[ "Still no GL, so as a public service, here is some of the local news from the internets. ", "First off, Metropolitan Cinema swears they'll be open by the Spring of '09. ", "I'll believe it when I see it - this is the second slowest project in the area (the slowest is 80 Metropolitan, which despite having a small army working six days a week, every week, is moving verrry sloooowly).", "\n[via Curbed]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011363636363636364, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.07692307692307693 ]
[ "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n============\n\nAfter respiratory infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs) as one of the most common bacterial infections are considered human. ", "Several studies suggest that Gram-negative bacilli, including *Enterobacteriaceae* bacteria family, are the most common microorganisms in the appearance of UTIs. ", "In the meantime, *E. coli is causing more than 81% of cases of UTIs*;\\[[@ref1][@ref2]\\] afterward, *Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Proteus*, and *Enterococci* have identified as the causes of UTIs.\\[[@ref3]\\] Quick and accurate diagnosis of UTI is very important to shorten the course of illness, as well as to prevent disease progression toward upper UTIs and renal impairment.\\[[@ref4]\\] Resistances to antibiotics in different parts of the world due to genetic changes in strains, diversity in the use of antibiotics, and division in the availability to broad-spectrum of new antibiotics are different.\\[[@ref5]\\] In many infectious diseases including UTIs, a physician needs to start the treatment before a definitive diagnosis of infection cause and antibiogram; therefore, to administer the appropriate antibiotic, the physician must have sufficient information about the probable cause of infection and antibiotic susceptibility;\\[[@ref6]\\] hence, UTI agents and their antibiotic resistance are identified in each region to start treatment before culture and antibiotic sensitivity test results.\\[[@ref5][@ref7]\\] Studies to identify the pathogens responsible for UTIs and antibiotic resistance are significant to their specific therapy to eradicate the infectious agent.\\[[@ref8][@ref9]\\] According to the numerous studies in the field of bacterial drug resistance patterns of UTIs, for validating the results of this study to give more precise and valid results, the current study is carried out through systematic review and meta-analysis.", "\n\nMethods {#sec1-2}\n=======\n\nA database was built for the most common resistance pattern of bacteria that causes UTIs in Iran from 1991 to 2015 using internal and external databases, including Scientific Information Database, Magiran, IranDoc, IranMedex, MedLib, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. ", "Search was limited to research papers about the most common bacterial causing UTIs and their antibiotic resistance patterns that have published in Persian and English magazines. ", "The keywords, titles, and abstracts were used by Boolean operator assistance. ", "Keywords involved are UTIs, Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance. ", "Likewise, titles and search results were evaluated and their suitability was determined for potential inclusion in the study. ", "Furthermore, the references of selected articles were examined. ", "Related studies in the list of references for inclusion in the study were selected.", "\n\nInclusion and exclusion criteria {#sec2-1}\n--------------------------------\n\nAll cross-sectional or group studies were considered in relation to antibiotic resistance patterns of bacteria that cause UTIs. ", "Study selection for inclusion in the assessment was done in three stages based on papers review: title, abstract, and full text. ", "In some cases, due to ambiguity in the results of a study, the author should be contacted by for more information. ", "Related studies involved the prevalence of bacteria causing UTIs and antibiotic resistance pattern. ", "Studies excluded from the analysis in each of the following reasons: studies that had insufficient information, studies not included in epidemiological studies, studies not included in cross-sectional studies, and studies that have relation with other infections than UTIs. ", "Furthermore, overview studies, summary of congresses, studies published in other languages except for Persian and Latin, systematic studies and meta-analyses, and repetitive publications were excluded from the analysis.", "\n\nData extraction {#sec2-2}\n---------------\n\nThe data extracted from all studies were first author, publication year, study year, study location, sample size, average and age group, gender, type of insulation, urinary pathogen prevalence, bacterial factors, resistance to different antibiotics, antibiotic susceptibility test methods, and antibiotics susceptibility report criteria \\[[Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}\\]. ", "Abstract and full-text search and examination were performed independently by two people, and if the results did not have any corresponding together, studies coexamined jointly to resolve the dispute.", "\n\n###### \n\nGeneral data and specifications reviewed articles in the meta-analysis\n\n First author Publishing year Study year Location of study Number of samples The Prevalence of Pathogens (percent) \n --------------------------------- ----------------- ------------ -------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ -------- ------\n Molazadeh\\[[@ref74]\\] 1391 1383 Western Azerbaijan 1900 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 39.3\n Mohajeri\\[[@ref75]\\] 1390 1387 Kermanshah 1114 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 75\n Molazadeh\\[[@ref7]\\] 1393 91-92 Fasa 2484 \\- 5.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 16.6 76.3\n Mosavian\\[[@ref76]\\] 1383 1382 Ahvaz 38 \\- 18 \\- 6 \\- \\- \\- 14 20 34\n Madani\\[[@ref77]\\] 1387 1358 Kermanshah 1815 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 45.4\n Sorkhi\\[[@ref78]\\] 1384 1381 Babol 188 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 59.5\n Ghoutaslou\\[[@ref79]\\] 1384 91-92 Tabriz 213 \\- 5.2 9 4.2 \\- \\- \\- \\- 10.3 79\n Norouzi\\[[@ref80]\\] 1379 1377 Tehran 313 \\- 1.6 12.7 5.9 \\- \\- \\- 3.2 4.6 53.5\n Alaie\\[[@ref81]\\] 1387 84-83 Tehran 510 \\- 2.4 7.6 \\- \\- \\- \\- 6.1 9 72\n Torabi\\[[@ref82]\\] 1368 1385 Zanjan 118 \\- 3.9 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 15.9 17.3 48.4\n Hajizade\\[[@ref83]\\] 1382 1381 Tehran 150 \\- \\- 4 5 8 \\- \\- 19 10 50\n Eghbalian\\[[@ref84]\\] 1384 83-84 Hamedan 156 \\- 6.4 2.6 \\- \\- 2.6 \\- 5.1 2.6 82\n Jarsiah\\[[@ref72]\\] 1393 90-91 Tehran 208 \\- \\- 5.8 3.4 \\- \\- \\- 6.2 73.1\n Mirmostafa\\[[@ref85]\\] 1392 1379 Karaj 100 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 6 \\- 3 83\n Mobasher\\[[@ref86]\\] 1381 139 Gorgan 33 \\- \\- 3 3 \\- 3 \\- 30.3 15.2 33.3\n Asgharian\\[[@ref87]\\] 1391 89-90 Tenekanon 307 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 84.6\n Sharif\\[[@ref88]\\] 1378 74-76 Kashan 152 \\- 0.8 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 14-Jul 52\n Rahimi\\[[@ref89]\\] 1393 90-91 Esfahan 301 \\- 2.3 2 0.65 11.3 7.3 65.5\n Mokhtarian\\[[@ref90]\\] 1385 80-84 GONABAD 353 \\- \\- 3.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- 21.8 7.9 66\n Assefzadeh\\[[@ref91]\\] 1383 1386 Ghazvin 224 \\- 3.1 2.7 10.3 2.2 3.1 7.2 8.9 61.2\n Tarhani\\[[@ref64]\\] 1382 80-81 Khoram abad 127 \\- 3.1 12.6 \\- \\- 0.8 \\- \\- 9.4 23.2\n Hamid-Farahani\\[[@ref92]\\] 1391 87-88 Tehran 456 8.6 \\- \\- \\- \\- 2 3.3 22.1 13 60.3\n Mohammadi\\[[@ref93]\\] 1385 1380 Falavarjan 209 \\- 6.2 2.9 2.4 \\- \\- 1.4 17.2 15.8 54.1\n Fahimi\\[[@ref94]\\] 1382 75-82 Tehran 120 \\- 0.5 1.1 \\- \\- 2.8 2.9 61.1\n Saedi\\[[@ref95]\\] 1392 89-91 Mashhad 102 \\- \\- \\- 4.5 14.5 \\- 14.5 1.3 15.4 16.3\n Yazdi\\[[@ref96]\\] 1389 88-89 Tehran 444 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 55.4\n Yadollahi\\[[@ref97]\\] 1381 71-76 Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari 202 \\- 6.5 2.5 0.8 \\- \\- \\- 2.5 7.5 80\n Soleimani\\[[@ref98]\\] 1392 91-92 Semnan 100 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 70\n Moulana 1392 87-88 Babol 770 12.1 \\- \\- \\- \\- 5.9 8 17.9 48.6\n Heidari-soreshjani\\[[@ref100]\\] 1392 90-91 Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari 74 4.5 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 20.3 \\- 70.3\n Soltan Dallal\\[[@ref101]\\] 1390 88-89 Tabriz 400 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 47\n Yazdi\\[[@ref102]\\] 1392 \\- Tehran 300 22.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 22.3 77.7 \n Fesharakinia\\[[@ref103]\\] 1391 88-89 Birjand 100 \\- \\- 11 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 75\n Jalalpour\\[[@ref104]\\] 1388 1387 Esfahan 91 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 15.4 84.6\n Mohammadimehr\\[[@ref105]\\] 1390 86-87 Tehran 77 \\- 6.5 9.1 13 10.3 1.3 \\- \\- 13 45.4\n Sahebnagh\\[[@ref106]\\] 1393 1392 Tehran 1123 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 50\n Safkhani\\[[@ref107]\\] 1393 1392 Tehran 136 \\- \\- 4.4 \\- \\- 1.5 8.8 13.2 11.8 51.5\n Soltan Dallal\\[[@ref101]\\] 1393 91-92 Tehran 400 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 24 \\-\n Asghari Moghadam\\[[@ref108]\\] 1393 89-90 Tehran 116 \\- \\- \\- 10.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Mortazavi\\[[@ref109]\\] 1393 1391 Yasouj 200 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 61.5\n Asadi Manesh\\[[@ref5]\\] 1393 1391 Yasouj 145 \\- 3.5 6.2 2.8 \\- \\- \\- 3.4 10.3 72.4\n Dehbashi\\[[@ref110]\\] 1393 92-93 Tehran 522 10.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Savadkoohi\\[[@ref111]\\] 1392 89-90 Babol 128 \\- \\- \\- 4.1 \\- \\- \\- \\- 3.1 8.9\n Sharif\\[[@ref112]\\] 1393 91-92 Kashan 180 \\- \\- 1.7 1.1 2.8 1.2 5.6 4.4 19.4 64.3\n Isvand\\[[@ref3]\\] 1393 1391 Dezfool 160 3.1 1.9 \\- 1.3 \\- 2.5 \\- 4.4 20.1 63.3\n Esmaeili\\[[@ref113]\\] 1392 90-91 Hamedan 141 \\- 10.7 7.1 7.9 \\- \\- \\- 8.5 61\n Hosseini\\[[@ref114]\\] 1393 91-92 Ghazvin 12.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 10.6 61.1\n Shahraki\\[[@ref115]\\] 1393 1391 Zahedan 122 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 8.2 \\-\n Bagheri\\[[@ref116]\\] 1393 90-91 Gorgan 111 \\- 26.1 6.3 13.5 1.8 \\- \\- \\- 40.5 \\-\n Molazade\\[[@ref117]\\] 1393 91-93 Fasa 283 \\- 5.7 5.7 \\- \\- \\- 6.4 14.5 64.3\n Molazade\\[[@ref118]\\] 1393 91-92 Fasa 24-84 \\- 5.8 3.5 1.7 \\- \\- \\- \\- 23.9 64.7\n Molaabaszadeh\\[[@ref119]\\] 1392 1390 Tabriz Fasa 5701 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 58.4\n Farajnia\\[[@ref120]\\] 1388 86 Tabriz 676 \\- 1.2 1.2 2.7 \\- \\- 1.2 8 11.7 74.6\n Ahangarkani\\[[@ref121]\\] 1393 92-93 Babol 128 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 78\n Nasiri\\[[@ref122]\\] 1379 78-79 Birjand 111 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 65\n Savadkoohi\\[[@ref111]\\] 1386 82-83 Babol 160 \\- 11.9 3.1 6.3 \\- \\- \\- 6.5 \\- 70\n Panahi\\[[@ref123]\\] 1387 80-84 Tehran 28 \\- 17.9 \\- \\- \\- 17.9 43 21.4\n Esmaeili\\[[@ref124]\\] 1384 80-81 Mashhad 166 \\- 1.8 6 0.6 \\- 2.4 3.6 4.3 7.2 74.1\n Jalalpoor\\[[@ref125]\\] 1390 88-89 Esfahan 211 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 14 64\n Jalalpoor\\[[@ref125]\\] 1390 88-89 Esfahan 167 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 15 52\n Zamanzad\\[[@ref126]\\] 1384 1383 Shahre Kord 100 \\- 2 \\- 6 \\- \\- \\- 12 38 42\n Zamanzad\\[[@ref126]\\] 1384 1383 Shahre Kord 100 \\- 6 4 2 \\- 1 \\- 7 16 58\n Norouzi\\[[@ref127]\\] 1385 1 Jahrom 351 \\- 3.7 56 1.4 \\- 1.2 \\- 0.84 10.7 80.3\n Abdolahi\\[[@ref128]\\] 1383 86-87 Tehran 5400 15.7 1.3 2.3 \\- \\- 0.8 2 14.1 8.8 44.5\n\nStatistical analysis {#sec2-3}\n--------------------\n\nWith regard to the prevalence of antibiotic resistances and sample numbers that were obtained in each article, for calculating the variance of each study and combined with the amounts of various studies, the prevalence of binomial distribution and weighted average were used, respectively. ", "However, weight was given to each study proportional to its variance inverse. ", "Due to the large difference in prevalence in different studies (heterogeneity in studies) and know the significance of the homogeneity index (*I*^2^), the random-effects model was used in the meta-analysis.", "\n\nResults {#sec1-3}\n=======\n\nAs a result of the initial search, 184 articles were obtained. ", "In the next stage, 34 articles were rejected based on titles and abstracts assessment and the full-text 150 articles remained were studied. ", "After this, 137 papers were selected to be involved the next stage. ", "Then, 47 articles were eliminated (8 reviews, 19 duplicates, 7 low-quality articles, and 13 articles due to insufficient information). ", "Finally, after a precise review of selected articles, 90 studies conducted in 1991--2015 have been entered in the meta-analysis \\[[Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "General specifications and data sheet are depicted in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n![", "Studies entry to systematic review and meta-analysis](IJPVM-10-169-g001){#F1}\n\nIn reviewing studies in this meta-analysis, by a total number of urine samples collected in national and private laboratories, based on standard methods, 35,118 people with UTI (65.37% female and 34.63% male), also 78.40% of urinary infections were common outpatient and hospitalized patients were 21.60%.", "\n\nAmong the most common pathogens causing UTIs were *E. coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus*, and *Streptococcus* with a frequency of 62%, 13%, 12%, and 11% took place the next ranks, respectively \\[[Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Other bacteria *Enterococcus, Citrobacter, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Proteus*, and *Enterobacter* had a marginal role in UTI with the frequency of 2% \\[[Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}\\].", "\n\n![", "Resistances rate of Escolar isolates to Ampicillin based on a random-effects model. ", "The midpoint of each piece represents an estimate of the prevalence, each piece represents a confidence interval of 15% in each study and diamond mark is indicative of all the studies in the whole country](IJPVM-10-169-g002){#F2}\n\n###### \n\nFrequency distribution of bacteria causing UTIs examined in the meta-analysis\n\n *P* Heterogeneity index *I*^2^ (%) Confidence interval (CI%95) Prevalence The number of studies Bacteria type\n -------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ ----------------------- ------------------\n \\<.001 97.9 58-65 62% 58 *E. coli*\n \\<.001 95.6 11-15 13% 44 *Klebsiella*\n \\<.001 98 0.09-15 12% 32 *Staphylococcus*\n \\<.001 96 0.06-16 11% 6 *Streptococcus*\n \\<.001 91.5 0.04-0.07 05% 12 *Enterococcus*\n \\<.001 26.4 0.01-0.02 01% 14 *Citrobacter*\n \\<.001 79.6 0.03-10 06% 5 *Acinetobacter*\n \\<.001 72.8 0.02-0.04 03% 28 *Pseudomonas*\n \\<.001 82.6 0.03-0.04 04% 28 *Proteus*\n \\<.001 93 0.04-0.07 05% 28 *Enterobacter*\n \\<.001 91.6 1.2-2.4 1.76 15 Other Species\n\nResistance of *E. coli* to different antibiotics in the included studies at meta-analysis is summarized in [Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The analysis results of the most common resistance isolates causing UTIs to antibiotics are given in [Table 4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "As it can be seen, there is most resistance among *E. coli* isolates to ampicillin (86%) \\[[Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], amoxicillin (76%), tetracycline (71%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (64%), cephalexin (61%), and cefalothin (60%) antibiotics. ", "Likewise, the lowest rate of resistance had been observed in imipenem (14%) \\[[Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], nitrofurantoin (18%), amikacin (21%), chloramphenicol (28%), and ciprofloxacin (28%) antibiotics, and the resistance of *E. coli* isolates as compared to other used antibiotics was as follows: gentamicin (32%), ceftriaxone (35%), cefazolin (48%), cefixime (45%), nalidixic acid (43%), cefotaxime (42%), and ceftazidime (40%).", "\n\n###### \n\n*E. coli* resistance rate (%) to different antibiotics in the articles reviewed in the meta-analysis\n\n First Author *Chloramphenicol* *Nitrofurantoin* *Imipenem* *Cefalotin* *Cephalexin* *Cefixime* *Cefotaxime* *Ceftriaxone* *Ceftazidime* *Nalidixic acid* *Ciprofloxacin* *Amikacin* *Gentamicin* *Tetracycline* *Amoxicillin* *Ampicillin* *Cotrimoxazole*\n ---------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------ -------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- -----------------\n Molazadeh\\[[@ref74]\\] \\- 5.5 \\- 48.9 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 24.8 19 \\- 11.5 \\- \\- 84 60.3\n Mohajeri\\[[@ref75]\\] \\- 6.7 \\- 52 45.9 28.6 24.8 29 24.2 43.2 30.1 4.7 14.8 74.2 86 83.4 58.7\n Molazadeh\\[[@ref7]\\] \\- 11.9 \\- 49 \\- 43.4 \\- 40 \\- 56 30.9 \\- 31 \\- \\- \\- 59.4\n Mosavian\\[[@ref76]\\] 47.1 29.8 \\- \\- 94.1 \\- \\- \\- \\- 11.8 \\- \\- 23.5 \\- \\- 100 35.3\n Madani\\[[@ref77]\\] \\- 8.5 11.8 66.7 41.4 46.8 30.4 29.8 38.8 38.5 25.5 32.3 43.3 \\- \\- 91.4 61.1\n Sorkhi\\[[@ref78]\\] \\- 30 \\- \\- 86 \\- \\- 6 \\- 20 \\- 7.5 18.5 \\- \\- 91 81\n GHoutaslou\\[[@ref79]\\] \\- 26.7 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 22.5 4.3 18.3 40 \\- \\- 95.5 64.7\n Nourozi\\[[@ref80]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 78.1\n Alaie\\[[@ref81]\\] \\- 20.6 \\- \\- 62.8 \\- \\- 17.2 \\- 16.4 9 6 15.4 \\- \\- 78.9 66\n Torabi\\[[@ref82]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 57.4\n Hajizadeh\\[[@ref83]\\] \\- 88 \\- 656 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 5 \\- \\- \\- \\- 50 85 72\n Eghbalian\\[[@ref84]\\] \\- 12.5 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 34.4 \\- 25 15.6 15.8 25 75 \\- 78.1 34.4\n Jarsiah\\[[@ref72]\\] \\- 0.7 0 \\- \\- 33.1 \\- \\- 34.7 55.8 28.2 9.1 14.9 \\- \\- \\- 65.5\n Mirmostafa\\[[@ref85]\\] 16.9 8.4 25.3 48.2 61.5 \\- 38.5 37.3 27.7 56.6 32.5 18 28.2 63.6 83 \\- 59\n Asgharian\\[[@ref87]\\] \\- 63 \\- 76 \\- 97 97 64 99 84 52 81 54 91 96.5 95 83\n Sharif\\[[@ref88]\\] \\- \\- \\- 51.5 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 87.7 56.3\n Rahimi\\[[@ref89]\\] \\- 4 \\- \\- \\- \\- 31 32 \\- 73 1 \\- 28 \\- \\- 72 70\n Mokhtarian\\[[@ref90]\\] \\- 39.3 \\- \\- 73 \\- \\- \\- \\- 44.6 9.4 36.9 50.2 \\- 100 99.1 62.2\n Assefzadeh\\[[@ref91]\\] \\- 27.6 29.6 \\- \\- \\- \\- 46.7 \\- \\- 46.7 28 42 \\- \\- 84.2 61.5\n Tarhani\\[[@ref64]\\] \\- 11.8 \\- \\- \\- 4.7 \\- 3.1 \\- 7.1 3.1 2.4 9.4 \\- 63 65 54.3\n Hamid-Farahani\\[[@ref92]\\] \\- 5 \\- \\- \\- 25.6 \\- \\- \\- \\- 21.3 \\- 27.7 \\- \\- 80.7 37\n Mohammadi\\[[@ref93]\\] 23.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 87.9 8.3 31.1 6.9 44.8 91 91 63.4\n Fahimi\\[[@ref94]\\] \\- 5.9 \\- \\- 37.1 \\- \\- 2.9 \\- 5.9 \\- 5.9 11.8 \\- \\- 92.9 75.3\n Saedi\\[[@ref95]\\] \\- 7.6 7.2 \\- \\- \\- \\- 38.4 38.4 \\- 15.3 7.6 23 \\- \\- 53.8 \\-\n Yazdi\\[[@ref102]\\] \\- \\- 8.3 \\- \\- \\- 39.2 \\- 47.1 50 33.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Yadollahi\\[[@ref97]\\] \\- 40 \\- \\- 95 \\- \\- \\- \\- 68 \\- 80 6.9 \\- 9.5 95 \\-\n Soleimani\\[[@ref98]\\] \\- 4 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 22 0 18 \\- \\- 72 42\n Moulana\\[[@ref99]\\] \\- 17.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 21.7 \\- \\- 98.4 69.3\n Heidari-soureshjani\\[[@ref100]\\] \\- 5.2 \\- \\- \\- 37.5 \\- 43.9 \\- 78.8 46.5 7.7 10 \\- \\- 85.7 42.4\n Soltan Dallal\\[[@ref101]\\] 14 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 43 \\- 42 35 56 \\- 29 \\- 82 \\- 65\n Fesharakinia\\[[@ref103]\\] \\- 26.2 \\- \\- 51.7 23.1 \\- 23.9 25.8 33.8 \\- \\- 20.9 \\- \\- \\- 69.9\n Jalalpour\\[[@ref104]\\] \\- 16.7 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 19.5 54.9 30.3 \\- 27.8 \\- \\- \\- 59.2\n Sahebnagh\\[[@ref106]\\] \\- 2.2 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 42.5 27.3 \\- 48.7 0.5 24.1 \\- \\- 80.3 61.4\n Safkhani\\[[@ref107]\\] \\- 1.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 34.8 27 \\- 17.9 2.9 18.2 \\- \\- 76.8 60\n Mohammadimehr\\[[@ref105]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 39 \\- 17.9 51.2 22.8 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Savadkoohi\\[[@ref111]\\] \\- 7.6 15 \\- 49 35 28 35.4 \\- 51 28 9.5 19 \\- \\- 87.5 62.3\n Sharif\\[[@ref112]\\] \\- 49.1 \\- \\- 78.9 54.4 \\- 41.2 \\- 25.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- 88.6 90.4 \\-\n Isvand\\[[@ref3]\\] \\- 11.1 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 34.7 11.3 \\- 17.7 \\- \\- 96.6 11.2\n Esmaeili\\[[@ref113]\\] \\- 2.