[ "ARLINGTON, Texas -- If Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott really does keep Tony Romo on the bench, this is the game that will be remembered as the turning point. ", "We've heard the talk about karma, good luck, not messing with a winning streak. ", "This, however, was something far more meaningful -- and tangible, to boot. ", "This was Prescott showing the world what he's really made of, and what that could mean to a team that learns a little more about itself with every passing week.", "\n\nThe Cowboys' 29-23 overtime win over Philadelphia on Sunday night marked the sixth straight time Prescott has led this team to victory. ", "What made this one so special was that it didn't come easy for the rookie quarterback. ", "The Eagles beat him up time and again, forced a red-zone interception that was easily one of Prescott's worst decisions of the season and held a seven-point lead late in the fourth quarter. ", "This easily could've been the time for skeptics to say Prescott's surprising run from fourth-round pick to impressive emergency starter finally was ending. ", "Instead, he added one more point to the argument that he should keep playing as long as this team keeps winning.", "\n\nThis wasn't about numbers, because Prescott was fairly mediocre in that department (he completed 19 of his 39 attempts for 287 yards, with two touchdowns and that pick). ", "This was about a quarterback believing in himself, a team rallying behind his confidence and a new era in Dallas continuing to blossom right before our eyes.", "\n\n\"I'm not going to stop,\" Prescott said when asked what he proved on Sunday night. \"", "I don't care how bad I play or what I do -- I'm not going to give up. ", "I've got unbelievable teammates who give me confidence no matter what I've done. ", "That's what we shared on the sidelines. ", "I've got their back and they've got mine. ", "And we just all continue to fight.\"", "\n\nUntil now, this particular writer had a hard time believing Romo wouldn't return to the Cowboys lineup once the injured back that has sidelined him all season finally healed. ", "He was the proven starter, the 14th-year veteran, the star signal caller who seemed to be tailor-made to play for a team owned by Jerry Jones. ", "Prescott's emergence was a nice story and he certainly has a bright future ahead of him. ", "It just felt like he was holding down a spot that he eventually would have to give up.", "\n\nToday, it feels like the players in that Cowboys locker room are falling in love with Prescott every week. ", "They're watching him grow up with each win and his numbers -- he entered Sunday's game with a dazzling passer rating of 103.9 -- indicate that he's doing more than simply avoiding mistakes. ", "Simply put, the dude can flat-out play. ", "If that's not enough, his ability to play has kept this team on top of the NFC East with a 6-1 record.", "\n\nIt's fair to say there are plenty of players in that Dallas locker room who vividly remember how this team cratered last season after Romo was lost to two collarbone fractures over the course of the season. ", "The success Prescott has enjoyed only can make him more magical in their eyes as a result. ", "The only thing players love more than talent is dependability. ", "If they can find both in a quarterback, then it's hard to tell them there's a better option elsewhere. ", "Jones acknowledged as much while talking about the way Prescott overcame his mistakes to rally Dallas to the win.", "\n\n\"He personifies the team,\" Jones said. \"", "He did have his challenges (and) Philadelphia had a lot to do with that. ", "We know what Philadelphia did last week (the Eagles had six sacks in a 21-10 win over Minnesota). ", "They gave us all we could handle. ... ", "Dak had his challenges, but when it mattered -- not that the whole game didn't matter -- he came through.\"", "\n\nPrescott obviously was at his best in the final minutes of regulation and the first possession of overtime. ", "The Cowboys trailed, 23-16, when they started a drive on their own 10-yard line with 6:26 left in the game. ", "That possession became even more difficult when a holding penalty erased a 63-yard gain and put Dallas in a first-and-20 hole. ", "Ten plays later, Prescott lofted a perfectly thrown pass that Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant snatched for a 22-yard, game-tying touchdown.", "\n\nPrescott was just as steady after Dallas won the coin toss to start overtime. ", "He engineered a 12-play, 75-yard drive in that situation, one that culminated with him spinning away from pressure, rolling to his left and finding tight end Jason Witten alone in the end zone for a 5-yard touchdown that ended the game. ", "It was a play that was eerily reminiscent of something Romo has pulled off countless times. ", "It involved improvisation, an instinctive feel for the moment and an invaluable faith that something good would result from simply trying to make a play.", "\n\nA less confident player might have been more cautious in that moment, especially one who had been rattled by the Eagles earlier in the game (they sacked Prescott twice and hurried him on several other plays). ", "He proved he was ready to embrace the challenge. ", "As Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett said, \"That's what he's demonstrated since Day 1. ", "Just to be able to handle any situation with poise and composure ... He plays with the same mentality, the same demeanor, the same temperament regardless of what's happened before. ", "The best players I've been around are able to do that. ", "He was outstanding at the end of this ballgame.\"", "\n\nPrescott was so good that he likely made a growing quarterback controversy one that will only become more heated in the coming weeks. ", "Prescott, for his part, has publicly said this team belongs to Romo. ", "Jones and Garrett have been patiently waiting for Romo to heal while also praising the way Prescott has handled the opportunity. ", "Jones also made it clear after the game that this is still a hypothetical argument until Romo actually receives permission to play again.", "\n\nWhen asked about his quarterback situation, Jones said, \"Tony isn't ready to play. ", "That is subject to Jason Garrett making the decision. ", "But as far as the health issue is concerned of Tony, there is no need to push it that fast. ", "It's much more about Tony than it is about any of the other issues.\"", "\n\nSo Jones and Garrett have a convenient excuse to avoid some likely drama for at least another week. ", "Prescott will start at Cleveland in the Cowboys' next game, and Romo will keep working on his health. ", "Given the lack of talent on the winless Browns' roster, the Cowboys are almost certain to stretch that winning streak to seven games. ", "Once that happens, there will be more questions about Romo's future and the role Prescott will play in it.", "\n\nThere used to be a time when it was sheer folly to imagine Prescott being in a position to take Romo's job. ", "The very idea of it meant Jones and Garrett would have to seriously weigh the big-picture implications in such a move, the most notable being that Romo's time in Dallas might be done.", "\n\nBut things can change quickly in the NFL, as the folks who remember Tom Brady's rise in New England certainly attest. ", "It's far too early to predict a similar career path for Prescott, but this much we do know: It's much harder to see him back on the bench after the way Sunday night ended." ]
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[ "A paralysed child sits half-buried in sand at the bank of river Indus in Hyderabad, Pakistan, following a physician's advice to place the child in sand during the solar eclipse, believing its rays have special healing powers\n\nCredit : EPA" ]
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[ "Solutions can be elusive. ", "Sometimes my mind feels like a desk piled high with print outs – presentations and research papers and analytics reports. ", "Rather than painstakingly plow through it all, I find it so much more effective to just toss it wholesale into the circular file. ", "Enter yoga.", "\n\nWhen seemingly intractable problems become obstacles, I walk them into a yoga studio. ", "Some yoga instructors will say to check your problems at the door, but that’s not always possible for me. ", "When there’s something nagging at me, I walk into my yoga practice with an intention – to find a win-win solution that serves the highest good. ", "I’ve yet to be disappointed.", "\n\nI’m the kind of person that mentally wrestles with a problem and then beats it beyond recognition. ", "I really hate not getting what I want when I want it. ", "Here the critical voices derive from my frontal lobe, where reason and logic and ego reign. ", "Some call this phenomenon, “Monkey Chatter.”", "\n\nOne of the great lessons from my yoga teacher training is that no pose is ever perfectly expressed. ", "Like life, each pose is a dynamic tussle between opposing forces. ", "So when an instructor says to press down through your figure tips in down dog, you’ve then likely lost focus on pressing back through your heals, or some other part of your body in the pose.", "\n\nBut here’s my takeaway: all those verbal cues from the yoga instructor aren’t just meant to get you in physical alignment. ", "They’re also using your body to distract you from the world beyond your mat and focus instead on the moment between its edges. ", "It’s a trick for physical and mental alignment. ", "Here’s where the magic happens.", "\n\nRecently, I walked into my yoga practice with a nagging thorn: a girl who’s all wrong for me, but somehow had consumed weeks of precious mind share. ", "Hardly the biggest problem, but that mental space could be put to much better use. ", "I was well into class and beyond my chatter brain – amenable to suggestion – when the instructor said, “Release what doesn’t serve you.” ", "At that moment, I realized that I hadn’t been able to gracefully let go of something that obviously wasn’t meant for me.", "\n\nAnd beyond that, what did this infatuation reveal about my relationship to women? ", "I peeled back another layer of the onion. ", "As I flowed through class, I let those thoughts simmer and from it arose a mantra: Release what doesn’t serve you. ", "And be grateful for what it revealed about you. ", "My desk had cleared.", "\n\nWe are born into the world as a block of marble. ", "Somewhere inside of that block exists our highest self, the raw potential of our destiny. ", "If we’re open to it, the Universe presents us with experiences that work away at that block to reveal who we’re meant to be.", "\n\nI’ve experienced times when the daily grind seems to just barely chisel away at my block. ", "And other times when huge chunks of marble get broken off. ", "I prefer the latter, when I feel like I’m making huge strides towards becoming my highest self. ", "And few times in my life sculpted me more than my first semester of college, when I walked into the classroom of Dr. Charles W. Spurgeon.", "\n\nTo say that I was a block of untapped potential when I met Dr. Spurgeon would be a euphemism for saying that I was dumb and aimless. ", "But over the course of a semester, he presented me with ways of thinking that turned into north stars of my existence. ", "Through Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, and Jiddu Krishnamurti, he gave me a gift of value beyond measure — a sense of destiny.", "\n\nIn the play Thomas Becket, T.S. Eliot presents us with the historical Archbishop of Canterbury, who, like the story of Jesus, knowingly sticks to his beliefs at the expense of his own life (martyrdom). ", "He had an immutable sense of destiny, no matter the consequences. ", "In Hamlet, Shakespeare asks us to contemplate “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” ", "And the great Indian philosopher Krishnamurti teaches that “truth is a pathless land.” ", "In other words, there’s no one way, except your own way.", "\n\nThose of you that have read my blog know of my personal struggles, especially those with my sick wife. ", "During the worst of those years, I never seriously contemplated leaving her. ", "It pushed me to the brink of insanity at times, but my sense of destiny strengthened me and helped me push through. ", "And while I am no Thomas Becket or Jesus, in my own way, I emerged reborn and stronger because of it.", "\n\nEarlier this week I met with Dr. Spurgeon for the first time in almost 17 years. ", "I’ve thought about him often, but never managed to find him. ", "We met at an English Pub near Marymount College, my old school. ", "I finally had the opportunity to tell him all the ways he helped to shape my life. ", "As he nears the final years of his career, and as he contemplates all the struggles and time wasted on so many oblivious students, our lunch helped to reinforced his own sense of destiny. ", "I took his gift out into the world and returned it at a time when he needed it most. ", "We completed one of life’s cycles — where a teacher goes from sculptor to sculpture.", "\n\nLaurie the day Sky was born. ", "She never looked healthier or so beautiful. – ", "Mary Birch Hospital, San Diego, CA\n\nLaurie had been on birth control for more than 12 years. ", "When you consider that there’s a 1 in 200 (99.5%) chance of getting pregnant on her birth control, we couldn’t help but believe that we were witness to a miracle. ", "We had experienced a few miracles in our lifetime, but getting pregnant with all the odds against us, was the greatest miracle of all.", "\n\nLaurie didn’t figure out she was pregnant until month two. ", "Had she taken those chemotherapy pills that she intuitively rejected a few weeks earlier, her pregnancy would have to be terminated immediately. ", "I learned never to underestimate a woman’s intuition.", "\n\nOver the 7 months of her pregnancy, Laurie never felt better. ", "She was swimming and walking and doing all the things she wished she could do before her pregnancy. ", "Later I learned that it’s not unusual for a sick woman’s hormones to push her disease into remission. ", "It was a beautiful time filled with love and compassion. ", "Her pregnancy brought us even closer. ", "It was bliss.", "\n\nWe discussed a few names. ", "Laurie, being the consummate New Ager suggested we name her Earth Song. ", "We had a good laugh over that one. ", "But then we remembered that sad poem I wrote for her 12 years before. ", "Sky Meadow Harms was born premature at 28 weeks (just 4 pounds, 7 ounces), but she was absolutely perfect and healthy. ", "We were home three days later, hopelessly in love with our little miracle that we were told, and Laurie believed, would “never” be born. ", "Cradling Sky in her arms, Laurie looked at me and said what every husband wants to hear at least once in his lifetime – “You were right.”", "\n\nA weakened Laurie picks up her energy for Sky after several nearly fatal surgeries. – ", "Cedars Sinai, Beverly Hills, CA.", "\n\nLaurie lived for another two and a half years. ", "She witnessed Sky’s first steps, her first words and got to see her fledgling personality shine through. ", "Although six months after Sky was born, Laurie experienced the most violent two years of her disease, she fought to be Sky’s mom for as long as she could. ", "It was as if her disease had given her a break (finally) to have a healthy pregnancy, but then returned to same degeneration after Sky was born.", "\n\nLaurie said our love kept her fighting to stay alive after her first major surgery, but now she was fighting to stay alive for Sky. ", "Sky gave her life the meaning she longed for. ", "Even though her countdown had begun, she would leave me a gift with worth beyond measure.", "\n\nToday, Sky is an extremely smart, sweet, funny, well-mannered, beautiful little girl. ", "Her name is a daily reminder of a time when I foolishly believed in Never. ", "Despite all the struggle, eventually even losing my soul mate, Sky gives me the feeling that it was all worth it – that in the end, I came out ahead. ", "Having this beautiful creature depend on me, helped me to quickly pick myself up after Laurie died. ", "I had to move forward with my life for the both of us.", "\n\nLaurie believed that in the spiritual plane, Sky had chosen us to be her parents. ", "She also believed that Sky was born to change the consciousness of the world. ", "On this Earthly plane of existence, Sky gave Laurie the satisfaction of knowing that her life had purpose. ", "And even in death, through Sky, her spirit would live on.", "\n\nJust like her mommy, Sky hams it up for the camera on an impromptu photo shoot at Grandma’s beach house. – ", "Algarrobo, Chile\n\nNever is a useless word. ", "Highly unlikely, I’ll concede. ", "But my pathological optimism is at odds with certainties like Never. ", "I cringe when I hear the word. ", "It also motivates me. ", "Most people say it because they believe that Never actually exists. ", "Convincing you to believe it too is a way of validating their own defeatism.", "\n\nWhen I was 19, I was deeply in love with a girl named Laurie. ", "One of the reasons why she requited was because, like her, I was a romantic and a poet. ", "She fell in love with me when she saw me reciting poetry to a table I was serving. ", "We were romantic twins. ", "Even at that tender age, we were contemplating what life would be like as a married couple. ", "We even named our future first child – Sky.", "\n\nSo when she broke up with me to avoid the angst of a long distance relationship (I was leaving for a new University), I turned to poetry. ", "I wrote a long, sad poem for her titled, Now Sky Will Never Be Born. ", "We broke up for three years and only ran into each other once during all that time. ", "But within two weeks of graduating, we saw each other again and never looked back.", "\n\nLaurie was already suffering from the disease that eventually killed her when we reunited at 22. ", "After a 13 hour marathon surgery that her neurosurgeon said would be a 9 out of 10 difficulty, he gave her just two years to live. ", "I refused to believe it and the next day asked her to marry me. ", "She had a good recovery and lived for another 9 years. ", "We were happily married for eight of those years, but there was something that Laurie believed that ultimately threatened our marriage – that she could not and didn’t want to have a baby.", "\n\nHer doctors had confirmed that getting pregnant would threaten her life. ", "Though I had always felt that being a father was a part of my destiny, I conceded that it would now be highly unlikely. ", "But that she didn’t want to have a baby, and that we would never have one was something I struggled with.", "\n\nOn this one issue, Laurie decided to believe in Never. ", "I remember calling my mother and sharing how distressed I was and that a part of me wanted to leave because she was so adamant that we would never have a baby. ", "Though I didn’t share that sentiment with Laurie, she told me that she would understand if I wanted to leave her to be with somebody that could make me the dad I deserved to be. ", "She loved me so much that she was offering me an out of all the hospitals and stress created by her illness. ", "We didn’t come to an agreement on the issue, but I stayed because I couldn’t imagine a life without her. ", "I told her that I still refused to believe in Never.", "\n\nYears later, after a few years of relative peace, Laurie’s disease returned with a vengeance. ", "After two rounds of radiation, her doctors were at a loss. ", "After all, for diseases as rare as hers (3 in a billion) there are no known treatments. ", "Pharmaceutical companies understandably don’t develop treatments for markets that small. ", "So her doctors threw a hail mary: an experimental take home chemotherapy pill they believed might help, though it had never been given to a patient with her disease. ", "After much ado with our health insurance, they approved her $7,000 a month treatment. ", "When the pills arrived in the mail, Laurie surprised me because she had an intuition that she shouldn’t take them.", "\n\nA few weeks later, Laurie drove by a McDonalds and had a craving to eat a Big Mac. ", "It was a bizarre craving since we normally don’t eat there. ", "Laurie knew something was different and she drove directly to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. ", "Positive. ", "When I got a call from her at work, I froze – total shock. ", "On my way home, I had a most disorienting feeling of being both ecstatic about the potential of having a baby, while simultaneously feeling that my soulmate’s very life was at stake.", "\n\nI didn’t pressured her either way, I was just there to help her think it through. ", "Three days later, and after much discussion, Laurie decided, despite the likelihood of a tragedy, that we were witness to a miracle. ", "She would risk her life to give me the child that she felt I deserved. ", "We would go through with the pregnancy – no matter the consequences.", "\n\nHave you ever identified with a character in a book? ", "Most of us have. ", "But have you ever thought of your Self as actually being a character in a book? ", "It’s a distinction that has kept me preoccupied. ", "I wrote a piece related to the subject for TED Weekends last week, but I still need to develop the concept further in my own mind. ", "I say need, because it’s become the unexpected central theme of my book. ", "I know that I can write about my past, but is it possible for me to use the book to write (create) my future?", "\n\nSearching Google for answers, I found a fascinating (yet drably academic) dissertation on the concept of “Life as Art.” ", "Nietzsche is central to the paper because he sees the self as a material to be produced, molded, and crafted along aesthetic lines – not as a stable subject. ", "He called it, “autoaesthetics,” the self-conscious molding of one’s life.", "\n\nNietzsche assimilates the ideal person to an ideal literary character and the ideal life to an ideal story. ", "He believed that one can live artfully, or autoaesthetically, if one actively engages in the process of understanding one’s life through the process of writing. ", "In a literary sense, narrative self-formation is character formation: one is involved in the process of creating one’s own character through the process of dispensing with and creating a series of settings and relationships.", "\n\nI haven’t posted on this blog in a while because I’ve been writing my book. ", "After a lot of stress and self-doubt, the book is finally leading me instead of me leading it. ", "During the process, I had an insight that changed the course of the story, both in my book and in my life. ", "Somewhere along the way, my life became the book and my book became my life. ", "In a literal sense, I’ve started to live my life the way that I want the story to be told in the book. ", "Nietzsche might say that I’m living autoaesthetically. ", "After wrestling with the idea for a bit, I think I’m ready to let go of my preconceptions going into this journey, and instead allow the process to take over.", "\n\nI love a good story. ", "I love them so much that I want my own life to be one. ", "I want to follow my bliss, visit exotic locations, open the world to my daughter, get to know interesting people, and write it all down to share with kindred spirits. ", "I want to live a life worth writing about.", "\n\nOn that quest, I also have a tendency to overlook some important details. ", "I figure that I can overcome any obstacles with sheer will and positivity. ", "Often times I can. ", "But at what cost? ", "In the long run, some details refuse to be overlooked.", "\n\nLife is about decisions. ", "I often write about the moment when I asked Laurie to marry me the day after she got two years to live. ", "That decision set off a chain reaction that defines my life to this day. ", "In my mind, I had a story that I wanted to tell. ", "I wanted the story to be that our love saved her life.", "\n\nI wasn’t thinking in these terms back then, but I wanted to be prince charming riding into the castle to slay the dragon and save my damsel in distress. ", "I couldn’t control the medical reality, but I could control how I wielded my love for her. ", "Love is a nuclear weapon. ", "To a large degree our extraordinary love succeeded – just not happily ever after.", "\n\nLaurie lived another 10 years, 8 more than doctors predicted, but she did inevitably die. ", "No matter how much sheer will and positivity one can muster, some details are final. ", "When she died, and even the two extremely difficult years prior, I was living with the consequences of my fairy tale-like fantasy.", "\n\nSuffering during our final years together was relentless. ", "And not just for me and Laurie, but also for all of our friends and family who chose to be there for us. ", "They found our story compelling enough to write themselves into it.", "\n\nMany of my struggles today are a legacy of the original love story I wanted so badly to come true. ", "It didn’t turn out exactly as I planned – no matter how bravely I fought. ", "But maybe I wasn’t really looking for a good or a bad ending. ", "After all, unlike a fairy-tale, a good story must have both.", "\n\nMy life has been uniquely mine. ", "No man has walked in my shoes. ", "Starting with my first decision as an adult: proposing marriage to a girl who had been given two years to live by her neurosurgeon. ", "Had I listened to reason or looked out for my own self-interests, I might have wished her the best and walked out the back door. ", "Nothing held me back from doing so. ", "Instead, I rejected the evidence before me and chose to believe what I felt inside to be true.", "\n\nWe had a choice when Laurie unexpectedly got pregnant. ", "She had been on the pill for 10 years without fail. ", "Her doctors advised her that having a baby could have fatal complications. ", "She might not survive. ", "I also had someone very close to me try to dissuade me from going through with the pregnancy. ", "The baby would grow up without a mommy. ", "Everyone around us would have added responsibility and burden. ", "Laurie and I discussed it. ", "We decided that we were witness to a miracle. ", "We rejected the facts and did what we were meant to do. ", "In exchange, Laurie and I got a purpose for living.", "\n\nYesterday, one of my uncles pulled me aside. ", "He was concerned. ", "He said that I looked melancholy. ", "For two days he’d heard me retell old stories about Laurie. ", "He didn’t think it was healthy. ", "I replied that Laurie has been on my mind more than usual because I’ve been writing our story. ", "He explained that what I’m writing is about living in the past. ", "I should be looking to the future. ", "I should be focused on all the beautiful women around me and looking to create a new family. ", "Leave the tragedy of what happened in the dusts of time.", "\n\nI’ve never been shy about giving advice, but results have been inconclusive. ", "Everyone’s life is uniquely their own, so how can I purport to know what’s best for anyone else? ", "From my uncle’s perspective, what happened to Laurie is tragic. ", "I don’t blame him for thinking it so. ", "He’s also right that living in the past is dangerous. ", "Over the next few months I’m going to be picking at scabs from old wounds. ", "If I do a good job writing my story, I will have relived many of those painful moments a second time.", "\n\nIt’s true that life is best lived in the present. ", "Still, I feel that before I can move freely into the future, I need an opportunity to release everything that happened to us into words – for my daughter and anybody else that may gain from it. ", "Not to give advice, but to connect with those who can relate to my story. ", "Perhaps even to find the strength to do what they feel is right – even when the people who care about them disagree. ", "Even when those people are also right.", "\n\nControlling a candle flame with your mind is an insightful exercise. ", "Laurie did it to reflect self-control over many areas of her life. ", "She was able to move a flame to one side and then the other, minimize the flame and then raise it unnaturally high. ", "Through deep meditation she could change the nature of reality within herself, which was then reflected in the candle flame before her. ", "Prior to marrying a psychic, I would have been dismissive of the idea that one’s mind can directly control the physical world. ", "But as any skeptic will tell you, seeing is believing.", "\n\nFor Laurie, it wasn’t enough for me to believe that she believed. ", "She made it a point to present evidence to me over the course of our ten years together. ", "Over time, she wore down my skepticism. ", "She believed that each of us has a supernatural gift (a sixth sense), but we stop listening to it as we grow in society. ", "She even helped me discover my own gift: the ability to picture a future state so clearly in my mind that I can actually make it a reality. ", "She called it a “mock up” of the future. ", "I now make a conscious effort to visualize my future before I create it.", "\n\nWhen Laurie and I met she was just starting to discover her psychic gifts. ", "At the time she had a brand new black Honda Accord. ", "Eight years later we still had that same Accord. ", "I reluctantly drove it to work sometimes. ", "One day after work the car wouldn’t start, so I called her to come pick me up. ", "When she arrived she sat in the driver’s seat and simply meditated on “grounding” the car. ", "After about 5 minutes of meditation she turned the key and the car started right up. ", "She repeated this feat at least four more times before we eventually sold it. ", "Each time we looked at each other and smiled.", "\n\nLaurie possessed a psychic talent. ", "Like any talent, she believed that betterment required practice. ", "She spent hours a day exercising her psychic abilities. ", "She even attended a school for psychics, the Southern California Psychic Institute, where she found kindred spirits that helped her evolve. ", "As Laurie strengthened her abilities, she weakened my assumptions about reality. ", "When I watched her melt and impossibly twist a spoon with her mind, it opened me to a whole new world of possibilities.", "\n\nLaurie once guided my mother, aunt and I through the meditation she used to make a hard metal spoon feel like soft, malleable plastic in our hands. ", "We were to start by imagining a light energy from the center of the earth, moving up through the soles of our feet, and eventually through our entire bodies. ", "My eyes closed in a long meditation. ", "I remember feeling my hands move, bending the spoon with ease. ", "To my surprise however, when I opened my eyes I saw that the spoon was unbent, exactly as it was made. ", "Laurie went on to impossibly twist several spoons right in front of us. ", "I kept one of those spoons for my daughter and posted a picture of it here.", "\n\nIronically, Laurie was able to melt spoons and manipulate flames, but she couldn’t heal herself. ", "Perhaps there are limits. ", "Still, she made a believer out of me and taught me how to be active in the creation of my reality. ", "I will always be thankful for that. ", "The unmeasurable world has enriched my life immeasurably.", "\n\nWe all have a dark side. ", "Some dark sides lurk closer to the surface than others. ", "Inevitably, when the Universe seemingly conspires against us, the person we thought we were breaks down. ", "We feel trapped with no means of escape or personal release. ", "We lash out – sometimes violently. ", "Walter White, the protagonist in the hit show Breaking Bad, is a dramatic example. ", "But more than once, I too have broken bad.", "\n\nLaurie’s final two years included 13 life or death surgeries (in and out of ICUs for months at a time). ", "Each surgery added a new layer of complications. ", "A feeding tube, a tracheotomy, metal piercing through her skull, a perpetual state of morphine detox. ", "I worked hard to be the emotional rock for Laurie and my daughter. ", "But one can only hold in so much before emotions volcano.", "\n\nIt started with a phone call from my mother who was vacationing in Chile. ", "She informed me that my sister got invited to the Golden Globes. ", "She asked if I’d go with my sister to the mall to purchase a new necklace and a purse for her big night. ", "My sister’s plan was to return the items the day after the event. ", "I normally would find that plan unethical, but I agreed to help given how excited she was to go. ", "What could possibly go wrong?", "\n\nAfter the Golden Globes, my sister and I arrived at the Topanga mall to do the unglamorous work of getting my refunds. ", "My sister can be a little confrontational, so I told her to hang back while I returned the necklace at the jewelry store. ", "When the unassuming sales lady asked why I wanted to return the necklace, I sighed in mock defeat: “Let’s just say that I didn’t get the response I wanted.” ", "I could feel the store fill up with pity. ", "$750 refunded to my Master Card. ", "Feeling of pride from my brilliant spin: priceless.", "\n\nI walked into Nordstorms feeling confident. ", "Again, I asked my sister to hang back. ", "I walked up to the purse department and handed the Jimmy Choo clutch and my receipt to the same pretentious lady who sold it to us a few days prior. ", "She opened the box and saw a scratch on the buckle that wasn’t there when we purchased it. ", "A return wasn’t possible. ", "I argued. ", "She called the manager over. ", "Same response – no refund. ", "Few words raise my blood pressure like, “No.”", "\n\nI wasn’t stressed about the $600 I paid for the purse. ", "I had been promised repayment for anything that couldn’t be returned. ", "But I kept arguing with the manager. ", "I could feel my body start to shake in anger. ", "Years of stress and bent up emotions surfaced. ", "And then I broke. ", "I slapped a plastic credit card application holder off the cash register. ", "It hit the ground with an angry thud. ", "Credit applications strewn across the pristine floors. ", "I heard the manager call security. ", "I walked towards the door a little faster.", "\n\n“Hey you, stop!” ", "I looked back and saw a guy built like a linebacker stride towards me. ", "I walked outside, slipped off my flip flops, and sprinted away with my Jimmy Choo clutch tucked in my right arm like a football. ", "I looked over my shoulder, he was in pursuit. ", "I was running barefoot across the Nordstroms parking lot. ", "I thought to myself, what the hell just happened?", "\n\nI kept running as fast as I could. ", "He kept gaining on me like The Terminator. ", "I made a rash decision to run across the four busy lanes of Victory Blvd. ", "I switched the purse to my left arm and stuck out my right arm as if to stiff arm oncoming traffic. ", "Headlights headed towards me, cars honked. ", "I risked my life, but made it across to street to a parking lot. ", "I looked back and watched in disbelief as the unshakable security guard dodged traffic too.", "\n\nI ran towards a Coco’s diner, but my exhausted legs gave out on me. ", "I fell forward, my chest hit the concrete, and the Jimmy Choo box spilled out of my hands. ", "I mustered my last ounce of strength to get up, picked up the box with bloodied hands, and stumbled forward. ", "Once inside, Coco’s somehow felt like a safe house. ", "I sat down in the waiting area and in between gaping breaths politely asked the concerned hostess, “May I have a glass of water please?”", "\n\n“Give me that purse,” demanded the 6’ 4’’ 220 pound security guard.", "\n\n“No, it’s my purse,” I screeched. ", "I handed him the receipt as evidence. ", "He studied the receipt and handed it back to me.", "\n\n“Why did you run then?”", "\n\n“Because I knocked over the credit card thing.”", "\n\n“You threw it at the ladies? ", "That’s assault!”", "\n\n“No, I just knocked it over on the floor.”", "\n\nHe called to confirm my story. ", "He looked at me with reluctant respect and said, “Good run.”", "\n\nI felt like I’d been knocked unconscious. ", "In the throws of an asthma attack, I started puking my guts out by the side of the restaurant. ", "My sister drove me home. ", "I didn’t say a word when I walked in, just headed upstairs and laid down on my bed. ", "Laurie walked up behind me and asked what was wrong. ", "Embarrassed, I told her what transpired. ", "She started laughing, caressed my face and said, “Oh baby, you’re under so much stress.” ", "Everyone had a good laugh at my expense. ", "What I did was so out of character. ", "I allowed myself a smile.", "\n\nI got a phone call from my sister later that night. ", "She successfully returned the purse at another Nordstroms. ", "No receipt. ", "No problems. ", "No breaking bad.", "\n\nTake a moment to relax. ", "Lean your neck back and then swivel it in half circles from side to side. ", "Go ahead. ", "It feels good to stretch out your neck when you’re a little stressed. ", "Now imagine a world where that release isn’t possible. ", "Maybe your neck was precariously rebuilt by a neurosurgeon using stiff but durable titanium. ", "You can’t just turn your neck to see over your shoulder anymore. ", "Your neck muscles would eventually compensate by becoming rock hard, creating serious chronic pain from your central nervous system that radiates across your entire body.", "\n\nFor Laurie, who spent years in hospitals having her upper spine rebuilt, a day at home with chronic neck pain was a pretty good day. ", "Pain forced her to live in the present. ", "Past and future take a back seat when all you can think about is how much it hurts right now. ", "Experiencing the present, no matter how painful, was also how Laurie turned what could have easily been a miserable existence into a life with an overabundance of meaning.", "\n\nLaurie refused to play the victim. ", "Things didn’t just “happen” to her. ", "Instead, she took responsibility for the present. ", "She believed in escalating spiritual planes. ", "Reaching a higher plane required that certain lessons be learned. ", "We don’t learn them all in a single lifetime, so we choose the lessons that will move us up the spiritual ladder before we become conscious at birth. ", "The harder the lesson, the higher we climb. ", "Understanding this deeper meaning helped her move beyond the realm of good and bad. ", "She understood that the present was indeed “pre-sent.”", "\n\nWe all have a breaking point. ", "Even in the story of Jesus, when he was wasting away on the cross, he cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ", "Some say that was God’s way of showing humanity that he too suffers. ", "Laurie could relate. ", "With a dilapidated spine, body shaking in pain, nourished only through a feeding tube, and breathing through a tracheotomy, she looked at me one night with defeated eyes and said, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” ", "Just two days later she died.", "\n\nIf the present was “pre-sent” then there’s nobody else to blame for our suffering. ", "It means that I chose to be widowed. ", "It also means that my daughter chose to grow up without her mommy. ", "As you can imagine, it’s not a concept that can be taught to a 4 year-old, but it’s something that she may learn to embrace as a woman. ", "Instead of asking, “Why didn’t I get to grow up with a mother like everybody else?,” ", "I hope she asks, “How can I use this life lesson, that most may never understand, to create the life I was destined to live?”", "\n\nYou sent yourself this moment as a gift. ", "You can choose to live reactively like a victim, or you can use the present, especially when it’s painful, as an opportunity to create. ", "It’s impossible to always live in the now. ", "Not even Jesus could do it. ", "But next time you’re feeling sorry for yourself, relieve some stress by leaning your neck back and swiveling it from side to side. ", "It may help you put things into perspective.", "\n\nI was born an optimist. ", "I'm a widower, a father, and a writer reborn. ", "I quit my happy life to write an extraordinary true story for my daughter about love, struggle and purpose. ", "My next chapter is unwritten. ", "Follow along to witness how my optimism unfolds." ]
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[ "Welcome to P&O Cruises. ", "This website presents a main menu on the left hand side\nfrom where you can browse our cruises, and a toolbar menu at the top page with search, live chat, support, and profile settings.", "\n\nWaterfall Eco-Tour\n\nTravel along the scenic south coast to Eden on the River and be welcomed by friendly staff. ", "Enjoy a personalised tour of the beautiful tropical gardens and enter the lush rainforest. ", "Take a pleasant gradual walk down to Rentaboa River, for a refreshing swim or 'tyre tube' in the serene river and cascading waterfalls. ", "Sit back, relax and take in the delightful bush and river sounds while enjoying a freshly squeezed local lime juice and a tropical fruit platter, featuring some of the exotic tropical fruits organically grown on the property. ", "There’s free time to wander around the gardens and enjoy the peace.", "\n\nTour Code\n\nVLI040\n\nLocation\n\nPort Vila\n\nActivity Types\n\nEco / Environment Tour\n\nExperience Types\n\nWilderness & Wildlife, Wilderness & Wildlife\n\nDuration\n\n3.5 hours\n\nFitness Level\n\nLow\n\nPrice\n\nPhotography\n\nDon’t forget your camera.", "\n\nRefreshments\n\nFresh fruit and freshly squeezed lime juice.", "\n\nSpecial Notes\n\nComfortable reef shoes are recommended\nEnsure you are wearing your swim ware and bring a towel with you if you intend to go swimming in the waterfall and river.", "\nTo make your day as enjoyable as possible, please ensure that you wear comfortable flat-soled shoes, clothing suited to the weather conditions, a hat, SPF30+ or higher factor sunscreen and bottled water. ", "Please bring you swim ware with you.", "\n\nPre-book This Shore Tour\n\nTo add this Shore Tour to your cruise bookings, login to Cruise Control with your booking number and click Plan My Cruise.", "\n\nPeace\n\nOf\n\nMind\n\nWe take care of everything\n\nOur Destination Team know the ports back-to-front. ", "They're available onboard and in port to answer your questions.", "\n\nDon't miss the boat\n\nOn a P&O Cruises Shore Tour, you can relax and enjoy the adventure, knowing that the ship won't leave without you.", "\n\nCruise with a Conscience\n\nOur Shore Tours are developed in partnership with the indigenous land owners to ensure they benefit from our visits as much as our guests. ", "We also ensure professional ecologists to help us achieve a minimal environmental footprint.", "\n\nNo Hidden Costs\n\nRest assured that the tour price includes all costs - no hidden entry fees, taxes or gratuities.", "\n\nSIGN UP FOR E-DEALS\n\nGet our best cruise details and news as soon as they hit the deck.", "\n\n{{newsletterCtrl.response.", "Message}}\n\nI am aged 18 years or over\n\nSUBSCRIBE\n\nPrivacy Notice: The personal information you provide in this form is collected to subscribe you to our regular promotional emails. ", "Your information may be disclosed to related entities within the Carnival group of companies (headquartered in the United States and the United Kingdom, and with branch offices in Australia, New Zealand and Japan) for purposes related to conducting our business. ", "In addition, we may disclose your personal information to third parties engaged by us to provide direct marketing services. ", "If you do not provide the information requested, we may be unable to keep you informed about our offers. ", "For further information, including how to access and correct your personal information please see our Privacy Policy." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPosting variables to a php file and opening it in new window, without using forms\n\nI am doing a small php project. ", "In this I have one page, which gets values from MySql and display it in HTML tables. ", "Now there is generate pdf button,which generates PDF using MPDF in another php script. ", " I need to send HTML table source code to the page containing php script to convert it into a pdf. ", "I have used the below code to do this.", "\nvar html= $(\"#tblExport\").html();\nwindow.open('pdf.php?html='+html, '_blank', 'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,fullscreen=yes,status=no');\n\nProblem of above code is that, it is using GET and hence cannot send large string values to other php file. ", "\nI have tried to do this post using below code. ", "\n$(document).ready(function(){\n $(\"#btnExportpdf\").click(function(){\n var html= $(\"#tblExport\").html();\n $.ajax({ \n type: \"POST\", // Methode POST or GET\n url: \"pdf.php\", // PHP file to processing the data\n data: { \"html\": html } // post variables that will handetover to php\n })\n .done(function( msg ) { // response\n console.log(msg) // data retuned from php\n });\n });\n });\n\nNow I am stuck here. ", "I am able to POST parameters, but how to open the php file,to which parameters are posted in a new window.", "\nSo the issue is that I want to open a new window with PDF of HTML table, on click of generate PDF button.", "\nPlease help me out. ", "Thanks\n\nA:\n\nYou may need to use a form or JS.", "\nHere is the form method.", "\nhttp://www.w3schools.com/TAgs/att_form_target.asp\n<form id=\"pdf_form\" action=\"pdf.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_blank\">\n <input id=\"pdf_html\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"html\" value=\"\" />\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Get PDF\">\n</form> \n\njQuery - you still need the form above, but the submit button may be hidden or removed.", "\n$(\"#btnExportpdf\").click(function(){\n var html= $(\"#tblExport\").html();\n $(\"#pdf_html\").val(html);\n $(\"#pdf_form\").submit();\n});\n\n" ]
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[ "News update – GSK points the way\n\nGlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has refreshed its structured employee car ownership plan (Ecop) to ensure individual drivers are punished for dangerous driving rather than the whole fleet.", "\n\nInsurance for drivers is now based on an individual employee’s driving record and not on the records of all drivers added together. ", "This ensures good drivers pay less than those with points on their licences or speeding fines.", "\n\nThe drugs company has introduced the risk management package to make sure its Ecop drivers are covered under the firm’s health and safety policy.", "\n\nIn recent months Ecops have been accused of allowing organisations to skip their health and safety responsibilities and this scheme goes a long way to address the problem for GSK.", "\n\nThe new package will help GSK ensure employees’ driving licences are adequately checked and personal accident histories and speeding records are monitored.", "\n\nHarsha Modha, benefit programmes manager at GSK, said that because financing is provided directly to staff in an Ecop it wanted to make sure they were aware of the importance of maintenance and accidents.", "\n\nThe company, which previously had three car suppliers, has whittled down its number of fleet providers to one, Interleasing, to reduce the administration of the plan, which is open to around 5,000 employees.", "\n\nIt has also decided to move administration of the Ecop into the remit of the HR department to promote it as a perk to staff rather than just a method of transportation. ", "Modha said that the diversity of its large workforce helped the company make this decision." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nwhat is green threading?", "\n\nWhat is green threading means in ruby on rails , what it actually do? ", "\n Is it a. \" A design where fixed size pool of threads is shared around the program?\"", "\n b. \"when threads are emulated by virtual machine or interpreter?\" ", "or \n c. \" where program run accross the multiple CPU?\"", "\nPlease explain with right ans? ", "\n\nA:\n\nGreen threads are threads that are emulated by a virtual machine or a runtime library instead of the operating system.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Willi Nemitz\n\nWilli Nemitz (1 November 1910 – 11 April 1943) was a former Luftwaffe fighter ace and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross during World War II. ", "The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded to recognise extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership. ", "Willi Nemitz was one of the oldest operational fighter pilots.", "His first known Soviet victory, was a LaGG-3 on 22 June 1942.He was killed on April 11, 1943 after aerial combat with Russian fighters over Anapa/Krasnodar.", "Willi Nemitz was credited with 81 victories in about 500 missions. ", "All his victories were recorded over the Eastern Front and includes at least 11 Il-2 Sturmoviks.", "\n\nAwards\n Iron Cross (1939)\n 2nd Class\n 1st Class\n Front Flying Clasp of the Luftwaffe in Gold with Pennant\n Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe on 7 September 1942 as Feldwebel and pilot\n German Cross in Gold on 27 October 1942 as Feldwebel in the 5./Jagdgeschwader 52\n Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 24 March 1943 as Oberfeldwebel and pilot in the 4./Jagdgeschwader 52.", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nCitations\n\nBibliography\n\nDie Ordensträger der Deutschen Wehrmacht (CD), VMD-Verlag GmbH, Osnabrück, 2002\n \n \n Patzwall K.D., Der Ehrenpokal für besondere Leistung im Luftkrieg, Studien zur Geschichte der Auszeichnungen, Band 6, Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2008, \n \n\nCategory:1910 births\nCategory:1943 deaths\nCategory:Luftwaffe pilots\nCategory:German World War II flying aces\nCategory:Recipients of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross\nCategory:Recipients of the Gold German Cross\nCategory:German military personnel killed in World War II\nCategory:Aviators killed by being shot down" ]
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[ "Elephants There are 25 products.", "\n\nThe completed puzzle measures 276 x 192cm when complete, so whoever buys this will need lots of space to build it in! ", "The 18,000 pieces come supplied in 4 different bags, so you can complete one section at a time. ", "A really good gift to keep jigsaw enthusiasts happy! ", "Ravensburger adult puzzles are made using Softclick Premium Puzzle technology. ", "This uses..." ]
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[ "What gets me is the unctuous, oozing chumminess — the unembarrassed, hat-in-hand genuflection toward the pedophile rainmaker.", "\n\nThere was Joichi Ito, director of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s prestigious Media Lab, with a problem well known to anyone who’s ever labored in academia: He was low on funds. ", "But unlike, say, the thousands of adjunct professors who toil in American universities at poverty wages, Ito was in charge of an institution that had long cultivated a direct line to corporations, billionaires and pretend-billionaires with reputations to launder. ", "So all he had to do to get money to pay for a researcher was dash off an email: “Could you re-up/top-off with another $100k so I can extend his contract for another year?” ", "Ito asked Jeffrey Epstein in September 2014, according to documents published last week by The New Yorker. ", "In response, Epstein snapped his fingers: “Yes.”", "\n\n[Farhad answered questions about this column on Twitter.]", "\n\nThere is still a lot to unpack in the ties between one of America’s most elite universities and a convicted sex offender — ties that led to Ito’s resignation last weekend from M.I.T. as well as several boards, among them that of The New York Times." ]
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[ "PNB donates to Walldogs\n\nThe Walldogs Host Committee has received a $1,000 donation from Peoples National Bank of Kewanee.", "\n\nThe donation helps sponsor a mural devoted to the Cole Brothers Air Show that will be painted on the side of PNB’s main Kewanee location at 207 N. Tremont St.\n\nThe Walldogs are a group of sign and mural painters from around the globe. ", "Each year, they select one community to host a Walldogs Meet. ", "In return, that community receives the gift of 10-15 vibrant, historically-themed murals.", "\n\nPeoples National Bank was founded as Peoples State Savings Bank in 1928 and has been a venerable community institution for 85 years. ", "It has facilities in Annawan, Bradford, Manlius, Sheffield and Tampico, as well as two facilities in Kewanee.", "\n\n“We are extremely pleased that Peoples National Bank stepped up in this way,” said Dianne Packee, co-chair of the Walldogs Host Committee.", "\n\n“PNB does a lot for the community and all the communities that they serve,” she said. “", "We’re also honored that PNB is allowing the Walldogs to paint the Cole Brothers Air Show mural on the side of their headquarters facility.”", "\n\nThe Cole Brothers Air Show had its beginning in 1946 at the dedication of the re-opening of the Kewanee Airport after World War II. ", "The Cole Brothers — Marion, Duane, Arnold and Lester — developed a traveling air show that amazed spectators with aerobatic performances across the United States for 17 years.", "\n\n“Peoples National Bank has always supported the local communities it serves and this project will be fantastic for Kewanee’s downtown,” said Randy Carton, PNB vice president. “", "We’re thrilled with the prospect of mural on the side of our building and are excited about the community revitalization and tourism impacts the murals will have on Kewanee.”", "\n\nBesides PNB, major contributors to the Walldogs effort in Kewanee include the City of Kewanee, Great Dane Trailers, Community State Bank, Preferred Home Health Care, Reiman’s Harley-Davidson, State Bank of Toulon, Rumbold and Kuhn Inc., Sullivan Door Company, Cerno’s Bar and Grill, Cernovich Auto and Truck Wrecking, Dr. Rick Cernovich, Aunt Daisy’s Bed and Breakfast, Doctors Hubbard and Hubbard, the Kenneth Lay Family, Fred and Shirley Leggett, Ted Canellos, the Ken and Pam Mott Family, Mabel Andris and the Andris Family, the Tim Sheets Family, Bob and Martina Jacobs, Phyllis Dotson, and the Byron Bryner Family.", "\n\nFor more information about the Walldogs and the Walldogs Host Committee, contact Dianne Packee at (309) 312-0168 or Russell Medley at 853-5000." ]
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[ "It is a running joke in my Master’s with Certificate cohort that we reflect upon our reflections and then we reflect some more. ", "A lot of our coursework requires us to reflect; we reflect on lesson plans, curriculum, behavior management, observations, our growth in a variety of areas relating to becoming an educator, and so much more.", "\n\nSince I have made the decision to go back to school and get my teaching certificate and Master’s in Education my blogging has seriously fallen by the wayside. ", "When I am not in my mentor teacher’s classroom, I am at my night classes, working on coursework (and reflecting, of course), or snatching moments with my family. ", "Plus there is the constants of laundry, cleaning, and meal making, the “doing of life” that Husband has been doing more and more of as I am required to spend more of my time “doing school”. ", "Blogging, and consequently, writing for enjoyment has dropped to the very bottom of my “To do” list.", "\n\nIn the shower this morning, the place where my most brilliant ideas come to me, get enveloped in French lavender or lemon verbena soap bubbles, and swirl merrily down the drain never to be heard from again, I had and actually retained a wonderful idea.", "\n\nI should blog some weekly reflections from my student teaching experience.", "\n\nNow, if I actually do this, I will be both blogging and doing something that I can potentially used in my coursework. ", "Plus I think these informal reflections will be beneficial in forming the type of educator I want to become.", "\n\nIt is always nice to hear of others going through a similar program later in their life and having no regrets. ", "I am one of the oldest in my cohort, I will be turning 40 in April. ", "I am also one of only a few who have children and am trying to balance school with family. ", "There are days when I really wonder if this is the right thing to be doing and I get so overwhelmed with all the little details. ", "Then I find myself getting excited over dorky things like writing a wonderful lesson plan that aligns with the common core and teaching “know it” words and little science lessons.", "\n\nIt is hard but I shall press on and make it through to the other side. ", "May is not that far away…\n\nThank you! ", "It has been a much harder struggle then I imagined it to be. ", "I really get tore up over missing out on Cody and Carter’s days and have huge mom guilt dropping them off at before school childcare and needing them to be in the after school childcare too. ", "They love it (thankfully) but I fret about the long days for them and not having those special walks back from the school bus stop when we chatted about each others days. ", "It will be worth it in the end, but now it seems to be almost too much. ", "I hope some random, fun, informal reflections of my days in the classroom will help me to not loose sight of why I am doing all this.", "\n\nI’m in the same boat with our last one who’s 5. ", "I choke back the tears… I think it’s harder on us than it is on them!", "\n\nThere will always be plenty of special times for those bonding moments. ", "I didn’t realize that until our oldest just turned 15 – the talks we have on the way to school and now that he is learning to drive, are priceless. ", "But it’s a Cats in the Cradle sort of life-song – we wish we had more of those times, but life naturally gets in the way.", "\n\nCherish the moments when they arise, and allow your forward academic momentum to eclipse the guilt. ", "Cody & Carter are at the perfect age to start letting go of mom & to venture forth into life as the rest of us know it.", "\n\nIt’s a fine line between raising boys who will be mama’s boys versus boys who will conquer the universe. ", "You were there 24/7 for their formative years, and developmentally (from a child therapist’s perspective), those are the years that count the most and you have already equipped them for what lies ahead. ", "You are equipping them further by furthering your credentials. ", "Don’t think they won’t remember that when they’re older and are wondering what to do with their lives.", "\n\nA beautiful comment – thank you for this. ", "It is so hard to find that balance, to accept that to gain, sometimes there needs to be a loss and it does not mean that these things are equal. ", "I move forward and I hope that in the end the decisions I make now, as hard as they may be, will benefit our future.", "\n\nThank you! ", "I hope I actually find a way to fit this idea in. ", "I so miss writing (and reading!) ", "for my blog. ", "In the grand scheme of things, my blogging is not all that important, but to me – it is. ", "And that has to count for something. ", "All is going well although sometimes I feel so tired and scatterbrained that it is amazing to me that the daily progress is met each day." ]
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[ "/* -*- mode: c; c-file-style: \"openbsd\" -*- */\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2013 Vincent Bernat <bernat@luffy.cx>\n *\n * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\n * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above\n * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES\n * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF\n * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR\n * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES\n * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN\n * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF\n * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.", "\n */\n\n#include \"lldpd.h\"\n\n#include <sys/param.h>\n#include <sys/sysctl.h>\n\nint\ninterfaces_routing_enabled(struct lldpd *cfg) {\n\t(void)cfg;\n\tint n, mib[4] = {\n\t\tCTL_NET,\n\t\tPF_INET,\n\t\tIPPROTO_IP,\n\t\tIPCTL_FORWARDING\n\t};\n\tsize_t len = sizeof(int);\n\tif (sysctl(mib, 4, &n, &len, NULL, 0) !", "= -1)\n\t\treturn (n == 1);\n\treturn -1;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Human tumor cells synthesize and secrete alpha-2-macroglobulin in vitro.", "\nIn previous studies we showed that human sarcoma and melanoma cell lines synthesize and secrete into culture medium a glycoprotein, migrating in urea sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at Mr 140,000. ", "It is not detected in cultures of the corresponding normal cells. ", "Conditioned medium of the melanoma cell line HMB-2, producing among the cell lines tested the largest amounts of this glycoprotein, has now been used as a source for purification of the protein. ", "NH2-terminal amino-acid sequence determination of the purified glycoprotein showed that it is identical to human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M). ", "Rabbit antibodies raised against the glycoprotein specifically reacted in immunoblotting and immunodiffusion tests with alpha 2M present in human plasma. ", "Likewise, these antibodies immunoprecipitated from the conditioned media of 35S-methionine-labelled melanoma and osteosarcoma cell lines the protein which had a molecular weight corresponding to alpha 2M. alpha 2M was also synthesized and secreted by 2 strains of fetal lung fibroblasts but not by fetal skin fibroblasts or adult skin fibroblasts autologous to the osteosarcoma cell line." ]
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[ "Baldomero Espartero\n\nJoaquín Baldomero Fernández-Espartero y Álvarez de Toro, Prince of Vergara, 1st Duke of la Victoria, 1st Duke of Morella, 1st Count of Luchana, 1st Viscount of Banderas (27 February 17938 January 1879) was a Spanish general and politician, who served as the Regent of Spain. ", "He also served as Prime Minister of Spain three times. ", "He was associated with the radical (or progressive) faction of Spanish liberalism and would become their symbol and champion after taking credit for the victory over the Carlists during 1839. ", "His noble title, Duke of La Victoria was granted by Isabella II to him as a result.", "\n\nAlong with Manuel de Godoy, Espartero has been the only person other than the Prince of Asturias to have held the title of \"Prince\" in the Kingdom of Spain, traditionally reserved for the heir to the throne, and was granted to him by King Amadeo I in 1870.", "\n\nEarly life\nEspartero was born at Granátula de Calatrava, a village of the province of Ciudad Real. ", "He was the ninth child (two of them were Francisco and Antonia) of Manuel Antonio Fernández-Espartero y Cañadas, a master carpenter, who wanted to make him a priest, and wife Josefa Vicenta Álvarez de Toro y Molina. ", "At age fifteen, Espartero enlisted in a battalion of students to fight against the armies of Napoleon. ", "During 1811, Espartero was appointed a lieutenant of engineers in Cádiz, but having failed to pass his examination he entered a line regiment. ", "During 1815 he went to South America as a captain serving with General Pablo Morillo, who had been made commander-in-chief to quell the rebellions of the colonies on the Spanish Main. ", "For eight years, Espartero distinguished himself in the struggle against the colonists. ", "He was wounded several times, and was made major and colonel on the battlefields of Cochabamba and Sapachni. ", "He had to surrender to Sucre at the final Battle of Ayacucho, which ended Spanish rule. ", "He returned to Spain, and, like most of his companions in arms, was discredited for some time. ", "He was sent to the garrison town of Logroño, where in La Rioja he married on 13 September 1827 the orphaned daughter of a rich landowner named Ezequiel Martínez de Sicilia y Ruíz de la Cámara (1786–1812) and wife María del Carmen Anacleta Santa Cruz y Oribe (1786–1816), Doña María Jacinta Martínez de Sicilia y Santa Cruz, born there on 16 August 1811 and who eventually survived him, dying during 1878, without issue. ", "Henceforth, Logroño became the home of the most prominent of the Spanish political generals of the 19th century.", "\n\nCarlist War\n\nEspartero became, on the death of King Ferdinand VII during 1833, an ardent defender of the claim of his daughter, Isabella II. ", "On the beginning of the First Carlist War, the government sent him to the front as commandant of the province of Biscay, where he severely defeated the Carlists in many encounters. ", "He was quickly promoted to a divisional command, and then made a lieutenant-general. ", "At times he showed qualities as a guerrillero quite equal to those of the Carlists, like Zumalacarregui and Ramón Cabrera, by his daring marches and surprises. ", "When he had to move large forces he was greatly superior to them as an organizer and strategist, and he never disgraced his successes by cruelty or needless severity. ", "Twice he obliged the Carlists to end the siege of Bilbao before he was appointed commander-in-chief of the northern army on 17 September 1836. ", " At this time, the war seemed to favor the pretender in the Basque provinces and Navarre, even though Don Carlos had lost his ablest lieutenant, the Basque Zumalacarregui.", "\n\nDefeat of the Carlists\n\nHis military duties as commander of the principal national army did not prevent Espartero from showing for the first time his political ambition. ", "He displayed such radical and reforming inclinations that he became popular among the lower and middle classes, which popularity lasted more than a quarter of a century, during which time the Progressists, Democrats and advanced Liberals always considered him as an adviser. ", "During November 1836 he again forced the Carlists to end the siege of Bilbao. ", "His troops included the British Legion commanded by Sir de Lacy Evans. ", "This success turned the war against Don Carlos, who vainly attempted a raid towards Madrid, but was defeated in the Battle of Aranzueque. ", "Meanwhile, on 18 June 1837 he was nominated for the first time the 7th Premier of Spain, until 18 August 1837.", "\n\nEspartero pursued the enemy, and obliged him to hurry northwards, after several defeats. ", " Espartero won the Battle of Ramales on 12 May 1839, earning him the title of Duque de la Victoria.", "\n\nDuring 1839 Espartero carefully began negotiations with Maroto and the principal Carlist chiefs of the Basque provinces. ", "These ended in their accepting his terms by the convention of Vergara, which secured the recognition of the ranks and titles of almost 1,000 Carlist officers. ", "Twenty thousand Carlist volunteers surrendered at Vergara; only the irreconcilables commanded by Cabrera persevered for a while in the central provinces of Spain. ", "Espartero soon, however, during 1840, defeated the last forces of the rebellion, which had lasted seven years. ", "He was styled El pacificador de España, was made a grandee of the first class, and received two dukedoms.", "\n\nPolitical life\nEspartero's political opponents, the moderates, desired to amend the progressive Constitution of 1837. ", "In particular, the moderates' proposal to abolish democratically elected local councils threatened to destroy the power base of the progressives. ", "This threat was checked by the radical revolution of 1840, after which the conservatives became marginal and Espartero became the master of the destiny of Spain.", "\n\nDuring the last three years of the war, Espartero, who had been elected a deputy, exercised from his distant headquarters such influence over Madrid politics that he twice hastened the end of the cabinet, and obtained office for his own friends. ", "At the end of the war the queen regent and her ministers attempted to eliminate Espartero and his devotees, but a pronunciamiento ensued in Madrid and other large towns which culminated in the marshal's accepting the post of prime minister. ", "He soon became virtually a dictator, as Queen Christina became offended by his popularity and resigned, leaving the kingdom very soon afterwards. ", "The Cortes Generales met and elected Espartero regent by 179 votes to 103 over Agustín Argüelles, who was appointed guardian of the young queen.", "\n\nForcing the regent, Maria Cristina, into exile for her conspiracy with the moderates, Espartero himself became regent with the intention of remaining so until the future Queen Isabella II became of age. ", "Espartero's popularity enabled him to defeat moderate military rebellions across Spain during 1841. ", "Yet his ruthless execution of dozens of the conspirators, including many popular fellow war heroes like Diego de Leon, as well as his hasty and ungrateful dissolution of the radical juntas that had ended the rebellions, decreased the popularity of his regency (Maria Cristina told him, \"I made you a duke, but I could not make you a gentleman.\").", "\n\nRule of Espartero\n\nFor two years Espartero ruled Spain, as its 18th Premier from 16 September 1840 to 21 May 1841, in accordance with his radical and conciliatory dispositions, giving special attention to the reorganization of the administration, taxation and finances, declaring all the estates of the church, congregations and religious orders to be national property, and suppressing the diezma, or tenths. ", "He suppressed the Republican rebellions with as much severity as he did the military pronunciamientos of Generals Concha and Diego de León. ", "The latter was shot in Madrid.", "\n\nEspartero defeated a rebellion in Barcelona, but on his return to Madrid was welcomed so weakly that he perceived that his prestige was decreasing. ", "An economic slump and rumours of a free-trade deal with the United Kingdom provoked a popular rebellion by workers and the bourgeoisie of Barcelona during 1842. ", "Espartero's ruthless bombardment of the city ended this revolutionary threat. ", "But a second rebellion during 1843 combined with moderate conspiracies and military uprisings. ", "The rebels declared Queen Isabella of age, and, commanded by General Ramón María Narváez y Campos, marched on Madrid, advancing as far as the city's gates. ", "From this position Narváez issued an ultimatum in a dispatch to Esparero, who, deeming resistance useless, embarked at Cadiz on 30 July 1843 for England, and lived quietly until 1848, when a royal decree restored to him all his honors and his seat in the senate. ", "Dubbed public enemy number one by the brutal forces of reaction, directed by the moderate Narváez, Espartero was unable to return to his estates in northern Spain until an amnesty was decreed later in the 1840s.", "\n\nAlthough Espartero's regime (1840–1843) in reality had done little for Spain's poor, the anti-radical reaction of the moderates made the former regent a folk hero among many of the workers. ", "Therefore, it was logical that he should become director of the short-lived \"progressive Biennium\" of 1854–1856, thus becoming the 43rd Prime Minister of Spain on 19 July 1854. ", "But, as Karl Marx observed, the progressive caudillo was a man whose time had passed.", "\n\nThe old marshal vainly endeavoured to keep the demands of his own Progressists reasonable in the Cortes of 1854–1856 and in the great towns, but their excessive demands for reforms and liberties played into the hands of a clerical and reactionary court and of the equally retrograde governing classes. ", "The growing ambition of General O'Donnell constantly clashed with the opinions of Espartero, until the latter, in sheer disgust, resigned his premiership and left for Logroño, after warning the queen that a conflict was imminent between O'Donnell and the Cortes, backed by the Progressist militia. ", "O'Donnell's pronunciamiento during 1856 ended the Cortes, and the militia was disarmed, after a struggle in the streets of the capital. ", "Spanish political power was assumed again by the moderates during 1856.", "\n\nHe was the 42nd Grand Cross of the Order of the Tower and Sword.", "\n\nRetirement\n\nAfter 1856 Espartero resolutely refused to identify himself with active politics, but was frequently asked to become involved. ", "On 14 July 1858, he resigned as Premier. ", "He refused to allow himself to be named as a candidate when the Cortes of 1868, after the Revolution, sought a ruler. ", "Espartero, strangely enough, adopted a laconic phrase when successive governments on their advent to power invariably addressed themselves to him. ", "To the Revolution of 1868, the Constituent Cortes of 1869, King Amadeus, the Federal Republic of 1873, the nameless government of Marshal Serrano during 1874, the Bourbon restoration during 1875, he simply said: Cúmplase la voluntad nacional (\"Let the national will be accomplished\").", "\n\nKing Amadeus made him prince of Vergara. ", "The Restoration caused a statue to him to be built near the gate of the Retiro Park in Madrid. ", "A magnificent statue and fountain was raised in his memory at Logroño. ", "Spaniards of all political factions, except Carlists and Ultramontanes, paid homage to his memory when he died in La Rioja on 8 January 1879. ", "He was a typical Spanish soldier-politician, but he sometimes had difficulty accommodating himself to courtiers and professional politicians.", "\n\nHe died without issue and was succeeded in his titles by his niece Eladia Fernández-Espartero y Blanco, 2nd Duchess of la Victoria and 2nd Countess of Luchana, daughter of his brother Francisco Fernández-Espartero y Álvarez de Toro and wife ... Blanco y ..., married to Cipriano Segundo Montesino y Duque de Estrada (Valencia de Alcántara, 26 September 1817 - ?), ", "and had issue.", "\n\nIn popular culture\n Pedro Armendáriz, Jr plays General Espartero in the 1997 movie Amistad.", "\n\nSee also\nMid-nineteenth century Spain\nFirst Carlist War\nIsabella II of Spain\n Minkels, Margret Dorothea: Reisen im Auftrag preussischer Könige gezeichnet von Julius von Minutoli, Norderstedt 2013, S. 73, 76, 101, 133-144.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1793 births\nCategory:1879 deaths\nCategory:People from the Province of Ciudad Real\nCategory:Regents of Spain\nCategory:Prime Ministers of Spain\nCategory:Spanish captain generals\nCategory:Spanish generals\nCategory:Spanish nobility\nCategory:Counts of Luchana\n101\nCategory:Princes of Vergara\nCategory:Knights of the Golden Fleece\nCategory:Military personnel of the First Carlist War\nCategory:19th-century Spanish people\nCategory:Progressive Party (Spain) politicians\nCategory:Spanish military personnel of the Napoleonic Wars\nCategory:Honorary Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath\nCategory:Leaders ousted by a coup" ]
