[ "Apple reportedly planning three iPhones for 2019, one with new triple camera system\n\nApple is reportedly planning to release three new iPhones later this year. ", "The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple will introduce a successor to the iPhone XR with an LCD display, alongside two other handsets. ", "The high-end 2019 iPhone. ", "presumably the largest of the three, is also rumored to include a triple camera system at the rear, in an effort that’s clearly designed to compete with the latest crop of Android handsets that include multiple cameras.", "\n\nRenders of a triple camera iPhone leaked last week, with @OnLeaks claiming Apple will introduce such a system later this year. ", "It’s not clear what an additional camera at the rear of an iPhone will enable, but the rumors have emerged after reports that Sony is boosting its 3D camera…" ]
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[ 0.025, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0.023255813953488372, 0.01910828025477707 ]
[ "export default function isFunction(input) {\n return input instanceof Function || Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Function]';\n}\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field\nThe present application relates generally to wireless communications, and more specifically to systems, methods, and devices for scrambling information transmitted in accordance with wireless communication protocols, such as members of the IEEE 802.11 family of wireless protocols.", "\n2. ", "Background\nIn many telecommunication systems, communications networks are used to exchange messages among several interacting spatially-separated devices. ", "Networks may be classified according to geographic scope, which could be, for example, a metropolitan area, a local area, or a personal area. ", "Such networks would be designated respectively as a wide area network (WAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), local area network (LAN), or personal area network (PAN). ", "Networks also differ according to the switching/routing technique used to interconnect the various network nodes and devices (e.g. circuit switching vs. packet switching), the type of physical media employed for transmission (e.g. wired vs. wireless), and the set of communication protocols used (e.g. Internet protocol suite, SONET (Synchronous Optical Networking), Ethernet, etc.).", "\nWireless networks are often preferred when the network elements are mobile and thus have dynamic connectivity needs, or if the network architecture is formed in an ad hoc, rather than fixed, topology. ", "Wireless networks employ intangible physical media in an unguided propagation mode using electromagnetic waves in the radio, microwave, infra-red, optical, etc. ", "frequency bands. ", "Wireless networks advantageously facilitate user mobility and rapid field deployment when compared to fixed wired networks.", "\nThe devices in a wireless network may transmit/receive information between each other. ", "The information may comprise packets, which in some aspects may be referred to as data units. ", "The packets may include overhead information (e.g., header information, packet properties, etc.) ", "that helps in routing the packet through the network, identifying the data in the packet, processing the packet, etc., ", "as well as data, for example user data, multimedia content, etc. ", "as might be carried in a payload of the packet." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy is my instance variable behaving like a static/class/global variable in Objective C?", "\n\nI have defined a class in Objective C and one of its instance variables is acting like a static variable / class variable / global variable. ", " What I mean is when I create a second instance of the class, the instance variable is already initialized and when I change the variable in the second instance, the first instance also changes, as if the variable is not really an instance variable.", "\nHere's my code:\n#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n\n@interface MyObject : NSObject\n- (int)getValue;\n- (void)setValue:(int)aValue;\n@end\n\n@implementation MyObject \n\nint _value;\n\n- (int)getValue {\n return _value;\n}\n\n- (void)setValue:(int)aValue {\n _value = aValue;\n}\n\n@end\n\nint main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {\n NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];\n\n MyObject *myObject1 = [MyObject new];\n printf(\"myObject1 value before assignment: %d\\n\", [myObject1 getValue]);\n [myObject1 setValue:1];\n printf(\"myObject1 value after assignment: %d\\n\", [myObject1 getValue]);\n\n MyObject *myObject2 = [MyObject new];\n printf(\"myObject2 value before assignment: %d\\n\", [myObject2 getValue]);\n [myObject2 setValue:2];\n printf(\"myObject2 value after assignment: %d\\n\", [myObject2 getValue]);\n\n if (1 !", "= [myObject1 getValue]) {\n printf(\"ERROR: myObject1 value should be 1 after assignment of myObject2 value but is %d\\n\", [myObject1 getValue]);\n }\n\n [pool drain];\n return 0;\n}\n\nHere's the execution showing that that error message occurs:\nmyObject1 value before assignment: 0\nmyObject1 value after assignment: 1\nmyObject2 value before assignment: 1\nmyObject2 value after assignment: 2\nERROR: myObject1 value should be 1 after assignment of myObject2 value but is 2\n\nA:\n\nTo define a variable as an instance variable you have to wrap it in curly braces according to this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/13573236/2848676.", "\nThe correction needs to be made to these lines:\n@implementation MyObject \n\nint _value;\n\nThe correct way to define _value as an instance variable is like this:\n@implementation MyObject {\n\nint _value;\n\n}\n\nThis produces the correct output:\nmyObject1 value before assignment: 0\nmyObject1 value after assignment: 1\nmyObject2 value before assignment: 0\nmyObject2 value after assignment: 2\n\nAnd no error is reported.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Imperial AT-ATs Begin Arriving In Capital For Military Parade\n\nWASHINGTON, D.C.—Ahead of Trump's planned July 4 military parade, several dozen Imperial walkers began to arrive in Washington throughout the week.", "\n\nThe AT-ATs were dropped off by U.S. Space Force Star Destroyers just outside the city and then slowly marched toward the capital (rather than being dropped right next to their target, for some reason). ", "Military bands solemnly played the Imperial March in honor of their arrival. ", "Trump was seen at the White House, pointing excitedly at the looming all-terrain armored transports through an Oval Office window.", "\n\n\"Wow, look at those guys!\" ", "he said while gleefully clapping his hands. \"", "Do you think President Xi has any of those? ", "I bet he doesn't. ", "Ha! ", "Guy is probably sooooo jealous right now. ", "And North Korea only has those little chicken walkers! ", "This is definitely the best military parade on the planet!\"", "\n\nHe quickly added that he \"loves democracy\" however.", "\n\nSome light Antifa resistance attempted to milkshake the walkers but were crushed.", "\n\nGet Free Access To Our Brand New Site: Not the Bee After creating The Babylon Bee in six literal days, Adam Ford rested. ", "But he rests no longer. ", "Introducing Not the Bee — a brand new humor-based news site run by Adam himself. ", "It's loaded with funny content and all the best features of a social network. ", "And the best part? ", "Everyone with a subscription to The Bee gets full access at no extra cost. ", "Get FREE Access *with premium subscription to The Babylon Bee" ]
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[ "Writer and Librarian\n\ntime\n\nSo this pipe used to be in my wall. ", "Last week the plumber had to cut a hole in my kitchen to remove said pipe after it froze and then burst. ", "It was kind of a funny day, actually. ", "I’d been to the gym and had time for a leisurely breakfast before heading to work. ", "Then I discovered that the pipes had frozen. ", "As I was running around, cursing and setting up space heaters, the school nurse called. ", "My son had the flu.", "\n\nSo there went the day and the week. ", "All of my intentions for writing and work went out the window. ", "But it was all good. ", "My son was better after spending two days collapsed on the couch. ", "We snuggled. ", "I caught up on all 600 seasons of SpongeBob. ", "I wore jammies for three days straight. ", "Also, Ed the AMAZING PLUMBER fixed the pipe, delaying his own vacation to help us. (", "Thank you, Ed!!)", "\n\nI also thought about time, as well as the degree to which I wrote about time in my New Year’s Unresolutions post. ", "I’m greedy about time. ", "I always want more (to sit in front of the fireplace, drink tea and write) and there’s never enough of it. ", "Even today, when I’ve been able to write for a few hours, I’m still up against the clock and realizing I didn’t finish everything I wanted to finish before family obligations demand my attention.", "\n\nTo combat the feeling of not having enough time, I go into hyperdrive, trying to be as efficient as possible on every last item in my to do list. ", "I still never finish the list, but I at least have that heady feeling of control – do what you want, world, I will tackle it!!", "\n\nAt least until I wake up with a sinus headache and absolutely zero motivation. ", "This happens from time to time. ", "Like this morning. ", "I won’t finish everything on my list. ", "I’ll be behind. ", "Enter the sinking feelings of disappointment and irritation. ", "And once again, I ask myself the same question I did when I wrote about my unresolutions: does it help anyone if I feel bad about myself? (", "The congregation replies with a resounding NO.)", "\n\nAnd I remind myself of my intentions, especially the ones of reflection and risk, and the little wisdom I have gained about writing. ", "Creative work comes from a place beyond scheduled time. ", "I can’t sit down and say, “I have 15 minutes, let’s write this story.” ", "If anything, that unnecessary pressure chokes my creativity. ", "But, creative work still needs time in order to unfold.", "\n\nWhat to do?", "\n\nA writer friend of mine, a person I deeply admire, said that you have to steal time from everywhere in order to write – steal from your work, from your family, from yourself. ", "It’s not easy. ", "I watch my kids grow and I feel guilt over not spending every moment with them. (", "Although let’s be honest, I’d feel that way no matter what – hmm, let’s explore this more in another post, shall we?) ", "I weigh all possible “extra” work commitments in terms of the degree they will impinge on my writing time. ", "And I have no idea when I’m going to catch up with Sleepy Hollow. ", "But I’m also taking a risk, one that I have’t done well in the past: recognize that my writing is important enough to be a major player in how I spend my time.", "\n\nAt this point in my life, I feel like I’m entering a strange little dance with time. ", "We do a spin around the ballroom. ", "I take some time here, I give some there. ", "Circumstances arise that change my plans, sometimes stealing all of my time and other times giving me some unexpected wiggle room in my schedule. ", "I channel my mania over finishing the to do list into making sure the to do list doesn’t get to be so long in the first place. ", "There will always be time thieves, often ones I’ve created myself. ", "But I’m also developing a lovely little network of my own thieves to steal some of it back." ]
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[ "This is the stable release of version 3.06, which brings a lot of new features. ", "You can find more information about the main new features in this thread.", "\n\nYesterday we accidentally released an incorrect build of 3.06, which we had to remove again. ", "If you already downloaded that version (3060004), please delete it and download the version below (3060005) again, which fixes 2 more problems. ", "If you've got further questions about this please contact me via PM.", "\n\nThe next step is the release of OctaneBench based on 3.06 in the next 1-2 weeks.", "\n\nOverhauled the shortcut manager of the Standalone. ", "You can assign now shortcuts to all available commands.", "\n\n\"Expected exposure\" of the adaptive sampling settings can now be set to 0, which disables the tweaking of the noise estimate, as described in the new features thread. ", "This is also default now.", "\n\nFixed random CUDA crashes in scenes with high densities of overlapping instances.", "\n\nFixed the motion vector pass, which didn't do the viewport transformation correctly for perspective cameras. ", "The values of the motion vector pass are now the motion vector in pixels and not the motion vector relative to the screen width. ", "This allows you to use the output directly in Fusion, without having to guess the scale. ", "You still have to set the vector blur scale to 2 for some reason, but with a scale factor of 2 you now always get (approximately) the same amount of motion in Fusion as you would get with rendered motion blur.", "\n\nFixed DOF in the thin-lens camera with distortion.", "\n\nFixed DOF in the cube map and cylindrical panoramic camera.", "\n\nFixed orientation of camera rays with high distortion in places where they deviate more than 180° from the camera axis.", "\n\nFixed auto-focus in stereo cameras (the left eye is always used for auto-focus picking).", "\n\nFixed incorrect material assignment if the geometry ends up being 1 simple mesh, but the scene graph consists of multiple instances/meshes.", "\n\nReverted default texture of the second input texture of the multiply texture to a float texture. ", "This allows you to set a higher multiplication factor than 1.[*[ ", "Fixed the triplanar map texture node which turns black when you change its inputs and it is connected via a linker node.", "\n\nFixed a couple of authentication issues.", "\n\nFixed crashes in some corner cases when UI components are refreshed due to related node system changes.", "\n\nFixed issue that the time slider disappears when you have a scene with a negative time interval start and switch to \"Frames\".", "\n\nFixed missing render update, when the start and end time of the animation settings changed.", "\n\nFixed incorrect behaviour which didn't allow users to re-enter their credentials if the SSO authentication expired.", "\n\nChanged defaults of the cosine mix texture to match the regular mix texture.", "\n\nA new version of the Photoshop plugin (1.0.5) has been made available, containing the following changes:\n\nAdded support for noise layer added in v3.06.", "\n\nAdded support for Photoshop 2017.", "\n\nYou can download and install the plugin either via the Adobe Exchange platform (the latest version still needs to be approved by Adobe, so it may take some time to show up) or you can download it from the link below and manually install it.", "\n\nabstrax wrote:[*] Reverted default texture of the second input texture of the multiply texture to a float texture. ", "This allows you to set a higher multiplication factor than 1.", "\n\nIs there a reason why only multiply > scale (which is a greyscale color), can go over 1.0? ", "I think we need to allow this for all greyscale color values (eg add, subtract etc)\n\nIt doesnt make sense to limit these nodes. ", "If I can use an add to get 1.0+1.0 = 2.0, why limit the inputs?", "\n\nEDIT: I just tested the comparison node and it also allows values over 1.0, so this seems inconsistent. ", "Maybe you guys just missed fixing add and subtract texture nodes?", "\n\nEDIT 2: Even the mix texture (and mix material) > amount allows values over 1.0 (it doesn't even make sense to allow it here)All this is a bit of a mess You need to go through all nodes and make sure values are only capped where it makes sense, or at least be consistent and have no cap on any greyscale values" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.013071895424836602, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Hello Again!", "\n\nHello again! ", "Welcome to the second City Exposed blog post. ", "In case you’ve never seen TCE online before I thought I should offer some highlights from the last few months to get you up to speed. ", "Enjoy. – ", "Kepka\n\nWith the sidewalk 720 feet below him and nothing but clouds above, Jim Phelan takes a look at a damaged cotter pin on top of the flag pole on San Francisco’s third-tallest building at 345 California Street.", "\n\nImage 1 of 9 - Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nWith the sidewalk 720 feet below him and nothing but clouds above, Jim Phelan takes a look at a damaged cotter pin on top of the flag pole on San Francisco’s third-tallest building at 345 California Street.", "\n\nWith the sidewalk 720 feet below him and nothing but clouds above, Jim...Phelan takes a look at a damaged cotter pin on top of the flag pole on...San Francisco’s third-tallest building at 345 California Street.", "\n\nImage 2 of 9|Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nMike Kepka / The Chronicle\n\nJim Phelan gears up with a harness and a helmet before starting his climb at 345 California Center. ", "He says it his quick and experience that are his most valuable tools.", "\n\nImage 2 of 9 - Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nJim Phelan gears up with a harness and a helmet before starting his climb at 345 California Center. ", "He says it his quick and experience that are his most valuable tools.", "\n\nJim Phelan gears up with a harness and a helmet before starting his...climb at 345 California Center. ", "He says it his quick and experience...that are his most valuable tools.", "\n\nImage 3 of 9|Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nMike Kepka / The Chronicle\n\nJim Phelan secures his rigging before climbing the to the highest part of 345 California Center.", "\n\nImage 3 of 9 - Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nJim Phelan secures his rigging before climbing the to the highest part of 345 California Center.", "\n\nJim Phelan secures his rigging before climbing the to the highest part...of 345 California Center.", "\n\nImage 4 of 9|Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nMike Kepka / The Chronicle\n\nA rope connected to Jim Phelan's tool bucket swings in the breeze high above the San Francisco streets.", "\n\nImage 4 of 9 - Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nA rope connected to Jim Phelan's tool bucket swings in the breeze high above the San Francisco streets.", "\n\nA rope connected to Jim Phelan's tool bucket swings in the breeze high...above the San Francisco streets.", "\n\nImage 5 of 9|Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nMike Kepka / The Chronicle\n\nSteeplejack, Jim Phelan, 58, checks out the East tower of California Center before climbing 720 feet above San Francisco to replace a cable on the flagpole.", "\n\nImage 5 of 9 - Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nSteeplejack, Jim Phelan, 58, checks out the East tower of California Center before climbing 720 feet above San Francisco to replace a cable on the flagpole.", "\n\nSteeplejack, Jim Phelan, 58, checks out the East tower of California...Center before climbing 720 feet above San Francisco to replace a cable...on the flagpole.", "\n\nImage 6 of 9|Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nMike Kepka / The Chronicle\n\nPaul Faleschini, Stationary Operating Engineer at 345 California Center, watches as steeplejack Jim Phelan finishes the job on top of the flagpole.", "\n\nImage 6 of 9 - Jim Phelan - steeplejack\n\nPaul Faleschini, Stationary Operating Engineer at 345 California Center, watches as steeplejack Jim Phelan finishes the job on top of the flagpole.", "\n\nDressed head to toe in Brooks Bros. flare, Gabriel Angelo, 12, performs in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage. “", "I feel awesome when I play trumpet. ", "I feel a connection,” Gabriel said. “", "It’s like walking. ", "It becomes you. ", "It’s just like everyday breathing — you don’t think about it, you just do it.”", "\n\nImage 1 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nDressed head to toe in Brooks Bros. flare, Gabriel Angelo, 12, performs in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage. “", "I feel awesome when I play trumpet. ", "I feel a connection,” Gabriel said. “", "It’s like walking. ", "It becomes you. ", "It’s just like everyday breathing — you don’t think about it, you just do it.”", "\n\nDressed head to toe in Brooks Bros. flare, Gabriel Angelo, 12,...performs in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage. “", "I feel...awesome when I play trumpet. ", "I feel a connection,” Gabriel said....“It’s like walking. ", "It becomes you. ", "It’s just like everyday...breathing — you don’t think about it, you just do it.”", "\n\nImage 2 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nWith his mother, Maria close behind, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, heads to San Francisco on BART.", "\n\nImage 2 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nWith his mother, Maria close behind, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, heads to San Francisco on BART.", "\n\nWith his mother, Maria close behind, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo,...12, heads to San Francisco on BART.", "\n\nImage 3 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nOn a BART train, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, and his mom Maria Teresa search the internet for new stage clothes.", "\n\nImage 3 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nOn a BART train, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, and his mom Maria Teresa search the internet for new stage clothes.", "\n\nOn a BART train, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, and his mom...Maria Teresa search the internet for new stage clothes.", "\n\nImage 4 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, stops at the Shoe Wiz near Powell Street Station to have a pair of taps repaired before starting his afternoon street performances.", "\n\nImage 4 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, stops at the Shoe Wiz near Powell Street Station to have a pair of taps repaired before starting his afternoon street performances.", "\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, stops at the Shoe Wiz near...Powell Street Station to have a pair of taps repaired before starting...his afternoon street performances.", "\n\nImage 5 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nWith a trumpet case tucked under one arm and supply bag in the other, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, heads down the stairs at Bloomingdales ready to perform on Mission Street.", "\n\nImage 5 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nWith a trumpet case tucked under one arm and supply bag in the other, Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, heads down the stairs at Bloomingdales ready to perform on Mission Street.", "\n\nWith a trumpet case tucked under one arm and supply bag in the other,...Gabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, heads down the stairs at...Bloomingdales ready to perform on Mission Street.", "\n\nImage 6 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, blasts a growling version of “Puttin’ on the Ritz” in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage.", "\n\nImage 6 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, blasts a growling version of “Puttin’ on the Ritz” in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage.", "\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, blasts a growling version of...“Puttin’ on the Ritz” in front of the 5th and Mission Parking...Garage.", "\n\nImage 7 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, has been playing the trumpet since the age of six.", "\n\nImage 7 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, has been playing the trumpet since the age of six.", "\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, has been playing the trumpet since the age of...six.", "\n\nImage 8 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, puts on a show outside the 5th and Mission Parking Garage. “", "As much as he loves playing the trumpet, he loves his audience more,” said his mother Maria Teresa.", "\n\nImage 8 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, puts on a show outside the 5th and Mission Parking Garage. “", "As much as he loves playing the trumpet, he loves his audience more,” said his mother Maria Teresa.", "\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, puts on a show outside the 5th...and Mission Parking Garage. “", "As much as he loves playing the...trumpet, he loves his audience more,” said his mother Maria Teresa.", "\n\nImage 9 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, moves his feet to the beat in his head. ", "He says he got all his moves by watching Fred Astaire shows.", "\n\nImage 9 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, moves his feet to the beat in his head. ", "He says he got all his moves by watching Fred Astaire shows.", "\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, moves his feet to the beat in his head. ", "He says he...got all his moves by watching Fred Astaire shows.", "\n\nImage 10 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, takes a short break from playing on Mission Street.", "\n\nImage 10 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, takes a short break from playing on Mission Street.", "\n\nGabriel Angelo, 12, takes a short break from playing on Mission...Street.", "\n\nImage 11 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, takes a break during his usual street performance in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage.", "\n\nImage 11 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, takes a break during his usual street performance in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage.", "\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, takes a break during his usual...street performance in front of the 5th and Mission Parking Garage.", "\n\nImage 12 of 16|City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nMike Kepka / M\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, forgets the world around him as he practices his tap moves and entertainment style on Mission Street.", "\n\nImage 12 of 16 - City Expososed: The Trumpet Kid\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, forgets the world around him as he practices his tap moves and entertainment style on Mission Street.", "\n\nGabriel \"The Trumpet Kid\" Angelo, 12, forgets the world around him as...he practices his tap moves and entertainment style on Mission Street." ]
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[ "[The distribution of HLA antigens in patients with duodenal ulcer].", "\nOver a period of many years, the connection between blood groups and peptic ulcer is discussed. ", "We examined the HLA system and did not find any relation between HLA distribution, and duodenal ulcer." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Validation and application of RP-HPLC method for the quantification of metoclopramide hydrochloride in oral formulations prepared for IVIVC studies.", "\nThe objective of this study is to develop sensitive and cost effective reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for the estimation of Metoclopramide Hydrochloride in oral solid dosage formulations. ", "A reverse chromatographic method was used with the mobile phase of Acetonitrile, 20m M Potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer solution (pH 3 adjusted with orthophosphoric acid) in the ratio of 40:60. ", "The column used was Waters C18 3.9×300mm µBondapak (RP). ", "The flow rate of the mobile phase was 2ml/minute. ", "The detector was set at the wavelength of 275nm.", "This method showed good sensitivity. ", "The linearity was also found to be excellent (γ(2)=0.997) in the range of 5-75 μg/ml. ", "No interfering peaks were observed at the retention time of Metoclopramide Hydrochloride when both placebo and blank samples were injected (Retention time =1.93min). ", "The parameters such as specificity, linearity, range, accuracy, precision, system suitability, solution stability, detection and quantification limits were evaluated to validate this method. ", "This method can effectively be used for quantitative analysis of Metoclopramide hydrochloride tablet formulations because of its specificity, accuracy and convenience of use." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.010050251256281407, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Shoot! ", "If you want to talk planets: Hoth, Dagobah, Bespin, Naboo, Coruscant, etc. ", "would all be interesting!", "\n\nThere are plenty of options with those, like seeing the underwater Gungan city and the creatures that live around it, flying around Cloud City, avoiding AT-ATs on a snow planet. ", "Your suggestions are good, though, too.", "\n\nwhatever they do, it better have a story line. ", "no random traveling around planets, not just some sight seeing tour where you see everything and suddenly at the end of the ride something goes wrong and you almost crash but you make it safely. ", "i want a story that starts at the beginning and continues throughout! (", "i know that star tours 1 had the tourism/sight seeing backstory but the problems started the minute you exited the gate and a bunch of things happened plot wise where you never got around to sight seeing)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "What We Do\n\nOur Services\n\nPublic Policy Advocacy\n\nAs member of the Invest Early Coalition, we advocate for expanded access to higher quality early care and education.", "\n\nTraining & Awareness\n\nWe heighten awareness of issues affecting children, families and providers though online & in-person training. ", "Contributing to the professional growth of Arkansas’ educators.", "\n\nConference\n\nWe host an annual conference and partner with other events across the state. ", "Educating the community with developmental resources and services for young children.", "\n\nWorking for the children\n\nFor more than 50 years AECA has worked for quality care and education for the children of Arkansas. ", "In conjunction with its affiliation with the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA), a 13 state regional organization, our goal is to" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203 ]
[ "There are numerous technologies available for packaging semiconductor dies. ", "Packages are typically chosen based on criteria such as reliability, such as Mil-Spec devices utilizing hermetically sealed packages, operating power and temperatures such as power supply and converter circuits, and cost such as basic plastic or ceramic packages for commercial applications.", "\nSchottky devices are used extensively in power supply and converter outputs for military and space systems. ", "These high reliability applications require the use of a hermetically sealed package to prevent moisture from contacting the die and degrading electrical performance. ", "There is a great need for hermetic Schottky devices in small surface mount packages to reduce the size and weight of the circuit.", "\nHigh power devices, such as transient voltage suppressors (TVSs), are configured to prevent damage to protected circuits by high voltage spikes. ", "These TVSs are designed to operate at voltages up to about 500 volts for single die packages, and multi-stacked dies may be employed for higher voltages, although these devices are much more complex and expensive. ", "One of the basic limitations of single high voltage die TVSs is that the dies will arc and become inoperative if they are subjected to excessive voltages.", "\nHigh voltage rectifiers above 500 V are very common in the micro-electronic industry. ", "Electrical arcing internally to the micro-electronic package, either across the die itself or from package electrode-to-electrode, is always a concern. ", "A common solution is to add a dielectric polymer coating over the high voltage die to prevent arcing. ", "For high reliability devices, such as Mil-Spec devices, hermetic packages containing polymer dielectric coatings are problematic due to the polymer's temperature limitations and high thermal expansion causing potential reliability issues after temperature cycling.", "\nThere is desired a semiconductor device and package that is operable well over 500 volts and that is not prone to arcing, including devices that are operable over 1000 volts. ", "Such a device and package should be suitable for a single die device." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Felonious Assault by Causing ‘Serious Physical Harm’ Is a Lesser Included Offense of Attempted Murder\n\nThe Supreme Court of Ohio ruled today that the criminal offense of felonious assault based on the infliction of “serious physical harm” to another is a lesser included offense of attempted murder.", "\n\nThe court’s 7-0 decision, authored by Justice William M. O’Neill, reversed a ruling by the Third District Court of Appeals and remanded the case to that court for consideration of other issues that were raised on appeal but not addressed in its earlier decision.", "\n\nThe case involved the criminal prosecution of David Deanda, who was indicted on a charge of attempted murder based on an altercation outside Deanda’s home in which he stabbed another man seven times in the back, neck and face while shouting “I’m gonna kill you.” ", "None of the wounds was deep enough to be life-threatening.", "\n\nAt the end of his jury trial on the attempted murder charge, Deanda asked the court to instruct the jury that it could return a verdict of not guilty of attempted murder but guilty of the lesser included offenses of assault or aggravated assault. ", "The state requested an instruction advising the jury that it could find Deanda guilty of the lesser included offense of felonious assault based on the infliction of serious physical harm to another. ", "Deanda opposed the state’s requested instruction on felonious assault. ", "The trial court concluded that it would provide instructions on all of the lesser included offenses requested by the parties. ", "The jury returned a verdict of not guilty on the charge of attempted murder, but guilty of the charge of felonious assault.", "\n\nDeanda appealed, arguing that felonious assault is not a lesser included offense of attempted murder because it includes an element (the actual infliction of serious physical harm) that is not an element of the attempted murder offense for which he was indicted. ", "The court of appeals agreed that the trial court erred by instructing the jury on felonious assault, and vacated Deanda’s conviction. ", "The state sought and was granted Supreme Court review of the Third District’s ruling.", "\n\nWriting for the court in today’s unanimous decision, Justice O’Neill reviewed prior decisions addressing the criteria to be applied in determining whether a given criminal offense is or is not a “lesser included offense” of another crime. ", "He explained that the threshold issue courts must consider is whether the statutory elements of two crimes align in such a way that a person committing the more serious offense also commits the lesser offense.", "\n\nCiting the analysis set forth in two of the Supreme Court’s most recent precedents, State v. Smith (2008) and State v. Evans (2009), Justice O’Neill wrote: “(T)he statutory-elements test for lesser included offenses has been repeatedly refined, clarified, modified, and amended, but it has never been overruled. ", "While the test may produce severe results in some cases, we have learned … that it is essential to divorce the facts of a particular case from the statutory-elements analysis in order to preserve the defendant’s right to notice of the charges against him.”", "\n\n“The proposed lesser included offense in the matter before us is felonious assault in violation of R.C. 2903.11(A)(1), which states, ‘No person shall knowingly … [c]ause serious physical harm to another … ’ The crime forming the foundation of the greater offense is murder in violation of R.C. 2903.02(A), which states, ‘No person shall purposely cause the death of another …’ Finally, Ohio’s general attempt statute states, ‘No person, purposely or knowingly … shall engage in conduct that, if successful, would constitute or result in the offense.’ ", "R.C. 2923.02(A). ”", "\n\n“(T)he core offense of murder requires purposely causing the death of another. … ", "One type of felonious assault involves knowingly causing serious physical harm to another… Clearly the offense of murder necessarily includes the commission of felonious assault through causing serious physical harm, because purposely causing death necessarily involves knowingly causing serious physical harm. ", "Also included in the offense of murder is attempted murder. … ", "The elements of attempt include ‘engag[ing] in conduct that, if successful, would constitute or result in the offense.’”", "\n\n“The problem with a strict statutory comparison of the above two offenses lies in the fact that the greater charged offense (attempted murder) is not accomplished, whereas the lesser offense (felonious assault) is a completed crime. ", "Certainly it seems illogical to impose the requirement that the greater offense cannot be committed without the lesser offense also being committed, because an attempt offense almost always involves not committing the crime charged. ", "Instead, when attempt is charged, the requirement is simply that the charge give notice of the proposed lesser included offenses.” ", "Ensuring the notice that the constitution requires is, after all, the purpose of any analysis of lesser included offenses. ", "And a charge of attempt gives notice that the prosecution may try to prove any element of the completed crime and elements necessarily included within those elements.”", "\n\n“The only practical difference between attempted murder and felonious assault through causing serious physical harm is whether the defendant intended to kill the victim when he engaged in the particular conduct or whether he intended merely to injure the victim with that conduct. ", "Since the desire to physically harm is a subset of, and necessarily included in, the desire to kill, and since one cannot intend to kill without also intending to cause physical harm, we conclude that felonious assault through causing serious physical harm is a lesser included offense of attempted murder.”", "\n\n“Although the wording of the statutes for felonious assault through causing serious physical harm and attempted murder do not cleanly match up, we hold that a charge of attempted murder reasonably puts the defendant on notice that he may be convicted of felonious assault by causing serious physical harm. ", "To hold otherwise would lead to untenable results and would defeat the obvious intent of the General Assembly to allow felonious assault to constitute a lesser included offense of attempted murder. ", "By following the General Assembly’s intent, we allow the jury to do its job with proper instructions, and ensure that justice is done.”", "\n\n“Accordingly, we hold that the Seneca County Court of Common Pleas correctly provided the jury with an instruction for felonious assault as a lesser included offense at the close of Deanda’s trial. ", "We reverse the judgment of the Third District Court of Appeals and remand the cause to that court for consideration of additional assignments of error that were mooted by its original holding.”", "\n\nPlease note:Opinion summaries are prepared by the Office of Public Information for the general public and news media. ", "Opinion summaries are not prepared for every opinion, but only for noteworthy cases. ", "Opinion summaries are not to be considered as official headnotes or syllabi of court opinions. ", "The full text of this and other court opinions are available online." ]
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[ "The World’s 10 Highest Paid Dj’s\n\nWith the rise of EDM and more similar dance music over the past few years, comes a surge in popularity in a few of the top DJ’s – and a flow of ridiculous f***ing cash!", "\n\nTake a look at the top 10 highest-paid DJ’s – a list that features some insane dollar figures!", "\n\nCalvin Harris ($66 million)\n\nTalk about a rags-to-riches story. ", "In his early years, Harris worked as a grocery store clerk. ", "Today, he’s turned the music industry upside down, working with big names such as Rihanna and Kesha on his way to becoming arguably the most popular DJ in America.", "\n\nDavid Guetta ($30 million)\n\nA steep drop off in dollar amounts from Harris to Guetta, but this uber famous European DJ has toured with Rihanna, Britney Spears and Lady Gaga, all while raking in that bank roll.", "\n\nAvicii ($28 million)\n\nThis 24-year-old has exploded onto the scene with his famous “Wake Me Up” jam that reached over four million hits in the U.S. alone. ", "For someone so young, he’s doin’ alright!", "\n\nTiesto ($28 million)\n\nOver the last two years, Tiesto has racked up over $60 million, an absurd number topped only by Harris.", "\n\nSteve Aoki ($23 million)\n\nPerhaps the busiest man on this list, Aoki oftentimes will play three shows a day. ", "With endorsements from companies such as Bud Light and Guitar Center, Aoki has cracked the top five with his passion and love for giving his all for the crowd.", "\n\nAfrojack ($22 million)\n\nThe coolest fact about Afrojack is he’s is endorsed by Nike, a rare feat for a music DJ. ", "Oh, and that $22 MIL ain’t bad, either.", "\n\nZedd ($21 million)\n\nZedd is not dead (you’re welcome Pulp Fiction fans). ", "The protégé of Skrillex has now earned even more than his mentor at just 24 years old.", "\n\nKaskade ($17 million)\n\nAfter releasing nine albums, No. ", "10 was the charm for Kaskade, as he earned a Grammy nomination for Best Dance/Electronica album for Atmosphere.", "\n\nSkrillex ($16.5 million)\n\nAlthough perhaps on the downturn of his career, the six-time Grammy winner has still continued to kill shows and has even scored films such as Wreck-It Ralph.", "\n\nDeadmau5 ($16 million)\n\nKnown for wearing a mouse head costume, this DJ has become one of the most lucrative names in the business, and is often a fan favorite at festivals across the country.", "\n\nThere you have it. ", "If you’re looking to make a shitload of music in a thrilling industry, start learning how to spin some records and you’ll be using Benjamin Franklin’s for napkins." ]
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[ 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.016666666666666666, 0.006134969325153374, 0.02843601895734597, 0, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0.018018018018018018, 0.012578616352201259, 0.02608695652173913, 0.02564102564102564, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374 ]
[ "829 F.2d 37Unpublished Disposition\nNOTICE: Fourth Circuit I.O.P. 36.6 states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Fourth Circuit.", "Wesley Conrad WARD, Petitioner-Appellee,v.Rae H. MCNAMARA, Attorney General of North Carolina,Respondents-Appellants.", "\nNo. ", "87-7542\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.", "\nAugued July 7, 1987.Decided September 9, 1987.", "\n\nBarry Steven McNeill, Assistant Attorney General (Lacy H. Thornburg, Attorney General of North Carolina, on brief), for appellants\nJohn A. Dusenbury, Jr. (Smith, Patterson, Follin, Curtis, James & Harkavy, on brief), for appellee.", "\nBefore CHAPMAN and WILKINS, Circuit Judges, and HENDERSON, United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina, sitting by designation.", "\nPER CURIAM:\n\n\n1\nThe State of North Carolina appeals from the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus directing it to grant inmate Wesley Conrad Ward a credit against his state sentence for time served in federal custody. ", " Since the issue was moot when considered by the district court, we vacate and remand with instructions to dismiss the petition.", "\n\nI.\n\n2\nIn December, 1970 Ward robbed a bank and kidnapped a bank teller. ", " He pled guilty to bank robbery in federal court on April 9, 1971 and was sentenced to 15 years. ", " He was also convicted of kidnapping in state court on April 15, 1971 and received a life sentence. ", " Following his conviction in state court, Ward was transferred to federal custody to serve the bank robbery sentence. ", " He was paroled to state custody on December 14, 1977. ", " Ward became eligible for parole on the state sentence in August, 1984 and has been denied release twice.", "\n\n\n3\nIn 1979, Ward filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus pursuant to 28 U.S.C.A. Sec. ", "2254 (West 1977), seeking credit against his state sentence for time served in federal custody. ", " He asserted that N.C. Gen. Stat. ", "Secs. ", "15-196.1 and 15-6.3 (1978) required that his state sentence be viewed as concurrent to the federal sentence. ", " The district court denied relief. ", " Ward v. Allsbrook, No. ", "C-79-638-G (M.D.N.C. Apr. 3, 1980). ", " On appeal, Ward additionally asserted that N.C. Gen. Stat. ", "Sec. ", "15A-1354 (1978) provided him relief. ", " This court affirmed the district court and found that Ward had not exhausted his state remedies as to section 15A-1354. ", " Ward v. Allsbrook, No. ", "80-8167 (4th Cir. ", " Oct. 7, 1981).", "\n\n\n4\nIn 1981 Ward filed a second section 2254 petition seeking credit under N.C. Gen. Stat. ", "Secs. ", "15-196.1 to 15-196.4 (1978). ", " The district court dismissed the petition as successive and this court affirmed. ", " Ward v. Woodward, No. ", "C-81-762-G (M.D.N.C.), aff'd, No. ", "82-8012 (4th Cir. ", " June 1, 1982).", "\n\n\n5\nAfter exhausting his state remedies, Ward filed this petition asserting that he is entitled to credit under section 15A-1354. ", " The magistrate recommended that the writ be issued. ", " However, the district court dismissed the petition as moot, finding that the credit would have no effect since the state sentence is a life term and Ward is already eligible for parole. ", " Ward v. McNamara, No. ", "C-83-1267-G (M.D.N.C. July 1, 1985). ", " This court vacated the dismissal and remanded the case for further consideration of whether the North Carolina Parole Commission considers the length of time served as a factor in parole decisions and whether crediting Ward with the federal time would increase the probability of his receiving parole. ", " Ward v. McNamara, No. ", "85-6562 (4th Cir. ", " June 11, 1986).", "\n\n\n6\nOn remand, the magistrate recommended that the petition not be dismissed as moot, finding that:\n\n\n7\nIt is clear that the Parole Commission has, and will, consider the time served by petitioner on his state sentence in considering whether he should be released on parole. ", " If he is credited with six years and eight months of additional time served, such a credit may affect his parole release.", "\n\n\n8\nThe district court adopted the recommendation and issued the writ.", "\n\nII.", "\n\n9\nA claim for habeas corpus relief is moot 'only if it is shown that there is no possibility that any collateral legal consequences will be imposed on the basis of the challenged [state action].' ", " See Sibron v. New York, 392 U.S. 40, 57 (1968). ", " The State has shown that there is no possibility that crediting Ward's state sentence with the time in federal custody will influence the Commission's parole decisions.", "\n\n\n10\nOn remand, the State submitted the uncontroverted affidavit of the Chairman of the North Carolina Parole Commission, stating: 'It is customary for the Parole Commission, in reviewing a case for parole, to consider time served in federal custody when such time resulted from a conviction for an offense which arose from the same series of events as the State offense.' ", " The affidavit stated that the Commission considered the time served by Ward in federal custody in denying him parole on the previous occasions. ", " The Chairman further averred that 'the fact of [Ward] being granted credit on the State sentence for such Federal custody would have had no influence upon Commission's denial of parole for [him].'", "\n\n\n11\nAccordingly, the judgment of the district court is vacated and the case is remanded with instructions to dismiss the petition as moot.", "\n\n\n12\nVACATED AND REMANDED.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Clinical update: MR imaging of the hip.", "\nWith the increasing awareness of hip pathologies and their treatment with arthroscopic surgery, an explosion in the knowledge base has occurred. ", "With this expansion has come the need to assess many injuries with magnetic resonance imaging and other modalities. ", "This update will serve to delineate the common injuries that are seen and their imaging assessment." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "hIan5: the human ortholog to the rat Ian4/Iddm1/lyp is a new member of the Ian family that is overexpressed in B-cell lymphoid malignancies.", "\nThe family of immune associated nucleotide binding proteins (Ian) is a distinct family of GTP-binding proteins conserved in plants, mice, rats and humans that are associated with immune functions, suggesting involvement in conserved defense mechanisms. ", "Recently, the rat Ian4 (rIan4) was cloned and it appears to be identical to the gene Iddm1/lyp responsible for severe lymphopenia and the development of insulin-dependent diabetes in the BB-DP rat. ", "Here we describe the characterization of a new human member of the Ian family: hIan5. ", "hIan5 is highly homologous to rIan4, has a predicted molecular weight of 35 kDa and contains distinct G motifs of GTP-binding proteins (G-1 to G-4) in the N-terminus. ", "Human Ian5 is anchored to the mitochondria by the hydrophobic COOH-terminal domain. ", "Human Ian5 is highly expressed in lymph node and spleen. ", "Different blood fractions show high hIan5 expression in CD4- and CD8-positive T cells and monocytes, but not in B lymphocytes. ", "In contrast, in B-CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) and mantle cell lymphoma samples, hIan5 mRNA was upregulated. ", "The current data underline the role of hIan5 in T-lymphocyte development and function, and for the first time suggest that upregulation of Ian proteins is associated with B-cell malignancy, possibly by inhibiting apoptosis." ]
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[ 0.007142857142857143, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004484304932735426 ]
[ "Pages\n\n2/5/14\n\nways to find balance\n\nLet me just start out by saying honestly, I am probably one of the least qualified people to offer any sort of advice on finding balance in life. ", "I can stand on my foot-- ha-- but that's about as balanced as I feel like my life gets.", "\n\nBut, I am trying. ", "I really am attempting to create a balance of work and life. ", "I think through my struggles with it, I am learning a lot about what works for me.", "\n\nAnd I know I'm not the only one who struggles to keep all the plates spinning, while still having sort of healthy level of relaxation, hard work, exercise, etc, etc. ", "We stay busy. ", "We pride on ourselves on being busy-- and I'm saying this about me, more than anything. ", "I admit that I can revel in the fact that I can be really unbalanced. ", "That shouldn't be something to be proud of.", "\n\nSo I'm working on it. ", "Really. ", "And here are a few things that I'm trying.", "\n\n1. ", "Learning that saying 'yes' now could mean 'no' later.", "\n\nTurns out you can't do it all-- even the fun things. ", "So saying \"yes\" to happy hour with dear friends, may mean that I have to turn down dinner later on. ", "Or, committing to a business partnership with one company may mean that I should turn down a partnership with another. ", "Sometimes I'll regret the no or the yes, but if it means that my life is a little more balanced, it is worth it.", "\n\n2. ", "Breaks are necessary.", "\n\nI talked about this last week, but sometimes you have to step away for a little bit. ", "I don't know what you might need to step away from, but if you can manage it for even a half hour, it needs to happen so you can return refreshed.", "\n\n3. ", "You need people to say hard things.", "\n\nFor me, this is my husband. ", "He will tell me when I'm taking on too much-- when I'm creating for myself a world that is limited by my work and my own expectations. ", "You need people in your life who are going to tell you when it's time to work harder, and when it's time to let go. ", "Find these people and hold onto them and make them be brutally honest with you.", "\n\noh that's so nice of you to say hi :)i read every comment and would love to respond to you as well! ", "if you have a question for me-- make sure your email is linked to your blogger account so I can get back to you or leave your email so I can get in touch! (", "see how to do so here!)" ]
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[ "GoPro may have inadvertently revealed the company’s first quadcopter earlier this month when a thumbnail for its black-and-white Karma drone began appearing on European websites. ", "We’ve also seen what looks like the new Hero5 camera and user manual along with an unannounced handheld stabilizer. ", "We’ll know for sure how legitimate all these leaks have been, and whether GoPro can upset DJI’s air supremacy when the GoPro press event kicks off at 12 noon ET.", "\n\nAfter updating iOS, watchOS, and tvOS last week, Apple will be releasing the latest version of OS X macOS tomorrow. ", "Sierra brings a number of enhancements to the Mac including desktop Siri, tabs in every app, a Universal Clipboard shared between Macs and iOS devices, Auto Unlock for Apple Watch wearers, and enhancements to iCloud, Photos, Messages, and iTunes that bring Macs to parity with the recent changes in iOS. ", "Mostly, Sierra makes living inside of Apple’s ecosystem of devices a lot more seamless in keeping with a trend that began a few years ago. ", "When it'll drop is the mystery. ", "Looking back at the last three releases, the annual Mac OS update hit at 3PM ET in 2013 (Mavericks), 5PM ET in 2014 (Yosemite), and 2PM ET last year for El Capitan. ", "So your guess is as good as mine when Sierra will hit.", "\n\nThe world’s largest camera show\n\nPhotoknia is the biennial camera trade show in Cologne, Germany that runs from September 20th to the 25th this year. ", "As the world’s largest camera show, it’s a good chance to check in on where the industry is headed now that smartphones dominate photography on land while drones rule the sky. ", "We’ll have a chance to test all the latest and greatest gear from Nikon, Canon (including the new mirrorless M5), Fujifilm, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus and others all under the same roof. ", "The Verge’s Vlad Savov and Dan Seifert will be on the ground for all the action when the doors officially open on Tuesday.", "\n\nBut that’s just a taste of the week to come. ", "First, let’s get caught up on the weekend that was." ]
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[ "Efficacy of topical dimetindene in experimentally induced pruritus and weal and flare reactions.", "\nDouble-blind, placebo-controlled studies were performed to assess the effect of 0.1% dimetindene gel on the itch threshold to intracutaneous histamine and on the weal and flare reaction after intracutaneous injection of histamine in normal volunteer subjects. ", "Treatment of the forearm skin in 20 volunteers resulted in an increase in itch threshold with dimetindene gel compared to placebo. ", "Treatment of the forearm skin with dimetindene gel in 32 volunteers had no significant effect on weal thickness in subjects treated for 10, 30 or 60 min, but there was a significant reduction in weal thickness in those subjects treated for 120 min. ", "Topical dimetindene may be of value in treating conditions mediated through histamine release." ]
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[ "E-mail this article\n\nSending your article\n\nTwo articles this past week, each written in whole or part by Harvard's Atul Gawande, put our health care and hospital dilemma into exquisite perspective.", "\n\nFirst, one can only feel admiration and respect for the incredible job done by Greater Boston hospitals and hospital personnel in the wake of the Marathon bombing. ", "Our hospital system, our physicians and nurses and emergency personnel from across the City and beyond rose to the challenge in a deeply impressive way. ", "If there was ever a moment to take collective pride in the world's most concentrated academic teaching hospital environment, this was it.", "\n\nHere's a good account from USA Today highlighting the extraordinary efforts of our local and regional medical system in the wake of the terror.", "\n\nAs usual, Atul Gawande, the prize winning author, surgeon, and Harvard faculty member, put a special spin on it in a brief report for The New Yorker explaining Why Boston Hospitals Were Ready:\n\n\"Talking to people about that day, I was struck by how ready and almost rehearsed they were for this event. ", "A decade earlier, nothing approaching their level of collaboration and efficiency would have occurred. ", "We have, as one colleague put it to me, replaced our pre-9/11 naďveté with post-9/11 sobriety. ", "Where before we'd have been struck dumb with shock about such events, now we are almost calculating about them. ", "When ball bearings and nails were found in the wounds of the victims, everyone understood the bombs had been packed with them as projectiles. ", "At every hospital, clinicians considered the possibility of chemical or radiation contamination, a second wave of attacks, or a direct attack on a hospital.", "\n\n\"We've learned, and we've absorbed. ", "This is not cause for either celebration or satisfaction. ", "That we have come to this state of existence is a great sadness. ", "But it is our great fortune. ", "Last year, after the Aurora shooting, Ron Walls, the chief of emergency medicine at my hospital, gave a lecture titled 'Are We Ready?' ", "In Boston, it turns out we all were.\"", "\n\nAfter so much complaining about our hospitals for their high costs and other flaws (from yours truly, among others), it feels good to take a moment to say congratulations for a job so exceptionally well done.", "\n\nBut only for a moment, because someone always has another perspective to throw on the table. ", "Who is it this time? ", "You guessed it, Atul Gawande.", "\n\nBriefly, the team found that post-surgical complications in one southern U.S. hospital system were associated with a $39,017 higher contribution margin per patient with private insurance and a $1749 higher contribution margin per patient with Medicare. ", "Basically, \"many hospitals have the potential for adverse near-term financial consequences for decreasing postsurgical complications.\" ", "In other words, under our current prevailing fee-for-service system, improving hospital quality and safety is bad for business. \"", "We found clear evidence that reducing harm and improving quality is perversely penalized in our current health care system,\" said lead author Eappen.", "\n\n\"The authors said in an interview that they were not suggesting that hospitals were trying to make money by deliberately causing complications or refusing to address the problem. '", "Absolutely not,' said David Sadoff, a managing director of the Boston Consulting Group. '", "We don't believe that is happening at all.' ", "But, he said, the current payment system makes it difficult for hospitals to perform better because improvements can wind up costing them money.\"", "\n\nI fully agree. ", "It's not about hospital leaders refusing to reduce complications because it's bad for business. ", "It is about system loaded with perverse incentives that don't give the results we all want, and that make it harder to fix what's wrong with U.S. medical care.", "\n\nSo while we rightly applaud and praise our local hospitals and medical professionals for their performance and integrity when we need it the most, we've still got a lot to do to get this system right. ", "I believe we are on the right road by rejecting fee for service and moving to global payments, accountable care organizations, bundled payment, and the other financing reforms included in the Affordable Care Act, Massachusetts payment reform, and more. ", "We still have a long way to go.", "\n\nSo congratulations and thanks to our medical care professionals for your extraordinary service. ", "And let's keep working to get this system right on all sides.", "\n\nThis blog is not written or edited by Boston.com or the Boston Globe.", "\nThe author is solely responsible for the content." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAnimate data refresh (soft delete) on Core Data / UITableView\n\nI have a table view that's backed by a fetchedResultsController. ", "On my table cells I have a button that performs a soft delete, as far as the view is concerned... tap the button, the selector that performs the soft delete is called, and ... something is supposed to happen (I've tried a lot of things), but nothing I've tried animates like Apple's row animations.", "\nI can perform simple row animations, like making it slide out of the way (which leaves a blank row until I tell the table to reload, which in turn is a bit of a jarring effect). ", "This is the closest I've come:\n -(void) completeTask: (id) sender {\n NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForCell:(UITableViewCell *)[[sender superview] superview]];\n\n NSDate *date = [[NSDate alloc] init];\n NSManagedObject *task = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];\n\n [task setValue:date forKey:@\"complete\"];\n\n AppController *ac = [AppController sharedAppController];\n NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [ac managedObjectContext];\n\n NSError *error = nil;\n if(![moc save:&error]){\n NSLog(@\"%@ %@\",error, [error description]);\n exit(-1);\n } else {\n UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];\n\n CGRect cellFrame = cell.frame;\n [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];\n [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.35];\n [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self];\n [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(someAnimationDidStop:finished:context:)];\n cell.frame = CGRectMake(cellFrame.size.width , cellFrame.origin.y, cellFrame.size.width, cellFrame.size.height);\n [UIView commitAnimations];\n }\n }\n\n-(void) someAnimationDidStop:(NSString *)animationID \n finished:(BOOL)finished context:(void *)duration {\n NSLog(@\"Animation Stopped\");\n [self fetchResults]; // this guy performs a new fetch and table data reload\n}\n\nI feel like I'm sort of on the right track, however I don't think this is really quite the answer. ", "I was hoping that somehow controller:didChangeObject:atIndexPath:forChangeType:newIndexPath: would be the answer. ", "My guess is that if I want the stock Apple animations, I will have to create a separate NSMutableArray to track the results and just make sure it's kept in sync.", "\nThoughts and opinions? ", "\nThanks!!!", "\n\nA:\n\nI guess you have already a predicate for the NSFetchedResultsController that doesn't fetch those \"soft deleted\" objects.", "\nSo in theory all you have to do is to implement all of the NSFetchResultsControllerDelegate methods. ", "The sample implementation from the documentation will work fine.", "\nDon't forget to set the delegate of the NSFetchedResultsController\nThen instead of manually managing cells, just change the \"soft delete\" value from the object. ", "The NSFetchResultsController will monitor the context, it figures out that this change make the object disappear from the collection so it will remove the cell from the tableView. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "× Expand AP Photo/Richard Drew\n\nI've long admired Elon Musk as a technological visionary. ", "But I worry about his sense of responsibility to the public.", "\n\nLast week, Musk announced on Twitter that he intended to turn Tesla, the electric car maker he founded, into a private company. ", "He said the funding was “secured”—a claim that sent Tesla stock skyrocketing—yet he produced no evidence that the funding was nailed down.", "\n\nThere are laws against corporate officials making these sorts of untethered claims, because if untrue they could hurt lots of innocent bystanders—including unwary investors and employees.", "\n\nDoes Musk's behavior remind you of any other powerful person who also makes unfounded claims on Twitter that send heads spinning?", "\n\nDonald Trump is no Elon Musk. ", "Musk seems to genuinely care about the future of humanity.", "\n\nBut, like Trump, Musk loves to upend the status quo by breaking norms and maybe even some laws.", "\n\nHe also seems share Trump's unrelenting combativeness and penchant for hitting back. ", "A few weeks ago, after a British diver involved in the Thailand cave rescue termed Musk's offer of a submarine a publicity stunt, Musk called him a pedophile.", "\n\nMusk has little patience for the media. ", "At a recent quarterly earnings conference he refused to answer what he termed “boring” or “bonehead” questions.", "\n\nMusk and Trump aren't the only notable people in modern America exhibiting these tendencies.", "\n\nThink of Travis Kalanick, the pugnacious founder of Uber. ", "Or Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.", "\n\nWhich raises the question: Is it necessary for true innovators to break norms and rules?", "\n\nSome years ago the most fashionable buzzword in business was “disruption.” ", "Real entrepreneurs, it was said, disrupt the status quo. ", "They shake up conventional ways of doing things and upturn hidebound institutions.", "\n\nTrump loyalists think that's exactly what he's doing in Washington.", "\n\nBut there's a less charitable view of why these outsized personalities break the rules. ", "They feel entitled to.", "\n\nConsider Martin Shkreli, who, after buying the rights to sell Daraprim, a lifesaving drug, promptly raised the price by over 5,000 percent.", "\n\nShkreli was unapologetic. ", "And he lashed out at journalists who criticized him, even buying internet domains associated with their names and then mocking them on the sites.", "\n\n(Last March, Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison for criminal fraud in an unrelated scheme to bilk his former hedge fund investors.)", "\n\nAdd the former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. ", "And many of the people Trump has surrounded himself with over the years.", "\n\nTrump himself continues to place himself above the law.", "\n\nAll these men (note the absence of women) are driven. ", "They're often brilliant. (", "Trump is a gifted conman.)", "\n\nThey'll also do whatever it takes to get what they want. ", "They believe the norms other people live by don't apply to them.", "\n\nTheir attitude toward the law is that anything they want to do is OK unless it's clearly illegal. ", "And even if it's illegal, it's okay if they can get away with it.", "\n\nAnd they have contempt for anyone who gets in their way.", "\n\nResearchers have found that great wealth and power often correlate with less compassion and stronger feelings of entitlement.", "\n\nYour donation keeps this site free and open for all to read. ", "Give what you can... SUPPORT THE PROSPECT\n\nThe very rich cheat more on their taxes, are more likely to shoplift, and more likely to cheat at games of chance.", "\n\nThe research doesn't tell us the direction of causation—whether the rich act these ways because they're rich, or if they got rich because they act these ways.", "\n\nWhatever the causal relationship, the era we're now in has created a few big winners—who, at least in their own eyes, are so successful they're entitled to do whatever they want.", "\n\nIn the words of railroad magnate William H. Vanderbilt, “The public be damned.”", "\n\nVanderbilt said this in 1882, during America's first Gilded Age—whose entrepreneurs created railroads, telephones, electric power, and steel mills, but who also bent the laws to suit their purposes.", "\n\nTheir wealth was unprecedented. ", "Yet most workers barely eked out a living.", "\n\nWe're now in the America's second Gilded Age.", "\n\nLast week it was reported that in 2017 the average CEO of the 350 largest firms in the United States received $18.9 million in compensation. ", "That’s a 17.6 percent increase over 2016.", "\n\nAt the same time, the typical worker's compensation remained flat, rising merely 0.3 percent.", "\n\nThe first Gilded Age fueled a Progressive Era that tamed and regulated its excesses, beginning in 1901.", "\n\nIn very different ways, Trump and Musk epitomize America's second Gilded Age. ", "Will their audacity and excesses usher in a second Progressive Era?" ]
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[ "using System;\nusing System.", "Data;\nusing System.", "Data.", "Common;\nusing NHibernate.", "Engine;\nusing NHibernate.", "SqlTypes;\nusing NHibernate.", "UserTypes;\n\nnamespace NHibernate.", "Test.", "NHSpecificTest.", "EntityWithUserTypeCanHaveLinqGenerators\n{\n\tpublic class ExampleUserType : IUserType\n\t{\n\t\tpublic new bool Equals(object a, object b)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tIExample ga = a as IExample;\n\t\t\tIExample gb = b as IExample;\n\t\t\tif (ga == null && gb == null)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (ga !", "= null && gb !", "= null && (ga.", "GetType() == gb.", "GetType()))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn ga.", "Value == gb.", "Value;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic int GetHashCode(object x)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn ((IExample)x).Value.", "GetHashCode();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic object DeepCopy(object value)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (value == null) return null;\n\t\t\tif (value.", "GetType() == typeof(BarExample))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn new BarExample { Value = ((IExample)value).Value };\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn new FooExample { Value = ((IExample)value).Value };\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic object Replace(object original, object target, object owner)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn original;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic object Assemble(object cached, object owner)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn cached;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic object Disassemble(object value)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn value;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic SqlType[] SqlTypes { get { return new SqlType[] { SqlTypeFactory.", "GetString(255) }; } }\n\n\t\tpublic System.", "Type ReturnedType { get { return typeof(IExample); } }\n\t\tpublic bool IsMutable { get { return true; } }\n\n\t\tpublic void NullSafeSet(DbCommand cmd, object value, int index, ISessionImplementor session)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar dataParameter = cmd.", "Parameters[index];\n\t\t\tvar example = (IExample)value;\n\t\t\tdataParameter.", "DbType = DbType.", "String;\n\t\t\tif (value == null || example.", "Value == null)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdataParameter.", "Value = DBNull.", "Value;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdataParameter.", "Value = example.", "ToString();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic object NullSafeGet(DbDataReader rs, string[] names, ISessionImplementor session, object owner)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar index = rs.", "GetOrdinal(names[0]);\n\t\t\tif (rs.", "IsDBNull(index))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvar val = rs.", "GetString(index);\n\n\t\t\tvar parts = val.", "Split(':');\n\t\t\tif (parts[0] == \"Bar\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn new BarExample { Value = parts[1] };\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn new FooExample { Value = parts[1] };\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "Regarded by many as the first Japanese progressive rock group, the Far East Family Band, whose first album release was under the name Far Out, released \"The Cave\" Down To The Earth in 1975. ", "Influential in the creation of the band's distinctive psychedelic sound was keyboard player Kitaro, who went on to establish himself as a major new age artist in the '80s. ", "Although the band was often categorized as new age too, their sound was distinctly progressive and often brought comparisons with Tangerine Dream and early Pink Floyd. ", "The ethereal, space-rock quality of the band's music is here in abundance but the centerpiece is without doubt the title track, which starts off in a mellow mood but then becomes a killer guitar jam. ", "For music fans that have yet to discover the delights of '70s Japanese psychedelic rock, \"The Cave\" Down To The Earth is a fabulous introduction. ", "Housed in a die-cut sleeve with a printed inner bag. ", "Includes the original LP insert." ]
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[ "Barcelona beat Mamelodi Sundowns\n\nThe Spanish giants kept their end of the deal in fielding all their star players as they defeated the Absa Premiership champions in a Mandela Centenary Cup match on Wednesday.", "\n\nA South African fan jumped the fence at FNB Stadium to get a once in a lifetime opportunity to touch Barcelona star Lionel Messi.", "\n\nOusmane Dembele and Luis Suarez had Barcelona 2-0 up at the break before Andre Gomes made it 3-0.", "\n\n\"We came to play football and to honour Nelson Mandela, someone who was very close to the hearts of all Spaniards\". ", "Two minutes into the first half Barcelona proved why their trophy cabinet has relatively all the silverware from local to regional to global tournaments as Ousmane Dembele opened up for the LaLiga champions courtesy of a mistake that the Sundowns defense made. \"", "If it were to happen it would be great for a lot of people\", Tau said. ", "Sibusiso Vilakazi pulled back a consolation goal with 15 minutes to go for the South African league winners. ", "It wasn't long before Valverde introduced sensational striker Lionel Messi into the lovely game much to the thrill of the crowd. ", "The second half started pretty much the same as the first half with Barcelona's coach Ernesto Valverde changing most of his players.", "\n\n\"The match was originally fixed for Tuesday, 15 May 2018 but was postponed at the request of Mamelodi Sundowns\", it said.", "\n\nThe hastily arranged friendly match, which earned Barcelona three million euros from billionaire Sundowns owner Patrice Motsepe, was ostensibly to mark 100 years since the birth of Mandela.", "\n\nYanny or Laurel: It Sounds a Lot Like the Dress\nThe debate is this: a distorted audio bite plays and those listening in either hear \" Yanny \" or \" Laurel \". ", "President Trump , together with different members of his administration, jumped in on the \"Yanny vs. 5/18/2018\n\nPayPal to buy Square competitor iZettle for $2.2B\nAn announcement of the $2bn deal is expected as early as tomorrow, after Sky News reported that the two companies were in talks. ", "The completion of this transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals. ", "5/18/2018\n\nFeatured Stock for Investors: Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO)\nThe United Kingdom-based fund Edinburgh Partners Ltd have invested about 6.7% of the fund's stock portfolio in Cisco Systems Inc . ", "Cisco Systems has a 12 month low of $45.14 and a 12 month high of $45.54. (", "NASDAQ: CSCO ) shs were sold by MCGEARY RODERICK C. 5/18/2018\n\nAccording to UN Delhi Will be World's Biggest City by 2028\nThe report also estimates that by 2030, the world could have 43 so-called megacities - up from 31 today, according to reports. ", "As of today, 55 percent of the world population lives in urban areas, increasing to 68 percent by 2050, the report said. ", "5/18/2018" ]
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[ "Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Florida (BBBSAF) recently announced that the State of Florida has approved a specialty BBBSAF license plate for sale to all Florida tag owners.", "\n\nThe plates not only will raise money from all sales of the new license plate for BBBSAF but will create a statewide awareness. ", "Proceeds will be used to help BBBSAF fund its mentoring programs for children throughout the state.", "\n\nHowever, 1,000 vouchers must be purchased on or before June 1, 2015. ", "Once the goal of 1,000 vouchers has been met, production of plates will begin. ", "Vouchers for the new plates can now be purchased at local county tax collector’s offices for $25 plus county registration service fees.", "\n\n“We are extremely excited to launch our specialty license plate program,” said Jody Clifford, CEO, BBBS Association of Florida. “", "We invite community members to take their support on the road and buy their plates today to help generate much-needed revenue to expand mentoring opportunities for children in Florida.”", "\n\nFor more information on the BBBS license plate program, or how you can be an inspiration to a child, visit www.bbbsflorida.org" ]
