[ "More than 30 killed in two Afghanistan bombings More than 30 people were killed this morning in a pair of bombings in Afghanistan. ", "One of the attacks was in the capital, Kabul. ", "The other was north of the city. ", "The bombings came after the death of another U.S. serviceman. ", "Charlie D’Agata reports." ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nSalmonella Typhi is the leading cause of enteric fever cases responsible for between 12 and 21 million illness episodes and over 140,000 deaths each year globally \\[[@CR1], [@CR2]\\]. ", "The disease is largely prevalent in the low and middle income countries of South Asia. ", "Three community-based cohort studies conducted between 1995 and 2006 in India estimated the incidence of culture confirmed typhoid at 377 (178--801) per 100,000 person years with the highest incidence in early childhood \\[[@CR3]--[@CR5]\\]. ", "The burden of enteric fever is predicted to worsen with the emergence of multi-drug resistant strain H58 in this region.", "\n\nThe World Health Organization (WHO) in its position paper on typhoid published in 2008 \\[[@CR6]\\] recommends the use of typhoid vaccines to prevent infection in high-risk populations, particularly where antibiotic resistance is prevalent. ", "These recommendations have remained unimplemented in India partly due to a perceived decline in the incidence and severity of typhoid fever in recent hospital-based reports accompanied with evidence of heterogeneous distribution of disease. ", "These findings of declining disease burden in hospital based studies can partly be attributed to the indiscriminate early use of antibiotics to treat febrile illness. ", "Newer antibiotics, that are increasingly accessible over the counter, have been shown to decrease transmission of this host-restricted organism when administered appropriately, early in disease \\[[@CR7]--[@CR9]\\]. ", "Furthermore, antibiotics decrease culture confirmation by achieving defervescence in ambulatory care where cultures are generally not performed and by decreasing the sensitivity of blood culture post antibiotic therapy. ", "In the absence of an alternative diagnostic assay of sufficient diagnostic accuracy, estimation of disease burden continues to rely on isolation of the organism by blood culture that is likely to be influenced by prior treatment and healthcare seeking behaviour.", "\n\nWhile it is challenging to disaggregate the complex interplay between antimicrobial use, antimicrobial susceptibility and disease burden, estimating age-specific incidence of typhoid in the community by investigating febrile episodes prior to antimicrobial therapy will provide a better understanding of current disease burden and its transmission dynamics.", "\n\nEstimating the burden of disease in children who are the most likely beneficiaries of typhoid conjugate vaccines in national immunization programs will permit us to predict the potential utility of such a vaccine introduction. ", "In this study we will estimate the risk of developing typhoid in cohorts of children aged between 6 months and 15 years through active weekly surveillance for suspected typhoid fever. ", "This approach will permit us to identify febrile illness episodes, document antimicrobial use and ensure blood culture prior to antimicrobial therapy in those with suspected typhoid fever.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nHypothesis {#Sec3}\n----------\n\nActive, community-based surveillance will estimate the true incidence of typhoid fever and provide a better understanding of transmission of typhoid in the population than available data from hospital based extrapolations.", "\n\n### Objectives {#Sec4}\n\nThe two-fold objectives of this multi-site active surveillance are as followsTo estimate the age specific incidence of culture confirmed typhoid fever in 6 months-4 years, 5--9 and 10--14 years age groups across four geographically distinct sites in IndiaTo describe the incidence of acute febrile illness and its associated treatment practices in the community\n\n### Inclusion and exclusion criteria {#Sec5}\n\n#### Inclusion criteria {#FPar1}\n\nA child between 6 months and 13 years + 364 days of age.", "A child who is likely to remain in the study area for the duration of the study.", "\n\n#### Exclusion criteria {#FPar2}\n\nNon-consent\n\nStudy design {#Sec6}\n------------\n\nWe will recruit 6000 eligible children from each of the four geographically distinct study sites across India. ", "Children are eligible to participate if they are between 6 months and 13 years + 364 days of age, likely to be in the study area for the duration of the study and are willing to receive investigations in the event of febrile illness. ", "All eligible children living in the designated study area will be offered participation and the enrolment will continue till 6000 children have been recruited into each site's cohort. ", "If multiple eligible children are present within a household, all of them will be eligible to participate. ", "Written informed consent will be obtained from the primary caregiver in addition to assent from age-eligible children.", "\n\nActive weekly fever surveillance will be performed by trained study personnel either through home visits or by telephonic contacts through the course of study participation. ", "Each participant will be followed for 24 months or until the child attains 15 years of age, whichever is earlier. ", "The study team will ensure at least one face to face contact with the child and the primary care giver every 4 weeks. ", "During these weekly contacts, details of any illness, visits to a health facility and treatment received since the previous visit will be recorded for each participant within the household. ", "If contact with the parents/primary caregiver is not established for two consecutive weeks, then a supervisory visit will be made to confirm that the child is unavailable for surveillance. ", "Parents are encouraged to report any fever episode to the study team at the earliest in addition to reporting them at weekly visits by study personnel.", "\n\nIn the event of fever, a daily follow up will be established until there are three consecutive fever free days. ", "A digital thermometer and a fever diary card will be provided, and primary caregivers will be trained to use the thermometer and document the temperature three times a day. ", "The study team will also document the temperature of the child in the fever diary card during home visits. ", "At each daily contact during the fever follow up, the study team will document information pertaining to the previous calendar day including the highest documented temperature. ", "If the child has any serious illness the parents will be encouraged to seek healthcare from their preferred provider. ", "The family will be informed the need to avoid antibiotics and over the counter medicines that are not prescribed by their physician.", "\n\nAny reported fever for 3 or more consecutive days will be designated as 'Suspected Typhoid Fever' and the child will be encouraged to visit the study clinic. ", "At the study clinic the child will be evaluated by a study physician on the fourth day of fever and if there is history of fever in the preceding 12 h a blood culture will be requested. ", "If the child has been afebrile for over 12 h, unless clinically indicated the blood culture will be deferred. ", "Any subsequent fever within the next 24 h will warrant a blood culture. ", "Prior antimicrobial therapy will not be a contraindication for blood culture. ", "If a child has received a blood culture in the previous 14 days, blood culture will be withheld unless it is requested for by the clinician treating the participant.", "\n\nLaboratory methods {#Sec7}\n------------------\n\nA dedicated laboratory team will be present at each site for collection of blood samples and subsequent processing using automated blood culture systems using standard operating procedures across sites. ", "For children between 6 months and 1 year, 3 mL will be inoculated into a paediatric blood culture bottle. ", "For children above 1 year of age, 5 mL of blood will be inoculated into a paediatric blood culture bottle. ", "Additional blood may be drawn for investigations requested by the treating physician. ", "The total volume of blood drawn must not exceed 2 mL per kg body weight. ", "Blood samples will be transferred to the site laboratory facility within 4 h of sample collection at ambient temperature. ", "Where blood cultures do not provide a definite diagnosis and fever persists for 7 or more days, additional serology based tests may be performed as clinically indicated but these will not contribute to the estimates of typhoid incidence. *", "S.* Typhi isolated from other normally sterile sites will also contribute to confirmed typhoid fever estimates. ", "All typhoid isolates will undergo antimicrobial susceptibility testing and will be archived for future genomic characterisation. ", "All other significant culture isolates including *S. Paratyphi* will be documented.", "\n\nSample size {#Sec8}\n-----------\n\nThe incidence of acute typhoid fever in children aged 6 months to 15 years in India was previously estimated to be between 6 and 12 per 1000 child years (CY) with the highest rates in 1--4 year olds \\[[@CR4], [@CR10]\\]. ", "If community-level incidence has declined as hospital-based estimate suggest, the current incidence in this age-group would be between 1 and 5 per 1000 CY. ", "Recruiting, at each site, a cohort of 5600 children between 6 months and 13 years + 364 days will provide 8400 child years of observation over 18 months that would be distributed approximately as 2400 child years in the 6-month to 4 years, and 3000 child years in the 5--10 and 11--14 age groups in an open cohort and assuming a uniform death rate. ", "Accumulating 8400 child-years will exclude an incidence rate of 2/1000 with 95% confidence if there are 26 or more cases (IR \\> 3/1000) in the cohort. ", "In turn, this sample size will be adequate to exclude at 95% confidence limits, a rate of 2/1000 in each of the 6 months-4 years, 5--10 and 11--14 years age groups in which the observed incidence is 4/1000 or greater using a Fishers exact test based on the formula (Armitage,1971; Snedecor & Cochran,1965) as described in Epidemiologic Analysis with a Programmable Calculator, 1979.", "\n\nData management {#Sec9}\n---------------\n\nThe data for this multi-site surveillance will be centrally managed in a cloud based infrastructure that is appropriately secured to ensure participant confidentiality and compliance with local laws. ", "In the community data will be gathered on android tablets using android application package *'EntericFev'* developed in house and stored in PostgreSQL databases on an Amazon cloud EC2 instance. ", "Clinic and laboratories will use a secured web browser based application to upload and edit data. ", "A comprehensive audit trail enabled database management solution for data managers and a real-time dashboard for the project managers permit careful monitoring and implementation of the surveillance.", "\n\nData analysis {#Sec10}\n-------------\n\nIncidence rates will be calculated as the number of discrete events of illness (for confirmed typhoid fever and acute febrile illness) over the total person-time under observation and at risk. ", "Recurrent events will be allowed to include multiple episodes of illness over the study period. ", "The person-time for each child will begin from the date of enrolment to the end of follow-up or date of loss to follow-up. ", "Time with illness and when children not under surveillance will be excluded from the calculation of person-time. ", "Rates will be expressed as per 1000 child-years. ", "The two-year study period will be divided into three age intervals (6 m -- 4 years, 5-9 year and 10-14 years) determined by the chronological age. ", "The incidence rates for each age interval will be calculated based on the number of children at risk in the beginning of each interval, the number who had the event and the number who were lost to follow-up. ", "The age-specific rates will be calculated as the number of new cases of illness in the specific age interval divided by total number of person-years of follow-up contributed by all children at risk in this interval. ", "Children will be allowed to move higher up in the age intervals. ", "Because recurrent events of illness will be considered, we will account for correlation at the level of individual child using mixed effects poisson regression model. ", "All statistical analysis will be performed using Stata 14.0 (Stata Corp).", "\n\nRisk characterisation of the population {#Sec11}\n---------------------------------------\n\nAnnual assessment of access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene, population density, demography and socioeconomic status will be performed for risk characterisation of the population.", "\n\nTyphoid sub-cohort {#Sec12}\n------------------\n\nAll children with culture-confirmed typhoid will be invited to participate in a longitudinal follow-up to estimate costs and outcomes of the illness episode. ", "They will be contacted on the 14th, 28th and 90th days since the onset of fever. ", "Trained study personnel will administer questionnaires to estimate costs at the end of the illness episode, and at 14 days and at 28 days from fever onset. ", "The clinical outcomes of the illness episode will be documented at 28 and 90 days. ", "A single blood sample of 3 mL will be collected at the 28th day visit to assess immune responses to the infection.", "\n\nCharacteristics of study population {#Sec13}\n-----------------------------------\n\n### Vellore {#Sec14}\n\nThe cohort will be established within a population of 48,000 that is part of the Vellore Demographic Surveillance System (VDSS) that was established in 2002 in the contiguous semi-urban settlements of Chinallapuram, Kaspa, Ramnaickanpalayam and Vasanthapuram. ", "Within the VDSS, Christian Medical College (CMC) provides access to ambulatory medical care to children through a community clinic. ", "In addition, children from this area access secondary and tertiary care at the hospitals of CMC located in the vicinity. ", "Other public and private service providers within the area are generally willing to work with the research team.", "\n\n### Pune {#Sec15}\n\nThe study cohort will be established in four villages namely Shikrapur, Koregaon Bhima, Vadu Budruk and Perane from the Vadu HDSS area, which is an independent system initiated in 2002 to monitor health trends, disease and vital events in the population served by the Vadu Rural Health Program. ", "It is a well-defined rural area, with more than 170,000 people residing in 22 villages. ", "This area is located 30 km from the Pune city and receives seasonal rains and has a predominantly agrarian economy. ", "Health facilities include one rural hospital in the non-government sector, one public rural hospital and several health centres in the public sector and more than 30 small general and maternity hospitals in the private sector. ", "There is established rapport with public and private healthcare providers in Vadu area. ", "Shirdi Saibaba Hospital situated in Vadu village is a 35 bed multi-disciplinary rural hospital provides secondary level medical care and will form the base for the study team.", "\n\n### Delhi {#Sec16}\n\nThe surveillance will be established in geographically contiguous areas of Sangam Vihar, Dakshinpuri and Madangir in South Delhi. ", "These typical urban resettlement neighbourhoods have an estimated population of 1000,000 and an anticipated annual birth cohort of 20,000. ", "The median family income is INR 7000 month. ", "Almost all homes have access to a mobile phone. ", "Being located in the heart of the city the residents have easy access to public transportation to tertiary hospitals that provide access to medical care to children in this community through dedicated clinics. ", "Additionally, government clinics and private practitioners charging nominal fee are present in the area. ", "The study team have been working in the area for several years and have other population based studies ongoing in the area.", "\n\n### Kolkata {#Sec17}\n\nIn Kolkata, the study will be conducted in Wards 58, 59 & 66 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation area. ", "These wards are situated in the eastern part of Kolkata, around 5--8 km from the National Institute for Cholera and Enteric Diseases where the study will be coordinated from. ", "The area mainly consists of urban slums, densely populated, with narrow streets and lanes, having shared piped water supply and toilet facilities. ", "The study team will establish fever clinics within the study area and work in close coordination with practitioners in the area. ", "The study team has conducted several clinical research projects in this region.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec18}\n==========\n\nEfficacious, licensed conjugate typhoid vaccine are currently available in India \\[[@CR11], [@CR12]\\]. ", "Uncertainty about disease burden and distribution fueled by hospital-based literature suggesting declining burden in recent years has hindered the adoption of typhoid vaccines as a public health intervention \\[[@CR13], [@CR14]\\]. ", "Examining the incidence, age distribution and transmission dynamics of typhoid fever through active surveillance studies in geographically distinct sites will enable us to uncover disease that remains undetected in hospital-based reports because of varying health seeking characteristics and the rampant use of antibiotic early in febrile illness prior to seeking healthcare in facilitates that perform appropriate diagnostics. ", "Persisting transmission of typhoid in the communities where indiscriminate antibiotic use is rampant may lead to the emergence of multi-drug resistant typhoid haplotypes that will be increasing challenging to treat \\[[@CR15], [@CR16]\\].", "\n\nThe age distribution of typhoid not only indicates the force of infection but also enables policy makers to make informed decisions on the choice and timing of vaccines interventions. ", "Multi-site, multi-year examination of incidence of typhoid is needed to ascertain whether targeted control strategies are more appropriate than universal immunization.", "\n\nActive surveillance systems using blood culture for identifying cause of fever face several challenges. ", "In the absence of point of care diagnostics with acceptable diagnostic accuracy, this surveillance will perform automated blood cultures on children with suspected typhoid fever. ", "This process requires the aseptic collection of 3 to 5 ml of blood in febrile episodes, preferably before initiation of antibiotics. ", "We propose a blood culture in those with three or more days of reported fever as the prevalence of antibiotic therapy in those with over 3 days of fever is substantial. ", "We use reported fever over documented temperature as temperature documentation for fever has been inconsistent in prior studies in these population and may result in several suspected typhoid fevers remaining ineligible for culture.", "\n\nActive surveillance studies are resource intensive and challenging to perform. ", "However, in the absence of alternative diagnostic methods that are uninfluenced by health utilization patterns and prior antibiotics, these remain the gold standard to ascertain the transmission and age-specific incidence of typhoid in the community. ", "Antimicrobial resistance and challenges in ensuring safe water and sanitation in the near term necessitates the consideration of the available vaccine interventions that remain unused. ", "We believe demonstrating unequivocally the burden of typhoid in the community will spur public health managers to consider vaccines in conjunction with other preventive strategies for control of both typhoid and antimicrobial resistance.", "\n\nCMC\n\n: Christian Medical College Vellore\n\nCY\n\n: Child years of observation\n\nWHO\n\n: World Health Organisation\n\nAcknowledgements {#FPar3}\n================\n\nDuncan Steele, Megan Carey & Supriya Kumar, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their technical support and review of the manuscript.", "\n\nNicholas Grassly, Imperial College London for assistance with study design and research proposal development.", "\n\nNSSEFI Collaborators\n\nGagandeep Kang, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India gkang\\@cmcvellore.ac.inJacob John, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India Jacob\\@cmcsph.orgArun Karthikeyan S, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India drarunks\\@gmail.comVenkataRaghava Mohan Christian Medical College, Vellore, India venkat\\@cmcvellore.ac.inVeeraraghavan Balaji, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India vbalaji\\@cmcvellore.ac.inManikandan Srinivasan, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India manikandan.s\\@cmcsph.orgSindu Kulandaipandian Natarajan, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India sindhukn\\@cmcvellore.ac.inIra Praharaj, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India ira.praharaj\\@gmail.comWinsley Rose, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India winsleyrose\\@cmcvellore.ac.inAshish Bavdekar, KEM Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, India bavdekar\\@vsnl.comAnkita Shrivastava, KEM Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, India drankitashrivastava\\@gmail.comSonali Sanghavi, KEM Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, India sanghsk\\@yahoo.comSanjay Juvekar, KEM Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, India sanjay.juvekar\\@gmail.comTemsunaro Rongsen--Chandola, Society for Applied Studies, New Delhi, India naro\\@sas.org.inBireshwar Sinha, Society for Applied Studies, New Delhi, India bireshwar.sinha\\@sas.org.inDeepak More, Society for Applied Studies, New Delhi, India Deepak.more\\@sas.org.inAlok Arya, Society for Applied Studies, New Delhi, India alok.arya\\@sas.org.inNidhi Goyal, Society for Applied Studies, New Delhi, India nidhi.goyal\\@sas.org.inChandra Mohan Kumar, Jamia Hamdard Hospital, New Delhi, India cmkumar1\\@rediffmail.comAparna Chakravarty, Jamia Hamdard Hospital, New Delhi, India chakravarty_aparna\\@yahoo.co.inShanta Dutta, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India shanta1232001\\@yahoo.co.inSuman Kanungo, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India sumankanungo\\@gmail.comByomkesh Manna, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India mannab2000\\@yahoo.co.inPranab Chatterjee, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India mail\\@pranab.net\n\nFunding {#FPar4}\n=======\n\nThe study is supported by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1159351).", "\n\nAvailability of data and materials {#FPar5}\n==================================\n\nData sharing is not applicable to this protocol as no datasets have been generated or analysed as yet. ", "Data generated from this study will be made available within 6 months of completion of the study.", "\n\nThe manuscript was drafted by JJ and edited by AB, TRC, SD and GK. ", "JJ GK AK VM VB MS SK IP WR AB AS SS SJ TRC BS DM AA NG CM AC SD SK BM PC were involved in the design of the protocol and have read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nEthics approval and consent to participate {#FPar6}\n==========================================\n\nThe protocol has been approved by the Christian Medical College Institutional Review Board (10,393 dated 30.11.2016). ", "IRB approvals from the participating sites have been obtained. ", "KEM Hospital Research Center Ethics Committee (07/10/2017) Jamia Hamdard Institutional Ethics Committee on 13/09/2017 and Institutional Ethics Committee of National Institute for Cholera and Enteric Diseases Kolkata (09/08/2017).", "\n\nWritten informed consent will be obtained from parents of participating children. ", "Written assent will be obtained from age-eligible children.", "\n\nCompeting interests {#FPar7}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nPublisher's Note {#FPar8}\n================\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n" ]
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[ "BEIJING, Dec 28 (Reuters) - China unveiled tighter Internet controls on Friday, legalising the deletion of posts or pages which are deemed to contain \"illegal\" information and requiring service providers to hand over such information to the authorities for punishment." ]
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[ "Editor's note: Eric Liu is the founder of Citizen University and the author of several books, including \"A Chinaman's Chance\" and \"The Gardens of Democracy.\" ", "He was a White House speechwriter and policy adviser for President Bill Clinton. ", "Follow him on Twitter: @ericpliu. ", "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.", "\n\n(CNN) -- Want welfare? ", "Pee here.", "\n\nThat's the message that a growing number of governors and legislators, mainly Republicans, are sending to their citizens. ", "In statehouse after statehouse, new laws are being proposed and enacted that require recipients of food stamps, welfare, unemployment and other forms of public assistance to be able to pass a drug test first.", "\n\nThe idea, say these policymakers, is to ensure that precious tax dollars won't flow to undeserving free-riders with moral failings. ", "Drug tests, they say, will motivate welfare recipients to clean up their acts and make themselves more employable all around.", "\n\nThere are so many things wrong with this. ", "For one thing, it's the height of hypocrisy for limited-government conservatives like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who claim they want government out of people's lives, to champion such intrusive, shaming forms of paternalism. ", "Moreover, these programs typically yield rather few cases of actual \"welfare junkies.\"", "\n\nMore outrageous, though, is the selective morality at work. ", "When politicians say they want to make public assistance conditional on clean drug tests, they don't mean all public assistance to all people. ", "They mean assistance to the poorest among us. ", "And with dog-whistle signals about \"inner-city\" welfare use, they often mean the brownest and blackest of the poorest among us.", "\n\nThat's why I find this drug-testing agenda repugnant. ", "Yet it does prompt a thought experiment. ", "Imagine, for a moment, if we took these moralistic politicians at their word.", "\n\nImagine if we instituted a policy nationwide that required anyone receiving taxpayer assistance to have to prove to the government that he or she is not using drugs. ", "Then imagine if we meant every form of taxpayer assistance.", "\n\nAre you the chief executive of Citigroup or another Wall Street firm that received many billions of dollars in TARP bailout money? ", "Fill this cup, please. ", "And if you subscribe to the belief that corporations are people because a corporation is an association of persons, then every person who works at Citigroup had better get in line, too.", "\n\nAfter all, we want to make sure that precious tax dollars don't flow to undeserving free-riders with moral failings. ", "But don't worry, testing financiers should motivate them to clean up their acts.", "\n\nBut it's not just Wall Street. ", "Do you own a farm that receives federal payments to support the price of your crops? ", "Did your business ever get a tax break to keep it from relocating? ", "Does your factory pay unusually low electricity rates because of a nearby public power project? ", "You must be a drain on the public coffers. ", "Urination-on-demand is now your civic obligation.", "\n\nAnd of course, it's not just about the 1% or businesses. ", "Our federal latticework of direct subsidies and \"tax expenditures\" touches most of middle-class America.", "\n\nSo, imagine being told you must prove you aren't a drug user before you could claim a home mortgage interest deduction. ", "Before your employer-provided health insurance could be considered excludable from taxes. ", "Before you could receive a subsidized interest rate for your college loan.", "\n\nWelfare -- in the form of subsidies, tax breaks and direct payments -- is everywhere. ", "Sometimes submerged, sometimes visible. ", "The point isn't that welfare is presumptively bad (or, for that matter, good). ", "The point is that because it is everywhere, welfare in all its various forms should be treated alike.", "\n\nSo, if we want as a nation to attach a moral fitness test to the receipt of other people's money, let's do it across the board. ", "Indeed, let's start with the premise that moral fitness requirements should be progressive — that the more welfare you receive, the more stringent and unforgiving the form of testing you should face.", "\n\nWhy don't these preening \"welfare reformers\" ever propose that? ", "Ah yes, because that would require actual political courage.", "\n\nPicking on poor citizens who get a few dollars of cash a day to feed themselves or pay the rent -- that's politically cost-free. ", "Poor citizens don't usually vote. ", "Poor citizens aren't usually visible enough to make others share in their suffering.", "\n\nPoor citizens are, in short, the perfect punching bags for elected officials who want to look like they're tough.", "\n\nBut here's the thing that is unavoidable. ", "Poor citizens are still citizens. ", "To say the words \"equal citizenship\" with a straight face, we had all better ask ourselves where each of us would be without public assistance. ", "And then perhaps be ready to join our poorest fellow citizens for a drug test.", "\n\nRead CNNOpinion's new Flipboard magazine.", "\n\nFollow us on Twitter @CNNOpinion.", "\n\nJoin us on Facebook.com/CNNOpinion." ]
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[ "\n412 F.Supp.2d 772 (2005)\nJ.D. PARTNERSHIP, et al., ", "Plaintiffs,\nv.\nBERLIN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, et al., ", "Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "2:00-CV-787.", "\nUnited States District Court, S.D. Ohio, Eastern Division.", "\nJune 28, 2005.", "\n*773 *774 Benjamin Scot Zacks, Benjamin Scot Zacks, Zacks Law Group LLC, Larry Holliday James, Crabbe, Brown & James, Columbus, OH, for Plaintiffs.", "\nLeah J. Sellers, William John Owen, II, Delaware County Prosecutor, William Duncan Whitney, Marianne T. Hemmeter, Delaware, OH, for Defendants.", "\n\nOPINION & ORDER\nFROST, District Judge.", "\nThe Court considers this matter pursuant to cross motions for summary judgment.[1] (Docs.# # ", "99, 108). ", "After careful consideration of the record, the Court DENIES Plaintiffs' motion (Doc. # ", "108) and GRANTS in part and DENIES in part Defendants' motion (Doc. # ", "99).", "\n\nBACKGROUND\nPlaintiff J.D. Partnership's (\"J.D.\") principal place of business is in Ohio. (", "Pl.", "'s Am. ", "Compl. ¶ ", "1). ", "Plaintiff T & R Properties (\"T & R\") is an Ohio corporation. ", "Id at ¶ 2. ", "Plaintiff Ronald Sabatino (\"Sabatino\") owns the real property at issue in this case. ", "Id. at ¶ 3.", "\nDefendant Berlin Township Board of Trustees (\"Board of Trustees\") is charged with the responsibility to govern Berlin Township's affairs, including, but not limited to, zoning, planning and land use. ", "Id. at ¶ 5. ", "Defendant Berlin Township Zoning Commission (\"Commission\") is a panel responsible for zoning matters in Berlin Township. ", "Id at ¶ 6.", "\nIn October 1998 plaintiffs filed an application to reclassify 61.3 acres of land they owned in Berlin Township north of Sherman Road (\"Northern Property\") on the east and west side of Africa Road from farm residential (FR-1) to planned residential development (PRD). ", "The Delaware County Regional Planning Commission (\"Planning Commission\") recommended denial of the application. ", "In March 1999 plaintiffs filed an amended application to comply with what plaintiffs contend was a representation by the Planning Commission that a proposal for less than two units per acre would be favorably received. ", "Plaintiffs list four examples of zoning approvals during the past fifteen years from FR-1 to PRD allowing approximately 2 units per acre and one example in 1994 allowing four units per acre. ", "The Delaware County Regional Planning Commission again recommended denial after a study alleged several deficiencies that plaintiffs contend were addressed or corrected before the recommendation. *", "775 Plaintiffs also contend that the recommendation was based on considerations relating to future amendments of the Zoning Code, PRDs and Land Use Map.[2] After the recommendation and a hearing in June 1999 where Plaintiffs presented evidence in support of their amended application, Defendants denied the application because \"it was too close and allegedly inconsistent with the Zoning Code, and did not dedicate and preserve land in excess of that reasonably related to the proposed use of the Northern Property.\" ", "Plaintiffs contend that these reasons were arbitrary, unreasonable, and capricious and the real reason was to deny Plaintiffs of development and retain the land as open space.", "\nIn July 1999, plaintiffs appealed the denial of their amended application to the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas, which found it did not have jurisdiction to hear the matter because Defendants' denial of Plaintiffs' application was a legislative function. ", "In August 2000, or appeal of that decision, the Ohio Court of Appeals for the Fifth District reversed and remanded the lower court's decision, holding that Defendants' denial of Plaintiffs' application was administrative, not legislative, and therefore appealable. ", "J.D. Partnership, et al., ", "v. Berlin Township Bd. ", "of Trustees, et al., ", "00CAH01002, at *5 (Ohio App. ", "5th Dist. ", "Aug. 2, 2000). ", "On remand, the lower court upheld defendants' decision denying the application. ", "Plaintiffs once again appealed to the Fifth District and, in May 2002, that court once again reversed the lower court, holding that Plaintiffs' application conformed to the PRD requirements and that Plaintiffs were therefore entitled to develop the land in accordance with the amended application.", "\nIn July 2002, an Agreed Judgment Entry allowing plaintiffs to develop the land in accordance with the appellate court decision was prepared by the parties and signed by the trial judge. ", "When the entry was presented at a public hearing, the Delaware County Prosecutor stated it was not known whether the Agreed Judgment Entry was subject to referendum. ", "Shortly thereafter, petitions were circulated and filed with the Berlin Township Clerk and a referendum petition concerning the Agreed Judgment Entry was submitted to the Delaware County Board of Elections to be placed on the ballot. ", "Plaintiffs made several arguments and protests, prior to the decision to place the referendum on the ballot, that the petitions were not valid and that the Entry was not subject to referendum. ", "These arguments included letters to Trustee elect and Circulator of the petitions Timothy Halter, the Delaware County Prosecutor and the Board of Elections as well as arguments at a formal hearing in front of the Board of Elections. ", "When these arguments failed, plaintiffs filed a Writ of Prohibition and Mandamus with Ohio's Fifth District Court of Appeals. ", "In October 2002, the Fifth District granted the Writ and ordered the referendum be removed from the ballot. ", "Defendants then appealed to the Supreme Court of Ohio, which upheld the Fifth District's decision in December 2002 and ordered the immediate issue of the development permits.", "\nDuring and following the proceedings involving the land in question, the plaintiffs applied for and were denied an application of another similarly situated plot of *776 land (\"Southern Property\") by Defendants. ", "This denial was overturned by the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas in January 2003 based on the May 2002 decision of the Ohio Fifth District Court of Appeals.", "\nPlaintiffs filed the instant action on July 13, 2000, asserting that Defendants' alleged illegal stall and delay tactics violated their constitutional rights and resulted in a significant amount of damages from the delay in developing the land. ", "Plaintiffs assert claims for inverse condemnation, denial of due process, discrimination in application of zoning and land regulation laws, denial of equal protection, and deprivation of civil rights. ", "Plaintiffs seek declaratory, injunctive, and monetary relief. ", "The case was eventually stayed pending the resolution of the state court action.", "\nOn December 31, 2003, following the completion of the state court action, plaintiffs filed their Amended Complaint. (", "Doc. # ", "60). ", "Plaintiffs claims against defendants include: 1) inverse condemnation; 2) due process violations; 3) discrimination and equal protection violations; 4) deprivation of civil rights; 5) estoppel; 6) unjust enrichment, and 7) conspiracy. (", "Pl's Am. ", "Compl. ¶¶ ", "163-233). ", "Plaintiffs again seek declaratory, injunctive and monetary relief. ", "Id. After the Court's ruling on Defendants' motion to dismiss, Plaintiffs' claims for deprivation of civil rights, estoppel, unjust enrichment, injunctive and declaratory relief remain.", "\nPlaintiffs' and Defendants' motions for summary judgment are now fully briefed and ripe for review by the Court.", "\n\nSTANDARD OF REVIEW\nSummary judgment is appropriate \"if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.\" ", "Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56(c). ", "The Court must therefore grant a motion for summary judgment if the nonmoving party who has the burden of proof at trial fails to make a showing sufficient to establish the existence of an element that is essential to that party's case. ", "See Muncie Power Prods., ", "Inc. v. United Techs. ", "Auto., ", "Inc., 328 F.3d 870, 873 (6th Cir.2003) (citing Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322, 106 S.Ct. ", "2548, 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986)).", "\nIn viewing the evidence, the Court must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party, which must set forth specific facts showing that there is a genuine issue of material fact for trial. ", "Id. (citing Matsushita Elec. ", "Indus. ", "Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 587, 106 S.Ct. ", "1348, 89 L.Ed.2d 538 (1986)); Hamad v. Woodcrest Condo. ", "Ass'n, 328 F.3d 224, 234 (6th Cir.2003). ", "A genuine issue of material fact exists \"if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving party.\" ", "Muncie, 328 F.3d at 873 (quoting Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 248, 106 S.Ct. ", "2505, 91 L.Ed.2d 202 (1986)). ", "Consequently, the central issue is \"`whether the evidence presents a sufficient disagreement to require submission to a jury or whether it is so one-sided that one party must prevail as a matter of law.'\" ", "Hamad, 328 F.3d at 234-35 (quoting Anderson, 477 U.S. at 251-52, 106 S.Ct. ", "2505). ", "However, in ruling on a motion for summary judgment, \"a district court is not . . . ", "obligated to wade through and search the entire record for some specific facts that might support the nonmoving party's claim.\" ", "InterRoyal Corp. v. Sponseller, 889 F.2d 108, 111 (6th Cir.1989).", "\n\nDISCUSSION\nI. DEPRIVATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS\nPlaintiff alleges that Defendants deprived them of their civil rights in violation *777 of 42 U.S.C. § 1983.[3] (Pls.' ", "Am. ", "Compl. ¶¶ ", "202-207). ", "Specifically, Plaintiff maintains that Defendants, while acting under color of state law, deprived them of their right to procedural and substantive due process as well as their right to equal protection. ", "Id. at 203-204; see also Doc. # ", "108 at 4, 36, 41. ", "Moreover, Plaintiffs assert that Defendants' actions resulted in an unlawful temporary taking of their property interest in the development of their land without just compensation. (", "Doc. # ", "60 ¶ 203; Doc. # ", "108 at 42-52). ", "Consequently, Plaintiffs contend that they are entitled to damages for Defendants' alleged temporary taking of Plaintiffs' property interest. (", "Doc. # ", "108 at 42). ", "In response, Defendants state that these claims are no longer viable as the Court previously dismissed Plaintiffs' inverse condemnation, due process, and equal protection claims. (", "Doc. # ", "120 at 2) (citing Doc. # ", "70 at 8-14). ", "Alternatively, Defendants maintain that the doctrine of qualified immunity insulates them from Plaintiffs' § 1983 claims. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 11). ", "Defendants' arguments prevail.", "\nA. SECTION 1983 FRAMEWORK\nSection 1983 creates a cause of action for deprivation of civil rights. ", "Jaco v. Bloechle, 739 F.2d 239, 241 (6th Cir.1984). ", "The section states:\nEvery person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress . . .", "\nFor § 1983 purposes, the term \"person\" may be applied \"to bodies politic and corporate.\" ", "Quarles v. City of E. Cleveland, 1999 WL 1336112, *3, 1999 U.S.App. ", "LEIS 34061, at *9 (6th Cir.1999) (citing Morrell v. Department of Soc. ", "Servs., ", "436 U.S. 658, 688, 98 S.Ct. ", "2018, 56 L.Ed.2d 611 (1978)). ", "This Court has previously held that Township Boards of Trustees are \"persons\" within the meaning of § 1983. ", "Danis Clarkco Landfill Co. v. Trustees of German Township, 1997 U.S. Dist. ", "LEXIS 21081, at *84-85 (S.D. OH 1997). ", "Moreover, the Ohio Supreme Court held that any \"governmental body having powers and duties of government\" is a body politic and corporate. ", "Chapter 519 of the Ohio Revised Code makes a township zoning commission responsible for zoning matters in a township; accordingly, Defendant Berlin Township Zoning Commission has powers and duties of government and is therefore a body politic and a person within the meaning of § 1983. ", "Next, in this type of suit, the Sixth Circuit does not require Plaintiffs to name individual board members or trustees in their official capacities as Defendants. ", "See Leach v. Shelby County Sheriff, 891 F.2d 1241, 1245 (6th Cir.1989).[4] Finally, the Court holds that *778 Defendants acted under color of law because both Defendants' actions related to the zoning regulations and resolutions. ", "See Ohio Rev.Code § § 503.01 et seq., ", "505.01 et seq., ", "and 519.01 et seq.", "\nDefendants assert that they are entitled to Eleventh Amendment Immunity. (", "Doc. # ", "139 at 3). ", "The Court will quickly dispose of this argument by referring to Ohio Rev.Code § 2744.01(F), which defines \"Political subdivision\" or \"subdivision\" as a \"municipal corporation, township, county, school district, or other body corporate and politic responsible for governmental activities in a geographic area smaller than that of the state.\" ", "Clearly, then, Defendants are political subdivisions under Ohio Rev.Code § 2744.01(F). ", "The United States Supreme Court has held that Eleventh Amendment immunity does not extend to independent political subdivisions. ", "See Lincoln County v. Luning, 133 U.S. 529, 10 S.Ct. ", "363, 33 L.Ed. ", "766 (1890). ", "Hence, the Court holds that Eleventh Amendment immunity is not available to Defendants.", "\nHaving decided that the Defendants are persons, that they acted under color of law, and that they are not entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity, the Court will now detail the elements for a § 1983 claim. ", "Such a claim must satisfy two elements: 1) the deprivation of a right secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States, and 2) the deprivation was caused by a person acting under color of state law. ", "Ellison v. Garbarino, 48 F.3d 192, 194 (6th Cir.1995). ", "Whether a genuine issue of material fact exists as to these requirements within the context of Plaintiffs' claims will now be examined by the Court.", "\nB. DUE PROCESS\nPlaintiffs do not move for summary judgment on either their § 1983 procedural or substantive due process claim. (", "Does. # ", "108; Doc. # ", "121 at 12.). ", "Defendants, however, do move for summary judgment on those claims. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 4-6; Doc. # ", "125 at 3-4). ", "Defendants argue that because the Court already decided that they did not violate Plaintiffs' procedural or substantive due process rights, and because their conduct was, at best, negligent, there can be no § 1983 violation. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 4-6). ", "Plaintiffs contend that Defendants' admissions establish that the Court's earlier Order is clearly erroneous. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 2).", "\nThe Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits states from depriving \"any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.\" ", "U.S. Const. ", "amend. ", "XIV, § 1. ", "This Clause clothes individuals with the right to both substantive and procedural due process. ", "United States v. Salerno, 481 U.S. 739, 746, 107 S.Ct. ", "2095, 95 L.Ed.2d 697 (1987) (analyzing the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment). ", "Substantive due process \"prevents the government from engaging in conduct that shocks the conscience . . . ", "or interferes with rights implicit in the concept of ordered liberty . . .\" ", "Id. (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). ", "Procedural due process requires that the government's deprivation of life, liberty, or property, even if consistent with substantive due process, \"be implemented *779 in a fair manner.\" ", "Id. (internal quotation marks and citation omitted); see also Prater v. City of Burnside, 289 F.3d 417, 431 (6th Cir.2002).", "\n1. ", "Substantive\nPlaintiffs allege that Defendants violated their substantive due process rights under § 1983 by \"arbitrarily, wrongfully, and unlawfully\" restricting the use of their land. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶¶ 183, 203). ", "Defendants counter that Plaintiffs have failed to prove that Defendants intentionally injured them or that Defendants acted arbitrarily in the constitutional sense. (", "Doc. # ", "125 at 3-4).", "\nTo establish a substantive due process claim, Plaintiffs must first prove they possess a constitutionally protected property or liberty interest. ", "J-II Enters. ", "v. Bd. ", "of Comm'rs, 135 Fed.", "Appx. ", "804, 807, 2005 U.S.App. ", "LEXIS 9140, at **7-8 (6th Cir. ", "2005). ", "The Plaintiffs' burden does not stop there, however. ", "Next, Plaintiffs must establish that \"the governmental actor either intentionally injured the plaintiff or acted arbitrarily in the constitutional sense.\" ", "Upsher v. Grosse Pointe Public Sch. ", "Sys., ", "285 F.3d 448, 453 (6th Cir.2002). ", "Arbitrary is defined as conduct that \"shocks the conscience.\" ", "County of Sacramento v. Lewis, 523 U.S. 833, 118 S.Ct. ", "1708, 1716, 140 L.Ed.2d 1043 (1998). ", "Whether Defendants' conduct satisfies this standard is a question of law for the Court to determine. ", "Pearson v. City of Grand Blanc, 961 F.2d 1211, 1222 (6th Cir.1992).", "\nThe Court must carefully scrutinize so-called substantive due process claims brought under § 1983 \"because guide-posts for responsible decision-making in this unchartered area are scarce and open-ended.\" ", "Collins v. City of Harker Heights, Tex., ", "503 U.S. 115, 120, 112 S.Ct. ", "1061, 117 L.Ed.2d 261 (1992). ", "As such, the Court will \"focus on the allegations in the complaint to determine how [the plaintiff] describes the constitutional right at stake and what the [governmental actor] allegedly did to deprive [the plaintiff] of that right.\" ", "Id.\nThe Court begins by looking at how the Plaintiffs describe the constitutional right at stake in their Amended Complaint. ", "Upsher, 285 F.3d at 452. ", "The Plaintiffs allege that Defendants, under color of state law, deprived them of their right to substantive due process as secured by the Constitution of the United States. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 203). ", "Specifically, Plaintiffs allege that Defendants\ntried to interpret their Zoning Code contrary to past practice to stifle the developments, tried to arbitrarily change their Zoning Code without process, tried to apply revised plans to applications for development which pre-dated the revisions, hired advisors and relied on knowingly false information to rationalize their pre-determined denials, failed to follow normal and customary procedures, including presentation time and the tabling of actions, working with applications and administering their legal responsibilities, failed to conduct hearings and exercise their discretion in an unbiased and fair manner, failed to provide for the general welfare, efficient use of government resources and encourage the highest and best use of the property, and failed to perform their statutory duties as trustees to all citizens and landowners in respect of property and development rights for the Northern and Southern Properties . . .", "\nId. at ¶ 205. ", "Moreover, Plaintiffs describe Defendants' conduct as deliberate in their summary judgment briefings. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 13). ", "Because Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint and filings describe Defendants' conduct as \"arbitrary, pre-determined, biased, and deliberate,\" the Court concludes that a fair reading of the Amended Complaint alleges a willful violation. ", "Upsher, 285 F.3d at 452.", "\n*780 Having decided that Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint adequately alleges a willful violation, the Court now directs its attention to Plaintiffs' remaining burden. ", "To begin, Plaintiffs must demonstrate that they had a property interest in their zoning applications. ", "Silver v. Franklin Township, Bd. ", "of Zoning Appeals, 966 F.2d 1031, 1036 (6th Cir.1992);[5]see also Triomphe Investors v. City of Northwood, 49 F.3d 198, 202-203 (6th Cir.1995) (citing Silver). ", "To accomplish this, Plaintiffs are required to prove that the Defendants did not have the discretion to deny Plaintiffs' use of the land as a housing development if they complied with certain minimum, mandatory requirements. ", "Id. (citing G.M. Engineers and Assoc., ", "Inc., v. West Bloomfield Township, 922 F.2d 328, 331 (6th Cir.1990)). ", "If the Defendants had the discretion to deny Plaintiffs' zoning applications even if Plaintiffs complied with certain minimum, mandatory requirements, then Plaintiffs would not have a \"legitimate claim of entitlement\" or a \"justifiable expectation\" in the approval of their applications. ", "G.M. Engineers, 922 F.2d at 331 (quoting Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564, 577, 92 S.Ct. ", "2701, 33 L.Ed.2d 548 (1972), and Olim v. Wakinekona, 461 U.S. 238, 245, 103 S.Ct. ", "1741, 75 L.Ed.2d 813 (1983)). ", "Plaintiffs, therefore, would have no property right. ", "On the other hand, if the law circumscribed the discretion of the Defendants to such an extent that approval of the particular use was mandatory once Plaintiffs met certain minimal requirements, then a property interest could exist. ", "Id. Neither party addressed these issues, so the Court will embark upon its own analysis.", "\nA review of the 1989 Berlin Township Zoning Resolution establishes that Defendants had discretion to deny Plaintiffs' applications. (", "Does. # ", "60 at ¶¶ 17-28). ", "First, the resolution simply requires Defendants, when approving a zoning application, to determine if the proposed development: (1) is consistent in all respects with the purpose, intent and general standards of the zoning resolution; (2) is in conformity with the comprehensive plan or portion thereof as it may apply; and (3) advances the general welfare of the township and the immediate vicinity. (¶ ", "11.06(C) of the 1989 Zoning Resolution as amended in 1994). ", "The resolution's plain wording does not require the Defendants to approve the application if it meets the standards; it simply requires the Defendants to make certain findings if the Defendants decide to approve the application. ", "Moreover, the resolution's use of the words \"purpose,\" \"intent,\" and \"general welfare\" connotes discretion on the part of Defendants. ", "Id. at ¶ 11.01. ", "Consequently, because the resolution is discretionary and not mandatory, the Court holds under Silver that Plaintiffs do not have a \"legitimate claim of entitlement\" or a \"justifiable expectation\" in their applications. ", "Silver, 966 F.2d at 1036; see also J-II Enters., ", "135 Fed.", "Appx. ", "at 807-08, 2005 U.S.App. ", "LEXIS 9140 at *8; G.M. Engineers, 922 F.2d at 331.[6] Plaintiff *781 therefore possessed no property interest that could sustain a substantive due process claim. ", "Accordingly, Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' § 1983 substantive due process claim is GRANTED and the Court will not address Defendants' immunity argument with respect to this claim. (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\n2. ", "Procedural\nIn the Sixth Circuit, a plaintiff states a § 1983 procedural due process claim through one of two methods: \"(1) [by] demonstrating that he is deprived of property as a result of established state procedure that itself violates due process rights; or (2) by proving that the defendants deprived him of property pursuant to a random and unauthorized act and that available state remedies would not adequately compensate for the loss.'\" ", "Tri-Corp Mgmt. ", "Co. v. Praznik, 33 Fed.", "Appx. ", "742, 746 (6th Cir.2002) (quoting Macene v. MJW, Inc., 951 F.2d 700, 706 (6th Cir. ", "1991)).", "\nPlaintiffs fail to argue that Defendants deprived them of the essential elements of procedural due process: notice and an opportunity to be heard. ", "Yellow Freight Sys., ", "Inc. v. Martin, 954 F.2d 353, 357 (6th Cir.1992). ", "Instead, Plaintiffs classify Defendants' behavior regarding their zoning applications as arbitrary and unlawful. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 205). ", "Plaintiffs therefore base their § 1983 procedural due process claim on the latter method. ", "Accordingly, the Court first turns to a discussion about whether the Plaintiffs have demonstrated a protected property or liberty interest. ", "Warren v. City of Athens, 411 F.3d 697, 708 (6th Cir.2005) (citing Hamilton v. Myers, 281 F.3d 520, 529 (6th Cir.2002)).", "\nThe discussion proves short, as the Court held above that because Defendants had discretion to deny Plaintiffs' zoning applications, Plaintiffs did not have a property or liberty interest in the use of their undeveloped land as a housing development. ", "See Silver, 966 F.2d at 1036; see also J-II Enters., ", "135 Fed.", "Appx. ", "at 807-08, 2005 U.S.App. ", "LEXIS 9140 at *8. ", "As such, Plaintiffs cannot establish a violation of their procedural due process rights and Defendants are entitled to summary judgment on Plaintiffs' § 1983 procedural due process claim.", "\nC. EQUAL PROTECTION\nDefendants correctly point out that the Court previously held that they did not deprive Plaintiffs of their right to equal protection. (", "Doc. # ", "120 at 2) (citing Doc. # ", "70 at 13-14); see also Doc. # ", "99 at 4 (citing Doc. # ", "70 at 8-14). ", "However, Plaintiff assert that Defendants' admissions render the Court's decision on this topic incorrect. ", "The parties' arguments thus implicate the law of the case doctrine.", "\nThat doctrine posits \"when a court decides upon a rule of law, that decision should continue to govern the same issues in subsequent stages in the same case.\" ", "Arizona v. California, 460 U.S. 605, 103 S.Ct. ", "1382, 75 L.Ed.2d 318 (1983); see also United States v. Todd, 920 F.2d 399, 403 (6th Cir.1990) (holding \"a decision on an issue made by a court at one stage of a case should be given effect in successive stages of the same litigation\"). ", "When applying this doctrine, Courts decline to reopen what has been decided. ", "Christianson v. Colt Industries Operating Corp., 486 U.S. 800, 817, 108 S.Ct. ", "2166, 100 L.Ed.2d 811 (1988). ", "The Supreme Court cautions that \"a court should be loathe to [reexamine a prior decision] in the absence of extraordinary circumstances such as where the initial decision was clearly erroneous and would work a manifest injustice.\" ", "Id. However, \"it is not an abuse of discretion to revisit a prior ruling that is found to be erroneous.\" ", "Pacific Employers *782 Ins. ", "Co. v. Say-a-Lot of Winchester, 291 F.3d 392, 398 (6th Cir.2002).", "\nTo succeed on their § 1983 equal protection claim, Plaintiffs must establish that the Defendants intentionally treated them differently from others similarly situated and that there was no rational basis for the difference in treatment. ", "Willowbrook v. Olech, 528 U.S. 562, 564, 120 S.Ct. ", "1073, 145 L.Ed.2d 1060 (2000). ", "The Court already held that Defendants granted rezoning applications that were similarly situated to Plaintiffs' applications, but declined to find an equal protection violation because \"the state court found that Defendants' actions were `warranted under existing law.'\" (", "Doc. # ", "70 at 14). ", "Hence, the Court concluded that Defendants' actions were rationally based on a legitimate state interest. ", "Id. As a result, the Court must address whether Defendants' admissions render the Court's decision that a rational basis existed for Defendants' actions clearly erroneous.", "\nPlaintiffs, while not specifically addressing the law of the case doctrine or the Court's August 9, 2004 Order, apparently urge the Court to ignore the doctrine and find that because Defendants admitted that they deviated from the zoning regulations at issue when denying Plaintiffs' applications, no rational basis exists for Defendants' behavior. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 10, 11; Doc. # ", "108 at 36-41; Defendants' Admissions # # 46-53; 23, 75-76, 168). ", "The Court finds Plaintiffs' argument well-taken in this regard. ", "Defendants cannot admit to deviating from the regulations at issue that were assumably developed to advance a legitimate state interest while treating similarly-situated zoning applications differently and then claim that their actions were based on a legitimate state interest. ", "Moreover, Defendants do not offer any explanation as to how their actions were based on a legitimate state interest.", "\nThe Court's analysis does not stop there, however. ", "Instead, the Court must now determine if no genuine issue of material fact exists as to whether Defendants' actions with respect to Plaintiffs' zoning applications were intentional. ", "Defendants aver that their actions were merely negligent, and offer the state court decisions that declined to award Plaintiffs' attorneys' fees as proof of the soundness of their argument. (", "Doc. # ", "125 at 2-3). ", "On the other hand, Plaintiffs assert that Defendants' conduct was intentional, as evidenced by Defendants' admission that the trustees were predisposed to denying Plaintiffs' applications. (", "Doc. # ", "121 Admissions # 149-150). ", "Moreover, Defendants admitted to delaying the development of Plaintiffs' properties. (", "Defendants' Admissions # # 65, 66). ", "A genuine issue of material fact therefore exists as to whether Defendants' actions were intentional, and the Court DENIES Defendants' and Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs § 1983 equal protection claims.", "\nBecause the Court found a genuine issue of material fact regarding that claim, the Court proceeds to analyze Defendants' assertion that they are entitled to qualified immunity. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 10); See Silver, 966 F.2d at 1035. ", "Officials performing traditionally executive or administrative discretionary functions are entitled to qualified immunity only if they can establish that the actions were within the scope of their duties and were taken with a reasonable belief that they were lawful. ", "Haskell v. Washington Township, 864 F.2d 1266, 1277 (6th Cir.1988) (citing Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 102 S.Ct. ", "2727, 73 L.Ed.2d 396 (1982); see also Garvie v. Jackson, 845 F.2d 647 (6th Cir. ", "1988)). ", "In other words, \"government officials performing discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for *783 civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.\" ", "Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 818, 102 S.Ct. ", "2727, 73 L.Ed.2d 396 (1982). ", "The test for determining whether qualified immunity applies is therefore one of \"objective reasonableness\" that requires a \"reasonably competent public official\" to know the law governing his conduct. ", "Harlow, 457 U.S. at 818-819, 102 S.Ct. ", "2727.", "\nPlaintiffs do not dispute that the actions of the Defendants that are at issue were administrative and discretionary. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 6; Defendants' Admissions # # 82, 87, 88). ", "Plaintiffs rely on the state court decisions that held Defendants' actions to be unreasonable and arbitrary to argue that Defendants did not undertake those actions with a reasonable belief that they were lawful. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 6). ", "Given Defendants' admissions that they were predisposed to denying Plaintiffs' applications and that their actions thus delayed Plaintiffs' developments and damaged Plaintiffs, and taking the holdings of the state courts into consideration, the Court cannot hold that Defendants' actions were objectively reasonable. (", "Defendants' Admissions # 63-66, 70-73, 149, 150). ", "As such, Defendants' argument that they are entitled to judgment on Plaintiffs' § 1983 equal protection claim because of qualified immunity is DENIED. (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\nC. TAKING WITHOUT JUST COMPENSATION\nPlaintiffs and Defendants alike move for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' § 1983 takings claim under the Fifth Amendment. (", "Doc. # ", "99; Doc. # ", "108).[7] Essentially, Plaintiffs assert that Defendants' repeated denials of their applications resulted in a temporary taking of their land without just compensation and deprived Plaintiffs of their \"investment backed expectations\" in violation of the Fifth Amendment. (", "Doc. # ", "108 at 42-43, 45, 46). ", "The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment provides: \". . . ", "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.\" ", "U.S. Const. ", "Amend. ", "V. In response, Defendants proffer that the Court already held that they did not take Plaintiffs' property without just compensation because Plaintiffs always had an economically viable use for their property. (", "Doc. # ", "120 at 2) (citing Doc. # ", "70 at 8-10). ", "The Court finds neither argument persuasive, and instead grants Defendants' motion for summary judgment due to ripeness concerns. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 4).", "\nThe Sixth Circuit describes Plaintiffs' just compensation claim this way:\nPlaintiff[s] claim that the zoning applied to [their] land constitutes a taking of [their] property without just compensation in contravention of the Fifth Amendment, the remedy sought being the just compensation.", "\nPearson, 961 F.2d at 1215. ", "Indeed, Plaintiffs assert that Defendants purported taking of their land cost Plaintiffs millions of dollars in lost development profits. (", "Doc. # ", "108 at 49-50). ", "Defendants admit that their actions damaged Plaintiffs. (", "Def. ", "Admissions 70-73).", "\nTo establish a regulatory takings claim, Plaintiffs must establish that: (1) their property has been taken—that is, that application of the regulation has gone too far; and (2) they have not received just compensation. ", "MacDonald, Sommer & Frates v. Yolo County, 477 U.S. 340, 348, 106 *784 S.Ct. ", "2561, 91 L.Ed.2d 285 (1986). ", "Moreover, the Supreme Court held:\nThe Fifth Amendment does not proscribe the taking of property; it proscribes taking without just compensation. ", "Nor does the Fifth Amendment require that just compensation be paid in advance of, or contemporaneously with, the taking; all that is required is that a `reasonable, certain and adequate provision for obtaining compensation' exist at the time of the taking. ", "If the government has provided an adequate process for obtaining compensation, and if resort to that process `yield[s] just compensation,' then the property owner `has no claim against the Government' for a taking. . . . ", "Similarly, if a state provides an adequate procedure for seeking just compensation, the property owner cannot claim a violation of the Just Compensation Clause until it has used the procedure and been denied just compensation.", "\nWilliamson County Reg'l Planning Comm'n v. Hamilton Bank, 473 U.S. 172, 194-95, 105 S.Ct. ", "3108, 87 L.Ed.2d 126 (1985) (internal citations omitted). ", "The Sixth Circuit noted \"[t]he holding of Williamson County, therefore, is that takings claims do not ripen in zoning cases until (1) there has been a final decision by the relevant state decision maker and (2) the property owner has utilized appropriate state inverse condemnation procedures.\" ", "Montgomery v. Carter County, 226 F.3d 758, 765 (6th Cir.2000).", "\nAssuming, arguendo, that Defendants' actions did constitute a taking, Plaintiffs' claim must fail because it is not ripe. ", "Both parties neglected to address this issue.[8] Because ripeness goes to the heart of the Court's ability to entertain the claim, the Court will sua sponte discuss it. ", "See 10280 Northfield Rd., ", "LLC v. Village of Northfield, 2000 U.S. Dist. ", "LEXIS 5679, at *16 (N.D.Ohio 2000) (sua sponte dismissing complaint for lack of ripeness).", "\nIt is clear to the Court that the Defendants' decisions regarding Plaintiffs' zoning applications are final. ", "Equally clear is that Plaintiffs failed to even allege in their Amended Complaint, or to state in their summary judgment briefings, that they have pursued an inverse condemnation action under Ohio law, or that Ohio's inverse condemnation remedies were inadequate. ", "The Supreme Court held \"if a state provides an adequate procedure for seeking just compensation, the property owner cannot claim a violation of the Just Compensation Clause until it has used the procedure and been denied just compensation.\" ", "Williamson County, 473 U.S. at 194-95, 105 S.Ct. ", "3108. ", "Accordingly, under Williamson County, Plaintiffs' failure to pursue an inverse condemnation claim at the state level renders their § 1983 just compensation takings claim unripe. ", "The Court therefore GRANTS Defendants' motion for summary judgment on that claim. (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\nII. ", "ESTOPPEL & UNJUST ENRICHMENT\nDefendants move for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' estoppel and unjust enrichment claims. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 8-10). ", "Regarding Plaintiffs' estoppel claim, Defendants assert that estoppel does not apply against the state or its agencies when performing a governmental function. ", "Id. *785 at 8. ", "Defendants also maintain that they did not receive any benefit from their alleged unlawful actions; accordingly, they were not unjustly enriched. ", "Id. at 9. ", "Both of Defendants' arguments prove successful.", "\nA. ESTOPPEL\nThe Ohio Supreme Court has held that estoppel does not apply against a state or its agencies in the exercise of a governmental function. ", "Ohio State Bd. ", "of Pharmacy v. Frantz, 51 Ohio St.3d 143, 146, 555 N.E.2d 630 (Ohio, 1990) (citing Sekerak v. Fairhill Mental Health Ctr. ", "25 Ohio St.3d 38, 495 N.E.2d 14, 15 (1986)); see also (citing Best Corp. v. Pub. ", "Util. ", "Comm., ", "45 Ohio St.2d 146, 341 N.E.2d 835, 838 (1976)). ", "Zoning is a governmental function under Ohio law. ", "See Superior Uptown, Inc. v. Cleveland, 39 Ohio St.2d 36, 313 N.E.2d 820, 823 (1974) (holding that enacting zoning ordinances is a governmental function); Paul C. Harger Trust v. Morrow County Reg'l Planning Comm'n, 2004 WL 2847797, **6-7, 2004 Ohio App. ", "LEXIS 6079, at **18-19 (Ohio Ct.", "App. ", "5th Dist.2004) (holding that enforcement of zoning laws is a governmental function); Reno v. City of Centerville, 2004 WL 316512, *9, 2004 Ohio App. ", "LEIS 729, at *27 (Ohio Ct.", "App. ", "2nd Dist. ", "2004) (holding that zoning inspections are a governmental function). ", "Additionally, estoppel does not apply against local governments even when the party asserting estoppel detrimentally relied on assurances made by local government employees or agents. ", "See Williamsburg v. Milton, 85 Ohio App.3d 215, 219, 619 N.E.2d 492 (1993); see also Ghindia v. Monus, 1996 WL 649022, *4, 1996 Ohio App. ", "LEIS 2465, at *10 (Ohio Ct.", "App. ", "11th Dist. ", "1996). ", "Consequently, the Court GRANTS Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' estoppel claim as it relates to the alleged misrepresentations made to \"officers and agents\" of Plaintiff T & R Properties and Plaintiff Ronald Sabatino by officers, agents, or employees of Defendants.[9] (Doc. # ", "99; Doc. # ", "121 at 18 (citing Def. ", "Admissions 93, 94, 103-106,111)).", "\nPerhaps anticipating this result, Plaintiffs' memorandum in opposition to Defendants' motion for summary judgment states that Defendants \"engaged in an unlawful pattern of administrative behavior designed to encroach upon [Plaintiffs'] ability to use its [sic] real property in a lawful way.\" (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 18). ", "The Court assumes that statement is an attempt to frame their estoppel claim as an equitable one. (", "Doc. # ", "122 at 18-19). ", "That is, the Court should apply equitable estoppel against Defendants to prevent what Plaintiffs deem to be an injustice. ", "After the Court's rulings above, the only potential injustice that remains is the alleged violation of Plaintiffs' equal protection rights under § 1983; indeed, Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint states that \"Defendants made misrepresentations to Plaintiffs, including the assurances that Plaintiffs will be treated equally . \" (", "See Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 214; Doc. # ", "122 at 18).", "\nAccording to the United States Supreme Court, the affirmative defense of *786 equitable estoppel is designed to \"to prevent actual or constructive fraud and to promote the ends of justice.\" ", "Heckler v. Community Health Services, 467 U.S. 51, 59, 104 S.Ct. ", "2218, 81 L.Ed.2d 42 (1984); State ex rel. ", "Ryan v. State Teachers Retirement Sys., ", "71 Ohio St.3d 362, 643 N.E.2d 1122, 1128 (1994). ", "A prima facie case for equitable estoppel requires a plaintiff to prove four elements: 1) that the defendant made a factual misrepresentation; 2) that it is misleading; 3) that it induces actual reliance that is reasonable and in good faith; and 4) that it causes detriment to the relying party. ", "Romine v. Ohio State Hwy. ", "Patrol, 136 Ohio App.3d 650, 737 N.E.2d 586, 590 (2000). ", "Moreover, equitable estoppel may be applied against a municipality only if municipality's agent or officer acted within his or her authority and the act actually induced reliance. ", "Studar v. Aurora City Bd. ", "of Zoning Appeals, 2001 Ohio 8780, at *9 (Ohio App. ", "11th Dist.2001) (citing Franklin Twp. ", "v. Meadows, 130 Ohio App.3d 704, 720 N.E.2d 1011, 1017 (1998). ", "The Ohio Supreme Court stated that courts should exercise restraint in applying the doctrine against governmental bodies. ", "Gold Coast Realty, Inc. v. Board of Zoning Appeals, 26 Ohio St.2d 37, 268 N.E.2d 280, 281 (1971). ", "The municipality will be bound if the official or agent who acted was authorized to do so and the act was not illegal at the time. ", "See Sergakis v. Busch, 1999 WL 1267343, 1999 Ohio App. ", "LEXIS 6467 (Ohio App. ", "10th Dist. ", "Dec. 30, 1999). ", "The Ohio Supreme Court requires that claims of equitable estoppel be determined on the particular facts of each case. ", "In re Election of November 6, 1990 for Office of Attorney Gen., 58 Ohio St.3d 103, 569 N.E.2d 447, 457 (1991).", "\nThe Court notes first that equitable estoppel is an affirmative defense, not a claim. ", "State ex rel. ", "Ryan v. State Teachers Retirement Sys., ", "71 Ohio St.3d 362, 643 N.E.2d 1122, 1128 (1994); see also Doc. # ", "121 at 17 (characterizing equitable estoppel as a defense). ", "Thus, Defendants are entitled to summary judgment on Plaintiffs' equitable estoppel \"claim.\" (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\nMoreover, even assuming, arguendo, that the actions of Defendants' agents were authorized and legal, that equitable estoppel could be applied as a claim, and therefore that the Court could apply equitable estoppel against Defendants, Plaintiffs fail to satisfy the first element of their prima facie burden—that Defendants made a factual misrepresentation. ", "Quite simply, Plaintiffs have failed to direct the Court's attention to a single piece of evidence establishing that Defendants told Plaintiffs they would be treated equally. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 214). ", "Simply claiming that Defendants said something to that effect is not enough. ", "The Court is \"not . . . ", "obligated to wade through and search the entire record for some specific facts that might support the nonmoving party's claim.\" ", "InterRoyal Corp., 889 F.2d at 111. ", "Defendants are therefore entitled to summary judgment on Plaintiffs' equitable estoppel § 1983 equal protection claim. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 214); see Muncie Power Prods., ", "Inc. v. United Techs. ", "Auto., ", "Inc., 328 F.3d 870, 873 (6th Cir.2003) (holding that a Court must grant a motion for summary judgment if the nonmoving party who has the burden of proof at trial fails to make a showing sufficient to establish the existence of an element that is essential to that party's case) (citing Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322, 106 S.Ct. ", "2548, 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986)); see also Hockenberry v. Village of Carrollton, 110 F.Supp.2d 597, 605 (N.D.Ohio 2000) (granting summary judgment for the defendant where the plaintiff failed to provide any specific evidence that would support his allegations). ", "In addition, Plaintiffs failed to introduce any evidence or even allege that Bringardner's statement that Berlin *787 Township contemplated low density development for the area in which the Northern Property was located was untrue. (", "Defendants' Admission # 94). ", "Consequently, Defendants are entitled to summary judgment on that aspect of Plaintiffs' equitable estoppel claim as well. (", "Doc. # ", "99; Doc. # ", "121 at 18); see Sky Bank-Ohio Bank Region v. Belknap, 2003 WL 354912, *3, 2003 Ohio App. ", "LEXIS 682, at *7 (Ohio Ct.", "App. ", "3rd Dist.2003) (affirming grant of summary judgment on equitable estoppel claim because no misrepresentation was made).", "\nB. UNJUST ENRICHMENT\nThe Court reaches the same result with respect to Plaintiffs' unjust enrichment claim. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at $XXXXX-XXX). ", "Specifically, Plaintiffs argue that \"Defendants have by its [sic] acts and omissions to act acquired virtually all of the rights and interest in Plaintiffs' property, have refused and failed to justly compensate therefore, and has thereby unjustly enriched itself [sic].\" ", "Id. at ¶ 219. ", "Defendants first posit that Plaintiffs' unjust enrichment claim necessarily fails because the Court held in its August 9, 2004 Order that no taking had occurred. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 9). ", "Moreover, Defendants contend that they did not receive any benefit from their enforcement of the zoning regulations and resolutions, thereby necessitating the dismissal of Plaintiffs' unjust enrichment claims. (", "Doc. # ", "125 at 5).", "\nThe elements of an unjust enrichment claim are: \"(1) a benefit conferred by a plaintiff upon a defendant; (2) knowledge by the defendant of the benefit; and (3) retention of the benefit by the defendant under circumstances where it would be unjust to do so without payment.\" ", "Hambleton v. R.G. Barry Corp., 12 Ohio St.3d 179, 465 N.E.2d 1298, 1302 (1984). ", "Once again, Plaintiffs failed to produce any evidence that Defendants, through their \"acts and omissions\" actually \"acquired all the rights and interests in Plaintiffs' property.\" (", "Doc. # ", "360 at ¶ 219). ", "There is no evidence in the record that Defendants acquired title to Plaintiffs' land or sold Plaintiffs' land and kept the profit. ", "Furthermore, Defendants never kept Plaintiffs from developing their land when it was zoned FR-1. ", "Additionally, as it stands today, Plaintiffs have achieved the zoning designation they wanted for their land. ", "Due to Plaintiffs' failure to produce any evidence that Defendants actually benefitted from the acts or omissions Plaintiffs assigned to them, the Court GRANTS Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' unjust enrichment claim. (", "Doc. # ", "99); see Guardian Tech., ", "Inc. v. Chelm Props., ", "Inc., 2002 WL 31087415, 2002 Ohio App. ", "LEXIS 4947 (Ohio App. ", "8th Dist.2002) (affirming grant of summary judgment when plaintiff failed to establish benefit to defendant in unjust enrichment claim).", "\nIII. ", "DECLARATORY & INJUNCTIVE RELIEF\nLastly, Plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief. (", "Doc. # ", "99). ", "Specifically, Plaintiffs seek declarations under 28 U.S.C. § 2201 that: (1) \"they are entitled to be permitted reasonable residential development . . . ", "and receive in addition, interim damages for a temporary taking of their property; or in the alternative, to damages . . . ", "and to have the denial of their Amended Application and Supplemented Application . . . ", "declared invalid and set aside . .\"; ", "and (2) \"the new plan is arbitrary, unconstitutional, and unreasonable and without substantial relation to public health, safety, morals, or the general welfare of the community . . .\" (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶¶ 221, 225). ", "Plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction: (1) against Defendants to \"cease and desist from enforcement and implementation of the arbitrary, discriminatory, and confiscatory policies *788 herein described\"; and (2) \"enjoining and restraining Defendant [sic], and each of its agents, officers, representatives and employees, and all persons or agencies acting on behalf of or in concert with any of them, from further enforcing this denial [sic] of New Plan and New Map and such further and additional acts of Defendants, which are part of the continuous and integrated course of conduct herein described, as may hereafter be discovered or determined to be violative of the constitutional provisions above identified, . . . ", "and which have contributed to the damage done to Plaintiffs.\" ", "Id. at ¶¶ 208-212, 230.", "\nDefendants move for summary judgment on all of Plaintiffs' claims for declaratory and injunctive relief, arguing that the claims are moot and that Plaintiffs have failed to establish that the New Plan and New Map are unconstitutional. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 6, 7). ", "Plaintiffs respond that their claims are not moot and that an injunction is necessary to prevent Defendants'\"arbitrary\" enforcement of the New Plan and New Map against them. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 14-16). ", "Defendants' arguments prevail.", "\nA. DECLARATORY RELIEF\nTitle 28, Section 2201 of the United States Code provides:\nIn a case of actual controversy within its jurisdiction, . . . ", "any court of the United States, upon the filing of an appropriate pleading, may declare the rights and other legal relations of any interested party seeking such declaration, whether or not further relief is or could be sought. ", "Any such declaration shall have the force and effect of a final judgment or decree and shall be reviewable as such.", "\nPlaintiffs first move the Court to declare that \"they are entitled to be permitted reasonable residential development . . . ", "and receive in addition, interim damages for a temporary taking of their proper; or in the alternative, to damages . . . ", "and to have the denial of their Amended Application and Supplemented Application . . . ", "declared invalid and set aside . . .\" (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶¶ 221). ", "The Court holds that Plaintiffs' request is moot. ", "Plaintiffs' zoning applications were approved, and Plaintiff Sabatino stated at his deposition that the Southern Property is fully developed and that the Northern Property is \"partially developed\" because of issues with the water company. (", "Sabatino Dep. ", "200-202). ", "The Southern Property has received final plat approval from non-party Delaware County; Plaintiffs have filed an application with Delaware County for final plat approval for the Northern Property and are awaiting a decision regarding that parcel. ", "Id. at 203. ", "Furthermore, the Court held above that Defendants' actions or omissions did not amount to a temporary taking of Plaintiffs' land. ", "As such, the Court GRANTS Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' first claim for declaratory relief. (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\nNext, Plaintiffs move the Court for a declaration that the New Plan and New Map are invalid and \"arbitrary, unconstitutional, and unreasonable and without substantial relation to public health, safety, morals, or the general welfare of the community.\" (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶¶ 221, 225). ", "In keeping with the Ohio Supreme Court's mandate, the Court begins with the strong presumption that the New Plan and New Map are valid. ", "Central Motors Corp. v. City of Pepper Pike, 73 Ohio St.3d 581, 653 N.E.2d 639, 642 (1995) (citing Valley Auto Lease of Chagrin Falls, Inc. v. Auburn Twp. ", "Bd. ", "of Zoning Appeals, 38 Ohio St.3d 184, 527 N.E.2d 825, 827 (1988)). ", "Moreover, \"the party challenging the validity of a zoning classification bears, at all stages of the proceedings, the burden of demonstrating that the provision is unconstitutional\" beyond fair debate. ", "Ketchel v. Bainbridge Twp., ", "52 Ohio St.3d 239, 557 *789 N.E.2d 779 (1990); Gerijo, Inc. v. Fairfield, 70 Ohio St.3d 223, 638 N.E.2d 533, syllabus (Ohio 1994). ", "Under Ohio Supreme Court precedent, there is little difference between the \"beyond fair debate\" standard and the \"beyond a reasonable doubt\" standard. ", "Karches v. Cincinnati (1988), 38 Ohio St.3d 12, 526 N.E.2d 1350, 1357, n. 7 (Ohio 1988).", "\nOnce again, Plaintiffs fail to meet their burden. ", "In their memorandum in opposition to Defendants' motion for summary judgment, Plaintiffs fail to discuss how the New Plan and New Map are unconstitutional. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 14-16). ", "Additionally, the Court notes that Plaintiffs failed to produce any evidence that the New Plan and New Map are unconstitutional. ", "The Court thus GRANTS Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' New Plan and New Map declaratory judgment claim. (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\nB. INJUNCTIVE RELIEF\nBriefly stated, Plaintiffs seek permanent injunctions: (1) against Defendants to \"cease and desist from enforcement and implementation of the arbitrary, discriminatory, and confiscatory policies herein described\"; and (2) \"enjoining and restraining Defendant [sic], and each of its agents, officers, representatives and employees, and all persons or agencies acting on behalf of or in concert with any of them, from further enforcing this denial [sic] of New Plan and New Map and such further and additional acts of Defendants, which are part of the continuous and integrated course of conduct herein described, as may hereafter be discovered or determined to be violative of the constitutional provisions above identified, . . . ", "and which have contributed to the damage done to Plaintiffs.\" ", "Id. at ¶¶ 208-212, 230.", "\nPlaintiffs' case is based upon the allegation that Defendants' have applied the zoning resolution and regulations against Plaintiffs in an arbitrary manner. ", "Ultimately, then, what Plaintiffs are truly asking for is not two separate injunctions prohibiting Defendants from enforcing arbitrary policies,[10] but rather for a single injunction that prohibits Defendants from applying the zoning regulations and resolutions against them in what Plaintiffs describe as an arbitrary fashion.", "\nIt is well settled that in order for an injunction to issue, the moving party must show a likelihood of success on the merits. ", "Given the Court's ruling above, the only viable claim that remains is Plaintiffs' § 1983 equal protection claim. ", "As such, a question exists as to whether Defendants applied the zoning regulations and resolution against Plaintiffs in a manner violative of the Equal Protection Clause. ", "Hence, the Court is unable to tell whether Plaintiffs have shown a likelihood of success on the merits on their claim for injunctive relief as it pertains to their § 1983 equal protection claim, and the Court DENIES Defendants' motion for summary judgment on that claim, but GRANTS the motion as it pertains to Plaintiffs' other claims (i.e. § 1983 substantive and procedural due process, and takings). (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nThe Court GRANTS Defendants' motion to file their supplemental brief (Doc. # ", "140) because of the Court's June 8, 2005 Order.", "\nThe Court GRANTS Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' § 1983 substantive due process, procedural due process, and just compensation claims; GRANTS Defendants' motion on *790 Plaintiffs' claims for estoppel, unjust enrichment, and declaratory relief; DENIES Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Plaintiffs' § 1983 equal protection claim; DENIES Defendants' motion regarding Plaintiffs' claim(s) for injunctive relief on Plaintiffs' § 1983 equal protection claim; and GRANTS Defendants' motion relative to Plaintiffs' claim(s) for injunctive relief on Plaintiffs' § 1983 substantive due process, procedural due process, and just compensation claims. (", "Doc. # ", "99). ", "The Court also DENIES Defendants' request to supplement their motion with additional briefing regarding res judicata—any documents they needed to \"fully present this defense\" should have been requested and obtained long ago. (", "Doc. # ", "99 at 16).", "\nThe Court DENIES Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment in its entirety. (", "Doc. # ", "108).", "\nIT IS SO ORDERED.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Plaintiffs move for summary judgment only on their 42 U.S.C. § 1983 equal protection and just compensation claims. (", "Doc. # ", "108). ", "Defendants move for summary judgment on all of Plaintiffs' claims. (", "Doc. # ", "99).", "\n[2] Plaintiffs state that Defendants had been attempting to amend the Zoning Code and Land Use Map in 1998 through 2000 to prevent Plaintiffs' proposed development. (", "Doc # 60 at ¶ 29). ", "In May 2001, Plaintiffs successfully obtained a declaratory judgment and injunction preventing Defendants from enforcing the amendments to the zoning code. ", "Id. at ¶ 32.", "\n[3] Plaintiffs' fourth claim is entitled \"Deprivation of Civil rights\" and refers to 42 U.S.C. § § 1981-1988. (", "Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 202). ", "Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint states that Defendants \"acted under color of law\" and Plaintiffs' summary judgment briefings refer only to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. ", "Section 1988 allows Plaintiffs to recover attorney's fees as part of the costs after succeeding on a Section 1983 claim. ", "42 U.S.C. Section 1988(b). ", "Moreover, the remaining sections are either criminal in nature, irrelevant, or have been omitted from the U.S.Code. ", "As such, the Court will examine Plaintiffs' deprivation claims within the context of § 1983 only.", "\n[4] The parties failed to address the issues of whether Defendants were \"persons\" within the meaning of § 1983 and whether Plaintiffs needed to name the individual members of Defendants in their official capacities. ", "Consequently, the Court ordered the parties to simultaneously brief these issues. (", "Doc. # ", "137). ", "The Court is compelled to note that it is befuddled by Plaintiffs' response to the Court's order, because within it Plaintiffs repeatedly state that they addressed those issues in their motion for summary judgment, without citing to a single page where they did so. (", "Doc. # ", "138; Defendants' response is Doc. # ", "139). ", "If Plaintiffs had previously and adequately addressed those issues, the Court would not have ordered the briefing.", "\n[5] The Court admonishes Plaintiffs for selectively citing to this case while ignoring the language as set forth below. (", "Doc. # ", "121 at 10; Doc. # ", "122 at 8).", "\n[6] Plaintiffs cite Buckeye Community Hope Foundation v. City of Cuyahoga Falls, 263 F.3d 627, 642 (6th Cir.2001) for the proposition that they did have a property interest in their zoning application. (", "Doc. # ", "108 at 44). ", "That case, however, is easily distinguishable from the case at bar. ", "The Sixth Circuit held that the Buckeye Plaintiffs had a property interest because the city initially approved their zoning application. ", "Id. Here, Defendants never approved Plaintiffs' applications. ", "Moreover, the United States Supreme Court reversed and remanded the majority of the Sixth Circuit's holding in Buckeye. ", "City of Cuyahoga Falls v. Buckeye Cmty. ", "Hope Found., ", "538 U.S. 188, 123 S.Ct. ", "1389, 155 L.Ed.2d 349 (2003).", "\n[7] The Fifth Amendment applies to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment. ", "See Chicago, B & Q.R. Co. v. Chicago, 166 U.S. 226, 17 S.Ct. ", "581, 41 L.Ed. ", "979 (1897); see also (Doc. # ", "60 at ¶ 163; Doc. # ", "121 at 51 n. 15).", "\n[8] Plaintiffs confuse the exhaustion requirement with the ripeness requirement by relying on Zinermon v. Burch, 494 U.S. 113, 110 S.Ct. ", "975, 108 L.Ed.2d 100 (1990). (", "Doc. # ", "108 at 51). ", "See Williamson County, 473 U.S. at 192-193, 105 S.Ct. ", "3108 (distinguishing between the two requirements). ", "Additionally, Zinermon is factually inapposite as it did not address the Fifth Amendment or involve a zoning decision. ", "Instead, Zinermon discussed the alleged denial of equal protection to a mental patient in a custodial setting.", "\n[9] Bringardner told Sabatino that Berlin Township contemplated low density development for the area in which the Northern Property is located. (", "Def. ", "Admission 94). ", "Berlin Township's 1989 Zoning Resolution provides at section 11.06(A) \"The applicant is encouraged to engage in informal consultations with the township Zoning Commission and the County Regional Planning Commission prior to formal submission of a development plan for review of a minimum of 30 days and request for an amendment of the zoning map, it being understood that no statement by officials of the township shall be binding upon either.\" (", "Emphasis added).", "\n[10] As noted above, Plaintiffs fail to present the Court with any evidence that the regulations or resolutions themselves are arbitrary and/or unconstitutional.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.041666666666666664, 0.05, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0.0038684719535783366, 0, 0.011406844106463879, 0.011320754716981131, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.06896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0.003367003367003367, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.02145922746781116, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0.004694835680751174, 0.006134969325153374, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010810810810810811, 0.017699115044247787, 0, 0.25, 0, 0.1, 0.004219409282700422, 0.04, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.031578947368421054, 0, 0, 0.02666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0.03125, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.0020161290322580645, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.0034965034965034965, 0.012269938650306749, 0.013043478260869565, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0.002932551319648094, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0.00966183574879227, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.006756756756756757, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0.00425531914893617, 0.008, 0.04, 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0, 0.0010183299389002036, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0.013100436681222707, 0.041666666666666664, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.05128205128205128, 0, 0.003472222222222222, 0.021052631578947368, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.008583690987124463, 0.011235955056179775, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0.0024691358024691358, 0, 0.013100436681222707, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0.125, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0, 0, 0.0022471910112359553, 0.06666666666666667, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.047619047619047616, 0.02, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.025, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0.04, 0.03333333333333333, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.028037383177570093, 0, 0, 0, 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.004329004329004329, 0, 0, 0, 0.004201680672268907, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.023391812865497075, 0.011396011396011397, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.015384615384615385, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.01675977653631285, 0, 0.04878048780487805, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.02, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0.0036900369003690036, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0.009478672985781991, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.015267175572519083, 0, 0, 0.003472222222222222, 0.03571428571428571, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0, 0.003389830508474576, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.011834319526627219, 0.038461538461538464, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.008298755186721992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.006666666666666667, 0.06666666666666667, 0.02459016393442623, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.03125, 0, 0.020134228187919462, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.028985507246376812, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0.010033444816053512, 0.09090909090909091, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.010169491525423728, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0.046153846153846156, 0.023809523809523808, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.03636363636363636, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.00909090909090909, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.025, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0.0111731843575419, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.05714285714285714, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.008797653958944282, 0.003875968992248062, 0.004291845493562232, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0.011235955056179775, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.012448132780082987, 0, 0.04, 0.045454545454545456, 0.02564102564102564, 0.045454545454545456, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001379310344827586, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.015267175572519083, 0.006622516556291391, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.023622047244094488, 0, 0, 0.0013297872340425532, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.011695906432748537, 0.0024752475247524753, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.02127659574468085, 0.004451038575667656, 0, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012903225806451613, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.009174311926605505, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.00749063670411985, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.014598540145985401, 0.016129032258064516, 0.025, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.05, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.00909090909090909, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0.002242152466367713, 0.0625, 0.006134969325153374, 0 ]
