14 values
Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology, was known by what name in Roman mythology?
{ "aliases": [ "8th planet", "Le Verrier's planet", "Neptuno (planet)", "Neptune the blue ocean planet", "Planet Neptune", "Sol 8", "Sol IIX", "Neptune (Planet)", "Neptune's weather", "Neptune (astronomy)", "Astronomy Neptune", "The Scooter (Neptune)", "Eighth planet", "Neptune (planet)", "♆", "Sol-8", "Neptune", "Sol VIII", "Sun i", "Atmosphere of Neptune", "Neptune's Atmosphere", "Weather of Neptune", "Neptune's", "Magnetosphere of Neptune", "Neptune planet", "Neptunus (planet)", "The planet exterior to Uranus", "Neptune's atmosphere" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "planet neptune", "♆", "neptune s weather", "neptune", "neptune s", "scooter neptune", "astronomy neptune", "planet exterior to uranus", "neptunus planet", "neptune planet", "eighth planet", "magnetosphere of neptune", "neptune s atmosphere", "sol iix", "le verrier s planet", "neptuno planet", "weather of neptune", "neptune astronomy", "neptune blue ocean planet", "sun i", "sol 8", "8th planet", "sol viii", "atmosphere of neptune" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "neptune", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Neptune" }
[ { "answer": "Neptune", "passage": "The name of the sea-god Nethuns in Etruscan was adopted in Latin for Neptune in Roman mythology; both were sea gods analogous to Poseidon. Linear B tablets show that Poseidon was venerated at Pylos and Thebes in pre-Olympian Bronze Age Greece as a chief deity, but he was integrated into the Olympian gods as the brother of Zeus and Hades. According to some folklore, he was saved by his mother Rhea, who concealed him among a flock of lambs and pretended to have given birth to a colt, which was devoured by Cronos. ", "precise_score": 8.264829635620117, "rough_score": 8.34119987487793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Poseidon" }, { "answer": "Neptune", "passage": "In the Aeneid, Neptune is still resentful of the wandering Trojans, but is not as vindictive as Juno, and in Book I he rescues the Trojan fleet from the goddess's attempts to wreck it, although his primary motivation for doing this is his annoyance at Juno's having intruded into his domain.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.416047096252441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Poseidon" } ]
A bone is joined to a muscle by what tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue?
{ "aliases": [ "Vagina fibrosa", "Tendon", "Ossified tendons", "Tendineous", "Epitenon", "Sinews", "Ossified tendon", "Muscle tendon", "Sinew", "Tendin", "Tendines", "Torn tendon", "Tendons" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "torn tendon", "tendin", "tendines", "muscle tendon", "tendons", "sinews", "vagina fibrosa", "ossified tendon", "tendineous", "sinew", "ossified tendons", "epitenon", "tendon" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "tendon", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Tendon" }
[ { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "Skeletal muscles are sheathed by a tough layer of connective tissue called the epimysium. The epimysium anchors muscle tissue to tendons at each end, where the epimysium becomes thicker and collagenous. It also protects muscles from friction against other muscles and bones. Within the epimysium are multiple bundles called fascicles, each of which contains 10 to 100 or more muscle fibers collectively sheathed by a perimysium. Besides surrounding each fascicle, the perimysium is a pathway for nerves and the flow of blood within the muscle. The threadlike muscle fibers are the individual muscle cells (myocytes), and each cell is encased within its own endomysium of collagen fibers. Thus, the overall muscle consists of fibers (cells) that are bundled into fascicles, which are themselves grouped together to form muscles. At each level of bundling, a collagenous membrane surrounds the bundle, and these membranes support muscle function both by resisting passive stretching of the tissue and by distributing forces applied to the muscle. Scattered throughout the muscles are muscle spindles that provide sensory feedback information to the central nervous system. (This grouping structure is analogous to the organization of nerves which uses epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium).", "precise_score": -2.0864434242248535, "rough_score": -2.2400457859039307, "source": "wiki", "title": "Muscle" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "Skeletal muscle is arranged in discrete muscles, an example of which is the biceps brachii (biceps). The tough, fibrous epimysium of skeletal muscle is both connected to and continuous with the tendons. In turn, the tendons connect to the periosteum layer surrounding the bones, permitting the transfer of force from the muscles to the skeleton. Together, these fibrous layers, along with tendons and ligaments, constitute the deep fascia of the body.", "precise_score": 1.2524356842041016, "rough_score": 0.7492661476135254, "source": "wiki", "title": "Muscle" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "* Sesamoid bones are bones embedded in tendons. Since they act to hold the tendon further away from the joint, the angle of the tendon is increased and thus the leverage of the muscle is increased. Examples of sesamoid bones are the patella and the pisiform.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.093270301818848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bone" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "Bones serve a variety of mechanical functions. Together the bones in the body form the skeleton. They provide a frame to keep the body supported, and an attachment point for skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, which function together to generate and transfer forces so that individual body parts or the whole body can be manipulated in three-dimensional space (the interaction between bone and muscle is studied in biomechanics).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.450679779052734, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bone" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "* Skeletal muscle or \"voluntary muscle\" is anchored by tendons (or by aponeuroses at a few places) to bone and is used to effect skeletal movement such as locomotion and in maintaining posture. Though this postural control is generally maintained as an unconscious reflex, the muscles responsible react to conscious control like non-postural muscles. An average adult male is made up of 42% of skeletal muscle and an average adult female is made up of 36% (as a percentage of body mass).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.360825538635254, "source": "wiki", "title": "Muscle" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "The gross anatomy of a muscle is the most important indicator of its role in the body. There is an important distinction seen between pennate muscles and other muscles. In most muscles, all the fibers are oriented in the same direction, running in a line from the origin to the insertion. However, In pennate muscles, the individual fibers are oriented at an angle relative to the line of action, attaching to the origin and insertion tendons at each end. Because the contracting fibers are pulling at an angle to the overall action of the muscle, the change in length is smaller, but this same orientation allows for more fibers (thus more force) in a muscle of a given size. Pennate muscles are usually found where their length change is less important than maximum force, such as the rectus femoris.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.066048622131348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Muscle" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "The muscular system is one component of the musculoskeletal system, which includes not only the muscles but also the bones, joints, tendons, and other structures that permit movement.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.923044204711914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Muscle" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "Vertebrate muscle typically produces approximately of force per square centimeter of muscle cross-sectional area when isometric and at optimal length. Some invertebrate muscles, such as in crab claws, have much longer sarcomeres than vertebrates, resulting in many more sites for actin and myosin to bind and thus much greater force per square centimeter at the cost of much slower speed. The force generated by a contraction can be measured non-invasively using either mechanomyography or phonomyography, be measured in vivo using tendon strain (if a prominent tendon is present), or be measured directly using more invasive methods.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.20846939086914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Muscle" }, { "answer": "Tendon", "passage": "Connective tissue has a wide variety of functions that depend on the types of cells and the different classes of fibers involved. Loose and dense irregular connective tissue, formed mainly by fibroblasts and collagen fibers, have an important role in providing a medium for oxygen and nutrients to diffuse from capillaries to cells, and carbon dioxide and waste substances to diffuse from cells back into circulation. They also allow organs to resist stretching and tearing forces. Dense regular connective tissue, which forms organized structures, is a major functional component of tendons, ligaments and aponeuroses, and is also found in highly specialized organs such as the cornea. Elastic fibers, made from elastin and fibrillin, also provide resistance to stretch forces. They are found in the walls of large blood vessels and in certain ligaments, particularly in the ligamenta flava.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.466410160064697, "source": "wiki", "title": "Connective tissue" } ]
Dec 6, 1850 saw the invention of the Ophthalmoscope, a device that allows doctors to examine what part of the body?
{ "aliases": [ "Eye (anatomy)", "Eye", "Eye balls", "Schizochroal eye", "Ocular globe", "Ommateum", "Simple eye", "Oculars", "Animal eyes", "Eyes", "Compound Eyes", "Apposition eye", "Robotic eye", "Eye ball", "Facet eyes", "Compound Eye", "Conjunctival disorders", "Compound eyes", "Eyeball", "Cyber-eye", "Eye (vertebrate)", "Eye (invertebrate)", "Ommotidium", "Fly's eye lens", "Peeper (organ)", "Camera-type eye", "Ocular", "Compound eye", "Eye membrane", "Pinhole eye", "The eyes" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "compound eyes", "oculars", "facet eyes", "cyber eye", "ommateum", "peeper organ", "eye balls", "compound eye", "simple eye", "eye vertebrate", "animal eyes", "camera type eye", "eye membrane", "apposition eye", "eyeball", "eye", "ommotidium", "eyes", "robotic eye", "ocular globe", "eye anatomy", "pinhole eye", "eye ball", "conjunctival disorders", "fly s eye lens", "ocular", "schizochroal eye", "eye invertebrate" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "eyes", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The eyes" }
[ { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "Ophthalmoscopy, also called funduscopy, is a test that allows a health professional to see inside the fundus of the eye and other structures using an ophthalmoscope (or funduscope). It is done as part of an eye examination and may be done as part of a routine physical examination. It is crucial in determining the health of the retina, optic disc, and vitreous humor.", "precise_score": 0.8983271718025208, "rough_score": -2.7488162517547607, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "*An indirect ophthalmoscope, on the other hand, constitutes a light attached to a headband, in addition to a small handheld lens. It provides a wider view of the inside of the eye. Furthermore, it allows a better view of the fundus of the eye, even if the lens is clouded by cataracts. An indirect ophthalmoscope can be either monocular or binocular. It is used for peripheral viewing of the retina.", "precise_score": -2.390782117843628, "rough_score": -3.345855236053467, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "The pupil is a hole through which the eye's interior will be viewed. Opening the pupil wider (dilating it) is a simple and effective way to better see the structures behind it. Therefore, dilation of the pupil (mydriasis) is often accomplished with medicated eye drops before funduscopy. However, although dilated fundus examination is ideal, undilated examination is more convenient and is also helpful (albeit not as comprehensive), and it is the most common type in primary care. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.793648719787598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "Ophthalmoscopy is done as part of a routine physical or complete eye examination.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.13845682144165, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "It is used to detect and evaluate symptoms of various retinal vascular diseases or eye diseases such as glaucoma.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.67580795288086, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "In patients with diabetes mellitus, regular ophthalmoscopic eye examinations (once every 6 months to 1 year) are important to screen for diabetic retinopathy as visual loss due to diabetes can be prevented by retinal laser treatment if retinopathy is spotted early.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.621197700500488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "Dr. William Cumming in 1846 at the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (later Moorfields Eye Hospital), of his pioneering work wrote \"every eye could be made luminous if the axis from a source of illumination directed towards a person's eye and the line of vision of the observer were coincident\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.2038068771362305, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" }, { "answer": "Eye", "passage": "The word ophthalmoscopy uses combining forms of ophthalmo- + -scopy, yielding \"viewing the eye\". The word funduscopy derives from fundus + -scopy, yielding \"viewing the far inside\". The idea that fundus can and should correspond to a combining form fundo- drives the formation of an alternate form, fundoscopy (fundo- + -scopy, which is the subject of a descriptive-versus-prescriptive difference in acceptance. Some dictionaries enter the fundo- form as a second-listed variant, but others do not enter it at all, and one prescribes its avoidance with a usage note.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.336457252502441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ophthalmoscopy" } ]
Which president’s policy was to “speak softly and carry a big stick”?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "President Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Big Stick ideology, Big Stick diplomacy, or Big Stick policy refers to U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy: \"speak softly, and carry a big stick.\" Roosevelt described his style of foreign policy as \"the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis\". ", "precise_score": 9.569161415100098, "rough_score": 8.181492805480957, "source": "wiki", "title": "Big Stick ideology" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.627771377563477, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.862064361572266, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "At the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War in September 1905, President Roosevelt leveraged his position as a strong but impartial leader in order to negotiate a peace treaty between the two nations. \"Speaking softly\" earned the President enough prestige to even merit a Nobel Peace Prize the following year for his efforts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.050014019012451, "source": "wiki", "title": "Big Stick ideology" } ]
What famous Christmas icon was created by Montgomery Ward employee Robert L. May in 1939 for one of their catalogs?
{ "aliases": [ "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the red nose reindeer", "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Rudulph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolf the red nose reindeer", "Rudolf the Reindeer", "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer", "Rudolph, the red nosed Reindeer", "Christmas Rudolf", "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "rudolph red nose reindeer", "rudolf red nosed reindeer", "rudulph red nosed reindeer", "rudolf red nose reindeer", "christmas rudolf", "rudolf reindeer", "rudolph red nosed reindeer" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "rudolph red nosed reindeer", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" }
[ { "answer": "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "passage": "In 1939, as part of a Christmas promotional campaign, staff copywriter Robert L. May created the character and illustrated poem of \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.\" The store distributed six-million copies of the storybook in 1946 and actor and singer Gene Autry popularized the song nationally.", "precise_score": 3.0466010570526123, "rough_score": 4.526332855224609, "source": "wiki", "title": "Montgomery Ward" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Robert Lewis May (July 27 1905 – August 10 1976) was the creator of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.749486923217773, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "passage": "In 1948, May’s brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, wrote (words and music) an adaptation of Rudolph. Though the song was turned down by such popular vocalists as Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore, it was recorded by the singing cowboy Gene Autry. \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer\" was released in 1949 and became a phenomenal success, selling more records than any other Christmas song, with the exception of \"White Christmas\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.14227294921875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "May wrote two sequels to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The first is mostly in prose (except that Rudolph speaks in anapaestic tetrameter), written in 1947 but only published posthumously as Rudolph's Second Christmas (1992), and subsequently with the title Rudolph to the Rescue (2006). The second sequel is entirely in anapaestic tetrameter like the original: Rudolph Shines Again (1954). May also published four other children's books: Benny the Bunny Liked Beans (1940), Winking Willie (1948), The Fighting Tenderfoot (1954), and Sam the Scared-est Scarecrow (1972). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.050545692443848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "passage": "May told his story of the writing of \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer\" in his article \"Robert May Tells how Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer Came into Being\" from the Gettysburg Times published on December 22, 1975. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.864645957946777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" } ]
Who authored the 1823 immortal poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas"?
{ "aliases": [ "Clement C. Moore", "Clement Moore", "Clement Clark Moore", "Clement Clarke Moore", "Clement Clarke Moore Park" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "clement clark moore", "clement moore", "clement c moore", "clement clarke moore", "clement clarke moore park" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "clement moore", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Clement Moore" }
[ { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "\"A Visit from St. Nicholas\", more commonly known as \"The Night Before Christmas\" and \"Twas the Night Before Christmas\" from its first line, is a poem first published anonymously in 1823 and later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, who claimed authorship in 1837. Some commentators now believe the poem was written by Henry Livingston, Jr. ", "precise_score": 9.49484634399414, "rough_score": 9.053202629089355, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Visit from St. Nicholas" }, { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "According to legend, \"A Visit\" was composed by Clement Clarke Moore on a snowy winter's day during a shopping trip on a sleigh. His inspiration for the character of Saint Nicholas was a local Dutch handyman as well as the historical Saint Nicholas. Moore originated many of the features that are still associated with Santa Claus today while borrowing other aspects, such as the use of reindeer. The poem was first published anonymously in the Troy, New York Sentinel on 23 December 1823, having been sent there by a friend of Moore, and was reprinted frequently thereafter with no name attached. It was first attributed in print to Moore in 1837. Moore himself acknowledged authorship when he included it in his own book of poems in 1844. By then, the original publisher and at least seven others had already acknowledged his authorship. Moore had a reputation as an erudite professor and had not wished at first to be connected with the unscholarly verse. He included it in the anthology at the insistence of his children, for whom he had originally written the piece.", "precise_score": 8.15673542022705, "rough_score": 8.099164009094238, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Visit from St. Nicholas" }, { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "Four hand-written copies of the poem are known to exist and three are in museums, including the New-York Historical Society library. The fourth copy, written out and signed by Clement Clarke Moore as a gift to a friend in 1860, was sold by one private collector to another in December 2006. It was purchased for $280,000 by an unnamed \"chief executive officer of a media company\" who resides in New York City, according to Dallas, Texas-based Heritage Auctions which brokered the private sale. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.28039264678955, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Visit from St. Nicholas" }, { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "MacDonald P. Jackson, Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Auckland, New Zealand and a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, has spent his entire academic career analyzing authorship attribution. He has written a book titled Who Wrote “the Night Before Christmas”?: Analyzing the Clement Clarke Moore Vs. Henry Livingston Question, published in 2016, in which he evaluates the opposing arguments and, for the first time, uses the author-attribution techniques of modern computational stylistics to examine the long-standing controversy. Jackson employs a range of tests and introduces a new one, statistical analysis of phonemes; he concludes that Livingston is the true author of the classic work.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.290276527404785, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Visit from St. Nicholas" }, { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "* Since 1911 the Church of the Intercession in Manhattan has held a service that includes the reading of the poem followed by a procession to the tomb of Clement Clarke Moore at Trinity Cemetery the Sunday before Christmas. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.995231628417969, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Visit from St. Nicholas" }, { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "Clement Clarke Moore (July 15, 1779 – July 10, 1863) was a writer and American Professor of Oriental and Greek Literature, as well as Divinity and Biblical Learning, at the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in New York City. The seminary was developed on land donated by Moore and it continues on this site at Ninth Avenue between 20th and 21st streets, in an area known as Chelsea Square. Moore's connection with the seminary continued for more than 25 years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.168657302856445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Clement Clarke Moore" }, { "answer": "Clement Moore", "passage": "Moore's estate, named Chelsea, was on the west side of the island of Manhattan above Houston Street, where the developed city ended at the time. It was mostly open countryside before the 1820s. It had been owned by his maternal grandfather Maj. Thomas Clarke, a retired British veteran of the French and Indian War (the North American front of the Seven Years' War). Clarke named his house for the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London that served war veterans. The estate was later inherited by his daughter and Moore's mother, Charity Clarke Moore, and ultimately by grandson Clement Moore and his family.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.622867584228516, "source": "wiki", "title": "Clement Clarke Moore" }, { "answer": "Clement Clarke Moore", "passage": "*Clement Clarke Moore Park, located at 10th Avenue and 22nd Street in Chelsea, is named after Moore. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.202108383178711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Clement Clarke Moore" } ]
The wickedest man in the world, Dr. Simon Bar Sinister is the man antagonist in what TV cartoon?
{ "aliases": [ "Underdog (single)", "Underdogs (2013 film)", "Underdog", "The Underdog", "Underdogs (film)", "Underdog (disambiguation)", "Underdog (album)", "Underdogs (disambiguation)", "Underdog (song)", "Underdogs" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "underdog album", "underdog", "underdogs film", "underdog disambiguation", "underdog song", "underdog single", "underdogs disambiguation", "underdogs 2013 film", "underdogs" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "underdog", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Underdog" }
[ { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Dr. Simon Bar Sinister is the main antagonist in the Underdog cartoon show. Simon was the wickedest man in the world, and it was his ambition to rule the world, but each time, Underdog defeated him.", "precise_score": 10.011393547058105, "rough_score": 10.223255157470703, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "In the 2007 live-action film adaptation, he is portrayed by Peter Dinklage. In the movie, Bar Sinister was originally a geneticist for a company in Capital City, using dogs as test subjects for the betterment of mankind. But after being laughed at by the mayor after attempting to have his research expanded to law enforcement, Bar Sinister began his work to create a super-power formula to get revenge and he took away Underdog's superpowers and put them in little blue pills and fed them to German shepherds and was sent to jail for his crimes. However, the incident resulted in the destruction of his lab that not only caused scarring of his forehead, the loss of some of his hair, and a limp in his right leg, but created Underdog.", "precise_score": 1.7005035877227783, "rough_score": -4.557643413543701, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"The Phoney Booths\": Replaces phone booths with Phoney Booths to brainwash people who use the booths. Underdog is also the victim of Simon Bar Sinister's phoney booths, but Underdog overcomes Simon's power, and destroys Simon's evil phone booths and Simon and Cad are once again sent to jail.", "precise_score": 0.263837069272995, "rough_score": -7.197137355804443, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"The Tickle Feather Machine\": After the narrator makes reference to Simon's previous failed inventions to conquer the world (the Shrinking Water, the Weather Machine, the Snow Gun and the Forget-Me-Net, respectively), Simon decides to run for dictator, but quickly realizes nobody will vote for him since he's the most wicked person in the world. So Simon and Cad must vote for Simon themselves and prevent others from voting. He invents the Tickle Feather Machine to make people laugh so hard, they won't vote against him. After firing the Tickle Feather on Underdog and Sweet Polly, he and Cad vote for him for dictator and threatened a cook, a banker, a construction worker, and Sweet Polly to do whatever he says. It may look as though Simon was legally elected, but he wasn't. Underdog found info that Sweet Polly revealed on the television like Simon Bar Sinister and Cad are convicted criminals and they weren't registered to vote. This caused those that Simon threatened with the Tickle Feather Machine to turn against him as Underdog disposes of the Tickle Feathers.", "precise_score": -0.21792207658290863, "rough_score": -4.293351173400879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Underdog is voiced by Wally Cox in the television cartoon. In the film adaptation, he is voiced by Jason Lee and portrayed onscreen by a lemon beagle named Leo sporting a red sweater and a blue cape.", "precise_score": -5.924084186553955, "rough_score": -7.437541484832764, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Sweet Polly Purebred is a female anthropomorphic dog TV news reporter and Underdog's love interest; she serves as the damsel in distress of most episodes. When being pursued by an antagonist, Polly is apt to start singing, \"Oh where oh where has my Underdog gone\", in a whiny voice, hoping for the object of her affections to come and rescue her. Polly's face is slightly similar to that of Underdog's, with a large muzzle and nose, she wears her platinum blonde hair styled in a pageboy, and her wardrobe consists of a black skirt, white shirt, red sweater, and black high-heels. In a few episodes it is hinted that Polly shows her love for Underdog. For example, in the episode \"March of the Monsters\", she is caught by a robot and calls for Underdog. He then saves Polly, but after Underdog uses his sci-fi noise and breaks all the glass, the townspeople complain about his noise. However, Polly defends the hero and tells the people they should thank him for saving everyone from the robots. She then goes to reward Underdog with a big kiss, but the hero backs away and flies off. Also, in the episode \"The Vacuum Gun\", when Polly is caught by Simon Barsinister's vacuum gun, she calls for Underdog, and her song annoys Simon. Later in the episode, she retrieves Underdog's ring.", "precise_score": -4.91787052154541, "rough_score": -7.037936687469482, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Dan Unger is Jack's father. He was once a police officer, but quit the force after his wife passed on and is currently working as a security guard at the scientific institute where Simon Bar Sinister hid out during the after hours. Simon and Cad later captured him in order to lure Jack and Underdog to them. After Simon Bar Sinister fed an antidote pill to Underdog and left to forcefully negotiate with the Mayor, Dan learned that Shoeshine was Underdog. After Underdog freed the Mayor, Dan was reinstated and promoted by the Mayor and helped Underdog arrest Simon while Underdog buried a bomb Cad placed on the roof. Dan was later seen placing Simon into solitary confinement where Cad was also held.", "precise_score": 0.5594379901885986, "rough_score": -6.475076675415039, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Riff Raff is an anthropomorphic wolf gangster. He leads an unnamed gang that often carry out various crime waves until they are stopped by Underdog. In \"The Vacuum Gun,\" Riff Raff and his gang were among the criminals that were recruited by Simon Bar Sinister.", "precise_score": 1.3814176321029663, "rough_score": -7.573767185211182, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Batty-Man was later freed from prison by Simon Bar Sinister. He, along with Riff Raff and Slippery Eel were enlisted to help Simon with his Vacuum Gun plan which Underdog later stopped.", "precise_score": 2.54012393951416, "rough_score": -2.5892534255981445, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"Go Snow\": Invents the Snow Gun to turn people into snowmen and snowwomen. After he snowed Underdog into submission, Underdog managed to defrost himself and then flew around in circles, making Simon and Cad too dizzy to continue their plan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.84644889831543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"The Big Shrink\": Desires to be the biggest man in the world, so he invents Pure Distilled Shrinking Water to shrink people to the size of his thumb. After using the shrinking chemical on Underdog and Sweet Polly, he uses his Rainmaking Machine to make it rain Shrinking Water all over the city, and he even shrinks Cad. Underdog, Polly and the townspeople shrink him to the size of a flea and tickle him into telling them the cure to the shrinking water. After Simon tells the townspeople the cure, he and Cad are sent to jail.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.915285110473633, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"Weathering the Storm\": Invents the Weather Machine to distort the Earth's weather patterns, but finds out he can't use the Weather Machine against Earth if he's on Earth. Cad points out they could use the Weather Machine if they weren't on the Earth. Simon and Cad spoil the Moon launch at Cape Canaveral by stealing a spacecraft with Sweet Polly as their prisoner after incapacitating the astronauts who were supposed to go with Sweet Polly. Sensing the danger, General Brainley, in charge of organizing the Moon launch, sent word for Underdog. Simon warns that if Underdog were to go to the moon, to harm Simon, Sweet Polly would be harmed. While Simon demonstrates the Weather Machine's powers, he creates a flood, which floods the Capitol Building, but Underdog makes a built-in drain, sending the flood out to sea. Then, Simon creates a lightning storm, but Underdog throws the lightning bolt into the sky. Then, Simon tries a tornado, but Underdog stops it with his atomic breath. Simon, after listening to one of Cad's suggestions, threatens to press all the keys on his Weather Machine unless the Earth agrees to make Simon dictator, and the world leaders have one hour to decide. Underdog knew it would be impossible for him to stop tornados, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and many other natural disasters all at once, and even if Simon spotted Underdog nearing the Moon, he would press all the keys on the Weather Machine and destroy the Earth, with Sweet Polly, too. Underdog turns invisible and defeats Simon and Cad, destroys the Weather Machine, rescues Sweet Polly and returns Simon, Cad, Polly, and the spaceship to Earth where Simon and Cad will be sent to jail.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.309097290039062, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"The Forget-Me-Net\": Invents a net to erase the memories of others. He planned to use the net on Underdog by robbing a jewelry store and a toy store, but Underdog was busy taming a typhoon and stopping a band of pirates. So, he decides to kidnap Sweet Polly and use the net on Underdog, erasing Polly's memory in the process. After using the net on Underdog, he realizes the cure to the net's effects is if the victim hears his or her name, so he disguises Underdog as an elderly woman who sells apples, and then plans to erase the memories of all the people in Washington D.C. Underdog and Polly regain their memories and stop Simon and Cad by using the Forget-Me-Net against them, causing both Simon and Cad to forget who they are.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.686845779418945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"Simon Says 'No Thanksgiving \": He plans to make himself master of the city with an army consisting of 3 airplanes, 3 tanks and 12 soldiers. Sweet Polly overheard it and the police that she informed of this laughed at the fact of Simon using 3 airplanes, 3 tanks, and 12 soldiers. He planned it on the same day of the Thanksgiving Day parade and was disappointed at that. Cad points out if Simon's plan fails, he and Cad will be laughingstocks of the city. So he plans to go back in time and destroy Thanksgiving by having the Indians fight the Pilgrims. With that done, he'll be able to push the buttons on Main Street locking every door in the city and he'll be able to carry out his plan. Underdog and Polly as usual foiled his plan. When his army started the attack, they were quickly arrested and Simon was the laughingstock of the city.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.486635208129883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"The Big Dipper\": Invents the Big Dipper Machine to steal every water reservoir in the world, including oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, lagoons, ponds, and swimming pools. Underdog stops Simon from dipping all the water in the world, and Underdog restores all the water to everybody, and Simon and Cad are sent to jail again.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.600226402282715, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"Simon Says 'Be My Valentine \": Uses his Valentine Vault to turn others into Valentine cards. Simon and his thugs intended to use the Valentine Vault on Underdog, but first they needed Sweet Polly as the bait. When Underdog arrived to rescue Polly, he was turned into a Valentine that Simon was going to use for a dartboard. When Simon and his thugs left the lab to use the Valentine Vault on the Mayor and the City's Officials, Underdog broke free of his Valentine Prison using his Super Energy Pill and rescued Sweet Polly. Simon and his gang were eventually defeated and turned into Valentine Cards themselves.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.628700256347656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "* \"The Vacuum Gun\": Enlists the help of Batty-Man, Riff Raff, Electric Eel, and the gangs that each one led to pull crimes all over the world. Underdog managed to defeat them all.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.87741470336914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Simon Bar Sinister" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "This is a list of the characters in the Underdog series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.479393005371094, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Underdog is an anthropomorphic dog, who is a superhero parody of Superman and similar heroes with secret identities. The premise was that \"humble and lovable\" Shoeshine Boy, a cartoon dog, was in truth the superhero Underdog. When villains threatened, Shoeshine Boy ducked into a telephone booth where he transformed into the caped and costumed hero, destroying the booth in the process when his super powers were activated. In the live action film, he appeared as a beagle who became Jack Unger's pet. In 2008, He appeared in a Super Bowl advertisement for Coca-Cola.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.498620986938477, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Jack Unger is Underdog's human companion. He is a teenager and Dan Unger's son. His mother has died some time ago. Although Dan is very understanding, Jack's relationship with him is not very smooth. When Dan brings him the dog Shoeshine, which he found in the street, Jack first does not want him. When the dog talks to him he is understandably upset, and wonders whether he is getting crazy. However, soon he decides he wants to keep him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.117817878723145, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "After Shoeshine defends Molly (the teenage female owner of the female dog he fancies) against robbers, Jack convinces him to use his powers to fight more evil, arguing that one cannot always just do what one likes. They decide that for his superhero actions Shoeshine takes on the secret identity of \"Underdog\", using Dan's college sweater, which has a big U on it, as his hero attire.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.82719898223877, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Appearances: The Great Gold Robbery, Whistler's Father, The Gold Bricks, Pain Strikes Underdog, From Hopeless to Helpless, Just in Case, RiffRaffville, The Vacuum Gun, movie", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.133991241455078, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Appearances: The Great Gold Robbery, From Hopeless to Helpless, Riffraffville, Whistler's Father, Fearo, The Vacuum Gun, Pain Strikes Underdog", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.17639446258545, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "The Witch Doctor is one of the new members of Riff Raff's gang. He was the disguised prisoner who went with Riff Raff during the prison break. When asked by Nails, Needles, and Smitty why they should bring him along during the prison break and give him a share of the loot, Riff Raff kept telling them \"Just in Case\". When Sweet Polly Purebread ends up captured during her infiltration, Riff Raff reveals the disguised prisoner to be a Witch Doctor. When Underdog arrives, the Witch Doctor puts Underdog under a voodoo spell which was instantly broken using the Super Energy Pill.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.74544620513916, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "In \"Batty-Man\", he and his batty army have caused a crime wave nationwide. Underdog, the police, and everyone in the country were baffled because of these crime waves. The crime wave was arranged to make Underdog powerless enough so Batty-Man can't be stopped from pulling the crime of the century. Soon, Underdog found out Batty-Man was the crook behind the crime wave after Sweet Polly was taken captive. Underdog had to rescue her and had to defeat Batty Man, but failed and was captured. Batty-Man later planned to steal all the gold in Fort Knox and use them to go to Europe, by turning the gold into bowling balls. Underdog and Polly escaped before they could get turned into bowling balls and stopped Batty Man and everything was returned to its rightful owners.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.703662872314453, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "The Empress was tired of living under the sea, so she wanted to take over the dry land. The Bubblehead Scientists worked to destroy the land, using earthquakes and volcanoes, but those two evil plans were foiled by Underdog. As a result, the two scientists were fed to the Giant Clam. The third evil plot was to use a machine creating a tidal wave powerful enough to destroy the Earth. Soon, everybody around the world was aware that something peculiar was happening to the ocean. Sweet Polly Purebread, with the aid from one of the world's leading scientists, Prof. Moby Von Ahab (name being a take-off on Captain Ahab and Moby Dick), investigated what was happening under the sea, but were eventually captured and tossed into the Giant Clam. Underdog got word that his friends were held captive, and rescued Sweet Polly and the Professor and destroyed the Tidal Wave machine.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.62997055053711, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Irving and Ralph are a Two-Headed Dragon that are known as the legendary enemies in the community of the planet Zot. For every task they do, they do it with teamwork, as noted by the quote \"Teamwork! Teamwork! That's what counts!\". When they attacked while Underdog was to forcibly wed to Glissando, Princess of Zot, Underdog easily defeated them and they promised never to bother Zot's inhabitants again. Upon their defeat, Underdog was allowed to return home to Earth, knowing that he had helped Glissando find her future husband: Zot's prime minister.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.043533325195312, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "The Magnet Men are evil people from another planet. Underdog defeats them when they make the Earth cold.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.013345718383789, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "The Marbleheads are people made of marble. Captain Marblehead (voiced by Allen Swift) is the dictator of their planet. Captain Marblehead holds their most powerful weapon the Granite Gun that could turn anyone into solid stone and used it on Underdog but to Marblehead's shock he breaks free. Underdog defeats the Marbelheads and the Granite Gun and frees all the slaves.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.84571361541748, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "As Sweet Polly was investigating the thefts, she was captured by King Mange, and Underdog was called to rescue her, but he was succumbed to the Mole-Hole Gun, the Molemen's secret weapon. Afterwards, he was captured. King Mange threatened to destroy Sweet Polly if Underdog didn't do what Mange said. Underdog got Polly free, and had the answer to everyone's energy problems. He filled every water reservoir in the world with his Super Energy Vitamin Pills, filling the water with tremendous energy. Soon after, the citizens had enough energy to escape the Molemen attack and the Army had the strength to fight. King Mange was eventually defeated and arrested.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.82790470123291, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Appearances: Underdog vs. Overcat", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.250389099121094, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Overcat is a giant cat who was once the infamous ruler of the planet Felina. He is a bully and is very arrogant and he also has all of Underdog's powers. He is voiced by Allen Swift.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.83079719543457, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "One day on Felina, the milk wells ran dry, so Overcat stole the cows from the Earth, kidnapped Sweet Polly Purebred, and forced her to milk the cows so the giant cats of Felina can have a lifetime supply of milk. After Underdog rescued Polly and the cows, Overcat challenged Underdog to a winner-takes-all fight. Unless Underdog fought Overcat, the giant cats of Felina would destroy the Earth. As Underdog fought Overcat, it appeared Overcat had the upper-hand, but due to Overcat's size and lack of speed, Underdog came out the victor. Underdog promised the giant cats of Felina to give them milk growing from coconut trees if the giant cats banished Overcat from Felina and let the other worlds live as they pleased. Underdog carried out the promise, and all the cats were happy, because with the coconut trees, the cats won't run out of milk. After being banished from Felina, Overcat swore he would find another planet to conquer and train harder to become stronger and one day return to Earth to wipe out Underdog.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241141319274902, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Eel was the only villain who ever actually defeated Underdog, using his electrical powers and apparently killing Underdog. However, before he \"died\", Underdog requested that he not be thrown into the lake. Eel, being the villain that he was, naturally decided to throw Underdog into the lake – which drained the electricity from Underdog's body and restored him to \"life\", whereupon he polished off Eel and his gang and thus ensuring Eel is imprisoned in a glass prison.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.924077033996582, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Tap-Tap the Chiseler is a criminal that chisels jewelry, making them into smaller pieces of jewelry. He bears an amazing resemblance to Underdog, and Tap-Tap can use this advantage to impersonate Underdog. He also seems to be close friends with Riff Raff. He is voiced by George S. Irving.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.0953369140625, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "In \"From Hopeless to Helpless\", after Riff Raff stole the Hopeless Diamond, Tap-Tap was hired to help break apart the Hopeless Diamond so Riff Raff could sell it and impersonate Underdog to pull crimes all over town. Everyone, including Sweet Polly (this is the only episode in the series where even she assumed the worst about Underdog due to her being fooled by Tap-Tap and mistaking him as Underdog after he snatched her purse), thought Underdog turned to crime and he was sent to jail. Tap-Tap pulled the crimes so excellently, even Underdog was convinced he was guilty, believing he sleepwalked when the crimes were pulled. Riff Raff needed Underdog to break the Hopeless Diamond into a million pieces when Tap-Tap failed to cut it, so, they broke Underdog out of jail and told Underdog that Tap-Tap imitated him. Now knowing that Tap-Tap has been responsible for the crimes that were pulled against him, Underdog pretended to turn to crime, and when he finally retrieved the Hopeless Diamond from Riff-Raff, Mooch and Tap-Tap, he apprehended them and explained to the townspeople, including Sweet Polly, how Tap-Tap imitated him and framed him for the crimes. And so, the townspeople apologized to Underdog for the misunderstanding, and prior to the episode \"Tricky-Trap by Tap-Tap\", Tap-Tap was sent to prison.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.064302444458008, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "At that point, Tap-Tap disguised himself as Underdog and broke out of jail on the same day Underdog was visiting the prison. His plan was to purchase a bomb from a bomb factory and borrow a policeman's handcuffs. He used the handcuffs to cuff himself to Sweet Polly, and used the bomb to blow himself and Polly to bits if Underdog didn't do what he said. Underdog stopped him by melting the handcuffs with his super vision, then tackling Tap-Tap, accidentally detonating the bomb in the process. Underdog was unharmed, while Tap-Tap was left singed and dazed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.234561920166016, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "She wishes to be the most powerful being in all of Pickyoon, that is, until Underdog came. She planned to capture Sweet Polly and put Underdog in her power. She put a spell on Sweet Polly, causing her to fall asleep for 1000 Years. The Witch was the only one who knew how to break the spell (although, everybody knows the only way to break a spell is as if the hero kisses someone under the spell). If she was going to tell Underdog how to undo the spell, she forced him to perform three tasks: steal water and diamonds and help her assemble and army to conquer the world. Unless Underdog helped the Witch with those tasks, she would not break the spell that was cast on Sweet Polly. Underdog refused to accomplish the tasks, for it would make him as wicked as the Witch. But every time Underdog refused to do the tasks, the Witch reminded him that Polly would sleep for 1000 years unless he did what she said. Underdog struck water by burrowing through the depths of Pickyoon and made diamonds out of coal, and all that was left was to help the Witch conquer the world. When Underdog refused to perform the final task, he eventually got into a fight with the Witch. After the fight, the Witch disappeared forever after Underdog destroyed her broom. After destroying the Witch, Underdog awakened Polly with a kiss and the people of Pickyoon were freed from the Witch's grasp.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.749852180480957, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "Zorm is the ruler of a strange planet. He plans to take over the world, but in order to do that, he intends to keep Underdog from interfering. He sent Cron, one of his henchmen, to Earth. He put a charm around Underdog's neck, causing him to fall under his dizzy spell when he is standing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.882505416870117, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "The Cloud Men are a race of ghost-like creatures. They live on the Planet Cumulus and are led by King Cumulus Regulus (voiced by Allen Swift). When people \"interfere with them\" by \"attacking them,\" they lightning jolt them. They steal all the silver on Earth, including Underdog's ring, because all clouds need a silver lining. When Underdog and Sweet Polly head for a conveyor belt, Underdog finds his ring and takes the Underdog energy vitamin pill. Underdog defeats the Cloudmen. In the end, the Cloud Men trade gold for silver with the Earth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.69011402130127, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" }, { "answer": "Underdog", "passage": "King Cup sent his twin sons Prince Brac and Prince Bric to find someone who can bake a cake for his people after the old baker was fired for his cake not being good. The first two baking slaves they found upon King Cup firing a dart at three possible planets were a Magnet Man and an inhabitant of Zot, but they couldn't bake a cake that tasted like cake (though the Magnet Man's cake was made of metal) and were imprisoned. Then, they found Sweet Polly to be their new baking slave. Before Underdog could rescue her, Bric and Brac transformed him into a bouncing ball. Sweet Polly was forced to bake 500 cakes for the Flying Sorcerers, but her weariness from baking the other cakes made her fall into the giant mixing bowl she was using to make 500 cakes. Underdog freed himself from Bric and Brac's spell and defeated the Flying Sorcerers. At first, King Cup was upset that Underdog was bringing his baking slave home, but after vowing he wouldn't abuse others again, he received one of Sweet Polly's cake recipes so he can make a cake for his people.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.045408248901367, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Underdog characters" } ]
On December 8th, 1941, FDR delivered his famous "a date that will live in infamy" speech. To what was he referring?
{ "aliases": [ "A Date Which Will Live Infamy", "Attack on pearl harbor", "Battle of Pearl Harbor", "Raid on Pearl Harbor", "Pearl Harbor bombing", "Attacked Pearl Harbor", "Invasion of Pearl Harbor", "Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor", "December 7, 1941", "World War II/Pearl Harbor", "Pearl Harbor (attack)", "Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941", "December 7 attacks", "Attack on Pearl Harbour", "The Bombing of Pearl Harbor", "Pearl Harbor attacks", "Pearl harbor bombing", "1941 Pearl Harbor Attack", "Hawaii Operation", "Attack on Pearl Harbor", "Bombing of Pearl Harbour", "Attack of Pearl Harbor", "Pearl Harbor Attack", "Pearl Harbor bombings", "Battle of pearl harbor", "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor", "Pearl harbour attacks", "Pearl harbor bombings", "Attacks on Pearl Harbor", "Bombing of Pearl Harbor", "Pearl Harbor attack", "Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor", "The battle of pearl harbor", "Pearl Harbor is attacked", "Attack at Pearl Harbor" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "pearl harbor attack", "pearl harbor bombings", "attack at pearl harbor", "1941 pearl harbor attack", "world war ii pearl harbor", "japanese bombing of pearl harbor", "december 7 attacks", "raid on pearl harbor", "attacked pearl harbor", "attacks on pearl harbor", "battle of pearl harbor", "attack on pearl harbour", "pearl harbor attack of december 7 1941", "december 7 1941", "japanese attack on pearl harbor", "attack on pearl harbor", "hawaii operation", "pearl harbour attacks", "date which will live infamy", "bombing of pearl harbour", "pearl harbor attacks", "pearl harbor is attacked", "attack of pearl harbor", "pearl harbor bombing", "invasion of pearl harbor", "bombing of pearl harbor" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "japanese attack on pearl harbor", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor" }
[ { "answer": "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor", "passage": "As World War II loomed after 1938, with the Japanese invasion of China and the aggression of Nazi Germany, Roosevelt gave strong diplomatic and financial support to China and the United Kingdom, while remaining officially neutral. His goal was to make America the \"Arsenal of Democracy\", which would supply munitions to the Allies. In March 1941, Roosevelt, with Congressional approval, provided Lend-Lease aid to Britain and China. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which he called \"a date which will live in infamy\", Roosevelt sought and obtained the quick approval, on December 8, of the United States Congress to declare war on Japan and, a few days later, on Germany. (Hitler had already declared war on the US in support of Japan). Assisted by his top aide Harry Hopkins, and with very strong national support, he worked closely with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek in leading the Allies against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan in World War II. He supervised the mobilization of the U.S. economy to support the war effort, and also ordered the internment of 100,000 Japanese American civilians. As an active military leader, Roosevelt implemented a war strategy on two fronts that ended in the defeat of the Axis Powers and the development of the world's first nuclear bomb. His work also influenced the later creation of the United Nations and Bretton Woods. During the war, unemployment dropped to 2%, relief programs largely ended, and the industrial economy grew rapidly to new heights as millions of people moved to wartime factory jobs or entered military service. Roosevelt's health seriously declined during the war years, and he died three months into his fourth term. He is often rated by scholars as one of the top three U.S. Presidents, along with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. ", "precise_score": 2.737484931945801, "rough_score": -2.903266668319702, "source": "wiki", "title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "December 7, 1941", "passage": "The speech's \"infamy\" line is often misquoted as \"a day that will live in infamy\". However, Roosevelt quite deliberately chose to emphasize the date—December 7, 1941—rather than the day of the attack, a Sunday, which he mentioned only in the last line when he said, \"...Sunday, December 7th, 1941,...\". He sought to emphasize the historic nature of the events at Pearl Harbor, implicitly urging the American people never to forget the attack and memorialize its date. Notwithstanding, the term \"day of infamy\" has become widely used by the media to refer to any moment of supreme disgrace or evil. ", "precise_score": 7.785095691680908, "rough_score": 6.990598678588867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Infamy Speech" }, { "answer": "December 7, 1941", "passage": "Roosevelt's framing of the Pearl Harbor attack became, in effect, the standard American narrative of the events of December 7, 1941. Hollywood enthusiastically adopted the narrative in a number of war films. Wake Island, the Academy Award-winning Air Force and the films Man from Frisco (1944), and Betrayal from the East (1945), all included actual radio reports of the pre-December 7 negotiations with the Japanese, reinforcing the message of enemy duplicity. Across the Pacific (1942), Salute to the Marines (1943), and Spy Ship (1942), used a similar device, relating the progress of US–Japanese relations through newspaper headlines. The theme of American innocence betrayed was also frequently depicted on screen, the melodramatic aspects of the narrative lending themselves naturally to the movies. ", "precise_score": -1.6100187301635742, "rough_score": -6.450308322906494, "source": "wiki", "title": "Infamy Speech" }, { "answer": "December 7, 1941", "passage": "The President's description of December 7 as \"a date which will live in infamy\" was borne out; the date very quickly became shorthand for the Pearl Harbor attack in much the same way that September 11 became inextricably associated with the 2001 terrorist attacks. The slogans \"Remember December 7th\" and \"Avenge December 7\" were adopted as a rallying cry and were widely displayed on posters and lapel pins. Prelude to War (1942), the first of Frank Capra's Why We Fight film series (1942–45), urged Americans to remember the date of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, September 18, 1931, \"as well as we remember December 7th 1941, for on that date in 1931 the war we are now fighting began.\" The symbolism of the date was highlighted in a scene in the 1943 film Bombardier, in which the leader of a group of airmen walks up to a calendar on the wall, points to the date (\"December 7, 1941\") and tells his men: \"Gentlemen, there's a date we will always remember—and they'll never forget!\" ", "precise_score": 5.5652265548706055, "rough_score": 6.329151153564453, "source": "wiki", "title": "Infamy Speech" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "Sixty years later, the continuing resonance of the Infamy Speech was demonstrated following the September 11, 2001 attacks, which many commentators compared with Pearl Harbor in terms of its impact and deadliness. In the days following the attacks, author Richard Jackson notes in his book Writing the War on Terrorism: Language, Politics and Counter-terrorism that \"there [was] a deliberate and sustained effort\" on the part of the George W. Bush administration to \"discursively link September 11, 2001 to the attack on Pearl Harbor itself\", both by directly invoking Roosevelt's Infamy Speech and by re-using the themes employed by Roosevelt in his speech. In Bush's speech to the nation on September 11, 2001, he contrasted the \"evil, despicable acts of terror\" with the \"brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity\" that America represented in his view. University of Washington Professor and author Sandra Silberstein draws direct parallels between the language used by Roosevelt and Bush, highlighting a number of similarities between the Infamy Speech and Bush's presidential address of September 11. Similarly, Emily S. Rosenberg notes rhetorical efforts to link the conflicts of 1941 and 2001 by re-utilizing Second World War terminology of the sort used by Roosevelt, such as using the term \"axis\" to refer to America's enemies (as in \"Axis of Evil\").", "precise_score": -0.30797621607780457, "rough_score": -0.08624479174613953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Infamy Speech" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "There were numerous historical precedents for unannounced military action by Japan. However, the lack of any formal warning, particularly while negotiations were still apparently ongoing, led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim December 7, 1941, \"a date which will live in infamy\". Because the attack happened without a declaration of war and without explicit warning, the attack on Pearl Harbor was judged by the Tokyo Trials to be a war crime. ", "precise_score": 5.979916095733643, "rough_score": 1.345409870147705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attacked Pearl Harbor", "passage": "** December 7, 1941: The Day The Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor – a recollection of the attack as narrated by eyewitnesses.", "precise_score": -3.350644826889038, "rough_score": -6.245097637176514, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "Roosevelt and Churchill conducted a highly secret bilateral meeting in Argentia, Newfoundland, and on August 14, 1941, drafted the Atlantic Charter, conceptually outlining global wartime and postwar goals. All the Allies endorsed it. This was the first of several wartime conferences; Churchill and Roosevelt would meet ten more times in person. In July 1941, Roosevelt had ordered Secretary of War Henry Stimson, to begin planning for total American military involvement. The resulting \"Victory Program\" provided the Army's estimates necessary for the total mobilization of manpower, industry, and logistics to defeat Germany and Japan. The program also planned to dramatically increase aid to the Allied nations and to have ten million men in arms, half of whom would be ready for deployment abroad in 1943. Roosevelt was firmly committed to the Allied cause, and these plans were formulated before Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.944467544555664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor", "passage": "The great majority of scholars have rejected the conspiracy thesis that Roosevelt, or any other high government officials, knew in advance about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese had kept their secrets closely guarded. Senior American officials were aware that war was imminent, but they did not expect an attack on Pearl Harbor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.228072166442871, "source": "wiki", "title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "Roosevelt expertly employed one of the three terms defined by the ancient Sophists as essential to their definition of rhetoric. Coming from over two thousand years ago, the idea of kairos, which relates to speaking in a timely manner, makes this speech powerful and rhetorically important. Delivering his speech on the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt presented himself as immediately ready to face this issue, indicating its importance to both him and the nation. As Campbell notes in Deeds Done in Words: Presidential Rhetoric and the Genres of Governance, war rhetoric is similar to inaugural rhetoric in that the speaker utilizes their speech to inform their audience that now is the necessary time for them to take charge. In this sense, the timing of the speech in coordination with Roosevelt’s powerful war rhetoric allowed the immediate and almost unanimous approval of Congress to go to war. Essentially, Roosevelt’s speech and timing extended his executive powers to not only declaring war but also making war, a power that constitutionally belongs to Congress.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.567298889160156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Infamy Speech" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "The attack on Pearl Harbor, also known as the Battle of Pearl Harbor, the Hawaii Operation or Operation AI by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, and Operation Z during planning, was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory, on the morning of December 7, 1941. The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.726666450500488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "Preliminary planning for an attack on Pearl Harbor to protect the move into the \"Southern Resource Area\" (the Japanese term for the Dutch East Indies and Southeast Asia generally) had begun very early in 1941 under the auspices of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, then commanding Japan's Combined Fleet. He won assent to formal planning and training for an attack from the Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff only after much contention with Naval Headquarters, including a threat to resign his command. Full-scale planning was underway by early spring 1941, primarily by Rear Admiral Ryunosuke Kusaka, with assistance from Captain Minoru Genda and Yamamoto's Deputy Chief of Staff, Captain Kameto Kuroshima. The planners studied the 1940 British air attack on the Italian fleet at Taranto intensively.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.012715339660645, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "By late 1941, many observers believed that hostilities between the U.S. and Japan were imminent. A Gallup poll just before the attack on Pearl Harbor found that 52% of Americans expected war with Japan, 27% did not, and 21% had no opinion. While U.S. Pacific bases and facilities had been placed on alert on many occasions, U.S. officials doubted Pearl Harbor would be the first target; instead, they expected the Philippines would be attacked first. This presumption was due to the threat that the air bases throughout the country and the naval base at Manila posed to sea lanes, as well as to the shipment of supplies to Japan from territory to the south. They also incorrectly believed that Japan was not capable of mounting more than one major naval operation at a time. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.005887985229492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attacked Pearl Harbor", "passage": "As the first wave planes approached Oahu, they encountered and shot down several U.S. aircraft. At least one of these radioed a somewhat incoherent warning. Other warnings from ships off the harbor entrance were still being processed or awaiting confirmation when the attacking planes began bombing and strafing. Nevertheless, it is not clear any warnings would have had much effect even if they had been interpreted correctly and much more promptly. The results the Japanese achieved in the Philippines were essentially the same as at Pearl Harbor, though MacArthur had almost nine hours warning that the Japanese had already attacked Pearl Harbor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.329687118530273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "The first aerial photographs of the attack on Pearl Harbor were taken by Lee Embree, who was aboard a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress en route from Hamilton Field, California, to the Philippines. Lee's 38th Reconnaissance Squadron had scheduled a refueling stop at Hickam Field at the time of the attack.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.089503288269043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "File:Aboard a Japanese carrier before the attack on Pearl Harbor.jpg|Crew members aboard Shōkaku launching the attack.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.37865161895752, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "December 7, 1941", "passage": "File:Zero Akagi Dec1941.jpg|A Japanese Mitsubishi A6M2 \"Zero\" fighter airplane of the second wave takes off from the aircraft carrier Akagi on the morning of December 7, 1941.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.271974563598633, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "File:Akagi Aichi D3A Pearl Harbor.jpg|An Aichi D3A Type 99 kanbaku (dive bomber) launches from the Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi to participate in the second wave during the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.255513191223145, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "The attack was an initial shock to all the Allies in the Pacific Theater. Further losses compounded the alarming setback. Japan attacked the Philippines hours later (because of the time difference, it was December 8 in the Philippines). Only three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the battleships Prince of Wales and Repulse were sunk off the coast of Malaya, causing British Prime Minister Winston Churchill later to recollect \"In all the war I never received a more direct shock. As I turned and twisted in bed the full horror of the news sank in upon me. There were no British or American capital ships in the Indian Ocean or the Pacific except the American survivors of Pearl Harbor who were hastening back to California. Over this vast expanse of waters Japan was supreme and we everywhere were weak and naked\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.803999900817871, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "One further consequence of the attack on Pearl Harbor and its aftermath (notably the Niihau Incident) was that Japanese American residents and citizens were relocated to nearby Japanese-American internment camps. Within hours of the attack, hundreds of Japanese American leaders were rounded up and brought to high-security camps such as Sand Island at the mouth of Honolulu harbor and Kilauea Military Camp on the island of Hawaii. Later, over 110,000 Japanese Americans, including United States citizens, were removed from their homes and transferred to internment camps in California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Texas. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241917610168457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Pearl Harbor Attack", "passage": "The attack also had international consequences. The Canadian province of British Columbia, bordering the Pacific Ocean, had long had a large population of Japanese immigrants. Pre-war tensions were exacerbated by the Pearl Harbor attack, leading to a reaction from the Government of Canada. On February 24, 1942, Order-in-Council P.C. no. 1486 was passed under the War Measures Act allowing for the forced removal of any and all Canadians of Japanese descent from British Columbia, as well as the prohibiting from them returning to the province. The Japanese-Canadians were given a choice: either be moved into internment camps or be deported back to Japan. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.538009643554688, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "The Zero flown by Petty Officer Shigenori Nishikaichi of Hiryu was damaged in the attack on Wheeler, so he flew to the rescue point on Niihau. The aircraft was further damaged on landing. Nishikaichi was helped from the wreckage by one of the native Hawaiians, who, aware of the tension between the United States and Japan, took the pilot's maps and other documents. The island's residents had no telephones or radio and were completely unaware of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Nishikaichi enlisted the support of three Japanese-American residents in an attempt to recover the documents. During the ensuing struggles, Nishikaichi was killed and a Hawaiian civilian was wounded; one collaborator committed suicide, and his wife and the third collaborator were sent to prison.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.212368965148926, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "December 7, 1941", "passage": "Today, the USS Arizona Memorial on the island of Oahu honors the dead. Visitors to the memorial reach it via boats from the naval base at Pearl Harbor. The memorial was designed by Alfred Preis, and has a sagging center but strong and vigorous ends, expressing \"initial defeat and ultimate victory\". It commemorates all lives lost on December 7, 1941. Although December 7 is known as Pearl Harbor Day, it is not a federal holiday in the United States. The nation does however pay homage remembering the thousands injured and killed when attacked by the Japanese in 1941. Ceremonies are held annually at Pearl Harbor itself, attended each year by some of the ever-dwindling number of elderly veterans who were there on the morning of the attack. Schools and other establishments in some places around the country lower the American flag to half-staff out of respect. The naval vessel where the war ended on September 2, 1945—the last U.S. Navy battleship ever built, —is now a museum ship moored in Pearl Harbor, with its bow barely 1,000 feet (300 meters) southwest of the Arizona memorial.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.713187217712402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "The Bombing of Pearl Harbor", "passage": "Films set at or around the bombing of Pearl Harbor include:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.162646293640137, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor", "passage": "* Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970), a Japan-U.S. coproduction about the attack is \"meticulous\" in its approach to dissecting the situation leading up to the bombing. It depicts the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor from both American and Japanese points of view, with scrupulous attention to historical fact, including the U.S. use of Magic cryptanalysis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.793184280395508, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "* The Attack on Pearl Harbor: An Illustrated History by Larry Kimmett and Margaret Regis is a careful recreation of the \"Day of Infamy\" using maps, photos, unique illustrations, and an animated CD. From the early stages of Japanese planning, through the attack on Battleship Row, to the salvage of the U.S. Pacific fleet, this book provides a detailed overview of the attack.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.934088706970215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Pearl Harbor Attack", "passage": "* At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor by Gordon W. Prange is an extremely comprehensive account of the events leading up to the Pearl Harbor attack and is considered by most scholars to be the best single work about the raid. It is a balanced account that gives both the Japanese and American perspectives. Prange spent 37 years researching the book by studying documents about Pearl Harbor and interviewing surviving participants to attempt the most exhaustive account of what happened: the Japanese planning and execution, why U.S. intelligence failed to warn of it, and why a peace agreement was not attained. The book is the first in the so-called \"Prange Trilogy\" of Pearl Harbor books co-written with Donald Goldstein and Katherine Dillon, the other two being:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.101186752319336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "* Day of Infamy by Walter Lord was one of the most popular nonfiction accounts of the attack on Pearl Harbor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.451724529266357, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Pearl Harbor Attack", "passage": "* Pearl Harbor: Final Judgment by Henry C. Clausen and Bruce Lee tells of Clausen's top-secret investigation of the events leading up to the Pearl Harbor attack. Much of the information in this book was still classified when previous books were published.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.326996803283691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Attack on pearl harbor", "passage": "* [ Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy] by Percy L. Greaves, Jr. The first part provides a detailed history of pre-war U.S.-Japan relations, documenting the sources of rising tension. The second part suggests that the attack on Pearl Harbor was neither unexpected nor unprovoked.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.721627235412598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" }, { "answer": "Raid on Pearl Harbor", "passage": "* The Last Zero Fighter, released in 2012, uses interviews conducted in Japanese, in Japan, with five Japanese aviators, three of whom participated in the Pearl Harbor strike: Kaname Harada, Haruo Yoshino and Takeshi Maeda. The aviators share their personal experiences (translated into English) in regards to their personal experiences training for and executing the raid on Pearl Harbor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244699478149414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Attack on Pearl Harbor" } ]
Originally titled Your Radio Playhouse, what long running PBS radio series is hosted by Ira Glass?
{ "aliases": [ "That American Life", "Your Radio Playhouse", "This american life", "This American Life" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "this american life", "that american life", "your radio playhouse" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "this american life", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "This American Life" }
[ { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "This American Life (TAL) is an American weekly hour-long radio program produced by WBEZ and hosted by Ira Glass. It is broadcast on numerous public radio stations in the United States and internationally, and is also available as a free weekly podcast. Primarily a journalistic non-fiction program, it has also featured essays, memoirs, field recordings, short fiction, and found footage. The first episode aired on November 17, 1995, under the show's original title, Your Radio Playhouse. The series was distributed by Public Radio International until June 2014, when the program became self-distributed with Public Radio Exchange delivering new episodes to public radio stations. ", "precise_score": 6.7655744552612305, "rough_score": 6.846757888793945, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "Your Radio Playhouse", "passage": "Originally titled Your Radio Playhouse, a local show on WBEZ, the program's name was changed beginning with the March 21, 1996 episode. It was picked up nationally by PRI in June 1996. The reference to each segment of the show as an \"act\" is a holdover from its original \"playhouse theme\". The program helped launch the literary careers of many, including contributing editor Sarah Vowell and essayists David Rakoff and David Sedaris.", "precise_score": 3.936429262161255, "rough_score": 3.787601947784424, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "The show also removed three stories by Stephen Glass (no relation to Ira Glass) in the week following the retraction of the Daisey episode due to less-than-truthful content. These were noted to have been previously removed, but had resurfaced in episode streams due to a website redesign. Though the segments are cut from the streams of the episodes, the transcript of the contents were kept accessible on the This American Life website. These were from the episodes \"57: Delivery\", \"79: Stuck in the wrong decade\", and \"86: How to take money from strangers\". ", "precise_score": -2.622122287750244, "rough_score": -7.775473117828369, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On June 7, 2014, This American Life recorded a fourth live event titled The Radio Drama Episode. Contributors included Carin Gilfry, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mike Birbiglia, Joshua Bearman, and Sasheer Zamata. The episode was broadcast on radio and the podcast on June 20, 2014.", "precise_score": -6.351583003997803, "rough_score": -7.464890956878662, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Ira Jeffrey Glass (, born March 3, 1959) is an American public radio personality and the host and producer of the radio and television show This American Life.", "precise_score": 2.8355467319488525, "rough_score": -2.1535258293151855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On November 17, 2005, This American Life celebrated its tenth anniversary. The following week, as a special show celebrating the anniversary, the first episode, \"New Beginnings,\" was re-broadcast. Prior to this, the first episode had never been aired outside of Chicago. When the first episode was broadcast in 1995, the show was known as Your Radio Playhouse.That first episode includes interviews with talk-show host Joe Franklin and Ira's mother, as well as stories by Kevin Kelly, founding editor of Wired, and performance artist Lawrence Steger.", "precise_score": 2.680145740509033, "rough_score": -1.0190800428390503, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In September 1999, Glass collaborated on a comic book, Radio: An Illustrated Guide, with Jessica Abel. The book shows how This American Life is produced, and how to produce your own radio program.", "precise_score": -2.434920310974121, "rough_score": -7.204860687255859, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On March 22, 2007, Glass and company began airing a television version of This American Life as half-hour episodes on the Showtime network. During an interview with Patt Morrison on 89.3 KPCC, Southern California Public Radio, Glass said that he lost 30 lb for this venture. The show aired for thirteen episodes over two seasons, and ended in 2009 because of the heavy workload required to produce it. ", "precise_score": -1.581538438796997, "rough_score": -5.287780284881592, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Content varies widely by episode. Stories are often told as first-person narratives. The mood of the show ranges from gloomy to ironic, from thought-provoking to humorous. The show often addresses current events, such as Hurricane Katrina in \"After the Flood.\" Often This American Life features stories which explore aspects of human nature, such as \"Kid Logic,\" which presented pieces on the reasoning of children.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.993181228637695, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In January 2012, This American Life presented excerpts from a one-man theatre show by Mike Daisey as an exposé of conditions at a Foxconn factory in China. The episode was entitled \"Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory\" and became one of the show's most popular episodes, with 888,000 downloads and 206,000 streams. WBEZ planned to host a live showing and a Q+A of \"The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs\" in Chicago on April 7, 2012. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.339821815490723, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On March 16, 2012, This American Life officially retracted the episode after learning that several events recounted both in the radio story and the monologue were fabrications. Daisey apologized for presenting his work as journalism, saying it is actually theatre, but refused to acknowledge that he had lied—even in the face of obvious discrepancies. WBEZ canceled the planned live performance and refunded all ticket purchases. The same day, This American Life devoted their weekly show (titled \"Retraction\") to detailing the inconsistencies in \"The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs\". The show includes interviews between Rob Schmitz, the reporter who discovered the discrepancies and Daisey's translator in China, Cathy Lee, as well as an interview between host Glass and Daisey. The podcast of this episode became the most downloaded in the show's history. However, the Harper High School series broadcast in February 2013 surpassed it in number of downloads.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.091959953308105, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "This American Lifes 168th episode, \"The Fix Is In\", inspired screenwriter Scott Burns to adapt Kurt Eichenwald's book about business executive and FBI informant Mark Whitacre, titled The Informant, into a major motion picture. The film was directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Matt Damon. Glass has stated that the radio show has no financial stake in the film, but noted that he appreciated how well the movie stuck to the original facts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.125391960144043, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "This American Lifes 361st episode's, \"Fear of Sleep\", section \"Stranger in the Night\" featured an excerpt from Mike Birbiglia's one-man show, \"Sleepwalk with Me\". This inspired Glass to work with Birbiglia for two years on a movie based on this segment. The film version of Sleepwalk with Me screened at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2012, to favorable reviews, winning the \"Best of NEXT Audience Award\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.666956901550293, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "This American Life has taken the radio show on the road three times since 2000; material recorded on each of the three tours has been edited into an episode which aired on the radio shortly after the tour. Other episodes include segments recorded live.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.144061088562012, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On May 1, 2008, This American Life was the first major public media program to use digital cinema, distributing a one-hour-long program titled This American Life – Live! to select cinemas. PRI originally conceived of the idea to serve stations around the country. This American Life Live! was presented exclusively in select theatres by National CineMedia's (NCM) Fathom, in partnership with BY Experience and Chicago Public Radio, and in association with Public Radio International. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.788275241851807, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On April 23, 2009, This American Life broadcast a second theater event, titled This American Life – Live! Returning to the Scene of the Crime. Contributors included Mike Birbiglia, Starlee Kine, Dan Savage, David Rakoff, and Joss Whedon.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.389351844787598, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On May 10, 2012, This American Life broadcast a third theater event, titled Invisible Made Visible. Contributors included David Sedaris, David Rakoff, Tig Notaro, Ryan Knighton, and Mike Birbiglia, who made a short film with Terry Gross.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.563725471496582, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Since the move to MP3 files in 2006, the show has relied on an extremely lightweight Digital Rights Management system, based on security through obscurity and legal threats. While the show episodes are removed from the podcast RSS feed after a week, they remain on This American Lifes server, accessible to anyone who knows the location. On at least three different occasions, Internet users have created their own unofficial podcast feeds, deep linking to the MP3 files located on the This American Life webserver. In all three instances, the podcast feeds were removed from the Internet once representatives from Public Radio International contacted the individuals responsible for creating the feeds. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.948083877563477, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "* [ 2013] WBEZ/Chicago, IL, This American Life, for the documentary \"Harper High School\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.26943302154541, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "* [ 1996] Ira Glass, Peter Clowney, Alix Spiegel, Nancy Updike, and Dolores Wilber, WBEZ-FM Chicago, for This American Life.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.224980354309082, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "This American Life was referenced in the television series The O.C., prompting the character Summer to respond, \"Is that that show by those hipster know-it-alls who talk about how fascinating ordinary people are?\" and, with a dismissive snort, \"Gawd!\" This reference was itself repeated in a segment of the 2007 Live Tour episode, when Glass, a self-confessed shameless fan of the teen soap opera, described his experience responding to the aforementioned line. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.244465827941895, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "The Onion, a parody newspaper, published a satirical story on April 20, 2007, entitled \"This American Life Completes Documentation Of Liberal, Upper-Middle-Class Existence\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.031672477722168, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In 2011, comedy writer Julian Joslin (with Michael Grinspan) released a parody of This American Life entitled \"This American Laugh\" on YouTube, wherein a fictional Glass makes a sex tape with Fresh Air's Terry Gross. The spoof was viewed over 100,000 times in one week but was met with a cool reception by Glass himself. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.563007354736328, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Fred Armisen parodied Ira Glass for a skit on Saturday Night Lives \"Weekend Update\" in 2011. The skit was cut from the show on the grounds that Ira Glass was \"not famous enough\" to be parodied on Saturday Night Live. Glass then invited Armisen to impersonate him as a guest co-host for an episode of This American Life in January 2013. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.462752342224121, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "That American Life", "passage": "In 2013, Stanley Chase III, Mickey Dwyer, Ken Fletcher, and Matt Gifford launched the parody podcast That American Life on iTunes, which is hosted by \"Ira Class\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.617897987365723, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In two episodes of Season 1 of Orange Is the New Black, Robert Stanton portrays a radio personality, Maury Kind who hosts an NPR show called Urban Tales, a fictional portrayal of This American Life. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.764562606811523, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "The 2014 motion picture Veronica Mars depicts the character of Stosh \"Piz\" Piznarski working at This American Life. Host Ira Glass appears in a cameo role as himself, and many This American Life staffers appear in background roles. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.797918319702148, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Some of the show's episodes are accompanied by multimedia downloads available on This American Lifes website. For example, a cover version of the Elton John song \"Rocket Man\" was produced for episode 223, \"Classifieds\", and released as an MP3.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.987665176391602, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Four two-disc CD sets collecting some of the producers' favorite acts have been released: Lies, Sissies, and Fiascoes: The Best of This American Life was released on May 4, 1999; Crimebusters + Crossed Wires: Stories from This American Life was released on November 11, 2003; Davy Rothbart: This American Life was released in 2004; and Stories of Hope and Fear was released on November 7, 2006.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.128463745117188, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Glass had a cameo appearance in the 22nd season premiere of The Simpsons, entitled \"Elementary School Musical\". Lisa plays This American Life on her iPod and Glass introduces the theme of the show, \"Today in Five Acts: Condiments\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.480172157287598, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In the American Dad! episode, \"Honey, I'm Homeland,\" Ira Glass provides his own voice when members of an Occupy group kidnap Stan after he tries to infiltrate their group. To brainwash him, they play This American Life for him while in captivity in which Ira talks about a dog and his owner, who also happens to be a dog. Stan objects to Ira's pauses between lines, questioning why they are necessary if he already has them written down in front of him. When Stan has been fully brainwashed and is released, he continues to listen to Ira as he touts the benefits of paying for radio.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.56007194519043, "source": "wiki", "title": "This American Life" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Since 1995, he has hosted and produced This American Life, from WBEZ and its parent company, Chicago Public Media. The show was syndicated nationally in June 1996 by Public Radio International and has been national ever since. PRI was eager to take on the program, even as NPR passed on it. Chicago Public Media announced it would begin self-distribution of \"This American Life\" starting July 1, 2014, through Public Radio Exchange (PRX). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.437434196472168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "This American Life reaches more than 1.7 million listeners on more than 500 stations weekly, with an average listening time of 48 minutes. Glass can be heard in all but four episodes. In July 2013, the 500th show was aired.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.572232246398926, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In May 2009, the This American Life radio show episode \"Return to the Scene of the Crime\" was broadcast live to more than 300 movie theaters.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.630720138549805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "In 2006, he served as one of the executive producers of the feature film Unaccompanied Minors. It is based on the true story of what happened to This American Life contributing editor Susan Burton and her sister Betsy at an airport on the day before Christmas. Burton had already produced a segment on This American Life about the same experience before the story was adapted to film.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.118202209472656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "For Valentine's Day 2014, for American users only, Glass provided the introduction for an interactive Google logo on the search engine's homepage. Each candy heart on which the user clicked played a different short story of unusual love, in the same style as This American Life.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.723607063293457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "On May 18, 2012, Glass gave the commencement address for the Goucher College class of 2012 graduation ceremony, where he also received an honorary degree. On September 17, 2012, Glass made a special voice appearance on The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert to promote Mike Birbiglia's film Sleepwalk with Me, and to invite Colbert to take part in a This American Life episode.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.462699890136719, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" }, { "answer": "This American Life", "passage": "Glass has stated on This American Life that he is a staunch atheist. \"It's not like I don't feel like I'm a Jew. I feel like I don't have a choice about being a Jew. Your cultural heritage isn't like a suitcase you can lose at the airport. I have no choice about it. It is who I am. I can't choose that. It's a fact of me\", Glass begins. \"But even when I was 14 or 15, it didn't make that much sense to me that there was this Big Daddy who created the world and would act so crazy in the Old Testament. That we made up these stories to make ourselves feel good and explain the world seems like a much more reasonable explanation. I've tried to believe in God but I simply don't.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.016677856445312, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ira Glass" } ]
What famous 1898 volunteer military unit was named after the members of Buffalo Bill's famous Wild West show?
{ "aliases": [ "Roosevelt's Rough Riders" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "roosevelt s rough riders" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "roosevelt s rough riders", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Roosevelt's Rough Riders" }
[ { "answer": "Roosevelt's Rough Riders", "passage": "The 9th and 10th formed a core around which volunteer units were attached in the Cavalry Division (Dismounted) under Major General Joseph Wheeler and were in the 1st Brigade under Brigadier General Samuel S. Sumner. The 1st Brigade also included the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry which was commonly known as \"Roosevelt's Rough Riders\".Samuel Sumner was in command of the division when the battle began as General Wheeler was ill. Wheeler returned to the front once the battle was underway.Longacre, Edward G. A Soldier to the Last: Major General Joseph Wheeler in Blue and Gray: 2006 p.227", "precise_score": -6.0031633377075195, "rough_score": -8.195189476013184, "source": "wiki", "title": "10th Cavalry Regiment (United States)" } ]
Following a year trial, Seattle resident Amanda Knox had her fate decided at the hands of an Italian jury. How did they find her?
{ "aliases": [ "Guilty (disambiguation)", "Guilty (album)", "Guilty (song)", "The Guilty", "Guilty (single)", "Guilty (film)", "Guilty", "Guilty (Album)", "GUILTY", "Guilty (EP)", "The Guilty (film)", "Guilty(album)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "guilty single", "guilty song", "guilty ep", "guilty disambiguation", "guilty album", "guilty film", "guilty" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "guilty", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Guilty" }
[ { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "Pre-trial publicity in Italian media portrayed Knox in a negative light, leading to complaints that the prosecution was using character assassination tactics. A guilty verdict at Knox's initial trial and her 26-year sentence caused international controversy, as U.S. forensic experts thought evidence at the crime scene was incompatible with her involvement. A prolonged legal process, including a successful prosecution appeal against her acquittal at a second-level trial, continued after Knox was freed in 2011. On March 27, 2015, Italy's highest court—the Supreme Court of Cassation—definitively exonerated Knox and Sollecito. Knox's conviction for Calunnia against her employer was upheld by all courts. On January 14, 2016 Knox was acquitted of Calunnia for saying she had been struck by policewomen during the interrogation. ", "precise_score": 3.0307693481445312, "rough_score": 3.783898115158081, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" }, { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "In 2009 Knox and Sollecito pleaded not guilty at a Corte d'Assise on charges of murder, sexual assault, carrying a knife, simulating a burglary, theft of 300 euros, two credit cards and two mobile phones. There was no charge in relation to Kercher's missing keys to the entry door and her own bedroom door, although Guede's trial judgement said he had not stolen anything. Knox was accused of falsely implicating Lumumba and charged with Calunnia, which under Italian law is knowingly blaming someone for a crime that they didn't commit. ", "precise_score": 0.756046712398529, "rough_score": -3.71783709526062, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" }, { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "A defendant who gives evidence is not given an oath, because he or she is not considered to be a witness. The settled verdict of another court can be used without collaboration to support circumstantial evidence; in Knox's case the official report on Guede's conviction was introduced as showing that Guede had accomplices. If the Supreme Court grants an appeal against a guilty verdict, it usually sends the case back to be re-heard. It can also dismiss the prosecution case, although this is rare.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.48243522644043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" }, { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "A Corte d'Assise verdict of guilty is not a definitive conviction. What is in effect a new trial, Corte d'Assise d'Appello, reviews the case. The appeal (or second grade) trial began November 2010 and was presided over by Judges Claudio Pratillo Hellmann and Massimo Zanetti. A court-ordered review of the contested DNA evidence by independent experts noted numerous basic errors in the gathering and analysis of the evidence, and concluded that no evidential trace of Kercher's DNA had been found on the alleged murder weapon, which police had found in Sollecito's kitchen. The review found the forensic police examination showed evidence of multiple males' DNA fragments on the bra clasp, which had been lost on the floor for 47 days, the court-appointed expert testified the context strongly suggested contamination. On October 3, 2011 Knox and Sollecito were found not guilty. Knox returned to the US. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.897300720214844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" }, { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "In an official statement giving the grounds for the acquittals, Hellmann said forensic evidence did not support the idea that Knox and Sollecito had been present at the murder. It was emphasized that Knox's first calls raised the alarm and brought the police to the house, which made the prosecution's assertion that she had been trying to delay discovery of the body untenable. Her and Sollecito's accounts failing to completely match did not constitute evidence they had given a false alibi. Discounting Curatolo's testimony as self-contradictory, the judges observed that he was a heroin addict. Having noted that there was no evidence of any phone calls or texts between Knox or Sollecito and Guede, the judges concluded there was a \"material non-existence\" of evidence to support the guilty verdicts, and that an association among Sollecito, Knox, and Guede to commit the murder was \"far from probable\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.740866661071777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" }, { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "Judge Nencini presided at the retrial, and granted a prosecution request for analysis of previously unexamined DNA sample found on a kitchen knife of Sollecito, which the prosecution alleged was the murder weapon based on the forensic police reporting that Kercher's DNA was on it, a conclusion discredited by court-appointed experts at the appeal trial. When the unexamined sample was tested, no DNA belonging to Kercher was found. On January 30, 2014, Knox and Sollecito were found guilty. In their written explanation the judges emphasised Guede's fast-track verdict report was a judicial reference point establishing that he had not acted alone. The Nencini verdict report said there must have been a cleanup to remove traces of Knox from the house while leaving Guede's. The report said that there had been no burglary and the signs of one were staged. It did not consider the possibility of Guede having been responsible for faking a break-in. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.166378021240234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" }, { "answer": "Guilty", "passage": "On September 7, 2015, the Court published the report on the acquittal, citing \"glaring errors,\" \"investigative amnesia,\" and \"guilty omissions,\" where a five-judge panel said that the prosecutors who won the original murder conviction failed to prove a \"whole truth\" to back up the scenario that Knox and Sollecito killed Kercher. They also stated that there were \"sensational failures\" (') in the investigation, and that the lower court had been guilty of \"culpable omissions\" () in ignoring expert testimony that demonstrated contamination of evidence. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.216848373413086, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amanda Knox" } ]
In the numbering system used in baseball scorekeeping (where the pitcher is #1, shortstop #6, etc), what position is #2?
{ "aliases": [ "Catcher's mask", "Baseball catcher", "Catcher", "Catcher(baseball)", "Catcher gear", "Personal catcher", "Catcher (baseball)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "catcher", "baseball catcher", "catcher s mask", "catcher gear", "catcher baseball", "personal catcher" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "catcher", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Catcher" }
[ { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "In baseball, the pitcher is the player who throws the baseball from the pitcher's mound toward the catcher to begin each play, with the goal of retiring a batter, who attempts to either make contact with the pitched ball or draw a walk. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the pitcher is assigned the number 1. The pitcher is often considered the most important defensive player, and as such is situated at the right end of the defensive spectrum. There are many different types of pitchers, such as the starting pitcher, relief pitcher, middle reliever, lefty specialist, setup man, and closer.", "precise_score": 3.489755630493164, "rough_score": 3.7532057762145996, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "The type and sequence of pitches chosen depend upon the particular situation in a game. Because pitchers and catchers must coordinate each pitch, a system of hand signals is used by the catcher to communicate choices to the pitcher, who either vetoes or accepts by shaking his head or nodding. The relationship between pitcher and catcher is so important that some teams select the starting catcher for a particular game based on the starting pitcher. Together, the pitcher and catcher are known as the battery.", "precise_score": -4.1301774978637695, "rough_score": -5.01543664932251, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "Other than the catcher, pitchers and other fielders wear very few pieces of equipment. In general the ball cap, baseball glove and cleats are equipment used. Currently there is a new trend of introducing a pitcher helmet to provide head protection from batters hitting line drives back to the pitcher. As of January 2014, MLB approved a protective pitchers cap which can be worn by any pitcher if they choose. San Diego Padres relief pitcher, Alex Torres was the first player in MLB to wear the protective cap. ", "precise_score": -6.723072052001953, "rough_score": -5.6048994064331055, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "# Catcher (C)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.628093719482422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Baseball scorekeeping" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "* If in another inning, a baserunner is caught stealing second base, the basepath between first and second is filled-in halfway, then ended with a short stroke perpendicular to the basepath. It is then noted CS, with some scorers adding the uniform number or batting position of the batter to indicate when the runner was put out. Then the defensive combination of the put out, normally 2–4 or 2–6 for a catcher-to-second-base play, is written.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.505635261535645, "source": "wiki", "title": "Baseball scorekeeping" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "* 4th batter, #29 Bobby Estalella (the Giants' catcher) drew a walk (BB) to advance to first base. Snow remained at 2nd base.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.357125282287598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Baseball scorekeeping" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "* CS2(26): runner caught stealing 2B (catcher to shortstop)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.684019088745117, "source": "wiki", "title": "Baseball scorekeeping" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "* 1XH(92): runner on 1B thrown out going home (right fielder to catcher)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.095061302185059, "source": "wiki", "title": "Baseball scorekeeping" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "In most cases, the objective of the pitcher is to deliver the pitch to the catcher without allowing the batter to hit the ball with the bat. A successful pitch is delivered in such a way that the batter either allows the pitch to pass through the strike zone, swings the bat at the ball and misses it, or hits the ball poorly (resulting in a pop fly or ground out). If the batter elects not to swing at the pitch, it is called a strike if any part of the ball passes through the strike zone and a ball when no part of the ball passes through the strike zone. A check swing is when the batter begins to swing, but then stops the swing short. If the batter successfully checks the swing and the pitch is out of the strike zone, it is called a ball.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.83162784576416, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "Nearly all action during a game is centered on the pitcher for the defensive team. A pitcher's particular style, time taken between pitches, and skill heavily influence the dynamics of the game and can often determine the victor. Starting with the pivot foot on the pitcher's rubber at the center of the pitcher's mound, which is 60 ft from home plate, the pitcher throws the baseball to the catcher, who is positioned behind home plate and catches the ball. Meanwhile, a batter stands in the batter's box at one side of the plate, and attempts to bat the ball safely into fair play.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.9177045822143555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "The pitcher's duty does not cease after he pitches the ball. Unlike the other fielders, a pitcher and catcher must start every play in a designated area. The pitcher must be on the pitcher's mound, with one foot in contact with the pitcher's rubber, and the catcher must be behind home plate in the catcher's box. Once the ball is in play, however, the pitcher and catcher, like the other fielders, can respond to any part of the field necessary to make or assist in a defensive play. At that point, the pitcher has several standard roles. The pitcher must attempt to field any balls coming up the middle, and in fact a Gold Glove Award is reserved for the pitcher with the best fielding ability. He must head over to first base, to be available to cover it, on balls hit to the right side, since the first baseman might be fielding them. On passed balls and wild pitches, he covers home-plate when there are runners on. Also, he generally backs up throws to home plate. When there is a throw from the outfield to third base, he has to back up the play to third base as well.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.176723957061768, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" }, { "answer": "Catcher", "passage": "Some players begin intense mechanical training at a young age, a practice that has been criticized by many coaches and doctors, with some citing an increase in Tommy John surgeries in recent years. Fleisig lists nine recommendations for preventative care of children's arms. 1) Watch and respond to signs of fatigue. 2) Youth pitchers should not pitch competitively in more than 8 months in any 12-month period. 3) Follow limits for pitch counts and days of rest. 4) Youth pitchers should avoid pitching on multiple teams with overlapping seasons. 5) Youth pitchers should learn good throwing mechanics as soon as possible: basic throwing, fastball pitching and change-up pitching. 6) Avoid using radar guns. 7) A pitcher should not also be a catcher for his/her team. The pitcher catcher combination results in many throws and may increase the risk of injury. 8) If a pitcher complains of pain in his/her elbow, get an evaluation from a sports medicine physician. 9) Inspire youth to have fun playing baseball and other sports. Participation and enjoyment of various activities will increase the youth's athleticism and interest in sports.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.668519973754883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pitcher" } ]
Who is missing: Benjamin Franklin, Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Jackson, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln?
{ "aliases": [ "President George Washington", "Georg Waschingdon", "Geo. Washington", "Washington President", "G Washington", "First President of the United States", "George Washington", "Early life of George Washington", "George Washington's early life", "G:o Washington", "Georeg washington", "George washignton", "George Washingtin", "George Washington between the wars", "George washinton", "George Washington's", "G washington", "Geogre Washington", "G. Washington", "American Fabius", "Goerge washington", "Geoge washington", "George washington between the wars", "George Washinton", "George Weashington", "1st President of the United States", "George Washington's teeth", "Washington, George", "Geo washington", "General Washington", "Indispensable Man", "The first U.S President", "General George Washington", "Georgewashington", "1st US President", "George washingtom", "George washington", "President Washington" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "g o washington", "washington george", "goerge washington", "george weashington", "first president of united states", "george washingtin", "georg waschingdon", "george washingtom", "george washinton", "1st us president", "american fabius", "geo washington", "georgewashington", "george washington between wars", "president washington", "indispensable man", "general george washington", "washington president", "george washignton", "president george washington", "george washington s early life", "g washington", "geoge washington", "george washington s", "geogre washington", "george washington", "georeg washington", "general washington", "early life of george washington", "1st president of united states", "george washington s teeth", "first u s president" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "george washington", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "George Washington" }
[ { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "When he returned home in 1785, Franklin occupied a position only second to that of George Washington as the champion of American independence. Le Ray honored him with a commissioned portrait painted by Joseph Duplessis, which now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. After his return, Franklin became an abolitionist and freed his two slaves. He eventually became president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society. ", "precise_score": -5.309137344360352, "rough_score": -8.44243049621582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Benjamin Franklin" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Benjamin Franklin is a prominent figure in American history comparable to Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, and as such he has been honored on U.S. postage stamps many times. The image of Franklin, the first Postmaster General of the United States, occurs on the face of U.S. postage more than any other notable American save that of George Washington. ", "precise_score": -0.3564324975013733, "rough_score": 1.2117401361465454, "source": "wiki", "title": "Benjamin Franklin" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Grant's body was laid to rest in Riverside Park, first in a temporary tomb, and then—twelve years later, on April 17, 1897—in the General Grant National Memorial, also known as \"Grant's Tomb\". The tomb is the largest mausoleum in North America. Attendance at the New York funeral topped 1.5 million. Ceremonies were held in other major cities around the country, and those who eulogized Grant in the press likened him to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.", "precise_score": -4.88748025894165, "rough_score": -8.44463062286377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ulysses S. Grant" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "The first recorded physical attack on a U.S. president was directed at Jackson. Jackson had ordered the dismissal of Robert B. Randolph from the navy for embezzlement. On May 6, 1833, Jackson sailed on USS Cygnet to Fredericksburg, Virginia, where he was to lay the cornerstone on a monument near the grave of Mary Ball Washington, George Washington's mother. During a stopover near Alexandria, Randolph appeared and struck the President. He fled the scene chased by several members of Jackson's party, including the well-known writer Washington Irving. Jackson decided not to press charges.", "precise_score": -7.140830039978027, "rough_score": -8.966486930847168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Andrew Jackson" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 - July 12, 1804) was a Founding Father of the United States, chief staff aide to General George Washington, one of the most influential interpreters and promoters of the U.S. Constitution, the founder of the nation's financial system, the founder of the Federalist Party, the world's first voter-based political party, the founder of the United States Coast Guard, and the founder of The New York Post newspaper. As the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was the primary author of the economic policies of the George Washington administration. Hamilton took the lead in the funding of the states' debts by the Federal government, the establishment of a national bank, a system of tariffs, and friendly trade relations with Britain. He led the Federalist Party, created largely in support of his views; he was opposed by the Democratic-Republican Party, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, which despised Britain and feared that Hamilton's policies of a strong central government would weaken the American commitment to Republicanism.", "precise_score": -2.756446599960327, "rough_score": -8.138401985168457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alexander Hamilton" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Jefferson has been memorialized with buildings, sculptures, postage, and currency. In the 1920s, Jefferson, together with George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, was chosen by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and approved by President Calvin Coolidge to be depicted in stone at the Mount Rushmore Memorial. ", "precise_score": -5.065910816192627, "rough_score": -7.460361480712891, "source": "wiki", "title": "Thomas Jefferson" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Nevertheless, Lincoln was concerned that Grant might be considering a candidacy for President in 1864, as McClellan was. Lincoln arranged for an intermediary to make inquiry into Grant's political intentions, and being assured that he had none, submitted to the Senate Grant's promotion to commander of the Union Army. He obtained Congress's consent to reinstate for Grant the rank of Lieutenant General, which no officer had held since George Washington. ", "precise_score": -4.241241455078125, "rough_score": -7.697991371154785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Lincoln" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Washington was not a member of any political party and hoped that they would not be formed, fearing conflict that would undermine republicanism. His closest advisors formed two factions, setting the framework for the future First Party System. Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton had bold plans to establish the national credit and build a financially powerful nation, and formed the basis of the Federalist Party. Secretary of the State Thomas Jefferson, founder of the Jeffersonian Republicans, strenuously opposed Hamilton's agenda, but Washington typically favored Hamilton over Jefferson, and it was Hamilton's agenda that went into effect. Jefferson's political actions, his support of Philip Freneau's National Gazette, and his attempt to undermine Hamilton, nearly led George Washington to dismiss Jefferson from his cabinet. Though Jefferson left the cabinet voluntarily, Washington never forgave him, and never spoke to him again. ", "precise_score": -6.033850193023682, "rough_score": -6.999691963195801, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Washington, together with Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and Lincoln, is depicted in stone at the Mount Rushmore Memorial. The Washington Monument, one of the best known American landmarks, was built in his honor. The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, was constructed between 1922 and 1932 with voluntary contributions from all 52 local governing bodies of the Freemasons in the United States. ", "precise_score": -5.975803375244141, "rough_score": -6.062096118927002, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Franklin appeared on the first U.S. postage stamp (displayed above) issued in 1847. From 1908 through 1923 the U.S. Post Office issued a series of postage stamps commonly referred to as the Washington-Franklin Issues where, along with George Washington, Franklin was depicted many times over a 14-year period, the longest run of any one series in U.S. postal history. Along with the regular issue stamps Franklin however only appears on a few commemorative stamps. Some of the finest portrayals of Franklin on record can be found on the engravings inscribed on the face of U.S. postage.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.664409637451172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Benjamin Franklin" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Stalwarts, led by Grant's old political ally, Roscoe Conkling, saw the ex-president's renewed popularity as a way for their faction to regain power. Opponents denounced the idea as a violation of the two-term rule that had been the norm since George Washington. Grant said nothing publicly, but he wanted the job and encouraged his men. Elihu B. Washburne urged him to run; Grant demurred, saying he would be happy for the Republicans to win with another candidate, though he preferred James G. Blaine to John Sherman. Even so, Conkling and John A. Logan began to organize delegates in Grant's favor. When the convention convened in Chicago in June, there were more delegates pledged to Grant than to any other candidate, but he was still short of a majority vote to capture the nomination.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.690582275390625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ulysses S. Grant" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Though relations between Europeans (and later Americans) and Indians were always complicated, they grew increasingly complicated once American settlements began pushing further west in the years after the American Revolution. Often these relations were peaceful, though they increasingly grew tense and sometimes violent, both on the part of American settlers and the Indians. From George Washington to John Quincy Adams, the problem was typically ignored or dealt with lightly; though by Jackson's time the earlier policy had grown unsustainable. The problem was especially acute in the south (in particular the lands near the state of Georgia), where Indian populations were larger, denser, and more Americanized than those of the north. There had developed a growing popular and political movement to deal with the problem, and out of this developed a policy to relocate certain Indian populations. Jackson, never known for timidity, became an advocate for this relocation policy in what is considered by some historians to be the most controversial aspect of his presidency. This contrasted with his immediate predecessor, President John Q. Adams, who tended to follow the policy of his own predecessors, letting the problem play itself out with minimal intervention. Jackson's presidency thus took place in a new era in Indian-Anglo American relations, marked by federal action and a policy of relocation. During Jackson's presidency, Indian relations between the Southern tribes and the state governments had reached a critical juncture.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.35710334777832, "source": "wiki", "title": "Andrew Jackson" }, { "answer": "General Washington", "passage": "Born out of wedlock, raised in the West Indies, and orphaned as a child, Hamilton pursued a college education through the help of local wealthy men. Recognized for his abilities and talent, he was sent to King's College (now Columbia University) in New York City. Hamilton played a major role in the American Revolutionary War. At the start of the war in 1775, he joined a militia company. In early 1776, he raised a provincial artillery company, to which he was appointed captain. He soon became the senior aide to General Washington, the American forces' commander-in-chief. Washington sent him on numerous important missions to tell generals what Washington wanted. After the war, Hamilton was elected to the Congress of the Confederation from New York. He resigned, to practice law, and founded the Bank of New York. Hamilton was among those dissatisfied with the weak national government. He led the Annapolis Convention, which successfully influenced Congress to issue a call for the Philadelphia Convention, in order to create a new constitution. He was an active participant at Philadelphia; and he helped achieve ratification by writing 51 of the 85 installments of The Federalist Papers, which to this day are the single most important reference for Constitutional interpretation. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.393157005310059, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alexander Hamilton" }, { "answer": "President Washington", "passage": "Hamilton became the leading cabinet member in the new government under President Washington. Hamilton was a nationalist, who emphasized strong central government and successfully argued that the implied powers of the Constitution provided the legal authority to fund the national debt, assume states' debts, and create the government-backed Bank of the United States. These programs were funded primarily by a tariff on imports, and later also by a highly controversial tax on whiskey. Facing well-organized opposition from Jefferson and Madison, Hamilton mobilized a nationwide network of friends of the government, especially bankers and businessmen. It became the Federalist Party. A major issue splitting the parties was the Jay Treaty, largely designed by Hamilton in 1794. It established friendly economic relations with Britain to the chagrin of France and the supporters of the French Revolution. Hamilton played a central role in the Federalist party, which dominated national and state politics until it lost the election of 1800 to Jefferson's Democratic Republicans.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.637651443481445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alexander Hamilton" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "George Washington's staff", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.961882591247559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alexander Hamilton" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "President George Washington appointed Hamilton as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789. He left office on the last day of January 1795. Much of the structure of the government of the United States was worked out in those five years, beginning with the structure and function of the cabinet itself. Biographer Forrest McDonald argues that Hamilton saw his office, like that of the British First Lord of the Treasury, as the equivalent of a Prime Minister; Hamilton would oversee his colleagues under the elective reign of George Washington. Washington did request Hamilton's advice and assistance on matters outside the purview of the Treasury Department. In 1791, while Secretary, Hamilton was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Hamilton submitted various financial reports to Congress. Among these are the First Report on the Public Credit, Operations of the Act Laying Duties on Imports, Report on a National Bank, On the Establishment of a Mint, Report on Manufactures, and the Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit. So, the great enterprise in Hamilton's project of an administrative republic is the establishment of stability. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.902124404907227, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alexander Hamilton" }, { "answer": "President Washington", "passage": "Strong opposition to the whiskey tax by cottage producers in remote, rural regions erupted into the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794; in Western Pennsylvania and western Virginia, whiskey was the basic export product and was fundamental to the local economy. In response to the rebellion, believing compliance with the laws was vital to the establishment of federal authority, Hamilton accompanied to the rebellion's site President Washington, General Henry \"Light Horse Harry\" Lee, and more federal troops than were ever assembled in one place during the Revolution. This overwhelming display of force intimidated the leaders of the insurrection, ending the rebellion virtually without bloodshed. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.97642707824707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alexander Hamilton" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Primarily of English ancestry, Jefferson was born and educated in Virginia. He graduated from the College of William & Mary and briefly practiced law, at times defending slaves seeking their freedom. During the American Revolution, he represented Virginia in the Continental Congress that adopted the Declaration, drafted the law for religious freedom as a Virginia legislator, and served as a wartime governor (1779–1781). He became the United States Minister to France in May 1785, and subsequently the nation's first Secretary of State in 1790–1793 under President George Washington. Jefferson and James Madison organized the Democratic-Republican Party to oppose the Federalist Party during the formation of the First Party System. With Madison, he anonymously wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1798–1799, which sought to embolden states' rights in opposition to the national government by nullifying the Alien and Sedition Acts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.076630592346191, "source": "wiki", "title": "Thomas Jefferson" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "While in France he became a regular companion of the Marquis de Lafayette, a French hero of the American Revolutionary War, and used his influence to procure trade agreements with France.Bowers, 1945, p. 328Burstein, 2010, p. 120 As the French Revolution began, Jefferson allowed his Paris residence, the Hôtel de Langeac, to be used for meetings by Lafayette and other republicans; he was in Paris during the storming of the Bastille and consulted with Lafayette while the latter drafted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Jefferson often found his mail opened by postmasters, so he invented his own enciphering device, the 'Wheel Cipher'; he wrote important communications in code for the rest of his career. Jefferson left Paris in September 1789 intending to return soon; however, President George Washington appointed him the country's first Secretary of State, forcing him to remain. Jefferson remained a firm supporter of the French Revolution while opposing its more violent elements. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.955777168273926, "source": "wiki", "title": "Thomas Jefferson" }, { "answer": "President Washington", "passage": "Jefferson supported France against Britain when the two nations fought in 1793, though his arguments in the Cabinet were undercut by French Revolutionary envoy Edmond-Charles Genêt's open scorn for President Washington. In his discussions with British Minister George Hammond, Jefferson tried unsuccessfully to persuade the British to acknowledge their violation of the Treaty of Paris, to vacate their posts in the Northwest, and to compensate the U.S. for slaves whom the British had freed at the end of the war. Seeking a return to private life, Jefferson resigned the cabinet position in December 1793, perhaps to bolster his political influence from outside the administration. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.910493850708008, "source": "wiki", "title": "Thomas Jefferson" }, { "answer": "President Washington", "passage": "In 1791, President Washington asked Jefferson, then Secretary of State, and Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, if the Congress had the authority to create a national bank. While Hamilton believed Congress had the authority, Jefferson and Madison thought a national bank would ignore the needs of individuals and farmers, and would violate the Tenth Amendment by assuming powers not granted to the federal government by the states. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.229345321655273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Thomas Jefferson" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "In surveys of U.S. scholars ranking presidents conducted since the 1940s, Lincoln is consistently ranked in the top three, often as number one. A 2004 study found that scholars in the fields of history and politics ranked Lincoln number one, while legal scholars placed him second after Washington. In presidential ranking polls conducted in the United States since 1948, Lincoln has been rated at the very top in the majority of polls: Schlesinger 1948, Schlesinger 1962, 1982 Murray Blessing Survey, Chicago Tribune 1982 poll, Schlesinger 1996, CSPAN 1996, Ridings-McIver 1996, Time 2008, and CSPAN 2009. Generally, the top three presidents are rated as 1. Lincoln; 2. George Washington; and 3. Franklin D. Roosevelt, although Lincoln and Washington, and Washington and Roosevelt, are occasionally reversed. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.216615676879883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Lincoln" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "George Washington (Contemporary records, which used the Julian calendar and the Annunciation Style of enumerating years, recorded his birth as February 11, 1731. The provisions of the British Calendar (New Style) Act 1750, implemented in 1752, altered the official British dating method to the Gregorian calendar with the start of the year on January 1 (it had been March 25). These changes resulted in dates being moved forward 11 days, and for those between January 1 and March 25, an advance of one year. For a further explanation, see Old Style and New Style dates. – , 1799) was the first President of the United States (1789–97), the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He presided over the convention that drafted the current United States Constitution and during his lifetime was called the \"father of his country\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.858119010925293, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "The first child of Augustine Washington (1694–1743) and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington (1708–1789), George Washington was born on their Pope's Creek Estate near present-day Colonial Beach in Westmoreland County, Virginia. According to the Julian calendar and Annunciation Style of enumerating years (then in use in the British Empire), Washington was born on February 11, 1731; the Gregorian calendar, adopted later within the British Empire in 1752, renders a birth date of February 22, 1732. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.919893264770508, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "G Washington", "passage": "Washington's father was the Justice of the Westmoreland County Court. Young Washington spent much of his boyhood at Ferry Farm in Stafford County near Fredericksburg. Lawrence Washington inherited another family property from his father, a plantation on the Potomac River at Little Hunting Creek, which he named Mount Vernon, in honor of his commanding officer, Admiral Edward Vernon. George inherited Ferry Farm upon his father's death and eventually acquired Mount Vernon after Lawrence's death. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.285224914550781, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "G Washington", "passage": "Washington's introduction to surveying began at an early age through school exercises that taught him the basics of the profession, followed by practical experience in the field. His first experiences at surveying occurred in the surrounding territory of Mount Vernon. Washington's first opportunity as a surveyor occurred in 1748 when he was invited to join a survey party organized by his neighbor and friend George Fairfax of Belvoir. Fairfax organized a professional surveying party to layout large tracts of land along the border of western Virginia where the young Washington gained invaluable experience in the field. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.931419372558594, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "G Washington", "passage": "The French responded by attacking and capturing Washington at Fort Necessity in July 1754. However, he was allowed to return with his troops to Virginia. Historian Joseph Ellis concludes that the episode demonstrated Washington's bravery, initiative, inexperience and impetuosity. These events had international consequences; the French accused Washington of assassinating Jumonville, who they claimed was on a diplomatic mission. Both France and Great Britain were ready to fight for control of the region and both sent troops to North America in 1755; war was formally declared in 1756. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.01353645324707, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Together the two raised her two children from her previous marriage, John Parke Custis and Martha Parke (Patsy) Custis; later the Washingtons raised two of Mrs. Washington's grandchildren, Eleanor Parke Custis and George Washington Parke Custis. George and Martha never had any children together—his earlier bout with smallpox in 1751 may have made him sterile. The newlywed couple moved to Mount Vernon, near Alexandria, where he took up the life of a planter and political figure.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.577672958374023, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "General Washington", "passage": "General Washington essentially assumed three roles during the war. First, in 1775–77, and again in 1781 he provided leadership of troops against the main British forces. Although he lost many of his battles, he never surrendered his army during the war, and he continued to fight the British relentlessly until the war's end. He plotted the overall strategy of the war, in cooperation with Congress. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.965112686157227, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "G Washington", "passage": "Washington's loss at Philadelphia prompted some members of Congress to consider removing Washington from command. This movement, termed the Conway Cabal, failed after Washington's supporters rallied behind him. Biographer Alden relates, \"it was inevitable that the defeats of Washington's forces and the concurrent victory of the forces in upper New York should be compared.\" The zealous admiration of Washington indeed inevitably waned. John Adams (never a fan of the southern delegation to the Continental Congress) wrote \"Congress will appoint a thanksgiving; and one cause of it ought to be that the glory of turning the tide of arms is not immediately due to the commander-in-chief nor to southern troops. If it had been, idolatry and adulation would have been unbounded...Now we can allow a certain citizen to be wise, virtuous, and good, without thinking him a deity or a savior.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.96452808380127, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "In the summer of 1778 George Washington ordered Major Benjamin Tallmadge to form the Culper Ring. This group was composed of select few trustworthy individuals, whose purpose was to collect information about the British movements and activities in New York City. The Ring is famous for uncovering the intentions of treason of Benedict Arnold, which shocked Washington because Arnold was someone who had contributed significantly to the war effort. Embittered by his dealings with Congress over rank and finances, as well as the alliance with France, Arnold joined the British cause; he conspired with the British in a plan to seize the post he commanded at West Point. Washington just missed apprehending him, but did capture his conspirator, Major John André, a British intelligence officer under Clinton, who was later hanged by order of a court-martial called by Washington. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.288531303405762, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "G Washington", "passage": "A total of three physicians were sent for, including Washington's personal physician Dr. James Craik along with Dr. Gustavus Brown and Dr. Elisha Dick. Craik and Brown thought that Washington had \"quinsey\" or \"quincy\", while Dick, the younger man, thought the condition was more serious or a \"violent inflammation of the throat\". By the time the three physicians finished their treatments and bloodletting of the president, there had been a massive volume of blood loss—half or more of his total blood content was removed over the course of just a few hours. Recognizing that the bloodletting and other treatments were failing, Dr. Dick proposed performing an emergency tracheotomy, a procedure that few American physicians were familiar with at the time, as a last-ditch effort to save Washington's life, but the other two doctors disapproved.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.97004508972168, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "President Washington", "passage": "In 1831, for the centennial of his birth, a new tomb was constructed to receive his remains. That year, an unsuccessful attempt was made to steal the body of Washington. Despite this, a joint Congressional committee in early 1832, debated the removal of President Washington's body from Mount Vernon to a crypt in the Capitol, built by architect Charles Bulfinch in the 1820s during the reconstruction of the burned-out structure after the British set it afire in August 1814, during the \"Burning of Washington\". Southern opposition was intense, antagonized by an ever-growing rift between North and South. Congressman Wiley Thompson of Georgia expressed the fear of Southerners when he said, \"Remove the remains of our venerated Washington from their association with the remains of his consort and his ancestors, from Mount Vernon and from his native State, and deposit them in this capitol, and then let a severance of the Union occur, and behold the remains of Washington on a shore foreign to his native soil.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.382466316223145, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Along with Martha's biological family, George Washington had a close relationship with his nephew and heir, Bushrod Washington, son of George's younger brother, John Augustine Washington. The year before his uncle's death, Bushrod became an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. George, however, apparently had difficulty getting along with his mother, Mary Ball Washington (Augustine's second wife), a very difficult and exacting woman. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.6028413772583, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "As Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, hero of the Revolution and the first president of the United States, George Washington's legacy remains among the two or three greatest in American history. Congressman Henry \"Light-Horse Harry\" Lee, a Revolutionary War comrade, famously eulogized Washington, \"First in war—first in peace—and first in the hearts of his countrymen\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.230064392089844, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "During the United States Bicentennial year, George Washington was posthumously appointed to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States by the congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 passed on January 19, 1976, with an effective appointment date of July 4, 1976. This restored Washington's position as the highest-ranking military officer in U.S. history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.381129264831543, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "The serious collection and publication of Washington's documentary record began with the pioneer work of Jared Sparks in the 1830s, Life and Writings of George Washington (12 vols., 1834–1837). The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745–1799 (1931–44) is a 37 volume set edited by John C. Fitzpatrick. It contains over 17,000 letters and documents and is available online from the University of Virginia. The definitive letterpress edition of his writings was begun by the University of Virginia in 1968, and today comprises 52 published volumes, with more to come. It contains everything written by Washington, or signed by him, together with most of his incoming letters. Part of the collection is available online from the University of Virginia. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.73661994934082, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Several naval vessels, including the USS George Washington, are named in Washington's honor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.791929244995117, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "George Washington appears on contemporary U.S. currency, including the one-dollar bill and the quarter-dollar coin (the Washington quarter).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.996853828430176, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Washington's victory over Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown was commemorated with a two-cent stamp on the battle's 150th anniversary on October 19, 1931. The 150th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution with George Washington as presiding officer was celebrated with a three-cent issue on September 17, 1937, was adapted from the painting by Julius Brutus Stearns. Washington's presidential inauguration at Federal Hall in New York City was celebrated on its 150th anniversary on April 30, 1939. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.780624389648438, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "Perhaps the best known story about Washington's childhood is that he chopped down his father's favorite cherry tree and admitted the deed when questioned: \"I can't tell a lie, Pa.\" The anecdote was first reported by biographer Parson Weems, who after Washington's death interviewed people who knew him as a child over a half-century earlier. The Weems text was very widely reprinted throughout the 19th century, for example in McGuffey Readers. Adults wanted children to learn moral lessons from history, especially as taught by example from the lives of great national heroes like Washington. After 1890 however, historians insisted on scientific research methods to validate every statement, and there was no documentation for this anecdote apart from Weems' report that he learned it from one of the neighbors who knew the young Washington. Joseph Rodman in 1904 claimed that Weems plagiarized other Washington tales from published fiction set in England, but no one has found an alternative source for the cherry tree story. Austin Washington, the great-nephew of George Washington, maintains that it is unlikely that Parson Weems, a man of the clergy, while writing an account about truth and honesty, would then turn around and outright lie about such a story. He further maintains that if Weems was making up a story he would have more dramatically depicted the young Washington 'chopping down' the cherry tree, not merely \"barking it\", (i.e.removing some if the bark). i.e.Weems never claimed the tree was chopped down. There has been much conjecture and ad hominem attacks from some historians about Weems and his story, but none have proven or disproven the story to this date. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.054884910583496, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "George Washington", "passage": "On June 22, 2012, George Washington's personal annotated copy of the \"Acts Passed at a Congress of the United States of America\" from 1789, which includes the Constitution of the United States and a draft of the Bill of Rights, was sold at Christie's for a $9,826,500 (with fees added to the final cost), to The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. This was the record for a document sold at auction.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.594470977783203, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" } ]
President Obama is not the first sitting US president to win a peace prize. Who was the first president to win a Nobel Prize?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -6.620923042297363, "rough_score": -5.609837532043457, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.341044425964355, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" } ]
The Green Bay Packers play at what storied stadium?