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[ "Wednesday, December 5, 2007\n\nLast Exchange for 2007 ~ Tissue Holder Pattern\n\nDuring this busy time of year I am forced to limit the number of exchanges that I participate in however, there are a few that I can't resist. ", "I recently sent out my last exchange for 2007, it was sent to Cathy. ", "Having heard that she received it, I can now post pictures. ", "I decided to stitch this stocking ornament for her.", "\n\nUSEBB: Ornament Exchange 2007\n\nDesigner: Nutmeg Needle\n\nDesign: Mini Stocking\n\nUSEBB: 2007 Ornament Exchange - Stitched for Cathy B.\n\nTissue Holder Pattern\n\nIf you are interested in making a Tissue Holder, like the one that I sent in my exchange to Cathy, you can get the instructions here. ", "They are very easy to make and are a great way to use up those fabric scraps.", "\n\nI have successfully completed 21 exchanges during 2007, most of them with USEBB, SBEBB, Seasonal Stitchers, and Fair & Square, . ", "I have received so many gorgeous exchanges from Amber, Autumn, AmySC, Barbara, BeckyK, BeckySC, Carol, Carolynn, CathyB, Chris, Goldie, Heather, Helen, Isabelle, Juanita, Julianne, Katrina, Nicki, Paula, and Vonna. ", "Let me again thank each of you for the time you spent stitching and finishing these beautiful pieces. ", "I will forever treasure them!", "\n\nA huge thank you to BeckySC for including me in the wonderful groups you manage. ", "I look forward to participating in your 2008 exchanges!", "\n\nA huge thank you to Vonna and Annemarie for including me in the Fair and Square Exchange. ", "This is an amazing group of talented stitchers/friends!", "\n\nDuring this extra busy time of year I know that it is difficult to find the time to read blogs. ", "I truly appreciate your stopping by and commenting.", "\n\n23 comments:\n\nThis looks such a sweet little stocking :) You have done so many exchanges this year , at least I think 21 is a lot !! ", "It was a pleasure to stitch for you when I had your name and I am glad we 'met' :-))\n\nBoy oh boy did you get some lovely things this year! :)", "And the things you have sent have been EXTRA special and lovely to boot! ", "I look forward to exchanging more too this year and I hope some is with you!", "\n\nI LOVE my tissue holder. ", "I inspected it tonight and I was trying to tell if it was handmade or not! ", "That makes it even more special. ", "It looks like it will be a good little learning sewing project for me. ", "Thank you for sharing the instructions.", "\n\nI hope to have your F&S exchange to you before the end of 2007. ", "The squares are next on my list after I finish a needleroll. ", "It's about 2/3's finished. ", "Wish me luck :)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "専門分野は医療関連感染対策。1991年 聖路加看護大学(現 聖路加国際大学)卒業、1997年 コロンビア大公衆衛生大学院修了。2003年 感染管理および疫学認定機構Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiologyによる認定資格(CIC)を取得し、以後5年毎に更新。日本環境感染学会理事、厚生労働省厚生科学審議会専門委員などを歴任。著書に「感染対策40の鉄則(医学書院)」、「基礎から学ぶ医療関連感染対策(南江堂)」など。※記事は個人としての発信であり、いかなる組織の意見も代表するものではありません。", "\n\nSakamotoFumie official site https://researchmap.jp/fumienum" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJava REST service PUT parameters\n\nThis is how my Jersey Rest web service's a few methods looks likes, I have some methods to update the user settings like:\n@PUT\n@Path(\"/langauge\")\n@Consumes(\"text/plain\")\npublic void updateLanguage(String lang) {\n\n ***check validity of the lang by string comparisons**\n and update database with the new language*\n}\n\n@PUT\n@Path(\"/threshold\")\n@Consumes(\"text/plain\")\npublic void updateThreshold(Long threshold) {\n\n *//check value and update in server*\n}\n\nNow I have a few questions here;\n1- Instead of different resource paths for different update options, is it better to create one resource and update with query parameters? ", "This looks more Restish but I'm not sure I really should change it to something like, because in future if there are more parameters to be updated than it will be very cluttered, while having independent paths looks more clear?", "\n@PUT\n@Path(\"/settings/{lang}/{threshold}\")\n@Consumes(\"text/plain\")\npublic void updateSettings(@PathParam(\"threshold\") String thre,\n @PathParam(\"lang\") String lang,\n @DefaultValue(\"\") @QueryParam) {\n\n}\n\n2- Another question is while updating the language now I accept a language as a string then check if thats valid or not in server, So when client uses this method they don't know what exactly should they send as valid parameters. ", "Is there a way to make this more user friendly, putting some comments on WADL file is an option, but is there another more REST way of doing this?", "\n\nA:\n\nWithout knowing the entire scope of your application, I'd say, you could consider the settings a resource and the particular options as the member of the collection of settings. ", "This would allow to add new settings (downside is, that a client that wants to update multiple would need to know and call all of them):\n/settings/language\n/settings/threshold\n...\n# later\n/settings/timeout\n/settings/temperature\n\nYou could implement the GET method on each of the options to display information to the interested client (either as HTML or text or some other format).", "\nAnother way would be to collect all settings at one endpoint and to accept a request entity in some format (e.g. JSON) as a representation of all available settings. ", "This approach can be observed in the wild in the elasticsearch APIs (e.g. here: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-update-settings.html). ", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "INTRODUCTION {#s1}\n============\n\nThe epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is constitutively activated either by somatic mutations or by overexpression in multiple cancer entities \\[[@R1]\\]. ", "Overexpression of the receptor is associated with reduced overall survival and enhanced metastasis in patients with colorectal (CRC) or head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) \\[[@R1]--[@R3]\\]. ", "Accordingly, the EGFR is attractive for therapeutic targeting by monoclonal antibodies or tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). ", "Large randomized clinical trials have confirmed the efficacy of the anti-EGFR antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab as monotherapy or in combination with chemo- and radiotherapy in patients with CRC and HNSCC \\[[@R4]--[@R10]\\]. ", "The EGFR-TKIs gefitinib, erlotinib and afatinib have dramatically improved therapeutic options for patients with *EGFR*-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) \\[[@R11]--[@R14]\\]. ", "However, primary and acquired resistances to therapies targeting the EGFR are a clinically relevant problem. ", "Aberrant activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) or the phosphatidylinositol 3- kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/AKT) pathway which act downstream of the EGFR is implied in resistance to anti-EGFR therapies. ", "Activation of both pathways may result from (i) oncogenic mutations of signaling mediators or (ii) cross activation by additional growth factor receptors. ", "Several retrospective analyses confirmed that patients with CRC harboring mutations of *Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog* (*KRAS)*, *Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog (NRAS)*, *v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF)* or *phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA)*, or loss of the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), a negative regulator of the PI3K/AKT pathway, associate with reduced response rates to anti-EGFR antibodies \\[[@R9], [@R15]--[@R25]\\]. *", "KRAS* or *PIK3CA* mutations are also negative predictors for efficacy of EGFR-TKI therapy in patients with NSCLC \\[[@R26], [@R27]\\]. ", "Cross activation of EGFR downstream pathways by the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-MET) mediates resistance to EGFR-TKIs and anti-EGFR antibodies in NSCLC and CRC models \\[[@R28], [@R29]\\]. ", "However, the relative impact of the PI3K/AKT and MAPK pathways on resistance to EGFR-targeting therapies is unclear. ", "Extensive cross-talk between the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT pathway has been described \\[[@R30]--[@R32]\\]. ", "Activation of *RAS* by growth factor receptor signaling nor by oncogenic mutation activates the rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma family (RAF) but also PI3K. Extracellular signal--regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2), which act downstream of RAF in the MAPK pathway, can activate the PI3K/AKT pathway at the level of tuberous sclerosis complex 1 and 2 (TSC1 and 2) or mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) \\[[@R31]\\]. ", "In contrast, constitutively activated PI3K/AKT signaling negatively triggers the MAPK pathway by phosphorylation of inhibitory sites of RAF \\[[@R32]\\]. ", "So far the exact molecular mechanisms how activation of these central pathways mediates resistance to anti-EGFR targeted therapy are unclear. ", "Better understanding will help to develop therapeutic strategies that more patients can profit from EGFR-targeting drugs.", "\n\nAgainst this background we established models to study the impact of isolated activation of the MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways on the response to anti-EGFR therapy. ", "In addition we correlated markers of pathway activation in tumor biopsies from patients with mCRC treated at the West German Cancer Center with their response to cetuximab.", "\n\nWe find that isolated activation of MAPK- or AKT-signaling equally mediates resistance to cetuximab *in vitro* and *in vivo*. ", "While conditional activation of RAF-1 upregulated anti-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma-extra large (BCL-XL) and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) proteins conditionally activated AKT stabilized anti-apoptotic myeloid leukemia cell differentiation protein 1 (MCL-1). ", "In tumor samples from patients with mCRC biomarkers of MAPK activation strongly correlated with markers of PI3K/AKT activity, both in *KRAS* wild type and *KRAS*-mutated tumors. ", "Pharmacologic inhibition of the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT cascade was most effective in sensitizing *RAS*-mutated CRC models to anti-EGFR antibody therapy. ", "In conclusion, the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT pathways independently mediate resistance to anti-EGFR therapies.", "\n\nRESULTS {#s2}\n=======\n\nCoactivation of the MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways in *RAS*-mutated CRC {#s2_1}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSomatic *RAS* mutations are negative predictors of the efficacy of anti-EGFR antibodies in patients with mCRC. ", "We have previously shown that oncogenic *RAS* mediates resistance by upregulation and stabilization of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-XL \\[[@R33]\\]. ", "As *RAS* signaling is coupled to the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT pathways we aimed to develop models for functional dissection of the relative contribution of these pathways to the RAS-mediated resistance phenotype of CRC. ", "To this end we stably expressed *HRAS^G12V^* in the EGFR-positive, cetuximab-sensitive cancer cell lines A431 and Difi \\[[@R33]\\]. ", "A431-*HRAS^G12V^*- and Difi-*HRAS^G12V^* cells exhibited higher levels of pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ and pAKT^S473^ than their *RAS^wt^* counterparts (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and data not shown). ", "This indicates co- or cross-activation of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling by oncogenic *RAS*, which is in line with previous observations \\[[@R30]--[@R32]\\].", "\n\n![", "Coactivation of the MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways in *RAS*-mutated EGFR-positive cancer cells\\\n**(A)** A431 cells were retrovirally transduced to stably express the oncogenic *RAS* mutant *HRAS^G12V^*. ", "Constitutive and ligand-induced (EGF 10 ng/ml) phosphorylation of PI3K/AKT and MAPK signal transducers AKT and ERK1/2 in A431-HRAS^G12V^ cells or controls. ", "ACTIN serve as control for equal loading. **(", "B)** A431-*RAS* wild type cells were retrovirally transduced to stably express a ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^- or a myristoylated-AKT/ER^Tam^ (myr-AKT/ER^Tam^) construct. ", "Phosphorylation of RAF-1 was strongly induced in A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells and phosphorylation of myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ was strongly induced in A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells by the addition of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT).](oncotarget-08-45898-g001){#F1}\n\nActivated MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling confers resistance to anti-EGFR targeted therapy {#s2_2}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo dissect the relative contribution of each pathway to resistance against anti-EGFR therapy, we stably expressed a ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^- or a myristoylated-AKT/ER^Tam^ (myr-AKT/ER^Tam^) construct in *RAS* wild type A431 and Difi cancer cell lines. ", "Both transgenes are conditionally activated by addition of hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) \\[[@R34]\\]. ", "Functional transgene expression was confirmed by immunoblot analyses of phosphoepitopes indicating 4-OHT-induced ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^- or myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ activation (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 1](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Due the higher molecular weight of the myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ fusion construct (90kDa) the phosphorylated transgenic protein could be easily separated from endogenous AKT (60kDa). ", "Interestingly, phosphorylation of endogenous RAF-1 was not increased in 4-OHT-treated A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells, and phosphorylation of endogenous AKT was not enhanced in 4-OHT-treated A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells. ", "In fact, phosphorylation of these signaling mediators was rather reciprocally reduced, which might be explained by the activation of negative feedback regulation as suggested by Zimmermann and Moelling \\[[@R35]\\] (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nNext, we incubated both transgenic A431 cell lines with EGF, the monoclonal EGFR-antibody cetuximab, and the combination of both. ", "In the absence of 4-OHT EGF dramatically induced the phosphorylation of EGFR, ERK1/2 and AKT indicating activation of the MAPK- and PI3K/AKT pathways (Figure [2A, 2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, cetuximab reduced the activation of EGFR signaling. ", "When A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells were pre-incubated with 4-OHT markers of MAPK signaling were strongly activated, independently of incubation with EGF or cetuximab (Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In line, 4-OHT pre-incubation of A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells strongly induced markers of PI3K/AKT pathway activation (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Hence, our models were well suited for isolated functional analysis of either MAPK- or AKT-signaling (Figure [2A, 2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ and myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ restores EGFR downstream signaling in cetuximab treated cells\\\nA431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^- **(A)** and A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ **(B)** cells were incubated with 4-OHT, EGF (10 ng/ml) or cetuximab (1 μg/ml). **(", "A)** In the absence of 4-OHT, phosphorylation of EGFR and ERK was strongly induced by EGF. ", "Cetuximab inhibited the ligand induced activation of EGFR downstream signaling. ", "Upon pre-incubation with 4-OHT phosphorylation of ERK1/2 as marker of MAPK signaling was strongly induced, independently of incubation with EGF or cetuximab. **(", "B)** In the absence of 4-OHT, phosphorylation of EGFR and AKT/ER^Tam^ was strongly induced by EGF. ", "Cetuximab inhibited the ligand induced activation of EGFR downstream signaling. ", "Upon pre-incubation with 4-OHT phosphorylation of AKT/ER^Tam^ as marker of PI3K/AKT signaling was strongly induced, independently of incubation with EGF or cetuximab.](oncotarget-08-45898-g002){#F2}\n\nNext, we analyzed the impact of conditional pathway activation on the response to anti-EGFR therapy. ", "In the absence of 4-OHT both clinically approved anti-EGFR antibodies, cetuximab and panitumumab, effectively inhibited proliferation and clonogenic survival of Difi cancer cells *in vitro*. ", "The addition of 4-OHT protected Difi-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^- and Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells against anti-EGFR antibody therapy *in vitro* (Figure [3A, 3B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 2](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Moreover, 4-OHT-activated ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ and myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ protected Difi cells against cetuximab-induced apoptosis (Figure [3C, 3D](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To study the impact of PI3K/AKT or MAPK pathway activation on the response to cetuximab in a host context, tumors were established by subcutaneous injection of A431 and Difi cells expressing the myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ or the ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ construct in non-obese diabetic severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice. ", "Mice were fed with diet with or without tamoxifen for transgene activation *in vivo*. ", "Immunoblot analyses of explanted myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ tumors confirmed activation of myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ in tamoxifen-fed mice (Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Explanted ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ tumors were immunohistochemically stained for pERK1/2. ", "Tumors from tamoxifen-fed mice stained strongly positive for pERK1/2 (mean H-Score 129) compared to explanted tumors from mice without tamoxifen diet (mean H-Score 13, p\\<0.01; Mann-Whitney test) (Figure [4D](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 3A](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "For further analyses of pathway activation by the myr-AKT/ER^TAM^ construct we selected mice bearing Difi tumors as they proved highly responsive to cetuximab *in vivo* \\[[@R33]\\]. ", "NOD/SCID mice bearing palpable flank tumors were fed with or without tamoxifen diet. ", "Two days after the initiation of tamoxifen diet, mice were treated by twice weekly intraperitoneal antibody injections of cetuximab (0.5 mg) or the anti-CD20 control antibody rituximab (1 mg), and tumor development was monitored. ", "Cetuximab induced a dramatic shrinkage of established Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ tumors in mice not receiving tamoxifen diet. ", "When myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ was activated by tamoxifen tumors were significantly protected against cetuximab (Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "No difference in tumor growth was observed between mice fed with or without tamoxifen diet which were treated with the control antibody rituximab (Figure [4C](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To study the impact of pathway activation with the ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ construct *in vivo* we applied an \"adjuvant treatment setting\" and A431 cells as previously published \\[[@R33]\\]. ", "Mice were fed with or without tamoxifen for one week. ", "Intraperitoneal antibody injections with cetuximab or the anti-CD20 control antibody rituximab (1 mg twice weekly) were initiated one day after subcutaneous implantation of A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells. ", "Tumor development and survival were monitored. ", "Cetuximab completely prevented the outgrowth of A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ tumors in NOD/SCID mice fed without tamoxifen diet (Figure [4E](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast all tamoxifen-fed mice developed tumors despite cetuximab treatment, resulting in a dramatically inferior survival (p=0.002, log rank) (Figure [4E](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 3B](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Treatment with the control antibody rituximab failed to prevent development of A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ tumors in mice fed with or without tamoxifen diet. ", "Survival times were short in both groups irrespective of tamoxifen diet (p=0.317, log rank) (Figure [4F](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 3B](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\n![", "Activated MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling confers resistance to anti-EGFR targeted therapy *in vitro*\\\nClonogenic survival of Difi-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ **(A)** and Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ **(B)** cells cultured in the presence of cetuximab with (gray columns) or without (black columns) 4-OHT for 10 days. ", "Mean colony numbers (+ SD) normalized to medium control from three independent experiments are given. **(", "C, D)** Induction of apoptosis by cetuximab in Difi-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ **(C)** and Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells **(D)** with (gray columns) or without (black columns) 4-OHT for 48h. ", "Mean percentages (+ SD) of cells with subgenomic DNA content from three independent experiments are given.](oncotarget-08-45898-g003){#F3}\n\n![", "Activated PI3K/AKT and MAPK signaling protects tumors against anti-EGFR antibody-mediated cytotoxicity *in vivo*\\\n**(A)** Palpable flank tumors were established by subcutaneous injection of A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells in NOD/SCID mice. ", "Tumor-bearing mice were fed with diet with or without tamoxifen for transgene activation *in vivo* for one week. ", "A strong phosphorylation of AKT as marker of PI3K/AKT signaling was detected in protein lysates from explanted tumors by immunoblot analyses. **(", "B, C)** Tumor growth following injection of Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells in NOD/SCID mice fed with (open boxes) or without (closed triangles) tamoxifen. ", "After tumors were palpable (arrow), mice were treated biweekly with intraperitoneal injections of cetuximab (0.5 mg) **(B)** or rituximab (1 mg) **(C)**. ", "Mean bidimensional tumor sizes (+ SD) of 5 mice per group are given. **(", "E, F)** NOD/SCID mice were fed with diet with or without tamoxifen for one week before A431-myr-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells were subcutaneously implanted. ", "The day after the tumor implantation mice were treated biweekly with intraperitoneal injections of cetuximab (1 mg) **(E)** or rituximab (1 mg) **(F)**. ", "Tumor growth in NOD/SCID mice fed with (open boxes) or without (closed triangles) tamoxifen was measured bidimensional twice weekly. ", "Mean bidimensional tumor sizes (+ SD) of 5 mice per group are given. **(", "D)** Palpable flank tumors of mice treated with rituximab were explanted and analyzed by immunhistochemistry. ", "A strong phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was detected in explanted tumors of mice fed with tamoxifen diet.](oncotarget-08-45898-g004){#F4}\n\nIn conclusion, both signaling pathways, MAPK and PI3K/AKT, acting downstream of oncogenic *RAS* confer resistance of cancer cells to anti-EGFR antibody therapy *in vitro* and *in vivo*.", "\n\nActivated MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling upregulates anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins {#s2_3}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRecently, we have shown that oncogenic *RAS* or activation of *RAS* downstream signaling mediates resistance by increased expression of anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins through transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms \\[[@R33], [@R36], [@R37]\\]. ", "BCL-2-type proteins protect against apoptosis by preventing permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane \\[[@R38]\\]. ", "Against this background, we analyzed the expression of the anti-apoptotic BCL-2 family members BCL-2, BCL-XL and MCL-1 in our cancer models with conditional pathway activation. ", "Treating A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells with 4-OHT induced the expression of BCL-XL and BCL-2, but not MCL-1. ", "Blocking protein synthesis with cycloheximide revealed significantly enhanced stability of BCL-XL and BCL-2, suggesting a posttranslational mechanism (Figure [5A](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, 4-OHT treatment of A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^- and Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells had no impact on the expression of BCL-XL or BCL-2, but strongly induced and stabilized MCL-1 (Figure [5B, 5C](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}) \\[[@R36]\\]. ", "Cetuximab decreased the expression of MCL-1 in a time dependent manner, which was delayed by activation of myr-AKT/ER^Tam^. In contrast, no change in BCL-XL levels was seen (Figure [5B, 5C](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Interestingly, basal BCL-2 expression was very low but was strongly induced by the addition of cetuximab in both cell lines. ", "As BCL-2 levels were increased following 4-OHT in the A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ model (Figure [5A](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}), this observation might be explained by AKT-induced compensatory feed-back activation of MAPK signaling (Figure [5B, 5C](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In addition to anti-apoptotic BCL-2 family proteins, programmed cell death is regulated by pro-apoptotic family members. ", "In this process the BH1-2-3 proteins bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer (BAK) and bcl-2-like protein 4 (BAX) are essential mediators of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization \\[[@R38], [@R39]\\]. ", "In line, cetuximab treatment induced the RNA expression of pro-apoptotic *BAK* in A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells in the absence of 4-OHT. ", "This effect was completely abolished by addition of 4-OHT (Figure [5D](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Upregulation of anti-apoptotic BCL2 proteins by activated MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway\\\n**(A)** Expression of BCL-XL, BCL-2 and MCL-1 in A431-ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ cells with or without 4-OHT pre-incubation. ", "To prevent new protein synthesis cells were treated with cycloheximide (CHX, 10 mg/mL) for indicated periods. **(", "B, C)** Expression of BCL-XL, BCL-2 and MCL-1 in A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ **(B)** and Difi-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ **(C)** cells treated with cetuximab (1 μg/ml) for indicated periods. **(", "D)** Relative *BAK* transcript level in A431-myr-AKT/ER^Tam^ cells treated with cetuximab (1 μg/ml) for indicated periods with or without 4-OHT. ", "Expression levels of *BAK* were normalized to the housekeeping gene *beta-ACTIN*. ", "Mean change (+ SD) of *BAK* transcript levels from three independent experiments are given.](oncotarget-08-45898-g005){#F5}\n\nTaken together, conditional activation of RAF-1 signaling increased the expression of anti-apoptotic BCL-XL and BCL-2, whereas activation of AKT signaling stabilized anti-apoptotic MCL-1 and prevented the expression of pro-apoptotic *BAK*. ", "The endpoint of both events is protection of cancer cells to apoptosis executed via the intrinsic pathway of caspase activation \\[[@R39]\\].", "\n\nBiomarkers of MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway activation correlate with outcome in cetuximab-treated colorectal cancer patients {#s2_4}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo corroborate our preclinical findings and to specifically study the impact of activated MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling on cetuximab-based therapy we analyzed a retrospective cohort of mCRC patients. ", "Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) surplus tumor tissue obtained at diagnostic biopsy or resection was available for analysis from 39 patients with histologically confirmed CRC, who had been treated with cetuximab between 2004 and 2007. ", "This cohort is particularly suited to compare the impact of oncogene mutations and biomarkers of pathway activation, as these patients were treated before cetuximab therapy was restricted to patients with *RAS* wild typic tumors \\[[@R9]\\]. ", "Patients' characteristics are summarized in [Supplementary Table 1](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "Tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained for pERK1/2, pAKT and pp70S6K1 as markers of pathway activation, and tumor-derived DNA was analyzed for mutational status of *KRAS* exon 2 and *BRAF* exon 15 by amplicon sequencing.", "\n\n*KRAS* exon 2 mutations were detected in 14 patients (39%), and *BRAF* exon 15 mutations were detected in 3 patients (9%). ", "Almost 50% of tumors stained negatively or only slightly positive for pAKT^S473^ and thus were grouped as low expressers (0+ and 1+). ", "The other 50% of tumors stained moderately or highly positive for pAKT and were grouped as high expressers (2+ and 3+) ([Supplementary Table 2](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [Supplementary Figure 4](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Inhomogeneous staining patterns were detected for pERK1/2 and p-Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1 (pp70S6K1). ", "Thus, the absolute numbers of IHC-positive cells were counted instead of categorizing into low and high expressers. ", "Samples were subsequently dichotomized according to IHC-positive cell counts below and above the median of the entire population (≤median; \\>median) ([Supplementary Table 2](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [Supplementary Figure 4](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "As expected detection of pAKT correlated with pp70S6K1 positivity as both proteins are activated by canonical PI3K/AKT signaling (Table [1A](#T1A){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In addition, a positive correlation was observed between pERK1/2 and pAKT positivity, and between pERK1/2 and pp70S6K1. ", "This is in line with cross- or co-activation of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling in human CRC (Table [1A](#T1A){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Interestingly, this co-activation was equally observed in samples with wild-typic and mutated *KRAS* (exon 2) (Table [1B](#T1B){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "As additional mutations in *KRAS* exons 3 and 4 and *NRAS* exon 2 to 4 are observed in mCRC and were described as negative predictors for the efficacy of anti-EGFR antibodies, we reanalyzed residual samples for these additional mutations. ", "In 23 out of 39 samples the \"*all RAS* and *BRAF\"* mutational analyses was feasible, and in total 17 *RAS* or *BRAF* mutations were detected. ", "The baseline characteristics of these 23 comprehensively analyzed patients were similar to the entire population (data not shown). ", "Similar overall correlations between pAKT, pp70S6K1 and pERK positivity were observed in this subpopulation ([Supplementary Table 3A](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "However, this was entirely carried by the subgroup of patients with mCRC mutated in *RAS* or *BRAF* ([Supplementary Table 3B](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\n###### Study population (N=39)\n\n All pts pAKT^S473^ low pAKT^S473^ high pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ ≤ median pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\> median\n ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------\n **pp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median** 13 8 18 3\n **pp70S6K1^T389^ \\> median** 6 12 3 15\n p = 0.075, chi-square;odds ratio (95% CI): 3.250 (0.870-12.137) p \\< 0.0001, chi-square;odds ratio (95% CI): 30.000 (5.261-171.062) \n **pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ ≤ median** 14 7 \n **pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\> median** 5 13 \n p = 0.015, chi-square;odds ratio (95% CI): 5.200 (1.317-20.539) \n\n###### *KRAS* exon 2 population (N=36)\n\n *KRAS wt* *KRAS mut* *KRAS wt* *KRAS mut* \n --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---\n **pERK1/2^T202/Y204^≤ median** 7 3 9 0 8 2 5 4\n **pERK1/2^T202/Y204^\\> median** 2 10 1 4 4 8 0 5\n p = 0.011, chi-square;odds ratio (95% CI): 11.667 (1.527-89.121) p = 0.001, chi-square;odds ratio (95% CI): 5.000 (0.866-28.861)^1^ p = 0.029, chi-square; odds ratio (95% CI): 8.000 (1.127-56.793) p = 0.038, chi-square;odds ratio (95% CI): 0.444 (0.214-0.923)^2^ \n\n^1^For pp70S6K1^T389^ ≤ median cohort; ^2^for pAKT^S473^ high cohort.", "\n\nTo validate these findings a second, independent cohort of 88 mCRC patients was immunohistochemically analyzed for expression of pAKT, pERK1/2, pp70S6K1 and the phosphatase PTEN, a negative regulator of the PI3K/AKT pathway. ", "An independent scoring system (H-Score) was applied, and biomarker positivity was correlated with the mutational status of *KRAS*, *NRAS*, *BRAF* and *PIK3CA* ([Supplementary Tables 4A, 4B](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Positive correlation between markers of MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway activation was observed, which confirmed the findings obtained in the first patient cohort (Table [2A](#T2A){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In this validation cohort, *RAS* mutations were detected in 33% of patients, which associated with positivity for pERK1/2 as biomarker for MAPK pathway activation (Table [2B](#T2B){ref-type=\"table\"}). *", "PI3KCA* mutations were found in 8% of patients which strongly correlated with positivity for pAKT and pp70S6K as biomarkers for PI3K/AKT pathway activation (Table [2B](#T2B){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### Marker correlation\n\n All pts pAKT^S473^ pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ pp70S6K1^T389^ PTEN^loss^\n ------------------------ ------------ -------------------- ---------------- ------------\n **pp70S6K1^T389^** \n  p-value\\* 0.015^\\#^ 0.020^\\#^ n.a. ", " 0.018^\\#^\n **pERK1/2^T202/Y204^** \n  p-value\\* 0.207 n.a. ", " 0.020^\\#^ 0.012^\\#^\n **pAKT^S473^** \n  p-value\\* n.a. ", " 0.207 0.015^\\#^ 0.121^\\#^\n\nn.a.: ", "not applicable; \\*Spearman-rho; ^\\#^significance p \\< 0.05\n\n###### *RAS*, *BRAF*, *PIK3CA* and marker correlation\n\n pAKT^S473^ pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ pp70S6K1^T389^ PTEN^loss^\n --------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------- ------------\n **All *RAS* mutation^1^** \n  p-value\\* 0.340 0.035^\\#^ 0.175 0.168\n ***BRAF* mutation^2^** \n  p-value\\* 0.406 0.161 0.219 0.275\n **all *RAS* or *BRAF* mutation^1,2^** \n  p-value\\* 0.392 0.111 0.097^§^ 0.109\n ***PIK3CA* mutation^3^** \n  p-value\\* 0.001\\* 0.055^§^ 0.496 0.214\n\nn.a.: ", "not applicable; ^1^KRAS exon 2-4, NRAS exon 2-4; ^2^BRAF exon 15; ^3^*PIK3CA* exon 10 and 21; \\*Spearman-Rho; ^\\#^denotes significance (p \\< 0.05); §trend (p \\< 0.1).", "\n\nBiomarkers of MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway activation negatively predict response to cetuximab in patients with mCRC {#s2_5}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nNext, we correlated *KRAS* and *BRAF* mutation status and markers of downstream pathway activation with the clinical outcome of cetuximab-based therapy (Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Supplementary Table 3C-3F](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} for \"*all RAS/BRAF\"* cohort). ", "Patients with *KRAS* exon 2 wild-typic and \"all *RAS\"* wild-typic tumors, respectively, had a numerically higher ORR (Table [4A](#T4A){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Supplementary Table 3D](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Formal statistical significance was not established due to the limited sample size. ", "Interestingly, neither median Progression free survival (PFS) nor median Overall survival (OS) differed between patients with *KRAS* exon 2 wild-typic or \"*all RAS\"* wild-typic and mutated tumors (Table [4B](#T4B){ref-type=\"table\"}, [4C](#T4C){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Supplementary Table 3E, 3F](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "No patient with a *BRAF*-mutated tumor objectively responded to cetuximab-based therapy. ", "Median PFS was significantly reduced whereas median OS did not differ (Table [4A](#T4A){ref-type=\"table\"}--[4C](#T4C){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Supplementary Table 3E, 3F](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Patients with tumors staining low for pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ had better ORR, longer median PFS and longer median OS as compared to patients with high pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ staining (Table [4A](#T4A){ref-type=\"table\"}--[4C](#T4C){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Supplementary Table 3D-3F](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This finding was reproducible when patients were grouped by *KRAS exon 2/BRAF or \"all RAS/BRAF\"* mutational status. ", "However, formal statistical significance was not established in the \"*all RAS\"* population due to limited sample size. ", "Also, ORR of patients with low staining for pAKT or pp70S6K1 was higher than in patients with high staining for these biomarkers of AKT pathway activation, but PFS did not differ (Table [4A](#T4A){ref-type=\"table\"}, [4B](#T4B){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Supplementary Table 3D-3F](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The OS was numerically longer in patients with low pAKT or pp70S6K1 staining (Table [4C](#T4C){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Supplementary Table 3F](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [Supplementary Figure 5](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "In summary, these findings in mCRC patients support the negative predictive value of biomarkers of MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway activation for response to cetuximab-based therapy.", "\n\n###### Efficacy data (study population; N=39)\n\n N \\%\n ------------------------------------ ------------------------ ----\n ORR 7 18\n  CR 0 0\n  PR 7 18\n  SD 22 56\n  PD 10 26\n Median PFS 3.5 months (1.9-10.1) \n Median OS since start of cetuximab 11.1 months (1.9-74.0) \n\n###### ORR\n\n Marker ORR (%) Odds ratio (95% CI) p-value\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------- ---------\n All patients 18 \n *KRAS wt* vs *mut*\\* 22 vs 14 1.7 (0.2-10.6) 0.43\n *BRAF wt* vs *mut*^\\#^ 19 vs 0 0.7 (0.1-8.2) 0.54\n pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 29 vs 6 6.8 (0.7-63.1) 0.07\n pAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 31 vs 5 8.7 (0.9-81.9) 0.04\n pp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 23 vs 11 2.5 (0.4-14.8) 0.27\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 40 vs 14 4.0 (0.3-40.1) 0.25\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 22 vs 0 2.1 (1.2-3.7) 0.16\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 40 vs 14 4.0 (0.3-47.1) 0.25\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 33 vs 0 3.8 (1.6-8.7) 0.04\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 43 vs 20 3.0 (0.3-25.9) 0.31\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 17 vs 0 1.5 (1.0-2.1) 0.33\n\n\\*exon 2; ^\\#^exon 15.", "\n\n![", "Clinical outcome of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab in combination with irinotecan in relation to pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ expression\\\nKaplan-Meier plot of overall survival (OS) from start of treatment with cetuximab in combination with irinotecan of patients with mCRC with immunohistochemical pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ stainig intensity below (dashed line) or above median (solid line). ", "Patients with tumors stained for pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ below the median demonstrated a prolonged OS (13.0 vs. 9.8 months, HR 2.7; 95% CI 1.3-5.6); p \\< 0.01 log rank).](oncotarget-08-45898-g006){#F6}\n\n###### PFS\n\n Marker Median PFS (months) HR (95% CI) p-value(log rank)\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- -------------------\n All patients 3.5 \n *KRAS wt* vs *mut*\\* 3.5 vs 4.0 0.8 (0.4-1.6) 0.58\n *BRAF wt* vs *mut*^\\#^ 3.5 vs 1.4 4.2 (1.1-15.7) 0.03\n pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 4.0 vs 3.1 1.8 (0.9-3.6) 0.09\n pAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 3.5 vs 4.1 0.7 (0.4-1.4) 0.32\n pp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 3.5 vs 3.7 0.9 (0.5-1.8) 0.91\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 3.6 vs 3.0 1.9 (0.7-5.5) 0.22\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 4.0 vs 2.5 1.7 (0.6-4.7) 0.31\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 3.0 vs 5.0 0.9 (0.3-2.4) 0.76\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 4.0 vs 3.3 0.8 (0.3-2.4) 0.67\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 3.5 vs 4.1 1.0 (0.4-2.7) 0.97\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpp70S6K1^T389^ \\<median vs \\> median 3.5 vs 2.8 0.9 (0.3-2.8) 0.89\n\n\\*exon 2; ^\\#^exon 15.", "\n\n###### OS\n\n Marker Median OS (months) HR (95% CI) p-value(log rank)\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------\n All patients 11.1 \n *KRAS wt* vs *mut*\\* 11.3 vs 10.6 0.8 (0.4-1.6) 0.55\n *BRAF wt* vs *mut*^\\#^ 10.2 vs 10.8 1.5 (0.5-5.2) 0.51\n pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 13.0 vs 9.8 2.7 (1.3-5.6) \\<0.01\n pAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 12.2 vs 10.4 1.5 (0.8-2.9) 0.22\n pp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 11.1 vs 10.4 1.2 (0.6-2.3) 0.52\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 19.6 vs 6.1 4.2 (1.2-15.1) 0.02\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpERK1/2^T202/Y204^ \\< median vs \\> median 11.5 vs 7.8 3.2 (1.0-9.9) 0.03\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 14.7 vs 9.5 2.0 (0.7-6.0) 0.20\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpAKT^S473^ 0+/1+ vs 2+/3+ 10.2 vs 10.8 1.0 (0.4-2.8) 0.97\n *KRAS wt/BRAF wt* andpp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 19.6 vs 9.5 1.4 (0.5-4.0) 0.50\n *KRAS mut*\\* or *BRAF mut^\\#^* andpp70S6K1^T389^ \\< median vs \\> median 10.8 vs 7.8 1.9 (0.6-5.9) 0.25\n\n\\*exon 2; ^\\#^exon 15.", "\n\nCombined pharmacologic targeting of MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways resensitizes EGFR-positive cancer cells to anti-EGFR therapies {#s2_6}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIt is expected that rational combination of signaling inhibitors may delay or circumvent resistance, which is frequently encountered with targeted mono-therapies. ", "This is exemplified by the recent approval of combined *BRAF* and MEK inhibition for therapy of patients with metastatic *BRAF*-mutated malignant melanoma \\[[@R40]--[@R43]\\]. ", "In *BRAF*-mutated mCRC the rational use of *BRAF* inhibitors in combination with anti-EGFR targeting drugs has shown promising efficacy in preclinical models and in early clinical trials \\[[@R44]--[@R46]\\]. ", "To explore whether combined MAPK and/or PI3K/AKT pathway inhibition would overcome *RAS*-mediated resistance to cetuximab we studied Difi-*HRAS^G12V^* cells and HCT116 cells, which harbor an endogenous *KRAS exon 2* mutation and an additional *PIK3CA exon 20* mutation. ", "First, we tested the combination of cetuximab with the MEK inhibitor U0126 in Difi-*HRAS^G12V^* cells. ", "U0126 inhibited the constitutive as well as EGF-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2, whereas cetuximab did not inhibit ERK1/2 phosphorylation ([Supplementary Figure 6](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "In line, cetuximab only marginally inhibited the proliferation of Difi-*HRAS^G12V^* cells. ", "In contrast, U0126 strongly suppressed the proliferation of Difi-*HRAS^G12V^* cells. ", "The combination of U0126 and cetuximab acted synergistically and completely inhibited proliferation of Difi-*HRAS^G12V^* cells (Figure [7A](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Combined pharmacologic targeting of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling resensitizes EGFR positive cells to anti-EGFR therapies\\\n**(A)** Proliferation of Difi-HRAS^G12V^ cells grown in the presence of cetuximab (100 ng/ml), the MEK inhibitor U0126 (1 μM) or in combination. ", "Mean values (± SD) of three independent MTT assays. **(", "B)** Immunoblot analysis of HCT116 which harbors an endogenous *KRAS exon 2* and an additional *PIK3CA exon 20* mutation treated with cetuximab (20 μg/ml), the PI3K inhibitor Ly294002 (10 μM), the MEK inhibitor U0126 (1 μM) and in combination. ", "Inhibition of constitutive phosphorylation of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signal transducers ERK1/2 and p70S6 by the pharmacological inhibitors Ly294002 and U0126, respectively. **(", "C)** Proliferation of HCT116 cells grown in the presence of cetuximab (20 μg/ml), the PI3K inhibitor Ly294002 (10 μM), the MEK inhibitor U0126 (1 μM) and in combination. ", "Mean values (± SD) of three independent MTT assays. **(", "D)** Fraction of apoptotic HCT116 cells with subgenomic DNA content (sub-G1) following treatment with cetuximab (20 μg/ml\\], Ly294002 (15 μM), U0126 (1 μM) and in combination (mean ± SD of three independent experiments).](oncotarget-08-45898-g007){#F7}\n\nNext, we combined inhibitors of PI3K (Ly294002) and MEK (U0126) in the HCT116 model. ", "HCT116 cells exhibit phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p70S6K1 ribosomal protein, indicating constitutive activation of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling (Figure [7B](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Treatment with cetuximab only slightly inhibited the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and S6 ribosomal protein. ", "Ly294002 markedly inhibited the phosphorylation of S6 ribosomal protein whereas phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was induced, arguing for compensatory feed-back activation. ", "Treatment with U0126 completely prevented ERK1/2 phosphorylation. ", "Treatment of HCT116 cells with cetuximab or the PI3K inhibitor Ly294002 alone failed to inhibit proliferation, while the MEK inhibitor U0126 had some anti-proliferative activity (Figure [7C](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Interestingly the combination of Ly294002 with U0126 or the combination of one of the inhibitors with cetuximab dramatically reduced cell proliferation. ", "The combination of all three compounds had the strongest effect with a nearly complete inhibition of proliferation. ", "Neither treatment with cetuximab, Ly294002 or U0126 alone nor the combination of cetuximab with one of the inhibitors induced apoptosis in HCT116 cells (Figure [7D](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, the combination of Ly294002 and U0126 markedly induced apoptosis. ", "This effect could be further enhanced by the addition of cetuximab.", "\n\nIn conclusion, our preclinical and clinical data provide a strong argument to combine inhibitors of the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT pathways to overcome resistance to cetuximab in *RAS*-mutated colorectal cancer.", "\n\nDISCUSSION {#s3}\n==========\n\nThe monoclonal anti-EGFR antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab are effective as monotherapy or in combination with chemotherapy in patients with mCRC \\[[@R4]--[@R6], [@R9], [@R10]\\]. ", "In addition cetuximab is also approved in combination with radiotherapy for patients with locally advanced HNSCC ineligible for platinum based chemotherapy or in combination with platinum in the recurrent or metastatic setting \\[[@R7], [@R8]\\]. ", "However, not all patients respond to this targeted therapy or acquire resistance. ", "In patients with mCRC activating mutations of the *RAS, BRAF and PIK3CA* oncogenes have been identified as key predictors of primary resistance in comprehensive biomarker-analyses of large clinical trials \\[[@R9], [@R15]--[@R25]\\]. ", "Additional aberrations associated with resistance to anti-EGFR antibody therapy in mCRC comprise amongst others amplification, mutations or overexpression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and HER3, the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-MET), the platelet-derived growth factor receptor A (PDGFRA) and the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) \\[[@R55], [@R56]\\]. ", "While these biomarkers which can be readily assessed in tumor biopsies indicate a clinical resistance phenotype, the actual mechanisms how resistance is mediated is less well defined. ", "Current thinking implies deregulated intracellular signal transduction pathways as the main effectors of primary and acquired resistance to anti-EGFR antibody therapy. ", "In particular the MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways, which are activated by most growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases, are considered. ", "However, these pathways do not act in linear, monodirectional ways but are closely interconnected with each other and additional signaling pathways. ", "Hence, a clinical resistance phenotype has to be appreciated as the output of a complex interplay of external and internal signaling cues that are integrated by the cancer cell. ", "Further understanding of such cross-talk and the exact molecular mechanisms how pathway activation mediates resistance is necessary to develop more precise therapeutic strategies breaking resistance to anti-EGFR antibodies.", "\n\nUsing transgenic expression of conditionally activatable activators of canonical MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling we here demonstrate *in vitro* and in relevant *in vivo* models that either pathway is independently capable of mediating resistance to EGFR blockade. ", "However, enforced expression of *RAS* mutants simultaneously activates both pathways, which is in line with cross-activation as previously described \\[[@R30]--[@R32]\\]. ", "The clinical relevance of this observation is supported by our biomarker study of two independent cohorts of patients with mCRC, which revealed a strong correlation between markers of signal transduction pathway activation in primary tumor samples. ", "Interestingly, an association of positivity for biomarkers of activated MAPK or PI3K/AKT signaling with lower likelihood of response to cetuximab and reduced overall survival from start of cetuximab treatment was found in patients with mCRC that was independent of the *RAS* or *BRAF* mutational status. ", "This observation underscores the importance of pathway activation as mechanistic basis of resistance, which may result from somatic mutations or *RAS* or *BRAF* proto-oncogenes but also other causes. ", "In the light of the limited sample size of our two clinical cohorts, these findings, however, require validation in larger, independent cohorts of patients with mCRC treated with anti-EGFR antibodies.", "\n\nConceptually our findings may have implications on therapeutic strategies to overcome resistance to cetuximab or panitumumab. ", "In our preclinical models combined pharmacological modulation of the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT pathway by specific small molecule inhibitors sensitized *RAS*-mutated cancers to cetuximab. ", "Clinical translation of these findings may be challenging with the toxicities of currently available inhibitors of MEK and PI3K. However, novel compounds specifically targeting ERK and specific subtypes of the RAF and PI3K kinases effective combination therapies may become clinically feasible \\[[@R59], 60\\]\n\nDeregulated growth factor signaling frequently impacts on the regulation of apoptotic cells death. ", "In particular, high expression of anti-apoptotic proteins of the BLC-2 family is observed over several cancer entities, which is in line with our present findings in cancer models. ", "Activation of the MAPK pathway resulted in stabilization of BCL-XL and BCL-2, whereas activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway resulted in an induction of MCL-1. ", "We have previously identified BCL-XL upregulation as a main effector in preventing *RAS* mutant CRC cell lines from anti-EGFR antibody induced apoptosis, and in CD20-positive B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (B-NHL) cells from rituximab-induced apoptosis \\[[@R33], [@R57]\\]. ", "MCL-1 was previously identified by our group and others as mediator of resistance against cytotoxic drugs in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) but also against antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cells in solid tumor models \\[[@R36], [@R58]\\]. ", "Mechanistically, these BCL-2 type proteins inhibit apoptosis by binding of the pro-apoptotic proteins BAX and BAK to prevent permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane and subsequent caspase activation \\[[@R38], [@R39]\\]. ", "In our most sensitive cancer models cetuximab induced apoptosis *in vitro* and shrinkage of established tumors *in vivo*. ", "Interestingly, this associated with cetuximab-induced downregulation of MCL-1 and transcriptional induction of pro-apoptotic BAK, and both events were prevented by conditional activation of AKT signaling. ", "We previously demonstrated that modulation of BCL-2 type proteins by pharmacological inhibitors or by siRNA sensitized tumor cells to different therapeutic strategies including cytotoxic drugs, immunotherapies and monoclonal antibodies \\[[@R33], [@R36], [@R57], [@R58]\\]. ", "Thus, these molecular effectors of treatment resistance mediated by aberrant MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway activation are additional targets of interest strategies to improve EGFR-directed therapies.", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS {#s4}\n=====================\n\nCell lines and reagents {#s4_1}\n-----------------------\n\nThe human EGFR-positive cancer cell lines A431 and the colorectal cancer cells HCT116 harboring an endogenous *KRAS exon 2* and a *PIK3CA exon 20* mutation were obtained from DSMZ (Braunschweig, Germany). ", "Difi cells were obtained from R. Coffey (Nashville, Tennessee). ", "All cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, PAA, Coelbe, Germany), L-glutamine, penicillin and streptomycin (Invitrogen, Frankfurt, Germany). ", "Stable expression of *KRAS*^G12V^ or *HRAS^G12V^* was achieved by retroviral transduction as described previously \\[[@R47]\\]. ", "The myristoylated-AKT/ER^Tam^ (myr-AKT/ER^Tam^) construct kindly provided by J. Downward cloned into the retroviral vector plasmid pQCxIP (Clonetech) and the ΔRAF-1/ER^Tam^ construct subcloned into the retroviral pBabePuro vector kindly provided by S. Cook were stably expressed as described previously \\[[@R36]\\]. ", "Clinical grade cetuximab (Erbitux, Merck Serono, Darmstadt, Germany) and rituximab (Mabthera, Roche, Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany) were purchased from the pharmacy of the University Hospital Essen; U0126, Ly294002, 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) were purchased from Sigma (Deisenhofen, Germany).", "\n\nThe following primary antibodies were used for immunoblotting following standard protocols: AKT1/2 (H-136), BCL-2 (C2) (all from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA), phospho-ERK1/2^T204Y204^, ERK1/2, phospho-AKT^S473^, BCL-XL (54H6), EGFR, phospho-EGFR^Y1068^, phospho-S6 ribosomal protein (all from Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA), actin (C4, ICN, Irvine, CA), MCL-1 (Epitomics, Burlingame, CA).", "\n\nGene expression analysis {#s4_2}\n------------------------\n\nFor RNA expression analysis, total RNA was isolated (High Pure RNA Isolation Kit, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and reversely transcribed into cDNA (Transcription High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) following the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Quantitative RT-PCR analysis was performed on a LC480 instrument using SYBR Green 1 Master chemistry (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and primers for human *BAK*: 5′-AACCGACGCTATGACT-3′, 5′-TCGTACCACAAACTGGC-3′ and human *A*CTIN: 5′-TCA GCT GTG GGG TCC TGT-3′, 5′-GAA GGG ACA GGC AGT GAG-3′ as previously described \\[[@R33]\\].", "\n\nAnimal models {#s4_3}\n-------------\n\nAll animal studies were conducted in compliance with institutional guidelines and German Animal Protection Law, and were approved by the responsible regulatory authority (Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen, Az. ", "G969/08). ", "NOD/SCID mice (Charles River Laboratories, France) received single subcutaneous flank injections of 2×10^6^ A431 or 1×10^7^ Difi cells suspended in 200 μl saline. ", "Tamoxifen rodent diet (400 mg/kg) was obtained by Harlan Teklad (Teklad CRD Tam 400/CreER, irradiation by 21 kGy/min). ", "Animals were monitored for tumor development twice weekly, and tumor growth was bidimensionally quantified using a caliper. ", "Antibodies were dissolved in 200 μl saline and administered as biweekly intraperitoneal injections. ", "Protein lysates of representative tumors were prepared as described previously and analyzed by Immunoblotting \\[[@R36]\\]. ", "After mice were scarified, tumors were explanted and fixed over night in 4% formalin. ", "Sections were subjected to hematoxilin & eosin staining and immunohistochemical analyses following diagnostic protocols of the Institute of Pathology. ", "The pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ staining was categorized according to the H-Score as described previously \\[[@R53]\\]. ", "For statistical analysis, the Mann-Whitney test was used.", "\n\nCellular assays {#s4_4}\n---------------\n\nFor clonogenic survival analysis, 5×10^3^ A431 or Difi cells were seeded in 6-well plates in the presence of the indicated antibodies or pharmacological inhibitors. ", "Following incubation for 7 to 14 days colonies were fixed with ethanol (70% v/v) for 30 minutes, stained with Coomassie brilliant blue and automatically counted using an Infinity-100 System and the Vision Capt software (Vilber Lourmat, Eberhardzell, Germany). ", "Proliferation was quantified by means of the MTT assay according to the manufacturer\\'s instruction (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). ", "Apoptosis was quantified by flow cytometric determination of cells with subgenomic DNA content following hypotonic lysis and staining with propidium iodide as previously described \\[[@R44]\\]. ", "All results were obtained from at least three independent experiments.", "\n\nAnalysis of primary tumor samples {#s4_5}\n---------------------------------\n\nClinical data and surplus tumor specimens were retrieved from 39 patients with metastatic CRC. ", "All patients were heavily pretreated and had a documented disease progression before initiation of irinotecan based chemotherapy. ", "Subsequently, patients were switched to irinotecan in combination with cetuximab as established by the phase III \"Bond\"-trial \\[[@R4]\\]. ", "All patients except two received irinotecan and cetuximab on a weekly schedule, whereas two patients received irinotecan every three weeks and cetuximab weekly. ", "Baseline characteristics are summarized in [Supplementary Table 1](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "Overall response rate (ORR) was determined by RECIST 1.1 \\[[@R48]\\]. ", "Differences between the groups were calculated using the chi-square test and odds ratios (OD). ", "Progression free survival (PFS) was defined as time from start of irinotecan and cetuximab to progressive disease or death, overall survival (OS) was defined as time from start of therapy to death. ", "For statistical analyses, univariate Cox proportional hazards and log rank tests were used. ", "Tissue microarrays were prepared from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples. ", "Sections were subjected to hematoxilin & eosin staining and immunohistochemical analyses following diagnostic protocols of the Institute of Pathology. ", "The pAKT^S473^ staining was categorized into negative (0+), weak (1+), moderate (2+) and strong (3+) \\[[@R49]\\]. ", "For the quantification of pERK1/2^T202/Y204^ and pp70S6K1^T389^ positive cells were counted due to an inhomogeneous staining pattern \\[[@R50], [@R51]\\]. ", "An independent scoring system according to the H-Score was used to analyze pERK1/2^T202/Y204^, pAKT^S473^ and pp70S6K1^T389^ staining of the second patient cohort with newly diagnosed metastatic colorectal cancer as described previously \\[[@R53]\\]. ", "In addition the immunhistochemical expression of PTEN was analyzed as described \\[[@R52]\\]. ", "Baseline characteristics of the second cohort are summarized in [Supplementary Table 4A](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\nFor statistical analysis, chi-square test was used. ", "Tumor DNA was isolated from FFPE tumor sections following microdissection. *", "KRAS* and *BRAF* mutation status was determined in the patient cohort treated with cetuximab and irinotecan by PCR amplification of the relevant exons followed by Sanger sequencing as described previously \\[[@R52]\\]. ", "DNA from patients without *KRAS Exon 2* or *BRAF* mutations and DNA from the second patient cohort were analyzed by a 15-gene/62-exon panel read including exon 2-4 of *KRAS* and *NRAS*, Exon 15 of *BRAF* and exon 10 and 21 of *PIK3CA* on the MiSeq platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA) as described \\[[@R52]\\]. ", "All studies of patient data or samples were approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of the University Duisburg-Essen (AZ.: ", "05-2882).", "\n\nSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FIGURES AND TABLES {#s5}\n==========================================\n\nWe thank Sabine Harde and the staff of the Central Animal Facility, and the Pathology and Molecular Pathology Laboratories, University Hospital Essen, for their support. ", "This work was funded by grants from the Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung (2005.136.3, M.S.), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SCHU 1541/5-1, M.S.), the \"Stiftung Kopf-Hals Tumor\" (S.K.), Mercator Research Center Ruhr-MERCUR (An-2011-0031, S.K.) and the IFORES program of the Medical Faculty of the University Duisburg-Essen (M.S.). ", "The West German Cancer Center at University Hospital Essen is supported by an Oncology Center of Excellence grant of the Deutsche Krebshilfe (number 110534).", "\n\n**Author contributions**\n\nStudy design: SK, SB, TT, FB, MS. ", "Data Acquisition: SK, HR, SZ, SN, AM, MG, LP, ST, SW, AE, KW, MP, MW. ", "Analysis and data interpretation: SK, HR, AM, AE, MG, KW, MW, JM, AP, KWS, FN, MS. ", "Material support: AP, KWS. ", "Manuscript writing: SK, MS. ", "Critical revision of the manuscript: SK, FB, SN, SW, MS.", "\n\n**CONFLICTS OF INTEREST**\n\nStefan Kasper has served as consultant and received speakers' honoraria from Amgen, Bayer, BMS, Celgene, Lilly, Merck, MSD, Roche and Sanofi. ", "Johannes Meiler has served as consultant and received speakers' honoraria from Novartis, Sanofi, Amgen and SOBI. ", "Martin Schuler has served as consultant to AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene, Lilly, Novartis, Roche, and his institution has received research grants from Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Novartis; Tanja Trarbach has received research funding, consulting and speaker honoraria from Merck and Amgen.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "*v**2 - 1064*v - 784.", "\n-2*(v - 14)**2*(v + 1)*(v + 2)\nDetermine y, given that 750141*y**3 - 35721*y**2 + 567*y - 3 = 0.", "\n1/63\nWhat is h in -7*h**5/3 + 59*h**4/3 - 22*h**3 - 38*h**2/3 + 73*h/3 - 7 = 0?", "\n-1, 3/7, 1, 7\nSuppose -4*l**4/5 - 72*l**3/5 + 76*l**2/5 = 0. ", "Calculate l.\n-19, 0, 1\nFactor -2*z**4 + 468*z**3 - 21186*z**2 - 724464*z - 4792608.", "\n-2*(z - 129)**2*(z + 12)**2\nDetermine u so that 3*u**3 + 192*u**2 - 1473*u + 1278 = 0.", "\n-71, 1, 6\nLet 3*o**2 + 3768*o + 1183152 = 0. ", "What is o?", "\n-628\nLet 5*l**5 + 95*l**4 - 10*l**3 - 190*l**2 + 5*l + 95 = 0. ", "Calculate l.\n-19, -1, 1\nFactor -4*r**3 - 28*r**2 + 4*r + 28.", "\n-4*(r - 1)*(r + 1)*(r + 7)\nSolve -w**5/4 + 35*w**3/4 - 45*w**2/2 + 14*w = 0 for w.\n-7, 0, 1, 2, 4\nFactor -2*h**4/7 - 492*h**3/7 - 31218*h**2/7 - 117128*h/7.", "\n-2*h*(h + 4)*(h + 121)**2/7\nFactor -x**5/6 + 2*x**4/3 - x**3 + 2*x**2/3 - x/6.", "\n-x*(x - 1)**4/6\nFactor -44*l**3 - 128*l**2 + 412*l - 240.", "\n-4*(l - 1)*(l + 5)*(11*l - 12)\nSuppose -2*j**2/13 + 12612*j/13 - 19882818/13 = 0. ", "What is j?", "\n3153\nFactor 2*z**5 - 2*z**4 - 84*z**3.", "\n2*z**3*(z - 7)*(z + 6)\nDetermine j, given that -4*j**5 - 78*j**4 - 236*j**3 + 498*j**2 - 180*j = 0.", "\n-15, -6, 0, 1/2, 1\nSolve 9*b**2 - 3945*b + 1314 = 0.", "\n1/3, 438\nFind s such that 2*s**2/5 - 14*s/5 - 588/5 = 0.", "\n-14, 21\nSolve -30*s**4 + 987*s**3 + 120*s**2 - 699*s + 198 = 0 for s.\n-1, 2/5, 1/2, 33\nFind i such that -3*i**3 - 1119*i**2 - 106005*i - 308025 = 0.", "\n-185, -3\nFind h, given that -10*h**4/3 - 22*h**3/3 + 76*h**2/3 + 16*h/3 = 0.", "\n-4, -1/5, 0, 2\nDetermine n so that 8*n**5 + 180*n**4 + 852*n**3 - 2008*n**2 - 1536*n + 1152 = 0.", "\n-12, -1, 1/2, 2\nFactor 5*n**5 - 30*n**4 + 65*n**3 - 60*n**2 + 20*n.", "\n5*n*(n - 2)**2*(n - 1)**2\nFactor -3*b**3/8 - 9*b**2/8 + 3*b/8 + 9/8.", "\n-3*(b - 1)*(b + 1)*(b + 3)/8\nSuppose -2*b**4 + 46*b**3 - 44*b**2 = 0. ", "What is b?", "\n0, 1, 22\nFactor -405*k**2 - 11160*k - 76880.", "\n-5*(9*k + 124)**2\nFactor -147*z**2 + 900*z - 108.", "\n-3*(z - 6)*(49*z - 6)\nDetermine h so that -h**2/5 - 138*h/5 = 0.", "\n-138, 0\nFind u such that -2*u**4 + 330*u**3 - 970*u**2 - 330*u + 972 = 0.", "\n-1, 1, 3, 162\nSuppose 4*q**2 - 1216*q - 1220 = 0. ", "What is q?", "\n-1, 305\nSuppose -4*k**2 - 108*k - 440 = 0. ", "Calculate k.\n-22, -5\nDetermine p, given that -p**3 + 22*p**2 - 105*p = 0.", "\n0, 7, 15\nSuppose 10*c**3 + 1795*c**2/2 + 1335*c/2 = 0. ", "What is c?", "\n-89, -3/4, 0\nSuppose -2*a**2/3 - 62*a/3 + 44 = 0. ", "What is a?", "\n-33, 2\nLet j**3/4 - 12*j**2 + 45*j/4 + 47/2 = 0. ", "What is j?", "\n-1, 2, 47\nFactor 4*b**3/5 - 1504*b**2/5 - 2448*b - 18432/5.", "\n4*(b - 384)*(b + 2)*(b + 6)/5\nFactor 576*t**2 + 480*t + 100.", "\n4*(12*t + 5)**2\nFind q such that 10*q**5/7 - 594*q**4/7 - 1604*q**3/7 - 72*q**2 + 496*q/7 = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 0, 2/5, 62\nFactor -2*y**3 - 94*y**2 - 510*y - 738.", "\n-2*(y + 3)**2*(y + 41)\nFactor -2*k**3/9 - 8*k**2/9 - 10*k/9 - 4/9.", "\n-2*(k + 1)**2*(k + 2)/9\nFactor -3*h**2/4 - 135*h/4 - 33.", "\n-3*(h + 1)*(h + 44)/4\nDetermine r, given that 2*r**3/5 + 102*r**2/5 + 270*r + 250 = 0.", "\n-25, -1\nFactor -4*b**4 - 16*b**3 + 20*b**2.", "\n-4*b**2*(b - 1)*(b + 5)\nLet 4*h**5 - 12*h**3 + 8*h**2 = 0. ", "What is h?", "\n-2, 0, 1\nFactor h**2/9 - 275*h/3 - 276.", "\n(h - 828)*(h + 3)/9\nFind u, given that -2*u**3/7 - 90*u**2/7 + 96*u/7 + 184/7 = 0.", "\n-46, -1, 2\nLet 98*p**3/15 - 350*p**2/3 + 482*p/5 - 102/5 = 0. ", "Calculate p.\n3/7, 17\nSolve 3*o**5 + 96*o**4 + 159*o**3 - 618*o**2 + 360*o = 0.", "\n-30, -4, 0, 1\nSuppose 2*r**4 + 162*r**3 - 164*r**2 = 0. ", "What is r?", "\n-82, 0, 1\nFactor -d**3 + 63*d**2.", "\n-d**2*(d - 63)\nSolve 3*i**4/7 - 75*i**3/7 + 204*i**2/7 - 132*i/7 = 0 for i.\n0, 1, 2, 22\nSuppose 4*l**4/3 + 4*l**3/3 - 12*l**2 - 12*l = 0. ", "What is l?", "\n-3, -1, 0, 3\nSolve 6*a**4/7 - 990*a**3/7 + 55404*a**2/7 - 157464*a + 2834352/7 = 0 for a.\n3, 54\nDetermine d, given that 3*d**3/5 - 6*d**2 - 81*d/5 + 108/5 = 0.", "\n-3, 1, 12\nFactor -4*m**2/5 + 8*m + 44/5.", "\n-4*(m - 11)*(m + 1)/5\nLet -3*q**4 - 91*q**3 - 28*q**2 + 60*q = 0. ", "What is q?", "\n-30, -1, 0, 2/3\nLet -6*o**3 - 2*o**2 + 340*o - 224 = 0. ", "Calculate o.\n-8, 2/3, 7\nSolve -d**3/2 + 11*d**2/2 - 12*d - 18 = 0.", "\n-1, 6\nFind i such that -3*i**2/5 + 3*i/5 + 6/5 = 0.", "\n-1, 2\nWhat is h in 4*h**2 + 744*h - 1504 = 0?", "\n-188, 2\nLet 4*h**5 - 110*h**4 + 526*h**3 - 956*h**2 + 712*h - 176 = 0. ", "Calculate h.\n1/2, 1, 2, 22\nFactor a**2/4 - 8*a + 15.", "\n(a - 30)*(a - 2)/4\nFind o, given that 5*o**3 - 1120*o**2 + 2225*o - 1110 = 0.", "\n1, 222\nFactor 3*l**2 - 45*l + 42.", "\n3*(l - 14)*(l - 1)\nFind w, given that 2*w**4 + 120*w**3 + 348*w**2 + 344*w + 114 = 0.", "\n-57, -1\nSolve 686*q**5/17 + 32144*q**4/17 + 58086*q**3/17 + 2012*q**2 + 488*q + 720/17 = 0 for q.\n-45, -1, -2/7\nFactor -53*d**3/4 - 319*d**2/2 - 483*d - 18.", "\n-(d + 6)**2*(53*d + 2)/4\nFactor 7*d**4/8 - 3*d**3/2 - 25*d**2/8 - 3*d/4.", "\nd*(d - 3)*(d + 1)*(7*d + 2)/8\nFind l such that l**5 - 4*l**4 - l**3 + 4*l**2 = 0.", "\n-1, 0, 1, 4\nFactor v**4/6 + v**3/2 - v**2/6 - v/2.", "\nv*(v - 1)*(v + 1)*(v + 3)/6\nSolve 2*h**3 - 2*h = 0 for h.\n-1, 0, 1\nLet -5*q**4 + 10*q**3 + 35*q**2 - 40*q - 60 = 0. ", "Calculate q.\n-2, -1, 2, 3\nLet 2*w**2 + 82*w + 296 = 0. ", "What is w?", "\n-37, -4\nFactor -p**2 + 1128*p - 318096.", "\n-(p - 564)**2\nFactor -3*c**4 - 24*c**3 - 21*c**2.", "\n-3*c**2*(c + 1)*(c + 7)\nFactor -12*j**3 + 136*j**2 + 268*j - 104.", "\n-4*(j - 13)*(j + 2)*(3*j - 1)\nSolve -2*k**4/5 - 392*k**3/5 + 566*k**2 - 2436*k/5 = 0.", "\n-203, 0, 1, 6\nLet -2*y**3/7 - 2*y**2 - 22*y/7 - 10/7 = 0. ", "Calculate y.\n-5, -1\nSuppose -4*m**5/3 - 92*m**4/3 - 760*m**3/3 - 2632*m**2/3 - 3332*m/3 - 1372/3 = 0. ", "What is m?", "\n-7, -1\nSuppose -28*h**4/3 + 134*h**3/9 - 4*h**2/3 - 14*h/3 + 4/9 = 0. ", "Calculate h.\n-1/2, 2/21, 1\nLet -2*q**4/5 - 82*q**3/5 - 418*q**2/5 + 82*q/5 + 84 = 0. ", "What is q?", "\n-35, -6, -1, 1\nFind i, given that -3*i**2/4 + 57*i - 1083 = 0.", "\n38\nFind q such that -14*q**4/5 - 24*q**3/5 + 22*q**2/5 + 24*q/5 - 8/5 = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 2/7, 1\nFactor -x**2 - 8*x - 16.", "\n-(x + 4)**2\nSolve 4*p**3/3 + 272*p**2/3 - 2468*p/3 - 912 = 0 for p.\n-76, -1, 9\nFactor 2*l**3 + 384*l**2 + 18042*l - 37636.", "\n2*(l - 2)*(l + 97)**2\nSuppose -2*v**2/9 + 58*v/9 - 52/3 = 0. ", "Calculate v.\n3, 26\nSolve -15*k**3 + 130*k**2 + 640*k - 480 = 0.", "\n-4, 2/3, 12\nSuppose 5*u**5 - 5*u**4 - 25*u**3 + 25*u**2 + 20*u - 20 = 0. ", "What is u?", "\n-2, -1, 1, 2\nSuppose -5*o**2 + 30*o - 45 = 0. ", "Calculate o.\n3\nSolve -2*q**5/5 + 4*q**4/5 + 4*q**3/5 - 8*q**2/5 - 2*q/5 + 4/5 = 0.", "\n-1, 1, 2\nFactor 2*i**3 - 6*i - 4.", "\n2*(i - 2)*(i + 1)**2\nFind z such that 81*z**5 + 2916*z**4 + 2862*z**3 + 948*z**2 + 105*z = 0.", "\n-35, -1/3, 0\nSolve m**2/2 + 49*m/4 + 6 = 0.", "\n-24, -1/2\nFactor -4*h**2/5 - 84*h/5 + 88/5.", "\n-4*(h - 1)*(h + 22)/5\nDetermine y, given that y**2/11 - 18*y - 199/11 = 0.", "\n-1, 199\nDetermine o so that -2*o**2/15 + 68*o/5 - 1734/5 = 0.", "\n51\nDetermine m so that -2*m**3 - 36*m**2 + 1134*m - 5832 = 0.", "\n-36, 9\nLet -14*c**3/5 - 118*c**2/5 - 216*c/5 - 72/5 = 0. ", "Calculate c.\n-6, -2, -3/7\nDetermine n, given that -6*n**5 + 116*n**4 - 2168*n**3/3 + 1776*n**2 - 1536*n + 1280/3 = 0.", "\n2/3, 4, 10\nFactor 4*n**4 - 8*n**3 - 16*n**2 + 32*n.", "\n4*n*(n - 2)**2*(n + 2)\nWhat is t in 10*t**5 + 55*t**4 + 85*t**3 - 10*t**2 - 100*t - 40 = 0?", "\n-2, -1/2, 1\nSuppose 2*n**2 - 798*n + 1588 = 0. ", "Calculate n.\n2, 397\nLet -49*j**2 + 966*j - 4761 = 0. ", "What is j?", "\n69/7\nFactor -3*q**4 + 3*q**3 + 36*q**2 - 84*q + 48.", "\n-3*(q - 2)**2*(q - 1)*(q + 4)\nFactor s**2/5 + 149*s/5.", "\ns*(s + 149)/5\nFactor 4*j**2 + 176*j + 640.", "\n4*(j + 4)*(j + 40)\nFactor s**2 + 78*s - 79.", "\n(s - 1)*(s + 79)\nFactor -2*p**4/9 - 4*p**3/9.", "\n-2*p**3*(p + 2)/9\nFactor 2*o**4/5 - 16*o**3/5 - 2*o**2/5 + 16*o/5.", "\n2*o*(o - 8)*(o - 1)*(o + 1)/5\nSuppose 2*h**5/17 - 26*h**4/17 + 108*h**3/17 - 188*h**2/17 + 146*h/17 - 42/17 = 0. ", "Calculate h.\n1, 3, 7\nWhat is h in 4*h**2/3 - 20*h - 64/3 = 0?", "\n-1, 16\nDetermine o, given that 2*o**4 + 8*o**3 - 14*o**2 - 20*o = 0.", "\n-5, -1, 0, 2\nSuppose -r**5/3 + 2*r**4/3 + 2*r**3/3 - 4*r**2/3 - r/3 + 2/3 = 0. ", "Calculate r.\n-1, 1, 2\nSolve -t**3/2 + 7*t**2/2 + 4*t = 0 for t.\n-1, 0, 8\nFactor -186*r**3 + 3*r**2 + 744*r - 12.", "\n-3*(r - 2)*(r + 2)*(62*r - 1)\nSolve 5*l**3 + 25*l**2 - 160*l + 180 = 0.", "\n-9, 2\nFactor z**4 + 13*z**3 - z**2 - 13*z.", "\nz*(z - 1)*(z + 1)*(z + 13)\nFind i, given that -2*i**2 + 572*i + 1734 = 0.", "\n-3, 289\nSuppose j**5/4 + 13*j**4/2 + 15*j**3 - 101*j**2/2 + 115*j/4 = 0. ", "What is j?", "\n-23, -5, 0, 1\nSolve -4*l**5 + 452*l**4 = 0.", "\n0, 113\nSolve 100*y**4/9 - 280*y**3/9 + 196*y**2/9 = 0 for y.\n0, 7/5\nWhat is a in -5*a**3 - 625*a**2 - 19840*a - 19220 = 0?", "\n-62, -1\nFind y such that 2*y**2 - 332*y - 334 = 0.", "\n-1, 167\nFactor 4*y**2 - 1116*y" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.008547008547008548, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.025, 0.008130081300813009, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.0125, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.03225806451612903 ]
[ "477 F.2d 164\n73-1 USTC P 9369\nJOHN R. THOMPSON CO., ", "Plaintiff-Appellant,v.UNITED STATES of America, Defendant-Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "72-1076.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Seventh Circuit.", "\nArgued Jan. 25, 1973.Decided April 20, 1973.", "\n\nWilliam A. Cromartie, Chicago, Ill., for plaintiff-appellant.", "\nJames R. Thompson, U. S. Atty., ", "William T. Huyck, Asst. ", "U. S. Atty., ", "Chicago, Ill., Scott P. Crampton, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., James H. Bozarth, Atty., ", "Tax Division, Dept. ", "of Justice, Washington, D. C., for defendant-appellee.", "\nBefore HASTINGS, Senior Circuit Judge, and KILEY and PELL, Circuit Judges.", "\nHASTINGS, Senior Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nPlaintiff John R. Thompson Co. is a corporate restaurateur. ", " The present appeal involves its 1959 federal income tax liability, but plaintiff's dispute with the United States centers on events which occurred in 1962. ", " As well as owning other restaurants and restaurant chains, plaintiff owned and operated Henrici's Restaurant on West Randolph Street in Chicago's Loop area. ", " A salient feature of this restaurant's Victorian decor and flavor was the presence on its walls of 42 oil paintings, engravings and prints, most of which dated from the nineteenth century. ", " Plaintiff purchased these works of art in 1929 as part of the transaction by which it acquired the restaurant. ", " The paintings had been collected by the restaurant's previous owners for over twenty years prior to the transaction, and they were used continuously after their initial acquisition to decorate the restaurant's walls.", "\n\n\n2\nThe City of Chicago condemned plaintiff's leasehold interest in the restaurant premises in 1962, preparatory to erecting the Chicago Civic Center on the site, and plaintiff was forced to close the restaurant. ", " It is plaintiff's contention that the condemnation and resultant forced closing of the restaurant in 1962 caused it to suffer a loss because of the decline in value of the collection of paintings occasioned thereby. ", " Plaintiff alleges that, since the paintings had been utilized in the operation of its trade or business, the loss could be taken under one or the other of Secs. ", "165(a) and 167 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. ", " Of necessity, plaintiff's contention must be regarded as being in the alternative because Sec. ", "165(a), nondepreciable property, and Sec. ", "167, depreciable property, are mutually exclusive.", "\n\n\n3\nPlaintiff's 1962 income tax return showed a consolidated net operating loss, which plaintiff used as a net operating loss carryback to 1959, pursuant to Sec. ", "172 of the Code. ", " Part of the 1962 net operating loss was the loss plaintiff claimed on the paintings. ", " On plaintiff's application under Sec. ", "6411 of the Code, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue allowed a tentative carryback adjustment and made a 1959 income tax refund to plaintiff. ", " Thereafter, following an audit of plaintiff's 1962 return, the Commissioner disallowed the loss for the paintings, adjusted the 1962 net operating loss accordingly and asserted a deficiency for 1959. ", " Plaintiff paid the deficiency assessment and then filed a claim for refund with the District Director of Internal Revenue in Chicago, pursuant to Treas.", "Reg. ", "Sec. ", "301.6402-2(a)(2). ", " The claim was disallowed.1 Plaintiff brought this action against the United States to enforce its claim for refund and, ultimately, to vindicate its alleged right to take a 1962 loss deduction on the paintings. ", " The district court, which had jurisdiction of the action under 28 U.S.C.A. Sec. ", "1346(a)(1), held that plaintiff did not experience a loss in 1962 under either of the claimed sections of the Code. ", " The court entered judgment for the United States, D.C., 338 F.Supp. ", "770 (1971), and we affirm.", "\n\n\n4\nSection 165(a) of the Code provides a deduction from income for \"any loss sustained during the taxable year and not compensated for by insurance or otherwise.\" ", " It has been stipulated that plaintiff was not insured against its \"loss\" on the paintings and that it made no claim for compensation for such a loss as part of the condemnation award. ", " A Treasury regulation defines the nature of the loss allowable under Sec. ", "165(a):\n\n\n5\n\"To be allowable as a deduction under section 165(a), a loss must be evidenced by closed and completed transactions, fixed by identifiable events, and * * * actually sustained during the taxable year. ", " Only a bona fide loss is allowable. ", " Substance and not mere form shall govern in determining a deductible loss.\" ", " Treas.", "Reg. ", "Sec. ", "1.165-1(b).", "\n\n\n6\nPlaintiff contends that its alleged loss is further governed by Treas.", "Reg. ", "Sec. ", "1.165-2(a):\n\n\n7\n\"A loss incurred in a business or in a transaction entered into for profit and arising from the sudden termination of the usefulness in such business or transaction of any nondepreciable property, in a case where such business or transaction is discontinued or where such property is permanently discarded from use therein, shall be allowed as a deduction under section 165(a) for the taxable year in which the loss is actually sustained. ", " For this purpose, the taxable year in which the loss is sustained is not necessarily the taxable year in which the overt act of abandonment, or the loss of title to the property occurs.\"", "\n\n\n8\nThe record in this case consists solely of the pleadings, a stipulation by the parties with attached exhibits and the depositions of two of plaintiff's former employees. \"", "Since the evidence in this case is all either documentary or in the form of physical exhibits, we are in as good a position as the trial court to examine it and determine for ourselves\" the facts of this case. \"", "Under these circumstances 'the findings of the District Court are deprived of the degree of finality which would otherwise attach under Rule 52 [, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 28, U.S.C.A.].\"' ", "Kiwi Coders Corp. v. Acro Tool & Die Works, 7 Cir., ", "250 F.2d 562, 568 (1957), quoting (in part) Steiner v. Mitchell, 6 Cir., ", "215 F.2d 171, 175 (1954), aff'd 350 U.S. 247, 76 S.Ct. ", "330, 100 L.Ed. ", "267 (1956). ", " Our independent examination of the record leads us to two basic conclusions. ", " (1) As a matter of law, plaintiff's alleged loss in 1962 could not have been as great as it claims; the measure of loss for which it contends is wholly unsupportable. ", " (2) As to that part of the alleged loss which plaintiff may, in fact, have sustained in 1962, there has been a failure of proof. ", " Since the burden is on the taxpayer to prove the deductibility of the loss it claims,2 plaintiff cannot prevail.", "\n\n\n9\nIn 1929, plaintiff paid $184,699 for the paintings in issue. ", " In 1962, their value in the art market was appraised at $44,150. ", " Plaintiff would deduct the entire $140,549 difference between these two sums as a 1962 loss. ", " Under no tenable theory was this entire amount a \"loss incurred in a business,\" as required by Treas.", "Reg. ", "Sec. ", "1.165-2(a), supra. ", " Some part of the difference between 1929 purchase price and 1962 appraisal value may be attributable to a decline in the popularity of these paintings among the art-buying public. ", " Plaintiff would have suffered this portion of the loss regardless of whether the paintings were hanging in the restaurant, in an art gallery or elsewhere. ", " The mere fact that an art owner chooses to display his collection in his place of business, for whatever reason, does not transform a loss incurred in the art market into a loss incurred in the business. ", " Cf. ", "A.R.R. 4530, II-2 Cum.", "Bull. ", "145 (1923), superseded by Rev.Rul. ", "68-232, 1968-1 Cum.", "Bull. ", "79. ", " The phrase \"incurred in a business\" in the regulation cited above describes the manner of incurrence, not the place of incurrence. ", " Furthermore, plaintiff has presented no evidence that the portion of the loss attributable to the decline in art market value was \"actually sustained during the taxable year\" 1962, as required by Treas.", "Reg. ", "Sec. ", "1.165-1(b), supra. ", " Since the value of the paintings in the art market may have continued to fluctuate during 1962, 1963 and 1964, while plaintiff held the paintings, no reason is apparent why this case should not come under the general rule3 that fluctuations in the value of property are not recognized as gains or losses until \"closed and completed transactions, fixed by identifiable events,\" occur. ", " Treas. ", "Reg. ", "Sec. ", "1.165-1(b), supra. ", " In this case, we find no transaction prior to the 1964 sale of the paintings which caused plaintiff to realize a loss on the art market value of the paintings.", "\n\n\n10\nOver and above their value in the art market, the paintings had an additional (and not inconsequential) value because of their use in plaintiff's restaurant. ", " This is clear from the 1971 deposition testimony of plaintiff's former president and of the restaurant's former manager. ", " It is also clear that this additional value was a factor in the price plaintiff paid for the paintings in 1929. ", " As such, its \"basis\" is ascertainable by subtracting the 1929 art market value of the paintings from the $184,699 purchase price. ", " Unlike the loss in art market value for which plaintiff claimed a 1962 deduction, which we have held was barred as a matter of law, it is entirely possible that plaintiff suffered a 1962 loss on this additional value. ", " Such a loss, if it occurred, would have been incurred by plaintiff \"in a business,\" for reasons having no connection with the art market, but dependent wholly upon the fortunes of plaintiff's business.", "\n\n\n11\nWhatever the possibilities, we must agree with the district court that plaintiff failed to prove such loss in additional value. ", " Plaintiff's most telling failure was in not proving that a \"closed and completed transaction\" occurred in 1962, \"fixed by [an] identifiable event.\" ", " Although the condemnation forced plaintiff to close the restaurant on August 15 of that year, a strong inference remains in the record that the usefulness of the paintings in plaintiff's business did not terminate on that date and that the paintings were not \"permanently discarded from use\" at that time. ", " On the contrary, plaintiff considered reestablishing the restaurant, with the identical decor, at some other location in the Loop. ", " As an alternative, it also considered trying to recreate the restaurant's atmosphere, by means including the use of the paintings, at one of the twelve other restaurants it owned and operated under the Henrici's name. ", " Thus, in response to the question why plaintiff did not eventually move the restaurant to another location within the Loop, plaintiff's former president answered:\n\n\n12\n\"Well, frankly, because we couldn't find a location we liked and, particularly, the size of the room was very very important. ", " To get that size room, the rent would have been almost prohibitive. ", " So, after spending quite a little time looking over the various possibilities around the Loop, why, we finally give up.\"", "\n\n\n13\nThe restaurant's former manager, when asked what his position had been with respect to relocation of the restaurant within the Loop, answered to the same effect:\n\n\n14\n\"Well, in the first place, the square footage there was so much more than you could get in another building. ", " This was one of the main stumbling blocks. ", " In other words, there are many locations that became available, but most of the square footage that was offered was not adequate to take and to duplicate the Original Henrici's.\"", "\n\n\n15\nFinally, the former manager was asked, with respect to other restaurants plaintiff owned, \"[D]id you consider the possibility of using any of these paintings from the Randolph Street location?\" ", " He replied:\n\n\n16\n\"Well, we would have liked to have done it, yes. ", " It would have been advantageous, particularly, at Oak Brook and O'Hare, where we made some effort to duplicate the Henrici's. ", " In fact, trying to capture the Victorian type era that we discussed previously.", "\n\n\n17\n\"It would have been very advantageous, certainly, to have been able to transport these particular operations, because they were in the same general location, and Oak Brook and O'Hare caters to many of the same customers who are still customers of ours.\"", "\n\n\n18\nA further indication of plaintiff's intentions is found in a newspaper article attached to the parties' stipulation as Exhibit 5. ", "The article bears the date of August 9, 1962, six days before the restaurant closed. ", " Short excerpts follow:\n\n\n19\n\"Chicago's new $76,000,000 Civic Center will rise on the site by 1965. ", " A spokesman for Henrici's said this week 'it is likely' that the restaurant will reappear in the Civic Center, but no contract has yet been signed.", "\n\n\n20\n******\n\n\n21\n* * *\n\n\n22\n\"Some of that flavorful Gay '90s decor will be salvaged before the Loop restaurant is abandoned to the wreckers. ", " To be saved are the familiar 11 1/2 foot grandfather's clock, woodwork, some lighting fixtures, plaster wall disks and about 35 oil paintings, including the one of Niagara Falls that decorates the wall behind the cashier.", "\n\n\n23\n\"These objects will be saved for future use in the new Henrici's in the Loop.\"", "\n\n\n24\nTo overcome the inference created by this evidence, plaintiff relies on a single sentence in the parties' stipulation: \"From the time of the condemnation in 1962, until October 18, 1964 [the date the paintings were sold at auction], plaintiff held the paintings for disposition in the most profitable (or least unprofitable, as the case may be) manner possible.\" ", " Bearing in mind that plaintiff had the burden of proof in this matter, this sentence standing alone does not carry conviction that by August 15, 1962, plaintiff had abandoned all intention of using the paintings elsewhere within its corporate restaurant business. \"", "Disposition,\" as used in the stipulation, fails to overcome the impression created by the other evidence that, until it reached a specific decision at some unknown time before October 1964 to sell the paintings at auction, plaintiff had among its options the continued use of the paintings elsewhere within its business. ", " Continued use of the paintings within its business might have turned out to be the \"most profitable\" disposition plaintiff could make of the paintings. ", " The condemnation and forced closing of the West Randolph Street restaurant would not then have been the \"closed and completed transaction\" required by the regulations. ", " Likewise, the ultimate corporate decision to sell the paintings at auction has not been \"fixed by [an] identifiable event\" as having occurred in 1962. ", " For these reasons, plaintiff has failed to prove its right to a 1962 loss deduction on the additional value of the paintings under Sec. ", "165(a) of the Code.", "\n\n\n25\nPlaintiff's claim under Sec. ", "167 gives us no difficulty. ", " The loss deduction allowed under that section of the Code is for depreciable property only. ", " Except to the extent that they are subject to physical decay (and the parties have stipulated that the physical condition of the paintings in 1962 was \"not significantly different from their condition at the time the paintings were acquired in 1929\"), works of art are not depreciable. ", " The district court dealt with this question more than adequately, and we adopt that portion of its opinion which discusses plaintiff's claim under Sec. ", "167. ", "338 F.Supp. ", "at 777-779.", "\n\n\n26\nUnderlying the present dispute is another disagreement between the parties as to the character of the paintings for tax purposes. ", " Are they business assets, which give rise to fully deductible ordinary losses? ", " Or are they capital assets, which give rise to capital losses deductible only to the extent provided in Secs. ", "1211 and 1212 of the Code? ", " Since we affirm the district court's decision denying plaintiff a 1962 loss deduction, we have no occasion to characterize the paintings in these terms or to determine the nature of the deduction plaintiff may claim in the year, if any, in which it proves its loss. ", " We express no view on the merits of this underlying dispute.", "\n\n\n27\nFor the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court is affirmed.", "\n\n\n28\nAffirmed.", "\n\n\n29\nPELL, Circuit Judge (dissenting).", "\n\n\n30\nThe only issue presented on this appeal is whether the appellant sustained a loss in 1962 deductible from ordinary income on its income tax under either Sec. ", "165(a) or Sec. ", "167 of the Internal Revenue Code. ", " The holding of the majority opinion is that it did not. ", " I respectfully dissent.", "\n\n\n31\nWhile the paintings were not sold until 1964, in my opinion the loss was sustained when the taxpayer's unique restaurant business on Randolph Street, Chicago, was permanently closed by virtue of condemnation.", "\n\n\n32\nLooking at Treasury Regulation Sec. ", "1.165-2(a) it appears to me that a \"loss [was] incurred in a business . . . ", "and arising from the sudden termination of the usefulness in such business . . . ", "of . . . ", "nondepreciable property, in a case where such business . . . ", "is discontinued [and] where such property is permanently discarded from use therein . . . .\" ", "In such a case the Regulation provides that the loss shall be allowed as a deduction under Sec. ", "165(a) for the taxable year in which the loss was actually sustained.", "\n\n\n33\nUnder Treasury Regulation Sec. ", "1.165-1(b), the loss was evidenced by the closed and completed transaction of the restaurant doors being permanently and irrevocably closed by the identifiable event of the condemnation. ", " I do not conceive there could have been a viable contrary argument if the sale of the paintings had occurred immediately; however, the hope, and it was at most only that, that this traditional Loop restaurant, almost an institution, might once again engage in business was foreclosed by economic facts of life, all of which were in existence and applicable in 1962, irrespective of whether completely recognized by that human characteristic which \"springs eternal.\" ", " The death knell was sounded in 1962 and any subsequent tolling was merely a corroborative requiem.", "\n\n\n34\nAlthough I do not conceive that it was necessary for the ultimate holding in the majority opinion, a part of that opinion is devoted to the necessity for allocating some part of the total dollar figures involved between paintings as art objects and paintings as an essential part of the decor of the restaurant. ", " I did not understand that the Government made any such contention and certainly the taxpayer did not. ", " In candor, I do not follow the line of reasoning in this part of the majority opinion. ", " Any nondepreciable property utilized exclusively in connection with a business may have separate intrinsic value. ", " But if X dollars are paid for such property on acquisition, that would appear to me to be the cost basis under the Code, and if at the time of the loss, here assumed arguendo, the fair market value is X-Y dollars, I fail to conceive why the loss (Y dollars) was not incurred in a business, where the property was used exclusively in the business, irrespective of an identifiable, separate intrinsic value of the property.", "\n\n\n35\nThe majority opinion adverts to an underlying dispute as to whether the paintings were business or capital assets. ", " The differentiation has a substantial tax impact. ", " I entertain a sneaking suspicion that if the paintings had sold for a substantially greater sum than their cost the parties would have been equally vigorous in their disagreement, but supporting the opposite views to those presently entertained. ", " Such seems to be the course of tax litigation.", "\n\n\n36\nBeing of the opinion that the loss was final and irrevocable in 1962, 5 Mertens, Law of Federal Income Taxation Sec. ", "28.15, I have recorded this dissent.", "\n\n\n\n1\n By the operation of Sec. ", "6511 of the Code, the claim was only partially timely. ", " As to the timely portion of the claim, however, the filing of the claim fulfilled the requirements of Sec. ", "7422 of the Code\n\n\n2\n Landerman v. Commissioner, 7 Cir., ", "454 F.2d 338, 341 (1971), cert. ", "denied, 406 U.S. 967, 92 S.Ct. ", "2411, 32 L.Ed.2d 666 (1972)\n\n\n3\n See United States v. S. S. White Dental Mfg. ", "Co., 274 U.S. 398, 401, 47 S.Ct. ", "598, 71 L.Ed. ", "1120 (1927). ", " See also Hort v. Commissioner, 313 U.S. 28, 33, 61 S.Ct. ", "757, 85 L.Ed. ", "1168 (1941); Weiss v. Wiener, 279 U.S. 333, 335, 49 S.Ct. ", "337, 73 L.Ed. ", "720 (1929)\n\n\n" ]