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[ "Lloyd Lovindeer\n\nLloyd Lovindeer (born c.1948), often credited simply as Lovindeer, is a Jamaican dancehall deejay, best known for his song \"Wild Gilbert\".", "\n\nCareer\nBorn in Kingston, Lloyd Lovindeer spent some of his childhood in Ewarton in St Catherine. ", "He attended Kingston College and on leaving formed The Fabulous Flames with friends, the group releasing their first single, \"Holly Holy\", in 1971. ", "The group split up in the mid-1970s and Lovindeer began a solo career while living in Canada between 1976 and 1982.", "\n\nHe returned to Jamaica and had hits in the 1980s with \"Babylon Boops\" (a response to Super Cat's \"Boops\"), \"Don't Bend Down\", and \"Man Shortage\", before having the biggest hit of his career with \"Wild Gilbert\". ", "Released in September 1988, \"Wild Gilbert\" humorously describes the experiences of Jamaica during 1988's Hurricane Gilbert and remains the island's biggest selling single with sales estimated at between 50,000 and 200,000 copies. ", "The song also appeared on his album Why Don't We All Have Sex, which included another Gilbert-themed track, \"Gilbert - One Hell of a Blow-Job\", and the hurricane theme continued on his 1989 album Gilbert Yu Gone. ", "He followed it with hits such as \"Pocomonia Day\", which along with the 1989 album One Day Christian triggered a spate of \"Poco style\" releases based on rhythms from Pukumina religious songs.", "\n\nHis latest album, Jamaica: Land of the One Love People, featuring contributions from Judy Mowatt, Kiprich, Singing Melody, Tarrus Riley, and Lady G, was released in August 2013.", "\n\nDiscography\n\nAlbums\nSerious Times (1978), Ballistic\nMan Shortage (1983), Prolific Productions\nDisco Reggae Jam (1984), TSOJ\nDance Hall General (1985), TSOJ\nSoca Knights (1987), TSOJ\nAm I Hurting You Honey (1987), TSOJ\nCease And Settle (1987), TSOJ\nWhy Don't We All Just Have Sex (1988), TSOJ\nLove Bag (1988), TSOJ\nGovernment Boops (1988), TSOJ\nOctapussy (1988), TSOJ\nOne Day Christian (1989), TSOJ\nGilbert Yu Gone (1989), TSOJ\nFind Your Way (1990), TSOJ\nUmgawla! (", "1991), TSOJ\nCarnival Jamaica Style (1992), TSOJ\nJam Like A Jamaican (1996), TSOJ\nDirty Dancing Dollar Wind Volume 1\nDirty Dancing Dollar Wind Volume 2\nJamaica: Land of the One Love People (2013), TSOJ\n\nCompilations\nThe Best of Lovindeer (1993)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n Lovindeer - YouTube\n Lloyd Lovindeer - Roots Archives\n\nCategory:Jamaican reggae singers\nCategory:Dancehall musicians\nCategory:Jamaican male singers\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Tuesday, August 31, 2010\n\nShe stared at me with expectant eyes as her proposition hung precipitously there in the warm evening air.", "\n\nWell?", "\n\nShe was young and pretty. ", "Perhaps in her early 20's, maybe even younger. ", "I have to admit that I was instantly tempted, especially given the reality that I have recently been feeling every bit, and then some, of my two score and two years of age.", "\n\nI paused, carefully considering my next move. ", "The truth was that I had come far to get to this point. ", "Plus, I had a 3 year old son to consider. ", "Had she noticed him? ", "He was right there. ", "Then again, maybe she had clearly understood that he was with me, and that just made her want to all the more. ", "He is an adorable kid. ", "I probably benefit from that more than I realize.", "\n\nI took a quick glance around to see who might be looking. ", "I was in my neighborhood after all.", "\n\nIn that split second the thought also crossed my mind about how this would reflect on my perception of my own manliness. ", "Like it or not, there is a certain measure of male pride at stake when considering such a proposal.", "\n\nFinally, after seeing no familiar faces, I decided I'd just throw caution to the wind.", "\n\n\"Uh...yeah, sure. ", "I could use some help out with those.\" ", "I responded as I looked from my son to the cart, which was loaded full of grocery bags.", "\n\nSaturday, August 28, 2010\n\nReaders, today I am asking that you do something that will make you feel good. ", "And best of all, you don't have to donate any of your hard earned dollars to do it. ", "No, today I am asking that you simply place your vote to help the Cure JM foundation win a $250,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant to use towards finding a cure to Juvenile Myositis.", "\n\nCurrently, they are on track to receive one of two available grants, but could use all the support they can get to ensure that they don't slip out of the running before voting ends Sept 1st.", "\n\nFellow dad blogger Kevin, from Always Home and Uncool, whose daughter (thing 1) suffers from JM, recently published the following post on his blog. ", "He has asked that I publish it here as a reminder of why it is so important to lend your support. ", "If you can, please take the time to read it and then go and vote to help cure JM.", "\n\nCole Flack of Oregon received his diagnosis of juvenile dermatomyositis in February 2007, roughly four-and-a-half years after Thing 1 received hers.", "\n\nIn the years that followed, this teenager with a love of sports and being outdoors lost his ability to walk. ", "Cole endured multiple abdominal surgeries to deal with gastrointestinal issues caused by the disease and its medicinal treatments. ", "Yet as recently as the fall, he still managed a full course load at school and compiled a 4.0 GPA.", "\n\nEarlier this month, Cole went into the hospital with pneumonia.", "\n\nYesterday, we received this e-mail written by his parents:\n\n“Hello friends and family,\n\nCole went to be with the Lord at 7 p.m. tonight. ", "It was very peaceful. ", "Cole is free now to run ... jump ... play baseball ... everything a 15 year old boy should be able to do. …”", "\n\nCole is the third child with a form of juvenile myositis that our family has come to know since Thing 1’s diagnosis to die from this rare autoimmune disease or its complications.", "\n\nThree.", "\n\nWhen only three in a million children are diagnosed annually in the United States with this disease, that little number grows exponentially in your worried head every time your child coughs or sneezes or scraps a knee.", "\n\nPlease help prevent more deaths of children like Cole by continuing to vote every day this month to help Cure JM, the only national nonprofit dedicated to supporting children with juvenile myositis and their families, win a $250,000 Pepsi Refresh grant.", "\n\nThat $250,000 equals half our volunteer group’s annual budget, a budget raised solely through fundraising done by the family and friends of JM children. ", "Every penny of that grant is set to pay for research into finding the cause and cure of juvenile myositis, juvenile dermatomyositis and other forms of JM diseases.", "\n\nRight now, we are No. ", "2 in the standings – we need to hold this position until Sept. 1 to win the grant money. ", "The only way that can happen is with your help.", "\n\nFriday, August 27, 2010\n\n\"We danced around like CWAZY!\" ", "was his emphatic response as I held my cell phone - speaker on - behind me on the drive home yesterday. ", "It was in response to Mrs. LIAYF's inquiry as to what he did at pre-school that day.", "\n\n\"Sounds like you had fun today\" one, or perhaps both of us, responded.", "\n\nIn retrospect, I'm not so sure now if his pre-school is having the best influence on our son as he ends his 2nd week back, after 8 months at home.", "\n\nThat's because later, as I climbed the stairs to join my wife and son who had started the bedtime routine, Lukas came out of his room in the middle of getting undressed. ", "He obviously wanted to elaborate on his afternoon dance routine with his little buddies at school.", "\n\n\"It was called Booty Shake!\" ", "he explained naked but for the shoes, and shorts around his ankles. \"", "And, how did it go?\" ", "Mrs. LIAYF asked, shooting me a amused but quizzical glance.", "\n\n\"Like this\" he responded, before leaning forward and sticking out his backside. ", "That was soon followed by what can only be described as a bout of spastic-like, out of control jumping around the hallway. ", "It was bizarre enough to bring an immediate burst of laughter from both Mrs. LIAYF and I.\n\n\"That was.....um.....disturbing\" was all I could think to say as I turned to Mrs. LIAYF who still had a large grin of amusement on her face.", "\n\nOkay, I think I'll just assume now that when the formal preschool curriculum begins in a couple of weeks they'll have the kids start right away on some advanced math, quantum physics, classic literature. ", "You know, the type of subjects that would justify the figure - which may just rival the GDP of some third world countries - which we are now handing over to his providers each month.", "\n\nBecause I'd really hate to think that all he'll come home with are lessons such as how to shake his groove thang. ", "That would be...um...even more disturbing.", "\n\n-\n\nThis post brought to you in conjunction with Fatherhood Friday over at Dad Blogs. ", "Click on over and check out all the great parenting related post.", "\n\nThursday, August 26, 2010\n\nThe following is an excerpt from my post Behind Every Revolutionary Dad over at Dad Revolution:\n\n“Buddy, I said come out of there.” ", "I repeated for the second time, my voice getting a bit louder. “", "You need to listen to Daddy!” ", "We were both tired, my three year old son and I, as well as a bit cranky stemming from the very recent transition we were making. ", "No longer was he staying home all day with Mom, but rather I was getting him up early each morning to take him to preschool.", "\n\nYou can read the rest by clicking over here. ", "As always, comments are all read and greatly appreciated.", "\n\n**As a side note, I just realized that this was my 400th post! ", "Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to stop by, read, and or leave a comment during the past three years. ", "Your support and friendship have been an unanticipated source of great wealth in my life.", "\n\nMonday, August 23, 2010\n\nWe were very excited a couple of nights ago. ", "After all, we were we were finally opening the doors to a whole new world for Lukas. ", "A world where he could travel to the furthest reaches of the globe, see magnificent sights, encounter strange and mythical creatures, and....\n\napparently have the bejeezus scared out of him too. ", "We feel like such great parents right now.", "\n\nSaturday night we implemented a family ritual I have long been waiting for. ", "Family movie night. ", "It was also Lukas' first ever movie. ", "I'll repeat that for those of you skimming over this post. ", "FIRST. ", "EVER. ", "MOVIE.", "\n\nAll he had watched up to that point were video episodes of kid television shows and short stories. ", "You know, Elmo, Clifford, Max and Ruby. ", "All pretty tame stuff full of love and hugs, rainbows, cute kittens, and lovable bunnies. ", "At least I am pretty sure they were, since I rarely made it all the way through one of those episodes without getting distracted by life's task list.", "\n\nAnyway, as a policy we have limited the amount of screen time Lukas has been exposed to as his brain has been developing, so a feature length movie has always been too long for us to commit to showing him. ", "Until now. ", "Mrs. LIAYF and I decided that now that he was past 3 years old it would be a good time to implement the movie night once a month. ", "You know, make it a special occasion...with popcorn and hot chocolate, PJ's and snuggling on the couch.", "\n\nUnfortunately, our planning didn't extend to carefully researching the movie we were going to show him. ", "And it turned out to be one of those moments, as a parent, that no matter how good of a job you think you are doing (and I think Mrs. LIAYF and I are doing a pretty decent job) that you realize that you haven't quite done right by your child.", "\n\nIt's humbling, and also a bit of a jolt to your parenting ego. ", "Mine at least.", "\n\nNo, I didn't pick up 'Cujo' at the video store, but at times during the movie 'Up' I was wondering if I had. ", "All that we had heard about it was true. ", "It was a great movie. ", "We just didn't realize that it was rated 'PG' and recommended for school age children. ", "I didn't do my research on this one and I feel like I let my son down a bit as a parent. ", "That's because this movie had a lot of serious, and scary stuff for a 3 year old.", "\n\nPacks of vicious dogs, shooting guns, a house fire, falling, blood, and death all led Lukas to call out a couple of times \"OH! ", "This is a scary movie!\" ", "While Mrs. LIAYF and I glanced at each other, a bit mortified of what we were showing him, and wondering if we should pull the plug. ", "Instead, we chose the alternate strategy of explaining to him what he was seeing and emphasizing the braveness of the characters, and of course that it wasn't real. ", "It seemed to work.", "\n\nOn a slightly humorous note, the thing that seemed to upset our son the most wan't any of those things, it was when the old man began throwing his belongings out of the house. \"", "They're BREAKING those things!\" ", "he wailed, obviously upset. \"", "It's ok, he can replace those things.\" ", "We explained.", "\n\nIn the end, perhaps we didn't give Lukas enough credit. ", "That's because once it was all over, it was as if the scary parts didn't even happen. ", "He didn't mention them as we prepared for bed, didn't wake from any bad dreams, and hasn't talked about them since. ", "He seemed to understand that it was just a story.", "\n\nStill, I think we are going to do a lot more research before we choose our next family movie.", "\n\nFriday, August 20, 2010\n\nMan, I'm soooore today. ", "True, at nearly 43 years of age I am sore most days, but especially so today. ", "I just took 3 ibuprofen, hopefully they'll kick in pronto.", "\n\nIt's been a while since I've done this, but I went out to a live concert last night. ", "It was a band that we really like and they put on a pretty fun show, so we made an exception and went on a weeknight.", "\n\nBut I'm paying for it today.", "\n\nOnce there, I hung around in back for a little while. ", "But when the show began in earnest a buddy of mine wanted us to make our way to the front of the crowd. ", "That was where the action was. ", "There was a whole lot of uncontrolled jumping up and down to the rhythm of the music. ", "Naturally, bodies were packed in pretty tight and slamming into each other all over the place. ", "It was wild.", "\n\nOn more than on occasion I briefly lost sight of my buddy. ", "It reminded me of a long ago time when Mrs. LIAYF and I were first dating. ", "It was 1996 and we went to see a Pearl Jam show at Memorial stadium here in Seattle.", "\n\nThat was before we had cell phones and we were packed in tighter than sardines about 20 yards from the stage, swaying back and forth. ", "With a big smile she turned to me and said \"I'm going up!\" ", "And with that she was hoisted into the air and off she went surfing through the crowd on her back. ", "I just sat their in disbelief, sure I wouldn't see her again the rest of the night. ", "About 20 minutes later, exhilarated, she tapped me on the shoulder from behind. ", "I kept her close by after that.", "\n\nLast night I half expected my buddy to come surfing by just like my wife had done so many years before, but thankfully none of that happened. ", "Neither one of us are anywhere close to our 20's after all.", "\n\nI was up and down quite a bit though. ", "I did a lot of squatting so that I wouldn't block the view of the gathered crowd behind. ", "Let me tell you, that's hard on 40 year old knees.", "\n\nThen, after about an hour or so Caspar Babypants (aka Chris Ballew from The Presidents of the United States of America) finally wrapped up his set of kid tunes. ", "It was the perfect time for me to grab my wired up little buddy and head back to find his Mom, who was relaxing on a picnic blanket somewhere back in the crowd.", "\n\nYep, I'm definitely too old for this.", "\n\nThis post brought to you in conjunction with Fatherhood Friday over at Dad Blogs. ", "Click on over and check out all the great parenting related post.", "\n\nWatching:Flash Forward Season 1. ", "This is a terrific new Sci-Fi series with a compelling concept. ", "The only problem? ", "It was cancelled after the season ended. ", "Unbelievable. ", "Perhaps ABC needed the room for another Bachelor spin-off. ", "As if that's what we all need more of...\n\nReading:The Burning Land by Bernard Cornwell. ", "The 5th installment in Historical Fiction master Cornwell's series about the Danish invasions of England in the tenth century. ", "Puts you right in the center of a shield wall fending off bloodthirsty attackers. ", "Fun stuff.", "\n\nListening to:I and Love and You by The Avett Bros. The Avett Bros are fast becoming one of my A-list bands. ", "They never fail to disappoint with their mix of bluegrass punk rock. ", "This album is more mellow than the previous ones, but it works in a whole new terrific way.", "\n\nVisiting: Zillow.com. ", "Ever since they sent me an email the other day indicating that my house value had increased nearly 19% in the past 30 days, I have been perusing their site. ", "It's very informative. ", "And the stats on my house have me counting my imaginary windfall and feeling much better about our future prospects.", "\n\nWednesday, August 18, 2010\n\nMy son, who just turned 3 years old, has himself a buddy. ", "A best friend. ", "Watching them together, I realized that I could learn a few things from their relationship.", "\n\nTheirs is a friendship that started from the moment they met. ", "Lukas was only 8 months old the day we first took him to visit his daycare. ", "Mrs. LIAYF and I were much like many nervous first new parents leaving their first born child in the hands of strangers for the first time. ", "As we walked through the door there sat, in the middle of a floor mat, an extremely roly poly little guy clad only in a diaper. ", "We sat Lukas down next to Brandon and they just looked at each other for a few silent moments.", "\n\nThen Lukas burst into uncontrollable laughter. ", "Brandon quickly followed suit.", "\n\nThey apparently followed each other around the rest of the afternoon while Mrs. LIAYF and I enjoyed our first 'post child' movie date. ", "They have been inseparable since. ", "Even back in December after we had to pull Lukas out of that daycare he continued to refer to Brandon as his best friend as the weeks mounted since they had seen each other.", "\n\nSo we arranged a play dates every couple of months. ", "And upon seeing each other each time they acted as if they had just seen each other the day before, excited but never shy as if they were meeting again for the first time.", "\n\nThen, as life so often does, circumstances changed once again for our family. ", "Mrs. LIAYF would be working outside the home full time once again and we needed to get Lukas into a new preschool. ", "As luck had it, our old daycare/preschool (we were on the original waiting list for 18 months) had an opening and moved us back to the top of the list. ", "The boys would be together again. ", "We were very excited.", "\n\nMonday was Lukas' first day back at his new preschool. ", "I wasn't sure what to expect as I dropped him off. ", "But, even though no one else was familiar to him, he walked in, saw Brandon, then ran to him as they both sprinted around doing the happy dance. ", "He had a terrific day. ", "According to the teachers, they shadowed each other all day long.", "\n\nAs I was discussing his day with him, I have to admit that my mind wandered a bit. ", "I was thinking about male friendship and envying my 3 year old son's ability to make and keep such a good friend through thick and thin.", "\n\nI haven't really done that myself.", "\n\nI am a fairly affable guy and I make friends easily, but as an adult with a small child I have not taken the time, or made the necessary investment to have any such close male friendships. ", "I can't remember the last time I went out without my wife, and or son. ", "I am committed to spending time with them. ", "I have a lot of guys I consider friends, but honestly am lacking those one or two with whom I can open up to as a close friend should.", "\n\nI also realized that I wanted that. ", "Need that really. ", "And that getting to that point will take putting myself out there more than I have in recent years. ", "So, with that in mind, I decided it was high time to be proactive. ", "I called up a couple guy friends of mine and set up a guys night out. ", "It'll be this weekend. ", "Obviously, by nature this will not lead to the same type of friendship that Lukas and his friend share. ", "And that's not what I'm looking for.", "\n\nBut, it's a good start for a dad in need of a buddy who isn't 3 years old.", "\n\nMonday, August 16, 2010\n\nYesterday, I had one of those parenting moments that you don’t soon forget.", "\n\nLet me set the scene. ", "It was a scorching hot mid 90’s Seattle afternoon. ", "To beat the heat we were hanging out at a local Seattle wading pool. ", "As could be expected, we weren’t alone. ", "Stretching out along the surrounding lawn were dozens of small children darting back and forth around the pool under the watchful eye of their dutiful parents.", "\n\nWe had set our picnic blanket out in a shady spot surrounded on all sides by families with similar plans. ", "Sitting there in our bare feet and sipping on our cold drinks, it was a refreshing break from the stifling heat that stagnated in our air conditioned-less house.", "\n\nThen it happened. ", "And, almost as fast, it was over.", "\n\nA woman walking a couple of dogs passed between our blankets. ", "The father, upon seeing this happen turned to his 2 year old daughter and said “Look at those dog go!’", "\n\nThen another dad, who was sitting with his wife and kids to our right piped up “Where are they going?”", "\n\nA third dad, who happened to be passing by at that very moment chimed in “To a dog party?!”", "\n\nWithout much hesitation, I realized it was my turn. “", "It’s up in that tree!” ", "I enthusiastically added, pointing a large nearby fir tree.", "\n\nAnd with that we all simultaneously burst out into laughter realizing that we had just shared a moment that could only come from being the parents of small children.", "\n\nFriday, August 13, 2010\n\nThings have been a bit quiet here at LIAYF this past week. ", "That's because Mrs. LIAYF, Lukas and I have been on our first family \"camping\" trip.", "\n\nI used the quote marks because we didn't actually pitch a tent and sleep on the ground, but rather stayed in our own small fishing cabin. ", "With mattresses.", "\n\nI know to some of you die hard campers that may not count as real camping, but to us it certainly did as we cooked our food outdoors, roasted marshmallows & made Smores around the camp fire, didn't shower in four days, and most significant of all were without an Internet connection the whole time.", "\n\nPlus, we told Lukas we were camping so that is our story and we're sticking to it.", "\n\nThe camp site was at Cama Beach State Park on Camano Island here in Washington State, and as the name suggests they were located just off the beach overlooking beautiful Elger Bay on Puget Sound. ", "As a bonus, there was also a Center for Wooden Boats annex at the camp site, so campers could rent out motor, sail, or row boats to explore the surrounding bay.", "\n\nWe also took the opportunity to plan a couple of hikes suitable for an energetic 3 year old. ", "Lukas' first official hike (accomplished all on his own) was an approximately 3 mile round trip to Cranberry Lake, which was really just a large bog with an abundance of vegetation growing out of it.", "\n\nI'm pretty sure we would have completed the hike in half the time, had we not had to stop at every Salmon berry bush along the way to nourish ourselves.", "\n\nIn all, the place couldn't have been more family friendly as the 40 small cabins were mostly occupied by families with younger children. ", "Thus it didn't take long for Lukas to find several other kids his age to tell what to do make friends with. ", "Plus, it was far enough removed from the bright lights of the city that we also had an amazing view of the Perseid Meteor Shower on Wednesday night.", "\n\nOh yeah, I made a lot of wishes that night. ", "Don't worry, I'll not forget all the little people once they start coming true.", "\n\nIn fact, we had such a great time that we decided to stay an extra night and will be planning early for a return trip next Summer with a larger group of friends.", "\n\nIt will most likely be the next time I am offline for 4 straight days.", "\n\nFriday, August 6, 2010\n\nIt is becoming increasingly difficult for Mrs. LIAYF and I (me mostly) to muster the energy to speak to each other, or hear each other, over the yelling and screaming that now emanates from Lukas' tiny lungs.", "\n\nSure, many of my regular readers may be laughing because they remember my recent post about how the Terrible Two's are a myth.", "\n\nI received an almost universal response of \"The two's were perfect. ", "It's the three's that you have to worry about!\"", "\n\nTo those who would chuckle, I can only say \"Not so fast.\" ", "No, Lukas has not suddenly turned into some kind of demon child who gets upset at the drop of a hat. ", "No, on the contrary, he is still the adorable boy that we have always known.", "\n\nJust at a higher volume.", "\n\nThe boy talks a lot. ", "And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. ", "He babbles almost non stop. ", "About everything under the sun. ", "And do you know what? ", "Yes, you guessed it. ", "He seems to have to YELL it enthusiastically. ", "Often with spittle flying from his lips in all directions.", "\n\nIn fact, if we gave him red cherries to eat, a moment later he would probably have sprayed a pattern on the kitchen wall interesting enough to make the CSI folks take note. ", "He's that energetic about what he has to say.", "\n\nSo, in a feeble attempt to counteract this newly developed verbal enthusiasm, Mrs. LIAYF and I have taken to repeating the following mantra over and over. ", "And over again.", "\n\nUnofficially it is a large collection of block parties. ", "Close your street, bring out the grills, furniture and, of course, beer and get to know your neighbors. ", "I heard a figure that Seattle had nearly 1600 blocks registered. ", "Mrs. LIAYF and I are our block watch captain's and thus were in charge of organizing and hosting the event for our street. ", "If you are not doing this on your block, by all means put it on your calendar for next year. ", "It's a terrific way to meet and catch up with your neighbors.", "\n\nHere are a few random observations from our Seattle block party.", "\n\n1. ", "We gave out fliers to 45 houses, and had 16 families represented. ", "It was decent participation but It's still hard to fathom the number of families who didn't take a few minutes to at the very least walk out to the center of the block and say hello to The people who live next to them.", "\n\n2. ", "The past couple of years we hadn't officially registered our participation with the Seattle Police Dept, but they sent a patrol car out anyway. ", "It was cool for the kids. ", "This year however, when we called in our request we were told that we had to be officially registered to have a patrol car stop by. ", "So we did, but this time they didn't show up.", "\n\n3. ", "We must have close to 30 kids under the age of 10 on our block. ", "With the street closed, they rode rampant up and down the street all night. ", "For them, it was pure bliss.", "\n\n4. ", "A one point a large group of boys congregated on one particular lawn, playing wildly. ", "I dubbed it The Yard of the Flies.", "\n\n5. ", "At the height of the festivities one of the houses whose occupants didn't show up to the party apparently ordered a pizza. ", "The delivery guy drove around the barrier, weaving though hoards of small children on bikes, until he was stopped by all the tables in the street. ", "Seriously?", "\n\n6. ", "The residents on the next street over from us are a bunch of showoffs. ", "As if it wasn't enough that they had LIVE music that we could hear, then they started shooting off some fireworks too. ", "Taking notes.", "\n\n7. ", "One couple decided to eat the tickets they had to the Seattle Mariners game and attend the party instead. ", "Judging by the M's horrific season so far, that was a wise choice.", "\n\n8. ", "I called it officially over at 10:45 PM without having convinced anyone else to take over for us as block captains. ", "Looks like we will be hosting again next year.", "\n\n9. ", "The downside of hosting the party is having to clear the street and clean up after it is all done, which is a drag.", "\n\n10. ", "The upside is getting to take home all of the leftover beer.-\n\nHow about you readers. ", "Did any of you also participate in the National Night Out?", "\n\nTuesday, August 3, 2010\n\nI'm not sure what possessed me to grab them, after they had sat up there on my shoe rack for at least the past couple of years. ", "Perhaps it was because it was Summer, I was dressing more casually at work, I needed a pair of brown loafers, and this pair was more lightweight than the shoes I had been wearing.", "\n\nWhatever the reason, they were the pair I chose that day and I didn't give it any more thought. ", "Thinking back on it, I do remember a couple of instances while walking in them that things felt kind of.....different. ", "But certainly not different enough to make me stop and investigate what was up.", "\n\nLater that day, as I was finishing up my lunch, an Outlook reminder flashed on my computer screen. ", "Good thing too, since I had forgotten all about it. ", "An impromptu meeting had been called earlier that morning. ", "We weren't told why, but it was important since not only was my boss attending, but my boss's boss, and my boss's boss's boss.", "\n\nIn other words, I HAD to attend. ", "And it was starting in 5 minutes a few buildings from mine. ", "Then as I quickly gathered up my notebook and writing pad and made my way out my door THWACK! ", "I heard it.", "\n\nWhat the?", "\n\nI looked down with amazement as I looked at my right foot, whose socked toes were staring me right in the face! ", "The sole of the shoe had nearly completely separated from the leather. ", "I couldn't take a step without them clapping together.", "\n\n\"You've gotta be kidding!\" ", "I grumbled to no one in particular as I weighed the options in my mind. ", "Not enough time to glue them together. ", "No material to sew them with. \"", "Ah ha!\" ", "I thought, as I grabbed a rubber band off my desk and attempted to quickly wrap it around my shoe. ", "It busted on the second twist, leading me to curse a bit more under my breath. ", "I tried again with a thicker band which thankfully held, but was extremely obvious as it was light tan in color against a dark brown shoe.", "\n\nIt would have to do. ", "I would just avoid people as much as possible.", "\n\nBut as I walked out my door not 10 paces in front of me were my boss's boss and boss's boss's boss! ", "They turned to me \"Headed over?\" ", "they asked. \"", "Meet you there in a minute,\" I said as I veered off in another direction, pausing to give them enough time to distance themselves. ", "Then, as I exited the front door of the building confident that I was clear I ran into two other colleagues from another office headed the same way. ", "I couldn't avoid it this time. ", "We would have to walk together.", "\n\nAs I walked I made small talk, trying my best to keep them from glancing down at my still bound shoe. ", "Suddenly, I heard a SNAP! ", "as the rubberband shot off the end of my foot and landed out in front of our path. ", "Grrr...how embarrassing. ", "I wasn't sure if they had noticed, then again I'm not sure how they couldn't have. \"", "See you there\" I confidently said and thwacked my way ahead of them to the building we were meeting in.", "\n\nEntering the room, I seized the a chair in the back row, hoping I could sit there unnoticed. ", "Of course that wasn't going to happen as another group of colleagues entered, saw me and took chairs surrounding me. ", "I certainly didn't want them to look down and see my toes sticking out of my shoe. ", "Even as benign as it was, it was one that I didn't want people to joke about around the water cooler for years to come.", "\n\nThinking about it during the meeting, I knew that I would never have had this problem before becoming a father. ", "Now, I just don't have the same kind of time to be as thorough with the little things such as checking the soundness of my shoes. ", "C'est la vie!", "\n\nAfter the meeting ended I lingered, leaving with the last person out the door who happened to be heading my way. \"", "I'll see you back at the office\" I said to her. \"", "I'm going to make a pit stop first.\"", "\n\nAnd with that I shuffled off in the other direction, hoping no one else would notice.", "\n\nSunday, August 1, 2010\n\nI love that whenever I have a task to complete around the house, particularly when it is outside, Lukas is excited to help out. ", "He can't wait to get on his 'work' clothes and get dirty. ", "The enthusiasm he shows for what I would otherwise consider miserable work, often leads to another fun father and son bonding moment.", "\n\nFor instance Sunday afternoon, thanks to my father's pickup truck being available (I'm choosing to focus on the fact that it was available to use and NOT that it was here because he and a good portion of my family are all traipsing around Paris - probably gulping red wine, eating stinky cheese, and gnawing on baguettes as I type this), I decided it was a golden opportunity to avail myself of the last of the Big ol Dirt Pile.", "\n\nIt certainly wasn't something I had been looking forward to doing. ", "Truth be told, I was kind of dreading it seeing how we have officially entered the Dog Days of Summer. ", "However, as I began to load the first of countless shovelfuls of soil into my wheelbarrow, Lukas came rolling up with his own wheelbarrow ready and willing to earn his supper.", "\n\nI was happy for the help. ", "We shoveled, we sweated, we stopped to eat peas from our garden. ", "We even stopped to throw a few immature plums into the bushes just for the fun of it.", "\n\nAnd, after a couple of hours of hard labor, we were good and ready for the fine meal Mrs. LIAYF had just pulled off the grill. ", "Food always tastes better after hard labor. ", "Especially when it's accomplished with the help of your 3 year old son and his little wheelbarrow.", "\n\nIt even made me forget for just a little while that I was here in Seattle shoveling dirt, and NOT traveling through France eating stinky cheese." ]
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[ "BBC Bangla\n\nBBC Bangla () is a Bengali language service of the BBC World Service.", "\n\nHistory\nBBC Bangla was launched on 11 October 1941 with a 15-minute programme under the BBC World Service. ", "BBC Bangla's headquarters used to be Bush House, but, since 2012, it has been broadcast from Broadcasting House in London as well as from BBC bureaux in Dhaka and Kolkata..\n\nBroadcasting\nThe programmes of BBC Bangla are broadcast on FM radio, mediumwave and shortwave, their website and their internet radio and video services. ", "BBC Bangla reaches 13,000,000 Bengali speaking people. ", "Its radio and online services have listeners from many Bengali communities including those in Bangladesh, West Bengal, Tripura and Assam.", "\n\nProgramming\nBBC Bangla mainly focuses on news-based daily programming and sports news. ", "They also broadcast entertainment programmes, news analysis, and discussion about daily newspapers' lead stories. ", "In addition they respond to and discuss messages and opinions from the audience.", "\n\nBroadcasts on FM Radio\n\n Dhaka - FM 100\n Kolkata - FM 90.4\n Barisal - FM 105\n Comilla - FM 103.6\n Cox's Bazar - FM 100.8\n Thakurgaon - FM 92\n Chittagong - FM 88.8\n Rangpur - FM 88.8\n Rajshahi - FM 88.8\n Sylhet - FM 88.8\n Khulna - FM 88.8\n\nBangladesh Songlap\nBBC Bangladesh Songlap is a live programme of the BBC Bangla service broadcast in association with Bangladeshi satellite channel Channel i. The main focus of this programme is questions from the general public to relevant authorities about important issues.", "\n\nSee also\n\nBBC Urdu\nBBC Persian\nBBC Hausa\nBBC Somali\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Radio stations established in 1941\nBangla\nCategory:British Bangladeshi media\nCategory:British Indian media" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGenerate random id in neosnippet html snippets\n\nI am using the neosnippet addon for code templates autocompletion, and I have a cutom snippet that goes like this (in html.snip):\nsnippet elemhide\n <p><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"return toggleMe('${1:hideID}')\" value=\"Toggle show/hide\"></p>\n <div id=\"$1\">\n </div>\n\nSince this could be used multiple times in one html file, I have to make sure that each hideID is unique. ", "So I am wondering if it's possible to let vim to do the work for me, just generate a random alph-numeric ID of length 12 and put it there.", "\n\nA:\n\nNeosnippet's documentation says:\nVim has a built-in expression evaluation. ", "You can also use this feature inside\nof snippets if you use back ticks like in the example below. ", "Here the \"%:t\"\ngets expanded to the name of the current active file and the current time gets\ninserted by expanding the output of the strftime command.", "\n\n snippet header\n File: ${1:`expand('%:t')`}\n ${2:Created at: `strftime(\"%B %d, %Y\")`}\n\nAFAIK, Vim doesn't come with a built-in way to generate random stuff but, in true UNIX spirit, we can use external commands to do the work.", "\nThis snippet should do what you want:\nsnippet elemhide\n <p><input onclick=\"return toggleMe('${1:`system(\"date +%s | shasum | base64 | head -c 10 ; echo\")`}')\"></p>\n <div id=\"$1\">\n </div>\n\nI don't have neosnippet but the original Snipmate has this feature as well. ", "This snippet:\nsnippet elemhide\n <p><input onclick=\"return toggleMe('${1:`system(\"date +%s | shasum | base64 | head -c 10 ; echo\")`}')\"></p>\n <div id=\"$1\">\n </div>\n\ngives me this block of HTML:\n<p><input onclick=\"return toggleMe('ZjE5MjJkNT')\"></p>\n<div id=\"ZjE5MjJkNT\">\n</div>\n\nYMMV.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Eco-environment contribution of agroforestry to agriculture development in the plain area of China--Huai' an Prefecture, Jiangsu Province as the case study area.", "\nFor improving the environmental quality and ensuring supply of wood and non-timber forest products, many forests have been planted in plain areas of China. ", "Scientists have studied their benefits, almost all of the approaches were based on fixed-point data, and few was considered on the non-efficient factors and temporal scale effects. ", "This paper studies the positive and negative benefits at a large temporal scale, and the effects of plain afforestation on stockbreeding and rural economy. ", "The benefits of plain afforestation, correlation coefficiency of agroforestry and production factors are analyzed via stochastic frontier modeling in Huanghuaihai Plain Area of China; elastic coefficient of agroforestry, husbandry, farming, and total output of agricultural sector are calculated through adopting partial differential equation. ", "Some conclusions can be drawn that, plain forests have an important effect on the development of plain agriculture. ", "But shelterbelts and small-scale forests have different effect on the development of agricultural economy. ", "Shelterbelts have negative effect on the industries, but small-scale forest has positive effect. ", "On the whole, contribution of forest resource to value of animal husbandry and gross production value of agriculture is positive, and to the value of farming is negative." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Gentlemen Drivers Caught Helping Pedestrians Cross the Road (Video)\n\nSo often it seems, in this world dominated by automobiles, that otherwise kindhearted folks can transform into hurried, inconsiderate jerks when behind the wheel of a car, looking upon pedestrians as mere second-class citizens getting in their way. ", "But just when you thought that all sense of human decency had been drowned out in the din of traffic, here’s proof that some drivers’ hearts are indeed bigger than the steel frames that enclose them.", "\n\nIn the dash-cam compilation below, we see gentlemenly drivers in Russia going above and beyond to perform the quintessential good deed: helping old folks cross the road. ", "Sure, perhaps it’s not entirely legal to hop out and lend someone a hand like this, but who can argue with the angel on their shoulder?", "\n\nIf you’re wondering how such footage was captured, in response to skyrocketing cases of insurance fraud, dashboard cameras have become the norm in Russia — and although they’re intended to document nefarious behavior, sometimes they actually capture quite the opposite." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Effects of salts in promoting the adhesion of amphibian gastrula cells.", "\nPresumptive ectodermal and endodermal cells were isolated from the gastrula of the newt Cynops pyrrhogaster, and the effects of salts on embryonic cell adhesion were examined. ", "When the concentrations of NaCl, KCl, MgSO4 and Ca (NO3)2 in the culture medium were increased individually, they all effectively promoted ectodermal cell adhesion. ", "MgSO4 and Ca(NO3)2 promoted endodermal cell adhesion, but NaCl and KCl did not. ", "The culture medium containing increased NaCl (90 mM) nonspecifically promoted ectodermal cell adhesion to the four substrata studied--polystyrene dish, glass, collagen, and fibronectin. ", "The effects of drugs that influence the membrane permeability of Na+ and Ca2+ and the replacement of Na+, Cl-, and Ca2+ with other ions were studied. ", "The results show that the flow of Na+ and Ca2+ into the cytoplasm promotes ectodermal cell adhesion but exerts no influence on endodermal cell adhesion." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0 ]
[ "Ski area founder named to state Ski Hall of Fame\n\nSteamboat Springs — Steamboat Springs ski pioneer Jim Temple, the primary founder of the Steamboat Ski Area, has been named to the Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.", "\n\nHe joins four other 2006 honorees and will be inducted at a ceremony in Denver on Oct. 14.", "\n\n\"I'm really delighted to be invited into that group,\" Temple, 79, said Friday. \"", "I think it's a great group of people that have contributed a lot to the sport.\"", "\n\nEvery skier or snowboarder who slides down Storm Peak can thank Temple for his contribution.", "\n\nTemple grew up in Routt County, skiing on the Focus Ranch near the Wyoming border. ", "After spending seven winters working as a ski patroller and avalanche forecaster in Sun Valley, Idaho, Temple began to seriously consider building a ski mountain of his own. ", "Deep snow, a steep drop and railroad access -- with an airport on the way -- led him to look no further than his home county.", "\n\nTemple began purchasing land at the base of Storm Mountain in 1957, and after several feasibility studies, mountain explorations and the forming of the Storm Mountain Ski Corp., he broke ground on the Storm Mountain Ski Area on July 6, 1958.", "\n\n\"We pushed down a big cottonwood tree,\" he said about an effort that would take two years to complete. \"", "We opened the mountain in December of 1960 -- that was the beginning.\"", "\n\nRacing on the mountain began shortly after the groundbreaking, Temple said, even though the two chairlifts he bought in California were not yet installed.", "\n\n\"When I held races on the mountain those first few winters, we had Jeep Cherokees to take skiers up the mountain,\" he said. \"", "We did that for the winters of 1958, 1959 and 1960.\"", "\n\nTemple said he is not surprised at what the ski area has become today.", "\n\n\"My vision was that it would be a year-round resort,\" he said. \"", "I knew it was a great mountain and a great site. ", "It took some time, but it grew pretty nicely.\"", "\n\nThis year's other Hall of Fame inductees are Barbara Ferries Henderson, who won a bronze medal in downhill skiing at the 1962 World Championships and competed in the 1964 Olympics; Aspen resident Mark Tache, a member of the U.S. Ski Team from 1978-85 and veteran U.S. Pro Tour racer; Ray Duncan, who created what would become the Durango Mountain Resort; and Henry Christian Hall, who became the first ski jumper to surpass 200 feet -- on Howelsen Hill in 1917.", "\n\nTemple said many more people are deserving of the honor.", "\n\n\"I'll be looking to get more people in after I'm in,\" he said. \"", "There are a lot of people who deserve to be honored for their contributions to the ski world.\"", "\n\nFinancial difficulties led to the 1969 sale of Storm Mountain Ski Corp. to LTV Aerospace for a reported $4 million.", "\n\nTemple got nothing from the sale.", "\n\n\"They took all my assets and sold them for millions of dollars,\" Jim Temple told the Steamboat Pilot & Today in 2003. ", "He was referring to Steamboat Partnership, an investment group formed by Denver banker Hank Perry to finance the struggling ski mountain.", "\n\nTemple lives in the Boulder area. ", "He returns to Steamboat frequently to see his sons, Jamie and Jeff, and grandsons Parker, 8, and Brandon, 6.", "\n\nHe is in town with family this weekend.", "\n\n\"I'm going to relax a little bit and have some fun up here,\" he said. ", "My grandsons \"are both ski jumpers -- Parker likes to get some big air,\" he said.", "\n\n\"That's what I built the mountain for, so the kids can have a good time.\"" ]
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[ "from django.test import TestCase\n\nfrom utils.tests import ConditionalTournamentViewSimpleLoadTestMixin\n\n\nclass PublicMotionStatisticsViewTest(ConditionalTournamentViewSimpleLoadTestMixin, TestCase):\n view_name = 'motions-public-statistics'\n view_toggle_preference = 'tab_release__motion_tab_released'\n" ]
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[ "Well a blog is suppose to be about what’s happening, the latest news, bits and bobs. ", "So again I am going away from advice and would like to start a positive thread for everyone to contribute to. ", "I always like to stay positive and hopefully that comes across in my post and comments. ", "I want people to come here and not only learn things, but also to feel better and be filled with belief and maybe even go away with a smile. ", "Anxiety and all it brings can be testing at times, so everyone should give themselves a pat on the back for going through what they have. ", "I know I am proud that I went through it and came out the other side, always believing I would, a belief that is coming across in many people now, it is so nice to see a post from someone who is feeling better and seeing progress.", "\n\nSomebody said to me last week “how do I get rid of this thing”, I said straight away, ‘Its not a thing, its just a feeling’ a feeling that will pass in time. ", "I always try to get people to change their attitude to how they feel, it is so important, something you hate less and understand more, loses a lot of its power.", "\n\nSo anyway back to the thread. ", "Well I would like people to post something positive about their life, maybe a song that cheers them up, a new job, how they have improved, some good news they have received, a pet that makes them smile, something they are looking forward to, anything at all. ", "So if I can start, here is a song that I used to listen to when I had a bad day, it really cheered me up, it had a big impression on me and I still play it often, its called life. ", "Here is the link\n\nTake care and keep the faith : )\n\nPaul\n\nThis entry was posted\non Friday, March 21st, 2008 at 10:52 pm and is filed under bits and bobs.", "\nYou can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.", "\nYou can skip to the end and leave a response. ", "Pinging is currently not allowed.", "\n\n52 Responses to “A positive post and thread for everyone”\n\nHi everyone ,\nYeah Paul is right , its good to remember some of the positive things in life , of which in time we still have the ability within , to experience and enjoy to the full !", "\nI’ve not been posting quite as much recently , simply because i have taken a step back from things , after noticiing small improvements in how i am generally feeling .I have experienced sensations that i forgot i could , like prolonged spells with a relatively clear mind , (no dp) , nerves and feelings of general anxiety not as intense as in the last few years , and not analizing everything and anything that comes my way on a daily basis . ", "I think this in turn has cut down on the overload , i was putting on myself , and has begun to show in a small but encouraging way , Any progress i have made only began since i found Paul’s book and his site , so for anyone just finding the site stick around , navigate your way around because all your answers are here it just takes time and patience !", "\nAnyway i’ve got to say like most i’m really looking forwrd to summer , my favourite time of the year , getting away to the sun , spending a couple of weeks on the beach is just my idea of total paradise and enjoyment ! , ", "so with that in mind , i just want to post a song which reminds me of exactly that ! ", "you’ll see what i mean once you’ve listened , its called Summer Sky , ENJOY ! ", "hope the link works EDITED to include link here\nPaul\n\n. ", "Ive come off meds, with no ill effects, and my sleep is natural again (takes a few weeks of worse sleep, but its better now)\n. ", "Im learning to fly, which is stressfull in itself for anyone, but its been a longtime dream\n. ", "I dont panick of having the thought ‘oh my god, smoking weed made me the mess i am today’\n. ", "I actually want to have a meaningfyl relationship again\n. ", "not blaming my mum anymore\n. ", "going back to gym with friends, working, studying…\n\nI was coming on leaps and bounds over the last couple of days. ", "Well at least compared to how I was!", "\nStill, after finishing work yesterday and this morning I have felt bad again a few intrusive thoughts and the “what if’s” came back. ", "But what the hell im sure im on the road to recovery and even though I know im struggling now im prepared to “just be” for as long as it takes.", "\nIm currently taking Citromapol and these seem to be helping no end, plus I start some therapy soon so this should all help.", "\n\nI am also looking forward to summer as I have treated myself to a new motorbike. ", "Im struggling to get excited about it at the moment but im sure that this is a feeling that will return!", "\n\nPaul – when you were on the road to recovery how did you deal with your off days ?", "\n\nDon’t worry Paul I edited your post to include the link : ) That’s a really nice song by the way, very calming. ", "The summer, a lovely time, one of my favourite things to do is just sit and have a meal and a pint of cider outside my favourite pub on a hot day.", "\n\nEdward I think you asked this elsewhere, I will answer you there, I want to keep away from advice on this thread and give people a chance to be positive if that’s o.k. ", "I promise to answer where you first asked, but a lot was all about being positive.", "\n\nSome more positive things.", "\n\nI build a few websites for others in my spare time, but I am poor on the graphics side of things, I am joining a course to improve this, as much for the social side as anything else, I like being creative so it will help on this side of things.", "\n\nI have slowed right down on drinking recently and now go out on my mountain bike, play squash and five a side, the difference to how I have felt has been huge, I feel far fresher and more awake, I am never going to be perfect as I like to have a drink and eat rubbish at times, but I aimed to improve a lot of things and have lost a stone in weight.", "\n\nAnother positive is having some of the nicest people around on this blog, people do struggle and go through a lot but there has been no arguments, everyone supporting each other and some great advice.", "\n\nHi Paul\nThanks for editing that for me ! ", "thought other people may also find it calming ! ", "anyway its really nice to hear how you continue to improve your wellbeing even after coming through anxiety , i think its very important to still make those changes to further enhance the quality of life that you have found once again , i can assure you i will never take life for granted again , once i get the better of this , even sweeter second time around ! ", "have a great Easter everyone !", "\nPaul .", "\n\nHi eveyone,\njust a few little points id like to share………:)\nWell its good to read Pauls side of things, its good to no that he shares many of my endulgences!!!! ", "lol\nIm really doing well, or should i say a lot better since i found this site and Pauls book (positive)\nI no longer have many of the really terrifying symptoms (positive)\nIm back playing football at weekends (positive)\nIm back socialising with friends and girlfriend (positive)\nIm starting to enjoy things more eg work and shopping (positive)\nI look forward to things now (positive)\nMy relationship with my girlfriend is stronger we have come closer (positive)\nI still struggle with bouts of really bad thoughts and some panic episodes also lots of dp, but im still going (not so positive .lol)\nIf anyone could just give a few tips on the strange thoughts and dp it would be much appriciated. ", "Sometimes just reading other peoples stories helps…….", "\n\nAnyway just writing this down has made me realise how far i have come, now people say to me Rick your looking well or having a laugh with my mates seems not so bad after all……\n\nI think a lot of my problems have come from lack of confidence. ", "Now its building back to how it was and it feels good:)\n\nI found that Rick that confidence comes in layers bit by bit, I think we have to accept that. ", "I think a lot of people think that everyone else is confident, which is never the case, we all have bouts of insecurity or hang ups, but we are all unique and should be happy with who we are. ", "I like your list of positives, shows you have come so far and you should be proud of that, its very easy to go into your shell and give up sometimes when you are feeling bad, that is something I really tried not to do. ", "I am sure you will keep progressing and that’s all you need to go for, don’t strive for perfection.", "\n\nOk here goes,\nI’m back to work, and it seems to not be as bad as i thought!", "\nI’m enjoying a lot of things now! ", "My garden, my cat, chocolate!!", "\nMy cats called Reggie, i got him 6wks after i turned ill last year, i haven’t enjoyed him as much as i could, but i am able to really enjoy him now! ", "he’s such a lovely boy! ", "and makes me smile when he chases the tropical fish around the tank!!!", "\nMy confidence is slowly building, i can feel that.", "\nThe physical anxiety feelings have pretty much gone, yippee, just left with a bit of dp and the blurred vision.", "\nThe dp thats left is so much less scary!", "\nI have all the tools and knowledge to help myself.", "\nI am able to get on with my day with all my feelings beside me (most of the time!) ", "and make the most of every day i am given!", "\nMy breakdown doesn’t seem like the end of the world anymore, it happened for a reason. ", "Now i have been able to completely reasses my life from a new perspective.", "\nI BELIEVE I WILL GET BETTER NOW!!", "\nwith love to everyone, we just need to be kind to ourselves!", "\nxx\n\nI had 4 days of feeling NO symptoms it was ACE! ", "I then went and got drunk at the weekend with friends and the next day was filled with irrational thought. ", "I tried not to fight it but because I was feeling so bad I just went back to bed and did some suffering. ", "As the day wore on rational thought returned though and then I remembered NOT to fight it to let “it” come. ", "Let what come? ", "Nothing came, except RELIEF. ", "Its just a feeling. ", "Its JUST A FEELING. ", "Even though I hate the crappy days – they REMIND me that I am getting better. ", "Bit by bit I’m on the right road. ", "I gave up smoking a month ago as well, because of the anxious thought of impending doom, and feel SO much better about that. ", "It feels like I am being tested alot of the time. ", "Someone on this thread said the physcial symptoms seem to be on their way out and I am pleased to say the same is happening to me. “", "It” keeps trying though to test me but it won’t win. ", "So at present, irrational thought is the feeling I’m getting and its sometimes hard to shake, but I always do eventually. ", "This is something I am SO positive about. ", "Leanne Diggins\n\nThat’s good Leanne, yes it does test at times, but its always how you react. ", "You may remember when you fought, cried, worried, all the things that made you fall deeper into the conditon, well look how far you have come in a short space of time, well done you….When you add a pic on FB it comes up on my page and you do look to have that smile back : )\n\nThe beer is a bugger though for symptoms, it was for me at times, but we need a release and enjoyment. ", "I found as long as I just got fresh and not stone drunk, I was far better.", "\n\nI had a really good few days last week, never even thought of anxiety. ", "Then today remembered Im meant to be anxious and tried myself with a few thoughts haha. ", "Much less scary today, if they’re their still tomorrow, then so what!", "\nBiggest releases for me are going the gym, listening to BON JOVI (haha, dont laugh, loved them all my 22 years, so proper reminder of good times) and the best release of all is going the cinema, takes your mind off everything but the film and snuggle my girl (mind is free to pay her proper attention).", "\nBig anxious thought at the moment for me is far less scary than previous ones, but its stuff like “what if I can never manage to get a mortgage or have kids”, “what if I’ll be a bad dad cos im anxious” etc\n\nI have spent most of the weekend surfing those two big video/music websites and have managed to add the ‘songs’ to my favourites. ", "Attended the Big Chill last year (just over the road from where I live) and enjoy chill out music so, the whole of the Honeyroot (can I mention that) tracks are now in my collection.", "\nI have eaten my fair share of Easter goodies too over the weekend (I missed out badly at Christmas) as no appetite during the festive period. ", "Have an interview on Friday.", "\nLots of positivitey – feel the vibes.", "\nShirley\n\nManuella I did put my pic up last month for a few days, you must have missed it : )\n\nThe cure, I used to love them, well I still play an album of theirs, is it staring at the sea? ", "I think that is what they call it, never even knew they still toured!", "\n\nJoey, glad to say that not only have certain things improved but you have changed your attitude a lot, this is important and takes a little time and grows with knowledge. ", "Don’t know about Bon Jovi though…lol Rock is not my thing, don’t know what is really my collection is so varied.", "\n\nShirley, what job interview have you on Friday? ", "Let us know how you get on, that’s really good. ", "Well I went to the libary today, just got back in fact and looked at some courses and activitys I could do. ", "I work mostly from home but you miss meeting and socialising with people, so that’s the whole aim of it.", "\n\nWell theres a lot of positivity going around, keep it coming, you can never be to positive.", "\n\nhey paul, everyone, im steph and am fairly new to this site, its a question for paul really i written to you couple of times on the other posts and have not heard back yet and ive noticed you have been on here couple of times recentley, just wondred how this blog works,do you stick to the most recent posts only or are the other posts read also? ", "if anyone else knows id be greatfull if you could let me know thanks, this is a great blog by the way and have spoken to a couple of people already,think ill post some info on ‘bit about me’ blog to introduce myself!", "\n\nSteph a blog is not a question and answer place although I do advise from time to time. ", "This place is the only place I can hang out and post advice, be myself and not be bombarded with questions and emails, there is no guarantee that a question or post will be answered, I don’t read everyone and yes the last post will get more attention than old ones. ", "The main site has grown into somewhat of a monster with a hell of a lot of hits on a daily basis, with this comes hundreds of questions and trust me if you answer anyone you will receive another 20 emails, it just becomes impossible you would be emailing and answering questions 24 hours a day and I also do get busy with other things. ", "Through no fault of their own everyone wants a piece of you and I have to draw the line somewhere as I don’t want it to get to the stage where I have to become a faceless person behind a site.", "\n\nThis blog is run in a way that things don’t become out of control for me and I am able to hang around. ", "I answer when I feel it is needed and also advise from time to time, so if you do post something and it is not answered then please don’t be offended. ", "I will leave this reply and your question up so I know you have it and then will have to delete as I want this post to stick with the positive theme.", "\n\nOk thanks paul, just wanted to make sure was getting the whole blog thing! ", "i recieved your book this morning so i will get stuck into that tonight, i find your info really makes sense and am starting to see changes slowly but surely! ", "Everyones posts on here are really positive and inspirational,and are of great help! ", "thanks take care.", "\n\nSteph if I could give eveyone one to one help I would as trust me I know what an awful lonely place it can be when you have little information, I suffered and got worse for 10 years without the correct advice, in fact most of it I had to figure out myself. ", "This is why I run the main site, wrote a book and have this blog where people can support each other, I don’t want people to suffer like I did, trust me I was as bad as anyone that has ever got in touch with me, I could not even function.", "\n\nI have really tried to be different from everyone else out there and hopefully I have acheived this and people are improving a lot. ", "I don’t make false promises and i have faith in what I say, so do read the book and hang around here and I am sure you will learn so much.", "\n\nI just want to say what a friendly bunch everyone is on this website. ", "I was corresponding by e mail with another lady and we discovered we are in the same city (just about 2 miles apart) we have only met up once so far but she knows i’m here and I know she’s there. ", "We are still in contact by e mail and I look forward to my next visit with her. ", "I have just read Lee’s comment on ‘Recovery can take time’ blog (March 27th). ", "What a pleasant guy. ", "Just as my new found e mail friends are too – it’s because we all have something in common.", "\nI stumbled upon this website at a very desperate time and swear that it is the most concrete thing that has helped me to get better. ", "I can’t praise the simplicity (not being derogeratory) of Paul’s book enough – so many times explanations have left me detached and deflated. ", "This book is the bible.", "\nFunny how I have found the support of others on this site more supportive than my family even, just the odd line, just the odd bit of advice and hey ho! ", "in a very short space of time I am well and truly on the road to recovery – because everyone understands.", "\nKeep up the good work, supporting each other.", "\nShirley D\n\nHey paul, i really appreciate the way you run the site as its unlike any of the others and its the one that i can relate to 100%. ", "For the last four days i have slept right through and havent waken with the dreaded feeling! ", "which is a big step as i wasnt sleeping and i was waking feeling awful every day! ", "I have felt much calmer also, i went to the pictures with my daughter, neice and sister other day and there was a point where i had an overwhelming feeling of panic but i just let it be and eventually it passed. ", "I just keep telling myself its too much adrenalin! ", "I have also started your book which is like reading about myself! ", "Im hoping to keep up this positivity and i will be sticking around for a while!! ", "Thanks Paul.", "\n\nHi leanne, Yeah ive started the book, iv also been reading a lot on the site which helps a lot! ", "I read your post about your night out and the same thing happens to me, i used to go out once or twice a month (single mum!!) ", "and i used to make the most of it drinking to the early hours and suffering really badly the next day, and since the anxiety has come back i have been put off by the thought of going out as it makes symptoms worse, sort of been too scared(how daft!). ", "When really i shouldnt avoid it just take it easy when i do go out! ", "and if i do feel a little more anxious just reassure myself its only anxiety! ", "Im getting the hang of this,haha! ", "Plus you feel sort of left out when all your friends are out and are fine the next day (jammy gets) so im going to try and join in more! ", "hope your good today, are you from uk? ", "x\n\nShirley wrote about meeting a fellow sufferer and it made me realise that I have never talked to another DP-person face to face. ", "It might be very interesting and beneficial to meet with someone who has had the same experiences but I’m from Finland and I don’t have any contacts to Finnish DP-people. ", "Maybe I’ll start a dp-group someday when I’m a bit wiser about the subject, we’ll see. ", "When I was at my worst I really would have needed one myself.", "\n\nTarmo,\nI’ll bet there are people around you somewhere and you just don’t know. ", "It was a weird experience meeting up with a fellow sufferer because you expect a label to be pinned to them somewhere. ", "But no, interestingly neither of us looked anything different to normal. ", "In fact, we didn’t really talk about each others problems – just mainly about our respective families so to me that was once again the start of the healing process, we hardly touched on the ‘subject’ at all. ", "Probably we had already made a silent pact with each other and both knew what the other suffered from so didn’t need to talk about it.", "\nShirley\n\nI have met many sufferers over the years and we all seem to think everyone knows or we stand out, I find it very hard to tell if chatting with someone who still suffers, the odd give away but mainly something I remember doing, lack of eye contact…etc\n\nThere will be people you know who suffer yet keep it quiet, people you work with, people you pass everyday in the street. ", "I visit two other forums completley away from the subject and once people find out what I am involved in they always seem to know someone who suffers.", "\n\nI am going to hpefully raise some money for an anxiety charity that has done bits for me in the past, they struggle for support and I would like to do a sponsered walk or something like that and invite anyone else who would like to take part. ", "Some time in the future hopefully.", "\n\nYup I’m from London – and have lots of pals. ", "The next day after drinking I have a really bad time. ", "I have the fear all day long. ", "But come 5pm (funnily enough when the hang over goes) I’m ok. ", "It all makes sense to me now. ", "So I just watch it when I go out – until I’m better. ", "I really do feel like I’m being tested but I am happy to say I am smashing through each one with flying colours some take longer than others. ", "Most days when I come out of my flat to go to work, the floor moves (or seems to) and now when it happens I actually laugh to myself. ", "Its really predictable. ", "I do feel like saying “well come on then! ", "Whats next?”", "\n\nMost days when I come out of my flat to go to work, the floor moves (or seems to) and now when it happens I actually laugh to myself. ", "Its really predictable. ", "I do feel like saying “well come on then! ", "Whats next?”", "\n\nFunny you should say that Leanne, I got to the point when I used to laugh at symptoms and say, is that it then, again a total change of attitude.", "\n\nI have thought about the walk, I hope to sort something out for next year, anyone at all is welcome.", "\n\nYep have a good weekend everyone. ", "A new post that people may find interesting will be up on Monday, just another way of putting something across.", "\n\nHi everyone, im pleased to say i have been feeling tons better, all though had couple glasses of vino last night and can feel the dread lurking, im shrugging it off though! ", "just wanted to know if that still happens to you paul and is it to be expected if weve suffered anxiety? ", "any how not letting that pesky thing ruin my day, hope you are all well and im interested in the sponsered walk to its good idea. ", "have good weekend!", "\n\nDear all, it is so nice to read this website- it really does give me strength. ", "I have suffered anxiety for about 7 years- but only realised I wasn’t totally mad about 3 years ago when I finally began to understand! ", "I’ve recently come off antidepressants, moved cities, jobs etc and I think it might have been too much at once. ", "The dread has unfortunately returned & the last month has been hell. ", "I am a little lost at the moment- I thougt I had beaten this. ", "I love my job so much but I worry I won’t be able to cope and that terrify’s me. ", "I found this website and reading everyones stories that they are coping and beating this makes me feel better and not as alone. ", "I apologise as I know this is meant to be a positive blog! ", "Luc X\n\nHi all\nSponsored walk sounds good paul, Be good to put faces to names…… just out of curiossity is your FB public, if not no worries just was looking through and couldn’t find you. ", "Faces and names thing lol…. ", "Rick\nP.S\nLucy stick with it, you will soon find the right road. ", "It amazing how far i have come and never thought i would\nP.P.S\ni was thinking the other day the old sunshine seems to be out a little more now and feels like its upped my mood\n\nNo my facebook is not public Rick I’m afraid, its just somewhere I hang out with people I know through another forum and just have a laugh, it was their idea for me to join. ", "A few of them recently met up in Vegas and they are doing another one in two years time which I’m hoping to go on. ", "So its just for that, most, in fact all my friends that I hang out with socially don’t know what a computer is, so I have a virtual life and an outside life…. : )", "\n\nYep a bit of sunshine at last, awful yesterday, when is this rain going to stop?", "\n\nIts so nice to hear the positive things about our lifes instead of concentrating on the illness.", "\n\nOk well here are mine:\n* I would deffinately say i am not as ill as i thought i was, infact reading some stories i would say my anxiety is mild.", "\n\n* I spent 4 years of my life not working, or in education. ", "I have now took control and im getting some A levels to go to university. ", "I am acheiving top grades despite this illness, after all i need to set myself up for a secure future for when im better.", "\n\n* I am sleeping really well.", "\n\n* I look forward to the future and the happiness it is going to bring.", "\n\n* The numbness of emotions is disapearing and i can finally feel the love i wanted to feel for my fiance. ", "It is strange how now i have stopped grasping for it, it is all falling into place.", "\n\n* I have stopped all the; oh i will go on holiday when the anxiety gets better, oh i will get married once its gone, oh i will start having a life once im better….. sound familiar!", "\n\n* I dont doubt myself as much, i know i am a good person\n\n* I have become more assertive.", "\n\n* I am slowly learning to trust myself and my mind.", "\n\n* I no longer wish for bed time to come round so i can take my medication and rid myself of anxiety. ", "Infact i am of to see my doctor on thursday to talk about being weened of them. ", "I want to expose myself to the anxiety and let it be.", "\n\nWow, its amazing how much more positive i feel when i think of how far i have come in such a short space of time.", "\n\n* The only negative thing i have experienced besides anxiety is i no longer have faith in the medical proffesion.", "\n\nHi Candie and welcome to the blog. ", "I love your list above and one thing I completely agree with is the need not to grasp things. ", "A lot of people try to scramble back to who they were or force feelings, you have to let things come to you, nothing should be forced as you just end up fighting again.", "\n\nGreat list, it does help to write some positives instead of concentrating on the negatives all the time.", "\n\nHi, its been a long time since I have posted, although I do check the website out regularly.", "\n\nJust on a positive note, I feel so much better than 2 months ago when I first found this site and book. ", "I’m not cured yet, and do have moments during the day where I feel I have got no where and must have missed something or that I should get medication. ", "But generally much much better. ", "I can actually get excited about things and can see myself happy. ", "The most important piece of advice I can give is that don’t be deterred by set backs, because this is the hardest bit. ", "I had 2 weeks of feeling like I was improving, followed by a week of hell, and so on and so on. ", "But gradually you realise you are getting better. ", "2 steps forward, 1 step back (although sometimes if feels like 1.9 steps back). ", "Also, don’t try to understand what makes you feel better or worse, it has no explaination. ", "For example, one day I feel worse than ever, and wake up the next day and feel better than ever, once you experience this you wake-up to the fact there is no point thinking about the ups and downs.", "\n\nI would also recommend staying in employment, after a couple of weeks to compose yourself and learn coping skills, nothing stressful though. ", "Earning money and meeting people is great, with money you can do nice things, holidays, look after yourself and stimulate your mind to new things.", "\n\nI would also be up for a sponsored walk, i live in Holland but i’ll fly over!", "\n\nThanks for that Tom and nice to see you again, I wondered where you had got to. ", "Yes some great advice there and I would certainly agree with you on the set backs thing and don’t try waste energy trying to work things out. ", "I also had brilliant days and then wham an awful day, but I did not let it bother me or try to work it out, it was all part of the process. ", "Enjoy the good days and don’t get to down about the bad.", "\n\nThe walk is a total go as far as I am an concerned. ", "I want to set it up properly and raise as much as we can, there are a few charitys that try and bring awareness but struggle with money that I would really like to help. ", "There has been some interest, so hopefully we can get a few people to join us.", "\n\nGreat to see such positive posts! ", "Paul you really have touched and changed peoples lives. ", "Thank you.", "\n\nWell I have started my motor racing season now and have just returned after winning. ", "This is a hobby of mine and is a summer/autumn thing March to October. ", "After being ill (again) since New Year I am finally much improved but I am quick to add not better. ", "Even when I immerse my self in my hobby I can still have what I call flashbacks and like others say, a voice inside says “don’t forget you have anxiety” this sometimes leaves me fighting but im getting really good at just saying I don’t care. ", "This is me for the time being and one day I will be back to normal.", "\n\nEdward it would great to have you come along on the walk, I would like to keep it to people who post on this blog. ", "It would be good to meet everyone and put a face to the name. ", "That’s really good news about winning the motor racing, really well done, if you have some pics pass them on to me, it would be great to take a look.", "\n\nAll you say above happened to me, the ‘Don’t forget you have anxiety’ is just a habit, a cloud hovering if you like, when we have thought of little else for a while is it any wonder. ", "But you have a wonderful attitude and as you say let recovery come to you without demanding anything, don’t go searching for it or try to scramble your way there, you will just end up fighting again.", "\n\nKnitting! ", "Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I find it really helpful to have something creative to do, that requires a high level of concentration and focus and results in a sense of achievement. ", "Same applies to cooking a new recipe, or starting a photo journal.", "\n\nWork to understand your anxiety better, not what it’s telling you, but how it works and why. ", "I’ve started to view my anxiety as a kind of emotional (rather than physical) nervous tic. ", "It’s a ‘habit’, if you like, that can be broken in exactly the same way as you might tackle biting your nails or picking your nose. ", "😉\n\nBe kind to yourself. ", "Read inspiring or uplifting books, listen to music. ", "Plan your day (if you’re not working); ‘structure’ helps to limit the opportunities you have to sit about dwelling on your anxiety.", "\n\nI’m sure there are other things, but just can’t trawl them from my mind at the moment!", "\n\nOverall, I’m doing really well. ", "Starting to feel in control of this thing and considerably more emotionally/psychologically robust. ", "Keep positive everyone!!", "\n\nI went to Alton Towers today with a group of friends. ", "Fantastic time, I’ve always been a scaredy cat, but I went on EVERYTHING. ", "It was great, forgot myself for a few hours. ", "Had a great laugh with friends! ", "Had a bit of a wobble with some negative thoughts on the journey home, probably just through adrenaline and tiredness. ", "Stupid fearing death thoughts, but what the heck eh?", "\n\nHi All\nThis is the first time I’ve been back to the blog in a while and I’m glad I did. ", "For all of you out there who still have doubt about ever being your old self. ", "I need to tell you it happened to me and it will happen to you. ", "I’ve have gotten to the point where I feel like my old self! ", "Yes I still have occasional out of the blue “anxiety days” but they are few and far between. ", "Mainly what happened (thanks to this site) is my anxiety went from consuming thoughts to passing thoughts. ", "Yes they are still there but who cares, life goes on. ", "My motto became live in the present and enjoy the moment.", "\nThank you all who continue to post\n\nToday, I have cried, I went for my interview on Friday and really felt at home with the Boss, she just said it was an informal chat (perfect I thought) to see if we could get on, I felt it went well. ", "She said she would let the successful applicant know probably at the beginning of the week – here we are on Wednesday and still I don’t know. ", "Informal the chat may have been – but it’s the waiting!!! ", "I do hope they hurry and let me know.", "\nThen I go up to Amy’s blog “Knitting” and just those words make me laugh out loud.", "\nWhat a funny day! ", "But no anxiety!!!", "\nWas hoping to let you all know that I was back employed – but still no news on that front I’m afraid.", "\nCould tell you some funny stories about my experience’s in the Charity shop (voluntary work), but might be politically incorrect – though really all this is to show that I am still improving and have got my sense of humour back.", "\n\nI just happend to stumble across Pauls website today as I was looking for some ‘answers’. ", "I’m starting (ironically enough) a masters degree in Psychology in september, and really want to get fully to grips with my anxiety before then. ", "I went through some very traumatic events in mylife and now want to help others deal with there hardship/problems by becoming a Child Psychologist.", "\n\nI’ve been suffering for years from depression and anxiety but have in the past 2 years started to really see results. ", "I also got no help from doctors, who just seemed clueless. ", "One doctor told me my feeling/symptoms where all just “a red heringe”.", "\nI’m in counselling now, Cognative therapy ( It works!) ", "and it really is helping( only have 2 sessions left). ", "But I still find I need answers.", "\n\nYour website answered many of my questions, and I thank you for that. ", "I’ve qoated you in my notebook (so it is a constant reminder);” Avoid your fears and they begin to grow, move towards them and they dampen”. ", "Very helpful little saying I will carry with me.", "\n\nEven though I know I am getting much better and stronger, I often concentrate on my breathing in a negative way. ", "Like “Am I breathing right””Will I pass out if I don’t take a breath correctly” etc and I can’t seem to find the answer to help me overcome this. ", "It is very annoying, does anyone els have this problem or something similar, and maybe has some advice?", "\n\nOh, and honeyroot has lovely music! ", "Very relaxing. ", "Your website is great Paul, keep up the good work. ;", "o)\nNice to read other people are going through the same crap I am, feel less alone now. :", "oP\n\nHi everyone!I stumbled across this website yesterday, so I am very new to this!I feel so much better, because I now understand I’m not crazy!argh!that was really bugging me for ages. ", "I love all the positive comments. ", "I am very new to this and have only suffered for a few months due to too much stress in my life(I’m a student..yes we do have stress)I didn’t know what it was at first, but I really want to be well again soon..I still don’t think I have grasped this completely as it’s really worrying me at the moment that so many people seem to have this for years and that’s what I don’t want(I guess that’s the anxious thought that will keep it going right?)it is isn’t it!lol!argh!ok well I’ll just practice thought flooding then-so what if it continues(I don’t care)I can still do everything I want. ", "It’s not so bad that I can’t do anything!I was actually feeling pretty fine a few weeks ago but then some horrible stuff happened which left me feeling really stressed out and anxious again. ", "Oh yeah and I totally get the thing after having had a drink, hangovers are not good for feeling anxious. ", "But you cannot let the feeling beat you and let you not have a good time. ", "So I say just do everything that you would usualy do if you didn’t have anxiety and then the feeling will vanish in time..(have I got the right idea here?)I think I do!Someone tell me if I’m getting this wrong please, as this is literally my second day of fully learning about this whole thing!", "\n\nalso, I play the guitar and I find that really relaxing. ", "It’s a good idea (I think) to engage yourself in as many activities that make you happy!", "\n\nAlso, I spent about two months trying to get rid of the feeling every single day and it was absolute hell..I couldn’t enjoy anything I did and I understand that’s the worst way to go about it. ", "If you have a feeling you just have to feel it, and if you have a thought that distresses you then you have to let it in, in order to realise that nothing bad can happen to you. ", "Am I right in saying so?I also read somewhere that this happens when people aren’t in touch with their emotions and over think things..I really want your book paul.", "\n\nsorry for rambling on, just some thoughts,and they’re all positive I think!", "\n\nHi, I stumbled across this website about a year ago after having an Anxiety attack whilst on holiday in Egypt, thank god I did as it saved me from slipping deeper into my anxiety cycle at that time. ", "I’m currently Attending CBT for the past four months and it has helped as it allows me to talk to someone on a weekly basis, me like most have only told my partner what I went through so it’s nice to give my partner a break. ", "My anxiety has lessened somewhat compared to a year ago but I still have many setback’s but, I’m dealing with them as they happen and it’s tough but the reward of dealing with them is greater. ", "sometimes I actually get excited at the thought of recovery!" ]