{ "aliases": [ "Lambeau Field", "New City Stadium", "Lambeau Leap", "Lambeau", "Lambeau leap", "Lambeau field", "Lambo Field", "The Frozen Tundra" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "new city stadium", "frozen tundra", "lambeau field", "lambo field", "lambeau leap", "lambeau" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "lambeau field", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Lambeau Field" }
[ { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "The Green Bay Packers are a professional American football team based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. They compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) North division. They are also the third-oldest franchise in the NFL, organized and starting play in 1919. It is the only non-profit, community-owned major league professional sports team based in the United States. Home games are played at Lambeau Field.", "precise_score": 5.197031021118164, "rough_score": 5.493887424468994, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "The Packers are the last vestige of \"small town teams\" common in the NFL during the 1920s and '30s. Founded in 1919 by Earl \"Curly\" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun, the franchise traces its lineage to other semi-professional teams in Green Bay dating back to 1896. Between 1919 and 1920, the Packers competed against other semi-pro clubs from around Wisconsin and the Midwest. They joined the American Professional Football Association (APFA), the forerunner of today's NFL, in 1921. Although Green Bay is by far the smallest professional sports market in North America, its local fan and media base extends 120 miles south into Milwaukee, where it played selected home games between 1933 and 1994.", "precise_score": 0.519332230091095, "rough_score": -0.58544921875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "The Green Bay Packers were founded on August 11, 1919 by former high-school football rivals Earl \"Curly\" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun. Lambeau solicited funds for uniforms from his employer, the Indian Packing Company. He was given $500 ($ today) for uniforms and equipment, on the condition that the team be named for its sponsor. The Green Bay Packers have played in their original city longer than any other team in the NFL.", "precise_score": -0.8683395385742188, "rough_score": 0.27763670682907104, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "On August 27, 1921, the Packers were granted a franchise in the new national pro football league that had been formed the previous year. Financial troubles plagued the team and the franchise was forfeited within the year, before Lambeau found new financial backers and regained the franchise the next year. These backers, known as the \"Hungry Five\", formed the Green Bay Football Corporation.", "precise_score": -2.432466506958008, "rough_score": 0.18598118424415588, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "After a near-miss in 1927, Lambeau's squad claimed the Packers' first NFL title in 1929 with an undefeated 12–0–1 campaign, behind a stifling defense which registered eight shutouts. Green Bay would repeat as league champions in 1930 and 1931, bettering teams from New York, Chicago and throughout the league, with all-time greats and future Hall of Famers Mike Michalske, Johnny (Blood) McNally, Cal Hubbard and Green Bay native Arnie Herber. Among the many impressive accomplishments of these years was the Packers' streak of 30 consecutive home games without defeat, an NFL record which still stands. ", "precise_score": -1.080642580986023, "rough_score": 2.2501156330108643, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "County Stadium was built primarily as a baseball stadium, and made only the bare minimum adjustments to accommodate football. At its height, it only seated 56,000 people, just barely above the NFL minimum; many of those seats were badly obstructed. The field was just barely large enough to fit a football field. Both teams shared the same sideline (separated by a piece of tape) and the end zones extended onto the warning track. By 1994, improvements and seating expansions at Lambeau, along with the Brewers preparing to campaign for their new stadium prompted the Packers to play their full slate in Green Bay for the first time in 62 years. Former season ticketholders for the Milwaukee package continue to receive preference for one pre-season and the second and fifth regular season games at Lambeau Field each season, along with playoff games through a lottery under the \"Gold Package\" plan. ", "precise_score": 3.634333848953247, "rough_score": -0.9350316524505615, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "1929–1931: Lambeau's team arrives", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.321039199829102, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "The arrival of end Don Hutson from Alabama in 1935 gave Lambeau and the Packers the most-feared and dynamic offensive weapon in the game. Credited with inventing pass patterns, Hutson would lead the league in receptions eight seasons and spur the Packers to NFL championships in 1936, 1939 and 1944. An iron man, Hutson played both ways, leading the league in interceptions as a safety in 1940. Hutson claimed 18 NFL records when he retired in 1945, many of which still stand. In 1951, his number 14 was the first to be retired by the Packers, and he was inducted as a charter member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1963.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.711806774139404, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "After Hutson's retirement, Lambeau could not stop the Packers' slide. He purchased a large lodge near Green Bay for team members and families to live. Rockwood Lodge was the home of the 1946-1949 Packers, though the 1947 and 1948 seasons produced a record of 12-10-1, and 1949 was even worse at 3-9. The lodge burned down on January 24, 1950, and the insurance money paid for many of the Packers' debts. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.026222229003906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "Curly Lambeau departed after the 1949 season. Gene Ronzani and Lisle Blackbourn could not coach the Packers back to their former magic, even as a new stadium was unveiled in 1957. The losing would descend to the disastrous 1958 campaign under coach Ray \"Scooter\" McLean, whose lone 1–10–1 year at the helm is the worst in Packer history. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.057249069213867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "The 1967 season was the last for Lombardi as the Packers' head coach. The NFL Championship game, a rematch of the 1966 contest against Dallas, became indelibly known as the \"Ice Bowl\" as a result of the brutal conditions at Lambeau Field. Still the coldest NFL game ever played, it remains one of the most famous football games at any level in the history of the sport. With 16 seconds left, Bart Starr's touchdown on a quarterback sneak brought the Packers a 21–17 victory and their still unequaled third straight NFL Championship. They then won Super Bowl II with a 33–14 victory over the Oakland Raiders. Lombardi stepped down as head coach after the game, and Phil Bengtson was named his successor. Lombardi remained as general manager for one season, but left in 1969 to become head coach and minority owner of the Washington Redskins.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.461125373840332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "After Lombardi died unexpectedly on September 3, 1970, a shocked NFL renamed the Super Bowl trophy the Vince Lombardi Trophy in recognition of his accomplishments with the Packers. The city of Green Bay renamed Highland Avenue in his honor in 1968, placing Lambeau Field at 1265 Lombardi Avenue ever since.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.5866167545318604, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "From 2001 to 2004, Sherman coached the Packers to respectable regular-season success, led by the spectacular play of Brett Favre, Ahman Green, and a formidable offensive line. But Sherman's teams faltered in the playoffs. Prior to 2003, the Packers had never lost a home playoff game since the NFL instituted a post-season in 1933 (they were 13–0, with 11 of the wins at Lambeau and two more in Milwaukee.). That ended January 4, 2003, when the Atlanta Falcons defeated the Packers 27–7 in an NFC Wild Card game. The Packers would also lose at home in the playoffs to the Minnesota Vikings two years later.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2788851261138916, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "The Packers have been World Champions a record 13 times, topping their nearest rival, the Chicago Bears, by four. The first three were decided by league standing, the next six by the NFL Title Game, and the final four by Super Bowl victories. The Packers are also the only team to win three consecutive NFL titles, having accomplished this twice, 1929-30-31 under Lambeau, and 1965-66-67 under Lombardi.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.701727390289307, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "There have been five stock sales to fund Packer operations over the team's history, beginning with $5,000 being raised through 1,000 shares offered at $5 apiece in 1923. Most recently, $64 million was raised in 2011-2012 towards a $143-million Lambeau Field expansion. Demand exceeded expectations, and the original 250,000 share limit had to be increased before some 250,000 new buyers from all 50 U.S. states and Canada purchased 269,000 shares at $250 apiece, approximately 99% online.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.489166259765625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "The Packers have an exceptionally loyal fan base. Regardless of team performance, every game played in Green Bay has been sold out since 1960. Despite the Packers having by far the smallest local TV market, the team consistently ranks as one of the most popular in the NFL. They also have one of the longest season ticket waiting lists in professional sports, 86,000 names long, more than there are seats at Lambeau Field. The average wait is said to be over 30 years, but with only 90 or so tickets turned over annually it would be 955 years before the newest name on the list got theirs. As a result, season tickets are willed to next of kin and newborns placed optimistically on the waiting list. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2418649196624756, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "During training camp in the summer months, held outside the Don Hutson Center, young Packers fans can bring their bikes and have their favorite players ride them from the locker room to practice at Ray Nitschke Field. This old tradition began around the time of Lambeau Field's construction in 1957. Gary Knafelc, a Packers end at the time, said, \"I think it was just that kids wanted us to ride their bikes. I can remember kids saying, 'Hey, ride my bike.'\" Each new generation of Packer fan delights at the opportunity. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.260860443115234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "The team holds an annual scrimmage called Family Night, typically an intra-squad affair, at Lambeau Field. During 2004 and 2005 sellout crowds of over 60,000 fans showed up, with an all-time mark of 62,492 set in 2005 when the Buffalo Bills appeared. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.621816635131836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "Needing to outfit his new squad, team founder Curly Lambeau solicited funds from his employer, the Indian Packing Company. He was given $500 for uniforms and equipment in return for the team being named for its sponsor. An early newspaper article referred to the fledglings as \"the Indians\", but by the time they played their first game \"Packers\" had taken hold.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.760455131530762, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "Lambeau, a Notre Dame alumnus, borrowed its Irish's navy blue and gold team colors, much as George Halas borrowed his Illinois alma mater's for the Chicago Bears. As a result, the early Packers were often referred to as the \"Bays\" or the \"Blues\" (and even occasionally as \"the Big Bay Blues\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.093430042266846, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "By the 1950s the wooden 25,000 seat arena was considered outmoded. The NFL threatened to move the franchise to Milwaukee full-time unless it got a better stadium. The city responded by building a new 32,150 seat City Stadium for the team, the first built exclusively for an NFL team, which opened in time for the 1957 season. It was renamed Lambeau Field in 1965 to honor Curly Lambeau, who had died earlier in the year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.791391372680664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "Expanded seven times before the end of the 1990s, Lambeau Field capacity reached 60,890. In 2003, it was extensively renovated to expand seating, modernize stadium facilities, and add an atrium area. Even with a current seating capacity of 72,928, ticket demand far outpaces supply, as all Packers games have been sold out since 1960. About 86,000 names are on the waiting list for season tickets.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.313596725463867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "The Packers have three practice facilities across the street from Lambeau Field: the Don Hutson Center, an indoor facility; Ray Nitschke Field, an outdoor field with artificial FieldTurf; and Clarke Hinkle Field, an outdoor field with natural grass.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.057201385498047, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "In nearly nine decades of Packers football, the Packers have formally retired 6 numbers.[ Retired Numbers] from Obtained April 3, 2009. All six Packers are members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and their numbers and names are displayed on the green facade of Lambeau Field's north endzone as well as in the Lambeau Field Atrium.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.289643287658691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau Field", "passage": "ESPN Monday Night Football games, both pre-season and season, are broadcast over the air on Fox affiliate WLUK-TV in Green Bay and ABC affiliate WISN-TV (Channel 12) in Milwaukee (ABC affiliate WBAY-TV in Green Bay carried those games from 2006 until 2015; the 2016 season may be the first where that station has not carried a Packer game), while the stations airing Packers games in the NFL Network Thursday Night Football package have varied over the years depending on arrangements for syndication or co-network productions and simulcasts with CBS or NBC. WBAY's evening news anchor Bill Jartz also serves as the public address system announcer for Lambeau Field.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.8290157318115234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "answer": "Lambeau", "passage": "The team's intra-squad Lambeau scrimmage at the beginning of the season, marketed as Packers Family Night, is broadcast by WITI (Channel 6) in Milwaukee, and produced by WLUK-TV in Green Bay, both Fox affiliates which broadcast the bulk of the team's regular-season games. The scrimmage is also broadcast by the state's other Fox affiliates. It was aired for the first time in 2011 in high definition.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.696756601333618, "source": "wiki", "title": "Green Bay Packers" } ]
On December 7, 1787, which US state became the first to ratify the US Constitution, a fact that they display on their license plates?
{ "aliases": [ "Religion in Delaware", "Alcohol law of Delaware", "Delaware alcohol law", "Delaware", "Three lower counties", "Alcohol laws of Delaware", "The Small Wonder", "Delaware (State)", "Alcohol laws in Delaware", "Sports in Delaware", "Delaware alcohol laws", "Del.", "Delawarean", "DelawarE", "Delaware, United States", "Transportation in Delaware", "US-DE", "Education in Delaware", "Government of Delaware", "The Blue Hen State", "Alcohol law in Delaware", "Deleware (state)", "Geography of Delaware", "Delaware, U.S.", "State of Delaware", "Economy of Delaware", "Culture of Delaware", "Delaware (U.S. state)", "Delaware (state)", "Transport in Delaware", "Delaware trivia", "Demographics of Delaware", "The First State", "Climate of Delaware", "Deleware", "1st State" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "delaware united states", "economy of delaware", "1st state", "education in delaware", "alcohol law of delaware", "delawarean", "delaware u s", "demographics of delaware", "blue hen state", "delaware alcohol law", "delaware trivia", "three lower counties", "delaware alcohol laws", "alcohol laws in delaware", "alcohol laws of delaware", "delaware u s state", "deleware", "delaware", "sports in delaware", "state of delaware", "culture of delaware", "transportation in delaware", "government of delaware", "delaware state", "first state", "climate of delaware", "geography of delaware", "small wonder", "us de", "alcohol law in delaware", "transport in delaware", "del", "religion in delaware", "deleware state" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "delaware", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Delaware" }
[ { "answer": "Delaware", "passage": "Delaware, on December 7, 1787, became the first State to ratify the new Constitution, with its vote being unanimous. Pennsylvania ratified on December 12, 1787, by a vote of 46 to 23 (66.67%). New Jersey ratified on December 19, 1787, and Georgia on January 2, 1788, both with unanimous votes. The requirement of ratification by nine states, set by Article Seven of the Constitution, was met when New Hampshire voted to ratify, on June 21, 1788.", "precise_score": 7.099244117736816, "rough_score": 6.935989856719971, "source": "wiki", "title": "History of the United States Constitution" }, { "answer": "Delaware", "passage": "On the other hand, Delaware categorically forbade any alteration of the Articles one-state, equal vote, one-vote-only provision in the Articles Congress. The Convention would have a great deal of work to do to reconcile the many expectations in the chamber. At the same time, delegates wanted to finish their work by fall harvest and its commerce.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.835289001464844, "source": "wiki", "title": "History of the United States Constitution" }, { "answer": "Delaware", "passage": "Nathaniel Gorham was Chair of the Committee of the Whole, so Washington sat in the Virginia delegation where everyone could see how he voted. The vote for a one-man 'presidency' carried 7-for, 3-against, New York, Delaware and Maryland in the negative. Virginia, along with George Washington, had voted yes. As of that vote for a single 'presidency', George Mason (VA) gravely announced to the floor, that as of that moment, the Confederation's federal government was \"in some measure dissolved by the meeting of this Convention.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.030749320983887, "source": "wiki", "title": "History of the United States Constitution" } ]
Barak Obama was 47 at the time of his inauguration. Who was the youngest president, aged 42 at the time of his swearing in?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -10.379833221435547, "rough_score": -7.877583026885986, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.496718406677246, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" } ]
What is the largest city in Canada?
{ "aliases": [ "Torontonians", "City of Toronto, Ontario", "Issues in Toronto, Ontario", "Toronto, ON", "Toronto (Canada)", "Toronto, On", "The big tee oh", "Toronto, Ontario Part 2", "Torontonian", "Trawna", "Tornonto, Ont.", "Issues of Toronto", "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", "Torotno", "Toronto Municipality, Ontario", "Toronto Canada", "Torontorian", "Toronto Division", "Toronto, ontario Part 2", "Toronto", "Toronto (Ont.)", "The big to", "Tdot", "Toironto", "Toronto List of MPs and MPPs", "List of Toronto MPs and MPPs", "Toronto, Canada", "Highways within Greater Toronto Area", "Toronto, Ontario.", "The weather in Toronto", "List of City of Toronto Issues", "Accordion City", "City of Toronto", "Toronto, Canada.", "Toronto, Ont.", "Toronto, CA", "UN/LOCODE:CATOR", "Toronto Ontario", "Toronto (ON)", "History of crime in Toronto", "Toronto, Ontario" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "toronto list of mps and mpps", "list of toronto mps and mpps", "city of toronto", "city of toronto ontario", "big to", "toronto ontario", "tdot", "toronto division", "toronto", "history of crime in toronto", "toronto ont", "toironto", "toronto canada", "torontonian", "torotno", "toronto ca", "weather in toronto", "accordion city", "issues in toronto ontario", "tornonto ont", "un locode cator", "toronto ontario part 2", "torontorian", "highways within greater toronto area", "big tee oh", "torontonians", "trawna", "toronto ontario canada", "list of city of toronto issues", "issues of toronto", "toronto on", "toronto municipality ontario" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "toronto", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Toronto" }
[ { "answer": "Toronto", "passage": "Canada is the world's eleventh-largest economy , with a nominal GDP of approximately US$1.79 trillion. It is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Group of Eight (G8), and is one of the world's top ten trading nations, with a highly globalized economy. Canada is a mixed economy, ranking above the US and most western European nations on the Heritage Foundation's index of economic freedom, and experiencing a relatively low level of income disparity. The country's average household disposable income per capita is over US$23,900, higher than the OECD average. Furthermore, the Toronto Stock Exchange is the seventh largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization, listing over 1,500 companies with a combined market capitalization of over US$2 trillion . ", "precise_score": 1.2860970497131348, "rough_score": 3.1144680976867676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Canada" }, { "answer": "Toronto", "passage": "The 2011 Canadian census counted a total population of 33,476,688, an increase of around 5.9 percent over the 2006 figure. By December 2012, Statistics Canada reported a population of over 35 million, signifying the fastest growth rate of any G8 nation. Between 1990 and 2008, the population increased by 5.6 million, equivalent to 20.4 percent overall growth. The main drivers of population growth are immigration and, to a lesser extent, natural growth. Canada has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates in the world, driven mainly by economic policy and, to a lesser extent family reunification. The Canadian public as-well as the major political parties support the current level of immigration. In 2010, a record 280,636 people immigrated to Canada. The Canadian government anticipated between 280,000 and 305,000 new permanent residents in 2016, a similar number of immigrants as in recent years. New immigrants settle mostly in major urban areas such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Canada also accepts large numbers of refugees, accounting for over 10 percent of annual global refugee resettlements. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.643264293670654, "source": "wiki", "title": "Canada" }, { "answer": "Toronto", "passage": "The roots of organized sports in Canada date back to the 1770s. Canada's official national sports are ice hockey and lacrosse. Seven of Canada's eight largest metropolitan areas – Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg – have franchises in the National Hockey League (NHL) while Quebec City had the Quebec Nordiques until they relocated to Colorado in 1995. Canada does have one Major League Baseball team, the Toronto Blue Jays, one professional basketball team, the Toronto Raptors, three Major League Soccer teams and four National Lacrosse League teams. Canada has participated in almost every Olympic Games since its Olympic debut in 1900, and has hosted several high-profile international sporting events, including the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, the 1994 Basketball World Championship, the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup, the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia and the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup. Other popular and professional spectator sports in Canada include curling, Canadian football and rugby league; the latter is played professionally in the Canadian Football League (CFL) and League 1 (Toronto Wolfpack). Golf, tennis, baseball, skiing, cricket, volleyball, rugby union, Australian Rules Football, soccer and basketball are widely played at youth and amateur levels, but professional leagues and franchises are not widespread.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.8223903179168701, "source": "wiki", "title": "Canada" } ]
December 12, 2003 saw the death of Keiko, an Orca whale, off the coast of Finland. Keiko achieved fame as a star in what movie series?
{ "aliases": [ "Free Willy", "Free willy", "Fee willy", "Free Willey", "Free Willie", "Free Willie (Due South)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "fee willy", "free willy", "free willie", "free willie due south", "free willey" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "free willy", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Free Willy" }
[ { "answer": "Free Willy", "passage": "The public's growing appreciation also led to growing opposition to whale–keeping in aquaria. Only one whale has been taken in North American waters since 1976. In recent years, the extent of the public's interest in killer whales has manifested itself in several high-profile efforts surrounding individuals. Following the success of the 1993 film Free Willy, the movie's captive star Keiko was returned to the coast of his native Iceland in 1998. The director of the International Marine Mammal Project for the Earth Island Institute, David Phillips, led the efforts to return Keiko to the Iceland waters. In 2002 the orphan Springer was discovered in Puget Sound, Washington. She became the first whale to be successfully reintegrated into a wild pod after human intervention, crystallizing decades of research into the vocal behaviour and social structure of the region's killer whales. The saving of Springer raised hopes that another young killer whale named Luna, which had become separated from his pod, could be returned to it. However, his case was marked by controversy about whether and how to intervene, and in 2006, Luna was killed by a boat propeller. ", "precise_score": 1.0710769891738892, "rough_score": 3.3333518505096436, "source": "wiki", "title": "Killer whale" } ]
Named for the gynecologist that invented them, what exercises for the pelvic muscles were originally developed to combat incontinence?
{ "aliases": [ "Kegel (disambiguation)", "Kegel" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "kegel", "kegel disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "kegel", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Kegel" }
[ { "answer": "Kegel", "passage": "Exercising the muscles of the pelvis such as with Kegel exercises are a first line treatment for women with stress incontinence. Efforts to increase the time between urination, known as bladder training, is recommended in those with urge incontinence. Both these may be used in those with mixed incontinence.", "precise_score": -0.99513179063797, "rough_score": -2.003066062927246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Urinary incontinence" }, { "answer": "Kegel", "passage": "Damage to the pelvic floor not only contributes to urinary incontinence but can lead to pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs in women when pelvic organs (e.g. the vagina, bladder, rectum, or uterus) protrude into or outside of the vagina. The causes of pelvic organ prolapse are not unlike those that also contribute to urinary incontinence. These include inappropriate (asymmetrical, excessive, insufficient) muscle tone and asymmetries caused by trauma to the pelvis. Age, pregnancy, family history, and hormonal status all contribute to the development of pelvic organ prolapse. The vagina is suspended by attachments to the perineum, pelvic side wall and sacrum via attachments that include collagen, elastin, and smooth muscle. Surgery can be performed to repair pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened with Kegel exercises.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.473789930343628, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pelvic floor" }, { "answer": "Kegel", "passage": "Pelvic floor exercise (PFE), also known as Kegel exercises, may improve the tone and function of the pelvic floor muscles, which is of particular benefit for women (and less commonly men) who experience stress urinary incontinence. However, compliance with PFE programs often is poor, PFE generally is ineffective for urinary incontinence unless performed with biofeedback and trained supervision, and in severe cases it may have no benefit. Pelvic floor muscle tone may be estimated using a perineometer, which measures the pressure within the vagina. Medication may also be used to improve continence. In severe cases, surgery may be used to repair or even to reconstruct the pelvic floor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.125108242034912, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pelvic floor" } ]
Whom did Time Magazine tab as their Person of the Year for 2011?
{ "aliases": [ "Remonstratory", "Protest movements", "Protested", "Remonstrating", "Remonstrators", "Political protest", "Remonstrater", "Remonstrates", "Protest group", "Protest action", "Protester", "Remonstrated", "Remonstratively", "Protestingly", "Protestors", "Remonstrations", "Protestedly", "Remonstrance (disambiguation)", "Protestor", "Protesters", "Protest movement", "Political protests", "The Protestor", "Art activism", "Protesting", "Remonstrative", "Remonstration", "Protest methods", "Remonstrance", "Online campaign", "Remonstrate", "Protests", "Remonstrativeness", "Remonstrator", "Protest", "Protestingness", "Demonstation", "Remonstraters", "Protestedness", "National protest", "Protestory" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "remonstrater", "remonstrators", "remonstraters", "online campaign", "remonstrator", "protest movements", "protester", "demonstation", "remonstrates", "remonstrations", "protesting", "protestedness", "remonstrated", "protestingness", "protestory", "remonstration", "political protest", "remonstratory", "remonstrating", "protest movement", "remonstrativeness", "remonstrative", "remonstrance disambiguation", "protestedly", "art activism", "protest", "protesters", "remonstratively", "protested", "remonstrate", "political protests", "national protest", "protestors", "protest methods", "protests", "protestingly", "protest group", "protestor", "remonstrance", "protest action" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "protestor", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Protestor" }
[ { "answer": "Protester", "passage": "In 1999, the title was changed to Person of the Year. Women who have been selected for recognition after the renaming include \"The Whistleblowers\" (Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley and Sherron Watkins in 2002), Melinda Gates (jointly with Bill Gates and Bono, in 2005), and Angela Merkel in 2015. Prior to 1999, four women were granted the title as individuals, as \"Woman of the Year\"—Wallis Simpson (1936), Soong Mei-ling (1937), Queen Elizabeth II (1952) and Corazon Aquino (1986). \"American Women\" were recognized as a group in 1975. Other classes of people recognized comprise both men and women, such as \"Hungarian Freedom Fighters\" (1956), \"U.S. Scientists\" (1960), \"The Inheritors\" (1966), \"The Middle Americans\" (1969), \"The American Soldier\" (2003), \"You\" (2006), \"The Protester\" (2011) represented on the cover by a woman, and \"Ebola fighters\" (2014).", "precise_score": -4.155611991882324, "rough_score": -5.661505222320557, "source": "wiki", "title": "Time Person of the Year" } ]
Los Angeles is the largest city in California? What city holds the honor of being the second largest?
{ "aliases": [ "San Diego (Calif.)", "San Diego, Ca", "San diego", "San Diego California", "America's Finest City", "City of San Diego", "San Diego, California", "San diego, CA", "Bell Junior High School", "San deigo", "San diego beaches", "San Diego, CA", "San Diego, California, U.S.", "San Diego", "The weather in San Diego", "San Diegan (passenger train)", "San Diego, Calif.", "Crime in San Diego", "San Diego (CA)", "San Deigo, California", "Pill Hill, San Diego, California", "San Deigo", "Sandiego", "San diego, ca", "Urban Communities of San Diego", "Dan Diego", "San Diego, United States", "San Diego, California, U.S.A.", "Venturan", "Sandy Eggo", "San Diegan", "UN/LOCODE:USSAN", "San Diego, California, US", "San Diego, California, USA", "San Diego CA", "San Diego, USA" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "san diego usa", "san diego california u s", "weather in san diego", "city of san diego", "san diego ca", "san diego california", "san deigo california", "venturan", "un locode ussan", "america s finest city", "san diego united states", "san diego california us", "san diegan passenger train", "san deigo", "pill hill san diego california", "san diego california usa", "san diego", "bell junior high school", "san diego beaches", "san diegan", "sandiego", "san diego calif", "sandy eggo", "dan diego", "crime in san diego", "urban communities of san diego" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "san diego", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "San Diego" }
[ { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "California is the second-most-populous sub-national entity in the Western Hemisphere and the Americas, with a population second to that of State of São Paulo, Brazil. California's population is greater than that of all but 34 countries of the world. The Greater Los Angeles Area is the second-largest metropolitan area in the United States, after the New York metropolitan area, while Los Angeles, with nearly half the population of New York City, is the second-largest city in the United States. Also, Los Angeles County has held the title of most populous U.S. county for decades, and it alone is more populous than 42 U.S. states. In addition to Los Angeles, California is home to seven of the other 50 most populous cities in the United States: San Diego (8th), San Jose (10th), San Francisco (13th), Fresno (34th), Sacramento (35th), Long Beach (36th), and Oakland (47th). The center of population of California is located in the town of Buttonwillow, Kern County.", "precise_score": 5.769312381744385, "rough_score": 6.606276512145996, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "The majority of these cities and towns are within one of five metropolitan areas: the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, the San Francisco Bay Area, the Riverside-San Bernardino Area, the San Diego metropolitan area and the Sacramento metropolitan area.", "precise_score": -4.218555927276611, "rough_score": -5.662677764892578, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "After the Portolà expedition of 1769-70, Spanish missionaries began setting up 21 California Missions on or near the coast of Alta (Upper) California, beginning in San Diego. During the same period, Spanish military forces built several forts (presidios) and three small towns (pueblos). Two of the pueblos grew into the cities of Los Angeles and San Jose. The Spanish colonization brought the genocide of the indigenous Californian peoples.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.202067375183105, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "Along the California coast are several major metropolitan areas, including the Greater Los Angeles Area, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the San Diego metropolitan area.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.822372913360596, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "Although most of the state has a Mediterranean climate, due to the state's large size, the climate ranges from subarctic to subtropical. The cool California Current offshore often creates summer fog near the coast. Farther inland, there are colder winters and hotter summers. The maritime moderation results in the shoreline summertime temperatures of Los Angeles and San Francisco being the coolest of all major metropolitan areas of the United States and uniquely cool compared to areas on the same latitude in the interior and on the east coast of the North American continent. Even the San Diego shoreline bordering Mexico is cooler in summer than most areas in the contiguous United States. Just a few miles inland, summer temperature extremes are significantly higher, with downtown Los Angeles being several degrees warmer than at the coast. The same microclimate phenomenon is seen in the climate of the Bay Area, where areas sheltered from the sea sees significantly hotter summers than nearby areas close to the ocean.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.812969207763672, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "Sacramento became California's first incorporated city on February 27, 1850. San Jose, San Diego and Benicia tied for California's second incorporated city, each receiving incorporation on March 27, 1850. Jurupa Valley became the state's most recent and 482nd incorporated municipality on July 1, 2011. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.001718997955322, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "Intercity rail travel is provided by Amtrak California, which manages the three busiest intercity rail lines in the U.S. outside the Northeast Corridor, all of which are funded by Caltrans. This service is becoming increasingly popular over flying and ridership is continuing to set records, especially on the LAX-SFO route. Integrated subway and light rail networks are found in Los Angeles (Metro Rail) and San Francisco (MUNI Metro). Light rail systems are also found in San Jose (VTA), San Diego (San Diego Trolley), Sacramento (RT Light Rail), and Northern San Diego County (Sprinter). Furthermore, commuter rail networks serve the San Francisco Bay Area (ACE, BART, Caltrain), Greater Los Angeles (Metrolink), and San Diego County (Coaster).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.06380844116211, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "California is considered generally liberal in its policies regarding the LGBT community, and the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people have received greater recognition since 1960 at both the state and municipal level. California is home to a number of gay villages such as the Castro District in San Francisco, Hillcrest in San Diego, and West Hollywood. Through the Domestic Partnership Act of 1999, California became the first state in the United States to recognize same-sex relationships in any legal capacity. In 2000, voters passed Proposition 22, which restricted state recognition of marriage to opposite-sex couples. This was struck down by the California Supreme Court in May 2008, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage; however, this was overruled later that same year when California voters passed Proposition 8. After further judicial cases, in 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court rendered the law void, allowing same-sex marriages in California to resume.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.943690299987793, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "San Diego", "passage": "California has twenty major professional sports league franchises, far more than any other state. The San Francisco Bay Area has seven major league teams spread in its three major cities: San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. While the Greater Los Angeles Area is home to ten major league franchises. San Diego has two major league teams, and Sacramento has one. The NFL Super Bowl has been hosted in California 11 times at four different stadiums: Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the Rose Bowl, Stanford Stadium, and San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium. A twelfth, Super Bowl 50, was held at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara on February 7, 2016. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.4686102867126465, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" } ]
Santa's Little Helper is the family dog on what TV series?
{ "aliases": [ "Promulent", "The Circus (Simpsons TV ad)", "The", "Kromulent", "Simpsons jokes", "No Teasing", "Made-up words in the simpsons", "The Simpsons Clue", "Simpsons words", "Culturally significant words and phrases from The Simpsons", "The Bully (The Simpsons TV ad)", "The Dog Biscuit", "List of neologisms and phrases on The Simpsons", "Recurring jokes in The Simpsons", "Recurring jokes on the simpsons", "Simpsons TV show", "Culturally significance phrases from The Simpsons", "Jokes on the simpsons", "Made-up words in The Simpsons", "The simsons", "The Flanders (tv show)", "List of neologisms in The Simpsons", "Quijibo", "The Simpsons", "Bart's Karate Lesson", "The Raid (Simpsons TV ad)", "List of The Simpsons TV ads", "The Simpsons Board Games", "The Pacifier (Simpsons TV ad)", "TheSimpsons", "Los simpsons", "Good vs. Evil (Simpsons TV ad)", "The SImpsons", "Simspons", "Criticism of The Simpsons", "Simpsons neologism", "Critisms of the declining quality of The Simpsons", "500 Easy Pieces", "Jokes in the Simpsons", "List of The Simpsons TV ads by product", "The Simpsons' impact on television", "Los Simpson", "Madeup words in The Simpsons", "Simpson (Fox)", "Bart's Nightmare (Simpsons TV ad)", "Simpsons TV ads", "Running gags in The Simpsons", "The Beach (Simpsons TV ad)", "Made up words simpsons", "The Simpsons Catch Phrases", "List of the Simpson characters in advertisements", "Why You Little!", "The simppsons", "Plastic Underwear", "The simpsons", "Simpsons, The", "Bart's Homework", "List of made-up words in The Simpsons", "The Simpsons (TV series)", "Simpsons World", "Reccuring jokes on the simpsons", "Quigibo", "Why You Little", "Made-up words on The Simpsons", "Culturally significant phrases from The Simpsons", "Simpson Stamps", "The Simpson's", "The Simpsons World", "List of The Simpsons television advertisements", "Maggie's Party", "List of advertisements featuring The Simpsons characters", "The Simspons", "Culturally significant neologisms from The Simpsons", "The Simpsons Baseball", "TV Simpsons", "Neologisms on The Simpsons", "Neologisms in The Simpsons", "The Simpson", "The simpsons jokes", "Simpsons", "The Last Butterfinger", "Criticisms of the declining quality of The Simpsons", "Smell Your Breath", "Los Simpsons", "Thr Simpsons", "List of neologisms on The Simpsons", "Itchy & Scratchy's %22500 Easy Pieces%22", "A to Z (Simpsons TV ad)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "flanders tv show", "good vs evil simpsons tv ad", "simpsons com", "simpsons tv series", "list of advertisements featuring simpsons characters", "simpsons jokes", "culturally significant words and phrases from simpsons", "beach simpsons tv ad", "list of made up words in simpsons", "jokes on simpsons", "simpsons", "thesimpsons", "recurring jokes in simpsons", "itchy scratchy s 22500 easy pieces 22", "simsons", "dog biscuit", "los simpsons", "simpsons impact on television", "reccuring jokes on simpsons", "500 easy pieces", "made up words on simpsons", "simpson s", "criticism of simpsons", "simpsons board games", "no teasing", "tv simpsons", "to z simpsons tv ad", "bart s karate lesson", "running gags in simpsons", "simpsons baseball", "list of simpsons television advertisements", "culturally significance phrases from simpsons", "simpson stamps", "why you little", "recurring jokes on simpsons", "simpsons catch phrases", "neologisms in simpsons", "neologisms on simpsons", "culturally significant neologisms from simpsons", "culturally significant phrases from simpsons", "quigibo", "list of neologisms and phrases on simpsons", "simpsons world", "last butterfinger", "simpsons tv show", "made up words in simpsons", "simpson fox", "jokes in simpsons", "criticisms of declining quality of simpsons", "circus simpsons tv ad", "pacifier simpsons tv ad", "bully simpsons tv ad", "simpsons neologism", "kromulent", "list of neologisms in simpsons", "list of simpsons tv ads", "simspons", "los simpson", "madeup words in simpsons", "promulent", "simpsons tv ads", "simpsons clue", "list of simpsons tv ads by product", "bart s nightmare simpsons tv ad", "list of simpson characters in advertisements", "bart s homework", "smell your breath", "simpsons words", "plastic underwear", "list of neologisms on simpsons", "critisms of declining quality of simpsons", "simppsons", "raid simpsons tv ad", "quijibo", "made up words simpsons", "maggie s party", "simpson", "thr simpsons" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "simpsons", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Simpsons" }
[ { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Santa's Little Helper is a recurring character in the American animated television series The Simpsons. He is the pet greyhound of the Simpson family. The dog was introduced in the first episode of the show, the 1989 Christmas special \"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire\", in which his owner abandons him for finishing last in a greyhound race. Homer Simpson and his son Bart, who are at the race track in hope of winning some money for Christmas presents, see this and decide to adopt the dog.", "precise_score": 9.92845344543457, "rough_score": 9.196015357971191, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Santa's Little Helper has since appeared frequently on The Simpsons and the plots of many episodes center on him. During the course of the show, he has, for example, fathered litters of puppies, passed obedience school, had surgery for bloat, replaced Duffman as the mascot for Duff Beer, and been trained as a police dog at Springfield's Animal Police Academy. Some of the episodes that focus on Santa's Little Helper have been inspired by popular culture or real experiences that staff members of the show have gone through.", "precise_score": 7.454834461212158, "rough_score": 7.361772537231445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Santa's Little Helper is a greyhound that appears on the animated television series The Simpsons and is the pet dog of the Simpson family. He can often be seen on the show in minor appearances, although there have been some episodes that feature him heavily, including the first episode of The Simpsons. In that episode, \"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire\" (season one, 1989), Homer discovers that he has no money to buy Christmas presents for the family. Desperate for a miracle, he and Bart go to the greyhound racing track on Christmas Eve in hopes of earning some money. Although Homer has inside information on which dog is the most likely to win, he instead bets on a last-minute entry, Santa's Little Helper, believing the dog's Christmas-inspired name to be a sign. However, the greyhound finishes last. As Homer and Bart leave the track, they watch the dog's owner abandon him for losing the race. Bart pleads with Homer to keep the dog as a pet and he agrees after it affectionately licks him on the cheek. When Bart and Homer return home, Santa's Little Helper is assumed by the rest of the family to be a Christmas present. ", "precise_score": 9.476558685302734, "rough_score": 9.21819019317627, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In various episodes, Santa's Little Helper can be seen chewing on newspapers and other objects in the Simpsons' household, destroying furniture, and digging holes in the backyard. In \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\" (season two, 1991), he manages to infuriate the entire family by destroying valued items in the home. As a result, Homer and Marge want to get rid of the dog, but Bart and Lisa convince them that he can be trained at an obedience school. Santa's Little Helper does not do well there as Bart is unwilling to use a choke chain suggested by the instructor. The night before the final exam, Bart and Santa's Little Helper play, thinking it will be their last few hours together. This bonding breaks down the communication barrier, allowing the dog to understand Bart's commands, and consequently pass the obedience school. ", "precise_score": 7.176418304443359, "rough_score": 7.450204372406006, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Although cartoon animals are often anthropomorphized, Santa's Little Helper generally exhibits canine behavior. Cast member Dan Castellaneta currently provides the dog's sounds on the show, although voice artist Frank Welker has also voiced him. Santa's Little Helper has become a popular character following his appearances on The Simpsons. He ranked 27th in Animal Planet's 2003 television special 50 Greatest TV Animals that was based on popularity, name recognition, and the longevity of the shows. He has also been featured in merchandise relating to The Simpsons, such as video games, board games, and comics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.287449836730957, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Role in The Simpsons", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.303191184997559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Santa's Little Helper has fathered several puppies. In \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\" (season six, 1995), he runs away to the dog racing track where he mates with a female greyhound named She's the Fastest. She later gives birth to 25 puppies and when the Simpsons cannot take care of them any longer, they decide to sell them; however, Mr. Burns steals the puppies and decides to make a tuxedo out of them. Before he does this, however, he becomes emotionally touched by them. This convinces him to never wear fur again and instead raise the puppies to be world-class racing dogs. Santa's Little Helper sires another litter of puppies with Dr. Hibbert's poodle in the episode \"Today I Am a Clown\" (season 15, 2003). These puppies are given away to townspeople. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.316940784454346, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpson", "passage": "The dog has been neglected or treated unfavorably by the family in some episodes. In \"Dog of Death\" (season three, 1992), he nearly dies of bloat and they decide to make budget cuts in order to pay for the required operation. Although the dog's life is saved, the family begins to feel the strain of their sacrifices and starts treating him badly, causing him to run away. He ends up in the possession of Mr. Burns, who trains him to become a vicious attack dog. Several days later, Bart stumbles upon the trained Santa's Little Helper and is attacked, but the greyhound eventually recognizes his old friend and stops. In \"The Canine Mutiny\" (season eight, 1997), Bart uses a fake charge card to buy a well-trained rough collie named Laddie from a mail-order catalog. Laddie learns many tricks that Santa's Little Helper is completely unable to perform, and the Simpson family nearly forgets about their old pet. Bart eventually gives Santa's Little Helper away instead of Laddie when repo men take back everything he fraudulently purchased. Feeling guilty about this disloyalty and bored with his too perfect new dog, Bart tries to get him back. When he finally finds him, Santa's Little Helper is serving as a seeing-eye dog for a blind man, but eventually decides to return to the family. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.331565856933594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In \"Stop or My Dog Will Shoot\" (season 18, 2007), Santa's Little Helper becomes a local hero after finding a lost Homer, and the Simpsons decide to enroll him in the Animal Police Academy. However, his new crime-fighting job makes him jaded and one day at home he bites Bart. The Simpsons must therefore send the dog away to live with officer Lou. However, he gets to return after saving Bart from a toxic smoke cloud at school and then leaving the police force. In \"How Munched is That Birdie in the Window?\" (season 22, 2010), after Santa's Little Helper devours a pigeon with a broken leg that Bart was nursing, Bart gets mad at the dog and is unable to forgive him. The Simpsons therefore give him away to an ostrich farm. There, Bart says goodbye to him and explains that he should never, ever devour a bird. Bart then gets into a fight with an angry ostrich. After remembering that he was told that it's wrong to kill birds, he ceases to aid Bart in the fight, confused at his own loyalty (for Bart's sake or his orders) leaving Bart to strangle the ostrich to death. Bart then realizes that he could not help killing the pigeon and apologizes. Afterwards, the family goes back home with the dog. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.211541652679443, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The dog once replaced Duffman as the mascot for Duff Beer in the episode \"Old Yeller Belly\" (season 14, 2003), after he was seen drinking from a can of beer by balancing it on his nose. He becomes known as Suds McDuff and boosts sales of Duff Beer, making the family's fortunes explode. However, this prompts his original sleazy owner and racing trainer to visit the Simpsons and prove that he's the owner of the dog. The family later figures that if they can get Duffman to replace Suds as the Duff mascot, they can get their dog back. They plan to turn Duffman into a hero at a Duff Beer-sponsored beach volleyball event; however, their plan fails and a drunk shark that's discovered at the event becomes the new mascot instead. Santa's Little Helper gladly returns to the Simpson family. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.024740695953369, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Santa's Little Helper's initial appearance on The Simpsons was in the first episode of the series, \"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire\", which aired on Dec. 17, 1989. Since then, he has become a recurring character. The Simpsons creator Matt Groening told TV Guide in 2000 that \"we [the staff] painted ourselves into a corner with our Christmas episode. Once we wrote the dog into the show, we were stuck with him.\" The name \"Santa's Little Helper\" was chosen because, according to writer Al Jean in the same TV Guide article, \"we needed a name that would inspire Homer to bet on him, an omen, a Christmas name since he was betting on Christmas Eve. But, at that point, nobody was thinking long-term. We weren't considering what might happen in ten years, when we've got to use this name.\" Although \"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire\" was the first episode of the series to air on TV, it was the eighth episode produced by the staff. It was chosen to air first because there were animation problems with the others. Jean told the Houston Chronicle in 2001 that after the first episode was broadcast and \"the next seven didn't have the dog, people wondered why.\" He also said in 2003 that the staff enjoyed the first episodes that centered on him, particularly \"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire\", which is the reason that more episodes about him were written.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.435738563537598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Writer John Swartzwelder has noted that the staff members of the show write the character Homer in the same way that they write Santa's Little Helper: \"Both are loyal. Both have the same emotional range. And both will growl and possibly snap if you try to take their food.\" Although animals in cartoons often behave with \"semi-human awareness\", Groening said on the DVD audio commentary for the episode \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\" that he prefers animals in cartoons to behave exactly the way they do in real life. As a result, Santa's Little Helper is depicted in this way on the show. There have, however, been some exceptions for gags, but most of the time the staff of The Simpsons tries to keep animals acting realistically. Several journalists have commented on the greyhound's lack of intelligence. In an article that compared The Simpsons to the animated series Family Guy, Todd Camp of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram noted that \"though Santa's Little Helper may be the only Simpson who's dumber than Homer, the Griffins' pooch [Brian Griffin] is the brainiest member of the household\". In 1991, Copley News Service's Alison Ashton described Santa's Little Helper as a \"sweet and stupid dog\". Tom Coombe of The Morning Call wrote in 2002 that \"fans of The Simpsons will tell you that the cartoon family's dog [...] is often dumb, disobedient and skittish. Fans of the real-life breed will paint a different picture — of dogs that are peaceful, affectionate, [and] not given to drooling, panting\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.765251159667969, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpson", "passage": "Some ideas for episodes featuring Santa's Little Helper come from reality. The plot of \"Dog of Death\" was based on Swartzwelder's experiences with his own dog, which had also suffered from bloat. However, unlike the events in the episode, Swartzwelder's dog did not receive treatment as the operation was too expensive and the dog was too old. The Gold Coast Bulletins Ryan Ellem commented in 2005 that the Simpson family's dilemma with the cost of the veterinary procedure is a realistic dilemma faced by many families who own dogs. Other episode ideas come from popular culture. For example, Santa's Little Helper fathering 25 puppies in \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\" is a parody of the Disney film One Hundred and One Dalmatians, and Mr. Burns' technique of brainwashing him into an attack dog in \"Dog of Death\" parodies A Clockwork Orange. Susan McHugh, who teaches theories of animals, literature, and culture at the University of New England, wrote in her 2004 book Dog that, \"remaining loyal to his unlikely saviours, the boy Bart and his father Homer, this greyhound has prompted satires of contemporary dog culture, from Barbara Woodhouse's authoritarian training methods [in \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\"] to Lassie's flawless service to the status quo [in \"The Canine Mutiny\"].\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.647554397583008, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "Simpsons", "passage": "Among fans and critics, Santa's Little Helper has been mostly well received. He ranked seventh in a 2008 poll by Dog Whisperers Cesar Millan that determined the \"best-loved television dog of all time.\" Lassie ranked first in the poll. In addition, he was voted the tenth favorite Simpsons character by readers of Simpsons Comics in the United Kingdom in 2010. In a list of their top twelve favorite dogs from cartoons, comics, and animation, writers for The Tampa Tribune listed Santa's Little Helper at number six, writing: \"We admire his upbeat nature even after having his legs broken by Mr. Burns and being abandoned by Bart for another dog, Laddie.\" He also ranked 75th on Retrocrush author Robert Berry's list of \"The 100 Greatest Dogs of Pop Culture History\" in 2006. The character has attracted some criticism too, though. While reviewing the episode \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\" in 2010, Nathan Rabin of The A.V. Club wrote:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.374542236328125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "\"As cartoon dogs go, Santa’s Little Helper is spectacularly unspectacular. In a realm of aggressively anthropomorphic canines, some of whom, admittedly, have strong speech impediments, he doesn’t talk or wisecrack or engage in shenanigans. His abilities and powers begin and end with masticating, defecating, and regular napping. You know, just like a real dog. Consequently, episodes devoted to Santa’s Little Helper tend to be a little on the sleepy side, even the Simpsons Christmas special that launched the series.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.937710762023926, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Since his first appearance on The Simpsons, Santa's Little Helper has appeared in merchandise relating to the show. On the board art of The Simpsons Clue, a 2000 board game by USAopoly based on Clue, he is shown drinking Duff Beer that has been spilled on the floor. In another board game published by USAopoly called The Simpsons Monopoly, based on Monopoly and released in 2001, the dog is featured as one of the six pewter playing pieces. Santa's Little Helper has also appeared in issues of Simpsons Comics, in the 2007 film The Simpsons Movie, and in video games based on The Simpsons such as Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror and The Simpsons Game. In addition, the dog has been made into action figures by McFarlane Toys, action figures by Playmates Toys in the World of Springfield series, and plush toys.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.971686363220215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Santa's Little Helper has made an impact on real life in that an espresso-based drink has been named after him at the award-winning restaurant and bar Bambara in Salt Lake City's Hotel Monaco. Bartender Ethan Moore told The Salt Lake Tribune in 2004 that it is \"one of the most popular holiday drinks\" at Bambara. In addition, a dog walking and pet sitting company in New York City, called \"Santa's Little Helper Dog Walking and Pet Sitting\", has been named after him. The greyhound has also appeared by himself on the cover of the issue of TV Guide. This issue was released with 24 different covers, all featuring different characters from The Simpsons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.9898223876953125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Santa's Little Helper" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Despite the Amazing Stories short airing two months before the launch of the new Fox network and the original The Simpsons shorts as part of The Tracy Ullman Show, Family Dog eventually was lumped into a category of failed primetime animated series produced for the \"Big Three\" networks to compete with The Simpsons, which had by then been established as a successful (and as of 2016, still ongoing) series, alongside ABC's Capitol Critters and CBS's own Fish Police. Every program was canceled in its first season, after only a few weeks. Those programs and their reception likely resulted in CBS burning off Family Dog in six weeks over the 1992-93 summer season.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5842676162719727, "source": "wiki", "title": "Family Dog (TV series)" } ]
If Omnipotence is Latin for all powerful, what is Latin for all knowing?
{ "aliases": [ "All-knowing", "Divine foreknowledge", "Cosmic Awareness", "Infinite knowledge", "Cosmic awareness", "Omniscience", "All knowing", "Omniscience of God", "Omniscient", "Knowledge of God" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "infinite knowledge", "cosmic awareness", "omniscience", "omniscience of god", "omniscient", "knowledge of god", "divine foreknowledge", "all knowing" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "omniscience", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Omniscience" }
[ { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited power. Monotheistic religions generally attribute omnipotence to only the deity of their faith. In the monotheistic philosophies of Abrahamic religions, omnipotence is often listed as one of a deity's characteristics among many, including omniscience, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence. The presence of all these properties in a single entity has given rise to considerable theological debate, prominently including the problem of theodicy, the question of why such a deity would permit the manifestation of evil.", "precise_score": -0.36794328689575195, "rough_score": 0.38157951831817627, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omnipotence" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Omniscience, mainly in religion, is the capacity to know everything that there is to know. In particular, Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism) and the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) believe that there is a divine being who is omniscient. An omniscient point-of-view, in writing, is to know everything that can be known about a character, including past history, thoughts, feelings, etc. In Latin, omnis means \"all\" and science means \"knowing\".", "precise_score": 2.2349321842193604, "rough_score": -3.195099353790283, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "* total omniscience - actually knowing everything that can be known.", "precise_score": -2.7585508823394775, "rough_score": -3.8120460510253906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "In Jainism, omniscience is considered the highest type of perception. In the words of a Jain scholar, Jainism view infinite knowledge as an inherent capability of every soul. Arihanta is the word used by Jains to refer to those human beings who have conquered all inner passions (like attachment, greed, pride, anger) and possess Kevala Jnana (infinite knowledge). They are said to be of two kinds-", "precise_score": -7.412703514099121, "rough_score": -6.9829421043396, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "The above definitions of omniscience cover what is called propositional knowledge (knowing that), as opposed to experiential knowledge (knowing how).", "precise_score": -4.335051536560059, "rough_score": -6.76991605758667, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Opinions differ as to whether the propositionally omniscient God of the theists is able to possess all experiential knowledge as well. But it seems at least obvious that a divine infinite being conceived of as necessary infinitely knowledgeable would also know how, for example, a finite person (man) dying feels as He (God) would have access to all knowledge including the obvious experiences of the dying human. There is a third type of knowledge: practical or procedural knowledge (knowing how to do). If omniscience is taken to be all knowledge then all knowledge of all types would be fully known and comprehended.", "precise_score": -3.8267955780029297, "rough_score": -3.400397777557373, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "# A deity is able to do anything that corresponds with its omniscience and therefore with its worldplan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.740715980529785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omnipotence" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "* inherent omniscience - the ability to know anything that one chooses to know and can be known.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.576393127441406, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Some modern Christian theologians argue that God's omniscience is inherent rather than total, and that God chooses to limit his omniscience in order to preserve the freewill and dignity of his creatures. John Calvin, among other theologians of the 16th century, comfortable with the definition of God as being omniscient in the total sense, in order for worthy beings' abilities to choose freely, embraced the doctrine of predestination.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.774392127990723, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscient", "passage": "#Sāmānya kevali- Omniscient beings (Kevalins) who are concerned with their own liberation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.224043846130371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "#Tirthankara kevali- Human beings who attain omniscience and then help others to achieve the same.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.66773796081543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Nontheism often claims that the very concept of omniscience is inherently contradictory.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.069364547729492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Whether omniscience, particularly regarding the choices that a human will make, is compatible with free will has been debated by theists and philosophers. The argument that divine foreknowledge is not compatible with free will is known as theological fatalism. Generally, if humans are truly free to choose between different alternatives, it is very difficult to understand how God could know what this choice will be. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.403667449951172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "The circular time contradiction can suppose anything concerning God, such as the creation of life, meaning before God created life, he wasn't alive. Moreover, to assume any more attributes, to then say God is merciful, but before the creation of mercy, he wouldn't have been merciful, and before the creation of the concept of negation (meaning to assume something as not), no one would have any concept of what is not. These apparent contradictions, however, presuppose that such attributes are separately defined and detached from God, which is not necessarily so. It is not a given that attributes which can be assigned to or used to describe mankind, can be equally (or even similarly) ascribed to God. Take good and evil for example: goodness is biblically defined as that which is of God; it is intrinsic to his being and is revealed most prominently through his provision of Old Testament Law, the keeping of which is the very definition of goodness and the neglecting of which (on even the slightest of grounds), is the epitome of evil. A similar argument could be laid down concerning God's omniscience (i.e. knowledge). It even eludes the idea a lot more even to assume the concept of \"nothing\" or negation was created, therefore it is seemingly impossible to conceive such a notion where it draws down to a paradox. Assuming that the creator and creation is separate, and not the same one thing, or process. That it is a \"this or that\" notion, instead of a \"this and that\" idea.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.368040084838867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscient", "passage": "That some entity is omniscient in the sense of possessing all possible propositional knowledge does not imply that it also possesses all possible experiential knowledge.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.005874156951904, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Omniscience vs free will", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.46829891204834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscient", "passage": "A question arises: an omniscient entity knows everything even about his/her/its own decisions in the future, does it therefore forbid any free will to that entity? William Lane Craig states that the question subdivides into two: (1) If God foreknows the occurrence of some event E, does E happen necessarily?, and (2) If some event E is contingent, how can God foreknow E’s occurrence? ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.834493637084961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "The field of literary analysis and criticism can discuss omniscience in the point of view of a narrator. An omniscient narrator, almost always a third-person narrator, can reveal insights into characters and settings that would not be otherwise apparent from the events of the story and which no single character could be aware of.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.60356616973877, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscient", "passage": "A collection of surveillance techniques which together contribute to much disparate knowledge about the movements, actions, conversation, appearance, etc. of an individual (or organisation) is sometimes called omniscient technology.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.625749588012695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscient", "passage": "The word \"omniscient\" characterizes a fictional character in the Devin Townsend album \"Ziltoid the Omniscient\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.256518363952637, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "Omniscience in Buddhism ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.032279968261719, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "The topic of omniscience has been much debated in various Indian traditions, but no more so than by the Buddhists. After Dharmakirti's excursions into the subject of what constitutes a valid cognition, Śāntarakṣita and his student Kamalaśīla thoroughly investigated the subject in the Tattvasamgraha and its commentary the Panjika. The arguments in the text can be broadly grouped into four sections:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.469093322753906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "* The refutation that cognitions, either perceived, inferred, or otherwise, can be used to refute omniscience.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.552555084228516, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "* A demonstration of the possibility of omniscience through apprehending the selfless universal nature of all knowables, by examining what it means to be ignorant and the nature of mind and awareness.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.7495698928833, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "* A demonstration of the total omniscience where all individual characteristics (svalaksana) are available to the omniscient being.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.435933113098145, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" }, { "answer": "Omniscience", "passage": "* The specific demonstration of Shakyamuni Buddha's non-exclusive omniscience.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.088098526000977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Omniscience" } ]
The boll weevil, a species of beetle, causes damage to which crop?
{ "aliases": [ "Manufacture of cotton", "Absorbent cotton", "Bomull", "Processing of Cotton", "Cotton fiber", "Cotton Boll", "Cotton cloth", "Cotton picking", "Indian Cotton", "Cotton industry", "Cotton linter", "Cotton", "Cotton Fabric", "Cottons", "Cotton wool" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "cotton linter", "indian cotton", "cotton", "cotton cloth", "cotton boll", "bomull", "cotton fiber", "absorbent cotton", "cotton picking", "cottons", "cotton wool", "cotton industry", "manufacture of cotton", "cotton fabric", "processing of cotton" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "cotton", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Cotton" }
[ { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) is a beetle which feeds on cotton buds and flowers. Thought to be native to Central America, it migrated into the United States from Mexico in the late 19th century and had infested all U.S. cotton-growing areas by the 1920s, devastating the industry and the people working in the American South. During the late 20th century, it became a serious pest in South America as well. Since 1978, the Boll Weevil Eradication Program in the U.S. allowed full-scale cultivation to resume in many regions.", "precise_score": 3.994673728942871, "rough_score": 4.300357341766357, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "Boll weevils begin to die at temperatures at or below −5 °C (23 °F). Research at the University of Missouri indicates they cannot survive more than an hour at −15 °C (5 °F). The insulation offered by leaf litter, crop residues, and snow may enable the beetle to survive when air temperatures drop to these levels. The boll weevil lays its eggs inside buds and ripening bolls (fruits) of the cotton plants. The adult insect has a long snout, is grayish color, and is usually less than 6 mm long.", "precise_score": 2.534943103790283, "rough_score": 4.246694087982178, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "About 75% of beetle species are phytophagous in both the larval and adult stages, and live in or on plants, wood, fungi, and a variety of stored products, including cereals, tobacco, and dried fruits. Because many of these plants are important for agriculture, forestry, and the household, beetles can be considered pests. Some of these species cause significant damage, such as the boll weevil, which feeds on cotton buds and flowers. The boll weevil crossed the Rio Grande near Brownsville, Texas, to enter the United States from Mexico around 1892, and had reached southeastern Alabama by 1915. By the mid-1920s, it had entered all cotton-growing regions in the US, traveling 40 to- per year. It remains the most destructive cotton pest in North America. Mississippi State University has estimated, since the boll weevil entered the United States, it has cost cotton producers about $13 billion, and in recent times about $300 million per year. Many other species also have done extensive damage to plant populations, such as the bark beetle, elm leaf beetle and Asian longhorned beetle. The bark beetle, elm leaf beetle and Asian longhorned beetle, among other species, have been known to nest in elm trees. Bark beetles in particular carry Dutch elm disease as they move from infected breeding sites to feed on healthy elm trees, which in turn allows the Asian longhorned beetle to continue killing more elms. The spread of Dutch elm disease by the beetle has led to the devastation of elm trees in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, notably in Europe and North America. ", "precise_score": 5.018653869628906, "rough_score": 6.132589340209961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Beetle" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "Adult weevils overwinter in well-drained areas in or near cotton fields after diapause. They emerge and enter cotton fields from early spring through midsummer, with peak emergence in late spring, and feed on immature cotton bolls. The female lays about 200 eggs over a 10- to 12-day period. The oviposition leaves wounds on the exterior of the flower bud. The eggs hatch in 3 to 5 days within the cotton squares (larger buds before flowering), feed for 8 to 10 days, and finally pupate. The pupal stage lasts another 5 to 7 days. The lifecycle from egg to adult spans about three weeks during the summer. Under optimal conditions, 8 to 10 generations per season may occur.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.530608654022217, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "Other limitations on boll weevil populations include extreme heat and drought. Its natural predators include fire ants, insects, spiders, birds, and a parasitic wasp, Catolaccus grandis. The insects sometimes emerge from diapause before cotton buds are available.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.44011563062667847, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "The insect crossed the Rio Grande near Brownsville, Texas, to enter the United States from Mexico in 1892 and reached southeastern Alabama in 1909. By the mid-1920s, it had entered all cotton-growing regions in the U.S., travelling 40 to 160 miles per year. It remains the most destructive cotton pest in North America. Since the boll weevil entered the United States, it has cost U.S. cotton producers about $13 billion, and in recent times about $300 million per year. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.799285888671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "The boll weevil appeared in Venezuela in 1949 and in Colombia in 1950. The Amazon Rainforest was thought to present a barrier to its further spread, but it was detected in Brazil in 1983, and an estimated 90% of the cotton farms in Brazil are now infested. During the 1990s, the weevil spread to Paraguay and Argentina. The International Cotton Advisory Committee has proposed a control program similar to that used in the U.S.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.2294440269470215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "Following World War II, the development of new pesticides such as DDT enabled U.S. farmers again to grow cotton as an economic crop. DDT was initially extremely effective, but U.S. weevil populations developed resistance by the mid-1950s. Methyl parathion, malathion, and pyrethroids were subsequently used, but environmental and resistance concerns arose as they had with DDT, and control strategies changed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.894950866699219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "Other avenues of control that have been explored include weevil-resistant strains of cotton, the parasitic wasp Catolaccus grandis, the fungus Beauveria bassiana, and the Chilo iridescent virus. Genetically engineered Bt cotton is not protected from the boll weevil. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.6549862623214722, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "Although it was possible to control the boll weevil, to do so was costly in terms of insecticide costs. The goal of many cotton entomologists was to eventually eradicate the pest from U. S. cotton. In 1978, a large-scale test was begun in eastern North Carolina and in Southampton County, Virginia, to determine the feasibility of eradication. Based on the success of this test, area-wide programs were begun in the 1980s to eradicate the insect from whole regions. These are based on cooperative effort by all growers together with the assistance of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.23105001449585, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "The program has been successful in eradicating boll weevils from all cotton-growing states with the exception of Texas, and most of this state is free of boll weevils. Problems along the southern border with Mexico have delayed eradication in the extreme southern portions of this state. Follow-up programs are in place in all cotton-growing states to prevent the reintroduction of the pest. These monitoring programs rely on pheromone-baited traps for detection. The boll weevil eradication program, although slow and costly, has paid off for cotton growers in reduced pesticide costs. This program and the screwworm program of the 1950s are among the biggest and most successful insect control programs in history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.347740173339844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "The boll weevil infestation has been credited with bringing about economic diversification in the Southern US, including the expansion of peanut cropping. The citizens of Enterprise, Alabama, erected the Boll Weevil Monument in 1919, perceiving that their economy had been overly dependent on cotton, and that mixed farming and manufacturing were better alternatives.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5396642684936523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" }, { "answer": "Cotton", "passage": "The boll weevil is the mascot for the University of Arkansas at Monticello and is listed on several \"silliest\" or \"weirdest\" mascots of all time. It was also the mascot of a short-lived minor league baseball team, the Temple Boll Weevils, which were alternatively called the \"Cotton Bugs.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.697539806365967, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boll weevil" } ]
A staunch conservationist, which US President is credited with creating the National Forest Service, 5 national parks, 18 national monuments, 51 Bird Reserves, four Game Preserves, and 150 National Forests?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "President Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "The conservationists, led by future President Theodore Roosevelt and his close ally George Bird Grinnell, were motivated by the wanton waste that was taking place at the hand of market forces, including logging and hunting. This practice resulted in placing a large number of North American game species on the edge of extinction. Roosevelt recognized that the laissez-faire approach of the U.S. Government was too wasteful and inefficient. In any case, they noted, most of the natural resources in the western states were already owned by the federal government. The best course of action, they argued, was a long-term plan devised by national experts to maximize the long-term economic benefits of natural resources. To accomplish the mission, Roosevelt and Grinnell formed the Boone and Crockett Club in 1887. The Club was made up of the best minds and influential men of the day. The Boone and Crockett Club's contingency of conservationists, scientists, politicians, and intellectuals became Roosevelt's closest advisers during his march to preserve wildlife and habitat across North America. Preservationists, led by John Muir (1838–1914), argued that the conservation policies were not strong enough to protect the interest of the natural world because they continued to focus on the natural world as a source of economic production.", "precise_score": 2.761570930480957, "rough_score": -3.437236785888672, "source": "wiki", "title": "Conservation movement" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "President Roosevelt put conservationist issue high on the national agenda. He worked with all the major figures of the movement, especially his chief advisor on the matter, Gifford Pinchot and was deeply committed to conserving natural resources. He encouraged the Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902 to promote federal construction of dams to irrigate small farms and placed 230 million acres (360,000 mi2 or 930,000 km2) under federal protection. Roosevelt set aside more federal land for national parks and nature preserves than all of his predecessors combined. ", "precise_score": 3.0661559104919434, "rough_score": -0.6505745053291321, "source": "wiki", "title": "Conservation movement" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt's view on conservationism remained dominant for decades; - Franklin D. Roosevelt authorised the building of many large-scale dams and water projects, as well as the expansion of the National Forest System to buy out sub-marginal farms. In 1937, the Pittman–Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act was signed into law, providing funding for state agencies to carry out their conservation efforts.", "precise_score": 2.326927900314331, "rough_score": -3.7215945720672607, "source": "wiki", "title": "Conservation movement" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "In 1876, Congress created the office of Special Agent in the Department of Agriculture to assess the quality and conditions of forests in the United States. Franklin B. Hough was appointed the head of the office. In 1881, the office was expanded into the newly formed Division of Forestry. The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 authorized withdrawing land from the public domain as \"forest reserves,\" managed by the Department of the Interior. In 1901, the Division of Forestry was renamed the Bureau of Forestry. The Transfer Act of 1905 transferred the management of forest reserves from the General Land Office of the Interior Department to the Bureau of Forestry, henceforth known as the United States Forest Service. Gifford Pinchot was the first United States Chief Forester in the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.", "precise_score": -0.0748320147395134, "rough_score": -3.8766298294067383, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States Forest Service" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.070961952209473, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.090413093566895, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Yellowstone was part of a federally governed territory. With no state government that could assume stewardship of the land so the federal government took on direct responsibility for the park, the official first national park of the United States. The combined effort and interest of conservationists, politicians and the Northern Pacific Railroad ensured the passage of enabling legislation by the United States Congress to create Yellowstone National Park. Theodore Roosevelt, already an active campaigner and so influential, as good stump speakers were highly necessary in the pre-telecommunications era, was highly influential in convincing fellow Republicans and big business to back the bill.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.126569747924805, "source": "wiki", "title": "National park" }, { "answer": "President Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "National monuments can be so designated through the power of the Antiquities Act of 1906. President Theodore Roosevelt used the act to declare Devils Tower in Wyoming as the first national monument.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.64751672744751, "source": "wiki", "title": "National Monument (United States)" }, { "answer": "President Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "The reference in the act to \"objects of...scientific interest\" enabled President Theodore Roosevelt to make a natural geological feature, Devils Tower in Wyoming, the first national monument three months later. Among the next three monuments he proclaimed in 1906 was Petrified Forest in Arizona, another natural feature.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.754518032073975, "source": "wiki", "title": "National Monument (United States)" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1908, Roosevelt used the act to proclaim more than 800000 acre of the Grand Canyon as a national monument. May 24 1911, Pres. T. Roosevelt created the Colorado National Monument in Grand Junction. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.081552028656006, "source": "wiki", "title": "National Monument (United States)" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "In response to Roosevelt's declaration of the Grand Canyon monument, a putative mining claimant sued in federal court, claiming that Roosevelt had overstepped the Antiquities Act authority by protecting an entire canyon. In 1920, the United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Grand Canyon was indeed \"an object of historic or scientific interest\" and could be protected by proclamation, setting a precedent for the use of the Antiquities Act to preserve large areas.[ Cameron v. United States], 252 U.S. 450 (1920) Federal courts have since rejected every challenge to the President's use of Antiquities Act preservation authority, ruling that the law gives the president exclusive discretion over the determination of the size and nature of the objects protected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.530496597290039, "source": "wiki", "title": "National Monument (United States)" }, { "answer": "26th President of the United States", "passage": "The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt was the executive branch of the United States government from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909. Before serving as 26th President of the United States of America, Roosevelt, a Republican, was 25th Vice President. He also previously served as Police Commissioner of New York City, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and Governor of New York. Roosevelt was sworn-in as President upon the assassination of William McKinley. Owing to his charismatic personality, his extremely high energy levels and span of interests, and his reformist policies, which he called the \"Square Deal\", Roosevelt is considered one of the ablest presidents and an icon of the Progressive Era. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.073861122131348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Trust Buster", "passage": "Roosevelt was a Progressive reformer who sought to move the dominant Republican Party into a more liberal camp. He distrusted wealthy businessmen and dissolved 44 monopolistic corporations as a \"trust buster.\" He took care, however, to show that he did not disagree with trusts and capitalism in principle, but was only against their corrupt, illegal practices. His \"Square Deal\" included regulation of railroad rates and pure foods and drugs; he saw it as a fair deal for both the average citizen and the businessmen. He avoided labor strife and negotiated a settlement to the great Coal Strike of 1902. His great love was nature and he vigorously promoted the Conservation movement, emphasizing efficient use of natural resources. He dramatically expanded the system of national parks and national forests. In the 1904 election, Roosevelt became the first vice president who took over upon the death of a president to win a full presidential term in his own right. After 1906, he moved to the political left, attacking big business and suggesting the courts were biased against labor unions. He made sure his friend William Howard Taft replaced him as president.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.445759296417236, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Teddy Roosevelt", "passage": "President William McKinley was shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, New York on September 6, 1901, and died on September 14, leaving Roosevelt to inherit the presidency. Being a few weeks short of his 43rd birthday, Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest person to hold the office. He retained McKinley's cabinet and promised to maintain his predecessor's policies. One of his first notable acts as President was to deliver a 20,000-word address to Congress on December 3, 1901,[ Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt - Speeches of Theodore Roosevelt - Teddy Roosevelt] asking it to curb the power of large corporations (called \"trusts\") \"within reasonable limits.\" For his aggressive attacks on trusts over his two terms, he earned the label \"trust-buster.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.480104446411133, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Before entering the White House Roosevelt had learned a great deal as governor of the richest state, New York. He especially studied current economic issues and political techniques that proved relevant to his presidency. He came to understand the complexities of such issues as the trusts, monopoly, labor relations, and conservation. Chessman argues that Roosevelt's gubernatorial program \"rested firmly upon the concept of the square deal by a neutral state.\" The rules for the Square Deal were \"honesty in public affairs, an equitable sharing of privilege and responsibility, and subordination of party and local concerns to the interests of the state at large.\" Chessman says that as governor Roosevelt developed the principles that shaped his presidency, especially", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.130148887634277, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Trust Buster", "passage": "There are historians who credit McKinley with starting the trust-busting era, but it was Roosevelt who acted most powerfully as the \"trust buster.\" Once he became President, Roosevelt worked to increase the regulatory power of the federal government. Regulation of railroads was strengthened by the Elkins Act of 1903 and the Hepburn Act of 1906, which curbed the monopolitistic power of the railroads. Under the president's leadership, the Attorney General brought 44 suits against monopolists. Notably, J. P. Morgan's Northern Securities Company, a huge railroad combination, was broken up. To deal with the labor and management issues, Roosevelt established the Department of Commerce and Labor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.80037784576416, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Although Roosevelt did some work improving race relations, he, like most leaders of the Progressive Era, lacked initiative on most racial issues. Booker T. Washington, the most important black leader of the day, was the first African American to be invited to dinner at the White House, on October 16, 1901, where he discussed politics and racism with Roosevelt. News of the dinner reached the press two days later. The white public outcry following the dinner was so strong, especially from the Southern states, that Roosevelt never repeated the experiment. Roosevelt was reluctant to use federal authority to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing voting rights to African Americans. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.867919921875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Like most intellectuals of the era, Roosevelt believed in social evolution;[ Theodore Roosevelt Center - Essay Details] as an authority on biology he paid special attention to the issue. He saw the different races as having reached different levels of civilization, with whites thus far having reached a higher level than blacks. Every race, and every individual, was capable of unlimited improvement, Roosevelt felt. Furthermore, a new \"race\" (in the cultural sense, not biological) had emerged on the American frontier, the \"American race,\" and it was quite distinct from other ethnic groups, such as the Anglo-Saxons. Roosevelt identified himself as Dutch, not Anglo-Saxon. After criticism of his invitation of Washington to the White House, Roosevelt seemed to wilt publicly on the cause of racial equality. In 1906, he approved the dishonorable discharges of three companies of black soldiers who all refused his direct order to testify regarding their actions during a violent episode in Brownsville, Texas, known as the Brownsville Raid.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.943307876586914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Charles Neu concludes that Roosevelt's policies were a success:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.204765319824219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1906, at the request of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, Roosevelt convinced France to attend an international conference to resolve the First Moroccan Crisis over the degree of influence of European powers in Morocco. France was positioning itself to dominate Morocco, which angered Germany. Germany was annoyed that it had no presence in North Africa, and hinted darkly that a failure to adjust the crisis might lead to war between Germany and France. The Sultan of Morocco was a weak figure who could not control his own cities. The conference was held in the city of Algeciras, Spain, and 13 nations attended. The American delegate was Henry White, who mediated between France and Germany. The main issue was control of the police forces in the Moroccan cities, and Germany, with a weak diplomatic delegation, found itself in a decided minority. Roosevelt secretly supported France and did not want Germany to gain a more powerful position in Morocco. Roosevelt cooperated closely with the French ambassador, while gaining from the Germans a promise that Roosevelt would have a decisive role. Agreement was reached on April 7, 1906, which slightly reduced French influence by reaffirming the independence of the Sultan and the economic independence and freedom of operations of all European powers. Germany gained nothing of importance but was mollified and stopped threatening war. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.899282455444336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt" } ]
What had Grandma been drinking too much of in the song 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer'?
{ "aliases": [ "Egg toddy", "Egg Toddy", "Eggnog", "Egg milk punch", "Eggnob", "Egg Nog", "Eggnog latte", "Egg nog", "Eggflip", "Egg nogg", "Nogs", "Egg-milk punch", "Egg nogs", "Eggnogs", "Egg-nog" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "egg nog", "egg toddy", "eggflip", "eggnob", "eggnog", "eggnog latte", "egg nogs", "eggnogs", "egg nogg", "nogs", "egg milk punch" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "egg nog", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Egg nog" }
[ { "answer": "Eggnog", "passage": "Written by Randy Brooks, the song was originally performed by the husband-and-wife duo of Elmo and Patsy Trigg Shropshire in 1979. In the lyrics, a family matriarch gets drunk from drinking too much eggnog and, having forgotten to take her medication and despite warnings from her family, staggers outside into a snowstorm. On her walk, she is trampled and killed by Santa Claus and his reindeer. The second and third verses describe the next day's Christmas gathering: \"all the family's dressed in black\" while the widower acts as if nothing's happened, drinks beer, watches football and plays \"cards with cousin Mel\". The song closes with a warning that Santa, \"a man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves\", is unfit to carry a driver's license, and that the listener should beware.", "precise_score": 2.8863565921783447, "rough_score": 0.25925642251968384, "source": "wiki", "title": "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" } ]
Mug, Hires, and Barq's are all types of what?
{ "aliases": [ "Root beers" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "root beers" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "root beers", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Root beers" }
[ { "answer": "Root beers", "passage": "Not all traditional or commercial root beers were sassafras-based. One of Hires's early competitors was Barq's, which began selling its sarsaparilla-based root beer in 1898 and was labeled simply as \"Barq's\". In 1919, Roy Allen opened his root beer stand in Lodi, California, which led to the development of A&W root beer. One of Allen's innovations was that he served his homemade root beer in cold, frosty mugs. IBC is another brand of commercially produced root beer that emerged during this period and is still well-known today.", "precise_score": 2.599961280822754, "rough_score": 3.4861550331115723, "source": "wiki", "title": "Root beer" }, { "answer": "Root beers", "passage": "For many decades Barq's was not marketed as a \"root beer.\" This was in part a desire to avoid legal conflict with the Hires Root Beer company, which was attempting to claim a trademark on the term \"root beer.\" It was also due to differences from other root beers at the time. The formulation was sarsaparilla based, contained less sugar, had a higher carbonation, and less of a foamy head than other brands. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.564626693725586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barq's" }, { "answer": "Root beers", "passage": "Ingredients in early and traditional root beers include allspice, birch bark, coriander, juniper, ginger, wintergreen, hops, burdock root, dandelion root, spikenard, pipsissewa, guaiacum chips, sarsaparilla, spicewood, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, prickly ash bark, sassafras root, vanilla beans, dog grass, molasses and licorice. Many of these ingredients are still used in traditional and commercially produced root beer today, which is often thickened, foamed, or carbonated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.934351921081543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Root beer" }, { "answer": "Root beers", "passage": "Root beer may be made at home with processed extract obtained from a factory, or it can also be made from herbs and roots that have not yet been processed. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic traditional root beers make a thick and foamy head when poured, often enhanced by the addition of yucca extract or other thickeners.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428412437438965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Root beer" } ]
Dec 13, 1953 saw the birth of Ben Bernanke, Harvard grad with a PhD from MIT. What position does he hold, and rather poorly at that?
{ "aliases": [ "Federal Reserve chairman", "Fed Chief", "Chairman of the fed", "Fed Chairmanship", "Fed Chairman", "Fed chair", "Federal Reserve Chairman", "List of Chairmen of the Federal Reserve", "Federal Reserve Board Chairman", "Chairman of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board", "Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve", "Director of the Federal Reserve", "Fed Chair", "List of Chair of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System", "Federal Reserve Board chairman", "Chairman of the federal reserve", "Fed chief", "Chair of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the Fed", "Fed chairman", "List of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "list of chairman of federal reserve", "director of federal reserve", "list of chairmen of federal reserve", "chairman of federal reserve", "fed chairmanship", "federal reserve chairman", "fed chief", "fed chairman", "list of chair of federal reserve", "chairman of board of governors of federal reserve system", "federal reserve board chairman", "chairman of federal reserve board", "chair of federal reserve", "fed chair", "chairman of fed", "chairman of board of governors of united states federal reserve", "chairman of united states federal reserve" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "chairman of united states federal reserve", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve" }
[ { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "Ben Shalom Bernanke ( ; born December 13, 1953) is an American economist at the Brookings Institution who served two terms as chairman of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, from 2006 to 2014. During his tenure as chairman, Bernanke oversaw the Federal Reserve's response to the late-2000s financial crisis.", "precise_score": 2.664011240005493, "rough_score": 4.7772979736328125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Federal Reserve chairman", "passage": "Before becoming Federal Reserve chairman, Bernanke was a tenured professor at Princeton University and chaired the department of economics there from 1996 to September 2002, when he went on public service leave.", "precise_score": -3.7887930870056152, "rough_score": -4.516768932342529, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chair of the Federal Reserve", "passage": "Bernanke was succeeded as Chair of the Federal Reserve by Janet Yellen, the first woman to hold the position. Yellen was nominated on October 9, 2013, by President Obama and, confirmed by the United States Senate on January 6, 2014. ", "precise_score": -5.351828575134277, "rough_score": -5.485887050628662, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve", "passage": "Bernanke then served as chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers before President Bush nominated him to succeed Alan Greenspan as chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. His first term began February 1, 2006. Bernanke was confirmed for a second term as chairman on January 28, 2010, after being renominated by President Barack Obama, who later referred to him as \"the epitome of calm.\" His second term ended February 1, 2014, when he was succeeded by Janet Yellen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.02187728881836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "Bernanke wrote about his time as chairman of the Federal Reserve in his 2015 book, The Courage to Act, in which he revealed that the world's economy came close to collapse in 2007 and 2008. Bernanke asserts that it was only the novel efforts of the Fed (cooperating with other agencies and agencies of foreign governments) that prevented an economic catastrophe greater than the Great Depression. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.22353744506836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Fed Chairman", "passage": "In June 2005, Bernanke was named chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, and resigned as Fed Governor. The appointment was largely viewed as a test run to ascertain if Bernanke could be Bush's pick to succeed Greenspan as Fed chairman the next year.Andrews, Edmund L.; Leonhardt, David; Porter, Eduardo; Uchitelle, Louis (October 26, 2005), [", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.515174865722656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve", "passage": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.400934219360352, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "On February 1, 2006, Bernanke began a fourteen-year term as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and a four-year term as chairman (after having been nominated by President Bush in late 2005). By virtue of the chairmanship, he sat on the Financial Stability Oversight Board that oversees the Troubled Asset Relief Program. He also served as chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, the System's principal monetary policy making body.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.971876621246338, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "His first months as chairman of the Federal Reserve System were marked by difficulties communicating with the media. An advocate of more transparent Fed policy and clearer statements than Greenspan had made, he had to back away from his initial idea of stating clearer inflation goals as such statements tended to affect the stock market. Maria Bartiromo disclosed on CNBC comments from their private conversation at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. She reported that Bernanke said investors had misinterpreted his comments as indicating that he was \"dovish\" on inflation. He was sharply criticized for making public statements about Fed direction, which he said was a \"lapse in judgment.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.796599388122559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "On August 25, 2009, President Obama announced he would nominate Bernanke to a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. In a short statement on Martha's Vineyard, with Bernanke standing at his side, Obama said Bernanke's background, temperament, courage and creativity helped to prevent another Great Depression in 2008. When Senate Banking Committee hearings on his nomination began on December 3, 2009, several senators from both parties indicated they would not support a second term. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.735856056213379, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Federal Reserve chairman", "passage": "Controversies as Federal Reserve Chairman", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.476645469665527, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Federal Reserve chairman", "passage": "The crisis in 2008 also made then-Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke create a pseudonym, Edward Quince. According to the Wall Street Journal, the false name was evidence in a class-action lawsuit against the government by shareholders of AIG, which had been given a Fed-backed bailout when it was near collapse. One of Mr. Quince's emails reads, \"We think they are days from failure. They think it is a temporary problem. This disconnect is dangerous.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.103446960449219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chair of the Federal Reserve", "passage": "Bernanke has cited Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz in his decision to lower interest rates to zero. Anna Schwartz, however, was highly critical of Bernanke and wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times advising Obama against his reappointment as chair of the Federal Reserve. Bernanke focused less on the role of the Federal Reserve and more on the role of private banks and financial institutions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.116990566253662, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "In a speech at the American Economics Association conference in January 2014, Bernanke reflected on his tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve. He expressed his hope that economic growth was building momentum and stated that he was confident that the central bank would be able to withdraw its support smoothly. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.518892765045166, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" } ]
On December 14, 1911, Norwegian Roald Amundsen became the first person to visit where?
{ "aliases": [ "Geographic south pole", "Ceremonial South Pole", "Terrestrial South Pole", "The South Pole", "90 degrees south", "90th parallel south", "South Terrestrial Pole", "South Pole", "Southpole", "Latitude 90 degrees S", "Geographic South Pole", "South pole" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "south pole", "ceremonial south pole", "geographic south pole", "south terrestrial pole", "terrestrial south pole", "90 degrees south", "90th parallel south", "southpole", "latitude 90 degrees s" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "south pole", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The South Pole" }
[ { "answer": "The South Pole", "passage": "Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (; 16 July 1872 – c. 18 June 1928) was a Norwegian explorer of polar regions. He led the Antarctic expedition of 1910–12 which was the first to reach the South Pole, on 14 December 1911. In 1926, he was the first expedition leader for the air expedition to the North Pole.", "precise_score": 8.007514953613281, "rough_score": 8.01539421081543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "The South Pole", "passage": "In 1903, Amundsen led the first expedition to successfully traverse Canada's Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He planned a small expedition of six men in a 45-ton fishing vessel, Gjøa, in order to have flexibility. His ship had relatively shallow draft. His technique was to use a small ship and hug the coast. Amundsen had the ship outfitted with a small gasoline engine. They traveled via Baffin Bay, the Parry Channel and then south through Peel Sound, James Ross Strait, Simpson Strait and Rae Strait. They spent two winters (1903–04 and 1904–05) at King William Island in the harbor of what is today Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, Canada. During this time, Amundsen and the crew learned from the local Netsilik Inuit people about Arctic survival skills, which he found invaluable in his later expedition to the South Pole. For example, he learned to use sled dogs for transportation of goods and to wear animal skins in lieu of heavy, woolen parkas, which could not deter cold when wet.", "precise_score": -1.1673040390014648, "rough_score": 0.5022290945053101, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "South Pole", "passage": "A second attempt, with a team made up of Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, Oscar Wisting, and Amundsen, departed base camp on 19 October 1911. They took four sledges and 52 dogs. Using a route along the previously unknown Axel Heiberg Glacier, they arrived at the edge of the Polar Plateau on 21 November after a four-day climb. On 14 December 1911, the team of five, with 16 dogs, arrived at the Pole (90° 0′ S). They arrived 33–34 days before Scott’s group. Amundsen named their South Pole camp Polheim, meaning \"Home on the Pole.\" Amundsen renamed the Antarctic Plateau as King Haakon VII’s Plateau. They left a small tent and letter stating their accomplishment, in case they did not return safely to Framheim.", "precise_score": 3.0803284645080566, "rough_score": -1.6657522916793823, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "South Pole", "passage": "South Pole Expedition (1910–12) ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.002140045166016, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "The South Pole", "passage": "Amundsen next planned to take an expedition to the North Pole and explore the Arctic Basin. Finding it difficult to raise funds, when he heard in 1909 that the Americans Frederick Cook and Robert Peary had claimed to reach the North Pole as a result of two different expeditions, he decided to reroute to Antarctica. He was not clear about his intentions, and the Englishman Robert F. Scott and the Norwegian supporters felt misled. Scott was planning his own expedition to the South Pole that year. Using the ship Fram (\"Forward\"), earlier used by Fridtjof Nansen, Amundsen left Oslo for the south on 3 June 1910. At Madeira, Amundsen alerted his men that they would be heading to Antarctica, and sent a telegram to Scott, notifying him simply: \"BEG TO INFORM YOU FRAM PROCEEDING ANTARCTIC--AMUNDSEN.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.445078372955322, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "The South Pole", "passage": "Amundsen wrote about the expedition in The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the 'Fram,' 1910–12 (1912).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0714988708496094, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "The South Pole", "passage": "With him on this expedition were Oscar Wisting and Helmer Hanssen, both of whom had been part of the team to reach the South Pole. In addition, Henrik Lindstrøm was included as a cook. He suffered a stroke and was so physically reduced that he could not participate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.952166557312012, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "South Pole", "passage": "* The Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station is named jointly with his rival", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.575031280517578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "South Pole", "passage": "* A large crater near the Moon's south pole is named Amundsen", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.29853343963623, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "South Pole", "passage": "File:Aan de Zuidpool - p1913-108.gif|thumb|1911 South Pole expedition", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.45972728729248, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "The South Pole", "passage": "* Sydpolen, 2-vols, 1912. Translated as The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the \"Fram,\" 1910–1912, translated by A. G. Chater, 1912.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.656939506530762, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" } ]
What degree does a US law school graduate get?