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 46.5 \\- 1.2 24.4 \\- 17.4 \\- 90.7 \\- 28\n Hosseini\\[[@ref114]\\] \\- 23 \\- \\- \\- \\- 18.6 \\- 25 46.6 15.9 20 22 \\- 79.9 72.6 48\n Molazade\\[[@ref117]\\] \\- 21.5 \\- 62.3 \\- 57.2 \\- 43.5 \\- 52.4 17.2 \\- 31.4 \\- \\- \\- 66.5\n Molazade\\[[@ref118]\\] \\- 16.4 \\- 64.1 69.6 61.6 66.7 56.6 \\- 66.8 36 10.2 34.4 62.1 \\- 100 68.7\n Molaabaszadeh\\[[@ref119]\\] \\- 11 8 \\- \\- \\- 26.7 33 \\- 44 27 32 43.1 81 \\- 84 63.9\n Farajnia\\[[@ref120]\\] \\- 12.9 \\- \\- 24 \\- \\- \\- \\- 6.3 6 2.2 3 \\- \\- 93.1 \\-\n Ahangarkani\\[[@ref121]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 34 \\- \\- \\- \\- 34 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 67\n Nasiri\\[[@ref122]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- 14 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 86 \\- 65\n Savadkoohi\\[[@ref111]\\] \\- 21.4 \\- \\- 54.5 \\- \\- 17.9 \\- 25 \\- 6 17 \\- \\- 94.6 67\n Esmaeli\\[[@ref124]\\] \\- 3.3 \\- 0 20.8 2.5 0 15 \\- 17.4 2.5 0.9 5.2 \\- \\- \\- 75.8\n Zamanzad\\[[@ref126]\\] \\- 62 \\- 62 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 57 \\- \\- 81 \\- \\- 100 76.2\n Zamanzad\\[[@ref126]\\] \\- 17.2 \\- 43 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 17.2 \\- \\- 36.2 \\- \\- 77.6 65.5\n Norouzi\\[[@ref127]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 28.7 16.2 16.3 28.1 \\- \\- \\- 51\n Abdolahi\\[[@ref128]\\] \\- 6 1 \\- \\- \\- 41 \\- \\- \\- \\- 32 28 \\- \\- 89 \\-\n Sharifi\\[[@ref129]\\] 7.5 \\- 0.8 100 \\- \\- \\- \\- 41.6 48.3 28.3 5 20.8 55 76.6 \\- 62.5\n Borji\\[[@ref130]\\] \\- 17.1 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 2.5 \\- 21.2 9.4 \\- 24.8 \\- \\- 91.1 80.5\n Barati\\[[@ref131]\\] \\- 3 \\- \\- 23.6 \\- \\- 13.5 \\- 28.6 \\- \\- 8.9 \\- 53.4 65.9 47\n Farshad\\[[@ref132]\\] 35.4 3.1 \\- \\- \\- 19.7 \\- \\- 10.4 25 8.3 3.1 15.6 70.8 \\- 80.2 76\n Tajvidi\\[[@ref133]\\] \\- \\- 29 \\- \\- 39 \\- 30 \\- \\- 30 \\- 22 \\- \\- \\- 51\n Ranjbaran\\[[@ref134]\\] 56 18 \\- \\- \\- \\- 73 76 72 \\- 29 27 74 60 74 \\- 88\n Beheshti\\[[@ref135]\\] \\- 1 \\- 47.6 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 33 26.2 \\- 16.4 \\- \\- 84.5 64.1\n Beheshti\\[[@ref135]\\] \\- 2.9 \\- 51 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 45.1 32.4 \\- 18.6 \\- \\- 90.2 71.6\n Babaie\\[[@ref136]\\] \\- 20 \\- \\- \\- 93.3 \\- 100 83.3 \\- 83.3 13.3 63.3 86.7 96.7 \\- 93.3\n Tashkori\\[[@ref137]\\] \\- 12.3 \\- 58.9 \\- \\- 28.1 30.1 27.4 39.7 21.9 \\- 15.6 \\- \\- \\- 62.3\n Momeni mofrad\\[[@ref65]\\] \\- 3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 20 \\- 55 1 39 \\- \\- 85 \\-\n Naghavi\\[[@ref138]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 52 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Nateghian\\[[@ref139]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 38.4 \\- \\- \\- \\- 24 \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Zibaei\\[[@ref140]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 82.8 43 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Fallah\\[[@ref141]\\] 49 33.5 27.1 60 \\- \\- \\- \\- 38.1 57.4 36.2 32.1 46.4 \\- 78 \\- 67.7\n Khodadoost\\[[@ref142]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 25 24.3 15.7 \\- 31.4 \\- 16.4 \\- \\- 81.4 62.1\n Ghadiri\\[[@ref143]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 35.6 \\- 39.1 \\- 44.8 \\- 14.9 20.7 \\- \\- \\- 72.4\n soleimaifard\\[[@ref144]\\] \\- 3.3 \\- \\- \\- 53.3 \\- 56.7 \\- 73.3 40 0 16.7 \\- \\- 93.3 \\-\n Akya\\[[@ref145]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 46 45.2 26.1 \\- 37 \\- 24.7 \\- \\- 83 57.5\n Dezfolimanesh\\[[@ref146]\\] \\- \\- 12.5 \\- \\- \\- 49.7 49.7 35.9 \\- 34.1 11.2 36.8 \\- \\- 79.1 55.6\n Sedighi\\[[@ref147]\\] \\- 6 \\- \\- \\- 44 \\- \\- \\- 60 \\- 2 18 \\- \\- \\- 70\n Neamati\\[[@ref148]\\] \\- 17.3 0.7 \\- \\- \\- \\- 56.7 49.3 71.3 61.3 \\- 40 \\- 16 81.3 64.7\n Sedighi\\[[@ref149]\\] \\- 0 \\- \\- \\- 35 \\- 30 \\- 47 \\- 4 \\- \\- \\- \\- 70\n Emam\\[[@ref150]\\] 13.3 34.3 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 21.6 6.7 28.6 72.1 \\- \\- \\- 71.4\n Sedighi\\[[@ref149]\\] \\- 0 \\- \\- \\- 35 \\- 30 \\- 47 \\- 4 \\- \\- \\- \\- 7700\n Erfani\\[[@ref151]\\] \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 33.2 \\- 43.6 \\- 22.8 \\- \\- \\- \\-\n Nakhaiemoghadam\\[[@ref152]\\] \\- 1.8 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- 34.9 21.1 \\- 12.8 \\- \\- \\- 55.1\n\n###### \n\nSensitivity and resistance rate to different antibiotics in selected studies to the meta-analysis\n\n Antibiotic *Staphylococcus* *Klebsiella* *E. coli* \n ----------------- ------------------ -------------- ----------- ---- ---- ----\n Cotrimoxazole 58 42 54 46 64 36\n Ampicillin 87 13 80 20 85 15\n Amoxicillin \\- \\- 76 24 76 24\n Tetracycline \\- \\- 53 47 71 29\n Gentamicin 49 51 38 62 32 68\n Amikacin 41 59 27 73 21 79\n Ciprofloxacin 20 80 19 81 28 72\n Nalidixic acid 51 49 33 67 43 57\n Ceftazidime \\- \\- 40 60 40 60\n Ceftriaxone 66 34 40 60 35 65\n Cefotaxime \\- \\- 38 62 42 58\n Cefixime \\- \\- 53 47 45 55\n Cephalexin 72 28 67 33 61 39\n Cefalotin 43 57 55 45 60 40\n Imipenem \\- \\- 13 87 14 86\n Nitrofurantoin 42 58 42 58 18 82\n Chloramphenicol \\- \\- 47 53 28 72\n\n![", "Resistances rate of *E.coli* isolates to Imipenem based on a random-effects model. ", "The midpoint of each piece represents an estimate of the prevalence, each piece represents a confidence interval of 15% in each study and diamond mark is indicative of all the studies in the whole country](IJPVM-10-169-g003){#F3}\n\nIn examining *Klebsiella* isolates, the lowest level of resistance to imipenem (13%), ciprofloxacin (19%), and amikacin (27%) were found. ", "The resistance rate of *Klebsiella* isolates to other antibiotics was as follows: cefalothin (55%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (54%), tetracycline (53%), cefixime (53%), chloramphenicol (47%), nitrofurantoin (42%), ceftazidime (40%), ceftriaxone (40%), gentamicin (38%), cefotaxime (38%), and nalidixic acid (33%). ", "In *Staphylococcus* isolates, the highest rate of resistance to ampicillin (87%), cephalexin (72%), and ceftriaxone (66%) antibiotics and the lowest rate of resistance to ciprofloxacin (20%) antibiotic was observed; furthermore, a resistance rate had also been seen in antibiotics of sulfamethoxazole (58%), nalidixic acid (51%), gentamicin (49%), cephalothin (43%), nitrofurantoin (42%), and amikacin (41%).", "\n\nDiscussion and Conclusions {#sec1-4}\n==========================\n\nIn the current study, the prevalence rate of UTI in women was several times more than men (women,65.37% and men, 34.63%). ", "In studies conducted in other parts of the world such as New York,\\[[@ref10]\\] America,\\[[@ref11][@ref12]\\] Washington,\\[[@ref13]\\] Portugal,\\[[@ref14]\\] Mexico,\\[[@ref15]\\] Nigeria,\\[[@ref16][@ref17]\\] Taiwan,\\[[@ref18]\\] India,\\[[@ref19]\\] and Pakistan,\\[[@ref20]\\] the incidence of UTIs in women also was higher. ", "The results of these studies are consistent with the results of our study, due to anatomical differences between men and women, including a short urethra and its external opening adjacent to the vagina and anus in women.\\[[@ref21][@ref22]\\]\n\nThe current study showed that *Enterobacteriaceae* family bacteria are the most common causes of UTIs; due to the presence of these bacteria in the digestive tract, a possible UTI may occur.\\[[@ref9]\\] In the present study, *E. coli* was the most common pathogen that causes UTI; this result has to correspond to more studies in other parts of the world. *", "E. coli* prevalence reported 50%--80% in Asia (58% in Saudi Arabia,\\[[@ref23]\\] 70% in India,\\[[@ref19]\\] 75.3% in Turkey,\\[[@ref24]\\] 65.9% in South Korea,\\[[@ref25]\\] 74.8% in Bangladesh,\\[[@ref26]\\]), 60.29% in Africa\\[[@ref27]\\], 90%---60% in Europe (64.5% in Portugal\\[[@ref14]\\] and 85.9% in Russia\\[[@ref28]\\]) 90%--75% in the USA,\\[[@ref29]\\] and 76.6% in Brazil.\\[[@ref30]\\] *E. coli* in the current and mentioned studies is the most common pathogen causing UTIs.", "\n\nIn other articles, other pathogens that cause UTIs more than *E. coli* have also been mentioned. ", "In our study, *Klebsiella* was the second most common cause of UTIs; this result is consistent with the studies conducted in Australia,\\[[@ref31]\\] South Africa,\\[[@ref32]\\] Taiwan,\\[[@ref18]\\] Bangladesh,\\[[@ref26]\\] Pakistan,\\[[@ref20]\\] and India.\\[[@ref33]\\] However, in the studies conducted in South Korea and Europe, this had been reported that *Enterobacter* is the second UTI factor after *E. coli*.\\[[@ref25][@ref34]\\] In a study in Portugal on *Enterobacter* and *Klebsiella* bacteria, it has found that both bacteria have the same effect on UTIs after *E. coli*.\\[[@ref14]\\] In regard to carried study in France, in urinary infections after *E. coli*, Gram-positive cocci were the most common cause of infection.\\[[@ref35]\\] According to the current study and noted articles in this context, it is reported that the bacteria causing UTIs are approximately the same in the world. ", "In general, *E. coli* are the most common bacteria. ", "Then, *Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, Enterobacter*, and other species with slight differences in different geographical locations in the next category are placed. ", "The resistance rate of *E. coli* and *Staphylococcus* ampicillin was 86% and 87%, respectively. ", "In a study in South Korea, the resistance rates of *E. coli* and *Klebsiella* isolates to ampicillin were 6.63% and 99%, respectively.\\[[@ref25]\\] In the same study in Taiwan, the rates of resistance in *E. coli* and *Klebsiella* were 100% and 70%, respectively.\\[[@ref18]\\] *E. coli* resistance to ampicillin in studies conducted in Bangladesh was 80%,\\[[@ref36]\\] Ethiopia 80%,\\[[@ref27]\\] Mexico 79%,\\[[@ref37]\\] UAE 72%,\\[[@ref38]\\] Brazil 55%,\\[[@ref39]\\] Turkey, 74%,\\[[@ref40]\\] Greece 50%,\\[[@ref41]\\] and America 48%.\\[[@ref42]\\] Studies in North America, Canada, and Lebanon have reported similar results.\\[[@ref43][@ref44][@ref45]\\] In the present and cited studies, the abundance of resistance to ampicillin was higher than other antibiotics. ", "However, in the cited cases, as it can be seen, countries such as America, Brazil, and Greece had a lower rate of resistance than this study. ", "The results of these studies suggest that antibiotics such as ampicillin are practically useless and even recommended not to be used for antibiogram.", "\n\nIn this study, the resistance rate of *E. coli* after ampicillin compared with amoxicillin (76%) and tetracycline (71%) higher. ", "In a study in Ethiopia, the sensitivity of *E. coli* to amoxicillin was 15.4%, tetracycline was 17.8%, and ampicillin was 20%; for *Klebsiella*, it has been reported 30% to amoxicillin, 34.6% to tetracycline, and 8.1% to ampicillin.\\[[@ref26]\\] In the same study as the current one, almost total resistance to amoxicillin, ampicillin, and tetracycline in the aforementioned isolates exists. ", "The resistance to amoxicillin in urinary tract pathogens is similar to other studies that have conducted in other parts of the world, for example, the *E. coli* resistance to these antibiotics has been reported to be 85% in Ethiopia,\\[[@ref26]\\] 67.5% in Senegal,\\[[@ref46]\\] and 72% in India.\\[[@ref47]\\] In Turkey, the rate of this resistance in separate studies had increased from 32.7% to 50% in 2009 and 2013.\\[[@ref24][@ref48]\\] In a Spanish study, *E. coli* antibiotic resistance at 2005, 2009, and 2011 was examined; the results showed that resistance to amoxicillin had increased from 4.5% in 2005 to 55.6% in 2011.\\[[@ref49]\\] In a study in European countries, the resistance rate to amoxicillin was reported to be 48% in Poland and 60% in Belgium.\\[[@ref50]\\] In all of these studies, the higher resistance to amoxicillin had reported, although the results of the current study similar to developing countries. ", "Resistance to tetracycline in *E. coli* and *Klebsiella* isolates in Ethiopian\\[[@ref27]\\] and Senegal\\[[@ref46]\\] studies was similar to the present study. ", "In this study, amoxicillin and tetracycline were taking place in another group of ineffective drugs. ", "The reason for such resistance may be the somewhat irregular use of medication among patients, whether by prescription or willfulness, so they are not recommended as a treatment for UTI.", "\n\nCotrimoxazole is another antibiotic that is prescribed for UTI treatment. ", "According to the results, all of the studied bacteria were resistant to the cotrimoxazole. *", "E. coli* resistance to cotrimoxazole in most developing countries illustrates similar results. ", "For example, the rate of this resistance was 68.1% in Senegal,\\[[@ref46]\\] 58% in Turkey,\\[[@ref24]\\] and 53% in Lebanon.\\[[@ref45]\\] Unlike the results of this study, some studies, especially that conducted on isolates of *E. coli* in developed countries, have reported low resistance to cotrimoxazole. ", "For example, the rate of resistance in the studies conducted in Italy,\\[[@ref51]\\] Canada,\\[[@ref44]\\] Croatia,\\[[@ref52]\\] America,\\[[@ref43]\\] and Australia\\[[@ref31]\\] was reported to be 27.1%, 22%, 20.59%, 21.3%, and 14.5%, respectively.", "\n\nIn the current study, based on resistance rate to antibiotics tetracycline and cotrimoxazole in uropathogenic *E. coli* (UPEC), it can be said that the antibiotic resistance rate of in Iran is higher than some developed countries. ", "This difference may be due to the strains of microorganisms, self-medication by patients, incomplete treatment course, prescribe inappropriate antibiotics by physicians, the dosage of medication, manufacturer-based drug quality, relying on empirical treatment regardless of culture and antibiotic susceptibility test results. ", "Therefore, strict measures of clinical practitioners should be put at the head of affairs, for infection control and prevention from resistance spread.", "\n\nFurthermore, in the present study, quinolone family antibiotics such as nalidixic acid ( first generation) and ciprofloxacin (second generation) were studied. ", "In this study, resistance rates to nalidixic acid in *E. coli, Klebsiella*, and *Staphylococcus* were reported as 43%, 33%, and 51%, respectively, which shows the relatively high resistance. ", "Regarding the past nalidixic acid in the first step used in treating UTIs, therefore, higher resistance is expected to these antibiotics than the other quinolone family antibiotics\\[[@ref51]\\] that correspond with the findings of our study in this case. ", "In Ethiopia, *E. coli* sensitivity rate to nalidixic acid, 86% reported\\[[@ref27]\\] that toward the present study is higher but in Bangladesh has the lowest sensitivity (27%);\\[[@ref36]\\] likewise, in Pakistan, resistance to nalidixic acid in urinary isolates of *E. coli*, 84.16% reported.\\[[@ref53]\\] The results of these two studies are very different from the current study results that may be produced by overuse of cited drugs in developing countries without exact surveillance.", "\n\nThe high sensitivity to ciprofloxacin in all isolates (*E. coli* 72%, *Klebsiella* 81%, and *Staphylococcus* 80%) had been found. *", "E. coli* resistance to ciprofloxacin in the most done studies by other researchers reported, for example, resistance rates in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Senegal, India, South Korea, Turkey, Mexico, America, North America, Canada, Italy, and Germany about 5.5%--31.9%.\\[[@ref24][@ref25][@ref27][@ref43][@ref44][@ref46][@ref51][@ref54][@ref55][@ref56][@ref57][@ref58]\\] The resistance rate in urinary isolates of *E. coli* to ciprofloxacin in studies done in Pakistan and Bangladesh\\[[@ref36][@ref53]\\] was medium while in Lebanon with a frequency of 54% was too high. ", "In this study, like many other studies, it has been determined that urinary tract pathogens have high sensitivity to quinolones and particularly ciprofloxacin that can be used as the first drug in the treatment of patients with UTI.\\[[@ref59]\\] In Talon *et al.*\\'s study, fluoroquinolones had been recommended for the uncomplicated UTI treatment, especially when resistance to cotrimoxazole in a society does not exceed from 20% to 10%.\\[[@ref60]\\] In general, this study illustrates that ciprofloxacin still can be used as the first-line therapy of UTIs in Iran.", "\n\nAminoglycosides are another group of antibiotics that are used in UTIs. ", "In this study also, isolates resistant to amikacin and gentamicin were evaluated in this category. ", "Resistance to amikacin in *E. coli* 21%, *Klebsiella* 27% and *Staphylococcus* 41% reported. ", "Resistance to gentamicin in *E. coli*, Klebsiella, and Staphylococcus was reported to be 32%, 38%, and 49%, respectively. ", "In most studies similar to our study, high sensitivity to amikacin was reported in UPEC. ", "For example, *E. coli* sensitivity to amikacin in India was found to be 90.6%,\\[[@ref61]\\] Saudi 93.7%,\\[[@ref61]\\] South Korea 99.4%,\\[[@ref25]\\] and Taiwan 100%.\\[[@ref18]\\] Similarly, *E. coli* resistance to amikacin in Brazil was found to be 2%,\\[[@ref39]\\] America 0%,\\[[@ref42]\\] and China 11.7%.\\[[@ref62]\\] In a study conducted in North America and Europe, *E. coli* sensitivity to amikacin was found to be about 98.5%--97.8%.\\[[@ref63]\\] *Klebsiella* sensitivity to amikacin in South Korea was reported to be 95%\\[[@ref25]\\] and Taiwan 100%,\\[[@ref18]\\] which is consistent with our results.", "\n\nIn this study, founded relatively high sensitivity to gentamicin in *E. coli*, but sensitivity to gentamicin in Staphylococcus and Klebsiella obtained the average. *", "E. coli* sensitivity to gentamicin in South Korea was reported as 74.2%,\\[[@ref25]\\] Taiwan 77%,\\[[@ref18]\\] and Ethiopia 66%.\\[[@ref27]\\] Likewise, in the study conducted in Europe, the resistance of *E. coli* to aminoglycosides was reported to be about 4.21%--5.2%.\\[[@ref64]\\] These results are consistent with the results of our study. *", "Klebsiella* sensitivity to gentamicin in both South Korea\\[[@ref25]\\] and Taiwan 95%\\[[@ref18]\\] that toward to our study was higher, but in Ethiopia, 57.1% was reported,\\[[@ref27]\\] which corresponds to the results of this study. ", "In a study in China, most *E. coli* isolates resistance to gentamicin (95.1%) was also reported.\\[[@ref62]\\] The reasons for the difference in the frequency of resistance to aminoglycosides in above studies than ours can be the various distributions of resistance genes in different geographical areas, consumption of antibiotics, and prescribing pattern. ", "Gentamicin is one of the drugs that can be used as initial treatment of UTIs until the culture results prepared. ", "One of the interesting features about old antibiotics such as gentamicin and amikacin is good penetration into the bacteria cell.\\[[@ref65]\\] however, due to the increased use and availability of gentamicin, its resistance is greater than other aminoglycosides in many regions, and on the other hand, less resistance to amikacin, the frequency of resistance to these effective and inexpensive drugs varies from region to region. ", "For these reasons, antimicrobial susceptibility testing required before treatment. ", "The results of this study showed that amikacin could be used as the first-line therapy for the treatment of UTIs in Iran. ", "However, in the case of gentamicin, since the resistance rate of these organisms to gentamicin in the present study obtained as 32%--49%, it is a kind of alarm for the spread of organisms resistant to these antibiotics and is recommended to be taken with caution.", "\n\nIn the present study, cephalexin and cefalotin (the first generation of cephalosporins) investigated. ", "All isolates causing UTI were resistant to cephalexin. *", "E. coli* also had a high resistance to cefalotin, but *Klebsiella* and *Staphylococcus* had an intermediate resistant to these antibiotics. ", "Furthermore, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, and cefixime (third-generation cephalosporins) investigated. ", "The resistance rate of studied isolates to these group antibiotics was 65%--55%. ", "Ethiopian,\\[[@ref27]\\] Senegal,\\[[@ref46]\\] and Lebanon\\[[@ref45]\\] studies were consistent with the current study in this case. ", "In these studies, intermediate resistance has reported in isolates of *Escherichia* to cephalosporins, but in the study of Taiwan, high sensitivity was observed in *E. coli* (cefazolin 81%, ceftriaxone 74%, and ceftazidime 89%) and also in isolates of *Klebsiella* (cefazolin 80%, ceftriaxone 85%, and ceftazidime 83%);\\[[@ref18]\\] in South Korea, high sensitivity to cephalosporins was observed in *E. coli* (cefotaxime 89.4%, ceftazidime 89.2% and cephalotin 58.4%) and in *Klebsiella* (cefotaxime 78.8%, ceftazidime 77.8%, and cephalotin 70.5%)\\[[@ref25]\\] has reported. ", "A conducted study in Europe suggested *E. coli* resistance to the third generation of cephalosporins was around 19.2%--1.8%\\[[@ref64]\\] and also low resistance has reported to these antibiotics in America.\\[[@ref57]\\] In more advanced countries that have better performance in health and planning level, resistance to these antibiotics is less than Iran. ", "Furthermore, in Greece, resistance to cefotaxime and ceftazidime 3.7% and 4% has been reported, respectively.\\[[@ref66]\\] The different results of these studies than current study could be more accurate monitoring programs in that country and the unavailability of these drugs. ", "This pharmaceutical group is the most common drugs in the treatment of infections, due to the high function and a wide range effect, but the results of this study and other studies indicative increasing resistance to these drugs in our country. ", "In many countries such as Iran, this family of antibiotics is suitable as antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of UTIs, and this could be one of the main reasons for resistance to these antibiotics. ", "Therefore, to avoid increasing resistance to this antibiotic group being used with caution and intransitive proceedings should be done.", "\n\nIn the present study, isolates were most sensitive to imipenem (86% in *E. coli* and 87% in *Klebsiella*). *", "E. coli* sensitivity to imipenem in Taiwan was 100%,\\[[@ref18]\\] South Korea 100%,\\[[@ref25]\\] India 98.89%,\\[[@ref55]\\] Saudi Arabia 91.71%,\\[[@ref61]\\] Turkey 93%,\\[[@ref24]\\] and Europe and North America 99.7% and 99.8%,\\[[@ref63]\\] respectively. ", "Likewise, *Klebsiella* sensitivity to imipenem in Taiwan\\[[@ref18]\\] and South Korea both was 100%\\[[@ref25]\\] that these results were consistent with the results of this study. ", "As mentioned above, the most effective antimicrobial agent was imipenem in this study that was consistent with the results of previous studies. ", "This resistance reduction could be due to the limitation of drug usage in nosocomial infections, lack of necessary conditions (intravenous injection) in UTIs treatment in outpatients, lack of access to this drug, as well as being more expensive in compared with other drugs.\\[[@ref67]\\]\n\nIn *E. coli*, highest sensitivity obtained to nitrofurantoin 82% after imipenem, but moderate sensitivity to these antibiotics was observed in *Staphylococcus* and *Klebsiella* isolates (58% each). ", "In the United Kingdom\\[[@ref68]\\] and extensive studies conducted in both America and Canada, very low resistance prevalence has been reported in urinary isolates of *E. coli* to nitrofurantoin (1.1% and 4%).\\[[@ref43][@ref44]\\] In studies conducted in China and Saudi Arabia, *E. coli* resistance rate to nitrofurantoin was 8% and 6.5%--2.4% reported, respectively.\\[[@ref69][@ref70]\\] The sensitivity of *E. coli* to nitrofurantoin in Ethiopia was 89.6%\\[[@ref27]\\] and India 77.4% reported.\\[[@ref19]\\] These studies are consistent with the present study. ", "In this study, *E. coli* has a high sensitivity to chloramphenicol (72%), which is consistent with other studies.\\[[@ref19][@ref24][@ref27]\\] According to the results of this study, the use of imipenem and nitrofurantoin antibiotics suggests because of their positive role has been evaluated by various articles. ", "The UTIs are the most common infections seen in all parts of the world. ", "However, the infection is not threatening, but if specific therapy is done, its side effects can be very severe.\\[[@ref21][@ref71][@ref72]\\] The initial treatment of the infection is often experimental, and antibiotics selection depends on various factors such as intensity of symptoms, drug toxicity, and the effectiveness of treatment; however, the common types of urinary pathogens in the community and their susceptibility antimicrobial patterns are effective in antibiotic selection.\\[[@ref73]\\] It is noteworthy that this antibiotic resistance of these bacterial agents is different in diverse parts of the world. ", "Hence, in the treatment of urinary infections, antibiotic selection should be based on knowledge of the region, and international reports are not an appropriate choice for antimicrobial drug selection.