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[ "INFINITE’s agency Woollim Entertainment revealed Sunggyu’s handwritten letter on September 10. ", "Sunggyu enlisted on May 14. ", "Before enlisting, he released a special live album “SHINE” for his fans. ", "He is currently playing the role of Ji Chung Chun in the military musical “Shinheung Military Academy.”", "\n\nHis letter read as follows:\n\n“Hello INSPIRIT! ", "This is Sunggyu.", "\n\nI am well. ", "Your letters gave me strength in the training camp.", "\n\nSo I decided to write a reply.", "\n\nThank you so much for loving the live album.", "\n\nThank you so much for supporting “Shinheung Military Academy.”", "\n\nYou guys really are the reason for my strength.", "\n\nI’ll do my best during the rest of my military service. ", "Please be healthy and well. ", "^^\n\nDon’t forget me. ", "Salute!", "\n\nI’ll be back!!", "\n\nFrom Kim Sunggyu.”", "\n\nDon’t forget to check out Sunggyu’s latest song!", "\n\nSource (1) (2)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to find this grammar in CNF\n\nI need help solve the grammar to CNF : S->SS|(S)|e \nI looked at the steps for getting it to CNF but my problem is How to solve it for a grammar with () coz the grammar becomes illegal\nAnyone. ", "\n\nA:\n\nthis should be an equivalent grammar in CNF:\nS -> SS|CB|e\nA -> (\nB -> )\nC -> AS\n\nEdit: for the grammar S -> SS|(S)|ε\nfirst step in CNF is to remove ε (simplified to remove redundant rules)\nS -> SS|S|(S)|()\n\nnext step is to remove unit productions. ", "in this case you only have one production rule so we can just drop the UP since it would just add redundant rules.", "\nS -> SS|(S)|()\n\nfinal step is to add production rules to adhere to CNF (single terminal or exactly 2 variables):\nS -> SS|CB|AB\nA -> (\nB -> )\nC -> AS\n\nremember that CNF removes 'ε' from the language generated by the grammer. ", "otherwise the grammar is equivalent to the original.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "using System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Text;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\nusing Microsoft.", "OfficeProPlus.", "Downloader.", "Model;\nusing Microsoft.", "OfficeProPlus.", "InstallGenerator.", "Model;\nusing Microsoft.", "Win32;\n\nnamespace Microsoft.", "OfficeProPlus.", "InstallGenerator.", "Implementation\n{\n class OfficeRemotePowershellInstallManager : IManageOfficeInstall\n {\n public Task<OfficeInstallation> CheckForOfficeInstallAsync()\n {\n throw new NotImplementedException();\n }\n\n public Task<string> GenerateConfigXml()\n {\n throw new NotImplementedException();\n }\n\n public Task<string> GetOfficeLatestVersion(string branch, OfficeEdition edition)\n {\n throw new NotImplementedException();\n }\n\n public string GetRegistryValue(RegistryKey regKey, string property)\n {\n throw new NotImplementedException();\n }\n\n public void UninstallOffice(string installVer = \"2016\")\n {\n throw new NotImplementedException();\n }\n\n public Task UpdateOffice()\n {\n throw new NotImplementedException();\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Leafleting is a common intervention in farmed animal advocacy that is carried out by many organizations. ", "In 2015, Vegan Outreach alone reported distributing close to 3 million leaflets,1 most of which were handed out on college campuses.2 In order to evaluate the effectiveness of leafleting, ACE completed an intervention report on leafleting in 2014. ", "However, the quickly growing field of animal advocacy research—as well as a decline in our confidence regarding the findings from some of the previously cited studies—gave us good reason to believe that the 2014 report no longer accurately reflected the state of the evidence regarding leafleting, nor our current views on it.3 In fact, since December 2016 we’ve noted that it was a mistake to wait as long as we did to update our 2014 leafleting intervention report and to fail to provide sufficient disclaimers in the meantime.", "\n\nWe have now published an updated leafleting intervention report, which incorporates a variety of methods not used in our previous report and reaches quite different conclusions. ", "In particular, based on a meta-analysis combining data from several studies on the short-term effects of leafleting, we conclude that those trials don’t provide clear evidence that leafleting decreases recipients’ animal product consumption in the first few months after distribution. ", "In fact, the results suggest leafleting is about as likely—or perhaps even more likely—to actually cause increases in animal product consumption during this time period. ", "Other evidence4 also supports the conclusion that leafleting is probably less effective than some other promising farmed animal advocacy interventions.", "\n\nThis updated report improves on our previous leafleting report by including, among other things:\n\nA more systematic literature search\n\nA detailed assessment of the various risks of bias in the most pertinent animal advocacy studies of leafleting\n\nA meta-analysis and in-depth discussion of the limitations of those key animal advocacy studies\n\nA greater discussion of relevant historical evidence and literature from the social sciences\n\nThe incorporation of model uncertainty and a Bayesian prior in our cost-effectiveness estimates\n\nInformation from multiple case studies, as well as interviews with advocates who have a considerable amount of experience with leafleting\n\nAn input and some outputs from the the meta-analysis that seem noteworthy are:\n\nEach of the six randomized controlled field trials included in the meta-analysis was judged to have at least one domain in which the risk of bias was substantial enough to limit our confidence in its results.", "\n\nThe 95% confidence interval for each of the summary estimates from the meta-analysis overlaps with a point estimate of an effect size of zero. ", "By following the conventionally applied frequentist framework of statistical inference, we would fail to reject the null hypothesis in all cases. ", "In other words, we would not reject the hypotheses that leaflets have no impact on consumption of any of the particular animal products included in the meta-analysis (namely red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy).", "\n\nIn most cases, the meta-analysis estimates of change in animal product consumption suggest that leaflets are more likely to cause increases in animal product consumption than decreases in animal product consumption. ", "We think these results support the case that leaflets are likely not very effective; however, we do not think they should be taken as robust estimates of the effects of leafleting.", "\n\nWhile the meta-analysis completed in the report was crucial for evaluating the evidence from the particularly relevant field trials and had a large impact on the report overall, it certainly wasn’t the only source of relevant information in the report. ", "Some other points from the updated report that seem noteworthy are:\n\nIf leaflets do have a significant favorable effect on short-term diet changes, then it seems that there is reason to expect that online ads would be more cost-effective than leaflets.", "\n\nIt is unclear to us just how large a role leaflets have played in social movements where they have been employed. ", "Our limited impression is that relevant Researchers generally don’t seem to think that leaflets played a large role in most social movements, and that leaflets have not been widely considered as an essential part of any other contemporary social movement’s recent work.", "\n\nOur cost-effectiveness estimate for leafleting, which is highly uncertain and should be interpreted carefully, had 90% subjective confidence intervals of a decrease in supply of 3 to an increase in supply of 10 farmed animals and a corresponding change of -2 to 2 farmed animal years per dollar spent on leafleting.", "\n\nReaders are encouraged to refer to the full report to further understand ACE’s current views and reasoning about the effectiveness of leafleting." ]
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[ "Prosecutors say a 28-year-old German-Russian citizen has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the bomb attack against a bus carrying members of the Borussia Dortmund football team.", "\n\nA Dortmund player and a policeman were injured in the triple blasts last week as the bus was heading to the stadium for a match against AS Monaco.", "\n\nInvestigators found notes at the scene claiming responsibility in the name of Islamic extremists, but quickly doubted their authenticity.", "\n\nFederal prosecutors said in a statement that the suspect, identified only as Sergej W, was arrested Friday in the Tuebingen area. ", "They say the man is suspected of having acted for financial reasons and had speculated on Dortmund’s share value dropping after the attack." ]
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[ "Spatial patterns and predictors of trophic control in marine ecosystems.", "\nA key question in ecology is under which conditions ecosystem structure tends to be controlled by resource availability vs. consumer pressure. ", "Several hypotheses derived from theory, experiments and observational field studies have been advanced, yet a unified explanation remains elusive. ", "Here, we identify common predictors of trophic control in a synthetic analysis of 52 observational field studies conducted within marine ecosystems across the Northern Hemisphere and published between 1951 and 2014. ", "Spatial regression analysis of 45 candidate variables revealed temperature to be the dominant predictor, with unimodal effects on trophic control operating both directly (r(2) = 0.32; P < 0.0001) and indirectly through influences on turnover rate and quality of primary production, biodiversity and omnivory. ", "These findings indicate that temperature is an overarching determinant of the trophic dynamics of marine ecosystems, and that variation in ocean temperature will affect the trophic structure of marine ecosystems through both direct and indirect mechanisms." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Results breakdown of the 1987 Spanish local elections (Aragon)\n\nThis is the results breakdown of the local elections held in Aragon on 10 June 1987. ", "The following tables show detailed results in the autonomous community's most populous municipalities, sorted alphabetically.", "\n\nOverall\n\nCity control\nThe following table lists party control in the most populous municipalities, including provincial capitals (shown in bold). ", "Gains for a party are displayed with the cell's background shaded in that party's colour.", "\n\nMunicipalities\n\nCalatayud\nPopulation: 17,824\n\nHuesca\nPopulation: 40,736\n\nTeruel\nPopulation: 27,226\n\nZaragoza\nPopulation: 573,662\n\nSee also\n1987 Aragonese regional election\n\nReferences\n\nAragon\nCategory:Results breakdown of Spanish local elections in Aragon" ]
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[ 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRails 2.3 \"inline_attachment\" gem incorrect placement of inline attachments\n\nI'm at the point where the entire email and it's parts generate in the correct order and nesting...except for one little thing. ", " The :part_container parameter inserts the inline attachments ABOVE the text/html part instead of BELOW it. ", " If it's above, Thunderbird won't display anything and it'll show the email as having 2 external attachments. ", " If I manually edit the email and move the inline parts below the text/html part, it shows perfectly.", "\npart :content_type => 'multipart/alternative' do |copy|\n copy.part :content_type => 'text/plain' do |plain|\n plain.body = render(\n :file => \"main.text.plain\", \n :body => {\n :user => @user,\n :text => docParse.to_plain_text\n }\n )\n end\n copy.part :content_type => 'multipart/related' do |rel|\n rel.part :content_type => 'text/html' do |html|\n html.body = render(\n :file => \"main.text.html\",\n :body => {\n :part_container => rel,\n :user => @user,\n :content => content,\n :email_links => m.email_links,\n :nav_image => m.nav_image\n }\n )\n end\n end\nend\nm.attachments.each do |file|\n attachment :content_type => \"application/octet-stream\",\n :filename => File.basename(file),\n :body => File.read(file)\nend\n\nTo be clear, the inline_attachments gem works perfectly without any of this code - but that's only when I'm sending an email without any external attachments (only inline images). ", " When I want to send an HTML email with inline images AND external attachments, this is what I have to resort to.", "\nEDIT: To be clear, my question is \"how do I make sure that the inline attachment parts are generated AFTER the text/html part using :part_container?", "\n\nA:\n\nParts contain a parts array...\nrel.parts.unshift rel.parts.pop\n\nEssentially an email is comprised of 'parts'...these parts belong to an array of parts and each part can have their own array of parts (nested parts). ", " Seeing as how the :part_container argument from the 'inline_attachments' gem created parts in the wrong order (text/html part LAST instead of FIRST), I reordered the relative parts array by popping the last part item - which happened to be the text/html part (rel.parts.pop) and inserting it as the 1st item in the relative parts array (rel.parts.unshift)\ni.e.,\ninline-image-part\ninline-image-part\ninline-image-part\ntext/html-part\nbecame\ntext/html-part\ninline-image-part\ninline-image-part\ninline-image-part\nAnd everything displayed properly.", "\nThis is the latest script with reference to the script in my problem:\npart :content_type => 'multipart/alternative' do |copy|\n copy.part :content_type => 'text/plain' do |plain|\n plain.body = render(\n :file => \"main.text.plain\", \n :body => {\n :user => @user,\n :text => docParse.to_plain_text\n }\n )\n end\n copy.part :content_type => 'multipart/related' do |rel|\n rel.part :content_type => 'text/html' do |html|\n html.body = render(\n :file => \"main.text.html\",\n :body => {\n :part_container => rel,\n :user => @user,\n :content => content,\n :email_links => m.email_links,\n :nav_image => m.nav_image\n }\n )\n end\n # Place the text/html part before all other inline images\n rel.parts.unshift rel.parts.pop\n end\nend\nm.attachments.each do |file|\n attachment :content_type => \"application/octet-stream\",\n :filename => File.basename(file),\n :body => File.read(file)\nend\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nScope variables are not binded in directive for jQuery plugin\n\nI'm trying to bind 2 values from an input field to a scope variable. ", "First is an input's value (color, written as text), and the second one is an attribute value (opacity value). ", "I want them to change, and, as well, I want so their value be outputted.", "\nmyApp.directive( 'watchOpacity', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n link: function( scope, element, attributes ) {\n scope.$watch( attributes.opacity, function(value) {\n console.log( 'opacity changed to', value ); \n });\n } \n };\n})\n\nPlunker demo\nThe problem is that neither the input's value, nor the attribute's value is displayed/binded.", "\n\nA:\n\nUse the change callback jQuery MiniColors provides. ", "It will have hex and opacity passed in as arguments, which you can use to set your scope.data properties.", "\nYou need to wrap the setting of those properties in a scope.$apply callback to ensure a digest cycle is run afterwards, so that your view is updated:\n.directive( 'watchOpacity', function($timeout) {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n require: 'ngModel',\n scope: {\n watchOpacity: '='\n },\n link: function( scope, element, attributes, ngModel ) {\n $timeout(function(){\n element.attr('data-opacity', scope.watchOpacity);\n $(element).minicolors({\n opacity: true,\n defaultValue: ngModel.$modelValue || '',\n change: function(hex, opacity) {\n ngModel.$setViewValue(hex);\n scope.$apply(function() {\n scope.watchOpacity = opacity;\n })\n }\n });\n });\n } \n }\n})\n\nUsing this directive, your view would look like this (ng-init is optional depending upon whether or not you require default values or if you've placed them in the controller):\n<input type=\"text\" watch-opacity=\"data2.opacity\" ng-model=\"data2.color\"\nng-init=\"data2.color = '#0000FF'; data2.opacity = 0.5;\" />\n\nWorking fork of your demo\n\n" ]
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[ "Latest Tweet\n\nOfficial Partner Vendée Globe 2016\n\nSAEM Vendée, owner and organizer of Vendée Globe the non-stop solo round-the-world sailing race, signed an official partnership with HIGHFIELD, world leader of aluminum hulled tenders and RIBs, to ensure the safe departure and arrival of the 8th edition.", "\n\nVendée Globe – HIGHFIELD, an unprecedented scale partnership\n\nSAEM Vendée entrusts HIGHFIELD with the supply of a 42 RIB fleet to ensure the safe departure and arrival of participants in this legendary challenge.", "\nWith its presence across the seven seas through its customers, HIGHFIELD offers this major event its entire expertise to develop and launch a limited edition of three models totally adapted to the needs of the organization.", "\nThe new models will be unveiled during the Paris Boat Show (5-13 Dec) and HIGHFIELD will offer them on sale to the General public in association with HONDA Marine, the four-stroke outboard technology’s pioneer.", "\n\nA strategic partnership for HIGHFIELD brand development\n\nThe Vendée Globe 8th edition is a great opportunity to expand HIGHFIELD brand awareness and sales among the General public and boating professionals.", "\nThis legendary race now establishes the aluminium hull RIB specialist as a key player in major sailing events." ]
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[ 0.009868421052631578, 0.014018691588785047, 0.004464285714285714, 0.009478672985781991, 0.014423076923076924, 0.009009009009009009 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy does property decorator show \"object has no attribute\"?", "\n\nI have the following code:\nimport sys\nimport platform\nfrom PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication\nfrom PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebPage\n\nclass Render(QWebPage):\n def __init__(self):\n self.app = QApplication([])\n QWebPage.__init__(self)\n\n @property\n def html(self):\n return self.mainFrame().toHtml.toAscii()\n\npage = Render()\nprint sys.version, platform.platform()\nprint 'html attribute?', [", "p for p in dir(page) if 'html' in p]\nprint page.html\n\ngives this exception output:\nstav@maia:$ python property.py\n2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39)\n[GCC 4.6.3] Linux-3.2.0-38-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-12.04-precise\nhtml attribute? ['", "html']\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"property.py\", line 18, in <module>\n print page.html\nAttributeError: 'Render' object has no attribute 'html'\n\nIf I remove the @property decorator or I remove the .toAscii call, then it works. ", " But why does the error say there is no attribute even tho dir(page) shows it?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe issue here is that Python gave a misleading error message. ", " The error message one would expect in this case is this:\nAttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'toAscii'\n\nBut instead, Python gave a misleading error message:\nAttributeError: 'Render' object has no attribute 'html'\n\nThat is, an AttributeError generated within the property function was presented as if it were an AttributeError for the property itself.", "\nThis strange behavior occurs when the class with your @property is derived from QObject. ", " It is a known issue in PyQt. ", "In fact, the PyQt maintainers claim it is expected behavior (wrongly, IMHO). ", " See this thread for details. ", " (In that thread, it is claimed that QObject behaves identically to Python's built-in object class, but my own testing indicates otherwise.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Isophorone diamine\n\nIsophorone diamine (usually shortened to IPDA) is a diamine with the formula (CH3)3C6H7(NH2)(CH2NH2. ", "It is a colorless liquid. ", " It is a precursor to polymers and coatings.", "\n\nProduction\nIt is usually produced as a mixture of the cis- and trans-isomers. ", "It is produced by hydrocyanation of isophorone followed by reductive amination and hydrogenation of the nitrile.", "\n\nUses\nIPDA is used as a precursor in the manufacture of isophorone diisocyanate by phosgenation.", "\n\nLike other diamines, it is a curing agent for epoxy resins. ", "When used in coatings applications the higher cost compared to other amines is justified by the enhanced UV stability and thus lower yellowing tendency. ", "In the production of Advanced composite materials (engineering) its higher cost compared to other amines is less critical as performance is the key criteria. ", "Cycloaliphatic amines such as IPDA also are known to have lower yellowing tendency than other amines and are thus used in coatings applications where this feature is important for aesthetics.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n Safety Data Sheet \n BASF Product Data\n Technical Data Sheet\n Three Bond Epoxy article\n\nCategory:Diamines" ]
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[ 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0.007194244604316547 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCan't relase the lock with notify\n\nI've got a test on java thread coding but i have some basic problem.. after hours of trying and searching I decided to try there!", "\nI can't understand why my wait is still locked even after my notify :\nHere you can find my code: \npublic class Mymain {\n\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n\n for( int i=0;i<100;i++){\n new ThreadClass(i).start(); \n }\n }\n}\n\npublic class ThreadClass extends Thread {\n static boolean ok = false;\n int id;\n\n public ThreadClass(int i) {\n id = i;\n }\n\n public void run() {\n System.out.println(\"Thread start \" + id);\n Last.toDo(id);\n if (id == 5)\n try {\n waiting();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n // TODO Auto-generated catch block\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n\n if (id !", "= 5)\n awaking();\n\n System.out.println(\"thread end \" + id);\n }\n\n private synchronized void awaking() {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n if (ok) {\n System.out.println(\"i'm \" + id + \" and i'm Awaking 5\");\n ok = false;\n notify();\n System.out.println(\"I did the notify and i'm \" + id);\n }\n }\n\n private synchronized void waiting() throws InterruptedException {\n System.out.println(\"Sleeping\");\n ok = true;\n wait();\n System.out.println(\"Awake 5\");\n }\n}\n\nResult\nThen it starts looping or it goes in dead lock not sure.. it should just stop the thread with id=5 and then the next thread should re-start the id = 5.. but thread 5 never wake up after the notify...\nIn the result as you can see I got 2 threads trying to wake up the thread 5 and thread 5 is always waiting since the start^^\n\nA:\n\nLook I did a few changes to your code:\n\nYou can't just notify() , you'll notify to this. ", "And you can't just wait() , you'll wait forever. ", "You have to use these function over an Object, so i added an Integer object (just to show you - you'll have to choose the right object). ", "\nYou have yo understand between synchronized and static synchronized. ", "A quick search would lead you to a perfect answer. ", "\nWhy function waiting() is synchronized? ", "only thread number 5 calls it.", "\nWhen calling to an Object.notify() / Object.wait(), you have to declare a synchronized block over the object.", "\n\nHere's some code:\npublic class Threads {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Integer intObject = new Integer(0);\n for( int i=0;i<100;i++){\n\n new ThreadClass(i, intObject).start(); \n }\n }\n}\nclass ThreadClass extends Thread {\n static boolean ok = false;\n int id;\n Integer intObject;\n public ThreadClass(int i, Integer intObject) {\n id = i;\n this.intObject = intObject;\n }\n\n public void run() {\n System.out.println(\"Thread start \" + id);\n //Last.toDo(id);\n if (id == 5)\n waiting();\n else\n awaking(this);\n\n System.out.println(\"thread end \" + id);\n }\n\n private static synchronized void awaking(ThreadClass t) {\n if(ok) {\n System.out.println(\"i'm \" + t.id + \" and i'm Awaking 5\");\n ok = false;\n synchronized (t.intObject) {\n t.intObject.notify();\n }\n System.out.println(\"I did the notify and i'm \" + t.id);\n }\n }\n private void waiting(){\n System.out.println(\"Sleeping\");\n ok = true;\n synchronized (intObject) {\n try {\n intObject.wait();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n System.out.println(\"Awake 5\");\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "We are looking for Chief Officer for PSV DP2\nExperience (24 months in rank) in the North Sea is a must. ", "Please do not apply of you do not have it.", "\nArea: Europe.", "\nRotation: 8 x 8 weeks.", "\nDay rate: negotiable" ]
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[ "Evaluating the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis based on clinical guidelines and endoscopy.", "\nTo validate the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) according to recent clinical practice guidelines and determine the added utility of nasal endoscopy. ", "Prospective diagnostic cohort study. ", "Academic medical center. ", "A consecutive series of adult patients presenting for evaluation of CRS were prospectively studied with the use of the rhinosinusitis symptom inventory (RSI), nasal endoscopy, and sinus computed tomography (CT). ", "Symptom scores were tabulated from the RSI. ", "Nasal endoscopy was performed to evaluate for purulence or polyps. ", "Sinus CT scans were scored with the Lund system, with the reviewers blinded to the RSI scores and endoscopic findings. ", "The clinical diagnosis of CRS was determined on the basis of the published adult sinusitis guideline criteria and compared with the diagnostic gold standard, CT. ", "A total of 202 patients were studied. ", "The prevalence of CRS was 39.6 percent, as defined by CT (Lund score > or = 4). ", "For symptom criteria alone, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 88.7, 12.3, 39.9, and 62.5 percent, respectively, for CRS (P = 0.82). ", "The addition of endoscopic findings to symptom criteria significantly improved the specificity, predictive value, and negative predictive value to 84.1, 66.0, and 70.3 percent (P < 0.0001). ", "The odds ratio of a true diagnosis of CRS improved from 1.1 to 4.6 (95% confidence interval, 2.3-9.2). ", "Sensitivity analysis adjusting symptom severity did not significantly alter diagnostic accuracy. ", "In patients meeting current guideline symptom criteria for CRS, the addition of nasal endoscopy improves diagnostic accuracy and should be emphasized as an early diagnostic tool. ", "Diagnostic endoscopy may help reduce the use of CT, reducing costs and radiation exposure." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy is a symbol not being assigned in a function\n\nThe function should be evaluating at j=1 but I am getting j in the final output as a variable\nI have the following function:\ng [j_, k_] := Sum[Sum[Binomial[j, μ] Binomial[k, ν] ((1/2)^(j + k) (-1)^(ν + Floor[1/2 k]) B[k])/((β τ + 1)^2 + φ^2 (j + k - 2 μ - 2 ν)^2), {ν, 0,k}], {μ, 0, j}];\n\nwhere, B[k] is defined by:\nB[k_] := If[ IntegerQ[k/2], β τ + 1, (j + k - 2 μ - 2 ν) φ]; \n\nHowever, if I try and evaluate the following expression:\ngp[j_, k_] := ρ g[ j, k];\ngp[1,1]\n\nI get a j which clearly should have been set to 1\nI've tried various combinations of Evaluate[] and := assignments but none seem to be working. ", "I can get temporary correct behaviour by doing B[j_, k_] := Evaluate[...] and calling B[j,k] from g[j_, k_] but this then reverts to a failed state when I save it and call as a packaged function\nExpected Output\nThe expected output is:\n(ρ φ)/((1 + β τ)^2 + 4 φ^2)\n\nInstead I get:\nρ (-(((-3 + j) φ)/(4 ((1 + β τ)^2 + 4 φ^2))) + ((1 + j) φ)/(4 ((1 + β τ)^2 + 4 φ^2)))\n\nA:\n\nThe issue you are experiencing is that you define j as a local variable to the functions gp and g but using it as a global variable in your function B. So in effect it is undefined for use with B.\nDefining j local to b will resolve your issue. ", "I also changed B[k_] into lowercase, so your new function header is b[j_,k_] (also in your function g) as per Mathematica conventions.", "\nb[j_, k_] := \n If[IntegerQ[k/2], β τ + 1, (j + k - 2 μ - 2ν)/ φ];\n\ng[j_, k_] := \n Sum[\n Sum[\n Binomial[j,μ] Binomial[k,ν] ((1/2)^(j + k) (-1)^(ν + Floor[1/2 k]) b[j,k])/((β τ + 1)^2 \n + φ^2 (j + k - 2 μ - 2 ν)^2)\n , {ν, 0, k}]\n , {μ, 0, j}];\n\nReturns what you are expecting:\n(ρ φ)/((1 + β τ)^2 + 4 φ^2)\n\nAs @ciao stated; it is recommended to not use uppercase in function definitions, and especially not for symbols. ", "This is the reason for using b instead of B. Although in your case using an uppercase symbol does not cause any problems, check the result of ?", "D as an example why it is not a good idea to use uppercase initials). ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "HATRA, Iraq - Hundreds of fleeing civilians clamber up the dusty banks of a wadi snaking through Iraq's Nineveh plains, gasping and pleading for help from Iraqi soldiers as explosions reverberate through the millennia-old town of Hatra behind them.", "\n\nThe elderly and sick are carried, a handful in wheelchairs are hauled up the sides of the wadi by young men. ", "Soldiers and medics from the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation Units), tasked with liberating the area from the Islamic State, rush forward into still hostile - and possibly mined - territory to help pull the civilians to safety.", "\n\nWe have literally escaped from death today because Daesh wanted to execute all of us - Samira, Hatra resident\n\nFear and hope merged on the sunburned faces of men, women and children, many of whom have spent days under the desert sun without food or fresh drinking water. ", "Scrambling up the wadi banks, women begin weeping with relief and men gratefully embrace their saviours.", "\n\nThis is the scene outside Hatra, a town in northern Iraq whose story has been lost in the din of the battle for Mosul, but whose people have for three long years suffered all the same under the \"caliphate\" of Islamic State.", "\n\nThis week, their salvation grew nearer as Iraqi forces pressed an offensive to dislodge the hated occupiers.", "\n\n\"We had a terrible journey. ", "We have literally escaped from death today because Daesh wanted to execute all of us,\" Samira, 59, told Middle East Eye.", "\n\n\"First they forced us to stay in tents on the outskirts of the town without food and then, at the last moment, took us back into Hatra to use as human shields.\"", "\n\nHashd al-Shaabi fighter helps children to safety (MEE/Tom Westcott)\n\nShe describes her terror as, just half an hour before Iraqi helicopters started bombing IS positions, armed militants told everyone to leave towards Iraq's Anbar province, the desert zone of which remains under IS control. ", "And anyone who refused was to be shot.", "\n\nWhen the air strikes started, IS militants were thrown into a state of confusion, and hundreds of civilians grabbed their chance to escape, Samira said, adding: \"Even though Daesh were shooting at us as we fled, we knew this could be our only chance to escape.\"", "\n\nHaving endured nearly three years of barbarism under IS, reaching the wadi and seeing the Iraqi troops was their first taste of freedom.", "\n\nWe thought the world had forgotten about us - Fatima, Hatra resident\n\n\"After almost three years under Daesh, we had completely given up hope of either escape or rescue,\" Fatima, 39, told MEE. \"", "We thought the world had forgotten about us.\"", "\n\nShe described miserable living conditions with very little food, no electricity, no access to healthcare and no communications.", "\n\n\"We completely lost contact with the outside world - no satellite dishes, no television and no telephones because everything was banned by Daesh - so we had no idea what was happening in the country, with politics or the army or anything,\" she said.", "\n\nSmoke rises from IS targets in modern Hatra targeted by the Iraqi air force (MEE/Tom Westcott)\n\nA few locals, however, had established secret communications with the Hashd al-Shaabi intelligence department and knew the forces were planning an attack.", "\n\n\"Daesh said the Hashd would kill us all and tried to force us to go to Anbar, but the Hashd had already promised us they were coming to save us, so most families tried to stay,\" said Falah, 43.", "\n\n\"I think Daesh took about 50 families, maybe more, to Saddam Hussein's old farms, which are on the way to the town of Housaba, in Anbar.\"", "\n\nHe added that a further few families had refused to leave their homes, particularly farmers who didn't want to leave their cattle - their sole livelihood - behind.", "\n\nWe are expecting stronger resistance when we reach Hatra itself but this will not stop us. - ", "Kareem al-Hakakhi, Hashd al-Shabi commander\n\nIraqi forces launched a multi-pronged attack to liberate the historic city of Hatra, which nestles in the Nineveh plains 110km southwest of Mosul, on Tuesday.", "\n\nMeeting only modest IS resistance of suicide car bombs and wayward mortars, within two days they had taken tens of kilometres of desert terrain, reaching the walls of the Old City and almost surrounding the town.", "\n\n\"We have met with very little resistance, mainly car bombs which our forces were able to destroy,\" Sheikh Kareem al-Hakakhi, commander of Hashd al-Shaabi's Second Division told MEE on one frontline on Wednesday.", "\n\n\"According to our intelligence, we are expecting stronger resistance when we reach Hatra itself but this will not stop us. ", "We are not afraid of Daesh and we absolutely will take back Hatra.\"", "\n\nHashd al-Shaabi fighters advancing across the Ninevah plains towards the historic town of Hatra (MEE/Tom Westcott)\n\nHakakhi said intelligence reports showed IS had already been preparing to lose the town, starting to destroy some of their own headquarters and facilities in the town to eliminate evidence of their activities.", "\n\n\"Daesh destroy everything,\" he said. \"", "And our intelligence suggests that they have also destroyed a lot of Hatra's historic Old City.\"", "\n\nBy the evening another Hashd al-Shaabi frontline had reached the Old City and on Thursday morning, under cover of heavy shelling, forces entered the modern town of Hatra, fighting through a limited IS defence of mortar bombs, snipers and machinegun fire.", "\n\nMosul: Countless dead and no one to help in relentless US bombing Read More »\n\nOne of Iraq's five Unesco world heritage sites, the ruins of the ancient fortified city of Hatra are believed to date back to the 2nd century BC and, before IS entered the town, were said to have been one of the best-preserved examples of a Parthian city.", "\n\nIS militants started demolishing the site shortly after they seized control of Hatra in June 2014.", "\n\n\"Even though we haven't seen it, I'm afraid most of the old ruins have been destroyed,\" said 60-year-old Bilal. \"", "After looting the site for all its precious antiquities to sell, Daesh blew up part of it and then took bulldozers in to flatten the rest.", "\n\n\"They said these historic things were forbidden by Islam, which is ridiculous.\"", "\n\nAn artefact destroyed by IS in Hatra's Old Town (Reuters)\n\nHindi, 47, said civilians and even ordinary IS fighters were forbidden to enter the ancient ruins.", "\n\n\"After Daesh came, they surrounded Old Hatra with armed fighters and used it as a headquarters for senior personnel,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Only very important, high-level members of Daesh were allowed to enter the site and, of course, no ordinary civilians like us.", "\n\n\"We could only see it from afar but it did look as if some of the ruins might have survived, maybe even 50 percent of it.\"", "\n\nSince the Hashd al-Shaabi offensive started on Tuesday, Hindi said IS members had started fleeing towards Anbar, and estimated that only around 100 militants had remained to defend the town.", "\n\nOur town suffered a lot through history, but we never endured anything so terrible as Daesh - Bilal, Hatra refugee\n\n\"Our town suffered a lot through history, but we never endured anything so terrible as Daesh,\" said Bilal, referring to repeated attacks by historic powers including the Ancient Romans and Persians.", "\n\n\"You can't even talk to these Daesh people, not even an older man like myself. ", "Because the situation in Hatra was so terrible, I approached them several times and tried to reason with them but they are deaf to any opinion other than their own.\"", "\n\nAbu Omar, 67, said Hatra's residents had been plunged back into Medieval times under IS.", "\n\n\"Our lives went backwards, literally centuries backwards, with no phones, cameras, televisions or modern things,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Imagine, we could not even make a phone call or take a photograph for almost three years.\"", "\n\nHe said, since mid-2014, IS rule had been characterised by a campaign of abductions and executions that kept residents in a state of fear and paralysis.", "\n\nShepherds herd their flocks of sheep into territory newly-liberated from IS (MEE/Tom Westcott)\n\n\"We could do nothing. ", "We were completely powerless. \"", "If we went to Daesh and asked about missing family members, we too would be arrested,\" he said.", "\n\n\"If you were caught with a telephone, you were executed immediately, especially recently because they became suspicious that people were communicating with the Iraqi forces.\"", "\n\nAs the Iraqi army helicopters circled over Hatra, bombing further IS targets, shepherds herded their unwilling flocks through the river towards the Hashd al-Shaabi bulldozers reinforcing the frontline with sand berms to protect the troops from incoming IS carbombs.", "\n\n\"If it was not for the Hashd and the Iraqi army reaching us today, I am sure we all would have been killed for refusing to go with Daesh to Anbar,\" said Hindi.", "\n\n\"All I want now is to go to a camp, with my family. ", "I just want to get to a camp.\"", "\n\nHashd al-Shaabi fighters said Hatra's fleeing residents, which numbered more than 750 on Wednesday, would be transferred to purpose-built IDP camps in the town of Hamam Al-Alil, near Mosul." ]
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[ "Comparative osteology and functional morphology of the forelimb of Cyonasua (Mammalia, Procyonidae), the first South American carnivoran.", "\nExtant procyonids only inhabit the Americas and are represented by six genera (Procyon, Nasua, Nasuella, Bassaricyon, Potos, and Bassariscus); all of them, except Bassariscus, are present in South America. ", "The first records correspond to the early Miocene in North America (NA) and the late Miocene in South America (SA). ", "Cyonasua was the first carnivoran to enter SA from NA, before the Great American Biotic Interchange, and went extinct in the early middle Pleistocene. ", "This extinct procyonid is recorded in several localities of Argentina, and also in Venezuela. ", "Paleobiological studies of procyonids are interesting from evolutionary and biogeographical viewpoints. ", "In this study, the pectoral girdle and forelimb of 10 specimens of Cyonasua are described and compared with extant South American procyonids using a qualitative approach. ", "Additionally, four functional morphology indexes were calculated for them and compared with an ecologically diverse sample of living carnivorans. ", "Results indicate that Cyonasua most resembles Nasua nasua and Procyon cancrivorus, even though the extinct procyonid possessed peculiar features. ", "Cyonasua had robust and relatively short forelimb bones, with strong stabilized joints, and movements associated with the sagittal plane, which suggest a tendency toward terrestrial habits, related to their ability to resist relatively high bending and shearing stresses. ", "However, some features indicate a freedom in their range of movements, with moderate supination ability, compatible with climbing. ", "When combined with previous analyses of dietary habits and estimated body mass, the morphology of Cyonasua would be well suited for digging and prey manipulation, allowing them to prey on small and relatively large-sized vertebrates, as well as to avoid some of the predators that were dominant in the Cenozoic of South America." ]
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[ "Top script writing software\n\nTop script writing software, If you need good and cheap screenwriting software that doesn't break the bank, here is some of the best free screenwriting software you should try.", "\n\nNeed to write the next top blockbuster, indie film or hit sitcom we test out the best linux software for the task a multi-platform software with a minimalist. ", "10 free screenwriting software choices for screenwriters final draft may not be perfect but it’s the best screenwriting program out there at the moment. ", "7 best screenwriting apps to make life some of the best screenwriters wrote their celtx and formatted text files from most desktop script writing software. ", "Adobe story.", "\n\nThe number-one selling screenwriting software in the world final draft is used by the top studios and production companies final draft software helps you. ", "How to write a film script (free software) the basics of how to write a screen play, movie, web show or anything else you might want to make in the film. ", "Currently, the best screenwriting software is the final draft 10 wiki researchers have been writing reviews of the latest screenwriting software since 2017.", "\n\nFinal draft, creators of the top-selling screenwriting software in the world, enter the mobile market with the final draft writer™ app, enabling screenwriters to. ", "Curious what kind of scriptwriting software to use when writing your next script nyfa takes an in-depth look at the different software options available. ", "If you want to write a script for a movie, you need a proper software, and today we're going to show you the best script writing software for windows 10. ", "Myself and the rest of my team are going out into the country for a few weeks to shoot our latest film unfortunately, there is no wifi where we.", "\n\nWorking on your next blockbuster we’ll help you decide among the best screenwriting software options for your project. ", "Find out what the best five best screenwriting software options are on the market, from the expensive to the free. ", "Trelby - free screenwriting software this is the free screen writing program i use to write my show spellfury on i show how to download it and use the. ", "Working towards completing one of our top master’s degree in english or creative writing in order to break into the film industry as a screenwriter. ", "Read software reviews about the latest scriptwriting software from film and screenwriting industry experts.", "\n\nCeltx is a comprehensive software package designed for people who work in the film the best one is esea and every one can use 5 solid script writing tools. ", "Learn why final draft 9 is the best screenwriting software to help you write scripts for movies or television and stage plays final draft software. ", "Writerduet is modern, professional screenwriting software that features real-time collaboration, seamless online/offline writing, and infinite revision tracking. ", "Movie outline provides professional screenwriting software and analysis of top hollywood movie scripts for simple story planning and script formatting to help you. ", "What's the best screenwriting software check out this complete guide including breakdowns of over 50 applications on every platform.", "\n\nFree screenwriting software storyboard schedule sign up we’ve looked at multiple products on the market today and celtx is the best and most robust option.", "\n\nWhat is the best software for printing what are the best screenplay or scriptwriting software packages available in the market and how much do they cost.", "\n\nFor your next great movie or play: 16 free scriptwriting tools open source screenwriting software it’s consistently ranked in the top 5 screenwriting. ", "If you're looking for screenwriting software, then you’ll love our vast selection of screenplay software, script writing software and more. ", "Screenwriting software are word processors specialized to the task of writing screenplays use the need for such programs arises from the presence of. ", "Writerduet is a collaborative screenwriting app for working with writing partners in real-time write together, write away. ", "Which is the best screenwriting software for you find out here take a few seconds and easily compare several top rated programs see how each stacks up using a side." ]
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[ "Francesco Camusso\n\nFrancesco Camusso (9 March 1908 – 23 June 1995) was an Italian professional road racing cyclist.", "\n\nCamusso was born in Cumiana, Piedmont, and is ranked among the best Italian climbers ever. ", "In his second year as professional, he won the 1931 Giro d'Italia. ", "In the following year he won a stage at the Tour de France, finished third overall.", "\n\nHis other results include a second place in the 1934 Giro d'Italia and a fourth in the 1935 Tour de France.", "\n\nHe died at Turin in 1995.", "\n\nMajor results\n\n1931\nGiro d'Italia:\n Winner overall classification\n Winner 1 stage\n1932\n Tour de France:\n3rd overall\nWinner stage 10\n1934\n 2nd overall — Giro d'Italia\n Tour de Suisse: 1st King of the Mountains, winner 1 stage\n1935\nTour de France:\n Winner Stage 7\n1937\nTour de France:\n 4th overall\n Winner Stage 13A\n\nExternal links \n\nOfficial Tour de France results for Francesco Camusso\n\nCategory:1908 births\nCategory:1995 deaths\nCategory:People from the Province of Turin\nCategory:Italian male cyclists\nCategory:Giro d'Italia winners\nCategory:Italian Tour de France stage winners\nCategory:Tour de Suisse stage winners\nCategory:Sportspeople from Piedmont\nCategory:Tour de France cyclists\nCategory:Giro d'Italia cyclists" ]
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[ "I took Purity in one long gallop, reading it over four days at my friend’s house. ", "Sarah had already read it, and was desperate for me to hurry up and finish so we could talk about it. ", "The minute I put it down, I went to go find her. ", "She was wearing clean white shorts and a miraculously uncreased blue linen shirt. ", "I was wearing a regretted purchase from H&M — a white cotton dress with little roses on it that looked fine in the shop, but depressing on me. ", "I told Sarah that I’d finished and she said, “Have you noticed,” she asked, “the clothes thing?”", "\n\nYes, the clothes thing. ", "The whole point of Jonathan Franzen is the richness of his description, his eye for a telling detail. ", "Where are all the clothes, then? ", "Why are there almost no descriptions of what anyone is wearing? ", "It seems like the most amazing oversight. ", "How is it possible that two characters can have an extremely detailed conversation about a third character being “jealous of the internet”, or that we are subjected to a long and over-vivid description of Pip’s boring job, or the smells of different kinds of soil, and yet we are given almost nothing in the way of clothing? ", "They all might as well be walking around naked. ", "The only detailed description of an outfit in the first section, for instance, is the following: “she saw Stephen sitting on the front steps, wearing his little-boy clothes, his secondhand Keds and secondhand seersucker shirt.” ", "The word “seersucker” is latched onto and used twice more (“she whispered into the seersucker of his shirt”; “she said, nuzzling the seersucker”). ", "It gets slightly better as the novel progresses, but not by much. ", "The first time Pip sees Andreas Wolf, for instance, his “glow of charged fame particles” are vividly described, but his clothes? ", "No. ", "Even Tom’s mother’s significant sundress is described only as being “of Western cut.” ", "It’s unsettling.", "\n\nI know this to be a petty criticism, but there are all kinds of nerds who write long, aggrieved blog posts about how some novelist got a car wrong, or misdated the death of an actress. ", "Clothes have always been important to me, and while their fictional depiction might be beneath some people’s notice, it is always one of the first things I see. ", "Clothes aren’t just something one puts on a character to stop her from being naked. ", "Done right, clothes are everything — a way of describing class, affluence, taste, self-presentation, mental health, body image. ", "Clothes matter. ", "Besides all that, clothes are fun. ", "Descriptions of dresses got me through War and Peace. ", "I think about Dolores Haze’s outfits on a near-daily basis (“check weaves, bright cottons, frills, puffed-out short sleeves, snug-fitting bodices and generously full skirts!”) ", "I think about her cotton pyjamas in the popular butcher-boy style. ", "Holden Caulfield’s hounds-tooth jacket, and Franny Glass’s coat, the lapel of which is kissed by Lane as a perfectly desirable extension of herself. ", "Sara Crewe’s black velvet dress in A Little Princess, and the matching one made for her favourite doll. ", "The green dress in Atonement (“dark green bias-cut backless evening gown with a halter neck.”) ", "Anna Karenina’s entire wardrobe, obviously, but also Nicola Six’s clothes in London Fields. ", "Nicola Six’s clothes are fantastic.", "\n\nAviva Rossner’s angora sweaters and “socks with little pom-poms at the heels” in The Virgins. ", "Pnin’s “sloppy socks of scarlet wool with lilac lozenges”, his “conservative black Oxfords [which] had cost him about as much as all the rest of his clothing (flamboyant goon tie included).” ", "May Welland at the August meeting of the Newport Archery Club, in her white dress with the pale green ribbon. ", "I quite often get dressed with Maria Wyeth from Play It As It Lays in mind (“cotton skirt, a jersey, sandals she could kick off when she wanted the touch of the accelerator”). ", "I think about unfortunate clothes, as well. ", "I think about Zora’s terrible party dress in On Beauty, and about how badly she wanted it to be right. ", "The meanest thing Kingsley Amis ever did to a woman was to put Margaret Peele in that green paisley dress and “quasi-velvet” shoes in Lucky Jim. ", "Vanity Fair’s Jos Sedley in his buckskins and Hessian boots, his “several immense neckcloths” and “apple green coat with steel buttons almost as large as crown pieces.”", "\n\nThis list changes all the time, but my current favorite fictional clothes are the ones in A Good Man is Hard to Find. ", "There is no one quite like Flannery O’Connor for creeping out the reader via dress. ", "Bailey’s “yellow sport shirt with bright blue parrots designed on it” contrasts in the most sinister way with the The Misfit’s too tight blue jeans, the fact that he “didn’t have on any shirt or undershirt.” ", "I’d also like to make a plug for one of The Misfit’s companions, “a fat boy in black trousers and a red sweat shirt with a silver stallion embossed on the front of it.” ", "Any Flannery O’Connor story will contain something similar, because she used clothes as exposition, as dialogue, as mood. ", "Anyone to who clothes matter will have their own highlight reel, and will argue strenuously for the inclusion of Topaz’s dresses in I Capture the Castle, or Gatsby’s shirts, or Dorothea Brooke’s ugly crepe dress. ", "They will point out, for instance, that I have neglected to mention Donna Tartt, top five fluent speaker of the language of dress. ", "What of Judge Holden’s kid boots, in Blood Meridian? ", "What about Ayn Rand, who, as Mallory Ortberg has noted, is just about unparalleled?", "\n\nThe point is, we do not lack for excellent and illuminating descriptions of clothes in literature. ", "Given such riches, it is perhaps churlish to object to the times when people get it wrong. ", "Haven’t we been given enough? ", "Apparently not. ", "Just as I can think of hundreds of times when a writer knocked it out of the park, attire-wise, (Phlox’s stupid clothes in The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, all those layers and scarves and hideous cuffs), I can just as easily recall the failures. ", "There are a variety of ways for an author to get clothes wrong, but I will stick to just two categories of offense here.", "\n\n1. ", "Outfits that don’t sound real\n\nPurity again, and Andreas’s “good narrow jeans and a close-fitting polo shirt.” ", "This is wrong. ", "Andreas is a charismatic weirdo, a maniac, and I struggle to believe that he would be slinking around in such tight, nerdy clothes. ", "Another jarring example is Princess Margaret’s dress, in Edward St. Aubyn’s Some Hope: “the ambassador raised his fork with such an extravagant gesture of appreciation that he flicked glistening brown globules over the front of the Princess’s blue tulle dress.” ", "The Princess here is supposed to be in her sixties. ", "Would a post-menopausal aristocrat really be wearing a blue tulle dress? ", "Is the whole thing made out of tulle? ", "Wouldn’t that make it more the kind of thing a small girl at a ballet recital would choose? ", "St. Aubyn’s novels are largely autobiographical, and he has mentioned in interviews that he met the allegedly blue-tulle-dress-wearing Princess on a number of occasions. ", "Maybe that really is what she was wearing. ", "It doesn’t sound right, though, or not to me.", "\n\nOne last example, from The Rings of Saturn: “One of them, a bridal gown made of hundreds of scraps of silk embroidered with silken thread, or rather woven over cobweb-fashion, which hung on a headless tailor’s dummy, was a work of art so colourful and of such intricacy and perfection that it seemed almost to have come to life, and at the time I could no more believe my eyes than now I can trust my memory.” ", "One believes the narrator, when he says that he cannot trust his memory, because this actually doesn’t sound like a dress, or not a very nice one. ", "It sounds like a dress a person might buy from a stall at a psytrance party. ", "The word “colourful” here is a dead giveaway that the narrator does not necessarily have a particular dress in mind: what kind of colours, exactly? “", "Intricate” is also no good — it seeks to give the impression of specificity, but is in fact very vague.", "\n\n2. ", "Outfits that make too much of a point\n\nMany people are suspicious of fashion. ", "They do not trust it or like it, and, while they see that it serves a purpose, they wish it was somehow enforceable to make everyone wear a uniform at all times. ", "Deep down, they also believe that anyone who does take pleasure in it is lying to themselves, or doing it for the wrong reasons. ", "I argue with such people in my head all the time, because this is not what clothes are about for me, at all. ", "I argue with the books they have written as well. ", "To be fair to Jeffrey Eugenides, he is mostly excellent on the subject of dress. ", "The Lisbon girls’ prom dresses and the Obscure Object’s High Wasp style are in my own personal highlight reel. ", "The Marriage Plot is different, though. ", "It is deeply cynical on the subject of dress. ", "Clothes in that novel are always an affectation or a disguise, a way for a character to control the way others see her.", "\n\nHere is Madeline, getting Leonard back “Madeleine … put on her first spring dress: an apple-green baby-doll dress with a bib collar and a high hem.” ", "Here is Madeline, trying to seem like the kind of girl who is at home in a semiotics class: “She took out her diamond studs, leaving her ears bare. ", "She stood in front of the mirror wondering if her Annie Hall glasses might possibly project a New Wave look…She unearthed a pair of Beatle boots … She put up her collar, and wore more black.” ", "And here is Madeline, failed Bohemian, despondent semiotician, after she has gone back to reading novels: “The next Thursday, “Madeleine came to class wearing a Norwegian sweater with a snowflake design.” ", "After college, she realizes that she can dress the way she has always, in her haute-bourgeois heart, wanted to dress: like a Kennedy girlfriend on holiday. ", "Another costume, for a girl who doesn’t know who she really is. ", "The problem with these clothes is not that they don’t sound real, or that they are badly described. ", "It’s that Madeline only ever wears clothes to make a point, to manipulate or to persuade her audience that she is someone other than she really is. ", "Worse, there is the implication that she has no real identity outside from what she projects. ", "It’s exact opposite approach to O’Connor’s wardrobe choices in A Good Man is Hard to Find. ", "The guy in the red sweat shirt, with the silver stallion? ", "He is not wearing those clothes for anyone but himself. ", "Same with The Misfit and his frightening jeans.", "\n\nThose who are suspicious of fashion tend to believe that people (especially women) only ever wear clothes as a form of armor, a costume, and never because they get pleasure out of it. ", "Madeline, in other words, doesn’t wear clothes because she likes them, but because she likes what they do. ", "I find this line of thinking very depressing.", "\n\nThere are other categories (clothes that I think sound ugly, clothes in over-researched historical novels where the writer takes too much relish in describing jerkins and the smell of wet leather etc.), ", "but these two stand out. ", "I’m not asking for anything too excessive — just a few more details, a bit more effort when getting a character dressed. ", "Clothes matter, to some of us, and we need to see them done right.", "\n\nImage: John Singer Sargent, Wikipedia" ]
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[ "23andMe just made a huge deal with the biotech firm Genetech. ", "You’ve probably heard about the details elsewhere, but if not, Matt Herper has an excellent lowdown:\n\nA deal being announced today with Genentech points the way for 23andMe, the personal genetics company backed by Facebook billionaire Yuri Milner and Google Ventures to become a sustainable business – even if the company’s discussions with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration stretch on for years. ", "According to sources close to the deal, 23andMe is receiving an upfront payment from Genentech of $10 million, with further milestones of as much as $50 million. ", "The deal is the first of ten 23andMe says it has signed with large pharmaceutical and biotech companies. ", "Such deals, which make use of the database created by customers who have bought 23andMe’s DNA test kits and donated their genetic and health data for research, could be a far more significant opportunity than 23andMe’s primary business of selling the DNA kits to consumers. ", "Since it was founded in 2006, 23andMe has collected data from 800,000 customers and it sells its tests for $99 each. ", "That means this single deal with one large drug company could generate almost as much revenue as doubling 23andMe’s customer base.", "\n\nFrom what I know 23andMe has been losing money for on the sales of kits. ", "They were loss leaders. ", "And 23andMe isn’t a non-profit. ", "Though “insiders” have been talking for years how 23andMe has wanted to start selling its huge database to pharma/biotech, even if you were a casual consumer you could connect the dots and assume that there’s a reason they were collecting data on your traits and pestering you to fill in all sorts of personal details on your profile. ", "It’s a business. ", "And businesses try to work the angles to make a profit.", "\n\nNevertheless, some people are outraged. ", "My question is simple: is there something about genetic and medical information that privileges it and makes it more precious than the enormous cloud of data private firms already have on you? ", "I don’t think genes are magic, so I’m not convinced, though there are some real issues like life insurance risk for those with highly penetrant disease variants.", "\n\nYears ago I had a discussion with Mike Snyder about the utility of genomic information for practical ends such as in personalized medicine. ", "The problem to me seemed to be that sample sizes for most academic and even industry studies were just too small. ", "Everything was too under-powered to really find much new and interesting. ", "The real juice would be squeezed by enormous sample sizes on the order of hundreds of thousands, as well as whole genomes at reasonable coverage, intersected with non-genetic data. ", "Yes, health history, but also various lifestyle factors. ", "All of this requires a level of permeability across what are today information silos, and also a comfort of individuals with their information swelling the massive data cloud. ", "The upside on the individual scale is a yield of new results. ", "Of course the problem is that this system encourages “free riding” from those who wish to receive the benefits of the research, but do not want to “opt-in.” ", "They get the benefits of science without sacrificing their privacy. ", "23andMe has at least shown that this isn’t an insurmountable problem, as it has convinced hundreds of thousands to opt-in to its research. ", "The question is whether this was done transparently." ]
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[ "Crocidura phanluongi\n\nCrocidura phanluongi is a species of shrew in the genus Crocidura from southern Vietnam and nearby Cambodia. ", "It is a somewhat small, gray shrew with an ecologically diverse distribution.", "\n\nTaxonomy\nCrocidura phanluongi was first collected in 2006 in Virachey National Park of northeastern Cambodia and subsequently, in 2007, in three localities in southern Vietnam. ", "In total, six specimens are known from Cambodia and seven from Vietnam. ", "In 2010, Paulina Jenkins and coworkers described it as a new species of Crocidura, with the type locality at Yok Đôn National Park, Đắk Lắk Province, Vietnam. ", "The description appeared in Zootaxa on January 27, 2010. ", "Six other new species of Crocidura have been described from Vietnam since 2004. ", "The specific name, phanluongi, honors Vietnamese biologist Phan Luong, who participated in the survey that resulted in the discovery of C. phanluongi.", "\n\nDescription\nCrocidura phanluongi is a small to medium-sized shrew with a relatively long tail. ", "The fur is dark gray above and somewhat paler below. ", "The upper surfaces of the feet are even paler. ", "Cambodian specimens are gray brown above and silver-gray below. ", "There are also some slight morphometrical variations among the known specimens. ", "The head and body length is 54 to 66 mm (2.1 to 2.6 in), averaging 59.6 mm (2.35 in); tail length is 40 to 48 mm (1.6 to 1.9 in), averaging 44.4 mm (1.75 in); the hindfoot length is 10 to 12 mm (0.39 to 0.47 in), averaging 11.7 mm (0.46 in); and the condylobasal length (a measure of skull length) is 16.8 to 18.1 mm (0.66 to 0.71 in), averaging 17.4 mm (0.69 in). ", "In the skull, the interorbital region is narrow. ", "The upper third molar is slender and the talonid of the lower third molar is reduced.", "\n\nEcology and behavior\nCrocidura phanluongi has a relatively broad distribution, extending through at least three ecoregions—southeastern Indochina dry evergreen forests, central Indochina dry forests, and southern Vietnam lowland dry forests. ", "All specimens were caught in forest.", "\n\nFootnotes\n\nReferences\n\nLiterature cited\nJenkins, P. D., Lunde, D. P. and Moncrieff, C. B. 2009. ", "Descriptions of new species of Crocidura (Soricomorpha: Soricidae) from mainland Southeast Asia, with synopses of previously described species and remarks on biogeography. ", "Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 331:356–405.", "\nJenkins, P. D., Abramov, A. V., Rozhnov, V. V. and Olsson, A. 2010. ", "A new species of Crocidura (Soricomorpha: Soricidae) from southern Vietnam and north-eastern Cambodia (abstract only). ", "Zootaxa 2345:60–68.", "\n\nphanluongi\nCategory:Mammals of Cambodia\nCategory:Mammals of Vietnam\nCategory:Mammals described in 2010" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nPancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer deaths in United States with a five-year survival rate of less than 5%. ", "According to American Cancer Society, in the US alone it is estimated that 43,920 individuals will be diagnosed with and 37,390 of them will die of pancreatic cancer in 2012 ([@b1-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Pancreatic cancer arises from the morphologically and genetically clearly defined precursor lesions through a step-wise accumulation of genetic alterations. ", "In majority of the patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, symptoms do not develop until it is either unresectable or metastatic, rendering it difficult to cure ([@b2-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "The low survival rate of patients points towards an increased need for novel strategies to combat pancreatic cancer. ", "The concept of chemoprevention has recently received significant attention as a novel strategy towards preventing pancreatic cancer before it occurs ([@b3-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Some chemopreventive agents such as COX-2 inhibitors, green and black tea derivatives, β-carotene, vitamins, isothiocyanates, and farnesyl transferase inhibitors have been reported as potential chemopreventive agents ([@b4-ijo-41-06-2260]--[@b7-ijo-41-06-2260]).", "\n\nAspirin (ASP), a well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), has emerged as a promising chemopreventive agent against various types of cancer. ", "ASP is capable of suppressing pancreatic cancer growth both *in vitro* and *in vivo*([@b8-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) enzyme which plays a key role in prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis is overexpressed in several cancers including pancreatic cancer. ", "ASP has been shown to inhibit pancreatic carcinogenesis by the inhibition of Cox-2 enzymes ([@b6-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Studies associated with the use of ASP for pancreatic cancer chemoprevention have met with mixed results thus far ([@b5-ijo-41-06-2260],[@b7-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Given these conflicting reports on the use of ASP in pancreatic cancer, it reaffirms the need for further study of this drug in pancreatic cancer chemoprevention.", "\n\nCurcumin (CUR), a diferuloylmethane is a derivative of spice turmeric (*Curcuma longa*). ", "CUR has shown to have pronounced chemopreventive, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and anti-carcinogenic activities in different cancer cell lines and murine cancer models ([@b9-ijo-41-06-2260]--[@b11-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "CUR has been shown to suppress NF-κB activation and NF-κB gene products ([@b12-ijo-41-06-2260]) and can induce p53-dependent apoptosis by induction of p53 in certain cancer cell lines ([@b13-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "In pancreatic cancer cell lines, CUR acts by suppressing the activation of NF-κB through the inhibition of IκBα protein ([@b14-ijo-41-06-2260]).", "\n\nSulforaphane (SFN) is a naturally-occurring sulfur-containing isothiocyanate found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage ([@b15-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "SFN has been shown to reduce NF-κB activity and affect expression of NF-κB mediated genes encoding adhesion molecules, inflammatory cytokines, growth factors and anti-apoptotic factors ([@b16-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "SFN also modulates multiple targets, which regulate many cellular activities including oxidative stress, apoptosis induction, cell cycle arrest, angiogenesis and metastasis suppression ([@b17-ijo-41-06-2260]).", "\n\nThere is an increasing interest to use a combination of chemopreventive agents that differ in their mode of action and target multiple pathways. ", "This approach provides a means of obtaining low-dose therapy and increased efficacy with less toxicity ([@b18-ijo-41-06-2260],[@b19-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "It is noteworthy that the phase III clinical trial of difluoromethylornithine combination with sulindac has shown greater chemopreventive efficacy ([@b19-ijo-41-06-2260]), which pave the way for the use of combinatorial regimens to achieve a synergistic effect. ", "To date, no group has investigated the combined therapeutic effects of low dose mixtures of ASP, CUR and SFN on prevention of pancreatic cancer. ", "Since all of these agents have different mechanisms of action, an anticipated synergistic effect in pancreatic cancer would provide valuable information in assessing combination chemopreventive regimens for eventual clinical use.", "\n\nThe method of delivery plays an important role in improving the overall drug bioavailability. ", "Novel modes of delivery methods using microspheres and nanosphere technology are receiving wide attention as these have shown superior delivery compared to conventional dosage forms ([@b20-ijo-41-06-2260],[@b21-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "The strength of the drug delivery system is their ability to alter the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of the drug. ", "Nanoparticles have unusual properties that can be used to improve drug delivery. ", "Provided they are within the nanometer size range, there is an increased uptake by the cells through enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect thereby making it a potential tool to diagnose and treat cancer. ", "Nanosized drug delivery systems offer several advantages over the conventional delivery system such as controlled and sustained release of drugs, ability of the drug to cross the mucosal barriers, decreased renal and hepatic clearance, decreased immune recognition, increased half-lives of drugs due to slow and controlled release from the nanoparticulate systems, increased stability and solubility ([@b22-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "All these advantages suggest the emerging role of nanoparticles in cancer therapy and chemoprevention demonstrating a need for further research in this area.", "\n\nA nanotechnology-based drug delivery system, solid-lipid nanoparticles (SLN) has received considerable attention in the last few years as a convenient method of delivering drugs into the body in a controlled release manner ([@b23-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "SLNs are commonly defined as solid nanoscaled lipid matrices in size range of 50--1,000 nm typically consisting of a solid lipid compound, surfactant and incorporated active ingredients. ", "Additionally, SLNs are biocompatible and act by protecting incorporated compounds against chemical degradation. ", "However, the most important advantage of SLNs is that they increase the bioavailability of lipophilic drugs administered by the oral route ([@b24-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "There is considerable evidence that SLNs act by carrying most of the drugs through the lymphatic system, and in part through the general blood circulation thus avoiding first pass metabolism ([@b25-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "This allows for administration of lower doses with less chances of toxic effects, while maintaining efficacy. ", "It has been observed that the formulations exhibited superior and better cytotoxicity profile compared to their corresponding free drug ([@b26-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Thus, the SLN delivery system due to the favorable physicochemical characteristics, controlled release kinetics would be ideal for delivery of lipophilic drugs like ASP, CUR and SFN.", "\n\nAlthough many studies have been conducted to test the chemopreventive efficacy of ASP, CUR and SFN, no studies have been reported on the combined chemopreventive efficacy of these SLN encapsulated drugs. ", "We recently demonstrated significant chemoprevention of colon cancer in rats using an orally administered drug loaded polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) polymer in a nanotechnology-based targeted delivery system ([@b26-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Here, we are proposing the use of a novel solid-lipid nanoparticle (SLN) technology for the oral delivery of combinations of chemopreventive agents for pancreatic cancer. ", "Thus, in the present study we formulate the above mentioned chemopreventive agents into SLNs and further evaluate their combined chemopreventive efficacy in two different human pancreatic cancer cells, MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nMaterials\n---------\n\nFor the cell culture assays and solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) formulations, the drugs ASP, CUR and SFN were obtained from LKT Laboratories (St. Paul, MN). ", "Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was obtained from Sigma Chemicals (St. Louis, MO). ", "Stearic acid (lipid) and Poloxamer 188 (emulsion stabilizer) was obtained from Spectrum Chemicals (Garden, CA). ", "Dichloromethane (DCM) was obtained from Fisher Scientific (Houston, TX).", "\n\nHuman cell lines\n----------------\n\nHuman pancreatic cancer cell lines MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1 were obtained from ATCC (Rockville, MD). ", "Cells were maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) obtained from ATCC. ", "Cells were cultured at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO~2~ and 95% air.", "\n\nPreparation of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs)\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nASP and CUR SLNs were prepared using a hot melt oil-in-water (o/w) emulsion technique. ", "Stearic acid was used as the solid lipid to make the nanoparticle formulations. ", "Briefly, 1 mg of stearic acid was melted by heating in a water bath at 70--80°C. ", "The drug (100 mg) was suspended in 3 ml of DCM. ", "The suspended drug solution was then added to the melted stearic acid and heated until all DCM was evaporated. ", "The water phase consisted of 1% poloxamer solution which was heated to the same temperature as that of the oil phase. ", "The oil phase was then added to the poloxamer solution and the mixture was further sonicated for 5 min using an ultra-sonicator (Branson, Los Angeles, CA) to create an o/w emulsion. ", "The emulsion so formed was then cooled and washed with water to remove excess free drug from the particle surface. ", "SLNs were freeze-dried in a freeze dryer (Labconco, Kansas City, MO) and subjected to particle sizing and encapsulation efficiency determination.", "\n\nParticle size measurement\n-------------------------\n\nThe particle sizes of the formulated SLNs were measured using Nicomp submicron particle size analyzer Model 370 (New York, USA). ", "Briefly, 5 mg of the SLN formulation was suspended in 10 ml of phosphate saline buffer (PBS, pH 7.4) and was sonicated for 2 min. ", "Particle size was measured using 1 ml of the suspension.", "\n\nEncapsulation efficiency (%) determination\n------------------------------------------\n\nEncapsulation efficiency (E.E) was determined by dissolving 10 mg of the SLN formulation in DCM which dissolves the stearic acid and releases the drug entrapped within the lipid. ", "DCM was evaporated under a current of inert air for 1 h. Evaporation of DCM left a residue of the drug and lipid sticking to the bottom of the test tube. ", "Drug was separated from the lipid by dissolving it in 5 ml of acetonitrile. ", "The drug was allowed to dissolve freely for about 30 min in a bath sonicator after which it was filtered through a 0.45 *μ*m filter. ", "The resulting solution was further diluted to 20 ml by adding acetonitrile. ", "A total of 1 ml of the resulting mixture was analyzed using Shimadzu LC-20 binary HPLC system (Columbia, MD). ", "A total of 20 *μ*l of naproxen was used as an internal standard. ", "E.E was calculated using the following expression: E.E (%) = amount (mg) of drug per HPLC method/theoretical yield (mg) ×100.", "\n\nDetermination of drug release from SLNs\n---------------------------------------\n\nThe *in vitro* release profile of ASP and CUR from SLNs was determined using a dialysis bag method. ", "A hydrophilic dialysis membrane pouch (MWCO 12 kDa) served as the donor compartment. ", "SLNs containing 100 mg of the drug were suspended in 5 ml of PBS and placed inside the membrane pouch. ", "Subsequently, the pouch was lowered into a container with 100 ml PBS solution containing 1% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) serving as the receptor medium for the study. ", "At fixed time intervals, 5 ml receptor medium was withdrawn and replaced with 5 ml fresh medium. ", "Samples were analyzed using HPLC. ", "All the samples were carried out in triplicates.", "\n\nDrug encapsulated SLN stability studies\n---------------------------------------\n\nStorage stability studies were conducted on ASP and CUR SLN formulations over a period of 3 months. ", "Samples were stored at three different temperatures 4°C, 24°C and 37°C in closed glass vials. ", "Particle size and encapsulation efficiencies were determined as indicators of storage stability of the prepared SLNs. ", "All the studies were conducted in triplicate.", "\n\nCell viability (MTS) assay\n--------------------------\n\nThe cell viability assay was performed according to manufacturer's protocol included with the Promega CellTitre 96 Aqueous MTS reagent (Madison, WI). ", "Briefly, 2.5×10^3^ cells of MIA PaCa-2 cells and 4×10^3^ cells of Panc-1 were seeded in 96-well plates and incubated for 24 h. Test compounds ASP SLNs, CUR SLNs and free SFN alone and in combination at a concentration of 25 *μ*M, 2.5 *μ*M and 5 *μ*M respectively, were added and incubated for a period of 72 h. On the last day of the incubation period, the growth medium was removed followed by addition of 100 *μ*l mixture consisting of 20% MTS and 1% of phenazine methosulfate (PMS) to the serum-free culture medium and incubated for 2 h at 37°C. ", "MTS is bioreduced by cells into formazan which can be measured at 490 nm. ", "Thus, the quantity of formazan product measured by the amount of 490 nm absorbance is directly proportional to the number of living cells in culture. ", "IC~50~ values were determined using Prism software (San Diego, CA). ", "All the samples were performed in triplicates. ", "Each experiment was performed at least thrice.", "\n\nAnnexin V-PI apoptosis assay\n----------------------------\n\nThe assay was performed according to manufacturer's protocol included with the Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) Vybrant Apoptosis assay kit \\#3 ( Invitrogen, Green Island, NY). ", "Briefly, 3×10^5^ MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1 cells were seeded in 6-well plates and incubated for a period of 24 h. Test compounds ASP SLNs, CUR SLNs and free SFN alone and in combination at a concentration of 25 *μ*M, 2.5 *μ*M and 5 *μ*M, respectively, were added and incubated for a period of 48 h. After the incubation period, cells were washed twice with cold PBS (phosphate buffered saline) and then resuspended in 1X Annexin binding buffer such that the cell density was equivalent to 1×10^6^ cells/ml. ", "A total of 100 *μ*l of this cell suspension was then subjected to 5 *μ*l of FITC Annexin V and 1 *μ*l of the 100 *μ*g/ml PI followed by incubation in the dark for 15 min. ", "After the incubation period, 400 *μ*l of 1X annexin binding buffer was added to the cells followed by gentle vortexing. ", "The samples were kept on ice and were analyzed using Beckman Coulter Cytomics FC500 (Brea, CA). ", "The fluorescence emission was measured at 530 nm (e.g. FL1) and \\>575 nm (e.g. FL3).", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nResults were expressed as mean ± SEM. ", "A one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis using Graph pad prism software (La Jolla, CA) was done to analyze and compare the results. ", "A probability value of ≤0.05% was considered significant.