[ "Myleene Klass Nails: That’s a Wrap!", "\n\nI’m always dubious when it comes to celebrity-endorsed products because I’m doubtful as to how much actual creative input the celebrity has, but when I was recently sent a set of Myleene Klass Nail Stickers I chose not to regard it with my usual cynicism.", "\n\nWhy? ", "Because I once met Myleene Klass on a photoshoot while I was working as a lowly intern for a big women’s magazine and, erm, she complimented me on my hair. ", "Yes, I really am that shallow. ", "And yes, any excuse to shoehorn that experience into an article.", "\n\nAnyway, being the sucker for compliments enthusiastic beauty writer that I am, once I received the Myleene Klass Nail Stickers I vowed I’d try them out. ", "And, as can be seen below, that’s exactly what I’ve just done.", "\n\nMyleene Klass Nail Stickers\n\nSycophantic silliness aside, I always give my honest opinon on products here at Yesterface, and I can genuinely say that I’m impressed with this set. ", "Despite the fact that nail stickers have recently become de rigeur, especially among celebrities like Rihanna, I’ve never tried them before; and although this was my first go, I found them extremely easy to use!", "\n\nApplying the nail stickers took almost no time at all. ", "Unlike nail varnish they don’t smudge or create any mess, and their detailed prints create an intricate and elegant finish that you simply can’t achieve by just using nail polish. ", "I love this particular pattern, too. ", "Very Klassy (geddit?).", "\n\nThe set includes 24 nail stickers, all of which come in different shapes and sizes, and a nail file which you can use to trim and perfect the stickers in order to suit the shape of your nails. ", "In short, a fab product which would make a great gift, personal treat or stocking filler this Christmas. ", "If I ever meet MyleeneKlass again I’ll be sure to compliment her on her nails…\n\nMyleene Klass Nail Stickers are available to buy from JMLdirect.com and Debenhams for £5.99\n\nLeave a comment\n\nAbout\n\nBlogger: Heledd Williams\n\nWelcome to my blog, Yesterface! ", "Dedicated to the beauty, origins and ongoing history of cosmetics, here at Yesterface I look at the way in which make-up style, cultural trends, and beauty products all adapt through the ages. ", "I hope you enjoy the mix of interviews, articles and makeup tutorials, and I hope that Yesterface sheds new light on makeup's foundations!" ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/*\n * A web form that both generates and uses PHPMailer code.", "\n * revised, updated and corrected 27/02/2013\n * by matt.sturdy@gmail.com\n */\nrequire '../PHPMailerAutoload.php';\n\n$CFG['smtp_debug'] = 2; //0 == off, 1 for client output, 2 for client and server\n$CFG['smtp_debugoutput'] = 'html';\n$CFG['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';\n$CFG['smtp_port'] = '25';\n$CFG['smtp_authenticate'] = false;\n$CFG['smtp_username'] = 'name@example.com';\n$CFG['smtp_password'] = 'yourpassword';\n$CFG['smtp_secure'] = 'None';\n\n$from_name = (isset($_POST['From_Name'])) ? ", "$_POST['From_Name'] : '';\n$from_email = (isset($_POST['From_Email'])) ? ", "$_POST['From_Email'] : '';\n$to_name = (isset($_POST['To_Name'])) ? ", "$_POST['To_Name'] : '';\n$to_email = (isset($_POST['To_Email'])) ? ", "$_POST['To_Email'] : '';\n$cc_email = (isset($_POST['cc_Email'])) ? ", "$_POST['cc_Email'] : '';\n$bcc_email = (isset($_POST['bcc_Email'])) ? ", "$_POST['bcc_Email'] : '';\n$subject = (isset($_POST['Subject'])) ? ", "$_POST['Subject'] : '';\n$message = (isset($_POST['Message'])) ? ", "$_POST['Message'] : '';\n$test_type = (isset($_POST['test_type'])) ? ", "$_POST['test_type'] : 'smtp';\n$smtp_debug = (isset($_POST['smtp_debug'])) ? ", "$_POST['smtp_debug'] : $CFG['smtp_debug'];\n$smtp_server = (isset($_POST['smtp_server'])) ? ", "$_POST['smtp_server'] : $CFG['smtp_server'];\n$smtp_port = (isset($_POST['smtp_port'])) ? ", "$_POST['smtp_port'] : $CFG['smtp_port'];\n$smtp_secure = strtolower((isset($_POST['smtp_secure'])) ? ", "$_POST['smtp_secure'] : $CFG['smtp_secure']);\n$smtp_authenticate = (isset($_POST['smtp_authenticate'])) ?", "\n $_POST['smtp_authenticate'] : $CFG['smtp_authenticate'];\n$authenticate_password = (isset($_POST['authenticate_password'])) ?", "\n $_POST['authenticate_password'] : $CFG['smtp_password'];\n$authenticate_username = (isset($_POST['authenticate_username'])) ?", "\n $_POST['authenticate_username'] : $CFG['smtp_username'];\n\n// storing all status output from the script to be shown to the user later\n$results_messages = array();\n\n// $example_code represents the \"final code\" that we're using, and will\n// be shown to the user at the end.", "\n$example_code = \"\\nrequire_once '../PHPMailerAutoload.php';\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n\\n\\$results_messages = array();\";\n\n$mail = new PHPMailer(true); //PHPMailer instance with exceptions enabled\n$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';\nini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');\n$mail->Debugoutput = $CFG['smtp_debugoutput'];\n$example_code .= \"\\n\\n\\$mail = new PHPMailer(true);\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';\";\n$example_code .= \"\\nini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');\";\n\nclass phpmailerAppException extends phpmailerException\n{\n}\n\n$example_code .= \"\\n\\nclass phpmailerAppException extends phpmailerException {}\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n\\ntry {\";\n\n// Convert a string to its JavaScript representation.", "\nfunction JSString($s) {\n static $from = array(\"\\\\\", \"/\", \"\\n\", \"\\t\", \"\\r\", \"\\b\", \"\\f\", '\"');\n static $to = array('\\\\\\\\', '\\\\/', '\\\\n', '\\\\t', '\\\\r', '\\\\b', '\\\\f', '\\\\\"');\n return is_null($s)? '", "null': '\"' . ", "str_replace($from, $to, \"$s\") . '\"';", "\n}\n\ntry {\n if (isset($_POST[\"submit\"]) && $_POST['submit'] == \"Submit\") {\n $to = $to_email;\n if (!", "PHPMailer::validateAddress($to)) {\n throw new phpmailerAppException(\"Email address \" . ", "$to . \" ", "is invalid -- aborting!\");", "\n }\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$to = '\" . ", "addslashes($to_email) . \"';\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\nif(!PHPMailer::validateAddress(\\$to)) {\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n throw new phpmailerAppException(\\\"Email address \\\" . \" .", "\n \"\\$to . \\\" ", "is invalid -- aborting!\\\");\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n\n switch ($test_type) {\n case 'smtp':\n $mail->isSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP\n $mail->SMTPDebug = (integer)$smtp_debug;\n $mail->Host = $smtp_server; // SMTP server\n $mail->Port = (integer)$smtp_port; // set the SMTP port\n if ($smtp_secure) {\n $mail->SMTPSecure = strtolower($smtp_secure);\n }\n $mail->SMTPAuth = array_key_exists('smtp_authenticate', $_POST); // enable SMTP authentication?", "\n if (array_key_exists('smtp_authenticate', $_POST)) {\n $mail->Username = $authenticate_username; // SMTP account username\n $mail->Password = $authenticate_password; // SMTP account password\n }\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->isSMTP();\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->SMTPDebug = \" . (", "integer) $smtp_debug . \";\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->Host = \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($smtp_server) . \"\\\";\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->Port = \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($smtp_port) . \"\\\";\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->SMTPSecure = \\\"\" . ", "addslashes(strtolower($smtp_secure)) . \"\\\";\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->SMTPAuth = \" . (", "array_key_exists(\n 'smtp_authenticate',\n $_POST\n ) ? '", "true' : 'false') . \";\";", "\n if (array_key_exists('smtp_authenticate', $_POST)) {\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->Username = \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($authenticate_username) . \"\\\";\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->Password = \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($authenticate_password) . \"\\\";\";", "\n }\n break;\n case 'mail':\n $mail->isMail(); // telling the class to use PHP's mail()\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->isMail();\";\n break;\n case 'sendmail':\n $mail->isSendmail(); // telling the class to use Sendmail\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->isSendmail();\";\n break;\n case 'qmail':\n $mail->isQmail(); // telling the class to use Qmail\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->isQmail();\";\n break;\n default:\n throw new phpmailerAppException('Invalid test_type provided');\n }\n\n try {\n if ($_POST['From_Name'] !", "= '') {\n $mail->addReplyTo($from_email, $from_name);\n $mail->setFrom($from_email, $from_name);\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addReplyTo(\\\"\" .", "\n addslashes($from_email) . \"\\\", \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($from_name) . \"\\\");\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->setFrom(\\\"\" .", "\n addslashes($from_email) . \"\\\", \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($from_name) . \"\\\");\";", "\n } else {\n $mail->addReplyTo($from_email);\n $mail->setFrom($from_email, $from_email);\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addReplyTo(\\\"\" . ", "addslashes($from_email) . \"\\\");\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->setFrom(\\\"\" .", "\n addslashes($from_email) . \"\\\", \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($from_email) . \"\\\");\";", "\n }\n\n if ($_POST['To_Name'] !", "= '') {\n $mail->addAddress($to, $to_name);\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addAddress(\\\"$to\\\", \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($to_name) . \"\\\");\";", "\n } else {\n $mail->addAddress($to);\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addAddress(\\\"$to\\\");\";\n }\n\n if ($_POST['bcc_Email'] !", "= '') {\n $indiBCC = explode(\" \", $bcc_email);\n foreach ($indiBCC as $key => $value) {\n $mail->addBCC($value);\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addBCC(\\\"\" . ", "addslashes($value) . \"\\\");\";", "\n }\n }\n\n if ($_POST['cc_Email'] !", "= '') {\n $indiCC = explode(\" \", $cc_Email);\n foreach ($indiCC as $key => $value) {\n $mail->addCC($value);\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addCC(\\\"\" . ", "addslashes($value) . \"\\\");\";", "\n }\n }\n } catch (phpmailerException $e) { //Catch all kinds of bad addressing\n throw new phpmailerAppException($e->getMessage());\n }\n $mail->Subject = $subject . ' (", "PHPMailer test using ' . ", "strtoupper($test_type) . ')';", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->Subject = \\\"\" . ", "addslashes($subject) .", "\n ' (PHPMailer test using ' . ", "addslashes(strtoupper($test_type)) . ')\";';", "\n\n if ($_POST['Message'] == '') {\n $body = file_get_contents('contents.html');\n } else {\n $body = $message;\n }\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$body = <<<'EOT'\\n$body\\nEOT;\";\n\n $mail->WordWrap = 78; // set word wrap to the RFC2822 limit\n $mail->msgHTML($body, dirname(__FILE__), true); //Create message bodies and embed images\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->WordWrap = 78;\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->msgHTML(\\$body, dirname(__FILE__), true); //Create message bodies and embed images\";\n\n $mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer_mini.png', 'phpmailer_mini.png'); // optional name\n $mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer.png', 'phpmailer.png'); // optional name\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer_mini.png',\" .", "\n \"'phpmailer_mini.png'); // optional name\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\$mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer.png', 'phpmailer.png'); // optional name\";\n\n $example_code .= \"\\n\\ntry {\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n \\$mail->send();\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n \\$results_messages[] = \\\"Message has been sent using \" .", "\n addslashes(strtoupper($test_type)) . \"\\\";\";", "\n $example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n $example_code .= \"\\ncatch (phpmailerException \\$e) {\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n throw new phpmailerAppException('Unable to send to: ' . ", "\\$to. ': '", ".\\$e->getMessage());\";\n $example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n\n try {\n $mail->send();\n $results_messages[] = \"Message has been sent using \" . ", "strtoupper($test_type);\n } catch (phpmailerException $e) {\n throw new phpmailerAppException(\"Unable to send to: \" . ", "$to . ': ' . ", "$e->getMessage());\n }\n }\n} catch (phpmailerAppException $e) {\n $results_messages[] = $e->errorMessage();\n}\n$example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n$example_code .= \"\\ncatch (phpmailerAppException \\$e) {\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n \\$results_messages[] = \\$e->errorMessage();\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n\\nif (count(\\$results_messages) > 0) {\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n echo \\\"<h2>Run results</h2>\\\\n\\\";\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n echo \\\"<ul>\\\\n\\\";\";\n$example_code .= \"\\nforeach (\\$results_messages as \\$result) {\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n echo \\\"<li>\\$result</li>\\\\n\\\";\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n$example_code .= \"\\necho \\\"</ul>\\\\n\\\";\";\n$example_code .= \"\\n}\";\n?", "><!", "DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n <title>PHPMailer Test Page</title>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"scripts/shCore.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"scripts/shBrushPhp.js\"></script>\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"styles/shCore.css\">\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"styles/shThemeDefault.css\">\n <style>\n body {\n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n font-size: 1em;\n padding: 1em;\n }\n\n table {\n margin: 0 auto;\n border-spacing: 0;\n border-collapse: collapse;\n }\n\n table.column {\n border-collapse: collapse;\n background-color: #FFFFFF;\n padding: 0.5em;\n width: 35em;\n }\n\n td {\n font-size: 1em;\n padding: 0.1em 0.25em;\n -moz-border-radius: 1em;\n -webkit-border-radius: 1em;\n border-radius: 1em;\n }\n\n td.colleft {\n text-align: right;\n width: 35%;\n }\n\n td.colrite {\n text-align: left;\n width: 65%;\n }\n\n fieldset {\n padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;\n margin: 0 2em;\n border-radius: 1.5em;\n -webkit-border-radius: 1em;\n -moz-border-radius: 1em;\n }\n\n fieldset.inner {\n width: 40%;\n }\n\n fieldset:hover, tr:hover {\n background-color: #fafafa;\n }\n\n legend {\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 1.1em;\n }\n\n div.column-left {\n float: left;\n width: 45em;\n height: 31em;\n }\n\n div.column-right {\n display: inline;\n width: 45em;\n max-height: 31em;\n }\n\n input.radio {\n float: left;\n }\n\n div.radio {\n padding: 0.2em;\n }\n </style>\n <script>\n SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = 'scripts/clipboard.swf';\n SyntaxHighlighter.all();\n\n function startAgain() {\n var post_params = {\n \"From_Name\": <?", "php echo JSString($from_name); ?", ">,\n \"From_Email\": <?", "php echo JSString($from_email); ?", ">,\n \"To_Name\": <?", "php echo JSString($to_name); ?", ">,\n \"To_Email\": <?", "php echo JSString($to_email); ?", ">,\n \"cc_Email\": <?", "php echo JSString($cc_email); ?", ">,\n \"bcc_Email\": <?", "php echo JSString($bcc_email); ?", ">,\n \"Subject\": <?", "php echo JSString($subject); ?", ">,\n \"Message\": <?", "php echo JSString($message); ?", ">,\n \"test_type\": <?", "php echo JSString($test_type); ?", ">,\n \"smtp_debug\": <?", "php echo JSString($smtp_debug); ?", ">,\n \"smtp_server\": <?", "php echo JSString($smtp_server); ?", ">,\n \"smtp_port\": <?", "php echo JSString($smtp_port); ?", ">,\n \"smtp_secure\": <?", "php echo JSString($smtp_secure); ?", ">,\n \"smtp_authenticate\": <?", "php echo JSString($smtp_authenticate); ?", ">,\n \"authenticate_username\": <?", "php echo JSString($authenticate_username); ?", ">,\n \"authenticate_password\": <?", "php echo JSString($authenticate_password); ?", ">\n };\n\n var resetForm = document.createElement(\"form\");\n resetForm.setAttribute(\"method\", \"POST\");\n resetForm.setAttribute(\"path\", \"index.php\");\n\n for (var k in post_params) {\n var h = document.createElement(\"input\");\n h.setAttribute(\"type\", \"hidden\");\n h.setAttribute(\"name\", k);\n h.setAttribute(\"value\", post_params[k]);\n resetForm.appendChild(h);\n }\n\n document.body.appendChild(resetForm);\n resetForm.submit();\n }\n\n function showHideDiv(test, element_id) {\n var ops = {\"smtp-options-table\": \"smtp\"};\n\n if (test == ops[element_id]) {\n document.getElementById(element_id).style.display = \"block\";\n } else {\n document.getElementById(element_id).style.display = \"none\";\n }\n }\n </script>\n</head>\n<body>\n<?", "php\nif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {\n echo 'Current PHP version: ' . ", "phpversion() . \"", "<br>\";\n echo exit(\"ERROR: Wrong PHP version. ", "Must be PHP 5 or above.\");", "\n}\n\nif (count($results_messages) > 0) {\n echo '<h2>Run results</h2>';\n echo '<ul>';\n foreach ($results_messages as $result) {\n echo \"<li>$result</li>\";\n }\n echo '</ul>';\n}\n\nif (isset($_POST[\"submit\"]) && $_POST[\"submit\"] == \"Submit\") {\n echo \"<button type=\\\"submit\\\" onclick=\\\"startAgain();\\\">Start Over</button><br>\\n\";\n echo \"<br><span>Script:</span>\\n\";\n echo \"<pre class=\\\"brush: php;\\\">\\n\";\n echo htmlentities($example_code);\n echo \"\\n</pre>\\n\";\n echo \"\\n<hr style=\\\"margin: 3em;\\\">\\n\";\n}\n?", ">\n<form method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n <div>\n <div class=\"column-left\">\n <fieldset>\n <legend>Mail Details</legend>\n <table border=\"1\" class=\"column\">\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"From_Name\"><strong>From</strong> Name</label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"From_Name\" name=\"From_Name\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($from_name); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" autofocus placeholder=\"Your Name\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"From_Email\"><strong>From</strong> Email Address</label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"From_Email\" name=\"From_Email\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($from_email); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" required placeholder=\"Your.Email@example.com\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"To_Name\"><strong>To</strong> Name</label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"To_Name\" name=\"To_Name\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($to_name); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" placeholder=\"Recipient's Name\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"To_Email\"><strong>To</strong> Email Address</label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"To_Email\" name=\"To_Email\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($to_email); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" required placeholder=\"Recipients.Email@example.com\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"cc_Email\"><strong>CC Recipients</strong><br>\n <small>(separate with commas)</small>\n </label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"cc_Email\" name=\"cc_Email\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($cc_email); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" placeholder=\"cc1@example.com, cc2@example.com\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"bcc_Email\"><strong>BCC Recipients</strong><br>\n <small>(separate with commas)</small>\n </label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"bcc_Email\" name=\"bcc_Email\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($bcc_email); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" placeholder=\"bcc1@example.com, bcc2@example.com\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"Subject\"><strong>Subject</strong></label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"Subject\" id=\"Subject\" value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($subject); ?", ">\"\n style=\"width:95%;\" placeholder=\"Email Subject\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">\n <label for=\"Message\"><strong>Message</strong><br>\n <small>If blank, will use content.html</small>\n </label>\n </td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <textarea name=\"Message\" id=\"Message\" style=\"width:95%;height:5em;\"\n placeholder=\"Body of your email\"><?php echo htmlentities($message); ?", "></textarea>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <div style=\"margin:1em 0;\">Test will include two attachments.</div>\n </fieldset>\n </div>\n <div class=\"column-right\">\n <fieldset class=\"inner\"> <!-- ", "SELECT TYPE OF MAIL -->\n <legend>Mail Test Specs</legend>\n <table border=\"1\" class=\"column\">\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\">Test Type</td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <div class=\"radio\">\n <label for=\"radio-mail\">Mail()</label>\n <input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"test_type\" value=\"mail\" id=\"radio-mail\"\n onclick=\"showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');\"\n <?", "php echo ($test_type == 'mail') ? '", "checked' : ''; ?", ">\n required>\n </div>\n <div class=\"radio\">\n <label for=\"radio-sendmail\">Sendmail</label>\n <input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"test_type\" value=\"sendmail\" id=\"radio-sendmail\"\n onclick=\"showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');\"\n <?", "php echo ($test_type == 'sendmail') ? '", "checked' : ''; ?", ">\n required>\n </div>\n <div class=\"radio\">\n <label for=\"radio-qmail\">Qmail</label>\n <input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"test_type\" value=\"qmail\" id=\"radio-qmail\"\n onclick=\"showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');\"\n <?", "php echo ($test_type == 'qmail') ? '", "checked' : ''; ?", ">\n required>\n </div>\n <div class=\"radio\">\n <label for=\"radio-smtp\">SMTP</label>\n <input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"test_type\" value=\"smtp\" id=\"radio-smtp\"\n onclick=\"showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');\"\n <?", "php echo ($test_type == 'smtp') ? '", "checked' : ''; ?", ">\n required>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <div id=\"smtp-options-table\" style=\"margin:1em 0 0 0;\n<?", "php if ($test_type !", "= 'smtp') {\n echo \"display: none;\";\n} ?", ">\">\n <span style=\"margin:1.25em 0; display:block;\"><strong>SMTP Specific Options:</strong></span>\n <table border=\"1\" class=\"column\">\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\"><label for=\"smtp_debug\">SMTP Debug ?", "</label></td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <select size=\"1\" id=\"smtp_debug\" name=\"smtp_debug\">\n <option <?", "php echo ($smtp_debug == '0') ? '", "selected' : ''; ?", "> value=\"0\">\n 0 - Disabled\n </option>\n <option <?", "php echo ($smtp_debug == '1') ? '", "selected' : ''; ?", "> value=\"1\">\n 1 - Client messages\n </option>\n <option <?", "php echo ($smtp_debug == '2') ? '", "selected' : ''; ?", "> value=\"2\">\n 2 - Client and server messages\n </option>\n </select>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\"><label for=\"smtp_server\">SMTP Server</label></td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"smtp_server\" name=\"smtp_server\"\n value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($smtp_server); ?", ">\" style=\"width:95%;\"\n placeholder=\"smtp.server.com\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\" style=\"width: 5em;\"><label for=\"smtp_port\">SMTP Port</label></td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"smtp_port\" id=\"smtp_port\" size=\"3\"\n value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($smtp_port); ?", ">\" placeholder=\"Port\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\"><label for=\"smtp_secure\">SMTP Security</label></td>\n <td>\n <select size=\"1\" name=\"smtp_secure\" id=\"smtp_secure\">\n <option <?", "php echo ($smtp_secure == 'none') ? '", "selected' : '' ?", ">>None</option>\n <option <?", "php echo ($smtp_secure == 'tls') ? '", "selected' : '' ?", ">>TLS</option>\n <option <?", "php echo ($smtp_secure == 'ssl') ? '", "selected' : '' ?", ">>SSL</option>\n </select>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\"><label for=\"smtp-authenticate\">SMTP Authenticate?</label></td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"smtp-authenticate\"\n name=\"smtp_authenticate\"\n<?", "php if ($smtp_authenticate !", "= '') {\n echo \"checked\";\n} ?", ">\n value=\"true\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\"><label for=\"authenticate_username\">Authenticate Username</label></td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"authenticate_username\" name=\"authenticate_username\"\n value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($authenticate_username); ?", ">\" style=\"width:95%;\"\n placeholder=\"SMTP Server Username\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"colleft\"><label for=\"authenticate_password\">Authenticate Password</label></td>\n <td class=\"colrite\">\n <input type=\"password\" name=\"authenticate_password\" id=\"authenticate_password\"\n value=\"<?php echo htmlentities($authenticate_password); ?", ">\" style=\"width:95%;\"\n placeholder=\"SMTP Server Password\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </div>\n </fieldset>\n </div>\n <br style=\"clear:both;\">\n\n <div style=\"margin-left:2em; margin-bottom:5em; float:left;\">\n <div style=\"margin-bottom: 1em; \">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" name=\"submit\">\n </div>\n <?", "php echo 'Current PHP version: ' . ", "phpversion(); ?", ">\n </div>\n </div>\n</form>\n</body>\n</html>\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0.00411522633744856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.004335260115606936, 0.01015228426395939, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0.006633499170812604, 0.0026246719160104987, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0, 0.0026954177897574125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.004651162790697674, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.0024242424242424242, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0030075187969924814, 0, 0.002220248667850799, 0.03125, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.029411764705882353, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.002074688796680498, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.001869158878504673, 0, 0, 0.0019801980198019802, 0.0019880715705765406, 0.0016025641025641025, 0.003205128205128205, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0.003401360544217687, 0.0016129032258064516, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0.002136752136752137, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.0021929824561403508, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.0022123893805309734, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0017730496453900709, 0, 0.05714285714285714, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow does the Crusader's Steely Resolve class feature work exactly?", "\n\nI am trying to understand how the Crusader's Steely Resolve class feature works in \"corner\" cases.", "\nFrom Tome of Battle, p. 10, we get:\n\nSteely Resolve (Ex):\n[...] At the end of your next turn, you take damage equal to the total stored in your delayed damage pool, which then resets to 0. [...]", "\n\nSo, in the typical case:\n\nRound 1: SR = 0/5\n\nCrusader Turn: ...\nFoe's Turn: Attack Crusader, deal 8 HP damage, -3 HP, SR = 5/5\n\nRound 2: SR = 5/5\n\nCrusader Turn: ...\nCrusader End of Turn: -5 HP, SR = 0/5\nFoe's Turn: ...\n\nHowever, what happens if our Crusader, during its own turn, somewhat manages to take damage (it falls or takes an attack of opportunity or walk in fire, ...)?", "\nMy own understanding of the rules is:\n\nif the pool is full, the Crusader takes the damage immediately\nif the Crusader takes damage during its turn, it will be removed from the pool at the end of its next turn\n\nLet us make this concrete with two examples.", "\nSituation 1: the Crusader adds some damage to its empty pool during its own turn\n\nRound 1: SR = 0/5\n\nCrusader Turn: Takes Attack of Opportunity for 8 HP damage, -3 HP, SR = 5/5\nFoe Turn: Attack Crusader, deal 8 HP damage, -8 HP (SR full)\n\nRound 2: SR = 5/5\n\nCrusader Turn: ...\nCrusader End of Turn: -5 HP, SR = 0/5\n\nSituation 2: the Crusader adds some damage to its partially full pool during its own turn\n\nRound 1: SR = 2/5\n\nCrusader Turn: Takes Attack of Opportunity for 8 HP damage, -5 HP, SR = 5/5\nCrusader End of Turn: -2 HP, SR = 3/5\nFoe Turn: Attack Crusader, deal 8 HP damage, -6 HP, SR = 5/5\n\nRound 2: SR = 5/5\n\nCrusader Turn: ...\nCrusader End of Turn: -5 HP, SR = 0/5\n\nThe situation 1 is easy enough to handle, however the situation 2 is a bit more complicated (you have to remember which part of the damage pool is to be drained right now, and which part can wait) which makes me doubt my understanding of the rules.", "\nNote: if situation 2 resolves like I describe, I appreciate any tips from experienced crusader to help remember exactly how much damage is to be drained now and how much remains for the next turn; I know it just happened but...\n\nA:\n\nReview your own quoted text.", "\n\nAt the end of your next turn, you take damage equal to the total stored in your delayed damage pool, which then resets to 0.", "\n\nYou take damage equal to what's in your pool, not to how much you stored there that one time. ", "There's no mention of partitioning the damage. ", "In scenario 2, at the end of the crusader's first turn, the stored value is 5. ", "You take 5 damage and the stored value becomes 0.", "\nSo what happens next turn? ", "There's still a trigger to take the damage from the pool. ", "The damage may be 0, or you might have eaten another Attack of Opportunity and there's some damage to take. ", "But there's no tracking of what damage came when, only when you need to move the damage in the pool to your hit points.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0026246719160104987, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Dental and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology of the Eastern Pacific Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina richardii).", "\nSkulls from 214 Eastern Pacific harbour seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) were examined macroscopically according to predefined criteria. ", "The museum specimens were acquired from strandings along the west coast of the USA between 1909 and 2014. ", "Ninety-eight skulls (45.8%) were from male animals, 108 (50.5%) from female animals and eight (3.7%) from animals of unknown sex. ", "Their age varied from neonate to adult, with 101 adult animals (47.2%), 93 juvenile animals (43.5%) and 20 neonatal animals (9.3%). ", "The majority of teeth were available for examination (90.0%); 7.5% of teeth were absent artefactually, 2.3% were deemed absent due to acquired tooth loss and 0.2% were absent congenitally. ", "Males were no more likely than females to have either acquired tooth loss (P = 0.492) or congenitally absent teeth (P = 0.494). ", "Adults had significantly more acquired tooth loss than juveniles (P <0.0001). ", "All teeth were normal in morphology, except for four teeth from one skull that exhibited macrodontia. ", "An unusual number of roots were found in most maxillary molar teeth; three roots were counted on six maxillary molar teeth and almost all other maxillary molar teeth available for examination had a fused root. ", "Only 26 maxillary molar teeth exhibited two roots. ", "Supernumerary teeth were associated with 13 normal teeth in nine specimens. ", "The most common sites associated with supernumerary teeth were the left and right mandibular first premolar teeth (53.9% of all supernumerary teeth). ", "No persistent deciduous teeth were found in any of the juvenile or adult specimens. ", "Of the total number of teeth available for examination, 22.1% were abraded; six adult specimens showed attrition/abrasion on all of their teeth present. ", "Adults were found to have a greater prevalence of abraded teeth than juveniles (P <0.0001). ", "No significant difference was found in the appearance of attrition/abrasion between males and females (P = 0.518). ", "Tooth fractures were uncommon, affecting 11 teeth (0.2%) in seven animals. ", "Periapical lesions were found in four skulls (2.1% of the total number of specimens). ", "None of the specimens showed signs of enamel hypoplasia. ", "More than half (55.6%) of alveoli, either with or without teeth, showed signs of alveolar bony changes consistent with periodontitis. ", "A total of 178 specimens (91.8%) had at least one tooth associated with mild periodontitis. ", "Lesions consistent with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) were found in 67 specimens (34.5%). ", "The most common articular surface to be affected was the left mandibular fossa of the temporal bone, with lesions in 44 cases (32.8% of all lesions). ", "In 13 specimens (6.7%) all articular surfaces were affected. ", "Both periodontal disease and TMJ-OA were significantly more common in adults than in juveniles (P <0.0001). ", "Although the significance of the high incidence of periodontitis and TMJ-OA in the Eastern Pacific harbor seal remains unknown, the occurrence and severity of these diseases as found in this study may play an important role in the morbidity and mortality of this species." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.027777777777777776, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.0036900369003690036 ]
[ "Q:\n\nObjetivo do Jquery em php\n\nEm minha graduação, estudei sobre RIA - internet rica e não fixei muito bem o conceito da utilização da biblioteca jquery(JS) em linguagens web. ", "Alguém poderia me esclarecer? ", "Obrigado!", "\n\nA:\n\nO JQuery não tem um objetivo especialmente para PHP, podendo ser trabalhado com outras linguagens da mesma forma. ", "\nÉ uma biblioteca JavaScript rica em recursos para desenvolvimento rápido de páginas e documentos HTML sendo possível manipular componentes, imagens, animações, requisições AJAX entre outros sendo uma API de fácil aprendizado e funcional em vários navegadores.", "\nExemplos JQuery:\n\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<p>Vai sumir hein</p>\r\n<button onclick='$(\"p\").hide()'>Esconder</button>\n\nNo código acima facilmente você pode selecionar um componente e escondê-lo.", "\nOutro exemplo é a atribuição de um evento à um elemento:\n\n$('#ID_Elemento').on('click', function (){ \r\n alert('Evento onClick() funcionando!')", "\r\n})\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<button id=\"ID_Elemento\">Clique</button>\n\nVocê pode obter mais exemplos e informações no site do próprio JQuery\n\n" ]
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[ "Error\n\nThis story does not exist" ]
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[ "Chronic tracheobronchial syndrome in eight dogs.", "\nChronic tracheobronchial syndrome was diagnosed in eight dogs which had had a chronic mild cough for two to 13 months but were otherwise clinically normal. ", "In five of them there was evidence of contact with other coughing dogs before the appearance of clinical signs and the majority at first responded favourably to antibacterial therapy. ", "The coughing occurred mainly when the dogs pulled on their leads or became excited. ", "Three cases had bronchoscopic evidence of active airway inflammation, and five had varying numbers of inflammatory cells (neutrophils) in bronchial aspirates. ", "There was no evidence of excessive production of mucus in the airways of any of the dogs. ", "Seven had an increased bronchial pattern on radiographs but only one of the dogs has developed chronic bronchitis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n The numerical simulation of a flow through a duct requires an externally specified forcing that makes the fluid flow against viscous friction. ", "To this aim, it is customary to enforce a constant value for either the flow rate (CFR) or the pressure gradient (CPG). ", "When comparing a laminar duct flow before and after a geometrical modification that induces a change of the viscous drag, both approaches (CFR and CPG) lead to a change of the power input across the comparison. ", "Similarly, when carrying out the (DNS and LES) numerical simulation of unsteady turbulent flows, the power input is not constant over time. ", "Carrying out a simulation at constant power input (CPI) is thus a further physically sound option, that becomes particularly appealing in the context of flow control, where a comparison between control-on and control-off conditions has to be made.", "\n\n We describe how to carry out a CPI simulation, and start with defining a new power-related Reynolds number, whose velocity scale is the bulk flow that can be attained with a given pumping power in the laminar regime. ", "Under the CPI condition, we derive a relation that is equivalent to the Fukagata–Iwamoto–Kasagi relation valid for CFR (and to its extension valid for CPG), that presents the additional advantage of natively including the required control power. ", "The implementation of the CPI approach is then exemplified in the standard case of a plane turbulent channel flow, and then further applied to a flow control case, where the spanwise-oscillating wall is used for skin friction drag reduction. ", "For this low-Reynolds number flow, using 90% of the available power for the pumping system and the remaining 10% for the control system is found to be the optimum share that yields the largest increase of the flow rate above the reference case, where 100% of the power goes to the pump.", "\nauthor:\n- 'By YOSUKEHASEGAWA$^1$, MAURIZIOQUADRIO$^2$'\n- BETTINAFROHNAPFEL$^3$\ntitle: |\n Numerical simulation\\\n of turbulent duct flows\\\n with constant power input\n---\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThe authors would like to thank Anna Slotosch for providing the idea to figure 1, and Marco Carini for useful discussions. ", "Y.H. acknowledges the support by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) through the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No.25289037). ", "B.F. acknowledges the support of project FR2823/2-1 of the German Research Foundation (DFG).", "\n\n[17]{} natexlab\\#1[\\#1]{}\n\n1996 Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillations. [*", "Appl. ", "Sci. ", "Res.*]{} [**", "55**]{}, 311–326.", "\n\n2009 A fundamental limit on the balance of power in a transpiration-controlled channel flow. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [**", "632**]{}, 443–446.", "\n\n1978 Reynolds number dependence of skin friction and other bulk flow variables in two-dimensional rectangular duct flow. [*", "Trans. ", "ASME I: J. Fluids Eng.*]{} [**", "100**]{}, 215.", "\n\n2012 Money versus time: evaluation of flow control in terms of energy consumption and convenience. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [**", "700**]{}, 406–418.", "\n\n2002 Contribution of [R]{}eynolds stress distribution to the skin friction in wall-bounded flows. [*", "Phys. ", "Fluids*]{} [**14**]{} (11), L73–L76.", "\n\n2009 On the lower bound of net driving power in controlled duct flows. [*", "Physica D*]{} [**238**]{}, 1082–1086.", "\n\n2008 Reynolds number effects on the [R]{}eynolds-stress budgets in turbulent channels. [*", "Phys. ", "Fluids*]{} [ **20**]{}, 101511/8.", "\n\n1992 Suppression of turbulence in wall-bounded flows by high-frequency spanwise oscillations. [*", "Phys. ", "Fluids A*]{} [**4 (8)**]{}, 1605–1607.", "\n\n1987 Turbulence statistics in fully developed channel flow at low [R]{}eynolds number. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [ **", "177**]{}, 133–166.", "\n\n2014 Effect of the computational domain on direct simulations of turbulent channels up to ${R}e_{\\tau} =\n 4200$. [*Phys. ", "Fluids*]{} [**26**]{}, 011702 1–7.", "\n\n2006 A low-cost parallel implementation of direct numerical simulation of wall turbulence. [*", "J. Comp. ", "Phys.*]{} [ **", "211**]{} (2), 551–571.", "\n\n2007 Laminar and turbulent comparisons for channel flow and flow control. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [ **", "570**]{}, 467–477.", "\n\n2006 Sustained sub-laminar drag in a fully developed channel flow. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [**", "558**]{}, 309–318.", "\n\n2004 Critical assessment of turbulent drag reduction through spanwise wall oscillation. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [ **", "521**]{}, 251–271.", "\n\n2011 The laminar generalized [S]{}tokes layer and turbulent drag reduction. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [**", "667**]{}, 135–157.", "\n\n2000 Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a pipe oscillating around its axis. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [**", "424**]{}, 217–241.", "\n\n2012 Changes in turbulent dissipation in a channel flow with oscillating walls. [*", "J. Fluid Mech.*]{} [**", "700**]{}, 77–104.", "\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an optical memory element enabling at least one of recording, reproduction and erasure of information and a photomask used directly for manufacture of the optical memory element.", "\nIn recent years, optical disks for performing reproduction, etc. ", "of information by using laser beams have been greatly developed. ", "In an optical disk, a thin film of recording medium is deposited on a plastic substrate made of polycarbonate or acrylic resin and a protective member is formed on the thin film in close contact therewith. ", "A spot of laser beams converged to a diameter of about 1 .mu.m is irradiated onto the optical disk rotating on an optical disk player such that recording, reproduction and erasure of information are performed.", "\nMeanwhile, when the optical disk is being rotated by a rotary motor, tracks on the optical disk are likely to vibrate in axial and radial directions of the rotary motor due to distortion of the optical disk or run-out of the rotary motor. ", "Therefore, unless a countermeasure for preventing this vibration of the optical disk is taken, the spot of laser beams cannot follow the tracks accurately. ", "This is partly because the tracks on the optical disk are formed at an excessively minute pitch of about 1.6 .mu.m.", "\nThus, conventionally, an optical disk device is usually provided with a system for causing, through detection of vibration of the optical disk, the spot of laser beams to automatically follow signal pits recorded along the tracks, i.e. a so-called servo system. ", "The servo system is of either a continuous servo type or a sampled servo type.", "\nIn the continuous servo type, grooves are formed spirally or coaxially on the optical disk such that the spot of laser beams follows the grooves. ", "On the other hand, in the sampled servo type, pits are formed discontinuously on the surface of the optical disk such that the pits cause the spot of laser beams to follow the tracks.", "\nFIG. ", "1 shows a known optical disk of sampled servo type. ", "In the known optical disk, staggered pits (wobble pits) 2 and 3 are alternately provided at opposite sides of a track centerline 1, while a clock pit 4 is provided on the track centerline 1. ", "As shown in FIG. ", "2, if the spot of laser beams travels along the track centerline 1 rightwards in FIG. ", "1, signal strength obtained at the time when the spot has passed through the left pit 2 becomes identical with signal strength obtained at the time when the spot has passed through the right pit 3. ", "On the contrary, if the spot of laser beams travels along a line deviating from the track centerline 1, the above two signal strengths become different from each other. ", "Hence, as shown in FIG. ", "3, if a difference between the two signal strengths is detected by a signal processing circuit 12, a signal (radial error signal) indicating the direction and how far the spot of laser beams deviates from the track centerline 1 can be obtained such that servo control in the radial direction is performed in accordance with this signal. ", "Meanwhile, timing of sampling is determined by the clock pit 4. ", "Servo control in the focusing direction is performed by sampling a signal obtained at the time when the spot of laser beams is located at a portion A in FIG. ", "1. ", "Also in this case, timing of sampling is determined by the clock pit 4.", "\nMeanwhile, such optical disk (optical memory element) is manufactured by two methods. ", "In one manufacturing method, plastic such as polycarbonate, acrylic resin, etc. ", "is subjected to injection molding. ", "The other manufacturing method is employed for manufacture of the continuous servo type optical disk. ", "In the latter manufacturing method, pits or grooves are directly formed on a glass substrate.", "\nThe latter manufacturing method of the optical disk is performed as shown, for example, in FIGS. ", "4a to 4f. ", "Initially, as shown in FIGS. ", "4a and 4b, a photoresist 6 is coated on a glass substrate 5. ", "Then, as shown in FIG. ", "4c, a photomask 7 having a desired pattern formed thereon is laid on the photoresist 6 in close contact therewith. ", "Subsequently, exposure of the photoresist 6 is performed from above the photomask 7 so as to print the above mentioned pattern onto the photoresist 6. ", "Then, as shown in FIG. ", "4d, the pattern printed on the photoresist 6 is developed so as to be transferred onto the photoresist 6 such that a photoresist pattern 6' is obtained. ", "Subsequently, after the glass substrate 5 has been etched as shown in FIG. ", "4e, the photoresist pattern 6' is removed as shown in FIG. ", "4f and thus, concave and convex portions are formed on the surface of the glass substrate 5 into the desired pattern. ", "Therefore, for example, thus obtained grooves 11 are formed concavely relative to the remaining portions on the surface of the glass substrate 5.", "\nIn the above described manufacturing method, portions having a high light transmittance and portions having a low light transmittance are formed on the photomask 7. ", "The portions having a high light transmittance correspond to portions of the glass substrate 5, at which the pits or the grooves are formed, while the portions having a low light transmittance correspond to portions of the glass substrate 5, at which the pits or the grooves are not formed. ", "One reason for such correspondence is that a resist having a high resolution on the order of submicrons required of the optical disk is restricted to a positive type. ", "Namely, after development, the resist should not remain at the portions of the glass substrate 5, at which the pits are formed. ", "Thus, if the pits are formed by using such positive type resist, portions of the photomask 7 corresponding to the pits of the glass substrate 5 should be the portions having a high light transmittance. ", "Another reason for the above correspondence is linked with a manufacturing method of the photomask 7. ", "In order to manufacture the photomask 7, a metallic film 9 is initially formed on a transparent substrate 8 as shown in FIG. ", "5a. ", "Then, as shown in FIG. ", "5b, a photoresist 10 is coated on the metallic film 9. ", "Subsequently, as shown in FIG. ", "5c, laser beams are irradiated onto the photoresist 10 so as to record a desired pattern on the photoresist 10. ", "Then, after a photoresist pattern 10' has been formed by development as shown in FIG. ", "5d, the metallic film 9 is etched so as to obtain a pattern 9' of the metallic film 9 as shown in FIG. ", "5e. ", "Subsequently, as shown in FIG. ", "5f, the photoresist pattern 10' is removed and thus, the above described photomask 7 is obtained.", "\nIn this manufacturing method of the photomask 7, it is needless to say that the photoresist 10 is required to have a high resolution and therefore, should be of positive type. ", "Therefore, the portions of the photomask 7 corresponding to the portions of the glass substrate, at which the pits or the grooves 11 are formed, are necessarily the portions having a high light transmittance.", "\nBy forming on the thus obtained glass substrate 5 a recording medium enabling recording, reproduction and erasure of information, for example, a recording medium made of material utilizing phase transition between crystalline phase and amorphous phase or magnetooptical material based on perpendicular magnetization, an optical memory element is obtained. ", "Since the above described glass substrate 5 is employed in the optical memory element and glass itself has low hygroscopicity and low gaseous transmission, deterioration of the recording medium with time is restricted, so that a highly reliable optical memory element can be obtained.", "\nMeanwhile, when the photomask 7 is laid on the photoresist 6 coated on the glass substrate 5 so as to be brought into close contact with the photoresist 6, it is necessary to judge whether or not the photomask 7 is properly held in close contact with the photoresist 6 by visual inspection from above the photomask 7. ", "If dust is present between the photomask 7 and the photoresist 6, interference fringes may be observed by interference of light when the photomask 7 is laid on the photoresist 6 in close contact therewith. ", "If the glass substrate 5 having the interference fringes is subjected to exposure without eliminating the interference fringes, defective pits or grooves are formed at portions of the glass substrate 5 corresponding to the interference fringes and thus, various servo systems or reproduction signals of the optical disk are adversely affected.", "\nNamely, it is essential for manufacture of the optical disk that inspection of close contact of the photomask 7 with the photoresist 6 is performed securely. ", "In manufacture of the continuous servo type optical disk, since the portions of the photomask 7, which have a high light transmittance, are relatively large in number, the above inspection can be performed relatively easily.", "\nOn the other hand, in the case of the sampled servo type optical disk, since the portions of the photomask 7, which have a high light transmittance, are restricted to portions corresponding to the staggered pits 2 and 3 and the clock pits 4, light transmission of the photomask 7 as a whole is low and thus, it is difficult to perform the above inspection. ", "Therefore, such an inconvenience is incurred that even if dust or the like is present, dust or the like cannot be found. ", "Furthermore, such a problem arises that since inspection of close contact of the photomask 7 with the photoresist 6 is insufficient, defective optical disks may be manufactured." ]
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[ "SCROLL DOWN THE RIGHT HAND COLUMN FOR THANET EVENTS, RESTAURANTS AND ATTRACTIONS\n\nThursday, March 11, 2010\n\nMalice In Blunderland?", "\n\nHurrah! ", "Now I don't even have to leave my cliff top mansion to explore the delights of those grimy back streets behind Ramsgate's trendy East Cliff!", "\n\nWith the launch of Google Street View in Thanet today, I can now fester in front of the computer, trusty bottle of Morrisons Morrinov vodka by my side, and stumble around the Millionaires' Playground without even lifting a foot. ", "Plus my foot will now be less plastered in dog doo-doo from having to negotiate the festering pavements hereabouts! ", "It's a win-win! ", "Although Google will insist on labelling Ramsgate as Margate. ", "Idiots.", "\n\nHang on. ", "What if the local ne'er do wells get wind of this new service courtesy of California's billionaire internet boffins? ", "They could case my cliff top mansion without even having to mooch around outside, looking suspicious. ", "Nah. ", "On second thoughts, they're all way too stupid. ", "I've had a good sniff around our Sandy's gaff in Broadstairs though. ", "Nice carpets!", "\n\nYou missed a good one the other night ECR went to see Jo Caulfield at Canterbury, she said her sister had moved from London to Ramsgate thought it was up and coming and moved back! ", "just before the fast train! ", "Suggested Margate might be a town where most people are grandmothers at 32 and all the teenagers were pushing prams in track suits, just about sums it up wouldnt you say! ", "She was so good i am still chuckling about her jokes! ", "A friend took me as i was very down in Jan after coming back to Thanet after being in the sunshine abroad! ", "Problem is it always is the same whenever i get out i hate coming back.7 year sentence left, until my youngest finishes school !", "then i will have served my sentence in Thanet!", "\n\nAnd the way to get Street View is by going to Google, clicking on maps, heading for whatever you're interested in, then dragging the little person in the top left hand corner onto the street or house you want to case for your next burglary.", "\n\nOverheard in Thanet\n\nIs your hot chocolate gluten free?Man at kioskJust wait til I get hold of yer, yer cunt. ", "Yer fuckin' door won't save yer!Man on phone in streetThere were dead bodies everywhere at my fuckin' birfday do. ", "No, seriously, my missus had to give one bloke CPR!Man on phone in streetYer can't smoke in a petrol station can yer? ", "Fuck it, I'm gonna light up anyway. ", "If I blow meself up I'm gonna charge you compensation!Woman to staff member at petrol stationWhat happened to all those Socialist Workers eh? ", "They joined the bloody Labour Party, that's what!Man to woman in WaitroseSo I grabbed the fuckin' potato peeler and stabbed the cunt.", "Man sitting outside barTwitter? ", "That's the bit between a bird's twat and her shitter, isn't it?Man on trainYou know the medicine they give us was invented by the Germans in WW2 for their troops, so they could be shot?Man on streetYeah, well, he's a fucking bald headed cunt.", "Man at Margate football matchYou better choose your sweets, inch yer! ", "I'm not a bleedin' psychic, inn I?Woman to small childI like haring but I don't like it when the dog just bites into it an' it fuckin' screams and then you 'ave to go an' chop it.", "Man in restaurantI'm a registered businessman!Man on phone in streetI luv 'im, even though 'e raped me an' bit me. ", "'Cos 'e respecks me.", "Woman talking to man in streetChild to baboon in animal park: 'Ello!Mother: Don't talk, MatthewChild: Why?Mother: 'Cos it's an animal.", "\n\nIf you come on and start having a go at Margate, it immediately puts everyone's shackles up.", "\n\nMan talking about the warm-up act at the Alexei Sayle gig at the Theatre Royal, Margate'We are not expecting widespread flooding; however precautions have been deployed and we are doing our upmost to ensure all areas are secure and protected.", "'Thanet Council press release\n\nDid You Know?", "\n\nRichard's Thanisaurus\n\nBignews Margaten. ", "a fatuous blog that pays lip service to 'freedom of speech' but shits its britches at the first sign of trouble. ", "Contributor: anonymous.", "\n\nMuch of the reason we experience noise on landing over Ramsgate is because training flights are precisely that. ", "Half the time the pilots get too low and have to put their engines on... They are training and get it wrong! - ", "Local pilot\n\nLibel\n\nCorrections and Additions\n\nEastcliff Richard is an opinion-based blog. ", "If you disagree with something you read, feel free to leave a comment to that effect. ", "If you want to take it further, a friendly request for a correction or addition, stating your reasons, will almost certainly get better results, and cost you less, than instructing a lawyer. ", "Email richardeastcliff@yahoo.co.uk\n\nIt may be crap, but your self congratulatory hype is hugely entertaining - Anonymous\n\nIn Ramsgate, Eastcliff Richard punning on the town’s division into East and West Cliffs takes the palm, its witty creator concealed behind the persona of a media moghul who might, to judge from accompanying sketch, have been played by Terry Thomas. - ", "Country Life\n\nI have asked Eastcliff Richard to remove defamatory statements, he has refused, make of it what you will. - ", "Tony Flaig, Bignews Margate\n\nThe King of Thanet bloggers - Ray Parker\n\nUnceasingly defeatist - Save Dreamland Campaign\n\nAn anonymous spouter of spiteful drivel - Tory Councillor Chris Wells\n\nA lazy, workshy, badly educated, sexually defective, ugly, scummy loser with delusions of grandeur stuck in a tiny little world which he seems to regard as fascinating. - ", "The real Rebecca\n\nFollowers\n\nSubscribe To\n\nWIKIO RANK (UK)\n\nDisclaimer\n\nThe Thanet Daily is a humour/satire/local gossip blog based on the Isle of Thanet in Kent. ", "Opinions expressed on this site may not be suitable for minors, wilting flowers, or duffers. ", "The content, opinions and comments contained in this blog do not necessarily reflect the views of its author(s), fictional or otherwise. ", "The Thanet Daily accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. ", "The Thanet Daily is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. ", "Actually, if truth be told, the whole thing is a crock of shit." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to use ZoneMinder on 14.04?", "\n\nI've installed the zoneminder package (had to start MySQL, otherwise it can't even install). ", "I've also started apache after that. ", "But I can't find how to actually get to the web interface. ", "localhost/zm gets me to one of my Drupal installations.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor connecting to Apache you need the following commands:\nsudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/zoneminder.conf \nsudo a2enconf zoneminder\n\nThe 1st one makes a symlink to the configuration of apache and tells it to incude the zoneminder configuration. ", "The 2nd one enables the configuration.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A Cloak of Covetousness\n\nAugust 13, 2017\n\nFor neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloak of covetousness; God is witness.— ", "1 Thessalonians 2:5\n\nAs Paul shared his priorities and motives in ministry, he also talked about what didn’t motivate him in ministry — namely financial gain. ", "In First Thessalonians 2:5, he wrote, “For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloak of covetousness; God is witness.” ", "In this verse, Paul specifically dealt with the issue of money in ministry, and he emphatically conveyed that his motives for ministry were not financial gain from those who followed his ministry. ", "Instead, the apostle strove to keep his motives for ministry pure.", "\n\nIf Paul hadn’t made this his first motive — to please God and not man — he would have been vulnerable to becoming a man-pleaser and using “flattering words” to exact some kind of selfish gain from the people he ministered to. ", "But Paul’s primary focus was on pleasing the One who called him and who sent him to the precious people in Thessalonica.", "\n\nThe same quality should be true of us. ", "Our motives for serving God should be pure and unadulterated, rooted solely in a heart desire to please Him through the fruits of our labor as we do what He asks us to do.", "\n\nLet’s study verse 5 more closely. ", "What exactly does it mean for someone to use “flattering words”? ", "This phrase comes from the Greek word kolakeia, which means to “butter up” someone by saying things he or she wants to hear. ", "Usually, when someone “butters up” another person, he is putting himself in a position to take advantage of that individual. ", "The word kolakeia — “flatter- ing words” — also means to say things with an insincere motive.", "\n\n*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]", "\n\nIn other words, when you’re using kolakeia, your words are just a vehicle to get you what you want. ", "They hold no genuine meaning and are spoken for no other reason than that.", "\n\nBut in these two verses in First Thessalonians 2, Paul was saying he didn’t do that to the congregation in Thessalonica. ", "He didn’t butter them up so he could get something out of them. ", "He didn’t just say good things about them or tell them how wonderful they were to receive some kind of selfish gain. ", "Paul wasn’t insincere in his dealings with the believers in the Thessalonian church; instead, he spoke truthfully to them as he interacted with them and ministered to them.", "\n\nNow let’s look at the next phrase Paul used in this passage: “cloak of covetousness.” ", "The word “cloak” is the Greek word prophasis, which can be translated as a pretense or something that is phony or not real. ", "The whole idea behind this word prophasis is that a person will be whatever he needs to be to receive some kind of gain from others.", "\n\nProphasis describes a person who is constantly changing, not according to his conviction, but according to how he can gain something from someone else. ", "This is why the Bible calls it a “cloak.” ", "It is a covering or a pretense — something that isn’t real.", "\n\nThe Bible calls this cloak a “cloak of covetousness.” ", "I believe that a better translation would be “a cloak for the sake of covetousness.” ", "In this verse where Paul wrote, “For neither at any time used we flattering words…nor a cloak of covetousness…,” he was actually referring to the exploitation of people for gain.", "\n\nThe word “covetousness” in First Thessalonians 2:5 is translated from the Greek word pleonexia, which is used in this scripture to describe monetary greed. ", "The word pleonexia carries a few ideas that tend to build upon each other, as in a progression.", "\n\nFirst, it simply means to have more.", "\n\nSecond, it portrays the concept of expanding — to have more and more and more.", "\n\nThird, it carries the idea of overreaching for more than you need.", "\n\nFourth, it depicts control. ", "In other words, at some point, you aren’t reaching out for the thing you want more of anymore — now that thing has reached out and grabbed y Now it has gained control of you.", "\n\nThis word covetousness describes a man who has money in the heart. ", "He “thinks” money. ", "In fact, he thinks about money almost all the time. ", "He eats, drinks, and sleeps money! ", "Money becomes just about all he wants to talk about. ", "When he goes to bed at night, he’s thinking about money — and when he gets out of bed in the morning, his first thoughts turn to money. ", "When he talks to people, he sees currency on their foreheads! ", "He’s constantly looking for more money, and he sees everything — every encounter, every relationship, and everything he does — as an opportunity to turn a buck.", "\n\nIt is this attitude of covetousness that Paul emphatically rejected. ", "His motive for preaching was not to pretend to be something he wasn’t in order to make financial gain from the people God had given him to care for and minister to. ", "And neither can it be our motivation for serving others! ", "Furthermore, people are smart — and if they sense that you are after their money and not their hearts, it won’t be long until they will send you on your way!", "\n\nSo make the decision today that you will always be someone who speaks from an authentic, pure heart and seeks only to edify the listener and glorify God, never to receive monetary gain or advantage for yourself. ", "As you make that your constant practice, people will come to know that they can trust the source! ", "They’ll receive your words as genuine, and the power of love behind your words will minister to people’s hearts as God intends!", "\n\nMY PRAYER FOR TODAY\n\nFather God, everyone needs money, including me — but I ask You to keep my motivation for serving others free from the contamination of greed for money. ", "Scripture is full of examples of people who were spoiled and suffered ruin because they let money become a motivator for ministry. ", "I thank You for meeting my needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. ", "Keep my heart free from ever serving people with money as a motivator. ", "For my own needs, I look to You, and I trust You to provide for me every step along the way!", "\n\nI pray this in Jesus’ name!", "\n\nMY CONFESSION FOR TODAY\n\nI boldly confess that money is not and will never be my motivation for ministry. ", "If making money is what it’s all about, I need to go elsewhere and do something else. ", "God has called me to serve people purely and to trust Him to meet my financial needs and obligations. ", "I look to God, not people, as my Source to meet my needs!", "\n\nI declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!", "\n\nQUESTIONS FOR YOU TO CONSIDER\n\nHave you ever known someone whose motive for ministry was financial gain? ", "What happened to that person in the end?", "\n\nWhen you look at people whom God has brought across your path, do you see them as a financial opportunity or as a ministry opportunity? ", "Your answer to this question is very important!", "\n\nHave you been hurt by someone whose driving motivation was money? ", "Have you forgiven them? ", "If not, you need to forgive them and release that experience so you can move forward in your walk of faith!", "\n\nStay connected with Renner Ministries\n\nGet teaching and inspiration delivered to your inbox!", "\n\nLeave this field empty if you're human:\n\nOUR VISION… Is to take the Gospel both to our nearby world and to the ends of the earth, proclaiming Christ, and warning and teaching every man with all wisdom, in order that we may present every person fully mature in Christ Jesus. – ", "Colossians 1:28" ]
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[ "Ocular trauma is an evolving sub-specialty. ", "Over the last two decades, various societies and groups of consultants have devised standardized and unambiguous terminologies, classifications and predictive models to keep all ophthalmologists on the same grid.[@ref1],[@ref2] Naqvi et al in their above mentioned manuscript published in Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. ", "32 (6) 2016, have highlighted the etiology and severity of various forms of ocular war injuries. ", "Ocular war injuries are bilateral in 15-25% of cases.[@ref3] In a study, where IED blast and splinter injuries are the most frequent mode of injury; not a single case of bilateral ocular injury is quite unusual and in contradiction to published data. ", "Moreover, Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETTS) is the standardized and acceptable classification of mechanical eye injuries which is not followed in the study. ", "As per BETTS, the word 'blunt' should be replaced by one of the more appropriate terms i.e 'contusion' or 'rupture'. ", "Otherwise the ambiguity remains whether the inflicting object is blunt or the consequences of trauma are blunt.", "\n\nAccording to BETTS, the term 'rupture' is an open globe injury due to blunt trauma. ", "In Table-I none of the patient had open globe injury due to blunt trauma, while in Table-III, it is mentioned that six patient had rupture, which is not understandable. ", "Ocular trauma score (OTS) is a predictive model that can predict final visual outcome on the basis of initial raw score recorded at the time of injury. ", "On the basis of raw score patient is divided into one of the 5 different categories (1-5), rather than grades (I -V). ", "Moreover, OTS has been widely used as a predictive model in open globe injuries. ", "Head to head comparison of OTS in open versus closed globe injuries is not a valid option. ", "However, OTS can be used to validate the final visual outcome separately in open and closed globe injuries.", "\n\n***Surg Cdr Qamar Ul Islam Eye Specialist PNS Shifa, Karachi <qamarulislam71@gmail.com>***\n\nResponse from the authors {#sec2-1}\n=========================\n\nWe believe that healthy criticism is the ladder to developing best medical experiences which would benefit the patient. ", "We are thankful to the critique for taking special interest in analyzing our article. ", "Regarding the points raised, I would like to humbly submit that the critique has very rightly said that 15 -- 25% cases of war ocular injuries are bilateral. ", "In fact, we did receive information about bilateral ocular injuries but they had been evacuated to other triage facilities in the vicinity owing to other serious chest/abdominal injuries. ", "A number of patients had bilateral ocular injury but they had received trauma in one eye with peri-ocular/adnexal injuries in the other eye. ", "Since adnexal injuries are not covered by OTS, these patients were thus labeled as unilateral ocular injury. ", "Moreover the cases of globe rupture that we did encounter were those that occurred secondarily due to the pressure wave effect of the blasts mostly with no obvious penetrating inciting injury.", "\n\nBirmingham Eye Trauma Terminology System (BETTS) was devised by the Ocular Trauma Classification Group. ", "As a next step, the group studied 100 variables of 2500 ocular injuries in Hungary and United States of America. ", "After such extensive studies, Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) was developed by Kuhn et al.[@ref4] OTS has widely been accepted as a standard for depicting prognosis six months after injury. ", "Since after every ocular injury, the main concern of the patient and their relatives as well as ophthalmologists is to predict the visual prognosis, OTS was used in our study. ", "Moreover, while describing OTS, Kuhn F et al. ", "have used the terminology \"serious eye injury\" which covers both the open globe and close globe injuries.", "\n\nThe term grade has been derived to describe the OTS categories. ", "Since, the grades of OTS in this study were corresponding to OTS categories, hence the term grade was used. ", "In fact, a researcher even used the term OTS class to describe the OTS category.[@ref5] Though mostly roman numerals have not be used that often to denote the grades or categories.", "\n\nOcular trauma is a vast universe in itself. ", "Victims of blast injuries do undergo post-traumatic stress disorder which can be worsened by poor vision. ", "In this regard, OTS has helped us in managing trauma victims by predicting the prognosis of ocular injury. ", "Even then the OTS has its limitations as pointed out earlier as it does not cater for the chemical injuries, thermal injuries and adnexal injuries but so fat that's the best predictive tool we have and in a war setup it's the most practical scoring system for us.", "\n" ]