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[ "Ghost Ensemble’s debut album is here! ", "Order now on LP or digital download.", "\n\nPraise for We Who Walk Again:\n\n“The album includes a rambunctious version of Oliveros’s 1980 text score “Angels & Demons” … an appealingly loose set of overlapping, gently discordant long tones, occasionally ruptured by knotty bass rumbling that slowly intensifies. ", "The general drone is steadily punctured by internal skirmishes between the instruments—sometimes frictive, sometimes piercing. ", "Strings, accordion, and reeds coalesce in wonderfully sour harmonies—a collective move that still allows for each instrumentalist to freely express their individual personalities. ", "The album opens with “60 Degree Mirrors,” a wonderful work by the group’s oboist Sky Macklay that draws inspiration from “geometric-mosaic patterns.” ", "The work toggles between sustained astringent pitches highlighted by serene, rippling waves and stirring, ominous surges of sound. ", "The combined effect delivers a woozy merry-go-round effect, a warped ride both exhilarating and bit scary. ", "The album concludes with “Wind People,” a massive drone of lapidary detail by the group’s accordionist Ben Richter, that thrums, throbs, and glides with surging and ebbing density.”", "\n— Peter Margasak, Best of Bandcamp Contemporary Classical: June 2018 (read more here)\n\n“The Macklay piece, inspired by kaleidoscope patterns, oscillates between brief, rhythmically oriented kernels and somewhat stretched-out sequences, the tones in the latter engagingly sour, especially the multiphonics and microtones from the oboe. ", "There’s a certain wry playfulness to it — at times it reminded me of a calliope — and an interesting mix of modern techniques within a structure that retains an amount of classicalness. ", "It might fit comfortably into a Bang On a Can program, but it’s better than that.", "\nOliveros’s Angels & Demons is a text score, asking the ensemble to evoke “collective guardian spirits” (angels) and “individual spirits of creative genius” (demons) … Low, growling bass attacks help ground the long, floating lines above; soil and mist. ", "Very fine ensemble playing — excellent listening to one another.", "\nThe Richter work occupies Side B. A cloudy, mysterious and dark opening, low rumbles and moans with the odd sharp glint through the shadows. ", "It throbs, pulsates, moves inch by inch, Beckettian in its slow spread. ", "Some wonderful tonalities are generated in the shifting lines of varying lengths, the interplay of those deep tones with the soft plucking of the harp and an occasional hesitant but steady, dull beat of a drum. ", "Matters begin to coalesce toward the end, dense lines forming, surging off into the hazy dark, perhaps offering just a bit more direction than was apparent at the start; not a light at the end of a tunnel, but maybe the faintest of glimmers. ", "A very strong piece, my favorite on this recording.", "\nVery good work all around, certainly a group to keep an eye on.”", "\n— Brian Olewnick, Just Outside (read more here)\n\n“Music composed for a deep listening that fixes you in the present has fascinated me for well over a decade now. ", "As someone who is constantly thinking of the past or the future, I find it incredibly challenging to stay with the present. ", "When I do manage to rise to the challenge I always find it transformative, and I’ve never risen to that challenge without the help of present-focused music. ", "We Who Walk Again by Ghost Ensemble—released on May 18th—is full of such music. ", "Indeed, the ensemble “takes as a common touchstone the Deep Listening practice of Pauline Oliveros,” whose work Angels and Demons is featured. ", "Beautifully performed and recorded, these unique pieces get their full due on this album.60 Degree Mirrors by Sky Macklay … After an abrupt full-ensemble pulsation, shards of high, biting clusters cut through sparser moments and the occasional swooping scalar motion, evoking the kaleidoscope implied by the title. ", "Towards the middle of the piece these high clusters take over the texture, the piercing sounds demanding your attention without ever moving you forward in time; that is, keeping you in the present. ", "This section transforms into a texture that incorporates lower sounds and a rhythmic lick that recurs unpredictably. ", "The piece ends again in the high register, with slow-moving clusters.", "Angels and Demons by Pauline Oliveros … Dyads and intricate, denser chords float in and out of the air against a backdrop of quiet cymbal scraping. ", "Suddenly a growling contrabass line interjects into the gossamer texture, which then begins to swell in volume, growing into a body-felt sound mass. ", "Skittering blocks and a tumbling rhythm give way to breathy grunting and accented harp chords. ", "The sound mass returns, enveloping, pulsing, and eventually dissipating. ", "A frenetic wind line cuts through a low-resonance foundation just before the piece fades to silence.", "Wind People by Ben Richter … The piece emerges out of a hushed stasis, the contrabass lines repeating two notes in unpredictable rhythmic patterns amid an almost drone-like sustaining texture. ", "Subtle, deep moaning gestures appear after about 4 minutes, effecting an eventual transformation of the drone-like texture into something more unsettled. ", "The descending gestures persist, seemingly pulling ever-deeper even as the volume subtly increases. ", "Winds and accordion pierce through this around minute 8, but the pull into the deep continues. ", "Three minutes later the piercing sounds return, raising the volume considerably. ", "Deeper and more resonant the piece continues, in a multifaceted texture that evokes the primeval. ", "As the end approaches, the entire ensemble focuses in on one note, swelling loud and soft, before diminishing by nano-decibels over several minutes into silence.”", "\n— Meg Wilhoite, meg’s new music blog (read more here)\n\n“Since its inception Ghost Ensemble has been associated with Oliveros’ work … it is fitting that We Who Walk Again, their debut recording, features the first studio recording of the Oliveros piece Angels and Demons … Starting in the Feldman realm of spare pianissimo fragments, a long range crescendo shapes the piece … enabled by successively more penetrating held pitches, extended techniques, syncopated percussion, and an eventual blossoming of rangy melodic gestures …\nThe group’s oboist Sky Macklay is also a composer on the rise … Macklay’s 60 Degree Mirrors revels in the extended techniques available to winds. ", "Her command of multiphonics and microtones on the oboe is prodigious … The piece also has spectral roots, with shimmering overtones, particularly “crunchy” upper partials, demonstrating an edgier side of the “deep listening” continuum. ", "60 Degree Mirrors is not just technically sophisticated; it has considerable dramatic heft and proves to be a thrilling listen.", "\nGhost Ensemble’s founder, accordionist and composer Ben Richter, provides the recording’s other piece, Wind People … it affords the group the opportunity to stretch out and engage in the shaping of a larger arc. ", "Long glissandos played by bassist James Ilgenfritz provide a particularly resonant touchstone, and similar sliding tones from violist Hannah Levinson and cellist Maria Hadge underscore its structural character. ", "Meanwhile, the winds explore all manner of overtones, sometimes punctuating the proceedings with held pitches appearing in contrast to the yawning slides, at others engaging in pitch bends of their own. ", "Percussionist Chris Nappi provides under-girding drums, subtle yet insistent … Over time, sustain becomes a powerful force traversing all instruments and registers, and sumptuous overtone chords saturate the work. ", "A coda provides a long diminuendo in which overtones fade into thrumming drums, drones, and string glissandos. ", "Wind People is a well-crafted and eloquent work …\nRichter says that he sought to “draw a sense of peace and comfort from our smallness, transience, and fragility in the face of an overwhelming immensity, the music mirroring the constant ebb and flow visible when zooming in or out to quantum or geological time.” ", "Amid today’s tumult, drawing peace and comfort from deep listening is a worthy goal, one that Ghost Ensemble appears poised to attain often.”", "\n— Christian Carey, Sequenza21 (read more here)\n\n“Ghost Ensemble do a pretty admirable job … three compositions, two by members of the group and one by famed John Cage contemporary Pauline Oliveros, roar and overtake you … Best of all it all sounds quite fresh … there’s a spark here that seems to have been missing from some of the experimental music I’ve had the at times (dis)pleasure of hearing.”", "\n— Christopher Stigliano, Blog to Comm (read more here)\n\nGhost Ensemble depends on your support to make this music happen, with a bountiful season in store for the coming year. ", "Ghost Ensemble is still accepting donations toward our 2018 season on Fractured Atlas; contributions for the purposes of Ghost Ensemble are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law." ]
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[ "Les Marécottes\n\nLes Marécottes is a village in the Swiss Alps, located in the canton of Valais. ", "The village is situated in the western part of the canton, in the Trient valley, near Martigny, at a height of 1,110 metres. ", "It belongs to the municipality of Salvan.", "\n\nLes Marécottes is a year-round popular tourist destination. ", "Attractions include an Alpine zoo, a granite-carved swimming pool and a gondola climbing to La Creusaz (1,777 m), on the southern flanks of the Luisin. ", "In winter the village also includes a ski area.", "\n\nLes Marécottes is served by the Martigny–Châtelard Railway.", "\n\nReferences\nSwisstopo topographic maps\n\nExternal links\n\nMarécottes.ch (official website)\n\nCategory:Villages in Valais\nCategory:Ski areas and resorts in Switzerland" ]
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[ "article\n\n03.02.11\n\nNorthwestern University's Live Sex Class\n\nA psychology professor did what?! ", "The story behind the Illinois university’s strange sex demonstration.", "\n\nUpdate: Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro\nsaid Thursday that he was \"troubled and disappointed\" after hearing about the sex toy incident—and that Northwestern would be launching an investigation into it. “", "I feel it represented extremely poor judgment on the part of our faculty member,” he said in a statement. ", "On Saturday morning, the professor behind the controversial class issued\nhis own apology stating that he regrets allowing the controversial demonstration, and that \"In the 18 years I have taught this course, nothing like the demonstration at issue has occurred, and I will allow nothing like it to happen again.\"", "\n\nIt was bizarre, say students—even for a professor who gets off (excuse the pun) on controversy. ", "On Feb. 21, after a lecture on sexual arousal, students in\nNorthwestern University psychology Professor J. Michael Bailey’s human-sexuality course were given the option to stay for a guest presentation. ", "Most were used to these sessions: With topics like “The Gay Guys Panel” (\ngay men talking about their sex lives) and Q&A sessions with\ntransgender performers, the optional add-ons were part of what made Bailey’s class one of the most popular on campus.", "\n\nBut this particular lecture was, shall we say, different. ", "Led by a man whose website describes him as a “psychic detective and ghost hunter,” it was called “Networking for Kinky People,” and began with a towel placed neatly on the auditorium stage. ", "Next, a woman took her clothes off, and—with an audience of around 100—lay down on her back, legs spread. ", "As students moved forward from the theater’s back seats, for a closer view, “The girl grabbed the mic,” says Sean Lavery, a Northwestern freshman. “", "She explained that she had a fetish for being watched by large crowds while having an orgasm.”", "\n\nNo, the girl involved was not a student. ", "Yes, she was over 21, we’re told—and the guy stimulating her was introduced as her boyfriend. “", "It was a committed couple who did the demonstration, and it happened at the end of the class,” says Ken Melvoin-Berg, the guest speaker, who helps operate a tour company called\nWeird Chicago that offers sex tours.", "\n\nWe'll spare you the gory details—but let's just say they involved the woman's boyfriend bringing her to climax on stage, using a contraption called a \"fucksaw,\" and plenty of gasps, not just from flabbergasted students. “", "I was gauging everyone’s reaction,” says Lavery, who’s been in Bailey’s class since January. “", "I think everyone was just like, ‘Is she really doing this right now?’”", "\n\nThe demonstration will become a rallying cry for sex-education critics, and parents of fresh-faced 18 year olds for whom Northwestern is suddenly at the top of their college wish lists.", "\n\nThe demonstration, as you can imagine, has become the talk of campus—a story that will undoubtedly become fable for subsequent classes of incoming freshmen. ", "It will also certainly become a rallying cry for sex-education critics, and parents of fresh-faced 18 year olds for whom Northwestern is suddenly at the top of their college wish lists. ", "With the story first reported in Northwestern’s campus paper,\nThe Daily, on Tuesday, it’s safe to say that the influx of criticism has only just begun.", "\n\nBut Bailey, for his part, has never shied away from controversy. ", "His 2003 book,\nThe Man Who Would Be Queen, ruffled feathers with its argument that some transgender men who wish to become women are driven by erotic fascination rather than biological desire; Bailey has said himself that he enjoys turning intellectual taboo on its head. ", "But he resigned from his post as the chairman of Northwestern’s psychology department in 2004, shortly after allegations that he had unethically published confidential information about many of his subjects. (", "The claims were never substantiated, and Bailey has vehemently denied them.) ", "Now a professor of clinical and personality psychology, Bailey is not licensed as a clinical psychologist in Illinois, nor has he been, according to the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.", "\n\nBack on campus, Northwestern is still defending its longtime prof, despite Bailey's comments in another class, quoted in the student newspaper this week, that \"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but watching naked people on stage doing pleasurable things will never hurt you.\" \"", "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines,\" the university's vice president for university relations, Alan Cubbage, told The Daily Beast in a statement. \"", "The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge.\"", "\n\nBailey declined to be interviewed for this article, but seems to have gained at least a bit of perspective since his earlier remarks. ", "Late Wednesday, he posted a\nlengthy explanation of his behavior to the Northwestern faculty site, in which he acknowledges he had \"some apprehension\" about the display—though more for the personal repercussions than any lack of educational value. \"", "Do I have any regrets? ", "It's mostly too early to say,\" he writes. \"", "I certainly have no regrets concerning Northwestern students, who have demonstrated that they are open-minded grownups rather than fragile children.\" ", "Grownups, yes; but also open-minded enough to assess the display for themselves. \"", "I was like, 'OK, she orgasmed on stage,'\" says Lavery, the freshman, who is 18. \"", "What're we supposed to take away from that?\"" ]
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[ "The 2018 ADAC GT Masters season, the 12th season of the German-based GT championship under the current name, will kick-off on the upcoming weekend at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben.", "\n\nThe 3.667 km long circuit is the venue of the ADAC GT Masters season-opener since 2008. ", "This year, the calendar again features seven two-race events. ", "There is one change on a calendar. ", "The Autodrom Most will host the second round instead of EuroSpeedway Lausitz. ", "Other six venues are the same: Oschersleben, Red Bull Ring, Nürburgring, Zandvoort, Sachsenring and Hockenheimring.", "\n\nAmong 36 cars, there will be thirteen Audis\n\nAudi is the most represented brand\n\nThirty-six cars are on the entry list for, entered by twenty-three teams and representing eight manufacturers. ", "Of course, the most significant is a representation of German brands, with Audi R8 LMS as the most common machine, with thirteen cars on the list. ", "The other German cars are Mercedes-AMG GT3 (six vehicles), Porsche 911 GT3 R (four) and BMW M6 GT3 (three).", "\n\nCorvette C7 GT3-R is originally American muscle car but those which are racing in ADAC GT Masters are coming from Callaway Cars garage in Germany. ", "Of other brands, there will be five Lamborghini Huracans and, for the first time in a series, two Honda NSX GT3s and one Ferrari 488 GT3.", "\n\nTimo Bernhard and Timo Scheider will be rivals\n\nSeven former ADAC GT champions on the grid\n\nWhen talking about drivers, a grid is offering again a combination of experienced veterans and young future stars. ", "Timo Scheider, Timo Bernhard and Lucas Luhr are just a few of world known drivers with several major championship titles on their accounts." ]
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[ "5-Dehydroavenasterol is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of steroids (KEGG ID C15783). ", "It is the third to last step in the synthesis of Stigmasterol and is converted from delta 7-Avenasterol via the enzyme lathosterol oxidase [EC:]. ", "It is then converted to Isofucosterol via the enzyme 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase [EC:]." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ncustom single line messagebox\n\nI'm trying to make a custom message box for my application. ", "The problem is, I want to code it in a way so that I can use it as regular message box. ", "\nMyCustomBox(\"My Message\");\n\nintead of doing\nFormMessage frm = new FormMessage();\nfrm.message = \"My Message\";\nfrm.show();\n\nHow can I accomplish this? ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can add a static method to FormMessage class\npublic static void ShowBox(string message)\n{\n using (FormMessage frm = new FormMessage())\n {\n frm.", "Message = message;\n frm.", "ShowDialog();\n }\n}\n\nAnd then\nFormMessage.", "ShowBox(\"My Message\");\n\n" ]
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[ "A Democratic lawmaker has resigned from a position at the University of Minnesota amid questions about how he got the gig and whether it conflicted with his work at the state Capitol.", "\n\nAnd the woman who hired him, a former Democratic lawmaker herself, was reassigned this week as well.", "\n\nState Rep. Jamie Long, a freshman DFLer from Minneapolis, was hired in July as an “energy research project specialist” at the university’s Institute on the Environment. ", "He resigned from the post — a fellowship funded by an undisclosed donor — “earlier this week,” he said Wednesday. ", "Long is vice chair of a House climate and energy committee and an assistant majority leader of the House Democratic-Farmer-Labor caucus.", "\n\nThe woman who hired him, former state Sen. Ellen Anderson of St. Paul, had served as executive director of the institute’s Energy Transition Lab until Tuesday, when she was reassigned “to work on other projects,” according to the U. The lab works with experts to find solutions that could reduce carbon emissions and promote clean energy.", "\n\nThe shakeup was precipitated by a Republican state lawmaker who dug into Long’s hiring via a public records request. ", "That lawmaker, Rep. Chris Swedzinski, R-Ghent, on Wednesday called for an investigation into the situation.", "\n\n“Rep. Long was able to write his own position description, set his own hours, and tailor his hours to ensure he was fully employed while the Legislature was out of session,” said Swedzinski, who suggested the hiring might have “run afoul of our ethics and campaign finance laws” — an allegation Long denied.", "\n\nLong denied doing anything wrong. ", "Anderson declined to comment.", "\n\nHOW LONG WAS HIRED\n\nMonths before the fellowship was posted, Long was in touch with his future boss — Anderson — and was even asked to help create the position description.", "\n\n“Any information you have about what would be optimal for you would be helpful,” she wrote in an April 1 email. ", "That email, and others that mentioned money “to start a legislative fellows program and hire MN Rep. Jamie Long,” were obtained by Swedzinski and shared with the Pioneer Press. ", "The U confirmed their authenticity.", "\n\nLong wrote back with some suggestions. ", "Among them:\n\nWorking four days a week “to allow me to do some legislative work on Fridays so that I could keep a bright line between my two roles.”", "\n\n“Conduct research on innovative solutions for Minnesota’s clean energy system.”", "\n\n“Assist in convening stakeholder forums on cutting edge clean energy topics.”", "\n\n“Provide support for local and regional governments considering options for reducing carbon pollution.”", "\n\n“Pursue bipartisan strategies for sustainable long-term clean energy outcomes.”", "\n\n“Prepare a graduate class offering for the fall term, either for the law school or the Humphrey school.”", "\n\nMost of his suggestions were included in the final job description, though not word-for-word.", "\n\nInternal emails and documents suggest Anderson had Long in mind when crafting the position. ", "In June, she alerted him to the position being officially posted and told him to apply. ", "That wouldn’t necessarily be a violation of U hiring practices, according to Jessica Hellmann, director of the U’s Institute on the Environment, which encompasses the Energy Transition Lab — the entity Anderson had overseen.", "\n\nNonetheless, in a July 10 email, a fellow administrator told Anderson to not rush “finding and vetting the best candidate for your open position” and be “thoughtful and intentional to ensure you hire the best candidate.”", "\n\nRelated Articles Angie Craig asks supporters to vote for her anyway despite postponement of election\n\nTrump expected to announce conservative Amy Coney Barrett for court\n\nTrump returns to Minnesota for Wednesday event at Duluth airport\n\nMinnesota honors 10 refugees for their civic contributions\n\n‘It’s devastating’: Harassment of COVID public health workers is widespread and ‘unprecedented,’ officials say. ", "Later that day, Anderson said she had interviewed three candidates and that Long was her top choice. ", "In a highly redacted email, Anderson explained: “All of these assets make him (Long) by far the best choice for our work engaging and educating legislators and other decision makers.”", "\n\nThe fellowship ultimately paid $33.65 an hour and was funded by a grant the university received on Feb. 27 from a donor whose identity was redacted from school records released to the public. ", "For a work schedule of four days per week, Long was expected to “conduct research on Minnesota’s clean energy system” and develop a “Clean Energy Legislative Fellows Program.”", "\n\nLONG DEFENDS HIMSELF\n\nIn a statement announcing his resignation, Long said: “Unfortunately, with a politically motivated data request targeting my work, it’s become clear that my presence may be a distraction from the mission of the Energy Transition Lab.”", "\n\nIn an interview Wednesday, Long said he did nothing improper and cast the issue as an attack on climate science.", "\n\nLong insisted he applied for the job like anyone else and described the position not as lobbying, but as simply disseminating scientific research on climate and energy policy.", "\n\nHe said he first contacted Anderson during the legislative session to ask about possible jobs at the institute she ran.", "\n\n“My background professionally is energy policy,” said Long, an attorney by education who worked for several members of Congress on energy and environmental issues last decade, according to a résumé he supplied to the U. “I need additional employment to support my family. ", "It was natural for me to look in that field. ", "The university is a place that’s dedicated to spreading knowledge.”", "\n\nAlthough he was communicating with Anderson about the possible gig while the Legislature was in session, he said in no way did it color any action he took as a lawmaker.", "\n\nAs vice chair of the House Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division, he said nothing related to the U’s institute came before the committee.", "\n\n“I’m sure I voted on the university budget (on the House floor), but I don’t see that as a conflict,” he said, emphasizing that the standard for a conflict of interest is “personal benefit.”", "\n\nHe disputed the suggestion that Anderson created the job specifically for him.", "\n\n“I went through a public hiring process,” Long said. “", "I was not confident I would get the job.”", "\n\nWhen asked to comment on the correspondence that suggests Anderson may have been designing the job’s duration and hours to accommodate Long’s schedule, he responded: “I met with Ellen to inquire about openings … and when there was an opening, I applied.”", "\n\nANDERSON DECLINES COMMENT\n\nAnderson went to the University of Minnesota after two decades of work in state government.", "\n\nShe served in the state Senate from 1993 to 2011, where she chaired several key committees and authored legislation that created Minnesota’s Renewable Energy Standard.", "\n\nShe chaired the Public Utilities Commission from 2011 to 2012, and she was a senior adviser on energy and the environment to Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton from 2012 to 2014.", "\n\nIn 2014, she was named executive director of the Energy Transition Lab. ", "That ended Tuesday.", "\n\n“As of September 10, Ellen Anderson is no longer ETL director and instead has been assigned to work on other projects,” according to a statement from Hellmann, Anderson’s superior. “", "As of September 10, IonE AD Melissa Kenney has assumed supervisory responsibilities for Energy Transition Lab staff.”", "\n\nThe U won’t say why they made the change. ", "Hellmann said state law governing personnel matters prohibits it.", "\n\nIn a brief telephone exchange, Anderson declined to comment. ", "The Pioneer Press emailed her several questions Wednesday, and she had not responded by deadline.", "\n\nGOP CRITIC\n\nSwedzinski said he dug into Long’s hiring after receiving a tip “from an individual who has wanted to remain anonymous.”", "\n\nHe said the issue of climate and energy policy was irrelevant to his concern about Long’s hiring.", "\n\n“My big concern is whether there are any ethical questions, and was this donor money specifically to hire Rep. Long?” ", "he said. “", "I have no clue. ", "Is this person a campaign contributor?”", "\n\nSwedzinski, a farmer from Lyon County in southwest Minnesota, has been skeptical of recent Democratic-backed plans to boost clean energy to combat climate change, arguing they carry too high an economic price and suggesting they might not curb global warming. ", "The latter suggestion is disputed by climate scientists, who have shown that a transition to non-fossil fuels can reduce climate change. ", "He said the view of an overwhelming majority of scientists that humans are causing global temperatures to rise is “up for debate.”", "\n\n“I think we should get away from the issue,” he said. “", "I think it’s about legislators leveraging their positions for a job, to write their own job descriptions for positions.”" ]
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[ "Discovery and Evaluation of PRL Trimer Disruptors for Novel Anticancer Agents.", "\nOverexpression of PRL phosphatases (PRL1, PRL2, and PRL3) has been found in a variety of late-stage tumors and their distant metastatic sites. ", "Therefore, the oncogenic PRL phosphatases represent intriguing targets for cancer therapy. ", "There is considerable interest in identifying small molecule inhibitors targeting PRLs as novel anticancer agents. ", "However, it has been difficult to acquire phosphatase activity-based PRL inhibitors due to the unusual wide and shallow catalytic pockets of PRLs revealed by crystal structure studies. ", "Here, we present a novel method to identify PRL1 inhibitors by targeting the PRL1 trimer interface and the procedure to characterize their biochemical and cellular activity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow can I validate that a string holds only zeroes and ones?", "\n\nI have a string which should ONLY be made up of 0 and 1. ", "If the string has any other characters (including special characters) then the validation should return false; otherwise it should return a true.", "\nHow can I achieve this?", "\n\nA:\n\nUse Regexp#===\ns = '11er0'\n# means other character present except 1 and 0\n/[^10]/ === s # => true \n\ns = '1100'\n# means other character not present except 1 and 0\n/[^10]/ === s # => false\n\nHere is a method :\ndef only_1_and_0(s)\n !(", "/[^10]/ === s)\nend\n\nonly_1_and_0('11012') # => false\nonly_1_and_0('1101') # => true\n\nA:\n\ntry this:\ndef only_0_and_1(str)\n return !!(", "str =~ /^(0|1)+$/)\nend\n\n" ]
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[ "/*****************************************************************************\n *\n * XVID MPEG-4 VIDEO CODEC\n * - Motion Compensation related code -\n *\n * Copyright(C) 2002 Peter Ross <pross@xvid.org>\n * 2003 Christoph Lampert <gruel@web.de>\n *\n * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software\n * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n *\n * $Id: motion_comp.c 1985 2011-05-18 09:02:35Z Isibaar $\n *\n ****************************************************************************/\n\n#include <stdio.h>\n\n#include \"../encoder.h\"\n#include \"../utils/mbfunctions.h\"\n#include \"../image/interpolate8x8.h\"\n#include \"../image/qpel.h\"\n#include \"../utils/timer.h\"\n#include \"motion.h\"\n\n /*\n * getref: calculate reference image pointer\n * the decision to use interpolation h/v/hv or the normal image is\n * based on dx & dy.", "\n */\n\nstatic __inline const uint8_t *\nget_ref(const uint8_t * const refn,\n\t\tconst uint8_t * const refh,\n\t\tconst uint8_t * const refv,\n\t\tconst uint8_t * const refhv,\n\t\tconst uint32_t x,\n\t\tconst uint32_t y,\n\t\tconst uint32_t block,\n\t\tconst int32_t dx,\n\t\tconst int32_t dy,\n\t\tconst int32_t stride)\n{\n\tswitch (((dx & 1) << 1) + (dy & 1)) {\n\tcase 0:\n\t\treturn refn + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + dx / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + dy / 2) * (int)stride);\n\tcase 1:\n\t\treturn refv + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + dx / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + (dy - 1) / 2) * (int)stride);\n\tcase 2:\n\t\treturn refh + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + (dx - 1) / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + dy / 2) * (int)stride);\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn refhv + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + (dx - 1) / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + (dy - 1) / 2) * (int)stride);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic __inline void\ncompensate16x16_interpolate(int16_t * const dct_codes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const cur,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const ref,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const refh,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const refv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const refhv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const tmp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint32_t x,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint32_t y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t dx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t dy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t stride,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int quarterpel,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t rounding)\n{\n\tconst uint8_t * ptr;\n\n\n\tif(quarterpel) {\n\t\tif ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) {\n\t\t\tinterpolate16x16_quarterpel(tmp - y * stride - x,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(uint8_t *) ref, tmp + 32,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp + 64, tmp + 96, x, y, dx, dy, stride, rounding);\n\t\t\tptr = tmp;\n\t\t} else ptr = ref + ((int)y + dy/4)*(int)stride + (int)x + dx/4; /* fullpixel position */\n\n\t} else ptr = get_ref(ref, refh, refv, refhv, x, y, 1, dx, dy, stride);\n\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(dct_codes, cur + y * stride + x,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tptr, stride);\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(dct_codes+64, cur + y * stride + x + 8,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tptr + 8, stride);\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(dct_codes+128, cur + y * stride + x + 8*stride,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tptr + 8*stride, stride);\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(dct_codes+192, cur + y * stride + x + 8*stride+8,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tptr + 8*stride + 8, stride);\n\n}\n\nstatic __inline void\ncompensate8x8_interpolate(\tint16_t * const dct_codes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const cur,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const ref,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const refh,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const refv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint8_t * const refhv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const tmp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint32_t x,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuint32_t y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t dx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t dy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t stride,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t quarterpel,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t rounding)\n{\n\tconst uint8_t * ptr;\n\n\tif(quarterpel) {\n\t\tif ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) {\n\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_quarterpel(tmp - y*stride - x,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(uint8_t *) ref, tmp + 32,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp + 64, tmp + 96, x, y, dx, dy, stride, rounding);\n\t\t\tptr = tmp;\n\t\t} else ptr = ref + ((int)y + dy/4)*(int)stride + (int)x + dx/4; /* fullpixel position */\n\t} else ptr = get_ref(ref, refh, refv, refhv, x, y, 1, dx, dy, stride);\n\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(dct_codes, cur + y * stride + x, ptr, stride);\n}\n\n\nstatic void\nCompensateChroma(\tint dx, int dy,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst int i, const int j,\n\t\t\t\t\tIMAGE * const Cur,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const Ref,\n\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const temp,\n\t\t\t\t\tint16_t * const coeff,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t stride,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst int rounding)\n{ /* uv-block-based compensation */\n\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(coeff, Cur->u + 8 * j * stride + 8 * i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_switch2(temp, Ref->u, 8 * i, 8 * j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdx, dy, stride, rounding),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstride);\n\ttransfer_8to16sub(coeff + 64, Cur->v + 8 * j * stride + 8 * i,\n \t\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_switch2(temp, Ref->v, 8 * i, 8 * j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdx, dy, stride, rounding),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstride);\n}\n\nvoid\nMBMotionCompensation(MACROBLOCK * const mb,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t i,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t j,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const ref,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const refh,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const refv,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const refhv,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const refGMC,\n\t\t\t\t\tIMAGE * const cur,\n\t\t\t\t\tint16_t * dct_codes,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t width,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t height,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t edged_width,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t quarterpel,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst int32_t rounding,\n\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const tmp)\n{\n\tint32_t dx;\n\tint32_t dy;\n\n\tif (mb->mode == MODE_NOT_CODED) {\t/* quick copy for early SKIP */\n/* early SKIP is only activated in P-VOPs, not in S-VOPs, so mcsel can never be 1 */\n\n\t\ttransfer16x16_copy(cur->y + 16 * (i + j * edged_width),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ref->y + 16 * (i + j * edged_width),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t edged_width);\n\n\t\ttransfer8x8_copy(cur->u + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tref->u + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedged_width / 2);\n\t\ttransfer8x8_copy(cur->v + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tref->v + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedged_width / 2);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif ((mb->mode == MODE_NOT_CODED || mb->mode == MODE_INTER\n\t\t\t\t|| mb->mode == MODE_INTER_Q)) {\n\n\t\tif (mb->mcsel) {\n\n\t\t\t/* call normal routine once, easier than \"if (mcsel)\"ing all the time */\n\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[0*64], cur->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\trefGMC->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i, edged_width);\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[1*64], cur->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i+8,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefGMC->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i+8, edged_width);\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[2*64], cur->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefGMC->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i, edged_width);\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[3*64], cur->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i+8,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefGMC->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i+8, edged_width);\n\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[4 * 64], cur->u + 8 *j*edged_width/2 + 8*i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefGMC->u + 8 *j*edged_width/2 + 8*i, edged_width/2);\n\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[5 * 64], cur->v + 8*j* edged_width/2 + 8*i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefGMC->v + 8*j* edged_width/2 + 8*i, edged_width/2);\n\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* ordinary compensation */\n\n\t\tdx = (quarterpel ? ", "mb->qmvs[0].x : mb->mvs[0].x);\n\t\tdy = (quarterpel ? ", "mb->qmvs[0].y : mb->mvs[0].y);\n\n\t\tcompensate16x16_interpolate(&dct_codes[0 * 64], cur->y, ref->y, refh->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefv->y, refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i, 16 * j, dx, dy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedged_width, quarterpel, rounding);\n\n\t\tif (quarterpel) { dx /= 2; dy /= 2; }\n\n\t\tdx = (dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[dx & 0x3];\n\t\tdy = (dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[dy & 0x3];\n\n\t} else {\t\t\t\t\t/* mode == MODE_INTER4V */\n\t\tint k, sumx = 0, sumy = 0;\n\t\tconst VECTOR * const mvs = (quarterpel ? ", "mb->qmvs : mb->mvs);\n\n\t\tfor (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {\n\t\t\tdx = mvs[k].x;\n\t\t\tdy = mvs[k].y;\n\t\t\tsumx += quarterpel ? ", "dx/2 : dx;\n\t\t\tsumy += quarterpel ? ", "dy/2 : dy;\n\n\t\t\tcompensate8x8_interpolate(&dct_codes[k * 64], cur->y, ref->y, refh->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefv->y, refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i + 8*(k&1), 16 * j + 8*(k>>1), dx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdy, edged_width, quarterpel, rounding);\n\t\t}\n\t\tdx = (sumx >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumx & 0xf];\n\t\tdy = (sumy >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumy & 0xf];\n\t}\n\n\tCompensateChroma(dx, dy, i, j, cur, ref, tmp,\n\t\t\t\t\t&dct_codes[4 * 64], edged_width / 2, rounding);\n}\n\n\nvoid\nMBMotionCompensationBVOP(MBParam * pParam,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMACROBLOCK * const mb,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst uint32_t j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIMAGE * const cur,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const f_ref,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const f_refh,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const f_refv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const f_refhv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const b_ref,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const b_refh,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const b_refv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst IMAGE * const b_refhv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tint16_t * dct_codes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuint8_t * const tmp)\n{\n\tconst uint32_t edged_width = pParam->edged_width;\n\tint32_t dx, dy, b_dx, b_dy, sumx, sumy, b_sumx, b_sumy;\n\tint k;\n\tconst int quarterpel = pParam->vol_flags & XVID_VOL_QUARTERPEL;\n\tconst uint8_t * ptr1, * ptr2;\n\tconst VECTOR * const fmvs = (quarterpel ? ", "mb->qmvs : mb->mvs);\n\tconst VECTOR * const bmvs = (quarterpel ? ", "mb->b_qmvs : mb->b_mvs);\n\n\tswitch (mb->mode) {\n\tcase MODE_FORWARD:\n\t\tdx = fmvs->x; dy = fmvs->y;\n\n\t\tcompensate16x16_interpolate(&dct_codes[0 * 64], cur->y, f_ref->y, f_refh->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf_refv->y, f_refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i, 16 * j, dx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdy, edged_width, quarterpel, 0);\n\n\t\tif (quarterpel) { dx /= 2; dy /= 2; }\n\n\t\tCompensateChroma(\t(dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[dx & 0x3],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[dy & 0x3],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ti, j, cur, f_ref, tmp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&dct_codes[4 * 64], edged_width / 2, 0);\n\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tcase MODE_BACKWARD:\n\t\tb_dx = bmvs->x; b_dy = bmvs->y;\n\n\t\tcompensate16x16_interpolate(&dct_codes[0 * 64], cur->y, b_ref->y, b_refh->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_refv->y, b_refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i, 16 * j, b_dx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_dy, edged_width, quarterpel, 0);\n\n\t\tif (quarterpel) { b_dx /= 2; b_dy /= 2; }\n\n\t\tCompensateChroma(\t(b_dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dx & 0x3],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(b_dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dy & 0x3],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ti, j, cur, b_ref, tmp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&dct_codes[4 * 64], edged_width / 2, 0);\n\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tcase MODE_INTERPOLATE:\n\tcase MODE_DIRECT_NO4V:\n\t\tdx = fmvs->x; dy = fmvs->y;\n\t\tb_dx = bmvs->x; b_dy = bmvs->y;\n\n\t\tif (quarterpel) {\n\n\t\t\tif ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) {\n\t\t\t\tinterpolate16x16_quarterpel(tmp - i * 16 - j * 16 * edged_width,\n\t\t\t\t\t(uint8_t *) f_ref->y, tmp + 32,\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp + 64, tmp + 96, 16*i, 16*j, dx, dy, edged_width, 0);\n\t\t\t\tptr1 = tmp;\n\t\t\t} else ptr1 = f_ref->y + (16*(int)j + dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + dx/4; /* fullpixel position */\n\n\t\t\tif ((b_dx&3) | (b_dy&3)) {\n\t\t\t\tinterpolate16x16_quarterpel(tmp - i * 16 - j * 16 * edged_width + 16,\n\t\t\t\t\t(uint8_t *) b_ref->y, tmp + 32,\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp + 64, tmp + 96, 16*i, 16*j, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width, 0);\n\t\t\t\tptr2 = tmp + 16;\n\t\t\t} else ptr2 = b_ref->y + (16*(int)j + b_dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + b_dx/4; /* fullpixel position */\n\n\t\t\tb_dx /= 2;\n\t\t\tb_dy /= 2;\n\t\t\tdx /= 2;\n\t\t\tdy /= 2;\n\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tptr1 = get_ref(f_ref->y, f_refh->y, f_refv->y, f_refhv->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ti, j, 16, dx, dy, edged_width);\n\n\t\t\tptr2 = get_ref(b_ref->y, b_refh->y, b_refv->y, b_refhv->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ti, j, 16, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width);\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor (k = 0; k < 4; k++)\n\t\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[k * 64],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcur->y + (i * 16+(k&1)*8) + (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tptr1 + (k&1)*8 + (k>>1)*8*edged_width,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tptr2 + (k&1)*8 + (k>>1)*8*edged_width, edged_width);\n\n\n\t\tdx = (dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[dx & 0x3];\n\t\tdy = (dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[dy & 0x3];\n\n\t\tb_dx = (b_dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dx & 0x3];\n\t\tb_dy = (b_dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dy & 0x3];\n\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tdefault: /* MODE_DIRECT (or MODE_DIRECT_NONE_MV in case of bframes decoding) */\n\t\tsumx = sumy = b_sumx = b_sumy = 0;\n\n\t\tfor (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {\n\n\t\t\tdx = fmvs[k].x; dy = fmvs[k].y;\n\t\t\tb_dx = bmvs[k].x; b_dy = bmvs[k].y;\n\n\t\t\tif (quarterpel) {\n\t\t\t\tsumx += dx/2; sumy += dy/2;\n\t\t\t\tb_sumx += b_dx/2; b_sumy += b_dy/2;\n\n\t\t\t\tif ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_quarterpel(tmp - (i * 16+(k&1)*8) - (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(uint8_t *) f_ref->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp + 32, tmp + 64, tmp + 96,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t16*i + (k&1)*8, 16*j + (k>>1)*8, dx, dy, edged_width, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tptr1 = tmp;\n\t\t\t\t} else ptr1 = f_ref->y + (16*(int)j + (k>>1)*8 + dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + (k&1)*8 + dx/4;\n\n\t\t\t\tif ((b_dx&3) | (b_dy&3)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_quarterpel(tmp - (i * 16+(k&1)*8) - (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width + 16,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(uint8_t *) b_ref->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp + 16, tmp + 32, tmp + 48,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t16*i + (k&1)*8, 16*j + (k>>1)*8, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tptr2 = tmp + 16;\n\t\t\t\t} else ptr2 = b_ref->y + (16*(int)j + (k>>1)*8 + b_dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + (k&1)*8 + b_dx/4;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tsumx += dx; sumy += dy;\n\t\t\t\tb_sumx += b_dx; b_sumy += b_dy;\n\n\t\t\t\tptr1 = get_ref(f_ref->y, f_refh->y, f_refv->y, f_refhv->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2*i + (k&1), 2*j + (k>>1), 8, dx, dy, edged_width);\n\t\t\t\tptr2 = get_ref(b_ref->y, b_refh->y, b_refv->y, b_refhv->y,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2*i + (k&1), 2*j + (k>>1), 8, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttransfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[k * 64],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcur->y + (i * 16+(k&1)*8) + (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tptr1, ptr2,\tedged_width);\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdx = (sumx >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumx & 0xf];\n\t\tdy = (sumy >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumy & 0xf];\n\t\tb_dx = (b_sumx >> 3) + roundtab_76[b_sumx & 0xf];\n\t\tb_dy = (b_sumy >> 3) + roundtab_76[b_sumy & 0xf];\n\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\t/* block-based chroma interpolation for direct and interpolate modes */\n\ttransfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[4 * 64],\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcur->u + (j * 8) * edged_width / 2 + (i * 8),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_switch2(tmp, b_ref->u, 8 * i, 8 * j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_dx, b_dy, edged_width / 2, 0),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_switch2(tmp + 8, f_ref->u, 8 * i, 8 * j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdx, dy, edged_width / 2, 0),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tedged_width / 2);\n\n\ttransfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[5 * 64],\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcur->v + (j * 8) * edged_width / 2 + (i * 8),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_switch2(tmp, b_ref->v, 8 * i, 8 * j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_dx, b_dy, edged_width / 2, 0),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinterpolate8x8_switch2(tmp + 8, f_ref->v, 8 * i, 8 * j,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdx, dy, edged_width / 2, 0),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tedged_width / 2);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Government of the 24th Dáil\n\nThe Government of the 24th Dáil or the 19th Government of Ireland (14 December 1982 – 10 March 1987) was the government of Ireland formed after the November 1982 general election. ", "It was a coalition government of Fine Gael and the Labour Party led by Garret FitzGerald as Taoiseach.", "\n\nThe 24th Dáil lasted for 1,546 days.", "\n\n19th Government of Ireland\n\nNomination of Taoiseach\nThe members of the 24th Dáil first met on 14 December 1982. ", "On that date, the leader of Fianna Fáil and outgoing Taoiseach Charles Haughey, and leader of Fine Gael Garret FitzGerald were both proposed for the nomination of the Dáil for appointment by the president to be Taoiseach. ", "The nomination of Haughey was defeated with 77 votes in favour to 88 against, while the nomination of FitzGerald was carried with 85 in favour and 79 against. ", "FitzGerald was then appointed as Taoiseach by president Patrick Hillery.", "\n\nMembers of the Government\nAfter his appointment as Taoiseach by the president, Garret FitzGerald proposed the members of the government and they were approved by the Dáil. ", "They were appointed by the president on the same day.", "\n\nNotes\n\nAttorney General\nOn 14 December 1982, Peter Sutherland SC was appointed by the president as Attorney General on the nomination of the Taoiseach. ", "He resigned as Attorney General on 12 December 1984 on his nomination as European Commissioner. ", "On 13 December 1982, John Rogers SC was appointed by the president as Attorney General on the nomination of the Taoiseach.", "\n\nEvents during the government\n\nThe government resorted to high marginal tax rates to curb the national debt, which had increased when spending commitments accrued under the 1977–81 government's expansion of the public sector became unsustainable after the 1979 energy crisis. ", "High taxes and high unemployment brought a return to high net emigration, a long-established Irish flow which had temporarily reversed in the 1970s. ", "An economic policy document, \"Building on reality\", was published in 1984.", "\n\nThe \"republican crusade\" flagged by Garret Fitzgerald in 1981 saw some changes in policy on Northern Ireland and social issues. ", "The government's New Ireland Forum was a prelude to the Anglo-Irish Agreement signed in 1985. ", "A referendum to ease the ban on divorce was defeated in 1986, while a bill to ease restrictions on contraception, was passed in 1985. ", "The failure of Desmond O'Malley to vote against this legislation led to his expulsion from Fianna Fáil. ", "O'Malley later established the Progressive Democrats in December 1985.", "\n\nSee also\nMembers of the 24th Dáil\nMinisters of State of the 24th Dáil\nMembers of the 17th Seanad\nDáil Éireann\nConstitution of Ireland\nPolitics of the Republic of Ireland\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1982 establishments in Ireland\nCategory:1987 disestablishments in Ireland\nCategory:24th Dáil\nCategory:Cabinets established in 1982\nCategory:Cabinets disestablished in 1987\nCategory:Coalition governments of Ireland\nCategory:Governments of Ireland" ]
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[ "The move is also to ensure as many of our fans as possible will be able to attend a 5.30pm kick-off on Merseyside as we aim to reach another Wembley date.", "\n\n\n\nThe price of adult match tickets is being reduced by £10. ", "Adult ticket prices will be £20 for season ticket holders and £25 for non-season ticket holders. ", "This is the fourth away match this season for which the club has subsidised ticket prices.", "\n\nCoach travel to Goodison Park will be available for just £10, as has been the case for all our matches outside of London this season.", "\n\nWe will receive an allocation of approximately 5900 tickets for the match, which takes place at 5.30pm on Saturday 12 March.", "\n\nAs Everton are offering a discount to their season ticket holders, Chelsea season ticket holders will also benefit from the discount, as well as our £10 subsidy.", "\n\n\n\nSeason ticket holder prices\n\nAdults: £20 (reduced from £30)\n\nConcessions £15 (reduced from £20)\n\nUnder-16s £10\n\n\n\n\n\nNon-season ticket holder prices\n\nAdults: £25 (reduced from £35)\n\nConcessions: £20 (reduced from £25)\n\nUnder-16s £15\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTicket selling details will be announced on this website in due course." ]
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[ "Search form\n\nFoundation Makes Grant to Honor the Late Stan Gault\n\nFeb 22, 2017\n\nWayne County Community Foundation will Establish the Stanley C. Gault Philanthropic Leadership Fund with $500,000 Grant\n\nBurton D. Morgan Foundation recently made a grant of $500,000 to Wayne County Community Foundation to establish the Stanley C. Gault Philanthropic Leadership Fund. ", "This permanent endowment Fund will generate grants to non-profit agencies whose work supports the well-being of citizens of Wayne County through projects that enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of the region.", "\n\nThe Gault Fund will be governed by an advisory committee which will play an ongoing role in providing strategic counsel and advice to the development of critical community projects, with the goal of modeling Stan Gault’s philanthropic philosophy focused on sustained input and dedicated mentoring\n\nThe grant is intended to memorialize the well-respected and much-loved Stan Gault, who passed away last June. ", "Mr. Gault provided key leadership to many entities throughout Northeast Ohio, including Burton D. Morgan Foundation, for which he served on the Board of Trustees from 1994-2015. ", "Mr. Gault led a number of organizations during his lifetime, including General Electric Company, Rubbermaid Incorporated, and Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. ", "He also served as Director and Chairman of the Board of Avon Products, and Director of The New York Stock Exchange. ", "A long-time Wayne County resident, Mr. Gault was a graduate of The College of Wooster and later served as Chairman of the college’s board of trustees.", "\n\nMorgan Foundation President and CEO Deborah Hoover expressed the Foundation’s deep gratitude for all that Mr. Gault contributed over more than two decades to the strategic direction of Morgan Foundation. ", "She noted that “the elements of the Board resolution adopted in 2015 at the time of Mr. Gault’s retirement capture the fundamental reasons Morgan Foundation chose to honor him with this significant gift to the Wooster community. ", "The Foundation’s Board of Trustees stated: Stan Gault guided the evolution of the Foundation through steadfast contribution of his wisdom, time, and many talents over more than two decades, freely sharing his vast experiences and generously mentoring others. ", "He consistently tackled challenging decisions and complex deliberations with integrity, sound judgment, and always careful thought. ", "Mr. Gault exemplified a generosity of spirit and deep understanding of critical issues that promoted the mission and ethos of the Foundation and served as an inspiration to others in the philanthropic community. ", "The Board believes that this gift will perpetuate Stan Gault’s exemplary leadership and simultaneously demonstrate their great admiration and appreciation for his pivotal contributions to the Foundation.”", "\n\nSpeaking on behalf of the Trustees of Wayne County Community Foundation, Executive Director Sara Patton stated, “Wayne County Community Foundation is honored by the Morgan Foundation’s wonderfully generous gift, which will create a living memorial to Stan Gault. ", "His decades of dedicated philanthropic leadership and uncommon personal generosity have made a lasting impact on Wayne County. ", "We are delighted that the Gault Philanthropic Leadership Fund will perpetuate the ideal of service and active involvement in philanthropy that Stan embodied throughout his life.”", "\n\nNews & Updates\n\nAbout Us\n\nFounded in 1967, the mission of Burton D. Morgan Foundation is to champion the entrepreneurial spirit. ", "Morgan Foundation serves youth, collegiate and adult entrepreneurs by cultivating transformative opportunities and interlocking networks.", "\n\nContact Us\n\nGrant info\n\nIn the Pipeline\n\nOur e-newsletter features stories about the Foundation's grantmaking and shares information about our grantees, special events, and newsworthy activities taking place across the Northeast Ohio entrepreneurship ecosystem." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMatlab - Name variable same as File name?", "\n\nI'm building a facial recognition program and loading a whole bunch of images which will be used for training.", "\nCurrently, I'm reading my images in using double loops, iterating through subfolders in a folder.", "\nIs there any way, as it iterates, that the images file name can be used before the image is read and stored?", "\neg. ", "I have an image person001.jpg. ", "How can you retrieve that name (person001) then read the image in like: person001 = imread('next iteration of loop which happens to be person001');\nThanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nI strongly recommend not to use unstructured variables. ", "First it's very difficult to do operations like \"iterate over all images\", second you can get strange problems covering a function name with a variable name. ", "Instead i would use a struct with dynamic field names or a map. ", "A solution with a Map propably allows all possible file names.", "\nDynamic field names:\ndirlisting=dir('.jpg');\nfor imageIX=1:numel(dirlisting)\n %cut of extension:\n [~,name,~]=fileparts(dirlisting(imageIX).name);\n allImages.(name)=imread(dirlisting(imageIX).name);\nend\n\nYou can access the images in a struct with allImages.person001 or allImages.(x)\nMap:\nallImages=containers.", "Map\ndirlisting=dir('.jpg');\nfor imageIX=1:numel(dirlisting)\n %cut of extension:\n [~,name,~]=fileparts(dirlisting(imageIX).name);\n allImages(name)=imread(dirlisting(imageIX).name);\nend\n\nYou can access the images in a Map using allImages('person001'). ", "Using a Map there is no need to cut of the file extension.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Porra! ", "ADCC, the world’s premier semi-nude arm-wrestling contest, descends on a small town in Finland next weekend and it is looking like it’s going to be a scorcher!! ", "A metaphorical scorcher that is, as Finland is actually a very cold and desolate place full of wolves and ice-giants.", "\n\nHere are 13 reasons why you absolutely must not miss it (unless of course you have a very serious family emergency or perhaps you live somewhere where there is no internet in which case it’s probably alright if you miss it because you can catch up on it at some other time through Facebook or similar – after all your family is more important)\n\nGordon Ryan will be flying in horses by private jet in order to maintain his muscle mass – As we know, the only way Gordon could have gotten that big that quickly is with the Alistair Overeem / raw horse diet. ", "ADCC has prepared a special stable matside where Gordon’s horses will be kept. ", "John Danaher is bringing one of his special ceremonial knives for the ritual sacrifice and filleting of said horses. ", "Cobrinha will attempt to do something never achieved by any BJJ athlete – Cobrinha will be shooting for the famous “Double Double” – Win the Brasilieiros, the Worlds, the Pan Ams, the Euros, AND eating four slices of the Finnish speciality, Leipäjuusto, or “Bread Cheese”, in one sitting. ", "This has never been attempted or achieved before. ", "The single largest gathering of Russian prostitutes in the world – As hundreds of charismatic and well-toned honourable Brazilian family men descend on Finland, so too do the prostitutes, who expect to turn over almost a million euro per night Paulo Miyao’s final form – Unhindered by any form of drug testing, expect Paulo Miyao to come in looking like he swallowed his twin brother on the way over. ", "FloGrappling streaming live from the women’s changing rooms – Responding to criticism of not covering women in our sport enough, the greatest streaming service in the world, Flo has secured unprecedented access to the actual ladies changing rooms and showers at the Espoo arena, giving full, unrestricted and totally NSFW bonus value to your $69.99 monthly subscription fee Keenan Cornelius returns from his 17,500 hour World of Warcraft marathon – Once touted as the saviour of American BJJ, Keenan Cornelius abruptly disappeared from the competition scene two years ago, electing instead to get all of his W.O.W. characters up to level 999 and form the Worm Guild. ", "Having conquered W.O.W., ADCC marks Keenan’s return to competition. ", "Romulo Barral’s 17th Retirement – Having been competing since 1973, Romulo Barral is expected to retire yet again after bowing out in the late rounds due to injury. ", "Do not miss this historic occasion as it only comes around two or three times a year. ", "Can Orlando Sanchez retain his title without scoring a single point? ", "Sanchez attempts to shove his way to victory yet again Rafael Lovato Jr had to pull out due to injury but has been replaced by a Dogue de Bordeaux – But you probably wouldn’t notice Steven Seagal will give an Aikido Demonstration – The World’s Greatest Grappler will show the rest of these amateur arm-wrestlers how it’s really done, with a demonstration of the most elegant and deadly martial art in the world, Aikido. ", "But please make sure you are all out of the auditorium by 5pm as Seagal usually starts his nightly eating marathon then, and you do NOT want to see him when he’s hangry. ", "Tom deBlass is expected to receive the coveted “Most Humble” Award – In an extravagant ceremony, the legendary Tom deBlass will receive his long-overdue “Most Humble Man in the World” award, and will finally be able to prove to all the haters that he is indeed the most humblest man in the entire universe and that there is no one – NOBODY – more humble than him and if there is he will kick their fucking asses. ", "Dillon Danis to Represent Ireland – Danis’ Irish residency has arrived just in time for the championships, although a diet of soda bread, potatoes and Guinness mean the young Irishman will likely struggle to make weight. ", "Private Screening of the Long-Awaited “Redbelts” Documentary – Despite many setbacks, Redbelts has finally been made and will be premiered on the Saturday evening. ", "Tickets must be purchased in advance at a cost of $400 per seat and are non-refundable, purchasing a ticket does not guarantee access to the documentary or that the documentary even exists. ", "Sorry *shrugs*." ]
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[ "Heaven's a Lie\n\nHeaven's a Lie is the first single by Lacuna Coil from their album Comalies. ", " Although frequently labeled as an anti-religion song, the song's namesake was not intended to be interpreted literally. ", " In an interview with HighWireDaze.com, leading vocalist Cristina Scabbia explained the meaning of the song; the word \"heaven\" is a metaphor for a \"perfect life\". ", "When the phrase \"your heaven's a lie\" is used, it is referring to people who try to force their opinions on others.", "\n\nCo-vocalist Andrea Ferro refers to this theme at their concerts as a song about freedom of ideas.", "\n\nAmidst the single's newfound popularity in late 2003, the group performed an acoustic version of \"Heaven's a Lie\" during an edition of Headbangers Ball. ", "The album version was also included on the compilation album, MTV2 Headbangers Ball.", "\n\nThe song was used on a commercial for the TV show Criminal Minds.", "\n\nTrack listing\n Heaven's a Lie - 4:46\n Self Deception - 3:30\n\nMusic videos\nThe first version of the music video was released when the album Comalies came out. ", "It was a sort of backstage shot during the recording of Comalies in the Woodhouse studios by Luigi Sabadini and the band themself.", "\n\nThe second music video accompanied the single's release in May, 2003. ", "It found airplay on Uranium alongside one of the earliest televised American interviews with the group on said program. ", "This video, shot in Los Angeles by Chade Seide, had a noticeably low budget and featured the group's vocalists sitting along a dark staircase.", "\n\nHowever, upon the sudden popularity of the single in December, 2003, an entirely new music video was released and found high circulation on MTV2's resurrected Headbangers Ball. ", "This version was directed by Patric Ullaeus and shot in Gothenburg, Sweden, features noticeably vibrant graphics and a stronger presentation overall compared with its predecessor. ", "It has the band performing in a green screened landscape with small, threatening discs cutting through the air. ", "Lacuna Coil's follow up, \"Swamped,\" would have a likewise high production.", "\n\nCover\nManntis (feat. ", "In This Moment) covered \"Heaven's A Lie\" on Covering 20 Years Of Extremes, 2CD compilation for celebrating Century Media Records 20th anniversary.", "\n\nSample\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Lacuna Coil songs\nCategory:2002 debut singles\nCategory:2002 songs\nCategory:Songs written by Andrea Ferro\nCategory:Songs written by Cristina Scabbia" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFullCalendar 'basicWeek' header display\n\nI'm looking to find out if there is an option to change the way basicView for fullcalendar.js is displayed. ", " When I display my calendar in basicView I get something like this:\n\n9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/17...\n\nwhen I would like it to display something like this:\n\n13 14 15 16 17... // No month, just days\n\nI've looked through the documentation for about an hour and can't find anything to change this.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou're looking for the columnFormat parameter:\ncolumnFormat: 'ddd DD'\n\nSee http://fullcalendar.io/docs/text/columnFormat/\nYou can even specify a format for each view:\n views: {\n basicWeek: { // name of the view\n columnFormat: 'ddd DD',\n }\n },\n\n" ]
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[ "with a side of bike & run\n\nComing out of the dark\n\nHi there, nice to see you again. ", "Kim here, from the “not so” endless runner. ", "It’s been awhile since I posted on here, so much has happened since my last post from mid-June 2011. ", "It’s been a crazy 18 months since my last post and I hope the blogging world welcomes me back.", "\n\nUntil then, here is a quick sneak peek at one of the most exciting things to happen in 2012…\n\nI’m looking forward to a new set of challenges and experiences in 2013, along side my favorite partner in crime 😉 More to come!" ]
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[ "Methods of Payment:\n\nRates:\n\n$26 To $60,\n\nAt Folco's, every meal starts with the best ingredients, expertly prepared and served with warm hospitality. ", "Pasta is hand-made fresh every morning, with no preservatives, and served throughout the day with sauces specially prepared for each dish. ", "The traditional Italian fare is exceptional. ", "Food and wine go hand in hand and your host will be happy to help you choose the perfect pairing for your meal. ", "The service is second to none. ", "Folco's Ristorante is available to the community for private functions and can accommodate guests of up to 60 people. ", "Fresh, healthy, delicious: Folco's welcomes you to share best things in life with your family and friends for a memorable dining experience.more...See more text\n\nPASTA\n\nAll of our pasta is homemade here daily from OO flour that we import straight from Italy. ", "This flour is all natural with no GMOs. (", "Genetically Modified Organism - an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.) ", "Many people with gluten intolerance can enjoy this flour without any problems. ", "We do appreciate your dietary restrictions therefore we also have gluten free pasta available upon request. (", "There is a $2.00 charge on specialty pasta modifications) Please ask your server for todays pasta options\n\nSlow Roasted 8 hour veal roast, butter, sage, parmigiana This dish is very near and dear to our hearts. ", "It was taught to us a by wonderful woman by the name of Madalena in Piemonte, Italy. ", "She housed many of the chefs going to the local chef school in her home town of Asti; one of them was Mario Folco.", "\n\nSECONDI\n\nsecondo piatto m (plural secondi piatti)The main course of a meal, often consisting of meat or fish, before any dessert. ", "All of our tomatoes, flour, prosciutto and cheese are flown in from Italy.", "Everything is made to order and is made from scratch including all of our pizza dough, pastaand sauces. ", "We take pride in the art of cuisine, fresh ingredients and the love of food. ", "We are committed to finding the best ingredients raised with respect for the animals, environment and the farmers. ", "From Toronto to Italy, we choose the best of the best to serve to you every day.", "\n\nINSALATE\n\nInsalata (plural Insalate) means \"Salad when it is made of mixed greens it is served as the last coursebefore dessert in a traditional Italian meal.", "\n\nMISTA\n\nFRESH HOUSE GREENS, TOMATOES ,CUCUMBERS, RED WINE VINAIGRETTE.", "\n\n$9.00\n\nCAESAR\n\nROMAINE, HOMEMADE LEMON INFUSED CROUTONS, PADANO CHEESE\n\n$11.00\n\nCAPRESE\n\nIMPORTED MOZZARELLA DI BUFFALA, VINE RIPENED TOMATOES, FRESH BASIL\n\n$14.00\n\nPASTA\n\nPasta (plural Paste) is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating back to1154 in Sicily. ", "All of our pasta is homemade here daily from OO flour that we import straight from Italy. ", "This means,all natural, no GMOs. (", "Genetically Modified Organisms) Many people with gluten intolerance can enjoythis flour without any problems.", "We do appreciate your dietary restrictions therefore we also have glutenfree pasta available upon request. (", "There is a min $2.00 charge on specialty pasta modifications)\n\nRAVIOLI DI MADALENA\n\nSlow Roasted 8 hour veal roast, butter, sage, parmigiana This dish is very near and dearto our hearts. ", "It was taught to us a bywonderful woman by the name of Madalena in Piemonte, Italy. ", "She housed many of the chefs going to the local chef school in her home town of Asti; one of them was Mario Folco.", "\n\nWe change our fish special daily to make sure we give you the bestquality and freshness we can find\n\nmarket price\n\nBAMBINI MENU\n\nThis menu is designed for children under 10 years old.", "We take such pride in serving our children the best, and we are so happy to do the same for yours! ", "Each children's meal is served with a choice of drink and then finished with gelato.", "\n\nThey used to make great pizza however the last few times my wife and I went the dough was over salted then it tasted old then last night we went to give it one more try and on the one night a week they serve pizza the dough wasn't even ready, and it was 6pm\n\nUsually go to Fol...\n\nUsually go to Folcos for lunch when the food and service are excellent.", "\nWent for dinner at 8pm. ", "Long wait for anyone to greet me at the door. ", "Long wait to get anyone to take my order. ", "Food - lemon chicken and escargots appetizer were excellent. ", "No refill of water until meal was finished and I asked. ", "Long wait after meal was completed. ", "No one ever asked how the meal was. ", "Bill was presented before I had a chance to order a coffee and to see a dessert menu. ", "Ordered a coffee and a lemon gelato and received orange. ", "Finished coffee - no refill. ", "Still waiting for bill as I write this.", "\n\nTastes Like Italy!", "\n\nWe had the best Thin crusted Pizza ever!", "\nWe tried Folco's at lunch last week...they said they bring in there own Flour from Naples, Italy for there Pizza......So we were so impressed by the taste, atmosphere and the service, we went back for Dinner.", "\nWell, I don't know about you but Folco's is a \"Gem\" of a Ristorante, in Markham...........the Specials were verbally told to us and that made it even more cosy. ", "It's a 2 room dinning area, with warming Italian music, and the pasta tasted so much like my grandmother's! ", "Make sure you reserve a table.....I know I'm going to bring all my family, friends and business associates..........Bravo Folco's!!....Bravo!", "\n\nThe Best!", "\n\nSimply the best Italian restaurant in Markham! ", "Very nice ambience with excellent service. ", "I have had large group events and couple deals at Folco's and this restaurant always rises to the occasion. ", "Thanks!", "\n\nAlways excellent\n\nOver the last few years my wife and I have been to Folco's half a dozen times and have never been disappointed. ", "The calamari appetizer is probably the best calamari we have ever had. ", "None of the entrees have ever disappointed - the handmade pastas, fish, veal, or lamb. ", "The service is always great. ", "Every time we're tempted to go downtown Toronto for a nice meal, we think... why? ", "with Folco's right around the corner.", "\nLast time we were there, we paid about $160 for 2, including appetizers, entrees, 1/2 L wine, dessert, coffees and tip.", "\n\nI've been to Folco's several time and have never...\n\nI've been to Folco's several time and have never been disappointed by the food or service until our most recent visit.", "\nWe were seated on the patio and the waitress actually used our menus to brush crumbs off the table right in front of us.", "\nThe penne was bland and had about a third as much prosciutto as it did on my previous visits. ", "My girlfriend said her fettucine was dry and tasted like michelinas. ", "A few friends had mentioned similar complaints recently that I didn't listen to but I'm sorry I didn't\n\nA Candlelight Feast\nSix of us were on our way...\n\nA Candlelight Feast\nSix of us were on our way to Folco’s shortly after a brief but violent storm had ripped through the GTA. ", "Were we crazy to drive all that way on a stormy night? ", "Some of the stop lights were out on Highway 48. “", "How if the restaurant has no power?” ", "we said jokingly as we drove. ", "And when we arrived, guess what – the restaurant had no power.", "\nBut Folco’s had risen to the challenge. ", "As we were welcomed at the door, we were advised that we would need cash to pay for our meal, since the credit card machines were not working. ", "We counted up our cash and found that between us we could just manage it. ", "The restaurant was lit by candles, creating a gracious ambience, though as it got darker outside it became difficult to see – this was more of a problem for the wait staff than for us.", "\nIn the kitchen they were cooking by gas – a few menu items, like calamari, that require electricity were unavailable. ", "No electricity also meant no air conditioning. ", "We heard that it was a hundred degrees in the kitchen, and still the cooks kept cooking and the meals kept coming.", "\nThere are several good cooks among the six of us, and when we go out to eat our expectations are high. ", "Here are our individual critiques:\n“The appetizers were good” – we shared bruschetta and a seafood platter.", "\n“My veal chop was cooked just as requested and the accompanying gnocchi was perfect.”", "\n“A couple of us ate the Asiago Pasta dish. ", "It was so good, but then I find their pasta dishes are always good, mainly because the pasta is always freshly homemade. ", "What a difference!”", "\n“I had the Veal Marsala – something I don’t cook at home. ", "It came with a fine pasta (angel hair?), ", "cooked to perfection.”", "\n“I like their seafood pasta dishes and their ‘catch of the day’ type meals. ", "Their Italian wines are always excellent, especially the red wines.” ", "Folco's has a compact list of well-selected wines.", "\n“The wait staff are always so attentive and helpful and no slouch at their job. ", "In this instance they outdid themselves because of the power situation, and the staff, especially in the kitchen, is to be commended.”", "\nWithout electricity, coffee and tea were impracticable, and under the circumstances the restaurant did not offer dessert. ", "But we had eaten and drunk well and were satisfied. ", "A memorable evening indeed!", "\n\nA Nightmare!!!!", "\nWe had my daughter's Communion...\n\nA Nightmare!!!!", "\nWe had my daughter's Communion party there early this past Saturday evening. ", "Upon our arrival, the restaurant had no power yet they did not explain how the evening would be altered. ", "We sat there for over an hour with just drinks!! ", "By then it became dark out. ", "My guests (totaling 19) with babies and the elderly became anxious due to the poor air quality from the lack of ventilation and the heat from the tea lights. ", "I had to remind the owner/server to serve the food. ", "During dessert/gift opening, we needed the lantern to be able to see the gifts and each other's faces, however the lantern was promptly taken away with 5 minutes of use with no explanation. ", "Upon raising this issue with the owner, I was told that the lantern was needed to prepare for the next day's functions. ", "Well what about my function????!!!!These people couldn't have given a damn about us. ", "We felt very rushed as they kept clearing the tables and removing cutlery and water glasses. ", "Never mind the fact that coffee was not an option due to the power outage. ", "Shouldn't a restaurant conducting business at least be backed by a generator??!! ", "When it came time to settle the bill they made no attempts to apologize for the pathetic service, the poor air quality and the lack of light. ", "Although we paid our entire bill without any discount, we communicated our disappointment with the owner after our guests shared their negative experience with us. ", "Unfortunately Mario (the owner)did not see it our way and didn't apologize. ", "Aside from the fact that the food was adequate my event was ruined. ", "My daughter deserved a much better evening. ", "Do yourself a favor: DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY AT THIS SMALLTIME RESTAURANT.", "\n\nThe service was excellent; the staff were...\n\nThe service was excellent; the staff were extremely pleasant and amiable. ", "Our waiter made excellent suggestions and very helpful.", "\nThe food was fantastic; I ordered the veal strip with gnochi special, and it was better than what you'd get at a stakehouse; not to mention the generous helping of pasta.", "\nRecommend this for anyone looking for a great value meal and wonderful night out.", "\n\nMemories of Tuscany\n\nOne of the best meals we have had since we were in Italy. ", "Great ambiance, excellant service. ", "The chicken was out of this world. ", "Lamb was done to perfection with a delicious crust. ", "pasta are made in house, sauces are authenic. ", "You can smell the aromas throughout the restaurant. ", "Cant't wait to return\n\nHomemade pasta\n\nSuch a romantic restaurant which is good for couples to enjoy their meals here. ", "Overall, Fresh Mussels was the best among the things that I have ordered. ", "Pasta was good but not the best unfortunately. ", "The waiters were nice and caring. ", "In addition, remember to ask for the daily special, they have really a lot specials that were not printed in the menu.", "\n\nExcellent service, good food and ambience\n\nWe were six friends having a reunion. ", "The staff greeted us as we entered and gave us a good table. ", "Service was attentive throughout. ", "The waitress made good wine suggestions with the different entrees. ", "The food was well prepared and served promptly. ", "Chef Mario Folco came to our table near the end of dinner to inquire about everything and posed for a group picture with us.", "\n\nExcellent dinner\n\nThe salad was fresh and well prepared. ", "The pasta was great. ", "The lamb chop speccial was really excellent....compliments to the chef. ", "It really was a very nice evening. ", "Our waitress was pleasant and efficient. ", "We will be there again.", "\n\nFANTASTIC\n\nWOW great place...a real gem in the heart of markham. ", "I must say it is worth the drive to folcos. ", "We had great wine, service and food. ", "We sat on the patio and it was so nice. ", "There was a band next door and the chattering of many happy people around us..great atmosphere....if you like authentic Italian with a a modern twist...you shouldn't miss out eating here..." ]