\\[[@ref68][@ref74]\\] Due to the additive prevalence of resistance to antibiotics, early and timely diagnosis of the resistant bacterial isolates is considered necessary, to select appropriate treatment options and prevent the proliferation of resistance.", "\n\nLimitations {#sec2-4}\n-----------\n\nThe limitations of this study were the lack of resistance rate estimation in urinary uropathogenic for all antibiotics used in Iran, due to the lack of information in this field of compiled researches. ", "Nonentity of calculation for antibiotic resistance rate in isolates that cause UTIs in males and females separately is one of the limitations of this study because only a limited number of resistance studies were calculated separately for these genders. ", "In most studies, age category is one of the affecting factors on mentioned resistance rate; however, due to nonentity in mentioning of the age group in a large number of studies and also due to the lack of entity similar age groups in the number of other studies, we could not calculate the resistance rate in terms of age; another limitation of this study was the lack of determined resistance rate by type of patient admission because such information did not exist in large number of compiled studies.", "\n\nConclusions {#sec1-5}\n===========\n\nAccording to the present study, *E. coli* was the most common cause of UTI, and after that, *Klebsiella*, *Staphylococcus aureus*, and *Enterobacter* rank the next category. ", "The results of this study showed that resistance is likely to be against the most common used antibiotics. ", "The most effective antibiotics for *E. coli* are imipenem, nitrofurantoin, amikacin, chloramphenicol, and ciprofloxacin. ", "By considering the results of this study, less use of gentamicin, the second generation of cephalosporins and nalidixic acid recommended, on the other hand, consuming of the penicillin, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and the first generation of cephalosporins prescribed in the initial treatment of infections caused by *E. coli*. ", "For *Klebsiella* isolates that separate from urine samples, effective antibiotics are imipenem, ciprofloxacin, amikacin, and nalidixic acid. ", "Similarly, the use of ampicillin and cephalexin is not recommended in this case. ", "In the treatment of UTIs that caused by *Staphylococcus*, ciprofloxacin is prescribed and consumed. ", "It is obvious that due to the more use of antibiotics, uncontrolled use, and antibiotics misuse, antibiotic resistance emerging control is essential and this is one of the most important factors affecting these phenomena and attempts should be made for proper use of antibiotics.", "\n\nFinancial support and sponsorship {#sec2-5}\n---------------------------------\n\nNil.", "\n\nConflicts of interest {#sec2-6}\n---------------------\n\nThere are no conflicts of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Paulette Bruce frequently cooks for guests at her Sacramento home and also teaches hands-on cooking classes at a nearby culinary center.", "\n\nPaulette Bruce isn't afraid of mistakes. ", "She embraces them.", "\n\n\"One year, I made a huge pan of lasagna—about 25 pounds of ingredients. ", "I put the pan in the oven, but forgot to turn the oven on,\" the longtime cooking instructor said, recalling one of dozens of gatherings she hosts at her Sacramento home each year.", "\n\nDespite the entrée's delayed debut, Bruce and her guests remained unfazed.", "\n\n\"I just poured more wine for my guests, turned the oven temperature a little higher than normal and put foil over the pan to help it cook faster,\" she said with a laugh. \"", "What else can you do?\"", "\n\nBruce's anecdote illustrates the good-natured unflappability she models at Good Eats cooking school. ", "Held at a culinary center a few miles northeast of the state Capitol, the classes are lively, hands-on affairs where students of all abilities cook in a professional kitchen with seasonal ingredients.", "\n\n\"But there's no grocery store nearby, so if something goes upside down, I tell everyone we can rename it or just change the whole thing,\" she said. \"", "It's good to make mistakes. ", "We learn together how to fix them.\"", "\n\nRaised in an Italian-Basque household in Bakersfield, Bruce learned to cook at her grandmother's side and brings a similar sense of intimacy to classes with topics ranging from \"Farm to Fork\" to \"The Big Meltdown of Baked Pastas.\"", "\n\n\"Cooking is the one connector that brings people together, and I love sharing that,\" said Bruce, also an avid gardener and full-time public relations consultant. \"", "For me, the best you can give to life is to share your love and your talents. ", "No matter what your talents are, share them.\"", "\n\nNibbles and notes with Paulette Bruce\n\nConnections: \"I don't think anything connects people as much as food does. ", "I always say this: Sitting at the table is so important. ", "It's where people really come together and kids learn who they are and where they come from. ", "I still remember sitting around Nonna's table, drinking wine in a really small glass, shucking chestnuts she'd roasted and listening to everyone talk. ", "The joy that everyone had—I was always so happy doing that.\"", "\n\nThe cooking instructor's go-to meal? \"", "I make a lot of soup. ", "If you have packages of homemade stock in your freezer, you're halfway to a really good dinner. ", "Start with four cups of stock, fresh vegetables and a hunk of Parmesan—that's just the best meal on a cold day.\"", "\n\nCookbooks galore: Some people collect art books or travel books. ", "Bruce collects cookbooks. ", "But just how many? \"", "I should go count them. ", "I always get asked that,\" Bruce said, in response to California Bountiful's question. ", "The answer came by email a few days later: \"I'm so glad to have had this project of counting all my cookbooks. ", "I need to either stop, slow down on my purchases of cookbooks or move to a bigger house. ", "I counted 2,101 books!\"", "\n\nBasil basics: Sometimes fresh basil will turn black in the refrigerator before you have a chance to use it all. ", "Bruce has a solution: Place it in a jar or glass of water (like cut flowers) and cover loosely with a plastic bag. ", "Store at room temperature, changing the water frequently. ", "The basil will remain fresh and flavorful for about 10 days.", "\n\nSalted or unsalted? ", "When it comes to butter, \"always use unsalted because you get the natural butter flavor. ", "Salt is there as a flavor base and to give it shelf life. ", "What you're looking for when you're cooking is the flavor of the butter.\" ", "Also, when you use unsalted butter, you can control the amount of salt in your recipe. ", "Bruce prefers kosher salt, saying, \"For my palate, it's the best.\"", "\n\nKnife no-no: And for goodness' sake, keep your knives out of the dishwasher. \"", "The heat of the dishwasher over time will weaken the blade and you'll never be able to get it sharp again,\" Bruce said. \"", "I'm a big proponent of honing the knife blade before I cook. ", "A dull knife will hurt you faster than a sharp knife will. ", "It drags on the food.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFind all integer solutions to $x^2+y^2+z^2=2xyz$\n\nI am working on some of these types of problems for fun, just want to see a couple solved as examples.", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom $z^2 - 2 (xy) z + (x^2 + y^2) = 0$, we get\n$$z = xy \\pm \\sqrt{x^2 y^2 - x^2 - y^2}$$\nso we basically need to search for $x, y$ such that $x^2 y^2 - x^2 - y^2$ is a square say\n$$x^2 y^2 - x^2 - y^2 = t^2$$\nor\n$$(x^2 - 1) (y^2 - 1) = t^2 + 1$$\nNow $a^2 \\equiv 0, 1 \\mod 4$ hence $a^2 - 1 \\equiv -1, 0 \\mod 4$ corresponding to $a$ even, odd respectively so $LHS \\equiv 0, 1 \\mod 4$. But $t^2 + 1 \\equiv 1, 2 \\mod 4$. So we must have $x, y, t$ are all even. ", "Write $x = 2x_1$, $y = 2y_1$ and $t = 2t_1$ we get\n$$16 x_1^2 y_1^2 - 4x_1^2 - 4y_1^2 = 4t_1^2$$\nwhich reduces to\n$$4 x_1^2 y_1^2 - x_1^2 - y_1^2 = t_1^2$$\nNow $x_1^2 + y_1^2 + t_1^2 \\equiv 0 \\mod 4$ and this forces $x_1, y_1, t_1$ be all even. ", "Write $(x_1, y_1, t_1) = 2 (x_2, y_2, t_2)$ and we once again has\n$$4 \\cdot 16 x_2^2 y_2^2 - 4 x_2^2 - 4 y_2^2 = 4 t_2^2$$\nwhich reduces to\n$$16 x_2^2 y_2^2 - x_2^2 - y_2^2 = t_2^2$$\nand we again deduce $x_2, y_2, t_2$ are all even. ", "This argument can be repeated ad-infinitum which means $x, y, t$ must be divisible by arbitrary power of $2$ and that can only happen when $x = y = t = 0$. So the only solution to your equation is $(x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)$.\n\n" ]
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[ "Traveling-wave RF shimming and parallel MRI.", "\nAt sufficiently high Larmor frequencies, traveling electromagnetic waves along a magnet bore can be used for remote magnetic resonance excitation and detection, effectively using the bore as a waveguide. ", "So far, this approach has relied only on the lowest waveguide modes and thus has not supported multiple-channel operation for radiofrequency shimming and parallel imaging. ", "In this work, this limitation is addressed by establishing a larger number of propagating modes and tapping their spatial field diversity with multiple waveguide ports. ", "The number of available modes is increased by loading with dielectric inserts; the ports are implemented by stub and loop couplers at the end of a waveguide extension. ", "The resulting traveling-wave array, operated at 298 MHz in a 7T whole-body magnet, is shown to enable radiofrequency shimming as well as parallel imaging with commonly used acceleration factors. ", "The last part of the study concerns the amount of dielectric loading that is required. ", "For the given Larmor frequency and bore dimensions, it is found that rather few water-filled inserts, occupying ∼5% of the bore cross-section, are sufficient for effective parallel imaging." ]
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[ "Windows 8 Nvidia Tegra 3 tablet demoed at CES (pictures)\n\nOver in Vegas at CES Microsoft senior director Aidan Marcuss took to the Nvidia press conference stage to show off Windows 8 running on a Tegra 3 powered development device and Pocket-lint rushed the stage to take a closer look.", "\n\nNot whilst the demo was going on, you understand - that would get us kicked out of Vegas faster than Hunter S Thompson after an all-night bender.", "\n\nNope, we waited politely until all was said and done and then elbowed and kicked our way through a crowd of international journalists to get up close and personal with the quad-core tab. ", "It's nothing much to look at, it has to be said, but we do like the swanky UI of Windows 8.", "\n\n\"Windows 8 is coming to market and I don't remember another Windows version as exciting as this one since Windows 95,\" said Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang.", "\n\n\"Just as Windows 95 enabled a new class of devices in consumer PCs, Windows 8 is going to enable a new class of devices, this time moving Windows to mobile devices. ", "This is an epic event.\"", "\n\nBack in 2011, Microsoft announced that ARM-based processors would be welcome at the Windows 8 party. ", "Nvidia looks as if it's going to turn up armed with a plethora of funky presents." ]
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[ "/* globals describe, it */\nimport { By, until, Builder } from \"selenium-webdriver\";\nimport { Options, Context } from \"selenium-webdriver/firefox\";\nimport { join } from \"path\";\n\nconst extension_manifest_path = join(\n process.cwd(),\n \"extension\",\n \"manifest.json\"\n);\nconst version_name = require(extension_manifest_path).version;\nconst extension_name = \"firefox_voice_beta-\" + version_name + \".zip\";\nconst addonFileLocation = join(\n process.cwd(),\n \"web-ext-artifacts\",\n extension_name\n);\n\n// FIXME: skipping for now, since it doesn't complete\ndescribe.skip(\"Build/install extension, and check that toolbar button is present\", () => {\n it(\"Toolbar button is present\", async () => {\n const options = new Options()\n .setPreference(\"extensions.legacy.enabled\", true)\n .setPreference(\"xpinstall.signatures.required\", false)\n .setPreference(\"xpinstall.whitelist.required\", false);\n\n const driver = new Builder()\n .withCapabilities({ \"moz:webdriverClick\": true })\n .forBrowser(\"firefox\")\n .setFirefoxOptions(options)\n .build();\n\n try {\n await driver.installAddon(addonFileLocation);\n } catch (e) {\n if (!", "e.message.includes(\"must be signed\")) {\n throw e;\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(\"Warning:\", e);\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(\"Skipping test until environment is fixed.\");", "\n return;\n }\n await driver.setContext(Context.", "CHROME);\n await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.id(\"pageActionButton\")));\n await driver.wait(\n until.elementLocated(By.id(\"firefox-voice_mozilla_org-browser-action\"))\n );\n await driver.quit();\n }, 30000);\n});\n" ]
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[ "On the left: Avatar’s Neytiri, Star Wars’ Yoda and Scott Littleton. ", "On the right: the photos accompanying the Feb. 26, 1942, Los Angeles Times cover story “Air Raid.” ", "The caption reads: “SEEKING OUT OBJECT—Scores of searchlights built a wigwam of light beams over Los Angeles early yesterday morning during the alarm. ", "This picture was taken during blackout; shows nine beams converging on an object in sky in Culver City area.”", "\n\nFeatures » May 31, 2010\n\nAliens Like Us\n\nAnthropologist Scott Littleton believes the truth is out there, somewhere.", "\n\nEmail this article to a friend\n\nyour email\n\nyour name\n\nrecipient(s) email (comma separated)\n\nmessage\n\ncaptcha\n\n“To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” says Stephen Hawking, in the new Discovery Channel series Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. “", "The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.” ", "Hawking is the author of the 1988 best-seller A Brief History of Time.", "\n\n“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” he says. “", "I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. ", "Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.”", "\n\nBut trying to make contact with alien races is “a little too risky,” he says. “", "If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”", "\n\nBut maybe Hawking is being a little simple–or hasn’t seen Avatar. ", "Regardless, Lord Martin Rees begs to differ with the world’s most famous theoretical physicist.", "\n\nIn January, Rees, astronomer to the Queen and a professor of cosmology and astrophysics in the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge, spoke at the Royal Society of London conference, “The Detection of Extra-terrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society.”", "\n\nRees, president of the Royal Society, which celebrated its 350th anniversary this year, said: “I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive. ", "Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains. ", "They could be staring us in the face and we just don’t recognize them. ", "The problem is that we’re looking for something very much like us, assuming that they at least have something like the same mathematics and technology.”", "\n\nSo, what’s up with all this talk about aliens? ", "Scott Littleton, an expert on Arthurian legend and professor emeritus of anthropology at Occidental College in Los Angeles, has some answers.", "\n\nYou were eight years old and growing up in Hermosa Beach, when, in the early hours of Feb. 25, 1942, you witnessed what came to be known as the “Battle of Los Angeles.” ", "What happened?", "\n\nFirst, remember, this was soon after Pearl Harbor, and two days after the Elwood Oil installation off Santa Barbara had been shelled by a Japanese submarine that had surfaced there. ", "Anyway, I’m sleeping, when suddenly I heard the anti-aircraft guns going. ", "This was about 3:15 a.m. I noticed the sky was very bright, so I look out the window and I see searchlight beams and shells exploding overhead. ", "Something crazy was going on. ", "My father said, “I better see what is going on, this might be the real thing.” ", "So he threw on his air warden gear and went out. ", "My father soon ran back in and says, “Everybody get down in the bomb shelter.” ", "So we all go into the basement, in these old cramped quarters. ", "And my mother was there for about 30 seconds, then she hustles out this little door and I snuck out behind her and we saw practically overhead–and I swear to this day it was hovering–this lozenge-shaped object like an elongated silver bug directly overhead. ", "And outlined by seven or eight searchlight beams. ", "They had it pinpointed. ", "But it was glowing in addition to the searchlight beams. ", "And it was surrounded by exploding shells that were falling on the beach.", "\n\nHow long did you and your mother observe this thing?", "\n\nWe were outside for ten minutes or so. ", "It was hovering directly overhead. ", "Then it began to lose altitude and veered inland over Rodando Beach and we lost sight of it.", "\n\nIf, as some people have suggested, it was a barrage balloon that had drifted, these anti-aircraft shells would have torn it to pieces. ", "My guess is that it was surrounded by a forcefield of some sort that protected it–like something out of Star Wars.", "\n\nHow long did it take you to start thinking of it as a UFO and not just an unexplained phenomenon?", "\n\nDecades. ", "Not until the late ’70s. ", "Afterwards, Frank Knox, the secretary of the Navy, held a press conference and said it was a “false alarm” due to “war nerves.” ", "To this day that is the official interpretation. [", "Editors note: A Long Beach Independent editorial put it this way:”There is a mysterious reticence about the whole affair and it appears that some form of censorship is trying to halt discussion on the matter.”]", "\n\nBut there is not just that one dramatic sighting, there are scores and scores of such sightings. ", "People see things flying around in the atmosphere. ", "And you think these are objects that have come from somewhere else. ", "As an anthropologist, what is your explanation for this?", "\n\nI wish I had an explanation. ", "The UFO phenomenon has been around for at least 10,000 years. ", "A case can be made that our earliest ancestors noted them on cave walls in the Late or Upper Paleolithic.", "\n\nSome people are convinced that the creatures who fly the things are responsible for bioengineering the human race. ", "That’s ridiculous. ", "You don’t need aliens to account for the evolution of homo sapiens.", "\n\nI do think that they’re probes. ", "At the beginning of the Ice Age, they discovered creatures who were intelligent but vastly more primitive than themselves. ", "And–here I’m projecting my thoughts into their heads–they were curious and wanted to see what would happen to these creatures.", "\n\nFor all we know, these creatures and their craft are the equivalent of a mechanical rabbit at a dog track. ", "We don’t know what’s being shown to us.", "\n\nI see that, but I do think that you have to pay attention to the vast amount of anecdotal evidence. ", "Nobody to my knowledge has a real picture of an alien. ", "Nevertheless, there seem to be several varieties. ", "And my hunch is–using the principle of parsimony, Occam’s razor–it’s better to assume that they originate in this universe and in this galaxy and probably in this corner of this galaxy. ", "That is, within a several hundred light-year range.", "\n\nIf they’re using some type of technology that allows them to travel at light speed, then one has to think that at some point in the development of the universe some race developed this technology and at some point would have propagated it so that an intergalactic civilization would be not just a few thousand years ahead of us, but a million years ahead of us.", "\n\nI understand that hypothesis. ", "But if they’re vastly superior to us, why were they having so many crashes in the late ’40s and early ’50s? ", "Somebody that far ahead, you wouldn’t expect to have operational failures. ", "That’s what intrigues me.", "\n\nAs a former bureaucrat, I’d say that even in a bureaucracy that’s been around for a while you’re going to have things that don’t work as often as they do work.", "\n\nWell yeah, technology isn’t infallible.", "\n\nSo you’ve got somebody driving around who doesn’t know how to fix it, something goes wrong. ", "There could be a lot of different explanations.", "\n\nFlying under the influence?", "\n\nYeah. [", "Laughs.]", "\n\nI would peg them at thousands of years ahead of us rather than millions.", "\n\nYou have the hypothesis that there is a sort of Star Trek prime directive where the intergalactic civilization is not supposed to contact the primitive world, and that then you have some races of aliens who are breaking these rules.", "\n\nI’m skeptical of people who suggest that they built the pyramids or built Stonehenge. ", "On a whim, someone might have violated the rules and helped nudge a stone into place and was called on the carpet for it. ", "But we have some interesting mythological ways to think about this. ", "One of those involves the “rebel deity.”", "\n\nPrometheus is the archetype, the god who is a culture-bearer but then goes away. ", "In fact, Montezuma thought that Cortez was that deity coming back. ", "He found out later that that was incorrect. ", "And Lucifer, the rebel angel that comes down and gives human beings wisdom. ", "He does the same thing that Prometheus does, but the only difference from the Hellenic tradition is that Prometheus is a hero and in the Biblical tradition Lucifer is a villain.", "\n\nYou have had a long and distinguished teaching career. ", "At what point did you start talking publicly about UFOs?", "\n\nThe point at which I couldn’t be fired. ", "A number of well-known academics involved in this subject have suffered from retaliation. ", "There was an unsuccessful attempt to remove tenure from the late John Mack, who was a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School and a Pulitzer Prize-winning author [in 1977 for A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T E. Lawrence]. ", "Others have not been so lucky. ", "So I started to come out of the UFO closet by the end of my teaching career. ", "But I confess: I was a little reticent to do so.", "\n\nI interviewed Edgar Mitchell once, the sixth man to walk on the moon. ", "He believes in UFOs. ", "He is also from Roswell [N.M., the site of the alleged UFO crash in June or July 1947]. ", "Did you know that?", "\n\nYes, I did in fact.", "\n\nThis exchange was adapted from a podcast interview on ElectricPolitics.com.", "\n\nGeorge Kenney, a former career U.S. foreign service officer, resigned in 1991 over U.S. policy toward the Yugoslav conflict. ", "He is now a writer in Washington, and host and producer of the podcast Electric Politics.", "\n\nMbt shoes style is very much including the men's and women's shoes, It is very convenient in office. ", "We’re going to do a quick spotlight on some of our innovative and healthy, mbt shoes sale, for spring and summer. ", "While you’re walking about in the beautiful weather, Now required is to comfort shoes, mbt shuguli can offer the perfect combination of technology and cool comfort for your feet in the office here who swear by mbt tariki and sandals for walking short or long distance or just for their day in the office,Posted by wrise on 2010-06-22 00:35:16\n\nmonkeyhead, I don't think many people think this has anything to do with conspiracies, beyond perhaps the government's reported reluctance to disclose their evidence. ", "The notion that the Earth is round was once considered downright nutty. ", "Some still can't accept the fact that anyone has walked on the moon. ", "I think it's irrational to assume that we're the only (somewhat) advanced life form in this neck of the universe; the odds are simply wildly against\nthat theory.", "\nThe Soviet Union took a far saner approach to the subject. ", "This is about science, not occultism. ", "It is about knowing that there are still many things we don't know, and having the intellectual capacity to begin looking for answers.", "Posted by dhfabian on 2010-06-20 10:49:08\n\nIn the fall of 1970 I saw and chased a UFO. ", "It seemed to be toying with me by staying just ahead of me as I increased speed. ", "Then, as I approached a T intersection at upwards of 70 mph — it suddenly accelerated out of sight in an instant.", "\nIt was a clear night, there was no sound, but I could see no definite shape and had no sense of scale. ", "It was just a series of red, blinking lights in three horizontal rows. ", "the whole thing took place in about ten or fifteen minutes.", "\nLater a friend and his wife admitted to having had a similar experience a few years before and a commercial pilot at Eastern Airlines told me he and others frequently were paced by similar craft and had ceased to bother to repot them.", "\nI had not been drinking and was in fact on my way home from a church board meeting.", "\nPerhaps they are only observing us as we would a lab animal or any other creature and anthropologists have done with a newly discovered tribe. ", "I didn't feel threaten — just curious.", "Posted by whattheheck on 2010-06-20 04:50:08\n\nIf they have the technology to come to Earth, and if actually were \"like us,\" they would have attacked and slaughtered us by now. ", "I have to assume, then, that they aren't much like us at all.", "Posted by dhfabian on 2010-06-04 22:43:45\n\nWell now, this seems like a somewhat left field (or should that be ‘right field’) article for In These Times. ", "Put it this way, I think the majority of your readership will be of the rational/historical-materialist persuasion, and, as such, reluctant to concern themselves with matters of ghosts, secret brotherhoods and aliens, unless they pertain to the incontestably real monsters of advanced capitalism.", "\nClosed minded? ", "Proud of it. ", "I think it was Frederic Jameson who dubbed conspiracy theory – which any world view involving extra terrestrial visitations implies – a ‘poor man’s cognitive map.’", "\nInteresting, no doubt, from a cultural anthropological perspective, not to mention ideologically telling. ", "I have always understood Americans, for some reason or another, to be statistically far more likely than any other people to experience nightly visitations and full fledged abductions by your typical X-file aliens.", "\nWhat this means, hell if I know, though I will warrant my own working hypothesis, which involves nothing more than free market forces to account for a generalized intellectual culture marked by paranoid hysteria, an educational system geared less and less towards proper analytic skills, and to boot, a political regime in which clandestine abductions in the name of ‘security’ are anything but imaginary.", "Posted by Don Jia on 2010-06-01 08:22:49" ]