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[ "“My squirrel is babied beyond anything anyone can imagine,” the 35-year-old fugitive told The Washington Post in a phone call from an undisclosed location early Thursday morning. “", "It has a very good life.”", "\n\nPaulk and his unusual pet have been in the spotlight since Monday, when authorities in Limestone County, Ala., accused him of keeping an “attack squirrel” in a cage and feeding it methamphetamine so that it would stay aggressive. ", "The story made national headlines, but Paulk insists that he raised the squirrel as if it were his own child, bottle-feeding it every few hours and keeping it warm with a heating pad when it was first born, and any allegations to the contrary are slander. ", "He doesn’t even like it when people smoke around his pet.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\n“The squirrel is not on meth,” he insisted. “", "I honestly think that would actually kill it.”", "\n\nPaulk and the squirrel, who he named Deeznutz, have had a wild couple of days. ", "According to the Decatur Daily, narcotics officers from the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office were tipped off about the squirrel during a drug investigation, and they showed up with a search warrant on Monday. ", "They seized an unspecified quantity of methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia, ammunition and body armor from the apartment, and confiscated the squirrel. ", "Paulk wasn’t there, but another man who was present was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and loitering in a drug house.", "\n\n“Welcome to the South, man,” one neighbor told WAAY. “", "We’ve got squirrels on meth.”", "\n\nIn fact, the Daily reported, it was impossible to confirm the animal’s alleged meth use — officers didn’t find any drugs in his cage, and there was no way to safely test the squirrel for meth. ", "But because it’s illegal to keep a squirrel as a pet in Alabama, they couldn’t just leave him there. ", "Because the creature seemed healthy and wasn’t emaciated, police released him in a wooded area nearby.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nPaulk, for his part, claims that he had moved out of the apartment several weeks before because he didn’t want to “continue to live a certain kind of lifestyle,” and his name wasn’t on the lease. ", "The squirrel was going to be the last thing that he moved over to his new place, because his new roommate had a cat who he thought might scare it. ", "He had been going back to his old apartment every day to check on the squirrel and feed him, he told The Post, but the contraband that police found there wasn’t his.", "\n\n“The charges that are on me are just as bogus as the squirrel doing meth,” he said.", "\n\nOnce he learned that police had released the squirrel outdoors, Paulk went back to try to find his twitchy companion. ", "He had never planned on adopting a squirrel in the first place, but about a year ago, while he was working for a company cutting trees, the baby fell off of a branch. ", "Paulk, whose previous pets included a raccoon and a tarantula, took the small creature home. ", "For the next six weeks, he woke up every two hours to feed him formula and make sure that the heating pad was working. ", "Eventually, he trained the junior squirrel to use a litter box, sleep in a hammock, and eat potato chips and caramel M&M’s. ", "When the animal started having seizures, Paulk took him to a veterinarian over the state line in Tennessee, who diagnosed the squirrel with a calcium deficiency and told Paulk to cut back on nuts and seeds, and give the squirrel more squash and avocados.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nPaulk told The Post that there was no question he had to go back for the squirrel. ", "The creature had been living in captivity since he was just a few hours old and would surely die if left to fend for himself in the wild. ", "Returning to the scene of the drug raid, he heard a screaming sound coming from a tree about 50 to 60 feet away. ", "It was his pet.", "\n\n“Once he saw it was me, he came on down,” he said. “", "He jumped on my arm, and we got in the car and left.”", "\n\nMeanwhile, news stories about the allegedly meth-fueled attack squirrel had gone viral, outraging animal lovers. ", "One neighbor told WAAY that he thought Paulk was “sick” and should be locked in a cage himself. “", "I think the guy is illiterate,” another neighbor commented. “", "He’s not thinking all the way clearly. ", "He must be on something.\"", "\n\nAD\n\nOn Tuesday night, while still on the lam, Paulk logged onto Facebook to defend himself in a live-streamed video. ", "Gently caressing the wide-eyed squirrel as he spoke, he declared the charges against him — possession of a controlled substance, certain persons forbidden to possess a firearm and possession of drug paraphernalia — to be bogus. ", "And while his pet could be mean, and had certainly bit a few people, he was no attack squirrel, he said. ", "If he was, Paulk argued, why would police have released him into the wild, where he could potentially hurt someone? ", "Undeterred by his open warrants, he called into a local country station, too, and assured listeners that the squirrel was just fine. “", "He’s in his hammock right now, munching on a piece of celery,” he said.", "\n\nAD\n\nLaw enforcement confirmed that it was Paulk in the live-streamed video but were less sure that the squirrel was the same one that they had released into the woods after the drug raid.", "\n\n“We don’t know if he might even have two squirrels,” Stephen Young, a spokesman for the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office, told the Associated Press. “", "It would just be speculation.”", "\n\nAD\n\nEarly Thursday morning, Paulk was still a wanted man. ", "Thanks to his new infamy, a number of lawyers have contacted him, he said, and he plans to turn himself in once he has legal representation sorted out. ", "He told The Post that he was “far enough away that it would cost them some gas to come get me,” and that he had just dropped off the creature with “a licensed person who deals with squirrels and whatnot” in Tennessee.", "\n\nOtherwise, he feared, law enforcement might euthanize the squirrel once he was in custody.", "\n\n“I do miss him,” he said. “", "I usually let him sleep somewhere near my bed. ", "I do miss him hard.\"" ]
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[ "Uric acid disorders in patients with calcium stones.", "\nPlasma and uric acid levels were measured in 132 men with calcium-containing renal stones and in 24 healthy men of similar ages. ", "Fasting resulted in a significant fall in the mean plasma uric acid level of normal subjects. ", "Intermittent hyperuricaemia was observed in 7% of fasting patients. ", "Intermittent hyperuricosuria was found in 17% of non-fasting patients but in only 2 to 6% of fasting subjects. ", "Most of the uric acid abnormalities in patients with calcium stones therefore appear to be due to diet and may be prevented by reducing the consumption of purine-rich foods. ", "A direct relationship was observed between uric acid excretion and urine flow at normal flow rates. ", "It is suggested that the apparent increase in stone incidence, which occurs with rising living standards, may be due partly to increased consumption of purine-rich foods." ]
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[ "Years Of Drone Flights Find No Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program\n\nThe officials say the RQ-170 Sentinel drone that went down over Iran was part of a fleet of secret aircraft that enabled the CIA to carry out dozens of high-altitude surveillance flights deep into Iranian territory without being detected.", "\n\nA former senior Defense Department official said the stealth drone flights had been underway for “at least four years,\" ......The CIA is thought to have a dozen or so of the batwing-shaped, radar-evading aircraft, which are capable of being fitted with different “sensor payloads,” meaning they can be equipped to capture a range of intelligence material, including high-resolution images, radiation measurements and air samples.", "WaPo, Dec 8 2011\n\nOne important point seems to get lost in the reports on the U.S. stealth drone Iran managed to obtain by electronic means.", "\n\nDespite such espionage by flying sophisticated spy drones over Iran \"for at least four years\" those flights have not found any hint of an Iranian nuclear weapons program.", "\n\nThen National Intelligence director Dennis Blair told Congress in 2009 that Iran had not made the decision restart and alleged nuclear weapons program:\n\nBut as for the nuclear weapons program, the current position is the same, that Iran has stopped its nuclear weapons design and weaponization activities in 2003 and did not — has not started them again ...\n\nU.S. spy drones had been flying over Iran for some two years when that statement was made.", "\n\nIn February 2011 the current National Intelligence director James Clapper gave a similar testimony (pdf) at a Congress hearing:\n\nWe continue to assess Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons in part by developing various nuclear capabilities that better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so. ", "We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.", "\n\nWhen that statement was made radiation sniffing and air sampling spy drones had been flying over Iran for some three and a half years. ", "Obviously they had not detected anything the intelligence community identified as a nuclear weapons program. ", "Otherwise Clapper's statement would not hold.", "\n\nThat is the real important point to take from this drone brouhaha. ", "Despite using them for years in highly sophisticated espionage on Iran no sign of an Iranian nuclear weapons program has been found.", "\n\nA pithy commenter at another board suggests the following in which I mostly agree, \" Israel ain't launching no attack. ", "The reason all the noise is getting so \"shrill\" is because Israel's agents are trying to pressure Obama into bombing Iran for Israel before the elections. ", "On the one hand, the Republican candidates have all been running off at the mouth about how they want to bomb Iran for Israel's sake -- if a Republican president does it and it goes badly for America, as it must, the zionist lobby in the US and its influence will be the target of a lot of very, VERY angry American citizens, with no \"plausible deniability\". ", "On the other hand, once Obama achieves a second term, the zionists will lose a substantial amount of leverage that they can use against him, and he may just decide not to do it. ", "So expect the warmongering hysteria to reach a crescendo in the months leading up to the presidential elections.\" ", "On a different note, isn't invading Iran's airspace a blatant act of war? ", "Not that has ever stopped us, but why isn't that highlighted by any party of sanity?", "\n\nOn a different note, isn't invading Iran's airspace a blatant act of war? ", "Not that has ever stopped us, but why isn't that highlighted by any party of sanity?", "\n\nBreaches of international law or UN resolutions only mean something when a non-western interest does it? ", "I mean, isn't that why the US hasn't signed on to the ICC? ", "So they don't have to follow anyone else's rules, or even their own?", "\n\n\"On a different note, isn't invading Iran's airspace a blatant act of war?\"", "\n\nNo, because it is no more an \"invasion\" of Iranian airspace than sneaking spies into Iran is an \"invasion\" of Iranian territory.", "\n\nIt's a violation of Iran's sovereignty, sure, no question.", "\n\nBut flying spy planes over Iranian airspace is not an \"armed attack\" on Iran and, therefore, it can not be an \"act of war\" against Iran.", "\n\nOr, put another way: Iran is perfectly within its rights to shoot down that plane and the USA would be in no position to make a song and dance about it, just as the USA has no \"right\" to take offense if/when the Iranians shoot a few CIA \"assets\".", "\n\nBut the other side of the coin is not true i.e. Iran is not entitled to launch an armed attack on the USA (i.e. to \"go to war\") simply because American spy planes refuse to turn back when they reach the border.", "\n\nThis move to demonize Iran isn't about Nuclear ambitions, it's an excuse to remove their leaders for refusing to go along with the globalization project now underway by the 1%ers. ", "National sovereignty is viewed as an obsolete concept by these oligarchs, and Iran WILL comply. ", "One way, or another.", "\n\nLet's see if I've got this right. ", "An aggressor nation like the US can pierce through the airspace of a non-aggressor nation like Iran and conduct espionage missions there without getting so much as a slap on the wrist. ", "But if the tables are turned and a non-aggressor nation did this to an aggressor nation, it would be called on the carpet and slapped to the ground in a heartbeat. ", "The message from this is glaringly clear to me: it don't pay to be non-aggressive.", "\n\nBut if aggressors are recognized as winners and their counterparts as losers, then it pays in the end to be non-aggressive. ", "At least that's what I see as the take-away message from Steely Dan's \"Deacon Blues\" -- the losers of the world have been furnished with the freedom to rise above the winners of the world:\n\n\"Let's see if I've got this right. ", "An aggressor nation like the US can pierce through the airspace of a non-aggressor nation like Iran and conduct espionage missions there without getting so much as a slap on the wrist.\"", "\n\nExactly Cynthia, But, it's not just the U.S., it's the consortium of nations that pursue the goals of the \"New World Order\" or \"Globalism\", or whatever name people want to give it.", "\n\nThe lower section of the UAV is not visible; thus probably damaged during landing. ", "The right wing also has some very minor damage (a dent), and may have been reattached to the main body. ", "Other than these, the Sentinel is in really good shape.", "\n\nRemember Francis Gary Powers. ", "Bottom line -- this makes Iran look good and the US, bad. ", "In other words, look at these matters not as military matters but for their propaganda value. ", "After all, it's a battle for peoples' minds, which the U.S. doesn't understand. (", "But b does hint at)\n\nIran is not isolated, as the U.S. claims. ", "No way. ", "Iran is supported by most of its neighbors in Central Asia, by Turkey and Syria, by South American countries, by the huge BRIC countries, and by the 115-nation NAM. ", "Iran's only enemies it the axis of US/Israel/Western Nato. ", "The people in these many countries side with Iran against American imperialism, of which this is an example. ", "So -- a reason to celebrate.", "\n\nRegarding Iran's alleged nuclear weapon program --\nBBC: However, a recent report by the UN's nuclear watchdog said Iran had carried out tests \"relevant to the development of a nuclear device\".", "\nNYTimes: “Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device”\n\nThese conclusions are based on a recent politically-motivated IAEA report which principally includes claims on:\n1. ", "Iran activities prior to 2008\n2. ", "Procurement of electrical switches etc. ", "which have multiple applications\n3. ", "Alleged information from \"Member States\" -- i.e. US & UK\n\non the latter point, from the Nov 18, 2011 IAEA Report:\n--Information which the Agency has been provided by Member States, some of which the Agency has been able to examine directly,\n--Additionally, among the alleged studies documentation provided by that Member State,\n--The Agency has been informed by a different Member State that these arrangements directly reflect those which have been used in nuclear tests conducted by nuclear-weapon States.http://www.iaea.org/newscenter/focus/iaeairan/bog112011-65.pdf\n\nIn any case the IAEA is acting outside its authority. ", "It is not some super-agency -- its treaty activities are restricted to preventing diversion of nuclear materials. ", "The IAEA has consistently found that Iran is not diverting, including in the above report.", "\nNPT: \"Each non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes to accept safeguards, as set forth in an agreement to be negotiated and concluded with the International Atomic Energy Agency in accordance with the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Agencys safeguards system, for the exclusive purpose of verification of the fulfillment of its obligations assumed under this Treaty with a view to preventing diversion of nuclear energy from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.\"", "\n\n@4: \"do you really think that if the Iranians launched unarmed spy drones over the US, most US politicians wouldn't regard it as an act of war?\"", "\n\nSure, just as Israeli politicians insist that Lebanon obtaining AA missiles is a \"red line\" that justifies an attack, even though it is ISRAEL who is violating Lebanese airspace, not vice versa.", "\n\nBut, then again, you are dealing with two irrational regimes in Washington and Jerusalem.", "\n\nI'm explaining to you in RATIONAL terms why flying spy planes into someone else's airspace is not an \"act of war\", but I can't help it if there are IRRATIONAL politicians who react with unwarranted hysteria when such things happen.", "\n\nWell, the spying may not be acts of war, but wouldn't the bombing of a missile site (or whatever it was) be an act of war? ", "As well as killing scientists and funding and supporting an internal \"terrorist\" group? ", "The economic sanctions and possible destructive covert economic actions may be traditional act of war as well, no? ", "What about funding of opposition groups or encouraging acts of rebellion on Iranian soil as opposed to simply \"spying\" on them? ", "It seems the U.S. took these actions in Libya and probably Syria and how do we know what U.S. spies are really doing?", "\n\nAlso, releasing electronic viruses to cause damage to infrastructure is an act of war, right? ", "Didn't the U.S. recently announce it would treat cyber attacks against it, presumably even less invasive attacks like DOS attacks, as warfare?", "\n\nAs Johnboy points out just b/c the U.S. said that is the law does not make it so of course. . . ", "but if any cyber attack would classify as warfare I would think it's a virus meant to destroy infrastructure and/or endanger life, as the cyber attacks on Iran appear to involve.", "\n\nWalter, the term \"act of war\" is not something that comes out of Alice in Wonderland i.e. you can't simply make it mean whatever you want it to mean, neither more nor less.", "\n\nIn legal terms you can't \"choose\" to go to war (forbidden under Article 2(4) of the UN Charter), and so the only time you are legally allowed to resort to arms is if/when you are under an \"armed attack\" (which triggers the self-defense provision of Article 51 of the Charter).", "\n\nSo the criteria for deciding wether *this* action or *that* provocation is an \"act of war\" is pretty simple: does that amount to an \"armed attack\" on you or your ally?", "\n\nIf it does then you can fight a war over it (Article 51 allows that).", "\nIf it doesn't then you can't fight a war over it (Article 2(4) forbids it).", "\n\nWith that said, looking over your list....\nQ: \"but wouldn't the bombing of a missile site (or whatever it was) be an act of war?\"", "\nA: Yeah, I'd say so, which is why nobody is putting their hand up to claim credit for it.", "\n\nQ: \"As well as killing scientists and funding and supporting an internal \"terrorist\" group?\"", "\nA: Doubtful, but you could make a case for it.", "\n\nQ: \"The economic sanctions and possible destructive covert economic actions may be traditional act of war as well, no?\"", "\nA: No.", "\n\nQ: \"What about funding of opposition groups or encouraging acts of rebellion on Iranian soil as opposed to simply \"spying\" on them?\"", "\nA: What about it?", "\n\nQ: \"Didn't the U.S. recently announce it would treat cyber attacks against it, presumably even less invasive attacks like DOS attacks, as warfare?\"", "\nA: They can also announce that wearing your jocks on your head would be regarded as chemical and biological warfare against the ol' USofA.\n\nBut simply because the USA makes that announcement does not mean that sticking your underpants on your head turns your y-fronts into a chemical weapon, precisely because the USA is not entitled to unilaterally re-write binding treaties as and when the whim takes it.", "\n\n>> [b]: @john - one \"spin\" report said it has no self destruct. ", "I don't believe that. ", "But why should it self destruct if it was taken over on its legitimate control channel?", "\nand\n>> [johnboy]: \"Why did it not self destruct?\" ", "Because its small, and so is its engine. ", "Weight is therefore going to be critical,\n\nFirst, with reference to johnboy's comment re weight -- yes, of course, all aircraft fret over weight, big aircraft and small aircraft. ", "But weight is not an issue here. ", "You could destroy the plane with very little weight penalty. ", "Small charges at critical points would bust the thing open and, when flying at any sort of altitude at any sort of speed, bye-bye aircraft. ", "Sensitive electronics could also be destroyed with little effort and all milspec harddrives must be able to wipe themselves clean automatically (See here: http://www.emphase.com/2-5-sata-ssd-s5-military-grade/ under \"Erase and destroy.\")", "\n\nWith reference to b's suggestion that it is likely the drone had a self-destruct capability that was not used because \"it was taken over on its legitimate control channel\" -- I think this too misses the mark. ", "The ground station operators would have known immediately that the aircraft had been hijacked. ", "These operate on a predetermined flight plan and as soon as the aircraft started to deviate from the flight plan they would have known something was up.", "\n\nSo why didn't the self-destruct capabilities get deployed? ", "Here is my semi-educated guess. ", "As soon as the Iranians gained control via a LOS comm link, the ground station, of course, lost control and with control, it also lost the ability to manuslly trigger the self-destruct. (", "Maybe this is what b is saying.)", "\n\nI suppose they could have programmed in an auto self-destruct, but what would trigger this? ", "Deviation from course would be too soft a trigger. ", "Certainly, you could tell it if it ever found itself on the ground (or close to it) in certain places and not moving, blow up. ", "Another idea would be to add an encrypted heartbeat circuit to the active control link. ", "If the remote ever stopped receiving friendly tokens, it would assume it was under hostile control and automatically \"fly home\" or blow up.", "\n\nAnyway, this is obviously a major security hole. ", "It appears the US thought their comm protocols couldn`t be hacked. ", "And certainly they appear to have lacked a Plan B if they ever were. ", "Ooops.", "\n\nIt is interesting to speculate if the sat link was lost (or deliberately disabled) or rather if only the ability to assert control via sat link was lost. ", "If the latter, I can imagine the horror on ground station faces. ", "They would have watched as the aircraft deviated from its course and went an landed somewhere inside Iran. ", "I'll bet you could have heard a pin drop.", "\n\n\"First, with reference to johnboy's comment re weight -- yes, of course, all aircraft fret over weight, big aircraft and small aircraft. ", "But weight is not an issue here. ", "You could destroy the plane with very little weight penalty. ", "Small charges at critical points would bust the thing open and, when flying at any sort of altitude at any sort of speed, bye-bye aircraft.\"", "\n\nA flying wing is inherently unstable, and so the Americans would have made the assumption that if it ever lost control of one when it was \"flying at any sort of altitude at any sort of speed\" then it's bye-bye birdy without any need for any neat-o self-destruct mechanism.", "\n\nIt is an assumption that aero-engineers have *always* made and, let's face it, the British and the Americans spent all of WW2 sending super-secret equipment winging over Germany without once putting a \"self-destruct\" explosive charge inside those Mosquitos, Lancasters or Lightnings.", "\n\nAll the people who express amazement at the lack of a self-destruct mechanism have that problem i.e. if they were ever asked to point to anything else that whizzes through the sky with a Black Box That Goes Boom! ", "inside it then they might just struggle to come up with an answer.", "\n\n-- A flying wing is inherently unstable, and so the Americans would have made the assumption that if it ever lost control of one when it was \"flying at any sort of altitude at any sort of speed\" then it's bye-bye birdy without any need for any neat-o self-destruct mechanism.", "\n\nWhen I say \"control of the aircraft\" I mean control from ground control, not control in some aerodynamic stability sense. ", "All drones are controlled from the ground. ", "Ground control uploads a flight plan and the plane flies the flight plan. ", "You can change the flight plan anytime you like by activating a new flight plan. ", "Control between waypoints -- guidance, in other words -- is achieved onboard. ", "In other words, you could lose comm with the ground control and the plane would still keep flying the flight plan.", "\n\nThere is no doubt there would have been self-destruct provisions built into system. ", "They just didn't get triggered.", "\n\nThe hard security measures (encryption, etc.) ", "would have been tough to break. ", "Maybe Iran did have some sort of Bletchley Park operation in a suburb of Tehran, but this seems unlikely. ", "I am just guessing. ", "A \"soft\" compromise seems as likely or more. ", "The US has made a lot of enemies in that part of the world. ", "Maybe someone on the inside was helping? ", "Some Bradley Manning type character who's just had enough and wanted to expose what was going on?", "\n\n\"There is no doubt there would have been self-destruct provisions built into system.\"", "\n\nI doubt that.", "\nI doubt it very, very much.", "\n\nIt would not have occured to the Americans that those dumb-ass Persians could hijack their systems.", "\n\n-------------\n\nYeah, this would not have been a decision based on Iranian capabilities. ", "Not letting your hardware fall into enemy hands goes back to the dawn of warfare. ", "Again, look at the various standards hard drives have to meet before they go into any sort of data collecting roll for the military:\n\nLook, Q49, I have no doubt whatsoever that military hard drives are designed to be easily destroyed with the push of a button.", "\n\nThere is NOTHING new about that: WW2 codebooks were weighted so they could be easily thrown overboard when the first shots are fired across the bows, and WW2 Lancasters had sledgehammers in them so any crew that survided the crash could demolish the radar set before Jerry arrives to send them to Luft Stalag 111B.\n\nBut what I am pointing out is that allowing your soldiers/pilots/sailors the time to destroy the secret stuff before they wave the white flag is not at all the same thing as designing a Remote Control Full Frontal Lobotomy of your smart weapons.", "\n\nWhen Main Battle Tanks get disabled in the field you **DON'T** see the divisional commander press a button that blows the turret clean off the damn thing.", "\n\nWhen your blockade runner is boarded you **DON'T** see the First Lord of the Admiralty keying in the super-special code that remotely scuttles the ship.", "\n\nWhen your aeroplane stays so far off course that a MIG 29 rudely suggests that you land right *here* and right *now* then there isn't a Big Red Button in the Pentagon War Room that blows that plane up on the tarmac.", "\n\nbeware Iran it is unlikely that the drone would not have a self destruct ,so i would wonder if the mo sad saying [victory through deception does not apply],this will be another tool for use in the desire too bomb Iran by israel and u.s .to show a true desire too work at a peaceable middle east the returning of the drone would show the world , as i believe Irans desire to have such peace\nthanks joed\n\nRemind me again how many *other* aircraft have sported a remote self-destruct mechanism...\n\nCan you name even **one** aircraft that has ever been destroyed \"by remote control\"?", "\n\nYou mean aircraft with pilots inside? ", "I will assume operators here feel it preferable to wait until the pilots have left the building, so to speak, before zapping the aircraft. ", "But what do you think happens when a pilot pushes the \"eject\" button? ", "I am going to guess that, in addition to launching the pilot skywards, you also nuke all the sensitive components, including the drives.", "\n\nAs for drones -- you ask for a single example of one being destroyed by remote control. ", "Ever heard of drones crashing before? ", "How do you know these \"crashes\" weren't by design? ", "What evidence would you need to see in order for you to accept that the drones are equipped with self-destruct capabilties? ", "A YouTube clip of a drone coming into land, stopping on the tarmac and then, five minutes later, blowing up?", "\n\nOne does not build these into planes, drones and other stuff because they have the nasty habit of exploding while friendlies are around. ", "Some electrical glitch during maintenance in a hanger and boom goes the drone and the personal. ", "No way any military would allow that chance.", "\n\nA drone may self-destruct under certain circumstances though. ", "Total loss of communication over a longer time might be a criteria. ", "The self-destruct would then wipe the computers and let the drone take a high speed dive until it hits the ground. ", "That will destroy a lot, if not all, of the secret stuff.", "\n\nA drone may self-destruct under certain circumstances though. ", "Total loss of communication over a longer time might be a criteria. ", "The self-destruct would then wipe the computers and let the drone take a high speed dive until it hits the ground. ", "That will destroy a lot, if not all, of the secret stuff.", "\n\nThe drones that I have worked with behaved as follows: On comm loss, return to known, pre-determined waypoint and loiter. ", "On GPS loss, crash into the ground. ", "Other drones would no doubt operate differently. ", "But that's how the drones I worked with were programmed.", "\n\nAnd yes, they don't pack these things with 100kg of explosives for the reasons you mention (hangar \"incidents\", etc.) ", "The drives get wiped electronically. ", "Other bits of sensitive gear also get baked some way, somehow. ", "But they don't go up in a big ball of flames. ", "The impact with the ground would do most of the heavy lifting.", "\n\nIt is well known that simple MSDOS deletion doesn't actually delete the contents. ", "Even if you overwrite everything with x'es, the classic commercial solution, you can recover the contents from underneath. ", "Overwriting takes time. ", "So what happens? ", "A burst of radiation to wipe everything?", "\n\nThe fact that they got the drone to land, even if a rough landing, suggests that a complete wipe didn't happen.", "\n\nWired reports that a key-logger virus ended up inside the systems at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada two weeks ago, infecting information inside the unmanned cockpits of the military’s drones. ", "While some officials quickly became aware of the infection, cybersecurity specialists who are hired to investigate networks infiltrations like these were unaware of the problem until Danger Room’s report was published.", "\n\n“Nothing was ever reported anywhere. ", "They just didn’t think it was important enough,” a second source involved in the security division tells Danger Room. “", "The incentive to share weaknesses is just not there.”", "\n\nThe Iranians would have been monitoring drone ops from inception, including Humint, Elint & Sigint. ", "Traffic analysis, data and comms capture and analysis. ", "Hell, even 'drone spotters' outside the airfields/strips ;)\n\nThrow in actual raw keystrokes/commands(flight control data and telemetry ?), ", "match transmissions, dates/times with relatively weak encryption (even with short life encryption keys) necessary for critical real-time flight control commands re take-off/landing, and a cryptologist' job is much easier indeed. ", "Add in State technical capacity and resources directed to a definite objective, and we see the evidence of the drone on, youtube :)\n\n\"I will assume operators here feel it preferable to wait until the pilots have left the building, so to speak, before zapping the aircraft.\"", "\n\nNo, sorry, they don't \"wait before zapping\".", "\n\nThey. ", "Simply. ", "Do. ", "Not. ", "Zap.", "\n\nA plane goes out of control = the damn thing plunges to the ground.", "\n\nAs far as the designers are concerned there is no need to do any more, and so nothing more is done, for the good and simple reason that if the secret of that \"remote zapper\" is ever compromised then your entire airforce will be wiped out with the press of a button.", "\n\n\"But what do you think happens when a pilot pushes the \"eject\" button? ", "I am going to guess that, in addition to launching the pilot skywards, you also nuke all the sensitive components, including the drives.\"", "\n\nAgain, that is the equivalent of throwing the weighted codebooks over the side of the sinking ship.", "\n\nThat is **not** what we are talking about here.", "\n\nWe are talking about REMOTELY instructing the electronics of your smart weapon to immolate itself.", "\n\nNobody does that, for the simple reason that your super-expensive ultra-high tech weapons of war will be rendered useless if the secret of that \"remote zapper\" is ever compromised.", "\n\nYes, I think b got it mostly right. ", "I certainly would vehemently takr issue with someone would said the Iranians weren't smart enough to do this -- that's just racist garbage.", "\n\nI would quibble with you here a little bit. \"", "Loiter\" means \"fly in circles until otherwise instructed.\" ", "But, on comm loss the plane heads to its \"lost comm waypoint\" and loiters. ", "This waypoint is typically within Line Of Sight (LOS) of the Ground Station.", "\n\n\"I will assume operators here feel it preferable to wait until the pilots have left the building, so to speak, before zapping the aircraft.\"", "\n\nNo, sorry, they don't \"wait before zapping\".", "\n\nThey. ", "Simply. ", "Do. ", "Not. ", "Zap.", "\n\nWhat I meant here was that before one destroys a piloted aircraft, one usually ensures the pilot has ejected from the plane. ", "I surely hope you don't take issue with this.", "\n\nWe are talking about REMOTELY instructing the electronics of your smart weapon to immolate itself.", "\n\nNobody does that, for the simple reason that your super-expensive ultra-high tech weapons of war will be rendered useless if the secret of that \"remote zapper\" is ever compromised.", "\n\nJohnboy, I am not sure what you are talking about, for you have bounced around a fair bit. ", "At first you said there would be no self-destruct because of weight considerations, which was patently BS. ", "Then you challenged us to identify an incident where a drone had self-destructed (any drone crash would satisfy this test.) ", "Now you are talking about a theory involving \"REMOTELY instructing the electronics of your smart weapon to immolate itself [sic]\". ", "I don't know what you mean by this. ", "My only point is that self-destruct provisions would have been built into the plane. ", "And this much is true.", "\n\nIt is well known that simple MSDOS deletion doesn't actually delete the contents. ", "Even if you overwrite everything with x'es, the classic commercial solution, you can recover the contents from underneath. ", "Overwriting takes time. ", "So what happens? ", "A burst of radiation to wipe everything?", "\n\nThe fact that they got the drone to land, even if a rough landing, suggests that a complete wipe didn't happen.", "\n\nNo, this isn't MS-DOS-style deletion. ", "I don't know exactly how how they do it. ", "But the methods and results have to meet spec. ", "They take this quite seriously. ", "And the MilSpec drives cost A LOT more than the industrial spec drives.", "\n\nYes, they got the drone to land and in this way it is clear that the Iranians found a hole in the security. ", "My only point with johnboy is that there would have been provisions to destroy the plane such that valuable information could not be extracted by the enemy. ", "In this case, the Iranians found a way around these provisions.", "\n\nAt the end of the day, unless a magnetic data media, ie a hard drive platter, is not 'data scrubbed'(by suitable software using the drive heads, etc), 'degaussed'(extremely powerful electromatic field) literally burnt (thermite charge/incendiary) and then physically destroyed (ie a suitable sledgehammer, etc) in its entirety, then with sufficient skill and faciltities agencies and state actors, hell even private companies specialists, you can recover data ... and heres the rub, even if you do all the above, if you have physical access to the remnants (unless utterly vaporised) you can still recover 'some' data ...\n\nNow, in this case the Iranians very probably have intact data drives, not considering any other Intelligence goodies ... 100% complete (sweet) ... if magnetic media, its possible to also, in addition, recover 'previous' data from the active, useable media ...\n\nWith any form of magnetic data media, simple rule is, if opposition gains physical access and control, 'your data belong to us' ;)\n\n\"Johnboy, I am not sure what you are talking about, for you have bounced around a fair bit. \"", "\n\nNo, I am being perfectly consistent i.e. when someone posts something that is nonsense then I write a post to point out that their claim is nonsense.", "\n\nWhat that means is that you have to read the post that I Was Responding To if you want to understand where I am coming from which, apparently, you do not bother to do that.", "\n\n\"At first you said there would be no self-destruct because of weight considerations, which was patently BS.\"", "\n\nThose \"first\" posts were in response to claims that either:\n(a) It's a trap, Luke!", "\nor\n(b) What?!?!?! ", "The USA didn't think install a way of blowing it up? ", "Crazzzzzzzy!!!", "\n\nThat's what I was responding to when I explained that weight considerations made *those* two claims nonsensical\n\n\"Then you challenged us to identify an incident where a drone had self-destructed (any drone crash would satisfy this test.)\"", "\n\n!!!!!", "\n\nBy Q49-logic(tm) every airliner that crashes is \"evidence\" that Boeing must possess a Big Red Button whose purpose is to crash said Jumbo Jet.", "\n\n\"Now you are talking about a theory involving \"REMOTELY instructing the electronics of your smart weapon to immolate itself [sic]\". \"", "\n\nLook, I can do no more than to repeat myself:\n(a) Since time immemorial soldiers/sailors/airmen have been tasked with disposing of The Secret Stuff before they surrender.", "\n(b) There are no soldiers/sailors/airman inside a drone.", "\n(c) THEREFORE, if you want to do it then you have to do it by remote control, precisely because - du'oh! - ", "you aren't there.", "\n(d) If you need to do it by remote control then you run the risk that the secret of how to do this will be compromised, with catastrophic results for your entire airforce.", "\n(e) THEREFORE it is better not to do this at all, because the consequences of being compromised is Too Horrendous To Contemplate.", "\n\n\"I don't know what you mean by this.\"", "\n\nLook, if (a)-(e) doesn't do it for you then I'm not going to go thru it again.", "\n\n\"My only point is that self-destruct provisions would have been built into the plane. \"", "\n\nAnd MY point is that putting \"self-destruct provisions\" into your aircraft makes perfect sense when you have a pilot in it, precisley because he can decide that its time to hit the button, but makes absolutely no sense whatsoever if that involves triggering those \"provisions\" via a radio signal from Langley.", "\n\nThe same is true of any mechanism that involves the drone making some autonomous decision based on outside telemetry, because if your opponent finds out what telemetry needs to be spoofed then they aren't going to have much difficulty spoofing it.", "\n\n@Johnboy, could please tone down your posts a bit? ", "this a whiskey bar, not a theater; there's actually a real conversation here; contribute your knowledge, your opinions, and have a drink in good company\n\njohnboy -- And MY point is that putting \"self-destruct provisions\" into your aircraft makes perfect sense when you have a pilot in it, precisley because he can decide that its time to hit the button, but makes absolutely no sense whatsoever if that involves triggering those \"provisions\" via a radio signal from Langley.", "\n\nSorry johnboy, but you don't know what you are talking about, at least when it comes to your absolute assertion regarding provisions for a self-destruct mechanism. ", "For example, this paragraph\n\n\"The same is true of any mechanism that involves the drone making some autonomous decision based on outside telemetry, because if your opponent finds out what telemetry needs to be spoofed then they aren't going to have much difficulty spoofing it.\"", "\n\nmakes no sense at all. ", "Drones are constantly making decisions \"based on outside telemetry.\" ", "That's just a fact. ", "The ground station has the plane on a map and it feeds you back position, attitude, engine params and various payload readings. ", "In turn, ground station controls the general direction of the plane by uploading flight plans. ", "You can click on the map and the plane will change course and fly to where you've told it to fly. ", "So there is two-way telemetry and that's how you control the thing.", "\n\nWhat the Iranians appear to have done is hijack the plane by means of their own ground control station. ", "This means they must have figured out what the handshake protocols were. ", "All comm would have been encrypted, so eavesdropping would have just given you white noise. (", "a) Did the Iranians break the code by means of a Bletchley Park operation? ", "Or (b) was the code compromised by human sources? ", "Somehow I think (b).", "\n\nAnother question to ask is: Was this a security hole with just this model of drone? ", "Or is this hole present across the drone fleet? ", "They`ve only grounded the RQ-170s, but who knows. ", "I sure don`t.", "\n\nAnother consideration: It is not so much that the Iranians brought down the plane (intact!), ", "but rather now everyone -- China, Russia, France, Pakistan, India, etc. -- ", "knows that US drone systems can be compromised. ", "Expect the electronic warfare specialists here to eat lunch at their desks for the next little whil\n\n\"Drones are constantly making decisions \"based on outside telemetry.\" ", "That's just a fact.\"", "\n\nYeah, but you don't get it to base a decision to wipe its memory storage based on that outside telemetry, precisely because that gives your oppenent's a simple means of taking out that ship i.e. you don't need to blast an artillery shell through it, simply jam the normal gps transmittion and feed it some false stuff instead.", "\n\nThe drone will then \"decide\" to lobobomize itself, saving you the trouble of having to shoot it down.", "\n\nSome people here really do take themselves WAY too seriously...so I'm grateful for your efforts to gently chide using satire.", "\n\n...Poking holes in pomposity - one post at a time...could be your tag line.", "\n\nI suppose it has to be frustrating for some people to know so much about EVERYTHING while still lacking the requisite tact and language skills needed to effectively and convincingly transfer that knowledge to others." ]
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[ "Saturday, September 12, 2015\n\nThe Great Canadian Road Trip: Stalking The Spiral Tunnels\n\nThe railway holds a special place in Canadian history. ", "The building of a single uninterrupted line that went from the Atlantic to the Pacific is credited as being one of the major factors that brought all of the various colonies and territories, especially the western ones, together to form the country (ya know, back in the day - today it stays together due to NHL rivalries).", "\n\nMountains and railways tend not to mix very well as one prefers flat terrain, and the other is by definition very bumpy. ", "The Rockies are some of the bumpiest ones around. ", "As a result some pretty cool engineering has occurred during the building of the railways through the mountains. ", "One of these is the spiral tunnels.", "\n\nThe tunnels exist in an area known as the Kicking Horse Pass (so named because one of the surveyers was kicked off his horse there - sometimes place names are as obvious as they sound :). ", "The pass had one area where they could not avoid a steep grade for the tracks. ", "Steep is bad in the rail world, and as a result there were a lot of accidents. ", "An engineer by the name of J.E. Schwitzer came up with an alternate solution, based on ideas used in Switzerland. ", "The idea was to make two tunnels in the mountains that were literal circles. ", "Each one was almost a kilometer in length, and had an elevation gain of ~20m, thus trading distance for elevation, making the whole thing flatter and safer.", "\n\nSo when we were driving thru on our Great Canadian Road Trip we stopped by an overlook to check out the tunnels for ourselves. ", "The tunnels are still actively used today, however there is no posted schedule of trains, so they come at random times, but the Internet says on average trains come every 30 minutes or so. ", "So we decided to wait and get some pictures.", "\n\nStill waited. ", "No train.", "\n\nYet more waiting... nothing.", "\n\nAn hour passed by and there was no sign of the trains.", "\n\nWe had places to be that day, so we decided to lick our emotional wounds of train defficiency, and move on.", "\n\nWe drove about 30 klicks down the highway when we passed a train going the other way, towards the tunnels. ", "I made a command decision, pulled a U-turn at the next safest spot, and beat the train back to the tunnel (turns out I had plenty of time as we still had a wait of 30 minutes before the train arrived, but at least we knew one was coming).", "\n\nWe took some photos. ", "Notice how the train is going one direction at the top of the frame, and another at the bottom. ", "That is the same train.", "\n\nCool right?", "\n\nWe could actually see the same train going in three different directions at once, all spiraling in on itself, however the third section was not very photogenic due to a lot of tree cover.", "\n\nOnce the train left, we moved on with the next stop. ", "However this experience remains one of the cooler man-made things I experienced during this trip." ]
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[ "Scholastic journalism’s focus this year is and should be on the 25th anniversary of Hazelwood v Kuhlmeierand the issues it helped spawn, from outright censorship to elimination of programs and teachers.", "Next year brings two notable anniversaries, both of on the results of censorship and other issues that limited – and continue to limit – journalism programs around the country.", "\n\nNext year brings two notable anniversaries, both on the results of censorship and other issues that limited – and continue to limit – journalism programs around the country.", "\n\n“Captive Voices,” published in 1974, is out of print, but available on Amazon. ", "It will be 40 years since this expose first helped the public become aware of censorship and attitudes that limited student expression, and pointed to the importance of journalism education in America’s schools.", "\n\nThis study also brought about the Student Press Law Center, journalism education’s foremost legal support for teachers, students and communities in their search for free expression and civic engagement.", "\n\n“Death By Cheeseburger,” published in 1994, out of print but available online here,focused on the health of American’s scholastic journalism programs 20 years after “Captive Voices.” ", "Created around censorship of a story on school cafeteria food, the book included examination of scholastic journalism in much the same approach as “Captive Voices.” ", "It marked the real beginning of commercial media putting forth resources to study, as well as improve, scholastic journalism on many levels.", "\n\nCareful reading – and we all should revisit these books – will reveal issues fought 40 and 20 years ago still exist and still demand our attention as journalism educators.", "\n\nWe note these studies today because we must remain vigilant about the issues they raised.", "\n\n• Advisers continue to lose their jobs for a myriad of reasons. ", "For example, in Illinois, an adviser was RIFed (reduction in force) because of finances, the board said. ", "The adviser says differently. ", "His situation is certainly not the only one. ", "For more information, go here and here. ", "For information about a California adviser fearing retaliation, go here.", "\n\n• Complaints about journalistic coverage and content continue as well. ", "At Mountain View, Calif., students published a section on teen sex issues and some members of the community raised intense objection. ", "Pro-student speakers and opponents discussed the issue at a board meeting. ", "To date, school officials support the students right to make content decisions.", "\n\nBecause the hits like these keep coming, we cannot become complacent. ", "We must celebrate and support those who contribute to our successes.", "\n\nThe Student Press Law Center received an Education Writer’s Association second place national award for “FERPA Fact” in the Best Blog category by a nonprofit or advocacy organization.", "\n\nFrank LoMonte, in an email to the SPLC’s Advisory Council, said, “When we created FERPA Fact, we thought we were doing something pretty cool — leveraging the power of humor to get people talking about a serious problem that is in need of reform. ", "We are pleased that others agree.”", "\n\nWe applaud the SPLC for being an unparalleled leader in scholastic journalism’s fight of this ongoing battle that shows no signs of ending.", "\n\nMost importantly, the SPRC has created specific calls to action for students and advisers. ", "We will also be live-tweeting resources and ideas throughout the month of January.", "\n\nIn partnership with the Student Press Law Center’s “Cure Hazelwood” campaign (www.curehazelwood.org), we encourage all scholastic journalists and advisers to put the 25th anniversary of the Hazelwood decision on your agenda.", "\n\nJust imagine what could happen if scholastic journalists from schools across the nation made a collective, informed, impassioned plea for freedom. ", "What a difference we could make!", "\n\nSo, this holiday season, we hope you will kick back, enjoy the festivities, and keep tabs on the SPRC blog for our upcoming teacher kit. ", "Let’s make 2013 the year Hazelwood takes a hike!", "\n\nThose looking for guidelines to prepare state groups to pass free expression legislation now have a draft document package to work with.", "\n\nThe Scholastic Press Rights Commission has completed a draft version of its Blueprint for Success: Promoting Scholastic Right Rights Legislation, and makes that information available in time for the JEA/NSPA Seattle convention.", "\n\nThe commission welcomes comments and suggestions before it publishes a final version in the coming months.", "\n\nThe Blueprint can be downloaded here or from a link in the right-hand menu under state legislation on this site.", "\n\nSeveral additional legal and ethical sites are also worth noting:\n\n• Back issues of the Student Press Reports. ", "Found at Issuu, this site gives everyone access to information from The SPLC Reports, the Student Press Law Center’s magazine, since it started. ", "Well worth time to just browse or look for information to support local reporting.", "\n\n• The Panic Button. ", "Found here, The Panic Button links you or your students directly to assistance and information about handling an issue of censorship. ", "Members of the Scholastic Press Rights Commission and 45Words students will respond quickly, offering suggestions and providing information as your students and others plan a strategy to handle censorship.", "\n\n• The forum map. ", "This map, a project of The Center for Scholastic Journalism, is a list of schools the Center has determined to be open forums for student expression, either by policy or practice. ", "The purpose of the map is to enable journalism programs seeking to become open forums to have models and contacts to assist in the quest.", "\n\n• Application to be on the forum map. ", "This writable PDF is your way to apply to have your school recognized as an forum by policy or practice.", "\n\n• Certification map. ", "This map shows requirements for teaching journalism in 49 of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and links to each state’s department of education.", "\n\nThose looking for guidelines to prepare state groups to pass free expression legislation now have a draft document package to work with.", "\n\nThe Scholastic Press Rights Commission has completed a draft version of its Blueprint for Success: Promoting Scholastic Right Rights Legislation, and makes that information available in time for the JEA/NSPA Seattle convention.", "\n\nThe commission welcomes comments and suggestions before it publishes a final version in the coming months.", "\n\nThe Blueprint can be downloaded here or from a link in the right-hand menu under state legislation on this site.", "\n\nSeveral additional legal and ethical sites are also worth noting:\n\n• Back issues of the Student Press Reports. ", "Found at Issuu, this site gives everyone access to information from The SPLC Reports, the Student Press Law Center’s magazine, since it started. ", "Well worth time to just browse or look for information to support local reporting.", "\n\n• The Panic Button. ", "Found here, The Panic Button links you or your students directly to assistance and information about handling an issue of censorship. ", "Members of the Scholastic Press Rights Commission and 45Words students will respond quickly, offering suggestions and providing information as your students and others plan a strategy to handle censorship.", "\n\n• The forum map. ", "This map, a project of The Center for Scholastic Journalism, is a list of schools the Center has determined to be open forums for student expression, either by policy or practice. ", "The purpose of the map is to enable journalism programs seeking to become open forums to have models and contacts to assist in the quest.", "\n\n• Application to be on the forum map. ", "This writable PDF is your way to apply to have your school recognized as an forum by policy or practice.", "\n\n• Certification map. ", "This map shows requirements for teaching journalism in 49 of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and links to each state’s department of education.", "\n\nWith the 2nd U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in the Doninger case, one thing is certainly clear: If we want to protect student expression rights and responsibilities, we are going to have to be the ones who stand up to do so.", "\n\nSPLC executive director Frank LoMonte said the courts abdicated their responsibility to protect the basic human rights of vulnerable young people.", "\n\n“Young people are going to have to organize and mobilize like never before to petition their legislators and members of Congress for better statutory protection,” LoMonte said. “", "This ruling is a wake-up call to every student in America that their rights are in peril and that they cannot depend on the federal courts to police even the clearest disciplinary overreactions.”", "\n\nAdam Goldstein, SPLC attorney advocate, said the decision was flawed.", "\n\n“It opines that students don’t have rights unless those rights are clearly established in light of the school environment,” Goldstein said, “as if students at home didn’t possess citizenship.”", "\n\nIt’s time for students and teachers to clearly highlight those rights.", "\n\nMay 3 is World Press Freedom Day. ", "Embrace its principles to endorse student expression as a key constitutionally protected right of citizenship. ", "Create forums to talk about how and why journalism is at the core of democracy and the building of citizenship. ", "Demonstrate the viability of student decision making, critical thinking and responsible expression through student media that make a difference.", "\n\nIn short, stand up for the importance and legitimacy of First Amendment rights for these American journalists, whether they criticize or commend or simply report issues, placid or emotional.", "\n\nWe’ve said it here before, and now again: We must oppose policies and practices that limit student expression. ", "We must stand up and shout out for student journalism." ]
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[ "Total Endovascular Treatment of Acute Non-A-non-B Dissection Complicated by Visceral Malperfusion without Primary Entry Tear Coverage.", "\nManagement of visceral ischemia due to non-A, non-B dissection is extremely challenging due to the position of the primary entry tear at the level of the brachiocephalic vessels. ", "We report on a patient who was admitted for a complicated non-A, non-B-type dissection with visceral and leg ischemia. ", "A covered stent graft was implanted below the primary entry tear to redirect the flow in the true lumen, associated with stents implantation in the visceral arteries, to treat the dissection's static component. ", "The patient did well, without need for bowel resection visceral or late stent restenosis. ", "Stent-graft implantation below the primary entry tear in cases of visceral ischemia due to non-A, non-B dissection seems feasible." ]
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[ "Project Information\n\nNational Program 306: Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products\n\n2008 USDA-ARS Stakeholder Workshop\n\nPlease click on hyperlinks for presentations and breakout session reports.", "\n\nAGENDA\n\nStakeholder and Cooperator Workshop\n\nARS National Program 306,\n\nQuality and Utilization of Agricultural Products,\n\nMarriottBWIAirport, June 10-11, 2008\n\nWorkshop Goals:1) Provide an overview of the National Program and an assessment of Program accomplishments to stakeholders, customers, partners, and scientists.2) Assess how well this National Program has performed in meeting stakeholder needs and expectations.3) Gather information from stakeholders, customers, partners, and scientists to assist in the development of the next 5-year research plan for the Program.", "\n\nReview of Next Days’ Activities\n\nHomework assignment:List three priorities or needs that your organization would like to see addressed in this ARS National Program over the next 5-7 years.", "\n\n6:00 p.m. – Salons E & F\n\nReception (Cash Bar)\n\nWednesday, June 11, 2008\n\n7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – Salons E & F\n\nContinental Breakfast\n\n8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. – Salons E & F\n\n8:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – Breakout Rooms\n\nBREAK\n\nCharge to Breakout Session II\n\nBreakout Session II – Where should this National Program focus its efforts?How can we best organize the program?", "\n\nWhat “big picture” pressing problems in your company, industry or organization, related to postharvest quality and value-added processing and utilization, would you like to see this ARS National Program address during the next 5-7 years?In other words, what are your organization’s priority research needs?", "\n\nDo the current NP 306 Action Plan Components, Problems Areas, and Objectives continue to frame the major issues?Have we missed any big issues?", "\n\nWhat name and organizational structure would most clearly describe the program and capture key issues?" ]
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[ "Key resources\n\nHere are a few tips to keep your pipes safe during freezing temperatures.", "\n\nWater Stage\n\nUnion County is currently in\nStage 0 Water Shortage. ", "In this stage, our customers (residential and\ncommercial) are limited to a maximum of three irrigation days per week.", "\nHowever, we’re hoping that you can voluntarily take additional measures to help\nstrengthen our water supply. ", "Below are a few recommendations:\n\nVoluntarily limit irrigation system use to two days per week\n\nLimit landscape watering of no more than one inch of water per week, this includes rain\n\nUse only hoses with nozzles when watering lawns by hand\n\nLimit residential car washing to a minimum\n\nPlease discontinue operation of fountains and other ornamental water features that do not sustain aquatic animal life\n\nWater Conservation: Why Save?", "\n\nOur usable water supply is finite (we do not have an endless supply) which means that water conservation is not a job that is reserved solely for scientists — instead it is up to each and every one of us to save water. ", "Some of the reasons we should work to conserve water include:\n\nLess infrastructure means lower rates\n\nIf customers are able to reduce their water needs,\nthat results in a cost savings for future infrastructure by either reducing the\nsize of facilities needed or delaying when they’re needed. ", "This potential cost\nsavings gets passed to all customers in the form of lower rates.", "\n\nConserving water minimizes the effects of drought and water shortages.", "\n\nBy reducing the amount of water we use and waste, we can better help against future drought years. ", "Even though our need for fresh water sources is always increasing (because of population and industry growth), the supply we have stays constant. ", "This is due to the fact that even though water eventually returns to Earth through the water cycle, it's not always returned to the same spot, or in the same quantity and quality.", "\n\nHelps to preserve our environment.", "\n\nReducing our use of water reduces the energy required to process and deliver it to homes, business, farms and communities, which in turn helps to reduce pollution and conserve fuel resources.", "\n\nBuilds safe and beautiful communities.", "\n\nFirefighters, hospitals, gas stations, street cleaners, health clubs, gyms, and restaurants all require large amounts of water to provide services to the community. ", "Reducing our usage of water now means that these services can continue to be provided.", "\n\nWater conservation requires forethought and effort, but every little bit helps, so don't think that what you do does not matter. ", "We must all make changes in our lifestyles that will change the course of our water usage, conserve its quality and make conservation a way of life — not just something we think about once in a while." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate /shpscThe concept of mechanism in biology Daniel J. Nicholson Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Adolf Lorenz Gasse, 2, Altenberg A-3422, Austriaa r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c tArticle history: Available online 2 July 2011 Keywords: Mechanism Mechanicism Machine Causal explanation Function Organization1369-8486/$ see front matter \u0002 2011 Elsevier Ltd. A doi:10.1016/j.shpsc.2011.05.014 E-mail address: dan.j.nicholson@gmail.comThe concept of mechanism in biology has three distinct meanings. ", "It may refer to a philosophical thesis about the nature of life and biology ('mechanicism'), to the internal workings of a machine-like structure ('machine mechanism'), or to the causal explanation of a particular phenomenon ('causal mechanism'). ", "In this paper I trace the conceptual evolution of 'mechanism' in the history of biology, and I examine how the three meanings of this term have come to be featured in the philosophy of biology, situating the new 'mechanismic program' in this context. ", "I argue that the leading advocates of the mechanismic program (i.e., Craver, Darden, Bechtel, etc.) ", "inadvertently conflate the different senses of 'mechanism'. ", "Specifically, they all inappropriately endow causal mechanisms with the ontic status of machine mechanisms, and this invariably results in problematic accounts of the role played by mechanism-talk in scientific practice. ", "I suggest that for effective analyses of the concept of mechanism, causal mechanisms need to be distinguished from machine mechanisms, and the new mechanismic program in the philosophy of biology needs to be demarcated from the traditional concerns of mechanistic biology. ", "\u0002 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences'Biological Mechanism is committed logically to a great deal more than is commonly supposed.' (", "Broad, 1925, pp. ", "91–92)1. ", "Introduction The concept of mechanism has recently received a great deal of attention in the philosophy of science. ", "The main catalyst for this new interest has been the realization that scientists, especially biologists, often refer to mechanisms in their inquiries into the phenomena they investigate. ", "This has led to the development of a lively philosophical research program over the past decade that has attempted to make sense of scientists' 'mechanism-talk' and elucidate the role it plays in scientific practice. ", "The standard philosophical strategy has been to begin by offering a general characterization of 'mechanism' that captures the way scientists use this word, and then show the ways in which mechanisms are involved in the explanation of phenomena. ", "The mechanism account that has exerted the greatest influence in the development of this new discourse has been formulated by Machamer, Darden, and Craver (2000). ", "Machamer et al. (", "MDC, hereafter) conceive mechanismsll rights reserved.as 'entities and activities organized such that they are productive of regular changes from start or set-up conditions to finish or termination conditions' (MDC, 2000, p. 3). ", "Glennan (2002) and Bechtel (2006) have also developed their own mechanism accounts. ", "Glennan defines a mechanism for a behaviour as 'a complex system that produces that behavior by the interaction of a number of parts, where the interactions between parts can be characterized by direct, invariant, change-relating generalizations' (Glennan, 2002, p. S344), whereas Bechtel characterizes a mechanism as 'a structure performing a function in virtue of its component parts, component operations, and their organization', adding that 'The orchestrated functioning of the mechanism is responsible for one or more phenomena' (Bechtel, 2006, p. 26). ", "This emerging mechanism movement aims to provide a new framework in which to tackle a number of classic problems in the philosophy of science. ", "Central among them is the nature of explanation, in which a focus on mechanisms is deemed to constitute an effective antidote to the outmoded deductive-nomological conception of explanation inherited from logical empiricism. ", "In addition, recent literature in the philosophy of science includes mechanism-based accounts of causation (Machamer, 2004), D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163 153reduction (Craver, 2005; Darden, 2005), models (Craver, 2006; Darden, 2007; Glennan, 2005a), and reasoning in discovery (Bechtel, 2009; Darden, 2006). ", "Moreover, it has been suggested that thinking about mechanisms may help resolve the problem of underdetermination (Glennan, 2005a, pp. ", "458–459), as well as render unnecessary discussions of laws (Glennan, 2002, p. S348; MDC, 2000, pp. ", "7–8) and theories (MDC, 2000, pp. ", "16–17). ", "Nevertheless, despite the general applicability of mechanism-based philosophy of science, it is interesting to note that this research program has developed primarily within the philosophy of biology. ", "Indeed, the most prominent defences and extensive elaborations of the mechanism approach have been advanced by philosophers interested in the life sciences, with book-length mechanism accounts now existing for several biological subdisciplines, including cell biology (Bechtel, 2006), molecular biology (Darden, 2006), and neuroscience (Craver, 2007). ", "This partnership between mechanism-based philosophy and biology is no mere happenstance. ", "In fact, I will show that attending to the role the concept of mechanism has played in the development of biological thought opens up a rich new perspective in which to effectively examine and critically evaluate the recent mechanism discourse. ", "In a nutshell, what a historically informed perspective reveals is that the term 'mechanism' has come to be used in biology in a number of different senses. ", "As the new mechanism discourse proceeds with an almost complete disregard for how the concept of mechanism has been shaped by the history of its usage, current discussions frequently suffer from the inadvertent conflation of the different meanings of the term. ", "Admittedly, philosophers are generally aware that 'mechanism' is a convoluted concept with a long history, as evidenced by MDC's assertion that 'What counts as a mechanism in science has developed over time and presumably will continue to do so' (MDC, 2000, p. 2). ", "However, most of them deem the potential for semantic confusion minimal because they consider the various meanings of the concept to be neatly associated with discrete, non-overlapping historical periods. ", "Craver (2007, p. 3), for instance, remarks: 'But what is a mechanism? ", "History cannot answer this question. ", "The term mechanism has been used in too many different ways, and most of those uses no longer have any application in biology'. ", "This paper will demonstrate, in opposition to this claim, how an awareness of the semantic breadth of the concept of mechanism afforded by an examination of its history can help uncover a number of important tensions within the new mechanism discourse, as well as provide the necessary philosophical resources for resolving them. ", "I begin by distinguishing and characterizing the three meanings of the concept of mechanism in biology (Section 2). ", "I then explore the way in which the different senses of 'mechanism' have been used in the history of biology (Section 3), and how they have come to be featured in the philosophical literature, situating the new mechanism discourse in this context (Section 4). ", "Following this, I illustrate the various problems that arise in recent discussions from the inadvertent conflation of the different senses of 'mechanism' (Section 5). ", "Finally, I show what amendments need to be made to current accounts of mechanism to effectively capture the way this concept is used by biologists in their research (Section 6). ", "2. ", "The three meanings of 'mechanism' in biology The term 'mechanism' is used to mean different things in different contexts. ", "In biology, 'mechanism' has three distinct meanings, which can be distinguished and defined as follows: (a) Mechanicism: The philosophical thesis that conceives living organisms as machines that can be completely explained in terms of the structure and interactions of their component parts.(b) Machine mechanism: The internal workings of a machine-like structure. (", "c) Causal mechanism: A step-by-step explanation of the mode of operation of a causal process that gives rise to a phenomenon of interest. ", "As this taxonomy illustrates, 'mechanism' may refer to (a) a philosophical thesis about the nature of life and biology, (b) the workings of a machine, and (c) a particular mode of explanation. ", "In order to make the ensuing discussion as clear as possible, I will refrain from using the word 'mechanism' in favour of these three terms, employing it only when referring to the word itself and not to any of its meanings. ", "Let us now examine each of the three senses of 'mechanism' in more detail. ", "Mechanicism (often called mechanistic philosophy or mechanical philosophy) has its roots in the natural philosophy that emerged from the work and ideas of Galileo Galilei, René Descartes, Pierre Gassendi, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton and others during the Scientific Revolution. ", "This philosophy is usually associated with a naturalistic, atomistic, and deterministic view of nature that tends to lend itself to mathematical characterization. ", "However, biological mechanicism, or mechanistic biology, has a rather more specific meaning (cf. ", "Allen, 2005; Bertalanffy, 1952; Broad, 1925; Dupré, 2007; Haldane, 1929; Lewontin, 2000; Loeb, 1912; Monod, 1977; Rosen, 1991; Woodger, 1929). ", "It can be characterized in terms of the following key tenets: 1. ", "The commitment to an ontological continuity between the living and the nonliving, exemplified by the quintessential mechanistic conception of organisms as machines, analogous and comparable to man-made artefacts 2. ", "The view that biological wholes (i.e., organisms) are directly determined by the activities and interactions of their component parts, and that consequently all properties of organisms can be characterized from the bottom up in increasing levels of complexity 3. ", "The focus on the efficient and material causes of organisms, and the unequivocal repudiation of final causes in biological explanation 4. ", "The commitment to reductionism in the investigation and explanation of living systems Mechanicism has been one of the most influential schools of biological thought since the late seventeenth century. ", "It has its origins in the physiological writings of Descartes, though the doctrine has had numerous incarnations through the centuries. ", "Some of the most illustrious biologists of the past three hundred and fifty years have developed their ideas within a mechanistic framework. ", "Famous mechanistic biologists include Giovanni Borelli, Stephen Hales, Antoine Lavoisier, François Magendie, Emil du Bois-Reymond, Hermann von Hemholtz, Carl Ludwig, Wilhelm Roux, and Jacques Loeb. ", "In modern times, the astounding successes of molecular biology have served to consolidate mechanicism as one of the central philosophies of life and biology. ", "Most recently, the emerging field of synthetic biology, with its aim to apply engineering principles in order to design and manufacture living cells from scratch, constitutes the newest expression of the mechanistic research program in biology. ", "The machine mechanism sense of 'mechanism' is the closest to the etymological roots of the word, which can be traced to the Latin machina and the Greek mechane, terms meaning 'machine' or 'mechanical contrivance'. ", "The notion of machine mechanism has traditionally been employed by biologists to describe machine-like systems, or rather, systems conceived in mechanical terms; that is, as stable assemblies of interacting parts arranged in such a way that their combined operation results in predetermined outcomes. ", "154 D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163Since the time of Descartes, mechanistic biologists have conceived organisms in explicit analogy with the paradigmatic machine mechanism of the age, be it a seventeenth-century clock with its finely-tuned parts operating as a functionally-integrated whole, an eighteenth-century steam-engine consuming chemically-bound energy by combustion and performing work whilst releasing heat, or a twentieth-century computer with its inbuilt program capable of processing information about the environment and responding accordingly. ", "Machine mechanisms, biological and technological, can be studied in isolation and are often decomposable into smaller machine mechanisms. ", "The causal mechanism sense of 'mechanism', in contrast to the first two, only acquired widespread currency in biology in the twentieth century, though it is the usage of the term that has become predominant today. ", "Causal mechanisms are of fundamental importance in scientific practice because they enable the identification of causal relations. ", "To inquire about the causal mechanism of P (where P is the phenomenon of interest) is to inquire about the causes that explain how P is brought about.1 Although the majority of philosophers conceive causal mechanisms as real things in the world (akin to machine mechanisms), I will be arguing in this paper that they are actually better understood as heuristic models which target specific causal relations and thereby facilitate the explanation of the particular phenomena scientists investigate. ", "I am not, of course, the first to propose that the concept of mechanism needs to be terminologically fragmented to reflect its semantic breadth. ", "In fact, the word 'mechanicism' as I have defined it above has had longstanding currency in the German ('mechanizismus'), French ('mécanicisme'), Italian ('meccanicismo'), and Spanish ('mecanicismo') scholarly literature, where it is commonly used to demarcate this sense of 'mechanism' from the machine mechanism and causal mechanism senses, but for some reason the term has not caught on in the English-speaking world. ", "However, Allen (2005) has recently distinguished between the mechanicism sense (which he calls 'philosophical Mechanism') and the causal mechanism sense (which he calls 'explanatory mechanism'), though he does not discern the machine mechanism meaning of 'mechanism'. ", "On the other hand, Ruse (2005) has distinguished between the machine mechanism and causal mechanism senses (designating the former 'mechanism in the specific sense' and the latter 'mechanism in the general sense'), but he fails to acknowledge the mechanicism meaning. ", "So although previous attempts have been made to distinguish the various senses of 'mechanism', these efforts have tended to only discriminate two of the three meanings of the concept. ", "Consequently, a tripartite distinction such as the one I have proposed in this section is needed to recognize the full semantic breadth of the concept of mechanism. ", "Proponents of the new mechanism movement may object that such convoluted distinctions are not really necessary, as at least in present philosophical discussions the term 'mechanism' is employed consistently. ", "The reality, however, is that it is not uncommon to come across instances in the new mechanism discourse in which the concept is used in different senses, sometimes even1 Interestingly, the machine mechanism and causal mechanism senses of 'mechanism' ar rotary mechanism of ATP synthase', 'mechanism' is used in the machine mechanism sense t speak of 'the mechanism of ATP synthesis', 'mechanism' is employed in the causal mecha responsible for the generation of ATP. ", "2 In addition to conflating two senses of 'mechanism', this passage is historically ina intelligent design because in its original formulation the mechanistic view of the world as has had important repercussions for biology. ", "As Broad (1925, p. 91) recognized, 'Biological held without an elaborate Deistic theory about the origin of organisms. ", "This is because Bio self-regulating machines. ", "These, so far as we can see, neither do arise nor could have arisen in the next section, it is only with the widespread acceptance of Darwin's theory of evolu 3 Jacques Monod, one of the founding fathers of molecular biology, captures the distinc properties, by the microscope clockwork function that establishes between DNA and prote obviously defies 'dialectical' description. ", "It is not Hegelian at all, but thoroughly Cartesianin the same passage. ", "For example, consider the following remark by Craver and Darden (2005, p. 234): From the perspective of biology [. . .] ", "one might tell a triumphal story of the success of mechanism [i.e., mechanicism] over various forms of vitalism, as well as over biological theories appealing to intelligent design. ", "Indeed, one cannot open a journal in any field of contemporary biology without encountering appeals to the mechanism [i.e., causal mechanism] for this or that phenomenon.2 One final terminological distinction is in order before moving on. ", "It has become customary, following Skipper and Millstein's (2005) analysis, to refer to the recent mechanism discourse as 'the new mechanistic philosophy'. ", "This is a very unfortunate and rather misleading designation, as it suggests that the new philosophical interest in the concept of mechanism represents some sort of continuation of mechanistic philosophy (i.e., mechanicism), which is not in fact the case. ", "Mechanistic philosophy, both as a general doctrine and specifically as it applies to biology, is concerned with the characterization of machine mechanisms. ", "The new mechanism discourse, in contrast, is devoted to examining the role played by causal mechanisms in scientific practice. ", "The new mechanism discourse is not committed to a mechanistic worldview, nor does it prescribe a mechanistic approach in biology. ", "In fact, there is nothing distinctively mechanistic about the new mechanism discourse, other than its focus on 'mechanisms'; and even this is not something it really shares with mechanicism given that each research program understands this concept in a different sense (see Fig. ", "1). ", "Still, many contemporary philosophers of science routinely refer to explanations appealing to causal mechanisms as 'mechanistic', despite these generally having nothing to do with classic mechanistic explanations. ", "Mechanistic explanations are ones in which wholes are accounted for in terms of the structure and interactions of their parts. ", "Thus, to explain a system mechanistically is to explain it as one explains a machine mechanism; i.e., to explain the way in which the component parts of the system determine the properties and activities of the whole. ", "However, it is increasingly the case that philosophers employ the term 'mechanistic' simply as a synonym for 'causal' when characterizing scientific explanations. ", "This is regrettable because it blurs the longstanding tradition in biology of using 'mechanistic' to refer to the ontological and epistemological commitments of mechanicism (such as in the title of Jacques Loeb's seminal manifesto, The mechanistic conception of life), which remain at the heart of contemporary disciplines like molecular biology.3 Consequently, for the sake of consistency it would be preferable to avoid the term 'mechanistic' altogether in discussions of causal mechanisms. ", "In place of Skipper and Millstein's misleading banner, I will hereafter refer to the new mechanism movement in the philosophy of science as the mechanismic program, and to explanations given in terms of causal mechanisms as mechanismic explanations, retaining the word 'mechanistic' for discussions of mechanicism and machine mechanisms. ", "This seems more appropriate, given that the term 'mechanismic' is already widely used ine sometimes invoked in the same context. ", "For example, when biologists speak of 'the o draw attention to the engine-like structure of the enzyme. ", "However, when biologists nism sense to describe the sequence of steps involved in the chemiosmotic process ccurate. ", "Mechanicism cannot be contrasted historically with theories appealing to a machine mechanism necessarily presupposed the existence of a Divine Creator. ", "This Mechanism [i.e., mechanicism] about the developed organism cannot consistently be logical Mechanism is a theory of the organism based on its analogy to self-acting and without design and deliberate interference by someone with matter'. ", "As I will discuss tion that mechanistic biology became completely secularized. ", "tively mechanistic mindset of this discipline in his characterization of the cell: 'By its in, as between organism and medium, an entirely one-way relationship, this system : the cell is indeed a machine' (Monod, 1977, p. 108). ", "Mechanismic Program Mechanicism (Mechanistic Philosophy) Machine Mechanisms Causal Mechanisms examines examines Fig. ", "1. ", "Relationship between the different meanings of 'mechanism' D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163 155philosophical discussions of causal mechanisms in the social sciences (e.g., Bunge, 1997; Falleti & Lynch, 2009; Gerring, 2007; Norkus, 2005).4 3. ", "The conceptual evolution of 'mechanism' in biology Darden (2006, p. 289, fn. ", "5) has noted that 'The history of the usage of the concept of mechanism from the seventeenth century to molecular biology has yet to be written'. ", "It would be impossible to provide a comprehensive account of this history in the present paper. ", "Instead, I will restrict myself in this section to indicating what I take to be the critical episodes in that history which resulted in the semantic fragmentation of 'mechanism'. ", "The first two senses of 'mechanism' I distinguished, mechanicism and machine mechanism, can be traced back to the natural philosophy of the seventeenth century. ", "Mechanicism in its first formulations was intertwined with natural theology, given that the mechanistic understanding of the universe as intricate clockwork (i.e., as a machine mechanism) necessarily implied a Divine Creator. ", "As a result, all things in nature, including organisms, became conceived as complex assemblages of machinery created by an intelligent Designer. ", "It is this mechanistic understanding of life which enabled the notion of machine mechanism to be employed beyond the realm of technological artefacts in explicitly biological contexts. ", "For the mechanistic biologist, living systems are not just composed of machine mechanisms; they are themselves machine mechanisms. ", "Indeed, allusions to the 'mechanism of the body' are commonplace throughout the history of physiology. ", "With Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, it became possible to naturalistically explain the complex adaptations of organisms without needing to appeal to a Divine Creator. ", "One of the implications of Darwin's theory was that its evolutionary understanding of organisms seemed to be at odds with the engineering-based conception of life of mechanicism, exemplified by its postulation of biological machine mechanisms. ", "Therefore, to uncover the semantic evolution of the concept of mechanism, it is necessary to consider two key questions: (a) What happened to the notion of machine mechanism in biology after Darwin? (", "b) When and why did the notion of causal mechanism become pervasive in biology? ", "Ruse (2005) has actually provided answers to both of these questions, but his answers are problematic. ", "In response to question (a), Ruse presents textual evidence which suggests that although Darwin did occasionally refer to biological machine mechanisms, unlike earlier biologists he always understood these machine mechanisms in a purely metaphorical sense. ", "Ruse concludes from this that Darwin was responsible for demoting the notion of machine mechanism in biology to a heuristic status. ", "With Darwin,4 Indeed, these authors have adopted this neologism precisely because they recogniz mechanistic explanations of machine mechanisms. ", "Gerring (2007, p. 163), for instance, re causal mechanism] departs dramatically from common nineteenth-century and early twent world. ", "In this context, mechanism [i.e., mechanicism] meant 'the theory that all phenomena are explained without recourse to intelligence as an operating cause or principle' [. . .]