-Fuck! [sobs] -[Munk] Shhh.
-Please, no, no. -It's OK.
Leave her alone.
[shouts] Leave her alone. [groans]
[Munk grunts]
[sobs] Help me.
[Ashley O] Get these things off me.
It's not opening.
[Rachel] It's too strong.
Stop moving.
Uh, geniuses, there's a release button under here.
-What? -[Ashley O whimpers]
-[whirring] -[pants]
[Jack] OK, come on.
[Rachel] Come on, come on. Here we go.
Who are you guys?
I'm Rachel and like I said, I'm a huge fan.
[Ashley Too] Listen, lover girls, we gotta move.
Why is that thing talking like that? All real?
They broke the limiter, so I am you. Your whole brain. I'm all of you.
I can't believe there's two of you.
That thing isn't all of me.
I'm all of me.
Really? Senior high, I had, like, a major crush on Ryan Simmonds,
but he was just not interested,
so I made out with his brother, Stevie, even though his braces scratched my teeth.
-Actually, Stevie was the first guy-- -you have to Shut up.
Also, I'm not allergic to shellfish and I hate my Aunt Catherine.
Aunt Catherine, oh, my God, we have to stop her.
Stop her from doing what?
[indistinct chatter]
Are you ready?
[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, Catherine Ortiz.
- ...on ambition and verve -[applause]
I'm gonna get what I deserve
- So Full Of ambition and verve - Hi.
- I'm gonna get what I deserve -[applause]
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us
as we introduce you to a brand-new, yet strangely familiar, superstar.
-Come on, to the car. -Uh-uh.
-What? No, No, No, Come on. -Uh-uh.
You'll be fine. Come on, let's go.
Get in. Come on.
[tires screech]
I don't need to tell you that in an age of streaming content,
live tours are now by far
the most lucrative aspect of the music industry.
But for the past six months, Ashley, of course,
has been sadly unable to participate...
until today.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to introduce you
to Ashley Eternal.
[audience cheers]
-Isn't she great? -[intermittent whooping]
Ashley Eternal is the most accurate
and versatile holographic performer in history.
Photo-realistic and fully controllable,
right down to instant costume changes.
[all gasp]
-Oh, my God. -Jack, do you know the way to the stadium?
-No. -I do.
They do.
Wait, that's not all.
Ashley is also fully scalable.
And when I say, "scalable," I mean scalable.
[audience exclaims]
[Catherine] No more squinting from half a mile away.
Now the entire audience gets a front row seat,
no matter how big the venue.
an act that will make the live audience put down their damn phones,
look up, and gasp in awe.
-You have to jump the light. -I'm not jumping a red.
-go. -No. OK.
[horn honks]
I'm so sorry, I'm sorry.
[siren sounds]
-Shit, it's the cops. -I'm never gonna get my license.
And there's more.
Ashley Eternal is streamable.
She can appear in thousands of locations simultaneously.
Imagine an entire nationwide tour, all taking place on the same night.
Never exhausted, never sick,
always pitch perfect, bringing her A-game.
It's not a dream, it's reality.
But that's enough from me.
Let's give it up for Ashley Eternal.
See me dancing on the stage That I've built
Spotlight on me shining strong
Feel such happiness inside of my heart
- And it's all right here -Give it up.
Right here in my song See my crew dancing around me
Hear the audience's screams
-[siren wails] - Feel like I could jump