It's a computer.
Det er en pc.
Bye, old man.
Ha det, gamle mann.
Come on.
Yeah, what do you want?
Hva vil du?
Roll down the window. See what he wants. Whats going on here?
Sveiv ned ruta og se hva han vil.
Oh, thank you.
I'm sorry, I don't speak...
Jeg prater ikke...
Ha det
Ronnie is a pro.
Ronnie er en profesjonell.
Don't defend me' You have to stay focused.
Ikke forsvar meg.
Look, mister, I... I didnt mean anything by it.
Jeg mente ikke noe med det.
What the hell are you doing here?
Hva gjør du her?
What do you think?
Hva sier dere?
Okay, thanks.
Hank, Monroe. Could you come in here please?
Hank, Monroe, kom hit.
One divided by two... This next song I'm going to do for you is my political views.
Neste låt er politisk.
Crazy Afghanistan.
Gærne Afghanistan.
Nei da!
You're a late starter, yeah.
Du startet sent, ja.
You do.
Du vet det.
I need you to find the identity of the man who killed Javier Alvarez.
Finn ut hvem som drepte Javier Alvarez
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, roger.
Ja, greit.
What happened?
Hva skjedde?
Don't you have a dishwasher?
Har du ikke oppvaskmaskin?
Special guys, huh?
Spesielle folk?
Tea for Two ? There...
Te for to ?
Tragedy tomorrow
Tragedie i morgen
Oh, no, I'm not...
Im sorry, is she crazy?
Er hun gal?
The training will tell you that when the adrenalin kicks in, you should compensate.
Du ble opplært til å kompensere for adrenalinet.
Believe what?
Tro på hva?
I'm sorry.
Jeg beklager...
Good morning, Mr Winslow.
God morgen, Winslow.
Where are you going? For a walk.
Hvor skal du?
That's nonsense.
Det er tull.
With Liam? Here. No.
Det med Liam?
Patient located.
Pasient lokalisert.
Then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest. Come and see.
Så tar jeg øynene dine og gir deg til hundene mine.
Did that sting? Yes.
Svir det?
That's it?
Så det er slik?
Stand still!
Stå stille!
Okay, and heres something borrowed.
Ok, her er noe lånt.
And all the other things that I might be thinking about except for the fact that Im not thinking about them.
Og de andre tingene jeg absolutt ikke tenker på. Poenget er at...
Ive decided that Im gonna document this suicide thing of yours.
Jeg skal dokumentere selvmordet.
Have you done the Louvre?
That were listening to music.
Høre på musikk.
Then we can send you away to a good school and you can marry some wealthy boy.
Da kan vi sende deg på en god skole.
Come here! Dr. Powell, come and see!
Kom og se, dr.
Wait... trying? Is there a problem?
Er det et problem?
It could be enough.
Det kan være nok.
You trick people into thinking you know things about them. You dont know anything!
Du lurer folk til å tro at du vet ting om dem.
The Carroll County bureau?
but I can assure you... Come in, Mrs Patmore.
Kom inn, mrs Patmore.
Im not going to. Just... The point is, what other option do I have, anyway?
Men hvilke alternativer har jeg!
You know, Im planning on doing a little flying.
Jeg planlegger å fly en tur.
26 years His mother used to take care of him but when she died, his sister in law took over
Svigerinnen hans tok over da moren døde.
And you know, the reason I throw like a girl, Dad, is because I am a girl.
Og jeg kasterjentekast fordi jeg erjente.
He here?
Er han her?
Can you read it?
Kan du lese den?
Leaving Rome?
Forlate Roma?
Mmhmm. okay, keep going.
Sir, it's our job as airport security... to search for all possible weapons or illegal drugs.
Det er jobben vår å lete etter våpen og ulovlige stoffer.
Why? What happens next?
Hva skjer da?
Thats so sweet.
Så søtt.
All right.
It was self defense.
What do you want me to do?
Hva skal jeg gjøre?
For real.
Yes, yes.
Huh? I meant my parents.
Mine foreldre.
Mogens Glistrup, Spies Travel.
Mogen Glistrup.
I am so mad right now I really feel like taking two of the guitar strings from that guitar player and whipping everyone in the face every person in this room.
Jeg er så sint. Jeg vil bare ta to gitarrstrenger og piske alle i rommet i ansiktet.
And you?
Og du?
He spent the night at my place.
Han sov hos meg.
Hold the door!
Hold døra!
Thank you.
This is Storm Island.
Dette er Storm Island.
Go ahead.
Kom igjen.
Thank you.
Bill? !
Branch! Is that your son? That...
Dette er min sønn Branch.
A holographic representation of Seska one of the Maquis shipmates you betrayed.
Et holografi av Seska, en maqui som du forrådte.
Well, naturally, I got a little bit, heh, upset.
Jeg ble litt opprørt.
And if I bring home another rug, my wife'll murder my motherfucking ass, Chris.
Tar jeg med nok et teppe hjem, kverker kona mi meg.
Or shoot him?
Eller skyte ham?
Well, congratulations.
Well, you're welcome.
Du er velkommen. Takk.
I want fingerprints on everyone.
Ta fingeravtrykk av alle.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
Takk, sir.
What? Wait.
Somebody give me a visual. I want the entire building searched.
Gjennomsøk bygningen.