. ", "Evide to a mechanistic causal account modelled on Newtonian physics'.machine mechanisms lost their ontic basis and became reconceptualized as heuristic tools that aid the investigation of adaptation. ", "Darwin himself made use of the machine mechanism-heuristic in his inquiry into the workings of barnacles and orchids, and this remains a common practice in evolutionary biology, where it is known as 'reverse engineering'. ", "Although this account seems reasonable, a more careful examination reveals its problems. ", "Despite the apparent incompatibility between the mechanistic conception of organisms as machines and a Darwinian understanding of organisms, what we actually find when we inspect modern evolutionary biology is that mechanistic language is not used exclusively at a heuristic level. ", "Contrary to Ruse's expectations, Darwin did not strip the notion of machine mechanism of its ontic significance. ", "Rather, it was evolutionary biology itself which adapted to accommodate mechanistic thinking about organisms, so that since Darwin, 'the idea that the world is full of designed machines has been replaced by the idea that it contains evolved machines' (Craver & Darden, 2005, p. 239, my emphasis). ", "In fact, Gould and Lewontin's (1979) famous critique of adaptationism can be interpreted precisely as a reaction against this excessive reliance on mechanistic thinking in evolution, which all too often constitutes not just a heuristic tool but also a theoretical justification for understanding organisms as optimallydesigned machines blindly engineered by natural selection (e.g., Dawkins, 1986; Dennett, 1995). ", "Moving to other areas of contemporary biology, it quickly becomes apparent that talk of machine mechanisms remains entrenched at an ontological level. ", "In molecular and cellular biology, for instance, the standard conception of the organism is that of a machine programmed by its genes and decomposable into its component machine mechanisms. ", "Subcellular protein complexes are frequently referred to as machines, and the cell itself is conceived as an assemblage of machine subunits (e.g., Alberts, 1998). ", "An important point, however, is that despite the fact that machine mechanisms continue to play a fundamental role in many areas of biology, the term 'mechanism' is generally no longer used to designate them. ", "Instead, biologists today tend to refer to machine mechanisms simply as 'machines', presumably to distinguish this notion from the sense in which 'mechanism' is now most commonly used in biology, namely causal mechanism. ", "Ruse's explanation for the displacement of machine mechanism by causal mechanism as the most widely used sense of 'mechanism', i.e., his answer to question (b), is also problematic. ", "He suggests that Darwin's secularization of mechanicism enabled the concept of 'mechanism' to acquire widespread currency in the broader sense of causal mechanism. ", "With Darwin, 'mechanism' came to be used to designate a much wider range of biological phenomena, including Darwin's own 'mechanism' of natural selection. ", "However, after thoroughly searching through Darwin's works, Ruse actually discovers that Darwin 'simply does not speak of natural selection as a mechanism' (Ruse, 2005, p. 291). ", "Darwin only uses 'mechanism' in the machine mechanism sense; the very idea of a causal mechanism is simply alien to him. ", "As Ruse himself indicates, it is not until the late nineteen-thirties that natural selection came to be generally referred to as a 'mechanism'. ", "Neither Fisher (1930) nor Haldane (1932) used this language, but Dobzhansky (1937) did, noting that 'the theory of natural selection is primarily an attempt to give an account of the probable mechanism [i.e., causal mechanism] of the origin of the adaptations of organisms to theire the importance of distinguishing explanations based on causal mechanisms from marks: 'It should be noted that this contemporary understanding of mechanism [i.e., ieth-century understandings of the term, which invoked a mechanistic account of the can be explained in terms of the principles by which machines (mechanical systems) ntly, to say 'mechanism' in a contemporary context does not mean that one is wedded 156 D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163environment' (Dobzhansky, 1937, p. 150). ", "If Darwin's secularization of mechanicism truly brought about the widespread use of 'mechanism' in the causal mechanism sense, why is it that threequarters of a century had to pass from the publication of Darwin's Origin of species for natural selection to be commonly referred to as a 'mechanism'? ", "In light of these difficulties, I want to suggest a rather different answer to question (b). ", "When considering the factors that had the greatest impact on mechanicism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, far more important than the advent of Darwinism was the gradual erosion of vitalism. ", "As the philosophical antithesis of mechanicism, vitalism can be characterized as the doctrine that upholds the direct inverse of the four core tenets of mechanicism outlined in Section 2. ", "The heart of the vitalistic doctrine is the postulation of a vital principle (which, depending on the historical period, assumed the form of a soul, a force, or a mode of organization) that ontologically demarcates living from non-living systems. ", "From the seventeenth century onwards, mechanicism and vitalism developed in parallel, with the mechanists continually disproving the claims of the vitalists, and the vitalists repeatedly re-emerging to pose new challenges to the mechanists. ", "However, by the late nineteenth century the spectacular empirical success of mechanicism in disciplines as diverse as physiology, developmental biology, and biochemistry ultimately led to the marginalization of vitalism as a workable research program. ", "No longer being confronted by serious opposition, the mechanistic conception of life became widely accepted as an elementary presupposition of biological research in the early decades of the twentieth century. '", "At the present day', wrote the embryologist Joseph Needham in 1925, 'the situation is in effect the complete triumph of mechanistic biology. ", "It is not alone in the field, because the neovitalists do exist as a small minority, but the vast preponderance of active biological workers are mechanists' (Needham, 1925, p. 235). ", "I want to argue that one of the key consequences of the consolidation of mechanicism was that it was no longer necessary to explicitly defend the core tenets of this doctrine. ", "The view that living systems are machines did not need to be justified and could simply be taken as a given. ", "As a result, mechanism-talk became applied to all kinds of biological phenomena, given the mechanistic confidence that everything would, in due course, be explained as effectively as engineers explain the operation of machines. ", "This increasingly loose use of 'mechanism' caused the word to gradually lose its distinctive mechanistic connotations, becoming a 'dead metaphor' that could be readily applied beyond the realm of machine-like systems to any biological phenomenon in need of a causal explanation. ", "It is this semantic shift, I suggest, which led the term 'mechanism', understood in the more general and inclusive sense of causal mechanism, to acquire such widespread currency in biology. ", "Evidence for this account can be found by inspecting the writings of the biologists of this period. ", "For example, J. S. Haldane, one of the most influential physiologists of the early twentieth century, drew attention on several occasions to the increasing proliferation of mechanism-talk in biology, pointing out that using the term 'mechanism' with respect to a phenomenon no longer implied conceiving it mechanistically as a machine mechanism. ", "In The sciences and philosophy, he observed that 'In current physiological literature it is still customary, in describing what is known as to different bodily activities, to refer to them as 'mechanisms'- for instance, the 'mechanisms' of reproduction, respiration, secretion, etc.' ", "despite the fact that 'There are perhaps few physiologists5 It is interesting to note that the causal mechanism sense of 'mechanism' first began to against this looser use of the term (see Ruse, 2005).who now consider that they have any real conception of these mechanisms [as machine mechanisms]'. ", "The usage of 'mechanism', Haldane noted, has become 'a mere matter of custom' (Haldane, 1929, p. 59). ", "In The philosophical basis of biology, Haldane reiterated these remarks, indicating that physiologists 'have acquired the habit, almost unconscious, of referring to the 'mechanisms' of various physiological activities, though they have not the remotest conception of what sort of mechanisms [i.e., machine mechanisms] these activities represent'. ", "He concluded from this that 'the use of the word 'mechanism' is a mere empty formality' (Haldane, 1931, p. 11). ", "Although Haldane openly voiced his concern regarding this looser use of 'mechanism' in the causal mechanism sense, warning that 'such a mode of expression is extremely misleading to that miscellaneous body which we call the public' (Haldane, 1929, p. 59), he clearly did not succeed in persuading his contemporaries against this usage of the term. ", "Still, what is relevant in the present discussion is that his remarks lend credence to my proposed explanation of the supplantation of machine mechanism by causal mechanism as the most common meaning of the term in biology.5 4. ", "The mechanismic program in relation to mechanicism So far I have argued that due to the success of mechanicism in the early twentieth century, the causal mechanism sense of 'mechanism' became predominant in biology during this period, and remains so to this day. ", "But how and when did the different senses of 'mechanism' come to be featured in the philosophy of biology? ", "Exploring this question will help situate the recent mechanismic program in relation to mechanicism. ", "This will be a key step in the development of my argument, as showing the fundamental differences between these two research programs will provide the basis for my critical engagement with the mechanismic program in Sections 5 and 6. ", "The longstanding conflict between mechanists on the one side and vitalists and organicists on the other, being in the final analysis a dispute concerning the very nature of life itself, constituted the central theme in the philosophy of biology during the first half of the twentieth century (see Bertalanffy, 1952; Johnstone, 1914; Woodger, 1929), even if by this time most experimental biologists (like Needham) considered that the dispute had already been resolved in favour of mechanicism. ", "Mechanistic biology and machine mechanisms continued to be discussed in subsequent decades (e.g., Varela & Maturana, 1972), capturing even the attention of leading exponents of logical empiricism like Hempel (1966, ch. ", "8) and Nagel (1979, ch. ", "12). ", "However, following the academic institutionalization of the philosophy of biology at the hands of David Hull, Michael Ruse and others, discussions of mechanistic biology came to an abrupt end as the new generation of philosophers of biology, influenced by philosophically-minded evolutionists like Ernst Mayr, turned its attention to theoretical issues in evolutionary biology, such as the levels of selection, the definition of fitness, and the nature of species. ", "Nevertheless, critical examinations of mechanistic biology and machine mechanisms are still featured in the contemporary literature (e.g., Dupré, 2007; Lewens, 2004; Lewontin, 2000; McLaughlin, 2001; Rosen, 1991), although the terms in which the issues are discussed have changed somewhat. ", "What of the third sense of 'mechanism'? ", "When did causal mechanisms enter into philosophical discussions of biology? ", "Browsing the literature one finds references to the term 'mechanism' employed in the causal mechanism sense in articles by Kauffman (1970), Grene (1971) and Wimsatt (1972, 1974). ", "However, Brandon (1985) appears to have been the first to provide apermeate the literature on natural selection only a few years after Haldane's warnings D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163 157detailed analysis of the importance of causal mechanisms in biological research. ", "Brandon's account is important for several reasons. ", "For one thing, it is the first to explicitly recognize the semantic ambivalence inherent in the biological usage of 'mechanism', as well as the inevitable difficulties that arise when attempting to pin down this concept.6 More crucially, it presents an understanding of the postulation of causal mechanisms in science that distinctly characterizes the mechanismic program today, namely that the appeal to causal mechanisms in scientific practice does not imply a commitment to the reductionistic agenda of mechanicism.7 Indeed, whereas mechanicism, as Craver and Darden (2005, p. 235) note, is 'closely aligned with the spirit of reductionism and the unity of science', the mechanismic program focuses on multi-level explanations given in terms of causal mechanisms and with an explicitly non-reductive view of science (see Craver, 2005; Darden, 2005). ", "The mechanismic program, unlike mechanicism, is not primarily concerned with biological ontology, but with the nature of biological explanations. ", "This is not surprising given that the postulation of causal mechanisms, having become a virtually ubiquitous practice in contemporary biology, discloses rather little about a biologist's ontological commitments. ", "Physiologists, ecologists, neuroscientists, and cell biologists have different understandings of life, yet they all appeal to causal mechanisms in their explanations. ", "Clearly, whatever ontological commitments they all share are likely to be very general in nature. ", "This stands in contrast with molecular biologists' standard mechanistic conception of living systems as machine mechanisms, for which explanations are sought from the bottom up in increasing levels of complexity. ", "In every respect, the appeal to machine mechanisms is indicative of far more substantive ontological commitments than the appeal to causal mechanisms. ", "These ontological commitments (summarized in Section 2) are at the heart of the mechanistic conception of life that dominated biological thought for much of the twentieth century, but which today, with the growing emphasis on systemic thinking in biology, is increasingly viewed as simply one of several possible understandings of what living systems are and how they should be studied. ", "In the few occasions when mechanismic philosophers explicitly address matters of biological ontology, it is usually to distinguish the mechanists' appeal to machine mechanisms from their own concern with causal mechanisms (recall Fig. ", "1). ", "By demarcating causal mechanisms from machine mechanisms, mechanismic philosophers distance their research program from the ontological commitments of mechanicism. ", "Mechanismic philosophers distinguish causal mechanisms from machine mechanisms in two ways. ", "The first strategy (which I already alluded to in the Introduction) is to focus on the way the term 'mechanism' is presently used in biology and disregard older uses of the term as irrelevant to current analyses of the concept (e.g., Craver, 2007, p. 3). ", "What this does is minimize the scope for conflating the older biological usage of 'mechanism' in the machine mechanism sense (predominant in biology until the first third of the twentieth century) with the current biological usage of the term in the causal mechanism sense. ", "The second strategy is to explicitly differentiate 'mechanisms' (i.e., causal mechanisms) from 'machines' (i.e., machine mechanisms), and both Darden (2006, pp. ", "280–281; 2007. ", "p. 142) and Craver (2007, p. 4 and p. 140) do this on more than one occasion.6 Indeed, when Brandon asks what mechanisms are, he is unable to provide a precise defi machine mechanisms) but also to 'small peripheral populations and geographic isolating philosophy of biology 'mechanism' 'is typically used to designate the position opposing vita by Brandon's proposal to use the term 'mechanism' in a fourth sense to refer to the practic call mechanism is given in terms of search of mechanisms' (Brandon, 1985, p. 346). ", "7 Brandon further develops this important thesis in a more recent essay entitled 'ReducIt is important to realize the extent to which MDC's (2000) account of causal mechanisms has marked a turning point in philosophical discussions of this concept. ", "Before MDC's account, characterizations of 'mechanisms' routinely conflated the machine mechanism and causal mechanism senses. ", "For instance, Thagard (1998) noticed that the term 'mechanism' is commonly featured in contemporary explanations of disease, but defined it in the machine mechanism sense as 'a system of parts that operate or interact like those of a machine' (p. 66, my emphasis). ", "Similarly, when Glennan first defined 'mechanism', he indicated that his definition is meant to apply to 'complex systems analogous to machines' (Glennan, 1996, p. 51, my emphasis). ", "In fact, Glennan has continued to heavily rely on the notion of machine mechanism in his account of 'mechanisms', going as far as to cite cells and organisms as prime examples of his conception of them (Glennan, 2002, p. S345). ", "Although mechanistic biologists do indeed ontologically conceive cells and organisms as machine mechanisms, it makes little sense for any biologist to consider the causal mechanism of an entire cell or organism. ", "Most mechanismic philosophers would disagree with Glennan's designation of cells and organisms as 'mechanisms', and the reason is clear. ", "The new mechanismic program 'strives to characterize mechanism [. . .] ", "in a manner faithful to biologists' own usages' (Darden, 2007, p.142) and causal mechanism is what most present-day biologists mean when they use the word 'mechanism'. ", "This is why mechanismic philosophers focus exclusively on this sense of the term, and why most of them would not recognize supposed machine mechanisms like cells and organisms as 'mechanisms'. ", "The reason for Glennan's apparent unconcern regarding the lack of correlation between his mechanistically tinged understanding of the concept of 'mechanism' and the way the term is actually used by most contemporary biologists is that his account of mechanisms is not primarily motivated by an interest in scientific practice (like MDC and others), but by a concern with the nature of causation. ", "Indeed, in his 1996 paper Glennan sets out to address Hume's sceptical challenge regarding the connection between cause and effect by suggesting that 'mechanisms' could provide a plausible metaphysics of causation. ", "Glennan proposes that events are causally related if there is a 'mechanism' that connects them, and he uses this conception of 'mechanism' to develop a mechanical view of explanation (Glennan, 2002). ", "In doing so, Glennan builds on Salmon's (1984) account of causal-mechanical explanation, which was itself an elaboration of Railton's (1978) deductive-nomological model of probabilistic explanation, in which the term 'mechanism' was introduced into the philosophical literature on scientific explanation (Glennan 2002, p. S343). ", "Interestingly, this earlier work on 'mechanisms', unlike the more recent biologically-inspired mechanismic discourse, does actually show some clear links with mechanicism. ", "Railton (1978) says the following regarding his mechanistic orientation: The goal of understanding the world is a theoretical goal, and if the world is a machine [. . .] ", "then our theory ought to give us some insight into the structure and workings of the mechanism [i.e., machine mechanism], above and beyond the capability of predicting and controlling its outcomes. (", "Railton, 1978, p. 208, my emphasis) This conception of the world as a machine mechanism, as well as the stated desire to understand, predict, and control it, are allnition. ", "He notes that 'mechanism' may refer to 'spring-wound clocks and watches' (i.e., barriers' (i.e., causal mechanisms). ", "To make matters worse, Brandon observes, in the lism, holism, or organicism' (i.e., mechanicism). ", "The semantic ambiguity is exacerbated e of formulating causal mechanisms in science, stating confusingly that 'the position I tionism versus holism versus mechanism' (Brandon, 1996, ch. ", "11). ", "158 D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163characteristic attributes of mechanistic philosophy. ", "Along similar lines, Glennan points out that his account of 'mechanisms' is 'largely inspired by the insights of the Mechanical philosophers' of the seventeenth century' (Glennan, 1996, p. 51). ", "Thus, Skipper and Millstein's (2005) banner of 'the new mechanistic philosophy' would have been far more appropriate if it had been used to refer to this literature on 'mechanisms', rather than to the more recent examinations of causal mechanisms in biology, which on the whole bear little connection to the original motivations of this earlier work in the philosophy of science. ", "Darden's latest appraisal of the mechanismic program makes this explicit when she clarifies that 'work on mechanisms in biology originated (primarily) not as a response to past work in philosophy of science but from consideration of the work of biologists themselves' (Darden, 2008, p. 958). ", "Overall, it is clear that the mechanismic program must be regarded as being completely independent from mechanicism, both as a general doctrine and specifically as it applies to biology. ", "Indeed, we have seen how leading proponents of the mechanismic program like Craver and Darden reject some of the core tenets of mechanicism, such as the reducibility of biology to physics and chemistry, and the exclusive reliance on reductionistic explanations. ", "Demarcating the mechanismic program from mechanicism is crucial, as the failure to do so results in problematic analyses of causal mechanisms. ", "The most glaring example of this, in my view, is found in some of Bechtel's recent work. ", "While most mechanismic philosophers are rather cautious in their use of history when discussing causal mechanisms, drawing on relatively recent case studies when illustrating their claims, Bechtel traces the appeal to 'mechanisms' in scientific explanation not just to Descartes in the seventeenth century, but all the way back to the Ancient Greek atomists of the fifth century BCE (Bechtel, 2006, pp. ", "20–21; 2008, p. 10). ", "But instead of considering how the meaning of 'mechanism' has developed over time (as Ruse (2005) does, and as I have attempted to do in Section 3), Bechtel just takes the modern sense of 'mechanism' as causal mechanism as his starting point and then simply projects it back in history. ", "As a result, his historical discussions conflate the distinctive appeal to machine mechanisms by mechanistic biologists with the almost ubiquitous appeal to causal mechanisms by biologists today (e.g., Bechtel, 2006; 2007, ch. ", "2). ", "Understanding the term 'mechanism' exclusively in the causal mechanism sense, Bechtel complains that critics of mechanistic biology commit a grave mistake in assimilating the notion of 'mechanism' to that of machine (Bechtel, 2008, p. 2), not realizing that the very reason for this is that when mechanists do speak of 'mechanisms', machine-like systems (i.e., machine mechanisms) is precisely what they have in mind.8 The striking thing is that Bechtel, just like Craver and Darden, actually rejects central tenets of mechanistic biology, such as the exclusive reliance on explanatory reductionism (Bechtel & Abrahamsen, 2008), and the privileging of the efficient and material causes of organisms over and above their systemic, self-organizing properties (Bechtel, 2007). ", "But, again, instead of distancing himself from mechanicism, Bechtel seems to think that the only way to make sense of the pervasiveness of mechanism-talk in current biology is to broaden the doctrine of mechanistic biology accordingly, not realizing that the appeal to the term 'mechanism' in sci-8 This is as true for seventeenth-century mechanists like Descartes as it is for twentieth 9 Much more could be said regarding Bechtel's problematic reconstruction of mechanisti organization for the mechanists (Bechtel, 2007) despite the fact that the concept of self-org fundamentally different from machines and thus cannot be explained in mechanistic terms, constitute the principal manifestation of the vital principle they postulated. ", "However, ela 10 The fact that Bechtel & Richardson (1993) are interested in mechanistic explanatio (pertaining to causal mechanisms) is evidenced by their assertion that 'By calling the e producing a certain behavior in a manner analogous to that of machines developed through hu begins with a characterization of machines, not of mechanisms. ", "However, in his more rec machine mechanisms by mechanists, but also the widespread appeal to causal mechanismentific practice today no longer commits one to mechanicism (as 'mechanism' is now generally employed in the causal mechanism sense). ", "This leads Bechtel to formulate a very odd conception of mechanistic biology, so general in content and inclusive in its applicability that none of the distinctive ontological and epistemological commitments that tend to be associated with it (see Section 2) are relevant. ", "Instead, all that qualifies a biologist as a 'mechanist' for Bechtel is that she appeals to 'mechanisms' in her research. ", "Similarly, all that qualifies an explanation as 'mechanistic' is that a 'mechanism' is featured in it, regardless of the way in which this concept is used.9 I can think of two reasons for Bechtel's misrepresentation of mechanicism. ", "The first is that some of his earlier work (e.g., Bechtel & Richardson, 1993) was in fact concerned with mechanistic explanations in biology, specifically with the strategies of decomposition and localization that are often featured in them.10 So in the wake of the influence of MDC's (2000) account of causal mechanisms, Bechtel might have felt it natural to bridge his earlier discussion of machine mechanisms with an examination of causal mechanisms, since, after all, the term 'mechanism' is central to both discourses. ", "Still, the main reason for Bechtel's misrepresentation is that he does not appear to recognize that the concept of 'mechanism' has more than one meaning. ", "It is because he conflates the notions of machine mechanism and causal mechanism that he also conflates mechanicism with the mechanismic program (e.g., Bechtel, 2006, ch. ", "2; 2008, ch. ", "1). ", "Nevertheless, the mischaracterization of mechanicism is not the only, or even the main, problem that results from the conflation of causal mechanisms and machine mechanisms. ", "The most serious consequence of not distinguishing these notions is that causal mechanisms become inappropriately endowed with the ontic status of machine mechanisms. ", "This ontologization of causal mechanisms is very widespread in the philosophical literature, and in the next section I will discuss some of the problems that stem from it. ", "5. ", "Problems resulting from the ontologization of causal mechanisms Mechanismic philosophers tend to conceive causal mechanisms as real things in the world existing independently from our conceptualization of them. ", "However, based on the role they play in scientific practice, I suggest that causal mechanisms are better understood as heuristic models that facilitate the explanation of phenomena. ", "The fact that the overwhelming majority of mechanismic philosophers speak of them as 'real systems in nature' (Bechtel, 2006, p. 33) I attribute to an inadvertent transposition of the ontic status of machine mechanisms (the original sense in which 'mechanism' was used) onto the notion of causal mechanism (the standard meaning of 'mechanism' in biology today). ", "This ontologization of causal mechanisms tends to result in a conception of them as autonomous complex systems (analogous to machine mechanisms), which constitute and operate within the organism (e.g., Bechtel, 2007; Glennan, 2002). ", "I maintain that this ontic conception of causal mechanisms is problematic, and I will substantiate this claim by examining what are perhaps the two-century mechanists like Loeb. ", "c biology, such as the way in which he misappropriates classic vitalistic ideas like selfanization was actually coined by Immanuel Kant in order to argue that organisms are and that most vitalists after Kant took the distinctive self-organization of organisms to borating these claims would take me beyond the scope of this paper. ", "ns (pertaining to machine mechanisms) as opposed to mechanismic explanations xplanations mechanistic, we are highlighting the fact that they treat the systems as man technology' (p. 17, my emphasis). ", "Indeed, their analysis of mechanistic explanation ent work Bechtel readily describes as 'mechanistic' not just the distinctive appeal to s in current scientific practice. ", "D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163 159most distinctive features of causal mechanisms in biology: function and organization (cf. ", "McKay & Williamson, 2010). ", "5.1. ", "Function The operation of a causal process described in a causal mechanism produces a particular phenomenon that serves to individuate and causally relate the entities and activities that are responsible for it. ", "In biology, the phenomenon produced by the causal process described in a causal mechanism usually enables the fulfilment of a function, so that specifying the causal mechanism for a function explains how this function is causally brought about. ", "The problem of conceiving causal mechanisms as autonomous complex systems is that it overlooks the conditions that actually enable the functions of these systems to be carried out, as well as the true biological significance of those functions. ", "A living organism is an organized network of processes of production, transformation, and regeneration of components that continuously realizes itself by means of the coordinated orchestration of the components that make it up (Maturana & Varela, 1980). ", "In this way, the organism constitutes an integrated whole which maintains its identity through time by regulating, repairing, and reproducing its component parts. ", "These parts stand in a relation of collective interdependence, as every one of them is necessary for the generation and operation of every other. ", "Thus the attribution of functions to the parts of an organism is dictated by the means in which each part individually contributes to the maintenance and organization of all other parts and hence to the organism as a whole (see Edin, 2008; McLaughlin, 2001; Mossio, Saborido, & Moreno, 2009). ", "This means that the function of all suborganismic systems and processes featured in causal mechanisms is ultimately that of preserving the autopoietic organization of the whole organism. ", "The idea of autonomous causal mechanisms operating within the organism is, I suggest, nothing more than a pragmatic idealization that biologists appeal to in order to narrow their focus on the particular parts of the organism they happen to be investigating. ", "This heuristic fragmentation of the organism into causal mechanisms, despite being necessary for its investigation, often comes at the expense of neglecting the way in which the organism as a whole influences the behaviour of its parts. ", "In current philosophical accounts, the ontic conception of causal mechanisms as real autonomous subsystems neglects the fact that in order to make appropriate biological sense of the subsystems' functions, these subsystems need to be framed within a set of background conditions, that is, the organismic context that enables them to carry out their functions in the first place.11 Craver (2007, p. 122) has indicated that 'The core normative requirement on mechanistic [i.e., mechanismic] explanations is that they must fully account for the explanandum phenomena'. ", "That is, 'Good explanations account for all of the features of a phenomenon rather than a subset' (ibid., ", "p. 161). ", "This means that mechanismic explanations that do not include a full account of the organismic context that enables the production of the explanandum phenomenon (or function) are, on Craver's terms, necessarily incomplete. ", "This is problematic as actual scientific practice demonstrates that mechanismic explanations are never exhaustive catalogues of all the causal relations necessary for the production of phenomena,11 The problematic transference of mechanistic thinking is particularly noticeable here. ", "W with clearly-delineated output functions without the loss of information, the parts in an or collective interdependence and are thus not autonomous in any important respect (even if any explanation of the functions of parts in an organism needs to account not just for the pa 12 Not only does Craver not refer to the influence of the whole organism in explaining ho organization, but there is reason to believe that mechanismic explanations, by virtue mechanismic explanations are, in Craver's words, 'anchored in components' (Craver, 2007, p is not explainable by attending exclusively to the properties of component parts.such as the enabling conditions provided by the organism as a whole. ", "Rather, mechanismic explanations specify only those features of the underlying causal networks that biologists deem most relevant for manipulating and controlling the phenomena whilst at the same time presupposing a great deal of the organismic context that makes them possible. ", "For this reason, it makes more sense to view causal mechanisms as idealized spatiotemporal cross-sections of organisms that heuristically pick out certain causal features over others in order to account for how given functions within the organism are carried out, as these are generally the things that biologists describe when they use the term 'mechanism' in their explanations. ", "5.2. ", "Organization Mechanismic philosophers frequently emphasize the importance of organization for understanding how causal mechanisms account for functions or behaviours. ", "MDC (2000, p. 3), for instance, state that 'The organization of entities and activities determines the ways in which they produce the phenomenon'. ", "Bechtel (2006, p. 26) similarly notes that 'The orchestrated functioning of the mechanism is responsible for one or more phenomena'. ", "The problem is that mechanismic philosophers do not actually explain how the entities and activities in a mechanism are organized, only that they are organized. ", "MDC (2000, p. 3) point out that 'Entities often must be appropriately located, structured, and oriented, and the activities in which they engage must have a temporal order, rate, and duration' but say nothing about the means by which these crucial organizational requirements are actually met in living organisms. ", "Instead, all that discussions of organization in the mechanismic literature amount to is the plain assertion that organization matters (e.g., Craver, 2007, pp. ", "134–139). ", "Still, if causal mechanisms are to be conceived ontically as real suborganismic systems (rather than epistemically as idealized models of those subsystems, as I suggest) then just paying lip service to the fact that these subsystems are organized is insufficient. ", "To fully account for the explanandum phenomenon (Craver's normative requirement for a good mechanismic explanation) it becomes necessary not just to specify, but also to explain how this organization is generated and maintained. ", "The problem is that this requires taking the description beyond the actual causal mechanism to the level of the organism as a whole, given that suborganismic parts do not organize themselves but rely on the action of the whole organism for their generation, organization, and maintenance. ", "This is rarely understood in mechanismic accounts of organization. ", "For example, when Craver (2007, p. 148) indicates that a 'mechanism might compensate for the loss of a part by recovering (healing the part), by making new use of other parts, or by reorganizing the remaining parts', he is inappropriately attributing actions to an ontologized causal mechanism that are actually performed by the organism which contains it.12 As I have argued in my discussion of function, one of the advantages of understanding causal mechanisms as idealized models of suborganismic causal processes rather than as real things is that a satisfactory mechanismic explanation need not include an account of how the target system is actually organized by the organism even if this organization is strictly speaking necessary for the system to causally bring about the phenomenon. ", "This is more inhereas a machine mechanism can be broken down into discrete, self-contained parts ganism (ontologized in current accounts of causal mechanisms) stand in a relation of they can be construed as such for the purposes of their investigation). ", "Consequently, rts themselves but also for the organismic context that makes their function possible. ", "w the causal processes instantiated by causal mechanisms achieve and maintain their of their nature, simply cannot accommodate organismic organization, given that . ", "138), and an organism's autopoietic organization is a system-level phenomenon that 160 D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163accordance with actual scientific practice, in which causal mechanisms tend to pragmatically abstract away the organismic context and only specify the causal features that are taken to be most relevant for controlling and manipulating the phenomena being investigated. ", "In the next section, I will elaborate and defend the epistemic account of causal mechanisms, indicating the further advantages of this view over the ontic conception that most mechanismic philosophers presently favour. ", "6. ", "Defending an epistemic conception of causal mechanisms It is important to keep in mind that the causal mechanism sense of 'mechanism' was not formulated in abstracto and then applied to scientific practice. ", "Rather, it arose from scientific practice and it has only recently been philosophically reconstructed to make sense of how scientists explain phenomena. ", "Consequently, the success of any given philosophical reconstruction of 'mechanism' must be measured in terms of how well it captures the way this term is used in scientific practice. ", "The conception of causal mechanism that I argue best fits biologists' mechanism-talk is that of a contingent explanatory description which heuristically abstracts away the complexity of a living system sufficiently to describe some localized causal process within it which leads to the realization of some function of interest. ", "That is, causal mechanisms are epistemic models that enable the explanation of how phenomena are causally brought about. ", "Interestingly, although most mechanismic philosophers claim to uphold an ontic view of causal mechanisms, much of what they say is actually perfectly compatible with an epistemic conception. ", "In fact, it is not difficult to find instances in the philosophical literature in which ontically construed causal mechanisms are conflated with their epistemic representations, as I will show in a moment. ", "This ambiguity, I suggest, is the result of the tension that inevitably arises from inappropriately transposing the ontic status of machine mechanisms onto causal mechanisms on the one hand, and paying close attention to the role that mechanism-talk actually plays in scientific practice on the other. ", "When scientists inquire about the causal mechanism of P (where P is the phenomenon of interest), the term 'mechanism' does not refer to that which is explained but rather to that which does the explaining. ", "Craver (2007) acknowledges this when he asserts that 'The explanans is a mechanism' (p. 139) and the phenomenon of interest is the explanandum (p. 6).13 In this way, specifying a causal mechanism for a phenomenon implies providing an explanation for it. ", "As MDC indicate, 'Mechanisms are sought to explain how a phenomenon comes about or how some significant process works' (2000, p. 2, my emphasis). ", "One of the advantages of the epistemic view of causal mechanisms is that it is no longer necessary to postulate additional epistemic notions like 'mechanism sketch' and 'mechanism schema' to make sense of mechanismic explanations. ", "Depending on the degree of abstraction, causal mechanisms may constitute what mechanismic philosophers call 'sketches', 'schemas', or 'mechanisms'. ", "Craver (2007, p. 114) tacitly admits the continuity between these notions when he indicates that progress in formulating a successful mechanismic explanation 'involves movement [. . .] ", "along the sketch-schema-mechanism axis'. ", "Moreover, the very characterizations of causal mechanisms that mechanismic philosophers have proposed are in fact perfectly compatible with an epistemic understanding of them. ", "According to the epistemic view, causal mechanisms constitute idealized representations of causal processes. ", "These causal processes are abstracted temporally and spatially. ", "Temporally, the causal13 Thus, mechanismic explanations should be understood not as explanations of causal m 14 Indeed, on several occasions Craver (2007, p. 141) acknowledges that causal mechani distributed' or 'tightly interwoven into their systematic context' (ibid., ", "p. 143, fn. ", "23).mechanism delimits a particular causal process by specifying arbitrary beginning and end points that are selected on pragmatic grounds. ", "MDC (2000, p. 11) explicitly recognize that the set-up and termination conditions of causal mechanisms are 'idealized states', and Darden has reiterated this point on several occasions, noting that the beginning and end points of causal mechanisms are 'more or less arbitrarily chosen' (Darden, 2007, p. 141; see also Torres, 2009, p. 240, fn. ", "10). ", "So although MDC purport to uphold an ontic conception of causal mechanisms, they actually characterize them in terms of epistemically selected beginning and end points. ", "Causal mechanisms are also abstracted spatially, according to the epistemic view, as they can only capture certain ontic features of reality at the expense of neglecting others. ", "What gets represented and what is omitted in a causal mechanism is dictated by the nature of the explanandum phenomenon. ", "Craver (2007, pp. ", "139–160) reaches this same conclusion when he considers the normative requirements that determine whether or not something is included as part of a causal mechanism, asserting repeatedly that the delimitation of causal mechanisms can only occur in the context of explanation. ", "That is, entities, activities, and organizational features are part of the causal mechanism for P (where P is the phenomenon of interest) if and only if they are relevant to the explanation of P. The act of individuating the causal mechanism for P is thus the act of determining what aspects are causally relevant to the explanation of P. The delimitation of causal mechanisms hence 'depend[s] on the epistemologically prior delineation of relevance boundaries' (Craver, 2007, p. 144, my emphasis). ", "This view of causal mechanisms significantly departs from the ontic conception of them as autonomous systems akin to machine mechanisms (defended by Glennan, Bechtel, and at times by Craver himself, as shown in Section 5), given that the parts of a causal mechanism do not even need to be structurally demarcated.14 All that matters is that they are causally relevant to the production of the explanandum phenomenon. ", "Craver fleshes out this notion of causal relevance by appealing to Woodward's (2003) manipulability theory of causation. ", "In this way, a part is causally relevant to the phenomenon produced by a causal mechanism if one can modify the production of this phenomenon by manipulating the behaviour of the part, and one can modify the behaviour of the part by manipulating the production of the phenomenon by the causal mechanism. ", "Although Craver's account of explanatory relevance is compatible with both an ontic and an epistemic conception of causal mechanisms, there do not appear to be any obvious reasons for favouring the former over the latter view; if anything, the latter view seems more plausible. ", "Explanations always presuppose a context that specifies what is to be explained and how much detail will suffice for a satisfying answer, and Craver recognizes that it is this very epistemic context that determines how causal mechanisms are individuated and what details are featured in them. ", "The crucial requirement of any causal mechanism, according to Craver, is that it must capture the underlying causal relationships of the target system in such a way that it exhibits the necessary resources for explaining how the target system will behave as a result of interventions and manipulations of its parts. ", "An epistemic view of causal mechanisms fulfils this requirement. ", "It may be helpful to illustrate these claims with an example. ", "Consider the causal mechanism for the membrane trafficking of the delta-opoioid receptor (DOR) induced by pain stimulation, shown in Fig. ", "2 (adapted from Bie & Pan, 2007). ", "This causal mechanism exhibits all of the features I have discussed. ", "It is a step-by-step explanation of the mode of operation of the signal transduction pathway induced by pain stimulation that triggersechanisms, but as explanations given in terms of causal mechanisms. ", "sms 'frequently transgress compartmental boundaries', and 'are often spatially quite Fig. ", "2. ", "Causal mechanism for the membrane trafficking of the Delta-Opioid Receptor (DOR). ", "Upon agonist binding (1), DOR is phosphorylated by GRK (2). ", "It then binds to proteins AP-2 and arrestin (3), and undergoes a process of internalization via endocytosis (4). ", "Once internalized, the receptor is sorted and targeted either to endosomes via the recycling pathway (5) for membrane insertion, or to lysosomes for degradation via the degradation pathway (6). ", "DOR is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (7), and transported to the trans-Golgi network (8), becoming a mature receptor which is targeted in dense-core vesicles (9), ready for membrane trafficking and insertion. ", "Chronic pain stimulation activates receptors (10) and increases intracellular calcium concentration, inducing the membrane trafficking of DOR. ", "D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163 161the intracellular activation of DOR, which results in effective pain relief. ", "The causal mechanism is abstracted both temporally and spatially. ", "Temporally, it abstracts the continuous life-cycle of DOR into a series of discrete idealized stages, which are numbered in the causal mechanism. ", "Spatially, although the whole cell is depicted, only the features that are causally relevant to the membrane trafficking of DOR (i.e., the explanandum phenomenon) are featured in the causal mechanism. ", "What is represented in the causal mechanism is contingent on epistemic considerations given that if we happened to be interested in explaining any other cellular phenomenon, a different yet partially-overlapping set of features would be included in the causal mechanism. ", "Moreover, the organismic context (in this case, the cell) is almost completely abstracted away and yet it is heavily presupposed, as it provides the enabling conditions that are ultimately necessary for the membrane trafficking of DOR. ", "Finally, the causal mechanism constitutes an explanatory model of a particular cross-section of the cell that provides the necessary resources for anticipating how interventions and manipulations of any of the causally relevant parts within the cell and any of the successive stages of the described process will affect the membrane trafficking of DOR. ", "In this way, this causal mechanism serves the heuristic purpose of aiding the physiological and pharmacological investigation of pain relief. ", "So far in this section, I have advanced my defence of an epistemic view of causal mechanisms by showing how the key features of causal mechanisms that mechanismic philosophers deem most important for understanding them are not only not incompatible with the epistemic account I propose, but actually provide strong support for it. ", "Nevertheless, the compatibility of the central claims of MDC and others with an epistemic conception of causal mechanisms does not constitute the main incentive for adopting it. ", "The major reason for defending an epistemic account, as I will argue in the remainder of this section, is that it captures the meaning of biologists' mechanism-talk in ways that are simply beyond the reach of any single ontic conception of causal mechanisms.", "Causal mechanisms are invoked to explain an extremely wide range of phenomena. ", "As Allen (2005, p. 264) indicates, causal mechanism 'can refer to very specific processes, such as the nucleophilic attack by the reactive group of an enzyme on an exposed covalent bond of its substrate, or to a whole category of reactions such as cell signal responses due to protein kinase A (PKA) second messengers'. ", "As the postulation of causal mechanisms has become a virtually ubiquitous practice in biological research, it is practically impossible to define what a causal mechanism is in a way that meaningfully captures all the different uses of this notion, given that the conditions of satisfaction for what counts as a causal mechanism are entirely determined by the context in which it is postulated and on the kind of questions that are asked of the explanandum phenomenon. ", "If, as I suggest, the notion of causal mechanism is understood epistemically, then it can be characterized as an explanation where the explanans and explanandum are sorted out from the context of its formulation. ", "However, if causal mechanisms keep being conceived as 'real systems in nature' (Bechtel, 2006, p. 33), it becomes exceedingly difficult to specify exactly what these 'systems' actually are, not to mention what they all have in common. ", "Paradoxically, this problem stems from the mechanismic program's desire to closely adhere to scientific practice, given that as long as it remains 'faithful to biologists' own usages' of 'mechanism' (Darden, 2007, p. 142), it cannot fulfil its objective of ontically characterizing this notion in a concrete and unified manner. ", "The reason for this is that there is an unavoidable trade-off between the degree of concreteness of any given ontic characterization of causal mechanisms and the breadth of its applicability. ", "In other words, an ontic characterization of causal mechanisms can only increase its domain of applicability at the expense of sacrificing the concreteness of its formulation. ", "Consequently, the only way mechanismic philosophers could encompass all the different ways in which the notion of causal mechanism is employed in scientific practice would be to propose an ontic characterization so general and so abstract that it would be effectively vacuous. ", "162 D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163The recent debate concerning the nature of the causal mechanism of natural selection provides an instructive illustration of this dilemma. ", "Skipper and Millstein (2005) have convincingly argued that none of the major ontic conceptions of causal mechanism successfully captures 'the mechanism of natural selection'. ", "The causal mechanism of natural selection is not composed of entities and activities organized to produce regular changes (á la MDC), nor is it a series of parts in a complex system interacting to produce a behaviour (á la Glennan), nor is it a structure performing a function in virtue of its component parts (á la Bechtel). ", "The different ways in which mechanismic philosophers have dealt with this incompatibility is quite revealing. ", "Glennan (2005b) bites the bullet and concludes that 'there is no such thing as the mechanism of natural selection'. ", "This strategy is problematic because it is at odds with the mechanismic commitment to the 'details of scientific practice' (MDC, 2000, p. 2), given that evolutionary biologists do routinely refer to natural selection as a 'mechanism'. ", "Craver and Darden (2005, p. 240) instead contemplate 'whether the account of mechanism should be broadened to allow for stochastic processes and other forms of organization'. ", "Skipper and Millstein (2005, p. 344) also consider this option but decide against it because postulating such a broad conception of causal mechanism 'may not be desirable if it means sacrificing an understanding of the things that make mechanisms distinctive in particular fields, such as molecular biology'. ", "This concern aptly illustrates the danger of vacuity that arises from formulating exceedingly broad ontic characterizations of causal mechanisms. ", "Barros (2008) proposes a third solution, which is to formulate various ontic characterizations of causal mechanism, among them one which can effectively capture the causal mechanism of natural selection. ", "The problem with this strategy is that it means giving up the objective of having a unified conception of causal mechanisms that can be used to make generalizations regarding the nature of mechanismic explanations across biology. ", "In this way, all three proposed solutions are unsatisfactory. ", "However, when we adopt an epistemic view of causal mechanisms, the tensions generated by the efforts to ontically reconstruct this causal mechanism disappear.15 Some mechanismic philosophers may object that the thesis that causal mechanisms are epistemic rather than ontic can be refuted on the grounds that biologists often use 'mechanism' to refer to the causal process itself and not (just) to the explanation of it. ", "In response, I would argue that it is very important to understand why biologists use the term 'mechanism' in their research in the first place. ", "The inadvertent conflation of the machine mechanism and causal mechanism senses is once again at the heart of the matter. ", "Mechanismic philosophers tend to assume that using the term 'mechanism' in relation to P (where P is the phenomenon of interest) indicates something distinctive about the nature of P that motivates and legitimates the use of the word 'mechanism' in the context of its explanation. ", "Although this has indeed been the case in the past when mechanists conceived organisms and their parts as machine mechanisms, the ubiquitous appeal to 'mechanisms' by the majority of biologists today is no longer determined by the prescriptive ontological commitments of mechanicism, as I showed in Section 4. ", "Mechanism-talk in contemporary biology is simply a contingent product of history, or as Haldane put it, 'a mere matter of custom'. ", "Consequently, the use of the word 'mechanism' in an ontic sense by some biologists does not demonstrate that15 Kuorikoski (2009) has recently proposed a sort of compromise between ontic and episte ontic one referring to componential causal systems (like the causal mechanisms of cell bio mechanism of natural selection). ", "Although I am sympathetic towards this sort of reconstru together with the broad applicability of an epistemic view, justifies defending a general e 16 In fact, the textbook definition of 'mechanism' that Ramsey cites in his analysis close organic chemistry, a mechanism 'is a specification, by means of a sequence of elementary Richardson, 1981, p. 174, my emphasis).causal mechanisms need to be understood as real things. ", "The ontic-epistemic dispute concerning the nature of causal mechanisms will not be settled by simply listing examples of the usage of 'mechanism' in the scientific literature, but by considering how best to make philosophical sense of the role played by mechanism-talk in scientific reasoning and explanation. ", "7. ", "Conclusion In this paper I have attempted to clarify the semantic confusion surrounding the concept of 'mechanism' as it is used in biology. ", "I have argued that causal mechanisms-the targets of the new mechanismic program in the philosophy of biology-owe their ubiquity in contemporary biological explanations to the stunning successes of mechanistic investigations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. ", "Historically, I have claimed that the mechanistic confidence during this period that all phenomena would ultimately be explained in terms of machine mechanisms caused the term 'mechanism' to gradually lose its distinctive mechanistic connotations, becoming a 'dead metaphor' that came to informally signify a commitment to causal explanation-no more and no less. ", "Philosophically, I have argued that judging by the way biologists today use this notion, causal mechanisms are better understood as heuristic explanatory devices than as real things in nature, and that the reason why most mechanismic philosophers think otherwise is because they inadvertently transpose the ontic status of machine mechanisms onto their analyses of causal mechanisms. ", "I have shown that by conceiving causal mechanisms epistemically it is possible to come to terms with the multitude of different biological contexts in which they are featured. ", "My examination has also revealed that biologists today who habitually resort to the concept of 'mechanism' in their explanations are not necessarily mechanists, as the contemporary appeal to mechanism-talk neither entails nor derives from the ontological and epistemological commitments of mechanicism. ", "Mechanismic explanations (i.e., explanations given in terms of causal mechanisms) need not be mechanistic; in fact they often deal with population-level phenomena, such as the causal mechanism of natural selection. ", "As my historico-philosophical analysis of the concept of 'mechanism' has been restricted to biology, it would be interesting to see whether similar analyses in other sciences support or conflict with the conclusions arrived at here for biology, such as the thesis that causal mechanisms are explanations rather than real things. ", "Ramsey (2008) has recently examined the role of mechanisms in organic chemistry, and one of his main findings is that 'Organic chemists take mechanisms to be explanations' (Ramsey, 2008, p. 976) in the form of 'inferences based on observational data' (ibid., ", "p. 972).16 This suggests that the epistemic account of causal mechanisms that I have defended is probably applicable to other areas of science outside of biology. ", "Expanding the range of perspectives on scientific practice should help provide further insight into the role played by the concept of 'mechanism' across the sciences. ", "Acknowledgements I thank Lenny Moss, John Dupré, Paul Griffiths, Staffan MüllerWille, Maureen O'Malley, Sabina Leonelli, and three anonymousmic conceptions of causal mechanisms by proposing two concepts of 'mechanism': an logy), and an epistemic one referring to abstract forms of interaction (like the causal ction, I believe that the inherent problems of the ontic account discussed in Section 5, pistemic conception of causal mechanisms. ", "ly resembles the epistemic definition of causal mechanism I offered in Section 2. ", "In chemical steps, of the detailed process by which a chemical change occurs' (Lowry & D.J. Nicholson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 152–163 163reviewers for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. 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[ "STANFORD, Calif. – LA Galaxy head coach Bruce Arena held no punches following LA’s disappointing 3-2 defeat to the San Jose Earthquakes on Saturday evening.", "\n\nArena’s thoughts are below…\n\n(On what happened in stoppage time…)\n\nARENA: “Poor play [and] lack of intelligence by our team. ", "To have a team of players and coaches that is that poor and stupid in the last five minutes of the game that’s my responsibility. ", "That can't be on anybody else but me. ", "I’m absolutely embarrassed by that performance. ", "Give our opponents credit, but our performance was embarrassing.", "\n\n(On whether LA could have done something differently…)\n\nARENA: “I don't even want to go into that. ", "If you have an IQ of 50, you can figure that out. ", "That game, we should win that going away at the end of the game. ", "It's embarrassing, our performance at the end of the game. ", "That's all on me. ", "That's my responsibility with this team.”", "\n\n(On the offensive struggles…)\n\nARENA: “It’s pretty obvious.”", "\n\n(On whether the loss was devastating…)\n\nARENA: “It’s a bad loss and it’s a bad one. ", "This is pro sports. ", "We don’t walk around like other people in life. ", "We get on with the business of getting ready for the next game.”", "\n\n(On what is special about Stanford Stadium since LA lost two straight games there…)\n\nARENA: “The stadium had nothing to do with it.\"", "\n\n(On whether the team should have parked the bus late rather than go up another goal…)\n\nARENA: “Were you watching the game at all? ", "Were there any other chances on our part? ", "The bus should have been parked probably.”", "\n\n(On whether the game got too stretched toward the end…)\n\nARENA: “No, we were too stupid. ", "The game didn't get too stretched. ", "We were too stupid. ", "That’s my responsibility. ", "Our team performed poorly and that’s my responsibility. “" ]
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[ "Camp Hill railway station\n\nCamp Hill railway station was a railway station in Camp Hill, Birmingham opened by the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway in 1840 and was its first terminus.", "\n\nSubsequently, the line extended to join the London and Birmingham Railway to the latter's Curzon Street terminus.", "\n\nFrom 1854, New Street opened but because of the necessity for a reversal many trains from the Midland Railway line from Derby continued to use Camp Hill until New Street was extended in the 1880s.", "\n\nFrom 1867 to 1904, it was known as Camp Hill and Balsall Heath.", "\n\nThe station had a goods yard, which is now the site of a retail estate.", "\n\nIt formed part of the Camp Hill Line, closed to passenger traffic in 1941.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nCamp Hill station on warwickshirerailways.com\n\nCategory:Disused railway stations in Birmingham, West Midlands\nCategory:Railway stations opened in 1840\nCategory:Former Midland Railway stations\nCategory:Railway stations closed in 1941" ]
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[ "2015 China International Challenger – Men's Singles\n\nAlex Bolt was the defending champion, but he did not participate this year.", "\n\nFranko Škugor won the title, defeating Gavin van Peperzeel in the final, 7–5, 6–2.", "\n\nSeeds\n\nDraw\n\nFinals\n\nTop Half\n\nBottom Half\n\nReferences\n Main Draw\n Qualifying Draw\n\nChina International Challenger - Singles\n2015 Singles" ]
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[ "May 19, 2009\n\n1. ", "Things Roberts did to Deputy Solicitor General Neal K. Katyal during the oral argument in the voting rights case: a. \"pounced,\" b. \"removed his glasses and stared down at,\" and c. \"was relentless in challenging.”", "\n\n2. ", "The tone of Roberts's questions aimed at a lawyer arguing in favor of a city's affirmative action policy: \"belligerent.\"", "\n\n3. ", "What Roberts is like compared to Scalia: \"extreme\" and more \"effervescent.\"", "\n\n4. ", "Why Roberts's style is inconsistent with the self-image as an \"umpire\" that he promoted at his confirmation hearings: \"In every major case since he became the nation’s seventeenth Chief Justice, Roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative, and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff.\" ", "And \"Roberts has served the interests, and reflected the values, of the contemporary Republican Party.\"", "\n\n5. ", "I skimmed the rest of the article.", "\n\nIN THE COMMENTS: Juris Dentist said:\n\nOn the Althouse blog:\n\n1. ", "We went to the laundromat!", "\n\n2. ", "We took a drive.", "\n\n3. ", "We took a walk.", "\n\n4. ", "Boo hoo, why does Jeffrey Toobin get to write articles that should be written be me!!!", "\n\n60 comments:\n\nAh, the old canard that if someone holds conservative values, any advancement of them is serving the interests of the Republican Party. ", "Of course, anyone who holds and advances liberal values is merely being genuine.", "\n\nToobin is an ass. ", "Umpires aren't passive; they sometimes have to argue with belligerent managers and idiot players and toss them from games if need be.", "\n\nJeffrey Toobin is an excellent author - \"The Nine\" was well written, and I knew when beginning it who Toobin is politically and that he has axes to grind.", "\n\nThe fact that he writes for the New Yorker is great - because we all know that the New Yorker is a home for liberal to far left mentality ( I used to subscribe until I got bored). ", "We can all vociferously and joyously discuss what he says with no artifice or elephant on the room.", "`\n\nWhat I hate is when like articles appear in the New York Times and everyone tries to pretend that it's played down the middle.", "`\n\nToobin is so often wrong, especially about voting rights, that it's often laughable - really. ", "I burst into laughter twice reading this article as Toobin tortured the very existence of logic to bring a point about Roberts home.", "\n\nBut again, he's often insightful and deetailed - when he's not watching himself. ", "I truly believe that there is a bit of a closet conservative in Toobin. ", "I'm just not certain that he has the cajones to come out of the closet.", "\n\nRoberts’s face is unlined, his shoulders are broad and athletic, and only a few wisps of gray hair mark him as changed in any way from the judge who charmed the Senate Judiciary Committee at his confirmation hearing, in 2005.", "\n\nIs it safe to say Toobin does not find the current crop of choices \"charming\"?", "\n\n\"Originalists, whose ranks now include Scalia and Thomas, believe that the Constitution should be interpreted in line with the intentions and beliefs of its framers.\"", "\n\nI guess there were some originalists that thought the constitution should be interpreted according to the \"intentions and beliefs of its framers\" but that is not the kind of originalism that Scalia and Thomas believe in.", "It's pretty sad that Toobin gets to write article in the New Yorker as some sort of Supreme Court expert, and yet he doesn't understand Scalia's and Thomas's judicial philosophies.", "\n\nIn every major case since he became the nation's seventeenth Chief Justice, Roberts has sided with the strike zone over the hitter, the balk call over the pitcher, the lineup card over the manager, and the rainout over the mud.", "\n\nLast week, Tampa Bay Devil Rays manager Joe Maddon mistakenly submitted a lineup card with two players listed at third base. ", "Justice Roberts made him bench one of the two, burn his DH, and allow pitcher Andy Sonnastine to hit for himself.", "\n\nActually it was crew chief Tim McClelland that made that call, but Roberts would have made it if asked.", "\n\nToobin must not be a baseball fan, because in baseball, the umpires are extreme conservatives.", "\n\nToobin forgot to say that Robert's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, children could not be taught about evolution.", "\n\nPeople like Toobin and Lithwick are just leftist performance art. ", "If John Paul Stevens had gone after a lawyer representing some disfavored class like white males or gun owners, Toobin would be writing about what a tough, no nonsense, judge Stevens is. ", "Toobin's coverage is just leftist comfort food written to confirm his readers' prejudices. ", "Why anyone would waste time reading him or Lithwick is beyond me.", "\n\nIn every major case since he became the nation’s seventeenth Chief Justice, Roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative, and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff.", "\n\n\"In every major case since he became the nation’s seventeenth Chief Justice, Roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative, and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff.\"", "\n\nHe didn't in Heller. ", "He sided with the ordinary citizen and their constitutional rights over the government.", "\n\ni lost all respect in toobin when he claimed that outrage over the kelo decision was primarily conservative. ", "No, actually the left was mad that it meant the rich can victimize the poower, and the right was mad for the disrespect shown to property. ", "For different reasons there was a real bipartisan spirit of outrage to those rulings. ", "anyone who fails to understand that is a hack.", "\n\nAnd veni, that is gross and childish. ", "i don't like Toobin either, but please have some decorum.", "\n\n\"In every major case since he became the nation’s seventeenth Chief Justice, Roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative, and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff.\"", "\n\nThis is, presumably, using the formula \"if Roberts sided with the defendant, the condemned, the legislature or the individual, it doesn't count as a major case\".", "\n\n\"The question in this case was, was there specific mistreatment of O.J. Simpson by Mark Fuhrman and the LAPD? ", "I eventually concluded absolutely not, but the defense very cleverly and very successfully exploited that history.", "\n\n\"The evidence against Simpson was so overwhelming that it seemed both physically impossible and unnecessary for the cops to have tried to have framed O.J. Mark Fuhrman was a racist, but he didn't frame O.J. Simpson. ", "Absolutely not. ", "Never happened.\"", "\n\n\"I'm totally sure, because the evidence dictated it. ", "His shoeprints are at the scene; the blood of the victims is on the glove; there is blood in O.J.'s car. ", "There's no framing going on here.\"", "\n\n\"There was enough evidence in this case to convict O.J. Simpson 10 times over. ", "There wasn't reasonable doubt in this case. ", "There was no doubt in this case.\"", "\n\nSomehow that doesn't surprise me. ", "To put it in simpler terms, he is saying that you are chosing to ignore cases in which Roberts did side with the individual.", "\n\nAgain, Roberts did side with the individual in Heller. ", "That is a case of the individual winning against government oppression. ", "And it is something that you as a liberal should be applauding. ", "It is not often that both conservatives and liberals can agree and support individual rights.", "\n\n\"Wilkinson is referring to the fact that Justice Antonin Scalia's majority opinion overturned the will of the elected D.C. Council by striking down its strict handgun ban.\"", "\n\nA ban that violated the plain language of the Constitution at the expense of individual's rights. ", "If the council had banned interracial marriage or the right to a jury trial, would you want the court to bow to the will of an elected official then?", "\n\nEither you believe in Constitutional rights or you don't. ", "Every liberal should have been very happy about Heller.", "\n\nJohn - More fundamentally, Wilkinson argues that Heller, like Roe, amounts to \"judicial aggrandizement,\" defined as \"a transfer of power to judges from the political branches of government -- and thus, ultimately, from the people themselves.\"", "\n\n\"John - More fundamentally, Wilkinson argues that Heller, like Roe, amounts to \"judicial aggrandizement,\" defined as \"a transfer of power to judges from the political branches of government -- and thus, ultimately, from the people themselves.\"", "\n\nBy that standard, everytime a judge prevents an elected official from violating the plain language of the Bill of Rights, he is engaging in \"aggrandizement\". ", "That of course is nonsense. ", "Where the Constitution plainly sets out a right and the government violates it, the Courts must overrule the government and affirm the right of the individual.", "\n\nJudicial aggrandizement, started by John Marshall, is the taking the power of having the final word on a constitutional Right in a way that that trumps the Congress and President's views. ", "So we live with that for harmony in hard cases. ", "But the finding of Privacy as an implied right is the stretch without an Amendment. ", "In Heller the Amendment is in your face there and on point until it is repealed. ", "So where is there any aggrandizement? ", "It is the usual liberal \"Let's Pretend\" game.", "\n\nBecause Juris Dennis wrote something amusing and original and all that Jeremey does is cut and paste other people's thoughts as if they were his own, with out attributing the origin of the source material??", "\n\nMore polite version: I would be curious to see you actually \"have at\" Toobin, instead of doing what you always do when mocking/dodging Greenwald (i.e. addressing their linquistic style instead of their arguments).", "\n\nI think you missed quoting the nastiest and most partisan line: \"The kind of humility that Roberts favors reflects a view that the Court should almost always defer to the existing power relationships in society.\"" ]
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[ "Related literature {#sec1}\n==================\n\nFor the bioactivity of dihydro­pyrimidines, see: Brier *et al.* (", "2004[@bb1]); Cochran *et al.* (", "2005[@bb2]); Moran *et al.* (", "2007[@bb4]); Zorkun *et al.* (", "2006[@bb8]). ", "For the bioactivity of organofluorine compounds, see: Hermann *et al.* (", "2003[@bb3]); Ulrich (2004[@bb7]).", "\n\nExperimental {#sec2}\n============\n\n {#sec2.1}\n\n### Crystal data {#sec2.1.1}\n\nC~14~H~15~F~3~N~2~O~5~*M* *~r~* = 348.28Monoclinic,*a* = 12.0940 (15) Å*b* = 8.665 (1) Å*c* = 14.3110 (18) Åβ = 93.987 (6)°*V* = 1496.1 (3) Å^3^*Z* = 4Mo *K*α radiationμ = 0.14 mm^−1^*T* = 113 K0.26 × 0.22 × 0.20 mm\n\n### Data collection {#sec2.1.2}\n\nRigaku Saturn724 CCD diffractometerAbsorption correction: multi-scan (*CrystalClear*; Rigaku, 2009[@bb5]) *T* ~min~ = 0.965, *T* ~max~ = 0.97315222 measured reflections3558 independent reflections2461 reflections with *I* \\> 2σ(*I*)'*R* ~int~ = 0.043\n\n### Refinement {#sec2.1.3}\n\n*R*\\[*F* ^2^ \\> 2σ(*F* ^2^)\\] = 0.033*wR*(*F* ^2^) = 0.075*S* = 0.963558 reflections234 parametersH atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinementΔρ~max~ = 0.29 e Å^−3^Δρ~min~ = −0.17 e Å^−3^\n\n {#d5e483}\n\nData collection: *CrystalClear-SM Expert* (Rigaku, 2009[@bb5]); cell refinement: *CrystalClear-SM Expert*; data reduction: *CrystalClear-SM Expert*; program(s) used to solve structure: *SHELXS97* (Sheldrick, 2008[@bb6]); program(s) used to refine structure: *SHELXL97* (Sheldrick, 2008[@bb6]); molecular graphics: *CrystalStructure* (Rigaku, 2009[@bb5]); software used to prepare material for publication: *CrystalStructure*.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\nCrystal structure: contains datablocks global, I. DOI: [10.1107/S1600536810021355/zs2042sup1.cif](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600536810021355/zs2042sup1.cif)\n\nStructure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: [10.1107/S1600536810021355/zs2042Isup2.hkl](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600536810021355/zs2042Isup2.hkl)\n\nAdditional supplementary materials: [crystallographic information](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsupfiles?zs2042&file=zs2042sup0.html&mime=text/html); [3D view](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendcif?zs2042sup1&Qmime=cif); [checkCIF report](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?zs2042&checkcif=yes)\n\nSupplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: [ZS2042](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsup?zs2042)).", "\n\nThis work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China (grant No. ", "082300420110) and the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province Education Department, China (grant No. ", "2007150036).", "\n\nComment\n=======\n\nDihydropyrimidine (DHPM) derivatives can be used as potential calcium channel blockers (Zorkun *et al.*, ", "2006), inhibitors of mitotic kinesin Eg5 for treating cancer (Cochran *et al.*, ", "2005; Brier *et al.*, ", "2004) and as TRPA1 modulators for treating pain (Moran *et al.*, ", "2007). ", "In addition, compounds that contain fluorine have special bioactivity, *e.g.* flumioxazin is a widely used herbicide (Hermann *et al.*, ", "2003; Ulrich, 2004). ", "This led us to focus our attention on the synthesis and bioactivity of these important fused perfluoroalkylated heterocyclic compounds. ", "During the synthesis of DHPM derivatives, the title compound, an intermediate C~14~H~15~F~3~N~2~O~5~ (I) was isolated and the structure confirmed by X-ray diffraction, in order to elucidate the reaction mechanism.", "\n\nIn the structure of the title molecule, the dihydropyrimidine ring adopts a half-chair conformation. ", "The crystal structure is stabilized by five intermolecular hydrogen bonds, three O---H···O and two N---H···O (Table 1), giving cyclic dimers which are further extended into a two-dimensional network (Fig. ", "2).", "\n\ndimension?", "\n\nExperimental {#experimental}\n============\n\nThe title compound was synthesized refluxing for 3 h, a stirred solution of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde (0.61 g, 5 mmol), ethyl 4,4,4-trifluoro-3-oxobutanoate (1.11 g, 6 mmol) and urea (0.45 g, 7.5 mmol) in 5 ml of ethanol, the reaction catalyzed by sulfamic acid (0.15 g). ", "The solvent was evaporated *in vacuo* and the residue was washed with water. ", "The title compound was recrystallized from 50% aqueous ethanol and single crystals of (I) were obtained by slow evaporation.", "\n\nRefinement {#refinement}\n==========\n\nHydrogen atoms involved in hydrogen-bonding inetractions were located by difference methods and their positional and isotropic displacement parameters were refined. ", "Other H atoms were placed in calculated positions, with C---H(aromatic) = 0.95 Å and C---H(aliphatic) = 0.98 or 0.99 Å, and treated as riding, with *U*~iso~(H) = 1.2*U*eq(C).", "\n\nFigures\n=======\n\n![", "Molecular configuration and atom numbering scheme for (I), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 30% probability level.](e-66-o1651-fig1){#Fap1}\n\n![", "The packing diagram of the title compound. ", "Intermolecular hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed line.](e-66-o1651-fig2){#Fap2}\n\nCrystal data {#tablewrapcrystaldatalong}\n============\n\n ------------------------- ---------------------------------------\n C~14~H~15~F~3~N~2~O~5~ *F*(000) = 720\n *M~r~* = 348.28 *D*~x~ = 1.546 Mg m^−3^\n Monoclinic, *P*2~1~/*n* Mo *K*α radiation, λ = 0.71075 Å\n Hall symbol: -P 2yn Cell parameters from 4600 reflections\n *a* = 12.0940 (15) Å θ = 1.7--28.0°\n *b* = 8.665 (1) Å µ = 0.14 mm^−1^\n *c* = 14.3110 (18) Å *T* = 113 K\n β = 93.987 (6)° Prism, colorless\n *V* = 1496.1 (3) Å^3^ 0.26 × 0.22 × 0.20 mm\n *Z* = 4 \n ------------------------- ---------------------------------------\n\nData collection {#tablewrapdatacollectionlong}\n===============\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------\n Rigaku Saturn724 CCD diffractometer 3558 independent reflections\n Radiation source: rotating anode 2461 reflections with *I* \\> 2σ(*I*)\\'\n multilayer *R*~int~ = 0.043\n Detector resolution: 14.222 pixels mm^-1^ θ~max~ = 27.9°, θ~min~ = 2.1°\n ω scans *h* = −15→15\n Absorption correction: multi-scan (*CrystalClear*; Rigaku, 2009) *k* = −10→11\n *T*~min~ = 0.965, *T*~max~ = 0.973 *l* = −18→15\n 15222 measured reflections \n ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------\n\nRefinement {#tablewraprefinementdatalong}\n==========\n\n ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Refinement on *F*^2^ Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods\n Least-squares matrix: full Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map\n *R*\\[*F*^2^ \\> 2σ(*F*^2^)\\] = 0.033 Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites\n *wR*(*F*^2^) = 0.075 H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement\n *S* = 0.96 *w* = 1/\\[σ^2^(*F*~o~^2^) + (0.0366*P*)^2^\\] where *P* = (*F*~o~^2^ + 2*F*~c~^2^)/3\n 3558 reflections (Δ/σ)~max~ \\< 0.001\n 234 parameters Δρ~max~ = 0.29 e Å^−3^\n 0 restraints Δρ~min~ = −0.17 e Å^−3^\n ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSpecial details {#specialdetails}\n===============\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Geometry. ", "All e.s.d.\\'s (except the e.s.d. ", "in the dihedral angle between two l.s. ", "planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. ", "The cell e.s.d.\\'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.\\'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.\\'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. ", "An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.\\'s is used for estimating e.s.d.\\'s involving l.s. ", "planes.", "\n Refinement. ", "Refinement of *F*^2^ against ALL reflections. ", "The weighted *R*-factor *wR* and goodness of fit *S* are based on *F*^2^, conventional *R*-factors *R* are based on *F*, with *F* set to zero for negative *F*^2^. The threshold expression of *F*^2^ \\> σ(*F*^2^) is used only for calculating *R*-factors(gt) *etc*. ", "and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. *", "R*-factors based on *F*^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on *F*, and *R*- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.", "\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapcoords}\n==================================================================================================\n\n ----- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------------- --\n *x* *y* *z* *U*~iso~\\*/*U*~eq~ \n F1 0.63046 (7) 0.13597 (8) 0.56068 (5) 0.0284 (2) \n F2 0.70104 (6) −0.07799 (8) 0.61474 (5) 0.02243 (19) \n F3 0.52483 (6) −0.04190 (9) 0.61064 (5) 0.0278 (2) \n O1 0.73825 (7) 0.17971 (10) 0.73408 (6) 0.0166 (2) \n O2 0.57743 (7) −0.12700 (9) 0.92883 (6) 0.0155 (2) \n O3 0.61021 (7) 0.46053 (9) 0.68641 (6) 0.0188 (2) \n O4 0.44283 (7) 0.37553 (9) 0.63011 (6) 0.0189 (2) \n O5 0.57096 (8) 0.57378 (10) 0.88466 (7) 0.0226 (2) \n N1 0.62882 (9) −0.02277 (12) 0.79262 (7) 0.0144 (2) \n N2 0.52802 (9) 0.11947 (11) 0.89483 (8) 0.0151 (2) \n C1 0.63604 (10) 0.10070 (14) 0.72522 (9) 0.0136 (3) \n C2 0.54011 (10) 0.21315 (13) 0.73746 (8) 0.0128 (3) \n H2 0.4693 0.1572 0.7201 0.015\\* \n C3 0.53875 (10) 0.26147 (13) 0.84121 (8) 0.0139 (3) \n H3 0.6103 0.3134 0.8614 0.017\\* \n C4 0.57828 (10) −0.01283 (14) 0.87496 (9) 0.0137 (3) \n C5 0.62326 (10) 0.02811 (14) 0.62678 (9) 0.0169 (3) \n C6 0.53918 (10) 0.36240 (14) 0.68090 (8) 0.0144 (3) \n C7 0.41216 (11) 0.52976 (14) 0.59613 (10) 0.0219 (3) \n H7A 0.4704 0.5723 0.5582 0.026\\* \n H7B 0.4024 0.6003 0.6494 0.026\\* \n C8 0.30531 (11) 0.51220 (17) 0.53746 (10) 0.0273 (3) \n H8A 0.3166 0.4433 0.4847 0.033\\* \n H8B 0.2806 0.6135 0.5137 0.033\\* \n H8C 0.2489 0.4683 0.5757 0.033\\* \n C9 0.44302 (10) 0.37055 (13) 0.85540 (8) 0.0145 (3) \n C10 0.46361 (10) 0.52609 (14) 0.87614 (8) 0.0157 (3) \n C11 0.37451 (11) 0.62576 (15) 0.88661 (9) 0.0203 (3) \n H11 0.3882 0.7312 0.9014 0.024\\* \n C12 0.26690 (11) 0.57248 (15) 0.87573 (9) 0.0233 (3) \n H12 0.2071 0.6412 0.8836 0.028\\* \n C13 0.24560 (12) 0.41890 (15) 0.85339 (10) 0.0248 (3) \n H13 0.1715 0.3824 0.8452 0.030\\* \n C14 0.33378 (11) 0.31964 (15) 0.84326 (9) 0.0204 (3) \n H14 0.3194 0.2146 0.8277 0.024\\* \n H1 0.7889 (15) 0.1108 (18) 0.7422 (12) 0.046 (5)\\* \n H4 0.6684 (12) −0.1011 (15) 0.7884 (9) 0.021 (4)\\* \n H5 0.4973 (12) 0.1248 (15) 0.9477 (11) 0.025 (4)\\* \n H6 0.5734 (13) 0.6771 (19) 0.8967 (11) 0.043 (5)\\* \n ----- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------------- --\n\nAtomic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapadps}\n=====================================\n\n ----- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------\n *U*^11^ *U*^22^ *U*^33^ *U*^12^ *U*^13^ *U*^23^\n F1 0.0430 (5) 0.0269 (4) 0.0157 (4) 0.0048 (4) 0.0052 (4) 0.0046 (3)\n F2 0.0214 (4) 0.0232 (4) 0.0232 (4) 0.0060 (3) 0.0047 (3) −0.0049 (3)\n F3 0.0180 (4) 0.0365 (5) 0.0285 (5) −0.0054 (4) −0.0001 (3) −0.0131 (4)\n O1 0.0097 (4) 0.0138 (5) 0.0264 (5) −0.0005 (4) 0.0010 (4) 0.0003 (4)\n O2 0.0196 (5) 0.0110 (4) 0.0161 (5) 0.0002 (4) 0.0029 (4) 0.0015 (4)\n O3 0.0161 (5) 0.0168 (5) 0.0234 (5) −0.0030 (4) −0.0004 (4) 0.0028 (4)\n O4 0.0151 (5) 0.0168 (5) 0.0241 (5) 0.0006 (4) −0.0041 (4) 0.0051 (4)\n O5 0.0165 (5) 0.0134 (5) 0.0381 (6) −0.0009 (4) 0.0021 (4) −0.0064 (4)\n N1 0.0154 (5) 0.0115 (5) 0.0168 (6) 0.0045 (4) 0.0049 (4) 0.0010 (4)\n N2 0.0197 (6) 0.0118 (5) 0.0146 (6) 0.0027 (4) 0.0065 (4) 0.0009 (4)\n C1 0.0105 (6) 0.0133 (6) 0.0172 (7) −0.0007 (5) 0.0014 (5) 0.0020 (5)\n C2 0.0114 (6) 0.0120 (6) 0.0150 (7) 0.0009 (5) 0.0013 (5) 0.0010 (5)\n C3 0.0135 (6) 0.0131 (6) 0.0152 (7) 0.0001 (5) 0.0017 (5) 0.0014 (5)\n C4 0.0113 (6) 0.0132 (6) 0.0163 (7) −0.0022 (5) −0.0009 (5) −0.0015 (5)\n C5 0.0148 (6) 0.0171 (6) 0.0189 (7) 0.0016 (5) 0.0027 (5) 0.0010 (5)\n C6 0.0128 (6) 0.0166 (7) 0.0138 (7) 0.0021 (5) 0.0020 (5) −0.0009 (5)\n C7 0.0209 (7) 0.0161 (7) 0.0282 (8) 0.0041 (5) −0.0009 (6) 0.0072 (6)\n C8 0.0217 (7) 0.0306 (8) 0.0291 (8) 0.0048 (6) −0.0013 (6) 0.0094 (6)\n C9 0.0148 (6) 0.0139 (6) 0.0153 (7) 0.0023 (5) 0.0036 (5) 0.0024 (5)\n C10 0.0149 (6) 0.0150 (6) 0.0172 (7) 0.0009 (5) 0.0015 (5) 0.0004 (5)\n C11 0.0209 (7) 0.0143 (7) 0.0257 (8) 0.0033 (5) 0.0018 (6) −0.0028 (6)\n C12 0.0178 (7) 0.0223 (7) 0.0302 (8) 0.0081 (6) 0.0045 (6) −0.0003 (6)\n C13 0.0150 (7) 0.0246 (7) 0.0353 (8) 0.0003 (6) 0.0049 (6) −0.0016 (6)\n C14 0.0183 (7) 0.0147 (7) 0.0289 (8) −0.0005 (5) 0.0059 (6) −0.0017 (6)\n ----- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------\n\nGeometric parameters (Å, °) {#tablewrapgeomlong}\n===========================\n\n ------------------- -------------- ----------------------- --------------\n F1---C5 1.3370 (14) C2---C3 1.5438 (17)\n F2---C5 1.3350 (14) C2---H2 1.0000\n F3---C5 1.3418 (14) C3---C9 1.5191 (16)\n O1---C1 1.4110 (14) C3---H3 1.0000\n O1---H1 0.858 (17) C7---C8 1.4990 (19)\n O2---C4 1.2547 (14) C7---H7A 0.9900\n O3---C6 1.2073 (14) C7---H7B 0.9900\n O4---C6 1.3347 (15) C8---H8A 0.9800\n O4---C7 1.4611 (14) C8---H8B 0.9800\n O5---C10 1.3599 (15) C8---H8C 0.9800\n O5---H6 0.912 (16) C9---C14 1.3922 (17)\n N1---C4 1.3674 (15) C9---C10 1.3986 (17)\n N1---C1 1.4472 (16) C10---C11 1.3971 (17)\n N1---H4 0.836 (14) C11---C12 1.3795 (18)\n N2---C4 1.3373 (16) C11---H11 0.9500\n N2---C3 1.4606 (15) C12---C13 1.3886 (19)\n N2---H5 0.867 (14) C12---H12 0.9500\n C1---C2 1.5344 (16) C13---C14 1.3856 (18)\n C1---C5 1.5407 (18) C13---H13 0.9500\n C2---C6 1.5254 (16) C14---H14 0.9500\n \n C1---O1---H1 106.7 (11) F3---C5---C1 111.93 (10)\n C6---O4---C7 116.81 (10) O3---C6---O4 124.46 (11)\n C10---O5---H6 109.5 (10) O3---C6---C2 125.69 (12)\n C4---N1---C1 125.39 (10) O4---C6---C2 109.59 (10)\n C4---N1---H4 113.9 (9) O4---C7---C8 106.41 (10)\n C1---N1---H4 119.4 (9) O4---C7---H7A 110.4\n C4---N2---C3 123.51 (10) C8---C7---H7A 110.4\n C4---N2---H5 117.4 (9) O4---C7---H7B 110.4\n C3---N2---H5 118.2 (9) C8---C7---H7B 110.4\n O1---C1---N1 113.07 (10) H7A---C7---H7B 108.6\n O1---C1---C2 110.26 (10) C7---C8---H8A 109.5\n N1---C1---C2 108.19 (9) C7---C8---H8B 109.5\n O1---C1---C5 108.17 (9) H8A---C8---H8B 109.5\n N1---C1---C5 107.50 (10) C7---C8---H8C 109.5\n C2---C1---C5 109.58 (10) H8A---C8---H8C 109.5\n C6---C2---C1 117.10 (9) H8B---C8---H8C 109.5\n C6---C2---C3 106.28 (10) C14---C9---C10 119.03 (11)\n C1---C2---C3 109.92 (10) C14---C9---C3 120.77 (11)\n C6---C2---H2 107.7 C10---C9---C3 120.12 (11)\n C1---C2---H2 107.7 O5---C10---C11 122.76 (11)\n C3---C2---H2 107.7 O5---C10---C9 117.82 (10)\n N2---C3---C9 110.95 (9) C11---C10---C9 119.42 (11)\n N2---C3---C2 106.50 (10) C12---C11---C10 120.64 (12)\n C9---C3---C2 110.89 (10) C12---C11---H11 119.7\n N2---C3---H3 109.5 C10---C11---H11 119.7\n C9---C3---H3 109.5 C11---C12---C13 120.35 (12)\n C2---C3---H3 109.5 C11---C12---H12 119.8\n O2---C4---N2 121.47 (11) C13---C12---H12 119.8\n O2---C4---N1 120.20 (11) C14---C13---C12 119.15 (13)\n N2---C4---N1 118.31 (11) C14---C13---H13 120.4\n F2---C5---F1 107.99 (10) C12---C13---H13 120.4\n F2---C5---F3 106.92 (10) C13---C14---C9 121.39 (12)\n F1---C5---F3 107.15 (10) C13---C14---H14 119.3\n F2---C5---C1 111.86 (10) C9---C14---H14 119.3\n F1---C5---C1 110.74 (10) \n \n C4---N1---C1---O1 98.15 (14) O1---C1---C5---F3 −176.35 (10)\n C4---N1---C1---C2 −24.26 (16) N1---C1---C5---F3 61.24 (13)\n C4---N1---C1---C5 −142.52 (11) C2---C1---C5---F3 −56.12 (13)\n O1---C1---C2---C6 49.05 (14) C7---O4---C6---O3 −13.82 (17)\n N1---C1---C2---C6 173.17 (10) C7---O4---C6---C2 160.62 (10)\n C5---C1---C2---C6 −69.90 (13) C1---C2---C6---O3 −60.93 (16)\n O1---C1---C2---C3 −72.30 (12) C3---C2---C6---O3 62.31 (15)\n N1---C1---C2---C3 51.82 (13) C1---C2---C6---O4 124.72 (11)\n C5---C1---C2---C3 168.75 (9) C3---C2---C6---O4 −112.04 (11)\n C4---N2---C3---C9 158.86 (11) C6---O4---C7---C8 176.95 (10)\n C4---N2---C3---C2 38.09 (16) N2---C3---C9---C14 −51.23 (16)\n C6---C2---C3---N2 174.26 (10) C2---C3---C9---C14 66.90 (14)\n C1---C2---C3---N2 −58.11 (12) N2---C3---C9---C10 132.13 (12)\n C6---C2---C3---C9 53.45 (12) C2---C3---C9---C10 −109.73 (13)\n C1---C2---C3---C9 −178.92 (9) C14---C9---C10---O5 −177.92 (11)\n C3---N2---C4---O2 171.65 (11) C3---C9---C10---O5 −1.22 (17)\n C3---N2---C4---N1 −10.02 (18) C14---C9---C10---C11 1.67 (18)\n C1---N1---C4---O2 −179.52 (11) C3---C9---C10---C11 178.36 (11)\n C1---N1---C4---N2 2.12 (18) O5---C10---C11---C12 178.89 (12)\n O1---C1---C5---F2 63.67 (12) C9---C10---C11---C12 −0.68 (19)\n N1---C1---C5---F2 −58.74 (13) C10---C11---C12---C13 −0.5 (2)\n C2---C1---C5---F2 −176.10 (9) C11---C12---C13---C14 0.7 (2)\n O1---C1---C5---F1 −56.85 (13) C12---C13---C14---C9 0.3 (2)\n N1---C1---C5---F1 −179.26 (10) C10---C9---C14---C13 −1.49 (19)\n C2---C1---C5---F1 63.38 (12) C3---C9---C14---C13 −178.16 (12)\n ------------------- -------------- ----------------------- --------------\n\nHydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °) {#tablewraphbondslong}\n=============================\n\n ------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ---------------\n *D*---H···*A* *D*---H H···*A* *D*···*A* *D*---H···*A*\n N1---H4···O1^i^ 0.836 (14) 2.244 (14) 3.0760 (13) 174.1 (14)\n N2---H5···O2^ii^ 0.867 (14) 2.040 (15) 2.9064 (14) 177.4 (13)\n O1---H1···O5^i^ 0.858 (17) 2.588 (16) 3.0983 (13) 119.2 (13)\n O1---H1···O3^i^ 0.858 (17) 2.013 (17) 2.8232 (13) 157.1 (15)\n O5---H6···O2^iii^ 0.912 (16) 1.759 (17) 2.6685 (12) 175.8 (14)\n ------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ---------------\n\nSymmetry codes: (i) −*x*+3/2, *y*−1/2, −*z*+3/2; (ii) −*x*+1, −*y*, −*z*+2; (iii) *x*, *y*+1, *z*.", "\n\n###### Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °)\n\n *D*---H⋯*A* *D*---H H⋯*A* *D*⋯*A* *D*---H⋯*A*\n ----------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------\n N1---H4⋯O1^i^ 0.836 (14) 2.244 (14) 3.0760 (13) 174.1 (14)\n N2---H5⋯O2^ii^ 0.867 (14) 2.040 (15) 2.9064 (14) 177.4 (13)\n O1---H1⋯O5^i^ 0.858 (17) 2.588 (16) 3.0983 (13) 119.2 (13)\n O1---H1⋯O3^i^ 0.858 (17) 2.013 (17) 2.8232 (13) 157.1 (15)\n O5---H6⋯O2^iii^ 0.912 (16) 1.759 (17) 2.6685 (12) 175.8 (14)\n\nSymmetry codes: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) .", "\n" ]
