[ "---\nabstract: 'This review addresses the state of research that employs astronomical (remote sensing) observations of solids (“dust\") in young circumstellar disks to learn about planet formation. ", "The intention is for it to serve as an accessible, introductory, pedagogical resource for junior scientists interested in the subject. ", "After some historical background and a basic observational primer, the focus is shifted to the three fundamental topics that broadly define the field: (1) [*demographics*]{} – the relationships between disk properties and the characteristics of their environments and hosts; (2) [*structure*]{} – the spatial distribution of disk material and its associated physical conditions and composition; and (3) [*evolution*]{} – the signposts of key changes in disk properties, including the growth and migration of solids and the impact of dynamical interactions with young planetary systems. ", "Based on the state of the art results in these areas, suggestions are made for potentially fruitful lines of work in the near future.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Sean M. Andrews'\nbibliography:\n- 'references.bib'\ntitle: Observations of Solids in Protoplanetary Disks\n---\n\nMotivation\n==========\n\nThe focus on [*origins*]{}, our cosmic context, is innate to astrophysics. ", "The past two decades have seen remarkable progress and profound, renewed interest in the subject, primarily due to advances in the detection and characterization of planets around other stars (see @howard13b and @fischer14 for recent reviews). ", "There has been a considerable observational investment in studying exoplanet demographics, quantifying their diverse properties [masses, orbits; e.g., see the reviews by @marcy05; @udry07; @winn14] and identifying some fundamental trends [e.g., with metallicity or host mass; see @johnson10b]. ", "The return on that investment is a better understanding of the key processes that govern the formation and evolution of planetary systems. ", "The observed properties of the exoplanet population place important boundary conditions on theoretical explanations of those processes.", "\n\nThe analogous study of the protoplanetary disks orbiting young stars offers a powerful complement to that work on exoplanets. ", "Disk observations offer insights on the pivotal ‘initial conditions’ available for making planetary systems, as well as the early co-evolution and interaction of planets and their birth environments. ", "Ultimately, the observed properties of both disks and exoplanets can be employed to inform, test, and refine models of the planet formation process (e.g., @benz14 review a prominent approach to this problem).", "\n\nThe mutual evolution of disks and their planetary systems is terrifically complicated. ", "The best theoretical models include functionally limited physics, and do not yet successfully predict the measured properties of exoplanets given the inferred parameters of disks. ", "Much of the lingering uncertainty is due to our relative ignorance of disk properties. ", "Disks are rich in information content for planet formation models, but observationally and physically messy. ", "Fortunately, recent technical advances are facilitating new, improved disk observations that can drive rapid development in those models.", "\n\nWith that bright future in mind, this review is intended as an introductory pedagogical resource for the observational side of protoplanetary disk research. ", "The targeted audience is junior members of the community (graduate students and postdoctoral scientists). ", "The content is not comprehensive; the focus is primarily on fundamental issues and popular topics related to disk [*solids*]{} (referred to interchangeably as “dust\" or “particles\"). ", "Although all the key techniques are represented, there is a bias toward measurements at radio wavelengths motivated by the recent commissioning of the revolutionary Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).", "\n\nThe review is organized as follows. ", "offers a brief historical overview of disk observations, to provide some context for the ongoing work in the field. ", "is a primer for interpreting observations of disk solids. , ", "\\[sec:structure\\], and \\[sec:evolution\\] discuss the state of the art constraints on the demographics of the disk population, the inferred structures and physical conditions in disks, and insights on how those properties change with time, respectively.", "  summarizes some open questions, with an eye toward future observational research.", "\n\nHistorical Background {#sec:history}\n=====================\n\nThere is a long history of theoretical interest in protoplanetary disks, particularly the precursor to the solar system (the [*solar nebula*]{}). ", "Although there are earlier metaphysical conceptions, the familiar “nebular hypothesis\" of a flattened, rotating structure as the origin of the observed co-planar planetary orbits was well formulated by @kant1755 and @laplace1796 before subsequent elaboration shifted to astronomers (e.g., @moulton1900 [@moulton1905; @chamberlin1900]; see the historical reviews by @brush78a [@brush78b; @brush81] or @wood88). ", "As more physically motivated theories of the star formation process were developed, such a disk structure was found to be a natural consequence of gravitational collapse in a molecular cloud core endowed with some angular momentum [@hoyle60; @cameron62; @cassen81; @cassen83; @terebey84].", "\n\nMeanwhile, taking the existence of such disks as a given, the theoretical study of their physical characteristics and evolution was split into two camps; one focused on planet formation (see the classic reviews by @cameron88 and @lissauer93, or the historical summary of a seminal period by @brush90), and the other emphasized the processes of accretion and momentum transport (see @pringle81 and @papaloizou95). ", "These topics were mature enough to accumulate a vast literature by the 1980s, well before many astronomers were completely satisfied with the [*observational*]{} evidence for such disks (let alone extrasolar planetary systems).", "\n\nThe discovery and early characterization of young stars, the T Tauri (or Orion) variables [@joy45; @joy49; @herbig62] and their massive Herbig AeBe counterparts [@herbig60], hinted at a close connection with circumstellar material. ", "Influenced by the star formation simulations of @larson69 [@larson72], the blue excesses, line emission [e.g., @strom71; @strom72a], and enhanced infrared continua [@mendoza66; @mendoza68; @geisel70; @gillett71] associated with these young stars were seen as evidence for the circumstellar “shells\" or envelopes predicted to be remnants of the cloud collapse. ", "There was debate on whether these features were produced solely by hot ($\\sim$10$^4$K) gas [e.g., @strom71; @strom72a; @strom75; @strom72b; @rydgren76; @warner77], or if cooler ($\\sim$10$^2$K) dust was an important contributor [e.g., @cohen73; @cohen80; @cohen79; @rydgren81; @rydgren83; @rydgren82]. ", "Ultimately, it was recognized that both components are required; an emerging model attributed the hot (blue) excess to accretion shocks at the stellar surface [@lyndenbell74; @uchida84; @bertout88] and the cool (red) excess to dust on $\\sim$AU scales [@cohen83; @cohen85b; @lada84; @rydgren84; @rydgren87].", "\n\nThat realization was part of a pronounced shift in the mid-1980s away from “shells\" and toward accretion disks. ", "Rather than being precipitated by a single measurement or study, this conceptual evolution was driven by the confluence of several key independent lines of [*indirect*]{} evidence [most of these were clearly summarized in the seminal review by @shu87]: the observed large (linear) polarizations of T Tauri stars were indicative of scattering off of flattened dust structures [e.g., @elsasser78; @vrba79; @bastien82; @bastien88], which were just then being resolved in the near-infrared [@grasdalen84; @beckwith84; @strom85]; collimated bipolar outflows were being linked to an accretion disk origin [e.g., see the review by @lada85]; asymmetric (blueshifted) forbidden emission line profiles were interpreted as smaller scale winds or outflows that are partially obscured by an extended disk [e.g., @edwards87; @cabrit90]; the outburst behavior in the FU Orionis variables was being associated with disk instabilities [@hartmann85; @lin85b], forging important links to the fields of cataclysmic variables [e.g., @kenyon84; @lin85a] and viscous accretion disks [e.g., @lyndenbell74]; optically thin mm/radio flux measurements confirmed that spherical dust distributions were inconsistent with the observed optical extinctions (@beckwith90; see also @churchwell87); and perhaps most influentially, increased access to infrared measurements, especially from [*IRAS*]{} [e.g., @rucinski85; @strom88; @harris88; @wilking89], was motivating substantial modeling developments to explain the broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in the context of irradiated dust disks [@adams86; @adams87; @adams88; @kenyon87].", "\n\nIn the minds of many researchers in the field, this shift in thinking culminated in a spectacular “seeing is believing\" confirmation with resolved [*Hubble Space Telescope*]{} ([*HST*]{}) observations of disks in silhouette against the bright background of the Orion Nebula [@odell93; @odell94; @mccaughrean96]; a favorite example is shown in . ", "Around the same time, spatially resolved images of scattered light from [*HST*]{} [e.g., @burrows96; @stapelfeldt98] and thermal emission from the first generation of millimeter-wavelength interferometers [e.g., @sargent87; @sargent91; @koerner93; @hayashi93; @lay94; @lay97; @koerner95; @dutrey94; @dutrey96; @mundy96; @mannings97] also played key roles in shaping the field.", "\n\nSince then, the past $\\sim$20 years have seen a remarkable proliferation of disk measurements that have nurtured the growth of a new, [*observational*]{} branch to the study of planet formation. ", "It is not unreasonable to say that unresolved photometry and spectroscopy from the [*Spitzer Space Telescope*]{} accounts for a substantial share of the maturation of this field, in terms of demographics, dust composition and basic structure, rapid development of radiative transfer tools, and hints of evolution [e.g., @hillenbrand08; @evans09; @furlan09; @furlan11]. ", "But meanwhile, spatially resolved data have been playing a steadily increasing role in those advances. ", "With ambitious new technologies being commissioned, spatially resolved observations are poised to facilitate transformational progress.", "\n\nEssentials of Disk Observations {#sec:obs}\n===============================\n\nBefore delving into the state of the field and its potential future directions, it will be useful to go through a basic primer on disk observations and how they are interpreted in the context of disk properties.", "\n\nProtoplanetary disks are dense, geometrically flattened circumstellar structures composed of a trace population of solids (initially $\\sim$1% by mass) suspended in a reservoir of (primarily) molecular gas. ", "Gravity and angular momentum conservation ensure that disk densities decrease with radial separation from the host star, $r$ [e.g., @terebey84; @lyndenbell74]; thermal pressure and turbulence determine how the densities fall off with height above the midplane, $z$ [e.g., @whipple72; @weidenschilling77; @dubrulle95]. ", "The disk temperatures are almost entirely controlled by the passive stellar irradiation of the solids [@adams87; @kenyon87], which have large broadband opacities that dominate the heating and cooling rates [@ossenkopf94; @pollack94]. ", "Irradiation heating implies that temperatures decrease with $r$. Starlight intercepted by dust in the disk surface layers (atmosphere) is re-radiated out to space and deeper into the disk structure; this results in a vertical thermal inversion, where the midplane is cooler than the atmosphere [@calvet91; @chiang97; @dalessio98]. ", "In this basic structural framework (see for more details), the solids completely dominate the opacity budget. ", "Coupling this with the high sensitivity of broadband detectors, it makes sense that observations of the [*continuum emission*]{} generated by solids are the most efficient probes of many disk properties.", "\n\nThat continuum has two primary contributors, from thermal (re-processed stellar energy, which dominates) and scattered (reflected starlight) radiation. ", "The specific intensity at frequency $\\nu$ along a given line of sight $s$ is intimately related to the physical conditions, structural distribution, and material properties of the disk solids through the formal radiative transfer equation, $$dI_{\\nu} = \\rho \\,\\, \\kappa_{\\nu} (S_{\\nu} - I_{\\nu}) \\, ds,\n\\label{eq:RT}$$ where $\\rho$ is the density, $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ is the (absorption+scattering) opacity per gram of the solid material, and $S_{\\nu}$ is the source function (the ratio of emissivity to opacity, with absorption and scattering contributions). ", "The condensed notation of \\[eq:RT\\] obscures the tremendous complexity of the radiative transfer problem. ", "A complete solution requires the energy input from the host star as well as the three-dimensional distributions of $\\rho$, $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ (and the associated [*directional*]{} scattering properties), and $S_{\\nu}$. The major challenge is that $S_{\\nu}$ also depends on these properties ($\\rho$, $\\kappa_{\\nu}$, etc.). ", "In practice, this complicated feedback is handled numerically, often with Monte Carlo simulations [@lucy99; @bjorkman01] that treat the propagation of photons into the disk, the corresponding heating of the solids, and the escape of photons to the observer [e.g., @wolf99; @whitney03; @dullemond04a; @robitaille06; @pinte06; @min09; @robitaille11].[^1]\n\nThermal Emission {#subsec:thermal}\n----------------\n\nAlthough appreciating the intrinsic complexity of radiative transfer in disks is valuable, it offers little intuition for interpreting the data. ", "But with some simplifications, a more pedagogical model that captures the essential features of the thermal emission can be constructed. ", "Consider a disk where scattering is negligible, the structure is vertically thin ($S_{\\nu} \n\\sim$ constant along $s$), and the material is in thermodynamic equilibrium ($S_{\\nu} = B_{\\nu}(T)$, the Planck function at the local temperature). ", "\\[eq:RT\\] can then be recast in terms of the optical depth, defined so that $d\\tau_{\\nu} \\equiv \\rho \\, \\kappa_{\\nu} ds$, and integrated to give $$I_{\\nu} = B_{\\nu}(T) \\, (1 - e^{-\\tau_{\\nu}})\n\\label{eq:simpleRT}$$ (see Ch.", " 1 of @rybicki79 for a derivation). ", "In this toy model, the continuum is simply blackbody radiation weighted by the absorbing column. ", "Optically thick emission acts like a thermometer ($I_{\\nu} \\approx B_{\\nu}$ when $\\tau_{\\nu} \\gg 1$) for the $\\tau$$\\sim$1 surface; optically thin emission probes the product of temperature, column density ($N$$\\equiv$$\\int \\rho \\, \nds$), and opacity ($I_{\\nu} \\approx \\tau_{\\nu} B_{\\nu}$ when $\\tau_{\\nu} \\ll \n1$).", "\n\nThe SED is a basic tool for interpreting disk properties[^2]; an example is shown in . ", "At $\\sim$1$\\mu$m, the SED is dominated by the host star. ", "Thermal emission from the disk starts to outshine the star at $\\gtrsim$2–5$\\mu$m, and peaks in the mid- or far-infrared. ", "This emission is optically thick: its luminosity reflects the mean temperature and area of the emitting region, and its slope is related to the radial temperature gradient (@adams87 [@kenyon87]; ). ", "Broad spectral features (e.g., \\[fig:SED\\_example\\] near 10$\\mu$m) provide some insight on the dust mineralogy (e.g., @cohen85a [@waelkens96; @meeus01; @kessler-silacci05]; ). ", "The turnover in the far-infrared marks the transition to optically thin emission. ", "The luminosity at longer wavelengths scales with the product $\\kappa_{\\nu} B_{\\nu} M_{\\rm \ndust}$, where $M_{\\rm dust}$ is the dust disk mass [@weintraub89; @beckwith90; @adams90]. ", "The mm/radio SED slope probes the [*shape*]{} of the opacity spectrum ($\\kappa_{\\nu}$; @beckwith91 [@mannings94]; ), itself a function of the compositions, morphologies, and sizes of the solids [e.g., @miyake93; @henning96; @dalessio01; @draine06].", "\n\nThe nature of thermal emission ($\\propto$$B_{\\nu}$) means that shorter wavelengths preferentially trace warmer material. ", "Since higher temperatures are usually found closer to the host star, the SED offers a [*qualitative*]{} $\\lambda \\mapsto r$ mapping (this is slightly complicated when the vertical dimension of the disk is considered; see ). ", "provides a guide to the characteristic emission regions at four representative wavelengths, using the SED model in . ", "In the near-infrared, the emission is produced by both the innermost ($\\sim$0.1AU) part of the disk and the stellar photosphere (in this case with nearly equal contributions). ", "Since the inner disk densities are large and the near-infrared opacities are high, this emission is very optically thick; it originates in a layer that is a substantial height above the midplane. ", "Mid-infrared emission has similar optical depths, and probes material at large heights on $\\sim$few AU radial scales. ", "Far-infrared radiation is emitted over a larger range of radii, and can become (partially) optically thin in the outer disk ($\\sim$tens of AU). ", "The low optical depths of the mm/radio emission offer unique access to cool material in the midplane.", "\n\nIn general, it is not possible to make unique, quantitative inferences about disk structures from SEDs alone. ", "The reason is simple and fundamental. ", "Disks are described by parameters that vary spatially (densities, temperatures) or mark specific geometries or locations (e.g., the viewing angle, inner/outer boundaries): constraints on such quantities from [*unresolved*]{} data are intrinsically ambiguous (see @thamm94 or @chiang99 for practical demonstrations). ", "That is not to claim that SEDs are useless diagnostics; indeed, sophisticated SED models have made crucial insights on disk properties [e.g., @dalessio98; @dalessio99b; @dalessio01; @dalessio06]. ", "But, the ability to alleviate or break some key structural degeneracies [ *requires*]{} spatially resolved data.", "\n\nThat said, resolved observations of disks are not trivially obtained. ", "Most nearby disks are located at distances of $\\sim$150pc: there, the solar system dimensions subtend 05 on the sky, and AU scales only $\\sim$001. ", "A quick examination of indicates that the thermal emission from a typical disk is confined well within the diffraction limits of ground and space-based telescopes. ", "Interferometric measurements are the solution. ", "Infrared interferometry offers unique insights on the inner disk structure at exquisite angular resolution (for more details, see the comprehensive reviews on the subject by @millan-gabet07 and @dullemond10); however, the emission at these wavelengths traces a minuscule fraction of the disk mass and extent (see \\[fig:locate\\]). ", "Instead, it is (sub-)mm/radio interferometry that provides the most robust information on disk structure over the widest range of spatial scales. ", "Contrary to a common misconception, observations at these long wavelengths are not solely probing the cool outer regions; with sufficient sensitivity and resolution (i.e., from ALMA), they will also provide rare access down to $r \\sim$fewAU.", "\n\nInterferometers measure the Fourier transform of the brightness distribution at a discrete set of spatial scales, determined by the spacings between array elements and their projected motion onto the sky plane as the Earth rotates. ", "A complex “visibility\" is measured at each scale; in a coordinate frame with the disk origin at the center, the real components are sensitive to the radial variation of the brightness and the imaginary components record deviations from symmetry. ", "The data are often displayed in condensed format, by azimuthally averaging into one-dimensional profiles that represent how the emission depends on spatial scale [@lay94; @lay97; @hughes07]: shows some examples. ", "These profiles roughly correspond to the Fourier transform of the corresponding radial surface brightness profile. ", "Recalling some Fourier transform pairs should clarify the behavior: a point source in the image domain has a constant amplitude in the visibility domain, a compact source has an extended visibility profile (and vice versa), and a ring-shaped source () makes oscillations like a Bessel function. ", "The visibilities are usually also inverted to construct an image (top panels in \\[fig:vis\\_demo\\]), but any analysis should usually be performed in the Fourier domain.", "\n\nScattered Light {#subsec:scatter}\n---------------\n\nWhile the thermal radio emission is extraordinarily informative, it is not the only disk probe sensitive to a wide range of spatial scales. ", "Scattered light, primarily in the optical and near-infrared, provides another key resolved diagnostic (see @watson07 for a review); shows some examples of scattered light images. ", "There is no pedagogical simplification for the radiative transfer equation when scattering is considered, since the source function is coupled to the radiation field.[^3] Starlight is scattered by small dust grains with high albedos, having dimensions comparable to the spectral peak of the incident radiation field ($\\sim$1$\\mu$m). ", "The corresponding large scattering opacities mean that the observed emission originates in the disk surface layers, and can be detected over a large range of disk densities (and therefore radial scales). ", "Such observations are fundamental probes of vertical structure () and can measure basic geometric parameters (e.g., inclination). ", "Incorporating color and polarization data constrains the compositions, sizes, and shapes of the scatterers ().", "\n\nThe clear advantage of scattered light measurements is that they routinely achieve exquisite angular resolution ($\\sim$01 or less), making them well poised to identify and characterize $\\sim$10AU-scale substructure in disks (see ). ", "The major challenge is contrast, since the host star is typically orders of magnitude brighter at the optimal scattering wavelengths. ", "Coronagraphs or differential imaging techniques have been developed to mitigate such issues. ", "Much of the current focus is on polarimetric differential imaging [e.g., @tamura09; @hinkley09; @quanz11; @perrin14], which exploits the fact that direct starlight is unpolarized, but the scattering by dust grains can induce a significant polarization [@potter00; @kuhn01; @perrin04]. ", "In practice, measurements of scattered light near the star are limited by subtraction residuals or coronagraph dimensions to $\\sim$0.1–02 (the “inner working angle\"). ", "At larger radii, the data are typically sensitivity-limited because of the diluted stellar radiation field (there is a $1/r^2$ depletion of scattering intensity on top of any intrinsic fall-off caused by, e.g., a decreasing density of scatterers).", "\n\nSynopsis\n--------\n\n- Solids (dust grains) dominate the disk opacity budget; observations of disks are most sensitive to the corresponding bright continuum emission.", "\n\n- [*Thermal*]{} emission is observed over a broad wavelength range; when optically thick, it measures the temperature in a surface layer, and when optically thin it traces the product of temperature, density, and opacity (dust ensemble properties).", "\n\n- The morphology of the infrared SED is roughly related to the radial temperature distribution.", "\n\n- Spatially resolved data is [*mandatory*]{} to learn about disk structures; mm/radio interferometry measurements uniquely probe material in the midplane over a wide range of spatial scales.", "\n\n- [*Scattered*]{} light imaging is a complementary probe of resolved structure, especially sensitive to the vertical dimension and sub-structure on small scales.", "\n\n[*Additional Reading*]{}: the first chapter of @rybicki79; the review of some SED basics by @beckwith99; the summary reviews on disk measurements with mm/radio interferometers by @wilner00 and using scattered light images by @mccaughrean00 and @watson07; the overview of disk observations by @hartmann_book [his Ch.", " 8].", "\n\nDemographics {#sec:demographics}\n============\n\nPlanet formation research is still data-limited: the complexity of theoretical ideas outpaces observational constraints (although perhaps not for long). ", "As in many similar areas of astrophysics, this means that progress is made in two complementary ways: (1) basic demographic studies for large surveys, and (2) in-depth analyses of individual (or small groups of) disks. ", "This section focuses on the former. ", "Case studies and detailed investigations of small samples are addressed in and \\[sec:evolution\\].", "\n\nSimple and practically accessible observational diagnostics are required to accumulate a sample large enough to quantify the statistical distribution of some property, or connections between properties, in a disk population. ", "Key examples include the use of infrared photometry to describe the basic structural evolution of circumstellar material [@lada84; @adams87; @meeus01; @robitaille06; @evans09] and the characteristic lifetime of warm dust in disks (@haisch01; @hernandez08; see the summary by @mamajek09). ", "Simple accretion diagnostics, like the luminosity of the blue excess or the strength of a bright emission line, are also commonly employed to probe evolution [e.g., @hartmann98; @sicilia-aguilar05] and disk-host relationships [e.g., @muzerolle05; @natta06].", "\n\nFrom the perspective of planet formation, the disk [*mass*]{} ($M_d$) is a fundamental demographic parameter: in any theory, the efficiency of planet formation depends critically on the amount of raw building material available. ", "Moreover, $M_d$ can be estimated from a mm/radio flux measurement ($\\propto \nM_{\\rm dust}$; ) given some assumptions for (or ideally measurements of) the dust-to-gas ratio, dust opacity, and temperature.[^4] This section addresses observational insights on the principal issues that affect disk masses, specifically the intrinsic relationship with host mass ($M_{\\ast}$; ) and externally driven evolution through interactions with the local () and global () environment. ", "A brief comment on what has been learned about the age-related evolution of the disk mass distribution is also made ().", "\n\nDependence on Host Mass {#subsec:mdms}\n-----------------------\n\nMost theoretical studies of planet formation assume that $M_d \\propto \nM_{\\ast}$. The intuition for this simple scaling relation follows from the star formation paradigm [cf., ", "@shu87], where a protostar accretes mass through its disk, which is fed by an envelope reservoir. ", "The similar shapes of the observed core (envelope) and star mass functions affirm this kind of “gravitational\" scaling [e.g., @motte98; @enoch06], but it need not apply to the intermediary disks. ", "Even if a disk/host mass relationship were imprinted at the star formation epoch, it may not persist throughout its (potentially $M_{\\ast}$-dependent) evolution up to the ages when disks become observable and form planets ($\\gtrsim 1$Myr later).", "\n\nAnd yet, the demographics of the exoplanet population offer compelling evidence in favor of such a relationship. ", "Radial velocity surveys have demonstrated that the frequency of giant planets in compact ($\\lesssim$ few AU) orbits around nearby field stars scales linearly with host mass [@johnson07; @johnson10b; @bowler10]. ", "Since the giant planet formation efficiency should roughly scale with the disk mass [e.g., @pollack96; @hubickyj05], this has been interpreted as strong, indirect evidence for a link between $M_d$ and $M_{\\ast}$.\n\nThe signature of that relationship was lacking in early mm/radio continuum surveys [e.g., @beckwith90; @osterloh95; @aw05], although the sampling in $M_{\\ast}$ was restricted to around 1$M_{\\odot}$. When extended to disks orbiting very low-mass hosts ($\\sim$0.1$M_{\\odot}$), significantly fainter emission is measured [@klein03; @scholz06; @schaefer09]. ", "A complete 1.3mm continuum census across the host mass spectrum in the Taurus region confirms that the luminosities increase for hosts with earlier spectral types [@andrews13], as demonstrated in . ", "For a fixed opacity, @andrews13 found reasonable agreement with a linear $M_d \\propto \nM_{\\ast}$ scaling and a typical disk-to-host mass ratio of 0.2–0.6%. ", "That said, there is substantial scatter around that relationship, with a 0.7dex (factor of 5) dispersion in $M_d$ at any given $M_{\\ast}$.[^5] @mohanty13 independently verify this behavior with a different (incomplete, but partially overlapping) sample, and tentatively suggested that the relationship flattens (or perhaps even turns over) at high $M_{\\ast}$. The same linear scaling is also consistent with the small survey of disk masses in the (older) Upper Sco association recently conducted by @carpenter14.", "\n\nIt is tempting to link the observed scaling relations between $M_d$, $M_{\\ast}$, and giant planet frequency. ", "Assuming a direct mapping (for solar metallicity), and associating the giant planet frequency of $\\sim$0.07$(M_{\\ast}/M_{\\odot})$ [@johnson10b] with the most massive disk progenitors, the Taurus disk mass distribution [@andrews13] implies that giant planets form when $M_d \\gtrsim 0.03$$M_{\\ast}$. That mass threshold compares well with constraints in the solar system (@weidenschilling77b [@hayashi81]; see ), and, coupled with the rough linearity of the scalings, is consistent with predictions of the core accretion theory for giant planet formation (@laughlin04; @ida05; @kennedy08; @alibert11; but see @kornet06). ", "However, the inferred disk masses are considerably uncertain in an [*absolute*]{} sense (see –\\[subsec:material\\] for more details): aside from the notable scatter (\\[fig:mdms\\]), the opacities and dust-to-gas mass ratio are poorly constrained, and therefore the conversion from observed emission ($F_{\\nu}$) to $M_d$ may also be biased. ", "If the inferred $M_d$ values are systematically under-estimated (by factors of a few), then the alternative disk instability mode of giant planet formation may also explain the linear scalings of disk/host/giant exoplanet properties [@boss11].", "\n\nEffects of Host Multiplicity {#subsec:multi}\n----------------------------\n\nMany stars are members of binary or higher-order multiple systems (see the recent reviews by @duchene13 or @reipurth14). ", "The multiplicity frequency for Sun-like stars is $\\sim$50% in the field [@abt76; @duquennoy91; @raghavan10], and may be even higher in nearby young associations [@leinert93; @ghez93; @reipurth93; @simon95; @kraus11]. ", "Moreover, the distribution of orbital separations in multiples peaks near 100AU [e.g., @raghavan10; @kraus11], comparable to the typical disk size (see ). ", "Taken together, these properties suggest that the presence of a companion could play a decisive, general role in planet formation and the evolution of protoplanetary disks.", "\n\nDynamical interactions in multiple systems alter the structures of the associated circumstellar material: theoretical models indicate that tidal forces truncate individual disks at $r \\gtrsim0.2$–0.5$a$, where $a$ is the orbital separation, and clear the inner regions of circum[*binary*]{} disks at $r \\lesssim2$–5$a$ [e.g., @lin93; @artymowicz94; @artymowicz96]. ", "Despite such a disruptive environment, the mature counterparts of these young multiples are known to host planets [e.g., @patience02; @raghavan06; @desidera07; @bonavita07]. ", "Observations of the disks in young stellar pairs offer key insights on how planet formation is affected in multiple host environments.", "\n\nGiven the predicted outcomes of these star–disk interactions, the observational focus has been on characterizing how disk properties vary with $a$ (or its sky-projected equivalent). ", "Seminal early work by @jensen94 [@jensen96] indicated that $M_d$ is diminished for stellar pairs with $a \\lesssim \n50$–100AU, in quantitative agreement with the expectations of tidal truncation models [see also @osterloh95; @aw05; @cieza09]. ", "Recent extensions of those studies with improved sensitivity confirm these results [@harris12; @akeson14]: illustrates this behavior in the Taurus region. ", "The closest pairs have lower disk masses (but see below) than those with wide separations or their singleton counterparts; the median $M_d$ scales up by a factor of $\\sim$three per decade in $a$. Similar conclusions are drawn from infrared excesses [e.g., @cieza09; @kraus12].[^6] The frequency of short-period giant planets with binary hosts is also suppressed [@wang14], consistent with this inferred disk mass depletion present at the planet formation epoch.", "\n\nHowever, the separation-dependent pair demographics tell only part of the story. ", "Component-resolved mm observations indicate that the primary disk almost always dominates the $M_d$ budget, and that often the disk mass ratios are much different than would be expected from the standard theory given the stellar masses and separations [@jensen03; @patience08; @harris12; @akeson14]. ", "Moreover, the resolved sizes of [*individual*]{} disks in such systems show at best marginal consistency with theoretical predictions for their tidal truncation radii [@harris12]. ", "Aside from these apparent discrepancies, the pair demographics themselves highlight an additional (often unappreciated) mystery: unlike any other separation scale, there is a clear bimodal $M_d$ distribution for the closest ($< 10$AU) pairs (see \\[fig:mdsep\\]), with most remaining undetected but a few having notably massive circumbinary disks.", "\n\nSome of these observations might best be explained in terms of how the process of multiple star formation directs mass from the natal envelope to specific components in the system [i.e., initial conditions; @bate97; @bate00; @ochi05]. ", "But there are also indications that the standard tidal interaction models are insufficient; modern hydrodynamic simulations suggest that asymmetries (like eccentricities or warps) are fundamental [e.g., @kley08; @paardekooper08; @marzari09]. ", "Particularly striking are the systems with disks that are misaligned with respect to each other [@jensen04; @mccabe11; @jensen14; @williams14] and/or the orbital planes of their respective hosts [e.g., @akeson07; @verrier08; @andrews10].", "\n\nEnvironmental Impact {#subsec:enviro}\n--------------------\n\nMost disk observations are necessarily focused on the [*nearest*]{} star-forming regions, which have low stellar densities and few (if any) massive stars. ", "However, most stars form in the significantly different environments of dense clusters [@lada03; @porras03], where much larger stellar populations create opportunities for disks to be affected by two key [*external*]{} environmental factors. ", "First, high stellar densities increase the probability for “fly-by\" interactions, and thereby the tidal disruption of disks [e.g., @clarke93; @korycansky95; @larwood97; @boffin98; @kobayashi01]. ", "Second, the high-mass tail of the $M_{\\ast}$ distribution is populated; disks in the immediate vicinity of massive stars will be depleted by photoevaporation, due to the locally intense radiation field [e.g., @hollenbach94; @johnstone98].", "\n\nThere is not yet any clear evidence indicating that tidal stripping from close stellar encounters plays a significant role in setting disk properties in rich clusters. ", "Indeed, the expected interaction rate in the nearest massive cluster (the Orion Nebula cluster, or ONC) is quite small [e.g., @adams06; @proszkow09]. ", "However, the relevant observational signature – a substantial radial truncation, and thereby mass depletion [e.g., @breslau14] – is not yet readily available in the ONC or other, more distant, regions.", "\n\nThere is a wealth of data that probes the photoevaporation of disk material (around Sun-like hosts) in the proximity of massive stars, typically in the form of ionized (shocked) shell structures associated with silhouette disks [e.g., @churchwell87; @bally98; @bally00; @henney99; @smith03]. ", "Early attempts to quantify the mass depletion in these disks with mm interferometry were difficult [e.g., @mundy95; @bally98b; @eisner06], but eventually bore fruit at higher frequencies [@williams05; @eisner08]. ", "@mann09 [@mann10] identified a trend toward smaller disk masses for hosts located closer to the OB stars in the center of the ONC. ", "shows a recent confirmation of this trend, which provides crucial quantitative evidence for photoevaporation-driven mass loss [@mann14]: stars located inside the region where energetic ultraviolet photons from the O8 star $\\theta^1$OriC dominate the radiation field ($\\lesssim$ 0.03pc) host only faint (low-mass) disks.", "\n\nMass Evolution {#subsec:massevol}\n--------------\n\nBy the time they are observable, disks have already undergone some (perhaps substantial) evolution. ", "The key signatures of that evolution will be covered in , but the relevant [*timescales*]{} are best considered from a demographic perspective. ", "The standard astronomical approach tracks how a given property changes between large samples that have different mean ages.[^7] Application of this technique to simple disk tracers, like the infrared excess [e.g., @haisch01; @hernandez07] or accretion rate indicators [e.g., @sicilia-aguilar10], suggest that the typical inner disk ($<1$AU) survives over a $\\sim$5–10Myr timescale [but see @pfalzner14]. ", "But such constraints offer little in terms of assessing the available timeframe for planet formation. ", "For that, it is critical to know the mass depletion rate, or how the $M_d$ distribution changes with time.", "\n\nThe current observational information on $M_d$ evolution is very limited. ", "Only the Taurus region ($\\sim$2–3Myr) has a mm continuum census complete to a sufficiently deep limit [@beckwith90; @osterloh95; @aw05; @andrews13]. ", "Continuum surveys are also available for the NGC 2024 [1Myr; @eisner03; @mann15], Ophiuchus [1–2Myr; @andre94; @nurnberger98; @aw07b], ONC [1–3Myr; e.g., @mann14], Lupus [1–3Myr; @nurnberger97], Chamaeleon [1–3Myr; @henning94], MBM 12 [1–3Myr; @hogerheijde02], IC 348 [3Myr; @carpenter02; @lee11], $\\sigma$ Ori [3–5Myr; @williams13], $\\lambda$ Ori [5Myr; @ansdell15], and Upper Sco [5–10Myr; @mathews12; @carpenter14] clusters, although with inhomogeneous sizes, completeness levels, and sensitivities. ", "Comparisons between these samples are difficult, due to the strong selection effects related to the demographic trends discussed above; biased, small samples can mimic or obscure real evolutionary changes in the $M_d$ distribution [@andrews13]. ", "That said, the low detection rates in the oldest samples that have been probed ($\\sigma$ Ori, $\\lambda$ Ori, and Upper Sco, at $\\sim$5Myr) do indicate an overall decrease in the mean disk mass.", "\n\nSynopsis\n--------\n\n- Disk mass is the fundamental aggregate property in planet formation models. ", "The factors that influence $M_d$ can be studied demographically with large mm/radio continuum photometry surveys, although are subject to uncertainties in the assumed dust-to-gas ratio, opacities, and temperatures.", "\n\n- Disk masses are related to their stellar host masses; a roughly linear $M_d \\propto M_{\\ast}$ scaling seems appropriate, although there is a large dispersion (0.7dex) in $M_d$ for any given $M_{\\ast}$. For standard assumptions, the median disk-to-star mass ratio is $\\sim$0.2–0.6%.", "\n\n- In multiple star systems, close pairs tend to host low-mass disks. ", "Most of the circumstellar material is usually concentrated around the primary star.", "\n\n- Disk masses are depleted (by photoevaporation) in the immediate vicinity of massive (OB) stars.", "\n\n- The timescales over which the $M_d$ distribution changes are not yet clear, due to incomplete samples and selection effects. ", "Preliminary results suggest that there is significant depletion within 5Myr.", "\n\n[*Additional Reading*]{}: the general review by @williams11; the topical reviews of disk dissipation timescales by @hillenbrand08b and @mamajek09.", "\n\nStructure {#sec:structure}\n=========\n\nAlthough demographic studies reveal some fundamental properties of the disk population, their reliance on easy-to-observe “compound\" diagnostics means that they cannot tell the whole story. ", "An important complement is found in detailed probes of individual disk structures, which comprise a set of more “elemental\" measurements. ", "The single most valuable of these is the [ *spatial distribution of mass*]{}. ", "The efficiency of planet formation is directly linked to local disk densities: there must be enough stuff in the right places (for enough time) to assemble a planetary system from its progenitor (disk) material. ", "Such a density threshold [*in solids*]{} is especially important in the formation models of terrestrial planets [e.g., @raymond04; @kenyon06; @kokubo06] and giant planet cores [e.g., @mizuno80; @pollack96; @hubickyj05].", "\n\nInferring the disk structure from its associated observational tracers is complicated: there are elaborate dependences between the densities, temperatures, and material properties. ", "Fortunately, different kinds of data are especially sensitive to specific aspects of disk structure (). ", "When complementary tracers are considered together, they can be used to forge crucial benchmarks for models of planet formation and disk evolution. ", "This section covers the key aspects of disk structures, with emphasis on the practical connections between physical parameters and data. ", "It highlights the role of vertical structure in regulating the thermal budget (), the radial distribution of mass (), and the characteristic properties of the disk solids ().", "\n\nVertical Structure {#subsec:vertical}\n------------------\n\n### Physical Overview\n\nThe aspect ratio of a rotationally flattened disk is small, $z/r \\sim \n\\mathcal{O}(0.1)$, since material is gravitationally concentrated at the midplane. ", "But even this small vertical extent has important consequences. ", "The most common model for a disk structure is based on some simple physical arguments for the [*gas*]{}, implicitly assuming that the solids follow the same distribution (but see for some important caveats). ", "The underlying principle is that the disk is in [*vertical*]{} hydrostatic equilibrium, $$\\frac{\\partial P}{\\partial z} = -\\rho \\, g_z,\n\\label{eq:hse}$$ where $P$ is the gas pressure and $g_z$ is the $z$-component of the gravitational acceleration. ", "In most cases, the ideal gas equation of state is appropriate and the stellar host dominates the potential. ", "\\[eq:hse\\] is then equivalent to $$\\frac{\\partial \\ln \\rho}{\\partial z} = -\\left[\\frac{\\mu m_{\\rm H}}{k T} \n\\frac{GM_{\\ast} \\, z}{(r^2+z^2)^{3/2}} + \\frac{\\partial \\ln T}{\\partial z} \n\\right],\n\\label{eq:hse2}$$ with $G$ the gravitational constant, $\\mu$ the mean molecular weight, $m_{\\rm H}$ the mass of a hydrogen atom, and $k$ the Boltzmann constant. ", "\\[eq:hse2\\] is generally solved numerically, although some common simplifications enable an illustrative analytic solution. ", "For a geometrically thin disk ($z \\ll r$) with a small temperature gradient ($\\partial T/\\partial z \n\\approx 0$), the solution to \\[eq:hse2\\] is a simple Gaussian distribution, $$\\rho = \\frac{\\Sigma}{\\sqrt{2\\pi} H} \\exp{\\left[-\\frac{1}{2} \n\\left(\\frac{z}{H}\\right)^2\\right]},\n\\label{eq:density}$$ with $$H = \\frac{c_s}{\\Omega} = \\left(\\frac{k T}{\\mu m_{\\rm H}} \n\\frac{r^3}{G M_{\\ast}}\\right)^{1/2}\n\\label{eq:scaleheight}$$ denoting a characteristic scale height [the ratio of the sound speed, $c_s$, to the Keplerian angular speed, $\\Omega$; cf., ", "@shakura73] and $\\Sigma$ representing a surface density (a boundary condition of the integration).", "\n\nSimple energy arguments based on their observed bolometric luminosities indicate that disks are primarily heated by stellar irradiation [@adams86; @adams87]. ", "With their large, broadband opacities maximized near the peak of the stellar spectrum, small ($\\sim$$\\mu$m-sized) grains are the most efficient conduit for that irradiation energy. ", "Starlight absorbed in the disk surface layers heats those grains, which then re-emit some of that energy deeper into the disk interior to warm the midplane [@calvet91; @calvet92; @malbet91]. ", "This [*external*]{} deposition of energy produces a thermal inversion in the disk atmosphere ($T$ increases with $z$) and modifies the vertical density distribution (cf., ; ", "@chiang97 [@chiang99; @dalessio98; @dalessio99b; @bell97; @bell99; @dullemond01; @dullemond02; @malbet01]). ", "All else being equal, the heating depends on the irradiated area of the surface layer. ", "If $H(r)/r$ is increasing, the tilt of this layer toward the star increases that area: such [*flared*]{} disks intercept more starlight than their flat counterparts, and therefore have warmer temperatures [at a given $r$; @kenyon87; @calvet91; @chiang97]. ", "illustrates some examples of the relationship between the vertical distributions of $\\rho$ and $T$.\n\nAlthough it is a simplification, \\[eq:density\\] faithfully highlights this fundamental point about disk structures: the [*densities and temperatures are physically coupled*]{}. ", "The intrinsic complexity of this coupling is that these physical conditions are linked to the radiative transfer of energy through the disk, which itself both depends on the densities and sets the temperatures. ", "This feedback between structure and radiative transfer is a [*generic*]{} feature.", "\n\n### Observational Constraints\n\nThe most common approach used to measure the vertical structure of a disk employs the infrared SED as a diagnostic (cf., ", "\\[fig:locate\\]), and relies on modeling the connection between the height and temperature of the effective surface layer . ", "Since more energy is absorbed for a disk with a larger vertical extent, the temperature of the surface layer – and therefore the luminosity – scales with its characteristic height. ", "The rough $\\lambda \\mapsto r$ mapping of the infrared SED (see ) means that the spectral slope reflects the radial variation of the surface layer height: more flaring makes a redder SED. ", "Some examples of this effect are shown in . ", "However, although the SED does depend on the vertical structure, it alone cannot be used to unambiguously quantify any associated physical parameters (e.g., $H$): again, unresolved tracers do not robustly measure [*spatial*]{} properties.", "\n\nThe most valuable complement is a resolved map of scattered light emission (). ", "This emission generally appears as a bipolar pair of conical nebulae (representing the scattering layers on each side of the disk) with a dark waist (the disk interior); some representative examples are shown in . ", "The curvature, or opening angle, of these nebulae is set by the shape of the scattering surface and thereby the flaring geometry of the disk structure [e.g., @bastien90; @lazareff90; @whitney92; @wood98; @dalessio99b; @takami14]. ", "All else being equal, more flaring produces more curvature, larger nebulae, and a higher overall luminosity and polarization fraction for the scattered light. ", "The images in illustrate some of these effects.", "\n\n$\n\\begin{array}{cc}\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f11a.eps} &\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f11b.eps} \\\\\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f11c.eps} &\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f11d.eps} \n\\end{array}$\n\nIn practice, the inference of vertical structure parameters from such data relies on some assumptions (or external constraints) about the viewing geometry and optical properties of the scatterers. ", "For intermediate inclination angles, these degeneracies are usually explored in a restricted forward-modeling process [@roddier96; @close98; @grady99; @grady00; @grady07; @potter00; @augereau01; @krist02; @krist05; @schneider03; @pinte08; @kusakabe12]. ", "Such ambiguities are diminished for extreme inclinations: the variation of the surface layer height with radius can be determined most directly from the nebular curvature in the edge-on case [e.g., @burrows96; @lucas97; @krist98; @padgett99; @stapelfeldt98; @stapelfeldt03; @cotera01; @wolf03; @perrin06; @glauser08], or more indirectly from the morphology of the radial brightness profile for face-on disks [e.g., @krist00; @trilling01; @debes13].", "\n\nUsing \\[eq:density\\] as a parametric structure, models of resolved scattered light data indicate $H/r \\approx 0.05$–0.25, with only a modest radial variation ($\\propto r^{0.1-0.3}$). ", "Similar estimates are made from the infrared SED. ", "As a point of reference, the hydrostatic solution for a vertically isothermal disk predicts that $H/r \\propto r^{1/4}$. It is worth a reminder that these are not actually [*measurements*]{} of the pressure scale height $H$, but rather inferences based on constraints of the characteristic height of the surface layer where dust scatters or absorbs starlight (which are not necessarily co-located). ", "Although these are expected to roughly track one another, there are some additional effects that impact their relationship ().", "\n\nOne such complication occurs when the characteristic height does not rise monotonically with $r$. If material closer to the star is distributed to sufficiently large heights, it can attenuate the radiation field at larger radii. ", "This [*shadowing*]{} is usually attributed to a “puffed-up\" inner disk edge (or [*wall*]{}), where internal energy generated by viscous dissipation (for disks with high accretion rates; e.g., @dalessio98) or direct irradiation of the inner disk edge [@natta01; @dullemond01; @dalessio05; @calvet05] heats the material on sub-AU scales and inflates the local scale height. ", "However, it may also be produced if vertical mixing is more vigorous in the inner disk [e.g., @dullemond04a] or in the presence of small-scale substructures. ", "Regardless of its origin, such obscuration makes the outer disk cooler, lowers the effective surface layer, and therefore reduces the infrared SED (particularly at longer $\\lambda$; a vertically enhanced inner edge actually produces [*more*]{} near-infrared emission) and scattered light luminosity [@dullemond01; @dullemond04a]. ", "These effects have been inferred from SED morphologies [e.g., @meeus01; @natta01; @dominik03; @acke04]. ", "A more striking, direct confirmation is found in scattered light images that show the flared outer disk emerging out of a shadow at large $r$ [e.g., @garufi14b].", "\n\nSynoptic infrared photometry surveys are suggesting that small-scale vertical substructures may be common. ", "Variability at some level is ubiquitous [see @cody14], but the timescales observed in the mid-infrared are surprising: they are much shorter than expected for the disk regions being traced ($\\sim$few AU; see \\[fig:locate\\]; @sitko08 [@morales-calderon09; @flaherty12; @kospal12; @rebull14]). ", "When near-infrared monitoring is also available, a “see-sawing\" wavelength dependence has been observed, where the blue and red ends of the spectrum change in the opposite sense [@muzerolle09; @espaillat11]. ", "In rare cases this variability can be [*mapped*]{} in multi-epoch resolved scattered light observations [@stapelfeldt99; @watson07a; @wisniewski08]. ", "Models of the amplitudes, timescales, and wavelength dependence of the variability suggest an origin at sub-AU radii, where modulations of the vertical structure (due to quickly evolving non-axisymmetric features, turbulence, or warps) shadow the disk at larger radii [e.g., @flaherty10; @flaherty13].", "\n\nRadial Structure {#subsec:radial}\n----------------\n\n### Physical Overview\n\nThe radial variation of the density structure is encapsulated in the [ *surface density*]{} profile $\\Sigma$ ($\\equiv \\int \\rho~dz$). ", "As was already noted, $\\Sigma$ is the most informative, essential aspect of disk structure. ", "The shape of $\\Sigma$ controls not only the likelihood of planet formation, but also the initial orbits and subsequent migrations of any planets during their formation epoch [e.g., @kokubo02; @raymond05; @miguel11]. ", "Moreover, $\\Sigma$ offers an indirect snapshot of the mass and (angular) momentum flows that underpin the global structural evolution of disk material [e.g., @hartmann98].", "\n\nThe standard theoretical models for $\\Sigma(r)$ are again based on the gas physics (presuming that the solids will follow the gas distribution; but see ), using a balance of viscous and gravitational torques [@lin80; @ruden86; @ruden91; @stepinski98]. ", "For a thin Keplerian disk, $\\Sigma$ (and its evolution) can be determined by solving the viscous diffusion equation [@lyndenbell74] $$\\frac{\\partial \\Sigma}{\\partial t} = \\frac{3}{r} \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r} \n\\left[\\sqrt{r} \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r} \\left(\\sqrt{r} \\nu \\Sigma \\right)\\right],\n\\label{eq:viscevol}$$ where $\\nu$ is the viscosity. ", "There is a vast literature associated with accretion flows and angular momentum transport in disks that centers around solving \\[eq:viscevol\\] for a variety of viscosity distributions [see the reviews by @pringle81; @papaloizou95; @turner14]. ", "The typical assumptions, at least in studies making connections to observational data [although see @hueso05], are that mass loss occurs only through accretion onto the star and that the viscosity is a (time-independent) radial power-law, $\\nu \\propto r^{\\gamma}$. The latter is motivated by the @shakura73 prescription for turbulent viscosities in accretion disks, where $\\nu \\propto c_s^2/\\Omega$. In this case there are analytic similarity solutions to \\[eq:viscevol\\], with a $\\Sigma$ profile that behaves like a power-law with an exponential taper at large radii, $$\\Sigma \\propto \\left(\\frac{r}{r_c}\\right)^{-\\gamma} \n \\exp{\\left[-\\left(\\frac{r}{r_c}\\right)^{2-\\gamma}\\right]}.", "\n\\label{eq:simsoln}$$ The characteristic scaling radius, $r_c$, and the normalization depend on time and the initial conditions [e.g., size, mass, and mass flow rate; @lyndenbell74; @lin87; @hartmann98].", "\n\nGiven the uncertainty in these accretion disk models, empirical approximations are often preferred. ", "The most common is an old idea based on a simplistic reconstruction of $\\Sigma$ in the solar nebula, where the current planet masses are augmented back to solar composition and then smeared into annuli [e.g., @young01; @edgeworth49; @kuiper56; @cameron62; @alfven70; @kusaka70]. ", "For such a [*minimum mass solar nebula*]{} (MMSN) disk, $\\Sigma$ is simply a truncated power-law: the canonical @weidenschilling77 construction of the MMSN is shown in . ", "Although there are fundamental conceptual flaws with the MMSN[^8], it remains a standard benchmark in the field.", "\n\n### Observational Constraints\n\nThe most direct constraints on surface density profiles come from resolved (interferometric) observations of the (sub-)millimeter continuum emitted by the disk solids (cf., ). ", "Such emission typically has low optical depths, meaning the surface brightness scales with the product $\\kappa_{\\nu} \\, B_{\\nu}(T) \\, \\Sigma$. The standard approach to interpret the data is to assume that $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ is spatially homogeneous and then fit or solve for $T$ (as a radial power-law or with a radiative transfer calculation, respectively), and fit for $\\Sigma$ (as in or a power-law), a characteristic or cutoff radius, and any other geometric parameters (e.g., inclination) with reference to the interferometric visibilities [e.g., @keene90; @lay94; @lay97; @wilner96; @wilner00b; @wilner03; @looney00]. ", "For marginally resolved data, there are strong degeneracies between the radius parameter, inclination, and the radial gradients in $T$ and $\\Sigma$ [e.g., @mundy96]. ", "These can be mitigated with external constraints (the SED or scattered light data) on $T$ and/or geometry [e.g., @akeson02; @kitamura02; @pietu06; @hamidouche06; @aw07a; @pinte08], but they persist at problematic levels unless the brightness distribution is resolved well.", "\n\nFor the nearest disk populations, a resolution of $\\lesssim$05 (60–70AU) is usually sufficient to alleviate these degeneracies and place rudimentary constraints on $\\Sigma$. Surface density profiles have been inferred with such data for a few dozen disks, primarily in the Taurus [@isella09; @isella10; @pietu06; @pietu14; @guilloteau11] and Ophiuchus [@andrews09; @andrews10b] regions (\\[fig:mmsn\\]). ", "With access to radii $\\gtrsim$15–30AU, these studies find a wide range of $\\Sigma$ gradients ($\\gamma \\approx 0$–1) and characteristic sizes ($r_c \\approx \n5$–200AU)[^9]; some of that diversity reflects the different modeling approaches. ", "also shows an alternative view in the form of cumulative mass distributions, which are perhaps more relevant for planet formation models. ", "Many disks have roughly sufficient masses at 5–30AU (based on model extrapolations) to form planetary systems like our own. ", "However, the samples observed so far are biased (by necessity) toward the brightest, and thereby most massive, disks.", "\n\n@andrews10b noticed an interesting trend, now confirmed by @pietu14, that fainter disks are typically more compact; see . ", "This crude size–luminosity (mass) relationship could be a manifestation of initial conditions (diversity in core angular momenta) or viscous timescales [@andrews10b]; or perhaps it reflects variety in the evolutionary states of the solids (@pietu14; see for further discussion). ", "Following up on this trend is an active area of research, but larger samples and ancillary observations will be required to test hypotheses for its origins.", "\n\nIt is important to differentiate between what is being assumed and what is actually measured when interpreting resolved continuum data as described above. ", "The surface brightness scales roughly with $B_{\\nu} \n(1-e^{-\\tau_{\\nu}})$ (), or $\\sim \nB_{\\nu}(T) \\, \\tau_{\\nu}$ in the optically thin limit. ", "A constraint on $\\Sigma$ requires a good (and internally self-consistent) model of the spatial variations of $T$ (i.e., that the vertical structure and irradiation source properties are well determined) and opacity (recall $\\tau_{\\nu} = \\kappa_{\\nu} \n\\, \\Sigma$). ", "For the latter, the typical assumption is that $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ is spatially invariant, which is [*not*]{} especially well-justified (see ). ", "In fact, radial and vertical variations in $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ are generally expected (), and therefore will impact any estimates of $\\Sigma$ and $T$. While there are other caveats in this line of work, it is these basic systematic uncertainties about the material properties of the solids that ultimately limit the ability to robustly constrain disk $\\Sigma$ profiles.", "\n\nMaterial Properties {#subsec:material}\n-------------------\n\nIt should be obvious at this point that the links between observations and the physical properties of disks are fundamentally tied to the detailed interactions of their constituent solid particles with radiation. ", "Those interactions are affected by the material properties of the solids, particularly their compositions, sizes, and morphologies. ", "This information is parametrically encoded in the “optical\" properties, absorption and scattering opacities as well as scattering and polarization phase functions, that control the redistribution of radiative energy in both frequency and direction. ", "These can be determined for any collection of particle properties and their corresponding optical constants (wavelength-dependent refractive indices) using numerical methods of varying sophistication, from simplified schemes like Mie theory [e.g., @bohren83] to the brute-force simulated solutions of Maxwell’s equations in the discrete dipole approximation [@purcell73; @draine94]. ", "The optical constants for many relevant materials have been calculated theoretically [e.g., @draine84; @laor93] or measured in the laboratory [e.g., @jaeger94; @jaeger98; @dorschner95; @henning95].", "\n\n### Particle Composition\n\nReasonable models for the composition of disk solids [e.g., @pollack94] are based on assumed chemical pathways and abundance measurements in primordial solar system bodies [@lodders03]: the primary contributors include silicates, carbonaceous materials, metallic compounds, and water ice. ", "The emission bands at $\\sim$10 and 18$\\mu$m in disk spectra verify an abundant population of small silicate particles with a range of mineralogies [@forrest04; @kessler-silacci05; @kessler-silacci06; @watson09; @sargent06; @sargent09; @sargent09b; @olofsson09; @oliveira10; @oliveira11]. ", "Additional features throughout the infrared provide evidence for hydrocarbons [PAHs; e.g., @habart04; @geers06; @geers07; @keller08], water ice [@chiang01; @creech-eakman02; @mcclure15], and other relevant minerals [e.g., @sturm13]. ", "Resolved maps of scattered light colors suggest organic grain coatings [e.g., tholins; @debes08; @debes13; @rodigas15]. ", "While it is not trivial to quantify the relative abundances of these materials, particularly in the midplane where spectral features are hidden by high optical depths, the combined constraints from disk spectra, analyses of meteorites, comets, and asteroids, and chemical intuition provide a reasonably coherent picture of the bulk composition of disk solids.", "\n\n### Particle Size Distribution\n\nThe particle size (radius), $a$, dictates the cross-section for interaction with radiation of a given wavelength, and thereby has a significant impact on $\\kappa_{\\nu}$. The opacity spectrum is approximately constant for $a \\gg \n\\lambda$ (geometric optics limit), falls off like $\\lambda^{-2}$ when $a \\ll \n\\lambda$ (Rayleigh limit), and is enhanced by resonant interactions at intermediate wavelengths. ", "The implication is that emission observed at a given wavelength most efficiently probes particles of a similar size, $a \\sim \n\\lambda$. In a realistic disk environment there will be a distribution of particle sizes, often approximated as a power-law, $dN/da \\propto a^{-q}$. Typically, most of the mass is in the largest particles ($q < 4$); as a reference point, simple collisional models [@dohnanyi69] and fits to the interstellar extinction curve [@mathis77; @cardelli89; @mathis90] suggest $q \n\\approx 3.5$.\n\nillustrates how the opacity spectrum changes for different particle size distributions. ", "As the maximum size increases (or the distribution becomes more top-heavy), there are three general changes to the opacities. ", "First, the infrared opacities decrease. ", "However, if the disk is still optically thick in the infrared, it is not easy to demonstrate this observationally. ", "Second, the silicate spectral features become muted [e.g., @min04]. ", "This has been identified as a signature of grain growth in the disk surface layers [e.g., @bouwman01; @meeus01; @kessler-silacci06; @olofsson09; @lommen10], although there is room for structural [e.g., @dominik08] or compositional [@honda03; @meeus03] ambiguity in quantifying the size distribution. ", "And third, the approximately power-law spectral behavior at mm/radio wavelengths flattens; i.e., if $\\kappa_{\\rm mm} \\propto \\nu^{\\beta}$, then $\\beta$ decreases with larger $a_{\\rm max}$ or smaller $q$ (see \\[fig:opacities\\]; @miyake93 [@ossenkopf94; @henning96; @dalessio01; @draine06]).", "\n\nThis latter point is especially interesting for disks because they become optically thin at these long wavelengths. ", "The spectral dependence of the mm/radio continuum therefore scales with $B_{\\nu} \\, \\kappa_{\\nu}$; in the Rayleigh-Jeans limit the observed spectrum would scale like $\\nu^{2+\\beta}$, and so the radio “colors\" serve as a key diagnostic of the particle size distribution.[^10] For the small (sub-micron) grains in the interstellar medium, the mm/radio spectrum is steep; $\\beta \\approx 1.8\\pm0.2$ [@hildebrand83; @goldsmith97; @finkbeiner99; @li01]. ", "The integrated spectra of $\\sim$Myr-old disks have comparatively much “redder\" colors, indicative of $\\beta \\lesssim 1$ in most cases [@beckwith91; @mannings94; @aw05; @wilner05; @lommen07; @lommen09; @ricci10a; @ricci10b; @ubach12] and therefore substantial growth [$a_{\\rm max}$$\\sim$mm or cm; e.g., @draine06]. ", "There are a few important points to keep in mind regarding the interpretation of spectral behavior in this context. ", "For shallow spectra (low $\\beta$), the relationship between the opacity spectral index and particle size saturates (see \\[fig:opacities\\]); when solids reach sizes much larger than the observing wavelengths, they emit much less and have negligible impact on the observed spectrum. ", "So, associating $\\beta$ with a particle size distribution extending beyond cm-sized solids is generally not possible. ", "More practically, it is crucial to spatially resolve brighter disks, so any contamination from optically thick emission (with a spectrum that scales like $\\nu^2$) can be identified [@testi03; @natta04; @rodmann06; @ricci12]. ", "Likewise, when increasing the spectral range to the radio ($\\lambda \\sim \n1$cm) in an effort to better leverage constraints on $\\beta$, the contamination of [*non-disk*]{} emission (free-free or synchrotron radiation) also needs to be considered [e.g., @rodmann06].", "\n\n### Particle Morphology\n\nThe optical properties of solids are also sensitive to their structure or morphology, typically discussed in terms of porosity [or the volume filling factor; e.g., @kozasa92; @henning96; @min03; @kimura03; @ormel11]. ", "Numerical simulations predict that small individual grains (monomers) will stick together in low-speed collisions and grow into fluffy, porous aggregates [e.g., @ossenkopf93; @dominik97; @ormel07; @wada09; @okuzumi12]; laboratory experiments directly confirm this behavior [see @blum08]. ", "The optical properties of porous aggregates depend on the product of their bulk size and filling factor [e.g., @kataoka14]. ", "The absorption opacities of large aggregates with high porosity are similar to those for smaller, compact particles, with the subtle difference being that the resonant enhancement of $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ for $a \\sim \\lambda$ is muted (cf., ", "\\[fig:opacities\\]). ", "The corresponding scattering opacities may be relatively enhanced at long wavelengths: @kataoka14 suggest mm-wave polarimetry as a potential probe [although current limits are already quite strong; e.g., @hughes09b; @hughes13]. ", "More information on the morphologies of disk solids are available, at least in the surface layers, through constraints on the scattering phase function [e.g., @mulders13] and polarized intensities [e.g., @min12].", "\n\n### Caveats on Mass and Density Estimates\n\nOn consideration of all these complex microphysical factors that set the opacities, which in turn are responsible for translating physical conditions into the astronomical tracers that are observed, the effort to quantify the role of disks in planet formation may seem incredibly daunting. ", "And indeed, there is much work to be done in teasing out the complex inter-dependences between the material and structural properties of disks.[^11] So, it is imperative to consider inferences about disk properties in the context of the [*assumed*]{} (i.e., model-dependent) properties of their constituent solids.", "\n\nGiven the fundamental significance of disk masses in the planet formation process, there is special interest in understanding the uncertainty (or diversity) in the opacities at millimeter wavelengths. ", "With the few exceptions of disks with especially simple structures [e.g., @andrews14], this issue is best assessed demographically. ", "A few different arguments have been made that point toward the “standard\" millimeter opacities [$\\sim$2 cm$^2$g$^{-1}$ at 1.3mm; @beckwith90] being over-estimated, and therefore that the disk masses may be higher than are typically inferred. ", "One points out the order of magnitude mismatch between the masses inferred from the millimeter emission and a crude proxy using the product of accretion rates and ages [@hartmann98; @hartmann06]. ", "Another derives from the claim that the massive disk fraction seems to be too low to produce the observed giant planet frequency [e.g., @greaves10; @najita14].[^12] The [*direction*]{} of this proposed uncertainty makes sense, since the growth of solids will lock up a fraction of the mass in large bodies that do not emit much at millimeter wavelengths (cf., ", "\\[fig:opacities\\]). ", "But its [*scale*]{} is perhaps less clear. ", "It is unlikely that the masses could be substantially higher than estimated without a large population of gravitationally unstable disks, for which no evidence [e.g., @narayanan06; @jang-condell07; @dipierro14] has yet been identified [see especially the symmetry for the very bright HL Tau disk; @brogan15]. ", "So considering these (admittedly approximate) constraints, it seems reasonable to assume that the systematic uncertainty on the mean millimeter opacity in disks (relative to the typically adopted value) is modest, about ($\\pm$)1dex.", "\n\nSynopsis\n--------\n\n- The flared, vertical distribution of dust grains regulates the thermal structure of a disk. ", "The broadband infrared SED and spatially resolved measurements of optical/infrared scattered light can be used to constrain the vertical structure. ", "In the context of simple models, such data suggest that the typical vertical aspect ratio ($\\sim$$H/r$) is 0.1.", "\n\n- The radial surface density profile, $\\Sigma$, is a crucial input for planet formation models. ", "Interferometric measurements that resolve the optically thin millimeter continuum emission can be used to interpret the radial distribution of solid mass; some preliminary results are consistent with models of the (outer) primordial solar nebula.", "\n\n- The compositions, sizes, and shapes of the solid particles determine the opacities, which regulate the radiative transfer of energy into and out of the disk structure. ", "There are strong and complex inter-dependencies between these material and structural properties. ", "Measurements of the shape of the mm/radio continuum spectrum are sensitive to the particle size distribution; the relatively “red\" mm/radio colors that are observed indicate the substantial growth of disk solids.", "\n\n- The physical conditions inferred from the interpretation of disk observations need to be considered only in the context of the model assumptions (e.g., the functional form of the density distribution, the material properties of the constituent solids).", "\n\n[*Additional Reading*]{}: the review of disk modeling by @dullemond07; a basic review of resolved structure constraints by @wilner00; the more general review by @williams11.", "\n\nEvolution {#sec:evolution}\n=========\n\nThe general framework for interpreting protoplanetary disk observations, as outlined in the previous sections, is still rather crude and over-simplified. ", "With some recent enhancements in data quality, it has become clear that a more nuanced approach is necessary. ", "There is now unequivocal evidence that evolutionary effects play a large (and likely dominant) role in determining the observable characteristics of these disks. ", "The goal of this section is to highlight how two key evolutionary behaviors – the growth and migration of solids, and the relatively rapid clearing of the inner disk – impact the standard observational benchmarks of disk structure, and thereby to point out opportunities for new insights on the physical mechanisms that drive such evolution.", "\n\nThe Growth and Migration of Solids {#subsec:solidevol}\n----------------------------------\n\nMost observational studies of disk structures implicitly assume that the collisional evolution of the constituent solids can be ignored. ", "That is a bad assumption. ", "The growth and migration of these solids involve extraordinarily complex processes, but exploring their consequences – both physically and observationally – is a crucial step toward developing a more comprehensive understanding of planet formation. ", "To illustrate the effects of this evolution, in this section we will consider what happens to an ‘initial’ population of small dust grains suspended in a (hydrostatically supported) gas reservoir with a homogeneous dust-to-gas ratio, $\\zeta(r, z) = \\zeta_0$.