{ "aliases": [ "Jd.", "J.D.", "JD", "JD (disambiguation)", "J-d", "J.d.", "Jd", "J.D. (disambiguation)", "J D", "J-D" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "jd disambiguation", "j d", "jd", "j d disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "jd", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "JD" }
[ { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "In the United States, law school is a postgraduate program usually lasting three years and resulting in the conferral upon graduates of the Juris Doctor (J.D.) law degree. Some schools in Louisiana concurrently award a Graduate Diploma in Civil Law (D.C.L.). To gain admission to a law school that is accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA), applicants must usually take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and have an undergraduate (bachelor's) degree in any major. Currently, there are 199 ABA-approved law schools. There currently are five online law schools that are unaccredited by the ABA but registered by the State Bar of California. Non-ABA approved law schools have much lower bar passage rates than ABA-approved law schools., and do not submit or disclose employment outcome data to the ABA.", "precise_score": 6.712798118591309, "rough_score": 8.238081932067871, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "Some schools offer a Master of Laws (LL.M.) program as a way of specializing in a particular area of law. A further possible degree is the academic doctoral degree in law of Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) (in the U.S)., or the Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) in Canada, or the Ph.D. in Law from European or Australasian universities.", "precise_score": 5.754806041717529, "rough_score": 4.072994709014893, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "The typical law degree required to practice law in Canada is now the Juris Doctor, which requires previous university coursework and is similar to the first law degree in the United States. There is some scholarly content in the coursework (such as an academic research paper required in most schools). The programs consist of three years, and have similar content in their mandatory first year courses. Beyond first year and the minimum requirements for graduation, course selection is elective with various concentrations such as business law, international law, natural resources law, criminal law, Aboriginal law, etc. Some schools, however, have not switched from LL.B. to the J.D. – one notable university that still awards the LL.B is McGill University.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.824617862701416, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "Given that the Canadian legal system includes both the French civil law and the Anglo-American common law, some law schools offer both an LL.B. or J.D. (common law) and a B.C.L., LL.L. or LL.B. (civil law) degree, such as McGill University, University of Ottawa and the Université de Montréal. In particular, McGill University Faculty of Law offers a combined civil law and common law program, which has been called \"transsystemic.\" At other faculties, if a person completes a common law degree, then a civil law degree can be obtained with only an extra year of study. This is also true for civil law graduates who wish to complete a common law degree.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.1195828914642334, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "Despite changes in designation, schools opting for the J.D. have not altered their curricula. Neither the J.D. or LL.B. alone is sufficient to qualify for a Canadian license, as each Province's law society requires an apprenticeship and successful completion of provincial skills and responsibilities training course, such as the British Columbia Law Society's Professional Legal Training Course, the Law Society of Upper Canada's Skills and Responsibilities Training Program. and the École du Barreau du Québec.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.527359008789062, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "The main reason for implementing the J.D. in Canada was to distinguish the degree from the European counterpart that requires no previous post-secondary education, However, in the eyes of the Canadian educational system, the J.D. awarded by Canadian universities has retained the characteristics of the LL.B. and is considered a second entry program, but not a graduate program. (This position is analogous to the position taken by Canadian universities that the M.D. and D.D.S. degrees are considered second entry programs and not graduate programs.) Nevertheless, disagreement persists regarding the status of the degrees, such as at the University of Toronto, where the J.D. degree designation has been marketed by the Faculty of Law as superior to the LL.B. degree designation. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.742170810699463, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "J.D.", "passage": "Some universities have developed joint Canadian LL.B or J.D. and American J.D programs, such as York University and New York University, the University of Windsor and the University of Detroit Mercy, and the University of Ottawa and Michigan State University program. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.279521942138672, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" }, { "answer": "JD", "passage": "However, not all recent law graduates work as lawyers. According to Simkovic and McIntyre's study of U.S. Census Bureau data, around 40 percent of U.S. residents with law degrees do not practice law. Law graduates are disproportionately represented in leadership positions in business and government. The National Association for Legal Career Professionals produces an annual report summarizing the employment of recent graduates of U.S. law schools at a single point in time, 9 months of graduation. Employment at that point is typically around 90 percent, although from 2009 to 2011, the numbers have been lower, at around 86 to 88 percent. Approximately 2 percent of graduates were employed in non-professional jobs. Approximately 75 to 85 percent work in jobs classified by NALP as \"JD required\" or \"JD preferred\", and another 5 percent work in other professional jobs. However, a law degree increases earnings, even including those who do not practice law.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.033668041229248, "source": "wiki", "title": "Law school" } ]
On December 14, 1972, Eugene Cernan became the last man to do what, when he followed Harrison Schmitt into the ALM?
{ "aliases": [ "Set foot on the moon" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "set foot on moon" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "set foot on moon", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Set foot on the moon" }
[ { "answer": "Set foot on the moon", "passage": "In December 1972, as one of the crew on board Apollo 17, Schmitt became the first member of NASA's first scientist-astronaut group to fly in space. As Apollo 17 was the last of the Apollo missions, he also became the twelfth person to set foot on the Moon, and , the second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface.", "precise_score": 5.430191516876221, "rough_score": 5.995644569396973, "source": "wiki", "title": "Harrison Schmitt" } ]
Arch enemey of Count Dracula, what is the name of the vampire hunter in Bram Stokers 1897 novel Dracula?
{ "aliases": [ "Abraham van Helsing", "Van helsing", "Doctor Abraham Van Helsing", "Dr Abraham Van Helsing", "Van Helsing", "The Adventures of Young Van Helsing", "Abraham Van Helsing", "The Adventures of Young Van Helsing: The Quest for the Lost Scepter", "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "Lorrimar Van Helsing" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "professor abraham van helsing", "lorrimar van helsing", "adventures of young van helsing", "doctor abraham van helsing", "van helsing", "abraham van helsing", "adventures of young van helsing quest for lost scepter", "dr abraham van helsing" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "professor abraham van helsing", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing" }
[ { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Count Dracula is portrayed in the novel using many different supernatural abilities, and is believed to have gained his abilities through dealings with the Devil. Chapter 18 of the novel describes many of the abilities, limitations and weaknesses of Dracula and vampires in particular. Dracula has superhuman strength which, according to Van Helsing, is equivalent to that of 20 strong men. He does not cast a shadow or have a reflection from mirrors. He is immune to conventional means of attack; a sailor tries to stab him in the back with a knife, but the blade goes through his body as though it is air. Why Harker's Kukri knife and Morris' Bowie Knife are able to harm him later on is never explained. The Count can defy gravity to a certain extent and possesses superhuman agility, able to climb vertical surfaces upside down in a reptilian manner. He can travel onto \"unhallowed\" ground such as the graves of suicides and those of his victims. He has powerful hypnotic, telepathic and illusionary abilities. He also has the ability to \"within limitations\" vanish and reappear elsewhere at will. If he knows the path, he can come out from anything or into anything regardless of how close it is bound even if it is fused with fire. ", "precise_score": 0.45086604356765747, "rough_score": -0.9862217307090759, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Count Dracula is depicted as the \"King Vampire\", and can control other vampires. To punish Mina and the party for their efforts against him, Dracula bites her on at least three occasions. He also forces her to drink his blood; this act curses her with the effects of vampirism and gives him a telepathic link to her thoughts. However, hypnotism was only able to be done before dawn. Van Helsing refers to the act of drinking blood by both the vampire and the victim \"the Vampire's Baptism of Blood\". ", "precise_score": -0.6803257465362549, "rough_score": -1.4686086177825928, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "The legend of the vampire was cemented in the film industry when Dracula was reincarnated for a new generation with the celebrated Hammer Horror series of films, starring Christopher Lee as the Count. The successful 1958 Dracula starring Lee was followed by seven sequels. Lee returned as Dracula in all but two of these and became well known in the role. By the 1970s, vampires in films had diversified with works such as Count Yorga, Vampire (1970), an African Count in 1972's Blacula, the BBC's Count Dracula featuring French actor Louis Jourdan as Dracula and Frank Finlay as Abraham Van Helsing, and a Nosferatu-like vampire in 1979's Salem's Lot, and a remake of Nosferatu itself, titled Nosferatu the Vampyre with Klaus Kinski the same year. Several films featured female, often lesbian, vampire antagonists such as Hammer Horror's The Vampire Lovers (1970) based on Carmilla, though the plotlines still revolved around a central evil vampire character.", "precise_score": -0.5764013528823853, "rough_score": -1.8940973281860352, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "A vampire hunter or vampire slayer is a character in folklore and fiction who specializes in finding and destroying vampires, and sometimes other supernatural creatures. A vampire hunter is usually described as having extensive knowledge of vampires and other monstrous creatures, including their powers and weaknesses, and uses this knowledge to effectively combat them. In many works, vampire hunters are simply humans with more than average knowledge about the occult, while in others they are themselves supernatural beings, having superhuman abilities. A well known and influential vampire hunter is Professor Abraham Van Helsing, a character in Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel, Dracula.", "precise_score": 3.000391960144043, "rough_score": -0.5979829430580139, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "The most widely known example of a vampire hunter is Abraham Van Helsing of the novel Dracula and in other works of fiction adapting or modifying that work. Other more recent figures include Buffy \"the Vampire Slayer\" Summers from the television show and film of the same name. Buffy's spin-off series Angel is also focused on a vampire hunter, the titular star, Angel \"the World's Champion,\" a vampire himself, is often portrayed battling vampires. Vampire hunters have also appeared in video games, such as BloodRayne.", "precise_score": -0.09146302938461304, "rough_score": -1.9736825227737427, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing is a character from the 1897 Gothic horror novel Dracula. Van Helsing is an aged Dutch doctor with a wide range of interests and accomplishments, partly attested by the string of letters that follows his name: \"MD, D.Ph., D.Litt., etc, etc,\" indicating a wealth of experience, education and expertise. The character is best known throughout his many adaptations as a vampire hunter, monster hunter, and the archenemy of Count Dracula.", "precise_score": 4.387176513671875, "rough_score": 6.038805961608887, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror was the first film version of Dracula. Although it followed the same basic plot as the novel, names were changed: Van Helsing is Professor Bulwer and appears only in a few scenes. Unlike the book, he is a friend of Thomas Hutter (the film's version of Jonathan Harker) before he meets Count Orlok (a renamed Count Dracula) and never meets the vampire face to face.", "precise_score": 1.1484891176223755, "rough_score": -1.0360050201416016, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Peter Cushing's character in the Hammer movies does not have the first name \"Abraham\" as his case reads J. van Helsing, as seen in The Brides of Dracula. In the series of Hammer Dracula films set in the 1970s, Dracula battles Lorrimar van Helsing, a grandson of the original vampire hunter, who appears as Lawrence van Helsing in the prologue to Dracula AD 1972. In The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires Cushing plays the original Van Helsing from the Hammer series.", "precise_score": -0.8382543325424194, "rough_score": -2.0349557399749756, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Anthony Hopkins portrays Van Helsing in Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992. Already implied to be an experienced vampire hunter. He often comes across as insane, casually discussing how to kill the un-dead despite the brutal methods involved, as well as his ruthless methods when dispatching Dracula's brides, but he nevertheless leads the group to victory over Dracula's forces.", "precise_score": 1.3045344352722168, "rough_score": 1.794177770614624, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "Christopher Plummer portrayed Professor Abraham Van Helsing in Dracula 2000 (he had previously appeared as a vampire hunter, Professor Paris Catalano, in Vampire in Venice). After defeating Count Dracula (Gerard Butler), van Helsing finds that the vampire lord cannot die in the conventional means of destroying a vampire and he only succeeded in paralysing him in a deathlike state. Knowing that Dracula would inevitably rise again, Van Helsing imprisoned the vampire beneath his Carfax Abbey estate, using leeches to dilute Dracula's blood and transfuse it into himself as a means of preserving his own life until he can find a means of destroying Dracula. This has the unintentional side-effect of creating a link between Dracula and van Helsing's daughter. When Dracula escapes after his coffin is stolen, van Helsing's daughter and his assistant are able to use this connection to deduce Dracula's true identity and defeat him after the elder van Helsing's death.", "precise_score": 1.1508220434188843, "rough_score": -0.159812331199646, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 2009 Dacre Stoker novel Dracula the Un-dead, van Helsing is now a 75-year-old man with heart problems, having apparently been disgraced in the medical profession for deaths caused by improper blood transfusions (Although he defends his reputation by arguing that nobody knew about blood types until much later); he was also briefly a suspect in the Jack the Ripper murders due to his knowledge of anatomy and reputation for mutilating corpses for unspecified reasons. He later becomes a vampire himself after a battle with Dracula.", "precise_score": -0.5745047926902771, "rough_score": -1.6083803176879883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*P. N. Elrod's novel Quincey Morris, Vampire takes up the story almost immediately after the conclusion of Bram Stoker's Dracula, but in this story (which shows vampires in a more sympathetic light) van Helsing is unyielding and unwavering in his beliefs and hatred of vampires to the point where he eventually alienates his former friends and allies.", "precise_score": 0.6868703961372375, "rough_score": 0.4780259430408478, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*The comic novel Dracula's Diary by Michael Geare and Michael Corby (ISBN 978-0825301438) completely re-tells the Stoker novel, with the young Count Dracula (who has been learning to act like a true British gentleman) becoming a secret agent for Her Majesty's government and van Helsing an enemy agent for a foreign power who is continually thwarted by Dracula.", "precise_score": 1.7794655561447144, "rough_score": 2.9827945232391357, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Abraham van Helsing was also portrayed in the The Tomb of Dracula Marvel Comics series, which was based on the characters of Bram Stoker's novel.", "precise_score": -0.4955907166004181, "rough_score": -2.1684703826904297, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the Italian comic book Martin Mystère and the spin-off series Storie di Altrove/Stories from Elsewhere Van Helsing's name is Richard. He was originally a knight in the service of the Holy Roman Emperors but he was captured in 1475 by the undead warriors of the Order of the Dragon and turned into a vampire by the Wallachian Prince Vlad Dracula. Four centuries later, Van Helsing killed Dracula, and later came to London to solve the case of Jack the Ripper, eventually discovering that the murderers were mentally controlled by demons from another world. In 1902 he worked together with the resurrected Dracula to prevent the assassination of King Edward VII. He also met Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Mycroft Holmes.", "precise_score": -2.601095676422119, "rough_score": -0.8998941779136658, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*Hammer Films' Dracula series features a whole dynasty of van Helsings: Peter Cushing played J. van Helsing (equivalent to Abraham) in Horror of Dracula (1958) and The Brides of Dracula (1960), set in the 1880s. Cushing also played Lawrence van Helsing in the opening segment of Dracula AD 1972 (1972) and Lawrence's grandson Lorrimar in Dracula AD 1972 and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974). Another Lawrence van Helsing, played by Cushing, appeared in The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974), set in the early 1900s, alongside his son Leyland, played by Robin Stewart. Lorrimar's granddaughter Jessica appears in Dracula AD 1972 (played by Stephanie Beacham) and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (played by Joanna Lumley).", "precise_score": -3.0437002182006836, "rough_score": -2.237340211868286, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2006 film Bram Stoker's Dracula's Curse features a character named Jacob van Helsing (Rhett Giles), who is inferred to be a descendant of the original van Helsing, although this is never actually stated outright.", "precise_score": 0.0457780584692955, "rough_score": -2.0646815299987793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Details of his early life are obscure, but it is mentioned \"he was in life a most wonderful man. Soldier, statesman, and alchemist. Which latter was the highest de-velopment of the science knowledge of his time. He had a mighty brain, a learning beyond compare, and a heart that knew no fear and no remorse... there was no branch of knowledge of his time that he did not essay.\" In life, Dracula studied the black arts at the academy of Scholomance in the Carpathian Mountains, overlooking the town of Sibiu (also known as Hermannstadt) and has a deep knowledge of alchemy and magic. Taking up arms, as befitting his rank and status as a voivode, he led troops against the Turks across the Danube. According to his nemesis Abraham Van Helsing, \"He must indeed have been that Voivode Dracula who won his name against the Turk, over the great river on the very frontier of Turkey-land. If it be so, then was he no common man: for in that time, and for centuries after, he was spoken of as the cleverest and the most cunning, as well as the bravest of the sons of the land beyond the forest.\" Dead and buried in a great tomb in the chapel of his castle, Dracula returns from death as a vampire and lives for several centuries in his castle with three terrifyingly beautiful female vampires beside him. Whether they be his lovers, sisters, daughters, or vampires made by him is not made clear in the narrative.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.125251293182373, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Soon the Count is menacing Harker's fiancée, Wilhelmina \"Mina\" Murray, and her friend, Lucy Westenra. There is also a notable link between Dracula and Renfield, a patient in an insane asylum overseen by John Seward who is compelled to consume insects, spiders, birds, and other creatures—in ascending order of size—in order to absorb their \"life force\". Renfield acts as a kind of sensor, reacting to Dracula's proximity and supplying clues accordingly. Dracula begins to visit Lucy's bed chamber on a nightly basis, draining her of blood while simultaneously infecting her with the curse of vampirism. Not knowing the cause for Lucy's deterioration, her three suitors - Seward, Arthur Holmwood and Quincey Morris - call upon Seward's mentor, the Dutch doctor Abraham Van Helsing. Van Helsing soon deduces her condition's supernatural origins, but does not speak out. Despite an attempt at keeping the vampire at bay with garlic, Dracula attacks Lucy's house one final time, killing her mother and transforming Lucy herself into one of the undead.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.596614360809326, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Harker escapes Dracula's castle and returns to England, barely alive and deeply traumatized. On Seward's suggestion, Mina seeks Van Helsing's assistance in assessing Harker's health. She reads his journal and passes it along to Van Helsing. This unfolds the first clue to the identity of Lucy's assailant, which later prompts Mina to collect all of the events of Dracula's appearance in news articles, saved letters, newspaper clippings and the journals of each member of the group. This assists the group in investigating Dracula's movements and later discovering that Renfield's behavior is directly influenced by Dracula. They then discover that Dracula has purchased a residence just next door to Seward's. The group gathers intelligence to track the location of Dracula for the purpose of destroying him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.754266262054443, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "After Lucy attacks several children, Van Helsing, Seward, Holmwood and Morris enter her crypt and kill her to save her soul. Later, Harker joins them and the party work to discover Dracula's intentions. Harker aids the party in tracking down the locations of the boxes to the various residences of Dracula and discovers that Dracula purchased multiple real estate properties 'over the counter' throughout the North, South, East and West sides of London under the alias 'Count De Ville'. Dracula's main plan was to move each of his 50 boxes of earth to his various properties in order to arrange multiple lairs throughout and around the perimeter of London. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.218926429748535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The party pries open each of the graves, places wafers of Sacramental bread within each of them, and seals them shut. This deprives the Count of his ability to seek safety in those boxes. Dracula gains entry into Seward's residence by coercing an invitation out of Renfield. As he attempts to enter the room in which Harker and Mina are staying, Renfield tries to stop him; Dracula then mortally wounds him. With his dying breath, Renfield tells Seward and Van Helsing that Dracula is after Mina. Van Helsing and Seward discover Dracula biting Mina then forcing her to drink his blood. The group repel Dracula using crucifixes and sacramental bread, forcing Dracula to flee by turning into a dark vapor. The party continue to hunt Dracula to search for his remaining lairs. Although Dracula's 'baptism' of Mina grants him a telepathic link to her, it backfires when Van Helsing hypnotizes Mina and uses her supernatural link with Dracula to track him as he flees back to Transylvania.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.0302300453186035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Dracula can shapeshift at will, able to grow and become small, his featured forms in the novel being that of a bat, a wolf, a large dog and a fog or mist. When the moonlight is shining, he can travel as elemental dust within its rays. He is able to pass through tiny cracks or crevices while retaining his human form or in the form of a vapor; described by Van Helsing as the ability to slip through a hairbreadth space of a tomb door or coffin. This is also an ability used by his victim Lucy as a vampire. When the party breaks into her tomb, they find the coffin empty; her corpse is no longer located within. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.712002754211426, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "One of Dracula's most mysterious powers is the ability to turn others into vampires by biting them. According to Van Helsing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.512018203735352, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The vampire bite itself does not cause death. It is the method vampires use to drain blood of the victim and to increase their influence over them. This is described by Van Helsing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.874676704406738, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing later describes the aftermath of a bitten victim when the vampire has been killed:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.59936809539795, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "As Dracula slowly drains Lucy's blood, she dies from acute blood loss and later transforms into a vampire, despite the efforts of Seward and Van Helsing to provide her with blood transfusions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.842637538909912, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The effects changes Mina' physically and mentally over time. A few moments after Dracula attacks her, Van Helsing takes a wafer of sacramental bread and places it on her forehead to bless her; when the bread touches her skin, it burns her and leaves a scar on her forehead. Her teeth start growing longer but do not grow sharper. She begins to lose her appetite, feeling repulsed by normal food, begins to sleep more and more during the day; cannot wake unless at sunset and stops writing in her diary. When Van Helsing later crumbles the same bread in a circle around her, she is unable to cross or leave the circle, discovering a new form of protection. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.201144218444824, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Dracula's death can release the curse on any living victim of eventual transformation into vampire. However, Van Helsing reveals that were he to successfully escape, his continued existence would ensure that even if he did not victimize Mina further, she would transform into a vampire upon her eventual natural death.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.087849617004395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The Count's intended identity is later commented by Professor Van Helsing, referring to a letter from his friend Arminius:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.706223487854004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "This indeed encourages the reader to identify the Count with the Voivode Dracula first mentioned by him in Chapter 3, the one betrayed by his brother: Vlad III Dracula, betrayed by his brother Radu the Handsome, who had chosen the side of the Turks. But as noted by the Dutch author Hans Corneel de Roos, in Chapter 25, Van Helsing and Mina drop this rudimentary connection to Vlad III and instead describe the Count's personal past as that of \"that other of his race\" who lived \"in a later age\". By smoothly exchanging Vlad III for a nameless double, Stoker avoided that his main character could be unambiguously linked to a historical person traceable in any history book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.589601993560791, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "This increase of interest in vampiric plotlines led to the vampire being depicted in films such as Underworld and Van Helsing, and the Russian Night Watch and a TV miniseries remake of 'Salem's Lot, both from 2004. The series Blood Ties premiered on Lifetime Television in 2007, featuring a character portrayed as Henry Fitzroy, illegitimate son of Henry VIII of England turned vampire, in modern-day Toronto, with a female former Toronto detective in the starring role. A 2008 series from HBO, entitled True Blood, gives a Southern take to the vampire theme.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.905874252319336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* Abraham Van Helsing, Quincey Morris, Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker, Dr. John Seward, and Arthur Holmwood from the novel, Dracula, and some of its adaptations and spin-offs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.487390518188477, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Gabriel Van Helsing from the movie Van Helsing. Van Helsing is a member of a large organization called the Knights of the Holy Order who protect mankind from an evil they 'have no idea even exists'.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.02649211883545, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Carl Kolchak - as seen in the 1970s TV movie and television series Kolchak: The Night Stalker - Newspaper reporter Carl Kolchak has been described as \"the everyman's Van Helsing.\" In his first outing, he tracks down and hunts the vampire Janos Skorzeny. Throughout the series, Kolchak investigates sundry cases, often dealing with supernatural creatures in the process.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.783387184143066, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Eric Van Helsing, his son Jonathan, and his wife Mina, from the British teenage horror television series Young Dracula. Eric Van Helsing is a certified, but incompetent Vampire Slayer who spends the majority of the series exposing and killing the Dracula family. His son initially does not believe in vampires, but later discovers the truth and joins his father. After Eric's death, his wife Mina becomes the main Vampire Slayer in the series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.366820335388184, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the novel, Van Helsing is called in by his former student, Dr. John Seward, to assist with the mysterious illness of Lucy Westenra. Van Helsing's friendship with Seward is based in part upon an unknown prior event in which Van Helsing suffered a grievous wound, and Seward saved his life by sucking out the gangrene. It is Van Helsing who first realizes that Lucy is the victim of a vampire, and he guides Dr. Seward and his friends in their efforts to save Lucy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.233542442321777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "According to Leonard Wolf's annotations to the novel, Van Helsing had a son who died. Van Helsing says that his son, had he lived, would have had a similar appearance to another character, Arthur Holmwood. Consequently, Van Helsing developed a particular fondness for Holmwood. Van Helsing's wife went insane after their son's death, but as a Catholic, he refuses to divorce her (\"with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone, even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife\"). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.75184154510498, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing is one of the few characters in the novel who is fully physically described in one place. In chapter 14, Mina describes him as:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.560813903808594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing's personality is described by John Seward, his former student, thus:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.200521469116211, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the novel Van Helsing is described with what is apparently a thick foreign accent, in that his English is broken, and he uses German phrases like, \"Mein Gott\" (My God).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.888748168945312, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Adaptations of the novel have tended to play up Van Helsing's role as the vampire professional-expert, sometimes to the extent that it is depicted as his major occupation. The novel, however, gives no support for such interpretations. Dr. Seward requests Van Helsing's assistance simply because Lucy's affliction has him baffled and Van Helsing \"knows as much about obscure diseases as any one in the world\". Indeed, Van Helsing takes too much time (weeks and months) to recognise Lucy's illness, and seems to have no practical knowledge about vampires. Until her funeral, he tells no one his theory of Lucy's death.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.380887031555176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Count Dracula, having acquired ownership of England's Carfax estate through solicitor Jonathan Harker, moved to the estate and began menacing England. His victims included Lucy Westenra, who is on holiday in Whitby. The aristocratic girl has suitors such as John Seward, Arthur Holmwood, and Quincey Morris, and has a best friend in Mina Murray, Jonathan Harker's fiancée. Seward, who worked as a doctor in an insane asylum – where one of the patients, the incurably mad Renfield, has a psychic connection to Dracula – contacts Van Helsing about Lucy Westenra's peculiar condition. Van Helsing, recognizing marks upon her neck, eventually deduces that she has been losing blood from a vampire bite. He administers blood transfusion multiple times to try to save her. Van Helsing, Seward and even Arthur all donate their blood to her but each night he realizes that she continues to lose blood. He prescribes her garlic and makes a necklace of garlic flowers for her then proceeds to hang garlic about the room. He also gave her a crucifix to wear around her neck as well. Lucy's demise were brought by her own mother who cleared the room of garlic and opened the window to give her fresh air; a home servant had stolen the gold crucifix from Lucy as well. Lucy dies and after the funeral returns as a vampire seeking out children. Eventually, Van Helsing and a heartbroken Arthur free the undead Lucy from her vampiric curse with Quincy Morris and Dr. Seward as these knew the ordeal. After Arthur uses a hammer to drive the stake through the heart, Van Helsing operates on Lucy by detaching her head then places garlic in her mouth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.4788126945495605, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Mina Harker becomes increasingly worried about her husband's brain fever asking Dr. Seward for assistance to which Van Helsing is referred. Unable to make sense of Johnathon Harker's journal, Mina gives it to Helsing to review. When Harker learns that his experiences in Transylvania were real, his health returns and both he and Mina assist join their friends at Seward's residence. Mina then discovers that each of the character's journals, diaries, letters and collection of news papers further provide intelligence on Dracula's movements. She types out copies and provides them to each of the other party members including Van Helsing. From the copies of text Mina prepared, they learn that that Dracula's residence in Carfax was right nearby Sewards; It is under Helsing's research of ancient folklore, superstitions and historical references to which the party learns of Dracula's weaknesses and strengths. Seward and Helsing also write to an acquaintance from their university to aid in further research into Dracula's past. Staying at Seward's residence to better plan strategies in their efforts to deal with Dracula, they have frequent meetings and each member is assigned duties. It is later that a bat was seen at the window outside of one of these meetings as well.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.807785511016846, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "As Van Helsing and the party investigate the location of Dracula in efforts to destroy and stop him from spreading any further evil, they have their first enounter as a group with Dracula at the residence in Carfax. They eventually discover that Dracula has been purchasing multiple properties throughout and around the perimeter of London; planning to transport each of his 50 boxes of Transylvanian earth to them; learning the boxes are used as graves and each property would be used as his lairs. As they discover each of his lairs and track down the location of the boxes of earth, they place sacramental bread within them to \"sterilize\" them. This repels Dracula from being able to use or transport them further. Dracula learns that the group are plotting against him and entices Renfield to invite him in to Dr. Seward's residence. After hearing a loud noise coming from Renfield's room, Dr Seward and Helsing enter to find him critically injured on the floor with a broken back and severe damages to his head and limbs. Helsing operates on his head to keep him alive long enough for Renfield to tell them his testimony. Learning from this that Dracula went to see Mina, the group goes into Mina's room to see Harker in a hypnotic state, and Dracula giving Mina the 'Vampire's Baptism of Blood', cursing her and the group for plotting against him. When Van Helsing and the party hold out their sacred items to repel Dracula away, causing him to become a vapor and flee into a different room. Dracula then destroys all their copies of text which Mina had produced except one that was hidden and then breaks Renfield' neck before leaving the residence.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.175304889678955, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Helsing places a wafer of sacramental bread upon the forehead of Mina to bless her but it burns her flesh as it touches her, leaving a scar. Mina, feeling that she is now connected with Dracula, asks Van Helsing to hypnotize her before Dawn as that would be the only time she feels could freely speak. Van Helsing learns that through conducting hypnotism on Mina that she has a telepathic link with Dracula; could tell everything he hears and feels and use this gift to track his movements in the future. Mina also agrees that none of the group should tell her any plans they have in the future for fear that Dracula could easily read her thoughts and counter their plans. As the group continues to search for each of the boxes and residences of Dracula throughout London they have encounters with Dracula and continue to sterilize his graves. They manage to find each of his residences and locate all of his boxes except for one; learning that the final grave is located on a boat, Van Helsing determines that Dracula is fleeing back to his Castle. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.071856498718262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "When the party pursues Dracula back to Transylvania, they split up into separate groups of two. While Mina and Van Helsing team up to travel straight to Dracula's castle, the others attempt to track down and ambush the boat on which Dracula is a passenger. Van Helsing continues to hypnotize Mina but his ability to have influence over her diminishes each day. He notices Mina's behavior beginning to change as she starts sleeping more during the day, losing her appetite for food, and ceasing to write in her journal. One night he crumbles sacramental bread in a circle around her and asks her to come sit by him. As she was unable to, he learned that this could be a way to protect their camp from any vampires in the area. Later, he sees the Brides of Dracula approach his camp but they too are unable to cross into the circle of bread. Failing at their attempts to lure Helsing and Mina out of the circle, they flee just before sunrise back to Dracula's Castle. Helsing binds Mina at a small cave to keep her from danger as he goes into Dracula's Castle to kill any vampires he finds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.040731906890869, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Upon the arrival of Van Helsing back to Mina's location from the Castle, they see the rest of their group as they chase a group of gypsies down Borgo Pass and corner them. Armed with knives and firearms they overtake the gypsies and open the final casket box of Dracula; Jonathan Harker brings his Kukri down on Dracula's throat as the bowie knife of Quincey Morris simultaneously impales Dracula's heart in the final moments of daylight. At this very moment, Dracula's body then crumbles to dust. After the struggle, Quincy is seen fatally wounded from the struggle.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.733378887176514, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "6 years later, Van Helsing takes a grandfatherly role in regard to the young Quincey Harker, Jonathan and Mina's son.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.82301139831543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing is seen utilizing many tools to aid him and his party in fending off Dracula, warding off vampires and in general defeating the undead: ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.8744378089904785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Hugh Jackman played Gabriel Van Helsing, the eponymous hero of Van Helsing (2004), loosely based on Bram Stoker's character. Having been found on the steps of a church seven years ago with total amnesia, Gabriel hunts monsters for a secret organization made up of the world's religions (known as the Knights of the Holy Order) to rid the world of evil \"that the rest of mankind has no idea exists\", although he is the most wanted man in Europe for his conspicuous actions. In the movie he is sent to Transylvania to kill Count Dracula. When he arrives, Dracula tells Gabriel that they have already met and have quite a history together, with Dracula revealing over the course of the film that Van Helsing was the one who originally murdered him, as well as claiming ownership of a distinctive ring that Van Helsing has worn as long as he can remember. It is implied that Gabriel is actually the angel Gabriel, with vague references to Dracula's murderer as the \"Left Hand of God\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.488668203353882, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Notable actors to have portrayed Van Helsing in film adaptations of Dracula include:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.9592084884643555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Hugh Jackman (as Gabriel Van Helsing) in Van Helsing (2004) and Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.112420082092285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In Kim Newman's series Anno Dracula, van Helsing has failed to kill Dracula. As a result, the vampire lord has conquered the United Kingdom after marrying Queen Victoria and becoming her Prince Consort. Van Helsing, meanwhile, was killed at the hands of Dracula, and his head is displayed at Buckingham Palace.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.92191219329834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In The Dracula Tape (1975) by Fred Saberhagen, a psychotic, fanatical, bumbling van Helsing opposes the urbane, if ruthless, Dracula.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.941926956176758, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In Fangland by John Marks, the re-imagined van Helsing is split into two separate characters, namely Clementine Spence and Austen Trotta.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.645359992980957, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the Marvel Comics miniseries X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula, van Helsing joins forces with the immortal mutant Apocalypse and his worshipers, Clan Akkaba, in order to destroy Dracula, their common enemy. It is noted that van Helsing had encountered Apocalypse before and previously believed him a vampire.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.537436485290527, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Media involving descendants of van Helsing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.217041015625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "There have been numerous works of fiction depicting descendants of van Helsing carrying on the family tradition.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.106514930725098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 1979 film Love at First Bite, is a comedic parody in which Dracula falls in love, and Jeffrey Rosenberg, grandson of Fritz Van Helsing, tries to kill him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.756922721862793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 1989 film Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat, Bruce Campbell plays Robert Van Helsing, grandson of an earlier Van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.169763565063477, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* In the 2000 film Dracula 2000, Christopher Plummer plays Matthew van Helsing (in fact, the original Abraham Van Helsing posing as his own descendant), and Justine Waddell plays his daughter, Mary.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.186967372894287, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* In the 2000 Disney channel movie Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire, Malachi Van Helsing is hunting the vampire Dimitri, who is preying on the mother of the main characters.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.787785530090332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The 2004 direct-to-video film Dracula 3000 features Captain Abraham van Helsing (played by Casper Van Dien), a descendent of the original van Helsing and the captain of a spacefaring salvage ship.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.652777671813965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The 2004 direct-to-video film The Adventures of Young Van Helsing depicts Abraham van Helsing's great-grandson Michael (Keith Jordan) saving the world from Simon Magus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.156272888183594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2004 film starring Hugh Jackman Van Helsing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.367621421813965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2009 film Stan Helsing is a comedic film revolving around satirizing the van Helsing descendant of the 2004 feature film.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.312874794006348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* In the 2012 TV film, Scooby-Doo! Music of the Vampire, a book writer named Vincent van Helsing is the great great grandson of Abraham van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.014089584350586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2006 CBBC series, Young Dracula, featured Mr. Eric van Helsing – presumably the descendant of his more famous predecessor, though with none of his competence – trying to exterminate Count Dracula and his children, who had been chased out of Transylvania by an angry mob and were now living in rural Wales. Eric lives in a travel trailer with his son Jonathan. There are also references made to previous van Helsing vampire slayers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.927851915359497, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 2014 Showtime series Penny Dreadful, Van Helsing is a hematologist consulted by Victor Frankenstein. He eventually admits he has known about vampires for some time and offers to give Frankenstein some much-needed instruction in the area.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.166152954101562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*Syfy is developing a Van Helsing 13-episodic television series with Neil LaBute as creator. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.160985946655273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The short story Abraham's Boys by Joe Hill is about the retired Abraham van Helsing and his two sons, and how he passes along his knowledge to them. The story is included in the anthology The many faces of van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.073624610900879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* According to The Vampire Hunter's Handbook, Abraham was not the first van Helsing to encounter vampires. The book is supposedly written by Raphael van Helsing in the 18th century. It has also been prequeled by The Demon Hunter's Handbook by Abelard van Helsing (16th century) and The Dragon Hunter's Handbook by Adelia Vin Helsin (14th century). The supposed writers refer to each other (in the cases where it makes sense) and other van Helsings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.9147210121154785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Similar to the above-mentioned handbooks is Vampyre: The Terrifying Lost Journal which is written by Mary-Jane Knight but credited to dr Cornelius van Helsing. The book implies that Cornelius is the brother of Abraham.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.105374336242676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Young Dracula by Michael Lawrence mentions a farmer named Dweeb van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.5498433113098145, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* In Den hemliga boken and sequels by Jesper Tillberg and Peter Bergting, the main character is Abraham's great grandson Lennart van Helsing (not to be confused with Lennart Hellsing).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.750307083129883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The comic book series The Tomb of Dracula featured Rachel van Helsing, granddaughter of Abraham, as a major member of the principal hunters. Minor characters were Abraham's wife Elizabeth and his brother Boris.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.141432285308838, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* In the manga and anime, Hellsing, modern day descendant Integra Hellsing leads a British government strike force against supernatural menaces. The story also includes her father, Arthur and uncle Richard. It later turns out that the protagonist Alucard is in fact Dracula, and became a servant to the Helsing family after being defeated by Integra's grandfather, Abraham van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.013029098510742, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The DC comic Night Force features Abraham's granddaughter Vanessa van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.982288360595703, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Sword of Dracula is a comic book with Veronica \"Ronnie\" van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.612506151199341, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Helsing is a Caliber Comics title about a Samantha Helsing and a John van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.19177532196045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The Vampirella comic books feature father-son vampire hunters Conrad and Adam van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.498453140258789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The 2013 game, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, focuses on the trials of young van Helsing, son of the legendary vampire hunter Abraham van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.928742408752441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Van Helsing was adapted as a character in MechQuest, where he plays a professional mech vampire hunter. He is portrayed as having a brother, another hunter, who looks identical to him and eventually replaces him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.716593742370605, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" } ]
What can be a Greek god, a Paris-based, high-fashion luxury-goods manufacturer, and a Futurama character?
{ "aliases": [ "Hermoea", "Kyllenios", "Enagonios", "Atlantiades", "Hermes (Greek religion and mythology)", "Hermes (mythology)", "Hermes Cylleneius", "Hermes", "Hermese", "Hermes Criophorus", "Hermês", "Hermes Logios", "Hermes and Apollo", "Cyllenius", "Hermes Psychopompus", "Cult of Hermes", "Argeiphontes", "Psychopompus", "Cylleneius" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "psychopompus", "hermes criophorus", "hermês", "cyllenius", "hermes", "hermese", "cylleneius", "enagonios", "hermoea", "hermes cylleneius", "hermes logios", "cult of hermes", "hermes mythology", "hermes greek religion and mythology", "atlantiades", "kyllenios", "hermes psychopompus", "hermes and apollo", "argeiphontes" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "hermes", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Hermes" }
[ { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "The earliest Greek thought about poetry considered the theogonies to be the prototypical poetic genre—the prototypical mythos—and imputed almost magical powers to it. Orpheus, the archetypal poet, also was the archetypal singer of theogonies, which he uses to calm seas and storms in Apollonius' Argonautica, and to move the stony hearts of the underworld gods in his descent to Hades. When Hermes invents the lyre in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, the first thing he does is sing about the birth of the gods. Hesiod's Theogony is not only the fullest surviving account of the gods, but also the fullest surviving account of the archaic poet's function, with its long preliminary invocation to the Muses. Theogony also was the subject of many lost poems, including those attributed to Orpheus, Musaeus, Epimenides, Abaris, and other legendary seers, which were used in private ritual purifications and mystery-rites. There are indications that Plato was familiar with some version of the Orphic theogony. A silence would have been expected about religious rites and beliefs, however, and that nature of the culture would not have been reported by members of the society while the beliefs were held. After they ceased to become religious beliefs, few would have known the rites and rituals. Allusions often existed, however, to aspects that were quite public.", "precise_score": -10.368341445922852, "rough_score": -9.058866500854492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Greek mythology" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "In addition to the main cast, Frank Welker voiced Nibbler and Kath Soucie voiced Cubert and several supporting and minor characters. Like The Simpsons, many episodes of Futurama feature guest voices from a wide range of professions, including actors, entertainers, bands, musicians, and scientists. Many guests stars voiced supporting characters, although many voiced themselves, usually as their own head preserved in a jar. Recurring guest stars included Dawnn Lewis (as Hermes' wife LaBarbara), Tom Kenny, Dan Castellaneta (as the Robot Devil), Al Gore, and George Takei, among others.", "precise_score": -6.84041690826416, "rough_score": -8.301379203796387, "source": "wiki", "title": "Futurama" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "Toynami produced new Futurama figures. The first series of the Toynami figures is separated into 3 waves: wave one, released in September 2007, featured Fry and Zoidberg; wave two, released in January 2008, consisted of Leela and Zapp (who comes with Richard Nixon's head-in-a-jar); the third wave, released in June 2008, includes Bender and Kif. Each figure comes with a build-a-figure piece to assemble the Robot Devil. The second series of Toynami figures includes Captain Yesterday (A Fry variant from \"Less Than Hero\") and Nudar in the first wave. The second wave includes Super-King (Bender from \"Less Than Hero\") and Calculon, and the third wave includes Clobberella (Leela from \"Less Than Hero\") and Amy Wong. The figures in series 2 include pieces to build Robot Santa. The third, and current, series of the Toynami line includes Professor Farnsworth (who comes with Nibbler), and Hermes. Wave 2 was released in February 2010 and includes Chef Bender and Mom, who comes with a removable fat-suit. Series 3 figures come with pieces to build Roberto. Series 9 will include URL and Wooden Bender (from \"Obsoletely Fabulous\") and Series 10 will include Clamps and Joey Mousepad. Series 11 consists of The Donbot and Flexo. That wave will not have a specific Build A Bot character, planned Morbo. All figures feature multiple points of articulation and character-specific accessories.", "precise_score": -7.522719383239746, "rough_score": -7.845551490783691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Futurama" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "Hermes is the divine messenger of the Olympian gods in Greek mythology.", "precise_score": -5.115782737731934, "rough_score": -10.012153625488281, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Abrasives, a German-based abrasive manufacturer", "precise_score": -8.27215576171875, "rough_score": -8.363726615905762, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Airlines, a Greek charter airline founded in 2011", "precise_score": -7.971698760986328, "rough_score": -10.536648750305176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Elbit Hermes 450, a line of unmanned aerial vehicles manufactured by Elbit", "precise_score": -10.535091400146484, "rough_score": -10.254313468933105, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes, the Greek name for the planet Mercury, as it appeared in the evening sky", "precise_score": -8.419353485107422, "rough_score": -9.673721313476562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Conrad, a character in the animated television series Futurama", "precise_score": -4.704864025115967, "rough_score": -5.4917120933532715, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Trismegistus (\"Hermes the thrice-greatest\"), the Greek name for the Egyptian god Thoth", "precise_score": -4.336965560913086, "rough_score": -8.613285064697266, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "Phil LaMarr voices Hermes Conrad, his son Dwight, Ethan Bubblegum Tate, and Reverend Preacherbot. Lauren Tom voiced Amy Wong, and Tress MacNeille voices Mom and various other characters. Maurice LaMarche voices Kif Kroker and several supporting characters. LaMarche won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance in 2011 for his performances as Lrrr and Orson Welles in the episode \"Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences\". David Herman voiced Scruffy and various supporting characters. During seasons 1–4, LaMarche is billed as supporting cast and Tom, LaMarr and Herman billed as guest stars, despite appearing in most episodes. LaMarche was promoted to main cast and Tom, LaMarr and Herman to supporting cast in Season 5, and promoted again to main cast in Season 6.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.552733421325684, "source": "wiki", "title": "Futurama" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "* Hermes Conrad (Phil LaMarr) – Hermes is the Jamaican accountant of Planet Express. A 36th-level bureaucrat (demoted to level 37 during the series) and proud of it, he is a stickler for regulation and enamored of the tedium of paperwork and bureaucracy. Hermes is also a former champion in Olympic Limbo, a sport derived from the popular party activity. He gave up limbo after the 2980 Olympics when a young fan, imitating him, broke his back and died. Hermes has a wife, LaBarbara, and a 12-year-old son, Dwight.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.835226058959961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Futurama" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "Hermes can also refer to:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.185894012451172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (parcels), a German parcel delivery company", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.950479507446289, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Aviation, a start-up Maltese airline founded in 2014", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.38045883178711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*EFG-Hermes Holding Company, an Egyptian financial group", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.833844184875488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Investment Management, an organisation based within London", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.763959884643555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Press, an American publisher of art books and comic books, founded in 2001", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.145184516906738, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Records, an Iranian record label", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.286320686340332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (spaceplane), a design of space shuttle proposed by the European Space Agency", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.118144035339355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (satellite), a failed American satellite", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.318222999572754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*69230 Hermes, a binary near-Earth asteroid rediscovered in 2003", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.292448043823242, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HERMES, a spectrograph to be installed on the Anglo-Australian Telescope in 2013", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.119793891906738, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HerMES, Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey, a project using the Herschel Space Observatory", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.206286430358887, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HERMES-A/MINOTAUR, also known as Project HERMES, the first internet-to-orbit gateway", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.97204303741455, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (BBS), a Macintosh-based bulletin board system that was similar to MS-DOS-based WWIV", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.674308776855469, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (programming language), a distributed programming language developed at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center from 1986 through 1992", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.298466682434082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Project, a C++/Python library comprising algorithms for rapid prototyping of adaptive higher-order modular finite element system solvers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.074435234069824, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes, codename of the ORiNOCO family of wireless networking technology by Proxim Wireless", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.365488052368164, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HERMES experiment, a particle physics experiment", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.300914764404297, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HERMES Project, or the Hotspot Ecosystems Research on the Margins of European Seas", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.294960021972656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HTC Hermes, the production code-name for the HTC TyTN smartphone", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.370345115661621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*HMS Hermes, various ships of the British Royal Navy", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.305181503295898, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes-class post ship, a class of Royal Navy sailing ships built in the early 19th century", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.371438980102539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes-class sloop, a Royal Navy class of four paddlewheel steam sloops built in the 1830s", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.286165237426758, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (missile program), a United States Army Ordnance Corps missile program (1944–1954)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.319663047790527, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (missile), a family of Russian guided missiles", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.148916244506836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Operation Hermes, a coalition military operation of the Iraq War", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.437952995300293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Handley Page Hermes, a 1950s British four-engined transport aircraft", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25735092163086, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (given name)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.952201843261719, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (surname)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244873046875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (Harry Potter), Percy Weasley's owl in the Harry Potter series", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.318184852600098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (Marvel Comics), a Marvel Comics character", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.808462142944336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes, a talking motorcycle in the anime Kino's Journey", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.355740547180176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes, Oise, a commune in the Oise département of northern France", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.257744789123535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (publication), an annual literary journal at the University of Sydney", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.140562057495117, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes (sculpture), a sculpture by an unknown artist in the Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.996079444885254, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes F.C., a Scottish football club based in Aberdeen", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.97093391418457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" }, { "answer": "Hermes", "passage": "*Hermes Hockey Team, a Finnish ice hockey team from Kokkola", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.537632942199707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hermes (disambiguation)" } ]
Served in a traditional cocktail glass, what drink consists of equal parts brandy (or cognac), Contreau, and lemon juice?
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According to the nursery rhyme, who “stole a pig and away did run”?
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[ { "answer": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son", "passage": "\"Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19621.", "precise_score": -5.304279327392578, "rough_score": -7.979747295379639, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son" }, { "answer": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son", "passage": "Tom, Tom, the piper's son,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076993942260742, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son" }, { "answer": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son", "passage": "Tom, Tom, the piper's son,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076993942260742, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son" } ]
The first episode of what TV series, now in a record 22nd year, debuted on December 17, 1989, following 3 years as shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show?
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[ { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Tracey Ullman Show is known for producing a series of shorts featuring the Simpson family, which was adapted into the TV series The Simpsons, which is also produced by Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television (now 20th Television).", "precise_score": 0.953230082988739, "rough_score": -1.7392867803573608, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show" }, { "answer": "The Simpson", "passage": "The Simpson family debuted in short animated cartoons on The Tracey Ullman Show for three seasons before being spun off into their own half-hour series. These shorts, also called \"bumpers\", aired before and after commercial breaks during the first and second seasons of the show. They eventually had their own full segments in between the live action segments during season three. They did not appear in the fourth and final season, as they had their own half-hour TV series by then.", "precise_score": -0.01093563437461853, "rough_score": 1.907196044921875, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Since its debut on December 17, 1989, the series has broadcast episodes. It will begin airing its 28th season in September 2016. The Simpsons is the longest-running American sitcom, the longest-running American animated program, and in 2009 it surpassed Gunsmoke as the longest-running American scripted primetime television series. The Simpsons Movie, a feature-length film, was released in theaters worldwide on July 27, 2007, and grossed over $527 million. On May 4, 2015, the series was officially renewed for seasons twenty-seven (2015–16) and twenty-eight (2016–17), consisting of 22 episodes each. ", "precise_score": 1.3350435495376587, "rough_score": 0.11026015877723694, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpson", "passage": "The Simpson family first appeared as shorts in The Tracey Ullman Show on April 19, 1987. Groening submitted only basic sketches to the animators and assumed that the figures would be cleaned up in production. However, the animators merely re-traced his drawings, which led to the crude appearance of the characters in the initial shorts. The animation was produced domestically at Klasky Csupo, with Wes Archer, David Silverman, and Bill Kopp being animators for the first season. Colorist Gyorgyi Peluce was the person who decided to make the characters yellow.", "precise_score": -0.2438667118549347, "rough_score": -0.39044392108917236, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 1989, a team of production companies adapted The Simpsons into a half-hour series for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The team included the Klasky Csupo animation house. Brooks negotiated a provision in the contract with the Fox network that prevented Fox from interfering with the show's content. Groening said his goal in creating the show was to offer the audience an alternative to what he called \"the mainstream trash\" that they were watching. The half-hour series premiered on December 17, 1989, with \"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire\". \"Some Enchanted Evening\" was the first full-length episode produced, but it did not broadcast until May 1990, as the last episode of the first season, because of animation problems. In 1992, Tracey Ullman filed a lawsuit against Fox, claiming that her show was the source of the series' success. The suit said she should receive a share of the profits of The Simpsons —a claim rejected by the courts. ", "precise_score": 1.4068667888641357, "rough_score": 0.059260737150907516, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Several different U.S. and international studios animate The Simpsons. Throughout the run of the animated shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show, the animation was produced domestically at Klasky Csupo. With the debut of the series, because of an increased workload, Fox subcontracted production to several international studios, located in South Korea. These are AKOM, Anivision, Rough Draft Studios, USAnimation, and Toonzone Entertainment. A subcontractor connection to the North Korean SEK Studio has been suspected but not confirmed. The production staff at the U.S. animation studio, Film Roman, draws storyboards, designs new characters, backgrounds, props and draws character and background layouts, which in turn become animatics to be screened for the writers at Gracie Films for any changes to be made before the work is shipped overseas. The overseas studios then draw the inbetweens, ink and paint, and render the animation to tape before it is shipped back to the United States to be delivered to Fox three to four months later. ", "precise_score": -2.4154200553894043, "rough_score": -4.398871898651123, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Due to the show's success, over the summer of 1990 the Fox Network decided to switch The Simpsons time slot so that it would move from 8:00 p.m. ET on Sunday night to the same time on Thursday, where it would compete with The Cosby Show on NBC, the number one show at the time. Through the summer, several news outlets published stories about the supposed \"Bill vs. Bart\" rivalry. \"Bart Gets an F\" (season two, 1990) was the first episode to air against The Cosby Show, and it received a lower Nielsen ratings, tying for eighth behind The Cosby Show, which had an 18.5 rating. The rating is based on the number of household televisions that were tuned into the show, but Nielsen Media Research estimated that 33.6 million viewers watched the episode, making it the number one show in terms of actual viewers that week. At the time, it was the most watched episode in the history of the Fox Network, and it is still the highest rated episode in the history of The Simpsons. The show moved back to its Sunday slot in 1994 and has remained there ever since.", "precise_score": -6.558831214904785, "rough_score": -4.657586574554443, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "On February 9, 1997, The Simpsons surpassed The Flintstones with the episode \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\" as the longest-running prime-time animated series in the United States. In 2004, The Simpsons replaced The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952 to 1966) as the longest-running sitcom (animated or live action) in the United States. In 2009, The Simpsons surpassed The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriets record of 435 episodes and is now recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's longest running sitcom (in terms of episode count). In October 2004, Scooby-Doo briefly overtook The Simpsons as the American animated show with the highest number of episodes. However, network executives in April 2005 again cancelled Scooby-Doo, which finished with 371 episodes, and The Simpsons reclaimed the title with 378 episodes at the end of their seventeenth season. In May 2007, The Simpsons reached their 400th episode at the end of the eighteenth season. While The Simpsons has the record for the number of episodes by an American animated show, other animated series have surpassed The Simpsons. For example, the Japanese anime series Sazae-san has over 7,000 episodes to its credit.", "precise_score": -4.500077247619629, "rough_score": -4.172013282775879, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2009, Fox began a year-long celebration of the show titled \"Best. 20 Years. Ever.\" to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the premiere of The Simpsons. One of the first parts of the celebration is the \"Unleash Your Yellow\" contest in which entrants must design a poster for the show. The celebration ended on January 10, 2010 (almost 20 years after \"Bart the Genius\" aired on January 14, 1990), with The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special – In 3-D! On Ice!, a documentary special by documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock that examines the \"cultural phenomenon of The Simpsons\". ", "precise_score": -4.644347667694092, "rough_score": -4.653910160064697, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "As of the twenty-first season (2009–2010), The Simpsons became the longest-running American scripted primetime television series, having surpassed Gunsmoke. However, Gunsmokes episode count of 635 episodes surpasses The Simpsons, which will not reach that mark until its approximate 29th season under normal programming schedules. However, since Gunsmoke was a full-hour series for its latter fourteen seasons, The Simpsons is the longest-running half-hour series in primetime television. In May 2015, Fox renewed the show up to the end of a 28th season.", "precise_score": -5.646262168884277, "rough_score": -5.406055450439453, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has won dozens of awards since it debuted as a series, including 31 Primetime Emmy Awards, 30 Annie Awards and a Peabody Award. In a 1999 issue celebrating the 20th century's greatest achievements in arts and entertainment, Time magazine named The Simpsons the century's best television series. In that same issue, Time included Bart Simpson in the Time 100, the publication's list of the century's 100 most influential people. Bart was the only fictional character on the list. On January 14, 2000, the Simpsons were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Also in 2000, Entertainment Weekly magazine TV critic Ken Tucker named The Simpsons the greatest television show of the 1990s. Furthermore, viewers of the UK television channel Channel 4 have voted The Simpsons at the top of two polls: 2001's 100 Greatest Kids' TV shows, and 2005's The 100 Greatest Cartoons, with Homer Simpson voted into first place in 2001's 100 Greatest TV Characters. Homer would also place ninth on Entertainment Weekly list of the \"50 Greatest TV icons\". In 2002, The Simpsons ranked #8 on TV Guides 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time, and in 2007 it was included in Time list of the \"100 Best TV Shows of All Time\". In 2008 the show was placed in first on Entertainment Weekly \"Top 100 Shows of the Past 25 Years\". Empire named it the greatest TV show of all time. In 2010, Entertainment Weekly named Homer \"the greatest character of the last 20 years\", while in 2013 the Writers Guild of America listed The Simpsons as the 11th \"best written\" series in television history. In 2013, TV Guide ranked The Simpsons as the greatest TV cartoon of all time and the tenth greatest show of all time. ", "precise_score": -6.4218854904174805, "rough_score": -4.495810031890869, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "FXX premiered The Simpsons on their network on August 21, 2014 by starting a twelve-day marathon which featured the first 552 episodes (every single episode that had already been released at the time) aired chronologically, including The Simpsons Movie, which FX Networks had already owned the rights to air. It was the longest continuous marathon in the history of television (until VH1 Classic aired a 433-hour, nineteen-day, marathon of Saturday Night Live in 2015; celebrating that program's 40th anniversary). The first day of the marathon was the highest rated broadcast day in the history of the network so far, the ratings more than tripled that those of regular prime time programming for FXX. Ratings during the first six nights of the marathon grew night after night, with the network ranking within the top 5 networks in basic cable each night. ", "precise_score": -2.782839298248291, "rough_score": -4.187821865081787, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "After four seasons, Ullman decided to end the show in May 1990. In 1991, she filed a lawsuit against Twentieth Century Fox in Los Angeles Superior Court over profits from the later half-hour incarnation of The Simpsons. She wanted a share of The Simpsons merchandising and gross profits and believed she was entitled to $2.5 million of the estimated $50 million Fox made in 1992. The Fox network had paid her $58,000 in royalties for The Simpsons as well as $3 million for the 3½ seasons her show was on the air. According to an article, as Ullman had continued her professional relationship with former producer Brooks, only the studio and not Brooks was named in the suit. Brooks was allowed to videotape his testimony as he was in the middle of filming I'll Do Anything, in which Ullman appeared. The suit was ultimately dismissed. Ullman wasn't the only one to file a lawsuit; Tracey Ullman Show executive producer Ken Estin filed a similar suit against Fox claiming that his contract called for him to receive 7.5% of revenues from The Simpsons, including a portion of merchandise. ", "precise_score": -6.295804977416992, "rough_score": -4.79585599899292, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tracey Ullman" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.888545989990234, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "All of them were written by Matt Groening and animated at Klasky-Csupo by a team of animators consisting of David Silverman, Wes Archer, and Bill Kopp. Tracey Ullman Show cast members Dan Castellaneta and Julie Kavner provide the voices of Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson respectively. In the beginning, the drawings appeared very crude because the animators were more or less just tracing over Groening's storyboards, but as the series developed, so did the designs and layouts of the characters and the \"Simpsons drawing style\" was ultimately conceived. This style evolved even more throughout the first few seasons of The Simpsons and was used more than a decade later on Futurama, another animated series created by Matt Groening.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.638538837432861, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Dr. N!Godatu was another series of animated shorts created by M.K. Brown (and animated by the same Klasky-Csupo team). It originally alternated every other week with the Simpsons shorts, but was dropped after the first season of the show. By this point, Groening's shorts had gained much more popularity and the producers saw no reason to continue Brown's shorts. The character was voiced by Julie Payne.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.57099723815918, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Tracey Ullman Show" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical depiction of a working class lifestyle epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society, television, and many aspects of the human condition. It's the 20th Century Fox debut in animation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.59549331665039, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has received widespread critical acclaim, especially for the \"Golden Age\" of approximately its first ten seasons. Time magazine named it the 20th century's best television series, and The A.V. Club named it \"television's crowning achievement regardless of format\". On January 14, 2000, the Simpson family was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It has won dozens of awards since it debuted as a series, including 31 Primetime Emmy Awards, 30 Annie Awards, and a Peabody Award. Homer's exclamatory catchphrase \"D'oh!\" has been adopted into the English language, while The Simpsons has influenced many adult-oriented animated sitcoms. Despite this, the show has also been criticized for what many perceive as a decline in quality over the years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.242576599121094, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons are a family who live in a fictional \"Middle American\" town of Springfield. Homer, the father, works as a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, a position at odds with his careless, buffoonish personality. He is married to Marge Simpson, a stereotypical American housewife and mother. They have three children: Bart, a ten-year-old troublemaker; Lisa, a precocious eight-year-old activist; and Maggie, the baby of the family who rarely speaks, but communicates by sucking on a pacifier. Although the family is dysfunctional, many episodes examine their relationships and bonds with each other and they are often shown to care about one another. The family owns a dog, Santa's Little Helper, and a cat, Snowball V, renamed Snowball II in \"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot\". Both pets have had starring roles in several episodes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.660712242126465, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Despite the depiction of yearly milestones such as holidays or birthdays passing, the characters do not age between episodes (either physically or in stated age), and generally appear just as they did when the series began. The series uses a floating timeline in which episodes generally take place in the year the episode is produced even though the characters do not age. Flashbacks/forwards do occasionally depict the characters at other points in their lives, with the timeline of these depictions also generally floating relative to the year the episode is produced. In a nod to the non-aging aspect of the show, when asked during the Family Guy crossover episode \"The Simpsons Guy\" how long Nelson Muntz has been bullying him, Bart replies \"24 years.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.90450382232666, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons takes place in the fictional American town of Springfield in an unknown and impossible-to-determine U.S. state. The show is intentionally evasive in regard to Springfield's location. Springfield's geography, and that of its surroundings, contains coastlines, deserts, vast farmland, tall mountains, or whatever the story or joke requires. Groening has said that Springfield has much in common with Portland, Oregon, the city where he grew up. The name \"Springfield\" is a common one in America and appears in 22 states. Groening has said that he named it after Springfield, Oregon, and the fictitious Springfield which was the setting of the series Father Knows Best. He \"figured out that Springfield was one of the most common names for a city in the U.S. In anticipation of the success of the show, I thought, 'This will be cool; everyone will think it's their Springfield.' And they do.\" An astronomer and fan of the show, Phil Plait, noticed that The Simpsons could be set in Australia, because the moon in Springfield faces the wrong way to be an American location. It is drawn facing the right, as it would in the Southern Hemisphere. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.153532981872559, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "When producer James L. Brooks was working on the television variety show The Tracey Ullman Show, he decided to include small animated sketches before and after the commercial breaks. Having seen one of cartoonist Matt Groening's Life in Hell comic strips, Brooks asked Groening to pitch an idea for a series of animated shorts. Groening initially intended to present an animated version of his Life in Hell series. However, Groening later realized that animating Life in Hell would require the rescinding of publication rights for his life's work. He therefore chose another approach while waiting in the lobby of Brooks's office for the pitch meeting, hurriedly formulating his version of a dysfunctional family that became the Simpsons. He named the characters after his own family members, substituting \"Bart\" for his own name, adopting an anagram of the word \"brat\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.601243495941162, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "Simpsons", "passage": "Matt Groening and James L. Brooks have served as executive producers during the show's entire history, and also function as creative consultants. Sam Simon, described by former Simpsons director Brad Bird as \"the unsung hero\" of the show, served as creative supervisor for the first four seasons. He was constantly at odds with Groening, Brooks and the show's production company Gracie Films and left in 1993. Before leaving, he negotiated a deal that sees him receive a share of the profits every year, and an executive producer credit despite not having worked on the show since 1993, at least until his passing in 2015. A more involved position on the show is the showrunner, who acts as head writer and manages the show's production for an entire season. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.425649642944336, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "Simpsons", "passage": "The first team of writers, assembled by Sam Simon, consisted of John Swartzwelder, Jon Vitti, George Meyer, Jeff Martin, Al Jean, Mike Reiss, Jay Kogen and Wallace Wolodarsky. Newer Simpsons writing teams typically consist of sixteen writers who propose episode ideas at the beginning of each December. The main writer of each episode writes the first draft. Group rewriting sessions develop final scripts by adding or removing jokes, inserting scenes, and calling for re-readings of lines by the show's vocal performers. Until 2004, George Meyer, who had developed the show since the first season, was active in these sessions. According to long-time writer Jon Vitti, Meyer usually invented the best lines in a given episode, even though other writers may receive script credits. Each episode takes six months to produce so the show rarely comments on current events. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.7282915115356445, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Credited with sixty episodes, John Swartzwelder is the most prolific writer on The Simpsons. One of the best-known former writers is Conan O'Brien, who contributed to several episodes in the early 1990s before replacing David Letterman as host of the talk show Late Night. English comedian Ricky Gervais wrote the episode \"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife\", becoming the first celebrity to both write and guest star in an episode. Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, writers of the film Superbad, wrote the episode \"Homer the Whopper\", with Rogen voicing a character in it. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.824203014373779, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "At the end of 2007, the writers of The Simpsons went on strike together with the other members of the Writers Guild of America, East. The show's writers had joined the guild in 1998. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.614822387695312, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has six main cast members: Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer. Castellaneta voices Homer Simpson, Grampa Simpson, Krusty the Clown, Groundskeeper Willie, Mayor Quimby, Barney Gumble and other adult, male characters. Julie Kavner voices Marge Simpson and Patty and Selma, as well as several minor characters. Castellaneta and Kavner had been a part of The Tracey Ullman Show cast and were given the parts so that new actors would not be needed. Cartwright voices Bart Simpson, Nelson Muntz, Ralph Wiggum and other children. Smith, the voice of Lisa Simpson, is the only cast member who regularly voices only one character, although she occasionally plays other episodic characters. The producers decided to hold casting for the roles of Bart and Lisa. Smith had initially been asked to audition for the role of Bart, but casting director Bonita Pietila believed her voice was too high, so she was given the role of Lisa instead. Cartwright was originally brought in to voice Lisa, but upon arriving at the audition, she found that Lisa was simply described as the \"middle child\" and at the time did not have much personality. Cartwright became more interested in the role of Bart, who was described as \"devious, underachieving, school-hating, irreverent, [and] clever\". Groening let her try out for the part instead, and upon hearing her read, gave her the job on the spot. Cartwright is the only one of the six main Simpsons cast members who had been professionally trained in voice acting prior to working on the show. Azaria and Shearer do not voice members of the title family, but play a majority of the male townspeople. Azaria, who has been a part of the Simpsons regular voice cast since the second season, voices recurring characters such as Moe Szyslak, Chief Wiggum, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon and Professor Frink. Shearer also provides voices for Mr. Burns, Mr. Smithers, Principal Skinner, Ned Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy and Dr. Hibbert. Every main cast member has won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.767889499664307, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Episodes will quite often feature guest voices from a wide range of professions, including actors, athletes, authors, bands, musicians and scientists. In the earlier seasons, most of the guest stars voiced characters, but eventually more started appearing as themselves. Tony Bennett was the first guest star to appear as himself, appearing briefly in the season two episode \"Dancin' Homer\". The Simpsons holds the world record for \"Most Guest Stars Featured in a Television Series\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.006887435913086, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has been dubbed into several other languages, including Japanese, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. It is also one of the few programs dubbed in both standard French and Quebec French. The show has been broadcast in Arabic, but due to Islamic customs, numerous aspects of the show have been changed. For example, Homer drinks soda instead of beer and eats Egyptian beef sausages instead of hot dogs. Because of such changes, the Arabized version of the series met with a negative reaction from the lifelong Simpsons fans in the area. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.127645492553711, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "For the first three seasons, Klasky Csupo animated The Simpsons in the United States. In 1992, the show's production company, Gracie Films, switched domestic production to Film Roman, who continue to animate the show as of 2012. In Season 14, production switched from traditional cel animation to digital ink and paint. The first episode to experiment with digital coloring was \"Radioactive Man\" in 1995. Animators used digital ink and paint during production of the season 12 episode \"Tennis the Menace\", but Gracie Films delayed the regular use of digital ink and paint until two seasons later. The already completed \"Tennis the Menace\" was broadcast as made. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.628321170806885, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons uses the standard setup of a situational comedy, or sitcom, as its premise. The series centers on a family and their life in a typical American town, serving as a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle. However, because of its animated nature, The Simpsons scope is larger than that of a regular sitcom. The town of Springfield acts as a complete universe in which characters can explore the issues faced by modern society. By having Homer work in a nuclear power plant, the show can comment on the state of the environment. Through Bart and Lisa's days at Springfield Elementary School, the show's writers illustrate pressing or controversial issues in the field of education. The town features a vast array of media channels—from kids' television programming to local news, which enables the producers to make jokes about themselves and the entertainment industry.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.621379852294922, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Some commentators say the show is political in nature and susceptible to a left-wing bias. Al Jean admitted in an interview that \"We [the show] are of liberal bent.\" The writers often evince an appreciation for liberal ideals, but the show makes jokes across the political spectrum. The show portrays government and large corporations as callous entities that take advantage of the common worker. Thus, the writers often portray authority figures in an unflattering or negative light. In The Simpsons, politicians are corrupt, ministers such as Reverend Lovejoy are indifferent to churchgoers, and the local police force is incompetent. Religion also figures as a recurring theme. In times of crisis, the family often turns to God, and the show has dealt with most of the major religions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25139045715332, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons' opening sequence is one of the show's most memorable hallmarks. The standard opening has gone through three iterations (a replacement of some shots at the start of the second season, and a brand new sequence when the show switched to high-definition in 2009). Each has the same basic sequence of events: The camera zooms through cumulus clouds, through the show's title towards the town of Springfield. The camera then follows the members of the family on their way home. Upon entering their house, the Simpsons settle down on their couch to watch television. The original opening was created by David Silverman, and was the first task he did when production began on the show. The series' distinctive theme song was composed by musician Danny Elfman in 1989, after Groening approached him requesting a retro style piece. This piece has been noted by Elfman as the most popular of his career. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.708006858825684, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The show's humor turns on cultural references that cover a wide spectrum of society so that viewers from all generations can enjoy the show. Such references, for example, come from movies, television, music, literature, science, and history. The animators also regularly add jokes or sight gags into the show's background via humorous or incongruous bits of text in signs, newspapers, billboards, and elsewhere. The audience may often not notice the visual jokes in a single viewing. Some are so fleeting that they become apparent only by pausing a video recording of the show. Kristin Thompson argues that The Simpsons uses a \"flurry of cultural references, intentionally inconsistent characterization, and considerable self-reflexivity about television conventions and the status of the programme as a television show.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.543107032775879, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Moe was based partly on Tube Bar owner Louis \"Red\" Deutsch, whose often profane responses inspired Moe's violent side. As the series progressed, it became more difficult for the writers to come up with a fake name and to write Moe's angry response, and the pranks were dropped as a regular joke during the fourth season. The Simpsons also often includes self-referential humor. The most common form is jokes about Fox Broadcasting. For example, the episode \"She Used to Be My Girl\" included a scene in which a Fox News Channel van drove down the street while displaying a large \"Bush Cheney 2004\" banner and playing Queen's \"We Are the Champions\", in reference to the 2004 U.S. presidential election and claims of conservative bias in Fox News. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.001161575317383, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "A number of neologisms that originated on The Simpsons have entered popular vernacular. Mark Liberman, director of the Linguistic Data Consortium, remarked, \"The Simpsons has apparently taken over from Shakespeare and the Bible as our culture's greatest source of idioms, catchphrases and sundry other textual allusions.\" The most famous catchphrase is Homer's annoyed grunt: \"D'oh!\" So ubiquitous is the expression that it is now listed in the Oxford English Dictionary, but without the apostrophe. Dan Castellaneta says he borrowed the phrase from James Finlayson, an actor in many Laurel and Hardy comedies, who pronounced it in a more elongated and whining tone. The staff of The Simpsons told Castellaneta to shorten the noise, and it went on to become the well-known exclamation in the television series. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.677422523498535, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons was the first successful animated program in American prime time since Wait Till Your Father Gets Home in the 1970s. During most of the 1980s, US pundits considered animated shows as appropriate only for children, and animating a show was too expensive to achieve a quality suitable for prime-time television. The Simpsons changed this perception. The use of Korean animation studios for tweening, coloring, and filming made the episodes cheaper. The success of The Simpsons and the lower production cost prompted US television networks to take chances on other animated series. This development led US producers to a 1990s boom in new, animated prime-time shows, such as South Park, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama and The Critic. For Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, \"The Simpsons created an audience for prime-time animation that had not been there for many, many years ... As far as I'm concerned, they basically re-invented the wheel. They created what is in many ways—you could classify it as—a wholly new medium.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.255349159240723, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has had crossovers with four other shows. In the episode \"A Star Is Burns\", Marge invites Jay Sherman, the main character of The Critic, to be a judge for a film festival in Springfield. Matt Groening had his name removed from the episode since he had no involvement with The Critic. South Park later paid homage to The Simpsons with the episode \"Simpsons Already Did It\". In \"Simpsorama\", the Planet Express crew from Futurama come to Springfield in the present to prevent the Simpsons from destroying the future. In the Family Guy episode \"The Simpsons Guy\", the Griffins visit Springfield and meet the Simpsons. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.864455223083496, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has also influenced live-action shows like Malcolm in the Middle, which featured the use of sight gags and did not use a laugh track unlike most sitcoms. Malcolm in the Middle debuted January 9, 2000, in the time slot after The Simpsons. Ricky Gervais called The Simpsons an influence on The Office, and fellow British sitcom Spaced was, according to its director Edgar Wright, \"an attempt to do a live-action The Simpsons.\" In Georgia, the animated television sitcom The Samsonadzes, launched in November 2009, has been noted for its very strong resemblance with The Simpsons, which its creator Shalva Ramishvili has acknowledged. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.993481636047363, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons was the Fox network's first television series to rank among a season's top 30 highest-rated shows. While later seasons would focus on Homer, Bart was the lead character in most of the first three seasons. In 1990, Bart quickly became one of the most popular characters on television in what was termed \"Bartmania\". He became the most prevalent Simpsons character on memorabilia, such as T-shirts. In the early 1990s, millions of T-shirts featuring Bart were sold; as many as one million were sold on some days. Believing Bart to be a bad role model, several American public schools banned T-shirts featuring Bart next to captions such as \"I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?\" and \"Underachiever ('And proud of it, man!')\". The Simpsons merchandise sold well and generated $2 billion in revenue during the first 14 months of sales. Because of his popularity, Bart was often the most promoted member of the Simpson family in advertisements for the show, even for episodes in which he was not involved in the main plot. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.0878376960754395, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons has been praised by many critics, being described as \"the most irreverent and unapologetic show on the air.\" In a 1990 review of the show, Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly described it as \"the American family at its most complicated, drawn as simple cartoons. It's this neat paradox that makes millions of people turn away from the three big networks on Sunday nights to concentrate on The Simpsons.\" Tucker would also describe the show as a \"pop-cultural phenomenon, a prime-time cartoon show that appeals to the entire family.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.121065139770508, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Bart's rebellious, bad boy nature, which frequently resulted in no punishment for his misbehavior, led some parents and conservatives to characterize him as a poor role model for children. In schools, educators claimed that Bart was a \"threat to learning\" because of his \"underachiever and proud of it\" attitude and negative attitude regarding his education. Others described him as \"egotistical, aggressive and mean-spirited\". In a 1991 interview, Bill Cosby described Bart as a bad role model for children, calling him \"angry, confused, frustrated\". In response, Matt Groening said, \"That sums up Bart, all right. Most people are in a struggle to be normal [and] he thinks normal is very boring, and does things that others just wished they dare do.\" On January 27, 1992, then-President George H. W. Bush said, \"We are going to keep on trying to strengthen the American family, to make American families a lot more like the Waltons and a lot less like the Simpsons.\" The writers rushed out a tongue-in-cheek reply in the form of a short segment which aired three days later before a rerun of \"Stark Raving Dad\" in which Bart replied, \"Hey, we're just like the Waltons. We're praying for an end to the Depression, too.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.004659652709961, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Various episodes of the show have generated controversy. The Simpsons visit Australia in \"Bart vs. Australia\" (season six, 1995) and Brazil in \"Blame It on Lisa\" (season 13, 2002) and both episodes generated controversy and negative reaction in the visited countries. In the latter case, Rio de Janeiro's tourist board – who claimed that the city was portrayed as having rampant street crime, kidnappings, slums, and monkey and rat infestations – went so far as to threaten Fox with legal action. Groening was a fierce and vocal critic of the episode \"A Star Is Burns\" (season six, 1995) which featured a crossover with The Critic. He felt that it was just an advertisement for The Critic, and that people would incorrectly associate the show with him. When he was unsuccessful in getting the episode pulled, he had his name removed from the credits and went public with his concerns, openly criticizing James L. Brooks and saying the episode \"violates the Simpsons' universe.\" In response, Brooks said, \"I am furious with Matt, ... he's allowed his opinion, but airing this publicly in the press is going too far. ... his behavior right now is rotten.\" \"The Principal and the Pauper\" (season nine, 1997) is one of the most controversial episodes of The Simpsons. Many fans and critics reacted negatively to the revelation that Seymour Skinner, a recurring character since the first season, was an impostor. The episode has been criticized by Groening and by Harry Shearer, who provides the voice of Skinner. In a 2001 interview, Shearer recalled that after reading the script, he told the writers, \"That's so wrong. You're taking something that an audience has built eight years or nine years of investment in and just tossed it in the trash can for no good reason, for a story we've done before with other characters. It's so arbitrary and gratuitous, and it's disrespectful to the audience.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.475905895233154, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The show has reportedly been taken off the air in several countries. China banned it from prime-time television in August 2006, \"in an effort to protect China's struggling animation studios.\" In 2008, Venezuela barred the show from airing on morning television as it was deemed \"unsuitable for children\". The same year, several Russian Pentecostal churches demanded that The Simpsons, South Park and some other Western cartoons be removed from broadcast schedules \"for propaganda of various vices\" and the broadcaster's license to be revoked. However, the court decision later dismissed this request. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.284751892089844, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Critics' reviews of early Simpsons episodes praised the show for its sassy humor, wit, realism, and intelligence. However, in the late 1990s, around the airing of seasons nine and ten, the tone and emphasis of the show began to change. Some critics started calling the show \"tired\". By 2000, some long-term fans had become disillusioned with the show, and pointed to its shift from character-driven plots to what they perceived as an overemphasis on zany antics. Jim Schembri of The Sydney Morning Herald attributed the decline in quality to an abandonment of character-driven storylines in favor of and overuse of celebrity cameo appearances and references to popular culture. Schembri wrote: \"The central tragedy of The Simpsons is that it has gone from commanding attention to merely being attention seeking. It began by proving that cartoon characters don't have to be caricatures; they can be invested with real emotions. Now the show has in essence fermented into a limp parody of itself. Memorable story arcs have been sacrificed for the sake of celebrity walk-ons and punchline-hungry dialogue.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.016474723815918, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The BBC noted \"the common consensus is that The Simpsons' golden era ended after season nine\", while Todd Leopold of CNN, in an article looking at its perceived decline, stated \"for many fans ... the glory days are long past.\" Similarly, Tyler Wilson of Coeur d'Alene Press has referred to seasons one to nine as the show's \"golden age\", and Ian Nathan of Empire described the show's classic era as being \"say, the first ten seasons.\" Jon Heacock of LucidWorks stated that \"for the first ten years [seasons], the show was consistently at the top of its game\", with \"so many moments, quotations, and references – both epic and obscure – that helped turn the Simpson family into the cultural icons that they remain to this day.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.303436279296875, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Mike Scully, who was showrunner during seasons nine through twelve, has been the subject of criticism. Chris Suellentrop of Slate wrote that \"under Scully's tenure, The Simpsons became, well, a cartoon. ... Episodes that once would have ended with Homer and Marge bicycling into the sunset now end with Homer blowing a tranquilizer dart into Marge's neck. The show's still funny, but it hasn't been touching in years.\" When asked in 2007 how the series' longevity is sustained, Scully joked: \"Lower your quality standards. Once you've done that you can go on forever.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.195436477661133, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Al Jean, showrunner since season thirteen, has also been the subject of criticism, with some arguing that the show has continued to decline in quality under his tenure. Former writers have complained that under Jean, the show is \"on auto-pilot\", \"too sentimental\", and the episodes are \"just being cranked out.\" Some critics believe that the show has \"entered a steady decline under Jean and is no longer really funny.\" John Ortved, author of The Simpsons: An Uncensored, Unauthorized History, characterized the Jean era as \"toothless\", and criticized what he perceived as the show's increase in social and political commentary. Jean has responded to this criticism by saying: \"Well, it's possible that we've declined. But honestly, I've been here the whole time and I do remember in season two people saying, 'It's gone downhill.' If we'd listened to that then we would have stopped after episode 13. I'm glad we didn't.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.140912055969238, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2003, to celebrate the show's 300th episode \"Barting Over\", USA Today published a pair of Simpsons related articles: a top-ten episodes list chosen by the webmaster of The Simpsons Archive fansite, and a top-15 list by The Simpsons own writers. The most recent episode listed on the fan list was 1997's \"Homer's Phobia\"; the Simpsons' writers most recent choice was 2000's \"Behind the Laughter\". The series' ratings have also declined; while the first season enjoyed an average of 13.4 million viewing households per episode in the U.S., the twenty-first season had an average of 7.2 million viewers. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.914795875549316, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Author Douglas Coupland described claims of declining quality in the series as \"hogwash\", saying \"The Simpsons hasn't fumbled the ball in fourteen years, it's hardly likely to fumble it now.\" In an April 2006 interview, Matt Groening said, \"I honestly don't see any end in sight. I think it's possible that the show will become too financially cumbersome ... but right now, the show is creatively, I think, as good or better than it's ever been. The animation is incredibly detailed and imaginative, and the stories do things that we haven't done before. So creatively there's no reason to quit.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.609063148498535, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2016, popular culture writer Anna Leszkiewicz suggested that despite the fact that the Simpsons still holds cultural relevance, contemporary appeal is only for the first ten seasons, with recent Simpsons episodes only garnering mainstream attention when a favourite character from the golden era is killed off, or when new information and shock twists are given for old characters. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.7877779006958, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Numerous Simpson-related comic books have been released over the years. So far, nine comic book series have been published by Bongo Comics since 1993. The first comic strips based on The Simpsons appeared in 1991 in the magazine Simpsons Illustrated, which was a companion magazine to the show. The comic strips were popular and a one-shot comic book titled Simpsons Comics and Stories, containing four different stories, was released in 1993 for the fans. The book was a success and due to this, the creator of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, and his companions Bill Morrison, Mike Rote, Steve Vance and Cindy Vance created the publishing company Bongo Comics. Issues of Simpsons Comics, Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror and Bart Simpson have been collected and reprinted in trade paperbacks in the United States by HarperCollins. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.565831184387207, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "20th Century Fox, Gracie Films, and Film Roman produced The Simpsons Movie, an animated film that was released on July 27, 2007. The film was directed by long-time Simpsons producer David Silverman and written by a team of Simpsons writers comprising Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, Al Jean, George Meyer, Mike Reiss, John Swartzwelder, Jon Vitti, David Mirkin, Mike Scully, Matt Selman, and Ian Maxtone-Graham. Production of the film occurred alongside continued writing of the series despite long-time claims by those involved in the show that a film would enter production only after the series had concluded. There had been talk of a possible feature-length Simpsons film ever since the early seasons of the series. James L. Brooks originally thought that the story of the episode \"Kamp Krusty\" was suitable for a film, but he encountered difficulties in trying to expand the script to feature-length. For a long time, difficulties such as lack of a suitable story and an already fully engaged crew of writers delayed the project.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.615577697753906, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Collections of original music featured in the series have been released on the albums Songs in the Key of Springfield, Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons and The Simpsons: Testify. Several songs have been recorded with the purpose of a single or album release and have not been featured on the show. The album The Simpsons Sing the Blues was released in September 1990 and was a success, peaking at #3 on the Billboard 200 and becoming certified 2× platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. The first single from the album was the pop rap song \"Do the Bartman\", performed by Nancy Cartwright and released on November 20, 1990. The song was written by Michael Jackson, although he did not receive any credit. The Yellow Album was released in 1998, but received poor reception and did not chart in any country. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.522802352905273, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The Simpsons Ride", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.119203567504883, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2007, it was officially announced that The Simpsons Ride, a simulator ride, would be implemented into the Universal Studios Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood. It officially opened May 15, 2008 in Florida and May 19, 2008, in Hollywood. In the ride, patrons are introduced to a cartoon theme park called Krustyland built by Krusty the Clown. However, Sideshow Bob is loose from prison to get revenge on Krusty and the Simpson family. It features more than 24 regular characters from The Simpsons and features the voices of the regular cast members, as well as Pamela Hayden, Russi Taylor and Kelsey Grammer. Harry Shearer did not participate in the ride, so none of his characters have vocal parts. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.326534271240234, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Numerous video games based on the show have been produced. Some of the early games include Konami's arcade game The Simpsons (1991) and Acclaim Entertainment's The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants (1991). More modern games include The Simpsons: Road Rage (2001), The Simpsons: Hit & Run (2003) and The Simpsons Game (2007). Electronic Arts, which produced The Simpsons Game, has owned the exclusive rights to create video games based on the show since 2005. In 2010, they released a game called The Simpsons Arcade for iOS. Another EA-produced mobile game, Tapped Out, was released in 2012 for iOS users, then in 2013 for Android and Kindle users. Two Simpsons pinball machines have been produced: one that was available briefly after the first season, and another in 2007, both out of production. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.3674516677856445, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2013 the cable television network FXX acquired exclusive cable and digital syndication rights for The Simpsons for a reported $750 million, a deal which broke the record for being the biggest off-network deal in television history. Original contracts had previously stated that syndication rights for The Simpsons would not be sold to cable until the series conclusion, at a time when cable syndication deals were highly rare. The series has been syndicated to local broadcast stations in nearly all markets throughout the United States since September 1993.[ FXX Lands 'The Simpsons' In Biggest Off-Network Deal In TV History] Deadline Hollywood, November 15, 2013", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.337610244750977, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "Simpsons World", "passage": "On October 21, 2014, a digital service courtesy of the FXNOW app, called Simpsons World, launched. Simpsons World has every episode of the series accessible to authenticated FX subscribers, and is available on game consoles such as Xbox One, streaming devices such as Roku and Apple TV, and online via web browser. There was early criticism of both wrong aspect ratios for earlier episodes and the length of commercial breaks on the streaming service, but there are now fewer commercial breaks during individual episodes. Later it was announced that Simpsons World would now let users watch all of the SD episodes in their original format. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.048592567443848, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "The popularity of The Simpsons has made it a billion-dollar merchandising industry. The title family and supporting characters appear on everything from T-shirts to posters. The Simpsons has been used as a theme for special editions of well-known board games, including Clue, Scrabble, Monopoly, Operation, and The Game of Life, as well as the trivia games What Would Homer Do? and Simpsons Jeopardy!. Several card games such as trump cards and The Simpsons Trading Card Game have also been released. Many official or unofficial Simpsons books such as episode guides have been published. Many episodes of the show have been released on DVD and VHS over the years. When the first season DVD was released in 2001, it quickly became the best-selling television DVD in history, although it was later overtaken by the first season of Chappelle's Show. In particular, seasons one through seventeen have been released on DVD in the U.S. (Region 1), Europe (Region 2) and Australia/New Zealand/Latin America (Region 4). However, on April 19, 2015, Al Jean announced that the Season 17 DVD would be the last one ever produced, leaving the collection from Season 1 to 17, Season 20 (released out of schedule in 2009), with Seasons 18, 19, and 21 onwards unreleased. Jean also stated that the deleted scenes and commentary would try to be released to the Simpsons World app, and that they were pushing for Simpsons World to be expanded outside of the U.S.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.307586669921875, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2003, about 500 companies around the world were licensed to use Simpsons characters in their advertising. As a promotion for The Simpsons Movie, twelve 7-Eleven stores were transformed into Kwik-E-Marts and sold The Simpsons related products. These included \"Buzz Cola\", \"Krusty-O\" cereal, pink doughnuts with sprinkles, and \"Squishees\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.26654052734375, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "In 2008 consumers around the world spent $750 million on merchandise related to The Simpsons, with half of the amount originating from the United States. By 2009, 20th Century Fox had greatly increased merchandising efforts. On April 9, 2009, the United States Postal Service unveiled a series of five 44-cent stamps featuring Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, to commemorate the show's twentieth anniversary. The Simpsons is the first television series still in production to receive this recognition. The stamps, designed by Matt Groening, were made available for purchase on May 7, 2009. Approximately one billion were printed, but only 318 million were sold, costing the Postal Service $1.2 million. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.082874298095703, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Simpsons" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Looking to add \"bumpers\" (before and after commercial breaks) to the show, two cartoon shorts were created: \"Dr. N!Godatu\" and \"The Simpsons.\" The Simpsons would go on to be spun off into its own television series. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.069788932800293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tracey Ullman" }, { "answer": "The Simpsons", "passage": "Ullman provided the voices of Emily Winthrop, a British dog trainer, and Mrs. Winfield on The Simpsons episode \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\" (1991). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.312647342681885, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tracey Ullman" } ]
With an accepted height of 11,249 feet, what is the tallest mountain in Oregon, and the 4th highest in the Cascades?
{ "aliases": [ "Mounthood", "Hood, Mount", "Wy'east", "Mt. Hood", "Mt. Hood, OR", "Mount Hood", "Eliot glacier", "Mt Hood", "Wyeast" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "mt hood", "wy east", "wyeast", "hood mount", "eliot glacier", "mt hood or", "mounthood", "mount hood" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "mount hood", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Mount Hood" }
[ { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "Oregon's landscape is diverse, with a windswept Pacific coastline; a volcano-studded Cascade Range; abundant bodies of water in and west of the Cascades; dense evergreen, mixed, and deciduous forests at lower elevations; and a high desert sprawling across much of its east all the way to the Great Basin. The tall conifers, mainly Douglas fir, along Oregon's rainy west coast contrast with the lighter-timbered and fire-prone pine and juniper forests covering portions to the east. Abundant alders in the west fix nitrogen for the conifers. Stretching east from central Oregon are semi-arid shrublands, prairies, deserts, steppes, and meadows. At 11249 ft, Mount Hood is the state's highest point, and Crater Lake National Park is Oregon's only national park.", "precise_score": -0.8732198476791382, "rough_score": -2.6484782695770264, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oregon" }, { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "Oregon is 295 mi north to south at longest distance, and 395 mi east to west at longest distance. In land and water area, Oregon is the ninth largest state, covering 98381 sqmi. The highest point in Oregon is the summit of Mount Hood, at 11249 ft, and its lowest point is the sea level of the Pacific Ocean along the Oregon Coast. Oregon's mean elevation is 3300 ft. Crater Lake National Park is the state's only national park and the site of Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the U.S. at 1943 ft. Oregon claims the D River as the shortest river in the world, though the state of Montana makes the same claim of its Roe River. Oregon is also home to Mill Ends Park (in Portland), the smallest park in the world at 452 sqin.", "precise_score": -0.2767888307571411, "rough_score": 2.70674991607666, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oregon" }, { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "The name, Oregon, is rounded down phonetically, from Aure il agua—Oragua, Or-a-gon, Oregon—given probably by the same Portuguese navigator that named the Farallones after his first officer, and it literally, in a large way, means cascades: 'Hear the waters.' You should steam up the Columbia and hear and feel the waters falling out of the clouds of Mount Hood to understand entirely the full meaning of the name Aure il agua, Oregon. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.836624622344971, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oregon" }, { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "The mountainous regions of western Oregon, home to three of the most prominent mountain peaks of the United States including Mount Hood, were formed by the volcanic activity of the Juan de Fuca Plate, a tectonic plate that poses a continued threat of volcanic activity and earthquakes in the region. The most recent major activity was the 1700 Cascadia earthquake. Washington's Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, an event that was visible from northern Oregon and affected some areas there.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.095123767852783, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oregon" }, { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "File:Trilliumlake.jpg|Mount Hood, with Trillium Lake in the foreground", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.136407852172852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oregon" }, { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "In early 1792 British navigator George Vancouver explored Puget Sound and gave English names to the high mountains he saw. Mount Baker was named for Vancouver's third lieutenant, Joseph Baker, although the first European to see it was Manuel Quimper, who named it \"La gran Montaña del Carmelo\" in 1790. Mount Rainier was named after Admiral Peter Rainier. Later in 1792 Vancouver had his lieutenant William Robert Broughton explore the lower Columbia River. He named Mount Hood after Lord Samuel Hood, an admiral of the Royal Navy. Mount St. Helens was sighted by Vancouver in May 1792, from near the mouth of the Columbia River. It was named for Alleyne FitzHerbert, 1st Baron St Helens, a British diplomat. Vancouver's expedition did not, however, name the mountain range which contained these peaks. He referred to it simply as the \"eastern snowy range\". Earlier Spanish explorers called it sierra nevadas, meaning \"snowy mountains\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.006114959716797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Cascade Range" }, { "answer": "Mount Hood", "passage": "The Barlow Road was the first established land path for U.S. settlers through the Cascade Range in 1845, and formed the final overland link for the Oregon Trail (previously, settlers had to raft down the treacherous rapids of the Columbia River). The Road left the Columbia at what is now Hood River and passed along the south side of Mount Hood at what is now Government Camp, terminating in Oregon City. There is an interpretive site there now at \"The End of The Oregon Trail.\" The road was constructed as a toll road — $5 per wagon — and was very successful.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.483434677124023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Cascade Range" }, { "answer": "Mt. Hood", "passage": "Soil conditions for farming are generally good, especially downwind of volcanoes. This is largely because volcanic rocks are often rich in potassium bearing minerals such as orthoclase and decay easily. Volcanic debris, especially lahars, also have a leveling effect and the storage of water in the form of snow and ice is also important. These snow-capped mountains such as Mt. Hood and Mt. Bachelor are used as ski resorts in the late winter. Much of that water eventually flows into reservoirs, where it is used for recreation before its potential energy is captured to generate hydroelectric power before being used to irrigate crops.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.126842498779297, "source": "wiki", "title": "Cascade Range" } ]
December 14, 2003, saw the capture of The Ace of Spades, Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, near what town, his home town?
{ "aliases": [ "Tikrit, Iraq", "Takrit", "Tikrit Palace", "تكريت", "Tikreet", "Tekrit", "Tikrīt", "The Birthday Palace", "Birthday Palace", "Tikrit", "Tagrit" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "tikreet", "tikrit palace", "tikrit", "tekrit", "tikrit iraq", "tikrīt", "takrit", "تكريت", "birthday palace", "tagrit" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "tikrit", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Tikrit" }
[ { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (Arabic: '; 28 April 1937 – 30 December 2006) was the fifth President of Iraq, serving in this capacity from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003. A leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, and later, the Baghdad-based Ba'ath Party and its regional organization the Iraqi Ba'ath Party—which espoused Ba'athism, a mix of Arab nationalism and socialism—Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup (later referred to as the 17 July Revolution) that brought the party to power in Iraq.", "precise_score": -1.9167115688323975, "rough_score": 2.2731828689575195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "On 13 December 2003, Saddam Hussein was captured by American forces at a farmhouse in ad-Dawr near Tikrit in a hole in Operation Red Dawn. Following his capture, Saddam was transported to a U.S. base near Tikrit, and later taken to the American base near Baghdad. On 14 December, U.S. administrator in Iraq L. Paul Bremer confirmed that Saddam Hussein had indeed been captured at a farmhouse in ad-Dawr near Tikrit. Bremer presented video footage of Saddam in custody.", "precise_score": 5.8098015785217285, "rough_score": 7.872992992401123, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was born in the town of Al-Awja, 13 km (8 mi) from the Iraqi town of Tikrit, to a family of shepherds from the al-Begat clan group, a sub-group of the Al-Bu Nasir (البو ناصر) tribe. His mother, Subha Tulfah al-Mussallat, named her newborn son Saddam, which in Arabic means \"One who confronts\". He is always referred to by this personal name, which may be followed by the patronymic and other elements. He never knew his father, Hussein 'Abid al-Majid, who disappeared six months before Saddam was born. Shortly afterward, Saddam's 13-year-old brother died of cancer. The infant Saddam was sent to the family of his maternal uncle Khairallah Talfah until he was three. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.19047880172729492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "Later in his life relatives from his native Tikrit became some of his closest advisors and supporters. Under the guidance of his uncle he attended a nationalistic high school in Baghdad. After secondary school Saddam studied at an Iraqi law school for three years, dropping out in 1957 at the age of 20 to join the revolutionary pan-Arab Ba'ath Party, of which his uncle was a supporter. During this time, Saddam apparently supported himself as a secondary school teacher. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.427375793457031, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "The major instruments for accomplishing this control were the paramilitary and police organizations. Beginning in 1974, Taha Yassin Ramadan (himself a Kurdish Ba'athist), a close associate of Saddam, commanded the People's Army, which had responsibility for internal security. As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. In addition to the People's Army, the Department of General Intelligence was the most notorious arm of the state-security system, feared for its use of torture and assassination. Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's younger half-brother, commanded Mukhabarat. Foreign observers believed that from 1982 this department operated both at home and abroad in its mission to seek out and eliminate Saddam's perceived opponents.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.803159475326538, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "Saddam's support base of Tikriti tribesmen, family members, and other supporters was divided after the war. Domestic repression inside Iraq increased, and Saddam's sons, Uday and Qusay Hussein, became increasingly powerful.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.12043571472168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "Saddam was buried at his birthplace of Al-Awja in Tikrit, Iraq, 3 km (2 mi) from his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein, on 31 December 2006. His tomb was reported to have been destroyed in March 2015. Before it was destroyed, a Sunni tribal group reportedly removed his body to a secret location, fearful to what may happen. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.643333077430725, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" }, { "answer": "Tikrit", "passage": "** Hala Hussein (born c. 1972), is Saddam's third and youngest daughter. Very little information is known about her. Her father arranged for her to marry General Kamal Mustafa Abdallah Sultan al-Tikriti in 1998. She fled with her children and sisters to Jordan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.20637321472168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saddam Hussein" } ]
What’s missing: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Silver Chair, The Horse and His Boy, The Magician’s Nephew, The Last Battle?