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[ "MxMn₈O₁₆ (M = Ag or K) as promising cathode materials for secondary Mg based batteries: the role of the cation M.\nAgxMn8O16 (Ag-OMS-2) and KxMn8O16 (K-OMS-2) were investigated as high voltage cathode materials for Mg based batteries. ", "Both MxMn8O16 materials delivered high initial capacities (>180 mA h g(-1)), and KxMn8O16 showed high cycle stability with a reversible capacity of >170 mA h g(-1) after 20 cycles." ]
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[ "[Mucopolysaccharidoses].", "\nMucopolysaccharidoses are a family of metabolic disorders characterized by a deficiency in the catabolic lysosomal pathways. ", "They are rare, inherited diseases which lead to progressive cellular, tissue and organ damage across a broad spectrum of phenotypes. ", "To prevent irreversible damage early diagnosis is essential. ", "Typical signs and symptoms are the thoracolumbar gibbus, shortened and plumped metacarpal bones, hip dysplasia, deformed ribs and ovoid vertebral bodies. ", "Due to the typical deformation of the pelvis hip dislocation occurs often in childhood. ", "Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome is frequent. ", "Bone marrow transplantation and enzyme replacement therapy are available. ", "Orthopaedic interventions are based on individual therapeutic decisions and indications." ]
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[ "They were ordered arrested by Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. ", "Ron Johnson, who has been serving as a critical bridge between the Ferguson community and law enforcement.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nJust cuffed and searched as we said we were leaving as he asked. ", "Johnson was following us saying bring the … https://t.co/K106v4t5Qu — neiL Munshi (@neiLmunshi) August 18, 2014\n\nAbout 25 minutes after the gas attack, with the smoke cleared and the area secure, we attempted to go back down the street to report. — ", "Robert Klemko (@RobertKlemko) August 18, 2014\n\nCops stopped us. ", "We explained ourselves. ", "They said to walk away. ", "We said why. ", "They said command center was attacked. ", "I said no it wasn’t. — ", "Robert Klemko (@RobertKlemko) August 18, 2014\n\nThe journalists said that they were released shortly after their arrests, but not before plastic “handcuffs” were put around their wrists.", "\n\nWhen they cut cuffs off minutes later, I held onto it. ", "Johnson tried to take it. ", "I said “it’s a ferguson souvenir.” ", "pic.twitter.com/89t6G49FId — Robert Klemko (@RobertKlemko) August 18, 2014\n\nCapt Johnson furious at journals getting in the way. — ", "Rob Crilly (@robcrilly) August 18, 2014\n\nThreats, tear gas and even arrest have become occupational hazards for reporters in Ferguson. ", "Some journalists have been seen wearing bulletproof vests and gas masks, as the risk of injury by real bullets, rubber bullets and tear gas is high.", "\n\nWish I would have had one of these on tonight. ", "Not as smart as @tonychambers pic.twitter.com/PHKr7rqY3S — Stephanie Diffin (@DiffinKSDK) August 18, 2014\n\nIn many cases, journalists eager to get the story have run into agitated cops worried by the threat of molotov cocktails, rocks, gunfire and general chaos.", "\n\nLate Sunday night, a volunteer radio reporter operating a popular video livestream of events in Ferguson was threatened by an unnamed police officer.", "\n\nAD\n\n“Get the f— out of here and keep that light off or you’re getting shelled with this,” the officer appeared to yell. ", "Several other reporters also appeared to be the in the area, and the tense exchange was broadcast to thousands through the Argus Radio livestream channel.", "\n\nAD\n\nDespite repeatedly identifying himself as a member of the media, Mustafa Hussein found himself threatened with a gun for having the keylight on his camera on.", "\n\nMSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted that police threatened to spray him with mace if he didn’t “get back.”", "\n\nIf you walk about 100 feet from OK’ed press area you find yourself lit up by a spotlight and a squad of police on hair trigger. — ", "Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) August 18, 2014\n\nAll this comes after two reporters were arrested inside a McDonald’s last week during largely peaceful protests in Ferguson. ", "One of those journalists, The Washington Post’s Wesley Lowery, recorded the exchange with police who said they were clearing the restaurant where Lowery and the Huffington Post’s Ryan Reilly were working." ]
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[ "With rapid development of the wireless communication industry, small-cell base stations like microcells, picocells and femtocells have been developed by the communication service providers to provide users with wider signal coverage and a better signal quality. ", "Small-cell base stations have advantages of low power consumption, low cost and a self-organizing mechanism and so on. ", "In addition, small-cell base stations can be used in a fourth generation (4G) mobile communication system, e.g., a worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) system, a long term evolution (LTE) system and the like.", "\nHowever, since wireless radio-frequency spectrum resources are limited and costly, small-cell base stations usually transmit signals via the same frequency bands. ", "In such a case, signal coverage of the small-cell base stations will necessarily overlap with each other, which causes interferences with wireless signals.", "\nAccordingly, an urgent need exists in the art to provide a power adjusting mechanism capable of dynamically adjusting power of small-cell base stations to reduce interferences on wireless signals." ]
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[ "/*************************************************\n* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions *\n*************************************************/\n\n/* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax\nand semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language.", "\n\n Written by Philip Hazel\n Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "\n\n * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\nARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\nCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\nSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\nINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\nCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\nARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\nPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n*/\n\n\n/* This module contains the external function pcre_config(). */", "\n\n#include \"pcre_config.h\"\n\n/* Keep the original link size. */", "\nstatic int real_link_size = LINK_SIZE;\n\n#include \"pcre_internal.h\"\n\n\n/*************************************************\n* Return info about what features are configured *\n*************************************************/\n\n/* This function has an extensible interface so that additional items can be\nadded compatibly.", "\n\nArguments:\n what what information is required\n where where to put the information\n\nReturns: 0 if data returned, negative on error\n*/\n\n#if defined COMPILE_PCRE8\nPCRE_EXP_DEFN int PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION\npcre_config(int what, void *where)\n#elif defined COMPILE_PCRE16\nPCRE_EXP_DEFN int PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION\npcre16_config(int what, void *where)\n#elif defined COMPILE_PCRE32\nPCRE_EXP_DEFN int PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION\npcre32_config(int what, void *where)\n#endif\n{\nswitch (what)\n {\n case PCRE_CONFIG_UTF8:\n#if defined COMPILE_PCRE16 || defined COMPILE_PCRE32\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n return PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION;\n#else\n#if defined SUPPORT_UTF\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#endif\n break;\n#endif\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_UTF16:\n#if defined COMPILE_PCRE8 || defined COMPILE_PCRE32\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n return PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION;\n#else\n#if defined SUPPORT_UTF\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#endif\n break;\n#endif\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_UTF32:\n#if defined COMPILE_PCRE8 || defined COMPILE_PCRE16\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n return PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION;\n#else\n#if defined SUPPORT_UTF\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#endif\n break;\n#endif\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_UNICODE_PROPERTIES:\n#ifdef SUPPORT_UCP\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#endif\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_JIT:\n#ifdef SUPPORT_JIT\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#endif\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_JITTARGET:\n#ifdef SUPPORT_JIT\n *((const char **)where) = PRIV(jit_get_target)();\n#else\n *((const char **)where) = NULL;\n#endif\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_NEWLINE:\n *((int *)where) = NEWLINE;\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_BSR:\n#ifdef BSR_ANYCRLF\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#endif\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_LINK_SIZE:\n *((int *)where) = real_link_size;\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD:\n *((int *)where) = POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD;\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_PARENS_LIMIT:\n *((unsigned long int *)where) = PARENS_NEST_LIMIT;\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT:\n *((unsigned long int *)where) = MATCH_LIMIT;\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION:\n *((unsigned long int *)where) = MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION;\n break;\n\n case PCRE_CONFIG_STACKRECURSE:\n#ifdef NO_RECURSE\n *((int *)where) = 0;\n#else\n *((int *)where) = 1;\n#endif\n break;\n\n default: return PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION;\n }\n\nreturn 0;\n}\n\n/* End of pcre_config.c */\n" ]
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[ "WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - The United States has approved military air drops of humanitarian supplies in northern Iraq for religious minorities fleeing attacks by Islamist militants and they could start at any time, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday.", "\n\nOfficials said President Barack Obama was also weighing carrying out the first U.S. airstrikes in Iraq since a 2011 pullout of troops.", "\n\nSpeaking on condition of anonymity, the officials said the United States was considering acting amid international concern over the fate of 40,000 members of religious minorities driven out of their homes and trapped on an Iraqi mountaintop under threat from the militants.", "\n\nU.S. government sources said the United States would be flying surveillance drones out of the Kurdish capital Arbil as part of a mission to assess the Islamic State threat and the capability of Iraqi and Kurdish forces to confront it.", "\n\nWhite House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters earlier that Obama had met members of his national security team on Thursday. ", "Earnest declined to say whether U.S. military intervention in Iraq was being considered.", "\n\nAny airstrikes would represent the first combat action by the United States in Iraq since it ended eight years of war in 2011. ", "Earlier this year the United States sent in a small number of military advisers to help the Iraqi government address the threat of the Islamic militant offensive.", "\n\nEarnest said Obama had made clear in the past that any U.S. military action would be \"very limited in scope,\" would not involve putting troops on the ground, and should be closely tied to Iraqi political reforms, which Washington has demanded.", "\n\n\"We're working intensively with the government of Iraq - the Iraqi security forces and the Kurdish authorities in the immediate area to support their efforts to address the humanitarian situation in Sinjar,\" Earnest said.", "\n\nAlthough he declined to directly address the issue of possible U.S. action at Sinjar, Earnest stressed the strict limits of any U.S. military involvement in Iraq. \"", "There are no American military solutions to the problems in Iraq,\" he said.", "\n\nThe Islamic State's Sunni militants, an offshoot of al Qaeda who have swept across northwestern Iraq in recent weeks, have come within a 30-minute drive of Arbil. ", "The Islamic State views as infidels Iraq's majority Shi'ites and minorities such as Christians and Yazidis, a Kurdish ethno-religious community.", "\n\nNear the White House, some 80 people protested for hours on behalf of the Yazidis, shaking U.S. flags, chanting slogans and holding up signs condemning what they called a holocaust of Christian communities in Iraq and Syria by the Islamic State.", "\n\nU.S. SAYS BAGHDAD RESPONSIBLE\n\nSome of the many thousands trapped on Sinjar mountain have been rescued in the past 24 hours, a spokesman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said earlier, adding that 200,000 had fled the fighting.", "\n\nEarnest said the responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in Iraq, including that on Sinjar mountain, lay with the Iraqi leaders who had failed to create a united government to address the interests of the country's Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds.", "\n\nThe Islamist fighters, who have killed many thousands and declared a caliphate in the Iraqi area they conquered, are now threatening Kurdistan, previously considered a bastion of stability in a country ravaged by conflict.", "\n\nBernadette Meehan, spokeswoman for Obama's National Security Council, told Reuters on Wednesday that any provision of U.S. weapons to the Kurds \"must be coordinated with central government authorities, in Iraq and elsewhere.\"", "\n\nBut she added that given the threat from the Islamic State, \"the United States will continue to engage with Baghdad and Arbil to enhance cooperation on the security front and other issues.\" (", "Additional reporting by David Rohde, Doina Chiacu, Mark Hosenball and Annika McGinnis in Washington; Editing by David Storey and Howard Goller)\n\nWe welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. ", "If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links. ", "Views expressed in the comments do not represent those of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. ", "For more information see our Acceptable Use Policy." ]
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[ "Tetra-layered sign of adult intussusception (new ultrasound approach).", "\nTwo-dimensional ultrasound is the principle method for the detection of intussusception. ", "The aim of this study was to establish a pathognominic ultrasound criterion for diagnosing intestinal intussusception to facilitate a proper clinical decision. ", "We have developed a new approach to diagnosing colonic intussuception based on the hypothesis that ultrasound image of the invaginated segment should reveal four border layers. ", "We called this sign tetra-layered sign (TLS). ", "In a prospective manner, all adult patients diagnosed with intussusception using the TLS approach in the period from July 1990 and July 2005 were included in this study. ", "All patients underwent explorative laparotomy, and our preoperative diagnoses were compared with the surgical outcome. ", "Thirty patients were diagnosed with intestinal intussusception using the TLS ultrasound sign. ", "Surgery confirmed the preoperative diagnosis in all cases. ", "Conventional ultrasound is very reliable in diagnosing intestinal intussusception in adult patients when utilizing the simple ultrasound applicable TLS. ", "This facilitates the decision-making, improves the clinical outcome and reduces the associated costs." ]
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[ "#ifndef _PPC_TYPES_H\n#define _PPC_TYPES_H\n\n\n#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__\n\ntypedef enum bool\n {\n FALSE = 0,\n TRUE = 1\n }BOOL;\n\ntypedef unsigned short umode_t;\n\ntypedef __signed__ char __s8;\ntypedef unsigned char __u8;\n\ntypedef __signed__ short __s16;\ntypedef unsigned short __u16;\n\ntypedef __signed__ int __s32;\ntypedef unsigned int __u32;\n\n#if defined(__GNUC__)\n__extension__ typedef __signed__ long long __s64;\n__extension__ typedef unsigned long long __u64;\n#endif\n\ntypedef struct {\n\t__u32 u[4];\n} __attribute__((aligned(16))) vector128;\n\n#ifdef __KERNEL__\n/*\n * These aren't exported outside the kernel to avoid name space clashes\n */\ntypedef signed char s8;\ntypedef unsigned char u8;\n\ntypedef signed short s16;\ntypedef unsigned short u16;\n\ntypedef signed int s32;\ntypedef unsigned int u32;\n\ntypedef signed long long s64;\ntypedef unsigned long long u64;\n\ntypedef char INT8;\ntypedef short INT16;\ntypedef int INT32;\ntypedef long long INT64;\ntypedef unsigned char UINT8;\ntypedef unsigned short UINT16;\ntypedef unsigned int UINT32;\ntypedef unsigned long long UINT64;\n\n#define BITS_PER_LONG 32\n\n/* DMA addresses are 32-bits wide */\ntypedef u32 dma_addr_t;\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PHYS_64BIT\ntypedef unsigned long long phys_addr_t;\ntypedef unsigned long long phys_size_t;\n#else\ntypedef unsigned long phys_addr_t;\ntypedef unsigned long phys_size_t;\n#endif\n\n#endif /* __KERNEL__ */\n#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "/* \n * File: PyUtil.cpp\n * Author: Kent D. Lee\n * (c) 2013\n * Created on February 12, 2013, 10:58 PM\n * \n * License:\n * Please read the LICENSE file in this distribution for details regarding\n * the licensing of this code. ", "This code is freely available for educational\n * use. ", "THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.", "\n * \n * Description:\n * See the associated header file for a description of the purpose of this \n * class. ", "Implementation details are provided here. ", "Read below for \n * any specific details. ", "\n * \n */\n\n#include \"PyUtil.h\"\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'PHENIX has measured the transverse momentum ([$p_{\\rm T}$]{}) spectra and two particle angular correlations for high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}particles in $d$+Au collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=200GeV using the RHIC Year-2008 run data. ", "The azimuthal angle correlations for two particles with a large rapidity gap exhibit a ridge like structure. ", "Using the $\\pi^0$ reconstructed in the EMCal, we have successfully extended the [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}reach of the correlation up to 8GeV/$c$. We find that the azimuthal anisotropy of hadrons found at low [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}persists up to 6GeV/$c$ with a significant centrality and [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}dependence, similar to what was observed in A+A collisions.'", "\naddress: 'Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department, Upton, NY 11973, USA.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Takao Sakaguchi, for the PHENIX Collaboration[^1]'\nbibliography:\n- 'Sakaguchi\\_QM15Proceedings\\_v3.bib'\ntitle: 'PHENIX results on centrality dependence of yields and correlations in $d$+Au collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=200GeV'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe small collision systems such as $p/d$+A collisions have been considered a good laboratory to quantify cold nuclear matter effects, a necessary baseline for understanding the effects of the hot and dense medium produced in A+A collisions. ", "After the the ridge-like structure in the long-range rapidity correlation in $p$+Pb collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=5.02TeV at the LHC was reported [@Aad:2012gla; @Aad:2014lta], however, the systems can no longer be considered as a simple cold nuclear matter. ", "The study at the LHC was followed by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC, and a finite $v_2$ of hadrons in 0-5% central $d$+Au collisions using both the two-particle angular correlation method and the event-plane method were shown [@Adare:2013piz; @Adare:2014keg]. ", "These observations led the community to explore any phenomena found in A+A collisions, in $p/d$+A collisions. ", "Recently, interest has focused on the high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}region in the small systems. ", "If the collective behavior in low [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}is hydrodynamic, the phenomena should cease at higher [$p_{\\rm T}$]{} [@Bozek:2013uha; @Bzdak:2013zma], while a CGC-motivated model would produce a correlation even at high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{} [@Dusling:2013qoz]. ", "The hydrodynamical scenario would also suggest that the energy loss of hard scattered partons may occur in the small systems, and result in small but sizable anisotropy of the particle emission at high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}. ", "The recent PHENIX measurement of the reconstructed jets in minimum bias $d$+Au collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=200GeV shows little or no modification of their production rates compared to those expected from p+p collisions within the experimental uncertainty, while a strong centrality dependence in the rates has been observed [@Adare:2015gla]. ", "Extending the measurement of $v_n$ (or $c_n$) to high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}may contribute to understanding the interplay of high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}particles and the possible medium created in the $d$+Au collisions. ", "We show the latest results on the azimuthal angle correlation of pairs of hadrons with a large rapidity gap in $d$+Au and $p+p$ collisions.", "\n\nAnalysis\n========\n\nPHENIX recorded an integrated luminosity of 80nb$^{-1}$ in $d$+Au collisions and that of 5.2pb$^{-1}$ in $p$+$p$ collisions in RHIC Year-8 run. ", "The events were triggered by Beam-Beam counter (BBC) located at 3.1$<|\\eta|<$3.9 covering the full azimuth. ", "The detail description of the PHENIX detector system is found in a literature [@Adcox:2003zm]. ", "The long-range two particle correlation functions were constructed by pairing the charged hadrons in the mid-rapidity region ($|\\eta|<$0.35, defined as CNT) with the energy deposited in the towers of Muon Piston Calorimeter (MPC) sitting either south (-3.7$<\\eta<$-3.1) or north (3.1$<\\eta<$3.9). ", "Figure \\[fig1\\](a) show the position of each PHENIX detector component in the $\\phi-y$ coordinate.", "\n\n![ (", "a, left) Configuration of PHENIX detector in $\\phi-y$ coordinate. (", "b, right) Two particle angular correlation functions using charged hadrons measured in CNT, and tower energies measured in MPC south detector in 0-5% $d$+Au collisions.