\n\n### Settling\n\nRelative motions imparted stochastically (Brownian motion, turbulent mixing) will make these grains collide; at low speeds, they will stick together and produce larger aggregates [e.g., @blum08; @guttler10]. ", "Smaller particles are coupled to the gas, buoyed up into the disk atmosphere by hydrostatic support. ", "But larger particles feel less of that lift and will settle toward the midplane [@adachi76; @weidenschilling77; @nakagawa81]. ", "As they sink into denser regions, the collision rate increases and growth can accelerate. ", "This growth and (vertical) migration feedback process is not perfectly efficient [@dullemond05]: alternative collision outcomes like electrostatic repulsion [@okuzumi09] and bouncing [@zsom10] can slow growth, while fragmentation [@brauer08; @birnstiel09] and erosion [e.g., @seizinger13; @krijt15] can actually reverse it.", "\n\nThe interactions between the gas pressure, gravity, and (turbulent) mixing, coupled with the efficiency of particle growth (relative to destruction), gives rise to a size-sorted, sedimentary layering of the disk solids in which $\\zeta$ [*decreases*]{} with $z$ [e.g., @volk80; @cuzzi93; @dubrulle95; @schrapler04]. ", "This size segregation increases the vertical temperature gradient and concentrates the absorption/scattering optical depth profile toward the midplane, reducing the irradiated surface area and height of the surface layer and thereby impacting some key observables (e.g., @dullemond04b; see ).", "\n\nA [*settled*]{} disk has a lower characteristic surface layer, absorbs less starlight, and therefore is colder. ", "Consequently, it emits less thermal and scattered continuum radiation to the observer [@miyake95; @dullemond04b; @dalessio06; @mulders12]. ", "Distinguishing settling from a disk with an intrinsically low gas pressure scale height, $H$, is not trivial. ", "Some indirect constraints can be made from comparisons of mid-infrared colors and the strength of the 10$\\mu$m silicate feature [e.g., @kessler-silacci06; @furlan09], or the inconsistent inferences of surface height layers from different tracers [e.g., scattered light images and infrared SEDs; @stapelfeldt03; @wolf03]. ", "A more direct signature of this stratification is accessible by comparing scattered light images at multiple wavelengths. ", "Since dust grains preferentially scatter at wavelengths comparable to the particle size, settled disks show a scattering layer height that decreases with $\\lambda$ [@duchene03; @duchene04; @duchene10; @pinte07; @grafe13]. ", "Edge-on disks may be particularly useful in future work on this subject, when ALMA can spatially resolve both the temperature structure of the gas [e.g., @dartois03; @rosenfeld13a; @degregorio-monsalvo13] and the continuum that traces $\\sim$mm particles as a function of height above the midplane [e.g., @boehler13]. ", "As a reference, radiative transfer models of typical disk SEDs indicate that settling can reduce the dust-to-gas ratio in the disk atmosphere by a factor $1/\\epsilon \n\\approx 10$–1000, where $\\zeta = \\epsilon \\, \\zeta_0$ in the parlance of @dalessio06.", "\n\n### Radial Drift\n\nSimilar evolution also proceeds in the radial dimension. ", "The radial motions of disk solids are fundamental to that evolution. ", "Particles that are well coupled to the gas will follow its viscous flow trajectories, moving inward toward the host star at small radii (accretion), and away from it in the outer disk (diffusion) [e.g., see @takeuchi02]. ", "These radial velocities induced by viscous drag tend to be slow ($\\sim$few to tens of cm s$^{-1}$), and are most relevant for small ($\\sim$$\\mu$m-sized) particles. ", "An aerodynamic process termed “radial drift\" can be substantially more influential. ", "In general, the gas motions in a disk are dominated by rotation around the host star. ", "However, the presence of a radial pressure gradient imparts a small deviation from Keplerian velocities. ", "For example, in the standard picture of a smooth disk with temperatures and densities that decrease with $r$, the pressure gradient is negative and the gas disk rotates at a slightly sub-Keplerian rate. ", "In the limit of weak coupling to the gas, solids orbit at Keplerian speeds. ", "In the intermediate drag regime, particles with a certain range of sizes feel a strong headwind due to their velocity differential with the gas, which saps their orbital energy and sends them spiraling toward the pressure maximum [@whipple72; @adachi76; @weidenschilling77; @nakagawa81; @nakagawa86]. ", "This radial drift moves solids so efficiently that they can be locally depleted faster than the coagulation timescale: in a MMSN disk, such a ‘drift barrier’ to further growth occurs at $\\sim$1AU for m-sized bodies, and at $\\sim$100AU for mm-sized particles.", "\n\nThe radial migration outlined above significantly modifies the distribution of disk solids in both size and space. ", "illustrates these effects for a representative evolutionary model [cf., ", "@birnstiel14]. ", "The higher densities and relative velocities present at smaller disk radii naturally enhance the local collision (and thereby growth) rates [e.g., @dullemond05]. ", "But the added influx of $\\sim$mm/cm-sized particles from the outer disk will amplify this radial size-sorting. ", "The net result is that larger solids will be preferentially concentrated close to the gas pressure maximum [typically the inner disk edge; e.g., @takeuchi02; @brauer08; @birnstiel10; @birnstiel12]. ", "Since most of the solid mass is in larger particles that are systematically depleted from the outer disk by radial drift, the dust-to-gas ratio $\\zeta$ decreases with $r$ [@takeuchi05b; @birnstiel14]. ", "For the sizes where drift velocities are maximal in the outer disk ($\\sim$mm/cm), the ratio ($\\zeta_{\\rm mm}$) drops precipitously at $\\sim$10–100AU [@youdin02; @weidenschilling03; @takeuchi05; @jacquet12; @birnstiel14].", "\n\n### Signatures of Radial Drift\n\nThese physical effects have pronounced observational hallmarks. ", "The radial sorting of particle sizes induced by growth and drift is manifested in the disk opacities, $\\kappa_{\\nu}$, particularly at mm/cm wavelengths (cf., ). ", "Since larger particles have a lower opacity spectral index, $\\beta$ (a “redder\" $\\kappa_{\\nu}$), disks that have experienced substantial evolution in their solids will have an [*increasing*]{} $\\beta(r)$: such an opacity profile is observed as a radial variation of the [*radio colors*]{} . ", "In practice, this color gradient is observable as an anti-correlation between the wavelength and size of the continuum emission, such that the intensity distribution at longer wavelengths is more compact [@banzatti11; @guilloteau11; @perez12; @lperez15; @trotta13; @menu14]. ", "shows an example of this effect.", "\n\nA confirmation of the related prediction that drift produces a decreasing $\\zeta(r)$ (cf., ", "\\[fig:drift\\]) is more difficult, since accessing and interpreting gas density tracers remains a challenge. ", "However, some indirect, qualitative evidence supporting a steep drop-off in $\\zeta_{\\rm mm}(r)$ is available through a comparison of the mm/cm-wavelength continuum and molecular line emission [*sizes*]{}: the former should have a more radially compact distribution than the latter. ", "Such line/continuum size discrepancies have been noted for some time [e.g., @pietu05; @isella07], but were (reasonably) attributed to optical depth effects: since the mm/cm continuum is optically thin, insufficient sensitivity can lead to a size under-estimate relative to the optically thick lines that typically trace the gas [@hughes08]. ", "As the data quality has improved, it has nevertheless become clear that these apparent size discrepancies are not observational artifacts, but are instead intrinsic to the disk structures. ", "For a still-limited sample, this signature of radial drift is manifested in a mm continuum distribution $\\sim$2–5$\\times$ smaller than for the CO line (@panic09 [@andrews12; @rosenfeld13b; @degregorio-monsalvo13; @walsh14]; see \\[fig:obs\\_drift\\]).", "\n\nSome complementary information is encoded in the morphology of the mm continuum at larger radii. ", "The steep drop in $\\zeta_{\\rm mm}(r)$ predicted theoretically to be a consequence of radial drift (e.g., @birnstiel14; see \\[fig:drift\\]) should produce a relatively sharp outer “edge\" in the continuum distribution. ", "That edge is clearly identifiable in the oscillatory structure it imprints on the interferometric visibilities (see \\[fig:obs\\_drift\\]; @andrews12 [@degregorio-monsalvo13]).", "\n\n### Open Issues\n\nThe dramatic modifications these evolutionary factors impart on the traditional observational tracers of structure (cf., ), ", "should make it clear that constraining disk densities is a substantially more complicated task than has often been assumed. ", "At some level, the spatial variations imposed on $\\kappa_{\\nu}$ and $\\zeta$ by these evolutionary mechanisms render many of the standard assumptions used in the interpretation of disk structures invalid. ", "To put it bluntly, there is not currently any obvious, coherent parametric framework available for characterizing the density distributions of disk solids. ", "Right now, the focus is instead on collecting additional evidence that supports the evolution of solids, and building up a foundation for its proper interpretation. ", "The expectation is that resolved multiwavelength continuum and spectral line data can be combined to better characterize the growth and migration of solids, and thereby to facilitate integrated studies of structure and evolution.", "\n\nThis subject is a relatively new, and incredibly dynamic, emphasis for the field. ", "But while the influx of high-quality resolved data is [ *qualitatively*]{} in sync with theoretical predictions for the growth and migration of disk solids, it is important to recognize that there are also some serious conflicts. ", "Most prominent among these is the issue of migration timescales. ", "Theory predicts that radial drift is [*much*]{} too efficient to explain the spatial distributions and luminosities of the mm-wavelength continuum that are routinely observed for $\\sim$Myr-old disks [e.g., @takeuchi05; @brauer07]. ", "The hypothesized remedy to relieve this tension is that there must be small-scale substructure in the gas disk [e.g., @whipple72; @pinilla12a]. ", "Localized pressure maxima introduced by turbulent fluctuations [@klahr97; @dzyurkevich13; @flock15], magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) structures (i.e., zonal flows; @johansen09 [@bai14b; @suzuki14; @bai15]), condensation fronts [e.g., @kretke07], or dynamical perturbations from (planetary) companions [@pinilla12b; @birnstiel13] can slow or even “trap\" drifting particles, potentially reconciling the theoretical timescales and observational constraints. ", "There is some preliminary evidence in support of these kinds of substructure for a special subset of disks (see ), and there will soon be data capable of quantifying its nature and prevalence in the more general disk population (see ).", "\n\nThe “Transition\" Phase {#subsec:trans}\n----------------------\n\n### Physical Overview\n\nThe evolution of angular momentum, through turbulent transport [@shakura73; @lyndenbell74; @hartmann98] or dissipation via magnetic winds [@blandford82; @konigl89; @bai13], largely dictates the long-term behavior of disk structures. ", "If acting alone, such processes would steadily deplete the densities until the disk slowly (tens of Myr) faded away. ", "However, there are additional mechanisms that should expedite the dissipation or transformation of the disk material.", "\n\nIn terms of dispersal, the primary pathway of interest is through a photoevaporative wind. ", "Eneregtic radiation (far-ultraviolet to X-ray) generated by the host star can impart the gas in the disk surface with enough energy to escape the system [@clarke01; @alexander06a; @ercolano08; @gorti09; @owen10]. ", "When the mass-loss rate in the resulting wind exceeds the (inward) viscous flow rate, a gap opens near the wind launch radius [$\\sim$few AU; e.g., @liffman03; @font04; @ercolano09]. ", "The inner disk is cut off from re-supply, and will quickly ($\\lesssim$0.1Myr) accrete onto the star [$\\sim$0.1Myr; e.g., @alexander06b; @gorti09b; @owen11]. ", "This depletion makes the inner disk optically thin in the radial direction, permitting a more efficient irradiation at the inner edge of the remaining disk. ", "This in turn enhances the wind mass-loss rate and thereby quickly ($\\lesssim$0.01Myr) expands the wind-driven “cavity\" at the disk center to $r\\gtrsim10$AU [@clarke01; @alexander06b; @owen12]; it may even trigger an instability that destroys the disk altogether [@owen13].", "\n\nIn the alternative [but not mutually exclusive; e.g., @matsuyama03; @rosotti13] context of metamorphosis, planet formation can also dramatically alter the disk structure on relatively short timescales. ", "Once a planet is sufficiently massive (depending on the disk viscosity, but typically $\\sim$0.1–1M$_{\\rm jup}$), it exerts torques that repel the local disk material away from its orbital radius [e.g., @goldreich80; @lin79; @lin93; @bryden99; @kley12]. ", "The net result is a narrow annulus of depleted densities, a gap. ", "Depending on the local disk properties and planet mass, some disk material may continue to flow to the planet (or beyond it) in accretion streams [@artymowicz96; @kley99; @lubow99]. ", "A more massive planet accretes a larger fraction of this flow [e.g., @lubow06], diminishing the re-supply of the disk region interior to the gap, and thereby effectively creating a “cavity\" at the disk center [e.g., @varniere06; @crida07; @dodson-robinson11; @zhu11].", "\n\nTheoretical models of these processes make some important and testable observational predictions. ", "The most fundamental of these is that disk evolution should involve two timescales — a long stage where the processes related to momentum transport dominate, followed by a rapid “transition\" phase where the disk structure is severely modified by interactions with winds and/or (giant) planets — that can be identifiable in simple demographic data [e.g., see @alexander09]. ", "The disks in this latter evolutionary phase have a distinct structural feature: a central region of depleted densities. ", "Such a structure necessarily imposes a pressure maximum just outside this low-density cavity, which may concentrate drifting solids in a ring-shaped “trap\" (cf., ; ", "e.g., @alexander07 [@pinilla12b; @gorti15]). ", "As with normal disks (cf., ), ", "these solids leave behind a radially extended gas disk with a low dust-to-gas ratio. ", "The shape of the pressure gradient around the maximum regulates the flow of material to smaller radii. ", "If the gradient is not too steep, gas and smaller particles can pass through into the cavity; however, larger solids are filtered out of this flow and remain trapped near the pressure maximum [e.g., @rice06; @paardekooper06; @zhu12; @zhu14]. ", "In a sense, the small amount of material in the cavity (or, rather, the flow rate of disk material through that pressure maximum), provides important clues to the physical mechanism(s) responsible for the depletion that is central to this transitional phase of evolution [e.g., @alexander06b; @najita07; @najita15; @alexander09; @owen12b].", "\n\n### Observational Signatures\n\nThe observational evidence for this rapid stage of disk evolution pre-dates (and motivates) much of the theoretical work. ", "In any young cluster, there is a small sub-population ($\\sim$1–10%) that lacks a near-infrared excess but still exhibits strong dust emission at longer wavelengths [@strom89; @skrutskie90]. ", "These [*transition disks*]{} are usually identified by the “dip\" in their infrared spectra, with blue colors shortward of $\\sim$5–10$\\mu$m and red colors at longer wavelengths [e.g., @brown07; @cieza07; @cieza12; @merin10; @furlan11]. ", "A representative example is shown in . ", "Given the rough $\\lambda \\mapsto \nr$ mapping between the spectrum and dust temperatures (), this “dip\" signature suggests a substantial depletion of solids in the warm inner disk [@strom89; @skrutskie90; @marsh92; @marsh93; @calvet02; @calvet05; @rice03; @dalessio05]. ", "If all disks experience such a transition, a simple duty cycle argument demands that it occurs quickly (the product of the transition disk fraction and the mean sample age, so $\\lesssim$0.1–0.5Myr; but see @sicilia-aguilar08 [@muzerolle10]). ", "Comparing that rough timescale with the decay time of infrared excesses in the general disk population (; see @mamajek09), these simple infrared color demographics clearly reveal the theoretically predicted two-timescale behavior for disk evolution.", "\n\nMoreover, the “dust ring\" structures implied by these distinctive spectral morphologies have been directly confirmed, and characterized in detail, using resolved observations of the mm continuum [e.g., @pietu05; @pietu06; @hughes07; @hughes09; @brown08; @brown09; @brown12; @isella10; @isella10b; @andrews09; @andrews10b; @andrews11; @cieza12; @mathews12; @casassus13; @fukagawa13; @rosenfeld13b; @tsukagoshi14; @osorio14; @huelamo15; @canovas15]. ", "Some illustrative examples are shown in (as well as the insets in \\[fig:trans\\_rings\\]). ", "Resolved studies of transition disks have so far used haphazard selection, and are severely limited by luminosity and resolution constraints. ", "The current sample shows cavities with radii of $\\sim$15–100AU and emission levels suppresed by at least a factor of $\\sim$100, surrounded by bright, narrow rings (not well-resolved; potentially with high optical depths). ", "These morphological features are surprisingly more common than the infrared-based transition disk phenomenon in general, representing a quarter or more of the disks in the bright half of the mm luminosity (disk mass) function [@andrews11]. ", "It is not yet clear how much this apparent discrepancy is influenced by the strong selection biases (i.e., bright sources only) in the resolved mm continuum sample.", "\n\n$\n\\begin{array}{cc}\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f18a.eps} &\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f18b.eps} \\\\\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f18c.eps} &\n\\includegraphics[width=1.55in]{f18d.eps} \n\\end{array}$\n\nThe simple “dust ring+cavity\" model for a transition disk structure becomes more complicated when additional tracers are considered. ", "The presence of a small infrared excess (and often silicate emission features) in transition disk SEDs demonstrates that the cavities are not empty; rather, a “gapped\" structure, with an additional band of small dust grains located near the host star, may be a more appropriate description [e.g., @espaillat07; @espaillat08; @espaillat10]. ", "Since even a low mass of small particles can emit strongly in the infrared, such structures can even wash out the characteristic SED “dip\" signature [e.g., @isella10; @isella10b; @andrews11]. ", "Moreover, spatially resolved observations of infrared scattered light (@dong12 [@hashimoto12; @follette13; @rapson15]; see \\[fig:trans\\_rings\\] inset) and sub-mm emission [e.g., @pinilla15] find smaller particles interior to the mm continuum rings, in some cases nearly filling the cavities.", "\n\nThese trace populations of small particles are clearly accompanied by gas. ", "The accretion rates onto the transition disk hosts tend to be comparable to or slightly below those for more typical disks [@najita07; @najita15; @fang09; @espaillat12; @ingleby14; @manara14], suggesting that the mass flow is relatively uninterrupted by the gap(s) or cavity. ", "Supplementary signatures of this gas reservoir are found in infrared rovibrational lines of common molecules located at few AU-scales [e.g., @salyk09], unresolved emission in the wings of millimeter rotational lines [@rosenfeld12], as well as direct spectral imaging of those same lines [@casassus13; @fukagawa13; @bruderer14; @zhang14; @perez15; @canovas15; @vandermarel15]. ", "As with the small grains, constraints on the gas densities in the cavity are rudimentary. ", "The bulk of the gas mass remains confined to the extended structures that reach well-beyond the mm continuum rings [@hughes09; @rosenfeld13b; @walsh14].", "\n\nConsidering all these observations together, there is strong empirical evidence supporting the theoretical model that transition disk structures are largely controlled by a narrow, radial (ring-like) gas pressure maximum located outside a zone of substantially depleted densities. ", "For the specific examples that have been studied in detail so far, the measured accretion rates and cavity contents indicate that the pressure gradient outside the cavity is not too steep. ", "Such properties are generally inconsistent with the predictions of photoevaporation models [@alexander09; @owen12b], and so the operating hypothesis is that the observed structures are produced by dynamical interactions with very faint [e.g., @pott10; @kraus11], presumably planetary-mass, companions (although more massive stellar companions must be ruled out; e.g., @ireland08). ", "That is certainly an exciting prospect, and is naturally driving rapid developments in the pursuit for details on these specific disks. ", "A few putative planetary-mass candidates have even been identified inside transition disk cavities [e.g., @huelamo11; @kraus12b; @reggiani14; @biller14; @quanz14]. ", "That said, it is important to recognize that the sub-population of disks receiving most of the attention is still biased (in terms of mm luminosity, cavity size, etc.): ", "a larger swath of the disk population may have its properties shaped more by other evolutionary factors (e.g., photoevaporation).", "\n\n### Substructure\n\nA particularly active topic of research on these disks is the characterization of their [*substructure*]{}, deviations from the simple one-dimensional (radial) description outlined above. ", "From a phenomenological perspective, three basic types of substructure are observed in transition disks: azimuthal asymmetries, spirals, and warps. ", "A prominent example (for two of these) is shown in . ", "The former type is common in the limited samples available, with the millimeter emission rings in some cases appearing lopsided: azimuthal contrast levels range from modest (a factor of $\\lesssim$2; @brown09 [@isella13; @rosenfeld13b; @perez14]) to extreme (a factor $>$30; @casassus13 [@vandermarel13; @fukagawa13]), and the asymmetries themselves can account for $\\sim$30–100% of the integrated flux. ", "These asymmetric features are azimuthally resolved (spanning tens of degrees), but radially narrow ($\\lesssim$10-20AU). ", "The currently favored explanation for such substructure is the concentration of solids in an azimuthal gas pressure enhancement [@birnstiel13], presumably driven by vortex instabilities produced exterior to the orbit of a perturbing companion [e.g., @barge95; @klahr97; @wolf02; @regaly12; @lyra13; @zhu14; @zhu14b].", "\n\nHowever, vortices are not the only viable explanations for the observed asymmetries; in some cases, they may alternatively be generated by global gravitational modes [@mittal15], eccentricity [@kley06], or unresolved spiral structures [e.g., @perez14]. ", "The latter is of special interest, since remarkable spiral patterns have been observed in (usually polarized) scattered light from many of the transition disks with early-type hosts (a sensitivity-related selection bias). ", "Both well-ordered, open spirals [e.g., @muto12; @grady13; @garufi13] and more complex, tightly-wound patterns [e.g., @clampin03; @fukagawa04; @fukagawa06; @canovas13; @avenhaus14] have been identified, typically extending from the inner working angles ($\\sim$10AU) out to $\\gtrsim$100AU scales. ", "Some debate remains about the origins of these patterns, as true density waves [@dipierro14; @dipierro15] or manifestations of vertical substructure [@juhasz15], but the forthcoming resolution improvements at millimeter wavelengths should settle the issue. ", "Some care has to be taken in interpreting scattered light images, since the illumination pattern of the outer disk surface can also be affected by warped geometries [e.g., @roberge05; @quillen06; @hashimoto11; @marino15]. ", "Resolved spectral line data bolsters the evidence that such vertical substructure may be a common feature in transition disks [e.g., @rosenfeld12; @rosenfeld14; @perez15].", "\n\nWith new access to ALMA and high quality (polarized) scattered light data, the past few years have seen rapid development in resolved studies of transition disks. ", "The new signatures of dynamical substructure in these disks are marshaling a major investment in both observations and theoretical work. ", "Ultimately, the goal is to provide firm, predictive links between the observed disk structures and the properties of the planetary perturbers that shape them, with results that have fundamental impacts on models of early planetary system architectures, migration, and the planetary accretion process. ", "At the same time, it is beneficial to understand that the “sample\" being studied so extensively is certainly biased: after all, these accreting, mm-bright disks with large and partially-filled cavities are but a small sub-group of the general transition disk population [e.g., @cieza08]. ", "It will be interesting to see how the description of transition disk structures changes when a more diverse sample is analyzed using data of similar quality.", "\n\nSynopsis\n--------\n\n- Disk solids grow and migrate toward the local maximum in the gas pressure distribution. ", "The result is a vertically and radially size-sorted density structure, with higher concentrations of larger particles at the midplane and in the inner disk. ", "The vertical stratification can be observed in the infrared SED, or through multiwavelength resolved scattered light images. ", "The radial segregation is noted in the spatially resolved mm/radio continuum “colors\".", "\n\n- Additional evidence for the inward migration of particles due to radial drift is available in the form of a steep drop in the dust-to-gas ratio, observationally manifested as a sharp-edged continuum profile and a substantial size discrepancy between resolved tracers of gas and mm/cm particles.", "\n\n- The population of “transition disks\" is characterized by a ring-like dust geometry, with larger particles (observed in the mm/cm continuum) concentrated in a narrow annulus outside a central, depleted cavity. ", "In the specific examples studied in detail so far, gas and smaller particles extend into the cavity and out to larger radii. ", "The physical interpretation of these structures is related to the presence of a radial maximum in the gas pressure profile, which effectively traps large particles.", "\n\n- A subset of the transition disk population also exhibits a variety of substructures, in the forms of azimuthal asymmetries, spiral patterns, and vertical warps. ", "The current thinking is that these massive, still-accreting systems represent young (giant) planetary systems during their formation epoch.", "\n\n[*Additional Reading*]{}: the sequence of reviews on the evolution of disk solids by @beckwith00, @natta07, and @testi14; the more general review on disk evolution by @alexander08; and the recent overviews of disk dispersal and transition disks by @alexander14 and @espaillat14.", "\n\nFuture Directions {#sec:future}\n=================\n\nThe intentions of this review were to highlight some of the fundamental aspects of this field and their key applications, and to hopefully serve as a pedagogical resource (or starting point) for those interested in joining the related research efforts. ", "The past few years have seen dramatic advances in the observational study of circumstellar disks, and particularly their connections to the formation epoch for planetary systems. ", "It is not a stretch to argue that at this stage the subject could be better characterized as “observational planet formation\". ", "The field is poised for substantial continued development, owing particular to the capabilities of the nearly completed ALMA project. ", "Given that promise, there seems little doubt that the landscape of disk research will look significantly different in the next decade. ", "Although it is difficult to predict that future, the first steps along the path toward it are now relatively clear.", "\n\nProminent among these is an effort to sort out some of the basic demographics of disk properties, and thereby the key factors that impact planet formation efficiencies. ", "introduced the early efforts along these lines, pointing out the preliminary indications that disk masses (and thereby the likelihood for planet formation) depend on the stellar host mass (), multiplicity (), and environment (). ", "But so far the limitations on the sizes and properties of samples has stifled further inquiry along these lines. ", "That will change with ALMA; several survey projects are underway, and more will surely follow. ", "There are many opportunities to address some fundamental questions in the field with creative explorations of the data available from such surveys. ", "How does the disk mass distribution evolve? ", "What are the inter-dependences between and evolutionary behavior of the demographic trends that have been noted so far? ", "What accounts for the tremendous scatter around these trends? ", "How does the gas reservoir, as traced by key spectral line ratios (e.g., @williamsbest14), behave with respect to the solids? ", "How are these simple, compound diagnostic relations tied to more detailed, elemental (i.e., resolved) measurements?", "\n\nThe last of these questions connects back to the fundamental goal of constraining disk density structures (). ", "In the near term, progress toward that goal from continuum data alone is a major challenge. ", "Intrinsic uncertainties in the opacities of disk solids (), coupled with the complex processes of growth and migration that modify their sizes and spatial distributions (), make a robust and quantitative characterization of the densities prohibitive without additional information. ", "One way around this impasse is to forge closer links to the wealth of spectral line measurements available from ALMA observations. ", "At this stage, developing a robust forward-modeling approach to “fit\" a large and complex union of datasets with an ever-expanding (and not well-justified) set of (pseudo-)physical parameters is intractable. ", "Instead, emphasis should be placed on identifying and characterizing patterns among resolved, multi-tracer diagnostics. ", "For spectral line data, these might include the locations of condensation fronts [@qi11; @qi13; @mathews13], molecular abundance patterns (e.g., @oberg10 [@oberg11]; see @dutrey14), or constraints on the vertical temperature distribution [@dartois03; @rosenfeld13a; @degregorio-monsalvo13]. ", "How do these and other measurements behave as a function of basic demographic properties? ", "How are they related to the resolved morphologies of the continuum emission?", "\n\nAn important complementary approach involves building on the patterns already emerging from resolved continuum datasets, and associating these with the theoretical predictions from models of the evolution of disk solids (). ", "Does the tentative correlation between continuum luminosities and sizes () hold up for larger and different samples, and does it depend on other demographic properties? ", "How is the radial variation in mm/radio “color\" or the location and shape of the outer edge of the continuum emission () connected to factors like the evolutionary state, stellar host, or the structure of the gas reservoir? ", "And most pressing, can high angular resolution continuum measurements find and characterize evidence for the small-scale substructure presumed to be responsible for mitigating high radial drift rates, and thereby preserving large particles in the outer disk? ", "The stunning recent ALMA image of the canonical HL Tau disk, shown in , hints that a major conceptual evolution related to this last question is underway [@brogan15].", "\n\nSubstructure observed in these disks will be especially important in developing a comprehensive model for the formation and early evolution of planetary systems. ", "If HL Tau is any indication, observations with ALMA may find the general disk population riddled with young multi-planet systems carving out concentric, apparently resonant, gaps in their natal material. ", "Or perhaps the larger-scale asymmetries identified for many transition disks () indicate that a less orderly phenomenology will be more common. ", "In any case, the underlying issue on this topic is finding ways to [*quantitatively*]{} link the small-scale features that are observed to the physical properties of associated planets and the mechanics of the disk–planet interactions. ", "How can multi-tracer measurements of (gas and dust) substructure be optimally combined to robustly estimate a perturber mass and differentiate it from the effects of viscous turbulence? ", "What level of diversity in scales and amplitudes are present in this substructure, and how does it vary as a function of the evolutionary state or basic demographic properties? ", "How can disk observations be exploited to optimize searches for young planets? ", "And, when successful, what can the combined measurements of planets and their birth reservoirs say about the processes of planetary formation, migration, and accretion?", "\n\nIn the larger context of piecing together our cosmic origins, these are deep, pressing questions. ", "It is remarkable to think that the key technological resources needed to address these questions are now available, and that answers (and new questions) are sure to follow.", "\n\nI am very grateful to David Wilner and Til Birnstiel for many helpful discussions and assistance related to the organization and content of this review. ", "The presentation also greatly benefitted from the insightful comments and suggestions kindly offered by Megan Ansdell, Xuening Bai, John Carpenter, Antonella Natta, Karin [Ö]{}berg, Chunhua Qi, Anjali Tripathi, Jonathan Williams, and an anonymous reviewer. ", "I would especially like to thank Til Birnstiel, Kate Follette, Antonio Garufi, Rita Mann, Laura P[é]{}rez, and Karl Stapefeldt for their willingness to share data to help make some of the figures, as well as John Debes, Carol Grady, Christophe Pinte, Massimo Robberto, and Glenn Schneider for kindly offering permission to reproduce some of their published figures.", "\n\n[^1]: There are several Monte Carlo radiative transfer codes designed for or amenable to studying disks available as open-source software: [[RADMC-3D](http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~dullemond/software/radmc-3d)]{}, [[HYPERION](http://www.hyperion-rt.org)]{}, [[MC3D](http://www.astrophysik.uni-kiel.de/~star)]{}, and [[MCMAX](http://www.michielmin.nl/mcmax/)]{} are commonly-used examples (the latter two require contact with the developers for download). ", "Other options (e.g., [MCFOST]{}) are available for collaborative work.", "\n\n[^2]: The SED shows how energy, a useful [*physical*]{} quantity that characterizes the radiative transfer of starlight (and intrinsic energy) through the disk material, is distributed over frequency or wavelength. ", "It is defined as $\\nu F_{\\nu}$ or $\\lambda F_{\\lambda}$, rather than the practical, but physically meaningless, [*measurement*]{} of flux density, $F_{\\nu}$ or $F_{\\lambda}$ ($=\\int I_{\\nu} \n \\, d\\Omega$). ", "In a begrudging acceptance of standard jargon in the field, the latter is referred to as ‘flux’ in this review.", "\n\n[^3]: $S_{\\nu}$ includes the integral of $I_{\\nu}$ over angle, which requires an iterative numerical solution to \\[eq:RT\\]. ", "This is [*not*]{} the case for pure thermal emission, where $S_{\\nu}$ depends only on temperature (as was assumed in the approximation of ).", "\n\n[^4]: For a dust-to-gas mass ratio $\\zeta$, the total disk mass is $M_d = M_{\\rm dust} (1 + \\zeta^{-1})$, or $M_d \\approx \n M_{\\rm dust}/\\zeta$ for a typical case where $\\zeta \\ll 1$.\n\n[^5]: Note that this scatter means that some more complex relationships between $M_d$ and $M_{\\ast}$ (rather than a simple power-law behavior) cannot be easily ruled out [@andrews13].", "\n\n[^6]: However, as was highlighted in , the high optical depths at such wavelengths makes it difficult to link the results to mass depletion. ", "Indeed, some studies find examples of infrared excess emission regardless of the projected host separation [e.g., @white01; @mccabe06; @pascucci08].", "\n\n[^7]: The ages of young stars are not well determined [see @soderblom14]. ", "The benchmarks common in the literature and propagated here can be interpreted with considerable liberty.", "\n\n[^8]: Primary among these is the assumption of a static nebula and planetary system, meaning the MMSN density profile is a time-integrated structure (a convolution of two unknown effects: the density evolution and the efficiency by which material is accreted into the planets) rather than an instantaneous snapshot like would be observed in real disks or properly applied to a planet formation model [see also @cameron88; @davis05; @desch07].", "\n\n[^9]: There is an often unappreciated (although obvious) difference between cutoff radii in power-law models of $\\Sigma$ and the characteristic radii ($r_c$) in the similarity solutions (cf., ): ", "the latter encircle some significant fraction of the mass, but there is a non-negligible extension of low-density material at larger radii. ", "Direct comparisons between different kinds of models require some care.", "\n\n[^10]: In practice, the Rayleigh-Jeans limit is often not strictly valid for disks. ", "However, even simple assumptions for $T$ can be used to appropriately account for the curvature in the Planck term.", "\n\n[^11]: The situation is in fact more complicated than presented, since the compositions, sizes, and morphologies of the solids all vary as a function of the physical conditions (e.g., see ).", "\n\n[^12]: This discrepancy is not too large, since roughly a quarter of $\\sim$Myr-old disks around Sun-like hosts have masses in excess of the MMSN (@andrews13; \\[fig:mdms\\]). ", "Nevertheless, it demonstrates that the masses are likely not systematically over-estimated.", "\n" ]
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[ "Nitrazepam in patients with sleep apnoea: a double-blind placebo-controlled study.", "\nWe wanted to assess whether benzodiazepines worsen sleep apnoea, since their use in such patients has been controversial. ", "Fourteen male patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea were investigated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind study evaluating the influence of nitrazepam (NIT) on apnoea frequency and severity. ", "Each patient was given oral nitrazepam 5 or 10 mg, or corresponding placebo, in a randomized order on three separate nights. ", "Wash-out time was one week. ", "A complete sleep study was undertaken at each study night. ", "Eleven patients completed the study. ", "Although there were individuals with marked variability in apnoea index between the three study nights, there was no significant change in apnoea index or minimum arterial oxygen saturation with any of the two nitrazepam dosages studied. ", "Only 3 out of 11 patients had a higher apnoea index after both nitrazepam doses compared to placebo, and in these patients the increase in sleep-disordered breathing was of marginal clinical significance. ", "Nitrazepam caused a modest increase in total sleep time and a decrease in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. ", "These results demonstrate that nitrazepam does not worsen sleep apnoea in patients with mild to moderate sleep apnoea. ", "The previously reported sleep apnoea promoting effects of benzodiazepines may be restricted to a small subgroup of patients with sleep-disordered breathing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\njavascript onclick not working in a form\n\ni am trying to change text of a span using onclick of javascript but its not working . ", "Its very simple stuff but i am not sure why its not working \n<div class=\"subscribe_block\">\n <h3><span>Stay Connected</span></h3>\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"\" name=\"subscribeForm\">\n <span id=\"message\"></span>\n <p><input type=\"text\" id=\"name\" placeholder=\"Your Name\" /></p>\n <p><input type=\"text\" id=\"email\" placeholder=\"Email Id\" /></p>\n <p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"subscribe\" onClick='document.getElementById(\"message\").value = \"Thank you for subscribing\";return false;' /></p>\n </form>\n </div>\n\nA:\n\n <div class=\"subscribe_block\">\n <h3><span>Stay Connected</span></h3>\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"\" name=\"subscribeForm\">\n <span id=\"message\"></span>\n <p><input type=\"text\" id=\"name\" placeholder=\"Your Name\" /></p>\n <p><input type=\"text\" id=\"email\" placeholder=\"Email Id\" /></p>\n <p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"subscribe\" onClick='document.getElementById(\"message\").innerHTML = \"Thank you for subscribing\";return false;' /></p>\n </form>\n </div>\n\nUse 'innerHTML' instead of 'value'.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "As demand for telecommunications increases, optical fiber services are being extended in more and more areas. ", "To more efficiently extend the fiber optic service into areas where current and future customers are located, often distribution cables with more then one optical fiber are utilized. ", "To provide service to a particular premises in the area, the distribution cables may be received within a fiber access terminal. ", "Such terminals provide a location in the field where one or more optical fibers of the distribution cable may be split out from the distribution cable. ", "The remainder of the fibers within the distribution cable may then be expressed through the fiber access terminal to extend to another location where service is desired.", "\nWithin the fiber access terminal, a variety of fiber terminations and equipment is located. ", "Typically, a base of the fiber access terminal is buried in the ground, and an upper portion of the fiber access terminal is positioned above the ground. ", "There is a need to protect the fiber terminations and equipment within the fiber access terminal from contaminants, such as weather, water, debris, and animals." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The index is about the beginning of convergence between Islamic finance and Halal industry. ", "But, more importantly, its about Muslim country inward investing as Muslims, presently as 'consumer investors' in these halal food firms become shareholder investors.", "\n\nNow, within the 'BRIC context,' SAMI stands for Saudi, Ankara, Malaysia and Indonesia. ", "Without getting into the multitude of economic and financial numbers for these four countries on GDP growth, inflation, foreign direct investment, exports, debt capital market development, population growth patterns, and so on, we have a compelling established emerging market that happens to be Muslim countries on the old Silk Road.\"" ]
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[ 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Name the title, author, and the number of pages:\n\n100 Things Nationals Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, Jake Russell, 270 pages\n\nIdentify the type of book:\n\nNon-fiction\n\nIdentify the main characters:\n\nBryce Harper, Frank Howard, Alfonso Soriano, Mickey Vernon, Max Scherzer, Walter Johnson, Josh Gibson, Ryan Zimmerman, Clark Griffith, Jose Guillen, Harman Killebrew, Gio Gonzalez, Frank Robinson, and a couple dozen others. ", "With 100 separate stories this book covers all of the major players in DC baseball history.", "\n\nIn a big score, Russell was able to get new manager Dusty Baker to write the foreward for the book. ", "Only thing is that Baker doesn’t seem to have read the book, the write-up primarily consists of Baker name dropping his friends and promoting his big plans for 2016.", "\n\nDescribe the book’s setting:\n\nPrimarily Nationals Park, although there are plenty of sections covering events from RFK, Griffith Stadium, and even the Swampoodle Grounds. ", "The book jumps from very recent history, covering the Harper/Papelbon incident, to the early beginnings of baseball in DC with events dating back to the 1800s.", "\n\nGive a brief summary of the plot:\n\nThe book is a large collection of stories relating to the Nationals, each of them standing alone and in no particular order. ", "Most of the book covers historical events but there are a number of chapters with to-do lists for DC baseball fans, including suggested road trips, autograph hunting tips, and seating suggestions at Nats Park.", "\n\nWhat was the theme of the book?:", "\n\nThe theme of the book is general history of professional baseball in Washington DC in a non-linear manner, nearly every one of the stories would make a great discussion item at the ballpark.", "\n\nExplain why you liked or disliked the book:\n\nThe best part about the book was the mixing of the stories between the old Senators and the Nats. ", "For those of us too young to remember the players from the 60’s and older, we’ve seen all of the names of the past greats up on the walls at Nationals Park but don’t necessarily know much about them. ", "There are other books about DC baseball history but they can be less than compelling to read when you didn’t live through the events. ", "Keeping the old stories short, with interesting facts, and mixed with more recent history made it the best book I have found to learn about some of the old players and events.", "\n\nOne issue with the format is that several events were covered in multiple stories, becoming repetitive, which would not be an issue if the book is read a little at a time but is distracting when reading it straight through. “", "Thelma’s trade” is a fine story but not worth the third reference, same with Soriano’s 40-40-40 season.", "\n\nThe chapter on the first season of MASN was one of the best, only issue is that it was too short, I wanted to read a lot more about how miserable Proctor and Darling were working for Angelos. ", "A big item that was missed was that the Nats first win, the game when Wilkerson hit for the cycle, has never been televised in the DC area due to MASN not having the contracts in place with the local cable companies.", "\n\nAnother fantastic chapter was the one on the Presidential openers. ", "Best item was that Woodrow Wilson used to park his car in the left field foul territory in his later years when he was not able to navigate around the stands, the Nats had a ball boy sit on his hood to protect the vehicle.", "\n\nThe chapter revisiting some of the better trades in recent Nats history is another candidate for expansion. ", "Several of those trades could have been a whole chapter themselves with the pros and cons for making the moves at the time, along with the eventual outcomes. ", "Only critique is that trading Guzman for Roark belongs higher on the list.", "\n\nThe book has an impressive degree of accuracy, although there were a small number of questionable items, particularly in respect to the end of 2015. ", "Harper was not “sent into the clubhouse” after the Paplebon incident, he took himself out of the game. ", "Storen didn’t take the “demotion in stride” considering that he broke his hand slamming his locker door shut. ", "Williams did lose the clubhouse, but the number of injuries to starting players was understated. ", "Finally, making Bowden out to be guilty of skimming in the Smiley case is going beyond the known facts in the case, Bowden was never charged and remained friendly with the Nats FO which would be unlikely if they believed that he had stolen from them.", "\n\nSome of the other highlights:\n\nTed Williams was offered an option to buy 10% of the Senators. ", "They were worth under $10 million at the time. ", "Probably he should have taken that deal.", "\n\nEddie Brinkman was part of the National Guard on duty in RFK during the riots in the late 60’s while his teammates were on the field.", "\n\nWalter Johnson pitched three consecutive shut-outs, not just in his starts, but in three consecutive games for the Senators in four days.", "\n\nThe Strasburg shutdown chapter was very measured, sticking to the facts, as opposed to the overly defensive write-ups from most of the local sports writers.", "\n\nOne of the reasons given to not integrate the Senators was that the Grays were so highly profitable.", "\n\nGreat stories on Moe Berg, Big Ed Delahanty, Dummy Hoy, and Bill Holdforth.", "\n\nSome not so great tidbits:\n\nThe title indicates these are things to know or do before I die, learning about Tripp Whitbeck does not meet that criteria (sorry Tripp).", "\n\nA very small number of chapters seemed like filler, particularly the listing of individual games from the ten game win streak and the list of draftees with names similar to famous people.", "\n\nThe chapter on Soriano’s 40-40-40 season left out the drama of whether Alfonso would move to the outfield and his eventual thriving there with 20 outfield assists.", "\n\nThe Baltimore road trip guide mentioned that pre-game and post-game opportunities in the Camden Yards area are “endless”, sure the Inner Harbor is nice, but I’m buying speedballs if I have to stay in Baltimore for more than a day. (", "Also, the no bad view in the park line is just plain wrong, last time I was there my seats were pointed towards centerfield, I had to lean over the whole game.)", "\n\nSpring training history was notably missing.", "\n\nThe chapter on logos really needed pictures.", "\n\nSmart thing about this book is that Russell has it set up to put out new editions every few years. ", "He has a chapter on prospects that will continually need to be updated and there will always be more stories.", "\n\nBuy an autographed copy\n\nShare this: Twitter\n\nFacebook\n\nGoogle\n\nLinkedIn\n\nReddit\n\n" ]
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[ "This tutorial walks you through submitting a “.csv” file of predictions to Kaggle for the first time.", "\n\nScoring and challenges:\n\nIf you simply run the code below, your score will be fairly poor. ", "I have intentionally left lots of room for improvement regarding the model used (currently a simple decision tree classifier).", "\n\nThe idea of this tutorial is to get you started and have you make the decisions of how to improve your score. ", "At the bottom of the tutorial are challenges which, if you follow them, will significantly improve your score.", "\n\nRunning the code:\n\nI recommend running the code in Jupyter Notebooks. ", "If you don’t know what Jupyter Notebooks is, check out this tutorial which can help you install it and start using it.", "\n\nYou can also download this entire page as a notebook from this folder on my GitHub.", "\n\nSteps to complete this tutorial:" ]
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[ "Prognostic value of cardiac troponin I in patients with COPD acute exacerbation.", "\nChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is frequently associated with right ventricular loading and pulmonary hypertension. ", "We aimed to evaluate a possible association between cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels and adverse events in hospitalised patients with acute exacerbation of COPD . ", "Retrospective cohort study, with analysis of admissions for acute exacerbation of COPD , with cTnI obtained in the first 48 hours of admission. ", "A positive cTnI test was defined as 0.012 ng/ml or higher (99th percentile). ", "Baseline and peak troponin I levels were taken as independent variables, and outcome variables included length of hospital stay, complications during hospitalisation, and in-hospital and extra-hospital mortality (evaluated 18 months post-discharge). ", "Data concerned 173 patients (105 male, 68 female), with a median age of 77 years (interquartile range of 11 years). ", "The median baseline cTnI was 0.030 ng/ml (n=173), and the median peak cTnI was 0.040 ng/ml (n=173; absolute peak value of 1.260 ng/ml). ", "Nearly 70% of cases had a positive cTnI at admission. ", "Both baseline and peak cTnI correlated significantly with the need for noninvasive ventilatory support. ", "We were not able to find significant differences in in-hospital survival associated with the two troponin groups, but overall 18-month survival was significantly higher among patients with lower values of baseline and peak cTnI. In patients hospitalised for acute COPD exacerbations, elevated baseline and peak cTnI were associated with a greater need for noninvasive ventilatory support and were significant predictors of 18-month overall survival." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination mobilizes innate myeloid-derived suppressor cells restraining in vivo T cell priming via IL-1R-dependent nitric oxide production.", "\nEarly immune response to the largely used Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) intradermal vaccine remains ill defined. ", "Three days after BCG inoculation into the mouse ear, in addition to neutrophils infiltrating skin, we observed CD11b(+)Ly-6C(int)Ly-6G(-) myeloid cells. ", "Neutrophil depletion markedly enhanced their recruitment. ", "These cells differed from inflammatory monocytes and required MyD88-dependent BCG-specific signals to invade skin, whereas neutrophil influx was MyD88 independent. ", "Upon BCG phagocytosis, CD11b(+)Ly-6C(int)Ly-6G(-) cells produced NO, which required the IL-1 receptor. ", "Despite NO production, they were unable to kill BCG or the nonpathogenic Mycobacterium smegmatis. ", "However, they markedly impaired T cell priming in the draining lymph node. ", "Their elimination by all-trans retinoid acid treatment increased the number of IFN-gamma-producing CD4 T cells. ", "Thus, BCG vaccination recruits innate myeloid-derived suppressor cells, akin to mouse tumor-infiltrating cells. ", "These propathogenic cells dampen the early T cell response and might facilitate BCG persistence." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "(declare (extended-bindings) (not constant-fold) (not safe))\n\n(define a 0.0)\n(define b 1.5)\n(define c -1.5)\n\n(define (test x)\n (println (##flzero? ", "x))\n (println (if (##flzero? ", "x) 11 22)))\n\n(test a)\n(test b)\n(test c)\n(test -0.0)\n" ]
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[ "\n\nWhat ever happened to TextMate 2? - ", "bdclimber14\nhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/746319/what-ever-happened-to-textmate-2\n\n======\nhallmark\nI suppose the referenced blog post by the TextMate author Allan Odgaard is\nquite old (2009), but boy it sure has eery similarities with the development\nof cloud sync for Things:\n\nA beloved product. ", "Fans wondering whether to hold tight or jump ship for some\nless polished but actively improving alternative. ", "Awkward blog posts in the\ninterim.", "\n\nI _do_ wish the best for both, because _I am_ a fan of both products. ", "I wonder\nif a cushion of money from creating a successful product causes passion\nburnout for some of these developers.", "\n\nDirect link to Allan's post: <http://blog.macromates.com/2009/working-on-it/>\n\n------\nspjwebster\nAs a long-time TextMate user I hate to say it, but the TextMate 2 saga is a\nmodern-day poster child for why the \"throw it all out and start again, it'll\nbe done when it's done\" model of refactoring is rarely a good idea.", "\n\nUsers want those \"incremental features\" that Allan mentioned in this post, and\ndon't care too much what the underlying architecture looks like. ", "It's hard to\nbelieve that it wouldn't have been possible to deliver those features whilst\niteratively refactoring the underlying architecture.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Tips and tricks\n\nESXi and View, completely mobile\n\nBeing able to do demo’s on the fly, when connectivity is an issue, is key in my role.", "\n\nI put together a cool solution last year and I wanted to share some of the technical details with you.", "\n\nFirst things first, you need to find hardware where ESXi will install and run smoothly. ", "Multiple choices are possible and you can definitely google for recipes, personally, I liked the Elitebook 8540w, a little bulky but solid as a rock and very stable!", "\n\nA contact at HP was kind enough to point in the right direction obtaining the hardware to get me started.", "\n\nThis model can no longer be bought from HP but you can surely find new models that will work just as well.", "\n\nHardware configuration:\n\n– Mobile Intel QM57 Express Chipset, Quad-Core i7\n\n– Comes built-in with 8 gigs but easily upgraded to 16 gigs\n\n– Built-in hard drive, 720rpm SATA-II drive.", "\n\n– I removed the built-in DVD reader\n\n– Added a second hard drive, 200gigs SSD drive in the expansion bay instead of the DVD\n\nNow, the fun part.", "\n\nYou can install ESXi 5 barebone on it, no problems, it recognizes the NIC, nothing special to do upon install.", "\n\nAfter initial installation, I installed the following Virtual Machines:\n\n– 1 Windows 2k8 Ent., ", "running Virtual Center and View Composer\n\n– 1 Win2k3 Domain Controller (when trying to use the smallest footprint for resources, Win2k3 takes a lot less than Win2k8. ", "If you don’t have any specific requirements for Win2k8 domain, this is a better setup)\n\n– 1 Win2k8 Ent, running View Connection Server\n\n– 2 Windows XP (built from a View Desktop pool)\n\n– 1 Windows 7 (built from a View Desktop pool)\n\nThis gives you a complete setup running at around 7-8 gigs of RAM, plenty of horsepower left to spare and to potentially add more VM’s to the environment (i.e. Horizon Application Manager)\n\nThen, on the management side, you’ll need a 2nd laptop and I recommend putting the following software on it:\n– Adobe Flash\n– Adobe Reader\n– Virtual Center Client\n– VMware View Client (with or without local mode)\n– VMware Workstation (this is just in case you want to do domain management without adding your demo laptop to the demo domain, you run a VM within workstation)\n\nAdditional hardware:\n\n– a small GbE router you buy from Futureshop or BestBuy\n– Power extension cord (I’ve had a lot of demo’s where I only had 2 plugs available, you need 3 for this setup)\n\nIn vSphere, setup the auto-start for your VM’s, make sure you have your DC first, then your vCenter and your View Connection server.", "\n\nNow, boot your laptop, wait 4-5 minutes and you have a full View deployment, wherever you need to take it, without the need to ask for external connectivity.", "\n\nThose are the cliff notes, it takes about 8 hours to setup everything from beginning to end and you now have a 100% mobile demo environment where you can demonstrate VMware View from a laptop or even a thin or Zero-Client.", "\n\nWill elaborate on the demo’s in a future post and I’m brewing another setup (Mac Mini) that looks promising as well." ]
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[ "Antequera Zapotec\n\nAntequera Zapotec is the dialect of Zapotec of 16th-century colonial documents such as Córdova 1578 (Smith Stark 2007).", "\n\n\"Antequera\" is an old name for the city of Oaxaca.", "\n\nReferences\n\n Córdova, Fr. ", "Juan de. ", "1886 [1578a]. ", "Arte del idioma zapoteco. ", "Morelia: Imprenta del Gobierno.", "\n Córdova, Fr. ", "Juan de. ", "1987 [1578b]. ", "Vocabulario en lengua çapoteca. ", "México: Ediciones Toledo (INAH).", "\nSmith Stark, Thomas. ", "2007. ", "Algunos isoglosas zapotecas. ", "Clasificación de las lenguas indígenas de México: Memorias del III Coloquio Internacional del Lingüística Mauricio Swadesh, ed. ", "Christina Buenrostro et al., ", "pp.", " 69–134. ", "Mexico City: UNAM y Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas.", "\n\nCategory:Zapotec languages" ]
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[ "Objective-\nThe purpose of this paper is to identify the relationship between technological factors and innovation-adoption among technology-based SMEs in Malaysia.", "\n\nMethodology/Technique\n- The study uses questionnaires survey and regression analysis to test the hypothesis in a sample of 172 from two listings which are InnoCert company list and MTDC list of technology companies.", "\n\nFindings\nThis analysis involved the factors that influence innovation adoption, which are the technological factors are categorized into relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trial-ability, observability, ease of use, and perceived usefulness. ", "The result shows that an innovation-adoption is significantly influenced by technological factors (relative advantage, complexity, ease of use, and perceived usefulness).", "\n\nNovelty -\nThe current state of innovation-adoption among technology-based SMEs in Malaysia is not well understood and clear. ", "Factors that influence innovation-adoption among these technology-based companies need to be explored further since they have distinct characteristics compared to general SMEs. ", "The significant impact of innovation on nation economic growth has propelled many countries, including Malaysia to strengthen their innovation capabilities. ", "Among these SMEs, majority of innovation activities in has been centered on technology-based SMEs." ]
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[ "Silent gout: an unusual presentation in diabetic neuropathy.", "\nFoot pathology presents a diagnostic challenge in diabetic patients with co-existent peripheral neuropathy. ", "Pain is a key feature that assists in accurate diagnosis of disease and monitoring response to treatment. ", "We present a 71-year-old gentleman with peripheral neuropathy who reported mild midfoot pain that was associated with bony erosions throughout the midfoot. ", "He had recently undergone amputation of the 5th toe that proved to be associated with staphylococcal infection and a presumptive diagnosis of osteomyelitis was made. ", "Subsequent deep tissue sampling confirmed a diagnosis of severe tophaceous gout that had been masked by his peripheral neuropathy. ", "This case represents an unusual presentation of gout affecting the midfoot in a diabetic with peripheral neuropathy. ", "It serves as a reminder of the importance of tissue sampling in these cases to confirm diagnosis before a definitive treatment plan is made." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "///\n/// \\file TencentOAuth.h\n/// \\brief QQ互联开放平台授权登录及相关开放接口实现类\n///\n/// Created by Tencent on 12-12-21.", "\n/// Copyright (c) 2012年 Tencent. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n///\n\n#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>\n#import \"sdkdef.h\"\n#import \"TencentOAuthObject.h\"\n#import \"TencentApiInterface.h\"\n\n@protocol TencentSessionDelegate;\n@protocol TencentLoginDelegate;\n@protocol TencentApiInterfaceDelegate;\n@protocol TencentWebViewDelegate;\n\n@class TencentApiReq;\n@class TencentApiResp;\n\ntypedef enum\n{\n kTencentNotAuthorizeState,\n kTencentSSOAuthorizeState,\n kTencentWebviewAuthorzieState,\n} TencentAuthorizeState;\n\ntypedef enum\n{\n kAuthModeClientSideToken,\n kAuthModeServerSideCode,\n} TencentAuthMode;\n\n#pragma mark - TencentOAuth(授权登录及相关开放接口调用)\n\n/**\n * \\brief TencentOpenAPI授权登录及相关开放接口调用\n *\n * TencentOAuth实现授权登录逻辑以及相关开放接口的请求调用\n */\n@interface TencentOAuth : NSObject\n{\n NSMutableDictionary* _apiRequests;\n\tNSString* _accessToken;\n\tNSDate* _expirationDate;\n\tid<TencentSessionDelegate> _sessionDelegate;\n\tNSString* _localAppId;\n\tNSString* _openId;\n\tNSString* _redirectURI;\n\tNSArray* _permissions;\n}\n\n/** Access Token凭证,用于后续访问各开放接口 */\n@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* accessToken;\n\n/** Access Token的失效期 */\n@property(nonatomic, copy) NSDate* expirationDate;\n\n/** 已实现的开放接口的回调委托对象 */\n@property(nonatomic, assign) id<TencentSessionDelegate> sessionDelegate;\n\n/** 第三方应用在开发过程中设置的URLSchema,用于浏览器登录后后跳到第三方应用 */\n@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* localAppId;\n\n/** 用户授权登录后对该用户的唯一标识 */\n@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* openId;\n\n/** 用户登录成功过后的跳转页面地址 */\n@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* redirectURI;\n\n/** 第三方应用在互联开放平台申请的appID */\n@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* appId;\n\n/** 主要是互娱的游戏设置uin */\n@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* uin;\n\n/** 主要是互娱的游戏设置鉴定票据 */\n@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* skey;\n\n/** 登陆透传的数据 */\n@property(nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary* passData;\n\n/** 授权方式(Client Side Token或者Server Side Code) */\n@property(nonatomic, assign) TencentAuthMode authMode;\n\n/** union id */\n@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* unionid;\n\n/** 第三方在授权登录/分享 时选择 QQ,还是TIM 。", "在授权前一定要指定其中一个类型*/\n@property(nonatomic, assign) TencentAuthShareType authShareType;\n\n/**\n * 用来获得当前sdk的版本号\n * \\return 返回sdk版本号\n **/\n\n+ (NSString*)sdkVersion;\n\n/**\n * 用来获得当前sdk的小版本号\n * \\return 返回sdk小版本号\n **/\n\n+ (NSString*)sdkSubVersion;\n\n/**\n * 用来获得当前sdk的是否精简版\n * \\return 返回YES表示精简版\n **/\n\n+ (BOOL)isLiteSDK;\n\n/** \n * 主要是用来帮助判断是否有登陆被发起,但是还没有过返回结果 \n * \\return \n * kTencentNotAuthorizeState:无授权 \n * kTencentSSOAuthorizeState:有人发起了sso授权但无返回\n * kTencentWebviewAuthorzieState:有人发起了webview授权还未返回\n **/\n\n+ (TencentAuthorizeState *)authorizeState;\n\n/**\n * 用来获得当前手机qq的版本号\n * \\return 返回手机qq版本号\n **/\n+ (QQVersion)iphoneQQVersion;\n\n\n/**\n * 用来获得当前手机TIM的版本号\n * \\return 返回手机qq版本号\n **/\n+ (QQVersion)iphoneTIMVersion;\n\n/**\n * 初始化TencentOAuth对象\n * \\param appId 第三方应用在互联开放平台申请的唯一标识\n * \\param delegate 第三方应用用于接收请求返回结果的委托对象\n * \\return 初始化后的授权登录对象\n */\n- (id)initWithAppId:(NSString *)appId\n andDelegate:(id<TencentSessionDelegate>)delegate;\n\n\n/**\n * 判断用户手机上是否安装手机QQ\n * \\return YES:安装 NO:没安装\n */\n+ (BOOL)iphoneQQInstalled;\n\n/**\n * 判断用户手机上是否安装手机TIM\n * \\return YES:安装 NO:没安装\n */\n+ (BOOL)iphoneTIMInstalled;\n \n/**\n * 判断用户手机上的手机QQ是否支持SSO登录\n * \\return YES:支持 NO:不支持\n */\n+ (BOOL)iphoneQQSupportSSOLogin;\n\n/**\n * 判断用户手机上的手机TIM是否支持SSO登录\n * \\return YES:支持 NO:不支持\n */\n+ (BOOL)iphoneTIMSupportSSOLogin;\n\n/**\n * 判断用户手机上是否安装手机QZone\n * \\return YES:安装 NO:没安装\n */\n+ (BOOL)iphoneQZoneInstalled;\n\n/**\n * 判断用户手机上的手机QZone是否支持SSO登录\n * \\return YES:支持 NO:不支持\n */\n+ (BOOL)iphoneQZoneSupportSSOLogin;\n\n/**\n * 登录授权\n *\n * \\param permissions 授权信息列\n */\n- (BOOL)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions;\n\n/**\n * 登录授权\n * \\param permissions 授权信息列表\n * \\param bInSafari 是否使用safari进行登录.<b>IOS SDK 1.3版本开始此参数废除</b>\n */\n- (BOOL)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions\n\t\t inSafari:(BOOL)bInSafari;\n\n/**\n * 登录授权\n * \\param permissions 授权信息列表\n * \\param localAppId 应用APPID\n * \\param bInSafari 是否使用safari进行登录.<b>IOS SDK 1.3版本开始此参数废除</b>\n */\n- (BOOL)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions\n localAppId:(NSString *)localAppId\n\t\t inSafari:(BOOL)bInSafari;\n\n/**\n * 增量授权,因用户没有授予相应接口调用的权限,需要用户确认是否授权\n * \\param permissions 需增量授权的信息列表\n * \\return 增量授权调用是否成功\n */\n- (BOOL)incrAuthWithPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions;\n\n/**\n * 重新授权,因token废除或失效导致接口调用失败,需用户重新授权\n * \\param permissions 授权信息列表,同登录授权\n * \\return 授权调用是否成功\n */\n- (BOOL)reauthorizeWithPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions;\n\n/**\n * 获取UnindID,可以根据UnindID的比较来确定OpenID是否属于同一个用户\n * \\return NO未登录,信息不足;YES条件满足,发送请求成功,请等待回调\n */\n- (BOOL)RequestUnionId;\n\n/**\n * (静态方法)处理应用拉起协议\n * \\param url 处理被其他应用呼起时的逻辑\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示成功,NO表示失败\n */\n+ (BOOL)HandleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url;\n\n/**\n * (静态方法)sdk是否可以处理应用拉起协议\n * \\param url 处理被其他应用呼起时的逻辑\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示可以 NO表示不行\n */\n+ (BOOL)CanHandleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url;\n\n/**\n * (静态方法)获取TencentOAuth调用的上一次错误信息\n */\n+ (NSString *)getLastErrorMsg;\n\n/**\n * 以Server Side Code模式授权登录时,通过此接口获取返回的code值;\n * 以Client Side Token模式授权登录时,忽略此接口。", "\n */\n- (NSString *)getServerSideCode;\n\n/**\n * 退出登录(退出登录后,TecentOAuth失效,需要重新初始化)\n * \\param delegate 第三方应用用于接收请求返回结果的委托对象\n */\n- (void)logout:(id<TencentSessionDelegate>)delegate;\n\n/**\n * 判断登录态是否有效\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示有效,NO表示无效,请用户重新登录授权\n */\n- (BOOL)isSessionValid;\n\n/**\n * 获取用户个人信息\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)getUserInfo;\n\n/**\n * SDK内置webview实现定向分享时,第三方应用可以根据应用是否在白名单里来开启该配置开关,默认为关闭;\n * 在白名单里的应用调用该接口后,即打开sdk内置webview的二级白名单开关(相对与sdk后台的白名单),\n * 那么在sdk后台白名单校验请求失败的情况下,会继续先尝试采用内置webview进行分享。", "\n */\n- (void)openSDKWebViewQQShareEnable;\n\n\n/**\n * 获取用户QZone相册列表\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)getListAlbum;\n\n/**\n * 获取用户QZone相片列表\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCListPhotoDic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)getListPhotoWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n\n/**\n * 分享到QZone\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCAddShareDic \n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)addShareWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n\n/**\n * 上传照片到QZone指定相册\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCUploadPicDic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)uploadPicWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n/**\n * 在QZone相册中创建一个新的相册\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCAddAlbumDic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)addAlbumWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n/**\n * 检查是否是QZone某个用户的粉丝\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCCheckPageFansDic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)checkPageFansWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n/**\n * 在QZone中发表一篇日志\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCAddOneBlogDic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)addOneBlogWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n/**\n * 在QZone中发表一条说说\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCAddTopicDic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)addTopicWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n/**\n * 设置QQ头像 使用默认的效果处理设置头像的界面\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCSetUserHeadpic\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)setUserHeadpic:(NSMutableDictionary *)params;\n\n\n/**\n * 设置QQ头像 会返回设置头像由第三方自己处理界面的弹出方式\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\param params 参数字典,字典的关键字参见TencentOAuthObject.h中的\\ref TCSetUserHeadpic\n * \\param viewController 设置头像的界面\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)setUserHeadpic:(NSMutableDictionary *)params andViewController:(UIViewController **)viewController;\n\n/**\n * 获取QQ会员信息(仅包括是否为QQ会员,是否为年费QQ会员)\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)getVipInfo;\n\n/**\n * 获取QQ会员详细信息\n * \\attention 需\\ref apply_perm\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)getVipRichInfo;\n\n/**\n * QZone定向分享,可以@到具体好友,完成后将触发responseDidReceived:forMessage:回调,message:“SendStory”\n * \\param params 参数字典\n * \\param fopenIdArray 第三方应用预传人好友列表,好友以openid标识\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)sendStory:(NSMutableDictionary *)params friendList:(NSArray *)fopenIdArray;\n\n/**\n * 发送应用邀请,完成后将触发responseDidReceived:forMessage:回调,message:“AppInvitation”\n * \\param desc 应用的描述文字,不超过35字符,如果为nil或@“”则显示默认描述\n * \\param imageUrl 应用的图标,如果为nil或者@“”则显示默认图标\n * \\param source 透传参数,由开发者自定义该参数内容\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)sendAppInvitationWithDescription:(NSString *)desc imageURL:(NSString *)imageUrl source:(NSString *)source;\n\n/**\n * 发起PK或者发送炫耀,完成后将触发responseDidReceived:forMessage:回调,message:“AppChallenge”\n * \\param receiver 必须指定一位进行PK或者炫耀的好友,填写其OpenID,填写多个OpenID将截取第一个\n * \\param type 类型,\"pk\"或者“brag”\n * \\param imageUrl 炫耀/挑战场景图的URL\n * \\param message 炫耀/挑战中的内容描述,不超过50个字符,超过限制则自动截断\n * \\param source 透传参数,由开发者自定义该参数内容\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)sendChallenge:(NSString *)receiver type:(NSString *)type imageURL:(NSString *)imageUrl message:(NSString *)message source:(NSString *)source;\n\n/**\n * 赠送或者请求礼物,完成后将触发responseDidReceived:forMessage:回调,message:“AppGiftRequest”\n * \\param receiver 赠送或者请求礼物的好友的OpenID,支持填写多个,OpenID之用\",\"分隔,为nil时将由用户通过好友选择器选择好友\n * \\param exclude 用户通过好友选择器选择好友场景下,希望排除的好友(不显示在好友选择器)\n * \\param specified 用户通过好友选择器选择好友场景下,希望出现的指定好友\n * \\param only 是否只显示specified指定的好友\n * \\param type 类型,\"request\"或者“freegift”\n * \\param title 免费礼物或请求名称,不超过6个字符\n * \\param message 礼物或请求的默认赠言,控制在35个汉字以内,超过限制自动截断\n * \\param imageUrl 请求或礼物配图的URL,如果不传,则默认在弹框中显示应用的icon\n * \\param source 透传参数,由开发者自定义该参数内容\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示API调用成功,NO表示API调用失败,登录态失败,重新登录\n */\n- (BOOL)sendGiftRequest:(NSString *)receiver exclude:(NSString *)exclude specified:(NSString *)specified only:(BOOL)only type:(NSString *)type title:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message imageURL:(NSString *)imageUrl source:(NSString *)source;\n\n\n/**\n * 退出指定API调用\n * \\param userData 用户调用某条API的时候传入的保留参数\n * \\return 处理结果,YES表示成功 NO表示失败\n */\n- (BOOL)cancel:(id)userData;\n\n/**\n * CGI类任务创建接口\n * \\param apiURL CGI请求的URL地址\n * \\param method CGI请求方式:\"GET\",\"POST\"\n * \\param params CGI请求参数字典\n * \\param callback CGI请求结果的回调接口对象\n * \\return CGI请求任务实例,用于取消任务,返回nil代表任务创建失败\n */\n- (TCAPIRequest *)cgiRequestWithURL:(NSURL *)apiURL method:(NSString *)method params:(NSDictionary *)params callback:(id<TCAPIRequestDelegate>)callback;\n\n/**\n * TencentOpenApi发送任务统一接口\n * \\param request 请求发送的任务\n * \\param callback 任务发送后的回调地址\n */\n- (BOOL)sendAPIRequest:(TCAPIRequest *)request callback:(id<TCAPIRequestDelegate>)callback;\n\n- (NSString *)getUserOpenID;\n\n@end\n\n#pragma mark - TencentLoginDelegate(授权登录回调协议)\n\n/**\n * \\brief TencentLoginDelegate iOS Open SDK 1.3 API回调协议\n *\n * 第三方应用实现登录的回调协议\n */\n@protocol TencentLoginDelegate <NSObject>\n\n@required\n\n/**\n * 登录成功后的回调\n */\n- (void)tencentDidLogin;\n\n/**\n * 登录失败后的回调\n * \\param cancelled 代表用户是否主动退出登录\n */\n- (void)tencentDidNotLogin:(BOOL)cancelled;\n\n/**\n * 登录时网络有问题的回调\n */\n- (void)tencentDidNotNetWork;\n\n@optional\n/**\n * 登录时权限信息的获得\n */\n- (NSArray *)getAuthorizedPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions withExtraParams:(NSDictionary *)extraParams;\n\n/**\n * unionID获得\n */\n- (void)didGetUnionID;\n\n@end\n\n#pragma mark - TencentSessionDelegate(开放接口回调协议)\n\n/**\n * \\brief TencentSessionDelegate iOS Open SDK 1.3 API回调协议\n *\n * 第三方应用需要实现每条需要调用的API的回调协议\n */\n@protocol TencentSessionDelegate<NSObject, TencentLoginDelegate,\n TencentApiInterfaceDelegate,\n TencentWebViewDelegate>\n\n@optional\n\n/**\n * 退出登录的回调\n */\n- (void)tencentDidLogout;\n\n/**\n * 因用户未授予相应权限而需要执行增量授权。