{ "aliases": [ "Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "Voyage of the dawn treader", "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "voyage of dawn treader" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "voyage of dawn treader", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" }
[ { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "On 10 March 1949 Roger Lancelyn Green dined with Lewis at Magdalen College. After the meal Lewis read two chapters from his new children's story to Green. Lewis asked Green's opinion of the tale and Green said that he thought it was good. The manuscript of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was complete by the end of March 1949. Lucy Barfield received it by the end of May. When on 16 October 1950 Geoffrey Bles in London published the first edition, three new \"chronicles\", Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Horse and His Boy, had also been completed.", "precise_score": 2.616445779800415, "rough_score": 3.6623027324676514, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "*Prince Caspian, the rightful Telmarine King, who becomes King of Narnia. He reappears in the next two books in the series: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair, and makes a brief appearance in the end of The Last Battle.", "precise_score": -0.38115477561950684, "rough_score": 0.9972317814826965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Prince Caspian" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "Walden Media, having already made movie adaptions of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, also retains the option to make The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy in the future. ", "precise_score": 4.251091957092285, "rough_score": 5.6088786125183105, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Horse and His Boy" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "*The Professor is a kindly old gentleman who takes the Pevensie children in when they are evacuated from London. He is the first to believe that Lucy did indeed visit a land called Narnia. He tries to convince the others logically that she didn't make it up. the book hints that he knows more of Narnia than he lets on. He is identified in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as Professor Kirke, and appears as a young boy, Digory Kirke, a main character in the prequel, in which he witnesses Aslan's creation of Narnia. Although never explicitly stated, there are minor parallels between himself and Aslan on the smaller scale of the house in Dorset; in that he is rarely seen, can be sought for impartial wisdom, provides a sense of stability, and sometimes cannot be found.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.113234519958496, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "In 2005, the story was adapted for a theatrical film, co-produced by Walt Disney and Walden Media. It has so far been followed by two more films: (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader). The latter was co-produced by Twentieth-Century Fox and Walden Media.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.373961448669434, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of fantasy films from Walden Media based on The Chronicles of Narnia, a series of novels written by Irish novelist C. S. Lewis. From the seven novels, there have been three film adaptations so far—The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), Prince Caspian (2008) and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) which have grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide among them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.5700430870056152, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "Although the plan was originally to produce the films in the same order as the book series' original publication, it was reported that The Magician's Nephew, which recounts the creation of Narnia, would be the fourth feature film in the series, instead of The Silver Chair. It was rumored that The Magician's Nephew was chosen as an attempt to reboot the series, after the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader grossed less when compared to the two previous films. In March 2011, Walden Media confirmed that they intended The Magician's Nephew to be next in the series, but stressed that it was not yet in development. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.10709810256958, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.338218688964844, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, based on the novel of the same title, is the third film in the series. This is the first film not co-produced by Disney, who dropped out over a budget dispute with Walden Media. In January 2009, it was announced that 20th Century Fox would replace Disney for future installments. Directed by Michael Apted, the movie was filmed almost entirely in Australia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.89194107055664, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "While the film's producers have been calling the film a \"reboot\" to the series, in actuality this is referring to the fact that the film has a new creative team not associated with those who worked on the previous three films. The film itself is still considered to be sequel to the film adaptation of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.03383731842041, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "*Eddie Izzard and later Simon Pegg as the voice of Reepicheep, the noble and courageous mouse who fights for Aslan and the freedom of Narnia. Izzard played the character in Prince Caspian, and Pegg took over the role in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.431386947631836, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)" }, { "answer": "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "passage": "20th Century Fox, Walden, and the C. S. Lewis Estate finally decided that The Magician's Nephew would be the basis for the next movie following the release of the 2010 film The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. However, in October 2011, Douglas Gresham confirmed that Walden Media's contract with the C. S. Lewis estate had expired, and any production of a future film was on hold indefinitely. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.233434677124023, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Magician's Nephew" } ]
In the motion picture industry, what does a gaffer do?
{ "aliases": [ "Electrician", "Electricians", "Electrical Trainee", "Electrical technician" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "electrical technician", "electricians", "electrician", "electrical trainee" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "electrician", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Electrician" }
[ { "answer": "Electrician", "passage": "A gaffer in the motion picture industry and on a television crew is the head electrician, responsible for the execution (and sometimes the design) of the lighting plan for a production. The term gaffer originally related to the moving of overhead equipment to control lighting levels using a gaff. The term has been used for the chief electrician in films since 1936 according to the Oxford English Dictionary.Oxford English Dictionary accessed 15 May 2009 However, a book on motion picture production from 1929 refers to the chief electrician as the Gaffer. The gaffer's assistant is the best boy. ", "precise_score": 9.772851943969727, "rough_score": 8.099090576171875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gaffer (filmmaking)" }, { "answer": "Electrician", "passage": "The DP/LD is responsible for the overall lighting design, but delegates the implementation of the design to the Gaffer and the Key Grip. The Key Grip is the head grip, in charge of the labour and non-electrical equipment used to support and modify the lighting. Grip equipment includes stands, flags and gobos. The Gaffer will usually have an assistant called a best boy and, depending on the size of the job, crew members who are called \"electricians\", although not all of them are trained as electricians in the usual sense of the term. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.2805116176605225, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gaffer (filmmaking)" } ]
What chapter from Kenneth Grahame's 1908 book The Wind in the Willows lent its' name to the 1967 debut album from Pink Floyd?
{ "aliases": [ "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "Tpatgod", "Piper at the Gates", "PATGOD", "The piper at the gates of dawn", "The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn", "The Piper At The Gates of Dawn" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "patgod", "piper at gates", "tpatgod", "piper at gates of dawn" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "piper at gates of dawn", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" }
[ { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "* The Wind in the Willows, a TV series (1984–1990) following the 1983 film, using the same sets and characters in mostly original stories but also including some chapters from the book that were omitted in the film, notably \"The Piper at the Gates of Dawn\". The cast included David Jason, Sir Michael Hordern, Peter Sallis and Ian Carmichael.", "precise_score": -1.5386345386505127, "rough_score": -2.880674123764038, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Wind in the Willows" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "* The first album by psychedelic rock group Pink Floyd, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967), was named by former member Syd Barrett after chapter 7 of The Wind in the Willows. However, the songs on the album are not directly related to the contents of the book. The same chapter was the basis for the name and lyrics of \"Piper at the Gates of Dawn\", a song by Irish singer-song writer Van Morrison from his 1997 album The Healing Game. The song \"The Wicker Man\" by British heavy metal band Iron Maiden also includes the phrase. British extreme metal band Cradle of Filth released a special edition of their album Thornography, called Harder, Darker, Faster: Thornography Deluxe; on the song \"Snake-Eyed and the Venomous\", a pun is made in the lyrics \"... all vipers at the gates of dawn\" referring to Chapter 7 of the book.", "precise_score": 3.7493438720703125, "rough_score": 5.703341007232666, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Wind in the Willows" }, { "answer": "Piper at the Gates", "passage": "In the late 19th century Pan became an increasingly common figure in literature and art. Patricia Merivale states that between 1890 and 1926 there was an \"astonishing resurgence of interest in the Pan motif\". He appears in poetry, in novels and children's books, and is referenced in the name of the character Peter Pan. He is the eponymous \"Piper at the Gates of Dawn\" in the seventh chapter of Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows (1908). Grahame's Pan, unnamed but clearly recognisable, is a powerful but secretive nature-god, protector of animals, who casts a spell of forgetfulness on all those he helps. He makes a brief appearance to help the Rat and Mole recover the Otter's lost son Portly.", "precise_score": 1.6030662059783936, "rough_score": 3.60410213470459, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pan (god)" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "In addition to the main narrative, the book contains several independent short-stories featuring Rat and Mole. These appear for the most part between the chapters chronicling Toad's adventures, and are often omitted from abridgements and dramatizations. The chapter \"Dulce Domum describes Mole's return to his home, accompanied by Rat, in which, despite finding it in a terrible mess after his abortive spring clean, he rediscovers, with Rat's help, a familiar comfort. \"The Piper at the Gates of Dawn\" tells how Mole and Rat search for Otter's missing son Portly, whom they find in the care of the god Pan. (Pan removes their memories of this meeting \"lest the awful remembrance should remain and grow, and overshadow mirth and pleasure\".) Finally in \"Wayfarers All\", Ratty shows a restless side to his character when he is sorely tempted to join a Sea Rat on his travelling adventures.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.002067565917969, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Wind in the Willows" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "*Pan: A god who makes a single, anomalous appearance in Chapter 7, \"The Piper at the Gates of Dawn\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.858613967895508, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Wind in the Willows" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "Pink Floyd were founded in 1965 by students Syd Barrett on guitar, Nick Mason on drums, Roger Waters on bass, and Richard Wright on keyboards. They gained popularity performing in London's underground music scene during the late 1960s, and under Barrett's leadership released two charting singles and a successful debut album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967). Guitarist David Gilmour joined in December 1967; Barrett left in April 1968 due to deteriorating mental health. Waters became the band's primary lyricist and eventually their dominant songwriter, devising the concepts behind their albums The Dark Side of the Moon (1973), Wish You Were Here (1975), Animals (1977), The Wall (1979) and The Final Cut (1983). The Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall became two of the best-selling albums of all time.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.573685646057129, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pink Floyd" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.32565975189209, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pink Floyd" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "Morrison and EMI producer Norman Smith negotiated Pink Floyd's first recording contract, and as part of the deal, the band agreed to record their first album at EMI Studios in London. Mason recalled that the sessions were trouble-free. Smith disagreed, stating that Barrett was unresponsive to his suggestions and constructive criticism. EMI-Columbia released The Piper at the Gates of Dawn in August 1967. The album peaked at number 6, spending 14 weeks on the UK charts. One month later, it was released under the Tower Records label. Pink Floyd continued to draw large crowds at the UFO Club; however, Barrett's mental breakdown was by then causing serious concern. The group initially hoped that his erratic behaviour would be a passing phase, but some were less optimistic, including Jenner and his assistant, June Child, who commented: \"I found [Barrett] in the dressing room and he was so ... gone. Roger Waters and I got him on his feet, [and] we got him out to the stage ... The band started to play and Syd just stood there. He had his guitar around his neck and his arms just hanging down\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.7848734855651855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pink Floyd" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "The album was supported by \"Another Brick in the Wall (Part II)\", Pink Floyd's first single since \"Money\", and topped the charts in the US and the UK. Released on 30 November 1979, The Wall topped the Billboard chart in the US for fifteen weeks, reaching number three in the UK. The Wall ranks number three on the RIAA's list of the all-time Top 100 albums, with 23 million certified units sold in the US. The cover is one of their most minimalist designs, with a stark white brick wall, and no trademark or band name. It was also their first album cover since The Piper at the Gates of Dawn not designed by Hipgnosis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.294493198394775, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pink Floyd" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "On 26 September 2011, Pink Floyd and EMI launched an exhaustive re-release campaign under the title Why Pink Floyd...?, reissuing the band's back catalogue in newly remastered versions, including \"Experience\" and \"Immersion\" multi-disc multi-format editions. The albums were remastered by James Guthrie, co-producer of The Wall. In November 2015, Pink Floyd released a limited edition EP, 1965: Their First Recordings, comprising six songs recorded prior to The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.446255207061768, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pink Floyd" }, { "answer": "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "passage": "* The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.269552230834961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pink Floyd" } ]
What 1963 Alfred Hitchcock movie, which introduced the ever so talented Tippi Hedren, took place at the lovely Northern California town of Bodega Bay?
{ "aliases": [ "The Birds (disambiguation)", "The Birds", "Bird (disambiguation)", "Bird's", "BIRD", "The bird", "Birds (album)", "Birds (song)", "The Bird" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bird", "bird s", "birds song", "bird disambiguation", "birds", "birds album", "birds disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "birds", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Birds" }
[ { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "The Birds (1963), inspired by a short story by English author Daphne du Maurier and by a news story about a mysterious infestation of birds in Capitola, California, was Hitchcock's 49th film, and the location scenes were filmed in Bodega Bay, California. Newcomer Tippi Hedren co-starred with Rod Taylor and Suzanne Pleshette. The scenes of the birds attacking included hundreds of shots mixing live and animated sequences. The cause of the birds' attack is left unanswered, \"perhaps highlighting the mystery of forces unknown\". Hitchcock cast Hedren again opposite Sean Connery in Marnie (1964), a romantic drama and psychological thriller. Decades later, Hedren called Hitchcock a misogynist and said that Hitchcock effectively ended her career by keeping her to an exclusive contract for two years when she rebuffed his sexual advances. However, Hedren appeared in two TV shows during the two years after Marnie. In 2012, Hedren described Hitchcock as a \"sad character\"; a man of \"unusual genius\", yet \"evil, and deviant, almost to the point of dangerous, because of the effect that he could have on people that were totally unsuspecting.\" In response, a Daily Telegraph article quoted several actresses who had worked with Hitchcock, including Eva Marie Saint, Doris Day and Kim Novak, none of whom shared Hedren's opinion about him. Novak, who worked on Hitchcock's Vertigo, told the Telegraph \"I never saw him make a pass at anybody or act strange to anybody.\" ", "precise_score": 5.735741138458252, "rough_score": 5.4229960441589355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "A successful fashion model from her twenties, appearing on the front covers of Life and Glamour among others, Hedren became an actress after she was discovered by director Alfred Hitchcock while appearing on a television commercial in 1961. She received world recognition for her work in two of his films, the suspense-thriller The Birds in 1963, for which she won a Golden Globe, and the psychological drama Marnie in 1964.", "precise_score": 1.9939569234848022, "rough_score": 3.0969488620758057, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "The Birds (1963) was Hedren's screen debut. Hitchcock became her drama coach, and gave her an education in film-making as she attended many of the production meetings such as script, music or photography conferences. Hedren said, \"I probably learned in three years what it would have taken me 15 years to learn otherwise.\" She learned how to break down a script, to become another character, and to study the relationship of different characters. Hedren portrayed her role of Melanie Daniels as Hitchcock requested. She said, \"He gives his actors very little leeway. He'll listen, but he has a very definite plan in mind as to how he wants his characters to act. With me, it was understandable, because I was not an actress of stature. I welcomed his guidance.\" ", "precise_score": 2.216792345046997, "rough_score": 1.1822364330291748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Universal's executives, who did not back Hitchcock's decision to hire Hedren in the first place, were impressed with her performance and Wasserman described it as \"remarkable\". While promoting The Birds, Hitchcock was full of praise for his new protégé, and compared her to Grace Kelly. \"Tippi has a faster tempo, city glibness, more humor [than Grace Kelly]. She displayed jaunty assuredness, pertness, an attractive throw of the head. And she memorized and read lines extraordinarily well and is sharper in expression.\" The film was screened out of competition in May at a prestigious invitational showing at the 1963 Cannes Film Festival. Hedren's performance was positively received with Varietys review stating that, \"Aside from the birds, the film belongs to Hedren, who makes an auspicious screen bow. She virtually has to carry the picture alone for the first forty-five minute stretch, prior to the advent of the first wave of organized attackers from the sky. Miss Hedren has a star quality and Hitchcock has provided her with a potent vehicle to launch her career\" and she received the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year, tied with Elke Sommer and Ursula Andress. Her role as Melanie Daniels was named by Premiere to be one of the greatest movie characters of all time. ", "precise_score": 2.736766815185547, "rough_score": 1.5293570756912231, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "The location scenes in the Alfred Hitchcock-directed film The Birds (1963) were filmed in Bodega Bay. The town markets itself with the film in many ways, including its Birds-themed visitors' center. The location was also featured in the cult horror movie Puppet Master (1989).", "precise_score": 3.082062005996704, "rough_score": 4.0794477462768555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bodega Bay, California" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Bodega Bay was the setting for the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock film, The Birds, starring Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren and Suzanne Pleshette. ", "precise_score": 6.739947319030762, "rough_score": 7.246923923492432, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bodega Bay" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "By this time, Hitchcock had filmed in many areas of the US. He followed Vertigo with three more successful films, which are also recognised as among his best films: North by Northwest (1959), Psycho (1960) and The Birds (1963).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.8220062851905823, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Psycho and The Birds had unconventional soundtracks: the screeching strings played in the murder scene in Psycho were unusually dissonant, and The Birds dispensed with any conventional score, instead using a new technique of electronically produced sound effects. Bernard Herrmann composed the former and was a consultant on the latter.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.742010116577148, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "BIRD", "passage": "Family Plot (1976) was Hitchcock's last film. It relates the escapades of \"Madam\" Blanche Tyler, played by Barbara Harris, a fraudulent spiritualist, and her taxi driver lover Bruce Dern, making a living from her phony powers. William Devane, Karen Black and Cathleen Nesbitt co-starred. It is the only Hitchcock film scored by John Williams. While Family Plot was based on the Victor Canning novel The Rainbird Pattern, the novel's tone is more sinister and dark than what Hitchcock wanted for the film. Screenwriter Ernest Lehman originally wrote the film with a dark tone but was pushed to a lighter, more comical tone by Hitchcock. The film went through various titles including Deceit and Missing Heir. It was changed to Family Plot at the suggestion of the studio.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.231137275695801, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Hitchcock appears briefly in most of his own films. For example, he is seen struggling to get a double bass onto a train (Strangers on a Train), walking dogs out of a pet shop (The Birds), fixing a neighbour's clock (Rear Window), as a shadow (Family Plot), sitting at a table in a photograph (Dial M for Murder) and missing a bus (North by Northwest).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.25275707244873, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Hitchcock's films sometimes feature characters struggling in their relationships with their mothers. In North by Northwest (1959), Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant's character) is an innocent man ridiculed by his mother for insisting that shadowy, murderous men are after him. In The Birds (1963), the Rod Taylor character, an innocent man, finds his world under attack by vicious birds, and struggles to free himself of a clinging mother (Jessica Tandy). The killer in Frenzy (1972) has a loathing of women but idolises his mother. The villain Bruno in Strangers on a Train hates his father, but has an incredibly close relationship with his mother (played by Marion Lorne). Sebastian (Claude Rains) in Notorious has a clearly conflictual relationship with his mother, who is (correctly) suspicious of his new bride Alicia Huberman (Ingrid Bergman). Norman Bates has troubles with his mother in Psycho.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4726734161376953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "* The Birds (1963)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.3515095710754395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "As a teenager, Hedren took part in department store fashion shows. Her parents relocated to California while she was a high school student. On reaching her 20th birthday, she bought a ticket to New York City where she joined the Eileen Ford Agency. Within the year she made her unofficial film debut as an uncredited extra in the musical comedy The Petty Girl. In interviews she refers to The Birds, her first credited role, as her first film. Although she received several film offers during that time, Hedren had no interest in acting as she knew it was very difficult to succeed. She had a highly successful modeling career during the 1950s and early 1960s, appearing on the covers of Life, The Saturday Evening Post, McCall's and Glamour among others.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.8826942443847656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Afterward, Hedren was invited to lunch with Hitchcock, his wife, Alma, and Lew Wasserman, head of Universal, at one of Hitchcock's favorite restaurants, Chasen's. There she was presented with a golden pin of three birds in flight, adorned by three tiny seed pearls, and was asked by Hitchcock to play the leading role in his upcoming film, The Birds. \"I was so stunned. It never occurred to me that I would be given a leading role in a major motion picture. I had great big tears in my eyes,” Hedren later recalled.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.373956680297852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "The Birds", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.120217323303223, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "During the six months of principal photography, Hedren's schedule was tight, as she was only given one afternoon off a week. At first, she found the shooting \"wonderful\". Hitchcock told a reporter, after a few weeks of filming, that she was remarkable, and said, \"She's already reaching the lows and highs of terror.\" Nonetheless, Hedren recalled the week she did the final bird attack scene in a second-floor bedroom as the worst of her life. Before filming it, she asked Hitchcock about her character's motivations to go upstairs, and his response was, \"Because I tell you to.\" She was then assured that the crew would use mechanical birds. Instead, Hedren endured five solid days of prop men, protected by thick leather gloves, flinging dozens of live gulls, ravens and crows at her (their beaks clamped shut with elastic bands). In a state of exhaustion, when one of the birds gouged her cheek and narrowly missed her eye, Hedren sat down on the set and began crying. A physician ordered a week's rest. Hitchcock protested, according to Hedren, saying there was nobody but her to film. The doctor's reply was, \"Are you trying to kill her?\" She said the week also appeared to be an ordeal for the director. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.25385856628418, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Hitchcock was so impressed with Hedren's acting abilities he decided to offer her the leading role of his next film, Marnie (1964), a romantic drama and psychological thriller from the novel by Winston Graham, during the filming of The Birds. Hedren was stunned and felt extremely fortunate to be offered to play \"such a complicated, sad, tragic woman\", and later said, \"I consider my acting, while not necessarily being method acting, but one that draws upon my own feelings. I thought Marnie was an extremely interesting role to play and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity\". She voiced doubts about her ability to play that demanding role, but was assured by Hitchcock she could do it. As opposed to The Birds, where she had received little acting guidance, for this film Hedren studied every scene with Hitchcock. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2136290073394775, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "According to Spoto's book, Hitchcock brought in two members of his crew during the filming of The Birds and asked them to keep careful watch on the activities of Hedren, \"when she left the set - where she went, who she visited, how she spent her free time\". He then advised her on what she should eat, whom she should see, and how she should live. He told the cast and crew they were not allowed to talk to her. Hedren's co-star in The Birds, Rod Taylor, later remembered, \"Hitch was becoming very domineering and covetous of 'Tippi,' and it was very difficult for her. No one was permitted to come physically close to her during the production. 'Don't touch the girl after I call \"Cut!\"' he said to me repeatedly.\" Hitchcock also attempted, on one occasion, to grab and violently kiss Hedren in the back of a car as they drove on to the set. Hedren told his assistant, Peggy Robertson, and the studio chief, Lew Wasserman, that she was becoming very unhappy about the whole situation. \"But he was Alfred Hitchcock, the great and famous director, and I was Tippi Hedren, an inexperienced actress who had no clout.\" She decided she could not quit her contract because she was afraid to be blacklisted and unable to find work. Hedren's own daughter, Melanie Griffith, remembered that while Hedren was doing The Birds, she thought Hitchcock was taking her mother away from her. \"Suddenly, I wasn't allowed even to visit my mom at the studio.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4247052669525146, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "In 1994, Hedren lamented that, \"People think that I'm no longer interested in acting and only interested in working with the animals. Obviously I have given that impression, but it is not how I feel. I think I'm a good actor. I think I look OK. I don't understand why I'm not working all the time.\" That same year, she appeared in the made-for-cable sequel, The Birds II: Land's End, in a role different from the one she had played in the original. She was however disappointed that she didn't get a starring role and admitted before the film's release, \"I wish that it was more than a cameo. I think they made a mistake by not doing that. But it has helped me to feed my lions and tigers.\" When asked about what could have been Hitchcock's opinion, she answered: \"I'd hate to think what he would say!\" In a 2007 interview, Hedren said of the film, \"It's absolutely horrible, it embarrasses me horribly.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.473936080932617, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "A Louis Vuitton ad campaign in 2006 paid tribute to Hedren and Hitchcock with a modern-day interpretation of the deserted railway station opening sequence of Marnie. Her look from The Birds (1963) inspired designer Bill Gaytten to design for John Galliano Pre-Fall 2012 collection. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.7048051357269287, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "Naomi Watts stated that her character interpretation in Mulholland Drive (2001) was influenced by the look and performances of Hedren in Hitchcock films. Watts and Hedren both appeared in I ♥ Huckabees (2004) but didn't share any scenes together. Off-screen, the film's director David O. Russell introduced them both, and Watts said of Hedren: \"I was pretty fascinated by her then, because people have often said we're alike.\" Watts dressed up as Hedren's title character from Marnie for a photo shoot for March 2008 issue of Vanity Fair. In the same issue, Jodie Foster dressed up as Hedren's character, Melanie Daniels, from The Birds. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.6361804008483887, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tippi Hedren" }, { "answer": "BIRD", "passage": "To the east of the Sierra Nevada are Owens Valley and Mono Lake, an essential migratory bird habitat. In the western part of the state is Clear Lake, the largest freshwater lake by area entirely in California. Though Lake Tahoe is larger, it is divided by the California/Nevada border. The Sierra Nevada falls to Arctic temperatures in winter and has several dozen small glaciers, including Palisade Glacier, the southernmost glacier in the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.878358840942383, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "Bird's", "passage": "Common plants that have been introduced to the state include the eucalyptus, acacia, pepper tree, geranium, and Scotch broom. The species that are federally classified as endangered are the Contra Costa wallflower, Antioch Dunes evening primrose, Solano grass, San Clemente Island larkspur, salt marsh bird's beak, McDonald's rock-cress, and Santa Barbara Island liveforever. , 85 plant species were listed as threatened or endangered.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.167399406433105, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "BIRD", "passage": "In the deserts of the lower Sonoran zone, the mammals include the jackrabbit, kangaroo rat, squirrel, and opossum. Common birds include the owl, roadrunner, cactus wren, and various species of hawk. The area's reptilian life include the sidewinder viper, desert tortoise, and horned toad. The upper Sonoran zone boasts mammals such as the antelope, brown-footed woodrat, and ring-tailed cat. Birds unique to this zone are the California thrasher, bushtit, and California condor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.785237312316895, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "BIRD", "passage": "In the transition zone, there are Colombian black-tailed deer, black bears, gray foxes, cougars, bobcats, and Roosevelt elk. Reptiles such as the garter snakes and rattlesnakes inhabit the zone. In addition, amphibians such as the water puppy and redwood salamander are common too. Birds such as the kingfisher, chickadee, towhee, and hummingbird thrive here as well. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.154045104980469, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "BIRD", "passage": "The Canadian zone mammals include the mountain weasel, snowshoe hare, and several species of chipmunks. Conspicuous birds include the blue-fronted jay, Sierra chickadee. Sierra hermit thrush, water ouzel, and Townsend's solitaire. As one ascends into the Hudsonian zone, birds become scarcer. While the Sierra rosy finch is the only bird native to the high Arctic region, other bird species such as the hummingbird and Clark's nutcracker. Principal mammals found in this region include the Sierra coney, white-tailed jackrabbit, and the bighorn sheep. , the bighorn sheep was listed as endangered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The fauna found throughout several zones are the mule deer, coyote, mountain lion, northern flicker, and several species of hawk and sparrow.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.755488395690918, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "BIRD", "passage": "Aquatic life in California thrives, from the state's mountain lakes and streams to the rocky Pacific coastline. Numerous trout species are found, among them rainbow, golden, and cutthroat. Migratory species of salmon are common as well. Deep-sea life forms include sea bass, yellowfin tuna, barracuda, and several types of whale. Native to the cliffs of northern California are seals, sea lions, and many types of shorebirds, including migratory species.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.859136581420898, "source": "wiki", "title": "California" }, { "answer": "The Birds", "passage": "* The Birds (1963) Except for a short sequence at the beginning filmed in San Francisco, most of the film's exterior scenes were filmed around the two towns of Bodega (a small inland village) and Bodega Bay (a larger village on the bay). Special sites used for shooting included Potter School, the Bay, the two towns which were made to appear as one, and the home and barn across the bay from the town of Bodega Bay.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9661126136779785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bodega Bay, California" } ]
Keith Moon, Ginger Baker, Charlie Watts, Buddy Rich, Phil Collins and Karen Carpenter are all what type of musician?
{ "aliases": [ "Drummer", "Drummers", "Drummer Kid", "Drummist", "Military drummer", "Drummer Man", "Drum player" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "drummer kid", "drummer man", "drummer", "drum player", "military drummer", "drummers", "drummist" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "drummers", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Drummers" }
[ { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Keith John Moon (23 August 1946 – 7 September 1978) was an English drummer who played with the English rock band the Who. He was noted for his unique style and his eccentric, often self-destructive behaviour. His drumming continues to be praised by critics and musicians. He was posthumously inducted into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame in 1982, becoming only the second rock drummer to be chosen, and in 2011, Moon was voted the second-greatest drummer in history by a Rolling Stone readers' poll. ", "precise_score": 0.8256446123123169, "rough_score": -2.26163387298584, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Jones left the Who in 1988, and drummer Simon Phillips (who praised Moon's ability to drum over the backing track of \"Baba O'Riley\") toured with the band the following year. Since 1994, the Who's drummer has been Ringo Starr's son Zak Starkey, who had been given a drum kit by Moon (whom he called \"Uncle Keith\"). ", "precise_score": -5.748309135437012, "rough_score": -2.697343349456787, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Several rock drummers, including Neil Peart and Dave Grohl, have cited Moon as an influence. The Jam paid homage to Moon on the second single from their third album, \"Down in the Tube Station at Midnight\"; the B-side of the single is a Who cover (\"So Sad About Us\"), and the back cover of the record has a photo of Moon's face. The Jam's single was released about a month after Moon's death. Animal, one of puppeteer Jim Henson's Muppet characters, may have been based on Keith Moon due to their similar hair, eyebrows, personality and drumming style. ", "precise_score": -3.8521382808685303, "rough_score": -4.117428779602051, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Peter Edward \"Ginger\" Baker (born 19 August 1939) is an English drummer, best known as the founder of the rock band Cream. Baker's work in the 1960s earned him praise as \"rock's first superstar drummer\", although his individual style melded a jazz background with his personal interest in African rhythms. Baker is an inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Cream and is widely considered one of the most influential drummers of all time, recognised by his induction into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame in 2008. In 2016, he was ranked 3rd on Rolling Stones \"100 Greatest Drummers of All Time\". Baker is credited as a pioneer of drumming in genres like jazz fusion, heavy metal and world music. ", "precise_score": -0.30024921894073486, "rough_score": -0.5285220146179199, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Baker's style influenced many drummers, including John Bonham, Peter Criss, Neil Peart, Stewart Copeland, Ian Paice, Terry Bozzio, Dave Lombardo, Tommy Aldridge, Bill Bruford, Alex Van Halen, Danny Seraphine and Nick Mason. ", "precise_score": -4.417466163635254, "rough_score": -3.621332883834839, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Charles Robert \"Charlie\" Watts (born 2 June 1941) is an English drummer, best known as a member of The Rolling Stones. Originally trained as a graphic artist, he started playing drums in London’s rhythm and blues clubs, where he met Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards. In 1963, he joined their group, the Rolling Stones, as drummer, while doubling as designer of their record sleeves and tour stages. He has also toured with his own group, the Charlie Watts Quintet, and appeared at London’s prestigious jazz-club Ronnie Scott’s with the Charlie Watts Tentet.", "precise_score": -0.9924123883247375, "rough_score": -1.4442862272262573, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charlie Watts" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "In 1989, The Rolling Stones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In the July 2006 issue of Modern Drummer magazine, Watts was voted into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame, joining Ringo Starr, Keith Moon, Steve Gadd, Buddy Rich and other highly esteemed and influential drummers from the history of rock and jazz. In the estimation of noted music critic Robert Christgau, Watts is \"rock's greatest drummer.\" ", "precise_score": 0.6665439605712891, "rough_score": 0.6915683746337891, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charlie Watts" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In addition to Tommy Dorsey (1939–42, 1945, 1954–55), Rich also played with Benny Carter (1942), Harry James (1953–56–62, 1964, 1965), Les Brown, Charlie Ventura, and Jazz at the Philharmonic, as well as leading his own band and performing with all-star groups. In the early fifties Rich played with Dorsey and began to perform with trumpeter Harry James, an association which lasted until 1966. In 1966, Rich left James to develop a new big band. For most of the period from 1966 until his death, he led successful big bands in an era when the popularity of big bands had waned from their 1930s and 1940s peak. In this later period, Rich continued to play clubs, but stated in multiple interviews that the great majority of his big bands' performances were at high schools, colleges and universities, with club performances done to a much lesser degree. Rich also served as the session drummer for many recordings, where his playing was often much more understated than in his own big-band performances. Especially notable were Rich's sessions for recordings of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, on which he worked with pianist Oscar Peterson and his famous trio featuring bassist Ray Brown and guitarist Herb Ellis. In 1968 Rich collaborated with the Indian drummer Ustad Alla Rakha in the studio album \"Rich à la Rakha\" by Buddy Rich and Alla Rakha.", "precise_score": -3.4694576263427734, "rough_score": -3.163931131362915, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Rich's influence extended from jazz to rock music and jazz fusion. He influenced drummers such as Led Zeppelin's John Bonham, Deep Purple's Ian Paice, Black Sabbath's Bill Ward, and Emerson, Lake & Palmer's Carl Palmer. Phil Collins stopped using two bass drums and started playing the hi-hat after reading Rich's opinion on the importance of the hi-hat. Queen drummer Roger Taylor has acknowledged Rich as the best drummer he ever saw for sheer technique. Topper Headon of the punk rock band the Clash often stated Buddy Rich and Billy Cobham as his favourite drummers.", "precise_score": -1.4269213676452637, "rough_score": -2.685723304748535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Since Rich's death, a number of memorial concerts have been held. In 1994, the Rich tribute album Burning for Buddy: A Tribute to the Music of Buddy Rich was released. Produced by Rush drummer/lyricist Neil Peart, the album features performances of Rich staples by a number of jazz and rock drummers such as Joe Morello, Steve Gadd, Max Roach, Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, Simon Phillips, Steve Smith, and Peart himself, accompanied by the Buddy Rich Big Band. A second volume was issued in 1997. Phil Collins also featured in a DVD tribute organized by Rich's daughter, A Salute to Buddy Rich, which included Steve Smith and Dennis Chambers. ", "precise_score": -1.652413249015808, "rough_score": -2.708355188369751, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Philip David Charles \"Phil\" Collins (born 30 January 1951) is an English singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, record producer and actor. He is known as the drummer and lead singer in the rock band Genesis and as a solo artist. Between 1983 and 1990, Collins scored three UK and seven US number-one singles in his solo career. When his work with Genesis, his work with other artists, as well as his solo career is totalled, Collins had more US top 40 singles than any other artist during the 1980s. His most successful singles from the period include \"In the Air Tonight\", \"Against All Odds\", \"Sussudio\" and \"Another Day in Paradise\".", "precise_score": -1.368360996246338, "rough_score": -3.3688135147094727, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Despite the beginnings of an acting career, Collins continued to gravitate towards music. His first record deal came as drummer for Hickory with guitarists Ronnie Caryl and Gordon Smith and keyboardist Brian Chatton. After changing their name to Flaming Youth they recorded one album, Ark 2, released in October 1969 on Uni Records that premiered with a performance at the London Planetarium. A concept album inspired by the media attention surrounding the 1969 moon landing, Ark 2 featured each member sharing lead vocals. Though a commercial failure, it received some positive critical reviews; Melody Maker named it \"Pop Album of the Month\", describing it as \"adult music beautifully played with nice tight harmonies\". After a year of touring, the group disbanded in 1970. Collins went on to play percussion on \"Art of Dying\" by George Harrison for his album All Things Must Pass. Harrison acknowledged Collins's contribution in the remastered edition released in 2000.", "precise_score": -4.98062801361084, "rough_score": -4.076132297515869, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In 1989 Collins worked on his fourth studio album ...But Seriously, and appeared on The Who Tour 1989, performing the role of young Tommy's wicked Uncle Ernie in a reprisal of the rock opera Tommy (a part originally played by their late drummer, Keith Moon). In November, Collins released ...But Seriously, which became another huge success, featuring as its lead single the anti-homelessness anthem \"Another Day in Paradise\", with David Crosby singing backing vocals. \"Another Day in Paradise\" reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts at the end of 1989, won Collins Best British Single at the Brit Awards in 1990, and the Grammy Award for Record of the Year in 1991; it was also one of Germany's most successful singles of all time. It became the final U.S. number-one single of the 1980s. Despite its success, the song was also heavily criticised. It also became linked to allegations of hypocrisy made against Collins.", "precise_score": -3.1150195598602295, "rough_score": -2.931741237640381, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Karen Anne Carpenter (March 2, 1950 – February 4, 1983) was an American singer and drummer. She and her brother, Richard Carpenter, formed the 1970s duo Carpenters. Although her skills as a drummer earned admiration from drumming luminaries and peers, she is best known for her vocal performances. She had a contralto vocal range. ", "precise_score": 0.026826312765479088, "rough_score": -3.613600015640259, "source": "wiki", "title": "Karen Carpenter" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "When Carpenter entered Downey High School, she joined the school band. Bruce Gifford, the conductor (who had previously taught her older brother) gave her the glockenspiel, an instrument she disliked and after admiring the performance of her friend, Frankie Chavez (who idolized famous jazz drummer Buddy Rich), she asked if she could play the drums instead. She and her brother made their first recordings in 1965 and 1966. The following year she began dieting. Under a doctor's guidance, she went on the Stillman Diet. She rigorously ate lean foods, drank eight glasses of water a day, and avoided fatty foods. She was 5' 4\" (163 cm) in height and before dieting weighed 145 lb and afterwards weighed 120 lb until 1973, when the Carpenters' career reached its peak. By September 1975, her weight was 91 lb. ", "precise_score": -4.253650188446045, "rough_score": -4.177364826202393, "source": "wiki", "title": "Karen Carpenter" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Moon grew up in Alperton, a suburb of Wembley, Middlesex, and took up the drums during the early 1960s. After playing with a local band, the Beachcombers, he joined the Who in 1964 before they recorded their first single. Moon remained with the band during their rise to fame, and was quickly recognised for his drumming style, which emphasised tom-toms, cymbal crashes, and drum fills. He occasionally collaborated with other musicians and later appeared in films, but considered playing in the Who his primary occupation and remained a member of the band until his death. In addition to his talent as a drummer, however, Moon developed a reputation for smashing his kit on stage and destroying hotel rooms on tour. He was fascinated by blowing up toilets with cherry bombs or dynamite, and by destroying television sets. Moon enjoyed touring and socialising, and was bored and restless when the Who were inactive. His 21st birthday party in Flint, Michigan, has been cited as a notorious example of decadent behaviour by rock groups.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.267266273498535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Moon suffered a number of setbacks during the 1970s, most notably the accidental death of chauffeur Neil Boland and the breakdown of his marriage. He became addicted to alcohol, particularly brandy and champagne, and acquired a reputation for decadence and dark humour; his nickname was \"Moon the Loon.\" After moving to Los Angeles with personal assistant Peter \"Dougal\" Butler during the mid-1970s, Moon recorded his only solo album, the poorly received Two Sides of the Moon. While touring with the Who, on several occasions he passed out on stage and was hospitalised. By their final tour with him in 1976, and particularly during production of The Kids Are Alright and Who Are You, the drummer's deterioration was evident. Moon moved back to London in 1978, dying in September of that year from an overdose of Heminevrin, a drug intended to treat or prevent symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.511551856994629, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Moon took lessons from one of the loudest contemporary drummers, Screaming Lord Sutch's Carlo Little, at ten shillings per lesson. Moon's early style was influenced by jazz, American surf music and rhythm and blues, exemplified by noted Los Angeles studio drummer Hal Blaine. His favourite musicians were jazz artists, particularly Gene Krupa (whose flamboyant style he subsequently copied). Moon also admired Elvis Presley's original drummer DJ Fontana, the Shadows' original drummer Tony Meehan and the Pretty Things' Viv Prince. He also enjoyed singing, with a particular interest in Motown. Moon idolised the Beach Boys; Roger Daltrey later said that given the opportunity, Moon would have left to play for the California band even at the peak of the Who's fame. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.757673740386963, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "A commonly cited story of how Moon joined the Who is that he appeared at a show shortly after Sandom's departure, where a session drummer was used. Dressed in ginger clothes and with his hair dyed ginger (future bandmate Pete Townshend later described him as a \"ginger vision\"), he claimed to his would-be bandmates that he could play better; he played in the set's second half, nearly demolishing the drum kit in the process. In the words of the drummer, \"they said go ahead, and I got behind this other guy's drums and did one song-'Road Runner.' I'd several drinks to get me courage up and when I got onstage I went arrgggGhhhh on the drums, broke the bass drum pedal and two skins, and got off. I figured that was it. I was scared to death. Afterwards I was sitting at the bar and Pete came over. He said: 'You ... come 'ere.' I said, mild as you please: 'Yes, yes?' And Roger, who was the spokesman then, said: 'What are you doing next Monday?' I said: 'Nothing.' I was working during the day, selling plaster. He said: 'You'll have to give up work ... there's this gig on Monday. If you want to come, we'll pick you up in the van.' I said: 'Right.' And that was it.\" Moon later claimed that he was never formally invited to join the Who permanently; when Ringo Starr asked how he had joined the band, he said he had \"just been filling in for the last fifteen years.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.255866050720215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Unlike contemporary rock drummers such as Ginger Baker and John Bonham, Moon hated drum solos and refused to play them in concert. At a Madison Square Garden show on 10 June 1974, Townshend and Entwistle decided to spontaneously stop playing during \"Wasp Man\" to listen to Moon's drum solo. Moon continued briefly and then stopped, shouting \"Drum solos are boring!\" However, in 1977, he made a guest appearance in a Led Zeppelin concert, joining John Bonham for his \"Moby Dick\" drum solo. The concert was bootlegged as For Badgeholders Only.Luis Rey (1997) Led Zeppelin Live: An Illustrated Exploration of Underground Tapes, Ontario: The Hot Wacks Press, pp. 396-398", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.406917572021484, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Although not an especially gifted vocalist, Moon was enthusiastic about singing and wanted to sing lead with the rest of the group. While the other three members handled the lion's share of onstage vocals, Moon would attempt to sing backup (particularly on \"I Can't Explain\"). He provided humorous commentary during song announcements, although sound engineer Bob Pridden preferred to mute his vocal microphone on the mixing desk whenever possible. Moon's knack for making his bandmates laugh around the microphone led them to banish him from the studio when vocals were being recorded; this led to a game in which Moon would sneak in to join the singing. At the end of \"Happy Jack,\" Townshend can be heard saying \"I saw ya!\" to Moon as he tries to sneak into the studio. The drummer's interest in surf music and his desire to sing lead spawned lead vocals on several early tracks, including \"Bucket T\" and \"Barbara Ann\" (Ready Steady Who EP, 1966) and high backing vocals on other songs, such as \"Pictures of Lily.\" Moon's performance on \"Bell Boy\" (Quadrophenia, 1973) saw him abandon \"serious\" vocal performances to sing in character, which gave him (in Fletcher's words) \"full licence to live up to his reputation as a lecherous drunk\"; it was \"exactly the kind of performance the Who needed from him to bring them back down to earth.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.528176307678223, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "The drummer produced the violin solo on \"Baba O'Riley.\" Moon sat in on congas with East of Eden at the Lyceum, and afterwards suggested to violinist Dave Arbus that he play on the track. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.617227554321289, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Although Moon was known for kicking over his drum kit, Haynes claimed that it was done carefully and the kit rarely needed repairs. However, stands and foot pedals were frequently replaced; the drummer \"would go through them like a knife through butter.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.475482940673828, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Moon became involved in solo work when he moved to Los Angeles during the mid-1970s. In 1974, Track Records-MCA released a Moon solo single covering the Beach Boys' \"Don't Worry, Baby\" and \"Teenage Idol.\" The next year he released his only solo album, entitled Two Sides of the Moon. Although it featured Moon on vocals, he played drums on only three tracks; most of the drumming was left to others (including Ringo Starr, session musicians Curly Smith and Jim Keltner and actor-musician Miguel Ferrer). The album was received poorly by critics. NME's Roy Carr wrote, \"Moonie, if you didn't have talent, I wouldn't care; but you have, which is why I'm not about to accept Two Sides of the Moon.\" Dave Marsh, reviewing the album in Rolling Stone, wrote: \"There isn't any legitimate reason for this album's existence.\" During one of his few televised solo drum performances (for ABC's Wide World), Moon played a five-minute drum solo dressed as a cat on transparent acrylic drums filled with water and goldfish. When asked by an audience member what would happen to the kit, he joked that \"even the best drummers get hungry.\" His performance was not appreciated by animal lovers, several of whom called the station with complaints.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.163249969482422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Nevertheless, the drummer landed several acting roles. His first was in 1971, a cameo in Frank Zappa's 200 Motels as a nun afraid of dying from a drug overdose. Although it only took 13 days to film, fellow cast member Howard Kaylan remembers Moon spending off-camera time at the Kensington Garden Hotel bar instead of sleeping. Moon's next film role was J.D. Clover, drummer for the fictional Stray Cats at a holiday camp during the early days of British rock 'n' roll, in 1973's That'll Be the Day. He reprised the role for the film's 1974 sequel, Stardust, and played Uncle Ernie in Ken Russell's 1975 film adaptation of Tommy. Moon's last film appearance was in 1978's Sextette with Starr and Alice Cooper. This was the last film to star Mae West.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.473485946655273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Pete Townshend walked into the bathroom of Moon's hotel room and noticed the toilet had disappeared, with only the S-bend remaining. The drummer explained that since a cherry bomb was about to explode, he had thrown it down the loo and showed Townshend the case of cherry bombs. \"And of course from that moment on,\" the guitarist remembered, \"we got thrown out of every hotel we ever stayed in.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.142704010009766, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "A hotel manager called Moon in his room and asked him to lower the volume on his cassette recorder because it made \"too much noise.\" In response the drummer asked him up to his room, excused himself to go the bathroom, put a lit stick of dynamite in the toilet and shut the bathroom door. Upon returning, he asked the manager to stay for a moment, as he wanted to explain something. Following the explosion, Moon turned the recorder back on and said, \"That, dear boy, was noise. This is the 'Oo.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.836112022399902, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "The drummer immediately began drinking upon his arrival in Flint. The Who spent the afternoon visiting local radio stations with Nancy Lewis (then the band's publicist), and Moon posed for a photo outside the hotel in front of a \"Happy Birthday Keith\" sign put up by the hotel management. According to Lewis, Moon was drunk by the time the band went onstage at the Atwood High School football stadium.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.72510290145874, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Returning to the hotel, Moon started a food fight and soon cake began flying through the air. The drummer knocked out part of his front tooth; at the hospital, doctors could not give him an anaesthetic (due to his inebriation) before removing the remainder of the tooth. Back at the hotel a mêlée erupted; fire extinguishers were set off, guests (and objects) thrown into the swimming pool and a piano reportedly destroyed. The chaos ended only when police arrived with guns drawn.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.42194938659668, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "A furious Holiday Inn management presented the groups with a bill for $24,000, which was reportedly settled by Herman's Hermits tour manager Edd McCann. Townshend claimed that the Who were banned for life from all of the hotel's properties, but Fletcher wrote that they stayed at a Holiday Inn in Rochester, New York a week later. He also disputed a widely held belief that Moon drove a Lincoln Continental into the hotel's swimming pool, as claimed by the drummer in a 1972 Rolling Stone interview.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.652507781982422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Moon's lifestyle began to undermine his health and reliability. During the 1973 Quadrophenia tour, at the Who's debut US date at the Cow Palace in Daly City, California, Moon ingested a mixture of tranquillisers and brandy. During the concert, Moon passed out on his drum kit during \"Won't Get Fooled Again.\" The band stopped playing, and a group of roadies carried Moon offstage. They gave him a shower and an injection of cortisone, sending him back onstage after a thirty-minute delay. Moon passed out again during \"Magic Bus,\" and was again removed from the stage. The band continued without him for several songs before Townshend asked, \"Can anyone play the drums? – I mean somebody good?\" A drummer in the audience, Scot Halpin, came up and played the rest of the show.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.203200340270996, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "During the band's recording sabbatical from 1975 to 1978, Moon gained a considerable amount of weight. Entwistle has said that Moon and the Who reached their live peak in 1975–76. At the end of the 1976 US tour in Miami that August, the drummer, delirious, was treated in Hollywood Memorial Hospital for eight days. The group was concerned that he would be unable to complete the last leg of the tour, which ended at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto on 21 October (Moon's last public show). By the time of the Who's invitation-only show at the Kilburn Gaumont in December 1977 for The Kids are Alright, Moon was visibly overweight and had difficulty sustaining a solid performance. After recording Who Are You, Townshend refused to follow the album with a tour until Moon stopped drinking, and said that if Moon's playing did not improve he would be fired. Daltrey later denied threatening to fire him, but said that by this time the drummer was out of control.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.469411849975586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Guitarist Joe Walsh enjoyed socialising with Moon. In an interview with Guitar World magazine, he recalled that the drummer \"taught me how to break things.\" In 1974, Moon struck up a friendship with actor Oliver Reed while working on the film version of Tommy. Although Reed matched Moon drink for drink, he appeared on set the next morning ready to perform; Moon, on the other hand, would cost several hours of filming time. Reed later said that Moon \"showed me the way to insanity.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.787972927093506, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "He followed Moon when the drummer relocated to Los Angeles, but felt that the drug culture prevalent at the time was bad for Moon: \"My job was to have eyes in the back of my head.\" Townshend agreed, saying that by 1975 Butler had \"no influence over him whatsoever.\" Although he was a loyal companion to Moon, the lifestyle eventually became too much for him; he phoned Curbishley, saying that they needed to move back to England or one of them might die. Butler quit in 1978, and later wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Full Moon: The Amazing Rock and Roll Life of Keith Moon (2012).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.203797340393066, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Townshend convinced Daltrey and Entwistle to carry on touring as The Who, although he later said that it was his means of coping with Moon's death and \"completely irrational, bordering on insane\". AllMusic's Bruce Eder said, \"When Keith Moon died, the Who carried on and were far more competent and reliable musically, but that wasn't what sold rock records.\" In November 1978, Faces drummer Kenney Jones joined the Who. Townshend later said that Jones \"was one of the few British drummers who could fill Keith's shoes\"; Daltrey was less enthusiastic, saying that Jones \"wasn't the right style\". Keyboardist John \"Rabbit\" Bundrick, who had rehearsed with Moon earlier in the year, joined the live band as an unofficial member.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.3847575187683105, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Moon's drumming has been praised by critics. Author Nick Talevski described him as \"the greatest drummer in rock,\" adding that \"he was to the drums what Jimi Hendrix was to the guitar.\" Holly George-Warren, editor and author of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: The First 25 Years, said: \"With the death of Keith Moon in 1978, rock arguably lost its single greatest drummer.\" According to Eder, \"Moon, with his manic, lunatic side, and his life of excessive drinking, partying, and other indulgences, probably represented the youthful, zany side of rock & roll, as well as its self-destructive side, better than anyone else on the planet.\" The New Book of Rock Lists ranked Moon No. 1 on its list of \"50 Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Drummers,\" and he was ranked No. 2 on the 2011 Rolling Stone \"Best Drummers of All Time\" readers' poll. In 2016, the same magazine ranked him No. 2 in their list of the 100 Greatest Drummers of All Time, behind John Bonham. Adam Budofsky, editor of Drummer magazine, said that Moon's performances on Who's Next and Quadrophenia \"represent a perfect balance of technique and passion\" and \"there's been no drummer who's touched his unique slant on rock and rhythm since.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.951461315155029, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "\"God bless his beautiful heart ...\" Ozzy Osbourne told Sounds a month after the drummer's death. \"People will be talking about Keith Moon 'til they die, man. Someone somewhere will say, 'Remember Keith Moon?' Who will remember Joe Bloggs who got killed in a car crash? No one. He's dead, so what? He didn't do anything to talk of.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.52353048324585, "source": "wiki", "title": "Keith Moon" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "An athletic child, Baker began playing drums at about 15 years old. In the early 1960s he took lessons from Phil Seamen, one of the leading British jazz drummers of the post-war era. He gained early fame as a member of the Graham Bond Organisation with future Cream bandmate Jack Bruce. The Graham Bond Organisation was an R&B/blues group with strong jazz leanings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.844178199768066, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In February 2016, Baker announced he had been diagnosed with \"serious heart issues\" and cancelled all future gigs until further notice. Writing on his blog, he said, \"Just seen doctor... big shock... no more gigs for this old drummer... everything is off... of all things I never thought it would be my heart...\" Little is known about Baker's sudden and serious illness. In late March 2016, it was revealed that Baker is now set for pioneering treatment after explaining: \"There are two options for surgery and, depending on how strong my old lungs are, they may do both.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.222551345825195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Baker's strong jazz influence and experience is apparent throughout his recorded work, particularly in his philosophy of \"time\" and the role of a drummer as the \"driving force\" of an ensemble. While he is frequently seen playing with matched grip, Baker is equally proficient in the use of traditional grip, and made use of such on his instructional video \"Master Drum Technique.\" Baker possesses both tremendous hand speed and outstanding finger control of the drum stick, which allows him to generate rapid and dynamically complex patterns marked by accents and rebounds while still conserving his overall limb movement - a technique that is developed and coveted extensively by jazz drummers. Baker is known to prefer a light, thin, fast-rebounding drum stick (size 7A), as opposed to the thicker, heavier sticks favored by most rock and heavy metal drummers. Baker was one of the first drummers in rock music to apply the concept of \"coordinated independence\" - a drum technique in which two (or more) limbs play rhythmic patterns that are completely separate, independent, and often contrapuntal to one another. Baker's recorded solos make use of sophisticated syncopation and technically complex ride cymbal patterns characteristic of bebop and other advanced forms of jazz. He frequently employs differing tambres and colours in his percussive work, using a variety of other percussion instruments in addition to the standard drum kit. Baker was also one of the first rock drummers to make frequent use of timpani mallets, brushes, and other beaters/strikers in order to obtain the desired tone colour from his drums and cymbals. As mentioned previously, Baker's playing features the frequent application of African rhythms and groove patterns, particularly hemiolas and polyrhythms. Baker's jazz/fusion work features frequent rolls, drag variants, and drum-to-drum diddle patterns, while his work with Cream and Blind Faith was marked by an emphasis on both double stops and the flam, thereby producing a heavy, thunderous sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.388955116271973, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Although he is usually categorized as a \"rock drummer,\" Baker himself prefers to be viewed as a jazz drummer, or as just \"a drummer.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.502497673034668, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Modern Drummer magazine has described him as \"one of classic rock's first influential drumming superstars of the 1960s\" and \"one of classic rock's true drum gods\". AllMusic has described him as \"the most influential percussionist of the 1960s\" and stated that \"virtually every drummer of every heavy metal band that has followed since that time has sought to emulate some aspect of Baker's playing\". Although he is widely considered a pioneer of heavy metal drumming, Baker has expressed his repugnance for the genre. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.00019645690918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Drum! magazine listed Baker among the \"50 Most Important Drummers of All Time\" and has defined him as \"one of the most imitated '60s drummers\", stating also that \"he forever changed the face of rock music\". He was voted the ninth greatest drummer of all time in a Rolling Stone reader poll and has been considered the \"drummer who practically invented the rock drum solo\". According to author and columnist Ken Micalief in his book Classic Rock Drummers: \"the pantheon of contemporary drummers from metal, fusion, and rock owe their very existence to Baker's trailblazing work with Cream\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.393184661865234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Neil Peart has said: \"His playing was revolutionary – extrovert, primal and inventive. He set the bar for what rock drumming could be. [...] Every rock drummer since has been influenced in some way by Ginger – even if they don't know it\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.807831764221191, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Baker and his wife, Liz Finch, had their first child, Ginette Karen, on 20 December 1960. Baker's second daughter, Leda, was born 20 February 1968. Baker's son Kofi Streatfield Baker was born in March 1969 and named for a friend of Baker's, a Ghanaian drummer named Kofi Ghanaba. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.460461139678955, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ginger Baker" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "In 2006, Watts was elected into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame; in the same year, Vanity Fair elected him into the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame. In the estimation of noted music critic Robert Christgau, Watts is \"rock's greatest drummer.\" In 2016 he was ranked 12th on Rolling Stone magazine's \"100 Greatest Drummers of All Time\" list.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.909572601318359, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charlie Watts" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "One anecdote relates that in the mid-1980s, an intoxicated Jagger phoned Watts' hotel room in the middle of the night asking \"Where's my drummer?\". Watts reportedly got up, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a tie and freshly shined shoes, descended the stairs, and punched Jagger in the face, saying: \"Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my fucking singer!\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.365692138671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charlie Watts" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Bernard \"Buddy\" Rich (September 30, 1917 – April 2, 1987) was an American jazz drummer and bandleader.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.660858154296875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Known for his virtuoso technique, power and speed, Rich was billed as \"the world's greatest drummer\" during his career. He performed with many bandleaders, most notably Tommy Dorsey, Harry James, Count Basie, and led his own \"Buddy Rich Big Band\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.667572021484375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "In 1973, PBS broadcast and syndicated Rich's February 6, 1973, performance at the Top of the Plaza in Rochester, New York. It was the first time thousands of drummers were exposed to Buddy in a full-length concert setting, and many drummers continue to name this program as a prime influence on their own playing. One of his most widely-seen television performances was in a 1981 episode of The Muppet Show, in which he engaged Muppet drummer \"Animal\" (played by Ronnie Verrell) in a drum battle. Rich's famous televised drum battles also included Gene Krupa, Ed Shaughnessy and Louie Bellson.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.857572078704834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Though well known as an explosive, powerful drummer, he did occasionally use brushes. On one album, 1955's The Lionel Hampton Art Tatum Buddy Rich Trio, Rich played with brushes almost exclusively throughout. In 1942, Rich and drum teacher Henry Adler co-authored the instructional book Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments, regarded as one of the more popular snare-drum rudiment books One of Adler's former students introduced Adler to Rich. Adler said, \"The kid told me Buddy played better than [Gene] Krupa. Buddy was only in his teens at the time and his friend was my first pupil. Buddy played and I watched his hands. Well, he knocked me right out. He did everything I wanted to do, and he did it with such ease. When I met his folks, I asked them who his teacher was. 'He never studied', they told me. That made me feel very good. I realized that it was something physical, not only mental, that you had to have.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.85889196395874, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "When asked about Rich's ability to read music, Bobby Shew, lead trumpeter in Rich's mid-60s big band replied: \"No. He'd always have a drummer there during rehearsals to read and play the parts initially on new arrangements... He'd only have to listen to a chart once and he'd have it memorized. We'd run through it and he'd know exactly how it went, how many measures it ran and what he'd have to do to drive it... The guy had the most natural instincts.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.184028625488281, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "According to bassist Bill Crow, Rich reacted strongly to Max Roach's increasing popularity when he was the drummer for Charlie Parker, especially when a jazz critic stated Roach had topped Rich as the world's greatest drummer.Korall, Burt. Drummin' Men: The Heartbeat of Jazz The Bebop Years, Oxford University Press, 2004, p.94 Drummer John JR Robinson told Crow he was with Roach when Rich came driving with a beautiful woman next to him and Rich yelled: \"Hey, Max! Top this!\". Nonetheless the two worked together for the album Rich Versus Roach (1959) and Roach appeared on the Rich tribute album Burning For Buddy (1994).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.075618267059326, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Rich's technique, including speed, smooth execution and precision, is one of the most coveted in drumming and has become a common standard. Gene Krupa defined him as \"the greatest drummer ever to have drawn breath\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.173730850219727, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "In 2016, Rolling Stone ranked Buddy Rich no.15 in their list of the 100 Greatest Drummers of all time.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.914158344268799, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "* 1971: A Different Drummer (RCA Records)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.504362106323242, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "* 1977: Class of '78 (The Great American Gramophone Company) – also released as The Greatest Drummer That Ever Lived with The Best Band I Ever Had", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.576096534729004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Buddy Rich" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Born and raised in west London, Collins played drums from the age of five and completed drama school training, which secured him various roles as a child actor. He then pursued a music career, joining Genesis in 1970 as their drummer and becoming lead singer in 1975 following the departure of Peter Gabriel. Collins began a solo career in the 1980s, initially inspired by his marital breakdown and love of soul music, releasing a series of successful albums, including Face Value (1981), No Jacket Required (1985), and ...But Seriously (1989). Collins became \"one of the most successful pop and adult contemporary singers of the '80s and beyond\". He also became known for a distinctive gated reverb drum sound on many of his recordings. After leaving Genesis in 1996, Collins pursued various solo projects before a return in 2007 for the Turn It On Again Tour. In 2011, he retired to focus on his family life, but continued to write songs. He announced his return to the music industry in 2015.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.615649223327637, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Collins' discography includes eight studio albums that have sold 33.5 million certified units in the US and an estimated 150 million worldwide, making him one of the world's best-selling artists. He is one of three recording artists, along with Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson, who have sold over 100 million albums worldwide both as solo artists and separately as principal members of a band. He has won seven Grammy Awards, six Brit Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, an Academy Award, and a Disney Legend Award. In 1999, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2003, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Genesis in 2010, and the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame in 2012. Despite his commercial success and his status as a respected and influential drummer, music critics are divided in their opinion of his work and he has publicly received both criticism and praise from other prominent music artists.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.344001293182373, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "The Beatles were a strong early musical influence on Collins, including their drummer Ringo Starr. He also followed the lesser-known London band the Action, whose drummer he would copy and whose work introduced him to the soul music of Motown and Stax Records. Collins was also influenced by the jazz and big band drummer Buddy Rich, whose opinion on the importance of the hi-hat prompted Collins to stop using two bass drums and start using the hi-hat. While attending Chiswick County School for Boys, Collins formed a band called the Real Thing and later joined the Freehold. With the latter group, he wrote his first song titled \"Lying Crying Dying\". His professional acting training began at age 14, at the Barbara Speake Stage School, a fee-paying but non-selective independent school in East Acton, whose talent agency had been established by his mother. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.100590229034424, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In mid-1970, rock band Genesis advertised for \"a drummer sensitive to acoustic music and 12-string acoustic guitarist\" following the departure of guitarist Anthony Phillips and drummer John Mayhew. Collins recognised Charisma Records owner Tony Stratton-Smith's name in the ad and applied to audition with Caryl. Auditions took place at the parents' home of singer Peter Gabriel in Chobham, Surrey. As they arrived early, Collins took a swim in the pool and memorised the pieces before his own audition. He recalled, \"They put on 'Trespass', and my initial impression was of a very soft and round music, not edgy, with vocal harmonies and I came away thinking Crosby, Stills and Nash\". In August 1970, Collins became Genesis's new drummer. Caryl's audition was unsuccessful; guitarist Mike Rutherford thought he was not a good fit for the group (they selected Steve Hackett in January 1971).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.957907199859619, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In August 1975, following the The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour, Gabriel left Genesis. Collins became lead vocalist during production of A Trick of the Tail after a lengthy search for Gabriel's replacement where he sang back-up with applicants that responded to a Melody Maker advert that attracted around 400 replies. A Trick of the Tail was a commercial and critical success for the band, reaching No. 3 in the UK and No. 31 in the U.S. Rolling Stone wrote, \"Genesis has managed to turn the possible catastrophe of Gabriel's departure into their first broad-based American success.\" For the album's 1976 tour, Collins accepted an offer from former Yes and King Crimson drummer Bill Bruford to play drums while Collins sang vocals. Wind & Wuthering is the last album recorded with Hackett before his 1977 departure. Bruford was replaced by Chester Thompson, who became a mainstay of the band's live line-up, as well as Collins's solo back-up band, through the following decades.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.513221740722656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In 1975 Collins played with several artists. He played the drums and sang on Hackett's first solo album, Voyage of the Acolyte; performed on Eno's albums Another Green World, Before and After Science, and Music for Films; and replaced drummer Phil Spinelli of the jazz fusion group Brand X before recording their 1976 debut album, Unorthodox Behaviour. Collins credits Brand X as his first use of a drum machine as well as his first use of a home 8-track tape machine. He then sang on Phillips's solo album, The Geese and the Ghost, and the second Brand X album, Moroccan Roll.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.2176194190979, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "In his book on the \"legends\" who defined progressive rock drumming, American drummer Rich Lackowski wrote: \"Phil Collins's grooves in early Genesis recordings paved the way for many talented drummers to come. His ability to make the drums bark with musicality and to communicate so convincingly in odd time signatures left many a drummer tossing on the headphones and playing along to Phil's lead.\" In 2014, readers of Rhythm voted Collins the fourth most influential progressive rock drummer for his work on the 1974 Genesis album The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. MusicRadar named Collins one of the six pioneers of progressive rock drumming. In 2005, Planet Rock listeners voted Collins the fifth greatest rock drummer in history. Collins was ranked tenth in \"The Greatest Drummers of All Time\" list by Gigwise and number nine in a list of \"The 20 greatest drummers of the last 25 years\" by MusicRadar in 2010. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.916120529174805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins cites Collins as one of his drumming heroes. He said, \"Collins is an incredible drummer. Anyone who wants to be good on the drums should check him out – the man is a master.\" In the April 2001 issue of Modern Drummer, Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy named Collins in an interview when asked about drummers he was influenced by and had respect for. In another conversation in 2014, Portnoy lauded his \"amazing progressive drumming\" back in the early and mid-1970s. Rush drummer Neil Peart praised his \"beautiful drumming\" and \"lovely sound\" on the 1973 Genesis album Selling England by the Pound, which he called \"an enduring masterpiece of drumming\". Marco Minnemann, drummer for artists including Joe Satriani and Steven Wilson, described Collins as \"brilliant\" for the way \"he composes his parts, and the sounds he gets\". He said, \"Phil is almost like John Bonham to me. I hear his personality, his perspective.\" He singled out the drumming on \"In the Air Tonight\" as an example of \"ten notes that everybody knows\" and concluded \"Phil is a insanely talented drummer\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.220576763153076, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Modern Drummer readers voted for Collins every year between 1987 and 1991 as Pop/Mainstream Rock drummer of the year. In 2000, he was voted as Big Band drummer of the year. In 2012, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.56433391571045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Collins is a left-handed drummer, and uses Gretsch drums, Remo heads and Sabian cymbals. Past kits he used were made by Pearl and Premier.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.799842834472656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Genesis bandmate Mike Rutherford has praised Collins's personality, saying that \"he always had a bloke-next-door, happy-go-lucky demeanour about him: let's have a drink in the pub, crack a joke, smoke a cigarette or a joint\". He has been characterised by favourable critics as a \"rock god\", and an artist who has remained \"down to earth\". In The New Rolling Stone Album Guide, published in 2004, J. D. Considine wrote: \"For a time, Phil Collins was nearly inescapable on the radio, and enormously popular with the listening public—something that made him an obvious target for critics. Despite his lumpen-pop appeal, however, Collins is an incisive songwriter and resourceful musician.\" Creation Records founder Alan McGee wrote in 2009 that there was a \"non-ironic revival of Phil Collins\" happening. According to McGee: \"The kids don't care about 'indie cred' anymore. To them, a great pop song is just that: a great pop song. In this time of revivals, nothing is a sacred cow anymore, and that can only be a good thing for music.\" Commenting on Collins's popularity with hip-hop acts, he argued: \"It's not surprising. Collins is a world-class drummer whose songs immediately lend themselves to being sampled.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.080416679382324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Collins has been married three times; each has ended in divorce. He married Andrea Bertorelli in 1975. They met as students in a London drama class. They had a son, Simon Collins, who became a vocalist and drummer with the band Sound of Contact. Collins adopted Bertorelli's daughter Joely, who became a Canadian actress and film producer. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.839059352874756, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Collins was estimated to have a fortune of £115 million in the Sunday Times Rich List of 2011, making him one of the 20 wealthiest people in the British music industry. In 2012 Collins was estimated to be the second wealthiest drummer in the world, beaten to first place by Ringo Starr. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.503734588623047, "source": "wiki", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "Carpenter started out as both the group's drummer and lead singer, and she originally sang all her vocals from behind the drum set. Because she was just 5 feet 4 inches tall, it was difficult for people in the audience to see her behind her drum kit, so she was eventually persuaded to stand at the microphone to sing the band's hits while another musician played the drums (former Disney Mouseketeer Cubby O'Brien served as the band's other drummer for many years). After the release of Now & Then in 1973, the albums tended to have Carpenter singing more and drumming less. At this time, her brother developed an addiction to Quaaludes. The Carpenters frequently cancelled tour dates, and they stopped touring altogether after their September 4, 1978, concert at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The Carpenters' Very First TV Special aired December 8, 1976. In 1980, she performed a medley of standards in a duet with Ella Fitzgerald on the Carpenters' television program Music, Music, Music. In 1981, after the release of the Made in America album (which turned out to be their last), the Carpenters returned to the stage and did some tour dates, including their final live performance in Brazil.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.587011337280273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Karen Carpenter" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "In addition to being a drummer and a singer, Karen Carpenter could also play the electric bass guitar. She played bass guitar on two songs on Offering/Ticket to Ride (the Carpenters first album released by A&M). The two songs were All of My Life and Eve. Although Karen's bass playing is heard on the original album(s), Richard remixed both songs (as he has done with almost every Carpenters song), and Joe Osborn's bass playing was substituted for later \"greatest hits\" releases. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.690301418304443, "source": "wiki", "title": "Karen Carpenter" }, { "answer": "Drummers", "passage": "Carpenter started playing the drums in 1964. She was always enthusiastic about the drums and taught herself how to play complicated drum lines with \"exotic time signatures,\" according to her brother. Carpenter's drumming was praised by fellow drummers Hal Blaine, Cubby O'Brien, and Buddy Rich and by Modern Drummer magazine. According to her brother, Carpenter always considered herself a \"drummer who sang.\" Despite this, she was not often featured as a drummer on the Carpenters' albums. She was, however, the only drummer on the albums Ticket to Ride and Now & Then (except for one song) and on the songs \"Mr. Guder\", \"I'll Never Fall in Love Again\", \"Love is Surrender\", \"Bacharach/David Medley\", the piano instrumental \"Flat Baroque\" (highlighting her use of brushes), \"Happy\", \"Another Song\" and \"Please Mr. Postman.\" The role of drummer in the Carpenters entourage was mainly taken over by Hal Blaine as she went from behind the drum set to the front of the stage. Karen was known for endorsing Ludwig Drums and she had two setups (20\" bass drum, 14 and 16\" floor toms, 13\" mounted tom, 4, 6, 8 and 10\" concert toms and the Ludwig SuperSensitive snare drum was the one she really liked). She also used a Rogers hi-hat, a Rogers bass drum pedal, Zildjian cymbals, 11A drumsticks (brand unspecified) and Remo drumheads. On Made in America, Karen provided percussion on \"Those Good Old Dreams\" in tandem with Paulinho da Costa and made a final return to playing drums on the song \"When it's Gone (It's Just Gone)\" in unison with Larrie Londin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.80087423324585, "source": "wiki", "title": "Karen Carpenter" }, { "answer": "Drummer", "passage": "* 1975 – In Playboy magazine's annual opinion poll, its readers voted Carpenter the Best Rock Drummer of the year. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.915940284729004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Karen Carpenter" } ]
Who memorialized a battle of the Crimean War in his 1854 poem The Charge of the Light Brigade?
{ "aliases": [ "A. tennyson", "Baron Alfred Tennyson", "Tennyson (poet)", "Alfred Tennyson, Lord Tennyson", "Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Lord", "Alfred Tennyson Tennyson", "Alfred Lord Tennison", "Tennyson", "A Tennyson", "Lord Tennyson", "Tennysonian", "Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson", "Alfred, Lord Tennyson", "Alfred Tennyson", "Lord Tennyson Alfred", "Alfred Lord Tennyson", "Lord Alfred Tennyson" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "alfred tennyson", "lord tennyson", "tennyson poet", "lord tennyson alfred", "tennysonian", "alfred lord tennyson", "tennyson", "alfred lord tennison", "tennyson alfred 1st lord", "alfred tennyson tennyson", "lord alfred tennyson", "alfred tennyson lord tennyson", "baron alfred tennyson", "alfred tennyson 1st baron tennyson" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "alfred lord tennyson", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Alfred, Lord Tennyson" }
[ { "answer": "Tennyson", "passage": "Cardigan formed up his unit and charged the length of the Valley of the Balaclava, under fire from Russian batteries in the hills. The charge of the Light Brigade caused 278 casualties of the 700-man unit. The Light Brigade was memorialized in the famous poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson, \"The Charge of the Light Brigade.\" Although traditionally the charge of the Light Brigade was looked upon as a glorious but wasted sacrifice of good men and horses, recent historians say that the charge of the Light Brigade did succeed in at least some of its objectives. The aim of any cavalry charge is to scatter the enemy lines and frighten the enemy off the battlefield. The charge of the Light Brigade had so unnerved the Russian cavalry, which had previously been routed by the Heavy Brigade, that the Russian Cavalry was set to full-scale flight by the subsequent charge of the Light Brigade. ", "precise_score": 6.2619309425354, "rough_score": 5.232788562774658, "source": "wiki", "title": "Crimean War" }, { "answer": "Alfred, Lord Tennyson", "passage": "Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the then Poet Laureate, wrote evocatively about the battle in his poem \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\". Tennyson's poem, written 2 December 1854 and , published six weeks after the event on 9 December 1854, in The Examiner, praises the Brigade (\"When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made!\") while trenchantly mourning the appalling futility of the charge (\"Not tho' the soldier knew, someone had blunder'd... Charging an army, while all the world wonder'd\"). Tennyson wrote the poem inside only a few minutes after reading an account of the battle in The Times, according to his grandson Sir Charles Tennyson. It immediately became hugely popular, and even reached the troops in the Crimea, where it was distributed in pamphlet form.", "precise_score": 7.704768180847168, "rough_score": 5.551319122314453, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "answer": "Alfred, Lord Tennyson", "passage": "* \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson depicted a brave but disastrous cavalry charge during the Battle of Balaclava.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.2941155433654785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Crimean War" }, { "answer": "Tennyson", "passage": "* \"The Trooper\", song by Iron Maiden included in their 1983 album Piece of Mind, inspired by Lord Tennyson poem, describes the charge from the point of view of a British soldier.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.933629989624023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Crimean War" }, { "answer": "Alfred, Lord Tennyson", "passage": "The events are best remembered as the subject of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's narrative poem \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\" (1854). Published just six weeks after the event, its lines emphasize the valour of the cavalry in bravely carrying out their orders, regardless of the obvious outcome. Blame for the miscommunication has remained controversial, as the original order itself was vague, and the officer who delivered the written orders, with some verbal interpretation, died in the first minute of the assault.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.0314924716949463, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "answer": "Tennyson", "passage": "In response to the order, Lucan instructed Cardigan to lead his command of about 670 troopers of the Light Brigade straight into the valley between the Fedyukhin Heights and the Causeway Heights. In his poem, \"The Charge of the Light Brigade\" (1854), Tennyson famously dubbed this hollow \"The Valley of Death\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.185368061065674, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "answer": "Tennyson", "passage": "In October 1875, survivors of the Charge met at the Alexandra Palace in London to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Charge. The celebrations were fully reported in the Illustrated London News of 30 October 1875, which included the recollections of several of the survivors, including those of Edward Richard Woodham, the Chairman of the Committee that organised the celebration. Tennyson was invited, but could not attend. Lucan, the senior commander surviving, was not present, but attended a separate celebration, held later in the day, with other senior officers at the fashionable Willis's Rooms, St James's Square. Reunion dinners were held for a number of years. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.74805736541748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "answer": "Tennyson", "passage": "Nearly 36 years later Kipling wrote \"The Last of the Light Brigade\" (1890), commemorating a visit by the last 20 survivors to Tennyson (then aged 80) to reproach him gently for not writing a sequel about the way in which England was treating its old soldiers. Some sources treat the poem as an account of a real event, but other commentators class the destitute old soldiers as allegorical, with the visit invented by Kipling to draw attention to the poverty in which the real survivors were living, in the same way that he evoked Tommy Atkins in \"The Absent-Minded Beggar\" (1899). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.9355721473693848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "answer": "Tennyson", "passage": "Years after the battle, James Bosworth, a station-master at Northam, aged 70, was run over and killed by a railway engine. In his younger days, he was one of those who had fought at the Battle of Balaclava and survived. The English Illustrated Magazine states that he \"surviv[ed] 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' at Balaclava\". His epitaph as listed below referenced both his presence at the battle and Lord Tennyson's poem.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.8543848991394043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" } ]
Roald Amundsen, along with Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, and Oscar Wisting, became the first to reach the South Pole on December 14, 1911. What countries flag did they fly over the pole?
{ "aliases": [ "Norvège", "Mainland Norway", "Norway", "Norvege", "Noregur", "NORWAY", "Norwegian state", "Etymology of Norway", "Noruega", "Norwegen", "ISO 3166-1:NO", "Noreg", "Republic of Norway", "Norwegian kingdom", "Kongeriket Noreg", "Name of Norway", "Kongeriket Norge", "Noorwegen", "Kingdom of Norway", "Sport in Norway", "Norwegia", "Royal Kingdom of Norway" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "norwegen", "kongeriket norge", "norway", "republic of norway", "noorwegen", "norvege", "mainland norway", "kingdom of norway", "sport in norway", "noreg", "noruega", "norwegia", "noregur", "royal kingdom of norway", "name of norway", "kongeriket noreg", "norwegian kingdom", "etymology of norway", "norvège", "iso 3166 1 no", "norwegian state" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "norway", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Norway" }
[ { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (; 16 July 1872 – c. 18 June 1928) was a Norwegian explorer of polar regions. He led the Antarctic expedition of 1910–12 which was the first to reach the South Pole, on 14 December 1911. In 1926, he was the first expedition leader for the air expedition to the North Pole.", "precise_score": 4.517651081085205, "rough_score": 3.067850351333618, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Olav Bjaaland (5 March 1873 – 8 June 1961) was a Norwegian ski champion from Telemark. In 1911, he was one of the first five men to reach the South Pole as part of an expedition led by Roald Amundsen.", "precise_score": 5.465921878814697, "rough_score": 4.950186729431152, "source": "wiki", "title": "Olav Bjaaland" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "On this trip, Bjaaland by chance met Roald Amundsen; the already-successful explorer invited Bjaaland, as a skier, to join his forthcoming expedition to the North Pole. Bjaaland was thrilled, and still believing that they were heading to the North Pole, they left Oslo, Norway on 7 June 1910. Upon learning that they instead were heading south to race for the Antarctic pole against Robert Falcon Scott, Bjaaland had shouted: \"Hurrah, that means we’ll get there first!\" For his participation in the expedition, he was awarded the South Pole Medal (Sydpolsmedaljen), a Royal Norwegian award instituted by King Haakon VII in 1912 to reward participants in Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition.", "precise_score": 3.9774227142333984, "rough_score": 4.271998882293701, "source": "wiki", "title": "Olav Bjaaland" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Helmer Julius Hanssen (24 September 1870 – 2 August 1956) was a Norwegian polar explorer, and one of the first five to reach the South Pole on the expedition of Roald Amundsen.", "precise_score": 4.273341178894043, "rough_score": 4.946688175201416, "source": "wiki", "title": "Helmer Hanssen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "He was one of the first five people to reach the South Pole on 14 December 1911, along with Roald Amundsen, Olav Bjaaland, Oscar Wisting, and Sverre Hassel. During their stay at the South Pole, it is believed that Hanssen passed within 200 yards (180 meters) of the mathematical South Pole point. This was during one of his ski runs which Amundsen had ordered be performed to completely encircle or \"box\" the pole to ensure that there was no doubt that the expedition had attained the pole. For his participation in the expedition, he was awarded the South Pole Medal (Sydpolsmedaljen), the Royal Norwegian award instituted by King Haakon VII in 1912 to reward participants in Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition.", "precise_score": 8.083551406860352, "rough_score": 9.049664497375488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Helmer Hanssen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Oscar Adolf Wisting (6 June 1871 – 5 December 1936) was a Norwegian polar explorer. Together with Roald Amundsen he was the first person to reach both the North and South Poles. ", "precise_score": 5.1592607498168945, "rough_score": 4.559163570404053, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Wisting" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Oscar Wisting was born in Larvik, in Vestfold county, Norway. At the age of sixteen, he went to sea and in 1892 joined the Royal Norwegian Navy. He was working as a naval gunner at Karljohansvern, the naval base in Horten during 1909 when Roald Amundsen asked him to go north with him on his forthcoming North Pole expedition. Amundsen later secretly changed his plans. Wisting went to sea believing they were heading for the North Pole. Instead he learned that they were going south to pick up the race with Robert Falcon Scott to the South Pole.", "precise_score": 2.4760053157806396, "rough_score": 2.727442741394043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Wisting" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "On 14 December 1911 along with Amundsen, Helmer Hanssen, Olav Bjaaland and Sverre Hassel, Wisting planted the Norwegian flag on the Geographic South Pole, the first explorers to have reached that point.", "precise_score": 7.823936939239502, "rough_score": 9.524433135986328, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Wisting" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Oscar Wisting wrote about his experiences with Roald Amundsen in 16 år med Roald Amundsen (Oslo: Glydendal Norsk Forlag, 1930). Roald Amundsen wrote about the expedition in Sydpolen published in two volumes in 1912–1913. The work was translated into English by A. G. Chater, and published as The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the \"Fram\" 1910–1912.", "precise_score": 3.3830862045288086, "rough_score": 2.9050729274749756, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Wisting" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "The first men to reach the Geographic South Pole were the Norwegian Roald Amundsen and his party on December 14, 1911. Amundsen named his camp Polheim and the entire plateau surrounding the Pole King Haakon VII Vidde in honour of King Haakon VII of Norway. Robert Falcon Scott returned to Antarctica with his second expedition, the Terra Nova Expedition, initially unaware of Amundsen's secretive expedition. Scott and four other men reached the South Pole on January 17, 1912, thirty-four days after Amundsen. On the return trip, Scott and his four companions all died of starvation and extreme cold.", "precise_score": 2.7350103855133057, "rough_score": 3.882349967956543, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pole" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "The first expedition to reach the geographic South Pole was led by the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. He and four others arrived at the pole on 14 December 1911, five weeks ahead of a British party led by Robert Falcon Scott as part of the Terra Nova Expedition. Amundsen and his team returned safely to their base, and later learned that Scott and his four companions had died on their return journey.", "precise_score": 3.3120622634887695, "rough_score": 3.176064968109131, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "An early choice for the party was Olav Bjaaland, a champion skier who was a skilled carpenter and ski-maker. Bjaaland was from Morgedal in the Telemark province of Norway, a region renowned for the prowess of its skiers and as the home of the pioneer of modern techniques, Sondre Norheim. Amundsen shared Nansen's belief that skis and sledge dogs provided by far the most efficient method of Arctic transport, and was determined to recruit the most skilful dog drivers. Helmer Hanssen, who had proved his worth on the Gjøa expedition, agreed to travel with Amundsen again. He was joined later by Sverre Hassel, an expert on dogs, and veteran of Sverdrup's 1898–1902 Fram voyage, who intended only to travel with Amundsen as far as San Francisco. Mindful of the value of a competent cook, Amundsen secured the services of Adolf Lindstrøm, another Sverdrup veteran who had been cook aboard Gjøa.", "precise_score": 4.520246982574463, "rough_score": 4.856287479400635, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Amundsen was born to a family of Norwegian shipowners and captains in Borge, between the towns Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg. His parents were Jens Amundsen and Hanna Sahlqvist. Roald was the fourth son in the family. His mother wanted him to avoid the family maritime trade and encouraged him to become a doctor, a promise that Amundsen kept until his mother died when he was aged 21. He promptly quit university for a life at sea.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.488372325897217, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "At this time, Amundsen learned that Norway had formally become independent of Sweden and had a new king. The explorer sent the new King Haakon VII news that his traversing the Northwest Passage \"was a great achievement for Norway\". He said he hoped to do more and signed it \"Your loyal subject, Roald Amundsen.\" The crew returned to Oslo in November 1906, after almost 3.5 years abroad. It took until 1972 to have the Gjøa returned to Norway. After a 45-day trip from San Francisco on a bulk carrier, the Gjøa was placed in her current location on land, outside the Fram Museum in Oslo. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.7457330226898193, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Amundsen next planned to take an expedition to the North Pole and explore the Arctic Basin. Finding it difficult to raise funds, when he heard in 1909 that the Americans Frederick Cook and Robert Peary had claimed to reach the North Pole as a result of two different expeditions, he decided to reroute to Antarctica. He was not clear about his intentions, and the Englishman Robert F. Scott and the Norwegian supporters felt misled. Scott was planning his own expedition to the South Pole that year. Using the ship Fram (\"Forward\"), earlier used by Fridtjof Nansen, Amundsen left Oslo for the south on 3 June 1910. At Madeira, Amundsen alerted his men that they would be heading to Antarctica, and sent a telegram to Scott, notifying him simply: \"BEG TO INFORM YOU FRAM PROCEEDING ANTARCTIC--AMUNDSEN.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.0432581901550293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Amundsen wrote about the expedition in The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the 'Fram,' 1910–12 (1912).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.988487720489502, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "During the third winter, Maud was frozen in the western Bering Strait. She finally became free and the expedition sailed south, reaching Seattle, Washington, in the US Pacific Northwest in 1921 for repairs. Amundsen returned to Norway, needing to put his finances in order. He took with him two young indigenous girls, the adopted four-year-old Kakonita and her companion Camilla. When Amundsen went bankrupt two years later, however, he sent the girls to be cared for by Camilla's father, who lived in eastern Russia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.793100833892822, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "The attempt to fly over the Pole failed, too. Amundsen and Oskar Omdal, of the Royal Norwegian Navy, tried to fly from Wainwright, Alaska, to Spitsbergen across the North Pole. When their aircraft was damaged, they abandoned the journey. To raise additional funds, Amundsen traveled around the United States in 1924 on a lecture tour.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.851809501647949, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Amundsen disappeared with five crew on 18 June 1928 while flying on a rescue mission in the Arctic. His team included Norwegian pilot Leif Dietrichson, French pilot René Guilbaud, and three more Frenchmen. They were seeking missing members of Nobile's crew, whose new airship Italia had crashed while returning from the North Pole. Afterward, a wing-float and bottom gasoline tank from Amundsen's French Latham 47 flying boat, adapted as a replacement wing-float, were found near the Tromsø coast. It is believed that the plane crashed in fog in the Barents Sea, and that Amundsen and his crew were killed in the crash, or died shortly afterward. The search for Amundsen and team was called off in September 1928 by the Norwegian Government and the bodies were never found.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2825276851654053, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "In 2004 and in late August 2009, the Royal Norwegian Navy used the unmanned submarine Hugin 1000 to search for the wreckage of Amundsen's plane. The searches focused on a 40 sqmi area of the sea floor, and were documented by the German production company ContextTV. They found nothing from the Amundsen flight.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.796009063720703, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "* The Royal Norwegian Navy is building a class of Aegis frigates, the second of which is the HNoMS Roald Amundsen (completed 2006)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.215212821960449, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "* Sydpolen, 2-vols, 1912. Translated as The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the \"Fram,\" 1910–1912, translated by A. G. Chater, 1912.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.82907485961914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Roald Amundsen" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Olav Bjaaland was born in Morgedal, Telemark, Norway. At the turn of the century, Bjaaland, together with the Hemmestveit brothers were among the best skiers in Norway. In 1902, he won the nordic combined at the Holmenkollen Ski Festival, to this day the classic event in nordic skiing. In 1909 Bjaaland, together with five others were invited to France to compete with the best skiers of Europe.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.7170398235321045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Olav Bjaaland" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Helmer Hanssen was born in Bjørnskinn, on the island of Andøya in the northern part of Norway. He was an experienced ice pilot, a skill he had learned while hunting seals around Spitsbergen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.311666488647461, "source": "wiki", "title": "Helmer Hanssen" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "For his participation in the expedition, he was awarded the South Pole Medal (Sydpolsmedaljen), the Royal Norwegian award instituted by King Haakon VII in 1912 to reward participants in Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.7789604663848877, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Wisting" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Amundsen's Tent: The tent was erected by the Norwegian expedition led by Roald Amundsen on its arrival on 14 December 1911. It is currently buried beneath the snow and ice in the vicinity of the Pole. It has been designated a Historic Site or Monument (HSM 80), following a proposal by Norway to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. The precise location of the tent is unknown, but based on calculations of the rate of movement of the ice and the accumulation of snow, it is believed, as of 2010, to lie between 1.8 and 2.5 km (1.1 and 1.6 miles) from the Pole at a depth of 17 m (55.8 ft) below the present surface. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.3288533687591553, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pole" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "The fastest unsupported journey to the Geographic South Pole from the ocean is 24 days and one hour from Hercules Inlet and was set in 2011 by Norwegian adventurer Christian Eide, who beat the previous solo record set in 2009 by American Todd Carmichael of 39 days and seven hours, and the previous group record also set in 2009 of 33 days and 23 hours. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.573531150817871, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pole" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "In the 2011/12 summer, separate expeditions by Norwegian Aleksander Gamme and Australians James Castrission and Justin Jones jointly claimed the first unsupported trek without dogs or kites from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole and back. The two expeditions started from Hercules Inlet a day apart, with Gamme starting first, but completing according to plan the last few kilometres together. As Gamme traveled alone he thus simultaneously became the first to complete the task solo. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.73005485534668, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pole" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "The expedition's success was widely applauded. The story of Scott's heroic failure overshadowed its achievement in the United Kingdom, unable to accept that a Norwegian had been the first person to set foot in the South Pole, but not in the rest of the world. Amundsen's decision to keep his true plans secret until the last moment was criticised by some. Recent polar historians have more fully recognised the skill and courage of Amundsen's party; the permanent scientific base at the pole bears his name, together with that of Scott.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.948482990264893, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Amundsen was born in Fredrikstad (around 80 km from Christiania (now Oslo)), Norway, in 1872, the son of a ship-owner. In 1893, he abandoned his medical studies at Christiania University and signed up as a seaman aboard the sealer Magdalena for a voyage to the Arctic. After several further voyages he qualified as a second mate; when not at sea, he developed his skills as a cross-country skier in the harsh environment of Norway's Hardangervidda plateau. In 1896, inspired by the polar exploits of his countryman Fridtjof Nansen, Amundsen joined the Belgian Antarctic Expedition as mate, aboard Belgica under Adrien de Gerlache. Early in 1898 the ship became trapped by pack ice in the Bellinghausen Sea, and was held fast for almost a year. The expedition thus became, involuntarily, the first to spend a complete winter in Antarctic waters, a period marked by depression, near-starvation, insanity, and scurvy among the crew. Amundsen remained dispassionate, recording everything and using the experience as an education in all aspects of polar exploration techniques, particularly aids, clothing and diet.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.384336233139038, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Belgicas voyage marked the beginning of what became known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration, and was rapidly followed by expeditions from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany and France. However, on his return to Norway in 1899, Amundsen turned his attention northwards. Confident in his abilities to lead an expedition, he planned a traversal of the Northwest Passage, the then-uncharted sea route from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the labyrinth of north Canadian islands. Having earned his master's ticket, Amundsen acquired a small sloop, Gjøa, which he adapted for Arctic travel. He secured the patronage of King Oscar of Sweden and Norway, the support of Nansen, and sufficient financial backing to set out in June 1903 with a crew of six. The voyage lasted until 1906 and was wholly successful; the Northwest Passage, which defeated mariners for centuries, was finally conquered. At the age of 34 Amundsen became a national hero, in the first rank of polar explorers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.326666831970215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Amundsen consulted Nansen, who insisted that Fram was the only vessel fit for such an undertaking. Fram had been designed and built in 1891–93 by Colin Archer, Norway's leading shipbuilder and naval architect, in accordance with Nansen's exacting specifications, as a vessel that would withstand prolonged exposure to the harshest of Arctic conditions. The ship's most distinctive feature was its rounded hull which, according to Nansen, enabled the vessel to \"slip like an eel out of the embraces of the ice\". For extra strength the hull was sheathed in South American greenheart, the hardest timber available, and crossbeams and braces were fitted throughout its length. The ship's wide beam of 36 ft in relation to its overall length of 128 ft gave it a markedly stubby appearance. This shape improved its strength in the ice but affected its performance in the open sea, where it moved sluggishly and was inclined to roll most uncomfortably. However, its looks, speed, and sailing qualities were secondary to the provision of a secure and warm shelter for the crew during a voyage that might extend over several years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.680944919586182, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Amundsen made his plans public on 10 November 1908, at a meeting of the Norwegian Geographical Society. He would take Fram round Cape Horn to the Pacific Ocean; after provisioning in San Francisco the ship would continue northwards, through the Bering Strait to Point Barrow. From here he would set a course directly into the ice to begin a drift that would extend over four or five years. Science would be as important as geographical exploration; continuous observations would, Amundsen hoped, help to explain a number of unresolved problems. The plan was received enthusiastically, and the next day King Haakon opened a subscription list with a gift of 20,000 kroner. On 6 February 1909 the Norwegian Parliament approved a grant of 75,000 kroner to refit the ship. The general fundraising and business management of the expedition was placed in the hands of Amundsen's brother Leon so that the explorer could concentrate on the more practical aspects of organisation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.103899955749512, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Amundsen did not publicise his change of plan. As Scott's biographer David Crane points out, the expedition's public and private funding was earmarked for scientific work in the Arctic; there was no guarantee that the backers would understand or agree to the proposed volte-face. Furthermore, the altered objective might cause Nansen to revoke the use of Fram, or parliament to halt the expedition for fear of undermining Scott and offending the British. Amundsen concealed his intentions from everyone except his brother Leon and his second-in-command, Nilsen. This secrecy led to awkwardness; Scott had sent Amundsen instruments to enable their two expeditions, at opposite ends of the earth, to make comparative readings. When Scott, in Norway to test his motor sledges, telephoned Amundsen's home to discuss cooperation, the Norwegian would not take the call.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.073551177978516, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "The privately revised expedition schedule required Fram to leave Norway in August 1910 and sail to Madeira in the Atlantic, its only port of call. From there the ship would proceed directly to the Ross Sea in Antarctica, heading for the Bay of Whales, an inlet on the Ross Ice Shelf (then known as the \"Great Ice Barrier\") where Amundsen intended to make his base camp. The Bay of Whales was the southernmost point in the Ross Sea to which a ship could penetrate, 60 nmi closer to the Pole than Scott's intended base at McMurdo Sound. In 1907–09 Shackleton had considered the ice in the Bay of Whales to be unstable, but from his studies of Shackleton's records Amundsen decided that the Barrier here was grounded on shoals or skerries, and would support a safe and secure base. After landing the shore party, Fram was to carry out oceanographic work in the Atlantic before picking up the shore party early in the following year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.643087863922119, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "The party's ski boots, specially designed by Amundsen, were the product of two years' testing and modification in search of perfection. The party's polar clothing included suits of sealskin from Northern Greenland, and clothes fashioned after the style of the Netsilik Inuit from reindeer skins, wolf skin, Burberry cloth and gabardine. The sledges were constructed from Norwegian ash with steel-shod runners made from American hickory. Skis, also fashioned from hickory, were extra long to reduce the likelihood of slipping into crevasses. The tents—\"the strongest and most practical that have ever been used\"—had built-in floors and required a single pole. For cooking on the march, Amundsen chose the Swedish Primus stove rather than the special cooker devised by Nansen, because he felt the latter took up too much space.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.730544090270996, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "After a month's trial cruise in the northern Atlantic, Fram sailed to Kristiansand in late July 1910 to take the dogs on board and to make final preparations for departure. While at Kristiansand, Amundsen received an offer of help from Peter \"Don Pedro\" Christophersen, a Norwegian expatriate whose brother was Norway's Minister in Buenos Aires. Christophersen would provide fuel and other provisions to Fram at either Montevideo or Buenos Aires, an offer which Amundsen gratefully accepted. Just before Fram sailed on 9 August, Amundsen revealed the expedition's true destination to the two junior officers, Prestrud and Gjertsen. On the four-week voyage to Funchal in Madeira, a mood of uncertainty developed among the crew, who could not make sense of some of the preparations and whose questions were met with evasive answers from their officers. This, says Amundsen's biographer Roland Huntford, was \"enough to generate suspicion and low spirits\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.118203163146973, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Before leaving Funchal on 9 September Amundsen sent a cable to Scott, to inform him of the change of plan. Scott's ship Terra Nova had left Cardiff amid much publicity on 15 June, and was due to arrive in Australia early in October. It was to Melbourne that Amundsen sent his telegram, containing the bare information that he was proceeding southwards. No indication was given of the Norwegian's plans or his destination in Antarctica; Scott wrote to the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) secretary, John Scott Keltie: \"We shall know in due course I suppose\". News of Amundsen's revised plans reached Norway early in October and provoked a generally hostile response. Although Nansen gave his blessing and warm approval, Amundsen's actions were with few exceptions condemned by press and public, and funding dried up almost completely. Reactions in Britain were predictably adverse; an initial disbelief expressed by Keltie soon turned to anger and scorn. \"I have sent full details of Amundsen's underhand conduct to Scott ... If I was Scott I would not let them land\", wrote Sir Clements Markham, the influential former RGS president. Unaware of the world's reactions, Fram sailed south for four months. The first icebergs were sighted on New Year's Day 1911; the Barrier itself came into view on 11 January, and on 14 January Fram was in the Bay of Whales.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.954481601715088, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Early on the morning of 3 February, Terra Nova arrived unexpectedly in the Bay of Whales. She had sailed from New Zealand on 29 November 1910 and had arrived in McMurdo Sound early in January. After landing Scott and his main party there, Terra Nova had taken a party of six men, led by Victor Campbell, eastward to King Edward VII Land. This group intended to explore this then-unknown territory, but had been prevented by sea ice from approaching the shore. The ship was sailing westward along the Barrier edge in search of a possible landing place when it encountered Fram. Scott had previously speculated that Amundsen might make his base in the Weddell Sea area, on the opposite side of the continent; this proof that the Norwegians would be starting the race for the pole with a 60 nautical mile advantage was an alarming prospect for the British. The two groups behaved civilly towards each other; Campbell and his officers Harry Pennell and George Murray Levick breakfasted aboard Fram, and reciprocated with lunch on the Terra Nova. Amundsen was relieved to learn that Terra Nova had no wireless radio, since that might have imperilled his strategy to be first with the news of a polar victory. He was worried, however, by a remark of Campbell's that implied that Scott's motorised sledges were working well. Nevertheless, he offered the British party a site alongside Framheim as a base for the exploration of King Edward VII Land. Campbell turned the offer down, and sailed for McMurdo Sound to inform Scott of Amundsen's whereabouts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.986293792724609, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "On 8 December the Norwegians passed Shackleton's Farthest South record of 88° 23′. As they neared the pole, they looked for any break in the landscape that might indicate another expedition had got there ahead of them. While camped on 12 December they were momentarily alarmed by a black object that appeared on the horizon, but this proved to be their own dogs' droppings off in the distance, magnified by mirage. Next day they camped at 89° 45′ S, 15 nmi from the pole. On the following day, 14 December 1911, with the concurrence of his comrades Amundsen travelled in front of the sledges, and at around 3 pm the party reached the vicinity of the South Pole. They planted the Norwegian flag and named the polar plateau \"King Haakon VII's Plateau\". Amundsen later reflected on the irony of his achievement: \"Never has a man achieved a goal so diametrically opposed to his wishes. The area around the North Pole—devil take it—had fascinated me since childhood, and now here I was at the South Pole. Could anything be more crazy?\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9315022230148315, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "After leaving the Bay of Whales on 15 February 1911, Fram sailed for Buenos Aires where she arrived on 17 April. Here, Nilsen learned that the expedition's funds were exhausted; a sum supposedly set aside for the ship's needs had not materialised. Fortunately, Amundsen's friend Don Pedro Christopherson was at hand to fulfil his earlier promises to provide supplies and fuel. Fram departed in June for an oceanographic cruise between South America and Africa, which occupied the next three months. The ship returned to Buenos Aires in September for final refitting and re-provisioning, before sailing south on 5 October. Strong winds and stormy seas prolonged the voyage, but the ship arrived at the Bay of Whales on 9 January 1912. On 17 January the men in Framheim were surprised by the appearance of a second ship; it was Kainan Maru, carrying the Japanese Antarctic Expedition led by Nobu Shirase. Communication between the two expeditions was limited by language difficulties, though the Norwegians gathered that the Japanese were heading for King Edward VII Land. Kainan Maru departed the next day, and on 26 January she landed a party on King Edward VII Land. This was the first landing on this shore from the sea; attempts by Discovery (1902), Nimrod (1908) and Terra Nova (1911) had all failed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.193465709686279, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "In Hobart, Amundsen received congratulatory telegrams from, among others, former US President Theodore Roosevelt and King George V of England. The king expressed particular pleasure that Amundsen's first port of call on his return had been on soil of the British Empire. In Norway, which only six years earlier had become a free country after 500 years of Danish and Swedish supremacy, the news was proclaimed in banner headlines, and the national flag was flown throughout the country. All the expedition's participants received the Norwegian South Pole medal (Sydpolsmedaljen), established by King Haakon to commemorate the expedition. However, Amundsen's biographer Roland Huntford refers to \"the chill underneath the cheers\"; there remained a residue of unease over Amundsen's tactics. One Norwegian newspaper expressed relief that Amundsen had found a new route, and had not intruded on Scott's path from McMurdo Sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.7857882976531982, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "In Britain, press reaction to Amundsen's victory was restrained but generally positive. Apart from the enthusiastic reports in the Daily Chronicle and the Illustrated London News—which each had a financial stake in Amundsen's success—the Manchester Guardian remarked that any cause for reproach was wiped out by the Norwegians' courage and determination. Readers of Young England were exhorted not to grudge \"the brave Norseman\" the honour he had earned, and The Boy's Own Paper suggested that every British boy should read Amundsen's expedition account. The Times correspondent offered a mild rebuke to Amundsen for his failure to inform Scott until it was too late for the latter to respond, \"all the more unnecessary, for no one would have welcomed co-operation in the work of South Polar exploration more than Captain Scott ... Still, no one who knows Captain Amundsen can have any doubt of his integrity, and since he states he has reached the Pole we are bound to believe him\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.377445697784424, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "Amundsen left Hobart to undertake a lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand. He then went to Buenos Aires where he finished writing his expedition account. Back in Norway he supervised the publication of the book, then visited Britain before embarking on a long lecture tour of the United States. In February 1913, while in Madison, Wisconsin, he received the news that Scott and four comrades had reached the pole on 17 January 1912, but had all perished by 29 March, during their return journey. The bodies of Scott, Wilson and Bowers had been discovered in November 1912, after the end of the Antarctic winter. In his initial response, Amundsen called the news \"Horrible, horrible\". His more formal tribute followed: \"Captain Scott left a record, for honesty, for sincerity, for bravery, for everything that makes a man\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.388559818267822, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 delayed the start of Amundsen's northern polar drift—to which the South Pole expedition had been intended as a preliminary—until July 1918. He then set off in a specially-constructed vessel, Maud, which remained in Arctic waters for the next seven years. The ship did not drift over the North Pole, although in the course of the expedition it became the second ship to traverse the North-East Passage. Amundsen left the expedition in 1923; the remaining years of his life were largely devoted to polar exploration by air. On 12 May 1926, aboard the airship Norge with Lincoln Ellsworth and Umberto Nobile, Amundsen flew over the North Pole. He and Wisting, also on the airship, were the first men to see both poles. In 1928, while attempting to rescue a later Nobile expedition, Amundsen disappeared with his aircraft in the seas between Norway and Spitsbergen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.6446700692176819, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "* (in Norwegian)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.718886375427246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "* (in Norwegian)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.718886375427246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "* (in Norwegian)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.718886375427246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amundsen's South Pole expedition" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "*Fatalities: Scott lost five men including himself returning from the Pole, out of a team of 65. Amundsen's entire team of 19 returned to Norway safely.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.793085098266602, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Sullivan states that it was the last factor that probably was decisive. He states \"Man is a poor beast of burden, as was shown in the terrible experience of Scott, Shackleton, and Wilson in their thrust to the south of 1902–3. However, Scott relied chiefly on man-hauling in 1911–12 because ponies could not ascend the glacier midway to the Pole. The Norwegians correctly estimated that dog teams could go all the way. Furthermore, they used a simple plan, based on their native skill with skis and on dog-driving methods that were tried and true. In a similar fashion to the way the moon was reached by expending a succession of rocket stages and then casting each aside; the Norwegians used the same strategy, sacrificing the weaker animals along the journey to feed the other animals and the men themselves.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.53678035736084, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Scott had used dogs on his first (Discovery) expedition and felt they had failed. On that journey, Scott, Shackleton, and Wilson started with three sledges and 13 dogs. But on that expedition, the men had not properly understood how to travel on snow with the use of dogs. The party had skis but were too inexperienced to make good use of them. As a result, the dogs travelled so fast that the men could not keep up with them. The Discovery expedition had to increase their loads to slow the dogs down. Additionally, the dogs were fed Norwegian dried fish, which did not agree with them and soon they began to deteriorate. The whole team of dogs eventually died (and were eaten), and the men took over hauling the sleds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.87472152709961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norway", "passage": "There was plenty of evidence that dogs could succeed in the achievements of William Speirs Bruce in his work in the Arctic, Antarctic and the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, Amundsen in the Gjøa North West passage expedition, Fridtjof Nansen's crossing of Greenland, Robert Peary's three attempts at the North Pole, Eivind Astrup's work supporting Peary, Frederick Cook's discredited North Pole expedition, and Otto Sverdrup's explorations of Ellesmere Island. Moreover, Scott ignored the direct advice he received (while attending trials of the motor sledges in Norway) from Nansen (the most famous explorer of the day) who told Scott to take \"dogs, dogs and more dogs\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.94325590133667, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "What Scott did not realise is a sledge dog, if it is to do the same work as a man, will require the same amount of food. Furthermore, when sledge dogs are given insufficient food they become difficult to handle. The advantage of the sledge dog is its greater mobility. Not only were the Norwegians accustomed to skiing, which enabled them to keep up with their dogs, but they also understood how to feed them and not overwork them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.89903736114502, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Scott did take the Norwegian pilot and skier Tryggve Gran to the Antarctic on the recommendation of Nansen to train his expedition to ski, but although a few of his party began to learn, he made no arrangements for compulsory training for the full party. Gran (possibly because he was Norwegian) was not included in the South Pole party, which could have made a difference. Gran was, one year later, the first to locate the deceased Scott and his remaining companions in their tent just some 18 km (11 miles) short of One Ton depot, that might have saved their lives if they had reached it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.466116905212402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "Amundsen on his side recruited a team of well experienced skiers, all Norwegians who had skied from an early age. He also recruited a champion skier, Olav Bjaaland, as the front runner. The Amundsen party gained weight on their return travel from the South Pole.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.8382056951522827, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" }, { "answer": "Norwegia", "passage": "During the depot laying in February 1911, Roald Amundsen had his first (and last) 180 miles of his route marked like a Norwegian ski course using marker flags initially every eight miles. He added to this by using parts of empty food containers that had been prepared by painting the outside black resulting in a marker every mile. From 82 degrees on Amundsen built a 6 ft cairn every three miles with a note inside recording the cairn's position, the distance to the next depot, and direction to the next cairn. In order not to miss a depot considering the snow and great distances, Amundsen took precautions. Each depot laid out up to 85 degrees (laid out every degree of latitude) had a line of bamboo flags laid out transversely every half-mile for 5 miles on either side of the depot, by that ensuring that the returning party would locate the designated depot.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.4647501707077026, "source": "wiki", "title": "Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions" } ]
According to the classic 12 Days of Christmas song, what group were there 11 of?