[]{data-label=\"fig1\"}](ReacDet.pdf){width=\"8.2cm\"}\n\n![ (", "a, left) Configuration of PHENIX detector in $\\phi-y$ coordinate. (", "b, right) Two particle angular correlation functions using charged hadrons measured in CNT, and tower energies measured in MPC south detector in 0-5% $d$+Au collisions.[]{data-label=\"fig1\"}](PPG161_CorrFunc.pdf){width=\"6.3cm\"}\n\nNote that the MPC south (MPCS) is sitting in Au-going direction, which has more multiplicity, in case of $d$+Au collisions, while the MPC north (MPCN) is sitting in $d$-going direction. ", "For reaching higher [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}, we substituted the charged hadrons with $\\pi^0$ measured by the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) through the $\\pi^0\\rightarrow \\gamma\\gamma$ channel. ", "We defined the $\\gamma\\gamma$ invariant mass region of 0.12-0.16GeV/$c^2$ as the $\\pi^0$ region. ", "There is a combinatoric background underneath the $\\pi^0$ peak, and we accounted for this contribution in systematic uncertainty estimate. ", "We applied different energy threshold for MPC tower energy between charged hadrons and $\\pi^0$; we used 3GeV when associating with charged hadrons and 0.3GeV for $\\pi^0$.\n\nAfter constructing correlation functions, we fitted them with Fourier series for quantifying their shape: $$\\frac{dN}{d\\Delta\\phi} = N_0{1+2c_1 cos(\\Delta\\phi)+2c_2 cos(2\\Delta\\phi)+2c_3 cos(3\\Delta\\phi)+2c_4 cos(4\\Delta\\phi)}$$ where $c_n$ can be written as $c_n =v_n(MPC)\\times v_n(CNT)$. In the following section, we show the correlation functions as well as the $c_n$’s obtained from the fit.", "\n\nResults and discussion\n======================\n\nIn Figure \\[fig1\\](b), we show the correlation functions for charged hadrons in CNT associated with MPCS for 0-5% $d$+Au collisions, together with the ones in $p+p$ collisions as reference. ", "Comparing to the $p+p$ collision case, the correlation functions for $d$+Au collisions have peaks at near side ($\\Delta\\phi\\sim$0), which is well described by a second order Fourier term. ", "The peaks become much prominent as going to higher [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}. ", "It was found that the similar correlation is seen for CNT-MPCN correlation for the same centrality, but the magnitude is much smaller. ", "Solid lines show the total fit to the Fourier series as described in the previous section, while the dotted lines show each term of the series. ", "Using $\\pi^0$ in CNT, we have successfully extended our measurement in [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}compared to that from charged hadrons as shown in Figure \\[fig2\\](a).", "\n\n![(", "a, left) Two particle angular correlation functions using $\\pi^0$ reconstructed in CNT, and tower energies measured in MPC south detector in 0-5% $d$+Au collisions. (", "b, right) $c_2$ values obtained from Fourier series fit to the $\\pi^0$-MPCs correlation functions.[]{data-label=\"fig2\"}](dAuERT0005_PremAddedv2.pdf){width=\"8.4cm\"}\n\n![(", "a, left) Two particle angular correlation functions using $\\pi^0$ reconstructed in CNT, and tower energies measured in MPC south detector in 0-5% $d$+Au collisions. (", "b, right) $c_2$ values obtained from Fourier series fit to the $\\pi^0$-MPCs correlation functions.[]{data-label=\"fig2\"}](C2_PremAddedV4.pdf){width=\"6.1cm\"}\n\nThe peaks at near side are clearly seen up to [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}$\\sim$6GeV/$c$, while the magnitudes decrease with [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}. ", "The definition of the lines are same as Figure \\[fig1\\](b). ", "In order to quantify the line shape of the correlation functions, we plotted the $c_2$ from the Fourier series fit for various centralities in $d$+Au collisions as a function of [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}of $\\pi^0$, together with that in $p+p$ collisions. ", "The result is shown in Figure \\[fig2\\](b). ", "The bottom panel show the relative systematic uncertainty for the data points shown in the top panel. ", "The main component of the uncertainty is from the uncertainty of the correlation between combinatoric background under $\\pi^0$ and MPCS. ", "As was seen in the correlation functions, the $c_2$’s are decreasing as a function of [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}. ", "Due to the large magnitude of $c_2$ in $p+p$ collisions, the $c_2$’s from $d$+Au collisions look similar. ", "However, there is a clear centrality dependence of the $c_2$; higher $c_2$ values are seen as going to more central collisions.", "\n\nThe $c_1$ is the dipole component and primarily resulted in from back-to-back jet contribution or energy conservation of the system. ", "Therefore, we assume that $c_1$ can be a proxy of primordial multiplicity-related effect and “normalize” $c_2$ so that we can compare apple-to-apple level among various centralities in $d$+Au and $p+p$ collisions. ", "With this idea in our mind, we computed $-c_2/c_1$ as shown in Figure \\[fig3\\](a).", "\n\n![ ", "$-c_2/c_1$ values obtained from Fourier series fit to the $\\pi^0$-MPCS (a, left) and $\\pi^0$-MPCN (b, right) two particle angular correlation functions.[]{data-label=\"fig3\"}](C2C1rat_PremAddedV4_withLine.pdf){width=\"6.1cm\"}\n\n![ ", "$-c_2/c_1$ values obtained from Fourier series fit to the $\\pi^0$-MPCS (a, left) and $\\pi^0$-MPCN (b, right) two particle angular correlation functions.[]{data-label=\"fig3\"}](C2C1ratNorth_PremAdded_withLine.pdf){width=\"6.1cm\"}\n\nThe bottom panel is showing the systematic uncertainty as similarly defined as in Figure \\[fig2\\]. ", "Note that both statistical and systematic uncertainties are smaller in $-c_2/c_1$ compared to $-c_2$, because some of the uncertainties in $c_2$ and $c_1$ are correlated and can be canceled out in the ratio. ", "This way, we clearly see the centrality dependent change of Fourier coefficients, which approach to the $-c_2/c_1$ in $p+p$ collisions, as going to more peripheral collisions. ", "Assuming $c_3=c_4=0$ and requiring $(\\partial^2/\\partial\\Delta\\phi^2) (dN/d\\Delta\\phi)=0$ result in $-c_2/c_1=0.25$ which is also shown on Figure \\[fig3\\](a) as a dotted line. ", "If the points are above this line, the distribution shows “hill”, while the distribution shows “valley” if the points are below. ", "We found that $c_3=c_4=0$ is a very good assumption in $d$+Au and $p+p$ collision case. ", "As we see in the correlation functions, the hill persists up to $\\sim$6GeV/$c$ for 0-5% $d$+Au collisions. ", "Finally, we show the CNT-MPCN correlation for a comparison, again using $\\pi^0$ in CNT in Figure \\[fig3\\](b). ", "Although the finite $-c_2/c_1$ and their slight centrality dependence are seen, the trend is very different compared to the one from CNT-MPCS. ", "This shows the ridge like structure is asymmetric in rapidity. ", "This result is consistent with previous PHENIX results as well as the recent STAR publication [@Adamczyk:2015xjc].", "\n\nThese results show that the [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}and centrality dependence of the ridge like structure in $d$+Au collision resembles what was observed in A+A collisions, indicating the possibility that both collective behavior and differential energy loss play a role also in $d$+Au collisions. ", "The result may contribute to understanding the centrality dependence of the reconstructed jets [@Adare:2015gla].", "\n\nSummary\n=======\n\nIn these proceedings, the latest results on two particle angular correlations for high [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}particles in $d$+Au collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=200GeV are shown. ", "We found that the azimuthal angle correlations for two particles with a large rapidity gap exhibits a ridge like structure mainly coming from the collective nature of the system. ", "Using the $\\pi^0$ reconstructed in the EMCal, we have successfully extended the [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}reach of the correlation up to 8GeV/$c$. We found that the azimuthal anisotropy of hadrons found in low [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}persists up to 6GeV/$c$ with a significant centrality and [$p_{\\rm T}$]{}dependence, similar to what was observed in A+A collisions.", "\n\n[^1]: For the full PHENIX Collaboration author list and acknowledgments, see Appendix “Collaboration” of this volume\n" ]
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[ "Dietary fructans modulate polyamine concentration in the cecum of rats.", "\nNondigestible but fermentable dietary fructans such as oligofructose exert many effects on gut physiology through their fermentation end products such as short-chain fatty acids. ", "Could other metabolites be produced in the gut and contribute to the physiologic effects of dietary fructans? ", "The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of oligofructose on putrescine, spermidine and spermine concentrations in the cecum, the portal vein and the liver of rats and to assess their involvement in cecal enlargement and the modulation of hepatic lipid metabolism. ", "Putrescine, spermidine and spermine were quantified by HPLC in samples obtained from male Wistar rats fed a nonpurified standard diet (controls) or the same diet enriched with 10 g/100 g oligofructose (OFS) for 4 wk. ", "OFS-fed rats had significantly greater cecal content and tissue weights. ", "OFS almost doubled the concentration of putrescine in the cecal contents. ", "The concentration of all three polyamines in the cecal tissue was significantly greater than in controls. ", "The concentration of spermidine in portal plasma was lower in rats fed OFS, whereas the treatment did not affect the polyamine concentrations in the liver. ", "The fermentation of dietary fructans contributed to an increase in the concentration of putrescine in the gut without modifying putrescine concentration in either the portal blood or liver. ", "Moreover, the greater levels of polyamines in cecal tissue may be related to the cell proliferation resulting from OFS fermentation in the gut." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe field of the invention relates generally to transmissions, and more particularly the invention relates to continuously variable transmissions.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nIn order to provide a continuously variable transmission, various traction roller transmissions in which power is transmitted through traction rollers supported in a housing between torque input and output discs have been developed. ", "In such transmissions, the traction rollers are mounted on support structures which, when pivoted, cause the engagement of traction rollers with the torque discs in circles of varying diameters depending on the desired transmission ratio.", "\nHowever, the success of these traditional solutions has been limited. ", "For example, in one solution, a driving hub for a vehicle with a variable adjustable transmission ratio is disclosed. ", "This method teaches the use of two iris plates, one on each side of the traction rollers, to tilt the axis of rotation of each of the rollers. ", "However, the use of iris plates can be very complicated due to the large number of parts that are required to adjust the iris plates during transmission shifting. ", "Another difficulty with this transmission is that it has a guide ring that is configured to be predominantly stationary in relation to each of the rollers. ", "Since the guide ring is stationary, shifting the axis of rotation of each of the traction rollers is difficult.", "\nOne improvement over this earlier design includes a shaft about which an input disc and an output disc rotate. ", "The input disc and output disc are both mounted on the shaft and contact a plurality of balls disposed equidistantly and radially about the shaft. ", "The balls are in frictional contact with both discs and transmit power from the input disc to the output disc. ", "An idler located concentrically over the shaft and between the balls applies a force to keep the balls separate so as to make frictional contact against the input disc and output disc. ", "A key limitation of this design is the absence of means for generating and adequately controlling the axial force acting as normal contact force to keep the input disc and output disc in sufficient frictional contact against the balls as the speed ratio of the transmission changes. ", "Due to the fact that rolling traction continuously variable transmissions require more axial force at low speed to prevent the driving and driven rotating members from slipping on the speed changing friction balls, excessive force is applied in high speed and at a 1:1 ratio, when the input and output speeds are equal. ", "This excessive axial force lowers efficiency and causes the transmission to fail significantly faster than if the proper amount of force was applied for any particular gear ratio. ", "The excessive force also makes it more difficult to shift the transmission.", "\nTherefore, there is a need for a continuously variable transmission with an improved axial load generating system that changes the force produced as a function of the transmission ratio." ]
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[ "Changes in the calpains and calpastatin during postmortem storage of bovine muscle.", "\nChanges in activity and protein status of micro-calpain, m-calpain, and calpastatin in bovine semimembranosus muscle during the first 7d of postmortem storage were monitored by using assays of proteolytic activity, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and Western blot analysis. ", "Extractable m-calpain activity changed slightly during the first 7d after death (decreased to 63% of at-death activity after 7d), whereas extractable calpastatin activity decreased substantially (to 60% of at-death activity after 1d and to 30% of at-death activity after 7d of postmortem storage) during this period. ", "Extractable micro-calpain activity also decreased rapidly (to 20% of at-death activity at 1d and to less than 4% of its at-death activity at 7d after death) during postmortem storage. ", "Western blot analysis showed that the 80-kDa subunit of m-calpain remained undegraded during the first 7d after death but that the 125- to 130-kDa calpastatin polypeptide was gone entirely at 7d after death. ", "Hence, the calpastatin activity remaining at 7d originates from calpastatin polypeptides that are 42 kDa or smaller. ", "The 80-kDa micro-calpain subunit was almost entirely in the 76-kDa autolyzed form at 7d after death; this form is proteolytically active in in vitro systems, and it is unclear why the postmortem, autolyzed micro-calpain is not active. ", "Over 50% of total muscle micro-calpain is tightly bound to myofibrils 7d after death; this micro-calpain is also nearly inactive proteolytically. ", "Unless postmortem muscle contains some factor that enables micro-calpain in this muscle to be proteolytically active, it is not clear whether micro-calpain could be responsible for any appreciable postmortem myofibrillar proteolysis." ]
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[ "Today’s Workout: Lunge combo works lower body\n\nFriday\n\nIt doesn’t take much when it comes to exercising your lower body. ", "As long as you are not sitting, you are getting some level of physical fitness in your legs.", "\n\nYour legs are getting a workout from walking here to there, during cardio and during specific toning exercises. ", "By adding a weight, you’ll see the most amount of change.", "\n\nOur move today is a front and back lunge combo. ", "This move will be working your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. ", "Your core also benefits from the balance and stability to execute this exercise. ", "You will need a set of light to medium hand weights if you want the added resistance; otherwise focus simply on the move.", "\n\nBegin by standing tall, holding your chest up and engaging your core. ", "If you plan to use weights, grasp them in each hand by your side, otherwise just place your hands on your hips.", "\n\nStart by stepping out front with one leg, leading with your heel. ", "Bend in the front knee, keeping it behind your front toe. ", "Your back leg will have the weight bearing on your toes and that knee pointed toward the ground. ", "The idea is to have both knees bent at a 90-degree angle.", "\n\nOnce you reach your deepest point, press back up to a standing position, and swing the front leg toward the back to drop into your back lunge.", "Keeping the focus on the leading leg, continue this front and back lunging motion for at least eight to 10 times. ", "Take a small break and switch legs.", "\n\nKeep a slower pace, as balance is a factor. ", "Give yourself at least three sets on each side. ", "This move is great to add into any lower body routine or on its own when you need that extra little something.", "\n\n— Marlo Alleva, an instructor at Gold’s Gym and group fitness coordinator at Fontaine-Gills YMCA, can be reached at faluvzpa@msn.com.", "\n\nNever miss a story\n\nChoose the plan that's right for you.", "\nDigital access or digital and print delivery." ]
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[ "They used to. ", "They carry .40S&W now because a lot of recruits had trouble qualifying with the 10mm. ", "The .40S&W is basically just a necked down, much weaker version of a 10mm. ", "They're the same diameter and everything." ]
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[ "U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged world leaders to throw their weight fully behind the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on Tuesday, describing climate change as “the defining issue” of our time.", "\n\n“To ride this storm we need all hands on deck,” he said, during the opening address of the U.N. Climate Summit in New York. “", "We have never faced such a challenge.”", "\n\nMore than 120 heads of state and government are attending the U.N. Climate Summit, which is seen as a key milestone on the path to a climate agreement in 2015.", "\n\n“I am asking you to lead, we must cut emissions,” said Ban. “", "By the end of this century, we must be carbon neutral – we cannot emit more carbon than our planet can absorb.”", "\n\nThe U.N. chief also reiterated the goal of keeping global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees C. above pre-industrial levels – a key target of the climate change movement. “", "Economists have shown that this comes at minimal extra cost, while the benefits to our planet are monumental,” he said.", "\n\nThe Climate Summit comes just two days after nearly 400,000 people took to the streets of Manhattan in the largest climate march in history.", "\n\nNew York Mayor Bill de Blasio also addressed the Climate Summit on Tuesday morning, describing climate change as “an existential threat” to humanity.", "\n\n“This is an issue we all face – no-one is spared,” he said. “", "For New York this is particularly urgent – two years ago Hurricane Sandy left 44 people dead in our city.”", "\n\nKeen to put New York at the forefront of the climate change agenda, de Blasio explained that the city’s greenhouse gas emissions are down 19 percent from 2005, thanks to a plan instituted by his predecessor, Michael Bloomberg.", "\n\nNew York, he added, is fully committed to an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.", "\n\nOn Monday Secretary of State John Kerry and Apple CEO Tim Cook delivered a rallying cry for cutting carbon emissions.", "\n\nHowever, skeptics have questioned the effort to cut carbon emissions and reshape the world economy, citing, in particular, its impact on growth.", "\n\n“Any time world leaders are gathering, their number one focus needs to be what will promote human progress,” Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, told FoxNews.com. “", "The whole focus of this so-called ‘climate summit’ is to only look at the alleged negatives of using fossils fuels – it’s like an antibiotics summit where you only look at the negative effects of antibiotics.”", "\n\nEpstein, author of the forthcoming book The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, also highlighted the inherent volatility of the global climate. “", "Nature doesn’t give us a safe climate that we make dangerous,\" he said. \"", "It gives us a dangerous climate that we make safe, above all, by using energy from fossil fuels.'", "\n\nCiting data from the EM-DAT International Disaster Database, Epstein explained that climate-related deaths have actually declined 98 percent over the last 80 years.", "\n\n“My conclusion is that, if we look at the big picture, not only are the economic benefits [of fossil fuels] overwhelmingly positive, but the environmental benefits are overwhelmingly positive,” he said.", "\n\nThe U.N. has suffered a number of blows in its push for a climate agreement. ", "Australia’s new government, for example, recently repealed its two-year old national carbon tax, and countries such as Canada, Russia, and Japan have refused to sign on for an extension to the Kyoto Protocol to combat greenhouse gases.", "\n\nOn Monday a study reported that rising temperatures in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of North America over the past century followed natural changes in the wind, as opposed to increases in greenhouse gas emissions.", "\n\nFollow James Rogers on Twitter @jamesjrogers" ]