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nParticle sizing of drug encapsulated SLNs\n-----------------------------------------\n\nNicomp volume weight was used as the standard measure for poly distribution type particle sizing. ", "The SLNs of ASP and CUR were retained within the nanometer range ([Table I](#t1-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The particle size of ASP SLNs (150 nm) was lower than that of CUR (249 nm). ", "All the SLNs showed optimal particle size with low variability.", "\n\nEncapsulation efficiency (%)\n----------------------------\n\nThe SLNs exhibited 85 and 69% encapsulation efficiency of the ASP and CUR, respectively, within the lipid ([Table I](#t1-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The encapsulation efficiency was higher for ASP in comparison to CUR.", "\n\nDrug release from the SLNs\n--------------------------\n\nThe drug release studies were performed using membrane compartmental analysis. ", "The release of the drug from nanoparticles prepared using stearic acid as lipid was conducted over a period of 5 days. ", "As shown in [Fig. ", "1](#f1-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the release of ASP was faster compared to CUR. ", "Release of CUR was not observed until a period of 24 h. A cumulative drug release of approximately 7 mg of ASP was observed within 90 h of the study showing faster release pattern in comparison to the curcumin SLNs. ", "However, in comparison to ASP SLNs, CUR SLNs showed a slower drug release time profile releasing approximately 6.5 mg of the drug entrapped. ", "Both the formulations exhibited slow sustained release of the drug.", "\n\nDrug encapsulated SLN stability studies\n---------------------------------------\n\n*i) Particle size (nm).* ", "Particle size of ASP SLNs measured at the start of the study showed a size range of 160±32 nm. ", "After a three month duration, where samples were stored at three different temperatures (4°C, 24°C and 37°C) the particle sizes were 165, 164 and 180 nm, respectively. ", "For CUR SLNs, the size range at the start of the storage study was 250±40 nm. ", "At the end of 3 months study, the particle sizes were 260, 255 and 325 nm, respectively. ", "Thus both ASP and CUR SLNs exhibited stability at lower temperatures (4°C and 24°C). ", "However, some agglomeration was evident at 37°C which demonstrated an increase in particle size at that temperature ([Fig. ", "2A](#f2-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}). *", "ii) Encapsulation efficiency (%).* ", "ASP SLNs showed an initial encapsulation efficiency (E.E) of 85% at the start of the storage stability test. ", "After 3 months at different temperatures, the E.E was found to be 82% (4°C), 80% (24°C) and 45% (37°C). ", "The encapsulation efficiency of CUR SLNs was demonstrated to be 69% but after 3 months at different temperatures showed 70% (4°C), 65% (24°C) and 34% (37°C) encapsulation ([Fig. ", "2B](#f2-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, the encapsulation seemed to be affected at higher temperatures. ", "Results of these studies demonstrated that storage at higher temperatures of 37°C could result in particle size and encapsulation changes which would have a direct adverse impact on the drug release characteristics from the SLNs used in the study.", "\n\nIC~50~ comparisons between free drugs and drug encapsulated SLNs\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to study the effects of SLNs, the inhibitory concentrations (IC~50~) values of the free drug and the drug encapsulated SLNs were compared. ", "It was observed that the SLNs exhibited lower IC~50~ values in comparison to the free drug. ", "In case of MIA PaCa-2 cells, free ASP exhibited IC~50~ value of 2.6 mM. However, in case of drug encapsulated SLNs, the IC~50~ value was significantly reduced to 66.08 *μ*M, showing approximately 38-fold reduction compared to the free form of the drug ([Fig. ", "3A](#f3-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Whereas, free CUR exhibited the IC~50~ value of 19.6 *μ*M whereas CUR SLNs exhibited IC~50~ value of 4.93 *μ*M with ∼3-fold reductions from its free form ([Fig. ", "3B](#f3-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Similarly for Panc-1 cells, the IC~50~ values obtained for free ASP and ASP SLNs were 2.4 mM and 99.11 *μ*M, respectively ([Fig. ", "3C](#f3-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Whereas, the IC~50~ values of CUR and CUR SLNs obtained were 19.6 *μ*M and 7.569 *μ*M, respectively ([Fig. ", "3D](#f3-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, our results demonstrate that the drugs when encapsulated in SLNs exhibited cytotoxicity at lower concentrations compared to free forms of the drugs.", "\n\nNovel combined chemopreventive regimen of ASP SLNs, CUR SLNs and free SFN show a synergistic effect on the reduction of cell viability\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nMTS assay was performed in order to study the combination effects of chemopreventive drug SLNs on the cell lines MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1. ", "After determining the dose response curves individually and obtaining the IC~50~ value for each of them, ineffective drug concentrations were selected for ASP SLN (25 *μ*M), CUR SLN (2.5 *μ*M) showing minimal inhibitory response on the cell lines. ", "SFN was used in its unmodified form at a concentration of 5 *μ*M. When combined together as a combination (ACS), the cell viability was reduced to 43.6% for MIA PaCa-2 cell line ([Fig. ", "4A](#f4-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and 48.49% for Panc-1 cell line ([Fig. ", "4B](#f4-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}), respectively. ", "This change was significant (p\\<0.0001) in comparison to the reduction in cell viability of individual concentrations of ∼10%. ", "Thus, synergistic effects were observed when combination of drugs was used. ", "Dual combinations showed reduction in cell viability of ∼20% hence demonstrating no significant differences when compared to individual drug concentrations (data not shown).", "\n\nCombined chemopreventive regimen shows increased apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cells\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nInduction of apoptosis by ASP (25 *μ*M), CUR (2.5 *μ*M) and SFN (5 *μ*M) alone or the combination was evaluated in MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1 cells. ", "The cells were exposed to the drugs for 48 h, and induction of cell apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V binding and PI staining assay. ", "In case of MIA PaCa-2 cell line as shown by the representative contour plots ([Fig. ", "5](#f5-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}), individual concentrations of SLN chemopreventive agents showed low evidence of apoptosis in both the cell lines; ASP SLNs exhibited 20.91%, CUR SLNs 24.52% and SFN 28.08% apoptotic cells. ", "However, when the cells were exposed to a combination (ACS), an apoptotic effect of 61.3% was observed.", "\n\nA similar effect was observed in the case of Panc-1 cells ([Fig. ", "6](#f6-ijo-41-06-2260){ref-type=\"fig\"}) where individual drug concentrations of ASP SLNs, CUR SLNs and SFN exhibited 8.84%, 12.14% and 16.55% of apoptotic cells, respectively. ", "When the combination was used, increase in apoptotic effect was observed showing 60.37% apoptotic cells. ", "Thus, the combination of SLN chemopreventive agents was synergistically effective in inducing apoptosis at low concentrations in both MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1 cells.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nPancreatic cancer ranks as the fourth most deadly form of cancer in the United States with approximately 37,000 deaths each year ([@b1-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Early diagnosis of this disease is difficult because it develops without any early symptoms. ", "Survival of patients with pancreatic cancer has been \\<5% over 5 years which makes this disease of great concern ([@b2-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Therapeutic outcomes with pancreatic cancer are not useful for patients especially upon a late diagnosis thus strategies to prevent this disease from occurring have become an important area of research. ", "Recently, chemoprevention has emerged as an effective tool in the fight against various types of cancers, including colon and pancreatic cancer ([@b19-ijo-41-06-2260],[@b27-ijo-41-06-2260]).", "\n\nOur research has been focused on the administration of low doses of ACS combination SLNs to study its chemopreventive effects against pancreatic cancer cells MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1. ", "Single agent administration at low concentrations has been demonstrated to be ineffective, hence the hypothesis that two or more chemopreventive agents when delivered at low concentrations together, may exhibit an additive or synergistic effect against the cancer cells was tested. ", "This can be attributed to the multi-factorial nature of carcinogenesis wherein cancer occurs as a result of multiple cellular changes during a prolonged time period. ", "Of the various chemopreventive agents being studied, ASP, CUR and SFN have been proven to be effective in the chemoprevention of pancreatic cancer ([@b2-ijo-41-06-2260]--[@b4-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Several *in vivo* and *in vitro* studies have shown that NSAIDs like aspirin and celecoxib have helped prevent the progression of pancreatic cancer. ", "CUR and SFN, both being effective and non-toxic in nature, have been investigated for their chemopreventive actions ([@b9-ijo-41-06-2260],[@b12-ijo-41-06-2260],[@b17-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "Therefore using a multi-disciplinary approach, this study investigated the synergistic effects of SLN combinations of chemopreventive agents, namely, ASP in combination with CUR and SFN.", "\n\nNevertheless, the clinical translation of these agents has been significantly hampered due to various reasons including poor oral bioavailability after administration. ", "Engineering an SLN drug delivery system for these agents offers a means of increasing the bioavailability in the plasma and tissues in comparison to the free form of these drugs, thereby ultimately improving the therapeutic efficacy. ", "Also, encapsulating the drug within the lipid matrix allows for administration of lower doses of drugs with less chance of toxic effects, while maintaining efficacy. ", "Furthermore, using combination of agents which differ in their mode of action helps to obtain a desired preventive effect, while minimizing the dose concentration and its toxic effects ([@b26-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "In terms of formulation development, both ASP and CUR SLNs were found to have optimal particle sizes, high encapsulation efficiency with good stability at or below room temperature. ", "The improved stability may be explained by the use of organic solvent in the preparation process which may have improved the hygroscopic nature of the lipid. ", "The high encapsulation can be attributed to the lipophilic nature of both ASP and CUR. ", "Also the particle sizing was found to be in nanometer range suggesting a better chance of cellular uptake of the drugs. ", "The formulated SLNs are non-toxic because they are made of physiological lipids such as stearic acid.", "\n\nThe effect of these agents was initially evaluated by calculating the IC~50~ values and then by combining the ineffective concentrations to exhibit an additive or synergistic effect against the cancer cells proving to be more efficacious at lower concentrations. ", "A comparative study between the two forms of the drugs i.e., the free form and SLN form was carried out. ", "It was observed that ASP and CUR SLNs IC~50~ concentrations exhibited approximately 38- and 3-fold reductions, respectively in comparison to the free form of the drug. ", "Studies have been reported where drug loaded SLNs have exhibited better cytotoxicity profile in comparison to the free drug ([@b28-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "This has been mainly attributed to the smaller particle size of the nanoparticles which increases the overall uptake of the drug. ", "The surfactant used in the development process determines the inhibitory effect on the cells. ", "We used Poloxamer 188 which has previously been shown to target cancerous cells, due to differences in the membrane of these cells when compared to the non-cancer cells. ", "Poloxamer has not only been shown to inhibit multiple drug resistance (MDR) proteins and other drug efflux transporters on the surface of the cancer cells but also shown to enhance protoapoptotic signaling and decrease anti-apoptotic defense in MDR cells ([@b29-ijo-41-06-2260]). ", "The MTS assay on drug entrapped SLNs was carried out using ASP (25 *μ*M), CUR (2.5 *μ*M) and SFN (5 *μ*M) as individual concentrations. ", "Individually they showed little or no decrease in the cell viability in the two cell lines, but when combined, a significant reduction by 60% was observed in MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1 cells. ", "In order to validate the efficacy of the combination regimen, apoptosis assay was conducted which determined the progression of a cancer cell from four different phases after the addition of the drug; living cell, early apoptotic cell, late apoptotic cell and necrotic cells. ", "These results seem to be consistent with our findings in the MTS assay. ", "The possible mechanisms involving the significant change for the combination could be an additive effect of the COX-2 enzyme inhibition, the regulation of the P53 suppressor pathway and by the modulation of the Nrf2 pathway; however additional studies need to be done to verify the findings.", "\n\nFrom these results, we believe that chemoprevention is an effective way to prevent pancreatic cancer especially as the disease cannot be diagnosed at an early stage. ", "Using a multi-disciplinary approach, this study investigated the synergistic effects of a combination of ASP and CUR SLN with free SFN. ", "We demonstrated for the first time that this SLN combination showed a synergistic inhibition of cell viability and induce apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cell lines. ", "However, further *in vivo* studies have to be conducted to test the efficacy of this SLN combination. ", "In conclusion, the results obtained from formulation studies and cell based assays clearly demonstrate the scope of developing the combination drug encapsulated SLN formulations to prevent pancreatic cancer.", "\n\nThis study was supported by a grant from National Institutes of Health (1R03CA153812-01A1; SP).", "\n\n![", "The release of aspirin and curcumin from solid lipid nanoparticles over a period of 5 days. ", "The drug release was determined using a dialysis bag method and analysis of samples was done using an HPLC system. ", "The data were plotted as mean ± SEM. ", "All the samples were carried out in triplicates.](IJO-41-06-2260-g00){#f1-ijo-41-06-2260}\n\n![", "Storage stability data of aspirin (ASP) and curcumin (CUR) SLNs over a three month period at three different temperatures (4°C, 24°C and 37°C). ", "The storage stability indicators (A) particle sizing and (B) % encapsulation efficiency were determined at start of the study and at the end of 3 month storage period. ", "All the samples were taken in triplicates. ", "The data were plotted as mean ± SEM.](IJO-41-06-2260-g01){#f2-ijo-41-06-2260}\n\n![", "IC~50~ values comparison between free form and drug encapsulated solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs). ", "In MIA PaCa-2 cells, IC~50~ values were compared between free and SLN forms of (A) aspirin and (B) curcumin. ", "In Panc-1 cells, IC~50~ comparisons were shown between free and SLN forms of (C) aspirin and (D) curcumin. ", "MTS assay was performed to determine the cell viability of MIA PaCa-2 and Panc-1 cells after treating with a range of concentrations of free and SLN forms of aspirin and curcumin for 72 h. IC~50~ values were then determined using graphpad Prism software.](IJO-41-06-2260-g02){#f3-ijo-41-06-2260}\n\n![", "Synergistic effect of ACS combination on cell viability. ", "MTS assay was performed to determine the cell viability of (A) MIA PaCa-2 and (B) Panc-1 cells after the treatment with aspirin SLN (ASP; 25 *μ*M), curcumin SLN (CUR; 2.5 *μ*M) and free sulforaphane (SFN; 5 *μ*M) individually and in combination of ACS (ASP+CUR+SFN) for 72 h. Each bar represents the mean percent viable cells measured in three parallel but independent experiments. ", "Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis. ", "^\\*\\*\\*^P\\<0.001 represents statistical significance of differences between control and treatment group.](IJO-41-06-2260-g03){#f4-ijo-41-06-2260}\n\n![", "ACS combination induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. ", "MIA PaCa-2 cells were treated with aspirin SLN (ASP; 25 *μ*M), curcumin SLN (CUR; 2.5 *μ*M) and free sulforaphane (SFN; 5 *μ*M) or in combination ACS (ASP+CUR+SFN) for 48 h. At the end of treatment, adherent and non-adherent cells were collected and stained with Annexin V-PI kit. ", "Stained cells were then analyzed by flow cytometric analysis. ", "The ACS chemopreventive combination demonstrated ∼61% apoptosis in MIA PaCa-2 cells.](IJO-41-06-2260-g04){#f5-ijo-41-06-2260}\n\n![", "ACS combination induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. ", "Panc-1 cells were treated with aspirin SLN (ASP; 25 *μ*M), curcumin SLN (CUR; 2.5 *μ*M) and free sulforaphane (SFN; 5 *μ*M) or in combination ACS (ASP+CUR+SFN) for 48 h. At the end of treatment, adherent and non-adherent cells were collected and stained with Annexin V-PI kit. ", "Stained cells were then analyzed by flow cytometric analysis. ", "The ACS chemopreventive combination demonstrated ∼60% apoptosis in Panc-1 cells.](IJO-41-06-2260-g05){#f6-ijo-41-06-2260}\n\n###### \n\nParticle size and encapsulation efficiency of drug-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles.", "\n\n Drug Particle size (nm) Encapsulation efficiency (%)\n ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------\n Aspirin 150±63 85±5.2\n Curcumin 249±65 69±3.0\n" ]
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", "Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and.", "\n\nTrain services on the K-K line, which have been affected on Thursday night, following fall of boulders due to incessant rains between Tyda and Chimidipalle Station on the Kottavalasa – Kirandul line were restored on Friday. ", "Train No.", "\n\nFlorida Nudist Camp Madrid Vacation Ideas Visit New Mexico for a unique family vacation filled with exciting activities like skiing, hiking, shopping and sight seeing. ", "Adventure awaits at every corner. ", "Native. ", "When Che Carsner wanted to find discount airline tickets for his parents from the Miami area to New York, he knew where to look. ", "The Manhattan real estate agent logged onto Kayak.com, a new online travel aggregator, and typed in some. ", "Multiply the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by partnering with the right consumer brands. ", "AVIAREPS has extensive experience in bringing global FMCG and media. 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", "Either one or all of the guys would make the meals depending on the complexity, almost always vegetarian with.", "\n\nMILWAUKEE — Craig Counsell is in his first full year as the Milwaukee Brewers’ manager, and he’s also running his very first spring training. \"", "We’re having baseball. ", "that even has players like Aaron Hill taking notice. \"", "That’ll be fun to.", "\n\nTrain services on the K-K line, which have been affected on Thursday night, following fall of boulders due to incessant rains between Tyda and Chimidipalle Station on the Kottavalasa – Kirandul line were restored on Friday. ", "Train No.", "\n\nSkid Row Star Addresses Idea Of Sebastian Bach Reunion was a Top 10 story on. ", "their heyday and departed the group in 1996. ", "Hill discussed with Another FN Podcast (via TeamRock) the talks Bach’s camp and the band had last.", "\n\nJango is about making online music social, fun and simple. ", "Free personal radio that learns from your taste and connects you to others who like what you like.", "\n\nJango is about making online music social, fun and simple. ", "Free personal radio that learns from your taste and connects you to others who like what you like.", "\n\nIn February, the internet threw itself into a tizzy over a reported bacon shortage only to find out that America’s stocks of bacon wouldn’t be largely affected.", "\n\nLauryn Hill arrived more than two hours late and performed an uneven. ", "over the weekend, according to a CBS News.", "\n\nThis small camp site behind the pub seems to be very pop­u­lar with bach­e­lors par­ties, no dri­ving, and loads of good food and drink to be enter­tained with…\n\nAfter we hit 40, many of us begin to worry about our aging brains. ", "Will we spend our middle years searching for car keys and forgetting names? ", "The new book “The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle.", "\n\nREADING, Pa. – A group that performs to the unique beat of its own trash can or shopping cart is set for a return to Berks County. ", "STOMP, an \"international percussion sensation,\" will appear on stage at the Santander Performing Arts Center.", "\n\nThis small camp site behind the pub seems to be very pop­u­lar with bach­e­lors par­ties, no dri­ving, and loads of good food and drink to be enter­tained with…\n\nCamp Roxx is an offbeat, adventure camping outfit nestled in the middle of 7 kms of virgin Pine forest of Kangojodi (HP). ", "The most accessible adventure camp\n\nJoin today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment, plus select which news your want direct to your inbox. ", "Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and.", "\n\nThompson (John Saxon) and his officer, much more eerie as they discuss the crime scene’s gruesome atmosphere. “", "Bon appetit, bitch” – Greta (Erika Anderson) is an aspiring model who watches her weight. ", "When Greta’s mom throws a.\n\nAfter we hit 40, many of us begin to worry about our aging brains. ", "Will we spend our middle years searching for car keys and forgetting names? ", "The new book “The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle.", "\n\nSkid Row Star Addresses Idea Of Sebastian Bach Reunion was a Top 10 story on. ", "their heyday and departed the group in 1996. ", "Hill discussed with Another FN Podcast (via TeamRock) the talks Bach’s camp and the band had last.", "\n\nGolfing Holidays Abroad Golf Breaks – Golf Holidays – Golf Breaks UK – Golfing Holidays UK, Golf Spain, Escorted Golfing Holidays. 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", "Victoria Hotel Isle Of Bute Stargate Atlantis Travelers Winner of the 2008 People’s Choice award for Favorite Sci-Fi show and three-time Emmy nominee*, Stargate: Atlantis The Complete Series is a 26-DVD set that features all 100 Seasons 1-5 episodes and includes a bonus disc with. ", "General Information; About – All things dedicated to the 1994 Stargate movie and MGM’s franchise:\n\nThe Bon-Ton was founded in 1898 when Max Grumbacher and his father, Samuel, opened S. Grumbacher & Son, a one-room dry goods.", "\n\nThe three girls reached out to friends Jane Brooks and Bennett Wood (who goes to Calhoun but had met Loulou at a “social-justice camp” in Vermont), and by. 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[ " NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION\n File Name: 11a0566n.06\n\n No. ", "09-4473 FILED\n Aug 12, 2011\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT LEONARD GREEN, Clerk\n\n\nMSI Regency, Ltd., )\n Plaintiff-Appellee, )\n )\n ) ON APPEAL FROM THE\nv. ) UNITED STATES DISTRICT\n ) COURT FOR THE\nAlvin D. Jackson, M.D., et al. ", " ) SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF\n ) OHIO\n Defendant )\n ) OPINION\nand )\n )\nJ. Nick Baird, M.D.; Christine A. Kenney; Jodi )\nGovern; Joel Kaiser; Madelyn Dile; Rebecca )\nMaust; Carol Ray; Martin L. King, )\n\n Defendants-Appellants.", "\n\n\n\n\nBEFORE: MOORE, GIBBONS, and McKEAGUE, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n McKeague, Circuit Judge. ", "Plaintiff-Appellant MSI Regency (“Regency”) was granted a\n\nCertificate of Need from the Ohio Department of Health (“ODH”) to rebuild its nursing home\n\nfacilities. ", "However, when ODH revoked that Certificate due to changes in Regency’s planned\n\nactivities, Regency lost substantial revenues on the stalled project. ", "Regency brought suit under 42\n\nU.S.C. § 1983 against several current and former ODH employees, in their personal capacities,\n\nalleging, inter alia, due process and equal protection violations. ", "The Defendants filed a motion to\n\ndismiss, based on qualified immunity and failure to state a claim. ", "The district court denied the\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nmotion, concluding that it could not determine whether the complaint alleged a constitutional\n\nviolation. ", "For the following reasons, we REVERSE the district court’s judgment and hold that the\n\ndefendants are entitled to qualified immunity.", "\n\n I.\n\n Plaintiff-Appellant Regency owns a nursing home and assisted living facility. ", "On July 20,\n\n2005, Regency applied for a Certificate of Need from ODH, in order to rebuild its outdated facilities.", "\n\nA Certificate of Need (\"CON\") is a required approval from the state to conduct a \"reviewable\n\nactivity.\" ", "Ohio Revised Code Section 3702 defines a \"reviewable activity\" to include any\n\n\"establishment, development, or construction of a new long-term care facility,\" \"replacement of an\n\nexisting long-term care facility,\" or \"renovation of a long-term care facility . . . .\" ", "Ohio Rev. Code\n\n§ 3702.51(R)(1)-(3). ", "Also defined as a \"reviewable activity\" is \"[a]ny change in the health services,\n\nbed capacity, or site, or any other failure to conduct the reviewable activity in substantial accordance\n\nwith the approved application for which a certificate of need concerning long-term care beds was\n\ngranted, if the change is made within five years after the implementation of the reviewable activity\n\nfor which the certificate was granted.\" ", "Id. at § 3702.51(R)(5).", "\n\n Regency planned to tear down one building on its property (which was currently used for\n\nassisted living facilities) and build a new nursing home facility in its place, then move the existing\n\nnursing home residents into the new building. ", "After this was completed, Regency intended to then\n\ndemolish the old nursing home building and build a new assisted living facility. ", "Regency's\n\napplication included a description of its plan for care of the current nursing home residents—it stated\n\nthat the existing facility would remain operational until the new building was completed and that\n\n -2-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nnursing home residents \"will remain where they are [in the current nursing home facility] until the\n\nrenovation is completed.\"", "\n\n On November 1, 2005, ODH granted Regency a CON. ", "However, before receiving the\n\ncertificate, Regency had also applied to the Ohio Department of Housing and Urban Development\n\n(\"HUD\") for construction financing for this intended two-phase project. ", "After receiving the CON,\n\nRegency was informed that HUD would not provide financing for the plan as currently laid out, but\n\nwould finance the project if the nursing and assisted living facilities were built as one project—i.e.,\n\nat the same time. ", "Therefore, Regency changed its plan. ", "Without discussing this change with ODH,\n\nRegency informed its long-term care residents in a letter dated December 15, 2005, that the existing\n\nfacility would be closing no later than March 2006, and that they would have to relocate during\n\nconstruction. ", " The letter offered assistance with relocation. ", " The same day, Regency sent\n\nDefendant-Appellant, J. Nick Baird, then-Director of ODH, a letter entitled \"90 Day Advance\n\nNotice of Intent to Close.\"", "\n\n On January 6, 2006, ODH responded to the December 15th letter. ", "In its response, written\n\nby Defendant Christine Kenney, Section Chief of Health Care Services at ODH, the Department\n\nnoted that the Certificate of Need's approval was conditioned on Regency's representation in its\n\napplication that the renovation would \"progress without any impact on the ongoing care and services\n\nto the residents who will remain where they are until the renovation is completed.\" ", "ODH's letter\n\nwarned Regency that \"[f]ailure to comply with this aspect of the approved project may initiate\n\nprocedures to withdraw the certificate of need.\"", "\n\n\n\n -3-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n Regency alleges, and Defendants deny, that Regency (through its representative, Managing\n\nMember Akiva Wagschal) discussed ODH's January 6 letter with another ODH representative, John\n\nHoffman, and with the ODH Assistant Counsel, Defendant Carol Ray, who stated that the concerns\n\nin Kenney's January 6 letter were \"unprecedented,” and suggested how to respond.", "\n\n Regency responded to ODH with a letter dated January 10, 2006. ", "Regency initially disputed\n\nKenney's statement that the Certificate of Need contained a condition regarding the residents'\n\nlocation. ", "Regency went on to explain the changed financial circumstances and thus the change in\n\nits plan, and then acknowledged that \"[t]his turn of events necessitated making a minor change in\n\nthe original documented\" plan. ", "Regency's letter to ODH also noted that some residents were\n\ndispleased with the plan requiring them to move, and so, \"[w]ith a heavy heart, deep regret and great\n\nreluctance, on December 27, 2005, we [Regency] issued them 30 day advance notices of our intent\n\nto transfer them.\" ", "This letter to residents was in fact entitled \"Eviction Notice,\" and stated that the\n\nresidents would be \"transfer[red] and discharge[d]\" in January because \"the facility is closing.\"", "\n\n Importantly, Regency's letter then went on to say \"I respectfully request that if a\n\n‘determination of non-reviewability' is required,\" because of the modification to the plan, \"that this\n\nletter be considered our request for a determination.\"", "\n\n Despite their receipt of the January 6 letter from ODH, expressing concerns about Regency's\n\nclosing of the facility, Regency continued with its plan to close. ", "It informed ODH on January 25 that\n\nall residents had moved or been relocated, and that the nursing facility was officially closed. ", "On\n\nFebruary 2, Defendant Kaiser (on behalf of Defendant Kenney and ODH) sent Regency a form\n\n\n\n -4-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\ndocument, which did not refer to the January 10 letter or the relocation, but simply was a routine\n\nform that requested copies of design drawings.", "\n\n However, on February 23, Defendant Baird, then-Director of ODH, responded to Regency's\n\nJanuary 10 letter. ", "Presumably responding to Regency's request, he treated Regency's letter as a\n\nrequest for a reviewability determination on the changes in the CON conditions. ", "ODH explained\n\nthat \"as approved, the existing facility was to remain open and operational and residents were to\n\nremain in the existing building until the new building was constructed and they could be relocated.\"", "\n\nThe letter further stated that \"[a]fter being made aware that the relocation of residents prior to\n\ncompletion of the new building was an issue with the Certificate of Need, you proceeded with the\n\nrelocation of residents and closure of the existing facility.\" ", "ODH concluded that Regency's decision\n\nto relocate the residents was a \"reviewable activity.\"", "\n\n Shortly thereafter, ODH informed Regency that \"[b]y relocating residents and closing the\n\nexisting Regency Village facility, contrary to the approved CON application,\" Regency had \"failed\n\nto conduct the reviewable activity in substantial accordance with the approved application.\" ", "Because\n\nRegency's actions were a \"substantial\" change from the conditions upon which the Certificate of\n\nNeed was granted, ODH found Regency in violation of Ohio Revised Code § 3702.53(C). ", "ODH\n\nconsidered the fact that \"[t]he Department learned of the deviation from the approved CON from the\n\nmanaging Long-Term Care Ombudsman for Cincinnati and not from the holder of the CON. ", "In\n\naddition, the holder of the CON continued with implementation of the deviation after receiving\n\nnotice from the Department that the approved CON requires the long-term care residents to be\n\npermitted to remain.\" ", "The Director of Health therefore revoked the project's CON, levied a statutory\n\n -5-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\npenalty, and assessed a period of three years during which no subsequent applications for CON's\n\nwould be granted to Regency. ", "ODH formally withdrew the CON on May 15, 2006.", "\n\n Regency appealed all of ODH's rulings to the Ohio Court of Appeals, pursuant to the\n\nprocedures in Ohio Revised Code § 3702.60. ", "The Court of Appeals affirmed the Director's\n\ndetermination that the relocation of residents was a \"reviewable activity.\" ", "In re MSI Regency Village,\n\nLtd., 2008 Ohio 3830, at *3 (Ohio App. ", "July 31, 2008). ", "It also affirmed the Director's conclusion\n\nthat Regency failed to conduct the activity in \"substantial accordance\" with the application as\n\nrequired. ", "Id. The court reasoned that the fact that the regulation \"requires a feasible plan for the\n\nresidents living in a facility proposed to be relocated,\" supports the contention that \"the state of Ohio\n\nhas a compelling state interest in the treatment of Ohio citizens residing in long-term care beds,\n\nparticularly when a major disruption may occur if the beds are to be relocated or replaced.\" ", "Id. at *4.", "\n\n The state court found that \"in this case, the closing of the facility and the relocation of the\n\nresidents were precisely the opposite of what [Regency] had represented in the CON application for\n\nits plan of care for the residents.\" ", "Id. Ultimately, the court concluded that the Director acted within\n\nhis discretion to impose the penalties of withdrawal and a moratorium. ", "It affirmed the imposition\n\nof, but lowered the amount of, the assessed penalty, based on statutory language governing the\n\npenalties.", "\n\n An appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court was timely filed, but it was not until after the present\n\nproceedings were initiated—and the first motion to dismiss at issue in this case was denied—that\n\nthe Ohio Supreme Court refused the appeal for review, making the Ohio Court of Appeals’ decision\n\nthe final state court decision. ", "In re MSI Regency Village, Ltd., 120 Ohio St.3d 1457 (2008).", "\n\n -6-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n Plaintiff filed this civil suit on October 26, 2007, alleging that the Defendants—all ODH\n\nemployees but all sued only in their individual capacities—knowingly and recklessly abused their\n\npositions and conspired with each other to deprive Regency of its planned project by \"misapplying\n\nand misinterpreting\" the CON regulations. ", "Count I was brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging\n\nthat the Defendants are personally liable for violating Regency's due process, equal protection, and\n\njust compensation rights.1\n\n The Defendants moved on August 29, 2008 to dismiss the complaint. ", "They argued that as\n\npublic officers being sued in their personal capacity, they are entitled to qualified immunity. ", "The\n\ndistrict court applied the analysis required by Saucier v. Katz, 533 U.S. 194 (2001): 1) Determine\n\nwhether the plaintiff's constitutional rights were violated, 2) If so, determine whether the right was\n\n\"clearly established\" from the standpoint of a reasonable public official, and 3) If so, determine\n\nwhether the official conduct was objectively unreasonable given the clearly established right in\n\nquestion. ", "The court assumed, for purposes of the motion, that Regency had a protected property\n\ninterest in the CON, and noted that property interests in state-issued permits are likely \"clearly\n\nestablished.\"", "\n\n\n\n\n 1\n Count II alleged that the withdrawal of the CON was premature because Regency had\nappealed the determination about whether the relocation was a \"reviewable activity,\" and therefore\nby revoking the CON prior to that review, the Defendants perpetrated an \"administrative taking\" of\nRegency's property. ", "Count III sought a preliminary injunction against the CON withdrawal.", "\nHowever, the district court dismissed Count II without prejudice, for failure to exhaust available state\nremedies, and that determination has not been appealed. ", "Count III was not pursued by Regency at\nthe district court level. ", "Therefore, only Count I is at issue in this appeal.", "\n\n\n -7-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n In addressing whether Regency's rights were violated, the district court considered each\n\nalleged theory in turn. ", "It held that Regency failed to adequately allege a procedural due process\n\nclaim, as notice and an opportunity to be heard were clearly received. ", "On Regency's equal protection\n\ntheory, the court noted that plaintiff did not allege any class-based disparate treatment and must\n\nproceed as a \"class of one\"; it must therefore show it was treated differently from others in Regency's\n\nsituation, and that there is no rational basis for the state actor's differential treatment. ", "The court\n\nconcluded that plaintiff's \"own pleadings strongly suggest a rational basis for ODH's actions, as the\n\nstatute defines a ‘reviewable activity' as a failure to conduct the project ‘in substantial accordance\n\nwith the approved application . . . .'\" ", "However, noting that “an equal protection challenge can also\n\nproceed on allegations that government action was motivated by animus or ill-will,” the court\n\nconcluded that Plaintiff's allegations could plausibly be read to allege such animus.", "\n\n Lastly, the district court addressed the substantive due process theory. ", "The complaint alleged\n\nthat Kenney \"ignored Plaintiff's responses to her January 6, 2008 letter; provided ‘false factual\n\ninformation' to other ODH staff; purposely misapplied and misinterpreted the CON rules; refused\n\nto give Plaintiff the opportunity to stop the planned closing of its old facility; and misled Plaintiff\n\nto believe that its January 11 letter was acceptable to ODH.\" ", "It further alleged that \"[o]ther\n\nDefendants . . . ", "conspired with Kenney. . . [", "and] failed to investigate and/or failed to adequately\n\nsupervise ODH staff.\" ", "Overall, the court concluded that Plaintiff alleged all defendants conspired\n\nwith each other to harm Plaintiff by depriving him of the CON needed to complete the construction\n\nproject,\" and therefore, \"Plaintiff's allegations if true, could support a plausible claim.\" ", "It warned\n\n\n\n -8-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nRegency, however, that \"conspiracy claims must be pled with some degree of specificity and that\n\nvague and conclusory allegations unsupported by material facts will not be sufficient.\"", "\n\n Addressing the Defendants' claim of qualified immunity, the court concluded that it\n\n\"[could not] determine from the pleadings whether Plaintiff's constitutional due process or equal\n\nprotection rights were violated by the Defendants' alleged conduct. ", "The Court must therefore deny\n\nthe motion to dismiss based on qualified immunity.\" ", "The court specified, however, that the motion\n\nfor qualified immunity was denied “without prejudice to renewal at the appropriate juncture.” ", "The\n\nDefendants did not appeal from this September 2008 decision.", "\n\n Thereafter, the United States Supreme Court issued two new decisions, Pearson v. Callahan,\n\n555 U.S. 223, 129 S. Ct. ", "808 (2009), and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 566 U.S. ___, 129 S. Ct. ", "1937 (2009).", "\n\nIt was also at this time that the Ohio Supreme Court refused to accept the state court appeal for\n\nreview, leaving the Ohio Court of Appeals’ decision upholding ODH’s actions as the final state court\n\ndecision. ", "Based on the intervening United States Supreme Court cases, the Defendants filed a\n\n\"Supplemental Motion to Dismiss\" on August 26, 2009, contending that the new case law\n\nestablished that Defendants are entitled to qualified immunity, and/or that Regency's complaint fails\n\nto adequately plead a claim. ", "Defendants argued that because Pearson held that courts no longer must\n\napproach the Saucier factors in a certain order, the court should proceed to consider the other prongs\n\nin order to grant Defendants the \"basic thrust of the qualified-immunity doctrine.\" ", "They further\n\nargued that the complaint contains \"no factual content,\" but merely \"legal conclusions and\n\nconclusory statements\" that \"cannot unlock the doors of discovery.\" ", "The district court concluded that\n\n\"Pearson does not substantively change the law but confirms that the courts may approach the\n\n -9-\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nimmunity question in the manner best suited to the facts and circumstances of each case,\" but did\n\nnot conduct an analysis of the second Saucier prong. ", "The court also concluded that this case was\n\nunlike Iqbal because \"Plaintiff has not sued far-off officials,\" but instead \"details the sequence of\n\nevents and his communications with the various individuals . . . ", "that culminated in the revocation\n\nof Plaintiff's Certificate of Need.\" ", "It held that while the complaint's allegations suggest negligent\n\nconduct, \"that is not the only plausible conclusion to be placed upon the events as alleged.\" ", "The\n\ncourt therefore denied the motion. ", "It is from this decision that the Defendants have appealed.", "\n\n II.", "\n\n Before proceeding to the merits, we must consider our jurisdiction to hear this appeal. ", "A\n\ndistrict court’s denial of a motion to dismiss is generally not appealable because the applicable\n\nstatute, 28 U.S.C. § 1291, only vests us with jurisdiction over a “final decision” of the trial court.", "\n\nThe Supreme Court has held, however, that “a district court’s denial of a claim of qualified\n\nimmunity, to the extent that it turns on an issue of law, is an appealable ‘final decision’ within the\n\nmeaning of 28 U.S.C. § 1291 notwithstanding the absence of a final judgment.” ", "Mitchell v. Forsyth,\n\n472 U.S. 511, 530 (1985). ", "This is true at either the dismissal stage or the summary judgment stage.", "\n\nBehrens v. Pelletier, 516 U.S. 299, 307 (1996). ", "In Johnson v. Jones, 515 U.S. 304, 313 (1995), the\n\nCourt clarified that Mitchell was “explicitly limited . . . ", "to appeals challenging, not a district court’s\n\ndetermination about what factual issues are ‘genuine,’ . . . ", "but the purely legal issue what law was\n\n‘clearly established.’” (", "internal citations omitted). ", "Therefore, this Court has jurisdiction over\n\ninterlocutory denials of qualified immunity, to the extent that they turn on a question of law.", "\n\n\n\n - 10 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n Here, two motions were involved. ", "The Defendants filed their first motion to dismiss on the\n\nbasis of qualified immunity and failure to state a claim on August 29, 2008. ", "At that time, the state\n\ncourt appeal was pending regarding the interpretation of the CON regulations and the actions of the\n\nODH employees. ", "The district court ruled that it could not determine whether the facts as alleged by\n\nplaintiff demonstrated a violation of Regency’s substantive due process or equal protection rights,\n\nand therefore denied qualified immunity, with leave to renew at the appropriate time. ", "Because\n\nSaucier was the current governing authority, and required judges to first answer the question whether\n\na constitutional violation has occurred before addressing whether the Defendants’ conduct was a\n\nviolation of clearly established rights, the court did not go on to address the second Saucier prong.", "\n\n However, after that decision, much changed. ", "First, the decision of the Ohio Court of Appeals\n\nbecame final when the Ohio Supreme Court denied review. ", "This constituted a final state court\n\ninterpretation of state law and regulations. ", "The Ohio Court of Appeals upheld ODH’s interpretation\n\nof the CON regulations as valid, deciding that Regency’s relocation of residents was a “reviewable\n\nactivity,” finding that Regency’s actions were “precisely the opposite” of what their application had\n\nsaid, agreeing with ODH that Regency failed to conduct its activity in “substantial accordance” with\n\nthe application, and upholding ODH’s decision to withdraw the CON, impose a moratorium, and\n\nlevy penalties.", "\n\n Second, the United States Supreme Court decided Pearson and Iqbal. ", "Pearson involved a\n\nqualified immunity claim, and reversed Saucier’s requirement that courts follow a “rigid order of\n\nbattle” in assessing the qualified immunity prongs. ", "Iqbal further clarified the standard for assessing\n\nthe sufficiency of a complaint, originally announced in Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544\n\n - 11 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n(2007), but also specifically addressed the standard’s applicability to conspiracy claims. ", "The\n\nDefendants therefore filed their second motion to dismiss, arguing that “due to the pronouncements”\n\nin these new cases, “it appears that this is the appropriate juncture for the Defendants’ to again\n\nrequest dismissal based on Qualified Immunity and the sufficiency of the Complaint.” ", "Both the\n\nintervening change in Supreme Court precedent and the intervening state court interpretation of the\n\nrelevant state law provided a non-frivolous basis for the Defendants to file a second motion, and for\n\nthe district court to entertain it. ", "See Rodriguez v. Tenn. Laborers Health & Welfare Fund, 89 F.\n\nApp’x 949, 959 (6th Cir. ", "2004); see also Louisville/Jefferson Cty. ", "Metro Government v. Hotels.com,\n\nL.P., 590 F.3d 381, 389 (6th Cir. ", "2009).", "\n\n However, the district court denied this supplemental motion, and it is from that order that the\n\nDefendants now appeal. ", "Regency argues that because Defendants did not appeal the first order, this\n\nCourt is without jurisdiction to hear an appeal from the second. ", "We disagree. ", "Comstock v. McCrary,\n\n273 F.3d 693 (6th Cir. ", "2001), was very similar to our case and is controlling. ", "In Comstock, the\n\ndefendants had filed, and the district court denied, a motion for summary judgment based on\n\nqualified immunity.", "\n\n All three defendants then filed a renewed motion for summary judgment arguing for\n qualified immunity in light of this court's decision in Williams v. Mehra, 186 F.3d\n 685 (6th Cir.1999) (en banc), handed down after the district court's first order.", "\n Thereafter, the district court held a hearing on the applicability of Williams to the\n case before it, and again denied the defendants' motion for summary judgment. . . .", "\n Defendants' timely interlocutory appeal followed.", "\n\nComstock, 273 F.3d at 700. ", "Though the Comstock defendants had appealed from the denial of their\n\nsecond motion, and had failed to appeal their first, this Court held that “because this case turns on\n\n\n - 12 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nwhether the facts . . . ‘", "show a violation of clearly established law,’ not on ‘which facts the parties\n\nmay be able to prove,’ the district court’s denial of qualified immunity is a ‘final order’ under 28\n\nU.S.C. § 1291, and we have jurisdiction to decide the case on the merits.” ", "Id. at 701 (quoting\n\nJohnson, 515 U.S. at 311). ", "We likewise have jurisdiction to consider the present appeal.2 We\n\ntherefore proceed to the merits.", "\n\n III.", "\n\nThe Qualified Immunity Standard\n\n We review the district court’s denial of qualified immunity de novo. ", "Moldowan v. City of\n\nWarren, 578 F.3d 351, 374 (6th Cir. ", "2009). ", "In Saucier v. Katz, 533 U.S. 194 (2001), the Supreme\n\nCourt laid out the two-step inquiry for determining whether state officials are entitled to qualified\n\nimmunity. ", "First, the court must ask: “Taken in the light most favorable to the party asserting the\n\ninjury, do the facts alleged show the officer’s conduct violated a constitutional right?” ", "Id. at 201.", "\n\nSecond, “if a violation could be made out on a favorable view of the parties’ submissions, the next,\n\n\n\n 2\n This is especially true because the intervening law not only changed the legal standards, but\nalso changed the Defendants’ ability to appeal. ", "The district court’s first order dealt exclusively with\nthe first Saucier prong of qualified immunity analysis; it did not render a conclusion regarding\nwhether the rights allegedly violated were “clearly established.” ", "Further, the district court denied\nqualified immunity because it “could not determine” from the pleadings whether a violation had\noccurred— essentially, factual determinations would need to be made. ", "As a “question of fact” was\nthe basis for the district court’s decision, this Court would not have jurisdiction to hear an appeal on\nthat issue, Johnson, 515 U.S. at 313, but could also not properly reach the second Saucier prong\nbecause the “rigid order of battle” was still in place. ", "Pearson changed that. ", "Pearson provided a\nbasis for which the Defendants could ask the district court to again assess qualified immunity, but\nbecause either Saucier prong can now be addressed without first addressing the other, Pearson also\nprovided an appealable issue appropriate for this Court’s review: whether the right at issue was\n“clearly established.”", "\n\n - 13 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nsequential step is to ask whether the right was clearly established.” ", "Id. The district court followed\n\nthis sequential analysis in the present case. ", "Because the court concluded that it “[could not]\n\ndetermine from the pleadings” whether Regency’s rights were violated, it therefore felt it could not\n\n(and need not) go forward to the second question, and denied the Defendants qualified immunity.", "\n\n But in Pearson, the Supreme Court made an important change to the law which governs the\n\nqualified immunity analysis. ", "Recognizing broad criticism of Saucier’s “rigid order of battle,” the\n\nCourt concluded that the sequence “should no longer be regarded as mandatory.” ", "129 S. Ct. ", "at 818-\n\n19 (internal citation omitted). ", "Instead, judges should “exercise their sound discretion in deciding\n\nwhich of the two prongs of the qualified immunity analysis should be addressed first in light of the\n\ncircumstances in the particular case at hand.” ", "Id.3\n\n The district court could not reach the second Saucier prong, assessing whether the\n\nDefendants had violated a right that is “clearly established,” when ruling on the Defendants’ first\n\nmotion to dismiss. ", "But Pearson now allows us to reach and analyze the second Saucier prong first,\n\nif it serves the purposes of qualified immunity. ", "We find the second prong dispositive in this case.", "\n\n\n\n\n 3\n Pearson had good reason for this change. ", "It noted that where, as here, “a constitutional\ndecision rest[s] on an uncertain interpretation of state law,” it is of little value. ", "Id. at 819. ", "It also\nnoted that the Saucier order is “uncomfortable” when “whether there was a violation may depend\non a kaleidoscope of facts not yet fully developed.” ", "Id. (internal citation omitted). ", "And most\nimportantly, the Court noted that “Saucier’s two-step protocol ‘disserve[s] the purpose of qualified\nimmunity’ when it ‘forces the parties to endure additional burdens of suit . . . ", "when the suit otherwise\ncould be disposed of more readily.’” ", "Id. at 818 (internal citations omitted) (alteration in original).", "\nTherefore, the Court instructed judges that they can now reach the second Saucier prong first, if it\n“will best facilitate the fair and efficient disposition of each case.” ", "Id. at 821.", "\n\n - 14 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n Government officials are entitled to qualified immunity, and thus are shielded from actions\n\nfor damages, “as long as their actions could reasonably have been thought consistent with the rights\n\nthey are alleged to have violated.” ", "Anderson v. Creighton, 483 U.S. 635, 638 (1987). “[", "M]ore\n\nconcretely, whether an official protected by qualified immunity may be held personally liable for an\n\nallegedly unlawful official action generally turns on the ‘objective legal reasonableness’ of the\n\naction.” ", "Id. (quoting Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 819 (1982)). ", "Though case law often\n\nspeaks of qualified immunity in terms of whether a “clearly established” right was violated, this is\n\nsometimes misleading. ", "For example, in this case, the district court presumed that a “clearly\n\nestablished” right was involved, because Regency had a property interest in its state-issued CON.", "\n\nHowever, “the right the official is alleged to have violated must have been ‘clearly established’ in\n\na more particularized, and hence more relevant sense: The contours of the right must be sufficiently\n\nclear that a reasonable official would understand that what he is doing violates that right.” ", "Creighton,\n\n483 U.S. at 640.", "\n\n Here, it is not enough that Regency has clearly-established property rights, and rights of due\n\nprocess and equal protection; instead, it must have been “sufficiently clear” at the time that the\n\nDefendants’ actions surrounding Regency’s CON would violate Regency’s substantive due process\n\nand equal protection rights. ", "Anderson, 483 U.S. at 640.", "\n\nThe Claims at Issue\n\n Substantive due process “protects specific fundamental rights of individual freedom and\n\nliberty from deprivation at the hands of arbitrary and capricious government action.” ", "Sutton v.\n\nCleveland Bd. ", "of Educ., ", "958 F.2d 1339, 1350 (6th Cir. ", "1992). ", "A substantive due process claim\n\n - 15 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nrequires the plaintiff to allege (1) a constitutionally protected property interest that (2) was deprived\n\nby arbitrary and capricious state action. ", "The government action must be such that it “shocks the\n\nconscience,” Cnty. ", "of Sacramento v. Lewis, 523 U.S. 833, 846 (1998), and “mere negligence is\n\ndefinitely not enough.” ", "Hunt v. Sycamore Comm. ", "School Dist. ", "Bd. ", "of Educ., ", "542 F.3d 529, 535 (6th\n\nCir. ", "2008). ", "Furthermore, even if the Defendants’ actions can be viewed as shocking the conscience,\n\n“substantive due process requires only that the [Defendants] show that [their decisions were]\n\nrationally related to a legitimate government interest.” ", "Midkiff v. Adams Cty. ", "Regional Water Dist.,", "\n\n409 F.3d 758, 769 (6th Cir. ", "2005) (citing Mansfield Apt. ", "Owners Ass’n v. City of Mansfield, 988\n\nF.2d 1469, 1477 (6th Cir.1993).", "\n\n Moreover, “[w]here a substantive due process attack is made on state administrative action,\n\nthe scope of review by the federal courts is extremely narrow. ", "To prevail, a plaintiff must show that\n\nthe state administrative agency has been guilty of ‘arbitrary and capricious action’ in the strict sense,\n\nmeaning ‘that there is no rational basis for the . . . [", "administrative] decision.” ", "Pearson v. City of\n\nGrand Blanc, 961 F.2d 1211, 1221 (6th Cir. ", "1992) (omission and alteration in original) (quoting\n\nStevens v. Hunt, 646 F.2d 1168, 1170 (6th Cir. ", "1981)). ", "This is a highly deferential standard.", "\n\n As to equal protection, Regency does not allege a class-based disparate treatment, and so\n\nproceeds as a “class of one” under Village of Willowbrook v. Olech, 528 U.S. 562, 564 (2000).", "\n\nBecause no protected class is involved, this Court must apply rational basis review. ", "Hadix v.\n\nJohnson, 230 F.3d 840, 843 (6th Cir. ", "2000). ", "Regency must show that it was “intentionally treated\n\ndifferently from others similarly situated,” and importantly, “that there is no rational basis for the\n\ndifference in treatment.” ", "Olech, 528 U.S. at 564. ", "Those attacking the rationality of a government\n\n - 16 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\naction under the rational basis standard bear the burden “to negative every conceivable basis which\n\nmight support it.” ", "FCC v. Beach Communications, Inc., 508 U.S. 307, 315 (1993).4\n\n In this case, Regency claims that the Defendants’ decisions—declaring their movement of\n\nresidents to be a “reviewable activity,” objecting to the change in their plans, removing of their CON,\n\netc.—violated their substantive due process and equal protection rights. ", "The district court held that\n\nit “could not determine” whether Regency’s rights had been violated by the decisions and actions\n\nof the Defendants. ", "However, the intervening finality of the state court judgment alters this analysis.", "\n\nBecause the state court considered the propriety of the Defendants’ actions, and ruled in their favor,\n\ncollateral estoppel prevents this Court from finding that “a reasonable official” would believe such\n\nactions violated Regency’s rights. ", "Anderson, 483 U.S. at 640.", "\n\nCollateral Estoppel\n\n “A fundamental precept of common-law adjudication . . . ", "is that a ‘right, question, or fact\n\ndistinctly put in issue and directly determined by a court of competent jurisdiction . . . ", "cannot be\n\ndisputed in a subsequent suit between the same parties or their privies . . .’” ", "Montana v. United\n\nStates, 440 U.S. 147, 153 (1979) (quoting Southern Pac. ", "R.R. Co. v. United States, 168 U.S. 1, 48-\n\n49 (1897)). ", "Issue preclusion (collateral estoppel) refers to the effect of a judgment in foreclosing\n\n\n 4\n A minority of cases state that a plaintiff may demonstrate a lack of rational basis either by\n“negativing every conceivable basis which might support” the government action or by\ndemonstrating that the challenged government action was motivated by animus or ill-will. ", "See\nWarren v. City of Athens, 411 F.3d 697, 711 (6th Cir. ", "2005). ", "However, Olech did not contemplate\nthis second path for a “class of one.” ", "See Olech, 528 U.S. at 564. ", "In any event, the law still requires\nthe plaintiff to show that animus or ill-well led the defendant to treat them differently than similarly-\nsituated parties. ", "Since Regency does not put forward a similarly-situated party that was treated more\nfavorably in these circumstances, their bare assertions of animus are unavailing.", "\n\n - 17 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nrelitigation of an issue that has been actually litigated and decided. ", "Migra v. Warren City Sch. ", "Dist.", "\n\nBd. ", "Of Ed., ", "465 U.S. 75, 77 n.1 (1984).", "\n\n 28 U.S.C. § 1738 requires federal courts to give state court judgments the same res judicata\n\neffect5 that they would be given by another court of that state. ", "Id. at 84.6 We must therefore look to\n\nOhio law to determine the preclusive effect of the state court judgment upholding the department’s\n\nactions.", "\n\n Under Ohio law, issue preclusion “holds that a fact or a point that was actually and directly\n\nat issue in a previous action, and was passed upon and determined by a court of competent\n\njurisdiction, may not be drawn into question in a subsequent action between the same parties or their\n\n\n\n 5\n Res judicata—the preclusive effect of a judgment—encompasses two distinct doctrines:\nclaim preclusion and issue preclusion. ", "Taylor v. Sturgell, 553 U.S. 880, 892 (2008). ", "Claim\npreclusion, which forecloses “successive litigation of the very same claim” or of claims which could\nhave been brought in a prior action, id., is not at issue in this case. ", "Issue preclusion, synonymous\nwith collateral estoppel, Cobbins v. Tenn. Dep’t of Transp., ", "566 F.3d 582, 589 (6th Cir. ", "2009), is\nrelevant to this case, and “bars ‘successive litigation of an issue of fact or law actually litigated and\nresolved in a valid court determination essential to the prior judgment,’ even if the issue recurs in\nthe context of a different claim.” ", "Sturgell, 553 U.S. at 892 (quoting New Hampshire v. Maine, 532\nU.S. 742, 748-49 (2001)).", "\n 6\n The parties have not raised issue preclusion explicitly. ", "Nevertheless, this court “ha[s] not\nfailed to exercise our jurisdiction to reach an issue that the parties have not briefed where it involves\na ‘pure question of law that cries out for resolution.’” ", "Hutcherson v. Lauderdale Cnty, 326 F.3d 747,\n756 (6th Cir. ", "2003) (quoting Rybarczyk v. TRW, Inc., 235 F.3d 975, 984 (6th Cir. ", "2000); see\ngenerally United States Nat’l Bank of Or. ", "v. Indep. ", "Ins. ", "Agents of Am., ", "Inc., 508 U.S. 439, 445-48\n(1993) (confirming the power of appellate courts to consider an issue not raised by the parties). ", "The\nSupreme Court has indicated that a court may take the initiative to assert the res judicata defense sua\nsponte in “special circumstances.” ", "Arizona v. California, 530 U.S. 392, 412, 120 S.Ct. ", "2304, 147\nL.Ed.2d 374 (2000). ", "Here, the defense of res judicata was not available to Defendants prior to their\nmotions to dismiss, as the state case was still pending review before the state supreme court. ", "Now\nthat the state decision has become final, it is appropriate for this Court to respect its conclusions.", "\n\n - 18 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nprivies, whether the cause of action in the two actions be identical or different.” ", "Fort Frye Teachers\n\nAss’n, OEA/NEA v. State Employment Relations Bd., ", "81 Ohio St.3d 392, 692 N.E.2d 140, 144 (1998)\n\n(citing Norwood v. McDonald, 142 Ohio St. 299, 52 N.E.2d 67 (1943)). ", "Regency’s complaint\n\nalleges violations of its constitutional rights under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. ", "All of the\n\nfactual assertions contained therein are put forward to support one central allegation: that the\n\nDefendants “misapplied and misinterpreted” the CON rules and regulations, or conspired with and\n\nfailed to supervise those who did so, to wrongfully deprive Regency of its CON. ", "But the Ohio Court\n\nof Appeals reviewed each action of the Board that has been challenged in this case. ", "That court\n\nconcluded that (1) the Board’s interpretation of the regulation was correct, (2) the removal of the\n\nresidents was a “reviewable activity,” (3) Regency’s change in the plan was a failure to conduct the\n\nactivity in “substantial accordance” with the CON application, and (4) the Director acted within his\n\ndiscretion to remove the CON, impose a fine, and place a moratorium on new applications from\n\nRegency. ", "In re MSI Regency Village, Ltd., 2008 Ohio 3830, at *3,*5.", "\n\n Collateral estoppel “thus precludes our review of the issues raised in this action.”", "\n\nHutcherson, 326 F.3d at 759. ", "Both Regency and ODH were parties to the state court appeal, and the\n\nfactual basis for this federal action is the same as that underlying the state court proceeding. ", "It does\n\nnot matter that Regency now seeks money damages, which were not sought in the state appeal.7\n\n\n\n\n 7\n Additionally, “for purposes of res judicata, privity between defendants is established where\na plaintiff brings two lawsuits against the same public officials for acts performed in their official\nroles, even though the defendants are sued in their official capacities in one lawsuit and in their\nindividual capacities in the other.” ", "Kirkhart v. Keiper, 101 Ohio St. 3d 377 (Ohio 2004).", "\n\n - 19 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nInstead, “[t]he relevant inquiry focuses on whether the federal action would require us to revisit\n\nissues . . . ", "that were litigated . . . ", "in the state court.” ", "Id.\n\n Regency’s counsel does not successfully dispute that the Ohio court’s decision forecloses\n\nsuccess on its claims. ", "At oral argument, the Court asked, “Assume that you’re stuck with the [Ohio]\n\nCourt of Appeals’ decision—which, as of today, you are—how do you win?” ", "Counsel did not\n\nrespond. ", "The Court continued, “You can’t, can you?” ", "Counsel could only reply, “I don’t know.”", "\n\nLater, when asked, “What constitutional right . . . ", "is violated when [a state official] acts in\n\naccordance with state law and regulations?,” ", "Regency’s counsel plainly responded, “None.”", "\n\n Because a final decision in the state court upheld the actions and decisions of the ODH\n\nemployees, it is very clear that “a reasonable official in the [Defendants’] position could have\n\nbelieved his conduct to be lawful.” ", "Poe v. Haydon, 853 F.2d 418, 423 (6th Cir. ", "1988) (citing\n\nCreighton, 107 S. Ct. ", "at 3039-40). ", "On its substantive due process claim, Regency cannot establish\n\nthat the Defendants clearly knew that what they did would violate Regency’s rights, such that it\n\nwould rise to the level of “arbitrary and capricious” action that would “shock the conscience.”", "\n\nInstead, their actions were found to be permissible and, indeed, correct, and to have a rational basis.", "\n\nFor the same reasons, Regency also cannot defeat qualified immunity on its equal protection claim:\n\nit cannot establish that Defendants clearly knew that their decisions (reviewing an activity that is\n\nproperly reviewable, and penalizing them for failing to “substantially comply” with their application)\n\nconstituted “irrational or arbitrary” acts that lacked any “rational basis.”", "\n\n It is obvious at this stage that qualified immunity applies to protect the Defendants from\n\ndamages because not only did they not violate a “clearly established law”—they violated no law at\n\n - 20 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\nall. ", "The decision of the Ohio Court of Appeals defeats Regency’s contention that the Defendants\n\n“misapplied and misinterpreted” the CON rules at all, or failed to supervise others who were doing\n\nso. ", "It also defeats Regency’s contention that it was wrongfully denied its CON. “", "If a reasonable\n\nofficer is not on notice that his or her conduct under the circumstances is clearly unlawful, then\n\napplication of qualified immunity is appropriate.” ", "Ray v. Township of Warren, 626 F.3d 170, 173\n\n(3rd Cir. ", "2010). ", "Therefore, Defendants are entitled to qualified immunity.", "\n\n IV.", "\n\n We therefore REVERSE the decision of the district court and grant the Defendants qualified\n\nimmunity on all claims. ", "As the complaint only seeks damages against the Defendants in their\n\npersonal capacities, all remaining claims are resolved by the qualified immunity issue, and we need\n\nnot reach the second issue on appeal. ", "Regency’s claims against the Defendants are DISMISSED.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 21 -\n\fNo. ", "09-4473\nMSI Regency, Ltd. V. Alvin Jackson, et al.", "\n\n KAREN NELSON MOORE, Circuit Judge, concurring in the judgment. ", "I believe that\n\nwe have jurisdiction to hear this appeal and that the defendants in this case are entitled to qualified\n\nimmunity because their actions did not violate clearly established federal law. ", "Therefore, I concur\n\nin the judgment. ", "Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U.S. 223 (2009), did not change the substantive\n\nstandards for qualified immunity; it merely held that a court may consider the second prong of the\n\nqualified-immunity test first if it chooses.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 22 -\n\f" ]
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[ "Parenteral nutrition support of a patient with chronic mesenteric artery occlusive disease.", "\nVascular catastrophe resulting in a bowel infarction requiring massive resection is one of the most common indications for long-term total parenteral nutrition (TPN). ", "The causes of mesenteric artery disease include embolic and thrombotic occlusions, nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia, and chronic mesenteric ischemia. ", "This paper describes a case of a patient with chronic ischemia. ", "The indication for TPN was intestinal angina limiting oral intake, not short-bowel syndrome as a result of bowel infarction and surgery. ", "The patient had an extensive history of atherosclerotic disease and abdominal symptoms. ", "Her nutritional status was maintained with TPN and oral intake as symptomatically tolerated. ", "She eventually developed catheter sepsis. ", "Her cardiopulmonary status deteriorated and she died. ", "Progressive mesenteric ischemia and possible infarction may have contributed to her death. ", "The patient had indicated she did not want surgery for a bowel infarction. ", "She did consent to surgical correction of her disease, if feasible. ", "Although TPN can maintain the nutritional and metabolic status of a patient with chronic mesenteric ischemia, the associated risk of catheter sepsis emphasizes the necessity for expedient treatment of the primary pathology." ]