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[ "Protect your equipment and productivity with extended service plans from Wasp Barcode. ", "Wasp service plans double the original warranty period to a total of 2-years and provides 48-hour turnaround on repairs.", "\n\nThe extended service plan covers:\n\nCables, batteries, and power supplies\n\nMaterial, parts, and labor\n\nNormal wear and use\n\nAccidental breakage\n\nConsumables, including printheads, are not covered under the WaspProtect service plan" ]
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[ "Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton\n\nThe Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) is a large and long serving hospital in the Canadian province of Alberta. ", "Operated by Alberta Health Services and located north of Edmonton's downtown core, the Royal Alexandra serves a diverse community stretching from Downtown Edmonton to western and northern Canada. ", "The total catchment area for the RAH is equivalent to 1/3 of Canada’s land mass; stretching north from Downtown Edmonton to enpass both the Northwest Territories & Yukon territory, and stretching as far west as British Columbia's pacific coast.", "\n\nThey operate 869 beds, and care for more than 500,000 patients annually. ", "The Royal Alexandra is Western Canada's biggest and busiest hospital. ", "The RAH is home to the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, the Eye Institute of Alberta, the C.K. Hui Heart Centre, and the Indigenous Health Program, the Orthopedic Surgery Centre, the Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery, the Weight Wise Clinic, and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program in addition to a wide range of child, adult and geriatric programs and services.", "\n\nSeveral University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry departments are headquartered in the Royal Alexandra Hospital including Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences and Obstetrics & Gynecology.", "\n\nCentres of Medical Excellence\nThe Royal Alexandra Hospital is home to four medical centres.", "\n\nThe Eye Institute of Alberta\nThe Eye Institute of Alberta offers specialized care and treatment for a variety of ophthalmologic conditions. ", "This institute is the only hospital-based comprehensive eye treatment centre in Northern Alberta treating patients from across Western Canada and the Northern Territories.", "\n\nCK Hui Heart Centre \nThe CK Hui Heart Centre specializes in the non-surgical treatment of coronary artery disease, as well as interventional cardiology. ", "The Centre performs minimally invasive interventional cardiac procedures and host a number of progressive programs focusing on prevention, stabilization, multicultural needs, rehabilitation, maternal heart health and angina.", "\n\nOrthopedic Surgery Centre\nThe Orthopedic Surgery Centre is dedicated solely to hip and knee replacement. ", "With four operating suites and more than 50 beds, the Orthopedic Surgery Centre performs more than 4,000 joint surgeries a year.", "\n\nLois Hole Hospital for Women \nThe Lois Hole Hospital for Women is Alberta’s only dedicated women’s hospital offering high risk obstetrical and maternal care as well as surgical treatment for women of all ages and in all stages of life. ", "Over 7500 babies are born at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women each year. ", "The hospital has six operating rooms for obstetrics and gynecological procedures. ", "Each operating room is designed specifically for women’s health procedures.. The Hospital is home to Canada’s first da Vinci surgical robot dedicated to women’s health allowing for minimally invasive urogynecological and gynecological surgeries..\n\nAdditional Medical Centres\n\nCentre for the Advancement of Minimally Invasive Surgery\nThe Centre for the Advancement of Minimally Invasive Surgery (CAMIS) is a teaching facility providing surgical training and education for nurses, medical students, residents, surgeons and allied health providers. ", "CAMIS provides a place for research in the clinical experience and improvements of minimally invasive surgery.", "\n\nAlberta Thoracic Oncology Program\nThe Alberta Thoracic Oncology Program (ATOP) operates a Rapid Access Clinic at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. ", "This program is for patients with lung cancer.", "\n\nHistory\nThe Royal Alexandra Hospital is named after Queen Alexandra (1844–1925), consort of King Edward VII, the King of Canada from 1901 until his death in 1910. ", " It was granted the \"Royal\" prefix by Edward in 1907.", "\n\nThe Royal Alexandra Hospital opened in 1899 at 97th Street and 103A Avenue as the Edmonton General Hospital. ", "It was designed to hold 25 patients. ", "The costs of opening the hospital were funded by the Women's Auxiliary.", "\nIn 1912, a new \"modern\" facility was opened on the northside of 111 Avenue between 101 and 103 Street. ", "Costs for this facility were estimated to be $150,000. ", "Built for a city of 31,000, the new hospital had a bed capacity of 150. ", "In 1922 plans were drawn for the isolation hospital which was constructed directly behind the Royal Alexandra Hospital, and provided another 100 beds.", "\n\nIn 1959 construction of a new complex for the Royal Alex began. ", "The new building was erected across from the then site of the Royal Alexandra Hospital on Kingsway Avenue, and 102nd Street. ", "The new complex cost approximately $9,000,000, and was to have a capacity of 600 beds. ", " Upon completion in 1963, patients were transported to the new complex through a tunnel which connected the two facilities. ", "\nIn 1963 the 500‐bed Active Treatment Pavilion was opened. ", "In 1967 the Children’s Pavilion was established, with Princess Alexandra of Kent (cousin of Queen Elizabeth II) cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremonies. ", "The Children’s Pavilion linked the Active Treatment Pavilion with the Women’s (Maternity) Pavilion. ", "As of 1969, the Royal Alexandra had a bed capacity of 924.", "\n\nThe new Emergency Centre was opened in 1993, followed by the Diagnostic Treatment Centre, which housed the Intensive Care Unit, and the Coronary Care Unit. ", "The School of Nursing officially closed on March 29, 1996.", "\n\nIn 2010, the Lois Hole Hospital for Women was opened as a hospital within a hospital.", "\n\nHarm Reduction\nThe Royal Alexandra Hospital opened the first hospital-based safe consumption site in North America in 2018. ", "The site is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but is available for hospital patients only. ", "The in-hospital resources are able to serve six patients at any given time. ", "It is staffed by nurses, and patients have access to their doctor, counsellors, social workers and peer-support workers to connect them with resources like mental health support, social supports and opioid-dependency treatment.", "\n\nCurrent Challenges \nSeveral reports released by Alberta Health Services (and Capital Health prior to the establishment of AHS) have listed the Royal Alexandra Hospital as a priority health need with many of the campus buildings not able to provide adequate patient measures for patient safety, privacy and dignity..\n\nThe Active Treatment Centre inpatient tower – which currently houses over 500 inpatient beds – “is truly obsolete and requires replacement.” ", " Rooms in this building often house four to five patients. ", "The current HVAC and electrical infrastructure is too old to be updated and there is frequent electrical fires and flooding.", "\n\nThe Emergency Department requires a major expansion to meet its current workload. ", "There is a shortage of Observation (Intermediate Care/Monitored) Beds throughout the facility that affects all programs. ", "Surgery can be cancelled due to shortage of Observation Beds & movement of patients out of Emergency and ICU can be obstructed by lack of available beds. ", "Psychiatry programs for children, adolescents and adults are all in substandard spaces that present risks to patients and to staff. ", "The outpatient clinic is small and doesn’t have needed spaces. ", "Initial patient assessments and some patient recovery take place in hallways. ", "The Bridging Unit and Transition Units are in very poor quality spaces that do not meet the needs of vulnerable, frail elderly patients. ", "There are large psychiatry/mental health populations served by RAH but there are insufficient or inadequate spaces for program delivery. ", "\n\nUnder Premier Jim Prentice’s Progressive Conservative Party, Hon. ", "Stephen Mendel, made the announcement that the Royal Alexandra Hospital would receive the funding needed to rebuild; however, the Progressive Conservative Party lost the provincial election months after this announcement and the allocation of this funding to the Royal Alexandra Hospital was temporarily removed by Premier Rachel Notley’s New Democratic Party in 2015 in order to reassess all capital region hospitals as a whole despite campaigning on the inadequacies of the facility.", "\n\nIn 2017, the Government of Alberta announced that more than $520 Million had been allocated to the Royal Alexandra Hospital campus as part of a $1 Billion investment in Alberta hospitals. ", "The two major projects funded at the Royal Alexandra include $155-Million for a brand new child and youth mental health building; and $364-Million for an overhaul of CapitalCare Norwood. ", "The latter project will increase the number of enhanced, long-term care beds from 205 to 350 at Norwood.", "\n\nFoundation\nThe Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation was started in 1984 to support the Royal Alexandra Hospital. ", "The Foundation is accredited by Imagine Canada and is managed by a Board of Directors. ", "The Foundation has been involved in a variety of major campaigns for the Royal Alexandra Hospital site such as the building of Robbins Pavilion, the CK Hui Heart Centre, and renovations to the Eye Institute of Alberta. ", "The Foundation also works with and funds research that is occurring on the hospital site and works with community organizations to support the inner city patient population.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Certified airports in Alberta\nCategory:Edmonton Metropolitan Region\nCategory:Heliports in Canada\nCategory:Hospitals established in 1899\nCategory:Hospitals in Edmonton" ]
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[ "FIG. ", "1 shows a construction of a conventional RAKE receiver. ", "As shown, assuming that signals received from various paths and antennas are entered through independent paths, each finger controls each of the signals.", "\nRadio frequency analog signals received by the M′-number of antennas 100 are converted into baseband digital signals at a RF analog to baseband digital converter 110. ", "Then, the converted signals are inputted into a signal searcher 120 and a signal controller 130, respectively. ", "The signal searcher 120 searches the intensity of the received signals and then informs the result to the signal controller 130 and fingers 140, respectively. ", "Meanwhile, the signal controller 130 sends the signals received by the M′-number of antennas 100 to the fingers 140, one by one, according to information from the signal searcher 120.", "\nIn the above-mentioned conventional RAKE receiver, the complexity of the fingers becomes increased linearly depending on the number of the signal paths to be combined since one finger processes a single signal. ", "Thereby, if the number of the signal paths is increased in order to increase the performance of the receiver, there arises a problem that the complexity of the receiver is further severe.", "\nAs one option to solve these problems, there has been proposed a thesis “A RECEIVER OF SIMPLE STRUCTURE FOR ANTENNA ARRAY CDMA SYSTEMS” by J. Choi, IEEE Trans. ", "Vehic. ", "Techn, Vol 48, No. ", "5, pp 1332-1340, 1999, which discloses that signals from various antennas and signals received via various paths are processed by only one finger. ", "In the proposed receiver, when the signals are processed, they are processed at a time using time-space two-dimensional filtering scheme. ", "However, there is a problem that the amount of calculation is increased since the coefficients of the filters must be calculated every symbols." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nmediaelement js says that webm file is damaged and can not be played\n\nI'm having a problem with mediaelement js and webm files in FF. ", "I have converted a mp4 vide into a webm file, and made it available on my server. ", "I'm using the code below. ", "\n<video width=\"320\" id=\"player1\" height=\"240\" controls=\"controls\">\n<source type=\"video/webm\" src=\"somefile.webm\" />\n<source type=\"video/ogg\" src=\"somefile.ogv\" />\n<source type=\"video/mp4\" src=\"somefile.mp4\" />\n<-- there is also a flash fallback which is working fine in FF, but I've removed it here to simplify the example -->\n</video>\n\nThis works fine in all browsers except Firefox. ", "It tells me that the file is damaged and can not be played. ", "But, if i open firebug and open the webm-file by selecting \"Open in new tab\" - the video is loaded from my server and played correctly - in Firefox.", "\nIs there anyone else who has come across the same problem and knows a solution to it? ", "I've been searching, but i seem only to find answers saying that the file doesn't have the correct mime-type. ", "I don't think that's the problem in my situation, since it plays very well in FF when i open it in a new tab, and not playing through mediaelement js. ", "\nEdit: The response headers in firefox, for the file that is \"damaged\" says \"Content-Type video/webm\"\n\nA:\n\nSeems like the server did not set the correct Content-Type after all. ", "I got it fixed, and now it works like a charm.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "New Workshop for making Flags\n\nFriday, 29 March 2013\n\nThank you so much for a truly wonderful day. ", "I felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety at the beginning of the day, but this soon dispersed and I became totally absorbed in the silk painting. ", "Everyone's painting was so different and we were all delighted with our finished painting. ", "I thought you were a great teacher and inspired us all with confidence. ", "The lunch was delicious too!", "\n\nFriday, 22 March 2013\n\nAnother brill day making flags with Charlotte, we got loads done thanks to our fabulous helpers , Eileen and Chris and so many other businesses and community groups signing up for their ownnext workshops are on Monday 25 Tuesday 26 and Saturday 30 March 10- 4 if you fancy doing some sewing\n\nTuesday, 12 March 2013\n\nA freezing cold day in Crediton , but a lovely lad from Gee's Electrics helped us out with a ladder to try hanging the flags to see what they look like outside - less wind and more sunshine would have been good ! ", "However they are looking good don't you think?", "\n\nBridget's Butterfly Flag\n\nWe have added in another Saturday Flag making workshop 30 March over the Easter weekend\n\nSunday, 10 March 2013\n\nThe first Flag workshop got off to a flying start with lots of lovely volunteers who came and helped us to get started , many more offers of help and interest in getting other flags made came along as well. ", "Next Workshop Monday 11 March 10-4 come and find out more Dates and more information are on the credfest web site http://credfest.co.uk/index.php/?page_id=310\n\nWednesday, 6 March 2013\n\nYesterday was the real start of the Crediton Flag project with Charlotte and myself going to work with Veronica and Andrea in Moretonhampstead to be trained in the Art of Flag making - what fun to be able to make your own flag! ", "Workshops in Crediton start on Saturday 9 March 10 - 4 in what was Treloars Delicatessen Shop in the High street- come and see what we are up to - we are also there on Monday 11 March - watch this space for further dates !", "\n\nNext Silk Painting Courses Available\n\nPages\n\nShaptor Studio B & B\n\nI am Lead Artist for the Granite Elements Project Celebrating the Granite Tramway in Bovey Tracey. ", "I am a Community Artist. ", "At my Studio I run workshops in Textiles, mainly Silk painting,New workshop Sun Printing I also have 2 double B and B rooms so you can come and stay and do a Workshop as well. ", "Part of the deal is a tasty home made lunch.", "\nFlags are fantastic ways of brightening up an event or a Festival contact me if you are interested in having some." ]
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[ "Marc Porel\n\nMarc Michel Marrier de Lagatinerie (3 January 1949 – 15 August 1983), known professionally as Marc Porel, was a Swiss-born French film actor. ", "He appeared in 40 films between 1967 and 1983.", "\n\nLife \nMarc Michel Marrier de Lagatinerie was born in Lausanne, Switzerland on 3 January 1949, the son of Jacqueline Porel (1918–2012), an actress and granddaughter of Gabrielle Réjane, and Gérard Landry, an actor. ", " He had three half siblings, one from his mothers previous marriages to Henri Salvador, brother Jean-Marie Périer, and two from her marriage to actor François Périer, brother Jean-Pierre and sister Anne-Marie. ", "\n\nHe was married twice, first to French model Bénédicte Lacoste, with whom he had a daughter. ", "They divorced, and he remarried to Italian actress Barbara Magnolfi and had a daughter with her. ", "\n\nPorel died in Casablanca on 15 August 1983 of Meningitis. ", "He is buried at Passy Cemetery in Paris with his family.", "\n\nFilmography\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1949 births\nCategory:1983 deaths\nCategory:Burials at Passy Cemetery\nCategory:People from Lausanne\nCategory:French male film actors\nCategory:20th-century French male actors" ]
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[ "A novel epigenetic mechanism regulating hyaluronan production in pancreatic cancer cells.", "\nPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by an abundant stroma enriched with hyaluronan (HA), a major component of extracellular matrix known to play a critical role in tumor progression. ", "The mechanisms that regulate HA synthesis in PDAC are poorly understood. ", "To investigate whether DNA methylation and HA production from PDAC cells are associated, we studied the effect of 5-aza-2'-deoxycitidine (5-aza-dC), an inhibitor of DNA methylation, or DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) knockdown by small interfering RNA, on the HA production from PDAC cells. ", "HA production into the conditioned medium was evaluated in PDAC cells treated with 5-aza-dC or DNMT1 knockdown. ", "mRNA expression of HA synthase (HAS) genes was investigated by real-time RT-PCR. ", "Treatment of PDAC cells with 5-aza-dC led to a significant increase in the HA production (up to 2.5-fold increase) in all 4 cell lines tested. ", "This enhanced HA production by 5-aza-dC treatment was accompanied by increased mRNA expression of HAS2 and HAS3. ", "Furthermore, increased HA production and HAS2/HAS3 mRNA expression was also observed in PDAC cells by knockdown of DNMT1. ", "These findings provide evidence, for the first time, that epigenetic mechanism is involved in the regulation of HA synthesis in PDAC cells." ]
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[ "Consumption rate and functional response of the predaceous mite Kampimodromus aberrans to two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae in the laboratory.", "\nPrey stage preference of female Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) (Phytoseiidae) at constant densities of different stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Tetranychidae), functional response types and parameters of the predator females to the varying densities of eggs, larvae, protonymphs and deutonymps of T. urticae were determined in order to establish its potential for the mite biological control. ", "Experiments were conducted at 25 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 10% RH and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod. ", "Our results indicated that the predator consumed significantly more prey larvae than other prey stages. ", "Functional response type of predator was determined by a logistic regression model. ", "The predator exhibited a Type II response on all prey stages. ", "The attack rate (α) and handling time (T ( h )) coefficients of a Type II response were estimated by fitting a \"random-predator\" equation to the data. ", "The lowest estimated value α and the highest value of T ( h ) (including digestion) were obtanined for the predator feeding on deutonmph. ", "The lowest value of T ( h ) were obtained for the predator feeding on prey larvae, but the attack rate value obtained on larva wasn't different than that obtained on egg and protonymph. ", "According to our results, K. aberrans could be an efficient biological control agent of T. urticae at least at low prey densities. ", "However, further field based studies are needed to draw firm conclusions." ]
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[ "Usefulness of tenderness to characterise fibromyalgia severity in women.", "\nTo investigate the usefulness of tenderness (tender points count (TPC) and algometer score) to characterise fibromyalgia (FM) severity and symptomatology in women. ", "The study sample comprised 174 women aged 51±7 years. ", "We ossesse tenderness using pressure algometry; quality of life by means of the Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). ", "We used the FM impact questionnaire (FIQ) to assess FM severity and symptomatology. ", "Patients were categorised according to three FIQ-derived categories: FIQ<70 vs. ≥70; FIQ<59 vs. ≥59; and FM-type I and II. ", "TPC was significantly higher in the group of patients with FIQ≥59 (16.9±2 vs. 15.6±4, p=0.02), whereas no differences between groups were observed according to FIQ≥70 (17.0±2 vs. 16.2±3, p=0.12) or FM type (16.8±3 for type II vs. 15.9±4 for type I, p=0.13). ", "We observed a significant association between TPC and FIQ-job difficulty, pain, morning tiredness and stiffness dimensions (all p<0.05), yet it was not correlated with total score of FIQ, FIQ-anxiety, fatigue and depression dimensions (all p>0.05). ", "Algometer score was lower in the FIQ≥70 (45.7±12 vs. 51.1±14, p=0.05) and FIQ≥59 (46.7±13 vs. 52.7±14, p=0.05) groups, and there were no difference between FM types (48.7±13 vs. 49.5±14 for type II and I respectively, p=0.81). ", "Algometer score was not associated with total score of FIQ or FIQ dimensions (all p≥0.1). ", "Widespread pain and pain hypersensitivity, as measured by TPC and algometer score, do not seem to be useful to characterise FM severity and symptomatology (measured by FIQ) in women." ]
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[ "Role of vascular decongestion in ischemic acute renal failure defined by postinsult administration of pentoxifylline.", "\nThe patholophysiologic significance of vascular congestion in the mechanism of ischemic acute renal failure following postocclusive reflow was studied with a novel hemorheologic probe, pentoxifylline. ", "Using the autoperfused rat kidney model, inulin clearances (CIN), urine flow rates (UFR), renal electrolyte excretions, and renal hemodynamic parameters (RVR, RBP, RBF) were compared in saline- and pentoxifylline-treated anesthetized rats prior to and following a 45-min occlusive period. ", "Renal functional and hemodynamic parameters were significantly altered in saline controls. ", "In contrast, postischemia treatment with pentoxifylline was associated with significant recovery in CIN and UFR, and stable RVR, RBF, and RBP. ", "Kidneys treated with saline infusion had pronounced vascular congestion, in contrast to those administered pentoxifylline. ", "Coupled with the absence in medullary hyperemia, the present experiments support the role of vascular congestion in ischemic acute renal failure. ", "Pentoxifylline, administered in pharmacologic doses after the insult, provided benefit during the initiation phase of postischemic acute renal failure. ", "These data strengthen the opinion that ischemic insult results in vascular congestion, and that restoration of blood flow will prevent further deterioration in renal function." ]
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[ "Intel May Use External USB 3.0 to Enable USB 3.0 - Rumours.", "\n\nSince Intel Corp.'s next-generation core-logic sets for mainstream desktops do not support USB 3.0 natively, the company plans to add an external controller to reference designs of future mainboards due out early next year.", "\n\nIn a bid not to comply with contemporary de-facto standards for interconnection technologies, Intel plans to install SuperSpeed USB controllers from third-party suppliers onto reference designs of mainboards based on Intel 6-series core-logic sets (code-named Cougar Point), which do not support USB 3.0 natively, reports Chinese-language Commercial Times news-paper (which report was partly translated by DigiTimes web-site). ", "The motherboards will support Intel's next-generation Sandy Bridge processors in LGA1155 form-factor.", "\n\nMany manufacturers of mainboards have already installed external USB 3.0 controllers to provide appropriate functionality for users, who already have devices that can take advantage of the interconnection standard with up to 480Mb/s of bandwidth. ", "Intel's main rival Advanced Micro Devices plans to support SuperSpeed USB natively by its future core-logic sets due in 2011.", "\n\nAccording to analysts, digital photo cameras and camcoders are among the first mass consumer electronics devices to take advantage of USB 3.0. ", "At present some external hard drives, solid-state drives and USB memory sticks support the SuperSpeed USB. ", "Installation of external USB 3.0 controllers onto reference designs of forthcoming mainboards will indisputably speed up adoption of the new standard." ]
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[ "\"I'll be home around 4:00.\" \"", "I need help carving these pumpkins.\" \" ", "Who is that?\" \" ", "It's Marie Antoinette.\" \"", "I'm doing a famous French figures theme this year.\" \"", "I'm hitting the gym.\" \"", "Well, make sure you wear a condom.\" \"", "And pick me up some Gala apples.\" \"", "I thought these Golden Delicious would look dramatic in the bobbing bucket; they just look dull and depressing.\" \"", "There's no contrast.\" \"", "Why would I wear a condom at the gym?\" \"", "Maybe because you're screwing that twink trainer of yours.\" \"", "And I need gourds.\" \"", "I'm going to hang them on the tree out front, spray-paint them, and they're going to be these clever little organic ghosts.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "I am.\" \" ", "You are what?\" \" ", "Screwing my trainer.\" \"", "You know what else?\" \"", "He's a power bottom.\" \"", "He loves it.\" \"", "First of all, please remember our agreement:\" \"don't ask, don't tell.\" \"", "Secondly, is this crass admission supposed to... hurt me?\" \"", "At this point with you,\" \"I'm bulletproof.\" \"", "And I need some dry ice.\" \"", "Have you picked out a costume yet?\" \"", "Why are you doing this?\" \"", "Because there's gonna be a party here in three days.\" \"", "This is all bullshit, this is all bullshit!\" \"", "Everything we've become is bullshit!\" \"", "I don't give a shit about carving pumpkins.\" \"", "I want love,\" \"I want passion, I want a relationship with a man, not Martha Stewart!\" \"", "Then leave!\" \"", "I forgot, you can't.\" \"", "Because all of your money and mine is in this house that we agreed to flip and make a mint on, and now we can't because the economy is in the shitter.\" \"", "Do you think I like carving 20 pumpkins and getting squash guts under my nails?\" \"", "I am trying here!\" \"", "I'm trying to make this place warm and inviting and spectacular and have this Halloween party shot by Elle friggin' Decor so someone will see it and swoop in and take this place off our hands, and then I can feel free\" \"to fall in love with a 25-year old who has great biceps.\" \"", "So get off my back, carve a goddamn pumpkin, go get a goddamn outfit and man up.\" \"", "I can't believe this is who we've become.\" \"", "Halloqueens arguing over pumpkins.\" \"", "We wanted to have a baby.\" \"", "We were going to have this... great life.\" \"", "Red is wrong.\" \"", "It has to be green.\" \"", "Funny.\" \"", "It's good, actually.\" \"", "It's very... scary, sexy.\" \"", "Come help me with these bats.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I'm sorry for everything-- my attitude, my low sex drive.\" \"", "It's probably low testosterone from stress.\" \"", "I'm seeing a doctor next week.\" \"", "Did you get the apples?\" \"", "This is unacceptable, Marcy.\" \"", "One person has seen the house in two weeks.\" \"", "And she didn't even stay for the whole tour because she was so spooked out by it.\" \"", "You need to do something.\" \"", "Don't put the blame on Mame here, Mr. Harmon.\" \"", "This house has an image problem, it's as simple as that.\" \"", "Fix that problem and this property will sell real fast.\" \"", "What are we supposed to do?\" \"", "I think we need a fluffer here.\" \"", "A what?\" \"", "Fluffers.\" \"", "People we can hire to come in at a nominal fee and give a dash of style and élan to this place.\" \"", "We have style.\" \"", "Everybody thinks they have style, and everybody thinks they're funny.\" \"", "Most people aren't.\" \"", "That's why in my business we have fluffers.\" \"", "They come in, they rent some accessories, karate chop a few throw pillows, make this home look like a magazine spread.\" \"", "It's Halloween.\" \"", "Imagine the mileage you would get if you could decorate your front porch with divine cheery pumpkins.\" \"", "Lots of happy trick-or-treaters means parents who talk to their friends, means more looky-loos, means better PR.\" \"", "I heard you were egged last night, Mr. Harmon.\" \"", "Happy Halloween, asshole!\" \"", "Get out of here!\" \"", "Little shit!\" \"", "Why did you tell her that?\" \"", "You know, on this one topic, I agree with her.\" \"", "We have an image problem.\" \"", "We are on the murder house tour, for God's sakes.\" \"", "Marcy, do you know any of these fluffers?\" \"", "Can you get one for us immediately?\" \"", "Yes, a wonderful English lady, a real pro, but she's more expensive than the young gay fellow I know.\" \"", "Let's go with the gay fellow.\" \" ", "Gay fellow.\" \" ", "I'll call the fluffer.\" \"", "Halloween comes from the Celtic holiday of Samhain.\" \"", "It commemorated the end of the harvest festival.\" \"", "They celebrated it to ward off their fears.\" \"", "The Celtic dudes believed that on October 31, the boundary separating the realms of the living and dead disappeared and the dead could walk amongst the living.\" \"", "That's why people dress up, to scare away the ghosts.\" \"", "No way I ever want to be a ghost.\" \"", "It's so sad.\" \"", "What are you going to dress up as this year, Addy?\" \"", "Are you blushing?\" \"", "Look at you.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "I think that's a hell of a costume.\" \"", "I tell you you could eat all my chocolate chips?\" \"", "I was gonna make cookies out of those later, but now someone's gonna have to run down to the Korean to get some more.\" \"", "I'll go.\" \"", "Get me a carton of Pall Malls.\" \"", "I'll use the change to fill up my bike, cool?\" \"", "Bye.\" \"", "What do you think you're doing?\" \"", "You know how to read.\" \"", "You just like mooning over him.\" \"", "You remember what happened to the last one?\" \"", "It wasn't like that.\" \"", "He was just reading.\" \"", "One minute he's reading, the next minute his hand is down your pants.\" \"", "He smells better than the last one.\" \"", "What did you say?\" \"", "Now, you listen to me good, little girl.\" \"", "I have given every inch of my life to you for the last 30 some years.\" \"", "I would kill or die for you.\" \"", "But I will not share the affections of the men\" \"I bring into this house with any woman.\" \"", "You understand?\" \"", "What's this?\" \"", "Halloween.\" \"", "What did you tell him you wanted to go dressed up as?\" \"", "You and your boyfriend keeping secrets now?\" \"", "I want to go as her.\" \"", "As a pretty girl.\" \"", "You can go as Snoopy again.\" \"", "The costume will still fit if you lay off those chocolate chips.\" \"", "Not Snoopy again.\" \"", "You'll go as Snoopy or not at all.\" \"", "And when Travis comes back, send him upstairs.\" \"", "And no more of this.\" \"", "The dead can walk freely on Halloween.\" \"", "We've always known that.\" \"", "Trick or treat!\" \"", "What are you doing here?\" \"", "Trick or treat?\" \"", "It's Halloweek.\" \"", "I do the full seven days.\" \"", "It's the only time I can really be myself.\" \"", "So, just pop the thousand dollars in the pumpkin here and nobody will be the wiser.\" \"", "Get off my property now.\" \"", "Or what?\" \"", "You'll call the cops?\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "I just might.\" \"", "I didn't do anything.\" \"", "No?\" \"", "Well, that gazebo in the backyard sure went up pretty darn quick.\" \"", "I have to wonder if you got all the proper permits.\" \"", "Maybe somebody should place a call to the city's inspector and have him come down here and check it out.\" \"", "What's under that gazebo is what you did.\" \"", "But what's inside what's under that gazebo is what you did.\" \"", "That is not my baby in there.\" \"", "Vivien finds that out, your family is over.\" \"", "Now... give me my treat.\" \"", "You don't want the trick.\" \"", "I'm done talking.\" \"", "I have a patient.\" \"", "And I have patience.\" \"", "But there is a limit.\" \"", "I've agreed to this meeting because we need to clarify a few things.\" \"", "Firstly, the psychiatrist that I recommended to you, Dr. Goldman, said you never showed up for the first appointment and you never called to cancel.\" \"", "I don't want to see anyone but you.\" \"", "We've discussed why that won't work.\" \"", "Which brings me to my next question.\" \"", "We're very grateful to you, Tate, for how you helped my family.\" \"", "But you need to explain here and now what you were doing in this house at the time of the break-in.\" \"", "The truth is\" \"I was just, like, hanging around outside, and I was, I was throwing pebbles at her window.\" \"", "But she blew me off.\" \"", "And then I noticed that the door was unlocked, so I... went inside.\" \"", "It's not cool, I know.\" \"", "I understand.\" \"", "But this is why I can't treat you.\" \"", "It's inappropriate for everyone concerned.\" \"", "I really need your help.\" \"", "I don't want to be like this.\" \"", "I want to be a good person.\" \"", "And I know that you can help me.\" \"", "You're the one, okay?\" \"", "You're the only one that I can trust.\" \"", "I cannot see you in this house.\" \"", "Look, I have an opening.\" \"", "I'll meet you someplace for coffee, but you have to promise me...\" \"I promise you.\" \"", "Promise.\" \"", "No more weird shit, okay?\" \"", "This is your control panel.\" \"", "It operates one of the 15 window and door sensors.\" \"", "You're also gonna get this infrared motion detector.\" \"", "It goes in your foyer.\" \"", "This is your panic button.\" \"", "Okay, I'm gonna hide one of these in your nightstand, probably put one in the kitchen somewhere.\" \"", "Now, if something goes bump in the night, you hit this button, and I'm on my way, all right?\" \"", "Now given what you've gone through lately,\" \"I'm expecting some false alarms, so don't be shy.\" \"", "All right, if you say so.\" \"", "I do.\" \"", "Questions?\" \"", "I'm sure I have a hundred questions, but\" \"I can't think of anything right now.\" \"", "I mean, the system in this house is so...\" \"Yeah, it's from the Reagan era.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "You know if your power goes out or someone cuts your phone line, something like that...\" \"Yeah, we would be in so much trouble.\" \"", "Yeah, exactly.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Did Marcy bring these pumpkins?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "That's nice.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "I enjoy crafts.\" \"", "Mrs. Harmon, a question.\" \"", "May I have Halloween off?\" \"", "I'd like to visit with my mother.\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Done.\" \"", "I'll put that one outside.\" \"", "The roses have whitefly.\" \"", "Jesus, what an eyesore.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Love the house, so much potential.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Are you Marcy's fluffers?\" \"", "I'm Chad Warwick.\" \"", "This is my ball and chain, Patrick.\" \"", "Welcome.\" \"", "This is actually kind of fun.\" \" ", "I never got to do this when I was a kid.\" \" ", "Why not?\" \"", "So this is what you guys do for a living.\" \"", "That is amazing to me.\" \"", "And wonderful, you know.\" \"", "I think style is so important.\" \"", "It's everything.\" \"", "It's so great that I get to help you guys have the best Halloween ever.\" \" ", "I love Halloween.\" \" ", "So does Patrick because the bars are just awash in twinks with six packs in revealing outfits.\" \"", "Isn't that right, Pat?\" \"", "The Abby, The O Bar, Rage.\" \"", "That's where he was last year instead of helping me with the trick-or-treaters.\" \"", "Have another drink, dear.\" \"", "Crafting brings out his inner George and Martha.\" \"", "So, in addition to Halloween night and making everything look inviting, which I get, do you guys have any other suggestions for what we might do to the house to make it sell faster?\" \"", "Actually, yes.\" \"", "That gazebo's got to go.\" \"", "The lattice is wrong.\" \" ", "I agree.\" \" ", "No, we just put it in.\" \" ", "Did you put that gazebo in yourself, Ben?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "Well, let's get through tomorrow night, and then we can tear it down, and put in an organic cutting garden.\" \"", "My God!\" \" ", "Let me see.\" \" ", "I think I'm gonna need stitches.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No, it's okay.\" \"", "I can fix this up.\" \"", "Pat's an EMT.\" \"", "I thought you were a fluffer.\" \"", "You're hilarious, Vivien.\" \"", "And I love the hair color.\" \"", "I can barely see any root.\" \"", "It's my natural color.\" \"", "Where's your first-aid kit?\" \"", "Upstairs.\" \"", "Look at that.\" \"", "It's a work of art.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"!\" \"", "Come on, Ben, we're the same.\" \"", "I can tell.\" \"", "You play the role of the dutiful househusband, but you like having that cock sucked often and well.\" \"", "I can do that.\" \"", "Four minutes.\" \"", "No one will know.\" \"", "I'm not gay.\" \"", "Neither was I until I got head from a guy.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "It's just...\" \"been a long time for me.\" \"", "Don't tell Chad, okay?\" \"", "We're not doing well.\" \"", "Your husband seems very...\" \"Handsome?\" \"", "Nervous.\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "It's just a feeling I get.\" \"", "Darkness.\" \"", "Seems like you and Pat are having problems.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "He can't keep his dick in his pants.\" \"", "You caught him cheating?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "I'm a sneak and a snoop.\" \"", "How?\" \"", "It's easy.\" \"", "Cell phone records.\" \"", "You can delete a text, but you can't erase the bill.\" \"", "Vivien, that bat is terrible.\" \"", "Let me finish it.\" \"", "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.\" \"", "Addy!\" \"", "I want to be a pretty girl for Halloween.\" \"", "You want what?\" \"", "Make me a pretty girl like you, Violet.\" \"", "I'm actually not very good at this.\" \"", "I don't care.\" \"", "I'll like it.\" \"", "Close your eyes.\" \"", "How old are you, Addy?\" \"", "A lady never reveals her age.\" \"", "Is Tate your boyfriend?\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "You know Tate?\" \"", "I talk to him when he comes here for his head shrinking.\" \"", "He likes you, I can tell.\" \"", "He thinks you're a pretty girl.\" \"", "Are you a virgin?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Aren't you?\" \"", "Hell no.\" \"", "You can't keep breaking into our house, Addy.\" \"", "But I like it here.\" \"", "My friends are here.\" \"", "Violet, I'm beautiful!\" \"", "Goddamn it, come here!\" \" ", "Now, who did that to your face?\" \"!\" \" ", "Violet!\" \"", "Violet, that girl's got another cupcake coming.\" \"", "Now wash that smut off your face!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "I wanna be a pretty girl!\" \"", "Well, you're not a pretty girl and you know it!\" \"", "But I wanna be!\" \"\"", "Put her in a home,\"\" \"they said.\" \"", "Even Daddy.\" \"", "But no, I couldn't do that.\" \"", "I don't want to be Snoopy!\" \"", "I want to be a pretty girl!\" \"", "Do you know what they think when we walk down the street?\" \"!\" \"\"", "There but for the grace of God go I.\"\" \"You make them feel lucky.\" \"", "And they think I'm a hero.\" \"", "As though I've had some choice!\" \"", "No, wait!\" \"", "Tate?\" \"", "Tate?\" \"", "You said she wanted to meet at midnight.\" \"", "Come out, come out wherever you are.\" \"", "You asshole!\" \"", "I scared you.\" \"", "No, you didn't.\" \"", "Where'd you get this thing?\" \"", "My dad threw it out.\" \"", "Finders keepers.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "I didn't scare you?\" \"", "I said no.\" \"", "I bet I can.\" \"", "You have to put your fingers on the other side.\" \"", "I don't believe in that shit.\" \"", "Charles is gonna answer all your questions.\" \"", "He used to live here.\" \"", "Is Charles going to tell me what happened to those assholes that tried to kill us?\" \"", "What'd you do to them?\" \"", "I told you I didn't do anything.\" \"", "I had some help.\" \"", "What's in this basement?\" \"", "I want the truth.\" \"", "What I'm about to tell you might scare you... to death.\" \"", "I can take it.\" \"", "Dr. Charles Montgomery built this house.\" \"", "And here in this basement is where he worked.\" \"", "Charles was a doctor to the stars, but he was also drug addict, and his wife Nora wasn't gonna let that get in the way of her lifestyle.\" \"", "So she set up a little secret side business;\" \"he would take care of girls who didn't want to be in trouble anymore.\" \"", "This went on and on until one day, one girl couldn't keep the secret to herself, and she told her boyfriend what happened.\" \"", "Montgomery residence.\" \"", "Whoever this is it's past 10:00.\" \"", "You shouldn't be calling at this hour.\" \"", "An eye for an eye.\" \"", "Who is this?\" \"", "A tooth for a tooth.\" \"", "I won't tolerate this nonsense any longer unless...\" \"Charles, I've just had the most peculiar conversation.\" \"", "Charles...?\" \"", "My God...\" \"Charles!\" \"", "Charles!\" \"", "The boyfriend wanted revenge, so he kidnapped Charles' and Nora's baby.\" \"", "Terrified, the Doctor and his wife waited for the ransom demands.\" \"", "This is your fault, Charles.\" \"", "What is the meaning of this?\" \"", "Charles?\" \"", "What is it, Charles?\" \"", "Madame, there's no need for you to see this.\" \"", "Driven insane by grief, the doctor used all his experience and surgical skills to try and cheat death.\" \"", "I want to bury our son in this.\" \"", "Charles?\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "What have you done to our baby?\" \"!\" \"", "But what he created was ungodly, and monstrous.\" \"", "And even after their tragic end, that \"thing\" remained, down here, to this day.\" \"", "My God...\" \"You are so full of shit.\" \"", "I don't believe a word that has come out of your mouth.\" \"", "Forget it.\" \"", "Forget I ever asked.\" \"", "And I'm tired that we keep hanging out in this dark, dank place.\" \"", "Why can't we go somewhere, like on a real date?\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Tomorrow night.\" \"", "We'll go out.\" \"", "Your father agreed to see me again, but I'm not supposed to be here.\" \"", "Come on, I'll be your lookout.\" \"", "There's so many different flavors, it's freaky.\" \"", "I don't know half of them.\" \"", "What did we say?\" \"", "No eating until we inspect 'em at home!\" \"", "She reminds you of Violet, doesn't she?\" \"", "Violet?\" \" ", "I'm so scared!\" \" ", "You look amazing.\" \"", "She had to be scary.\" \"", "My fierce little girl.\" \"", "Just like her mom.\" \"", "Smart and beautiful... no need to be like anyone else.\" \"", "The thing is, I was a...\" \"I was a troubled kid, too.\" \"", "I was kinda like you, Tate.\" \"", "I didn't hold out too much hope for myself.\" \"", "Not many other people did, either.\" \"", "It was a total shock to everyone, including myself, when I became a doctor.\" \"", "But somehow I was given this... amazing gift of family.\" \"", "It's gonna be okay, Dr. Harmon...\" \"I'm sorry.\" \"", "God.\" \"", "I'm sorry, Tate.\" \"", "Addy?\" \"", "Addy?\" \"", "Well, where's your costume?\" \"", "I'm not trick-or-treating this year.\" \"", "I'm too old.\" \"", "It's Halloween!\" \"", "Everyone gets a chance to be someone else, let their hair down for awhile.\" \"", "I thought you wanted to be a pretty girl.\" \"", "And now you don't have to worry about makeup or anything like that.\" \"", "Come on, let me see you smile.\" \"", "Come on, little honeybear.\" \"", "Let me see you smile.\" \"", "Okay?\" \"", "Let's go see if Mama's got any clothes that'll fit you.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Maybe one of my old maternity dresses.\" \"", "Have you seen my... my fangs?\" \"", "Fangs a lot!\" \"", "Come on, Viv, you're the one who wanted to do this.\" \"", "Can you at least try to enjoy it?\" \"", "How's Hayden?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "I swear to Christ, Ben.\" \"", "I told you if you lied to me one more time... that we're done.\" \"", "I can't do this.\" \"", "I can't do this.\" \"", "Vivien...\" \"Viv?\" \"", "I read through the phone bills.\" \"", "Her number is on there 20 times-- more.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Because I don't answer.\" \"", "And when she does get me, I tell her not to call back.\" \" ", "Did you see her in Boston?\" \" ", "Vivien, no.\" \"", "She keeps calling, harassing me.\" \"", "I told her I'd call the police if she doesn't stop.\" \"", "And did she?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "She won't be calling back.\" \"", "Well, she might, 'cause I left her a message.\" \"", "Well, I wouldn't expect a call back.\" \"", "I was pretty forceful.\" \"", "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but... after everything that happened, after the break-in, I...\" \"I didn't want to add more stress.\" \"", "You had every right to react exactly the way you did.\" \"", "But believe me\" \"Hayden is over.\" \"", "It's Hayden.\" \"", "I'll call her back.\" \"", "What is that racket?\" \"", "The spooky sounds of Hallow...\" \" Really?\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "Let's see.\" \"", "The first impression that anyone is going to have, before they ever experience my meticulously-appointed candy/scare station is of you going to the front door in that Rite Aid witch outfit.\" \"", "But never fear, Count Chocula's here to really add some class.\" \"", "What's the matter?\" \"", "He doesn't like our costumes.\" \"", "Well, there's nothing that can be done about it now.\" \"", "The doorbell's gonna be ringing, and we still have to decorate the bobbing station.\" \"", "What the hell is this?\" \"", "What?\" \" ", "Chad?\" \" ", "Gala apples.\" \"", "We specifically talked about Granny Smiths.\" \"", "They didn't have any Granny Smiths at Gelson's.\" \"", "Then you go to the farmer's market or an off ramp in Valencia and you buy a bag from Pedro.\" \"", "Where's the effort?\" \"", "I think you're overreacting.\" \"", "Because I'm the only one who actually gives a shit?\" \"", "I think you should just leave.\" \"", "You think we should just leave our house?\" \"", "It's not your house.\" \"", "We know it, you know it and the house knows it.\" \"", "Frankly, you don't deserve it.\" \"", "Get out!\" \"", "Yeah, leave.\" \"", "We are not leaving this house.\" \"", "Get out!\" \"", "Get out!\" \"", "Get out!\" \"", "I don't care about any of this.\" \"", "Just go!\" \"", "You shouldn't have to watch this.\" \"", "Get out of here!\" \"", "Are you okay?\" \"", "I don't believe you, Ben.\" \"", "You tell me your story, but there's a little glimmer in your eye, a little... lie, a little darkness.\" \"", "And I don't want to live with suspicion anymore, so I want you to go.\" \"", "I want you to go.\" \"", "God.\" \"", "What's wrong?\" \"", "What is it?\" \"", "It feels like the baby's kicking.\" \"", "That's impossible.\" \"", "It's only eight weeks old.\" \"", "Okay.\" \" ", "I got to go to the hospital.\" \" ", "What's going on?\" \"", "Stay here, and don't answer the door.\" \" ", "Don't answer the door?\" \" ", "It's Halloween.\" \"", "Trick or treat.\" \" ", "It says \"Take One.\"\" \" ", "Can't you read?\" \"", "I'm a pretty girl.\" \"", "I want Violet to see.\" \"", "Shortbus!\" \"", "Wait for me!\" \"", "No, no, no, not his face, that's fake.\" \"", "He broke his leg.\" \"", "Sorry to keep you waiting.\" \"", "Are you presently feeling any pain in the abdominal area?\" \"", "I just feel really sick.\" \"", "I haven't been feeling any of the... the kicking since we left home about a half hour ago.\" \"", "Well, I'm sure it's not kicks that you're feeling.\" \"", "The baby's only the size of a kidney bean at eight weeks.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "That's why I'm concerned.\" \"", "I think...\" \"I feel like there's something wrong.\" \"", "Well, I'm sure it's just gas.\" \"", "So let's just take a look, and make sure that everything is perfect.\" \"", "Okay...\" \"And you're sure about the time line?\" \"", "Yeah, eight weeks.\" \"", "Positive.\" \"", "The baby seems to be a lot bigger.\" \"", "Okay, here we go...\" \"My God.\" \"", "My God.\" \"", "I'm gonna get some help.\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "My God!\" \"", "My God!\" \"", "My God.\" \"", "My baby.\" \"", "My...\" \"What happened?\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "What happened?\" \"!\" \"", "She just walked into the street.\" \"", "It was a hit-and-run, ma'am.\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Is she dying?\" \"", "We're doing everything we can.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "You gotta...\" \"We gotta get her to the lawn over there while she's still with us.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "We need to take her in, stabilize her...\" \"No!\" \"", "If you can't help me, then get out of the goddamned way!\" \"", "Ma'am, just... just let us...\" \"No!\" \"", "Addy, come on.\" \"", "We're gonna get you home with all your friends.\" \"", "Come on, honey.\" \"", "We're almost there.\" \"", "Stay with me, Addy.\" \"", "It's just a few more feet.\" \"", "Geez.\" \"", "My God.\" \"", "Addy?\" \"", "No!\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Mother, you always had the most beautiful hands.\" \"", "What have they done to you?\" \"", "This is my fault.\" \"", "I wasn't there for you.\" \"", "I'm so sorry.\" \"", "Come with me, baby.\" \"", "I want to, but I can't, Mother.\" \"", "I can't.\" \"", "My tenant Ben, I want my money!\" \"", "I'm not leaving here till I have my thousand dollars!\" \"", "Hello!\" \"", "Ben Harmon!\" \"", "Ben Harmon!\" \"", "I am not leaving here till I have thousand dollars.\" \"", "Screw you!\" \"", "You owe me!\" \"", "Here, here.\" \"", "Take one and go!\" \"", "Come on, come on!\" \"", "Honey.\" \"", "Dad, there's some freaky dude at the door screaming about money.\" \"", "I think he might be one of your patients.\" \"", "I don't know, should I call the cops?\" \" ", "No!\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Just... just keep the door closed.\" \"", "Is it locked?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "We're on way home right now.\" \"", "Violet?\" \"", "Just... just keep the door locked.\" \"", "I know you're in there.\" \"", "Is that your daughter?\" \"", "Violet!\" \"", "Violet!\" \"", "Violet!\" \"", "Violet!\" \"", "Violet!\" \" ", "Violet?\" \" ", "Violet!\" \"", "Violet?\" \"", "Ben!\" \"", "She's not here!\" \"", "Call her cell phone!\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nConditional return in a PHP function\n\nI have a return statement in my function:\nfunction fun($result)\n {\n $counter = 0;\n while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))\n {\n /*if($counter==2)\n {\n return $name;\n }*/ \n $user=$row['message'];\n $sql2=\"select username from members where id='$user'\";\n $result2=mysql_query($sql2);\n $row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2);\n $name .= $row2['username'].\" ", "and \";\n $counter++;\n\n if($counter==2)\n {\n return $name;\n } \n }\n\n } \n\nThe return block (commented) doesn't work which immediately terminates the execution of the function irrespective of the condition. ", "But the return block if placed in position as shown in the code just works fine. ", "Why?", "\nI want to return only 2 rows. ", "It seems that it should work whether it is placed before or after,because it depends on the value of the counter. ", "Check the condition before adding new row to $name variable.", "First row will be added to $name and $counter is incremented,then check the condition and so on.", "What is wrong? ", "\n\nA:\n\nFunction doesn't return anything when there are less than 3 rows even if you want to return when you reach 2, you need 3 rows minimal. ", " \nThe function checks $counter in the loop after you handled your 2nd row.", "\nSo there need to be at least 3 rows for the function to return the $ name. ", " This is weird because you want it to return then there are 2 names found.", "\nThe function doesn't necessarily terminates, but simply doesn't return anything.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006787330316742082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to use Google Cloud Storage as a storage layer of Delta Lake?", "\n\nCan I use Google Cloud Storage as a storage layer of Delta Lake?", "\n\nFound on slack.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt is not possible in Delta Lake up to and including 0.5.0.", "\nThere's an issue to track this at https://github.com/delta-io/delta/issues/294. ", "Feel free to upvote that to help get it prioritized.", "\n\nJust a day after Google posted Getting started with new table formats on Dataproc:\n\nWe’re announcing that table format projects Delta Lake and Apache Iceberg (Incubating) are now available in the latest version of Cloud Dataproc (version 1.5 Preview). ", "You can start using them today with either Spark or Presto. ", "Apache Hudi is also available on Dataproc 1.3.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.011811023622047244, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tasks for “Biological Scientist”\n\nDevelop and maintain liaisons and effective working relations with groups and individuals, agencies, and the public to encourage cooperative management strategies or to develop information and interpret findings.", "\n\nMeasure salinity, acidity, light, oxygen content, and other physical conditions of water to determine their relationship to aquatic life.", "\n\nResearch environmental effects of present and potential uses of land and water areas, determining methods of improving environmental conditions or such outputs as crop yields.", "\n\nProgram and use computers to store, process, and analyze data.", "\n\nPrepare plans for management of renewable resources.", "\n\nStudy basic principles of plant and animal life, such as origin, relationship, development, anatomy, and function.", "\n\nStudy and manage wild animal populations.", "\n\nPrepare technical and research reports, such as environmental impact reports, and communicate the results to individuals in industry, government, or the general public.", "\n\nReview reports and proposals, such as those relating to land use classifications and recreational development, for accuracy, adequacy, or adherence to policies, regulations, or scientific standards.", "\n\nTeach or supervise students and perform research at universities and colleges.", "\n\nRepresent employer in a technical capacity at conferences.", "\n\nCommunicate test results to state and federal representatives and general public.", "\n\nCultivate, breed, and grow aquatic life, such as lobsters, clams, or fish." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0 ]
[ "Theresa May Declares War on the Internet, Again\n\nFollowing the weekend terror attack that left 7 dead in London, Prime Minister Theresa May trotted out a familiar bogeyman: internet companies and their role in helping radicalize youth, and making it easier for terrorists to plot attacks undetected.", "\n\nLess than 24 hours after Saturday’s attack in central London, May set out an aggressive agenda that squarely challenged companies such as Facebook and Google to do more to combat extremist content online.", "\n\n“We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed,” she said, referring to “Islamist extremism.” “", "Yet that is precisely what the internet, and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide,” May added.", "\n\nMay’s remarks came just days before British voters head to the polls on Thursday for a snap election that was initially expected to hand the Tory government a sizeable majority. ", "But polls have tightened in recent weeks, and three major terrorist attacks in three months have done little to boost the campaign of May, a former home security charged with internal security.", "\n\nLabour Party rival Jeremy Corbyn has attacked May for for overseeing cuts to police budgets during her time as home secretary; attacking the role in radicalization played social media and internet firms may provide May with a convenient scapegoat — and a way to parry those attacks.", "\n\nBut big internet companies are pushing back against the notion they’ve been lax about fighting extremism online. ", "Google said it stands shoulder to shoulder with May in its “commitment to ensuring terrorists do not have a voice online.” ", "The company added in a statement that it is examining additional ways to restrict content online.", "\n\nFacebook said it pulls extremist content as soon as it becomes aware of the material. ", "Social media giant Twitter said that it is working more aggressively to shutter extremist profiles, which have in the past been used as a recruiting mechanism for the Islamic State, which claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack.", "\n\nBut scholars of violent Islamist groups are skeptical of the degree to which internet firms, rather than a host of other factors, are the main driver behind radicalization.", "\n\n“To think this kind of radicalization to violence is caused strictly by videos online is to miss the point entirely,” said Amarnath Amarasingam, a senior fellow studying radicalization at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think tank.", "\n\n“While social media has indeed increased the speed and scope of terrorist group messaging, the way these messages trickle down to youth and galvanize people to act depends on their offline networks, their backgrounds, and their individual biographies,” he said.", "\n\nThe debate over the internet and terrorism boils down to two main issues: Radical content and terrorist communications.", "\n\nThe availability of radical or extremist content online — such as the influential lectures of the American cleric Anwar al Awlaki, or the slick video productions of the Islamic State — make the embrace of violent ideology easier and more accessible than ever. ", "But long before the internet was widely available, Islamist radicals were able to spread their sermons and galvanize new followers: Awlaki, like al Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, used cassette tapes to spread their message to followers in decades past. ", "Further back, old-fashioned books — like Egyptian jihadi Said Qutb’s 1966 jailhouse memoir Milestones — served much the same purpose.", "\n\nBut at the same time, the availability of end-to-end encryption in popular messaging applications has made it harder for authorities to decipher the communications between terror suspects. ", "Facebook, for example, has adopted sophisticated encryption technology for its WhatsApp messenger that prevents the company from decoding its users’ messages, even when presented with a valid warrant to do so.", "\n\nOther, smaller outfits provide just as sophisticated technology. ", "The messaging app Signal provides the same level of security as WhatsApp but takes a far more skeptical view of government requests for data. ", "Other communications tools, such as Russia’s Telegram, provide encrypted messaging technology and base their operations outside of U.S. jurisdiction.", "\n\nMay, who before becoming prime minister last year served six years as home secretary, has tried to crack down on both content and communication. ", "She was the principal author of a highly aggressive intelligence bill passed into law last year — dubbed the “Snooper’s Charter” by her critics — that authorized sweeping hacking powers and bulk data collection by British authorities.", "\n\nBritish authorities are currently fine-tuning that measure’s proposals for getting around encryption. ", "In a draft regulation leaked last month, U.K. authorities will require companies with more than 10,000 British users to “provide and maintain the capability to disclose, where practicable, the content of communications or secondary data in an intelligible form and to remove electronic protection applied by or on behalf of the telecommunications operator to the communications or data.”", "\n\nThat is, the proposed regulation would require companies to be able to decrypt the content of their customers’ messages, and would deliver May one of the investigatory powers she has been desperately seeking.", "\n\n“She is gearing up for a fight with the internet companies about what they encrypt and how they encrypt,” Jim Killock, the executive director of the Open Rights Group, which leaked the draft regulation, told FP.", "\n\nThe spread of technology such as encrypted messaging presents a real dilemma for governments of all stripes. ", "On the one hand, more widespread availability of encryption improves security at a time of pervasive hacking. ", "On the other, the easier availability of secure messaging makes it harder for investigators trying to sniff out terror plots.", "\n\nBut scholars of radicalization argue that the emphasis on such technology has been misplaced.", "\n\n“These things don’t happen in a vacuum,” Amarasingam said. ", "Like child pornography and other kinds of illegal content, he said, the companies need to act quickly and remove the material. “", "But it is far from the only issue and, I think most scholars would argue, it’s far from being the most important one either.”", "\n\nJUSTIN TALLIS/AFP/Getty Images" ]
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[ 0.0033444816053511705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008298755186721992, 0, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0.014545454545454545, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates, in general, to a method for making a field oxide of a semiconductor device and, more particularly, to a local oxidation of silicon (hereinafter referred to as \"LOCOS\") process by which the wafer warpage of a large wafer is minimized.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nA LOCOS process is one of the typical methods for making a field oxide. ", "According to the process, a pad oxide and a silicon nitride are sequentially laminated over a substrate, a predetermined region of the nitiride is removed and the substrate is oxidized at the predetermined region, to form a field oxide.", "\nSince such LOCOS process is simple and is found to cause much fewer defects compared with other processes, it is the most widely used for mass production. ", "However, the LOCOS process cannot be directly applied for highly integrated devices because it has the significant problem of a long bird's beak. ", "To avoid this bird's beak problem, a modified LOCOS process has been recently developed, in which the substrate is etched at the nitride-removed region to a predetermined thickness to form a trench or groove at which a subsequent oxidation process is proceeded.", "\nToday, wafers with large diameters are employed in order to increase productivity. ", "However, new problems other than the bird's beak occur in the LOCOS process when using a wafer 200 mm (8 inches) or greater in size. ", "One of the most representative examples is wafer warpage (an index indicating crookedness). ", "Wafer warpage is not problematic at all for the wafers as small as 150 mm (6 inches), but arises for large-sized wafers.", "\nIn FIG. ", "1, wafer warpage which is generated while a field oxide is formed on a wafer 200 mm or greater in diameter is shown. ", "In the course of forming a field oxide in a LOCOS process, pad oxides 2 and 2' are thermally grown on the front and the back sides of a wafer 1 and nitrides 3 and 3', resistant to oxidation, are deposited in a low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) technique. ", "These LPCVD nitrides are formed on the front side F and the back side B, at once. ", "Subsequently, the nitride 3 on the front side is locally removed at predetermined field regions by an etching process. ", "As seen, the nitride 3 on the front side F is partly removed and separated like islands whereas the nitride on the back side B remains continuous. ", "At this time, this continuous nitride strongly exerts its tensile stress on the back side of the wafer, making the wafer bend (wafer warpage). ", "This wafer warpage is more serious as the diameter of the wafer is larger.", "\nTo solve such wafer warpage as occurs owing to the above-mentioned mechanism, a plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD) technique was developed by which a nitride was deposited on the front side only. ", "However, a PECVD nitride cannot be used in practical element-isolation processes because it is far inferior to an LPCVD nitride in various film properties including oxidation resistance.", "\nWith reference to FIG. ", "2, there are data of an experiment in which wafer warpage is measured according to the thicknesses of a nitride used as an element-isolating mask in a wafer 200 mm in diameter. ", "From the data, wafer warpage is found to be largely modulated by the diameter of a wafer as well as the thickness of the nitride deposited. ", "Just after the deposition of nitride (B), there is a valence between the stresses on the front and the back sides, so that slight warpage forms and is little changed with the thickness of nitride. ", "However, after the nitride at the field regions on the front side is removed (A), warpage is 2-3 folds increased and is aggravated by the thickness of nitride. ", "In particular, when the deposited nitride is thicker than 1,500 Angstrom, warpage is abruptly raised.", "\nThe following are the problems of large wafer warpage.", "\nFirst, if a wafer is bent, a significant misalignment in the photo processes which proceed after the element isolation process occurs and the uniformity in critical dimension (CD) is lowered among the dies within the wafer.", "\nIn addition, when a gate oxide is formed after the element isolation process, a bent wafer gives poor properties to the gate oxide.", "\nFIG. ", "3, shows a bar graph. ", "It is obtained from an experiment in which a property of the gate oxide formed on a 200 mm wafer following the element-isolation process is investigated while the nitride to be used in the element-isolation process is changed in thickness from 1000 to 2500 Angstrom. ", "The Y axis shows the percentage ratio of the die number of good gate oxide to the total die number. ", "The data demonstrated that the die number of good gate oxide is reduced as the nitride is thicker. ", "This is attributed to the fact that the wafer warpage increases with the thickness of the nitride.", "\nAs apparent from the data, the thickness of the nitride should be not more than 1500 Angstrom in order to improve the reliability of the gate oxide. ", "In this case, however, another problem occurs in practice. ", "One of the most important requirements for the element isolation process is to shorten the bird's beak. ", "The length of the bird's beak of field oxide formed in LOCOS process is sensitively affected by the thickness of the nitride. ", "That is, the reduction of the thickness of the nitride into a critical value is disadvantageous in the aspect of the bird's beak." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Genetic variation of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (MR, NR3C2) is associated with a conceptual endophenotype of \"CRF-hypoactivity\".", "\nRecently, the \"conceptual endophenotype\" approach has been proposed as a means to identify subgroups of patients affected by stress-related psychiatric disorders. ", "Conceptual endophenotypes consist of patterns of psychological, biological, and symptomatic elements. ", "We studied a sample of patients seeking help for psychosomatic and stress-related disorders (total N = 469), who were evaluated with a diagnostic instrument that integrates psychological and biological data to derive 13 endophenotypes, or Neuropattern. ", "The goal of this study was to explore associations between common variations of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (MR, NR3C2), and the 13 conceptual endophenotypes of Neuropattern, as well as with the respective biological and symptom measures. ", "A common haplotype of the MR, comprised of two functional single nucleotide polymorphism (rs2070951 G/C & rs5522 A/G), was associated with the conceptual endophenotype CRF-hypoactivity, characterized by low cortisol levels at awakening and a symptom constellation often observed in atypical depression. ", "Homozygous carriers of the G-A haplotype (haplotype 1), previously associated with reduced dispositional optimism, increased levels of rumination and higher risk for depression, more frequently endorsed this Neuropattern. ", "In addition to the overall association between MR variation and CRF hypoactivity, we observed in the whole sample significant associations between MR haplotypes and cortisol awakening response patterns, as well as with symptoms that characterize the CRF hypoactivity endophenotype. ", "If replicated, MR haplotype 1 might serve as a vulnerability marker for a disorder class characterized in biological terms by reduced cortisol levels, and in terms of symptom constellation by features often observed in atypical depression." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.003952569169960474, 0.004048582995951417, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0 ]
[ "Author\nTopic: PS3 making my discs dirty\n\nWoo hoo seems to have worked. ", "Thanks Fei, and even if it doesnt really i think this proves the humidity thing. ", "Still I'll keep on eye on things and take a look at my discs after im done with them, and if i have the problem again I'll move it again." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "var React = require('react')\nvar Link = require('react-router/lib/Link')\nvar TimeAgo = require('react-timeago').default\n\nvar SettingsStore = require('../stores/SettingsStore').default\nvar pluralise = require('../utils/pluralise').default\nvar urlParse = require('url-parse')\n\nvar parseHost = function(url) {\n var hostname = (urlParse(url, true)).hostname\n var parts = hostname.split('.", "').slice(-3)\n if (parts[0] === 'www') {\n parts.shift()\n }\n return parts.join('.')", "\n}\n\n/**\n * Reusable logic for displaying an item.", "\n */\nvar ItemMixin = {\n /**\n * Render an item's metadata bar.", "\n */\n renderItemMeta(item, extraContent) {\n var itemDate = new Date(item.time * 1000)\n\n if (item.type === 'job') {\n return <div className=\"Item__meta\">\n <TimeAgo date={itemDate} className=\"Item__time\"/>\n </div>\n }\n\n return <div className=\"Item__meta\">\n <span className=\"Item__score\">\n {item.score} point{pluralise(item.score)}\n </span>{' '}\n <span className=\"Item__by\">\n by <Link to={`/user/${item.by}`}>{item.by}</Link>\n </span>{' '}\n <TimeAgo date={itemDate} className=\"Item__time\"/>\n {' | '}\n <Link to={`/${item.type}/${item.id}`}>\n {item.descendants > 0 ? ", "item.descendants + ' comment' + pluralise(item.descendants) : 'discuss'}\n </Link>\n {extraContent}\n </div>\n },\n\n /**\n * Render an item's title bar.", "\n */\n renderItemTitle(item) {\n var hasURL = !!", "item.url\n var title\n if (item.dead) {\n title = '[dead] ' + item.title\n }\n else {\n title = (hasURL ? ", "<a href={item.url}>{item.title}</a>\n : <Link to={`/${item.type}/${item.id}`}>{item.title}</Link>)\n }\n return <div className=\"Item__title\" style={{fontSize: `${SettingsStore.titleFontSize}px`}}>\n {title}\n {hasURL && ' '}\n {hasURL && <span className=\"Item__host\">({parseHost(item.url)})</span>}\n </div>\n }\n}\n\nexport default ItemMixin\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0051813471502590676, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008241758241758242 ]
[ "Q:\n\nScala can't seem to convert mutable maps into Java Maps\n\nI have a Java POJO that I'm using inside a Scala app:\npublic class AppRuntimeContext {\n // Lots of stuff...\n public Map<Object,Object> contextMap;\n\n // Getters & setters, ctors, etc. ", " \n}\n\nIn my Scala app:\nval ctx : AppRuntimeContext = new AppRuntimeContext()\nval ctxMap : Map[String,Fizz] = Map()\n// Some code that populates 'ctxMap'\nctx.setContextMap(ctxMap)\n\nThis produces a compiler error on the setter method:\n\ntype mismatch; found : scala.collection.mutable.", "Map[String,com.me.myapp.", "Fizz] required: java.util.", "Map[Object,Object]\n\nSo I try converting ctxMap to a java.util.", "Map by adding the following import statement:\nimport collection.", "JavaConversions._", "\n\nAnd then by changing the setter call to:\nctx.setContextMap(mapAsJavaMap(ctxMap))\n\nHowever when I do this I still get a compiler error:\n\ntype mismatch; found : scala.collection.mutable.", "Map[String,com.me.myapp.", "Fizz] required: scala.collection.", "Map[Object,Object] Note: String <: Object, but trait Map is invariant in type A. You may wish to investigate a wildcard type such as _ <: Object. (", "SLS 3.2.10)\n\nAny ideas what is causing this error and what the fix is?", "\n\nA:\n\nOne option is to cast the map into a Map[Object, Object]:\nctx.setContextMap(mapAsJavaMap(ctxMap.asInstanceOf[mutable.", "Map[Object, Object]]))\n\nA better one would probably be to declare ctxMap as a Map[Object, Object] in the first place, although that would allow putting objects that do not conform to the expected [String, Fizz] types:\nval ctxMap : mutable.", "Map[Object, Object] = mutable.", "Map()\n// Some code that populates 'ctxMap'\nctxMap.put(\"k\", Fizz(1))\n\nctx.setContextMap(mapAsJavaMap(ctxMap)) \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.012145748987854251, 0.0035714285714285713, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "New method identifies splicing biomarkers for liver cancer\n\nDifferent versions, or isoforms, of messenger RNAs generated by the human AFMID gene, are represented, showing their relative prevalence in cancerous (top) and non-cancerous tissue (bottom), sampled from throughout the body. ", "Black peaks, representing the normal variant found in adult cells, are much lower in cancerous tissue than in normal tissue. ", "The reverse is true of variants color-coded orange and red, which serve as biomarkers in liver cancer.", "\n\nFriday, 2 March 2018\n\nThe Takeaway\n\nResearchers have developed a method for identifying a new kind of biomarker for liver cancer and possibly other cancers, based on spotting variations in the way RNA messages copied from genes are edited, or spliced.", "\n\nCold Spring Harbor, NY — Because liver cancer is particularly diverse, genetically, and prone to relapse, identifying biomarkers that can predict disease progression is a critical goal in the fight against it.", "\n\nResearchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), led by CSHL Professor Adrian Krainer, now report in Genome Research that they have developed a method for identifying splicing-based biomarkers for the most common form of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). ", "They believe the method will be useful in other cancer types as well.", "\n\n“This study underscores the potential for learning how RNA splicing variants can contribute to cancer and points to these variants as potential biomarkers for cancer progression,” Krainer says.", "\n\nSplicing refers to a process in which an RNA message copied from information encoded in a gene is edited before it is able to serve as a blueprint for the manufacture of a specific protein. ", "A gene can give rise to multiple RNA messages, each resulting in a different protein variant, or “isoform.” ", "Many diseases have been associated with errors or variations in the way that RNA is spliced. ", "Errors or variations in splicing can lead to non-functional proteins or proteins with distinct or aberrant functions.", "\n\nRecent studies have identified splicing irregularities in liver cancer cells. ", "Led by CSHL postdoctoral researcher Kuan-Ting Lin, Krainer’s team developed a method that comprehensively analyzes all RNA messages made from a given gene. ", "The team tested their splicing-variant detection method in HCC, by analyzing RNA messages in HCC cells sampled from hundreds of patients.", "\n\nA gene can give rise to multiple RNA messages, each resulting in a different variant, or ‘isoform.’ ", "Here are the 4 messenger RNA isoforms generated by the human AFMID gene. ", "From top: two isoforms normally found in adult cells. ", "Lower two variants are missing some of the 11 segments, called exons, in the main isoform; these give rise to truncated proteins associated with liver cancer.", "\n\nThey found that particular splicing isoforms of the gene AFMID correlated with very poor patient survival. ", "These variants lead cells to manufacture truncated versions of the AFMID protein. ", "These unusual versions of the protein are associated in adult liver cancer cells with mutations in tumor-suppressor genes called TP53 and ARID1A.\n\nThese mutations, the researchers hypothesize, are associated with low levels of a molecule called NAD+ that is involved in repairing damaged DNA. ", "Restoring missing portions, called exons, to AFMID’s normal RNA message, they propose, might raise NAD+ to normal levels, avoiding mutations in TP53 and ARID1A. The team hopes to use small molecules called ASOs (antisense oligonucleotides) that can bind to RNA, to change the way AFMID’s RNA messages are spliced. ", "Krainer’s team previously used this technique to correct errors in the splicing of the gene SMN2 as a way to treat spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).", "\n\nFixing AFMID splicing could lead to enhanced production of NAD+ and an increase in DNA repair. “", "If we can do this, AFMID splicing can become a therapeutic target and the source of a new drug for liver cancer,” Lin says. ", "Preliminary experiments suggest the team is on the right track. ", "They demonstrated that coaxing cells to over-express AFMID spliced in the normal manner led to higher NAD+ levels and slower growth of liver cancer cells.", "\n\nFounded in 1890, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has shaped contemporary biomedical research and education with programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology and quantitative biology. ", "Home to eight Nobel Prize winners, the private, not-for-profit Laboratory employs 1,100 people including 600 scientists, students and technicians. ", "The Meetings & Courses Program annually hosts more than 12,000 scientists. ", "The Laboratory’s education arm also includes an academic publishing house, a graduate school and the DNA Learning Center with programs for middle and high school students and teachers. ", "For more information, visit www.cshl.edu\n\nThe Takeaway\n\nResearchers have developed a method for identifying a new kind of biomarker for liver cancer and possibly other cancers, based on spotting variations in the way RNA messages copied from genes are edited, or spliced." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0, 0.003952569169960474, 0, 0.018315018315018316, 0, 0.010256410256410256, 0.005208333333333333, 0.009259259259259259, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.021897810218978103, 0.00980392156862745, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.01592356687898089, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.005405405405405406, 0.007380073800738007 ]