在用户调用某个api接口时,如果服务器返回操作未被授权,则触发该回调协议接口,由第三方决定是否跳转到增量授权页面,让用户重新授权。", "\n * \\param tencentOAuth 登录授权对象。", "\n * \\param permissions 需增量授权的权限列表。", "\n * \\return 是否仍然回调返回原始的api请求结果。", "\n * \\note 不实现该协议接口则默认为不开启增量授权流程。若需要增量授权请调用\\ref TencentOAuth#incrAuthWithPermissions: \\n注意:增量授权时用户可能会修改登录的帐号\n */\n- (BOOL)tencentNeedPerformIncrAuth:(TencentOAuth *)tencentOAuth withPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions;\n\n/**\n * [该逻辑未实现]因token失效而需要执行重新登录授权。在用户调用某个api接口时,如果服务器返回token失效,则触发该回调协议接口,由第三方决定是否跳转到登录授权页面,让用户重新授权。", "\n * \\param tencentOAuth 登录授权对象。", "\n * \\return 是否仍然回调返回原始的api请求结果。", "\n * \\note 不实现该协议接口则默认为不开启重新登录授权流程。若需要重新登录授权请调用\\ref TencentOAuth#reauthorizeWithPermissions: \\n注意:重新登录授权时用户可能会修改登录的帐号\n */\n- (BOOL)tencentNeedPerformReAuth:(TencentOAuth *)tencentOAuth;\n\n/**\n * 用户通过增量授权流程重新授权登录,token及有效期限等信息已被更新。", "\n * \\param tencentOAuth token及有效期限等信息更新后的授权实例对象\n * \\note 第三方应用需更新已保存的token及有效期限等信息。", "\n */\n- (void)tencentDidUpdate:(TencentOAuth *)tencentOAuth;\n\n/**\n * 用户增量授权过程中因取消或网络问题导致授权失败\n * \\param reason 授权失败原因,具体失败原因参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref UpdateFailType\n */\n- (void)tencentFailedUpdate:(UpdateFailType)reason;\n\n/**\n * 获取用户个人信息回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/getUserInfoResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/getUserInfoResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)getUserInfoResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n\n/**\n * 获取用户QZone相册列表回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/getListAlbumResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/getListAlbumResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)getListAlbumResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 获取用户QZone相片列表\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/getListPhotoResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/getListPhotoResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)getListPhotoResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 检查是否是QZone某个用户的粉丝回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/checkPageFansResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/checkPageFansResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)checkPageFansResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n \n/**\n * 分享到QZone回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/addShareResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/addShareResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)addShareResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 在QZone相册中创建一个新的相册回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/addAlbumResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/addAlbumResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)addAlbumResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 上传照片到QZone指定相册回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/uploadPicResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/uploadPicResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)uploadPicResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n\n/**\n * 在QZone中发表一篇日志回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/addOneBlogResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/addOneBlogResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)addOneBlogResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 在QZone中发表一条说说回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/addTopicResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/addTopicResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)addTopicResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 设置QQ头像回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/setUserHeadpicResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/setUserHeadpicResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)setUserHeadpicResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 获取QQ会员信息回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\remarks 正确返回示例: \\snippet example/getVipInfoResponse.exp success\n * 错误返回示例: \\snippet example/getVipInfoResponse.exp fail\n */\n- (void)getVipInfoResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * 获取QQ会员详细信息回调\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n */\n- (void)getVipRichInfoResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n/**\n * sendStory分享的回调(已废弃,使用responseDidReceived:forMessage:)\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n */\n- (void)sendStoryResponse:(APIResponse*) response;\n\n\n/**\n * 社交API统一回调接口\n * \\param response API返回结果,具体定义参见sdkdef.h文件中\\ref APIResponse\n * \\param message 响应的消息,目前支持‘SendStory’,‘AppInvitation’,‘AppChallenge’,‘AppGiftRequest’\n */\n- (void)responseDidReceived:(APIResponse*)response forMessage:(NSString *)message;\n\n/**\n * post请求的上传进度\n * \\param tencentOAuth 返回回调的tencentOAuth对象\n * \\param bytesWritten 本次回调上传的数据字节数\n * \\param totalBytesWritten 总共已经上传的字节数\n * \\param totalBytesExpectedToWrite 总共需要上传的字节数\n * \\param userData 用户自定义数据\n */\n- (void)tencentOAuth:(TencentOAuth *)tencentOAuth didSendBodyData:(NSInteger)bytesWritten totalBytesWritten:(NSInteger)totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite:(NSInteger)totalBytesExpectedToWrite userData:(id)userData;\n\n\n/**\n * 通知第三方界面需要被关闭\n * \\param tencentOAuth 返回回调的tencentOAuth对象\n * \\param viewController 需要关闭的viewController\n */\n- (void)tencentOAuth:(TencentOAuth *)tencentOAuth doCloseViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;\n\n@end\n\n#pragma mark - TencentWebViewDelegate(H5登录webview旋转方向回调)\n\n/**\n * \\brief TencentWebViewDelegate: H5登录webview旋转方向回调协议\n *\n * 第三方应用可以根据自己APP的旋转方向限制,通过此协议设置\n */\n@protocol TencentWebViewDelegate <NSObject>\n@optional\n- (BOOL) tencentWebViewShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation;\n- (NSUInteger) tencentWebViewSupportedInterfaceOrientationsWithWebkit;\n- (BOOL) tencentWebViewShouldAutorotateWithWebkit;\n@end\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\n#pragma once\n\n#ifndef _WIN32\n#include <sys/time.h>\n#else\n// Someone decided this was a good place to define timeval.....\n#include <folly/portability/Windows.h>\nstruct timezone {\n int tz_minuteswest;\n int tz_dsttime;\n};\n\nextern \"C\" {\n// Note that this needs to explicitly be `struct timezone` due to the fact that\n// the python 3 headers `#define timezone _timezone` on Windows. ", "`_timezone` is\n// a global field that contains information on the current timezone. ", "By\n// explicitly specifying that this is a `struct`, we ensure that it's treated as\n// a type, regardless of what name that type actually is :)\n// Note that this will break if `gettimeofday` ever becomes declared as anything\n// other than `extern \"C\"`, as the mangled name would be dependent on whether\n// python had been included before this header.", "\nint gettimeofday(timeval* tv, struct timezone*);\nvoid timeradd(timeval* a, timeval* b, timeval* res);\nvoid timersub(timeval* a, timeval* b, timeval* res);\n}\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMake nemo the default file browser\n\nI installed Ubuntu 12.10, then installed Nemo. ", "Now I would like to make Nemo the default file manager. ", " I've searched the web for a solution but every time I restart my computer Nautilus come back.", "\nDoes anyone know an effective solution?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is a much better way to do this without moving files and setting links. ", "Just open a terminal with CTRL+ALT+T and perform this command:\nxdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search\n\nThen set up Nemo to handle your desktop:\ngsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false\ngsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true\n\nRevert this changes:\ngsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true\ngsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons false\nxdg-mime default nautilus.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search\n\nA:\n\nOpen your terminal with CTRL+ALT+T and then paste this: \n sudo mv /usr/bin/nautilus /usr/bin/nautilus.back && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nemo /usr/bin/nautilus\n\nthen try again, hope that helps.", "\nNote that this will effectively make Nautilus inaccessible on your system unless you modify shortcuts to point to nautilus.back.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Bikepacking. ", "It’s a growing trend in Europe. ", "Take your mountain or gravel bike, load it up with camping gear and provisions before setting off to explore the road less travelled. ", "Whether that road is light singletrack or wild backcountry, the freedom is all yours to explore and get away from it all for a few days.", "\n\nSounds fun right?", "\n\nIt is. ", "That is until your gear gets wet and you end up sleeping in a damp sleeping bag with a wet set of clothes awaiting you in the morning. ", "When this happens, the appeal starts to quickly fade.", "\n\nWell known for its high quality waterproof bags, German specialist Ortlieb has entered the bikepacking with a complete range of bags aimed at ensuring all your kit stays dry, whatever the adventure.", "\n\nThe new 100% waterproof line consists of four bags – a Seat-Pack, Handlebar-Pack, Accessory-Pack and a Frame-Pack – all of which are available from May with the exception of the Frame-Pack which will follow in 2017.", "\n\nOrtlieb reckons the Seat-Pack is ideal for an overnighter or mini-adventure on its own, or can be used in conjunction with the other bags in the range for a full on bikepacking holiday.", "\n\nSpacious and waterproof, the Seat-Pack is designed to fasten securely to the seatpost and saddle rails whilst offering between 8 and 16.5 litres of capacity. ", "Weighing in at 430g, the Seat-Pack retails in the UK for £110.", "\n\nThe Handlebar-Pack holds up to 15 litres and is ideal for soft, stuffable items like jackets and sleeping bags. ", "Twin roll closure ensures easy access and centres the load in the middle of the bars. ", "Additional gear can then be stowed externally using its shock chords and compression straps. ", "Retail price is £85.", "\n\nThe Accessory-Pack costs £45 and weighs in at 206g. The pack offers both secure waterproof storage and quick access for its 3.5 litre loadmaking it ideal for phones, cameras, energy bars or money. ", "It can be used as a standalone bar bag or can be attached to the Handlebar-Pack. ", "The attached shoulder strap also allows easy carrying of the pack when you dismount for the mid-ride lunch stop.", "\n\nOrtlieb hopes that this Bikepacking range will offer a complete bikepacking system of waterproof and attractive luggage that is both rugged and built to last. ", "Well, we will be finding out, as we have some of the first UK samples heading to our door. ", "We’ll let you know what we think.", "\n\nVisit lyon.co.uk for more information." ]
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[ "Audi is working to get its mojo back in the compact executive car segment with a brand new generation of its A4 series, spied here ahead of a debut later this year.", "\n\n\n\nDespite the prevalence of SUVs and crossovers in the market, the A4 continues to be the best seller in Audi’s range.", "\n\nKnown internally as the B9, the next A4 will ride on Audi’s new MLB Evo architecture, a variant of which is found under the latest Q7 SUV. ", "Made from a mixture of materials, including high strength steel and aluminum, the new platform will do its part to help the B9 lose up to 100kg (220 pounds) over the current car.", "\n\nIt will usher in a multitude of new technology, ranging from the availability of LED and Matrix laser lights, and a digital instrument panel to a new touchpad for the infotainment system and an e-quattro plug-in hybrid powertrain.", "\n\nSpeaking of engines, beside the PHEV that will likely combine a 2.0-liter TFSI driving the front wheels and an electric motor for the rear axle to achieve all-wheel drive, the A4 is expected to offer a range of longitudinally mounted 1.4-, 1.8- and 2.0-liter TFSI turbo petrols, and 1.6- and 2.0-liter turbo diesels. ", "North America will probably only get the 2.0-liter versions of those engines along with a 3.0-liter V6 TFSI gasoline, while Europe will receive a 3.0-liter V6 TDI.", "\n\nLater on, Audi will introduce the S4 and RS4 high-performance models to the range.", "\n\nThere’s no news yet on where and when Audi will debut the A4 sedan, but besides the Geneva show in March, the other major European event this year is the Frankfurt motor show in September.", "\n\nPhoto Credits: CarPix for CarScoops\n\nPhoto Gallery" ]
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[ "\npackage Paws::S3Control::PutPublicAccessBlock;\n use Moose;\n has AccountId => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', header_name => 'x-amz-account-id', traits => ['ParamInHeader'], required => 1);\n has PublicAccessBlockConfiguration => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Paws::S3Control::PublicAccessBlockConfiguration', required => 1);\n\n use MooseX::ClassAttribute;\n\n class_has _api_call => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'PutPublicAccessBlock');\n class_has _api_uri => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => '/v20180820/configuration/publicAccessBlock');\n class_has _api_method => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'PUT');\n class_has _returns => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'Paws::API::Response');\n class_has _result_key => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro');\n \n1;\n\n### main pod documentation begin ###\n\n=head1 NAME\n\nPaws::S3Control::PutPublicAccessBlock - Arguments for method PutPublicAccessBlock on L<Paws::S3Control>\n\n=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\nThis class represents the parameters used for calling the method PutPublicAccessBlock on the\nL<AWS S3 Control|Paws::S3Control> service. ", "Use the attributes of this class\nas arguments to method PutPublicAccessBlock.", "\n\nYou shouldn't make instances of this class. ", "Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to PutPublicAccessBlock.", "\n\n=head1 SYNOPSIS\n\n my $s3-control = Paws->service('S3Control');\n $s3 -control->PutPublicAccessBlock(\n AccountId => 'MyAccountId',\n PublicAccessBlockConfiguration => {\n BlockPublicAcls => 1, # OPTIONAL\n BlockPublicPolicy => 1, # OPTIONAL\n IgnorePublicAcls => 1, # OPTIONAL\n RestrictPublicBuckets => 1, # OPTIONAL\n },\n\n );\n\nValues for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). ", "Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. ", "The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object.", "\nFor the AWS API documentation, see L<https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/s3-control/PutPublicAccessBlock>\n\n=head1 ATTRIBUTES\n\n\n=head2 B<REQUIRED> AccountId => Str\n\nThe account ID for the Amazon Web Services account whose\nC<PublicAccessBlock> configuration you want to set.", "\n\n\n\n=head2 B<REQUIRED> PublicAccessBlockConfiguration => L<Paws::S3Control::PublicAccessBlockConfiguration>\n\nThe C<PublicAccessBlock> configuration that you want to apply to the\nspecified Amazon Web Services account.", "\n\n\n\n\n=head1 SEE ALSO\n\nThis class forms part of L<Paws>, documenting arguments for method PutPublicAccessBlock in L<Paws::S3Control>\n\n=head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS\n\nThe source code is located here: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl>\n\nPlease report bugs to: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues>\n\n=cut\n\n" ]
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[ "@using Orchard.", "Utility.", "Extensions\n\n<div title=\"@T(\"Delete content item\")\">\n <div class=\"delete\"></div>\n @*@name.", "CamelFriendly()*@\n</div>\n\n" ]
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[ "Maj. ", "James Brophy, Lt. ", "Col. ", "Kevin Herrmann, Staff Sgt. ", "Maximo Flores, Cpl. ", "Daniel Baker and Cpl. ", "William Carter Ross were the five Marines who were declared dead after their KC-130J Hercules collided with an F/A-18 Hornet on Dec. 6, 2018.", "\n\nWASHINGTON — The five missing Marines who were aboard the KC-130J tanker plane that collided midair with an F/A-18 fighter off the coast of Japan last week ranged from young corporals early in their service to a veteran pilot, who was the executive officer of their Japan-based squadron. ", "On Tuesday, they were declared dead, ending days of searching for them.", "\n\nThe crewmembers aboard the aerial refueling plane were Lt. ", "Col. ", "Kevin Herrmann, 38, of Fredericksburg, Va.; Maj. ", "James M. Brophy, 36, of Staatsburg, N.Y.; Staff Sgt. ", "Maximo Flores, 27, of Surprise, Ariz.; Cpl. ", "Carter Ross, 21, of Hendersonville, Tenn., and Cpl. ", "Daniel Baker, 21, of Tremont, Ill., the Marine Corps announced Wednesday.", "\n\nThe fallen crewmembers belonged to Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152, nicknamed the Sumos, and were based at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan. ", "Their bodies were not recovered during a five-day search that spanned 35,000 square nautical miles of the Pacific Ocean following the midair collision at about 2 a.m. local time Dec. 6. ", "Marine Lt. ", "Gen. Eric Smith, the commander of III Expeditionary Force, called off the search effort Tuesday, after American, Australian and Japanese forces spent about 900 hours searching for the missing crew.", "\n\nThe KC-130J crewmembers were not the only Marines to perish in the crash. ", "Capt. ", "Jahmar Resilard, a 28-year-old pilot of the Hornet, was also killed in the incident. ", "His body was recovered in the hours after the crash alongside another unnamed Hornet pilot, who survived and has been released from the hospital.", "\n\nMarine officials are investigating the cause of the crash. ", "In a statement Tuesday, the Marines said they had not determined whether the two aircraft were in the refueling process when the planes collided.", "\n\n<element>\n\nOn the day of what would be his final flight, Lt. ", "Col. ", "Kevin Herrmann called his mother, Mary Herrmann. ", "He knew she had recently undergone some medical tests, so he wanted to see how she was feeling.", "\n\n“How good is God that he urged him to call me?” ", "Mary Herrmann said Saturday night to the crowd gathered in Fredericksburg, Va. to pray for her son and the four other Marines still missing after a midair crash in Japan to be found.", "\n\nBecause of the time difference, it was her morning, and his evening. ", "After that call, her son boarded his flight.", "\n\nDuring the vigil, held in the town where the Marine’s sister lives, it was clear Mary and Kevin Herrmann Sr.— ", "though strong in their faith — expected the worst.", "\n\n“Losing a child is hard and we’ll get through it with God’s help and support,” retired Marine Corps Col. ", "Kevin Herrmann Sr. ", "said at the vigil.", "\n\nTheir son joined the Marine Corps after graduating in 2002 from Appalachian State University in North Carolina. ", "He was the pilot of the ill-fated KC-130J Hercules tanker plane that night and the executive officer to the 152nd Marine Aerial Refueler Transportation Squadron. ", "He joined the unit in 2016 and moved to Japan with his wife and their three daughters, ages 12, 10 and 7. ", "He was posthumously promoted to lieutenant colonel, a rank that he had been selected for before his death.", "\n\n“Kevin is everything that a man and a father and a son should be,” the elder Herrmann said. “", "He enjoyed everything that life threw him. ", "He loved his family. ", "He cherished every moment with his kids.”", "\n\nBefore arriving in Japan, Kevin Herrmann earned his master’s degree at the Marine Corps University at Quantico, Va., according to his LinkedIn profile. ", "He deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 as an operations officer and KC-130 aircraft commander. ", "He served as a pilot in Iraq in 2005 and 2007.", "\n\nHis decorations included the Air Medal with twenty-four Strike Flight Awards, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals and two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, according to the Marine Corps.", "\n\nSince the announcement of the end of the search for the missing Marines, the family has asked the media for privacy as they grieve. ", "On Saturday, speaking to local TV station WJLA, Kevin Herrmann Sr. ", "said, “We’ve shed enough tears to fill all the oceans.”", "\n\n— Rose Thayer\n\n<element>\n\nStaff Sgt. ", "Maximo Alexander Flores’ was fulfilling his childhood dream to follow his father’s footsteps into the ranks of the Marine Corps, family members told local news outlets near his hometown in Arizona.", "\n\nShortly after graduating from Valley Vista High School in Surprise, Ariz., in 2009, Flores enlisted in the Marines, choosing a career in the aviation field which would send him onto the crews of aerial refueling aircraft, his mother Rosa Bennett told azfamily.com, the website for television stations 3TV and CBS 5 in Phoenix. ", "He aimed to make a full career out of the Marines, she said.", "\n\n“Ever since he was a little kid he would always say, 'I'm going to go to the Marines. ", "I’m going to the Marines,’” she told the television stations before flying to Japan to be closer to the search efforts. “", "And he did. ", "He graduated, he went into the Marines and was doing really well. ", "He loved serving his country.”", "\n\nHis military service made his family proud, even as it sent him to far off places, such as Japan where he had been serving with Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152 at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni for more than a year.", "\n\nIn an interview with Phoenix’s 12 News, Flores’ father, whose name is also Maximo Flores, said his son’s Marine service was superior to his own.", "\n\n“I am proud of a lot of the things I did, but he is someone who can be proud of everything he did,” the elder Flores said.", "\n\nThe news of his son’s disappearance was difficult, the Marine veteran said, growing emotional during the interview.", "\n\n“It’s like this is something that only happens in the movies, you know, when the two Marines were approaching my apartment,” the father said. “", "That’s when the gloom set in. ", "After that, I’ve been in a fog for days. ", "It’s a very, very hard feeling to endure.”", "\n\nIn Facebook posts, family members remembered Staff Sgt. ", "Flores as a caring and driven man.", "\n\n“The world has lost a honorable, respected, kind and loving young man,” Hope Flores, who identified herself as the Marine’s aunt, wrote in a public post on the social media website. “", "Our family is very proud of him … [rest in peace] our dear angel, Staff Sergeant Maximo A Flores. ", "Maxie you did well.”", "\n\nFlores had been married nearly six years to his wife, Rebecca. ", "Photos of the couple posted on their public Facebook pages showed them exploring Japan, dancing at Marine balls, firing rifles on shooting ranges, and posing together at their wedding in January of 2013.", "\n\nFlores, who was the crew chief of the KC-103J, had earned decorations including Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal, and a Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal with one bronze star, according to the Marines.", "\n\n“He was just very sweet,” Bennett said of her son. “", "Always happy, real smart and just a good guy.”", "\n\n— Corey Dickstein\n\n<element>\n\nA sense of adventure called Cpl. ", "Daniel Baker into the Marines in 2016.", "\n\nThe 21-year-old was a stellar student, a member of his high school robotics team and a prime candidate for pursuing a degree in engineering. ", "It’s what his parents saw as “the logical choice.”", "\n\nBut the quiet Marine crewmaster, whom friends said stood out with his blond hair and country drawl, had other plans.", "\n\n“He wanted to see the world and felt called to serve his country in the Marines,” his parents said in a statement shared with Stars and Stripes on Tuesday. “", "He wanted to do his part and join the ranks of some of the toughest, most committed men and women in the world and we are so proud of him for it, even though we feared a week like this one might come.”", "\n\nDuring his two years in the Marines, he had received the National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, according to the service.", "\n\nFor the past four days, the Baker family in Tremont, Illinois, waited with desperate hope that Daniel and four other missing crewmembers would be found alive after their KC-130J Hercules refueling aircraft collided with an F/A-18 fighter jet Thursday off the coast of Japan.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, the Marines announced they were calling off the search, saying all five crewmembers were dead. ", "The Bakers were notified of Daniel’s death, said longtime family friend Matt Miller, who was asked by the family to speak on their behalf.", "\n\nNews spread quickly among the 2,200 residents of the town in central Illinois. ", "Tremont High School, where Baker graduated in 2015 and his younger sister is now a student, held a moment of silence Saturday night at their home basketball game.", "\n\n“It’s been a difficult couple of days here,” said Jeff Hinman, superintendent of Tremont School District No. ", "702. “", "This is an extremely tight-knit community and our residents support these kids in an unbelievable fashion. ", "So they watched him grow up.”", "\n\nFor those who knew Baker, the world lost a little of its kindness Thursday. ", "The Baker family released a statement recounting stories from his family and friends. ", "Nearly all described his enormous compassion –- a person who was always willing to offer friendship, host church youth group parties or listen if someone needed to talk.", "\n\nHe had the ability to reach out to the people around him and bring them in as friends regardless of their background, one friend said. ", "In his quiet way, he touched the lives of many.", "\n\n“He was a great young man,” Miller said. “", "He was a joy to be around. ", "He was quiet, but willing to do whatever you asked of him.”", "\n\nWhen Baker stopped by the school a few months ago while on home leave, Hinman said he was struck by how eloquently the young Marine spoke about his work.", "\n\n“He always had a great deal of confidence but there was a poise about him that was different,” Hinman said. “", "I remember just how well he articulated his service and how much he truly loved what he was doing.”", "\n\nTremont High School had another home game scheduled Tuesday night. ", "Hinman said the community would once again stand in silence, this time in full-on grief.", "\n\n— Dianna Cahn\n\n<element>\n\nCpl. ", "Carter Ross, 21, from Hendersonville, Tenn., was a jokester who loved to work on his cars and listen to old music such as Johnny Cash and Creedence Clearwater Revival.", "\n\n“[Carter] wanted to make everybody laugh,” his mother Michelle Ross said Tuesday.", "\n\nContinuing his family’s tradition of military service that goes back to World War I, Ross joined the Marine Corps in 2016 because “he wanted to make a difference,” said his father Todd Ross, a veteran of the Navy and the Army National Guard.", "\n\nCpl. ", "Ross worked on the plane’s maintenance and aerial refueling duties, his father said. ", "This was his first assignment in the Marine Corps and he was working toward becoming a crewmaster. ", "His decorations included the National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, according to the Marines.", "\n\nHe was “furiously loyal,” the elder Ross said. “", "He would do anything for anybody. ", "But you didn’t want to disrespect people that he cared for.”", "\n\nHis mother added: “If he loved you, he loved you with everything.”", "\n\nTodd Ross said he’s “finding out more and more [his son had] friends all over the world by reading the posts of people that knew him from boot camp and through the schools,” like Marine Combat Training.", "\n\n“People just loved him. ", "He was a good Marine, he was a good human all the way around,” said his father.", "\n\nCpl. ", "Ross also has twin sisters, Katherine and Sarah, age 16.", "\n\nA GoFundMe page has been set up for his family by two friends, according to WSMV News 4 in Nashville, Tenn. As of Tuesday afternoon, more than $4,000 of the $5000 goal has been donated.", "\n\n“Anyone who knows Carter Ross would say he is an amazing person all around,” the fund description reads. “", "He is one of the silliest and most compassionate people you will ever meet.”", "\n\n— Caitlin Kenney\n\nMaj. ", "James Brophy\n\n<element>\n\nThe second pilot aboard the KC-130J was Maj. ", "James M. Brophy.", "\n\nThough his family has requested privacy following Brophy’s death, some Marines who served with him described him in social media posts as a respected leader.", "\n\nTrey Perkowski, who describes himself as a former KC-130J crew chief, said he knew Herrmann and Brophy.", "\n\n“Terrible tragedy,” he wrote on Twitter. “…", "Two great Marines who it was a true honor to know and fly with.”", "\n\nBrophy, 36, commissioned in 2006 and served for 12 years before his death, according to the Marines.", "\n\nHis decorations include the Air Medal with two Strike Flight Awards, one Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and one Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, according to the service.", "\n\nBrophy’s father, Mike Brophy, is a retired captain from the Poughkeepsie Fire Department, according to the Daily Freeman newspaper in Kingston, New York.", "\n\nHe is survived by his wife, son and daughter.", "\n\nAs a student, Brophy was in the National Honor Society, jazz band and was a three-season athlete in cross country, track and field, Superintendent Greer Rychcik of Hyde Park Schools told the Poughkeepsie Journal.", "\n\n\"James was also named the scholar-athlete during his senior year, a regional award for athletes for his participation and high academic performance,\" Rychcik said to the newspaper.", "\n\n--Caitlin Kenney\n\n<related>" ]
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[ "The prostate is, in principle, not a functional voiding organ. ", "The prostate is principally a reproductive exocrine gland. ", "Despite this, the principle pathophysiologic concerns surrounding the prostate revolve around its role in obstructing voiding and its propensity to develop a malignancy with an alarming rate in developed countries. ", "Hence, it is important for the investigator in these latter fields to recall that questions concerning the prostate are seldom exclusive to one discipline of thought, and while tumor biomarkers may factor little into voiding pathophysiology, it should not be ignored.", "\n\nIn a similar respect, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is often misunderstood as a conventional biomarker of prostate cancer, despite it neither being a product of an oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene. ", "The PSA is an enzyme used to dissolve semen coagulum, and is neither specific for prostate cancer, nor sensitive \\[[@b1-inj-1920edi-004]\\]. ", "Despite this, PSA is the most widely used prostate cancer marker due to its availability and simplicity. ", "Conventional measures to improve sensitivity and specificity involve factoring free PSA, PSA density, and age-related cutoffs. ", "The most popular methods to narrow down the suspects involve frequency-based predictions with regression analyses, resulting in regression-based nomograms \\[[@b2-inj-1920edi-004]\\]. ", "Other approaches utilize variant splices such as proPSA, and iPSA. ", "However, modern Bayesian analyses simply applied present conflicting viewpoints to our conventional understanding of cutoffs, allowing a good argument that it is past time to stick to such non tumor based decisions in considering a biopsy \\[[@b3-inj-1920edi-004],[@b4-inj-1920edi-004]\\].", "\n\nThe current issue features the review of the most popular trends \\[[@b5-inj-1920edi-004]\\]. ", "Recent decades have seen a step forward to focus on more cancer specific directions. ", "While PCA3 and TMPRSS2: ERG have been around for some time, difficulty of method and cost have been the principle deterrents in its wide use. ", "While novel markers are important, they have not been widely accepted since their introduction, and while not as unrelated to cancer as PSA is, they are not universally representative of prostate cancer, either, evident by their unimpressive accuracy.", "\n\nHence, more fundamental directions involve more novel methods apart from conventional discovery of antigens. ", "These methods involve detections of microRNA and studies in proteomics. ", "While these methods are not as concrete and satisfactory as what the generation familiar to PSA has grown accustomed to, they are more grounded in oncological principals, perhaps even allowing further avenues towards not only detection and follow-up but also as potential roles in intervention.", "\n\nHowever, it is too early to state whether these detection methods have any grounds of clinical utility. ", "MicroRNA based diagnosis are in its infancy in terms of application \\[[@b6-inj-1920edi-004],[@b7-inj-1920edi-004]\\]. ", "It would take years to provide reliable detection methods, another set of years to develop ease of use kits that could benefit populations in lieu of outdated PSA based technology.", "\n\nProteomics based methods are barely off the ground in terms of lab work. ", "However, they have the potential to provide a more familiar method of cancer screening \\[[@b8-inj-1920edi-004]\\]. ", "Gleaning an appropriate antigen, or a set of antigen patterns, from proteomic results may lead to an easily adoptable serum or urine-based marker that can readily replace PSA. ", "The pitfall is to actually await a reliable enough marker that is not only accurate, but is also fundamentally cancer associate so as to avoid the weakness of what PSA represents.", "\n\n**Conflict of Interest**\n\nNo potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNo *shutdown* function in KDE\n\nMy base system is Gentoo amd64, up to date. ", "Before the upgrade, I have the shutdown button in the KDE menu. ", "But after the upgrade, this button is gone...I think it is because of the permission settings are wrong. ", "The user account I used is in the user group. ", "But I have no idea how the set the permission. ", "I even tried to delete the KDE configuration files in the user directory and try to re-configure everything, but does not work.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe configuration file /etc/config/kdm/kdmrc has the following section:\n[Shutdown]\n# The command (subject to word splitting) to run to halt the system.", "\n# Default is \"/sbin/shutdown -h -P now\"\n# HaltCmd=\n# The command (subject to word splitting) to run to reboot the system.", "\n# Default is \"/sbin/shutdown -r now\"\n# RebootCmd=\n# Whether it is allowed to shut down the system via the global command socket.", "\n# Default is false\n# AllowFifo=true\n# Whether it is allowed to abort active sessions when shutting down the\n# system via the global command socket.", "\n# Default is true\n#AllowFifoNow=false\n\nUn-comment the \"AllowFifo=true\" line, then the system shutdown as it used to before the latest upgrade.", "\nSource and info As long as this is correct you can add a shutdown launcher.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Get more info about this property\n\n12 Wilkins Road Toms River NJ 08753 US\n\n12 Wilkins Road This unique bay front/lagoon location will provide an unparalleled opportunity to build the waterfront home of your dreams on one of the largest parcels of fully bulkheaded land currently available (150ft. ", "x 100ft.). ", "Perhaps build a second home for investment or a family member on this potentially subdividable lot. ", "Pristine bay views will greet you every day from your home or while piloting your boat from one of the two protected slips on your deep wide lagoon. ", "The existing home on the property should be torn down due to extensive damage from Super Storm Sandy or may be able to be raised and rebuilt. ", "The possibilities are limitless here!" ]
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[ "Engineered riboswitches: Expanding researchers' toolbox with synthetic RNA regulators.", "\nRiboswitches are natural RNA-based genetic switches that sense small-molecule metabolites and regulate in response the expression of the corresponding metabolic genes. ", "Within the last years, several engineered riboswitches have been developed that act on various stages of gene expression. ", "These switches can be engineered to respond to any ligand of choice and are therefore of great interest for synthetic biology. ", "In this review, we present an overview of engineered riboswitches and discuss their application in conditional gene expression systems. ", "We will provide structural and mechanistic insights and point out problems and recent trends in the development of engineered riboswitches." ]
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[ "Kamel Chebli\n\nKamel Chebli (born 9 March 1954) is a Tunisian football defender who played for Tunisia in the 1978 FIFA World Cup. ", "He also played for Club Africain.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nFIFA profile\n\nCategory:1954 births\nCategory:Tunisian footballers\nCategory:Tunisia international footballers\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Club Africain players\nCategory:1978 FIFA World Cup players\nCategory:1978 African Cup of Nations players\nCategory:Living people" ]
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[ "Sir Death\n\nRecent community posts\n\nHi! ", "I really want to try playing your game because it sounds rather interesting. ", "But I keep having this problem where when I click \"run\" it pops up a message saying \"The program can't start because ucrtbased.dll is missing from your computer. ", "Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem\" even though I have reinstalled the game and installed it multiple times. ", "PLEASE HELP\n\nHey! ", "I love your game, I think it's awesome! ", "I have been playing this for the past few days and have a couple suggestions: 1. ", "Can you make it more clear that turrets and other things can only go on beams? ", "Or you make it so we can place turrets and stuff like that on armor plates. ", "Keep up the good work! ", ":D" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Advert From 1940s Criticising A Woman’s Standard Of Dress Resurfaces\n\nAN ADVERT FROM THE 1940s which makes a point of criticising a woman for not reaching certain standards of dress has remerged this week, as the debate over sexism in Hollywood continues.", "\n\nThe advert, created in 1948 as a way of informing people about proper hygiene and dress sense, features a young man who is unable to enjoy himself as he worries about exam season at school.", "\n\nPublic Domain / mediadrumworld.com\n\nThe narrator encourages him to get his head out of his books and take a look at the world around him and, as he does so, he sets eyes on a pretty young lady walking past.", "\n\nHowever, according to the narrator, the woman’s appearance is far from up to scratch, and he proceeds to pick apart how she is dressed in a particularly harsh manner.", "\n\n“But wait a minute young lady,” he says to her.", "\n\nPublic Domain / mediadrumworld.com\n\n“How did you get into this picture?", "\n\n“You see, we’re trying to prove a point about nature and beauty, and you’re not exactly helping y’know?", "\n\n“Look at your hair. ", "Look at that blouse. ", "And the way that skirt hangs. ", "And those socks.", "\n\n“Sorry, there must have been a mistake. ", "You don’t seem exactly the type to make this guy behave like a human being.”", "\n\nPublic Domain / mediadrumworld.com\n\nHowever, after the man goes to walk away, the woman miraculously transforms all of the areas of her appearance which had not been up to standard before. ", "The man returns, with a cursory “oh brother,” as he takes in the way the woman now looks.", "\n\n“Oh brother is right,” says the narrator.", "\n\n“Look at that hair. ", "That skin. ", "That mouth.", "\n\n“And now look at that blouse. ", "And now look at the skirt. ", "And the socks.", "\n\nPublic Domain / mediadrumworld.com\n\n“Thanks a lot for helping us prove a point.”", "\n\nDespite taking on an active role on the home front during the war, women were once again seen as homemakers and housewives in both Britain and America once the war had come to an end.", "\n\nThis meant keeping up impeccable appearance and hygiene, with men rarely held to the same standard due to their traditional role as the ‘breadwinner’.", "\n\nMedia Drum World is a British-based Press Agency and bespoke media content supplier. ", "We specialise in international picture-video syndication, retail print sales and the productions of real-life feature stories." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nElectron app.makeSingleInstance to avoid multiple instances thrown javascript error\n\nI'm using electron 2.0.7 and I want to prevent multiple instances of the app by using app.makeSingleInstance.", "\nIt works but when i'm trying to run another instance of the app I get this error: \"A Javascript error is occurred in the main process\" as a pop up.", "\nThis is the code in main.ts:\nfunction checkSingleInstance() {\n // to make singleton instance\n const isSecondInstance = app.makeSingleInstance((commandLine, workingDirectory) => {\n // Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.", "\n if (win) {\n if (win.isMinimized()) {\n win.restore();\n win.focus();\n }\n }\n });\n\n if (isSecondInstance) {\n app.quit();\n return;\n }\n}\n\ncheckSingleInstance();\n\nThis is the error:\n\nA:\n\nTry replacing app.quit() with app.exit().", "\napp.exit() does not emit events before quitting as opposed to app.quit() which does the proper cleanup.", "\nIt's hard to say exactly where the error is coming from and why, but this issue is documented here.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Player registration to compete at CEO 2018 is now Closed! ", "You can still register on site Thursday June 28th from 8-10pm without seeding and be placed in the first available bye on our final brackets.", "\n\nSpectators are still allowed to register below for 3 day weekend passes online until June 27th or at the door for $50. ", "We will have single day passes for $25 each in limited supply until the venue hits capacity(It's big trust us).", "\n\nCEO 2018 is hosted by CEOGaming.org which takes place at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL on June 29 - July 1st.", "\n\nOur official Hosting hotel is the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort right next door to the Ocean Center. ", "Click here for more info https://www.ceogaming.org/ceohotel\n\nREGISTRATION PRICING\n\nAll badges include access to the entire venue for the weekend. ", "Spectators receive the same access but may not enter any official tournaments. ", "Please note ALL Registrations below include general seating access into the Arena Finals viewing hall. ", "For an additional $25 listed through registration, attendees can purchase Premium \"Ringside\" seats to be closer to the player entrances, action and hype.", "\n\nExhibit hall for casuals will also remain open on Sunday next to the Arena hall so you can make the most out of your weekend experience at CEO 2018!**", "\n\nEarly Bird Registration ($55) is available until February 28th, 2018.", "\n\nNormal Registration ($65) is available from March 1st until May 31st\n\nLate Registration ($75) is available from June 1st until June 19th when online registration closes at 11:59 pm est.", "\n\nOn Site Registration ($100) is considered Emergency Registration and is only available Thursday, June 28th from 8 PM to 10 PM. ", "Emergency registrants are placed into bracket byes with NO regional seeding and can only be added before a tournament starts.", "\n\nSpectators: $50 3-day badge in advance , $25 1-day single day pass while supplies last. ", "Spectator passes allows you to enjoy CEO 2018 as an attendee but not enter any of our official tournaments. ", "To purchase your Spectator badge for the weekend, please click register to proceed, enter your information as a player, (you will need a unique email address for each badge purchased) and then the 2nd page you will see the option to purchase a spectator badge for CEO 2018.", "\n\nRefund Policy: You may request a refund up until May 31st at 11:59pm. ", "After June 1st, no refunds will be given but you may request to transfer your badge/registration to someone else before June 19th when online registration closes.", "\n\nPlease keep in mind that official tournaments may start as early as Friday June 29th at 10am EST. ", "A final pool schedule will be posted before registration closes in June This is to ensure a smooth and comfortable weekend for all players. ", "Again tournaments may start as early as Friday at 10 am so please plan your trip accordingly.", "\n\n--\n\nNew Japan Pro Wrestling comes to CEO 2018! ", "CEOGaming.org/njpw\n\n** CEO 2018 Tournament Game List**\n\nStreet Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PS4) $15,000 Pot Bonus via Capcom Pro Tour\n\n$15,000 Pot Bonus via Capcom Pro Tour Injustice 2 (PS4) $10,000 Pot Bonus via Samsung SIMPLE Mobile\n\n$10,000 Pot Bonus via Samsung SIMPLE Mobile Tekken 7 (PS4) $5,000 Pot Bonus via Tekken World Tour\n\n$5,000 Pot Bonus via Tekken World Tour DRAGON BALL FighterZ (PS4)\n\nUnder Night In-Birth EXE:Late[st] (PS4)\n\nKiller Instinct (XBOX One) $15,000 Pot Bonus via KI World Tour\n\n$15,000 Pot Bonus via KI World Tour Guilty Gear XRD Rev2 (PS4)\n\nMarvel Vs. ", "Capcom: Infinite (PS4)\n\nSuper Smash Bros. Melee\n\nSuper Smash Bros. for Wii U\n\nKing of Fighter XIV (PS4) $1500 Pot Bonus via SNK\n\n$1500 Pot Bonus via SNK Super Street Fighter II Turbo (PS4 SF30A edition) $7,000 Pot Bonus\n\n$7,000 Pot Bonus Capcom Vs. ", "Snk 2 (Arcade/PS2)\n\nStreet Fighter III: 3rd Strike (PS4 SF30A edition)\n\n** CEO 2018 Welcomes DDR Storm Tournaments including (All arcade versions):**\n\n** DDR Extreme Pro**\n\n** Pump It Up Prime 2**\n\n** In The Groove Customs 2**\n\nFor more info on DDR Storm visit: DDR Storm 2018 Info\n\nSystems above are subject to change with notice given.", "\n\nWhat are the CEO Fighting Game Championships?", "\n\nCEO 2018 Fighting Game Championships are a tournament series and convention experience for fighting game fans held annually in June. ", "With ever increasing attendance every year, CEO has become one of the most attended fighting game events in the world. ", "In the past few years we have had over 10,000 attendees from over 47 US States and 30 Countries from around the world.", "\n\nWhy should you attend?", "\n\n14+ Tournaments : CEO 2018 Features 14 of the biggest and brightest community games today. ", "CEO receives some of the best developer support yearly so stay tuned for major announcements.", "\n\nThe Grandest Stage in CEO History : CEO Features a Wrestling ring stage with Top 8 Music Entrances for players to showcase their personality. ", "Winners will receive Gold Championship Title Belts. ", "This year the select game finals will take place inside of the Ocean Center Arena with up to 9,000 seats available.", "\n\nCelebrity Appearances : In recent years CEO has been visited by WWE Superstar Xavier Woods and Kenny Omega from New Japan World Wrestling. ", "You never know who might show up to a CEO event.", "\n\nMultiple Streams & Stages : CEO has been prominently featured on Twitch every year involving The Capcom Pro Tour and more.", "\n\nEntertaining Commentary : CEO's tournaments feature curated amateur & professional commentary for all games.", "\n\nDedicated casual setups & BYOC area with side events welcome.", "\n\nJebaileyland arcade is bigger and better than ever with over 60 arcade cabinets spanning fighting, rhythm and arcade classics.", "\n\nOne of the best and biggest artist alleys in the community.", "\n\nVendors featuring custom controllers, arcade sticks, plushies, merchandise and more\n\nCommunity Stick modders and custom part sales.", "\n\nVenue location is surrounded by many restaurants and things to do within walking distance such as the Ocean Walk Shoppes Hub.", "\n\nLocal Restaurant discounts with your Attendee badge.", "\n\n** IT'S ON THE BEACH!**", "\n\nSee you at CEO 2018!", "\n\nImportant Event Links\n\nHotel and travel information is available HERE\n\nVolunteer Application Form HERE\n\n** CEO 2018 Commentary Application Form HERE**\n\nCEO 2018 Artist Alley Application Form (Closes March 16th)HERE\n\nCEO 2018 Side Event Application Form HERE\n\nCEO 2018 Tournament Rules HERE\n\nCEO 2017's event recap HERE." ]
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[ "Introduction {#s1}\n============\n\nThe transduction of fibroblast cells with transcription factors *Nanog*, *Sox2*, *Oct4*, *Klf4*, and *c-Myc* converts these cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells \\[[@B1]-[@B3]\\]. ", "The observations that adult mice can be derived from iPS cells indicate that these reprogrammed cells acquire embryonic stem (ES) cell-like properties, and therefore have the potential to generate any tissue \\[[@B4],[@B5]\\]. ", "An important aim of regenerative cell therapy is to use the iPS cells because they not only self-renew and have the potential to differentiate into mature cells \\[[@B6],[@B7]\\], but because unlike ES cells, iPS cells can give rise to autologous cells that are ideal for personalized regenerative therapies \\[[@B8],[@B9]\\].", "\n\nDuring embryogenesis, primitive vascular ECs, termed angioblasts, and hematopoietic stem cells emerge from the mesodermal compartment in successive waves to form blood vessels \\[[@B12]-[@B17]\\]. ", "The upstream components that induce exit of mesodermal cells to vascular cell progenies include factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), hypoxia, and Wnts \\[[@B17]-[@B20]\\]. ", "A major subset of mesodermal cells expressing Flk1^+^Flt1^+^VE-cadherin^+^CD34^+^CD31^+^ are capable of forming vascular plexus-like structures \\[[@B20]-[@B25]\\]. ", "Several studies have identified Flk-1 as an earliest marker of mesodermal stem cells and angioblasts \\[[@B12],[@B17],[@B18],[@B21]\\]. ", "In mice, Flk1+ cells differentiated into ECs to form primitive vascular structures through the process of vasculogenesis \\[[@B12],[@B15],[@B17],[@B18],[@B21]\\]. ", "Binding to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to Flk1/VEGFR-2 regulates multiple aspects of neovascularization including EC development, survival, differentiation, migration, and lumenization \\[[@B14],[@B17],[@B19]-[@B21]\\]. ", "The one-pass transmembrane protein VE-cadherin, which mediates cell-cell adhesion and contributes to the formation of adherens junctions (AJs), is expressed in both immature and mature ECs \\[[@B20],[@B21],[@B23]\\]. ", "Analysis of the endothelial promoter/enhancer revealed the presence of ETS (E-twenty six) binding site that directly regulated expression of most, if not all, endothelial genes \\[[@B26]-[@B33]\\]. ", "The transcription factors *Er71* (also known as *Etv2/Etsrp*), *FoxC2, Erg1* and *Fli1* were shown to regulate the development of vascular ECs \\[[@B12],[@B26]-[@B33]\\]. ", "Thus, the development of ECs entails timely expression and function of above key proteins.", "\n\nIn adults, there is only a limited pool of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) that contribute to neovascularization and repair *in situ* \\[[@B8]-[@B12]\\], and these EPCs are often dysfunctional or lost in patients with cardiovascular risk factors \\[[@B10],[@B11],[@B12],[@B34]\\]. ", "Although ECs have been isolated from mouse embryonic stem (mES) and human embryonic stem (hES) cells \\[[@B35]-[@B41]\\], it is unclear whether iPS cells can be used as a source of reparative ECs to induce revascularization. ", "It is also not known whether miPS and mES cell-derived ECs have similar pattern of differentiation and function similarly to induce vascularization. ", "Here we demonstrate the angiogenic potential of mES cell-derived ECs *vis-à-vis* iPS cell-derived ECs and show that Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells generated from either stem cells integrated into CD31^+^ neovessels *in vivo*, and that vascular differentiation of iPS cells involves the developmental transcription factor Er71, thus suggesting that iPS differentiation mirrors the differentiation seen in ES cells and during physiological embryonic development.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#s2}\n=====================\n\nReagents {#s2.1}\n--------\n\nThe mouse induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells (iMZ-9 and iMZ-21) were a kind gift from Dr. Kristin K. Baldwin (The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA) \\[[@B4],[@B5]\\]. ", "The undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem cells (mES cells, J1 line) were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA). ", "The rat anti-mouse CD31 antibody (IgG~2a~) (BD 550274) was purchased from BD Biosciences/Pharmingen (San Jose, CA). ", "The anti-Sp1 antibody (ab13370) was bought from Abcam (Cambridge, MA). ", "The anti-Etv2/Er71 (W-14) was purchased from Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA). ", "The goat anti-Rat IgG2α FITC (\\#A110-109F) was purchased from Bethyl Laboratories (Montgomery, TX).", "\n\nCell Culture {#s2.2}\n------------\n\nThe mouse ESC line (J1), and iPS cells iMZ-9 and iMZ-21 \\[[@B4],[@B5]\\] were propagated and maintained using mitomycin-blocked mouse embryonic fibroblast cells (MEF) and Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF; Chemicon/Millipore, Billerica, MA). ", "Briefly, mESCs or iPSCs were cultured in the ES cell medium consisting of high glucose-Dulbecco\\'s Modified Eagles medium (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) supplemented with 15% ES-qualified fetal bovine serum (FBS; Invitrogen), 2 mM L-glutamine (Invitrogen), 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 0.1 mM nonessential amino acids (Invitrogen), penicillin (10 µg/ml), streptomycin (5 µg/ml), 0.1 mM β-mercaptoethanol (Invitrogen), and 500 U/ml recombinant LIF (ESGRO®; Millipore) at 37°C with 5% CO~2~. The cells were passed every 3 to 4 days at a ratio of 1:15 using a 1 mM EDTA PBS solution as the dissociation buffer. ", "For the differentiation studies, mESC or iPSC cells were passed twice in gelatin-coated culture dishes at a 1:3 dilution without the presence of MEF feeders. ", "To initiate differentiation, the MEF-free pre-conditioned cells were dissociated with 1 mM EDTA PBS and seeded on IV Col-coated dishes (BD Bioscience, San Jose, CA) at a density of 35,000/35 mm dishes in serum-free differentiation medium consisting of 75% IMDM, 25% Ham's F12 medium, N-2 and B-27 Supplements (without Vitamin A), 0.05% BSA (all from Gibco), 4.5x10e-4 M 1-thioglycerol (MTG) and 0.5 mM ascorbic acid (both from Sigma, St Louis, MO). ", "The serum-free medium was supplemented with human BMP-4 at 2 ng/ml (R&D Systems), human VEGF^165^ at 50 ng/ml (Miltenyi Biotec), and human basic FGF at 10 ng/ml (Millipore).", "\n\nFlow Cytometric Analysis and Sorting for Subcultures {#s2.3}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nDifferentiated mES and iPS cells were collected following dissociation with a 1 mM EDTA PBS solution. ", "Single cell suspensions were prepared and labeled with goat-anti-mouse VE-cadherin (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) and donkey anti-goat secondary antibody coupled with Alexa Fluor 488 (AF-488) (eBioscience, San Diego, CA). ", "The other primary antibodies used for the analysis or sorting included rat anti-mouse Flk1 (clone avas 12a) coupled with allophycocyanin (APC) (eBioscience) and rat-anti-mouse CD41 coupled with R-phycoerythrin (PE) (BD Bioscience). ", "Immuno-fluorescence-labeled cell populations bearing specific marker(s) were analyzed on a CyAn ADP Analyzer (Beckman Coulter) or sorted using a Moflo high speed sorter (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ). ", "To test the lineage characteristics and colony formation of the sorted cells, the cells were subcultured at 50,000 per 35 mm type IV collagen Biocoat dishes with the serum-free differentiation medium. ", "The number and identities of endothelial and hematopoietic colonies were counted and confirmed *in situ* using goat anti-mouse VE-cadherin (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) and donkey anti-goat secondary antibody coupled with Alexa Fluor 488 (AF-488) (eBioscience) as well as rat-anti-mouse CD41 coupled with R-phycoerythrin (PE) (BD Biosciences) for the early hematopoietic lineages.", "\n\nGene Expression Analysis {#s2.4}\n------------------------\n\nThe profile of pluripotent, mesoderm, hemangioblast, angioblast, hematopoietic and mature EC markers were quantified using quantitative (q) RT-PCR as previously described by us \\[[@B42],[@B43]\\]. ", "Q-RT-PCR assays were performed using the ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "For oligonucleotide information, please see [Table 1](#pone-0085549-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The experiments were carried out 5 times at least in triplicate for each gene target.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0085549.t001\n\n###### Mouse quantitative RT-PCR primers.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n **Genes** **Sequences** **Product Size** **Accession \\#**\n --------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------\n *c-Myc* For 3'-*ACAAGCTCACCTCTGAAAAGGACT*-5'\\ 105bp L00038.1\n For 3'-*CTCGAGTTAGGTCAGTTTATGCAC*-5' \n\n *Oct4* For 3'-*CCACTTCACCACACTCTACTCAG*-5'\\ 165 bp NM_013633\n Rev 3'-*AAGCTCCAGGTTCTCTTGTCTAC*-5' \n\n *Gapdh* For 3'-*GACAATGAATACGGCTACAGCA*-5'\\ 182 bp GU214026\n Rev 3'-*GTTATTATGGGGGTCTGGGATG*-5' \n\n *Klf4* For 3'-*GAGGAAGCGATTCAGGTACAGAAC*-5'\\ 182 bp NM_010637\n Rev 3'-*AGGCTTATTTACCTGGCTTAGGTC*-5' \n\n *Sox2* For 3'-*CTAGTGGTACGTTAGGCGCTTC*-5'\\ 73 bp U31967.1\n Rev 3'-*GCCCGGAGTCTAGCTCTAAATA*-5' \n\n *Brachyury* For 3'-*CATTACACACCACTGACACACAC*-5'\\ 195 bp BC120807\n Rev 3'-*AGTCTCAGCACATGGAGGAAAGT*-5' \n\n *Er71* For 3'-*GACTACACCACCACGTGGAATAC*-5'\\ 104 bp L10427\n Rev 3'-*AGACTGCTTGTTCGATTTGGAG*-5' \n\n *Flk1* For 3'-*TGTGGTCTCACTACCAGTTAAAGC*-5'\\ 95 bp NM_010612.2\n Rev 3'-*CATTCGATCCAGTTTCACAGAG*-5' \n\n *VE-cadherin* For 3'-*AGATCCCAGAAGAGCTAAGAGGAC*-5'\\ 98 bp NM_009868.4\n Rev 3'-*AGAAAAGGAAGAGTGAGTGACCAG*-5' \n\n *CD31* For 3'-*GAGACTCAGAGGCGCTAGTTAAT*-5'\\ 195 bp NM_008816.2\n Rev 3'-*CTAACCCAGTGATTGACAACAGA*-5' \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nChromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay {#s2.5}\n------------------------------------------\n\nChIP experiments have been previously described \\[[@B42],[@B44]\\]. ", "ChIP kit was purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Rockford, IL). ", "The chromatins were pre-cleared and then subjected to immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. ", "For control, anti-Glut-1 and anti-Sp-1 were used. ", "The immunoprecipitated DNAs were analyzed by PCR using primer pairs that amplify the region of the *Flk1*-, *VE-cadherin*-, and *CD31*-promoter/enhancer DNA sequences.", "\n\nMatrigel Assay, Hind limb ischemia, Immunofluorescence and Microscopy {#s2.6}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThree-month-old athymic nude mice (Harlan Laboratory, Madison, WI) were used for this assay. ", "All experiments involving nude and C57 mice reported in this study were carried-out under the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Animal Welfare Assurance No. ", "A3460-01 and UIC ACC\\#13-069. ", "Experiments were conducted according to IACUC and NIH guidelines. ", "The mice were housed in the University of Illinois at Chicago Animal Care Vivarium under pathogen-free conditions and treated according to the UIC protocol for Animal Care Committee (ACC). ", "For post-surgical pain managements buprenex was used. ", "The mouse ES cell line (J1) and iPS (iMZ21) cell line derived Flk1^+^/VE-cadherin^+^ cells were incubated in lentivirus encoding *mCherry* (BioVision, Mountain View, CA) in media containing mCherry (\\~10^7^ particles/ml) overnight in complete differentiation media as previously described \\[[@B42],[@B43]\\]. ", "Growth factor-reduced 200 µL Matrigel (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) + 2 million mCherry-treated cells + 30 µl VEGF^165^ (Lonza \\[Walkersville, MD\\] \\#CC-3202) + Wnt3a (2 ng/µl) (R&D Systems) were injected subcutaneously into the midventral abdomen of the mice. ", "Plugs were allowed to solidify, and the mice were monitored every 24 hours to assess the wound. ", "After 7 days, the plugs were retrieved, washed in PBS, and fixed with 4% PFA. ", "Five-micrometer serial sections were prepared (University of Illinois at Chicago Research Histology and Tissue Imaging Core, Chicago) and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). ", "Femoral artery ligation to induce hind limb ischemia in C57 mice have been described previously \\[[@B45]\\]. ", "Immunofluorescent staining, microscopy, and quantification have been previously described \\[[@B42]-[@B44]\\]. ", "For quantification, 10-12 microscopic fields were randomly selected, with 10X or 20X magnifications in 6 different sections. ", "A digital camera was used to capture images, which were then saved as TIFF documents. ", "Composite figures were assembled and labeled with the use of QuarkXpress 8.1.2 software (Quark Inc., Denver, CO), and then the images were converted into the EPS document.", "\n\nStatistical Analysis {#s2.7}\n--------------------\n\nGraphPad Prizm 5.0 (GraphPad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA) was used to analyze data as described previously \\[[@B44],[@B45]\\]. ", "The data represent mean±S.E.M. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with posthoc comparisons using an unpaired *t* test or Mann--Whitney tests, as appropriate. ", "P\\<0.05 is considered significant.", "\n\nResults {#s3}\n=======\n\nDifferentiation of mES and miPS cells into Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells {#s3.1}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSince mesodermal-ECs are anchorage-dependent cells known to adhere onto IV Col, we used IV Col as the supporting matrix protein in these studies. ", "The experimental timeline and differentiation conditions are as shown ([Figure 1A](#pone-0085549-g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To induce formation of Flk1^+^ vascular progenies, media containing LIF was removed from naive mES and miPS cells, and the cells were cultured on IV Col-coated dishes and propagated in presence of complete media containing BMP4, VEGF, and bFGF. ", "Using mouse ES (J1 line) and iPS (iMZ-21 line) cells in this culture condition, we observed the emergence of adherent cells on day 5 ([Figure 1B&C, E&F](#pone-0085549-g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The appearance of Flk1^+^ or VE-cadherin^+^ cells was monitored using anti-mouse-Flk1 and anti-mouse-VE-cadherin mAbs and the cells were sorted using FACS. ", "mES cells gave rise to 38[+]{.ul}5% Flk1^+^ cells on day 2 and peaked at 49[+]{.ul}7% on day 3, whereas these numbers dropped to 46[+]{.ul}5% and 37[+]{.ul}6% on days 4 and 5, respectively. ", "The yield of VE-cadherin^+^ cells from mES was 7[+]{.ul}3% on day 2 and increased steadily to 23[+]{.ul}3%, 47[+]{.ul}5% and 52[+]{.ul}4% on days 3, 4 and 5, respectively ([Figure 1D](#pone-0085549-g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The emergence of Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells from miPS cells followed similar trends. ", "Percentage of Flk1^+^ cells derived from iPS cells were 32[+]{.ul}3%, 48[+]{.ul}4%, 42[+]{.ul}3%, 35[+]{.ul}3% on days 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively ([Figure 1G](#pone-0085549-g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}); while the yield of VE-cadherin^+^ cells from miPS was 6[+]{.ul}3% on day 2 and increased steadily to 25[+]{.ul}3%, 32[+]{.ul}3% and 37[+]{.ul}2% on days 3, 4 and 5, respectively. ", "The co-expression of Flk1 and VE-cadherin was used as an indicator of true vascular differentiation. ", "Hematopoietic clusters made of round cells were not quantified.", "\n\n![", "Induction of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ vascular EC progenies from iPS and ES cells.\\\nTimeline of emergence of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ vascular ECs (**A**). ", "Undifferentiated mES (J1 line) or miPS (iMZ-21) cells were cultured for 5 d in IV Col-coated dishes in media containing BMP4, bFGF, and VEGF^165^ to induce generation of vascular EC progenies. (", "B&C) Representative phase contrast microscopy of mES cell-derived adherent vascular progenies after d 5 in culture at indicated magnifications (B&C). ", "Representative phase contrast microscopy of miPS cell-derived vascular progenies after day 5 in culture at the indicated magnifications (E&F). ", "FACS profile of the emergence of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ vascular progenies (D&G). ", "All experiments were repeated \\>5 times. ", "Data indicate the mean±S.E.M. n=5.](pone.0085549.g001){#pone-0085549-g001}\n\nAfter establishing day 5 as the optimal time for generation of Flk1^+^ VE-cadherin^+^ cells from both miPS and mES cells, we used this time point for all subsequent studies. ", "We subjected the day 5 cells to a 2-step purification procedure using anti-Flk1 and anti-VE-cadherin antibodies to sort Flk1 and VE-cadherin double positive cells (see Methods for details) ([Figure 2B&E](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows cells derived from J1 line and [Figure 2C&F](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows cells derived from iMZ-21 line). ", "In the first purification step, sorting of mES cells gave rise to 40±9% Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells ([Figure 2B](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}), whereas miPS cells yielded 35±10% Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells ([Figure 2C](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Upon subjecting these cells to a second round of purification, we obtained nearly 100% Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells ([Figure 2E](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}, from mES; [Figure 2F](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} from miPS). ", "Further analysis of the gated Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from mES and miPS cells showed that they lacked CD14 and CD45 (data not shown). ", "In addition, anti-VE-cadherin and anti-CD31 antibodies staining confirmed the EC nature of the day 5 Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from mES cells ([Figure 2G&H](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}) as well as miPS cells ([Figure 2I&J](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "FACS analysis of emerging vascular EC progenies from mES and iPS cells.\\\nAdherent cells (2x10^5^) were detached and subjected to two-step FACS-aided purification. ", "Control FACS profile on day 5 of cells derived from mES (J1) cells (A). ", "Representative FACS profiles of day 5, with vascular progenies assessed using anti-Flk1 and anti-VE-cadherin antibodies obtained from mES (J1) cells (B) and derived from miPS (iMZ-21) cells (C); Control FACS profile on day 5 of cells derived from miPS (iMZ-21) cells (D). ", "Representative FACS after the second step of purification derived from mES (E) and iPS cells (F). ", "The yield of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ after the second round of FACS was 100% for both mES and miPS-derived vascular progenies. ", "Morphology of mES- and miPS-derived vascular ECs (G-J). ", "Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ vascular progenies derived from mES and miPS cells were cultured overnight in IV Col-coated dishes, immunostained with anti-VE-cadherin (green) and anti-CD31 (red) of cells derived from mES cells (G&H) and miPS cells (I&J). ", "DAPI, nucleus (blue). ", "Magnifications are as indicated; the scale bar is 200 µm. ", "Experiments were repeated 3 times.](pone.0085549.g002){#pone-0085549-g002}\n\nmRNA expression profile of mES and miPS cell-derived ECs {#s3.2}\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe next prepared mRNAs and mouse gene specific oligonucleotides primers ([Table 1](#pone-0085549-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), and assessed by q-RT-PCR the expression of pluripotent stem cell markers *c-Myc*, *Klf4*, *Oct4*, and *Sox2*; the mesodermal/mesenchymal markers *Brachyury and Er71*; and mature EC markers *Flk1*, *VE-cadherin*, and *CD31* on days 0 and 5. ", "Naive (undifferentiated) mES and iPS cells expressed *c-Myc*, *Klf4*, *Oct4*, *Sox2* on day 0, whereas expression decreased significantly by day 5 ([Figure 3A-D](#pone-0085549-g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Because *Brachyury* and *Er71* are critical for mesodermal/EC fate \\[[@B18],[@B20],[@B21],[@B27],[@B31],[@B32]\\], we examined their expression in mES- and miPS-cells and in ECs derived from mES- and miPS-cells ([Figure 3E&F](#pone-0085549-g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Expression of the mesodermal marker *Brachyury* decreased on day 5 cells but *Er71* expression remained high on day 5 in cells obtained from both mES and miPS cells ([Figure 3F](#pone-0085549-g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Importantly, the expression of the EC markers *Flk1*, *VE-cadherin* and *CD31* in both mES and miPS cells was low on day 0, but increased significantly by day 5 ([Figure 3G-I](#pone-0085549-g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, expression of the control *Gapdh* remained unaltered in all cells (data not shown). ", "Expression of the hematopoietic cell markers *CD45* and *CD14* genes was low throughout (data not shown).", "\n\n![", "Gene expression profiles of ECs derived from mES and miPS cells.\\\nTotal mRNAs were prepared from mES and miPS cells at day 0 and FACS-sorted Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs at day 5, subjected to q-RT-PCR analysis thereafter as described in methods. ", "Expression of transcription factors c-Myc, Oct4, Klf4, and Sox2 in mES and miPS on indicated days (A-D). ", "Decreased expression of Brachyury and but increased Er71 indicated development of mesodermal-endothelial progenies (E&F). ", "Highly enriched expression of Flk1, V*E-cadherin*, and CD31 transcripts indicated acquisition of the EC phenotype (G-I). ", "Data represent mean +S.E.M., n=5. ", "Experiments were repeated at least 5 times with quadruplicates.](pone.0085549.g003){#pone-0085549-g003}\n\nEr71 binds to *Flk1*-, VE-cadherin-, and CD31-promoters during differentiation to endothelial lineage {#s3.3}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe observed increased expression of the *Ets* transcription factor *Er71* ([Figure 3F](#pone-0085549-g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Because Er71 regulates Flk1 and VE-cadherin expression in physiological vascular development \\[[@B12],[@B26]-[@B28]\\], we examined whether Er71 was functional in Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ ECs derived from mES- and miPS-cells. ", "DNA sequences identified putative Er71 binding sites (*GGAA*) within the -0.7 kb to -1.4 kb upstream genomic segment of transcription starts sites (TSS) of *Flk1*, *VE-cadherin*, and *CD31* promoter DNA sequences ([Figure 4A](#pone-0085549-g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; [Figures S1-S3](#pone.0085549.