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[ "Conventional processes for producing tanned leather and tanned leather goods generate considerable waste material. ", "Scraps from cut leather, wet blue shavings from the tanning process, and other leather waste from conventional leather processes is usually bulked and transported to landfills. ", "Disposal of leather waste in this way is environmentally undesirable and can be costly to the leather producer. ", "In addition, chromed tanned leather and chemicals used to produce leather products can be unwanted in landfill operations.", "\nCurrent approaches to recycling leather waste materials include producing fertilizer by extracting portions of slurried leather. ", "Considerable waste, requiring disposal, can be a byproduct of this extraction process.", "\nProcesses for producing a moldable mat from fibrous wood products are well known. ", "One such process is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,418,031 to Doerer et al. ", "In the Doerer et al. ", "process, cellulose fibers are mixed with synthetic fibers, the synthetic fibers are melted, and then solidified to form a cohesive mat of cellulose and synthetic fibers. ", "This process includes dry blending the fibers together, passing this blend through a former, curing the blend in an oven, and molding the cured blend into a shaped article.", "\nIt has been found that utilizing a dry process for making a fibrous mat is environmentally advantageous and relatively time and energy efficient. ", "Typically, if a dry process is used for fibrous mat preparation and processing, then there is no slurry or waste byproduct that has to be discarded.", "\nIt would be highly desirable to develop a process for making a reconstituted leather product using limited amounts of water. ", "It would also be highly desirable for this same process to recycle all types of scrap and waste leather and hide materials. ", "Preferably, a process is developed such that the reconstituted leather product is continuously recyclable, that is, the reconstituted product at the end of its useful life is capable of entering the preparation process of the invention as a starting material.", "\nFurther, it is desirable to produce a reconstituted leather product having the strength and pliability of real leather. ", "The reconstituted leather product can also have the ability to be cut and sewn into leather-like products. ", "It is also desirable to produce a reconstituted leather product having similar physical properties when compared with natural, unrecycled leather." ]
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[ "I have been writing poems since I was 6 years old, back then my poems were a bit more simple with language and thoughts. ", "From there I started to write music lyrics and short stories. ", "As I got into my teenage years I started to write more stories and now I have written 7 novels that I haven’t published yet. ", "This section of my blog “N’poetry”, I will be posting my writings which are mostly poems and then maybe I’ll post some of my short stories. ", "For each piece of writing I post I will provide a bit of an explanation of where the inspiration came from to write that piece. ", "To me poetry is like art, a painting. ", "An artist paints his canvas with a brush, a writer draws words with his pen.", "\n\nThe inspiration for my poem “Nights Don’t Fail Me” came from this summer. ", "During this summer I have been staying up all night for numerous reasons. ", "First thing I had summer classes and I needed to study and finish some school work on most nights. ", "Second I was sleeping at my uncle’s house and my cousins and I would stay up all night watching movies, talking, eating and swimming in the pool! ", "Thirdly it was Ramadan and usually in Ramadan we stay up late at night. ", "Last but not least, this summer was the first summer that I had the time to think about me and what I wanted to do in this upcoming year. ", "I stayed up on nights thinking about the goals that I have and what I really want to achieve. ", "I did come up with ideas, but they are still under construction. ", "FOR ONE THING AT LAST A STARTED A BLOG!", "\n\nThe amount of seconds of each day that I think of you is uncountable, the amount of wishes I make to be always next you is unbearable, the amount of wanting you is unquestionable. ", "If I go through the memories of what I was given, time will not be able to hold them.", "\n\nWhen unspoken words draw their feelings through the winds, the only thing that remains is my beating heart. ", "When untaken actions are never made, the echo of the sea holds the reasons of what I wanted to be. ", "When the unknown is visible, my eyes see the starlight that brightness so softly on my dreams.", "\n\nThe sourness of a lemon cannot overcome the sourness of your distance. ", "The sweetness of a strawberry cannot come to the sweetness of your cries. ", "The bitterness of a melon will no longer compare to the bitterness of your words that became the only fruit my mind can bear.", "\n\nIn the night I remain with the thoughts that never developed, the memories that seem so unreal in our world, the dreams that I have dreamt became only the imaginations my mind creates. ", "The night is never young, yet my heart beats. ", "The moon is never upon my window but my eyes have hope. ", "The pictures of tomorrow, my mind waits.", "\n\nThe night became my dairy, the unwritten words of my goals. ", "The night is my long-time friend where we shared hopes. ", "The night developed the truth of so many, and has hidden the secrets of the lost. ", "Dreams are made, stories are told, goals are achieved, memories are created, and here we will be.", "\n\nPlease comment and tell me what you think about my poem. ", "Did your summer change you? ", "If so please share your stories that can inspire me and others.", "\n\nI posted this poem on Instgram in 5 parts. ", "My Instgram Account: NoufAlAttar." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'The dressing of bare massless quarks is described with a spatial theory based on the self-consistent solution of the QCD field equations. ", "After quantization these equations are expressed in terms of quark and gluon creation and annihilation operators and admit a surprisingly elegant exact (operator) solution which eliminates any multi-quark admixtures in the state vector. ", "Hence, this theory is uniquely and exclusively suited to describe the dressing of single bare quarks. ", "After factorizing out the operators, a finite set of coupled non-linear differential equations results for the reduced c-number quark and gluon fields. ", "These yield three distinct solitonlike solutions, corresponding to the three observed quark generations. ", "Physically each solution represents a quark absolutely confined by the gluon potentials it generates. ", "The radii of the three generations are given by (2.0428..., 1 , 1)/E, while the binding energies are linked to the SU(3) structure constants and given by E - (32/9, 16/9, 1)E, where E sets the energy scale of the system. ", "To stabilize the system general relativity is required, putting E in the Planck domain. ", "After the introduction of a vacuum term characterized by the cosmological constant the dressed quark mass can be expressed in terms of the gravitational and cosmological constant, nevertheless lying in the MeV range. ", "After the inclusion of the other gauge interactions this theory might well serve as a theoretical laboratory for quantitative tests of the unification of general relativity and QFT in a constrained Planck scale environment.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'J. M. Greben'\ntitle: Spatial QCD theory of the dressing of quarks and the origin of three generations\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:Introduction}\n============\n\nIn the Standard Model (SM) quarks and leptons are considered pointlike elementary particles whose masses are determined experimentally. ", "The need for these and other phenomenological parameters is one of the unsatisfactory aspects of this model. ", "Historically, renormalization provides the theoretical vehicle for the introduction of empirical mass parameters, although it requires the cancellation of large or infinite contributions. ", "Since then the Higgs mechanism, which gives the vector bosons a mass through spontaneous symmetry breaking, has been linked to the quark and lepton masses as well ([@Schwartz], p. 596). ", "However, this has not reduced the need for empirical (mass) parameters, either.", "\n\nThe question whether there exists an underlying theory that can predict these mass parameters is therefore as relevant as it was fifty years ago. ", "In the early days of string theory there were hopes that it could provide such predictions. ", "For example, in a basic text on string theory, Ref.", " [@Green], the authors state that: *a consistent unified theory of gravity and other forces might someday confront experiment through its implications for already measured quantities like the electron mass or the Cabibbo angle* ([@Green], p. 14). ", "However, this hope has gradually evaporated and the focus of string theory now lies elsewhere.", "\n\nIn this paper we show that a spatial QFT dressing theory can explain the existence of the three generations of quarks and may well form a basis for the prediction of the quark and lepton masses in terms of a few fundamental constants of nature. ", "Our description of dressing does not follow the usual route of incorporating dressing interactions in the scattering series, where they display singular behavior. ", "Rather, we use the quantized field equations for the quark and gluon fields to describe dressed quarks as self-contained spherical systems, consisting of a bare quark in interaction with the boson fields it generates itself. ", "In principle these dressing calculations should precede the application of the Standard Model, as they supply information on the properties of the Standard Model fermions and should tell us which self-interaction diagrams must be excluded from the scattering series. ", "This paper only deals with the fundamental task of constructing the self-contained dressed quark system, and does not address questions regarding the integration of this theory in the Standard Model framework. ", "This would be premature anyway until we have a fuller understanding of the dressing theory and its applicability.", "\n\nThe development of a local dressing theory requires various new QFT methodologies in order to deal with the use and quantization of the QFT field equations. ", "It also requires extensions beyond QFT to include certain consequences of general relativity, implying that QFT itself is unable to provide a fully fundamental basis for particle physics, as it requires empirical particle information.", "\n\nThe field equations in QFT are often dismissed as classical equations, a view which is reinforced by the fact in the classical limit $\\hbar \\rightarrow 0$ the action integral leads to $\\delta S=0$, which is precisely the condition that determines the (classical) Euler-Lagrange equations ([@Schwartz], p. 259). ", "However, it seems very strange that the field equations, which play such a central role in all other fields of physics and are essential for the derivation of Noether currents and energy conservation, would play such a limited role in QFT. ", "Dirac observed as much, when in 1979 he stated that *Methods based on the equations of motion (i.e. the field equations), so necessary for low energy physics have been largely abandoned as being intractable in QFT. ", "Yet if we believe in the unity of physics, we should believe that the same basic ideas universally apply to all fields of physics* [@Dirac_Eq_Motion]. ", "As we will see, quantization restores the field equations to their rightful place in QFT and also reveals their special - yet fundamental - role in QFT.", "\n\nThe currently popular Feynman path integral (FPI) quantization method seems not suitable here. ", "The QFT field equations are expressed in terms of a single space-time variable, in which case the notion of paths – which is so essential for FPI and other scattering approaches – does not enter in a natural way. ", "The reason for this limitation to a single space-time variable in the Lagrangian (and thus in the field equations) lies in the stringent demands of locality and relativity in QFT. ", "This restriction limits the applicability of the field equations, as they cannot deal with multi-particle problems in QFT, like they can in non-relativistic quantum mechanics (NRQM). ", "Hence, QFT scattering methods must also be used for multi-particle bound-state problems, implying that they have a much larger domain of validity in QFT than they do in NRQM. ", "An example is the case of lattice gauge calculations, where one deals with multi-particle bound-state problems, but which are based on FPI ([@Schwartz], p. 252). ", "However, this does not mean that the FPI is universally applicable. ", "The dressing of a single bare elementary particle is a bound-state problem that still can – and also has to – be dealt with through the quantized field equations. ", "This conclusion is rigorously confirmed by the operator formulation of the field equations, which yield an exact quantum solution which excludes any multi-particle components in the state vector, so that this approach is uniquely equipped to deal with the dressing problem in QFT.", "\n\nThe natural tool for carrying out quantization for this problem is canonical quantization, as it emphasizes the particle - rather than the wave - aspects. ", "By adapting this method to the (discrete) bound-state case we are led to the Wigner-Jordan rules for the creation and annihilation operators, which refer to the (initially unknown) quark bound-state wave functions. ", "After the quark fields are thus expanded, consistency demands that the gluon fields are also expanded in these operators, now multiplied with unknown gluon amplitudes. ", "The non-linear field equations then generate higher-order operator terms, so that the fields ultimately turn into infinite sums of products of creation and annihilation operators, multiplying amplitudes with an ever increasing number of indices. ", "This appears to make the construction of a closed solution an impossible goal. ", "However, certain patterns, which appear to be common between the lowest-order equations, suggest an operator solution with an appealingly simple structure. ", "Upon further examination the correctness of this exact operator solution of binomial form can be confirmed. ", "Its properties can easily be identified, the main one being that it eliminates any multi-particle admixtures in the state vector (this limitation holds separately for particles and anti-particles). ", "Hence, the field equation formulation determines its own domain of applicability, namely the dressed quark system characterized by a single quark state vector.", "\n\nUsing this operator solution one can factorize out the creation and annihilation operators from the field equations, reducing it to a set of coupled non-linear c-number differential equations. ", "The operator solution also ensures connectivity, so that only physically meaningful sequences of terms survive in the reduced field equations. ", "The extensive exploitation of self-consistency constraints and explicit and implicit symmetries enable a series of further simplifications which eventually yield a set of one-parameter solutions of the gluon field equations, which in the limit $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow 0$ even are of analytic form. ", "Combining this result with the quantized Dirac equations constrains the solutions even further, leading to a discretization of the continuous set of solutions, so that eventually a set of four discrete solutions emerges. ", "One of these can be identified with the original bare quark state and would have been the only (trivial) solution had we started with $\\alpha_s= 0$. The other three are structural solutions which meet the criteria for dressed quarks.", "\n\nThis bound-state theory is better behaved than standard QFT, as it does not lead to infinite diagrams and even allows exact non-perturbative solutions (in the limit $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow 0$). ", "There is no need for gauge fixing terms in the Lagrangian, in fact maintaining the original form of the Lagrangian (apart from ordering issues) appears essential for obtaining analytic solutions. ", "The only infinite quantities that occur are the potentials (and in some cases their wave functions) which ensure the absolute confinement of the bare quark at a finite radius, thereby confirming the self-contained nature of the dressed state whose internal dynamics is insulated from the outside world.", "\n\nWhile certain complications of ordinary QFT are thus absent, there are new problems which need to be addressed. ", "These have to do with the presence of (infinite) products of amplitudes at the same space-time point. ", "In standard QFT such products lead to singularities and infinities, especially in expectation values. ", "These are usually removed by the ad hoc imposition of the normal product on these expressions (see [@Bogoliubov], p. 76 or [@Itzykson], p. 111). ", "The use of this tool has also been continued in string theory (see [@Green], p. 91). ", "However, in the dressing theory, which is characterized by (infinite) products of operators at the same point, this recipe fails and we need a more principled approach. ", "The resolution of this problem was discovered early in the development of the dressing theory. ", "It requires the imposition of the so-called $\\mathbb{R}$-product [@Ordering] on strings of anti-particle operators which share the same space-time variable. ", "This product plays an essential role in obtaining the correct structure of the operator equations and in the construction of the exact operator solution. ", "It also ensures that unphysical infinite terms are eliminated and physically important high order terms (which would be eliminated under the normal product prescription) are preserved in the resulting coupled differential equations. ", "The physical reason why the $\\mathbb{R}$-product must be imposed in QFT is that it eliminates the inherent bias towards particles in the calculation of expectation values. ", "It also plays an important role in other problems. ", "For example, it resolves the cosmological constant problem [@CC; @problem].", "\n\nAnother problem which needs to be addressed is the scale invariance of the field equations. ", "As mentioned earlier the physical scale can only be set after certain effects of general relativity are taken into account. ", "Finally, the negativity of the QFT energy (unacceptable in a scattering formulation, but here acceptable as it represents the binding energy of the bound state) must be countered by a positive vacuum energy to ensure the positivity of the dressed mass. ", "This vacuum energy is supplied by a miniature vacuum universe, again contained within the absolutely confined system.", "\n\nThe outline of the paper is as follows. ", "In the next section we present a short historical perspective on this work and its origins. ", "In Sec.", " \\[sec:quantization\\] we discuss the quantization of the field equations, followed by the discussion of the gluon differential equations in Sec.", " \\[sec:differential equations\\] and the Dirac equations in Sec.", " \\[sec:Dirac equations\\]. ", "In Sec.", " \\[sec:wave functions\\] we present the radial behavior of the wave functions and potentials for the three dressing solutions. ", "Then in Sec.", " \\[sec:TotalEnergy\\] we discuss the determination of the QFT bound state energy of each solution, a calculation which can be carried out quite independently from the prior dynamical calculations. ", "In Sec.", " \\[sec:Mass\\] we indicate which fundamental extensions are needed to make quark mass predictions: taking account of general relativity (GR) and including a (cosmological) vacuum term. ", "Finally, in Sec.", " \\[sec:conclusions\\] we summarize our results and discuss new opportunities to gain further insights in QFT and its unification with GR.", "\n\nHistorical perspective on the development of the dressing theory {#sec:Broad}\n================================================================\n\nIn the previous section we presented an introduction to the QFT dressing theory. ", "However, the original goal of this research effort was very different. ", "It might be instructive to present a brief history of this research path in order to understand how its ideas originated and developed, as they lead to quite a novel perspective on QFT, while the late emergence of this theory also deserves an explanation.", "\n\nIn the middle eighties we were involved in the field of bag theories ([@Hybrid],[@pion]), where nucleons are considered as an assembly of three quarks confined in a bag. ", "These theories were advanced by various groups, notably at MIT ([@MIT_Group], [@MIT], [@DeTar]) and Triumf [@Thomas], and had met with considerable success. ", "However, its main feature – the confining bag -– had a phenomenological character and was not derived from QCD. ", "Our goal was to find such a derivation. ", "Since we expected the non-linear nature of QCD to be essential for the derivation of the confinement potential, thereby inspired by the non-linear sigma model ([@non-linear; @sigma],[@sigma]), we started out with these non-linear field equations. ", "To make progress it was necessary to expand the quark field $\\psi$ in creation and annihilation operators [@CapeTown87]. ", "Also, the restriction to quark states - which was common in bag physics - was inadequate, and the anti-quark degrees of freedom needed to be included as well. ", "Self-consistency of the field equations then determined the operator form of the quantized gluon field.", "\n\nThe next important step was the introduction of the $\\mathbb{R}$-product, as this explained the mysterious minus signs which appeared necessary in the field equations, if these were to make sense in the presence of anti-particles. ", "Subsequently it was realized that this $\\mathbb{R}$-product is a necessary foundational element in QFT to counter the bias towards particles in expectation values.", "\n\nAs stated earlier, the main breakthrough came when we discovered the exact operator solution of the infinite set of coupled operator equations. ", "However, its main property, that the operator solution restricts the application domain to state vectors consisting of a single-quark, excludes its application to the bag model. ", "We had already found indications that certain many-body terms did not seem to fit the formulation and spoiled emergent patterns in the field equations. ", "We could also have been warned by a remark by one of the authors of the MIT bag model, Ken Johnson, who stated in 1975 that the internal quark structure of hadrons could not be related to particles, since that would restrict the description to a non-relativistic framework [@Johnson]. ", "These problems can again be attributed to the unique structure of the QFT field equations which depend on a single space-time variable. ", "Because of this they cannot accommodate the multiple variables typical of non-relativistic bound-state treatments of multi-particle systems.", "\n\nThe discovery of this limitation of the field equation approach caused an important U-turn in our research, as we now had to divert our attention from bag physics to the problem of the dressing of single quarks, thereby confronting the conventional treatment of dressing. ", "The transition to the dressing problem could proceed relatively quickly, as many of the essential ingredients – such as the quantization procedure and the $\\mathbb{R}$-product – had already been