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[ "People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities Caring For and Protecting Animal Companions in the Context of Domestic Violence.", "\nThis article reports on a thematic analysis of open-ended questions about how humans respond to violence directed toward animals in the context of violent human relationships, derived from an Australian-U.K. survey of people of diverse genders and/or sexualities. ", "From the 137 responses, three major themes were identified: (a) animals are an important source of support, (b) humans actively protect animal companions, and (c) witnessing animal abuse can trigger leaving violent relationships. ", "The findings offer unique insights for practitioners into the help-seeking needs of people of diverse genders and/or sexualities who live with animal companions in the context of domestic violence." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have issued a warning to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors in the UK with regards to a rogue trading platform that has been established by the name of\n\n‘Fair Oaks Crypto’.", "\n\nIt is alleged that Fair Oaks Crypto seems to be masquerading as a cryptocurrency trading platform, yet it does not have authorisation from the FCA, which is currently a legal requirement in the UK. ", "In fact, any company offering any form of financial service needs to have FCA registration and approval in order to be able to trade.", "\n\nPart of the problem, is that Fair Oaks Crypto are using a name, designed to be similar to Fair Oaks Capital, a registered financial management and advisory service that operates in the UK, under a license from the FCA. ", "Fair Oaks Crypto has no legal affiliation to Fair Oaks Capital, therefore if you’re using Fair Oaks Crypto as a trading platform, is likely that you are going to be scammed, if you haven’t been already.", "\n\nFair Oaks Capital, have issued a statement on the matter, stating that:\n\n“It has come to our attention that an organisation called Fair-OaksCrypto, which appears to be operating from France, is using the Fair Oaks name and its prior address (67-68 Jermyn Street, London SW1Y 6NY, London) on its website www.fair-oakscrypto.com. ", "Neither Fair-OaksCrypto nor the website www.fair-oakscrypto.com is connected to Fair Oaks Capital Limited, or any other entity within the Fair Oaks group, in any way.”", "\n\nFurther details can be found on the Fair Oaks Capital website, at\n\nwww.fairoakscap.com\n\nFurthermore, the website advises users on what to do if they believe they have been contacted by Fair Oaks Crypto:\n\n“If you receive a call from the telephone number +33 9 70 73 43 94 or an email from the domain @fair-oakscrypto.com then please be aware such communication has not been made by Fair Oaks Capital Limited or any other entity within the Fair Oaks group.”", "\n\nThe Financial Conduct Authority have issued an official statement on the matter:\n\n“This FCA authorised firm that fraudsters are claiming to work for has no association with the ‘clone firm’. ", "It is authorised to offer, promote or sell services or products in the UK and its correct details are; Firm Name: Fair Oaks Capital Limited , Firm Reference Number: 604090 .”", "\n\n“We strongly advise you to only deal with financial firms that are authorised by us, and check the Financial Services Register to ensure they are. ", "It has information on firms and individuals that are, or have been, regulated by us. ", "If you want to check a consumer credit firm that may not yet have been authorised by us, please also check the Interim Permission Register(link is external) . ", "If a firm does not appear on the Register but claims it does, contact our Consumer Helpline on 0800 111 6768.”", "\n\n“There are more steps you should take to avoid scams and unauthorised firms .\"", "\n\nYou should also be aware that if you give money to an unauthorised firm, you will not be covered by the\n\nFinancial Ombudsman Service(link is external)\n\nor\n\nFinancial Services Compensation Scheme(link is external)\n\n(FSCS) if things go wrong.”", "\n\nYou can find further details from the FCA,\n\nhere\n\n.", "\n\nIf you are trading in the UK and worry that your platform may not be registered with the FCA, you should cease trading straight away and contact the FCA for further assistance." ]
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[ 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0.004524886877828055, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.006060606060606061, 0.017964071856287425, 0.015317286652078774, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.017241379310344827, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Millions of Indians voted in the third and largest phase of a staggered general election on Tuesday, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi who cast his ballot in his home state of Gujarat and again underlined his focus on combating terrorism.", "\n\nIn all, 188 million Indians are eligible to vote in 117 constituencies on Tuesday, across 15 states and federally controlled territories. ", "Voting in 303 parliament seats out of a total of 545 have been completed so far.", "\n\nAbout 66 percent of those eligible had voted by the end of the day’s voting, according to the interim figures from the election commission.", "\n\nIn Gujarat, Modi met his mother early in the morning and then rode in an open jeep past hundreds of onlookers to cast his vote shortly after 8 a.m. (0230 GMT)\n\n“IED is a weapon of terrorism, and voter ID is a weapon of democracy,” he told reporters after voting, referring to improvised explosive devices and voter identification cards.", "\n\n“I believe the voter ID is much more powerful than an IED.”", "\n\nThe general election, which has seven phases, began on April 11 and will end on May 19. ", "Votes will be counted on May 23.", "\n\n“This is, sort of, an inflection point,” said Rahul Verma, a fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi-based think-tank. ", "More than half of constituencies will have voted by the end of the third phase.", "\n\nThe ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has aggressively pushed Modi’s national security record as it seeks to deflect opposition accusations of economic mismanagement, inadequate job creation and widespread farm distress.", "\n\n“I think job creation, sustainable development, and communal harmony should be the top priorities for the upcoming government,” said Ubaidullah Mohyideen, 26, voting in southern Kerala state’s Wayanad district, one of the two seats that opposition Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi is contesting.", "\n\nViolence flared in the eastern state of West Bengal and one Congress worker was killed and at least three people were injured, a state deputy chief election officer, Sanjay Bose, said.", "\n\nA Congress spokesman said the worker had been killed in a clash with supporters of a regional party called the Trinamool Congress, which denied that assertion. ", "The election commission said it was investigating.", "\n\nIn Kerala, leaders of three political parties complained about electronic voting machine (EVM) malfunctions, but an election commission official said glitches were not widespread and there were enough replacement machines.", "\n\nSlideshow ( 5 images )\n\nSECURITY FOCUS\n\nOn Monday, Modi addressed a rally in western Maharashtra state and mentioned the attacks on Sri Lankan hotels and churches on Easter Sunday that killed 321 people and wounded about 500. ", "He said India’s security had been enhanced after his government came to power in 2014.", "\n\n“Friends, remember what India’s situation was before 2014,” Modi said. “", "Weren’t there bombs going off in different corners of the country every other day?”", "\n\nSlideshow ( 5 images )\n\nVerma said Modi’s references to the Sri Lankan attacks were a sign that the BJP would double down on the security issue for the remainder of the campaign, which the prime minister began as a front-runner amid escalated tension with neighboring Pakistan.", "\n\n“I feel the BJP is hell-bent on running this campaign on national security,” Verma said. “", "Basically, if they bring up any other thing, they would be on difficult terrain, like on economic issues or on their performance.”", "\n\nModi sent warplanes to Pakistan to bomb a purported militant training camp in February in response to a suicide bomb attack in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 40 Indian paratroopers. ", "The blast was claimed by an Islamist militant group based in Pakistan.", "\n\nJayendra Singh, 44, a businessman in the Gujarat state’s capital, Gandhinagar, also voted early and said the economy, women’s safety and unemployment were major issues for him.", "\n\nHowever, he disapproved of Modi talking up the air strike in Pakistan, which led to aerial clashes between the nuclear-armed rivals.", "\n\n“There shouldn’t be any marketing of this,” Singh said." ]
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[ "Endoscopic slipknot clip suturing method: an ex vivo feasibility study (with video).", "\nWe developed a suturing method with slipknot string and clips for the single-channel endoscope. ", "The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of the slipknot clip suturing method. ", "Twelve 30-mm mucosal defects were created by endoscopic submucosal dissection in an ex vivo bovine model. ", "A slipknot is a type of knot that can \"slip\" along the string. ", "The loop can be tightened when tension is applied to the free end of the string. ", "The clip and string can be passed through the instrument channel of the single-channel endoscope. ", "The slipknot loop is anchored on the mucosal defect's proximal margin with the clip. ", "An additional clip anchored at the slipknot loop is placed on a different side of the margin. ", "The slipknot loop is tightened by pulling the string. ", "Additional clips are placed to achieve complete closure. ", "All 12 defects were completely closed by the slipknot clip suturing method. ", "The procedure time decreased significantly from the first 6 procedures to the last 6 procedures (865 ± 213 vs 556 ± 103 seconds, P = .009). ", "The slipknot clip suturing method makes it easy to close a large mucosal defect completely by using a single-channel endoscope." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0 ]
[ "(From left to right; top to bottom: Composite image of comet Hyakutake & Mauna Kea by Magrath & Hoffman, Meteor by David Nunuk, Dome of CFHT telescope, Mauna Kea, at sunset by David Nunuk and Observatories at Mauna Kea, Hawaii by David Nunuk)\n\nMauna Kea Summit Tour by Robert's Hawaii\n\nThe Mauna Kea Summit Tour takes you to teh Ellison Onizuka Visitor Information Station at 9,200 feet where knowledgable guides will assist you with reading charts and operating telescopes for you to view the universe. ", "After dinner, you will continue to the top of Mauna Kea for a spectacular sunset and a tour of the giant telescopes. ", "Tour includes hot beverages, boxed dinner, snacks and use of telescopes and jackets.", "\n** Minimum 8 people\n** No children under age 16.", "\nTime: 7 hours\n\nMauna Kea Stargazing Tour by Jack's Tours\n\nScientists believe that Mauna Kea is the best place in the world to observe the night sky and have been strategically placing the world's finest telescopes here for years. ", "Passengers are encouraged to wear warm clothing and comfortable walking shoes. ", "Boxed dinner, hot tea, bottled water, light snack, telescope, use of jackets and gloves are provided. ", "Pick-up times range from 3:00 p.m. to 5.25 p.m. and drop-off times are between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m., depending on the season.", "\nLocation: Hilo\nDuration: 7-8 hours\n** Only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." ]
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[ "[The seasonality of the development of house dust mites depending on the microclimate of the quarters].", "\nChanges in the extensiveness and intensity of the premise contaminations with home dust ticks depending on the above-sea level have been confirmed. ", "It has been shown that two peaks in the ticks' number during the year correlate with the microclimate in the premises, primarily with the level of relative humidity. ", "Fluctuations in the number of ticks in Uzbekistan are less expressed in the mountain areas than on the plain." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Containers are more popular than ever. ", "Here at Oracle, we use containers for many of our cloud services. ", "While preparing for containers in production, we developed tools to help with building and operating containers. ", "Today we are happy to announce that we are Open Sourcing these tools so that others can benefit from our work. ", "You can find smith, crashcart, and railcar on the oracle github page. ", "Read on for more information about them.", "\n\nSmith -- Secure Microcontainer Builder\n\nWe have run into a number of operational issues with conventional container build processes. ", "Smith is a tool that solves these issues by making container builds more consistent and secure. ", "It builds microcontainers from rpms, yum repositories, or even existing docker containers. ", "For more information on the operational challenges that led to our usage of microcontainers check out The Microcontainer Manifesto.", "\n\nCrashcart -- Microcontainer Debugging Tool\n\nWhen containers are minimized for production use, missing tools make it more challenging for operators to diagnose and remedy any issues that arise. ", "Most debugging can be done from the host, but sometimes you need access to the filesystem as the container sees it. ", "Crashcart was built for this use case. ", "It allows you to load a set of binaries into a running container so that you can figure out what might be going wrong. ", "Find out why side-loading binaries is hard and how crashcart accomplishes it in Hardcore Container Debugging.", "\n\nRailcar -- Alternative Container Runtime\n\nGo is a poor choice of language for a container runtime. (", "NOTE: The runtime is the component that deals with isolation via namespaces and cgroups. ", "Go is still an excellent choice for container daemons and CLIs.) ", "To understand some of the problems, you can read this blog post by weave works. ", "In order to work around this issue and others, runc (the default implementation of the oci-runtime spec) has some code written in c that runs before the go runtime starts. ", "Go is a great language, but for small system utilities that need tight control over threads and make a high volume of syscalls, there are better options. ", "Rust gives low level control like c, but is memory safe and avoids whole classes of bugs and vulnerabilities. ", "There is more information about the development of railcar in Building a Container Runtime in Rust." ]
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[ " 32*a + 447 = 3 for a.\n-12\nSolve -2452 - 83 = 145*v + 945 for v.\n-24\nSolve -203*y + 182*y = 231 for y.\n-11\nSolve 69 - 150 = -15*o + 129 for o.\n14\nSolve 5*o + 1942 = 1932 for o.\n-2\nSolve -735 - 1522 - 473 = -195*n for n.\n14\nSolve 129*v + 288 - 2466 = 15 for v.\n17\nSolve 880 = -902*s + 792*s for s.\n-8\nSolve -855 = -27*s + 72*s for s.\n-19\nSolve 0 = -29*t + 20*t - 20*t + 406 for t.\n14\nSolve -179 = 102*r - 331 - 766 for r.\n9\nSolve 12*x - 3*x + 32 = 5*x for x.\n-8\nSolve -140*b - 555 = 565 for b.\n-8\nSolve -8*y = 1054536 - 1054528 for y.\n-1\nSolve 17*x = 8366 - 8638 for x.\n-16\nSolve 204*s - 358*s - 697 = -195*s for s.\n17\nSolve 18*a = -176 + 124 - 200 for a.\n-14\nSolve -117*p = -95*p - 95 - 301 for p.\n18\nSolve 44*m - 645 = -238 + 473 for m.\n20\nSolve 14846 = -22*w + 14978 for w.\n6\nSolve 271*x + 2787 - 4113 = 5178 for x.\n24\nSolve 57*k + 983 = -0*k + 299 for k.\n-12\nSolve -9*d - 7*d = -5*d - 88 for d.\n8\nSolve 0 = 186*y + 18*y + 5458 - 6886 for y.\n7\nSolve 0 = -633*z + 571*z + 2232 for z.\n36\nSolve 0 = 110*z + 14*z - 50*z + 814 for z.\n-11\nSolve -41*o + 90 = -25*o - 19*o for o.\n-30\nSolve -13*l + 9 = 180 - 28 for l.\n-11\nSolve -i + 22 - 7 = 9 for i.\n6\nSolve 1646 = 127*p + 630 for p.\n8\nSolve 232*q = -221 - 2099 for q.\n-10\nSolve -80*m + 33*m + 1768 = -115*m for m.\n-26\nSolve 625*r - 305*r + 4160 = 0 for r.\n-13\nSolve 79 - 18 = 10*w - 19 for w.\n8\nSolve 988*c = 5093 - 34733 for c.\n-30\nSolve -6*n + 176*n = 976 + 1574 for n.\n15\nSolve -473*z = -427*z - 414 for z.\n9\nSolve -247 = -90*o - 1867 for o.\n-18\nSolve 0 = 566*c + 417*c - 17694 for c.\n18\nSolve -269*j - 2511 - 2062 = 0 for j.\n-17\nSolve 391*l + 1151 = -8233 for l.\n-24\nSolve -168 = -p - 8*p - 5*p for p.\n12\nSolve -2538*l + 2708*l - 3740 = 0 for l.\n22\nSolve 43*r - 24 = -r - 68 for r.\n-1\nSolve 78*a + 1031 = 388 - 1697 for a.\n-30\nSolve 126*g - 24*g = -58*g - 1600 for g.\n-10\nSolve 0 = z - 32*z + 186 for z.\n6\nSolve -850 = 67*i - 115*i - 37*i for i.\n10\nSolve 102*f + 1404 = -114*f - 1836 for f.\n-15\nSolve -4*s + 752 - 632 = 8*s for s.\n10\nSolve 946 = -3*l + 982 for l.\n12\nSolve -72*b = -20*b + 179 - 23 for b.\n-3\nSolve 10*x - 106 - 85 = 29 for x.\n22\nSolve -3780*s + 3797*s + 425 = 0 for s.\n-25\nSolve -1611 = 131*c - 2258 - 2366 for c.\n23\nSolve -3*r - 12*r - 252 = -51*r for r.\n7\nSolve 186 = -61*j + 30*j for j.\n-6\nSolve -18*l - 58 - 278 = 10*l for l.\n-12\nSolve -3429*b = -3476*b - 376 for b.\n-8\nSolve 173 - 193 = -10*j for j.\n2\nSolve 395*h - 8177 - 5027 = 2201 for h.\n39\nSolve 2758 = 10*k + 2578 for k.\n18\nSolve 0 = 905*c + 4378 - 1 + 13723 for c.\n-20\nSolve 72*h + 93*h + 1650 = 0 for h.\n-10\nSolve -170*t + 253*t = -1079 for t.\n-13\nSolve -204*a + 103*a - 372 = 840 for a.\n-12\nSolve 87*u + 466 + 74 = -69 for u.\n-7\nSolve -9054*i = -9046*i - 56 for i.\n7\nSolve 47*n + 378 = -37*n - 42*n for n.\n-3\nSolve 712*d - 683*d - 56 + 491 = 0 for d.\n-15\nSolve 20*n + 207 = 167 for n.\n-2\nSolve -11459 = 20*r - 2*r - 11351 for r.\n-6\nSolve -54*i - 79*i - 73*i + 184*i = 0 for i.\n0\nSolve 15*b + 7*b + 828 - 740 = 0 for b.\n-4\nSolve -11*o + 56 = 177 for o.\n-11\nSolve -131*x + 71*x - 600 = 0 for x.\n-10\nSolve 0 = 477*t + 44*t - 7294 for t.\n14\nSolve 309 = 97*h - 369 - 486 for h.\n12\nSolve 21*g - 644 + 371 = 0 for g.\n13\nSolve -115*t + 606 = -488 + 174 for t.\n8\nSolve 1639*p = 1758*p - 2142 for p.\n18\nSolve 1841 = -22*q + 1951 for q.\n5\nSolve -131 = 17*v - 209 - 177 for v.\n15\nSolve 3056 = -3*c + 3071 for c.\n5\nSolve 0 = 13*m + 67 + 101 - 220 for m.\n4\nSolve -m - 80 = -88 for m.\n8\nSolve 219 = 9*k + 156 for k.\n7\nSolve -4*p = 4*p - 72 for p.\n9\nSolve 1218 = -28*l + 994 for l.\n-8\nSolve 63*l - 105*l - 1218 = 16*l for l.\n-21\nSolve 10042 - 3638 = 2251*m - 16106 for m.\n10\nSolve 24*p + 55*p = 19*p + 1140 for p.\n19\nSolve 104 = -37*x - 15*x for x.\n-2\nSolve -30*x - 434 = -45*x - 74 for x.\n24\nSolve 0 = 514*a - 200*a - 4396 for a.\n14\nSolve -632*i + 2337 = -509*i for i.\n19\nSolve 87 = 29*x + 58 for x.\n1\nSolve 32*u + 7*u = -24*u - 1071 for u.\n-17\nSolve 0 = 41*g - 449 + 44 - 333 for g.\n18\nSolve 0 = -17*x - 31*x + 16*x - 544 for x.\n-17\nSolve 368 = 48*q - 208 for q.\n12\nSolve 0 = 275*a - 299*a + 192 for a.\n8\nSolve 18 = 2*q + 11 - 15 for q.\n11\nSolve 0 = -8545*y + 8621*y + 912 for y.\n-12\nSolve 634*u + 21647 = 17209 for u.\n-7\nSolve 0 = 37*z - 82*z for z.\n0\nSolve 0 = -14*d + 24*d + 43 + 37 for d.\n-8\nSolve -29*t + 470 + 1204 = -215*t for t.\n-9\nSolve 89*o + 8970 = -202*o - 54*o for o.\n-26\nSolve -23*s = 469 - 193 for s.\n-12\nSolve w + 7*w - 2411 = -2427 for w.\n-2\nSolve -1009*n + 2176 = -873*n for n.\n16\nSolve 702 + 1566 - 35 = 319*w for w.\n7\nSolve 0 = -66*a - 23*a + 890 for a.\n10\nSolve 185*o = -152*o - 2551 + 866 for o.\n-5\nSolve -7*q - 3*q + 38041 = 38141 for q.\n-10\nSolve 120*r + 179*r - 108*r = 3247 for r.\n17\nSolve 14 = 46*f + 108 - 2 for f.\n-2\nSolve -420 = 100*x - 65*x for x.\n-12\nSolve -1753*i + 45 = -1694*i - 14 for i.\n1\nSolve -39351*y + 70 = -39361*y for y.\n-7\nSolve 281*x - 145*x + 408 = 0 for x.\n-3\nSolve 478*l - 8484 = 882*l for l.\n-21\nSolve 29*m + 4421 = -308*m - 1982 for m.\n-19\nSolve -266*p - 259*p + 539*p - 70 = 0 for p.\n5\nSolve 34*t + 34*t - 64*t + 12 = 0 for t.\n-3\nSolve -62*w + 9*w = -530 for w.\n10\nSolve -142*i - 694 = -177*i - 169 for i.\n15\nSolve 179*w = -38704 + 33692 for w.\n-28\nSolve -26*m - 18*m = 2*m for m.\n0\nSolve -5*d - 84 = -129 for d.\n9\nSolve 0 = 19186*f - 19027*f + 3180 for f.\n-20\nSolve -37421 = -5*y - 37391 for y.\n6\nSolve -87 - 232 = -38*t + 99 for t.\n11\nSolve -14*p + 19 = 159 for p.\n-10\nSolve -6*k - 2975 = -181*k for k.\n17\nSolve 1758 = -228*t + 390 for t.\n-6\nSolve -60*y - 33*y + 612 = 426 for y.\n2\nSolve -115*x + 112*x + 21 = 0 for x.\n7\nSolve 8*y + 6 = -13 - 5 for y.\n-3\nSolve 1621*m - 1115*m = -6072 for m.\n-12\nSolve 0 = -5107*n + 5164*n - 1026 for n.\n18\nSolve 58*o + 2767 - 619 = -121*o for o.\n-12\nSolve 0 = 5*b + 19*b - 28*b - 12 for b.\n-3\nSolve 458*a = 182*a + 3864 for a.\n14\nSolve -297 + 171 = -16*v - 222 for v.\n-6\nSolve 262 - 388 = 14*a for a.\n-9\nSolve -370*n - 11326 = 144 for n.\n-31\nSolve -114*a = 39*a - 50*a - 412 for a.\n4\nSolve 3*n - 187*n + 213 = -1259 for n.\n8\nSolve 0 = 33*b - 1554 + 2181 for b.\n-19\nSolve -10*x - 284 = -124 for x.\n-16\nSolve -2*h - 23*h - 600 = 0 for h.\n-24\nSolve -6093 = 41*b - 6257 for b.\n4\nSolve -130 - 157 = -129*l - 29 for l.\n2\nSolve 7*t = 661 - 577 for t.\n12\nSolve -210*y - 87*y - 4352 = -41*y for y.\n-17\nSolve -5*c = 16*c - 6 + 216 for c.\n-10\nSolve -48*x + 1971 = -92*x + 117*x for x.\n27\nSolve -82 + 1773 = -89*k for k.\n-19\nSolve 22*z + 3920 - 3942 = 0 for z.\n1\nSolve -122*h + 347 = 103 + 1952 for h.\n-14\nSolve 1963 - 2123 = 12*q - 32*q for q.\n8\nSolve 0 = 5*g + 2258 - 2323 for g.\n13\nSolve -118*n - 150 = -198*n + 105*n for n.\n-6\nSolve -60*y + 128 + 172 = 0 for y.\n5\nSolve 101*g = -1286 + 1590 + 1716 for g.\n20\nSolve 0 = 38*b - 67*b - 99 + 389 for b.\n10\nSolve -29*z + 360 = -101*z for z.\n-5\nSolve 16298*t = 16277*t - 126 for t.\n-6\nSolve -9004*x + 8972*x + 224 = 0 for x.\n7\nSolve -3136*g - 136 = -3170*g for g.\n4\nSolve 0 = -1137*q - 917*q for q.\n0\nSolve -16543*b - 245 = -16578*b for b.\n7\nSolve 20*q + 164*q + 2159 + 49 = 0 for q.\n-12\nSolve -5508375*a = -5508346*a + 1131 for a.\n-39\nSolve -17*x + 85*x + 19 = -49 for x.\n-1\nSolve -284*k - 1562 = 47*k + 3072 for k.\n-14\nSolve 18*o - 59*o + 3 = 3 for o.\n0\nSolve -24*p - 150 - 56 = 178 for p.\n-16\nSolve 31*y + 38 + 111 = -37 for y.\n-6\nSolve 6625*c - 6549*c - 608 = 0 for c.\n8\nSolve 28*p + 39 - 60 = 175 for p.\n7\nSolve -56*x + 219*x = 1467 for x.\n9\nSolve -22*c + 163*c + 3014 = -133*c for c.\n-11\nSolve -122*a + 47 + 17 = -130*a for a.\n-8\nSolve -33*t - 4*t = 29*t - 528 for t.\n8\nSolve 48*t = -73*t - 485 + 122 for t.\n-3\nSolve 2*u + 100 = -0*u + 148 for u.\n24\nSolve -34*v = -2185 + 2151 for v.\n1\nSolve 359 = -289*b + 86*b - 250 for b.\n-3\nSolve -1592*v + 796*v - 770 = -761*v for v.\n-22\nSolve -396 = -88*y + 52*y for y.\n11\nSolve -33*b - 2*b = 44*b - 79 for b.\n1\nSolve -136*u + 399 - 1623 = 0 for u.\n-9\nSolve 14*h - 39*h = -661 + 386 for h.\n11\nSolve 36*o = -67 - 74 + 141 for o.\n0\nSolve 0 = 3601*m - 3566*m + 700 for m.\n-20\nSolve 0 = -95*k - 3*k - 784 for k.\n-8\nSolve 603 = -36*v + 495 for v.\n-3\nSolve 94 = -95*r - 1 for r.\n-1\nSolve 0 = -303*n + 273*n + 60 for n.\n2\nSolve -93*j + 200 + 637 = 0 for j.\n9\nSolve -277*z - 2445 = 538*z for z.\n-3\nSolve 0 = 363*s + 4304 + 6586 for s.\n-30\nSolve 0 = -70*z + 146678 - 146398 for z.\n4\nSolve 0 = 2272*t - 2283*t - 88 for t." ]
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[ 0.008664876739077374 ]
[ "Hypophysiotropic neurons in the goldfish hypothalamus demonstrated by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.", "\nThe horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) technique was used to visualize the cell bodies of axons projecting to the goldfish pituitary. ", "Following intravenous injections of HRP, HRP reaction products were observed in axons of the rostral pars distalis, proximal pars distalis, neurointermediate lobe, pituitary stalk and in axons coursing from the pituitary into the hypothalamus. ", "HRP-labelled cells in the brain were localized in two regions only - the nucleus preopticus (NPO) pars magnocellularis and pars parvocellularis, and the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) of the hypothalamus. ", "These observations suggest that the NPO and NLT are the source of the neurosecretory innervation of the goldfish pituitary." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.004098360655737705, 0.009708737864077669, 0.016260162601626018 ]
[ "Denervation inhibits early increase in Na(+)-H+ exchange after uninephrectomy but does not suppress hypertrophy.", "\nNa(+)-H+ exchange in the rat proximal tubule luminal membrane increases approximately 30% within 15 min after the contralateral uninephrectomy. ", "The present study was designed to test whether altered renal sympathetic nerve outflow to the remaining kidney is the underlying mechanism of increased antiport activity and whether suppression of Na(+)-H+ antiport activity by renal denervation inhibits renal hypertrophy in the remaining kidney after uninephrectomy. ", "Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: 1) sham operated, 2) uninephrectomized, 3) uninephrectomized with prior denervation of the remaining kidney, and 4) contralateral renal denervation. ", "Na(+)-H+ antiport activity (brush-border vesicles), Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity (basolateral vesicles), and kidney weight were measured days 1-7. ", "On days 1 and 7, Na(+)-H+ antiport activity and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activities were significantly greater in uninephrectomized rats. ", "Denervation of the remaining kidney before contralateral uninephrectomy prevented the stimulation of the antiporter and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, but failed to inhibit renal hypertrophy by day 7. ", "In separate experiments, contralateral renal denervation alone without removal of the kidney stimulated the Na(+)-H+ antiporter and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity. ", "Kidney weight, however, remained unchanged. ", "The results demonstrate a dissociation between the activation of the Na(+)-H+ antiporter and induction of renal hypertrophy in vivo." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Taliban fighters at the Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah Training Camp. ", "Source: Voice of Jihad.", "\n\nAs U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls for the Taliban to honor a non-existent commitment to “reduce violence,” the Taliban continues to train for war. ", "The Taliban has publicized the training of its fighters at three separate camps over the past five days.", "\n\nPhotographs from the training camps, know as Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and Abu Dardaa, were published on the Arabic and Pashto language versions of Voice of Jihad, the Taliban’s official website.", "\n\nThe Taliban explicitly stated that the Abu Dardaa Training Camp is located in the province of Faryab, and the Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah is in Badakhshan.", "\n\nThe Taliban has not disclosed the location of the Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq camp, however, the it should be relatively easy to discern by U.S. and Afghan intelligence services. ", "The mountainous terrain and vegetation should help locate the Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq camp.", "\n\nWearing new uniforms, the Taliban fighters were shown in various levels of training.", "\n\n“The Mujahideen were trained with light and heavy weapons, combat skills and military tactics, and camp officials said that the chain of training of the Mujahideen will continue,” noted the statement promoting the Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq camp.", "\n\n“The Mujahideen trained all types of heavy and light weapons, and learned military tactics and war planning,” the statement accompanying the Abu Dardaa camp said.", "\n\nAccording to the Taliban, the “Islamic Emirate has many training centers throughout the country, which has increased the graduation rate of the mujahideen in this country.”", "\n\nThe “training of the mujahideen is still going on and many other mujahideen are also being trained.”", "\n\nThe Taliban has issued a steady stream of propaganda since 2014 that has highlighted training at its more than 20 camps. [", "See FDD’s Long War Journal report, Taliban promotes ‘mujahideen’ graduates from one of its military training camps.]", "\n\nThe Taliban is also known to share its training facilities with foreign jihadist groups, such as the Turkistan Islamic Party. ", "Al Qaeda, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, and Harakat-ul-Mujahideen are also known to operate training camps inside Afghanistan. ", "These groups could not operate training facilities without the explicit approval and support from the Taliban’s leadership and local units.", "\n\nPhotographs from the Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah Training Camp:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPhotographs from the Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Training Camp:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPhotographs from the Abu Dardaa Training Camp:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.", "\n\nAre you a dedicated reader of FDD's Long War Journal? ", "Has our research benefitted you or your team over the years? ", "Support our independent reporting and analysis today by considering a one-time or monthly donation. ", "Thanks for reading! ", "You can make a tax-deductible donation here." ]
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[ "The perl scripts in this directory are my 'hack' to generate\nmultiple different assembler formats via the one origional script.", "\n\nThe way to use this library is to start with adding the path to this directory\nand then include it.", "\n\npush(@INC,\"perlasm\",\"../../perlasm\");\nrequire \"x86asm.pl\";\n\nThe first thing we do is setup the file and type of assember\n\n&asm_init($ARGV[0],$0);\n\nThe first argument is the 'type'. ", " Currently\n'cpp', 'sol', 'a.out', 'elf' or 'win32'.", "\nArgument 2 is the file name.", "\n\nThe reciprocal function is\n&asm_finish() which should be called at the end.", "\n\nThere are 2 main 'packages'. ", "x86ms.pl, which is the microsoft assembler,\nand x86unix.pl which is the unix (gas) version.", "\n\nFunctions of interest are:\n&external_label(\"des_SPtrans\");\tdeclare and external variable\n&LB(reg);\t\t\tLow byte for a register\n&HB(reg);\t\t\tHigh byte for a register\n&BP(off,base,index,scale)\tByte pointer addressing\n&DWP(off,base,index,scale)\tWord pointer addressing\n&stack_push(num)\t\tBasically a 'sub esp, num*4' with extra\n&stack_pop(num)\t\t\tinverse of stack_push\n&function_begin(name,extra)\tStart a function with pushing of\n\t\t\t\tedi, esi, ebx and ebp. ", " extra is extra win32\n\t\t\t\texternal info that may be required.", "\n&function_begin_B(name,extra)\tSame as norma function_begin but no pushing.", "\n&function_end(name)\t\tCall at end of function.", "\n&function_end_A(name)\t\tStandard pop and ret, for use inside functions\n&function_end_B(name)\t\tCall at end but with poping or 'ret'.", "\n&swtmp(num)\t\t\tAddress on stack temp word.", "\n&wparam(num)\t\t\tParameter number num, that was push\n\t\t\t\tin C convention. ", " This all works over pushes\n\t\t\t\tand pops.", "\n&comment(\"hello there\")\t\tPut in a comment.", "\n&label(\"loop\")\t\t\tRefer to a label, normally a jmp target.", "\n&set_label(\"loop\")\t\tSet a label at this point.", "\n&data_word(word)\t\tPut in a word of data.", "\n\nSo how does this all hold together? ", " Given\n\nint calc(int len, int *data)\n\t{\n\tint i,j=0;\n\n\tfor (i=0; i<len; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\tj+=other(data[i]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\nSo a very simple version of this function could be coded as\n\n\tpush(@INC,\"perlasm\",\"../../perlasm\");\n\trequire \"x86asm.pl\";\n\t\n\t&asm_init($ARGV[0],\"cacl.pl\");\n\n\t&external_label(\"other\");\n\n\t$tmp1=\t\"eax\";\n\t$j=\t\"edi\";\n\t$data=\t\"esi\";\n\t$i=\t\"ebp\";\n\n\t&comment(\"a simple function\");\n\t&function_begin(\"calc\");\n\t&mov(\t$data,\t\t&wparam(1)); # data\n\t&xor(\t$j,\t\t$j);\n\t&xor(\t$i,\t\t$i);\n\n\t&set_label(\"loop\");\n\t&cmp(\t$i,\t\t&wparam(0));\n\t&jge(\t&label(\"end\"));\n\n\t&mov(\t$tmp1,\t\t&DWP(0,$data,$i,4));\n\t&push(\t$tmp1);\n\t&call(\t\"other\");\n\t&add(\t$j,\t\t\"eax\");\n\t&pop(\t$tmp1);\n\t&inc(\t$i);\n\t&jmp(\t&label(\"loop\"));\n\n\t&set_label(\"end\");\n\t&mov(\t\"eax\",\t\t$j);\n\n\t&function_end(\"calc\");\n\n\t&asm_finish();\n\nThe above example is very very unoptimised but gives an idea of how\nthings work.", "\n\nThere is also a cbc mode function generator in cbc.pl\n\n&cbc(\t$name,\n\t$encrypt_function_name,\n\t$decrypt_function_name,\n\t$true_if_byte_swap_needed,\n\t$parameter_number_for_iv,\n\t$parameter_number_for_encrypt_flag,\n\t$first_parameter_to_pass,\n\t$second_parameter_to_pass,\n\t$third_parameter_to_pass);\n\nSo for example, given\nvoid BF_encrypt(BF_LONG *data,BF_KEY *key);\nvoid BF_decrypt(BF_LONG *data,BF_KEY *key);\nvoid BF_cbc_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, long length,\n BF_KEY *ks, unsigned char *iv, int enc);\n\n&cbc(\"BF_cbc_encrypt\",\"BF_encrypt\",\"BF_encrypt\",1,4,5,3,-1,-1);\n\n&cbc(\"des_ncbc_encrypt\",\"des_encrypt\",\"des_encrypt\",0,4,5,3,5,-1);\n&cbc(\"des_ede3_cbc_encrypt\",\"des_encrypt3\",\"des_decrypt3\",0,6,7,3,4,5);\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nI am trying to send Google Drive Attachments to different email addresses using a script but struggling to make it work\n\nI am new to coding and wanted to automate sending emails with attachments. ", "Basically what I would like to do is to send a message and Google Drive attachment to a specific email address in my spreadsheet. ", "Each attachment (google drive link) is different for each email address and I have everything laid out on a spreadsheet. ", "\nThe spreadsheet is composed of three sheets, and I want to get the info from the first sheet only (called Full Data). ", "The structure of the columns is the following:\n\nA1 Full Name\nB1 First Name\nC1 Last Name\nD1 Email Address\nE1 File attachment (google drive link)\nF1 Date\nG1 Status\nH1 Message\nI1 Email Sent?", "\n\nI would like to send an email with a template starting with \"Hello {Full Name},\" and in the row below starts the message.", "\nHere's the code I have for now:\n// This constant is written in column C for rows for which an email\n// has been sent successfully.", "\nvar EMAIL_SENT = 'EMAIL_SENT';\n\n/**\n * Sends non-duplicate emails with data from the current spreadsheet.", "\n */\nfunction sendEmails2() {\n var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();\n var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - startRow + 1; // Number of rows to process\n var startCol = 1;\n var numCols = 4; // Number of columns to process (should include column D)\n// Fetch the range of cells A2:D\nvar dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, startCol, numRows, numCols);\n var data = dataRange.getValues();\n for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {\n var row = data[i];\n var emailAddress = row[3]; // Third column\n var message = row[7]; // Eigth column\n var emailSent = row[8]; // Ninth column\n if (emailSent !", "== EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates\n var subject = 'Sending emails from a Spreadsheet';\n MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);\n sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 8).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);\n // Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted\n SpreadsheetApp.flush();\n }\n }\n}\n\nI realize that I have not set a variable for the attachment. ", "The attachment should be taken from column E (corresponding to the row). ", "For example, John Apple in A2 has attachment X in E2, while Mick Orange in A3 has attachment Y in E3, and so on... The range of data goes down till 130 rows but it would be great to have something that always gets the range until there is data (no matter the number of rows). ", " \nDoes anyone have an idea on how to make this work? ", "\nThanks a lot in advance!!", "\n\nA:\n\nIf I understand you correctly, your current question differs from your previous one in that:\n\nThe message body starts with \"Hello {Full Name}\".", "\nYou are not looking for files with the same name as in the sheet, but files that have a certain URL.", "\nThe columns to fetch the data from are not the same.", "\n\nTaking all this into account, I reworked the solution I proposed in your previous question so that it does what you pretend now (read inline comments to see what the code is doing, step by step):\nvar EMAIL_SENT = \"EMAIL_SENT\";\n\nfunction sendEmails2() {\n var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();\n var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(\"Full Data\");\n var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process\n var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - startRow + 1; // Number of rows to process\n var startCol = 1;\n var numCols = 9; // Number of columns to process (should include column D)\n // Fetch the range of cells A2:D\n var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, startCol, numRows, numCols);\n // Fetch values for each row in the Range.", "\n var data = dataRange.getValues();\n for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {\n var row = data[i];\n var emailAddress = row[3];\n var fullname = row[0];\n var messageBody = row[7];\n var message = \"Hello \".concat(fullname, \"\\n\", messageBody); // Creating message body\n var emailSent = row[8];\n var fileURL = row[4];\n var fileId = fileURL.match(/[-\\w]{25,}/); // Extracts file id from file url\n if (emailSent !", "= EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates\n var subject = \"Sending emails from a Spreadsheet\";\n var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);\n MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, {\n attachments: [file], // No need to use getAs if your file is already a PDF\n name: 'Custom email Team'\n });\n sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 9).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);\n // Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted\n SpreadsheetApp.flush();\n }\n }\n}\n\nDriveApp does not have an getFileByUrl method, so to get the file, the code first extracts the file id from the url using regex and then calls getFileById.", "\nLet me know if that works for you.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat do you call the protruding backside of a car?", "\n\nWhat do you call the protruding backside of a car?", "\nI am referring to the part behind the seats and the black cover of the car in this picture. ", "Is there a particular name for it?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is no formal term for this.", "\n\"Trunk\" (or \"boot\") is probably what most people would say, but the term only actually refers to the actual baggage compartment and not the region of the car. ", " The particular car in your example is a Porsche Boxster, which has the baggage compartment in the front, and the engine in the back. ", " Even Porsche owners don't know what words to use.", "\nIn practice, people will generally understand \"trunk\"/\"boot\" to mean what you intend, but it is not technically correct. ", " \"Rear\" is probably the most correct.", "\n\nA:\n\nI believe you're talking about the trunk (American English). ", "The back part where you put stuff in such as luggage. ", "\nJust a quick tip for next time, if you go on Google and select \"images\" and then write \"Car parts names in English\" you will see a bunch of car parts with names from ESL websites. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Le groupe tactique d'intervention (GTI) de la police de Montréal a désamorcé un colis suspect découvert au coin des rues Sainte-Catherine et Valois tôt ce matin.", "\n\nLe colis se trouvait près d'une voiture appartenant à une dame apparemment «sans histoire» du quartier. ", "Une bâtisse se trouvant à proximité du lieu de l'intervention a été évacuée.", "\n\nLa rue Sainte-Catherine était bloquée entre la rue Nicolet et l'avenue Bourbonnière. ", "Le périmètre de sécurité sera ouvert à la circulation dans les prochaines minutes.", "\n\n-D'autres détails suivront...\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Acupuncture Oldborough Devon\n\nAcupuncture Oldborough Devon: If you are experiencing a medical problem and have not been able to find relief through the use of traditional channels you might look at giving acupuncture a shot. ", "Obviously any course of treatment that you take should depend on what illness you're affected by, acupuncture is effective for a wide variety of aches, pains and ailments. ", "While some people seek acupuncture treatments in Oldborough to overcome certain medical conditions, others undergo repeated applications as a way to maintain good health. ", "Acupuncture is frequently used to treat back pain, stress, arthritis and insomnia and is appropriate for patients of any age, even babies. ", "If you're attempting to find an acupuncturist in Oldborough, Devon you need to make sure they are registered members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).", "\n\nAcupuncture - A Potted Guide: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical treatment when fine needles are inserted into the sufferer's skin for therapeutic results. ", "A properly trained and professional acupuncturist may help soothe discomforts involving osteoarthritis, migraine headaches and lower back pain to name a few of the most typical issues.", "\n\nThe acupuncture treatment has been utilized for upwards of 3,000 years and was created as a procedure for opening the energy channels to free the flow of life force, or Qi (pronounced chee). ", "Modern medical acupuncture is based around the stimulation of nerve endings just under the skin layer which boosts the emissions of endorphins (produced by the central nervous system) to numb pain and tenderness around the body. ", "Whichever solution you pick, the benefits of acupuncture have been investigated and identified for a great deal of medical afflictions and it may in addition be utilized as a type of relaxation treatment for people who are afflicted by stress and anxiety disorders.", "\n\nIf you have never received acupuncture previously the initial step is an assessment in advance of the first session, where you can discuss your symptoms with a consultant acupuncturist and you will be asked a number of general questions regarding your lifestyle. ", "This helps the acupuncturist to devise a treatment plan designed exclusively for your needs. ", "Actually, it is not out of the ordinary for two patients with very similar symptoms to undergo 2 very different treatment plans. ", "So you may have a friend in Oldborough with identical ailments to you who have undergone an alternative type of acupuncture therapy.", "\n\nDuring treatment, the fine needles are placed in the meridian lines of the body which correspond to the symptoms. ", "Occasionally these insertion points are in locations that do not, at first sight, appear to be connected to the problem area, for instance, a needle might be inserted into a meridian point on the hand of a patient to relieve a migraine. ", "A lot of the most regularly targeted treatment areas are found on the lower limbs and legs, therefore it is best to wear loose fitting clothing to enable accessibility to these spots.", "\n\nAs a result of treatment you are quite likely to feel drowsiness and tiredness, so it is advised that you do not drive directly after treatment and enable your body to come round naturally and gradually, giving it time to rest for a short period.", "\n\nYou'll find there are varied styles of acupuncture offered in Oldborough, each one having its own objective and some serving as stand-alone treatment methods. ", "Amongst the favoured procedures include: cupping therapy, dry-needling, Japanese acupuncture, moxibustion, trigger point acupuncture, auriculotherapy, fire needling, electro-acupuncture, acupressure, Korean acupuncture, Chinese acupuncture and some others.", "\n\nAcupuncture - Does it Hurt?: ", "Acupuncture seldom hurts to any significant degree however needles put in the extremities might give a sharp prick. ", "Most patients notice a mild tingling or pulsating as the needle is inserted and perhaps a dull ache near the needle base once it has penetrated the skin. ", "Acupuncture needles are exceptionally thin measuring from about 0.12mm to 0.35mm in thickness, this means they're about one tenth the thickness of a traditional hypodermic needle (as used for injections).", "\n\nIt is possible to find much more info, check out research and discover how to get acupuncture on the NHS by visiting the British Acupuncture Council website.", "\n\nEven though acupuncture is considered to be one of the alternative therapies, it's unquestionably one of the most frequently used and popular of them. ", "It's calculated that members of the British Acupuncture Council carry out roughly two million acupuncture treatments annually and there's a continuously increasing number of dedicated people qualifying to be acupuncture practitioners throughout the British Isles. ", "Acupuncture has become generally recognised as a useful therapy for numerous diverse complaints and illnesses and any stigma that was once attached to it has mostly disappeared.", "\n\nAcupuncture - Does it Really Work?: ", "Now a frequent question that is often asked is \"does acupuncture work?\", ", "well I suppose that there's not a conclusive answer such a question because it is rather subjective. ", "Certain patients will say \"acupuncture is remarkable and changed my life\", because it apparently had positive results on their complaint, while other patients might say \"acupuncture doesn't work\" given that it didn't work for their specific condition. ", "Similar differences could of course apply to other treatments and particularly to the alternative medicines, where there is always considerable doubts with regards to the credibility and reliability of such treatments.", "\n\nNumerous tests and studies have taken place that have tried to disprove or prove the credibility of acupuncture as a pain treatment and the results of these tests have mainly been inconclusive. ", "A lot of medical professionals claim that acupuncture is simply quackery, without any scientific basis for why it should work in the ways that are claimed by its practitioners. ", "Other people feel that whenever a positive outcome has occurred, this is just down to a placebo effect, in that if you believe it is likely to heal you, it will. ", "To put it differently, the \"cure\" was a psychological one as opposed to a medical one. ", "Most of the studies carried out have sought to overcome the placebo effect by using 2 groups of patients with similar ailments, one group given authentic acupuncture, the other group given \"sham\" acupuncture. ", "Usually the outcomes of tests such as this have indicated that changes seem to be the placebo effect rather than any real medical benefit.", "\n\nWhen all is said and done, as with many dilemmas in life, the only way to find out is to try it. ", "So, should you have a condition that's been aggravating you for some time, and conventional treatment or medication been unable to take care of the problem, you could consider acupuncture to find out whether that can help you. ", "If you obtain some relief, no matter how minor, then it can be looked at as successful even if the result was merely because of the placebo effect.", "\n\nAcupuncture Points and Meridians: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) lists more than 400 acupuncture points in the body and almost all of these points are found on one of the pathways (meridians) which transport the life energy (chi) and influence wellbeing and health. ", "Whilst there are approximately twenty meridians in all, for the purpose of this short post there are 12 primary meridians that are related to the internal organs of the body, these meridians are the triple energizer, the liver, the kidney, the heart, the gallbladder, the lung, the bladder, the spleen, the small intestine, the stomach, the pericardium, the large intestine, the others are referred to as the \"extraordinary\" meridians. ", "Each individual one of these acupuncture points can be identified by the meridian (pathway) where they are found and their numbers correspond to their place upon that channel. ", "These acupuncture points are given some quite fancy names, for instance there are eleven points related to the lung and their names mean Fish Border, Cubit Marsh, Maximum Opening, Clasping the White, Cloud Gate, Palace of Heaven, Channel Gutter, Broken Sequence, Supreme Abyss, Lesser Shang, Middle Palace, and they're numbered LU-1 to LU-12 (though not in the order shown).", "\n\nYour local Oldborough acupuncturist will help with: acupuncture for headaches in Oldborough, moxa in Oldborough in Oldborough, foot acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, cupping in Oldborough, acupuncture for tennis elbow in Oldborough, acupuncture for inflammation in Oldborough, auricular acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, needling in Oldborough, acupuncture for wrinkles in Oldborough, acupuncture for stress in Oldborough, acupuncture for epilepsy in Oldborough, anxiety acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, acupuncture for addictions in Oldborough, laser acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, acupuncture for depression in Oldborough, acupuncture for joint pain in Oldborough, acupuncture for obesity in Oldborough, acupuncture for dizziness in Oldborough, oriental acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for knee pain in Oldborough, cranial acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for arthritis in Oldborough, ear acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for insomnia in Oldborough, acupuncture for fertility in Oldborough, facial acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, chinese acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for sleep in Oldborough, cosmetic acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, acupuncture for dogs in Oldborough, acupuncture for varicose veins in Oldborough, magnetic acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, infertility acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, holistic acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for rheumatism in Oldborough, japanese acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, moxibustion in Oldborough, acupuncture for snoring in Oldborough, arthritis acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for period pain in Oldborough, acupuncture for hot flushes in Oldborough, infared acupuncture therapy in Oldborough, acupuncture for anxiety in Oldborough, gout acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, acupuncture for muscle tension in Oldborough, acupuncture for vertigo in Oldborough, acupuncture for weight loss in Oldborough, ear acupuncture treatments in Oldborough, acupuncture for acne in Oldborough, acupuncture for allergies in Oldborough, acupuncture for sciatica in Oldborough, acupuncture for wrist pain in Oldborough, acupuncture for neck pain in Oldborough, acupuncture for back pain in Oldborough and other acupuncture related services.", "\n\nYou may be searching for someone who can do acupuncture in Oldborough, Devon, but you can also get nutritional therapy in Oldborough, an osteopath in Oldborough, a physiotherapist in Oldborough, a chiropractor in Oldborough, Reiki in Oldborough, Shiatsu in Oldborough, homeopathic medicine in Oldborough or one of the other alternative or Chinese medicines. ", "Some Oldborough acupuncturists practice one or more of such treatments, therefore don't be afraid to ask about them." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDimension too large, error\n\nI've been using GeoGebra for drawing some figures for a while now, since I'm totally new to TikZ. Up to now I'm fine with the figures I created with GeoGebra, although the code is awfully complicated. ", "This time, however, I've got an error I can't solve. ", "\nThe error message reads:\nDimension too large.", "\n\n<to be read again>\n\n \\relax\n\nl.34 \\end{axis}\n\nI can't work with sizes bigger than about 19 feet. ", "Continue and I'll use the largest value I can.", "\n\nAlthough I get that message I can see the plot, which is shown here:\n\nMy (complicated) code looks as follows:\n\\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n\\usepackage{pgf,tikz,pgfplots}\n\\pgfplotsset{compat=1.15}\n\\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n\\usetikzlibrary{arrows}\n\\pagestyle{empty}\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm, scale = 1.2, transform shape]\n\\begin{axis}[\nx=1.0cm,y=1.0cm,\naxis lines=middle,\nxmin=-1.129485186780251,\nxmax=5.72744433329757,\nymin=-0.96997054991852,\nymax=5.616499082403562,\nxtick={0.0},\nytick={0.0}, restrict y to domain=-0.96997054991852:5.616499082403562,]\n\\clip(-1.129485186780251,-0.76997054991852) rectangle (5.82744433329757,5.916499082403562);\n\\draw[line width=0.8pt,smooth,samples=100,domain=-3.129485186780251:10.42744433329757] plot(\\x,{(\\x)-2.25E-50});\n\\draw[line width=0.8pt,smooth,samples=100,domain=-3.129485186780251:10.42744433329757] plot(\\x,{0-0.07123888916965247*(\\x)^(4.0)+1.5096421986752417*(\\x)^(3.0)-9.579592272284225*(\\x)^(2.0)+23.93776936035761*(\\x)-17.586966972004486});\n\\draw (5.196549774492815,0.49322601353710884) node[anchor=north west] {$x$};\n\\draw (0.020629571335991016,5.575885328535428) node[anchor=north west] {$f(x)$};\n\\draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 2pt off 2pt] (1.5,1.5)-- (1.5,0.);", "\n\\draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 2pt off 2pt] (3.,0.)-- (3.,3.);", "\n\\draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 2pt off 2pt] (4.5,4.5)-- (4.501485877435332,0.);", "\n\\draw (1.2137496293807978,0.021729881572188525) node[anchor=north west] {$x_0$};\n\\draw (2.700437452518166,0.021729881572188525) node[anchor=north west] {$x_1$};\n\\draw (4.228710949030006,0.021729881572188525) node[anchor=north west] {$x_2$};\n\\begin{scriptsize}\n\\draw [fill=black] (1.5,1.5) circle (1.2pt);\n\\draw [fill=black] (4.5,4.5) circle (1.2pt);\n\\draw [fill=black] (3.,3.) ", "circle (1.2pt);\n\\end{scriptsize}\n\\end{axis}\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\nThere've been users reporting similar error messages. ", "Sometimes adding restrict y to domainseemed to have solved the problem, but in my case, it seems like it does not. ", "Can anyone help solving my problem? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIMHO GeoCobra is a tool that is not to be used to draw graphs. ", "If you want to plot a function, pgfplots, which you load, is appropriate, but not all the output from some black box that you do not understand, and which produces these errors. ", "Rather, you can just plot the function, let TikZ find the intersections and so on. ", "\n\\documentclass{standalone}\n\\usepackage{pgfplots}\n\\pgfplotsset{compat=1.16}\n\\usepgfplotslibrary{fillbetween}\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\\begin{axis}[domain=0:5,axis lines=middle,ymin=-1,ymax=6,xticklabels={},\nyticklabels={},xlabel={$x$},ylabel={$f(x)$}]\n \\addplot[no marks,smooth,name path=curve]{0.5*(x-2)^3-0.5*(x-2)^2+2.25};\n \\addplot[no marks,name path=line]{x};\n \\path (0,0) coordinate (O);\n \\draw[dashed,name intersections={of=curve and line,total=\\t}]\n foreach \\X in {1,...,\\t} {(intersection-\\X) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt]{}\n -- (intersection-\\X|-O) node[below]{$x_{\\the\\numexpr\\X-1}$}};\n\\end{axis}\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\nSo this is not a real answer to your question in the technical sense, but an attempt to convince you not to use stuff like GeoCobra for something where alternatives exist which allow you to solve the problems systematically. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy\n\nFrankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy (often abbreviated as FGWSSS or simply Frankenstein Girls) is the second studio album by New York City band Mindless Self Indulgence released in 2000. ", "The album is the follow-up to the album Tight. ", "The original album name, according to the few promo discs released, is Frankenstein Girls That Seem Strangely Sexy.", "\n\nIt is the last studio album to feature Vanessa YT as their bass player.", "\n\nThe track listing on the back cover has all the vowels replaced with asterisks, even in those words that would not generally be considered offensive. ", "The tracks of this album are also in alphabetical order.", "\n\nThe cover of the album was drawn by Jamie Hewlett, the artist known for Tank Girl, and Gorillaz. ", "Hewlett offered to make a music video for a song on the album but was rejected by Elektra.", "\n\nPromo/Advance copies of the album featured slightly different \"skit\" tracks from those featured on the final version.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\nPersonnel\n Jimmy Urine – lead vocals, programming, samples\n Steve, Righ? – ", "lead guitar, backup vocals\n Vanessa YT – bass guitar, keyboards\n Kitty – drums\n\nCategory:2000 albums\nCategory:Elektra Records albums\nCategory:Mindless Self Indulgence albums" ]
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[ "CJBK\n\nCJBK is a radio station, broadcasting in London, Ontario, Canada at 1290 kHz. ", "The station, owned by Bell Media, has an antenna system input power of 10,000 watts, as a class B station. ", "The station airs a news, talk and sports format. ", "It broadcasts the Western Ontario Mustangs college football team, serving as its flagship station. ", "As of 2016, it also broadcasts Toronto Maple Leaf games.", "\n\nMinor co-channel interference is common on CJBK at night from WHIO in Dayton, Ohio, which also broadcasts on 1290 AM (1290 kHz).", "\n\nHistory\n\nCJBK went on the air January 25, 1967 as CJOE. ", " \"JOE\" in the call letters stood for H. J. McManus, the founder of the station (under the banner of Middlesex Broadcasters, Ltd.). ", " The station originally featured a Beautiful Music format. ", " Eventually CJOE began to supplement the easy listening music with soft rock and then Top 40 music during the evening hours, but the station remained unprofitable.", "\n\nIn 1972, McManus sold the station to Rick Richardson (two-thirds Baron Communications, Ltd. and one-third Bruce Communications, Ltd.). ", "On September 6, 1972, Richardson took control of CJOE and changed the call letters to CJBK and the format to full-time Top 40 hit music. ", " Richardson wanted a \"CJ\" call sign to distinguish the new AM 1290 from its competitors CFPL and CKSL, but it has also been suggested (by who?) ", "that the CJBK calls were a personal tribute to former Detroit Top 40 station WJBK-AM, which had been a favourite station of Richardson's while he lived and worked in Windsor. ", " CJBK's main catchphrase in the 1970s was \"Have a Good Day!\" ", "In 1980, CJBK added an FM sister with country-formatted CJBX-FM 92.7.", "\n\nIn 1987, CJBK and CJBX were acquired by Middlesex-Lambton Broadcasters Ltd., and CJBK shifted from its CHR format to adult contemporary in August of that year. ", " The station began broadcasting in AM stereo in 1989. ", " In early 1992, the station changed format from AC to oldies.", "\n\nLondon Communications, Inc. acquired CJBK and CJBX in September 1993 and shifted CJBK from oldies to the current news/talk format on August 12, 1996. ", " The stations were sold again in 1999 to Telemedia, which already owned AC CIQM-FM and would purchase CKSL the following year. ", "Standard Radio acquired Telemedia's London stations in 2002.", "\n\nIn October 2007, Astral Media acquired Standard Broadcasting's terrestrial radio and television assets, including CJBK. ", "As part of Astral's merger with Bell Media on June 27, 2013, CJBK is owned by Bell Media.", "\n\nMorning host Steve Garrison had been a fixture on CJBK since the late 1970s. ", "After a stint as station promotion manager, Garrison became a mid-day DJ in January 1984, and began co-hosting a morning show in 1990 with future CBC News anchor Heather Hiscox. ", " After moving back to middays for a few years, he began hosting his current morning show when the news/talk format was adopted in 1996. ", " In December 2015 Bell Media let the London radio icon go as part of a company-wide restructuring.", "\n\nStarting in mid-2014 after the Bell Media purchase, CJBK began airing newscasts from the CTV London newsroom and simulcasting the audio from the flagship 6pm CTV News.", "\n\nThe station currently features live local talk shows with Ken Eastwood and Stephanie Vivier in the morning, Tom McConnell between 9 and noon (from sister station 610 CKTB in St. Catharines), London Lunch from 12pm to 12:30 pm, and Ask The Experts from 12:30 pm to 1pm and TKO with Kara Ro from 1pm to 2pm from sister station 800 CKLW AM in Windsor. ", "CTV News Room from 4pm to 5pm. ", "Power Play with Don Martin from 5pm to 6pm and CTV News London from 6pm to 7pm and other syndicated shows at night\n\nCJBK also broadcasts live sports, Western Ontario Mustangs football and NFL Football. ", "On evenings and weekends, the station carries a variety of news-talk programming from other Bell Media stations including CFRB in Toronto, CJAD in Montreal, and CFRA in Ottawa.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Newstalk 1290 CJBK\n \n \n\nJbk\nJbk\nJbk\nCategory:Radio stations established in 1967\nCategory:1967 establishments in Ontario" ]
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[ "Vineyard\nDescription: At Cistercian times, exceptional white wines were produced round the village of Meursault. ", "The vineyard dates back to 1098, the year the Abbey of Cîteaux was founded. ", "The monks were given a few stocks here and they quickly developed this wonderful potential, The soils in Meursault are of exceptional variety and the di*erent \"terroirs\" on this appellation are of incomparable diversity and richness, even if exposure to the sun is globally the same.", "\nGrape variety: Chardonnay\nExposition: From East to Southwest\nTotal surface of the appelation in production:5.83 hectares\nDomain surface in production: 5.83 hectares\nTasting\nTasting note: Very aromatic nose, with fruit and floral notes. ", "Just as perfumed on the palate, this wine expresses its richness and fullness without the slightest heaviness.", "\nGood ageing potential.", "\nFood/wine pairing: Poultry and fish in cream sauce.", "\nServing temperature: Between 12°C to 14°C\nAgeing potential: 5 years and more\nKnow-How\nVineyard treatment: This Premier Cru parcel is tended by a vine-grower who takes care of the vineyard up to the harvest. ", "Working with the cycle of nature, he enables the terroir to fully express its nuances from vintage to vintage.", "\nHarvest: manual, in small cases of 13 kg. ", "Careful manual sorting of each grape.", "\nVinification: The pressing takes place in two phases: evacuation of the first juice, then pressing in two-hourly cycles.", "\nMaturing: 8 to 10 months in French oak, with up to 10% new oak, depending on the vintage, and for 2 to 3 months in stainless steel vats.", "\nAgeing: These wines enjoy the optimum ambient conditions in the cellars of the Bastions of the ancient Château de Beaune." ]
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[ "Chocolate Fondant with Salted Caramel Filling Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: Serves: 2 There’s nothing quite so decadent as a chocolate fondant. ", "While they are a restaurant favourite they are actually really easy to make at home. ", "All you need is a little patience and that patience will be rewarded…" ]
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[ "Broadband network should be kept in public ownership, committee to say\n\nReport on €3bn plan will recommend an external and independent review on proposals\n\nThe committee will criticise the lack of private sector risk associated with the broadband project. ", "Photograph: iStock\n\nAn Oireachtas committee is set to recommend that the national broadband network be kept in public ownership and that a new cost analysis of the plan is carried out.", "\n\nMembers of the Oireachtas Committee on Communications met on Tuesday morning to finalise a report on the controversial €3bn plan.", "\n\nOne of the only recommendations not to be adopted by the committee was a proposal from Fine Gael to sign the contract and commence the roll-out as soon as possible, in what represents a blow to the Government’s plan.", "\n\nSources said the committee will criticise the lack of private sector risk associated with the project; will recommend greater government oversight of the National Broadband Ireland board; and will find that the procurement process was overly restrictive.", "\n\nThe final report will recommend that the Government commission an external and independent review on whether its proposals are the only viable option.", "\n\nIt will also recommend that the network should remain in public ownership.", "\n\nThe Government is not obliged to accept the recommendations but will come under political pressure to do so as the report has cross-party support." ]
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[ "Get Approved Today!", "\n\nCities\n\npescadero, CA\n\nSettlement improvement outfits cash to people sitting tight for a cash identified settlement. ", "Exchange for spendable mixture exchange for a fragment of the settlement gets up and go. ", "Most settlement improvements are resolved from legal cases and the settlements they handle. ", "Lawsuitloanss.com is not a dealer and we have been financing settlements since 2002. ", "We have made more than 50,000 settlement advancements to irritated gatherings and inquirers that no more need to sit tight for their legal settlement.", "\n\nLawsuitloanss.com is a state-approved association that outfits loans to outraged gatherings against pending lawsuits and settlements. ", "Lawsuitloanss.com invests critical time in giving against Workers Compensation, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, and Civil arraignment lawsuits. ", "Suisse Bancorp also outfits loans to legal advisors against legitimate costs owed on settled cases, and outfits firms with key funding to move ahead to cover overheads. ", "Having passage to break stores while a case is ceaselessly challenged gives legal advisors and affronted gatherings the budgetary chance to can hold up for the best possible settlement.", "\n\nFrom budgetary move down for pending lawsuits, lawsuits with verdicts, specific and business lawsuits to settled lawsuit cases, their versatile and suitably asked for loan structures are speedy and ask for is out of pocket free. ", "In addition, all their requested lawsuit loans for annoyed social undertakings are non-organize of improvement, which reasons that the borrower does not have to pay Lawsuitloanss.com back if for any reason behind why they lose their settlemenent." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0.020689655172413793, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0.0040650406504065045 ]
[ "The Cartographers’ Guild is a forum created by and for map makers and aficionados, a place where every aspect of cartography can be admired, examined, learned, and discussed. ", "Our membership consists of professional designers and artists, hobbyists, and amateurs—all are welcome to join and participate in the quest for cartographic skill and knowledge.", "\n\nAlthough we specialize in maps of fictional realms, as commonly used in both novels and games (both tabletop and role-playing), many Guild members are also proficient in historical and contemporary maps. ", "Likewise, we specialize in computer-assisted cartography (such as with GIMP, Adobe apps, Campaign Cartographer, Dundjinni, etc.), ", "although many members here also have interest in maps drafted by hand.", "\n\nIf this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. ", "You will have to register before you can post or view full size images in the forums.", "\n\nIntroduction\n\nI popped in here looking for help with \"the dreaded white page\" when trying to write a scenario; I figured if I could do a map, then I could work off that (something I've done in the past).", "\n\nI'm exceptionally impressed with the GIMP tutorial for doing maps - having a negative artistic skill (people around me lose the ability to draw), and spent ages messing around (and failing) with AutoREALM. ", "The tutorial has allowed me to come up with a passible map within a couple of hours...\n\nhaving a negative artistic skill (people around me lose the ability to draw)\n\nIs it like an anti-magic field that acts at a radius to prevent drawing, or are you like an art vampire, who actually drains the draw-essence from people to fill the infinite negative art void inside you?", "\n\nThis is an important distinction to make for your artist friends, on account of the latter being incredibly frightening.", "\n\nAnyway, welcome to the forums, and I'm glad you managed to create a map after all!" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCSS Styling with Bootstrap\n\nI'm trying to make a static top bar in a Bootstrap-sass environment.", "\nProblem: Making top bar fixed while keeping it responsive.", "\nI've read CSS documents about inheritance and nested rules, but still unsure how to apply to this case.", "\nRight now, my top bar is fixed to top, but it's not responsive.", "\nCSS\n.fixed_pos {\n position: fixed;\n}\n\n.flowing_body {\n margin-top: 100px;\n}\n\nBootstrap CSS\n// Reset utility classes due to specificity\n[class*=\"span\"].hide,\n.row-fluid [class*=\"span\"].hide {\n display: none;\n}\n\n[class*=\"span\"].pull-right,\n.row-fluid [class*=\"span\"].pull-right {\n float: right;\n}\n\nHTML\n<div class=\"container-fluid\">\n <div class=\"fixed_pos row-fluid\">\n <div class=\"span9\">//left long side of top bar</div>\n <div class=\"span3\">//right long side of top bar</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row fluid flowing_body\">\n <%= yield %>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nThis is what I tried to add the responsive feature:\nCSS\n.row-fluid .fixed_pos {\n position: fixed;\n}\n\nHTML\n<div class=\"row-fluid\"><!-- MENUS -->\n <div class=\"fixed_pos\">\n //everything else the same\n </div>\n</div>\n\nBut then the top bar is shrunk in size and still not responsive.", "\nI appreciate any help with this. ", "There's a very good reference here and I tried to solve it by myself but haven't succeeded yet: Link\n\nA:\n\nThis is how I solved the problem:\nCSS\n.row-fluid .fixed_pos {\n position: fixed;\n width: 80%;\n}\n\nView\n<div class=\"container-fluid\">\n <!-- ", "TOP BAR, FIXED -->\n <div class=\"row-fluid\">\n <div class=\"fixed_pos\">\n <!-- ", "MENUS -->\n <div class=\"span12\">\n <ul class=\"nav nav-tabs\">\n</appropriate endings..>\n\nFinally the top bar is fixed and responsive.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Police blotter\n\nThe following accounts were taken from Columbia County Sheriff’s Office incident reports:\n\nWoman sent to hospital\n\nA deputy came to the aid of a Martinez woman reportedly suffering from pnuemonia.", "\n\nAccording to police reports, the deputy responded to a welfare check on a woman in the 4000 block of Brookgreen Rd.", "\n\nThe deputy was able to make contact with the woman through the door, but was unable to open it. ", "After several minutes, the deputy stated he lost contact with the woman and forced the door open.", "\n\nEMS arrived and transported the sick woman to Doctors Hospital.", "\n\nMan arrested in sign thefts\n\nA Grovetown man was arrested and charged with stealing campaign signs.", "\n\nPolice responded to a burglary in progress after dispatchers surveying the area with cameras saw a man in a tan Nissan Altima pull over at the intersection of Columbia and Lewsiton roads, cross Columbia Road and remove some Donald Trump campaign signs.", "\n\nAccording to reports, the man, later identified as Nathan Ucab, 22, stated that he does not like Donald Trump and decided to remove the signs.", "\n\nUcab was transported to the Columbia County Detention Center and charged with theft by taking.", "\n\nA total of six campaign signs were recovered and returned to their original locations. ", "A case number was provided to the victim who does plan to prosecute.", "\n\nGolf cart reported stolen\n\nA woman reported a golf cart stolen outside an Evans business.", "\n\nAccording to reports a unknown person stole a 2011 Club Car golf cart from the parking lot of Re/Max located in the 4000 block of Washington Road.", "\n\nThe golf cart was last seen and secured at 6 p.m. and is believed to have been stolen the next day before 8 a.m.\n\nThe victim stated she did not know who might be involved but does plan to prosecute if a suspect is found.", "\n\nMan kicks deputies\n\nA man has been arrested after kicking several deputies after being arrested for two entering auto incidents.", "\n\nPolice responded to the 200 block of Rainbow Falls in Grovetown where a man said his car had been burglarized and his wallet found outside the vehicle, while parked in his driveway.", "\n\nAccording to the incident report, the victim told police that minutes after he found his car had been entered, but nothing taken, a man walked up to the vehicle. ", "When confronted by the victim, the suspect, later identified as Clay Crowe, stated he was using the man’s property as a cut through.", "\n\nThe victim was suspicious as his property is surrounded by a 6-foot privacy fence with two large dogs inside.", "\n\nPolice found Crowe, who matched the description given by the victim, walking near the 900 block of Niagra Falls. ", "Crowe told police he looked into a car with his flashlight thinking it was abandoned.", "\n\nAfter police detained Crowe for further investigation he was found to be in possession of a perscription for muscle relaxers that did not have his name on them.", "\n\nThe victim confirmed Crowe as the suspect.", "\n\nWhen police attempted to put Crowe in the patrol car, he shouldered the car door into one deputy and kicked another deputy repeatedly, while threatening to beat the deputy up.", "\n\nCrowe repeatedly spit while seated in the back of the patrol car.", "\n\nAccording to the report, police applied leg restraints when Crowe continued to kick the door of the patrol car into the deputies.", "\n\nWhile enroute to Columbia County Detention Center, Crowe reportedly continued to bang his head against the partition while spitting all over the back of the patrol car.", "\n\nCrowe was charged with two counts entering auto and three counts of obstruction of a law enforcement officer.", "\n\nEmployee grabs another by throat\n\nA man was reportedly terminated from his job at Wal-Mart after he was seen on surveillance grabbing another female employee by the throat.", "\n\nAccording to reports, police were called to the Evans Wal-Mart on Washington Road regarding a simple battery incident. ", "Upon arrival, police viewed the store’s surveillance video. ", "Tubbs reportedly hit the victim in the back of her heels twice with a shopping cart. ", "The victim then turned around and kicked the cart. ", "Tubbs then approached the victim, grabbed her by the throat and pushed her. ", "The victim was reportedly seen walking backwards away from Tubbs before the assault.", "\n\nComments (1)\n\nThank you for sharing such an informative and breathtaking news article with us and I like this. ", "I hope this will be very helpful to the students to complete their educational works related with the topics. ", "And also today most of them are depends on the online thesis writing service. ", "custom essay writing service provides better and effective services to the students." ]