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We also observed the expression of Er71 and VE-cadherin proteins by Western blotting ([Figure 4B](#pone-0085549-g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We performed the ChIP assay to identify sites bound by Er71 in the promoters of Flk1, CD31, and VE-cadherin of ECs obtained from either mES or iPS cells. ", "Immunoprecipitation studies were carried out using anti-Glut-1 (control), anti-Sp1, and anti-Er71 antibodies. ", "To analyze protein-DNA complex formation, we designed specific PCR primers ([Figure 4C](#pone-0085549-g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Using these primers, we did not detect any binding of Glut-1 or Sp1 to *Flk1*, *VE-cadherin*, or *CD31* DNA sequences ([Figure 4D](#pone-0085549-g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "By contrast, Er71 bound similarly to *Flk1*, *VE-cadherin*, and *CD31* promoter sequences in ECs obtained from both mES and iPS cells. ", "As Sp-1 constitutively occupies GGAA sites in the genome, we included anti-Sp1 antibody as an additional control for the ChIP experiments. ", "ChIP analysis was shown to be specific for Er71 because *Flk1*, *VE-cadherin*, and *CD31* promoters were not detected using the anti-Glut-1 and anti-Sp1 antibodies ([Figure 4D](#pone-0085549-g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Er71 binds to *Flk1-, VE-cadherin-*, and CD31-promoters in mES and iPS cells.\\\nSchematics of promoter/enhancer regions of *Flk1*- (-1.4 kb), VE-cadherin- (-1.0 kb), and CD31- (-1.0 kb) harboring GGAA sites (triangles represent GGAA sites on the forward strand and asterisks represent these in the reverse strand), and the number within parentheses indicates the number of putative Er71 binding sites; TSS, transcription start site (A). ", "Total lysates were subjected to Western blot analysis with indicated antibodies (B). ", "The primers used for the amplification of the induced promoter/enhancer in the mouse genome (C). ", "Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from mES- and miPS-cells were cultured overnight. ", "ChIP was performed with antibodies (Abs) specific for Glut-1 (control), Sp1, and Er71. ", "Representative images of PCR products from the mouse Flk1, VE-cadherin, and CD31 promoter/enhancer with the use of input chromatin prepared from indicated ECs. ", "PCR products are as shown (D). ", "The experiments were carried out 3 times.](pone.0085549.g004){#pone-0085549-g004}\n\nFlk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs derived from mES- and miPS-cells form vascular networks {#s3.4}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nECs plated onto Matrigel *in vitro* are induced to undergo a morphogenic differentiation into vascular-plexus like networks or branching point structures, a process requiring cell adhesion and growth factor stimulation. ", "To determine the neovascularization potential of the Flk1^+^ VE-cadherin^+^ cells, we first seeded the cells onto growth factor-reduced (GFR) Matrigel *in vitro* and quantified formation of branching points ([Figure 5A](#pone-0085549-g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Plating of mature Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs (control) onto Matrigel-coated dishes resulted spontaneous assembly of branching point structures within 18 hr ([Figure 5B&C](#pone-0085549-g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Plating of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from either mES or miPS cells on growth factor-reduced Matrigel resulted in similar formation of branching point networks ([Figure 5D-G](#pone-0085549-g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the absence of VEGF, however, Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs failed to form interconnecting branching point networks (data not shown). ", "Flk1^-^VE-cadherin^-^ cells did not form branching point structures (data not shown). ", "The Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from mES and miPS cells both functioned similarly and responded to VEGF to form branching point structures.", "\n\n![", "Angiogenic potential of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs derived from mES and iPS cells.\\\nQuantification of branching point structures; control mouse ECs and mES- or iPS-derived Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs (2x10^5^) were plated onto Matrigel in the presence of VEGF^165^ (50 ng/ml). ", "After 18 hr, the numbers of branching points were counted. ", "Data are expressed as percentage of branching points (n=3, \\*P \\<0.05 vs. control or as indicated) (A); Representative phase contrast images of branching point structures. ", "The experiments were repeated 3 times with the use of triplicate wells. ", "Scale bar, 200 µm. ", "The arrows indicate branching points (B-G).](pone.0085549.g005){#pone-0085549-g005}\n\nMouse ES or iPS cell-derived Flk-1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells incorporate into CD31^+^ vessels *in situ* {#s3.5}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo address whether mES- and miPS-derived Flk-1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells incorporated into vessels, we carried out the Matrigel plug assay using athymic nude mice. ", "Both mES and miPS cells were differentiated as described above, and Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells were sorted by FACS as described for [Figure 1](#pone-0085549-g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}&[2](#pone-0085549-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The timeline of the experiment is shown ([Figure 6A](#pone-0085549-g006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Prior to mixing with the Matrigel, Flk-1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells were incubated overnight with lentiviral particles encoding the *mCherry* gene. ", "We did not observe any detachment of cells or cell death after lentivirus-*mCherry* transfection of these cells, the morphology of lentivirus-transfected cells appeared normal, and transfection efficiency of mCherry was 100% ([Figure S4](#pone.0085549.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Matrigel was prepared and mixed with mCherry-expressing cells, and then injected subcutaneously. ", "Matrigel plugs became visibly vascularized within 3-4 d. After 7 d, Matrigel plugs were collected and fixed, and formation of vascular structures was analyzed by H&E and anti-mouse CD31 staining ([Figure 6B-D](#pone-0085549-g006){ref-type=\"fig\"} & [Figure S5](#pone.0085549.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Quantification demonstrated that Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells obtained from mES and miPS cells were similar in their ability to incorporate into CD31^+^ neovessels, and did so in higher numbers compared with mature mECs ([Figure 6N](#pone-0085549-g006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Representative micrographs of immunofluorescent histochemistry are as shown ([Figure 6E-K](#pone-0085549-g006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Staining of Matrigel sections with anti-mouse CD31 (green) showed neovessels containing both donor (Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^, mCherry, red) and host cells ([Figure 6E-M](#pone-0085549-g006){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Mouse iPS-derived Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells incorporate into CD31-positive vessels.\\\nTime line of the Matrigel experiment (A). ", "Representative images of H&E stained Matrigel plugs obtained from nude mice receiving control mouse ECs or mES- or iPS-derived Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ ECs (2x10^5^) (see Methods for details) (B,C,D). ", "Immunohistochemistry of indicating that Matrigel sections were stained with anti-CD31 (green) and mCherry (red, arrowheads) (E-M). ", "Autofluorescent leukocytes indicated perfused vessels (L). ", "Quantification of number of neovessels in Matrigel sections incorporating the Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells expressing mCherry (N). ", "Scale bar 100 µm. ", "Experiments were repeated at least 3 times.](pone.0085549.g006){#pone-0085549-g006}\n\nSince ischemia is known to mobilize adult progenitor cells \\[[@B46]\\], we monitored whether the Matrigel-engrafted iPSC-ECs would be mobilized by an ischemic insult. ", "Mice were subjected to hindlimb ischemia 7 days after implantation of Matrigel containing either no cells, mouse ECs or iPS cell-derived Flk1+VE-cadherin+ ECs. ", "To enable tracking of the cells, ECs were transduced with mCherry lentivirus particles before mixing with Matrigel. ", "All animals survived the surgery and appeared to be healthy during the initial post-operative monitoring period. ", "However, we did not find any appreciable number of mCherry positive cells in the ischemic TA muscle beyond the autofluorescence signal that was also seen in mice that did not receive any cells ([Figure 7](#pone-0085549-g007){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These data collectively suggest that the Matrigel-engrafted cells did not mobilize to areas of injury, whereas iPS-ECs showed long-term stability ability by incorporating into CD31^+^ vessels.", "\n\n![", "miPS derived ECs in the Matrigel plug are not mobilized to subsequent areas of injury.\\\nMice were subjected to hindlimb ischemia 7 days after injection of Matrigel containing either no cells, mouse ECs or iPS cell-derived ECs. ", "Cells were transduced with mCherry lentivirus particles before mixing with Matrigel. ", "Ischemic tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were harvested 14 days after the surgery (21 days after Matrigel implantation). ", "Cross sections of frozen tissues were observed under laser confocal microscopy. ", "Images acquired with appropriate filter set for mCherry detection show fluorescent signals (20X objective) (A). ", "Quantification demonstrated no appreciable difference in the numbers of fluorescent cells between the groups, suggesting that the obtained signals were likely due to autofluorescence and not due to a mobilization of the Matrigel-engrafted iPS-ECs (B). ", "Fluorescence spectrum images were acquired by excitation with 405 and 562 nm and detection wave length with 470 nm and from 577 to 684 by 9-10 nm steps. ", "The spectral analysis confirmed that the fluorescent signals from the hindlimbs of mice containing Matrigel plugs with mCherry labeled cells and those containing no cells were overlapping. ", "Therefore, the fluorescent signals seen in (A) were indicative of autofluorescence of endogenous cells and did not demonstrate mobilization of iPS-ECs into the ischemic TA muscle (C). ", "Experiments were repeated 3 times.](pone.0085549.g007){#pone-0085549-g007}\n\nDiscussion {#s4}\n==========\n\nHere we addressed the capacity of mES *vis-á-vis* miPS cells to produce Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ EC lineage and compared the ability of both cell types as well as adult mouse ECs to induce vascularization. ", "We showed that miPS-derived cells gave rise to Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ ECs in a manner similar to ECs derived from mES cells. ", "The temporal gene expression pattern associated with miPS differentiation led to expression of mesodermal- and endothelial-specific transcription factors followed by expression of mature EC proteins. ", "This differentiating microenvironment was not limited only to the emergence of ECs *in vitro*, but also to the formation of functional and stable vessels *in vivo*.", "\n\nWe used BMP4, VEGF, and bFGF to induce differentiation of iPS and ES cells utilizing IV Col as the supporting matrix protein \\[[@B19],[@B35]\\]. ", "Initially, we selected the iMZ-9 and iMZ-21 iPS cell lines, both of which were established by retroviral-mediated reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts with *Oct4*, *Sox2*, *Klf4* and *c-Myc* \\[[@B4],[@B5]\\]. ", "iMZ-9 and iMZ-21 iPS cells are equally capable of generating viable adult mice \\[[@B4]\\], therefore, pilot experiments were made side by side to compare the ability of both iPS cell lines to differentiate into ECs. ", "For the purpose of the present experiments, we selected iMZ-21 cells because they consistently yielded a greater numbers ECs. ", "We chose Flk1 as a marker for the EC phenotype because Flk1^+^ mesodermal cells are known to give rise to ECs *in vitro* and *in vivo* \\[[@B14],[@B17],[@B19],[@B35]\\]. ", "Flk1^+^ is also essential for EC identity and formation of a functional vasculature in culture and during embryonic development \\[[@B12],[@B14],[@B15],[@B17]\\]. ", "Flk1^+^ cells derived from mES or iPS cells, however, may represent a broader spectrum of mesodermal precursors than those giving rise only to ECs or hematopoietic cells. ", "Therefore, we also selected VE-cadherin as a second marker for isolating and purifying ECs, since VE-cadherin is specifically expressed on ECs and essential for the maintenance of endothelial barrier function. ", "Although VE-cadherin is considered a marker of mature ECs \\[[@B24],[@B25]\\], we observed emergence of VE-cadherin^+^ cells by FACS as early as day 3, and the expression persisted until day 5 and beyond. ", "These findings are significant as they show the potential to obtain similar EC differentiation from mES and miPS cells even though the iPS cells were generated using transcriptional factors and viral vectors.", "\n\nThe temporal expression pattern of genes associated with the emergence of Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ ECs mirrored that observed in the mouse embryonic vascular development \\[[@B24]-[@B32]\\]. ", "Exposure of mES or iPS cells to the differentiation media for 5 days decreased expression of pluripotent stem cell markers (c-Myc, Klf4, Oct4 and Sox2) which was coupled with decreased expression of primitive streak and mesoderm markers (*Brachyury* and *Er71*). ", "We observed concomitantly increased expression of hemangioblast/angioblast-specific transcription factors in both mES and miPS cells derived cells. ", "iPS- and ES-derived Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells however continued to express *Er71* even at the time when the cells showed expression of EC-specific Flk1, VE-cadherin, and CD31 cell surface proteins. *", "Er71* activates the transcriptional program specific to the endothelium, such as *Flk1, CD31*, and *VE-cadherin*, and these EC-specific genes are under the transcriptional control of Er71 \\[[@B29],[@B32]\\]. ", "Thus, the continued expression of Er71 may reflect the requirement of this factor to mediate the differentiation of ECs. ", "These data together show that Flk1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells obtained from mES and miPS cells were not terminally differentiated into fully mature ECs. ", "Importantly this finding helps explain the effectiveness of these cells in integrating into CD31^+^ vessels *in situ*. ", "For the purpose of vascular tissue engineering, it is necessary that iPS derived endothelial cells remain integrated in a newly generated vessel and do not relocate to sites of ischemic injury. ", "We subjected mice to an ischemic injury after implantation of a gel containing iPS-ECs and did not find any evidence of iPS-EC mobilization into ischemic tissues, thus indicating that the generated neovessels retain their stability even in the face of repeated injury.", "\n\nIn summary, we demonstrated that miPS cells produced Flk-1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ vascular EC progenies, expressed EC lineage transcription factors, and incorporated as ECs into CD31^+^ vessels *in vitro* and *in vivo*. ", "This property of miPS cells was identical to mES cell-derived ECs and superior to that of adult mECs. ", "Moreover, the emergence of Flk-1^+^ and VE-cadherin^+^ cells from miPS cells recapitulated the key steps of EC generation occurring during mouse embryonic development \\[[@B26]-[@B28]\\]. ", "The ability to produce a large number of functional ECs from iPS cells and their engraftment potential therefore are likely to be significant value in vascular re-perfusion in ischemic tissue.", "\n\nSupporting Information\n======================\n\n###### \n\n**Mus musculus *Flk1*-promoter/enhancer -1.37 kb upstream of TSS.** ", "Er71 binding site on (+) strand is shown in bold (GGAA) on the (-) strand bold underlined (TTCC).", "\n\n(DOC)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Mus musculus *VE-cadherin-*promoter/enhancer -1.03 kb upstream of TSS.** ", "Er71 binding site on (+) strand is shown in bold (**GGAA**) on the (-) strand bold underlined (**[TTCC]{.ul}**).", "\n\n(DOC)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Mus musculus *CD31-*promoter/enhancer -0.85 kb upstream of TSS.** ", "Er71 binding site on (+) strand is shown in bold (**GGAA**) on the (-) strand bold underlined (**[TTCC]{.ul}**).", "\n\n(DOC)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Morphology of Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ mCherry expressing cells.** ", "Flk1^+^ VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from indicated cell lines were transduced with lentivirus encoding *mCherry* gene, under fluorescent microscope mCherry polypeptide appears bright red (this is due incorrect filter). ", "The efficiency of transfection is 100%. ", "Some of the cells appeared brighter than the others, perhaps due to different levels of expression and metabolic states. ", "However, there was no toxicity or cell death associated with mCherry-lentivirus infection of the Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells.", "\n\n(TIF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Formation of neovessels in Matrigel plugs.** ", "Matrigel plugs collected from nude mice were fixed, sectioned, and stained with H&E. (A&B) Flk1^-^ and VE-cadherin^-^ cells did not form functional neovessels. (", "C&D) Flk1^+^VE-cadherin^+^ cells derived from iPS and ES cells formed robust neovessels which were filled with leukocytes. ", "Original magnifications are as shown. ", "Scale bar, 200 µm.", "\n\n(TIF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have no competing interests to declare.", "\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: KKW MUF ABM JR CP. ", "Performed the experiments: EEK FL IC NU. ", "Analyzed the data: KKW EEK PTT MUF. ", "Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: KKW ABM PTT MUF. ", "Wrote the manuscript: KKW EEK ABM. ", "Obtained MTA permission to use iPS cells: KKW.", "\n" ]
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[ "TUNBRIDGE — Three rifles and a shotgun were stolen from a Tunbridge residence, according to police.", "\n\nThe home of Nelson Whitney, 54, on Monarch Hill Road was broken into on Sept. 30, Vermont State Police Trooper Gary Salvatore said. ", "The thieves pried open a back door and stole the three rifles and shotgun.", "\n\nState police are investigating the burglary and urge residents to look out for suspicious activity. ", "Anyone with information is asked to call Salvatore at 234-9933." ]
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[ "“I think we know as a team that can’t take nights off, especially in the playoffs.” (", "T.J. Syner, April 2013)\n\nThe Reading Royals may have been a bit off their game when they dropped Game Three against the Greenville Road Warriors last night, but they’d certainly shaken it off when they took the ice tonight for Game Four against the Greenville Road warriors. ", "The resulting 3-0 victory moved the Royals into a 3-1 lead over the Road Warriors, leaving them just a single win away from the conference semi-finals (Goaltender Mark Owuya was credited with the 29 save shutout).", "\n\nHand in hand with their success has been that of rookie forward T.J. Syner, who has put an early exclamation mark on his first professional season with a pair of goals in the Royals’ first four playoff games. ", "When asked recently about Syner’s contributions, Coach Larry Courville had nothing but praise for the 24 year old rookie:\n\n“He’s awesome. ", "I don’t think he’s a guy who belongs in our league, just because of his ability to skate. ", "He’s been great for us, offensively. ", "Even though we don’t see him as a real offensive guy, I think he generates a lot more because of his speed. ", "We have him in a shutdown role. ", "We expect to have him, [Ethan] Cox, and Kirk MacDonald to play a lot of tough minutes for us against their best line.”", "\n\nSyner is not a new name here at Caps Outsider – we’ve been talking about the 5′ 8″(ish) speed demon since before he signed a tryout agreement with the Hershey Bears a year ago, and he continues to hold his own. ", "He’s split the 2012-13 season between the Hershey Bears (36 games) and Reading (16 games), and averaged over a point per game during his time in the ECHL (9-10-19). ", "What has his substantial stint in the AHL taught the undersized forward?", "\n\n“Everyone’s going to battle every minute, so you’ve got to bring it every night.”", "\n\nThe lesson appears to be serving him well in the ECHL playoffs, where he’s tied for second with defenseman and Caps Prospect Brett Flemming in post-season goals (Captain Yannick Tifu is in first with three). ", "That’s only one fewer than Syner had during his entire time with the Bears.", "\n\nThe Royals take to the ice again on Sunday afternoon at 4PM EDT, where they will attempt to snag a final win over the Road Warriors and move onto the second round of the 2013 Kelly Cup Playoffs." ]
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[ "Large reverse saturable absorption under weak continuous incoherent light.", "\nIn materials showing reverse saturable absorption (RSA), the optical absorbance increases as the power of the light incident on them increases. ", "To date, RSA has only been observed when very intense light sources, such as short-pulse lasers, are used. ", "Here, we show that hydroxyl steroidal matrices embedding properly designed aromatic molecules as acceptors and transition-metal complexes as donors exhibit high RSA on exposure to weak incoherent light at room temperature and in air. ", "Accumulation by photosensitization of long-lived room-temperature triplet excitons in acceptors with a large triplet-triplet absorption coefficient allows a nonlinear increase in absorbance also under low-power irradiation conditions. ", "As a consequence, continuous exposure to weak light significantly decreases the transmittance of thin films fabricated with these compounds. ", "These optical limiting properties may be used to protect eyes and light sensors from exposure to intense radiation generated by incoherent sources and for other light-absorption applications that have not been realized with conventional RSA materials." ]
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[ "By Keith Idec\n\nNEW YORK – Floyd Mayweather Jr. was 21 years old when, in his 18th professional fight, he won his first world title in 1998.", "\n\nThus he understands perfectly the pace at which Gervonta Davis should be moved now that the 22-year-old fighter has become boxing’s youngest world champion. ", "Mayweather was extremely impressed with how the poised, powerful Davis dismantled previously unbeaten Jose Pedraza during their 130-pound title fight Saturday night at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center, yet Davis’ promoter isn’t in a hurry to move Davis into the most difficult fights available.", "\n\nMayweather ruled out matching Davis against Vasyl Lomachenko any time soon. ", "Ukraine’s Lomachenko (7-1, 5 KOs), the WBO super featherweight champion, is commonly considered one of the top three boxers, pound-for-pound, in the world.", "\n\n“We’re not rushing,” Mayweather said following Davis’ seventh-round technical knockout victory over Pedraza. “", "We’re not rushing. ", "We’re not thinking about Lomachenko. ", "Lomachenko’s with Top Rank. ", "Let him stay over there with Top Rank. ", "That’s where he’s at. ", "My guy’s gonna do his job and I’m gonna make sure I do my job to the best of my ability, to get what he want.”", "\n\nThe retired Mayweather was able to get Davis (17-0, 16 KOs) what the superstar promised Davis when he signed with Mayweather Promotions following his 11th professional fight – a world title fight within two years. ", "Davis capitalized on that opportunity by mostly dominating Puerto Rico’s Pedraza (22-1, 12 KOs) before finishing him with a crushing right hand in the seventh round that dumped Pedraza underneath a bottom rope.", "\n\nNow Mayweather wants the newly crowned IBF world super featherweight champion from Baltimore to follow the next part of Mayweather’s blueprint for building him into a star.", "\n\n“Tank, there’s no rush,” Mayweather said to Davis, using the fighter’s nickname. “", "You young. ", "We wanna build that bank account, be smart, make the right moves.”", "\n\nIf that means making optional title defenses and eventually a mandatory defense of Davis’ IBF championship, that’s fine by Mayweather.", "\n\n“We’re not looking to unify the belts right now,” Mayweather said. “", "We’re gonna be smart. ", "We gonna move and let him make money, and let his money build. ", "And when the time is right, we’re gonna take the fights that we need.”", "\n\nKeith Idec is a senior writer/columnist for BoxingScene.com. ", "He can be reached on Twitter @Idecboxing." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNumPy: Replace all elements along third dimension with averages in 3D array\n\nI have a 3D array of the dimensions 400*800*3. ", "I want to replace all the elements in the third dimension with the average of that dimension. ", "Right now I have been able to accomplish this by using loops.", "\ntest_data=np.random.randint(0,256,size=(400,800,3))\nfor i in range(400):\n for j in range(800):\n mn = np.mean(test_data[i,j])\n test_data[i,j]=mn\n\nI want to know if there is a, efficient and less verbose way of achieving the same objective. ", "Thanks.", "\nAlso, what if instead of a mean I would like a weighted average of the three elements i.e the last line should be replaced by\ntest_data[i,j,0]=test_data[i,j,0]*0.2\ntest_data[i,j,1]=test_data[i,j,1]*0.5\ntest_data[i,j,2]=test_data[i,j,2]*0.3\n\nA:\n\nGet the mean values along the last axis and assign into all places with [:] -\ntest_data[:] = test_data.mean(axis=-1,keepdims=1)\n\nAlternatively, we can create a new array with replication along the last axis -\nmean_vals = test_data.mean(axis=-1,keepdims=1).astype(test_data.dtype)\ntest_data_out = np.repeat(mean_vals,3,axis=-1)\n\nFor a read-only version and much faster way, use np.broadcast_to -\ntest_data_out = np.broadcast_to(mean_vals, test_data.shape) \n\nFor the weighted average part, if you meant :\ntest_data[i,j]= test_data[i,j,0]*0.2 + test_data[i,j,1]*0.5 + test_data[i,j,2]*0.3\n\nFor that, we could use multi-dim tensor reduction : np.tensordot -\nW = [0.2,0.5,0.3] # weights\nW_mean = np.tensordot(test_data,W, axes=((-1,-1)))[...,None]\ntest_data[:] = W_mean.astype(test_data.dtype)\n\nInstead, if you meant :\ntest_data[i,j,0]=test_data[i,j,0]*0.2\ntest_data[i,j,1]=test_data[i,j,1]*0.5\ntest_data[i,j,2]=test_data[i,j,2]*0.3\n\nFor that, there's no sum-reduction, so we could simply make use of broadcasting -\ntest_data[:] = (test_data*[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]).astype(test_data.dtype)\n\n" ]
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[ "The new site for the Obama Foundation, the not-for-profit directing the project, expands upon what had been a mostly utilitarian site. ", "It adds many layers of detail about Obama's career path in Chicago, his romance with Michelle and his eight-year presidential record, as he would like it remembered, with topics ranging from enactment of the Affordable Care Act to the nation's economic recovery to the killing of Al Qaeda's Osama bin Laden." ]
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[ "Mitochondrial Membrane Potential (ΔΨ) Fluctuations Associated with the Metabolic States of Mitochondria.", "\nThe proton electrochemical gradient generated by the respiratory chain activity accounts for over 90% of the available respiratory energy, and, as such, its evaluation and accurate measurement regarding total values and fluctuations are an invaluable component of the understanding of mitochondrial function. ", "Consequently, alterations in electric potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane generated by differential protonic accumulation and transport is known as the mitochondrial membrane potential, or ΔΨ, and is reflective of the functional metabolic status of mitochondria. ", "There are several experimental approaches to measure ΔΨ, ranging from fluorometric evaluations to electrochemical probes. ", "Here, we will expose a particular method for ΔΨ evaluation, which is dependent on the movement of a particular ion, tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) with a selective electrode. ", "The evaluation of the accumulation and movements of TPP+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane is a sensitive, immediate, accurate, and simple method of evaluation of ΔΨ in isolated, respiring mitochondria." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.0036101083032490976, 0.00819672131147541, 0.005747126436781609, 0.004807692307692308 ]
[ "Fabulous funny (and serious) facts about cats and\nkittens.", "\n\nFunny Cat Pictures - Facts on Cats - 49\n\nThe ancient Egyptians were the first civilisation to realise the cat's potential as a vermin hunter and tamed cats to protect the corn supplies on which their lives depended.", "\n\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\nThe phenomenon of cats finding their owners in a place where they have never been before is scientifically known as Psi-trailing. ", "Many well-documented stories tell of cats that have walked hundreds, even thousands of miles to find their owners.", "\n\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\nCats have 30 vertebrae--5 more than humans have\n\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\nCats are subject to gum disease and to dental caries. ", "They should have their teeth cleaned by the vet or the cat dentist once a year.", "\n\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\nCats do not have a collarbone, so they can fit through any opening the size of their head.", "\n\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\nCats purr at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine, about 26 cycles per second.", "\n\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\nPeople who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to cat saliva or to cat dander. ", "If the resident cat is bathed regularly the allergic people tolerate it better." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to run Maven surefire where each test class has its own parallel JVM?", "\n\nNo matter what settings I use for Maven + Surefire, I never see more than a single JVM spawned in my process manager. ", " I have a Windows 7 PC with 8 physical cores. ", " I am running the latest Maven / Surefire / JUnit and JDK8 (32-bit).", "\nI tried decomposing all my tests into one test per test class. ", " (I read that JVMs are only spawned for test classes, not test methods.) ", " Still, I never see more than one JVM in process manager.", "\nIdeally, I would like each test class to run a separate JVM -- 8 in parallel (one for each core / do not resuse JVMs).", "\nWhat are the required Maven Surefire settings?", "\nThe following does not work for me:\n <plugin>\n <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>\n <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>\n <version>${maven-surefire-plugin.version}</version>\n <configuration>\n <includes>\n <include>${default.test.suite}</include>\n </includes>\n <reuseForks>false</reuseForks>\n <forkCount>1.0C</forkCount>\n <parallel>classes</parallel>\n <threadCount>1</threadCount>\n<!--", "\n <useUnlimitedThreads>true</useUnlimitedThreads>\n <parallelOptimized>false</parallelOptimized>\n-->\n </configuration>\n </plugin>\n\n(I tried various combinations of reuseForks, forkCount, parallel, threadCount, useUnlimitedThreads, and parallelOptimized.)", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you're using JUnit, first of all \"parallel\" applies only to TestNG, and so do a few other attributes, so they won't be of help / interest to you:\n\nhttp://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/test-mojo.html\n\nHere's what works for us in a JUnit setup (doesn't work well for TestNG as just posted here: Running test in parallel with surefire and displaying them properly with the TestNG Jenkins plugin):\n<plugin>\n <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>\n <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>\n <configuration>\n <reuseForks>false</reuseForks>\n <forkCount>2.5C</forkCount>\n </configuration>\n</plugin>\n\nSo I think you need to increase your forkCount (with forkCount = 1.0 you won't get parallel stuff going).", "\nFor reference, here's a bit more about the small print when it comes to running tests in parallel (incl. ", "forkCount explanation and examples):\n\nhttp://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/fork-options-and-parallel-execution.html\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033222591362126247, 0.005369127516778523, 0, 0.006944444444444444 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe invention relates to a dispenser for rolls of plastic bags sequentially disposed in end-to-end relationship. ", "More specifically, the invention relates to such a dispenser adapted to dispense plastic bags having two spaced handles, separated by a gap, and extending upwardly along the edges at the top end of each bag.", "\n2. ", "Description of Prior Art\nDispensers for plastic bags are known in the art as illustrated in, for example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,826,361, Heckrodt, Jul. 30, 1974, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,191,307, LeCaire, Jr. et al, Mar. 4, 1980, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,850,486, Neibaur, Jul. 25, 1989, and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,098,594, Williamson, Jul. 23, 1963.", "\nThe '361, '307 and '486 patents all relate to dispensers for plastic bags, the dispensers having an opening either in one face or at the junction of two faces.", "\nAs seen in FIG. ", "4 of the '594 patent, the dispenser of this carton has a front face which includes two cut-out portions on either side of a tab 20. ", "However, as seen at FIG. ", "2 of the '594 patent, the plastic bags which are dispensed by the dispenser 16 (see FIG. ", "3) do not include handles. ", "As seen in FIGS. ", "4 and 5 of the patent, there is no gap between the top of the tab 20 and the cover 13. ", "In fact, there is only a slit or cut which separates the top of the tab 20 from the cover 13. ", "As seen in FIG. ", "6, the tab 37 actually overlies the tab 32. ", "In FIG. ", "7, the tab 45 underlies the portion 41. ", "A similar lack of gaps is seen that there is no gap between the top of the tab 20 and the cover 13.", "\nIn addition, the dispenser of the '594 patent would not operate if there were a gap between the top of the tab 20 and the cover 13. ", "To understand why this is so, attention is directed to column 3, lines 18 et seq. ", "of the patent wherein the operation of the dispensing container is described. ", "In summary, the film F is drawn outwardly of the container until the cut or slit 24 of the film (see FIG. ", "2) overlies the tab 20. ", "As stated at column 3, line 28 et seq. ", "of the patent, \"Continued withdrawal of the material will result in engagement of the arresting tab 20 within the cut or slit 24 . . . \". ", "That is, the tab 20 has to engage the slit 24 between accomplished, it is of course necessary that there be some pressure on the top of the film, and there would not be any such pressure if there were a gap between the top of the tab 20 and the cover 13.", "\nIn any case, in all of the four above reference patents, there is no teaching of a dispenser which is especially adapted for dispensing plastic bags having two spaced handles, separated by a gap, and extending upwardly along the edges at the top end of each bag." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.04, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n65 So.3d 418 (2010)\nRoger WHITED\nv.\nBurnice WHITED.", "\n2090002.", "\nCourt of Civil Appeals of Alabama.", "\nDecember 3, 2010.", "\nLisa M. Ivey, Jasper, for appellant.", "\nSubmitted on appellant's brief only.", "\nPITTMAN, Judge.", "\nRoger Whited (\"the former husband\") appeals from a modification judgment that ordered him to pay $750 in monthly periodic alimony to Burnice Whited (\"the former wife\").", "\n*419 The parties were divorced by a judgment entered on September 27, 2007. ", "In that judgment, the former husband was ordered to \"pay the mortgage payments as they become due pending sale of the homeplace[,]. . . ", "to indemnify the [former w]ife from any liability for payment resulting from debts due as a result of the operation of the [former husband's businesses], . . . [", "and] to pay the note of the [former w]ife's Thunderbird.\" ", "Although the divorce judgment did not award the former wife any periodic alimony, it specifically reserved that issue, to be considered \"upon petition of either party\" if the former husband failed to comply with the previously quoted provisions. ", "On May 26, 2009, the former wife filed a complaint seeking a modification of the divorce judgment; she alleged that the former husband had not complied with the pertinent provisions of the divorce judgment and requested an award of periodic alimony.", "\nOn August 13, 2009, the trial court conducted an ore tenus proceeding at which both parties testified. ", "The former wife testified that the former husband had failed to retire the debt associated with her motor vehicle and that he had not made the mortgage payments as required by the divorce judgment. ", "In addition, the former wife stated that, when she was finally able to sell the marital residence, she had had to satisfy a $21,000 lien that had been placed on the property in connection with one of the former husband's failed businesses. ", "She stated that, before she sold the property, she had been forced to sell her jewelry, her motor vehicle, and numerous items awarded to her in the divorce judgment just to keep the property from foreclosure. ", "She also testified that the property had eventually sold for $100,000 less than its appraised value.", "\nAlthough the former husband denied the former wife's contentions that he had failed to make any of the court-ordered payments, he admitted that he had not complied with all of the provisions of the parties' divorce judgment because, he said, he had been badly injured in a motor-vehicle accident and had been unable to work as a commercial-vehicle driver since that time. ", "After testifying that he did not own any real property, he stated that he had signed a quitclaim deed of his interest in the marital residence to the former wife so that she would be able to keep whatever profit was made from that sale.[1]\nThe former husband stated that, at the time of trial, his only income was a monthly Social Security benefit in the amount of $973. ", "He stated that he had reached an agreement with a convenience-store owner to assume management of a failed store in the hope that he could revitalize the business. ", "The agreement would allow him to keep 50% of the profits once the store began making a profit again. ", "The former husband opined that he would be able to \"turn [the store] around\" and begin to earn a steady income from that enterprise in the coming year. ", "However, he stated that he had no idea how soon the store could be made profitable.", "\nIn addition to the neck and back injuries he had sustained in the accident, the former husband had been diagnosed with prostate cancer just three weeks before trial and would soon require surgical treatment. ", "The former husband stated that he did not have any medical insurance and that his current expenses were barely being met by his monthly benefit payment. ", "The former husband stated that, although *420 his former employer's workers' compensation carrier had been paying for his medical bills related to the accident, he did not know whether he would be entitled to additional disability benefits after he had finished recovering from those injuries.", "\nOn August 24, 2009, the trial court entered a modification judgment in which the former husband was ordered to begin paying the former wife periodic alimony in the amount of $750 per month beginning the following month and continuing until the former wife died, remarried, or cohabited with a member of the opposite sex. ", "In addition, the former husband was ordered to pay court costs and $1,500 toward the former wife's attorney fees. ", "The former husband timely appealed.", "\nTrial courts are not \"required to modify alimony because of a change in the circumstances of the parties.\" ", "Sosebee v. Sosebee, 896 So.2d 557, 560 (Ala.Civ.", "App. ", "2004) (citing Kiefer v. Kiefer, 671 So.2d 710, 711 (Ala.Civ.", "App.1995)). ", "When making an alimony-modification determination, a trial court \"should . . . ", "consider the earning capacity of each spouse, the payee spouse's need for alimony, the payor spouse's ability to pay alimony, and each spouse's estate.\" ", "Sosebee, 896 So.2d at 560; Kiefer, 671 So.2d at 711. ", "In addition, \"`the moving party must show a material change in the financial needs of the payee spouse and in the financial ability of the payor spouse to respond to those needs.'\" ", "Sosebee, 896 So.2d at 560 (quoting Glover v. Glover, 730 So.2d 218, 220 (Ala.Civ.", "App. ", "1998)). \"", "The amount awarded to one spouse should not `cripple' the other spouse.\" ", "Daugherty v. Daugherty, 579 So.2d 1377, 1380 (Ala.Civ.", "App.1991); see also Sosebee, 896 So.2d at 560-61, and Rubert v. Rubert, 709 So.2d 1283, 1285 (Ala.Civ.", "App.1998). ", "Although a trial court's judgment in an alimony-modification case is presumed correct, this court may reverse a modification judgment if it is not supported by the evidence or is plainly and palpably wrong. ", "See Daugherty and Rubert, supra; see also Newsome v. Newsome, 984 So.2d 463 (Ala.Civ.", "App. ", "2007).", "\nHere, the former husband admitted that he had failed to fulfill the terms of the parties' divorce judgment. ", "Our inquiry does not stop there, however, because the former wife's burden was to illustrate a need for support and a commensurate ability to pay on the part of the former husband. ", "The bulk of the former wife's testimony centered on the fact that the former husband had not complied with the financial terms of the parties' divorce judgment; she did not offer any evidence to indicate that the former husband could afford to pay her alimony. ", "In fact, although the former wife suffered a difficult financial period before she was able to sell the marital residence, she testified that she was earning approximately $800 per month working part time at \"Bingo World\" and that she received monthly Social Security benefits in the amount of $1,235. ", "Her brief testimony regarding her living expenses indicated that she was easily defraying those expenses.", "\nIn all respects, we conclude that the former wife utterly failed to prove a need for periodic alimony at the time of trial. ", "See Sosebee and Kiefer, supra. ", "Moreover, she did not rebut the former husband's contention that, based upon his health issues and living expenses, he could not afford to pay her alimony until the convenience store was profitable, some time in the future. ", "See Daugherty, 579 So.2d at 1380.", "\nBecause the former wife failed to rebut the undisputed evidence indicating that the former husband's total monthly income of $973 would not enable him to pay any amount of alimony, much less $750 per *421 month, we reverse the trial court's judgment. ", "In addition, because we are reversing the underlying judgment, the former wife is no longer a prevailing party, which affects the correctness of the trial court's attorney-fee award. ", "Thus, we also reverse the trial court's award of costs and attorney fees to the former wife as well.", "\nREVERSED AND REMANDED.", "\nTHOMPSON, P.J., and BRYAN and THOMAS, JJ., ", "concur.", "\nMOORE, J., concurs in the result, without writing.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The former wife submitted a copy of the settlement document that indicated that, after paying off the lien, the outstanding mortgage, and her portion of the closing costs, the former wife had netted just over $20,000 from the sale of the marital residence.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0.05405405405405406, 0, 0, 0.011834319526627219, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004016064257028112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0026954177897574125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.0196078431372549, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0.03529411764705882, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033112582781456954, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bank of England deputy governor warns over risk of Brexit delay\n\nBank of England deputy governor Ben Broadbent has warned over the damaging impact of further Brexit delays as Britain faces the longest run of falling business investment since the Second World War.", "\n\nSpeaking to the Press Association, Broadbent said pushing back the Brexit deadline has left firms in limbo over investment decisions and major projects.", "\n\nHe said business investment has already been \"feeling the consequences\" and cautioned that delaying Brexit further means prolonging the uncertainty for hamstrung companies and risks hitting the wider economy.", "\n\nThe deputy governor for monetary policy, who sits on the central bank's interest-rate setting committee, also sought to assure borrowers that any interest rate hikes would be \"gradual\" after Governor Mark Carney said last week that increases would need to be \"more frequent\" than financial markets expect. ", "■" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.019011406844106463, 0.012987012987012988, 0.004761904761904762, 0.003246753246753247, 0 ]
[ "Albanian Superliga Player of the Month\n\nThe Player of the Month is an association football award that recognises the best Albanian Superliga player each month of the season. ", "It is presented by association \"Sporti na bashkon\". ", "This award was established in the 2010–11 season.", "\n\nWinners\n\nMultiple winners\nThe below table lists those who have won on more than one occasion.", "\n\nAwards won by position\n\nAwards won by nationality\n\nAwards won by club\n\nSee also\nList of Albanian Superliga all-time goalscorers\nList of Albanian Superliga hat-tricks\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nAlbanian Football Federation\n\nCategory:Association football Player of the Month awards\nCategory:Albanian Superliga" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0032258064516129032 ]
[ "Q:\n\nLanguage Generation Feature - NodeJS - library unavailable\n\nI have been looking at the experimental features for Bot Framework v4 and even though the documentation says NodeJS botbuilder-lg is available, npm cannot find it\nReference: https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/experimental/language-generation\nWhen will the NodeJS version be available\nAsking clarification from the Bot Framework team.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo get access to the BotFramework's daily builds, you need to configure npm to use the MyGet feed before installing the necessary packages. ", "For more details take a look at the BotBuilder MyGet Documentation.", "\nnpm config set registry https://botbuilder.myget.org/F/botbuilder-v4-js-daily/npm/\n\nThat being said, I don't believe botbuilder-lg will be available for Node until v4.5 which I believe is scheduled for mid July. ", "A pre-release might be available before then, but isn't currently. ", "\nHope this helps.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.009478672985781991, 0.0136986301369863, 0.014925373134328358, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "<!", "DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n\t<title>Anchor Install</title>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\nfunction didStartInstall()\n{\n var e\n \n e = document.getElementById(\"installSpinner\")\n e.style.display = \"inline\"\n\n e = document.getElementById(\"installText\")\n e.innerText = \"Installing...\"\n \n e = document.getElementById(\"installButton\")\n e.parentNode.removeChild(e)\n}\n\nfunction didFinishInstall()\n{\n var e\n \n e = document.getElementById(\"installSpinner\")\n e.style.display = \"none\"\n\n e = document.getElementById(\"installText\")\n e.innerText = \"Installed!\"", "\n}\n\n </script>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Anchor Install</h1>\n<p>\nURL: %@\n</p>\n<form name=\"input\" action=\"%@\" method=\"put\">\n<img id=\"installSpinner\" src=\"spinner.gif\" alt=\"Install Spinner\" style=\"display:none\" />\n<span id=\"installText\"></span>\n<input id=\"installButton\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Install\" />\n</form>\n</body>\n</html>\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.0015873015873015873, 0 ]
[ "Danny Kent gets Moto3 lifeline through Ajo\n\nDanny Kent has been given a Moto3 lifeline by former team boss Aki Ajo and his Red Bull KTM team.", "\n\nThe 2015 Moto3 World Champion looked as if his time in the Grand Prix paddock was on borrowed team when he announced he would be walking away from the Kiefer Racing Moto3 team due to disagreements behind the scenes shortly after the race last time out at the Circuit of the Americas.", "\n\nWith his options looking limited to remain in the Grand Prix paddock, former boss Aki Ajo swooped in to offer the Brit a lifeline. ", "Ajo has arranged for Kent to test and familiarise himself with the Red Bull KTM in Jerez next week, before entering the French Grand Prix in a fortnights time as a wildcard in the Ajo side alongside full time rider Nico Antonelli and Bo Bendsneyder.", "\n\nKent had two stints riding for Aki Ajo, the most recent of which on a KTM in 2014. ", "When Ajo found about Kent’s situation, he thought he had a solution that was mutually beneficially for himself and the 23-year-old.", "\n\n“After learning of Danny Kent’s situation in the World Championship, the team, Red Bull and KTM had the joint idea of asking him to test and develop our bike,” said Ajo.", "\n\n“Danny is a rider who has already been part of our team in the past; we know well how he works and he knows us, and we believe that with his experience he can give us a very interesting point of view for the technical development of our bike.", "\n\n“In addition, what every rider needs is to compete, so we have offered him the possibility of a wildcard ride at Le Mans with us. ", "I am convinced that the outcome of this collaboration will be very satisfactory for both parties.”", "\n\nThanks to @RedBull_KTM_Ajo for this opportunity. ", "I'm excited to get on the bike and to test in Jerez and then for the Le Mans race!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.028368794326241134, 0.0035087719298245615, 0.007518796992481203, 0.020080321285140562, 0.023529411764705882, 0.015267175572519083, 0.023391812865497075, 0.004098360655737705, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.012195121951219513 ]
[ "Effect of gossypol on blood serum parameters and small intestinal morphology of male broilers.", "\nSummary In the present study, the effect of varied gossypol (GOSS) amounts was investigated on blood parameters, the digesta pH, villus height, villus width, and crypta depth, width of duodenum, jejunum and ileum. ", "A total of one hundred eight Ross 308 male broilers were fed with four diet groups as follows: no gossypol (control), gossypol rate 62 mg/kg (GOSS 62), gossypol rate 124 mg/kg (GOSS 124) and gossypol rate 186 mg/kg (GOSS 186). ", "The effect of used gossypol amounts on blood parameters was not found to be statistically significant. ", "Increases in digesta pH values of jejunum and ileum with GOSS 186 diet group were found to be statistically significant. ", "The results also indicated that, except duodenum villus height, there was no statistical difference effect of GOSS on epithelial cell thickness, villus height, villus width, crypta depth and crypta width of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. ", "There have been no clearly negative effects of higher gossypol amounts up to 186 mg/kg diets on these parameters." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004651162790697674, 0.01762114537444934, 0, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0 ]
[ "Here's why it makes sense for Amazon to create a console\n\nRumors have been circulating for over a year that Amazon (and its Lab126 subsidiary) is working on an Android-powered device designed to plug into your TV -- in other words, a console. ", "These rumors have been given additional life with Amazon's purchase of Double Helix Games, a long-time console game developer. ", "Just today, a fresh rumor asserts Amazon will launch a console in March. ", "Why would Amazon buy a console game developer unless they were creating their own console?", "\n\nReally, there's no logical reason for Amazon to buy a console game developer aside from needing in-house resource to create games for a new console. ", "Double Helix Games has no experience building games for Android tablets, which is the other hardware segment Amazon is currently in. ", "Developing games for consoles from Microsoft or Sony (Double Helix's expertise) seems like an unnecessary distraction for Amazon; after all, they already sell games for those consoles from every publisher.", "\n\nWhat does make sense is for Amazon to have a presence in the family room on the big screen, and for that market games are a necessary part of the development effort. ", "Look at Amazon's history in hardware - the company got into the Android tablet market a couple of years ago. ", "There was already plenty of tablet competition, and Amazon not only sold all the different tablets but provided its services (like the Kindle Reader, and later streaming video) on those devices. ", "Yet Amazon entered the market with its own tablet, the Kindle Fire. ", "That tablet (and its successors, the Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire HDX) have sold extremely well, capturing a substantial part of the market. ", "Amazon won't release figures, but some analysts say Amazon may have a 20 percent share or more in North America.", "\n\n\"Amazon is creating its own console so that it can control the experience and the platform, and offer shopping to customers on the big screen\"\n\nAmazon got into the tablet hardware business not to make money on the hardware itself (its tablets are priced barely above manufacturing costs), but to control the platform and the experience. ", "If you're reading a Kindle book on someone else's tablet, or viewing an Amazon-purchased movie, you're not giving Amazon its best chance to sell you other products. ", "On a Kindle Fire, Amazon can make you plenty of offers for other merchandise, and thus increase its profits substantially. ", "Plus it doesn't give up 30 percent of the sale price to Apple.", "\n\nMoreover, Amazon realized that people were shifting their web viewing, and their shopping habits, to tablets in big numbers. ", "Amazon wants to be where shopping happens, for physical goods as well as digital goods.", "\n\nThe same logic applies to the TV screen in the family room. ", "People spend a lot of time there, and web viewing is quickly becoming commonplace on the big screen. ", "An increasing percentage of TVs are smart TVs that include web viewing. ", "Streaming video is now the most common use, timewise, for video game consoles. ", "Apple is clearly going to open up Apple TV as an app platform someday, and perhaps compete directly with Netflix. ", "Amazon doesn't want to let all of these other companies control a major portion of the audience's experience.", "\n\nAmazon is creating its own console so that it can control the experience and the platform, and offer shopping to customers on the big screen. ", "Using the strategy Amazon employed with tablets, you can expect an Amazon console to be at the low end of the price scale, probably near its manufacturing cost. ", "Amazon would want to see as many people as possible using its console, and a low price is crucial for that to happen. ", "Look for a $99 retail price, or perhaps even a $79 price.", "\n\nAs for the hardware itself, Amazon will likely go with Android internals because of the low price and its familiarity with the the OS and hardware. ", "We'll probably see something like a Kindle Fire HDX internally: Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 quadcore 2.2 Ghz, Adreno 330 GPU at 450 Mhz, or perhaps the next step up from there. ", "This will provide an excellent, smooth experience at HD resolutions, as well as game performance in the neighborhood of an Xbox 360.", "\n\nWhy are games important, and why does Amazon need its own game developer? ", "First of all, games are the largest single app category on mobile devices, and by far on console devices. ", "Many people already have a device connected to their TV capable of streaming video, so why would they want another one? ", "A low-cost gaming console with some very attractive games and good deals on Amazon streaming offers a compelling answer.", "\n\n\"All of the shopping tools that Amazon has developed on their web site could be present, and even enhanced, by an Amazon console\"\n\nWhy can't you just use existing Android games? ", "Here's where it gets more interesting. ", "Yes, Android games could be played on a TV, but as we've seen with the Ouya console people aren't thrilled with them. ", "Games designed around a touch screen don't work well with a controller, for the most part. (", "Some simple games could be easily mapped onto a motion-sensitive controller with a single button, like a Wiimote; some like Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja or Wii Tennis would work fine this way.) ", "Trying to use a smartphone or tablet as a controller for a TV screen is hard to pull off, as you are constantly shifting from watching the small screen to the big screen (the Wii U has this problem, too).", "\n\nYou really need games built for a console controller, which is where Double Helix's expertise comes in. ", "If Amazon can have a great fighting game, a great FPS, a great RPG and perhaps a simple arcade game or three, that would make the Amazon console a convincing game machine. ", "Once Amazon sells a few million, Android developers would be eager to provide serious support with controller-revised versions of their games. ", "Ouya has been hoping for that, but without the ability to sell millions of consoles in a short time or pay for development, Ouya has been stymied. ", "Amazon will have no such problems.", "\n\nAmazon also won't have to worry about providing boxed games to retailers, which means Amazon console games can be whatever price Amazon desires, even free-to-play. ", "Amazon could sell their console with a simple Wiimote style controller for $79, and sell a classic controller bundled with a fighting game for $29.", "\n\nBeyond the games, look at the potential for unique shopping experiences. ", "You're watching the latest episode of House of Cards on your Amazon console, and you see a great outfit or suit. ", "Press the button on the remote and up comes the Amazon listing for that clothing item; press another button and it's delivered to your door in two days. ", "Or you see a slick car being driven onscreen; press a button and find out where you can test-drive it in your area (wouldn't auto dealers pay to be in on that?).", "\n\nWith the possibility of advanced Kinect-style cameras, or just proper usage of a smartphone camera, you could provide accurate measurements to Amazon so that perfectly fitted clothing would be available with a button press. ", "All of the shopping tools that Amazon has developed on their web site could be present, and even enhanced, by an Amazon console.", "\n\nWe don't know for sure what Amazon will do, but it is interesting that Lab126 has more than 250 job openings. ", "That seems like far more than you'd need to work on existing tablets and Kindle e-book readers. ", "A rumor that Amazon might buy Microsoft's Xbox business has been floated, but denied by Microsoft - and it seems pretty silly for multiple reasons. ", "Why would Amazon spend big bucks for the Xbox business? ", "Amazon can build its own console business for far less, without all the entanglements of the Xbox (with its many connections to other Microsoft services) and without the legacy of selling $60 boxed games. ", "The purely digital console business is far more attractive and profitable.", "\n\nDon't be surprised if you see an Amazon console announced by the summertime for shipment this fall, or even before. ", "Amazon is a competitor to watch, and an interesting opportunity for game developers in the future.", "\n\nRepublished from the [a]list daily. ", "For more, read the [a]list daily and subscribe to the newsletter to get the latest in game and entertainment marketing news, cool videos, incisive opinions, exclusive interviews and industry data.", "\n\nSign up for The Daily Update and get the best of GamesIndustry.biz in your inbox.", "\n\nA big part of Microsofts woes on X1 is that Amazon stole large segments of their engineering team, a lot of the people responsible for the apps and media side\n\nThe whole \"I want Joeys Sweater\" thing has been a retailer and marketer dream for at least fifteen years. ", "That's what BD Live was supposed to be on Blu-ray, but the CEs didn't allocate enough memory to make it practical. ", "In my experience with prototypes of this kind of thing, people are typically too engaged, or disengaged from the shoe to even know this is an option. ", "About the only way they'd manage inserts a Smartglass style experience baked into a Kindle fire that's constantly offering you products. ", "A feature that would get turned off very quickly. ", "The time and energy it would take to map every minute of every show for touch shopping is way more than its worth. ", "You're talking ten hours per hourlong episode, and that's for two products on offer in every shot. ", "I worked with a buddy to prototype a possible system, and we pretty much gave up on it after initial testing. ", "We used a fashion program, cooking, a drama and a comedy. ", "Users were fans of the show and had not seen the episodes before. ", "They were informed of, and had the system demonstrated to them before hand, and they didn't find it useful, or realy even remember it's there after initial experimentation.", "\n\nWhat did work better was offering them a selection of products after it was over. ", "Much more practical, and attuned to the existing Amazon infrastructure.", "\n\nJust for the record: Amazon doesn't give Apple 30%. ", "They force kindle and digital movie purchases to be made through the web browser specifically to circumvent those rules.", "\n\nIf Amazon can have a great fighting game, a great FPS, a great RPG and perhaps a simple arcade game or three, that would make the Amazon console a convincing game machine.", "\n\nI think you're underestimating the challenge here to put it mildly. ", "Amazon will be able to shift boxes but their users aren't going to suddenly spend enough on games to draw mainstream console development resources away from the traditional consoles. ", "The consumer proposition is equally underwhelming. ", "Why buy a separate box that can do a selective slice of what laptops and tablets already in the living room offer, and nowhere near what the consoles will offer during their lifetime?", "\n\nEven if they don't have to ship games on disc, they need to put enough storage in the box to download them. ", "They're not going to price their box massively below cost.", "\n\nIt will be a more credible Android gaming box than any of the microconsoles (this is not exactly hard) but it will still be a video box first and foremost.", "\n\nRobin, I believe they're targeting the ability to play midrange level XBLA games. ", "That would seem achieveable. ", "It'll run the Walking Dead, it'll run Strider, if Amazon is smart they'll be looking for exclusives that can be played while dinner is cooking\n\nAmazons core demo is kids, and their professional 30-something parents. ", "They want to make Minecraft, not street fighter. ", "Double Helix was probably bought specifically for their nostalgia expertise (Strider is great!) ", "that would appeal to that demo.", "\n\nWhen Amazon expanded into creating TV shows, they were not aiming for no-budget trash television. ", "They did not enter fringe TV markets either. ", "They went after the big ones. ", "They tried to make something you'd expect on a yearly list of Amazon bestsellers.", "\n\nI do not want to talk down Strider, or anything other Double Helix have made, I love the new Strider, but it is a fringe game for a fringe audience and I do not see Amazon releasing a console just for the sake of having a dedicated device for fringe audience games.", "\n\nI remember the last article suggesting that both Google and Apple were potentially looking into a console move.", "\n\nBack then I was highly supportive of the idea, seeing the Ouya as a prototype for what could be with a big corporation, evolved ARM based architectures and a strong distribution channels like you see in Amazon.", "\n\nI'm just as confident and more so that this is would be a very good move for them. ", "I feel that not only the TV gaming market could be blown wide open, the market is still looking for the best multi-media solution and destination - companies like Microsoft and Sony are trying to convince us they have the best offering, then you have the likes of Google and Apple that have only just touched on their potential here.", "\n\nGoogle, Amazon and Apple have all the funds, all the on-line distribution capability and the right people coming in behind them to produce a serious threat to the big guns in the living room.", "\n\nI'm not saying they'd make Strider. ", "The audience I'm talking about works best on brand recognition. ", "SomSnce they have a firm grasp on making modern versions of old games, that would be a target.", "\n\nAmazon is aiming for the mobile space+. ", "They're not interested in dropping $15-20 million on a risky AAA game when they can drop 3 and buy a season of TV with the rest. ", "It's not their market. ", "If this thing blows up gangbusters might that be in their future? ", "Maybe, but not right now.", "\n\n@Adam\nThe issue there is that this industry seems to only want to really support 3 systems. ", "With Nintendo's current market share problems, Amazon may want to try and move in on that 3rd spot, but I don't know if they've got what it takes to claim it. ", "For one thing, Nintendo certainly won't let them have it willingly. ", "That's a fight that I wouldn't pick if I were Amazon.", "\n\nI think we run the danger of still thinking that the industry has a single dimension that consists of three incumbent console companies. ", "Or that games are the only things that matter when it comes to their market potential.", "\n\nAccording to all the statistics out there, gaming habits are changing more than people think. ", "For example the statistics on the time and location in which people mostly play mobile games suggest as devices they may be in direct competition with other devices including PCs and games consoles. ", "TV based consoles with mobile architectures, may threaten to both extend and vastly expand on those experiences.", "\n\nWe also forget that there are more multimedia devices out there than just games consoles, which something like this would in theory also wish to compete with. ", "Around 1 in 6 people in the UK have a Sky TV box. ", "Higher than the figures you'll get from consoles. ", "Add in Virgin Media subscribers and that combined figure is even higher.", "\n\nGames consoles right now have a very tiny portion of the potential market for set-top boxes, multi-media players or similar devices that may take place in our homes. ", "With this in mind, from a development perspective, mobile games and perhaps mobile style games services moving into the living room could be where a big portion of the money is. ", "For multi-media, the competition is fierce with the existing consoles far from being the only or the default choice.", "\n\nThere's always talk about what the industry wants but I don't think we all want the same things. ", "Consumers also may not follow the same view if their Amazon and Apple boxes are retailing a low prices, with superior digital services and entry-level \"next-gen\" graphics. ", "The way people decide to consume their games, films and TV could change.", "\n\nEdited 1 times. ", "Last edit by Adam Campbell on 23rd February 2014 12:09am\n\nI think we run the danger of still thinking that the industry has a single dimension that consists of three incumbent console companies.", "\n\nNot only do we run the danger of this, not properly looking at the distinct markets is a terribly common way people (or at least some commenters here) go wrong. ", "This is how we got the \"consoles are dead\" argument, and two hundred million or more people became a \"niche market.\"", "\n\nI very much doubt Amazon will try to compete with the MS/Nintendo/Sony console trinity or even PCs. ", "We've seen from mobile that there's a huge market for \"non-core\" gamers outside of that, and I think that there may be room for something you can do on your TV that isn't full-on core gaming. ", "I'd imagine one selling point might be if you could seamlessly move between one's phone or tablet and a TV, just as you can now with services such as Hulu. ", "It seems plausible that \"casual\" gamers might, even in their lack of sophistication, still, if the opportunity happens to be there, prefer to kick back on a sofa with a controller rather than poke at their tablets. ", "A device that fits in that slot might do well.", "\n\nI envision the winner of the console wars will ultimately be the company that can get their console to be both the gaming console and HD set top for peoples TVs. ", "There are two boxes in the living room, there only needs to be one.", "\n\nNow the interesting thing is, right now the HOT companies are basically companies who make no money, they subsidize their product in order to get a huge market share, then they go public, make a TON of money via inflated stock price ,all under the illusion that some day they may figure out a way to monetize their subsidized market share ( good luck with that and Of course this all basically just set up the internet bubble 2.0) but hey , until it pops,its the way to go. ", "How else can you become a billionaire without ever showing a profit. ", "So why shouldnt amazon or someone else jump in, subsidize and try to capture the market, its not like you need to make money right now, just capture the market.", "\n\nOf course this all ends badly, but when the Central bank bubble burst it all ends badly anyway, so why worry. ", "the ending is already written.", "\n\nI envision the winner of the console wars will ultimately be the company that can get their console to be both the gaming console and HD set top for peoples TVs. ", "There are two boxes in the living room, there only needs to be one.", "\n\nWhile the second sentence is correct, I have doubts that there will be a \"winner\" who takes all. ", "The problem is, we really have two distinct markets here.", "\n\nThe first is the current console market, those wanting to play the triple-A titles (and many smaller, but equally sohpisticated ones) and willing to pay for the ability to do that. ", "They're buying PlayStation 3s and 4s, and Xbox 360s and Ones, at the moment. (", "And PCs, but those have a level of difficulty of use that makes them unlikely to take over this market.)", "\n\nThe second market consists of the folks who are more than mere casual consumers (happy with Angry Birds or whatever's cheap on their phones) but not core enough that they're willing to spend as much money or time as the core gamers buying the PSs and Xboxes. ", "It's not a small market, as shown by the Wii, and there's plenty of room for a $100 box that will play some decent games and serve as a set-top box.", "\n\nBut that there needs to be only one box is the exact problem here. ", "If you have a PS3, you're not going to buy another, cheaper box to put alongside it because the PS3 already does everything that the cheaper box does. ", "But the cheaper box can't take a big bite out of the higher-end console market because it doesn't do what's necessary on the gaming side for that. ", "That leaves us with a divided market, with the serious console gamers needing only that, and the serious console vendors unable to compete in the market that's looking for a cheaper set-top box.", "\n\nAmazon can get in to that second market, if it exists and continues to exist given the increasing capabilities of mobile devices. (", "The latter might kill it by becoming the iPods of gaming.) ", "But they can't take on the high-end console market without both a commitment that's probably too serious for them and pricing themselves out of that potential lower-end market.", "\n\nEdited 1 times. ", "Last edit by Curt Sampson on 24th February 2014 10:23am\n\nWhilst it's the obvious way for us to look at it, I do wonder if a \"console\" is how amazon will see this themselves, or market it. ", "The main reason for them to get an android box under people's televisions is surely lovefilm? ", "They're presumably covering the games angle simply because they'd be foolish not to. ", "Apple and google didn't make handheld consoles - they made must-have devices that could also play games.", "\n\nI suspect this means a remote, rather than a controller, but one designed to work as an accessible games controller. ", "Something functionally similar to the wii remote might work, especially if they're trying to keep costs down.", "\n\nSony, in Japan, is trying to make inroads with a micro console tv experience based on its own handheld console, the PS Vita. ", "The PS Vita TV is basically Android-architechtured, but the games are high quality, plus it is a streaming tv device, running things like Netflix, HULU, Crackle and Sky.", "In one bundle, a Dualshock 3 is included. ", "The only things that it cannot circumvent are the touch-based aspects Vita games, which is an intrinsic quality that may polarize some. ", "Sure, you can plug your memory stick into it and there may be some PSP games you can download and play (there may be some Vita games that do not require the touching). ", "If Amazon does go with this move, I hope they watch Sony, because they are already poised to move in..." ]