developed. ", "Nonetheless, the road towards the current theory was a long one, requiring many new conceptual steps.", "\n\nAlthough the original goal had to be abandoned to be replaced by an even more fundamental goal, our findings still bear relevance in the MIT bag context. ", "First, the effective confining mechanism for the first generation of (light) quarks is identical to the phenomenological one used in the MIT bag (except for the scale of course). ", "We find that the potentials are inversely proportional to the quadratic difference between the large and small component of the quark spinor $f^2-g^2$, so that the potential becomes infinite (absolutely confining) when $|f|=|g|$. But this is the same condition that defines the surface in the MIT bag model. ", "So our methodology demonstrates how such an infinite bag can arise from QCD. ", "The MIT bag model also required a volume background (vacuum) term to enable mass calculations, just like we do in our dressing theory. ", "This shows that the MIT group was able to postulate the main features of confinement purely on general physics grounds and intuition, although in the bag case it was meant to model the interaction between quarks in a colourless state, rather than the self-interactions. ", "Conversely, it shows that our formal dressing methods lead to a picture of dressed quarks that has as strong physical appeal. ", "Or to paraphrase Dirac’s comment a little: although the setting is totally different the emerging picture of dressed quarks again confirms the unity of physics and the universality of basic ideas in physics; in this case the spherical nature of the basic constituents of matter.", "\n\nFrom a historical point of view it is also interesting to mention that during the early developments of QFT there were intense discussions about the role of self-interactions, which are well described in the book by Schweber on QED [@SS]. ", "In ordinary quantum mechanics such interactions are excluded from the scattering series, however, in QFT the situation is more complex, as there are a multitude of self-interaction diagrams, some of which play an important role in the explanation of the Lamb shift. ", "This debate was settled in favour of the inclusion of all self-interactions - and thus dressing - in the scattering series, despite the singularities arising from this treatment. ", "However, the criticism on these infinities petered out after the introduction of renormalization. ", "The time was not ripe for the development of a local dressing theory anyway, as the nonlinear gauge theories had not yet been formulated and general relativity was not yet seen by many as a necessary ingredient in particle physics.", "\n\nWe must honour Dirac for still pursuing such goals at a time when most particle theorists were involved in developing QFT scattering theory and renormalization techniques. ", "In 1962 he tried to prove that the muon should be considered as an excited state of the electron by developing a spatial QED model of the electron [@Dirac_electron]. ", "This is exactly the philosophy which is supported by the results of the dressing theory. ", "He even went as far as to extend this theory to include the effects of gravity [@Dirac_electron_GR]. ", "A further motivation of Dirac was that the resulting finiteness of the electron might resolve the infinity problem in QFT, whose solutions he never accepted, as he considered the renormalization process unnatural [@Dirac_Renorm]. ", "Unfortunately these efforts were premature, but they attest to Dirac’s far-sighted physical intuition. ", "Remarkably, the link between particle physics units and cosmological parameters, which the dressing theory has uncovered, is also a link Dirac speculated on with his fascination for the recurrence of large numbers and ratios in physics, as expressed in his large number hypothesis [@DiracLarge].", "\n\nQuantization of the field equations {#sec:quantization}\n===================================\n\nIn this section we discuss the quantization procedure and the construction of the operator solution. ", "For some of the technical details we refer back to our earlier paper [@QuarkDressing], which dealt exclusively with the first generation. ", "We also hope to clarify some issues which are better understood now that we have identified all three dressing solutions.", "\n\nWe start with the QCD Lagrangian (see Eqs.", " (16.1-3) in [@Peskin]): $$\\label{eq:Lagrangian}\n \\mathscr{L}=\\bar{\\psi}(\\textrm{i}\\gamma _\\mu\n D^\\mu-m)\\psi-\\frac{1}{4}\\textbf{F}^{\\mu\\nu}\\bullet\n \\textbf{F}_{\\mu\\nu},$$ where the covariant derivative is defined as follows: $$\\label{eq:Dmu}\nD^\\mu =\\partial^\\mu-\\frac{1}{2} \\textrm{i}g_s\n\\boldsymbol{\\lambda} \\bullet\\textbf{A}^{\\mu}.$$ The field tensor equals: $$\\label{eq:2}\n\\textbf{F}^{\\mu\\nu}=\\partial^{\\mu}\\textbf{A}^{\\nu}-\\partial^{\\nu} \\textbf{A}^{\\mu}+\\frac{g_s}{2}\n\\left( \\textbf{A}^{\\mu}\\times\\textbf{A}^{\\nu}-\\textbf{A}^{\\nu}\\times \\textbf{A}^{\\mu}\\right),$$ where we used a symmetrized form in preparation for the quantization process. ", "We use a vector notation for the SU(3)-index, so summations over color indices are implied, where applicable. ", "Contrary to the SM, the quark fields do not carry a generation quantum number, as the dressing theory must explain, rather than postulate, its existence. ", "Also, the electro-weak interactions are not yet included, so there is no reference to charge either. ", "The absence of the generation label reflects the (more) fundamental character of the QCD Lagrangian in the dressing theory. ", "A similar reduction will be necessary for the electro-weak interactions if they are included in the dressing theory.", "\n\nSince we cannot accept pure mass terms in the fundamental dressing Lagrangian, and want to avoid phenomenological parameters anyway, we would like to set the bare quark mass $m$ equal to zero. ", "However, if we immediately set $m=0$ then the theory lacks the richness to evolve into a proper bound-state dressing theory. ", "Hence, we start by assuming that $m > 0$, and take the limit $m\\downarrow 0$ at the end. ", "Physically we can justify this procedure by noting that dressed quarks will have mass, so making this assumption can be seen as a preemptive measure to ensure that the quark spinors are parameterized correctly from the start. ", "A similar limiting procedure $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow 0$ is later proposed for the strong coupling constant, again avoiding the introduction of a phenomenological or empirical parameter.", "\n\nIn the standard (scattering) formulation of QCD (and QED), additional terms are necessary in the Lagrangian, such as the gauge fixing term $(\\partial^{\\mu}\\textbf{A}_{\\mu})^2$, the latter being required to enable the construction of propagators. ", "In the Feynman path integral formulation so-called Faddeev-Popov ghosts and anti-ghosts are also needed to ensure mathematical consistency ([@Schwartz], p. 509). ", "The dressing theory is not plagued by such technical complications. ", "Instead, it seems crucial to maintain the basic form of the Lagrangian in order to preserve the symmetries that enable the reduction process which eventually leads to the exact solutions.", "\n\nThe classical field equations for the gluon field (Eq.", " (15.51), [@Peskin]) read as follows after symmetrization: $$\\label{eq:gluon_field}\n\\partial_\\mu \\textbf{F}^{\\nu\\mu}=\\frac{g_s }{2} \\bar{\\psi}\\boldsymbol{\\lambda}\\gamma^\\nu \\psi\n +\\frac{g_s }{2}\\left(\\textbf{F}^{\\nu\\mu} \\times \\textbf{A}_{\\mu}-\\textbf{A}_{\\mu}\\times \\textbf{F}^{\\nu\\mu} \\right),$$ while the quark spinor field satisfies the Dirac equation: $$\\label{eq:Dirac}\n\\left( \\textrm{i}\\gamma _\\mu \\partial ^\\mu -m \\right )\\psi(x)=\n- \\frac{\\textrm{i}}{2} g_s\\gamma_\\mu \\lambda_a\\psi(x) A_a^\\mu(x).$$ Our next step is to quantize the fields and field equations. ", "In analogy to the scattering case we start with a linear expansion of the quark field in a (now discrete rather than continuous) set of creation and annihilation operators for the quarks ($b_\\alpha^\\dag,b_\\alpha$) and anti-quarks ($d_\\alpha^\\dag,d_\\alpha$): $$\\label{eq:psi_expansion}\n\\psi(x)=\\sum _{\\alpha} b_\\alpha \\phi_\\alpha(x)+\\sum _{\\alpha} d_\\alpha^\\dag \\phi_\\alpha^a (x),$$ where the operators satisfy the following discrete fermionic anti-commutation rules: $$\\label{eq:anti_commutator}\n\\left\\{ b_\\alpha,b_\\beta^\\dag \\right\\}=\\delta_{\\alpha,\\beta};\\left\\{ d_\\alpha,d_\\beta^\\dag\\right\\}=\\delta_{\\alpha,\\beta},$$ with all other anti-commutators zero. ", "In scattering theory the time dependence is sometimes absorbed in the creation and annihilation operators, which may be appropriate there, as the scattering states evolve with time. ", "However, in the bound-state case the states are stationary and are characterized by a common stationary time dependence, which can best be carried by the expansion coefficients.", "\n\nThe expansion coefficients $\\phi_\\alpha(x)$ and $\\phi_\\alpha^a (x)$ represent normalizable Dirac spinors for quarks and anti-quarks. ", "The wave functions are not known beforehand, in fact at this stage we do not even know whether the dressing equations support bound-state solution(s). ", "Since QCD initiates transitions between colour states and between spin states, the set $\\{\\alpha\\}$ must consist of a complete set of colour $\\{\\xi_\\alpha\\}$ and spin states $\\{\\chi_\\alpha\\}$. After the introduction of electroweak interactions this set would have to be expanded, but it remains discrete and finite, which is a considerable simplification over the scattering case. ", "External continuous quantum numbers, such as the overall momentum of the dressed system, do not feature here, as we consider the system in its own center-of-mass/energy.", "\n\nThe S-wave Dirac bound-state wave functions are defined in terms of the large and small components $f(r)$ and $g(r)$: $$\\label{eq:5}\n\\phi_\\alpha(\\textbf{r},t)=\\exp(-\\textrm{i}Et)\\frac{1}{r \\sqrt{4\\pi}}\n\\left( \\begin{array}{c}\nf(r)\\\\\n-\\textrm{i}\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}\\bullet \\hat{\\textbf{r}}g(r)\\\\\n\\end{array} \\right)\n\\chi_\\alpha\\xi_\\alpha,$$ where $r$ is the radial distance to the center-of-energy of the dressed system. ", "The radial wave functions satisfy the normalization condition: $$\\label{eq:norm}\n\\int^{r_0}_0 dr \\ [f^2(r)+g^2(r)]=1,$$ where we assumed that the quark is (absolutely) confined within a sphere of radius $r_0$. The stationary nature of the bound state is characterised by a common time dependence, characterized by the value of $E$ in $\\exp(-iEt)$. Since QCD has no dimensionful parameters, the dressing theory is scale invariant and the scale parameter $E$ is as yet undetermined (the mass $m$ does not provide a scale as we set $m\\downarrow0$ at the end). ", "In Section \\[sec:Mass\\] we will show how this scale can be fixed. ", "The first quantization assumption, Eq.", " (\\[eq:psi\\_expansion\\]), must now be followed by a sequence of additional quantization steps until full self-consistency is reached. ", "The next step is to insert expansion (\\[eq:psi\\_expansion\\]) in the quark source term in the gluon field equation (\\[eq:gluon\\_field\\]). ", "Ignoring the non-linear gluon terms for now, we find that the gluon field must be expressed in bilinear products of quark operators: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:bilinear}\n\\begin{aligned}\n& A_a^\\mu(x)=\\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta}b_\\alpha^\\dag b_\\beta\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,pp}(x)+ \\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta}d_\\alpha d_\\beta^\\dag\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,aa}(x)\n\\\\\n& +\\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta}b_\\alpha^\\dag d_\\beta^\\dag\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,pa}(x)+ \\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta}d_\\alpha b_\\beta\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,ap}(x),\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ for a total of $2^{\\text{2}} =4$ distinct operator terms. ", "We thus see that the gluon fields must also be expressed in terms of quark creation and annihilation operators. ", "This is a necessary consequence of the self-consistent use of the full set of field equations and gives the dressing calculation a very different character than it has in scattering theory, where these fields are quantized independently. ", "This has considerable consequences for the ordering of operators, as the gluon and quark fields no longer commute in general.", "\n\nIf we now insert this expansion back into the Dirac equation then the Dirac field acquires terms which are cubic in the quark operators. ", "Inserting these in the gluon field equations and taking account of the non-linear gluon terms, we find that the the gluon fields acquire higher-order terms, which in next order are quartic in the creation and annihilation operators: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:quartic}\n\\begin{aligned}\n& A_a^\\mu(x)\\rightarrow\n\\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta,\\gamma,\\delta}b_\\alpha^\\dag b_\\beta b_\\gamma^\\dag b_\\delta\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta}^{\\mu,pppp}(x)\n+\\cdots+\n\\\\\n& +\\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta,\\gamma,\\delta}d_\\alpha d_\\beta^\\dag b_\\gamma^\\dag b_\\delta\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta}^{\\mu,aapp}(x)+\\cdots\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ In this case there is a total of $2^{\\text{4}} =16$ distinct operator terms. ", "Hence, the creation and annihilation operators take on a much more dynamic role than they do in scattering theory, where they often are used to multiply known (classical) solutions of the linear(ized) field equations. ", "With every further iteration an increasing number of quark ($2^{{\\text{n+1}}}$) and gluon ($2^{\\text{n}}$) profile functions need to be introduced, each multiplying operators of a correspondingly higher order. ", "All these profile functions need to be fixed by additional differential equations and constraints. ", "This process continues indefinitely and suggests that the quantized field equations do not lead to a feasible solution scheme. ", "This might well be the reason why this route of quantizing the QFT equations of motion was never pursued in the past, or else was abandoned prematurely. ", "However, there is a surprising exact solution which comprises all terms up to infinity. ", "But before we can present this solution we need to discuss a few more technical issues.", "\n\nSince the gluon field and quark field operator components do not commute in general, one has to specify the order of these fields. ", "This can be accomplished by symmetrizing the original classical expressions, while respecting the natural order of the fields, so that $\\psi A^{\\mu}_a$ and $A^{\\mu}_a \\bar{\\psi}$ are allowed, while ${\\psi} A^{\\mu}_a$ and $A^{\\mu}_a \\psi$ are not, as the latter correspond to unphysical sequences of operators. ", "In anticipation of this problem we already wrote the gluon field tensor and the field equations for the gluon and the Dirac field in the correctly symmetrized forms Eqs.", " (\\[eq:2\\]), (\\[eq:gluon\\_field\\]) and (\\[eq:Dirac\\]). ", "Since the gluon field equations play such a central role in the dressing theory we now present them in fully symmetrized form: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:F_field_equation}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&-\\partial_\\mu \\partial^\\mu \\textbf{A}^{\\nu} +\n\\partial^\\nu \\left(\\partial_\\mu \\textbf{A}^{\\mu}\\right)\n=\\frac{g_s }{2} \\bar{\\psi}\\boldsymbol{\\lambda} \\gamma ^\\nu \\psi+\n\\\\\n&+\\frac{g_s}{2}\\mathcal{P}_2(A)-\\frac{g_s^2}{4}\\mathcal{P}_3(A),\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\mathcal{P}_2(A)$ is quadratic in the gluon fields: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:P2}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\mathcal{P}_2(A)=2\\left\\{\\textbf{A}^{\\mu} \\times (\\partial_\\mu\n\\textbf{A}^{\\nu}) -(\\partial_\\mu \\textbf{A}^{\\nu})\\times\\textbf{A}^{\\mu}\\right\\}\n\\\\\n&+(\\partial_\\mu \\textbf{A}^{\\mu})\\times\n\\textbf{A}^{\\nu} -\\textbf{A}^{\\nu} \\times (\\partial_\\mu \\textbf{A}^{\\mu}),\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ and $\\mathcal{P}_3(A)$ is cubic in the gluon fields: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:P3}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathcal{P}_3(A)&=\n \\textbf{A}_{\\mu} \\times (\\textbf{A}^\\nu \\times \\textbf{A}^{\\mu})\n-\\textbf{A}_{\\mu} \\times (\\textbf{A}^\\mu \\times \\textbf{A}^{\\nu})\n\\\\\n -&( \\textbf{A}^\\nu \\times \\textbf{A}^{\\mu})\\times \\textbf{A}_{\\mu}\n +(\\textbf{A}^\\mu \\times \\textbf{A}^{\\nu})\\times\\textbf{A}_{\\mu}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ The Dirac equation is already in its correct form, as Eq.", " (\\[eq:Dirac\\]) has the right sequence of operators.", "\n\nNext we must introduce the operator expressions in the field equations and construct the operator solution. ", "The construction of this solution was previously described in Appendix B of Ref.", " [@QuarkDressing] and is repeated here because of its central role in demonstrating the feasibility of the dressing theory and because it may have applications beyond the current context.", "\n\nIn order to construct a formal operator solution we can use a simplified form of the field equations, as the operator solution is only affected by the structure of the equations and not by the character of the interaction (except that it must be non-Abelian). ", "So in the analysis of the operator solution we can omit the field indices and the $x$-dependence, so that we can write the field equations schematically as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:schematic}\nH_0\\psi=\\psi A;\\ A=\\bar{\\psi}\\psi+A^2+A^3,\\end{aligned}$$ where we represented the free Dirac Hamiltonian by the symbol $H_0$. To avoid lengthy expressions, which add little to our understanding, we limit ourselves to particle-terms for the moment. ", "To next-to-lowest-order we then employ the following expansions: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:2nd order expansion}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\psi=\\sum _{\\alpha}b_\\alpha \\phi_\\alpha+\\sum _{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma}b_{\\alpha}^{\\dag} b_{\\beta} b_{\\gamma}\\phi_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma};\n\\phi_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma}=-\\phi_{\\alpha\\gamma\\beta},\n\\\\\n&A= \\sum _{\\alpha\\beta}b_{\\alpha}^{\\dag} b_{\\beta} A_{\\alpha\\beta}\n+\\sum _{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta} b_{\\alpha}^{\\dag} b_{\\beta}^{\\dag} b_{\\gamma}b_{\\delta} A_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta},\n\\\\\n&A_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta}=-A_{\\beta\\alpha\\gamma\\delta}=-A_{\\alpha\\beta\\delta\\gamma}=A_{\\beta\\alpha\\delta\\gamma}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Inserting these expansions in Eq.", " (\\[eq:schematic\\]) we obtain after a considerable amount of anti-commutator algebra: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Ho_1st_order}\nH_0\\phi_{\\alpha}&=\\phi_{\\beta}A_{\\beta\\alpha}\n\\\\\nH_0\\phi_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma}&=-\\frac{1}{2}\\phi_{\\beta}A_{\\alpha\\gamma}+\\frac{1}{2}\\phi_{\\gamma}A_{\\alpha\\beta}\n+2\\phi_{\\epsilon}A_{\\epsilon\\alpha\\beta\\gamma}\n\\\\\n+&\\phi_{\\alpha\\beta\\epsilon}A_{\\epsilon\\gamma}-\\phi_{\\alpha\\gamma\\epsilon}A_{\\epsilon\\beta}\n+2\\phi_{\\alpha\\epsilon\\tau}A_{\\tau\\epsilon\\beta\\gamma}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Carrying out such lengthy algebraic manipulations using anti-commutator algebra was quite a common activity in QFT before the FPI method became popular. ", "In Ref.", " [@Sakurai] we can find many examples. ", "Also in non-relativistic physics these methods have been applied extensively [@Broglia], also by the author [@Greben_PV_model]. ", "Clearly, the number of required manipulations expand exponentially with every further iteration, and soon become unmanageable, unless one uses specially designed algebraic computer programs. ", "Fortunately, we do not have to rely on such techniques, as the lowest order solutions already suggest a complete solution with a particularly elegant form.", "\n\nWe find that the following second-order profile functions, written as an (anti-)symmetrized combination of the first-order ones, solve the equations to the current order: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:operator_lowest order}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\phi_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma}=\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\phi_{\\beta}\\delta_{\\alpha\\gamma}-\\phi_{\\gamma}\\delta_{\\alpha\\beta}\\right),\n\\\\\nA_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta}&=-\\frac{1}{4}\\left(\\delta_{\\beta\\gamma} A_{\\alpha\\delta}+\\delta_{\\delta\\alpha} A_{\\beta\\gamma}\\right.", "\n\\left.-\\delta_{\\alpha\\gamma} A_{\\beta\\delta}-\\delta_{\\beta\\delta} A_{\\alpha\\gamma}\\right).", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Combining Eqs.", " (\\[eq:2nd order expansion\\]) and (\\[eq:operator\\_lowest order\\]) we can write these expressions in a more elegant form: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:operator_lowest order_Np}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\psi=(1-N^p)\\sum _{\\alpha} b_{\\alpha} \\phi_{\\alpha},\n\\\\\n&A=\\sum _{\\alpha\\beta} b_{\\alpha}^{\\dag}(1-N^p)b_{\\beta}A_{\\alpha\\beta},\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ where the quark number operator is indicated by $N^p$: $$\\label{eq:Np}\n N^p=\\sum_{\\alpha} b_{\\alpha}^\\dag b_{\\alpha}.$$ Going to higher order already becomes a considerable challenge. ", "However, it is still possible to obtain the next order results and one finds that the current result can be expanded in a natural way by the replacement $(1-N^p)\\rightarrow(1-N^p)(1-N^p/2)$. The full operator expression then suggests itself, and is given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:operator_solutions}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\psi=\\Lambda_\\infty^p \\sum _{\\alpha} b_{\\alpha} \\phi_{\\alpha},\n\\\\\n&A=\\sum _{\\alpha\\beta} b_{\\alpha}^{\\dag}\\Lambda_\\infty^p b_{\\beta}A_{\\alpha\\beta}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Here the infinite operator $\\Lambda_\\infty^p$ is defined as the infinite limit of the finite operator $\\Lambda_n^p$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Lambda_p}\n \\Lambda^p_n=\\frac{1-N^p}{1}\\cdots\\frac{n-N^p}{n}\\equiv\n\\left(\\begin{array}{c}n-N^p\\\\n\\\\\n\\end{array}\\right),\n \\end{aligned}$$ where we introduced a concise binomial notation for operators, further demonstrating the elegance and beauty of this solution. ", "We will show below that the validity of this solution can easily be proven rigorously.", "\n\nFor the anti-quarks the same derivation can be used, except that the order of the operators must be reversed, as dictated by the $\\mathbb{R}$-product [@Ordering]. ", "Since the quark and anti-quark operators (anti-)commute, these cases can be treated independently. ", "In this case the $\\Lambda$ operator is given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Lambda_a}\n \\Lambda^a_n=\\frac{1-N^a}{1}\\cdots\\frac{n-N^a}{n}\\equiv\n\\left(\\begin{array}{c}n-N^a\\\\n\\\\\n\\end{array}\\right),\n \\end{aligned}$$ where the anti-quark number operator has the form: $$\\label{eq:Na}\n N^a=-\\sum_{\\alpha} d_{\\alpha} d_{\\alpha}^\\dag.