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[ "War Is About Oil, Experts Say, But Not About Cheap Gas\n\nWASHINGTON\n— `NO Blood for Oil!'' ", "Antiwar demonstrators chant the slogan across the United States as Operation Desert Storm pounds Iraq. ", "But is this really an American-led war for ``cheap gas,'' as critics charge?", "\n\nExperts say the vast oil reserves of the Persian Gulf do play a central role in the war. ", "Without them, America almost certainly would not be fighting.", "\n\nThe main issue, however, isn't the price of oil, they assert. ", "Rather, it is the power that oil gives to leaders who control it, and the long-term consequences - military, economic, political - of that power in the Middle East.", "\n\nAt the same time, experts claim that even if Saddam controlled most of the oil in the Middle East, he would be unable to raise prices for very long above $30 a barrel. ", "Though some observers speculate about ``$100 oil'' if Iraq overran Saudi Arabia, experts insist that such prices wouldn't stick.", "\n\n``The vaunted oil weapon is a dud,'' says economist David Henderson. ", "Saddam cannot impose large costs on the American economy, even if he maintained control over Kuwait, argues Dr. Henderson, who is associate professor of economics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.\n\nDaniel Yergin, author of ``The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money &amp; Power,'' agrees that somewhere around $29 or $30 a barrel, oil prices bump into a natural ceiling. ", "Above that, oil-importing nations like Germany and the US use substitutes, such as coal and natural gas, for power generation and other uses.", "\n\n``There is no basis for an estimate that Iraq could maintain an oil price higher than about $30 a barrel,'' even if it controlled Saudi Arabia, says William Niskanen, a former member of President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers.", "\n\n``Cheap gas,'' however, does play an emotional role in this war, especially in Baghdad. ", "Because of its long war with Iran, and its heavy purchases of military weapons, Iraq was nearly bankrupt when its troops marched into Kuwait on Aug. 2.", "\n\nSaddam was angry that affluent Kuwait refused to cut production, which would have raised prices. ", "Before Iraq seized Kuwait, oil was $15.50 a barrel. ", "On Tuesday, the price of oil rose above $24 a barrel after Saddam's forces set Kuwaiti facilities ablaze.", "\n\nMixed signals from US diplomats may have encouraged Saddam to believe that America would wink at an attack on Kuwait.", "\n\nFor example, just a week before last summer's Iraqi invasion, US Ambassador April Glaspie and Saddam had the following conversation on the need to raise oil prices, according to a column by Jessica Mathews this week in the Washington Post:\n\n``Glaspie: I would ask you to examine the possibility of not charging too high a price for oil.", "\n\n``Saddam: We do not want too high prices for oil.... Twenty-five dollars a barrel is not a high price.", "\n\n``Glaspie: We have many Americans who would like to see the price go above $25 because they come from oil-producing states.''", "\n\nMs. Mathews, a vice president of the World Resources Institute, argues that this looked like an invitation to seize Kuwait, or at least some of its disputed oil fields along the Iraqi border.", "\n\nIn ``The Prize,'' Yergin notes that Iraq's need for cash was desperate.", "\n\n``The Iran-Iraq War, which Saddam Hussein had launched, had cost the country half a million deaths and serious casualties and had ended in a stalemate,'' Yergin writes. ", "``Yet a nation of 18 million was continuing to support a million-man army. ", "Hussein wanted higher oil prices and very soon, for even as Iraq scoured the world for new, deadly, and sometimes bizarre weapons, it was having trouble paying its international bills.''", "\n\nHigher prices - $25 vs. prewar levels around $15 - would be a boon to Iraq. ", "It produces about 2 million barrels of oil a day. ", "Adding $10 a barrel would add $20 million per day to Iraq's treasury, or $7.3 billion a year. ", "Seizing Kuwait's oil fields, whose production equals Iraq's, would have pushed that even higher if Saddam's armies had not been challenged.", "\n\nExperts say the great difficulty for Washington was not higher prices, but a shift of power to Saddam. ", "US officials wondered what the Iraqi leader would buy with his new oil riches.", "\n\nThe fear here was that it would go for weapons, including nuclear and chemical warheads." ]
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[ "Search form\n\nThe Pac-12's Top Impact Freshmen of 2012\n\nGet the Athlon Sports Newsletter\n\nEvery college football season brings the next wave of All-Americans into the spotlight.", "\n\n<p>\nThe Pac-12's Top Impact Freshmen of 2012</p>\n\nWith college football's fall practice in full swing around the nation, it's really the first time names made famous on recruiting websites are showing up in actual practice reports. ", "When it comes to picking which freshmen will make an impact in their first season on campus, it's really all about who can pick up the playbook the fastest and who fits a need. ", "The Pac-12's three-time defending conference champion used a true freshman of their own last fall to earn the league crown. ", "De'Anthony Thomas was stellar in all phases of the game and his big-play ability not only helped the Ducks to a championship, but a Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin. ", "This season will feature another class of stellar prospects who will mold the landscape in the Pac-12 (listed alphabetically):\n\nThe Pac-12's Top Impact Freshmen for 2012\n\nIshmael Adams, CB, UCLA\nThe lockdown cover corner was arguably the top player at his position in the US Army All-American bowl and it hasn't taken long for him to fit in at UCLA. ", "He is likely the most game-ready freshman in this class, so expect the Westlake Village, Calif., product to be in the line-up quickly.", "\n\nNelson Agholor, AP, USC\nThe speedster from across the country in Tampa, Fla., has big-play potential and a well-documented childhood. ", "Expect the versatile back-receiver hybrid to be used all over the field, including special teams. ", "He has proven to be a quick study this summer.", "\n\nArik Armstead, DL, Oregon\nThe 2011 cycle featured De'Anthony Thomas. ", "This season it's the massive (6-7, 290) defensive end-offensive tackle two-sport star from Elk Grove, Calif. He will be a key reserve and pass-rush demon for Chip Kelly to begin. ", "Don't be shocked if the nation's No. ", "3 prospect is a starter by year's end.", "\n\nJake Brendel, OL, UCLA\nThe 6-foot-4, 290-pound pivot has a chance to start as a redshirt freshman this fall. ", "He hails from Plano, Texas, and will look to stabilize a portion of the UCLA offense that has been lacking of late.", "\n\nDJ Foster, RB, Arizona State\nThis tiny speedster has a chance to make big plays this fall. ", "Cameron Marshall is the starter, but has been out of practice, thus giving the uber-recruit from Scottsdale, Ariz., plenty of chances. ", "He has been too dynamic in camp for Todd Graham to keep off the field.", "\n\nJaxon Hood, DL, Arizona State\nThe big fellas from Chandler, Ariz., is currently atop the depth chart along the interior of the ASU defensive line. ", "Hood checks in at 6-foot-1 and 290 pounds and has proven to the staff he is capable of playing at a high level right out of the gate.", "\n\nBrett Hundley, QB, UCLA\nThis move had to be made. ", "Hundley is the most talented and has the highest upside of any quarterback on the roster (he also has yet to miss a start due to injury). ", "In all seriousness, though, the 6-foot-4, 225-pounder from Chandler, Ariz., gives new Bruins head coach Jim Mora Jr., offensive coordinator Noel Mazzone and the rest of the coaching staff a chance to succeed longterm in Westwood.", "\n\nGabe Marks, WR, Washington State\nMany around the Wazzu program are already claiming Freshman All-American status for the wideout from Los Angeles. ", "He is a tiny slot sparkplug who is already wowing coaches in camp. ", "In Mike Leach's high-flying offense, Marks can expect big numbers.", "\n\nMarcus Mariota, QB, Oregon\nHe is still in a heated battle with Bryan Bennett that may last the entire season, but there is no doubt that the Dennis Dixon-clone will play a bunch in 2012. ", "He has burst, explosiveness and speed like Dixon, but is also a much thicker athlete at nearly 200 pounds. ", "He won the spring battle but is neck-and-neck with Bennett.", "\n\nJordan Rigsbee, OL, Cal\nThe redshirt freshman offensive lineman will have the chance to lean on his big brother and fellow starter along the offensive line, Tyler. ", "The younger Rigsbee earned a starting spot out of spring and has kept that job through camp. ", "He is bigger than his brother at 306 pounds (Tyler is only 290).", "\n\nIsaac Seumalo, OL, Oregon State\nIt's all in the family for the locker prep blocker. ", "His father, Joe, is the DL coach and his brother, Andrew, starts along the Beavers' offensive line. ", "He was essentially pencilled into the starting line-up the second he committed to Oregon State, so don't expect to see him on the bench for a team that was pathetic in the running game a year ago.", "\n\nNelson Spruce, WR, Colorado\nThe 6-foot-2, 195 pounder got his chance when Paul Richardson went down with a serious injury. ", "From Westlake Village, Calif., Spruce has already earned a starting spot in the Buffs offense. ", "If he can hold off a talented group nipping at his heels, he should have a great first season on the field.", "\n\nShaq Thompson, S, Washington\nThis is a once in a lifetime type of player. ", "And he will start from the first snap of the year — even if the new defensive coaching staff has to run five defensive backs out there. ", "He can play in the box, can blitz off the edge, can play man-up in coverage and patrol the deep middle-third. ", "Fans should be shocked if he isn't a Freshman All-American.", "\n\nBryce Treggs, WR, Cal\nPlaying opposite of Keenan Allen should allow for the very talented Treggs to get plenty of looks in 2012. ", "While Allen draws safety help and double-coverage, the Top-100 wide receiver from Bellflower, Calif., will be lined-up in isolation coverage schemes.", "\n\nStorm Woods, RB, Oregon State\nThe Beavers running game was atrocious last fall and Mike Riley has no qualms about starting a true freshman in the backfield. ", "Especially, if they are from Texas or Florida. ", "Woods comes to Corvallis from Austin suburb Pflugerville, Texas. ", "He is much bigger and more durable than Malcolm Agnew, who also figures heavily in the carries mix.", "\n\nYuri Wright, DB, Colorado\nImmature tweeting aside, Wright has loads of upside and raw talent. ", "Will he need to mature and develop off the field in order to become the great athlete scouts think he can become? ", "Yes. ", "But on a depth chart that has many voids, Wright figures to make an instant impact in Boulder.", "\n\nFreshman Position Battles To Watch:\n\nAndrus Peat and Kyle Murphy, OL, Stanford\nTwo huge recruits, literally and figuratively, will battle for starting tackle position all season.", "\n\nJaydon Mickens and Kendyl Taylor, WR, Washington\nBoth could start opposite of Kasen Williams as both are listed as starters in latest depth chart.", "\n\nCollege Football For the moment college football has forgotten about college football in a mad dash forward to appease a small group of the viewing public and more importantly to make television advertisers happy....\n\nCollege Football, Fantasy As we turn our calendars over to August, the college fantasy football season is kicking into high gear. ", "Are you prepared? ", "Athlon has teamed up with college fantasy veterans...\n\nCollege Football, Overtime Michigan State is always among the elite in college football and this year shouldn't be any different. ", "Adam Schultz created an awesome hype video for the Spartans and if it's any...\n\nCollege Football, Overtime Some people dread the weight room. ", "Tennessee football players can't wait to go. ", "The Volunteers made their \"Night Lift\" look like the 40/40 Club, completely with a DJ and neon...\n\nCollege Football The Jordan Stevenson sweepstakes ended on Thursday when the former South Oak Cliff (Texas) High School running back was academically cleared to enroll at Nebraska. ", "The recruiting win for...\n\nCollege Football, Overtime Who says fans of rival teams can't make it work? ", "Ohio State and Michigan are now bonded for life in some sort. ", "Stephanie and Mike Stout took their wedding photos in the famous tunnel...\n\nCollege Football, News The one-game suspension of four potential starters for Ohio State has slightly altered the outlook for the opener against Virginia Tech. ", "The Buckeyes won’t need any reminder about how...\n\nCollege Football Heading into the 2014 season, speculation about what life after AJ McCarron would bring for Alabama lingered around Tuscaloosa and the SEC like early-morning humidity in the South. ", "While All-...\n\nCollege Football With a 6-7 record last season, the Miami Hurricanes have more than a few things to work on during fall camp in August. ", "Here is a look at five of the biggest and how Al Golden's team can...\n\nCollege Football There have been 78 Heisman Trophies given out to 77 different players and only three times has the award gone to an ACC representative. ", "On each of those occasions, a Florida State quarterback was...\n\nNFL, News NFL training camps are opening up all across the nation, signaling the official return of pro football. ", "Athlon Sports is going division by division, asking and (trying to) answering the biggest...\n\nNFL, News The Pittsburgh Steelers are an enigma entering the 2015 NFL season. ", "They would appear to be a team on the rise after an 11-5 regular season record and winning the toughest division in the league....\n\nCollege Football Ohio State announced today that four key players would miss the Sept. 7 season opener against Virginia Tech. ", "While it’s a big enough news story in and of itself, especially since one of the...\n\nCollege Football On Thursday the Tennessee Volunteers landed running back Carlin Fils-Aime in a big head-to-head recruiting battle that included North Carolina, Miami, Auburn, and Georgia down the stretch. ", "The...\n\nCollege Football, News Ohio State will begin its national title defense without a couple of key players. ", "According to a release from the school, defensive end Joey Bosa and receivers Corey Smith, Dontre Wilson and Jalin...\n\nCollege Football, Overtime Ohio State's band is hot water following a report of a songbook making fun of Holocaust victims. ", "According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, a book by the famous band includes a...\n\nCollege Football Arizona State is now part of the adidas family. ", "adidas is now the official partner of the Pac-12 and the Sun Devils are the beneficiaries of some pretty sweet new uniforms. ", "Their partnership..." ]
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[ "Good long term patency rates associated with an alternative technique in vascular access surgery--the adductor loop arteriovenous graft.", "\nWe have modified the arteriovenous groin loop procedure and present a technique associated with good patency rates and low infection rates. ", "We describe an alternative femoro-femoral arteriovenous loop technique which utilises the mid-thigh sub-sartorial Superficial Femoral Artery and Femoral Vein. ", "We then performed a retrospective analysis of all such cases performed in our unit to date and analysed the patency and infection rates associated with the technique. ", "16 cases have been performed to date with a median follow-up of 18 months. ", "The primary and secondary patency rates at one year were 70% and 90% respectively. ", "The overall infection rate was only 12.5%. ", "Our technique is associated with good patency rates and low infection rates. ", "In addition it preserves modesty whilst on dialysis and the groin vessels for further vascular access surgery if needed." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "'Nikita' series premiere review: Kick-butt, or buzz-kill?", "\n\nFollowing a clever, crackling-energy season premiere of The Vampire Diaries, Nikita made its own crisp debut on Thursday night. ", "Slick in the best way, Nikita is a smart new take on\n\nthe gorgeous-but-agonized-assassin character. ", "Maggie Q’s skinny, slinky Nikita started out the evening already gone-rogue, rebelling against the organization, called Division, that once controlled her.", "\n\nframeborder=”0” allowFullScreen>\n\nFull of bone-crunch and gun-blaze, Nikita tiptoes quietly only when it deals with the concept of Division. ", "It’s a division of our government, designed to carry out black-ops jobs, and thus it implies something the previous movie and TV versions of Nikita didn’t: a connection to the contemporary war on terror. ", "Nikita says she was “forced by the government to be an assassin.” ", "And one trainee tells another (Lyndsy Fonseca’s Alex), “You’re here to kill for the Man, honey” – that is, for the United States. (", "Congrats to whichever writer decided to revive the counterculture term “the Man.”) ", "But then the series lets our government off the hook by making it clear that Division is “a weapon [the U.S.] has lost control of.” ", "In other words, Nikita has gone rogue from a rogue agency, putting all her fighting firmly on the side of God and country.", "\n\nAnd what good action it is. ", "The pilot had at least two standout sequences, one in which Nikita dispatches two men in a bathroom in a superbly choreographed, in-close fight scene; and a big,\n\nwell-staged shoot-out at a lavish party. ", "Maggie Q doesn’t need the little red bikini she wore in the opening minutes to convince us she’s formidable – her action-film training is used to full effect here, and I hope that continues every week.", "\n\nShane West, as roguish Division agent Michael, has a carefully trimmed five-o’clock-shadow goatee, and maybe some of that hair is ingrown, because he keeps his voice even more nonstop scratchy than it was on Once and Again. ", "We’re supposed to think he’s all macho and menace, but Michael just seems like a pretty boy doing a constant Dirty Harry imitation. ", "Add the fact that he has to growl corny lines such as “Finding her when she doesn’t want to be found is next to impossible!” ", "and West has his work cut out for him.", "\n\nWest also heads up one of Nikita’s most dangerous subplots: He helps oversee Division’s recruiting wing, which snatches up promising young candidates – most prominently, Fonseca’s Alex – to turn them into tightly controlled, robotic, eager-to-please assassins. ", "The show put a spin on this: Alex turned out to be planted within Division by Nikita herself; the kid is a kind of double agent, Nikita’s mole within Division. ", "But Nikita is going to have to watch that sort of stuff; if this aspect of the show’s budding mythology becomes extensive – well, that way lies Dollhouse.", "\n\nAs a first episode, however, Nikita had a lot of fun and momentum. ", "If it can spruce up the lame dialogue while retaining the amusingly over-the-top ideas (Nikita twists her lipstick and – POW! – ", "it’s a remote-control device that blows up a nearby car), the show will continue to be worth watching.", "\n\nWhat did you think of Nikita? ", "Are you ready to climb aboard next week, or not?" ]
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[ "‘DaVinci & Michelangelo Battle Of The Titans’ Celebrates Both Men AND Their Times\n\nby Charles C. Bonniwell\n\nNot To Be Missed: DaVinci & Michelangelo — Battle of the Titans comes to Denver with performances at the Mayan Theater, Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, and Park Hill Masonic Temple Theater. ", "Visit www.discoverdavinci.com for more information or tickets.", "\n\n2019 is the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo DaVinci which is being noted in Italy and around the world. ", "Denver Museum of Nature and Science started on March 1 as a much heralded sensory experience celebrating DaVinci’s “500 Years of Genius.” ", "But another event is starting to gather equal notoriety, that being a one man play starring Mark Rodgers titled DaVinci & Michelangelo — Battle of the Titans which will be held consecutively at two Masonic Temples in Denver, following an opening night of May 2 at the Mayan Theater on Broadway.", "\n\nDaVinci’s and Michelangelo’s lives overlapped in 16th and 17th Renaissance Italy with DaVinci being 25 years the senior of the two men. ", "Mark Rodgers’ play compares and contrasts the genius of each man whose lives changed the world, and whose influence is still a vibrant force today. ", "Audio visual wizard Matt Boggs created for Rodgers’ play three screens of high/tech, high definition laser images that are intended to explode before the viewing audience.", "\n\nProducer: Matt Boggs is the Content ProducerEditorEvent Designer for DaVinci & Michelangelo — Battle of the Titans. ", "He has been creating and managing immersive environments in Denver for over 20 years.", "\n\n“It is a shamanic experience . . . ", "not to be missed,” exclaimed Anthony Arguello. ", "He goes on to note, “It will change your life.” ", "Venture capitalist and the show’s producer Fritz Voelker stated, “People will be amazed. ", "The show is designed to overwhelm your senses while enlightening anyone who comes about the lives of these two extraordinary men.”", "\n\nAn additional element to the play is that it will be held on May 3-5 at the landmark Scottish Rite Masonic Temple (14th and Grant), and then May 9-12 at the Park Hill Masonic Temple Theater at 4819 Montview Boulevard. ", "Both men were, according to some, Masons and incorporated Masonic symbolism throughout their work. ", "Rodgers explores often missed Masonic mysteries contained in the works of both men.", "\n\n“The performance is so unique, and I am sure most theater patrons have never seen anything like it,” states Rodgers. ", "Voelker noted that “you get to see and experience Renaissance Italy through these two men while being surrounded by the images of the art, sculpture and machines that the men created thanks to visual genius of Matthew Boggs.”", "\n\nDirector: Mark Rodgers is the Director of the DaVinci Machines and Michelangelo Exhibitions for North America. ", "In this “tour de force” performance … DaVinci & Michelangelo The Titans Experience, Rodgers will take the audience on a fantastic, awe-inspiring journey through the Italian Renaissance as seen through the eyes of these two monumental geniuses.", "\n\nA version of the play debuted at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ", "Paul Ann Water exclaimed, “I left [the performance] with only one word … WOW!” ", "Riley Redpath agreed, “Mark Rodgers is a tour de force.”", "\n\nThe show runs two hours with a 15-minute intermission. ", "Tickets are $ 35 general admission and for students with a valid I.D. admission is $ 20. ", "For tickets and information go to www.discoverdavinci.com or call 720-504-9408.", "\n\nSunshine is an all-natural resource we’ll run out of eventually. ", "Plan making use of it this month. ", "It’s May nevertheless. ", "Think of each unit of time as all in a day’s play. ", "In fact, you’re as welcome as the flowers in May. Shakespeare called it “the merry month of Could.” ", "Fennel Hudson placed it by doing this: “Could, greater than any kind of various other month, desires us to really feel alive.”", "\n\n3 Make your residence tidy and also trim with furniture, drapery, pillows and cushions from Boris’s Upholstery. ", "Take pleasure in excellent discounts on house décor fabrics in substantial choice of designs. ", "Information: 303-751-2921.", "\n\n3 Program mom she’s valued with Mother’s Day specials Could 13 at the Monaco Inn Dining Establishment. ", "Details: 303-320-1104. ", "Or take her to breakfast at Salvage Restaurant, 10 a.m-2 p.m. Info: 303-751-2113.", "\n\n3 Take the children to the Kid’s Publication Fest for tasks and reading at the Tattered Cover on Colfax, May 19, 1-3 p.m. Information: 303-322-7727.", "\n\n3 Hurry, French musician Edgar Degas’ A Passion For Excellence gets on screen at the Denver Art Museum via May 20. ", "Info: 303-892-1505\n\n3 Do not miss this year’s Denver Ukefest presented by Swallow Hill Music. ", "Weekend kicks off Could 10 at Brews on Broadway. ", "On May 11, celebration relocate to Swallow Hillside highlighted by uke supernova Taimane and two-time Grammy victors Cathy Fink and also Marcy Marxer. ", "Saturday May 12 has a complete day of workshops and community occasions. ", "Evening show functions Craig Chee, Sarah Maisel and also Gerald Ross. ", "Info: 303-777-1003.", "\n\nMay’s calling as well as it’s not on your phone, it’s outside. ", "Leave your house early to dig in your garden, explore the parks, eat locally as well as stargaze the evening away. ", "There are soulful diners, concealed wine bars and also remarkable patisseries to locate. ", "Discover the thrill of expert rugby. ", "Press in a little golf or spa time to eliminate winter months’s anxiety.", "\n\nPlan a picnic in the park with the youngsters. ", "At weekend break events, weeknight suppers and on dining establishment outdoor patios we collect to eat, consume, mingle as well as bask in gorgeous sights.", "\n\n“April is the cruelest month,” T.S. Eliot notoriously composed. ", "However after that for Camelot Lerner as well as Loewe stated May is here: “It’s crazy, it’s gay, an aspersive display screen. ", "Every person makes magnificent errors, the lusty month of May. Whence this scent floating through the air, tra, la la.” ", "To whence I ask: Why I’m just desiring to go a-fishing?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.02027027027027027, 0.016129032258064516, 0.008547008547008548, 0.014492753623188406, 0.013605442176870748, 0.028985507246376812, 0.006756756756756757, 0.017543859649122806, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.008888888888888889, 0.02654867256637168, 0.00823045267489712, 0.01282051282051282, 0.02531645569620253, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.01904761904761905, 0.043478260869565216, 0.037037037037037035, 0.013333333333333334, 0.02564102564102564, 0.031914893617021274, 0, 0.033112582781456956, 0, 0.04285714285714286, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.015748031496062992, 0.008333333333333333, 0 ]
[ "Upcoming\n\nVOA Newscasts\n\nVOA Newscasts\n\nVOA Newscasts\n\nMore radio\n\nAquino Urges Peace, Order as Filipinos Head to Polls\n\nMay 08, 2016 8:48 PM\n\nVOA News\n\nResidents queue in polling precincts to vote in national elections in Davao city, southern Philippines, May 9, 2016. ", "Filipinos will choose a successor for President Benigno Aquino and candidates for 18,000 other elected offices.", "\n\nPhilippine President Benigno Aquino is appealing for a peaceful, orderly vote as millions head to the polls to choose his successor and candidates for other elected offices.", "\n\nViolence and fraud have been the hallmarks of past elections in the Philippines, and Aquino said it is time to show the world the country knows how to reflect the spirit of democracy.", "\n\n\"Despite our deep passion and support for our candidates, we can hold elections that are peaceful and orderly,\" he said.", "\n\nPolls going into Monday's voting show the tough talking mayor of Davao, Rodrigo Duterte, as the surprise favorite. ", "Duterte is known for his profanity-filled speeches against the government and his threats to murder criminals.", "\n\nPhilippine presidential race front-runner, Davao city mayor Rodrigo Duterte, gestures during his final campaign rally in Manila, Philippines, May 7, 2016. ", "A surprise favorite, Duterte is surprise favorite. ", "Duterte is known for his profanity-filled speeches against the government.", "\n\nBut Duterte's opponents, including Aquino, warn voters not to turn the country over to someone who they say can easily become a dictator.", "\n\nVoters also are choosing candidates for 18,000 federal and local offices.", "\n\nThe constitution limits the Philippine president to a single six-year term. ", "Aquino is credited with turning the Philippines into one of Asia's most thriving economies.", "\n\nBut his critics say most of the country's wealth is concentrated among a small number of industrialists, with the gap between rich and poor remaining extraordinarily wide." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.018518518518518517, 0.009009009009009009, 0.005714285714285714, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0.017094017094017096, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.014388489208633094, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0 ]
[ "Whitewater Bible Camp\n\nWhitewater Bible Camp has been a Christ-centered youth ministry affiliated with the Assembly churches, as well as other churches, around the Cincinnati area since 1964. ", "The Assembly churches have also been known as the Plymouth Brethren and their history dates back to England in the early 1800’s.", "\n\nGet family-friendly things to do and special offers for up to 90% off!", "\n\nJust enter your email address and zip code, and we'll send you the best family plan ideas as well as huge savings on museums, zoos, aquariums and other great family places. ", "No spam or funny stuff, and you can unsubscribe anytime. ", "Give it a try!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010416666666666666, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Ofcom green-lights BT's ultra-fast broadband\n\nServing over 10 million UK homes at speeds of up to 100Mbps\n\nShares\n\nBT gets the go-ahead from Ofcom this week to build a new ultra-fast broadband network set to serve over 10 million UK homes.", "\n\n\"After intense negotiations over the past few weeks, Ofcom will propose a new set of rules on Tuesday that will include a change in the way that BT's networks business Openreach operates so it can start delivering broadband speeds up to 20 times faster than the current average,\" reads a report in The Observer.", "\n\nBT is set to construct the new fibre-optic network over the next three years, which will also be made available to its rivals, although Ofcom's regulations will still enable BT to profit from its huge £1.5bn investment.", "\n\nVirgin upgrades customers\n\nBT's rival Virgin Media is already offering super-fast 50Mb per second broadband to selected customers and claimed earlier last month that it will offer a free upgrade to 2.6 million of its current customers to 10Mbps this coming May.\n\nThe Observer notes that Virgin's network, \"is closed to rival firms, although Lord Carter has made it plain that in the long run he expects it to be opened.\"", "\n\nBT's planned super-fast fibre optic cabling is set to offer customers broadband speeds of up to 100Mb per second." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.012552301255230125, 0.009584664536741214, 0.00904977375565611, 0.009478672985781991, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJAVAC is not in the jdk path but java -version says JDK is installed\n\nWhen I type javac in the terminal, this is what I get:\nThe program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:\n * default-jdk\n * ecj\n * gcj-4.6-jdk\n * openjdk-6-jdk\n * gcj-4.5-jdk\n * openjdk-7-jdk\nTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>\n\nI want to try the suggestions from this post:\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/8864640\nBut I can't find the reference to the javac. ", "I expected to find javac inside /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64/bin but it's not there.", "\nWhat should I do to get javac working since it's not where it is supposed to be?", "\nThis is what I get for java -version:\n\njava version \"1.7.0_25\"\nOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.3.10) (7u25-2.3.10-1ubuntu0.12.04.2)\nOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)\n\nso I guess JDK is properly installed.", "\nThanks in advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nIt seems you have installed JRE (Java Runtime Environment) only. ", "javac comes under JDK (Java Development Kit) package.", "To install JDK, open terminal and type following command:\n\nsudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Audit of the use of benzathine penicillin, post-treatment syphilis serology and partner notification of patients with early infectious syphilis.", "\nRecent increases in the incidence of early infectious syphilis have been particularly noted in men who have sex with men (MSM). ", "Case-notes of 40 consecutive patients with infectious syphilis and follow-up data for one year were audited. ", "Of the 40 patients, six were HIV co-infected. ", "In all, 31 men received benzathine penicillin as first line while the remaining had other treatments. ", "About 17 (42.5%) failed to attend for any post-treatment serological tests. ", "Of the remainder, 17 (42.5%) attended for the first appointment and only 13 (32.5%) attended for the full one year follow-up. ", "In all, 40 men in the study had 362 sexual contacts of which only 44 (12.2%) elected to be screened. ", "This study illustrates the successful use of benzathine penicillin as first-line treatment, lack of patient compliance with post-treatment serological follow-up and difficulty with partner notification." ]
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[ "DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most serious form of DNA damage and a single unrepaired DSB can lead to cell death ([@B1]). ", "In mammalian cells, there are at least two enzymatically distinct pathways for the repair of DSBs, homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). ", "HR uses a homologous template (most frequently the sister chromatid) to carry out DSB repair, whereas NHEJ joins two ends without the requirement for extensive homology. ", "Proteins known to be involved in NHEJ include DNA-PK~CS~ (the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase), Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer, XRCC4 (X-ray Cross Complementing factor 4), and DNA ligase IV ([@B2],[@B3]). ", "However, DNA ends can also be joined via microhomologous sequences flanking the break point, especially when proteins responsible for NHEJ, such as Ku, are absent or limiting in mammalian cells ([@B4; @B5; @B6; @B7; @B8; @B9; @B10; @B11; @B12; @B13]). ", "Microhomology-mediated end joining (MHEJ) is always accompanied by a deletion that spans one of the two homologous sequences and the intervening sequence, if any, and thus is a mutagenic repair pathway. ", "Indeed, microhomologies were observed at deletion break points in the *HPRT* gene in primary human fibroblasts ([@B14]) and in the *Aprt* gene in hamster cells ([@B15]). ", "Furthermore, translocations mediated by MHEJ were frequently detected in pre-B cell lymphomas in mouse models ([@B16]).", "\n\nLittle is known about the factors involved in MHEJ, but it can be assumed that the MHEJ pathway may consist of a series of steps, culminating in the sealing of DNA nicks by the action of a DNA ligase. ", "DNA ligases catalyze the joining of nicked DNA in DNA replication, recombination and repair ([@B17]). ", "Eukaryotic cells encode three well-characterized ATP-dependent DNA ligases, DNA ligases I, III and IV, each specializing in distinct pathways of DNA repair and replication ([@B18]). ", "Although these DNA ligases vary in sequence and size, sequence and structural analyses have shown that they contain a common catalytic core ([@B18]). ", "While the central core of the enzyme carries out the catalytic function of sealing nicked DNA, other domains may determine the specificity of the various ligases in different DNA metabolic reactions, e.g. by targeting ligases to different parts of the nucleus or by mediating interactions with different proteins. ", "DNA ligase I is involved in at least two distinct processes within the nucleus: the joining of Okazaki fragments during DNA replication, and the ligation of a newly synthesized patch during base excision repair (BER) ([@B17]). ", "DNA ligase I is recruited to sites of DNA replication by its interaction with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) ([@B19],[@B20]). ", "It has been shown that the loss of its PCNA binding activity severely compromised the ability of DNA ligase I to join Okazaki fragments, and to participate in long-patch BER ([@B21]). ", "Two isoforms of DNA ligase III resulting from alternately spliced mRNA variants have been characterized ([@B22]). ", "Ligase IIIα is ubiquitously distributed, whereas ligase IIIβ has been detected only in testes, where it is believed to play a role in recombination during meiotic prophase ([@B22]). ", "DNA ligase IIIα interacts with XRCC1 (X-ray Cross Complementing factor 1) via its carboxy-terminal BRCT (BRCA C-terminal) domains and functions in BER ([@B23]). ", "DNA ligase IV is distinct from other DNA ligases in that it possesses two tandem C-terminal BRCT domains ([@B18]). ", "This protein forms a complex with XRCC4, which appears to stabilize ([@B24]) and stimulate the overall activity of ligase IV ([@B25]). ", "This complex further interacts with DNA-PK~CS~ and the Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer to function in NHEJ ([@B26]).", "\n\nThough many studies have revealed the role of DNA ligases in DNA repair pathways, such as NHEJ and BER, a systematic study of these ligases in the MHEJ pathway has been lacking. ", "We recently developed a cell-free assay, with which factors modulating two end-joining pathways, i.e. Ku-dependent NHEJ and MHEJ, can be evaluated ([@B9]). ", "We previously showed that Ku and histone H1 facilitate error-free NHEJ and inhibit MHEJ, and that FEN-1 is involved in MHEJ. ", "In the present study, we have determined the roles of DNA ligases I, III and IV in these end-joining pathways. ", "We found that while DNA ligase IV is required to join DNA ends in the Ku-dependent NHEJ pathway, DNA ligase I and ligase III are required in MHEJ.", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS\n=====================\n\nCells and cell culture\n----------------------\n\nHuman cell line HTD114 was grown in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). ", "The DNA ligase I-deficient human primary fibroblast cell line, GM16096, and the DNA ligase IV-deficient human primary fibroblast cell line, GM16088, were obtained from the NIGMS Human Genetic Mutant Cell Repository (Camden, NJ, USA), and were grown in Eagle\\'s MEM with Earle\\'s salts supplemented with 1× concentration of MEM nonessential amino acids, 2 mM glutamine and 10% FBS. ", "WI38 normal diploid human fibroblasts were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, USA) and grown in DMEM containing 10% FBS.", "\n\nRNA interference\n----------------\n\nTwenty-one nucleotide RNA duplexes (most of them have a 3′-deoxy thymidine overhang) were purchased from Ambion, Inc. (Austin, TX, USA). ", "The RNA sequences were as follows: DNA ligase I, siRNA121249, sense, 5′-GGC AUG AUC CUG AAG CAG Att-3′, antisense, 5′-UCU GCU UCA GGA UCA UGC Ctt-3′; DNA ligase III, siRNA121668, sense, 5′-CCA CAA AAA AAA UCG AGG Att-3′, antisense, 5′-UCC UCG AUU UUU UUU GUG Gtg-3′; siRNA121372, sense, 5′-CGA CCU UUU AGA CUC AAU Utt-3′, antisense, 5′-AAU UGA GUC UAA AAG GUC Gtt-3′. A nonsilencing siRNA duplex (sense, 5′-UUC UCC GAA CGU GUC ACG Utt-3′, antisense, 5′-ACG UGA CAC GUU CGG AGA Att-3′) (Qiagen, Valancia, CA, USA) was used as a nonsilencing control. ", "Each siRNA (20 nM) was transfected into HTD114 cells with siPORT Amine reagent (Ambion, Inc.). ", "Forty-eight hours after transfection, total RNA and nuclear proteins were extracted.", "\n\nReal-time PCR for quantification of gene expression\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nTotal RNA from cells was purified using RNeasy kits (Qiagen) and reverse transcribed using the Taqman Reverse Transcription Reagent kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). ", "The expression of DNA ligase I, III and IV genes was measured with a quantitative real time PCR assay as previously reported ([@B27]). ", "Expression levels were calculated as a ratio of the mRNA level for a given gene relative to the mRNA level for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in the same cDNA sample. ", "Primer sequences are: Lig1-1F, 5′-GAA TTC TGA CGC CAA CAT GCA-3′, Lig1-1R, 5′-CCG TCT CTC TGC TGC TAT TGG A-3′; Lig3-1F, 5′-GAT CAC GTG CCA CCT ACC TTG T-3′, Lig3-1R, 5′-GGC ATA GTC CAC ACA GAA CCG T-3′; Lig4-F, 5′-CAC CTT GCG TTT TCC ACG AA-3′, Lig4-R, 5′-CAG ATG CCT TCC CCC TAA GTT G-3′. To determine whether or not a certain ligase siRNA treatment could also knock down other nontargeted ligases, we measured the expression levels of all DNA ligases in all collected RNA samples. ", "For each RNA sample, the real-time PCR was performed in triplicate.", "\n\nNuclear extract preparation\n---------------------------\n\nCells were harvested and washed with ice-cold phosphate buffered saline (PBS). ", "Nuclear protein extracts were prepared as described ([@B9],[@B28]). ", "Protein concentration was determined by the Bradford assay ([@B29]).", "\n\nImmunoblotting\n--------------\n\nEquivalent amount of nuclear extracts were separated with SDS--PAGE gels and transferred onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes. ", "Membranes were blocked at room temperature for 30 min in blocking buffer \\[3% nonfat dry milk in PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 (T-PBS)\\] and incubated at 4°C overnight with primary antibody diluted in blocking buffer. ", "After five washes with T-PBS, membranes were incubated at room temperature for 1 h with secondary antibody diluted in blocking buffer. ", "Immunoblots were visualized by enhanced chemiluminescence. ", "Primary antibodies used in this study were: mouse anti-DNA ligase I (Novus, Biologicals, Inc., Littleton, CO, USA), mouse anti-DNA ligase III (Novus, Biologicals, Inc.), goat anti-DNA ligase IV (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA) and rabbit anti-β-actin (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA).", "\n\nEnd-joining substrates\n----------------------\n\nThe construction of linear end-joining substrates with a 10-bp microhomology at both ends (pUC18PD1/4) was described by Liang *et al*. ([", "@B9]). ", "After cleavage with the restriction enzymes Eco47III and EcoRV, the 2.7-kb linear DNA possesses a 10-bp direct repeat (ATCCTACAGC) at both ends ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Linear end-joining substrates with a 2- or 3-bp microhomology at both ends were also constructed. ", "For the pUC18-2-bp-repeat substrates, a fragment, which was generated by annealing oligonucleotides (2-bp-repeat-F, 5′-AGC TTC GAA TCC GTT CGA CAG AGG TCT-3′, and 2-bp-repeat-R, 5′-CTA GAG ACC TCT GTC GAA CGG ATT CGA-3′), was ligated between the HindIII and XbaI sites of pUC18 (Invitrogen, Calsbad, CA, USA). ", "After cleavage with the restriction enzyme PshAI, the 2.7-kb linear DNA possesses a 2-bp direct repeat (AG) at both ends ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "For the pUC18-3-bp-repeat substrates, the fragment to be inserted between the HindIII and XbaI sites of pUC18 was generated by annealing oligonucleotides 3-bp repeat-F (5′-AGC TTC GAA TCC GTT CGA CAG CAG TCT-3′) and 3-bp repeat-R (5′-CTA GAG ACT GCT GTC GAA CGG ATT CGA-3′). ", "After cleavage with the restriction enzyme PshAI, the 2.7-kb linear DNA carries a 3-bp direct repeat (CAG) at both ends ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Figure 1.DNA substrates of end-joining assays. (**", "A**) The plasmid pUC18PD1/4 was digested with Eco47III and EcoRV, resulting in a blunt-ended linear molecule with a 10-bp direct repeat (ATCCTACAGC) at each end. ", "Deletion of one 10-bp repeat in joined DNA will produce an XcmI restriction site. ", "This particular restriction site can not be created by other joining reactions. (**", "B**) The plasmids pUC18-2-bp-repeat and pUC18-3-bp-repeat were digested with PshAI, resulting in blunt-ended linear molecules with a 2-bp (AG) or 3-bp (CAG), respectively, direct repeat at each end.", "\n\nDNA end-joining assay\n---------------------\n\nThe end-joining assay, which evaluates the relative contribution of MHEJ and NHEJ to DNA end joining, using nuclear extracts and DNA substrates containing direct repeats at the ends, was conducted as described ([@B9]). ", "Briefly, linearized DNA substrates were incubated with nuclear protein extract at 14°C for 2 h. DNA products were deproteinized, purified and separated by electrophoresis through 0.6% agarose gels. ", "The intensity of DNA bands was quantified by using Kodak Gel Logic 100 Imaging System and Kodak 1D Image Analysis Software. ", "The overall end-joining efficiency was calculated as the percentage of end-joined product (dimer and multimers) as a fraction of total DNA in the reaction (monomer, dimer and multimers). ", "All DNA end-joining experiments were repeated at least three times.", "\n\nTo study the involvement of DNA ligases I and III in MHEJ, we also treated nuclear extract from HTD114 cells (1.6 µg total protein) with dilutions of monoclonal antibody against ligase I or III (Novus Biologicals, Inc.) for 30 min on ice. ", "Nuclear extract was then incubated with 380 ng linear DNA at 14°C for 1 h, and DNA end-joined products were analyzed with agarose gel electrophoresis.", "\n\nQuantification of MHEJ\n----------------------\n\nThe MHEJ activity of individual protein extract was determined by two steps. ", "First, a quantitative real-time PCR assay was used to measure the total amount of 'head to tail' end-joined products, including MHEJ products. ", "Second, the fraction of end-joined products mediated by microhomology was determined by PCR amplification of the junction of rejoined ends, followed by XcmI digestion for DNA substrates with 10-bp repeats or by DNA sequencing for substrates with 2- and 3-bp repeats. ", "The MHEJ activity of individual nuclear extracts was calculated by multiplying the values obtained in these two steps.", "\n\n### Step one\n\nThe primers utilized in the quantitative real-time PCR were designed using the Primer Express software (Applied Biosystems). ", "One pair of primers amplifies a DNA fragment containing the rejoined ends. ", "The sequences of the primers for amplifying the 10-bp-mediated products are: forward, 5′-GCC AGT GCC AAG CTA CCA TC -3′, and reverse, 5′-TGG AAT TGT GAG CGG ATA ACA AT-3′. The sequences of the primers for amplifying the 2- or 3-bp-mediated end-joined products are: forward, 5′-GTT GTA AAA CGA CGG CCA GTG-3′, and reverse, 5′-CAG CTA TGA CAT GAT TAC GAA TTC G-3′. As an internal loading control, a pair of primers were used to amplify a DNA fragment that is about 70 bp away from the junction of rejoined ends. ", "All DNA in the end-joining reaction, including monomers and multimers, can be amplified by this pair of primers, forward, ATT CAG GCT GCG CAA CTG TT-3′, and reverse, 5′-CCC AAC TTA ATC GCC TTG CA-3′. An aliquot of the end-joined product was amplified for 40 cycles on a GeneAmp 7900HT Sequence Detection System. ", "Syber Green dye was used for signal detection. ", "All analyses were carried out in triplicate, and nontemplate controls and dissociation curves were used to ensure specific template amplification. ", "For each primer pair, serial dilutions of a control DNA were used to determine a standard curve, and curves with *R*^2^ \\> 0.97 were then used to determine the DNA levels in individual samples.", "\n\n### Step two\n\nThe relative contribution of MHEJ using the 10-bp microhomology was determined by PCR amplification of the junction of rejoined ends, followed by XcmI digestion ([@B9]). ", "If joining of the DNA ends is mediated by the 10-bp microhomology, resulting in an XcmI site (CCAN~9~TGG) at the junction, digestion of PCR products (∼600 bp) with XcmI would give rise to a 400- and 200-bp fragment. ", "Restriction fragments were separated on a 1% agarose gel. ", "The intensity of the undigested and XcmI-digested fragments was quantified using Kodak Gel Logic 100 Imaging System and Kodak 1D Image Analysis Software. ", "The relative contribution of the 10-bp microhomology-mediated end-joining of the DNA substrate was calculated as the percentage of the XcmI-digested fragments of total PCR products (sum of the undigested and XcmI-digested fragments).", "\n\nThe relative contribution of MHEJ using the 2- or 3-bp microhomology was determined by sequencing the junction of rejoined ends. ", "After PCR amplification of the junction, the PCR products were purified with the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen). ", "The purified DNA was cloned into the TOPO TA cloning vector pCR4-TOPO (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer\\'s recommendations. ", "Individual clones were then sequenced on a Beckman CEQ8000 DNA sequencer.", "\n\nRESULTS\n=======\n\nWe previously established an *in vitro* assay to evaluate factors involved in MHEJ pathway by using nuclear extracts and linear DNA substrates containing 10-bp repeats at the ends ([@B9]). ", "We found that the occurrence of MHEJ in our experimental setting is determined by the relative abundance of nuclear proteins. ", "At low DNA/protein ratios, a Ku-dependent end-joining mechanism predominated over MHEJ. ", "As the DNA/protein ratio increased, end-joining shifted toward MHEJ ([@B9]). ", "The present study was conducted to determine the roles of DNA ligases in MHEJ, by using cell extracts that have reduced, defective or inactive DNA ligases.", "\n\nLigase I is required for 10-bp MHEJ\n-----------------------------------\n\nUsing siRNA 121249, we were able to decrease the mRNA level of ligase I in HTD114 cells by 5-fold, as compared with a nonsilencing control siRNA ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Meanwhile, this siRNA did not change the mRNA level of DNA ligases III or ligase IV (data not shown). ", "siRNA 121249 also resulted in no detectable ligase I protein ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Figure 2.Down-regulation of DNA ligase I leads to reduced MHEJ activity. ", "HTD114 cells were transfected with siRNA oligonucleotides against DNA ligase I (siRNA 121249). ", "Forty-eight hours after transfection, total RNA and nuclear extracts were prepared. ", "RNA samples were reverse transcribed to cDNA, followed by real time-PCR, repeated three times for each RNA sample, to determine the expression level of ligase I (**A**). ", "Data represent the mean and the SEM. ", "Nuclear extracts were analyzed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies (**B**). (**", "C**) End-joining activity affected by the depletion of Lig1. ", "Linearized pUC18PD1/4 DNA (300 ng) was incubated without (lane 1) or with 1 μg nuclear protein extracts from HTD114 transfected with the indicated siRNA oligonucleotides (lanes 2 and 3). ", "The end-joined products were separated by electrophoresis in an agarose gel and the efficiency of end joining was calculated as the percentage of end-joined products (dimer and multimers) in total DNA in the reaction (monomer, dimer and multimers). (**", "D**) A summary of three independent end-joining experiments performed as in C (above). ", "Data represent the mean and SEM. (**", "E**) The amount of end-joined products from individual reactions shown in C (above) was determined, in triplicate, with a quantitative real time-PCR assay as described in Materials and methods section. ", "The bar represents the mean and the error bar is SEM. (**", "F**) End-joined products from reactions shown in C were PCR amplified and subsequently digested with XcmI. The relative contribution of 10-bp MHEJ to DNA end joining was calculated as the percentage of the XcmI-digested fragments in total PCR products (sum of the undigested and XcmI-digested fragments). (**", "G**) Quantification of MHEJ activity. ", "The MHEJ activity was calculated by multiplying the amount of end-joined products measured from (E) with the relative contribution of MHEJ obtained in (F).", "\n\nTo test whether or not the decrease in DNA ligase I affects MHEJ, we incubated 300 ng linear DNA substrates containing 10-bp repeats at the ends with 1 μg nuclear extracts (high DNA/protein ratio) prepared from HTD114 cells that were transfected with siRNA 121249. ", "As shown in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C and D, siRNA 121249 significantly decreased the overall end-joining efficiency to 40%---a 2.5-fold reduction, of the control ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}D, end-joined products were the result of the 'head to tail', 'head to head' or 'tail to tail' end joining).", "\n\nWe performed a 2-step assay to quantify how much of the decreased end joining was attributed to MHEJ. ", "Since the 10-bp microhomology only mediates the 'head to tail' end joining, we first measured the total amount of 'head to tail' end-joined products using quantitative real time PCR. ", "As shown in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}E, siRNA 121249 decreased the amount of the 'head to tail' end-joined products to about 53% of the control. ", "To determine the fraction of the 'head to tail' end-joined products contributed by MHEJ using the 10-bp repeat, we PCR amplified the ligated DNA products, using primers flanking the end-joined junction, and subsequently digested the PCR products with XcmI. Rejoining of DNA substrates catalyzed by MHEJ using the 10-bp repeat generates an XcmI restriction enzyme site at the joint. ", "No other joining reaction could create such a restriction site ([@B9]) ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "As shown in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}F, at the 300 ng DNA/1 μg protein ratio, the relative intensity of cleaved PCR fragments by XcmI digestion is 98% in both end-joining reactions. ", "By multiplying the values obtained from step 1 ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}E) with the relative contribution of MHEJ in the corresponding end-joining reaction as shown in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}F, we were able to compare the relative MHEJ activity between individual extracts. ", "As shown in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}G, siRNA 121249 decreased the MHEJ activity to 53% of the control.", "\n\nGM16096 fibroblast cells, derived from a compound human heterozygote for ligase I, carry two different missense mutations. ", "The paternal allele showed a substitution of lysine for glutamic acid, resulting from G-to-A transition and the maternal allele carried an Arg771-to-Trp mutation, the result of a C-to-T transition ([@B30]). ", "Western blot analysis shows that GM16096 has a significantly lower level of ligase I than normal human fibroblast WI38 cells ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "We extracted nuclear proteins from GM16096 and WI38 and incubated 1 μg extract with 500 ng DNA substrate. ", "As shown in [Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B, GM16096 had a reduced overall end-joining efficiency. ", "MHEJ using the 10-bp repeat, the predominant pathway of end joining, was reduced by 2.5-fold in the extract prepared from GM16096 ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C), as compared to WI38. ", "Preincubation of 1.6 μg nuclear protein extract prepared from HTD114 cells with 1 μg monoclonal antibody raised against ligase I before initiating the end-joining assay reduced the overall end-joining efficiency by 7-fold, 1% versus 7% in the control ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}D), and the MHEJ activity by about 5-fold, as compared to the control, ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}E). ", "Taken together, these data clearly demonstrate that DNA ligase I is required for the 10-bp repeat-mediated end joining. ", "Figure 3.Mutation in the ligase I gene results in decreased MHEJ. (**", "A**) Western blot analysis with the antibody against DNA ligase I. GM16096 cells are primary human fibroblast cells that carry two different missense mutations in the ligase I gene. ", "WI38 cells are primary normal human fibroblasts. (**", "B**) End-joining activities. ", "End-joining assays were carried out using 1 μg nuclear extract prepared from GM16096 or WI38 fibroblast cells. (**", "C**) Quantification of MHEJ activity. (**", "D**) Inhibition of end-joining by anti-Ligase 1 antibodies. ", "Nuclear extract from HTD114 cells (1.6 µg total protein) was incubated for 30 min on ice with 1 µg antibody against human DNA ligase I, then incubated with 400 ng linear DNA at 14°C. ", "After 1 h incubation, DNA products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. (**", "E**) Quantification of MHEJ affected by anti-ligase 1 antibodies.", "\n\nDNA ligase III is also required in 10-bp MHEJ\n---------------------------------------------\n\nsiRNA 121668, which targets against DNA ligase III, significantly reduced the mRNA level and the protein level of ligase III ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and B). ", "At high DNA/protein (300 ng DNA/1 μg protein) ratio, DNA end-joining activity was significantly decreased in the nuclear extract prepared from cells treated with siRNA 121668 ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}C and D), indicating that reduction in ligase III compromises the end-joining activity. ", "Further quantification of the 10-bp repeat-mediated MHEJ revealed that reduction in ligase III resulted in decreased MHEJ ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}E), suggesting that the decrease in overall end-joining efficiency was caused by a decrease in MHEJ. ", "Figure 4.Down-regulation of DNA ligase III results in decreased MHEJ activity. ", "HTD114 cells were transfected with nontargeted siRNA (control) or siRNA oligonucleotides against ligase III (siRNA 121668). ", "Forty-eight hours after transfection, total RNA and nuclear extracts were prepared. ", "Expression of ligase III at mRNA level and protein level was determined by quantitative real time-PCR (**A**) and by immunoblotting analysis (**B**), respectively. (**", "C**) End-joining activity affected by the reduction of ligase III. ", "Linearized pUC18PD1/4 DNA (300 ng) was incubated with 1 μg nuclear protein extracts from HTD114 transfected with nontargeted siRNA (lane 1) or the ligase III siRNA 121668 (lane 2). (**", "D**) A summary of three independent end-joining reactions as performed in (C). (**", "E**) Quantification of MHEJ.", "\n\nTo substantiate the above finding, we preincubated 1.6 μg nuclear protein extract prepared from HTD114 cells with a monoclonal antibody raised against ligase III before initiating the end-joining assay. ", "While the addition of 1 μg anti-ligase III antibody had no effect on the end-joining efficiency, addition of 4 μg antibody resulted in a 3.5-fold reduction, 2% versus 7% in the control, in the end-joining efficiency ([Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Addition of 4 μg antibody against mouse exonuclease 1, on the other hand, did not affect the end-joining efficiency. ", "XcmI digestion of PCR products of joined DNA showed that the addition of 4 μg ligase III antibody reduced the relative activity of MHEJ using the 10-bp repeat, 73% versus 90% in control ([Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Together with the result of quantitative real-time PCR amplification of end-joined products, these data indicate that application of 4 μg anti-ligase III antibody caused a 5-fold decrease in 10-bp repeat-mediated MHEJ ([Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Collectively, these data demonstrate that DNA ligase III is required in MHEJ. ", "Figure 5.Requirement of DNA ligase III in MHEJ. (**", "A**) The effect of anti-ligase III antibodies. ", "Nuclear extract from HTD114 cells (1.6 µg total protein) was incubated for 30 min on ice with the antibody against human DNA ligase III, then incubated with 400 ng linear DNA at 14°C. ", "After 1 h incubation, DNA products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. (**", "B**) PCR products of end-joined products shown in (A) were digested with XcmI. (**C**) Quantification of MHEJ.", "\n\nDNA ligase IV is not required in 10-bp MHEJ but facilitates Ku-dependent NHEJ\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nBy using siRNA 121372 that targets ligase IV, we were able to reduce the expression of ligase IV at the mRNA level and at the protein level in HTD114 cells ([Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and B). ", "Incubation of 300 ng DNA substrate with 1 μg nuclear extract isolated from siRNA 121372-transfected HTD114 cells showed that knockdown of ligase IV slightly increased the MHEJ activity ([Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}C--E). ", "Figure 6.DNA ligase IV is not required for MHEJ. (**", "A**) siRNA-mediated down-regulation of DNA ligase IV in HTD114 cells. ", "Expression of ligase IV at the mRNA level was determined by quantitative real time-PCR. (**", "B**) Expression of ligase IV at the protein level, as determined by the western blot assay. (**", "C**) End-joining activity in nuclear extract with reduced ligase 4. ", "Linearized DNA substrate (300 ng) was incubated with 1 μg nuclear protein extracts from HTD114 transfected with nontargeted siRNA (lane 1) or the ligase IV siRNA 121372 (lane 2). (**", "D**) A summary of three independent end-joining reactions as performed in C. (**E**) Quantification of MHEJ. (**", "F**) DNA ligase IV is required for the Ku-dependent NHEJ pathway. ", "End-joining reactions were carried out by incubating 10 ng DNA substrates with 8 μg nuclear extracts prepared from HTD114 cells treated with nontargeted siRNA, or siRNA 121372 against ligase IV. ", "PCR products of end-joined products were digested with XcmI. The uncut band represents the Ku-dependent NHEJ pathway. ", "NHEJ activity was calculated by multiplying the amount of end-joined products measured by real time PCR with the relative contribution of NHEJ obtained from (A).", "\n\nWe also isolated nuclear extract from human fibroblast cells, GM16088, which harbor an Arg278 to His substitution in the ligase IV gene product, leading to a decreased level of ligase IV proteins ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "The Arg278 residue is located within a highly conserved motif encompassing the active site, and the substitution was shown to significantly impair ligase IV function ([@B31]). ", "Interestingly, end-joining assay showed that the nuclear extract (1 μg) from GM16088 cells has a 2-fold greater efficiency than that from WI38 cells to ligate DNA substrates (500 ng), 10 and 5%, respectively ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "XcmI digestion of PCR products of joined DNA revealed that the MHEJ pathway mediated by the 10-bp repeat was more dominant in GM16088 than in WI38, 100% versus 91% ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Furthermore, the overall MHEJ activity in the nuclear extract of ligase IV-deficient GM16088 cells was measured to be 1.8-fold greater than that of WI38 cells ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}D). ", "Thus, two lines of evidence implicated DNA ligase IV in the negative regulation of the MHEJ pathway. ", "Figure 7.Mutation in the ligase IV gene leads to increased MHEJ. (**", "A**) Western blot analysis with the antibody against DNA ligase IV. (**", "B**) End-joining activities. ", "Nuclear extract (1 μg) from GM16088 cells, which carry a mutation in ligase IV gene, was incubated with the DNA substrate (500 ng). (**", "C**) PCR products of end-joined products shown in (A) were digested with XcmI. (**D**) Quantification of MHEJ.", "\n\nDNA ligase IV is known to play an important role in DNA-PKcs/Ku-dependent NHEJ. ", "Therefore, it is not unexpected that a decrease in ligase IV expression greatly decreased the Ku-dependent end-joining activity ([Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}F), which was quantified by using our DNA end-joining at a low DNA/protein ratio ([@B9]). ", "However, it is worth noting that when the function of ligase IV is compromised, MHEJ activity is increased ([Figures 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We can conclude that while DNA ligase IV may facilitate Ku-dependent end joining, it is not required in MHEJ.", "\n\nRoles of DNA ligases I, III and IV in 2- and 3-bp MHEJ\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe results presented earlier showed that DNA ligases I and III, but not ligase IV, are required in 10-bp microhomology-mediated end joining. ", "We further investigated their involvement in DNA end joining mediated by shorter repeat sequences, i.e. 2- or 3-bp repeats. ", "We made two plasmid constructs and used PshAI to obtain linearized DNA substrates, which have 2- or 3-bp direct repeats at the ends ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and C). ", "At a high DNA/protein ratio (300/1 ng/μg), with nuclear extracts prepared from HTD114 cells, DNA substrates with 2- or 3-bp repeats were not rejoined as efficiently as those with the 10-bp repeats (data not shown). ", "With the nuclear extracts from HTD114 cells in which DNA ligase I were depleted by siRNA 121249, the efficiency of rejoining the substrates with 2- or 3-bp repeats was decreased, as compared with the control ([Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and B). ", "A greater decrease was observed in HTD114 cells treated with siRNA 121668 against ligase III. ", "With the siRNA 121668 treatment, the efficiencies of rejoining the substrates with 2- and 3-bp repeats were about 49 and 37%, respectively, of the control ([Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and B). ", "In contrast, the siRNA treatment against ligase IV (siRNA 121372) had little effect on the efficiencies of rejoining the substrates with 2- and 3-bp repeats, as compared with the control ([Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and B). ", "Figure 8.The involvement of DNA ligases I, III and IV in 2- and 3-bp MHEJ. ", "End-joining reactions were carried out by incubating 300 ng linearized pUC18-2-bp-repeat (containing a 2-bp, AG repeat at each end, A) or pUC18-3-bp-repeat (containing a 3-bp, CAG repeat at each end, B) with nuclear extracts (1 μg) prepared from HTD114 cells treated with nontargeted siRNA, or siRNA against ligase I (121248), III (121668), or IV (121372). ", "The amount of end-joined products from individual reactions was determined with a quantitative real time-PCR assay as described in Materials and methods section. ", "The bar represents the mean end-joining efficiency of three independent reactions and the error bar is SEM. ", "The activity of MHEJ using 2-bp (C) or 3-bp (D) microhomology was determined by multiplying the end joining efficiency (A and B) with the fraction of end-joined products mediated by 2- or 3-bp microhomology ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nDNA sequencing results of the end-joined junctions, shown in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}, indicated that majority of end-joining events were mediated by 2- or 3-bp repeats in the controls, accounting for 63% (12/19) or 62% (13/21), respectively, of overall end-joining events. ", "Knockdown of ligase I or IV did not significantly change the fraction of such end-joining events (all *P* \\> 0.1, chi-squared test, [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "However, knockdown of ligase III, by treatment with siRNA 121668, resulted in a remarkable decline in the contribution of 2- and 3-bp MHEJ events, to 26 and 32%, respectively, of the total end-joining events (both *P* \\< 0.05, [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Table 1.Sequences of junctions of end-joined products^a^![](gkn184i1.jpg)[^1][^2][^3] Table 2.Fractions of end-joined products mediated by 2-bp (AG) or 3-bp (CAG) repeats at the ends of substratesDNA substratessiRNA treatmentsNo. ", "of EJ products used repeats at the ends of substratesNo. ", "of total EJ products sequencedPercentage*P*-value[^a^](#TF4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}pUC18-2bp-repeatNon-silencing control siRNA121963Lig1 siRNA1522680.735Lig3 siRNA623260.016Lig4 siRNA1216750.452pUC18-3bp-repeatNon-silencing control siRNA132162Lig1 siRNA919470.356Lig3 siRNA722320.048Lig4 siRNA1120550.654[^4]\n\nBy multiplying the end-joining efficiency ([Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and B) with the fraction of end-joined products mediated by 2- or 3-bp microhomology ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}), we were able to determine the effect of siRNA against DNA ligases I, III or IV on 2- and 3-bp MHEJ. ", "As shown in [Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}C, while siRNA 121249, which depletes ligase I, decreased the activity of 2-bp MHEJ to 88% of the control, it reduced the activity of 3-bp MHEJ to 54% of the control, suggesting that DNA ligase I plays a more important role in 3-bp MHEJ than in 2-bp MHEJ. ", "The siRNA 121668, which reduces ligase III, had a greater inhibitory effect on 2- and 3-bp MHEJ than siRNA 121249. ", "The activities of both 2- and 3-bp MHEJ were only about 20% of the control ([Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}C and D). ", "Interestingly, siRNA 121372, which reduces ligase IV, increased the activity of 2-bp MHEJ to 133% of the control ([Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}C), consistent with its effect on 10-bp MHEJ ([Figures 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n==========\n\nThe presence of multiple DNA ligases in eukaryotic cells suggests that these enzymes may each have specific functions. ", "This notion is supported by findings showing that mammalian cell lines deficient in either DNA ligase I, III or IV exhibit different phenotypes ([@B32]). ", "We showed here that human DNA ligases I and III contribute to microhomology-mediated end joining (MHEJ). ", "The supporting evidence includes: first, siRNA-mediated down-regulation of DNA ligase I or III in human HTD114 cells leads to impaired joining of DNA ends mediated by a 10-, 2- or 3-bp microhomology ([Figures 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}); second, GM16096, a cell line derived from a patient with immunodeficiency, increased sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents, and delayed development due to loss of DNA ligase I function, showed decreased level of MHEJ ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}); third, treatment of HTD114 nuclear extracts with antiserum against DNA ligase I or III significantly reduced MHEJ ([Figures 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We have also shown that human DNA ligase IV is not required in MHEJ ([Figures 6--8](#F6 F7 F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In addition, reduction of ligase IV significantly decreased Ku-dependent NHEJ ([Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Taken together, these findings demonstrate that human DNA ligases I, III and IV each play a different role in MHEJ and Ku-dependent NHEJ, the two end-joining pathways for DNA DSBs.", "\n\nDNA ligase I functions in DNA replication to join Okazaki fragments during lagging-strand DNA synthesis and in DNA BER to seal single-strand nicks ([@B30]). ", "Our data indicate that DNA ligase I is also involved in end joining of DNA DSBs, especially in MHEJ. ", "Although ligase I interacts with several different proteins in DNA replication and BER ([@B17],[@B32]), it remains unclear whether or not it acts alone in MHEJ. ", "It has been shown that the amino terminus of the DNA ligase I protein has a proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-binding motif that is required for the loading of the DNA ligase I protein to replication foci within the nuclei of S-phase cells ([@B20]). ", "Moreover, the PCNA-binding motif is required for the efficient joining of Okazaki fragments and completion of long patch BER in cell extract assays ([@B21]). ", "Accumulating evidence suggests that in addition to DNA ligase I, PCNA interacts with DNA polymerases δ ε and β replication factor C (RFC), and a DNA structure-specific endonuclease (FEN-1), and coordinates their activities by forming complexes that are involved in several DNA metabolic pathways, including the processing of Okazaki fragments, and the repair of DNA base damage and single-strand breaks (SSBs) ([@B32; @B33; @B34]). ", "Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that PCNA coordinates the involvement of DNA ligase I and other factors, such as FEN-1, in MHEJ. ", "Indeed, it has been reported that FEN-1 is required for the MHEJ pathway ([@B9],[@B35]). ", "It is possible that FEN-1 is responsible for the removal of single-stranded flaps formed from broken DNA ends during MHEJ, and then ligase I seals the remaining nick. ", "All these processes are probably mediated by the protein--protein interaction of FEN-1 and ligase I with PCNA.", "\n\nBesides its critical role in the repair of damaged bases and SSBs ([@B32]), evidence from several studies suggests that DNA ligase III is also involved in DSB repair through an alternative route of DSB repair that complement the DNA-PK/XRCC4/ligase IV-dependent NHEJ ([@B35; @B36; @B37]). ", "In line with these findings, we have shown that DNA ligase III is required for MHEJ. ", "While ligase III exists in a tight complex with XRCC1 ([@B23]) in BER to repair DNA base damage and DNA SSBs ([@B38],[@B39]), it was also reported that the Ku-independent end-joining, which may be mediated by microhomology sequences, required the synapsis activity of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) and the ligation activity of the XRCC1-DNA ligase III complex ([@B36]), implying that ligase III may also work together with other factors in MHEJ. ", "However, amongst DNA ligases, ligase III is unique in having a zinc-finger motif at the N-terminus ([@B40]), enabling its recruitment to DNA strand breaks ([@B41]). ", "Furthermore, Taylor *et al*. ([", "@B42]) reported that the zinc-finger motif confers upon ligase III the ability to bind DNA duplexes and stimulates intermolecular end joining between DNA duplexes. ", "Therefore, the possibility that ligase III functions alone in DNA end joining can not be excluded.", "\n\nLike DNA ligase III that forms a complex with XRCC1, DNA ligase IV is tightly associated with XRCC4, upon which it depends for stability and activity ([@B24],[@B25],[@B43]). ", "Strikingly, ligase IV--XRCC4 complex functions in coupling with Ku heterodimers and DNA PK~CS~ in NHEJ, but not in other DNA repair pathways ([@B44]). ", "In line with this notion, we here demonstrated that DNA ligase IV facilitated Ku-dependent end joining ([Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}), but was not required for MHEJ ([Figures 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Furthermore, when ligase IV was absent, the activity of MHEJ in the nuclear extract was increased, suggesting that DNA ligase IV may negatively regulate the MHEJ pathway. ", "It is not clear how ligase IV inhibits MHEJ. ", "One possibility is that the Ku-ligase IV--XRCC4-dependent NHEJ pathway, which is initiated by binding of Ku proteins to DNA ends, may compete with the MHEJ pathway for binding to and processing DNA ends ([@B9]). ", "Once the DNA ends are ligated by DNA ligase IV/XRCC4 complex, Ku proteins presumably become dissociated from DNA, and bind to other DNA ends to start another round of NHEJ reaction. ", "Lack of DNA ligase IV would lead to an incomplete NHEJ reaction in which Ku proteins cannot be released from DNA ends. ", "Due to lack of competition caused by a shortage of recycled Ku proteins, DNA ends would have a greater chance to be exposed to nuclease attack and to be joined by the alternative MHEJ pathway. ", "In addition, there is growing evidence showing that DNA ligase IV may coordinate DNA processing activities that are critical for both NHEJ and MHEJ. ", "For instance, Ma *et al*. ([", "@B45]) showed that there are conserved physical and functional interactions between DNA polymerase (pol) X family members (pol μ and pol λ) and DNA ligase IV that coordinate gap-filling DNA synthesis and DNA ligation in NHEJ. ", "Notably, in yeast, DNA ligase IV physically and functionally interacts with Rad27 (FEN-1 in mammalian cells) to process and join DNA molecules ([@B46]). ", "Therefore, while ligase IV, by interacting with other DNA processing proteins, may facilitate the Ku-dependent NHEJ pathway, it may inhibit MHEJ as a consequence of the competition for components common to both pathways.", "\n\nOverall, our work showed that human DNA ligase I and ligase III, which are involved in long patch BER and short patch BER, respectively, to repair DNA base damage and SSBs, are also critical for the repair of DSBs by MHEJ. ", "It should also be noted that the requirement of ligase I and III seems to vary depending on the length of microhomology sequences. ", "While a reduction in ligase III affects MHEJ using both short and long microhomology, a reduction in ligase I had only slightly affected MHEJ using 2-bp repeats, though it greatly decreased the MHEJ using 10-bp repeats. ", "Since the 2- and 3-bp substrates are much more likely to occur *in vivo*, ligase III is probably the primary ligase contributing to MHEJ. ", "This notion is in accordance with previously published observations ([@B35; @B36; @B37]). ", "Furthermore, our observations also suggest that DNA ligase I and ligase III may function in MHEJ through two independent pathways. ", "In keeping up with this notion, protein partners of DNA ligases I and III, which are required for their stability, DNA-binding recruitment and catalytic activity, have never been shown to overlap. ", "Although little is known about whether or not other factors may be involved in MHEJ, further studies of factors involved in the repair of DNA base damage and SSBs by using our end-joining assay may shed more light on the mechanisms of DNA DSB repair.", "\n\nThis work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (ES011633 and P30ES05022), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNG05GN24G), and New Jersey Stem Cell Research grants from New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology (06-2042-014-85 and 07-2042-014-90). ", "Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the New Jersey Stem Cell Research grant (07-2042-014-90).", "\n\n*Conflict of interest statement*. ", "None declared.", "\n\n[^1]: ^a^Nuclear extract was prepared from HTD114 cells treated with different siRNAs.", "\n\n[^2]: ^b^The deleted sequences are indicated by capital letters and the flanking sequences are in lower case. ", "Direct repeats are underlined. ", "The symbol, '^▾^', denotes the ends of two joined DNA molecules. ", "Italic letters represent the inserted sequence.", "\n\n[^3]: ^c^PR, perfect rejoining.", "\n\n[^4]: ^a^Comparisons of the fraction of end joined products mediated by 2- or 3-bp repeats at the ends of substrates in HTD114 nuclear extracts with siRNA treatments against different ligases to the control siRNA were done with contingency tables. ", "Significant levels were determined with chi-squared test.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Effects of serial anesthesia using ketamine or ketamine/medetomidine on hematology and serum biochemistry values in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).", "\nThis study aimed at determining the cumulative effect of daily anesthesia, using two drug regimens, over hematological and biochemical parameters. ", "Blood samples were obtained from rhesus monkeys 20 minutes after intramuscular administration of ketamine or ketamine/medetomidine combination for three consecutive days and results were evaluated to determine their effect on hematological and serum biochemistry values. ", "Statistical significance of drug, day, and interaction of these two variables were evaluated. ", "Drug effect resulted in a dramatic increase of aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase values. ", "Day effect resulted in decreases of RBC, HCT, Hgb, and alkaline phosphatase but an increase of other biochemical parameters evaluated. ", "The drug/day interaction effect was found to be -significant for RBC, platelets, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and creatine kinase values. ", "The results of our study suggest a cumulative effect of serial anesthesia and should be an important consideration when interpreting hematology and serum biochemistry in rhesus macaques." ]
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[ "Industrial, the codenamed next game from This War of Mine team 11 bit Studios, will be officially revealed around PAX Prime in early September, and released second quarter 2017.", "\n\n\"That's the moment when we're going to announce that, finally, after months of being silent we will be ready to tell you what the game's about,\" Karol Zajaczkowski, RR & marketing manager, told me at Polish conference Digital Dragons 2016.", "\n\nWe haven't heard much about 11 bit's new game since I talked with Zajaczkowski a year ago. ", "Back then he suggested we would hear more in autumn 2015 but we obviously did not.", "\n\n11 bit is still cautious revealing too much information about Industrial but I learned what I could. ", "The key things to know are that Industrial represents a step up in terms of ambition from This War of Mine, and that it is not This War of Mine 2.", "\n\nA year ago there were 40 people at 11 bit and 10-15 were working on Industrial, but now nearly the entire 60-person workforce is beavering away on it. \"", "This War of Mine was still an indie project,\" said Zajaczkowski, \"but right now we are playing in a different league. ", "It's not triple-A yet but I would say our next game is somewhere in-between.\"", "\n\nHe added: \"Just like you said: it's not This War of Mine 2 - we are not planning to make a game like this at the moment. ", "But what both of those games have in common is there will be a lot of serious topics. ", "It's not some simple game you can enjoy playing on the couch. ", "There is something that requires emotional involvement when playing.\"", "\n\nIncidentally, on the topic of a possible TWOM2, he said: \"We are seeing that people are willing to stay in touch with TWOM and it would be a shame to waste that. ", "But again we don't want to go the easiest route, just to make TWOM2, because that's not how we do it.\"", "\n\nWe were joined by Jakub Stokalski, lead designer of Industrial, who had more to say about the new game.", "\n\n\"With the next game we're not really trying to go all out on some super-serious real-world problems,\" he said. \"", "We're building a game for gamers. ", "But at the same time we really believe in meaningful experiences. ", "We don't want to build stuff that is frivolous, stuff you can play around with for an hour and forget about.", "\n\n\"Ideally we want to build experiences that will stay with you and make you ask questions about yourself, about society in general, and the dynamic we currently see today in the world. ", "Not a social or political commentary game but a meaningful and serious game nonetheless.\"", "\n\nThis content is hosted on an external platform, which will only display it if you accept targeting cookies. ", "Please enable cookies to view. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nThis War of Mine's unexpected success set an expectation for the sort of games 11 bit Studios should now produce - because, as Stokalski put it, \"After TWOM, there is no way we can go and build some match-three mobile stuff.\"", "\n\nBut within those expectations there is now more room to manoeuvre, because This War of Mine showed there was an appetite - a profitable appetite - for that kind of game. ", "It means with Industrial 11 bit Studios can push the boundaries even further.", "\n\n\"Today maybe some things with TWOM would be different, but four years ago when we started doing that game, no one actually knew it was going to catch,\" said Zajaczkowski. \"", "Who'd expect that a game that's about suffering, about the emotional toll, would be so popular?\"", "\n\n\"Today we know that people are ready for such games and we know we can push some borders even further. ", "Taking that experience: that's what we're going to put in Industrial, because we know people are ready for serious gaming, for experiencing stuff that's pretty hard for them.\"", "\n\nHe added: \"We want people to quit the game and stare at the wall and think about stuff like, 'Wow, did that just happen? ", "I killed that guy?' ", "That's what we want to happen. ", "Not like you play the game and power-off the console and go to the shop. ", "No - you have to think about it. ", "And right now we know that some borders can move even further.", "\n\n\"For our next game you can expect that we're going to cross some lines that weren't crossed [in TWOM].\"", "\n\nIndustrial won't be set around a real-world topic but it will be about things real people experience. \"", "In this sense it will be based in reality,\" said Stokalski. \"", "It will be a fictional subject about some very real things that we see and hear.\"", "\n\n\"You play 100 survival games and This War of Mine is different,\" said Zajaczkowski, \"and this will happen again here. ", "When you think about a genre it can be 'ah, ah, it's this type of game' - and then you will play it and it will strike you with a lot of different things that haven't been used in that genre ever before.\"", "\n\nIndustrial is currently only being developed for PC \"and we'll see\".", "\n\n11 bit Studios' most recent release was This War of Mine: The Little Ones on console, which I reviewed and Recommended. ", "Nevertheless I thought it could have been grittier and more daring, so it's nice to hear 11 bit is thinking along these lines with Industrial.", "\n\n11 bit is also publishing games now too - games from smaller teams that otherwise may not make it to market. ", "The first of these games is Beat Cop, a pixelated, side-scrolling, '80s-inspired game." ]