{ "aliases": [ "Pipers Piping" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "pipers piping" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "pipers piping", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Pipers Piping" }
[ { "answer": "Pipers Piping", "passage": "* Perry Como recorded a traditional version of \"Twelve Days of Christmas\" in 1953 but varied the lyrics with \"11 Lords a Leaping\", \"10 Ladies Dancing\", and \"9 Pipers Piping\". It was musically supervised by Mitchell Ayres.", "precise_score": 4.788788795471191, "rough_score": 2.533104181289673, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)" }, { "answer": "Pipers Piping", "passage": "11 Pipers Piping", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.569808959960938, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)" } ]
Dec 13, 1953 saw the birth of Ben Bernanke, Harvard grad with a PhD from MIT. What governmental position does he hold?
{ "aliases": [ "Federal Reserve chairman", "Fed Chief", "Chairman of the fed", "Fed Chairmanship", "Fed Chairman", "Fed chair", "Federal Reserve Chairman", "List of Chairmen of the Federal Reserve", "Federal Reserve Board Chairman", "Chairman of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board", "Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve", "Director of the Federal Reserve", "Fed Chair", "List of Chair of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System", "Federal Reserve Board chairman", "Chairman of the federal reserve", "Fed chief", "Chair of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the Fed", "Fed chairman", "List of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve", "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "list of chairman of federal reserve", "director of federal reserve", "list of chairmen of federal reserve", "chairman of federal reserve", "fed chairmanship", "federal reserve chairman", "fed chief", "fed chairman", "list of chair of federal reserve", "chairman of board of governors of federal reserve system", "federal reserve board chairman", "chairman of federal reserve board", "chair of federal reserve", "fed chair", "chairman of fed", "chairman of board of governors of united states federal reserve", "chairman of united states federal reserve" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "chairman of united states federal reserve", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve" }
[ { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "Ben Shalom Bernanke ( ; born December 13, 1953) is an American economist at the Brookings Institution who served two terms as chairman of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, from 2006 to 2014. During his tenure as chairman, Bernanke oversaw the Federal Reserve's response to the late-2000s financial crisis.", "precise_score": 3.509218454360962, "rough_score": 6.000692844390869, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Federal Reserve chairman", "passage": "Before becoming Federal Reserve chairman, Bernanke was a tenured professor at Princeton University and chaired the department of economics there from 1996 to September 2002, when he went on public service leave.", "precise_score": -2.7236199378967285, "rough_score": -0.3814622163772583, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chair of the Federal Reserve", "passage": "Bernanke was succeeded as Chair of the Federal Reserve by Janet Yellen, the first woman to hold the position. Yellen was nominated on October 9, 2013, by President Obama and, confirmed by the United States Senate on January 6, 2014. ", "precise_score": -4.337606906890869, "rough_score": -3.275782823562622, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve", "passage": "Bernanke then served as chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers before President Bush nominated him to succeed Alan Greenspan as chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. His first term began February 1, 2006. Bernanke was confirmed for a second term as chairman on January 28, 2010, after being renominated by President Barack Obama, who later referred to him as \"the epitome of calm.\" His second term ended February 1, 2014, when he was succeeded by Janet Yellen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.244323253631592, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "Bernanke wrote about his time as chairman of the Federal Reserve in his 2015 book, The Courage to Act, in which he revealed that the world's economy came close to collapse in 2007 and 2008. Bernanke asserts that it was only the novel efforts of the Fed (cooperating with other agencies and agencies of foreign governments) that prevented an economic catastrophe greater than the Great Depression. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.484405994415283, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Fed Chairman", "passage": "In June 2005, Bernanke was named chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, and resigned as Fed Governor. The appointment was largely viewed as a test run to ascertain if Bernanke could be Bush's pick to succeed Greenspan as Fed chairman the next year.Andrews, Edmund L.; Leonhardt, David; Porter, Eduardo; Uchitelle, Louis (October 26, 2005), [", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.592494010925293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve", "passage": "Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27208423614502, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "On February 1, 2006, Bernanke began a fourteen-year term as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and a four-year term as chairman (after having been nominated by President Bush in late 2005). By virtue of the chairmanship, he sat on the Financial Stability Oversight Board that oversees the Troubled Asset Relief Program. He also served as chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, the System's principal monetary policy making body.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2889084815979004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "His first months as chairman of the Federal Reserve System were marked by difficulties communicating with the media. An advocate of more transparent Fed policy and clearer statements than Greenspan had made, he had to back away from his initial idea of stating clearer inflation goals as such statements tended to affect the stock market. Maria Bartiromo disclosed on CNBC comments from their private conversation at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. She reported that Bernanke said investors had misinterpreted his comments as indicating that he was \"dovish\" on inflation. He was sharply criticized for making public statements about Fed direction, which he said was a \"lapse in judgment.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.147126197814941, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "On August 25, 2009, President Obama announced he would nominate Bernanke to a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. In a short statement on Martha's Vineyard, with Bernanke standing at his side, Obama said Bernanke's background, temperament, courage and creativity helped to prevent another Great Depression in 2008. When Senate Banking Committee hearings on his nomination began on December 3, 2009, several senators from both parties indicated they would not support a second term. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.175755977630615, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Federal Reserve chairman", "passage": "Controversies as Federal Reserve Chairman", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.359615325927734, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Federal Reserve chairman", "passage": "The crisis in 2008 also made then-Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke create a pseudonym, Edward Quince. According to the Wall Street Journal, the false name was evidence in a class-action lawsuit against the government by shareholders of AIG, which had been given a Fed-backed bailout when it was near collapse. One of Mr. Quince's emails reads, \"We think they are days from failure. They think it is a temporary problem. This disconnect is dangerous.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.942427158355713, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chair of the Federal Reserve", "passage": "Bernanke has cited Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz in his decision to lower interest rates to zero. Anna Schwartz, however, was highly critical of Bernanke and wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times advising Obama against his reappointment as chair of the Federal Reserve. Bernanke focused less on the role of the Federal Reserve and more on the role of private banks and financial institutions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.7982282638549805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" }, { "answer": "Chairman of the fed", "passage": "In a speech at the American Economics Association conference in January 2014, Bernanke reflected on his tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve. He expressed his hope that economic growth was building momentum and stated that he was confident that the central bank would be able to withdraw its support smoothly. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.477497100830078, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ben Bernanke" } ]
Which Gilligans Island character had the unique ability to construct just about anything necessary to survive from coconuts and bamboo (including a way to recharge batteries), but couldn't be arsed to fix a 2 foot hole in a boat?
{ "aliases": [ "Professor (disambiguation)", "The Professor" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "professor", "professor disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "professor", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Professor" }
[ { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "* Russell Johnson is Professor Roy Hinkley, Ph.D.. John Gabriel was originally cast, but the network thought he looked too young to have all the degrees attributed to the Professor. Actually, \"the Professor\" was in fact a high school science teacher, not a university professor. In the first episode, the radio announcer describes him as a research scientist and well known scoutmaster. Johnson, who served as a bombardier in the Pacific during World War II, stated that he had some difficulty remembering his more technically oriented lines. Johnson's role in the series was spoofed in a \"Bloom County\" comic strip for the Professor's technical expertise being unable to get the castaways off the island. This odd contradiction was played up in \"Weird Al\" Yankovic's parody song, \"Isle Thing\", when the Professor, who is brilliant enough to \"make a nuclear reactor from a couple of coconuts\" cannot \"build a lousy raft\". In his autobiography, Here On Gilligan's Isle, Russell Johnson admitted the Professor indeed for all his smarts could not build a boat, but despite popular beliefs stated in the aforementioned Bloom County strip or the \"Weird Al\" parody song, firmly added the Professor also did not build a nuclear reactor from coconuts nor a satellite dish from clam shells.", "precise_score": -6.020729064941406, "rough_score": -6.551707744598389, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" }, { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "ALF featured an episode in 1987 called \"The Ballad of Gilligan's Island\" in which the alien dreams he is on the island after getting familiar with the show and meets the featured castaways. Bob Denver, Alan Hale, Dawn Wells, and Russell Johnson portray darkly-skewed versions of their characters after being stuck on the island for 23 years. During ALF's dream, Gilligan was shown as getting tired of being called \"Little Buddy\", and the Professor argues with the Skipper on how his ideas to get off the island were ruined by Gilligan. The Howells are explained as having set up a camp on the other side of the island, with no references to Ginger. Skipper puts ALF to work digging a hole for their minigolf course (the opposite of ALF's order from Willie Tanner to fill in the lagoon he dug in his backyard) to compete with the Howells' golf course. The Professor was also shown to have successfully made a television on which they watch sitcom versions of the Tanner family.", "precise_score": -5.108565330505371, "rough_score": -4.724402904510498, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" }, { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "Later in the first season, the episode \"Big Man on Little Stick\" has the Professor giving the position as \"approximately 110° longitude and 10° latitude\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27065658569336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" }, { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "* Dawn Wells is Mary Ann Summers. Wells was a former Miss Nevada when she auditioned for the role. Her competition included Raquel Welch and Patricia Ann Priest. The pilot episode had a different character (\"Bunny\") played by actress Nancy McCarthy. After it was shot, the network decided to recast the roles of the Professor and the two young women. Mary Ann became a simple farm girl from Winfield, Kansas. In 1993, Wells published Mary Ann's Gilligan's Island Cookbook with co-writers Ken Beck and Jim Clark, including a foreword by Bob Denver. In February 2007, she starred as Lovey Howell in Gilligan's Island: The Musical, a musical stage adaptation of the TV show.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.441072463989258, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" }, { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "The scene with the radio report is one of two scenes that reveal the names of the Skipper (Jonas Grumby) and the Professor (Roy Hinkley); the names are used in a similar radio report early in the series. The name Jonas Grumby appears nowhere else in the series except for an episode in which the Maritime Board of Review blames the Skipper for the loss of the ship. The name Roy Hinkley is used one other time when Mr. Howell introduces the Professor as Roy Huntley and the professor corrects him, to which Mr. Howell replies, \"Brinkley, Brinkley.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.44388198852539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" }, { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "The music and lyrics for the theme song, \"The Ballad of Gilligan’s Isle\", were written by Sherwood Schwartz and George Wyle. One version was used for the first season and another for the second and third seasons. In the original song, the Professor and Mary Ann, originally considered \"second-billed co-stars\", were referred to as \"and the rest\", but with the growing popularity of those characters, their names were inserted into the lyrics. The Gilligan theme song underwent this one major change due to star Bob Denver, who personally went to the studio executives and asked that Johnson and Wells be added to the theme song's opening credits. When the studio at first refused, saying it would be too expensive to reshoot, Denver insisted, even saying that if Johnson and Wells were not included, he wanted his name out of the song, as well. The studio caved in, and \"the Professor and Mary Ann\" were added. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.534137725830078, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" }, { "answer": "The Professor", "passage": "In an unaired episode of the short-lived 1997 CBS sitcom Meego, Gilligan, the Professor, and Mary Ann all appear, played by the original actors, and Gilligan yells, \"We've been trapped here for 35 years!\" This episode did not air in the US because CBS canceled the series after six episodes aired.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.551764488220215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Gilligan's Island" } ]
Holding office from 1901 to 1909, who was the 26th President of the United States?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "26th President of the United States", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt Jr. ( ; October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919) was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. As a leader of the Republican Party during this time, he became a driving force for the Progressive Era in the United States in the early 20th century.", "precise_score": 7.232043266296387, "rough_score": 5.633822441101074, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt was soon put forth as the Republican party's candidate for the District's House seat in Albany. He was a member of the New York State Assembly (New York Co., 21st D.) in 1882, 1883 and 1884. He immediately began making his mark, specifically in corporate corruption issues. He blocked a corrupt effort by financier Jay Gould to lower his taxes. Roosevelt exposed suspected collusion in the matter by Judge Theodore Westbrook, and argued for and received approval for an investigation to proceed, aiming for the impeachment of the judge. The investigation committee rejected impeachment, but Roosevelt had exposed the potential corruption in Albany, and thus assumed a high and positive political profile in multiple New York publications. In 1883, Roosevelt became the Assembly Minority Leader. In 1884, he lost the nomination for Speaker to Titus Sheard by a vote of 41 to 29 in the GOP caucus. Roosevelt was also Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Cities; he wrote more bills than any other legislator. ", "precise_score": -9.819188117980957, "rough_score": -6.140382289886475, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "In the 1888 presidential election, Roosevelt successfully campaigned, primarily in the Midwest, for Benjamin Harrison. President Harrison appointed Roosevelt to the United States Civil Service Commission, where he served until 1895. While in office, Roosevelt vigorously fought the spoilsmen and demanded enforcement of civil service laws. The New York Sun then described Roosevelt as \"irrepressible, belligerent, and enthusiastic\". Despite Roosevelt's support for Harrison's reelection bid in the presidential election of 1892, the eventual winner, Grover Cleveland (a Bourbon Democrat), reappointed him to the same post. Roosevelt's close friend and biographer, Joseph Bucklin Bishop, described his assault on the spoils system:", "precise_score": -7.465629577636719, "rough_score": -2.9035749435424805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt became president of the board of the New York City Police Commissioners for two years in 1895 and radically reformed the police force. The New York Police Department (NYPD) was reputed as one of the most corrupt in America; the NYPD's history division records that Roosevelt was \"an iron-willed leader of unimpeachable honesty, (who) brought a reforming zeal to the New York City Police Commission in 1895\". Roosevelt implemented regular inspections of firearms and annual physical exams; he appointed 1,600 recruits based on their physical and mental qualifications, regardless of political affiliation, established Meritorious Service Medals and closed corrupt police hostelries. During his tenure, a Municipal Lodging House was established by the Board of Charities, and Roosevelt required officers to register with the Board; he also had telephones installed in station houses. ", "precise_score": -9.649023056030273, "rough_score": -5.979771614074707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "The office of Vice President was a powerless sinecure, and did not suit Roosevelt's aggressive temperament. Roosevelt's six months as Vice President (March to September 1901) were uneventful. On September 2, 1901, Roosevelt first publicized an aphorism that thrilled his supporters at the Minnesota State Fair: \"Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far.\"", "precise_score": -1.427966594696045, "rough_score": -4.0620222091674805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "In 1919, the Theodore Roosevelt Association (originally known as the Permanent Memorial National Committee) was founded by friends and supporters of Roosevelt. Soon renamed the Roosevelt Memorial Association (RMA), it was chartered in 1920 under Title 36 of the United States Code. In parallel with the RMA was an organization for women, The Women's Theodore Roosevelt Association, that had been founded in 1919 by an act of the New York State Assembly. Both organizations merged in 1956 under the current name. This organization preserved Roosevelt's papers in a 20-year project, preserved his photos and established four public sites: the reconstructed Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, New York City, dedicated in 1923 and donated to the National Park Service in 1963; Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park, Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, dedicated in 1928 and given to the people of Oyster Bay; Theodore Roosevelt Island in the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., given to the federal government in 1932; Sagamore Hill (house), Roosevelt's Oyster Bay home, opened to the public in 1953 and was donated to the National Park Service in 1963 and is now the Sagamore Hill National Historic Site. The organization has its own web site at and maintains a Facebook page at", "precise_score": -10.029472351074219, "rough_score": -4.723963737487793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.772879600524902, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.256645202636719, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858, at East 20th Street in New York City, New York. He was the second of four children born to socialite Martha Stewart \"Mittie\" Bulloch and glass businessman and philanthropist Theodore Roosevelt Sr. He had an older sister, Anna (nicknamed \"Bamie\"), a younger brother, Elliott, and a younger sister, Corinne. Elliott was later the father of First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of Theodore's distant cousin, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His paternal grandfather was of Dutch descent; his other ancestry included primarily Scottish and Scots-Irish, English and smaller amounts of German, Welsh, and French. Theodore Sr. was the fifth son of businessman Cornelius Van Schaack \"C.V.S.\" Roosevelt and Margaret Barnhill. Thee's fourth cousin, James Roosevelt I, who was also a businessman, was the father of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Mittie was the younger daughter of Major James Stephens Bulloch and Martha P. \"Patsy\" Stewart. Through the Van Schaacks Roosevelt is a descendant of the Schuyler family. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.639668464660645, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt's father significantly influenced him. His father had been a prominent leader in New York's cultural affairs; he helped to found the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and had been especially active in mobilizing support for the Union war effort. Roosevelt wrote: \"My father, Theodore Roosevelt, was the best man I ever knew. He combined strength and courage with gentleness, tenderness, and great unselfishness. He would not tolerate in us children selfishness or cruelty, idleness, cowardice, or untruthfulness.\" Family trips abroad, including tours of Europe in 1869 and 1870, and Egypt in 1872, also had a lasting impact. Hiking with his family in the Alps in 1869, Roosevelt found that he could keep pace with his father. He had discovered the significant benefits of physical exertion to minimize his asthma and bolster his spirits. With encouragement from his father, Roosevelt began a heavy regime of exercise. After being manhandled by two older boys on a camping trip, he found a boxing coach to teach him to fight and strengthen his weakened body.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.842093467712402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "After recovering from devastation over his father's death on February 9, 1878, Roosevelt doubled his activities. He did well in science, philosophy, and rhetoric courses but continued to struggle in Latin and Greek. He studied biology intently and was already an accomplished naturalist and a published ornithologist; he read prodigiously with an almost photographic memory. While at Harvard, Roosevelt participated in rowing and boxing; he was once runner-up in a Harvard boxing tournament. Roosevelt was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi literary society, the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and the Porcellian Club; he was also an editor of The Harvard Advocate. On June 30, 1880, Roosevelt graduated Phi Beta Kappa (22nd of 177) from Harvard with an A.B. magna cum laude.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.51931095123291, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1886, Roosevelt was the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, portraying himself as \"The Cowboy of the Dakotas\". GOP precinct workers warned voters that the independent radical candidate Henry George was leading and that Roosevelt would lose, thus causing a last-minute defection of GOP voters to the Democratic candidate Abram Hewitt. Roosevelt took third place with 27% (60,435 votes). Hewitt won with 41% (90,552 votes), and George was held to 31% (68,110 votes). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.90816593170166, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt had demonstrated, through his research and writing, a fascination with naval history; President William McKinley, urged by Roosevelt's close friend Congressman Henry Cabot Lodge, appointed Roosevelt as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1897. Secretary of the Navy John D. Long was more concerned about formalities than functions, was in poor health, and left major decisions to Roosevelt. Roosevelt seized the opportunity and began pressing his national security views regarding the Pacific and the Caribbean on McKinley. Roosevelt was particularly adamant that Spain be ejected from Cuba, to foster the latter's independence and to demonstrate the U.S. resolve to reinforce the Monroe Doctrine. Ten days after the battleship Maine exploded in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, the Secretary left the office and Roosevelt became Acting Secretary for four hours. Roosevelt cabled the Navy worldwide to prepare for war, ordered ammunition and supplies, brought in experts and went to Congress asking for the authority to recruit as many sailors as he wanted. Roosevelt was instrumental in preparing the Navy for the Spanish–American War. Roosevelt had an analytical mind, even as he was itching for war. He explained his priorities to one of the Navy's planners in late 1897:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.7869672775268555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "As governor, Roosevelt learned much about ongoing economic issues and political techniques that later proved valuable in his presidency. He was exposed to the problems of trusts, monopolies, labor relations, and conservation. Chessman argues that Roosevelt's program \"rested firmly upon the concept of the square deal by a neutral state\". The rules for the Square Deal were \"honesty in public affairs, an equitable sharing of privilege and responsibility, and subordination of party and local concerns to the interests of the state at large\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.161883354187012, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "The New York state government affected many interests, and the power to make appointments to policy-making positions was a key role for the governor. Platt insisted that he be consulted; Roosevelt appeared to comply, but then made his own decisions. Historians marvel that Roosevelt managed to appoint so many first-rate men with Platt's approval. He even enlisted Platt's help in securing reform, such as in the spring of 1899, when Platt pressured state senators to vote for a civil service bill that the secretary of the Civil Service Reform Association called \"superior to any civil service statute heretofore secured in America\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.3413724899292, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "In November 1899, William McKinley's first Vice-President Garret Hobart died of heart failure. Theodore Roosevelt had anticipated a second term as governor or, alternatively, a cabinet post in the War Department; his friends (especially Henry Cabot Lodge) saw this as a dead end. They supported him for Vice President, and no one else of prominence was actively seeking that job. Some people in the GOP wanted Roosevelt as Vice President. His friends were pushing, and so were his foes. Roosevelt's reforming zeal ran afoul of the insurance and franchise businesses, who had a major voice in the New York GOP. Platt engineered Roosevelt's removal from the state by pressuring him to accept the GOP nomination. McKinley refused to consider Roosevelt as Secretary of War, but saw no risk in making him Vice President. Roosevelt accepted the nomination, although his campaign manager, Mark Hanna, thought Roosevelt was too cowboy-like. While the party executives were pleased with their success in engineering Roosevelt's next political foray, Roosevelt, very much to the contrary, thought he had \"stood the state machine on its head\". Roosevelt proved highly energetic, and an equal match for William Jennings Bryan's famous barnstorming style of campaigning. Roosevelt's theme was that McKinley had brought America peace and prosperity and deserved reelection. In a whirlwind campaign, Roosevelt made 480 stops in 23 states. Roosevelt showed the nation his energy, crisscrossing the land denouncing the radicalism of William Jennings Bryan, in contrast to the heroism of the soldiers and sailors who fought and won the war against Spain. Bryan had strongly supported the war itself, but he denounced the annexation of the Philippines as imperialism, which would spoil America's innocence. Roosevelt countered that it was best for the Filipinos to have stability, and the Americans to have a proud place in the world. With the nation basking in peace and prosperity, the voters gave conservative McKinley an even larger landslide than in 1896. The Republicans won by a landslide.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.782210350036621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1905, Roosevelt offered to mediate a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War. The parties agreed to meet in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and they resolved the final conflict over the division of Sakhalin– Russia took the northern half, and Japan the south; Japan also dropped its demand for an indemnity. Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for his successful efforts. George E. Mowry concludes that Roosevelt handled the arbitration well, doing an \"excellent job of balancing Russian and Japanese power in the Orient, where the supremacy of either constituted a threat to growing America\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.13245964050293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The most striking evolution in the twenty-first century historiography of Theodore Roosevelt is the switch from a partial arraignment of the imperialist to a quasi-unanimous celebration of the master diplomatist.... [Regarding British relations these studies] have underlined cogently Roosevelt's exceptional statesmanship in the construction of the nascent twentieth-century \"special relationship\". ...The twenty-sixth president's reputation as a brilliant diplomatist and realpolitician has undeniably reached new heights in the twenty-first century...yet, his Philippine policy still prompts criticism. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.947372436523438, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "The press did briefly target Roosevelt in one instance. Ever since 1904, he had been periodically criticized for the manner in which he facilitated the Panama Canal. In the least judicious use of executive power, according to biographer Brands, Roosevelt, near the end of his term, demanded that the Justice Department bring charges of criminal libel against Joseph Pulitzer's New York World. The publication had accused him of \"deliberate misstatements of fact\" in defense of family members who were criticized as a result of the Panama affair. Though indictment was obtained, the case was ultimately dismissed in federal court—it was not a federal offense, but one enforceable at the state court level. The Justice Department had predicted that result, and had also advised Roosevelt accordingly.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.04935073852539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "In March 1909, shortly after the end of his presidency, Roosevelt left New York for the Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, a safari in east and central Africa outfitted by the Smithsonian Institution. Roosevelt's party landed in Mombasa, British East Africa (now Kenya), traveled to the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo), before following the Nile to Khartoum in modern Sudan. Financed by Andrew Carnegie and by his own writings, Roosevelt's party hunted for specimens for the Smithsonian Institution and for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The group, led by the legendary hunter-tracker RJ Cunninghame, included scientists from the Smithsonian, and was joined from time to time by Frederick Selous, the famous big game hunter and explorer. Among other items, Roosevelt brought with him four tons of salt for preserving animal hides, a lucky rabbit's foot given to him by boxer John L. Sullivan, a Holland & Holland double rifle in .500/450 donated by a group of 56 admiring Britons, a Winchester 1895 rifle in .405 Winchester, an Army (M1903) Springfield in .30-06 caliber stocked and sighted for him, a Fox No. 12 shotgun, and the famous Pigskin Library, a collection of classics bound in pig leather and transported in a single reinforced trunk. Participants on the expedition included Kermit Roosevelt, Edgar Alexander Mearns, Edmund Heller, and John Alden Loring. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.722699165344238, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "Once in South America, a new, far more ambitious goal was added: to find the headwaters of the Rio da Duvida, the River of Doubt, and trace it north to the Madeira and thence to the Amazon River. It was later renamed Roosevelt River in honor of the former President. Roosevelt's crew consisted of his son Kermit, naturalist Colonel Rondon, George K. Cherrie, sent by the American Museum of Natural History, Brazilian Lieutenant João Lira, team physician Dr. José Antonio Cajazeira, and 16 skilled paddlers and porters (called camaradas [comrades] in Portuguese). The initial expedition started somewhat tenuously on December 9, 1913, at the height of the rainy season. The trip down the River of Doubt started on February 27, 1914. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.471153259277344, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt introduced the phrase \"Square Deal\" to describe his progressive views in a speech delivered after leaving the office of the Presidency in August 1910. In his broad outline, he stressed equality of opportunity for all citizens and emphasized the importance of fair government regulations of corporate \"special interests\". Roosevelt was one of the first Presidents to make conservation a national issue. In his speech at Osawatomie, Kansas, on August 31, 1910, he outlined his views on conservation of the lands of the United States. He favored using America's natural resources, but opposed wasteful consumption. One of his most lasting legacies was his significant role in the creation of 5 national parks, 18 national monuments, and 150 National Forests, among other works of conservation. Roosevelt was instrumental in conserving about 230 e6acre of American soil among various parks and other federal projects. In the 21st century, historians have paid renewed attention to President Roosevelt as \"The Wilderness Warrior\" and his energetic promotion of the conservation movement. He collaborated with his chief advisor, Gifford Pinchot, the chief of the Forest Service. Pinchot and Roosevelt scheduled a series of news events that garnered nationwide media attention in magazines and newspapers. They used magazine articles, speeches, press conferences, interviews, and especially large-scale presidential commissions. Roosevelt's goal was to encourage his middle-class reform-minded base to add conservation to their list of issues. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.078130722045898, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt was a prolific author, writing with passion on subjects ranging from foreign policy to the importance of the national park system. Roosevelt was also an avid reader of poetry. Poet Robert Frost said that Roosevelt \"was our kind. He quoted poetry to me. He knew poetry.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.342216491699219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Historians credit Roosevelt for changing the nation's political system by permanently placing the presidency at center stage and making character as important as the issues. His notable accomplishments include trust busting and conservationism. He is a hero to liberals for his proposals in 1907–12 that presaged the modern welfare state of the New Deal Era, and put the environment on the national agenda. Conservatives admire his \"big stick\" diplomacy and commitment to military values. Dalton says, \"Today he is heralded as the architect of the modern presidency, as a world leader who boldly reshaped the office to meet the needs of the new century and redefined America's place in the world.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.308728218078613, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt was included with Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln at the Mount Rushmore Memorial, designed in 1927 with the approval of Republican President Calvin Coolidge. For his gallantry at San Juan Hill, Roosevelt's commanders recommended him for the Medal of Honor. In the late 1990s, Roosevelt's supporters again recommended the award. On January 16, 2001, President Bill Clinton awarded Theodore Roosevelt the Medal of Honor posthumously for his charge on San Juan Hill, Cuba, during the Spanish–American War. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.577177047729492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt Association", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.207369804382324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Other locations named for Roosevelt include Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, and Theodore Roosevelt Lake and Theodore Roosevelt Dam in Arizona.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.255805969238281, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "One lasting, popular legacy of Roosevelt is the stuffed toy bears—teddy bears—named after him following an incident on a hunting trip in Mississippi in 1902. Roosevelt famously refused to shoot a defenseless black bear that had been tied to a tree. After the cartoonist Clifford K. Berryman illustrated the President with a bear, a toy maker heard the story and named the teddy bear after Roosevelt. Bears, and later bear cubs, became closely associated with Roosevelt in political cartoons, despite Roosevelt openly despising being called \"Teddy\". On June 26, 2006, Roosevelt was on the cover of TIME magazine with the lead story, \"The Making of America—Theodore Roosevelt—The 20th Century Express\": \"At home and abroad, Theodore Roosevelt was the locomotive President, the man who drew his flourishing nation into the future.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.317238807678223, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "* Theodore Roosevelt was one of the first presidents whose voice was recorded for posterity. Several of his recorded speeches survive. A 4.6-minute voice recording, which preserves Roosevelt's lower timbre ranges particularly well for its time, is among those available from the Michigan State University libraries (this is the 1912 recording of The Right of the People to Rule, recorded by Edison at Carnegie Hall). The audio clip sponsored by the Authentic History Center includes his defense of the Progressive Party in 1912, wherein he proclaims it the \"party of the people\", in contrast with the other major parties.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.564891815185547, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" } ]
Christmas Island, a territory of Australia, is located in what ocean?
{ "aliases": [ "Indian (disambiguation)", "INDIAN", "Indian (Asian)", "Indians", "Indian", "Indian (film)", "Indian (Americas)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "indians", "indian film", "indian americas", "indian disambiguation", "indian asian", "indian" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "indian", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Indian" }
[ { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "Christmas Island, officially the Territory of Christmas Island, is an external territory of the Commonwealth of Australia in the Indian Ocean, comprising the island of the same name. It has a population of 2,072 residents, who live mainly in settlements on the northern tip of the island, including Flying Fish Cove (also known as Kampong), Silver City, Poon Saan, and Drumsite. Around two-thirds of the island's population are Malaysian Chinese, with significant numbers of Malays and European Australians as well as smaller numbers of Malaysian Indians and Eurasians. Several languages are in use, including English, Malay, and various Chinese dialects, while Buddhism is the primary religion, followed by three-quarters of the population.", "precise_score": 9.261390686035156, "rough_score": 9.724968910217285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "The culture of Christmas Island is unique, for people of many different ethnicities inhabit the area. The majority of residents are Chinese, but Europeans and Malays reside there as well with small Indian and Eurasian communities too. The main languages of Christmas Island are English and Chinese. Dress is usually modest, and tourists should keep a wrap, such as a sarong or pareo, on hand to cover shorts, bathing suits, and tank tops. It is common to remove shoes when entering a house and to also avoid touching anyone's head.", "precise_score": -2.4012045860290527, "rough_score": -2.910090684890747, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "Australia's landmass of 7617930 km2 is on the Indo-Australian Plate. Surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas, with the Coral Sea lying off the Queensland coast, and the Tasman Sea lying between Australia and New Zealand. The world's smallest continent and sixth largest country by total area, Australia—owing to its size and isolation—is often dubbed the \"island continent\", and is sometimes considered the world's largest island. Australia has 34218 km of coastline (excluding all offshore islands), and claims an extensive Exclusive Economic Zone of 8148250 km2. This exclusive economic zone does not include the Australian Antarctic Territory. Apart from Macquarie Island, Australia lies between latitudes 9° and 44°S, and longitudes 112° and 154°E.", "precise_score": 0.4225466251373291, "rough_score": 1.1342474222183228, "source": "wiki", "title": "Australia" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "From the outbreak of the South-East Asian theatre of World War II in December 1941, Christmas Island was a target for Japanese occupation because of its rich phosphate deposits. A naval gun was installed under a British officer and four NCOs and 27 Indian soldiers. The first attack was carried out on 20 January 1942, by the Japanese submarine , which torpedoed a Norwegian freighter, the Eidsvold. The vessel drifted and eventually sank off West White Beach. Most of the European and Asian staff and their families were evacuated to Perth. In late February and early March 1942, there were two aerial bombing raids. Shelling from a Japanese naval group on 7 March led the district officer to hoist the white flag. But after the Japanese naval group sailed away, the British officer raised the Union flag once more. During the night of 10–11 March, a mutiny of the Indian troops, abetted by Sikh policemen, led to the murder of the five British soldiers and the imprisonment of the remaining 21 Europeans. At dawn on 31 March 1942, a dozen Japanese bombers launched the attack, destroying the radio station. The same day, a Japanese fleet of nine vessels arrived, and the island was surrendered. About 850 men of the 21st and 24th special base forces and 102nd Construction Unit came ashore at Flying Fish Cove and occupied the island. They rounded up the workforce, most of whom had fled to the jungle. Sabotaged equipment was repaired and preparations were made to resume the mining and export of phosphate. Only 20 men from the 21st Special Base Force were left as a garrison.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.489520072937012, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "Under Commonwealth Cabinet Decision 1573 of 9 September 1958, D. E. Nickels was appointed the first official representative of the new territory. In a media statement on 5 August 1960, the minister for territories, Paul Hasluck, said, among other things, that, \"His extensive knowledge of the Malay language and the customs of the Asian people... has proved invaluable in the inauguration of Australian administration... During his two years on the island he had faced unavoidable difficulties... and constantly sought to advance the island's interests.\" John William Stokes succeeded him and served from 1 October 1960, to 12 June 1966. On his departure he was lauded by all sectors of the island community. In 1968, the official secretary was re-titled an administrator and, since 1997, Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands together are called the Australian Indian Ocean Territories and share a single administrator resident on Christmas Island. Recollections of the island's history and lifestyle, and lists and timetables of the island's leaders and events since its settlement are at the World Statesmen site and in Neale (1988), Bosman (1993), Hunt (2011) and Stokes (2012).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.920790195465088, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami centred off the western shore of Sumatra in Indonesia, resulted in no reported casualties, but some swimmers were swept some 150 m out to sea for a time before being swept back in. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.224519729614258, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "The ethnic composition is 65% Chinese, 20% Malay, 10% European and 5% Indian and Eurasian. A 2011 report by the Australian government estimated that religions practised on Christmas Island include Buddhism 75%, Christianity 12%, Islam 10%, and other 3%. This includes Traditional Chinese religions like Taoism and Confucianism, as well as the Baha'i Faith. The cuisine of Christmas Island is mostly flown or shipped in.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.022287368774414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "The term \"British Overseas Territory\" was introduced by the British Overseas Territories Act 2002, replacing the term British Dependent Territory, introduced by the British Nationality Act 1981. Prior to 1 January 1983, the territories were officially referred to as British Crown Colonies. With the exceptions of the British Antarctic Territory and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (which host only officials and research station staff) and the British Indian Ocean Territory (used as a military base), the Territories retain permanent civilian populations. Permanent residency for the 7,000 or so civilians living in the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia is limited to citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.536742210388184, "source": "wiki", "title": "British Overseas Territories" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "* British Indian Ocean Territory – claimed by Mauritius and Seychelles", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.991904258728027, "source": "wiki", "title": "British Overseas Territories" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "* British Indian Ocean Territory – the island of Diego Garcia is home to a large naval base and airbase leased to the United States by the United Kingdom until 2036 (unless renewed), but either government can opt out of the agreement in 2016. There are British forces in small numbers in the BIOT for administrative and immigration purposes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.5641984939575195, "source": "wiki", "title": "British Overseas Territories" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "Each overseas territory has been granted its own flag and coat of arms by the British monarch. Traditionally, the flags follow the Blue Ensign design, with the Union Flag in the canton, and the territory's coat of arms in the fly. Exceptions to this are Bermuda which uses a Red Ensign; British Antarctic Territory which uses a White Ensign; British Indian Ocean Territory which uses a Blue Ensign with wavy lines to symbolise the sea; and Gibraltar which uses a banner of its coat of arms (the flag of the city of Gibraltar).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.250256538391113, "source": "wiki", "title": "British Overseas Territories" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "The climate of Australia is significantly influenced by ocean currents, including the Indian Ocean Dipole and the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, which is correlated with periodic drought, and the seasonal tropical low-pressure system that produces cyclones in northern Australia. These factors cause rainfall to vary markedly from year to year. Much of the northern part of the country has a tropical, predominantly summer-rainfall (monsoon) climate. The south-west corner of the country has a Mediterranean climate. Much of the south-east (including Tasmania) is temperate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.9366679191589355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Australia" }, { "answer": "Indian", "passage": "Until the Second World War, the vast majority of settlers and immigrants came from the British Isles, and a majority of Australians have some British or Irish ancestry. In the 2011 Australian census, the most commonly nominated ancestries were English (36.1%), Australian (35.4%), Irish (10.4%), Scottish (8.9%), Italian (4.6%), German (4.5%), Chinese (4.3%), Indian (2.0%), Greek (1.9%), and Dutch (1.7%).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.684727668762207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Australia" } ]
Yesterday saw the maiden flight of the new Boeing Dreamliner. What model number is it given?
{ "aliases": [ "787", "seven hundred and eighty-seven" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "seven hundred and eighty seven", "787" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "787", "type": "Numerical", "value": "787" }
[ { "answer": "787", "passage": "The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a long-range, mid-size widebody, twin-engine jet airliner developed by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Its variants seat 242 to 335 passengers in typical three-class seating configurations. It is Boeing's most fuel-efficient airliner and is a pioneering airliner with the use of composite materials as the primary material in the construction of its airframe. The 787 was designed to be 20% more fuel efficient than the Boeing 767, which it was intended to replace. The 787 Dreamliner's distinguishing features include mostly electrical flight systems, swept wingtips, and noise-reducing chevrons on its engine nacelles. It shares a common type rating with the larger Boeing 777 to allow qualified pilots to operate both models.", "precise_score": 0.13658466935157776, "rough_score": 6.46628475189209, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The aircraft's initial designation was the 7E7, prior to its renaming in January 2005. The first 787 was unveiled in a roll-out ceremony on July 8, 2007 at Boeing's Everett factory. Development and production of the 787 has involved a large-scale collaboration with numerous suppliers worldwide. Final assembly takes place at the Boeing Everett Factory in Everett, Washington, and at the Boeing South Carolina factory in North Charleston, South Carolina. Originally planned to enter service in May 2008, the project experienced multiple delays. The airliner's maiden flight took place on December 15, 2009, and completed flight testing in mid-2011. Boeing has reportedly spent $32 billion on the 787 program.", "precise_score": -1.295224905014038, "rough_score": -0.8250014781951904, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On April 26, 2004, Japanese airline All Nippon Airways became the launch customer for the Dreamliner, by announcing a firm order for 50 aircraft with deliveries to begin in late 2008. All Nippon Airways' order was initially specified as 30 787-3, 290–330 seat, one-class domestic aircraft, and 20 787-8, long-haul, 210–250 seat, two-class aircraft for regional international routes such as Tokyo Narita–Beijing. The aircraft would allow All Nippon Airways to open new routes to cities not previously served, such as Denver, Moscow, and New Delhi. The 787-3 and 787-8 were to be the initial variants, with the 787-9 entering service in 2010.", "precise_score": -0.7886420488357544, "rough_score": -1.046167016029358, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "To speed up delivery of the 787's major components, Boeing modified four used 747-400s into 747 Dreamlifters to transport 787 wings, fuselage sections, and other smaller parts. Japanese industrial participation was very important to the project, with Japanese companies co-designing and building 35% of the aircraft. This was the first time outside firms were given a key role in the design of Boeing airliner wings. The Japanese government also provided support with an estimated US$2 billion in loans. On April 26, 2006, Japanese manufacturer Toray Industries and Boeing signed a production agreement involving US$6 billion worth of carbon fiber, extending a 2004 contract and aimed at easing production concerns. In May 2007 final assembly on the first 787 began at Boeing's Everett, Washington plant. ", "precise_score": -6.371328353881836, "rough_score": -2.714632987976074, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Boeing's early plans called for first flight by the end of August 2007 and premiered the first 787 at a rollout ceremony on July 8, 2007. The Dreamliner had 677 orders at this time, which is more orders from launch to roll-out than any previous wide-body airliner. The aircraft's major systems had not been installed at that time and many parts were attached with temporary non-aerospace fasteners requiring replacement with flight fasteners later. Although intended to shorten the production process, 787 subcontractors initially had difficulty completing the extra work because they could not procure the needed parts and perform the subassembly on schedule, leaving remaining assembly work for Boeing to complete as \"traveled work\". ", "precise_score": 0.8214873671531677, "rough_score": 5.428996562957764, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On April 9, 2008, Boeing announced a fourth delay, shifting the maiden flight to the fourth quarter of 2008, and delaying initial deliveries by around 15 months to the third quarter of 2009. The 787-9 variant was postponed to 2012 and the 787-3 variant was to follow with no firm delivery date. On November 4, 2008, a fifth delay was announced due to incorrect fastener installation and the Boeing machinists strike, stating that the first test flight would not occur in the fourth quarter of 2008. After assessing the 787 program schedule with its suppliers, Boeing confirmed on December 11, 2008, that the first flight would be delayed until the second quarter of 2009. Airlines, including United Airlines and Air India, stated their intentions to seek compensation from Boeing for the delays. ", "precise_score": -1.9129339456558228, "rough_score": -0.505641758441925, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On June 15, 2009, during the Paris Air Show, Boeing said that the 787 would make its first flight within two weeks. However, on June 23, 2009, the first flight was postponed due to structural reasons. Boeing provided an updated 787 schedule on August 27, 2009, with the first flight planned to occur by the end of 2009 and deliveries to begin at the end of 2010. The company expected to write off US$2.5 billion because it considered the first three Dreamliners built unsellable and suitable only for flight tests. On October 28, 2009, Boeing selected Charleston, SC as the site for a second 787 production line, after soliciting bids from multiple states. On December 12, 2009, the first 787 completed high speed taxi tests, the last major step before flight. ", "precise_score": -0.8781866431236267, "rough_score": 3.1120285987854004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On December 15, 2009, Boeing conducted the Dreamliner's maiden flight with the first 787-8, originating from Snohomish County Airport in Everett, Washington, at 10:27 am PST, and landing at Boeing Field in King County, Washington, at 1:35 pm PST. Originally scheduled for four hours, the test flight was shortened to three hours due to bad weather. Boeing's schedule called for a 9-month flight test campaign (later revised to 8.5 months). ", "precise_score": 4.5271382331848145, "rough_score": 6.6829118728637695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The first 787 was officially delivered to All Nippon Airways on September 25, 2011, at the Boeing factory. A ceremony to mark the occasion was also held the next day. On September 27, the Dreamliner flew to Tokyo Haneda Airport. The airline took delivery of the second 787 on October 13, 2011. On October 26, 2011, the 787 flew its first commercial flight from Tokyo Narita to Hong Kong on All Nippon Airways. The airliner was planned to enter service some three years prior. Tickets for the flight were sold in an online auction, the highest bidder had paid $34,000 for a seat. The 787 flew its first commercial long-haul flight on January 21, 2012 from Haneda to Frankfurt on All Nippon Airways. ", "precise_score": -1.1109731197357178, "rough_score": 1.28792405128479, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On December 6, 2011, test aircraft ZA006 (sixth 787), powered by General Electric GEnx engines, flew 10710 nmi non-stop from Boeing Field eastward to Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh, setting a new world distance record for aircraft in the 787's weight class, which is between 440000 and. This flight surpassed the previous record of 9127 nmi, set in 2002 by an Airbus A330. The Dreamliner then continued eastbound from Dhaka to return to Boeing Field, setting a world-circling speed record of 42 hours, 27 minutes. In April 2012, an All Nippon Airways 787 made a delivery flight from Boeing Field to Haneda Airport partially using biofuel from cooking oil. In 2011, Boeing conducted a 787 world tour to promote the airliner, visiting various cities in China, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, United States, and others. ", "precise_score": -2.9874536991119385, "rough_score": -0.45911461114883423, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 Dreamliner program has reportedly cost Boeing $32 billion. ", "precise_score": -3.5589754581451416, "rough_score": -3.0588910579681396, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On July 21, 2016 Boeing reported charges of $847 million against two flight-test Dreamliners built in 2009. Boeing planned to refurbish and sell these early 787s, but now will write them off as research and development expense. ", "precise_score": -1.8544659614562988, "rough_score": 2.810427665710449, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Cabin interior width is approximately 18 ft at armrest level, which is 1 in more than originally planned. The Dreamliner's cabin width is 15 in more than that of the Airbus A330 and A340, 5 in less than the A350, and 16 in less than the 777. Airlines use economy seat widths from a low of in charter configuration up to in premium economy layout. The 787's economy seats can be up to wide for nine-abreast seating and up to 19 in wide for eight-abreast seating arrangements. Most airlines are selecting the nine-abreast (3–3–3) configuration. The 787 interior was designed to better accommodate persons with mobility, sensory, and cognitive disabilities. For example, a 56 by convertible lavatory includes a movable center wall that allows two separate lavatories to become one large, wheelchair-accessible facility.", "precise_score": -6.168822288513184, "rough_score": -3.187397003173828, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The prototype 787-9 made its maiden flight from Paine Field on September 17, 2013. A 787-9 was on static display at the 2014 Farnborough Air Show prior to first delivery. On July 8, 2014, Launch customer Air New Zealand took its first 787-9, in a distinctive black livery in a ceremony at Paine Field. Its first commercial flight was from Auckland to Sydney on August 9, 2014.", "precise_score": -0.7681193351745605, "rough_score": 0.7137464880943298, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On September 24, 2015, Indian media reported that an Air India 787 Dreamliner (VT-AND) had been grounded since January 2015 and had been scavenged for parts due to their lack of availability. Air India's aircraft engineers' body advised against accepting further deliveries until Boeing resolved reliability issues. India's Minister of State for Civil Aviation Mahesh Sharma stated the reliability issues to India's Parliament. ", "precise_score": -2.4618420600891113, "rough_score": -1.341665267944336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 16, 2013, both major Japanese airlines ANA and JAL voluntarily grounded their fleets of 787s after multiple incidents involving different 787s, including emergency landings. At the time, these two carriers operated 24 of the 50 Dreamliners delivered. The grounding is reported to have cost ANA some 9 billion yen (US$93 million) in lost sales. ", "precise_score": -4.494471549987793, "rough_score": -3.4618873596191406, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The only American airline that operated the Dreamliner at the time was United Airlines, which had six. Chile's Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) grounded LAN Airlines' three 787s. The Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) directed Air India to ground its six Dreamliners. The Japanese Transport Ministry made the ANA and JAL groundings official and indefinite following the FAA announcement. The European Aviation Safety Agency also followed the FAA's advice and grounded the only two European 787s operated by LOT Polish Airlines. Qatar Airways grounded their five Dreamliners. Ethiopian Airlines was the final operator to temporarily ground its four Dreamliners. By January 17, 2013, all 50 of the aircraft delivered to date had been grounded. ", "precise_score": -4.360578536987305, "rough_score": -0.17531345784664154, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Boeing completed its final tests on a revised battery design on April 5, 2013. Qatar Airways said it expected to have its Dreamliners back in revenue service by the end of April. The FAA approved Boeing's revised battery design with three additional, overlapping protection methods on April 19, 2013. The FAA published a directive on April 25 to provide instructions for retrofitting battery hardware before the 787s could return to flight. The repairs were expected to be completed in weeks. ", "precise_score": -3.491746425628662, "rough_score": 0.6318544745445251, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Following the FAA approval in the U.S., Japan gave permission for passenger airlines to resume Boeing 787 flights in the country effective April 26, 2013. On April 27, 2013, Ethiopian Airlines took a 787 on the model's first commercial flight after battery system modifications.", "precise_score": -1.4513758420944214, "rough_score": -1.5412667989730835, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Since the arrival of the 747-400, several stretching schemes for the 747 have been proposed. Boeing announced the larger 747-500X and preliminary designs in 1996. The new variants would have cost more than US$5 billion to develop, and interest was not sufficient to launch the program.[ \"BA warms to A3XX plan.\"] Flight International, March 19, 1997. Retrieved: December 17, 2007. In 2000, Boeing offered the more modest 747X and 747X stretch derivatives as alternatives to the Airbus A3XX. However, the 747X family was unable to attract enough interest to enter production. A year later, Boeing switched from the 747X studies to pursue the Sonic Cruiser,[ \"Boeing Shelves 747X to Focus on Faster Jet.\"] People's Daily, March 30, 2001. Retrieved: December 17, 2007. and after the Sonic Cruiser program was put on hold, the 787 Dreamliner. Some of the ideas developed for the 747X were used on the 747-400ER, a longer range variant of the 747-400. ", "precise_score": -3.824395179748535, "rough_score": -2.789290428161621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 747" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "43&item1080 \"Final Boeing 747 Dreamlifter Enters Service.\"] The Boeing Company. Retrieved: July 15, 2011. (originally called the 747 Large Cargo Freighter or LCF[ \"Evergreen Aviation press releases.\"] Evergreen Aviation, July 20, 2007. Retrieved: December 17, 2007.) is a Boeing-designed modification of existing 747-400s to a larger configuration to ferry 787 Dreamliner sub-assemblies. Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corporation of Taiwan was contracted to complete modifications of 747-400s into Dreamlifters in Taoyuan. The aircraft flew for the first time on September 9, 2006 in a test flight.[ \"Boeing 747 Large Cargo Freighter Completes First Flight.\"] The Boeing Company, September 9, 2006. Modification of four aircraft was completed by February 2010. The Dreamlifters have been placed into service transporting sub-assemblies for the 787 program to the Boeing plant in Everett, Washington, for final assembly. The aircraft is certified to carry only essential crew and not passengers. ", "precise_score": -3.1728763580322266, "rough_score": -0.24451838433742523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 747" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In recent years the Boeing 777 has outsold its Airbus counterparts, which include the A340 family as well as the A330-300. The smaller A330-200 competes with the 767, outselling its Boeing counterpart in recent years. The A380 is anticipated to further reduce sales of the Boeing 747, gaining Airbus a share of the market in very large aircraft, though frequent delays in the A380 programme have caused several customers to consider the refreshed 747–8. Airbus has also proposed the A350 XWB to compete with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, after being under great pressure from airlines to produce a competing model. ", "precise_score": -2.500514268875122, "rough_score": 1.5241520404815674, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airbus" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Final US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) type certification was received in August 2011 and the first 787-8 was delivered in September 2011. It entered commercial service on October 26, 2011 with launch customer All Nippon Airways. The stretched 787-9 variant, which is 20 ft longer and can fly 450 nmi farther than the -8, first flew in September 2013. Deliveries of the 787-9 began in July 2014; it entered commercial service on August 7, 2014 with All Nippon Airways, with 787-9 launch customer Air New Zealand following two days later. As of June 2016, the 787 had orders for 1,155 aircraft from 63 customers, with All Nippon Airways having the largest number on order.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.994049549102783, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The aircraft has suffered from several in-service problems, including fires on board related to its lithium-ion batteries. These systems were reviewed by both the FAA and the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau. The FAA issued a directive in January 2013 that grounded all 787s in the US and other civil aviation authorities followed suit. After Boeing completed tests on a revised battery design, the FAA approved the revised design and lifted the grounding in April 2013; the 787 returned to passenger service later that month.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.522598266601562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 was designed to be the first production airliner with the fuselage assembled with one-piece composite barrel sections instead of the multiple aluminum sheets and some 50,000 fasteners used on existing aircraft. Boeing selected two new engine types to power the 787, the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 and General Electric GEnx. Boeing stated the 787 would be approximately 20 percent more fuel-efficient than the 767, with approximately 40 percent of the efficiency gain from the engines, plus gains from aerodynamic improvements, increased use of lighter-weight composite materials, and advanced systems. The 787-8 and −9 were intended to be certified to 330 minute ETOPS capability. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.236387252807617, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "During the design phase, the 787 underwent extensive wind tunnel testing at Boeing's Transonic Wind Tunnel, QinetiQ's five-meter wind tunnel at Farnborough, United Kingdom, and NASA Ames Research Center's wind tunnel, as well as at the French aerodynamics research agency, ONERA. The final styling of the aircraft was more conservative than earlier proposals, with the fin, nose, and cockpit windows changed to a more conventional form. By the end of 2004, customer-announced orders and commitments for the 787 reached 237 aircraft. Boeing initially priced the 787-8 variant at US$120 million, a low figure that surprised the industry. In 2007, the list price was US$146–151.5 million for the 787-3, US$157–167 million for the 787-8 and US$189–200 million for the 787-9. The 787 airframe underwent extensive structural testing during its design. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.307733535766602, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "After stiff competition, Boeing announced on December 16, 2003, that the 787 would be assembled in its factory in Everett, Washington. Instead of building the complete aircraft from the ground up in the traditional manner, final assembly would employ 800 to 1,200 people to join completed subassemblies and to integrate systems. Boeing assigned its global subcontractors to do more assembly themselves and deliver completed subassemblies to Boeing for final assembly. This approach was intended to result in a leaner and simpler assembly line and lower inventory, with pre-installed systems reducing final assembly time by three-quarters to three days. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.527303695678711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Subcontracted assemblies included wing manufacture (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan, central wing box) horizontal stabilizers (Alenia Aeronautica, Italy; Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea); fuselage sections (Global Aeronautica, Italy; Boeing, North Charleston, US; Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Japan; Spirit AeroSystems, Wichita, US; Korean Air, South Korea); passenger doors (Latécoère, France); cargo doors, access doors, and crew escape door (Saab AB, Sweden); software development (HCL Enterprise India); floor beams (TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited, India); wiring (Labinal, France); wing-tips, flap support fairings, wheel well bulkhead, and longerons (Korean Air, South Korea); landing gear (Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, UK/France); and power distribution and management systems, air conditioning packs (Hamilton Sundstrand, Connecticut, US). Boeing is considering bringing construction of the 787-9 tail in house; the tail of the 787-8 is currently made by Alenia. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.623369216918945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 project became less lucrative than expected for some subcontractors. Finmeccanica had a total loss of €750 million on the project by 2013. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.0301513671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "While Boeing had been working to trim excess weight since assembly of the first airframe began, the company stated in late 2006 that the first six 787s were overweight, with the first aircraft expected to be 5000 lb heavier than specified. The seventh and subsequent aircraft would be the first optimized 787-8s and were expected to meet all goals, with Boeing working on weight reductions. As part of this process, Boeing redesigned some parts and made more use of titanium. Early built 787s were overweight and some carriers decided to take later aircraft. In February 2015, Boeing was trying to sell 10 such aircraft that have been parked by Boeing's factory. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.301985740661621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In September 2007, Boeing announced a three-month delay, blaming a shortage of fasteners as well as incomplete software. On October 10, 2007, a second three-month delay to the first flight and a six-month delay to first deliveries was announced due to supply chain problems, a lack of documentation from overseas suppliers, and flight guidance software delays. Less than a week later, Mike Bair, the 787 program manager was replaced. On January 16, 2008, Boeing announced a third three-month delay to the first flight of the 787, citing insufficient progress on \"traveled work\". On March 28, 2008, in an effort to gain more control over the supply chain, Boeing announced plans to buy Vought Aircraft Industries' interest in Global Aeronautica; a later agreement was also made to buy Vought's factory in North Charleston. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.655832290649414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "As Boeing worked with its suppliers towards production, the design proceeded through a series of test goals. On August 23, 2007, a crash test involving a vertical drop of a partial composite fuselage section from about 15 ft onto a 1 in-thick steel plate occurred in Mesa, Arizona; the results matched predictions, allowing modeling of various crash scenarios using computational analysis instead of further physical tests. While critics had expressed concerns that a composite fuselage could shatter and burn with toxic fumes during crash landings, test data indicated no greater toxicity than conventional metal airframes. The crash test was the third in a series of demonstrations conducted to match FAA requirements, including additional certification criteria due to the wide-scale use of composite materials. The 787 meets the FAA's requirement that passengers have at least as good a chance of surviving a crash landing as they would with current metal airliners. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.820817947387695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On August 7, 2007, on-time certification of the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine by European and US regulators was received. The alternative GE GEnx-1B engine achieved certification on March 31, 2008. On June 20, 2008, the first aircraft was powered up, for testing the electrical supply and distribution systems. A non-flightworthy static test airframe was built; on September 27, 2008, the fuselage was successfully tested at 14.9 psi (102.7 kPa) differential, which is 150 percent of the maximum pressure expected in commercial service. In December 2008, the 787's maintenance program was passed by the FAA. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.79345417022705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On May 3, 2009, the first test 787 was moved to the flight line following extensive factory-testing, including landing gear swings, systems integration verification, and a total run-through of the first flight. On May 4, 2009, a press report indicated a 10–15% range reduction, about 6900 nmi instead of the originally promised 7,700 to 8,200 nmi (14,800–15,700 km), for early aircraft that were about 8% overweight. Substantial redesign work was expected to correct this, which would complicate increases in production rates; Boeing stated the early 787-8s would have a range of almost 8000 nmi. As a result, some airlines reportedly delayed deliveries of 787s in order to take later planes that may be closer to the original estimates. Boeing expected to have the weight issues addressed by the 21st production model. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.296967506408691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The flight test program was composed of 6 aircraft, ZA001 through ZA006, four with Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines and two with GE GEnx-1B64 engines. The second 787, ZA002 in All Nippon Airways livery, flew to Boeing Field on December 22, 2009, to join the flight test program; the third 787, ZA004 joined the test fleet with its first flight on February 24, 2010, followed by ZA003 on March 14, 2010. On March 24, 2010, testing for flutter and ground effects was completed, clearing the aircraft to fly its entire flight envelope. On March 28, 2010, the 787 completed the ultimate wing load test, which requires that the wings of a fully assembled aircraft be loaded to 150% of design limit load and held for 3 seconds. The wings were flexed approximately 25 ft upward during the test. Unlike past aircraft, the wings were not tested to failure. On April 7, the data showed the test had been a success. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.617204666137695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On April 23, 2010, Boeing delivered the newest 787, ZA003, to the McKinley Climatic Laboratory hangar at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, for extreme weather testing in temperatures ranging from 115 to, and prepare it for takeoff at both temperature extremes. ZA005, the fifth 787 and the first with GEnx engines, began ground engine tests in May 2010, and made its first flight on June 16, 2010. In June 2010, gaps were discovered in the horizontal stabilizers of test aircraft, due to improperly installed shims; all aircraft produced were inspected and repaired. That same month, a 787 experienced its first in-flight lightning strike; inspections found no damage to the aircraft. As composites can have as little as 1/1,000th the electrical conductivity of aluminum, conductive material is added to ameliorate potential risks and to meet FAA requirements. FAA management also planned to adjust requirements to help the 787 show compliance. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.722930908203125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 made its first appearance at an international air show at the Farnborough Airshow, United Kingdom, on July 18, 2010. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.434452056884766, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On August 2, 2010, a Trent 1000 engine suffered a blowout at Rolls-Royce's test facility during ground testing. The failure caused Boeing to reevaluate its timeline for installing Trent 1000 engines, and on August 27, 2010 the manufacturer confirmed that the first delivery to launch customer All Nippon Airways would be delayed until early 2011. That same month, Boeing faced compensation claims from airlines owing to ongoing delivery delays. On September 9, 2010, it was reported that a further two 787s might join the test fleet for a total of eight flight test aircraft. On September 10, 2010, a partial engine surge or runaway occurred in a Trent engine on ZA001 at Roswell. On October 4, 2010, the sixth 787, ZA006 joined the test program with its first flight. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.607150554656982, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On November 5, 2010, it was reported that some early 787 deliveries would be delayed, in one case some three months, to allow for rework to address problems found during flight testing. On November 9, 2010, Boeing 787, ZA002 made an emergency landing after smoke and flames were detected in the main cabin during a test flight over Texas. A Boeing spokesperson said the airliner landed safely and the crew was evacuated after landing at the Laredo International Airport, Texas. The electrical fire caused some systems to fail before landing. Following this incident, Boeing suspended flight testing on November 10, 2010, ground testing continued. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.856188774108887, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "After investigation, the in-flight fire was primarily attributed to foreign object debris (FOD) that was present in the electrical bay. After electrical system and software changes, the 787 resumed company flight testing on December 23, 2010. In January 2011, the first 787 delivery was rescheduled to the third quarter of 2011 due to software and electrical updates following the in-flight fire. By February 24, 2011, the 787 had completed 80% of the test conditions for Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine and 60% of the conditions for the General Electric GEnx-1B engine. On July 4, 2011, All Nippon Airways began a week of airline operations testing using a 787 in Japan. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.365232467651367, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 test aircraft had flown 4,828 hours in 1,707 flights combined by August 15, 2011. During testing the 787 has visited 14 countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America to test in extreme climates and conditions, and to perform route testing. Boeing completed certification testing for Rolls-Royce powered 787-8s on August 13, 2011. The FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency certified the 787 on August 26, 2011, at a ceremony in Everett, Washington. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.896213531494141, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The newer stretched version, 787-9, had flown 141 hours as of November 8, 2013. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.834004402160645, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Certification of the 787 cleared the way for deliveries. Boeing began preparations to increase 787 production rates from two to ten aircraft per month over the next two years. Production is taking place at assembly lines in Everett and Charleston. The Charleston site's contributions have been clouded by legal difficulties; on April 20, 2011, the National Labor Relations Board alleged that Boeing's second production line in South Carolina violated two sections of the National Labor Relations Act.Cohen, Aubrey. [ \"Boeing illegally put second 787 line in S.C., complaint says.\"] Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 20, 2011. Retrieved September 2, 2011. This labor dispute ended in December 2011 when the National Labor Relations Board dropped its lawsuit after the Machinists union withdrew its complaint as part of a new contract with Boeing. The first 787 assembled at the South Carolina facility was rolled out on April 27, 2012.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.430305480957031, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "According to data from launch customer All Nippon Airways, the 787 surpassed the promised 20% fuel burn reduction compared to that of the Boeing 767. On the Tokyo-Frankfurt route, the fuel saving was 21%. ANA surveyed 800 passengers who flew the 787 from Tokyo to Frankfurt: expectations were surpassed for 90% of passengers; features that met or exceeded expectations included air quality and cabin pressure (90% of passengers), cabin ambiance (92% of passengers), higher cabin humidity levels (80% of passengers), headroom (40% of passengers) and the larger than usual windows (90% of passengers). 25% said they would go out of their way to again fly on the 787. Other 787 operators have reported similar fuel savings, ranging from 20-22% compared with the Boeing 767-300ER. An analysis performed by consulting firm AirInsight concluded that United Airlines' 787s achieved an operating cost per seat that was 6% lower than the Airbus A330.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.446974754333496, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Qatar Airways placed its first 787 on display at the Farnborough Airshow in July 2012; the aircraft was to be officially delivered the following month. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.94997501373291, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On September 15, 2012, the NTSB requested the grounding of certain 787s due to GE engine failures; GE believed the production problem had been fixed by that time. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.314988136291504, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Dispatch reliability is an industry standard measure of the rate of departure from the gate with no more than 15 minutes delay due to technical issues. The 787-8 started out with a ~96% operational reliability, increasing to ~98.5% in April 2015. Daily utilization increased from five hours in 2013 to twelve hours in 2014. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.924805641174316, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Airlines have successfully assigned the 787 to routes previously flown by larger aircraft that could not return a profit. For example, Air Canada offered a Toronto to New Delhi route, first utilizing a Lockheed L1011, then a Boeing 747, then an Airbus A340, but none of these types were efficient enough to avoid losing money. The airline now operates the route profitably with a 787-9. The airline credits the right number of seats and greater fuel efficiency for this success. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.000487804412842, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The cost of producing a 787 exceeded the purchase price at the end of 2013. Boeing's accounting method books sales immediately and distributes estimated production costs over ten years for the 1,300 aircraft it expects to deliver during that time. JPMorgan Chase analyst Joseph Nadol estimated the program's cash loss to be $45 million per airplane, decreasing as the program moves forward. The actual cash flow reflects Boeing collecting most of the purchase price upon delivery; Boeing expects deferred costs to total $25 billion before the company begins to break even on production; the comparable number for the Boeing 777, adjusted for inflation, is $3.7 billion. Boeing plans to improve financial return by reorganizing the production line, renegotiating contracts with suppliers and labor unions, and increasing the 787 production rate, stepwise, to 12 airplanes per month by the end of 2016 and 14 airplanes per month by the end of the decade. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.998261451721191, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 program is expected to be profitable after 1,100 aircraft have been sold. , the production rate is 10 per month; Boeing lost $30 million per 787 delivered in the first quarter of 2015, although Boeing plans to break even by the end of the year. The accumulated losses for the 787 totaled almost $27 billion by May 2015. The cost of producing the fuselage may increase because of a tentative deal reached with Spirit Aerosystems of Wichita, Kansas, wherein severe price cuts demanded by Boeing would be eased, in return for a comprehensive agreement that lowers the cost of fuselages for other jetliners that Spirit helps Boeing manufacture. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.406299114227295, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "External features include a smooth nose contour, raked wingtips and engine nacelles with noise-reducing serrated edges (chevrons). The longest-range 787 variant can fly 8000 to, enough to cover the Los Angeles to Bangkok or New York City to Hong Kong routes. Its cruising airspeed is Mach 0.85, equivalent to 561 mph at typical cruise altitudes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.082610130310059, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Among 787 flight systems, a key change from traditional airliners is the electrical architecture. The architecture is bleedless and replaces bleed air and hydraulic power sources with electrically powered compressors and pumps, while completely eliminating pneumatics and hydraulics from some subsystems, e.g., engine starters or brakes. Boeing says this system extracts 35% less power from the engines, allowing increased thrust and improved fuel economy. The total available on-board electrical power is 1.45 megawatts, which is five times the power available on conventional pneumatic airliners;Susanna Ray, Thomas Black & Mary Jane Credeur. \"[ Boeing 787 Groundings Traced to One-of-a-Kind Technology]\" Bloomberg, January 17, 2013. Retrieved January 17, 2013. the most notable electrically powered systems include: engine start, cabin pressurization, horizontal stabilizer trim, and wheel brakes. Wing ice protection is another new system; it uses electro-thermal heater mats on the wing slats instead of traditional hot bleed air.[ \"787 No Bleed Systems\"]. Boeing Aero magazine, Quarter 4, 2007. An active gust alleviation system, similar to the system used on the B-2 bomber, improves ride quality during turbulence.[ Universal-type gust alleviation system for aircraft, United States Patent 4905934]. Free patents online, original publication March 6, 1990. Retrieved December 9, 2009.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.11524772644043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 has a \"fly-by-wire\" control system similar in architecture to that of the Boeing 777. The flight deck features LCD multi-function displays, which use an industry standard Graphical user interface widget toolkit (Cockpit Display System Interfaces to User Systems / ARINC 661). The 787 flight deck includes two head-up displays (HUDs) as a standard feature. The 787 shares a common type rating with the larger 777, allowing qualified pilots to operate both models. Like other Boeing airliners, the 787 uses a yoke instead of a side-stick. Under consideration is future integration of forward looking infrared into the HUD for thermal sensing, allowing pilots to \"see\" through clouds. Lockheed Martin's Orion spacecraft will use a glass cockpit derived from Honeywell International's 787 flight deck systems. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.535109996795654, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": " English translation] One of the two batteries weighs 28.5 kg and is rated 29.6 V, 76 Ah, giving 2.2 kWh. Battery charging is controlled by four independent systems to prevent overcharging following early lab testing. The battery systems are the focus of regulatory investigation due to multiple lithium battery fires, which led to grounding of the 787 fleet starting in January 2013.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.48549747467041, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "A version of Ethernet (Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX) / ARINC 664) transmits data between the flight deck and aircraft systems. The control, navigation, and communication systems are networked with the passenger cabin's in-flight internet systems. In January 2008, FAA concerns were reported regarding possible passenger access to the 787's computer networks; Boeing has stated that various protective hardware and software solutions are employed, including air gaps to physically separate the networks, and firewalls for software separation. These measures prevent data transfer from the passenger internet system to the maintenance or navigation systems.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.17165756225586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 is the first major commercial airplane to have a composite fuselage, composite wings, and use composites in most other airframe components. Each 787 contains approximately 35 MT of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP), made with 23 MT of carbon fiber. Carbon fiber composites have a higher strength-to-weight ratio than conventional aircraft materials, and help make the 787 a lighter aircraft. Composites are used on fuselage, wings, tail, doors, and interior. Boeing had built and tested the first commercial aircraft composite section while studying the proposed Sonic Cruiser in the early 2000s; and the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey military transport uses 50% composites. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.221688270568848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In addition, a potential issue is the porous nature of composite materials: collected moisture expanding with altitude can cause delamination. Boeing responded that composites have been used on wings and other passenger aircraft parts for many years without incident, and special defect detection procedures will be instituted for the 787 to detect any potential hidden damage. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.862001419067383, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In 2006, Boeing launched the 787 GoldCare program. This is an optional, comprehensive life-cycle management service, whereby aircraft in the program are routinely monitored and repaired, as needed. Although the first program of its kind from Boeing, post-sale protection programs are not new; such programs are usually offered by third party service centers. Boeing is also designing and testing composite hardware so inspections are mainly visual. This reduces the need for ultrasonic and other non-visual inspection methods, saving time and money. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.207555770874023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787 is powered by two engines; these engines use all-electrical bleedless systems, eliminating the superheated air conduits normally used for aircraft power, de-icing, and other functions. As part of its \"Quiet Technology Demonstrator 2\" project, Boeing adopted several engine noise-reducing technologies for the 787. These include an air inlet containing sound-absorbing materials and exhaust duct cover with a chevron-toothed pattern on the rim for a quieter mixing of exhaust and outside air. Boeing expects these developments to make the 787 significantly quieter both inside and out. The noise-reducing measures prevent sounds above 85 decibels from leaving airport boundaries.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.760605335235596, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The two different engine models compatible with the 787 use a standard electrical interface to allow an aircraft to be fitted with either Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 or General Electric GEnx engines. This interchangeability aims to save time and cost when changing engine types; while previous aircraft could exchange engines for those of a different manufacturer, the high cost and time required made it rare. In 2006, Boeing addressed reports of an extended change period by stating that the 787 engine swap was intended to take 24 hours.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.670258045196533, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In 2016, Rolls Royce began flight testing its new Trent 1000 TEN engine. It has a new compressor system based on the compressor in Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engine and a new turbine design for extra thrust, up to 78000 lbf. Rolls Royce plans to offer the TEN on the 787-8, -9 and -10. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.827235698699951, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787-8 is designed to typically seat 234 passengers in a three-class setup, 240 in two-class domestic configuration, and 296 passengers in a high-density economy arrangement. Seat rows can be arranged in four to seven abreast in first or business (e.g., 1–2–1, 2–2–2, 2-3-2). Eight or nine abreast are options in economy (e.g., 3–2–3, 2–4–2, 3–3–3). Typical seat room ranges from 46 to pitch in first, 36 to in business, and 32 to in economy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.284954071044922, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787's cabin windows are larger than any other civil air transport in-service or in development, with dimensions of , and a higher eye level so passengers can maintain a view of the horizon. The composite fuselage permits larger windows without the need for structural reinforcement. Instead of plastic window shades, the windows use electrochromism-based smart glass (supplied by PPG Industries) allowing flight attendants and passengers to adjust five levels of sunlight and visibility to their liking, reducing cabin glare while maintaining a view to the outside world, but the most opaque setting still has some transparency. The lavatory, however, has a traditional sunshade. The 787's cabin features light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as standard equipment, allowing the aircraft to be entirely 'bulbless'. LED lights have previously been an option on the Boeing 777 and Airbus aircraft. The system has three-color LEDs plus a white LED.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.61588716506958, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The internal cabin pressure of the 787 is increased to the equivalent of 6000 ft altitude instead of the 8000 ft on older conventional aircraft. According to Boeing, in a joint study with Oklahoma State University, this will significantly improve passenger comfort. Cabin air pressurization is provided by electrically driven compressors, rather than traditional engine-bleed air, thereby eliminating the need to cool heated air before it enters the cabin. The cabin's humidity is programmable based on the number of passengers carried, and allows 15% humidity settings instead of the 4% found in previous aircraft. The composite fuselage avoids metal fatigue issues associated with higher cabin pressure, and eliminates the risk of corrosion from higher humidity levels. The cabin air-conditioning system improves air quality by removing ozone from outside air, and besides standard HEPA filters which remove airborne particles, uses a gaseous filtration system to remove odors, irritants, and gaseous contaminants as well as particulates like viruses, bacteria and allergens. The bleedless engine cabin air system also allows the 787 air to avoid oil fumes and toxins which are dangerous to the health of passengers and crew and are found in all other aircraft bleed air systems. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.024394989013672, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Boeing has offered four passenger variants since the 787 program launch in 2004; three are being or will be built. The 787-8 was the first variant produced, and was followed by the 787-9 in 2014, with the 787-10 at a later date. A short-range model, the 787-3, was originally offered for sale but development was cancelled. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aircraft type designator system classifies the 787-8 and 787-9 under the codes \"B788\" and \"B789\", respectively.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.08811616897583, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "787-3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.645217895507812, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787-3 was targeted for high-density flights; it was designed as a 290-seat (two-class) short-range version with a fully loaded range of 2,500 to 3,050 nautical miles (4,650 to 5,650 km). Using the same basic fuselage as the 787-8, the wing was derived from the 787-8, with blended winglets replacing raked wingtips. The change decreased the wingspan by roughly 25 ft, allowing the -3 to fit more domestic gates, particularly in Japan. This model would have been limited in range by a reduced MTOW of 364000 lb. Actual range is based on remaining available weight for fuel after the aircraft empty weight and payload are subtracted from the MTOW.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.200475692749023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The variant was designed to operate on Boeing 757-300/767-200-sized regional routes from airports with restricted gate spacing. Boeing projected the future of aviation as between very large, but close cities, of five million or more people; city populations may stabilize around the capacity level of the 787-3. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.477890014648438, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Two Japanese airlines ordered 45 Boeing 787-3s; however, production problems on the base 787-8 model led Boeing, in April 2008, to postpone the introduction of the -3 until after the 787-9's introduction, but without a firm delivery date. By January 2010, all 787-3 orders had been converted to the 787-8. The 787-3 experienced a lack of interest by potential customers because it was designed specifically for the Japanese market. Boeing canceled the 787-3 in December 2010 because it was no longer financially viable. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.059128284454346, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "787-8", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.7965726852417, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "With a typical capacity of 242 passengers and a range of 7355 nmi, the -8 is the base model of the 787 family and was the first to enter service in 2011. With a length of 186 ft and a wingspan of 197 ft, it is the third Boeing widebody after the 747SP and the 777-200LR with wingspan wider than its length. The 787-8 is targeted to replace the Boeing 767-200ER and -300ER, as well as expand into new non-stop markets where larger planes would not be economically viable. Approximately 37% of 787 orders are for the 787-8 in June 2016, with 306 delivered.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.296694278717041, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "787-9", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.577927589416504, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Keeping the same wingspan as the 787-8, the 787-9 is a lengthened and strengthened variant with a longer fuselage and a higher maximum take-off weight (MTOW), seating 280 passengers in a typical three-class arrangement over a 7635 nmi range. It features active boundary-layer control on the tail surfaces, reducing drag. Boeing is targeting the 787-9 to replace its own 767-400ER, to compete with both passenger variants of the Airbus A330 and to allow opening new long routes like the 787-8.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.5703020095825195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787-9 was to begin commercial service with All Nippon Airways on August 7, 2014. United Airlines was to start the longest nonstop scheduled 787 service between Los Angeles and Melbourne in October 2014. Air China started a 787-9 route between Beijing and Chengdu in May 2016. As of June 2016, 50% of all 787 orders are for the 787-9, with 125 deliveries.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.04965877532959, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "787-10", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.629815101623535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In December 2005, pushed by the interest of Emirates and Qantas, Boeing was studying the possibility of stretching the 787-9 in a 290 to 310 passengers with the 787-10, the capacity of the Airbus A350-900 and 777-200ER. Customers discussions were continuing in early 2006. Mike Bair, Boeing's vice president and general manager for the 787 development program at the time, said it was easier to proceed with the 787-10 development after other customers followed Emirates' request. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.58890962600708, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On May 30, 2013, Singapore Airlines became the launch customer by stating it would order 30 of the 787-10, provided Boeing launches the program, to be delivered in 2018–2019. On June 18, 2013, Boeing officially launched the 787-10 at the Paris Air Show, with orders or commitments for 102 aircraft from Air Lease Corporation (30), Singapore Airlines (30), United Airlines (20), British Airways (IAG) (12), and GE Capital Aviation Services (10).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.73909330368042, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The 787-10 is to be 224 ft long, seat 330 passengers in a two-class cabin configuration, and have a range of 6430 nmi. The variant was envisioned as replacing 777-200, Airbus A330, and A340 aircraft. The -10 is to compete against the A350-900, and offer better economics than the Airbus on shorter routes, according to Boeing. Steven Udvar-Hazy said \"If it's identically configured, the -10 has a little bit of an edge on the -900\", but smaller than Boeing's estimate of 10 percent. Boeing completed detailed design for the -10 on December 2, 2015, and is to begin major assembly in 2016, followed by first flight in 2017 and first delivery in 2018. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.060561656951904, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Although with no set date, Boeing expects to build, possibly in the 2018-2023 timeframe, a 787 freighter version. Boeing also reportedly considered a 787 variant as a candidate to replace the 747-based VC-25 presidential transport in 2009; this was unlikely as the United States Air Force has traditionally used aircraft proven in service. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.494430065155029, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In July 2015, a total of 286 Boeing 787 aircraft (all variants) were in airline service, with All Nippon Airways (38), Japan Airlines (23), Qatar Airways (22), Air India (21), United Airlines (18), Ethiopian Airlines (13), LATAM Chile (formerly LAN Airlines) (13), and other operators with fewer aircraft of the type.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.998041152954102, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "In September 2011, the 787 was first officially delivered to launch customer All Nippon Airways. As of June 2016, the top three customers for the 787 are: All Nippon Airways with 83 orders (36 -8s, 44 -9s and 3 -10s), ILFC (an aircraft leasing company), with orders totaling 74 Boeing 787s (26 -8s and 48 -9s), and Etihad Airways with 71 orders (41 -9s and 30 -10s).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.721307754516602, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The Boeing 787 has been involved in 1 aviation incident. In December 2012, Boeing CEO James McNerney stated that the problems were no greater than those experienced with the introduction of other models such as the Boeing 777. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.683299541473389, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "A Japan Airlines (JAL) 787 experienced a fuel leak on January 8, 2013, and its flight from Boston was canceled. On January 9, United Airlines reported a problem in one of its six 787s with the wiring near the main batteries. After these incidents, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board subsequently opened a safety probe. Later, on January 11, 2013, another aircraft was found to have a fuel leak. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.820250511169434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Also on January 11, 2013, the FAA completed a comprehensive review of the 787's critical systems, including the design, manufacture and assembly; the Department of Transportation secretary Ray LaHood stated the administration was \"looking for the root causes\" behind the recent issues. The head of the FAA, Michael Huerta, said that so far nothing found \"suggests [the 787] is not safe\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.81227970123291, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 13, 2013, a JAL 787 at Narita International Airport outside Tokyo was found to also have a fuel leak during an inspection, the third time a fuel leak had been reported within a week. The aircraft reportedly was the same one that had a fuel leak in Boston on January 8. This leak was caused by a different valve; the causes of the leaks are unknown. Japan's transport ministry has also launched an investigation. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.859796524047852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On July 12, 2013, a fire started on an empty Ethiopian Airlines 787 parked at Heathrow Airport before it was extinguished by the airport fire and rescue service. No injuries were reported. The fire caused extensive heat damage to the aircraft. The FAA and NTSB sent representatives to assist in the investigation. The initial investigation found no direct link with the aircraft's main batteries. Further investigations indicated that the fire was due to lithium-manganese dioxide batteries powering an emergency locator transmitter (ELT). The UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) issued a special bulletin on July 18, 2013 requesting the US FAA ensure that the locator is removed or disconnected in Boeing 787s, and to review the safety of lithium battery-powered ELT systems in other aircraft types. On August 19, 2015, the Associated Press reported that the fire was started by a short circuit, caused by crossed wires located under the battery. The Air Accidents Investigation Branch's investigators recommended that \"the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, together with similar bodies in Europe and Canada, should conduct a review of equipment powered by lithium metal batteries to ensure they have 'an acceptable level of circuit protection.'\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.336395263671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On July 26, 2013, ANA said it had found wiring damage on two 787 locator beacons. United Airlines also reported that it had found a pinched wire in one 787 locator beacon. On August 14, 2013, the media reported a fire extinguisher fault affecting three ANA airplanes, which was caused by a supplier assembly error. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.995728492736816, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On September 28, 2013, Norwegian Long Haul decided to take one of its two 787s in its fleet at the time out of service after the two aircraft broke down on more than six occasions in September. The company will lease an Airbus A340 for its long-haul operations while the 787 is returned to Boeing for repair. On December 20–22, 2013, Norwegian Long Haul experienced technical problems keeping two of its three 787 aircraft grounded at Fort Lauderdale airport and delayed six flights. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.261153221130371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On November 22, 2013, Boeing issued an advisory to airlines using General Electric GEnx engines on 787 and 747-8 aircraft to avoid flying near high-level thunderstorms due to an increased risk of icing on the engines. The problem was caused by a buildup of ice crystals just behind the main fan, causing a brief loss of thrust on six occasions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.697323322296143, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 21, 2014, a Norwegian Air Shuttle 787 experienced a fuel leak which caused a 19-hour delay to a flight from Bangkok to Oslo. Footage of the leak taken by passengers show fuel gushing out of the left wing of the aircraft. The leak became known to pilots only after it was pointed out by concerned passengers. It was found later that a faulty valve was responsible. This fuel leak is one of numerous problems experienced by Norwegian Air Shuttle's 787 fleet. Mike Fleming, Boeing's vice president for 787 support and services, subsequently met with executives of Norwegian Air Shuttle and expressed Boeing's commitment to improving the 787's dispatch reliability, \"we’re not satisfied with where the airplane is today, flying at a fleet average of 98 percent... The 777 today flies at 99.4 percent ... and that's the benchmark that the 787 needs to attain”. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.74454402923584, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On March 4, 2016, Ethiopian Airlines 787-8 registration ET-ASH performing Flight ET-702 from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to Rome Fiumicino, Italy, had its nose gear collapse before flight was ready to depart. A flight attendant received minor injuries and the aircraft was damaged. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.050324440002441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 16, 2013, All Nippon Airways Flight NH-692, en route from Yamaguchi Ube Airport to Tokyo Haneda, had a battery problem warning followed by a burning smell while climbing from Ube about 35 nmi west of Takamatsu, Japan. The aircraft diverted to Takamatsu and was evacuated via the slides; three passengers received minor injuries during the evacuation. Inspection revealed a battery fire. A similar incident in a parked Japan Airlines 787 at Boston's Logan International Airport within the same week led the Federal Aviation Administration to ground all Boeing 787s in service at the time. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.281034469604492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 16, 2013, the FAA issued an emergency airworthiness directive ordering all American-based airlines to ground their Boeing 787s until yet-to-be-determined modifications were made to the electrical system to reduce the risk of the battery overheating or catching fire. This was the first time that the FAA had grounded an airliner type since 1979. Industry experts disagreed on consequences of the grounding: Airbus was confident that Boeing would resolve the issue and that no airlines will switch plane type, while other experts saw the problem as \"costly\" and \"could take upwards of a year\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.45509147644043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The FAA also conducted an extensive review of the 787's critical systems. The focus of the review was on the safety of the lithium-ion batteries made of lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2). The 787 battery contract was signed in 2005, when this was the only type of lithium aerospace battery available, but since then newer and safer types (such as LiFePO), which provide less reaction energy during thermal runaway, have become available. FAA approved a 787 battery in 2007 with nine \"special conditions\". A battery approved by FAA (through Mobile Power Solutions) was made by Rose Electronics using Kokam cells; the batteries installed in the 787 are made by Yuasa.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.624375343322754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The Japan Transport Safety Board (JTSB) has said on January 23 that the battery in ANA jets in Japan reached a maximum voltage of 31 V (below the 32 V limit like the Boston JAL 787), but had a sudden unexplained voltage drop to near zero. All cells had signs of thermal damage before thermal runaway. ANA and JAL had replaced several 787 batteries before the mishaps. As of January 29, 2013, JTSB approved the Yuasa factory quality control while the NTSB continues to look for defects in the Boston battery. The failure rate, with two major battery thermal runaway events in 100,000 flight hours, was much higher than the rate of one in 10 million flight hours that Boeing predicted.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.715892791748047, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 18, Boeing halted 787 deliveries until the battery problem was resolved. On February 7, 2013, the FAA gave approval for Boeing to conduct 787 test flights to gather additional data. In February 2013, FAA oversight into the 2007 safety approval and certification of the 787 had come under scrutiny. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.343040943145752, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On March 7, 2013, the National Transportation Safety Board released an interim factual report about the 787 battery fire at Boston's Logan Airport on January 7, 2013. The investigation stated that \"heavy smoke and fire coming from the front of the APU battery case.\" Firefighters \"tried fire extinguishing, but smoke and flame (flame size about 3 inches) did not stop\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.020072937011719, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "On January 14, 2014, a battery in a JAL 787 emitted smoke from the battery's protection exhaust while the aircraft was undergoing pre-flight maintenance. The battery partially melted in the incident; one of its eight lithium-ion cells had its relief port vent and fluid sprayed inside the battery's container. It was later reported that the battery may have reached a temperature as high as 660 C, and that Boeing did not understand the root cause of the failure. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.549836158752441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "The NTSB has criticized FAA, Boeing and the battery manufacturer for the faults;Knudson, Peter. \"[ NTSB Recommends Process Improvements for Certifying Lithium-ion Batteries as it Concludes its Investigation of the 787 Boston Battery Fire Incident]\" NTSB, 1 December 2014. Retrieved 2 December 2014. it also criticized the flight data recorder. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.76586627960205, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "* N787BA (ZA001): Chubu Centrair Airport in Nagoya, Japan—first prototype aircraft ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.181746482849121, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "* N787EX (ZA002): Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona—second prototype aircraft ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.023284912109375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "* N787BX (ZA003): Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington—third prototype aircraft ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.098832130432129, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Source, unless noted: Boeing 787 airport planning report", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.115415573120117, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "After several variants were proposed but later abandoned, some industry observers became skeptical of new aircraft proposals from Boeing. However, in early 2004, Boeing announced tentative plans for the 747 Advanced that were eventually adopted. Similar in nature to the 747-X, the stretched 747 Advanced used technology from the 787 to modernize the design and its systems. The 747 remained the largest passenger airliner in service until the Airbus A380 began airline service in 2007. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.981476306915283, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 747" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Boeing announced a new 747 variant, the 747-8, on November 14, 2005. Referred to as the 747 Advanced prior to its launch, the 747-8 uses the same engine and cockpit technology as the 787, hence the use of the \"8\". The variant is designed to be quieter, more economical, and more environmentally friendly. The 747-8's fuselage is lengthened from 232 to 251 feet (70.8 to 76.4 m), marking the first stretch variant of the aircraft. Power is supplied by General Electric GEnx-2B67 engines.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.308192253112793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Boeing 747" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Though both manufacturers have a broad product range in various segments from single-aisle to wide-body, their aircraft do not always compete head-to-head. Instead they respond with models slightly smaller or bigger than the other in order to plug any holes in demand and achieve a better edge. The A380, for example, is designed to be larger than the 747. The A350XWB competes with the high end of the 787 and the low end of the 777. The A320 is bigger than the 737-700 but smaller than the 737–800. The A321 is bigger than the 737–900 but smaller than the previous 757-200. Airlines see this as a benefit since they get a more complete product range from 100 seats to 500 seats than if both companies offered identical aircraft.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.311813354492188, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airbus" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Airbus argues that the military contracts awarded to Boeing, the second largest U.S. defence contractor, are in effect a form of subsidy, such as the controversy surrounding the Boeing KC-767 military contracting arrangements. The significant U.S. government support of technology development via NASA also provides significant support to Boeing, as do the large tax breaks offered to Boeing, which some people claim are in violation of the 1992 agreement and WTO rules. In its recent products such as the 787, Boeing has also been offered direct financial support from local and state governments. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.835646629333496, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airbus" }, { "answer": "787", "passage": "Airbus, however, has a number of other plants in different European locations, reflecting its foundation as a consortium. An original solution to the problem of moving aircraft parts between the different factories and the assembly plants is the use of the Airbus Beluga, a modified cargo aircraft capable of carrying entire sections of fuselage. This solution has also been investigated by Boeing, which retrofitted 4 747-400s to transport the components of the 787. An exception to this scheme is the A380, whose fuselage and wings are too large for sections to be carried by the Beluga. Large A380 parts are brought by ship to Bordeaux, and then transported to the Toulouse assembly plant by the Itinéraire à Grand Gabarit, a specially enlarged waterway and road route.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.783504486083984, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airbus" } ]
Arch enemy of Count Dracula, what is the name of the vampire hunter in Bram Stokers 1897 novel Dracula?