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[ "You hear phrases like 'don't worry about what the competition is doing, focus on what you're doing' thrown around a lot in competitive sports. ", "By in large it's very accurate, taking time to concern yourself with the minimal context snap shot of people's training you see on Instagram is generally a waste of time. ", "But people still do it. ", "So, I'm going to try and provide some use for your MCMs and your WCWs, some inspos for your fitspos. ", "Sorry, I got nothing for fithoes.", "If you're a competitive athlete, for the context of this nonsense let's assume you’re a powerlifter. ", "Which pretty much negates the competitive athlete definition.", "\n\nPhoto Credit: Dave Hoff\n\nSalt aside, doing a needs analysis of your competition lifts and comp day preparation in general is a useful tool. ", "Even if it's just an objective post comp chat about the whole affair with your coach, once all the happy comp day elation has died down. ", "You can sit and talk through what you thought went well, what didn't, why you think that is? ", "It can really help future planning to avoid the same issues arising at future competitions and can go a long way in training structure.", "\n\n​Let's get some hypothetical situations on the go, then we'll circle back to the Instagram carrot I dangled earlier. ", "You're a -72Kg class female lifter, in the senior age class, competing at national level, and you placed 3rd. ", "You hit new personal best lifts at the meet, but the distance between you and the top 2 (and let's assume that means almost certain selection for internationals) is reasonable, and it's disheartening. ", "How can you gauge progress against your betters objectively, what gives them a higher total than you?Here is where your true insta-stalker self can go hog wild. ", "Essentially, you're looking for as much comparable information as possible. ", "How long have they been lifting? ", "What was their background before lifting? ", "How strong were they when they started? ", "How long have they had a coach?A lot of these could provide instant rationales as to why they might be better than you. ", "In a sport where gains are almost comparable to compound interest, the longer you've been at it, the better you tend to be. ", "A process that you can optimise and expedite to insane levels, with the amount of amazing information on all topics available through the wonder of the internet. ", "If they've been lifting, and competitive for 5 years more than you, it stands to reason that they'll be better. ", "They've literally had more training sessions, more chicken rice and prayers (brother!)", "\n\nSo, that's all very doom and gloom. ", "How do you overcome a head start? ", "By fully utilising the optimisations and information. ", "Whether that be a coach with the knowledge or doing it off your own research.", "The next level down, which can be particularly motivating, is looking at their specific lift videos and seeing how you hold up. ", "The caveat to this is that you must be of similar body type, height, levers. ", "If they are stronger than you, and Jesus lean, water cutting just into the 72s, and your walking around at a soft edged 71.5 that would be the first port of call.f you are in a similar boat, then we can get back to the lifts. ", "Let's say they out bench you by 10kgs, what do their accessory lifts look like? ", "If there a significant difference in how much you can dumbbell bench compared to them? ", "If so, that could be an avenue to explore. ", "Especially if it holds true with your own needs analysis.", "\n\nMissed my 3rd bench about an inch off the chest.", "\n\nPerson in 1st smoked theirs and it was 10kg heavier than mine.", "\n\nPerson in 1st is repping 10kgs more than my best 8 reps for sets of 12 on Dumbbell Bench.", "\n\nConclusion, I could probably do with more chest work.", "\n\nThen you can take that info forward into your training. ", "Maybe planning some chest focussed hypertrophy meso cycles, and then working specifically on chest-1 inch off variants in your strength mesocycles. ", "Feet up spoto press, or 3 position bench for example.", "Could you correlate this information sans, Insta stalking? ", "Yes. ", "I'm just giving you a rationalisation if you do it anyway! ", "Like most things, how you use the information is the key here.", "\n\nBAD:'X Person is this much better than me, I may as well not bother, may as well give up, they're probably on drugs.", "'This way of thinking is useless, I mean that literally. ", "It has no use.", "\n\nBETTER:Whereas ' X person is this much better than me, why? ", "What do they do differently? ", "Are we comparable? ", "Maybe I should try this, because they do something similar?'​This way of thinking, generates questions and ideas. ", "Which are much more useful. ", "Even if most of them are instantly shut down, exploring even a few avenues could lead to a total lightbulb moment. ", "Let me be clear, this isn't a green light to copy exactly what your favourite lifter on the gram is doing. ", "It's meant as a useful method for generating possible progress routes. ", "You still must be objective in your choice of comparison, and even then, take it with a pinch of salt.​As always leave any negative feedback or dank memes in the comments below. ", "@atsapproved on all social media, creepin on your fitspos all day.", "\n\nGaining muscle and strength and an understanding of how to progress further in these areas.", "\n\n6.What do you like about working with ATS?", "\n\nIt feels very personal and isn’t at all complicated to follow. ", "Always decent advice with a focus on the individuals’ goals and abilities. ", "Nice to have someone who seems to genuinely care about your progress and have a programme fitted to my objectives. ", "Regular check-ins and support to track how you’re progressing and making sure the programme runs smoothly. ", "Everything is clearly structured and explained and further advice is always accessible.", "\n\n7.Would you recommend ATS to someone? ", "If so, why?", "\n\nDefinitely. ", "I’ve learnt a lot even just from the few weeks I’ve been with ATS and I feel like I’ve already made progress. ", "Adapting the training and programmes to the individuals’ availability, goals and desires makes it a decent resource for anyone wanting some extra support. ", "It’s a great motivation and way to gain a deeper understanding of fitness, lifting and the right method to reach your goals. ", "It’s also not unreasonably expensive, time consuming or complicated to work with.", "\n\n8.Fun story or anecdote from your time here?", "\n\nResponse to how a training session went in “gif” form is probably one of the greatest ideas ever. ", "Perfect explanation of every emotion experienced.", "\n\nYou have classed yourself as a beginner and new to the sport. ", "What follows will be an in-depth guide to optimal choices you can make now that will set you up the best for long term competitive success. ", "Please note I said optimal, you can make your own choices, however certain things ignored now become bigger hurdles in the long run.", "\n\nAs with the last article, I'm going to start broad and work in. ", "If you are a true beginner or someone who just lifts weights but wants to give the competing a go, the first thing you MUST do is compete. ", "Right now, go sign up for a local meet and come back to this article later… Getting over the anxiety of competition as well as having a date set in place, and gives you something to structure training around (not that you need one, but it helps). ", "There are tonnes of good articles/videos on how to prep for your first meet, here are a couple.1. ", "JTS' Video Guide2. ", "Strong First's write up\n\nOne thing that a lot of people overlook is having a handler on the day. ", "Ideally someone with handling experience. ", "If that isn't an option, just bring a friend and get them to find out when you've to be places, and who to give your attempts to. ", "I also like setting goals, especially for first comps. ", "So, here's what I'd recommend to pretty much anyone going into their first comp.", "\n\nGoals:1.Make 9/9 lift attempts2.Talk to 3 new people.3.Have fun.​For your first competition, making 9/9 is perfectly achievable. ", "I do not encourage going for new personal bests on your first outing, since the added factor of weighing in, lifting to commands, even wearing a singlet, can throw you off your game. ", "You are here for the experience, and having as few stressors as possible should make it a positive one.", "The second goal might throw a few people off, I tend to make a point of chatting in some form to some new people every comp. ", "It's good to get to know folk in the community, and you never know what you might learn.", "\n\nThe main thing we get from the comp is an official competition total, and you can do a needs analysis for your future training. ", "That being where you look at your performance, and rate what you did well and what you need to improve. ", "The former of those is very important, far too many beginners are super critical of themselves.", "\n\nLet's assume you achieved all 3 of those goals, what follows is a needs analysis to help guide your training objectives to help you improve. ", "I normally rank the aspects of where people fail in order of importance and ease of improvement.", "\n\n1.Technical2.Physical3.Mental\n\nMental may seem out of place, but the other two generally help overcome most mental issues with regards to competition. ", "Let's breakdown what constitutes each of these.", "\n\nTechnical: Any breakdown in lifting technique, determined not be muscular in nature. ", "A failure of obeying the commands/rules of the sports. ", "Or poor execution of form.", "\n\nPhysical: Muscular weakness causing a breakdown in optimal technique. ", "This doesn't need to cause a failed lift to be an issue.", "\n\nMental: A failure to rationalise any anxiety associated with a specific lift, or an undue increase in comp day stress from worrying about uncontrollable variables. ", "​From these, identify what you need to work on. ", "They can then be planning factors in your future training. ", "For example, if you looked at your squat and determined you have a muscular quad weakness, causing a hip shift out of the hole. ", "Then planning some quad focused hypertrophy training cycles would be ideal.", "\n\nHow to plan training:​Normally beginners should be working towards optimal body composition for the most part. ", "One, because beginners don't have substantial amounts of muscle. ", "So, gaining a whole bunch of that is a great step to getting strong. ", "On the other side of the coin, if you're carrying somewhere above 16% bodyfat for males and 26% for females. ", "You should be focusing on dropping that.", "\n\nTraining wise, both of those mean volume. ", "So, going for ideally 3 months and no more of volume training. ", "As a beginner worrying about proximity of competition is irrelevant, you're too weak to merit a peak and should just focus on building a base.", "\n\nSo, volume training with the goal of gaining muscle, or maintaining muscle whilst dieting for fat loss or body recomposition. ", "Some terms to define,\n\nMAV: Minimum adaptive volume. ", "The least amount of working sets per muscle group you can do in a week and get better.", "\n\nMRV: Maximum recoverable volume. ", "The most amount of working sets per muscle group you can do in a week and manage to recover/survive, and train again the next week.", "\n\nMV: Maintenance volume. ", "The amount of working sets per muscle group you can do in a week and not get worse.", "\n\nWorking Set: Any set of resistance training that's around or over 60% of your 1 rep max.", "X/Fail: X being a number. ", "This represents the number of reps you should aim to be from TECHNICAL failure.", "\n\nTechnical Failure: Significant breakdown/compromise in lifting form.", "\n\nWith those terms defined, let's dive into some training planning. ", "First off, how many days a week WILL you train? ", "Not how many you'd like to, or how many you think would be optimal. ", "How many do you know you can and will show up to? ", "That is the real question.", "\n\nAs a beginner, you will make strides pretty much just looking at weights. ", "You are in such a state of untrained, pretty much anything is an effective stimulus.", "\n\nSo, let's just make a safe assumption and say 4 days a week. ", "Could you do it with less? ", "Yes, would more training work better? ", "Yes, to an extent. ", "That isn't our concern right now, 4 days/week is plenty for a beginner.", "\n\nFor ease, let's assume you're training Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday. ", "You could train on another arrangement of days, the only thing to make sure is to minimise back to back days with zero rest in between.", "\n\nWith hypertrophy being our goal, the aim is to stimulate some muscle growth. ", "Typically, you do that with sets of 8-15 reps, slightly dependant on body part trained. ", "How many sets should you do? ", "Let's refer to our terms from earlier. ", "We want to start training around about our MAV. ", "How do you know what that is?! ", "As a beginner, you won't. ", "A good guide is as many work sets in a week to get slightly sore. ", "Again, as a beginner it will not be very much.", "With that in mind, let's start small and aim for 8 sets per muscle group for the week. ", "How do you decide what to do and on what day? ", "A general rule, is to try and get 60% of your work sets done on a main lift, or close variant. ", "30% done on a further removed variant, and the last 10% on something another step removed.", "For example, 8 sets of quads a week may look like\n\nMonday: 5 sets of high bar squats (Main work)\n\nThursday: 1 sets of lunges (2 steps removed)\n\nFriday: 2 sets of Leg press (1 step removed)\n\nWhy split it A-symmetrically? ", "It fits better into planning, and keeping a large amount of your work, close enough to your competition lift (Squat) whilst keeping it varied enough not to cause issues with adaptive resistance later. ", "It also lines up with your ability to recover, giving you a big dose early in the week. ", "Followed by keeping things ticking over, then something reasonable. ", "You don't need to be 100% fresh to do the leg extensions or lunges, but they cause enough disruption to keep things adapting.", "With that said, what other muscle groups should be in our plan?", "\n\nYou may notice there are a lot of shoulder moves in this. ", "That's because the medial shoulder gets little stimulus from pressing and rowing. ", "So, we added in specific isolation work for it. ", "There is also no reps or weights recommended, we'll get into that now.", "If you are a beginner, building a solid base of muscle should be priority number 1. ", "To that end, I'm going on as if you will be running as much consecutive volume as possible, namely 12 weeks, in 4-week blocks. ", "With that in mind, and in the interest of variation, I like to use rep focuses of 12/10/8 respectively for the 3 back to back months of training.", "\n\nSo, month 1 the goal on every set of every exercise is 12 reps, month 2 is 10, month 3 is 8.Awesome, how much weight do you use? ", "We will determine that using a proximity to technical failure. ", "Sometime this is annotated as RPE (Rate of perceived exertion) or RIR (reps in reserve). ", "It boils down to how many reps you think you have left, before you can't do anymore. ", "With the caveat that form isn't compromised.", "\n\nNormally going from 3/Fail up to 1/Fail in the last week before deload. ", "So, block 1 would look like\n\nWeek 1: 12 reps@ 3/Fail 10-12 Work setsWeek 2: 12 reps@ 3/Fail 12-14 Work setsWeek 3: 12 reps@ 2/Fail 14-16 Work setsWeek 4: 12 reps@ 1/Fail 18+ Work setsWeek 5 (Deload) 6 reps@ Week 1 weights. ", "6-8 Work sets​For subsequent blocks, you would just repeat the process. ", "Changing up a few exercises and changing the rep goal to the next one down. ", "You may have spotted already, that the combination of rep goal + X/Fail, will dictate the weight used. ", "Since you must achieve both, 12 reps that aren't 3/Fail for example, won't count and you'll have to up the weight until it meets the proximity to failure. ", "Similarly, as you go into the next block the lower rep goal will cause weights used to be heavier by default, since you can lift more weight for 10 than you can for 12.", "\n\nDiet:\n\nWith training covered, let's get into the other side of the coin, diet. ", "As a beginner, it's the ideal time to work towards optimal body composition. ", "You aren't good enough for it to affect your competition calendar or cause any serious competitive anxiety from any minor performance loss. ", "That may sound harsh, but honestly if you can get this done now it will pay off ENORMOUSLY later.", "\n\nTime for some more hurt feels. ", "If you are over 15% bodyfat for guys, 25% for ladies, it's time to get cutting. ", "Volume is the optimal time to get it done, the training is the most intensive on kcals, and it's far out of any competitive preparation where altering body comp could affect skill acquisition. ", "Measure this number with calipers, do the largest number of sites you can find a calculator for, and do each site 3 times and take an average. ", "Scales that you stand on are not accurate for measuring bf%. ", "Obviously if you have a bod pod or DEXA scan available to you, use that.", "\n\nGeneral guidelines:Cutting- Aim to lose ~0.5kg of bodyweight a week. ", "This number will vary depending on your weight. ", "If your start weight is lower [sub 55kg for example], this number will come down. ", "If it is higher [100kg+] it will go up.", "\n\nGaining- Similarly, but upward trending. ", "Mainly track your kcals and protein intake, since you'll be pounding the other 2 just to make up the kcals.", "\n\nTo hammer the point home, it is much easier to adjust body composition early on. ", "You're fresh to training, so stimulating adaptation will be super easy (nooby gains). ", "It's much less likely you'll get fatter when gaining muscle if you start leaner. ", "The entire end goal of powerlifting physiology is to have as much muscle on your bones whilst still in/slightly above your weight class as possible, so starting that way is a good idea. ", "It sucks WAY more to have to take extended periods out of competition or realise that your main avenue for more progress is body recomposition when you're already established as a competitor. ", "It's well worth doing early, that way any course correcting that needs to occur later will be minor at best.", "\n\nDiet wise, whether you're going up or down. ", "Track multiple variables, and factor in error margins. ", "Keep track of visual landmarks, how many abs can you see? ", "How vascular are you? ", "Rather than doing a full bf test every month, just keep track of 1 or 2 sites you can easily measure yourself. ", "Weight is the main one, track weight ideally 3 times a week. ", "Measure it in the morning after WC use. ", "If you are not moving in the direction you want, add/subtract another ~200kcal from the equation. ", "Give it a week, see how the measurements come out. ", "Similarly, to training you can't blast the same thing for months on end. ", "3 months is pretty much the upper limit I would recommend for either gaining or cutting. ", "Followed by a maintenance phase at whatever new weight you are at. ", "3 months isn't mandatory, the ideal time is to stop juuuuust before you start going a bit stir crazy. ", "You want to test out the limits of your willpower, not break it. ", "It will break, everyone's does eventually. ", "Funnily enough, the more practice and experience you have with it, the better yours will last.​Hopefully this has given you at the very least some direction of what to aim for and start looking to do with your training for powerlifting. ", "We'll now delve into some FAQs, as always please leave all inflammatory remarks in the comments or @atsapproved on social media.", "\n\nFAQ.", "\n\n-Why so much volume? ", "Because, the level of homeostatic disruption (severity of training stress) is proportional to the adaption. ", "So, the bigger the stress the bigger the gains. ", "Obviously applied strategically, why would you not?", "\n\n-Why deload so often?On the back of the last answer, because it balances out the fact you'll be searching for your upper threshold of recoverable training. ", "At some point you will find and exceed it, meaning that you won't be able to progressively train in the following week. ", "So, it's convenient that the following week will be a deload anyway. ", "Where you don't need to worry about progressive training performance.", "\n\n-Something about fat shamingLook, you're reading this because you want to get better at powerlifting. ", "In a \"sport\" with almost 0 athletic application, there's really no reason not to be in shape if being competitive is your goal. ", "Even in the super heavy classes for both genders, the goal is the same. ", "As much muscle, as strong as possible.", "\n\nWithout weight class restrictions, you can get as fat as you like. ", "But don't kid yourself, you don't 'need' to be that fat. ", "Fat doesn't contract, it doesn't help you shift more Kgs. ", "Do as you please, but don't be annoyed at objective assessments of sport performance.", "\n\n-When do I do 5x5? ", "Generic programmes will work, for a fair amount of people. ", "But the application is limited. ", "The general idea behind dedicated volume training for powerlifting is1.Having more muscle is a straightforward way to be stronger.", "\n\n2.You can't train the competition lifts with zero variance, in the same rep ranges, all the time. (", "So, using more varied movements in your hypertrophy block, kills both those birds with one stone.)", "\n\n3.The higher stress of the training lends itself better to body comp changing goals, which funnily enough should be done as far out of competition as possible. ", "Similarly, to hypertrophy training, being the least specific to your competition, should be done as far out as plannable." ]
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[ "Nahal Haredi Soldiers Caught On Video Beating Unarmed Restrained Palestinian Man\n\nShmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com\n\n\n\nHa’aretz reported today that IDF soldiers from the heavily right-wing Zionist Orthodox/haredi/ex-haredi Netzah Yehuda Brigade – better known as Nahal Haredi – were caught on video beating a Palestinian man Friday in the Jalazone refugee camp after he was restrained by them. ", "Worse, the entire confrontation with the man appears to have been instigated by the soldiers.", "\n\n\n\nPalestinians were protesting there and clashes between them and IDF soldiers and police, which including stone-throwing by Palestinians began.", "\n\n\n\nA soldier was caught on video cursing a Palestinian man. ", "The soldier screams curses at the Palestinian and taunts him. ", "Say one more word, the soldier screams, and “I will f*@k your mother.”", "\n\n\n\nThe soldier tries to hit the Palestinian. ", "Seconds later, another soldier tries to hit the man with his rifle.", "\n\n\n\nIn all, five soldiers attack the Palestinian man and restrain him. ", "During that brief struggle (in which the Palestinian does little to resist), a soldier hits the Palestinian with his rifle, knocking him to the stoney ground and causing his head to bleed.", "\n\n\n\nAnother soldier punches the Palestinian in the face, and yet another knees kicks him in the head – even though the Palestinian is not resisting and is already restrained.", "\n\n\n\nAnother soldier then steps on the Palestinian’s head, pushing his face further into the stoney ground., ", "and his face can be seen to be bleeding.", "\n\n\n\nThe first soldier reported the arrest, but did not tell the IDF that a Palestinian news agency had a video of it, and when the video surfaced it apparently did not match the claims made by the first soldier (who complained that the Palestinian man had tried to touch his gun but apparently left out what took place before and after that) or the IDF unit.", "\n\n\n\n\"Those [soldiers] involved in the incident were summoned to meet with the brigade commander [Sunday] morning for a clarification and debriefing of the event; if need be, disciplinary action will be taken against them. ", "From a preliminary probe it seems their behavior does not befit that expected of an IDF soldier,” the IDF Spokesman’s Office reportedly said in an official statement." ]
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[ "The world of web development has always had a gap between the design-to-development handoff. ", "Ambitious designers want the final result of their effort to look unique and beautiful (and true to their initial vision), whereas many developers find more value in an outcome that is consistent, dependable, and rock solid (and easy to code). ", "This dynamic can result in sustained tension between the two sides with both parties looking to steer things their own way.", "\n\nWhile this situation is unavoidable to some extent, new front-end technology can play a role in bringing the two sides closer together. ", "One such technology is CSS grid. ", "This post explores how it can be used to write CSS styles that match design layouts to a high degree of fidelity (without the headache!).", "\n\nA common way that designers give instructions to front-end developers is with design mockups (by mockups, we’re talking about deliverables that are built in Sketch, XD, Illustrator, Photoshop etc). ", "All designers work differently to some degree (as do developers), but many like to base the structure of their layouts on some kind of grid system. ", "A consistent grid system is invaluable for communicating how a webpage should be coded and how it should respond when the size of the user’s screen differs from the mockup. ", "As a developer, I really appreciate designers who take the trouble to adopt a well thought-out grid system.", "\n\nA 12-column layout is particularly popular, but other patterns are common as well. ", "Software like Sketch and XD makes creating pages that follow a preset column layout pretty easy — you can toggle an overlay on and off with the click of a button.", "\n\nA grid layout designed in Sketch (left) and Adobe XD (right)\n\nOnce a grid system is implemented, most design elements should be positioned squarely within it. ", "This approach ensures that shapes line up evenly and makes for a more appealing appearance. ", "In addition to being visually attractive, a predictable grid gives developers a distinct target to shoot for when writing styles.", "\n\nUnfortunately, this basic pattern can be deceptively difficult to code accurately. ", "Frameworks like Bootstrap are often used to create grid layouts, but they come with downsides like added page weight and a lack of fine-grained control. ", "CSS grid offers a better solution for the front-end perfectionist. ", "Let’s look at an example.", "\n\nA 14-column grid layout\n\nThe design above is a good application for grid. ", "There is a 14-column pattern with multiple elements positioned within it. ", "While the boxes all have different widths and offsets, they all adhere to the same grid. ", "This layout can be made with flexbox — and even floats — but that would likely involve some very specific math to get a pixel-perfect result across all breakpoints. ", "And let’s face it: many front-end developers don’t have the patience for that. ", "Let’s look at three CSS grid layout strategies for doing this kind of work more easily.", "\n\nStrategy 1: A basic grid\n\nSee the Pen\n\nBasic Grid Placement by chris geel (@RadDog25)\n\non CodePen.", "\n\nThe most intuitive way to write an evenly spaced 12-column layout would probably be some variation of this. ", "Here, an outer container is used to control the outside gutter spacing with left and right padding, and an inner row element is used to restrain content to a maximum width. ", "The row receives some grid-specific styling:\n\ndisplay: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr); grid-gap: 20px;\n\nThis rule defines the grid to consist of 12 columns, each having a width of one fractional unit ( fr ). ", "A gap of 20px between columns is also specified. ", "With the column template set, the start and end of any child column can be set quite easily using the grid-column property. ", "For example, setting grid-column: 3/8 positions that element to begin at column three and span five columns across to column eight.", "\n\nWe can already see a lot of value in what CSS grid provides in this one example, but this approach has some limitations. ", "One problem is Internet Explorer, which doesn’t have support for the grid-gap property. ", "Another problem is that this 12-column approach does not provide the ability to start columns at the end of gaps or end columns at the start of gaps. ", "For that, another system is needed.", "\n\nStrategy 2: A more flexible grid\n\nSee the Pen\n\nMore Flexible Grid Placement by chris geel (@RadDog25)\n\non CodePen.", "\n\nAlthough grid-gap may be a no go for IE , the appearance of gaps can be recreated by including the spaces as part of the grid template itself. ", "The repeat function available to grid-template-columns accepts not just a single column width as an argument, but repeating patterns of arbitrary length. ", "To this end, a pattern of column-then-gap can be repeated 11 times, and then the final column can be inserted to complete the 12-column / 11 interior gap layout desired:\n\ngrid-template-columns: repeat(11, 1fr 20px) 1fr;\n\nThis gets around the IE issue and also allows for columns to be started and ended on both columns or gaps. ", "While being a nice improvement over the previous method, it still has some room to grow. ", "For example, what if a column was to be positioned with one side spanning to the outer edge of the screen, and the other fit within the grid system? ", "Here’s an example:\n\nA grid Layout with an that’s item flush to the outer edge\n\nIn this layout, the card (our left column) begins and ends within the grid. ", "The main image (our right column) begins within the grid as well, but extends beyond the grid to the edge of the screen. ", "Writing CSS for this can be a challenge. ", "One approach might be to position the image absolutely and pin it to the right edge, but this comes with the downside of taking it out of the document flow (which might be a problem if the image is taller than the card). ", "Another idea would be to use floats or flexbox to maintain document flow, but this would entail some tricky one-off calculation to get the widths and spacing just right. ", "Let’s look at a better way.", "\n\nStrategy 3: An even more flexible grid\n\nSee the Pen\n\nRight Edge Aligned image with grid by chris geel (@RadDog25)\n\non CodePen.", "\n\nThis technique builds on the idea introduced in the last revision. ", "Now, instead of having the grid exist within other elements that define the gutter sizes and row widths, we’re integrating those spaces with the grid’s pattern. ", "Since the gutters, columns, and gaps are all incorporated into the template, child elements can be positioned easily and precisely on the grid by using the grid-column property.", "\n\n$row-width: 1140px; $gutter: 30px; $gap: 20px; $break: $row-width + 2 * $gutter; $col-width-post-break: ($row-width - 11 * $gap) / 12; .container { display: grid; grid-template-columns: $gutter repeat(11, calc((100% - 2 * #{$gutter} - 11 * #{$gap})/12) #{$gap}) calc((100% - 2 * #{$gutter} - 11 * #{$gap})/12) $gutter; @media screen and (min-width: #{$break}) { grid-template-columns: calc(0.5 * (100% - #{$row-width})) repeat(11, #{$col-width- post-break} #{$gap}) #{$col-width-post-break} calc(0.5 * (100% - #{$row-width})); } }\n\nYes, some math is required to get this just right. ", "It’s important to have the template set differently before and after the maximum width of the row has been realized. ", "I elected to use SCSS for this because defining variables can make the calculation a lot more manageable (not to mention more readable for other developers). ", "What started as a 12-part pattern grew to a 23-part pattern with the integration of the 11 interior gaps, and is now 25 pieces accounting for the left and right gutters.", "\n\nOne cool thing about this approach is that it can be used as the basis for any layout that adheres to the grid once the pattern is set, including traditionally awkward layouts that involve columns spanning to outside edges. ", "Moreover, it serves as a straightforward way to precisely implement designs that are likely to be handed down in quality mockups. ", "That is something that should make both developers and designers happy!", "\n\nThere are a couple of caveats…\n\nWhile these techniques can be used to crack traditionally awkward styling problems, they are not silver bullets. ", "Instead, they should be thought of as alternative tools to be used for the right application.", "\n\nOne situation in which the second and third layout patterns are not appropriate are layouts that require auto placement. ", "Another would be production environments that need to support browsers that don’t play nice with CSS grid." ]
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[ "The diplomatic impasse that pits Qatar against most of its GCC allies indicates the emergence, possibly temporary, of a new regional order. ", "Doha seems to have aligned itself with Turkey in one, small bloc that sides with the Muslim Brotherhood, while the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt form a second bloc, which is aligned with Jordan. ", "Iran, Iraq and Syria make up a third.", "\n\nDoha’s position seems to be among the least sustainable of those three blocs. ", "Turkey’s economic woes and the fallout from corruption allegations against prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, make it a somewhat unreliable partner, but Qatar’s insistence on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood – in essence, its solidarity with the failed Egyptian government of the now-jailed Mohammed Morsi, which was toppled last year – ­defies logic, history and the realities on the ground.", "\n\nThe current Egyptian caretaker government and likely presidential candidate Field Marshal Abdel Fattah El Sisi have moved to accept the hand of friendship and solidarity extended by the UAE and Saudi Arabia. ", "Indeed, Field Marshal El Sisi, who is the defence minister, has been in Abu Dhabi this week to attend joint military exercises. ", "In a meeting with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, he stressed the importance of bilateral ties between the nations.", "\n\nQatar’s outlier status raises several concerns. ", "All the GCC countries, including Qatar, along with Egypt and other Arab nations, have reason to be worried about the growing nexus between Iran and Iraq. ", "While Iran has made concerted efforts to appease concerns about its nuclear ambitions, it has not wavered in its support for the bloody regime of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad and the destabilising activities of Hizbollah. ", "The strength of the Iran-led bloc requires a united Gulf to act as a counterbalance.", "\n\nQatar’s recalcitrance on the issue of the Brotherhood also brings into question joint defence and intelligence initiatives in the Gulf, including plans for a defensive missile system. ", "Nobody wants escalated tensions between the GCC nations and there is every hope for a resolution. ", "Doha asserts its rights to set its own foreign policy and choose its allies. ", "However, both the history books and the current geopolitical realities should be telling the leadership in Doha that their real friends are their neighbours nearest." ]
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[ "#!", "/usr/bin/env python\n\n\"\"\"\nParse training log\n\nEvolved from parse_log.sh\n\"\"\"\n\nimport os\nimport re\nimport extract_seconds\nimport argparse\nimport csv\nfrom collections import OrderedDict\n\n\ndef parse_log(path_to_log):\n \"\"\"Parse log file\n Returns (train_dict_list, train_dict_names, test_dict_list, test_dict_names)\n\n train_dict_list and test_dict_list are lists of dicts that define the table\n rows\n\n train_dict_names and test_dict_names are ordered tuples of the column names\n for the two dict_lists\n \"\"\"\n\n regex_iteration = re.compile('Iteration (\\d+)')\n regex_train_output = re.compile('Train net output #(\\d+): (\\S+) = ([\\.\\deE+-]+)')\n regex_test_output = re.compile('Test net output #(\\d+): (\\S+) = ([\\.\\deE+-]+)')\n regex_learning_rate = re.compile('lr = ([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE]?[-+]?[0-9]+)?)')", "\n\n # Pick out lines of interest\n iteration = -1\n learning_rate = float('NaN')\n train_dict_list = []\n test_dict_list = []\n train_row = None\n test_row = None\n\n logfile_year = extract_seconds.get_log_created_year(path_to_log)\n with open(path_to_log) as f:\n start_time = extract_seconds.get_start_time(f, logfile_year)\n\n for line in f:\n iteration_match = regex_iteration.search(line)\n if iteration_match:\n iteration = float(iteration_match.group(1))\n if iteration == -1:\n # Only start parsing for other stuff if we've found the first\n # iteration\n continue\n\n time = extract_seconds.extract_datetime_from_line(line,\n logfile_year)\n seconds = (time - start_time).total_seconds()\n\n learning_rate_match = regex_learning_rate.search(line)\n if learning_rate_match:\n learning_rate = float(learning_rate_match.group(1))\n\n train_dict_list, train_row = parse_line_for_net_output(\n regex_train_output, train_row, train_dict_list,\n line, iteration, seconds, learning_rate\n )\n test_dict_list, test_row = parse_line_for_net_output(\n regex_test_output, test_row, test_dict_list,\n line, iteration, seconds, learning_rate\n )\n\n fix_initial_nan_learning_rate(train_dict_list)\n fix_initial_nan_learning_rate(test_dict_list)\n\n return train_dict_list, test_dict_list\n\n\ndef parse_line_for_net_output(regex_obj, row, row_dict_list,\n line, iteration, seconds, learning_rate):\n \"\"\"Parse a single line for training or test output\n\n Returns a a tuple with (row_dict_list, row)\n row: may be either a new row or an augmented version of the current row\n row_dict_list: may be either the current row_dict_list or an augmented\n version of the current row_dict_list\n \"\"\"\n\n output_match = regex_obj.search(line)\n if output_match:\n if not row or row['NumIters'] !", "= iteration:\n # Push the last row and start a new one\n if row:\n # If we're on a new iteration, push the last row\n # This will probably only happen for the first row; otherwise\n # the full row checking logic below will push and clear full\n # rows\n row_dict_list.append(row)\n\n row = OrderedDict([\n ('NumIters', iteration),\n ('Seconds', seconds),\n ('LearningRate', learning_rate)\n ])\n\n # output_num is not used; may be used in the future\n # output_num = output_match.group(1)\n output_name = output_match.group(2)\n output_val = output_match.group(3)\n row[output_name] = float(output_val)\n\n if row and len(row_dict_list) >= 1 and len(row) == len(row_dict_list[0]):\n # The row is full, based on the fact that it has the same number of\n # columns as the first row; append it to the list\n row_dict_list.append(row)\n row = None\n\n return row_dict_list, row\n\n\ndef fix_initial_nan_learning_rate(dict_list):\n \"\"\"Correct initial value of learning rate\n\n Learning rate is normally not printed until after the initial test and\n training step, which means the initial testing and training rows have\n LearningRate = NaN. Fix this by copying over the LearningRate from the\n second row, if it exists.", "\n \"\"\"\n\n if len(dict_list) > 1:\n dict_list[0]['LearningRate'] = dict_list[1]['LearningRate']\n\n\ndef save_csv_files(logfile_path, output_dir, train_dict_list, test_dict_list,\n delimiter=',', verbose=False):\n \"\"\"Save CSV files to output_dir\n\n If the input log file is, e.g., caffe.", "INFO, the names will be\n caffe.INFO.train and caffe.INFO.test\n \"\"\"\n\n log_basename = os.path.basename(logfile_path)\n train_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, log_basename + '.train')\n write_csv(train_filename, train_dict_list, delimiter, verbose)\n\n test_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, log_basename + '.test')\n write_csv(test_filename, test_dict_list, delimiter, verbose)\n\n\ndef write_csv(output_filename, dict_list, delimiter, verbose=False):\n \"\"\"Write a CSV file\n \"\"\"\n\n dialect = csv.excel\n dialect.delimiter = delimiter\n\n with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:\n dict_writer = csv.", "DictWriter(f, fieldnames=dict_list[0].keys(),\n dialect=dialect)\n dict_writer.writeheader()\n dict_writer.writerows(dict_list)\n if verbose:\n print 'Wrote %s' % output_filename\n\n\ndef parse_args():\n description = ('Parse a Caffe training log into two CSV files '\n 'containing training and testing information')\n parser = argparse.", "ArgumentParser(description=description)\n\n parser.add_argument('logfile_path',\n help='Path to log file')\n\n parser.add_argument('output_dir',\n help='Directory in which to place output CSV files')\n\n parser.add_argument('--verbose',\n action='store_true',\n help='Print some extra info (e.g., output filenames)')\n\n parser.add_argument('--delimiter',\n default=',',\n help=('Column delimiter in output files '\n '(default: \\'%(default)s\\')'))\n\n args = parser.parse_args()\n return args\n\n\ndef main():\n args = parse_args()\n train_dict_list, test_dict_list = parse_log(args.logfile_path)\n save_csv_files(args.logfile_path, args.output_dir, train_dict_list,\n test_dict_list, delimiter=args.delimiter)\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()\n" ]
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[ "Cubasis 2 equals ease of use and is as powerful as a fully featured iOS-based music production system can be pushing your capabilities out of limits. ", "Whether you’re capturing simple ideas or complex musical masterpieces — It ships with outstanding, touch-optimized tools carrying you into the fun of recording, editing, mixing and sharing your music with the world right away. ", "Get fascinated by the brand new features that Cubasis 2 comes with such as real-time time-stretch and pitch shift, a studio-grade channel strip, Spin FX, massive instrument refills and many more powerful features. ", "Put hands on three internal instruments, numerous loops and instrument sounds to creatively lift your music to perfection using the included mixer and effects. ", "Once recorded, share your music with the world via a simple tap or transfer it directly to Cubase.", "\n\nWhat’s New in Version 2.0\n\n• A Refreshed User Interface – Enjoy profound usability by straightforward workflows\n\n• Real-time Time-Stretch – Tempo match audio loops to your song’s tempo in a snap\n\n• Pitch shift with formant correction – Easily change keys of any tracks and tune them to perfection\n\n• A studio-grade channel strip – Reach true sound perfection for all channels\n\n• Spin FX – Tweak and mash-up your tracks with DJ-like breaks, stops and stutters\n\n• MicroSonic TAPE instruments – Perfectly recreate trademark sounds from the ’60s era\n\n• 76 new Micrologue presets – Lay down your tracks with cutting-edge modern synth sounds\n\n• Factory loops tempo match – Enjoy the freedom to use included audio loops at any tempo\n\n• MIDI Auto Quantize – Sync MIDI tracks with the beat while recording\n\n• Ready for iOS 10 – Cubasis 2.0 is fully tested and proven iOS 10 compatible\n\nKey features\n\n• Unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks\n\n• 24 assignable physical inputs and outputs\n\n• 32-bit floating point audio engine\n\n• Audio I/O resolution of up to 24-bit/96 kHz\n\n• iOS 32- and 64-bit support\n\n• Real-time time-stretch and pitch shift featuring zplane’s élastique 3\n\n• Micrologue virtual analog synthesizer with 126 ready-to-go presets\n\n• MicroSonic with over 120 virtual instrument sounds based on HALion Sonic, Haliotron and Allen Morgan drum kits\n\n• MiniSampler to create your own instruments (includes 20 factory instruments)\n\n• Mixer with studio-grade channel strip per track and 16 effect processors\n\n• Fully automatable DJ-like Spin FX effect plug-in\n\n• Over 550 MIDI and time-stretch-capable audio loops\n\n• Virtual keyboard, chord- and drum pads\n\n• Sample Editor and Key Editor with MIDI CC support\n\n• MIDI Auto Quantize\n\n• Automation, MIDI CC, program change and aftertouch support\n\n• Export to Cubase, iCloud Drive, external hard drives, wireless flash drives, Dropbox, SoundCloud, AudioCopy and email\n\n• Core Audio and Core MIDI compatible hardware supported\n\n• MIDI over Bluetooth LE support\n\n• Full Audio Unit, Inter-App Audio and Audiobus support to use compatible apps as insert/send effects and virtual instruments or simply record their audio output\n\n• Import audio from your iTunes music library or iCloud Drive or iTunes file sharing, use AudioPaste or set up a Wi-Fi server in Cubasis\n\n• Audio mixdown and MIDI export\n\n• MIDI clock and MIDI thru support\n\nCubasis 2\n\n\n\n0 0 vote Article Rating" ]
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[ "Data have been uploaded to the Open Science Framework and can be found using DOI: [10.17605/OSF.IO/6NSQB](https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/6NSQB).", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec005}\n============\n\nA large body of literature has shown that episodic future thinking (EFT) interventions modify delay discounting (DD) \\[[@pone.0214397.ref001]--[@pone.0214397.ref003]\\], the preference for smaller immediate rewards over the preference for larger delayed rewards \\[[@pone.0214397.ref004]\\]. ", "Steep discounting of the future has been associated with many unhealthy behaviors, such as cigarette smoking \\[[@pone.0214397.ref005], [@pone.0214397.ref006]\\], problematic drinking \\[[@pone.0214397.ref007], [@pone.0214397.ref008]\\], drug use \\[[@pone.0214397.ref009]\\], and obesity \\[[@pone.0214397.ref010]\\]. ", "It has also been associated with risky behaviors that are believed to pose a threat to public health, such as neglecting sunscreen, regular dental exams, and using one's seatbelt \\[[@pone.0214397.ref011]\\]. ", "Thus, if we can shift a person's temporal orientation to be more future-oriented, this could translate to a reduction in maladaptive impulsive behaviors and an increase in health-promoting behaviors.", "\n\nEFT involves the creation of vivid and positive cues that can expand the temporal window such that as people make decisions in a DD task they are more likely to choose the larger distal reward. ", "In addition to changes in DD, EFT has also been associated with changes in one's demand for cigarettes, food, and alcohol \\[[@pone.0214397.ref003], [@pone.0214397.ref012], [@pone.0214397.ref013]\\]. ", "EFT has also improved clinical outcomes, for example, reduced eating in the laboratory \\[[@pone.0214397.ref014], [@pone.0214397.ref015]\\] and in a food court \\[[@pone.0214397.ref016]\\] have been observed.", "\n\nAs noted by Schacter and colleagues \\[[@pone.0214397.ref017], [@pone.0214397.ref018]\\] during EFT people engage in four adaptive behaviors including far-sighted decision-making, emotional regulation (in particular, reducing anxiety), improved prospective memory, and greater spatial navigation. ", "Unhealthy behaviors often have positive immediate consequences (e.g. enjoyment of eating, high from cocaine), but lead to serious distal outcomes (e.g. morbidity, mortality). ", "Therefore, the ability to execute these adaptive behaviors, in particular, the ability to make decisions that benefit future outcomes could promote healthy behavior change.", "\n\nOne of the most commonly used control groups for EFT is episodic recent thinking (ERT) where participants vividly describe events in their recent past in the same way participants generate EFT cues. ", "This condition controls for episodic thought and the procedures used to construct episodic cues, highlighting the temporal differences between EFT and ERT (19). ", "However, consistent and comparable control groups have not always been used across EFT studies and among the studies which employ the ERT control, the retrospective time periods used when generating cues vary widely from three time points in the past 24-hours to three time points within the past 12 days. ", "It is currently understood that the brain accesses past semantic and episodic memories and collates those memories to develop a vivid image of one's own personal future \\[[@pone.0214397.ref017]--[@pone.0214397.ref019]\\]. ", "While the brain is constantly coming up with new ideas and projections, they are believed to be devolved from a collection and reorganization of past experiences. ", "While this phenomenon would be useful in real-world decision-making, it may introduce prospection into usual ERT study conditions if those ERT conditions include cues that go too far back in time. ", "It's unclear at exactly what point in time retrospection promotes prospection as well as what other internal and external factors may trigger past memories to influence prospective thought.", "\n\nTo illustrate the variability of controls used in EFT studies, we present a brief review of publications that examined whether EFT manipulations can reduce DD. ", "This mini-review was informed by a recent systematic review \\[[@pone.0214397.ref002]\\]. ", "We followed similar search and review procedures as those described by the authors \\[[@pone.0214397.ref002]\\], except that we used the terms \"Episodic Future Thinking\" \"EFT\" Episodic thinking\" \"Prospective thinking\" in conjunction with the DD terms they mention. ", "We identified 19 studies, 10 of which were in the review \\[[@pone.0214397.ref002]\\] and added 9 additional studies. ", "We calculated Cohen's *d* effect sizes and corrected for small sample size bias using Hedge's *g*. ", "This review showed that only three studies used the same control group, a recent control condition that had participants generate cues over the past 24-hours \\[[@pone.0214397.ref003], [@pone.0214397.ref012], [@pone.0214397.ref019]\\]. ", "The rest of the studies used present events (e.g. over the next 24 hours) \\[[@pone.0214397.ref020]\\], no control cues \\[[@pone.0214397.ref021]--[@pone.0214397.ref025]\\], cues generated based off of standardized reading material \\[[@pone.0214397.ref014], [@pone.0214397.ref026]\\] or cues about what money could buy \\[[@pone.0214397.ref027]\\]. ", "There were also cues about meals eaten in the recent past \\[[@pone.0214397.ref015]\\] and recent/past events that ranged in time from 60 hours \\[[@pone.0214397.ref028]\\] to 12 days ago \\[[@pone.0214397.ref029]\\] and different time periods in-between \\[[@pone.0214397.ref013], [@pone.0214397.ref030]--[@pone.0214397.ref033]\\]. ", "Effect sizes varied from Hedge's *g* = 0.26 \\[[@pone.0214397.ref026]\\] to 1.40 \\[[@pone.0214397.ref014]\\] **([Table 1](#pone.0214397.t001){ref-type=\"table\"} provides more details)**. ", "If we examine just the three studies with cues focused on the participant's past 24-hours, effect sizes still varied from a medium effect (e.g. 0.49) \\[[@pone.0214397.ref019]\\] to a large effect (e.g. 0.85) \\[[@pone.0214397.ref012]\\], which highlights that using an ERT control may introduce unnecessary variability into EFT studies. ", "The pooled standard deviation is the denominator in Cohen's *d* effect size calculations, and greater variability in the control condition (e.g. larger standard deviations) could produce smaller effect sizes.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0214397.t001\n\n###### Control groups in prior episodic future thinking (EFT) studies.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0214397.t001){#pone.0214397.t001g}\n\n Study Manipulation Control DV Effect Size[^a^](#t001fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------\n Benoit et al. (", "2011) Imagine spending money in the future Imagine what money could buy %LLR 0.31\n Daniel et al. (", "2013a) Imagine future events Imagine scenes from Pinocchio AUC 0.26[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Daniel et al. (", "2013b) Imagine future events Imagine scenes from a travel blog AUC 1.40[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Daniel et al. (", "2016) Imagine future events Imagine recent events (past 24 hours) PMD 0.49\n Dassen et al. (", "2016) Imagine future events involving food Imagine recent events involving food/ unconstrained events *k* 0.48[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Kwan et al. (", "2015) Imagine future events No cues AUC \\-\n Lin & Epstein (2014) Imagine or neutral future events Imagine present events (over the next 24 hours) *k* 0.45\n Liu et al. (", "2013) Imagine simulated future events No cues %SSR 0.63\n O'Donnell, Daniel, and Epstein (2017) Imagine future events with or without a goal (two groups) Imagine recent events with or without a goal (past 84 hours, two groups) AUC 0.81[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n O'Donnell et al. (", "2018) Imagine future events with and without a process (two groups) Imagine recent events with and without a process (past 86 hours, two groups) AUC 1.25[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n O'Donnell, Hollis-Hansen, & Epstein (2018) Imagine future events (two groups, cues matched or unmatched to DD time periods) Imagine recent events (past 60 hours, two groups, cues matched or unmatched to usually presented DD time periods) AUC 0.46[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Palombo et al. (", "2015) Imagine spending reward in the future No event cues LLR 0.75\n Peters & Buchel (2010) Episodic cues present No cues *k* \\-\n Rung & Madden (2018[^a^](#t001fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}) Imagine one future event within the following year Imagine a recent event that occurred between 12 PM and 4 PM yesterday IP 6-month 0.33\n IP 1-year 0.67 \n Sasse, Peters, Buchel, & Brassen (2015) Imagine meeting person in the future No event cues *k* 0.26[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Snider, LaConte, Bickel (2016) Imagine future events Imagine recent events (past 24 hours) AUC 0.85\n Stein et. ", "al (2016) Imagine future events Imagine recent events (past 24 hours) AUC 0.65\n Stein et al. (", "2017) Imagine future events (one cue 7--12 months in the future vs. three cues at 1, 2--6 months, and 7--12 months, two groups) Imagine recent events (one cue 7--12 days ago vs. three cues 1, 2--6 days, and 7--12 days ago, two groups) ln *k* 0.46[^b^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Stein, Tegge, Turner, & Bickel (2017) Imagine future events Imagine recent events (past 12 days) ln *k* \\-\n Sze et al. (", "20107)[^c^](#t001fn004){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Imagine future events Imagine recent events (past 6 days) ln *k* 0.93\n\nDV = Dependent variable, IP = Indifference points at 6-months and 1-year, %LLR = % Larger later reward, ln*k* = log *k* value, PMD = Proportion of max delay, %SSR = % Smaller sooner reward,\n\n^a^ Effect sizes were calculated using Hedge's *g* to account for smaller sample sizes for some studies,\n\n^b^ Effect sizes averaged across experiments or similar conditions (e.g. if 2 x 2 factorial, averaged across EFT groups),\n\n^c^ We included data from Experiment 1 only, as Experiment 2 used other narrative manipulations (e.g. negative income shock),--- = sufficient data was not provided to calculate an effect size\n\nIn an attempt to standardize the methods used in the study of EFT and to reduce the potential for the control procedure to evoke prospection, we tested a novel standardized episodic thinking (SET) group in a study of online grocery purchasing behavior \\[[@pone.0214397.ref034]\\]. ", "We were concerned that the vivid imagining of one's recent past (e.g. one week ago) could trigger episodic thoughts about the future thus motivating control participants to buy more healthful food as well. ", "If recalling a meal eaten the weekend prior, it could theoretically lead to EFT about one's future meals, thus the participant could be more restrictive and healthful in their purchasing during a grocery shopping task. ", "The novel SET control retained the same process of generating cues that include a personalized recent experience, but standardizes the content of that recent experience (e.g. standardizes the episodic thinking across participants) and focuses it on an experience unrelated to food that occurred within the past 15 minutes.", "\n\nHowever, we wanted to further pilot the SET control and compare it to a typical ERT group. ", "In the present study participants in the SET control group played three of their top-rated mobile application games for five minutes each and generated cues which asked them to vividly describe the experience of playing the games in the laboratory. ", "To equate the recent experience across both groups, the EFT and general ERT groups also played the same mobile application games, but the EFT group simulated positive future events for their cues and the ERT group focused on positive recent events. ", "All of the groups recited their respective cues before completing a \\$100 adjusting-amount DD task \\[[@pone.0214397.ref035]\\] and were asked to keep their cues in mind while they were making decisions. ", "We hypothesized that the EFT group would discount the future less than the ERT and SET groups and anticipated that the two control groups would have similar rates of discounting thereby establishing the validity of using the new SET control in future EFT intervention studies.", "\n\nMethods {#sec006}\n=======\n\nParticipants {#sec007}\n------------\n\nWe conducted an a priori power analysis using an effect size from a study that compared two EFT groups to two ERT control groups \\[[@pone.0214397.ref030]\\] with area under the curve (AUC) \\[[@pone.0214397.ref004], [@pone.0214397.ref036]\\] as the dependent variable. ", "The O'Donnell et. ", "al study resulted in a Cohen's *d* effect size of 0.89, and from this we calculated that the present three group study needed 17 subjects per group or 51 participants to produce a similar EFT effect size with an alpha of 0.05 and 0.80 power. ", "We anticipated the different control procedures to result in similar levels of discounting as our goal was not to show differences between the control groups, but rather that a standardized control was equivalent to a recent thinking control that has been used in many studies.", "\n\nPotential participants were recruited through unpaid internet advertisements (e.g. Craigslist, Facebook), community fliers (e.g. open retail, university, and community college message boards) and emails to members of the Division of Behavioral Medicine participant database. ", "The recruitment materials directed potential participants to an eligibility screening, which was hosted on SurveyMonkey.com^®^. Participants were selected as follows:\n\nParticipants were excluded if they were younger than 18 or older than 45, as age has been shown to influence delay discounting \\[[@pone.0214397.ref011]\\]. ", "A brief demographic questionnaire, that had participant's self-report their birth date, gender, and race/ethnicity was included in the eligibility screener to collect this information.", "\n\nPotential participants were presented with pictures and titles of the six mobile application games that they would be asked to play during the study session (e.g. Super Mario, Flow Free, Bubble Witch, Geometry Dash, Solitaire, and Trivia Crack). ", "Participants rated each game on a 5-point Likert scale that gauged their liking of the games and willingness to play the games. ", "Those who rated 3 or more games below a 3 for liking or willingness were excluded and those who rated a 3 or above were included, as we did not want one's liking of the game to influence the effectiveness of the intervention or lead to a confounded control.", "\n\nIn the present study we wanted to test the EFT effect in a population that exhibited greater discounting of the future to ensure that the EFT intervention works for people who are steep discounters. ", "Therefore, a one-item delay discounting measure asked participants whether they would rather have \\$50 now or \\$75 in three months, similar to the one-item delay discounting measure used by Reimers et. ", "al, which was associated with a number of risky behaviors \\[[@pone.0214397.ref011]\\]. ", "We excluded participants who selected \\$75 in three months and included participants who selected \\$50 now.", "\n\nIndividuals with untreated psychopathology, depression and anxiety were excluded because these illnesses have been associated with a difficulty in developing positive future-oriented cues \\[[@pone.0214397.ref037]--[@pone.0214397.ref038]\\] and reduced specificity when generating future events \\[[@pone.0214397.ref039]\\]. ", "One two-part self-report item was used to gauge participant's mental health status, \"Do you currently have any psychological conditions (such as a psychological disorder, anxiety, depression, or ADHD)? ", "If yes, please describe (when diagnosed and treatments)\". ", "Those who reported no mental health issues and/or treated and stable conditions were included.", "\n\nPotential participants who had previously participated in a study with EFT cue generation within the past six months were excluded to ensure there were no carryover effects from a prior study. ", "One self-report item asked participants if they had recently participated in a study involving the generation of sentence cues.", "\n\nThose who were eligible were contacted by their preferred method of contact and scheduled for a study appointment.", "\n\nParticipants (N = 53) were non-smokers, aged 18--45. ", "See **[Table 2](#pone.0214397.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}**for detailed participant characteristics.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0214397.t002\n\n###### Participant characteristics.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0214397.t002){#pone.0214397.t002g}\n\n EFT SET ERT p\n ---------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----\n *Age (Mean ± SD*, *years)* 29.0 ± 8.4 27.4 ± 6.6 31.9 ± 10.3 .30\n *Income (Mean ± SD*, *dollars)* 59167 ± 53340 53824 ± 29513 73944 ± 57311 .45\n *SSS (Mean ± SD)* 5.7 ± 1.4 5.5 ± 1.5 5.4 ± 1.5 .76\n *Education (Mean ± SD*, *years)* 14.7 ± 2.2 14.3 ± 2.1 14.8 ± 2.1 .74\n *Race (n*, *%)* .40\n White 12 (66.67%) 9 (52.94%) 8 (44.44%) \n Non-white 6 (33.33%) 8 (47.06%) 10 (55.56%) \n *Ethnicity (n*, *%)* .37\n *Hispanic* 1 (5.56%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) \n Non-Hispanic 17 (94.44%) 17 (100.00%) 18 (100.00%) .", "\n *Sex (n*, *%)* .62\n Female 13 (72.22%) 10 (58.82%) 13 (72.22%) \n Male 5 (27.28%) 7 (41.18%) 5 (27.78%) \n *Mobile Game Liking (Mean ± SD)* 3.6 ± 0.4 3.6 ± 0.7 3.6 ± 0.5 .95\n *Imagery measures (Mean ± SD)* \n Frequency 3.6 ± 0.9 3.3 ± 1.0 3.3 ± 0.9 .41\n Vividness 3.4 ± 0.9 3.2 ± 1.2 3.3 ± 0.9 .77\n\nSSS = Subjective social status\n\nProcedures {#sec008}\n----------\n\nThis study was approved by the Social and Behavioral Institutional Review Board of the University at Buffalo. ", "Consent of participants was obtained in a private room and participation occurred from February to August of 2018.", "\n\nAfter completing the consent process, participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: an episodic future thinking group (EFT), an episodic recent thinking group (ERT), and a standardized episodic thinking group (SET). ", "Participants then played 6 mobile application games for 1 minute each and rated their liking of each game on a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 was \"do not like at all\" and 5 was \"like very much\".", "\n\nThe six games available were Super Mario, Flow Free, Bubble Witch, Geometry Dash, Solitaire, and Trivia Crack. ", "Super Mario is similar to the well-known Nintendo console game, and is considered a \"platformer\" game, or a game where a player has to move their character between suspended platforms while avoiding barriers. ", "In Super Mario the player is moving a 3-dimensional Mario through \"Super Mario World\", collecting tokens and averting obstacles that cause the player to lose the game. ", "Flow Free is a puzzle game which has the player connect similarly colored dots while ensuring not to break any of the other connections with the goal of completing the puzzle. ", "Bubble Witch is a bubble shooting puzzle game where participants guide a witch's wand to shoot a colored bubble at a group of similarly colored bubbles with the objective of removing the bubbles and getting to the top. ", "Geometry Dash is also a platformer game, but the game is faster paced than Super Mario and the \"character\" is a square with the objective of getting to the end of the level without crashing into any other obstacles (e.g. other geometrical shapes). ", "Solitaire is an electronic version of the popular card game (also known as \"Patience\") in which players sort cards in alternating color order and then stack them by suit. ", "Trivia Crack is a single-, two- or multi-player trivia game where participants spin a wheel that randomly selects a trivia category. ", "Participants then have 20 seconds to answer a question related to entertainment, geography, science, sports, history or art. ", "After rating all six games, participants chose their three favorite mobile games and played each of those three games for an additional 5 minutes. ", "Once they finished playing the third game, participants created cues with a study staff member.", "\n\nThe participants' cues varied depending on their group assignment. ", "The EFT group created positive and personalized episodic future simulation cues in two steps. ", "Participants were first asked to identify a positive event that they were looking forward to and could vividly imagine that could really happen or that they had planned for one month, six months, and one year from that day (e.g. a wedding, birthday party, family vacation, outdoor adventure, etc.). ", "Participants were then directed to rate and describe the event. ", "The events were rated on a 5-point Likert scale for both liking and vividness of imagined event. ", "Any participants rating below a 3 were asked to simulate a new event. ", "Participants then described their future event in as much detail as possible in order to help them vividly simulate their future while making choices. ", "The sample **EFT cue** that was given to participants reads as follows:\n\n\"In about 1 month I am at the park with my friend Alex. ", "We are at Letchworth State Park, sitting by the waterfront. ", "I am admiring the beautiful scenery. ", "I am feeling relaxed and enjoying the nice weather outside.\"", "\n\nThe ERT group created episodic recent thinking cues in the same two steps as the EFT group, by identifying a recent positive event and rating that event on their liking and vividness. ", "ERT participants were directed to create cues for recent past events that happened 24 hours (1 day), 72 hours (3 days), and 144 hours (6 days) ago. ", "The sample **ERT cue** reads as follows:\n\n\"About 72 hours ago I was at the park with my friend Alex. ", "We were at Letchworth State Park, sitting by the waterfront eating lunch. ", "I was admiring the beautiful scenery. ", "I was feeling relaxed and enjoyed the nice weather outside.\"", "\n\nThe SET participants created cues about the three mobile application games that they had selected and played for 5 minutes each at the beginning of their study appointment. ", "A sample **SET cue** is as follows:\n\n\"About 5 minutes ago I was playing Bubble Witch in a beige study room at UB. ", "I was playing as a witch and guiding her wand towards similarly colored bubbles in order to pop them. ", "I was releasing the owls as I popped the bubbles. ", "I was feeling excited as I was making my way to the top.\"", "\n\nOnce finished creating cues, participants in all groups completed an adjusting amount DD task. ", "The task asked people to choose between a smaller variable reward now and a larger fixed reward in the future (\\$100) at six different delay periods: one day, one week, one month, six months, one year, and two years \\[[@pone.0214397.ref030]\\]. ", "Each time period had six trials of monetary choices. ", "The amount available in the present varied by how participant's responded to the question prior, for example, the first trial is always \\$50 now or \\$100 at the later time period, and then the second trial will either decrease the value of the present reward by 50% if the participant selected the \\$50 or increase the present value by 50% if the participant selected the \\$100. ", "The point at which the participant was indifferent to the smaller immediate reward and larger delayed reward (e.g. valued them the same) was the indifference point for each time period, and those points were used to plot a curve and our major dependent variable was the area-under-the-curve because of the ease in interpretation \\[[@pone.0214397.ref035]\\]. ", "A lower AUC (closer to 0) indicates greater future discounting while a higher AUC (closer to 1) indicates greater future consideration \\[[@pone.0214397.ref004]\\].", "\n\nThe participants were asked to read their cues before beginning the DD task and reminded to keep their cues in mind while they made their decisions in the task. ", "At the end of each time period, participants were asked to rate the frequency and vividness of their thoughts about their cues during the task. ", "This was done on a 5-point Likert scale, asking \"How often did you think about your cues during the task?\" ", "and \"How vivid were your thoughts about your cues?\" ", "where one was \"not at all\" for frequency and \"not vivid\" for vividness and five was \"very often\" for frequency and \"very vivid\" for vividness. ", "If the participant rated either vividness or frequency below a three, they were asked to read their cues again before returning to the task.", "\n\nOther measures {#sec009}\n--------------\n\nUpon completion of the DD task, participants were directed to a separate computer to complete a computer based survey. ", "The survey included the following measures:\n\n### Demographic variables {#sec010}\n\nAge, income, education, sex, race, occupation, and marital status of the participants were obtained through the use of the sociodemographic questionnaire from the MacArthur Network \\[[@pone.0214397.ref040]\\].", "\n\n### Subjective Social Status (SSS) {#sec011}\n\nA two-item questionnaire was used to assess subjective social status, which asks participants to view a photo of a ladder with the number 10 at the bottom and the number one at the top. ", "Participants are instructed to define their community in the way that makes sense to them. ", "They are then asked to think of the bottom of the ladder \"10\" as the people who have the lowest standing in their community and those at the top of the ladder \"1\" as the people with the highest standing in their community. ", "They are then asked to place themselves on the ladder where they think they stand relative to other people in their community at the present moment. ", "They are given virtually identical instructions for question two, but they are instructed to think of the ladder as representing where people stand in the entire United States. ", "We included SSS as another measure of SES \\[[@pone.0214397.ref040]\\].", "\n\nAnalytic plan {#sec012}\n-------------\n\nBetween groups analysis of variance (ANOVA) was calculated for all continuous variables and Chi-square tests were computed for categorical variables to assess whether groups differed on any important characteristics. ", "None of the variables differed by group and therefore no covariates were included in the final model. ", "In order to test our first hypothesis, whether EFT improves DD, we conducted a between groups ANOVA with group assignment as the independent variable and AUC as the dependent variable. ", "In order to test our second hypothesis, whether there would be differences between the two control groups, follow-up linear contrasts were used to determine specific group differences in AUC. ", "To test group differences between individual indifference points (IP) we conducted a mixed ANOVA with group as the between factor and IP (e.g. 1 week, 1 month...) as a within factor. ", "Post hoc linear contrasts were used to test between group differences and whether groups differed at each time point. ", "Weber and Popova's independent-samples equivalence procedure was used to test whether the control groups were equivalent \\[[@pone.0214397.ref041]\\]. ", "Laken's \\[[@pone.0214397.ref042]\\] has suggested the best effect size boundary to consider is the smallest effect size of interest. ", "In our data, a 0.10 difference in AUC (e.g. a 0.30 AUC versus a 0.40 AUC) results in a Cohen's *d* of 0.50. ", "Therefore, we used a Cohen's *d* of 0.50 (Δ = .50) in our independent-samples equivalence procedures.", "\n\nResults {#sec013}\n=======\n\nNo significant differences were observed in how much participants liked playing the mobile application games (*F*(2, 50) = 0.06, *p* = 0.95), how much participants thought about their cues during the DD task (*F*(2, 50) = 0.92, *p* = 0.45), or how vivid participant's thoughts were about the events described in their cues during the DD task (*F*(2, 50) = 0.26, *p* = 0.77). ", "There were no differences among other important participant characteristics that would justify including additional variables in the analysis.", "\n\nSignificant differences in AUC were observed, mean AUC's were: EFT .46 ± .21, ERT .33 ± .23, and SET .29 ± .13 (\\[mean ± SD\\]), *F*(2, 50) = 3.67, *p* \\< 0.05 (**[Fig 1](#pone.0214397.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "Contrasts showed that the EFT group made more far-sighted decisions than SET (*F*(1, 50) *=* 6.61, *p* \\< 0.05, η~p~^2^ = 0.12, Hedge's *g* = 0.99), and ERT (*F*(1, 50) *=* 4.05, *p* \\< 0.05, η~p~^2^ = 0.08, Hedge's *g* = 0.68), while the two ERT groups did not differ from one another *F*(1, 50) = 0.34, *p* \\> 0.05, η~p~^2^ = 0.007, Hedge's *g* = 0.21). ", "The independent-samples equivalence procedure showed that the SET and ERT groups are equivalent (*t*(33) = 0.60, Δ = .50, *p* = 0.02).", "\n\n![", "Delay discounting area-under-the-curve (mean ± SE) by randomized group assignment.\\\nParticipants randomized to the EFT group discounted the future less than those who were randomized to either control group (*p* \\< 0.05). ", "The two groups did not differ (p \\> 0.05). ", "Indifference points (mean ± SE) by randomized group assignment for each of the time delays (e.g. one day, one week, one month, six months, one year, and two years). \\* ", "p ≤ .05 \\*\\* p ≤ .01 \\*\\*\\* p ≤.001.](pone.0214397.g001){#pone.0214397.g001}\n\nThere was one statistical outlier in the general ERT group (an AUC of .99, which indicates no future discounting). ", "When this person was removed the overall ANOVA showed a larger EFT effect (*F*(2, 49) = 5.74, *p* \\< 0.01; η~p~^2^ = 0.19), no difference between the two control groups (*F*(1, 49) = 0.00, *p* \\> 0.05, η~p~^2^ = 0.000, Hedge's *g* = 0.00), and that the two control groups were equivalent (*t*(32) = 0.00, Δ = .50, *p* = 0.005).", "\n\nThe mixed ANOVA of the indifference points showed overall main effects for group (*F(2*, *50)* = 4.55, *p* \\< 0.05) and time (*F(5*, *50)* = 166.19, *p* \\< 0.001). ", "In addition, there was an interaction of Group x Time (*F(10*, *250)* = *p* \\< 0.05) suggesting that there may be differential effects at different temporal intervals. ", "As shown in [Fig 1](#pone.0214397.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, there were no significant differences between the ERT group and the SET group at any of the indifference points (*p*'s *\\>* 0.05).", "\n\nA post-hoc contrast looking at EFT versus both control groups showed that EFT effects appear to be most pronounced for the one week (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 6.29, *p \\<* 0.05), one month (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 8.40, *p \\<* 0.01), six month (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 13.14, *p* = 0.001), and one year (*F(1*, *50)* = 5.02, *p* \\< 0.05) time periods (**[Fig 1](#pone.0214397.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "There is no difference at the one day (*F(1*, *50)* = 3.45, *p* = 0.07) or two-year intervals (*F(1*, *50)* = 0.79, *p* = 0.38). ", "However, effects for the one week and one-year indifference point differed slightly by control group.", "\n\nThere were one week differences for the SET control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 3.81, *p =* 0.057) and the ERT control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 5.69, *p \\<* 0.05), one month differences for the SET control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 6.22, *p \\<* 0.05) and ERT control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 6.32, *p \\<* 0.05), six months differences for the SET control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 11.89, *p =* 0.001) and ERT control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 7.90, *p \\<* 0.01), and one year differences for the SET control only (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 4.99, *p \\<* 0.05), not the ERT control (*F*(*1*, *50*) = 2.67, *p \\>* 0.05).", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec014}\n==========\n\nThe present study replicated the finding that EFT helps participants make more far-sighted decisions in a laboratory DD task among an impulsive sample of the population. ", "Additionally, we confirmed that the SET control is a valid control for future EFT intervention studies, as SET reliably differs from EFT, but is not significantly different than ERT. ", "An advantage of the SET control is that it standardizes the recent experience participants recall during the DD task and reduces the possibility that participants could engage prospection to the same effect that usual ERT participants might as they recall experiences that occurred a week or two in the past. ", "In addition, SET would provide the same recent experience for all participants across studies, which increases the power of meta-analytic studies that would compare EFT to common controls. ", "We found that there were similar ratings in how frequently participants thought about their cues and how vivid their thoughts were about their cues regardless of group assignment, further confirming the validity of using the SET group as an EFT intervention control.", "\n\nAnalyses of the indifference points suggest that cues do not need to be matched to the time delay to produce an effect, given that there were significant differences at the one-week and six-month time points, which are not cued during the EFT manipulation. ", "This result replicates a recent finding that EFT cues do not need to match the discounting time delays in order to improve DD \\[[@pone.0214397.ref028]\\]. ", "We found significant differences between the EFT group and the control groups at the one week, one month, six months, and one year delays. ", "There were no significant differences between the ERT and SET groups at any of the time periods.", "\n\nEFT consistently shows a positive and significant effect on DD outcomes, but the effects vary across studies \\[[@pone.0214397.ref002]\\]. ", "This may be due in part to differences in the implementation of EFT, but in a comparison of EFT studies with the same EFT methods, the effect sizes would still vary based on differences in the control groups. ", "Standardization of control conditions may be important for future meta-analyses of EFT, so that different interventions can be compared to a common control. ", "While ERT can be considered a common control group, as we have shown the temporal characteristics of ERT conditions can vary. ", "In addition, even if everyone is asked to recall a pleasant experience that occurred over the past 24 hours, that experience will be very different across participants. ", "SET instead standardizes the recent experience of all participants. ", "In addition, it may be important to consider how ERT would be used in clinical populations with the goal of changing a health behavior. ", "In clinical studies there may be a clearer relationship between what the participant has recently experienced (e.g. eating at a party, drinking alcohol during a night out with friends) and the behaviors they are trying to change.", "\n\nIt is important to consider limitations to the interpretation of the results. ", "The sample size was relatively small, and the study was powered to show differences between EFT and the two control groups, not between the control groups. ", "The differences between the two groups was small, with a Cohen's *d* effect size of 0.21, which would require 788 participants, or 394/group to show significant between group differences. ", "Second, we used mobile games as the format for standardizing the participant's recent experience. ", "In the Supermarket Study (34) and in the present sample this was perceived as a highly enjoyable activity, but it is possible that this may not be a universally enjoyable activity, which could compromise the effectiveness of SET or limit the sample of participants.", "\n\nThe SET may be a better control than a general ERT group because it standardizes and manufactures a similar recent experience for all participants thereby reducing the variability in the recent experience. ", "The new control replicates that it is episodic **future** simulation that is changing decision-making by controlling for all of the other aspects of cue generation that could be attributed to change: the control provides an experience that is enjoyable to all participants and follows a similar cue generation and recitation process as the intervention group. ", "The control also provides an episodic recent simulation that is able to be frequently and vividly imagined that is unrelated to the outcome of interest. ", "The SET would be a useful control for researcher's seeking to study the influence of EFT on DD as well as other health behaviors and outcomes, such as alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, eating behaviors, and grocery shopping.", "\n\nThank you to research assistants Iryna Hyrnk and Juman Aref for invaluable help in carrying out the study. ", "This research was funded in part by a grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R01 HD080292-02 awarded to Dr. Epstein. ", "The funding agency was not involved in analysis or interpretation of the data.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n" ]
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[ "It’s what happens when the chicken crosses the road, when you hear ‘Mummy, Mummy’, or meet shaggy dogs, blondes, Confucius, or three men entering a bar (metajoke: A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar, and the bartender says: ‘What is this, a joke?’) – ", "and it’s what started out as an essay on humour for the New Yorker, and has turned into this snappily titled little volume by Jim Holt, quondam American correspondent for LR and devotee of the late Auberon Waugh, who would surely have delighted in the entire undertaking, from its subversive scholarship right down to the Scriblerian index." ]
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[ 0.011363636363636364, 0.011764705882352941 ]
[ "Talking about how many hours you work is not impressive. ", "Far from being an indication of industrious achievements or alpha status, it should be seen as a professionally embarrassing sign that, quite frankly, you have nothing else to boast about.", "\n\nShowing off about overwork is now so ubiquitous it’s difficult to remember a time when lack of sleep and hours spent at the office weren’t talked of with a puff of pride. “", "We just maximize every hour we can, however we can do it,” Twitter executive chairman Omid Kordestani told the Wall Street Journal (paywall) in 2015, explaining that he became chief executive Jack Dorsey’s driver so they could talk business as they commute. “", "When you hear the so-called apocryphal stories about Tim Cook coming to work in the wee hours and staying late,” Don Melton, who started Apple’s Safari, told Debug podcast in 2014, “it’s not just some PR person telling you stories to make you think that Apple executives work really hard like that. ", "They really do that,” And, of course, just last month, the patron saint of work boasts, Tesla chief executive Elon Musk, declared that “nobody ever changed the world on 40 hours a week.” ", "Musk said in November that he worked 120-hour weeks, and on Twitter claimed that 80 to 100 hours per week is necessary to change the world.", "\n\nAs countless studies have shown, this simply isn’t true. ", "Productivity dramatically decreases with longer work hours, and completely drops off once people reach 55 hours of work a week, to the point that, on average, someone working 70 hours in a week achieves no more than a colleague working 15 fewer hours." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLeibniz integral rule and Fundamental thm of Calculs(differences)\n\nWhat is difference between Leibniz integral rule and F.T.C.?", "\nThank you\n\nA:\n\nLeibniz Integral Rule (Differentiation under the integral sign):\nLet $f(x, t)$ be a function of $x$ and $t$ such that both $f(x, t)$ and its partial derivative $\\frac{\\partial f}{\\partial x}$ are continuous in $t$ and $x$ in some region of the $(x, t)$-plane, including $a(x) ≤ t ≤ b(x)$, and $ x_0 ≤ x ≤ x_1$. Also suppose that the functions $a(x)$ and $b(x)$ are both continuous and both have continuous derivatives for $x_0 ≤ x ≤ x_1$. Then, for $x_0 ≤ x ≤ x_1$,\n$$\\frac{d}{dx}(\\int_{a(x)}^{b(x)} f(x,t) dt)=\\int_{a(x)}^{b(x)} \\frac{\\partial }{\\partial x}f(x,t) dt +f( x, b(x)) \\frac{db}{dx}-f( x, a(x)) \\frac{da}{dx}$$\n\nFundamental Theorem of Calculus:\nSuppose that the function $F(x)$ is differentiable everywhere on $[a, b]$ and if $f$ is integrable on $[a, b]$. Also suppose that $F$ is an anti-derivative for $f$, i.e., if $F'=f$, then\n$$\\int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b)-F(a)$$\n\nIf $a(x)$ and $b(x)$ are constants (i.e., $a\\neq a(x)$ and $b \\neq b(x)$), then $\\frac{da}{dx}=0$ and $\\frac{db}{dx}=0$ and hence the first theorem becomes,$$\\frac{d}{dx}(\\int_{a}^{b} f(x,t) dt)=\\int_{a}^{b} \\frac{\\partial }{\\partial x}f(x,t) dt $$\nNow in additional if $f(x,t)=f(x)$, then the above equation becomes the fundamental theorem of calculus.", "\nSo we say that the fundamental theorem of calculus is just the particular case of the Leibniz integral rule.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nFamilial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is an inherited disorder with autosomal dominant transmission and multiple phenotypes, characterized by systemic accumulation of amyloid fibrils. ", "The most common type of FAP is related to a mutant transthyretin (TTR). ", "TTR is mainly synthesized in the liver, but few amount of TTR is produced in the eye, namely in retinal pigment epithelium, which explains the continuous intra-ocular amyloid deposition observed in patients submitted to liver transplantation. ", "The incidence of ophthalmic manifestations related to FAP depends on mutation involved, geographical area of patient and time of evolution of the disease. ", "More than 100 mutations of TTR have been described but the most frequent in Portugal is TTR Val30Met. ", "Even the same population with the same mutation can present significant clinical variability. ", "TTR Met30Val FAP patients have different phenotypes according to their age at onset of the disease.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nDry eye, abnormal conjunctival vessels, pupillary abnormalities, vitreous opacities and glaucoma are common ocular changes associated to FAP. ", "All are described as well as their etiology and incidence. ", "Clinical cases with demographic data, TTR mutation involved, age at beginning of disease, period of evolution of disease, previous liver transplant or medical treatment, specific ophthalmologic alterations related to FAP and previous ocular surgeries are presented.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nThe most specific ocular manifestations of ATTR-FAP are deposits on lens anterior capsule and pupillary border, scalloped pupil and vitreous amyloidosis and the most severe one is glaucoma.", "\n\nAmyloid deposits on anterior lens surface are central, disciform opacities with more dense border. ", "Amyloid deposits on pupillary border are irregularities of white membranous material. ", "Scalloped pupil, an irregular outlines and fringed edges of pupil, is pathognomonic of ATTR-FAP.", "\n\nPeculiar vitreous opacities are the most common specific change of late onset TTR Met30Val population. ", "There are four types of amyloid vitreous opacities: *pseudopodia lentis*, fibrils, spherical opacities and pre-vascular opacities. *", "Pseudopodia lentis* and typical fibrils, since numerous and dense, are also pathognomonic.", "\n\nDry eye is a common ocular change in FAP but a *non* specific. ", "Signs of *keratoconjunctivitis sicca* like diminution of Break Up Time and *punctata* epitheliopathy are frequent and complications like corneal neovascularization or opacity and neurotrophic corneal ulcer are unusual.", "\n\nAbnormal conjunctival vessels are a *non* specific modification of shape of vessels.", "\n\nPupillary reflex changes, light pupillary hiporreactivity or redilatation lag without loss of light reflex response, can be observed.", "\n\nGlaucoma related to ATTR-FAP is an agressive secondary open angle glaucoma. ", "Frequently, surgery is required (trabeculectomy or valve implants). ", "Glaucoma leads to blindness if left untreated.", "\n\nAmyloid retinal microangiopathy with peripheral retinal ischemia is a rare manifestation. ", "It can be observed in advanced stage of disease.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nFrequently, the severity of ocular symptoms does not correlate with systemic symptoms, particularly in late onset disease. ", "Vitreous opacities can be the first manifestation of the disease in older patients. ", "Ocular manifestations are common in FAP TTR Val30Met patients and might be potentially severe with visual impairment like vitreous opacities and glaucoma. ", "The most frequent specific alterations observed in early onset cases are signs related to dry eye and in late onset cases, vitreous opacities.", "\n\nVitrectomy is frequently required to remove amyloid in vitreous cavity to regain vision. ", "In isolated cases with later onset and milder symptoms of the disease, vitreous opacities are frequently the first symptom. ", "Ophthalmologist has an important role in follow-up of FAP patients to accurately treat sight-threatening manifestations and to diagnosis new cases, particularly in late onset TTR Met30Val.", "\n" ]