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[ "\n567 P.2d 820 (1977)\nIn the Matter of the ESTATE of Austin M. PAINTER, Deceased.", "\nThe COLORADO STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, Beneficiary-Appellant,\nv.\nThe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GREELEY, Colorado, and its counsel, William H. Southard, Personal Representative-Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "76-329.", "\nColorado Court of Appeals, Div. ", "I.\nJuly 21, 1977.", "\n*821 J. D. MacFarlane, Atty. ", "Gen., Jean E. Dubofsky, Deputy Atty. ", "Gen., Edward G. Donovan, Sol. ", "Gen., J. Stephen Phillips, Deputy Atty. ", "Gen., Denver, for beneficiary-appellant.", "\nJack D. Henderson, Denver, for personal representatives-appellees.", "\nSMITH, Judge.", "\nFollowing the administration of the Austin M. Painter estate, valued at approximately one million dollars, the district court awarded the administrator, The First National Bank of Greeley, $39,337 in fees and counsel for the administrator, William H. *822 Southard, $42,000 in fees. ", "On the basis that the duties performed by the administrator and counsel were of a routine nature and involved no legal disputes, a beneficiary of the estate, The State Board of Agriculture, challenges those awards as being excessive. ", "We agree that they were excessive and remand for a redetermination of both awards.", "\nResponding to \"the public outcry over antiquated and expensive probate laws\", Colorado Legislature Council, Research Publication # 194, Colorado Probate Code XXVII (1972), The General Assembly, in 1972, authorized a review of The Colorado Statutes relating to probate and estate administration. ", "That review led the legislative council to conclude:\n\"[T]he [current] system of probate and administration is often unnecessary, inordinately cumbersome, expensive and time consuming . . . .\" ", "Research Publication # 194, supra, at XXVII.", "\nSubsequent to this review, the legislature sought to simplify estate administration procedures and reduce probate costs through the enactment of the Colorado Probate Code § 15-10-101 et seq., ", "C.R.S. 1973. (", "CPC). ", "In furtherance of that objective, the CPC substitutes a standard of reasonableness for the former percentage method of setting fees for personal representatives and attorneys. ", "Compare §§ 15-12-719, 15-12-721, C.R.S. 1973 with C.R.S. 1963, 153-14-16.", "\nThe percentage method which existed in the statute prior to enactment of the CPC was based upon the premise that the amount of work required in estate administration is directly proportional to the value of the assets. ", "See In re Estate of Bloomer, 43 N.J.Super. ", "414, 129 A.2d 35; In re Robinson's Will, 202 Misc. ", "231, 109 N.Y.S.2d 67. ", "The General Assembly recognized the error of this premise when it enacted the CPC, accepting the reality that the duties of a personal representative and those employed by him, if any, vary greatly depending upon numerous factors, only one of which is the monetary value of the estate.", "\nReasonable compensation under the CPC is to be determined by considering certain factors, including but not limited to: (1) the time and labor required, novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and skill required to perform the service properly; (2) the likelihood that other employment will be precluded by acceptance of the particular employment for which fees are sought; (3) the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar services; (4) the amount involved and results obtained; (5) time limitations upon such services as were rendered; (6) and the experience, reputation, and ability of the person performing the services. ", "Section 15-12-721(2), C.R.S. 1973. ", "To determine how these criteria are to be applied and the weight to be given to each in the setting of fees represents the crux of the issue before us.", "\nA multitude of factors determine the complexity and amount of work required of a decedent's personal representative and his counsel such as: location and form of assets; the existence and nature of encumbrances against these assets; claims against the estate; the number and age of heirs or devisees, and whether or not they can be located; the presence of legal issues which invite, or necessitate, litigation; and the complexity of the litigation itself. ", "Hence, the critical question in determining what constitutes a reasonable fee is not how large or small is the estate, see In Re Chieffo's Estate, Sur., ", "86 N.Y.S.2d 343, but rather what actual services were required and rendered. ", "Chase v. Lathrop, 74 Colo. 559, 223 P. 54; McLaughlin v. Old Colony Trust Co., 313 Mass. 329, 47 N.E.2d 276.", "\nWe are aware that some administrations involve extended negotiation or complex litigation and that they require that those responsible possess and exercise greater expertise and training in protecting and zealously representing their clients' interests than if the administration is merely routine. ", "See Code of Professional Responsibility, DR 7-101. ", "Thus, a personal representative or one employed by him in a complex estate should be compensated on a basis which takes into account such expertise. *", "823 In Re Chieffo's Estate, supra. ", "Accordingly, those involved in administering an estate requiring special expertise, such as litigation skills, are entitled to compensation which, in addition to compensating for time spent, gives emphasis to the factor of amount involved and results obtained. ", "See In re Estate of Seabrook, 127 N.J.Super. ", "135, 316 A.2d 698; Wolfe v. Turner, 267 Md. 646, 299 A.2d 106; cf. ", "McLaughlin v. Old Colony Trust Co., supra. ", "On the other hand, services which are routine and require no special expertise or experience should be compensated with more weight being given to the factor of amount of time expended.", "\nHere there is no question but that administration of the Painter estate was routine. ", "There were no novel or difficult questions. ", "The major assets consisted of approximately one million dollars in American Home Products Stock, which is regularly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, U.S. Treasury Bonds, and bank accounts. ", "These assets were at the time of Painter's death, already in the possession of the personal representative, The First National Bank of Greeley. ", "It had served as paid conservator for many years prior to Painter's death. ", "Thus, no marshalling of assets was required. ", "To preserve the value of the estate, the bank performed the relatively simple and painless tasks of selling the stock and purchasing its own certificates of deposit. ", "No search for devisees was required to be undertaken, since all were known. ", "There were no questionable claims against the estate. ", "There was no will contest in which the bank or the counsel for the estate, Mr. Southard, were required to appear. ", "Southard made no appearance in court other than that made at the hearing to set fees. ", "Preparation and filing of tax returns by Southard admittedly could have been accomplished by accountants and involved no substantial difficulties. ", "The distribution of assets pursuant to a court approved stipulation of all the parties was uncomplicated and routine. ", "There was no evidence that employment by the estate precluded any other employment, either for the bank or Southard.", "\nIt is apparent that the two expert witnesses who testified for the bank and Southard as to fees customarily awarded arrived at their opinions using the percentage method that was expressly rejected by the General Assembly when it adopted the CPC.", "\nWe hold that, in setting fees under the CPC, the trial court must consider and weigh all of the factors which the code enumerates.", "\nWe conclude therefore, that the fees awarded to both the administrator and counsel for the administrator, whose services were routine, were excessive.", "\nOrder reversed and cause remanded for a redetermination of fees for both the administrator and counsel in accordance with the views expressed herein.", "\nSILVERSTEIN, C. J., and RULAND, J., concur.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.025, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.06060606060606061, 0.058823529411764705, 0.06666666666666667, 0.05405405405405406, 0.06666666666666667, 0.05, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0.01056338028169014, 0.004273504273504274, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.011627906976744186, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.008097165991902834, 0, 0, 0, 0.06818181818181818, 0 ]
[ "Rust is a fascinating language filled with novel ideas. ", "However, the tooling around the language is still maturing. ", "The seemingly best option for writing Rust appears to be Visual Studio Code with the RLS plugin. ", "It’s a nice setup, but I think there is a slightly more optimal solution utilizing Vim. ", "This post will detail this layout.", "\n\nRust Support\n\nFirst up is getting basic support for Rust. ", "Luckily, the Rust team makes this easy with rust-lang/rust.vim. ", "The rust.vim plugin adds the usual: file detection, syntax highlighting, formatting, etc…\n\nOne novel feature of the plugin is automatic rustfmt on save.", "\n\nlet g:autofmt_autosave = 1\n\nLSP\n\nAfter establishing basic support, the next step is getting access to the RLS. ", "In order to do this you’ll need a plugin to communicate with the language server. ", "In Vim there is Vim-Lsp and for Neovim LanguageClient-Neovim — also works with Vim.", "\n\n\" a basic set up for LanguageClient-Neovim \" << LSP >> {{{ let g:LanguageClient_autoStart = 0\n\nnnoremap <leader>lcs :LanguageClientStart<CR> \" if you want it to turn on automatically\n\n\" let g:LanguageClient_autoStart = 1\n\nlet g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {\n\n\\ 'python': ['pyls'],\n\n\\ 'rust': ['rustup', 'run', 'nightly', 'rls'],\n\n\\ 'javascript': ['javascript-typescript-stdio'],\n\n\\ 'go': ['go-langserver'] }\n\nnoremap <silent> H :call LanguageClient_textDocument_hover()<CR>\n\nnoremap <silent> Z :call LanguageClient_textDocument_definition()<CR>\n\nnoremap <silent> R :call LanguageClient_textDocument_rename()<CR>\n\nnoremap <silent> S :call LanugageClient_textDocument_documentSymbol()<CR>\n\n\" }}}\n\nCompletions\n\nAnother core component to this setup is a completion manager. ", "Neovim has nvim-completion-manager — a great choice, while Vim has YouCompleteMe or Completer.", "\n\nRLS\n\nNow we are starting to get to the meaty part — the RLS, or Rust Language Server. ", "A brief description from the repo is below.", "\n\nThe RLS provides a server that runs in the background, providing IDEs, editors, and other tools with information about Rust programs. ", "It supports functionality such as ‘goto definition’, symbol search, reformatting, and code completion, and enables renaming and refactorings. ", "The RLS gets its source data from the compiler and from Racer. ", "Where possible it uses data from the compiler which is precise and complete. ", "Where its not possible, (for example for code completion and where building is too slow), it uses Racer.", "\n\nThe installation process is easy enough.", "\n\n# get rustup\n\n# don't use hombrew\n\ncurl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh rustup self update # get nightly compiler\n\nrustup update nightly # after nightly installed\n\nrustup component add rls-preview --toolchain nightly\n\nrustup component add rust-analysis --toolchain nightly\n\nrustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly\n\nAfter that, you’ll pass in the commands to your LSP plugin of choice. ", "An example config for LanguageClient-Neovim is provided below.", "\n\nlet g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {\n\n\\ 'rust': ['rustup', 'run', 'nightly', 'rls']\n\n}\n\nOpening a Rust file should now look analogous to below." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.013157894736842105, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.03614457831325301, 0, 0.031914893617021274, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0 ]
[ "Structure-function analyses and molecular modeling of caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase and caffeoyl-CoA-O-methyltransferase: revisiting the basis of alternate methylation pathways during monolignol biosynthesis.", "\nTen protein sequences, each of caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and caffeoyl-coenzyme A-O-methyltransferase (CCoAOMT), catalyzing methylation of precursors of monolignol from selected dicots and monocots have been analyzed and compared on the basis of their amino acid sequence, motifs/domains, three-dimensional (3D) structure, and substrate binding. ", "The isoelectric points of all the COMT and CCoAOMT sequences analyzed were found to vary in the pH range of 5 to 6. ", "Molecular weight analyses suggested CCoAOMT to be smaller monomeric proteins (27-29 kDa) as compared with those of COMTs (39-40 kDa), which were dimeric. ", "On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, COMT and CCoAOMT were clustered into two major groups, each of which could be further divided into two subgroups of monocots and dicots. ", "Modeling and superimposition of COMT and CCoAOMT sequences of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) revealed that both were quite different at the 3D levels, although they had similarity in the core region. ", "Molecular docking of 16 putative substrates (intermediates of monolignol biosynthesis pathway) revealed that both enzymes interact with all 16 substrates in a similar manner, with thiol esters being the most potent and binding of these putative substrates to CCoAOMT being more efficient." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.020512820512820513, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nwhat is the latest version of geckodriver that is stable with windows 7 sp1?", "\n\nIt's official, the site I am testing is only supported in firefox. ", "I need a stable version of geckodriver, and as of this writing...\n geckodriver-v0.11.1-win64.zip\n\nIs not it. ", "Is there extra configuration that is needed with gecko that is native in chrome? ", "Is my system too old for the latest greatest?", "\nThe latest FF is around v46, the latest gecko is running v30\nmy Gemfile.lock\n GEM\nremote: https://rubygems.org/\nspecs:\nactionmailer (4.2.0)\n actionpack (= 4.2.0)\n actionview (= 4.2.0)\n activejob (= 4.2.0)\n mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4)\n rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5)\nactionpack (4.2.0)\n actionview (= 4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n rack (~> 1.6.0)\n rack-test (~> 0.6.2)\n rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5)\n rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1)\nactionview (4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n builder (~> 3.1)\n erubis (~> 2.7.0)\n rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5)\n rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1)\nactivejob (4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n globalid (>= 0.3.0)\nactivemodel (4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n builder (~> 3.1)\nactiverecord (4.2.0)\n activemodel (= 4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n arel (~> 6.0)\nactivesupport (4.2.0)\n i18n (~> 0.7)\n json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7)\n minitest (~> 5.1)\n thread_safe (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.4)\n tzinfo (~> 1.1)\narel (6.0.0)\nbuilder (3.2.2)\ncapybara (2.4.4)\n mime-types (>= 1.16)\n nokogiri (>= 1.3.3)\n rack (>= 1.0.0)\n rack-test (>= 0.5.4)\n xpath (~> 2.0)\nchildprocess (0.5.5)\n ffi (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.11)\ncucumber (1.3.19)\n builder (>= 2.1.2)\n diff-lcs (>= 1.1.3)\n gherkin (~> 2.12)\n multi_json (>= 1.7.5, < 2.0)\n multi_test (>= 0.1.2)\ncucumber-rails (1.4.2)\n capybara (>= 1.1.2, < 3)\n cucumber (>= 1.3.8, < 2)\n mime-types (>= 1.16, < 3)\n nokogiri (~> 1.5)\n rails (>= 3, < 5)\ndiff-lcs (1.2.5)\ndocile (1.1.5)\nerubis (2.7.0)\nffi (1.9.6-x86-mingw32)\ngherkin (2.12.2-x86-mingw32)\n multi_json (~> 1.3)\nglobalid (0.3.3)\n activesupport (>= 4.1.0)\nhike (1.2.3)\ni18n (0.7.0)\njson (1.8.2)\nloofah (2.0.1)\n nokogiri (>= 1.5.9)\nmail (2.6.3)\n mime-types (>= 1.16, < 3)\nmime-types (2.4.3)\nmini_portile (0.6.2)\nminitest (5.5.1)\nmulti_json (1.10.1)\nmulti_test (0.1.2)\nnokogiri (\n mini_portile (~> 0.6.0)\nrack (1.6.0)\nrack-test (0.6.3)\n rack (>= 1.0)\nrails (4.2.0)\n actionmailer (= 4.2.0)\n actionpack (= 4.2.0)\n actionview (= 4.2.0)\n activejob (= 4.2.0)\n activemodel (= 4.2.0)\n activerecord (= 4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n bundler (>= 1.3.0, < 2.0)\n railties (= 4.2.0)\n sprockets-rails\nrails-deprecated_sanitizer (1.0.3)\n activesupport (>= 4.2.0.alpha)\nrails-dom-testing (1.0.5)\n activesupport (>= 4.2.0.beta, < 5.0)\n nokogiri (~> 1.6.0)\n rails-deprecated_sanitizer (>= 1.0.1)\nrails-html-sanitizer (1.0.1)\n loofah (~> 2.0)\nrailties (4.2.0)\n actionpack (= 4.2.0)\n activesupport (= 4.2.0)\n rake (>= 0.8.7)\n thor (>= 0.18.1, < 2.0)\nrake (10.4.2)\nrspec (3.2.0)\n rspec-core (~> 3.2.0)\n rspec-expectations (~> 3.2.0)\n rspec-mocks (~> 3.2.0)\nrspec-core (3.2.1)\n rspec-support (~> 3.2.0)\nrspec-expectations (3.2.0)\n diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)\n rspec-support (~> 3.2.0)\nrspec-mocks (3.2.1)\n diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)\n rspec-support (~> 3.2.0)\nrspec-rails (3.2.1)\n actionpack (>= 3.0, < 4.3)\n activesupport (>= 3.0, < 4.3)\n railties (>= 3.0, < 4.3)\n rspec-core (~> 3.2.0)\n rspec-expectations (~> 3.2.0)\n rspec-mocks (~> 3.2.0)\n rspec-support (~> 3.2.0)\nrspec-support (3.2.2)\nrubyzip (1.1.7)\nselenium-webdriver (2.44.0)\n childprocess (~> 0.5)\n multi_json (~> 1.0)\n rubyzip (~> 1.0)\n websocket (~> 1.0)\nsimplecov (0.9.2)\n docile (~> 1.1.0)\n multi_json (~> 1.0)\n simplecov-html (~> 0.9.0)\nsimplecov-html (0.9.0)\nsprockets (2.12.3)\n hike (~> 1.2)\n multi_json (~> 1.0)\n rack (~> 1.0)\n tilt (~> 1.1, !", "= 1.3.0)\nsprockets-rails (2.2.4)\n actionpack (>= 3.0)\n activesupport (>= 3.0)\n sprockets (>= 2.8, < 4.0)\nsyntax (1.2.0)\nthor (0.19.1)\nthread_safe (0.3.4)\ntilt (1.4.1)\ntzinfo (1.2.2)\n thread_safe (~> 0.1)\nwebsocket (1.2.1)\nxpath (2.0.0)\n nokogiri (~> 1.3)\n\nPLATFORMS\n x86-mingw32\n\nDEPENDENCIES\n capybara\n cucumber\n cucumber-rails\n rails\n rspec\n rspec-rails\n selenium-webdriver\n simplecov\n syntax\n\nA:\n\nThe latest version of FF is 50.0.1 and is only usable with selenium via geckodriver and selenium v3+. ", " For that you'll need to download and place geckodriver in your PATH somewhere. ", " If instead you want to test with FF <= 47.0.1 then you can either stay on selenium v2.53.4 or move to v3 and configure the selenium driver to not use marionette (the new protocol used to control FF 48+) like below.", "\nCapybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|\n Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(\n app,\n browser: :firefox,\n desired_capabilities: Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox(marionette: false)\n )\nend\n\nYou also probably want to update your selenium, there have been a lot of fixes/features added since 2.4.4 and should be backwards compatible\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035016049022468633, 0.0019723865877712033, 0.0125, 0.009302325581395349, 0 ]
[ "/*\n * Written by D.P. Manley, Digital Equipment Corporation.", "\n * Prefixed \"C_\" to BLAS routines and their declarations.", "\n *\n * Modified by T. H. Do, 4/15/98, SGI/CRAY Research.", "\n */\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include \"cblas.h\"\n#include \"cblas_test.h\"\n#define TEST_COL_MJR\t0\n#define TEST_ROW_MJR\t1\n#define UNDEFINED -1\n\nvoid F77_zgemm(int *order, char *transpa, char *transpb, int *m, int *n, \n int *k, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *beta, \n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B, *C;\n int i,j,LDA, LDB, LDC;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transa, transb;\n\n get_transpose_type(transpa, &transa);\n get_transpose_type(transpb, &transb);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (transa == CblasNoTrans) {\n LDA = *k+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX*)malloc((*m)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else {\n LDA = *m+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc(LDA*(*k)*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*k; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*m; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n\n if (transb == CblasNoTrans) {\n LDB = *n+1;\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*k)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX) );\n for( i=0; i<*k; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else {\n LDB = *k+1;\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc(LDB*(*n)*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) {\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ ) {\n C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real;\n C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_zgemm( CblasRowMajor, transa, transb, *m, *n, *k, alpha, A, LDA,\n B, LDB, beta, C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ ) {\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real;\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(B);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zgemm( CblasColMajor, transa, transb, *m, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda,\n b, *ldb, beta, c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zgemm( UNDEFINED, transa, transb, *m, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda,\n b, *ldb, beta, c, *ldc );\n}\nvoid F77_zhemm(int *order, char *rtlf, char *uplow, int *m, int *n,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda,\n\tCBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *beta,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B, *C;\n int i,j,LDA, LDB, LDC;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_SIDE side;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_side_type(rtlf,&side);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (side == CblasLeft) {\n LDA = *m+1;\n A= (CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*m; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else{\n LDA = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDB = *n+1;\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc( (*m)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ ) {\n C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real;\n C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_zhemm( CblasRowMajor, side, uplo, *m, *n, alpha, A, LDA, B, LDB, \n beta, C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ ) {\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real;\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(B);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zhemm( CblasColMajor, side, uplo, *m, *n, alpha, a, *lda, b, *ldb, \n beta, c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zhemm( UNDEFINED, side, uplo, *m, *n, alpha, a, *lda, b, *ldb, \n beta, c, *ldc );\n}\nvoid F77_zsymm(int *order, char *rtlf, char *uplow, int *m, int *n,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda,\n\t CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *beta,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B, *C;\n int i,j,LDA, LDB, LDC;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_SIDE side;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_side_type(rtlf,&side);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (side == CblasLeft) {\n LDA = *m+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*m; j++ )\n A[i*LDA+j]=a[j*(*lda)+i];\n }\n else{\n LDA = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n A[i*LDA+j]=a[j*(*lda)+i];\n }\n LDB = *n+1;\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n B[i*LDB+j]=b[j*(*ldb)+i];\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n C[i*LDC+j]=c[j*(*ldc)+i];\n cblas_zsymm( CblasRowMajor, side, uplo, *m, *n, alpha, A, LDA, B, LDB, \n beta, C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n c[j*(*ldc)+i]=C[i*LDC+j];\n free(A);\n free(B);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zsymm( CblasColMajor, side, uplo, *m, *n, alpha, a, *lda, b, *ldb, \n beta, c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zsymm( UNDEFINED, side, uplo, *m, *n, alpha, a, *lda, b, *ldb, \n beta, c, *ldc );\n}\n\nvoid F77_zherk(int *order, char *uplow, char *transp, int *n, int *k,\n double *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda, \n double *beta, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n\n int i,j,LDA,LDC;\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *C;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (trans == CblasNoTrans) {\n LDA = *k+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else{\n LDA = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*k)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*k; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real;\n C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_zherk(CblasRowMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, *alpha, A, LDA, *beta, \n\t C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) {\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real;\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zherk(CblasColMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, *alpha, a, *lda, *beta, \n\t c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zherk(UNDEFINED, uplo, trans, *n, *k, *alpha, a, *lda, *beta, \n\t c, *ldc );\n}\n\nvoid F77_zsyrk(int *order, char *uplow, char *transp, int *n, int *k,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda, \n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *beta, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n\n int i,j,LDA,LDC;\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *C;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (trans == CblasNoTrans) {\n LDA = *k+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else{\n LDA = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*k)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*k; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real;\n C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_zsyrk(CblasRowMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, A, LDA, beta, \n\t C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) {\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real;\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zsyrk(CblasColMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda, beta, \n\t c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zsyrk(UNDEFINED, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda, beta, \n\t c, *ldc );\n}\nvoid F77_zher2k(int *order, char *uplow, char *transp, int *n, int *k,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda,\n\tCBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb, double *beta,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n int i,j,LDA,LDB,LDC;\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B, *C;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (trans == CblasNoTrans) {\n LDA = *k+1;\n LDB = *k+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ));\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else {\n LDA = *n+1;\n LDB = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc( LDA*(*k)*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc( LDB*(*k)*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*k; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ){\n\t A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc( (*n)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real;\n C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_zher2k(CblasRowMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, A, LDA, \n\t\t B, LDB, *beta, C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) {\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real;\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(B);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zher2k(CblasColMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda, \n\t\t b, *ldb, *beta, c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zher2k(UNDEFINED, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda, \n\t\t b, *ldb, *beta, c, *ldc );\n}\nvoid F77_zsyr2k(int *order, char *uplow, char *transp, int *n, int *k,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, int *lda,\n\t CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *beta,\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) {\n int i,j,LDA,LDB,LDC;\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B, *C;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (trans == CblasNoTrans) {\n LDA = *k+1;\n LDB = *k+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else {\n LDA = *n+1;\n LDB = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc(LDA*(*k)*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc(LDB*(*k)*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*k; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ){\n\t A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDC = *n+1;\n C=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc( (*n)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real;\n C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_zsyr2k(CblasRowMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, A, LDA, \n\t\t B, LDB, beta, C, LDC );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) {\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real;\n c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(B);\n free(C);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_zsyr2k(CblasColMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda, \n\t\t b, *ldb, beta, c, *ldc );\n else\n cblas_zsyr2k(UNDEFINED, uplo, trans, *n, *k, alpha, a, *lda, \n\t\t b, *ldb, beta, c, *ldc );\n}\nvoid F77_ztrmm(int *order, char *rtlf, char *uplow, char *transp, char *diagn,\n int *m, int *n, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, \n int *lda, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb) {\n int i,j,LDA,LDB;\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B;\n enum CBLAS_SIDE side;\n enum CBLAS_DIAG diag;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);\n get_diag_type(diagn,&diag);\n get_side_type(rtlf,&side);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (side == CblasLeft) {\n LDA = *m+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*m; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else{\n LDA = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDB = *n+1;\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_ztrmm(CblasRowMajor, side, uplo, trans, diag, *m, *n, alpha, \n\t\t A, LDA, B, LDB );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ ) {\n b[j*(*ldb)+i].real=B[i*LDB+j].real;\n b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag=B[i*LDB+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(B);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_ztrmm(CblasColMajor, side, uplo, trans, diag, *m, *n, alpha, \n\t\t a, *lda, b, *ldb);\n else\n cblas_ztrmm(UNDEFINED, side, uplo, trans, diag, *m, *n, alpha, \n\t\t a, *lda, b, *ldb);\n}\n\nvoid F77_ztrsm(int *order, char *rtlf, char *uplow, char *transp, char *diagn,\n int *m, int *n, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *a, \n int *lda, CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *b, int *ldb) {\n int i,j,LDA,LDB;\n CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX *A, *B;\n enum CBLAS_SIDE side;\n enum CBLAS_DIAG diag;\n enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo;\n enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans;\n\n get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);\n get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);\n get_diag_type(diagn,&diag);\n get_side_type(rtlf,&side);\n\n if (*order == TEST_ROW_MJR) {\n if (side == CblasLeft) {\n LDA = *m+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc( (*m)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX ) );\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*m; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n else{\n LDA = *n+1;\n A=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*n; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real;\n A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag;\n }\n }\n LDB = *n+1;\n B=(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX* )malloc((*m)*LDB*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_ZOMPLEX));\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ )\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) {\n B[i*LDB+j].real=b[j*(*ldb)+i].real;\n B[i*LDB+j].imag=b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag;\n }\n cblas_ztrsm(CblasRowMajor, side, uplo, trans, diag, *m, *n, alpha, \n\t\t A, LDA, B, LDB );\n for( j=0; j<*n; j++ )\n for( i=0; i<*m; i++ ) {\n b[j*(*ldb)+i].real=B[i*LDB+j].real;\n b[j*(*ldb)+i].imag=B[i*LDB+j].imag;\n }\n free(A);\n free(B);\n }\n else if (*order == TEST_COL_MJR)\n cblas_ztrsm(CblasColMajor, side, uplo, trans, diag, *m, *n, alpha, \n\t\t a, *lda, b, *ldb);\n else\n cblas_ztrsm(UNDEFINED, side, uplo, trans, diag, *m, *n, alpha, \n\t\t a, *lda, b, *ldb);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Order of Ivory Merit\n\nThe Order of Ivory Merit (Ordre du Mérite Ivoirien) is the second highest honorary order of the Ivory Coast created in 1970, and is intended to reward distinguished merits acquired in a public, civil, military or private function.", "\n\nHistory\nThe Order was established on 11 September 1970, replacing the Medal of National Merit. ", "The President of the Republic is Grand Master of the Order.", "\n\nGrades\nThe order does have five levels, of which 3 grades and 2 dignities:\n\n Three grades:\n (Knight): badge worn on left breast suspended from ribbon.", "\n (Officer): badge worn on left breast suspended from a ribbon with a rosette.", "\n (Commander): badge around neck suspended from ribbon necklet.", "\n Two dignities:\n (Grand Officer): badge worn on left breast suspended from a ribbon, with star displayed on right breast.", "\n (Grand Cross): the highest level; badge affixed to sash worn over the right shoulder, with star displayed on left breast.", "\n\nInsignia\nThe badge of the order is a five-pointed green star that is placed on an inverted five-pointed white star. ", "The obverse central disc of the badge is a gold medallion that features an elephant in the middle with two palm branches on both sides. ", "The disc is surrounded by a red enamel ring with the motto \"IVOIRIAN MERIT\" in French (MÉRITE IVOIRIEN). ", "There is an elevation in the form of two golden palm leaves with white veins.", "\n\nThe star of the Order has long golden or silver rays and no laurel wreath. ", "The badge is placed in the middle of the star.", "\n\nThe ribbon is yellow with a wide green center line and narrower side stripes.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Ivorian awards" ]
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[ "TECFIDERA™ has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). ", "TECFIDERA™ contains dimethyl fumarate (DMF), which has the following structure:\n\nThe starting dose for TECFIDERA™ is 120 mg twice a day orally. ", "After 7 days, the dose is to be increased to the maintenance dose of 240 mg twice a day orally. ", "TECFIDERA™ can be taken with or without food.", "\nThere is currently no FDA approved once a day dosing regimen, i.e., QD dosing, for DMF. ", "One objective of the present invention is to develop a formulation (e.g., a unit dosage form) that is suitable for once a day dosing." ]
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[ "Del City Grandfather Accused Of Killing Grandson\n\nSaturday, March 22nd 2014, 11:39 pm\n\nBy: News 9\n\nA Del City man sits in jail Saturday night after police say he shot and killed his 15-year-old grandson.", "\n\nOfficers say the man was naked and delusional when they arrested him Friday night. ", "Family of Lochinvar Caldwell say the deadly shooting was out of his character. ", "He was a kind, churchgoing former Marine, who took care his two teenage grandkids. ", "But relatives say something snapped.", "\n\n\"My cousin LC, that wasn't him,\" said Felicia Marzett.", "\n\nDel City Police described 57-year-old Lochinvar Caldwell as irrational and violent when they arrested him Friday night. ", "Hours before, Marzett said something sounded off with him.", "\n\n\"When I called and he did not know who I was, I knew something was wrong, and that's when I called two other cousins and was like, ‘Something is wrong. ", "He has gone crazy.' ", "And when I said it, it wasn't a joke,\" she said.", "\n\nNo joke that neighbors say Caldwell went on a rampage.", "\n\n\"He went toward his house and then came running back, took his robe off. ", "Then he was naked and he started hitting my dad,\" said 14-year-old Laura Munoz, who has lived next door to Caldwell for 10 years on Eagle Drive.", "\n\nShe says Caldwell randomly attacked her father Refugio Munoz. ", "He started yelling at him, told him to get on the floor of his driveway, socked him and then stormed off into another neighbor's home.", "\n\n\"He never talked to me before. ", "It was really weird last night. ", "I tried to go back inside my house, but he didn't give me a chance,\" said Refugio Munoz. \"", "He was right over on me and started punching then I started wobbling because he hit me really hard. ", "You can see how he hit my eyes and my lips.\"", "\n\nMeanwhile, Munoz says Caldwell's 17-year-old granddaughter was lying in the middle of the road covered in a sheet. ", "Neighbors called police, and it wasn't until officers arrived around 10:30 p.m. when Caldwell's granddaughter told police everything.", "\n\n\"As soon as they got him detained, the 17-year-old female told our officers that my 15-year-old brother is in the house and was murdered earlier today by this individual,\" said Maj. ", "Jody Suit of Del City Police.", "\n\n\"We know that all day long, she stayed with him, out of fear for her own life. ", "She didn't want to flee because she felt he might take her life too.\"", "\n\nInvestigators found 15 year-old, Jaquelin Caldwell dead in a bedroom from a gunshot wound. ", "Police were told he was shot around 7 or 8 a.m.\n\n\"It's very unusual, I can't recall ever working a case like that before, and nowadays a lot of grandparents are raising their grandchildren,\" said Suit, who has been with Del City Police for 25 years.", "\n\n\"The granddaughter told us that her grandfather started acting delusional around 1 a.m. the day before, so we believe it started from that morning and ended at 10:30 p.m. the following night, so that's a lot of hours for this to be going on.\"", "\n\nDel City detectives are interviewing more of Caldwell's relatives and say his granddaughter is now staying with an aunt. ", "Marzett says the girl is doing fine and the family is trying to cope the best way they can.", "\n\n\"It's hard. ", "I mean he's a kid, you think about, he's a baby. ", "So like family is dealing with it, it's a lot of prayer,\" she said.", "\n\nCaldwell was taken to the hospital to be checked out and police took a blood test before booking him in the Oklahoma County Jail." ]
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[ "package restful\n\n// Copyright 2013 Ernest Micklei. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a license\n// that can be found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\nimport \"net/http\"\n\n// A RouteSelector finds the best matching Route given the input HTTP Request\ntype RouteSelector interface {\n\n\t// SelectRoute finds a Route given the input HTTP Request and a list of WebServices.", "\n\t// It returns a selected Route and its containing WebService or an error indicating\n\t// a problem.", "\n\tSelectRoute(\n\t\twebServices []*WebService,\n\t\thttpRequest *http.", "Request) (selectedService *WebService, selected *Route, err error)\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAre all line integrals zero by divergence theorem?", "\n\nSuppose there is a vector field A. Now the line integral over some curve c equals double integration of curl A over surface S enclosed by C. Now if we put the divergence theorem in this then it becomes triple integral of divergence of curl Adv over the volume enclosed by the surface. ", "Now divergence of curl of vector A becomes zero. ", " Now so the volume integral should be zero. ", "So the surface and line integral is also zero. ", "So we can do this for any line integral (where the vector is defined in the surface). ", "So does it imply all line integrals are zero. ", "Where am I doing the mistake? ", "Sorry for mathjax.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn order to apply the divergence theorem, your surface $S$ needs to enclose a solid. ", " This, in particular, implies that $S$ itself has no boundary. ", " But using Stokes's theorem relates the integral over a surface to an integral over its boundary. ", " Thus, there is no surface $S$ for which both theorems apply.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A New York Times story reports Trump told the White House’s top lawyer to stop Jeff Sessions from recusing himself in the Russia investigation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ntime/clock always on?", "\n\nI need to have the time/clock on for about 30 mins. ", "Just the time I can see in dark. ", "The screen doesn't turn off.", "\nIs there any application or way I can have the time on for xx minutes in case I need it?", "\nHTC Desire on Android 2.1\n\nA:\n\nKeepscreen can let you choose some applications and select a specific screen timeout for each of them. ", "So you could just set the Clock application with the \"no timeout\" option.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Syria Hacker Attacks News Monitoring Service\n\nA top Iranian general has warned the U.S. that his forces are prepared for any potential military action as President Donald Trump threatens to escalate his campaign against Tehran.", "\nMajor General Iranian Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, chief of staff for Iran…\n\nAn Israeli minister has struck back against European criticism surrounding attacks on protesters demonstrating against Israeli violence in Gaza.", "\nIsrael's deadly response to recent Palestinian protests against the Israeli and U.S. governments has drawn …\n\nBritain must be prepared to launch cyber attacks on enemies or risk “falling behind” in modern warfare, the head of defence intelligence has warned.", "\nAir Marshal Phil Osborn warned that online offensives could have “nationally crippling effects in minutes …\n\nThe Cyber and Tech Overnights are joining forces to give you Hillicon Valley, The Hill's new comprehensive newsletter detailing all you need to know about the tech and cyber news from Capitol Hill to Silicon Valley.", "\nWelcome! ", "Follow the cyber team, …\n\nTwo men have been charged for their involvement in a plot to commit computer hacking as members of the Syrian Electronic Army.", "\nA federal grand jury has returned an 11-count indictment against two Syrian men, who have been charged with multiple counts of …\n\nALEXANDRIA, Va. — Two hackers who prosecutors said promoted the Syrian government by compromising media coverage were indicted Thursday in federal court on 11 counts of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.", "\nAhmad Umar Agha, known online as the \" …\n\nA jury indicted two Syrians for crimes stemming from a hacking campaign that aimed to steal login credentials and alter or remove news stories about Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.", "\nJames Martin/CNET\nTwo Syrian nationals faced an indictment Thursday for …\n\nMay, 17 2018\nAuthor: Thema Newsroom\nISIS has threatened to behead Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in sickening new posters warning of attacks at the World Cup.", "\nThe two superstars are shown in a mocked-up image pinned down on the pitch in a packed …\n\nPreston’s city council is thwarting dozens of attempts to breach its cyber-security every single day, lead officers have said.", "\nThe threat posed by would-be hackers has been revealed in the results of a study set up in the wake of the crippling attack on …\n\nIsis’ propaganda machine has been hit by an unprecedented multinational cyber campaign, but the terrorist group is still managing to reach thousands of its followers.", "\nBritish security services were involved in the assault targeting websites hosting its …\n\nPhoto Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia\nU.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo\nU.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday unveiled the next steps in the process following America’s withdrawal from the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran, in an address on …\n\nAn accused Islamic terrorist who allegedly yelled 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked his neighbour with a hunting knife likened the stabbing to eating a chocolate bar in a chilling police interview.", "\nIhsas Khan was charged with committing a terrorist …\n\nThe broadcasting watchdog has opened three new investigations into a Kremlin backed TV channel over “impartiality” on issues including the wars in Syria and Ukraine.", "\nIt brings the number of ongoing Ofcom probes into RT, formerly Russia Today, to 11.", "\n“We …\n\nIran has said that if the US reimposes sanctions it may resume enriching uranium, potentially putting it back on a path towards conflict with the US, Israel and its Arab rivals like Saudi Arabia.", "\nIsraeli officials said Sunday that they still did not …\n\nClamouring against Russia: The Cyber Attack\nPlatform\nIn a time when such revelations as those of Edward\nSnowden pass a person’s lips with ease and awareness,\npolitical clamouring for action and measures against Russia\non the subject of cyber attack seem …\n\nI just watched “The Darkest Hour,\" the movie about how Winston Churchill had to get Britain to prepare itself for a long fight with Hitler’s Germany. ", "It made me think about what would we do in Bakersfield, or in the country as a whole, if we were to …\n\nThe NHS is not ready for another cyber attack, MPs have warned. ", "It follows the attack on NHS computers in May 2017 which forced hospital managers to cancel almost 20,000 appointments and operations. ", "The Department of Health and NHS bodied “have a lot of …\n\nBritain's armed forces are ill-equipped to handle the increasing threat of cyber attacks from Russia and a new era of \"electronic warfare\" because of a shortage of intelligence experts, a new report has suggested.", "\nThe National Audit Office …\n\nFeatured Releases\n\nTechnology for Social Impact (TSI) Group by Microsoft makes it easier & more cost-efficient for nonprofits to adopt the latest technology.", "\nMISSISSAUGA, ON, CANADA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- There are many nonprofits out there that …\n\nThe report thoroughly analyzes the most crucial details of the Global Antivirus Software Market with the help of an in-depth and professional analysis.", "\nPUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- An antivirus scans a computer …\n\nGulf Breeze, Florida, May 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deciphering the ins and outs of Microsoft’s newest offering, Microsoft 365, can be a daunting task for managed service providers (MSPs).", "\nAppRiver is up for the challenge.", "\nThe leading cloud …\n\nOnline News Monitoring Made Simple\n\nEstablished in 1995, EIN Newsdesk helps millions of users track breaking news across thousands of trusted websites. ", "Users may set up custom email newsletters and RSS feeds or search among thousands of preset news sections. ", "As a member, you may also submit your own news using the EIN Presswire distribution service. ", "Membership is free and we do not sell or lease any information about you. ", "Press release distribution, dedicated APIs, and custom services generate the revenue that allow us to offer you free basic access.", "\n\nNews by Country & by Industry\n\nWorldwide News Coverage\n\nTrack news across more than 5,000 sources by country or industry or search our real-time news index.", "\n\nIT Industry Press Releases\n\nThe report thoroughly analyzes the most crucial details of the Global Antivirus Software Market with the help of an in-depth and professional analysis.", "\nPUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- An antivirus scans a computer …\n\nThe report is an in-depth study of the key dynamics of the global Wi-Fi Analytics market.", "\nPUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) is a technology that uses radio waves to provide network …\n\nThe report is an all-inclusive analysis of the various factors driving the growth of the BFSI Security market.", "\nPUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- The BFSI Security Market report offers a deep and extensive view of this …\n\nTechnology for Social Impact (TSI) Group by Microsoft makes it easier & more cost-efficient for nonprofits to adopt the latest technology.", "\nMISSISSAUGA, ON, CANADA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- There are many nonprofits out there that …\n\nbeSOURCE® can identify security vulnerabilities in source code during development to help users harden applications from the inside\nSAN JOSE, CA, UNITED STATES, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ --\nSan Jose, CA - beSOURCE® was named as one of …\n\nPower Monitoring Market Forecast 2022\nPUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- Power Monitoring Market has been included to our repository. ", "One of the leading factors pouring the expansion of this market is the growing …\n\nThe Global Smart Worker Market Report includes a comprehensive analysis of the present market.", "\nHOUSTON, TX, UNITED STATES, May 24, 2018 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ -- Smart Worker Market projected to grow at CAGR of +16% from 2018 to 2023\nThe …\n\nIT Events & Conferences\n\nToday’s organisations are harnessing technology-led innovation to meet customer needs. ", "How to capitalise on this innovation while maintaining the security of their users, data and applications is a top-of-mind concern.", "\nJoin us on 25 May to find out how Palo Alto Networks ® is disrupting the cybersecurity status quo. ", "Meet subject matter experts and industry leaders in a half-day seminar about the evolution of cybersecurity.", "\nLearn how the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform, powered by automation and artificial intelligence, helps prevent successful cyberattacks. ", "Get up to speed with the latest network, cloud and endpoint security innovations, and leave with new ideas to better protect your business.", "\n3.30 p.m.\n4.00 p.m.\nWelcome & Opening\n4.10 p....\n\nMicrosoft's legacy of delivering critical business capabilities to the Enterprise is unparalleled. ", "Microsoft has built on this legacy with Microsoft Azure ® to deliver the premier public cloud most trusted by Enterprise customers. ", "The depth and breadth of services available, global scale and ease of use of Microsoft Azure ® have become the foundation for customers looking to transform their business.", "\nHowever, cyber criminals have added public cloud workloads to their target list and they know how to look for weaknesses. ", "Don't let them find one.", "\nJoin Palo Alto Networks ® to learn how you can securely extend your corporate data center into Azure ® using our next-generation firewall and advanced threat prevention features. ", "Our security experts will cover the following:\n\nSaaS adoption in your organisation is happening, whether you know it or not, and it's putting you at risk of costly data leakage.", "\nHere's a great chance to learn how to prevent against data exposure - enabling you to enhance your organisation's SaaS security strategy.", "\n\nJoin us for the Ultimate Test Drive, where you'll get hands-on experience\nExperience our superior security platform, and enhance your knowledge of how to prevent against advanced threats at all points of the network. ", "You will learn how to:\n\nFeatured speakers include the United States Secret Service (USSS) and Microsoft.", "\nBreak out of the cybersecurity status quo. ", "Meet subject matter experts and industry executives in a half day summit to learn about the evolution of cybersecurity and why the model is ready for disruption." ]
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[ "#\n# shift_jis.py: Python Unicode Codec for SHIFT_JIS\n#\n# Written by Hye-Shik Chang <perky@FreeBSD.org>\n#\n\nimport _codecs_jp, codecs\nimport _multibytecodec as mbc\n\ncodec = _codecs_jp.getcodec('shift_jis')\n\nclass Codec(codecs.", "Codec):\n encode = codec.encode\n decode = codec.decode\n\nclass IncrementalEncoder(mbc.", "MultibyteIncrementalEncoder,\n codecs.", "IncrementalEncoder):\n codec = codec\n\nclass IncrementalDecoder(mbc.", "MultibyteIncrementalDecoder,\n codecs.", "IncrementalDecoder):\n codec = codec\n\nclass StreamReader(Codec, mbc.", "MultibyteStreamReader, codecs.", "StreamReader):\n codec = codec\n\nclass StreamWriter(Codec, mbc.", "MultibyteStreamWriter, codecs.", "StreamWriter):\n codec = codec\n\ndef getregentry():\n return codecs.", "CodecInfo(\n name='shift_jis',\n encode=Codec().encode,\n decode=Codec().decode,\n incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder,\n incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder,\n streamreader=StreamReader,\n streamwriter=StreamWriter,\n )\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'In [@BF12] the authors associated to a knot $K\\subset S^3$ an invariant $n_\\R(K)$ which is defined using the Blanchfield form and which gives a lower bound on the unknotting number. ", "In this paper we express $n_\\R(K)$ in terms of Levine–Tristram signatures and nullities of $K$. In the proof we also show that the Blanchfield form for any knot $K$ is diagonalizable over $\\realt$.'\naddress:\n- 'Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland'\n- |\n Mathematisches Institut\\\n Universität zu Köln\\\n Germany\nauthor:\n- Maciej Borodzik\n- Stefan Friedl\ndate: 03 July 2012\ntitle: The unknotting number and classical invariants II\n---\n\n[^1]\n\nsubjclassname@1991=subjclassname@2000=\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nLet $K\\subset S^3$ be a knot. ", "Throughout this paper we assume that all knots are oriented. ", "We denote by $X(K)=S^3\\sm\\nu K$ its exterior. ", "The Blanchfield form (see [@Bl57] and also Section \\[section:blanchfield\\] below) is the linking form on the Alexander module $H_1(X(K),\\zt)$, i.e. a non-singular hermitian form $$\\l(K)\\colon H_1(X(K),\\zt)\\times H_1(X(K),\\zt)\\to \\Q(t)/\\zt.$$ In [@BF12] we denoted by $n(K)$ the minimal size of a hermitian matrix $A(t)$ over $\\zt$, which represents the Blanchfield form and such that $A(1)$ is diagonalizable over $\\Z$. We then showed that $n(K)$ is a lower bound on the unknotting number $u(K)$. Unfortunately $n(K)$ is in general hard to compute. ", "The weaker invariant $n_\\R(K)$ is the minimal size of a square matrix over $\\realt$, which represents the Blanchfield form over $H_1(X(K);\\realt)$. In this paper we will show that $n_\\R(K)$ is determined by the Levine-Tristram signatures and the nullities of $K$.\n\nBefore we state the main result of the paper, let us recall that for a knot $K$ with Seifert matrix $V$ and $z\\in S^1$ the Levine-Tristram signature [@Le69; @Tr69] is defined as $$\\s_K(z)=\\sign(V(1-z)+V^t(1-z^{-1})).$$ Furthermore, for $z\\in \\C\\sm \\{0,1\\}$ the nullity is defined as $$\\eta_K(z)=\\null(V(1-z)+V^t(1-z^{-1})),$$ and we extend this definition to $z=1$ by setting $\\eta_K(1)=0$. It is well-known that these definitions do not depend on the choice of a Seifert matrix. ", "These invariants now give rise to the following two invariants which will play a prominent role in this paper: $$\\ba{rl}\n\\mu(K)&:=\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\eta_K(z)+\\s_K(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1\\}+\\max\\{ \\eta_K(z)-\\s_K(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1\\}\\right)\\\\\n\\eta(K)&:=\\max\\{ \\eta_K(z) \\, |\\, z\\in\\C\\sm \\{0\\}\\}.", "\n\\ea$$ It is straightforward, see Lemma \\[lem:easy\\], to show that $\\mu(K)$ and $\\eta(K)$ are lower bounds on $n_\\R(K)$. Our main theorem is now the following result, first announced in [@BF12], which says that $n_\\R(K)$ is in fact determined by $\\mu(K)$ and $\\eta(K)$.\n\n\\[thm3\\]\\[mainthm\\] For any knot $K$ we have $$n_\\R(K)=\\max\\{\\mu(K),\\eta(K)\\}.$$\n\nSince $V(1-z)+V^t(1-z^{-1})=(Vz-V^t)(z^{-1}-1)$ and $\\Delta_K(z)=\\det(Vz-V^t)$ it follows that $\\eta(K)$ is determined by the values of $\\eta_K$ at the set of zeros of $\\Delta_K(t)$. Similarly we will show (see Proposition \\[prop:maxoncircle\\]) that $\\mu(K)$ is determined by the values of $\\s_K$ and $\\eta_K$ at the zeros of $\\Delta_K(t)$ on the unit circle.", "\n\nWe denote by $W(\\Q(t))$ the Witt group of hermitian non-singular forms $\\Q(t)^r\\times \\Q(t)^r\\to \\Q(t)$. Livingston [@Li11] introduced the knot invariant $$\\rho(K):=\\ba{c}\\mbox{minimal size of a hermitian matrix $A(t)$}\\\\\n\\mbox{representing $(1-t)V_K+(1-t^{-1})V_K^t$ in $W(\\Q(t))$}\\ea$$ and showed that it is a lower bound on the 4-genus. ", "Furthermore Livingston showed that $\\rho(K)$ can be determined using the Levine-Tristram signature function. ", "This result is related in spirit to our result that $n_\\R(K)$ is a lower bound on the unknotting number and that $n_\\R(K)$ can be determined using Levine-Tristram signatures and nullities.", "\n\nThere are two main ingredients in the proof of Theorem \\[mainthm\\]. ", "The first one is that the Blanchfield form over $\\R$ can be represented by a diagonal matrix, see Section \\[section:diag\\]. ", "The other one is the Decomposition Theorem in Section \\[section:decomp\\] which is used twice in the proof of Theorem \\[thm3\\]. ", "More precisely, we first show that the Blanchfield form can be represented by an elementary diagonal matrix $E$ in Section \\[section:basicdiagonal\\]. ", "We then use the Decomposition Theorem to carefully rearrange terms on the diagonal of $E$ so as to decrease its size to exactly $n_\\R$. This is done in Section \\[section:conclusion\\].", "\n\nTo conclude the introduction we point out that passing from a matrix $A(t)$ representing the Blanchfield form to an elementary diagonal matrix $E(t)$ (see Section \\[section:basicdiagonal\\]) is closely related to the classification of isometric structures over $\\R$ done in [@Mi69] (see also [@Neu82; @Ne95]). ", "For example, there is a one-to-one correspondence between indecomposable parts of isometric structures over $\\R$ and polynomials occurring on the diagonal of $E(t)$. We refer to [@BN13] for other applications of this classification in knot theory.", "\n\nAcknowledgment. {#", "acknowledgment. ", ".unnumbered}\n---------------\n\nWe wish to think Andrew Ranicki and Alexander Stoimenow for helpful conversations. ", "We are especially grateful to the referee for very carefully reading an earlier version of this paper. ", "The authors also would like to thank the Renyi Institute of Mathematics for hospitality.", "\n\nBlanchfield forms {#sec:gbf}\n=================\n\nIn this section we review some definitions and results from our earlier paper [@BF12].", "\n\nBlanchfield forms {#section:tbp}\n-----------------\n\n\\[section:blanchfield\\]\n\nLet $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring. ", "We denote by $$p(t)\\mapsto \\ol{p(t)}:=p(t^{-1})$$ the usual involution on $\\rt$. Throughout the paper we will denote the quotient field of $\\rt$ by $Q_R(t)$. The involution on $\\rt$ extends in a canonical way to an involution on $Q_R(t)$. We will henceforth always view $\\rt$ and $Q_R(t)$ as rings with involution. ", "Given an $\\rt$-module $M$ we will denote by $\\ol{M}$ the module with the ‘involuted’ $\\rt$-module structure, i.e. given $p(t)\\in\\rt$ and $m$ in the abelian group $\\ol{M}=M$ we define the $\\rt$-module structure in $\\ol{M}$ by $p(t)\\cdot m:=p(t^{-1})\\cdot m$, where the multiplication on the right hand side is given by the multiplication in the $\\rt$-module $M$.\n\nA *Blanchfield form* over $\\rt$ is a hermitian non-singular form $$\\lambda\\colon H\\times H\\to Q_R(t)/\\rt,$$ where $H$ is a finitely generated torsion $\\rt$-module. ", "Recall, that a form is called *hermitian* if $$\\l(a,p_1b_1+p_2b_2)=\\l(a,b_1)p_1+\\l(a,b_2)p_2 \\mbox{ for any }a,b_1,b_2\\in H\\mbox{ and any }p_1,p_2\\in \\rt,$$ and if $$\\l(a_1,a_2)=\\ol{\\l(a_2,a_1)}\\mbox{ for any }a_1,a_2\\in H.$$ Also, a form is called *non-singular* if the map $$\\ba{rcl} H&\\to& \\ol{\\hom(H,Q_R(t)/\\rt)} \\\\\na&\\mapsto & \\l(a,b) \\ea$$ is an isomorphism.", "\n\nBlanchfield forms and hermitian matrices {#section:class}\n----------------------------------------\n\nLet $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring. ", "Given a hermitian $n\\times n$ matrix $A$ over $\\rt$ with $\\det(A)\\ne 0$ we denote by $\\lambda(A)$ the form $$\\ba{rcl} \\rt^n/A\\rt^n \\times \\rt^n/A\\rt^n&\\to & Q_R(t)/\\rt \\\\\n(a,b) &\\mapsto & \\ol{a}^t A^{-1} b,\\ea$$ where we view $a,b$ as represented by column vectors in $\\rt^n$. Note that $\\lambda(A)$ is a Blanchfield form, i.e. it is a hermitian, non-singular form. ", "The following result due to Ranicki [@Ra81] says that in fact all Blanchfield forms are isomorphic to some $\\lambda(A)$.\n\nLet $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring. ", "Given a Blanchfield form $\\l$ over $\\rt$ there exists a hermitian matrix $A$ with $\\det(A)\\ne 0$ such that $\\l\\cong \\l(A)$.\n\nThe proposition is an immediate consequence of [@Ra81 Proposition 1.7.1] together with [@Ra81 Proposition 3.4.3].", "\n\nWe will often appeal to the following result which also follows from work of Ranicki’s [@Ra81]:\n\n\\[prop:ra81\\] Let $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring and let $A$ and $B$ be hermitian matrices over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(A)\\ne 0$ and $\\det(B)\\ne 0$. Then $\\lambda(A)$ and $\\lambda(B)$ are isometric forms if and only if $A$ and $B$ are related by a sequence of the following three moves:\n\nreplace $C$ by $PC\\ol{P}^t$ where $P$ is a matrix over $\\rt$ with $\\det(P)$ a unit in $\\rt$,\n\nreplace $C$ by the block sum $C\\oplus D$ where $D$ is a hermitian matrix over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(D)$ is a unit in $\\rt$,\n\nthe inverse of $(2)$.\n\nThe ‘if’ direction of the proposition is elementary, whereas the ‘only if’ direction is an immediate consequence of results in [@Ra81]. ", "Since the language in [@Ra81] is somewhat different we will quickly outline how the proposition follows from Ranicki’s result.", "\n\nWe first note that any hermitian $n\\times n$-matrix $C$ over $\\rt$ with $\\det(C)\\ne 0$ defines a symmetric non-degenerate hermitian form $$\\ba{rcl} \\Phi(C)\\co \\rt^n\\times \\rt^n&\\mapsto & \\rt \\\\\n(v,w)&\\mapsto& \\ol{v}^t Cw.\\ea$$ It is clear that if $C$ and $D$ are two matrices with non-zero determinants, then $\\Phi(C)$ and $\\Phi(D)$ are isometric if and only if there exists a matrix $P$ over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(P)$ is a unit and such that $C=PD\\ol{P}^t$.\n\nNow suppose that $A$ and $B$ are two hermitian matrices over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(A)\\ne 0$ and $\\det(B)\\ne 0$ and such that $\\lambda(A)\\cong \\lambda(B)$. It then follows from [@Ra81 Proposition 1.7.1] together with [@Ra81 Proposition 3.4.3] that there exist hermitian matrices $X$ and $Y$ over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(X)$ and $\\det(Y)$ are units and such that $\\Phi(A\\oplus X)$ and $\\Phi(B\\oplus Y)$ are isometric. ", "The proposition follows from the above observation on isometric hermitian forms.", "\n\nDefinition of the Blanchfield Form dimension $n_R(\\l)$.\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe are now ready to give the key definition of this paper. ", "Let $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring. ", "Given a Blanchfield form $\\l$ over $\\rt$ we define $$n_R(\\l):=\\begin{tabular}{c}\\mbox{minimal size of a hermitian matrix $A$ over $\\rt$ with $\\l(A)\\cong \\l$}\\\\\n\\mbox{and such that $A(1)$ is diagonalizable over $R$.}\\end{tabular}$$ If no such matrix $A$ exists, then we write $n_R(\\l):=\\infty$.\n\nNote that given a hermitan matrix $A(t)$ over $\\rt$ the matrix $A(1)$ is symmetric. ", "Since any symmetric matrix over $\\R$ is diagonalizable it now follows that for a Blanchfield form $\\l$ over $\\realt$ we have $$n_{\\R}(\\l):=\\mbox{minimal size of a hermitian matrix $A$ over $\\realt$ with $\\l(A)\\cong \\l$}.$$\n\nThe Blanchfield forms of a knot in $S^3$\n----------------------------------------\n\nNow let $K\\subset S^3$ be a knot and let $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring. ", "We consider the following sequence of maps: \\[equ:defbl\\] H\\_1(X(K);)&& H\\_1(X(K),X(K);)\\\n&&\\\n&&.Here the first map is the inclusion induced map, the second map is Poincaré duality, the third map comes from the long exact sequence in cohomology corresponding to the coefficients $0\\to \\rt\\to Q_R(t)\\to Q_R(t)/\\rt\\to 0$, and the last map is the evaluation map. ", "All these maps are isomorphisms and we thus obtain a non-singular form $$\\ba{rcl} \\lambda_R(K)\\colon H_1(X(K);\\rt)\\times H_1(X(K);\\rt)&\\to& Q_R(t)/\\rt\\\\\n(a,b)&\\mapsto & \\Phi(a)(b),\\ea$$ called the *Blanchfield form of $K$ with $\\rt$-coefficients*. ", "It is well-known, see e.g. [@Bl57], that this form is hermitian, i.e. it is in fact a Blanchfield form in the above sense. ", "If $R=\\Z$ then we just write $\\l(K)=\\l_{\\Z}(K)$ and refer to $\\l(K)$ as the Blanchfield form of $K$.\n\nWe now turn to the study of the Blanchfield Form dimension of $\\l(K)$. Given a subring $R\\subset \\R$ we define $$n_R(K):=n_R(\\l_R(K)).$$ Furthermore, if $\\S$ is a Seifert surface of genus $g$ for $K$ then we can pick a basis of $H_1(\\S;\\Z)$ such that the corresponding Seifert matrix $V$ has the property that $V-V^t=\\bp 0 & \\id_g\\\\ -\\id_g & 0 \\ep$. Then the hermitian matrix $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\label{equ:akt}\nA(t)=\\bp (1-t^{-1})^{-1}\\id_g &0\\\\ 0&\\id_g \\ep V \\bp \\id_g&0\\\\0&(1-t)\\id_g\\ep +\\\\\n+\\bp \\id_g &0 \\\\ 0&(1-t^{-1})\\id_g \\ep V^t\\bp (1-t)^{-1}\\id_g &0 \\\\ 0&\\id_g\n\\ep\\end{gathered}$$ has the property that $\\l_R(A(t))\\cong \\l_R(K)$. Note that $A(1)$ is not necessarily diagonalizable, but the diagonal sum $A(1)\\oplus (1)$ or $A(1)\\oplus (-1)$ is non-singular and indefinite, hence diagonalizable. ", "We thus see that $n_R(K)\\leq 2g+1$. See [@Ko89 Section 4] or [@BF12 Section 2.2] for the details.", "\n\nFollowing H. Murakami [@Mu90] we consider the algebraic unknotting number $u_a(K)$ of $K$, i.e. the minimal number of crossing changes needed to turn $K$ into a knot with trivial Alexander polynomial. ", "We then have the following inequalities $$n_R(K)\\leq n_{\\Z}(K)=u_a(K)\\leq u(K).$$ The first and the last inequality follow almost immediately from the definitions. ", "The fact that $n_\\Z(K)\\leq u_a(K)$ was proved in [@BF12]. ", "The converse inequality is shown in [@BF13].", "\n\nStatement of the main theorem {#section:statementmainthm}\n-----------------------------\n\nGiven a hermitian matrix $A$ over $\\rt$ and $z\\in S^1$ we define $$\\s_A(z):= \\sign(A(z))-\\sign(A(1))$$ and given any $z\\in \\C\\sm \\{0\\}$ we define $$\\eta_A(z):=\\null(A(z)).$$ Furthermore we define $$\\ba{rl}\n\\mu(A)&=\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\eta_A(z)+\\s_A(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1\\}+\\max\\{ \\eta_A(z)-\\s_A(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1\\}\\right)\\\\\n\\eta(A)&=\\max\\{ \\eta_A(z) \\, |\\, z\\in\\C\\sm \\{0\\}\\}.", "\n\\ea$$ We can now formulate the following corollary to Proposition \\[prop:ra81\\].", "\n\n\\[cor:ltdefined\\] Let $R\\subset \\R$ be a subring and let $A$ and $B$ be hermitian matrices over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(A(1))$ and $\\det(B(1))$ are non-zero. ", "If $\\lambda(A)$ and $\\lambda(B)$ are isometric, then for any $z\\in S^1$ we have $$\\s_A(z)=\\s_B(z)$$ and for any $z\\in \\C\\sm \\{0\\}$ we have $$\\eta_A(z)=\\eta_B(z).$$\n\nThe first claim concerning nullity is an immediate consequence of Proposition \\[prop:ra81\\]. ", "We now turn to the proof of the claim regarding signatures. ", "First suppose that $B=PA\\ol{P}^t$ where $P$ is a matrix over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(P)$ is a unit in $\\rt$, i.e. $\\det(P)=rt^i$ for some $r\\ne 0\\in R$ and $i\\in \\Z$. Note that $\\det(P(z))\\ne 0$ for any $z$. We calculate $$\\ba{rcl} \\s_B(z)&=&\\sign(B(z))-\\sign(B(1))\\\\\n&=& \\sign(P(z)A(z)\\ol{P(z)}^t)-\\sign(P(1)A(1)P(1)^t)\\\\\n&=&\\sign(A(z))-\\sign(A(1))\\\\\n&=&\\s_A(z).\\ea$$ Now suppose that $B=A\\oplus D$ where $D$ is a hermitian matrix over $\\rt$ such that $\\det(D)$ is a unit in $\\rt$. It is well-known that for any hermitian matrix $M$ over $\\rt$ the map $$\\ba{rcl} S^1&\\to& \\Z \\\\ z&\\mapsto &\\sign(M(z)) \\ea$$ is continuous on $\\{ z\\in S^1 \\, |\\, \\det(M(z))\\ne 0\\}$. Since $\\det(D(z))=\\det(D)(z)\\ne 0$ for any $z$ we see that $\\sign(D(z))=\\sign(D(1))$ for any $z$. It now follows immediately that $$\\s_A(z)=\\sign(A(z))-\\sign(A(1))=\\sign(B(z))-\\sign(B(1))=\\s_B(z).$$ The corollary is now an immediate consequence of Proposition \\[prop:ra81\\].", "\n\nLet $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\R(t)/\\realt$ be a Blanchfield form over $\\realt$ such that multiplication by $t\\pm 1$ is an isomorphism of $H$. Let $B$ be a matrix over $\\realt$ which represents $\\l$. Note that the hypothesis on $H$ implies that $B(\\pm 1)\\ne 0$. Given $z\\in S^1$ we define $\\s_\\l(z)=\\s_B(z)$ and given $z\\in \\C\\sm\\{0\\}$ we define $\\eta_\\l(z)=\\eta_B(z)$. We furthermore define $\\mu(\\l)=\\mu(B)$ and $\\eta(\\l)=\\eta(B)$. It follows from Corollary \\[cor:ltdefined\\] that these invariants do not depend on the choice of $B$.\n\nWe can now prove the easy direction of our main theorem.", "\n\n\\[lem:easy\\] Let $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\R(t)/\\realt$ be a Blanchfield form over $\\realt$ such that multiplication by $t\\pm 1$ is an isomorphism. ", "Then $$n_{\\R}(\\l)\\geq \\max\\{\\mu(\\l),\\eta(\\l)\\}.$$\n\nLet $B$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ of size $n:=n_\\R(\\l)$ which represents $\\l$. Of course for any $z\\in\\C\\sm\\{0\\}$ we have $\\null(B(z))\\le n_\\R(\\l)$, in particular $$\\eta(\\l)\\le n_\\R(\\l).$$\n\nTo show that $\\mu(\\l)\\le n_\\R(\\l)$ let us assume that $\\sign(B(1))=a\\in[-n,n]$. Note that for any $z\\in S^1$ we have $\\pm\\sign(B(z))+\\null(B(z))\\in[-n,n]$. It thus follows that $\\eta_\\l(z)+\\s_\\l(z)\\in[-n-a,n-a]$ and $\\eta_\\l(z)-\\s_\\l(z)\\in[-n+a,n+a]$. We infer that $\\mu_\\l(z)\\le\\frac12((n-a)+(n+a))=n$.\n\nOur main theorem now says that under a slight extra assumption the inequality in Lemma \\[lem:easy\\] is in fact an equality. ", "More precisely, the goal of this paper is to prove the following theorem.", "\n\n\\[main\\] Let $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\R(t)/\\realt$ be a Blanchfield form over $\\realt$ such that multiplication by $t\\pm 1$ is an isomorphism of $H$. Then $$n_{\\R}(\\l)= \\max\\{\\mu(\\l),\\eta(\\l)\\}.$$\n\nThe proof of this theorem will require all of Sections \\[section:lemmas\\] and \\[section:mainproof\\]. ", "Assuming Theorem \\[main\\] we can now easily provide the proof of Theorem \\[thm3\\].", "\n\nLet $K\\subset S^3$ be a knot. ", "We write $\\l=\\l_\\R(K)$. In [@BF12 Section 3.1] we showed that given any $z\\in S^1$ we have $\\s_\\l(z)=\\l_K(z)$ and given any $z\\in \\C\\sm \\{0\\}$ we have $\\eta_\\l(z)=\\eta_K(z)$. In particular we have $\\mu(\\l)=\\mu(K)$ and $\\eta(\\l)=\\eta(K)$.\n\nIt is well-known that the Alexander polynomial $\\Delta_K$ of $K$ satisfies $\\Delta_K(1)=\\pm 1$. Since $\\Delta_K(-1)\\equiv \\Delta_K(1)=1 \\bmod 2$ we deduce that $\\Delta_K(-1)\\ne 0$. It now follows easily that multiplication by $t-1$ and $t+1$ are isomorphisms of the Alexander module $H_1(X(K);\\realt)$.\n\nThe theorem now follows immediately from the above observations and from Theorem \\[main\\].", "\n\nTechnical lemmas {#section:lemmas}\n================\n\nFrom now on we write $$\\L:=\\R\\tpm \\mbox{ and } \\Omega:=\\R(t).$$ Moreover, we write $S^1_+$ for the set of all points on $S^1$ with non-negative imaginary part. ", "Given $z_1,z_2\\in S^1_+$ we can write $z_i=e^{2\\pi it_i}$ for a unique $t_i\\in [0,\\pi]$. We then write $z_1>z_2$ if $t_1>t_2$. Given $a,b\\in S^1_+$ we use the usual interval notation to define subsets $[a,b), (a,b)$ etc. ", "of $S^1_+$.\n\nPalindromic polynomials and elementary palindromic polynomials {#section:basicspols}\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nLet us recall the following well known definition.", "\n\nAn element $p\\in\\L$ is called *palindromic* if $p(t)=p(t^{-1})$ as polynomials.", "\n\nWe say that a function $f\\co S^1\\to \\C$ is *symmetric* if $f(z)=f(\\ol{z})$ for all $z\\in S^1$. Note that if $p$ is palindromic, then $z\\mapsto p(z)$ is symmetric. ", "The next result will be used in the proof of Lemma \\[lem:aprox\\] below.", "\n\n\\[lem:converge\\] Palindromic polynomials form a dense subset in the space of all real-valued continuous symmetric functions on $S^1$.\n\nIn the lemma we mean ‘dense’ with respect to the supremum norm.", "\n\nNote that each symmetric function is determined by its values on $S^1_+$. On $S^1_+$, the palindromic polynomials form a real algebra which separates points (note that they do not separate points on the whole $S^1$). ", "By the Stone-Weierstrass theorem (see e.g. [@Rud76 Theorem 7.32]), for any real-valued continuous function $f$, there exists a sequence $p_n$ of palindromic polynomials converging to $f$ uniformly on $S^1_+$. As $f(\\ol{z})=f(z)$ and $p_n(\\ol{z})=p_n(z)$ for all $z\\in S^1$, this convergence extends to the convergence on $S^1$.\n\nWe will make use of the following terminology. ", "We write $$\\Xi:=\\{ \\xi \\in \\C\\sm \\{0\\}\\, |\\, \\Im \\xi\\geq 0 \\mbox{ and } |\\xi|\\leq 1 \\}.$$ Furthermore, given $\\xi\\in \\Xi$ we define \\[eq:defbasic\\] B\\_(t)=\n\nt-)(t-)&,\\\n(t-)(t-)(1-t\\^[-1]{}\\^[-1]{})(1-t\\^[-1]{}\\^[-1]{})&,\\\n(t-)(1-\\^[-1]{}t\\^[-1]{})&.", "\n\nThese polynomials are called the *elementary palindromic* polynomials. ", "We conclude this section with the following observations:\n\nFor any $\\xi\\in \\Xi$ the polynomial $B_\\xi(t)$ is a real, palindromic and monic polynomial.", "\n\nFor any $\\xi$ we have $B_\\xi(1)>0$, furthermore if $|\\xi|<1$, then $B_\\xi$ has no zeros on $S^1$, i.e. $B_\\xi$ is positive on $S^1$.\n\nGiven any $z\\in \\C\\sm \\{0\\}$ there exists a unique $\\xi\\in \\Xi$ such that $z$ is a zero of $B_\\xi(t)$. Furthermore $B_\\xi(t)$ is the unique real, palindromic, monic polynomial of minimal degree which has a zero at $z$.\n\nAny palindromic polynomial in $\\L$ factors uniquely as the product of elementary palindromic polynomials and a constant in $\\R$.\n\nFirst results\n-------------\n\n\\[l:step2\\]\\[lem:norm\\] Let $P\\in\\L$ be palindromic. ", "Then there exists $U\\in \\L$ with $P=U\\ol{U}$ if and only if $P(z)\\ge 0$ for every $z\\in S^1_+$.\n\nIf $P=U\\ol{U}$ for some $U\\in \\L$, then for each $z\\in S^1_+$ we obviously have $P\\ge 0$. Conversely, assume that $P(z) \\ge 0$ for every $z\\in S^1_+$. Note that by the above discussion this implies that $P(z) \\ge 0$ on $S^1$. We proceed by induction on the degree of $P$ (that is the number of zeros counted with multiplicities). ", "If $P$ has degree $0$, then $P$ is constant and there is nothing to prove.", "\n\nIf $P$ has positive degree, we choose $\\theta$ to be a zero of $P(t)$. Since $P(t)=P(t^{-1})$ we see that $\\theta^{-1}$ is also a zero of $P$. Furthermore, since $P(t)$ is a real polynomial we see that if $\\mu$ is a zero, then $\\ol{\\mu}$ is also a zero. ", "Thus, if $\\theta$ is a zero, then $\\theta,\\ol{\\theta},\\theta^{-1},\\ol{\\theta}^{-1}$ are all zeros.", "\n\nWe first consider the case, that $\\theta$ lies in $\\theta\\in \\mathbb{C}\\setminus S^1$ and that $\\theta\\not\\in \\R$. Let $\\xi\\in \\Xi$ be the unique element such that $\\theta$ is a zero of the elementary palindromic polynomial $B_\\xi(t)$. Note that $B_\\xi(t)$ divides $P(t)$. Furthermore note that $P_2=\\frac{P(t)}{B_\\xi(t)}$ has smaller degree and is non-negative on $S^1$. By induction we have $P_2=U_2\\ol{U_2}$. The polynomial $U=(t-\\theta)(t-\\ol{\\theta})U_2$ then satisfies $P=U\\ol{U}$.\n\nWe now consider the case that $\\theta\\in \\R$ with $\\theta \\ne \\pm 1$. The argument is almost identical to the first case except that now, using the above notation, the polynomial $U=(t-\\theta)U_2$ has the desired properties.", "\n\nWe then consider the case that $\\theta\\in S^1$ with $\\theta \\ne \\pm 1$. As $P\\ge 0$ on $S^1$, the order of the root of $P$ at $\\theta$ must be even. ", "Let $\\xi\\in \\Xi$ be the unique element such that $\\theta$ is a zero of $B_\\xi(t)$. As $B_\\xi$ has only simple roots, $B_\\xi(t)^2$ divides $P(t)$. As above note that $P_2=\\frac{P(t)}{B_\\xi(t)^2}$ has a smaller degree and is non-negative on $S^1$. We can thus again appeal to the induction hypothesis.", "\n\nFinally, if $\\theta=\\pm 1$, then $P$ is divisible by $(t-\\theta)^2$, for the same reason. ", "We write $P_2=\\frac{P(t)}{B_\\theta}$ and by induction we have $P_2=U_2\\ol{U_2}$. Then we put $U=(t-\\theta)U_2$.\n\n\\[prop:step3\\] Let $A,B\\in \\L$ be palindromic coprime polynomials. ", "If for every $z\\in S^1_+$, either $A(z)$ or $B(z)$ is positive, then there exist palindromic $P$ and $Q$ in $\\L$ such that $PA+QB=1$ and such that $P(z)$ and $Q(z)$ are positive for any $z\\in S^1$.\n\nThe idea behind the proof of Proposition \\[prop:step3\\] is that if $a,b$ are real numbers and at least one of them is positive, then we can obviously find real numbers $p,q>0$ such that $pa+qb=1$. The statement of the lemma is that this can be done for palindromic coprime polynomials $A$ and $B$ and any $z\\in S^1$ by palindromic polynomials $P$ and $Q$.\n\nThe proof of Proposition \\[prop:step3\\] will require the remainder of this section. ", "Let $A,B\\in \\L$ be palindromic coprime polynomials such that for every $z\\in S^1_+$, either $A(z)$ or $B(z)$ is positive. ", "Note that $A$ and $B$ being palindromic implies that it is also the case that for any $z\\in S^1$ we have that either $A(z)$ or $B(z)$ is positive.", "\n\nAs $A$ and $B$ are coprime, there exist $P'$ and $Q'$ in $\\L$ such that $P'A+Q'B=1$ by Euclid’s algorithm. ", "We now define $\\wti{P}:=\\frac12(P'+\\ol{P'})$ and $\\wti{Q}:=\\frac12(Q'+\\ol{Q'})$. Note that $\\wti{P}$ and $\\wti{Q}$ are palindromic and satisfy the equality $\\widetilde{P}A+\\widetilde{Q}B=1$ since $A,B$ are palindromic.", "\n\nThe functions $\\wti{P}$ and $\\wti{Q}$ are not necessarily positive on $S^1$. Our goal is to find a palindromic Laurent polynomial $\\gamma$ such that $\\wti{P}-\\gamma B > 0$ and $\\widetilde{Q}+\\gamma A >0$ on $S^1$. To this end, let us define two functions $\\gamma_{\\max},\\gamma_{\\min}\\colon S^1\\to \\R\\cup\\{\\infty,-\\infty\\}$ as follows: $$\\label{eq:cond}\n\\gamma_{\\max}(z)=\n\\left\\{ \\ba{ll}\n\\frac{\\wti{P}(z)}{B(z)}&\\text{if $B(z)>0$}\\\\\n\\infty&\\text{if $B(z)\\le 0$}\\ea \\right. ", "\\quad \\mbox{ and }\n\\gamma_{\\min}(z)=\n\\left\\{\\ba{ll}\n\\frac{-\\wti{Q}(z)}{A(z)}&\\text{if $A(z)>0$}\\\\\n-\\infty&\\text{if $A(z)\\le 0$.}\\ea \\right.$$ We also consider the usual ordering on the set $\\R\\cup \\{-\\infty,\\infty\\}$.\n\n\\[lem:etamin\\] The functions $\\gamma_{\\min}$ and $\\gamma_{\\max}$ have the following properties:\n\n- $\\gamma_{\\min}$ and $\\gamma_{\\max}$ are symmetric functions on $S^1$.\n\n- Let $z\\in S^1$. If $\\gamma\\in(\\gamma_{\\min}(z),\\gamma_{\\max}(z)$, then $$\\wti{P}(z)-\\gamma B(z)> 0 \\mbox{ and }\\wti{Q}(z)+\\gamma A(z)> 0.$$\n\n- For all $z\\in S^1$ we have $\\gamma_{\\min}(z)<\\gamma_{\\max}(z)$.\n\n- The functions $$\\ba{rcl} S^1&\\to& [-\\pi/2,\\pi/2]\\\\\n z&\\mapsto &\\arctan(\\gammamax(z))\\mbox{ and }\\\\\n z&\\mapsto& \\arctan(\\gammamin(z))\\ea$$ are continuous (here we define $\\arctan(\\infty)=\\pi/2$ and $\\arctan(-\\infty)=-\\pi/2$).", "\n\nStatement (a) is obvious since $\\wti{P}(\\ol{z})=\\wti{P}(z)$, and the same holds for $A$, $B$ and $Q$, as all these functions are palindromic polynomials.", "\n\nWe now turn to the proof of (b). ", "Let $z\\in S^1$ and let $\\gamma\\in(\\gamma_{\\min}(z),\\gamma_{\\max}(z))$. First suppose that $A(z)>0$ and $B(z)>0$. Then it follows from the definitions that $$\\ba{ccccl} \\wti{P}(z)-\\gamma B(z) &>& \\wti{P}(z)-\\gammamax(z) B(z)&=&0\\\\\n\\wti{Q}(z)+\\gamma A(z)&>& \\wti{Q}(z)+\\gammamin(z) A(z)&=&0.\\ea$$ We then suppose that $A(z)= 0$. Note that this implies that $B(z)>0$ by our assumption on $A$ and $B$. In this case we see that $\\wti{P}(z)-\\gamma B(z)>0$ as above. ", "Furthermore, we have $$\\wti{Q}(z)+\\gamma A(z) =\\wti{Q}(z)=\\frac{1}{B(z)}>0.$$ We finally suppose that $A(z)<0$. As above, $B(z)>0$ and $\\wti{P}(z)-\\gamma B(z)>0$. Furthermore, $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\wti{Q}(z)+\\gamma A(z)\\geq \\wti{Q}(z)+\\gammamax(z) A(z)=\\\\\n=\\wti{Q}(z)+\\frac{\\wti{P}(z)}{B(z)}A(z)=\\frac{\\wti{Q}(z)B(z)+\\wti{P}(z)A(z)}{B(z)}=\\frac{1}{B(z)}>0.\\end{gathered}$$ Similarly we deal with the case that $B(z)\\leq 0$ and $A(z)>0$. This proves (b).", "\n\nWe then turn to the proof of (c). ", "It follows from the definitions that we only have to consider the case that $A(z)>0$ and $B(z)>0$. In that case we have $$\\gammamax(z)=\\frac{\\wti{P}(z)}{B(z)}=-\\frac{\\wti{Q}(z)}{A(z)}+\\frac{1}{A(z)B(z)} >-\\frac{\\wti{Q}(z)}{A(z)}=\\gammamin(z).$$\n\nFinally we turn to the proof of (d). ", "We will first show that $z\\mapsto \\arctan(\\gammamax(z))$ is continuous. ", "Clearly we only have to show continuity for $z\\in S^1$ such that $B(z)=0$. We will show the following: if $z_i$ is a sequence of points on $S^1$ with $\\lim_{i\\to\\infty} z_i=z$ such that $B(z_i)>0$ for any $i$, then $\\lim_{i\\to\\infty} \\frac{\\wti{P}(z_i)}{B(z_i)}=\\infty$. Indeed, since $B(z)=0$ we have $A(z)>0$ by our assumption. ", "Now $\\wti{Q}$ is bounded on $S^1$, in particular from $\\wti{P}A+\\wti{Q}B=1$ we deduce that $$\\lim_{i\\to\\infty} \\wti{P}(z_i)=\\lim_{i\\to\\infty} \\frac{1-\\wti{Q}(z_i)B(z_i)}{A(z_i)}=\\frac{1}{A(z)}>0.$$ It now follows that $\\lim_{i\\to\\infty} \\frac{\\wti{P}(z_i)}{B(z_i)}=\\infty$ as desired.", "\n\nThis completes the proof that $z\\mapsto \\arctan(\\gammamax(z))$ is continuous. ", "Similarly one can prove that $z\\mapsto \\arctan(\\gammamin(z))$ is continuous.", "\n\n\\[lem:aprox\\] There exists a palindromic polynomial $\\gamma$ such that $\\gammamin(z)< \\gamma(z)< \\gammamax(z)$ for any $z\\in S^1$.\n\nThe proof of Lemma \\[lem:aprox\\] might be shortened, but one would have to consider continuous functions with values in $\\R\\cup\\{\\pm\\infty\\}$. The approach using $\\arctan$ function allows us to avoid such functions.", "\n\nWe write $f_1=\\arctan(\\gammamin(z))$ and $f_2=\\arctan(\\gammamax(z))$. By Lemma \\[lem:etamin\\] we know that $f_1$ and $f_2$ are continuous functions on $S^1$ with $f_1(z)<f_2(z)$ for all $z\\in S^1$. We can now pick continuous functions $g_1,g_2\\co S^1\\to (-\\pi/2,\\pi/2)$ (note the open intervals), such that $f_1(z)<g_1(z)<g_2(z)<f_2(z)$ for any $z\\in S^1$. We can assume that $g_1$ and $g_2$ are symmetric as $f_1$ and $f_2$ are symmetric by Lemma \\[lem:etamin\\](a). ", "We have the inequality $$\\gammamin(z) <\\tan(g_1(z)) < \\tan(g_2(z)) <\\gammamax(z).$$ We now put $$c:=\\inf\\left\\{\\tan(g_2(z))-\\tan(g_1(z))\\colon z\\in S^1\\right\\}.$$ We have $c\\ge 0$. But since $S^1$ is compact and the functions $\\tan g_1$ and $\\tan g_2$ are continuous, we have in fact $c>0$. By Lemma \\[lem:converge\\] we can find a palindromic polynomial $\\gamma$ which satisfies $$\\left| \\gamma(z)-\\frac{1}{2}\\big(\\tan(g_2(z))+\\tan(g_1(z))\\big)\\right| < \\frac{c}{2}$$ for any $z\\in S^1$. It clearly follows that for any $z\\ \\in S^1$ we have the desired inequalities $$\\gammamin(z)< \\gamma(z)< \\gammamax(z).$$\n\nWe can now conclude the proof of Proposition \\[prop:step3\\]. ", "By Lemma \\[lem:aprox\\] we can find a palindromic polynomial $\\gamma$ such that $\\gammamin(z)< \\gamma(z)< \\gammamax(z)$ for all $z\\in S^1$. Then $P=\\widetilde{P}-\\gamma B$ and $Q=\\widetilde{Q}+\\gamma A$ satisfy $P>0$ and $Q>0$ on $S^1$ by Lemma \\[lem:etamin\\] and they satisfy \\[eq:ons1\\] P(z)A(z)+Q(z)B(z)=1 But both sides of are Laurent polynomials on $\\C\\setminus\\{0\\}$ which agree on infinitely many points. ", "Hence the equality holds on $\\C\\setminus\\{0\\}$. So it must also hold in $\\L$. We have thus finished the proof of Proposition \\[prop:step3\\].", "\n\nThe Decomposition Theorem {#section:decomp}\n-------------------------\n\nIn the following recall that for a palindromic $p=p(t)\\in \\L$ and any $z\\in S^1$ we have $p(z)\\in \\R$.