{ "aliases": [ "Abraham van Helsing", "Van helsing", "Doctor Abraham Van Helsing", "Dr Abraham Van Helsing", "Van Helsing", "The Adventures of Young Van Helsing", "Abraham Van Helsing", "The Adventures of Young Van Helsing: The Quest for the Lost Scepter", "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "Lorrimar Van Helsing" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "professor abraham van helsing", "lorrimar van helsing", "adventures of young van helsing", "doctor abraham van helsing", "van helsing", "abraham van helsing", "adventures of young van helsing quest for lost scepter", "dr abraham van helsing" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "professor abraham van helsing", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing" }
[ { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Count Dracula is portrayed in the novel using many different supernatural abilities, and is believed to have gained his abilities through dealings with the Devil. Chapter 18 of the novel describes many of the abilities, limitations and weaknesses of Dracula and vampires in particular. Dracula has superhuman strength which, according to Van Helsing, is equivalent to that of 20 strong men. He does not cast a shadow or have a reflection from mirrors. He is immune to conventional means of attack; a sailor tries to stab him in the back with a knife, but the blade goes through his body as though it is air. Why Harker's Kukri knife and Morris' Bowie Knife are able to harm him later on is never explained. The Count can defy gravity to a certain extent and possesses superhuman agility, able to climb vertical surfaces upside down in a reptilian manner. He can travel onto \"unhallowed\" ground such as the graves of suicides and those of his victims. He has powerful hypnotic, telepathic and illusionary abilities. He also has the ability to \"within limitations\" vanish and reappear elsewhere at will. If he knows the path, he can come out from anything or into anything regardless of how close it is bound even if it is fused with fire. ", "precise_score": 0.7365202903747559, "rough_score": -0.2457813322544098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Count Dracula is depicted as the \"King Vampire\", and can control other vampires. To punish Mina and the party for their efforts against him, Dracula bites her on at least three occasions. He also forces her to drink his blood; this act curses her with the effects of vampirism and gives him a telepathic link to her thoughts. However, hypnotism was only able to be done before dawn. Van Helsing refers to the act of drinking blood by both the vampire and the victim \"the Vampire's Baptism of Blood\". ", "precise_score": -0.12865915894508362, "rough_score": -0.8926452994346619, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "The legend of the vampire was cemented in the film industry when Dracula was reincarnated for a new generation with the celebrated Hammer Horror series of films, starring Christopher Lee as the Count. The successful 1958 Dracula starring Lee was followed by seven sequels. Lee returned as Dracula in all but two of these and became well known in the role. By the 1970s, vampires in films had diversified with works such as Count Yorga, Vampire (1970), an African Count in 1972's Blacula, the BBC's Count Dracula featuring French actor Louis Jourdan as Dracula and Frank Finlay as Abraham Van Helsing, and a Nosferatu-like vampire in 1979's Salem's Lot, and a remake of Nosferatu itself, titled Nosferatu the Vampyre with Klaus Kinski the same year. Several films featured female, often lesbian, vampire antagonists such as Hammer Horror's The Vampire Lovers (1970) based on Carmilla, though the plotlines still revolved around a central evil vampire character.", "precise_score": -0.9540407061576843, "rough_score": -0.7658578157424927, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "A vampire hunter or vampire slayer is a character in folklore and fiction who specializes in finding and destroying vampires, and sometimes other supernatural creatures. A vampire hunter is usually described as having extensive knowledge of vampires and other monstrous creatures, including their powers and weaknesses, and uses this knowledge to effectively combat them. In many works, vampire hunters are simply humans with more than average knowledge about the occult, while in others they are themselves supernatural beings, having superhuman abilities. A well known and influential vampire hunter is Professor Abraham Van Helsing, a character in Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel, Dracula.", "precise_score": 2.2297775745391846, "rough_score": 0.9140079021453857, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "The most widely known example of a vampire hunter is Abraham Van Helsing of the novel Dracula and in other works of fiction adapting or modifying that work. Other more recent figures include Buffy \"the Vampire Slayer\" Summers from the television show and film of the same name. Buffy's spin-off series Angel is also focused on a vampire hunter, the titular star, Angel \"the World's Champion,\" a vampire himself, is often portrayed battling vampires. Vampire hunters have also appeared in video games, such as BloodRayne.", "precise_score": -0.5516990423202515, "rough_score": -1.9524407386779785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "The novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and of the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.", "precise_score": 0.01253423746675253, "rough_score": -0.9152005314826965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In 1958, Hammer Film Productions followed the success of its The Curse of Frankenstein from the previous year with Dracula, released in the United States as The Horror of Dracula, directed by Terence Fisher. Fisher's production featured Christopher Lee as Dracula and Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, but it diverged considerably from both the original novel and from the Deane/Balderston adaptation. It was an international hit for Hammer Film, however, and both Lee and Cushing reprised their roles multiple times over the next decade and a half, concluding with The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (with Cushing but not Lee) in 1974. Christopher Lee also took on the role of Dracula in Count Dracula, a 1970 Spanish-Italian-German coproduction notable for its adherence to the plot of the original novel. (For instance, it was the first film version of the story to include the character of Quincey Morris.) Playing the part of Renfield in that version was Klaus Kinski, who later played Dracula himself in 1979's Nosferatu the Vampyre.", "precise_score": -1.742790699005127, "rough_score": -1.7605341672897339, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing is a character from the 1897 Gothic horror novel Dracula. Van Helsing is an aged Dutch doctor with a wide range of interests and accomplishments, partly attested by the string of letters that follows his name: \"MD, D.Ph., D.Litt., etc, etc,\" indicating a wealth of experience, education and expertise. The character is best known throughout his many adaptations as a vampire hunter, monster hunter, and the archenemy of Count Dracula.", "precise_score": 3.7296454906463623, "rough_score": 5.736451148986816, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Peter Cushing's character in the Hammer movies does not have the first name \"Abraham\" as his case reads J. van Helsing, as seen in The Brides of Dracula. In the series of Hammer Dracula films set in the 1970s, Dracula battles Lorrimar van Helsing, a grandson of the original vampire hunter, who appears as Lawrence van Helsing in the prologue to Dracula AD 1972. In The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires Cushing plays the original Van Helsing from the Hammer series.", "precise_score": -0.6964132189750671, "rough_score": -0.6970736980438232, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Anthony Hopkins portrays Van Helsing in Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992. Already implied to be an experienced vampire hunter. He often comes across as insane, casually discussing how to kill the un-dead despite the brutal methods involved, as well as his ruthless methods when dispatching Dracula's brides, but he nevertheless leads the group to victory over Dracula's forces.", "precise_score": 1.509535789489746, "rough_score": 4.410452365875244, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Professor Abraham Van Helsing", "passage": "Christopher Plummer portrayed Professor Abraham Van Helsing in Dracula 2000 (he had previously appeared as a vampire hunter, Professor Paris Catalano, in Vampire in Venice). After defeating Count Dracula (Gerard Butler), van Helsing finds that the vampire lord cannot die in the conventional means of destroying a vampire and he only succeeded in paralysing him in a deathlike state. Knowing that Dracula would inevitably rise again, Van Helsing imprisoned the vampire beneath his Carfax Abbey estate, using leeches to dilute Dracula's blood and transfuse it into himself as a means of preserving his own life until he can find a means of destroying Dracula. This has the unintentional side-effect of creating a link between Dracula and van Helsing's daughter. When Dracula escapes after his coffin is stolen, van Helsing's daughter and his assistant are able to use this connection to deduce Dracula's true identity and defeat him after the elder van Helsing's death.", "precise_score": 1.0988131761550903, "rough_score": 1.244670033454895, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 2009 Dacre Stoker novel Dracula the Un-dead, van Helsing is now a 75-year-old man with heart problems, having apparently been disgraced in the medical profession for deaths caused by improper blood transfusions (Although he defends his reputation by arguing that nobody knew about blood types until much later); he was also briefly a suspect in the Jack the Ripper murders due to his knowledge of anatomy and reputation for mutilating corpses for unspecified reasons. He later becomes a vampire himself after a battle with Dracula.", "precise_score": -0.6510688066482544, "rough_score": 0.5739572644233704, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*P. N. Elrod's novel Quincey Morris, Vampire takes up the story almost immediately after the conclusion of Bram Stoker's Dracula, but in this story (which shows vampires in a more sympathetic light) van Helsing is unyielding and unwavering in his beliefs and hatred of vampires to the point where he eventually alienates his former friends and allies.", "precise_score": 0.7731819152832031, "rough_score": 0.9046944975852966, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*The comic novel Dracula's Diary by Michael Geare and Michael Corby (ISBN 978-0825301438) completely re-tells the Stoker novel, with the young Count Dracula (who has been learning to act like a true British gentleman) becoming a secret agent for Her Majesty's government and van Helsing an enemy agent for a foreign power who is continually thwarted by Dracula.", "precise_score": 2.993276596069336, "rough_score": 3.5426886081695557, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Abraham van Helsing was also portrayed in the The Tomb of Dracula Marvel Comics series, which was based on the characters of Bram Stoker's novel.", "precise_score": -0.9034535884857178, "rough_score": -1.2092368602752686, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the Marvel Comics miniseries X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula, van Helsing joins forces with the immortal mutant Apocalypse and his worshipers, Clan Akkaba, in order to destroy Dracula, their common enemy. It is noted that van Helsing had encountered Apocalypse before and previously believed him a vampire.", "precise_score": -0.614274799823761, "rough_score": -1.7058545351028442, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the Italian comic book Martin Mystère and the spin-off series Storie di Altrove/Stories from Elsewhere Van Helsing's name is Richard. He was originally a knight in the service of the Holy Roman Emperors but he was captured in 1475 by the undead warriors of the Order of the Dragon and turned into a vampire by the Wallachian Prince Vlad Dracula. Four centuries later, Van Helsing killed Dracula, and later came to London to solve the case of Jack the Ripper, eventually discovering that the murderers were mentally controlled by demons from another world. In 1902 he worked together with the resurrected Dracula to prevent the assassination of King Edward VII. He also met Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Mycroft Holmes.", "precise_score": -2.579129934310913, "rough_score": -0.3979538381099701, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*Hammer Films' Dracula series features a whole dynasty of van Helsings: Peter Cushing played J. van Helsing (equivalent to Abraham) in Horror of Dracula (1958) and The Brides of Dracula (1960), set in the 1880s. Cushing also played Lawrence van Helsing in the opening segment of Dracula AD 1972 (1972) and Lawrence's grandson Lorrimar in Dracula AD 1972 and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974). Another Lawrence van Helsing, played by Cushing, appeared in The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974), set in the early 1900s, alongside his son Leyland, played by Robin Stewart. Lorrimar's granddaughter Jessica appears in Dracula AD 1972 (played by Stephanie Beacham) and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (played by Joanna Lumley).", "precise_score": -3.7001495361328125, "rough_score": -0.7019212245941162, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2006 film Bram Stoker's Dracula's Curse features a character named Jacob van Helsing (Rhett Giles), who is inferred to be a descendant of the original van Helsing, although this is never actually stated outright.", "precise_score": -0.3044194281101227, "rough_score": -0.7637725472450256, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Details of his early life are obscure, but it is mentioned \"he was in life a most wonderful man. Soldier, statesman, and alchemist. Which latter was the highest de-velopment of the science knowledge of his time. He had a mighty brain, a learning beyond compare, and a heart that knew no fear and no remorse... there was no branch of knowledge of his time that he did not essay.\" In life, Dracula studied the black arts at the academy of Scholomance in the Carpathian Mountains, overlooking the town of Sibiu (also known as Hermannstadt) and has a deep knowledge of alchemy and magic. Taking up arms, as befitting his rank and status as a voivode, he led troops against the Turks across the Danube. According to his nemesis Abraham Van Helsing, \"He must indeed have been that Voivode Dracula who won his name against the Turk, over the great river on the very frontier of Turkey-land. If it be so, then was he no common man: for in that time, and for centuries after, he was spoken of as the cleverest and the most cunning, as well as the bravest of the sons of the land beyond the forest.\" Dead and buried in a great tomb in the chapel of his castle, Dracula returns from death as a vampire and lives for several centuries in his castle with three terrifyingly beautiful female vampires beside him. Whether they be his lovers, sisters, daughters, or vampires made by him is not made clear in the narrative.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.770564079284668, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Soon the Count is menacing Harker's fiancée, Wilhelmina \"Mina\" Murray, and her friend, Lucy Westenra. There is also a notable link between Dracula and Renfield, a patient in an insane asylum overseen by John Seward who is compelled to consume insects, spiders, birds, and other creatures—in ascending order of size—in order to absorb their \"life force\". Renfield acts as a kind of sensor, reacting to Dracula's proximity and supplying clues accordingly. Dracula begins to visit Lucy's bed chamber on a nightly basis, draining her of blood while simultaneously infecting her with the curse of vampirism. Not knowing the cause for Lucy's deterioration, her three suitors - Seward, Arthur Holmwood and Quincey Morris - call upon Seward's mentor, the Dutch doctor Abraham Van Helsing. Van Helsing soon deduces her condition's supernatural origins, but does not speak out. Despite an attempt at keeping the vampire at bay with garlic, Dracula attacks Lucy's house one final time, killing her mother and transforming Lucy herself into one of the undead.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.451134443283081, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Harker escapes Dracula's castle and returns to England, barely alive and deeply traumatized. On Seward's suggestion, Mina seeks Van Helsing's assistance in assessing Harker's health. She reads his journal and passes it along to Van Helsing. This unfolds the first clue to the identity of Lucy's assailant, which later prompts Mina to collect all of the events of Dracula's appearance in news articles, saved letters, newspaper clippings and the journals of each member of the group. This assists the group in investigating Dracula's movements and later discovering that Renfield's behavior is directly influenced by Dracula. They then discover that Dracula has purchased a residence just next door to Seward's. The group gathers intelligence to track the location of Dracula for the purpose of destroying him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.291374683380127, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "After Lucy attacks several children, Van Helsing, Seward, Holmwood and Morris enter her crypt and kill her to save her soul. Later, Harker joins them and the party work to discover Dracula's intentions. Harker aids the party in tracking down the locations of the boxes to the various residences of Dracula and discovers that Dracula purchased multiple real estate properties 'over the counter' throughout the North, South, East and West sides of London under the alias 'Count De Ville'. Dracula's main plan was to move each of his 50 boxes of earth to his various properties in order to arrange multiple lairs throughout and around the perimeter of London. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.560544490814209, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The party pries open each of the graves, places wafers of Sacramental bread within each of them, and seals them shut. This deprives the Count of his ability to seek safety in those boxes. Dracula gains entry into Seward's residence by coercing an invitation out of Renfield. As he attempts to enter the room in which Harker and Mina are staying, Renfield tries to stop him; Dracula then mortally wounds him. With his dying breath, Renfield tells Seward and Van Helsing that Dracula is after Mina. Van Helsing and Seward discover Dracula biting Mina then forcing her to drink his blood. The group repel Dracula using crucifixes and sacramental bread, forcing Dracula to flee by turning into a dark vapor. The party continue to hunt Dracula to search for his remaining lairs. Although Dracula's 'baptism' of Mina grants him a telepathic link to her, it backfires when Van Helsing hypnotizes Mina and uses her supernatural link with Dracula to track him as he flees back to Transylvania.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.882554292678833, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Dracula can shapeshift at will, able to grow and become small, his featured forms in the novel being that of a bat, a wolf, a large dog and a fog or mist. When the moonlight is shining, he can travel as elemental dust within its rays. He is able to pass through tiny cracks or crevices while retaining his human form or in the form of a vapor; described by Van Helsing as the ability to slip through a hairbreadth space of a tomb door or coffin. This is also an ability used by his victim Lucy as a vampire. When the party breaks into her tomb, they find the coffin empty; her corpse is no longer located within. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.733268737792969, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "One of Dracula's most mysterious powers is the ability to turn others into vampires by biting them. According to Van Helsing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.247037410736084, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The vampire bite itself does not cause death. It is the method vampires use to drain blood of the victim and to increase their influence over them. This is described by Van Helsing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.694067001342773, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing later describes the aftermath of a bitten victim when the vampire has been killed:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.028520584106445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "As Dracula slowly drains Lucy's blood, she dies from acute blood loss and later transforms into a vampire, despite the efforts of Seward and Van Helsing to provide her with blood transfusions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.130620002746582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The effects changes Mina' physically and mentally over time. A few moments after Dracula attacks her, Van Helsing takes a wafer of sacramental bread and places it on her forehead to bless her; when the bread touches her skin, it burns her and leaves a scar on her forehead. Her teeth start growing longer but do not grow sharper. She begins to lose her appetite, feeling repulsed by normal food, begins to sleep more and more during the day; cannot wake unless at sunset and stops writing in her diary. When Van Helsing later crumbles the same bread in a circle around her, she is unable to cross or leave the circle, discovering a new form of protection. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.393533706665039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Dracula's death can release the curse on any living victim of eventual transformation into vampire. However, Van Helsing reveals that were he to successfully escape, his continued existence would ensure that even if he did not victimize Mina further, she would transform into a vampire upon her eventual natural death.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.891299247741699, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The Count's intended identity is later commented by Professor Van Helsing, referring to a letter from his friend Arminius:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.685596466064453, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "This indeed encourages the reader to identify the Count with the Voivode Dracula first mentioned by him in Chapter 3, the one betrayed by his brother: Vlad III Dracula, betrayed by his brother Radu the Handsome, who had chosen the side of the Turks. But as noted by the Dutch author Hans Corneel de Roos, in Chapter 25, Van Helsing and Mina drop this rudimentary connection to Vlad III and instead describe the Count's personal past as that of \"that other of his race\" who lived \"in a later age\". By smoothly exchanging Vlad III for a nameless double, Stoker avoided that his main character could be unambiguously linked to a historical person traceable in any history book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.193014621734619, "source": "wiki", "title": "Count Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "This increase of interest in vampiric plotlines led to the vampire being depicted in films such as Underworld and Van Helsing, and the Russian Night Watch and a TV miniseries remake of 'Salem's Lot, both from 2004. The series Blood Ties premiered on Lifetime Television in 2007, featuring a character portrayed as Henry Fitzroy, illegitimate son of Henry VIII of England turned vampire, in modern-day Toronto, with a female former Toronto detective in the starring role. A 2008 series from HBO, entitled True Blood, gives a Southern take to the vampire theme.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.678299903869629, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* Abraham Van Helsing, Quincey Morris, Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker, Dr. John Seward, and Arthur Holmwood from the novel, Dracula, and some of its adaptations and spin-offs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.5387678146362305, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Gabriel Van Helsing from the movie Van Helsing. Van Helsing is a member of a large organization called the Knights of the Holy Order who protect mankind from an evil they 'have no idea even exists'.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.981542587280273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Carl Kolchak - as seen in the 1970s TV movie and television series Kolchak: The Night Stalker - Newspaper reporter Carl Kolchak has been described as \"the everyman's Van Helsing.\" In his first outing, he tracks down and hunts the vampire Janos Skorzeny. Throughout the series, Kolchak investigates sundry cases, often dealing with supernatural creatures in the process.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.761624336242676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Eric Van Helsing, his son Jonathan, and his wife Mina, from the British teenage horror television series Young Dracula. Eric Van Helsing is a certified, but incompetent Vampire Slayer who spends the majority of the series exposing and killing the Dracula family. His son initially does not believe in vampires, but later discovers the truth and joins his father. After Eric's death, his wife Mina becomes the main Vampire Slayer in the series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.016489505767822, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vampire hunter" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "When Lucy begins to waste away suspiciously, Seward invites his old teacher, Abraham Van Helsing, who immediately determines the true cause of Lucy's condition. He refuses to disclose it but diagnoses her with acute blood-loss. Helsing prescribes numerous blood transfusions to which Dr. Seward, Helsing, Quincey and Arthur all contribute over time. Helsing also prescribes flowers to be placed throughout her room and weaves a necklace of withered Garlic Blossoms for her to wear as well. She however continues to waste away - appearing to lose blood every night. While both doctors are absent, Lucy and her mother are attacked by a wolf; Mrs. Westenra, who has a heart condition, dies of fright. Van Helsing attempts to protect her with garlic but fate thwarts him each night, whether Lucy's mother removes the garlic from her room, or Lucy herself does so in her restless sleep. The doctors have found two small puncture marks about her neck, which Dr. Seward is at a loss to understand. Helsing then places a crucifix around her neck, but soon after she is discovered dead with the crucifix missing. Helsing discovers that one of the nurses stole it the night before.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.207111358642578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Following Lucy's death, the newspapers report children being stalked in the night by a \"bloofer lady\" (i.e., \"beautiful lady\"). Van Helsing, knowing Lucy has become a vampire, confides in Seward, Lord Godalming, and Morris. The suitors and Van Helsing track her down and, after a confrontation with her, stake her heart, behead her, and fill her mouth with garlic. Around the same time, Jonathan Harker arrives from Budapest, where Mina marries him after his escape, and he and Mina join the campaign against Dracula.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.517234802246094, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The vampire hunters stay at Dr. Seward's residence, holding nightly meetings and providing reports based on each of their various tasks. Mina discovers that each of their journals and letters collectively contain clues to which they can track him down. She tasks herself with collecting them, researching newspaper clippings, fitting the most relevant entries into chronological order and typing out copies to distribute to each of the party which they are to study. Jonathan Harker tracks down the shipments of boxed graves and the estates which Dracula has purchased in order to store them. Van Helsing conducts research along with Dr. Seward to analyze the behavior of their patient Renfield who they learn is directly influenced by Dracula. They also research historical events, folklore, and superstitions from various cultures to understand Dracula's powers and weaknesses. Van Helsing also establishes a criminal profile on Dracula in order to better understand his actions and predict his movements. Arthur Holmwood's fortune assists in funding the entire operation and expenses. As they learn the various properties Dracula had purchased, the male protagonists team up to raid each property and are several times confronted by Dracula. As they discover each of the boxed graves scattered throughout London, they pry them open to place and seal wafers of sacramental bread within. This act renders the boxes of earth completely useless to Dracula as he is unable to open, enter or further transport them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.299870491027832, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "After Dracula learns of the group's plot against him, he attacks Mina on three occasions, and feeds Mina his own blood to control her. This curses Mina with vampirism and changes her but does not completely turn her into a vampire. Van Helsing attempts to bless Mina through prayer and by placing a wafer of sacrament against her forehead, although it burns her upon contact leaving a wretched scar. Under this curse, Mina oscillates from consciousness to a semi-trance during which she perceives Dracula's surroundings and actions. Van Helsing is able to use hypnotism at the hour of dawn and put her into this trance to further track his movements. Mina, afraid of Dracula's link with her, urges the team not to tell her their plans out of fear that Dracula will be listening. After the protagonists discover and sterilize 49 boxes found throughout his lairs in London, they learn that Dracula has fled with the missing 50th box back to his castle in Transylvania. They pursue him under the guidance of Mina. They split up into teams once they reach Europe; Van Helsing and Mina team up to locate the castle of Dracula while the others attempt to ambush the boat Dracula is using to reach his home. Van Helsing raids the castle and destroys the vampire \"sisters\". Upon discovering Dracula being transported by Gypsies, Harker shears Dracula through the throat with a kukri while the mortally wounded Quincey stabs the Count in the heart with a Bowie knife. Dracula crumbles to dust, and Mina is freed from her curse of vampirism.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.418805122375488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The book closes with a note left by Jonathan Harker seven years after the events of the novel, detailing his married life with Mina and the birth of their son, whom they name after all four members of the party, but address as \"Quincey\". Quincey is depicted sitting on the knee of Van Helsing as they recount their adventure.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.708344459533691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* John Seward: A doctor; one of Lucy's suitors and a former student of Van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.167304992675781, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* Abraham Van Helsing: A Dutch doctor, lawyer and professor; John Seward's teacher. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.273913383483887, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "The Count's identity is later speculated on by Professor Van Helsing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.170236587524414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "Following Nosferatu, Florence Stoker licensed the story to playwright Hamilton Deane, whose 1924 stage play adaptation toured England for several years before settling down in London. In 1927, American stage producer Horace Liveright hired John L. Balderston to revise Deane's script in advance of its American premiere. Balderston significantly compressed the story, most notably consolidating or removing several characters. The Deane play and its Balderston revisions introduced an expanded role and history for Renfield, who now replaced Jonathan Harker as Dracula's solicitor in the first part of the story; combined Mina Harker and Lucy Westenra into a single character (named Lucy); and omitted both Arthur Holmwood and Quincey Morris entirely. When the play premiered in New York, it was with Bela Lugosi in the title role, and with Edward van Sloan as Abraham Van Helsing, roles which both actors (as well as Herbert Bunston as Dr. Seward) reprised for the English-language version of the 1931 Universal Studios film production. The 1931 film was one of the most commercially successful adaptations of the story to date; it and the Deane/Balderston play that preceded it set the standard for film and television adaptations of the story, with the alterations to the novel becoming standard for later adaptations for decades to come. Universal Studios continued to feature the character of Dracula in many of their horror films from the 1930s and 1940s.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.190696716308594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dracula" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the novel, Van Helsing is called in by his former student, Dr. John Seward, to assist with the mysterious illness of Lucy Westenra. Van Helsing's friendship with Seward is based in part upon an unknown prior event in which Van Helsing suffered a grievous wound, and Seward saved his life by sucking out the gangrene. It is Van Helsing who first realizes that Lucy is the victim of a vampire, and he guides Dr. Seward and his friends in their efforts to save Lucy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.244871139526367, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "According to Leonard Wolf's annotations to the novel, Van Helsing had a son who died. Van Helsing says that his son, had he lived, would have had a similar appearance to another character, Arthur Holmwood. Consequently, Van Helsing developed a particular fondness for Holmwood. Van Helsing's wife went insane after their son's death, but as a Catholic, he refuses to divorce her (\"with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone, even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife\"). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.856910705566406, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing is one of the few characters in the novel who is fully physically described in one place. In chapter 14, Mina describes him as:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.559860229492188, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing's personality is described by John Seward, his former student, thus:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.167354583740234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "In the novel Van Helsing is described with what is apparently a thick foreign accent, in that his English is broken, and he uses German phrases like, \"Mein Gott\" (My God).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.889863967895508, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Adaptations of the novel have tended to play up Van Helsing's role as the vampire professional-expert, sometimes to the extent that it is depicted as his major occupation. The novel, however, gives no support for such interpretations. Dr. Seward requests Van Helsing's assistance simply because Lucy's affliction has him baffled and Van Helsing \"knows as much about obscure diseases as any one in the world\". Indeed, Van Helsing takes too much time (weeks and months) to recognise Lucy's illness, and seems to have no practical knowledge about vampires. Until her funeral, he tells no one his theory of Lucy's death.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.122273445129395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Count Dracula, having acquired ownership of England's Carfax estate through solicitor Jonathan Harker, moved to the estate and began menacing England. His victims included Lucy Westenra, who is on holiday in Whitby. The aristocratic girl has suitors such as John Seward, Arthur Holmwood, and Quincey Morris, and has a best friend in Mina Murray, Jonathan Harker's fiancée. Seward, who worked as a doctor in an insane asylum – where one of the patients, the incurably mad Renfield, has a psychic connection to Dracula – contacts Van Helsing about Lucy Westenra's peculiar condition. Van Helsing, recognizing marks upon her neck, eventually deduces that she has been losing blood from a vampire bite. He administers blood transfusion multiple times to try to save her. Van Helsing, Seward and even Arthur all donate their blood to her but each night he realizes that she continues to lose blood. He prescribes her garlic and makes a necklace of garlic flowers for her then proceeds to hang garlic about the room. He also gave her a crucifix to wear around her neck as well. Lucy's demise were brought by her own mother who cleared the room of garlic and opened the window to give her fresh air; a home servant had stolen the gold crucifix from Lucy as well. Lucy dies and after the funeral returns as a vampire seeking out children. Eventually, Van Helsing and a heartbroken Arthur free the undead Lucy from her vampiric curse with Quincy Morris and Dr. Seward as these knew the ordeal. After Arthur uses a hammer to drive the stake through the heart, Van Helsing operates on Lucy by detaching her head then places garlic in her mouth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.575361251831055, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Mina Harker becomes increasingly worried about her husband's brain fever asking Dr. Seward for assistance to which Van Helsing is referred. Unable to make sense of Johnathon Harker's journal, Mina gives it to Helsing to review. When Harker learns that his experiences in Transylvania were real, his health returns and both he and Mina assist join their friends at Seward's residence. Mina then discovers that each of the character's journals, diaries, letters and collection of news papers further provide intelligence on Dracula's movements. She types out copies and provides them to each of the other party members including Van Helsing. From the copies of text Mina prepared, they learn that that Dracula's residence in Carfax was right nearby Sewards; It is under Helsing's research of ancient folklore, superstitions and historical references to which the party learns of Dracula's weaknesses and strengths. Seward and Helsing also write to an acquaintance from their university to aid in further research into Dracula's past. Staying at Seward's residence to better plan strategies in their efforts to deal with Dracula, they have frequent meetings and each member is assigned duties. It is later that a bat was seen at the window outside of one of these meetings as well.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.131523132324219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "As Van Helsing and the party investigate the location of Dracula in efforts to destroy and stop him from spreading any further evil, they have their first enounter as a group with Dracula at the residence in Carfax. They eventually discover that Dracula has been purchasing multiple properties throughout and around the perimeter of London; planning to transport each of his 50 boxes of Transylvanian earth to them; learning the boxes are used as graves and each property would be used as his lairs. As they discover each of his lairs and track down the location of the boxes of earth, they place sacramental bread within them to \"sterilize\" them. This repels Dracula from being able to use or transport them further. Dracula learns that the group are plotting against him and entices Renfield to invite him in to Dr. Seward's residence. After hearing a loud noise coming from Renfield's room, Dr Seward and Helsing enter to find him critically injured on the floor with a broken back and severe damages to his head and limbs. Helsing operates on his head to keep him alive long enough for Renfield to tell them his testimony. Learning from this that Dracula went to see Mina, the group goes into Mina's room to see Harker in a hypnotic state, and Dracula giving Mina the 'Vampire's Baptism of Blood', cursing her and the group for plotting against him. When Van Helsing and the party hold out their sacred items to repel Dracula away, causing him to become a vapor and flee into a different room. Dracula then destroys all their copies of text which Mina had produced except one that was hidden and then breaks Renfield' neck before leaving the residence.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.740508079528809, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Helsing places a wafer of sacramental bread upon the forehead of Mina to bless her but it burns her flesh as it touches her, leaving a scar. Mina, feeling that she is now connected with Dracula, asks Van Helsing to hypnotize her before Dawn as that would be the only time she feels could freely speak. Van Helsing learns that through conducting hypnotism on Mina that she has a telepathic link with Dracula; could tell everything he hears and feels and use this gift to track his movements in the future. Mina also agrees that none of the group should tell her any plans they have in the future for fear that Dracula could easily read her thoughts and counter their plans. As the group continues to search for each of the boxes and residences of Dracula throughout London they have encounters with Dracula and continue to sterilize his graves. They manage to find each of his residences and locate all of his boxes except for one; learning that the final grave is located on a boat, Van Helsing determines that Dracula is fleeing back to his Castle. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.378293514251709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "When the party pursues Dracula back to Transylvania, they split up into separate groups of two. While Mina and Van Helsing team up to travel straight to Dracula's castle, the others attempt to track down and ambush the boat on which Dracula is a passenger. Van Helsing continues to hypnotize Mina but his ability to have influence over her diminishes each day. He notices Mina's behavior beginning to change as she starts sleeping more during the day, losing her appetite for food, and ceasing to write in her journal. One night he crumbles sacramental bread in a circle around her and asks her to come sit by him. As she was unable to, he learned that this could be a way to protect their camp from any vampires in the area. Later, he sees the Brides of Dracula approach his camp but they too are unable to cross into the circle of bread. Failing at their attempts to lure Helsing and Mina out of the circle, they flee just before sunrise back to Dracula's Castle. Helsing binds Mina at a small cave to keep her from danger as he goes into Dracula's Castle to kill any vampires he finds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.7230424880981445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Upon the arrival of Van Helsing back to Mina's location from the Castle, they see the rest of their group as they chase a group of gypsies down Borgo Pass and corner them. Armed with knives and firearms they overtake the gypsies and open the final casket box of Dracula; Jonathan Harker brings his Kukri down on Dracula's throat as the bowie knife of Quincey Morris simultaneously impales Dracula's heart in the final moments of daylight. At this very moment, Dracula's body then crumbles to dust. After the struggle, Quincy is seen fatally wounded from the struggle.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.348885536193848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "6 years later, Van Helsing takes a grandfatherly role in regard to the young Quincey Harker, Jonathan and Mina's son.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.08643627166748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Van Helsing is seen utilizing many tools to aid him and his party in fending off Dracula, warding off vampires and in general defeating the undead: ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.261477947235107, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror was the first film version of Dracula. Although it followed the same basic plot as the novel, names were changed: Van Helsing is Professor Bulwer and appears only in a few scenes. Unlike the book, he is a friend of Thomas Hutter (the film's version of Jonathan Harker) before he meets Count Orlok (a renamed Count Dracula) and never meets the vampire face to face.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9979158639907837, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Hugh Jackman played Gabriel Van Helsing, the eponymous hero of Van Helsing (2004), loosely based on Bram Stoker's character. Having been found on the steps of a church seven years ago with total amnesia, Gabriel hunts monsters for a secret organization made up of the world's religions (known as the Knights of the Holy Order) to rid the world of evil \"that the rest of mankind has no idea exists\", although he is the most wanted man in Europe for his conspicuous actions. In the movie he is sent to Transylvania to kill Count Dracula. When he arrives, Dracula tells Gabriel that they have already met and have quite a history together, with Dracula revealing over the course of the film that Van Helsing was the one who originally murdered him, as well as claiming ownership of a distinctive ring that Van Helsing has worn as long as he can remember. It is implied that Gabriel is actually the angel Gabriel, with vague references to Dracula's murderer as the \"Left Hand of God\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6536335945129395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Notable actors to have portrayed Van Helsing in film adaptations of Dracula include:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.295442581176758, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Hugh Jackman (as Gabriel Van Helsing) in Van Helsing (2004) and Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.99229621887207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In Kim Newman's series Anno Dracula, van Helsing has failed to kill Dracula. As a result, the vampire lord has conquered the United Kingdom after marrying Queen Victoria and becoming her Prince Consort. Van Helsing, meanwhile, was killed at the hands of Dracula, and his head is displayed at Buckingham Palace.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.209636688232422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In The Dracula Tape (1975) by Fred Saberhagen, a psychotic, fanatical, bumbling van Helsing opposes the urbane, if ruthless, Dracula.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.068019390106201, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In Fangland by John Marks, the re-imagined van Helsing is split into two separate characters, namely Clementine Spence and Austen Trotta.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.614668846130371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "Media involving descendants of van Helsing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.088713645935059, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "There have been numerous works of fiction depicting descendants of van Helsing carrying on the family tradition.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.105607032775879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 1979 film Love at First Bite, is a comedic parody in which Dracula falls in love, and Jeffrey Rosenberg, grandson of Fritz Van Helsing, tries to kill him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.8497090339660645, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 1989 film Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat, Bruce Campbell plays Robert Van Helsing, grandson of an earlier Van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.634485244750977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* In the 2000 film Dracula 2000, Christopher Plummer plays Matthew van Helsing (in fact, the original Abraham Van Helsing posing as his own descendant), and Justine Waddell plays his daughter, Mary.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.52646017074585, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* In the 2000 Disney channel movie Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire, Malachi Van Helsing is hunting the vampire Dimitri, who is preying on the mother of the main characters.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.504627227783203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The 2004 direct-to-video film Dracula 3000 features Captain Abraham van Helsing (played by Casper Van Dien), a descendent of the original van Helsing and the captain of a spacefaring salvage ship.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.246016502380371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The 2004 direct-to-video film The Adventures of Young Van Helsing depicts Abraham van Helsing's great-grandson Michael (Keith Jordan) saving the world from Simon Magus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076990127563477, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2004 film starring Hugh Jackman Van Helsing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.30351734161377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2009 film Stan Helsing is a comedic film revolving around satirizing the van Helsing descendant of the 2004 feature film.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.268857955932617, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* In the 2012 TV film, Scooby-Doo! Music of the Vampire, a book writer named Vincent van Helsing is the great great grandson of Abraham van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.05197811126709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The 2006 CBBC series, Young Dracula, featured Mr. Eric van Helsing – presumably the descendant of his more famous predecessor, though with none of his competence – trying to exterminate Count Dracula and his children, who had been chased out of Transylvania by an angry mob and were now living in rural Wales. Eric lives in a travel trailer with his son Jonathan. There are also references made to previous van Helsing vampire slayers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.279660940170288, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*In the 2014 Showtime series Penny Dreadful, Van Helsing is a hematologist consulted by Victor Frankenstein. He eventually admits he has known about vampires for some time and offers to give Frankenstein some much-needed instruction in the area.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.085229873657227, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "*Syfy is developing a Van Helsing 13-episodic television series with Neil LaBute as creator. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.16127872467041, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The short story Abraham's Boys by Joe Hill is about the retired Abraham van Helsing and his two sons, and how he passes along his knowledge to them. The story is included in the anthology The many faces of van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.07833480834961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* According to The Vampire Hunter's Handbook, Abraham was not the first van Helsing to encounter vampires. The book is supposedly written by Raphael van Helsing in the 18th century. It has also been prequeled by The Demon Hunter's Handbook by Abelard van Helsing (16th century) and The Dragon Hunter's Handbook by Adelia Vin Helsin (14th century). The supposed writers refer to each other (in the cases where it makes sense) and other van Helsings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.78378963470459, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Similar to the above-mentioned handbooks is Vampyre: The Terrifying Lost Journal which is written by Mary-Jane Knight but credited to dr Cornelius van Helsing. The book implies that Cornelius is the brother of Abraham.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.956028938293457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Young Dracula by Michael Lawrence mentions a farmer named Dweeb van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.653104782104492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* In Den hemliga boken and sequels by Jesper Tillberg and Peter Bergting, the main character is Abraham's great grandson Lennart van Helsing (not to be confused with Lennart Hellsing).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.683697700500488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The comic book series The Tomb of Dracula featured Rachel van Helsing, granddaughter of Abraham, as a major member of the principal hunters. Minor characters were Abraham's wife Elizabeth and his brother Boris.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.924817085266113, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* In the manga and anime, Hellsing, modern day descendant Integra Hellsing leads a British government strike force against supernatural menaces. The story also includes her father, Arthur and uncle Richard. It later turns out that the protagonist Alucard is in fact Dracula, and became a servant to the Helsing family after being defeated by Integra's grandfather, Abraham van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.208071231842041, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The DC comic Night Force features Abraham's granddaughter Vanessa van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.883153915405273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Sword of Dracula is a comic book with Veronica \"Ronnie\" van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.506399631500244, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Helsing is a Caliber Comics title about a Samantha Helsing and a John van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.165520668029785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* The Vampirella comic books feature father-son vampire hunters Conrad and Adam van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.816152572631836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Abraham van Helsing", "passage": "* The 2013 game, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, focuses on the trials of young van Helsing, son of the legendary vampire hunter Abraham van Helsing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.535079956054688, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" }, { "answer": "Van helsing", "passage": "* Van Helsing was adapted as a character in MechQuest, where he plays a professional mech vampire hunter. He is portrayed as having a brother, another hunter, who looks identical to him and eventually replaces him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.25379753112793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Abraham Van Helsing" } ]
Ralph Wilson Stadium is home to what NFL team?
{ "aliases": [ "Buffalo Bills", "Buffalo bills", "Buffalo Bills roster", "Bufallo Bills", "Logos and uniforms of the Buffalo Bills", "Buffalo Bills Wall of Fame", "Buffalo, NY Bills", "The Buffalo Bills", "Buffalo Williams" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "buffalo williams", "buffalo ny bills", "bufallo bills", "buffalo bills roster", "buffalo bills wall of fame", "logos and uniforms of buffalo bills", "buffalo bills" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "buffalo bills", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Buffalo Bills" }
[ { "answer": "The Buffalo Bills", "passage": "Ralph Wilson Stadium, originally Rich Stadium and also known as \"The Ralph\", is a stadium in Orchard Park, New York, a suburb south of Buffalo. Opened in 1973, it is the home of the Buffalo Bills of the National Football League (NFL). The stadium was renamed in 1998 for team founder and then-owner Ralph Wilson (1918–2014).", "precise_score": 10.122624397277832, "rough_score": 9.404074668884277, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ralph Wilson Stadium" }, { "answer": "The Buffalo Bills", "passage": "Although new stadium ideas had been proposed before the death of Ralph Wilson, with the new ownership of Terry and Kim Pegula, the prospect of a new stadium has been raised again. During his press conference to acquire the team, Terry Pegula stated, \"we will gradually proceed to plan and design a stadium for the Buffalo Bills.\" ", "precise_score": 3.831327438354492, "rough_score": 2.891969680786133, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ralph Wilson Stadium" }, { "answer": "The Buffalo Bills", "passage": "An original franchise of the American Football League in 1960, the Buffalo Bills played their first thirteen seasons at War Memorial Stadium, a multi-use WPA project stadium that opened in 1938, located on Buffalo's East Side. While suitable for AFL play in the 1960s, the \"Rockpile\" (as the stadium came to be nicknamed), was in disrepair and, with a capacity of under 47,000, undersized for a National Football League team. The league mandate instituted after the NFL-AFL merger of 1970 dictated a minimum of 50,000 seats.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2927889823913574, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ralph Wilson Stadium" }, { "answer": "Buffalo Bills", "passage": "Rich Products, a Buffalo-based food products company, signed a 25-year, $1.5 million deal ($60,000 per year), by which the venue would be called \"Rich Stadium\"; one of the earliest examples of the sale of naming rights in North American sports. (The name was somewhat of a compromise, after Bills owner and founder Ralph Wilson rejected the name Rich wanted to use, \"Coffee Rich Park.\") By a vote of 16 to 4, the county legislature approved the name in November 1972, despite a matching offer from Wilson to name it \"Buffalo Bills Stadium.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.45758056640625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ralph Wilson Stadium" }, { "answer": "Buffalo Bills", "passage": "File:Buffalopats.jpg|Buffalo Bills vs Patriots 10/22/06 Orchard Park, New York", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.214773178100586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ralph Wilson Stadium" }, { "answer": "Buffalo Bills", "passage": "On November 8, 1998, CBS televised the first NFL game to be broadcast in high-definition, between the New York Jets and Buffalo Bills at Giants Stadium. It was also the first time two Heisman Trophy winning quarterbacks started against each other in the NFL (Vinny Testaverde for the Jets and Doug Flutie for the Bills).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.805642604827881, "source": "wiki", "title": "NFL on CBS" } ]
Who was the first American to win a Nobel prize?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "President Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, each laureate is required to give a public lecture on a subject related to the topic of their prize. The Nobel lecture as a rhetorical genre took decades to reach its current format. These lectures normally occur during Nobel Week (the week leading up to the award ceremony and banquet, which begins with the laureates arriving in Stockholm and normally ends with the Nobel banquet), but this is not mandatory. The laureate is only obliged to give the lecture within six months of receiving the prize. Some have happened even later. For example, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt received the Peace Prize in 1906 but gave his lecture in 1910, after his term in office. The lectures are organized by the same association which selected the laureates. ", "precise_score": -1.801648497581482, "rough_score": -5.682483196258545, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nobel Prize" } ]
How the Grinch Stole Christmas was written by who?
{ "aliases": [ "Biography of dr.seuss", "Theodore Geissel", "Theodore geisel", "Dr.Seuss", "Gerald McBoing-Boing (2000 book)", "Dr. Soice", "Theodore Seuss Geisel", "List of films based on Dr. Seuss books", "Doctor Seuss", "Dr. Seus", "Dr seuss", "Theo LeSeig", "Dr. Theodore Seuss Giesel", "Dr sues", "Teddy Geisel", "Dr.suess", "Dr. Seuss' Birthday", "Theo Geisel", "Dr. Seuss", "Theodor Suess Geisel", "Theo LeSieg", "List of Dr. Seuss films", "Theodore (Dr. Seuss) Geisel's", "Suess books", "Doctor sues", "Seuss", "The Story of Dr. Seuss (film)", "Dr. Suess", "Theodor Seuss Geisel", "Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel's", "Doctor suess", "Dr. sues", "Theodore Geisel", "Theodor Seuss", "Gerald McBoing-Boing (book)", "Doctor seus", "Seussian", "Dr.seuss", "Audrey Geisel", "Theo. LeSieg", "Hunches in bunches", "Theodor %22Dr. Seuss%22 Geisel", "Ted Geisel", "Dr Seuss", "The Story of Dr. Seuss", "Dr seus", "Dr Suess" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "doctor sues", "dr theodore seuss giesel", "theodor seuss geisel", "seussian", "dr sues", "theodor suess geisel", "theodor seuss", "doctor seuss", "theodore dr seuss geisel s", "list of dr seuss films", "ted geisel", "suess books", "doctor suess", "hunches in bunches", "theodore geisel", "story of dr seuss film", "theodore geissel", "theo geisel", "theo leseig", "dr seuss birthday", "seuss", "theo lesieg", "story of dr seuss", "biography of dr seuss", "dr suess", "gerald mcboing boing book", "audrey geisel", "theodor 22dr seuss 22 geisel", "theodor dr seuss geisel s", "dr seuss", "theodore seuss geisel", "teddy geisel", "dr seus", "gerald mcboing boing 2000 book", "dr soice", "doctor seus", "list of films based on dr seuss books" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "dr seuss", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Dr. Seuss" }
[ { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is a children's story by Theodor \"Dr. Seuss\" Geisel written in rhymed verse with illustrations by the author. It follows the Grinch, a grouchy, solitary creature who attempts to put an end to Christmas by stealing Christmas-themed items from the homes of the nearby town Whoville on Christmas Eve. Despite his efforts, Whoville's inhabitants still celebrate the holiday, so the Grinch returns everything that he stole and is the guest of honor at the Whos' Christmas dinner.", "precise_score": 9.803001403808594, "rough_score": 9.35490608215332, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "Dr. Seuss began work on How the Grinch Stole Christmas around the beginning of 1957. He had recently completed The Cat in the Hat and was in the midst of founding Beginner Books with Phyllis and Bennett Cerf and his wife, Helen Palmer Geisel. Helen, who had ongoing medical problems and had suffered a small stroke in April 1957, nevertheless acted as an unofficial editor, as she had with previous Dr. Seuss books. Geisel wrote the book quickly and was mostly finished with it within a few weeks. Biographers Judith and Neil Morgan wrote, \"It was the easiest book of his career to write, except for its conclusion.\" According to Geisel, \"I got hung up getting the Grinch out of the mess. I got into a situation where I sounded like a second-rate preacher or some biblical truisim... Finally in desperation... without making any statement whatever, I showed the Grinch and the Whos together at the table, and made a pun of the Grinch carving the 'roast beast.' ... I had gone through thousands of religious choices, and then after three months it came out like that.\" By mid-May 1957, the book was finished and in the mail to the Random House offices in New York. In June, the Geisels took a month-long vacation to Hawaii, where he checked and returned the book's galley proof.", "precise_score": 6.8974456787109375, "rough_score": 7.1582207679748535, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "The story was published as a book by Random House in 1957, and at approximately the same time in an issue of Redbook. The book criticizes the commercialization of Christmas. Based on a 2007 online poll, the National Education Association named it one of its \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\". In 2012 it was ranked number 61 among the \"Top 100 Picture Books\" in a survey published by School Library Journal – the fourth of five Dr. Seuss books on the list.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.763336181640625, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "M.S. Libby, writing in the New York Herald Tribune, compared the book favorably to Dr. Seuss's earlier works: \"His peculiar and original genius in line and word is always the same, yet, so rich are the variations he plays on his themes, always fresh and amusing.\" Kirkus Reviews wrote, \"Youngsters will be in transports over the goofy gaiety of Dr. Seuss's first book about a villain.\" The reviewer called the Grinch \"easily the best Christmas-cad since Scrooge.\" Ellen Lewis Buell, in her review in The New York Times, praised the book's handling of its moral, as well as its illustrations and verse. She wrote, \"Even if you prefer Dr. Seuss in a purely antic mood, you must admit that if there's a moral to be pointed out, no one can do it more gaily. The reader is swept along by the ebullient rhymes and the weirdly zany pictures until he is limp with relief when the Grinch reforms and, like the latter, mellow with good feelings.\" The review for The Saturday Review of Literature stated: \"The inimitable Dr. Seuss has brought off a fresh triumph in his new picture book... The verse is as lively and the pages are as bright and colorful as anyone could wish.\" The reviewer suggested that parents and older siblings reading the book to young children would also enjoy its moral and humor. Charlotte Jackson of the San Francisco Chronicle called the book \"wonderful fantasy, in the true Dr. Seuss manner, with pictures in the Christmas colors.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.6284425258636475, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "Some writers, including Dr. Seuss himself, have made a connection between the Grinch and Dr. Seuss. In the story, the Grinch laments that he has had to put up with the Whos' celebration of Christmas for 53 years. As both Thomas Fensch and Charles Cohen note, Dr. Seuss was 53 when he wrote and published the book. Dr. Seuss himself asserted the connection in an article in the December 1957 edition of Redbook: \"I was brushing my teeth on the morning of the 26th of last December when I noticed a very Grinch-ish countenance in the mirror. It was Seuss! So I wrote about my sour friend, the Grinch, to see if I could rediscover something about Christmas that obviously I'd lost.\" as quoted in Cohen 2004, p. 330 Seuss's step-daughter, Lark Dimond-Cates, stated in a speech in 2003, \"I always thought the Cat... was Ted on his good days, and the Grinch was Ted on his bad days.\" Cohen notes that Seuss drove a car with a license plate that read \"GRINCH\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.196174144744873, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "Thomas Fensch notes that the Grinch is the first adult and the first villain to be a main character in a Dr. Seuss book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.4020769596099854, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "answer": "Dr. Seuss", "passage": "* The Grinch character was reprised in Seuss's Halloween Is Grinch Night and The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat and he and Max also appear in the children's show, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.110151767730713, "source": "wiki", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" } ]
If Misogyny is the hatred of women, what is the hatred of men?
{ "aliases": [ "Hatred of men", "Misandric", "Anti-male", "Misandrist", "Misander", "misandry", "Misandrous", "Misandristic", "Misandry", "Adrophobia", "Man hater" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "hatred of men", "misandric", "misandristic", "misandrist", "anti male", "misander", "man hater", "misandry", "misandrous", "adrophobia" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "misandry", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "misandry" }
[ { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Dictionaries define misogyny as \"hatred of women\" and as \"hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women\". In 2012, primarily in response to events occurring in the Australian Parliament, the Macquarie Dictionary (which documents Australian English and New Zealand English) expanded the definition to include not only hatred of women but also \"entrenched prejudices against women\". The counterpart of misogyny is misandry, the hatred or dislike of men; the antonym of misogyny is philogyny, the love or fondness of women.", "precise_score": 8.5259428024292, "rough_score": 8.40433120727539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misogyny" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Misandry, from the Greek misos (μῖσος, \"hatred\") and anēr, andros (ἀνήρ, gen. ἀνδρός; \"man\") is the hatred or dislike of men or boys. Misandry can manifest in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of men, violence against men, or sexual objectification of men. The word \"misandrist\" was first used in 1871.", "precise_score": 4.646173000335693, "rough_score": 6.012827396392822, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "Misandrist", "passage": "Wendy McElroy, an individualist feminist, wrote in 2001 that some feminists \"have redefined the view of the movement of the opposite sex\" as \"a hot anger toward men [that] seems to have turned into a cold hatred.\" She argued it was a misandrist position to consider men, as a class, to be irreformable or rapists.", "precise_score": 0.4598577320575714, "rough_score": 3.6445393562316895, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "In the 2007 book International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, Marc A. Ouellette contrasted misandry with misogyny, arguing that \"misandry lacks the systemic, transhistoric, institutionalized, and legislated antipathy of misogyny\", though he acknowledged the possibility of specific \"racialized\" misandries and the existence of a \"misandric impulse\" in popular culture and literature. Anthropologist David D. Gilmore argues that while misogyny is a \"near-universal phenomenon\" there is no male equivalent to misogyny. Gilmore also states that misandry refers \"not to the hatred of men as men, but to the hatred of men's traditional male role\" and a \"culture of machismo\". Therefore, he argues, misandry is \"different from the intensely ad feminam aspect of misogyny that targets women no matter what they believe or do\".", "precise_score": 5.508084297180176, "rough_score": 5.0808515548706055, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "Man hater", "passage": "The word Misogyny had a different meaning in ancient Greece, since they applied the pejorative \"woman hater\" expression mostly to gay men. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.0906506776809692, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misogyny" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Sociologist Michael Flood has argued that \"misandry lacks the systemic, transhistoric, institutionalized, and legislated antipathy of misogyny.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.020458221435547, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misogyny" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Misandry is parallel in form to 'misogyny'. The term \"misandrist\" was first used in The Spectator magazine in April 1871. It appeared in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.) in 1952. Translation of the French \"Misandrie\" to the German \"Männerhaß\" (Hatred of Men) is recorded in 1803. Misandry is formed from the Greek misos (μῖσος, \"hatred\") and anēr, andros (ἀνήρ, gen. ἀνδρός; \"man\"). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.5932116508483887, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Religious Studies professors Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young made similar comparisons in their 2001 three-book series Beyond the Fall of Man, which refers to misandry as a \"form of prejudice and discrimination that has become institutionalized in North American society\", writing, \"The same problem that long prevented mutual respect between Jews and Christians, the teaching of contempt, now prevents mutual respect between men and women.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.897249698638916, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Academic Alice Echols, in her 1989 book Daring To Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967–1975, argued that radical feminist Valerie Solanas, best known for her attempted murder of Andy Warhol in 1968, displayed an extreme level of misandry compared to other radical feminists of the time in her tract, The SCUM Manifesto. Echols stated,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.185009956359863, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "Anti-male", "passage": "The author bell hooks (pen name of Gloria Jean Watkins) has discussed the issue of \"man hating\" during the early period of women's liberation as a reaction to patriarchal oppression and women who have had bad experiences with men in non-feminist social movements. She has also criticized separatist strands of feminism as \"reactionary\" for promoting the notion that men are inherently immoral, inferior and unable to help end sexist oppression or benefit from feminism. In Feminism is For Everybody, hooks laments the fact that feminists who critiqued anti-male bias in the early women's movement never gained mainstream media attention and that \"our theoretical work critiquing the demonization of men as the enemy did not change the perspective of women who were anti-male.\" hooks has theorized previously that this demonization led to an unnecessary rift between the men's movement and the women's movement. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.559555530548096, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young argued that \"ideological feminism\" as opposed to \"egalitarian feminism\" has imposed misandry on culture. Their 2001 book, Spreading Misandry, analyzed \"pop cultural artifacts and productions from the 1990s\" from movies to greeting cards for what they considered to be pervasive messages of hatred toward men. Legalizing Misandry (2005), the second in the series, gave similar attention to laws in North America.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.052492618560791, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "Misandric", "passage": "Barbara Kay, a Canadian journalist, has been critical of feminist Mary Koss's discussion of rape culture, describing the notion that \"rape represents an extreme behavior but one that is on a continuum with normal male behavior within the culture\" as \"remarkably misandric\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.852845191955566, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Research with references to the origins of misandry", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.37158489227295, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "In his 1997 book The Gender Knot: Unraveling our Patriarchal Legacy, sociologist Allan G. Johnson stated that accusations of man-hating have been used to put down feminists and shift attention onto men in a way that reinforces male-centered culture. Johnson said that comparisons between misogyny and misandry are misguided because mainstream culture offers no comparable anti-male ideology. He says in his book that accusations of misandry work to discredit feminism because \"people often confuse men as individuals with men as a dominant and privileged category of people\". He wrote that given the \"reality of women's oppression, male privilege, and men's enforcement of both, it's hardly surprising that every woman should have moments where she resents or even hates 'men'\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.8807936906814575, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Classics professor Froma Zeitlin of Princeton University discussed misandry in her article titled \"Patterns of Gender in Aeschylean Drama: Seven against Thebes and the Danaid Trilogy\". She writes:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.265774726867676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Literary critic Harold Bloom argued that even though the word misandry is relatively unheard of in literature it is not hard to find implicit, even explicit, misandry. In reference to the works of Shakespeare Bloom argued \"I cannot think of one instance of misogyny whereas I would argue that misandry is a strong element. Shakespeare makes perfectly clear that women in general have to marry down and that men are narcissistic and not to be trusted and so forth. On the whole, he gives us a darker vision of human males than human females.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.234657287597656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "Misandrist", "passage": "In Dickens' Great Expectations, the character Miss Havisham is a caricature of a misandrist. Miss Havisham was jilted on her wedding day, and is consumed with rage about this event, and unable to move on in life. She plots and successfully executes what she thinks of as a \"revenge\" against the male gender, in the person of the protagonist, Pip. However, she then realises that she has only caused Pip, who is blameless, to suffer in turn what she suffered – a broken heart – and repents and begs Pip's forgiveness.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.531911373138428, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "Misandric", "passage": "Critic of mainstream feminism Christina Hoff Sommers has described Eve Ensler's play The Vagina Monologues as misandric in that \"there are no admirable males ... the play presents a rogues’ gallery of male brutes, sadists, child-molesters, genital mutilators, gang rapists and hateful little boys\" which she finds out of step with the reality that \"most men are not brutes. They are not oppressors\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.983665943145752, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" }, { "answer": "misandry", "passage": "Julie M. Thompson, a feminist author, connects misandry with envy of men, in particular \"penis envy\", a term coined by Sigmund Freud in 1908, in his theory of female sexual development. Nancy Kang has discussed \"the misandric impulse\" in relation to the works of Toni Morrison. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.0960001945495605, "source": "wiki", "title": "Misandry" } ]
Dec 18, 1620 is the official landing date of the Mayflower. At what Massachusetts location did they make land?
{ "aliases": [ "West Park, Plymouth", "Plymouth (city, England)", "Pleimuiden", "Plymouth UA", "Plymouth Devon", "England Plymouth", "Plymouth, England", "Plymouth Black Friary", "County Borough of Plymouth", "Pennycross", "Knackersknowle", "Plymoth", "The weather in Plymouth", "Pennycross primary", "Plymouth Grey Friary", "Pennycross Primary School", "Plymouth", "Plymouth, Devon", "Derriford, Devon", "Derriford", "Bretonside Bus Station", "Plymouth Dock", "Plymouth Borough Council", "Plymouth (district)", "Old Plymouth", "Plymouth, Devonshire", "City of Plymouth", "Plymouth, United Kingdom", "Plymouth England", "Plymouth White Friary" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "plymouth district", "plymouth city england", "west park plymouth", "plymouth", "pennycross", "plymouth united kingdom", "plymouth white friary", "pleimuiden", "old plymouth", "plymouth devonshire", "knackersknowle", "plymouth dock", "england plymouth", "plymouth black friary", "pennycross primary school", "bretonside bus station", "plymoth", "derriford", "plymouth borough council", "plymouth england", "plymouth grey friary", "plymouth devon", "derriford devon", "county borough of plymouth", "weather in plymouth", "plymouth ua", "pennycross primary", "city of plymouth" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "plymouth", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Plymouth" }
[ { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Jones had originally planned to return to England as soon as the Pilgrims found a settlement site. But after his crew members began to be ravaged by the same diseases that were felling the Pilgrims, he realized he had to remain in Plymouth Harbor \"till he saw his men began to recover.\" The Mayflower lay in New Plymouth harbor through the winter of 1620–1. On April 5, 1621 the Mayflower, her empty hold ballasted with stones from the Plymouth Harbor shore, set sail for England. As with the Pilgrims, her sailors had been decimated by disease. Jones had lost his boatswain, his gunner, three quartermasters, the cook, and more than a dozen sailors. The Mayflower made excellent time on her voyage back to England. The westerlies that had buffeted her coming out pushed her along going home and she arrived at the home port of Rotherhithe in London on May 6, 1621, – less than half the time it had taken her to sail to America.\" ", "precise_score": 0.3990989625453949, "rough_score": -0.6519849896430969, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Another ship called the Mayflower made a voyage from London to Plymouth Colony in 1629 carrying 35 passengers, many from the Pilgrim congregation in Leiden that organized the first voyage. This was not the same ship that made the original voyage with the first settlers. This voyage began in May and reached Plymouth in August. This ship also made the crossing from England to America in 1630, 1633, 1634, and 1639. It attempted the trip again in 1641, departing London in October of that year under master John Cole, with 140 passengers bound for Virginia. It never arrived. On October 18, 1642 a deposition was made in England regarding the loss. ", "precise_score": -2.7162728309631348, "rough_score": 4.562686443328857, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Plymouth was the site of the first colony in New England, founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims, passengers of the Mayflower. In 1692, the town of Salem and surrounding areas experienced one of America's most infamous cases of mass hysteria, the Salem witch trials. In 1777, General Henry Knox founded the Springfield Armory, which during the Industrial Revolution catalyzed numerous important technological advances, including interchangeable parts. In 1786, Shays' Rebellion, a populist revolt led by disaffected Revolutionary War veterans, influenced the United States Constitutional Convention. In the 18th century, the Protestant First Great Awakening, which swept the Atlantic world, originated from the pulpit of Northampton preacher Jonathan Edwards. In the late 18th century, Boston became known as the \"Cradle of Liberty\" for the agitation there that led to the American Revolution.", "precise_score": -1.696447491645813, "rough_score": -0.22917792201042175, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The first English settlers in Massachusetts, the Pilgrims, arrived via the Mayflower at Plymouth in 1620, and developed friendly relations with the native Wampanoag people. This was the second successful permanent English colony in the part of North America that later became the United States, after the Jamestown Colony. The Pilgrims were soon followed by other Puritans, who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony at present-day Boston in 1630.", "precise_score": 1.4120546579360962, "rough_score": 4.572032928466797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Massachusetts has a long political history; earlier political structures included the Mayflower Compact of 1620, the separate Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies, and the combined colonial Province of Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Constitution was ratified in 1780 while the Revolutionary War was in progress, four years after the Articles of Confederation was drafted, and eight years before the present United States Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788. Drafted by John Adams, the Massachusetts Constitution is currently the oldest functioning written constitution in continuous effect in the world. ", "precise_score": -2.5500268936157227, "rough_score": 2.7555627822875977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The Mayflower was the ship that transported the first English Separatists, known today as the Pilgrims, from Plymouth to the New World in 1620. There were 102 passengers, and the crew is estimated to have been about 30, but the exact number is unknown. This voyage has become an iconic story in some of the earliest annals of American history, with its story of death and of survival in the harsh New England winter environment. The culmination of the voyage in the signing of the Mayflower Compact was an event which established a rudimentary form of democracy, with each member contributing to the welfare of the community. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.175537347793579, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The largest gun was a minion cannon which was brass, weighed about 1,200 pounds, and could shoot a 3.5 pound cannonball almost a mile. The Mayflower also had on board a saker cannon of about 800 pounds, and two base cannons that weighed about 200 pounds which shot a 3 to 5 ounce ball. She carried at least ten pieces of ordnance on the port and starboard sides of her gun deck – seven cannons for long range purposes and three smaller guns often fired from the stern at close quarters that were filled with musket balls. Later at New Plymouth, Mayflower Master Jones unloaded four of the pieces to help fortify the colony against invaders, and would not have done so unless he was comfortable with the armament that he still had on board.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.465764999389648, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Since Captain Jones became master 11 years prior to the Mayflower Pilgrims' voyage, the ship had sailed cross-Channel taking English woolens to France and bringing French wine to London. In addition to wine and wool, Jones had transported hats, hemp, Spanish salt, hops and vinegar to Norway and may have taken the Mayflower whaling in the North Atlantic in the Greenland area. She had traveled to Mediterranean ports, being then owned by Christopher Nichols, Robert Child, Thomas Short, and Christopher Jones, the ship's master. In 1620 Jones and Robert Child still owned their quarter shares in the ship, and it was from them that Thomas Weston chartered her in the summer of 1620 to undertake the Pilgrim voyage. Weston had a significant role in the Mayflower voyage due to his membership of the Company of Merchant Adventurers, and he eventually traveled to the Plymouth Colony himself. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.72849178314209, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "In early September, western gales begin to make the North Atlantic a dangerous place for sailing. The Mayflower's provisions, already quite low when departing Southampton, became much less by delays of more than of a month, and the passengers, having been aboard ship for all this time, were quite worn out by then and in no condition for a very taxing lengthy Atlantic journey cooped up in cramped spaces in a small ship. But on September 6, 1620, the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth with what Bradford called \"a prosperous wind\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.396376371383667, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Traditionally, the last port in England for the Mayflower was Plymouth; however, there is continued controversy that the ship had to stop at Newlyn in Cornwall on the Land's End peninsula before sailing west. It was believed that the water picked up at Plymouth had caused fever and cholera in the city, so Newlyn provided fresh water to the ship. Newlyn has a plaque to this effect on the side of a building on its quay. It was erected in remembrance of Plymouth historian Bill Best Harris, whose research is believed to have uncovered this little-known detail about the voyage. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.573950290679932, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The settlers explored the snow-covered area and discovered an empty native village, now known as Corn Hill in Truro. The curious settlers dug up some artificially made mounds, some of which stored corn, while others were burial sites. Nathaniel Philbrick claims that the settlers stole the corn and looted and desecrated the graves, sparking friction with the locals. Philbrick goes on to say that, as they moved down the coast to what is now Eastham, they explored the area of Cape Cod for several weeks, looting and stealing native stores as they went. He then writes about how they decided to relocate to Plymouth after a difficult encounter with the local native, the Nausets, at First Encounter Beach, in December 1620.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.80128002166748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "However, Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation records that they took \"some\" of the corn to show the others back at the boat, leaving the rest. Then later they took what they needed from another store of grain, paying the locals back in six months, and it was gladly received.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.605607986450195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Per author Charles Banks, the officers and crew of the Mayflower consisted of a captain, four mates, four quartermasters, surgeon, carpenter, cooper, cooks, boatswains, gunners and about 36 men before the mast, making a total of about 50. The entire crew stayed with the Mayflower in Plymouth through the winter of 1620–1621. During that time, about half of the crew died. The crewmen that survived returned on the Mayflower which sailed for London on April 5, 1621. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.8021411895751953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "* Cooper – John Alden. A 21-year-old from Harwich in Essex and a distant relative of Captain Jones. Hired on apparently while the Mayflower was anchored at Southampton Waters. He was responsible for maintaining the ship's barrels, known as hogsheads. The hogsheads were critical to the passengers survival and held the only source of food and drink while at sea, and tending them was a job which required a crew members attention. Bradford noted that Alden was \"left to his own liking to go or stay\" in Plymouth rather than return with the ship to England. He decided to remain. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.334836959838867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "* William Trevore (Trevor) – A Mayflower seaman who was hired to remain in Plymouth for one year. One reason for his hiring was his prior New World experience. He was one of those seaman to crew the shallop used in coastal trading. He returned to England with _____ Ely and others on the Fortune in December 1621. In 1623 Robert Cushman noted that Trevor reported to the Adventurers about what he saw in the New World. He did at some time return as master of a ship and was recorded living in Massachusetts Bay Colony in April 1650. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.8496615886688232, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The main record for the voyage of the Mayflower and the disposition of the Plymouth Colony comes from the letters and journal of William Bradford, who was a guiding force and later the governor of the colony.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.585901260375977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": " The Massachusetts Bay Colony was named after the indigenous population, the Massachusett, whose name can be segmented as mass-adchu-s-et, where mass- is \"large\", -adchu- is \"hill\", -s- is a diminutive suffix meaning \"small\", and -et is a locative suffix, identifying it as a place. It has been translated as \"near the great hill\", \"by the blue hills\", \"at the little big hill\", or \"at the range of hills\", referring to the Blue Hills, or in particular the Great Blue Hill which is located on the boundary of Milton and Canton. Alternatively, Massachusett has been represented as Moswetuset, from the name of the Moswetuset Hummock (meaning \"hill shaped like an arrowhead\") in Quincy where Plymouth Colony commander Miles Standish and Squanto, Native American, met Chief Chickatawbut in 1621. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.811517715454102, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The Puritans, who believed the Church of England needed to be purified and experienced harassment from English authority because of their beliefs, came to Massachusetts with the goal of establishing an ideal religious society. Unlike the Plymouth colony, the bay colony was founded under a royal charter in 1629. Both religious dissent and expansionism resulted in several new colonies being founded shortly after Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay elsewhere in New England. The Massachusetts Bay banished dissenters such as Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams due to religious and political disagreements. In 1636, Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island and Hutchinson joined him there several years later. Religious intolerance continued. Among those who objected to this later in the century were the English Quaker preachers Alice and Thomas Curwen, who were publicly flogged and imprisoned in Boston in 1676. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.518560886383057, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "In 1691, the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth were united (along with present-day Maine, which had previously been divided between Massachusetts and New York) into the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Shortly after the arrival of the new province's first governor, Sir William Phips, the Salem witch trials took place, where a number of men and women were hanged for alleged witchcraft.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.309244155883789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Sectors vital to the Massachusetts economy include higher education, biotechnology, information technology, finance, health care, tourism, and defense. The Route 128 corridor and Greater Boston continue to be a major center for venture capital investment, and high technology remains an important sector. In recent years tourism has played an ever-important role in the state's economy, with Boston and Cape Cod being the leading destinations. Other popular tourist destinations include Salem, Plymouth, and the Berkshires. Massachusetts is the sixth most popular tourist destination for foreign travelers. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.842193603515625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), also known as \"The T\", operates public transportation in the form of subway, bus, and ferry systems in the Metro Boston area. It also operates longer distance commuter rail services throughout the larger Greater Boston area, including service to Worcester, Lowell, and Plymouth. As of the summer of 2013 the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority in collaboration with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is operating the CapeFLYER providing passenger rail service between Boston and Cape Cod. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.235257148742676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "There are 50 cities and 301 towns in Massachusetts, grouped into 14 counties. The fourteen counties, moving roughly from west to east, are Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Worcester, Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket. Eleven communities which call themselves \"towns\" are, by law, cities since they have traded the town meeting form of government for a mayor-council or manager-council form. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.357256889343262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "answer": "Plymouth", "passage": "Boston is the state capital and largest city in Massachusetts. The population of the city proper is 645,966, and Greater Boston, with a population of 4,628,910, is the 10th largest metropolitan area in the nation. Other cities with a population over 100,000 include Worcester, Springfield, Lowell, and Cambridge. Plymouth is the largest municipality in the state by land area.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.513927459716797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Massachusetts" } ]
In the Transformer universe, who do the Autobots battle?
{ "aliases": [ "Spy Streak", "Cycle Drones", "Vehicon", "Mayhem Attack Squad", "Ultracons", "Obliterators (Transformers)", "The Decepticons", "Deceptacon", "Dark Nova", "Decepticons", "Blastcharge", "Decepticon", "Vehicons", "Diagnostic Drone" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "vehicon", "decepticon", "ultracons", "spy streak", "cycle drones", "decepticons", "blastcharge", "vehicons", "diagnostic drone", "dark nova", "deceptacon", "mayhem attack squad", "obliterators transformers" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "decepticons", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Decepticons" }
[ { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "The story focused on a small group of Maximals (the new Autobots), led by Optimus Primal, and Predacons, led by Megatron, 300 years after the \"Great War\". After a dangerous pursuit through transwarp space, both the Maximal and Predacon factions end up crash landing on a primitive, uncivilized planet similar to Earth, but with two moons and a dangerous level of Energon (which is later revealed to be prehistoric Earth with an artificial second moon, taking place sometime during the 4 million year period in which the Autobots and Decepticons were in suspended animation from the first episode of the original Transformers cartoon), which forces them to take organic beast forms in order to function without going into stasis lock. After writing this first episode, Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio learned of the G1 Transformers, and began to use elements of it as a historical backstory to their scripts, establishing Beast Wars as a part of the Generation 1 universe through numerous callbacks to both the cartoon and Marvel comic. By the end of the first season, the second moon and the Energon are revealed to have been constructed by a mysterious alien race known as the Vok.", "precise_score": -0.8066601753234863, "rough_score": 3.308709144592285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "Autobots are a faction of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron led by Optimus Prime, and the main protagonists in the fictional universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, cartoons, movies, graphic novels, and paperback books first introduced in 1984. The \"Heroic Autobots\" are opposed by the Evil Decepticons. Both Autobots and Decepticons are humanoid robots that can transform into machines, vehicles and other familiar mechanical objects. Autobot typically transform into regular cars, trucks, or other road vehicles (automobiles) but some few are aircraft, military vehicles, communication devices, weapons, and even robotic animals. These Autobots are often grouped into special \"teams\" which have the suffix \"-bot\" at the end, such as in Dinobot (Decepticon groups' names end in \"-con\").", "precise_score": 2.684971809387207, "rough_score": 5.823436260223389, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "Hasbro launched the Transformers toy line with ten different Autobot characters, all of whom transformed into automobiles, while the ten distinct Decepticons, (seven packages as three came two to a box/pack) were weapons, aircraft and communications equipment. Many of the Transformers were based on Takara designs. Optimus Prime was among the first Transformers released from Hasbro in 1984. The character listing/mini-poster that came inside Transformer packaging identified him as \"Autobot Commander\", as contrasted with Megatron's title of \"Decepticon Leader\". The Generation 2 toyline featured a character named \"Autobot\" who transforms from a human wristwatch/\"time machine\" to a humanoid robot. Autobot originated in the 1983 Microman Micro Change line as MC-06 Watch Robo, where he was available in four different colors. In 1993, he was released directly by Takara in North America as part of Transformers: Generation 2, alongside Scorpia and the wristwatches of Superion, Galvatron, and Ultra Magnus.", "precise_score": -0.5468382835388184, "rough_score": 5.646969795227051, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In the live-action film \"Transformers\", the Autobots arrived on Earth to find the All Spark in an effort to restore a destroyed Cybertron. The beginning of the movie, narrated by Optimus Prime, indicates that all life on Cybertron came from \"the Cube\". In the beginning, Optimus Prime and Megatron ruled Cybertron together. However, Megatron soon began to desire the power of the AllSpark. To counter Megatron, Optimus formed the Autobots, a group of civilian Transformers sworn to protect the AllSpark. Throughout the evolution of the Transformers, wars brought on the demise of their planet. Although the Autobots initially make a poor first impression with the authorities, the U.S. government is eventually convinced by Sam Witwicky that they are allies against the true threat of the Decepticons and cooperate to help them in the battle to keep the AllSpark away from the enemy. During the battle, all Decepticons are destroyed, except for Starscream, Barricade, and Scorponok, but the Autobots lost their one-member, Jazz. Optimus Prime decides to make Earth as their new home.", "precise_score": 1.757673978805542, "rough_score": 5.173283100128174, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "In Transformers: Age of Extinction, five years have passed since the Battle of Chicago. The U.S. government has discontinued joint combat operations with the Autobots and branded Transformers in general as dangerous. An elite CIA unit called \"Cemetery Wind\" is formed by ruthless anti-Transformer extremist Harold Attinger with the intent of hunting down all remaining Decepticons. However unbeknownst to the U.S. President and Congress, they secretly exterminate any Autobots and Decepticons alike with the aid of Lockdown, a Cybertronian bounty hunter. Meanwhile, using data obtained from destroyed Transformers, business tycoon Joshua Joyce and his technology firm Kinetic Solutions Incorporated (KSI) have perfected \"Transformium\", the molecularly unstable metal that is the lifeblood of Transformers. Joshua's prized creation is Galvatron, a prototype Transformer soldier created from the data inside Megatron's severed head with the aid of a captured Brains.", "precise_score": 3.0758209228515625, "rough_score": 6.7441630363464355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "At KSI's factory in China, Galvatron suddenly activates on his own and infects all of KSI's fifty prototype Transformer soldiers and turning them into new Decepticons. Realizing the folly of his creations, Joshua betrays Attinger before he, Su, and Darcy take the Seed to Hong Kong and deliver it to the Autobots. There, the Autobots struggle to protect Joshua and the Seed from Galvatron and his forces, who shoot down the Autobots' ship. Cade then kills Savoy during a fight in an apartment building. Outnumbered and outmatched, Optimus Prime releases a group of legendary knights (Dinobots) and leads them into the city and destroy Galvatron's army. Lockdown returns to Earth and uses his ship's magnetic weapon to pull anything metal into his ship, in an effort to recapture Optimus. Optimus destroys the weapon and engages in battle with Lockdown before killing Attinger to save Cade from being executed. Lockdown grabs Optimus's sword and impales him, but the combined efforts of Bumblebee, Cade, Tessa, and Shane distract the bounty hunter before Optimus stabs him in the chest and slices his head in half, avenging Ratchet, Leadfoot and presumably the other Autobots. Galvatron retreats, vowing to meet Optimus another day and declares he was reborn. With Lockdown, Attinger and his right-hand man Savoy dead and Cemetery Wind dissolved and branded as terrorist organization, Optimus sets the Dinobots free and request his fellow Autobots to protect the Yeager family before flying into space with the Seed, sending a message to the Creators to leave Earth alone, because he is coming for them.", "precise_score": 2.8643267154693604, "rough_score": 5.760262966156006, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "In the Shattered Glass storyline, a group of Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, are the mirror images of the personalities of most Autobots. In this world the Autobot logo is purple, and worn by evil Transformers who seek to destroy the universe, and are opposed to the heroic Decepticons.", "precise_score": 2.1368987560272217, "rough_score": 4.012301921844482, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "The video game Transformers: War for Cybertron give a backstory to the Autobots days on Cybertron. The Autobots were led by Zeta Prime at the beginning of the game. Megatron betrays the Autobots and creates a splinter faction known as the Decepticons. Zeta is killed by Megatron, and the role of leadership is passed down to Optimus Prime. When Megatron corrupts the Core of Cybertron with Dark Energon, Optimus gets the Matrix of Leadership from Cybertron's core while trying to save it. Optimus finds out he's too late and the Autobots are forced to leave Cybertron. In the sequel game, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons leave Cybertron and go into a space bridge, which explodes, leaving everyone's fate's unknown.", "precise_score": 0.41507136821746826, "rough_score": 3.576115608215332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Set within an alternate timeline that parallels the show's second season, the Autobots (Team Prime) appear in Transformers: Prime The Game. Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Jack, Miko and Raf embark on a journey to defeat the villainous Megatron and the Decepticons in his plan to use his secret new weapon. The Decepticons intercept a mysterious meteor approaching the Earth, and the Autobots arrive to try and thwart the Decepticons' plans.", "precise_score": 2.8318965435028076, "rough_score": 4.112174987792969, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In Transformers: Prime, with Cybertron dead, the Autobots scattered across the universe. A group landed on Earth consisting of Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead and which Arcee and Cliffjumper join later. This small team of Autobots led by Optimus is rechristened Team Prime. By the time of the first episode has been three years since the Decepticons last attacked Earth and the Autobots still await their return. Starscream kills Cliffjumper. After the death of Cliffjumper, the Autobots fight to protect the Earth from the Decepticons and befriend three young humans and the returned Megatron who has been missing for three Earth years. Megatron plans to use Dark Energon to raise an undead army of Cybertronians and defeat the Autobots. The Autobots destroy his space bridge and Megatron is believed killed in the process. Starscream becomes the new Decepticon leader.", "precise_score": 3.8309543132781982, "rough_score": 5.926063060760498, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "The Autobots suffer a series of losses when the Decepticons successfully acquire a large number of Predacon fossils, intending to clone an army to conquer humanity. However, after a devastating experiment gone wrong costs the Decepticons a majority of their forces, Megatron manipulates the Autobots to wipe out the project, leaving Predaking as the sole surviving Predacon. The Decepticons refocus their efforts to rebuild the Omega Lock aboard the Nemesis with the reluctant aid of Ratchet and his Synthetic Energon. In a final battle, the Autobots capture the warship, kill Megatron, and scatter the surviving Decepticon forces. After using the Omega Lock to revive Cybertron, the Autobots bid farewell to their human friends as they leave to rebuild their home.", "precise_score": 0.8573529720306396, "rough_score": 5.540585517883301, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "is a media franchise produced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. Initially a line of transforming toys rebranded from Takara's Diaclone and Microman toylines, the franchise began in 1984 with the Transformers toy line, and centers on factions of transforming alien robots (often the Autobots and the Decepticons) in an endless struggle for dominance or eventual peace. In its decades-long history, the franchise has expanded to encompass comic books, animation, video games and films.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.179786205291748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "The Transformers TV series began around the same time. Produced by Sunbow Productions and Marvel Productions, later Hasbro Productions, from the start it contradicted Budiansky's backstories. The TV series shows the Autobots looking for new energy sources, and crash landing as the Decepticons attack. Marvel interpreted the Autobots as destroying a rogue asteroid approaching Cybertron. Shockwave is loyal to Megatron in the TV series, keeping Cybertron in a stalemate during his absence, but in the comic book he attempts to take command of the Decepticons. The TV series would also differ wildly from the origins Budiansky had created for the Dinobots, the Decepticon turned Autobot Jetfire (known as Skyfire on TV ), the Constructicons (who combine to form Devastator), and Omega Supreme. The Marvel comic establishes early on that Prime wields the Creation Matrix, which gives life to machines. In the second season, the two-part episode The Key to Vector Sigma introduced the ancient Vector Sigma computer, which served the same original purpose as the Creation Matrix (giving life to Transformers), and its guardian Alpha Trion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.7714893817901611, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "The third season followed up The Movie, with the revelation of the Quintessons having used Cybertron as a factory. Their robots rebel, and in time the workers become the Autobots and the soldiers become the Decepticons. (Note: This appears to contradict background presented in the first two seasons of the series.) It is the Autobots who develop transformation. Due to popular demand, Optimus Prime is resurrected at the conclusion of the third season, and the series ended with a three-episode story arc. However, the Japanese broadcast of the series was supplemented with a newly produced OVA, Scramble City, before creating entirely new series to continue the storyline, ignoring the 1987 end of the American series. The extended Japanese run consisted of The Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce, Victory and Zone, then in illustrated magazine form as Battlestars: Return of Convoy and Operation: Combination. Just as the TV series was wrapping up, Marvel continued to expand its continuity. It followed The Movies example by killing Prime and Megatron, albeit in the present day. Dinobot leader Grimlock takes over as Autobot leader. There was a G.I. Joe crossover and the limited series The Transformers: Headmasters, which further expanded the scope to the planet Nebulon. It led on to the main title resurrecting Prime as a Powermaster. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.411968231201172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "This story revealed that the Transformers originally breed asexually, though it is stopped by Primus as it produced the evil Swarm. A new empire, neither Autobot nor Decepticon, is bringing it back, however. Though the year-long arc wrapped itself up with an alliance between Optimus Prime and Megatron, the final panel introduced the Liege Maximo, ancestor of the Decepticons. This minor cliffhanger was not resolved until 2001 and 2002's Transforce convention when writer Simon Furman concluded his story in the exclusive novella Alignment. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0614207983016968, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In 2001, Dreamwave Productions began a new universe of annual comics adapted from Marvel, but also included elements of the animated. The Dreamwave stories followed the concept of the Autobots defeating the Decepticons on Earth, but their 1997 return journey to Cybertron on the Ark II is destroyed by Shockwave, now ruler of the planet. The story follows on from there, and was told in two six-issue limited series, then a ten-issue ongoing series. The series also added extra complexities such as not all Transformers believing in the existence of Primus, corruption in the Cybertronian government that first lead Megatron to begin his war and Earth having an unknown relevance to Cybertron. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.3918269872665405, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Throughout the years, the G1 characters have also starred in crossovers with fellow Hasbro property G.I. Joe, but whereas those crossovers published by Marvel were in continuity with their larger storyline, those released by Dreamwave and G.I. Joe publisher Devil's Due Publishing occupy their own separate real life universes. In Devil's Due, the terrorist organization Cobra is responsible for finding and reactivating the Transformers. Dreamwave's version reimagines the familiar G1 and G.I. Joe characters in a World War II setting, and a second limited series was released set in the present day, though Dreamwave's bankruptcy meant it was cancelled after a single issue. Devil's Due had Cobra re-engineer the Transformers to turn into familiar Cobra vehicles, and released further mini-series that sent the characters travelling through time, battling Serpentor and being faced with the combined menace of Cobra-La and Unicron. During this time, Cobra teams up with the Decepticons. IDW Publishing has expressed interest in their own crossover. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.362405776977539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "First broadcast in Japan in 2000, Robots in Disguise was a single animated series consisting of thirty-nine episodes. It was exported to other countries in subsequent years. In this continuity, Megatron recreates the Decepticons as a subfaction of the Predacons on Earth, a potential reference to the return to the vehicle-based characters following the previous dominance of the animal-based characters of the Beast eras. It is a stand-alone universe with no ties to any other Transformers fiction, though some of the characters from Robots in Disguise did eventually make appearances in Transformers: Universe, including Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Side Burn and Prowl.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.885095119476318, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "These three lines, with 1990s style, launched in 2002, preceded from 2001, and dubbed the \"Unicron Trilogy\" by Transformers designer Aaron Archer, are co-productions between Takara and (lesser extent) Hasbro, simultaneously released in both countries, each lasting 52 episodes. Armada followed the Autobots and Decepticons discovering the powerful Mini-Cons on Earth, which are revealed by the end to be weapons of Unicron. Energon, set ten years later, followed the Autobots and the Omnicons in their fight to stop the Decepticons and the Terrorcons from resurrecting Unicron with energon.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.5379120111465454, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "The Cartoon Network–produced Transformers Animated is a cartoon that aired in early 2008. Originally scheduled for late after 2007 under the title of Transformers: Heroes, Transformers Animated is set in 2050 Detroit (after crash landing 50 years earlier), when robots and humans live side-by-side. The Autobots come to Earth and assume superhero roles, battling evil humans with the Decepticons having a smaller role until Megatron resurfaces. Main characters include Autobots Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Ratchet; Decepticons Megatron, Starscream, Blitzwing, Lugnut, and Blackarachnia; and humans Professor Sumdac and Sari Sumdac. Several characters that were in the original Transformers cartoon and 1986 animated movie, as well as characters only seen in comics and such, make special appearances and cameos throughout the show.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.8795993328094482, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Hunt for the Decepticons (2010)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.748865127563477, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In 2010, Hasbro released a toy line expansion to the film universe. This line is simply branded as Transformers and contains a promotion called \"Hunt for the Decepticons\". The promotion consists of a code number which collectors use to access online games on The toy line consists of redecos and remolds of existing movie characters, as well as new versions of characters from Generation 1 and Generation 2.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.83495569229126, "source": "wiki", "title": "Transformers" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In all Transformers stories, the Autobots and their adversaries, the Decepticons, originated on the planet Cybertron. The planet is almost always depicted as a purely metallic body. The capital of Cybertron is Iacon. In later issues of the Marvel comic line, Cybertron is shown to have weather, such as rain. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.11161543428897858, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticon", "passage": "Megatronus Prime/The Fallen. For a brief time, the Decepticon Thunderwing held the matrix, but when Optimus Prime reclaimed it, Thunderwing's presence was purged from the Matrix.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.95199966430664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "Both Autobots and Decepticons were created by Primus. In most continuities this is still the case. Though Marvel's original series gave no purpose other than benevolent self-image creation for Transformers, some continuities add/modify that the Transformers were created to defend the universe. Each of the various later Transformers comic incarnations had differing origin stories, generally based on fictions provided in the 1980s comic and cartoon series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.010741949081421, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In the original U.S. cartoon line, Autobots were the descendants of a line of robots created as consumer goods by the Quintessons on the planet Cybertron. Their bodies were forged by the Plasma Energy Chamber and given intelligence by the mega-computer Vector Sigma in order for the work to be carried out. Eventually, they developed sentience and rebelled against their creators. However, A-3, the resistance leader was displaced from time by Quintessons from the future in order to stop the insurgency. The resistance had help from future Autobots (whose transformation technology frightened them) and A-3 returned to turn the tide by activating his coda-remote which deactivated the Quintessons' Dark Guardian Robots. With the Quintessons cast off and forgotten, Cybertron was at peace. The consumer goods and military hardware bots renamed themselves as Autobots and Decepticons. However, the Decepticons wanted war. No match for the superior firepower and battle prowess of the Decepticons, the Autobots developed transformation technology (possibly with the help of the Dark Guardians) to win the war, bringing about the Golden Age of Cybertron. Eventually, the Decepticons also developed transformation and began the third Cybertronian War. They would have succeeded in completing their conquest had not more time-displaced Autobots blown up an energy warehouse and brought its workers to A-3, now renamed Alpha Trion, as the new defenders of Cybertron. For five million years, the Cybertronians warred over the remaining energy that was left. With this crisis, the Autobots, headed by Optimus Prime, made an expedition to find new energy sources. But the Decepticons intercepted them, causing the Autobot ship Ark to crash-land on Earth. During the next four million years the Beast Wars occur on Earth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.3445777893066406, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Four million years later in 1984, the volcano that the Ark was wedged in erupted, jarring the Arks main computer Teletraan I back online. Through use of Spy Satellites, Teletraan created new alternate forms for the Transformers out of earth vehicles (Like F-15 Eagles for Starscream and a Semi-trailer truck for Optimus Prime). The Decepticons were revived first and then the Autobots due to Starscream's carelessness. The Autobots made an alliance with the local humans, thus beginning the Great War. After waging the war for 21 years, the Autobots created Autobot City as their main base of operations while the Decepticons got complete control of Cybertron. In 2005, the Decepticons launched an attack on the city, resulting in the death of Optimus Prime. Optimus managed to pass the Matrix of Leadership to Ultra Magnus before his death. The city then received messages from the bases on Cybertron's moons being devoured by the transformer demi-god Unicron. After another Decepticon attack, the Autobots were scattered to two planets, Junk and Quintessa. Forming new allies on those planets, the Autobots headed for Cybertron. A young Autobot named Hot Rod used the recovered Matrix of Leadership from Galvatron (formerly Megatron) to destroy Unicron and became Rodimus Prime. With the Decepticons in disarray, the Autobots reclaimed Cybertron, bringing about a new age of peace and prosperity. In 2006, the Great War still raged. But both sides rediscovered the existence of the Quintessons. After numerous battles, the Hate Plague was unleashed. Rodimus ordered the uninfected Autobots to search for a Quintesson to revive Optimus Prime. An uninfected Quintesson was found and forced to restore Optimus Prime to life. Optimus would then recover the Matrix by defeating an infected Rodimus Prime, and cure the galaxy of the plague.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.9715016484260559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "After one year of peace, Galvatron gained access to the Plasma Energy Chamber. He planned to move Cybertron to Earth and use the Chamber's energies to overload the sun. However, all this was planned by Vector Sigma who wanted to restore Cybertron's Golden Age. Thanks to Spike Witwicky and the allied-Nebulons, Cybertron regained its golden hue. Optimus knew that there will always be Decepticons and the Autobots will always stop them. Each of the various later Transformers cartoon incarnations had differing origin stories, generally based on fictions provided in the 1984 cartoon (and occasionally comic) series. The one exception was Beast Wars, by which time most Autobots had been retrofitted into Maximals. This CG series and its sequel Beast Machines used the G1 cartoon as a historical base.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.649879813194275, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Ultracons", "passage": "After Autobot leader Optimus Prime and Decepticon leader Megatron disappeared in a Space Bridge accident several million years ago, the Autobots and Decepticons split up into several factions. One of those who broke away was Ratbat, who quickly took the opportunity to form his own power base. Gathering loyalist followers and setting up their HQ in the Polyhex region of Cybertron the Ultracons quickly came into conflict with the Autobot splinter faction The Wreckers. However, Ratbat added a secret weapon to his ranks – the combiner team the Constructicons, in flagrant defiance of treaties banning their use in the civil war as both Autobots and Decepticons splintered.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.14062286913394928, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "Later, hard times follow, with the Autobots becoming a corrupt galactic police force. While shutting down an Energon-mining operation, they incite a riot by beating an outspoken miner to death. The riot is extinguished, resulting in the miners either dead or imprisoned. A surviving miner, Megatron, manages to take over a prison shuttle and hide it in Kaon, the seediest city on Cybertron. Megatron makes a name for himself in the underground gladiatorial matches, learning to enjoy the kill. He recruits the Seekers, Soundwave, and the future Cassetticons to perform acts of terrorism throughout Cybertron. Megatron rallies a large group of gladiators and proposes for them to unite under the same badge, but they are caught and arrested by Sentinel Prime's police force. However, this is part of Megatron's plan, as Starscream kills the Autobot Senate. Megatron kills Sentinel Prime, and the newly forged Decepticons take over the city-state of Kaon, heralding the beginning of the war. The populace at large is distracted by mass sports race games, with racers like the arrogant but talented Blurr becoming celebrities. Early on during the war, both Autobot and Decepticon try to recruit Blurr to their cause, with a young Optimus talking Blurr into saving the life of Zeta Prime from Starscream's assassination squad. A rookie Tracks is saved from the elite Predacons by special ops soldier Jazz. In later years, Tracks passes on the story of the lone Autobot to boost morale in times of crisis. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3614490032196045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Around this time, a third group of Cybertronians form who are opposed to the war and both sides of it. They leave Cybertron and are never seen again. The war eventually devastates the planet, and a Decepticon scientist named Thunderwing suggests to graft Transformers with protective organic shells, which Megatron rejects. Thunderwing experiments on himself, becoming a beast who devastates Cybertron. The Decepticons recover more quickly and stage a new offensive against the Autobots, who suffer the loss of the charismatic Blaster, the voice of the Autobot resistance: he is shot and set adrift in space by a traitor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.10341331362724304, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "With their home world dead, the Transformers continue their war on other planets. The Decepticons escalate tensions on planets by replacing important people with loyal clones called facsimiles, allowing the worlds to destroy themselves before they move in for the energy resources, and send Sixshot to finish off the planets. Nonetheless, the two sides agree to the Tyrest Accord, in which they will not supply weapons to less advanced cultures. Scorponok violates this treaty on Nebulos, creating \"transformable men\" with the help of Mo Zarak's corporation, but an attack by Ultra Magnus forces him to flee. Badly damaged with only his decapitated head remaining, he arrives on Earth at some point and establishes the Machination, an organization dedicated to acquiring Transformer technology for their own ends. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.2590973377227783, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticon", "passage": "The Autobot race eventually evolve in to the Maximals, who, like their predecessors, are generally depicted as respecting all life and following a path of peace before war. They follow the tenets of the Pax Cybertronia. The Maximals are opposed by the Predacons. The Maximals are descendants of the Autobots. The Maximals and Predacons are much smaller than their Autobot and Decepticon ancestors, standing at roughly human size, rather than twenty or more feet tall. The storyline reason for the change in size was that their smaller forms were more energy-efficient. In the series, the maximals use the activation code \"maximize\" to transform, and have forms of seemingly peaceful creatures.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.5117843151092529, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Originally, the Autobots were not a faction, but the name of a peacekeeping organization; under the command of Optimus Prime, they defended Cyber City. Their headquarters was adorned with the motto \"Truth – Justice – Freedom\". They were unable to stop the Mini-Con-powered Decepticons from taking Cyber City, and for a million years they were reduced to a rebel organization desperately trying & failing to protect Cybertron. The reactivation of the Mini-Cons on Earth gave the Autobots an opportunity to gain Mini-Con power of their own, but eventually the Decepticons were beaten not by them, but due to the attack of Unicron.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0188663005828857, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Throughout the Unicron Trilogy, the Autobots switched motives after each major conflict. At first, they were attempting to liberate smaller robots, called Mini-Cons, from the tyrannical control of Megatron, who saw them as tools to be used and disposed of when no longer needed. The Autobots followed the Mini-Cons' ship to Earth, where they crashed and eventually continued their battle against the Decepticons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.689569354057312, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Megatron's final orders to his troops still stood: work with the Autobots. The Decepticons maintained a degree of autonomy, still wearing the faction sigil and often taking military/defensive positions in the growing number of energon-mining colonies, but they were ultimately answerable to Optimus Prime and the Autobots. There were, of course, dissenters, most of whom were captured and imprisoned. For a decade, Autobot and Decepticon worked side-by-side in a somewhat stable truce.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.5392768383026123, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticon", "passage": "Both sides found themselves the target of attacks from Unicron again; hordes of Terrorcon drones, sent by Alpha Quintesson to steal energon ore with which to revive the now-shattered husk of Unicron. What the alien did not count on was that Megatron's spark had survived within the remains, and was siphoning energon from Unicron's body. Soon the Decepticon leader had revived himself in a new form, driven off Alpha Quintesson, and, along with an elite cadre of soldiers and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of mindless Terrorcon drones, begun his new plans for conquest.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.971209526062012, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "When news of Megatron's return reached Cybertron, hundreds of Decepticons rose up and rebelled, eager to get back to conquering. But having been joined to Unicron for so long apparently had given Megatron a taste of godhood; he had no more interest in amassing a galaxy-spanning army of troops. Countless Decepticons died in the resulting battles, with Megatron more than willing to sacrifice them without a thought to attain ultimate power for himself. As the \"Powerlinx Battles\" – as they came to be called – came to their climax, Megatron found that his actions and thoughts were being influenced and controlled by the dark spark of Unicron. Unwilling to let Unicron stand in his way, Megatron ultimately sacrificed himself (again) and seemingly destroyed Unicron's spark by plunging himself into a newly formed energon sun created by Primus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.733919143676758, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "The remaining Decepticons joined the Autobots, save for four who left Earth to start the New Decepticon Army. Their ship made it to Mars before crashing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.5416359305381775, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In the 2007 Transformers live-action movie, Optimus Prime is the Autobot commander. His appearance is somewhat different from his original form, although he is still recognizable to many fans. In the movie his team of Autobots on Earth consists of only four members: Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide and Jazz. What is also duly noted is that the Autobots faces actually resemble the Autobot insignia, the same for the Decepticons. Later, Arcee, Skids, Mudflap, Sideswipe, Jolt, Que/Wheeljack, Dino/Mirage, the Wreckers, Hound, Drift, Crosshairs, and Dinobots come to Earth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.6157174110412598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, all surviving Autobots from the previous film, as well as newer arrivals, serve as part of a classified task force called NEST (Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty), which is dedicated to hunting and destroying Decepticons around the world. In this organization, Major William Lennox and Optimus Prime share field command of the human military personnel and the Autobot members respectively. The only exception to this assignment is Bumblebee, who stays with the Witwicky family as their bodyguard.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.893606424331665, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Although NEST has a productive history dealing with the Decepticons, a successful mission in Shanghai, which caused excessive collateral damage, drew criticism from the team's government superior National Security Advisor Galloway. He further suggests that since the primary Decepticon goal, gaining the remaining portions of the All Spark, is likely out of reach, the Autobots should leave the planet to draw their war with their enemy away. This conclusion is completely discredited when the Decepticons reappear in force to both steal that item and successfully revive Megatron. Furthermore, their execution of their superior's (the Fallen) plan to destroy the Sun reveals that numerous Decepticons are present on Earth, which more than justifies the Autobots' participation in national defense affairs. According to related materials, Bumblebee remains responsible for the Witwickys' security. Arcee, a Ducati motorcycle, amongst other Autobots make their live-action debut. A massive battle takes place in which Optimus Prime, killed by Megatron in an earlier battle, is revived by Sam and many Decepticons are killed, including Devastator, Scorponok, and the Fallen but Megatron and Starscream escape, albeit with Megatron severely injured and the Decepticon spymaster Soundwave also survives, having never participated in the battle.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.8554949164390564, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In Transformers: Dark of the Moon the Autobots, now consisting of Bumblebee (Sam's guardian), Que/Wheeljack, Sideswipe, Dino/Mirage, Ironhide, Optimus, Ratchet, and the Wreckers investigate alien activity around the world and have set up Energon Detectors in all the major cities in order to detect Decepticon activity. Apparently the Autobots haven't had any contact with the Decepticons since Egypt, or at least any major contact, but this changes when they travel to Chernobyl to investigate alien activity there and find an engine part from the Ark and are attacked by Shockwave and his Driller. The Autobots travel to the Moon after learning of the Ark and Sentinel Prime being there. After Sam Witwicky uncovers the Decepticons plot to use Sentinel, the Autobots are attacked by the Dreads before they are killed by Dino, Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Sideswipe. Sentinel reveals that he had been working with the Decepticons all along, murders Ironhide, assumes de facto control of the Decepticions, and issues an ultimatum to force the Autobots off Earth in the Xantium where they are apparently killed by Starscream. He and the Decepticons then seize and occupy Chicago in a brutal assault that ravages the city and leaves many of its residents dead. The Autobots survive, secretly make their way to Chicago and link up with a team led by Sam and Robert Epps. The Autobots battle an army of Decepticons and Decepticon ships to reach Sentinel and stop his plan to bring Cybertron to Earth and manage to eliminate most of the army including Laserbeak, the Driller, Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, and Barricade with the humans help, although Que is killed in the process. Optimus confronts Sentinel after shooting down the Control Pillar and stopping the Space Bridge temporarily. The Autobots and humans outmatch Sentinel who flees before engaging Optimus one on one, while Sam kills his human aide Dylan Gould who reactivates the pillars, allowing Ratchet and Bumblebee to destroy it. Deactivating the Space Bridge has the side-effect of destroying Cybertron however, but the Decepticons plot is foiled. Optimus is nearly killed by Sentinel, but Megatron attacks Sentinel after being shown by Carly Spencer that Sentinel had replaced him as the Decepticon's leader. Megatron slyly offers Optimus a truce, but Optimus sees it as a ruse for Megatron to merely resume control of the Decepticons and regroup his forces instead of a genuine offer leading to the end of the war. He thus attacks and kills Megatron. Severely weakened by Megatron's attack, Sentinel pleads with Optimus for mercy and tries to justify his actions and betrayal of everything the Autobots stand for. Optimus outright rejects his pleas and executes him for his crimes. The Autobots score a major victory as much of the Decepticon army on Earth is decimated (there are still scattered Decepticons around the globe) and their entire command structure has been killed, but they also lose Cybertron and must accept Earth as their new home.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.6837882995605469, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Not much has been revealed about the Autobots in Transformers Animated continuity. What is known is that they were in a war with the Decepticons prior to the series and won, but according to Ratchet, they only won because of three things: the Autobot-exclusive Space Bridge technology, Project Omega, and by sending the AllSpark into space to keep the Decepticons from getting it. This isn't the first continuity where the war with Decepticons was already over, but it is the first where Optimus Prime isn't the supreme Autobot leader. Instead, he just commands a space bridge repair crew. Ultra Magnus is the Autobot Supreme Commander. Also, a single Autobot is typically considerably weaker than a single Decepticon. In fact, a team of Autobots is often weaker than a single Decepticon, to the point that a single Decepticon can trash the Autobots several times over, and even win, in some episodes. Unlike other continuities, the Autobots here aren't 100% good, and are slightly oppressive. Two examples: Wasp was portrayed as very arrogant, and Sentinel Prime was portrayed as hating organic life in a way almost as bad as the Decepticons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.0072190165519714355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "A series of stories printed by Fun Publications, set in a variety of continuities, the Autobots of alternate worlds can vary greatly from the classic Autobot image. In the Transtech storyline, the Autobots and Decepticons are merely political factions on a Cybertron which never broke out into war. Lines between good and evil are more blurred.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2517801523208618, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "A massive eruption of power during the battle on the meteor breaks out, and the Autobots become separated from Jack, Miko and Raf, who are monitoring them at base. Unknown to the Autobots and their human friends, the Decepticons have uncoved Thunderwing, an ancient power that they will use to try to take over the Earth. Over the course of the game they will be different locations as well as different battles along the way. Some may include having to rescue the kids from the dreaded Decepticons. Others may involve having to find pieces of the great and powerful Thunderwing. Eventually though the main rivals of the characters are defeated including Airachnid, Knock Out, Dreadwing, Starscream, and Soundwave by Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Optimus but Thunderwing is revived by the very end of the chapters. In the end the kids are rescued and a final stand off with Megatron occurs leading to the battle with Thunderwing to determine the fate of earth itself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.7897827625274658, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "After Megatron's apparent death, new Decepticon leader Starscream does not stray from Megatron's path and recruits several new Decepticons. Starscream attempts many missions to destroy the Autobots and find their headquarters, while keeping a shard of the \"last\" remaining Dark Energon that he took out of Megatron's chest. In the episode \"Out of His Head\", Megatron returns after an incident where he Takes control of Bumblebee's mind. Megatron then reclaims leadership of the Decepticons, keeping a strict eye on Starscream. After Starscream uses Megatron's share of Dark Energon, he tries to find more to once again bring back his \"un-dead army\". At the end of the episode \"Partners\", Starscream became an independent and hasn't been seen or heard from ever since.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.6054632663726807, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "During the final four episodes of the season, the Autobots unwillingly team up with Megatron to battle a legendary threat to Earth's existence, Unicron. To defeat Unicron, Optimus uses the Matrix of Leadership. With this sacrifice, he not only loses the Wisdom of the Primes but also his memories of the war and his comrades, and joins Megatron as a Decepticon under his old name, Orion Pax. Orion is tricked by Megatron into decoding relics. The Autobots regain Optimus's memories and save their leader. But the Decepticons continue to look for relics. After a four-part relic hunt, Bulkhead is injured. But regains his strength later. Smokescreen later lands on Earth and joins Team Prime in \"New Recruit\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.276546001434326, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Optimus briefly wields the Star Saber, before Megatron breaks it with his Dark Star Saber, and Optimus then decodes the final four relics, the Omega Keys, to regenerate Cybertron. The Autobots got the first key, Knockout got the second, and Starscream got the third. The fourth and final one was inside Smokescreen the whole time. After the Decepticons kidnap him, Knock Out uses the phase shifter to get it out of him. After finding out the purpose of the keys, by using a cortical psychic patch on Smokescreen. When Megatron leaves Knock Out alone with him, Smokescreen and Knock Out fight over the phase shifter. He sticks Knock Out in a wall and leaves him there. He takes the one the Decepticons had and his and escaped the ship, starting a free fall battle. After, he went back to the base. Starscream them went to steal the three the Autobots had. Starscream, now with all four, uses them as a peace offering to rejoin the Decepticons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.139796018600464, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "Dreadwing, angry that Megatron allowed Starscrean to rejoin the Decepticons, gives Optimus the Forge of Solus Prime, and attempts to kill Starscream but is killed in the process, by Megatron. Knockout and Starscream use the keys and find out the location of the Omega Lock, Optimus already knew its location and turns the Goundbridge into a spacebridge, and reforges the Star saber. They go to Cybertron, fighting off the Decepticons with relics, take back to keys and kill all the Vehicons. They go to the Omega Lock. Sadly, it's a victory short lived, as the Decepticon force them to give them back the keys, or they will expose Jack, Miko, and Raf to Cybertron's toxic atmosphere. The Autobots give them the keys, with Megatron uses to rebuild the Hall of Records, then he opens a space bridge, and tries to terraform Earth into a new planet called New Kaon. Optimus takes his Star Saber and cuts off Megatron's arm and destroys the Omega Lock, leaving Cybertron in its liveless state forever. They retreat back to Earth, only to find that Jasper, Nevada has now been changed into a giant fortress. The Nemesis lands there, and Optimus discovers they found their base. Vehicons start attacking the base. Wheeljack and Agent Fowler try and hold off the new Vehicons. Optimus has Team Prime split up to different parts of the country. Ratchet was last asking Optimus where he would go, Optimus said he would stay behind and destroy the groundbridge, so that the Decepticons would not find them. Outside, Wheeljack's Jackhammer is shot down by Starscream. The Decepticons blew up the base with Optimus inside. Agent Fowler and June Darby watch in horror. Megatron and Starscream go the remains of the base. Laughing about their victory, as the screen pans over to see Optimus's arm sticking out of the rubble.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.783635139465332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticon", "passage": "Optimus survived the explosion-barely-due to the efforts of Smokescreen, who disobeyed orders and returned to base, rescuing him and taking him to safety. The various other Autobots, scattered across North America, were reassembled due in part to the arrival of Ultra Magnus, who detected the Omega Lock's energy beam and followed it to Earth. Under Magnus's leadership, Wheeljack and the other members of Team Prime attacked Darkmount, the Decepticon stronghold, but were quickly subdued. However, they were rescued by the return of Optimus, who had been healed of his injuries and upgraded into a new, more powerful form by the Forge of Solus Prime, which was drained in the process. Destroying Darkmount, the Autobots set up a new base at a military base in Nevada where Agent Fowler keeps his office. Shortly thereafter, they learned of a Decepticon effort to clone an army of Predacons to destroy them, and endeavored to prevent the success of this project.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.7315897941589355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "The series ended with the TV movie Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, which aired on October 4, 2013. The Autobots return to Cybertron, having successfully made it habitable with the rebuilt Omega Lock. Optimus Prime and Wheeljack travel into deep space to find the AllSpark, the legendary source of all life on Cybertron, which is needed to allow the creation of new Cybertronian life. The mind of Unicron is re-awakened by Cybertron's restoration, and taking control of Megatron's corpse he flies to Cybertron, planning to destroy it once and for all. Elsewhere, Shockwave and Starscream continue to clone the fossilized remains of Predacons, creating new Predacons Darksteel and Skylynx. When Unicron returns to Cybertron and raises an army of Terrorcons from Predacon remains, the Autobots, Decepticons, and Predacons must join forces to defeat him and save their home world. Optimus is able to seal away Unicron, but at the cost of his own life as he is forced to merge himself with Primus. Freed from Unicron's oppression, Megatron disbands the Decepticons and leaves Cybertron.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.6906595230102539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticons", "passage": "The heroic faction in Transformers: Rescue Bots is referred to as the Rescue Bots. One last team of Rescue Bots called Rescue Force Sigma-17 survived the Great War on Cybertron and eventually landed on Earth. Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and Blades were traveling as protoforms in stasis aboard their spacecraft when their ship's computer intercepted a general communication from Optimus Prime intended for all Autobots. Cybertron had fallen, but the Autobots still stood, and any scattered Autobots were given a priority prime order to rendezvous on Earth. Their ship's computer automatically responded by traveling to Earth and awakening Rescue Force Sigma-17. Optimus Prime was there to greet them and give them the news that they were the only known Rescue Force still active, that Cybertron Headquarters was no longer in operation, and Autobots lived on Earth now instead of Cybertron. After deliberating on the matter, Optimus Prime gave the team their new orders. Rather than fighting Decepticons, they were to covertly live with a human family to learn from them and keep the planet safe. Heatwave resisted the idea, so Optimus Prime appointed him team leader of the Rescue Bots.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.1518313884735107, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "Decepticon", "passage": "In the sequel series to Transformers: Prime, Bumblebee leads a new team of Autobots consisting of Sideswipe, Strongarm, Grimlock, and Fixit on Earth against a group of escaped Decepticon prisoners led by the charismatic Steeljaw. Along the way, Bumblebee slowly learns to replace Optimus Prime as a leader while his team meets several new allies including human Denny Clay, his son Russell, and Autobots Jazz, Drift, his Mini-Con pupils Jetstorm and Slipstream, and Windblade. Meanwhile, in limbo, Optimus Prime spends time training under the original Thirteen Primes in preparation for the return of an ancient enemy. This ancient enemy turns out to be Megatronus/The Fallen, who uses Steeljaw and his pack to transport him to Earth. Optimus convinces the Primes to send him back to Earth and is given a new upgrade in the process. With help from Optimus, Drift, Jetstorm, Slipstream, and Windblade, Bumblebee and his team manage to defeat Megatronus. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.145615339279175, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" }, { "answer": "The Decepticons", "passage": "In season two, the team splits up. While Bumblebee, Grimlock, Fixit, and Strongarm stay behind to deal with Steeljaw as he reforms his pack with a few new members, Optimus, Sideswipe, Windblade, Drift, Slipstream, and Jetstorm deal with the appearances of several Decepticons around the globe. In the season finale, the two team reunite as Ratchet returns with a new Mini-Con partner, Undertone. The Autobots then infiltrate the Decepticon's base, a section of the prison ship Steeljaw and the others escaped from, and manage to defeat the Decepticons using a stasis bomb. In the aftermath, Optimus, Windblade, Ratchet, and Undertone return to Cybertron with the Decepticon prisoners, including Steeljaw, and the rest of Bumblebee's team decides to establish a new, permanent Autobot base on Earth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4710090160369873, "source": "wiki", "title": "Autobot" } ]
Name the only US president who has won the medal of honor.