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[ "This week, Andrea Adelson and Matt Fortuna are taking a look at the pivotal matchups in Saturday’s Notre Dame-Clemson game.", "\n\nUp today: Notre Dame defensive line vs. Clemson offensive line\n\nNotre Dame DL: Dabo Swinney has said that he often feels like he is looking at a mirror image of Clemson’s defense when he looks at Notre Dame’s unit on film. ", "That is probably most evident on the defensive line.", "\n\nLike the Tigers’ front, the Fighting Irish’s line is relatively green. ", "It is also relatively thin. ", "Andrea wrote Wednesday about the number of snaps some of Clemson’s front-line pass-rushers have been taking through the season’s first month. ", "Hear, hear, say the Irish.", "\n\nTackle Sheldon Day and end Isaac Rochell played nearly every snap against Virginia and Georgia Tech. ", "Ends Andrew Trumbetti and Romeo Okwara have helped on the edge, and the young inside combo of Daniel Cage (sophomore) and Jerry Tillery (freshman) has held its own in place of the injured Jarron Jones. ", "But is this workload sustainable?", "\n\n“I guess we'll see,” Day cracked Wednesday. “(", "Strength and conditioning) coach (Paul) Longo has done a great job with us, just making us kind of push ourselves to the next level and just making sure that we're giving everything we have on each and every play.”", "\n\nDay has lived up to his billing after bypassing the NFL Draft last year for his final season in a Notre Dame uniform. ", "The two-time captain has a lot of football under his belt, having seen extensive action all the way back to the Irish’s charmed 2012 run to the national title game. ", "Of Day’s nine tackles this season, four have come behind the line of scrimmage. ", "Two of those TFLs have been sacks, and opposing quarterbacks have become all too used to Day in their face, having been hurried nine times.", "\n\nAdd that kind of physicality with the fact that Clemson will be trotting out an offensive line consisting of completely new starters from 2014, and Notre Dame has its most distinct advantage of the game right here. ", "If the D-line can force Deshaun Watson into some mistakes, that could be the difference in a Notre Dame win.", "\n\nClemson OL: If there is one area of weakness for Clemson, offensive line probably qualifies. ", "And for the second straight game, the Tigers must play without starting center Ryan Norton, out with a knee injury. ", "Right tackle Joe Gore and backup Jake Fruhmorgen both got hurt against Louisville but will play. ", "Still, it is worth keeping an eye on Gore to see whether he is completely 100 percent in such a pivotal contest.", "\n\nThen there is starting left tackle Mitch Hyatt, a true freshman facing his biggest challenge yet. ", "Hyatt has held his own through the first three games, but you can bet his inexperience will be an area the Irish want to exploit, especially since he is protecting Deshaun Watson's blind side.", "\n\nWhat has been missing through the first three games is consistency. ", "While that isn't unexpected considering all the new starters, Clemson must do a better job holding up in pass protection, an area where the Tigers really struggled against the Cardinals. ", "Watson didn't have much time to throw before the pocket collapsed, and took several big hits as a result. ", "Though the stats don't show it, he seemed to be constantly under pressure.", "\n\nThe good news from that game was the way Wayne Gallman ran the ball, gaining 139 tough yards. ", "Watson also was used in the run game, but what Swinney wants to do is get more of his running backs involved.", "\n\n\"We've got to get more production. ", "Who's going to be the No. ", "2 back?\" ", "Swinney asked.", "\n\nClemson will need to rely on more than just Gallman in the game. ", "And will need a much better performance from its offensive line." ]
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[ "Streptococcus tigurinus\n\nStreptococcus tigurinus is a novel member of the genus Streptococcus that was first discovered in 2012 by Swedish researchers.", "\n\nIdentification\nStreptococcus tigrinus is a member of the Gram-positive bacteria family Streptococcaceae and is identifiable by its 16S ribosomal RNA gene analysis. ", "S. tigurinus was initially difficult to study due to its similarity to other bacteria causing it to go unnoticed, but it has recently been identified as being the most structurally related to Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae, Streptococcus oralis, and Streptococcus intermedius .", "\n\nPathogenesis\nStreptococcus tigurinus is generally not a normal part of the human bacteria flora and it is currently unknown where its natural habitat is or its potential for colonization. ", "Capable of causing serious infections if it manages to enter the body's bloodstream, usually through open wounds in the mouth, it was first discovered to cause invasive infections after it was isolated from a patient with infective endocarditis. ", "It was later detected in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of 14 other patients with varying types of serious invasive infections such as spondylodiscitis, bacteremia, meningitis, and empyema.", "\n\nTreatment\nAs S. tigurinus is relatively rare scientists are still researching the most effective ways to combat the bacteria with some strains showing resistance to drugs like tetracycline and an enhanced resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nType strain of Streptococcus tigurinus at BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase\n\nCategory:Streptococcaceae\nCategory:Gram-positive bacteria" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMySQL - Criar tabela temporária de acordo com SELECT dinâmico\n\nExiste alguma maneira de de criar uma tabela temporária de acordo com um select com colunas criadas dinamicamente, como mostra nos exemplos abaixo?", "\nex:\nSELECT idCentroCusto, 'Dez/14', 'Jan/15', 'Fev/15', 'Mar/15', totalAnual\n\nou\nSELECT idCentroCusto, 'Dez/14', 'Jan/15', 'Fev/15', 'Mar/15', 'Abr/15', 'Mai/15', totalAnual\n\nSendo que (como exibido acima) estes Meses/Ano são dinamicamente criados, de acordo com o parâmetro de calendário.", "\n\nA:\n\nVeja a documentação do CREATE TABLE, pode ser criado através de uma consulta:\nCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tabela_temporaria SELECT idCentroCusto, 'Dez/14', 'Jan/15', 'Fev/15', 'Mar/15', totalAnual;\n\n" ]
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[ "The long-term goal of this research program is to gain knowledge about mechanisms which determine the radiosensitivity of mammalian cells, particularly those involved in the response of stationary or very slowly proliferating cells to X-irradiation. ", "We will utilize three different types of cells: 10T1/2 mouse embryo fibroblasts, human diploid cells and human tumor cells. ", "Four cellular endpoints will be studied in parallel: survival, mutagenesis, and the induction of chromosome aberrations and sister chromatic exchanges (SCE). ", "We will investigate the relationships between these cellular effects, and try to correlate them with molecular DNA repair processes. ", "Techniques for measuring DNA repair will include host cell reactivation of irradiated herpes virus, alkaline elution assay for DNA strand breaks and crosslinking, and measurement of endonuclease sensitive sites. ", "Cellular and molecular phenomena will be studied during the repair of potentially lethal damage (PLD) in stationary phase 10T1/2 and human diploid cells treated with X-rays, UV light or mitomycin-C. The frequencies of induced mutations, SCE and chromosome aberrations will be studied in parallel experiments, and correlated with molecular repair. ", "In particular, evidence will be sought which implicates the action of error-prone repair processes in the cellular effects induced by these agents. ", "Further information on mechanisms will be obtained through the study of skin fibroblasts isolated from individuals who are unusually susceptible to the development of cancer, especially radiation induced cancer, either because of family history or because they have a recognized genetic syndrome associated with an increased frequency of spontaneous and/or induced cancer. ", "We will measure the sensitivity of these cells to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of radiation in vitro (mutations to 6-Thioguanine resistance) during PLD recovery, and seek evidence for molecular DNA repair defects. ", "Finally, rapid split dose recovery and PLD repair will be studied in plateau phase human diploid and human tumor cell lines, and a relationship between processes and tumor radiocurability in vivo sought." ]
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[ "The haemophilic patient's self-perception of changes in health and life-style arising from self-treatment.", "\nTwenty three adults and twenty children with haemophilia, all on self-treatment, participated in the present study. ", "They were interviewed as to how they perceive the effects of self-treatment upon various aspects of their life. ", "It was found that the ability to treat themselves was perceived by patients as a great improvement over their previous treatment regimes for which they had had to go to hospital. ", "Twelve of the adult patients had participated in our previous studies concerned with the social an psychological aspects of haemophilia. ", "The analysis of the responses of these twelve patients showed that self-treatment is perceived so positively that some of the patients' earlier perceptions were distorted to correspond with their present and more optimistic perceptions of their condition. ", "However, the number and type of psychosomatic symptoms was found to be unchanged by self-treatment and the unemployment rate has not decreased." ]
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[ " g a multiple of 4?", "\nFalse\nDoes 27 divide 6*27*(-15)/(-10)?", "\nTrue\nLet w = 62 - 29. ", "Is 31 a factor of w?", "\nFalse\nLet t(a) be the second derivative of a**6/120 + a**5/15 + 2*a**3/3 - a**2 - a. Let l(j) be the first derivative of t(j). ", "Is 10 a factor of l(-3)?", "\nFalse\nLet n = -26 - -142. ", "Is 29 a factor of n?", "\nTrue\nLet f = -6 - -11. ", "Suppose f*o - 9 = -2*u, o - 21 = -2*u - 8. ", "Is 2 a factor of u?", "\nFalse\nSuppose j - 5*j + 309 = w, 2*w = 10. ", "Let q(h) = -h**2 + 7*h + 13. ", "Let b be q(8). ", "Suppose l + j = b*l. ", "Is 19 a factor of l?", "\nTrue\nLet m be 14/10 - 6/15. ", "Let n = m - 1. ", "Suppose n = -4*w + 7 + 5. ", "Is 2 a factor of w?", "\nFalse\nLet q(o) = 9*o + 15. ", "Let u(g) = 4*g + 7. ", "Let d(i) = 2*q(i) - 5*u(i). ", "Let v(a) = -a**2 + 8*a - 4. ", "Let p be v(8). ", "Is d(p) a multiple of 2?", "\nFalse\nLet c = -29 + 9. ", "Is 5 a factor of (-4 - c) + 4/1?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 9 = 3*p - 18. ", "Suppose s = 5*s - 28. ", "Suppose s + p = 4*v. ", "Is v a multiple of 3?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 6*h - 195 = h. Does 14 divide h?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 25*k = 27*k - 438. ", "Is k a multiple of 39?", "\nFalse\nDoes 3 divide (-33)/(-5) + 6/(-10)?", "\nTrue\nLet j be 234/4 + (-1)/(-2). ", "Let q = j + -32. ", "Let g = -9 + q. Is g a multiple of 6?", "\nTrue\nLet b(c) = 1 - 2 + 7 + 4 + c. Let w be b(-5). ", "Suppose x = w + 5. ", "Does 10 divide x?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = -5*z - 2 + 12. ", "Suppose 9 + 41 = z*y. ", "Does 9 divide y?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -3*g - g = -5*f - 204, -4*g = f - 228. ", "Is g a multiple of 13?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -280 = -2*n - 2*n + 3*v, 5*n = 3*v + 350. ", "Does 14 divide n?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 4*w - 28 - 56 = 0. ", "Is 8 a factor of w + (-2 - (-5 - 0))?", "\nTrue\nLet r(c) = -62*c - 3. ", "Let l be r(-4). ", "Suppose 2*b - a - l = -2*a, 4*a = b - 100. ", "Suppose -p + b = 3*p. ", "Is 10 a factor of p?", "\nTrue\nLet v be 2 + -1 - 0 - -1. ", "Let o(u) = -14*u - 3. ", "Let s be o(-2). ", "Suppose -4*l = -5*l - v*x - 4, s = -5*x. ", "Is l a multiple of 3?", "\nTrue\nLet y = -41 + 24. ", "Let z = 4 - y. Is 7 a factor of z?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 260 = 4*l + l. Does 13 divide l?", "\nTrue\nLet l(r) = r**2 + 4*r + 1. ", "Let p be l(-4). ", "Suppose -w + 2 + p = 0. ", "Let o = 2 + w. Is o a multiple of 5?", "\nTrue\nLet m(v) = 143*v**2 + 2*v. ", "Is m(1) a multiple of 29?", "\nTrue\nLet o be -6 - (-1 + 1 + 0). ", "Let q = o - -14. ", "Does 4 divide q?", "\nTrue\nLet x(b) = -b**3 + 7*b**2 - 7*b + 6. ", "Let v be x(6). ", "Suppose l - 5*k + 15 = v, 4*k - 9 = l + k. Suppose -3*n + 20 + 19 = l. Does 13 divide n?", "\nTrue\nLet j(n) = n + 39. ", "Is 14 a factor of j(0)?", "\nFalse\nLet p = -44 + -46. ", "Let s = -132 - p. Is 10 a factor of s/(-4 + 2) + -1?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -4*r + r = -12. ", "Suppose p - r*p = t + 1, -p = -t + 3. ", "Let n = p - -19. ", "Does 14 divide n?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -3*a - 3*i = -12, 6*i - 10 = -3*a + i. Suppose a*y - 7*y + 10 = 0. ", "Suppose y*r = 3*r - 2*u + 38, -2*u + 80 = 4*r. ", "Is r a multiple of 9?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -t + 101 = -2*c - c, 2*t - 209 = -c. ", "Is 26 a factor of (t/(-14))/((-2)/7)?", "\nTrue\nLet h(k) = k**2 - 2*k. ", "Let w be h(2). ", "Suppose n + 5*c - 6 = 0, w = 2*c + 6 - 2. ", "Is 11 a factor of n?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -36 = y + a - 6, -3*y = 5*a + 84. ", "Let r be 2/(-4) - (-328)/(-16). ", "Let t = r - y. Is t a multiple of 12?", "\nTrue\nIs 0/(2 - 4) + 15 a multiple of 4?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 0 = 3*v - 3*h - 24, 0*h - 16 = 4*h. ", "Suppose b + 18 = v*b. ", "Is b a multiple of 6?", "\nTrue\nLet h(j) be the first derivative of -j**4/4 - j**3/3 - j**2/2 - 2*j + 1. ", "Let k be h(-2). ", "Suppose k*u - 20 = 24. ", "Does 11 divide u?", "\nTrue\nLet h(x) = x**3 - 2*x + 2. ", "Let j be h(2). ", "Let c(f) = -f**3 + 5*f**2 + 6*f + 6. ", "Does 3 divide c(j)?", "\nTrue\nIs 13 a factor of (-78)/(-4)*(-104)/(-39)?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = -5*k + 3*k - 2. ", "Let d = 3 + k. Suppose 28 = d*n + a + 9, 0 = -2*n + 2*a + 10. ", "Is n a multiple of 4?", "\nTrue\nLet b(k) = 8*k + 9. ", "Is b(9) a multiple of 27?", "\nTrue\nLet a(t) be the first derivative of -t**4/4 + 5*t**3/3 + 7*t**2/2 - 5*t - 1. ", "Is a(5) a multiple of 14?", "\nFalse\nLet z(q) = 27*q**2 - q. Does 23 divide z(-1)?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -8*p - 6 = 3*m - 4*p, 0 = -4*m - 3*p - 15. ", "Let d be (-2)/m - (-48)/(-9). ", "Let n(x) = x**2 + 3*x - 2. ", "Does 8 divide n(d)?", "\nTrue\nLet o = 111 - 75. ", "Is 16 a factor of o?", "\nFalse\nLet y(a) = -9*a - 6. ", "Let k be y(-6). ", "Let x = -22 + k. Is x a multiple of 22?", "\nFalse\nLet c = -3 - -8. ", "Suppose 120 = -0*t + c*t. ", "Is 9 a factor of t?", "\nFalse\nLet b = 47 - 5. ", "Does 14 divide b?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 1 = -g + 6. ", "Suppose 0*k - g*k + 175 = 0. ", "Suppose k = 2*z + 3. ", "Is z a multiple of 8?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = -3*z + 42 - 6. ", "Is z a multiple of 4?", "\nTrue\nLet d be (-42)/8 + 2/8. ", "Let r = d + 18. ", "Does 5 divide r?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 4*x + 57 = 13. ", "Let d(a) = 0 - 5*a + 2 - 5. ", "Is d(x) a multiple of 26?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 5*x + 1 = 11. ", "Suppose 0 = -n - 3*n - 5*i + 28, -n - x*i = -10. ", "Let t = n + 3. ", "Is t a multiple of 2?", "\nFalse\nLet o(m) = -m + 9. ", "Let p be o(6). ", "Suppose -p*d + 65 = 5. ", "Suppose 2*w - 4*l = 52 + d, -2*l - 104 = -3*w. ", "Is w a multiple of 17?", "\nTrue\nLet s = 6 + -6. ", "Suppose 0 = -2*c + c + 3*p + 66, s = 5*c - 4*p - 275. ", "Does 20 divide c?", "\nFalse\nLet q be (-1)/(-2) + (-228)/(-24). ", "Let s = -6 + q. Is 4 a factor of s?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 3*s = b + 4*b - 30, 4*b + 3*s = -3. ", "Suppose -b*f - 4 + 16 = 0. ", "Is 4 a factor of f?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -3*d + 140 = -d. ", "Let w be -44 + 2 + 0/2. ", "Let u = d + w. Does 14 divide u?", "\nTrue\nLet y(f) = f - 27. ", "Let m be y(0). ", "Let b be (-4)/18 + 129/m. Does 16 divide 1/b - 424/(-20)?", "\nFalse\nLet t(a) = -3*a - 10. ", "Let w be t(-6). ", "Suppose 13*l = w*l + 40. ", "Is 4 a factor of l?", "\nTrue\nLet b(p) = -p**3 + 6*p**2 + 6. ", "Let n be b(6). ", "Suppose -n*j + 5*j = -68. ", "Suppose 5*k = k + j. Does 12 divide k?", "\nFalse\nLet z(d) = -d - 3. ", "Let p be z(8). ", "Let l = p + 31. ", "Does 20 divide l?", "\nTrue\nLet l be (2/4)/(4/16). ", "Let f be l/(-8) + 25/4. ", "Suppose -f*i + 60 = -3*i. ", "Does 7 divide i?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 24*c = 31*c - 154. ", "Is 12 a factor of c?", "\nFalse\nLet a = -20 + 30. ", "Let x(v) = -v**3 + 13*v**2 - 10*v + 15. ", "Let p be x(a). ", "Suppose -4*z + p = z. Is z a multiple of 22?", "\nFalse\nLet y(k) = 4*k**2 - 4. ", "Does 29 divide y(-6)?", "\nFalse\nSuppose w = 5*m, -4*w = 3*m - 3*w. ", "Let q = 4 - m. Does 4 divide q?", "\nTrue\nLet c = 37 + -15. ", "Let q = 112 - c. Is 30 a factor of q?", "\nTrue\nSuppose l = 6 + 3. ", "Is 5 a factor of l?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -79 = -5*j + 281. ", "Does 8 divide j?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -2*f + w = -0*w - 8, 0 = f - 2*w - 4. ", "Is f a multiple of 3?", "\nFalse\nIs 8 a factor of (-15)/(-5 - 22/(-5))?", "\nFalse\nLet w be -16*(-3 - 9/(-6)). ", "Let h = 11 + w. Is h a multiple of 9?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 0 = -i - 2*i, -5*t - 3*i = -475. ", "Is 19 a factor of t?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 2*u + 4*p - 84 = 0, -u + 2*u + p - 39 = 0. ", "Does 14 divide u?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -4*o + 105 = 3*o. ", "Does 5 divide o?", "\nTrue\nLet y(a) be the third derivative of -a**5/60 - 3*a**4/8 - 7*a**3/6 + a**2. ", "Suppose 0*f = f + 5. ", "Is y(f) a multiple of 13?", "\nTrue\nLet z(i) = i**3 + 5*i**2 - 6*i + 5. ", "Let c be z(-6). ", "Suppose -r + 5*r = 5*d - 146, 2*d + c*r - 32 = 0. ", "Does 14 divide d?", "\nFalse\nLet q = -10 - -6. ", "Is 19 a factor of 405/21 - q/(-14)?", "\nTrue\nLet s(w) be the first derivative of 1/3*w**3 + 16*w - 1 - 1/2*w**2. ", "Is 6 a factor of s(0)?", "\nFalse\nLet z(u) = u**3 + 7*u**2 - 8*u - 5. ", "Let j be z(-8). ", "Let v(f) = f**2 + 3*f - 7. ", "Let y be v(j). ", "Suppose -76 = -y*m - m. Is 19 a factor of m?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 2*k = -0*k, 6 = 3*f - k. Let y(h) = -f*h + 3*h**3 - 2*h**2 - 7 - h**3 + 3. ", "Does 13 divide y(3)?", "\nTrue\nLet g = 4 + -12. ", "Let b be 21/2*(-60)/(-18). ", "Let h = g + b. Is h a multiple of 12?", "\nFalse\nLet u(t) = 6*t**3 + t. Is u(1) a multiple of 7?", "\nTrue\nLet a = 248 + -147. ", "Is 12 a factor of a?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -6 = i + 5*d - 21, 0 = -i - 3*d + 13. ", "Is 3 a factor of i?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 4*c = -p + 2, -4*p + 15 = 5*c - 37. ", "Let i = p + -9. ", "Is 4 a factor of 3/(-1*i)*-21?", "\nFalse\nIs -2 + (-2662)/(-12) + 5/30 a multiple of 10?", "\nTrue\nLet j be -3*(-3 + 2)*-6. ", "Let k = 15 - j. Is k a multiple of 24?", "\nFalse\nLet k = 17 + 24. ", "Let j = k + -29. ", "Does 3 divide j?", "\nTrue\nLet f(p) = -p**3 + 16*p**2 - 27*p + 21. ", "Is 7 a factor of f(14)?", "\nTrue\nLet a(f) = f**2 - 5*f - 8. ", "Suppose 0 = -m + 2*c - 3, 3*m + 0*c = -3*c + 36. ", "Let q be a(m). ", "Let x = 10 - q. Is 3 a factor of x?", "\nFalse\nLet f(a) = a**2 - 4*a + 10. ", "Let g be f(8). ", "Let s = 74 - g. Is s a multiple of 16?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -4*u + 13*u - 828 = 0. ", "Does 23 divide u?", "\nTrue\nLet s = -83 + 35. ", "Let r = s - -80. ", "Does 16 divide r?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = 3*i - 4*i + 235. ", "Suppose -4*x = x - i. Does 17 divide x?", "\nFalse\nLet y(r) = -7*r**2. ", "Let s be y(1). ", "Let d be (-3)/9 + s/(-3). ", "Suppose 2*a = -d*a + 248. ", "Does 21 divide a?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -4*g + 14 = 2*i, i + 0*i - 2*g - 3 = 0. ", "Does 2 divide i?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -4*u - 3*w + 23 = 0, w = 2*u + 3*u - 24. ", "Suppose -2*j - u*d " ]
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[ "German conservative questions future of Russian gas pipeline\n\nBERLIN - A key ally of German Chancellοr Angela Merkel οn Mοnday raised questiοns abοut the future of the Nοrd Stream 2 gas pipeline amid grοwing cοncern abοut Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian ships and their crew off the cοast of Russian-annexed Crimea.", "\n\nJuergen Hardt, fοreign pοlicy spοkesman fοr Merkel’s cοnservatives in parliament, told Reuters that further sanctiοns against Russia would have to be cοnsidered unless diplomatic effοrts were able to resolve the cοnflict.", "\n\n“When diplomatic effοrts to ease tensiοns fail, we cannοt ignοre the questiοn of whether it is respοnsible to further increase the dependence of Germany and the Eurοpean Uniοn οn Russia gas,” he said. “", "Without increased trust in Russian pοlicies, Nοrd Stream 2 will becοme a mistaken investment in ecοnοmic and pοlicy terms.”", "\n\nWASHINGTON - Michael Flynn, U.S. President Dοnald Trump’s fοrmer natiοnal security adviser, cοoperated substantially with prοsecutοrs and should nοt be required to serve time in prisοn, U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office said in a cοurt filing οn Tuesday.", "\n\nFlynn prοvided assistance in multiple investigatiοns and gave infοrmatiοn οn links οr cοοrdinatiοn between the Russian gοvernment and the Trump campaign, the special cοunsel’s office said." ]
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[ " 111 T.C. No. ", "2\n\n\n\n UNITED STATES TAX COURT\n\n\n\n ESTATE OF EMANUEL TROMPETER, DECEASED,\n ROBIN CAROL TROMPETER GONZALEZ AND JANET ILENE TROMPETER\n POLACHEK, CO-EXECUTORS, Petitioner v. COMMISSIONER OF\n INTERNAL REVENUE, Respondent*\n\n\n\n Docket No. ", "11170-95. ", " Filed July 22, 1998.", "\n\n\n\n E, an estate, is subject to the fraud penalty of\n sec. ", "6663(a), I.R.C. R computes this penalty based on\n E's underpayment as determined by taking into account\n only the deductions which were included on E's Federal\n estate tax return. ", "E computes its underpayment by also\n taking into account deductions for expenses, such as\n professional fees and deficiency interest, which arose\n after the filing of E's return.", "\n Held: E's underpayment is determined by taking\n into account all deductible expenses, including those\n paid or incurred after the filing of the return.", "\n\n\n\n\n Robert A. Levinson and Avram Salkin, for petitioner.", "\n\n\n *\n This opinion supplements our Memorandum Opinion in\nEstate of Trompeter v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1998-35.", "\n\f - 2 -\n\n\n Irene Scott Carroll, for respondent.", "\n\n\n\n SUPPLEMENTAL OPINION\n\n\n LARO, Judge: The dispute herein involves the Rule 155\n\ncomputation mandated by the Court's Memorandum Opinion filed as\n\nEstate of Trompeter v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1998-35. ", " The\n\nissue before the Court is one of first impression; namely,\n\nwhether an estate's underpayment for purposes of computing the\n\nfraud penalty is determined based solely on expenses which are\n\nincluded on the Federal estate tax return, or based on all\n\ndeductible expenses including deficiency interest and\n\nprofessional fees which arise after the filing of the return.", "\n\n We hold that the underpayment is determined by taking into\n\naccount all expenses. ", " Unless otherwise stated, section\n\nreferences are to the applicable provisions of the Internal\n\nRevenue Code. ", " Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of\n\nPractice and Procedure. ", " Estate references are to the Estate of\n\nEmanuel Trompeter. ", " Mr. Trompeter (the decedent) resided in\n\nThousand Oaks, California, when he died on March 18, 1992. ", " The\n\nestate's coexecutors, Robin Carol Trompeter Gonzalez and Janet\n\nIlene Trompeter Polachek, resided in Florida and California,\n\nrespectively, when the petition was filed.", "\n\n In Estate of Trompeter v. Commissioner, supra, we held that\n\nthe estate was subject to the fraud penalty under section\n\n6663(a). ", " The estate computes the amount of this penalty based on\n\f - 3 -\n\n\nan underpayment that takes into account all deductible expenses,\n\nincluding expenses for trustee's fees, attorney's fees, and\n\ndeficiency interest that were incurred after the filing of the\n\nestate tax return. ", " Respondent challenges the estate's ability to\n\ncompute its underpayment by deducting the latter expenses.", "\n\nRespondent asserts that the estate must compute its underpayment\n\nbased solely on the expenses which were reported on its estate\n\ntax return.", "\n\n We agree with petitioner. ", " Section 6663(a) imposes a\n\n75-percent penalty on the portion of \"any underpayment of tax\n\nrequired to be shown on a return [that] is due to fraud\".1 The\n\nterm \"underpayment\" is defined by section 6664(a) to mean\n\n the amount by which any tax imposed by this\n title exceeds the excess of--\n\n (1) the sum of--\n\n (A) the amount shown as the\n tax by the taxpayer on his return,\n plus\n\n (B) amounts not so shown\n previously assessed (or collected\n without assessment), over\n\n (2) the amount of rebates made.", "\n\n\n\n\n 1\n Sec. ", "6663(a) provides:\n\n SEC. ", "6663(a). ", "Imposition of Penalty.--If any part of\n any underpayment of tax required to be shown on a\n return is due to fraud, there shall be added to the tax\n an amount equal to 75-percent on the portion of the\n underpayment which is attributable to fraud.", "\n\f - 4 -\n\n\nIn the case of the Federal estate tax, the \"amount of tax imposed\n\nby this title\" refers to the tax that \"is hereby imposed on the\n\ntransfer of the taxable estate of every decedent who is a citizen\n\nor resident of the United States.\" ", " Sec. ", "2001(a). ", " This tax is\n\ndetermined based on the value of the taxable estate, sec. ", "2001,\n\nwhich, in turn, is determined by reducing the value of the gross\n\nestate by the amount of any deduction set forth in sections 2053\n\nthrough 2056. ", " Sec. ", "2051. ", " Section 2053 allows a deduction for\n\ncertain expenses, indebtedness, and taxes. ", " Section 2054 allows a\n\ndeduction for certain losses. ", " Section 2055 allows a deduction\n\nfor certain transfers for public, charitable, or religious uses.", "\n\nSection 2056 allows a deduction for certain bequests to a\n\nsurviving spouse.", "\n\n Nowhere in the Code or regulations thereunder does it say\n\nthat an estate's underpayment is based solely on deductions that\n\nappear on its estate tax return. ", " Respondent reaches this result\n\nby analogy to a line of cases which hold that a net operating\n\nloss (NOL) carryback will not reduce the amount of an income tax\n\nunderpayment for purposes of computing a penalty or an addition\n\nto tax. ", " In this Court's seminal opinion of C.V.L. Corp. v.\n\nCommissioner, 17 T.C. 812 (1951), we held that a delinquency\n\npenalty applied to a year for which it was later determined that\n\nno tax was due on account of an NOL carryback. ", " In reaching this\n\nresult, we relied on Manning v. Seeley Tube & Box Co., 338 U.S.\n\n561 (1950), and the Senate Finance Committee report accompanying\n\f - 5 -\n\n\nthe Revenue Act of 1942, ch. ", "619, 56 Stat. ", "798. ", " The Supreme\n\nCourt held in Manning v. Seeley Tube & Box Co., supra, that an\n\nNOL carryback eliminated a deficiency for a prior year, but did\n\nnot eliminate the interest that accrued thereon. ", " The Senate\n\nFinance Committee report stated that\n\n A taxpayer entitled to a carry-back of a net\n operating loss * * * will not be able to determine the\n deduction on account of such carry-back until the close\n of the future taxable year in which he sustains the net\n operating loss * * *. ", "He must therefore file his\n return and pay his tax without regard to such\n deduction, and must file a claim for refund at the\n close of the succeeding taxable year when he is able to\n determine the amount of such carry-back. * * *", "\n [S. Rept. ", "1631, 77th Cong., ", "2d Sess., ", "at 123 (1942),\n 1942-2 C.B. 504, 597.]", "\n\n This Court subsequently extended the principle enunciated in\n\nC.V.L. Corp. v. Commissioner, supra, to an NOL that was carried\n\nback to a year in which the taxpayer was subject to an addition\n\nto tax for fraud. ", " The Court held in Petterson v. Commissioner,\n\n19 T.C. 486 (1952), that the original deficiency was the proper\n\nbase for computing the fraud penalty, and that the NOL carryback\n\ndid not reduce this deficiency for purposes of that computation.", "\n\n This and every other Court that has considered whether an\n\nNOL carryback reduces an underpayment for purposes of computing\n\na penalty or an addition to tax has concluded that the principle\n\nexpressed in C.V.L. Corp. v. Commissioner, supra, is correct;\n\nnamely, that the NOL carryback may not reduce the underpayment.", "\n\nSee, e.g., Arc Elec. ", "Constr. ", "Co. v. Commissioner, 923 F.2d 1005,\n\n1009 (2d Cir. ", "1991), affg. ", "on this issue and revg. ", "and remanding\n\f - 6 -\n\n\nT.C. Memo. ", "1990-30; Willingham v. United States, 289 F.2d 283,\n\n287-288 (5th Cir. ", "1961); Simon v. Commissioner, 248 F.2d 869, 877\n\n(8th Cir. ", "1957), affg. ", "on this issue and revg. ", "and remanding\n\nU.S. Packing Co. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1955-194; Nick v.\n\nDunlap, 185 F.2d 674 (5th Cir. ", "1950); Rictor v. Commissioner,\n\n26 T.C. 913, 914-915 (1956); Auerbach Shoe Co. v. Commissioner,\n\n21 T.C. 191, 196 (1953), affd. ", "216 F.2d 693 (1st Cir. ", "1954);\n\nBlanton Coal Co. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1984-397; Pusser\n\nv. Commissioner, a Memorandum Opinion of this Court dated\n\nDec. 7, 1951, affd. ", "per curiam 206 F.2d 68 (4th Cir. ", "1953);\n\nsee also United States v. Keltner, 675 F.2d 602, 605 (4th Cir.", "\n\n1982). ", " Respondent's reliance on this line of cases for a similar\n\nresult here, however, is misplaced. ", " The ability to carry back an\n\nNOL depends on the happenings in a taxable year after the taxable\n\nyear in which the underpayment is due to fraud, and the\n\nsubsequent year may be as far away as 3 years after the year of\n\nthe fraudulent underpayment. ", " The principle of C.V.L. Corp. v.\n\nCommissioner, supra, reflects the fact that each taxable year is\n\na separate year for income tax purposes, and that a taxpayer may\n\nnot reduce his or her liability for fraudulent conduct in one\n\nyear by virtue of unforeseen or fortuitous circumstances that\n\nhappen to occur in a later year. ", " See Paccon, Inc. v.\n\nCommissioner, 45 T.C. 392 (1966).", "\n\n In the case of the Federal estate tax, however, the same\n\nrationale does not apply. ", " The Federal estate tax is not\n\f - 7 -\n\n\ncalculated on an annual basis, but is a one-time charge or excise\n\nthat is computed on the value of a decedent's gross estate less\n\ncertain deductions which are specifically allowed by the Code.", "\n\nSome of these deductions, like the ones at hand, cannot be\n\ndetermined until after a return is filed. ", " Unlike an NOL\n\ncarryback, these deductions do not depend on unrelated,\n\nunforeseen, or fortuitous circumstances that may occur in later\n\nyears. ", " These deductions are directly related to a determination\n\nof an estate's tax liability. ", " In contrast to the determination\n\nof Federal income tax liability, a determination of Federal\n\nestate tax liability is not made based solely on deductions that\n\nare required to be reported on the appropriate tax return as\n\nfiled. ", " Indeed, our rules explicitly recognize the fact that even\n\nsome expenses incurred at or after a trial are deductible in\n\ndetermining an estate's Federal estate tax liability. ", " See Rule\n\n156; see also Estate of Bailly v. Commissioner, 81 T.C. 246,\n\nsupplemented by 81 T.C. 949 (1983).", "\n\n We also disagree with respondent's argument in this case\n\nbecause it could possibly lead to the imposition of the fraud\n\npenalty when the taxpayer/estate does not have an underpayment of\n\ntax and, indeed, may even be entitled to an overpayment. ", " Such a\n\nresult is inconsistent with jurisprudence. ", " As this Court has\n\nconsistently held, the fraud penalty does not apply without an\n\nunderpayment because \"[absent] an underpayment, there is nothing\n\nupon which the fraud addition to tax [or penalty, as it is now\n\f - 8 -\n\n\nknown] would attach.\" ", " See, e.g., Newman v. Commissioner,\n\nT.C. Memo. ", "1992-652; Lerch v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1987-295,\n\naffd. ", "877 F.2d 624 (7th Cir. ", "1989); Hamilton v. Commissioner,\n\nT.C. Memo. ", "1987-278, affd. ", "without published opinion 872 F.2d\n\n1025 (6th Cir. ", "1989); Shih-Hsieh v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.", "\n\n1986-525, affd. ", "without published opinion 838 F.2d 1203 (2d Cir\n\n1987); Estate of Cardulla v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1986-307;\n\nApothaker v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1985-445; Boggs v.\n\nCommissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1985-429; Meredith v. Commissioner, T.C.\n\nMemo. ", "1985-170; Stephens v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1984-449;\n\nPhillips v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1984-133; see also Compton\n\nv. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1983-642; Hansen v. Commissioner,\n\nT.C. Memo. ", "1981-98; Nunez v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1969-216;\n\nBrown v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1968-29, affd. ", "per curiam\n\n418 F.2d 574 (9th Cir. ", "1969). ", " Moreover, as the Court of Appeals\n\nfor the Fifth Circuit has stated in a similar setting:\n\n The taxpayer sought to introduce evidence to show the\n market value of the option at the time it was given.", "\n This evidence was excluded in the court below. ", "In\n addition, the taxpayer attempted to show additional\n costs incurred for the timber and not claimed on the\n 1949 return. ", "Likewise, the court below excluded this\n evidence. ", "Also, with respect to the unreported sales,\n the taxpayer proffered evidence as to alleged\n additional costs incident to the sales not reported on\n the 1949 return. ", "Again, the court below excluded the\n evidence as being irrelevant. ", "This was error. ", "Indeed,\n the appellee, United States, confesses error as to the\n exclusion of this evidence and concedes that the case\n should be remanded for a new trial. ", "This undoubtedly\n is the correct view, for these alleged additional costs\n and the reasonable market value of the option, if\n proven, are relevant to the existence of a tax\n deficiency. ", "Internal Revenue Code of 1939, §293(b).", "\n\f - 9 -\n\n\n Since fraud on the part of the taxpayer as to the\n alleged deficiencies is the issue in this case, it is\n correct to state that if there is no deficiency, there\n can be no fraud in connection with the alleged\n deficiency. ", "This evidence should have been received.", "\n [Jenkins v. United States, 313 F.2d 624, 627 (5th Cir.", "\n 1963).]", "\n\n We have also considered whether an estate may deduct the\n\nitems reported on its estate tax return, in order to determine\n\nits underpayment for purposes of applying section 6663(a), as\n\nwell as any unreported item that is properly deductible as of the\n\ndate that the estate tax return is filed. ", " Such a result would be\n\nreached by interpreting the phrase \"tax required to be shown on a\n\nreturn\", as it appears in section 6663(a), to mean that an estate\n\nmust determine the related underpayment for that section by\n\ntaking into account only those items that could have been\n\nproperly deducted from the gross estate on the date that the\n\nreturn was filed. ", " We reject this interpretation. ", " Congress did\n\nnot intend for that phrase to be understood in a temporal sense,\n\nbut intended that the phrase serve as a rule of classification.", "\n\nIn other words, the phrase \"tax required to be shown on a return\"\n\nmerely refers to the type of tax that is subject to section\n\n6663(a); namely, a tax payable with a return as opposed to, for\n\nexample, a tax payable by stamp. ", " In addition to our literal\n\nreading of section 6663(a), in the view of the text of section\n\n6663 as a whole, we find Congress' intent for the relevant phrase\n\nby examining the evolution of section 6663(a). ", " Section 6663(a)\n\nwas added to the Code by section 7721(a) of the Omnibus Budget\n\f - 10 -\n\n\nReconciliation Act of 1989 (the 1989 Act), Pub. ", "L. 101-239,\n\n103 Stat. ", "2106, 2395-2398. ", " Prior to the passage of the 1989 Act,\n\nthe fraud penalty (or addition to tax, as it was then known) was\n\ncontained in former section 6653(b) and (e). ", " This former section\n\nprovided:\n\n SEC. ", "6653(b). ", " Fraud.--\n\n (1) In general.--If any part of any\n underpayment * * * of tax required to be\n shown on a return is due to fraud, there\n shall be added to the tax an amount equal to\n 75 percent of the portion of the underpayment\n which is attributable to fraud.", "\n\n * * * * * * *\n\n (e) Failure To Pay Stamp Tax.--Any person * * * who\n willfully fails to pay any tax imposed by this title\n which is payable by stamp, coupons, tickets, books, or\n other devices or methods prescribed by this title or by\n regulations under authority of this title, or willfully\n attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any such tax\n or the payment thereof, shall, in addition to other\n penalties provided by law, be liable to a penalty of 50\n percent of the total amount of the underpayment of the\n tax.", "\n\nSection 7721(a) of the 1989 Act amended former section 6653 to\n\nread almost verbatim with former section 6653(e); i.e., section\n\n6653 now applies only to a failure to pay tax by way of stamps,\n\ncoupons, tickets, books, or other devices or methods prescribed\n\nby the Code or regulations thereunder. ", " Section 7721(a) of the\n\n1989 Act also created section 6663(a) to impose the fraud penalty\n\non \"tax required to be shown on a return\". ", " Congress did not\n\nintend for the 1989 Act, as it applied to the fraud and\n\naccuracy-related penalties, to create a new body of law that\n\f - 11 -\n\n\napplied thereto. ", " The reason for the change, as stated by the\n\nHouse Committee on the Budget, was:\n\n The committee believes that the number of\n different penalties that relate to accuracy of a tax\n return, as well as the potential for overlapping among\n many of these penalties, causes confusion among\n taxpayers and leads to difficulties in administering\n these penalties by the IRS. ", "Consequently, the\n committee has revised these penalties and consolidated\n them. ", "The committee believes that its changes will\n significantly improve the fairness, comprehensibility,\n and administrability of these penalties. [", "H. Rept.", "\n 101-247, at 2221 (1989).]", "\n\n Our interpretation of the relevant phrase is also supported\n\nby Congress' recognition of the fact that some taxes are payable\n\nby return and that other taxes are payable by stamp. ", " Section\n\n6511(a), for example, provides different limitations for credit\n\nor refund, depending on whether it is \"in respect of which tax\n\nthe taxpayer is required to file a return * * * [or] which is\n\nrequired to be paid by means of a stamp\". ", " Likewise, section\n\n6601(a) imposes interest on \"any amount of tax imposed by this\n\ntitle (whether required to be shown on a return, or to be paid by\n\nstamp or by some other method) [that] is not paid on or before\n\nthe last day prescribed for payment\". ", " Similarly, section 6501(a)\n\ngenerally provides that \"the amount of any tax imposed by this\n\ntitle shall be assessed within 3 years after the return was filed\n\n* * * or, if the tax is payable by stamp, at any time after such\n\ntax became due and before the expiration of 3 years after the\n\ndate on which any part of such tax was paid\".", "\n\f - 12 -\n\n\n Respondent relies on the principles of cases such as\n\nBadaracco v. Commissioner, 464 U.S. 386, 401 (1984), and\n\nHelvering v. Mitchell, 303 U.S. 391, 401 (1938), to the effect\n\nthat fraud is established upon the filing of a fraudulent return\n\nand that the fraud penalty reimburses the Government for\n\ndetecting, investigating, and prosecuting fraud. ", " Although we\n\nhave no qualms about respondent's recitation of this well-settled\n\nlaw, whether the estate is liable for fraud is not at issue here.", "\n\nWe decided that issue in Estate of Trompeter v. Commissioner,\n\nT.C. Memo. ", "1998-35, where we found that the estate had committed\n\nfraud when it filed its estate tax return. ", " We disagree with any\n\nimplication, however, that this body of law supports an\n\ninterpretation of the phrase \"tax required to be shown on a\n\nreturn\" contrary to that which we espouse. ", " The relevant phrase\n\ndoes not apply just to cases of fraud. ", " The same phrase appears\n\nin section 6662(a), which, among other things, imposes a\n\n20-percent accuracy-related penalty on underpayments attributable\n\nto negligence and substantial understatement.", "\n\n We hold that an estate's underpayment is determined by\n\ntaking into account all amounts which it is allowed to deduct in\n\ncomputing its Federal estate tax liability. ", " Respondent is\n\nconcerned that our holding will lead to bad tax policy in that\n\nthe \"government's reimbursement [through the fraud penalty] could\n\nbe consumed by the * * * [estate's] counsels' fees and fees being\n\npaid to the trustees, who happen to be the beneficiaries of the\n\f - 13 -\n\n\nestate\". ", " We are not as concerned. ", " Although it is true that fees\n\nfor professionals such as attorneys and trustees may be\n\nconsiderable expenses in the administration of an estate, only\n\nthose fees that are legitimate and reasonable are deductible.", "\n\nWe also note that respondent's policy argument is better aimed at\n\nCongress.", "\n\n We have considered all arguments by respondent for a holding\n\ncontrary to that which we reach herein, and, to the extent not\n\ndiscussed above, have found those arguments to be irrelevant or\n\nwithout merit. ", " To reflect the foregoing\n\n An appropriate order will\n\n be issued.", "\n\n\n\nReviewed by the Court.", "\n\n CHABOT, SWIFT, JACOBS, PARR, WELLS, COLVIN, FOLEY, VASQUEZ,\nGALE, THORNTON, and MARVEL, JJ., ", "agree with this majority\nopinion.", "\n\f - 14 -\n\n\n CHABOT, J., concurring: I join in the majority opinion, and\n\nwrite separately merely to note a few additional considerations\n\nin support of the majority opinion’s analysis and conclusions.", "\n\n I. Treasury Regulations\n\n Respondent argues that only those expenses which are\n\nreported on the estate tax return may be deducted from the gross\n\nestate in computing the amount of the underpayment.", "\n\nCorrespondingly, respondent further argues that expenses which\n\narise after the filing of the tax return may not be used to\n\nreduce the underpayment of the estate tax.", "\n\n However, section 2053(a), in determining the value of the\n\ntaxable estate, permits the deduction of claims against the\n\nestate which are allowable by applicable State laws. ", " There are\n\nsome types of claims whose effect on the decedent’s estate must\n\nnecessarily be determined by subsequent events, such as those\n\nclaims which require further action before they become a fixed\n\nobligation of the estate. ", " See cases discussed in Estate of Smith\n\nv. Commissioner, 108 T.C. 412, 418-419 (1997), supplemented by\n\n110 T.C. 12 (1998); Estate of Kyle v. Commissioner, 94 T.C. 829,\n\n848-851 (1990); Estate of Sachs v. Commissioner, 88 T.C. 769,\n\n779-783 (1987), affd. ", "in part and revd. ", "in part 856 F.2d 1158,\n\n1162-1163 (8th Cir. ", "1988); Estate of Van Horne v. Commissioner,\n\n78 T.C. 728, 735-738 (1982), affd. ", "720 F.2d 1114 (9th Cir. ", "1983).", "\n\f - 15 -\n\n\nSection 20.2053-1(b)(3), Estate Tax Regs.", ",1 forbids the deduction\n\non the estate tax return of an item unless the amount of the\n\nliability “is ascertainable with reasonable certainty, and will\n\nbe paid.” ", " The provision closes with the reassurance that, if the\n\nmatter is not resolved by the time of the final audit, then\n\nrelief would be available in the Tax Court or in a refund suit.", "\n\n Respondent’s contentions in the instant case fly in the face\n\nof this reassurance. ", " Having forbidden by regulation the taking\n\nof a deduction, even by way of estimate, on a timely filed estate\n\ntax return, respondent in the instant case proposes to limit the\n\nrelief otherwise flowing from the deduction merely because the\n\n\n\n 1\n SEC. ", "20.2053-1(b)(3), Estate Tax Regs., ", "provides as\nfollows:\n\n SEC. ", "20.2053-1. ", "Deductions for expenses, indebtedness, and\n taxes; in general. * * *", "\n\n\n * * * * * * *\n\n (b) Provisions applicable to both categories.", "\n\n * * * * * * *\n\n (3) Estimated amounts. ", "An item may be entered on\n the return for deduction though its exact amount is not\n then known, provided it is ascertainable with\n reasonable certainty, and will be paid. ", "No deduction\n may be taken upon the basis of a vague or uncertain\n estimate. ", "If the amount of a liability was not\n ascertainable at the time of final audit of the return\n by the district director and, as a consequence, it was\n not allowed as a deduction in the audit, and\n subsequently the amount of the liability is\n ascertained, relief may be sought by a petition to the\n Tax Court or a claim for refund as provided by sections\n 6213(a) and 6511, respectively.", "\n\f - 16 -\n\n\ntaxpayer obeyed the regulation, waited until the event occurred,\n\nand sought the promised relief at an appropriate time in the\n\ninstant Tax Court proceeding.", "\n\n In United States v. Olympic Radio & Television, 349 U.S.\n\n232, 236 (1955), the Supreme Court directed that “We can only\n\ntake the Code as we find it and give it as great an internal\n\nsymmetry and consistency as its words permit.” ", " Thus, if the\n\nphrase “tax required to be shown on a return” were to be\n\ninterpreted in a temporal sense in section 6663(a), then it ought\n\nto have the same meaning wherever it appears. ", " This means that it\n\nwould have the same meaning where it appears in section 6662(a),\n\nand would have the same impact on those of the section 6662\n\nadditions that apply to the estate tax.", "\n\n Respondent’s contentions in the instant case might well lead\n\nprudent executors to load up estate tax returns with speculative\n\ndeductions in order to satisfy this newly proclaimed requirement,\n\nthat only items claimed on the estate tax return may be taken\n\ninto account in determining the base for additions to tax under\n\nsections 6662 and 6663.", "\n\n Thus, respondent’s contentions in the instant case appear to\n\nconflict with Treasury regulations and may well complicate the\n\npractical administration of the estate tax laws.", "\n\n II. ", " Legislative History\n\n The majority opinion explains that the phrase “tax required\n\nto be shown on a return” has a clear classification meaning in\n\f - 17 -\n\n\nthe places in the Code where the phrase appears, but a temporal\n\nmeaning which would support respondent’s position would not fit\n\nin many such places. ", " An examination of the legislative history\n\nof the enactment of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, where this\n\nphrase appears to have been introduced into the fraud provision,\n\nlends further support to the majority opinion’s analysis and\n\nconclusions.", "\n\n Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, the civil fraud\n\naddition to tax for income tax was imposed by section 293(b),\n\nwith a special rule in section 51(g)(6)(B) in certain joint tax\n\nreturn situations; for gift tax by section 1019(b); and generally\n\nfor other taxes where tax returns or lists were filed by section\n\n3612(d)(2). ", " As to the applicability of section 3612(d)(2) to\n\nestate taxes, see sec. ", "871(i). ", " The civil fraud addition to tax\n\nfor various stamp taxes was imposed by section 1821(a)(3).", "\n\n When the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 was enacted, the\n\nforegoing 1939 Code provisions were replaced by the following:\n\n SEC. ", "6653. ", " FAILURE TO PAY TAX.", "\n\n * * * * * * *\n\n (b) Fraud.--If any part of any underpayment (as\n defined in subsection (c)) of tax required to be shown\n on a return is due to fraud, there shall be added to\n the tax an amount equal to 50 percent of the\n underpayment. ", "In the case of income taxes and gift\n taxes, this amount shall be in lieu of any amount\n determined under subsection (a).", "\n\n * * * * * * *\n\n (e) Failure To Pay Stamp Tax.--Any person (as\n defined in section 6671(b)) who willfully fails to pay\n\f - 18 -\n\n\n any tax imposed by this title which is payable by\n stamp, coupons, tickets, books, or other devices or\n methods prescribed by this title or by regulations\n under authority of this title, or willfully attempts in\n any manner to evade or defeat any such tax or the\n payment thereof, shall, in addition to other penalties\n provided by law, be liable to a penalty of 50 percent\n of the total amount of the underpayment of the tax.", "\n\n The text of these provisions as enacted is identical to the\n\ntext of these provisions as reported by the Senate Finance\n\nCommittee.", "\n\n The Senate Finance Committee’s technical explanation of\n\nthese fraud provisions, S. Rept. ", "83-1622, at 591-592 (1954), is\n\nas follows:\n\n Section 6653. ", " Failure to pay tax\n\n For all taxes for which returns are required, this\n section prescribes additions to the tax, corresponding\n to those of existing law relating to the income tax,\n for underpayments of tax resulting from fraud (50\n percent of the underpayment). ", "Existing law imposes a\n 50 percent addition in the case of fraud applicable to\n all taxes, but, in the case of taxes other than income,\n estate, and gift, that addition is based on the total\n amount of tax imposed. ", "This section further provides\n that if the 50 percent penalty resulting from the fraud\n is assessed, the addition to tax under section 6651 for\n failure to file a return will not be assessed with\n respect to the same underpayment. ", "Another change\n provided in this section is the substitution, for the\n penalty provided in existing law of an amount equal to\n the amount of any stamp tax evaded or not paid, of an\n addition to the tax of 50 percent of the total amount\n of the underpayment of such tax.", "\n\nTo the same effect is the House Ways and Means Committee’s\n\nreport. ", " H. Rept. ", "83-1337, at A419 (1954).", "\n\n Thus, it is clear that in 1954 the Congress intended to\n\nconsolidate and revise many of the 1939 Code fraud provisions.", "\n\f - 19 -\n\n\nThe phrase “tax required to be shown on a return” is described in\n\nthe committee report as “all taxes for which returns are\n\nrequired”. ", " S. Rept. ", "83-1622 at 591. ", " That phrase is used to set\n\noff the section 6653(b), I.R.C. 1954 rules from the rules\n\napplying to “any tax imposed by this title which is payable by\n\nstamp, coupons, tickets, books, or other devices”, which are\n\ncollectively referred to in the committee report as “any stamp\n\ntax” S. Rept. ", "83-1622, at 591, and which appear in the statute at\n\nsection 6653(e), I.R.C. 1954.", "\n\n The classification interpretation is clear from the\n\nlegislative events of 1954 and the committee reports. ", " One\n\nsearches in vain for any legislative events of 1954 or\n\nexplanations in the course of the enactment of the 1954 Code that\n\nsuggests that the phrase in dispute should be given a temporal\n\ninterpretation, whether as to fraud or in general.", "\n\n\n SWIFT, PARR, WHALEN, LARO, VASQUEZ, GALE, and MARVEL, JJ.,", "\nagree with this concurring opinion.", "\n\f - 20 -\n\n\n SWIFT, J., concurring: Judge Ruwe’s dissent acknowledges\n\nthat under section 2053(a) an estate, or a preparer of an estate\n\ntax return, may estimate and claim on the estate tax return,\n\nexpenses not yet incurred if such expenses are reasonably\n\nanticipated and an amount therefor can be reasonably estimated.", "\n\nSee sec. ", "20.2053-1(b)(3), Estate Tax Regs.", "\n\n In Estate of Trompeter v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1998-35,\n\nwe found that the executor in this case “knowingly” filed a\n\nfraudulent estate tax return. ", " Because the fraud was “known” at\n\nthe time the estate tax return was filed, it would appear that it\n\nwould not have been unreasonable (albeit perhaps a poor strategy)\n\nfor the tax return preparer to have anticipated respondent’s\n\naudit and the litigation that followed and, under section 2053,\n\nto have estimated on the estate tax return a reasonable amount\n\nfor legal fees likely to be incurred in connection with the\n\nlitigation and to have claimed such expenses as deductions.", "\n\n I note that under current law and ethical guidelines, tax\n\nreturn preparers may no longer consider the audit lottery when\n\nevaluating the “reasonableness” of tax return positions. ", " See\n\nTreas. ", "Dept. ", "Circular No. ", "230 (Regulations Governing the Practice\n\n* * * Before the Internal Revenue Service); AICPA Statements on\n\nResponsibilities in Tax Practice No. ", "1, par. ", "03a and\n\nInterpretation No. ", "1-1, par. ", "05; ABA Ethics Opinion 85-352.", "\n\n Circular No. ", "230 at section 10.34(a)(4)(i) provides as\n\nfollows:\n\f - 21 -\n\n\n\n The possibility that a position will not be\n challenged by the Service (e.g., because the\n taxpayer’s return may not be audited or\n because the issue may not be raised on audit)\n may not be taken into account.", "\n\n\n In other words, in considering the “hazards of litigation”\n\nor the reasonableness of a particular tax return position, tax\n\nreturn preparers are now to assume that tax returns will be\n\naudited by respondent and that questionable items reported and\n\nclaimed on the returns will be disallowed by respondent.", "\n\n Accordingly, with regard to questionable items knowingly\n\nreported on estate tax returns, taxpayers and tax return\n\npreparers generally are to anticipate that an audit will occur\n\nand that questionable items will be disallowed by respondent, and\n\nthey are to anticipate that the estate will incur additional\n\nlegal expenses associated with that disallowance. ", " Thus, under\n\nsection 20.2053-1(b)(3), Estate Tax Regs., ", "it appears that legal\n\nexpenses likely to be associated with a disallowance by\n\nrespondent of questionable items reflected on estate tax returns\n\ncould be claimed on the returns when filed, based on reasonable\n\nestimates therefor.", "\n\n I have two further points.", "\n\n If a taxpayer and a tax return preparer jointly and\n\nknowingly participate in the preparation and filing of a grossly\n\nfraudulent tax return to such an extent that the fraud -- when\n\nfirst raised by respondent on audit -- should have been\n\f - 22 -\n\n\nimmediately conceded by the taxpayer and by the taxpayer’s legal\n\nrepresentative, then the taxpayer should not have contested\n\neither the resulting tax deficiency or the imposition of the\n\nfraud penalty. ", " A contest involving such a patently fraudulent\n\nreturn would be frivolous.", "\n\n Under the above approach, postaudit administrative hearings\n\nand Tax Court litigation contesting an estate tax deficiency and\n\nimposition of a fraud penalty ought to be regarded as unnecessary\n\nand frivolous, and legal expenses relating thereto should be\n\ndisallowed under section 2053 and section 20.2053-3(a), Estate\n\nTax Regs., ", "as unreasonable and as incurred not for the benefit of\n\nthe estate, but for the benefit of the beneficiaries (i.e., as\n\nmerely an attempt by the beneficiaries to postpone payment of the\n\nproper estate tax and penalties due). ", " See, for example, Hibernia\n\nBank, Admr. (", "Estate of Clark) v. United States, 581 F.2d 741, 746\n\n(9th Cir. ", "1978); Estate of Dutcher v. Commissioner, 34 T.C. 918,\n\n923 (1960); Estate of Bartberger v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.", "\n\n1988-21; and Estate of Pudim v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1982-\n\n606, affd. ", "without published opinion 942 F.2d 1433 (2d Cir.", "\n\n1983), each of which illustrates the disallowance, for estate tax\n\npurposes, of legal and other fees and costs due to the fact that\n\nthe costs were not incurred in the good faith administration of\n\nthe estate but for the benefit of the beneficiaries.", "\n\f - 23 -\n\n\n I would think that the above authority would provide the\n\nmechanism to handle the dissent’s hypothetical situation that\n\nreflects bad faith and frivolous litigation.", "\n\n Lastly, if, on policy grounds,1 expenses of the type in\n\ndispute herein should be denied as a matter of law, it would\n\nappear appropriate for Congress to do so by legislation, rather\n\nthan by opinion of this Court and by respondent’s strained\n\ninterpretation of the statutory provisions, under which the\n\nexpenses in dispute would be deductible under section 2053 for\n\ncivil tax deficiency purposes but, as a matter of law, would not\n\nbe deductible for purposes of the computation of the fraud\n\naddition to tax. ", " If Congress intends significant disparate\n\ntreatment in the allowance of identical expenses for two closely\n\nrelated purposes, I would expect such disparate treatment to be\n\nclearly set forth in the statutory scheme.", "\n\n\n\n\n 1\n A strong policy argument certainly can be made that because\nthe items in question in this case were fraudulent they never\nshould have been claimed on the estate tax return in the first\nplace and the subsequent and related litigation expenses then\nnever would have been incurred.", "\n\f - 24 -\n\n\n HALPERN, J., concurring: The majority’s interpretation of\n\nsection 6663(a) leads to the conclusion that an executor who, in\n\nanticipation of incurring future administration expenses, deducts\n\nthose expenses on the estate tax return, knowing full well that\n\nsuch expenses are not deductible until incurred, will avoid any\n\nsection 6663(a) penalty with respect to his action even if the\n\nCourt finds that he acted with fraudulent intent, so long as the\n\nexpenses eventually are incurred. ", " Cf. ", "Summerill Tubing Co. v.\n\nCommissioner, 36 B.T.A. 347 (1937) (fraud in corporate return on\n\naccount of fictitious purchases, which masked embezzlement;\n\nstatutory period of limitations extended on account of fraud; no\n\ndeficiency on which to base addition to tax for fraud because of\n\noffsetting theft-loss deduction). ", " As a matter of policy, I\n\nquestion such result. ", " Nonetheless, I think that it is compelled\n\nbecause of the structure and historical development of the\n\nsection 6663(a) fraud penalty.", "\n\n As a matter of arithmetic, section 6663(a) contains an\n\nequation, in which the amount of the fraud penalty equals the\n\nproduct of a multiplier (“75 percent”) and a multiplicand (“the\n\nportion of the underpayment which is attributable to fraud”).", "\n\nSection 6663(a) is ambiguous, however, as illustrated by the\n\ndebate between the majority and Judge Ruwe. ", " The issue is whether\n\nwe are to determine one aspect of the multiplicand (the\n\nunderpayment) as of the time the return is filed or as ultimately\n\ndetermined. ", " Since the term “underpayment” is defined in section\n\f - 25 -\n\n\n6664(a) without any temporal qualification, the focus is on the\n\nphrase “of tax required to be shown on a return”, which modifies\n\nthe term “underpayment” in section 6663(a).1 I am persuaded that\n\nthe majority has reached the right result on the basis of both\n\nthe history of section 6663 and a textual analysis.", "\n\n The relevant history concerns the evolution of the 1939 Code\n\ninto the 1954 Code. ", " An adequate summary of that history is\n\nprovided in Judge Chabot's concurring op. ", "pp. ", "16-19. ", " The\n\nimportant point is that, in 1954, Congress’ purpose was to\n\nconsolidate and revise many of the 1939 Code fraud provisions.", "\n\nUnder the 1939 Code, as described in the report of the Committee\n\non Finance, see Judge Chabot's concurring op. ", "p. 18, there were\n\ntwo models for imposition of a fraud addition. ", " For all taxes,\n\nthere was a 50-percent addition in the case of fraud. ", " The base\n\n\n\n 1\n In pertinent part, the term “underpayment”, as defined\nin sec. ", "6664(a), is the difference between “the tax imposed by\nthis title” and “the amount shown as the tax by the taxpayer on\nhis return”. ", "Notwithstanding that the majority says that the\nissue before the Court is whether the underpayment “is determined\nbased solely on expenses which are included on the Federal estate\ntax return, or based on all deductible expenses including\ndeficiency interest and professional fees which arise after the\nfiling of the return”, majority op. ", "p. 2, the issue is plainly\nwhether sec. ", "6663(a) specifies a time (the time for filing the\nreturn) for determining the minuend (i.e., the “the tax imposed\nby this title”) in the sec. ", "6664(a) equation. ", "With respect to\nthe question of statutory interpretation facing us, the\nsubtrahend (i.e., “the amount shown as the tax by the taxpayer on\nhis return”) is invariable. ", "Thus, a taxpayer can reduce the\nsec. ", "6663(a) fraud penalty by proving deductions available at the\ntime the return was filed but omitted therefrom. ", "Cf. ", "Summerill\nTubing Co. v. Commissioner, 36 B.T.A. 347 (1937) (discussed in\nthe text). ", "The majority’s mischaracterization is of no\nconsequence in calculating the relevant difference.", "\n\f - 26 -\n\n\n(the multiplicand), however, differed as between the income,\n\nestate, and gift taxes, on the one hand, and all other taxes on\n\nthe other hand. ", " The multiplicand for the former group was the\n\namount of the deficiency in tax. ", " See, e.g., 1939 Code sec.", "\n\n293(b). ", " For all other taxes, the multiplicand was the amount of\n\ntax due. ", " See sec. ", "3612(d)(2), I.R.C. 1939. ", " For the 1954 Code,\n\nas stated in the report of the Senate Finance Committee, Congress\n\nchose the income tax model for all taxes for which returns are\n\ndue. ", " The 1939 provision, section 293(b), provided as follows:\n\n Fraud.--If any part of any deficiency is due to fraud\n with intent to evade tax, then 50 per centum of the\n total amount of the deficiency (in addition to such\n deficiency) shall be so assessed, collected, and paid,\n in lieu of the 50 per centum addition to the tax\n provided in section 3612(d)(2).", "\n\nThe term “deficiency” was defined in section 271 of the 1939 Code\n\nmuch as it is defined both in the 1954 Code and today, and much\n\nas the term “underpayment” is defined in section 6664(a). ", " I do\n\nnot read any temporal qualification into the multiplicand in the\n\n1939 Code income tax fraud equation, and, for that reason, I do\n\nnot think that Congress intended one to exist today. ", " Such a\n\nqualification would have been a significant change, and I think\n\nthat the lack of any mention of such a change in the legislative\n\nhistory is persuasive that one was not intended.", "\n\n With respect to the text of section 6663, the object of the\n\nadjectival prepositional phrase “of tax required to be shown on a\n\nreturn” is the immediately preceding noun “underpayment”. ", " The\n\nphrase does not modify the second use of the noun “underpayment”\n\f - 27 -\n\n\nin subsection (a), which second use is in the actual penalty\n\nequation, nor does it modify any use of the noun “underpayment”\n\nin subsections (b) and (c). ", " If Congress had intended the phrase\n\nto be a temporal qualification on the term “underpayment” for\n\npurposes of the penalty equation, then it is unlikely that\n\nCongress would have merely implied such qualification in the\n\nequation.", "\n\n Also, Congress used the indefinite article “a”, supporting\n\nthe majority’s interpretation that the phrase “required to be\n\nshown on a return” is a general qualification, rather than the\n\ndefinite article “the”, which would support Judge Ruwe’s\n\ninterpretation that the phrase is a temporal requirement\n\nregarding the return.", "\n\n SWIFT, WHALEN, BEGHE, and GALE, JJ., ", "agree with this\nconcurring opinion.", "\n\f - 28 -\n\n\n RUWE, J., dissenting: The majority holds that in\n\ndetermining the \"underpayment\" on which the section 6663(a) fraud\n\npenalty is imposed, petitioner is allowed to deduct expenses that\n\nwere incurred long after the fraudulent estate tax return was\n\nfiled. ", " Although there is no dispute that reasonable postreturn\n\nexpenses are allowable for purposes of determining the ultimate\n\nestate tax, section 6663(a) specifically provides that the fraud\n\npenalty be imposed on \"any part of any underpayment of tax\n\nrequired to be shown on a return\". ", " (Emphasis added.) ", " The\n\nmajority interprets the highlighted portion of the statutory\n\nphrase as merely a classification of the type of tax to which\n\nsection 6663(a) applies. ", " I believe that a more reasonable\n\ninterpretation is that section 6663(a) imposes the penalty on the\n\namount of the fraudulent underpayment of tax that was required to\n\nbe shown on a return at the time the fraudulent return was filed.", "\n\n An estate tax return must be filed, and the tax must be\n\npaid, within 9 months after the decedent's death.1 Secs.", "\n\n6075(a), 6151. ", " A deduction from the gross estate is allowed for\n\nadministration expenses. ", " Sec. ", "2053(a). ", " For expenses that are\n\nnot paid prior to filing the estate tax return, an estimated\n\namount may be deducted if it is known that such expenses will be\n\n\n 1\n An extension up to 6 months may be obtained for filing.", "\nSec. ", "6081(a); sec. ", "20.6081-1(a), Estate Tax Regs.; ", "see Estate of\nLa Meres v. Commissioner, 98 T.C. 294, 320-321 (1992). ", "The time\nfor payment of the estate tax may be extended for a period of 1\nyear past the due date. ", "Sec. ", "6161(a)(1). ", "For reasonable cause,\nthe time for payment may be extended for up to 10 years. ", "Sec.", "\n6161(a)(2).", "\n\f - 29 -\n\n\npaid and if they are ascertainable with reasonable certainty.", "\n\nThus, section 20.2053-1(b)(3), Estate Tax Regs., ", "provides:\n\n An item may be entered on the return for deduction\n though its exact amount is not then known, provided it\n is ascertainable with reasonable certainty, and will be\n paid. ", "No deduction may be taken upon the basis of a\n vague or uncertain estimate. ", "If the amount of a\n liability was not ascertainable at the time of final\n audit of the return by the district director and, as a\n consequence, it was not allowed as a deduction in the\n audit, and subsequently the amount of the liability is\n ascertained, relief may be sought by a petition to the\n Tax Court or a claim for refund as provided by sections\n 6213(a) and 6511, respectively. [", "Emphasis added.]", "\n\n\nWhile postreturn expenses can reduce the taxable estate, if they\n\nare not ascertainable at the time the return is filed, such\n\nexpenses cannot be deducted on the estate tax return. ", " See Estate\n\nof Bailly v. Commissioner, 81 T.C. 246, supplemented by 81 T.C.\n\n949 (1983).", "\n\n The amount of tax required to be shown on a return can only\n\nbe computed based on the facts and circumstances in existence\n\nwhen the return is filed. ", " Expenses for petitioner's subsequent\n\ncontest of the deficiency and fraud penalty had not been incurred\n\nand could not have been ascertained at the time the return was\n\nfiled. ", " Likewise, interest on the fraudulent underpayment had not\n\nyet been incurred nor was it ascertainable. ", " Petitioner's\n\npostreturn expenses could not have been deducted on its estate\n\ntax return, and hence, these expenses do not reduce the tax\n\nliability that was required to be shown on the return. ", " The\n\nability to adjust a tax liability after the return is due does\n\nnot relieve a taxpayer of the obligation to report the tax in\n\f - 30 -\n\n\nfull when it is due, nor does it defer a taxpayer's duty to pay\n\nthe tax promptly. ", " Manning v. Seeley Tube & Box Co., 338 U.S. 561\n\n(1950).2\n\n Any distinction between the calculation of an estate tax\n\nliability and the calculation of an income tax liability has no\n\nbearing on the taxpayer's statutory obligation to file an\n\naccurate and timely return. ", " The reasoning in the line of cases\n\nholding that a net operating loss (NOL) carryback will not reduce\n\nthe amount of an income tax underpayment for purposes of\n\ncomputing a penalty or an addition to tax was not based on the\n\nunique nature of the income tax.", "\n\n The rationale in C.V.L. Corp. v. Commissioner, 17 T.C. 812\n\n(1951), is not based on the fact that each taxable year is a\n\nseparate year for income tax purposes as the majority claims.", "\n\nMajority op. ", "p. 6. ", " In that case we upheld a delinquency penalty\n\neven though the deficiency had been eliminated by an NOL\n\ncarryback because the obligation to file a timely return was\n\n\n 2\n In Manning v. Seeley Tube & Box Co., 338 U.S. 561, 565\n(1950), the Court stated:\n\n\n The problem with which we are concerned in this case is\n whether the interest on a validly assessed deficiency\n is abated when the deficiency itself is abated by the\n carryback of a net operating loss.", "\n\n * * * The subsequent cancellation of the duty to\n pay this assessed deficiency does not cancel in like\n manner the duty to pay the interest on that deficiency.", "\n From the date the original return was to be filed until\n the date the deficiency was actually assessed, the\n taxpayer had a positive obligation to the United\n States: a duty to pay its tax. * * * [", "Emphasis added.]", "\n\f - 31 -\n\n\nmandatory and subsequent events could not excuse that obligation.", "\n\nId. at 861. ", " In Auerbach Shoe Co. v. Commissioner, 21 T.C. 191,\n\n196 (1953), affd. ", "216 F.2d 693 (1st Cir. ", "1954), we held that\n\n\n The taxpayer is required to report the correct\n amount of his income in filing a return. ", "Where this is\n not done due to the taxpayer's fraudulent conduct,\n liability for the 50 per cent addition to the tax for\n fraud is incurred and the unforeseen circumstance that\n a carry-back later arises to offset the deficiency\n should not operate to relieve the taxpayer of the\n addition imposed for the fraud. * * * ", "The liability for\n the additions to the tax for fraud existed from the\n time of the filing of the false and fraudulent return\n with intent to evade tax. ", "The addition is to be\n measured by the deficiency, undiminished by any\n subsequent credit or carry-back. [", "Emphasis added.]", "\n\n\nThe key fact relied upon in both C.V.L. Corp. v. Commissioner,\n\nsupra, and Auerbach Shoe Co. v. Commissioner, supra, was that the\n\nevent which reduced the original \"underpayment\" occurred after\n\nthe return at issue was filed. ", " The fact that each taxable year\n\nis a separate year for income tax purposes was not discussed, nor\n\nwas it relied upon, in any of the other cases cited by the\n\nmajority.3 Consequently, the principle upon which these NOL\n\ncarryback cases are based is applicable to the present case.", "\n\n\n\n\n 3\n The concept of separate taxable years is clearly not\ndeterminative. ", "We have stated that if the event creating the\ndeduction occurred in a separate prior year, the deduction would\nbe allowed to reduce the liability for the year at issue for\npurposes of computing additions to tax. ", "Blanton Coal Co. v.\nCommissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1984-397 (\"The basic principle to be\nfound in prior case law would permit reduction for carryforward\nloss deductions and credits, but prohibit carryback loss\ndeductions and credits, when computing additions to tax.\").", "\n\f - 32 -\n\n\n Petitioner had a duty to file an estate tax return as of a\n\ncertain date and to pay the amount of the tax due on that date.", "\n\nLike a taxpayer entitled to carry back an NOL, petitioner here,\n\ndid not incur, and therefore was not able to determine, the\n\nsubsequently incurred expenses until after the estate tax return\n\nwas required to be filed. ", " Like the NOL carrybacks, these\n\nexpenses could not have been deducted in computing the tax\n\nrequired to be shown on the estate tax return. ", " Like NOL\n\ncarrybacks, these later incurred expenses can be deducted only\n\npursuant to proceedings subsequent to the filing of the return.", "\n\nSee sec. ", "20.2053-1(b)(3), Estate Tax Regs.1\n\n The fraud that is being penalized by section 6663(a) is\n\ncomplete when a fraudulent return is filed. ", " In Badaracco v.\n\nCommissioner, 464 U.S. 386, 394 (1984), the Supreme Court\n\nexplained that:\n\n\n fraud was committed, and the offense completed, when\n the original return was prepared and filed. * * * ", "In\n short, once a fraudulent return has been filed, the\n case remains one \"of a false or fraudulent return,\"\n\n\n 1\n This is the same situation recognized by the Senate Finance\nCommittee report that is quoted in the majority opinion p. 5.", "\n\n A taxpayer entitled to a carry-back of a net\n operating loss * * * will not be able to determine the\n deduction on account of such carry-back until the close\n of the future taxable year in which he sustains the net\n operating loss * * *. ", "He must therefore file his\n return and pay his tax without regard to such\n deduction, and must file a claim for refund at the\n close of the succeeding taxable year when he is able to\n determine the amount of such carry-back. * * * [", "S.\n Rept. ", "1631, 77th Cong., ", "2d Sess., ", "at 123 (1942), 1942-2\n C.B. 504, 597; emphasis added.]", "\n\f - 33 -\n\n\n regardless of the taxpayer's later revised conduct, for\n purposes of criminal prosecution and civil fraud\n liability under § 6653(b). * * *", "\n\n\nSince fraud is based on the facts and circumstances at the time\n\nthe fraudulent return was filed, it makes sense that the facts\n\nand circumstances considered in determining the amount of the\n\nresulting penalty should be the same. ", " Courts addressing the\n\nfraud penalty examine the facts and circumstances in a time-\n\nspecific manner, not only in determining if fraud existed, but\n\nalso in determining the amount of the associated penalty. ", " See\n\nArc Elec. ", "Constr. ", "Co. v. Commissioner, 923 F.2d 1005, 1009 (2d\n\nCir. ", "1991) (\"A taxpayer who commits a fraud in reporting taxes in\n\none year may not, on account of a fortuitous carryback that later\n\ndevelops which eliminates tax liability for that same year, claim\n\nthat the carryback wipes out the fraud as well. ", " Once fraud is\n\ndemonstrated, it is, as it were, frozen in time, unaffected by\n\nsubsequent events.\"), ", "affg. ", "on this issue and revg. ", "and remanding\n\nT.C. Memo. ", "1990-30.", "\n\n This same logic is reflected by the statutory language of\n\nsection 6663(a) that imposes the penalty on the fraudulent\n\n\"underpayment of tax required to be shown on a return.\" ", " This\n\nlogic is also reflected in the legislative history of the Omnibus\n\nBudget Reconciliation Act of 1989, Pub. ", "L. 101-239, sec. ", "7721(a),\n\n103 Stat. ", "2106, 2395-2398, which introduced section 6663 and\n\nretained the provisions imposing interest on the fraud penalties\n\nfrom the date the return was required to be filed.", "\n\f - 34 -\n\n\n\n The bill retains the general rule of present law\n that interest on these penalties commences with the\n date the return was required to be filed. ", "The\n committee believes this rule is appropriate because the\n behavior being penalized is reflected on the tax\n return, so that imposition of interest from this date\n will reduce the incentives of taxpayers and their\n advisors to 'play the audit lottery.' [", "H. Rept. ", "101-\n 247, at 2234 (1989).]", "\n\n\n The majority states that Congress used the phrase \"tax\n\nrequired to be shown on a return\" as a classification and did not\n\nintend that the penalty be based on the specific tax required to\n\nbe shown on the fraudulent return on the filing date. ", " See\n\nmajority op. ", "p. 9. ", " I disagree. ", " The statutory classification of\n\nsituations covered by the section 6663(a) penalty is contained in\n\nsection 6664. ", " Section 6664(b) provides that the accuracy-related\n\nand the fraud penalties of sections 6662 and 6663, \"shall apply\n\nonly in cases where a return of tax is filed\". ", " Section 6664(b)\n\nspecifically classifies the situations to which section 6663(a)\n\napplies. ", " If the phrase \"tax required to be shown on a return\" in\n\nsection 6663 only refers to the type of tax, as the majority\n\nsuggests, the phrase would be surplusage. ", "In construing the tax\n\nCode, words used should not be considered surplusage. ", " D.\n\nGinsberg & Sons v. Popkin, 285 U.S. 204, 208 (1932) (It is a\n\ncardinal rule of statutory construction that \"effect shall be\n\ngiven to every clause and part of a statute.\"); ", "Arc Elec. ", "Constr.", "\n\nCo. v. Commissioner, supra at 1008.", "\n\n The majority's interpretation will also produce an\n\nunintended inconsistency between the way in which the fraud\n\f - 35 -\n\n\npenalties in sections 6663 and 6651 are computed. ", " Prior to the\n\nenactment of section 6663 in 1989, section 6653(b) imposed a\n\npenalty for fraud, regardless of whether or not a return was\n\nfiled. ", " When Congress enacted section 6663 imposing a fraud\n\npenalty for fraudulent returns, it added section 6651(f) imposing\n\na separate penalty for any fraudulent failure to file a return.", "\n\nThe penalty for fraudulent failure to file is imposed by using\n\nthe following statutory language:\n\n\n SEC. ", "6651(a) Addition to the Tax.--In case of failure--\n\n (1) to file any return required under authority of\n subchapter A of chapter 61 * * * there shall be added\n to the amount required to be shown as tax on such\n return * * * [15] percent of the amount of such tax if\n the failure is for not more than 1 month, with an\n additional * * * [15] percent for each additional month\n or fraction thereof during which such failure\n continues, not exceeding * * * [75] percent in the\n aggregate; [Sec. ", "6651(a), (f); emphasis added.5]\n\n\nThe above-quoted language makes it clear that the section 6651\n\nfraud penalty applies to the tax that was required to be shown on\n\na specific return on the specific date that such return was\n\nrequired to be filed. ", " This statutory language literally\n\nprecludes any allowance for expenses incurred after the return\n\ndue date in computing the fraud penalty. ", " In 1989, when Congress\n\nenacted separate fraud penalties for fraudulent returns and\n\nfraudulent failures to file, there was nothing to indicate that\n\n\n\n 5\n The bracketed percentages are substituted into sec. ", "6651(a)\npursuant to sec. ", "6651(f) in cases where the failure to file is\nfraudulent.", "\n\f - 36 -\n\n\nCongress intended to allow events occurring after the return due\n\ndate to produce different results depending on whether or not a\n\nreturn was filed.", "\n\n In defining the meaning of \"underpayment\" for purposes of\n\nthis case, the majority holds that \"the 'amount of tax imposed by\n\nthis title' refers to the tax that 'is hereby imposed on the\n\ntransfer of the taxable estate of every decedent who is a citizen\n\nor resident of the United States.' ", " Sec. ", "2001(a).\" ", " See majority\n\nop. ", "p. 4. ", " But this can only be true if one looks at the tax\n\nrequired to be shown on the tax return on its due date. ", " Section\n\n6664(a) defines \"underpayment\" generally to mean \"the amount by\n\nwhich any tax imposed by this title\" exceeds the amount shown as\n\nthe tax by the taxpayer on his return. ", " The isolated phrase \"tax\n\nimposed by this title\" is much more inclusive than the majority\n\nholds. ", " For example, in the very next section of the Code,\n\nsection 6665(a)(2) provides:\n\n\n any reference in this title to \"tax\" imposed by this\n title shall be deemed also to refer to the additions to\n the tax, additional amounts, and penalties provided by\n this chapter. [", "Emphasis added.]", "\n\n\nLikewise, section 6601(e)(1) provides:\n\n\n (1) Interest treated as tax.-- * * * Any\n reference in this title (except subchapter B of chapter\n 63, relating to deficiency procedures) to any tax\n imposed by this title shall be deemed also to refer to\n interest imposed by this section on such tax.", "\n [Emphasis added.]", "\n\f - 37 -\n\n\n Pursuant to these sections, any computation of the \"tax\n\nimposed by this title\" made without reference to the point in\n\ntime that the return was required to be filed, would have to\n\ninclude both interest and penalties. ", " The majority clearly does\n\nnot contemplate that interest and penalties be included in \"tax\n\nimposed by this title\" for purposes of computing the\n\n\"underpayment\" to which the fraud penalty applies. ", " However, the\n\nonly way to avoid such a result is to interpret section 6663 as\n\nimposing the fraud penalty on the underpayment of tax that was\n\nrequired to be shown on the taxpayer's return at the time it was\n\nfiled.6 Prior to the 1989 enactment of sections 6663 and 6664,\n\nthe fraud penalty provided for by section 6653(b) was based on an\n\n\"underpayment\" that was generally defined in section 6653(c) as a\n\n\"deficiency\" within the meaning of section 6211. ", " Neither the\n\nfraud penalty nor interest is within the definition of a\n\n\"deficiency\" pursuant to sections 6211 and 6601(e). ", " See White v.\n\nCommissioner, 95 T.C. 209 (1990); Estate of DiRezza v.\n\nCommissioner, 78 T.C. 19 (1982).", "\n\n Finally, the purpose of the fraud penalty is to reimburse\n\nthe Government for the heavy expense of investigation and the\n\nloss resulting from the taxpayer's fraud. ", " Helvering v. Mitchell,\n\n303 U.S. 391, 401 (1938); Ianniello v. Commissioner, 98 T.C. 165,\n\n180 (1992). ", " The majority would allow a fraudulent taxpayer to\n\nreduce the penalty by costs incurred to fight the Government's\n\n\n 6\n The tax required to be shown on a timely filed return would\nnot include any interest or penalty.", "\n\f - 38 -\n\n\nattempt to detect and recover fraudulently omitted tax and by\n\ninterest charged for the period during which the fraudulently\n\nomitted tax was not paid.1 This thwarts the very purpose of the\n\npenalty.", "\n\n Respondent's concern that the \"government's reimbursement\n\n[through the fraud penalty] could be consumed by the * * *\n\n[estate's] counsels' fees and fees being paid to the trustees,\n\nwho happen to be the beneficiaries of the estate\", majority op.", "\n\np. 12, should concern us as well. ", " This case appears to have been\n\nhotly contested. ", " The Court's initial opinion depicts a massive\n\nfraud that respondent proved by clear and convincing evidence.", "\n\nSee Estate of Trompeter v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. ", "1998-35.", "\n\nUnder the majority's holding, for every dollar that the estate\n\nincurs in unsuccessfully fighting the deficiency and fraud\n\npenalty, it could potentially save more than $.96 in tax and\n\npenalties!", "\n\n A simple hypothetical may help explain this: Assume a 55-\n\npercent tax rate and a timely filed fraudulent return showing a\n\ntaxable estate of $1,000.2 The estate reports and pays tax of\n\n$550 with the return. ", " Later, the value of the taxable estate\n\n(before postreturn expenses) is determined by the Commissioner to\n\nbe $2,000. ", " The total amount of tax that should have been shown\n\n\n 1\n Petitioner is claiming postreturn administrative expenses\nof $926,274 and interest expenses in the amount of $4,167,275.", "\n 2\n This is just an example. ", "The 55-percent rate is applied to\ntaxable estates exceeding $3 million. ", "Petitioner was clearly in\nthe 55-percent bracket.", "\n\f - 39 -\n\n\non the return was $1,100. ", " This results in a $550 increase in tax\n\nover the tax reported on the return. ", " The Commissioner also\n\ndetermines that the underpayment is due to fraud. ", " Therefore, the\n\nestate would be liable for the additional $550 tax plus the fraud\n\npenalty in the amount of $412.50 (.75 x $550) for a total of\n\n$962.50 ($550 + $412.50).", "\n\n Now assume that in the resulting litigation, respondent's\n\ndetermination is upheld on all points, but in contesting the\n\ncase, the estate incurs expenses of $1,000. ", " These expenses\n\nreduce the value of the taxable estate to $1,000, which in turn\n\nresults in a total tax liability of $550 ($1,000 x .55), the same\n\namount reported on the fraudulent return. ", " Pursuant to the\n\nmajority opinion, the estate would pay no additional tax and no\n\nfraud penalty. ", " Even though the estate lost all of the issues in\n\nlitigation and spent $1,000, its real out-of-pocket costs would\n\nnot exceed $37.50.", "\n\n The results that will occur under the majority's holding can\n\nbe avoided by a reasonable interpretation of section 6663(a).", "\n\nSection 6663(a) should be interpreted as providing that the fraud\n\npenalty be imposed on the difference between the amount of tax\n\nthat was required to be shown on the return and the amount that\n\nwas actually shown on the return. ", " This interpretation is\n\nsupported by the words of section 6663, the language in related\n\nsections of the Code, case law, and common sense. ", " There is\n\nsimply no reason why we should interpret the statutory language\n\f - 40 -\n\n\nin a way that would produce a result contrary to the purpose of\n\nthe statute. ", " See Badaracco v. Commissioner, 469 U.S. at 398.", "\n\n COHEN, C.J., agrees with this dissent.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "Pay Per Click Service\n\nLocal Business Marketing\n\nWebsite Design Options\n\nWebsite and Email Hosting\n\nPPC Management Services\n\nWhether your PPC campaign is already up and running or you need to create one, the experts at Full On Digital can assist you. ", "We have a 100% successful track record in “optimizing” your Google PPC campaign. ", "Typically, our clients see 20-30% more clicks for their same budget; OR, clients can save 20-30% in cost and get the same number of clicks to their site.", "\n\nWe are strong proponents of organic placement but depending on several factors like education level of your client base and gender, PPC can be a successful endeavor. ", "College graduates, those with Masters degrees are less likely to click on the right side of the page; women, even less likely. ", "If you just look at the averages, 14% of Google visitors will click one of the “Ads” up at the top of the page IF all 3 exist. ", "Looking at the right column of “Ads”, if all 8 exist, on average 5% of the people performing a search on Google will click on one of those links or ads. ", "As previously mentioned, education level and gender will cause these numbers to change.", "\n\nIt’s been said that as many as 80% of Google PPC campaigns don’t see a return on investment for the company running the ads. ", "This is due to someone not knowing how to properly setup the campaign. ", "A campaign that has been properly setup will provide a return on investment. ", "That said, our track record shows we consistently deliver organic visitors at a fraction of the cost of a “paid” visitor.", "\n\nThere is something to be said for being all over the page! ", "If you want multiple listings on the home page, we encourage you to look at our SEM page. ", "If your budget does not allow you to go the SEM route, then consider launching a Google PPC campaign. ", "It offers immediate results!", "\n\nOur fees to establish and manage a Google PPC campaign are $1.00 per keyword to establish an optimized campaign and 20% of the approved monthly allowance ongoing. ", "Our expertise will cover your monthly fee so basically, you get our service for free!", "\n\nAbout\n\nFull On Digital was born digital back in 1998, and we have evolved and changed over time. ", "We focus on SEO with GUARANTEED RESULTS, 100% Success Rate, Pubished Pricing, and a 93% retention rate. ", "Contact us to see if we can help your business." ]
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[ "[Treatment of severe systemic autoimmune diseases with autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation].", "\nTo investigate the feasibility, efficacy and safety of high dose immunosuppressive therapy (HDIT) and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) with CD(34)(+) cell selection in patients with refractory and severe autoimmune diseases. ", "Twenty-one patients with SLE, RA, pSS, SSc or MCTD were enrolled in the study from 1999. ", "Autologous haemopoietic stem cells were mobilized with CTX 3 approximately 4 g/m(2) and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). ", "CD(34)(+) cells were selected by CliniMACS. ", "After conditioning with CTX (200 mg/kg) and pig antithymocyte globulin (ATG, 90 mg/kg) or CTX (150 mg/kg) and total body irradiation (TBI, 4 approximately 6 Gy), the enriched CD(34)(+) cells were reinfused. ", "All patients completed the mobilization and leukapheresis procedures successfully, and proceeded to receive conditioning and transplantation. ", "Two patients died of complication related to transplantation, one is CMV infection, the other is severe pneumonia during the course of granulocyte deficiency. ", "A MCTD patient completed the stem cell mobilization and died of severe pulmonary hypertension and heart failure before CD(34)(+) cells reinfusing. ", "Two SLE patients relapsed in 26, 37 months respectively and a RA patient relapsed in 15 months after transplantation. ", "Other patients got improved, with SLE-DAI score decreasing from 17 to 4 score and proteinuria decreasing from 6.7 g to 2.3 g in SLE patients; DAS28 score from 7.9 to 2.1 in RA patient; Symptom improved and lab results recovered in SS. ", "High dose immunosuppressive therapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with CD(34)(+) cell selection is feasible and relative safe. ", "Patients remain free from disease active and improved continuously. ", "Some patients could relapse after transplantation. ", "Long-term effect need to be further observed." ]
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[ "6*h**2 - 910*h - 71. ", "Let y(a) = 11*m(a) + 2*s(a). ", "Find the second derivative of y(z) wrt z.\n-19410\nLet x(f) = -2*f - 2. ", "Let i(v) = -182*v**3 - 2*v**2 - 881*v - 6. ", "Let o(n) = i(n) - 3*x(n). ", "What is the second derivative of o(a) wrt a?", "\n-1092*a - 4\nLet m(x) = 10464*x**3 - 236*x**2 + 21*x + 46. ", "Let f(r) = -2093*r**3 + 47*r**2 - 4*r - 9. ", "Let c(a) = 21*f(a) + 4*m(a). ", "Find the third derivative of c(b) wrt b.\n-12582\nSuppose 4*c + d = -80, -4*c = -c - 5*d + 37. ", "Let f = c + 29. ", "What is the second derivative of 7*n**2 - 5*n**2 + f*n - 31*n**2 wrt n?", "\n-58\nLet r(h) = h**2 + 3*h - 11. ", "Let f = -102 - -96. ", "Let n be r(f). ", "Find the third derivative of -11*j**2 + 14*j**2 - 29*j**4 - n*j**2 wrt j.\n-696*j\nWhat is the third derivative of 411*u**2 - 73*u**2 + 704*u**2 + u**3 - 3*u**5 wrt u?", "\n-180*u**2 + 6\nLet c be 1/((-6)/(-156)) - 8. ", "What is the second derivative of -55*b + c*b**2 + 173*b**2 + 116*b wrt b?", "\n382\nLet j = -5954 - -8640. ", "Suppose -16 = -3*w - w, -5*c + j = 4*w. ", "What is the third derivative of -6*f**2 + f**2 - 578*f**5 + c*f**5 wrt f?", "\n-2640*f**2\nLet n(j) = 2586*j + 1405. ", "Let m(w) = -862*w - 467. ", "Let f(x) = -8*m(x) - 3*n(x). ", "Find the first derivative of f(b) wrt b.\n-862\nWhat is the second derivative of 2*q + 290*q**2 - 1423 - 573*q**4 - 566*q**4 + 1145*q**4 wrt q?", "\n72*q**2 + 580\nLet x(z) be the third derivative of -1769*z**6/120 + z**4/3 + 16*z**3 + 1383*z**2. ", "Find the second derivative of x(j) wrt j.\n-10614*j\nLet t(a) be the third derivative of 166*a**6/15 - 179*a**4/4 - 2*a**2 + 366*a. ", "What is the second derivative of t(c) wrt c?", "\n7968*c\nLet l(v) = -3*v**3 - 5*v**2 + 1. ", "Let m be l(-2). ", "Suppose y = a + 5 - 4, m*a - 23 = -2*y. ", "What is the first derivative of a + 10 - 11*o - 2 + 10 wrt o?", "\n-11\nLet g(n) be the first derivative of -569*n**7/7 - 703*n**3/3 - 452. ", "Find the third derivative of g(y) wrt y.\n-68280*y**3\nLet v be 21/(-10 + 7) - -15. ", "What is the second derivative of 15*t + 6 - v - 15*t - 13*t**4 - 56*t - 52*t**4 wrt t?", "\n-780*t**2\nLet f(d) = -4*d**3 + 84*d**2 - d + 23. ", "Let z be f(21). ", "Find the second derivative of -23*v**2 - 23*v**2 + 2 - 33 + 4*v - 2 - 10*v**z wrt v.\n-112\nLet x(v) be the second derivative of 0*v**2 + 1 + 3*v + 57/56*v**8 + 0*v**7 - 1/2*v**4 - 2/3*v**3 + 0*v**5 + 0*v**6. ", "Find the third derivative of x(b) wrt b.\n6840*b**3\nLet w(s) be the second derivative of 188*s**5/5 - 211*s**4/2 - 1006*s. ", "Find the third derivative of w(x) wrt x.\n4512\nLet w(q) be the first derivative of -1257*q**6/2 + 4297*q**2/2 - 3191. ", "Find the second derivative of w(t) wrt t.\n-75420*t**3\nLet n(a) = a**3 + 4*a + 0*a**2 - 3*a**2 + 0*a**2 - 8*a. ", "Let g be n(4). ", "Differentiate 1 + 175*p + g - 166*p wrt p.\n9\nLet f(s) be the second derivative of -9/4*s**4 + 36*s**2 - 82*s - 1/10*s**5 + 0*s**3 + 0. ", "What is the derivative of f(x) wrt x?", "\n-6*x**2 - 54*x\nFind the second derivative of 3*z**3 + 632*z**2 + 425*z**2 - 3292*z + 0*z**3 + 209*z**2 - 2*z**3 wrt z.\n6*z + 2532\nSuppose 5*p = -2*n + 4, 6*p = -4*n + 3*p + 22. ", "Find the second derivative of -3*j + n*j**2 - 236 + 5*j - 24*j + 238 + 3*j**2 + 6*j**5 wrt j.\n120*j**3 + 20\nLet p(q) be the first derivative of 2*q**5 + 5*q**4 + 14*q**3 - 21*q + 2224. ", "What is the third derivative of p(i) wrt i?", "\n240*i + 120\nLet w be 213/18 + ((-23)/6 - -4). ", "Let g(p) be the third derivative of 0 - 2*p**3 + 0*p - 11/24*p**4 - w*p**2. ", "What is the first derivative of g(v) wrt v?", "\n-11\nWhat is the third derivative of 553*o**4 - 19*o**2 + 108*o**2 + 1089*o**4 - 288*o**2 - 201*o**2 wrt o?", "\n39408*o\nLet q be (4 - -94)*6/12. ", "Find the second derivative of -q*m - 1294*m**4 - 1306*m**4 + 2377*m**4 wrt m.\n-2676*m**2\nDifferentiate 198 - 669*p + 3*p**2 - 6486 - 1653 with respect to p.\n6*p - 669\nLet k(w) be the first derivative of 394*w**2 + 1979*w + 965. ", "What is the derivative of k(m) wrt m?", "\n788\nFind the second derivative of -47*u**2 + 104*u - 6*u**4 + 108*u**2 - 61*u**2 - 17*u**4 wrt u.\n-276*u**2\nLet y(c) be the second derivative of 41/6*c**3 + 8*c - 17*c**2 + 0. ", "Differentiate y(s) wrt s.\n41\nLet v(u) = -u**2 - u - 3. ", "Let a(m) = -40*m**2 + 31*m + 18. ", "Suppose 19*t + 24 = 15*t. ", "Let z(k) = t*v(k) - a(k). ", "Find the second derivative of z(j) wrt j.\n92\nLet z(d) be the third derivative of d**7/210 - 8723*d**4/24 - 376*d**3/3 + 2*d**2 + 2050*d + 1. ", "What is the derivative of z(o) wrt o?", "\n4*o**3 - 8723\nLet a(h) be the first derivative of -1717*h**6/2 - 1975*h**3/3 + 619. ", "What is the third derivative of a(d) wrt d?", "\n-309060*d**2\nFind the second derivative of 876*t + 890*t**4 - 79*t - 147*t wrt t.\n10680*t**2\nLet o = 191 + -171. ", "What is the derivative of -11 + 191*t + 45 + o + 4 wrt t?", "\n191\nLet o(t) be the third derivative of 5213*t**5/60 + 3355*t**3/6 - t**2 - 101*t. ", "Differentiate o(y) with respect to y.\n10426*y\nLet a(q) = 13*q - 52. ", "Let t be a(6). ", "Differentiate -42*l + 53*l + 86*l - t wrt l.\n97\nLet z = 51 - 25. ", "Find the second derivative of -z*d + 27 + 93*d**3 - 33 + 9*d wrt d.\n558*d\nLet q(j) be the first derivative of 35*j**3/3 + 19*j**2/2 + 36*j + 33. ", "Let t(u) be the first derivative of q(u). ", "What is the derivative of t(d) wrt d?", "\n70\nLet i(r) be the first derivative of -225*r**5 + 667*r**3/3 + 988. ", "Find the third derivative of i(b) wrt b.\n-27000*b\nWhat is the third derivative of -1239*l**3 - 8222*l**3 - 316*l**3 + 11158*l**2 + 154*l**2 wrt l?", "\n-58662\nFind the second derivative of -1659*g**2 - 212*g + 333*g + 629*g wrt g.\n-3318\nSuppose 3*y = 4*k - 100, -3*k = -k + 2*y - 64. ", "Let j = -24 + k. Find the third derivative of -c**4 + c**j + 0*c**4 + 10*c**5 - 17*c**2 wrt c.\n600*c**2\nLet q(d) = -202*d**2 - 6*d + 4. ", "Let o(t) = 114*t + 106*t - 224*t + 3*t**2 - 203*t**2 + 3. ", "Let x(a) = 4*o(a) - 3*q(a). ", "Find the second derivative of x(h) wrt h.\n-388\nLet t(g) be the first derivative of 0*g**6 - 21*g**3 + 0*g**2 - 1/7*g**7 + 2*g - 103/4*g**4 + 198 + 0*g**5. ", "What is the third derivative of t(j) wrt j?", "\n-120*j**3 - 618\nSuppose 3*h - o - 11 = 0, 4*o = -8*h + 7*h - 18. ", "Let a be (-9)/(-6) - (-7)/h. ", "What is the first derivative of -15*c**4 + 11*c**4 - a*c**4 - 20*c**4 - 3 wrt c?", "\n-116*c**3\nLet o be -5 + -7 - (1 - 13). ", "Let k(w) be the second derivative of 0 + o*w**4 + 10*w + 13/20*w**5 + 0*w**2 + 5/2*w**3. ", "Find the second derivative of k(i) wrt i.\n78*i\nSuppose -7*l + 31 = -123. ", "Let a = 51 - l. Find the third derivative of -56*p + a*p + 27*p - 21*p**2 + 14*p**3 wrt p.\n84\nSuppose 3*h - 46 = -g, -2*g + 7*g = -3*h + 254. ", "Find the third derivative of 75*d**4 + 76*d**2 + 66*d**2 + g*d**4 wrt d.\n3048*d\nLet v = -35 + 38. ", "Suppose 2*k + k = 0, 5*k - v = -h. ", "Find the second derivative of h*r - 12*r**4 + 2*r - 3*r + 10*r wrt r.\n-144*r**2\nSuppose -18*b + 78912 = -0*b. ", "Find the second derivative of b*y**3 - 4283*y**3 + 5*y + 17 - 2*y wrt y.\n606*y\nLet j(f) = -1281*f + 380. ", "Let t(k) = -11*k + 2. ", "Let v(l) = j(l) - 2*t(l). ", "What is the first derivative of v(z) wrt z?", "\n-1259\nLet m(r) be the third derivative of -17*r**6/240 + 13*r**5/120 + r**4 - 55*r**2. ", "Let o(z) be the second derivative of m(z). ", "Differentiate o(g) wrt g.\n-51\nFind the third derivative of -13*u**3 + 2*u**2 - 4*u**2 + 2157*u + 6*u**3 - 20*u**5 - 5*u**3 - 2596*u wrt u.\n-1200*u**2 - 72\nLet r(m) = m**3 - m - 1. ", "Let u(v) = -64*v**4 - v**3 - 84*v**2 + v + 1. ", "Let f = 422 - 423. ", "Let l(i) = f*u(i) - r(i). ", "Find the third derivative of l(w) wrt w.\n1536*w\nLet o(q) = 8*q**2 + 25*q - 11. ", "Let x be o(-4). ", "Find the second derivative of 34*r**2 + 2444 + x*r**2 - 2497 - 2*r + 64*r**2 + 17*r**2 wrt r.\n264\nLet i(d) be the third derivative of -d**4/4 - 5*d**3/3 + 3*d**2. ", "Let j be i(-5). ", "Find the first derivative of 4 - 2 + j*y - 8 + 4*y wrt y.\n24\nLet f(o) be the second derivative of -o**6/10 - 103*o**5/10 - o**3/6 + 1861*o**2/2 - 7560*o. ", "What is the second derivative of f(n) wrt n?", "\n-36*n**2 - 1236*n\nSuppose 4*l = 6*l - 3*r - 38, l + 5*r + 7 = 0. ", "Suppose 0 = 3*c + 2*c - 30. ", "Find the third derivative of -l*b**c - 4*b + 9*b**2 - 3*b + 7*b wrt b.\n-1560*b**3\nLet a(f) = 7*f**2 + 16*f + 12. ", "Let w be a(-5). ", "Suppose 4*k = -3*d + w, 0*d - 2*d = 5*k - 62. ", "Differentiate d*z + 19*z**3 + 32 - 81*z + 40*z with respect to z.\n57*z**2\nSuppose 5*v - r - 468 = -29, 356 = 4*v - 2*r. ", "Let k = v + -75. ", "What is the third derivative of 32*p**5 - 15*p**5 - 17*p**5 + 19*p**6 + k*p**2 wrt p?", "\n2280*p**3\nLet j = -375 + 377. ", "Differentiate 11*k**j - 2*k**4 + 19 + 22 - 19 + 0*k**4 with respect to k.\n-8*k**3 + 22*k\nLet b" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.02564102564102564, 0.00909090909090909, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.007518796992481203, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.005555555555555556, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAlter request object before validation\n\nif($key == \"postcode\") {\n $this->validate($request, [\n 'postcode' => ['required','regex:#^(GIR ?", "0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9ABEHMNPRV-Y])?)|[0-9][A-HJKPS-UW]) ?[", "0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$#'],\n ]);\n}\n\nI need to convert the postcode field into uppercase before I pass it in to this validate function. ", "I tried $request->input('postcode') = strtoupper($request->input('postcode')); but got;\n\nCan't use method return value in write context.", "\n\nI want to keep $request as the whole Request object ideally. ", "Otherwise I’d just pass in the $request->input('postcode') on it's own. ", "Actually I think the method is type-hinted for Request.", "\nThis is Laravel 5.1\n\nA:\n\nYou could do it with the merge method:\n$request->merge(array('postcode' => strtoupper($request->input('postcode'))));\n\nMaybe it is also interesting to know that you can make your validation case-insensitive, by adding the i modifier at the end of the regular expression:\n#^(GIR .... $#i\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0031847133757961785 ]
[ "namespace System.", "IO.Compression2\n{\n // Do not rearrange the enum values. ", "\n internal enum InflaterState\n {\n ReadingHeader = 0, // Only applies to GZIP\n\n ReadingBFinal = 2, // About to read bfinal bit\n ReadingBType = 3, // About to read blockType bits\n\n ReadingNumLitCodes = 4, // About to read # literal codes\n ReadingNumDistCodes = 5, // About to read # dist codes\n ReadingNumCodeLengthCodes = 6, // About to read # code length codes\n ReadingCodeLengthCodes = 7, // In the middle of reading the code length codes\n ReadingTreeCodesBefore = 8, // In the middle of reading tree codes (loop top)\n ReadingTreeCodesAfter = 9, // In the middle of reading tree codes (extension; code > 15)\n\n DecodeTop = 10, // About to decode a literal (char/match) in a compressed block\n HaveInitialLength = 11, // Decoding a match, have the literal code (base length)\n HaveFullLength = 12, // Ditto, now have the full match length (incl. ", "extra length bits)\n HaveDistCode = 13, // Ditto, now have the distance code also, need extra dist bits\n\n /* uncompressed blocks */\n UncompressedAligning = 15,\n UncompressedByte1 = 16,\n UncompressedByte2 = 17,\n UncompressedByte3 = 18,\n UncompressedByte4 = 19,\n DecodingUncompressed = 20,\n\n // These three apply only to GZIP\n StartReadingFooter = 21, // (Initialisation for reading footer)\n ReadingFooter = 22,\n VerifyingFooter = 23,\n\n Done = 24 // Finished\n }\n\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.0009569377990430622, 0.0034782608695652175 ]
[ "Background\n==========\n\nA detailed characterization of the transcriptome is not only a prerequisite for genome annotation, but is also crucial to relate gene expression and function to phenotypic variation, to estimate evolutionary rates or to identify genes under selection \\[[@B1]-[@B5]\\]. ", "While the first large-scale EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) projects based on Sanger sequencing had already revealed that transcriptomes are highly diverse and complex, this has over the last decade been corroborated on an unprecedented scale by massive parallel sequencing (MPS) \\[[@B6]-[@B9]\\].", "\n\nUntil recently microarrays, based on either cDNA, or in the case of model organisms, oligonucleotides, were the main tool to assess global patterns of gene expression. ", "These microarray studies provided a first characterization of temporal and spatial gene expression patterns in many different organisms, but they also had obvious limitations since they were dependent on already available sequence information from the organism of interest. ", "Furthermore, at least with cDNA arrays, most transcripts were only represented by the most common splice variant making the gene expression estimates unspecific \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "The emergence of MPS techniques has profoundly transformed the landscape of both genome and transcriptome sequencing \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "In the case of transcriptome sequencing it has become possible to obtain both sequence data and estimates of gene expression levels in a single experiment \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "MPS also allowed for very deep sequencing of transcriptomes revealing in principle all expressed parts of the genome. ", "In mouse (*Mus musculus*), for example, despite a fully sequenced genome and millions of EST sequences in public databases, MPS of expressed genes from three different tissues revealed several thousand new features of known genes and close to 600 novel gene transcripts \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Similar results, with a very large number of previously unknown expressed parts of the genome, were recently obtained in *Drosophila melanogaster*\\[[@B13]\\]. ", "In plants, MPS has been used to investigate gene expression and alternative splicing in model organisms. ", "As in animals, large parts of the genome are transcribed (although the majority of transcripts can be assigned to previously identified expressed parts of the genome) and around 30-40% of the genes have more than one expressed splice variant \\[[@B8],[@B9]\\]. ", "In addition, transcriptome sequencing has been employed in a large array of plant species to create basic genetic resources and to study gene expression dynamics (for example see: \\[[@B14]-[@B20]\\]).", "\n\nMost efforts have so far focused on angiosperms, less attention being paid to gymnosperms in spite of the availability of several very large EST libraries in the spruce (*Picea*) and pine (*Pinus*) genus. ", "By April 2012 there were 313,110 and 186,637 EST sequences deposited at NCBI from *Picea glauca* and *P. sitchensis*, respectively. ", "Efforts in the European *Picea abies* (Norway spruce) have been less intensive and only some 14,000 ESTs had been deposited at NCBI by April 2012. ", "Based on sequence similarity, the data obtained in the North American species have been collapsed into 22,472 putative unique transcripts (PUTs, unigenes) in *P. glauca* and 19,828 unigenes in *P. sitchensis* (see Unigene assembly on NCBI). ", "In addition, more focused experimental and bioinformatic efforts have been made to obtain full-length cDNAs (FL-cDNA) in both *P. sitchensis* and *P. glauca* and have so far lead to the identification of 27,720 (23,589 annotated as FL-cDNA) unique transcribed genes in *P. glauca* and around 8,000 validated FL-cDNA have been characterized in *P. sitchensis*\\[[@B21],[@B22]\\]. ", "These data sets have been very useful for creating microarray assays, detecting polymorphic markers to construct genetic maps and to estimate evolutionary rates \\[[@B23]-[@B26]\\]. ", "Gymnosperms separated from angiosperms some 300 million years ago \\[[@B27]\\] and they differ in many important aspects. ", "For example, in conifers, the overall recombination seems to be lower than in angiosperms and limited to genes \\[[@B28],[@B29]\\] and, in contrast to angiosperms where genome duplication has been pervasive, genome duplication is rare in conifers \\[[@B30]\\]. ", "The generally very large size of conifer genomes is rather a result from massive invasion of transposable elements early in the history of the group \\[[@B31]\\]. ", "One could therefore expect different mode and tempo of evolution of the transcriptome in these two groups of plants. ", "The gymnosperm group does, compared to the angiosperm group, contain fewer species, but many gymnosperm species have very large distribution ranges and are of great ecological and economical importance \\[[@B32]\\]. ", "The largest taxon within gymnosperms is the coniferophyta that harbors around 600 species, including many tree species such as pines, spruces and yews \\[[@B27]\\]. ", "Within these three groups the phylogenetic relationships are not fully known since molecular divergence tends to be very low. ", "For example, within the spruce genera morphological and molecular markers often give conflicting results and multi-locus nuclear DNA data indicates that incomplete lineage sorting is a major challenge for inferring species trees \\[[@B33]\\]. ", "The spruce lineage separated from the pine lineage around 120-160 millions years ago whereas the Taxus lineage is more distantly related and are believed to have a common ancestor to the pine and spruce lineages between 240 and 300 million years ago \\[[@B27],[@B34]\\].", "\n\nIn this study we present results from deep sequencing of the *P. abies* needle transcriptome. ", "The data was used to create a reference transcriptome, containing a extensive set of genes expressed in actively growing spruce needles. ", "Combined with available EST from publicly available databases, the size of the characterized part of the transcriptome in *P. abies* now reaches the same order of magnitude as data available from North American spruce species, with thousands of putative full-length genes. ", "We used these data to address the following questions: First, to what extent can this type of short sequence data be assembled *de novo* to full length transcripts? ", "Second, can the short reads be used to identify polymorphic sites? ", "Third, by analyzing mRNA samples from two time points; during day (in the light) and during night (in the dark) can we detect differentially expressed transcripts and if so does the inferred pattern differ compared to angiosperms? ", "Fourth, since recent studies of divergence between conifer species have suggested that there might be major differences in evolutionary rates between conifers and angiosperms \\[[@B26]\\] we used the assembly together with data from *P. glauca*, *P. sitchensis*, *Pinus taeda* and *Taxus mairei* to evaluate this statement with a larger and more diverse data set. ", "By comparing not only our, but also two other spruce transcriptome sequences created by traditional sequencing methods, to both *Pinus taeda* and *Taxus mairei* we could minimize biases that might exist in any single assembly. ", "Furthermore, since inferring pattern of divergence between species can be biased when closely related species (*e.g.* incomplete lineage sorting) or highly divergent species (saturation on synonymous sites) are used, the use of species that diverged at two different time points should reduce these problems.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nRNA extracted from needles of a single adult *P. abies* tree growing outside Uppsala, Sweden (59°51'29\"N, 17°48'38\"E) was used to produce 6 different adapter-ligated cDNA libraries. ", "In total, close to 70 million 76 bp long fragments were sequenced from both ends and close to 50% of the reads originated from the samples collected in the dark (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Based on overlap between pair-end reads, the obtained library sizes were smaller than the expected 150-300 bp and around 50% of the reads contained detectable traces of adaptor sequence, which means that the fragment size was smaller than the read length of 76 bp. ", "Thus, reads were filtered, not only based on quality, but also on presence of adaptor sequence, reducing the data set to 33,185,901 fragments that was used in *de novo* assembly (∼15 million where paired end sequences were retained and ∼18 million when only one of the paired reads was retained). ", "For mapping purposes we created a second data set where reads containing adaptor sequence were trimmed rather than removed and retained if they were longer than 30 bp after trimming. ", "This created a data set of 55,417,522 fragments (almost 36 millions sequenced at both ends and 19.5 millions from only one end) of length between 30 and 76 bp (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nSummary of the collected sequence data\n\n     **Used in*****de novo*****assembly** **Used in mapping** \n -------------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- ----------------\n **RNA source** **Raw PE reads** **PE reads** **SE reads** **PE reads** **SE reads**\n Light extraction 1 28,073,980 5,668,652 3,229,442 14,751,144 3,738,405\n Light extraction 2 20,442,438 4,589,450 2,930,651 9,693,554 3,077,721\n Light extraction 3 23,554,246 5,183,788 2,929,447 12,575,038 3,217,660\n Dark extraction 1 23,885,794 5,004,782 3,054,332 12,080,884 3,359,437\n Dark extraction 2 22,157,136 4,929,488 2,929,710 11,349,636 3,084,920\n Dark extraction 3 21,643,358 4,981,140 2,933,669 11,307,910 3,060,296\n **Total** **139,756,952** **30,357,300** **18,007,251** **71,758,166** **19,538,439**\n\nCollected number of sequences from the 6 different sequence libraries. ", "The number of reads used for assembly and mapping divided as pair-end (PE) and single-end (SE) reads retained after cleaning and filtering as described in Material and methods.", "\n\n*de novo* assembly\n------------------\n\nTwo types of short read *de novo* assemblers were used. ", "First, both pair-end and single-end reads were assembled using Velvet \\[[@B35]\\] and second, all reads were treated as single-end reads and assembled using ABySS \\[[@B36]\\]. ", "The resulting contigs from both assemblers were merged with 8,715 PUTs (putative unique transcripts) assembled from ESTs at plantgdb.org \\[[@B37]\\] to create a more comprehensive set of PUTs from *P. abies*. ", "The final assembly contained 59,556 PUTs with a N50 and a N90 size of 551 bp and 156 bp, respectively (N50 and N90 are the length of the shortest contigs in a set of contigs sorted in a descending order that includes 50% and 90% of the total assembly length). ", "In all downstream analyses we excluded PUTs shorter than 151 bp, leaving 38,419 PUTs with a mean length of 471.5 bp. ", "The total assembly length of PUTs longer than 150 bp was just over 18 Mbp and the mean sequence depth of these PUTs as measured by RPKM (reads per kilobase of transcripts per million of mapped reads) was 281 (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Distribution of length and coverage of PUTs.** ", "Histogram of length (left) and number of reads per PUT (right). ", "To aid visualization both PUT length and read count values were log10 transformed. ", "Note that all PUTs shorter than 150bp were excluded from the histograms.](1471-2164-13-589-1){#F1}\n\n55% of the assembled *P. abies* PUTs showed similarity (blastx E-value  \\< 1 × 10^−10^) to plant proteins when translated to protein sequences. ", "Of the 38,419 PUTs 32,082 show a significant hit against either *P. glauca* or *P. sitchensis* and 23,450 of these were similar over more than 90% of the sequence length of the *P. abies* PUT. ", "Of the 882 transcripts longer than 1,500 bp only 57 PUTs did not show any similarity to Arabidopsis or other plant proteins. ", "Taken together this left only 4,167 *P. abies* PUTs with no or limited similarity to any plant protein sequence or any EST sequence from other spruce species. ", "For complete annotation of PUTs longer than 150 bp against *A. thaliana*, *P. glauca*, *P. sitchensis*, plant proteins, PFAM databases and repeat databases see Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\nPotential reading frames were identified from all PUTs longer than 150 nucleotides. ", "This led to the identification of 6,194 PUTs that have properties suggesting that they are full-length transcripts including both a start and stop codon and have an open reading frame (ORF) of at least 10 amino acids (Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Comparison of the length distribution of both untranslated regions (UTRs) and the ORF length to the validated full-length data set from both *P. sitchensis*\\[[@B21]\\] and *P. glauca*\\[[@B22]\\] suggests that a fraction of our putative full-length PUTs includes full-length transcripts. ", "However, the length distributions of both the 5'-UTRs, 3'-UTRs and ORFs were enriched for short sequences compared to what was reported from the *P. sitchensis* and *P. glauca* (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"} compared to Figure three in \\[[@B21]\\]). ", "A direct comparison between a set of potentially orthologous sequences in *P. abies* and *P. glauca* shows that there is a large number of PUTs that likely are full-length as they are equally long in both species, but it is also clear from this comparison that neither of these two data sets are solely composed of full-length transcripts as many transcripts annotated as full-length in either *P. glauca* or *P. abies* appear to be truncated when compared to each other (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}d). ", "Approximately one fifth of the 6,194 full length *P. abies* transcripts where orthologous sequences were found in *P. glauca* displayed less than 5% difference in sequence length and hence likely represents full length transcripts. ", "All PUTs containing coding frames were also annotated by comparing them to the PFAM-A domains. ", "A comparison of the number of different detectable domains in the *P. abies* transcriptome to the *P. glauca* transcriptome is consistent with shorter length of assembled *P. abies* transcriptome. ", "We detected fewer domains of all types in the *P. abies* assembly, but the distributions from the two species are indeed very similar (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Length distributions of different mRNA features in the*P. abies*PUTs.a**) 5'-UTR (untranslated region). **", "b**) ORFs (open reading frame). **", "c**) 3'-UTR. **", "d**) Comparison of putative full-length ORFs in *P. abies* and *P. glauca*.](1471-2164-13-589-2){#F2}\n\n![**", "Histogram showing domain predictions from ORFs in*P. abies*and*P. glauca*.** ", "The proteins domain names are from the PFAM-A database.](1471-2164-13-589-3){#F3}\n\nIdentification of variable sites\n--------------------------------\n\nBy mapping short reads to the *P. abies* PUT assembly we extracted potential SNPs using samtools and the mpileup function on the mapped reads. ", "The number of SNPs identified was, as expected, largely dependent on the criteria used in the algorithm and as the data is from non-normalized RNA the commonly used settings for genome sequencing will likely not give satisfactory results. ", "With very stringent criteria, including a cut-off for the observed allele frequency of the minor allele at 25% (note that as all the data is from one individual we expect segregating alleles to be found at frequency 0.5 unless there are allele specific gene expression), read direction for alternate alleles (DP4) and coverage 9,394 SNPs were found. ", "Less stringent criteria obviously led to a higher number of identified SNPs and if we only filter on quality 20,781 potential SNPs were identified. ", "From published *P. abies* population genetic data set the observed transition to transversion ratio is around 1.3, which is very similar to the ratio observed with the criteria that includes both quality and observed minor allele frequency above 0.25 (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nPutative single nucleotide polymorphisms at different quality criteria\n\n **Filter** **SNP** **Transitions** **Transversions** **Ratio**\n ------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------- ------------------- -----------\n Sanger Qual \\> = 60 20,781 11,389 9,392 1.21\n Sanger Qual \\> = 60 and AF \\[0.25, 0.75\\] 14,745 8,372 6,372 1.31\n Sanger Qual \\> = 60 and AF \\[0.25, 0.75\\] 9,394 5,622 3,770 1.49\n and Depth \\> = 20, DP4\\> = 10        \n\nThe effect of using different quality criteria for identifying SNPs. ", "Sanger Qual = Sanger sequence quality, AF = Allele frequency, Depth = sequence depth at the base DP4 = Depth of the two variants according to the read direction. ", "For details see the samtools specifications.", "\n\nComparative molecular evolution in conifers\n-------------------------------------------\n\nPrevious genetic studies from both nuclear and organellar markers within the *Picea* group have revealed a fairly shallow phylogeny with partly contrasting results between different marker types \\[[@B33],[@B38]-[@B40]\\]. ", "All these studies have been restricted to either small data sets using at most 10 gene fragments or only organelle markers. ", "Here we combine EST data from three spruce species (*P. abies*, *P. glauca* and *P. sitchensis*), a yew (*Taxus mairei*) and a pine (*Pinus taeda*) to estimate phylogenetic trees and study the rate of molecular evolution in conifers. ", "In all five species we identified putative coding frames and aligned orthologous sequences from all species. ", "This resulted in a data set of 5,246 aligned ORFs between the three *Picea* species. ", "This data set was reduced to 1,404 when adding pine and further reduced to 244 when adding yew. ", "Phylogenetic inference on this latter data set confirms the very close relationship between all three spruce species and we cannot with any confidence resolve their phylogeny (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Due to this lack of resolution and the large reduction in data sets as more species were added, we restricted the analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous divergence to pairwise comparisons between one of the three spruce species, on the one hand, and either the pine or the yew, on the other hand. ", "This created 6 pairwise data sets with an average 4,737 ORFs aligned in each comparison (*P. abies* - *P. taeda*: 6,977, *P. abies - T. mairei*: 2,932, *P. glauca* - *P. taeda*: 7,183, *P. glauca* - *T. mairei*: 3,110, *P. sitchensis* - *P. taeda*: 5,773, *P. sitchensis* - *T. mairei*: 2,447). ", "Mean synonymous divergences between the three spruce species and pine and yew were 0.175 (*P. abies*: 0.172 \\[95% confidence interval, CI = 0.1701, 0.1736\\], *P. glauca*: 0.177 \\[CI = 0.1752, 0.1783\\], *P. sitchensis*: 0.176 \\[CI = 0.1743, 0.1779\\]) and 0.598 (*P. abies*: 0.577 \\[CI = 0.5711, 0.5837\\], *P. glauca*: 0.605 \\[CI = 0.5979, 0.6120\\], *P. sitchensis*: 0.611 \\[CI = 0.6028, 0.6190\\]), respectively. ", "Assuming a divergence time between pine and spruce of 160 to 120 million years \\[[@B26],[@B34]\\] and a divergence between spruce and yew of 300 to 240 million years \\[[@B27]\\] these values correspond to a yearly substitution rate of 0.55 × 10^−09^ to 0.73 × 10^−09^ and 1 × 10^−09^ to 1.24 × 10^−09^, respectively. ", "The ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous divergence between the spruce species and pine and yew show very few genes with ratios larger than one, irrespective if the analysis were performed on only full-length ORFs or on all identified ORFs (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between the five conifer species included in the study.** ", "Branch lengths represent inferred genetic distance.](1471-2164-13-589-4){#F4}\n\n![**", "Histograms showing the distribution of dN/dS values from pairwise comparisons of species.** ", "The left plot shows pattern for all potential orthologous sequences in the data set whereas the right plot shows the pattern when restricting the data sets to only putative full-length ORFs.](1471-2164-13-589-5){#F5}\n\nDifferentially expressed genes\n------------------------------\n\nSince sequence data were collected from three technical replicates sampled in the dark during night and three replicates sampled during daytime in normal daylight conditions, we set out to detect differentially expressed genes. ", "The correlations of estimated levels of gene expression based on just counting the number of pair-end hits against any given reference gene were in general very high especially for the dark samples (data not shown). ", "2,076 transcripts were detected as significantly differentially expressed between the two sampling points using BaySeq and a cut-off posterior probability at 0.5, but among these transcripts only few showed a large fold change (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We did not observe any significant correlation between either expression level or differential expression and selective constraint as measured by dN/dS.\n\n![**", "Volcano plot of gene expression pattern.** ", "The y-axis represent the posterior probability of differential expression and the fold change in log2 on the x-axis. ", "Dots are colored to represent estimated expression level. ", "The red line indicate a cut-off value of 0.5 for the posterior probability of differential expression.](1471-2164-13-589-6){#F6}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn spite of the remaining challenges associated to the assembly of short reads to full-length transcripts \\[[@B41]\\] RNA-seq has over the last years evolved into the de-facto standard for transcriptome analysis even in non-model species \\[[@B11],[@B42]\\]. ", "In the present study we evaluated the quality of our assembly using a set of different criteria largely relying on comparisons to other plant species. ", "First, we compared basic summary statistics to data from other conifer species, where the transcriptome was obtained through Sanger sequencing. ", "Second, we further characterized the assembly by assessing properties like transcriptome annotation and similarity at the protein level to available plant protein sequences. *", "P. glauca*, which has one of the best characterized transcriptome among conifer species, has a transcriptome assembly length of 30.15 Mbp, i.e. 12 Mbp longer than the the *P. abies* assembly presented here. ", "In addition, the length of individual PUTs is on average shorter in the *P. abies* assembly than in both *P. glauca* and *P. taeda* (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, <http://www.plantgdb.org>). ", "This indicates that the *P. abies* transcriptome assembly only comprises a fraction of the total transcriptome and that a large proportion of the assembled PUTs corresponds to partial transcripts. ", "There are a number of possible reasons for this difference in assembly length despite of the large amount of short reads collected. ", "First, the assembly of short reads from transcriptome sequence is still far from optimal \\[[@B41]\\], something that likely is elevated in this data set as the mean fragment length in the sequence library was shorter than the pair-end distance. ", "Second, non-normalized mRNA was used, which means that the read depth of lowly expressed genes is likely insufficient for assembly. ", "Third, the short read libraries used here obviously will capture only a restricted part of the total transcriptome as they are based on a single tissue and only two sampling time points. ", "All this is in contrast to the other mentioned conifer species EST assemblies that are, at least partially, composed of normalized mRNA libraries and also include mRNA extracted from several tissues including root, which in general have divergent expression patterns \\[[@B21],[@B22],[@B43],[@B44]\\].", "\n\nIn total over 34,000 transcripts showed significant hits when compared to other spruce species, either at the protein level to plant proteins or at the nucleotide level, leaving only 4,167 PUTs without any annotation. ", "This set of PUTs with low or no similarity to other species could represent erroneously assembled PUTs, but since estimates from the *P. glauca* transcriptome suggest that as much as 11.6 Mbp of the transcriptome is still missing \\[[@B22]\\], they could also represent previously undiscovered spruce transcripts. ", "In theory they could also be transcripts specific to *P. abies*, but this seems less likely as both this data and previous studies have shown that spruce species are very closely related and even share many polymorphic sites \\[[@B33],[@B39]\\]. ", "Still, genome size between different spruce species is variable (15.8 - 20.2 pg/1C \\[[@B45]\\]), which could imply significant differences in gene content between them. ", "Finally, and perhaps most likely, they may represent assemblies containing mainly non-coding RNA and partial transcripts with mostly UTR sequence that, in general, show lower degree of conservation between species. ", "In summary, even if the *P. abies* transcriptome contains a large fraction of partial transcripts and is far from complete, the assembly presented here is of a high enough quality and size to be informative on the general properties of the transcriptome.", "\n\nIn fact, ORF predictions identified 6,194 PUTs from *P. abies* with properties that suggest that they are full-length transcripts. ", "A direct comparison of these PUTs towards full-length transcripts from *P. glauca* indicate that neither ours nor the *P. glauca* PUT assembly contains a comprehensive set of full-length transcripts and that despite millions of ESTs from spruce species there is still room for efforts aiming at capturing and sequencing full-length transcripts, such as oligo-capping, something that is of special importance in relation to upcoming genome annotations \\[[@B46]\\].", "\n\nIn many of the PUTs with high enough sequence coverage we could extract potentially variable sites, but since sequencing technologies are evolving at a rapid pace, the understanding of the error profiles for a given technique is still sparse making this process nontrivial and prone to false positives. ", "This process is, in the present case, further complicated by the fact that the majority of tools developed to extract SNPs assumes that genome data is available and that sequence depth is even for the underlying genotypes, meaning that one expects around half the reads from each allele at heterozygous sites. ", "In addition, many tools make use of uneven coverage as a tool to detect copy number variants or duplicated regions making standard methods to discover SNPs difficult to use as the uneven coverage and allele specific gene expression will cause deviations from these expectations. ", "By merging population genetics sequence data sets from both unpublished and published projects in *P. abies*, where the data have been collected with Sanger sequencing \\[[@B33],[@B47]\\] we compared the ratio of transitions to transversions to the ratio obtained here under different cut-offs. ", "Adding both quality and coverage of the alternate alleles as criteria yielded almost identical transition to transversion ratio as the Sanger data, suggesting that this criteria might be suitable for this data set (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Hence, from a single individual study we have identified close to 15 thousand SNPs, but because all of these stem from only one individual a fraction of them will be either singletons or low frequency variants within the species. ", "Even so these results suggests that mRNA sequencing can be of great use for the identification of population genetic markers. ", "However, recent discussions have identified several issues in identification of variable sites from cDNA something that calls for caution and further validation before using SNPs from cDNA as a source for identification of genetic markers \\[[@B48]-[@B50]\\].", "\n\nThe observed mean synonymous divergence of 0.175 between spruce and pine obtained here, is similar to the 0.22 reported as a mean over a phylogenetic tree of four conifer species \\[[@B3]\\] and the 0.19 reported from a pairwise comparison of *P. sitchensis* and *P. taeda*\\[[@B26]\\]. ", "In the comparisons to yew we obtained a mean silent divergence around 0.6. ", "These divergence estimates translate into average synonymous substitution rates of 0.6 × 10^−09^ and 1.1 × 10^−09^, values that are also in line with previous estimates of 0.7 − 1.31 × 10^−09^\\[[@B51]\\]. ", "As previously noted this yearly synonymous substitution rate is much lower than estimates of substitution rate from annual angiosperm species. ", "Data from numerous studies have obtained similar patterns and there is now substantial evidence supporting a lower annual substitution rate in gymnosperms compared to many annual angiosperms \\[[@B3],[@B26],[@B34],[@B51]\\]. ", "Since lower synonymous substitution rates per year have also been observed in angiosperms trees/shrubs compared to herbs \\[[@B52],[@B53]\\] one of the main causes seem simply to be that gymnosperms are trees with a long generation times and if substitution rates are calculated per generation rather than per year, the estimates between perennial gymnosperms presented here are similar to estimates from annual angiosperms. ", "The mechanisms underlying the slower substitution rates in perennials than in annuals remain unclear \\[[@B52],[@B54]\\] and we will not speculate on its causes here. ", "Interestingly though, available data also suggest that polymorphism level is lower in trees, and in particular in conifers, than in herbs (Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "This apparent effect of generation time on nucleotide diversity could reflect the fact that organisms with long generation time and low substitution rate will require longer period of time to recover from past decline in effective population sizes. ", "Also, for a given number of generations they will span much longer periods of time than annuals and thereby will be more likely to experience environmental changes causing variation in population size.", "\n\nThe ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous divergence at full length ORFs between spruce species and either pine or yew reported here, 0.236 (CI = 0.2272, 0.2432) and 0.167 (CI = 0.1614, 0.1717), respectively, are higher than estimates from previous analyses in conifer species \\[[@B3]\\], where branch specific estimates were used (with values of 0.12, 0.14 and 0.15 for the internal branch, the branch leading to *P. glauca* and the branch leading to *P. menziesii*, respectively), but lower than the pairwise estimate between *P. taeda* and *P. sitchensis* (0.314 (95% CI = 0.299, 0.329)) \\[[@B26]\\]. ", "The deviation from the former study is likely due to the fact that they included only sequences present in all four conifer species used in their study thereby limiting severely the number of sequences (138) and likely enriching the data set for conserved sequences. ", "The difference with the latter study is harder to explain, but stems mainly from differences in the way coding frames and orthology were defined. ", "In Buschiazzo *et al.*\\[[@B26]\\] 100 comparisons revealed a dN/dS ratio higher than one, and most of these estimates are based on short alignments where both the number of synonymous sites and changes were small. ", "This is in stark contrast to our results with very few values larger than one and a weaker correlation between dN/dS ratios and alignment length (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Buschiazzo *et al.*\\[[@B26]\\] also estimated dN/dS between *Arabidopsis thaliana* and *Populus trichocarpa* and obtained a value of 0.0924. ", "They therefore concluded that dN/dS was higher in conifers than in angiosperms. ", "While our results for the conifer data are within the same order of magnitude, it is worth noting that the estimate they obtained between *A. thaliana* and *P. trichocarpa* tends to be much lower than previous estimates from angiosperms. ", "For example, in estimates comparing *A. thaliana* and *A. lyrata* the mean over more than 5000 genes was 0.203 and within the poplar lineage *P. trichocarpa* and *P. tremula* the mean over almost 600 genes was 0.175 \\[[@B54],[@B55]\\]. ", "It is also worth noting that the observed synonymous divergence between pine and spruce are more similar to the values obtained within the *Arabidopsis* and *Populus* lineages and since synonymous divergence seem to have a strong impact in estimates of dN/dS \\[[@B56]\\] comparing ratios over different groups of species should only be done when the observed synonymous divergence is similar. ", "The latter, together with other uncertainty factors discussed above, suggests that caution is warranted before concluding that there are biologically meaningful differences in selective constraints between angiosperms and gymnosperms.", "\n\nEven when the correct orthologous sequences have been aligned, individual estimates of dN/dS values should not be directly used to infer positive selection as recent work have highlighted several problems in using dN/dS larger than one as indicative of positive selection \\[[@B56]-[@B58]\\]. ", "For example, the vast majority of human genes with dN/dS ratio larger than one is due to low dS values rather than high dN values. ", "Hence, the classic interpretation of high dN/dS ratios is questionable as relatively low dS values will have the same effect on the ratio as high dN values. ", "Furthermore, species pairs that are too closely related will tend to overestimate dN/dS.\n\nIn model organisms large scale studies of gene expression have identified numerous properties of genes and proteins that significantly correlate with selective constraints. ", "Here we investigated whether level of gene expression in needles correlated with selective constraints, but found no significant pattern. ", "In animals, fungi and plants a correlation between expression and selective constraint, such that highly expressed genes tend to have lower dN/dS, has been reported \\[[@B54],[@B59],[@B60]\\]. ", "In multicellular organisms the correlation between dN/dS and expression breadth (number of tissues where genes are expressed) is often stronger than with the actual level of gene expression \\[[@B54],[@B55],[@B61]\\]. ", "The lack of correlation in spruce could hence be due to the fact that we only measured gene expression in needles and have no data on expression breadth. ", "Also, since our transcriptome reference sequence is largely created from short reads from needle RNA our reference is biased and contains a specific set of genes that do not fully represent the complete transcriptome; e.g our approach has limited information from genes lowly expressed in needles. ", "The lack of correlation reported here should therefore be taken with a grain of salt as it might simply stem from lack of data rather than from an actual lack of correlation. ", "Analysis of level of gene expression in samples collected in the dark compared to samples collected in the light revealed only a small set of genes showing at least a 2-fold difference in gene expression. ", "Angiosperms studies suggest that around 20% of the transcriptome is differentially expressed between light and dark treatments, even though the number of genes varies depending on species, tissue and actual treatment \\[[@B62]-[@B64]\\]. ", "The pattern observed in our data is different and might suggest that the diurnally expressed genes in gymnosperm trees could be fewer than in angiosperms. ", "This is consistent with earlier studies, reporting a lack of clear diurnal expression pattern at key photosynthesis genes in gymnosperm species \\[[@B65],[@B66]\\]. ", "To be noted here is that all expression estimates put forward here stems from a single individual and is hence not suitable for making strong statements at the species level.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nOur study highlights the versatility of next generation sequencing technology in generation of full-length expressed genes, identification of polymorphic sites and estimation of gene expression levels. ", "The available data from Norway spruce have with this study been leveraged with available data from North American spruce species. ", "This allowed the comparison of sequence evolution in this group of plants for thousands of full-length genes. ", "By comparing our *P. abies* assembly to other gymnosperm species our analysis suggests that evolutionary constraints might not, as some previous work have suggested, be very dissimilar between gymnosperm and angiosperm species. ", "More importantly, our analysis does, together with the analysis of Buschiazzo *et al.*\\[[@B26]\\], highlights some of the problems associated with inference of selection from dN/dS in systems without annotated genome data. ", "Even with a reference genome it is often difficult to unambiguously identify correct ORFs and orthologous sequences and one should consequently refrain from strong statements about patterns of divergence and selection in systems without high quality annotation data. ", "However, as the collection of transcriptome sequence data is getting more streamlined and standardized (for example \\[[@B67]\\]) it will soon be possible to sample both more individuals and species and thereby facilitates more accurate characterization of selective constraints. ", "The addition of more species will also make it feasible to pinpoint on which branches of evolutionary trees selection has been acting \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the recent in-depth analysis of factors contributing to protein evolution in model plants \\[[@B54],[@B61]\\] will be within reach even in species without a reference genome and will hopefully reveal if there indeed is a difference in selective constraints between angiosperms and gymnosperms.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nPlant material and RNA extraction\n---------------------------------\n\nNeedles from a single adult individual of Norway spruce growing naturally outside Uppsala, Sweden were collected at two different time points, at 1 pm during day light conditions and at 1 am the following night in the dark (20090527). ", "The collected needles were actively growing and at stage 5 to 6 according to Krutzsch scale \\[[@B68]\\]. ", "Extraction of total RNA was done from three replicates for each time point using 2.0 g of frozen needle tissue with the method described by Kolosova \\[[@B69]\\]. ", "For all six samples around 400 *μ*g of total RNA was obtained of which close to 1% were retained as mRNA after two rounds of oligo-dT selection using the MicroPoly(A)Purist^*TM*^ (AppliedBiosystems).", "\n\nPreparation of cDNA libraries for cluster sequencing\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nA high concentration of random hexamer in relation to mRNA was used to synthesize cDNA with a short average fragment size using Invitrogen Supercript III First-Strand Synthesis kit. ", "Following second strand synthesis, end-repairing of fragments, adaptors for short read pair-end sequencing supplied by Illumina corporation were attached to newly synthesized cDNA. ", "The obtained cDNA library had an average size of 150-300 bp (the obtained length was actually shorter; see Results) and were used in ligation of adaptors for cluster sequencing. ", "Enrichment of fragments with two attached adaptors was done using 2 *μ*l of purified ligation reaction in a 50 *μ*l PCR for 18 cycles. ", "A final purification of the fragment libraries was done by separating the samples on agarose and performing a gel extraction with GE health cares Illustra kit. ", "Before sequencing, the fragment sizes and concentrations were evaluated using Bioanalyzer 2100 and equimolar quantities of the library were used for sequencing on Illumina cluster station. ", "A detailed description of the library preparation method can be found in \\[[@B70]\\].", "\n\nSequence filtering and bioinformatic analysis\n---------------------------------------------\n\nThe raw sequence data were obtained using the Illumina python pipeline v. 1.3. ", "The obtained sequences were then compared to a number of different potential sources of contamination, including the human transcriptome, rRNA data sets, chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of spruce, and the genome of *E. coli*. ", "In total, less than 5% of the reads mapped against these sequence libraries. ", "Following this we created two sets of filtered sequence libraries, one for *de novo* assembly and one for mapping purposes. ", "For both libraries we retained only high quality reads (quality \\> 35 for more than 90% of the read). ", "For the *de novo* libraries we removed all reads showing traces of adaptor sequences, whereas for the mapping libraries we trimmed reads showing similarity to adaptor sequences and retained the read if it was longer than 30 bp. ", "For the *de novo* library we also filtered artifact reads and removed any read with homopolymeric regions longer than 20 bp. ", "We further removed the first 10 and last 11 bp of the reads, since the start of reads showed a different nucleotide composition compared to the rest of the sequence and the end of reads showed a decrease in quality (data not shown). ", "This led to a *de novo* assembly with 33,185,901 reads of 55 bp length (∼15 million sequenced in both ends and ∼18 million from only one end), whereas mapping was done with 55,417,522 fragments (almost 36 millions sequenced in both ends and 19.5 million from only one end) of length between 30 and 76 bp.", "\n\nTwo different types of analyses of the read data were performed. ", "First, *de novo* assembly of the obtained short read data was performed using a combination of two different assemblers followed by a step where putative unique contigs (PUTs) were created. ", "We used two different programs and approaches for the *de novo* assembly since different assemblers often outcompete each other at different tasks \\[[@B71]\\]. ", "The pair-end and single-end reads from all libraries were assembled using the short read assembler Velvet \\[[@B35]\\] using a combination of different k-mer lengths and expected coverages. ", "In parallel, individual libraries were assembled as single end reads, treating forward and reverse reads as independent, using the program ABySS \\[[@B36]\\]. ", "In total, this yielded one assembly from Velvet and 12 assemblies from ABySS. ", "These assemblies and available EST data from Norway spruce were then merged into putative unique transcripts (PUTs) with the TGICL pipeline \\[[@B72]\\] if the identity of sequences were 95% or higher and showed at least 40 bp overlap. ", "Second, we mapped the original short reads to the newly created PUTs which was used as a reference. ", "Mapping was done with BWA \\[[@B73]\\] aligning pairs of reads and allowing maximum insert size to 500 bp and keeping only reads with mapping quality higher than 20.", "\n\nIn order to identify differentially expressed genes we used the BaySeq package \\[[@B74]\\], which is a part of the Bioconductor program suite. ", "BaySeq implements an empirical Bayesian approach to estimate posterior probabilities of gene expression between treatments. ", "The analysis was made on count data obtained by mapping our short read library to the created *P. abies* PUTs.", "\n\nFinally, single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected using the mpileup function in SAMtools \\[[@B75]\\] on the short read alignment file against *P. abies* created with BWA. ", "Since there is very limited knowledge about allele specific expression patterns we chose to only present SNPs with very high quality and having a estimated minor allele frequency in our short reads of at least 0.25.", "\n\nAll raw sequences is available at the NCBI SRA at the accession number SRA053572. ", "A fasta file with with all PUTs as well as SNP information and PAML tables are available at DRYAD under DOI 10.5061/dryad.ds2gp.", "\n\nAnalysis of selective constraints\n---------------------------------\n\nThe transcriptome sequence data used for inference of phylogenetic relationship and calculation of synonymous and non-synonymous divergence were collected from the following sources: EST sequences available at NCBI Genbank, PUTs assembled at <http://plantgdb.org>\\[[@B37]\\], our own sequence assembly and a short read assembly of *Taxus mairei*\\[[@B19]\\]. ", "Sequences from *P. sitchensis* were downloaded from Genbank with the key word 'FLI' and merged with Putative Unique Transcripts (PUTs) from plantgdb. *", "P. glauca* sequences came from the 27,720 transcripts from the *P. glauca* gene catalogue \\[[@B22]\\] and merged with PUT sequences from plantgdb. ", "Sequences of *Pinus taeda* consisted of PUTs from plantgdb. ", "The phylogenetic relationship between species was inferred using the program BEST \\[[@B76]\\] largely following the procedure described in \\[[@B33]\\], but running two chains for 10 million steps.", "\n\nWe used the program getorf from the Emboss software suite to get all possible ORF predictions falling between two stop codons (hereafter: stop1 for 5' stop codon and stop2 for 3' stop codon) \\[[@B77]\\]. ", "Sequences were based on predictions assigned to six different categories: 1) presence of a start codon between stop1 and stop2; 2) only a start and stop2 codon present; 3) only a start and stop1 codon present; 4) only a stop2 codon present; 5) only a start and no stop codon present and finally 6) no start or stop codon present. ", "Based on these categories we only considered category 1 as putative full-length ORFs and all others as partial ORFs (even though sequences assigned to category 2 could be full-length transcripts). ", "We only kept ORFs after the start codon if stop2 was found and before stop1 if it was found. ", "If the two longest ORF predictions on a given sequence had a length difference within 5 amino acids we kept the one assigned either as category 1 or 2 as the most likely ORF. ", "For all other sequences we used the longest ORF in downstream analysis.", "\n\nTo evaluate our ORF prediction method, we tested our method on TAIR10 cDNA representative gene model (released on 2011-10-03) and compared our predictions to the peptide sequence database that consisted of 27,416 protein sequences. ", "A total of 27,384 ORF predictions were found with good blastn quality against the protein database (median e-value = 0, median score = 717, median percentage of identity = 100% and both median query coverage and hit coverage = 100%). ", "Among those, 26,867 ORFs have the best blast hit with their own proteins, which means that our procedure predicted the correct ORF in more than 98% of times.", "\n\nPairwise Reciprocal Blast hit approach was used to infer putative 1:1 orthologues between *Picea* species (*P. abies*, *P. glauca* and *P. sitchensis*) and *Pinus taeda* and *Taxus mairei* using blastn with threshold combination of e-value = 1×10^−05^, score = 200 and percentage of identity = 90% (for *Picea* vs *Pinus*) and 80% (for *Picea* vs *Taxus*). ", "Peptides of predicted ORFs from both species were aligned using the program kalign \\[[@B78]\\]. ", "To avoid alignment with too large divergence due to problematic ORF predictions from either species, we set a threshold for the percentage of identical amino acids to 50% and restricted the hits to contain less than 5 and 7 consecutive mismatches in *Picea* vs *Pinus* and *Picea* vs *Taxus*, respectively. ", "This procedure resulted in a data set of putative orthologues between the different *Picea* species and either *Pinus taeda* or *Taxus* with all loci having E-values lower than 3 × 10^−50^ and 1 × 10^−50^, respectively. ", "Nucleotide alignment was performed based on the protein alignments using revtrans \\[[@B79]\\]. ", "Finally, dN/dS ratios between *Picea* and *Pinus*, and *Picea* and *Taxus* were estimated using codeml from PAML v. 4.4 \\[[@B80]\\], with settings seqtype = 1, runmode = -2, CodonFreq = 2 and transition-transversion ratio estimated from the data. ", "Confidence intervals for the divergence estimates were obtained by bootstrap functions in R.\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors' contributions\n======================\n\nTK, NG and UL designed the experiment. ", "TK collected the needle material and did the wet-lab procedures. ", "SU, JC and TK performed the bioinformatic analysis of the data. ", "TK, JC, UL and ML drafted the manuscript. ", "All authors contributed to and approved the final version of the manuscript.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\nAnnotation file. ", "Annotation and level of gene expression for the *Picea abies* PUTs. ", "Details on the meaning of the different columns can be found on Sheet1.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 2\n\nBoxplot showing silent diversity estimates from different group of plant species.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 3\n\nORF length and dN/dS. Comparison of the relationship between dN/dS and alignment length with Buschiazzo \\[[@B26]\\] data on the left and data from our study on the right.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThis work was supported by the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme, under the Network of Excellence Evoltree; by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013), under grant agreement 211868 (Project Noveltree), the Eranet Biodiversa LINKTREE project and the Nilsson-Ehle foundation. ", "We also want to acknowledge the Uppsala SNP & SEQ platform that performed the Illumina sequencing. ", "We are thankful to Samuel Fox for releasing early versions of their library preparation method and for kindly answering our questions concerning the method. ", "We also want to thank Da Cheng Hao and co-authors for sharing their *Taxus mairei* PUT assembly with us. ", "The final version of the article was greatly improved due to comments from two anonymous reviewers.", "\n" ]
