ryan " have been recreated by john woo in this little-known story of native americans and their role in the second great war .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a charming but slight comedy .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: henry bean's thoughtful screenplay provides no easy answers , but offers a compelling investigation of faith versus intellect
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a great cast and a wonderful but sometimes confusing flashback movie about growing up in a dysfunctional family .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: playing a role of almost bergmanesque intensity . . . bisset is both convincing and radiant .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a smart , provocative drama that does the nearly impossible : it gets under the skin of a man we only know as an evil , monstrous lunatic .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: an alternately fascinating and frustrating documentary .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: griffin & co . manage to be spectacularly outrageous .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: nair's cast is so large it's altman-esque , but she deftly spins the multiple stories in a vibrant and intoxicating fashion .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the movie plays up the cartoon's more obvious strength of snazziness while neglecting its less conspicuous writing strength .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: poignant japanese epic about adolescent anomie and heartbreak .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: we've seen it all before in one form or another , but director hoffman , with great help from kevin kline , makes us care about this latest reincarnation of the world's greatest teacher .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: secretary is not a movie about fetishism . it is a movie about passion .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: even though it's common knowledge that park and his founding partner , yong kang , lost kozmo in the end , you can't help but get caught up in the thrill of the company's astonishing growth .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: although some viewers will not be able to stomach so much tongue-in-cheek weirdness , those who do will have found a cult favorite to enjoy for a lifetime .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: what could have easily become a cold , calculated exercise in postmodern pastiche winds up a powerful and deeply moving example of melodramatic moviemaking .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a delightful surprise because despite all the backstage drama , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and looks professional .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the imax screen enhances the personal touch of manual animation .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: does an impressive job of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the background .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: it's all about anakin . . . and the lustrous polished visuals rich in color and creativity and , of course , special effect .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: lacks the inspiration of the original and has a bloated plot that stretches the running time about 10 minutes past a child's interest and an adult's patience . but it also has many of the things that made the first one charming .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: it's funny , touching , dramatically forceful , and beautifully shot .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: its rawness and vitality give it considerable punch .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a live-wire film that never loses its ability to shock and amaze .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the year's greatest adventure , and jackson's limited but enthusiastic adaptation has made literature literal without killing its soul -- a feat any thinking person is bound to appreciate .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: it's fairly solid--not to mention well edited so that it certainly doesn't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: brims with passion : for words , for its eccentric , accident-prone characters , and for the crazy things that keep people going in this crazy life .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: it's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enough to get inside you and stay there for a couple of hours .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the hours , a delicately crafted film , is an impressive achievement in spite of a river of sadness that pours into every frame .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: fudges fact and fancy with such confidence that we feel as if we're seeing something purer than the real thing .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: this is unusual , food-for-thought cinema that's as entertaining as it is instructive .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: with an expressive face reminiscent of gong li and a vivid personality like zhang ziyi's , dong stakes out the emotional heart of happy .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: nohe's documentary about the event is sympathetic without being gullible : he isn't blind to the silliness , but also captures moments of spontaneous creativity and authentic co-operative interaction .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: it may not be as cutting , as witty or as true as back in the glory days of weekend and two or three things i know about her , but who else engaged in filmmaking today is so cognizant of the cultural and moral issues involved in the process ?