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "teddy roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Teddy Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Arthur MacArthur, Jr. and Douglas MacArthur are the first father and son to be awarded the Medal of Honor. The only other such pairing is Theodore Roosevelt (awarded in 2001) and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.", "precise_score": 6.4262895584106445, "rough_score": 7.661671161651611, "source": "wiki", "title": "Medal of Honor" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.534860610961914, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.978367328643799, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "T Ros", "passage": "On May 2, 1896, Congress authorized a \"ribbon to be worn with the medal and [a] rosette or knot to be worn in lieu of the medal.\" The service ribbon is light blue with five white stars in the form of an \"M\". It is placed first in the top position in the order of precedence and is worn for situations other than full-dress military uniform. The lapel button is a , six-sided light blue bowknot rosette with thirteen white stars and may be worn on appropriate civilian clothing on the left lapel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.346156120300293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Medal of Honor" } ]
Dec 18, 2008 marked the death of Mark Felt. What prominent role in the watergate scandals did he play?
{ "aliases": [ "Deep Throat (disambiguation)", "Deepthroat", "Deep Throat", "Deep-throat", "Deep throat" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "deep throat disambiguation", "deepthroat", "deep throat" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "deep throat", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Deep Throat" }
[ { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "William Mark Felt, Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agent who retired as the Bureau's Deputy Director in 1973. After keeping secret for 30 years his involvement with reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Felt admitted to being the Watergate scandal's whistleblower, \"Deep Throat,\" on May 31, 2005.", "precise_score": 5.77986478805542, "rough_score": 6.767263889312744, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Library Journal wrote in its review that \"at one time Felt was assumed to be Watergate's 'Deep Throat'; in this interesting but hardly sensational memoir, he makes it clear that that honor, if honor it be, lies elsewhere.\" The memoir was a strong defense of Hoover and his tenure as Director and condemned the reaction to criticisms of the Bureau made in the 1970s by the Church Committee and civil libertarians. He also denounced the treatment of Bureau agents as criminals and said the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act of 1974 only served to interfere with government work and helped criminals. (The flavor of his criticisms is apparent with the very first words of the book: \"The Bill of Rights is not a suicide pact\", Justice Robert H. Jackson's comment in his dissent to Terminiello v. City of Chicago, 337 U.S. 1 (1949)). The New York Times Book Review was highly critical of the book, saying Felt \"seeks to perpetuate a view of Hoover and the FBI that is no longer seriously peddled even on the backs of cereal boxes\" and contains \"a disturbing number of factual errors\", sentiments echoed by Curt Gentry who said Felt was \"the keeper of the Hoover flame.\"", "precise_score": -2.9694719314575195, "rough_score": -2.577413558959961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Public response varied widely. Felt's family called him an \"American hero\", suggesting that he leaked information for moral or patriotic reasons. G. Gordon Liddy, who was convicted of burglary in the Watergate scandal, said Felt should have gone to the grand jury rather than leak. Some critics doubted Felt's story on the grounds that his mental state was foggy since the stroke he had had several years earlier. Soon afterwards, however, Woodward and Bernstein both confirmed that Felt was in fact Deep Throat.", "precise_score": 0.49601101875305176, "rough_score": -0.5313026905059814, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Chief among the Post's anonymous sources was an individual whom Woodward and Bernstein had nicknamed Deep Throat; 33 years later, in 2005, the informant was identified as William Mark Felt, Sr., deputy director of the FBI during that period of the 1970s, something Woodward later confirmed. Felt met secretly with Woodward several times, telling him of Howard Hunt's involvement with the Watergate break-in, and that the White House staff regarded the stakes in Watergate extremely high. Felt warned Woodward that the FBI wanted to know where he and other reporters were getting their information, as they were uncovering a wider web of crimes than the FBI first disclosed. All of the secret meetings between Woodward and \"Deep Throat\" (W. Mark Felt) took place at an underground parking garage somewhere in Rosslyn over a period from June 1972 to January 1973. Prior to resigning from the FBI on June 22, 1973, Felt also anonymously planted leaks about Watergate to Time magazine, the Washington Daily News and other publications.[ \"The profound lies of Deep Throat\"], The Miami Herald, February 14, 2012 ", "precise_score": 0.6423899531364441, "rough_score": 0.6015445590019226, "source": "wiki", "title": "Watergate scandal" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included \"dirty tricks,\" or bugging the offices of political opponents and the harassment of activist groups and political figures. The activities were brought to light after five men were caught breaking into Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972. The Washington Post picked up on the story; reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward relied on an informant known as \"Deep Throat\"—later revealed to be Mark Felt, associate director at the FBI—to link the men to the Nixon administration. Nixon downplayed the scandal as mere politics, calling news articles biased and misleading. A series of revelations made it clear that the Committee to Re-elect President Nixon, and later the White House, was involved in attempts to sabotage the Democrats. Senior aides such as White House Counsel John Dean faced prosecution; in total 48 officials were convicted of wrongdoing.", "precise_score": 1.6633561849594116, "rough_score": 0.023216713219881058, "source": "wiki", "title": "Richard Nixon" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Bob Woodward first describes his source nicknamed Deep Throat in All the President's Men as a \"source in the Executive Branch who had access to information at CRP (the Committee to Re-elect the President, Nixon's 1972 campaign organization), as well as at the White House.\" The book also calls Deep Throat an \"incurable gossip\" who was \"in a unique position to observe the Executive Branch\", a man \"whose fight had been worn out in too many battles\". Woodward had known the source before Watergate and had discussed politics and government with him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.371023178100586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "In 2005, Woodward wrote that he first met Felt at the White House in 1969 or 1970 when Woodward was an aide to Admiral Thomas Hinman Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was delivering papers to the White House Situation Room. In his book The Secret Man, Woodward described Felt as a \"tall man with perfectly combed gray hair ... distinguished looking\" with a \"studied air of confidence, even what might be called a command presence\". They stayed in touch and spoke on the telephone several times. When Woodward started working at the Washington Post, he phoned Felt on several occasions to ask for information for articles in the paper. Felt's information, taken on a promise that Woodward would never reveal its origin, was a source for a few stories, notably for an article on May 18, 1972, about Arthur H. Bremer, who shot George C. Wallace. When the Watergate story broke, Woodward called on his friend. Felt advised Woodward on June 19 that E. Howard Hunt was involved; the telephone number of his White House office had been listed in the address book of one of the burglars. Initially, Woodward's source was known at the Post as \"My Friend\", but was tagged \"Deep Throat\" by Post editor Howard Simons, after the film Deep Throat. Woodward has written that the idea for the nickname first came to Simons because Felt had been providing the information on a deep background basis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.248936653137207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Woodward claimed that when he wanted to meet Deep Throat, he would move a flowerpot with a red flag on the balcony of his apartment, number 617, at the Webster House at 1718 P Street, Northwest, and on occasion when Deep Throat wanted a meeting, he would circle the page number on page twenty of Woodward's copy of The New York Times and draw clock hands to signal the hour. Adrian Havill questioned these claims in his 1993 biography of Woodward and Bernstein, stating Woodward's balcony faced an interior courtyard and was not visible from the street, but Woodward responded that it has been bricked in since he lived there. Havill also claimed that copies of The Times were not delivered marked by apartment, but Woodward and a former neighbor disputed this claim. Woodward has stated:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.954769134521484, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Felt swore to me that he was not Deep Throat, that he had never leaked information to the Woodward-Bernstein team or anyone else. The book was published and bombed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.488910675048828, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Kessler said in his book that the measures Woodward took to conceal his meeting with Felt lent \"credence\" to the notion that Felt was Deep Throat. After Woodward confirmed that Felt was Deep Throat, the New York Post said on June 3, 2005, \"There are plenty of people claiming they knew Deep Throat was actually former FBI man Mark Felt ... On May 3, 2002, PAGE SIX reported that Ronald Kessler, author of The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI, says that all the evidence points to former top FBI official W. Mark Felt.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.25364351272583, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Deep Throat speculation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.107209205627441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "The identity of Deep Throat was debated for more than three decades, and Felt was frequently mentioned as a possibility. An October 1990 Washingtonian magazine article about \"Washington secrets\" listed the 15 most prominent Deep Throat candidates, and Felt's name was among them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.34510612487793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Jack Limpert published evidence as early as 1974 that Felt was the informant. On June 25 of that year, a few weeks after All the President's Men was published, The Wall Street Journal ran an editorial, \"If You Drink Scotch, Smoke, Read, Maybe You're Deep Throat.\" It began \"W. Mark Felt says he isn't now, nor has he ever been Deep Throat.\" The Journal quoted Felt saying the character was a \"composite\" and \"I'm just not that kind of person.\" In 1975, George V. Higgins wrote: \"Mark Felt knows more reporters than most reporters do, and there are some who think he had a Washington Post alias borrowed from a dirty movie.\" During a grand jury investigation in 1976, Felt was called to testify and the prosecutor, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights J. Stanley Pottinger, discovered that Felt was \"Deep Throat\", but the secrecy of the proceedings preserved the secrecy of Felt's alter ego from the public.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.4683308601379395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Alexander P. Butterfield, the White House aide best known for revealing the existence of Nixon's taping system, told The Hartford Courant in 1995, \"I think it was a guy named Mark Felt.\" In July 1999, Felt was identified as Deep Throat by The Hartford Courant, citing Chase Culeman-Beckman, a nineteen-year-old from Port Chester, New York. Culeman-Beckman said Jacob Bernstein, the son of Carl Bernstein and Nora Ephron, had told him the name at summer camp in 1988, and that Jacob claimed he had been told by his father. Felt denied the identification to the Courant saying \"No, it's not me. I would have done better. I would have been more effective. Deep Throat didn't exactly bring the White House crashing down, did he?\" Bernstein said his son didn't know. \"Bob and I have been wise enough never to tell our wives, and we've certainly never told our children.\" (Bernstein reiterated on June 2, 2005, on the Today Show that his wife had never known.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.974810600280762, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Leonard Garment, President Nixon's former law partner who became White House counsel after John W. Dean's resignation, ruled Felt out as Deep Throat in his 2000 book In Search of Deep Throat. Garment wrote:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.285517692565918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "The Felt theory was a strong one ... Felt had a personal motive for acting. After the death of J. Edgar Hoover ... Felt thought he was a leading candidate to succeed Hoover ... The characteristics were a good fit. The trouble with Felt's candidacy was that Deep Throat in All the President's Men simply did not sound to me like a career FBI man.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.578644275665283, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "In February 2005, reports surfaced that Woodward had prepared Deep Throat's obituary because he was near death. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist was battling cancer at the time (he would die in September 2005), and the rumors led to speculation that Rehnquist might have been Deep Throat. Rehnquist was a Justice Department official early in the Nixon administration and was an associate justice of the Supreme Court at the time Deep Throat was active.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.841470718383789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Deep Throat revealed", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414860725402832, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Vanity Fair magazine revealed Felt was Deep Throat on May 31, 2005 when it published an article (eventually appearing in the July issue of the magazine) on its website by John D. O'Connor, an attorney acting on Felt's behalf, in which Felt said, \"I'm the guy they used to call Deep Throat.\" After the Vanity Fair story broke, Benjamin C. Bradlee, the Editor of the Washington Post during Watergate, confirmed that Felt was Deep Throat. According to the Vanity Fair article, Felt was persuaded to come out by his family, who wanted to capitalize on the book deals and other lucrative opportunities that Felt would inevitably be offered in order, at least in part, to pay off his grandchildren's education. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.126352787017822, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "I had been gloriously and illegally deceived, and Deep Throat was, in characteristic style, back in business — which given his history of betrayal, was par for the course.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.440079689025879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "Speculation about Felt's motives at the time of the scandal has varied widely as well. Some suggested it was revenge for Nixon's choosing Gray over Felt to replace Hoover as FBI Director. Others suggest Felt acted out of institutional loyalty to the FBI. Political scientist George Friedman argued that: \"The Washington Post created a morality play about an out-of-control government brought to heel by two young, enterprising journalists and a courageous newspaper. That simply wasn't what happened. Instead, it was about the FBI using The Washington Post to leak information to destroy the president, and The Washington Post willingly serving as the conduit for that information while withholding an essential dimension of the story by concealing Deep Throat's identity.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.53500509262085, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" }, { "answer": "Deep Throat", "passage": "In the summer of 2005, Woodward published his account of his contacts with Felt, The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat (ISBN 0-7432-8715-0).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.474023818969727, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mark Felt" } ]
What is the name of the Christmas Poo, who emerges from the toilet bowl on Christmas Eve and brings presents to good boys and girls whose diets have been high in fiber, who appears on TVs South Park?
{ "aliases": [ "Ned Gerblansky", "Priest Maxi", "Chef's Parents", "Terrance Henry Stoot", "Dr. Alphonse Mephesto and Kevin", "List of Recurring Characters in South Park", "Minor Characters in South Park", "List of other South Park residents", "Big Gay Al", "Terrence and Phillip", "Towlie", "Jesus and Pals", "Shitty Wok", "Phillip Niles Argyle", "Lu Kim", "Chef's parents", "Stephen McTowelie", "Terrence and Philip", "Terrance and phillip", "Terrence and philip", "Terence and Philip", "Mr Hankey", "Terrance & Philip", "Towlie (South Park episode)", "Recurring South Park characters", "Mr. Kitty", "Terrance & Phillip", "Dr. Alphonse Mephisto", "Terrance and Philip", "Mayor McDaniels", "Sergeant Yates", "Mayor McDaniels (South Park)", "RG-400 Smart Towel", "Mr. Hankey", "RG-400", "Tarrance and Phillip", "Chris (South Park)", "Skeeter (South Park)", "Towelie (character)", "Dr. Mephisto", "Dr. Mephesto", "Mr.hanky", "List of supporting characters in South Park", "Al (South Park)", "Daryl Weathers", "Tuong Lu Kim", "Terrance and philip", "Jc and pals", "Don't forget to bring a towel", "Santa Claus (South Park)", "Darryl Weathers", "Dr. Doctor", "Scott (South Park)", "Saddam Hussein (South Park)", "Sparky The Dog", "Jesus (South Park)", "Ugly Bob", "Towelyey", "Mr Hanky", "Barbrady", "Tarrance And Phhilp", "God (South Park)", "Satan (South Park)", "Mr Kitty", "Terrence and phillip", "List of recurring South Park characters", "Officer Barbrady", "Dr Mephisto", "Terrance and Phillip", "List of recurring characters in South Park", "Scott the Dick", "Alphonse Mephisto", "Mr. Hanky", "List of minor characters on South Park", "Towely", "List of supporting characters on South Park", "Father Maxi" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "rg 400 smart towel", "santa claus south park", "dr mephisto", "terrance and phillip", "officer barbrady", "dr mephesto", "list of supporting characters on south park", "skeeter south park", "tarrance and phillip", "phillip niles argyle", "list of other south park residents", "ned gerblansky", "terence and philip", "terrence and philip", "don t forget to bring towel", "dr doctor", "ugly bob", "recurring south park characters", "darryl weathers", "daryl weathers", "list of recurring south park characters", "alphonse mephisto", "satan south park", "towelie character", "list of recurring characters in south park", "jc and pals", "mayor mcdaniels", "god south park", "terrance and philip", "list of minor characters on south park", "father maxi", "mr hanky", "terrance phillip", "jesus and pals", "saddam hussein south park", "priest maxi", "chris south park", "sparky dog", "terrance henry stoot", "dr alphonse mephisto", "rg 400", "sergeant yates", "terrence and phillip", "mayor mcdaniels south park", "list of supporting characters in south park", "minor characters in south park", "towelyey", "tarrance and phhilp", "big gay al", "shitty wok", "al south park", "towely", "towlie south park episode", "towlie", "mr kitty", "scott south park", "stephen mctowelie", "chef s parents", "lu kim", "mr hankey", "tuong lu kim", "barbrady", "scott dick", "jesus south park", "dr alphonse mephesto and kevin", "terrance philip" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "mr hankey", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Mr Hankey" }
[ { "answer": "Mr. Hankey", "passage": "Chef Aid: The South Park Album, a compilation of original songs from the show, characters performing cover songs, and tracks performed by guest artists was released in 1998, while Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics, a compilation of songs performed by the characters in the episode of the same name as well as other Christmas-themed songs was released in 1999, as was the soundtrack to the feature film. The song \"Chocolate Salty Balls\" (performed by Hayes as Chef) was released as a single in the UK in 1998 to support the Chef Aid: The South Park Album and became a number one hit. ", "precise_score": -7.032373428344727, "rough_score": -7.701473712921143, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Park" }, { "answer": "Mr. Hankey", "passage": "As Jesus vs. Santa became more popular, Parker and Stone began talks of developing the short into a television series. Fox refused to pick up the series, not wanting to air a show that included the character Mr. Hankey, a talking piece of feces. The two then entered negotiations with both MTV and Comedy Central. Parker preferred the show be produced by Comedy Central, fearing that MTV would turn it into a kids show. When Comedy Central executive Doug Herzog watched the short, he commissioned for it to be developed into a series. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.824427604675293, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Park" }, { "answer": "Big Gay Al", "passage": "Natasha Henstridge, Norman Lear, and Peter Serafinowicz have guest starred as other speaking characters. During South Park's earliest seasons, several high-profile celebrities inquired about guest-starring on the show. As a joke, Parker and Stone responded by offering low-profile, non-speaking roles, most of which were accepted; George Clooney provided the barks for Stan's dog Sparky in the season one (1997) episode \"Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride\", Leno provided the meows for Cartman's cat in the season one finale \"Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut\", and Henry Winkler voiced the various growls and grunts of a kid-eating monster in the season two (1998) episode \"City on the Edge of Forever\". Jerry Seinfeld offered to lend his voice for the Thanksgiving episode \"Starvin' Marvin\", but declined to appear when he was only offered a role as \"Turkey #2\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.773481369018555, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Park" }, { "answer": "Big Gay Al", "passage": "South Park won the CableACE Award for Best Animated Series in 1997, the last year the awards were given out. In 1998, South Park was nominated for the Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement in an Animated Primetime or Late Night Television Program. It was also nominated for the 1998 GLAAD Award for Outstanding TV – Individual Episode for \"Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.596040725708008, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Park" } ]
What is the name of the King of Halloween Town who tries to take over Christmas in the Disney movie The Nightmare Before Christmas?
{ "aliases": [ "Jack Skellington", "Jack Skeleton", "Jack Skelington", "Jack skellington" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "jack skeleton", "jack skelington", "jack skellington" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "jack skellington", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Jack Skellington" }
[ { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "The Nightmare Before Christmas, often promoted as Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, is a 1993 American stop motion dark fantasy musical film directed by Henry Selick, and produced and conceived by Tim Burton. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a character from \"Halloween Town\" who stumbles through a portal to \"Christmas Town\" and decides to celebrate the holiday, with some dastardly and comical consequences. Danny Elfman wrote the film score and voiced the singing role of Jack. The principal voice cast also includes Chris Sarandon, Catherine O'Hara, William Hickey, Ken Page, Paul Reubens and Glenn Shadix.", "precise_score": 5.754406929016113, "rough_score": 6.668493270874023, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "The story starts in a forest called Holiday Woods with seven trees containing doors leading to towns representing various holidays: Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween and Independence Day. Halloween Town is a fantasy world filled with citizens such as deformed monsters, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, vampires, werewolves and witches. Jack Skellington, a skeleton known as The Pumpkin King, leads them in organizing the annual Halloween holiday (\"This is Halloween\"). However, in a monologue, Jack reveals he has grown weary of the same routine year after year, and wants something more (\"Jack's Lament\"). Wandering dejectedly in the woods, he stumbles across the seven holiday doors and accidentally opens a portal to Christmas Town, whose residents are charged with organizing the annual Christmas holiday (\"What's This?\"). Impressed by the bright and cheery feeling and style of Christmas, Jack presents his findings and his understanding of Christmas, to the Halloween Town residents. However, they fail to grasp his meaning and compare everything to their ideas of Halloween, although there is one Christmas character they can relate to: the fearsome lobster-like king of Christmas Town who flies at night, named \"Sandy Claws\" (\"Town Meeting Song\"). Jack is dismayed that no one understands the feeling of Christmas, obsessively tries to study the holiday but fails to grasp any further explanation of it. He ultimately decides that it's unfair for Christmas Town alone to enjoy the feeling and there's no reason why he shouldn't be able to, and announces that the citizens of Halloween Town will take over Christmas this year (\"Jack's Obsession\").", "precise_score": 4.600367069244385, "rough_score": 6.662509918212891, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "A video game developed by Capcom, The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge, was released for PlayStation 2 and Xbox on October 21, 2004 in Japan, September 30, 2005 in Europe and October 10, 2005 in North America. Set after the events of the film, the player controls Jack as he fights against Oogie Boogie, who is revived and takes over Halloween Town and plots to take over all of the Holiday Worlds. Another game (a prequel this time), The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King, was developed by Tose Co., Ltd. and was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2005. A Jack Skellington figure was released for Disney Infinity in October 2013.", "precise_score": 6.610651969909668, "rough_score": 7.648985385894775, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "A 168-card Munchkin Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Munchkin was developed by USAopoly featuring the citizens of Halloween Town such as Jack Skellington, Oogie Boogie, Doctor Finklestein and Lock, Shock and Barrel. The game comes with a custom die similar to the ones used by Oogie Boogie in the film.", "precise_score": 5.573115825653076, "rough_score": 6.195104122161865, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington is a character and the protagonist of the 1993 film The Nightmare Before Christmas. Jack is the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town and lives in a make believe town based solely on the Halloween holiday. ", "precise_score": 7.6605072021484375, "rough_score": 8.29154109954834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington introduces himself to Sora, Goofy, and Donald Duck as the ruler of Halloween Town. Jack plans to use the heart that Finklestein created to control the seemingly docile Heartless to make a festival called \"Heartless Halloween\" so that Halloween can be frightening, but the idea fails when not only the first experiment cause the Heartless to go berserk, but Oogie Boogie steals the finished heart, and plans to use it to take over Halloween Town. At Oogie's manor, Jack, Sora, and the gang confront him. After Oogie is defeated, Jack finds out that Oogie uses dark orbs as his source of life, which Oogie combines himself with his manor to become a giant boss. Once the gang defeats Oogie once again, and his manor crumbles, revealing Halloween Town's keyhole. Jack is considerably shorter in this game than as he appeared in the movie, though he is still rather tall when compared to the game's main protagonists.", "precise_score": 2.2711968421936035, "rough_score": 3.065114974975586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "* Chris Sarandon (speaking voice) and Danny Elfman (singing voice) as Jack Skellington: A skeleton known as the \"Pumpkin King\" of Halloween Town. He owns a ghost dog named Zero, who has a small, glowing jack-o'-lantern nose. Danny Elfman also voices Barrell, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.6142199635505676, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "* Danny Elfman as Barrel. Elfman also does the singing voice of Jack Skellington.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.2855806350708, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Elfman found writing Nightmares 11 songs as \"one of the easiest jobs I've ever had. I had a lot in common with Jack Skellington.\" Caroline Thompson still had yet to be hired to write the screenplay. With Thompson's screenplay, Selick stated, \"there are very few lines of dialogue that are Caroline's. She became busy on other films and we were constantly rewriting, reconfiguring and developing the film visually.\" The work of Ray Harryhausen, Ladislas Starevich, Edward Gorey, Charles Addams, Jan Lenica, Francis Bacon and Wassily Kandinsky influenced the filmmakers. Selick described the production design as akin to a pop-up book. In addition, Selick stated, \"When we reach Halloween Town, it's entirely German Expressionism. When Jack enters Christmas Town, it's an outrageous Dr. Seuss-esque setpiece. Finally, when Jack is delivering presents in the 'Real World', everything is plain, simple and perfectly aligned.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.903288841247559, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "The filmmakers constructed 227 puppets to represent the characters in the movie, with Jack Skellington having \"around four hundred heads\", allowing the expression of every possible emotion. Sally's mouth movements \"were animated through the replacement method. During the animation process, [...] only Sally's face 'mask' was removed in order to preserve the order of her long, red hair. Sally had ten types of faces, each made with a series of eleven expressions (e.g. eyes open and closed, and various facial poses) and synchronised mouth movements.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.756001472473145, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "The stop motion figurine of Jack Skellington was reused in James and the Giant Peach (also directed by Selick) as Captain Jack.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.662325859069824, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "The owners of the franchise have undertaken an extensive marketing campaign of these characters across many media. In addition to the Haunted Mansion Holiday at Disneyland featuring the film's characters, Jack Skellington, Sally, Pajama Jack, and the Mayor have been made into Bendies figures, while Jack and Sally even appear in fine art. Moreover, Sally has been made into an action figure and a Halloween costume. A Jack Skellington figurine is available for the Disney Infinity video game, allowing the character to be playable in the game's \"Toy Box Mode\". Jack is also the titular character in the short story \"Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack's Story\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.723090410232544, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jim Edwards contends that \"Tim Burton's animated movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is really a movie about the marketing business. The movie's lead character, Jack Skellington, the chief marketing officer (CMO) for a successful company, decides that his success is boring and he wants the company to have a different business plan.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.1260012835264206, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "A collectible card game based on the film called The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG was released in 2005 by NECA. The game was designed by Quixotic Games founder Andrew Parks and Kez Shlasnger. It consists of a Premiere set and 4 Starter Decks based on four characters, Jack Skellington, the Mayor, Oogie Boogie, and Doctor Finklestein. Each Starter Deck contains a rule book, a Pumpkin King card, a Pumpkin Points card, and a 48-card deck. The game has four card types: Characters, Locales, Creations, and Surprises. The Cards' rarities are separated into four categories: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.555111825466156, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "A collector's edition The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Jenga game was issued with orange, purple and black blocks with Jack Skellington heads on them. The set comes in a coffin-shaped box instead of the normal rectangular box. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.1531035900115967, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nightmare Before Christmas" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "His overall appearance is a skeleton dressed in a black pin-striped suit and a bow tie that strongly resembles a black bat. At the beginning of the film, Jack makes his grand entrance by emerging out of a fire-breathing dragon-themed fountain. His last name is based on the word \"skeleton\". He has a ghost dog named Zero for a pet, who has a small glowing nose that looks like a jack-o'-lantern. His is adored by Sally, a rag doll created by Dr. Finklestein. Jack is voiced by Chris Sarandon.The image to the right is Jack Skellington in the game Kingdom Hearts. The character is a popular design on bags, hats, clothing, umbrellas, belt buckles, pet collars and other items. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.53538703918457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.005777567625045776, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington is the patron spirit of Halloween, the ghost skeleton of a spider, portrayed as being on par with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny within his own holiday. As a living skeleton, he is immortal and can remove parts of his body without harm, as is often demonstrated for comic relief. He is the most important of many Halloween spirits, with the implication that their job is to scare people in the real world on Halloween night.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.181178092956543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington has been shown to have an extreme hatred for Oogie Boogie as was proven when he spoke of this plan to Lock, Shock, and Barrel, stating to \"leave that no account Oogie Boogie out of this!\" He later finds out that Santa Claus and Sally have been kidnapped by the Boogie Man and are in his underground lair. While trying to save his friends, Jack manages to destroy Oogie and save Christmas.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.112320899963379, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Tired of using the same old themes over and over on Halloween, Jack Skellington goes to Doctor Finkelstein, who gives him the Soul Robber, an invention that changes shape. Jack decided to leave Halloween Town to get new ideas for Halloween frights. When Jack comes back to town, he finds that Oogie Boogie has been resurrected. Now Jack has to set things right again. Jack dances, fights, and sings in this game to attack Oogie Boogie's minions. Jack is portrayed as inept to some degree in this game.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.9468654990196228, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington features in the Nightmare Before Christmas downloadable expansion pack which includes Jack Skellington, Sally, Oogie-Boogie, Dr. Finklestein and the Mayor as in-game playable costumes. The downloadable content can be bought from console stores (e.g. the PlayStation Store). The package included the costumes of which some could be found in the downloaded level. Unlike the worlds originally in the game which all had 3 chapters, the Nightmare Before Christmas world only had 1 chapter called 'Halloween Graveyard'.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.1141586303710938, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington appears in four installments of the Kingdom Hearts video game series. He inhabits the world of Halloween Town, where the evil Heartless threatens its denizens. The games' main protagonists, Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy, befriend Jack and together they battle the Heartless, and also Oogie Boogie. In combat, Jack uses some of his scary powers with demonstrations of some magic, making him a formidable sorcerer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.935290813446045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "\"Created\" from Sora's memories of Halloween Town, when Jack Skellington wanted to ask Doctor Finkelstein what happened when he sniffs the potion that can bring \"true memories\", Heartless appeared. When Jack Skellington had found out that Oogie Boogie had stolen the Doc's potion, he must stop him before Oogie drinks the whole potion. They fail to reach him before he does, but they defeat him, as Oogie becomes overwhelmed with fear as a side effect of the potion. Sora becomes worried about what will happen when he discovers his true memories, but Jack reassures him that fear is a sign of a strong heart.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.595282554626465, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "* Jack Skellington's face made a cameo appearance on a doormat in the first volume of the graphic novel series Lenore, created by Roman Dirge.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.128625869750977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "* A parody of Jack Skellington, in the form of a character named The Pumpkin Guy, appears in the Tiny Toon Adventures episode \"Tiny Toons' Night Ghoulery\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.585725784301758, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "* In Edward Scissorhands, also a Tim Burton film, during the opening scene, one of the cookie-cutter machines closely resembles Jack Skellington. Again, this may be a coincidence, as Edward Scissorhands was released in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.342086791992188, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" }, { "answer": "Jack Skellington", "passage": "Jack Skellington has been made into a Bendies figure, as well as a FunKo pop vinyl figurine that also had a Day Of The Dead variant. He appeared in the Kingdom Hearts action figure collections, and was also released in Japan's REVOLTECH Sci-fi line in 2010, along with the Japanese monsters, Gamera and Gyaos. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.815178871154785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jack Skellington" } ]
Immortalized in an 1851 painting by Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze, which river did George Washington cross on Christmas night in 1776 before attacking the Hessian forces during the Battle of Trenton?
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[ { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Washington then continued his flight across New Jersey; the future of the Continental Army was in doubt due to expiring enlistments and the string of losses. On the night of December 25, 1776, Washington staged a comeback with a surprise attack on a Hessian outpost in western New Jersey. He led his army across the Delaware River to capture nearly 1,000 Hessians in Trenton, New Jersey. Washington followed up his victory at Trenton with another over British regulars at Princeton in early January. The British retreated to New York City and its environs, which they held until the peace treaty of 1783. Washington's victories wrecked the British carrot-and-stick strategy of showing overwhelming force then offering generous terms. The Americans would not negotiate for anything short of independence. These victories alone were not enough to ensure ultimate Patriot victory, however, since many soldiers did not reenlist or deserted during the harsh winter. Washington and Congress reorganized the army with increased rewards for staying and punishment for desertion, which raised troop numbers effectively for subsequent battles. ", "precise_score": -3.4800047874450684, "rough_score": -0.6521084308624268, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "General George Washington's Continental Army had crossed the Delaware River to make a surprise attack on the Hessians on the early morning of December 26, 1776. In the Battle of Trenton, the Hessian force of 1,400 was wiped out by the Continentals, with about 20 killed, 100 wounded, and 1,000 captured. ", "precise_score": -0.8639084696769714, "rough_score": 2.2482595443725586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hessian (soldier)" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "The Battle of Trenton was a small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War which took place on the morning of December 26, 1776, in Trenton, New Jersey. After General George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River north of Trenton the previous night, Washington led the main body of the Continental Army against Hessian soldiers garrisoned at Trenton. After a brief battle, nearly the entire Hessian force was captured, with negligible losses to the Americans. The battle significantly boosted the Continental Army's flagging morale, and inspired re-enlistments.", "precise_score": -3.207228899002075, "rough_score": 1.3589192628860474, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "The hours before the battle served as the inspiration for the painting Washington Crossing the Delaware by German American artist Emanuel Leutze. The image in the painting, in which Washington stands majestic in his boat as it crosses the Delaware River, is generally believed to be more symbolic than historically accurate. The waters of the river were icy and treacherous, and the flag Monroe holds was not created until six months after the battle. In addition, contrary to the painting, the crossing occurred before dawn. On the other hand, Fischer argues that because the crossing took place in a storm, people may have stood to avoid sitting in icy water in the boats. Because of its emotional content, the painting has become an icon of American history.", "precise_score": 2.4092931747436523, "rough_score": -1.0167611837387085, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River, which occurred on the night of December 25–26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War, was the first move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey on the morning of December 26. Planned in partial secrecy, Washington led a column of Continental Army troops across the icy Delaware River in a logistically challenging and dangerous operation. Other planned crossings in support of the operation were either called off or ineffective, but this did not prevent Washington from surprising and defeating the troops of Johann Rall quartered in Trenton. The army crossed the river back to Pennsylvania, this time laden with prisoners and military stores taken as a result of the battle.", "precise_score": 0.7024751901626587, "rough_score": 2.827092170715332, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "In 1851 the artist Emmanuel Leutze created the painting called Washington Crossing the Delaware (pictured above), an idealized and historically inaccurate portrayal of the crossing. Fictional portrayals in film of the crossing have also been made, with perhaps the most notable recent one being The Crossing, a 2000 television movie starring Jeff Daniels as George Washington. ", "precise_score": 3.9186437129974365, "rough_score": 3.0617332458496094, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Widely admired for his strong leadership qualities, Washington was unanimously elected president by the Electoral College in the first two national elections. He oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government that maintained neutrality in the French Revolutionary Wars, suppressed the Whiskey Rebellion, and won acceptance among Americans of all types. Washington's incumbency established many precedents, still in use today, such as the cabinet system, the inaugural address, and the title Mr. President. His retirement from office after two terms established a tradition that lasted until 1940, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term. The 22nd Amendment (1951) now limits the president to two elected terms. Born into the provincial gentry of Colonial Virginia, his family were wealthy planters who owned tobacco plantations and slaves which he inherited. In his youth he became a senior officer in the colonial militia during the first stages of the French and Indian War. In 1775 the Second Continental Congress commissioned Washington as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolution. In that command, Washington forced the British out of Boston in 1776, but was defeated and nearly captured later that year when he lost New York City. After crossing the Delaware River in the middle of winter, he defeated the British in two battles (Trenton and Princeton), retook New Jersey and restored momentum to the Patriot cause.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.723962783813477, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "Del.", "passage": "and his half-sister Jane died at age twelve, when George was about two. His father died of a sudden illness in April 1743 when George was eleven years old, and his half-brother Lawrence became a surrogate father and role model. William Fairfax, Lawrence's father-in-law and cousin of Virginia's largest landowner, Thomas, Lord Fairfax, was also a formative influence. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.588189125061035, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "Delaware", "passage": "Washington's third, and most important role in the war effort, was the embodiment of armed resistance to the Crown—the representative man of the Revolution. His long-term strategy was to maintain an army in the field at all times, and eventually this strategy worked. His enormous personal and political stature and his political skills kept Congress, the army, the French, the militias, and the states all pointed toward a common goal. Furthermore, by voluntarily resigning his commission and disbanding his army when the war was won (rather than declaring himself monarch), he permanently established the principle of civilian supremacy in military affairs. Yet his constant reiteration of the point that well-disciplined professional soldiers counted for twice as much as erratic militias (clearly demonstrated in the rout at Camden, where only the Maryland and Delaware Continentals under Baron DeKalb held firm), helped overcome the ideological distrust of a standing army. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.968749046325684, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Crossing the Delaware", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.77568244934082, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "The Continental Army had previously suffered several defeats in New York and had been forced to retreat through New Jersey to Pennsylvania. Morale in the army was low; to end the year on a positive note, George Washington—Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army—devised a plan to cross the Delaware River on the night of December 25–26 and surround the Hessian garrison.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.427643299102783, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "During the week before the battle, American advance parties began to ambush enemy cavalry patrols, capturing dispatch riders and attacking Hessian pickets. The Hessian commander, to emphasize the danger to his men, sent 100 infantry and an artillery detachment to deliver a letter to the British commander at Princeton. Washington ordered Ewing and his Pennsylvania militia to try to gain information on Hessian movements and technology. Ewing instead made three successful raids across the river. On December 17 and 18, 1776, they attacked an outpost of jägers and on the 21st, they set fire to several houses. Washington put constant watches on all possible crossings near the Continental Army encampment on the Delaware, as he believed William Howe would launch an attack from the north on Philadelphia if the river froze over. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.429082155227661, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Before Washington and his troops left, Benjamin Rush came to cheer up the General. While he was there, he saw a note Washington had written, saying, \"Victory or Death\". Those words would be the password for the surprise attack. Each soldier carried 60 rounds of ammunition, and three days of rations. When the army arrived at the shores of the Delaware, they were already behind schedule, and clouds began to form above them. It began to rain. As the air's temperature dropped, the rain changed to sleet, and then to snow. The Americans began to cross the river, with John Glover in command. The men went across in Durham boats, while the horses and artillery went across on large ferries. The 14th Continental Regiment of Glover manned the boats. During the crossing, several men fell overboard, including Colonel John Haslet. Haslet was quickly pulled out of the water. No one died during the crossing, and all the artillery pieces made it over in good condition. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.292000770568848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Two small detachments of infantry of about 40 men each were ordered ahead of main columns. They set roadblocks ahead of the main army, and were to take prisoner whoever came into or left the town. One of the groups was sent north of Trenton, and the other was sent to block River Road, which ran along the Delaware River to Trenton. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.387614250183105, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "At 8 am, the outpost was set up by the Hessians at a cooper shop on Pennington Road about one mile north-west of Trenton. Washington led the assault, riding in front of his soldiers. As the Hessian commander of the outpost, Lieutenant Andreas Wiederholdt, left the shop, an American fired at him but missed. Wiederholdt shouted, \"Der Feind!\" (The Enemy!) and other Hessians came out. The Americans fired three volleys and the Hessians returned one of their own. Washington ordered Edward Hand's Pennsylvania Riflemen and a battalion of German-speaking infantry to block the road that led to Princeton. They attacked the Hessian outpost there. Wiederholdt soon realized that this was more than a raiding party; seeing other Hessians retreating from the outpost, he led his men to do the same. Both Hessian detachments made organized retreats, firing as they fell back. On the high ground at the north end of Trenton, they were joined by a duty company from the Lossberg Regiment. They engaged the Americans, retreating slowly, keeping up continuous fire and using houses for cover. Once in Trenton, they gained covering fire from other Hessian guard companies on the outskirts of the town. Another guard company nearer to the Delaware River rushed east to their aid, leaving open the River Road into Trenton. Washington ordered the escape route to Princeton be cut off, sending infantry in battle formation to block it, while artillery formed at the head of King and Queen streets. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.115393161773682, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Leading the southern American column, General Sullivan entered Trenton by the abandoned river road and blocked the only crossing over the Assunpink Creek to cut off the Hessian escape. Sullivan briefly held up his advance to make sure Greene's division had time to drive the Hessians from their outposts in the north. Soon after, they continued their advance, attacking the Hermitage, home of Philemon Dickinson, where 50 Jägers under the command of Lieutenant von Grothausen were stationed. Lieutenant von Grothausen brought 12 of his Jägers into action against the advanced guard, but had only advanced a few hundred yards when he saw a column of Americans advancing to the Hermitage. Pulling back to the Hessian barracks, he was joined by the rest of the Jägers. After the exchange of one volley, they turned and ran, some trying to swim across the creek, while others escaped over the bridge, which had not yet been cut off. The 20 British Dragoons also fled. As Greene and Sullivan's columns pushed into the town, Washington moved to high ground north of King and Queens streets to see the action and direct his troops. By this time, American artillery from the other side of the Delaware River came into action, devastating the Hessian positions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.257819175720215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "By noon, Washington's force had moved across the Delaware back into Pennsylvania, taking their prisoners and captured supplies with them. This battle gave the Continental Congress a new confidence, as it proved colonial forces could defeat regulars. It also increased re-enlistments in the Continental Army forces. By defeating a European army, the colonials reduced the fear which the Hessians had caused earlier that year after the fighting in New York.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.5728254318237305, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "The Trenton Battle Monument, erected at \"Five Points\" in Trenton, stands as a tribute to this American victory. The crossing of the Delaware and battle are reenacted by local enthusiasts every year (unless the weather is too severe on the river).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.007301330566406, "source": "wiki", "title": "Battle of Trenton" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "While 1776 had started well for the American cause with the evacuation of British troops from Boston in March, the defense of New York City had gone quite poorly. British General William Howe had landed troops on Long Island in August and had pushed George Washington's Continental Army completely out of New York by mid-November, when he captured the remaining troops on Manhattan. The main British troops returned to New York for the winter season. They left mainly Hessian troops in New Jersey. These troops were under the command of Col. Rall and Col. Von Donop. They were ordered to small outposts in and around Trenton. Howe then sent troops under the command of Charles Cornwallis across the Hudson River into New Jersey and chased Washington across New Jersey. Washington's army was shrinking, due to expiring enlistments and desertions, and suffered from poor morale, due to the defeats in the New York area. Most of Washington's army crossed the Delaware River into Pennsylvania north of Trenton, New Jersey, and destroyed or moved to the western shore all boats for miles in both directions. Cornwallis (under Howe's command), rather than attempting to immediately chase Washington further, established a chain of outposts from New Brunswick to Burlington, including one at Bordentown and one at Trenton, and ordered his troops into winter quarters. The British were happy to end the campaign season when they were ordered to winter quarters. This was a time for the generals to regroup, re-supply, and strategize for the upcoming campaign season the following spring.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3860890865325928, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "These reinforcements and smaller numbers of local volunteers who joined his forces, Washington's forces now totaled about 6,000 troops fit for duty. But this total was reduced by a large portion of these forces who were detailed to guard the ferries at Bristol and New Hope, Pennsylvania. Another group was sent to protect supplies at Newtown, Pennsylvania and to guard the sick and wounded who had to remain behind when the army crossed the Delaware River. This left Washington with about 2,400 men able to take offensive action against the Hessian and British troops in Central New Jersey.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.060410499572754, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Preparations for the attack began on December 23. On December 24 the boats used to bring the army across the Delaware from New Jersey were brought down from Malta Island near New Hope and hidden behind Taylor Island at McKonkey's Ferry, Washington's planned crossing site, and security was tightened there. A final planning meeting took place that day, with all of the general officers present. General orders were issued by Washington on December 25 outlining plans for the operation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.461570739746094, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "On the morning of December 25, Washington ordered his army to prepare three days' food, and issued orders that every soldier be outfitted with fresh flints for their muskets. He was also somewhat worried by intelligence reports that the British were planning their own crossing once the Delaware was frozen over. At 4 pm Washington's army turned out for its evening parade, where the troops were issued ammunition, and even the officers and musicians were ordered to carry muskets. They were told that they were departing on a secret mission. Marching eight abreast in close formations, and ordered to be as quiet as possible, they left the camp for McKonkey's Ferry. Washington's plan required the crossing to begin as soon as it was dark enough to conceal their movements on the river, but most of the troops did not reach the crossing point until about 6 pm, about ninety minutes after sunset. The weather got progressively worse, turning from drizzle to rain to sleet and snow. \"It blew a hurricane,\" recalled one soldier.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.879240036010742, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "Delaware", "passage": "Washington was among the first of the troops to cross, going with Virginia troops led by General Adam Stephen. These troops formed a sentry line around the landing area in New Jersey, with strict instructions that no one was to pass through. The password was \"Victory or Death\". The rest of the army crossed without significant incident, although a few men, including Delaware's Colonel John Haslet, fell into the water.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.351743698120117, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "Both sides of the Delaware River where the crossing took place have been preserved, in an area designated as the Washington's Crossing National Historic Landmark. In this district, Washington Crossing Historic Park in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, preserves the area in Pennsylvania, and Washington Crossing State Park marks the New Jersey side. The two areas are connected by the Washington Crossing Bridge. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.858654975891113, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "The 19th episode of the PBS miniseries Liberty's Kids, entitled \"Across The Delaware\", chronicles the crossing, beginning with the report and escape of Washington's spy John Honeyman, and showing events up to the reenlistment of most of the Army after their supplies are restored, and a footnote is made by character Sarah Phillips of Washington's follow-up attack, where the army delayed its retreat to capture the now ill-defended British garrison at Princeton, New Jersey. The episode makes one minor historical error: footage of the Hessians' Christmas celebration depicts soldiers dancing to \"Silent Night\", at least forty years before the carol was written. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.009833812713623, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" }, { "answer": "The Delaware", "passage": "A direct reference to the crossing was used in an episode of the \"I Love Lucy\" TV series. In episode 32, \"Lucy gets Ricky on the Radio\" (19 May 1952), they are on a radio quiz show. Up to the last question (the $500 Bonus Question), Lucy has wrongly answered every question and Ricky can't believe it and isn't feeling well. Right after the bonus question -- \"What did George Washington say while crossing the Delaware?\" -- is asked, Ricky says, more as an aside, \"Please let me sit down. This is making me sick.\" The quiz host hears this and accepts it as the correct answer. Lucy and Ricky win the bonus question and the money.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.598028182983398, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River" } ]
According to Zuzu Bailey, what happens every time a bell rings?
{ "aliases": [ "An angel gets his wings" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "angel gets his wings" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "angel gets his wings", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "An angel gets his wings" }
[ { "answer": "An angel gets his wings", "passage": "** \"Look, Daddy. Teacher says, 'Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.'\" – Nominated", "precise_score": 3.2796764373779297, "rough_score": -3.091529607772827, "source": "wiki", "title": "It's a Wonderful Life" }, { "answer": "An angel gets his wings", "passage": "George runs back to the bridge and begs to be allowed to live again. His prayer is answered, shown as the snow restarts, and he runs home joyously, where the authorities are waiting to arrest him. Mary, Uncle Billy, and a flood of townspeople arrive with more than enough donations to save George and the Building & Loan. George's friend Sam Wainwright sends him a $25,000 line of credit by telegram. Harry also arrives to support his brother, and toasts George as \"The richest man in town\". In the pile of donated funds, George finds a copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer inscribed, \"Dear George: Remember no man is a failure who has friends. P.S. Thanks for the wings! Love, Clarence.\" A bell on the Christmas tree rings, and his daughter Zuzu says, \"Teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings!\" George agrees and looks up to heaven and says, \"Attaboy, Clarence.\" George realizes that he truly has a wonderful life.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.500479221343994, "source": "wiki", "title": "George Bailey (It's a Wonderful Life)" } ]
What product is advertised with the slogan "When you care enough to send the very best?"
{ "aliases": [ "Hall-Mark", "Hall-mark", "Hallmark", "Hallmarks", "Hall mark" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "hallmark", "hallmarks", "hall mark" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "hallmark", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Hallmark" }
[ { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In 1928, the company adopted the name \"Hallmark\", after the hallmark symbol used by goldsmiths in London in the 14th century, and began printing the name on the back of every card. In the same year, the company became the first in the greeting card industry to advertise their product nationally. Their first advertisement appeared in Ladies' Home Journal and was written by J.C. Hall himself. In 1931, the Canadian William E. Coutts Company, Ltd., a major card maker, became an affiliate of Hall Brothers, which was Hall Brothers' first international business venture.", "precise_score": -7.751802444458008, "rough_score": -6.900257587432861, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In 1944, it adopted its current slogan, \"When you care enough to send the very best.\" It was created by C. E. Goodman, a Hallmark marketing and sales executive, and written on a 3x5 card. The card is on display at the company headquarters. In 1951, Hall sponsored a television program for NBC that gave rise to the Hallmark Hall of Fame, which has won 80 Emmy Awards. Hallmark now has its own cable television channel, the Hallmark Channel which was established in 2001. For a period of about 15 years, Hallmark owned a stake in the Spanish language network Univision.", "precise_score": 5.746523857116699, "rough_score": 7.526668071746826, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark's creative staff consists of around 800 artists, designers, stylists, writers, editors and photographers. Together they generate more than 19,000 new and redesigned greeting cards and related products per year. The company offers more than 48,000 products in its model line at any one time.", "precise_score": -10.248678207397461, "rough_score": -9.976394653320312, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark Cards feature several brands and licenses. Shoebox, the company's line of humorous cards, evolved from studio cards. Maxine (by John Wagner), was introduced in 1986 when she appeared on several Shoebox cards the year the alternative card line was launched. hoops&yoyo, were characters created by Bob Holt and Mike Adair. Revilo is another popular line, by artist Oliver Christianson (\"Revilo\" is \"Oliver\" spelled backwards). Forever Friends was purchased in 1994 from English entrepreneur Andrew Brownsword, who for four years subsequently was Chief Executive of Hallmark Europe. Image Craft was acquired by the William E. Coutts Company subsidiary of Hallmark Canada in the mid-2000s.", "precise_score": -9.954289436340332, "rough_score": -9.330293655395508, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark manufactures greeting cards, ornaments, and related gift products from the following licensors:", "precise_score": -7.985925197601318, "rough_score": -9.30859088897705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In the Philippines, singer Richard Tan sang a song about Hallmark Cards, entitled \"No One Throws Away Memories\". The song was featured in a commercial of the product in the 1970s.", "precise_score": -8.43250846862793, "rough_score": -10.198953628540039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "On September 6, 2007, Paris Hilton filed an injunction lawsuit against Hallmark Cards Inc. in U.S. District Court over the unlawful use of her picture and catchphrase \"That's hot\" on a greeting card. The card is titled \"Paris's First Day as a Waitress\" with a photograph of Hilton's face on a cartoon of a waitress serving a plate of food, with a Hilton's dialogue bubble, \"Don't touch that, it's hot.\" (which had a registered trademark on February 13, 2007). Hilton's attorney Brent Blakely said that the infringement damages would be based on profits from the $2.49 greeting cards. Julie O'Dell said that Hallmark used the card as parody, protected under fair use law.", "precise_score": -10.179536819458008, "rough_score": -9.584811210632324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark Cards is a privately owned American company based in Kansas City, Missouri. Founded in 1910 by Joyce Hall, Hallmark is the largest manufacturer of greeting cards in the United States. In 1985, the company was awarded the National Medal of Arts. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.557256698608398, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In 1954, the company name was changed from Hall Brothers to Hallmark. In 1958, William E. Coutts Company, Ltd., was acquired by Hallmark; until the 1990s, Hallmark's Canadian branch was known as \"Coutts Hallmark\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.710820198059082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In 1998, Hallmark made a number of acquisitions, including Britain-based Creative Publishing (a recent spinoff of Fine Art Developments), and U.S. based InterArt. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.994071006774902, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Worldwide, Hallmark has 11,000 full-time employees. About 3,100 Hallmarkers work at the Kansas City headquarters. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.256915092468262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark offers or has offered the following products and services:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.386998176574707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark has provided software for creating and printing cards. This software has been known as Hallmark Card Studio, with partner Nova Development, and Microsoft Greetings Workshop in partner with Microsoft. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.951904296875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Notable changes to their line up has been in August 2008 when Hallmark added same-sex marriage cards. Hallmark also was the first company to recognize Valentine's Day.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.938264846801758, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmarks Cards is also one of the biggest data mining company in United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.203828811645508, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Hallmark Flowers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.36095142364502, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark Visitors Center", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41777515411377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "The Hallmark Visitors Center is located at the company's headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. The Center features exhibits about the company's history including historic greeting cards and postcards, Christmas ornaments, exhibits from the company's art collection, and displays about the Hallmark Hall of Fame programs and awards. There is also a movie about the company's history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.176305770874023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark School Store ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.440130233764648, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Alvirne High School in Hudson, New Hampshire, operates the only Hallmark school store in the United States. Besides normal food and beverage items, the \"Bronco Barn\" store also sells Hallmark cards. The store is run by students in Marketing I and Marketing II classes, and is open to students all day and after school. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.498640060424805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark owns:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.165462493896484, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Hallmark Business Expressions: Formed in 1996, Hallmark Business Expressions is a business-to-business subsidiary of Hallmark Cards, Inc. and is headquartered in Kansas City, MO. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.247491836547852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Hallmark Channel: cable television network—Hallmark Cards owns the majority of stock in this publicly traded company (Crown Media Holdings);", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.103199005126953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Hallmark Gold Crown: a chain of independently-owned card and gift stores in the United States and Canada. Certain locations are corporate operated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.058622360229492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Hallmark Business Connections: Incentives—Reward programs, recognition programs and online gift certificates;", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.203280448913574, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Feeln: A premium subscription video on-demand (SVOD) service that is the exclusive streaming provider of the Hallmark Hall of Fame library of films, along with a curated collection of Hollywood features, TV series and original productions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.677887916564941, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In addition, Hallmark Cards is the property manager of the Crown Center commercial complex, adjacent to its headquarters, and the owner of lithographer Litho-Krome Co.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.91965389251709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In 2006, Hallmark donated its extensive collection of photographs by prominent photographers including Todd Webb to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.256792068481445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark Music ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.307313919067383, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "In the mid-1980s, the company started its music division, issuing compilation albums by a number of popular artists. In 2004, Hallmark entered into a licensing agreement with Somerset Entertainment to produce Hallmark Music CDs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.292901992797852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Hallmark Entertainment: a producer of television shows and mini-series. Halmi Jr. and Halmi Sr. acquired the company in 2006 and was absorbed into RHI Entertainment;", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.94601058959961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "* Univision: Hallmark owned Spanish-language broadcaster Univision from 1986 to 1992 ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.168209075927734, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Hallmark photographic collection ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.997233390808105, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "The Hallmark Photographic Collection was donated to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.234217643737793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" }, { "answer": "Hallmark", "passage": "Neil Armstrong sued Hallmark Cards in 1994 after they used his name and a recording of his quote, \"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind\" in a Christmas ornament without permission. The lawsuit was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money which Armstrong donated to Purdue University. The case caused Armstrong and NASA to be more careful about the use of astronaut names, photographs and recordings, and to whom he had granted permission. For non-profit and government public-service announcements, he would usually give permission. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.588327407836914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hallmark Cards" } ]
The American ad writer Robert L. May introduced what popular Christmas character when he designed a new coloring book for Montgomery Ward in 1939?
{ "aliases": [ "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the red nose reindeer", "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Rudulph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolf the red nose reindeer", "Rudolf the Reindeer", "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer", "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer", "Rudolph, the red nosed Reindeer", "Christmas Rudolf", "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "rudolph red nose reindeer", "rudolf red nosed reindeer", "rudulph red nosed reindeer", "rudolf red nose reindeer", "christmas rudolf", "rudolf reindeer", "rudolph red nosed reindeer" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "rudolph red nosed reindeer", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" }
[ { "answer": "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "passage": "In 1939, as part of a Christmas promotional campaign, staff copywriter Robert L. May created the character and illustrated poem of \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.\" The store distributed six-million copies of the storybook in 1946 and actor and singer Gene Autry popularized the song nationally.", "precise_score": 2.844212532043457, "rough_score": 3.8376545906066895, "source": "wiki", "title": "Montgomery Ward" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Robert L. May created Rudolph in 1939, as an assignment for Chicago-based Montgomery Ward. The retailer had been buying and giving away coloring books for Christmas every year and it was decided that creating their own book would save money. Rudolph was supposed to be a moose but that was changed because a reindeer seemed friendly. May considered naming the reindeer \"Rollo\" or \"Reginald\" before deciding upon using the name \"Rudolph\". In its first year of publication, Montgomery Ward had distributed 2.5 million copies of Rudolph's story. The story is written as a poem in anapestic tetrameter, the same meter as \"A Visit from St. Nicholas\" (also known as \"'Twas the Night Before Christmas\"). Publication and reprint rights for the book Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer are controlled by Pearson Plc.", "precise_score": 5.971592426300049, "rough_score": 6.474905967712402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Maxton Books published the first mass-market edition of Rudolph and a sequel, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Shines Again, in 1954. In 1991, Applewood Books published Rudolph's Second Christmas, an unpublished sequel that Robert May wrote in 1947. In 2003, Penguin Books issued a reprint version of the original Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with new artwork by Lisa Papp. Penguin also reprinted May's sequels, Rudolph Shines Again and Rudolph's Second Christmas (now retitled Rudolph to the Rescue).", "precise_score": -4.644369125366211, "rough_score": -4.411597728729248, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "\"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer\" is a song written by Johnny Marks based on the 1939 story Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer published by the Montgomery Ward Company.", "precise_score": -3.68021559715271, "rough_score": -5.065235137939453, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (song)" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Robert Lewis May (July 27 1905 – August 10 1976) was the creator of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.944575786590576, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "passage": "In 1948, May’s brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, wrote (words and music) an adaptation of Rudolph. Though the song was turned down by such popular vocalists as Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore, it was recorded by the singing cowboy Gene Autry. \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer\" was released in 1949 and became a phenomenal success, selling more records than any other Christmas song, with the exception of \"White Christmas\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.338639736175537, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "May wrote two sequels to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The first is mostly in prose (except that Rudolph speaks in anapaestic tetrameter), written in 1947 but only published posthumously as Rudolph's Second Christmas (1992), and subsequently with the title Rudolph to the Rescue (2006). The second sequel is entirely in anapaestic tetrameter like the original: Rudolph Shines Again (1954). May also published four other children's books: Benny the Bunny Liked Beans (1940), Winking Willie (1948), The Fighting Tenderfoot (1954), and Sam the Scared-est Scarecrow (1972). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.904637813568115, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "passage": "May told his story of the writing of \"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer\" in his article \"Robert May Tells how Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer Came into Being\" from the Gettysburg Times published on December 22, 1975. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.05884838104248, "source": "wiki", "title": "Robert L. May" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a fictional male reindeer, created by Robert Lewis May, usually depicted as a young calf who barely has antlers, with a glowing red nose, popularly known as \"Santa's Ninth Reindeer.\" When depicted, he is the lead reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve. The luminosity of his nose is so great that it illuminates the team's path through inclement winter weather.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.640990257263184, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "DC Comics, then known as National Periodical Publications, published a series of 13 annuals titled Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer from 1950 to 1962. Rube Grossman drew most of the 1950s stories. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.718350410461426, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie (1998) is an animated feature film. It received only a limited theatrical release before debuting on home video. Its inclusion of a villain, a love interest, a sidekick, and a strong protector are more derivative of the Rankin-Bass adaptation of the story than the original tale and song (the characters of Stormella, Zoey, Arrow, Slyly, and Leonard parallel the Rankin-Bass characters of the Bumble, Clarice, Fireball, Hermey, and Yukon, respectively). The movie amplifies the early backstory of Rudolph's harassment by his schoolmates (primarily his cousin Arrow) during his formative years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.010580062866211, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "GoodTimes Entertainment, the producers of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie, brought back most of the same production team for a CGI animated sequel, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys (2001). Unlike the previous film, the sequel featured the original characters from the Rankin-Bass special (as GoodTimes soon learned that Rankin-Bass had made a copyright error that made the characters unique to their special free to use).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.75076675415039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "*In the Doctor Who promotional mini-webisode, \"Songtaran Carols\" (2012), the Sontaran warrior-nurse-detective, Strax, stated: \"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose. It proved to be a tactical disadvantage, because it enabled me to punch him in the dark.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.041054725646973, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "* 1953: Billy May recorded a mambo version of the song titled \"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Mambo\" with vocals by Alvin Stoller.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.91138744354248, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (song)" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "* 1964: Burl Ives recorded the song for the soundtrack of the holiday TV special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The soundtrack album containing Ives' version reached No. 142 on the Billboard 200 albums sales chart. He would re-record the song the following year for his holiday album Have a Holly Jolly Christmas.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.75765323638916, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (song)" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "Burl Ives recorded the song for the soundtrack of the holiday TV special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The soundtrack album containing Ives' version reached No. 142 on the Billboard 200 albums sales chart. He would re-record the song the following year for his holiday album Have a Holly Jolly Christmas.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.002640724182129, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (song)" }, { "answer": "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "passage": "The lyric \"All of the other reindeer\" can be misheard in dialects with the cot–caught merger as the mondegreen \"Olive, the other reindeer\", and has given rise to another character featured in her own Christmas television special, Olive, the Other Reindeer. (She mentions Rudolph by name to one of the reindeer, and the reindeer tells her that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer doesn't exist; it's all an urban legend.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.68526554107666, "source": "wiki", "title": "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (song)" } ]
In Tchaikovskys ballet The Nutcracker, who is the nutcrackers main enemy?
{ "aliases": [ "Candy Cane (ballet)", "Casse-Noisette", "Nutcracker Suite", "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "The Nutcracker Suite", "Mouse King (ballet)", "Dolls (ballet)", "The nutcracker ballet", "Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky)", "Coffee (ballet)", "Shchelkunchik", "Der nussknacker", "Frau Stahlbaum", "Herr Drosselmeier", "Dr. and Frau Stahlbaum", "Mother Ginger", "Marzipan (ballet)", "Sugar Plum Fairy", "Hot Chocolate (ballet)", "Nutcracker Prince", "Nutcracker suite", "Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy", "The Mouse King", "Soldier (ballet)", "The Nutcracker Ballet", "Cavalier (ballet)", "Dr. & Frau Stahlbaum", "Waltz of the Flowers", "Nutcracker (ballet)", "Herr Drosselmeyer", "Flowers (ballet)", "Tea (ballet)", "Sugarplum (ballet)", "Dance of the Mirlitons", "Mouse King", "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy", "Dewdrop (ballet)", "Dr. Stahlbaum", "Nutcracker Ballet", "The Nutcracker" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "waltz of flowers", "sugar plum fairy", "nutcracker tchaikovsky", "mother ginger", "nutcracker prince", "dr frau stahlbaum", "mouse king", "frau stahlbaum", "herr drosselmeier", "sugarplum ballet", "marzipan ballet", "dance of mirlitons", "hot chocolate ballet", "dance of sugarplum fairy", "casse noisette", "dewdrop ballet", "nutcracker suite", "dr and frau stahlbaum", "shchelkunchik", "dolls ballet", "dance of sugar plum fairy", "cavalier ballet", "nutcracker", "mouse king ballet", "herr drosselmeyer", "der nussknacker", "flowers ballet", "soldier ballet", "candy cane ballet", "tea ballet", "nutcracker ballet", "coffee ballet", "dr stahlbaum" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "mouse king", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Mouse King" }
[ { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Ballet may also refer to a ballet dance work, which consists of the choreography and music for a ballet production. A well-known example of this is The Nutcracker, a two-act ballet that was originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a music score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Ballets are choreographed and performed by trained artists. Traditional classical ballets usually are performed with classical music accompaniment and use elaborate costumes and staging, whereas modern ballets, such as the neoclassical works of American choreographer George Balanchine, often are performed in simple costumes (e.g., leotards and tights) and without the use of elaborate sets or scenery.", "precise_score": 0.028928829357028008, "rough_score": 1.748257040977478, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ballet" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "The Nutcracker ( / Shchelkunchik, Balet-feyeriya; ) is a two-act ballet, originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (op. 71). The libretto is adapted from E.T.A. Hoffmann's story The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, by way of Alexander Dumas' adapted story 'The Nutcracker'. It was given its première at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg on Sunday, December 18, 1892, on a double-bill with Tchaikovsky's opera Iolanta.", "precise_score": 4.7391557693481445, "rough_score": 6.378310680389404, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Although the original production was not a success, the 20-minute suite that Tchaikovsky extracted from the ballet was. However, the complete Nutcracker has enjoyed enormous popularity since the late 1960s, and is now performed by countless ballet companies, primarily during the Christmas season, especially in North America. Major American ballet companies generate around 40 percent of their annual ticket revenues from performances of The Nutcracker. ", "precise_score": 0.9754909873008728, "rough_score": 4.496368408203125, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "After the success of The Sleeping Beauty in 1890, Ivan Vsevolozhsky, the director of the Imperial Theatres, commissioned Tchaikovsky to compose a double-bill program featuring both an opera and a ballet. The opera would be Iolanta. For the ballet, Tchaikovsky would again join forces with Marius Petipa, with whom he had collaborated on The Sleeping Beauty. The material Petipa chose was an adaptation of E.T.A. Hoffmann's story The Nutcracker and the Mouse King by Alexandre Dumas père called The Tale of the Nutcracker. The plot of Hoffmann's story (and Dumas' adaptation) was greatly simplified for the two-act ballet. Hoffmann's tale contains a long flashback story within its main plot titled The Tale of the Hard Nut, which explains how the Prince was turned into the Nutcracker. This had to be excised for the ballet. ", "precise_score": 2.7801196575164795, "rough_score": 4.633022785186768, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Petipa gave Tchaikovsky extremely detailed instructions for the composition of each number, down to the tempo and number of bars. The completion of the work was interrupted for a short time when Tchaikovsky visited the United States for twenty-five days to conduct concerts for the opening of Carnegie Hall. Tchaikovsky composed parts of The Nutcracker in Rouen, France. ", "precise_score": -1.919654130935669, "rough_score": -0.6067555546760559, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "*Soldiers (of the Nutcracker)", "precise_score": -1.9165195226669312, "rough_score": -0.5440012216567993, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "The nutcracker appears to lead the soldiers, who are joined by tin ones and dolls who serve as doctors to carry away the wounded. As the Mouse King advances on the still-wounded nutcracker, Clara throws her slipper at him, distracting him long enough for the nutcracker to stab him.", "precise_score": -1.2249810695648193, "rough_score": -0.034734901040792465, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "The Nutcracker is one of the composer's most popular compositions. The music belongs to the Romantic Period and contains some of his most memorable melodies, several of which are frequently used in television and film. (They are often heard in TV commercials shown during the Christmas season.) The Trepak, or Russian dance, is one of the most recognizable pieces in the ballet, along with the famous Waltz of the Flowers and March, as well as the ubiquitous Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. The ballet contains surprisingly advanced harmonies and a wealth of melodic invention that is (to many) unsurpassed in ballet music. Nevertheless, the composer's reverence for Rococo and late 18th-century music can be detected in passages such as the Overture, the \"Entrée des parents\", and \"Tempo di Grossvater\" in Act I.", "precise_score": 0.503433108329773, "rough_score": 1.5285110473632812, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Tchaikovsky was less satisfied with The Nutcracker than with The Sleeping Beauty. (In the film Fantasia, commentator Deems Taylor observes that he \"really detested\" the score.) Tchaikovsky accepted the commission from Vsevolozhsky but did not particularly want to write the ballet (though he did write to a friend while composing it: \"I am daily becoming more and more attuned to my task\"). ", "precise_score": 1.167146921157837, "rough_score": 5.10960054397583, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Tchaikovsky: Suite from the ballet The Nutcracker", "precise_score": 1.3152350187301636, "rough_score": 6.878861904144287, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "Tchaikovsky made a selection of eight of the numbers from the ballet before the ballet's December 1892 première, forming The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, intended for concert performance. The suite was first performed, under the composer's direction, on 19 March 1892 at an assembly of the St. Petersburg branch of the Musical Society. The suite became instantly popular, with almost every number encored at its premiere, while the complete ballet did not begin to achieve its great popularity until after the George Balanchine staging became a hit in New York City. The suite became very popular on the concert stage, and was featured in Disney's Fantasia. The Nutcracker Suite should not be mistaken for the complete ballet. The outline below represents the selection and sequence of the Nutcracker Suite culled by the composer.", "precise_score": 0.7298033237457275, "rough_score": 4.94805383682251, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "The Paraphrase on Tchaikovsky’s Flower Waltz is a successful piano arrangement from one of the movements from The Nutcracker by the pianist and composer Percy Grainger.", "precise_score": -0.9007899761199951, "rough_score": 3.1808671951293945, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* In 1960, Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn composed jazz interpretations of pieces from Tchaikovsky's score, recorded and released on LP as The Nutcracker Suite. In 1999, this suite was supplemented with additional arrangements from the score by David Berger for The Harlem Nutcracker, a production of the ballet by Donald Byrd set during the Harlem Renaissance. ", "precise_score": 0.41530197858810425, "rough_score": 4.260382652282715, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* In 2008 a progressive metal / instrumental rock version of The Nutcracker Suite was released by Christmas at the Devil's House. It includes Overture Miniature, March, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Russian Dance, Chinese Dance, Arabian Dance, Dance of the Reed Flutes, and Waltz of the Flowers.", "precise_score": -2.3859636783599854, "rough_score": -0.6320171356201172, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2001, Barbie appeared in her first film, Barbie in the Nutcracker. It used excerpts by Tchaikovsky, which were performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. Though it heavily altered the story, it still made use of ballet sequences which had been rotoscoped using real ballet dancers. ", "precise_score": -0.6572245955467224, "rough_score": 3.8571274280548096, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2010, The Nutcracker in 3D abandoned the ballet and most of the story, retaining much of Tchaikovsky's music with lyrics by Tim Rice. The $90 million film became the year's biggest box office bomb.", "precise_score": 0.8760299682617188, "rough_score": 5.319405555725098, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "*Princess Tutu, an anime that uses elements from many ballets as both music and as part of the storyline, uses the music from The Nutcracker in many places throughout its run, including using an arranged version of the overture as the theme for the main character. Both the first and last episodes feature The Nutcracker as their 'theme', and one of the main characters is named Drosselmeyer.", "precise_score": 1.3441637754440308, "rough_score": 1.5991489887237549, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "There have been several recorded children's adaptations of the E.T.A. Hoffmann story (the basis for the ballet) using Tchaikovsky's music, some quite faithful, some not. One that was not was a version titled The Nutcracker Suite for Children, narrated by Metropolitan Opera announcer Milton Cross, which used a two-piano arrangement of the music. It was released as a 78-RPM album set in the 1940s. For the children's label Peter Pan Records, actor Victor Jory narrated a condensed adaptation of the story with excerpts from the score. It was released on one side of a 45-RPM disc. A later version, titled The Nutcracker Suite, starred Denise Bryer and a full cast, was released in the 1960s on LP and made use of Tchaikovsky's music in the original orchestral arrangements. It was quite faithful to Hoffmann's story The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, on which the ballet is based, even to the point of including the section in which Clara cuts her arm on the glass toy cabinet, and also mentioning that she married the Prince at the end. It also included a less gruesome version of \"The Tale of the Hard Nut\", the tale-within-a-tale in Hoffmann's story. It was released as part of the Tale Spinners for Children series. ", "precise_score": -0.007965803146362305, "rough_score": 2.64414644241333, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2010, Alastair Macaulay, dance critic for The New York Times (who had previously taken Sarah Kaufman to task for her criticism of The Nutcracker ) began The Nutcracker Chronicles, a series of blog articles documenting his travels across the United States to see different productions of the ballet.", "precise_score": -1.3416167497634888, "rough_score": 1.0268477201461792, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Nutcrackers in the form of wood carvings of a soldier, knight, king, or other profession have existed since at least the 15th century. Figurative nutcrackers are a good luck symbol in Germany, and a folk tale recounts that a puppet-maker won a nutcracking challenge by creating a doll with a mouth for a lever to crack the nuts. These nutcrackers portray a person with a large mouth which the operator opens by lifting a lever in the back of the figurine. Originally one could insert a nut in the big-toothed mouth, press down and thereby crack the nut. Modern nutcrackers in this style serve mostly for decoration, mainly at Christmas time, a season of which they have long been a traditional symbol. The ballet The Nutcracker derives its name from this festive holiday decoration.", "precise_score": -1.6524399518966675, "rough_score": 1.0104975700378418, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The nutcracker ballet", "passage": "Decorative nutcrackers became popular in the United States after the Second World War, following the first US production of The Nutcracker ballet in 1940 and the exposure of US soldiers to the dolls during the war. In the United States, few of the decorative nutcrackers are now functional, though expensive working designs are still available. Many of the woodworkers in Germany were in Erzgebirge, in the Soviet zone after the end of the war, and they mass-produced poorly-made designs for the US market. With the increase in pre-shelled nuts the need for functionality was also lessened. After the 1980s, Chinese and Taiwanese imports that copied the traditional German designs took over. The recreated \"Bavarian village\" of Leavenworth, Washington, features a nutcracker museum. Many other materials also serve to make decorated nutcrackers, such as porcelain, silver, and brass; the museum displays samples. The United States Postal Service (USPS) issued four stamps in October 2008 with custom-made nutcrackers made by Richmond, Virginia artist Glenn Crider. ", "precise_score": -1.8661880493164062, "rough_score": 2.7556798458099365, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Classical ballet is based on traditional ballet technique and vocabulary. There are different styles of classical ballet that are related to their areas of origin, such as French ballet, Italian ballet and Russian ballet. Several of the classical ballet styles are associated with specific training methods, which are typically named after their creators. For example, the Cecchetti method is named after its creator, Italian dancer Enrico Cecchetti and the Vaganova method is named after Russian ballerina Agrippina Vaganova. The Royal Academy of Dance method is a ballet technique and training system that was founded by a diverse group of ballet dancers. They merged their respective dance methods (Italian, French, Danish and Russian) to create a new style of ballet that is unique to the organisation and is recognized internationally as the English style of ballet. Some examples of classical ballet productions are: Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and Sleeping Beauty.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.712876796722412, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ballet" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "The first performance of the ballet was held as a double premiere together with Tchaikovsky's last opera, Iolanta, on , at the Imperial Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, Russia. Although the libretto was by Marius Petipa, who exactly choreographed the first production has been debated. Petipa began work on the choreography in August 1892; however, illness removed him from its completion and his assistant of seven years, Lev Ivanov, was brought in. Although Ivanov is often credited as the choreographer, some contemporary accounts credit Petipa. The performance was conducted by Riccardo Drigo, with Antonietta Dell'Era as the Sugar Plum Fairy, Pavel Gerdt as Prince Coqueluche, Stanislava Belinskaya as Clara, Sergei Legat as the Nutcracker-Prince, and Timofey Stukolkin as Drosselmeyer. The children's roles, unlike many later productions, were performed by real children rather than adults (with Belinskaya as Clara, and Vassily Stukolkin as Fritz), students of Imperial Ballet School of St. Petersburg.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.5601577758789062, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "The first performance of The Nutcracker was not deemed a success. The reaction to the dancers themselves was ambivalent. While some critics praised Dell'Era on her pointework as the Sugar Plum Fairy (she allegedly received five curtain-calls), one critic called her \"corpulent\" and \"podgy.\"Fisher (2003): p. 15 Olga Preobrajenskaya as the Columbine doll was panned by one critic as \"completely insipid\" and praised as \"charming\" by another.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.213256359100342, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "In 1919, choreographer Alexander Gorsky staged a production which eliminated the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier and gave their dances to Clara and the Nutcracker Prince, who were played by adults instead of children. His was the first production to do so. An abridged version of the ballet was first performed outside Russia in Budapest (Royal Opera House) in 1927, with choreography by Ede Brada. In 1934, choreographer Vasili Vainonen staged a version of the work that addressed many of the criticisms of the original 1892 production by casting adult dancers in the roles of Clara and the Prince, as Gorsky had. The Vainonen version influenced several later productions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3353517055511475, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "The first complete performance outside Russia took place in England in 1934, staged by Nicholas Sergeyev after Petipa's original choreography. Annual performances of the ballet have been staged there since 1952. Another abridged version of the ballet, performed by the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, was staged in New York City in 1940, Alexandra Fedorova – again, after Petipa's version. The ballet's first complete United States performance was on 24 December 1944, by the San Francisco Ballet, staged by its artistic director, Willam Christensen, and starring Gisella Caccialanza as the Sugar Plum Fairy. After the enormous success of this production, San Francisco Ballet has presented Nutcracker every Christmas Eve and throughout the winter season, debuting new productions in 1944, 1954, 1967, and 2004. The New York City Ballet gave its first annual performance of George Balanchine's staging of The Nutcracker in 1954. Beginning in the 1960s, the tradition of performing the complete ballet at Christmas eventually spread to the rest of the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.9910871982574463, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dr. Stahlbaum", "passage": "*Dr. Stahlbaum", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.077664375305176, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Prince", "passage": "**His nephew (in some versions) who resembles the Nutcracker Prince and is played by the same dancer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.184905767440796, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Mouse King", "passage": "*Mouse King", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.282854080200195, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*Sugar Plum Fairy", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.240694999694824, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Prince", "passage": "*Nutcracker Prince", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.823347270488739, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Mother Ginger", "passage": "*Mother Ginger", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.286763191223145, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Mother Ginger", "passage": "*Polichinelles (Mother Ginger's Children)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.173646926879883, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*Sugar Plum Fairy's Cavalier", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.254257202148438, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "During the night, after everyone else has gone to bed, Clara returns to the parlor to check on her beloved nutcracker. As she reaches the little bed, the clock strikes midnight and she looks up to see Drosselmeyer perched atop it. Suddenly, mice begin to fill the room and the Christmas tree begins to grow to dizzying heights. The nutcracker also grows to life size. Clara finds herself in the midst of a battle between an army of gingerbread soldiers and the mice, led by their king. They begin to eat the soldiers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.980727195739746, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "The mice retreat and the nutcracker is transformed into a handsome Prince. He leads Clara through the moonlit night to a pine forest in which the snowflakes dance around them, beckoning them on to his kingdom as the first act ends.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.545212745666504, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "Clara and the Prince travel to the beautiful Land of Sweets, ruled by the Sugar Plum Fairy in his place until his return. He recounts for her how he had been saved from the Mouse King by Clara and had been transformed back into his own self.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.1227445602417, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Mother Ginger", "passage": "In honor of the young heroine, a celebration of sweets from around the world is produced: chocolate from Spain, coffee from Arabia, tea from China, and candy canes from Russia all dance for their amusement; Danish shepherdesses perform on their flutes; Mother Ginger has her children, the Polichinelles, emerge from under her enormous hoop skirt to dance; a string of beautiful flowers perform a waltz. To conclude the night, the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier perform a dance.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.614663124084473, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "A final waltz is performed by all the sweets, after which the Sugar Plum Fairy ushers Clara and the Prince down from their throne. He bows to her, she kisses Clara goodbye, and leads them to a reindeer drawn sleigh. It takes off as they wave goodbye to all the subjects who wave back.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.464200973510742, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Casse-Noisette", "passage": "Casse-Noisette. Ballet-féerie in two acts and three tableaux with apotheosis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.77669906616211, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Casse-Noisette", "passage": "*№07 Le Casse-Noisette—Polka et la berceuse", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.243005752563477, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Casse-Noisette", "passage": "*№10 La bataille de Casse-Noisette et du Roi des souris", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.403772354125977, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Waltz of the Flowers", "passage": ":—№20 Grand ballabile (a.k.a. Waltz of the Flowers)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.651802062988281, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Waltz of the Flowers", "passage": "Tchaikovsky is said to have argued with a friend who wagered that the composer could not write a melody based on the notes of the scale in an octave in sequence. Tchaikovsky asked if it mattered whether the notes were in ascending or descending order, and was assured it did not. This resulted in the Adagio from the Grand pas de deux, which, in the ballet, nearly always immediately follows the Waltz of the Flowers. A story is also told that Tchaikovsky's sister had died shortly before he began composition of the ballet, and that his sister's death influenced him to compose a melancholy, descending scale melody for the adagio of the Grand Pas de Deux. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.7187371253967285, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "One novelty in Tchaikovsky's original score was the use of the celesta, a new instrument Tchaikovsky had discovered in Paris. He wanted it genuinely for the character of the Sugar Plum Fairy to characterize her because of its \"heavenly sweet sound\". It appears not only in her \"Dance\", but also in other passages in Act II. (However, he first wrote for the celesta in his symphonic ballad The Voyevoda the previous year.) Tchaikovsky also uses toy instruments during the Christmas party scene. Tchaikovsky was proud of the celesta's effect, and wanted its music performed quickly for the public, before he could be \"scooped.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.9082560539245605, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": ":b. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy [ending altered from ballet-version]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.716123580932617, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Waltz of the Flowers", "passage": "III. Waltz of the Flowers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.926944732666016, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "Pletnev: Concert suite from The Nutcracker, for solo piano", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.23946475982666, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "b. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.657567024230957, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "Many recordings have been made since 1909 of the Nutcracker Suite, which made its initial appearance on disc that year in what is now historically considered the first record album. This recording was conducted by Herman Finck and featured the London Palace Orchestra. But it was not until the LP album was developed that recordings of the complete ballet began to be made. Because of the ballet's approximate hour and a half length when performed without intermission, applause, or interpolated numbers, it fits very comfortably onto two LPs. Most CD recordings take up two discs, often with fillers. An exception is the 81-minute 1998 Philips recording by Valery Gergiev that fits onto one CD because of Gergiev's somewhat brisker speeds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.442920684814453, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "*In 1956, the conductor Artur Rodziński and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra made a complete recording of the ballet on stereo master tapes for Westminster Records, but because stereo was not possible on the LP format in 1956, the recording was issued in stereo on magnetic tape, and only a mono 2-LP set was issued. (Recently, the Rodziński performance was issued in stereo on CD.) Rodziński had previously made a 78-RPM mono recording of the Nutcracker Suite for Columbia Masterworks in 1946, a recording which was reissued in 1948 as part of Columbia's first collection of classical LP's. According to some sources, Rodziński made two complete recordings of the ballet, one with the Royal Philharmonic and one with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. However, the conductor died only two years after making his 1956 Nutcracker recording, so it is possible that there may have been a mislabeling.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.653872489929199, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Prince", "passage": "* The first theatrical film adaptation, made in 1985, is of the Pacific Northwest Ballet version, and was conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras. The music is played in this production by the London Symphony Orchestra. The film was directed by Carroll Ballard, who had never before directed a ballet film (and hasn't since). Patricia Barker played Clara in the fantasy sequences, and Vanessa Sharp played her in the Christmas party scene. Wade Walthall was the Nutcracker Prince.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.510303020477295, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* The second film adaptation was a 1993 film of the New York City Ballet version, titled George Balanchine's The Nutcracker, with David Zinman conducting the New York City Ballet Orchestra. The director was Emile Ardolino, who had won the Emmy, Obie, and Academy Awards for filming dance, and was to die of AIDS later that year. Principal dancers included the Balanchine muse Darci Kistler, who played the Sugar Plum Fairy, Heather Watts, Damian Woetzel, and Kyra Nichols. Two well-known actors also took part: Macaulay Culkin appeared as the Nutcracker/Prince, and Kevin Kline served as the offscreen narrator. The soundtrack features the interpolated number from The Sleeping Beauty that Balanchine used in the production, and the music is heard on the album in the order that it appears in the film, not in the order that it appears in the original ballet. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.8670090436935425, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "*Notable albums of excerpts from the ballet, rather than just the usual Nutcracker Suite, were recorded by Eugene Ormandy conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra for Columbia Masterworks, and Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for RCA Victor. Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra (for RCA), as well as Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra (for Telarc) have also recorded albums of extended excerpts. The original edition of Michael Tilson Thomas's version with the Philharmonia Orchestra on CBS Masterworks was complete, but is out of print; the currently available edition is abridged. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.55632746219635, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "*In 2007, Josh Perschbacher recorded an organ transcription of the Nutcracker Suite.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.719161033630371, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* In 1942, Freddy Martin and his orchestra recorded The Nutcracker Suite for Dance Orchestra on a set of 4 10-inch 78-RPM records. An arrangement of the suite that lay between dance music and jazz, it was released by RCA Victor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3590104579925537, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "*In 1962, American poet and humorist Ogden Nash wrote verses inspired by the ballet, and these verses have sometimes been performed in concert versions of the Nutcracker Suite. It has been recorded with Peter Ustinov reciting the verses, and the music is unchanged from the original. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.9075686931610107, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* The Trans-Siberian Orchestra's first album, Christmas Eve and Other Stories, includes an instrumental piece titled \"A Mad Russian's Christmas\", which is a rock version of music from The Nutcracker.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.634408473968506, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* The Disco Biscuits, a trance-fusion jam band from Philadelphia, have performed \"Waltz of the Flowers\" and \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" on multiple occasions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.710387229919434, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* In 2002, The Constructus Corporation used the melody of Sugar Plum Fairy for their track Choose Your Own Adventure.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.222725868225098, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* In 2009, Pet Shop Boys used a melody from the Nutcracker Suite for their track \"All Over the World\", taken from their album Yes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.315601348876953, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2010, the Belgian rapper Lunaman had a hit single with 'Nutcracka' by using a melody from the Nutcracker as the chorus of the song.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.6265997886657715, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* In 2012, jazz pianist Eyran Katsenelenbogen released his renditions of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Dance of the Reed Flutes, Russian Dance and Waltz of the Flowers from the Nutcracker Suite.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.9315078258514404, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy", "passage": "* In 2014, Canadian electronic music producer Brado Popcorn released three versions of the song, titled \"The Distorted Dance of The Sugarplum Fairy\" on his \"A Tribute to the Music of Tetris\" album. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.005599975585938, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* In 2014, Pentatonix released an a cappella arrangement of \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" on the holiday album That's Christmas to Me and received a Grammy Award on 16th February 2016 for best arrangement.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.892043113708496, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "For a comprehensive list of stage, film and television adaptations of The Nutcracker, see: List of productions of The Nutcracker", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.676508903503418, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* The 1940 Disney animated film Fantasia features a segment using The Nutcracker Suite. This version was also included both as part of the 3-LP soundtrack album of Fantasia (since released as a 2-CD set), and as a single LP, with Dance of the Hours, another Fantasia segment, on the reverse side. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.781813621520996, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* The Spirit of Christmas, a 1950 marionette made-for-TV featurette in color narrated by Alexander Scourby, utilizes the poem A Visit from St. Nicholas, and this sequence also includes music from The Nutcracker.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.975936412811279, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* A 1951 thirty-minute short, Santa and the Fairy Snow Queen, issued on DVD by Something Weird Video, features several dances from The Nutcracker. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.934844970703125, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* A 1954 16mm short subject version of The Little Match Girl features a dream sequence in which music from The Nutcracker is played.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.030320644378662, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Mouse King", "passage": "* The Nutcracker (1973) features a nameless girl (slightly similar to Clara) who works as a maid befriends and falls in love with a nutcracker ornament, who was a young prince cursed by the three headed Mouse King. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3794519901275635, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Prince", "passage": "* A 1990 animated film titled The Nutcracker Prince uses cuts of the music throughout and its story is based heavily on that of the ballet.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.206641435623169, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2007, Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale also used 'The Nutcracker' excerpts, which were performed by The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9483104944229126, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2013, Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie the ending scene is a reference to the Nutcracker Witch.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.2631611824035645, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* Disney is developing a live-action adaptation titled The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, Lasse Hallström would direct from a script by Ashleigh Powell. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.499745845794678, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* A 1954 Christmas episode of General Electric Theater featured Fred Waring and his choral group, the Pennsylvanians, singing excerpts from The Nutcracker with specially written lyrics. While the music was being sung, the audience saw ballet dancers performing. The episode was hosted by Ronald Reagan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.082602024078369, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* A 1996 episode of The Magic School Bus (\"Holiday Special\", Season 3, episode 39), Wanda is planning to see a performance of The Nutcracker. Some of the music for this episode was based on the score of the ballet. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.842331886291504, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "*A 2002 episode of Courage The Cowardly Dog titled \"The Nutcracker\", set in a junkyard, portrayed the title character using a broken nutcracker to defend his masters against two enormous rats intent on devouring them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4311254024505615, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "*A House of Mouse special, Snowed in at the House of Mouse, included an animated short, starring Mickey Mouse as the Nutcracker, Minnie Mouse as Maria, Ludwig von Drake as a character based on Herr Drosselmeyer, Goofy as the Sugar Plum Fairy and Donald Duck as the \"Duck-stroke-Mouse-stroke-King-type-person\" (or the Mouse King), and portrayed a brief overview of the story, sarcastically narrated by John Cleese. The story ran with modern rock-style adaptations of Tchaikovsky's music.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.386579990386963, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* The \"Toon TV\" episode of Tiny Toon Adventures and The Plucky Duck Show features a song called \"Video Game Blues\", set to the melodies of \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" and the \"Russian Dance\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.113624572753906, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* A 2005 episode of The Simpsons called \"Simpsons Christmas Stories\" (Season 17, episode 9), features a montage in which are seen residents of Springfield on Christmas, singing to the tune of pieces from The Nutcracker Suite. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.086406707763672, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Mouse King", "passage": "*The Wonder Pets on Nick Jr. includes a Christmas themed episode called \"Save the Nutcracker\", featuring the Nutcracker and Mouse King from the original ballet, as well as much of the music.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.269627571105957, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "*An episode of the PBS Kids series Super Why features the Mouse King as a central character.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.381531715393066, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "*In an episode of Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps, Angelina sees a performance of The Nutcracker.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.32686710357666, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "*The Animaniacs cartoon Nutcracker Slappy featured Slappy and Skippy trying to crack open a walnut in various ways only to find it was empty, all to the music of The Nutcracker.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.814905643463135, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*During the Christmas music special of Beavis and Butt-head, one of the incidental bits of music they hear is the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, at which Beavis is impressed (saying it's like Ozzy) and he even chants along to the tune before humming Iron Man. The song also appears in the episode The Mystery Of Morning Wood while they sleep and the Morning Wood Fairy comes out of the TV.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.04999828338623, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Mouse King", "passage": "*Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 25 (series 2, episode 12) titled, \"Spam.\" Within this episode is the \"Hospital for Over-Actors\" sketch, which includes several patients acting as the Mouse King.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.348902702331543, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "* In the early 1980s, a commercial for the breakfast cereal Smurfberry Crunch used a portion of The Nutcracker Suite as music for an advertising jingle sung by Smurfs. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.018311023712158, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* In Numbertime Number 2, \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" is heard as part of the background music.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.055855751037598, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "* The season 1 episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, \"Suds\", \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" is heard in its background music soundtrack a number of times.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.033730506896973, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In the NES version of Tetris, the \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" is available as background music (referred to in the settings as \"Music 1\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.943547248840332, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Waltz of the Flowers", "passage": "*In the NES game, Winter Games, \"Waltz of the Flowers\" is used as the music for the figure skating event.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.971786499023438, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Waltz of the Flowers", "passage": "*In the game BioShock, the main character Jack meets an insane musician named Sander Cohen who tasks Jack with killing and photographing four of Sander's ex-disciples. When the third photograph is given to Sander, in a fit of pique he unleashes waves of splicer enemies to attack Jack while playing \"Waltz of the Flowers\" from speakers in the area.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.873429298400879, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In Weird Dreams, there is also a fat ballerina dancing to the \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" in the Hall of Tubes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.857009887695312, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In the Baby Bowser levels of Yoshi's Story, a variation of the \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" is used as the background music.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.05812931060791, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Waltz of the Flowers", "passage": "*In Mega Man Legends, the \"Waltz of the Flowers\" can be heard in the Balloon Fantasy minigame.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.76546859741211, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "*In the Wii Winter Olympics game, a piece from \"The Nutcracker\" is used as background music for a figure skating event. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.098899841308594, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In Hatoful Boyfriend, the \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" is used as the character theme for Iwamine Shuu.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.884747505187988, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In a TV advertisement for Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2, the plastic army men work together using a train playset to move a firecracker under the Christmas tree and place it between the Nutcracker doll's legs, while \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\" plays.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.438044548034668, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In Fantasia: Music Evolved, a medley of \"The Nutcracker\" is listed and consists of the \"Marche\", \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\", and \"Trepak\"; besides the original mix, there is also the \"D00 BAH D00\" mix and the \"DC Breaks\" mix.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.74393630027771, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "passage": "*In Grand Theft Auto V one of the classical horns, that can be bought for cars, plays the \"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.964696884155273, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "Nutcracker Suite", "passage": "Another children's LP, The Nutcracker Suite with Words, featured Captain Kangaroo's Bob Keeshan narrating the story, and sung versions of the different movements, with special lyrics. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.177267074584961, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "* In 2009, Pulitzer Prize-winning dance critic Sarah Kaufman wrote a series of articles for The Washington Post criticizing the primacy of The Nutcracker in the American repertory for stunting the creative evolution of ballet in the United States: ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.1120316982269287, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "A nutcracker is a tool designed to open nuts by cracking their shells. There are many designs, including levers, screws, and ratchets. A well-known type portrays a person whose mouth forms the jaws of the nutcracker, though many of these are meant for decorative use.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.012026309967041, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nutcracker" }, { "answer": "The Nutcracker", "passage": "During the Victorian era, fruit and nuts were presented at dinner and ornate and often silver-plated nutcrackers were produced to accompany them on the dinner table. Nuts have long been a popular choice for desserts, particularly throughout Europe. The nutcrackers were placed on dining tables to serve as a fun and entertaining center of conversation while diners awaited their final course. At one time, nutcrackers were actually made of metals such as brass, and it was not until the 1800s in Germany that the popularity of wooden ones began to spread.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.120610237121582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nutcracker" } ]
In the O. Henry story “The Gift of the Magi”, what did Della sell to buy a chain for her husband’s prized pocket watch?