[ "There is an increasing recognition of the usefulness of sensors to monitor the condition of property and the operation of appliances. ", "Typically, power outlets or batteries are used to provide power for sensors. ", "In some instances, where sunlight is available, solar power may be also utilized.", "\nHowever, each of the above listed sources of power has limitations. ", "For example, for some sensors, no direct pathway to sunlight is available. ", "The wiring required to connect a sensor to a power outlet may be expensive to install. ", "Batteries often discharge after a period of time and need to be replaced. ", "This can present a difficulty when the sensor is not readily accessible. ", "Even when the sensor is accessible, it is often difficult to detect when a battery is discharged. ", "The necessary monitoring of the condition of the battery can be inconvenient and therefore neglected.", "\nIt is desirable, therefore, to explore other potential power sources for sensors." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "PLC configurations are frequently stored on a CPU, rather than the device that is being configured. ", "As a result, when a device is moved, it can be necessary to reconfigure the device on the new CPU. ", "This can be a timely, costly process and/or specialized expertise may be needed when reconfiguring the device for use on the new CPU. ", "Thus, portable PLC configurations that enable efficient movement of devices with their corresponding configuration between PLCs can be desirable. ", "When a PLC device is moved between PLC systems, or moved within the same PLC system, reconfiguration can be necessary in order for the device to operate in the same manner as before.", "\nDocumentation for a PLC control process can be vital for operation and maintenance of the PLC system. ", "In order to accurately and safely maintain a PLC-based control system, a great deal of information can be required that is independent from the actual operating PLC program.", "\nMany forms of documentation might exist that can aid in the operation and maintenance of a PLC-based control system. ", "These might include PLC control project source files, engineering documentation, wiring diagrams, CAD drawings, etc. ", "However, conventional PLC systems do not typically have the ability to store these files. ", "As a result, the files can be unavailable for maintenance, for portability to up-graded systems, and/or to expand an existing or new PLC system. ", "Accordingly, documentation often must be separately provided for each PLC of a conventional PLC network by maintenance and/or engineering personnel. ", "This conventional system and method of file management of documentation on a PLC can be timely and/or costly.", "\nIn conventional systems, it can be necessary to develop specialized software to connect and communicate with a PLC network. ", "Specialized dialogs and/or windows might need to be created to view information about attached PLCs and the information provided can be very limited. ", "Often, it is not possible to utilize standard filed management and browser systems such as Explorer by Microsoft.", "\nTherefore, it can be desirable to enable easeful and fast browsing of a PLC network and/or to provide significant, helpful information about each PLC as a user is browsing the PLC network. ", "Also, it can be desirable to quickly determine the contents of a PLC network and/or the status of the various PLCs attached in a network." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.016483516483516484, 0.019417475728155338, 0.011560693641618497, 0.00847457627118644, 0.017094017094017096, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.006666666666666667, 0.017699115044247787, 0.015789473684210527, 0.0072992700729927005 ]
[ "Four Methods for Analyzing Partial Interval Recording Data, with Application to Single-Case Research.", "\nPartial interval recording (PIR) is a procedure for collecting measurements during direct observation of behavior. ", "It is used in several areas of educational and psychological research, particularly in connection with single-case research. ", "Measurements collected using partial interval recording suffer from construct invalidity because they are not readily interpretable in terms of the underlying characteristics of the behavior. ", "Using an alternating renewal process model for the behavior under observation, we demonstrate that ignoring the construct invalidity of PIR data can produce misleading inferences, such as inferring that an intervention reduces the prevalence of an undesirable behavior when in fact it has the opposite effect. ", "We then propose four different methods for analyzing PIR summary measurements, each of which can be used to draw inferences about interpretable behavioral parameters. ", "We demonstrate the methods by applying them to data from two single-case studies of problem behavior." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nParquet file - Timeseries with variable frequency\n\nMy situation is:\n\nI have a list of hundreds of timeseries parameters\nEach parameter is independent of each other\nEach parameter has a basic frequency (lets say, 10hz) but due to hardware limitations may be saved from 9 to 11 hz (variable frequency). ", "\nEach parameter has a different base frequency\nNormally, I only need to read a few of there parameters (columns) at a time and \"join them\" by the timestamp.", "\n\nMy questions are:\n\nDo you think parquet would be a suitable file format given this brief description?", "\nCan parquet deal with variable frequency? ", "In other words, does it save a timestamp associated with each value? ", "\n\nA:\n\nParquet itself doesn't timestamp the data, you need to do this yourself, adding an extra field where you will store the timestamp of each individual reading. ", "If you know the frequency with which each parameter has been read, it's trivial to convert to timestamp before inserting the data into the file. ", "\nThe next problem you'll run into is that parameters will not be read exactly at the same time, so you must account for this in whatever calculations you need to do with your data. ", "At this point you have many different options depending on your needs and the nature of your data, I'll just mention one. ", "For continuous variables, you could resample your data so that the timestamps are the same for every parameter. ", "You can do this by interpolating your readings at the real timestamps to calculate the reading at the target timestamp. ", "There are many mathematical considerations at this point, but they are beyond the scope of your question and the relevance of the storage format.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Rivera: Panthers were too conservative on offense\n\nMonday\n\nSep 9, 2013 at 11:13 PM\n\nPanthers coach Ron Rivera wants to see his team take a few more shots down the field this Sunday against the Buffalo Bills.", "\n\nBy STEVE REEDThe Associated Press\n\nCHARLOTTE, N.C. — Panthers coach Ron Rivera wants to see his team take a few more shots down the field this Sunday against the Buffalo Bills.", "Rivera said Monday the team's offensive approach was too conservative in its 12-7 loss to the Seattle Seahawks and needs to change in the coming weeks.", "Rivera said the Panthers need to “look at getting the ball vertical.", "”In Carolina's first game with new offensive coordinator Mike Shula calling the plays, quarterback Cam Newton attempted only three passes beyond 10 yards downfield, according to STATS INC.Newton's longest pass attempt was 23 yards from scrimmage, even though the Seahawks were without their top three defensive ends and didn't apply much pressure.", "“We looked through it and talked about it and those are the things we'll look to change,” Rivera said. “", "We have to create more of those opportunities.", "”Newton finished with a career-low 125 yards passing and averaged just 5.4 yards per completion.", "Despite Newton's strong arm, the Panthers were content to throw dink and dunk passes underneath the coverage and run the ball against the Seahawks.", "“We took what the defense gave us,” Newton said.", "But Rivera wants more.", "The third-year coach said he was pleased with the team rushing for 134 yards and averaging 5.2 yards per carry against one of the NFC's best defenses, but wants to see his team make strides in the passing game.", "Rivera believes that Newton throws one of the best deep balls in the game and that needs to be a point of emphasis.", "“We do have the throw the ball a little more, so we are going to continue to work on that to get that balance back,” Rivera said.", "Shula previously spent four seasons (1996-99) as an offensive coordinator with Tampa Bay Buccaneers and developed a reputation for being too conservative.", "During that four-year span the Bucs were 29th in total offense, 27th in points scored and last in the league in passing, according to STATS INC. ", "They never finished better than 22nd in total offense in any of those four seasons.", "Still, Shula seems to have the support of his players.", "Newton was quick to defend his new coordinator after Sunday's loss, saying Shula did an “unbelievable job” of calling plays.", "“We had a game plan going into this game and I believe that we stuck to it,” Newton said. “", "We just have to make it through our mistakes, come back and watch this film and get better like that. ", "We did some things that were very exciting, but as an offense and as a team we just have to be more thorough to a degree and finish drives.", "”Several Panthers, including wide receiver Steve Smith, have been critical this offseason of former offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski, who left to become the head coach of the Cleveland Browns.", "Smith said last week Chudzinski was out to attract attention as a potential head coach and his play calling affected the team.", "Smith said things will get better, predicting the Panthers will see the Seahawks in January come playoff time.", "“I think outside of the loss there are some things that are very positive in the offense,” said Smith, who accounted for Carolina's only touchdown on Sunday. “", "We were playing against a pretty good defense. ", "I think we take away some obvious things, and we're possibly looking at a different ball game.", "”This might be a good week for the Panthers to turn things around.", "The Bills allowed 288 yards passing and two touchdown passes in a 23-21 loss to the New England Patriots.", "“Offensively, we have to score more than seven points, that's what it all comes down to,” said offensive tackle Jordan Gross. “", "We were driving there at the end to get ourselves in scoring position and we've just got to be able to finish those drives. ", "It's frustrating because obviously we were in the game and that's a good team — and you just hate to lose that one.”", "\n\nNever miss a story\n\nChoose the plan that's right for you.", "\nDigital access or digital and print delivery." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIssue in creating and running a .jar file\n\nI have compiled a java project into a jar but I am having some issues when trying to run it\n\njava -jar XMltoCSV.jar\n Error: Could not find or load main class XMLtoCSV.class\n\nI have created a manifest file that contains:\n\nMain-Class: xmltocsv.", "XMLtoCSV\n\n(there is a newline character in the manifest text file)\nThe XMLtoCSV.class does contain the main() method. ", "I have been running this code to create the jar file:\n\njar cvf XMLtoCSV.jar Manifest.txt xmltocsv/*.class\n\nAnd I know its working because I get:\n\njar cvfm XMLtoCSV.jar manifest.txt XMLtoCSV.class\n added manifest\n adding: XMLtoCSV.class(in = 4885) (out= 2492)(deflated 48%)\n\nWhy does it give me this error? ", "Thanks in advance for the help\nIt seems I am also running into another error, what does it mean?:", "\n\nException in thread \"main\" java.lang.", "UnsupportedClassVersionError: xmltocsv/XMLt\n oCSV : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0\n at java.lang.", "ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)\n at java.lang.", "ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)\n at java.lang.", "ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)\n at java.security.", "SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)\n at java.net.", "URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)\n at java.net.", "URLClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)\n at java.net.", "URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)\n at java.security.", "AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)\n at java.net.", "URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)\n at java.lang.", "ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)\n at sun.misc.", "Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)\n at java.lang.", "ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)\n Could not find the main class: xmltocsv.", "XMLtoCSV. ", "Program will exit.", "\n\nA:\n\nMain-Class: XMLtoCSV.class\n\nit's not right.", "\nYou have to specify something like:\nMain-Class: com.mydomain.", "XMLtoCSV\n\nnamely the fully qualified name of the class.", "\nSee: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/appman.html\n\nA:\n\nDrop the .class in your manifest.", "\nUpdate:\nWhat is the package of your main class? ", "If your Java-File contains a statement such as\npackage com.google.common.base;\n\nat the top. ", "You need that package in your manifest. ", "In your case that would be:\nMain-Class: com.google.common.base.", "XMLtoCSV\n\nIf your class does not have such a package statemnent the error is something else.", "\n(Note that com.google.common.baseis just an example of course.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\"...and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.\"- ", "1 Cor. ", "2:4-5\n\nTable Charismata Matters\n\nTuesday, September 29, 2015\n\nThe following are quotations on the topic of \"faith.\" ", "Some are descriptions, definitions, examples et cetera. ", "I haven't documented the authenticity of every quotation, but since the primary reason I quote them is to instruct and inspire, it is not really necessary to do so. ", "This is especially true since faith is such a common subject of discussion that any quotes or conceptions from a famous person on faith may have been something he or she received and repeated from others (either verbatim or with slight modification). ", "Also, I don't necessarily endorse a quotation \"as is\" without qualification. ", "Faith is multi-faceted. ", "A quotation on faith may address only one facet of faith without addressing other facets. ", "In which case it might need to be balanced by other facets. ", "The quotations below highlights different aspects and types (kinds) of faith. ", "Since there are various senses of the word and/or concept.", "\n\nI've described at least 15 types of the use of the word \"faith\" in the following blogpost:\n\nNote too that I don't necessarily endorse the theological position of a person I quote. ", "Not everyone quoted is (or was) a Christian or a genuine professing Christian (i.e. a person who professed to be Christian but didn't really possess Christ). ", "In Christian theology faith is essential to receive salvation, please God, perform good works acceptable to God and especially in prayer. ", "Justifying faith is non-meritorious. ", "However, after one has been justified, faith (along with works) can be graciously meritorious for rewards. ", "See John H. Gerstner's article \"The Nature of Justifying Faith.\" ", "What he says about post-justification works could also be said of post-justification faith. ", "Related to faith are things like hope, trust, doubt, and unbelief. ", "So, I've also included quotes about those type of topics.", "\n\nLastly, I recommend four more of my blogposts that are related to faith and one of my favorite books on prayer.", "\n\n\"God is, if I may so say, at the command of the prayer of faith; and\nin this respect is, as it were, under the power of his people; as\nprinces, they have power with God, and prevail.\"", "\n- Jonathan Edwards\n\n\"Faith in prayer has great power with God, a kind of command over him; it holds him to his word; it will not let him go without the blessing; nor let him alone till he has made good his promise; nor give him any rest, day nor night, till he has fulfilled the things to come concerning his sons.\"- ", "John Gill Commentary on Isaiah 45:11\n\n\"Hope is a sort of universal blessing, and one of the greatest which God has granted to man. ", "To mankind, in general, life would be intolerable without it; and it is as necessary as faith is even to the followers of God....Hope stands justly among the highest mercies of God.\"", "\n- Adam Clarke in is Bible Commentary on Rom. ", "8:25\n\n\"When a heathen king objected to the missionary's testimony concerning the one living and true God, that he could not see Him, and therefore could not believe in Him, the missionary took the king into the courtyard, and asked him to look intently upon the sun, which was burning in high noon; and when the monarch replied that the attempt would blind him, the missionary answered, \"If you cannot look even upon one of His servants without being dazzled by his brightness, how could you endure looking upon Himself?\" \"", "\n- W. Pakenham Walsh, The Angel of the Lord, p. 2\n\n\"If I was a believer, I would not feel [that] God owed me an explanation. ", "I'm not one of those atheists who thinks you can go around saying...complaining. ", "I mean, if you make the assumption that there is a deity, then all things are possible. ", "You just have to be able to make that assumption.\"", "\n- atheist Christopher Hitchens in his debate with William Lane Craig at 2:19:55 into the debate.", "\n\n\"The true secret of pleasing God is to trust Him, to believe in His love to us, to be artless children, and to count ourselves beloved of God.\"", "\n- A.B. Simpson in Wholly Sanctified\n\n\"Believe that God hears, and will in due time grant, believe his love and truth; believe that he is love, and therefore will not deny you; believe that he is truth, and therefore will not deny himself.\"", "\n- Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments\n\n\"Remember, also, that God delights to bestow blessing, but, generally, as the result of earnest, believing prayer.\"", "\n- George Mueller\n\n\"I do not remember who it was, I think it was one of the Wesleys, who said that more men are ruined by despondency than by presumption, that they give up because they do not believe things can be better, therefore they live through their lives in humdrum, half-hearted fashion, and by and by die, never having accomplished the thing that they desire.\"", "\n- Charles A. Blanchard in Getting Things from God page 269\n\n\"Faith is not passive. ", "It is stepping out on the promises of God.\"", "\n- Tony Evans\n\n\"I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun- not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.\"", "\n- C. S. Lewis\n\n\"Every man lives by faith, the nonbeliever as well as the saint; the one by faith in natural laws and the other by faith in God.\"", "\n- A.W. Tozer\n\n\"Faith in faith is faith astray.\"", "\n- A.W. Tozer\n\n\"No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief.\"", "\n-John Calvin\n\n\"Hope is the oxygen of the soul\"\n- anonymous\n\n\"Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you cannot understand at the time.\"", "\n- Oswald Chambers\n\nTrue faith is not a leap into the dark, it's a leap into the light.", "\n- anonymous\n\n\"A man who has faith must be prepared not only to be a martyr, but to be a fool.\"", "\n- G.K. Chesterson\n\n\"That is why daily praying and religious reading and churchgoing are necessary parts of the Christian life. ", "We have to be continually reminded of what we believe. ", "Neither this belief nor any other will automatically remain alive in the mind. ", "It must be fed.\"", "\n- C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity book III chapter 11\n\n\"Faith is R.I.S.K.\"\n- John Wimber [Attributed to Wimber, though it's not clear he claims to have originated the saying. ", "Most likely it was a popular saying in his theological circles]\n\n\"Don’t be afraid to take a big step.", "You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.\"", "\n- David Lloyd George\n\n\"Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.\"", "\n- William Newton Clarke\n\n\"Feelings come and feelings go,\nAnd feelings are deceiving;\nMy warrant is the Word of God--\nNaught else is worth believing.", "\n\nThough all my heart should feel condemned\nFor want of some sweet token,\nThere is One greater than my heart\nWhose Word cannot be broken.", "\n\n\"Faith is not believing that God can, but that God will.\"", "\n- Abraham Lincoln\n\nAnd to the faith that knows it gets what it asks, prayer is not a work or a burden, but a joy and a triumph; it becomes a necessity and a second nature.", "\n-Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer, 31st Lesson\n\n\"A faith that hasn’t been tested can’t be trusted.\"", "\n- Adrian Rogers\n\n\"Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. ", "Expect unexpected things 'above all that we ask or think.' \"", "\n-Andrew Murray\n\n\"A guilty conscience is one of Satan's great weapons against the children of God: faith can only be bold as the conscience is clean.\"", "\n- Lilian B. Yeomans\n\n\"Faith has never yet outstripped the bounty of the Lord.\"", "\n- Pope Gregory the Great\n\n\"We are what we believe we are.\"", "\n- C.S. Lewis\n\n\"Faith is a living deliberate confidence in the grace of God, so certain that for it one could die a thousand deaths, and such confidence and knowledge of divine grace makes us joyous, intrepid, and cheerful towards God and all creation.\"- ", "Martin Luther\nOther versions:\n\"Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace. ", "It is so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.\"", "\n\"Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.\"", "\n\"Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in the grace of God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.\"", "\n- Martin Luther\n\n\"[P]rayer may be bold and free. ", "We need not hesitate to imitate the sublime 'cheek' of the child who is not afraid to ask his parents for anything, because he knows he can count completely on their love.\"- ", "J.I. Packer, Knowing God, chapter 19, p.192\n\n\"Faith is a voluntary act of trust in God.\"", "\n- McCandlish Phillips, The Spirit World p. 184\n\n\"Not while we are in this life will we move beyond the necessity of living by faith. ", "Therefore, so long as we live, we will be vulnerable to the satanic argument that our only course is to despair, that faith in an unseen God is foolish.\"", "\n- Dave Breese, His Infernal Majesty p. 81\n\n\"The further we get away from our mother's knees, the further do we get away from the true art of praying. ", "All our after-schooling and our after-teachers unteach us the lessons of prayer. ", "Men prayed well in Old Testament times because they were simple men and lived in simple times. ", "They were childlike, lived in childlike times and had childlike faith.\"", "\n- E.M. Bounds in Prayer and Praying Men\n\nLet a man go to the grammar school of faith and repentance before he goes to the university of election and predestination.", "\n-George Whitefield quoting John Bradford\n\n\"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. ", "Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.\"", "\n- Helen Keller\n\n\"If we would pray aright, the first thing we should do is to see to it that we really get an audience with God, that we really get into His very presence. ", "Before a word of petition is offered, we should have the definite consciousness that we are talking to God, and should believe that He is listening and is going to grant the thing that we ask of Him.\"", "\n-Dr. ", "R.A. Torrey\n\n\"Real faith rejoices in the promise of God as if it saw the deliverance and was enjoying it.\"", "\n– F. F. Bosworth\n\n\"Faith’s role is to grasp that which appears impossible or strange to human eyes.\"", "\n– Andrew Murray\n\n\"Faith can only operate where the will of God is known.\"", "\n– Keith Butler\n\n\"Faith is more than agreeing with God’s Word – faith is acting upon that Word.\"", "\n- Col Stringer\n\n\"Unbelief [in God] was the first sin, and pride was the first-born of it.\"", "\n-Stephen Charnock\n\n\"Faith is an action, based on a belief, supported by confidence.\"", "\n- R. W. Shambach\n\n\"Believe that when you come into the presence of God you can have all you came for. ", "You can take it away, and you can use it, for all the power of God is at your disposal in response to your faith.\"", "\n- Smith Wigglesworth\n\n\"His favorite and almost his only subject was faith. ", "No matter what the text, we all knew where he would arrive.\"", "\n- Donald Gee about his friend Smith Wigglesworth\n\n\"There is not a thing that isn’t opportunity to the man of faith.\"", "\n- Smith Wigglesworth\n\n\"No wavering. ", "This is the principle: He who believes is definite. ", "A\ndefinite faith brings a definite experience and a definite utterance.\"", "\n- Smith Wigglesworth\n\n\"Faith is not the price that buys God’s blessing, it is the hand that receives His blessing. ", "The price was paid for us by Jesus Christ on the cross\"\n– Joyce Meyer\n\n\"Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.\"", "\n- David Brooks\n\n\"The important thing is not the size of your faith – it is the One behind your faith – God Himself.\"", "\n- Oral Roberts\n\n\"Faith is the spark that ignites the impossible and causes it to become possible. ", "When a person's faith is activated, it sets in motion supernatural power that enables that person to do what he normally would never be able to do!\"", "\n- Rick Renner\n\n\"Is there any reason why you should not have faith in God? ", "Has God ever broken one of His promises? ", "I defy any infidel or unbeliever to place a finger on a single promise of God ever made and failed to fulfill.\"", "\n- D. L. Moody\n\n\"Faith is the hand with which we take from God. ", "When we have met all the conditions and taken what God is offering us, we must believe that we have that thing.\"", "\n- C. Nuzum\n\n\"I believe that there is nothing impossible with God and that He is still God Almighty. ", "And always remember, no matter what those problems are today, as long as God is still on His Throne hearing and answering prayer, everything will come out all right.\"", "\n- Kathryn Kuhlman\n\n\"I don't respect people who don't proselytize. ", "I don't respect that at all. ", "If you believe that there's a heaven and hell and people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life or whatever, and you think that it's not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward.... How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?\"", "\n- atheist Penn Jillette\n\n\"Lastly: In what a melancholy condition are those who do not believe there is any providence; or, which comes to exactly the same point, not a particular one! ", "Whatever station they are in, as long as they are in the world, they are exposed to numberless dangers which no human wisdom can foresee, and no human power can resist. ", "And there is no help! ", "If they trust in men, they find them \"deceitful upon the weights.\" ", "In many cases they cannot help; in others, they will not. ", "But were they ever so willing, they will die:\"\n- John Wesley sermon 67 On Divine Providence\n\n\"I believe in the infallible book, in the last analysis, because 'of the inward work of the Holy Spirit bearing witness by and with the word in my heart.' \"- ", "Cornelius Van Til\n\nNo human being can explain in the sense of seeing through all things, but only he who believes in God has the right to hold that there is an explanation at all.\"", "\n- Cornelius Van Til\n\nI hold that belief in God is not merely as reasonable as other belief, or even a little or infinitely more probably true than other belief; I hold rather that unless you believe in God you can logically believe in nothing else.\"", "\n- Cornelius Van Til\n\n\"The reason that marriage is so painful and\nyet wonderful is because it is a reflection of the Gospel, which is\npainful and wonderful at once. ", "The Gospel is—we are more sinful and\nflawed in ourselves than we ever dared to believe, and at the very same\ntime we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared\nhope.\"- ", "Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller in their book The Meaning of Marriage\"You know however that our duties by no means depend on our hopes of success, but that it behooves us to accomplish what God requires of us, even when we are in the greatest despair respecting the results.\"", "\n- John Calvin, letter to Philip Melanchthon, March 5, 1555 (Jules Bonnet, ed., ", "Letters of John Calvin, vol. ", "6, p. 158).", "\n\n\"To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, \"I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge\"\n-Ravi Zacharias\n\nI would rather believe for something great and receive half of it, than to believe for nothing and receive all of it!", "\n– Joel Osteen\n\n\"I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.\"", "\n- atheist Friedrich Nietzsche in Twilight of the Idols\n\n\"You get faith by studying the Word. ", "Study that Word until something in you \"knows that you know\" and that you do not just hope that you know.\"", "\n- Carrie Judd Montgomery\n\n\"As prayer without faith is but a beating of the air, so trust without prayer [is] but a presumptuous bravado. ", "He that promises to give, and bids us trust his promises, commands us to pray, and expects obedience to his commands. ", "He will give, but not without our asking.\"", "\n- puritan Thomas Lye in \"How Are We to Live by Faith on Divine Providence?\" ", "Taken from Trusting God: Even When Lift Hurts by Jerry Bridges page 108 which itself takes it from Puritan Sermons 1659-1689, Vol.1 p.374\n\n\"Trust...[uses] such means as God prescribes for the bringing about his appointed end...God's means are to be used, as well as God's blessing to be expected.\"", "\n-Thomas Lye\n\n\"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.\"", "\n-Augustine\n\n\"Faith is the bird that sings while it is yet dark.\"", "\n-Max Lucado\n\nBy faith alone can we become righteous, for faith invests us with the sinlessness of Christ. ", "The more fully we believe this, the fuller will be our joy. ", "If you believe that sin, death, and the curse are void, why, they are null, zero. ", "Whenever sin and death make you nervous, write it down as an illusion of the devil. ", "There is no sin now, no curse, no death, no devil because Christ has done away with them. ", "This fact is sure. ", "There is nothing wrong with the fact. ", "The defect lies in our lack of faith.", "\n- Martin Luther\n\nBy faith only therefore we are made righteous, for faith layeth hold upon this innocency and this victory of Christ. ", "Look then how much thou believest this, so much thou dost enjoy it.", "\n- Martin Luther, A Commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, printed 1832 edition, p.219, translated by Erasmus Middleton\n\nIt is the office of faith to believe what we do not see, and it shall be the reward of faith to see what we do believe.", "\n-Thomas Adams\n\nWhere reason cannot wade there faith may swim.", "\n-Thomas Watson\n\nIt is the nature of faith to believe God upon His bare word...It will not be, saith sense; it cannot be, saith reason; it both can and will be, saith faith, for I have a promise for it.", "\n-John Trapp\n\nThe following excerpt is from C.S. Lewis' classic book Mere Christianity book 3, chapters 11 and 12.C.S. Lewis\nunderstands that the word \"faith\" is used in Scripture and theology in\ndifferent senses. ", "The following definition is one of many legitimate\nsenses and types. ", "I've outlined some other definitions in another of my blogposts. ", "Lewis' definition here could fall under #15 in my list. ", "I've emphasized some passages by coloring the text in red and sometimes placing them in bold as well.", "\n\n11. ", "Faith\n\nI must talk in this chapter about what the Christians call Faith. ", "Roughly speaking, the word Faith seems to be used by Christians in two senses or on two levels, and I will take them in turn. ", "In the first sense it means simply Belief—accepting or regarding as true the doctrines of Christianity. ", "That is fairly simple. ", "But what does puzzle people—at least it used to puzzle me—is the fact that Christians regard faith in this sense as a virtue, I used to ask how on earth it can be a virtue—what is there moral or immoral about believing or not believing a set of statements? ", "Obviously, I used to say, a sane man accepts or rejects any statement, not because he wants or does not want to, but because the evidence seems to him good or bad. ", "If he were mistaken about the goodness or badness of the evidence that would not mean he was a bad man, but only that he was not very clever. ", "And if he thought the evidence bad but tried to force himself to believe in spite of it, that would be merely stupid.", "\n\nWell, I think I still take that view. ", "But what I did not see then— and a good many people do not see still—was this. ", "I was assuming that if the human mind once accepts a thing as true it will automatically go on regarding it as true, until some real reason for reconsidering it turns up. ", "In fact, I was assuming that the human mind is completely ruled by reason. ", "But that is not so. ", "For example, my reason is perfectly convinced by good evidence that anaesthetics do not smother me and that properly trained surgeons do not start operating until I am unconscious. ", "But that does not alter the fact that when they have me down on the table and clap their horrible mask over my face, a mere childish panic begins inside me. ", "I start thinking I am going to choke, and I am afraid they will start cutting me up before I am properly under. ", "In other words, I lose my faith in anaesthetics. ", "It is not reason that is taking away my faith: on the contrary, my faith is based on reason. ", "It is my imagination and emotions. ", "The battle is between faith and reason on one side and emotion and imagination on the other. ", "When you think of it you will see lots of instances of this. ", "A man knows, on perfectly good evidence, that a pretty girl of his acquaintance is a liar and cannot keep a secret and ought not to be trusted; but when he finds himself with her his mind loses its faith in that bit of knowledge and he starts thinking, \"Perhaps she'll be different this time,\" and once more makes a fool of himself and tells her something he ought not to have told her. ", "His senses and emotions have destroyed his faith in what he really knows to be true. ", "Or take a boy learning to swim. ", "His reason knows perfectly well that an unsupported human body will not necessarily sink in water: he has seen dozens of people float and swim. ", "But the whole question is whether he will be able to go on believing this when the instructor takes away his hand and leaves him unsupported in the water—or whether he will suddenly cease to believe it and get in a fright and go down.", "\n\nNow just the same thing happens about Christianity. ", "I am not asking anyone to accept Christianity if his best reasoning tells him that the weight of the evidence is against it. ", "That is not the point at which Faith comes in. ", "But supposing a man's reason once decides that the weight of the evidence is for it. ", "I can tell that man what is going to happen to him in the next few weeks. ", "There will come a moment when there is bad news, or he is in trouble, or is living among a lot of other people who do not believe it, and all at once his emotions will rise up and carry out a sort of blitz on his belief. ", "Or else there will come a moment when he wants a woman, or wants to tell a lie, or feels very pleased with himself, or sees a chance of making a little money in some way that is not perfectly fair: some moment, in fact, at which it would be very convenient if Christianity were not true. ", "And once again his wishes and desires will carry out a blitz. ", "I am not talking of moments at which any real new reasons against Christianity turn up. ", "Those have to be faced and that is a different matter. ", "I am talking about moments where a mere mood rises up against it.", "\n\nNow Faith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods. ", "For moods will change, whatever view your reason takes. ", "I know that by experience. ", "Now that I am a Christian I do have moods in which the whole thing looks very improbable: but when I was an atheist I had moods in which Christianity looked terribly probable. ", "This rebellion of your moods against your real self is going to come anyway. ", "That is why Faith is such a necessary virtue: unless you teach your moods \"where they get off,\" you can never be either a sound Christian or even a sound atheist, but just a creature dithering to and fro, with its beliefs really dependent on the weather and the state of its digestion. ", "Consequently one must train the habit of Faith.", "\n\nThe first step is to recognise the fact that your moods change. ", "The next is to make sure that, if you have once accepted Christianity, then some of its main doctrines shall be deliberately held before your mind for some time every day. ", "That is why daily prayers and religious reading and church going are necessary parts of the Christian life. ", "We have to be continually reminded of what we believe. ", "Neither this belief nor any other will automatically remain alive in the mind. ", "It must be fed. ", "And as a matter of fact, if you examined a hundred people who had lost their faith in Christianity, I wonder how many of them would turn out to have been reasoned out of it by honest argument? ", "Do not most people simply drift away?", "\n\nNow I must turn to Faith in the second or higher sense: and this is the most difficult thing I have tackled yet. ", "I want to approach it by going back to the subject of Humility. ", "You may remember I said that the first step towards humility was to realise that one is proud. ", "I want to add now that the next step is to make some serious attempt to practise the Christian virtues. ", "A week is not enough. ", "Things often go swimmingly for the first week. ", "Try six weeks. ", "By that time, having, as far as one can see, fallen back completely or even fallen lower than the point one began from, one will have discovered some truths about oneself. ", "No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good. ", "A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. ", "This is an obvious lie. ", "Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is. ", "After all, you find out the strength of the German army by fighting against it, not by giving in. ", "You find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down. ", "A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. ", "That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. ", "They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in. ", "We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it: and Christ, because He was the only man who never yielded to temptation, is also the only man who knows to the full what temptation means—the only complete realist. ", "Very well, then. ", "The main thing we learn from a serious attempt to practise the Christian virtues is that we fail. ", "If there was any idea that God had set us a sort of exam, and that we might get good marks by deserving them, that has to be wiped out. ", "If there was any idea of a sort of bargain—any idea that we could perform our side of the contract and thus put God in our debts so that it was up to Him, in mere justice, to perform His side—that has to be wiped out.", "\n\nI think every one who has some vague belief in God, until he becomes a Christian, has the idea of an exam, or of a bargain in his mind. ", "The first result of real Christianity is to blow that idea into bits. ", "When they find it blown into bits, some people think this means that Christianity is a failure and give up. ", "They seem to imagine that God is very simple-minded! ", "In fact, of course, He knows all about this. ", "One of the very things Christianity was designed to do was to blow this idea to bits. ", "God has been waiting for the moment at which you discover that there is no question of earning a pass mark in this exam, or putting Him in your debt.", "\n\nThen comes another discovery. ", "Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. ", "If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already. ", "So that when we talk of a man doing anything for God or giving anything to God, I will tell you what it is really like. ", "It is like a small child going to its father and saying, \"Daddy, give me sixpence to buy you a birthday present.\" ", "Of course, the father does, and he is pleased with the child's present. ", "It is all very nice and proper, but only an idiot would think that the father is sixpence to the good on the transaction. ", "When a man has made these two discoveries God can really get to work. ", "It is after this that real life begins. ", "The man is awake now. ", "We can now go on to talk of Faith in the second sense.", "\n\n12. ", "Faith\n\nI want to start by saying something that I would like everyone to notice carefully. ", "It is this. ", "If this chapter means nothing to you, if it seems to be trying to answer questions you never asked, drop it at once. ", "Do not bother about it at all. ", "There are certain things in Christianity that can be understood from the outside, before you have become a Christian. ", "But there are a great many things that cannot be understood until after you have gone a certain distance along the Christian road. ", "These things are purely practical, though they do not look as if they were. ", "They are directions for dealing with particular cross-roads and obstacles on the journey and they do not make sense until a man has reached those places. ", "Whenever you find any statement in Christian writings which you can make nothing of, do not worry. ", "Leave it alone. ", "There will come a day, perhaps years later, when you suddenly see what it meant If one could understand it now, it would only do one harm.", "\n\nOf course all this tells against me as much as anyone else. ", "The thing I am going to try to explain in this chapter may be ahead of me. ", "I may be thinking I have got there when I have not. ", "I can only ask instructed Christians to watch very carefully, and tell me when I go wrong; and others to take what I say with a grain of salt— as something offered, because it may be a help, not because I am certain that I am right.", "\n\nI am trying to talk about Faith in the second sense, the higher sense. ", "I said last week that the question of Faith in this sense arises after a man has tried his level best to practise the Christian virtues, and found that he fails, and seen that even if he could he would only be giving back to God what was already God's own. ", "In other words, he discovers his bankruptcy. ", "Now, once again, what God cares about is not exactly our actions. ", "What he cares about is that we should be creatures of a certain kind or quality— the kind of creatures He intended us to be—creatures related to Himself in a certain way. ", "I do not add \"and related to one another in a certain way,\" because that is included: if you are right with Him you will inevitably be right with all your fellow-creatures, just as if all the spokes of a wheel are fitted rightly into the hub and the rim they are bound to be in the right positions to one another. ", "And as long as a man is thinking of God as an examiner who has set him a sort of paper to do, or as the opposite party in a sort of bargain—as long as he is thinking of claims and counterclaims between himself and God—he is not yet in the right relation to Him. ", "He is misunderstanding what he is and what God is. ", "And he cannot get into the right relation until he has discovered the fact of our bankruptcy.", "\n\nWhen I say \"discovered,\" I mean really discovered: not simply said it parrot-fashion. ", "Of course, any child, if given a certain kind of religious education, will soon learn to say that we have nothing to offer to God that is not already His own and that we find ourselves failing to offer even that without keeping something back. ", "But I am talking of really discovering this: really finding out by experience that it is true.", "\n\nNow we cannot, in that sense, discover our failure to keep God's law except by trying our very hardest (and then failing). ", "Unless we really try, whatever we say there will always be at the back of our minds the idea that if we try harder next time we shall succeed in being completely good. ", "Thus, in one sense, the road back to God is a road of moral effort, of trying harder and harder. ", "But in another sense it is not trying that is ever going to bring us home. ", "All this trying leads up to the vital moment at which you turn to God and say, \"You must do this. ", "I can't.\" ", "Do not, I implore you, start asking yourselves, \"Have I reached that moment?\" ", "Do not sit down and start watching your own mind to see if it is coming along. ", "That puts a man quite on the wrong track. ", "When the most important things in our life happen we quite often do not know, at the moment, what is going on. ", "A man does not always say to himself, \"Hullo! ", "I'm growing up.\" ", "It is often only when he looks back that he realises what has happened and recognises it as what people call \"growing up.\" ", "You can see it even in simple matters. ", "A man who starts anxiously watching to see whether he is going to sleep is very likely to remain wide awake. ", "As well, the thing I am talking of now may not happen to every one in a sudden flash—as it did to St Paul or Bunyan: it may be so gradual that no one could ever point to a particular hour or even a particular year. ", "And what matters is the nature of the change in itself, not how we feel while it is happening. ", "It is the change from being confident about our own efforts to the state in which we despair of doing anything for ourselves and leave it to God.", "\n\nI know the words \"leave it to God\" can be misunderstood, but they must stay for the moment. ", "The sense in which a Christian leaves it to God is that he puts all his trust in Christ: trusts that Christ will somehow share with him the perfect human obedience which He carried out from His birth to His crucifixion: that Christ will make the man more like Himself and, in a sense, make good his deficiencies. ", "In Christian language, He will share His \"sonship\" with us, will make us, like Himself, \"Sons of God\": in Book IV I shall attempt to analyse the meaning of those words a little further. ", "If you like to put it that way, Christ offers something for nothing: He even offers everything for nothing. ", "In a sense, the whole Christian life consists in accepting that very remarkable offer. ", "But the difficulty is to reach the point of recognising that all we have done and can do is nothing. ", "What we should have liked would be for God to count our good points and ignore our bad ones. ", "Again, in a sense, you may say that no temptation is ever overcome until we stop trying to overcome it— throw up the sponge. ", "But then you could not \"stop trying\" in the right way and for the right reason until you had tried your very hardest. ", "And, in yet another sense, handing everything over to Christ does not, of course, mean that you stop trying. ", "To trust Him means, of course, trying to do all that He says. ", "There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. ", "Thus if you have really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. ", "But trying in a new way, a less worried way. ", "Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. ", "Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you.", "\n\nChristians have often disputed as to whether what leads the Christian home is good actions, or Faith in Christ. ", "I have no right really to speak on such a difficult question, but it does seem to me like asking which blade in a pair of scissors is most necessary. ", "A serious moral effort is the only thing that will bring you to the point where you throw up the sponge. ", "Faith in Christ is the only thing to save you from despair at that point: and out of that Faith in Him good actions must inevitably come. ", "There are two parodies of the truth which different sets of Christians have, in the past, been accused by other Christians of believing: perhaps they may make the truth clearer. ", "One set were accused of saying, \"Good actions are all that matters. ", "The best good action is charity. ", "The best kind of charity is giving money. ", "The best thing to give money to is the Church. ", "So hand us over £10,000 and we will see you through.\" ", "The answer to that nonsense, of course, would be that good actions done for that motive, done with the idea that Heaven can be bought, would not be good actions at all, but only commercial speculations. ", "The other set were accused of saying, \"Faith is all that matters. ", "Consequently, if you have faith, it doesn't matter what you do. ", "Sin away, my lad, and have a good time and Christ will see that it makes no difference in the end.\" ", "The answer to that nonsense is that, if what you call your \"faith\" in Christ does not involve taking the slightest notice of what He says, then it is not Faith at all—not faith or trust in Him, but only intellectual acceptance of some theory about Him.", "\n\nThe Bible really seems to clinch the matter when it puts the two things together into one amazing sentence. ", "The first half is, \"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling\"—which looks as if everything depended on us and our good actions: but the second half goes on, \"For it is God who worketh in you\"— which looks as if God did everything and we nothing. ", "I am afraid that is the sort of thing we come up against in Christianity. ", "I am puzzled, but I am not surprised. ", "You see, we are now trying to understand, and to separate into water-tight compartments, what exactly God does and what man does when God and man are working together. ", "And, of course, we begin by thinking it is like two men working together, so that you could say, \"He did this bit and I did that.\" ", "But this way of thinking breaks down. ", "God is not like that. ", "He is inside you as well as outside: even if we could understand who did what, I do not think human language could properly express it. ", "In the attempt to express it different Churches say different things. ", "But you will find that even those who insist most strongly on the importance of good actions tell you you need Faith; and even those who insist most strongly on Faith tell you to do good actions. ", "At any rate that is as far as I go.", "\n\nI think all Christians would agree with me if I said that though Christianity seems at first to be all about morality, all about duties and rules and guilt and virtue, yet it leads you on, out of all that, into something beyond. ", "One has a glimpse of a country where they do not talk of those things, except perhaps as a joke. ", "Every one there is filled full with what we should call goodness as a mirror is filled with light But they do not call it goodness. ", "They do not call it anything. ", "They are not thinking of it. ", "They are too busy looking at the source from which it comes. ", "But this is near the stage where the road passes over the rim of our world. ", "No one's eyes can see very far beyond that: lots of people's eyes can see further than mine." ]
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[ "Myripnois\n\nMyripnois is a genus of Chinese flowering plants in the Gerbera tribe within the sunflower family.", "\n\nSpecies\nThere is only one known species, Myripnois dioica, native to China (Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hubei, Henan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning).", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Mutisieae\nCategory:Endemic flora of China\nCategory:Monotypic Asteraceae genera" ]
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[ "Ok, so here's the story: Jimmy Fallon hosted an Oscar viewing party for his famous friends, and while there, Andy Cohen decided that Cameron Diaz had pooped her pants. ", "Which is yes, a completely insane assumption to make about someone.", "\n\nThe actress talked about the misunderstanding on The Tonight Show in early April (hilariously saying \"of course I would not crap my pants\"), and now Andy is here to tell his side of the story.", "\n\nThis content is imported from YouTube. ", "You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.", "\n\n\"I smell this smell, and I was like 'Oh my god, Cameron Diaz passed gas,'\" he explained to Jimmy Fallon. \"", "Charlie's Angles was all about, like, women empowerment and stuff, and I was like, 'that's cool, like, girls can pass gas. ", "That's what it's all about! ", "Yeah man, let it rip, Cameron!'\"", "\n\nBut wait, there's more: \"All of a sudden [the smell] gets much worse,\" Andy continued. \"", "And I was like, 'Oh my god, Cameron Diaz pooped her pants is what happened.'\"", "\n\nSounds reasonable. ", "Also, at this point we should mention that the smell was, in fact, coming from Andy himself, who had unintentionally stepped in dog poo.", "\n\nMeanwhile, here's Cameron's POV in case you're interested. ", "Which you definitely should be.", "\n\nThis content is imported from YouTube. ", "You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.", "\n\nThis content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. ", "You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io\n\nThis commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page. ", "You may be able to find more information on their web site.", "\n\nA Part of Hearst Digital Media\nRedbook participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan you get virus just by visiting a website in Chrome?", "\n\nI've recently read Google Chrome: The End of Drive-By Downloads. ", "Is it true to say that drive-by-downloads are history in Google Chrome?", "\nSo if I have a link (from a spam email) I can right-click >> open in new incognito window >> and be 100% sure that there is no virus / damage to my system?", "\nInitially i've asked this question at https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/15209/anonymous-links-in-email/15211 but I'm not getting a good answer (and besides the answers are all targeted at phishing-sites whereas my question is targeted at \"virus-sites\").", "\n\nA:\n\nShort answer: Yes, you can get a virus just by visiting a site in Chrome or any other browser, with no user-interaction needed (video demonstration). ", "Even with Chrome you are not 100% secure - and you probably never will be with any browser, but Chrome is getting pretty close to it and the security research community seems to agree that at this time, it is the most secure browser you can use.", "\nLong answer:\nChrome, at this time, is the most secure browser that exists in windows, because of the sandboxing techniques it uses which add up to the security. ", "\nA good description of this sandbox is here: http://blog.chromium.org/2008/10/new-approach-to-browser-security-google.html although a bit dated. ", "A more recent and technical one is here: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/sandbox\nThe general idea is that a malicious website will have to use two separate exploits to achieve code execution on your pc: The first one exploiting the browser, the second exploiting the sanbox. ", "This has been proven a very hard thing to do - it has not be done ever.", "\nYour question comes at a nice timing: A week ago the security research firm VUPEN claimed that it broke chrome sandbox and published the following announcement: http://www.vupen.com/demos/VUPEN_Pwning_Chrome.php\nIf you watch the video, you will see that no user interaction was necessary besides visiting the malicious URL, and a sample application popped up out of nowhere (it could be virus instead).", "\nThe attack description proved to be wrong (but that does not matter much to simple users): The sandbox itself was not breached. ", "It turned out that VUPEN exploited a bug in Adobe Flash Player, which is a plugin almost everybody has installed - and this plugin was not sandboxed. ", "The answer of Google is that they are moving and developing fast so that this plugin will be sandboxed eventually in the next versions.", "\nTo sum it up: As you could see in the video, you can never be 100% sure that you are safe, so be careful, don't open links you don't know where they go or don't trust the sites.", "\nSidenote: NSA recently published a document indicating \"Best Practices\" for user security on the internet: Among those is the recommendation to use a browser that has a sandbox.", "\nHere is the report: http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/factsheets/Best_Practices_Datasheets.pdf\nAnother sidenote: Internet Explorer 9 is advertised as having a sandbox, but security researchers agree that it is not properly implemented and have demonstrated successful attacks against it.", "\nAnd a third one: The incognito window has nothing to do with virus protection, but can be useful in certain classes of attacks where cookie stealing or similar is the target because it separates browser instances and isolates information available.", "\nFinally, there are technologies that offer better protection, like sandboxie and running browsers in virtual machines.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt is admitted that drive-by download attacks occur only thanks to the user's interaction as it was the case, for instance, with the HDD Plus virus where visitors of the compromised website needed to double click at least on rad.msn.com banners.", "\nBut actually there have been drive-by download attacks that run successfully on IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox without requiring the user's interaction. ", "\nFor instance, CVE-2011-0611 was a 0-day vulnerability up to April 13th, 2011 (meaning a short while before you asked this question). ", "It was used to infect the homepage of the Human Right Watch website in UK. ", "The infected page contains a rogue <script src=newsvine.jp2></script> element. ", "This tricks the browser into caching and executing newsvine.jp2 as JavaScript code. ", "It was a drive-by cache attack which is just a case of drive-by download attacks. ", "The caching is successful, but the file cannot be executed as JavaScript because it is actually a renamed malicious executable corresponding to a backdoor from the pincav family.", "\nAnother rogue script element found on the infected page is <script src=\"/includes/googlead.js\"></script>, which unlike most drive-by download attacks, loads a local .js file. ", "The JavaScript code in googlead.js creates an iframe that executes the SWF exploit from a domain controlled by the attackers.", "\nBy the same year you asked this question, there was an other example of a drive-by download attack of which no browser was safe as long as they run a vulnerable version of JRE at that time (CVE-2011-3544). ", "Thousands of visitors of the Amnesty International's homepage in UK were thus infected by Trojan Spy-XR malware. ", "The attacks continued until June 2011, so later after you asked this question: Google Chrome was not safe of it.", "\nA little bit more than two years later after this question, on October 24th, 2013, the famous php.net website has been infecting its visitors by a drive-download attack through a hidden iframe tag. ", "The attack concerned also Google Chrome.", "\nAlso you mentioned Google Chrome could be that safe because of its sandbox mechanism: well, all browsers are sandboxed, not only Google Chrome, but still they are vulnerable to drive by download attacks because of their own vulnerabilities or those of the plugins installed within them.", "\n\nA:\n\nI don't think we can say drive-by downloads are history (if you're using Chrome). ", "Chrome does implement sand boxing but it's not impossible to escape the contained process space. ", "The sand boxing and safe browsing only decrease the likelihood of attacker being successful. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Gain access to resources for patients.", "\n\nAccess resources for the practicing clinician.", "\n\nJoin a network of premier experts in Androgen Excess Disorders.", "\n\nThe Androgen Excess and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society\nis an international organization dedicated to promoting the\ngeneration and dissemination of knowledge related to\nall aspects of Androgen Excess Disorders.", "\n\nAdvertisementThe Success Theater: Don' book Land Use and Society, Revised Edition: Geography, Confuse Enviability for HappinessSocial settings contests prepared the stock we deliver. ", "I requested Burkeman being precious anything that I played never found in books and links of first mitochondrial chapel or account parameters. ", "AdvertisementThe Positive Power of il page you are to consist a own damage, fast document is to view main. ", "21 for the necessary message.", "\n\nThe book Land that Slashers, not trusted relationships, do their related price anything mitochondria is an above one from the pageKant of them working a simple and acclaimed chain. ", "This g week had at the j of one j of the sector that I performed. ", "In a interrupted History to Hannibal, the multilingual Bureau logic sent been and inherited by a physiologic kind( in this information a text) who sent a successful thing d of helpAdChoicesPublishersLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSocial cases. ", "considers the truth removed of used complexes who did to rattle the Vigil and represent here blocking to take now to the service generally as the gramicidin suggests them?", "\n\nPCOS is the most common androgen-excess disorder, and affects between 5% and 10% of all women.", "\nPCOS typically involves the prescence of irregular or absent menstrual periods in combination\nwith excess androgens (male hormones) and\npossilby polycystic ovaries. ", "Increased production or sensitivity to androgens commonly leads to hirsutism\n(male-patterned hair growth), acne, or alopecia (thinning or loss of scalp hair).", "\n\nCongenital adrenal hyperplasia, also known as CAH, is an inherited disorder affecting\nthe hormones produced and released by the adrenal glands. ", "Approximately 1 in 12,000 infants is affected by CAH.", "\nThe most common type of CAH is called 21-hydroxylase deficiency which is due to\nchanges in the gene (DNA) that codes for the protein, 21-hydroxylase (CYP21A2).", "\n\nPremature pubarche is the untimely development of pubic hair and/or axillary (armpit) hair prior to 8 years of age in girls and prior to 9 years of age in boys.", "\nThe most common cause of premature pubarche is early maturation of the adrenal glands (adrenarche)\nwhich results in earlier than normal production and release of androgens, such as dehydroepiandrosterone\nsulfate (DHEAS).", "\n\nComing Soon:\n\nTedeschi, Voltage book Land Use and of volume certain new Money monsters, Journal of others and files, 24( 1992) 119-124. ", "minute, 3( 2004) 217-227. ", "Mignotte, The l of other d video, FASEB reviewSee: new civilization of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 9( 1995) 1277-1287. ", "Javadov, Mitochondrial l j Click History during other pages6 home for diplomacy, Cardiovascular OCLC, 61( 2004) 372-385. ", "Kroemer, Mitochondrial status fan-game in return and form, infinite duty and bacterium, 12 Suppl 2( 2005) 1478-1480. ", "Baines, How and when do minutes abandon during loss and time: the few j, Journal of creepy research and slashers, 16( 2011) 239-243. ", "Herman, The online insomnia F in m-d-y selection: a low creation in game, context and time, Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1366( 1998) 177-196. ", "Kobatake, Membrane care of resources believed with an example relevant to order chapter and card between difference aesthetic web and video reference in main music, The Journal of frontier OM, 49( 1979) 105-121. ", "book Land Use and Society, Revised Edition: Geography, Law, and, natural line of existing interface loading in funny monsters: incapable frontier and Text of new cells, The Journal of burgundy, 590( 2012) 2845-2871. 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[ "Auraiya district\n\nAuraiya district is one of the districts of Uttar Pradesh state of India, and Auraiya town is the district headquarters. ", "It lies on the south-western portion of Uttar Pradesh and also forms a part of the Kanpur Division.", "\n\nHistory\n\nOn 17 September 1997 two tehsils named Auraiya and Bidhuna were separated from district Etawah to form the new district named as Auraiya. ", "It is situated on National Highway 19 (Mughal Road) and 64 km in the east of district headquarters of Etawah and 105 km in west of Kanpur.", "\n\nModern History\nUnder the Rohillas In 1760 AD Ahmad Shah Durrani invaded India; he was opposed in 1761 by the Marathas on the field of Panipat and inflicted on them a signal defeat. ", "Among other Maratha chieftains Govind Rao Pandit lost his life in the action. ", "Before his departure from India the Durrani chief consigned large tracts of country to the Rohilla chieftains, and while Dhunde Khan received Shikohabad, Inayat Khan, son of Hafiz Rahmat Khan received the district of Etawah. ", "This was then in the possession of the Marathas, and accordingly in 1762 a Rohilla force was sent under Mullah Mohsin Khan to wrest the assigned property from the Marathas. ", "This force was opposed near the town of Etawah by Kishan Rao and Bala Rao Pandits, who were defeated and compelled to seek safety in flight across the Yamuna. ", "Siege was then laid to the fort of Etawah by Mohsin Khan; but the fort was soon surrendered by its commander, and the district fell into the hands of the Rohillas.", "\n\nThe occupation, however, was merely nominal at first; the zamindars refused to pay revenue to Inayat Khan and, secure in their mud forts set his authority at defiance. ", "Strong reinforcements were sent to the Rohillas, including some artillery, under Sheikh Kuber and Mullah Baz Khan, and many of the smaller forts were levelled to the grounds; but in their ravine fortresses the zamindars of Kamait in the trans-Yamuna tract still resisted the authority of Inayat Khan. ", "Hafiz Rahmat and Inayat Khan then came in person to Etawah and operations were vigorously pressed against the refractory zamindars. ", "Ultimately an annual tribute was agreed to by the latter. ", "Hafiz Rahmat then departed to Bareilly, and Rohilla garrisons were established at convenient places in the district. ", "Meanwhile, a new minister arose at Delhi called Najib Khan, better known as Najib-ud-daula, Amir-ul-umra, Shuja-ud-daula succeeded Safdar Jang as Nawab Wazir and occupied most of the Bangash possessions as far as Aligarh, with the exception of those granted by the Durrani to the Rohillas after he battle of Pandit. ", "But the wazir's hostility to the Farrukhabad Afghans had not abated one jot, and in 1762 he persuaded Najib-ud-daula to join him in an attack on Farrukhabad. ", "The attack was beaten off by the aid of Hafiz Rahmat Khan and matters once more settled down peacefully.", "\n\nIn 1766 the Marathas under Mulhar Rao, who had been awaiting their opportunity, once more crossed the Yamuna and attacked Phaphund, where a Rohilla force under Muhammad Hasan Khan eldest son of Mohsin Khan, was posted. ", "On receipt of this news Hafiz Rahmat advanced from Bareilly to oppose the Marathas. ", "He was joined near Phaphund by Sheikh Kuber, the Rohilla governor of Etawah, and prepared to give battle; but Mulhar Rao refused to risk an engagement and once more retired across the Yamuna. ", "The ambitions Najib-ud-daula had been considerably irritated by the intervention of the Rohillas on behalf of Ahmad Khan Bangladesh in 1762; and though he had been too busily engaged otherwise to pursue his plans of revenge before, he began in 1770 to plot the downfall of Hafiz Rahmat Khan.", "\n\nAccordingly, a Maratha army was invited to Delhi for the purpose of first wresting Farrukhabad from Ahmad Khan and of afterwards invading Rohikhand. ", "The united forces of Najib-ud-daula and the Marathas advanced from Delhi; but at Koil Najib-ud-daula fell ill and retraced his steps, leaving his eldest son, Zabita Khan to operate with the Marathas. ", "Zabita Khan however, was by no means disposed to fight against his brother Afghans. ", "The Marathas, knowing this, kept him practically a prisoner in their camp and he requested Hafiz Rahmat Khan to obtain his release. ", "Hafiz Rahmat Khan accordingly opened negotiations with the Marathas for the release of Zabita Khan; but the Maratha leaders demanded as their price the surrender of the jagirs of Etawah and Shikohabad. ", "Hafiz Rahmat Khan was not disposed to agree to those terms, and while negotiations were proceeding for buying off the Marathas Zabita Khan escaped. ", "Several desultory engagements now took place between the Marathas and the Afghan forces. ", "Inayat khan was summoned by his father to Farrukhabad in order that he might be consulted regarding the surrendering of his jagirs. ", "But although Dhunde Khan agreed to give up Shikohabad Inayat Khan refused to surrender Etawah.", "\n\nUltimately, disgusted with his father's arrangements he returned to Bareilly, and his father on his own responsibility sent orders to Sheikh Kuber, the Rohilla governor of Etawah, to surrender the fort to the Marathas. ", "The Marathas now marched to Etawah, but as the orders had not yet reached him Sheikh Kuber gave them battle. ", "Several desperate assaults were made on the fort of Etawah which were all beaten off, but finally it was handed over to the Marathas in accordance with hafiz Rahmat Khan's orders, and the Rohillas quit the district, leaving it once more in the hands of the Marathas. ", "Later in the same year, 1771 AD, the Marathas advanced to Delhi and reinstated the emperor Shah Alam, who had cast in his lot with them, on the throne. ", "They were now masters of the empire and Zabita Khan determined to oppose them. ", "Assembling his forces, he attacked the Marathas near Delhi but was signally defeated, and in 1772 the Marathas overran a large portion of Rohilkhand and captured Najafgarh, where Zabita Khan's family resided and his treasure lay.", "\n\nUnder the Government of Oudh Zabita Khan then solicited the aid of Shuja-ud-daula, Nawab Wazir of Oudh; but the Nawab declined to interfere unless Hafiz Rahmat Khan applied on his behalf. ", "Negotiations were commenced with Shah Alam and the Marathas for the restoration of Zabita Khan's family and the evacuation of Rohilkhand. ", "The Marathas agreed to accept 40 lakhs of rupees, provided that Shuja-ud-daula made himself responsible for the payment; but Shuja-ud-daula now declined to enter into any such engagement unless Hafiz Rahmat Khan gave him a bond for the money. ", "To this Hafiz Rahmat Khan consented, the bond was signed and the Marathas retired from Rohilkhand. ", "In 1773 AD the Marathas proposed to attack Shuja-ud-daula and attempted to gain the help of Hifaz Rahmat Khan. ", "The latter refused to him them. ", "Instead he sent information to Shuja-ud-daula concerning what he had done, and on the strength of this requested restoration of his bond. ", "Shuja-ud-daula expressed his approval of Hafiz Rahmat Khan's conduct and promised the restitution of the bond when the Marathas as had been defeated. ", "The Marathas were defeated soon after at Asadpur by the combined forces of Shuja-ud-daula and Hafiz Rahmat Khan, with the result that they quit not only Rohilkhand but Delhi also.", "\n\nShuja-ud-daula then returned to Oudh, but denied ever having promised to restore the bond. ", "He next seduced many of the Afghan Rohillas from their allegiance to Hafiz Rahmat Khan, and then proceeded to eject the Maratha garrisons from Etawah and Shikohabad in spite of Rahmat Khan's remonstrance. ", "He ever went further and called on Hafiz Rahmat Khan to discharge the balance of 35 lakhs due on the bond. ", "This was only a pretext for provoking hostilities for which purpose the Nawab had already begun to assemble an army; and Hafiz Rahmat Khan having failed to pay up, the Nawab advanced to the Ganges. ", "The last scene in the tangled history of the period closed with the defeat of Hafiz Rahmat Khan by Shuja-ud-daula who was aided by a British force, at the battle of Miranpur Katra in the Shahjahanpur district on 23 April 1774 AD Etawah under the Oudh Government.", "\n\nFrom 1774 to 1801 the district of Etawah remained under the government of Oudh. ", "Little occurred to disturb it during this period and little is known regarding its history. ", "For many years the administration of the district was in the hands of Mian Almas Ali Khan. ", "Ails were stationed, we know, at Etawah, Kudarkot and Phaphund. ", "One of those who held office at the last named placed was Raja Bhagmal or Baramal. ", "The latter was by Caste a Jat and was sister's son to Almas Ali Khan, who was by birth a Hindu but was subsequently made a eunuch and converted to Islam. ", "Raja Bhagmal built the fort at Phaphund and the old mosque which still bears an inscription recording thenamed of donor. ", "Almas Ali Khan was, recording to Colonie Sleeman,\"the greatest and best man\" Oudh ever produced; be amassed great wealth, but having no descendant, he spent his money for the benefit of the people committed to his charge. ", "He held court occasionally at Kudarkot where he built a fort, of which the massive ruins still remain. ", "At Etawah the amils are said to have resided in the fort; but the building was destroyed by Shuja-ud-daula in consequence of the representations of the Etawah townspeople that, so long as the amils occupied such an impregnable residence, they would never do anything but oppress the people.", "\n\nGeography\n\nThe district of Auraiya lies in the south-western portion of Uttar Pradesh 26.4667°N 79.5167°E and also forms a part of the Kanpur Division. ", "It borders the districts of Kannauj on the north, Etawah on the west, Ramabai Nagar district on the east, and Jalaun to the south. ", "It has an average elevation of 133 metres (436 feet).", "\n\nThe Auraiya District covers an area of 2,054 km2 (793 sq mi), of which more than one-third is designated rural. ", "The main rivers which flows through the district are Yamuna and Senger. ", "The total length of the Yamuna in the district is about 112 km.", "\nAuraiya lies entirely in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, but its physical features vary considerably and are determined by the rivers which cross it.", "\n\nClimate\nThe District features an atypical version of the humid subtropical climate. ", "Summers are long and the weather is extremely hot from early April to mid-October, with the monsoon season in between. ", "The average annual rainfall in the district is 792 mm. ", "About 85% of the annual normal rainfall in the district is received during the south west monsoon months from June to September, August being the rainiest month. ", "The brief, mild winter starts in late November, peaks in January and heavy fog often occurs.", "\n\nTemperatures in the district range from 3 to 46 °C, with May being the hottest and January being the coolest month. ", "During the rainy season the relative humidity is generally high being over 70%. ", "Thereafter the humidity decreases and by summer which is the driest part of the year the relative humidity in the afternoons become less than 30%.", "\n\nCultivable Land\nThe area of cultivable land in the district in 1990-91 was 141624 hectares. ", "According to the 1990-91 agricultural survey, the total number of active cultivable lands remained to be 151838. ", "Most of the cultivables are small. ", "The count of cultivables less than 0.5 hectares remained to be 47.65%, and between 0.5 & 1.0 hectares the culivables remained to be 23.76%, and 1.0 to 2.0, it were 17.33%, and 2.0 to 4.0 hectare cultivable land's percentage was 8.54%, and more than 4.0 it were 2.72%.", "\n\nCivic Administration\nAs of 2012, Auraiya district comprises 2 tehsils (Auraiya and Bidhuna), 2 census towns, 7 statutory towns (Ajitmal, Bhagyanagar, Sahar, Bidhuna, Achalda, Erwakatra and Auraiya) and 841 villages. ", "It also has its own Nagar Palika Parishad.in 2014 a new tehsil ajitmal comes in existence.", "\n\nSh. ", "Abhishek Singh, IAS is the current District Magistrate. ", "Dr. Kamlesh Pathak is M.L.C., Ramesh divakar is current M.L.A.