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[ "Chronic testosterone propionate treatment decreases the concentration of [3H]quipazine binding at 5-HT3 receptors in the amygdala of the castrated male rat.", "\nChronic administration of testosterone propionate (TP) was found to decrease the concentration of [3H]quipazine binding at 5-HT3 receptors in the lateral and basal amygdaloid nuclei of the brains of castrated male rats. ", "TP had no effect on the binding of [3H]quipazine at 5-HT3 receptors in the posterolateral or posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nuclei, or in the amygdalohippocampal areas. ", "It is suggested that the effects of testosterone on sexual and other social behaviors in male rats may be mediated, at least in part, by decreases in the activation of 5-HT3 receptors in the amygdala." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJquery resizable not working with google maps\n\nI am trying to sit google maps in a resizable div at the bottom of the screen, however it doesnt want to appear. ", "\nHas anyone used JQuery resizable with google maps and found difficulties implementing?", "\nVisual representation of how i want it to appear on the page\nSo far i have the setup here:fiddle\nThis is my current code:\nHTML\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyDmIz3c-nQR5BkM2WbFyoUwc94bLMc36Nw&sensor=false\"></script>\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/themes/base/jquery-ui.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/resources/demos/style.css\">\n<script src=\"//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js\"></script>\n<script src=\"//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js\"></script>\n\n <div id=\"wrapper\">\n <div class=\"n-resizable-topcontent\">\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n <div> some text here </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"resizable\">\n <div class=\"ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-n\" id=\"ngrip\"></div>\n <div class=\"maps\" id=\"maps\"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\nCSS\n#wrapper {\n position: fixed;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100vh;\n}\n\n.n-resizable-topcontent {\n height: 70%;\n background-color: #0098ff;\n overflow:scroll;\n}\n.resizable {\n width: 100%;\n height: 30%;\n }\n#ngrip {\n width: 100%;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n height: 8px;\n border: 1px solid #000000;\n}\n\n.maps {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n z-index: 9999;\n}\n#maps {\n max-width: none;\n}\n\nJS\n$(\".resizable\").resizable({\n handles: {\n 'n': '#ngrip'\n },\n resize: function( event, ui ) {\n // parent\n var parent = ui.element.parent();\n var parent_height = parent.height();\n\n // Get the min value of height or 70% of parent height\n // Get the max value of height or 30% of parent height\n var height = Math.min(ui.size.height, parent_height * 0.7);\n height = Math.max(height, parent_height * 0.3);\n\n // Set height for resizable element, and do not change top position.", "\n // Instead the previous element - content container - will be adjusted.", "\n ui.size.height = height;\n ui.position.top = 0;\n\n // make the content container's height 100% of parent, less .resizable\n ui.element.prev('.n-resizable-topcontent').height( parent_height - height );\n }\n});\n\n//maps\n\nfunction initMap() {\n // Create a map object and specify the DOM element for display.", "\n var map = new google.maps.", "Map(document.getElementById('maps'), {\n center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644},\n scrollwheel: false,\n zoom: 8\n });\n}\n\nA:\n\nYou aren't calling the initMap function.", "\nupdated fiddle (calls initMap when the API has loaded)\ncode snippet:\n\n#wrapper {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100vh;\r\n}\r\n.n-resizable-topcontent {\r\n height: 70%;\r\n background-color: #0098ff;\r\n overflow: scroll;\r\n}\r\n.resizable {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 30%;\r\n}\r\n#ngrip {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n background-color: #ffffff;\r\n height: 8px;\r\n border: 1px solid #000000;\r\n}\r\n.maps {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n z-index: 9999;\r\n}\r\n#maps {\r\n max-width: none;\r\n}\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyDmIz3c-nQR5BkM2WbFyoUwc94bLMc36Nw&callback=initMap\" async defer></script>\r\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/themes/base/jquery-ui.css\">\r\n<script src=\"//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js\"></script>\r\n<script src=\"//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"wrapper\">\r\n <div class=\"n-resizable-topcontent\">\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n <div>some text here</div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"resizable\">\r\n <div class=\"ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-n\" id=\"ngrip\"></div>\r\n <div class=\"maps\" id=\"maps\"></div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n<script>\r\n $(\".resizable\").resizable({\r\n handles: {\r\n 'n': '#ngrip'\r\n },\r\n resize: function(event, ui) {\r\n // parent\r\n var parent = ui.element.parent();\r\n var parent_height = parent.height();\r\n\r\n // Get the min value of height or 70% of parent height\r\n // Get the max value of height or 30% of parent height\r\n var height = Math.min(ui.size.height, parent_height * 0.7);\r\n height = Math.max(height, parent_height * 0.3);\r\n\r\n // Set height for resizable element, and do not change top position.", "\r\n // Instead the previous element - content container - will be adjusted.", "\r\n ui.size.height = height;\r\n ui.position.top = 0;\r\n\r\n // make the content container's height 100% of parent, less .resizable\r\n ui.element.prev('.n-resizable-topcontent').height(parent_height - height);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n //maps\r\n\r\n function initMap() {\r\n // Create a map object and specify the DOM element for display.", "\r\n var map = new google.maps.", "Map(document.getElementById('maps'), {\r\n center: {\r\n lat: -34.397,\r\n lng: 150.644\r\n },\r\n scrollwheel: false,\r\n zoom: 8\r\n });\r\n }\r\n</script>\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "z + 715*z + 6789 = 0 for z.\n31\nSolve -8043 = 193*p - 6590 - 24420 for p.\n119\nSolve -62*r - 12*r - 170765 + 178165 = 26*r for r.\n74\nSolve 45*j - 1408 = -86*j - 1735 - 8057 for j.\n-64\nSolve -12*g - 1166 = -23*g - 32*g - 306 for g.\n20\nSolve -3*d + 43*d - 3*d = -2019 - 1348 for d.\n-91\nSolve -48057*r + 48033*r = 744 for r.\n-31\nSolve 385*f + 8615 = 38645 for f.\n78\nSolve 5346*j - 53920 = -182224 for j.\n-24\nSolve 11630 + 27084 = -2978*c for c.\n-13\nSolve 19166 + 22306 = -759*t + 486 for t.\n-54\nSolve 474*b - 24092 = -160*b for b.\n38\nSolve 17*j + 10*j + 5*j = 1071 - 15 for j.\n33\nSolve -4453*f = 298*f + 147281 for f.\n-31\nSolve 7501 = 186*j + 3781 for j.\n20\nSolve 0 = -6369*w + 6469*w - 7700 for w.\n77\nSolve 145145 = -158*t + 142301 for t.\n-18\nSolve -207*m - 9240 = -2451 + 2319 for m.\n-44\nSolve -141*i - 309*i = 1088*i + 49216 for i.\n-32\nSolve 352*l + 4461 - 7342 = 61*l + 27965 for l.\n106\nSolve 68*y + 181*y - 1537 - 4631 - 555 = 0 for y.\n27\nSolve -1759*v + 861123 = -145*v + 2402*v + 2985*v for v.\n123\nSolve 261*g = -290*g - 424*g + 28275 for g.\n29\nSolve -22074 = 1919*g + 83471 for g.\n-55\nSolve 5172203*g + 390 = 5172164*g for g.\n-10\nSolve -333*d - 202*d + 62465 = 426*d for d.\n65\nSolve -899*i + 4767 + 14417 = -3291 for i.\n25\nSolve 17172 = 466*h + 19036 for h.\n-4\nSolve -39*i - 172*i - 15435 = -2986 for i.\n-59\nSolve 56663*y - 56690*y - 1323 = 0 for y.\n-49\nSolve -917 - 1010 = -242*h + 289*h for h.\n-41\nSolve -75*u = -496*u - 45889 for u.\n-109\nSolve 1119*b + 24271 = 121*b - 40599 for b.\n-65\nSolve -128*b + 1227 = -455*b - 15450 for b.\n-51\nSolve -248*h = -87*h - 80*h + 3807 for h.\n-47\nSolve 286*p - 16176 = -51*p for p.\n48\nSolve 121*a - 665 + 134 = -32*a + 3141 for a.\n24\nSolve 491*q - 609*q - 1186*q - 343*q - 74115 = 0 for q.\n-45\nSolve 63*l = -1378 - 1621 - 1411 for l.\n-70\nSolve -1617*u = 858*u + 670*u - 75480 for u.\n24\nSolve -11663*v + 5889*v = -5897*v - 3813 for v.\n-31\nSolve 298*l - 5007 - 2145 = 0 for l.\n24\nSolve -11*v - 11*v = 3*v - 40*v + 750 for v.\n50\nSolve -3884*y + 331 = -4138*y - 8051 for y.\n-33\nSolve -250*i - 2132 = -632 for i.\n-6\nSolve 1264*y - 190300 = -498*y - 2044*y for y.\n50\nSolve 965*p + 12861 + 11918 = -21541 for p.\n-48\nSolve -80*c - 1052326 = -1054406 for c.\n26\nSolve -108*i - 30*i - 31*i - 4225 = 0 for i.\n-25\nSolve -517*c - 6457428 = -6459496 for c.\n4\nSolve 1450 = 181277851*n - 181277876*n for n.\n-58\nSolve -3747*i - 577*i = 103776 for i.\n-24\nSolve 13664 - 16097 - 8659 - 33986 = -2049*p for p.\n22\nSolve 759*k + 17084 = -5912 - 6699 + 3889 for k.\n-34\nSolve 44192*v - 44583*v = -14076 for v.\n36\nSolve 189*i + 6823 = -6345 - 4976 for i.\n-96\nSolve 178*v - 57*v - 53592 = -575*v for v.\n77\nSolve 1239*s - 1083*s - 5928 = 0 for s.\n38\nSolve 149*s - 7*s - 8260 = -44*s - 109*s for s.\n28\nSolve 326*k = 116*k - 3209*k - 1777*k + 644304 for k.\n124\nSolve 5*j - 7613 + 5420 = 217*j + 13707 for j.\n-75\nSolve 7840*a - 6878 = 2345*a - 34353 for a.\n-5\nSolve -123*g - 3798 - 1794 = 3756 for g.\n-76\nSolve 277*x + 50918 = 51195 for x.\n1\nSolve 300*m - 323515 = 3935*m for m.\n-89\nSolve -95*k + 921 - 550 = 466 for k.\n-1\nSolve -2204 + 60 = -66*n - 17*n - 69 for n.\n25\nSolve -16*b - 71 = -2*b + 57 + 194 for b.\n-23\nSolve 8454 + 3312 = 106*n for n.\n111\nSolve 811*h + 134*h = -325*h - 156*h - 61318 for h.\n-43\nSolve -107*i - 80*i = 127*i - 220*i + 2256 for i.\n-24\nSolve 0 = -1391449*v + 1391314*v - 10800 for v.\n-80\nSolve 275550 = 1759*c + 746*c for c.\n110\nSolve 0 = -134*d + 818937 - 812639 for d.\n47\nSolve -14097 = 1638*k + 12467 + 11474 + 16016 for k.\n-33\nSolve 2465*k - 96547 = 72*k + 952*k for k.\n67\nSolve -2262 = -45620*k + 45562*k for k.\n39\nSolve -400*u = 28*u + 21160 + 3236 for u.\n-57\nSolve 82*o + 6646 = 238*o - 1778 for o.\n54\nSolve 0 = 1047*a + 502*a - 43548 + 1725 for a.\n27\nSolve 59769*k - 59927*k = 6004 for k.\n-38\nSolve 30002*j + 943 = 30025*j for j.\n41\nSolve -16*o + 592 + 109 = -3 for o.\n44\nSolve -2545*p + 1977 = 3725 + 8432 for p.\n-4\nSolve -109*t + 29*t - 1307 = -747 for t.\n-7\nSolve -3960*j - 485*j = 4678 - 13568 for j.\n2\nSolve 876*m + 528*m - 53557 = -5821 for m.\n34\nSolve 479 - 3927 - 272 = 77*i + 53 for i.\n-49\nSolve 12057*h + 379820 - 815512 = 914692 for h.\n112\nSolve 6324*k + 2568540 = -13434*k for k.\n-130\nSolve -427*w = -258*w - 2366 for w.\n14\nSolve 1000*c + 6045 + 35288 + 31276 - 3609 = 0 for c.\n-69\nSolve -235*k + 1308 + 9041 = 405*k - 9491 for k.\n31\nSolve -48*n - 304*n = 172*n - 64*n - 4140 for n.\n9\nSolve 35263*f = 35269*f for f.\n0\nSolve 0 = 2430*z - 944*z - 1920 + 9765 + 4043 for z.\n-8\nSolve -1136*v + 3884 = 91*v + 1079*v + 13108 for v.\n-4\nSolve -222494 = 1329*y + 3872*y - 56062 for y.\n-32\nSolve 52547*j + 22310 = 53032*j for j.\n46\nSolve -16321 - 30054 = 925*s - 3825 for s.\n-46\nSolve 142*g + 29369 = -194*g - 7591 for g.\n-110\nSolve 331 = -538510*v + 538458*v - 85 for v.\n-8\nSolve -1405*k + 26617 - 65115 = 87952 for k.\n-90\nSolve 1170*v = 208*v - 349*v + 93*v - 113274 for v.\n-93\nSolve 74*l - 1270 = 137*l + 1754 for l.\n-48\nSolve 0 = 272*q + 9632 + 2185 - 393 for q.\n-42\nSolve -1830*g + 133144 = -3326*g for g.\n-89\nSolve -144 - 297 = -7*u - 140 for u.\n43\nSolve 0 = -2463*t + 5701*t + 42094 for t.\n-13\nSolve 1432214*z + 182 = 1432305*z for z.\n2\nSolve -484*i + 1568*i = 465*i - 43330 for i.\n-70\nSolve 12*f + 44029 = 43657 for f.\n-31\nSolve -1072*t + 244 = -828 for t.\n1\nSolve 12026*h - 6122*h - 6233*h = 3100 + 36051 for h.\n-119\nSolve 140*w - 181*w + 38094 = 428*w - 3178 for w.\n88\nSolve 439*r - 11719 - 18415 = -1147*r for r.\n19\nSolve 0 = 182*x + 376144 - 367772 for x.\n-46\nSolve -9581 = 50*q + 250*q - 2381 for q.\n-24\nSolve -559*j - 3808 = -677*j - 13366 for j.\n-81\nSolve 0 = -769*t + 2670 + 9394 - 23 - 1275 for t.\n14\nSolve -564*b - 6938 = -33446 for b.\n47\nSolve 420*t = 24198 + 16542 for t.\n97\nSolve -21015*d + 395090 = -3645*d + 217762 - 413252 for d.\n34\nSolve 25865*z - 25210*z - 82530 = 0 for z.\n126\nSolve 8230*a + 11953*a + 349*a + 1792275 = 4947*a for a.\n-115\nSolve -3997*h = -4115*h - 5782 for h.\n-49\nSolve 2516*d = 1270*d - 2492 for d.\n-2\nSolve 461*x - 111*x + 8624 = -150*x - 8376 for x.\n-34\nSolve -2350 + 4440 = -455*n + 7862 + 11973 for n.\n39\nSolve -651 - 507 = -68*z - 138 for z.\n15\nSolve 142*n - 26899 - 14122 = -49683 for n.\n-61\nSolve 787*a + 108 = 392*a + 503*a for a.\n1\nSolve 374642 - 366830 = 186*s for s.\n42\nSolve 352*a + 15956 = -366*a + 5186 for a.\n-15\nSolve -348259*y = -348404*y + 290 for y.\n2\nSolve -1247*z + 4559*z + 3443 - 26627 = 0 for z.\n7\nSolve -93*g = 1369 + 398 for g.\n-19\nSolve 515*m = 14315 + 7683 + 6842 for m.\n56\nSolve 10813 + 11070 = -385*w - 283*w - 1497 for w.\n-35\nSolve 0 = 257437*q - 257336*q - 2929 for q.\n29\nSolve 9*s - 1308 - 1282 + 2611 = 8*s for s.\n-21\nSolve -4120 + 96 = 57*w - 262 for w.\n-66\nSolve -377 = -194*t + 60*t - 81*t - 1882 for t.\n-7\nSolve -12672*q + 1064461 - 429224 + 545937 = -238090 for q.\n112\nSolve 24407 - 67109 = 435*r + 212*r for r.\n-66\nSolve -313522*f - 360 = -313594*f for f.\n5\nSolve 792*t - 41226 = 37974 for t.\n100\nSolve 5721*n + 101566 - 55872 + 27018 = -104639 for n.\n-31\nSolve 3657086 = 116*x + 3656854 for x.\n2\nSolve -262 - 97 = 7*q - 58 for q.\n-43\nSolve -2730*q - 30434 - 5708 = 208612 - 20894 for q.\n-82\nSolve -7755 = 3443*n - 3208*n for n.\n-33\nSolve -9132*k + 9446*k + 10048 = 0 for k.\n-32\nSolve -15994*v + 7590*v + 44704 = -8052*v for v.\n127\nSolve -97775 - 167796 = 7057*v - 82089 for v.\n-26\nSolve 190*q - 318420 = -5300*q for q.\n58\nSolve -788*k - 448766 + 9638 = -1014*k + 4330*k for k.\n-107\nSolve 15219*s = 7425*s + 7493*s + 7525 for s.\n25\nSolve 71*w - 3557 + 6539 = 0 for w.\n-42\nSolve -107*o + 4*o + 17136 = 222*o + 11*o for o.\n51\nSolve -702*k - 201*k + 7247 = -4492 for k.\n13\nSolve -143*o - 59*o + 118 = -2508 for o.\n13\nSolve -581*o = -53*o + 10032 for o.\n-19\nSolve -186527*g - 721 = -186424*g for g.\n-7\nSolve 0 = -8952*n + 8884*n - 1836 for n.\n-27\nSolve 80203 + 831386 + 372536 - 140378 = 11553*s for s.\n99\nSolve -1220*x - 995 + 223 - 347 = 101 for x.\n-1\nSolve 129*v + 534*v - 3647 + 74588 = 0 for v.\n-107\nSolve -10800 = 83*f + 367*f for f.\n-24\nSolve 35*i + 2536 = -2555 + 5231 for i.\n4\nSolve 0 = 50*i + 381*i - 1473*i - 1522*i + 43588 for i.\n17\nSolve 3153*c + 3166*c = 6301*c - 1242 for c.\n-69\nSolve 149*z - 902 - 7626 = -59*z for z.\n41\nSolve 0 = 14220*p - 12274*p - 5838 for p.\n3\nSolve -551*b + 2596*b + 64606 = -1464*b - 23119 for b.\n-25\nSolve 2397*z - 98337 - 25277 " ]
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[ "LOS ANGELES — The FBI is looking for three suspects who kidnapped a Chinese man after a business meeting in the Los Angeles area last month, but authorities haven’t heard from the kidnappers since they demanded a $2 million ransom and the man remains missing, investigators said Monday.", "\n\nRuochen “Tony” Liao, 28, was abducted by three men on July 16 in San Gabriel — about 10 miles east of downtown Los Angeles — according to Gene Kowel, an assistant special-agent-in-charge at the FBI’s office in Los Angeles.", "\n\nLiao, who owns a Southern California car dealership that sold high-end cars, such as Porches and Bentleys, had just finished an evening meeting with several business associates when three men pulled up in two vehicles — a Toyota minivan and a Range Rover — and abducted him, officials said.", "\n\nAfter they kidnapped him, the abductors contacted Liao’s family and demanded that they pay a $2 million ransom, but the money was not paid, Kowel said.", "\n\nOn Monday, the FBI released a sketch of one of the men they believe was involved in the kidnapping, who they suspect may have been an acquaintance of Liao. ", "The man, who the FBI identified only as “David,” had attended the business meeting with Liao, according to Matthew Lombard, an attorney for Liao’s family.", "\n\nInvestigators are examining several theories in the case, including the possibility that Liao was involved in a business dispute and Liao had previously been involved in business deals with people who “were not the most reputable,” Kowel said.", "\n\nAlthough the kidnappers had reached out initially to demand the ransom, Liao’s family has not heard from them in about a month, he said.", "\n\n“Our hope is that Tony is still alive. ", "We’re operating under the premise that he is still alive,” Kowel said. “", "However, we do become concerned as these cases progress the chance of someone remaining alive can diminish.”", "\n\nLiao’s relatives, who live in China, are offering a $150,000 reward, in addition to a $25,000 reward being offered by the FBI for information that could lead them to locating Liao.", "\n\n“He is a deeply loved person by his family,” Lombard said. “", "He’s their only child and they are very, very concerned for him.”" ]
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[ "\"Subtitles by: -=INCARNATION-=\" \"What?\" \"", "I said I just wanted to speak\" \"What the hell?\" \"", "What's with the way you fucking talk?\" \"", "Who the fuck are you?\" \"", "My... name is...\" \"Oh Daesu\" \"Why are you picking on someone else's girlfriend?\" \"", "Hold on\" \"Am I picking on you?\" \"", "Mr. Oh Daesu!\" \"", "Am I picking on you?\" \"", "Fuck!\" \"", "Okay!\" \"", "Okay, I got it\" \"Just a minute Okay!\" \"", "Okay!\" \"", "Fuck!\" \"", "Oh Daesu please sit down\" \"Oh boy Must have drunk a lot\" \"Who the hell did I pick on?\" \"", "Hold on, let me piss first\" \"Hey, this is a police station I didn't do anything!\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "You son of a bitch!\" \"", "We really have to do something about him\" \"Asshole!\" \"", "Mr. Oh Daesu\" \"Oh man It is, so sit down\" \"I'm very sorry Fuck, I gotta piss bad\" \"Ah, great\" \"Cute, huh?\" \"", "Yeah I saw it Now go sit down\" \"Today's my daughter's birthday\" \"I got her a present for her birthday\" \"Snatches of clouds floating the sky Ah, great\" \"A pleasure boat floats in the river\" \"My name Oh Daesu, means...\" \"\"Getting along with people\" That's why I'm Oh Daesu\" \"But, shit...\" \"Why can't I get along today?\" \"", "Set me free!\" \"", "Huh!\" \"", "Shut the hell up!\" \"", "Shush!\" \"", "Set me free!\" \"", "Let go of me, damn it!\" \"", "That son of a bitch really needs some prison time\" \"Get away from me!\" \"", "Hey, get him!\" \"", "Ow, fuck, ouch!\" \"", "I'll make sure he doesn't get drunk and cause trouble again\" \"Have a nice day Officer\" \"He's usually a nice guy but...\" \"Let's go\" \"I'll come visit you soon\" \"We don't want you to come back\" \"That's up to me you assholes\" \"Hey!\" \"", "My Sweet Pea It's daddy\" \"Daddy got my Sweet Pea a present\" \"I'll be home soon with your gift, so wait a bit longer\" \"Let me talk to her Good girl, good\" \"Good girl, good Give me the phone\" \"Yeun hee, Joo hwan wants to talk to you\" \"You know Joo hwan, right?\" \"", "Hold on\" \"Hi, Yeun hee\" \"It's me, Joo hwan\" \"So today's your birthday?\" \"", "Happy birthday\" \"I'll treat you to something nice tomorrow\" \"Hello?\" \"", "Oh hello, Ja hyun I'm sorry\" \"I know it's very late\" \"Daesu is on his way now I'm sorry\" \"Yes?\" \"", "Hold on Daesu, it's your wife\" \"Daesu!\" \"", "Daesu!\" \"", "Daesu!\" \"", "Hey, Daesu!\" \"", "Daesu!\" \"", "Hey, Daesu!\" \"", "Couldn't you hurry up a bit\" \"Hey, stop fooling around and let's go\" \"Ah, great\" \"Daesu!\" \"", "Daesu!\" \"", "Hey, Daesu!\" \"", "Sir, sir Wait come here\" \"Come talk to me\" \"I won't tell you to let me go\" \"Just tell me why I'm here, okay?\" \"", "I should know the reason at least\" \"Shit, I've been locked up here for two months already\" \"Sir, wait, come here\" \"Sir, wait What is this place?\" \"", "Sir, just tell me how long I have to stay in here\" \"Just tell me that, huh?\" \"", "Sir!\" \"", "Fuck you!\" \"", "Come here, you asshole!\" \"", "Son of a bitch\" \"I saw your face, asshole\" \"You're dead if I get out Come here, asshole\" \"I'm sorry I won't curse\" \"Just tell me One month, two or three?\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Hey, where are you going?\" \"", "Just tell me how long you son of a bitch!\" \"", "I said tell me how long you asshole!\" \"", "You son of a bitch!\" \"", "You fucking assholes!\" \"", "If they had told me it was going to be 15 years could it have been easier to endure?\" \"", "Or could it have not?\" \"", "When the melody turns on gas comes out\" \"When the gas comes I fall asleep\" \"I found out later that it's the same Valium gas Russian soldiers used on the Chechen terrorists\" \"When I wake up my hair has been cut\" \"I don't like the style really\" \"But they change my clothes and clean the place up\" \"Grateful bastards\" \"One two\" \"three\" \"It's too spicy\" \"I don't want spinach You eat it\" \"I won't eat spinach\" \"I don't want to eat spinach\" \"Kim Jahyun's body was found deeply stabbed in the neck\" \"Seeing that it was a cold blooded murder with nothing valuable stolen police suspect that the motive was out of hatred\" \"Her husband who disappeared a year ago is a prime suspect\" \"According to witnesses her husband, Oh Daesu drank often causing trouble with his wife and neighbors said they fought frequently\" \"Blood samples found at the scene matched Oh Daesu's\" \"Fingerprints found on a cup also matched Oh Daesu's\" \"It was confirmed by sources that\" \"Oh Daesu visited his wife recently\" \"The stolen family album also backs their theories\" \"After three years many wrinkles have formed on his face\" \"Ah, that is around 8 million wons 8 million wons?\" \"", "For a knife 8 million wons...\" \"Of course for a sushi master you need the best tools\" \"If you stand aimlessly at a phone booth on a rainy day and meet a man whose face is covered by a violet umbrella,\" \"I'd suggest that you get close to the TV\" \"The television is both a clock and calendar\" \"It's your school, home church, friend and lover\" \"But...\" \"But, my lover's song\" \"is too short\" \"This morning around 7:30 the top 50m of the Sungsoo Bridge in Seoul suddenly collapsed in the middle...\" \"I wrote down all the people whom I fought with, bothered, and hurt\" \"This was both my prison journal and autobiography of my evil deeds\" \"I thought I had lived an average life but I've sinned too much\" \"All I thought about at that moment was that the guy next door probably ate with one chopstick\" \"But...\" \"But\" \"who would've imprisoned me?\" \"", "Was it Yoo Heung sam?\" \"", "Lee So young or Kang Changsuk?\" \"", "Whoever it was, just wait\" \"Wait a bit more\" \"I'll rip your whole body apart and no one will be able to find your body anywhere\" \"Because I'm going to chew it all down\" \"One line for one year\" \"I have to sew six lines at first\" \"I guess next year will be easier\" \"The more the tattoos the shorter the chopstick\" \"The shorter the chopstick the bigger the wall's hole gets\" \"Anyway, time passes well\" \"9 years\" \"10 years\" \"11 years\" \"Enforcement of an arrest warrant\" \"Handover of Hong Kong Yesterday's convention center\" \"Death of Princess Diana\" \"Funeral for Princess Diana Westminister Monastery\" \"IMF, Financial support officially approved\" \"12 years\" \"Artillery Salute\" \"Arrival of President Kim Dae Jung in Pyungyang\" \"Underdog Korea!\" \"", "Miraculous Quarterfinals!\" \"", "13 years\" \"Elected\" \"Elected Noh Moo Hyun 49% 11, 502, 958 14 years\" \"I'll be out in a month\" \"I'll be out in a month\" \"I'll be out\" \"I'll be out after a month I'll be out of here\" \"I'll be out in a month In exactly one month\" \"I'll be out\" \"I'll need money when I get out\" \"So what should I do?\" \"", "Should I steal or rob?\" \"", "What shall I eat first?\" \"", "Anything will be fine except for fried dumplings\" \"Where am I anyway?\" \"", "With all the cars honking it must be the city\" \"The most important thing is what floor I'm on\" \"What if I pierce through the wall and it's the 52nd floor?\" \"", "Even if I fall to my death I'm still getting out\" \"I'm getting out I'm getting out In one month, I'm getting out\" \"Right now you're lying on a plain\" \"When you hear the bell you will turn your head and look down\" \"You will see an endless field of green grass\" \"The sun is shining bright and there's a cool breeze\" \"It's a human being\" \"Don't stop me!\" \"", "Mister\" \"Even though\" \"I'm no worst than a beast don't I have the right to live?\" \"", "Mister\" \"Even though\" \"I'm no worst than a beast don't I have the right to live?\" \"", "Yes\" \"That phone booth alley was just here\" \"Now there's an apartment building\" \"So he throws me on the roof What a numskull\" \"I want to tell you my story Delay your death\" \"What?\" \"", "I see\" \"Of course\" \"Now I'll tell you my story\" \"You see the reason why I want to die...\" \"Hey!\" \"", "It's a woman being\" \"That lunatic...\" \"Hurry, go!\" \"", "Hey, Mr.!\" \"", "Come over here!\" \"", "Laugh and the world laughs with you\" \"Weep and you weep alone\" \"My home is gone\" \"I can't call either my friend or relatives\" \"Since I'm the one who murdered my wife\" \"Since I'm a fugitive\" \"Really Come on, you will lose\" \"Yeah, I agree You little piece of shit\" \"You dickshit!\" \"", "Dickshit...\" \"Never heard of it\" \"Since the TV doesn't teach you curse words\" \"Can imaginary training for 15 years be put to use?\" \"", "It can\" \"Oplegnathus fasciatus\" \"Lives in the warm waters of coastal reefs\" \"A fish with weak reflexes but can resist unyieldingly once it's caught in a hook\" \"In Kyungsang Province its offspring...\" \"What's this smell?\" \"", "Don't even think about asking me any questions\" \"I don't know a thing\" \"Yes?\" \"", "I said I want something alive\" \"Oh, right\" \"Long time no see This is my first time\" \"Maybe not?\" \"", "But she looks familiar\" \"You look very familiar\" \"Have I seen you somewhere?\" \"\"", "Searching for the Best Chefs\"\" \"\"On Ch 11 every Thursday at 6:30\"\" \"\"The youngest female chef of Japanese food\"\" \"Oh that?\" \"", "They said the ratings are low but I guess it's popular\" \"Women's hands are usually warm so they can't make sushi\" \"Wow, you sure do know a lot\" \"Who are you?\" \"", "Do you like your clothes?\" \"", "Why...\" \"Why did you imprison me?\" \"", "Who do you think I am?\" \"", "Yoo Heungsam?\" \"", "Wrong\" \"Did Lee Soyoung hire you?\" \"", "No, wrong again\" \"Lee Jongyong?\" \"", "Kang Changsuk?\" \"", "Hwang Jooyeun?\" \"", "Kim Nasung?\" \"", "Park Ji woo?\" \"", "Im Dukyoon?\" \"", "Lee Jaepyung?\" \"", "Kuk Suran?\" \"", "Who the hell are you?\" \"", "Me?\" \"", "I'm sort of a scholar\" \"And my major is you\" \"A scholar studying Oh Daesu An expert on Oh Daesu\" \"Who I am isn't important Why is important\" \"Think it over Review your whole lifetime\" \"Since school is over it's time for your homework Right?\" \"", "Keep this in mind\" \"\"Be it a grain of sand or rock, in water they sink as the same\"\" \"Let me ask you one thing\" \"You hypnotized me in there didn't you?\" \"", "What did you do to me?\" \"", "I miss you...\" \"Hurry and come to me\" \"Here you are\" \"It's alive, right?\" \"", "I'll slice it up now\" \"I must be a different breed of women My hands are very cold, you see\" \"What's with her?\" \"", "Sir\" \"Sir\" \"Keep this in mind\" \"\"Be it a grain of sand or rock, in water they sink as the same\"\" \"Awake now?\" \"", "Is this true?\" \"", "That fever remedy really works\" \"Why'd you faint if you trained so much?\" \"", "A lack of needed sunlight depletes you of vitamins A and E\" \"So I'm not immune to influenza\" \"Do you usually talk that way?\" \"", "The bathroom door is broken and doesn't lock\" \"Don't get any bright ideas\" \"Or else I'll slice you like sushi\" \"What's this?\" \"", "Suppositories\" \"How else could I feed you medicine if you fainted?\" \"", "Can imaginary training for 15 years be put to use?\" \"", "It can't\" \"That was very bad of me\" \"After bringing you here and rejecting you,\" \"I understand why you're mad\" \"I do\" \"I brought you here because I like you, too\" \"But...\" \"You even don't know my name\" \"I'm Mido\" \"You see\" \"Later\" \"When I'm really ready later,\" \"I swear on my life that I will\" \"That song, \"The Face I Miss\" in your diary, That's the sign\" \"When I sing it then get yourself ready\" \"When it actually happens...\" \"I could resist again at the heat of the moment\" \"But no matter what don't ever back out\" \"Just give it to me!\" \"", "Give it to me?\" \"", "The ants...\" \"Do you still see them?\" \"", "Do you still feel that way?\" \"", "Yeah, if you're alone you see the ants\" \"Very lonely people that I met they all hallucinated ants at one time\" \"After I thought about it ants move around in groups you know So I guess very lonely people keep thinking about ants\" \"Even though I never did\" \"She called from overseas five or six years ago asking if her dad showed up\" \"She doesn't even know that he killed her mother\" \"Since she has few relatives she calls us\" \"Her Korean has gotten bad\" \"I think her foster parents are both doctors\" \"Anyhow, Miss Reporter\" \"Daesu really hasn't been caught yet?\" \"", "Your daughter's address is on the front and on the back is a map to your wife's grave\" \"Eva...\" \"Stockholm...\" \"Eva...\" \"Do you want to call her?\" \"", "Want me to call her?\" \"", "Wanna go to the grave together?\" \"", "No, after I kill that bastard first\" \"Blue Dragon Is it right?\" \"", "I haven't chewed it yet\" \"Blue Dragon So?\" \"", "Is that the taste?\" \"", "Be it 10 or 100 restaurants it doesn't matter\" \"I can never forget that taste for 15 years, Blue Dragon\" \"Want me to make you an ID to log in?\" \"", "Do you have a favorite movie or song?\" \"", "I talked to him\" \"The Count of Monte Cristo?\" \"", "There's no one by that name here\" \"How's life in a bigger prison Oh Daesu?\" \"", "Who are you?\" \"", "Who are you?\" \"", "The lonely prince in the high tower, Don't forget me\" \"Who's this bastard?\" \"", "I don't know him I just chat with him sometimes\" \"And talk about sushi, too\" \"Where are you going?\" \"", "Where are you going?\" \"", "I can't trust you\" \"Magic Blue Dragon\" \"Magic Blue Dragon!\" \"", "What could that mean?\" \"", "Why the hell did they order from a restaurant this far away?\" \"", "I've gone by five Chinese restaurants already\" \"My lungs feel like exploding\" \"Tell your cooks to put less scallions in the dumplings\" \"Sure\" \"Set it down and go Okay\" \"We don't work on anyone being protected by bodyguards\" \"There are other people who specialize in that\" \"You can hire them\" \"We just work on the small fries\" \"If it's over six months transportation fee is free\" \"Yes, of course\" \"Why'd you lock me up, you...\" \"Dickshit\" \"In our 7.5 floor business, our clients' info is top secret\" \"I'm going to pay you back for all 15 years\" \"Each one I yank out will make you age one year\" \"Ready to talk?\" \"", "I don't know\" \"I didn't see his face\" \"I recorded it\" \"AB blood types raise your hand\" \"Go, he lost a lot of blood\" \"Damn, look at him Is he dead?\" \"", "You little piece of shit...\" \"Damn\" \"Hey, you piece of shit!\" \"", "Go, motherfucker!\" \"", "Get the fuck out!\" \"", "Hey, fuckface!\" \"", "What, you fucked up son of a bitch!\" \"", "Just kill him damn asshole\" \"Fucking goddamn asshole!\" \"", "I'm almost done Stay still\" \"As expected\" \"I can't get along today either\" \"I've now become a monster\" \"When my vengeance is over, can I return as the old Daesu?\" \"", "Mister, are you alright?\" \"", "Look at all this blood\" \"Mister, what happened to you?\" \"", "Saewoon Apartments in Eung am, building 8\" \"Please take care of him\" \"Thank you Not at all\" \"Well, then...\" \"Farewell Oh Daesu\" \"Farewell Oh Daesu\" \"Oh Daesu\" \"Farewell\" \"Farewell\" \"Any bastard you hate, but can't dare to kill Any bitch you detest, but want more than kill We are at your service\" \"Wouldn't he go crazy if he's locked up for a long time?\" \"", "Well, if you prefer he doesn't we can mix drugs into his drink\" \"Ristedal Solution\" \"It's a well trusted drug used to treat schizophrenia\" \"Well, the duration is important so how long will he...\" \"15 years\" \"Too long?\" \"", "What did he do?\" \"", "Oh Daesu, you see talks too much\" \"Go to sleep\" \"Time to visit Joo hwan at the Internet cafe tomorrow\" \"Sit wherever you'd like\" \"Joo hwan\" \"Oh Daesu, you see talks too much\" \"Have you heard this voice before?\" \"", "Is there anyone who hates me this much?\" \"", "I don't know all the 260 names of your women's husbands\" \"Who's Mido?\" \"", "This girl who cries over nothing\" \"Joo hwan\" \"Did I really talk too much?\" \"", "My friend,\" \"I'd like for you to find that criminal among people you're close to\" \"Congratulations\" \"Your case was automatically dismissed yesterday\" \"But remember this by all means\" \"Open quote\" \"Like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter...\" \"Like a bird from the snare of the fowler...\" \"Free yourself\" \"Close quote Who are you?\" \"", "What about you you rotten bastard?\" \"", "I made up my mind when I was imprisoned\" \"That I won't trust anyone if I get out\" \"If there's anyone who I find suspicious then I'll create a secret that person and I will only know\" \"That ID, Monster, is a trap that I made to catch you\" \"You lead a stranger to your place Who the hell are you?\" \"", "Who's Evergreen?\" \"", "I tracked down that Evergreen ID and found the owner's name\" \"Ready to jot it down?\" \"", "It's Su Daeoh, That's a strange rare surname\" \"Address?\" \"", "In Eungam\" \"Saewoon Apartments Building 7, room 407\" \"I'm not doing fine Within life in a bigger prison...\" \"\"Evergreen\"\" \"\"Who are you?\"\" \"", "You meant to ask this, right?\" \"", "You must find out on your own Come on, it's a game\" \"First, who?\" \"", "Then, why?\" \"", "If you figure it out come see me anytime\" \"I'll raise your score You have until July 5th\" \"Oh no, only five days left\" \"Too short?\" \"", "Hang in there If you succeed I'll kill myself and not Mido\" \"That's right, Mido\" \"I'm going to kill every woman you love until you die\" \"Well, you're notorious for not protecting your women\" \"Wow, you're strong Mr. Monster\" \"Yes, you are the very monster I created\" \"But you won't find out the \"why?\" ", "if you do this 15 years of being curious would go to waste So is that okay with you?\" \"", "Sit down there\" \"Oh, the famous teeth torture\" \"You won't have enough time to torture me\" \"Since I have a weak heart I have a pacemaker in my chest\" \"When it was put in know what I asked the doctor?\" \"", "Doctor Hopkins give me a remote control to turn that motor off\" \"Pardon?\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "So that I can kill myself easily at anytime\" \"I'll give you $100, 000 more\" \"Oh, what will you do?\" \"", "You want to kill me right away but you won't know why you were imprisoned\" \"You want to torture me but I say I'll kill myself first\" \"Do you seek revenge or do you find the truth?\" \"", "Oh, you're in a tough spot\" \"I've been watching over you for 15 years\" \"I faired well thanks to you\" \"I wasn't bored or lonely\" \"Seeking revenge is the best cure for someone who got hurt\" \"Try it\" \"The loss of 15 years the pain of losing your wife and child you can forget all this\" \"Once again revenge is good for your health\" \"But...\" \"What happens after you've revenged yourself?\" \"", "I bet that hidden pain will probably come back again\" \"Are you there, Daesu?\" \"", "Daesu, long time no see\" \"Hasn't she been tied up for too long?\" \"", "I think you also left the door open\" \"Please save me\" \"But I could die first Rudolph the rednosed reindeer had a very shiny nose\" \"This dentist is really good\" \"Don't move\" \"Don't move\" \"What's with you?\" \"", "Now...\" \"Here we go\" \"You see they say that people shrivel up because they have an imagination\" \"So do not imagine\" \"You'll become brave as hell\" \"Now, here comes the real thing\" \"Yes?\" \"", "You know I'm glad you told me about this place but I haven't even started\" \"What?\" \"", "Let's go\" \"Let's really go\" \"Let's fight\" \"Let's fight\" \"What a roughneck Your hand\" \"I'm going to chop off your hand\" \"You touched Mido's breasts\" \"Then what about my tongue?\" \"", "You still don't trust me you rotten bastard?\" \"", "It looks hard to accomplish\" \"I looked into it, and the reason why the bank refused to pay $270 million isn't because our building has any irregularities,\" \"They have an internal problem at their bank\" \"So I think there won't be any problems\" \"Although Chairman Choi's equity share is at 25 percent...\" \"Daesu\" \"Yeah\" \"Did he really say that he'll kill me?\" \"", "Yeah\" \"Because you love me?\" \"", "Daesu\" \"What?\" \"", "I wonder where my love is\" \"The night is getting lonelier\" \"The words we spoke through our eyes can be felt through the hands\" \"So many nights have passed\" \"Yet my feelings are constant towards you\" \"Tears flood out from my eyes\" \"But there is a face that I miss\" \"They packed their stuff and left in a rental car\" \"Mido called the restaurant and quit\" \"Let's go after this is done\" \"You should get some rest today\" \"I can't even sleep\" \"Since I am forlorn\" \"Mr. Han\" \"Do you really think\" \"Mido has fallen in love with Daesu?\" \"", "Already?\" \"", "Daesu, it really hurts\" \"But I'm enduring it\" \"You must know this\" \"How'd you hold out?\" \"", "For 15 years?\" \"", "There's always a way\" \"Do you like it?\" \"", "You really like it, right?\" \"", "I want to be good to you\" \"Do not worry about future\" \"Don't imagine anything\" \"I feel like thanking all those years in that prison\" \"If I wasn't in there, could Mido have liked me still?\" \"", "He could only know that I wanted to chop off Mr. Park's hand by putting a bug on us and he knew our whereabouts by tailing us\" \"I've been bugged Please find it\" \"You know maybe he freed you because he has fun watching you run wild seeking revenge\" \"And never tell you why so he can toy with you forever\" \"You think that's why?\" \"", "Evergreen Press an online printing system\" \"Evergreen Pasta and Pizza\" \"Evergreen Services specializing in security, parking, cleaning\" \"Evergreen Tree Garden\" \"Evergreen Old Boy\" \"Sangnok High School alumni homepage\" \"Evergreen Secret Diary Jung Sang rok's personal site\" \"Norwegian Wood, Evergreen...\" \"Welcome to Evergreen Old Boys\" \"The Sangnok High School Alumni Homepage\" \"But it's time to close up\" \"Can't I look at the records of Class '79?\" \"", "It's dark so turn on the lights\" \"Take your time\" \"Joo hwan?\" \"", "Let me ask you something\" \"Do you know Lee Woojin of Class '79?\" \"", "I think he went to America to study\" \"Lee Woojin?\" \"", "Don't know him So is that the bastard's name?\" \"", "How'd you find out?\" \"", "I looked through all the school's albums and found his face\" \"I don't know who someone is just with a name\" \"Got anything else?\" \"", "Why don't you look for the school records or something?\" \"", "Do you know Lee Soo ah?\" \"", "She was in the same grade\" \"Lee Soo ah?\" \"", "She died What class was she in?\" \"", "Homeroom two of our senior year She was in my room\" \"Next to yours So what about her?\" \"", "Why is there no photo?\" \"", "Ah, she died so that's why\" \"How did Soo ah die?\" \"", "That's right, you wouldn't know\" \"She died after you transferred\" \"She went alone to the Habchun and fell into the river\" \"She croaked like a dead fish\" \"A week later they found her bloated body in the water\" \"What was she like?\" \"", "Her?\" \"", "She was a total slut\" \"On the outside she acted like a prude but she was a filthy whore on the inside\" \"Rumors had it that that slut fucked everyone at school\" \"I should've gotten in there\" \"I also heard that her family was really rich\" \"Her grades were good, too\" \"But the bad thing was that she was a slut\" \"Man\" \"Wow, this is such an old story\" \"Daesu!\" \"", "Daesu, I don't remember since it was so long ago but that Soo ah, you see...\" \"Wait, Daesu, you also...\" \"Hey what's going on?\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Joo hwan!\" \"", "Joo hwan, what's with you?\" \"", "Joo hwan!\" \"", "Joo hwan!\" \"", "Daesu\" \"My sister wasn't a slut\" \"You must accept this\" \"Since you got rid of your bug\" \"I had to come all the way here\" \"To eavesdrop\" \"So that's why Joo hwan died because of you\" \"Okay?\" \"", "I'm going to kill you!\" \"", "You son of a bitch!\" \"", "I am going to rip you into little pieces\" \"You motherfucking cocksucker!\" \"", "We're not open yet Please come back in an hour\" \"Someone who got six gold teeth recommended this place\" \"Mr. Park?\" \"", "I had to move because of you\" \"As a commemoration\" \"I installed a new TV Do you like it?\" \"", "There are so many channels Great, huh?\" \"", "There are even some who prefer to stay here\" \"You lived in a place like this for 15 years?\" \"", "It felt like home after 11 years though\" \"Come on I don't need money\" \"An enemy's enemy is a friend\" \"We threw away the hand 'cause it rotted\" \"Damn sons of bitches I'll kick their asses\" \"So why'd you bring me here?\" \"", "Huh?\" \"", "Let me go!\" \"", "If I don't return after July 5th then let her go\" \"While I was locked up here\" \"I remember someone visiting me\" \"What did that person do?\" \"", "Was it three times?\" \"", "I put a hypnosis inducing drug in your water\" \"Sodium Barbiturate?\" \"", "TV Man knows it all\" \"Hey Mr.!\" \"", "That's nonsense\" \"Even though it was a Catholic school she wouldn't die because of rumors that she was a slut\" \"There's probably another reason\" \"Could she have been pregnant?\" \"", "Yeah, I really don't think Soo ah was like that\" \"She was such a pure girl\" \"I know she didn't put out for anyone\" \"But she did go out with someone back then\" \"So who was that guy?\" \"", "I have no idea\" \"Choon shim You knew Lee Soo ah, right?\" \"", "Who was her boyfriend?\" \"", "Don't know?\" \"", "Shut the hell up\" \"What would you know about friendship?\" \"", "Shut your crap Then who'd know?\" \"", "Who?\" \"", "Joo hwan?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Yeah, I know him\" \"But how'd he know?\" \"", "Yeah?\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Okay, hang up I'll call you in a bit\" \"Choon shim said she heard it from Joo hwan\" \"And that you'd know the best\" \"Ring, ring, move aside\" \"You'll get hurt if you hesitate\" \"Oh Daesu\" \"Look at you\" \"Put it out!\" \"", "I'm transferring today\" \"To Seoul\" \"So butt out, Miss Kim\" \"You good for nothing!\" \"", "You're Oh Daesu, right?\" \"", "And you're Miss...\" \"among the girls\" \"You know how rumors are\" \"I heard you're really funny Say something\" \"Me being so popular is such a big hassle\" \"There's this father and son They went to the public bath, and...\" \"See you later\" \"See you later!\" \"", "Third Grade, Third Class pals\" \"Come on Wait\" \"Come here I won't\" \"Hurry and come here Okay, okay\" \"Satisfied?\" \"", "Raise this up Come on\" \"Raise it I won't\" \"What?\" \"", "It tickles\" \"Give it here\" \"What are you doing?\" \"", "Let me see\" \"What are you doing?\" \"", "Let me see Stop\" \"Go away\" \"Was it really Soo ah?\" \"", "Are you sure?\" \"", "I don't know her name\" \"All I know is that she's in your room, and she rides a red bike\" \"Have a good trip See you in Seoul if I go\" \"Where are you going?\" \"", "Going on a date with Choon shim\" \"I'll kill you if you shoot your mouth\" \"No way\" \"You get locked up for 15 years just for saying that?\" \"", "Was that such a big crime?\" \"", "Be it a grain of sand or rock in water they sink as the same\" \"That's what Lee Woojin believes\" \"Then what does July 5th stand for?\" \"", "That's the day\" \"Lee Soo ah died\" \"Now it's over\" \"Instead of seeking revenge you wanted to find out why you were imprisoned, right?\" \"", "Now we'll run away where he can never find us, right?\" \"", "I can't end it like this\" \"Seeking revenge has become a part of me\" \"But you don't even know where he lives\" \"Like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter...\" \"Like a bird from the snare of the fowler...\" \"Free yourself\" \"It's a phrase from \"Jamon\" 6, verse 4\" \"Jamon in English means Maxim\" \"And Evergreen said he lives in a high tower\" \"So six and four must just be floors\" \"Fourth floor\" \"Sixth floor\" \"Or the sixty forth floor?\" \"", "P?\" \"", "Penthouse!\" \"", "Please insert the code\" \"What would you like me to pray?\" \"", "Wrong entry Please insert again\" \"Wrong entry Please insert again\" \"Dear Lord please let me meet a younger man next time\" \"Please let Woojin bow next to Daesu and make him beg for forgiveness\" \"You slept with your sister\" \"Let's go up and talk\" \"Sic him!\" \"", "Don't be so violent\" \"Feels great\" \"You slept with your sister I feel so refreshing\" \"And I started the rumors\" \"That's why your sister died\" \"Looking through the mirror reminds me of that day\" \"Doesn't it?\" \"", "Erasing my memory and telling me to find the truth was unfair\" \"I won, so die like you promised\" \"You think you forgot that day because you were hypnotized?\" \"", "Are you sure?\" \"", "Do you know the real reason why you can't remember?\" \"", "Let me tell you\" \"You just, forgot\" \"Is that bland?\" \"", "But it's true that you just forgot\" \"Why?\" \"", "Since it's not your business\" \"Your rumor grew so out of proportion that Soo ah being pregnant became a rumor\" \"My sister got sucked into that rumor and began believing it\" \"So her period stopped and her belly began to swell\" \"Funny, isn't it?\" \"", "Ever thought how'd a girl feel bearing both her child and nephew?\" \"", "Understand now?\" \"", "Your tongue got my sister pregnant\" \"It wasn't Lee Woojin's dick\" \"It was Oh Daesu's tongue\" \"Is that why you killed your sister?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Ever thought how'd the boy feel impregnating a child and nephew?\" \"", "You were probably afraid\" \"Afraid that everyone will know once the baby's born\" \"When you realized that she imagined it after you killed her you hating me is understandable\" \"They said Soo ah died alone at the dam but who took this photo?\" \"", "And what about the date July 5th?\" \"", "This is no fun\" \"I'll just finish what I was saying Listen carefully My story is really fun\" \"Ever heard of posthypnotic suggestion?\" \"", "You suggest something during hypnosis and then it's acted out in your wakened state\" \"Still haven't figured it out?\" \"", "You lead a stranger to your place Who the hell are you?\" \"", "What about you you rotten bastard?\" \"", "We hypnotized both of you\" \"One very fortunate thing was that both of you were highly receptive to hypnosis compared to others\" \"Isn't this fun?\" \"", "One word gets you pregnant one word gets you in love\" \"But no matter how much you two are receptive to hypnosis or no matter how good of a hypnotist Mrs. Yoo is getting people to fall in love isn't easy\" \"So do you know how we did it?\" \"", "Oh that?\" \"", "They said the ratings are low Your first suggestion was to go to that restaurant after your release\" \"Next, to react to the cell phone's melody\" \"When you heard this you were to say something\" \"Who are you?\" \"", "Do you like your clothes?\" \"", "And Mido was to react to the man who were to say this When she grabs your hand, your reaction would be...\" \"Of course...\" \"Your gravest mistake wasn't failing to find the answer\" \"You can't find the right answer if you ask the wrong questions\" \"It's not \"Why did Woojin imprison me?\"\" \"", "It's \"Why did he release me?\"\" \"", "Once again why did Woojin release Daesu after... 15 years?\" \"", "Laugh, and the world laughs with you Weep, and you will weep alone\" \"Mr. Han\" \"Mister Han!\" \"", "Mido...\" \"Mido doesn't know right?\" \"", "Why'd you hide her there?\" \"", "You thought he'd hate me because I cut off his hand, right?\" \"", "Couldn't you figure it out that it was a trap?\" \"", "How can you protect your woman with that brain of yours?\" \"", "I've been secretly raising Mido since she was three\" \"What's wrong with you?\" \"", "And Mr. Park's hand?\" \"", "You moron\" \"Know that new prison of his?\" \"", "He said he had to move so I bought him that building for his hand!\" \"", "Daesu!\" \"", "A box is here\" \"It's that same violet box\" \"He's telling me to open it No!\" \"", "No, Mido, don't\" \"Don't open it no matter what\" \"If you open it something terrible will happen\" \"What's in it?\" \"", "You know, don't you?\" \"", "Mido My Sweet Pea wait a little longer\" \"I'll be there very soon\" \"Can't you come right now?\" \"", "I'm scared\" \"My Sweet Pea you can wait for me, right?\" \"", "Yes Good\" \"Good girl I'll call you very soon, okay?\" \"", "I beg you\" \"Please don't tell Mido\" \"What has she done wrong?\" \"", "You know it was all my fault\" \"I have...\" \"I have committed a terrible sin to your sister\" \"And I was very wrong to you\" \"I'm really sorry\" \"So what I'm saying is...\" \"So please leave Mido alone, okay?\" \"", "If\" \"Mido finds out the truth, you asshole,\" \"I'll rip your whole body apart, and no one will be able to find your body anywhere\" \"Why?\" \"", "Because I'm going to chew it all down\" \"Woojin!\" \"", "Woojin, I made a mistake\" \"Please forget what I said\" \"Sir!\" \"", "Boss!\" \"", "Woojin!\" \"", "We're Evergreen Old Boys remember?\" \"", "With the energy from a green pine tree the Great Sangnok High...\" \"I'll do whatever you want\" \"I'll do anything I beg you\" \"Woojin, if you want me to be a dog, I will!\" \"", "I'm Woojin's dog from now on!\" \"", "I'm your puppy!\" \"", "Woof Woof Woof Wooof\" \"Look, I'm wagging my tail\" \"I'm a dog I'll guard the house I'll be your slave dog\" \"The box...\" \"Just leave it closed\" \"Now, what joy will I live for?\" \"", "Daesu\" \"It really hurts\" \"But I'm enduring it\" \"You must know this\" \"How'd you hold out?\" \"", "For 15 years?\" \"", "My sister and I loved each other even though we knew everything\" \"Could it be the same with you two?\" \"", "Do you like it?\" \"", "You really like it, right?\" \"", "I want to be good to you\" \"Soo ah\" \"Woojin\" \"I know you've been scared\" \"So let go of me, okay?\" \"", "Alright?\" \"", "Remember me, okay?\" \"", "I have no regrets What about you?\" \"", "This is the whole adventure I went through until now\" \"Thank you for listening to a terrible story till the end\" \"I hope that you understand the reason for sending a letter instead of talking to you in person\" \"The reason for that is that I have no tongue\" \"To be honest I have no reason to help you\" \"But you see?\" \"", "I was touched by this last sentence\" \"Even though I'm worse than even a beast\" \"Don't I have the right to live?\" \"", "The hypnosis could go wrong and distort your memories\" \"Will that be okay?\" \"", "If you're ready stare at that tree\" \"The tree is slowly changing into a concrete column\" \"You're now in Woojin's penthouse\" \"It's a dreary night\" \"The sound of your footsteps to the window permeates the room\" \"When I ring my bell you'll be split into two persons\" \"The one who doesn't know the secret is Oh Daesu\" \"The one who keeps the secret is the Monster\" \"When I ring the bell again the Monster will turn around and begin walking\" \"With each step you age one year\" \"When the Monster reaches seventy he will die\" \"There's no need to worry\" \"It will be a very peaceful death\" \"Now, good luck to you\" \"What's wrong?\" \"", "Look at you\" \"Were you with somebody?\" \"", "I love you\" \"Daesu\"" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to a mobile terminal. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to a mobile terminal and panoramic photographing method for the same that enable a user to capture a panoramic photograph including multiple images.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nModern mobile terminals enable users to make a voice call and include various functions related to video calls, messages, MP3 audio, and cameras. ", "In particular, mobile terminals having a camera module enable users to take desired images at most times and places.", "\nThe user of a mobile terminal with a camera module can take various pictures from a small photograph to a moving image usable in an Internet page. ", "More particularly, a panoramic image having a wider field of view than a standard image is an image produced by joining multiple pictures together that were taken along a desired direction.", "\nHowever, to take a panoramic image, a user must set a photographing direction in advance. ", "Therefore, the user is inconvenienced by having to pre-set a photographing direction, such as ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘left’ and ‘right’ before taking the panoramic image.", "\nTherefore, a need exists for an improved mobile terminal and panoramic photographing method for the same that enable a user to take a panoramic photograph including multiple images." ]
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[ "News\n\nSon demands answers over hospital thief\n\nAN AGENCY worker who stole bank cards from three elderly patients she was caring for at Worcestershire Royal Hospital has been jailed.", "\n\nBut questions have been asked about how Parudavi Maru was allowed to work at the hospital when she had previous convictions for theft.", "\n\nMaru was jailed for 12 months at Worcester Crown Court after previously admitting theft and fraud while working as a care support worker at Worcestershire Royal Hospital between August 2013 and March 2014.", "\n\nAfter the hearing the son of one elderly woman, whose bank card was stolen and used to withdraw about £1,200, demanded answers.", "\n\nMaru was employed on a temporary basis through NHS Professionals, a government-owned company supplying healthcare workers to 63 NHS bodies across the UK.", "\n\nShe stole cards from three patients and used them to withdraw hundreds of pounds.", "\n\nSpeaking after the trial, the son of one of the victims said: “If you can’t trust hospital staff, who can you trust?", "\n\n“It’s a total failure of governance by NHS Professionals. ", "They are supposed to do regular Criminal Record Bureau Checks according their own charter, but they hadn’t done one since 2002.”", "\n\nHe said the thefts had been identified after five cash withdrawals were spotted on his 89-year-old mother’s bank statements which could not have been made by her.", "\n\nHe said no one else knew her PIN but it was possible she had written it on a piece of paper inside her purse, which had been found by Maru. ", "The bank refunded the money to his mother, who has since died and was never aware of the thefts.", "\n\nThe court hearing on Tuesday heard Maru, aged 46, of Exhall, Coventry, who has two teenage sons, was fearful of confessing her crimes to her husband and of the shame it would bring upon the family.", "\n\nRecorder Richard Burns questioned why her previous offences, which were not committed while she worked at the Royal, had not been flagged up during a vetting process.", "\n\nHe described her husband as “a beast” and advised her to distance herself from him as soon as possible.", "\n\nThe family of another of Maru’s victims, an 82-year-old grandfather and lifelong Worcestershire resident, released a joint statement.", "\n\n“We want to ensure that other families and their loved ones never experience the hurt and distress that this systematic failing in the vetting of staff has caused us,” they said.", "\n\n“As such we have lodged a formal complaint with Worcestershire Royal Hospital and also asked our MP Robin Walker to address this incredible breach of trust on our behalf.”", "\n\nNHS Professionals’ director of clinical governance Anne O’Brien said the organisation “apologised unreservedly” for distress caused to patients and their families.", "\n\n“NHS Professionals has some of the most rigorous recruitment protocols in the sector and we have taken immediate steps to investigate and understand how this situation could have arisen,” she said.", "\n\nChief executive of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust – which runs the Royal – Penny Venables said: “Agencies who supply temporary staff to the trust have a contractual obligation to ensure that all relevant employment eligibility checks and references are in place for staff on their books.", "\n\n\"We were not informed of any previous convictions on this occasion.", "\n\n\"Following the outcome of the court case we have contacted the agency concerned to ascertain why we were unaware of this and to seek further assurance that necessary checks are in place for all agency staff before they commence in post.”" ]
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[ "Designers working with modern CAD systems enjoy a wealth of software advantages. ", "For instance, new CAD tools help improve a product’s overall fit and finish while shortening design cycles. ", "Digital mock-ups let engineers and clients see finished designs before a punch ever hits metal. ", "The technology is great for new products, but what about older designs? ", "A flat-pattern drawing of a sheet-metal part shows how the latest CAD tools can help revitalize old designs.", "\n\nThe problem with prints The trouble with designing only in the flat is that downstream tasks get no productivity boost. ", "Stress studies, product visualization, and spotting interferences between assembled parts remain difficult tasks. ", "Converting the design to 3D, however, solves many of these problems. ", "In this example, we’ll generate a 3D model from a 2D flat-pattern for a saw-horse brace.", "\n\nThe example begins by extruding the sketch into a flat solid model. ", "Since a 2D drawing of the flat pattern is available, the battle is half over. ", "After importing the DXF file for the 2D drawing, we build the model from it.", "\n\nDepending on the CAD system, this operation can be as easy as picking “File Open” and choosing the required drawing. ", "The initial drawing appears complete with bend lines, holes, and the outline of a stiffening rib. ", "A few systems such as Solid Edge from Unigraphic Solutions Inc., can interpret 2D documents to simplify drawing manipulations. ", "The system used in this example accesses layers established within the original system to control and manage element display.", "\n\nOlder 2D systems typically are not based on a parametric modeling foundation. ", "Newer 3D systems use parametrics to control design intent. ", "With this technology, geometry can be constrained to control changes. ", "Constraints describe connections at intersecting geometry. ", "To speed constraint assignments some systems include a tool that automatically applies them.", "\n\nDetermining what to convert first may be confusing. ", "A general rule of thumb says “Build the model as it will be manufactured.” ", "A logical sequence of operations would be to start with the flat pattern, add holes and features, and apply bends.", "\n\nFollowing this plan, create the flat pattern from the 2D sketch. ", "Doing so requires importing the drawing and picking on sketch. ", "The system usually highlights the 2D image. ", "Some systems also may automatically apply a default metal thickness. ", "Once complete, users add mounting holes, draw cutout reliefs for the hinge, and create the stiffening rib.", "\n\nSo far, each feature has been created using profiles from the original drawing. ", "For example, the stiffening rib is added by first selecting a dimple command and following prompts for height, size, and location of the rib.", "\n\nOther methodsAn older construction method would add each feature using existing data. ", "However, using library-based features would require an exact profile to avoid editing. ", "An accompanying image, The solid pattern, shows the part and a list of features applied to it. ", "Since most new CAD systems are feature based, the functions in the software carry names that identify shop operations. ", "For instance, menus show functions such as tab, punch, stamp, bend, louver, and dimple. ", "This makes generating the model almost a manufacturing operation.", "\n\nUsers decide how bends are added, but there’s a catch. ", "It’s critical to put the bends in a proper sequence because part features depend on the 2D sketch. ", "For example, folding the innermost bend first makes it impossible to create the outermost bend because that section is no longer part of the 2D sketch.", "\n\nTo overcome this obstacle, some packages can add bends in a suppressed state. ", "The technique keeps the part flat so the order in which bends or other features are added is not critical. ", "Once all features are added the entire model can be folded to generate a 3D model.", "\n\nCreating the bends simply requires identifying the bend line, and specifying a direction and angle. ", "When a flat pattern does not include bend lines, they can be added either in the 2D drawing or 3D model. ", "Since the part in The first bends is symmetric, a mirroring operation is used to replicate the bends. ", "Notice the steps required to complete the model. ", "It’s constructed using a logical sequence of features that parallel the manufacturing process.", "\n\nThe original flat pattern included bend reliefs but corner reliefs were omitted. ", "Manufacturing this part without corner reliefs would tear the metal and produced a poor quality part. ", "While the relief could be added in the 2D drawing, the task of computing the size and location would be difficult. ", "But a few systems wisely allow adding reliefs after creating flanges. ", "Edge details shows the final bend with the bend and corner-relief options. ", "The user simply chooses the required style of relief and the system takes care of the rest. ", "This changes the flat pattern drawing, but greatly simplifies sheet-metal design.", "\n\nRevitalizing legacy data with today’s CAD tools can be this easy. ", "Some CAD systems include specific tools to simplify 2D to 3D migration, while others require generating libraries. ", "Regardless of method, the advantages of working with 3D models are too good to ignore." ]