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[ "CPRS MB 2017 Annual General Meeting\n\nYou’re invited to CPRS Manitoba’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2017 from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. in room P107 at Red River College, 160 Princess Street, Winnipeg. ", "Register for this free event here.", "\n\nPlease join your fellow CPRS Manitoba members for a wrap-up of the past year’s activities, a preview of the plans for the coming year, and refreshments. ", "The AGM will be followed by an informal networking event at The King’s Head Pub.", "\n\nWe will also be holding elections for prospective CPRS Manitoba board members for the 2017/2018 fiscal year – review the board positions and submit your nominations here. ", "The deadline to submit nominations to the CPRS Manitoba Board of Directors is midnight (CST), Tuesday, May 9, 2017. ", "And, while only CPRS members can vote at the AGM, everyone is welcome to attend, so please join us – it’s free!", "\n\nAGM Agenda:\n\nCall to order\n\nApproval of the minutes of the 2015/2016 CPRS MB Annual General Meeting\n\nApproval of the audited financial statements for the year ending April 30, 2017\n\nApproval of reports of the Board of Directors (report to follow)\n\nElections of the 2017/2018 Board of Directors (slate to follow)\n\nOther business that may come before the meeting\n\nAdjournment\n\nAttendance\n\nWhile only CPRS members can vote at the AGM, everyone is welcome to attend, so please register [insert link] and join us at the meeting. ", "Afterwards, we’ll move over to The King’s Head Pub to continue networking, and to enjoy food and drinks!", "\n\nVote by Proxy\n\nCan’t make our AGM? ", "You may assign your vote for the 2017 CPRS Manitoba AGM to another voting member (proxy) by downloading the 2017 proxy form. ", "Complete and sign the form – then delivering it one of three ways. ", "By:\n\nMailing to CPRS Manitoba, P.O. Box 441, Stn. ", "Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2H6. ", "Must be received no later than Monday, June 5, 2017, OR;\n\nGiving your proxy to another member who will physically bring it to the AGM on your behalf.", "\n\nThe positions of President and Past-President are all entering the second year of two-year terms, and are not up for election. ", "The position of Vice-President is entering the second of a two-year term, and is not up for election. ", "All other positions are one-year terms and are up for election." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.019138755980861243, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.0125, 0.005780346820809248, 0.02586206896551724, 0.018018018018018018, 0.009505703422053232, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.008, 0, 0.02, 0.07142857142857142, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Hello Mr. Shekhar\nI think the first step, you should write a mail to the HDFC bank\nofficials taking into CC the higher officials along with RBI officials\nfor providing the banking facilities to the persons with vision\nimpairment.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nOn 10/19/16, bhawani shankar verma <bsvermad...@gmail.com> wrote:\n> have a demonstration in front of that branch with maximum extent possible\n> blind people. ", "approach your lead bank office with the RBI circular.", "\n>\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \"Rajashekhar, Shekhar\" <sraja...@allegisgroup.com>\n> To: <AccessIndia@accessindia.org.in>\n> Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 5:20 PM\n> Subject: [AI] Problem in opening salary for VI employee with HDFC bank\n>\n>\n>> Hi,\n>>\n>> One of our employe who is with vision impairment is not be able to get a\n>> bank account with HDFC bank, they are not even accepting RBI guideline,\n>> but I was able to get on2011 in HDFC bank itself in a different branch.", "\n>> Please let me know what is the next step.", "\n>>\n>> Thanks & Regards\n>> Shekhar\n>> Recruiter\n>> Allegis Group India\n>> t 080 3070 5138\n>> m 9008882419\n>> Commerce @ Mantri,\n>> Level 3, No. ", "12/1 & 12/2, NS Palya,\n>> Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560 076\n>> Description: http://www.allegisgroup.com/images/AG-green.gif\n>>\n>> This electronic mail (including any attachments) may contain information\n>> that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protected from\n>> disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). ", "Any\n>> dissemination or use of this electronic mail or its contents (including\n>> any attachments) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is\n>> strictly prohibited. ", "If you have received this message in error, please\n>> notify us immediately by reply e-mail so that we may correct our internal\n>>\n>> records. ", "Please then delete the original message (including any\n>> attachments) in its entirety. ", "Thank you\n>>\n>> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of\n>>\n>> mobile phones / Tabs on:\n>> http://mail.accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/mobile.accessindia_accessindia.org.in\n>>\n>>\n>> Search for old postings at:\n>> http://www.mail-archive.com/accessindia@accessindia.org.in/\n>>\n>> To unsubscribe send a message to\n>> accessindia-requ...@accessindia.org.in\n>> with the subject unsubscribe.", "\n>>\n>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,\n>> please visit the list home page at\n>> http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in\n>>\n>>\n>> Disclaimer:\n>> 1. ", "Contents of the mails, factual, or otherwise, reflect the thinking of\n>> the person sending the mail and AI in no way relates itself to its\n>> veracity;\n>>\n>> 2. ", "AI cannot be held liable for any commission/omission based on the mails\n>>\n>> sent through this mailing list..\n>\n>\n>\n> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of\n> mobile phones / Tabs on:\n> http://mail.accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/mobile.accessindia_accessindia.org.in\n>\n>\n> Search for old postings at:\n> http://www.mail-archive.com/accessindia@accessindia.org.in/\n>\n> To unsubscribe send a message to\n> accessindia-requ...@accessindia.org.in\n> with the subject unsubscribe.", "\n>\n> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please\n> visit the list home page at\n> http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in\n>\n>\n> Disclaimer:\n> 1. ", "Contents of the mails, factual, or otherwise, reflect the thinking of the\n> person sending the mail and AI in no way relates itself to its veracity;\n>\n> 2. ", "AI cannot be held liable for any commission/omission based on the mails\n> sent through this mailing list..\n>\nRegister at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of\nmobile phones / Tabs on:\nhttp://mail.accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/mobile.accessindia_accessindia.org.in\nSearch for old postings at:\nhttp://www.mail-archive.com/accessindia@accessindia.org.in/\nTo unsubscribe send a message to\naccessindia-requ...@accessindia.org.in\nwith the subject unsubscribe.", "\nTo change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please\nvisit the list home page at\nhttp://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in\nDisclaimer:\n1. ", "Contents of the mails, factual, or otherwise, reflect the thinking of the\nperson sending the mail and AI in no way relates itself to its veracity;\n2. ", "AI cannot be held liable for any commission/omission based on the mails sent\nthrough this mailing list.." ]
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[ 0.013100436681222707, 0.005780346820809248, 0.018867924528301886, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0058997050147492625, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.0045662100456621, 0.006172839506172839, 0.009727626459143969, 0.004739336492890996, 0.00641025641025641, 0.010330578512396695, 0.005128205128205128, 0.006666666666666667, 0.009615384615384616 ]
[ "\n405 So.2d 485 (1981)\nVirgilio MEDINA and Digna Medina, His Wife, Appellants,\nv.\n187TH STREET APARTMENTS, LTD., ", "Max Cogen and Carib Management, Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "80-1450.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.", "\nNovember 3, 1981.", "\nDeMeo & Sherman and Thomas G. Sherman, Miami, for appellants.", "\nMarlow, Shofi, Ortmayer, Smith, Connell & Valerius and Joseph H. Lowe, Miami, for appellees.", "\nBefore BARKDULL, NESBITT and BASKIN, JJ.", "\nNESBITT, Judge.", "\nThis is an appeal from the entry of a directed verdict in favor of the defendants who owned and operated an apartment complex wherein the plaintiff was criminally assaulted in the parking lot. ", "We find that there was a triable issue of fact as to *486 the defendants' duty to protect the plaintiff from criminal acts. ", "Accordingly, we reverse.", "\nPlaintiff, Virgilio Medina, was mugged in the defendants' parking lot. ", "When the assault occurred, he was returning to his car after escorting two young ladies who lived in the apartment complex home from church services. ", "Plaintiff commenced the action against the defendants alleging that they were negligent by their failure to: (1) warn persons lawfully on the premises of the danger of criminal assaults; (2) take reasonable measures to provide safe ingress and egress; (3) limit access to the parking lot; and (4) provide security protection to invitees within the complex. ", "At trial, the apartment complex manager indicated that he had actual knowledge that persons had been mugged in the complex. ", "A police officer testified that due to domestic disputes, juvenile disturbances, and breaking and entering of apartments, he would classify the apartment as a high crime area. ", "At the close of the plaintiff's case, a motion for directed verdict was granted.", "\nIn reviewing the propriety of a directed verdict, all conflicts are to be resolved in the plaintiff's favor and all reasonable inferences from the evidence are to be taken in the light most favorable to the plaintiff. ", "Balart v. Michel's Kartway, Inc., 364 So.2d 90 (Fla.3d D.C.A. 1978); Homan v. County of Dade, 248 So.2d 235 (Fla.3d DCA 1971). ", "Where there is any evidence to justify a possible verdict for the non-moving party, even if a preponderance of the evidence favors the movant, a directed verdict is an encroachment on the province of the jury. ", "Hernandez v. Motrico, Inc., 370 So.2d 836 (Fla.3d DCA 1979). ", "Our review of the record in light of these standards reveals that a directed verdict was improper.", "\nIn an extensive analysis of the duty of a landowner to one on his property, the court, in Wood v. Camp, 284 So.2d 691 (Fla. 1973) stated:\nIt may be that on the facts in a particular case the determination of the category of the plaintiff must be determined as a matter of law by the trial judge, as in other cases in this respect; other causes will present a factual issue for the jury as to whether plaintiff is invitee, licensee or trespasser under appropriate instructions.", "\n284 So.2d at 696.", "\nWhen it is a question for the judge or the jury depends on whether the facts of the particular issue are in dispute. ", "Where, as here, the facts relevant to the plaintiff's status are undisputed (he entered the premises to escort two tenants back to their apartment), it was within the judge's province to make such a determination.", "\nIn that regard, we find that the trial judge's conclusion that the plaintiff was an invitee was correct in light of the guidelines set out in Woods, supra. ", "See also, Manassa v. New Hampshire Insurance Company, 332 So.2d 34 (Fla. 1st DCA 1976), cert. ", "denied, 348 So.2d 951 (Fla. 1977).", "\nThe duty of care owed by a landowner to an invitee with respect to protection from criminal acts of a third person is dependent upon the foreseeability of that third party's activity. ", "Relyea v. State, 385 So.2d 1378 (Fla.4th DCA 1980). ", "In Relyea, the court stated:\nIn order to impose a duty upon a landowner to protect an invitee from criminal acts of a third person a plaintiff, invitee, must allege and prove that the landowner had actual or constructive knowledge of prior, similar criminal acts committed upon invitees.", "\n385 So.2d at 1383.", "\nIn Fernandez v. Miami Jai-Alai, Inc., 386 So.2d 4 (Fla.3d DCA 1980), we recognized that the violent acts of a third person may not be foreseeable. ", "However, in this case, where the facts are in dispute as to the previous criminal activities in the complex and the knowledge of these activities on the part of the defendant, foreseeability is a question for the jury to determine.[1]*487 See, Holley v. Mt. Zion Terrace Apartments, Inc., 382 So.2d 98 (Fla.3d DCA 1980).", "\nSince we find that there is a triable issue of fact with respect to the duty of the landowner, the judgment appealed from is reversed with directions to grant the plaintiff a new trial.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Nothing we have said in this opinion should be construed as contradicting Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. v. Johstoneaux, 395 So.2d 599 (Fla.3d DCA 1981) at n. 4 where this court stated that foreseeability is not invariably a jury question. ", "While there may be instances in which as a matter of law the duty of care has been discharged, this case does not fall within that category. ", "The facts necessary to determine foreseeability are in dispute and must be resolved by a jury.", "\n" ]
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[ "Sunday, 5/13/12\n\nThe hyperlinks to individual puzzles aren’t working for the nonce. ", "I posted this too late so the script is broken. ", "Gareth. [", "Edited to add: The anchor links are working now. - ", "Evad]\n\nBen Tausig’s New York Times crossword, “INDIES”\n\nHi! ", "Gareth here! ", "As you probably know, Amy’s taken the weekend off from her 7-days-a-week, largely unpaid labour of love, so I’m here to discuss the puzzle with you today. ", "Sorry for the late post, I’m not willing to get up at or stay up ’til 3a.m. when the puzzle becomes available here!", "\n\nToday’s puzzle is by a familiar name, but one not usually associated with the Times. ", "Ben Tausig’s last Times outing was more than five years ago, but many of us solve his two weekly puzzles (one written by himself, one that he edits created by an elite team of eight superhero robots) available here. ", "Those puzzles are notable for including sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll and other subversive topics, I’m sure you found examples of each in this puzzle! ", "More later!", "\n\nThe theme is pretty simple and I’m sure most of us cottoned to it pretty quickly. “", "Indies” should be read as “add in Ds” to familiar phrases resulting in – as they say – wackiness. ", "Instead of just the letter D though, it’s a D sound that is added, and spelling is changed as needed. ", "I think it’s fair to say that’s a lot more elegant, and requires a lot more creativity! ", "Also, this puzzle takes advantage of the wider format, with 16 letter+ entries, and 3+ word phrases! ", "Mmm! ", "The entries are:\n\n36A THESHODOFIRAN “Persians who protect their feet?” (", "THE SHAH OF IRAN) Pronunciation equivalency is always a problem in these themes. ", "Needless to say, my accent is different to most here. ", "For me, SHAH has the same sound as the vulgar shart, SHOD the same as SHOT; but probably it’s the same for most Americans.", "\n\n69A NOMOREMISTERNICEGUIDE “If you can’t behave on this tour, I swear you’ll be sorry!”? (", "NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY). ", "Beautiful entry, highlighted by being in the centre!", "\n\n88A CHEESETRADE “Big part of the dairy business?” (", "CHEESE TRAY) I battled with this one. ", "I’m not familiar with the base phrase. ", "Google seems to suggest it’s simply a snack platter with a variety of cheeses on offer.", "\n\n104A WANDERINGJUDE “Lost subject of a hit Beatles song?” (", "WANDERING JEW) Another great entry both ways! ", "Also, Rock ‘n’ Roll! ", "The rock ‘n’ roll mostly is by the Beatles (with a side of The Who) in this puzzle!", "\n\n115A WHOLENUDEBALLGAME “Clothing-free version of the national pastime?” (", "WHOLE NEW BALL GAME). ", "The “whole” seems superfluous in the new phrase. ", "Echoing this theme entry, there were a slew ofbaseball references in the grid. ", "It’s not a strong area for me, but I’m sure many of you liked it!", "\n\nMore subversive entries, some Sex:\n\n18D SPAWNER“Salmon, at times”\n\n106D DIDIT “Made whoopee”\n\nAnd a whole bunch of rock ‘n’ roll:\n\n12D ROCKOPERA “Tommy, e.g.”. ", "See also 45A “Not Straight” ATILT\n\nAlong with the JUDE them entry we also have: 57A OBLADI “Start of a ‘White Album’ title”, 94A WHEEL “Revolver”\n\n76A KISS “Smack”. ", "See also 93A BAM “[Smack]” and also see also “drugs”.", "\n\n78A NEBR “State for which a Springsteen album is named: Abbr.” ", "One of his best! ", "I think I linked to Atlantic City last time a blogged?", "\n\n24D ACDC “Powered in either of two ways”\n\n100D KIDA “Grammy-winning Radiohead album of 2000″. A more typical genre for alt-weekly puzzles. ", "Elegant touch having the previous clue 98D OGLE “Look like a creep?” ", "reference another Radiohead song.", "\n\n31D KIMJONGUN “World leader beginning December 2011″. I’m not sure how this got in the puzzle, considering the response times (up to 6 mo) and time to publication (can be years for a Sunday I’m told). ", "Either Ben showed some impressive prescience (before he was “crowned” he was pretty obscure), or Will decided it was worth bumping this puzzle up the schedule while this was (relatively) current.", "\n\nCrosswords L.A. was a blast! ", "The puzzles were terrific (especially those from Trip Payne and Byron Walden) but the real highlight, as is always the case at crossword tournaments, is the chance to catch up with old puzzling friends and make new ones. ", "This was my first Crosswords L.A. event (I had test-solved the puzzles so I spent most of the day in the scoring room instead of competing) and it has a nice, relaxed, friendly vibe.", "\n\nSomething else with a friendly vibe is today’s 68/28 Sunday Challenge from Tony Orbach. (", "That’s what we call a professional segue.) ", "Here were the items of note:\n\nA kinda-sorta mini-theme! ", "There’s HANGING OFFENSE, a [Capital crime in the Wild West, e.g.], and the MATADOR DEFENSE, a term for [Resistance-free guarding in basketball]. ", "I’ve never heard of the basketball term, but the name makes a lot of sense.", "\n\nWhen you see IFIVE in the grid, don’t you want the clue to be along the lines of [W. coast freeway]? ", "Well, this one used [\"My apologies ___ offended you\"]. (", "Another “offense?”)", "\n\nI love the central Down, SHOOTS DAGGERS AT, as well as the other two long Across answers, NO PASSING and DARK HORSE.", "\n\nQuick poll: which pairing do you prefer, ARISTIDES and SENESCENT in the northeast or MANO A MANO and PIE CHARTS? ", "I realize there is no “right” answer, but, really, there is. ", "Add in the KIT KAT just to the right of the PIE CHARTS and it gets even better.", "\n\nRemember Doug’s review of the LAT yesterday? ", "He noted that constructors like __SHARP and __FLAT because there are seven possibilities open for that first letter. ", "Well, solvers like me hate those answers…because there are seven possibilities open for that first letter. ", "And this time, G FLAT crosses HIGH C!", "\n\nIn my book, you can’t beat [Frequent panelist of \"Match Game\" who was one of three actress sisters] as a clue for EVA GABOR. ", "I liked the different clue for OREO, [Sundae mix-in], and the clue for SHAFT is just too cool for school: [The cat who won't cop out when there's danger all about]\n\nThe parts that left me a little cold were IS NEW, ANTA, and KOPF, but the fun stuff far outweighed these little gnats.", "\n\nHey, crossword fans. ", "Doug here. ", "This one’s going to be short and sweet. ", "I’m pretty much wiped out from the Crosswords LA Tournament. ", "It was a blast!", "\n\nCongratulations to Jordan Chodorow, who won for the second year in a row. ", "Eric LaVasseur finished a very, very close second. ", "I was in the Finals with Jordan and Eric, and the outcome was reminiscent of the Finals in Wordplay. ", "Unfortunately I played Al Sanders to Jordan’s Tyler Hinman. ", "There’s nothing quite like taking off your headphones and hearing a chorus of groans.", "\n\nOK, let’s get to the puzzle. ", "I was a little surprised that none of the long answers were names. ", "Karen is known for her long, scrabbly names. ", "I did enjoy TIGHT SQUEEZE crossing MOSQUITO BITE crossing GOLDEN EAGLES.", "\n\n15a. [", "2008 film depicting the 1944 assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler] -VALKYRIE. ", "Love this entry. ", "Remember when Xena joined the Valkyries? ", "No, you probably don’t. ", "But believe me, it was awesome.", "\n\n58a. [", "Goethe play about a Flemish warrior] - EGMONT. ", "I must have missed the episode where Xena fought Egmont. ", "I’m sure she kicked his sorry Flemish butt.", "\n\n60a. [", "Dick and ___ (1960s pop duo)] - DEEDEE. ", "Their biggest hit was “The Mountain’s High,” which reached #2 on the charts in 1961. ", "EGMONT is stacked on top of DEEDEE, making this a tough corner.", "\n\n56a. [", "Honest profession?] ", "-I CAN’T LIE. ", "Super clue.", "\n\nI can’t lie: I can barely keep my eyes open here. ", "So I’ll catch you all next week.", "\n\nMerl Reagle’s syndicated crossword, “Mother Hugs”—Janie’s review\n\nSpoiler alert: “Mama.” ", "In just about every language in the world, this is one of baby’s first words. ", "Sweet, no? ", "So, bein’ as today’s her day, it’s perfect that Merl’s puzzle pays tribute to those two syllables and—by virtue of the puzzle-within-the-puzzle—the woman behind ‘em. ", "A Notepad instruction gives us a clue to understanding the theme and to finding the hidden “something” Merl associates with his mom. ", "While I found the word (and was delighted by it), maybe because of the example in the instruction (?) ", "I confess that I had trouble understanding just how I was to go about finding what I was looking for. ", "Anyone else?", "\n\nRegardless, a reading of the instruction tells us clearly that we’ll find nine examples of a four-letter word related to Mother’s Day. ", "By now, you should know what that word is (and if not, this would be a good time to start re-reading this post…). ", "The catch is, it’s “hugging” a single letter that you’ll need to solve the bonus puzzle. ", "The catch to that (IMHO…) is that (with one exception) this four-letter word itself is part of or “hugged by”/embedded in much longer fill. ", "Comme ça:\n\n27A. SIR THOMAS MALORY [\"Le Morte d'Arthur\" author]. ", "Nice how the very next entry references the man and his work with GRAIL [Subject of a holy quest]. (", "New territory for you? ", "Think Camelot. ", "Or Spamalot. ", "And don’t even get me started on “Author! ", "Author!”…)", "\n\n38A. MAMMALIAN [Of hyenas and humans].", "\n\n44A. NORMAN MAILER [Village Voice co-founder]. ", "Did you know that the Voice—which was founded in 1955—was the first of the big-city tabloids that came to be known as “alternative weeklies”? ", "Wiki tells me it’s so, but since their source is the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, this does have the ring of truth.", "\n\n64A. MAD MAX [Mel Gibson role]. ", "Before he was Mad Mel…\n\n67A. MAGMA [Molten rock]. ", "This is the exception I mentioned.", "\n\n69A. MAIMAN [Builder of the first functional laser, Ted ___ (whose last name is almost a postal worker)]. ", "Goes nicely with NORMAN at 44A, whose last name is something delivered by a postal worker…\n\n80A. MAUMAU REVOLT [Kenyan conflict of the 1950s]. ", "One of the more horrifying chapters in Africa’s modern history (see also HUTU…), but one revisited in a most uplifting way in the based-on-truth movie The First Grader.", "\n\nIn addition to our embedded MAMAs, there are some bonus sightings as well, by way of MOMA and EMMA and MATURE. (", "MAIN MENU doesn’t make the cut, though, as the “ma” there appears as part of a one-syllable word.)", "\n\nAnd—there’s a tip o’ the hat to the guy who gets celebrated next month, with PÈRE and DADS and (okay, not by the clue, but definitely by the sound of it) PAW.", "\n\nOther highlights to SAVOR today? ", "I’d have to include RUNS SHORT, AUNTIE EM, the adjacent and paradoxical SERENE VEXATION, and “GO, MAN, GO!!”", "\n\nOh—and what do those hugged letters deliver? ", "What does Merl call that “something my mother used to make for us kids (and I love ‘em to this day)”? “", "Put them all together, that spells…” DUMPLINGS. ", "Yum! (", "If you haven’t figured it out, all will be revealed by running your mouse over the blank spot.)", "\n\nAnother belated write-up on a semi-stressful weekend. ", "Apologies, everyone. ", "Here we have punny versions of the trope answers of the novelty “toy” Magic 8-Ball. ", "The Wikipedia page helpfully lists the potential answers, and as you may imagine there are a number of virtual magic eight balls to be found on the web. ", "I won’t be an enabler by linking to any of them, but I will point to Kate Hahn’s “The Magic 8 Ball Amended by My Mother for My Middle-School Years” in McSweeney’s.", "\n\n22a. […", "to the untalented painter?] ", "ARTWORK NOT SO GOOD (outlook…).", "\n\n27a. […", "to the ill-equipped pub gamesman?] ", "WITHOUT A DART (…a doubt).", "\n\n48a. […", "to the hopeful skier?] ", "MY REPLY IS SNOW (…is no).", "\n\n65a. […", "to the squash farmer?] ", "BUTTERNUT TELL YOU NOW (better not…).", "\n\n82a. […", "to the French chef?] ", "MY SAUCES SAY NO (…sources…).", "\n\n104a. […", "to the lumberjack?] ", "AX AGAIN LATER. (", "ask…)\n\n112a. […", "to someone writing a will?] ", "SCIONS POINT TO YES (signs…).", "\n\nThe rundown: seven long theme answers, serious letter overlap in four of them. ", "Each new version of the cliché answer is imagined as geared to a specific type of person. ", "Constructor Hook deftly avoids repeating the word NO in two of the answers (48a & 82a) by making sure to alter one of its appearances as the pun (SNOW). ", "Most of these themers got smiles of approval—some wider than others—as I was solving, and none are actually bad.", "\n\nGoing to keep this brief, since this is generally a low-profile puzzle and receives few comments, if any. ", "Not to mention the tardiness.", "\n\nA few observations:\n\nThe ASTAIRE (52a) section in the middle-right was annoying because it felt as if there were one too many cross-references. ", "45d, 58a, and 53d.", "\n\n43d KNOTTIEST is fun fill and made me think of 5a [Psychiatrist R.D.] LAING, because his most famous work is a 1970 book of poetry called Knots.", "\n\nThrowback clues! ", "57d [Dudley Do-Right's love] NELL. ", "25a [\"The Good Earth\" heroine] OLAN. ", "117a [Manicurist in old TV ads]. ", "MADGE. ", "In truth, most crosswords have some creaky feeling fill, but for whatever reasons these stood out to me while I was solving.", "\n\nTough clue at 64d (near that ASTAIRE section): [Castmate of Graves and Landau]. ", "I knew it had to be from the original Mission: Impossible television series, but Barbara BAIN and Greg MORRIS didn’t fit. ", "I thought must be Leonard NIMOY, who was an occasional cast member, but it turned out to be Peter LUPUS. ", "The guy whose main function was muscle.", "\n\nUnfamiliar to me; 80d [Canon camcorder brand] ELURA. ", "103d [2011 film chameleon] RANGO. ", "Okay, I was vaguely aware of the animated film, but needed all the crossings.", "\n\nNEBBISHY! ", "Fun word to see in a puzzle. (", "81d)\n\n107a [Knowing] ALIVE TO. ", "Wow, did I find that one difficult. ", "Ironic?", "\n\nFor 111a [Cataract site] NILE, I was duped into thinking medically, and hence EYES or something associated, because of the underlying 115a [Thrombosis cause] CLOT.", "\n\n26 Responses to Sunday, 5/13/12\n\nHappy Mother’s Day to Amy, she deserves some time off. ", "It’s a great blog and enjoyable reading all the comments about the puzzles. ", "This one was clever but had some awkward fill, like EUSE. ", "I, too had ette and enne until the light dawned with the cross of HUH.", "\n\nAt the risk of forever forfeiting my carefully crafted curmudgeonly image, I will admit to being totally charmed by Merl’s puzzle. ", "Furthermore, as a non-constructor, I think it must have been a major feat to come up with the 9 entries needed to fit the required letters. ", "My mother also made. . ", ".well, the “meta” was even easy for me, but Janie didn’t spoil it, so I won’t either. ", "What a fun and wonderful, personalized tribute.", "\n\nLinguists – anthropologists have made the startling claim that some version of Mama is found in *every* known language. ", "Not having personally checked every known language, I can’t vouch for that. ", "But the explanation is that the infant vocalizes–hums, with its (his-her) mouth closed–mmmmm, then opens his lips, yielding mmmmmammmmma, generating excited approval and reinforcement from–guess who.", "\n\nSorry you were locked up in the scoring room yesterday, Sam. ", "It makes it harder to bribe the judges that way. ", "I hope at least Elissa brought you a cupcake. ", "Anyway, I never got to say hello…so, hello! ", "Doug’s finals performance was indeed awesome, and would have been even more full of win but for a single empty square. ", "I’m not sure if knowing that moment won’t be in a multimillion-dollar-grossing documentary is much consolation. ", "Impressive performance, in any case, and congrats to you, Doug, and to Jordan and Eric. ", "Excellent puzzles all day long. ", "Aimee and Zoe’s got me (and I think, a few others). ", "Trip’s was a special treat.", "\n\nIt’s good to see Ben Tausig’s byline on a NYT again. ", "Very enjoyable puzzle. ", "Maybe the clue for HUH could have been “Reaction to finding the answer to 113-A is EUSE.” ", "Legit, but I think ERSE may have been the way to go. ", "Anyway, I was happy to learn REDBUD is the state tree of Oklahoma. ", "I didn’t know those Sooners were so progressive.", "\n\nJohn’s right. ", "The puzzles at Crosswords LA were fantastic. ", "Those of you who weren’t able to attend will be able to buy them on the Crosswords LA website in a day or two, and all the proceeds go to charity.", "\n\nKudos once again to Jordan and Eric! ", "Worthy opponents and all-around great guys.", "\n\nI’ll chime in with admiration for the puzzles at Crosswords LA. ", "Trip had a fantastic puzzle that definitely helped to spread the curve, Aimee and Zoe’s puzzle had a very fresh feeling, and Brendan’s had just enough of the BEQ-style clues to keep it out of the NYT (and fortunately no obscure bands I’d never heard of!) ", "I also really liked Todd McClary’s finals puzzle a lot (probably because I wasn’t trying to solve it in front of a room of onlookers!) ", "It was also great to get to put more faces to blognames :)\n\nI enjoyed the Merl Reagle puzzle AND Janie’s review, but did I get it all right? ", "I”ll never know, because I can’t read the puzzle form above; it’s too small, too light, and too fuzzy. ", "What can I do about that, if anything? ", "I don’t usually have such a problem, but when I do, there it is. ", "And I did figure out what his mother used to make for him!", "\n\nhey, joan — thx for the kind words — and so glad that you, too, enjoyed merl’s puzzle. ", "if you click on the grid in the review, you’ll get a larger and fully legible version of it. ", "sorry about the fuzziness in the small version. ", "at any rate, you should be able to check your answers against that larger scale pic!", "\n\nJoan, I don’t know which browser you use, but I have a great little plug-in/add-on/whatever-you-want-to-call-it called Hover Zoom. ", "It shows an instant enlargement (to full size or as close as possible) over images you “hover” the cursor over. ", "It doesn’t work absolutely everywhere (e.g., not at the NYT site, sadly) but it’s very nifty and useful.", "\n\nI was totally on the wrong wavelength for this, whether the pop culture or the puns, and I circled nearly 30 clues as mere guesses for me. ", "The SW was worst for me, between slow getting the “conform,” “keys,” and “tap” association, the obscurity of ODWALLA (never seen before, maybe hasn’t hit NYC) or euchre’s history, and all the TV (two crossing) and cartoons. (", "Also hate the crosswordese ODIC.)", "\n\nElsewhere, while I realize that both JEER and twit mean tease, I didn’t really get the clue either. ", "I’ve never seen FLAM as opposed to flimflam. ", "Still don’t understand why “Dog” is in quotes, what the joke about academic circles means, or what MES is." ]
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[ "Hunting, Driving Fast, Drinking Beer\n\nMain menu\n\nMonthly Archives: October 2012\n\nI was actually writing this post earlier on generator power but the internet is flaky doing that.", "\n\nIn short, we’re alive. ", "Power went out Sunday at 6pm, was back on briefly and then went back out again. ", "The winds were going nuts, it sucked. ", "I ended up hauling about half the useable wood for the stove up to the covered deck. ", "Then the wood stove was hard to light because of the downdraft, then when we did get it lit the draft went the opposite way like a kid blowing across the top of a straw. ", "It was burning through full loads of wood in three hours, which is bad since it normally plods through a full load in 6 to 8 depending on what we’re burning, in addition to me or my wife having to get up and refill the thing. ", "Also because it was burning so fast the house climbed to mid-80s. ", "None of this low and slow keep things at 65F or 70F. I had the air turned down all the way and the catalyst running and it was still rolling like I didn’t do anything.", "\n\nTo add insult to injury, the radon exhaust lost the cap, so the radon system was actually letting water into the basement on top of an already full sump well. ", "I have to go buy another 4″ cap for the thing since I have no idea where it wandered off to.", "\n\nMy folks showed up with the Cabelas brand 3500W generator. ", "Now this thing is awesome. ", "I hooked up the fridge, the sump pump (which was up to the top of the well, so just in time), the radon system, but couldn’t hook up the heater (direct wired). ", "The generator was running at about 35% load, so we decided to get crazy and start putting power strips on it. ", "I then hooked up the laptop, two cellphone chargers (one acting as a wifi router to the 3G internet), and the entertainment center (TV, DVD, XBox, Wii). ", "That drove the load up to about 40% to 45%. ", "This thing puts out stupid amounts of power. ", "I was seriously tempted to plug the oven and the microwave in but the microwave would account for fully 33% of the load it’s capable of (for however long its running), I decided not to push it since we had the wood stove on.", "\n\nNow I really want the transfer switch. ", "Any readers install one of these before?", "\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\nThe American Thinker was better when he was less personally invested in things but he still posts strong and interesting arguments. ", "His post on Bidens Abortion Blarney is interesting to read but I would have actually called it Morality in Religious Asceticism.", "\n\nI try to cut Biden a break with the Grain of Salt the size of a truck. ", "He’s got mental issues. ", "He’s clearly had a stroke or some sort of neurological problem recently. ", "His kid had a stroke, and we know Joe Biden had an aneurysm, so we know the family isn’t running on all eight. ", "We don’t know if he has had any subsequent health issues but judging from the uneven smile and the personality change in the middle of the debate (not the laughing, but the tone) I think it’s extremely likely. ", "The sad part is that Obama (black, middle-aged, high stress job) is three for three for “likely to have a heart attack or stroke” so we could end up with two guys in office with brain damage.", "\n\nThat being said, Biden is pretty much the king of contradicting himself in the same breath, and you can hit up numerous political commentary websites for that. ", "What particularly bothers me isn’t politicians being politicians but politicians ignoring morality. ", "I think the American Thinkers post on Biden on Abortion sums it up nicely. ", "Freedom is about maximizing the rights of the minority while preserving the rights of the majority. ", "Liberty is about keeping to yourself and doing what you want so long as it doesn’t end up on the next guys lawn. ", "Not only are these two distinct concepts, but they are inseparable in the vast majority of cases. ", "It is freedom which would allow gays to marry, it is liberty when they get married. ", "See what’s going on here? ", "It doesn’t infringe on the rights of the typical Christian to allow gays to marry because the typical Christian isn’t gay. ", "It doesn’t affect the liberty of the typical Christian when gays marry except in one very small instance – the official marrying the gays is party to the liberty of the gay marriage. ", "See what Biden did? ", "He’s claiming he’s a Catholic and following social doctrine but not “telling people what to do”. ", "The problem is, if you’re gay, and you’re a Christian, the church isn’t going to marry you.", "\n\nSo lets apply this to a more extreme example per the American Thinker. ", "If you’re a racist, you have the freedom of speech. ", "You can say whatever you want. ", "You have the liberty to say it – these are synonymous, but you do not have the liberty to discriminate. ", "There are people in a purely libertarian environment who would argue that liberty = freedom and therefor they own a private business and they can tell whoever they want to fuck off. ", "In some cases, this is actually true. ", "You cannot sell a car to a 10 year old.", "\n\n“Sure, because it’s codified in the law!”", "\n\nWell that’s sort of the point. ", "When it comes to abortion it’s not enough to say, “blah blah Catholic Social Doctrine” while discreetly beating off to a picture of Jack Nicholson as The Joker. ", "Ryan’s answer is The Correct Answer. “", "This is the law and this the application of the law”.", "\n\nWhat happens when we have an excess of freedom or liberty is injustice. ", "Ironically, Obama sued Citibank for this very situation – he played the race card and while Citibank wanted the liberty to give everyone a shitty loan, it did not have the freedom to hand out loans under terrible conditions. ", "Citibank drops the idea that things would be “more fair” if it was somehow compelled to hand out more loans and make more money and suddenly it’s vogue to make sure “everyone gets a loan”. ", "Predictably, people who shouldn’t ever have gotten a loan are now given a loan in our “more fair” society and the whole machine explodes years later. ", "Not hard to see why Obama was quick to shovel money into the bailout machine, it looks extremely bad to sue to compel a company to do something and then have that very something explode. ", "It’s hush money. ", "Rewinding the topic – why then should we compel the catholic church to marry gays? ", "Gays have a freedom to get married, they are at liberty to be married, they do not have the right to be married in a church. ", "That being said, there’s churches that will do it and honestly I think the message in the Bible to love one another and so these churches should do it – but that’s a personal view and probably more fit for another blog. ", "The takeaway here is that it’s entirely up to the church, but they can’t bitch about gay marriage if we entirely secularize it. ", "And we should, if not for the tax revenue.", "\n\nLiberty stems from freedom, but where does freedom come from?", "\n\nFreedom comes from protecting the rights of the few in the face of the rights of the many. ", "The collective argument for this is “your right to throw a punch ends at my face”. ", "The problem when you stop believing in the worth of individuals is that freedom suddenly stems from the whims of the majority. ", "It’s dead simple.", "\n\nThat’s really what Biden is saying – “I don’t know where freedom comes from, so it’s just whatever most people want”. ", "It’s a terrible way to run a country.", "\n\nLike this:\n\nRandom debate notes. ", "I started playing the drinking game and it hit hard early.", "\n\nI’ve pretty much decided by the end of the debate that Joe Biden was coached to laugh at whatever Paul Ryan said.", "\n\nHere’s the problem: He’s laughing at the moderator, he’s laughing when Ryan is talking about foreign policy. ", "Ryan says “Americans are dying” and Biden is smiling. ", "Not a good place to chuckle.", "\n\nI was particularly curious as to how people interpreted the phenomenon, so I started a poll. ", "Go ahead and take it.", "\n\nI was actually sort of worried that the moderator (who’s spouse works for Obama) wouldn’t be fair, I actually think she did a really good job.", "\n\nI also think age is catching up with Biden – on the question of the “Bush Tax Cuts” (why not? ", "we call the healthcare package “Obamacare”) Biden said he was not going to continue the cuts. ", "While this makes economic sense in terms of reducing the debt and deficit, this doesn’t jive with the whole “save the middle class” message Obama is trodding. ", "Then Biden points out “the opposition” is trying to “have a vote for the middle class tax cuts and have a vote for the upper class tax cuts”. ", "Why not break it out to a separate vote?", "\n\nOne of the things that pissed me off about Ryan was he should have pressed the two level flat tax he proposed but it didn’t come up. ", "It’s an interesting solution – if we make everyone decide what’s fair for everyone and fucking stick to it, things might be vastly different.", "\n\nAlso Biden just equated the turks with the saudis and jordanians. ", "Some idiot is going to paste that into the foreign policy question. ", "Ryan called him on it by pointing out who’s committed state sponsored genocide, but on the other hand Turkey provides the air corridor to the gulf. ", "I happen to like Ryans stance in putting boots on the ground (“Only in the national security interests of the American people”).", "\n\nThe abortion question was a stinger for Biden – Biden had previously said he was 100% against abortion and justified that with the obvious “but it’s not my place to tell people what to do” (he is only the vise president after all). ", "Delaware gets a C from NARAL, which gives it a firmly middle ground performance. ", "Massachusetts gets a B. Biden listened to Ryan (again, whats with the laugh?), ", "tries to frame Ryan for being against abortion (which he isn’t), then comes up with a bizarre quit about not telling Jews and Muslims what to do. ", "Islam holds the same beliefs the Catholics (Christians) do. ", "Jews are split down the middle as there’s no rabbinic guidelines on when life begins. ", "As per usual, there’s no mention of third party religions or the “nones.”", "\n\nThe hilarious question at the end was “are you embarrassed at the tone of the debates?” ", "Biden completely dodged it and jumped to closing statements, which is a reasonably solid plan for the debate structure but does nothing for his position. ", "Ryan didn’t call Biden on the laughing, although I think I would have. ", "Ryans closing statements (oops, I mean “tone of the debate”) summed the position up nicely, which was a Clintonesque “It’s the economy, stupid”.", "\n\nClosing remarks were roughly the same as the tone of the debate question, clearly neither side was particularly interested in discussing it.", "\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\nIf you’re not watching the space jump live, you should be. ", "It’ll take three hours to get to 120k feet, but once he’s there it’s going to be amazing to watch him fall back down to the ground. ", "I’m hoping they’re filiming it in IMAX so we can watch it on the big screen. ", "I also hope Felix brought extra batteries for his gameboy.", "\n\nThe elephant in the room is that Obama grounded all the manned space flights by cutting funding to the Constellation program. ", "This was met with the whole “US Space Program: Brought to You by RedBull” meme which is fairly tragic. ", "On the one hand I think it speaks volumes for the success of private programs over publicly funded programs. ", "I even think it might pave the way for payloads being delivered to space on balloon. ", "If they can make it to 10% the height of the ISS, why not knock 10% off the fuel tab by sending rockets up on balloons until they lose their ability to lift? ", "If we get really crazy with the cheez wiz we could do it with hot air and not lose the balloon or fuel. ", "Although burning liquid oxygen isn’t exactly a waste.", "\n\nBut there’s a point here – this is old NASA stuff, this is awesome H G Wells science fiction stuff. ", "As a public program the entire thing stagnated. ", "How much of the Felix and RedBull craft looks like old NASA stuff? ", "Zero. ", "It speaks volumes I think towards the stagnation of NASA. ", "I don’t particularly think the funding should have been cut – NASA did bring us vapor layment processor construction and other really cool technologies. ", "On the other hand I do think it needed a serious injection of brainpower, and if the private sector is doing the injection, then so be it. ", "But that also means the government can go a the way it does now with aircraft and defense – it purchases resources from private companies to perform tax funded work.", "\n\nA slightly more troubling question at this point is “What work does NASA do?” ", "NASA had asked Obama to fund another mission to the moon (frankly I’m surprised they didn’t get it with how Obama treats money) and Obama said no and cut the funding for manned space flight. ", "If NASA isn’t going to the moon, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper for companies to contract out to private firms and have them ferry their experiments and similar crap to space. ", "Also unfortunately, now that we know what space is like because we’ve documented it so thoroughly, we can make things in the comfort of our own atmosphere without having to go to space. ", "The whole vapor deposit technology can be done on the planet now that we’ve dumped the cash into building the stuff. ", "High levels of radiation? ", "Just hang out at a nuclear plant. ", "Weightlessness to study perfect fields? ", "We do it with magnets now.", "\n\nIs there anything left for NASA to actually do in space?", "\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\nI forked the blog. ", "People looking for Mystical Musings posts will have to find the new blog. ", "Reasons are many and manifold but the bottom line is this blog has strong identity while the other blog has intentionally weak identity." ]
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[ "Weird Halloween Music Special with Courtney O’Hearn\n\nCourtney is a long-time friend who shares an interest in strange music, and we’ve been pushing each other to discover ever more wonderful and obscure sounds and ideas for many years. ", "We gathered lists of our favorite out-there Halloween songs for this show, and I think we came up with some gems. ", "From yodeling ghosts to folk songs about werewolves to the obligatory songs about the Devil, we ranged over a multitude of themes and a range of about 70 years of history. ", "Enjoy!", "\n\nLATEST NEWS\n\nSHOW CHAT\n\nGreg Bishop’s latest book, It Defies Language! ", "is available from Lulu.", "\n\nOr order from\n\nThe Kindle edition has 70 extra pages of material, color images, web links, and an extra illustration from RPJ!", "\n\nThank you for your support!", "\n\nAutographed copies\n\nOrder autographed copies of It Defies Language! ", "from me for $14.00 plus media mail shipping rate ($3.00 in the US.) ", "$6.75 for first class priority. ", "Inquire about international rates. ", "Includes handsome collectible bookmark!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "/*\n * drivers/usb/core/usb.c\n *\n * (C) Copyright Linus Torvalds 1999\n * (C) Copyright Johannes Erdfelt 1999-2001\n * (C) Copyright Andreas Gal 1999\n * (C) Copyright Gregory P. Smith 1999\n * (C) Copyright Deti Fliegl 1999 (new USB architecture)\n * (C) Copyright Randy Dunlap 2000\n * (C) Copyright David Brownell 2000-2004\n * (C) Copyright Yggdrasil Computing, Inc. 2000\n * (usb_device_id matching changes by Adam J. Richter)\n * (C) Copyright Greg Kroah-Hartman 2002-2003\n *\n * NOTE! ", "This is not actually a driver at all, rather this is\n * just a collection of helper routines that implement the\n * generic USB things that the real drivers can use..\n *\n * Think of this as a \"USB library\" rather than anything else.", "\n * It should be considered a slave, with no callbacks. ", "Callbacks\n * are evil.", "\n */\n\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/moduleparam.h>\n#include <linux/string.h>\n#include <linux/bitops.h>\n#include <linux/slab.h>\n#include <linux/interrupt.h> /* for in_interrupt() */\n#include <linux/kmod.h>\n#include <linux/init.h>\n#include <linux/spinlock.h>\n#include <linux/errno.h>\n#include <linux/usb.h>\n#include <linux/usb/hcd.h>\n#include <linux/mutex.h>\n#include <linux/workqueue.h>\n#include <linux/debugfs.h>\n\n#include <asm/io.h>\n#include <linux/scatterlist.h>\n#include <linux/mm.h>\n#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>\n\n#include \"usb.h\"\n\n\nconst char *usbcore_name = \"usbcore\";\n\nstatic bool nousb;\t/* Disable USB when built into kernel image */\n\n/* To disable USB, kernel command line is 'nousb' not 'usbcore.nousb' */\n#ifdef MODULE\nmodule_param(nousb, bool, 0444);\n#else\ncore_param(nousb, nousb, bool, 0444);\n#endif\n\n/*\n * for external read access to <nousb>\n */\nint usb_disabled(void)\n{\n\treturn nousb;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_disabled);\n\n#ifdef\tCONFIG_PM\nstatic int usb_autosuspend_delay = 2;\t\t/* Default delay value,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t * in seconds */\nmodule_param_named(autosuspend, usb_autosuspend_delay, int, 0644);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(autosuspend, \"default autosuspend delay\");\n\n#else\n#define usb_autosuspend_delay\t\t0\n#endif\n\n\n/**\n * usb_find_alt_setting() - Given a configuration, find the alternate setting\n * for the given interface.", "\n * @config: the configuration to search (not necessarily the current config).", "\n * @iface_num: interface number to search in\n * @alt_num: alternate interface setting number to search for.", "\n *\n * Search the configuration's interface cache for the given alt setting.", "\n *\n * Return: The alternate setting, if found. %", "NULL otherwise.", "\n */\nstruct usb_host_interface *usb_find_alt_setting(\n\t\tstruct usb_host_config *config,\n\t\tunsigned int iface_num,\n\t\tunsigned int alt_num)\n{\n\tstruct usb_interface_cache *intf_cache = NULL;\n\tint i;\n\n\tif (!", "config)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < config->desc.bNumInterfaces; i++) {\n\t\tif (config->intf_cache[i]->altsetting[0].desc.bInterfaceNumber\n\t\t\t\t== iface_num) {\n\t\t\tintf_cache = config->intf_cache[i];\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (!", "intf_cache)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < intf_cache->num_altsetting; i++)\n\t\tif (intf_cache->altsetting[i].desc.bAlternateSetting == alt_num)\n\t\t\treturn &intf_cache->altsetting[i];\n\n\tprintk(KERN_DEBUG \"Did not find alt setting %u for intf %u, \"\n\t\t\t\"config %u\\n\", alt_num, iface_num,\n\t\t\tconfig->desc.bConfigurationValue);\n\treturn NULL;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_find_alt_setting);\n\n/**\n * usb_ifnum_to_if - get the interface object with a given interface number\n * @dev: the device whose current configuration is considered\n * @ifnum: the desired interface\n *\n * This walks the device descriptor for the currently active configuration\n * to find the interface object with the particular interface number.", "\n *\n * Note that configuration descriptors are not required to assign interface\n * numbers sequentially, so that it would be incorrect to assume that\n * the first interface in that descriptor corresponds to interface zero.", "\n * This routine helps device drivers avoid such mistakes.", "\n * However, you should make sure that you do the right thing with any\n * alternate settings available for this interfaces.", "\n *\n * Don't call this function unless you are bound to one of the interfaces\n * on this device or you have locked the device!", "\n *\n * Return: A pointer to the interface that has @ifnum as interface number,\n * if found. %", "NULL otherwise.", "\n */\nstruct usb_interface *usb_ifnum_to_if(const struct usb_device *dev,\n\t\t\t\t unsigned ifnum)\n{\n\tstruct usb_host_config *config = dev->actconfig;\n\tint i;\n\n\tif (!", "config)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < config->desc.bNumInterfaces; i++)\n\t\tif (config->interface[i]->altsetting[0]\n\t\t\t\t.desc.bInterfaceNumber == ifnum)\n\t\t\treturn config->interface[i];\n\n\treturn NULL;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_ifnum_to_if);\n\n/**\n * usb_altnum_to_altsetting - get the altsetting structure with a given alternate setting number.", "\n * @intf: the interface containing the altsetting in question\n * @altnum: the desired alternate setting number\n *\n * This searches the altsetting array of the specified interface for\n * an entry with the correct bAlternateSetting value.", "\n *\n * Note that altsettings need not be stored sequentially by number, so\n * it would be incorrect to assume that the first altsetting entry in\n * the array corresponds to altsetting zero. ", " This routine helps device\n * drivers avoid such mistakes.", "\n *\n * Don't call this function unless you are bound to the intf interface\n * or you have locked the device!", "\n *\n * Return: A pointer to the entry of the altsetting array of @intf that\n * has @altnum as the alternate setting number. %", "NULL if not found.", "\n */\nstruct usb_host_interface *usb_altnum_to_altsetting(\n\t\t\t\t\tconst struct usb_interface *intf,\n\t\t\t\t\tunsigned int altnum)\n{\n\tint i;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < intf->num_altsetting; i++) {\n\t\tif (intf->altsetting[i].desc.bAlternateSetting == altnum)\n\t\t\treturn &intf->altsetting[i];\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_altnum_to_altsetting);\n\nstruct find_interface_arg {\n\tint minor;\n\tstruct device_driver *drv;\n};\n\nstatic int __find_interface(struct device *dev, void *data)\n{\n\tstruct find_interface_arg *arg = data;\n\tstruct usb_interface *intf;\n\n\tif (!", "is_usb_interface(dev))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tif (dev->driver !", "= arg->drv)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tintf = to_usb_interface(dev);\n\treturn intf->minor == arg->minor;\n}\n\n/**\n * usb_find_interface - find usb_interface pointer for driver and device\n * @drv: the driver whose current configuration is considered\n * @minor: the minor number of the desired device\n *\n * This walks the bus device list and returns a pointer to the interface\n * with the matching minor and driver. ", " Note, this only works for devices\n * that share the USB major number.", "\n *\n * Return: A pointer to the interface with the matching major and @minor.", "\n */\nstruct usb_interface *usb_find_interface(struct usb_driver *drv, int minor)\n{\n\tstruct find_interface_arg argb;\n\tstruct device *dev;\n\n\targb.minor = minor;\n\targb.drv = &drv->drvwrap.driver;\n\n\tdev = bus_find_device(&usb_bus_type, NULL, &argb, __find_interface);\n\n\t/* Drop reference count from bus_find_device */\n\tput_device(dev);\n\n\treturn dev ? ", "to_usb_interface(dev) : NULL;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_find_interface);\n\nstruct each_dev_arg {\n\tvoid *data;\n\tint (*fn)(struct usb_device *, void *);\n};\n\nstatic int __each_dev(struct device *dev, void *data)\n{\n\tstruct each_dev_arg *arg = (struct each_dev_arg *)data;\n\n\t/* There are struct usb_interface on the same bus, filter them out */\n\tif (!", "is_usb_device(dev))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\treturn arg->fn(container_of(dev, struct usb_device, dev), arg->data);\n}\n\n/**\n * usb_for_each_dev - iterate over all USB devices in the system\n * @data: data pointer that will be handed to the callback function\n * @fn: callback function to be called for each USB device\n *\n * Iterate over all USB devices and call @fn for each, passing it @data. ", "If it\n * returns anything other than 0, we break the iteration prematurely and return\n * that value.", "\n */\nint usb_for_each_dev(void *data, int (*fn)(struct usb_device *, void *))\n{\n\tstruct each_dev_arg arg = {data, fn};\n\n\treturn bus_for_each_dev(&usb_bus_type, NULL, &arg, __each_dev);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_for_each_dev);\n\n/**\n * usb_release_dev - free a usb device structure when all users of it are finished.", "\n * @dev: device that's been disconnected\n *\n * Will be called only by the device core when all users of this usb device are\n * done.", "\n */\nstatic void usb_release_dev(struct device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct usb_device *udev;\n\tstruct usb_hcd *hcd;\n\n\tudev = to_usb_device(dev);\n\thcd = bus_to_hcd(udev->bus);\n\n\tusb_destroy_configuration(udev);\n\tusb_release_bos_descriptor(udev);\n\tusb_put_hcd(hcd);\n\tkfree(udev->product);\n\tkfree(udev->manufacturer);\n\tkfree(udev->serial);\n\tkfree(udev);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_uevent(struct device *dev, struct kobj_uevent_env *env)\n{\n\tstruct usb_device *usb_dev;\n\n\tusb_dev = to_usb_device(dev);\n\n\tif (add_uevent_var(env, \"BUSNUM=%03d\", usb_dev->bus->busnum))\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tif (add_uevent_var(env, \"DEVNUM=%03d\", usb_dev->devnum))\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n#ifdef\tCONFIG_PM\n\n/* USB device Power-Management thunks.", "\n * There's no need to distinguish here between quiescing a USB device\n * and powering it down; the generic_suspend() routine takes care of\n * it by skipping the usb_port_suspend() call for a quiesce. ", " And for\n * USB interfaces there's no difference at all.", "\n */\n\nstatic int usb_dev_prepare(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn 0;\t\t/* Implement eventually? */", "\n}\n\nstatic void usb_dev_complete(struct device *dev)\n{\n\t/* Currently used only for rebinding interfaces */\n\tusb_resume_complete(dev);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_suspend(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_suspend(dev, PMSG_SUSPEND);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_resume(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_resume(dev, PMSG_RESUME);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_freeze(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_suspend(dev, PMSG_FREEZE);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_thaw(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_resume(dev, PMSG_THAW);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_poweroff(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_suspend(dev, PMSG_HIBERNATE);\n}\n\nstatic int usb_dev_restore(struct device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_resume(dev, PMSG_RESTORE);\n}\n\nstatic const struct dev_pm_ops usb_device_pm_ops = {\n\t.prepare =\tusb_dev_prepare,\n\t.complete =\tusb_dev_complete,\n\t.suspend =\tusb_dev_suspend,\n\t.resume =\tusb_dev_resume,\n\t.freeze =\tusb_dev_freeze,\n\t.thaw =\t\tusb_dev_thaw,\n\t.poweroff =\tusb_dev_poweroff,\n\t.restore =\tusb_dev_restore,\n\t.runtime_suspend =\tusb_runtime_suspend,\n\t.runtime_resume =\tusb_runtime_resume,\n\t.runtime_idle =\t\tusb_runtime_idle,\n};\n\n#endif\t/* CONFIG_PM */\n\n\nstatic char *usb_devnode(struct device *dev,\n\t\t\t umode_t *mode, kuid_t *uid, kgid_t *gid)\n{\n\tstruct usb_device *usb_dev;\n\n\tusb_dev = to_usb_device(dev);\n\treturn kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, \"bus/usb/%03d/%03d\",\n\t\t\t usb_dev->bus->busnum, usb_dev->devnum);\n}\n\nstruct device_type usb_device_type = {\n\t.name =\t\t\"usb_device\",\n\t.release =\tusb_release_dev,\n\t.uevent =\tusb_dev_uevent,\n\t.devnode = \tusb_devnode,\n#ifdef CONFIG_PM\n\t.pm =\t\t&usb_device_pm_ops,\n#endif\n};\n\n\n/* Returns 1 if @usb_bus is WUSB, 0 otherwise */\nstatic unsigned usb_bus_is_wusb(struct usb_bus *bus)\n{\n\tstruct usb_hcd *hcd = container_of(bus, struct usb_hcd, self);\n\treturn hcd->wireless;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * usb_alloc_dev - usb device constructor (usbcore-internal)\n * @parent: hub to which device is connected; null to allocate a root hub\n * @bus: bus used to access the device\n * @port1: one-based index of port; ignored for root hubs\n * Context: !", "in_interrupt()\n *\n * Only hub drivers (including virtual root hub drivers for host\n * controllers) should ever call this.", "\n *\n * This call may not be used in a non-sleeping context.", "\n *\n * Return: On success, a pointer to the allocated usb device. %", "NULL on\n * failure.", "\n */\nstruct usb_device *usb_alloc_dev(struct usb_device *parent,\n\t\t\t\t struct usb_bus *bus, unsigned port1)\n{\n\tstruct usb_device *dev;\n\tstruct usb_hcd *usb_hcd = bus_to_hcd(bus);\n\tunsigned root_hub = 0;\n\n\tdev = kzalloc(sizeof(*dev), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!", "dev)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\tif (!", "usb_get_hcd(usb_hcd)) {\n\t\tkfree(dev);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\t/* Root hubs aren't true devices, so don't allocate HCD resources */\n\tif (usb_hcd->driver->alloc_dev && parent &&\n\t\t!", "usb_hcd->driver->alloc_dev(usb_hcd, dev)) {\n\t\tusb_put_hcd(bus_to_hcd(bus));\n\t\tkfree(dev);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tdevice_initialize(&dev->dev);\n\tdev->dev.bus = &usb_bus_type;\n\tdev->dev.type = &usb_device_type;\n\tdev->dev.groups = usb_device_groups;\n\tdev->dev.dma_mask = bus->controller->dma_mask;\n\tset_dev_node(&dev->dev, dev_to_node(bus->controller));\n\tdev->state = USB_STATE_ATTACHED;\n\tdev->lpm_disable_count = 1;\n\tatomic_set(&dev->urbnum, 0);\n\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->ep0.urb_list);\n\tdev->ep0.desc.bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE;\n\tdev->ep0.desc.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT;\n\t/* ep0 maxpacket comes later, from device descriptor */\n\tusb_enable_endpoint(dev, &dev->ep0, false);\n\tdev->can_submit = 1;\n\n\t/* Save readable and stable topology id, distinguishing devices\n\t * by location for diagnostics, tools, driver model, etc. ", " The\n\t * string is a path along hub ports, from the root. ", " Each device's\n\t * dev->devpath will be stable until USB is re-cabled, and hubs\n\t * are often labeled with these port numbers. ", " The name isn't\n\t * as stable: bus->busnum changes easily from modprobe order,\n\t * cardbus or pci hotplugging, and so on.", "\n\t */\n\tif (unlikely(!parent)) {\n\t\tdev->devpath[0] = '0';\n\t\tdev->route = 0;\n\n\t\tdev->dev.parent = bus->controller;\n\t\tdev_set_name(&dev->dev, \"usb%d\", bus->busnum);\n\t\troot_hub = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* match any labeling on the hubs; it's one-based */\n\t\tif (parent->devpath[0] == '0') {\n\t\t\tsnprintf(dev->devpath, sizeof dev->devpath,\n\t\t\t\t\"%d\", port1);\n\t\t\t/* Root ports are not counted in route string */\n\t\t\tdev->route = 0;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsnprintf(dev->devpath, sizeof dev->devpath,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s.%d\", parent->devpath, port1);\n\t\t\t/* Route string assumes hubs have less than 16 ports */\n\t\t\tif (port1 < 15)\n\t\t\t\tdev->route = parent->route +\n\t\t\t\t\t(port1 << ((parent->level - 1)*4));\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tdev->route = parent->route +\n\t\t\t\t\t(15 << ((parent->level - 1)*4));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdev->dev.parent = &parent->dev;\n\t\tdev_set_name(&dev->dev, \"%d-%s\", bus->busnum, dev->devpath);\n\n\t\t/* hub driver sets up TT records */\n\t}\n\n\tdev->portnum = port1;\n\tdev->bus = bus;\n\tdev->parent = parent;\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->filelist);\n\n#ifdef\tCONFIG_PM\n\tpm_runtime_set_autosuspend_delay(&dev->dev,\n\t\t\tusb_autosuspend_delay * 1000);\n\tdev->connect_time = jiffies;\n\tdev->active_duration = -jiffies;\n#endif\n\tif (root_hub)\t/* Root hub always ok [and always wired] */\n\t\tdev->authorized = 1;\n\telse {\n\t\tdev->authorized = !!", "HCD_DEV_AUTHORIZED(usb_hcd);\n\t\tdev->wusb = usb_bus_is_wusb(bus) ? ", "1 : 0;\n\t}\n\treturn dev;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_alloc_dev);\n\n/**\n * usb_get_dev - increments the reference count of the usb device structure\n * @dev: the device being referenced\n *\n * Each live reference to a device should be refcounted.", "\n *\n * Drivers for USB interfaces should normally record such references in\n * their probe() methods, when they bind to an interface, and release\n * them by calling usb_put_dev(), in their disconnect() methods.", "\n *\n * Return: A pointer to the device with the incremented reference counter.", "\n */\nstruct usb_device *usb_get_dev(struct usb_device *dev)\n{\n\tif (dev)\n\t\tget_device(&dev->dev);\n\treturn dev;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_get_dev);\n\n/**\n * usb_put_dev - release a use of the usb device structure\n * @dev: device that's been disconnected\n *\n * Must be called when a user of a device is finished with it. ", " When the last\n * user of the device calls this function, the memory of the device is freed.", "\n */\nvoid usb_put_dev(struct usb_device *dev)\n{\n\tif (dev)\n\t\tput_device(&dev->dev);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_put_dev);\n\n/**\n * usb_get_intf - increments the reference count of the usb interface structure\n * @intf: the interface being referenced\n *\n * Each live reference to a interface must be refcounted.", "\n *\n * Drivers for USB interfaces should normally record such references in\n * their probe() methods, when they bind to an interface, and release\n * them by calling usb_put_intf(), in their disconnect() methods.", "\n *\n * Return: A pointer to the interface with the incremented reference counter.", "\n */\nstruct usb_interface *usb_get_intf(struct usb_interface *intf)\n{\n\tif (intf)\n\t\tget_device(&intf->dev);\n\treturn intf;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_get_intf);\n\n/**\n * usb_put_intf - release a use of the usb interface structure\n * @intf: interface that's been decremented\n *\n * Must be called when a user of an interface is finished with it. ", " When the\n * last user of the interface calls this function, the memory of the interface\n * is freed.", "\n */\nvoid usb_put_intf(struct usb_interface *intf)\n{\n\tif (intf)\n\t\tput_device(&intf->dev);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_put_intf);\n\n/*\t\t\tUSB device locking\n *\n * USB devices and interfaces are locked using the semaphore in their\n * embedded struct device. ", " The hub driver guarantees that whenever a\n * device is connected or disconnected, drivers are called with the\n * USB device locked as well as their particular interface.", "\n *\n * Complications arise when several devices are to be locked at the same\n * time. ", " Only hub-aware drivers that are part of usbcore ever have to\n * do this; nobody else needs to worry about it. ", " The rule for locking\n * is simple:\n *\n *\tWhen locking both a device and its parent, always lock the\n *\tthe parent first.", "\n */\n\n/**\n * usb_lock_device_for_reset - cautiously acquire the lock for a usb device structure\n * @udev: device that's being locked\n * @iface: interface bound to the driver making the request (optional)\n *\n * Attempts to acquire the device lock, but fails if the device is\n * NOTATTACHED or SUSPENDED, or if iface is specified and the interface\n * is neither BINDING nor BOUND. ", " Rather than sleeping to wait for the\n * lock, the routine polls repeatedly. ", " This is to prevent deadlock with\n * disconnect; in some drivers (such as usb-storage) the disconnect()\n * or suspend() method will block waiting for a device reset to complete.", "\n *\n * Return: A negative error code for failure, otherwise 0.", "\n */\nint usb_lock_device_for_reset(struct usb_device *udev,\n\t\t\t const struct usb_interface *iface)\n{\n\tunsigned long jiffies_expire = jiffies + HZ;\n\n\tif (udev->state == USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED)\n\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\tif (udev->state == USB_STATE_SUSPENDED)\n\t\treturn -EHOSTUNREACH;\n\tif (iface && (iface->condition == USB_INTERFACE_UNBINDING ||\n\t\t\tiface->condition == USB_INTERFACE_UNBOUND))\n\t\treturn -EINTR;\n\n\twhile (!", "usb_trylock_device(udev)) {\n\n\t\t/* If we can't acquire the lock after waiting one second,\n\t\t * we're probably deadlocked */\n\t\tif (time_after(jiffies, jiffies_expire))\n\t\t\treturn -EBUSY;\n\n\t\tmsleep(15);\n\t\tif (udev->state == USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED)\n\t\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\t\tif (udev->state == USB_STATE_SUSPENDED)\n\t\t\treturn -EHOSTUNREACH;\n\t\tif (iface && (iface->condition == USB_INTERFACE_UNBINDING ||\n\t\t\t\tiface->condition == USB_INTERFACE_UNBOUND))\n\t\t\treturn -EINTR;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_lock_device_for_reset);\n\n/**\n * usb_get_current_frame_number - return current bus frame number\n * @dev: the device whose bus is being queried\n *\n * Return: The current frame number for the USB host controller used\n * with the given USB device. ", "This can be used when scheduling\n * isochronous requests.", "\n *\n * Note: Different kinds of host controller have different \"scheduling\n * horizons\". ", "While one type might support scheduling only 32 frames\n * into the future, others could support scheduling up to 1024 frames\n * into the future.", "\n *\n */\nint usb_get_current_frame_number(struct usb_device *dev)\n{\n\treturn usb_hcd_get_frame_number(dev);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_get_current_frame_number);\n\nint usb_sec_event_ring_setup(struct usb_device *dev,\n\tunsigned intr_num)\n{\n\tif (dev->state == USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\treturn usb_hcd_sec_event_ring_setup(dev, intr_num);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(usb_sec_event_ring_setup);\n\nint usb_sec_event_ring_cleanup(struct usb_device *dev,\n\tunsigned intr_num)\n{\n\treturn usb_hcd_sec_event_ring_cleanup(dev, intr_num);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(usb_sec_event_ring_cleanup);\n\ndma_addr_t\nusb_get_sec_event_ring_dma_addr(struct usb_device *dev,\n\tunsigned intr_num)\n{\n\tif (dev->state == USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\treturn usb_hcd_get_sec_event_ring_dma_addr(dev, intr_num);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(usb_get_sec_event_ring_dma_addr);\n\ndma_addr_t\nusb_get_dcba_dma_addr(struct usb_device *dev)\n{\n\tif (dev->state == USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\treturn usb_hcd_get_dcba_dma_addr(dev);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(usb_get_dcba_dma_addr);\n\ndma_addr_t usb_get_xfer_ring_dma_addr(struct usb_device *dev,\n\tstruct usb_host_endpoint *ep)\n{\n\tif (dev->state == USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\treturn usb_hcd_get_xfer_ring_dma_addr(dev, ep);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(usb_get_xfer_ring_dma_addr);\n\n/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n/*\n * __usb_get_extra_descriptor() finds a descriptor of specific type in the\n * extra field of the interface and endpoint descriptor structs.", "\n */\n\nint __usb_get_extra_descriptor(char *buffer, unsigned size,\n\t\t\t unsigned char type, void **ptr, size_t minsize)\n{\n\tstruct usb_descriptor_header *header;\n\n\twhile (size >= sizeof(struct usb_descriptor_header)) {\n\t\theader = (struct usb_descriptor_header *)buffer;\n\n\t\tif (header->bLength < 2 || header->bLength > size) {\n\t\t\tprintk(KERN_ERR\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: bogus descriptor, type %d length %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t\tusbcore_name,\n\t\t\t\theader->bDescriptorType,\n\t\t\t\theader->bLength);\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (header->bDescriptorType == type && header->bLength >= minsize) {\n\t\t\t*ptr = header;\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbuffer += header->bLength;\n\t\tsize -= header->bLength;\n\t}\n\treturn -1;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__usb_get_extra_descriptor);\n\n/**\n * usb_alloc_coherent - allocate dma-consistent buffer for URB_NO_xxx_DMA_MAP\n * @dev: device the buffer will be used with\n * @size: requested buffer size\n * @mem_flags: affect whether allocation may block\n * @dma: used to return DMA address of buffer\n *\n * Return: Either null (indicating no buffer could be allocated), or the\n * cpu-space pointer to a buffer that may be used to perform DMA to the\n * specified device. ", " Such cpu-space buffers are returned along with the DMA\n * address (through the pointer provided).", "\n *\n * Note:\n * These buffers are used with URB_NO_xxx_DMA_MAP set in urb->transfer_flags\n * to avoid behaviors like using \"DMA bounce buffers\", or thrashing IOMMU\n * hardware during URB completion/resubmit. ", " The implementation varies between\n * platforms, depending on details of how DMA will work to this device.", "\n * Using these buffers also eliminates cacheline sharing problems on\n * architectures where CPU caches are not DMA-coherent. ", " On systems without\n * bus-snooping caches, these buffers are uncached.", "\n *\n * When the buffer is no longer used, free it with usb_free_coherent().", "\n */\nvoid *usb_alloc_coherent(struct usb_device *dev, size_t size, gfp_t mem_flags,\n\t\t\t dma_addr_t *dma)\n{\n\tif (!", "dev || !", "dev->bus)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\treturn hcd_buffer_alloc(dev->bus, size, mem_flags, dma);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_alloc_coherent);\n\n/**\n * usb_free_coherent - free memory allocated with usb_alloc_coherent()\n * @dev: device the buffer was used with\n * @size: requested buffer size\n * @addr: CPU address of buffer\n * @dma: DMA address of buffer\n *\n * This reclaims an I/O buffer, letting it be reused. ", " The memory must have\n * been allocated using usb_alloc_coherent(), and the parameters must match\n * those provided in that allocation request.", "\n */\nvoid usb_free_coherent(struct usb_device *dev, size_t size, void *addr,\n\t\t dma_addr_t dma)\n{\n\tif (!", "dev || !", "dev->bus)\n\t\treturn;\n\tif (!", "addr)\n\t\treturn;\n\thcd_buffer_free(dev->bus, size, addr, dma);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_free_coherent);\n\n/**\n * usb_buffer_map - create DMA mapping(s) for an urb\n * @urb: urb whose transfer_buffer/setup_packet will be mapped\n *\n * URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP is added to urb->transfer_flags if the operation\n * succeeds. ", "If the device is connected to this system through a non-DMA\n * controller, this operation always succeeds.", "\n *\n * This call would normally be used for an urb which is reused, perhaps\n * as the target of a large periodic transfer, with usb_buffer_dmasync()\n * calls to synchronize memory and dma state.", "\n *\n * Reverse the effect of this call with usb_buffer_unmap().", "\n *\n * Return: Either %NULL (indicating no buffer could be mapped), or @urb.", "\n *\n */\n#if 0\nstruct urb *usb_buffer_map(struct urb *urb)\n{\n\tstruct usb_bus\t\t*bus;\n\tstruct device\t\t*controller;\n\n\tif (!", "urb\n\t\t\t|| !", "urb->dev\n\t\t\t|| !(", "bus = urb->dev->bus)\n\t\t\t|| !(", "controller = bus->controller))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\tif (controller->dma_mask) {\n\t\turb->transfer_dma = dma_map_single(controller,\n\t\t\turb->transfer_buffer, urb->transfer_buffer_length,\n\t\t\tusb_pipein(urb->pipe)\n\t\t\t\t? ", "DMA_FROM_DEVICE : DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n\t/* FIXME generic api broken like pci, can't report errors */\n\t/* if (urb->transfer_dma == DMA_ADDR_INVALID) return 0; */\n\t} else\n\t\turb->transfer_dma = ~0;\n\turb->transfer_flags |= URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP;\n\treturn urb;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_buffer_map);\n#endif /* 0 */\n\n/* XXX DISABLED, no users currently. ", " If you wish to re-enable this\n * XXX please determine whether the sync is to transfer ownership of\n * XXX the buffer from device to cpu or vice verse, and thusly use the\n * XXX appropriate _for_{cpu,device}() method. ", " -DaveM\n */\n#if 0\n\n/**\n * usb_buffer_dmasync - synchronize DMA and CPU view of buffer(s)\n * @urb: urb whose transfer_buffer/setup_packet will be synchronized\n */\nvoid usb_buffer_dmasync(struct urb *urb)\n{\n\tstruct usb_bus\t\t*bus;\n\tstruct device\t\t*controller;\n\n\tif (!", "urb\n\t\t\t|| !(", "urb->transfer_flags & URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP)\n\t\t\t|| !", "urb->dev\n\t\t\t|| !(", "bus = urb->dev->bus)\n\t\t\t|| !(", "controller = bus->controller))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (controller->dma_mask) {\n\t\tdma_sync_single_for_cpu(controller,\n\t\t\turb->transfer_dma, urb->transfer_buffer_length,\n\t\t\tusb_pipein(urb->pipe)\n\t\t\t\t? ", "DMA_FROM_DEVICE : DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n\t\tif (usb_pipecontrol(urb->pipe))\n\t\t\tdma_sync_single_for_cpu(controller,\n\t\t\t\t\turb->setup_dma,\n\t\t\t\t\tsizeof(struct usb_ctrlrequest),\n\t\t\t\t\tDMA_TO_DEVICE);\n\t}\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_buffer_dmasync);\n#endif\n\n/**\n * usb_buffer_unmap - free DMA mapping(s) for an urb\n * @urb: urb whose transfer_buffer will be unmapped\n *\n * Reverses the effect of usb_buffer_map().", "\n */\n#if 0\nvoid usb_buffer_unmap(struct urb *urb)\n{\n\tstruct usb_bus\t\t*bus;\n\tstruct device\t\t*controller;\n\n\tif (!", "urb\n\t\t\t|| !(", "urb->transfer_flags & URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP)\n\t\t\t|| !", "urb->dev\n\t\t\t|| !(", "bus = urb->dev->bus)\n\t\t\t|| !(", "controller = bus->controller))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (controller->dma_mask) {\n\t\tdma_unmap_single(controller,\n\t\t\turb->transfer_dma, urb->transfer_buffer_length,\n\t\t\tusb_pipein(urb->pipe)\n\t\t\t\t? ", "DMA_FROM_DEVICE : DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n\t}\n\turb->transfer_flags &= ~URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_buffer_unmap);\n#endif /* 0 */\n\n#if 0\n/**\n * usb_buffer_map_sg - create scatterlist DMA mapping(s) for an endpoint\n * @dev: device to which the scatterlist will be mapped\n * @is_in: mapping transfer direction\n * @sg: the scatterlist to map\n * @nents: the number of entries in the scatterlist\n *\n * Return: Either < 0 (indicating no buffers could be mapped), or the\n * number of DMA mapping array entries in the scatterlist.", "\n *\n * Note:\n * The caller is responsible for placing the resulting DMA addresses from\n * the scatterlist into URB transfer buffer pointers, and for setting the\n * URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP transfer flag in each of those URBs.", "\n *\n * Top I/O rates come from queuing URBs, instead of waiting for each one\n * to complete before starting the next I/O. This is particularly easy\n * to do with scatterlists. ", " Just allocate and submit one URB for each DMA\n * mapping entry returned, stopping on the first error or when all succeed.", "\n * Better yet, use the usb_sg_*() calls, which do that (and more) for you.", "\n *\n * This call would normally be used when translating scatterlist requests,\n * rather than usb_buffer_map(), since on some hardware (with IOMMUs) it\n * may be able to coalesce mappings for improved I/O efficiency.", "\n *\n * Reverse the effect of this call with usb_buffer_unmap_sg().", "\n */\nint usb_buffer_map_sg(const struct usb_device *dev, int is_in,\n\t\t struct scatterlist *sg, int nents)\n{\n\tstruct usb_bus\t\t*bus;\n\tstruct device\t\t*controller;\n\n\tif (!", "dev\n\t\t\t|| !(", "bus = dev->bus)\n\t\t\t|| !(", "controller = bus->controller)\n\t\t\t|| !", "controller->dma_mask)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\t/* FIXME generic api broken like pci, can't report errors */\n\treturn dma_map_sg(controller, sg, nents,\n\t\t\tis_in ? ", "DMA_FROM_DEVICE : DMA_TO_DEVICE) ? : ", "-ENOMEM;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_buffer_map_sg);\n#endif\n\n/* XXX DISABLED, no users currently. ", " If you wish to re-enable this\n * XXX please determine whether the sync is to transfer ownership of\n * XXX the buffer from device to cpu or vice verse, and thusly use the\n * XXX appropriate _for_{cpu,device}() method. ", " -DaveM\n */\n#if 0\n\n/**\n * usb_buffer_dmasync_sg - synchronize DMA and CPU view of scatterlist buffer(s)\n * @dev: device to which the scatterlist will be mapped\n * @is_in: mapping transfer direction\n * @sg: the scatterlist to synchronize\n * @n_hw_ents: the positive return value from usb_buffer_map_sg\n *\n * Use this when you are re-using a scatterlist's data buffers for\n * another USB request.", "\n */\nvoid usb_buffer_dmasync_sg(const struct usb_device *dev, int is_in,\n\t\t\t struct scatterlist *sg, int n_hw_ents)\n{\n\tstruct usb_bus\t\t*bus;\n\tstruct device\t\t*controller;\n\n\tif (!", "dev\n\t\t\t|| !(", "bus = dev->bus)\n\t\t\t|| !(", "controller = bus->controller)\n\t\t\t|| !", "controller->dma_mask)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tdma_sync_sg_for_cpu(controller, sg, n_hw_ents,\n\t\t\t is_in ? ", "DMA_FROM_DEVICE : DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_buffer_dmasync_sg);\n#endif\n\n#if 0\n/**\n * usb_buffer_unmap_sg - free DMA mapping(s) for a scatterlist\n * @dev: device to which the scatterlist will be mapped\n * @is_in: mapping transfer direction\n * @sg: the scatterlist to unmap\n * @n_hw_ents: the positive return value from usb_buffer_map_sg\n *\n * Reverses the effect of usb_buffer_map_sg().", "\n */\nvoid usb_buffer_unmap_sg(const struct usb_device *dev, int is_in,\n\t\t\t struct scatterlist *sg, int n_hw_ents)\n{\n\tstruct usb_bus\t\t*bus;\n\tstruct device\t\t*controller;\n\n\tif (!", "dev\n\t\t\t|| !(", "bus = dev->bus)\n\t\t\t|| !(", "controller = bus->controller)\n\t\t\t|| !", "controller->dma_mask)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tdma_unmap_sg(controller, sg, n_hw_ents,\n\t\t\tis_in ? ", "DMA_FROM_DEVICE : DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_buffer_unmap_sg);\n#endif\n\n/*\n * Notifications of device and interface registration\n */\nstatic int usb_bus_notify(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long action,\n\t\tvoid *data)\n{\n\tstruct device *dev = data;\n\n\tswitch (action) {\n\tcase BUS_NOTIFY_ADD_DEVICE:\n\t\tif (dev->type == &usb_device_type)\n\t\t\t(void) usb_create_sysfs_dev_files(to_usb_device(dev));\n\t\telse if (dev->type == &usb_if_device_type)\n\t\t\tusb_create_sysfs_intf_files(to_usb_interface(dev));\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tcase BUS_NOTIFY_DEL_DEVICE:\n\t\tif (dev->type == &usb_device_type)\n\t\t\tusb_remove_sysfs_dev_files(to_usb_device(dev));\n\t\telse if (dev->type == &usb_if_device_type)\n\t\t\tusb_remove_sysfs_intf_files(to_usb_interface(dev));\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic struct notifier_block usb_bus_nb = {\n\t.notifier_call = usb_bus_notify,\n};\n\nstruct dentry *usb_debug_root;\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(usb_debug_root);\n\nstatic struct dentry *usb_debug_devices;\n\nstatic int usb_debugfs_init(void)\n{\n\tusb_debug_root = debugfs_create_dir(\"usb\", NULL);\n\tif (!", "usb_debug_root)\n\t\treturn -ENOENT;\n\n\tusb_debug_devices = debugfs_create_file(\"devices\", 0444,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tusb_debug_root, NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&usbfs_devices_fops);\n\tif (!", "usb_debug_devices) {\n\t\tdebugfs_remove(usb_debug_root);\n\t\tusb_debug_root = NULL;\n\t\treturn -ENOENT;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void usb_debugfs_cleanup(void)\n{\n\tdebugfs_remove(usb_debug_devices);\n\tdebugfs_remove(usb_debug_root);\n}\n\n/*\n * Init\n */\nstatic int __init usb_init(void)\n{\n\tint retval;\n\tif (usb_disabled()) {\n\t\tpr_info(\"%s: USB support disabled\\n\", usbcore_name);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tusb_init_pool_max();\n\n\tretval = usb_debugfs_init();\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tusb_acpi_register();\n\tretval = bus_register(&usb_bus_type);\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto bus_register_failed;\n\tretval = bus_register_notifier(&usb_bus_type, &usb_bus_nb);\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto bus_notifier_failed;\n\tretval = usb_major_init();\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto major_init_failed;\n\tretval = usb_register(&usbfs_driver);\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto driver_register_failed;\n\tretval = usb_devio_init();\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto usb_devio_init_failed;\n\tretval = usb_hub_init();\n\tif (retval)\n\t\tgoto hub_init_failed;\n\tretval = usb_register_device_driver(&usb_generic_driver, THIS_MODULE);\n\tif (!", "retval)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tusb_hub_cleanup();\nhub_init_failed:\n\tusb_devio_cleanup();\nusb_devio_init_failed:\n\tusb_deregister(&usbfs_driver);\ndriver_register_failed:\n\tusb_major_cleanup();\nmajor_init_failed:\n\tbus_unregister_notifier(&usb_bus_type, &usb_bus_nb);\nbus_notifier_failed:\n\tbus_unregister(&usb_bus_type);\nbus_register_failed:\n\tusb_acpi_unregister();\n\tusb_debugfs_cleanup();\nout:\n\treturn retval;\n}\n\n/*\n * Cleanup\n */\nstatic void __exit usb_exit(void)\n{\n\t/* This will matter if shutdown/reboot does exitcalls. */", "\n\tif (usb_disabled())\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tusb_deregister_device_driver(&usb_generic_driver);\n\tusb_major_cleanup();\n\tusb_deregister(&usbfs_driver);\n\tusb_devio_cleanup();\n\tusb_hub_cleanup();\n\tbus_unregister_notifier(&usb_bus_type, &usb_bus_nb);\n\tbus_unregister(&usb_bus_type);\n\tusb_acpi_unregister();\n\tusb_debugfs_cleanup();\n}\n\nsubsys_initcall(usb_init);\nmodule_exit(usb_exit);\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");\n" ]