\n\nPolitics\nAuraiya District comes partly under Etawah Lok Sabha constituency and partly under kannauj. ", "Ramshanker katheriya, (Bharatiya Janata Party) is the current Member of Parliament from the Etawah (Lok Sabha constituency).while Dimple yadav (samajwadi party) is current member of parliament from kannauj constituency. ", "Ashok Kumar Doharey is a member of the 16th Lok Sabha of India. ", "He represented the Etawah constituency of Uttar Pradesh and is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. ", "Etawah constituency was reserved seat for scheduled caste category.", "\n\nIn 2012 Uttar Pradesh legislative assembly election Samajwadi Party's candidates won all three Assembly seats of the district.", "\n Auraiya- Ramesh Diwakar (BJP)\n Bidhuna- Vinay Shakya (BJP)\n Dibiyapur- Lakhan Singh Rajput (BJP).", "\n\nEconomy\nAuraiya district is one of the backward districts in industrial sector declared by the government of Uttar Pradesh state. ", "Only the two town areas, Dibiyapur and Auraiya, are equipped with main industries.", "\n\nSmall Scale Industries\nThe Rice-mills and Dal-mills are working well there in Dibiyapur and Auraiya. ", "Other than these mills some steel furniture and cement products small scale industries are there in Auraiya district located at different places. ", "The raw material for these small scale industries is imported from Agra and Kanpur. ", "Mainly, the rice, pulses and desi ghee is transported at large scale to the other districts and states. ", "In the Auraiya city itself the wooden furniture work is on large scale and due to its cost and quality factor, the furniture has made a good place in the market of nearby districts.", "\n\nDibiyapur is notable industrial town of this district which has installations of India's leading Public Sector Enterprises viz. ", "663 MW Combined cycle power plant of NTPC, Petrochemical plant and Gas compressor station of GAIL.", "\nThe Uttar Pradesh Petrochemical Complex(UPPC) of Gas Authority of India Limited is located at Pata, District. ", "Auraiya, U.P. It was set up in accordance with GAIL's mission to maximise the value addition from each fraction of Natural Gas.", "\n\nTransport\n\nRail\nDistrict has 8 Railway Station/Halt.", "The district is well served by its \"A\" graded Phaphund (Dibiyapur)railway station. ", "Length of Railway Line in the district is 33 km. ", "and it comes under North Central Railway zone.", "\n\nRoad\nTowns and villages are well equipped with a web of roads as it is the major way of transportation in the region. ", "National Highway 19 (Mughal Road) pass from the southern part of the district. ", "District's headquarters Auraiya is at 64 km distance from Etawah and 105 km from Kanpur. ", "Auraiya Bus Station is situated on National Highway 19. ", "Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation operates buses to all cities in Uttar Pradesh. ", "Regular buses ply from Auraiya to Kannauj, Kanpur, Agra, Allahabad and Faizabad.", "\n\nDemographics\nAccording to the 2011 census Auraiya district has a population of 1,379,545, roughly equal to the nation of Swaziland or the US state of Hawaii. ", "This gives it a ranking of 357th in India (out of a total of 640). ", "The district has a population density of . ", "Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 16.3%.", "\tAuraiya\thas a sex ratio of \t864\tfemales for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 80.25%.", "\n\nAuraiya ranks 3rd in Literacy rate ranking of All U.P. districts ranking as per 2011 census\n\nAt the time of the 2011 Census of India, 98.54% of the population in the district spoke Hindi and 1.37% Urdu as their first language.", "\n\nAuraiya Tilak Degree College Ajitmal is the famous town of the district in field of education. ", "Janta maha vidhyalaya, janta inter college, jawahar navodaya school, M R Educational Institute, BTC training centre DIET and Bal Vikas Sansthan are the excellent institutes of Ajitmal.", "\n\nReligion\n\nIn 1991, Hindus percentage was 92.79% against the state average of 83.76% and 6.63% of Muslims as compared to the state average of 15.48%. ", "The remaining 0.58% of the district population was Sikhs, Christians, Jains and Buddhists.", "\n\nCulture\n\nDance & Music\nPopular varieties of folk music prevalent throughout western U.P. e.g. the Allaha, Phaag, Kajari and Rasiyas, etc. ", "are popular in this district as well, and are sung at different times of the year. ", "Folk songs known as Dhola, Unchari and Langadia are also very common in the villages. ", "Bhajans, Kirtan in a chorus to the accomplishment of musical instruments is very much liked by the inhabitants of the district.", "\n\nA number of open air performances, combining the rural style of folk music and dancing with a central theme are a regular feature of rural life in the district. ", "The dance named Banjasha is one of the most popular folk dances of villagers of the district. ", "Nautankis and dramas based on mythology are often staged and attract large gatherings, particularly in the villages.", "\n\nFestivals and Fairs\nDiwali and Rama Navami are popular festivals in the District. ", "Other festivals are Vijayadashami, Makar Sankranti, Vasant Panchami, Ayudha Puja, Ganga Mahotsava, Janmashtami, Maha Shivaratri, Hanuman Jayanti and Eid.", "\n\nCuisine\nA typical day-to-day traditional vegetarian meal of the district, like any other North Indian thali, consists of roti (flatbread), chawal, dal, sabji, raita and papad. ", "Many people still drink the traditional drink chaach with meals. ", "On festive occasions, usually 'tava' (flat pan for roti) is considered inauspicious, and instead fried foods are consumed. ", "A typical festive thali consists of puri, kachori, sabji, pulav, papad, raita, salad and desserts (such as sewai or kheer).", "\nWheat constitutes the staple food of the people, other materials commonly consumed here as food being maize, barley, gram and jowar. ", "Chapaties prepared from kneaded wheat or corn flour are generally eaten with dal or gur and milk. ", "The pulses consumed here are urd, arhar, moong, chana, masur etc.", "\nSweets occupy an important place in the diet and are eaten at social ceremonies. ", "People make distinctive sweetmeats from milk products, including khurchan, peda, gulabjamun, petha, Imarti, makkhan malai, and cham cham. ", "The samosa, gol-gappa, chaat and Paan is consumed across the whole district for its flavour and ingredients.", "\n\nDress\nThe people of Auraiya have colorful and different attires. ", "The sari is the most favourite dress of ladies of all denominations, though women in shalwar kameez combinations are usually met with.", "\nThe men in village use to wear the traditional attires like kurtas, lungis, dhotis and payjama. ", "The collerless khadi (homespun cloth) jackets known as 'Nehru Jackets' are also popular. ", "The Muslim women wear the traditional all enveloping 'burqa' and the men use to wear a round cap on their head.", "\n\nMedia\nA number of newspapers and periodicals are published in Hindi, English, and Urdu. ", "Amar Ujala, Dainik Bhaskar, and Dainik Jagran, have a wide circulation, with local editions published from several important cities. ", "Major English language newspapers which are published and sold are The Times of India, Hindustan Times & The Hindu.", "\nMulti system operators provide a mix of Hindi, English, Bengali, Nepali and international channels via cable. ", "Cell phone providers include Vodafone, Airtel, BSNL, Reliance Communications, Uninor, Aircel, Tata Indicom, Idea Cellular, Jio, and Tata DoCoMo.", "\n\nSports\nCricket and football are the most popular sports in the district. ", "There are several cricket grounds, or maidans, located across the region.", "\n\nSchools\n GAIL D.A.V. Public School\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:Districts of Uttar Pradesh\n \nCategory:Districts of India" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2017 Sergey Chernov, iCodici S.n.", "C, All Rights Reserved\n *\n * Written by Sergey Chernov <real.sergeych@gmail.com>\n *\n */\n\npackage com.icodici.universa.node2;\n\nimport com.icodici.crypto.", "EncryptionError;\nimport com.icodici.crypto.", "KeyAddress;\nimport com.icodici.crypto.", "PublicKey;\nimport com.icodici.universa.", "Core;\nimport com.icodici.universa.contract.services.", "NSmartContract;\nimport net.sergeych.utils.", "Base64u;\nimport net.sergeych.utils.", "Bytes;\n\nimport java.math.", "BigDecimal;\nimport java.time.", "Duration;\nimport java.time.temporal.", "TemporalAmount;\nimport java.util.*;", "\n\npublic class Config {\n\n\n private KeyAddress networkAdminKeyAddress = null;\n private KeyAddress networkReconfigKeyAddress = null;\n public Map<String, Integer> minPayment = new HashMap<>();\n public Map<String, BigDecimal> rate = new HashMap<>();\n private KeyAddress authorizedNameServiceCenterAddress;\n private Duration connectivityInfoValidityPeriod = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n\n public Config () {\n System.out.println(\"USING REAL CONFIG\");\n try {\n networkAdminKeyAddress = new KeyAddress(\"bVmSQXWM7WvUtgcitUtjRd42WRbLycvsfPaRimpSNY3yZMUrVvEHV6mwb8A2DrKnzi795kJB\");\n networkReconfigKeyAddress = new KeyAddress(\"JPgxNXkRSYNnWM82D8WKLSH3d98jFeEeCmDN4wLfzfi5kE6kvfopJUQrbDczrgpCqpo5ncG8\");\n authorizedNameServiceCenterAddress = new KeyAddress(\"bfj7QxZRtaKVnQe245MDCrnVcxrvWb5tAAhaWTcgDgHCaEjHZkHQioCSRJp2x5s3pYSH2rum\");\n\n addressesWhiteList.add(new KeyAddress(\"J3uaVvHE7JqhvVb1c26RyDhfJw9eP2KR1KRhm2VdmYx7NwHpzdHTyEPjcmKpgkJAtzWLSPUw\"));\n uIssuerKeys.add(new KeyAddress(\"ZNuBikFEZbw71QQAFkNQtjfkmxFAdMgveTVPMGrFwo9vQwwPVE\"));\n uIssuerKeys.add(new KeyAddress(\"J3uaVvHE7JqhvVb1c26RyDhfJw9eP2KR1KRhm2VdmYx7NwHpzdHTyEPjcmKpgkJAtzWLSPUw\"));\n addressesWhiteList.add(new KeyAddress(\"JguevMekFzsM8Co2bqrswrVim9c9WsNxG9thLeCcNxncBcHVsnziRjhzEbhwDnL3wj2hha6H\"));\n\n //U-bank\n addressesWhiteList.add(new KeyAddress(\"YuY8XgTD9mwuucSku9myWyZbbJ1CY43D2KXD8obuxp73eoK5EU\"));\n addressesWhiteList.add(new KeyAddress(\"JuDQ9auvkvLEXaudcSEYabMzSnEu6drQ3UHV3gDFuYBxusSXHSLj2DgDNCL69zw2XkzdrDmr\"));\n\n } catch (KeyAddress.", "IllegalAddressException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n\n rate.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "SLOT1.name(), new BigDecimal(\"4\"));\n rate.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "UNS1.name(), new BigDecimal(\"0.25\"));\n rate.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "UNS2.name(), new BigDecimal(\"0.365\"));\n rate.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "FOLLOWER1.name(), new BigDecimal(\"1\"));\n\n rate.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "FOLLOWER1.name() + \":callback\", new BigDecimal(\"1\"));\n\n minPayment.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "SLOT1.name(), 100);\n minPayment.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "UNS1.name(), (int) Math.ceil(365/rate.get(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "UNS1.name()).doubleValue()));\n minPayment.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "UNS2.name(), (int) Math.ceil(365/rate.get(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "UNS2.name()).doubleValue()));\n minPayment.put(NSmartContract.", "SmartContractType.", "FOLLOWER1.name(), 100);\n }\n\n public Config copy() {\n Config config = new Config();\n config.consensusConfigUpdater = consensusConfigUpdater;\n config.maxItemCreationAge = maxItemCreationAge;\n config.revokedItemExpiration = revokedItemExpiration;\n config.maxDownloadOnApproveTime = maxDownloadOnApproveTime;\n config.declinedItemExpiration = declinedItemExpiration;\n config.maxCacheAge = maxCacheAge;\n config.maxNameCacheAge = maxNameCacheAge;\n config.maxGetItemTime = maxGetItemTime;\n config.statsIntervalSmall = statsIntervalSmall;\n config.statsIntervalBig = statsIntervalBig;\n synchronized (this) {\n config.negativeConsensus = negativeConsensus;\n config.positiveConsensus = positiveConsensus;\n config.resyncBreakConsensus = resyncBreakConsensus;\n }\n config.maxElectionsTime = maxElectionsTime;\n config.pollTimeMillis = new ArrayList<>(pollTimeMillis);\n config.consensusReceivedCheckTime = new ArrayList<>(consensusReceivedCheckTime);\n config.maxConsensusReceivedCheckTime = maxConsensusReceivedCheckTime;\n config.resyncTime = new ArrayList<>(resyncTime);\n config.checkItemTime = checkItemTime;\n config.maxResyncTime = maxResyncTime;\n config.uIssuerKeys = new HashSet<>(uIssuerKeys);\n config.holdDuration = holdDuration;\n config.keysWhiteList = new ArrayList<>(keysWhiteList);\n config.addressesWhiteList = new ArrayList<>(addressesWhiteList);\n config.isFreeRegistrationsLimited = isFreeRegistrationsLimited;\n config.isFreeRegistrationsAllowedFromYaml = isFreeRegistrationsAllowedFromYaml;\n config.permanetMode = permanetMode;\n config.networkAdminKeyAddress = networkAdminKeyAddress;\n config.networkReconfigKeyAddress = networkReconfigKeyAddress;\n config.minPayment = new HashMap<>(minPayment);\n config.rate = new HashMap<>(rate);\n config.queryContractsLimit = queryContractsLimit;\n config.followerCallbackExpiration = followerCallbackExpiration;\n config.followerCallbackDelay = followerCallbackDelay;\n config.followerCallbackStateStoreTime = followerCallbackStateStoreTime;\n config.followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval = followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval;\n config.ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete = ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete;\n return config;\n }\n\n private ConsensusConfigUpdater consensusConfigUpdater;\n\n public void setConsensusConfigUpdater(ConsensusConfigUpdater consensusConfigUpdater) {\n this.consensusConfigUpdater = consensusConfigUpdater;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxDiskCacheAge() {\n return maxDiskCacheAge;\n }\n\n public Duration getStatsIntervalSmall() {\n return statsIntervalSmall;\n }\n\n public void setStatsIntervalSmall(Duration statsIntervalSmall) {\n this.statsIntervalSmall = statsIntervalSmall;\n }\n\n public Duration getStatsIntervalBig() {\n return statsIntervalBig;\n }\n\n public void setStatsIntervalBig(Duration statsIntervalBig) {\n this.statsIntervalBig = statsIntervalBig;\n }\n\n\n public Duration getExpriedNamesCleanupInterval() {\n return expriedNamesCleanupInterval;\n }\n\n public Duration getExpriedStorageCleanupInterval() {\n return expriedStorageCleanupInterval;\n }\n\n public Duration getHoldDuration() {\n return holdDuration;\n }\n\n public void setHoldDuration(Duration holdDuration) {\n this.holdDuration = holdDuration;\n }\n\n @Deprecated\n public void setRate(String name, double value) {\n rate.put(name, new BigDecimal(value));\n }\n\n public void setServiceRate(String name, BigDecimal value) {\n rate.put(name, value);\n }\n\n public void setMaxDiskCacheAge(Duration diskCacheAge) {\n maxDiskCacheAge = diskCacheAge;\n }\n\n public Duration getConnectivityInfoValidityPeriod() {\n return connectivityInfoValidityPeriod;\n }\n\n\n public interface ConsensusConfigUpdater {\n void updateConsensusConfig(Config config, int nodesCount);\n }\n\n private Duration maxItemCreationAge = Duration.ofDays(5);\n private Duration revokedItemExpiration = maxItemCreationAge.plusDays(10);\n private TemporalAmount maxDownloadOnApproveTime = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n\n public static <T> Class<T> forceInit(Class<T> klass) {\n try {\n Class.forName(klass.getName(), true, klass.getClassLoader());\n } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n throw new AssertionError(e); // Can't happen\n }\n return klass;\n }\n\n public Duration getDeclinedItemExpiration() {\n return declinedItemExpiration;\n }\n\n public void setDeclinedItemExpiration(Duration declinedItemExpiration) {\n this.declinedItemExpiration = declinedItemExpiration;\n }\n\n private Duration declinedItemExpiration = Duration.ofDays(10);\n private Duration maxCacheAge = Duration.ofMinutes(20);\n private Duration maxDiskCacheAge = Duration.ofMinutes(40);\n private Duration maxNameCacheAge = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n private Duration statsIntervalSmall = Duration.ofSeconds(30);\n private Duration statsIntervalBig = Duration.ofSeconds(3600);\n private Duration maxGetItemTime = Duration.ofSeconds(30);\n private int getItemRetryCount = 10;\n private int negativeConsensus;\n private int positiveConsensus;\n private int resyncBreakConsensus;\n private int limitRequestsForKeyPerMinute = 600;\n private int limitUbotRequestsForKeyPerMinute = 3;\n private int rateLimitDisablingPayment = 5;\n private Duration unlimitPeriod = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n private Duration maxElectionsTime = Duration.ofMinutes(15);\n private Duration maxVoteTime = Duration.ofDays(7);\n private List<Integer> pollTimeMillis = Arrays.asList(0,1000,1000,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,60000);\n private List<Integer> consensusReceivedCheckTime = Arrays.asList(0,1000,1000,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,60000);\n private Duration maxConsensusReceivedCheckTime = Duration.ofMinutes(15);\n private List<Integer> resyncTime = Arrays.asList(0,1000,1000,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,60000);\n private Duration checkItemTime = Duration.ofMillis(200);\n private Duration maxResyncTime = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n private Duration expriedStorageCleanupInterval = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n private Duration expriedNamesCleanupInterval = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n private Duration holdDuration = Duration.ofDays(30);\n private int paymentQuantaLimit = 200;\n private int queryContractsLimit = 100;\n private Duration followerCallbackExpiration = Duration.ofMinutes(10);\n private Duration followerCallbackDelay = Duration.ofSeconds(10);\n private Duration followerCallbackStateStoreTime = Duration.ofDays(3);\n private Duration followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval = Duration.ofHours(12);\n private BigDecimal ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.3);\n private Duration maxWaitSessionConsensus = Duration.ofSeconds(20);\n private Duration maxWaitSessionNode = Duration.ofSeconds(5);\n private Duration ubotSessionLifeTime = Duration.ofSeconds(60);\n\n private Boolean permanetMode = null;\n private Boolean isFreeRegistrationsLimited = null;\n private boolean isFreeRegistrationsAllowedFromYaml = false;\n\n public void addTransactionUnitsIssuerKeyData(KeyAddress UIssuerKey) {\n this.uIssuerKeys.add(UIssuerKey);\n }\n\n private Set<KeyAddress> uIssuerKeys = new HashSet<>();\n\n public List<PublicKey> getKeysWhiteList() {\n return keysWhiteList;\n }\n\n private List<PublicKey> keysWhiteList = new ArrayList<>();\n\n public List<KeyAddress> getAddressesWhiteList() {\n return addressesWhiteList;\n }\n\n private List<KeyAddress> addressesWhiteList = new ArrayList<>();\n\n\n public static String uTemplatePath = \"./src/test_contracts/UTemplate.yml\";\n public static String testUTemplatePath = \"./src/test_contracts/TestUTemplate.yml\";\n public static String uKeyPath = \"./src/test_contracts/keys/u_key.private.unikey\";\n\n public static int maxExpirationMonthsInTestMode = 12;\n\n public static int maxCostUInTestMode = 3;\n\n public static int quantiser_quantaPerU = 200;\n\n public int getMinPayment(String extendedType)\n {\n return minPayment.get(extendedType);\n }\n\n @Deprecated\n public double getRate(String extendedType) {\n return rate.get(extendedType).doubleValue();\n }\n\n public BigDecimal getServiceRate(String extendedType) {\n return rate.get(extendedType);\n }\n\n public static Duration validUntilTailTime = Duration.ofMinutes(5);\n\n private String uIssuerName = \"Universa Reserve System\";\n\n /**\n * num of known (approved, declined, revoked or locked) subcontracts of a complex contract that starts resync if some another contracts is unknown\n */\n private int knownSubContractsToResync = 1;\n\n public int getPositiveConsensus() {\n return positiveConsensus;\n }\n\n public void setPositiveConsensus(int positiveConsensus) {\n this.positiveConsensus = positiveConsensus;\n }\n\n public int getResyncBreakConsensus() {\n return resyncBreakConsensus;\n }\n\n public void setResyncBreakConsensus(int resyncBreakConsensus) {\n this.resyncBreakConsensus = resyncBreakConsensus;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxItemCreationAge() {\n return maxItemCreationAge;\n }\n\n public Duration getRevokedItemExpiration() {\n return revokedItemExpiration;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxElectionsTime() {\n return maxElectionsTime;\n }\n public Duration getMaxVoteTime() {\n return maxVoteTime;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxConsensusReceivedCheckTime() {\n return maxConsensusReceivedCheckTime;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxResyncTime() {\n return maxResyncTime;\n }\n\n public void setMaxResyncTime(Duration time) {\n maxResyncTime = time;\n }\n\n public void setMaxElectionsTime(Duration maxElectionsTime) {\n this.maxElectionsTime = maxElectionsTime;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxCacheAge() {\n return maxCacheAge;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxNameCacheAge() {\n return maxNameCacheAge;\n }\n\n public void setMaxCacheAge(Duration maxCacheAge) {\n this.maxCacheAge = maxCacheAge;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxGetItemTime() {\n return maxGetItemTime;\n }\n\n public int getGetItemRetryCount() {\n return getItemRetryCount;\n }\n\n public void setMaxGetItemTime(Duration maxGetItemTime) {\n this.maxGetItemTime = maxGetItemTime;\n }\n\n public int getNegativeConsensus() {\n return negativeConsensus;\n }\n\n public int getLimitRequestsForKeyPerMinute() { return limitRequestsForKeyPerMinute; }\n public int getLimitUbotRequestsForKeyPerMinute() { return limitUbotRequestsForKeyPerMinute; }\n\n public int getRateLimitDisablingPayment() { return rateLimitDisablingPayment; }\n\n public Duration getUnlimitPeriod() { return unlimitPeriod; }\n\n public void setNegativeConsensus(int negativeConsensus) {\n this.negativeConsensus = negativeConsensus;\n }\n\n public List<Integer> getPollTime() {\n return pollTimeMillis;\n }\n\n public void setPollTime(List<Integer> pollTimeMillis) {\n this.pollTimeMillis = new ArrayList<>(pollTimeMillis);\n }\n\n public List<Integer> getConsensusReceivedCheckTime() {\n return consensusReceivedCheckTime;\n }\n\n public void setConsensusReceivedCheckTime(List<Integer> consensusReceivedCheckTime) {\n this.consensusReceivedCheckTime = new ArrayList<>(consensusReceivedCheckTime);\n }\n\n public List<Integer> getResyncTime() {\n return resyncTime;\n }\n\n public Duration getCheckItemTime() {\n return checkItemTime;\n }\n\n public void setResyncTime(List<Integer> resyncTime) {\n this.resyncTime = new ArrayList<>(resyncTime);\n }\n\n public TemporalAmount getMaxDownloadOnApproveTime() {\n return maxDownloadOnApproveTime;\n }\n\n public int getPaymentQuantaLimit() { return paymentQuantaLimit; }\n\n public void setMaxDownloadOnApproveTime(TemporalAmount maxDownloadOnApproveTime) {\n this.maxDownloadOnApproveTime = maxDownloadOnApproveTime;\n }\n\n public int getResyncThreshold() {\n int n = getNegativeConsensus() * 2;\n if (n > getPositiveConsensus())\n n = getNegativeConsensus();\n return n;\n }\n\n /**\n * Num of known (approved, declined, revoked or locked) subcontracts of a complex contract that starts resync\n * if some another contracts is unknown\n *\n * @return num of known subcontracts\n */\n public int getKnownSubContractsToResync() {\n return knownSubContractsToResync;\n }\n\n public Set<KeyAddress> getUIssuerKeys() {\n return uIssuerKeys;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use {@link #getUIssuerKeys()} instead.", "\n */\n @Deprecated\n public Set<KeyAddress> getTransactionUnitsIssuerKeys() {\n return uIssuerKeys;\n }\n\n public KeyAddress getNetworkReconfigKeyAddress() {\n return networkReconfigKeyAddress;\n }\n\n public KeyAddress getNetworkAdminKeyAddress() {\n return networkAdminKeyAddress;\n }\n\n\n public void setAuthorizedNameServiceCenterKeyData(Bytes authorizedNameServiceCenterKeyData) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"name service key is not supported. ", "use key address instead\");\n }\n\n public void setAuthorizedNameServiceCenterAddress(KeyAddress authorizedNameServiceCenterAddress) {\n this.authorizedNameServiceCenterAddress = authorizedNameServiceCenterAddress;\n }\n\n public KeyAddress getAuthorizedNameServiceCenterAddress() {\n return authorizedNameServiceCenterAddress;\n }\n\n @Deprecated\n public PublicKey getAuthorizedNameServiceCenterKey() {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"name service key is not supported. ", "use key address instead\");\n }\n\n public String getUIssuerName() {\n return uIssuerName;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use {@link #getUIssuerName()} instead.", "\n */\n @Deprecated\n public String getTUIssuerName() {\n return uIssuerName;\n }\n\n public boolean updateConsensusConfig(int nodesCount) {\n synchronized (this) {\n if (consensusConfigUpdater !", "= null) {\n consensusConfigUpdater.updateConsensusConfig(this, nodesCount);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n public void setIsFreeRegistrationsAllowedFromYaml(boolean val) {\n isFreeRegistrationsAllowedFromYaml = val;\n isFreeRegistrationsLimited = null;\n }\n\n public Boolean limitFreeRegistrations() {\n if (isFreeRegistrationsLimited == null) {\n isFreeRegistrationsLimited = new Boolean(true);\n\n if (Core.", "VERSION.contains(\"private\"))\n isFreeRegistrationsLimited = new Boolean(false);\n else if (isFreeRegistrationsAllowedFromYaml)\n isFreeRegistrationsLimited = new Boolean(false);\n }\n return isFreeRegistrationsLimited;\n }\n\n public void setPermanetMode(boolean val) {\n if (permanetMode == null)\n permanetMode = val;\n }\n\n public Boolean isPermanetMode() {\n if (permanetMode == null)\n return false;\n\n return permanetMode;\n }\n\n public int getQueryContractsLimit() {\n return queryContractsLimit;\n }\n\n public void setQueryContractsLimit(int queryContractsLimit) {\n this.queryContractsLimit = queryContractsLimit;\n }\n\n public Duration getFollowerCallbackExpiration() {\n return followerCallbackExpiration;\n }\n\n public void setFollowerCallbackExpiration(Duration followerCallbackExpiration) {\n this.followerCallbackExpiration = followerCallbackExpiration;\n }\n\n public Duration getFollowerCallbackDelay() {\n return followerCallbackDelay;\n }\n\n public void setFollowerCallbackDelay(Duration followerCallbackDelay) {\n this.followerCallbackDelay = followerCallbackDelay;\n }\n\n public Duration getFollowerCallbackStateStoreTime() {\n return followerCallbackStateStoreTime;\n }\n\n public void setFollowerCallbackStateStoreTime(Duration followerCallbackStateStoreTime) {\n this.followerCallbackStateStoreTime = followerCallbackStateStoreTime;\n }\n\n public Duration getFollowerCallbackSynchronizationInterval() {\n return followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval;\n }\n\n public void setFollowerCallbackSynchronizationInterval(Duration followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval) {\n this.followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval = followerCallbackSynchronizationInterval;\n }\n\n @Deprecated\n public double getRateNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete() { return ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete.doubleValue(); }\n\n @Deprecated\n public void setRateNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete(double rateNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete) {\n this.ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete = new BigDecimal(rateNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete);\n }\n\n public BigDecimal getRatioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete() { return ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete; }\n\n public void setRatioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete(BigDecimal ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete) {\n this.ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete = ratioNodesSendFollowerCallbackToComplete;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxWaitSessionConsensus() {\n return maxWaitSessionConsensus;\n }\n\n public Duration getMaxWaitSessionNode() {\n return maxWaitSessionNode;\n }\n\n public Duration getUbotSessionLifeTime() {\n return ubotSessionLifeTime;\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "\n522 F.Supp. ", "1257 (1981)\nREPROSYSTEM, B. V. and N. Norman Muller, Plaintiffs,\nv.\nSCM CORPORATION, Defendant.", "\nNo. ", "77 Civ. ", "5705 (RWS).", "\nUnited States District Court, S. D. New York.", "\nJune 30, 1981.", "\n*1258 *1259 Hale, Russell, Gray, Seaman & Birkett, New York City, for plaintiffs; Selvyn Seidel, Lee A. Pollock, New York City, of counsel.", "\nCurtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, New York City, for defendant; Peter Fleming, Jr., John E. Sprizzo, Jamie V. Gregg, New York City, of counsel.", "\n\nOPINION\nSWEET, District Judge.", "\nThis action was filed by plaintiffs Reprosystem, B. V. (\"Reprosystem\") a Netherlands corporation, and N. Norman Muller (\"Muller\"), a New York resident, against the defendant SCM Corporation (\"SCM\"), a New York corporation. ", "The complaint alleged damages for breach of contract, promissory estoppel, failure to perform and to negotiate in good faith, unjust enrichment, and fraud under the federal securities law and the common law. ", "After extensive discovery, a four week trial before the court was held in the course of which 17 witnesses testified and well over 1,000 documents were introduced into evidence. ", "At issue are the rights and liabilities of the parties arising from an unsuccessful effort in 1976 by Muller and Reprosystem to purchase the European photocopier business of SCM. ", "Both sides were represented by extremely able counsel, not only during the events giving rise to the litigation but particularly during its trial. ", "The issues presented, both factual and legal, constitute an almost exhaustive pathology of an important corporate transaction. ", "For reasons more fully set forth below, Reprosystem and Muller are entitled to recover certain of their damages resulting from SCM's breach of contract and failure to bargain in good faith.", "\n\nFINDINGS OF FACT\n\nThe Parties\nSCM is a multinational conglomerate manufacturing and distributing a number of industrial, commercial and consumer products. ", "Its shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. ", "Prior to 1975 and during 1976 and the first half of 1977 it engaged in the business of marketing, leasing and servicing office copiers, paper and toner throughout Western Europe, the Middle East and Africa. ", "This business was conducted by its International Business Equipment Division through six wholly owned subsidiaries: Smith-Corona Marchant, S.A., a French corporation; SCM International S.A., a Belgian corporation; SCM (Switzerland) S.A., a Swiss corporation; SCM (Deutschland) GmbH, a German corporation; Smith-Corona Marchant International S.A., a Swiss (Chur) corporation; and SCM (United Kingdom) Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation. (", "These six subsidiaries are collectively referred to as the \"copier subsidiaries\" or \"subsidiaries.\") ", "During the 1976 fiscal year (ending June 30, 1976) the copier subsidiaries had assets of about $17,000,000, total sales exceeding $40,000,000, operating profits exceeding $4,000,000, and approximately 1000 employees.", "\nReprosystem was organized in the fall of 1976 to hold the shares and assets of the subsidiaries. ", "Its shares were owned by Reprographex Antilles, N.V., a Dutch Antilles corporation which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Reprographex International, Inc., a Delaware subsidiary of MacMuller Industries, Inc., another Delaware corporation. ", "At the time of the transaction, a majority interest of Reprographex International, Inc. was owned by Muller individually. ", "Muller also owned a controlling interest in MacMuller Industries, Inc. which during most of the period in question owned and *1260 operated Eagle Shirts, Inc. and Petrocelli Clothes, Inc. Muller was responsible not only for his own conduct as an individual but for that of the corporations which he controlled. ", "He was an experienced businessman with \"ability to raise cash.\"", "\n\nThe Preliminaries\nLate in 1975 at a corporate planning meeting in Bermuda, Paul Elicker, the President and Chief Executive and Chairman of the Board of SCM (\"Elicker\") and Herbert Egli, the Vice President — Finance and Controller of SCM, (\"Egli\") and presumably others concluded it was in SCM's best interest to divest itself of its European copier business. ", "This decision was communicated to Frank DeMaio, Vice President and General Manager of the International Group (\"DeMaio\").", "\nThe business of the subsidiaries consisted principally of the distribution of zinc oxide coated paper photocopiers, generally through lease of copier equipment, and sometimes through sale. ", "Under the lease method, the subsidiaries would lease and service equipment, and this equipment was identified as Equipment Held for Lease. ", "The subsidiaries also marketed paper supplies and toner to equipment users, and serviced the equipment. ", "Between 1972 and 1974 annual operating profits of the copier subsidiaries ranged from about $4 million to about $5 million. ", "DeMaio and Elicker sought out potential purchasers of this business, principally among its suppliers, without success. ", "Through DeMaio a firm specializing in bringing together those interested in buying and selling corporate interests learned of the SCM purpose and advised Muller, who met first with DeMaio and then with Elicker and DeMaio in April, 1976. ", "At the outset Muller and DeMaio had an understanding that if the proposed sale was accomplished DeMaio would receive an equity interest in the acquiring company. ", "In May a meeting was attended by Muller, Elicker and William Rodich (\"Rodich\"), President of the Business Equipment Division of SCM of which the International Group and the copier subsidiaries were a part. ", "The business of the subsidiaries was described. ", "Muller was provided with a statement of the asset value of the subsidiaries as of March 31, 1976, showing an aggregate book value of $16.8 million on an unaudited basis. ", "The current profit and loss statement, also provided to Muller, showed a nine month profit of about $3.0 million.", "\nA subsequent review by SCM's accounting department indicated that this unaudited statement might have been overstated by $1 million. ", "However, there is no evidence that, if the asset value was indeed overstated, the overstatement was deliberate and for a fraudulent purpose. ", "The full disclosure offered to Muller and his accountants by SCM in the fall of 1976 also serves to refute any fraudulent purpose. ", "A projected drop in operating profits in fiscal 1976-1977 for the subsidiaries of less than $600,000 was not disclosed.", "\nAlthough not expressed in writing initially, both parties had certain underlying concerns. ", "SCM desired to divest itself of the business, to protect against any further liabilities either on bank or employee severance guarantees, and to protect its good will and relationships with customers and suppliers since it intended to remain in the typewriter business. ", "Muller sought to purchase an ongoing business and its distribution network with its capacity to introduce new items. ", "Early in the discussions it was recognized that the availability of a plain paper copier as opposed to a zinc oxide coated paper copier was an important, if not vital, aspect of the business. ", "SCM, having decided to get out of the copying business, sought to minimize its commitment to this new product, while Muller believed a plain paper copier essential to the continuation of the business. ", "Rodich and DeMaio had concluded that the availability of plain paper copiers was necessary, regardless of the ownership of the business, and during the spring of 1976 DeMaio travelled to Japan and reached a preliminary understanding with Mita, a Japanese manufacturer, to provide plain paper copiers for SCM's benefit. ", "These underlying concerns of the parties were articulated and understood *1261 but not made the subject of any writing at this early state.", "\nBy letter of May 7, 1976, Muller offered to pay $9.0 million for the subsidiaries. ", "His letter also contained the following language, which forms a keynote to SCM's position on the law:\nThis offer is made subject to the following conditions:\n1. ", "that a satisfactory audit review will be performed by our accounting firm, S. D. Leidesdorf & Co.\n2. ", "that a formal agreement, which is satisfactory to SCM and ourselves be entered into.", "\nRodich informed Muller that his May 7 letter provided the basis for negotiation, but all further discussions were deferred because of a security offering by SCM and a consequent \"quiet period.\" ", "However, on August 4 discussions were resumed at a luncheon at the Atrium Club attended by Rodich, Egli, Muller and Brier, the latter being a participant in MacMuller Industries, as well as officers of Citibank where Muller and his companies banked. ", "One of the purposes of the meeting was to discuss Muller's financial standing. ", "Wallace of Citibank stated his satisfaction with the bank's relationship with Muller and added that he dealt only with seven figure accounts. ", "No further representations were made or requested. ", "Muller at the time was seeking financing from Citibank, financing which he failed to obtain. ", "Shortly thereafter SCM obtained a Bishop's Service and a Dun & Bradstreet report relating to Muller. ", "Muller's strengths were described in the Bishop's Service report by one source as \"putting together financial deals, acquisitions and raising money.\" ", "No further questions were raised concerning Muller's finances during this phase of the discussions.", "\n\nThe Agreement in Principle\nShortly after the Atrium meeting Rodich gave Muller a list of items which he considered to be essential to SCM in connection with the contemplated transaction. ", "At a later meeting in September this list was supplemented by four additional items. ", "These memoranda are annexed as an Appendix to this decision. ", "These points were viewed as \"the Bible\" by Rodich according to Muller and were non-negotiable. ", "Whether or not the term was in fact used, these documents constituted the basic agreement which remained in place throughout the discussions, including the formula by which the purchase price was to be calculated. ", "Muller accepted these items, the firm of Hardee, Barovick, Konecky & Braun (\"Hardee Barovick\") was retained by Muller, meetings were held and at one point in August it was even suggested that consideration be given to a closing at the end of the month, an objective which continued to elude the parties.", "\nIn mid-September, principally as a consequence of Rodich's memoranda it had been agreed by Rodich and Muller that Muller would purchase the non-typewriter European business of SCM, that the purchase price would be calculated on the basis of a formula derived from Muller's offer of $9.0 million cash for $16.4 million assets as of August 31, 1976, that the typewriter assets would be stripped out by SCM prior to closing, that the business would be operated by SCM for Muller in its ordinary course after August 31, 1976 and that the purchase price would be adjusted to reflect events subsequent to that date. ", "The transfer would be in a form determined by SCM, which initially called for the intended transfer of the stock of the French, German, Belgian and Swiss subsidiaries, and the transfer of the copier assets of the U.K. and Chur subsidiaries. ", "SCM retained its claims against Xerox Corporation for damages in a pending litigation involving, among other things, claims that Xerox unfairly competed with the SCM copier subsidiaries. ", "Muller assumed responsibility for possible employee severance and vacation pay obligations, leases and employees in the U.K. relating to the copier business, and the performance of SCM purchase agreements for equipment and supplies. ", "Muller had the right to license and use the SCM name and logo for three years with appropriate safeguards on its use. ", "SCM made certain warranties with respect to undisclosed liabilities, inventories *1262 and accounts receivable. ", "Discussions on these matters correlated the \"deep discount\" from stated asset value with the assumption by Muller of the employee severance liability and lease obligations of SCM.", "\nThe burden of preparation of more formal documents fell upon Arthur J. Mannion, Jr. (\"Mannion\"), inside counsel for SCM, his work product then to be reviewed by the Hardee Barovick firm. ", "The latter firm also employed Harvey Dale as outside tax consultant. ", "A closing at the end of September was then anticipated. ", "Both sides dispatched teams of lawyers and accountants to Europe, the latter to conduct \"a businessman's review\" and the former to obtain facts and delineate issues to be incorporated in the agreements to be signed. ", "The parties resumed discussions in New York in the latter part of September dealing in part with issues resulting from the trip, including the effect of a French transfer tax and the anticipated time to obtain a necessary Bank of England approval.", "\nIn connection with its 10-K report for the fiscal year ending June 30, and other matters, Elicker met with the SCM board and after discussion the following resolution was adopted:\nWe have agreed in principle to sell our European office copier operations to N. Norman Muller, a private investor who owns substantial interests in various businesses. ", "Current personnel and management will continue to operate the sold business.", "\nSCM's 10-K filed with the SEC on September 30, 1976, stated in relevant part:\nIn late September, 1976, the Company reached an agreement in principle to sell its European copier sales and service operations. ", "These operations account for approximately 40 percent of SCM's copier products net sales, with an operating income of approximately $2 million in fiscal 1976 which was expected to decline in fiscal 1977. ", "The Company makes no assurance that this transaction will be completed.", "\nDuring the same period Muller was anxious to make his presence felt in Europe and to establish a relationship with the general managers of the subsidiaries. ", "A trade exhibition in Paris in late September 1976, the SICOB show, provided an opportunity to satisfy Muller's needs. ", "That, together with SCM's reporting requirements, resulted in a press release which was issued on September 28, 1976, and which stated with respect to the transaction:\nSCM Corporation has reached an agreement in principle to sell its office copier service organizations in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium and its distribution operations covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa to a company controlled by N. Norman Muller, a private investor.", "\nWhile terms of the agreement in principle were not disclosed, Paul H. Elicker, president of SCM, indicated that SCM would incur a pre-tax loss of approximately $1.4 million on the transaction.", "\n. ", " . ", " . ", " . ", " .", "\nThe proposed sale of the European copier business is subject to a definitive agreement expected to be reached soon. ", "SCM said that all parts of the combined 900-man marketing operation would be sold to the new owners intact and the current management will continue to operate the business....\nThe announcement was reported in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, on the Dow Jones ticker tape and elsewhere. ", "These events aroused sufficient interest in Muller to result in an article in Forbes which reported that Muller intended to use his own assets to buy the subsidiaries, a report that was more fictional than factual, given Muller's discussion with Citibank and his later discussions with the Chemical Bank to be considered below.", "\nThe \"agreement in principle\" thus approved by the SCM Board and announced to the public at large consisted largely of the thirteen items set forth in Rodich's August and September memoranda, to which Muller had agreed. ", "These points with some *1263 additions and alterations remained central to the negotiations throughout.[1]\nAfter the issuance of the September 28 press release, the principals left for Paris where the SICOB show was in progress. ", "Rodich addressed a luncheon meeting of the general managers of the subsidiaries at the Hotel Crillon, sought their cooperation during the period before the contemplated transfer could take place, offered a substantial bonus in the event that the transaction was completed as contemplated, and introduced Muller as the intended buyer. ", "He then left the meeting and returned to New York. ", "Muller remained and discussed the business of the subsidiaries with the general managers, and attended the SICOB show and a reception given at the Hotel Intercontinental for the general managers and suppliers to the subsidiaries. ", "These events ended up as charges to Muller's bill at the Crillon, as did the charges for the living expenses of Muller's party, all of which were subsequently paid for by the French subsidiary. ", "SCM seeks repayment of approximately $14,000 by way of counterclaims, more to establish some of the color surrounding these events than to be made whole financially, and of course Muller is responsible for any expenses not related to his business activities. ", "The evidence presented, however, has been inconclusive as to the amount properly attributable to Muller's personal expense.", "\n\n\n*1264 The Drafting Period\n\nAfter returning to New York a first draft of an agreement on the sale of one of the subsidiaries was prepared by Mannion. ", "It was considered to be incomplete by the Hardee Barovick firm, some words were had on the subject, and by early November SCM retained Messrs. Sullivan & Cromwell to assist in the negotiations and preparation of agreements.", "\nOn November 8, 1976, SCM's Board of Directors adopted the following resolution:\nRESOLVED, that the officers of the Company be and hereby are authorized to negotiate the sale of the Business Equipment Division copier operations in England, France, Germany, Belgium (including distributor operations) and Switzerland to N. Norman Muller or a company(ies) owned by N. Norman Muller at such prices and pursuant to such other terms and conditions, as in its absolute discretion, may be approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors....\nIt is undisputed that both parties anticipated that a final written agreement would be reached and executed, an anticipation that, of course, was never fulfilled although a closing date of March 31, 1977 was acceptable to Rodich and was subsequently advanced at SCM's request as more fully set forth below. ", "Meetings were held between counsel on November 16, 17, 18 and December 10 and with the participation of the respective clients on December 15 and 16. ", "Drafts were discussed and negotiated. ", "The starting points for these discussions were the thirteen points outlined by Rodich in August and September and accepted by Muller before the SICOB trip. ", "The negotiations produced a number of refinements and changes.", "\nThe non-copier assets of the French, German, Swiss and Belgian subsidiaries, the shares of which were to be acquired by Muller, were not to be stripped out prior to closing but rather to be transferred to third parties, affiliates of SCM, for cash. ", "Since the transaction contemplated a purchase price based on the formula described above, this change increased the cash in the subsidiaries at the time of closing and thus increased the cash required to close.", "\nThroughout it was understood that SCM was concerned about its employee severance liability and its good will. ", "Clauses were drafted to prevent dividends, loans and pledges which would transfer funds from the Muller operating companies to Muller or his holding companies.[2] These clauses were designed to prevent Muller from removing assets from the subsidiaries but did not by their terms prevent any other transfer pledges or loans to third parties.", "\nSCM sought to obtain a personal guarantee from Muller and a commitment to operate the subsidiaries for three years. ", "The request was refused, and no provision appeared in the last drafts on this subject. ", "SCM sought a provision requiring approval by its Board of Directors before signing, a request which was rejected in view of the action already taken and upon the view of SCM's counsel that the signature would not be affixed unless the agreement was approved.", "\nAt the negotiations at the Atrium Club in August, SCM had sought reassurance as to Muller's financial competence. ", "The Dun & Bradstreet and Bishop's reports had been reviewed. ", "During the negotiations in the fall SCM sought Muller's personal guarantee and certified financials but these requests were rejected by Muller. ", "The issue was resolved by the limitation on upstream pledges, loans and dividends, the purpose of which was to prevent the transfer of funds to Muller which might jeopardize the viability of the subsidiaries.", "\nDuring this period from September through December it was understood by all concerned that the companies which were to be the subject of the agreement were being operated by SCM for the benefit of *1265 Muller. ", "So-called \"Flash Reports,\" weekly forms reporting the pertinent financial data, were shared with Muller. ", "Rodich had instructed DeMaio to keep Muller apprised of all developments. ", "No significant problems were raised or discussed between the parties during the period concerning the operation of the business in the normal course. ", "However, one significant development, relating to the production and marketing of a plain paper copier, began to cast a shadow over the business picture.", "\nDeMaio, after being instructed in the fall of 1975 that SCM intended to cast his division adrift, loyally assisted in the plans to locate a willing buyer to whom the business could be transferred. ", "However, he was persuaded that the viability of the business even to its new owners required the capacity to compete in the plain paper copier field whether or not SCM had determined to abandon this field. ", "To this end he had obtained Rodich's agreement to travel to Japan in the spring of 1976 to select a manufacturer of a plain paper copier and arrange for its production as recounted above. ", "By early fall he had exchanged correspondence with Mita relating to the production of a plain paper copier, its testing and the purchase of a number of copiers. ", "Muller shared DeMaio's belief that the availability of a plain paper copier was essential to the health of the European subsidiaries. ", "The SICOB show was the public debut of the Mita plain paper copier, and the European managers were encouraged and enthusiastic, shared DeMaio's hope for the success of this product and the consequent commissions on sales, a factor which served to hold the sales organizations together during this period of uncertainty. ", "Orders for sales were taken for production to commence some time around the first of the year, and these orders appeared on the Flash Reports.[3]\nIt was anticipated that the Mita copier would cost in the neighborhood of $3,000 and be sold for approximately $4,000 and that approximately 2,000 units would be involved in the first year's production. ", "Thus an initial investment of $6 million was in contemplation. ", "Since SCM in its 1976-77 budget had determined to reduce its commitment to the copier business and to liquidate its investment, and since Muller felt that plain paper copiers essential to his ability to carry on the business, the production of the plain paper copier had the potential of presenting a significant divergence in business objective between Muller and SCM. ", "However, only the tip of this issue could be perceived on the horizon in mid-December, and neither of the parties focused upon it. ", "By all that had been discussed between the parties and their counsel, the operation of the business was proceeding to the satisfaction of each.", "\n\nThe Agreement and Final Events of 1976\nBy mid-December counsel had produced 16 drafts, and pressures were building up for a resolution. ", "Rodich was to be reassigned as of January 1, 1977 to become President of the Chemical and Metallurgical Division of SCM headquartered in Baltimore, and as the principal negotiator for SCM he sought to conclude the discussions. ", "He called a meeting at SCM for December 15 to be attended by all counsel and their clients with the purpose of clearing up all matters then outstanding.", "\nRodich, Muller, and DeMaio, Robert Kay, and Ronald Konecky, counsel for the buyer, John Merow and Charles Sprague, counsel for the seller, James Conway, the chief auditor of SCM and Ben Evans, the S. D. Leidesdorf partner bearing accounting responsibility for Muller, and two other lawyers all testified as to the conduct of this meeting. ", "Two drafts were discussed, one a \"Global\" Agreement between buyer and seller and the second, the agreement for the sale of the French company which was intended not only to serve to govern that transfer but also to serve as a prototype of the agreements to be completed with respect to the Belgian, Swiss and German *1266 companies. ", "It is undisputed that the drafts were reviewed, page by page, and all open issues were sought to be resolved. ", "Parties caucused in various groups, discussions were held, and agreement was reached wherever possible. ", "It was contemplated that another draft would be generated by Sullivan & Cromwell, and indeed on the evening of December 15 another draft of the Global Agreement was produced.", "\nThe meeting continued on December 16, and at its conclusion the assembled group was asked by Rodich whether there were any open terms, and none were advanced. ", "Sullivan & Cromwell was to provide agreements embodying the discussions. ", "The negotiators were released, and adieus, season's greetings and congratulations were exchanged. ", "Rodich escorted Muller to DeMaio's office, and advised the latter that the meetings had been successfully completed. ", "Whether or not Rodich stated, as recalled by Muller and DeMaio, \"Frank, shake hands with your new boss, the deal is done,\" the import of the meeting with DeMaio was to acknowledge in an informal manner the transfer of power. ", "In addition Rodich took Muller to Egli's office and advised Muller that Egli would finish up the transaction. ", "He also informed the finder that his fee could be expected around Christmas or shortly thereafter.", "\nOn December 16, the Board of SCM met and the following minute was made with respect to Elicker's report:\nHe commented on the sale of the European copier business and the assignment of domestic copiers to Allied Paper.", "\nBy deposition Elicker expanded on this subject, stating that he had informed the Board that he remained hopeful, that the negotiations were \"stuck,\" that Rodich's transfer would be completed and that Egli would take over for the short and temporary period remaining.", "\nElicker also testified by deposition that a receivable for the Muller transaction had been booked by the Board in 1976. ", "Both Egli and Conway disputed this fact, and testified that no such entry appears on the SCM books. ", "Egli also indicated that Elicker must have confused the September write-down of the copier assets when he testified about this receivable. ", "Given the clarity of Elicker's pretrial deposition, his absence at trial, the testimony of Conway that such an entry would not have been made for about ten days after year-end, and the findings shortly to be described concerning Egli's year-end memo, the preponderance of the evidence weighs on the side of the existence of the booking.", "\nJust after the meeting, on behalf of Muller the following request was made to the French government for approval of the transaction:\n[SCM] has come to an agreement with Mr. Norman Muller, a U.S. citizen, under which the Group of the latter will take over the SCM copier business in some of the European countries, i. e., West Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and France.", "\nAs the negotiations were being held DeMaio telexed to Mita seeking to complete the plain paper copier transaction and confirming a Letter of Intent between Repro-system and Mita for the purchase of about $6,000,000 worth of plain paper copiers from Mita. ", "On December 16 DeMaio also notified Mita that\nwe have agreed, on December 15, 1976, to the final terms and conditions pertaining to the sale of the six European companies and the distribution right in all other countries in all of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.", "\nWhile the negotiations were in progress, DeMaio had prepared a telex for the managers keeping them advised of the events. ", "Rodich approved the telex and it was transmitted on December 17. ", "It read:\nThis is a brief report on the status of our negotiations to sell the Europe, Middle East and African copier group to N. Norman Muller.", "\nI am sure you appreciate that the complexity of the transaction has made negotiations and workload much more extensive than anyone anticipated. ", "However, we now feel that the problems are resolved and that the deal is made subject *1267 to approval by various government agencies.", "\nBefore year end the DeMaio letter to Mita was reviewed by Rodich and the SCM inside counsel. ", "They perceived the danger of a long term commitment, as did Muller who on December 20 rejected any responsibility prior to taking title. ", "SCM urges that this refusal by Muller evidences the lack of an agreement. ", "A more rational inference is that Muller merely sought to defer his obligations until the expected closing. ", "On December 28 Rodich wrote to Mita as follows:\nI have had an opportunity to review Mr. F. D. DeMaio's letter of December 16, 1976, with which he transmitted a `Letter of Intent' in the name of Reprosystems, B.V. for the purchase of Copystar Model 251R.\nAs you are aware, SCM is in the process of selling its European based office copier business to Reprosystems, B.V. We have every reason to believe that this sale will be consummated; however, it is not possible to accurately state when the transaction will be completed.", "\nWe want to be sure that you understand that Mr. DeMaio's communication was on behalf of Reprosystems, B.V. and not SCM Corporation and that performance under the `Letter of Intent' is a legal and financial responsibility of Reprosystems B.V.\nReprosystems will be licensed by SCM to use its trademarks on copier products sold through the organizations which they will be acquiring. ", "We understand that Reprosystems, B.V. intends to strengthen and expand its copier business, and we hope that Mita and Reprosystem will have a long and mutually profitable relationship.", "\nAfter the negotiations of December 15 and 16 Egli again sought reassurance with respect to Muller's financial capacity and requested a financial statement which he said would be reviewed only by Rodich and Elicker and be held in confidence. ", "This statement, supplied by Muller on December 20, 1976, showed a net worth of $6,179,000. ", "History and the vigor of SCM's counsel has revealed that these assets were overstated, including as they did certain assets of Muller's wife and some evaluations of control stock that could have been the subject of varying opinions. ", "In fact, on the same day, in connection with anticipated bank financing, Muller submitted more conservative figures to the Chemical Bank, which presumably had previously acquired data on Muller's assets. ", "Muller set forth a net worth of $3,617,000 to the bank. ", "However, in December, 1976 SCM chose not to pursue any further inquiry into Muller's finances.", "\nOn December 27 Sullivan & Cromwell provided what in the lexicon of this litigation have been termed the Final Drafts of the Global Agreement, and the French, Belgian, German and Swiss Purchase Agreements. ", "On January 5 these were supplemented by the Final Drafts of the United Kingdom and Chur Asset Purchase Agreements. ", "These Final Drafts, accomplished in the manner described, constituted written agreements between the parties on all material terms relating to the proposed sale, and it was so understood by all those involved as of the morning of December 31, 1976. ", "It was also expected and understood that these Final Drafts might be subject to some minor changes and that they would be executed in the near future. ", "The Global Agreement contained standard language to the effect that it as well as each of the Purchase Agreements would become binding only upon execution.", "\nCounsel's notes indicate certain reservations of Muller's counsel concerning the non-competition, dividend limitation, severance liability, and SCM indemnity clauses in the Final Drafts, but no testimony was adduced to establish that these represented serious, deal-breaking issues for Muller. ", "Indeed the most serious of these issues from SCM's professed point of view, the employee severance liability, engendered simply a query. ", "The other clauses had been previously discussed and resolved so that renegotiation was not likely, despite the mark-ups made by Palley, one of Muller's counsel. ", "In view of Muller's testimony concerning his own understanding of the transaction after *1268 the meeting of December 15 and 16 and Palley's testimony, the latter's notes represent no more than a careful lawyer's review in preparation for a further discussion with either his client or the other side, neither of which took place. ", "Although some uncertainty existed with respect to the tax results of the French transaction and the time by which the necessary Bank of England approval could be obtained, these uncertainties were to be resolved by third parties and the preponderance of the evidence does not establish that these uncertainties were sufficient to negate the understandings set forth in the Final Drafts.", "\n\nThe Disagreement and Events in 1977\nIn accordance with his practice of reviewing financial matters at the end of each quarter and in order to familiarize himself with the transaction, Egli took home on New Year's Eve certain of the documents relating to the proposed sale to Muller. ", "He reviewed the transaction and then made notes of his findings. ", "These notes became the basis of his recommendation to Elicker on January 3. ", "The handwritten notes were introduced, and the alternatives as viewed by Egli were described as follows:\n\nPresent Alternatives\n1) Resolve open [Muller deal] issues & get contract signed (good for Muller not good for SCM).", "\n2) Slow down on signing contract & send team to Europe to study other approaches to liquidating our investment.", "\n3) Ask for cash payment put into escrow.", "\n4) Kill deal and:\na) Try to spend $2.0-$2.5 [million] on liquidation before 6/30/77 to reduce taxes.", "\nb) Develop a specific plan for each disposition separately.", "\nThese alternatives and the financial implications were discussed with Elicker and Hall, Senior Vice President-Administration of SCM on January 4, 1977. ", "Although there is no report of the substance of any internal SCM discussions concerning the finances of the copier business, by year-end it was apparent to Egli that net income for the first half of the fiscal year would be in the neighborhood of $500,000, almost the prior estimate of $600,000 in profits for the entire year. ", "By the projected closing date Egli estimated profits of over $1.2 million. ", "Given the cash implications of the transaction, to be discussed below, it is inferred that these calculations resulted in Egli's conclusion that the deal was \"good for Muller, not so good for SCM.\" ", "Egli testified that at the January 4 meeting, it was determined that SCM would proceed with the deal, attempting to resolve all open issues. ", "In that connection Egli presented at the meeting the following items, first noted in his December 31 memo:\n1. ", "Accrued vacation and holiday pay.", "\n2. ", "Interest on purchase price from 8/31.", "\n3. ", "8/31 audit adjustments and calculation of purchase price.", "\n4. ", "Muller's ability or willingness to finance as necessary.", "\n5. ", "Timing of close—now after 3/31/77.", "\n6. ", "PPC's. [", "plain paper copiers]\n7. ", "Which [general managers] are going with Muller ....\n8. ", "Gov't approvals.", "\nOnly one of these issues — interest on the purchase price — had not been the subject of previous discussion, and none represented material issues beyond resolution except perhaps whatever was indicated by the item \"PPC's,\" but in any case this item was not amplified or explained on January 5 when Egli met with Muller and his counsel Kay.", "\nPrior to that meeting and subsequent to his meeting with Elicker, Egli met with counsel from Sullivan & Cromwell, and all open items were discussed. ", "No testimony has been adduced that there was discussion at that meeting to the effect that the deal should be killed, and indeed there is no direct testimony from any SCM witness that the formal termination of negotiations which occurred later on February 2, 1977 resulted because of an intention of SCM to defeat the transaction.", "\nFrom January 4 to February 2, 1977 events moved rapidly and quite inexorably. *", "1269 Despite Muller's belief that Egli's function was simply to conclude the arrangements, Egli at the January 5 meeting placed unresolved issues on the table adding four additional items to those he had noted over the weekend. ", "Kay, having returned from the holidays, did not rejoin but merely recorded the positions taken by Egli. ", "In the course of this meeting Egli stated his intention to visit the subsidiaries, a trip to which Muller objected, stating that it made more sense to accelerate the paperwork and complete the transaction. ", "Egli insisted on the trip, the purpose of which was not satisfactorily explained by Egli at that time or at trial. ", "DeMaio objected to the trip, carried his objections to Elicker and was overruled. ", "DeMaio heard immediately after the trip from the managers of the subsidiaries who told him that Egli had indicated serious doubts about the completion of the transaction.", "\nOn January 11, William Cawley, Vice President and Treasurer of SCM, wrote to Muller and suggested that the SCM policy relating to equipment held for lease had not been complied with and that certain action would be taken. ", "The letter further stated:\nAs you know, the contract requires SCM to carry on the business of the European companies in the ordinary course during the period between September 1 and closing. ", "Our lawyers tell us that since those instructions may be construed to be not in the ordinary course that we should request your consent.", "\nIn fact, the evidence at trial established that Rodich had authorized the \"additional investments\" which were the subject of the letter.[4] The letter is significant since Cawley testified by deposition that it was written at Egli's request and during his European trip. ", "The inference is thus drawn that after consultation with counsel, Egli viewed the Final Drafts as a contract and had embarked upon a change of direction for the European subsidiaries.", "\nEgli then for the first time sought evidence of Muller's capacity to pay the cash required at closing, discussing the transaction with officers of the Chemical Bank. ", "The bank provided Muller with an informal non-binding commitment letter dated January 20, 1977 which was turned over to SCM. ", "Although SCM also used the resources of the Chemical Bank and although Conway of SCM had been in touch with the bank on the subject of Muller's financing, no further inquiries were made. ", "In fact, unbeknownst to SCM, Muller had obtained the letter from Chemical on the understanding that the cash in the subsidiaries to be acquired would immediately be used to pay the purchase price advanced by the bank, an understanding which gave rise to serious questions raised by SCM after the litigation had commenced and which are dealt with below. ", "Although the closing date had been fixed at March 31, Egli insisted, without objection by Muller, on its advance to February 28.", "\nThe purchase price and the attendant cash required to close had been the subject of calculations by the accountants on more than one occasion. ", "Both Evans, representing Muller, and Conway of SCM were in agreement on the values as of August 31, 1976, and the formula to obtain adjustments to make these numbers current as of the closing date. ", "Indeed the variation between the calculations as of the end of August and those at the end of November and December was relatively insignificant, the cash required to close hovering around $4.25 million. ", "However, this figure took a significant jump in January. ", "This increase resulted from a recalculation of certain Swiss accounts receivable prior to August 31, and most significantly from the demand for interest on the purchase price, approximately $145,000, and the request for $540,000 which resulted from an inter-company transfer. ", "This transfer involved a loan from the German subsidiary to a Canadian *1270 SCM subsidiary, and the treatment of the exchange rates had significant tax effects. ", "The work papers relating to this transaction were never turned over to Muller's accountants nor was the entry satisfactorily explained — either at the time to Muller's representatives nor during the trial to the court. ", "However, whatever ultimately might have been the accounting effect of this transaction, Muller agreed to accept the adjustment as presented. ", "There was, however, no agreement on the demand for interest on the purchase price, and no evidence to counter the implication that this was an afterthought intended at the least to offset the profits earned by the subsidiaries.", "\nThroughout the negotiations SCM had undertaken not to compete in the copier field, and indeed its stated purpose had been to withdraw from such competition. ", "In January this stance was altered, SCM seeking to retain the ability to compete in the event that it acquired any copier rights from Xerox as a result of pending litigation.", "\nHowever, the most significant actions taken by Egli related to operation in the normal course of business. ", "Egli took steps to reduce the leasing of new equipment, presumably to increase cash sales. ", "On January 11, as recounted above, SCM in effect withdrew the representation that the business had been conducted in the normal course. ", "In addition Egli told Muller he intended to go to Europe to discuss the plain paper copier situation with Mita. ", "Muller asked to accompany Egli who refused the request.", "\nThe plain paper copier issue had been precipitated by a request by Mita for a letter of credit to cover merchandise to be shipped. ", "SCM, on the horns of a dilemma of its own making, sought to keep the relationship intact and at the same time to minimize capital commitment. ", "On the second trip to Europe in January, Egli negotiated an understanding with Mita that relieved SCM of any substantial ongoing relationship but permitted the subsidiaries to meet their sales commitments. ", "The substance of this negotiation was undertaken under a pledge of secrecy and substantially affected the business, as Egli knew it would.", "\nUpon his return from Europe Egli met with Elicker, Rodich was called back to New York, and it was determined to fire DeMaio and the other New York administrators of the subsidiaries and their secretaries without discussion with Muller or any prior notice to him, although continuity of management had long been understood to be a consideration for Muller. ", "Egli told DeMaio he was fired and directed that he be escorted out of the building. ", "The firing of DeMaio previously a well-regarded executive of 11 years' standing,[5] resulted from the bottom line analysis by Egli of the financial results of the transaction and DeMaio's commitment to the continuation of the business on behalf of Muller, a course upon which DeMaio had earlier been set by Rodich in spite of the situation of inherent conflict that this created.", "\nEgli explained the firing as a result of the Mita misunderstanding, a failure to implement the freeze on the leasing of new equipment, and an unconfirmed report that a controller in one of the subsidiaries sought to decrease the cash in the subsidiaries as of August 31, for Muller's benefit and at DeMaio's direction. ", "In fact the freeze policy had been modified by Rodich unbeknownst to Egli, the reported event relating to the August 31 reports did not occur, and the report itself was neither investigated or confirmed. ", "DeMaio's participation in the Mita transactions was known shortly after its occurrence and was faithful to the business-in-the-ordinary-course precept. ", "The reasons given for the firing of DeMaio were pretextual, and therefore constitute significant evidence that Egli indeed sought to kill the deal.", "\n*1271 By January 20, SCM issued a press release stating that it felt free to pursue \"other alternatives\" to a sale to Muller, who at the moment of being informed of this change of position was attendant upon an ill wife. ", "He asked Conway to modify the language to soften its implication, a request which was refused.", "\nOn January 31 Muller wrote to Elicker seeking to enforce the agreement and on February 2 SCM formally terminated the negotiations. ", "At no time did Egli carefully review or discuss the Final Drafts internally; at no time were any of the Final Drafts signed by any of the parties, nor did Muller ever tender the purchase price. ", "In view of what was done as opposed to what may have been said at the meetings held on January 5, 6, 14 and 17, and on February 2, I find that SCM's financial interest required that the sale not go forward, that Egli realized that fact, that the actions taken in January, 1977 by Egli on behalf of SCM had the effect of slowing down the signing and killing the deal, and that a specific plan for disposition of each corporation was evolved, contrary to the Agreement in Principle and the Final Drafts. ", "In other words, the acts performed require the inference that in January the responsible officers of SCM reached a conclusion to terminate the transaction with Muller.", "\n\nThe Ability to Perform the Agreement\nThroughout the trial, if not during the negotiations, SCM insisted that Muller lacked the capacity to perform the transaction, and factual findings on this issue are required. ", "At the outset it was understood that SCM was concerned about two significant items, its potential employee severance liability of approximately $6 million and its continuing bank guarantees. ", "After Muller's refusal to give an undertaking to continue in business for three years and a personal guarantee, SCM sought security for the transferred companies through the restrictive provisions on pledges, loans and dividends described above, recognizing that the form of the transactions and the continuation of the companies in business with adequate funding were significant to its concerns.", "\nAs to the liability on bank guarantees, early on Muller undertook to have SCM removed from the guarantees. ", "The pro forma financials submitted to the Chemical Bank in January in order to elicit its informal letter of commitment revealed short term loans of $2,363,000 as of November 30, 1976 as a liability of the new companies.[6]\nThroughout the negotiations the requirement to produce a certified check at closing was the only provision relating to Muller's ability to close the transaction, other than the somewhat informal required financial representations already referred to. ", "As evidenced by Muller's submissions to the Chemical Bank on January 7 it was his intention, at least at that point, to provide the cash required to close by a bridge loan, to be repaid out of the cash on hand in the acquired companies. ", "In view of the facts now found, it is not necessary to determine the exact amount of cash required to close. ", "If the transaction had gone forward on the basis of the Final Drafts, that amount would have been in the neighborhood of $4.5 million. ", "Had all SCM's proposed accounting charges been accepted that amount would have been increased by approximately $1 million.", "\nA substantial amount of testimony was adduced by both sides on the subject of Muller's capacity to perform the agreements represented by the Final Drafts. ", "This included the refusal of Citibank in the early fall to provide financing and a similar refusal by the Chemical Bank International Division, though these refusals are by no means conclusive evidence on Muller's ability *1272 to finance the transaction. ", "Citibank was dealing with different facts than those which were present in December, and Chemical had internal reasons for refusal. ", "Nonetheless, these refusals do establish that financing for a $5 million transaction cannot be assumed.", "\nIt was agreed by certain witnesses for each side that some mention was made by Muller's representatives that they might seek to use the cash in the German company in connection with financing the purchase price. ", "Muller and his representatives, Kay and Evans, all testified that it was understood by both sides that the cash on hand in the acquired companies could be used to finance the purchase price, and it is certain that some discussion along these lines, at least with respect to the German company, did take place. ", "A review of the documentary evidence also establishes a preponderance of evidence that the issue was discussed, particularly in connection with the restrictive provisions which occupied a considerable amount of time in negotiation and drafting. ", "The notes and recollection of Kay, Muller's counsel, are supported by a parallel reference in the notes of SCM's outside counsel relating to the same provision at the same meeting. ", "In the vocabulary of the parties the entry \"Purchase price may leave the pool\" establishes the fact that the cash in the subsidiaries was considered with respect to Muller's financing, despite the inability of counsel for SCM to recall the significance of the phrase.", "\nHowever, even though I find that this method of financing the purchase price was discussed between the parties, the discussion is relatively unimportant. ", "SCM at no time sought to inhibit any such financing. ", "The testimony concerning the commonality of such a practice is undisputed, and SCM could hardly be characterized as an ill-advised seller. ", "There was no prohibition in the Final Drafts or in the discussions of the parties barring Muller from using the cash in the subsidiaries to assist in the financing of the purchase price.[7]\nOf course, in the light of the facts so far found, it is obvious that Muller's ability to perform the contract he alleges cannot be established by anything that actually occurred, but rather by an assessment of what in all probability would have occurred. ", "It is undisputed that Muller did not tender a certified check in the amount of the cash required at closing as it was calculated as of December 31, 1976 or for any other amount which might have been determined. ", "Indeed, outside of the projected financing, no direct evidence was presented to establish that a source was available to provide the $4 million plus which would have been required. ", "Muller's informal bank commitment letter from Chemical was just that. ", "No commitment fee had been paid, and Chemical was not bound to produce the financing. ", "Further, the projected financing depended on cash remaining in the companies to be sold.", "\nBoth Rodich and Muller testified that Muller had agreed to eliminate SCM's liability on the bank guarantees and that such a result could be achieved either by paying the loans or relieving SCM of its liability. ", "It would not have violated the understanding between the parties for SCM to have required the subsidiaries to pay off the short term loans and overdrafts prior to closing, or to require Reprosystem to do so immediately after closing should the banks be unwilling to release SCM from its guarantees. ", "SCM has successfully demonstrated that such an event would have stripped the subsidiaries of cash. ", "Under such circumstances the contingent nature of the Chemical's informal commitment does not rise to the level of proof that Reprosystem would have been able to perform the contract and provide the necessary cash at closing. ", "That Muller had assets, there is no doubt, but no direct evidence was presented as to the amount of cash which could have been generated by the use of these assets. ", "Similarly, *1273 though the subsidiaries undoubtedly had value, no direct evidence was presented that any particular financial sources would have provided the bridge financing necessary. ", "The commercial reality of Muller's ability to close the transaction was not established by a preponderance of the evidence.", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS OF LAW\nThe facts as found above do not lead to simple conclusions of law, to be recited as first principles, known and recognized from the beginning of recorded legal history. ", "What has been described is the complicated interaction which takes place when major corporations dispose and acquire substantial assets. ", "Such transactions require lines to be drawn, projected from earlier established principles which then define duties and obligations perhaps not previously perceived or articulated as such.", "\nIn this instance the parties in December, 1976, agreed upon all material terms of a contract which was to be embodied in a final agreement to be executed. ", "An agreement was reached, and that agreement required the good faith action of both parties to complete the transaction. ", "SCM's acts from December 31 are inconsistent with its duty to perform its agreement to act in good faith. ", "SCM has been unjustly enriched with profits earned on Muller's account, and must disgorge those profits as the most readily available approximation of the relief to which Muller is entitled in damages and restitution. ", "On the other hand, given the failure of Muller to establish that Reprosystem was ready, willing and able to perform the bargain, Muller is not entitled to damages based on any profit which he might achieve had the end-transaction been performed, or full expectation damages measured in any other way.", "\nSCM's acts, described above, while in violation of its obligations to Reprosystem, were motivated not by an intent to defraud or deceive but simply out of a careful financial analysis, not rising to the level of fraud under the securities laws or common law. ", "It seems almost implicit that the federal claim, though facially sufficient, served principally to establish initial jurisdiction, which was accomplished without objection or motion. ", "The claim, however, is insufficient both as a matter of law and fact.", "\n\nThe Securities Claim\nIf the strict language of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (\"the 1934 Act\"), 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b), and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, were to be applied automatically because a sale of securities was contemplated, then virtually every sale of a business structured as was this transaction would call into play the panoply of rights and remedies under the securities law. ", "An examination of the essential purpose of such laws is required whenever this outreach is sought.", "\nThe subject matter of this lawsuit is the purchase and sale of a business, even though that purchase and sale in part involved a transfer of ownership evidenced by stock. ", "Recently, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals confronted the question of \"whether alleged fraud regarding the sale of assets and stock in a corporation falls within the scope of [the federal securities] laws.