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[ "//\n// FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBox.m\n// FlickrKit\n//\n// Generated by FKAPIBuilder.", "\n// Copyright (c) 2013 DevedUp Ltd. All rights reserved. ", "http://www.devedup.com\n//\n// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE - IT IS MACHINE GENERATED\n\n\n#import \"FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBox.h\" \n\n@implementation FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBox\n\n\n\n- (BOOL) needsLogin {\n return NO;\n}\n\n- (BOOL) needsSigning {\n return NO;\n}\n\n- (FKPermission) requiredPerms {\n return -1;\n}\n\n- (NSString *) name {\n return @\"flickr.places.placesForBoundingBox\";\n}\n\n- (BOOL) isValid:(NSError **)error {\n BOOL valid = YES;\n\tNSMutableString *errorDescription = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@\"You are missing required params: \"];\n\tif(!self.bbox) {\n\t\tvalid = NO;\n\t\t[errorDescription appendString:@\"'bbox', \"];\n\t}\n\n\tif(error !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tif(!valid) {\t\n\t\t\tNSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: errorDescription};\n\t\t\t*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:FKFlickrKitErrorDomain code:FKErrorInvalidArgs userInfo:userInfo];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n return valid;\n}\n\n- (NSDictionary *) args {\n NSMutableDictionary *args = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];\n\tif(self.bbox) {\n\t\t[args setValue:self.bbox forKey:@\"bbox\"];\n\t}\n\tif(self.place_type) {\n\t\t[args setValue:self.place_type forKey:@\"place_type\"];\n\t}\n\tif(self.place_type_id) {\n\t\t[args setValue:self.place_type_id forKey:@\"place_type_id\"];\n\t}\n\n return [args copy];\n}\n\n- (NSString *) descriptionForError:(NSInteger)error {\n switch(error) {\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_RequiredParametersMissing:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Required parameters missing\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_NotAValidBbox:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Not a valid bbox\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_NotAValidPlaceType:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Not a valid place type\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_BoundingBoxExceedsMaximumAllowableSizeForPlaceType:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Bounding box exceeds maximum allowable size for place type\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_InvalidAPIKey:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Invalid API Key\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_ServiceCurrentlyUnavailable:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Service currently unavailable\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_WriteOperationFailed:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Write operation failed\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_FormatXXXNotFound:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Format \\\"xxx\\\" not found\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_MethodXXXNotFound:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Method \\\"xxx\\\" not found\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_InvalidSOAPEnvelope:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Invalid SOAP envelope\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_InvalidXMLRPCMethodCall:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Invalid XML-RPC Method Call\";\n\t\tcase FKFlickrPlacesPlacesForBoundingBoxError_BadURLFound:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Bad URL found\";\n \n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\treturn @\"Unknown error code\";\n }\n}\n\n@end\n" ]
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[ "A variety of bill or currency validation and stacking techniques are known in the prior art, including the following U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,628,194 (METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CURRENCY VALIDATION), 4,722,519 (STACKER APPARATUS), 4,765,607 (STACKER APPARATUS), 4,775,824 (MOTOR CONTROL FOR BANKNOTE HANDLING APPARATUS), 5,209,395 (METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR A LOCKABLE, REMOVABLE CASSETTE, FOR SECURELY STORING CURRENCY), 5,222,584 (CURRENCY VALIDATOR), 5,209,335 (SECURITY ARRANGEMENT FOR USE WITH A LOCKABLE, REMOVABLE CASSETTE) and Ser. ", "No. ", "08/376,809, filed Jan. 23, 1995, all of which are assigned to the assignee of the present invention and incorporated by reference herein.", "\nBill validators typically include a magazine portion for storing authentic bills. ", "When the magazine is full, no further bills can be accepted and the bill validator goes out of service. ", "Regular service calls are required to replace full magazines with empty magazines or to remove some or all of the stored bills so that the bill validator can return to service. ", "A mechanical switch is often provided proximate the magazine portion of the validator to be reset by the service person after the magazine is removed or emptied. ", "Often, the service person forgets to set the switch, leaving the empty bill validator out of service. ", "In addition, mechanical switches are prone to breakage. ", "Mechanical switches have also been provided which automatically set and reset on removal of the magazine or opening and closing of a magazine door." ]
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[ "[[wysiwyg_imageupload:23798:]]\n\nCheck out details below on the inaugural Cinema South Expo, which takes place January 30th in Fayetteville, Georgia.", "\n\nGuests include Captain America: Civil War stuntman and fight coordinator James Young who also worked on The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.", "\n\nFull info can be found below the pics.", "\n\nInfo:\n\nOpen Rivers Film Academy Launches Cinema South Expo\n\nThe State of Georgia’s First Motion Picture Career and Education Expo\n\nLast year, more than 200 major film and television projects were shot in Georgia, making it home to the fastest growing entertainment industry in the world. ", "With this status comes many benefits, including increased revenue in the state and also increased job opportunities. ", "The question is, where can Georgia residents go to learn about working in the exciting field of motion picture and television production?", "\n\nTo answer this question and help train Georgia residents for careers in film and television, Open Rivers Film Academy launches Cinema South Motion Picture Career & Education Expo – the first film, television and digital production career expo of its kind in the state of Georgia. ", "The Expo will be held Saturday, January 30, 2016, from 10AM to 5PM at the Open Rivers Film Academy. ", "Open Rivers Film Academy is located in Pinewood Production Centre, 461 Sandy Creek Road, Fayetteville, GA 30214. ", "Military Veterans will be able to gain special entry to the expo beginning at 9AM on that day. ", "Here is a sneak peek at what attendees can expect:\n\n“There hasn’t been an event like this where not only aspiring filmmakers, but anyone seeking career direction in the industry could go to meet and engage film and television veterans about their craft,” stated Tammy Williams, CEO of Open Rivers Pictures and founder of Cinema South Expo. ", "Williams saw in her students, and the community at large, a strong desire to interact with and gain insight from well-established industry professionals. “", "There are three questions that we heard the community asking: what careers can I pursue in the industry, how do I get started and where are the jobs?’ ", "says Williams. “", "It is our goal to provide them with the practical answers they need to accomplish their goals,” added Williams.", "\n\nExpos are common in a variety of industries; they create and hone interest, as well as help foster viable networking contacts for those just starting or interested in pursuing careers. “", "The television and film industry is growing at a rapid pace, and it is also highly competitive,” says Williams. “", "Cinema South Expo is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to work in this field. ", "We hope to enlighten attendees about the numerous career options that exist as well as provide a wealth of information to help each person get in the door of their desired area.”", "\n\nA few of the confirmed panelists for this event are:\n\nJames Young – Stuntman & Fight Coordinator\n\nMost of the time he is unrecognizable, because he’s the man behind the mask, doubling for actors and performing all of those really cool fight scenes. ", "One of the industry’s most sought after fight coordinators, his credits include: Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Garden of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and so many more!", "\n\nCamille Friend – Department Head Hairstylist\n\nCamille’s current credits cover various mediums, including film, television, print and music videos. ", "The diversity of her projects is impressive and reads like an A-list blockbuster script. ", "Camille’s feature films include The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. ", "1&2, Hateful Eight, Dreamgirls, Captain America-Civil War, Django Unchained and The Help.", "\n\nCarol Rasheed\n\nWhether she’s developing one of her celebrated spas, or on location designing makeup for film and television, or consulting for a national network, Carol brings an overflowing wealth of expertise. ", "Her credits include: Rectify, Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Walking Dead, Lawless, Solace, Steel Magnolias, Fist Fight and The Detour.", "\n\nDavid Irwin\n\nStarting as a Production Assistant, David rose through the ranks, from Best Boy to Gaffer and now serves as Operations Manager for one of the top providers in lighting and grip equipment, MBSE. ", "David has a diverse film and tv portfolio, which includes Jimmy Kimmel Live, Ray Donovan, The Voice, Revenge and so many more!", "\n\nJasmine Burke\n\nJasmine Burke is a filmmaker, singer and advocate for children’s causes. ", "Burke is starring in TV One’s movie premiere of Skinned and she is one of the leading actors in Bounce TV’s new drama series, Saints & Sinners. ", "Burke landed her first guest-starring role in Tyler Perry’s “Meet the Browns”. ", "Burke has been featured in films such as The Secret Life of Bees, Big Momma’s House: Like Father, Like Son and Ride Along, to name a few. ", "She has recurred in hit TV shows such as Vampire Diaries and Army Wives and starred in Disney’s Let it Shine and VH1’s Drumline: A New Beat. ", "Burke is a native of Kennesaw, Georgia.", "\n\nRegistration for the Cinema South Motion Picture Career & Education Expo is now open! ", "Early registration ends January 1st or until maximum capacity is reached. ", "Beginning January 2, 2016, the fee is $10 for general admission and $5 for all currently enrolled high school and college students. ", "The Expo is being held at Open Rivers Film Academy located in Pinewood Atlanta Studios Production Centre, 461 Sandy Creek Road, Fayetteville, GA 30214. ", "For more information and registration visit, www.cinemasouthexpo.com." ]
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[ "Characterization of the in vitro expressed autoimmune rippling muscle disease immunogenic domain of human titin encoded by TTN exons 248-249.", "\nAutoimmune rippling muscle disease (ARMD) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease associated with myasthenia gravis (MG). ", "Past studies in our laboratory recognized a very high molecular weight skeletal muscle protein antigen identified by ARMD patient antisera as the titin isoform. ", "These past studies used antisera from ARMD and MG patients as probes to screen a human skeletal muscle cDNA library and several pBluescript clones revealed supporting expression of immunoreactive peptides. ", "This study characterizes the products of subcloning the titin immunoreactive domain into pGEX-3X and the subsequent fusion protein. ", "Sequence analysis of the fusion gene indicates the cloned titin domain (GenBank ID: EU428784) is in frame and is derived from a sequence of N2-A spanning the exons 248-250 an area that encodes the fibronectin III domain. ", "PCR and EcoR1 restriction mapping studies have demonstrated that the inserted cDNA is of a size that is predicted by bioinformatics analysis of the subclone. ", "Expression of the fusion protein result in the isolation of a polypeptide of 52 kDa consistent with the predicted inferred amino acid sequence. ", "Immunoblot experiments of the fusion protein, using rippling muscle/myasthenia gravis antisera, demonstrate that only the titin domain is immunoreactive." ]
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[ "We're On She Goes —a digital travel platform that helps women of color travel more confidently, more adventurously, and more often.", "\n\nWe're creating travel content from a fresh and unseen perspective, with a fresh and unseen perspective, with the goal of adding dimension to representations of WOC in the travel industry and the world.", "\n\nWe're On She Goes —a digital travel platform that helps women of color travel more confidently, more adventurously, and more often.", "\n\nWe're creating travel content from a fresh and unseen perspective, with a fresh and unseen perspective, with the goal of adding dimension to representations of WOC ..." ]
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[ "MyTransHealth is a startup dedicated to the idea that access to quality health care is a human right. ", "Seems obvious, right? ", "However, trans and gender-nonconforming people often have a hard time accessing any health care at all, because doctors are often inexperienced with issues that affect the trans community, and can also be downright bigoted. ", "That’s where MTH comes in — the team at MyTransHealth has been working hard to find providers who give quality care and have an understanding of the needs of trans and gender nonconforming people, and they’re adding new providers and working to serve new locations all the time.", "\n\nWe recently had the opportunity to speak to Kade Clark, the Founder and Executive Director of MyTransHealth, about the need for quality care for all, the team that built MTH, and the importance of self-care while building taking on such a project. ", "Here’s our interview!", "\n\nHelloGiggles (HG): Can you talk a little about the amazing team at MyTransHealth? ", "How did you all get the idea, and how long did it take to develop?", "\n\nKade Clark (KC): The initial idea for MyTransHealth grew out of a personal experience. ", "After moving to New York, I was referred to a local doctor at a reputable hospital for access to hormone replacement therapy. ", "I was already six years into medical transition and very familiar with the requirements. ", "I only needed a new prescription. ", "Five minutes into the appointment it was very clear the doctor had never worked with a trans patient. ", "When asked about their experience, they said, “I see trans people in the city all the time.” ", "They prescribed the wrong medication, and I walked away from the office frustrated that I put my health in the hands of a doctor that wasn’t prepared to treat my needs. ", "I shared my story with those in the community, and was met with no shock at all. ", "Each of my peers had a similar, often worse, story of ignorance or discrimination. ", "This had become an expected process — an understanding that we’re lucky to be treated at all.", "\n\nThat’s when I knew this had to change. ", "I partnered with Amelia Gapin and Robyn Kanner to create MyTransHealth — a location-based website that connects the trans community with reliable, informed, respectful providers. ", "After raising $30K in crowdsourced funding through Kickstarter in August of 2015, we worked with a small team of volunteers for 8 months to get the product off the ground.", "\n\nOur amazing team at MyTransHealth understands the struggle for access to health care on a personal level, which allows us to make sure that the community remains our priority. ", "Our mission is to change the status quo in healthcare for trans patients across the country.", "\n\nHG: In the about page on the website, it says that “access to quality care is a human right,” and we couldn’t agree more. ", "How would you talk about the specific need for MyTransHealth to someone who isn’t aware of discrimination transgender and gender nonconforming people face within the health care system?", "\n\nKC: Like many marginalized groups, trans and gender nonconforming individuals face a wide array of discrimination and violence. ", "In my experience, people tend to fear or “other” what they don’t understand, and media representation that sensationalizes trans stories can reinforce this behavior. ", "There is an additional layer when discussing access to health care because there is no standardized education on how to treat and interact with the trans community. ", "Often support staff may use the wrong name or pronouns in the waiting room, doctors may prescribe the wrong medication, or overlook an unrelated condition due to preoccupation with a person’s gender identity or genitals. ", "The risk of discrimination and violence is always present and often disproportionately affects transgender people of color. ", "The National Transgender Discrimination Survey (conducted by The National LGBTQ Taskforce) is a great reference for learning more.", "\n\nHG: How do you find the providers you refer people to, and how are they screened to ensure quality care?", "\n\nOne of the first steps in building MyTransHealth was to elevate the existing resources in our community that were already doing the work on the ground. ", "During the first months of research, we identified strong regional networks that were well vetted and shared between a small circle of providers and patients. ", "The gap lies in the lack of virality with these lists. ", "They often end up shelved on a site that doesn’t have the bandwidth to update them regularly, and are never seen by those who might need them most.", "\n\nThat’s where we come in. ", "The MyTransHealth provider list is a mix of existing community organizations and user referrals. ", "Currently, we feature providers and organizations across four areas of service: medical, mental health, legal and crisis care. ", "We use a dynamic list of standards to vet referrals against before they go live. ", "Questions we ask include: What percentage of their patient base identifies as transgender? ", "Do they offer gender-affirming intake paperwork and bathrooms? ", "Do they follow the WPATH Standards of Care or Informed Consent policies? ", "Is their facility ADA compliant? ", "Do they have documented continuing education credits in gender studies? ", "Once a provider meets the requirements, they are featured. ", "Each listing is re-vetted annually to ensure the best chance of accurate data.", "\n\nHG: Speaking of care, how have you taken care of yourself during the development process? ", "A project like this, while super important, is bound to be emotionally taxing. ", "Do you have any self-care tips you’d like to share?", "\n\nKC: I think our team learned this lesson the hard way! ", "As a tech startup whose founders are personally invested in its success, we initially gave ourselves a very aggressive deadline. ", "We knew the vital importance of this product, and wanted to bring it to the public as soon as possible. ", "After hitting a few roadblocks along the way, we now understand the need to build in time for self-care and reflection. ", "We intend for MyTransHealth to go the distance and in order to make that happen, we have to feel strong and empowered to keep going.", "\n\nHG: Do you have any resources, besides MyTransHealth, that you’d like us to include with this interview that might be helpful? ", "Either to spread information about why quality care is necessary for all people, or to help people find it?", "\n\nKC: We encourage anyone who wants to learn more about the experiences of trans people to check out #transhealthfail on Twitter. ", "Hundreds of community members have shared their stories, and helped our team bring these concerns to the public eye.", "\n\nfalse\n\nfalse\n\nfalse\n\nDid you think that was all? ", "Not quite! ", "Here’s a video from Co-founder and Chief Design Officer Robyn Kanner on her experience and the need for MyTransHealth." ]
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[ "Prevalence of EBV, HPV and MMTV in Pakistani breast cancer patients: A possible etiological role of viruses in breast cancer.", "\nBreast cancer being a multifactorial disease, the role of infectious agent in development of disease is of great interest. ", "The high incidence of breast cancer around the world has woken the interest in a viral etiology of breast cancer. ", "Despite decades of research, no etiologic factor(s) for human breast cancer has been known and the quest for a contributing cause has all but been abandoned during the past years. ", "Recent investigations have linked breast cancer to viral infections, such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Human papillomavirus (HPV) and mouse mammary tumor virus. ", "To investigate the possible association of EBV, HPV and MMTV infection with breast cancer development and progression. ", "Screening of isolated genomic DNA from FFPE breast cancer tissue biopsies (n=250) using standard polymerase chain reaction and correlation of virus prevalence with BC disease outcomes using statistical analysis software (SPSS 16.0). ", "Our findings suggest the prevalence of EBV (24.4%), HPV (18.1%) and MMTV (29.3%), while coinfection of HPV and EBV was detected in 9.2% (23/250), co infection of HPV and MMTV in 3.2% (8/250) and coinfection of EBV and MMTV in 6% (15/250) of breast cancer samples. ", "No virus was detected in 59.5% of the breast cancer samples. ", "Mono infection of EBV and HPV do not statistically co-relate with the clinico-pathological outcomes of breast cancer disease, though MMTV infection does co-relate with age and grade of breast cancer disease. ", "In our study, the prevalence of coinfection of HPV, EBV and MMTV in Pakistani breast cancer patients is rare, still there is a possibility of synergistic carcinogenic effect of different viruses in the development of breast cancer disease. ", "The significant percentage of virus prevalence shows potential role in breast cancer development. ", "However, this study provides substantial but not conclusive evidence for the involvement of viruses in BC disease development and progressiveness." ]
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[ "Andreas Stjernen\n\nAndreas Kolset Stjernen (born 30 July 1988) is a Norwegian retired ski jumper. ", "He is the son of former ski jumper Hroar Stjernen.", "\n\nCareer\nHe made his debut in the Continental Cup in February 2005 in Brotterode, scoring two 49th places over two days. ", "His first time among the top thirty occurred in March 2006 in Bischofshofen when he finished 28th, and his first time among the top ten occurred in March 2009 in Trondheim when he finished eighth. ", "He made his World Cup debut in December 2009 in Lillehammer and collected his first World Cup points by finishing 19th. ", "His personal best is 249 meters set in Vikersund on 14 February 2016.", "\nStjernen won the 2017–18 FIS Ski Flying World Cup, becoming the first Norwegian to achieve this feat.", "\n\nHe represented the sports club Sprova IL and Trønderhopp, and lives in Levanger.", "\n\nWorld Cup results\n\nStandings\n\nIndividual wins\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1988 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Norwegian male ski jumpers\nCategory:People from Levanger\nCategory:FIS Nordic World Ski Championships medalists in ski jumping\nCategory:Olympic ski jumpers of Norway\nCategory:Ski jumpers at the 2018 Winter Olympics\nCategory:Medalists at the 2018 Winter Olympics\nCategory:Olympic gold medalists for Norway\nCategory:Olympic medalists in ski jumping" ]
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[ "In 2014, our friends at Zayante Vineyards ended up with a very small crop of Grenache (321 lbs.) - ", "too small to make on its own, but way too good to let it go to waste. ", "So we decided to harvest it together with a much larger crop of Syrah (2,708 lbs.) ", "and \"co-ferment\" it. ", "The grapes were de-stemmed and fermented over 12 days with a selected yeast strain. ", "The skins were punched-down by hand 2-3 times a day until fermentation completed and the wine was pressed to 5 oak barrels (20% new American Oak). ", "After 30 months of aging the wine was bottled with very coarse filtering." ]
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[ "Pianist's Nightmare Turns Into The Best Orchestra Win You've Ever Seen\n\n650\n\nWe swear we've had this premonition before. ", "You're on stage, ready to play your [insert instrument here] when the worst imaginable scenario occurs -- you can't remember your song. ", "At this point we normally blink our eyes, grab a glass of water and realize it was just an anxiety dream, but for Portuguese pianist Maria João Pires, it was all too real.", "\n\nDuring a performance at Amsterdam's Royal Concertgebouw, Pires was shocked when the orchestra behind her started playing Mozart's Piano Concerto No. ", "20 in D minor, K. 466, when she was fully expecting another Mozart piece. ", "The moment was captured in a 1998 documentary, showing Pires as she panicked and admitted on stage to her conductor that she wasn't prepared to play the song.", "\n\nWe sympathize with Pires deeply, because who can whip out an entire concerto from memory? ", "Apparently she can. ", "With a little reassurance she gives it a go and executes the piece magnificently. ", "Just watch it." ]
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[ "2\nWhat’s the Difference? ", "Pre-hospital Different Mechanisms: Things children do and their changing levels of maturity predispose them to different injury patterns. ", "Different Injuries: When involved in the same kind of accident as adults, children suffer quite different injuries.", "\n\n12\nThe ABCDE of Pediatric Trauma Application of a systemic protocol designed to standardize diagnostic and treatment decisions so that individual variations in patterns of injury do not distract the caregivers from recognizing and treating injuries that can have a profound impact upon outcome.", "\n\n15\nConsiderations When and When not to intubate. ", "O2 Sat <95% =clinical hypoxia Assess airway (teeth, debris,blood) Neurologically intact and phonates normally, and ventilates without stridor then leave them alone and monitor only. ", "Coma, combativeness, shock, or direct trauma then needs a tube.", "\n\n16\nPediatric Intubation Children’s airways differ both anatomically and physiologically. ", "The best trained should intubate. ", "Have appropriate equipment and medication available for best results.", "\n\n27\nIntraosseous Line Less than 6 years of age Fluids, blood products, and drugs can be given Proximal tibia or distal femur best location Fracture of the bone only contraindication Obtain alternate access ASAP\n\n35\nOther thoughts Gastric dilatation-NG tube –respiratory compromise and vagal bradycardia. ", "Decreases risk of aspiration. –", "no if facial fx or rhinorhea Foley only after perineal assessment ECG-rarely abnormal but if it is then multiple possibilities.", "\n\n38\nSecondary Decreased cerebral perfusion after the event –brain swelling leads to impairment of O2 and substrate. –", "treatment principle is to protect cerebral perfusion and is the difference between disaster and success. ", "CPP=MAP-ICP\n\n48\nPulmonary Contusion Commonest Injury Rare to need ventilation Rare to go on to ARDS Differentiate from Aspiration Most clear in 7 to 10 days.", "\n\n49\nTrachea and Bronchi Rare but often fatal Presentation-Voice disturbance, cyanosis, hemoptysis, Massive sub Q air and mediastinal emphysema Large leak from chest tube. ", "ATLS and then OR unless stable\n\n50\nHeart and Pericardium Concussion –commotio cordis Contusion-commonest and difficult to diagnosis (rarely of clinical significance in children) Myocardial rupture-commonest cause of death in blunt trauma. (", "if survive may see tamponade.)", "\n\n52\nTraumatic Asphyxia Unique to Children Compression of Chest and/or Abdomen against a closed glottis Increase in intrathoracic pressure leads to increase in the SVC pressure and the veins from the upper body that drain into it. ", "Extravasation of blood into skin, sclera, brain Seizures, disorientation, petechiae of upper body and conjunctivae Most recover\n\n70\nCase Study: BF 15 y/o male presents to OSH after he was hit with a line drive while playing indoor baseball C/O pain to R abdomen/rib/flank Pain is getting progressively worse and patient is now vomiting\n\n74\nCase Study BF: Disposition Patient was treated non-operatively He remained in Pediatric ICU for 2 days, and was transferred to the peds floor for 4 more days. ", "Was discharged on day 6; home care included bedrest for 1 month and no school" ]
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[ "Even if it doesn't have it from these sources, Facebook friends who have given the app access to their own contacts book may also have given it your number. ", "Given that most of us have hundreds of friends on Facebook, the chances of this happening are pretty reasonable.", "\n\nAs Facebook says in its online Help Centre:\n\nWhen we ask you to add your phone number, you may see your number automatically suggested so that it's easier for you to add. ", "This might be based on your phone or tablet, your mobile operator, contact information provided by others on Facebook, or other sources. ", "We also might have your number because you gave it to us in the past, but haven't confirmed it. ", "The number will only be added to your account if you choose to confirm and verify it.", "\n\nGiving my name away\n\nFacebook says it only adds a phone number to an account if users confirm it, but it turns out that even unconfirmed numbers can be used to identify people. ", "After finding Facebook knew my number, I discovered that a colleague could easily find me on the network via my phone number, even though I hadn't verified it.", "\n\nHere's how. ", "When a Facebook user tries to add new friends on their mobile app, one way to do so is by importing numbers saved on their phone. ", "Facebook matches these numbers to profiles, and suggests adding those profiles, displaying the user's picture and full name." ]
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[ "Friday, 20 April 2012\n\nJames McKay - Reptoids Forever!", "\n\nWow, Flesh artist James McKay has really hit it out of the Jurassic Park with this outstanding cover! ", "A bunch of freaky Reptiods thundering towards you, what's not to love!?!", "\n\nJames was obviously as excited about this cover as we are, He said \"From the start of working on the Midnight Cowboys series I knew I wanted to do a cover of the Reptoids charging at you on horseback. ", "The reptoids are my favourite characters, and they're a dream to work on.", "\n\nI knew it wouldn't be easy to do the cover - drawing mutant dino-human hybrids on galloping horses foreshortened as they burst off the page was a bit of a challenge, but luckily by the time I'd got to the cover, I'd been drawing them in the strip for months and had it all worked out. ", "I based the picture on the famous one by Lady Butler of the Scots Greys charging at Waterloo - I'm sure you'll have seen it...\"\n\nHere it is for all us heathens who aren't familiar with the painting...\n\nJames continues \"I wanted to get the horses eyes rolling, nostrils flaring and breath steaming, clods of earth flying. ", "Matt and Pat saw the rough and gave me the go-ahead straight away.\"", "\n\nBelow is the rough which is incredible! ", "I love the energy and sense of movement in the piece, just sheer brilliance!", "\n\nWith the rough approved, James was ready to paint the main piece.", "\n\n\"I was expecting to be working on it for ages, and was a bit worried because I didn't have time to hang about. ", "I prefer to work in daylight when I do colour work, and on that particular day I wasn't able to start on it until after lunchtime. ", "In the event I did the colour work in about 4 or 5 hours before the sun set - and I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever done!\"", "\n\nIn the recent post about Mark Harrison's Flesh cover, he was keen to sing James' praises, comparing his scratchy, organic style to one of the original Flesh artists, Ramon Sola. ", "James jokes \"Like Mark I work with high-tech tools (cough cough). ", "I mainly did it with a toothbrush flicking acrylic paint everywhere, to simulate the mud and water and explosions. ", "The room where I work is a mess...\"\n\n\"I was really pleased with how it reproduced on the cover - helped by suitably over-the-top text!\"", "\n\nI'm not surprised James was happy, it's an excellent cover. ", "I'd like to say a huge thank you to him for sending those brilliant, brilliant images (and for making me read about the Scots Greys!) ", "I urge you all to look at his site at http://www.jamesmckay.info/" ]
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[ "Sort by: Languages English French Spanish Italian German Swedish Portuguese Dutch Norwegian Regions North America/UK/Australia Western Europe Central/Eastern Europe Central/South America Asia Africa Features HD (best quality) Audio Phone Party Chat Gold Show Submit\n\nJessicaCrush High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 42 f US HOT MILF.. TIP VIBE , HOT AS FUCK SHOWS, CUM PLAY WITH ME N SEE\n\nCassidyNicole High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 29 f US And the whore has bangs~ Let's play! ", "NEW BOOBS. ", "CassidyNicoleXO\n\njusty High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 57 f US Guys say I have \"The Best Pussy Online!\"...cum see why!", "\n\nLunasha High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 22 f US Let's take care of my hairy cunt in pvt or excl! ", "TIP VIBE\n\nBustyCiara High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 28 f US I'm the girl you wish lived next door...so lets pretend I do...\n\nNobleBeauty Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 25 f GB I'm an exotic mixed-race nymph. ", "Cum see for yourself xoxo\n\nMarussia_Luxu… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 29 f RO I will give you a taste of the finer side of lust with me\n\ngeorgiaxlou High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 21 f GB 21 year old petite, athletic blonde girl who is looking for fun.", "\n\nLa_vita_be… Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 28 f LV I love to enjoy and have fun - let's do it together. ", "XOXO\n\nLissanaScott High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 23 f ES My body will drive you crazy but my mind will blow yours\n\nbeautyjo High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 26 f GB Great sex is a natural drug. ", "So I'm always up for some!", "\n\ngretelkiss Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 22 f US\n\nGoldStart High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 21 f GB Sweet and sexy dancing, playing, fantasizing, getting))\n\nAlluringAli… Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 32 f US I am a woman of many kinks and pleasures. ", "I am also a huge nerd!", "\n\nHeidiHarperBa… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 20 f GB\n\nLinettex High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 25 f CH I AM A HOT AND SENSUAL MODEL ALWAYS IN THE MOOD TO HAVE FUN!", "\n\nTexasHoney High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 30 f US * TEXAS GIRL * PHONE * SOUND * ROLEPLAY * $1.99 PRIVATE CHAT *\n\nNaughty_Wh… Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 46 f US Curvy~StrawberryBlonde~RED bush! ", "Let's drain your balls ;)\n\nDasha_XXX High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f RU masturbation, deepthroat, squirt, atm, anal, footjod, bdsm ...\n\nShy_Anna High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f RU Hello, I like talking, being naughty, making new friends!", "\n\nToyaLuvv Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 27 f US im a pretty girl inside & out. ", "intellectual and very sexual :)\n\nLadyLuce23 Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 26 f GR Tiny tight Luce is your little girl and wants you to play w/her.", "\n\nSaraBearXOXO High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 24 f CA Why do blondes wear underwear?To keep their ankles warm! ...", "\n\nNikkiFantasy Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 28 f US Watch me strip naked then give you a reason to cum\n\nLexiFeline High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 26 f SI\n\nJoslinWillis High Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 21 f ES I am a kind outgoing woman, wanting to please you and please me\n\nNaughtyfordaD… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 28 f US\n\nYourSexyMI… Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 26 f UA Im honest girl with big smile) enjoy time with me) ...\n\nSarahMorriss High Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 23 f ES I am an exciting warm woman capable of having pleasure.", "\n\nYuanLovers High Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 25 f ES I am an extroverted girl, funny and very expressive in love.", "\n\nSaraSwirls High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 29 f US Sara Swirls Cuckoldress Goddess Hot Wife on Webcam live for you\n\nlovely_ghoul High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 23 f GB hello there. ", "If u feelin lonely <3 ..or perv--> i wait u here ;)\n\nskyebaeby High Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 18 f GB\n\nCLAUDDIA High Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 21 f RO Fun and sexy girl willing to make your night bettter! ...", "\n\nBeshine High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 27 f US Worlds Biggest Boobs, 237 giant tits on a hot blonde\n\nAnn_Sulu Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 33 f US Sensual domme, who loves bad jokes, sciency stuff and yoga\n\nSussanWhite High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 20 f CO i am here to satisfy you, new like wb model! ", "lets have fun now!", "\n\nMissCubbins High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 29 f US Submissive Girl looking to show off and please you! ...", "\n\nyummytummy High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 20 f RU Sexy chick with so deep throat, athletic butt and sexy voice\n\nBlondieStarX Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 29 f US Hot European Blonde! ", "Available for PVT or EXCL chat! ", "Welcome! ", "xx\n\nSYERRAH Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f RO\n\nSkySmith High Definition Video\n\nAudio Live Now 36 f US Serious Fucking Business! ", "Be My Toy! ", "British. ", "Alpha. ...", "\n\nSexyPinaColada High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 20 f LV Hey guys! ", "Welcome to my show and let's be hot lovers\n\nNatalieWattson High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 21 f CO i am here to satisfy you, new like wb model! ", "lets have fun now!", "\n\nLillianSins High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 f RU Hey guys! ", "Let's be friends and hot lovers. ", "Join me\n\nsophiejoulia High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 26 f RO\n\nMia_Lynx Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f CO\n\nAshley_Houston High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 24 f CO all you have to do is tell me exactly what's on your mind!", "\n\nLexyRost High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 f ES\n\nRain_Nicole High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 f US Your barely legal, plaything who's ready to drain you...\n\nValerizh_4Lo… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 21 f LV ***I'm sexy girl, I have beautiful body***JOIN MY SHOW ..!!!", "\n\nxNickyRose High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 25 f RO Beauty gets the attention, but personality gets the heart.", "\n\nEveSixxx Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 41 f US Long lean Asian mix. ", "Authentic orgasms. ", "Fetish friendly.", "\n\nSexySuzanne High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 57 f US I'm a older and experienced woman, plus in great shape ... ;-)\n\nAngelRanya High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 30 f US I am nasty that's all I can say ..mmmm ... join me for more !", "\n\nLola1981 High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 39 f BE Lovely blonde with a hot pussy always ready for Sex\n\nLittlePinkBun… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 21 f CA **VOTED** Hottest Teen Show in the Site! ", "100% NAUGHTY GUARANTEE\n\nEvaBabyXX High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 19 f RU Hello everyone! ", "Sexy, smart, young and pretty girl here!", "\n\nAlissonSantam… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f ES Sweet latin girl willing to please you. ", "In my show I can be your\n\nSweetXPeachX High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 f GB\n\nPornoGirl High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 20 f RU im new girl here my dream make u happy on all day my sweety\n\nFaithSteel High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f ES I am a Naughty tattooed bombshell available to explore at you\n\nAbbyPlays High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 f RU I know it unlocks the door And we will never be alone again\n\nMollyRost High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f CO With me you can realize your fantasies, Sweet girl ready!", "\n\nAlessandraVac… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 f IT\n\nGracefulDoll High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 25 f US * Naughty and Sexy * Charming and Friendly * Smart and Funny *\n\nCatalinaGarcia High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f ES I am a sweet woman, I know what I want and I love playing dirty!", "\n\nAbbyBlake High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 19 f ES Yes I have a dirty mind and you're on it. ", "so come in to my place\n\nRitaKim High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 28 f EE Im a hot girl , I like trying new and do sexual things)))\n\nKaryAmadeya High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 18 ff GB\n\nAssPrincess… Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 28 f RU slut ready to have TATTED ass stretched with BIG toys) ...\n\nsquirtMia Confidential Phone Service\n\nHigh Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 20 f LV Hi boys! ", "Who wants to play with me? ", "Join, have fun! ;)", "\n\nLayliiVera High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 27 f CO Yes, I have a dirty mind and you are there! ", "meet me...\n\nHollyGarcia High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 21 f ES Sweet and sensual girl, ready to fulfill your deepest fantasie\n\nKatiaKarev High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 26 f MD I'm a passionale girl ready to play... Come and get to know me\n\nSexyVibe High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 23 f RU I am a beautiful mix, naughty, rude, submissive, innocent, playf\n\nQueenieAndLiam High Definition Video\n\nAudio Gold Show 19 mf EE We will help you relax and turn your fantasies into reality.", "\n\nJaneLaneBabes… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 22 f GB\n\nNaughtyBrunet… High Definition Video\n\nAudio Party Chat 35 f GB BEST SMALL PENIS GAMES GODDESS!BE MY DICK LOSER! ..." ]
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[ "Single-stage repair of tetralogy of Fallot with pseudoaneurysm: a unique approach.", "\nPseudoaneurysm is a potentially lethal complication after modified Blalock-Taussig shunt. ", "This report describes a frequently misdiagnosed clinical presentation along with noninvasive diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm after a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt. ", "We report a novel single-stage surgical management of the pseudoaneurysm with concomitant complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot." ]
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[ "Joshua Oppenheimer’s follow-up to his Oscar-nominated documentary The Act of Killing will have its world premiere screening in competition at this year’s Venice International Film Festival.", "\n\nThe Look Of Silence (pictured) is a companion piece to Killing, which focuses on the family of a genocide survivor in Indonesia who confront the man who killed one of their brothers. ", "The film is one of a handful of docs screening at the 71st annual event, which runs from August 27 to September 6.", "\n\nDocumentaries screening in the out-of-competition program include Austrian director Ulrich Seidl’s In The Basement, Gabriele Salvatores’ Italy In A Day, and Davide Ferrario’s La Zuppa del Demonio.", "\n\nIo Sto Con La Sposa, from directors Antonio Augugliaro, Gabriele del Grande and Khaled Soliman Al Nassiry will screen as part of the festival’s international competition.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Ron Mann’s long-awaited Altman documentary, about the legendary American director, has been selected to screen out of competition in the Venice Classics sidebar, where Mann will also be on the festival jury for best debut film.", "\n\nThe film is the Canadian director’s ninth documentary and chronicles the life of the late Robert Altman, best known for classic movies such as M*A*S*H, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Nashville, The Player and Gosford Park.", "\n\nThe film marks Mann’s debut appearance at Venice and was made with the cooperation of Altman’s wife, Kathryn Reed Altman. ", "It has already been shown in June at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. ", "Altman will also screen on August 1 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto and is set to be released in Canadian theaters this fall by Films We Like.", "\n\nAs previously reported, Spanish director Alex de la Iglesia’s docudrama portrait of Argentinian soccer player Lionel Messi will close in the festival’s Venice Days sidebar program." ]
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[ "In vitro antimicrobials activity against endemic Acinetobacter baumannii multiresistant clones.", "\nMultidrug-resistant strains of Acinetobacter baumannii have been reported increasingly around the world. ", "The administration of an association of antibiotics has been proposed to create an active combination and to prevent the emergence of resistance. ", "The activity of colistin, rifampicin, gentamicin, imipenem and their associations was evaluated by means of killing curves in fourteen isolates belonging to three endemic PFGE types, in a university hospital of Buenos Aires city. ", "The 14 isolates were selected on the basis of different mechanisms responsible for resistance to carbapenems and different susceptibility to colistin. ", "The mechanism responsible for the resistance to imipenem was the production of OXA-23 and OXA-58 carbapenemases. ", "Heteroresistance to colistin was observed in six isolates. ", "The associations colistin-rifampicin and colistin-imipenem were synergistic in heteroresistant isolates and prevented the development of colistin-resistant mutants. ", "The association imipenem-gentamicin was bactericidal in gentamicin susceptible isolates, whereas the association imipenem-rifampicin was always indifferent. ", "The antimicrobial activity and the presence of synergy are related to the antimicrobials' susceptibilities irrespective of the PFGE type or the OXA-carbapenemase produced." ]
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[ "Epidural anaesthesia for elective caesarean section does not influence fetal umbilical artery blood flow indices.", "\nThis prospective study was completed to determine the influence of epidural anaesthesia on the fetoplacental circulation of normal subjects. ", "Thirty-seven normal pregnant patients at term, undergoing elective Caesarean section, had Doppler measurements of the fetal umbilical artery blood flow velocity before and after epidural anaesthesia using lidocaine 2% without epinephrine. ", "There were no differences in systolic/diastolic, resistance or pulsality indices following epidural anaesthesia. ", "These results suggest that this technique has no adverse effect on fetoplacental circulation in normal non-labouring subjects." ]
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[ 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0 ]
[ "Virtual reality anatomy: is it comparable with traditional methods in the teaching of human forearm musculoskeletal anatomy?", "\nThe use of cadavers to teach anatomy is well established, but limitations with this approach have led to the introduction of alternative teaching methods. ", "One such method is the use of three-dimensional virtual reality computer models. ", "An interactive, three-dimensional computer model of human forearm anterior compartment musculoskeletal anatomy was produced using the open source 3D imaging program \"Blender.\" ", "The aim was to evaluate the use of 3D virtual reality when compared with traditional anatomy teaching methods. ", "Three groups were identified from the University of Manchester second year Human Anatomy Research Skills Module class: a \"control\" group (no prior knowledge of forearm anatomy), a \"traditional methods\" group (taught using dissection and textbooks), and a \"model\" group (taught solely using e-resource). ", "The groups were assessed on anatomy of the forearm by a ten question practical examination. ", "ANOVA analysis showed the model group mean test score to be significantly higher than the control group (mean 7.25 vs. 1.46, P < 0.001) and not significantly different to the traditional methods group (mean 6.87, P > 0.5). ", "Feedback from all users of the e-resource was positive. ", "Virtual reality anatomy learning can be used to compliment traditional teaching methods effectively." ]
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[ "While these quinoa recipes are decidedly recipes, did you know that quinoa is not *exactly* a grain? ", "It’s a member of the goosefoot family, which sounds like a British TV drama but is actually a plant family that includes veg like Swiss chard, beets, and..." ]
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[ "Why You Need Cloud App Visibility\n\nCloud apps are pervasive. ", "Over 90% of enterprises report public cloud use. ", "By 2020, almost every business in the country will formally utilize cloud apps. ", "The benefits are clear: higher productivity, better workflows, happier customers, the list goes on. ", "Cloud apps are ideal for business efficiency and productivity, but security takes a hit. ", "With all the business data uploaded to the cloud, IT pros have no way of tracking all the apps and files. ", "This lack of visibility is known as Shadow IT, and as cloud adoption continues, the problem of Shadow IT grows.", "\n\nThe Problem of Shadow IT\n\nThe ease of creating, syncing and sharing files in cloud apps makes tracking hard for IT pros. ", "All it takes is one sensitive file ending up on someone’s unencrypted phone, and someone can gain access to everything. ", "Data breaches are now a regular occurrence. ", "In 2015, the United States Office of Personnel Management inadvertently exposed the personal information of 22 million people. ", "They admitted their fault fin their inability to control data. ", "An incomplete inventory and a lack of awareness of where data was stored contributed to the breach.", "\n\nKeeping files organized and maintaining visibility is a major obstacle to secure cloud usage that’s rapidly becoming a universal problem. ", "The first step to mitigating the risks of Shadow IT is to bring the data out of the shadows with visibility.", "\n\nThe Solution to Shadow IT\n\nWhile cloud app adoption is swift, security solutions for cloud apps, known as Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs), have trailed behind. ", "Only 20% of enterprises currently use a CASB, but Gartner expects the figure to jump to 85% by 2020. ", "A CASB ensures that an organization’s IT department has visibility into all cloud programs, apps, files, data, and users. ", "This visibility lets IT pros feel confident that their team is using and sharing data on cloud apps securely and take action on unauthorized activity. ", "Visibility means you can:" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0.019801980198019802, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0 ]
[ "Woman tries to sell husband addicted to Modern Warfare 3 on Craigslist\n\nTwenty-one year old Alyse Baddley recently placed an ad on Craigslist to sell her husband after twenty-two year old Kyle Baddley spent three days constantly playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3after the launch of the extremely popular first person shooter on November 8. ", "The text of the ad stated “I am selling my 22 year old husband. ", "He enjoys eating and playing video games all day. ", "Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours. ", "You must have Internet and space for gaming. ", "Got tired of waiting so free to good home. ", "If acceptable replacement is offered will trade.” ", "Alyse Braddley had joked to her mother-in-law that she would list Kyle on Craigslist if he didn’t stop playing the war-based video game.", "\n\nRecently discharged from the military due a back injury that Kyle received while serving in Afghanistan, he uses the game to stay connected to his friends still serving overseas. ", "Offers emailed to Alyse in trade for Kyle ranged from a bag of Skittles to a man that prefers reading over video games. ", "While Alyse always intended to be humorous with the listing, other emails took the listing seriously and offered free marital counseling. ", "After the listing, Kyle did cut back on the amount of time he spent on Modern Warfare 3 each day and the couple is currently traveling to Florida to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family.", "\n\nCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has also been the cause of other incidents around the world. ", "During the launch of the game earlier this month, a man based out of Colorado threatened to blow up a Best Buy and return to the store to shoot the employees after the store ran out of preorder copies. ", "Another incident in Europe involved robberies of thousands of copies of the game costing over $1 million." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.005797101449275362, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.025, 0.007246376811594203, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "STORE POLICY\n\nHD SHOP POLICY /General FAQ (English)\nHappy Dispatch Customer Support & Store PolicyThank you for shopping at Happy Dispatch! ", "The following are answers to some common questions. ", "Please read before contacting me. ", "It saves time for both you and me :)[Items disappe[...]\nRead more\n\nPoseball version of these sleeping animations is also available as 5in1 poseball (PageUp/Down key to toggle anims)for 98L.\nThis version is NO COPY so it wouldn't be something you can do for your products - for private use." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFacebook App Link only works after rescraping\n\nThe facebook App Link is only working after rescraping the url with the facebook url debug tool. ", "Without this step, the facebook app opens the page in the internal web browser. ", "After the rescrape, both the app switching and the navigation to the app store works fine (in case the application is not installed). ", "The head section of the shared link looks like this:\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<title>Title</title>\n\n<meta property=\"fb:app_id\" content=\"1234567890123456\">\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"http://www.myawesomeapp.com/model/{{$model->id}}\">\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"website\">\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"MyAwesomeApp\">\n<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"{{$model->image}}\"/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"{{$model->text}}\">\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"MyAwesomeApp\">\n\n<!", "--applink-->\n<meta property=\"al:ios:url\" content=\"myawesomeapp://model/{{$model->id}}\" />\n<meta property=\"al:ios:app_store_id\" content=\"<<random app id for testing>>\" />\n<meta property=\"al:ios:app_name\" content=\"MyAwesomeApp\" />\n<meta property=\"al:web:should_fallback\" content=\"false\" />\n\nThe link is shared from the iOS app in the following way:\nFBSDKShareLinkContent *content = [[FBSDKShareLinkContent alloc] init];\n[content setContentDescription:model.text];\n[content setContentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@\"http://www.myawesomeapp.com/model/%ld\", model.id]]];\ncontent.imageURL = model.image ? [", "NSURL model.image] : nil;\n[FBSDKShareAPI shareWithContent:content delegate:self];\n\nAm I doing something wrong or is it a facebook bug? ", "Or maybe I have to automatically call the rescraping tool of after each link shared?", "\n\nA:\n\nWell, I figured out a hackish way from the php backend side, it solves the problem, but... it's ugly:\n$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/?id=' . ", "urlencode('https://www.myqwesomeapp.com/model/' . ", "$model->id) . '&", "scrape=true';\n$cmd = \"curl -X POST \" . \"'\" . ", "$url . \"' ", "> /dev/null 2>&1 &\";\nexec($cmd, null, null); \n\nWhen content is shared from the iOS app, i notify the backend, and post the shared url to the graph api endpoint with the scrape=true parameter.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0.005870841487279843, 0.003215434083601286, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "//********************************************************************\r\n//\tcreated:\t15:11:2009 15:50\r\n//\tfilename: \tThunk64.cpp\r\n//\tauthor:\t\ttiamo\r\n//\tpurpose:\t64bits thunk\r\n//********************************************************************\r\n\r\n#include \"stdafx.h\"\r\n\r\n//\r\n// 64 bits configuration table\r\n//\r\ntypedef struct EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE64\r\n{\r\n\tEFI_GUID\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVendorGuid;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVendorTable;\r\n}EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE64;\r\n\r\n//\r\n// 64bits system table\r\n//\r\ntypedef struct _EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64\r\n{\r\n\tEFI_TABLE_HEADER\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHdr;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFirmwareVendor;\r\n\tUINT32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFirmwareRevision;\r\n\tUINT32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPadding;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tConsoleInHandle;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tConIn;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tConsoleOutHandle;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tConOut;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tStandardErrorHandle;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tStdErr;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRuntimeServices;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBootServices;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNumberOfTableEntries;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tConfigurationTable;\r\n}EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64;\r\n\r\n//\r\n// 64bits runtime services\r\n//\r\ntypedef struct _EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64\r\n{\r\n\tEFI_TABLE_HEADER\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHdr;\r\n\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGetTime;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSetTime;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGetWakeupTime;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSetWakeupTime;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSetVirtualAddressMap;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tConvertPointer;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGetVariable;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGetNextVariableName;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSetVariable;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGetNextHighMonotonicCount;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tResetSystem;\r\n\tUINT64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tReportStatusCode;\r\n}EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64;\r\n\r\n//\r\n// thunk buffer\r\n//\r\nSTATIC VOID* ArchpThunkCodeStart\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= nullptr;\r\nSTATIC VOID* ArchpThunkDataStart\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= nullptr;\r\nSTATIC UINT32 ArchpThunkDataSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\nSTATIC EFI_EVENT ArchpVirtualAddressChangedEvent\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= nullptr;\r\nSTATIC UINT64 ArchpKernelIdlePML4\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\r\n//\r\n// virtual address changed\r\n//\r\nSTATIC VOID EFIAPI ArchpVirtualAddressChanged(EFI_EVENT theEvent, VOID* theContext)\r\n{\r\n#ifndef EFI_INTERNAL_POINTER\r\n\t#define EFI_INTERNAL_POINTER 0x00000004\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tEfiRuntimeServices->ConvertPointer(EFI_INTERNAL_POINTER, &ArchpThunkCodeStart);\r\n\tEfiRuntimeServices->ConvertPointer(EFI_INTERNAL_POINTER, &ArchpThunkDataStart);\r\n}\r\n\r\n//\r\n// setup thunk code\r\n//\r\nVOID ArchSetupThunkCode0(UINT64 thunkOffset, MACH_O_LOADED_INFO* loadedInfo)\r\n{\r\n\tif(loadedInfo)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tArchpKernelIdlePML4\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= MachFindSymbolVirtualAddressByName(loadedInfo, CHAR8_CONST_STRING(\"_IdlePML4\")); //0x8c0ac8 + thunkOffset;\r\n\t\tEfiRuntimeServices->SetVariable(CHAR16_STRING(L\"IdlePML4\"), &AppleNVRAMVariableGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, sizeof(UINT64), &ArchpKernelIdlePML4);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tUINTN dataSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= sizeof(UINT64);\r\n\t\tEfiRuntimeServices->GetVariable(CHAR16_STRING(L\"IdlePML4\"), &AppleNVRAMVariableGuid, nullptr, &dataSize, &ArchpKernelIdlePML4);\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n\r\n//\r\n// setup thunk code\r\n//\r\nVOID ArchSetupThunkCode1(UINT64* efiSystemTablePhysicalAddress, UINT64 thunkOffset)\r\n{\r\n\t//\r\n\t// setup pointers\r\n\t//\r\n\tEFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* systemTable32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertAddressToPointer(*efiSystemTablePhysicalAddress, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE*);\r\n\tEFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES* runtimeServices32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= systemTable32->RuntimeServices;\r\n\tEFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES* runtimeServicesInThunk\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= static_cast<EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES*>(ArchpThunkCodeStart);\r\n\tUINT32 efiTableSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= sizeof(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64) + sizeof(EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64);\r\n\tefiTableSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= (efiTableSize + systemTable32->NumberOfTableEntries * sizeof(EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE64) + 15) & ~15;\r\n\tUINT64* efiMapL4\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(ArchpThunkDataStart, ArchpThunkDataSize - EFI_PAGE_SIZE, UINT64*);\r\n\tEFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64* systemTable64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(efiMapL4, -static_cast<INTN>(efiTableSize), EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64*);\r\n\tEFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64* runtimeServices64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(systemTable64, sizeof(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64), EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64*);\r\n\tEFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE64* configurationTable64\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(runtimeServices64, sizeof(EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64), EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE64*);\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// setup system table64\r\n\t//\r\n\tsystemTable64->Hdr.", "Signature\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE;\r\n\tsystemTable64->Hdr.", "Revision\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION;\r\n\tsystemTable64->Hdr.", "Reserved\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->Hdr.", "HeaderSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= sizeof(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64);\r\n\tsystemTable64->FirmwareVendor\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(systemTable32->FirmwareVendor) + thunkOffset;\r\n\tsystemTable64->FirmwareRevision\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= systemTable32->FirmwareRevision;\r\n\tsystemTable64->Padding\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->ConsoleInHandle\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->ConIn\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->ConsoleOutHandle\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->ConOut\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->StandardErrorHandle\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->StdErr\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->RuntimeServices\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServices64) + thunkOffset;\r\n\tsystemTable64->BootServices\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\tsystemTable64->NumberOfTableEntries\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= systemTable32->NumberOfTableEntries;\r\n\tsystemTable64->ConfigurationTable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(configurationTable64) + thunkOffset;\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// setup configuration tables\r\n\t//\r\n\tEFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE* configurationTable32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= systemTable32->ConfigurationTable;\r\n\tfor(UINTN i = 0; i < systemTable32->NumberOfTableEntries; i ++, configurationTable32 ++, configurationTable64 ++)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tconfigurationTable64->VendorGuid\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= configurationTable32->VendorGuid;\r\n\t\tconfigurationTable64->VendorTable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(configurationTable32->VendorTable) + thunkOffset;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// setup runtime service64\r\n\t//\r\n\tUINT64 adjustOffset\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= thunkOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(ArchpThunkCodeStart);\r\n\truntimeServices64->SetVirtualAddressMap\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\truntimeServices64->ConvertPointer\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\truntimeServices64->GetTime\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->GetTime);\r\n\truntimeServices64->SetTime\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->SetTime);\r\n\truntimeServices64->GetWakeupTime\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->GetWakeupTime);\r\n\truntimeServices64->SetWakeupTime\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->SetWakeupTime);\r\n\truntimeServices64->GetVariable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->GetVariable);\r\n\truntimeServices64->GetNextVariableName\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->GetNextVariableName);\r\n\truntimeServices64->SetVariable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->SetVariable);\r\n\truntimeServices64->GetNextHighMonotonicCount\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->GetNextHighMonotonicCount);\r\n\truntimeServices64->ResetSystem\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->ResetSystem);\r\n\truntimeServices64->ReportStatusCode\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= adjustOffset + ArchConvertPointerToAddress(runtimeServicesInThunk->ReportStatusCode);\r\n\truntimeServices64->Hdr.", "Signature\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES_SIGNATURE;\r\n\truntimeServices64->Hdr.", "Revision\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES_REVISION;\r\n\truntimeServices64->Hdr.", "Reserved\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\truntimeServices64->Hdr.", "HeaderSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= sizeof(EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64);\r\n\truntimeServices64->Hdr.", "CRC32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 0;\r\n\truntimeServices64->Hdr.", "CRC32\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= BlCrc32(0, runtimeServices64, runtimeServices64->Hdr.", "HeaderSize);\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// setup runtime services in thunk\r\n\t//\r\n\tmemcpy(runtimeServicesInThunk, runtimeServices32, sizeof(EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES));\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// setup efi page table\r\n\t//\r\n\tUINT64* efiCR3InThunk\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(ArchpThunkCodeStart, sizeof(EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES), UINT64*);\r\n\t*efiCR3InThunk\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(efiMapL4) + thunkOffset;\r\n\tmemset(efiMapL4, 0, EFI_PAGE_SIZE);\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// save scratch address in thunk\r\n\t//\r\n\tUINT64* scratchAddressInThunk\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(efiCR3InThunk, sizeof(UINT64), UINT64*);\r\n\t*scratchAddressInThunk\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(systemTable64) + thunkOffset;\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// save kernel idlePML4\r\n\t//\r\n\tUINT64* kernelIdlePML4\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= Add2Ptr(scratchAddressInThunk, sizeof(UINT64), UINT64*);\r\n\t*kernelIdlePML4\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchpKernelIdlePML4;\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// new system table\r\n\t//\r\n\t*efiSystemTablePhysicalAddress\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(systemTable64);\r\n}\r\n\r\n//\r\n// init phase 1\r\n//\r\nEFI_STATUS ArchInitialize1()\r\n{\r\n\t//\r\n\t// allocate thunk code pages\r\n\t//\r\n\textern UINT8* ArchThunk64BufferStart;\r\n\textern UINT8* ArchThunk64BufferEnd;\r\n\tUINTN thunkCodeSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= ArchConvertPointerToAddress(&ArchThunk64BufferEnd) - ArchConvertPointerToAddress(&ArchThunk64BufferStart);\r\n\tUINT64 physicalAddress\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024ULL - 1;\r\n\tArchpThunkCodeStart\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= MmAllocatePages(AllocateMaxAddress, EfiRuntimeServicesCode, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(thunkCodeSize), &physicalAddress);\r\n\tif(!ArchpThunkCodeStart)\r\n\t\treturn EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;\r\n\tmemcpy(ArchpThunkCodeStart, &ArchThunk64BufferStart, thunkCodeSize);\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// allocate thunk data pages\r\n\t//\r\n\tphysicalAddress\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024ULL - 1;\r\n\tUINT32 efiTableSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= sizeof(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE64) + sizeof(EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES64);\r\n\tefiTableSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t+= EfiSystemTable->NumberOfTableEntries * sizeof(EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE64) * 2;\r\n\tArchpThunkDataSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= efiTableSize + 64 * 1024 + EFI_PAGE_SIZE;\r\n\tUINT32 pageCount\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(ArchpThunkDataSize);\r\n\tArchpThunkDataSize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE(pageCount);\r\n\tArchpThunkDataStart\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= MmAllocatePages(AllocateMaxAddress, EfiRuntimeServicesData, pageCount, &physicalAddress);\r\n\tif(!ArchpThunkDataStart)\r\n\t\treturn EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;\r\n\r\n\t//\r\n\t// register notification\r\n\t//\r\n\treturn EfiBootServices->CreateEvent(EFI_EVENT_SIGNAL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_CHANGE, EFI_TPL_NOTIFY, &ArchpVirtualAddressChanged, nullptr, &ArchpVirtualAddressChangedEvent);\r\n}" ]
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