Well, maybe I should say comet because shooting stars burn out and he never will.
Jeg burde heller si komet, for stjerneskudd slukner.
You're so beautiful. What's that thing that, uh, Gus said?
Hva var det Gus sa?
Though I did see a hot candy striper on the third floor, so I'm gonna have to duck out and say hello... Hmm. for a few.
Jeg så en pen pleier I tredje etasje, så jeg må dra og hilse på noen minutter.
You wouldn't be a glorified working stiff like you are now, and you'd be running a business, not a circus.
Ikke oppskrytt lønnsarbeider mer. Og i et firma, ikke på sirkus
Well, I...
Hey, Roxie.
All right, I'll play your fuckin' games.
Jeg skal bli med og leke!
Daniel Richardsen.
Daniel. Sven.
Business owners sick of being extorted...
Butikkeiere, leie av utpressing.
Excuse me, sir. Would you mind switching with me?
Unnskyld, kan vi bytte plass?
Have fun. What's up, fellas?
Ha det gøy.
Thank you.
Sick to my stomach.
Whats her room number?
Hvilket rom?
Its gotta have something to do with this thing though. Has to.
Det må ha noe med dette å gjøre.
Isn't that right, Troy?
Ikke sant, Troy?
Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey.
Bailey, Bailey, Bailey.
The hummus. Where's Patches!
Hvor er Patches?
Help, help me!
You ready? You ready?
Er du klar?
Honored. Through the city in five.
Gjennom byen om fem.
You mind showing us the way?
Kan du vise vei?
What did I do?
Hva da?
Camping with her friend Peggy.
Camper med Peggy.
Well, we know where Natalie and Jason are. Come on, lets go.
Vi vet hvor Natalie og Jason er.
Oh, yes, and then your Uncle Mitchell will laugh at your expense. Im just saying.
Og onkel Mitchell vil le av deg.
And so lets leave her to her silent walks.
La henne gå i stillhet.
A kind of quality that just drew you in against your will.
Noe som dro deg inn mot din vilje.
Don't hide your face. So long as you have no issue.
Ikke skjul deg.
Now, you helped make all my memories go away. You made Khafji disappear.
Du har fått minnene mine til å forsvinne.
I'm great with old people. Grandmas love me.
Jeg er flink med gamle.
Thank you.
Get started.
Sett i gang.
Sure. Okay. Hold it.
Hold den.
We don't have a choice anymore.
Vi har ikke noe valg.
Yeah, its all right.
Det er greit.
Everybody's happy.
Da er alle glade.
I will fire you!
Jeg skal sparke deg!
Spitz mentioned it.
Spitz nevnte det.
The runt of the litter. Cut it out, you two. Frankie!
Kutt ut, dere to!
Roger. Look at that.
You move in front of the building.
Gå foran bygningen.
Like that one?
Som den?
Who told you it was rehab?
Hvem sa rehab?
Right, right, right, right.
Greit. Jeg hører deg.
If Dima asks how his family are, tell him theyre safe even if theyre not. Youre there to reassure him.
Om Dima spør, sier du at familien er i sikkerhet.
You were the only passenger.
Du var eneste passasjer.
Id appreciate the opportunity of discussing this matter with you.
Jeg vil gjerne snakke med deg om dette.
I dont want her to know youre in the room, okay? Okay.
Hun må ikke vite at du er her, OK?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Ja visst.
What about Bill?
Vil du invitere Bill?
Do you have a second one? '
Har du en til?
Okay! Okay!
All right. Well try to keep a transporter lock on you.
Vi prøver å holde en lås på deg.
You've got two options.
Du har to muligheter.
You need to let me come with you! Look, I get it. You want your brother.
Du vil hente din bror...
At the moment, UNorth currently has 70,000 employees in 62 countries around the world.
UNorth har nå 70000 ansatte i 62 land verden rundt.
Myers attacked our men, and he has been collaborating with traitors.
Myers har samarbeidet med forrædere.
It's okay...
AIt er i orden.
In fact, shes so pretty and freespirited and bohemian and allloving that sometimes I just want to...
Så pen, frigjort, bohemaktig og elskverdig at jeg bare vil...
Hey there. Sir.
Sighs Look.
Is that right?
Of course you can.
Klart du kan.
I don't want to lie to her.
Jeg vil ikke lyve.
Like, beyond our world?
Utenfor vår verden?
Of course! The Immortal Ines Orisini!
Den udødelige lnes Orsini!
Yeah. Get the fuck out of my apartment.
Forlat leiligheten min!
I want you to pack tonight and leave first thing in the morning.
Du pakker nå og drar i morgen tidlig.
I'm the Co Captain?
Jøss! Er jeg medkaptein?
Oh, I'm sorry.
All right. Clara, get me suture kits, lidocaine with epi, and a crash cart. Now, now!
Clara, gi meg suturer, bedøvelse og utstyrstralle.
But four?
Men fire?
Ah oui, with my life, Monsieur. Sil vous pla t.
Med livet mitt, monsieur.
But wait a second. Steve was the one who
Det var Steve som...
How are you feeling?
Hvordan har du det?
Are you waiting to meet somebody or something?
Venter du på noen?
Scott I caught her outside.
Jeg tok henne utenfor.
Im... Im sorry.
Please !
Sweetheart, what happened? What's going on here?
Hva skjedde, vennen?
Hey, Ramon.
Hei, Ramon.
Don't screw this up.
Ikke ødelegg dette.
Seven minutes!
Sju minutter!
You know how to do that?
Klarer du det?
Yeah, Charlie was taking a few lumps on account of Hank's behaviour.
Ja, Charlie fikk svi for Hanks oppførsel.
She's quite something, isn't she?
Hun er deilig, hva?
Oh, hey, now, you put that away. Put that away. Put it away before somebody gets hurt!
Legg den vekk før noen blir skadd, Diane!
You fetch the coffee.
Hent kaffen.
That little bastard knows something.
Drittungen veit noe.
No. No more doctors.
Ingen flere leger.
And if we succeed on acquiring Intertel...
Får vi tak i Intertel ...
Stand still. Wheres Sol Meyer? Get your hands up.
Hvor er Sol Meyer?
Nick, come here.
Soldier! Soldier!
Yeah, then she can get the proper attention.
Så kan hun få tilsyn