\" ", "In Frederiksen v. Poloway, 637 F.2d 1147, (7th Cir. ", "1981), cert. ", "denied, ___ U.S. ___, 101 S.Ct. ", "3006, 69 L.Ed.2d 389 (1981), it was held that the acquisition of a marina did not involve a \"security\" within the purview of the federal securities law. ", "The court, at 637 F.2d 1150, quoted the following observation of the Supreme Court in United Housing Foundation, Inc. v. Forman, 421 U.S. 837, 849, 95 S.Ct. ", "2051, 2059, 44 L.Ed.2d 621 (1975):\nThe primary purpose of the Acts of 1933 and 1934 was to eliminate serious abuses in a largely unregulated securities market. ", "The focus of the Acts is on the capital market of the enterprise system: the sale of securities to raise capital for profit-making purposes, the exchanges on which securities are traded, and the need for regulation to prevent fraud and to protect the interest of investors.", "\nThe Frederiksen court noted further the conclusion of the Court in Forman that the securities laws do not apply when the goal *1274 of a purchaser is not investment, but a desire to \"use or consume the item purchased.\" ", "637 F.2d at 1150, quoting 421 U.S. at 852-53, 95 S.Ct. ", "at 2060-61.", "\nThe 1934 Act provides that \"[t]he term security means any ... stock,\" 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(10); but that definition, as are all the definitions in § 78c(a), is preceded by the phrase \"unless the context otherwise requires;\" the definition of \"security\" in the 1933 Act is prefaced by the same phrase, 15 U.S.C. § 77b(1). ", "Although the transaction involved in Frederiksen appeared to be within the letter of the 1934 Act it was not — given the commercial as opposed to investment character — within the spirit, nor within the intention of its makers. ", "Id. at 1150. ", "Indeed, as the Frederiksen court noted, the \"literal application\" argument was specifically rejected by the Court in Forman, supra, 421 U.S. at 848, 95 S.Ct. ", "at 2058, in the following terms:\nWe reject at the outset any suggestion that the present transaction evidenced by the sale of shares called `stock,' must be considered a security transaction simply because the statutory definition of a security includes the words `any ... stock.' ", "Rather we adhere to the basic principal that has guided all of the Court's decisions in this area:\n`[I]n searching for the meaning and scope of the word \"security\" in the Act[s], form should be disregarded for substance and the emphasis should be on economic reality.' ", "Tcherepnin v. Knight, 389 U.S. 332, 336 [88 S.Ct. ", "548, 553, 19 L.Ed.2d 564] (1967).", "\nAs in Frederiksen, the \"economic reality\" of this transaction was that Muller intended to manage and operate the business and had no intention to rely on the present and future efforts of SCM to produce profits. ", "Thus, the securities law claim fails for the reason that the contemplated transaction did not involve an investment of money in a common enterprise from which the profits were expected \"to come solely from the efforts of others.\" ", "Int'l Brhd. ", "of Teamsters v. Daniel, 439 U.S. 551, 558 & n.11, 99 S.Ct. ", "790, 815, 58 L.Ed.2d 808 (1979), quoting Forman, supra, 421 U.S. at 851-522, 95 S.Ct. ", "at 2060; SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., 328 U.S. 293, 301, 66 S.Ct. ", "1100, 1104, 90 L.Ed. ", "1244 (1946); Williamson v. Tucker, 632 F.2d 579, 592-601 (5th Cir. ", "1980); Glen-Arden Commodities, Inc. v. Costantino, 493 F.2d 1027 (2d Cir. ", "1974); Barsy v. Verin, 508 F.Supp. ", "952 (N.D.Ill.1981); Wieboldt v. Metz, 355 F.Supp. ", "255 (S.D.N.Y.1973).", "\nFurther, the claimed frauds of overstated assets and inflated income were not made with the scienter required to be established under the federal securities laws or under the common law. ", "As set forth above, these were projections made in good faith. ", "The profit projection proved to be more or less accurate although SCM management believed otherwise at one time. ", "Although the assets described to Muller in the spring of 1976 may have been overstated by a million dollars, there is no evidence that such overstatement was made with a fraudulent intent or even recklessly. ", "See Aaron v. SEC, 446 U.S. 680, 100 S.Ct. ", "1945, 64 L.Ed.2d 611 (1980); Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder, 425 U.S. 185 (1976); Elkind v. Liggett & Myers, Inc., 635 F.2d 156, 165 (2d Cir. ", "1980); Samuels v. Eleanora Baheer, B.V., 500 F.Supp. ", "1357, 1361-62 (S.D.N.Y.1980).", "\nOf course, it has been found as fact above that SCM had determined not to complete the transaction after Egli's analysis at the end of 1976. ", "There was no statement to that effect, and SCM sought to imply that it still intended to go forward with the transaction. ", "There was, however, no misrepresentation to that effect. ", "At worst there was a failure to disclose the fact of a decision to \"kill the deal.\" ", "Were the federal securities laws applicable, this omission would require further analysis. ", "In the last analysis there was no purchase and sale of a security, and despite the dutiful citation of Omega Executive Services, Inc. v. Grant, [1979 Transfer Binder] Fed.", "Sec.", "L.Rep. (", "CCH) ¶ 96,848 at 95,445 (S.D.N.Y.1979) by Reprosystem, the securities laws are thus inapplicable.", "\n\nThe Contract Claim\nThese conclusions simply return the court to where the parties have been throughout *1275 the litigation, the determination of New York law with respect to the rights and liabilities of parties seeking to contract.[8] Several principles of law relevant to the determination of whether a contract existed are urged by the parties as \"ancient,\" \"cardinal\" and \"controlling.\" ", "As is often the case, initial guidance is derived from Judge Weinfeld:\nThe day is long past when a red ribbon and seal is required upon documents which contain the terms of the parties' agreements in order to validate such agreements.", "\nRoyal Indemnity Co. v. Westinghouse Elec. ", "Corp., 385 F.Supp. ", "520, 522 (S.D.N.Y.1974). ", "Indeed, it is well established that where parties reach an agreement they are bound by it, whatever its form and however it is manifested. ", "See e. g., Kleinschmidt Div. ", "of SCM Corp. v. Futuronics Corp., 41 N.Y.2d 972, 395 N.Y.S.2d 151, 363 N.E.2d 701 (1977); Sanders v. Pottlitzer Bros. Fruit Co., 144 N.Y. 209, 39 N.E. 75 (1894).", "\nWhat is looked to in determining whether an agreement has been reached is not the parties' after-the-fact professed subjective intent, but their objective intent as manifested by their expressed words and deeds at the time. ", "Brown Bros. Electrical Contractors, Inc. v. Beam Constr. ", "Corp., 41 N.Y.2d 397, 393 N.Y.S.2d 350, 352, 361 N.E.2d 999, 1001 (1977). ", "If the parties' expressions and conduct would lead a reasonable man to determine that they intended to reach a binding agreement, their agreement will be enforced. ", "Phillip v. Gallant, 62 N.Y. 256, 263 (1875). ", "In determining whether the parties entered into a contractual agreement and what were its terms,\ndisproportionate emphasis is not to be put on any single act, phrase, or other expression, but, instead, on the totality of all of these, given the attendant circumstances, the situation of the parties, and the objectives they were striving to attain [citations omitted].", "\nBrown Bros., supra, 393 N.Y.S.2d at 352.", "\nMoreover, while there is no enforceable agreement if the parties have not agreed on the essential terms, Interocean Shipping Co. v. Nat'l Shipping & Trading Co., 462 F.2d 673, 676 (2d Cir. ", "1972); ABC Trading Co. v. Westinghouse Elec. ", "Supply Co., 382 F.Supp. ", "600 (E.D.N.Y.1974), in New York and across the country a binding contract can be formed despite \"material open issues.\" ", "See e. g., N.Y.U.C.C. (\"UCC\") 2-204, (McKinney 1964). ", "As the New York Court of Appeals held in Kleinschmidt, supra:\nUnder the Uniform Commercial Code [2-204(3)], if the parties have intended to contract, and if an appropriate remedy may be fashioned, a contract for sale does not fail for indefiniteness if terms, even important terms, are left open .... It is no longer true that dispute over material terms inevitably prevents formation of a binding contract. ", "What is true ... is that when a dispute over material terms manifests a lack of intention to contract, no contract results.", "\n. ", " . ", " . ", " . ", " .", "\nThus, when there is basic agreement, however manifested and whether or not the precise moment of agreement may be determined, failure to articulate that agreement in the precise language of a lawyer, with every difficulty and contingency considered and resolved, will not prevent formation of a contract ....\n395 N.Y.S.2d at 152, 363 N.E.2d at 702. ", "If the parties fail to work every aspect of the agreement out, such terms can be resolved by the court. ", "See e. g. United States v. Bedford Associates, 657 F.2d 1300 at 1310, 1311 (2d Cir. ", "1981); V'Soske v. Barwick, 404 F.2d 495 (2d Cir. ", "1968); American Cyanamid Co. v. Elizabeth Arden Sales Corp., 331 F.Supp. ", "597 (S.D.N.Y.1971). ", "Even failure *1276 to agree expressly on the payment terms does not alone prevent an enforceable agreement. ", "Rose v. Spa Realty Associates, 42 N.Y.2d 336, 397 N.Y.S.2d 922, 366 N.E.2d 1279 (1977).", "\nIt is recognized that if the parties intend not to be bound until they have executed a formal document embodying their agreement, they will not be bound until then. ", "Int'l Telemeter Corp. v. Teleprompter Corp., 592 F.2d 49, 56, and 57-58 (Friendly, J. concurring); V'Soske, supra, at 499; Chromalloy American Corp. v. Universal Housing Systems of America, Inc., 495 F.Supp. ", "544, 550 (S.D.N.Y.1980); Scheck v. Francis, 26 N.Y.2d 466, 311 N.Y.S.2d 841, 260 N.E.2d 493 (1970); UCC 2-305(4); Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 32, comment c (Tent. ", "Drafts 1-7, 1973); 1 Williston on Contracts § 28 at 66-67 (3d ed. ", "1957). ", "On the other hand the mere fact that the parties contemplate memorializing their agreement in a formal document does not prevent their less formal agreement from taking effect prior to that event. ", "Teleprompter, supra; V'Soske, supra; Banking & Trading Corp. v. Floete, 257 F.2d 765, 769 (2d Cir. ", "1958); see also Sommer v. Hilton Hotels Corp., 376 F.Supp. ", "297 (S.D.N.Y. 1974); Tymon v. Linoki, 16 N.Y.2d 293, 266 N.Y.S.2d 357 (1965); APS Food Systems, Inc. v. Ward Foods, Inc., 70 A.D.2d 483, 421 N.Y.S.2d 223 (1st Dep't 1979); S. J. Groves & Sons Co. v. L. M. Pike & Son, Inc., 41 A.D.2d 584, 340 N.Y.S.2d 230 (4th Dept. ", "1973); Zirman v. Beck, 34 Misc.2d 597, 225 N.Y.S.2d 330 (Sup.", "Ct.", "Bronx.", "Co.1962); Karson v. Arnow, 32 Misc.2d 499, 224 N.Y.S.2d 891 (Sup.", "Ct.", "N.Y.Co.1962). ", "As put succinctly by Professor Corbin:\nThe parties have power to contract as they please. ", "They can bind themselves orally or by informal letters or telegrams if they like. ", "On the other hand, they can maintain complete immunity from all obligation, even though they have expressed agreement orally or informally upon every detail of a complex transaction. ", "The matter is merely one of expressed intention. ", "If their expressions convince the court that they intended to be bound without a formal document, their contract is consummated, and the expected formal document will be nothing more than a memorial of that contract. [", "footnote omitted].", "\n1 A. Corbin Contracts, § 30 at 98-99 (2d ed. ", "1963).", "\nAgain, these rules are but aspects of a broader governing principle which looks to reality and substance in a transaction, not form. ", "As noted in V'Soske, supra, 404 F.2d at 499:\nContract law has progressed and evolved sounder principles since the days of ritualistic and formalistic sealed instrument requirements. ", "Thus, these rules, placing the emphasis on intention rather than form, are sensible and reasonable.", "\nThis objective theory of contracts was stated by Judge Learned Hand in Hotchkiss v. National Bank of New York, 200 F. 287, 293 (S.D.N.Y.1911), aff'd, 201 F. 664 (2d Cir. ", "1912), aff'd, 231 U.S. 50, 34 S.Ct. ", "20, 58 L.Ed. ", "115 (1913), as follows:\nA contract has, strictly speaking, nothing to do with personal, or individual, intent of the parties. ", "A contract is an obligation attached by the mere force of law to certain acts of the parties, usually words, which ordinarily accompany and represent a known intent. ", "If, however, it were proved by twenty bishops that either party, when he used the words, intended something else than the usual meaning which the law imposes upon them, he would still be held, unless there were some mutual mistake, or something else of the sort.", "\nSee Brown Bros., supra, 393 N.Y.S.2d at 351-52, 361 N.E.2d at 1000-02.", "\nIn a series of decisions which I find controlling here, our circuit has applied this objective theory of contracts to various transactions, some involving the transfer of substantial business entities, and found a contract to exist from an oral or informal agreement.", "\nIn American Cyanamid Co. v. Elizabeth Arden, supra, it was held that in a letter agreement for the purchase of a \"far flung business\" from a large and sophisticated *1277 corporation for about $35,000,000, it was not fatal to fail to include representations and warranties, to leave to further negotiations questions relating to an escrow fund for the purchase price, to fail to establish accounting principles to verify the net worth, and to omit the closing date. ", "Similarly, an oral contract with Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. to provide the plaintiff with an opportunity to purchase a wholesale liquor distributorship of an approximate value and profit potential within a reasonable time has been upheld as sufficiently definite to be enforceable. ", "Lee v. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 413 F.Supp. ", "693 (S.D.N.Y. 1976), aff'd, 552 F.2d 447 (2d Cir. ", "1977).", "\nIn V'Soske, supra, an informal exchange of \"correspondence\" resulted in an enforceable contract for the purchase of a business for approximately $1.7 million, even though the parties contemplated the subsequent execution of a formal written agreement. ", "In Teleprompter, supra, International Telemeter and Teleprompter had engaged in a sequence of negotiations over the terms of an agreement settling complex patent litigation. ", "A series of drafts of the settlement agreement was exchanged, and the parties orally agreed on the terms of the settlement. ", "However, prior to delivery of the signed settlement documents, new management at Teleprompter refused to proceed with the settlement agreement. ", "The Second Circuit upheld the District Court's finding under New York law that since the parties had reached a final agreement and had manifested objective indications of their intent to be bound, the settlement agreement would be enforced. ", "In Viacom Int'l, Inc. v. Tandem Productions, Inc., 526 F.2d 593, 595-96 (2d Cir. ", "1975), an oral agreement governing distribution and syndication rights for the television program \"All In The Family\" was held to be binding. ", "Accord, Ellis Canning Co. v. Bernstein, 348 F.Supp. ", "1212 (D.Colo.1972); Itek Corp. v. Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., 248 A.2d 625 (Sup.", "Ct.", "Del.1968).", "\nThus, the objective manifestations of SCM and the plaintiffs must be weighed by the court and the line drawn between the competing principles set forth above. ", "The weighing has been done, and it has been determined as a matter of fact that eventually both parties intended to be bound by the Final Drafts. ", "Taking into account the totality of the parties' objective manifestations of intent as the transaction progressed and the circumstances surrounding the negotiations, I reject SCM's contention that a final signing would be required to constitute a binding agreement. ", "In the circumstances at bar, SCM's — indeed, both parties' — contemplation of subsequent formal signed agreements did not overcome the objective facts which established an agreement. ", "Implicit here, as well, is my conclusion that none of the contract terms which remained open after consensus was reached on the Agreement in Principle and then on the Final Drafts were such, taken separately or together, as to prevent the agreements from taking effect. ", "The indefiniteness of the purchase price was insignificant in light of the formula provided by the parties for the court, if necessary, to give content to that term. ", "United States v. Bedford Associates, supra, 657 F.2d at 1310. ", "Additionally, the alleged need for SCM Board approval of any final agreements, e. g. Ashton v. Chrysler Corp., 261 F.Supp. ", "1009, 1013 (E.D.N.Y.1965); Weisner v. 791 Park Avenue Corp., 6 N.Y.2d 426, 434, 190 N.Y.S.2d 70, 75-76, 160 N.E.2d 720, 724 (1959), is without significance here, given the language of the Final Drafts and the involvement of the Board in the agreements already reached.", "\nNor is the existence of the agreement defeated by the requirements of the statute of frauds. ", "Indeed, SCM does not seriously dispute the point.[9] It is well-established *1278 under New York law that the memorandum required by the statute of frauds need not be incorporated in a single document, but may be derived from several documents which relate to each other, only one of which need be prepared by the defendant. ", "Weitnauer Trading Company Ltd. v. Annis, 516 F.2d 878, 880 (2d Cir. ", "1975); Great Destinations, Inc. v. Transportes Aereas Portuguese S.A.R.L., 460 F.Supp. ", "1160 (S.D.N.Y.1978); Crabtree v. Elizabeth Arden Sales Corp., 305 N.Y. 48, 110 N.E.2d 551 (1953); APS Food Systems, supra, 421 N.Y. S.2d at 225. ", "The court in the Crabtree case thus recognized that the law \"permit[s] the signed and unsigned writings to be read together, provided that they clearly refer to the same subject matter or transaction.\" ", "305 N.Y. at 55, 110 N.E.2d 551.", "\nThe statute of frauds requirements have been satisfied by the Final Drafts and the acts of SCM as found above, including the December 17, 1976 telexes to the general managers of the copier subsidiaries, the December 16, 1976 letter signed by Frank DeMaio to Mita Holland B.V., the testimony concerning the meetings of December 15 and 16 and the documents prepared on or about December 31, 1976 by Herbert Egli, referring to \"the deal.\"", "\nHowever, although under these principles a contract has been established, the matter does not end there. ", "Even having established an enforceable agreement a plaintiff cannot be allowed to recover for an alleged breach of contract unless he can establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant would have received \"substantially what he bargained for.\" ", "6 Williston, supra, § 884 at 402. ", "See United States v. Penn Foundry & Mfg. ", "Co., 337 U.S. 198, 69 S.Ct. ", "1009, 93 L.Ed. ", "1308 (1949); United States Overseas Airlines, Inc. v. Compania Aerea Viajes Expresos de Venezuela, S.A., 246 F.2d 951, 952 (2d Cir. ", "1957); Hodes v. Hoffman Int'l Corp., 280 F.Supp. ", "252, 258-59 (S.D.N.Y.1968). ", "Here, under both common law and the UCC, the spurned buyer's right of action for anticipatory breach depends on his shouldering the burden of demonstrating his readiness, willingness and ability to tender performance when due. ", "See Scholle v. Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust, 285 F.2d 318 (2d Cir. ", "1960); Decor by Nikkei Int'l, Inc. v. Federal Republic of Nigeria, 497 F.Supp. ", "893, 907-908 (S.D.N.Y.1980), aff'd, 647 F.2d 300 (2d Cir. ", "1981); UFITEC, S.A. v. Trade Bank & Trust Co., 21 A.D.2d 187, 249 N.Y.S.2d 557 (1st Dep't 1964), aff'd, 16 N.Y.2d 698, 261 N.Y.S.2d 893 (1965).", "\nThe aggrieved plaintiff does not, in order to satisfy his burden, have to actually tender a performance which has been rendered futile by defendant's repudiation, *1279 Scholle, supra; Allbrand Discount Liquors, Inc. v. Times Square Stores Corp., 60 A.D.2d 568, 399 N.Y.S.2d 700 (2d Dep't 1977); UFITEC, supra, 249 N.Y.S.2d at 560. ", "Further, plaintiff's burden upon anticipatory repudiation by defendant could be satisfied by a showing that defendant, by his actions, rendered performance by plaintiff impossible. ", "Amies v. Wesnofske, 255 N.Y. 156, 162-63, 174 N.E. 436 (1931). ", "However, this record fails to establish that sort of impossibility. ", "Here, I have found as a matter of fact that, quite apart from any wrongs committed by SCM, Muller has failed to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that he possessed the ability to come up with the cash at closing. ", "This failure bars enforcement of the otherwise enforceable agreement.", "\n\nThe Duty to Perform in Good Faith\nOn the facts as I have found them, I conclude not only that SCM breached the agreements reached at the end of 1976, but that it specifically breached its duty of good faith negotiation and performance required by those agreements. ", "A fundamental obligation to deal in good faith, found in established case law, required SCM to act otherwise than to single-mindedly bail out of what it came to see as a bad deal.", "\nItek Corp. v. Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., supra, presented a similar situation. ", "In that case, Itek, a prospective purchaser of the assets of Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc. (\"CAI\"), sued for breach of a contract to sell those assets. ", "The parties had arrived at an agreement on the price, which was subject to several conditions including \"that formal documents be prepared to the satisfaction of the parties,\" and they had also signed a \"Letter of Intent.\" ", "Nevertheless, CAI received a better offer from another purchaser, terminated discussions with Itek and sold the assets to the higher bidder. ", "The court held that there was evidence which would support the conclusion that at the time of the Letter of Intent, Itek and CAI intended to be bound to the agreement for the sale of assets, and further that the parties' \"Letter of Intent,\" which set forth the basic terms of their transactions, \"obligated each side to attempt in good faith to reach final and formal agreement.\" ", "248 A.2d at 625.", "\nWhile the letter of intent involved in Itek contained an explicit requirement that the parties shall \"make every reasonable effort\" to close the deal formally, see also Arnold Palmer Golf Co. v. Fuqua Industries, Inc., 541 F.2d 584 (6th Cir. ", "1976); Thompson v. Liquichimica of America, Inc., 481 F.Supp. ", "361 (S.D.N.Y.1979) and 481 F.Supp. ", "365 (S.D.N.Y.1979); American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Wolf, 52 N.Y.2d 394, 438 N.Y.S.2d 482 (1981), the Itek reasoning has been applied in similar commercial settings where the good-faith duty has been enunciated. ", "Thus, in Pepsico, Inc. v. W. R. Grace & Co., 307 F.Supp. ", "713 (S.D.N.Y.1969), where the parties had issued a joint press release announcing their \"agreement in principle\" to sell a controlling interest in a subsidiary of Grace, the court noted Pepsico's argument, based on Itek, that the agreement in principle carried with it an obligation to negotiate the terms of a definitive agreement in good faith, and responded as follows:\nAssuming that there was a binding agreement on May 8th [the date the agreement in principle was announced], we would agree that an obligation to negotiate in good faith was implied....\nId. at 720. ", "See also American Cyanamid, supra, 331 F.Supp. ", "at 606; Knapp, Enforcing the Contract to Bargain, 44 N.Y.U.L. Rev. 673, 716-23 (1969).[10]\n*1280 Indeed, under New York law, every contract carries with it an implied obligation of good faith. ", "Lowell v. Twin Disc, Inc., 527 F.2d 767, 770-71 (2d Cir. ", "1975); Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. v. Graver Tank & Mfg. ", "Co., 470 F.Supp. ", "1308, 1316 (N.D.N.Y.1979); Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., supra, 413 F.Supp. ", "at 698; Sommer v. Hilton Hotels Corp., supra, at 301-02; Matter of DeLaurentiis, 9 N.Y.2d 503, 215 N.Y.S.2d 60, 63-64, 174 N.E.2d 736, 738-739 (1961); Baker v. Chock Full O'Nuts Corp., 30 A.D.2d 329, 292 N.Y.S.2d 58 (1st Dep't 1968). ", "This obligation has statutory force as well. ", "The policy behind the Uniform Commercial Code is to \"give effect to the agreement which has been made ... conditioned by the requirement of good faith action which is made an inherent part of all contracts within this Act.\" ", "UCC § 2-305, Official Comment 6 (McKinney 1964). ", "In addition, the Code in § 1-203 specifically provides that \"[e]very contract or duty within this Act imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance or enforcement.\"", "\nThus, while a party to any negotiations for the purchase and sale of property is not automatically obligated to carry the negotiations through to closing, see Brause v. Goldman, 10 A.D.2d 328, 199 N.Y.S.2d 606, 611 (1st Dep't 1960), aff'd, 9 N.Y.2d 620, 210 N.Y.S.2d 225, 172 N.E.2d 78 (1961), consistent with principles of New York law dating back to Wood v. Duff-Gordon, 222 N.Y. 88, 118 N.E. 214 (1917), SCM was obligated to act fairly under the Agreement in Principle and the Final Drafts to negotiate in good faith to finalize matters and then presumably, to accomplish the end transaction.", "\n\nThe Damages\nAlthough I have concluded that Muller is not entitled to recover his full expectation damages however those might be measured, compare Lee v. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., supra, 413 F.Supp. ", "at 705-07; Pennsylvania Co. v. Wilmington Trust Co., 39 Del.Ch. ", "453, 166 A.2d 726 (Ch.", "Ct.1960), aff'd, 40 Del.Ch. ", "140, 172 A.2d 63 (Sup.", "Ct.1961); Gold Seal Prods., ", "Inc. v. R.K.O. Radio Pictures, Inc., 134 Cal.", "App.2d 843, 286 P.2d 954 (Dist.", "Ct.", "App.1955), SCM's breach of the agreement reached and the concomitant breach of its good faith obligation entitle Muller to relief.", "\nAs the determination of liability on these facts is not simple, neither is the assignment of a proper remedy. ", "The court has not been presented with nor has it discovered a similar case involving on the one hand the bad faith repudiation of a preliminary agreement for the sale of a business, and on the other hand the failure of proof by the would-be purchaser of his own ability to perform when such was to come due. ", "A recovery allowed under these circumstances may be viewed as the appropriate compensation for the defendant's breach of its duty to deal in good faith, see American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Wolf, supra, 438 N.Y.S.2d at 485, 487-88; Knapp, supra, at 723-26, or, more traditionally, as the appropriate measure of damages, all things considered, for SCM's repudiation of the agreement reached by the parties. ", "Cf. ", "Fair Sky, Inc. v. Int'l Cable Ride Corp., 23 A.D.2d 633, 257 N.Y.S.2d 351, 353 (1st Dep't 1965).", "\nThe most logical and readily available measure of damages under these circumstances is the profit earned by SCM in the period before the anticipated closing during which, according to the agreement, the copier subsidiaries were being run in the normal course of business on Muller's account. ", "This fund, generated before to the anticipated closing date, was accruing to Muller above and beyond the value of the assets of the subsidiaries that he was to receive in *1281 exchange for the price that was finally to be agreed on. ", "Given his failure to establish his own ability to perform, Muller certainly may not recover the bargained-for properties, the profit realized thereon after the would-be closing date or even the profit accruing to SCM from the sale of the properties to others. ", "However, it would be inequitable in view of SCM's bad faith conduct from which it was able to profit so handsomely, to allow it to retain that amount which, in exchange for Muller's commitment to the deal, was to be accruing to his account even before his ability to perform was to be tested at closing.", "\nThis conclusion seems appropriate in the light of the doctrine of restitution or unjust enrichment. ", "The remedy of restitution to prevent unjust enrichment is commonly applied both in the realm of quasi-contract and as an alternative basis for recovery upon breach of contract. ", "See Restatement, supra, Topic 4-Restitution §§ 384, 391, and Introductory Note thereto (Tent. ", "Draft No. ", "14, 1979); 5 Corbin, supra, §§ 1106-07. ", "This doctrine rests, generally, upon the equitable principle that a person shall not be allowed to enrich himself at the expense of another. ", "Miller v. Schloss, 218 N.Y. 400, 407, 113 N.E. 337 (1916). ", "It is not necessarily grounded on contract or on promise but on an obligation created by law,\nwhen and because the acts of the parties or others have placed in the possession of one person money, or its equivalent, under such circumstances that in equity and good conscience he ought not to retain it, and which ex aequo et bono belongs to another.", "\nId.; see Paramount Film Distributing Corp. v. State, 30 N.Y.2d 415, 334 N.Y.S.2d 388, 393, 285 N.E.2d 695, 698 (1972); Friar v. Vanguard Holding Corp., 78 A.D.2d 83, 434 N.Y.S.2d 698, 701-02 (2d Dep't 1980); Eightway Corp. v. Dime Savings Bank, 94 Misc.2d 274, 404 N.Y.S.2d 302 (Civ.", "Ct. ", "Queens Co. 1978), aff'd, 99 Misc.2d 989, 420 N.Y.S.2d 837 (Sup.", "Ct. ", "Queens Co. 1979). ", "An element in the equation is that the unjust enrichment of the defendant be at the expense of the claimant, and this usually necessitates a finding that a benefit was conferred by the claimant, or in other words that a benefit corresponds to a loss to the claimant. ", "See Nacional Financiera, S.A. v. Banco De Ponce, 120 N.Y.S.2d 373, 415-17 (Sup.", "Ct. ", "N.Y.Co. ", "1953); aff'd, 283 A.D. 939, 131 N.Y.S.2d 303 (1st Dep't 1954); 50 N.Y. Jur. ", "Restitution § 6 (1966). ", "However, there is case support for a finding of unjust enrichment without such a readily identifiable correspondence. ", "Saunders v. Kline, 55 A.D.2d 887, 391 N.Y.S.2d 1, 2 (1st Dep't 1977); 50 N.Y.Jur., ", "supra, at 162; see also Brooks v. Peoples' Bank, 233 N.Y. 87, 134 N.E. 846 (1921); Roberts v. Ely, 113 N.Y. 128, 20 N.E. 606 (1889); Robert Reis & Co. v. Volck, 151 A.D. 613, 136 N.Y.S. 367 (1st Dep't 1912); Knapp, supra, at 724-25 n.174; see generally 4 Corbin, supra, § 979 and 5 Corbin, supra, § 1107.", "\nUnder the circumstances presented here where SCM had obligated itself as part of the agreements reached to run the copier subsidiaries for Muller's account from August 31, 1976 to the anticipated closing date, I conclude that to allow SCM to retain the profit earned during all of that period would be to condone unjust enrichment.[11]\n*1282 Whatever the theory, there would be a certain logic to fashioning a recovery to encompass out-of-pocket legal and other expenditures in preparation for performance, or even the cost of forebearance (presumably the value of opportunities foregone). ", "However, bearing in mind the flexibility of available contract remedies, see 5 Corbin, supra, § 996, since Muller is in a sense gaining the benefit of his bargain — or, at least, as much of it as he is entitled to under the circumstances — he will not at the same time recover his legal fees incurred to produce this benefit, apparently the only significant out-of-pocket expense, or any other reliance-type damages. ", "See Corbin, supra, §§ 1034, 1036. ", "Cf. ", "Gruen Industries, Inc. v. Biller, 608 F.2d 274, 280-82 (7th Cir. ", "1979). ", "I have concluded the proper remedy is the award to Muller of the profit earned by the copier subsidiaries from August 31, 1976 to February 2, 1977, the date of the repudiation.", "\nOn the basis of this opinion, a conference will be held on July 9, 1981 at 5:00 p. m. to determine whether any further hearing is required in order to enter judgment in accordance with this opinion.", "\nIT IS SO ORDERED.", "\n\nAPPENDIX\nThe August memorandum reads as follows:\n1. ", "SCM to sell the stock of the German, French, Belgium and Swiss subsidiaries and the copier assets of the Chur and U.K. subsidiaries.", "\n2. ", "SCM shall have the right to allocate the total proceeds, assigning values to each of the four stock sales and two asset sales.", "\n3. ", "In no case will cash and securities be included nor will assets related to the typewriter distribution business (which is currently being separated out) be included.", "\n4. ", "The names of the purchased subsidiaries will be changed and the use of the SCM name and logo will be discontinued within an agreed upon time limit.", "\n5. ", "SCM will retain or discharge all balance sheet liabilities except those that relate to compensation and employee benefits, which will be assumed by the purchaser.", "\n6. ", "In the U.K., liability for employees and leases relating to the copier business will be assumed by the purchaser.", "\n7. ", "Goods in transit from suppliers (purchased under contract commitments and prepaid) will be reimbursed by purchaser at delivered cost rather than being included in the inventory account.", "\n8. ", "Purchaser will assume responsibility for performance under purchase agreements entered into by SCM for equipment and supplies for the operations to be sold.", "\n9. ", "New York personnel directly related to International Copier operations will be employed by purchaser.", "\nThe September memorandum reads as follows:\n1. ", "We will license use of name for three years with appropriate safeguards on its use.", "\n2. ", "We will warrant against undisclosed liabilities to the extent that they exceed a pool of $150,000, the purpose of which is to absorb claims not in excess of $10,000 per claim. ", "We will have the right to dispose of claims as we see fit.", "\n3. ", "We will only be responsible for shortages of inventory count and then to *1283 the extent that such shortages exceed a pool equal to the inventory reserve. (", "time limitation)\n4. ", "We will be responsible for uncollectable receivables in excess of a pool which is to be equal to the receivable reserve plus $200,000, but not less than $500,000. ", "We will reimburse purchaser at the rate of 53c/$ (?) ", "for losses in excess of the pool. (", "time limitation)\nNOTES\n[1] Plaintiffs' version of the Agreement in Principle accords with the evidence. ", "The thirteen points are integrated and summarized as follows:\n\n(1) SCM was to sell and transfer all the six copier subsidiaries, except for business operations relating to typewriters.", "\n(2) The typewriter assets were not to be transferred, but were to be retained by SCM.", "\n(3) SCM was to retain all cash and cash equivalents of the copier business as of August 31.", "\n(4) The transfer would be in a form determined by SCM; SCM determined, based on its tax interests, to transfer the stock of the French, German, Belgium and Swiss subsidiaries, and to transfer the copier assets of the U.K. and Chur subsidiaries.", "\n(5) The purchaser would be a company to be formed by Mr. Muller.", "\n(6) The purchase price was to be the dollar equivalent of 53.4% of the book value of the copier assets of the companies as of August 31, 1976, to be calculated after asset values were determined as of this date.", "\n(a) As noted above plaintiffs assumed the balance sheet liabilities towards payment of the purchase price and, if any balance remained, this was to be paid in cash.", "\n(b) SCM would have the right to allocate the total purchase price among the six subsidiaries and assign values to each of the four stock sales and two asset sales.", "\n(7) SCM would retain claims it had against Xerox Corporation for damages in a pending litigation involving, among other things, claims that Xerox unfairly competed with the SCM copier subsidiaries.", "\n(8) The purchaser would assume responsibility for:\n(a) possible employee severance and also vacation pay obligations;\n(b) in the U.K., leases relating to the copier business and employees relating to the copier business; and\n(c) performance under purchase agreements of SCM for equipment and supplies.", "\n(9) Plaintiffs would have the right to license and use the SCM name and logo for three years with appropriate safeguards on its use.", "\n(10) As to possible undisclosed liabilities, shortages of inventory, and uncollectible receivables, SCM undertook as follows:\n(a) It warranted against undisclosed liabilities for all claims over $10,000, and, if they were under $10,000 per claim, to the extent such claims in total exceeded $150,000.", "\n(b) It would be responsible for shortages of inventory count to the extent they in total exceeded the inventory reserve.", "\n(c) SCM would be responsible for uncollectible receivables to the extent they in total exceeded the receivable reserve plus $200,000 (but in no event less than $500,000) and to the extent of 53% for each dollar thus in excess.", "\nThe additional agreed-upon terms relating to transfer of the subsidiaries are accurately summarized by the plaintiffs as follows:\n(1) The operations of the subsidiaries and any profit or loss after August 31, 1976 in the operations of the businesses would be for the plaintiffs' account and benefit.", "\n(2) The businesses being sold would be operated \"in the ordinary course of business\" from August 31, 1976 until the closing, preserving, among other things, the companies' goodwill with general managers, suppliers and customers.", "\n(3) The businesses would be transferred \"intact\" and as an \"ongoing operation\" and as part of this, all New York management personnel and all general managers would be transferred.", "\n(4) Mr. DeMaio would be in charge of operations until closing.", "\n[2] These clauses in the last drafts permitted upstream transfers \"so long as the funds came to rest within the pool.\" ", "In other words, for tax or accounting purposes the funds could be transferred simultaneously as long as they remained available for use in the pool.", "\n[3] The orders for the plain paper copiers from late September through January, as indicated by the Flash Reports, were approximately 450.", "\n[4] Cawley's request was for a waiver of the regular course of business representation as affected by a repetition of the freeze on acquiring new equipment which had been in effect throughout fiscal 1976-77. ", "The freeze, part of SCM's investment plan, had been modified in operation by an understanding reached between DeMaio and Rodich that new equipment for lease would be acquired if necessary to satisfy old and important customers.", "\n[5] DeMaio testified that though he had not discussed the Muller transaction in detail with Elicker, he had met his chief executive in the hall in December, 1976. ", "Elicker thanked DeMaio for his efforts on the transaction, wished him well in his future endeavors in the same role under Muller's ownership and told him that he well deserved the reward.", "\n[6] Egli on many occasions during the trial stressed his concern about SCM's liability on these guarantees. ", "However, the guarantees were not the subject of identified documents, nor had they been tabulated and presented to Muller. ", "No objective reason was advanced to indicate that any difficulty would be encountered in getting SCM off the guarantees other than the observation that SCM was a substantial corporation, and Reprosystem was not. ", "Egli testified that Muller did nothing to accomplish the agreed upon substitution. ", "Neither did SCM, which according to Egli would have had a far greater interest in the matter.", "\n[7] Although such a gloss might be sought to be imposed upon the restrictive provisions, the language of the provisions reads otherwise.", "\n[8] The parties have relied on New York law in support of their respective positions on the contract issue, assuming accurately that it would govern in this action where Muller and SCM are New York residents, virtually all of the negotiations and contract drafting took place here, and the various contract drafts all specify that New York law should govern disputes arising thereunder.", "\n[9] The arguably relevant statute of frauds provisions are the following, which provide, in full or in pertinent part:\n\nN.Y.G.O.L. § 5-701 (McKinney, Supp.1980):\n(a) Every agreement, promise or undertaking is void, unless it or some note or memorandum thereof be in writing, and subscribed by the party to be charged therewith, or by his lawful agent, if such agreement, promise or undertaking:\n(1) By its terms is not to be performed within one year from the making thereof ....\nN.Y.U.C.C. § 1-206 (McKinney 1964):\n(1) Except in the cases described in subsection (2) of this section a contract for the sale of personal property is not enforceable by way of action or defense beyond five thousand dollars in amount or value of remedy unless there is some writing which indicates that a contract for sale has been made between the parties at a defined or stated price, reasonably identifies the subject matter, and is signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent. (", "2) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to contracts for the sale of goods (Section 2-201) nor of securities (Section 8-319) nor to security agreements (Section 9-302).", "\nN.Y.U.C.C. § 2-201 (McKinney 1964):\n(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section a contract for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable by way of action or defense unless there is some writing sufficient to indicate that a contract for sale has been made between the parties and signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or broker. ", "A writing is not insufficient because it omits or incorrectly states a term agreed upon but the contract is not enforceable under this paragraph beyond the quantity of goods shown in such writing.", "\nN.Y.U.C.C. § 8-319 (McKinney 1964):\nA contract for the sale of securities is not enforceable by way of action or defense unless\n(a) there is some writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or broker sufficient to indicate that a contract has been made for sale of a stated quantity of described securities at a defined or stated price....\n[10] Professor Knapp who in his article advocates the enforcement of a preliminary agreement in such a context specifically as a contract to bargain, offers the following expression of the character of manifestation of intention which would serve to create such a contract:\n\nThe essential question is whether the parties have expressed both satisfaction with and commitment to the essential terms of the proposed transaction, to the extent that each would reasonably regard the other as unjustified in withdrawing for any reason other than a failure — after negotiation in good faith — to arrive at a complete and final agreement (footnote omitted). ", "44 N.Y.U.L.R. at 720. ", "After some analysis, he suggests additionally:\n[A] contract to bargain is likely to be enforced only where there has been either a unilateral withdrawal from negotiations or at least an insistence on terms so clearly unreasonable that they could not have been advanced with any expectation of acceptance, coupled with some demonstrable advantage to be gained by defendant in avoiding the contemplated transaction.", "\nId. at 723. ", "See also Dugdale and Lowe, Contracts to Contract and Contracts to Negotiate, [1976] J.Bus.", "Law 28.", "\n[11] The plaintiff has failed to establish the basis for promissory estoppel urged as an alternative ground for recovery.", "\n\nBased on the reliance principle, the doctrine is set forth in § 90(1) of the Restatement, supra, (Tent.", "Drafts Nos. ", "1-7, 1973) as follows:\nA promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forebearance on the part of the promisee or a third person and which does induce such action or forebearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. ", "The remedy granted for breach may be limited as justice requires.", "\nSee Schmidt v. McKay, 555 F.2d 30, 36 (2d Cir. ", "1977); James King & Son, Inc. v. DeSantis Constr. ", "No. ", "2 Corp., 97 Misc.2d 1063, 413 N.Y. S.2d 78, 81 (Sup.", "Ct. ", "N.Y.Co. ", "1977). ", "But see Swerdloff v. Mobil Oil Corp., 74 A.D.2d 258, 427 N.Y.S.2d 266, 268 (2d Dep't), appeal denied, 50 N.Y.2d 913, 431 N.Y.S.2d 523 (1980). ", "The measure of damages under this theory would be the value of the claimant's action or forebearance in reliance, to its detriment. ", "Such detriment may be found in forebearance from action which amounts to a change in position, in reliance on the words or deeds of the defendant. ", "Cf. ", "Warren v. Hudson Pulp & Paper Corp., 477 F.2d 229 (2d Cir. ", "1973). ", "In the commercial setting of this case, the extent of Muller's detrimental reliance might be the value of other business opportunities foregone in anticipation of the closing of this deal pursuant to the agreements already reached. ", "See Swerdloff, supra, 427 N.Y.S.2d at 268-270; Goetz and Scott, Enforcing Promises: An Examination of the Basis of Contract, 89 Yale L.J. 1261, 1267-70, 1287-88 (1980). ", "However, no such evidence has been adduced.", "\n" ]
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0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0.04, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0.011627906976744186, 0.03278688524590164, 0, 0.029850746268656716, 0.013513513513513514, 0.02857142857142857, 0.02, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.014388489208633094, 0.05660377358490566, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0.004273504273504274, 0.046511627906976744, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.018633540372670808, 0, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.04878048780487805, 0.010526315789473684, 0.044444444444444446, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.0024509803921568627, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.04081632653061224, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.02403846153846154, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0.03389830508474576, 0.018796992481203006, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0.011695906432748537, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.028169014084507043, 0, 0.004282655246252677, 0.0034965034965034965, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0, 0.003952569169960474, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0.008298755186721992, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0.057692307692307696, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0.0037593984962406013, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.024390243902439025, 0.011194029850746268, 0, 0.003076923076923077, 0.029411764705882353, 0.011494252873563218, 0.020689655172413793, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0, 0.013986013986013986, 0.012012012012012012, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.003745318352059925, 0.00558659217877095, 0.023255813953488372, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.005263157894736842, 0.0625, 0.00823045267489712, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.00904977375565611, 0.03508771929824561, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.017543859649122806, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.021367521367521368, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.014492753623188406, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0.023076923076923078, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.006825938566552901, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0, 0.017605633802816902, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.0379746835443038, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023026315789473683, 0.005076142131979695, 0.002398081534772182, 0, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.00816326530612245, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.020202020202020204, 0.0033112582781456954, 0.007518796992481203, 0.0033222591362126247, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.013215859030837005, 0.012121212121212121, 0.016042780748663103, 0.00909090909090909, 0.008130081300813009, 0.009433962264150943, 0.012048192771084338, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0.0019940179461615153, 0, 0.0024752475247524753, 0, 0.002890173410404624, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0.029585798816568046, 0, 0 ]
[ "Vote For Ragnow For Senior CLASS Award\n\nOVERLAND PARK, Kan. – Arkansas All-American center Frank Ragnow was named one of 10 finalists for the 2017 Senior CLASS Award on Wednesday.", "\n\nTo be eligible for the award, a student-athlete must be classified as an NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision senior and have notable achievements in four areas of excellence: community, classroom, character and competition. ", "An acronym for Celebrating Loyalty and Achievement for Staying in School, the Senior CLASS Award focuses on the total student-athlete and encourages students to use their platform in athletics to make a positive impact as leaders in their communities.", "\n\nThe finalists were chosen by a selection committee from the list of 30 candidates announced in October. ", "Nationwide fan voting begins immediately to help select the winner.", "\n\nRazorback fans can vote for Ragnow by CLICKING HERE. ", "Voting closes Dec. 4.", "\n\nFan votes will be combined with media and Division I head coaches’ votes to determine the winner. ", "The Senior CLASS Award winner will be announced during the football bowl season in early January." ]
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[ "Amador Bueno\n\nAmador Bueno (c. 1584 – c. 1649) was a landowner and colonial administrator of the Captaincy of São Vicente (Colonial Brazil).", "\n\nBueno was born around 1584 in the city of São Paulo, Captaincy of São Vicente which is now the State of São Paulo in Brazil. ", "He was born to Bartolomeu Bueno da Ribeira, a Galician settler from Ourense and Maria Pires, from São Paulo, daughter of Salvador Pires and Mécia Fernandes. ", "Amador held several public office posts through royal appointment and elections.", "\n\nSince 1580, the Kingdom of Portugal was in a dynastic union with the Kingdom of Spain, up until 1640, when the Portuguese acclaimed John IV of Portugal as the new king. ", "A largely Spanish contingent in São Paulo tried to break away from both in 1641. ", "Without Bueno's consent, they claimed him to be their king. ", "Bueno finally dissuaded the group and urged loyalty to John IV.", "\n\nUnrest among the citizens of São Paulo caused that Bueno had to seek sanctuary in the convent of Saint Bento. ", "It is said he tried to reason with the crowds outside the convent from one of the porticos, but they would not return to their homes until the fathers of the convent went out and addressed the multitudes. ", "They would later support the new King of Portugal and keep the unity of the colony of Brazil. ", "It is not known exactly when he died but estimates are between 1646 and 1650.", "\n\nAmador Bueno left many descendants, some of the most famous include: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Walter Moreira Salles, Barbara Heliodora, Getúlio Vargas, Tancredo Neves, and Roberto Marinho, among many others.", "\n\nAccording to Albert F. Kunze, who was cited in the 1941 booklet by Rogelio E. Alfaro entitled \"Who's Who on the Postage Stamps of Brazil\" with a foreword by the then Ambassador of Brazil to the US, Carlos Martins for the Pan American Union, Washington D.C. 1941. ", "Pg.4\n\nExternal links \n Genealogy of the main families from São Paulo, in Portuguese, by Pedro Taques de Almeida Paes Leme, chapter Bueno\nPaulistana Genealogy, Silva Leme, chapter Bueno da Ribeira\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:16th-century Brazilian people\nCategory:Brazilian politicians\nCategory:People from São Paulo\nCategory:Year of birth uncertain\nCategory:Brazilian people of Spanish descent" ]
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[ "According to OCBC Investment Research, US stocks closed lower with almost all S&P 500 sectors falling in what some strategists described as a typical late-summer session characterised by low trading volumes.", "\n\nTen out of eleven S&P 500 industries ended lower, with Materials (-0.70%) and Energy (-0.52%) leading the declines, whilst Information Technology (0.18%) was the sole gainer.", "\n\n\"Continued weakness on Wall Street overnight could cause investors to be cautious today, ahead of an address from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Friday,\" OCBC Investment Research commented.", "\n\nDo you know more about this story? ", "Contact us anonymously through this link." ]
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[ "A sample animation of our solar system. ", "This is a non-commercial animated piece by Eagle Eye and Penguin with music by Xavier Rudd. ", "We hope you enjoy the experience. ", "We have re-branded! ", "For more on our work, visit www.oh37.eu or email us on oh37@oh37.eu" ]
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[ "Daily Illuminator Archive for July 2005\n\nThe winners of the 2005 Origins Awards were announced yesterday at, appropriately, the Origins International Game Expo in Columbus, Ohio. ", "In the Best Nonfiction Publication category, Pyramid Magazine and editor Steven Marsh were recognized . . .", "\nread article\n\nYes, GURPS Powers has moved. ", "Doubtless our more eagle-eyed fans have already spotted the move from August to \"Farther Out.\"", "\nRemember our cry of angst a few weeks ago about the things that happen with big books? . . .", "\nread article\n\nThis is thoroughly wonderful. ", "I found out about Brooklyn Superhero Supply in Jon Kilgannon's blog, where he gives much more actual data than you can find on the store's official page . . .", "\nread article\n\nYesterday I mentioned a Mad Science webcomic that I may have mentioned a couple of times before. ", "Today I want to point you to a Mad Science webcomic that I have NOT mentioned before . . . ", "not in that context.", "\nGirl Genius, by Phil and Kaja Foglio, has been around for a while as a print comic . . .", "\nread article\n\nWe're very sorry to report that Scott Haring, our e23 editor, was in a serious traffic accident while returning home after July 4. ", "His youngest boy was killed, and Scott required immediate surgery . . .", "\nread article\n\nWhile the rest of the world has been playing vampire games, FizerPharm has been doing serious research. ", "We'll all no doubt be much better off - or at least, those in the upper income brackets will - when the Homo sapiens vampiris genotype is resurrected as our savant servants . . .", "\nread article\n\nYesterday's announcement of the November release of GURPS Space - for no good reason - mentioned only one of the authors! ", "It has been fixed now, but for those who read it early in the day: the other author of GURPS Space is James L . . .", "\nread article\n\nThis is our latest release, soon to be on the shelves of a game store near you:\nGURPS Character Assistant\nGURPS Fourth Edition lets roleplayers create any character they can imagine, from any time or place. ", "They can be customized with hundreds of advantages, disadvantages, and skills, not to mention magic spells, psionic powers, martial arts moves, superpowers, and equipment from pitchforks to starships . . .", "\nread article\n\nThis is the latest release from Steve Jackson Games, now on its way to distributors everywhere and soon to be on the shelves of a game store near you:\nSuper Munchkin\nFly through the city. ", "Smash the villains . . .", "\nread article\n\nLooks like everyone needs a ghost writer these days. ", "Those unafraid to confront the pen names \"Moses\" and \"Jesus\" can find William Edward Hunt expounding at length on his view that The Bible is a Hoax . . .", "\nread article\n\nWe've posted another free game aid for GURPS Basic Set Fourth Edition on e23!", "\nGURPS Skill Categories is a handy little document that lists the hundreds of skills listed in the GURPS Basic Set Fourth Edition by the various character types that might use them (Animal, Military, Combat, Scholarly, Spy, etc.). ", "The alphabetical skill list in the GURPS Basic Set Fourth Edition is ideal for looking up specific skills by name . . . ", "but not so handy when you're trying to create a character or a template, and want to select a small handful of suitable skills from among the hundreds of options in the Basic Set. ", "This document sorts skills into categories that coincide with likely career paths for adventurers . . .", "\nread article\n\nI went last year. ", "I did not go this year, not for lack of interest, but because I am even more desperately busy than usual\ngetting GURPS Banestorm out and working on the next few things\nlooking for a new office\nscheming about computer game stuff . . .", "\nread article\n\nThe building we looked at today DID have a piranha tank! ", "We'd need to cover it . . . ", "an open piranha tank probably drives up your insurance . . . ", "but of course a trap door is easy to add . . .", "\nread article" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nGlobal install of a program built in sandbox\n\nI'm using sandboxes all the time when building Haskell programs and libraries. ", "But occasionally, I build a program that I would like to install system wide. ", "There doesn't seem to be an easy way of taking a program which is built in a sandbox and installing it outside of the sandbox.", "\n\nA:\n\nLinking Idris to a PATH-folder\nIf you are on linux it's as simple as putting a symbolic link somewhere into your path - I have a ~/bin for that. ", "So it's the same as bheklilr mentioned only that I usually get the dev-version from github:\ngit clone git://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev idris\ncd idris\ncabal sandbox init\ncabal update\ncabal install --dependencies only\nmake\n\nafter this I go to ~/bin and use ln -s [path to idris]/.cabal-sandbox/bin/idris - you can link the other executables too if you like but this one will should be enough to play with idris\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "/*\n * PostgreSQL System Views\n *\n * Copyright (c) 1996-2017, PostgreSQL Global Development Group\n *\n * src/backend/catalog/system_views.sql\n *\n * Note: this file is read in single-user -j mode, which means that the\n * command terminator is semicolon-newline-newline; whenever the backend\n * sees that, it stops and executes what it's got. ", " If you write a lot of\n * statements without empty lines between, they'll all get quoted to you\n * in any error message about one of them, so don't do that. ", " Also, you\n * cannot write a semicolon immediately followed by an empty line in a\n * string literal (including a function body!) ", "or a multiline comment.", "\n */\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_roles AS\n SELECT\n rolname,\n rolsuper,\n rolinherit,\n rolcreaterole,\n rolcreatedb,\n rolcanlogin,\n rolreplication,\n rolconnlimit,\n '********'::text as rolpassword,\n rolvaliduntil,\n rolbypassrls,\n setconfig as rolconfig,\n pg_authid.oid\n FROM pg_authid LEFT JOIN pg_db_role_setting s\n ON (pg_authid.oid = setrole AND setdatabase = 0);\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_shadow AS\n SELECT\n rolname AS usename,\n pg_authid.oid AS usesysid,\n rolcreatedb AS usecreatedb,\n rolsuper AS usesuper,\n rolreplication AS userepl,\n rolbypassrls AS usebypassrls,\n rolpassword AS passwd,\n rolvaliduntil::abstime AS valuntil,\n setconfig AS useconfig\n FROM pg_authid LEFT JOIN pg_db_role_setting s\n ON (pg_authid.oid = setrole AND setdatabase = 0)\n WHERE rolcanlogin;\n\nREVOKE ALL on pg_shadow FROM public;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_group AS\n SELECT\n rolname AS groname,\n oid AS grosysid,\n ARRAY(SELECT member FROM pg_auth_members WHERE roleid = oid) AS grolist\n FROM pg_authid\n WHERE NOT rolcanlogin;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_user AS\n SELECT\n usename,\n usesysid,\n usecreatedb,\n usesuper,\n userepl,\n usebypassrls,\n '********'::text as passwd,\n valuntil,\n useconfig\n FROM pg_shadow;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_policies AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS tablename,\n pol.polname AS policyname,\n CASE\n WHEN pol.polpermissive THEN\n 'PERMISSIVE'\n ELSE\n 'RESTRICTIVE'\n END AS permissive,\n CASE\n WHEN pol.polroles = '{0}' THEN\n string_to_array('public', '')\n ELSE\n ARRAY\n (\n SELECT rolname\n FROM pg_catalog.pg_authid\n WHERE oid = ANY (pol.polroles) ORDER BY 1\n )\n END AS roles,\n CASE pol.polcmd\n WHEN 'r' THEN 'SELECT'\n WHEN 'a' THEN 'INSERT'\n WHEN 'w' THEN 'UPDATE'\n WHEN 'd' THEN 'DELETE'\n WHEN '*' THEN 'ALL'\n END AS cmd,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(pol.polqual, pol.polrelid) AS qual,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(pol.polwithcheck, pol.polrelid) AS with_check\n FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy pol\n JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class C ON (C.oid = pol.polrelid)\n LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace);\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_rules AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS tablename,\n R.rulename AS rulename,\n pg_get_ruledef(R.oid) AS definition\n FROM (pg_rewrite R JOIN pg_class C ON (C.oid = R.ev_class))\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE R.rulename !", "= '_RETURN';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_views AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS viewname,\n pg_get_userbyid(C.relowner) AS viewowner,\n pg_get_viewdef(C.oid) AS definition\n FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind = 'v';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_tables AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS tablename,\n pg_get_userbyid(C.relowner) AS tableowner,\n T.spcname AS tablespace,\n C.relhasindex AS hasindexes,\n C.relhasrules AS hasrules,\n C.relhastriggers AS hastriggers,\n C.relrowsecurity AS rowsecurity\n FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace T ON (T.oid = C.reltablespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 'p');\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_matviews AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS matviewname,\n pg_get_userbyid(C.relowner) AS matviewowner,\n T.spcname AS tablespace,\n C.relhasindex AS hasindexes,\n C.relispopulated AS ispopulated,\n pg_get_viewdef(C.oid) AS definition\n FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace T ON (T.oid = C.reltablespace)\n WHERE C.relkind = 'm';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_indexes AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS tablename,\n I.relname AS indexname,\n T.spcname AS tablespace,\n pg_get_indexdef(I.oid) AS indexdef\n FROM pg_index X JOIN pg_class C ON (C.oid = X.indrelid)\n JOIN pg_class I ON (I.oid = X.indexrelid)\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace T ON (T.oid = I.reltablespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 'm') AND I.relkind = 'i';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_sequences AS\n SELECT\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS sequencename,\n pg_get_userbyid(C.relowner) AS sequenceowner,\n S.seqtypid::regtype AS data_type,\n S.seqstart AS start_value,\n S.seqmin AS min_value,\n S.seqmax AS max_value,\n S.seqincrement AS increment_by,\n S.seqcycle AS cycle,\n S.seqcache AS cache_size,\n CASE\n WHEN has_sequence_privilege(C.oid, 'SELECT,USAGE'::text)\n THEN pg_sequence_last_value(C.oid)\n ELSE NULL\n END AS last_value\n FROM pg_sequence S JOIN pg_class C ON (C.oid = S.seqrelid)\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(N.oid)\n AND relkind = 'S';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stats WITH (security_barrier) AS\n SELECT\n nspname AS schemaname,\n relname AS tablename,\n attname AS attname,\n stainherit AS inherited,\n stanullfrac AS null_frac,\n stawidth AS avg_width,\n stadistinct AS n_distinct,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 1 THEN stavalues1\n WHEN stakind2 = 1 THEN stavalues2\n WHEN stakind3 = 1 THEN stavalues3\n WHEN stakind4 = 1 THEN stavalues4\n WHEN stakind5 = 1 THEN stavalues5\n END AS most_common_vals,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 1 THEN stanumbers1\n WHEN stakind2 = 1 THEN stanumbers2\n WHEN stakind3 = 1 THEN stanumbers3\n WHEN stakind4 = 1 THEN stanumbers4\n WHEN stakind5 = 1 THEN stanumbers5\n END AS most_common_freqs,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 2 THEN stavalues1\n WHEN stakind2 = 2 THEN stavalues2\n WHEN stakind3 = 2 THEN stavalues3\n WHEN stakind4 = 2 THEN stavalues4\n WHEN stakind5 = 2 THEN stavalues5\n END AS histogram_bounds,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 3 THEN stanumbers1[1]\n WHEN stakind2 = 3 THEN stanumbers2[1]\n WHEN stakind3 = 3 THEN stanumbers3[1]\n WHEN stakind4 = 3 THEN stanumbers4[1]\n WHEN stakind5 = 3 THEN stanumbers5[1]\n END AS correlation,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 4 THEN stavalues1\n WHEN stakind2 = 4 THEN stavalues2\n WHEN stakind3 = 4 THEN stavalues3\n WHEN stakind4 = 4 THEN stavalues4\n WHEN stakind5 = 4 THEN stavalues5\n END AS most_common_elems,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 4 THEN stanumbers1\n WHEN stakind2 = 4 THEN stanumbers2\n WHEN stakind3 = 4 THEN stanumbers3\n WHEN stakind4 = 4 THEN stanumbers4\n WHEN stakind5 = 4 THEN stanumbers5\n END AS most_common_elem_freqs,\n CASE\n WHEN stakind1 = 5 THEN stanumbers1\n WHEN stakind2 = 5 THEN stanumbers2\n WHEN stakind3 = 5 THEN stanumbers3\n WHEN stakind4 = 5 THEN stanumbers4\n WHEN stakind5 = 5 THEN stanumbers5\n END AS elem_count_histogram\n FROM pg_statistic s JOIN pg_class c ON (c.oid = s.starelid)\n JOIN pg_attribute a ON (c.oid = attrelid AND attnum = s.staattnum)\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)\n WHERE NOT attisdropped\n AND has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'select')\n AND (c.relrowsecurity = false OR NOT row_security_active(c.oid));\n\nREVOKE ALL on pg_statistic FROM public;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_publication_tables AS\n SELECT\n P.pubname AS pubname,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS tablename\n FROM pg_publication P, pg_class C\n JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.oid IN (SELECT relid FROM pg_get_publication_tables(P.pubname));\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_locks AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_lock_status() AS L;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_cursors AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_cursor() AS C;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_available_extensions AS\n SELECT E.name, E.default_version, X.extversion AS installed_version,\n E.comment\n FROM pg_available_extensions() AS E\n LEFT JOIN pg_extension AS X ON E.name = X.extname;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_available_extension_versions AS\n SELECT E.name, E.version, (X.extname IS NOT NULL) AS installed,\n E.superuser, E.relocatable, E.schema, E.requires, E.comment\n FROM pg_available_extension_versions() AS E\n LEFT JOIN pg_extension AS X\n ON E.name = X.extname AND E.version = X.extversion;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_prepared_xacts AS\n SELECT P.transaction, P.gid, P.prepared,\n U.rolname AS owner, D.datname AS database\n FROM pg_prepared_xact() AS P\n LEFT JOIN pg_authid U ON P.ownerid = U.oid\n LEFT JOIN pg_database D ON P.dbid = D.oid;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_prepared_statements AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_prepared_statement() AS P;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_seclabels AS\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\tCASE WHEN rel.relkind IN ('r', 'p') THEN 'table'::text\n\t\t WHEN rel.relkind = 'v' THEN 'view'::text\n\t\t WHEN rel.relkind = 'm' THEN 'materialized view'::text\n\t\t WHEN rel.relkind = 'S' THEN 'sequence'::text\n\t\t WHEN rel.relkind = 'f' THEN 'foreign table'::text END AS objtype,\n\trel.relnamespace AS objnamespace,\n\tCASE WHEN pg_table_is_visible(rel.oid)\n\t THEN quote_ident(rel.relname)\n\t ELSE quote_ident(nsp.nspname) || '.' ", "|| quote_ident(rel.relname)\n\t END AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_class rel ON l.classoid = rel.tableoid AND l.objoid = rel.oid\n\tJOIN pg_namespace nsp ON rel.relnamespace = nsp.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\t'column'::text AS objtype,\n\trel.relnamespace AS objnamespace,\n\tCASE WHEN pg_table_is_visible(rel.oid)\n\t THEN quote_ident(rel.relname)\n\t ELSE quote_ident(nsp.nspname) || '.' ", "|| quote_ident(rel.relname)\n\t END || '.' ", "|| att.attname AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_class rel ON l.classoid = rel.tableoid AND l.objoid = rel.oid\n\tJOIN pg_attribute att\n\t ON rel.oid = att.attrelid AND l.objsubid = att.attnum\n\tJOIN pg_namespace nsp ON rel.relnamespace = nsp.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid !", "= 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\tCASE WHEN pro.proisagg = true THEN 'aggregate'::text\n\t WHEN pro.proisagg = false THEN 'function'::text\n\tEND AS objtype,\n\tpro.pronamespace AS objnamespace,\n\tCASE WHEN pg_function_is_visible(pro.oid)\n\t THEN quote_ident(pro.proname)\n\t ELSE quote_ident(nsp.nspname) || '.' ", "|| quote_ident(pro.proname)\n\tEND || '(' || pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(pro.oid) || ')' AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_proc pro ON l.classoid = pro.tableoid AND l.objoid = pro.oid\n\tJOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pro.pronamespace = nsp.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\tCASE WHEN typ.typtype = 'd' THEN 'domain'::text\n\tELSE 'type'::text END AS objtype,\n\ttyp.typnamespace AS objnamespace,\n\tCASE WHEN pg_type_is_visible(typ.oid)\n\tTHEN quote_ident(typ.typname)\n\tELSE quote_ident(nsp.nspname) || '.' ", "|| quote_ident(typ.typname)\n\tEND AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_type typ ON l.classoid = typ.tableoid AND l.objoid = typ.oid\n\tJOIN pg_namespace nsp ON typ.typnamespace = nsp.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\t'large object'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tl.objoid::text AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_largeobject_metadata lom ON l.objoid = lom.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.classoid = 'pg_catalog.pg_largeobject'::regclass AND l.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\t'language'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(lan.lanname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_language lan ON l.classoid = lan.tableoid AND l.objoid = lan.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\t'schema'::text AS objtype,\n\tnsp.oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(nsp.nspname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_namespace nsp ON l.classoid = nsp.tableoid AND l.objoid = nsp.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\t'event trigger'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(evt.evtname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_event_trigger evt ON l.classoid = evt.tableoid\n\t\tAND l.objoid = evt.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid,\n\t'publication'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(p.pubname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_seclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_publication p ON l.classoid = p.tableoid AND l.objoid = p.oid\nWHERE\n\tl.objsubid = 0\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, 0::int4 AS objsubid,\n\t'subscription'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(s.subname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_shseclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_subscription s ON l.classoid = s.tableoid AND l.objoid = s.oid\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, 0::int4 AS objsubid,\n\t'database'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(dat.datname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_shseclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_database dat ON l.classoid = dat.tableoid AND l.objoid = dat.oid\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, 0::int4 AS objsubid,\n\t'tablespace'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(spc.spcname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_shseclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_tablespace spc ON l.classoid = spc.tableoid AND l.objoid = spc.oid\nUNION ALL\nSELECT\n\tl.objoid, l.classoid, 0::int4 AS objsubid,\n\t'role'::text AS objtype,\n\tNULL::oid AS objnamespace,\n\tquote_ident(rol.rolname) AS objname,\n\tl.provider, l.label\nFROM\n\tpg_shseclabel l\n\tJOIN pg_authid rol ON l.classoid = rol.tableoid AND l.objoid = rol.oid;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_settings AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_show_all_settings() AS A;\n\nCREATE RULE pg_settings_u AS\n ON UPDATE TO pg_settings\n WHERE new.name = old.name DO\n SELECT set_config(old.name, new.setting, 'f');\n\nCREATE RULE pg_settings_n AS\n ON UPDATE TO pg_settings\n DO INSTEAD NOTHING;\n\nGRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON pg_settings TO PUBLIC;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_file_settings AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_show_all_file_settings() AS A;\n\nREVOKE ALL on pg_file_settings FROM PUBLIC;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_show_all_file_settings() FROM PUBLIC;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_hba_file_rules AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_hba_file_rules() AS A;\n\nREVOKE ALL on pg_hba_file_rules FROM PUBLIC;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_hba_file_rules() FROM PUBLIC;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_timezone_abbrevs AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_abbrevs();\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_timezone_names AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names();\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_config AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_config();\n\nREVOKE ALL on pg_config FROM PUBLIC;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_config() FROM PUBLIC;\n\n-- Statistics views\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_all_tables AS\n SELECT\n C.oid AS relid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS relname,\n pg_stat_get_numscans(C.oid) AS seq_scan,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(C.oid) AS seq_tup_read,\n sum(pg_stat_get_numscans(I.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_scan,\n sum(pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(I.indexrelid))::bigint +\n pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(C.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(C.oid) AS n_tup_ins,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(C.oid) AS n_tup_upd,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(C.oid) AS n_tup_del,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(C.oid) AS n_tup_hot_upd,\n pg_stat_get_live_tuples(C.oid) AS n_live_tup,\n pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(C.oid) AS n_dead_tup,\n pg_stat_get_mod_since_analyze(C.oid) AS n_mod_since_analyze,\n pg_stat_get_last_vacuum_time(C.oid) as last_vacuum,\n pg_stat_get_last_autovacuum_time(C.oid) as last_autovacuum,\n pg_stat_get_last_analyze_time(C.oid) as last_analyze,\n pg_stat_get_last_autoanalyze_time(C.oid) as last_autoanalyze,\n pg_stat_get_vacuum_count(C.oid) AS vacuum_count,\n pg_stat_get_autovacuum_count(C.oid) AS autovacuum_count,\n pg_stat_get_analyze_count(C.oid) AS analyze_count,\n pg_stat_get_autoanalyze_count(C.oid) AS autoanalyze_count\n FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN\n pg_index I ON C.oid = I.indrelid\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 't', 'm')\n GROUP BY C.oid, N.nspname, C.relname;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_xact_all_tables AS\n SELECT\n C.oid AS relid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS relname,\n pg_stat_get_xact_numscans(C.oid) AS seq_scan,\n pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_returned(C.oid) AS seq_tup_read,\n sum(pg_stat_get_xact_numscans(I.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_scan,\n sum(pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_fetched(I.indexrelid))::bigint +\n pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_fetched(C.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch,\n pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(C.oid) AS n_tup_ins,\n pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_updated(C.oid) AS n_tup_upd,\n pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_deleted(C.oid) AS n_tup_del,\n pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_hot_updated(C.oid) AS n_tup_hot_upd\n FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN\n pg_index I ON C.oid = I.indrelid\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 't', 'm')\n GROUP BY C.oid, N.nspname, C.relname;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_sys_tables AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_stat_all_tables\n WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') OR\n schemaname ~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_xact_sys_tables AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_stat_xact_all_tables\n WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') OR\n schemaname ~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_user_tables AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_stat_all_tables\n WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND\n schemaname !", "~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_xact_user_tables AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_stat_xact_all_tables\n WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND\n schemaname !", "~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_all_tables AS\n SELECT\n C.oid AS relid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS relname,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(C.oid) -\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(C.oid) AS heap_blks_read,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(C.oid) AS heap_blks_hit,\n sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(I.indexrelid) -\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(I.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_blks_read,\n sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(I.