{ "aliases": [ "Her hair" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "her hair" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "her hair", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Her hair" }
[ { "answer": "Her hair", "passage": "At 7 o'clock, Della sits at a table near the door, waiting for Jim to come home. Unusually late, Jim walks in and immediately stops short at the sight of Della, who had previously prayed that she was still pretty to Jim. Della then admits to Jim that she sold her hair to buy him his present. Jim gives Della her present – an assortment of expensive hair accessories (referred to as “The Combs”), useless now that her hair is short. Della then shows Jim the chain she bought for him, to which Jim says he sold his watch to get the money to buy her combs. Although Jim and Della are now left with gifts that neither one can use, they realize how far they are willing to go to show their love for each other, and how priceless their love really is. ", "precise_score": 1.3387069702148438, "rough_score": 1.2966198921203613, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Gift of the Magi" }, { "answer": "Her hair", "passage": "On Christmas Eve, with only $1.87 in hand, and desperate to find a gift for Jim, Della sells her hair for $20 to a nearby hairdresser named Madame Sofronie, and eventually finds a platinum pocket watch fob chain for Jim's watch for $21. Satisfied with the perfect gift for Jim, Della runs home and begins to prepare pork chops for dinner.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.5518229007720947, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Gift of the Magi" } ]
The Saint Nicholas who served as the inspiration for Santa Claus, also known as Nicholas of Myra, hailed from what country?
{ "aliases": [ "Yunanistan", "Griekenland", "Hellenic republic", "Elláda", "Graecia", "The Hellenic Republic", "Ελλάς", "Eládha", "Yananistan", "Republic of Greece", "Elliniki Dimokratía", "Picki u dusa", "République hellénique", "Social issues in Greece", "Hellas", "Hellenic Republic", "Republique hellenique", "Eladha", "Ελλάδα", "Grèce", "Elliniki Dimokratia", "Greece", "Temporary Government of National Defence", "Griechenland", "Grcija", "Ellada", "Hellada", "Greek Republic", "Grece", "Ελληνική Δημοκρατία", "Grcka", "Political history of Greece", "Ellīnikī́ Dīmokratía", "Macedonian Greece", "History of North Greece", "ISO 3166-1:GR", "Grecce", "Elás", "Hellás", "Ελλας", "Greek law (Hellenic Republic)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "elliniki dimokratía", "macedonian greece", "ellada", "grèce", "elliniki dimokratia", "yananistan", "grece", "yunanistan", "history of north greece", "grcka", "hellas", "greece", "republic of greece", "graecia", "hellada", "grcija", "hellás", "temporary government of national defence", "ελλάδα", "république hellénique", "ellīnikī́ dīmokratía", "iso 3166 1 gr", "social issues in greece", "political history of greece", "eládha", "greek republic", "griekenland", "ελλάς", "ελληνική δημοκρατία", "elás", "greek law hellenic republic", "elláda", "hellenic republic", "republique hellenique", "eladha", "ελλας", "griechenland", "picki u dusa", "grecce" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "greece", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Greece" }
[ { "answer": "Greece", "passage": "Among the Greeks and Italians he is a favorite of sailors, fishermen, ships and sailing. As such he has become over time the patron saint of several cities maintaining harbours. In centuries of Greek folklore, Nicholas was seen as \"The Lord of the Sea\", often described by modern Greek scholars as a kind of Christianized version of Poseidon. In modern Greece, he is still easily among the most recognizable saints and 6 December finds many cities celebrating their patron saint. He is also the patron saint of all of Greece and particularly of the Hellenic Navy. ", "precise_score": -2.4967007637023926, "rough_score": -6.007451057434082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Saint Nicholas" } ]
December 20, 1860 saw which state secede from the Union, the first of 11?
{ "aliases": [ "Eighth State", "Hurricanes in South Carolina", "South Carolina (state)", "Transport in South Carolina", "The Palmetto State", "Religion in South Carolina", "South Carolina", "US-SC", "Iodine State", "South Carolina (U.S. state)", "State of South Carolina", "8th State", "Transportation in South Carolina", "South carolina", "Geography of South Carolina", "Education in South Carolina", "South Carolina (USA State)", "S. Carolina", "South Carolina Department of Archives and History", "South Carolina, United States", "South Carolina (State)", "Economy of South Carolina" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "s carolina", "palmetto state", "south carolina state", "iodine state", "hurricanes in south carolina", "state of south carolina", "8th state", "south carolina u s state", "south carolina united states", "transportation in south carolina", "geography of south carolina", "education in south carolina", "south carolina", "economy of south carolina", "south carolina usa state", "transport in south carolina", "religion in south carolina", "us sc", "eighth state", "south carolina department of archives and history" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "south carolina", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "South Carolina" }
[ { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "During the presidential term of Andrew Jackson, South Carolina had its own semi-secession movement due to the 1828 \"Tariffs of Abomination\" which threatened both South Carolina's economy and the Union. Andrew Jackson also threatened to send federal troops to put down the movement and to hang the leader of the secessionists from the highest tree in South Carolina. Also due to this, Jackson's vice president, John C. Calhoun, who supported the movement and wrote the essay \"The South Carolina Exposition and Protest\", became the first US vice-president to resign. On May 1, 1833, Jackson wrote of nullification, \"the tariff was only a pretext, and disunion and southern confederacy the real object. The next pretext will be the negro, or slavery question.\" South Carolina also threatened to secede in 1850 over the issue of California's statehood. It became the first state to declare its secession from the Union on December 20, 1860, with the Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union and later joined with the other southern states in the Confederacy.", "precise_score": -0.6100485324859619, "rough_score": -5.7949700355529785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Secession in the United States" }, { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "The most famous secession movement was the case of the Southern states of the United States. Secession from the United States was declared in eleven states (and failed in two others). The seceding states joined together to form the Confederate States of America (CSA). The eleven states of the CSA, in order of secession, were: South Carolina (seceded December 20, 1860), Mississippi (seceded January 9, 1861), Florida (seceded January 10, 1861), Alabama (seceded January 11, 1861), Georgia (seceded January 19, 1861), Louisiana (seceded January 26, 1861), Texas (seceded February 1, 1861), Virginia (seceded April 17, 1861), Arkansas (seceded May 6, 1861), North Carolina (seceded May 20, 1861), and Tennessee (seceded June 8, 1861). Secession was declared by its supporters in Missouri and Kentucky, but did not become effective as it was opposed by their pro-Union state governments. This secession movement brought about the American Civil War. The position of the Union was that the Confederacy was not a sovereign nation—and never had been, but that \"the Union\" was always a single nation by intent of the states themselves, from 1776 onward—and thus that a rebellion had been initiated by individuals. Historian Bruce Catton described President Abraham Lincoln's April 15, 1861, proclamation after the attack on Fort Sumter, which defined the Union's position on the hostilities:", "precise_score": 5.572332859039307, "rough_score": 0.5242109894752502, "source": "wiki", "title": "Secession in the United States" }, { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "In July 1998 the Rutgers University journal \"Society\" published papers from a \"Symposium on Secession and Nationalism at the Millennium\" including the articles \"The Western State as Paradigm\" by Hans-Herman Hoppe, \"Profit Motives in Secession\" by Sabrina P. Ramet, \"Rights of Secession\" by Daniel Kofman, \"The Very Idea of Secession\" by Donald Livingston and \"Secession, Autonomy, & Modernity\" by Edward A. Tiryakian. In 2007 the University of South Carolina sponsored a conference called \"Secession As an International Phenomenon\" which produced a number of papers on the topic. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076484680175781, "source": "wiki", "title": "Secession" }, { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "During the crisis, President Andrew Jackson, published his Proclamation to the People of South Carolina, which made a case for the perpetuity of the Union; plus, he provided his views re the questions of \"revolution\" and \"secession\":", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.249346733093262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Secession in the United States" }, { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "South Carolina", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.441033363342285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Secession in the United States" }, { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "* South Carolina: In May 2010 a group formed that called itself the Third Palmetto Republic, a reference to the fact that the state claimed to be an independent republic twice before: once in 1776 and again in 1860. The group models itself after the Second Vermont Republic, and says its aims are for a free and independent South Carolina, and to abstain from any further federations.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.81662368774414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Secession in the United States" }, { "answer": "South Carolina", "passage": "On 15 April 1861, the day after South Carolina military forces attacked and captured Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring an insurrection against the laws of the United States. Earlier, South Carolina and seven other", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.939769744873047, "source": "wiki", "title": "First Battle of Bull Run" } ]
In the classic 1990 movie Home Alone, where is the McCallister family headed on vacation when 8 year old Kevin is mistakenly left behind?
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[ { "answer": "Paris", "passage": "Home Alone (stylized as HOME ALONe) is a 1990 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus. The film stars Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister, a boy who is mistakenly left behind when his family flies to Paris for their Christmas vacation. Kevin initially relishes being home alone, but soon has to contend with two would-be burglars played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. The film also features Catherine O'Hara and John Heard as Kevin's parents.", "precise_score": 7.377004623413086, "rough_score": 8.613323211669922, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home Alone" }, { "answer": "Paris", "passage": "In Chicago, Illinois, the McCallister family is preparing for a Christmas vacation in Paris. On the night before their departure, the entire family gathers at Peter and Kate's home, where their 8-year-old son, Kevin, is ridiculed by his siblings and cousins. After a scuffle with his older brother, Buzz, Kevin is sent to the third floor of the house, where he wishes that his family would disappear. During the night, heavy winds cause damage to power lines, which causes the alarm clocks to reset; consequently, the family oversleeps. In the confusion and rush to get to the airport in time to catch their flight, Kevin is accidentally left behind.", "precise_score": 5.6547465324401855, "rough_score": 6.585142612457275, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home Alone" }, { "answer": "Paris", "passage": "Kate realizes mid-flight that Kevin is missing and, upon arrival in Paris, the family finds out all flights to Chicago for the next two days are all booked. Peter and the rest of the family go to Uncle Frank's apartment in the city while Kate manages to get a flight back to the United States but is only able to get as far as Scranton, Pennsylvania. She tries to book a flight to Chicago but again, everything is booked. Unable to accept this, Kate is overheard by Gus Polinski (played by John Candy), the lead member of a traveling polka band, who offers to let her travel with them to Winnetka on their way to Milwaukee in a moving van, which she graciously accepts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.562079429626465, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home Alone" }, { "answer": "Paris", "passage": "On Christmas Day, Kevin is disappointed to find that his family is still gone. He then hears Kate enter the house and call for him; they reconcile and are soon joined by the rest of the McCallisters, who waited in Paris until they could get a direct flight to Chicago. Kevin keeps silent about his encounter with Harry and Marv, although Peter finds Harry's missing gold tooth. Kevin then observes Marley reuniting with his son and his family. Marley notices Kevin and the pair acknowledge each other before Marley and his family go home. Buzz suddenly calls out, \"Kevin, what did you do to my room?!\" at which point Kevin runs off.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.285518169403076, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home Alone" }, { "answer": "Paris", "passage": "The cast also includes: John Candy as Gus Polinski, \"the Polka King of the Midwest\"; Ralph Foody as Johnny, a gangster who appears in the fictional film Angels with Filthy Souls; Larry Hankin as Larry Balzak, a police sergeant who works in family crisis; Ken Hudson Campbell as a man dressed as Santa Claus; and Hope Davis as a Paris-Orly Airport receptionist.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.628800392150879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home Alone" }, { "answer": "Paris", "passage": "Home Alone was set—and mostly shot—in the greater Chicago area in February 1990. Other shots, such as those of Paris, are either stock footage or film trickery. The Paris-Orly Airport scenes were filmed in one part of O'Hare International Airport. The scene where Kevin wades through a neighbor's flooded basement when trying to outsmart the burglars was shot in the swimming pool of New Trier High School. A mock-up of the McDonnell Douglas DC10 business class was also put together on the school's basketball courts. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3059420585632324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home Alone" } ]
Whose ghost was the first to appear to Ebenezer Scrooge?
{ "aliases": [ "Marley's Ghost", "Jacob Marley" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "marley s ghost", "jacob marley" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "jacob marley", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Jacob Marley" }
[ { "answer": "Jacob Marley", "passage": "While he is preparing to go to bed, he is visited by the ghost of his business partner, Jacob Marley, who had died seven years earlier (1836) on Christmas Eve. Like Scrooge, Marley had spent his life hoarding his wealth and exploiting the poor, and, as a result, is damned to walk the Earth for eternity bound in the chains of his own greed. Marley warns Scrooge that he risks meeting the same fate and that as a final chance at redemption he will be visited by three spirits of Christmas: Past, Present and Yet-to-Come.", "precise_score": 0.5496621131896973, "rough_score": -0.7071784734725952, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge" }, { "answer": "Marley's Ghost", "passage": "The character is most often noted for exclaiming \"Bah! Humbug!\" despite uttering this phrase only twice in the entire story. He uses the word \"Humbug\" on its own on seven occasions, although on the seventh we are told he \"stopped at the first syllable\" after realizing Marley's ghost is real. The word is never used again after that in the book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.069071769714355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ebenezer Scrooge" } ]
What was the name of Scrooge's long suffering clerk in a Christmas Carol?
{ "aliases": [ "Bob Cratchit", "Bob Cratchitt", "Bob Cratchet", "Cratchit" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "cratchit", "bob cratchitt", "bob cratchit", "bob cratchet" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bob cratchit", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bob Cratchit" }
[ { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "Ebenezer Scrooge (Albert Finney) is a cold-hearted and greedy old miser whose only concern is money and profit and hates everything to do with Christmas. After Scrooge scares off a group of boys who were singing a carol outside his door, his nephew Fred (Michael Medwin) arrives to invite him to Christmas dinner with his wife (Mary Peach) and friends. Scrooge, however, refuses. After Fred leaves, Scrooge reluctantly gives his clerk Bob Cratchit (David Collings) the next day off as it is Christmas, but says he expects him back \"all the earlier the next morning.\" Bob meets two of his children, including Tiny Tim (Richard Beaumont), in the streets, and they buy the food for their Christmas dinner. Scrooge, meanwhile, is surveyed by two other men (Derek Francis and Roy Kinnear) for a donation for the poor, but Scrooge refuses to support the prisons and workhouses, and even says \"if they would rather die, then they better do it and decrease the surplus population.\" On his way home, Scrooge meets some of his clients, including Tom Jenkins (Anton Rodgers), and reminds them the debts they owe him. In a running gag, Scrooge is stalked and made fun of by the same street urchins seen at the start of the film, who call him \"Father Christmas.\"", "precise_score": 3.4481661319732666, "rough_score": 3.6032357215881348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "The tale begins on a \"cold, bleak, biting\" Christmas Eve in London, exactly seven years after the death of Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley. Scrooge, an old miser, is established within the first stave as \"a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner!\" He hates Christmas, calling it \"humbug\"; he refuses his nephew Fred's Christmas dinner invitation, and he sarcastically turns away two gentlemen who seek a donation from him to provide a Christmas dinner for the poor and needy. His only \"Christmas gift\" is allowing his overworked, underpaid clerk Bob Cratchit Christmas Day off with pay – which he does only to keep with social custom, Scrooge considering it \"a poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every 25th of December!\"", "precise_score": 1.6874781847000122, "rough_score": 2.0314533710479736, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "The opening numbers are \"The Years Are Passing By\" and \"Jolly, Rich, and Fat\". In later productions the two numbers are combined as \"Jolly Good Time.\" Scrooge first encounters the three ghosts of Christmas in their real-world guises as a lamplighter (Past), a charity show barker (Present), and a blind beggar woman (Future) (\"Nothing to Do With Me\"). Scrooge's long-suffering employee Bob Cratchit, and Bob's son Tiny Tim, purchase a Christmas chicken (\"You Mean More to Me\").", "precise_score": 1.5290385484695435, "rough_score": 0.43672844767570496, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "The Ghost of Christmas Present (\"Abundance and Charity\" and \"Christmas Together\"), makes his point that Christmas is a time for celebration, generosity, and fellowship. The former takes place at a fantastical version of the charity show he was seen promoting on Christmas Eve, and the latter whisks Scrooge on a tour of London that includes the homes of his nephew Fred, his clerk Bob Cratchit, and Mr. Smythe, a recently widowed client of Scrooge's lending house.", "precise_score": 1.268639326095581, "rough_score": 0.47854214906692505, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "The Ghost of Christmas Present (Kenneth More), a jolly giant, visits next and shows Scrooge the home of Bob Cratchit and his family. Scrooge learns that Tiny Tim is very ill, and the spirit warns if the shadows of the future don't change, the boy will die. They then pay a visit to Fred, his wife and friends at Fred's home, where they toast Scrooge and play The Minister's Cat. Finally, the ghost leaves Scrooge, but not before telling him life is too short.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.104499101638794, "source": "wiki", "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "Scrooge discovers he has time to put things right and becomes a generous man. He goes on a shopping spree, buying food and presents. He runs into Fred and his wife and gives them some overdue presents as well. They invite Scrooge to Christmas lunch, which he gladly accepts. Scrooge, dressed as Father Christmas, then delivers a giant turkey, presents and toys to the Cratchits, and after making his identity known, announces to Bob that he is doubling his salary and promises that they will work to find the best doctors to make Tiny Tim better. Scrooge then frees all his clients from their debts, much to their delight. Scrooge returns home to get ready for lunch with his family and thanks Marley for helping him at a second chance at life.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.63852596282959, "source": "wiki", "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "* David Collings as Bob Cratchit", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.455718040466309, "source": "wiki", "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "* Frances Cuka as Mrs. Cratchit", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.433598518371582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "# \"Christmas Children\" – David Collings & Cratchit Children", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.829215049743652, "source": "wiki", "title": "Scrooge (1970 film)" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "The second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes Scrooge to several different scenes – a joy-filled market of people buying the makings of Christmas dinner, celebrations of Christmas in a miner's cottage and in a lighthouse. Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present also visit Fred's Christmas party, where Fred speaks of his uncle with pity. A major part of this stave is taken up with Bob Cratchit's family feast, and introduces his youngest son, Tiny Tim, who is full of simple happiness despite being seriously ill. The spirit informs Scrooge that Tiny Tim will soon die unless the course of events changes. Before disappearing, the spirit shows Scrooge two hideous, emaciated children named Ignorance and Want. He tells Scrooge to beware the former above all, and replies to Scrooge's concern for their welfare by repeating Scrooge's own words: \"Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.19201752543449402, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol" }, { "answer": "Bob Cratchit", "passage": "The third spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, shows Scrooge a Christmas Day in the future. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge scenes involving the death of a \"wretched man\". The man's funeral will only be attended by local businessmen if lunch is provided. His charwoman Mrs. Dilber, his laundress, and the local undertaker steal some of his possessions and sell them to a fence named Old Joe for money. Mrs. Dilber gives Old Joe the bed curtains, the Laundress gives Old Joe the bed sheets, and the undertaker gives Old Joe some button collars. Scrooge also sees a shrouded corpse which he implores the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come not to unmask. When Scrooge asks the ghost to show anyone who feels any emotion over the man's death, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come can only show him an emotion of pleasure, from a poor couple indebted to the man momentarily rejoicing that his death gives them more time to pay off their debt. After Scrooge asks to see some tenderness connected with any death, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows him Bob Cratchit and his family mourning the passing of Tiny Tim. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come then shows Scrooge the man's neglected grave: the tombstone bears Scrooge's name. Sobbing, Scrooge pledges to the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come that he will change his ways in hopes that he may \"sponge the writing from this stone\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0834524631500244, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "Scrooge awakens on Christmas morning with joy and love in his heart. He spends the day with Fred's family and anonymously sends a prize turkey to the Cratchit home for Christmas dinner. The following day, he gives Cratchit a raise and becomes like \"a second father\" to Tiny Tim. A changed man, Scrooge now treats everyone with kindness, generosity, and compassion; he now embodies the spirit of Christmas. As the final narration states, \"Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for was always said of him that he knew how to keep Christmas well if any man alive possessed the knowledge.\" The story closes with the narrator repeating Tiny Tim's famous words: \"God bless us, every one!\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.7613463401794434, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*\"Nothing to Do With Me\" – Scrooge, Cratchit ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.515179634094238, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*\"Street Song\"(\"Nothing To Do With Me\") – Scrooge, Cratchit, Fred, Jonathan, Sandwich Board Man, Lamplighter, Blind Old Hag, Ensemble", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.71377944946289, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*\"You Mean More To Me\" - Cratchit, Tiny Tim", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.429837226867676, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*\"Christmas Together\" – Tiny Tim, Ghost of Christmas Present, Cratchit Family, Fred, Ensemble", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.492780685424805, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*Cratchit - Nick Corley", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.469311714172363, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*Mrs. Cratchit - Joy Hermalyn", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382607460021973, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" }, { "answer": "Cratchit", "passage": "*The Cratchit Children - Mary Elizabeth Albano, Betsy Chang, David Gallagher, Sean Thomas Morrissey", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.270042419433594, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Christmas Carol (musical)" } ]
Olive the Other what is a Christmas book by Vivian Walsh and J Otto Seibold?
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[ { "answer": "Reindeer", "passage": "*Olive, the Other Reindeer (1997)", "precise_score": -1.0200417041778564, "rough_score": -5.891707897186279, "source": "wiki", "title": "J. Otto Seibold" }, { "answer": "Reindeer", "passage": "With no formal art training he was able to sneak into the art world during the \" outsider artist\" craze of the 1990s. He is the first person to create children's books digitally with \"Mr.Lunch Takes a Plane Ride\" (1993) and has continued publishing for 20 years. His book \"Olive the Other Reindeer\" (1996) led to an animated television special of the same name produced by Matt Groening and Fox Family Entertainment.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.833755970001221, "source": "wiki", "title": "J. Otto Seibold" }, { "answer": "Reindeer", "passage": "His book Penguin Dreams was named a New York Times \"Best Illustrated Book\". Mr. Lunch Takes a Plane Ride won a Cuffie Award from Publisher's Weekly; Mr. Lunch won for most memorable character in a lead role. Going to the Getty won an Art Directors Club Illustration Award. Olive, the Other Reindeer was a New York Times Bestseller and the movie version was nominated for an Emmy Award.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.563834190368652, "source": "wiki", "title": "J. Otto Seibold" } ]
Named for the day of its discovery by Captain William Mynors, Christmas Island, a land mass in the Indian Ocean, is a territory of what nation?
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[ { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Christmas Island, officially the Territory of Christmas Island, is an external territory of the Commonwealth of Australia in the Indian Ocean, comprising the island of the same name. It has a population of 2,072 residents, who live mainly in settlements on the northern tip of the island, including Flying Fish Cove (also known as Kampong), Silver City, Poon Saan, and Drumsite. Around two-thirds of the island's population are Malaysian Chinese, with significant numbers of Malays and European Australians as well as smaller numbers of Malaysian Indians and Eurasians. Several languages are in use, including English, Malay, and various Chinese dialects, while Buddhism is the primary religion, followed by three-quarters of the population.", "precise_score": 2.150493621826172, "rough_score": 4.038556098937988, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The island was discovered on Christmas Day (25 December) 1643, but only settled in the late 19th century. Its geographic isolation and history of minimal human disturbance has led to a high level of endemism among its flora and fauna, which is of interest to scientists and naturalists. 63% of its 135 km2 is an Australian national park. There exist large areas of primary monsoonal forest. Phosphate, deposited originally as guano, has been mined on the island for many years.", "precise_score": -0.24460996687412262, "rough_score": 3.078575372695923, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Christmas Island lies 2600 km northwest of Perth, Western Australia, 500 km south of Indonesia, 975 km ENE of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and 2748 km west of Darwin, Northern Territory. Its closest point to the Australian mainland is 1560 km from the town of Exmouth, Western Australia.", "precise_score": -2.2287399768829346, "rough_score": -5.631962776184082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Australia's Christmas Island Act was passed in September 1958 and the island was officially placed under the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1 October 1958. ", "precise_score": -3.503709316253662, "rough_score": -5.9249091148376465, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Under Commonwealth Cabinet Decision 1573 of 9 September 1958, D. E. Nickels was appointed the first official representative of the new territory. In a media statement on 5 August 1960, the minister for territories, Paul Hasluck, said, among other things, that, \"His extensive knowledge of the Malay language and the customs of the Asian people... has proved invaluable in the inauguration of Australian administration... During his two years on the island he had faced unavoidable difficulties... and constantly sought to advance the island's interests.\" John William Stokes succeeded him and served from 1 October 1960, to 12 June 1966. On his departure he was lauded by all sectors of the island community. In 1968, the official secretary was re-titled an administrator and, since 1997, Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands together are called the Australian Indian Ocean Territories and share a single administrator resident on Christmas Island. Recollections of the island's history and lifestyle, and lists and timetables of the island's leaders and events since its settlement are at the World Statesmen site and in Neale (1988), Bosman (1993), Hunt (2011) and Stokes (2012).", "precise_score": -3.0590007305145264, "rough_score": -1.7146698236465454, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Christmas Island is a non-self-governing territory of Australia, currently administered by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Administration was carried out by the Attorney-General's Department until 14 September 2010, and prior to this by the Department of Transport and Regional Services before 29 November 2007. The legal system is under the authority of the Governor-General of Australia and Australian law. An administrator appointed by the Governor-General represents the monarch and Australia.", "precise_score": -3.0048797130584717, "rough_score": -5.591614723205566, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The Australian government provides services through the Christmas Island Administration and the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Under the federal government's Territories Law Reform Act 1992, which came into force on 1 July 1992, Western Australian laws are applied to Christmas Island \"so far as they are capable of applying in the territory\";[ Territories Law Reform Act 1992] non-application or partial application of such laws is at the discretion of the federal government. The act also gives Western Australian courts judicial power over Christmas Island. Christmas Island remains constitutionally distinct from Western Australia, however; the power of the state to legislate for the territory is delegated by the federal government. The kind of services typically provided by a state government elsewhere in Australia are provided by departments of the Western Australian government, and by contractors, with the costs met by the federal government. A unicameral Shire of Christmas Island with nine seats provides local government services and is elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms. Elections are held every two years, with four or five of the members standing for election.", "precise_score": -4.579315662384033, "rough_score": -5.926713943481445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Christmas Island was uninhabited until the late 19th century, allowing many species to evolve without human interference. Two-thirds of the island has been declared a National Park, which is managed by the Australian Department of Environment and Heritage through Parks Australia. Christmas Island has always been known for its unique species, both of flora and fauna.", "precise_score": -3.461498260498047, "rough_score": -5.222843170166016, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Transfer to Australia", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.406811714172363, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "At Australia's request, the United Kingdom transferred sovereignty to Australia, with a M$20 million payment from the Australian government to Singapore as compensation for the loss of earnings from the phosphate revenue. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.178884506225586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The United Kingdom’s Christmas Island Act was given royal assent on 14 May 1958, enabling Britain to transfer authority over Christmas Island from Singapore to Australia by an order-in-council. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.195261001586914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "From the late 1980s and early 1990s, boats carrying asylum seekers, mainly departing from Indonesia, began landing on the island. In 2001, Christmas Island was the site of the Tampa controversy, in which the Australian government stopped a Norwegian ship, MV Tampa, from disembarking 438 rescued asylum-seekers. The ensuing standoff and the associated political reactions in Australia were a major issue in the 2001 Australian federal election. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.935508728027344, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The Howard government operated the \"Pacific Solution\" from 2001-2007, excising Christmas Island from Australia's migration zone so that asylum seekers on the island could not apply for refugee status. Asylum seekers were relocated from Christmas Island to Manus Island and Nauru. In 2006, an immigration detention centre, containing approximately 800 beds, was constructed on the island for the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. Originally estimated to cost  million, the final cost was over $400 million.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.820612907409668, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "As of the 2011 Australian census, the estimated resident population is 2,072. This does not include the highly variable population at the Immigration Detention Centre.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.378273010253906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The ethnic composition is 65% Chinese, 20% Malay, 10% European and 5% Indian and Eurasian. A 2011 report by the Australian government estimated that religions practised on Christmas Island include Buddhism 75%, Christianity 12%, Islam 10%, and other 3%. This includes Traditional Chinese religions like Taoism and Confucianism, as well as the Baha'i Faith. The cuisine of Christmas Island is mostly flown or shipped in.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.4345574378967285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Christmas Island residents who are Australian citizens also vote in federal elections. Christmas Island residents are represented in the House of Representatives by the Division of Lingiari in the Northern Territory and in the Senate by Northern Territory senators. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.931931018829346, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Phosphate mining had been the only significant economic activity, but in December 1987 the Australian government closed the mine. In 1991, the mine was reopened by a consortium which included many of the former mine workers as shareholders. With the support of the government, the $34 million Christmas Island Casino and Resort opened in 1993, but was closed in 1998. , the resort has re-opened without the casino.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.50417423248291, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The Australian government in 2001 agreed to support the creation of a commercial spaceport on the island, however this has not yet been constructed, and appears that it will not proceed. The Howard government built a temporary immigration detention centre on the island in 2001 and planned to replace it with a larger, modern facility at North West Point until Howard's defeat in the 2007 elections.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.87617301940918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Radio broadcasts from Australia include ABC Radio National, ABC Kimberley, Triple J and Red FM. All services are provided by satellite links from the mainland. Broadband internet became available to subscribers in urban areas in mid-2005 through the local internet service provider, CIIA (formerly dotCX).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.295675277709961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Christmas Island, due to its close proximity to Australia's northern neighbours, falls within many of the more interesting satellite footprints throughout the region. This results in ideal conditions for receiving various Asian broadcasts, which locals sometimes prefer to the Western Australian-provided content. Additionally, ionospheric conditions usually bode well for many of the more terrestrial radio transmissions – HF through VHF and sometimes into UHF. The island plays home to a small array of radio equipment that spans a good chunk of the usable spectrum. A variety of government owned and operated antenna systems are employed on the island to take advantage of this.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.944948196411133, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Free-to-air digital television stations from Australia are broadcast in the same time zone as Perth, and are broadcast from three separate locations:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.471365928649902, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Cable television from Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States commenced in January 2013.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.964353561401367, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Telephone services are provided by Telstra and are a part of the Australian network with the same prefix as Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory (08). A GSM mobile telephone system replaced the old analogue network in February 2005.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.166996955871582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "In 1958, the island received its own postage stamps after being put under Australian custody. It had a large philatelic and postal independence, managed first by the Phosphate Commission (1958–1969) and then by the island's administration (1969–93). This ended on 2 March 1993 when Australia Post became the island's postal operator; Christmas Island stamps may be used in Australia and Australian stamps may be used on the island.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.212815284729004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "An 18-km standard gauge railway from Flying Fish Cove to the phosphate mine was constructed in 1914. It was closed in December 1987, when the Australian government closed the mine, and since has been recovered as scrap, leaving only earthworks in places.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.131654739379883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Virgin Australia Regional Airlines provides two weekly flights to Christmas Island Airport from Perth, Western Australia, and ad hoc charter flight from/to Jakarta organised by the Christmas Island Travel Exchange.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.248181343078613, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "There is a recreation centre at Phosphate Hill operated by South Australian-based CASA Leisure Pty Ltd. There is also a taxi service. The road network covers most of the island and is generally good quality, although four-wheel drive vehicles are needed to access some of the more distant parts of the rainforest or the more isolated beaches, which are only accessible by rough dirt roads.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.010153770446777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The island-operated crèche is in the Recreation Centre. Christmas Island District High School, catering to students in grades P-12, is run by the Western Australian Education Department. There are no universities on Christmas Island.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.470495223999023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Christmas Island" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's oceanic divisions, covering (approximately 20% of the water on the Earth's surface). It is bounded by Asia on the north, on the west by Africa, on the east by Australia, and on the south by the Southern Ocean or, depending on definition, by Antarctica. It is named after the country of India. The Indian Ocean is known as Ratnākara (), \"the mine of gems\" in ancient Sanskrit literature, and as Hind Mahāsāgar (), \"the great Indian sea\", in Hindi.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.218540668487549, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The ocean's continental shelves are narrow, averaging 200 km in width. An exception is found off Australia's western coast, where the shelf width exceeds 1000 km. The average depth of the ocean is . Its deepest point is Diamantina Deep in Diamantina Trench, at deep; also sometimes considered is Sunda Trench, at a depth of . North of 50° south latitude, 86% of the main basin is covered by pelagic sediments, of which more than half is globigerina ooze. The remaining 14% is layered with terrigenous sediments. Glacial outwash dominates the extreme southern latitudes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.469531059265137, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The major choke points include Bab el Mandeb, Strait of Hormuz, the Lombok Strait, the Strait of Malacca and the Palk Strait. Seas include the Gulf of Aden, Andaman Sea, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Great Australian Bight, Laccadive Sea, Gulf of Mannar, Mozambique Channel, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf, Red Sea and other tributary water bodies. The Indian Ocean is artificially connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal, which is accessible via the Red Sea.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.033944129943848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "* Great Australian Bight", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.365975379943848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Surface water salinity ranges from 32 to 37 parts per 1000, the highest occurring in the Arabian Sea and in a belt between southern Africa and south-western Australia. Pack ice and icebergs are found throughout the year south of about 65° south latitude. The average northern limit of icebergs is 45° south latitude.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.738398551940918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "As the youngest of the major oceans, the Indian Ocean has active spreading ridges that are part of the worldwide system of mid-ocean ridges. In the Indian Ocean these spreading ridges meet at the Rodrigues Triple Point with the Central Indian Ridge, including the Carlsberg Ridge, separating the African Plate from the Indian Plate; the Southwest Indian Ridge separating the African Plate form the Antarctic Plate; and the Southeast Indian Ridge separating the Australian Plate from the Antarctic Plate.The Central Ridge runs north on the in-between across of the Arabian Peninsula and Africa into the Mediterranean Sea. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.966163635253906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "An Indian Ocean garbage patch was discovered in 2010 covering at least . Riding the southern Indian Ocean Gyre, this vortex of plastic garbage constantly circulates the ocean from Australia to Africa, down the Mozambique Channel, and back to Australia in a period of six years, except for debris that get indefinitely stuck in the centre of the gyre.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.727823257446289, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The Indian Ocean provides major sea routes connecting the Middle East, Africa, and East Asia with Europe and the Americas. It carries a particularly heavy traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the oil fields of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia. Large reserves of hydrocarbons are being tapped in the offshore areas of Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, and Western Australia. An estimated 40% of the world's offshore oil production comes from the Indian Ocean. Beach sands rich in heavy minerals, and offshore placer deposits are actively exploited by bordering countries, particularly India, Pakistan, South Africa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.901241302490234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "The Port of Singapore is the busiest port in the Indian Ocean, located in the Strait of Malacca where it meets the Pacific. Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Kochi, Mormugao Port, Mundra, Panambur, Hazira, Port Blair, Alang, Visakhapatnam, Paradip, Ennore, Tuticorin and Nagapattinam are the other major ports in India. South Asian ports include Chittagong in Bangladesh, Colombo, Hambantota and Galle in Sri Lanka, and ports of Karachi, Sindh province and Gwadar, Balochistan province in Pakistan. Aden is a major port in Yemen and controls ships entering the Red Sea. Major African ports on the shores of the Indian Ocean include: Mombasa (Kenya), Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar (Tanzania), Durban, East London, Richard's Bay (South Africa), Beira (Mozambique), and Port Louis (Mauritius). Zanzibar is especially famous for its spice export. Other major ports in the Indian Ocean include Muscat (Oman), Yangon (Burma), Jakarta, Medan (Indonesia), Fremantle (port servicing Perth, Australia) and Dubai (UAE).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.8325629234313965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "answer": "Australia", "passage": "Honolulu International Airport (IATA:HNL), which shares runways with the adjacent Hickam Field (IATA:HIK), is the major commercial aviation hub of Hawaii. The commercial aviation airport offers intercontinental service to North America, Asia, Australia and Oceania. Hawaiian Airlines, Mokulele Airlines and go! use jets to provide services between the large airports in Honolulu, Līhue, Kahului, Kona and Hilo. Island Air and Pacific Wings serve smaller airports. These airlines also provide air freight services between the islands.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.058615684509277, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hawaii" } ]
Since a misprinted telephone number in 1958, NORAD, the joint US/Canadian organization that provides aerospace intrusion warning, among other actions, has spent no public money tracking what?
{ "aliases": [ "🎅", "Santa claus rituals", "Origins of Santa Claus", "Santy Claus", "Santa Claus in North American culture", "Święty Mikołaj", "Santa klause", "Santa Claus in North America", "Santa letters", "Baba Nuwail", "Santa Claus rituals", "Santa Claus On A Fire Truck", "Santa klaus", "Santa claus", "Sanat claus", "Santa", "Swiety Mikolaj", "Santa Claus in Northern American culture", "Santa Claus Office", "Christmas grotto", "American Santa Claus", "Santa Claus", "Santa Hat", "Santa-san", "Kerstman", "Santa claus in northern american culture", "Weihnachtsmann", "Mall Santa", "Letters to Santa", "The Santa", "بابا نويل" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "بابا نويل", "weihnachtsmann", "swiety mikolaj", "santa claus rituals", "santa claus", "baba nuwail", "święty mikołaj", "santa klause", "santa claus on fire truck", "santa letters", "american santa claus", "santa klaus", "santa claus in north american culture", "santa claus office", "santa hat", "letters to santa", "santa san", "🎅", "santa claus in north america", "christmas grotto", "origins of santa claus", "santa", "sanat claus", "santa claus in northern american culture", "kerstman", "santy claus", "mall santa" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "santa claus", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Santa Claus" }
[ { "answer": "Santa Claus", "passage": "As a publicity move on December 24, 1955, NORAD's predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), informed the press that CONAD was tracking Santa Claus's sleigh, adding that \"CONAD, Army, Navy and Marine Air Forces will continue to track and guard Santa and his sleigh on his trip to and from the U.S. against possible attack from those who do not believe in Christmas,\" and a Christmas Eve tradition was born, known as the \"NORAD Tracks Santa\" program. Every year on Christmas Eve, \"NORAD Tracks Santa\" purports to track Santa Claus as he leaves the North Pole and delivers presents to children around the world. Today, NORAD relies on volunteers to make the program possible.", "precise_score": -5.324955940246582, "rough_score": -2.3886454105377197, "source": "wiki", "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command" }, { "answer": "Santa", "passage": "NORAD Tracks Santa ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.570555686950684, "source": "wiki", "title": "North American Aerospace Defense Command" } ]
For a point each, name the 5 countries surrounding the place where Santa Klaus is both rumored to live and is known as Father Frost, Kazakhstan.
{ "aliases": [ "Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "russia china kyrgyzstan uzbekistan and turkmenistan" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "russia china kyrgyzstan uzbekistan and turkmenistan", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan" }
[ { "answer": "Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan", "passage": "It shares borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, and also adjoins a large part of the Caspian Sea. The terrain of Kazakhstan includes flatlands, steppe, taiga, rock canyons, hills, deltas, snow-capped mountains, and deserts. Kazakhstan has an estimated 18 million people , Given its large land area, its population density is among the lowest, at less than 6 people per square kilometre (15 people per sq. mi.). The capital is Astana, where it was moved in 1997 from Almaty.", "precise_score": -9.380265235900879, "rough_score": -7.548763751983643, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kazakhstan" } ]
March 9, 1959 saw the introduction of what Mattel favorite, an 11.5 inch tall fashion doll which saw controversy when a later talking model exclaimed such phrases as Will we ever have enough clothes?, and Math class is tough!?
{ "aliases": [ "Barbie & Ken", "Barbie", "Barbie Millicent Robert", "Teen Talk Barbie", "Holiday Barbie", "Math is Hard Barbie", "Math is hard", "Barbie Millicent", "Barbie Mini-Kingdom", "Barbie girls", "Barbie Roberts", "Barbie Platinum lable", "Barbie Fashion", "Barbies", "Barbie doll", "Barbie Millicent Roberts", "Millicent Roberts", "Barbie syndrome", "BarbieGirls", "Barbara Millicent Roberts", "", "Barbie Doll", "Christie (doll)", "ToyTalk", "Fashion Queen Barbie", "Barbara Handler", "Barbie Mini Kingdom", "Barbara Millicent", "Barbie dolls", "Math class is tough!", "Oreo Barbie", "Math is hard Barbie", "Willows, WI", "Barbie Platinum label" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "barbara millicent", "barbie ken", "toytalk", "barbie mini kingdom", "barbie doll", "fashion queen barbie", "barbie platinum label", "millicent roberts", "barbie roberts", "barbiegirls com", "barbie millicent roberts", "math is hard", "oreo barbie", "math is hard barbie", "math class is tough", "teen talk barbie", "barbie fashion", "barbiegirls", "holiday barbie", "barbie millicent robert", "barbara millicent roberts", "barbie syndrome", "barbara handler", "barbie platinum lable", "willows wi", "barbie dolls", "christie doll", "barbie millicent", "barbies", "barbie", "barbie girls" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "barbie", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Barbie" }
[ { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel Creations was founded in 1945 by Harold \"Matt\" Matson and Elliot Handler. The company initially sold picture frames, then dollhouse furniture. Matson soon sold his share to Handler due to poor health, and Handler's wife Ruth took over Matson's role. In 1947, the company had its first hit toy, a ukulele called \"Uke-A-Doodle\". The company was incorporated the next year in California. Mattel became the first year-round sponsor of the Mickey Mouse Club TV series in 1955. The Barbie doll was introduced in 1959, becoming the company's best selling toy ever. In 1960 Mattel introduced Chatty Cathy, a talking doll that revolutionized the toy industry, and a flood of pull-string talking dolls and toys came on the market throughout the 1960s and 1970s. ", "precise_score": -1.3252145051956177, "rough_score": -0.9990440607070923, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mattel" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie was released by the American toy-company Mattel in 1959, and was followed by many similar vinyl fashion dolls intended as children's toys. The size of the Barbie, 11.5 inches (290 mm) set the standard often used by other manufacturers. But fashion dolls have been made in many different sizes varying from 10.5 inches (270 mm) to 36 inches (900 mm).", "precise_score": -0.5075024366378784, "rough_score": 1.7567687034606934, "source": "wiki", "title": "Fashion doll" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie was launched by the American toy company Mattel in 1959, inspired by the German Bild Lilli doll. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for fifty years.", "precise_score": -1.7419891357421875, "rough_score": -0.4438994228839874, "source": "wiki", "title": "Fashion doll" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "American Character Doll Company released their \"Tressy\" fashion doll in 1963 to compete with Barbie. Tressy was first sold as an 11½\" fashion doll, and, after being acquired by the Ideal Toy Company, by the late 60s was sold as a larger pre-teen doll. Tressy featured a long swatch of hair that could be pulled out of the top of the doll's head by pushing a button on the doll's midriff; that mechanism allowed children the ability to comb the hair in a variety of styles. In the late 1960s and early 1970s Ideal released several other large fashion dolls with hair with adjustable length. The Crissy Doll and friends are 16\" and Velvet Doll and friends are 18\". British designer Mary Quant's Daisy doll from 1973 had a large selection of contemporary 70s fashion designed by Quant.", "precise_score": -5.7127580642700195, "rough_score": -3.5878472328186035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Fashion doll" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Fulla is marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-Eastern countries as an alternative to Barbie. The concept of her evolved around 1999, and she hit stores in late 2003. Bratz were released in 2001, designed by Carter Bryant and manufactured by California toy company MGA Entertainment. They are distinguished by large heads with skinny bodies and lush, glossy lips. Mattel introduced the My Scene line in 2002 and the Flavas line in 2003 to rival Bratz. In 2010 Mattel launched the Monster High doll line, based from fantasy and horror monsters. In 2014, artist Nickolai Lamm unveiled Lammily, a fashion doll based on Lamm's study comparing Barbie's figure with measurements matching those of an average 19-year-old woman. ", "precise_score": -6.011602401733398, "rough_score": -4.0438618659973145, "source": "wiki", "title": "Fashion doll" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.", "precise_score": -0.09662118554115295, "rough_score": 2.2088265419006348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for over fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle.", "precise_score": -4.067975044250488, "rough_score": -4.049331188201904, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Upon her return to the United States, Handler redesigned the doll (with help from engineer Jack Ryan) and the doll was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler's daughter Barbara. The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie's official birthday.", "precise_score": -3.015753746032715, "rough_score": -3.077960252761841, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel acquired the rights to the Bild Lilli doll in 1964 and production of Lilli was stopped. The first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail, and was available as either a blonde or brunette. The doll was marketed as a \"Teen-age Fashion Model,\" with her clothes created by Mattel fashion designer Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese homeworkers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first year of production.", "precise_score": -3.4780538082122803, "rough_score": -0.08906643837690353, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Louis Marx and Company sued Mattel in March 1961. After licensing Lilli, they claimed that Mattel had “infringed on Greiner & Hausser's patent for Bild-Lilli’s hip joint, and also claimed that Barbie was \"a direct take-off and copy\" of Bild-Lilli. The company additionally claimed that Mattel \"falsely and misleadingly represented itself as having originated the design\". Mattel counter-claimed and the case was settled out of court in 1963. In 1964, Mattel bought Greiner & Hausser's copyright and patent rights for the Bild-Lilli doll for $21,600. ", "precise_score": -2.1646029949188232, "rough_score": -2.4843199253082275, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "However, from the start, some have complained that \"the blonde, plastic doll conveyed an unrealistic body image to girls.\" Complaints also point to a lack of diversity in the line even as nonwhite Hispanic children now make up a majority of American girls. Mattel responded to these criticisms. Starting in 1980, it produced Hispanic dolls, and later came models from across the globe. For example, in 2007, it introduced \"Cinco de Mayo Barbie\" wearing a ruffled red, white and green dress (echoing the Mexican flag). Hispanic magazine reports that:", "precise_score": -3.7936465740203857, "rough_score": -2.327132225036621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Criticisms of Barbie are often centered around concerns that children consider Barbie a role model and will attempt to emulate her. One of the most common criticisms of Barbie is that she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman, leading to a risk that girls who attempt to emulate her will become anorexic. A standard Barbie doll is 11.5 inches tall, giving a height of 5 feet 9 inches at 1/6 scale. Barbie's vital statistics have been estimated at 36 inches (chest), 18 inches (waist) and 33 inches (hips). According to research by the University Central Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, she would lack the 17 to 22 percent body fat required for a woman to menstruate. In 1963, the outfit \"Barbie Baby-Sits\" came with a book entitled How to Lose Weight which advised: \"Don't eat!.\" The same book was included in another ensemble called \"Slumber Party\" in 1965 along with a pink bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs., which would be around 35 lbs. underweight for a woman 5 feet 9 inches tall. Mattel said that the waist of the Barbie doll was made small because the waistbands of her clothes, along with their seams, snaps, and zippers, added bulk to her figure. In 1997, Barbie's body mold was redesigned and given a wider waist, with Mattel saying that this would make the doll better suited to contemporary fashion designs. ", "precise_score": -2.052887439727783, "rough_score": 1.3299206495285034, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In July 1992, Mattel released Teen Talk Barbie, which spoke a number of phrases including \"Will we ever have enough clothes?\", \"I love shopping!\", and \"Wanna have a pizza party?\" Each doll was programmed to say four out of 270 possible phrases, so that no two given dolls were likely to be the same. One of these 270 phrases was \"Math class is tough!\" (often misquoted as \"Math is hard\"). Although only about 1.5% of all the dolls sold said the phrase, it led to criticism from the American Association of University Women. In October 1992, Mattel announced that Teen Talk Barbie would no longer say the phrase, and offered a swap to anyone who owned a doll that did. ", "precise_score": -3.1319050788879395, "rough_score": 2.4661779403686523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel, Inc. is an American multinational toy manufacturing company founded in 1945 with headquarters in El Segundo, California. In 2014, it ranked #403 on the Fortune 500 list. The products and brands it produces include Fisher-Price, Barbie dolls, Monster High dolls, Ever After High dolls, Winx Club dolls, Hot Wheels and Matchbox toys, Masters of the Universe toys, American Girl dolls, board games, and WWE Toys. In the early-1980s Mattel produced video game systems, under both its own brands and under license from Nintendo. The company has presence in 40 countries and territories and sells products in more than 150 nations. The company operates through three business segments: North America, international, and American Girl. It is the world's largest toy maker in terms of revenue and market capitalization ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.0651535987854, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mattel" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel was granted the first Disney Princess doll licenses in 2000. In December 2000, Mattel sued the band Aqua, saying their song \"Barbie Girl\" violated the Barbie trademark and turned Barbie into a sex object, referring to her as a \"blonde bimbo.\" The lawsuit was rejected in 2002. In 2002, Mattel closed its last factory in the United States, originally part of the Fisher-Price division, outsourcing production to China, which began a chain of events that led to a scandal involving lead contamination. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.414976119995117, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mattel" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "On August 14, 2007, Mattel recalled over 18 million products. The New York Times closely covered Mattel's multiple recalls. Many of the products had exceeded the US limits set on surface coatings that contain lead. Surface coatings cannot exceed .06% lead by weight. Additional recalls were because it was possible that some toys could pose a danger to children due to the use of strong magnets that could detach. Mattel re-wrote its policy on magnets, finally issuing a recall in August 2007. The recall included 7.1 million Polly Pocket toys produced before November 2006; 600,000 Barbie and Tanner Playsets; 1 million Doggie Daycare; Shonen Jump's One Piece; and thousands of Batman Manga toys due to exposed magnets. In 2009, Mattel would pay a $2.9 million fine to the Consumer Products Safety Commission for marketing, importing, and selling non-compliant toys. Mattel was noted for its crisis response by several publications, including PRWeek, the Los Angeles Times, FORTUNE Magazine and Business Management. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.537411689758301, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mattel" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel adding a Barbie princess-themed line in 2010 then fair and fantasy store based Ever After High in 2013. Barbie sales started to dropped in 2012 thus moving focus away from Disney Princess line. Mattel was only putting out Princesses Cinderella, Ariel and Belle plus the two Frozen princesses during the last year or so of its license. With these competing lines and an expiration of the brand license at the end of 2015, Disney gave Hasbro a chance to gain the license given their work on Star Wars which led to a Descendants license. DCP was also attempting to evolve the brand from one of them less as damsels and more as heroines. In September 2014, Disney announced that Hasbro would be the licensed doll maker for the Disney Princess line starting on January 1, 2016. In January 2015, CEO Bryan Stockton was replaced by board member, Chris Sinclair. This was followed with 2/3 of senior executives resigning or being laid off.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.742795467376709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mattel" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel agreed to purchase HiT Entertainment sans Sprout from Apax Partners group in October 2011 for $680 million. With Lionsgate, Mattel had Barbie brand launched into a series of successful animated direct-to-homevideo movies, which later moved to Universal. Monster High followed Barbie in 2010. many “American Girl” films were made.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.617713451385498, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mattel" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Many fashion doll lines have been inspired by Barbie, or launched as alternatives to Barbie. Tammy was created by the Ideal Toy Company in 1962. Advertised as \"The Doll You Love to Dress\", Tammy was portrayed as a young American teenager, more \"girl next door\" than the cosmopolitan image of Barbie. Sindy was created by the British Pedigree Dolls & Toys company in 1963 as a rival to Barbie with a wholesome look. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.125323295593262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Fashion doll" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel has sold over a billion Barbie dolls, making it the company’s largest and most profitable line. However sales have declined sharply since 2014. The doll transformed the toy business in affluent communities worldwide by becoming a vehicle for the sale of related merchandise (accessories, clothes, friends of Barbie, etc.). She had a significant impact on social values by conveying characteristics of female independence and, with her multitude of accessories, an idealized upscale life-style that can be shared with affluent friends. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.420834541320801, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Ruth Handler believed that it was important for Barbie to have an adult appearance, and early market research showed that some parents were unhappy about the doll's chest, which had distinct breasts. Barbie's appearance has been changed many times, most notably in 1971 when the doll's eyes were adjusted to look forwards rather than having the demure sideways glance of the original model.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.2211713790893555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie was one of the first toys to have a marketing strategy based extensively on television advertising, which has been copied widely by other toys. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries, with Mattel claiming that three Barbie dolls are sold every second. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.286406517028809, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "The standard range of Barbie dolls and related accessories are manufactured to approximately 1/6 scale, which is also known as playscale. The standard dolls are approximately 11½ inches tall.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.652337074279785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie products include not only the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a large range of Barbie branded goods such as books, apparel, cosmetics and video games. Barbie has appeared in a series of animated films and is a supporting character in Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.948792457580566, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie has become a cultural icon and has been given honors that are rare in the toy world. In 1974, a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week. In 1985, the artist Andy Warhol created a painting of Barbie. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.15125846862793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In 2013, in Taiwan, the first Barbie-themed restaurant called \"Barbie Café\" opened under the Sinlaku group. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.849555969238281, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "The doll transformed the toy business in affluent communities worldwide. It was not a doll, but a complex package of toys including sets of clothing for different activities and social roles, dolls of Ken and other playmates of Barbie, as well as accessories of all kinds. Instead of a single doll purchased once, Barbie launches a stream of toy purchases that typically spread over several years and engage a network of friends. Sociologists have identified a significant impact on social values by conveying characteristics of female independence and, with her multitude of accessories, a life-style free of responsibilities. On the negative side, beyond the celebration of affluence, there is a celebration of idealized body colors and shapes that critics sometimes warned against. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.585144996643066, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. The event showcased fashions contributed by fifty well-known haute couturiers including Diane von Fürstenberg, Vera Wang, Calvin Klein, Bob Mackie, and Christian Louboutin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.935303688049316, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s, her parents' names are given as George and Margaret Roberts from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin. In the Random House novels, Barbie attended Willows High School, while in the Generation Girl books, published by Golden Books in 1999, she attended the fictional Manhattan International High School in New York City (based on the real-life Stuyvesant High School ).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.733070373535156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "She has an on-off romantic relationship with her boyfriend Ken (\"Ken Carson\"), who first appeared in 1961. A news release from Mattel in February 2004 announced that Barbie and Ken had decided to split up, but in February 2006, they were hoping to rekindle their relationship after Ken had a makeover. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.521115303039551, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie has had over 40 pets including cats and dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub, and a zebra. She has owned a wide range of vehicles, including pink Corvette convertibles, trailers, and jeeps. She also holds a pilot's license, and operates commercial airliners in addition to serving as a flight attendant.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.81423568725586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie's careers are designed to show that women can take on a variety of roles in life, and the doll has been sold with a wide range of titles including Miss Astronaut Barbie (1965), Doctor Barbie (1988), and Nascar Barbie (1998).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.164652824401855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel has created a range of companions for Barbie, including Hispanic Teresa, Midge, African American Christie, and Steven (Christie's boyfriend). Barbie's siblings and cousins were also created including Skipper, Todd and Stacie (twin brother and sister), Kelly, Krissy, and Francie. Barbie was friendly with Blaine, an Australian surfer, during her split with Ken in 2004. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.53684139251709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "The Economist has emphasized the importance of Barbie to children's imagination:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.038243293762207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "\"Colored Francie\" made her debut in 1967, and she is sometimes described as the first African American Barbie doll. However, she was produced using the existing head molds for the white Francie doll and lacked African characteristics other than a dark skin. The first African American doll in the Barbie range is usually regarded as Christie, who made her debut in 1968. Black Barbie was launched in 1980 but still had Caucasian features. In September 2009, Mattel introduced the So In Style range, which was intended to create a more realistic depiction of black people than previous dolls.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.118211269378662, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In 1997, Mattel teamed up with Nabisco to launch a cross-promotion of Barbie with Oreo cookies. Oreo Fun Barbie was marketed as someone with whom young girls could play after class and share \"America's favorite cookie.\" As had become the custom, Mattel manufactured both a white and a black version. Critics argued that in the African American community, Oreo is a derogatory term meaning that the person is \"black on the outside and white on the inside,\" like the chocolate sandwich cookie itself. The doll was unsuccessful and Mattel recalled the unsold stock, making it sought after by collectors. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.340012550354004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In May 1997, Mattel introduced Share a Smile Becky, a doll in a pink wheelchair. Kjersti Johnson, a 17-year-old high school student in Tacoma, Washington with cerebral palsy, pointed out that the doll would not fit into the elevator of Barbie's $100 Dream House. Mattel announced that it would redesign the house in the future to accommodate the doll. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.195165634155273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In March 2000, stories appeared in the media claiming that the hard vinyl used in vintage Barbie dolls could leak toxic chemicals, causing danger to children playing with them. The claim was described as an overreaction by Joseph Prohaska, a professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth. A modern Barbie doll has a body made from ABS plastic, while the head is made from soft PVC. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.347576141357422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In September 2003, the Middle Eastern country of Saudi Arabia outlawed the sale of Barbie dolls, saying that she did not conform to the ideals of Islam. The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice stated \"Jewish Barbie dolls, with their revealing clothes and shameful postures, accessories and tools are a symbol of decadence to the perverted West. Let us beware of her dangers and be careful.\" In Middle Eastern countries, there is an alternative doll called Fulla which is similar to Barbie but is designed to be more acceptable to an Islamic market. Fulla is not made by the Mattel Corporation, and Barbie is still available in other Middle Eastern countries including Egypt. In Iran, Sara and Dara dolls are available as an alternative to Barbie. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.874211311340332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In December 2005, Dr. Agnes Nairn at the University of Bath in England published research suggesting that girls often go through a stage where they hate their Barbie dolls and subject them to a range of punishments, including decapitation and placing the doll in a microwave oven. Dr. Nairn said: \"It's as though disavowing Barbie is a rite of passage and a rejection of their past.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.238665580749512, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In April 2009, the launch of a Totally Tattoos Barbie with a range of tattoos that could be applied to the doll, including a lower back tattoo, led to controversy. Mattel's promotional material read \"Customize the fashions and apply the fun temporary tattoos on you too\", but Ed Mayo, chief executive of Consumer Focus, argued that children might want to get tattooed themselves.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.915855407714844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In July 2010, Mattel released \"Barbie Video Girl\", a Barbie doll with a pinhole video camera in its chest, enabling clips of up to 30 minutes to be recorded, viewed and uploaded to a computer via a USB cable. On November 30, 2010, the FBI issued a warning in a private memo that the doll could be used to produce child pornography, although it stated publicly that there was \"no reported evidence that the doll had been used in any way other than intended.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.360210418701172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In November 2014, Mattel received criticism over the book I Can Be a Computer Engineer, which depicted Barbie as being inept at computers and requiring that her two male friends complete all of the necessary tasks to restore two laptops after she downloads a virus onto both of them. Critics complained that the book was sexist, as other books in the I Can Be... series depicted Barbie as someone that was competent in those jobs and did not require outside assistance from others. Mattel later removed the book from sale on Amazon in response to the criticism.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.547812461853027, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In March 2015, concerns were raised about a version of the doll called \"Hello Barbie\", which can hold conversations with a child using speech recognition technology. The doll transmits data back to a service called ToyTalk, which according to Forbes, has a terms of service and privacy policy that allow it to “share audio recordings with third party vendors who assist us with speech recognition,” and states that “recordings and photos may also be used for research and development purposes, such as to improve speech recognition technology and artificial intelligence algorithms and create better entertainment experiences.” ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.304601669311523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Image:Barbieswaistwidens.jpg|Barbie's waist has been widened in more recent versions of the doll.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.311174392700195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Image:Barbie bathroom scale.jpg|Bathroom scale from 1965, permanently set at 110 lbs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.38104248046875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Image:Oreo Fun Barbie.jpg|Oreo Fun Barbie from 1997 became controversial after a negative interpretation of the doll's name.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.688504219055176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Barbie has frequently been the target of parody: ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.54788589477539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*Mattel sued artist Tom Forsythe over a series of photographs called Food Chain Barbie in which Barbie winds up in a blender. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.239486694335938, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*In 2011, Greenpeace parodied Barbie, calling on Mattel to adopt a policy for its paper purchases that would protect rainforest. According to Phil Radford, Greenpeace Executive Director, the organization’s “forensic testing and global research show how Mattel products are using mixed tropical hardwood from Asia Pulp and Paper, a company that is ripping down the paradise forests of Indonesia… Sumatran tigers, elephants and orangutans are being pushed to the brink of extinction because Mattel simply isn’t interested in the origins of Barbie’s pink box.” Four months later, Mattel adopted a paper sustainability policy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.655587196350098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*The Tonight Show with Jay Leno displayed a \"Barbie Crystal Meth Lab\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.968497276306152, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "* Saturday Night Live aired a parody of the Barbie commercials featuring \"Gangsta Bitch Barbie\" and \"Tupac Ken\". In 2002, the show also aired a skit, which starred Britney Spears as Barbie's sister Skipper. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.724040031433105, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*In November 2002, a New York judge refused an injunction against the British-based artist Susanne Pitt, who had produced a \"Dungeon Barbie\" doll in bondage clothing. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.287606239318848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*Aqua's song \"Barbie Girl\" was the subject of the lawsuit Mattel v. MCA Records, which Mattel lost in 2002, with Judge Alex Kozinski saying that the song was a \"parody and a social commentary\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.73089599609375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*Two commercials by automobile company Nissan featuring dolls similar to Barbie and Ken was the subject of another lawsuit in 1997. In the first commercial, a female doll is lured into a car by a doll resembling G.I. Joe to the dismay of a Ken-like doll, accompanied by Van Halen's \"You Really Got Me\". In the second commercial, the \"Barbie\" doll is saved by the \"G.I. Joe\" doll after she is accidentally knocked into a swimming pool by the \"Ken\" doll to Kiss's \"Dr. Love\". The makers of the commercial said that the dolls' names were Roxanne, Nick, and Tad. Mattel claimed that the commercial did \"irreparable damage\" to its products, but settled. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.261533260345459, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "*In 1993, a group calling itself the \"Barbie Liberation Organization\" secretly modified a group of Barbie dolls by implanting voice boxes from G.I. Joe dolls, then returning the Barbies to the toy stores from where they were purchased. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.006780624389648, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Mattel estimates that there are well over 100,000 avid Barbie collectors. Ninety percent are women, at an average age of 40, purchasing more than twenty Barbie dolls each year. Forty-five percent of them spend upwards of $1000 a year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.93769645690918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Vintage Barbie dolls from the early years are the most valuable at auction, and while the original Barbie was sold for $3.00 in 1959, a mint boxed Barbie from 1959 sold for $3552.50 on eBay in October 2004. On September 26, 2006, a Barbie doll set a world record at auction of £9,000 sterling (US $17,000) at Christie's in London. The doll was a Barbie in Midnight Red from 1965 and was part of a private collection of 4,000 Barbie dolls being sold by two Dutch women, Ietje Raebel and her daughter Marina. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.187297821044922, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In recent years, Mattel has sold a wide range of Barbie dolls aimed specifically at collectors, including porcelain versions, vintage reproductions, and depictions of Barbie as a range of characters from film and television series such as The Munsters and Star Trek. There are also collector's edition dolls depicting Barbie dolls with a range of different ethnic identities. In 2004, Mattel introduced the Color Tier system for its collector's edition Barbie dolls including pink, silver, gold, and platinum, depending on how many of the dolls are produced. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.057948589324951, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "In June 2001, MGA Entertainment launched the Bratz series of dolls, a move that gave Barbie her first serious competition in the fashion doll market. In 2004, sales figures showed that Bratz dolls were outselling Barbie dolls in the United Kingdom, although Mattel maintained that in terms of the number of dolls, clothes, and accessories sold, Barbie remained the leading brand. In 2005, figures showed that sales of Barbie dolls had fallen by 30% in the United States, and by 18% worldwide, with much of the drop being attributed to the popularity of Bratz dolls. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.2563700675964355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "\"Barbie Syndrome\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.135971069335938, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "\"Barbie Syndrome\" is a term that has been used to depict the desire to have a physical appearance and lifestyle representative of the Barbie doll. It is most often associated with pre-teenage and adolescent females but is applicable to any age group. A person with Barbie syndrome attempts to emulate the doll's physical appearance, even though the doll has unattainable body proportions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.365692138671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" }, { "answer": "Barbie", "passage": "Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyanova has received attention from the press, due in part to her appearance having been modified based on the physique of Barbie. She stated that she has had breast implants and that she hopes eventually to live without eating or drinking at all in hopes of becoming a \"breatharian.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.740753173828125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Barbie" } ]
On January 16, 2001, President Bill Clinton awarded what former president a posthumous Medal of Honor, the only president to have received one?
{ "aliases": [ "T Ros", "Feddy Roosevelt", "26th President of the United States", "Trust Buster", "The Cowboy President", "Teddy roosevelt", "Theodore Roosavelt", "President Theodore Roosevelt", "Theodor roosevelt", "Teddy Rose", "Teddy Roosevelt", "Theodore roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt", "Teodoro Roosevelt", "T. Roosevelt Administration", "Teddy Roosvelt", "Teddy Rosevelt", "Roosevelt, Theodore", "Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy", "T Roosevelt", "Cowboy of the Dakotas", "Teddy Roose", "Theodore Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "t ros", "cowboy president", "theodore roosavelt", "trust buster", "president theodore roosevelt", "teddy roosvelt", "teddy rosevelt", "t roosevelt", "roosevelt theodore", "feddy roosevelt", "cowboy of dakotas", "teddy rose", "26th president of united states", "teddy roosevelt foreign policy", "teddy roose", "teodoro roosevelt", "theodore roosevelt", "theodor roosevelt", "t roosevelt administration", "teddy roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "theodore roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Theodore Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": -9.482006072998047, "rough_score": -6.568664073944092, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Arthur MacArthur, Jr. and Douglas MacArthur are the first father and son to be awarded the Medal of Honor. The only other such pairing is Theodore Roosevelt (awarded in 2001) and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.", "precise_score": 0.556675910949707, "rough_score": -1.8190102577209473, "source": "wiki", "title": "Medal of Honor" }, { "answer": "26th President of the United States", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt Jr. ( ; October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919) was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. As a leader of the Republican Party during this time, he became a driving force for the Progressive Era in the United States in the early 20th century.", "precise_score": -8.671648025512695, "rough_score": -7.782921314239502, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "In November 1899, William McKinley's first Vice-President Garret Hobart died of heart failure. Theodore Roosevelt had anticipated a second term as governor or, alternatively, a cabinet post in the War Department; his friends (especially Henry Cabot Lodge) saw this as a dead end. They supported him for Vice President, and no one else of prominence was actively seeking that job. Some people in the GOP wanted Roosevelt as Vice President. His friends were pushing, and so were his foes. Roosevelt's reforming zeal ran afoul of the insurance and franchise businesses, who had a major voice in the New York GOP. Platt engineered Roosevelt's removal from the state by pressuring him to accept the GOP nomination. McKinley refused to consider Roosevelt as Secretary of War, but saw no risk in making him Vice President. Roosevelt accepted the nomination, although his campaign manager, Mark Hanna, thought Roosevelt was too cowboy-like. While the party executives were pleased with their success in engineering Roosevelt's next political foray, Roosevelt, very much to the contrary, thought he had \"stood the state machine on its head\". Roosevelt proved highly energetic, and an equal match for William Jennings Bryan's famous barnstorming style of campaigning. Roosevelt's theme was that McKinley had brought America peace and prosperity and deserved reelection. In a whirlwind campaign, Roosevelt made 480 stops in 23 states. Roosevelt showed the nation his energy, crisscrossing the land denouncing the radicalism of William Jennings Bryan, in contrast to the heroism of the soldiers and sailors who fought and won the war against Spain. Bryan had strongly supported the war itself, but he denounced the annexation of the Philippines as imperialism, which would spoil America's innocence. Roosevelt countered that it was best for the Filipinos to have stability, and the Americans to have a proud place in the world. With the nation basking in peace and prosperity, the voters gave conservative McKinley an even larger landslide than in 1896. The Republicans won by a landslide.", "precise_score": -10.110455513000488, "rough_score": -9.202972412109375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt was included with Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln at the Mount Rushmore Memorial, designed in 1927 with the approval of Republican President Calvin Coolidge. For his gallantry at San Juan Hill, Roosevelt's commanders recommended him for the Medal of Honor. In the late 1990s, Roosevelt's supporters again recommended the award. On January 16, 2001, President Bill Clinton awarded Theodore Roosevelt the Medal of Honor posthumously for his charge on San Juan Hill, Cuba, during the Spanish–American War. ", "precise_score": 5.913236618041992, "rough_score": 4.315123558044434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1919, the Theodore Roosevelt Association (originally known as the Permanent Memorial National Committee) was founded by friends and supporters of Roosevelt. Soon renamed the Roosevelt Memorial Association (RMA), it was chartered in 1920 under Title 36 of the United States Code. In parallel with the RMA was an organization for women, The Women's Theodore Roosevelt Association, that had been founded in 1919 by an act of the New York State Assembly. Both organizations merged in 1956 under the current name. This organization preserved Roosevelt's papers in a 20-year project, preserved his photos and established four public sites: the reconstructed Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, New York City, dedicated in 1923 and donated to the National Park Service in 1963; Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park, Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, dedicated in 1928 and given to the people of Oyster Bay; Theodore Roosevelt Island in the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., given to the federal government in 1932; Sagamore Hill (house), Roosevelt's Oyster Bay home, opened to the public in 1953 and was donated to the National Park Service in 1963 and is now the Sagamore Hill National Historic Site. The organization has its own web site at and maintains a Facebook page at", "precise_score": -10.496231079101562, "rough_score": -9.432830810546875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "One lasting, popular legacy of Roosevelt is the stuffed toy bears—teddy bears—named after him following an incident on a hunting trip in Mississippi in 1902. Roosevelt famously refused to shoot a defenseless black bear that had been tied to a tree. After the cartoonist Clifford K. Berryman illustrated the President with a bear, a toy maker heard the story and named the teddy bear after Roosevelt. Bears, and later bear cubs, became closely associated with Roosevelt in political cartoons, despite Roosevelt openly despising being called \"Teddy\". On June 26, 2006, Roosevelt was on the cover of TIME magazine with the lead story, \"The Making of America—Theodore Roosevelt—The 20th Century Express\": \"At home and abroad, Theodore Roosevelt was the locomotive President, the man who drew his flourishing nation into the future.\" ", "precise_score": -10.102136611938477, "rough_score": -9.448630332946777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Perhaps the most important of all presidential powers is the command of the United States Armed Forces as its commander-in-chief. While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Congress, the president has ultimate responsibility for direction and disposition of the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces (belonging to the Department of Defense) is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense, with assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Combatant Commands, as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The framers of the Constitution took care to limit the president's powers regarding the military; Alexander Hamilton explains this in Federalist No. 69: Congress, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments longer than 60 days, although that process relies on triggering mechanisms that have never been employed, rendering it ineffectual. Additionally, Congress provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation. While historically presidents initiated the process for going to war, critics have charged that there have been several conflicts in which presidents did not get official declarations, including Theodore Roosevelt's military move into Panama in 1903, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the invasions of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.879548072814941, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "T Ros", "passage": "On May 2, 1896, Congress authorized a \"ribbon to be worn with the medal and [a] rosette or knot to be worn in lieu of the medal.\" The service ribbon is light blue with five white stars in the form of an \"M\". It is placed first in the top position in the order of precedence and is worn for situations other than full-dress military uniform. The lapel button is a , six-sided light blue bowknot rosette with thirteen white stars and may be worn on appropriate civilian clothing on the left lapel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.931955337524414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Medal of Honor" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858, at East 20th Street in New York City, New York. He was the second of four children born to socialite Martha Stewart \"Mittie\" Bulloch and glass businessman and philanthropist Theodore Roosevelt Sr. He had an older sister, Anna (nicknamed \"Bamie\"), a younger brother, Elliott, and a younger sister, Corinne. Elliott was later the father of First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of Theodore's distant cousin, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His paternal grandfather was of Dutch descent; his other ancestry included primarily Scottish and Scots-Irish, English and smaller amounts of German, Welsh, and French. Theodore Sr. was the fifth son of businessman Cornelius Van Schaack \"C.V.S.\" Roosevelt and Margaret Barnhill. Thee's fourth cousin, James Roosevelt I, who was also a businessman, was the father of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Mittie was the younger daughter of Major James Stephens Bulloch and Martha P. \"Patsy\" Stewart. Through the Van Schaacks Roosevelt is a descendant of the Schuyler family. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.844676971435547, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt's father significantly influenced him. His father had been a prominent leader in New York's cultural affairs; he helped to found the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and had been especially active in mobilizing support for the Union war effort. Roosevelt wrote: \"My father, Theodore Roosevelt, was the best man I ever knew. He combined strength and courage with gentleness, tenderness, and great unselfishness. He would not tolerate in us children selfishness or cruelty, idleness, cowardice, or untruthfulness.\" Family trips abroad, including tours of Europe in 1869 and 1870, and Egypt in 1872, also had a lasting impact. Hiking with his family in the Alps in 1869, Roosevelt found that he could keep pace with his father. He had discovered the significant benefits of physical exertion to minimize his asthma and bolster his spirits. With encouragement from his father, Roosevelt began a heavy regime of exercise. After being manhandled by two older boys on a camping trip, he found a boxing coach to teach him to fight and strengthen his weakened body.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.782115936279297, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "After recovering from devastation over his father's death on February 9, 1878, Roosevelt doubled his activities. He did well in science, philosophy, and rhetoric courses but continued to struggle in Latin and Greek. He studied biology intently and was already an accomplished naturalist and a published ornithologist; he read prodigiously with an almost photographic memory. While at Harvard, Roosevelt participated in rowing and boxing; he was once runner-up in a Harvard boxing tournament. Roosevelt was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi literary society, the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and the Porcellian Club; he was also an editor of The Harvard Advocate. On June 30, 1880, Roosevelt graduated Phi Beta Kappa (22nd of 177) from Harvard with an A.B. magna cum laude.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.735784530639648, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt was soon put forth as the Republican party's candidate for the District's House seat in Albany. He was a member of the New York State Assembly (New York Co., 21st D.) in 1882, 1883 and 1884. He immediately began making his mark, specifically in corporate corruption issues. He blocked a corrupt effort by financier Jay Gould to lower his taxes. Roosevelt exposed suspected collusion in the matter by Judge Theodore Westbrook, and argued for and received approval for an investigation to proceed, aiming for the impeachment of the judge. The investigation committee rejected impeachment, but Roosevelt had exposed the potential corruption in Albany, and thus assumed a high and positive political profile in multiple New York publications. In 1883, Roosevelt became the Assembly Minority Leader. In 1884, he lost the nomination for Speaker to Titus Sheard by a vote of 41 to 29 in the GOP caucus. Roosevelt was also Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Cities; he wrote more bills than any other legislator. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.068782806396484, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1886, Roosevelt was the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, portraying himself as \"The Cowboy of the Dakotas\". GOP precinct workers warned voters that the independent radical candidate Henry George was leading and that Roosevelt would lose, thus causing a last-minute defection of GOP voters to the Democratic candidate Abram Hewitt. Roosevelt took third place with 27% (60,435 votes). Hewitt won with 41% (90,552 votes), and George was held to 31% (68,110 votes). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.572831153869629, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "In the 1888 presidential election, Roosevelt successfully campaigned, primarily in the Midwest, for Benjamin Harrison. President Harrison appointed Roosevelt to the United States Civil Service Commission, where he served until 1895. While in office, Roosevelt vigorously fought the spoilsmen and demanded enforcement of civil service laws. The New York Sun then described Roosevelt as \"irrepressible, belligerent, and enthusiastic\". Despite Roosevelt's support for Harrison's reelection bid in the presidential election of 1892, the eventual winner, Grover Cleveland (a Bourbon Democrat), reappointed him to the same post. Roosevelt's close friend and biographer, Joseph Bucklin Bishop, described his assault on the spoils system:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.855305671691895, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt became president of the board of the New York City Police Commissioners for two years in 1895 and radically reformed the police force. The New York Police Department (NYPD) was reputed as one of the most corrupt in America; the NYPD's history division records that Roosevelt was \"an iron-willed leader of unimpeachable honesty, (who) brought a reforming zeal to the New York City Police Commission in 1895\". Roosevelt implemented regular inspections of firearms and annual physical exams; he appointed 1,600 recruits based on their physical and mental qualifications, regardless of political affiliation, established Meritorious Service Medals and closed corrupt police hostelries. During his tenure, a Municipal Lodging House was established by the Board of Charities, and Roosevelt required officers to register with the Board; he also had telephones installed in station houses. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.654730796813965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt had demonstrated, through his research and writing, a fascination with naval history; President William McKinley, urged by Roosevelt's close friend Congressman Henry Cabot Lodge, appointed Roosevelt as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1897. Secretary of the Navy John D. Long was more concerned about formalities than functions, was in poor health, and left major decisions to Roosevelt. Roosevelt seized the opportunity and began pressing his national security views regarding the Pacific and the Caribbean on McKinley. Roosevelt was particularly adamant that Spain be ejected from Cuba, to foster the latter's independence and to demonstrate the U.S. resolve to reinforce the Monroe Doctrine. Ten days after the battleship Maine exploded in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, the Secretary left the office and Roosevelt became Acting Secretary for four hours. Roosevelt cabled the Navy worldwide to prepare for war, ordered ammunition and supplies, brought in experts and went to Congress asking for the authority to recruit as many sailors as he wanted. Roosevelt was instrumental in preparing the Navy for the Spanish–American War. Roosevelt had an analytical mind, even as he was itching for war. He explained his priorities to one of the Navy's planners in late 1897:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.05783748626709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "As governor, Roosevelt learned much about ongoing economic issues and political techniques that later proved valuable in his presidency. He was exposed to the problems of trusts, monopolies, labor relations, and conservation. Chessman argues that Roosevelt's program \"rested firmly upon the concept of the square deal by a neutral state\". The rules for the Square Deal were \"honesty in public affairs, an equitable sharing of privilege and responsibility, and subordination of party and local concerns to the interests of the state at large\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.981245040893555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "The New York state government affected many interests, and the power to make appointments to policy-making positions was a key role for the governor. Platt insisted that he be consulted; Roosevelt appeared to comply, but then made his own decisions. Historians marvel that Roosevelt managed to appoint so many first-rate men with Platt's approval. He even enlisted Platt's help in securing reform, such as in the spring of 1899, when Platt pressured state senators to vote for a civil service bill that the secretary of the Civil Service Reform Association called \"superior to any civil service statute heretofore secured in America\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.995135307312012, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "The office of Vice President was a powerless sinecure, and did not suit Roosevelt's aggressive temperament. Roosevelt's six months as Vice President (March to September 1901) were uneventful. On September 2, 1901, Roosevelt first publicized an aphorism that thrilled his supporters at the Minnesota State Fair: \"Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.012799263000488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "In 1905, Roosevelt offered to mediate a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War. The parties agreed to meet in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and they resolved the final conflict over the division of Sakhalin– Russia took the northern half, and Japan the south; Japan also dropped its demand for an indemnity. Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for his successful efforts. George E. Mowry concludes that Roosevelt handled the arbitration well, doing an \"excellent job of balancing Russian and Japanese power in the Orient, where the supremacy of either constituted a threat to growing America\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.91777515411377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "The most striking evolution in the twenty-first century historiography of Theodore Roosevelt is the switch from a partial arraignment of the imperialist to a quasi-unanimous celebration of the master diplomatist.... [Regarding British relations these studies] have underlined cogently Roosevelt's exceptional statesmanship in the construction of the nascent twentieth-century \"special relationship\". ...The twenty-sixth president's reputation as a brilliant diplomatist and realpolitician has undeniably reached new heights in the twenty-first century...yet, his Philippine policy still prompts criticism. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.132011413574219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "The press did briefly target Roosevelt in one instance. Ever since 1904, he had been periodically criticized for the manner in which he facilitated the Panama Canal. In the least judicious use of executive power, according to biographer Brands, Roosevelt, near the end of his term, demanded that the Justice Department bring charges of criminal libel against Joseph Pulitzer's New York World. The publication had accused him of \"deliberate misstatements of fact\" in defense of family members who were criticized as a result of the Panama affair. Though indictment was obtained, the case was ultimately dismissed in federal court—it was not a federal offense, but one enforceable at the state court level. The Justice Department had predicted that result, and had also advised Roosevelt accordingly.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.553032875061035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "In March 1909, shortly after the end of his presidency, Roosevelt left New York for the Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, a safari in east and central Africa outfitted by the Smithsonian Institution. Roosevelt's party landed in Mombasa, British East Africa (now Kenya), traveled to the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo), before following the Nile to Khartoum in modern Sudan. Financed by Andrew Carnegie and by his own writings, Roosevelt's party hunted for specimens for the Smithsonian Institution and for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The group, led by the legendary hunter-tracker RJ Cunninghame, included scientists from the Smithsonian, and was joined from time to time by Frederick Selous, the famous big game hunter and explorer. Among other items, Roosevelt brought with him four tons of salt for preserving animal hides, a lucky rabbit's foot given to him by boxer John L. Sullivan, a Holland & Holland double rifle in .500/450 donated by a group of 56 admiring Britons, a Winchester 1895 rifle in .405 Winchester, an Army (M1903) Springfield in .30-06 caliber stocked and sighted for him, a Fox No. 12 shotgun, and the famous Pigskin Library, a collection of classics bound in pig leather and transported in a single reinforced trunk. Participants on the expedition included Kermit Roosevelt, Edgar Alexander Mearns, Edmund Heller, and John Alden Loring. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.31186294555664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T. Roosevelt", "passage": "Once in South America, a new, far more ambitious goal was added: to find the headwaters of the Rio da Duvida, the River of Doubt, and trace it north to the Madeira and thence to the Amazon River. It was later renamed Roosevelt River in honor of the former President. Roosevelt's crew consisted of his son Kermit, naturalist Colonel Rondon, George K. Cherrie, sent by the American Museum of Natural History, Brazilian Lieutenant João Lira, team physician Dr. José Antonio Cajazeira, and 16 skilled paddlers and porters (called camaradas [comrades] in Portuguese). The initial expedition started somewhat tenuously on December 9, 1913, at the height of the rainy season. The trip down the River of Doubt started on February 27, 1914. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.539438247680664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt introduced the phrase \"Square Deal\" to describe his progressive views in a speech delivered after leaving the office of the Presidency in August 1910. In his broad outline, he stressed equality of opportunity for all citizens and emphasized the importance of fair government regulations of corporate \"special interests\". Roosevelt was one of the first Presidents to make conservation a national issue. In his speech at Osawatomie, Kansas, on August 31, 1910, he outlined his views on conservation of the lands of the United States. He favored using America's natural resources, but opposed wasteful consumption. One of his most lasting legacies was his significant role in the creation of 5 national parks, 18 national monuments, and 150 National Forests, among other works of conservation. Roosevelt was instrumental in conserving about 230 e6acre of American soil among various parks and other federal projects. In the 21st century, historians have paid renewed attention to President Roosevelt as \"The Wilderness Warrior\" and his energetic promotion of the conservation movement. He collaborated with his chief advisor, Gifford Pinchot, the chief of the Forest Service. Pinchot and Roosevelt scheduled a series of news events that garnered nationwide media attention in magazines and newspapers. They used magazine articles, speeches, press conferences, interviews, and especially large-scale presidential commissions. Roosevelt's goal was to encourage his middle-class reform-minded base to add conservation to their list of issues. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.716119766235352, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Roosevelt was a prolific author, writing with passion on subjects ranging from foreign policy to the importance of the national park system. Roosevelt was also an avid reader of poetry. Poet Robert Frost said that Roosevelt \"was our kind. He quoted poetry to me. He knew poetry.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.137712478637695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "T Roosevelt", "passage": "Historians credit Roosevelt for changing the nation's political system by permanently placing the presidency at center stage and making character as important as the issues. His notable accomplishments include trust busting and conservationism. He is a hero to liberals for his proposals in 1907–12 that presaged the modern welfare state of the New Deal Era, and put the environment on the national agenda. Conservatives admire his \"big stick\" diplomacy and commitment to military values. Dalton says, \"Today he is heralded as the architect of the modern presidency, as a world leader who boldly reshaped the office to meet the needs of the new century and redefined America's place in the world.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.341700553894043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Theodore Roosevelt Association", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.90235424041748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "Other locations named for Roosevelt include Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, and Theodore Roosevelt Lake and Theodore Roosevelt Dam in Arizona.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.732526779174805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" }, { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "passage": "* Theodore Roosevelt was one of the first presidents whose voice was recorded for posterity. Several of his recorded speeches survive. A 4.6-minute voice recording, which preserves Roosevelt's lower timbre ranges particularly well for its time, is among those available from the Michigan State University libraries (this is the 1912 recording of The Right of the People to Rule, recorded by Edison at Carnegie Hall). The audio clip sponsored by the Authentic History Center includes his defense of the Progressive Party in 1912, wherein he proclaims it the \"party of the people\", in contrast with the other major parties.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.800074577331543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt" } ]
July 27, 1940 saw the introduction of what beloved cartoon character in the 8:15 short A Wild Hare?
{ "aliases": [ "Wascally wabbit", "Bugs Rabbit", "Väiski Vemmelsääri", "Bugs bunny", "Bugs the Bunny", "Vaiski Vemmelsaari", "What's Up, Doc%3F (catchphrase)", "Buggs Bunny", "BUgs Bunny", "Bugs Bunny", "%22Ain't I a stinker%22", "Bugs Bunny's Prototype", "Happy Rabbit (character)", "Vaiski", "Bug bunny", "Bugs Bunny Prototype", "Left turn at Albuquerque", "Hare Jordan", "Pesky wabbit" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bugs rabbit", "vaiski", "bugs bunny prototype", "bugs bunny", "väiski vemmelsääri", "left turn at albuquerque", "vaiski vemmelsaari", "buggs bunny", "22ain t i stinker 22", "wascally wabbit", "pesky wabbit", "what s up doc 3f catchphrase", "hare jordan", "bugs bunny s prototype", "bug bunny", "happy rabbit character" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bugs bunny", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bugs Bunny" }
[ { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "A Wild Hare (re-released as The Wild Hare) is a 1940 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies animated short film. It was produced by Leon Schlesinger Productions, directed by Tex Avery, and written by Rich Hogan. It was originally released on July 27, 1940. A Wild Hare is considered by most film historians to be the first \"official\" Bugs Bunny cartoon. ", "precise_score": 5.145583152770996, "rough_score": 3.8752694129943848, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "A Wild Hare is noteworthy as the first true Bugs Bunny cartoon, as well as for settling on the classic voice and appearance of the hunter, Elmer Fudd. Although the animators continued to experiment with Elmer's design for a few more years, his look here proved the basis for his finalized design. ", "precise_score": 0.2772459387779236, "rough_score": -3.7534899711608887, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "The title is a play on \"wild hair\", the first of many puns between \"hare\" and \"hair\" that would appear in Bugs Bunny titles. The pun is carried further by a bar of I'm Just Wild About Harry playing in the underscore of the opening credits. Various directors at the Warner Bros. cartoon studio had been experimenting with cartoons focused on a hunter pursuing a rabbit since 1938, with varied approaches to the characters of both rabbit and hunter. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.997888088226318, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "The design and character of Bugs Bunny would continue to be refined over the subsequent years, but the general appearance, voice, and personality of the character were established in this cartoon. The animator of this cartoon, Virgil Ross, gave his first-person account of the creation of the character's name and personality in an interview published in Animato! Magazine, #19. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.195324897766113, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "Bugs is unnamed in this film, but would be named for the first time in his next short, Elmer's Pet Rabbit, directed by Chuck Jones. The opening lines of both characters—\"Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits\" for Elmer, and \"Eh, what's up Doc?\" for Bugs Bunny—would become catchphrases throughout their subsequent films.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.321654319763184, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "The film occurs (unrestored) in its entirety in two documentaries available as bonus material in the Looney Tunes Golden Collection series. One documentary is What's Up, Doc? A Salute to Bugs Bunny, which is available as a special feature on Discs 3 and 4 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection: Volume 3, with the original title cards. The other documentary is Bugs Bunny: Superstar, which is available as a special feature on Discs 1 and 2 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection: Volume 4 with the Blue Ribbon reissue titles and 'dubbed version' end title, although it has not been refurbished or released independently in that series. The most noticeable effect of this is that the backgrounds appear to be in muted, autumn-like tones (visible in the picture of Elmer and Bugs above), rather than the vibrant springtime colors the backgrounds were painted in (although this is mainly due to the age of the prints).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.652010917663574, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "An uncut, restored version appears on the Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Academy Awards Animation Collection DVD set, but did not surface on the Golden Collection series, despite being the debut for Bugs Bunny, Warner Bros.' most popular cartoon star. The restored version is also featured on Disc 1 of The Essential Bugs Bunny and on Disc 1 of the Looney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume 2. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.540262222290039, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" }, { "answer": "Bugs Bunny", "passage": "It can also be found on videos released by MGM/UA Home Video, such as the \"Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd Cartoon Festival\" VHS, and the \"Here Comes Bugs\" VHS.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.946374893188477, "source": "wiki", "title": "A Wild Hare" } ]
According to the Bart Simpsons TV ad, Nobody better lay a finger on my what??
{ "aliases": [ "Butterfingers Snackerz", "Butterfinger (ice cream)", "Butterfinger Crisp", "Nestlé Butterfinger", "Butterfinger Snackerz", "Butterfinger Ice Cream Bars", "Butterfinger BB's", "Butterfinger", "The Butterfinger Group" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "nestlé butterfinger", "butterfinger", "butterfinger group", "butterfinger ice cream", "butterfingers snackerz", "butterfinger snackerz", "butterfinger ice cream bars", "butterfinger crisp", "butterfinger bb s" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "butterfinger", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Butterfinger" }
[ { "answer": "Butterfinger", "passage": "Bart, and other The Simpsons characters, have appeared in numerous television commercials for Nestlé's Butterfinger candy bars from 1990 to 2001, with the slogan \"Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!\" Lisa would occasionally advertise it too. Matt Groening would later say that the Butterfinger advertising campaign was a large part of the reason why Fox decided to pick up the half-hour show. The campaign was discontinued in 2001, much to the disappointment of Cartwright. Bart has also appeared in commercials for Burger King and Ramada Inn. In 2001, Kellogg's launched a brand of cereal called \"Bart Simpson Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch\", which was available for a limited time. Before the half-hour series went on the air, Matt Groening pitched Bart as a spokesperson for Jell-O. He wanted Bart to sing \"J-E-L-L-O\", then burp the letter O. His belief was that kids would try to do it the next day, but he was rejected. ", "precise_score": 6.584003925323486, "rough_score": 7.274013519287109, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bart Simpson" } ]