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[ "Čini se da simboličko zagađenje Splita ne poznaje granice.", "\n\nŠačica osvjedočenih gradskih izdajnika, među koje spada i potpisnik ovih redaka, vjerovala je da je razina društvene perverzije dosegnula najvišu moguću točku podizanjem spomenika IX. ", "bojni HOS-a, nazvanoj po ustaškom koljaču Rafaelu Bobanu – kojeg je, podsjetimo, svečano otvorio gradonačelnik Ivo Baldasar, inače socijaldemokrat, i to na Dan borbe protiv fašizma, pa dogodine poslao vijenac 10. ", "travnja, na dan osivanja NDH – a onda se dogodio novi stvaralački iskorak: gradska Komisija za imena ulica, trgova i spomenika ovih je dana donijela jednoglasnu odluku da se ispred ulaza u vojnu kasarnu u Lori izgradi monumentalni spomenik 72. ", "bojni Vojne policije.", "\n\nNovi splitski administrativno-memorijalni pothvat šalje poruku koja je u civiliziranom svijetu, nenaviklom na moralne sunovrate takve vrste, teško zamisliva: zanemarimo li broj stradalih, to je slično kao kad bi nekakva tijela regionalne uprave odlučila ispred ulaza u spomen komplekse u Auschwitzu ili Buchenwaldu podignuti spomenike logorskim čuvarima, uz uklesane poruke zahvalnosti za hrabrost i herojstvo što su ga iskazali u obrani domovine.", "\n\nU Lori je, naime, za vrijeme prošloga rata djelovao živahni logor lokalnih razmjera, gdje su vojne zarobljenike i civile srpske nacionalnosti – mirne žitelje grada, hapšene bez ikakva povoda – upravo pripadnici 72. ", "bojne Vojne policije sistematski premlaćivali, sadistički mučili, izlagali najgorim oblicima torture, a više njih i brutalno ubili. ", "Detaljna svjedočenja o užasima u Lori objavljena su u više navrata – prvi put već 1992. ", "u tada nezavisnoj Slobodnoj Dalmaciji – i svi koji se nisu htjeli praviti slijepi mogli su se s njima upoznati.", "\n\nSuđenje skupini zatvorskih čuvara – nakon prve runde pravosudne farse, gdje je sudnica Slavka Lozine bila pretvorena u navijačko poprište razularenih šovinista, s ambijentom u kojemu se svjedocima ledila krv u žilama – još uvijek je u toku, četvrt stoljeća nakon počinjenih zločina. ", "Neki od optuženih godinama su bili „u bijegu“, a jedan je nedavno „pronađen“ – u Splitu, u vlastitome stanu. ", "Takozvana pravna država, čiji je tromi mehanizam ionako nevoljko pokrenut pod pritiskom međunarodnih institucija, pritom se zadovoljila namirivanjem pravde na najnižem pragu odgovornosti: nalogodavci i viši vojni zapovjednici unaprijed su, odlukom državnoga tužilaštva, ekskulpirani od krivnje.", "\n\nU Lori nikada nije postavljeno obilježje koje bi upozoravalo na zločin i čuvalo sjećanje na logorske žrtve. ", "Grad je svima poznata zlodjela predano i poslušno čuvao kao javnu tajnu. ", "Umjesto toga, sada će se pred ulazom u vojni kompleks podignuti dominantna skulptura u čast jedinice koja je regrutirala mučitelje i ubojice. ", "Jednoglasnom odlukom gradske uprave obavljene su tehničke predradnje za viši nivo poricanja, koji vrišti od cinizma: ne više ono karakteristično – „to se nije dogodilo“, nego – „to što se dogodilo predstavlja junačko djelo“.", "\n\nNa što bi taj artefakt uopće trebao sličiti? ", "Kako, naime, spomenički uobličiti psovku? ", "Kako uz pomoć sirove mramorne građe dočarati prizor bešćutnoga pljuvanja po žrtvama?", "\n\nPrema usvojenoj ideji, spomenik 72. ", "bojni Vojne policije bit će visok preko tri metra, a sastojat će se, maštovito, „od tri monolitna stupa koji zajedno čine slovo H“. ", "To slovo H, prema službenome objašnjenju, „predstavlja Hrvatsku, heroje i hrabrost“. ", "Prema neslužbenom tumačenju, daroviti skulptor će svojim djelom, slijedeći kolektivni moralni angažman – reprezentiran do kraja kroz „Hrvatsku, heroje i hrabrost“ – ubijene i mučene u Lori poslati u tri hičke materine.", "\n\nMoglo bi se reći da Split, grad u kojem ne manjka sportskih talenata, postiže šampionske rezultate u disciplini aktivnoga poricanja prošlosti: ne stvarnog zaboravljanja, dakako – jer ne može se zaboraviti ono što se ne želi znati – već očuvanja takve javne kulture, bogaćene novim i novim simboličkim ornamentima, koja odaje utisak da je ono što svi znaju svima nepoznato.", "\n\nLora je najupečatljivija slijepa mrlja kolektivne memorije grada, i upravo je fascinantno do koje mjere politička vlast ima povjerenje u kooperativnost žitelja, potpuno sigurna da će građani udruženim snagama voditi brigu o fasadi normalnosti i očuvanju javne tajne intaktnom. ", "Zavjera šutnje tako je postojana, lanac dosluha tako je čvrst, da priziva onu Foucaultovu sliku strategije bez stratega: Ivo Baldasar je, u pogledu utaje zločina počinjenih u ekskluzivnom gradskom mučilištu, samo trenutni voditelj logistike odavno započetog procesa transformacije stanovnika u jatake.", "\n\nKako će se dalje razvijati spomenička ofenziva splitskog gradonačelnika, koji se deklarira kao antifašist i humanist, nije lako predvidjeti. ", "Njegov desni prethodnik, Željko Kerum, imao je jasne ideološke prioritete – izgradio je desetak metara visoki kameni križ na vrhu Marjana i posadio depresivnoga brončanog Tuđmana na istočnome kraju rive – dok Baldasar, kao politički hermafrodit, kolekcijom novih javnih skulptura nastoji rješavati ozbiljne svjetonazorske i etičke nesporazume: spomenikom IX. ", "bojni HOS-a htio je, prema vlastitom priznanju, ukazati na antifašističku prirodu ustaštva, a golemim mramornim H pred ulazom u Loru istaknut će herojski karakter ratnih zločina.", "\n\nIzvjesno je da se na tome neće zaustaviti, jer ga zbog nekih razloga ne zadovoljava postojeći fond baštinskih rekvizita i uzoraka memorijalne plastike, niti mu je dovoljna standardna turistička vizura „cvijeta Mediterana“, gdje dominira – kako je primijetio stalni suradnik Peščanika iz Splita – „falusoidni zvonik Crkve svetog Duje koji na dostojan način simbolizira kurac od grada“.", "\n\nPrijedlog ovoga potpisnika je da se, umjesto obnove slavne Bajamontijeve fontane na Trgu Franje Tuđmana, koju gradonačelnik Baldasar zdušno zagovara, na istome mjestu podigne višemetarska zahodska školjka, isklesana u bračkome kamenu, izravno priključena na kanalizacijski odvod. ", "Natpis na postamentu se podrazumijeva:\n\n„Ovdje počiva savjest građana Splita.“", "\n\nPeščanik.net" ]
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[ 0.017241379310344827, 0.010752688172043012, 0.018779342723004695, 0.02459016393442623, 0.047619047619047616, 0.013363028953229399, 0.013824884792626729, 0.007575757575757576, 0.011363636363636364, 0.036036036036036036, 0.007017543859649123, 0.03669724770642202, 0.003401360544217687, 0.00909090909090909, 0.0273972602739726, 0.02112676056338028, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.011764705882352941, 0.013761467889908258, 0.02406417112299465, 0.010752688172043012, 0.019933554817275746, 0.027972027972027972, 0.019498607242339833, 0.016853932584269662, 0.015544041450777202, 0.01773049645390071, 0.01282051282051282, 0 ]
[ "Johannesburg – After their impressive Cup win at the second round of the Sevens world series 2014/15 in Dubai on Saturday, hosts South Africa are top seeds of the Cell C Nelson Mandela Bay Sevens.", "\n\nRunners-up Australia, third-placed Fiji and the fourth semi-finalist New Zealand head the remaining pools for the tournament to be played on 13 and 14 December.", "\nThe 2014/15 season carries added significance because the top-ranked sides after the ninth and final round in London in May 2015 will qualify directly for the Olympic Games to be held in Rio in 2016.", "\n\nThe Springbok Sevens team head Pool A in Port Elizabeth and their opponents are Wales, the United States and Kenya.", "\n\nDubai runners-up Australia will face Argentina, as well as Portugal and Zimbabwe in Pool B.\n\nSeries leaders Fiji top Pool C as the third-placed team in Dubai and face Scotland, France and Dubai Shield winners Canada.", "\n\nNew Zealand, the reigning Series champions, will play England, Samoa and Japan.", "\n\n– SAPA\n\nFOLLOW NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS ON FACEBOOK @ New Africa Business News.com" ]
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[ "Cadillac Racing program manager Laura Wontrop Klauser is tasked with retaining a crown the brand has yet to relinquish in IMSA’s DPi era.", "\n\nRunaway champions in 2017 on the launch of the WeatherTech SportsCar Championship’s homegrown prototype formula, Cadillac successfully defending its Drivers’ and Manufacturers’ titles last year, and with two new teams added to its roster, Klauser’s quest to capture the brand’s third championship has risen to new heights.", "\n\nAs the Maryland native has found since taking the reins at Cadillac, she’s surrounded by like-minded teams who share her approach to the sport. ", "If anything, the engineer-turned-manager is hoping her teams will learn to hit the pause button on that relentless pursuit of victories.", "\n\n“One thing that I am very proud of with our teams – the ones we’ve been racing with for a while now, with Wayne Taylor racing and Action Express Racing, and then with our new teams JDC-Miller Motorsports and Juncos Racing – is they do not look behind,” she said. “", "They always look ahead. ", "So despite winning championships, winning races, all of the good stuff that comes with it, they’re always focused on the next thing. ", "And sometimes, it’s almost like, ‘Hey, guys. ", "You can take five minutes and get excited about the fact that you just won a championship. ", "It’s okay. ", "You can have a moment!’", "\n\n“But then they’re immediately thinking about the next hurdle that they have to get over. ", "And I think that’s a huge point of why they’re so successful, because they don’t think, “We’ve proven that we’re the best.’ ", "They know that every race is a new opportunity for new challenges. ", "And the more that you plan and prepare and the more that you practice, the better off you’re going to be in managing anything that gets thrown at you.”", "\n\nAXR and WTR are well-drilled members of the Cadillac family, but that’s not the case with JDC and Juncos, who make their racing debuts this weekend with the General Motors brand in IMSA. ", "Helping the new members of the Cadillac Racing reach a similar state of competitiveness alongside its championship-winning teams is among Klauser’s key priorities as the new season gets under way.", "\n\n“We have a different relationship with all of our teams, and why we do that is we create an alliance with them that plays off of their strength, and then allows us to adapt with how we work with them to make sure that we’re getting the best benefit out of them and they’re getting benefit out of us, especially when it comes to the PR and marketing side,” she said.", "\n\n“And when it comes to engineering resources, we are very equal with what we provide to all of our teams. ", "And how we look at it for each team is different, they have their own personalities. ", "But the hardware that they purchase from Dallara, the engine that they lease from ECR, you’re getting the same thing. ", "And then the support that Cadillac gives from an engineering perspective is the same, such that any of them have the same opportunity to succeed. ", "And it really will come down to how each team manages themselves and how they respond to situations on the track.”", "\n\nAmong the four DPi manufacturers, Cadillac has been nearly unstoppable, and that might change in 2019 if the new speed shown by Mazda, the knowledge gained by Acura after its first year in the category, and the talented team at CORE that took over the Nissan project continue trending downward on the stopwatch.", "\n\nYes, the six Cadillac DPi-V.Rs comprise more than half of the DPi class, but Klauser isn’t letting the numerical advantage mask the intense competition that awaits the WeatherTech Championship.", "\n\n“Well, I would say that you’re going to see me hiding my hands because I don’t think I have any fingernails left,” she said with a laugh. “", "And we greatly admire the competition that we have out on the field. ", "I’m thrilled they’re there. ", "I would love to see another manufacturer or two jump in and hang out with us, because obviously we race to give the marketing side of it, to let people know we have these great cars. ", "But we want to be out there with great competitors so that when you do take a win it is an achievement, right? ", "You’re excited about the fact that you went out there with the best and you defeated them.", "\n\n“And I think that’s what’s happening now. ", "I’m really excited for the involvement that you get with Acura and Mazda by far, and we’re bringing Nissan up to speed. ", "Because when the manufacturers are all involved and it’s on the top of their list, that’s when the class just gets better and better.”", "\n\nMazda and Acura swept the first two rows in qualifying as the best Cadillac placed fifth. ", "Calling back to their like-minded approach, look for Klauser, AXR, WTR, JDC, and Juncos to revel in the opportunity they have to start the season with a Rolex 24 At Daytona win.", "\n\n“I fully expect the Rolex to be a fight all the way to the finish,” she said. “", "I don’t think anyone has anything in the bag here. ", "I think it’s going to be an exciting event. ", "You saw it in Petit Le Mans last year with how incredible 10 hours were. ", "There was something to watch the entire 10 hours. ", "And I really hope we’re going to see that at the Rolex as well. ", "And we don’t think we have anything easy here. ", "It’s going to be a fight, and we’re ready. ", "We brought our boxing gloves.”" ]
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[ " FILED\n NOT FOR PUBLICATION MAR 03 2016\n\n MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS U.S. COURT OF APPEALS\n\n\n\n FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT\n\n\nJASON BARNARD, No. ", "14-55772\n\n Plaintiff - Appellant, D.C. No. ", "5:14-cv-00737-GW-JC\n\n v.\n MEMORANDUM*\nU.S. GOVERNMENT,\n\n Defendant - Appellee.", "\n\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Central District of California\n George H. Wu, District Judge, Presiding\n\n Submitted February 24, 2016**\n\nBefore: LEAVY, FERNANDEZ, and RAWLINSON, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n Jason Barnard appeals pro se from the district court’s judgment dismissing\n\nhis 42 U.S.C. § 1983 action alleging a Fourteenth Amendment claim. ", "We have\n\njurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. ", "We review de novo a sua sponte dismissal for\n\nfailure to state a claim. ", "Barrett v. Belleque, 544 F.3d 1060, 1061 (9th Cir. ", "2008).", "\n\n *\n This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent\nexcept as provided by 9th Cir. ", "R. 36-3.", "\n **\n The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision\nwithout oral argument. ", "See Fed. ", "R. App. ", "P. 34(a)(2).", "\n\fWe affirm.", "\n\n The district court properly dismissed Barnard’s action as frivolous because\n\nBarnard’s claims lacked any arguable basis in law or fact. ", "See Neitzke v. Williams,\n\n490 U.S. 319, 325 (1989) (a “frivolous” claim lacks an arguable basis either in law\n\nor in fact; the “term ‘frivolous’ . . . ", "embraces not only the inarguable legal\n\nconclusion, but also the fanciful factual allegation”); see also Sparling v. Hoffman\n\nConstr. ", "Co., 864 F.2d 635, 638 (9th Cir. ", "1988) (court may sua sponte dismiss for\n\nfailure to state a claim without notice or an opportunity to respond where plaintiff\n\ncannot possibly win relief). ", "Moreover, Barnard failed to show that the United\n\nStates has waived its sovereign immunity from suit. ", "See United States v. Mitchell,\n\n463 U.S. 206, 212 (1983) (“It is axiomatic that the United States may not be sued\n\nwithout its consent and that the existence of consent is a prerequisite for\n\njurisdiction.”); ", "Jachetta v. United States, 653 F.3d 898, 904 (9th Cir. ", "2011) (§ 1983\n\ndoes not waive sovereign immunity).", "\n\n AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2 14-55772\n\f" ]
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[ "Share via e-mail\n\nKANSAS CITY, Mo. — Calls for Bishop Robert Finn’s resignation intensified a day after he became the highest-ranking US church official to be convicted of a crime related to the child sexual abuse scandal.", "\n\nSoon after a Missouri judge found Finn guilty Thursday of one misdemeanor count of failing to report suspected child sexual abuse to the state, unhappy Roman Catholics began discussing ways to get the bishop out of office on a Facebook page titled ‘‘Bishop Finn Must Go.’’ ", "He leads the Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph.", "\n\nAmong the posts was one that listed contact information for the Vatican and urged parishioners to voice their displeasure with Finn at the highest levels. ", "Pope Benedict XVI alone has authority over bishops. ", "Through the decades-long abuse scandal, only one US bishop has stepped down over failures to stop abusive clergy: Cardinal Bernard F. Law, who in 2002 resigned as head of the Archdiocese of Boston.", "\n\nJackson County Judge John M. Torrence sentenced Finn to two years of supervised probation. ", "If the bishop abides by a set of stipulations, the conviction will be wiped from his record in 2014.", "\n\n‘‘Now that our justice system says he’s guilty, he has lost his ability to lead our diocese,’’ Kansas City Catholic Patricia Rotert said Friday. ‘‘", "He’s lost his credibility. ", "There is turmoil and angst around him and I don’t think he can bring people together.’’", "\n\nFinn’s lawyers would not comment on his future.", "\n\nHowever, diocese spokesman Jack Smith indicated that Finn is not going anywhere.", "\n\n‘‘The bishop looks forward to continuing to perform his duties, including carrying out the important obligations placed on him by the court,’’ Smith said Friday.", "\n\nFinn’s conviction comes four years after the church paid $10 million to settle 47 pending sexual abuse claims against the diocese and 12 of its priests. ", "When announcing that deal in 2008, Finn apologized for the abuse and promised that steps were being taken to make sure such abuse never happened again.", "\n\nThe diocese posted an update about the 2008 settlement on its website in June 2011 stating that Finn had written 118 letters of apology to plaintiffs or their families. ", "That same month, Finn apologized for not responding to warnings the diocese received a year earlier from a parish principal detailing suspicious behavior by the Rev. Shawn Ratigan around children.", "\n\nInstead of reading the memo and looking into the claims, Finn left it up to subordinates to handle the matter. ", "He later admitted it was a year before he finally read a five-page document that a parish elementary school principal wrote detailing the suspicious activities by Ratigan.", "\n\nFinn also was informed of nude photos of children found on Ratigan’s laptop in December 2010, but instead of turning them over to police, Finn sent Ratigan to live at a convent in Independence, Mo.\n\nMonsignor Robert Murphy turned the photos over to police in May 2011 — against Finn’s wishes, according to court documents — after Ratigan violated Finn’s orders to stay away from children and not take pictures of them.", "\n\nRatigan pleaded guilty last month to five child pornography counts, but has not been sentenced. ", "Prosecutors have requested he spend the rest of his life in prison.", "\n\nFinn apologized again Thursday in courtfor the pain his failure to report Ratigan caused.", "\n\nThe bishop has avoided being charged in Missouri’s Clay County, where Ratigan lived, after reaching a settlement in November 2011. ", "For five years, Finn must report to the Clay County prosecutor each month about any suspected child abuse in the diocese’s facilities.", "\n\n‘‘I said for years that we wouldn’t be in the mess we were in today if about 30 bishops had said ‘I made a mistake, I’m sorry, I take full responsibility, and I resign,’ ’’ said the Rev. Thomas J. Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. “", "We’re at a state in the life of the church when a bishop is convicted of a misdemeanor, found guilty of not doing what he was supposed to do, I think he should resign.”", "\n\nSupport for Finn’s resignation is far from unanimous. ", "Some sagree he made a mistake, but not one that should force him out, especially with more stringent safeguards in place to protect children.", "\n\n‘‘There’s always been fights in the church, and there will continue to be fights,’’ said ­parishioner Bruce Burkhart, a member of the Serra Club, which supports priests.", "\n\n‘‘I think people may walk away, but that’s their business,’’ he said. ‘‘", "If they think their children are any more safe in public schools, or in another church setting where people are working with youth, the data indicate they’re not. ", "The Catholic Church in America is probably now today the safest place for children.’’" ]
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[ "Công ty TNHH THẾ GIỚI BỂ BƠI\n\nĐịa Chỉ : 1/8 Bình Quới, Cư xá Thanh Đa, Bình Thạnh, Hồ Chí Minh\n\nĐiện thoại : 0886.663.222 - 0912.11.56.89\n\nEmail: Quyphan263@gmail.com\n\nWebsite : http://beboidep.com\n\nThời gian làm việc 7h - 17h tất cả các ngày trong tuần.", "\n\nGiao hàng toàn quốc .", "\n\nCảm ơn quý khách đã lựa chọn sản phẩm chất lượng của chúng tôi.", "\n\nCopyright © 2015 by DOMAIN. ", "All Rights Reserved Thiết kế bởi: Dịch vụ thiết kế web thiết kế website chuẩn seo" ]
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[ "How is that a refutation of what I said? ", "He was already running away before he'd even taken any punishment from Brown. ", "It was his cardio that did him in at that point. ", "He was dominating the round up until Brown got back to his feet.", "\n\nThat's not actually true, Brown had landed some kicks to the head and body before he was even hurt and the fight went to the ground. ", "And almost immediately upon getting back to his feet he landed a big elbow that might've very well hurt Silva. ", "Brown pretty much bullied Erick from the start, it was just interrupted for a bit after he was hurt with that kick. ", "Brown still shut down all his submission attempts though and got back to bullying him as soon as he was able to get back to his feet.", "\n\nThat's not actually true, Brown had landed some kicks to the head and body before he was even hurt and the fight went to the ground. ", "And almost immediately upon getting back to his feet he landed a big elbow that might've very well hurt Silva. ", "Brown pretty much bullied Erick from the start, it was just interrupted for a bit after he was hurt with that kick. ", "Brown still shut down all his submission attempts though and got back to bullying him as soon as he was able to get back to his feet." ]
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[ "Bacterial Skin Infections in Adolescents.", "\nThis article reviews the salient features of diagnosis and treatment of the more common bacterial infections in adolescents, including impetigo contagiosa, bullous impetigo, cellulitis and erysipelas, folliculitis, furunculosis and carbunculosis, blistering distal dactylitis, toxic shock syndrome, and dog and cat bites." ]
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[ "In many industries, the forming of thermoplastic annular articles is important. ", "One case, is the fabrication of solid elastomer baby carriage tires. ", "The nature of the market is such that the tires must be made very inexpensively, yet a pleasing appearance is quite important. ", "Injection molding of the tires is an expensive operation which severely limits the cross-sectional shape of the product. ", "An important shape embellishment is the provision of circumferential grooves in the outside surface or tread of the tire. ", "These grooves are not only desirable for appearance, but also result in a smooth rolling tire. ", "They are, however, quite difficult to form using molding techniques. ", "It is felt that a method which should give good results would be the combination of extruding material in a non-circular cross-section, cutting off suitable lengths, and uniting the ends to form a ring. ", "The equipment which has been provided in the past for performing such tasks have been plagued with problems. ", "Uniting the two ends of a workpiece of non-circular cross-section without providing for maintenance of good registration, i.e., shape-to-shape conformance has resulted in an unsightly and out-of-round \"score.\" ", "Furthermore, the old methods of melting the workpiece ends to make a bond has resulted in deformation and the formation of \"flash.\" ", "Another factor in ring formation is that the forming operation is best carried out where the workpiece is fresh from the extruder. ", "Synchronizing a discrete operation like this method of wheel formation with a continuous operation like extrusion must be accomplished for an efficiently operating machine.", "\nThese and other difficulties experienced with the prior art apparatus have been obviated in a novel manner by the present invention.", "\nIt is, therefore, an outstanding object of the invention to provide a machine for uniting the two ends of an elongated piece of thermoplastic material to form a ring or annulus.", "\nAnother object of this invention is the provision of a machine adapted to transform a continuously-extruded material into annular rings.", "\nA further object of the present invention is the provision of a machine for forming rings from linear material by uniting the ends so that accurate registration of non-circular cross-sections is achieved.", "\nIt is another object of the instant invention to provide a machine for connecting pieces of thermoplastic material without forming flash.", "\nA still further object of the invention is the provision of a machine for forming rings in which the finished ring can be simply allowed to fall from the work area without interference with portions of the machine.", "\nIt is a further object of the invention to provide a machine for forming rings which is of such simplicity that its initial and maintenance cost are low.", "\nWith these and other objects in view, as will be apparent to those skilled in the art, the invention resides in the combination of parts set forth in the specification and covered by the claims appended hereto." ]
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[ "Trailers are a huge part of the fabric of movies. ", "They play before every film shown in theaters, and on every movie website around the world. ", "They’re commercials, obviously, but they’re also more than that; miniature works of art that utilize the core elements of cinema—image, sound, music, action, editing—at their most pure and refined. ", "And today at ScreenCrush we’re celebrating movie trailers by saluting the best sneak previews of 2014.", "\n\nThere was a time that I lived for it Black Friday shopping. ", "I’d take a late evening nap on Thanksgiving so I could get up at 11pm to be at the outlets at 12am to scoop up the best deals. ", "And in my years of Black Friday shopping, I learned some tricks that might help you if you’re thinking of putting together a game plan and hitting the stores running this Black Friday.", "\n\nThanksgiving can definitely be tricky when you're dating someone, and have to decide where to spend the holiday. ", "Spend the holiday with their family and your family will be upset. ", "Celebrate with your family and their family will be upset. ", "It can feel like a no-win situation\n\nThe world was so different when I was a kid in the 80's. ", "I mean SO different. ", "Here are a couple things that will take you on a trip back to your childhood that were totally normal in the 80's, but are inconceivable when it comes to kids today\n\nWelcome back to 98.1 The Hawk\n\nIt appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . ", "To keep your points and personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. ", "To activate your account, please confirm your password. ", "When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites.", "\n\n*Please note that your points, prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network.", "\n\nWelcome back to 98.1 The Hawk\n\nIt appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . ", "To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. ", "You will maintain your existing VIP profile. ", "After you do this, you will be able to always log in to http://981thehawk.com using your original account information." ]
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[ "Wikimedia adds Google Translate to its Wikipedia translation tool\n\nWikimedia promises that no personal data will be shared with Google\n\nThe Wikimedia Foundation has announced that it has added Google Translate to its translation tool, which will let human editors add non-English content to Wikipedia pages.", "\n\nAccording to Wikimedia, this has been an issue that volunteer editors had previously noted.", "\n\nThe foundation notes that Google Translate is “one of the most advanced machine translation systems available today.”", "\n\nAccording to VentureBeat, this is part of an earlier partnership where Google promised that it would help Wikipedia make its English posts more accessible to Indonesian readers. ", "Additionally, the Mountain View search giant has previously donated to Wikimedia.", "\n\n“No personal data will be shared with Google or Wikimedia as part of Google Translate’s integration into the content translation tool,” according to a January 9th, 2019 Wikimedia press release.", "\n\nWikimedia added that all of the translations it generates will be published under a free license and then integrated back to Wikipedia.", "\n\nThe Wikipedia translation tool will now support 15 more languages, with 121 languages in total. ", "Wikimedia says that its translation tool has already translated nearly 400,000 articles on Wikipedia." ]
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[ "package com.raincat.unblockmusicpro;\n\nimport de.robv.android.xposed.", "XSharedPreferences;\n\n/**\n * <pre>\n * author : RainCat\n * e-mail : nining377@gmail.com\n * time : 2019/09/08\n * desc : 说明\n * version: 1.0\n * </pre>\n */\n\nclass Setting {\n private static XSharedPreferences preferences;\n\n private static XSharedPreferences getModuleSharedPreferences() {\n if (preferences == null) {\n preferences = new XSharedPreferences(BuildConfig.", "APPLICATION_ID, \"share\");\n preferences.makeWorldReadable();\n } else\n preferences.reload();\n return preferences;\n }\n\n static String getNodejs() {\n return getModuleSharedPreferences().getString(\"nodejs\", Tools.", "Start + Tools.origin[0]);\n }\n\n static String getOriginString() {\n return getModuleSharedPreferences().getString(\"originString\", \"酷我\");\n }\n\n static boolean getEnable() {\n return getModuleSharedPreferences().getBoolean(\"enable\", true);\n }\n\n static boolean getLog() {\n return getModuleSharedPreferences().getBoolean(\"log\", false);\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "// Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n//\n#include <tuple>\n#include <string>\n#include <vector>\n#include <memory>\n#include <debug.h>\n#include \"common_test_utils/common_utils.hpp\"\n#include \"functional_test_utils/precision_utils.hpp\"\n#include \"functional_test_utils/skip_tests_config.hpp\"\n#include \"subgraph_tests/multioutput_eltwise_squeeze_eltwise.hpp\"\n\nnamespace LayerTestsDefinitions {\n std::string MultioutputEltwiseReshapeEltwise::getTestCaseName(const testing::TestParamInfo<MultioutputEltwiseReshapeEltwiseTuple> &obj) {\n std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> input;\n InferenceEngine::Precision netPrecision;\n std::string targetName;\n std::map<std::string, std::string> additional_config;\n std::tie(input, netPrecision, targetName, additional_config) = obj.param;\n std::ostringstream results;\n\n results << \"IS=\" << CommonTestUtils::vec2str(input[0]) << \"_\";\n results << \"netPRC=\" << netPrecision.name() << \"_\";\n results << \"targetDevice=\" << targetName << \"_\";\n return results.str();\n }\n\n void MultioutputEltwiseReshapeEltwise::SetUp() {\n std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> inputs;\n InferenceEngine::Precision netPrecision;\n std::map<std::string, std::string> additional_config;\n std::tie(inputs, netPrecision, targetDevice, additional_config) = this->GetParam();\n configuration.insert(additional_config.begin(), additional_config.end());\n auto ngPrc = FuncTestUtils::PrecisionUtils::convertIE2nGraphPrc(netPrecision);\n auto input = ngraph::builder::makeParams(ngPrc, {inputs});\n\n auto eltwise_const = ngraph::builder::makeConstant(ngPrc,\n ngraph::Shape{input[0]->get_shape()},\n std::vector<float>{-1.0f});\n auto eltwise = std::make_shared<ngraph::opset1::Multiply>(input[0], eltwise_const);\n auto squeeze = ngraph::builder::makeSqueezeUnsqueeze(eltwise, ngPrc, {0}, ngraph::helpers::SqueezeOpType::UNSQUEEZE);\n auto unsqueeze = ngraph::builder::makeSqueezeUnsqueeze(squeeze, ngPrc, {0}, ngraph::helpers::SqueezeOpType::SQUEEZE);\n auto eltwise_const2 = ngraph::builder::makeConstant(ngPrc, ngraph::Shape{1}, std::vector<float>{1.01f});\n auto eltwise_const3 = ngraph::builder::makeConstant(ngPrc, ngraph::Shape{1}, std::vector<float>{1.01f});\n auto eltwise2 = std::make_shared<ngraph::opset1::Multiply>(eltwise, eltwise_const2);\n auto eltwise3 = std::make_shared<ngraph::opset1::Multiply>(unsqueeze, eltwise_const3);\n ngraph::ResultVector results{std::make_shared<ngraph::opset1::Result>(eltwise2),\n std::make_shared<ngraph::opset1::Result>(eltwise3)};\n function = std::make_shared<ngraph::Function>(results, input, \"eltwise_reshape_eltwise_multioutput\");\n }\n\n TEST_P(MultioutputEltwiseReshapeEltwise, CompareWithRefs){\n Run();\n };\n} // namespace LayerTestsDefinitions\n" ]
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[ "Moonlight Lady (anime)\n\nis the American release title for No Surface Moon The Animation; a 2001 Japanese OVA anime series adapted from the 2000 Japanese visual novel eroge of the same name. ", "It was created by Orbit Co., Ltd., animated by IMAGIN, and produced by Pink Pineapple, and later licensed by Media Blasters, English dubbed by Wave Form Solutions (ep. ", "1-4), Sunlight Audio (ep. ", "5), and distributed by Kitty Media.", "\n\nSynopsis\nSuzuna Kuraki is a beautiful young woman apprenticing to become a priestess of her wealthy, matrilineal family's Shinto faith. ", "As part of her initiation, she must not only practice consecration, but also enter an arranged marriage by her grandmother and subsequently participate in the decadal Tsukimachi ceremony, an esoteric ritual held to welcome a new female minister. ", "However, things starts to get complicated when her fiance, Koichi Hayama, is brought to her estate and a mysterious paranormal energy begins making her act somewhat strangely.", "\n\nCharacters\n\nPrimary characters\n\n (ep. ", "1-4), Janet Moltow (ep. ", "5)\nA typical high school student, Suzuna Kuraki is the protagonist of the series. ", "She is a delicate, beautiful young woman, training to become a priestess of her Shinto ancestry so that she may properly consecrate her family shrine; a job traditionally bestowed upon the women of her lineage. ", "Outside of her religious services, Suzuna generally behaves in a very aristocratic, conceited and fastidious manner, even though she is in fact the most apprehensive and solicitous person in the house. ", "Suzuna is the obligatory fiancée of Koichi Hayama by arranged marriage, sister of Mizuna and daughter of Yuriko.", "\n\n (ep. ", "1-4), Rob Weir (ep. ", "5)\nKoichi Hayama is the fiancé of Suzuna Kuraki. ", "He was subconsciously chosen as her fiance and subsequently brought to the estate to live while the Tsukimachi ceremony approaches. ", "A tall and handsome university student, Koichi tends to clash with Suzuna, but this can be regarded as evidence of a tsundere love affair. ", "By the effects of an unexplained illness, he is unable to recollect any of his past, including his childhood or parents. ", "He also could not recognize the faces of women before coming to the Kuraki estate. ", "Koichi is a frequent smoker and has a elongated scar across his chest.", "\n\nSecondary characters\n\n (ep. ", "1-4), Lara Linndy (ep. ", "5)\nEmployed maidservant and childhood friend of Suzuna Kuraki. ", "Despite her noticeably sizable bust, Tomomi is a very slow, gentle, soft-spoken girl who often meticulously strives to please those being served; particularly Suzuna, who is her foil. ", "She is the only bespectacled member of the household and the most bisexually promiscuous. ", "Tomomi is a niece to Gohei Harukawa and granddaughter to Ippei.", "\n\n (ep. ", "1-4), Sharon Simpson (ep. ", "5), Brenda Lewis (as Ruri Yamato)\nThe second maidservant of the household, Sayaka Kurihara is roughly the opposite of Tomomi in that she is upbeat, playful, talkative, and at times childish. ", "Although she is unable to ever clearly remember, Sayaka did in fact used to be a renowned promotional model and actress by the name of Ruri Yamato; acquired when she was found wandering the estate grounds by Gohei Harukawa.", "\n\nFriendly yet inept, Io Azuma is a distant cousin of Suzuna and is good friends with Tomomi. ", "He was originally chosen to be a suitor for Suzuna, but much to her disappointment, he became somewhat effeminate instead of the charming gentleman she was expecting. ", "A devout otaku, Io frequently spends most of his leisure in the house library reading manga; playfully extending his obsession to Suzuna who, much to her chagrin, he tends to address with the Japanese honorific title Chan. ", "He and Koichi have no sexual contact in the anime, unlike in the original game.", "\n\n (ep. ", "1-4), Molly Walters (ep. ", "5)\nYuriko Kuraki is the biological mother of both Suzuna and Mizuna, widow of her late husband Zenzirō and matriarch of the house. ", "A mysterious and voluptuous woman, Yuriko is by far the most influential figure over the household and the paranormal force that manifests within it; exhibiting this position with formality in both her voice and clothes.", "\n\nVoiced by: Michael Johnston (English, ep. ", "1-4), Brian Drewberry (ep. ", "5)\nOminous and inscrutable, Gohei Harukawa is the great-uncle of Tomomi, older brother of Ippei and estate landscaper; even though he is rarely ever seen doing garden work. ", "While he does not have supernatural powers of his own, Gohei frequently assists Yuriko with her endeavors; such as triggering events in preparation for the Tsukimachi ceremony.", "\n\nFirst daughter of Yuriko and monozygotic twin sister of Suzuna. ", "Unlike her younger sister, Mizuna is very taciturn, yet cheerfully playful; living silently and peacefully in the water caverns beneath the mansion. ", "She was once the shrine maiden for the Kuraki family, but when Suzuna was born she was cast away.", "\n\nVoiced by: Jessica Gee (English)\nChikako Sawaguchi is a professor of psychology who visits the estate in response to sensing paranormal activity. ", "Besides that, not much else is known about her except that she is a past teacher of Koichi.", "\n\nOlder brother of Gohei, grandfather of Tomomi and family physician. ", "Has no significant role in the series.", "\n\nEpisodes\n\nMusic\n Closing theme: \"Cruel Moon\" by Arca, 2001 (Epi. ", "1 - 5)\n\nCredits\n\nJapanese staff\nOriginal Story 顔のない月 No Surface Moon\n\nPlanning Piston Horaguchi\nAssistant Planning Endo Kei\n\nProducer Oruga Susumu\n\nOriginal Plan and Supervisor Carnelian\nComposition and Script Arakawa Masanobu\n\nAnimation Studio Imagin Co.,Ltd\nCharacter Design and Chief Animator Ishihara Megumi\nAssistant Animator Hattori Noritomo\nDirector and Storyboards Sato Toshiharu\n\nProduction Pink Pineapple\n\nMusic Hiroshi Igarashi\n\nAmerican staff\nProducer Gary Sierra\n\nProduction Supervisor Jharmoni Nagasaki\nProduction Assistant Roller Girl\n\nEditor Scottie Mack\n\nTranslation J. Yoshizawa\n\nDesign Temper-Tantric\n\nSequels\n\nSpin-offs\n\nOn April 3, 2007 Studio Deen released ; an animated adaption of the 2007 Japanese visual novel eroge and manga of the same name. ", "All three versions are the same spin-off of 顔のない月 (Kao no nai tsuki). ", "The animation aired from April 3, 2007 to September 24, 2007 on BS Asahi, SUN TV, and Tokyo MX TV. ", "The series was directed by Yūji Yamaguchi.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nOfficial sites\n Moonlight Lady (Japanese)\n 顔のない月 No Surface Moon (Japanese)\n\nInformative sites\n \n \n\nCategory:2001 anime OVAs\nCategory:Hentai anime and manga\nCategory:Eroge\nCategory:Japan-exclusive video games\nCategory:Visual novels\nCategory:Kitty Media\nCategory:Pink Pineapple\nCategory:Video games developed in Japan\nCategory:Video games featuring female protagonists\nCategory:Windows games\nCategory:Windows-only games\nCategory:Anime film and television articles using incorrect naming style" ]
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[ "Symmetrical effects of amphetamine and alpha-flupenthixol on conditioned punishment and conditioned reinforcement: contrasts with midazolam.", "\nIn a test of conditioned punishment, saline-treated controls showed a moderate bias in responding away from a lever producing a response-contingent auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) that had been paired with mild footshock during training and towards a lever producing a neutral auditory CS. ", "Systemic treatment with the indirect dopamine (DA) agonist amphetamine (0.25-1.0 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent increase in the punishing effect of the aversive CS, whilst responding on the neutral CS lever was unchanged. ", "Treatment with the dopamine-receptor antagonist alpha-flupenthixol (0.125, 0.25 mg/kg) decreased the efficacy of the punishing CS, but again left responding on the neutral lever unchanged. ", "The benzodiazepine midazolam (0.1, 0.3 mg/kg) had a similar effect to alpha-flupenthixol, but treated animals showed a preference for the aversive CS. ", "Parallel results were observed with amphetamine (0.25 mg/kg) and alpha-flupenthixol (0.125, 0.25 mg/kg) in a matched test of positive conditioned reinforcement, with amphetamine enhancing, and alpha-flupenthixol reducing, the efficacy of the CS paired with food. ", "Midazolam treatment (0.1-1.0 mg/kg) had no effect on the reinforcing impact of an appetitive CS. ", "Thus dopaminergic agents modulate the behavioural impact of both appetitively and aversively motivated conditioned stimuli on instrumental performance, whilst the benzodiazepine midazolam has a selective impact on aversively-motivated stimuli that is qualitatively distinct from that of the dopaminergic antagonist alpha-flupenthixol." ]
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[ " Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t363\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n CONCLUSION\n Because no error was assigned to TERC’s determination\nthat Krings’ land was nonagricultural and nonhorticultural, we\naffirm that portion of TERC’s order in which it so concluded.", "\nThere is also no challenge to the correctness of the determina-\ntion that a small portion of the property was agricultural and\nhorticultural and that it was subject to equalization with other\nagricultural and horticultural land in the county, and we enter\nno order affecting this decision. ", "We conclude that TERC erred\nwhen it equalized the value of Krings’ nonagricultural, nonhor-\nticultural land with the value of agricultural and horticultural\nland in the county. ", "TERC’s decision to equalize in this fashion\ndid not conform to the law. ", "We therefore reverse those portions\nof the order in which TERC reversed the Board’s valuation\nregarding Krings’ nonagricultural, nonhorticultural property\nand performed such equalization. ", "We remand the cause to\nTERC with directions to enter an order ruling on the Board’s\ndeterminations, consistent with this opinion.", "\n\tAffirmed in part, and in part reversed\n\t and remanded with directions.", "\n Connolly and Miller-Lerman, JJ., ", "participating on briefs.", "\n\n\n\n State of Nebraska, appellee, v.\n Matthew L. Pangborn, appellant.", "\n ___ N.W.2d ___\n\n Filed July 26, 2013. ", " No. ", "S-12-941.", "\n\n 1.", "\t Trial: Evidence: Appeal and Error. ", "The admission of demonstrative evidence\n is within the discretion of the trial court, and a judgment will not be reversed on\n account of the admission or rejection of such evidence unless there has been a\n clear abuse of discretion.", "\n 2.", "\t Trial: Juries: Evidence. ", "Demonstrative exhibits are defined by the purpose for\n which they are offered at trial—to aid or assist the jury in understanding the evi-\n dence or issues in a case.", "\n 3.", "\t Trial: Evidence. ", "Exhibits admitted only for demonstrative purposes do not con-\n stitute substantive evidence.", "\n 4.", "\t Rules of Evidence. ", "Where a Nebraska Evidence Rule is substantially similar to\n a corresponding federal rule of evidence, Nebraska courts will look to federal\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n364\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n decisions interpreting the corresponding federal rule for guidance in construing\n the Nebraska rule.", "\n 5.", "\t Trial: Judges. ", "In Nebraska, a trial judge has broad discretion over the conduct of\n a trial.", "\n 6.", "\t Rules of Evidence: Appeal and Error. ", "When the Nebraska Evidence Rules\n commit the evidentiary question at issue to the discretion of the trial court, an\n appellate court reviews the admissibility of evidence for an abuse of discretion.", "\n 7.", "\t Trial: Judges: Juries: Evidence. ", "A trial judge may exercise his or her broad\n judicial discretion to allow or disallow the use of demonstrative exhibits during\n jury deliberations.", "\n  8.", "\t ____: ____: ____: ____. ", "It is an abuse of discretion for a trial judge to send a\n demonstrative exhibit to the jury for use in deliberations without first weighing\n the potential prejudice in allowing such use against the usefulness of the exhibit\n and employing adequate safeguards to prevent prejudice.", "\n 9.", "\t Criminal Law: Appeal and Error. ", "Errors, other than structural errors, which\n occur within the trial and sentencing process, are subject to harmless error review.", "\n10.", "\t Criminal Law: Trial: Juries: Appeal and Error. ", "In a jury trial of a criminal\n case, harmless error exists when there is some incorrect conduct by the trial court\n which, on review of the entire record, did not materially influence the jury in\n reaching a verdict adverse to a substantial right of the defendant.", "\n11.", "\t Criminal Law: Juries: Evidence: Appeal and Error. ", "In a jury trial of a crimi-\n nal case, an erroneous evidentiary ruling results in prejudice to a defendant unless\n the State demonstrates that the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.", "\n12.", "\t Verdicts: Juries: Appeal and Error. ", "Harmless error review looks to the basis\n on which the trier of fact actually rested its verdict; the inquiry is not whether\n in a trial that occurred without the error a guilty verdict would surely have been\n rendered, but, rather, whether the actual guilty verdict rendered in the questioned\n trial was surely unattributable to the error.", "\n13.", "\t Constitutional Law: Criminal Law: Double Jeopardy: Evidence: New Trial:\n Appeal and Error. ", "The Double Jeopardy Clauses of the federal and state\n Constitutions do not forbid a retrial after an appellate determination of prejudicial\n error in a criminal trial so long as the sum of all the evidence admitted by the\n trial court, whether erroneously or not, would have been sufficient to sustain a\n guilty verdict.", "\n14.", "\t Appeal and Error. ", "An appellate court is not obligated to engage in an analysis\n that is not necessary to adjudicate the case and controversy before it.", "\n15.", "\t ____. ", "An appellate court may, at its discretion, discuss issues unnecessary to\n the disposition of an appeal where those issues are likely to recur during fur-\n ther proceedings.", "\n\n Appeal from the District Court for Gage County: Paul W.\nKorslund, Judge. ", "Reversed and remanded for a new trial.", "\n Brett McArthur for appellant.", "\n Jon Bruning, Attorney General, and George R. Love for\nappellee.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t365\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n Heavican, C.J., Wright, Stephan, McCormack, and\nCassel, JJ.", "\n Cassel, J.\n I. INTRODUCTION\n Matthew L. Pangborn appeals from his convictions and sen-\ntences on nine counts involving actual or attempted violence or\nphysical abuse upon “persons with intellectual disabilities who\nrequire[d] residential care.", "”1 The main question presented is\nwhether the district court abused its discretion in allowing the\njury to use in its deliberations the State’s “road map”—a chart\nadmitted for demonstrative purposes only. ", "Because the district\ncourt allowed the use of this demonstrative exhibit in jury\ndeliberations without providing adequate limiting instructions\nor employing any other safeguards against prejudice, we find\nthat the court abused its discretion. ", "We reverse, and remand for\na new trial.", "\n II. ", "BACKGROUND\n In October 2011, a complaint was filed in county court\ncharging Pangborn with six counts of abuse of a vulnerable\nadult and five counts of strangulation. ", "All counts arose from\nPangborn’s employment at the Beatrice State Developmental\nCenter (BSDC) in Beatrice, Nebraska, and involved three adult\nresidents at that facility. ", "The parties stipulated that all three\nalleged victims were vulnerable adults as defined by statute.", "\nAfter a hearing in county court, Pangborn was bound over\nto the district court for arraignment. ", "He entered pleas of “not\nguilty” to all 11 counts. ", "One count of strangulation was later\ndismissed with prejudice at the State’s request.", "\n A jury trial on the remaining 10 counts was held over\nseveral days in July 2012. ", "During the trial, eight witnesses\ntestified and numerous exhibits were admitted into evidence.", "\nIn particular, exhibit 36 was central to presentation of the\nState’s case. ", "Having prepared the exhibit as a “road map”\nof its case, the State repeatedly relied upon exhibit 36 when\ndelivering opening and closing statements and when examining\n\n 1\t\n See 2013 Neb. Laws, L.B. 23, § 50 (prior version codified at Neb. Rev.\n Stat. § ", "83-217 (Reissue 2008)).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n366\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nand cross-examining witnesses. ", "Exhibit 36 was admitted for\ndemonstrative purposes only, but later was submitted to the\njury for use during deliberations, over Pangborn’s objection.", "\nTwo other exhibits are relevant for purposes of appeal. ", "Exhibits\n37 and 38 consisted of timesheets from BSDC and were admit-\nted under the business records exception to the hearsay rule,\nwhich admission Pangborn assigns as error.", "\n Before we more thoroughly describe the circumstances sur-\nrounding the use of exhibit 36—circumstances which are\ncritical to our analysis—we provide a detailed description of\nthe exhibit. ", "Exhibit 36 was a one-page chart that the State\ndescribed as providing a “road map” that it would use “dur-\ning the course of the trial for clarification purposes only.”", "\nIt consisted of five columns labeled “COUNT,” “VICTIM,”\n“WITNESS,” “LOCATION,” and “INJURY.” ", "Each of the 11\noriginal charges was listed in the column labeled “COUNT.”", "\nFor each count, the remaining columns identified the BSDC\nresident who was the alleged victim, the individual who sup-\nposedly witnessed Pangborn’s abuse upon the victim (all of\nwhom testified at trial to what they saw), the exact loca-\ntion where the alleged abuse was witnessed, and the precise\nnature of the violence allegedly inflicted upon the victim by\nPangborn. ", "These injuries were identified in the fifth column\nof the chart as “[s]truck on top of head,” “[s]truck on ear,”\n“[e]lbowed in chest,” “[c]hoked unconscious,” or “[c]hoked.”", "\nEssentially, the exhibit was a concise summary of the evidence\nthe State planned to present against Pangborn on each count—\nhence, a “road map.”", "\n The morning of trial, the parties discussed the proposed\nexhibit 36 with the district court in the absence of the jury.", "\nPangborn had no objection to the use of exhibit 36 for demon-\nstrative purposes, but moved that the jury not be allowed to use\nthe exhibit during deliberations. ", "At that time, the court received\nexhibit 36 for demonstrative purposes, but held that the exhibit\ncould not be used during deliberations. ", "The court did not com-\nmunicate this ruling to the jury in any way but merely asked\nthe State to “offer” exhibit 36 before publishing it to the jury\nat trial and noted that the court might revisit the issue of use\nduring deliberations at a later time.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t367\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n Throughout the trial that followed, the State relied heavily\nupon its “road map” in presenting its case against Pangborn.", "\nDespite this extensive usage of the exhibit, the district court\ndid not explain to the jury the limited purpose of the exhibit,\ndistinguish it from other substantive exhibits, or provide any\nguidance regarding its proper use.", "\n Early in its opening statement, the State first displayed\nexhibit 36 to the jury. ", "But the State did not offer the exhibit\nas the district court had requested or ask for permission to\npublish. ", "The only explanation provided for the exhibit was the\nfollowing statement made by the State during opening argu-\nments: “In order to help you try to work through this, we have\nprepared what we are calling a road map, and we encourage\nyou to utilize this. ", "It’s been stipulated to by the parties and\nprovided also to the judge . . . .” ", "The court neither clarified nor\nelaborated upon the State’s minimal explanation.", "\n Although the record is not precisely clear about each instance\nwhen exhibit 36 was used during the remainder of the trial,\nthe briefs suggest that exhibit 36 was employed by the State\nthroughout the examination and cross-examination of witnesses\nand was frequently displayed to the jury. ", "Neither the State nor\nthe district court identified exhibit 36 as having previously\nbeen admitted for demonstrative purposes at any point during\nthe trial.", "\n At the conclusion of all evidence, the district court held an\nin-chambers jury instruction conference. ", "During that confer-\nence, the court announced that it was going “to take up on\n[its] own motion the matter of Exhibit 36.” ", "Because it found\nthat exhibit 36 “would be very helpful to the jury to have\nand would not be prejudicial, although, it is a demonstrative\nexhibit,” the court ruled that the jury would be allowed to\nuse exhibit 36 during deliberations. ", "Pangborn objected, but\nhis objection was overruled. ", "Neither this ruling nor any other\nexplanation regarding the use of exhibit 36 during deliberations\nwas communicated to the jury.", "\n Following closing arguments, the district court gave jury\ninstructions and submitted the case to the jury. ", "The court’s\ninstructions to the jury included the standard jury instruction\non exhibits admitted for limited purposes: “During the trial[,]\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n368\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nI called your attention to some evidence that was received for\na specific limited purpose; you must consider that evidence\nonly for those limited purposes and for no other.” ", "Significantly,\nhowever, the instructions given by the court failed to identify\nthat exhibit 36 had been admitted for the limited purpose of a\ndemonstrative exhibit. ", "And, as noted earlier, the court initially\nadmitted exhibit 36 outside the presence of the jury and never\ninformed the jury at any point during the trial that the exhibit\nwas admitted only for demonstrative purposes.", "\n After deliberation, the jury found Pangborn guilty on four\ncounts of abuse of a vulnerable adult, one count of attempted\nabuse of a vulnerable adult, three counts of strangulation,\nand one count of attempted strangulation. ", "The jury found\nPangborn not guilty of one count of abuse of a vulnerable\nadult. ", "After unsuccessfully moving for a new trial, Pangborn\nwas sentenced to an aggregate sentence of 15 to 23 years’\nimprisonment.", "\n Pangborn timely appeals. ", "Pursuant to statutory authority, we\nmoved the case to our docket.2\n\n III. ", "ASSIGNMENTS OF ERROR\n Pangborn chiefly assigns that the district court abused its\ndiscretion in permitting the jury to take exhibit 36 into the\njury room for use during deliberations. ", "Pangborn also assigns,\nreordered and restated, that the court erred in admitting exhib-\nits 37 and 38, that there was insufficient evidence to support\nthe verdicts, and that he received excessive sentences. ", "Because\nwe find reversible error, we reach only the assignment of error\nregarding the demonstrative exhibit.", "\n\n IV. ", "STANDARD OF REVIEW\n [1] The admission of demonstrative evidence is within the\ndiscretion of the trial court, and a judgment will not be\nreversed on account of the admission or rejection of such evi-\ndence unless there has been a clear abuse of discretion.3\n\n 2\t\n See Neb. Rev. Stat. § ", "24-1106(3) (Reissue 2008).", "\n 3\t\n American Central City v. Joint Antelope Valley Auth., ", "281 Neb. 742, 807\n N.W.2d 170 (2011).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t369\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n V. ANALYSIS\n 1. ", "Use of Demonstrative Exhibit\n During Deliberations\n (a) Issue on Appeal\n Pangborn argues that the district court abused its discretion\nin allowing the jury to take a demonstrative exhibit into the\njury room for use during deliberations. ", "The relevant demon-\nstrative exhibit—exhibit 36—was the State’s “road map” of\nits case against Pangborn. ", "Initially, the court admitted exhibit\n36 for demonstrative purposes only. ", "This occurred prior to\nthe start of trial and out of the presence of the jury. ", "At that\ntime, Pangborn agreed to the admission of exhibit 36 for\ndemonstrative purposes only. ", "However, at the conclusion of\nevidence and over Pangborn’s objection, the court ruled upon\nits own motion that the jury would be allowed to take exhibit\n36 into the jury room for deliberations. ", "At no point during\nthe trial itself or during final jury instructions did the court\ninform the jury that exhibit 36 was admitted for demonstra-\ntive purposes or provide a limiting instruction specific to\nexhibit 36. ", "We must decide whether this was an abuse of the\ncourt’s discretion.", "\n Pangborn does not challenge the actual admission of exhibit\n36 into evidence for demonstrative purposes or its use dur-\ning trial. ", "He assigns error only to its use during deliberations.", "\nHowever, before reaching the question whether demonstrative\nexhibits can be used during jury deliberations, we must first\nclarify what is meant by the “admission” of a demonstra-\ntive exhibit.", "\n\n (b) Admission of Demonstrative\n Exhibits\n We historically have discussed the use of demonstrative\nexhibits in terms of admissibility. ", "In Benzel v. Keller Indus.", ",4\nwe adopted “principles for determining the admissibility of\ndemonstrative exhibits in civil cases” and held that “demon-\nstrative exhibits are admissible if they supplement the witness’\n\n 4\t\n Benzel v. Keller Indus., ", "253 Neb. 20, 28, 567 N.W.2d 552, 558 (1997).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n370\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nspoken description of the transpired event, clarify some issue in\nthe case, and are more probative than prejudicial.” ", "Conversely,\nwe stated that “[d]emonstrative exhibits are inadmissible when\nthey do not illustrate or make clearer some issue in the case;\nthat is, where they are irrelevant, or where the exhibit’s charac-\nter is such that its probative value is substantially outweighed\nby the danger of unfair prejudice.", "”5 Based upon these prin-\nciples, we have discussed in other cases whether demonstrative\nexhibits are “admissible”6 and whether their “admission” is an\nabuse of discretion.7\n [2] But the use of such terminology can be misleading.", "\nDemonstrative exhibits are broadly defined as aids “offered\nto illustrate or explain the testimony of witnesses, including\nexperts, or to present a summary or chronology of complex\nor voluminous documents.", "”8 Our case law specifically defines\ndemonstrative exhibits as those that “clarify some issue in the\ncase.", "”9 As these definitions highlight, demonstrative exhib-\nits are defined by the purpose for which they are offered at\ntrial—to aid or assist the jury in understanding the evidence\nor issues in a case.10 “They are relevant . . . ", "only because of\nthe assistance they give to the trier in understanding other real,\ntestimonial and documentary evidence.", "”11 Thus, even though\ndemonstrative exhibits may be “admitted” into evidence during\nthe course of the trial, they serve a purpose distinct from other\nexhibits admitted for substantive and not merely demonstrative\n\n\n 5\t\n Id.\n 6\t\n State v. Daly, 278 Neb. 903, 925, 775 N.W.2d 47, 66 (2009). ", "Accord State\n v. Gutierrez, 272 Neb. 995, 726 N.W.2d 542 (2007), abrogated on other\n grounds, State v. Thorpe, 280 Neb. 11, 783 N.W.2d 749 (2010).", "\n 7\t\n American Central City v. Joint Antelope Valley Auth., ", "supra note 3, 281\n Neb. at 756, 807 N.W.2d at 182. ", "Accord, State v. Daly, supra note 6; State\n v. Gutierrez, supra note 6.", "\n 8\t\n 2 McCormick on Evidence § 214 at 18 (Kenneth S. Broun et al. ", "eds., ", "7th\n ed. ", "2013).", "\n 9\t\n Benzel v. Keller Indus., ", "supra note 4, 253 Neb. at 28, 567 N.W.2d at 558.", "\n10\t\n See 2 McCormick on Evidence, supra note 8.", "\n11\t\n Id., § 214 at 19.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t371\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\npurposes. ", "For this reason, some courts refer to demonstrative\nexhibits as “pedagogical aid[s]”12 or “pedagogical devices”13 so\nas to highlight this difference in purpose.", "\n [3] Due to the difference in purpose, an exhibit admit-\nted for a demonstrative purpose—that is, to aid the jury—is\nnot evidence in the same way that an exhibit admitted for a\nsubstantive purpose—that is, as proof of an underlying fact\nor occurrence—is evidence. ", "Our case law does not state that\ndemonstrative exhibits are not to be considered as substan-\ntive evidence. ", "However, a majority of circuit courts have so\nheld,14 and the major evidence treatises agree.15 We likewise\nagree with this proposition and now hold that exhibits admit-\nted only for demonstrative purposes do not constitute substan-\ntive evidence.", "\n\n (c) Demonstrative Exhibits\n in Jury Deliberations\n Just because demonstrative exhibits are not substantive\nevidence does not mean that they should be excluded auto-\nmatically from jury deliberations. ", "As mentioned earlier, the\nexplicit purpose of a demonstrative exhibit is to aid the jury\n\n12\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Milkiewicz, 470 F.3d 390, 398 (1st Cir. ", "2006). ", "See, also,\n U.S. v. Buck, 324 F.3d 786 (5th Cir. ", "2003).", "\n13\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Bray, 139 F.3d 1104, 1111 (6th Cir. ", "1998). ", "See, also, U.S.\n v. Harms, 442 F.3d 367 (5th Cir. ", "2006); U.S. v. Janati, 374 F.3d 263 (4th\n Cir. ", "2004).", "\n14\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Milkiewicz, supra note 12; U.S. v. Harms, supra note\n 13; U.S. v. Janati, supra note 13; U.S. v. Bray, supra note 13; U.S. v.\n Wood, 943 F.2d 1048 (9th Cir. ", "1991); U.S. v. Casamento, 887 F.2d 1141\n (2d Cir. ", "1989); Conford v. United States, 336 F.2d 285 (10th Cir. ", "1964);\n Ratner v. Arrington, 111 So. ", "2d 82 (Fla. App. ", "1959); Smith v. Ohio Oil\n Co., 10 Ill. App. ", "2d 67, 134 N.E.2d 526 (1956); In re Estate of Lucitte,\n No. ", "L-10-1136, 2012 WL 362002 (Ohio App. ", "Feb. 3, 2012) (unpublished\n opinion); Christensen v. Cober, 206 Or. ", "App. ", "719, 138 P.3d 918 (2006);\n Markey v. State, 996 S.W.2d 226 (Tex. ", "App. ", "1999); State v. Lord, 117\n Wash. 2d 829, 822 P.2d 177 (1991) (en banc).", "\n15\t\n See, 2 McCormick on Evidence, supra note 8; 4 Jack B. Weinstein &\n Margaret A. Berger, Weinstein’s Federal Evidence § 611.02[2][a][vii]\n (Joseph M. McLaughlin ed., ", "2d ed. ", "2011).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n372\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nin its consideration of the evidence and issues in a case.16\nUndoubtedly, in a complex case, demonstrative exhibits would\nbe most helpful when the jury considers the totality of the evi-\ndence during deliberations. ", "As the Seventh Circuit has stated,\ndemonstrative exhibits “often are useful tools that enable the\njury to visualize and organize the large volume of data pro-\nduced by trial testimony.", "”17\n Precisely because demonstrative exhibits can be exceedingly\nuseful, many courts allow demonstrative exhibits to be used in\njury deliberations under certain circumstances.18 Although the\nNebraska Court of Appeals has tangentially discussed matters\npertinent to the use of demonstrative exhibits in jury delibera-\ntions, it did not reach the exact issue presented by the present\nappeal.19 Thus, because this is an issue of first impression\nin Nebraska, we review the pertinent case law from other\njurisdictions.", "\n\n\n\n16\t\n See 2 McCormick on Evidence, supra note 8.", "\n17\t\n United States v. Radtke, 799 F.2d 298, 311 (7th Cir. ", "1986) (Flaum, Circuit\n Judge, concurring in part, and in part dissenting).", "\n18\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Milkiewicz, supra note 12; U.S. v. Harms, supra note 13;\n U.S. v. Salerno, 108 F.3d 730 (7th Cir. ", "1997); U.S. v. Johnson, 54 F.3d\n 1150 (4th Cir. ", "1995); U.S. v. Casamento, supra note 14; United States v.\n Scales, 594 F.2d 558 (6th Cir. ", "1979); United States v. Downen, 496 F.2d\n 314 (10th Cir. ", "1974); United States v. Warner, 428 F.2d 730 (8th Cir.", "\n 1970); Shane v. Warner Mfg. ", "Corp., 229 F.2d 207 (3d Cir. ", "1956); Rossell\n v. Volkswagen of America, 147 Ariz. 160, 709 P.2d 517 (1985); Williams\n v. First Security Bank of Searcy, 293 Ark. 388, 738 S.W.2d 99 (1987);\n Higgins v. L. A. Gas & Electric Co., 159 Cal. ", "651, 115 P. 313 (1911);\n People v. Manley, 133 Ill. App. ", "2d 882, 272 N.E.2d 411 (1971); Pearson\n v. State, 441 N.E.2d 468 (Ind. 1982); State v. Yowell, 513 S.W.2d 397\n (Mo. 1974), (superseded by statute on other grounds as stated in State\n v. Milliorn, 794 S.W.2d 181 (Mo. 1990)); In re Estate of Lucitte, supra\n note 14; Lord v. State, Nos. ", "A-1586, 1HA-S84-84CR, 1989 WL 1595110\n (Alaska App. ", "Sept. 6, 1989) (unpublished memorandum opinion); State\n v. Evans, No. ", "376614-4-I, 1998 WL 184909 (Wash. App. ", "Apr. 20, 1998)\n (unpublished disposition listed at 90 Wash. App. ", "1028 (1998)).", "\n19\t\n See McFadden v. Winters & Merchant, Inc., 8 Neb. App. ", "870, 603 N.W.2d\n 31 (1999).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t373\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n (i) Approaches of Other Jurisdictions\n a. Federal Case Law\n Allowing or disallowing the use of demonstrative exhibits\nin deliberations usually is a matter of discretion.20 Rule 611(a)\nof the Federal Rules of Evidence—the federal rule governing\nthe mode of presenting evidence in court—is regularly cited as\ngiving courts general discretion over the use of demonstrative\nexhibits during trial.21\n Prior to its restyling in 2011, Fed. ", "R. Evid. ", "611(a) was\nidentical to Neb. Evid. ", "R. 611(1), Neb. Rev. Stat. § ", "27-611(1)\n(Reissue 2008). ", "The 2011 amendments to the Federal Rules of\nEvidence were meant to be stylistic only.22 Therefore, federal\nrule 611(a) remains substantively identical to § 27-611(1).", "\n [4] Where a Nebraska Evidence Rule is substantially similar\nto a corresponding federal rule of evidence, Nebraska courts\nwill look to federal decisions interpreting the corresponding\nfederal rule for guidance in construing the Nebraska rule.23 We\nthus begin by looking to the federal courts for guidance on the\nuse of demonstrative exhibits during jury deliberations.", "\n Of the 13 circuits, 10 permit demonstrative exhibits to be\nused by the jury during deliberations when certain circum-\nstances are present. ", "As will be explained below, these cir-\ncumstances vary from the use of limiting instructions or other\nsafeguards to consent of the parties.", "\n\n\n20\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Milkiewicz, supra note 12; U.S. v. Salerno, supra note\n 18; United States v. Downen, supra note 18; Shane v. Warner Mfg. ", "Corp.,\n supra note 18; U.S. v. Hollie, No. ", "98-1103, 1999 WL 1021860 (6th Cir.", "\n Nov. 3, 1999) (unpublished disposition listed in table of “Decisions\n Without Published Opinions” at 198 F.3d 248 (6th Cir. ", "1999)).", "\n21\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Irvin, 682 F.3d 1254 (10th Cir. ", "2012); U.S. v. Milkiewicz,\n supra note 12; U.S. v. Taylor, 210 F.3d 311 (5th Cir. ", "2000); U.S. v.\n Salerno, supra note 18; U.S. v. Johnson, supra note 18; U.S. v. Pinto, 850\n F.2d 927 (2d Cir. ", "1988); U.S. v. Possick, 849 F.2d 332 (8th Cir. ", "1988);\n United States v. Gardner, 611 F.2d 770 (9th Cir. ", "1980); United States v.\n Scales, supra note 18.", "\n22\t\n See Fed. ", "R. Evid. ", "611(a), advisory committee note on 2011 amendment.", "\n23\t\n Breeden v. Anesthesia West, 265 Neb. 356, 656 N.W.2d 913 (2003).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n374\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\n The most common prerequisite for the use of demonstra-\ntive exhibits during jury deliberations is the use of safeguards\nagainst prejudice. ", "In the 2d,24 3d,25 and 10th26 Circuits, the\nonly requirement for sending demonstrative exhibits to the jury\nroom is the giving of a limiting instruction. ", "The First Circuit\nalso requires that trial courts employ adequate safeguards\nagainst prejudice, such as jury instructions, editing to remove\nprejudicial content, and opportunity for the exhibit’s opponent\n“to expose his concerns to the jury.", "”27 In addition, trial courts\nin the First Circuit must determine that demonstrative exhibits\nwould be useful to the jury.28\n The remaining circuits that allow demonstrative exhibits to\nbe used in jury deliberations each employ different approaches.", "\nThe Fourth Circuit allows demonstrative exhibits to go to the\njury during deliberations following the “proper admission of\nthe summary chart into evidence.", "”29 The Fifth Circuit requires\nonly consent of the parties.30 The 11th Circuit has the most\nrestrictive rule regarding the use of demonstrative exhibits\nin jury deliberations. ", "It has held that it is an abuse of dis-\ncretion to send demonstrative exhibits to the jury for use in\ndeliberations in all circumstances except three: (1) where the\nexhibit is not hearsay, (2) where extensive cross-examination is\nallowed, or (3) where chain of custody is a contested issue.31 In\ncontrast to the 11th Circuit’s precise rule, the 6th,32 7th,33 and\n\n\n24\t\n See U.S. v. Casamento, supra note 14.", "\n25\t\n See Shane v. Warner Mfg. ", "Corp., supra note 18.", "\n26\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Downen, supra note 18.", "\n27\t\n U.S. v. Milkiewicz, supra note 12, 470 F.3d at 400.", "\n28\t\n See id.\n29\t\n U.S. v. Johnson, supra note 18, 54 F.3d at 1161 n.11.", "\n30\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Harms, supra note 13; U.S. v. Taylor, supra note 21.", "\n31\t\n See U.S. v. Pendas-Martinez, 845 F.2d 938 (11th Cir. ", "1988).", "\n32\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Scales, supra note 18; U.S. v. Hollie, supra\n note 20.", "\n33\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Salerno, supra note 18; United States v. Bernard, 287\n F.2d 715 (7th Cir. ", "1961).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t375\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n8th34 Circuits sometimes allow pedagogical exhibits to go to\nthe jury during deliberations, but have no consistent rule. ", "At\none time or another, both the Seventh35 and Eighth36 Circuits\nhave required limiting instructions.", "\n In summary, although there is no uniform approach among\nthe circuit courts, the use of limiting instructions is the\nmost prevalent. ", "Indeed, in the Fourth,37 Fifth,38 and Sixth39\nCircuits, limiting instructions or other safeguards must accom-\npany demonstrative exhibits even when they are merely used\nor displayed in trial without being sent to the jury during\ndeliberations.", "\n\n b. Case Law From\n Other States\n Other states do not appear to have a unified approach to the\nuse of demonstrative exhibits in jury deliberations. ", "Courts in\nMassachusetts,40 Missouri,41 Pennsylvania,42 and Wisconsin43\nleave the issue solely up to a trial judge’s discretion. ", "Several\nstates allow demonstrative exhibits to be used during jury\ndeliberations when appropriate safeguards are in place. ", "Ohio\nrequires limiting instructions.44 In Illinois, the trial judge can\nsend a demonstrative exhibit to the jury room once he or she\n\n\n34\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Possick, supra note 21; United States v. Warner, supra\n note 18.", "\n35\t\n See United States v. Bernard, supra note 33.", "\n36\t\n See U.S. v. Possick, supra note 21.", "\n37\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Johnson, supra note 18.", "\n38\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Ollison, 555 F.3d 152 (5th Cir. ", "2009); U.S. v. Ogba, 526\n F.3d 214 (5th Cir. ", "2008); U.S. v. Taylor, supra note 21.", "\n39\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Bray, supra note 13; United States v. Scales, supra\n note 18.", "\n40\t\n See Com. ", "v. Walter, 10 Mass. App. ", "255, 406 N.E.2d 1304 (1980).", "\n41\t\n See State v. Yowell, supra note 18.", "\n42\t\n See Commonwealth v. Moore, 443 Pa. 364, 279 A.2d 179 (1971).", "\n43\t\n See State v. Olson, 217 Wis. 2d 730, 579 N.W.2d 802 (Wis. App. ", "1998).", "\n44\t\n See In re Estate of Lucitte, supra note 14.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n376\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nhas determined that the exhibit is not prejudicial.45 Otherwise,\n ­\nthe majority of states have not addressed this issue.", "\n\n (ii) Application to Nebraska Law\n a. Judicial Discretion of\n Trial Courts\n As the foregoing discussion revealed, a common approach\ntaken by many courts in other jurisdictions to the use of\ndemonstrative exhibits in jury deliberations is to allow such\nuse at the trial judge’s discretion. ", "This approach is consistent\nwith Nebraska jurisprudence, which frequently addresses evi-\ndentiary matters to the trial judge’s discretion.", "\n [5] In Nebraska, “[a] trial judge has broad discretion over\nthe conduct of a trial.", "”46 It is the judge’s statutory duty to\n“exercise reasonable control over the mode and order of inter-\nrogating witnesses and presenting evidence.", "”47 The judge also\npossesses “inherent powers” that “include the broad discretion\nto make discovery and evidentiary rulings conducive to the\nconduct of a fair and orderly trial.", "”48\n [6] In practice, a trial judge is called upon to make many\ndecisions during the course of a trial based upon this broad\ndiscretion. ", "The Nebraska Evidence Rules explicitly place\nmany evidentiary matters at the discretion of the trial judge.49\nAnd the exercise of discretion “is implicit in decisions to\nadmit evidence based on relevancy or admissibility.", "”50 When\nthe Nebraska Evidence Rules commit the evidentiary ques-\ntion at issue to the discretion of the trial court, an appellate\ncourt reviews the admissibility of evidence for an abuse of\n\n45\t\n See People v. Manley, supra note 18.", "\n46\t\n Connelly v. City of Omaha, 278 Neb. 311, 319, 769 N.W.2d 394, 400\n (2009).", "\n47\t\n § 27-611(1).", "\n48\t\n Schindler v. Walker, 256 Neb. 767, 779, 592 N.W.2d 912, 920 (1999).", "\n49\t\n See, e.g., Neb. Evid. ", "R. 104(1), Neb. Rev. Stat. § ", "27-104(1) (Reissue\n 2008); Neb. Evid. ", "R. 106(2), Neb. Rev. Stat. § ", "27-106(2) (Reissue\n 2008); Neb. Evid. ", "R. 201(3), Neb. Rev. Stat. § ", "27-201(3) (Reissue 2008);\n § 27-611(2); Neb. Evid. ", "R. 705, Neb. Rev. Stat. § ", "27-705 (Reissue 2008).", "\n50\t\n Sack v. Castillo, 278 Neb. 156, 164, 768 N.W.2d 429, 436 (2009).