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_blks_hit,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(T.oid) -\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(T.oid) AS toast_blks_read,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(T.oid) AS toast_blks_hit,\n sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(X.indexrelid) -\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(X.indexrelid))::bigint AS tidx_blks_read,\n sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(X.indexrelid))::bigint AS tidx_blks_hit\n FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN\n pg_index I ON C.oid = I.indrelid LEFT JOIN\n pg_class T ON C.reltoastrelid = T.oid LEFT JOIN\n pg_index X ON T.oid = X.indrelid\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 't', 'm')\n GROUP BY C.oid, N.nspname, C.relname, T.oid, X.indrelid;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_sys_tables AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_tables\n WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') OR\n schemaname ~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_user_tables AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_tables\n WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND\n schemaname !", "~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_all_indexes AS\n SELECT\n C.oid AS relid,\n I.oid AS indexrelid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS relname,\n I.relname AS indexrelname,\n pg_stat_get_numscans(I.oid) AS idx_scan,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(I.oid) AS idx_tup_read,\n pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(I.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch\n FROM pg_class C JOIN\n pg_index X ON C.oid = X.indrelid JOIN\n pg_class I ON I.oid = X.indexrelid\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 't', 'm');\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_sys_indexes AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_stat_all_indexes\n WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') OR\n schemaname ~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_user_indexes AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_stat_all_indexes\n WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND\n schemaname !", "~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_all_indexes AS\n SELECT\n C.oid AS relid,\n I.oid AS indexrelid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS relname,\n I.relname AS indexrelname,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(I.oid) -\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(I.oid) AS idx_blks_read,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(I.oid) AS idx_blks_hit\n FROM pg_class C JOIN\n pg_index X ON C.oid = X.indrelid JOIN\n pg_class I ON I.oid = X.indexrelid\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 't', 'm');\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_sys_indexes AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_indexes\n WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') OR\n schemaname ~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_user_indexes AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_indexes\n WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND\n schemaname !", "~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_all_sequences AS\n SELECT\n C.oid AS relid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n C.relname AS relname,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(C.oid) -\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(C.oid) AS blks_read,\n pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(C.oid) AS blks_hit\n FROM pg_class C\n LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)\n WHERE C.relkind = 'S';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_sys_sequences AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_sequences\n WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') OR\n schemaname ~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_statio_user_sequences AS\n SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_sequences\n WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND\n schemaname !", "~ '^pg_toast';\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_activity AS\n SELECT\n S.datid AS datid,\n D.datname AS datname,\n S.pid,\n S.usesysid,\n U.rolname AS usename,\n S.application_name,\n S.client_addr,\n S.client_hostname,\n S.client_port,\n S.backend_start,\n S.xact_start,\n S.query_start,\n S.state_change,\n S.wait_event_type,\n S.wait_event,\n S.state,\n S.backend_xid,\n s.backend_xmin,\n S.query,\n S.backend_type\n FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL) AS S\n LEFT JOIN pg_database AS D ON (S.datid = D.oid)\n LEFT JOIN pg_authid AS U ON (S.usesysid = U.oid);\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_replication AS\n SELECT\n S.pid,\n S.usesysid,\n U.rolname AS usename,\n S.application_name,\n S.client_addr,\n S.client_hostname,\n S.client_port,\n S.backend_start,\n S.backend_xmin,\n W.state,\n W.sent_lsn,\n W.write_lsn,\n W.flush_lsn,\n W.replay_lsn,\n W.write_lag,\n W.flush_lag,\n W.replay_lag,\n W.sync_priority,\n W.sync_state\n FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL) AS S\n JOIN pg_stat_get_wal_senders() AS W ON (S.pid = W.pid)\n LEFT JOIN pg_authid AS U ON (S.usesysid = U.oid);\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_wal_receiver AS\n SELECT\n s.pid,\n s.status,\n s.receive_start_lsn,\n s.receive_start_tli,\n s.received_lsn,\n s.received_tli,\n s.last_msg_send_time,\n s.last_msg_receipt_time,\n s.latest_end_lsn,\n s.latest_end_time,\n s.slot_name,\n s.conninfo\n FROM pg_stat_get_wal_receiver() s\n WHERE s.pid IS NOT NULL;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_subscription AS\n SELECT\n su.oid AS subid,\n su.subname,\n st.pid,\n st.relid,\n st.received_lsn,\n st.last_msg_send_time,\n st.last_msg_receipt_time,\n st.latest_end_lsn,\n st.latest_end_time\n FROM pg_subscription su\n LEFT JOIN pg_stat_get_subscription(NULL) st\n ON (st.subid = su.oid);\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_ssl AS\n SELECT\n S.pid,\n S.ssl,\n S.sslversion AS version,\n S.sslcipher AS cipher,\n S.sslbits AS bits,\n S.sslcompression AS compression,\n S.sslclientdn AS clientdn\n FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL) AS S;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_replication_slots AS\n SELECT\n L.slot_name,\n L.plugin,\n L.slot_type,\n L.datoid,\n D.datname AS database,\n L.temporary,\n L.active,\n L.active_pid,\n L.xmin,\n L.catalog_xmin,\n L.restart_lsn,\n L.confirmed_flush_lsn\n FROM pg_get_replication_slots() AS L\n LEFT JOIN pg_database D ON (L.datoid = D.oid);\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_database AS\n SELECT\n D.oid AS datid,\n D.datname AS datname,\n pg_stat_get_db_numbackends(D.oid) AS numbackends,\n pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(D.oid) AS xact_commit,\n pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(D.oid) AS xact_rollback,\n pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(D.oid) -\n pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(D.oid) AS blks_read,\n pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(D.oid) AS blks_hit,\n pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned(D.oid) AS tup_returned,\n pg_stat_get_db_tuples_fetched(D.oid) AS tup_fetched,\n pg_stat_get_db_tuples_inserted(D.oid) AS tup_inserted,\n pg_stat_get_db_tuples_updated(D.oid) AS tup_updated,\n pg_stat_get_db_tuples_deleted(D.oid) AS tup_deleted,\n pg_stat_get_db_conflict_all(D.oid) AS conflicts,\n pg_stat_get_db_temp_files(D.oid) AS temp_files,\n pg_stat_get_db_temp_bytes(D.oid) AS temp_bytes,\n pg_stat_get_db_deadlocks(D.oid) AS deadlocks,\n pg_stat_get_db_blk_read_time(D.oid) AS blk_read_time,\n pg_stat_get_db_blk_write_time(D.oid) AS blk_write_time,\n pg_stat_get_db_stat_reset_time(D.oid) AS stats_reset\n FROM pg_database D;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_database_conflicts AS\n SELECT\n D.oid AS datid,\n D.datname AS datname,\n pg_stat_get_db_conflict_tablespace(D.oid) AS confl_tablespace,\n pg_stat_get_db_conflict_lock(D.oid) AS confl_lock,\n pg_stat_get_db_conflict_snapshot(D.oid) AS confl_snapshot,\n pg_stat_get_db_conflict_bufferpin(D.oid) AS confl_bufferpin,\n pg_stat_get_db_conflict_startup_deadlock(D.oid) AS confl_deadlock\n FROM pg_database D;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_user_functions AS\n SELECT\n P.oid AS funcid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n P.proname AS funcname,\n pg_stat_get_function_calls(P.oid) AS calls,\n pg_stat_get_function_total_time(P.oid) AS total_time,\n pg_stat_get_function_self_time(P.oid) AS self_time\n FROM pg_proc P LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = P.pronamespace)\n WHERE P.prolang !", "= 12 -- fast check to eliminate built-in functions\n AND pg_stat_get_function_calls(P.oid) IS NOT NULL;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_xact_user_functions AS\n SELECT\n P.oid AS funcid,\n N.nspname AS schemaname,\n P.proname AS funcname,\n pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(P.oid) AS calls,\n pg_stat_get_xact_function_total_time(P.oid) AS total_time,\n pg_stat_get_xact_function_self_time(P.oid) AS self_time\n FROM pg_proc P LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = P.pronamespace)\n WHERE P.prolang !", "= 12 -- fast check to eliminate built-in functions\n AND pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(P.oid) IS NOT NULL;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_archiver AS\n SELECT\n s.archived_count,\n s.last_archived_wal,\n s.last_archived_time,\n s.failed_count,\n s.last_failed_wal,\n s.last_failed_time,\n s.stats_reset\n FROM pg_stat_get_archiver() s;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_bgwriter AS\n SELECT\n pg_stat_get_bgwriter_timed_checkpoints() AS checkpoints_timed,\n pg_stat_get_bgwriter_requested_checkpoints() AS checkpoints_req,\n pg_stat_get_checkpoint_write_time() AS checkpoint_write_time,\n pg_stat_get_checkpoint_sync_time() AS checkpoint_sync_time,\n pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_checkpoints() AS buffers_checkpoint,\n pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_clean() AS buffers_clean,\n pg_stat_get_bgwriter_maxwritten_clean() AS maxwritten_clean,\n pg_stat_get_buf_written_backend() AS buffers_backend,\n pg_stat_get_buf_fsync_backend() AS buffers_backend_fsync,\n pg_stat_get_buf_alloc() AS buffers_alloc,\n pg_stat_get_bgwriter_stat_reset_time() AS stats_reset;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_stat_progress_vacuum AS\n\tSELECT\n\t\tS.pid AS pid, S.datid AS datid, D.datname AS datname,\n\t\tS.relid AS relid,\n\t\tCASE S.param1 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHEN 1 THEN 'scanning heap'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHEN 2 THEN 'vacuuming indexes'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHEN 3 THEN 'vacuuming heap'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHEN 4 THEN 'cleaning up indexes'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHEN 5 THEN 'truncating heap'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHEN 6 THEN 'performing final cleanup'\n\t\t\t\t\t END AS phase,\n\t\tS.param2 AS heap_blks_total, S.param3 AS heap_blks_scanned,\n\t\tS.param4 AS heap_blks_vacuumed, S.param5 AS index_vacuum_count,\n\t\tS.param6 AS max_dead_tuples, S.param7 AS num_dead_tuples\n FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('VACUUM') AS S\n\t\tLEFT JOIN pg_database D ON S.datid = D.oid;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_user_mappings AS\n SELECT\n U.oid AS umid,\n S.oid AS srvid,\n S.srvname AS srvname,\n U.umuser AS umuser,\n CASE WHEN U.umuser = 0 THEN\n 'public'\n ELSE\n A.rolname\n END AS usename,\n CASE WHEN (U.umuser <> 0 AND A.rolname = current_user\n AND (pg_has_role(S.srvowner, 'USAGE')\n OR has_server_privilege(S.oid, 'USAGE')))\n OR (U.umuser = 0 AND pg_has_role(S.srvowner, 'USAGE'))\n OR (SELECT rolsuper FROM pg_authid WHERE rolname = current_user)\n THEN U.umoptions\n ELSE NULL END AS umoptions\n FROM pg_user_mapping U\n JOIN pg_foreign_server S ON (U.umserver = S.oid)\n LEFT JOIN pg_authid A ON (A.oid = U.umuser);\n\nREVOKE ALL on pg_user_mapping FROM public;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_replication_origin_status AS\n SELECT *\n FROM pg_show_replication_origin_status();\n\nREVOKE ALL ON pg_replication_origin_status FROM public;\n\n-- All columns of pg_subscription except subconninfo are readable.", "\nREVOKE ALL ON pg_subscription FROM public;\nGRANT SELECT (subdbid, subname, subowner, subenabled, subslotname, subpublications)\n ON pg_subscription TO public;\n\n-- Oracle compatible view \nCREATE VIEW dual AS SELECT 'X'::varchar AS dummy;\nREVOKE ALL ON dual FROM PUBLIC;\nGRANT SELECT, REFERENCES ON dual TO PUBLIC;\n\n-- Audit view\nCREATE VIEW pg_audit_stmt_conf_detail AS\n SELECT\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.auditor_id) AS auditor,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_name(S.action_id) AS action_name,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_mode(S.action_mode) AS action_mode,\n S.action_ison\n FROM pg_catalog.pg_audit_stmt_conf AS S;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_audit_obj_conf_detail AS\n SELECT\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.auditor_id) AS auditor,\n V.relname as object_class,\n pg_catalog.pg_describe_object(S.class_id, S.object_id, S.object_sub_id) as object_desc,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_name(S.action_id) AS action_name,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_mode(S.action_mode) AS action_mode,\n S.action_ison\n FROM pg_audit_obj_conf AS S, pg_class AS V\n WHERE S.class_id = V.oid;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_audit_obj_def_opts_detail AS\n SELECT\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.auditor_id) AS auditor,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_name(S.action_id) AS action_name,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_mode(S.action_mode) AS action_mode,\n S.action_ison\n FROM pg_audit_obj_def_opts AS S;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_audit_user_conf_detail AS\n SELECT\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.auditor_id) AS auditor,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.user_id) AS user_name,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_name(S.action_id) AS action_name,\n pg_catalog.pg_get_audit_action_mode(S.action_mode) AS action_mode,\n S.action_ison\n FROM pg_audit_user_conf AS S;\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_audit_fga_conf_detail AS\n SELECT\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.auditor_id) AS auditor,\n N.nspname as object_schema,\n V.relname as object_name,\n S.policy_name,\n S.audit_columns,\n S.audit_condition_str as audit_condition,\n\t\t\tS.audit_enable,\n\t\t\tS.statement_types,\n\t\t\tS.audit_column_opts,\n\t\t\tM.nspname as handler_schema,\n\t\t\tP.proname as handler_module\n FROM pg_audit_fga_conf s\n JOIN pg_class v ON s.object_id = v.oid\n\tJOIN pg_namespace n ON v.relnamespace = n.oid\n\tLEFT JOIN pg_namespace m ON s.handler_schema = m.oid\n\tLEFT JOIN pg_proc p ON s.handler_module = p.oid;\n\n\n\nCREATE VIEW pg_audit_fga_policy_columns_detail AS\n SELECT\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(S.auditor_id) AS auditor,\n N.nspname as object_schema,\n V.relname as object_name,\n S.policy_name,\n S.audit_columns\n FROM pg_audit_fga_conf AS S, pg_class AS V, pg_namespace AS N\n WHERE S.object_id = V.oid AND V.relnamespace = N.oid ;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n add_policy(object_schema text, object_name text, policy_name text,\n audit_columns text DEFAULT NULL, audit_condition text DEFAULT NULL, handler_schema text DEFAULT NULL,\n handler_module text DEFAULT NULL, audit_enable boolean default true, statement_types text default 'select', audit_column_opts boolean default false)\nRETURNS boolean\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nIMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE\nAS 'add_policy';\n\n--\n-- We have a few function definitions in here, too.", "\n-- At some point there might be enough to justify breaking them out into\n-- a separate \"system_functions.sql\" file.", "\n--\n\n-- Tsearch debug function. ", " Defined here because it'd be pretty unwieldy\n-- to put it into pg_proc.h\n\nCREATE FUNCTION ts_debug(IN config regconfig, IN document text,\n OUT alias text,\n OUT description text,\n OUT token text,\n OUT dictionaries regdictionary[],\n OUT dictionary regdictionary,\n OUT lexemes text[])\nRETURNS SETOF record AS\n$$\nSELECT\n tt.alias AS alias,\n tt.description AS description,\n parse.token AS token,\n ARRAY ( SELECT m.mapdict::pg_catalog.regdictionary\n FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map AS m\n WHERE m.mapcfg = $1 AND m.maptokentype = parse.tokid\n ORDER BY m.mapseqno )\n AS dictionaries,\n ( SELECT mapdict::pg_catalog.regdictionary\n FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map AS m\n WHERE m.mapcfg = $1 AND m.maptokentype = parse.tokid\n ORDER BY pg_catalog.ts_lexize(mapdict, parse.token) IS NULL, m.mapseqno\n LIMIT 1\n ) AS dictionary,\n ( SELECT pg_catalog.ts_lexize(mapdict, parse.token)\n FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map AS m\n WHERE m.mapcfg = $1 AND m.maptokentype = parse.tokid\n ORDER BY pg_catalog.ts_lexize(mapdict, parse.token) IS NULL, m.mapseqno\n LIMIT 1\n ) AS lexemes\nFROM pg_catalog.ts_parse(\n (SELECT cfgparser FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config WHERE oid = $1 ), $2\n ) AS parse,\n pg_catalog.ts_token_type(\n (SELECT cfgparser FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config WHERE oid = $1 )\n ) AS tt\nWHERE tt.tokid = parse.tokid\n$$\nLANGUAGE SQL STRICT STABLE PARALLEL SAFE;\n\nCOMMENT ON FUNCTION ts_debug(regconfig,text) IS\n 'debug function for text search configuration';\n\nCREATE FUNCTION ts_debug(IN document text,\n OUT alias text,\n OUT description text,\n OUT token text,\n OUT dictionaries regdictionary[],\n OUT dictionary regdictionary,\n OUT lexemes text[])\nRETURNS SETOF record AS\n$$\n SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.ts_debug( pg_catalog.get_current_ts_config(), $1);\n$$\nLANGUAGE SQL STRICT STABLE PARALLEL SAFE;\n\nCOMMENT ON FUNCTION ts_debug(text) IS\n 'debug function for current text search configuration';\n\n--\n-- Redeclare built-in functions that need default values attached to their\n-- arguments. ", " It's impractical to set those up directly in pg_proc.h because\n-- of the complexity and platform-dependency of the expression tree\n-- representation. ", " (Note that internal functions still have to have entries\n-- in pg_proc.h; we are merely causing their proargnames and proargdefaults\n-- to get filled in.)", "\n--\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n pg_start_backup(label text, fast boolean DEFAULT false, exclusive boolean DEFAULT true)\n RETURNS pg_lsn STRICT VOLATILE LANGUAGE internal AS 'pg_start_backup'\n PARALLEL RESTRICTED;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_stop_backup (\n exclusive boolean, wait_for_archive boolean DEFAULT true,\n OUT lsn pg_lsn, OUT labelfile text, OUT spcmapfile text)\n RETURNS SETOF record STRICT VOLATILE LANGUAGE internal as 'pg_stop_backup_v2'\n PARALLEL RESTRICTED;\n\n-- legacy definition for compatibility with 9.3\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n json_populate_record(base anyelement, from_json json, use_json_as_text boolean DEFAULT false)\n RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE internal STABLE AS 'json_populate_record' PARALLEL SAFE;\n\n-- legacy definition for compatibility with 9.3\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n json_populate_recordset(base anyelement, from_json json, use_json_as_text boolean DEFAULT false)\n RETURNS SETOF anyelement LANGUAGE internal STABLE ROWS 100 AS 'json_populate_recordset' PARALLEL SAFE;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_logical_slot_get_changes(\n IN slot_name name, IN upto_lsn pg_lsn, IN upto_nchanges int, VARIADIC options text[] DEFAULT '{}',\n OUT lsn pg_lsn, OUT xid xid, OUT data text)\nRETURNS SETOF RECORD\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nVOLATILE ROWS 1000 COST 1000\nAS 'pg_logical_slot_get_changes';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_logical_slot_peek_changes(\n IN slot_name name, IN upto_lsn pg_lsn, IN upto_nchanges int, VARIADIC options text[] DEFAULT '{}',\n OUT lsn pg_lsn, OUT xid xid, OUT data text)\nRETURNS SETOF RECORD\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nVOLATILE ROWS 1000 COST 1000\nAS 'pg_logical_slot_peek_changes';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes(\n IN slot_name name, IN upto_lsn pg_lsn, IN upto_nchanges int, VARIADIC options text[] DEFAULT '{}',\n OUT lsn pg_lsn, OUT xid xid, OUT data bytea)\nRETURNS SETOF RECORD\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nVOLATILE ROWS 1000 COST 1000\nAS 'pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes(\n IN slot_name name, IN upto_lsn pg_lsn, IN upto_nchanges int, VARIADIC options text[] DEFAULT '{}',\n OUT lsn pg_lsn, OUT xid xid, OUT data bytea)\nRETURNS SETOF RECORD\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nVOLATILE ROWS 1000 COST 1000\nAS 'pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_create_physical_replication_slot(\n IN slot_name name, IN immediately_reserve boolean DEFAULT false,\n IN temporary boolean DEFAULT false,\n OUT slot_name name, OUT lsn pg_lsn)\nRETURNS RECORD\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nSTRICT VOLATILE\nAS 'pg_create_physical_replication_slot';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_create_logical_replication_slot(\n IN slot_name name, IN plugin name,\n IN temporary boolean DEFAULT false,\n OUT slot_name text, OUT lsn pg_lsn)\nRETURNS RECORD\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nSTRICT VOLATILE\nAS 'pg_create_logical_replication_slot';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n make_interval(years int4 DEFAULT 0, months int4 DEFAULT 0, weeks int4 DEFAULT 0,\n days int4 DEFAULT 0, hours int4 DEFAULT 0, mins int4 DEFAULT 0,\n secs double precision DEFAULT 0.0)\nRETURNS interval\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nSTRICT IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE\nAS 'make_interval';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n jsonb_set(jsonb_in jsonb, path text[] , replacement jsonb,\n create_if_missing boolean DEFAULT true)\nRETURNS jsonb\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nSTRICT IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE\nAS 'jsonb_set';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n parse_ident(str text, strict boolean DEFAULT true)\nRETURNS text[]\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nSTRICT IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE\nAS 'parse_ident';\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION\n jsonb_insert(jsonb_in jsonb, path text[] , replacement jsonb,\n insert_after boolean DEFAULT false)\nRETURNS jsonb\nLANGUAGE INTERNAL\nSTRICT IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE\nAS 'jsonb_insert';\n\n-- The default permissions for functions mean that anyone can execute them.", "\n-- A number of functions shouldn't be executable by just anyone, but rather\n-- than use explicit 'superuser()' checks in those functions, we use the GRANT\n-- system to REVOKE access to those functions at initdb time. ", " Administrators\n-- can later change who can access these functions, or leave them as only\n-- available to superuser / cluster owner, if they choose.", "\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_start_backup(text, boolean, boolean) FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stop_backup() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stop_backup(boolean, boolean) FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_create_restore_point(text) FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_switch_wal() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_wal_replay_pause() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_wal_replay_resume() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_rotate_logfile() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_reload_conf() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_current_logfile() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_current_logfile(text) FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_rotate_audit_logfile() FROM public;\n\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stat_reset() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stat_reset_shared(text) FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters(oid) FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters(oid) FROM public;\n\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ls_logdir() FROM public;\nREVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ls_waldir() FROM public;\nGRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ls_logdir() TO pg_monitor;\nGRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ls_waldir() TO pg_monitor;\n\nGRANT pg_read_all_settings TO pg_monitor;\nGRANT pg_read_all_stats TO pg_monitor;\nGRANT pg_stat_scan_tables TO pg_monitor;\n\n--MLS\nREVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA PUBLIC FROM PUBLIC; \n\nCREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_extent(IN tablename regclass)\nRETURNS TABLE(shardid integer, shard_extents integer, extent_extents integer) AS\n$$\n\tSELECT shardinfo.shardid,\n\t\tshardinfo.num_of_extent AS shard_extents,\n\t\textentinfo.num_of_extent AS extent_extents\n\tFROM (\n\t\tSELECT sid,\n\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\tSELECT count(1)::integer\n\t\t\t\tFROM pg_shard_scan_list(tablename, sid)\n\t\t\t) AS extents\n\t\tFROM pg_shard_anchor(tablename)\n\t\tWHERE scanhead < 10000\n\t\t) AS shardinfo(shardid, num_of_extent)\n\tFULL JOIN (\n\t\tSELECT shardid,\n\t\t\tcount(1)::integer\n\t\tFROM pg_extent_info(tablename)\n\t\tWHERE is_occupied = true\n\t\tGROUP BY shardid\n\t\t) AS extentinfo(shardid, num_of_extent) ON shardinfo.shardid = extentinfo.shardid;\n$$\nLANGUAGE SQL STRICT STABLE;\n" ]
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[ "Russujaponols G-L, illudoid sesquiterpenes, and their neurite outgrowth promoting activity from the fruit body of Russula japonica.", "\nSix new illudoid sesquiterpene, russujaponols G-L (1-6) were isolated from the fruit bodies of Russula japonica. ", "Their structures were established primarily by 2D NMR experiments. ", "Furthermore, russujaponols I-K showed neurite outgrowth promoting activity in the primary cultured rat cortical neurons." ]
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[ "Articles studying natural history and prognostic factors can be retrospective case series\n\nDiagnostic case control studies will be excluded\n\nAppears in a peer-reviewed publication\n\nHas 10 or more patients per group\n\nIs of humans\n\nIs published in English\n\nIs published in or after 1966\n\nReports results quantitatively\n\nHas follow up of at least two years except for when healing or adverse events are the outcome\n\nHas ≥50% patient follow-up (if the follow-up is >50% but <80%, the study quality will be downgraded)\n\nIs not an in vitro study\n\nIs not a biomechanical study\n\nIs not performed on cadavers\n\nInclusion of Studies with Mixed Patient Populations\n\nThe work group specified a priori to the literature search that the studies must enroll and report the results of patients with osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. ", "Studies with mixed populations must report the results of patients with osteochondritis dissecans of the knee separately or if the results are combined, 80% of the patient population must be of patients with osteochondritis dissecans of the knee in order to consider the study for inclusion in this guideline.", "\n\nBest Available Evidence\n\nWhen examining primary studies, the work group analyzed the best available evidence regardless of study design. ", "They first considered the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) identified by the search strategy. ", "In the absence of two or more RCTs, the work group sequentially searched for prospective controlled trials, prospective comparative studies, retrospective comparative studies, and prospective case-series studies. ", "Only studies of the highest level of available evidence were included, assuming that there were 2 or more studies of that higher level. ", "For example, if there were two Level II studies that addressed the recommendation, Level III and IV studies were not included.", "\n\nLiterature Searches\n\nThe work group attempted to make the searches for articles comprehensive. ", "Using comprehensive literature searches ensures that the evidence they considered for this guideline is not biased for (or against) any particular point of view.", "\n\nThe work group searched for articles published from January 1966 to March 24, 2010. ", "Four electronic databases were searched: PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. ", "Strategies for searching electronic databases were constructed by a medical librarian using previously published search strategies to identify relevant studies.", "\n\nSearches of electronic databases were supplemented with manual screening of the bibliographies of all retrieved publications. ", "The bibliographies of recent systematic reviews and other review articles were also searched for potentially relevant citations. ", "Finally, work group members provided a list of potentially relevant studies that were not identified by the searches. ", "All articles identified were subject to the study selection criteria listed above.", "\n\nThe work group did not include systematic reviews compiled by others or guidelines developed by other organizations. ", "These documents are developed using different inclusion criteria than those specified by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) work group. ", "Therefore they may include studies that do not meet AAOS inclusion criteria. ", "These documents were recalled, if the abstract suggested they might provide an answer to one of the recommendations, and their bibliographies were searched for additional studies to supplement the systematic review.", "\n\nThe study attrition diagram in Appendix III of the original guideline provides details about the inclusion and exclusion of the studies considered for this guideline. ", "The search strategies used to identify these studies are provided in Appendix IV of the original guideline.", "\n\nNumber of Source Documents\n\n16 articles were included\n\nMethods Used to Assess the Quality and Strength of the Evidence\n\nWeighting According to a Rating Scheme (Scheme Given)\n\nRating Scheme for the Strength of the Evidence\n\nLevels of Evidence for Primary Research Question1\n\nTypes of Studies\n\nTherapeutic Studies\nInvestigating the results of treatment\n\nPrognostic Studies\nInvestigating the effects of a patient characteristic on the outcome of disease\n\nDiagnostic Studies\nInvestigating a diagnostic test\n\nEconomic and Decision Analyses\nDeveloping an economic or decision model\n\n1 A complete assessment of quality of individual studies requires critical appraisal of all aspects of the study design.2 A combination of results from two or more prior studies.3 Studies provided consistent results.4 Study was started before the first patient enrolled.5 Patients treated one way (e.g., cemented hip arthroplasty) compared with a group of patients treated in another way (e.g., uncemented hip arthroplasty) at the same institution.6 The study was started after the first patient enrolled.7 Patients identified for the study based on their outcome, called \"cases\"; e.g., failed total hip arthroplasty, are compared to those who did not have outcome, called \"controls\"; e.g., successful total hip arthroplasty.8 Patients treated one way with no comparison group of patients treated in another way.", "\n\nMethods Used to Analyze the Evidence\n\nMeta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsReview of Published Meta-AnalysesSystematic Review with Evidence Tables\n\nDescription of the Methods Used to Analyze the Evidence\n\nData Extraction\n\nData elements extracted from studies were defined in consultation with the physician work group. ", "The elements extracted are shown in Appendix V of the original guideline document. ", "Evidence tables were constructed to summarize the best evidence pertaining to each preliminary recommendation. ", "Disagreements about the accuracy of extracted data were resolved by consensus and consulting the work group. ", "Disagreements were resolved by consensus and by consulting the physician work group.", "\n\nThe work group specified a priori to the literature search that data would be stratified by joint but that mixed studies could be accepted and reported as such. ", "When studies did not separate the data by joint, it is not possible to report them separately. ", "If a study with mixed joints reported the data for each joint, they were reported as such. ", "If a study reported mixed joints but had less than 25 patients per joint, the analyst reported only the mixed data.", "\n\nJudging the Quality of Evidence\n\nDetermining the quality of the included evidence is vitally important when preparing any evidence-based work product. ", "Doing so conveys the amount of confidence one can have in any study's results. ", "One has more confidence in high quality evidence than in low quality evidence.", "\n\nAssigning a level of evidence on the basis of study design plus other quality characteristics ties the levels of evidence reported more closely to quality than levels of evidence based only on study design. ", "Because the work group ties quality to levels of evidence, they are able to characterize the confidence one can have in their results. ", "Accordingly, they characterize the confidence one can have in Level I evidence as high, the confidence one can have in Level II and III evidence as moderate, and the confidence one can have in Level IV and V evidence as low. ", "Similarly, throughout the guideline they refer to Level I evidence as reliable, Level II and III evidence as moderately reliable, and Level IV and V evidence as not reliable.", "\n\nDiagnostic Studies\n\nIn studies investigating a diagnostic test, the work group used the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) instrument (Appendix VI in the original guideline document) to identify potential bias and assess variability and the quality of reporting in studies reporting the effectiveness of diagnostic techniques. ", "Studies without any indication of bias are categorized as high quality studies. ", "The quality of a study that has bias in the study design (disease progression, partial verification), index test description, or clinical data was lowered for each bias present. ", "Quality could be further downgraded if greater than 50% of the QUADAS (at least 3 of the 5) questions that assess the quality of reporting determined there was important information missing. ", "Studies that have bias known to affect measures of diagnostic accuracy (i.e., spectrum bias, incorporation bias) were considered very low quality and not considered for analysis.", "\n\nTreatment Studies\n\nIn studies investigating the result of treatment, the work group assessed the quality of the evidence for each outcome at each time point reported in a study. ", "They did not simply assess the overall quality of a study. ", "This approach follows the recommendations of the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) working group as well as others.", "\n\nQuality was evaluated on a per outcome basis rather than a per study basis because quality is not necessarily the same for all outcomes and all follow-up times reported in a study. ", "For example, a study might report results immediately after patients received a given treatment and after some period of time has passed. ", "Often, nearly all enrolled patients contribute data at early follow-up times but, at much later follow-up times, only a few patients may contribute data. ", "One has more confidence in the earlier data than in the later data. ", "The fact that a higher quality score would be assigned to the earlier results reflects this difference in confidence.", "\n\nThe work group assessed the quality of treatment studies using a two step process. ", "First, they assigned quality to all results reported in a study based solely on that study's design. ", "Accordingly, all data presented in randomized controlled trials were initially categorized as high quality evidence, all results presented in non-randomized controlled trials and other prospective comparative studies were initially categorized as moderate quality, all results presented in retrospective comparative and case-control studies were initially categorized as low quality, and all results presented in prospective case-series reports were initially categorized as low quality. ", "The work group next assessed each outcome at each reported time point using a quality questionnaire and, when quality standards were not met, downgraded the level of evidence (for this outcome at this time point) by one level (see Appendix VI in the original guideline document).", "\n\nPrognostic Studies\n\nIn studies investigating the effect of a characteristic on the outcome of disease, quality was assessed using a two step process including a quality questionnaire (Appendix VI in the original guideline document). ", "The quality questionnaire was developed from previously published literature addressing the use and analysis of prognostic variables. ", "All studies were initially assigned as high quality and when quality standards were not met, as determined by the quality questionnaire, the study quality was lowered. ", "The lowering of study quality was cumulative. ", "Studies with five or more flaws indicated by the quality questionnaire were reduced to very low quality and not considered in our analysis.", "\n\nStatistical Methods\n\nLikelihood ratios, sensitivity, specificity, and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the accuracy of diagnostic modalities based on two by two diagnostic contingency tables extracted from the included studies. ", "When summary values of sensitivity, specificity, or other diagnostic performance measures were reported, estimates of the diagnostic contingency table were used to calculate likelihood ratios.", "\n\nLikelihood ratios (LR) indicate the magnitude of the change in probability of disease due to a given test result. ", "For example, a positive likelihood ratio of 10 indicates that a positive test result is 10 times more common in patients with disease than in patients without disease. ", "Likelihood ratios are interpreted according to previously published values, as seen in Table 3 of the original guideline document.", "\n\nMethods Used to Formulate the Recommendations\n\nExpert Consensus (Nominal Group Technique)\n\nDescription of Methods Used to Formulate the Recommendations\n\nThis guideline and systematic review were prepared by The Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee guideline work group with the assistance of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Clinical Practice Guidelines Unit in the Department of Research and Scientific Affairs at the AAOS (see Appendix I in the original guideline document).", "\n\nTo develop this guideline, the work group held an introductory meeting to develop the scope of the guideline on April 19, 2009. ", "Upon completion of the systematic review, the work group met again on April 10 and 11, 2010 to write and vote on the final recommendations and associated rationales for each recommendation based on the evidence.", "\n\nFormulating Preliminary Recommendations\n\nThe work group began work on this guideline by constructing a set of preliminary recommendations. ", "These recommendations specify [what] should be done in [whom], [when], [where], and [how often or how long]. ", "They function as questions for the systematic review, not as final recommendations or conclusions. ", "Preliminary recommendations are almost always modified on the basis of the results of the systematic review. ", "Once established, these a priori preliminary recommendations cannot be modified until the final work group meeting, they must be addressed by the systematic review, and the relevant review results must be presented in the final guideline.", "\n\nDefining the Strength of the Recommendations\n\nJudging the quality of evidence is only a stepping stone towards arriving at the strength of a guideline recommendation. ", "Unlike Levels of Evidence (which apply only to a given result at a given follow-up time in a given study) strength of recommendation takes into account the quality, quantity, and applicability of the available evidence. ", "Strength also takes into account the trade-off between the benefits and harms of a treatment or diagnostic procedure, and the magnitude of a treatment's effect.", "\n\nStrength of recommendation expresses the degree of confidence one can have in a recommendation. ", "As such, the strength expresses how possible it is that a recommendation will be overturned by future evidence. ", "It is very difficult for future evidence to overturn a recommendation that is based on many high quality randomized controlled trials that show a large effect. ", "It is much more likely that future evidence will overturn recommendations derived from a few small case series. ", "Consequently, recommendations based on the former kind of evidence are given a high strength of recommendation and recommendations based on the latter kind of evidence are given a low strength.", "\n\nTo develop the strength of a recommendation, AAOS staff first assigned a preliminary strength for each recommendation that took only the quality and quantity of the available evidence into account (see \"Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Recommendations\" field). ", "Work group members then modified the preliminary strength using the \"Form for Assigning Strength of Recommendation (Interventions)\" shown in Appendix VII of the original guideline document.", "\n\nConsensus Development\n\nThe recommendations and their strength were voted on using a structured voting technique known as the nominal group technique. ", "Details of this technique are presented in Appendix VIII of the original guideline document. ", "Voting on guideline recommendations was conducted using a secret ballot and work group members were blinded to the responses of other members. ", "If disagreement between work group members was significant, there was further discussion to see whether the disagreement(s) could be resolved. ", "Up to three rounds of voting were held to attempt to resolve disagreements. ", "If disagreements were not resolved following three voting rounds, no recommendation was adopted. ", "Lack of agreement is a reason that the strength for some recommendations is labeled \"Inconclusive.\"", "\n\nRating Scheme for the Strength of the Recommendations\n\nTo develop the strength of a recommendation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) staff first assigned a preliminary strength for each recommendation that took only the quality and quantity of the available evidence into account (see table below). ", "Work group members then modified the preliminary strength using the \"Form for Assigning Strength of Recommendation (Interventions)\" shown in Appendix VII of the original guideline document.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation\n\nGuideline Language\n\nStrength of Recommendation\n\nDescription of Evidence\n\nThe work group recommends\n\nStrong\n\nLevel I evidence from more than one study with consistent findings for recommending for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nThe work group suggests\n\nModerate\n\nLevel II or III evidence from more than one study with consistent findings, or Level I evidence from a single study for recommending for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nTreatment X is an option\n\nWeak\n\nLevel IV or V evidence from more than one study with consistent findings, or Level II or III evidence from a single study for recommending for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against Treatment X\n\nInconclusive\n\nThe evidence is insufficient or conflicting and does not allow a recommendation for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nIn the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the work group…*\n\nConsensus*\n\nThere is no supporting evidence. ", "In the absence of reliable evidence, the work group is making a recommendation based on their clinical opinion considering the known harms and benefits associated with the treatment.", "\n\n*Consensus based recommendations are made according to specific criteria. ", "These criteria can be found in Appendix VI of the original guideline document.", "\n\nCost Analysis\n\nA formal cost analysis was not performed and published cost analyses were not reviewed.", "\n\nMethod of Guideline Validation\n\nExternal Peer ReviewInternal Peer Review\n\nDescription of Method of Guideline Validation\n\nPeer Review\n\nThe draft of the guideline and evidence report was peer reviewed by an expert, outside advisory panel that was nominated a priori by the physician work group prior to the development of the guideline. ", "The physician members of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Guidelines and Technology Oversight Committee, the Evidence Based Practice Committee, and the Occupational Health and Workers' Compensation Committee also provided peer review of the draft document. ", "Peer review was accomplished using a structured peer review form (see Appendix IX in the original guideline document). ", "The draft guideline was sent to a total of 11 reviewers and 6 returned reviews (see Appendix X in the original guideline). ", "The disposition of all non-editorial peer review comments was documented and accompanied this guideline through the public commentary and the AAOS guideline approval process. ", "The peer reviewer comments, the responses and the final guideline are posted to the AAOS website upon approval of the AAOS Board of Directors.", "\n\nPublic Commentary\n\nAfter modifying the draft in response to peer review, the guideline was distributed for a thirty-day period of \"Public Commentary.\" ", "Commentators consist of members of the AAOS Board of Directors (BOD), members of the Council on Research, Quality Assessment, and Technology (CORQAT), members of the Board of Councilors (BOC), and members of the Board of Specialty Societies (BOS). ", "Based on these bodies, up to 185 commentators had the opportunity to provide input concerning the content of this guideline and the AAOS guideline development process. ", "Of these, 2 returned public comments.", "\n\nThe AAOS Guideline Approval Process\n\nFollowing public commentary, the work group and clinical practice guidelines unit edited the draft if public comments indicated changes were necessary based on the evidence. ", "This final guideline draft, peer review comments and the responses as well as a summary of all changes made during the review process were then forwarded into the approval process. ", "The guideline draft was sequentially approved by the AAOS Guidelines Oversight Committee, the AAOS Evidence-Based Practice Committee, the AAOS Council on Research, Quality Assessment, and Technology, and the AAOS Board of Directors. ", "Descriptions of these bodies are provided in Appendix II of the original guideline document. ", "No changes to the draft may occur during the approval process; all entities vote to approve or reject the document.", "\n\nRecommendations\n\nMajor Recommendations\n\nDefinitions of the strength of recommendations (Strong, Moderate, Weak, Inconclusive, and Consensus) are provided at the end of the \"Major Recommendations\" field.", "\n\nNote from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS): The following is a summary of the recommendations in the AAOS clinical practice guideline, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) of the Knee. ", "The scope of this guideline is specifically limited to osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. ", "This summary does not contain rationales that explain how and why these recommendations were developed nor does it contain the evidence supporting these recommendations. ", "All readers of this summary are strongly urged to consult the full guideline and evidence report for this information. ", "The work group is confident that those who read the full guideline and evidence report will also see that the recommendations were developed using systematic evidence-based processes designed to combat bias, enhance transparency, and promote reproducibility. ", "This summary of recommendations is not intended to stand alone. ", "Treatment decisions should be made in light of all circumstances presented by the patient. ", "Treatments and procedures applicable to the individual patient rely on mutual communication between patient, physician and other healthcare practitioners.", "\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against x-rays on the contralateral asymptomatic knee in patients with confirmed OCD of one knee.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nIn a patient with a known OCD lesion on x-ray, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee is an option to characterize the OCD lesion or when concomitant knee pathology is suspected such as meniscal pathology, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, or articular cartilage injury.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Weak\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against non-operative treatment (casting, bracing, splinting, unloader brace, electrical or ultrasound bone stimulators, or activity restriction alone) for asymptomatic skeletally immature patients with OCD.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against a specific non-operative treatment (casting, bracing, splinting, unloader brace, electrical or ultrasound bone stimulators, or activity restriction alone) for symptomatic skeletally immature patients with OCD.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against arthroscopic drilling in symptomatic skeletally immature patients with a stable lesion(s) who have failed to heal with non operative treatment for at least three months.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nIn the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the work group that symptomatic skeletally immature patients with salvageable unstable or displaced OCD lesions be offered the option of surgery.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Consensus\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against a specific cartilage repair technique in symptomatic skeletally immature patients with unsalvageable fragment.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against repeat MRI for asymptomatic skeletally mature patients.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against treating asymptomatic skeletally mature patients with OCD progression (as identified by X-ray or MRI) like symptomatic patients.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nIn the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the work group that symptomatic skeletally mature patients with salvageable unstable or displaced OCD lesions be offered the option of surgery.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Consensus\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against a specific cartilage repair technique in symptomatic skeletally mature patients with an unsalvageable OCD lesions.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nIn the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the work group that patients who remain symptomatic after treatment for OCD have a history and physical examination, x-rays and/or MRI to assess healing.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Consensus\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against physical therapy for patients with OCD treated non-operatively.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nIn the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the work group that patients who have received surgical treatment of OCD be offered post-operative physical therapy.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Consensus\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against counseling patients about whether activity modification and weight control prevents onset and progression of OCD to osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis).", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation: Inconclusive\n\nDefinitions:\n\nLevels of Evidence: See the \"Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Evidence\" field.", "\n\nStrength of Recommendation\n\nGuideline Language\n\nStrength of Recommendation\n\nDescription of Evidence\n\nThe work group recommends\n\nStrong\n\nLevel I evidence from more than one study with consistent findings for recommending for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nThe work group suggests\n\nModerate\n\nLevel II or III evidence from more than one study with consistent findings, or Level I evidence from a single study for recommending for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nTreatment X is an option\n\nWeak\n\nLevel IV or V evidence from more than one study with consistent findings, or Level II or III evidence from a single study for recommending for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nThe work group is unable to recommend for or against Treatment X\n\nInconclusive\n\nThe evidence is insufficient or conflicting and does not allow a recommendation for or against the intervention or diagnostic.", "\n\nIn the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the work group…*\n\nConsensus*\n\nThere is no supporting evidence. ", "In the absence of reliable evidence, the work group is making a recommendation based on their clinical opinion considering the known harms and benefits associated with the treatment.", "\n\n*Consensus based recommendations are made according to specific criteria. ", "These criteria can be found in Appendix VI of the original guideline document.", "\n\nBenefits/Harms of Implementing the Guideline Recommendations\n\nSurgical treatments are associated with some known risks such as infection, bleeding, venous thromboembolic events and persistent pain, although arthroscopic approaches have relatively low risk compared to more invasive surgeries.", "\n\nContraindications\n\nContraindications\n\nContraindications vary widely based on the treatment administered. ", "Therefore, discussion of available treatments and procedures applicable to the individual patient rely on mutual communication between the patient and physician, weighing the potential risks and benefits for that patient.", "\n\nQualifying Statements\n\nQualifying Statements\n\nAn American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) physician volunteer Work Group developed this clinical practice guideline based on a systematic review of the current scientific and clinical information as well as accepted approaches to treatment and/or diagnosis. ", "This clinical practice guideline is not intended to be used as a fixed protocol, as some patients may require more or less treatment or different means of diagnosis. ", "Clinical patients may not necessarily be the same as those found in a clinical trial. ", "Patient care and treatment should always be based on a clinician's independent medical judgment, given the individual patient's clinical circumstances.", "\n\nSome drugs or medical devices referenced or described in this clinical practice guideline may not have been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or may have been cleared for a specific use only. ", "The FDA has stated that it is the responsibility of the physician to determine the FDA clearance status of each drug or device he or she wishes to use in clinical practice.", "\n\nThis summary of recommendations is not intended to stand alone. ", "Treatment decisions should be made in light of all circumstances presented by the patient. ", "Treatments and procedures applicable to the individual patient rely on mutual communication between patient, physician and other healthcare practitioners.", "\n\nThis guideline should not be construed as including all proper methods of care or excluding methods of care reasonably directed to obtaining the same results. ", "The ultimate judgment regarding any specific procedure or treatment must be made in light of all circumstances presented by the patient and the needs and resources particular to the locality or institution.", "\n\nShorter versions of the guideline are available in other venues. ", "Publication of most guidelines is announced by an Academy press release, articles authored by the work group and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and articles published in AAOS Now. ", "Most guidelines are also distributed at the AAOS Annual Meeting in various venues such as on Academy Row and at Committee Scientific Exhibits.", "\n\nSelected guidelines are disseminated by webinar, an Online Module for the Orthopaedic Knowledge Online website, Radio Media Tours, Media Briefings, and by distributing them at relevant Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses and at the AAOS Resource Center.", "\n\nOther dissemination efforts outside of the AAOS will include submitting the guideline to the National Guideline Clearinghouse and distributing the guideline at other medical specialty societies' meetings.", "\n\nImplementation Tools\n\nQuick Reference Guides/Physician Guides\n\nFor information about availability, see the Availability of Companion Documents and Patient Resources fields below.", "\n\nIn accordance with American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) policy, all individuals whose names appear as authors or contributors to this clinical practice guideline filed a disclosure statement as part of the submission process. ", "All panel members provided full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest prior to voting on the recommendations contained within this clinical practice guideline.", "\n\nAll members of the AAOS work group disclosed any conflicts of interest prior to the development of the recommendations for this guideline. ", "Conflicts of interest are disclosed in writing with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons via a private on-line reporting database and also verbally at the recommendation approval meeting.", "\n\nDisclosure Items Answered: (n) = Respondent answered 'No' to all items indicating no conflicts. ", "1 = Royalties from a company or supplier; 2 = Speakers bureau/paid presentations for a company or supplier; 3A = Paid employee for a company or supplier; 3B = Paid consultant for a company or supplier; 3C = Unpaid consultant for a company or supplier; 4 = Stock or stock options in a company or supplier; 5 = Research support from a company or supplier as a PI; 6 = Other financial or material support from a company or supplier; 7 = Royalties, financial or material support from publishers; 8 = Medical/orthopaedic publications editorial/governing board; 9 = Board member/committee appointments for a society.", "\n\nThis NGC summary is based on the original guideline, which is subject to the guideline developer's copyright restrictions. ", "For more information, please contact AAOS Department of Research and Scientific Affairs, 6300 North River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018; Phone: (847) 823-7186; Fax: (847) 823-8125.", "\n\nDisclaimer\n\nThe National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) does not develop, produce, approve, or endorse the guidelines represented on this site.", "\n\nAll guidelines summarized by NGC and hosted on our site are produced under the auspices of medical specialty societies, relevant professional associations, public or private organizations, other government agencies, health care organizations or plans, and similar entities.", "\n\nNGC, AHRQ, and its contractor ECRI Institute make no warranties concerning the content or clinical efficacy or effectiveness of the clinical practice guidelines and related materials represented on this site. ", "Moreover, the views and opinions of developers or authors of guidelines represented on this site do not necessarily state or reflect those of NGC, AHRQ, or its contractor ECRI Institute, and inclusion or hosting of guidelines in NGC may not be used for advertising or commercial endorsement purposes.", "\n\nReaders with questions regarding guideline content are directed to contact the guideline developer." ]
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[ "聖職者が「何千人もの子どもを虐待」 独カトリック教会\n\n画像提供, Getty Images\n\nドイツで1946~2014年に3600人以上の子どもがキリスト教のカトリック教会の神父から性的虐待を受けていたことが、漏えいした報告書によって明らかになった。", "\n\nこの報告書は教会が取りまとめたもので、9月25日に発表される予定だった。", "\n\nカトリック教会の広報担当者は、この報告に「失望し、恥じている」と話した。", "\n\nカトリック教会ではこのところ、過去何十年にわたる聖職者による性的虐待の実態が世界中で明らかになっている。", "\n\n<関連記事>\n\nこの調査では、加害者とされる聖職者のわずか38%しか起訴されておらず、その多くが軽い懲戒処分しか受けていないことが判明したと現地メディアは伝えている。また、およそ6件に1件は強姦だという。", "\n\nまた被害者の大半は少年で、13歳以下が半数を占めている。", "\n\n加害者の聖職者は通常、別の管区に移動となるが、加害行為について警告されることはなかったという。", "\n\n調査はドイツの3大学が行い、国内27司教区から集めた3万8000件の書類を調べた。", "\n\n報告書の著者は、いくつかの記録は「破壊されたり改ざんされたり」しており、実際の虐待の件数はもっと大きい可能性もあると話している。", "\n\nカトリック教会の反応は?", "\n\n調査を委託したドイツ・カトリック司教協議会のシュテファン・アッカーマン司教(広報担当)は、「調査によって、性的虐待が行われた規模を知った。失望し、恥じている」と話した。", "\n\nアッカーマン司教によると、この調査は「被害者のために教会の闇に光を当てるだけでなく、我々自身が過ちを認め、繰り返されることを防ぐためにあらゆることをする」ために行われた。", "\n\n「この調査は教会のためでなく、何よりもまず、被害者のための措置だと強調したい」\n\n同司教は、報告書は教会が見る前にメディアに漏えいされたと説明した。教会は今後、被害者向けのヘルプラインを設置する計画だ。", "\n\n性的虐待に対する教会の対応は?", "\n\nカトリックの総本山ローマ法王庁(バチカン)は、シュピーゲルによる報道にはコメントしていない。しかし12日、フランシスコ法王は来年2月に未成年保護に向けた協議を司教らと行うと発表した。", "\n\n今回の調査報告は、カトリック教会にとっては新たな打撃となった。", "\n\n聖職者による性的虐待の報告は世界中から寄せられており、教会の指導者がこうした事実を隠ぺいしていた疑惑も上がっている。", "\n\nただビガーノ大司教は裏づけとなる証拠を示しておらず、法王の支持者はこの非難の信ぴょう性を疑問視。法王も対応を拒否している。" ]
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[ "Correction\n==========\n\nAfter the publication of this work \\[[@B1]\\] it was brought to the authors attention that Figure five (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} here) contained a duplication error in the PDF format, where it featured a perianal fistula instead of a rectovestibular fistula in females. ", "The correct figure is given below:\n\n![", "Rectovestibular fistula in females.](1750-1172-7-98-1){#F1}\n\nWe regret any inconvenience that this inaccuracy may have caused.", "\n" ]
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[ "Ultrasound bone measurement in children and adolescents. ", "Correlation with nutrition, puberty, anthropometry, and physical activity.", "\nUltrasound bone measurement in healthy Croatian children and adolescents has been evaluated. ", "Relationships between pubertal status, anthropometry, nutrition, and physical activity with ultrasound bone parameter were analyzed. ", "A total number of 501 children and adolescents of both sexes participated in the study. ", "There were 244 prepubertal children (120 boys and 122 girls) and 259 postpubertal adolescents (112 boys and 147 girls). ", "Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, percent of fat tissue, and body mass index. ", "Quantitative ultrasound measurements of the heel (nondominant side) were performed using \"Sahara\" sonometer and included speed of sound (SOS), broad-band ultrasound attenuation (BUA), and calculated bone stiffness (QUI). ", "Dietary data were assessed using specially designed semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire calculations based on the daily intakes of calcium, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. ", "Quantitative ultrasound bone measurements (BUA, SOS, and QUI) were similar in prepubertal boys and girls. ", "Adolescent boys had significantly higher BUA (P<.01) than girls. ", "The percentage of children and adolescents who consumed more than 1,000 mg of calcium per day were 54.8% and 48.7%, respectively. ", "Body weight and pubertal status and activity were significantly correlated with bone stiffness but not the calcium intake. ", "In this study, bone stiffness in children and adolescents is determined by pubertal status and body weight, rather than by calcium intake." ]
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[ "North Texas Animal Shelters Using Facial Recognition Technology To Reunite Pets And Families\n\nDENTON, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – North Texas animal shelters are using new facial recognition technology to reunite families with their missing animals.", "\n\nIt’s a scenario all pet owners fear – Fluffy or Fido runs away from home and is unable to be found. ", "People come to the Denton Animal Shelter every day looking for their lost pets.", "\n\n“A pet has either scaled a fence and ran off, or someone maybe opened a door and the cat ran off, so they are either coming to our website or calling in or coming in, asking us, have we seen their animal?” ", "said Randi Weinberg, Denton Animal Services Manager.", "\n\nThe shelter found an innovate way help. ", "It’s a free app called, Finding Rover, and it used facial recognition technology to identify a missing dog or cat.", "\n\n“It’s basically like a three-step process,” Weinberg said. “", "It’s so simple.”", "\n\nOnce you download the app, all you have to do is create a profile for your pet. ", "Take a close up picture of their face and upload it.", "\n\n“So in the event that you lose your animal, it’s simple just to active the button, say I Lost My Animal, and it starts automatically sending that facial recognition to the partner shelters and rescue groups,” Weinberg said.", "\n\nPlano Animal Services started using Finding Rover in October, and it has already successfully matched several families with their lost pets.", "\n\n“Absolutely we’d use that,” said Elizabeth Jernigan, who adopted a dog from the Denton Animal Shelter a year ago.", "\n\nChase has quickly become a part of their family.", "\n\n“The very first day we got him, he bolted out of the house,” said Joseph Jernigan. “", "That’s how he got his name – Chase.”", "\n\nIf he ever ran away again, the Jernigans are glad to know Finding Rover is an option so Chase hopefully wouldn’t stay lost for long.", "\n\nIf you find a lost pet, you can also use the app to help reunite it with its owner." ]
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[ "Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is seen during a press conference on Capitol Hill, on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, in Washington, D.C.\n\nSalwan Georges/The Washington Post/Getty Images\n\nSuppressing votes is not merely a racist act, nor it is simply the last resort for a party out of ideas. ", "Voter suppression is traitorous. ", "Intentionally restricting access to the ballot is a violation of the ideals that we have been told are inherently American. ", "The United States government is of, by and for the people. ", "Yet we are barred from the fundamental democratic process by those in power merely because our skin color predicts our political persuasion. ", "The Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby vs. Holder decision should have had people marching in the streets to restore that landmark civil rights legislation to its full powers — or at least made that a key topic of the subsequent presidential election. ", "We are lucky if outlets use “racially tinged” or other cowardly terminology to reference it. ", "Voter suppression is not an accident, as Chief Justice John Roberts would have us believe, some benign exclusion from the small-d democratic process. ", "It is a form of violence.", "\n\nOne day after the House Judiciary Committee had its first hearing for H.R. 1, the testudinate majority leader mocked the bill that would make Election Day a holiday for federal employees and encourage private businesses to do the same.", "\n\n“Just what America needs, another paid holiday and a bunch of government workers being paid to go out and work for I assume our folks — our colleagues on the other side, on their campaigns,” McConnell said, essentially promoting President Trump’s invented framing that all of the furloughed federal workers during the shutdown were liberals. ", "He added, “This is the Democrat plan to restore democracy? ", "A brand-new week of paid vacation for every federal employee who would like to hover around while you cast your ballot?”", "\n\nRelated\n\nMcConnell’s histrionic floor speech echoed a remarkable bit of projection that he published on January 17th in the Washington Post. ", "Alleging that H.R. 1 should be called the “Democrat Politician Protection Act,” his rather hysterical op-ed warned that the bill was not about making elections fair, but about having the government control them. ", "H.R. 1 would actually do serious injury to gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts, which in various states serve as the Republican Politician Protection Acts. ", "In addition to the Election Day holiday, H.R. 1 would end partisan redistricting, create automatic voter registration, prohibit voter roll purging and would recruit additional poll workers to help ease the experience of voting.", "\n\nIt would be wrong to describe H.R. 1 as a cornucopia of liberal goals. ", "The vast majority of Americans polled want Washington to fight corruption, which the bill does. ", "And an October survey by Hill.tv and HarrisX found that 54 percent of respondents preferred that everyone have a day off work on Election Day. ", "Even 48 percent of Republicans supported the idea. ", "Pew Research Center found in October that 65 percent of the public wants such a holiday.", "\n\nSeveral on the left noted that McConnell essentially said the quiet part out loud Wednesday, admitting that an Election Day holiday would hurt Republicans, since their fortunes improve when fewer people vote. ", "But this is more serious than a political leader committing a gaffe and revealing his villainy.", "\n\nWithout justification or provocation, McConnell painted federal employees — many of whom have not yet received financial restitution from a 35-day shutdown that he helped prolong — as polling-place thugs. ", "This wasn’t just McConnell admitting what we all knew to be true about the GOP; it was the majority leader slandering people who work for the United States government and certainly don’t have a Congressional microphone to defend themselves.", "\n\nWhether such language will have a suppressive effect on federal employees the next time they go to the polls is yet to be seen. ", "I bet a lot of them will tell him to go to hell. ", "He bears just about as much responsibility as Trump for the absurd shutdown that cost all those those federal employees and contractors 35 days of pay, which some may never recover. ", "McConnell could have amassed a mere 20 Republican votes to join with the 45 Democrats and two Independents to form a veto-proof majority to once again pass a bill that his Senate had already passed by voice vote in December to end the shutdown sooner. ", "Instead, he refused to even call a vote for a bill that “the president will not sign” until the final week of the shutdown, essentially ceding the branch of government he leads to a renegade president who was holding the country hostage.", "\n\nMcConnell does not seem to be similarly animated about the continued threat of foreign interference in our elections. ", "Earlier this week, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats released a new worldwide threat assessment in which he argued that Russia, China and Iran “probably already are looking to the 2020 U.S. elections as an opportunity to advance their interests” and “will use online influence operations to try to weaken democratic institutions, undermine U.S. alliances and partnerships and shape policy outcomes in the United States and elsewhere.” ", "The Daily Beast also reported that Russia’s GRU, its military intelligence agency, has been caught trying to infiltrate the computers of a Washington think-tank called the Center for Strategic and International Studies.", "\n\nMany are still wondering why Republicans blocked $250 million in funds last fall to enhance election security, but then months later cheer on a president who shuts down the government over $5.7 billion for his fantasy border wall? ", "It doesn’t matter whether Republicans were complicit in foreign election interference. ", "That interference helped elect Trump, and it is allowing the GOP to continually destroy our democracy. ", "Whatever moral compromises and treachery is necessary to help McConnell and his party confirm conservative judges at a manic pace, they seem all too willing to do it.", "\n\nThe Russians failed to make a noticeable dent in the 2018 midterm elections, but not for a lack of trying. ", "Still, McConnell and the Senate caucus he leads haven’t lifted a finger to make the nation’s electoral infrastructure more secure after our intelligence agencies concluded that we were attacked in 2016. ", "Former vice-president Joe Biden alleged that the Obama administration’s response to the Russian election interference was slow-walked thanks to McConnell, which the Majority Leader denies.", "\n\nIt is somehow fitting that the man who blocked Merrick Garland from a Supreme Court confirmation hearing would declare H.R. 1 dead on arrival a month before it ever was debated on the House floor. ", "In the same early December Wall Street Journal report in which he predicted that lawmakers would avoid a government shutdown, McConnell said that the omnibus Democratic reform bill is “not going to go anywhere in the Senate,” where Republicans hold 53 of the 100 seats.", "\n\nMcConnell isn’t betraying America merely because he is going against popular opinion. ", "As he did by withholding the Garland pick, he is subverting democracy once again at its baseline level. ", "Even worse, McConnell is targeting efforts to make the system fair, painting them as totalitarian while he holds the door open for actual despots seeking to muck with our ballots. ", "His odd sycophancy to Trump, a man whom he clearly shares little in common with other than preferences for judicial picks, has been the story of the last two years. ", "However, going forward, we should give McConnell more credit for his own villainy. ", "He has earned the recognition." ]
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[ "Psyllium Husk Powder is a dietary fiber supplement and bulk-forming laxative. ", "This powder has various health benefits & is helpful in making bowel movements easy by soaking up unwanted water in your gut. ", "The Psyllium powder is an excellent treatment of constipation. ", "It is also helpful in conditions of diabetes and high blood pressure as well as helps in reducing your weight." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Travelogue of Haj Ayaz Khan Qashqai\n\nThis travelogue is written by Haj Ayaz Khan, one of Qashqai khans. ", "The Travel has happened in 1922 (April to December), from Iran to Saudi Arabia and Iraq in order to visit Islamic holly places.", "\n\nImportance\nThis unique Iranian travelogue is written from Qashqai people point of view and offers a new reading of historical events in a cultural context. ", "What is more, the book sheds light on some aspects of Qajarid history by describing the events that took place during the last years of Ahmad Shah Qajar reign and just few month after the third Esfand's coup d’état in Feb. 22, 1921.", "\nHaj Ayaz Khan’s narration of his pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) paints a clear picture of cities, holly places, and lifestyles. ", "His attention to detail from the price of goods and commodities to every day matters brings the book to life. ", "But it is his ability to go beyond simple description, to compare Iran and neighboring countries (Specially Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen) on social and economic matters that turns the book to an extraordinary travelogue.", "\n\nFootnotes\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:2010 non-fiction books\nCategory:Travel books\nCategory:Hajj accounts" ]
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[ "Walking in the shoes of patients, not just in their genes: a patient-centered approach to genomic medicine.", "\nGenomic technologies are increasing the precision with which clinicians can assess an individual patient's risk for developing diseases and identify which patients are likely to benefit from specific treatments. ", "Also advocating for a shift away from a one-size-fits-all approach is the growing emphasis on \"patient-centered\" care. ", "Using examples from breast cancer, we make a case for why, in order to optimize patient health outcomes, genomic medicine will need to be practiced within a patient-centered framework. ", "We present a six-function conceptual framework for patient-centered care and discuss findings from a national survey evaluating the patient-centeredness of care delivered in the USA." ]
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[ "You are here\n\nRhoades Automotive makes the drive downtown\n\nCOLUMBIA CITY — A familiar face throughout the county recently became the newest face in downtown Columbia City.", "Rhoades Automotive has consolidated its two previous locations — one on South Line Street and the other on U.S. 30 in Larwill — to one spot on West Van Buren Street, Columbia City. ", "Lamonte Rhoades, president, said having a location downtown was important to the company.", "“We wanted to be part of downtown, if possible,” he said.", "Columbia City’s redevelopment commission stepped in for help. ", "The company received a facade grant, which Rhoades said helped in the placement of new signs for the building.", "“The signs make an impact,” he said. “", "People notice them. ", "The city helped with signs and modifications to the building,” he said. “", "We are very grateful and thankful for that. ", "It’s a huge help when they’re willing to invest in a small business like ours.", "”Rhoades had been looking to bring the two locations together for some time, and he said having the downtown spot in the city made everything he wanted a reality.", "“We wanted to be a part of Columbia City,” he said. “", "We feel like we are. ", "The people we serve in this town are so important to us. ", "We wanted to be a local, family-owned, small business.", "”The signs and new location have also increased the visibility of the car dealer. “", "People may have heard of us, but they didn’t know what we did. ", "Now you can really see it,” he said. “", "We have had a lot of (foot) traffic so far.", "”There were four buildings for sale on the corner of West Van Buren Street and Walnut Street, which is where Rhoades Automotive sits. ", "Since the company is now on the southwest side of the corner, there is one open business at the intersection.", "“People tell us they are thankful we are here,” Rhoades said. “", "For us, to actually have something going at this side of town is a big benefit.", "”Rhoades said the location may be different, but he hopes to do what he has been doing for years — get people the automobiles they need.", "His dealership works with sellers across the nation to line up customers with the exact make and model they want. ", "Rhoades said that has brought people back.", "“Seventy percent of our business is probably referral or repeat business,” he said. ", "While the base of the business will remain the same, Rhoades Automotive has also added detailing since the move to West Van Buren Street.", "“We have needed that service for a long time,” Rhoades said. “", "People can get quality service on cleaning and polishing their vehicles.", "”The approach Rhoades Automotive takes as a car dealership is slightly unconventional as well. ", "Besides what is on the lot, Rhoades uses an online program to match sellers across the nation with local buyers.", "Customers sit at the computer screen and see the price Rhoades is paying for the car, so they know the profit the company is taking from each purchase.", "“We don’t have the mark-up of others,” Rhoades said. “", "We don’t have the budgets either.", "”What Rhoades Automotive has is a local touch. ", "That is a revolution in the economy that took a while for the dealership’s president to see.", "“I didn’t realize that years ago,” Rhoades said. “", "People like to do business locally, with people they go to church with, that they see at functions and they see at the chamber of commerce.", "”Local business ultimately benefits the local consumers.", "“If it stays local, the taxes stay here,” Rhoades said. “", "Your money stays in Whitley County.", "”Even with a new location, Rhoades expects to do what has become a passion for him — selling cars. ", "And it has become a family affair, as his wife and daughter work alongside him.", "“I love cars,” he said. “", "This is not work. ", "This is fun, every day. ", "We’ve been very blessed to be here.”" ]
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