\n\n\\[th:glue\\]\\[thm:glue\\] Assume that $A$ and $B$ are two coprime palindromic Laurent polynomials in $\\L$. Suppose there exists $\\varepsilon\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ such that for all $z\\in S^1_+$, at least one of the numbers $\\vare A(z)>0$ or $\\vare B(z)>0$ is strictly positive, then $$\\l\\bp A&0\\\\ 0&B\\ep \\cong \\l(\\vare AB)$$ as forms over $\\L$.\n\nWe will prove the theorem by combining Lemma \\[l:step2\\] and Proposition \\[prop:step3\\] with the following lemma.", "\n\n\\[l:step1\\] Let $\\varepsilon=\\pm 1$. If there exist $U,V\\in\\L$ such that \\[eq:condonU\\] UA+VB=, then we have $$\\l\\bp A&0\\\\ 0&B\\ep \\cong \\l(\\vare AB).$$\n\nSuppose that there exist $U,V\\in\\L$ which satisfy . ", "Then write $X:=\\ol{V}B$ and $Y:=-\\ol{U}A$ and take $N=\\bp X&Y\\\\ U&V\\ep$. Note that $\\det(N)=\\eps$. Then one calculates that $$N\\bp A&0\\\\ 0&B\\ep\\ol{N}^t=\\bp \\varepsilon AB &0 \\\\ 0 & \\varepsilon\\ep.$$ The lemma follows from Proposition \\[prop:ra81\\].", "\n\nWe can now prove Theorem \\[th:glue\\].", "\n\nSuppose there exists $\\varepsilon\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ such that for all $z\\in S^1_+$, $\\vare A(z)>0$ or $\\vare B(z)>0$. By Proposition \\[prop:step3\\] there exist palindromic $P$ and $Q$ in $\\L$ such that $PA+QB=\\vare$ and such that $P(z)$ and $Q(z)$ are positive for any $z\\in S^1$. By Lemma \\[l:step2\\] there exist $U\\in \\L$ and $V\\in \\L$ with $P=U\\ol{U}$ and $Q=V\\ol{V}$. The theorem now follows from Lemma \\[l:step1\\].", "\n\nOne easily sees from Theorem \\[th:glue\\] that if $\\xi\\in\\Xi$ and $|\\xi|<1$, then for any $n\\ge 1$ we have $\\l(B_\\xi^n)\\cong\\l(-B_\\xi^n)$. On the other hand, if $|\\xi|=1$ then $\\l(B_\\xi^n)$ and $\\l(-B_\\xi^n)$ are non-isometric. ", "This is a counterpart to the following fact from the classification of isometric structures (see [@Neu82 Proposition 3.1] or [@Ne95 Section 2], compare also [@Mi69]): for any $\\l\\in S^1\\setminus\\{1\\}$ and for any $n\\ge 1$ there exist exactly two distinct isometric structures such that the corresponding monodromy operator is the single Jordan block of size $n$ and eigenvalue $\\l$. For any $\\l\\in\\mathbb{C}\\setminus \\{S^1\\cup 0\\}$, and any $n\\ge 1$, there exists a unique isometric structure such that the corresponding monodromy operator is a sum of two Jordan blocks of size $n$: one with eigenvalue $\\l$ and the other one with eigenvalue $1/\\l$.\n\nThe proof of Theorem \\[main\\] {#section:mainproof}\n=============================\n\nAfter the preparations from the last section we are now in a position to provide the proof of Theorem \\[main\\].", "\n\nDiagonalizing Blanchfield forms {#section:diag}\n-------------------------------\n\nRecall that $\\L=\\realt$ and $\\Omega=\\R(t)$. We say that a Blanchfield form $\\l$ over $\\L$ is *diagonalizable* if $\\l$ can be represented by a diagonal matrix over $\\L$. The following is the main result of this section.", "\n\n\\[prop:diag\\] Let $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\Omega/\\L$ be a Blanchfield form over $\\L$ such that multiplication by $t\\pm 1$ is an isomorphism. ", "Then $\\l$ is diagonalizable.", "\n\nIn order to prove the proposition we will first consider the following special case.", "\n\n\\[prop:diagcycl\\] Let $p\\in \\L$ be a palindromic polynomial, irreducible over $\\R$. Let $H=\\L/p^n\\L$ for some $n$ and let $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\Omega/\\L$ be a Blanchfield form over $H$. Then $\\l$ is diagonalizable.", "\n\nIn the proof of the proposition we will need the following definition. ", "If $g$ is a palindromic polynomial and if $z\\in S^1$, then we say that *$g$ changes sign at $z$* if in any neighborhood of $z$ on $S^1$ the function $g$ has both positive and negative values.", "\n\nIf $p$ is a constant, then there is clearly nothing to prove. ", "Now assume that $p$ is an irreducible palindromic polynomial over $\\R$ which is not a constant. ", "It follows that $\\deg(p)=2$ and we thus deduce from the discussion in Section \\[section:basicspols\\] that the zeros of $p$ lie on $S^1\\sm \\{\\pm 1\\}$. Throughout this proof let $w$ be the (unique) zero of $p$ which lies in $S^1_+$. Since $p(1)\\ne 0$ we can multiply $p\\in \\L$ by the sign of $p(1)$ and we can therefore, without loss of generality, assume that $p(1)>0$.\n\nLet $q$ be a palindromic polynomial coprime to $p$. Then there exists $g\\in \\L$ and $\\eps\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ such that $q=\\eps g\\ol{g}\\in \\L/p^n\\L$.\n\nWe first show that the claim implies the proposition. ", "Note that $\\l$ takes values in $p^{-n}\\L/\\L$. We pick a representative $q'\\in \\L$ of $p^n\\cdot \\l(1,1)\\in \\L/p^n\\L$. Since $\\l$ is hermitian we have $q'\\equiv \\ol{q}' \\bmod p^n\\L$. We now let $q=\\frac{1}{2}(q'+\\ol{q}')$. Note that $q$ is palindromic and $q\\in \\L$ is a representative of $\\l(1,1)p^n\\in \\L/p^n\\L$. Since $\\l$ is non-singular it follows that $q$ is coprime to $p$. By the claim there exists $g\\in \\L$ and $\\eps\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ such that $q=\\eps g\\ol{g}\\in \\L/p^n\\L$. The map $\\L/p^n\\L\\to \\L/p^n\\L$ which is given by multiplication by $g$ is easily seen to define an isometry from $\\l(\\eps p^n)$ to $\\l$. (Here recall that $\\l(\\eps p^n)$ is the Blanchfield form defined by the $1\\times 1$-matrix $(\\eps p^n)$.) In particular $\\l$ is represented by the $1\\times 1$-matrix $\\eps p^n$.\n\nWe now turn to the proof of the claim. ", "Given $g\\in \\L$ we define $$s(g):=\\# \\{ z\\in S^1_+ \\, |\\, g \\mbox{ changes sign at }z\\}.$$ We will prove the claim by induction on $s(q)$. If $s(q)=0$, then we denote by $\\eps$ the sign of $q(1)$. It follows that $q\\eps$ is non-negative on $S^1$, hence by Lemma \\[l:step2\\] there exists $g\\in \\L$ with $q\\eps=g\\ol{g}$.\n\nNow suppose the conclusion of the claim holds for any palindromic $q$ with $s(q)<s$. Let $q$ be a palindromic polynomial in $\\L$ with $s(q)=s$. Let $v\\in S^1_+$ be a point where $q$ changes sign. ", "Recall that we denote by $w$ the unique zero of $p$ which lies in $S^1_+$. Note that $v\\ne w$ since we assumed that $p$ and $q$ are coprime.", "\n\nFirst consider the case that $v<w$. Let $f\\in \\L$ be an irreducible polynomial such that $f(v)=0$. Note that $f$ is palindromic and $f(1)\\ne 0$. We can thus arrange that $f(1)<0$. Note that $p$ changes sign on $S^1_+$ precisely at $w$ and $f$ changes sign precisely at $v$. We thus see that for any $z\\in S^1_+$ with $z<w$ we have $p(w)>0$ and for any $z\\in S^1_+$ with $z>v$ we have $f(z)>0$. It follows that for any $z\\in S^1_+$ either $f$ or $p$ is positive. ", "Note that $f$ and $p$ are coprime, we can thus apply Proposition \\[prop:step3\\] to conclude that there exist palindromic $x$ and $y$ in $\\L$ such that $p^nx+fy=1$ and such that $x(z)$ and $y(z)$ are positive for any $z\\in S^1$.\n\nWe now define $q':=qfy$. Note that $$q=q(p^nx+fy)=qfy=q' \\in \\L/p^n\\L.$$ Also note that $q$ and $f$ change sign at $v$. It follows that $qf$ does not change sign at $v$. Since $z$ is the only zero of $f$ in $S^1_+$ and since $y$ is positive for any $z\\in S^1$ it follows that $s(q')=s(q)-1$. By our induction hypothesis we can thus write $$q=q'=\\eps g\\cdot \\ol{g} \\in \\L/p^n\\L$$ for some $g\\in \\L$.\n\nNow consider the case that $v>w$. Let $f\\in \\L$ be an irreducible polynomial such that $f(w)=0$ (note that $v$ can not be equal to $-1$, because $q$ changes sign at $v$ and $q$ is palindromic). ", "Note that $f$ is palindromic and $f(1)\\ne 0$. We can thus arrange that $f(1)>0$. As above we see that for any point on $S^1_+$ either $f$ or $p$ is negative. ", "By Proposition \\[prop:step3\\] there exist palindromic $x$ and $y$ in $\\L$ such that $p^nx+fy=1$ and such that $x(z)$ and $y(z)$ are negative for any $z\\in S^1$. The proof now proceeds as in the previous case.", "\n\nLet $p\\in \\L$ be an irreducible polynomial. ", "In the following we say that a $\\L$-module $H$ is *$p$-primary* if any $x\\in H$ is annihilated by a sufficiently high power of $p$. Given a $p$-primary $\\L$-module we introduce the following definitions:\n\ngiven $h\\in H$ we write $l(h):=\\min\\{ k\\in \\N \\, |\\, p^kh=0\\}$,\n\nwe write $l(H):=\\max\\{ l(h)\\, |\\, h\\in H\\}$,\n\nwe denote by $s(H)$ the minimal number of generators of $H$. We will later need the following lemma.", "\n\n\\[lem:subsummand\\] Let $p\\in \\L$ be an irreducible polynomial. ", "Let $H$ be a finitely generated $p$-primary module. ", "Let $v\\in H$ with $l(v)=l(H)$. Then there exists a direct sum decomposition $$H = H'\\oplus v\\L/p^{l(v)}$$ with $s(H')=s(H)-1$.\n\nWe write $l=l(H)$ and $s=s(H)$. Since $\\L$ is a PID we can apply the classification theorem for finitely generated $\\L$-modules (see e.g. [@La02 Theorems 7.3 and 7.5]) to find $e_1,\\dots,e_k\\in \\L$ and a submodule $H''\\subset H$ with the following properties:\n\n$l(e_i)=l$ for $ i=1,\\dots,k$,\n\n$H=H''\\oplus \\bigoplus_{i=1}^k e_i \\L/p^l\\L$,\n\n$s(H'')=s-k$,\n\nfor any $w\\in H''$ we have $l(w)<l$. Now we can write $ v=v''+\\sum_{i=1}^k a_ie_i$ for some $v''\\in H''$ and $a_i\\in \\L/p^l\\L$. Note that $l(v)=l$ implies that there exists at least one $a_j$ which is coprime to $p$. We pick $x\\in \\L$ with $xa_j=1\\in \\L/p^l$. It is clear that $$H=H''\\oplus \\bigoplus_{i\\ne j} e_i \\L/p^l\\L \\oplus xv \\L/p^l\\L.$$ Since $ xv \\L/p^l\\L= v \\L/p^l\\L$ we get the desired decomposition. ", "Furthermore, it is clear that $$s\\big(H''\\oplus \\bigoplus_{i\\ne j} e_i \\L/p^l\\L\\big)=s-1.$$\n\n\\[lem:palindromic\\] Let $p\\in \\L$ be a non-zero irreducible palindromic polynomial. ", "Let $H$ be a $p$-primary module and let $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\Omega/\\L$ be a Blanchfield form. ", "Then $\\l$ is diagonalizable.", "\n\nWe will prove the lemma by induction on $s(H)$, i.e. on the the number $s$ of generators of $H$. We will use an algorithm, which is a version of the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization procedure from linear algebra. ", "If $s(H)=0$, then clearly there is nothing to prove. ", "So suppose that the conclusion of the lemma holds whenever $s(H)<s$ for some $s>0$. Now let $\\l\\colon H\\times H\\to \\Omega/\\L$ be a Blanchfield form over a $p$-primary module $H$ which is generated by $s$ elements. ", "We write $l=l(H)$. Given an element $f$ in the $\\L$-module $p^{-n}\\L/\\L$ we consider again $$l(f)=\\min\\{ k\\in \\N \\, |\\, p^kf=0 \\in p^{-n}\\L/\\L\\}.$$ We now have the following claim.", "\n\nThere exists $v\\in H$ with $l(\\l(v,v))=l$.\n\nTo prove the claim, we pick $v\\in H$ with $l(v)=l$. It follows from Lemma \\[lem:subsummand\\] that $v$ generates a subsummand of $H$, in particular we can find a $\\L$-homomorphism $\\varphi:H\\to p^{-l}\\L/\\L$ such that $\\varphi(v)=p^{-l}\\in p^{-l}\\L/\\L$. Since $\\l$ is non-singular we can find $w\\in H$ with $\\l(w,v)=p^{-l}\\in p^{-l}\\L/\\L$. If $l(\\l(v,v))=l$ or if $l(\\l(w,w))=l$, then we are done. ", "Otherwise we consider $\\l(v+w,v+w)$ which equals $$\\ba{rcl} \\l(v+w,v+w)&=&\\l(v,v)+\\l(w,w)+\\l(v,w)+\\ol{\\l(v,w)}\\\\\n&=&\\l(v,v)+\\l(w,w)+p^{-l}+\\ol{p}^{-l}\\\\\n&=&\\l(v,v)+\\l(w,w)+2p^{-l}\\in p^{-l}\\L/\\L.\\ea$$ If $l(\\l(v,v))<l$ and if $l(\\l(v,w))<l$, then one can now easily see that $l(\\l(v+w,v+w))=l$, i.e. $v+w$ has the desired property. ", "This concludes the proof of the claim.", "\n\nGiven the claim, let us pick $v\\in H$ with $l(\\l(v,v))=l$. This means that we can write $\\l(v,v)=xp^{-l}\\L/\\L$ for some $x\\in \\L$ coprime to $p$. We can in particular find $y\\in \\L$ such that $yx\\equiv 1\\bmod p^l$.\n\nBy Lemma \\[lem:subsummand\\] we can find $v_1,\\dots,v_{s-1}$ and $l_1,\\dots,l_{s-1}$ such that $$H= v\\L/p^l\\L \\oplus \\bigoplus_{i=1}^{s-1} v_i \\L/p^{l_i}\\L.$$ For $i=1,\\dots,s-1$ we now define $$w_i:=v_i-y\\l(v,v_i)v.$$ It follows immediately that $\\l(v,w_i)=0\\in \\Omega/\\L$. We thus see that $H$ splits as the orthogonal sum of the submodule generated by $v$ and the submodule generated by $w_1,\\dots,w_{s-1}$.\n\nBy Proposition \\[prop:diagcycl\\] the former is diagonalizable, and by our induction hypothesis the latter is also diagonalizable. ", "It follows that $\\l$ is diagonalizable.", "\n\nWe are now in a position to prove Proposition \\[prop:diag\\].", "\n\nWe say that polynomials $p$ and $q$ in $\\L=\\realt$ are equivalent, written $p\\doteq q\\in \\realt$, if they differ by multiplication by a unit in $\\realt$, i.e. by an element of the form $rt^i, r\\ne 0\\in \\R$ and $i\\in \\Z$. Note that if $p\\doteq q$, then also $p(t^{-1})\\doteq q(t^{-1})$.\n\nWe denote by $\\PP$ the set of equivalence classes of all non-constant irreducible elements in $\\L$ which are not equivalent to $1+t$. Let $[p]\\in \\PP$ with $p(t^{-1})\\doteq p(t)$. Since $p$ is irreducible and since we excluded $1+t$ it follows easily that $[p]$ is in fact represented by a palindromic polynomial. ", "We now say that $[p]\\in \\PP$ is palindromic if it contains a palindromic representative.", "\n\nNote that $\\PP$ inherits an involution $p\\mapsto \\ol{p}$ coming from the involution on $\\L$. We write $\\PP'=\\{ p\\in \\PP \\, |\\, p \\mbox{ palindromic}\\}$ and we define $\\PP'':=\\{ \\{p,\\ol{p}\\} \\, |\\, p \\mbox{ not palindromic}\\}$. In our notation we will for the most part ignore the distinction between an element $p\\in \\L$ and the element it represents in $\\PP, \\PP'$ and $\\PP''$.\n\nGiven $p\\in \\PP$ we denote by $$H_p:=\\{ v\\in H \\, |\\, p^iv=0\\mbox{ for some $i\\in \\N$}\\}$$ the $p$-primary part of $H$. Note that $H_{1+t}=0$ by our assumption on $H$.\n\nSuppose that $p$ and $\\ol{q}$ are non-equivalent irreducible polynomials in $\\L$. Then $\\l(a,b)=0$ for any $a\\in H_p$ and $b\\in H_q$.\n\nSuppose that $p$ and $\\ol{q}$ are not equivalent. ", "Since $p$ and $\\ol{q}$ are irreducible this means that they are coprime. ", "We can thus find $x,y$ with $xp^l+y\\ol{q}=1$, where $l=l(H_p)$. Let $a\\in H_p$ and $b\\in H_q$. Note that multiplication by $\\ol{q}$ is an automorphism of $H_p$ with the inverse given by multiplication by $y$. We can thus write $a=\\ol{q}a'$ for some $a'\\in H_p$. We then conclude that $$\\l(a,b)=\\l(\\ol{q}a',b)=\\l(a,b){q}=\\l(a,bq)=0.$$ This concludes the proof of the claim.", "\n\nNote that by the classification of finitely generated modules over PIDs we get a unique direct sum decomposition $$H=\\bigoplus\\limits_{p\\in \\PP'} H_p \\oplus \\bigoplus\\limits_{\\{p,\\ol{p}\\}\\in \\PP''} (H_p\\oplus H_{\\ol{p}})$$ and it follows from the claim that this is an orthogonal decomposition. ", "In particular, $(H,\\l)$ is diagonalizable if the restrictions to $H_p$ is diagonalizable for every $p\\in \\PP'$ and if the restriction of $\\l$ to $H_p\\oplus H_{\\ol{p}}$ is diagonalizable for every $\\{p,\\ol{p}\\}\\in \\PP''$.\n\nIt follows from Lemma \\[lem:palindromic\\] that given $p\\in \\PP'$ the restriction of $\\l$ to $H_p$ is diagonalizable. ", "The following claim thus concludes the proof of the proposition.", "\n\nLet $p\\in \\L$ be a non-palindromic irreducible polynomial. ", "The restriction of $\\l$ to $H_p\\oplus H_{\\ol{p}}$ is diagonalizable.", "\n\nFirst note that by the first claim of the proof we have $\\l(H_p,H_p)=0$ and $\\l(H_{\\ol{p}},H_{\\ol{p}})=0$. Since $\\L$ is a PID we can write $H_p=\\oplus_{i=1}^r V_i$ where the $V_i$ are cyclic $\\L$-modules. ", "We then define $\\ol{V}_i$ to be the orthogonal complement in $H_{\\ol{p}}$ to $\\oplus_{i\\ne j}V_j$, i.e. $$\\ol{V}_i:=\\{ w\\in H_{\\ol{p}}\\, |\\, \\l(w,v)=0\\mbox{ for any $v\\in \\oplus_{i\\ne j}V_j$}\\}.$$ Since $\\l$ is non-singular it follows easily that $H_{\\ol{p}}=\\oplus_{i=1}^r \\ol{V}_i$. In fact the decomposition $$H_p\\oplus H_{\\ol{p}} \\cong \\bigoplus\\limits_{i=1}^r (V_i\\oplus \\ol{V}_i)$$ is an orthogonal decomposition into the $r$ subsummands $V_i\\oplus \\ol{V}_i$.\n\nIt now suffices to show that the restriction of $\\l$ to any $V_i\\oplus \\ol{V}_i$ is diagonalizable. ", "So let $i\\in \\{1,\\dots,r\\}$. Note that $V_i\\cong \\L/p^n\\L$ for some $n$. Let $a$ be a generator of the cyclic $\\L$-module $V_i$. Since $\\l$ is non-singular there exists $b\\in \\ol{V}_i$ such that $\\l(a,b)=\\ol{p}^{-n}\\in \\ol{p}^{-n}\\L/\\L$. Note that $b$ is necessarily a generator of the cyclic $\\L$-module $\\ol{V}_i$.\n\nSince $p^n$ and $\\ol{p}^n$ are coprime we can find $u,v\\in \\L$ such that $up^n+v\\ol{p}^n=1$. We write $x:=\\frac{1}{2}(u+\\ol{v})$. Then one can easily verify that $xp^n+\\ol{x}\\,\\ol{p}^n=1$. Note that it follows in particular that $x$ is coprime to $\\ol{p}$.\n\nWe now write $w:=a\\oplus xb\\in V_i\\oplus \\ol{V}_i$. It is straightforward to see that $\\ol{p}^nw$ generates $V_i$ and $p^nw$ generates $\\ol{V}_i$, in particular $w$ generates $V_i\\oplus \\ol{V}_i$. Furthermore, $$\\ba{rcl} \\l(w,w)&=&\\l(a,xb)+\\l(xb,a)\\\\\n&=&\\l(a,xb)+\\ol{\\l(a,xb)}\\\\\n&=&x\\ol{p}^{-n}+\\ol{x}p^{-n}\\\\\n&=&(xp^n+\\ol{x}\\ol{p}^n)p^{-n}\\ol{p}^{-n}\\\\\n&=&p^{-n}\\ol{p}^{-n}.\\ea$$ This shows that sending $1$ to $w$ defines an isometry from $\\l(p^n\\ol{p}^n)$ (i.e. the Blanchfield form defined by the $1\\times 1$-matrix $(p^n\\ol{p}^n)$) to the restriction of $\\l$ to $V_i\\oplus \\ol{V}_i$.\n\nUsing Proposition \\[prop:diag\\] we can now also prove the following result.", "\n\n\\[prop:maxoncircle\\] Let $\\l$ be a Blanchfield form over $\\L$. Let $B=B(t)$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ representing $\\l$. Denote by $Z\\in S^1_+$ the set of zeros of $\\det(B(t))\\in \\L$. Then $$\\mu(\\l)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\eta_B(z)+\\s_B(z) \\, |\\, z\\in Z\\} +\\max\\{ \\eta_B(z)-\\s_B(z) \\, |\\, z\\in Z\\}\\right).$$\n\nBy Proposition \\[prop:diag\\] there exists a hermitian diagonal matrix $D=\\diag(d_1,\\dots,d_r)$ over $\\L$ with $\\l(D)\\cong \\l(B)$. Recall that $\\det(D)\\doteq \\det(B)$ and $\\eta_B(z)=\\eta_\\l(z)=\\eta_D(z)$, $\\s_B(z)=\\s_\\l(z)=\\s_D(z)$ for any $z\\in S^1$. It thus suffices to prove the claim for $D$.\n\nGiven a hermitian matrix $C$ we write $$\\Theta_C^{\\pm}(z):=\\eta_C(z)\\pm \\s_C(z).$$ Note that $$\\Theta_D^{\\pm}(z)=\\sum_{i=1}^r\\Theta_{d_i}^\\pm(z).$$ It is straightforward to see that for any $i$ the function $\\Theta_{d_i}^\\pm(z)$ is constant away from the zeros of $d_i$ and that the values at a zero are relative maxima. ", "The proposition now follows immediately.", "\n\nElementary diagonal forms {#section:basicdiagonal}\n-------------------------\n\nWe say that a matrix is *elementary diagonal* if it is of the form $$E=\\diag(e_1,\\dots,e_M),$$ where for $k=1,\\dots,M$ we have $e_k=\\varepsilon_kB_{\\xi_k}^{n_k}$ for some $\\varepsilon_k\\in \\{-1,1\\}$, $n_k\\in \\N$ and $\\xi_k\\in \\Xi$.\n\n \\[lem:splitting\\] Let $D$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ such that $\\det(D(\\pm 1))$ is non-zero. ", "Then there exists an elementary diagonal matrix $E$ such that $\\l(D)\\cong \\l(E)$.\n\nLet $D$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ such that $\\det(D(\\pm 1))\\ne 0$. By Proposition \\[prop:diag\\] we can without loss of generality assume that $D$ is a diagonal $n\\times n$-matrix.", "\n\nWe will use an inductive argument. ", "We denote by $d_k$ the $k$-th entry on the diagonal of $D$. Since $d_k$ is a real polynomial and since $\\ol{D}=D$, we have a unique decomposition $$d_k(t)=\\varepsilon_kc_k\\prod_{\\xi} B_\\xi(t)^{n_{k,\\xi}},$$ with $\\varepsilon_k\\in \\{-1,1\\}, c_k\\in \\R_{>0}$ and where $\\xi$ runs over all elements $\\Xi$, and where $n_{k,\\xi}$ is zero for all but finitely many $\\xi$.\n\nWe write $C=\\diag(\\sqrt{c_1},\\dots,\\sqrt{c_n})$. After replacing $D$ by $C^{-1}D(C^{-1})^t$ we can assume that $c_i=1$ for all $i$.\n\nAssume now that there exists a $\\xi$ with $|\\xi|<1$ such that $n_{k,\\xi}>0$. Let us define $$A(t)= B_\\xi(t)^{n_{k,\\xi}}\\mbox{ and } B(t)=\\varepsilon_k\\frac{d_{k}(t)}{A(t)}.$$ Note that $A(1)>0$. Since $A(t)$ has no zeros on $S^1$ we have in fact that $A(z)>0$ for any $z\\in S^1$. We can therefore use Theorem \\[th:glue\\] to show that the matrix $\\diag(d_1,d_2,\\dots,d_k,\\dots,d_n)$ is congruent to $\\diag(d_1,\\dots,d_{k-1},A,B,d_{k+1},\\dots,d_n)$. In this way we can split off all terms with $|\\xi|<1$.\n\nIt remains to consider the case when $d_k(t)=\\varepsilon_k\\prod_{\\xi\\in S^1_+}B_\\xi(t)^{n_{k,\\xi}}$. Let $\\xi\\in S^1_+$ be the minimal number in $S^1_+$ with $n_{k,\\xi}>0$. We now define $$A(t)= \\varepsilon_k B_{\\xi_1}(t)^{n_{k,\\xi}}\\mbox{ and } B(t)=\\varepsilon_k(-1)^{n_{k,\\xi}}\n\\prod_{\\xi'\\ne \\xi} B_{\\xi'}(t)^{n_{k,\\xi'}}.$$ Note that for $z\\in S^1_+$ with $z>\\xi$ we have $\\sign(A(z))=\\varepsilon_k(-1)^{n_{k,\\xi}}$ and for $z\\in S^1_+$ with $z\\leq \\xi$ we have $\\sign(B(z))=\\varepsilon_k(-1)^{n_{k,\\xi}}$. It thus follows from Theorem \\[th:glue\\] that the matrices $(d_k)$ and $\\bp A&0\\\\0&B\\ep$ give rise to the same Blanchfield form. ", "The lemma now follows from a straightforward induction argument.", "\n\nConclusion of the proof of Theorem \\[main\\] {#section:conclusion}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nIt follows from the discussion in Sections \\[section:class\\] and \\[section:statementmainthm\\] that the following theorem is equivalent to Theorem \\[main\\].", "\n\n\\[th:realequal\\] Let $B$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ such that $\\det(B(\\pm 1))\\ne 0$. Then $$\\nr(\\l(B))=\\max\\{\\mu(B),\\eta(B)\\}.$$\n\nWe will first prove two special cases of Theorem \\[th:realequal\\].", "\n\n\\[prop:oncircle\\] Let $B$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ such that all zeros of $\\det(B)\\in \\L$ lie on $S^1\\sm \\{\\pm 1\\}$. Then $n_\\R(B)=\\mu(B)$.\n\nNote that if $\\det(B)\\in \\L$ has no zero outside of the unit circle then it can also be seen directly that $\\eta(B)\\leq \\mu(B)$.\n\nBy Lemma \\[lem:splitting\\] it suffices to prove the proposition for an elementary diagonal matrix of the form $E=\\diag(e_1,\\dots,e_M)$, where for $k=1,\\dots,M$ we have $e_k=\\varepsilon_kB_{\\xi_k}^{n_k}$ for some $\\varepsilon_k\\in \\{-1,1\\}$, $n_k\\in \\N$ and $\\xi_k\\in \\Xi\\cap S^1=S^1_+$. By Lemma \\[lem:easy\\] it remains to show that $\\mu(B)\\geq n_\\R(B)$. This will be achieved by proving the following claim.", "\n\nLet $E=\\diag(e_1,\\dots,e_M)$ be such an elementary diagonal matrix. ", "We write $s=\\mu(E)$. Then there exists a decomposition $$\\{1,\\dots,M\\}=\\bigcup_{a=1}^{s}I_a$$ into pairwise disjoint sets, and for each $a=1,\\dots,s$ there exists $\\kappa_a\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ such that $$\\l(E)\\cong\\lambda\\big(\\diag\\big(\\kappa_1 \\prod_{i\\in I_1} e_i, \\, \\dots,\\, \\kappa_s \\prod_{i\\in I_{s}} e_i\\big)\\big).$$\n\nWe will prove the claim by induction on the size $M$ of the elementary diagonal matrix. ", "The case $M=0$ is trivial. ", "So now suppose that the statement of the claim holds whenever the size of the elementary diagonal matrix is at most $M-1$. Let $E=\\diag(e_1,\\dots,e_{M})$ be an elementary diagonal matrix such that $\\xi_k\\in S^1\\cap \\Xi\\subset S^1_+$ for $k=1,\\dots,M$. Without loss of generality we can assume that $\\xi_1\\le\\dots\\le \\xi_{M}$ on $S^1_+$.\n\nWe now write $E':=\\diag(e_1,\\dots,e_{M-1})$. We write $s:=\\mu(E)$ and $s':=\\mu(E')$. We then apply our induction hypothesis to $E'$. We obtain the corresponding decomposition $\\{1,\\dots,M-1\\}=I'_1\\cup\\dots \\cup I'_{s'}$ and signs $\\kappa_1',\\dots,\\kappa'_{s'}$. For $a=1,\\dots,s'$, let $$\\rho_a=\\kappa'_a \\prod_{i\\in I'_{a}} e_i.$$ In the following we write $\\varepsilon=\\varepsilon_M, n=n_M, e=e_M$ and $\\xi_M=\\xi$.\n\n*Case 1.* ", "First suppose there exists an $a\\in \\{1,\\dots,s'\\}$ such that $\\rho_a(\\xi)\\ne 0$ and such that $\\sign(\\rho_a(\\xi))=\\varepsilon$. Note that $$\\sign(B_{\\xi}^{n}(z))=\\sign(B_{\\xi}^{n}(1))=\\sign(\\varepsilon)$$ for any $z\\in [1,\\xi)\\subset S^1_+$ since $B_{\\xi}^{n}$ has no zeros on $z\\in [1,\\xi)$. Now recall that we assumed that $\\xi_1\\le\\dots\\le \\xi_{M}=\\xi$ on $S^1_+$. It follows that $\\rho_a$ has no zeros on $[\\xi,-1]\\subset S^1_+$. It thus follows that $$\\sign(\\rho_a(z))=\\sign(\\rho_a(\\xi))=\\varepsilon$$ for any $z\\in [\\xi,-1]$. We can thus apply Theorem \\[th:glue\\] to conclude that \\[equ:l\\] ł(\\_ae)ł((\\_a,e)).We will now prove the following claim.", "\n\n$s=s'$.\n\nNote that (\\[equ:l\\]) implies that $\\l(E)$ can be represented by an $s'\\times s'$-matrix, in particular it follows that $s\\leq s'$. We will now show that $s\\geq s'$. Given a hermitian matrix $C$ over $\\ct$ and $z\\in S^1$ we write $$\\Theta_C^{\\pm}(z):=\\eta_C(z)\\pm \\s_C(z).$$ By Proposition \\[prop:maxoncircle\\] we have $$\\ba{rcl}\\mu(E')&=&\n\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\Theta^+_{E'}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1_+\\} + \\max\\{ \\Theta^-_{E'}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1_+\\}\\right)\\\\[2mm]\n&=&\n\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\Theta^+_{E'}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in [1,\\xi]\\} + \\max\\{ \\Theta^-_{E'}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in [1,\\xi]\\}\\right) \\\\[2mm]\n&=&\n\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\Theta^+_{E'}(z)+\\varepsilon \\, |\\, z\\in [1,\\xi]\\} + \\max\\{ \\Theta^-_{E'}(z)-\\varepsilon \\, |\\, z\\in [1,\\xi]\\}\\right).\\ea$$ Note that $\\Theta^\\pm_{E}(z)=\\Theta^\\pm_{E'}(z)+\\Theta^\\pm_{e}(z)$. It is straightforward to verify that $ \\Theta^{\\pm}_{e}(z)\\mp \\varepsilon$ is greater or equal than zero for any $z\\in [0,\\xi]$. We thus conclude that $$\\Theta_{E'}^\\pm \\pm \\varepsilon=\\Theta_{E}^\\pm-(\\Theta_{\\varepsilon}^\\pm \\mp \\varepsilon )\\leq \\Theta_E^\\pm$$ on $S^1_+$. It follows that $$\\ba{rcl}\\mu(E')&\\leq &\n\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\Theta^+_{E}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in [1,\\xi]\\} + \\max\\{ \\Theta^-_{E}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in [1,\\xi]\\}\\right) \\\\[2mm]\n&\\leq &\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\max\\{ \\Theta^+_{E}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1_+\\} + \\max\\{ \\Theta^-_{E}(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1_+\\} \\right) \\\\\n&=&\\mu(E).\\ea$$ This concludes the proof that $s=s'$. We now define $I_{a}=I'_{a}\\cup\\{M\\}$ and $I_b=I_b'$ for $b\\neq a$ and the induction step is proved for Case 1.", "\n\n*Case 2.* ", "Now suppose that for any $a\\in \\{1,\\dots,s'\\}$ we either have $\\rho_a(\\xi)= 0$ or $\\sign(\\rho_a(\\xi))=-\\varepsilon$. We claim that $s=s'+1$. We write $R:=\\diag(\\rho_1,\\dots,\\rho_{s'},e)$. We can thus represent $E$ by the matrix $R$ of size $s'+1$. It follows that $s\\leq s'+1$. We now write $k:=\\# \\mbox\\{ a \\in \\{1,\\dots,s'\\} \\, |\\, \\rho_a(\\xi)=0\\}$. We have $$\\ba{rcl}\\mu(E')&=&\\mu(R) \\\\\n&\\geq & \\frac{1}{2}\\max\\{ \\eta_R(z)+\\varepsilon \\s_R(z) \\, |\\, z\\in S^1\\} \\\\[2mm]\n&\\geq & \\frac{1}{2}\\left( \\eta_R(\\xi)+\\varepsilon\\s_R(\\xi)\\right) \\\\[2mm]\n&=&(k+1)+(s'-k) =s'+1.\\ea$$ We now take $I_a:=I'_a$ for $a\\in \\{1,\\dots,s'\\}$ and we define $I_{s'+1}=\\{M\\}$.\n\nWe now consider the next special case of Theorem \\[main\\].", "\n\n\\[prop:notoncircle\\] Let $B$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ such that $\\det(B)\\in \\L$ has no zero on the unit circle. ", "Then $n_\\R(B)=\\eta(B)$.\n\nNote that if $\\det(B)\\in \\L$ has no zero on the unit circle, then $\\eta_B$ and $\\sigma_B$ are constant functions on the unit circle, hence $\\mu(B)=0$.\n\nAs in the proof of Proposition \\[prop:oncircle\\] we only have to consider the case that $B$ is an elementary diagonal matrix $B=\\diag(e_1,\\dots,e_M)$. Note that the zeros of $e_1,\\dots,e_M$ do not lie on $S^1$. We write $s=\\eta(B)$. Also, as we pointed out before, in light of Lemma \\[lem:easy\\] it suffices to prove that $s=\\eta(B)\\geq \\nr(B)$.\n\nIt is straightforward to see that one can decompose $\\{1,\\dots,M\\}$ into subsets $I_1,\\dots,I_{s}$ with the following property: given $k,l\\in I_b$ with $k\\neq l$ the polynomials $e_k$ and $e_l$ have different roots. ", "It is clear that one can find such $I_1,\\dots,I_{s}$, since for any $\\xi\\not\\in S^1$ there exist at most $s$ indices $k\\in \\{1,\\dots,M\\}$ for which $e_k$ has root at $\\xi$.\n\nSince the sign of any product of product of the $e_i$ is constant on the unit circle we can now apply Theorem \\[thm:glue\\] repeatedly to show that there exist $\\eps_b\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ such that $$\\l(B)\\cong\\lambda\\big(\\diag\\big(\\eps_1 \\prod_{j\\in I_1} e_j, \\, \\dots,\\, \\eps_s \\prod_{j\\in I_{s}} e_j\\big)\\big).$$ We thus showed that $\\nr(B)\\leq s=\\eta(B)$.\n\nWe are now ready to finally provide a proof of Theorem \\[th:realequal\\].", "\n\nLet $B$ be a square matrix over $\\L$ such that $B(1)$ and $B(-1)$ are non-degenerate. ", "We write $s_i:=s_i(B)$. It follows from Lemma \\[lem:splitting\\] together with the proofs of Propositions \\[prop:oncircle\\] and \\[prop:notoncircle\\] that there exist palindromic $f_1,\\dots,f_{\\mu}\\in \\L$ with no zeros outside of $S^1$ and palindromic $g_1,\\dots,g_{\\eta}\\in \\L$ with no zeros on $S^1$ such that $$\\l(B)\\cong \\l(\\diag(f_1,\\dots,f_{\\mu},g_1,\\dots,g_{\\eta})).$$ Note that the sign of any $g_i$ is constant on the unit circle. ", "It follows from Theorem \\[thm:glue\\] that for any $k\\in \\{1,\\dots,\\min(\\mu,\\eta)\\}$ we have $\\l(\\diag(f_k,g_k))\\cong \\l((\\varepsilon_kf_kg_k))$ for some $\\varepsilon_k\\in \\{\\pm 1\\}$. This shows, that if $\\mu\\ge \\eta$, $$\\l(B)\\cong\\l(\\diag(\\varepsilon_1f_1g_1,\\dots,\\varepsilon_{\\eta}f_{\\eta}g_{\\eta},f_{\\eta+1},\\dots f_{\\mu})),$$ while, if $\\eta>\\mu$ $$\\l(B)\\cong\\l(\\diag(\\varepsilon_1f_1g_1,\\dots,\\varepsilon_{\\mu}f_{\\mu}g_{\\mu},g_{\\mu+1},\\dots g_{\\eta})).$$ We thus showed that $\\max\\{\\mu(B),\\eta(B)\\}\\geq \\nr(B)$. Together with Lemma \\[lem:easy\\] we now obtain the desired equality $\\max\\{\\mu(B),\\eta(B)\\}= \\nr(B)$.\n\nWe point out that the proof of Theorem \\[th:realequal\\] in fact provides a proof of the following slightly more precise statement.", "\n\nLet $B$ be a hermitian matrix over $\\L$ such that $\\det(B(\\pm 1))\\ne 0$. Let $s=\\max\\{\\mu(B),\\eta(B)\\}$. Then there exists a diagonal hermitian $s\\times s$-matrix $D$ over $\\L$ such that $\\l(D)\\cong \\l(B)$.\n\nExamples\n========\n\nWe will first summarize a few properties of the invariant $\\eta$ before proceeding with various examples.", "\n\nBasic properties of $\\eta$\n--------------------------\n\nWe have the following result.", "\n\nFor any knot $K$, the following numbers are equal.", "\n\n- The maximum of nullities $\\eta(K)$.\n\n- The real Nakanishi index, i.e. the minimal number of generators of the $\\realt$ module $H_1(X(K);\\realt)$.\n\n- The rational Nakanishi index, i.e. the minimal number of generators of the $\\qt$ module $H_1(X(K),\\qt)$.\n\n- The maximal index $k$, for which the $k-$th Alexander polynomial $\\Delta_k$ is not $1$\n\n- The bigger of the two following numbers $$\\max_{\\l\\colon 0<|\\l|<1}\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty q^k_\\l\\textrm{ and }\\max_{|\\l|=1}\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty\\sum_{u=\\pm 1}p^k_\\l(u),$$ where the numbers $p^k_\\lambda(u)$ and $q^k_\\lambda$ are the Hodge numbers defined in [@BN13].", "\n\nThe fact that (a), (b), (c) and (d) are equal is well known to the experts. ", "For the convenience of the reader we point out that (a)=(e) follows from [@BN13 Lemma 4.4.6], (c)=(d)=(e) is [@BN13 Proposition 4.3.4]. ", "It is obvious that (b)$\\le$(c) and (d)$\\le$(b).", "\n\nWe now recall, that give a knot $K$ we denote by $-K$ the knot which is given by reversing the orientation and taking the mirror image. ", "It is well-known that $\\eta(-K)=\\eta(K)$ and $\\mu(-K)=-\\mu(K)$. Also note that the invariant $\\mu$ is additive under connect sum, in particular we see that $\\mu(K\\# -K)=0$ for any knot $K$.\n\nFrom the lemma it follows that for a knot $K$ and signs $\\eps_1,\\dots,\\eps_n\\in \\{-1,1\\}$ we have $$\\eta(\\eps_1 K\\#\\dots\\# \\eps_n K)=n\\cdot\\eta(K).$$ On the other hand, given two knots $K_1$ and $K_2$ we have $$\\eta(K_1\\# K_2)\\in\\{\\max(\\eta(K_1),\\eta(K_2)),\\dots,\\eta(K_1)+\\eta(K_2)\\}.$$ Finally, if the Alexander polynomials of $K_1$ and $K_2$ are coprime, then $\\eta(K_1\\# K_2)=\\max(\\eta(K_1),\\eta(K_2))$.\n\nSome concrete examples\n----------------------\n\nWe first consider the knot $K=12a_{896}$. Its Alexander polynomial is $$\\Delta_K(t)=2-11t+26t^2-40t^3+45t^4-40t^5+26t^6-11t^7+2t^8.$$ The Alexander polynomial has no multiple roots, we therefore see that $\\eta(K)=1$.\n\nThe graph of the function $x\\to \\s(e^{2\\pi ix})$ is presented on Figure \\[fig:12a896\\]. ", "The maximum of the Levine-Tristram signature is $2$, the minimum is $-2$. All the jumps of the Levine–Tristram signatures correspond to single roots of the Alexander polynomial. ", "We thus see that $\\mu(K)=2$. Note that $\\mu(K)=2$ is bigger than half the maximum of the absolute value of the Levine–Tristram signature function.", "\n\n(-5,-2)(5,2) (-4,0)(4,0) (-3,-1.5)(-3,1.5) (-2.9,0.1)(-3.1,-0.1)(-3.3,-0.2) (-3.2,0.6)(-2.8,0.6)(-3.4,0.6) (-3.2,1.2)(-2.8,1.2)(-3.4,1.2) (-3.2,-0.6)(-2.8,-0.6)(-3.5,-0.6) (-3.2,-1.2)(-2.8,-1.2)(-3.5,-1.2) (-3,0)(-2.35,0)(-2.35,1.2)(-2.15,1.2)(-2.15,0)(-1.4,0)(-1.4,-1.2)(1.4,-1.2)(1.4,0)(2.15,0)(2.15,1.2)(2.35,1.2)(2.35,0)(3,0) (-2.35,0.6)[0.08]{} (-2.15,0.6)[0.08]{} (-1.4,-0.6)[0.08]{} (2.35,0.6)[0.08]{} (2.15,0.6)[0.08]{} (1.4,-0.6)[0.08]{} (3,-0.1)(3,0.1)(3,-0.3) (0,-0.1)(0,0.1)(0,-0.3)\n\n.", "\n\nWe refer to the authors’ webpage [@BF12web] for more information on unknotting numbers for knots with up to 12 crossings.", "\n\nWe list now some examples, which are built from connected sums of different knots.", "\n\n1. ", " For any knot $K$ with non-trivial Alexander polynomial and $\\eta=1$ (for example we could take $K$ to be the trefoil), the knot $K'=K\\#-K$ has $\\mu=0$ and $\\eta=2$. The connected sum of $n$ copies of $K'$ has $\\mu=0$ but $\\eta=n$ can be arbitrarily large.", "\n\n2. ", " The torus knots $T_{2,2k+1}$ have signature $2k$, the span of signatures is $\\mu(T_{2,2k+1})=k$ but $\\eta=1$. This example and the example above show that $\\mu$ and $\\eta$ are, in general, completely independent.", "\n\n3. ", " For any torus knot $T_{2,2k+1}$ we saw in (2) that $n_\\R=k$, but for $T_{2,2k+1}\\#-T_{2,2k+1}$ we have $\\mu=0$, $\\eta=2$, so $n_\\R=2$. The Blanchfield Form dimension $n_\\R$ is therefore not additive. ", "Note that this is in contrast to the conjecture (see [@Ki97 Problem 1.69(B)]) that the unknotting number is additive under connect sum.", "\n\n4. ", " The knots $6_2$ and $10_{32}$ have both $n_\\R=1$ (see [@CL11] for graphs of their signature functions). ", "But their sum $6_2\\#10_{32}$ also has $n_\\R=1$. Therefore, $n_\\R(K_1\\#K_2)$ can be equal to $1$ even if $n_\\R(K_1)=n_\\R(K_2)=1$.\n\nFinally note that in [@Li11 Theorem 18] Livingston uses the Levine–Tristram signature function to define a new invariant $\\rho(K)$ which gives a lower bound on the $4$-genus and in particular on the unknotting number. ", "Livingston furthermore shows that $\\rho(-5_1\\#10_{132})=3$, whereas $n_\\R(K)=2$. This shows that the Blanchfield Form dimension $n_\\R(K)$ is not the optimal unknotting information, which can be obtained from Levine–Tristram signatures and nullities.", "\n\nOn the other hand there are many examples for which $\\rho(K)=0$, e.g. for all knots with vanishing Levine-Tristram signature function, but for which $\\eta(K)>0$. This shows that $\\rho(K)$ and $n_\\R(K)$ are independent lower bounds on the unknotting number.", "\n\nWe conclude this paper with the following question:\n\nWhat is the optimal lower bound on the unknotting number that can be obtained using Levine–Tristram signatures and nullities?", "\n\n[HKL00]{}\n\nR. C. Blanchfield, [*Intersection theory of manifolds with operators with applications to knot theory*]{}, Ann. ", "of Math. ", "65 (1957), 340–356.", "\n\nM. Borodzik and S. Friedl, [*Knotorious World Wide Web page*]{},\\\n`http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~mcboro/knotorious.php`, December 2011.", "\n\nM. Borodzik and S. Friedl, *Unknotting number and classical invariants*, preprint 2012.", "\n\nM. Borodzik and S. Friedl, *The Algebraic unknotting number and the Blanchfield form*, preprint 2013.", "\n\nM. Borodzik and A. Némethi, [*Hodge-type structures as link invariants*]{}, Ann. ", "Inst. ", "Fourier 63 (2013), 269–301.", "\n\nJ. C. Cha and C. Livingston, [*KnotInfo: Table of Knot Invariants*]{},\\\n`http://www.indiana.edu/~knotinfo`, February 2011.", "\n\nC. Kearton, [*Blanchfield duality and simple knots*]{}, Trans. ", "Am. ", "Math. ", "Soc. ", "202 (1975), 141–160.", "\n\nR. Kirby, [*Problems in low dimensional topology*]{}, Geometric topology: 1993 Georgia international topology conference, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics (1997)\n\nK. H. Ko, [*A Seifert matrix interpretation of Cappell and Shaneson’s approach to link cobordisms*]{}, Math. ", "Proc Cambridge Philos. ", "Soc, 106 (1989), 531–545.", "\n\nS. Lang, [*Algebra*]{}, Revised third edition. ", "Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 211. ", "Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002.", "\n\nJ. Levine, [*Knot cobordism groups in codimension two*]{}, Comm. ", "Math. ", "Helv. ", "44 (1969) 229–244.", "\n\nC. Livingston, [*Knot 4-genus and the rank of classes in $W(\\Q(t))$*]{}, Pacific J. Math. ", "252 (2011), 113–126.", "\n\nJ. Milnor, [*On isometries of inner product spaces*]{}, Inv. ", "Math. ", "8 (1969), 83–97.", "\n\nH. Murakami, [*Algebraic Unknotting Operation*]{}, Q&A. Gen. Topology 8, 283-292 (1990)\n\nA. Némethi, [*The real Seifert form and the spectral pairs of isolated hypersurface singularities*]{}, Comp. ", "Math. ", "98 (1995), 23–41.", "\n\nW. Neumann, [*Invariants of plane curve singularities*]{} in: Knots, braids and singularities (Plans-sur-Bex, 1982), 223–232, Monogr. ", "Enseign. ", "Math., ", "31, Enseignement Math., ", "Geneva, 1983.", "\n\nA. Ranicki, [*Exact sequences in the algebraic theory of surgery*]{}, Mathematical Notes 26, Princeton (1981)\n\nW. Rudin, [*Principles of Mathematical Analysis*]{}, Third edition. ", "International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. ", "McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York-Auckland-Düsseldorf, 1976.", "\n\nA. Tristram, [*Some cobordism invariants for links*]{}, Proc. ", "Camb. ", "Phil. ", "Soc. 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[ "To link to the entire object, paste this link in email, IM or documentTo embed the entire object, paste this HTML in websiteTo link to this page, paste this link in email, IM or documentTo embed this page, paste this HTML in website\n\n..\n8TATE QUESTIONS SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE. ", "UNDER THI\nINITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. ", "SINCE STATEHOOD\nArtIcle V. Sections 1-4 of the Constitution pertaIn to the legIslative authority of\nthe State. ", "Incudlng the Inltlatlve and referendum powers. ", "Eight per cent of the elec­torate\nmay Initiate a law and fifteen per cent may Initiate an amendment to the Con­stitution.", "\nFive per cent of the electorate may Initiate \" referendum on an enactmemt\nof the Legislature. ", "or the Legislature may order the referendum by joint resolution.", "\nThe Legislature may propose an amendment to the Constitution under the provisIons\nof Article XXIV. ", "Section 1.", "\nThe vote on all proposed Constitutional amendments or referendum measures shall\nbe held at the next general election unless a .peclal election Is ordered by the Gover­nor\nor the Legislature. !'", "lee Simpson v. Hill. ", "128 Okla. 269, 263 P. 635 (1928) and State\nex reI. Williamson v. Carter. ", "177 Okla. 382. ", "59 P. 2d 948 (1936). ", "A Constitutional\namendment must receive a majority of the votes cast at a general election In order to\nbecome effective. ", "but If the vote Is taken at a specIal election a majority for the\nmeasure I, sufficient to adopt. ", "Referendum measures require only a majority vote In\nfavor of the act at either a general or special election.", "\nGENERAL ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTION NO. ", "1 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM NO. ", "1\nSubmitted by Joint Resolution No.3. ", "page 770. ", "Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe creation of a State Agency for the purpose of dispensing spIrituous liquors\nIn original packages on physicians' prescriptions .", "\nShall the Amendment be adopted f\nVote-Yes ................................................................................ 105.392\nNo ................................................................................. 121.573\nAMENDMENT REJECTED.", "\nGEJIo\"ERAJ, ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTION No. ", "2 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM No. ", "2\nSubmitted by Joint Resolution No.3, page 775. ", "Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the propo.ltlon Is as follows:\nTo establish the Torrens Land Registration System for the purpose of adjudicat­ing\nland titles. ", "determining the rightful owner of land. ", "issuing proper certificates of\ntitle and providing for registration and transfer of title of realty.", "\nShall the Amendment be adopted?", "\nVote-Yes .......................... _ ............ 114,394\nNo ........... .. ......................... ._ .... ", "83.888\nAME\"DMENT REJECTED. ", "Xecessary to carry ..... .. __ .124.398\nGENERAL ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3, 1908\nSTATE QUESTION No. ", "3 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM No. ", "3\nSubmitted by House Joint Resolution No. ", "11. ", "page 779, Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe people of the State may at any time select a Capitol location by a majoritY\nof the votes cast on the question at any election wherein the question bas been Bub­mltted.", "\nShall the Amendment Le adopted?", "\nVote-Yes ....... .", "\nNo ._ ... __ ._._ ...... .", "\n.... 120.3fi2\n71.933\nAMENDMENT REJECTED. ", "Necessary to carry ............ 124.398\nGENERAL ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTIOJ:',\" No.4 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM No.4\nSubmitted by Senate Joint Resolution No. ", "R, page 775. ", "Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe State secure a site for the Capitol. ", "embracing ample grounds and lots In said\nsite to be sold for the bendlt of the State.", "\nShall the Amendment be adopted?", "\nVote-Yes .... .. .. ............................ . ................................... ", "117.441\nNo ................................ .. . .. _ ............................ ", "75.792\nAMENDMENT REJECTED. ", "Necessary to carry .................. 124.398\nGENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTION No.5 INITIATIVl!I PETlTlOK No. ", "1\nThe gIst of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe authorization of the sale of school and other public lands at auction, g1Tlng\nthe lessee the right of acceptance of the land at the highest bid. ", "limiting the Bales\nto one hundred and sixty acres of land to the IndivIdual. ", "allowing long term deferred\npayments at six per cent Interest and making the land taxable at the Initial sale.", "\nVote-Yes ............................................................................... 96.745\nNo ............................................................................ ... 110.840\nACT REJECTED.", "\nSPECIAL ELECTION. ", "JUNE 11. ", "1910\nSTATE QUESTION No. ", "15 INITIATIVE PETITION No. ", "7\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nA proposition to permanently locate State Capitol; Creating Commission of three\nto be appoInted by Governor. ", "January 1. ", "1911. ", "or sooner; defines powers and dutlee.;", "\nappropriates .Ix hundred thousand dollars to purchase not to exceed two thousand\nacres; State to be reimbursed from sale of Iota; Capitol fund created therefrom;\nBoard may exercIse power of eminent domain ..\n-241-\n\nPreceding titles: Oklahoma State Manual; Directory of the State of Oklahoma. ", "Succeeding titles: Directory of Oklahoma; Oklahoma Almanac.", "\n\nCopyright and Permissions\n\nCopyright of this digital resource, Oklahoma Department of Libraries, 2008. ", "For further information regarding use please consult the Rights and Permissions page, http://www.crossroads.odl.state.ok.us/shell/rights.php or contact the holding institution of the digital resource.", "\n\n..\n8TATE QUESTIONS SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE. ", "UNDER THI\nINITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. ", "SINCE STATEHOOD\nArtIcle V. Sections 1-4 of the Constitution pertaIn to the legIslative authority of\nthe State. ", "Incudlng the Inltlatlve and referendum powers. ", "Eight per cent of the elec­torate\nmay Initiate a law and fifteen per cent may Initiate an amendment to the Con­stitution.", "\nFive per cent of the electorate may Initiate \" referendum on an enactmemt\nof the Legislature. ", "or the Legislature may order the referendum by joint resolution.", "\nThe Legislature may propose an amendment to the Constitution under the provisIons\nof Article XXIV. ", "Section 1.", "\nThe vote on all proposed Constitutional amendments or referendum measures shall\nbe held at the next general election unless a .peclal election Is ordered by the Gover­nor\nor the Legislature. !'", "lee Simpson v. Hill. ", "128 Okla. 269, 263 P. 635 (1928) and State\nex reI. Williamson v. Carter. ", "177 Okla. 382. ", "59 P. 2d 948 (1936). ", "A Constitutional\namendment must receive a majority of the votes cast at a general election In order to\nbecome effective. ", "but If the vote Is taken at a specIal election a majority for the\nmeasure I, sufficient to adopt. ", "Referendum measures require only a majority vote In\nfavor of the act at either a general or special election.", "\nGENERAL ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTION NO. ", "1 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM NO. ", "1\nSubmitted by Joint Resolution No.3. ", "page 770. ", "Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe creation of a State Agency for the purpose of dispensing spIrituous liquors\nIn original packages on physicians' prescriptions .", "\nShall the Amendment be adopted f\nVote-Yes ................................................................................ 105.392\nNo ................................................................................. 121.573\nAMENDMENT REJECTED.", "\nGEJIo\"ERAJ, ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTION No. ", "2 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM No. ", "2\nSubmitted by Joint Resolution No.3, page 775. ", "Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the propo.ltlon Is as follows:\nTo establish the Torrens Land Registration System for the purpose of adjudicat­ing\nland titles. ", "determining the rightful owner of land. ", "issuing proper certificates of\ntitle and providing for registration and transfer of title of realty.", "\nShall the Amendment be adopted?", "\nVote-Yes .......................... _ ............ 114,394\nNo ........... .. ......................... ._ .... ", "83.888\nAME\"DMENT REJECTED. ", "Xecessary to carry ..... .. __ .124.398\nGENERAL ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3, 1908\nSTATE QUESTION No. ", "3 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM No. ", "3\nSubmitted by House Joint Resolution No. ", "11. ", "page 779, Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe people of the State may at any time select a Capitol location by a majoritY\nof the votes cast on the question at any election wherein the question bas been Bub­mltted.", "\nShall the Amendment Le adopted?", "\nVote-Yes ....... .", "\nNo ._ ... __ ._._ ...... .", "\n.... 120.3fi2\n71.933\nAMENDMENT REJECTED. ", "Necessary to carry ............ 124.398\nGENERAL ELECTION. ", "NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTIOJ:',\" No.4 LEGISLATIVE REFERENDUM No.4\nSubmitted by Senate Joint Resolution No. ", "R, page 775. ", "Session Laws 1907-08\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe State secure a site for the Capitol. ", "embracing ample grounds and lots In said\nsite to be sold for the bendlt of the State.", "\nShall the Amendment be adopted?", "\nVote-Yes .... .. .. ............................ . ................................... ", "117.441\nNo ................................ .. . .. _ ............................ ", "75.792\nAMENDMENT REJECTED. ", "Necessary to carry .................. 124.398\nGENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 3. ", "1908\nSTATE QUESTION No.5 INITIATIVl!I PETlTlOK No. ", "1\nThe gIst of the proposition Is as follows:\nThe authorization of the sale of school and other public lands at auction, g1Tlng\nthe lessee the right of acceptance of the land at the highest bid. ", "limiting the Bales\nto one hundred and sixty acres of land to the IndivIdual. ", "allowing long term deferred\npayments at six per cent Interest and making the land taxable at the Initial sale.", "\nVote-Yes ............................................................................... 96.745\nNo ............................................................................ ... 110.840\nACT REJECTED.", "\nSPECIAL ELECTION. ", "JUNE 11. ", "1910\nSTATE QUESTION No. ", "15 INITIATIVE PETITION No. ", "7\nThe gist of the proposition Is as follows:\nA proposition to permanently locate State Capitol; Creating Commission of three\nto be appoInted by Governor. ", "January 1. ", "1911. ", "or sooner; defines powers and dutlee.;", "\nappropriates .Ix hundred thousand dollars to purchase not to exceed two thousand\nacres; State to be reimbursed from sale of Iota; Capitol fund created therefrom;\nBoard may exercIse power of eminent domain ..\n-241-" ]
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[ "\nBulgarian: \nlocal act\na bit it whose vote today the at i'm\npresenting\nuh...\nfighting on one of the people who have\nreplied to me\nbut and i think our\nthe title of the patriot of high-tech\ncomputer market model\nunion dick\nlooked funny came system adoption\nit trachtenberg\nand what you think champion or\nelectronic payment systems auction by\ncompany when they first see the popular\nproduct of equipment\nformalize a company who can be just\nleave it at a compete for the use\nwell for fortune hyperbole\nhoc akhon\nand will be up to the next lie\n\nEnglish: \nlocal act\na bit it whose vote today the at i'm\npresenting\nuh...\nfighting on one of the people who have\nreplied to me\nbut and i think our\nthe title of the patriot of high-tech\ncomputer market model\nunion dick\nlooked funny came system adoption\nit trachtenberg\nand what you think champion or\nelectronic payment systems auction by\ncompany when they first see the popular\nproduct of equipment\nformalize a company who can be just\nleave it at a compete for the use\nwell for fortune hyperbole\nhoc akhon\nand will be up to the next lie\n\nBulgarian: \nso introduction benefit hit delighted\nwith the life of a baby system is\nadopted\nbachelors loan from heidi movement and\nanything human\non\nto the fortune companies\nlike\nsoutheasterly toward predictable\nbirmingham happy champion touching yet\nwith the fortunately company\nencryption tools\nsort of a bulldog that used to\nfrom what we've done\nmatter\nanimal protein\nthat israel swedish in protecting the\ne_p_a_ weekend option\nsaid that we did not have company\nin pursuit\ncampaigns\nwho have left\ntrailer like the chance of adopting\nlooked anything except\nso that we\nthey can get done more bang for their\nblock so import-export\nand then had been forty two d from\ngaining that we and inflation\nstick in\n\nEnglish: \nso introduction benefit hit delighted\nwith the life of a baby system is\nadopted\nbachelors loan from heidi movement and\nanything human\non\nto the fortune companies\nlike\nsoutheasterly toward predictable\nbirmingham happy champion touching yet\nwith the fortunately company\nencryption tools\nsort of a bulldog that used to\nfrom what we've done\nmatter\nanimal protein\nthat israel swedish in protecting the\ne_p_a_ weekend option\nsaid that we did not have company\nin pursuit\ncampaigns\nwho have left\ntrailer like the chance of adopting\nlooked anything except\nso that we\nthey can get done more bang for their\nblock so import-export\nand then had been forty two d from\ngaining that we and inflation\nstick in\n\nBulgarian: \ncom weekly also\namigo\nmeeting today\nand i'm linda appears nightmare\navailability\na primary conviction that model you've\ngot a lot and competent traditionally\nimplied antibody\nusual\nalternately lauded model\nin any others\nso that uh... explain what thirty uh...\nif i could do we built a very difficult\nfor the model engaged in the dark hope\neverythin we've been up here\nhinder colony\nand how i feel like ho\ngeneral thiet usage\nit\nhappened happened had interest paid\nhad predicted\nuh... make that make\naccording to our\nfor like here\nuh... looked like\n\nEnglish: \ncom weekly also\namigo\nmeeting today\nand i'm linda appears nightmare\navailability\na primary conviction that model you've\ngot a lot and competent traditionally\nimplied antibody\nusual\nalternately lauded model\nin any others\nso that uh... explain what thirty uh...\nif i could do we built a very difficult\nfor the model engaged in the dark hope\neverythin we've been up here\nhinder colony\nand how i feel like ho\ngeneral thiet usage\nit\nhappened happened had interest paid\nhad predicted\nuh... make that make\naccording to our\nfor like here\nuh... looked like\n\nBulgarian: \nup at work in the field of the cabinet\nthat even without a doubt i gotta go\nmegan\nokay pop promoted mod we you happened an\nand apparently he was the point\nreported frederick opening provide\ninformation on the individual on that\nperson's prior development parts of the\ndatabase public identified and the\nfeeling is gone market digital equipment\npersistently\nand up pathologist hdfc\nhad regional chair\nattempt i believe of alone\nroughly psychology ward or proper\nmanagement informed him that they had\nfifteen piled\nally tableau\nso many colleges the cookbook\ni want to know company confirming pretty\nlooking equipment and they're making a\nbig deal\nmarty\nnational used to the political\n\nEnglish: \nup at work in the field of the cabinet\nthat even without a doubt i gotta go\nmegan\nokay pop promoted mod we you happened an\nand apparently he was the point\nreported frederick opening provide\ninformation on the individual on that\nperson's prior development parts of the\ndatabase public identified and the\nfeeling is gone market digital equipment\npersistently\nand up pathologist hdfc\nhad regional chair\nattempt i believe of alone\nroughly psychology ward or proper\nmanagement informed him that they had\nfifteen piled\nally tableau\nso many colleges the cookbook\ni want to know company confirming pretty\nlooking equipment and they're making a\nbig deal\nmarty\nnational used to the political\n\nEnglish: \nour company\nand advantage sympathetic haha testified\nto having to live\nfortunately\nof eating\ncharacteristic of the public\nthe location that admit this private\nincluding number of the top and other\na demographic information purple\nand it'll and yet\nthree at it\nand what happens to be a connection v\nuh... other line\nin my understanding is that even if i\ncould use or\napprovals called\ntook today we're talking about people in\nthe last equipment foot deep conflict it\njust kind of like embodied a likelihood\nthat the gated work coming to be any\ndifficulty\nhow grade school had yet\ntrying to pry an information packet\nunimpeded\nand moving into a\n\nBulgarian: \nour company\nand advantage sympathetic haha testified\nto having to live\nfortunately\nof eating\ncharacteristic of the public\nthe location that admit this private\nincluding number of the top and other\na demographic information purple\nand it'll and yet\nthree at it\nand what happens to be a connection v\nuh... other line\nin my understanding is that even if i\ncould use or\napprovals called\ntook today we're talking about people in\nthe last equipment foot deep conflict it\njust kind of like embodied a likelihood\nthat the gated work coming to be any\ndifficulty\nhow grade school had yet\ntrying to pry an information packet\nunimpeded\nand moving into a\n\nEnglish: \nuh... harder lighted academia cable that\ni\ncopied and pasted easier armpit actually\ngo\num... overall\nsample of the debt\nbut looking at\nuh... industry type here uh...\nand u\nthat of bulldog\nthe number of people who you in with\nmidway\nagreement with every number of employees\nand he had little\ni'm confident that uh...\nhere\nand\nat the end of the internal and section\nsupervisor have actually gone is the\nlooking ethical relation between them\nthan concentrate based on\nupon i in in the evening\n\nBulgarian: \nuh... harder lighted academia cable that\ni\ncopied and pasted easier armpit actually\ngo\num... overall\nsample of the debt\nbut looking at\nuh... industry type here uh...\nand u\nthat of bulldog\nthe number of people who you in with\nmidway\nagreement with every number of employees\nand he had little\ni'm confident that uh...\nhere\nand\nat the end of the internal and section\nsupervisor have actually gone is the\nlooking ethical relation between them\nthan concentrate based on\nupon i in in the evening\n\nBulgarian: \nand you know and candy was\ntoday the pit\nthe champ\nlockney jet\nadmitted might cancel mine\nfind\nand roger model\none of those demoted\ndid\nperform type of opinion about half a\nmillion\nexpanding yet\nrichard\nadopted won't have a hijacker stuff\ndeducting the compete\nuh... which we can hook up here\nthe company\nunder p\nhead\nexplicit\nuh...\nand of itself\nand walking the street habits\n\nEnglish: \nand you know and candy was\ntoday the pit\nthe champ\nlockney jet\nadmitted might cancel mine\nfind\nand roger model\none of those demoted\ndid\nperform type of opinion about half a\nmillion\nexpanding yet\nrichard\nadopted won't have a hijacker stuff\ndeducting the compete\nuh... which we can hook up here\nthe company\nunder p\nhead\nexplicit\nuh...\nand of itself\nand walking the street habits\n\nBulgarian: \nresponded to the debt ceiling\none at he\nwhich we hope that here\ngo to them\nwalking\nheather\nto try to contact with these two\nattitude on the record\nyou into\nvehicle\nthat\nuh... leading into the background on\nthough\nyeah\na benefit the people that got it right\nbut what they want to do it doesn't look\nat\ndata at the high energy corp\nyou\npredictive data into\nhere\nkayaking\nto patrick buchanan right before we see\nyou tomorrow\nuh... your\nv issue\nthe division of modern\nnot competent on before\nthere\nk here\nin proud here\n\nEnglish: \nresponded to the debt ceiling\none at he\nwhich we hope that here\ngo to them\nwalking\nheather\nto try to contact with these two\nattitude on the record\nyou into\nvehicle\nthat\nuh... leading into the background on\nthough\nyeah\na benefit the people that got it right\nbut what they want to do it doesn't look\nat\ndata at the high energy corp\nyou\npredictive data into\nhere\nkayaking\nto patrick buchanan right before we see\nyou tomorrow\nuh... your\nv issue\nthe division of modern\nnot competent on before\nthere\nk here\nin proud here\n\nBulgarian: \nhouston\nindependently too\nhe picked up\na finite\nmixture of model\nups\nacog dependent variable\nused\nthe number of segment condemned by the\nmodeling\nuh... to from one of the crash\ndifferences\nto their practically preemptive\nattracted by uh... wonky lie\na match\ni'd warm last night thinking\npsychopathic behavior\nfour thousand more in and online\nuh... wall pocket nidal how your pic\nhe na\nnot index that\ntwo-page square\nused\nyou're\nof each of them are beginning to look at\ntoday if it can get a little\nyet i think it will be instead and and\n\nEnglish: \nhouston\nindependently too\nhe picked up\na finite\nmixture of model\nups\nacog dependent variable\nused\nthe number of segment condemned by the\nmodeling\nuh... to from one of the crash\ndifferences\nto their practically preemptive\nattracted by uh... wonky lie\na match\ni'd warm last night thinking\npsychopathic behavior\nfour thousand more in and online\nuh... wall pocket nidal how your pic\nhe na\nnot index that\ntwo-page square\nused\nyou're\nof each of them are beginning to look at\ntoday if it can get a little\nyet i think it will be instead and and\n\nBulgarian: \nyesterday it was vehicles\nuh... widely considered to be looked at\nthe convention and at the dinner\nagreement that conventional got out\nthere for them\non ended that y\nall because the on that are of title on\nno to call\naccurately and influential into\ncommuning that that i think it was like\nthat\nmaking that decision\nwe keep\nand wanted to the gulf\nduplicate chanakya finite it's immoral\nuniting\nin person\nif convicted aggressively caddy\nall-girl equity\nmoney\n\nEnglish: \nyesterday it was vehicles\nuh... widely considered to be looked at\nthe convention and at the dinner\nagreement that conventional got out\nthere for them\non ended that y\nall because the on that are of title on\nno to call\naccurately and influential into\ncommuning that that i think it was like\nthat\nmaking that decision\nwe keep\nand wanted to the gulf\nduplicate chanakya finite it's immoral\nuniting\nin person\nif convicted aggressively caddy\nall-girl equity\nmoney\n\nBulgarian: \nand uh...\nand\nanother supply and i think you would\nhave bill number the result\nuh... that day\nactivity\nsold way\nbtw\nhere\ne picture\nit\nso even\nhe would be fine\nthat will condemn\nand that lol\nmet in\nwonderful\nheidi something\nallison use\npicking up\nthey're looking at the number synonym or\nmichael\nso when you try to to solicited\n\nEnglish: \nand uh...\nand\nanother supply and i think you would\nhave bill number the result\nuh... that day\nactivity\nsold way\nbtw\nhere\ne picture\nit\nso even\nhe would be fine\nthat will condemn\nand that lol\nmet in\nwonderful\nheidi something\nallison use\npicking up\nthey're looking at the number synonym or\nmichael\nso when you try to to solicited\n\nEnglish: \nwhen you tried to recreate the company\npart of the company gotham\nyou can use the grand prize\ninhibit well\ntarget dates system\nso we\nyou not\nassuming and\nin the cockpit we actually\nall postpartum\nwho's going to be a\nand when you go\nintrigued\nalso defined i think that model can\nuh... looking at the classified\naccording to police chief david fifty\netc reaching well to stop them\nequity also interested to hear it\nhigh-throughput data\nthat uh...\nthat information became there\nand have the there\ndoesn't help the people to be the\nknackered\nyou\n\nBulgarian: \nwhen you tried to recreate the company\npart of the company gotham\nyou can use the grand prize\ninhibit well\ntarget dates system\nso we\nyou not\nassuming and\nin the cockpit we actually\nall postpartum\nwho's going to be a\nand when you go\nintrigued\nalso defined i think that model can\nuh... looking at the classified\naccording to police chief david fifty\netc reaching well to stop them\nequity also interested to hear it\nhigh-throughput data\nthat uh...\nthat information became there\nand have the there\ndoesn't help the people to be the\nknackered\nyou\n\nBulgarian: \nreacted method net\nwhich also support picture\nunderstand what had happened to be\nrepealed automatically\nof the matters tool\ni think that's better\nmunication imported on unlawfully\njamal thickening multiple order\nto it\ntwo-headed and picked up well\nuh...\non compactor\nand uh...\nthat\nlied exchange\nany question\nand a professor uh... i don't believe\nthat crap so i a and prepared by myself\nof all the questions that i could think\nof that\nuh... dot com dot my students might\nhappen in my dorm analysis effect of\n\nEnglish: \nreacted method net\nwhich also support picture\nunderstand what had happened to be\nrepealed automatically\nof the matters tool\ni think that's better\nmunication imported on unlawfully\njamal thickening multiple order\nto it\ntwo-headed and picked up well\nuh...\non compactor\nand uh...\nthat\nlied exchange\nany question\nand a professor uh... i don't believe\nthat crap so i a and prepared by myself\nof all the questions that i could think\nof that\nuh... dot com dot my students might\nhappen in my dorm analysis effect of\n\nEnglish: \nwhat is the limitation actually pack\nbut litigation of the etc\nthey don't talk about it they are\nfinding htm yet again\nhere as usual\nare boycotting\nhierarchical\nmaking had to go that each of the data\nbecause of a point five percent but but\nthere comes a game of the clear\nguideline of israel\nthat i could\non using that working are\nmaking industry like crying and oregon\nhealth care\nat what been\nwhat would be that immediately the\ncredit card debt\nthat right before typing reflecting\nthat one directive rhythm communication\nevent\ntactical little hired you bet\n\nBulgarian: \nwhat is the limitation actually pack\nbut litigation of the etc\nthey don't talk about it they are\nfinding htm yet again\nhere as usual\nare boycotting\nhierarchical\nmaking had to go that each of the data\nbecause of a point five percent but but\nthere comes a game of the clear\nguideline of israel\nthat i could\non using that working are\nmaking industry like crying and oregon\nhealth care\nat what been\nwhat would be that immediately the\ncredit card debt\nthat right before typing reflecting\nthat one directive rhythm communication\nevent\ntactical little hired you bet\n\nBulgarian: \nhad it's more high that or\nadapt uncommon companies out there\nbehind a cold front that not padmini\nlooking lol local picking light\nwe're planning\nrefer to our own private police were\ncalled right hungry\npolitical eighteen thousand\nin my campaign data is in the house is\nnow\nbut not be enough\nuh... that that solidification\nallergy\nnetwork through\nevent will look at what the litigation\nis involved\nmember prelude also that\ncommunication interest you\nfinancial himself\nokay convention okay\nand all of the problem\n\nEnglish: \nhad it's more high that or\nadapt uncommon companies out there\nbehind a cold front that not padmini\nlooking lol local picking light\nwe're planning\nrefer to our own private police were\ncalled right hungry\npolitical eighteen thousand\nin my campaign data is in the house is\nnow\nbut not be enough\nuh... that that solidification\nallergy\nnetwork through\nevent will look at what the litigation\nis involved\nmember prelude also that\ncommunication interest you\nfinancial himself\nokay convention okay\nand all of the problem\n\nBulgarian: \nhopkinton the of solution\nso you are already commited\nlooted and then to think that it was a\ncollective that isn't overall\nlocal\nuh... player\nbut\nuh... can kill faqs political for thank\nyou for thinking publishing\nd\nuh... doubtful thank you very much and\n\nEnglish: \nhopkinton the of solution\nso you are already commited\nlooted and then to think that it was a\ncollective that isn't overall\nlocal\nuh... player\nbut\nuh... can kill faqs political for thank\nyou for thinking publishing\nd\nuh... doubtful thank you very much and\n" ]
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[ " NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION\n File Name: 08a0596n.06\n Filed: October 2, 2008\n\n No. ", "07-6429\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT\n\n\nPADUCAH & LOUISVILLE RAILWAY, INC., ", " )\n )\n Plaintiff-Appellant, ) ON APPEAL FROM THE\n ) UNITED STATES DISTRICT\n v. ) COURT FOR THE WESTERN\n ) DISTRICT OF KENTUCKY\nQUIXX CORPORATION, UTILITY ENGINEERING )\nCORPORATION, and XCEL ENERGY, INC., ", " )\n )\n Defendants-Appellees. ", " )\n_________________________________________\n\n\n\nBEFORE: BOGGS, Chief Judge, GIBBONS, and GRIFFIN, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n PER CURIAM.", "\n\n Following an eleven-car derailment, plaintiff railway sued the repair facility that serviced its\n\nrailcar seven years prior to the accident. ", "The district court granted summary judgment in favor of\n\ndefendants because it concluded, inter alia, that plaintiffs could not establish that defendants’ alleged\n\nnegligence proximately caused the derailment.", "\n\n After reviewing the record, the parties’ briefs, and the applicable law, we conclude that\n\nissuance of a panel opinion would not serve any jurisprudential purpose. ", "Thus, we affirm the district\n\ncourt’s well-reasoned decision for the reasons stated in that court’s summary judgment opinion and\n\norder of September 18, 2007, and its opinion and order of October 29, 2007, denying plaintiff’s\n\nmotion for reconsideration.", "\n\fNo. ", "07-6429\nPaducah & Louisville Ry., ", "Inc. V. Quixx Corp.\n\n\n AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\f" ]
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[ "Arsenal have felt the ghosts of Novembers past but this was a win to restore a measure of stability. ", "It was not a vintage performance and there was a period in the first half after Bournemouth had equalised through Callum Wilson’s hotly contested penalty when the visitors appeared to be the likelier scorers of the next goal.", "\n\nArsène Wenger admitted there were nerves at that point and Arsenal would enjoy a let-off in the 72nd minute when Simon Francis’s flicked pass inside the area hit Nacho Monreal’s hand only for Mike Jones to ignore the appeal for another penalty. ", "Eddie Howe, the Bournemouth manager, also felt that Jones had overlooked a claim for his team when Shkodran Mustafi shoved Steve Cook at a corner at the start of the second half.", "\n\nArsenal had the better of it overall and, inspired by Alexis Sánchez, they got the victory they needed to answer those of Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City from Saturday. ", "Sánchez had put Arsenal in front early on and the Chilean added the gloss during stoppage time with a tap-in from the substitute Olivier Giroud’s pull-back following a slick counter. ", "Sánchez now has 10 goals for the season and the only blot on his afternoon was the yellow card he received for an ugly tackle on Harry Arter. ", "Laurent Koscielny had earlier escaped censure for what looked like a stamp on the Bournemouth midfielder.", "\n\nJack Wilshere’s struggle to find a role and rhythm eased by Howe’s alchemy | Barney Ronay Read more\n\nTheo Walcott scored the decisive second goal – his ninth of the season – and it was a nice way for him to celebrate the birth of his second son, Arlo, who arrived on Friday, after Walcott’s wife, Mel, had gone into labour at 1.30am. ", "It would last for 12 hours. ", "Walcott was withdrawn on 75 minutes here and he sat on the bench with a heavy strapping on his lower leg, after taking what Wenger described as a minor kick. ", "It was nothing on what Mel had endured.", "\n\nWenger also lost Mathieu Debuchy to a serious hamstring problem – the right-back lasted only 15 minutes of his first appearance for Arsenal since November last year – while Giroud, too, felt a hamstring problem that will need attention.", "\n\nThe three points were the balm to the pains and how they were needed. ", "Arsenal had last won a November league fixture in 2014 and they came into this game on the back of three rather underwhelming draws in succession.", "\n\nBournemouth gifted Arsenal the opening goal when Cook attempted a back pass but found only Sánchez who, in yards of space, cut inside and shot low past the exposed Adam Federici. ", "Arsenal dominated the first 20 minutes. ", "Cook and Francis were booked after being beaten for pace by Sánchez and Alex Oxlade‑Chamberlain, respectively, while the excellent Nathan Aké made important blocks to deny Mesut Özil and Mohamed Elneny. ", "Arsenal also shouted for a penalty when Aké caught Sánchez but the contact appeared to take place outside the area. ", "Jones, who had a difficult afternoon, saw no foul.", "\n\nArsenal 3-1 Bournemouth: Premier League – as it happened! ", "Read more\n\nHe did act – to the dismay of Wenger and the home crowd – when Wilson surged into the area in the 22nd minute. ", "Across came Monreal, who flung out his arm and he caught the Bournemouth striker. ", "The previous weekend, Wilson had been denied a clear penalty when Stoke City’s Ryan Shawcross cleaned him out but he was on the right side of this more debatable award. ", "Wenger called it a “very soft one”. ", "Mustafi was booked for his protests and Wilson, having dusted himself down, kept his cool to beat Petr Cech.", "\n\nIn a flash, the game turned. “", "We became nervous and the three [recent] draws played on our minds,” Wenger said. ", "Adam Smith headed over on 26 minutes when gloriously placed, following Aké’s header back, and Brad Smith, playing his first league game for Bournemouth, worked Cech at his near post. ", "Howe’s team played some neat football and the pace of Wilson, Josh King and Junior Stanislas worried Arsenal.", "\n\n“The result was harsh on us – considering we gave them the first goal,” Howe said. “", "It was a penalty for handball [against Monreal]. ", "The scoreline is difficult to swallow.”", "\n\nArsenal regained a foothold before the interval and it was Sánchez, inevitably, who was to the fore. ", "He swiped over after an interchange with Özil and, on the stroke of half-time, he rattled the crossbar from an angle on the right.", "\n\nMonreal was central to the goal that put Arsenal back in front and it was an excellent piece of technique with which he returned Özil’s cross from the right, which had flicked off Aké. ", "The first-time ball was made to measure for Walcott, whose downwards header beat Federici. ", "It was only the second time that Walcott had scored with his head in the Premier League.", "\n\nHowe and his players were upset at Jones’s decision not to penalise Monreal for the apparent handball, while Cech saved at close quarters from the substitute and former Arsenal striker, Benik Afobe. ", "The last word, though, would go to Sánchez." ]
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[ "package rtsp\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/nareix/joy4/av\"\n\t\"github.com/nareix/joy4/format/rtsp/sdp\"\n\t\"time\"\n)\n\ntype Stream struct {\n\tav.", "CodecData\n\tSdp sdp.", "Media\n\tclient *Client\n\n\t// h264\n\tfuStarted bool\n\tfuBuffer []byte\n\tsps []byte\n\tpps []byte\n\tspsChanged bool\n\tppsChanged bool\n\n\tgotpkt bool\n\tpkt av.", "Packet\n\ttimestamp uint32\n\tfirsttimestamp uint32\n\n\tlasttime time.", "Duration\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "After the excitement of our L2X protocol launch in August, it’s been straight back to business this month for the team at OAX Foundation. ", "We hosted a marathon 24 hour AMA session on Reddit to speak directly with our community and it’s fair to say we were overwhelmed by the response. ", "We received — and answered — a total of 110 different questions over the period about everything from what we’ve learned during the project so far to how developers can get involved. ", "It’s great to see such interest in OAX, and this kind of engagement really drives us forwards. ", "Congratulations again to the winners of our best question competition!", "\n\nOne topic that came up in the AMA, and which we regularly receive questions about, centers around our plans for partnerships. ", "Finding the perfect partner is not easy in any aspect of life — and business is no exception! ", "We explored this subject in some detail this month in order to explain our own approach to partnerships. ", "In short, we know success in taking digital assets mainstream can’t be achieved by one party alone. ", "That’s why we’re looking for partners to help develop and match the regulatory and consumer needs that will smooth our path to success. ", "Cross-promoting each other’s’ work enables us to join forces and accelerate this process.", "\n\nDuring the month, we also shone a spotlight on the issue of hacking to highlight how critical we believe our work at OAX Foundation is. ", "Billions of dollars worth of digital assets have been stolen in hacks just this year alone, and it’s an issue that the industry needs to get to grips with if it’s ever to have any hope of going mainstream. ", "Going trustless through the use of our L2X protocol removes a fundamental vulnerability in the system, and so can make digital asset trading inherently safer. ", "This is something we’re going to keep on highlighting, along with the other benefits of speed and scalability which our protocol brings.", "\n\nAnd of course while all this has been going on the team have been hard at work as usual behind the scenes promoting, discussing and reviewing the feedback that we’ve received on our project so far. ", "If you missed the chance of taking part in the AMA, or have just thought of another question you’d like to ask, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!", "\n\nGot a Question?", "\n\nWant to know the latest from OAX Foundation?", "\n\nOAX Foundation was created to explore the future of decentralized exchanges and address their four main shortcomings: speed, scalability, interoperability and trust. ", "Digital asset trading is currently dominated by centralized exchanges, which are both counter-intuitive to the nature of blockchain and vulnerable to hacking. ", "Existing decentralized exchanges on the other hand, while tailored to the proposition of digital assets, have performance issues deep rooted in their technology. ", "OAX Foundation’s mission is to tackle these issues and in so doing help bring decentralization to the mainstream.", "\n\nMore about OAX Foundation\n\nWebsite: www.oax.org\n\nReach out to OAX Foundation via\n\ne-mail:\n\nCollaboration Proposals: ProjectStallman@oax.org\n\nOther Inquiries: Info@oax.org\n\nSocial Media:\n\nDiscord: discord.gg/ZH5YHkb\n\nTwitter: twitter.com/OAX_Foundation\n\nLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/oax-foundation/\n\nBitcoinTalk: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1943946\n\nReddit: www.reddit.com/r/OpenANX/\n\nTelegram English: t.me/openanxteam\n\nTelegram Chinese: t.me/oax_cn" ]
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[ "Use of a pylon for early ambulation after below-knee amputation: a preliminary report.", "\nThe fitting of a prosthesis immediately after amputation offers many advantages. ", "These include early ambulation, more rapid healing of the amputation site and a decrease in the number of complications resulting from prolonged bed rest. ", "The major problems preventing the widespread use of immediate fitting are the specialized prosthetic care required and the high cost of the appliance. ", "The authors describe a new pylon designed for early ambulation after below-knee amputation. ", "Its application does not require special training, it is inexpensive, safe and effective. ", "This pylon was used in the early postoperative period in 20 amputees, without any major complications." ]
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[ "Accessibility\n\nBedrooms\n\nRental Payment\n\nActivities\n\nOutdoor pool (shared). ", "Tennis court.", "\n\nDistances\n\nThe beach and the ocean is a 2 minute walk. ", "Amelia Island is known for its 13 miles of beautiful and tranquil beaches. ", "Shopping and dining are a 3 minute drive. ", "Jacksonville (JAX) Airport is a 30 minute drive.", "\n\nPopular Searches\n\nFind your perfect holiday condo rental, house rental or apartment rental available today in Fernandina Shores at Amelia Island. ", "Owner Direct has been matching holiday guests with privately-owned condos, apartments and villas since 1994. ", "If you require assistance, please feel free to email us or call anytime between 7am and 9pm (PST), every day of the year." ]
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[ "#ifndef STEPSUTIL_H\n#define STEPSUTIL_H\n\n#include \"GameConstantsAndTypes.h\"\n#include \"Difficulty.h\"\n\nclass Steps;\nclass Song;\nclass Profile;\nstruct XNode;\n\nnamespace StepsUtil\n{\n\tbool CompareNotesPointersByRadarValues(const Steps* pSteps1, const Steps* pSteps2);\n\tbool CompareNotesPointersByMeter(const Steps *pSteps1, const Steps* pSteps2);\n\tbool CompareNotesPointersByDifficulty(const Steps *pSteps1, const Steps *pSteps2);\n\tvoid SortNotesArrayByDifficulty( vector<Steps*> &vpStepsInOut );\t\n\tbool CompareStepsPointersByTypeAndDifficulty(const Steps *pStep1, const Steps *pStep2);\n\tvoid SortStepsByTypeAndDifficulty( vector<Steps*> &vpStepsInOut );\n\tvoid SortStepsPointerArrayByNumPlays( vector<Steps*> &vpStepsInOut, ProfileSlot slot, bool bDescending );\n\tvoid SortStepsPointerArrayByNumPlays( vector<Steps*> &vpStepsInOut, const Profile* pProfile, bool bDescending );\n\tbool CompareStepsPointersByDescription(const Steps *pStep1, const Steps *pStep2);\n\tvoid SortStepsByDescription( vector<Steps*> &vpStepsInOut );\n\tvoid RemoveLockedSteps( const Song *pSong, vector<Steps*> &vpStepsInOut );\t\n};\n\nclass StepsID\n{\n\tStepsType st;\n\tDifficulty dc;\n\tCString sDescription;\n\tunsigned uHash;\n\npublic:\n\tStepsID() { Unset(); }\n\tvoid Unset() { FromSteps(NULL); }\n\tvoid FromSteps( const Steps *p );\n\tSteps *ToSteps( const Song *p, bool bAllowNull, bool bUseCache = true ) const;\n\tbool operator<( const StepsID &rhs ) const;\n\tbool MatchesStepsType( StepsType s ) const { return st == s; }\n\n\tXNode* CreateNode() const;\n\tvoid LoadFromNode( const XNode* pNode );\n\tCString ToString() const;\n\tbool IsValid() const;\n\tstatic void ClearCache();\n};\n\n#endif\n\n/*\n * (c) 2001-2004 Chris Danford, Glenn Maynard\n * All rights reserved.", "\n * \n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n * \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n * distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to\n * whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above\n * copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of\n * the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this\n * permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "\n * \n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF\n * THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS\n * INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT\n * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS\n * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\n * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\n * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.", "\n */\n" ]
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[ " .text\n .globl target\n .type target, @function\n\n#! ", "file-offset 0\n#! ", "rip-offset 0\n#! ", "capacity 5 bytes\n\n# Text # Line RIP Bytes Opcode \n.target: # 0 0 OPC=<label> \n movzwl %bx, %eax # 1 0 3 OPC=movzwl_r32_r16 \n cmovbel %eax, %ecx # 2 0x3 3 OPC=cmovbel_r32_r32 \n movswq %cx, %rbx # 3 0x6 4 OPC=movswq_r64_r16 \n retq # 4 0xa 1 OPC=retq \n \n.size target, .-target\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEvaluating $\\int 7^{2x+3} dx$\n\nI have this integral to evaluate: $\\int 7^{2x+3} dx$\nu substitution should work and you are left with $\\frac{1}{2}\\int7^udx$\nAnd the final answer should be: $$\\frac{7^{2x+3}}{2\\ln7}$$\nI wasn't too sure about this... so did I do this correctly?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou do not show detail, but you presumably found $\\int 7^u\\,du$ by looking up a formula for $\\int a^u\\,du$. That is perfectly correct. ", "But I would use a slightly different approach, which is a bit more complicated but does not rely on remembering $\\int a^u\\,du$.\nNote that \n$$7^{2x+3}=(e^{\\ln 7})^{2x+3}=e^{(\\ln7)(2x+3)}. ", "\\qquad\\qquad (\\ast)$$\nLet $v=(\\ln 7)(2x+3)$. Then $dv=(\\ln 7)(2) \\,dx$. Substituting, we find that\n$$\\int e^{(\\ln7)(2x+3)}\\,dx=\\int \\frac{1}{2\\ln 7}e^v\\,dv=\\frac{1}{2\\ln 7}e^v+C.$$\nFinally, by $(\\ast)$, $e^v=7^{2x+3}$ so our integral is\n$$\\frac{1}{2\\ln 7}7^{2x+3}+C.$$\n\nA:\n\nYou can always differentiate to be sure:\n$$\r\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d}}{\\mathrm{d}x} \\frac{7^{2x+3}}{2\\ln 7} = \\frac1{2 \\ln 7} \\frac{\\mathrm{d}}{\\mathrm{d}x} 7^{2x+3} = \\frac1{2 \\ln 7} (\\ln 7) 7^{2x+3} \\frac{\\mathrm{d}}{\\mathrm{d}x} (2x+3) = 7^{2x+3}\r\n$$\nYour result is sort of right; you're missing the constant and the differential after the substitution should be $\\mathrm{d}u$, so the result is the following:\n$$\r\n\\int 7^{2x+3}\\ \\mathrm{d}x = \\frac1{2}\\int 7^u \\mathrm{d}u =\\frac{7^{2x+3}}{2\\ln 7} + C\r\n$$\n\n" ]
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