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: secret ballot is a funny , puzzling movie ambiguous enough to be engaging and oddly moving .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: although devoid of objectivity and full of nostalgic comments from the now middle-aged participants , dogtown and z-boys has a compelling story to tell .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: it's got some pretentious eye-rolling moments and it didn't entirely grab me , but there's stuff here to like .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: birthday girl walks a tricky tightrope between being wickedly funny and just plain wicked .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a muted freak-out
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the enjoyable undercover brother , a zany mix of saturday night live-style parody , '70s blaxploitation films and goofball action comedy gone wild , dishes out a ton of laughs that everyone can enjoy .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: brings an irresistible blend of warmth and humor and a consistent embracing humanity in the face of life's harshness .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: jackson is always watchable .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: to the degree that ivans xtc . works , it's thanks to huston's revelatory performance .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a wild ride of a movie that keeps throwing fastballs .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: confessions is without a doubt a memorable directorial debut from king hunk .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: weird , vulgar comedy that's definitely an acquired taste .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a . . . cynical and serious look at teenage boys doing what they do best - being teenagers .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the film is a very good viewing alternative for young women .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: australian filmmaker david flatman uses the huge-screen format to make an old-fashioned nature film that educates viewers with words and pictures while entertaining them .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a dazzling dream of a documentary .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a keep-'em-guessing plot and an affectionate take on its screwed-up characters .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: moving and vibrant .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: brave and sweetly rendered love story .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the film proves unrelentingly grim -- and equally engrossing .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a hallmark film in an increasingly important film industry and worth the look .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the last kiss will probably never achieve the popularity of my big fat greek wedding , but its provocative central wedding sequence has far more impact .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: if you like blood , guts and crazy beasts stalking men with guns though . . . you will likely enjoy this monster .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the difference between cho and most comics is that her confidence in her material is merited .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: sad to say -- it accurately reflects the rage and alienation that fuels the self-destructiveness of many young people .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: there is a strong directorial stamp on every frame of this stylish film that is able to visualize schizophrenia but is still confident enough to step back and look at the sick character with a sane eye .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: 'anyone with a passion for cinema , and indeed sex , should see it as soon as possible . '
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: seeks to transcend its genre with a curiously stylized , quasi-shakespearean portrait of pure misogynist evil .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: mordantly funny and intimately knowing . . .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: what makes the movie special is its utter sincerity .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: fast and funny , an action cartoon that's suspenseful enough for older kids but not too scary for the school-age crowd .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: one of those rare films that come by once in a while with flawless amounts of acting , direction , story and pace .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the aaa of action , xxx is a blast of adrenalin , rated eee for excitement . and vin diesel is the man .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: earnest , unsubtle and hollywood-predictable , green dragon is still a deeply moving effort to put a human face on the travail of thousands of vietnamese .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: an ambitious movie that , like shiner's organizing of the big fight , pulls off enough of its effects to make up for the ones that don't come off .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: nair and writer laura cahill dare to build a movie around some flawed but rather unexceptional women , emerging with a fine character study that's short on plot but rich in the tiny revelations of real life .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: the film's unhurried pace is actually one of its strengths . entirely appropriately , the tale unfolds like a lazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accessible and haunting film .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: vibrantly colored and beautifully designed , metropolis is a feast for the eyes .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: sweetly sexy , funny and touching .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: . . . while dark water isn't a complete wash ( no pun intended ) , watched side-by-side with ringu , it ultimately comes off as a pale successor .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: is truth stranger than fiction ? in [screenwriter] charlie kaufman's world , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: for decades we've marveled at disney's rendering of water , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . prepare to marvel again .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: a witty , low-key romantic comedy .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: more good than great but freeman and judd make it work .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: if you're looking for a smart , nuanced look at de sade and what might have happened at picpus , sade is your film .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: could have been crisper and punchier , but it's likely to please audiences who like movies that demand four hankies .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: together writer-director danny verete's three tales comprise a powerful and reasonably fulfilling gestalt .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: bursting through the constraints of its source , this is one adapted- from-television movie that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: . . . quite endearing .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: its almost too-spectacular coastal setting distracts slightly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: in other words , it's just another sports drama/character study . yet this one makes up for in heart what it lacks in outright newness . plus , like i already mentioned . . . it's robert duvall ! c'mon !
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: this story of a determined woman's courage to find her husband in a war zone offers winning performances and some effecting moments .
### Response: | positive |
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive.
### Instruction: like shrek , spirit's visual imagination reminds you of why animation is such a perfect medium for children , because of the way it allows the mind to enter and accept another world .
### Response: | positive |
Subsets and Splits