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t377\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\ndiscretion.51 In addition, a trial judge is given the discretion\nto determine when a sufficient basis has been laid for lay\nopinion testimony,52 when photographs can be admitted into\nevidence,53 and when demonstrative exhibits can be used\nin trial.54\n When it comes to matters regarding the jury, under Nebraska\ncase law, the trial judge has discretion to allow the jury to\nreexamine evidence during deliberations.55 Under this rule,\n“trial courts have broad discretion in allowing the jury to have\nunlimited access to properly received exhibits that constitute\nsubstantive evidence of the defendant’s guilt.", "”56\n [7] In accordance with this broad discretion already\naccorded to trial courts, particularly in evidentiary matters,\nwe believe that the submission of demonstrative exhibits to\nthe jury during deliberations should be left to the discretion\nof the trial court. ", "Accordingly, we hold that a trial judge\nmay exercise his or her broad judicial discretion to allow\nor disallow the use of demonstrative exhibits during jury\ndeliberations.", "\n b. Limits of Discretion\n This discretion, however, is not unlimited. ", "Despite their\npotential usefulness, demonstrative exhibits also carry the\npotential to prejudice the party against whom such exhibits\nare used.", "\n If used improperly, demonstrative exhibits can distract the\njury from considering all of the evidence presented, causing\nthem instead to unfairly emphasize only portions of the evi-\ndence.57 If all parties to a case do not submit demonstrative\nexhibits, the jury may be tempted to focus more heavily on the\n\n51\t\n Erickson v. U-Haul Internat., ", "278 Neb. 18, 767 N.W.2d 765 (2009).", "\n52\t\n See Childers v. Phelps County, 252 Neb. 945, 568 N.W.2d 463 (1997).", "\n53\t\n See Steele v. Sedlacek, 267 Neb. 1, 673 N.W.2d 1 (2003).", "\n54\t\n See American Central City v. Joint Antelope Valley Auth., ", "supra note 3.", "\n55\t\n See State v. Dixon, 259 Neb. 976, 614 N.W.2d 288 (2000).", "\n56\t\n State v. Pischel, 277 Neb. 412, 427, 762 N.W.2d 595, 607 (2009).", "\n57\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Abbas, 504 F.2d 123 (9th Cir. ", "1974); State v.\n Lord, supra note 14.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n378\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nevidence to which it has “easy reference.", "”58 Because they are\noften prepared specifically for use in litigation, demonstra-\ntive exhibits can be tempting vehicles for conveying prejudi-\ncial language and assumptions59 or inadmissible evidence60 to\nthe jury.", "\n Furthermore, if not instructed on the limited purposes of\ndemonstrative exhibits, the jury may assume that demonstrative\nexhibits constitute primary proof of the information contained\ntherein, leading the jury to shirk its duty to determine the truth\nand accuracy of the evidence.61 The jury may attribute undue\nweight or credibility to evidence summarized or illustrated in\ndemonstrative exhibits.62 Or a jury may find the simplicity with\nwhich demonstrative exhibits present complex or technical\ninformation to be compelling and persuasive.63 On the other\nhand, demonstrative exhibits that are not properly explained\nmay ultimately confuse or mislead the jury.64\n\n58\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Casoni, 950 F.2d 893, 916 (3d Cir. ", "1991). ", "Accord, United\n States v. Ware, 247 F.2d 698 (7th Cir. ", "1957); Steele v. United States, 222\n F.2d 628 (5th Cir. ", "1955); Thomas v. State, 259 Ind. 537, 289 N.E.2d 508\n (1972) (superseded by rule on other grounds as stated in Litherland v.\n McDonnell, 796 N.E.2d 1237 (Ind. App. ", "2003)).", "\n59\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Irvin, supra note 21; U.S. v. Taylor, supra note 21; United\n States v. Lemire, 720 F.2d 1327 (D.C. Cir. ", "1983) (superseded by statute\n on other grounds as stated in U.S. v. Sun-Diamond Growers of California,\n 941 F. Supp. ", "1262 (D.D.C. 1996)); U.S. v. Gazie, Nos. ", "83-1851, 83-1852,\n 83-1860, 1986 WL 16498 (6th Cir. ", "Feb. 26, 1986) (unpublished disposition\n listed in table of “Decisions Without Published Opinions” at 786 F.2d\n 1166 (6th Cir. ", "1986)); Vanlandingham v. Gartman, 236 Ark. 504, 367\n S.W.2d 111 (1963).", "\n60\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Lemire, supra note 59.", "\n61\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Baker, 10 F.3d 1374 (9th Cir. ", "1993), overruled on other\n grounds, U.S. v. Nordby, 225 F.3d 1053 (9th Cir. ", "2000); United States\n v. Scales, supra note 18; Baines v. United States, 426 F.2d 833 (5th Cir.", "\n 1970); United States v. Ellenbogen, 365 F.2d 982 (2d Cir. ", "1966).", "\n62\t\n See, e.g., Sanchez v. United States, 293 F.2d 260 (8th Cir. ", "1961); Smith v.\n Ohio Oil Co., supra note 14.", "\n63\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Irvin, supra note 21; Elder v. United States, 213 F.2d 876\n (5th Cir. ", "1954).", "\n64\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Citron, 783 F.2d 307 (2d Cir. ", "1986); U.S. v.\n Gazie, supra note 59.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t379\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\n [8] Given the possibility for such forms of prejudice, a\ntrial judge must carefully consider the potential prejudice that\nmay arise from the use of demonstrative exhibits during jury\ndeliberations. ", "Each demonstrative exhibit must be considered\nindividually, because both the usefulness of a demonstrative\nexhibit and the potential prejudice arising from its use will\ndepend on the form and substance of each particular exhibit.", "\nWe note that a trial court is already required to weigh these\nconsiderations before allowing the use of demonstrative exhib-\nits in trial.65 We now hold that the trial judge must do so again\nbefore allowing the jury to use a demonstrative exhibit during\ndeliberations. ", "It is an abuse of discretion for a trial judge to\nsend a demonstrative exhibit to the jury for use in delibera-\ntions without first weighing the potential prejudice in allowing\nsuch use against the usefulness of the exhibit and employing\nadequate safeguards to prevent prejudice.", "\n\n c. Common Safeguards\n Significantly, many of the dangers in allowing the use of\ndemonstrative exhibits in jury deliberations stem from the\nimproper use of such exhibits or a disregard for their limited\npurpose. ", "As such, these dangers often can be avoided by the\nuse of limiting instructions that advise a jury of the limited\npurpose for which demonstrative exhibits should be employed.", "\nAs noted earlier, the limiting instruction is the most prevalent\nsafeguard used by the circuit courts. ", "Moreover, several circuits\nhave held that limiting instructions can limit66 or even elimi-\nnate67 the harms posed by demonstrative exhibits.", "\n In addition to jury instructions, there are other safeguards\nthat can be employed to limit the prejudice that will result\nfrom allowing the jury to use demonstrative exhibits in delib-\nerations. ", "These safeguards include requiring the proponent of\nthe exhibit to lay foundation for its use outside the presence\n\n65\t\n See State v. Daly, supra note 6.", "\n66\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Bishop, 264 F.3d 535 (5th Cir. ", "2001); U.S. v. Francis, 131\n F.3d 1452 (11th Cir. ", "1997).", "\n67\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Cox, 633 F.2d 871 (9th Cir. ", "1980); Sanseverino\n v. United States, 321 F.2d 714 (10th Cir. ", "1963).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n380\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nof the jury,68 having the individual who prepared the exhibit\ntestify concerning the exhibit,69 allowing extensive cross-­\nexamination of the individual who prepared the exhibit,70 giv-\ning the opponent of the exhibit the opportunity to examine the\nexhibit prior to its admission and to identify errors,71 excising\nprejudicial content prior to submitting the exhibit to the jury,72\nand giving the opposing side the opportunity to present its\nown exhibit.73\n As noted above, the prejudicial potential of any particular\ndemonstrative exhibit will vary depending on the exhibit.", "\nHaving presided over the presentation of evidence, the trial\njudge should exercise sound discretion to ensure that adequate\nsafeguards are present to prevent that prejudice.", "\n (d) Application to\n Instant Appeal\n In the instant case, the district court employed no safeguards\nagainst prejudice before allowing the jury to use exhibit 36\nduring its deliberations. ", "Exhibit 36 was “admitted” for use dur-\ning trial in a pretrial conference, employed by the State in its\nopening statement, and used repeatedly throughout the trial.", "\nYet, the court never informed the jury that exhibit 36 had been\nadmitted for demonstrative purposes only or explained the\nproper purposes for which the jury might use a demonstrative\nexhibit. ", "Although the State erroneously informed the jury in its\nopening statement that Pangborn had “stipulated” to exhibit 36,\nthe court did not correct the implication that Pangborn agreed\n\n68\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Baker, supra note 61; United States v. Lemire, supra note\n 59; United States v. Bartone, 400 F.2d 459 (6th Cir. ", "1968).", "\n69\t\n See, e.g., United States v. Cox, supra note 67; United States v. Ware, supra\n note 58; Lloyd v. United States, 226 F.2d 9 (5th Cir. ", "1955); State v. Lord,\n supra note 14.", "\n70\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Baker, supra note 61; United States v. Lemire, supra note\n 59; State v. Lord, supra note 14; State v. Olson, supra note 43.", "\n71\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Baker, supra note 61.", "\n72\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Irvin, supra note 21; Stachowiak v Subczynski, 411 Mich.\n 459, 307 N.W.2d 677 (1981) (per curiam).", "\n73\t\n See, e.g., U.S. v. Baker, supra note 61; State v. Lord, supra note 14.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t381\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\nwith the substantive content of the exhibit or take the opportu-\nnity to instruct the jury regarding the proper use of the exhibit.", "\nAnd even when submitting the case for the jury’s consideration\nand sending all the exhibits to the jury room, the court failed\nto provide a jury instruction that exhibit 36 was admitted for\ndemonstrative purposes only and specifically instruct the jury\nas to the proper purpose for use of the exhibit. ", "In effect, the\ncourt gave the jury unlimited access to exhibit 36—a clear and\nconcise “road map” of the State’s entire case against Pangborn\nand upon which the State had relied significantly during the\npresentation of evidence—without limiting or guiding the\njury’s use of that exhibit.", "\n We conclude that the district court abused its discretion in\npermitting the jury to use exhibit 36 during its deliberations\nwithout providing a limiting instruction. ", "That is not to say\nthat a limiting instruction is always required; however, except\nin the rare case where other safeguards combine to make the\nlimited purpose of the demonstrative exhibit abundantly clear\nto the jury, an appropriate limiting instruction will be necessary\nto avoid unfair prejudice.", "\n\n (e) Harmless Error\n Analysis\n [9-12] Errors, other than structural errors, which occur\nwithin the trial and sentencing process, are subject to harmless\nerror review.74 Harmless error exists when there is some incor-\nrect conduct by the trial court which, on review of the entire\nrecord, did not materially influence the jury in reaching a ver-\ndict adverse to a substantial right of the defendant.75 In a jury\ntrial of a criminal case, an erroneous evidentiary ruling results\nin prejudice to a defendant unless the State demonstrates that\nthe error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.76 Harmless\nerror review looks to the basis on which the trier of fact actu-\nally rested its verdict; the inquiry is not whether in a trial that\n\n74\t\n State v. Pathod, 269 Neb. 155, 690 N.W.2d 784 (2005).", "\n75\t\n State v. Ford, 279 Neb. 453, 778 N.W.2d 473 (2010).", "\n76\t\n Id.\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n382\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\noccurred without the error a guilty verdict would surely have\nbeen rendered, but, rather, whether the actual guilty verdict\nrendered in the questioned trial was surely unattributable to\nthe error.77\n Due to the complete absence of safeguards employed in\nthe instant case when erroneously submitting the demonstra-\ntive exhibit to the jury, we cannot say that this error was\nharmless. ", "Because the jury was never informed that exhibit\n36 was admitted for only demonstrative purposes, it had no\nway of knowing that the standard instruction on exhibits\nadmitted for limited purposes applied to the exhibit. ", "And\nwithout any sort of guidance from the district court, the jury\ndid not know that exhibit 36 was not substantive evidence of\nPangborn’s guilt.", "\n The State argues that the jury’s acquittal of Pangborn on 1\nof 10 counts reflects that “the jury was not unduly influenced\nby Exhibit 36.”78 We find this argument to be logically flawed.", "\nEven assuming that the acquittal on one count shows that the\njury did not take exhibit 36 as proof of Pangborn’s guilt on that\nsingle count, each count was based on separate factual allega-\ntions. ", "A verdict of “not guilty” on one count has no relation\nto the other counts and does not preclude the possibility that\nexhibit 36 substantially influenced the jury’s decision on the\nother counts.", "\n We cannot say that the jury’s guilty verdicts were surely\nunattributable to the act of sending exhibit 36 to the jury dur-\ning deliberations without a proper limiting instruction. ", "We\nreverse Pangborn’s convictions and remand the cause for a\nnew trial.", "\n 2. ", "New Trial\n [13] The Double Jeopardy Clauses of the federal and state\nConstitutions do not forbid a retrial after an appellate deter-\nmination of prejudicial error in a criminal trial so long as the\nsum of all the evidence admitted by the trial court, whether\nerroneously or not, would have been sufficient to sustain a\n\n77\t\n State v. Scott, 284 Neb. 703, 824 N.W.2d 668 (2012).", "\n78\t\n Brief for appellee at 11.", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n\t STATE v. PANGBORN\t383\n\t Cite as 286 Neb. 363\n\nguilty verdict.79 Having reviewed the entirety of the evidence\nadmitted in this case, we note that numerous individuals\ntestified that they witnessed the crimes of which Pangborn\nwas charged. ", "There also was evidence that called into ques-\ntion Pangborn’s alibi defense. ", "We find that there was suffi-\ncient evidence to sustain the verdict on each count where he\nwas found guilty. ", "Therefore, retrial is permissible on those\nnine counts.", "\n\n 3. ", "Other Assignments\n of Error\n [14] Having found that the district court’s decision to allow\nthe jury to use exhibit 36 during deliberations without a limit-\ning instruction or other safeguards was reversible error, we\ndo not reach any of Pangborn’s other assignments of error.", "\nAn appellate court is not obligated to engage in an analysis\nthat is not necessary to adjudicate the case and controversy\nbefore it.80\n [15] Because we do not believe that the evidentiary founda-\ntion for exhibits 37 and 38 will be identical upon retrial, we do\nnot discuss Pangborn’s arguments regarding these two exhibits.", "\nAn appellate court may, at its discretion, discuss issues unnec-\nessary to the disposition of an appeal where those issues are\nlikely to recur during further proceedings.81 We think it is quite\nlikely upon retrial and in the light of Pangborn’s arguments in\nthis appeal that the State may choose to offer other or addi-\ntional foundational evidence in support of these exhibits. ", "Thus,\nit is unlikely that the issues will arise in the same posture, and\nwe decline to address the issue.", "\n\n VI. ", "CONCLUSION\n We hold that a trial judge may exercise his or her broad\njudicial discretion to allow or disallow the use of demonstra-\ntive exhibits during jury deliberations. ", "But given the prejudice\n\n79\t\n State v. Riley, 281 Neb. 394, 796 N.W.2d 371 (2011).", "\n80\t\n Pearson v. Archer-Daniels-Midland Milling Co., 285 Neb. 568, 828\n N.W.2d 154 (2013).", "\n81\t\n State v. Smith, 284 Neb. 636, 822 N.W.2d 401 (2012).", "\n\f Nebraska Advance Sheets\n384\t286 NEBRASKA REPORTS\n\n\n\nthat can arise from the use of demonstrative exhibits in jury\ndeliberations, this discretion is not unlimited. ", "Due to the lack\nof limiting instructions and the complete absence of safeguards\nemployed in the instant case, the district court abused its dis-\ncretion in allowing the jury to use the State’s “road map” of\nits case—admitted for demonstrative purposes only—during\ndeliberations without giving a limiting instruction. ", "We find this\nerror to be prejudicial. ", "Therefore, we reverse the judgment and\nremand the cause for a new trial.", "\n R eversed and remanded for a new trial.", "\n Connolly and Miller-Lerman, JJ., ", "participating on briefs.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "Blog\n\nI'm excited to bring you guys a new giveaway from Hannah Naomi! ", "She contacted me a while back about styling up some of her pieces, and I fell in love with her jewelry. ", "I'm not a huge jewelry wearer, but when I do wear it, I want timeless, classic and simple pieces. ", "I chose these hammered 14K gold stacking bands. ", "They actually match my engagement ring perfectly (my engagement ring has a hammered band), so I'm actually thinking about wearing one of these with my engagement ring as my wedding band! ", "Today, she's offering two of my lucky readers a chance to win! ", "One winner will win a $50 store credit, and another will win a $25 store credit. ", "All you have to do is enter below in the Rafflecopter form. ", "You can also take 15% off your order from Hannah Naomi using the code \"Tieka15\" at checkout. ", "Good luck! ", "xo" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0 ]
[ "About Uitkyk\n\nUitkyk is the perfect beach house - white, windswept and with views for miles. ", "The house is special - French Provencal in style with a timeless quality that guarantees complete rest and relaxation.", "\n\nAble to comfortably sleep up to ten guests (six adults and four children), Uitkyk is great for groups of friends or families with children. ", "The vast deck with a built-in braai is perfect for entertaining while sipping sun downers and taking in the view.", "\n\nThe stairs that lead you to the unspoilt beach are conveniently situated right next to Uitkyk. ", "Here you can explore the rock pools, the beautiful beach or cast a line into the ocean.", "\n\nSelf Catering Accommodation\n\nThe views dominate both the main bedroom and dining and living areas, adding to the tranquil nature of Uitkyk.", "\n\nThere are 3 bedrooms. ", "The first has a double bed, the second has a double and two single beds and the third has 2 bunk beds.", "\n\nPlease Note: There is a 10km gravel road before you reach Eersterivierstrand." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Self-construal, mental distress, and family relations: a mediated moderation analysis with Asian American adolescents.", "\nThe interactive effects between interdependent and independent self-construal on family cohesion and mental distress were examined. ", "Survey responses from 153 Asian American high school students supported the hypothesized moderation of interdependence by independence on family cohesion, which was found to further mediate the relationship between self-construal and mental distress. ", "Specifically, interdependence was positively associated with family cohesion when independence was high and negatively associated with family cohesion when independence was low. ", "Accounting for the mediator effects of family cohesion, mental distress was positively associated with interdependence and more so for those low on independence than those high on independence. ", "The benefits of biculturalism and research implications for the bidimensional conceptualization of self-construal for ethnic minority populations are discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "~ Bring Luxury Home\n\nMonthly Archives: May 2014\n\nMany of the so-called “soaps” made commercially are actually detergent bars. ", "Most of these soaps are based on synthetic detergents instead of all-natural ingredients like handmade soaps. ", "Synthetic detergents are much harsher on the skin than natural soaps, especially without the natural glycerin. ", "So buy real all-natural soap and treat your skin right.", "\n\nAdvertisements\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\nHandmade soap is formulated for the user. ", "Palm, palm kernel, olive and coconut oils make a better soap with a superior lather and a harder, longer lasting bar. ", "Commercial producers are concerned only with profit and therefore use low quality ingredients. ", "We don’t cut corners with our handmade soaps and use the best soothing essential oils." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
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0x40044272\n\tBIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e\n\tBIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276\n\tBIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f\n\tBIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270\n\tBIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269\n\tBIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266\n\tBIOCSDLT = 0x80044278\n\tBIOCSETF = 0x80104267\n\tBIOCSETFNR = 0x8010427e\n\tBIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c\n\tBIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275\n\tBIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273\n\tBIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d\n\tBIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277\n\tBIOCVERSION = 0x40044271\n\tBPF_A = 0x10\n\tBPF_ABS = 0x20\n\tBPF_ADD = 0x0\n\tBPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4\n\tBPF_ALU = 0x4\n\tBPF_AND = 0x50\n\tBPF_B = 0x10\n\tBPF_DIV = 0x30\n\tBPF_H = 0x8\n\tBPF_IMM = 0x0\n\tBPF_IND = 0x40\n\tBPF_JA = 0x0\n\tBPF_JEQ = 0x10\n\tBPF_JGE = 0x30\n\tBPF_JGT = 0x20\n\tBPF_JMP = 0x5\n\tBPF_JSET = 0x40\n\tBPF_K = 0x0\n\tBPF_LD = 0x0\n\tBPF_LDX = 0x1\n\tBPF_LEN = 0x80\n\tBPF_LSH = 0x60\n\tBPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1\n\tBPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000\n\tBPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200\n\tBPF_MEM = 0x60\n\tBPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10\n\tBPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20\n\tBPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1\n\tBPF_MISC = 0x7\n\tBPF_MSH = 0xa0\n\tBPF_MUL = 0x20\n\tBPF_NEG = 0x80\n\tBPF_OR = 0x40\n\tBPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6\n\tBPF_RET = 0x6\n\tBPF_RSH = 0x70\n\tBPF_ST = 0x2\n\tBPF_STX = 0x3\n\tBPF_SUB = 0x10\n\tBPF_TAX = 0x0\n\tBPF_TXA = 0x80\n\tBPF_W = 0x0\n\tBPF_X = 0x8\n\tBRKINT = 0x2\n\tBS0 = 0x0\n\tBS1 = 0x8000\n\tBSDLY = 0x8000\n\tCFLUSH = 0xf\n\tCLOCAL = 0x8000\n\tCLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6\n\tCLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4\n\tCLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5\n\tCLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc\n\tCLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0\n\tCLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10\n\tCLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8\n\tCLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9\n\tCR0 = 0x0\n\tCR1 = 0x1000\n\tCR2 = 0x2000\n\tCR3 = 0x3000\n\tCRDLY = 0x3000\n\tCREAD = 0x800\n\tCRTSCTS = 0x30000\n\tCS5 = 0x0\n\tCS6 = 0x100\n\tCS7 = 0x200\n\tCS8 = 0x300\n\tCSIZE = 0x300\n\tCSTART = 0x11\n\tCSTATUS = 0x14\n\tCSTOP = 0x13\n\tCSTOPB = 0x400\n\tCSUSP = 0x1a\n\tCTL_HW = 0x6\n\tCTL_KERN = 0x1\n\tCTL_MAXNAME = 0xc\n\tCTL_NET = 0x4\n\tDLT_A429 = 0xb8\n\tDLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9\n\tDLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78\n\tDLT_AOS = 0xde\n\tDLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a\n\tDLT_ARCNET = 0x7\n\tDLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81\n\tDLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13\n\tDLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb\n\tDLT_AURORA = 0x7e\n\tDLT_AX25 = 0x3\n\tDLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca\n\tDLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5\n\tDLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb\n\tDLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9\n\tDLT_CAN20B = 0xbe\n\tDLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3\n\tDLT_CHAOS = 0x5\n\tDLT_CHDLC = 0x68\n\tDLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76\n\tDLT_C_HDLC = 0x68\n\tDLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd\n\tDLT_DBUS = 0xe7\n\tDLT_DECT = 0xdd\n\tDLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f\n\tDLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb\n\tDLT_ECONET = 0x73\n\tDLT_EN10MB = 0x1\n\tDLT_EN3MB = 0x2\n\tDLT_ENC = 0x6d\n\tDLT_ERF = 0xc5\n\tDLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf\n\tDLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0\n\tDLT_FC_2 = 0xe0\n\tDLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1\n\tDLT_FDDI = 0xa\n\tDLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2\n\tDLT_FRELAY = 0x6b\n\tDLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce\n\tDLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad\n\tDLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac\n\tDLT_GPF_F = 0xab\n\tDLT_GPF_T = 0xaa\n\tDLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9\n\tDLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda\n\tDLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9\n\tDLT_HHDLC = 0x79\n\tDLT_IBM_SN = 0x92\n\tDLT_IBM_SP = 0x91\n\tDLT_IEEE802 = 0x6\n\tDLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69\n\tDLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f\n\tDLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3\n\tDLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3\n\tDLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf\n\tDLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6\n\tDLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7\n\tDLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc\n\tDLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1\n\tDLT_IPFILTER = 0x74\n\tDLT_IPMB = 0xc7\n\tDLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1\n\tDLT_IPNET = 0xe2\n\tDLT_IPOIB = 0xf2\n\tDLT_IPV4 = 0xe4\n\tDLT_IPV6 = 0xe5\n\tDLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7\n\tDLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8\n\tDLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf\n\tDLT_LAPD = 0xcb\n\tDLT_LIN = 0xd4\n\tDLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8\n\tDLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90\n\tDLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1\n\tDLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6\n\tDLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71\n\tDLT_LOOP = 0x6c\n\tDLT_LTALK = 0x72\n\tDLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0xf5\n\tDLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68\n\tDLT_MFR = 0xb6\n\tDLT_MOST = 0xd3\n\tDLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3\n\tDLT_MPLS = 0xdb\n\tDLT_MTP2 = 0x8c\n\tDLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b\n\tDLT_MTP3 = 0x8d\n\tDLT_MUX27010 = 0xec\n\tDLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0\n\tDLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1\n\tDLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5\n\tDLT_NFLOG = 0xef\n\tDLT_NG40 = 0xf4\n\tDLT_NULL = 0x0\n\tDLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d\n\tDLT_PFLOG = 0x75\n\tDLT_PFSYNC = 0x12\n\tDLT_PPI = 0xc0\n\tDLT_PPP = 0x9\n\tDLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10\n\tDLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33\n\tDLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6\n\tDLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32\n\tDLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc\n\tDLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6\n\tDLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77\n\tDLT_PRONET = 0x4\n\tDLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6\n\tDLT_RAW = 0xc\n\tDLT_RIO = 0x7c\n\tDLT_SCCP = 0x8e\n\tDLT_SITA = 0xc4\n\tDLT_SLIP = 0x8\n\tDLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf\n\tDLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed\n\tDLT_SUNATM = 0x7b\n\tDLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63\n\tDLT_TZSP = 0x80\n\tDLT_USB = 0xba\n\tDLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd\n\tDLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc\n\tDLT_USER0 = 0x93\n\tDLT_USER1 = 0x94\n\tDLT_USER10 = 0x9d\n\tDLT_USER11 = 0x9e\n\tDLT_USER12 = 0x9f\n\tDLT_USER13 = 0xa0\n\tDLT_USER14 = 0xa1\n\tDLT_USER15 = 0xa2\n\tDLT_USER2 = 0x95\n\tDLT_USER3 = 0x96\n\tDLT_USER4 = 0x97\n\tDLT_USER5 = 0x98\n\tDLT_USER6 = 0x99\n\tDLT_USER7 = 0x9a\n\tDLT_USER8 = 0x9b\n\tDLT_USER9 = 0x9c\n\tDLT_WIHART = 0xdf\n\tDLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5\n\tDLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6\n\tDT_BLK = 0x6\n\tDT_CHR = 0x2\n\tDT_DIR = 0x4\n\tDT_FIFO = 0x1\n\tDT_LNK = 0xa\n\tDT_REG = 0x8\n\tDT_SOCK = 0xc\n\tDT_UNKNOWN = 0x0\n\tDT_WHT = 0xe\n\tECHO = 0x8\n\tECHOCTL = 0x40\n\tECHOE = 0x2\n\tECHOK = 0x4\n\tECHOKE = 0x1\n\tECHONL = 0x10\n\tECHOPRT = 0x20\n\tEVFILT_AIO = -0x3\n\tEVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf\n\tEVFILT_FS = -0x9\n\tEVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8\n\tEVFILT_PROC = -0x5\n\tEVFILT_READ = -0x1\n\tEVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6\n\tEVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0xf\n\tEVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0xf\n\tEVFILT_TIMER = -0x7\n\tEVFILT_USER = -0xa\n\tEVFILT_VM = -0xc\n\tEVFILT_VNODE = -0x4\n\tEVFILT_WRITE = -0x2\n\tEV_ADD = 0x1\n\tEV_CLEAR = 0x20\n\tEV_DELETE = 0x2\n\tEV_DISABLE = 0x8\n\tEV_DISPATCH = 0x80\n\tEV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180\n\tEV_ENABLE = 0x4\n\tEV_EOF = 0x8000\n\tEV_ERROR = 0x4000\n\tEV_FLAG0 = 0x1000\n\tEV_FLAG1 = 0x2000\n\tEV_ONESHOT = 0x10\n\tEV_OOBAND = 0x2000\n\tEV_POLL = 0x1000\n\tEV_RECEIPT = 0x40\n\tEV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000\n\tEV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100\n\tEV_VANISHED = 0x200\n\tEXTA = 0x4b00\n\tEXTB = 0x9600\n\tEXTPROC = 0x800\n\tFD_CLOEXEC = 0x1\n\tFD_SETSIZE = 0x400\n\tFF0 = 0x0\n\tFF1 = 0x4000\n\tFFDLY = 0x4000\n\tFLUSHO = 0x800000\n\tFSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20\n\tFSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1\n\tFSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2\n\tFSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8\n\tFSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4\n\tF_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d\n\tF_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53\n\tF_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61\n\tF_ADDSIGS = 0x3b\n\tF_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4\n\tF_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2\n\tF_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55\n\tF_CHECK_LV = 0x62\n\tF_CHKCLEAN = 0x29\n\tF_DUPFD = 0x0\n\tF_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43\n\tF_FINDSIGS = 0x4e\n\tF_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28\n\tF_FREEZE_FS = 0x35\n\tF_FULLFSYNC = 0x33\n\tF_GETCODEDIR = 0x48\n\tF_GETFD = 0x1\n\tF_GETFL = 0x3\n\tF_GETLK = 0x7\n\tF_GETLKPID = 0x42\n\tF_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a\n\tF_GETOWN = 0x5\n\tF_GETPATH = 0x32\n\tF_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47\n\tF_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f\n\tF_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d\n\tF_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37\n\tF_LOG2PHYS = 0x31\n\tF_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41\n\tF_NOCACHE = 0x30\n\tF_NODIRECT = 0x3e\n\tF_OK = 0x0\n\tF_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34\n\tF_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3\n\tF_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a\n\tF_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63\n\tF_RDADVISE = 0x2c\n\tF_RDAHEAD = 0x2d\n\tF_RDLCK = 0x1\n\tF_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46\n\tF_SETFD = 0x2\n\tF_SETFL = 0x4\n\tF_SETLK = 0x8\n\tF_SETLKW = 0x9\n\tF_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa\n\tF_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49\n\tF_SETOWN = 0x6\n\tF_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40\n\tF_SETSIZE = 0x2b\n\tF_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c\n\tF_THAW_FS = 0x36\n\tF_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b\n\tF_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64\n\tF_UNLCK = 0x2\n\tF_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4\n\tF_WRLCK = 0x3\n\tHUPCL = 0x4000\n\tHW_MACHINE = 0x1\n\tICANON = 0x100\n\tICMP6_FILTER = 0x12\n\tICRNL = 0x100\n\tIEXTEN = 0x400\n\tIFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200\n\tIFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000\n\tIFF_BROADCAST = 0x2\n\tIFF_DEBUG = 0x4\n\tIFF_LINK0 = 0x1000\n\tIFF_LINK1 = 0x2000\n\tIFF_LINK2 = 0x4000\n\tIFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8\n\tIFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000\n\tIFF_NOARP = 0x80\n\tIFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20\n\tIFF_OACTIVE = 0x400\n\tIFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10\n\tIFF_PROMISC = 0x100\n\tIFF_RUNNING = 0x40\n\tIFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800\n\tIFF_UP = 0x1\n\tIFNAMSIZ = 0x10\n\tIFT_1822 = 0x2\n\tIFT_AAL5 = 0x31\n\tIFT_ARCNET = 0x23\n\tIFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24\n\tIFT_ATM = 0x25\n\tIFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1\n\tIFT_CARP = 0xf8\n\tIFT_CELLULAR = 0xff\n\tIFT_CEPT = 0x13\n\tIFT_DS3 = 0x1e\n\tIFT_ENC = 0xf4\n\tIFT_EON = 0x19\n\tIFT_ETHER = 0x6\n\tIFT_FAITH = 0x38\n\tIFT_FDDI = 0xf\n\tIFT_FRELAY = 0x20\n\tIFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c\n\tIFT_GIF = 0x37\n\tIFT_HDH1822 = 0x3\n\tIFT_HIPPI = 0x2f\n\tIFT_HSSI = 0x2e\n\tIFT_HY = 0xe\n\tIFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90\n\tIFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88\n\tIFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14\n\tIFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15\n\tIFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29\n\tIFT_ISO88023 = 0x7\n\tIFT_ISO88024 = 0x8\n\tIFT_ISO88025 = 0x9\n\tIFT_ISO88026 = 0xa\n\tIFT_L2VLAN = 0x87\n\tIFT_LAPB = 0x10\n\tIFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a\n\tIFT_LOOP = 0x18\n\tIFT_MIOX25 = 0x26\n\tIFT_MODEM = 0x30\n\tIFT_NSIP = 0x1b\n\tIFT_OTHER = 0x1\n\tIFT_P10 = 0xc\n\tIFT_P80 = 0xd\n\tIFT_PARA = 0x22\n\tIFT_PDP = 0xff\n\tIFT_PFLOG = 0xf5\n\tIFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6\n\tIFT_PKTAP = 0xfe\n\tIFT_PPP = 0x17\n\tIFT_PROPMUX = 0x36\n\tIFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35\n\tIFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16\n\tIFT_RS232 = 0x21\n\tIFT_SDLC = 0x11\n\tIFT_SIP = 0x1f\n\tIFT_SLIP = 0x1c\n\tIFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b\n\tIFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34\n\tIFT_SONET = 0x27\n\tIFT_SONETPATH = 0x32\n\tIFT_SONETVT = 0x33\n\tIFT_STARLAN = 0xb\n\tIFT_STF = 0x39\n\tIFT_T1 = 0x12\n\tIFT_ULTRA = 0x1d\n\tIFT_V35 = 0x2d\n\tIFT_X25 = 0x5\n\tIFT_X25DDN = 0x4\n\tIFT_X25PLE = 0x28\n\tIFT_XETHER = 0x1a\n\tIGNBRK = 0x1\n\tIGNCR = 0x80\n\tIGNPAR = 0x4\n\tIMAXBEL = 0x2000\n\tINLCR = 0x40\n\tINPCK = 0x10\n\tIN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff\n\tIN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80\n\tIN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000\n\tIN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18\n\tIN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff\n\tIN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000\n\tIN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000\n\tIN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10\n\tIN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff\n\tIN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00\n\tIN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8\n\tIN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff\n\tIN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000\n\tIN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c\n\tIN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000\n\tIN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f\n\tIPPROTO_3PC = 0x22\n\tIPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44\n\tIPPROTO_AH = 0x33\n\tIPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d\n\tIPPROTO_APES = 0x63\n\tIPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd\n\tIPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d\n\tIPPROTO_BHA = 0x31\n\tIPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e\n\tIPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c\n\tIPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e\n\tIPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10\n\tIPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26\n\tIPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49\n\tIPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48\n\tIPPROTO_DDP = 0x25\n\tIPPROTO_DGP = 0x56\n\tIPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe\n\tIPPROTO_DONE = 0x101\n\tIPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c\n\tIPPROTO_EGP = 0x8\n\tIPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe\n\tIPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62\n\tIPPROTO_EON = 0x50\n\tIPPROTO_ESP = 0x32\n\tIPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61\n\tIPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c\n\tIPPROTO_GGP = 0x3\n\tIPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64\n\tIPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f\n\tIPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f\n\tIPPROTO_HMP = 0x14\n\tIPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0\n\tIPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1\n\tIPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a\n\tIPPROTO_IDP = 0x16\n\tIPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23\n\tIPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d\n\tIPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2\n\tIPPROTO_IGP = 0x55\n\tIPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58\n\tIPPROTO_IL = 0x28\n\tIPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34\n\tIPPROTO_INP = 0x20\n\tIPPROTO_IP = 0x0\n\tIPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c\n\tIPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47\n\tIPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e\n\tIPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4\n\tIPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43\n\tIPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4\n\tIPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29\n\tIPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c\n\tIPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41\n\tIPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b\n\tIPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19\n\tIPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a\n\tIPPROTO_MAX = 0x100\n\tIPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34\n\tIPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13\n\tIPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30\n\tIPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f\n\tIPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c\n\tIPPROTO_MUX = 0x12\n\tIPPROTO_ND = 0x4d\n\tIPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36\n\tIPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b\n\tIPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f\n\tIPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb\n\tIPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59\n\tIPPROTO_PGM = 0x71\n\tIPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9\n\tIPPROTO_PIM = 0x67\n\tIPPROTO_PRM = 0x15\n\tIPPROTO_PUP = 0xc\n\tIPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b\n\tIPPROTO_RAW = 0xff\n\tIPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa\n\tIPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b\n\tIPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b\n\tIPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e\n\tIPPROTO_RVD = 0x42\n\tIPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40\n\tIPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45\n\tIPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60\n\tIPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84\n\tIPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a\n\tIPPROTO_SEP = 0x21\n\tIPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a\n\tIPPROTO_ST = 0x7\n\tIPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52\n\tIPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35\n\tIPPROTO_TCF = 0x57\n\tIPPROTO_TCP = 0x6\n\tIPPROTO_TP = 0x1d\n\tIPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27\n\tIPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17\n\tIPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18\n\tIPPROTO_TTP = 0x54\n\tIPPROTO_UDP = 0x11\n\tIPPROTO_VINES = 0x53\n\tIPPROTO_VISA = 0x46\n\tIPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51\n\tIPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f\n\tIPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e\n\tIPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a\n\tIPPROTO_XNET = 0xf\n\tIPPROTO_XTP = 0x24\n\tIPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17\n\tIPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14\n\tIPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16\n\tIPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15\n\tIPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13\n\tIPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19\n\tIPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18\n\tIPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b\n\tIPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d\n\tIPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a\n\tIPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1\n\tIPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1\n\tIPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40\n\tIPV6_FAITH = 0x1d\n\tIPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f\n\tIPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00\n\tIPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x300\n\tIPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c\n\tIPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e\n\tIPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f\n\tIPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20\n\tIPV6_FW_GET = 0x22\n\tIPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21\n\tIPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1\n\tIPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c\n\tIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc\n\tIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd\n\tIPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff\n\tIPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800\n\tIPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff\n\tIPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200\n\tIPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff\n\tIPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80\n\tIPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f\n\tIPV6_MMTU = 0x500\n\tIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa\n\tIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9\n\tIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb\n\tIPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe\n\tIPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0\n\tIPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1\n\tIPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2\n\tIPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23\n\tIPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0\n\tIPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1\n\tIPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0\n\tIPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3\n\tIPV6_TCLASS = 0x24\n\tIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4\n\tIPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b\n\tIPV6_VERSION = 0x60\n\tIPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0\n\tIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc\n\tIP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46\n\tIP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48\n\tIP_BOUND_IF = 0x19\n\tIP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1\n\tIP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1\n\tIP_DF = 0x4000\n\tIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd\n\tIP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47\n\tIP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c\n\tIP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d\n\tIP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e\n\tIP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40\n\tIP_FAITH = 0x16\n\tIP_FW_ADD = 0x28\n\tIP_FW_DEL = 0x29\n\tIP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a\n\tIP_FW_GET = 0x2c\n\tIP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d\n\tIP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b\n\tIP_HDRINCL = 0x2\n\tIP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15\n\tIP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff\n\tIP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200\n\tIP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff\n\tIP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80\n\tIP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80\n\tIP_MF = 0x2000\n\tIP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f\n\tIP_MSFILTER = 0x4a\n\tIP_MSS = 0x240\n\tIP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9\n\tIP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42\n\tIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb\n\tIP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa\n\tIP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe\n\tIP_NAT__XXX = 0x37\n\tIP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff\n\tIP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32\n\tIP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33\n\tIP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34\n\tIP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36\n\tIP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38\n\tIP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35\n\tIP_OPTIONS = 0x1\n\tIP_PKTINFO = 0x1a\n\tIP_PORTRANGE = 0x13\n\tIP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0\n\tIP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1\n\tIP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2\n\tIP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7\n\tIP_RECVIF = 0x14\n\tIP_RECVOPTS = 0x5\n\tIP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a\n\tIP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6\n\tIP_RECVTOS = 0x1b\n\tIP_RECVTTL = 0x18\n\tIP_RETOPTS = 0x8\n\tIP_RF = 0x8000\n\tIP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10\n\tIP_RSVP_ON = 0xf\n\tIP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12\n\tIP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11\n\tIP_STRIPHDR = 0x17\n\tIP_TOS = 0x3\n\tIP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41\n\tIP_TTL = 0x4\n\tIP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49\n\tISIG = 0x80\n\tISTRIP = 0x20\n\tIUTF8 = 0x4000\n\tIXANY = 0x800\n\tIXOFF = 0x400\n\tIXON = 0x200\n\tKERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa\n\tKERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2\n\tKERN_OSTYPE = 0x1\n\tKERN_VERSION = 0x4\n\tLOCK_EX = 0x2\n\tLOCK_NB = 0x4\n\tLOCK_SH = 0x1\n\tLOCK_UN = 0x8\n\tMADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9\n\tMADV_DONTNEED = 0x4\n\tMADV_FREE = 0x5\n\tMADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7\n\tMADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8\n\tMADV_NORMAL = 0x0\n\tMADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa\n\tMADV_RANDOM = 0x1\n\tMADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2\n\tMADV_WILLNEED = 0x3\n\tMADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6\n\tMAP_ANON = 0x1000\n\tMAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000\n\tMAP_COPY = 0x2\n\tMAP_FILE = 0x0\n\tMAP_FIXED = 0x10\n\tMAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200\n\tMAP_JIT = 0x800\n\tMAP_NOCACHE = 0x400\n\tMAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100\n\tMAP_NORESERVE = 0x40\n\tMAP_PRIVATE = 0x2\n\tMAP_RENAME = 0x20\n\tMAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80\n\tMAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000\n\tMAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000\n\tMAP_SHARED = 0x1\n\tMCL_CURRENT = 0x1\n\tMCL_FUTURE = 0x2\n\tMNT_ASYNC = 0x40\n\tMNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000\n\tMNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000\n\tMNT_CPROTECT = 0x80\n\tMNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000\n\tMNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000\n\tMNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000\n\tMNT_DWAIT = 0x4\n\tMNT_EXPORTED = 0x100\n\tMNT_FORCE = 0x80000\n\tMNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000\n\tMNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000\n\tMNT_LOCAL = 0x1000\n\tMNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000\n\tMNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000\n\tMNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000\n\tMNT_NODEV = 0x10\n\tMNT_NOEXEC = 0x4\n\tMNT_NOSUID = 0x8\n\tMNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000\n\tMNT_NOWAIT = 0x2\n\tMNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400\n\tMNT_QUOTA = 0x2000\n\tMNT_RDONLY = 0x1\n\tMNT_RELOAD = 0x40000\n\tMNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000\n\tMNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2\n\tMNT_UNION = 0x20\n\tMNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000\n\tMNT_UPDATE = 0x10000\n\tMNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0x17f0f5ff\n\tMNT_WAIT = 0x1\n\tMSG_CTRUNC = 0x20\n\tMSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4\n\tMSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80\n\tMSG_EOF = 0x100\n\tMSG_EOR = 0x8\n\tMSG_FLUSH = 0x400\n\tMSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000\n\tMSG_HOLD = 0x800\n\tMSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000\n\tMSG_OOB = 0x1\n\tMSG_PEEK = 0x2\n\tMSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000\n\tMSG_SEND = 0x1000\n\tMSG_TRUNC = 0x10\n\tMSG_WAITALL = 0x40\n\tMSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200\n\tMS_ASYNC = 0x1\n\tMS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8\n\tMS_INVALIDATE = 0x2\n\tMS_KILLPAGES = 0x4\n\tMS_SYNC = 0x10\n\tNAME_MAX = 0xff\n\tNET_RT_DUMP = 0x1\n\tNET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7\n\tNET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2\n\tNET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3\n\tNET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6\n\tNET_RT_MAXID = 0xa\n\tNET_RT_STAT = 0x4\n\tNET_RT_TRASH = 0x5\n\tNL0 = 0x0\n\tNL1 = 0x100\n\tNL2 = 0x200\n\tNL3 = 0x300\n\tNLDLY = 0x300\n\tNOFLSH = 0x80000000\n\tNOKERNINFO = 0x2000000\n\tNOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8\n\tNOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8\n\tNOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40\n\tNOTE_CHILD = 0x4\n\tNOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20\n\tNOTE_DELETE = 0x1\n\tNOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000\n\tNOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000\n\tNOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000\n\tNOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000\n\tNOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000\n\tNOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000\n\tNOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000\n\tNOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000\n\tNOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000\n\tNOTE_EXTEND = 0x4\n\tNOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000\n\tNOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000\n\tNOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000\n\tNOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff\n\tNOTE_FFNOP = 0x0\n\tNOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000\n\tNOTE_FORK = 0x40000000\n\tNOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100\n\tNOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10\n\tNOTE_LINK = 0x10\n\tNOTE_LOWAT = 0x1\n\tNOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80\n\tNOTE_NONE = 0x80\n\tNOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4\n\tNOTE_OOB = 0x2\n\tNOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000\n\tNOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff\n\tNOTE_REAP = 0x10000000\n\tNOTE_RENAME = 0x20\n\tNOTE_REVOKE = 0x40\n\tNOTE_SECONDS = 0x1\n\tNOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000\n\tNOTE_TRACK = 0x1\n\tNOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2\n\tNOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000\n\tNOTE_USECONDS = 0x2\n\tNOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000\n\tNOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000\n\tNOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000\n\tNOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000\n\tNOTE_WRITE = 0x2\n\tOCRNL = 0x10\n\tOFDEL = 0x20000\n\tOFILL = 0x80\n\tONLCR = 0x2\n\tONLRET = 0x40\n\tONOCR = 0x20\n\tONOEOT = 0x8\n\tOPOST = 0x1\n\tOXTABS = 0x4\n\tO_ACCMODE = 0x3\n\tO_ALERT = 0x20000000\n\tO_APPEND = 0x8\n\tO_ASYNC = 0x40\n\tO_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000\n\tO_CREAT = 0x200\n\tO_DIRECTORY = 0x100000\n\tO_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1\n\tO_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2\n\tO_DSYNC = 0x400000\n\tO_EVTONLY = 0x8000\n\tO_EXCL = 0x800\n\tO_EXLOCK = 0x20\n\tO_FSYNC = 0x80\n\tO_NDELAY = 0x4\n\tO_NOCTTY = 0x20000\n\tO_NOFOLLOW = 0x100\n\tO_NONBLOCK = 0x4\n\tO_POPUP = 0x80000000\n\tO_RDONLY = 0x0\n\tO_RDWR = 0x2\n\tO_SHLOCK = 0x10\n\tO_SYMLINK = 0x200000\n\tO_SYNC = 0x80\n\tO_TRUNC = 0x400\n\tO_WRONLY = 0x1\n\tPARENB = 0x1000\n\tPARMRK = 0x8\n\tPARODD = 0x2000\n\tPENDIN = 0x20000000\n\tPRIO_PGRP = 0x1\n\tPRIO_PROCESS = 0x0\n\tPRIO_USER = 0x2\n\tPROT_EXEC = 0x4\n\tPROT_NONE = 0x0\n\tPROT_READ = 0x1\n\tPROT_WRITE = 0x2\n\tPT_ATTACH = 0xa\n\tPT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe\n\tPT_CONTINUE = 0x7\n\tPT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f\n\tPT_DETACH = 0xb\n\tPT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20\n\tPT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e\n\tPT_KILL = 0x8\n\tPT_READ_D = 0x2\n\tPT_READ_I = 0x1\n\tPT_READ_U = 0x3\n\tPT_SIGEXC = 0xc\n\tPT_STEP = 0x9\n\tPT_THUPDATE = 0xd\n\tPT_TRACE_ME = 0x0\n\tPT_WRITE_D = 0x5\n\tPT_WRITE_I = 0x4\n\tPT_WRITE_U = 0x6\n\tRLIMIT_AS = 0x5\n\tRLIMIT_CORE = 0x4\n\tRLIMIT_CPU = 0x0\n\tRLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2\n\tRLIMIT_DATA = 0x2\n\tRLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1\n\tRLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6\n\tRLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8\n\tRLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7\n\tRLIMIT_RSS = 0x5\n\tRLIMIT_STACK = 0x3\n\tRLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff\n\tRTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6\n\tRTAX_BRD = 0x7\n\tRTAX_DST = 0x0\n\tRTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1\n\tRTAX_GENMASK = 0x3\n\tRTAX_IFA = 0x5\n\tRTAX_IFP = 0x4\n\tRTAX_MAX = 0x8\n\tRTAX_NETMASK = 0x2\n\tRTA_AUTHOR = 0x40\n\tRTA_BRD = 0x80\n\tRTA_DST = 0x1\n\tRTA_GATEWAY = 0x2\n\tRTA_GENMASK = 0x8\n\tRTA_IFA = 0x20\n\tRTA_IFP = 0x10\n\tRTA_NETMASK = 0x4\n\tRTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000\n\tRTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000\n\tRTF_CLONING = 0x100\n\tRTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000\n\tRTF_DELCLONE = 0x80\n\tRTF_DONE = 0x40\n\tRTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10\n\tRTF_GATEWAY = 0x2\n\tRTF_HOST = 0x4\n\tRTF_IFREF = 0x4000000\n\tRTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000\n\tRTF_LLINFO = 0x400\n\tRTF_LOCAL = 0x200000\n\tRTF_MODIFIED = 0x20\n\tRTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000\n\tRTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000\n\tRTF_PINNED = 0x100000\n\tRTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000\n\tRTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000\n\tRTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000\n\tRTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000\n\tRTF_PROXY = 0x8000000\n\tRTF_REJECT = 0x8\n\tRTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000\n\tRTF_STATIC = 0x800\n\tRTF_UP = 0x1\n\tRTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000\n\tRTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200\n\tRTM_ADD = 0x1\n\tRTM_CHANGE = 0x3\n\tRTM_DELADDR = 0xd\n\tRTM_DELETE = 0x2\n\tRTM_DELMADDR = 0x10\n\tRTM_GET = 0x4\n\tRTM_GET2 = 0x14\n\tRTM_IFINFO = 0xe\n\tRTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12\n\tRTM_LOCK = 0x8\n\tRTM_LOSING = 0x5\n\tRTM_MISS = 0x7\n\tRTM_NEWADDR = 0xc\n\tRTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf\n\tRTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13\n\tRTM_OLDADD = 0x9\n\tRTM_OLDDEL = 0xa\n\tRTM_REDIRECT = 0x6\n\tRTM_RESOLVE = 0xb\n\tRTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240\n\tRTM_VERSION = 0x5\n\tRTV_EXPIRE = 0x4\n\tRTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2\n\tRTV_MTU = 0x1\n\tRTV_RPIPE = 0x8\n\tRTV_RTT = 0x40\n\tRTV_RTTVAR = 0x80\n\tRTV_SPIPE = 0x10\n\tRTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20\n\tRUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1\n\tRUSAGE_SELF = 0x0\n\tSCM_CREDS = 0x3\n\tSCM_RIGHTS = 0x1\n\tSCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2\n\tSCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4\n\tSHUT_RD = 0x0\n\tSHUT_RDWR = 0x2\n\tSHUT_WR = 0x1\n\tSIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931\n\tSIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a\n\tSIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928\n\tSIOCATMARK = 0x40047307\n\tSIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926\n\tSIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927\n\tSIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932\n\tSIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919\n\tSIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941\n\tSIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc028697b\n\tSIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f\n\tSIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301\n\tSIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921\n\tSIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948\n\tSIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c\n\tSIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947\n\tSIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923\n\tSIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b\n\tSIOCGIFCONF = 0xc00c6924\n\tSIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944\n\tSIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922\n\tSIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911\n\tSIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a\n\tSIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987\n\tSIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982\n\tSIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc02c6938\n\tSIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917\n\tSIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933\n\tSIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925\n\tSIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940\n\tSIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935\n\tSIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f\n\tSIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d\n\tSIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f\n\tSIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988\n\tSIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303\n\tSIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309\n\tSIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978\n\tSIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a\n\tSIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979\n\tSIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106981\n\tSIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc010693b\n\tSIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x8028697b\n\tSIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e\n\tSIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300\n\tSIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c\n\tSIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945\n\tSIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d\n\tSIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946\n\tSIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913\n\tSIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a\n\tSIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e\n\tSIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910\n\tSIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939\n\tSIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986\n\tSIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c\n\tSIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983\n\tSIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937\n\tSIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918\n\tSIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934\n\tSIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916\n\tSIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e\n\tSIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936\n\tSIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e\n\tSIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302\n\tSIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308\n\tSOCK_DGRAM = 0x2\n\tSOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff\n\tSOCK_RAW = 0x3\n\tSOCK_RDM = 0x4\n\tSOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5\n\tSOCK_STREAM = 0x1\n\tSOL_SOCKET = 0xffff\n\tSOMAXCONN = 0x80\n\tSO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2\n\tSO_BROADCAST = 0x20\n\tSO_DEBUG = 0x1\n\tSO_DONTROUTE = 0x10\n\tSO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000\n\tSO_ERROR = 0x1007\n\tSO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8\n\tSO_LABEL = 0x1010\n\tSO_LINGER = 0x80\n\tSO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080\n\tSO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119\n\tSO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116\n\tSO_NKE = 0x1021\n\tSO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023\n\tSO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022\n\tSO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026\n\tSO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083\n\tSO_NREAD = 0x1020\n\tSO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112\n\tSO_NWRITE = 0x1024\n\tSO_OOBINLINE = 0x100\n\tSO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011\n\tSO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082\n\tSO_RCVBUF = 0x1002\n\tSO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004\n\tSO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006\n\tSO_REUSEADDR = 0x4\n\tSO_REUSEPORT = 0x200\n\tSO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025\n\tSO_SNDBUF = 0x1001\n\tSO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003\n\tSO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005\n\tSO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400\n\tSO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800\n\tSO_TYPE = 0x1008\n\tSO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027\n\tSO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40\n\tSO_WANTMORE = 0x4000\n\tSO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000\n\tS_IEXEC = 0x40\n\tS_IFBLK = 0x6000\n\tS_IFCHR = 0x2000\n\tS_IFDIR = 0x4000\n\tS_IFIFO = 0x1000\n\tS_IFLNK = 0xa000\n\tS_IFMT = 0xf000\n\tS_IFREG = 0x8000\n\tS_IFSOCK = 0xc000\n\tS_IFWHT = 0xe000\n\tS_IREAD = 0x100\n\tS_IRGRP = 0x20\n\tS_IROTH = 0x4\n\tS_IRUSR = 0x100\n\tS_IRWXG = 0x38\n\tS_IRWXO = 0x7\n\tS_IRWXU = 0x1c0\n\tS_ISGID = 0x400\n\tS_ISTXT = 0x200\n\tS_ISUID = 0x800\n\tS_ISVTX = 0x200\n\tS_IWGRP = 0x10\n\tS_IWOTH = 0x2\n\tS_IWRITE = 0x80\n\tS_IWUSR = 0x80\n\tS_IXGRP = 0x8\n\tS_IXOTH = 0x1\n\tS_IXUSR = 0x40\n\tTAB0 = 0x0\n\tTAB1 = 0x400\n\tTAB2 = 0x800\n\tTAB3 = 0x4\n\tTABDLY = 0xc04\n\tTCIFLUSH = 0x1\n\tTCIOFF = 0x3\n\tTCIOFLUSH = 0x3\n\tTCION = 0x4\n\tTCOFLUSH = 0x2\n\tTCOOFF = 0x1\n\tTCOON = 0x2\n\tTCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20\n\tTCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106\n\tTCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104\n\tTCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105\n\tTCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10\n\tTCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102\n\tTCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101\n\tTCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c\n\tTCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28\n\tTCP_MAXSEG = 0x2\n\tTCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff\n\tTCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4\n\tTCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe\n\tTCP_MINMSS = 0xd8\n\tTCP_MSS = 0x200\n\tTCP_NODELAY = 0x1\n\tTCP_NOOPT = 0x8\n\tTCP_NOPUSH = 0x4\n\tTCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201\n\tTCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80\n\tTCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100\n\tTCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103\n\tTCSAFLUSH = 0x2\n\tTIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a\n\tTIOCCDTR = 0x20007478\n\tTIOCCONS = 0x80047462\n\tTIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458\n\tTIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e\n\tTIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455\n\tTIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d\n\tTIOCEXT = 0x80047460\n\tTIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410\n\tTIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456\n\tTIOCGETA = 0x40487413\n\tTIOCGETD = 0x4004741a\n\tTIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477\n\tTIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468\n\tTIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480\n\tTIOCIXON = 0x20007481\n\tTIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b\n\tTIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c\n\tTIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a\n\tTIOCMGET = 0x4004746a\n\tTIOCMODG = 0x40047403\n\tTIOCMODS = 0x80047404\n\tTIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b\n\tTIOCMSET = 0x8004746d\n\tTIOCM_CAR = 0x40\n\tTIOCM_CD = 0x40\n\tTIOCM_CTS = 0x20\n\tTIOCM_DSR = 0x100\n\tTIOCM_DTR = 0x2\n\tTIOCM_LE = 0x1\n\tTIOCM_RI = 0x80\n\tTIOCM_RNG = 0x80\n\tTIOCM_RTS = 0x4\n\tTIOCM_SR = 0x10\n\tTIOCM_ST = 0x8\n\tTIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471\n\tTIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e\n\tTIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473\n\tTIOCPKT = 0x80047470\n\tTIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0\n\tTIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20\n\tTIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1\n\tTIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2\n\tTIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40\n\tTIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10\n\tTIOCPKT_START = 0x8\n\tTIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4\n\tTIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453\n\tTIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454\n\tTIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452\n\tTIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469\n\tTIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b\n\tTIOCSCONS = 0x20007463\n\tTIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461\n\tTIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457\n\tTIOCSDTR = 0x20007479\n\tTIOCSETA = 0x80487414\n\tTIOCSETAF = 0x80487416\n\tTIOCSETAW = 0x80487415\n\tTIOCSETD = 0x8004741b\n\tTIOCSIG = 0x2000745f\n\tTIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476\n\tTIOCSTART = 0x2000746e\n\tTIOCSTAT = 0x20007465\n\tTIOCSTI = 0x80017472\n\tTIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f\n\tTIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467\n\tTIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459\n\tTIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466\n\tTOSTOP = 0x400000\n\tVDISCARD = 0xf\n\tVDSUSP = 0xb\n\tVEOF = 0x0\n\tVEOL = 0x1\n\tVEOL2 = 0x2\n\tVERASE = 0x3\n\tVINTR = 0x8\n\tVKILL = 0x5\n\tVLNEXT = 0xe\n\tVMIN = 0x10\n\tVM_LOADAVG = 0x2\n\tVM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4\n\tVM_MAXID = 0x6\n\tVM_METER = 0x1\n\tVM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5\n\tVQUIT = 0x9\n\tVREPRINT = 0x6\n\tVSTART = 0xc\n\tVSTATUS = 0x12\n\tVSTOP = 0xd\n\tVSUSP = 0xa\n\tVT0 = 0x0\n\tVT1 = 0x10000\n\tVTDLY = 0x10000\n\tVTIME = 0x11\n\tVWERASE = 0x4\n\tWCONTINUED = 0x10\n\tWCOREFLAG = 0x80\n\tWEXITED = 0x4\n\tWNOHANG = 0x1\n\tWNOWAIT = 0x20\n\tWORDSIZE = 0x40\n\tWSTOPPED = 0x8\n\tWUNTRACED = 0x2\n\tXATTR_CREATE = 0x2\n\tXATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10\n\tXATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1\n\tXATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8\n\tXATTR_REPLACE = 0x4\n\tXATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20\n)\n\n// Errors\nconst (\n\tE2BIG = syscall.", "Errno(0x7)\n\tEACCES = syscall.", "Errno(0xd)\n\tEADDRINUSE = syscall.", "Errno(0x30)\n\tEADDRNOTAVAIL = syscall.", "Errno(0x31)\n\tEAFNOSUPPORT = syscall.", "Errno(0x2f)\n\tEAGAIN = syscall.", "Errno(0x23)\n\tEALREADY = syscall.", "Errno(0x25)\n\tEAUTH = syscall.", "Errno(0x50)\n\tEBADARCH = syscall.", "Errno(0x56)\n\tEBADEXEC = syscall.", "Errno(0x55)\n\tEBADF = syscall.", "Errno(0x9)\n\tEBADMACHO = syscall.", "Errno(0x58)\n\tEBADMSG = syscall.", "Errno(0x5e)\n\tEBADRPC = syscall.", "Errno(0x48)\n\tEBUSY = syscall.", "Errno(0x10)\n\tECANCELED = syscall.", "Errno(0x59)\n\tECHILD = syscall.", "Errno(0xa)\n\tECONNABORTED = syscall.", "Errno(0x35)\n\tECONNREFUSED = syscall.", "Errno(0x3d)\n\tECONNRESET = syscall.", "Errno(0x36)\n\tEDEADLK = syscall.", "Errno(0xb)\n\tEDESTADDRREQ = syscall.", "Errno(0x27)\n\tEDEVERR = syscall.", "Errno(0x53)\n\tEDOM = syscall.", "Errno(0x21)\n\tEDQUOT = syscall.", "Errno(0x45)\n\tEEXIST = syscall.", "Errno(0x11)\n\tEFAULT = syscall.", "Errno(0xe)\n\tEFBIG = syscall.", "Errno(0x1b)\n\tEFTYPE = syscall.", "Errno(0x4f)\n\tEHOSTDOWN = syscall.", "Errno(0x40)\n\tEHOSTUNREACH = syscall.", "Errno(0x41)\n\tEIDRM = syscall.", "Errno(0x5a)\n\tEILSEQ = syscall.", "Errno(0x5c)\n\tEINPROGRESS = syscall.", "Errno(0x24)\n\tEINTR = syscall.", "Errno(0x4)\n\tEINVAL = syscall.", "Errno(0x16)\n\tEIO = syscall.", "Errno(0x5)\n\tEISCONN = syscall.", "Errno(0x38)\n\tEISDIR = syscall.", "Errno(0x15)\n\tELAST = syscall.", "Errno(0x6a)\n\tELOOP = syscall.", "Errno(0x3e)\n\tEMFILE = syscall.", "Errno(0x18)\n\tEMLINK = syscall.", "Errno(0x1f)\n\tEMSGSIZE = syscall.", "Errno(0x28)\n\tEMULTIHOP = syscall.", "Errno(0x5f)\n\tENAMETOOLONG = syscall.", "Errno(0x3f)\n\tENEEDAUTH = syscall.", "Errno(0x51)\n\tENETDOWN = syscall.", "Errno(0x32)\n\tENETRESET = syscall.", "Errno(0x34)\n\tENETUNREACH = syscall.", "Errno(0x33)\n\tENFILE = syscall.", "Errno(0x17)\n\tENOATTR = syscall.", "Errno(0x5d)\n\tENOBUFS = syscall.", "Errno(0x37)\n\tENODATA = syscall.", "Errno(0x60)\n\tENODEV = syscall.", "Errno(0x13)\n\tENOENT = syscall.", "Errno(0x2)\n\tENOEXEC = syscall.", "Errno(0x8)\n\tENOLCK = syscall.", "Errno(0x4d)\n\tENOLINK = syscall.", "Errno(0x61)\n\tENOMEM = syscall.", "Errno(0xc)\n\tENOMSG = syscall.", "Errno(0x5b)\n\tENOPOLICY = syscall.", "Errno(0x67)\n\tENOPROTOOPT = syscall.", "Errno(0x2a)\n\tENOSPC = syscall.", "Errno(0x1c)\n\tENOSR = syscall.", "Errno(0x62)\n\tENOSTR = syscall.", "Errno(0x63)\n\tENOSYS = syscall.", "Errno(0x4e)\n\tENOTBLK = syscall.", "Errno(0xf)\n\tENOTCONN = syscall.", "Errno(0x39)\n\tENOTDIR = syscall.", "Errno(0x14)\n\tENOTEMPTY = syscall.", "Errno(0x42)\n\tENOTRECOVERABLE = syscall.", "Errno(0x68)\n\tENOTSOCK = syscall.", "Errno(0x26)\n\tENOTSUP = syscall.", "Errno(0x2d)\n\tENOTTY = syscall.", "Errno(0x19)\n\tENXIO = syscall.", "Errno(0x6)\n\tEOPNOTSUPP = syscall.", "Errno(0x66)\n\tEOVERFLOW = syscall.", "Errno(0x54)\n\tEOWNERDEAD = syscall.", "Errno(0x69)\n\tEPERM = syscall.", "Errno(0x1)\n\tEPFNOSUPPORT = syscall.", "Errno(0x2e)\n\tEPIPE = syscall.", "Errno(0x20)\n\tEPROCLIM = syscall.", "Errno(0x43)\n\tEPROCUNAVAIL = syscall.", "Errno(0x4c)\n\tEPROGMISMATCH = syscall.", "Errno(0x4b)\n\tEPROGUNAVAIL = syscall.", "Errno(0x4a)\n\tEPROTO = syscall.", "Errno(0x64)\n\tEPROTONOSUPPORT = syscall.", "Errno(0x2b)\n\tEPROTOTYPE = syscall.", "Errno(0x29)\n\tEPWROFF = syscall.", "Errno(0x52)\n\tEQFULL = syscall.", "Errno(0x6a)\n\tERANGE = syscall.", "Errno(0x22)\n\tEREMOTE = syscall.", "Errno(0x47)\n\tEROFS = syscall.", "Errno(0x1e)\n\tERPCMISMATCH = syscall.", "Errno(0x49)\n\tESHLIBVERS = syscall.", "Errno(0x57)\n\tESHUTDOWN = syscall.", "Errno(0x3a)\n\tESOCKTNOSUPPORT = syscall.", "Errno(0x2c)\n\tESPIPE = syscall.", "Errno(0x1d)\n\tESRCH = syscall.", "Errno(0x3)\n\tESTALE = syscall.", "Errno(0x46)\n\tETIME = syscall.", "Errno(0x65)\n\tETIMEDOUT = syscall.", "Errno(0x3c)\n\tETOOMANYREFS = syscall.", "Errno(0x3b)\n\tETXTBSY = syscall.", "Errno(0x1a)\n\tEUSERS = syscall.", "Errno(0x44)\n\tEWOULDBLOCK = syscall.", "Errno(0x23)\n\tEXDEV = syscall.", "Errno(0x12)\n)\n\n// Signals\nconst (\n\tSIGABRT = syscall.", "Signal(0x6)\n\tSIGALRM = syscall.", "Signal(0xe)\n\tSIGBUS = syscall.", "Signal(0xa)\n\tSIGCHLD = syscall.", "Signal(0x14)\n\tSIGCONT = syscall.", "Signal(0x13)\n\tSIGEMT = syscall.", "Signal(0x7)\n\tSIGFPE = syscall.", "Signal(0x8)\n\tSIGHUP = syscall.", "Signal(0x1)\n\tSIGILL = syscall.", "Signal(0x4)\n\tSIGINFO = syscall.", "Signal(0x1d)\n\tSIGINT = syscall.", "Signal(0x2)\n\tSIGIO = syscall.", "Signal(0x17)\n\tSIGIOT = syscall.", "Signal(0x6)\n\tSIGKILL = syscall.", "Signal(0x9)\n\tSIGPIPE = syscall.", "Signal(0xd)\n\tSIGPROF = syscall.", "Signal(0x1b)\n\tSIGQUIT = syscall.", "Signal(0x3)\n\tSIGSEGV = syscall.", "Signal(0xb)\n\tSIGSTOP = syscall.", "Signal(0x11)\n\tSIGSYS = syscall.", "Signal(0xc)\n\tSIGTERM = syscall.", "Signal(0xf)\n\tSIGTRAP = syscall.", "Signal(0x5)\n\tSIGTSTP = syscall.", "Signal(0x12)\n\tSIGTTIN = syscall.", "Signal(0x15)\n\tSIGTTOU = syscall.", "Signal(0x16)\n\tSIGURG = syscall.", "Signal(0x10)\n\tSIGUSR1 = syscall.", "Signal(0x1e)\n\tSIGUSR2 = syscall.", "Signal(0x1f)\n\tSIGVTALRM = syscall.", "Signal(0x1a)\n\tSIGWINCH = syscall.", "Signal(0x1c)\n\tSIGXCPU = syscall.", "Signal(0x18)\n\tSIGXFSZ = syscall.", "Signal(0x19)\n)\n\n// Error table\nvar errorList = [...]struct {\n\tnum syscall.", "Errno\n\tname string\n\tdesc string\n}{\n\t{1, \"EPERM\", \"operation not permitted\"},\n\t{2, \"ENOENT\", \"no such file or directory\"},\n\t{3, \"ESRCH\", \"no such process\"},\n\t{4, \"EINTR\", \"interrupted system call\"},\n\t{5, \"EIO\", \"input/output error\"},\n\t{6, \"ENXIO\", \"device not configured\"},\n\t{7, \"E2BIG\", \"argument list too long\"},\n\t{8, \"ENOEXEC\", \"exec format error\"},\n\t{9, \"EBADF\", \"bad file descriptor\"},\n\t{10, \"ECHILD\", \"no child processes\"},\n\t{11, \"EDEADLK\", \"resource deadlock avoided\"},\n\t{12, \"ENOMEM\", \"cannot allocate memory\"},\n\t{13, \"EACCES\", \"permission denied\"},\n\t{14, \"EFAULT\", \"bad address\"},\n\t{15, \"ENOTBLK\", \"block device required\"},\n\t{16, \"EBUSY\", \"resource busy\"},\n\t{17, \"EEXIST\", \"file exists\"},\n\t{18, \"EXDEV\", \"cross-device link\"},\n\t{19, \"ENODEV\", \"operation not supported by device\"},\n\t{20, \"ENOTDIR\", \"not a directory\"},\n\t{21, \"EISDIR\", \"is a directory\"},\n\t{22, \"EINVAL\", \"invalid argument\"},\n\t{23, \"ENFILE\", \"too many open files in system\"},\n\t{24, \"EMFILE\", \"too many open files\"},\n\t{25, \"ENOTTY\", \"inappropriate ioctl for device\"},\n\t{26, \"ETXTBSY\", \"text file busy\"},\n\t{27, \"EFBIG\", \"file too large\"},\n\t{28, \"ENOSPC\", \"no space left on device\"},\n\t{29, \"ESPIPE\", \"illegal seek\"},\n\t{30, \"EROFS\", \"read-only file system\"},\n\t{31, \"EMLINK\", \"too many links\"},\n\t{32, \"EPIPE\", \"broken pipe\"},\n\t{33, \"EDOM\", \"numerical argument out of domain\"},\n\t{34, \"ERANGE\", \"result too large\"},\n\t{35, \"EAGAIN\", \"resource temporarily unavailable\"},\n\t{36, \"EINPROGRESS\", \"operation now in progress\"},\n\t{37, \"EALREADY\", \"operation already in progress\"},\n\t{38, \"ENOTSOCK\", \"socket operation on non-socket\"},\n\t{39, \"EDESTADDRREQ\", \"destination address required\"},\n\t{40, \"EMSGSIZE\", \"message too long\"},\n\t{41, \"EPROTOTYPE\", \"protocol wrong type for socket\"},\n\t{42, \"ENOPROTOOPT\", \"protocol not available\"},\n\t{43, \"EPROTONOSUPPORT\", \"protocol not supported\"},\n\t{44, \"ESOCKTNOSUPPORT\", \"socket type not supported\"},\n\t{45, \"ENOTSUP\", \"operation not supported\"},\n\t{46, \"EPFNOSUPPORT\", \"protocol family not supported\"},\n\t{47, \"EAFNOSUPPORT\", \"address family not supported by protocol family\"},\n\t{48, \"EADDRINUSE\", \"address already in use\"},\n\t{49, \"EADDRNOTAVAIL\", \"can't assign requested address\"},\n\t{50, \"ENETDOWN\", \"network is down\"},\n\t{51, \"ENETUNREACH\", \"network is unreachable\"},\n\t{52, \"ENETRESET\", \"network dropped connection on reset\"},\n\t{53, \"ECONNABORTED\", \"software caused connection abort\"},\n\t{54, \"ECONNRESET\", \"connection reset by peer\"},\n\t{55, \"ENOBUFS\", \"no buffer space available\"},\n\t{56, \"EISCONN\", \"socket is already connected\"},\n\t{57, \"ENOTCONN\", \"socket is not connected\"},\n\t{58, \"ESHUTDOWN\", \"can't send after socket shutdown\"},\n\t{59, \"ETOOMANYREFS\", \"too many references: can't splice\"},\n\t{60, \"ETIMEDOUT\", \"operation timed out\"},\n\t{61, \"ECONNREFUSED\", \"connection refused\"},\n\t{62, \"ELOOP\", \"too many levels of symbolic links\"},\n\t{63, \"ENAMETOOLONG\", \"file name too long\"},\n\t{64, \"EHOSTDOWN\", \"host is down\"},\n\t{65, \"EHOSTUNREACH\", \"no route to host\"},\n\t{66, \"ENOTEMPTY\", \"directory not empty\"},\n\t{67, \"EPROCLIM\", \"too many processes\"},\n\t{68, \"EUSERS\", \"too many users\"},\n\t{69, \"EDQUOT\", \"disc quota exceeded\"},\n\t{70, \"ESTALE\", \"stale NFS file handle\"},\n\t{71, \"EREMOTE\", \"too many levels of remote in path\"},\n\t{72, \"EBADRPC\", \"RPC struct is bad\"},\n\t{73, \"ERPCMISMATCH\", \"RPC version wrong\"},\n\t{74, \"EPROGUNAVAIL\", \"RPC prog. ", "not avail\"},\n\t{75, \"EPROGMISMATCH\", \"program version wrong\"},\n\t{76, \"EPROCUNAVAIL\", \"bad procedure for program\"},\n\t{77, \"ENOLCK\", \"no locks available\"},\n\t{78, \"ENOSYS\", \"function not implemented\"},\n\t{79, \"EFTYPE\", \"inappropriate file type or format\"},\n\t{80, \"EAUTH\", \"authentication error\"},\n\t{81, \"ENEEDAUTH\", \"need authenticator\"},\n\t{82, \"EPWROFF\", \"device power is off\"},\n\t{83, \"EDEVERR\", \"device error\"},\n\t{84, \"EOVERFLOW\", \"value too large to be stored in data type\"},\n\t{85, \"EBADEXEC\", \"bad executable (or shared library)\"},\n\t{86, \"EBADARCH\", \"bad CPU type in executable\"},\n\t{87, \"ESHLIBVERS\", \"shared library version mismatch\"},\n\t{88, \"EBADMACHO\", \"malformed Mach-o file\"},\n\t{89, \"ECANCELED\", \"operation canceled\"},\n\t{90, \"EIDRM\", \"identifier removed\"},\n\t{91, \"ENOMSG\", \"no message of desired type\"},\n\t{92, \"EILSEQ\", \"illegal byte sequence\"},\n\t{93, \"ENOATTR\", \"attribute not found\"},\n\t{94, \"EBADMSG\", \"bad message\"},\n\t{95, \"EMULTIHOP\", \"EMULTIHOP (Reserved)\"},\n\t{96, \"ENODATA\", \"no message available on STREAM\"},\n\t{97, \"ENOLINK\", \"ENOLINK (Reserved)\"},\n\t{98, \"ENOSR\", \"no STREAM resources\"},\n\t{99, \"ENOSTR\", \"not a STREAM\"},\n\t{100, \"EPROTO\", \"protocol error\"},\n\t{101, \"ETIME\", \"STREAM ioctl timeout\"},\n\t{102, \"EOPNOTSUPP\", \"operation not supported on socket\"},\n\t{103, \"ENOPOLICY\", \"policy not found\"},\n\t{104, \"ENOTRECOVERABLE\", \"state not recoverable\"},\n\t{105, \"EOWNERDEAD\", \"previous owner died\"},\n\t{106, \"EQFULL\", \"interface output queue is full\"},\n}\n\n// Signal table\nvar signalList = [...]struct {\n\tnum syscall.", "Signal\n\tname string\n\tdesc string\n}{\n\t{1, \"SIGHUP\", \"hangup\"},\n\t{2, \"SIGINT\", \"interrupt\"},\n\t{3, \"SIGQUIT\", \"quit\"},\n\t{4, \"SIGILL\", \"illegal instruction\"},\n\t{5, \"SIGTRAP\", \"trace/BPT trap\"},\n\t{6, \"SIGABRT\", \"abort trap\"},\n\t{7, \"SIGEMT\", \"EMT trap\"},\n\t{8, \"SIGFPE\", \"floating point exception\"},\n\t{9, \"SIGKILL\", \"killed\"},\n\t{10, \"SIGBUS\", \"bus error\"},\n\t{11, \"SIGSEGV\", \"segmentation fault\"},\n\t{12, \"SIGSYS\", \"bad system call\"},\n\t{13, \"SIGPIPE\", \"broken pipe\"},\n\t{14, \"SIGALRM\", \"alarm clock\"},\n\t{15, \"SIGTERM\", \"terminated\"},\n\t{16, \"SIGURG\", \"urgent I/O condition\"},\n\t{17, \"SIGSTOP\", \"suspended (signal)\"},\n\t{18, \"SIGTSTP\", \"suspended\"},\n\t{19, \"SIGCONT\", \"continued\"},\n\t{20, \"SIGCHLD\", \"child exited\"},\n\t{21, \"SIGTTIN\", \"stopped (tty input)\"},\n\t{22, \"SIGTTOU\", \"stopped (tty output)\"},\n\t{23, \"SIGIO\", \"I/O possible\"},\n\t{24, \"SIGXCPU\", \"cputime limit exceeded\"},\n\t{25, \"SIGXFSZ\", \"filesize limit exceeded\"},\n\t{26, \"SIGVTALRM\", \"virtual timer expired\"},\n\t{27, \"SIGPROF\", \"profiling timer expired\"},\n\t{28, \"SIGWINCH\", \"window size changes\"},\n\t{29, \"SIGINFO\", \"information request\"},\n\t{30, \"SIGUSR1\", \"user defined signal 1\"},\n\t{31, \"SIGUSR2\", \"user defined signal 2\"},\n}\n" ]
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