$$ In order to understand the anti-particle operator algebra and the particular form of $N^a$ one needs to become familiar with the $\\mathbb{R}$-product algebra [@Ordering].", "\n\nThe complete solution can now be obtained by combining these operators into a single operator $\\Lambda_\\infty$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Lambda_inf}\n \\Lambda_\\infty= \\lim_{n\\rightarrow\\infty}\\Lambda^p_n\\Lambda^a_n.\\end{aligned}$$ In [@QuarkDressing], the operator $\\Lambda_\\infty$ was expressed in a terms of a sum of $N^p$ and $N^a$. However, this is only accurate in low order and it should be replaced by the current factorised form. ", "Returning to the full representation of the amplitudes we can write the exact operator solution of the field equations as follows: $$\\label{eq:quark_expansion_full} \\psi(x)=\\Lambda_\\infty \\sum _{\\alpha}\n\\left\\{ b_\\alpha \\phi_\\alpha(x)+d_\\alpha^\\dag \\phi_\\alpha^a (x)\\right\\},$$ while the gluon field has the form: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:gluon_expansion_full}\n\\begin{aligned}\n& A_a^\\mu(x)=\\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta}\\{b_\\alpha^\\dag \\Lambda_\\infty b_\\beta\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,pp}(x)+d_\\alpha\n\\Lambda_\\infty d_\\beta^\\dag A_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,aa}(x)\n\\\\\n& +b_\\alpha^\\dag \\Lambda_\\infty d_\\beta^\\dag\nA_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,pa}(x)+d_\\alpha\n\\Lambda_\\infty b_\\beta A_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,ap}(x)\\}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ The operator solution is remarkably simple and elegant, especially if one considers that the algebraic derivation becomes unmanageably complex and lengthy after only a few orders. ", "Its validity only depends on the structure of the field equations and is blind to the particular Gauge interaction considered. ", "Hence, it should also apply to the other interactions in the SM. ", "The QFT problem of dressing has now been reduced to the problem of constructing the (finite number of) c-number functions $\\phi_\\alpha^\\ast$ and $A_{a,\\alpha\\beta}^{\\mu,\\ast\\ast}(x)$, where the superscript $^\\ast$ can be either $p$ (particle) or $a$ (anti-particle).", "\n\nWe now discuss a number of important physical properties of this operator solution. ", "One can show that: $$\\label{eq:identity 1}\n \\Lambda^p_\\infty \\Lambda^p_\\infty=\\Lambda^p_\\infty;\\Lambda^a_\\infty \\Lambda^a_\\infty=\\Lambda^a_\\infty,$$ and $$\\label{eq:identity 2}\n \\Lambda^p_\\infty \\Lambda^a_\\infty=\\Lambda^a_\\infty \\Lambda^p_\\infty\\neq0.$$ The identities in Eq.", " (\\[eq:identity 1\\]) suggest that the $\\Lambda^\\ast_\\infty$ are projection operators, however, Eq.", " (\\[eq:identity 2\\]) seems to contradict this impression. ", "In fact, we now show that these operators project out one-body states, which makes them rather unusual projection operators. ", "To prove this assertion we first note the following properties: $$\\label{eq:identity 3}\n b_\\alpha\\Lambda^p_\\infty =0; \\Lambda^p_\\infty b_\\alpha^\\dag =0;\n d_\\alpha^\\dag\\Lambda^a_\\infty =0; \\Lambda^a_\\infty d_\\alpha =0;\\forall \\alpha.$$ Using these identities it is easy to show that Eqs.", " (\\[eq:quark\\_expansion\\_full\\]) and (\\[eq:gluon\\_expansion\\_full\\]) solve the quantized field equations, as we claimed earlier. ", "These identities are also responsible for the connectivity in the resulting coupled differential equations, a very important physical property which gives the resulting differential equations their physical appeal. ", "If the operator $\\Lambda_\\infty $ is sandwiched between one-particle operators (as it always is in Eq.", " \\[eq:gluon\\_expansion\\_full\\]), then it acts as a *one-body projection operator* as we already suggested above. ", "Hence, any quark-anti-quark admixtures in the state vector $|b^\\dag_\\alpha|0\\rangle$ are automatically eliminated by the field operators. ", "So after dressing, the quark is still represented by the same single-particle state vector $|b_\\alpha^\\dag|0\\rangle$, except that one now has to specify the additional generation quantum number if there are multiple solutions.", "\n\nSince the operator solution is determined by the structure of the field equations, this derivation is likely to be applicable to any (non-linear) gauge theory, so the properties derived from this solution (the applicability to single particle state-vectors, connectivity, the number of generations) will likely remain valid once more interactions are introduced.", "\n\nReduction of the gluon field equations to differential equations {#sec:differential equations}\n================================================================\n\nAfter inserting the expansions Eqs.", " (\\[eq:quark\\_expansion\\_full\\]-\\[eq:gluon\\_expansion\\_full\\]) in the field equations Eq.", " (\\[eq:Dirac\\]) and (\\[eq:F\\_field\\_equation\\]), we can eliminate the creation and annihilation operators, thereby creating a more manageable set of c-number equations.", "\n\nOur next step is to parameterize the gluon amplitudes $A^{\\mu,\\ast\\ast}_{a,\\alpha \\beta}(x)$, whose structure is determined by the quark source terms in Eq.", " (\\[eq:F\\_field\\_equation\\]). ", "First we parameterize the color dependence by setting: $$\\label{eq:color_part}\nA^{\\mu,\\ast\\ast}_{a,\\alpha \\beta}(x)=\\left(\\lambda_a\\right)_{\\alpha\\beta}A^{\\mu,\\ast\\ast}_{\\alpha \\beta}(x).$$ Using the identities: $$\\label{eq:SU3_products}\n\\sum_{b,c=1}^8f_{abc}\\lambda_b\\lambda_c=3\\textrm{i}\\lambda_a;~~\nC=\\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{a=1}^8\\lambda_a\\lambda_a=\\frac{8}{3},$$ we can eliminate the color dependence in the field equations. ", "Here we defined the SU(3) Casimir coefficient $C$, which will play an important role in the formalism.", "\n\nNext the reduced amplitudes $A^{\\mu,\\ast\\ast}_{\\alpha \\beta}(x)$ are parameterized, again on the basis of the structure of the quark source terms: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:A0pp}\n\\begin{aligned}\nA^{0,pp}_{\\alpha \\beta}\n&=A^{0,aa}_{a,\\alpha\\beta}=\\frac{F_0(r)}{g_s r}\n\\delta^{spin}_{\\alpha\\beta},\n\\\\\n\\textbf{A}^{pp}_{\\alpha \\beta}\n&=-\\textbf{A}^{0,aa}_{\\alpha\\beta}(\\textbf{r})=\\frac{F(r)}{g_sr}\n(\\hat{\\textbf{r}}\\times \\boldsymbol{\\sigma})_{\\alpha\\beta},\n\\\\\nA^{0,pa}_{\\alpha \\beta} &=~~\\textrm{i}\n\\frac{\\tilde{F}_0(r)}{g_sr} (\\hat{\\textbf{r}}\\bullet\n\\boldsymbol{\\sigma})_{\\alpha\\beta}~\\exp(2\\textrm{i}Et),\n\\\\\n\\textbf{A}^{pa}_{\\alpha \\beta}\n&=\\left[\\frac{F_1(r)}{g_sr}\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\alpha\\beta}\n+\\frac{F_2(r)}{g_sr} \\hat{\\textbf{r}}(\\hat{\\textbf{r}}\\bullet\n\\boldsymbol{\\sigma})_{\\alpha\\beta}\\right]\\exp(2\\textrm{i}Et),\n\\end{aligned}\n \\end{aligned}$$ with $A^{0,ap}_{\\alpha \\beta}$ and $\\textbf{A}^{ap}_{\\alpha \\beta}$ simply Hermitean conjugates of the $pa$ amplitudes.", "\n\nInserting these expressions in the gluon field equations allows us to eliminate the dependence on the spin operators as well, resulting in a set of five radial second order differential equations for the gluon fields. ", "This derivation is a straightforward, but tedious exercise, because of all the different spin identities playing a role in the different terms in $\\mathcal{P}_2(A)$ and $\\mathcal{P}_3(A)$ defined in Eqs.", " (\\[eq:P2\\]) and (\\[eq:P3\\]).", "\n\nTo simplify the non-linear differential equations for the gluon profile functions we introduce the function $K$, which is the first in a series of auxiliary profile functions, which will help to expose the (hidden) symmetries contained in the symmetrized field equations: $$\\label{eq:K} K=F_1+F_2.$$ The five differential equations referring to the profile functions $F_0$, $F$, $\\tilde{F}_0$, $F_1$ and $F_2$ now read: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:F0_equation}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\nonumber\n&F_0''=S_0-\\frac{6}{r^2}\\tilde{F}_0\nF_1(1-3F)-\\frac{3}{r^2}(2Er+3F_0)\\times\n\\\\\n&\\times(2F_1^2+K^2) -\\frac{6}{r^2}K(r\\tilde{F}_0'-\\tilde{F}_0)\n -\\frac{3}{r^2}\\tilde{F}_0(rK'+K);\n \\end{aligned}\n \\end{aligned}$$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:F_equation}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\nonumber\n&F''=S_1-\\frac{3}{r^2}\\tilde{F}_0F_1(2Er+3F_0)+\n\\\\\n&+ \\frac{2}{r^2}F(1-\\frac{3}{2}F)(1-3F)+\\frac{3}{r^2}(\\tilde{F}_0^2-F_2^2)(3F-1)\n\\\\\n& -\\frac{6}{r^2}K(rF_1'-F_1)\n+\\frac{3}{r^2}F_1(-rK'+K) - \\frac{18}{r^2}FF_1K;\n\\end{aligned}\n \\end{aligned}$$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:crude field equations}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\tilde{F}_0''=S_1+\\frac{2}{r^2}\\tilde{F}_0\n\\left[(1-3F)^2-\\frac{9}{2}K^2\\right]\n\\\\\n& -\\frac{6}{r^2}K(rF_0'-F_0)-\\frac{1}{r^2}(2Er+3F_0)(rK'+K)+\n\\\\\n&+\\frac{2}{r^2}F_1(1-3F)(2Er+3F_0);\n\\\\\n&F_1''=S_0+\\frac{1}{r^2}(1-3F)(rK'-K)-\\frac{F_1}{r^2}\n\\\\\n&-\\frac{F_1}{r^2} (2Er+3F_0)^2-\\frac{1}{r^2}\\tilde{F}_0(2Er+3F_0)(1-3F)+\n\\\\\n&+\\frac{1}{r^2}F_1(1-3F)^2-\\frac{6}{r^2}F'K-\\frac{9}{r^2}F_1K^2-\\frac{9}{r^2}F_1^3;\n\\end{aligned}\n \\end{aligned}$$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:F2_equation}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\nonumber\n&\\frac{F_2'}{r}-\\frac{3F_2}{r^2}=S_2-S_0-\\frac{F_2}{r^2}(2Er+3F_0)^2+\n\\\\\n&+F_1''-\\frac{3F_1'}{r}+\\frac{3F_1}{r^2}+\\frac{9}{r^2}\\tilde{F}_0^2K-(2Er+3F_0)\\times\n\\\\\n&\\times\\left(\\frac{\\tilde{F}_0'}{r}-\\frac{\\tilde{F}_0}{r^2}\\right)+\\frac{\\tilde{F}_0}{r^2}(2Er+3F_0)(1-3F)+\n \\\\\n&+\\frac{3\\tilde{F}_0}{r}\\left(F_0'-\\frac{F_0}{r}\\right)+\\frac{6}{r}F'F_2-\\frac{15}{r^2}FF_2-\\frac{9}{r^2}FF_1+\n\\\\\n&+\\frac{3}{r}F(F_2'+3F_1')+\\frac{9}{r^2}F^2(2K-F_1)+\\frac{9}{r^2}F_1F_2^2,\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ where the quark source functions are defined by: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:25}\n\\begin{aligned}\nS_0&=\\frac{\\alpha_s}{2}\\frac{f^2+g^2}{r},\n\\\\S_1&=\\frac{\\alpha_s}{2}\\frac{2fg}{r},\n\\\\S_2&=\\frac{\\alpha_s}{2}\\frac{f^2-g^2}{r}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Here the strong coupling constant is given by $\\alpha_s=g_s^2/4\\pi$. The source terms are related by the identity: $$\\label{eq:28} S_0^2-S_2^2=S_1^2.$$ The equations contain quadratic and cubic terms with particle and anti-particle intermediate states, with sequences like (pp)(pp) and (pa)(ap). ", "The latter terms are non-classical as they correspond to the creation of quark-anti-quark pairs. ", "They introduce the energy $E$ in the equations. ", "Terms like this, with an intermediate anti-quark state, carry an extra minus sign as a consequence of the $\\mathbb{R}$-product. ", "This handy (Feynman-like) prescription captures the main effect of the $\\mathbb{R}$-product. ", "Terms like (pa)(pa) or (pp)(aa) are forbidden by the connectivity property of the exact operator solution.", "\n\nThe five coupled equations in (\\[eq:crude field equations\\]) do not look very tractable and it seems unlikely that they could be solved, let alone yield an exact analytic solution. ", "However, their structure can be considerably simplified by introducing a new set of auxiliary functions: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:HG}\n\\begin{aligned}\nF_3&=F_0+\\frac{2}{3}Er;~~F_4=F-\\frac{1}{3},\n\\\\\nH&=3F_3F_1-3F_4\\tilde{F}_0;~~G=3F_4^2-3F_1^2-\\frac{1}{3}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ After introducing the functional: $$\\label{eq:functional}\nZ(A,B,C)=A''+AC^2+2B'C+BC',$$ we can cast the first four equations in Eq.", " (\\[eq:crude field equations\\]) in the following elegant form: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Z1}\nZ(F_3,\\tilde{F}_0,3K/r)&=S_0-\\frac{6}{r^2}F_1H,\n\\\\\n Z(\\tilde{F}_0,F_3,3K/r)&=S_1-\\frac{6}{r^2}F_4H,\n\\\\\nZ(F_4,F_1,3K/r)&=S_1-\\frac{3}{r^2}(\\tilde{F}_0H-GF_4),\n\\\\\nZ(F_1,F_4,3K/r)&=S_0-\\frac{3}{r^2}(F_3H-GF_1).", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Notice the striking symmetry between $F_3$ and $\\tilde{F}_0$ on the one hand, and between $F_1$ and $F_4$ on the other.", "\n\nA further simplification is possible by adding and subtracting the equations. ", "To this end we introduce another set of auxiliary functions: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:XYUV}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&X=F_3-\\tilde{F}_0; Y=F_3+\\tilde{F}_0;\n\\\\\n&U=F_4-F_1; V=F_4+F_1,\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ together with the combined source functions: $$\\label{eq:S+S-}\nS_\\pm = S_0 \\pm S_1;\\ S_+S_-=S^2_2.$$ The equations in (\\[eq:Z1\\]) can then be combined to yield: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Z5}\nZ(Y,Y,3K/r)&=S_+-\\frac{6}{r^2}VH,\n\\\\\nZ(X,-X,3K/r)&=S_-+\\frac{6}{r^2}UH,\n\\\\\nZ(V,V,3K/r)&=S_+-\\frac{3}{r^2}(YH-GV),\n\\\\\n Z(U,-U,3K/r)&=-S_-+\\frac{3}{r^2}(XH+GU),\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ where $G$ and $H$ in Eq.", " (\\[eq:HG\\]) can also be written in terms of the new functions: $$\\label{eq:Z9}\n H=\\frac{3}{2}(VX-UY);G=3UV-\\frac{1}{3}.$$ The main reason why these combined equations are more useful than the previous ones is that the $Z$ functional now depends only on two functions and then can be reduced to a pure second order differential: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Z_reduction}\nZ(A,A,C)=\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{A}'';Z(B,-B,C)=\\hat{E}\\hat{B}'',\\end{aligned}$$ with $A=\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{A}$, $B=\\hat{E}\\hat{B}$ and $C=\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{E}'$. To be able to apply these identities we need to set: $$\\label{eq:Ehat}\n\\hat{E}(r)=\\exp \\left[{3\\int_0^r dr'\\frac{K(r')}{r'}}\\right]\\rightarrow \\frac{\\hat{E}'}{\\hat{E}}=3 \\frac{K}{r}.$$ The final equations can now be expressed in terms of hatted functions, which are defined as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Xhat}\nX=\\hat{E}\\hat{X};Y&=\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{Y};\\ U=\\hat{E}\\hat{U};V=\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{V},\n\\\\\nS_+&=\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{S}_+;\\ S_-=\\hat{E}\\hat{S}_-.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ We then find: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Z10}\n\\hat{Y}''&=\\hat{S}_+-\\frac{6}{r^2}\\hat{V}H,\n\\\\\n\\hat{X}''&=\\hat{S}_-+\\frac{6}{r^2}\\hat{U}H,\n \\\\\n\\hat{V}''&=\\hat{S}_+-\\frac{3}{r^2}(\\hat{Y}H-\\hat{V}G),\n\\\\\n \\hat{U}''&=-\\hat{S}_-+\\frac{3}{r^2}(\\hat{X}H+\\hat{U}G).", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ The functions $H$ and $G$ maintain the same structure as in Eq.", " (\\[eq:HG\\]) in the hatted form: $$\\label{eq:Z14}\n H=\\frac{3}{2}(\\hat{V}\\hat{X}-\\hat{U}\\hat{Y});G=3\\hat{U}\\hat{V}-\\frac{1}{3}.$$ The equations in (\\[eq:Z10\\]) can easily be solved in the limit $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow 0$ when the source functions vanish by demanding that $H=G=0$. We write the solution as follows: $$\\label{eq:solutions}\n \\hat{U}=\\hat{V}=-\\frac{1}{3}$ and $\\hat{X}=\\hat{Y}=\\frac{2}{3}\\beta Er.$$ We have fixed the value of $\\hat{U}$ to $-1/3$, which can be done without lack of generality. ", "The factor $2/3$ in front of the parameter $\\beta$ was chosen for future convenience. ", "These solutions will be discussed in more detail in Sec.", " \\[sec:wave functions\\].", "\n\nHence, we have dissected the gluon and quark sector by finding solutions for the gluon fields without reference to the quark source functions. ", "Since the gluon fields generate the binding potentials, it looks like we have determined the potentials independent of the wave functions, just like we are used to in non-relativistic physics. ", "However, if we want to solve the Dirac equations we first have to go back to the original gluon profile functions. ", "This requires the knowledge of the bridging function $\\hat{E}$, which re-introduces the dependence on the wave functions, as will be discussed in Sec.", " \\[sec:Dirac equations\\].", "\n\nBefore leaving this section we still have to discuss the fifth gluon differential equation in Eq.", " (\\[eq:crude field equations\\]) for $F_2$. This equation will help us to determine the unknown function $E$. By adding the last two equations in Eq.", " (\\[eq:crude field equations\\]) one obtains an explicit expression for $K$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:K_algebra}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{3K}{r}&=\\frac{rS_2/3-F_3\\tilde{F}_0'+F_3'\\tilde{F}_0-2F_4'F_1+2F_1'F_4}\n{F_3^2-\\tilde{F}_0^2+2F_1^2-2F_4^2}=\n\\\\\n&=\\frac{rS_2/3-XY'/2+X'Y/2-U'V+UV'}{XY-2UV}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ It looks as if this equation expresses $K$ in terms of the other four profile functions. ", "However, if we convert this to hatted form $K$ disappears: $$\\label{eq:K_hatted}\n\\frac{1}{3}rS_2=\\frac{1}{2}(\\hat{X}\\hat{Y}'-\\hat{X}'\\hat{Y})+\\hat{U}'\\hat{V}-\\hat{U}\\hat{V}'.$$ Hence, this gluon equation looks more like a consistency condition and $K$ must be determined by other means. ", "Because of the Wronskian nature of the RHS in Eq.", " (\\[eq:K\\_hatted\\]), differentiation of this equation also yields a useful identity. ", "After inserting the second order differential equations from (\\[eq:Z10\\]) this identity takes a very simple form which can be expressed in terms of the original functions: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:rS2}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\frac{1}{3}(rS_2)'=S_1(F_3+2F_1)-S_0(\\tilde{F}_0+2F_4)=\n\\\\\n=&S_1(F_0+2F_1)-S_0(\\tilde{F}_0+2F)+\\frac{2}{3}(ErS_1+S_0).", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ If one combines this with the Dirac equation it breaks up in two separate equations, as we show in the next section.", "\n\nDirac equations for the dressed quarks {#sec:Dirac equations}\n======================================\n\nAfter eliminating the operator structure and the color dependence, similar to what was done for the gluon field in Sec.", " \\[sec:differential equations\\], the quantized Dirac equations, Eq.", " (\\[eq:Dirac\\]), reduce to two coupled linear c-number differential equations for the large ($f$) and small ($g$) components: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:fdirac}\n\\left( E-V-V_s-m\\right)f(r)&=-\\frac{g(r)}{r}-g'(r)+V_Tg(r),\n\\\\\n \\left( E-V+V_s+m\\right)g(r)&=-\\frac{f(r)}{r}+f'(r)+V_Tf(r).", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ The potentials are simple linear combinations of the five original gluon profile functions: $$\\label{eq:potentials}\nV=-\\frac{C}{r}(F_0+2F_1);V_T=\\frac{C}{r}(\\tilde{F}_0+2F);V_s=-\\frac{C}{r}K,$$ where $C=\\frac{8}{3}$ is the SU(3) constant discussed previously. ", "Three types of potentials are present: vector, scalar and tensor. ", "One other type of potential is possible in the radial Dirac equations, also being of the vector type [@Dirac_potentials]. ", "Such a potential can enter if additional SM interactions are included, such as the Higgs interaction. ", "Its presence would not affect the general formalism in a fundamental way.", "\n\nIf we multiply the equation for $f$ with $g$, and the equation for $g$ with $f$, and add them then we get the following relationship: $$\\label{eq:rS2Dirac}\n\\frac{1}{3}(rS_2)'-\\frac{2}{3}(ErS_1+S_0)=-\\frac{2r}{3}(S_1V+S_0V_T).$$ If we now insert the expressions for the potentials we get the same expression $S_1(F_0+2F_1)-S_0(\\tilde{F}_0+2F)$ as we did in Eq.", " (\\[eq:rS2\\]), except that it now features a coefficient $2C/3$, instead of unity. ", "Since $C\\neq 3/2$, and both results must be correct, we obtain two separate equations: $$\\label{eq:potential_identity}\nS_1V+S_0V_T=0,$$ $$\\label{eq:cc}\n2S_0+2ErS_1=(rS_2)'.$$ The latter equation also follows from current conservation, confirming the correctness of these arguments. ", "These relationships are an important consequence of the self-consistency between the gluon and quark field equations. ", "For the construction of the final solutions we will make extensive use of Eqs.", " (\\[eq:potential\\_identity\\]) and (\\[eq:cc\\]).", "\n\nBased on Eq.", " (\\[eq:potentials\\]) we can now express the potentials in terms of the unknown function $\\hat{E}$ and the known functions $\\hat{X}$, $\\hat{Y}$, $\\hat{U}$, and $\\hat{V}$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:EV}\nV =&-\\frac{C}{r}\\left[\\frac{\\hat{E}\\hat{X}+\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{Y}}{2}+\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{V}-\\hat{E}\\hat{U}-\\frac{2}{3}Er\\right],\n\\\\\nV_s=&-\\frac{C}{3}\\frac{\\hat{E}'}{\\hat{E}},\n\\\\\nV_T=&\\hphantom{-.}\\frac{C}{r}\\left[\\frac{\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{Y}-\\hat{E}\\hat{X}}{2}+\\hat{E}\\hat{U}+\\hat{E}^{-1}\\hat{V}+\\frac{2}{3}\\right].", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ The (singular) confining nature of these potentials must reside in the function $\\hat{E}$, as the other hatted functions are simple constants or proportional to $r$. In order to determine the potentials and wave functions explicitly we now have to solve for this unknown function $\\hat{E}$. This can be done by means of a consistency equation, which also determines the number of allowed physical solutions.", "\n\nDiscussion of the three dressing solutions and their properties {#sec:wave functions}\n===============================================================\n\nIn order to determine $\\hat{E}$ we use a hybrid version of the top equation in Eq.", " (\\[eq:rS2\\]), where the original source functions are maintained, but the gluon profile functions are converted to the hatted functions whose solutions are already known: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:rS2hybrid}\n\\hat{E}S_+(\\frac{\\hat{X}}{2}-\\hat{U})-\\hat{E}^{-1}S_-(\\frac{\\hat{Y}}{2}+\\hat{V})=\\frac{1}{3}(rS_2)'.\\end{aligned}$$ Inserting the hatted solutions from Eq.", " (\\[eq:solutions\\]) and taking the roots of this quadratic equation in $\\hat{E}$, we have: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Ehat_root}\n\\hat{E}=\\frac{(rS_2)'\\pm\\sqrt{\\left[(rS_2)'\\right]^2+4S_2^2(\\beta^2 E^2r^2-1)}}\n{2\\left(\\beta Er+1\\right) S_+}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ The appearance of a square root in the solution of the field equations is unusual and in our opinion unacceptable, as we do not expect the bound-state solutions to be discontinuous or feature discontinuous derivatives, except of course at the edge of the domain where they might be singular. ", "However, after rewriting the expression inside the square root using Eq.", " (\\[eq:cc\\]): $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Root}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&\\left[(rS_2)'\\right]^2+4S_2^2(\\beta^2 E^2r^2-1) \\rightarrow\n\\\\\n&4\\left[(S_1+ErS_0)^2+(ErS_2)^2(\\beta^2-1)\\right],\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ and by setting $\\beta^2=1$ we can turn this expression into a pure square, so that the square root can be removed. ", "We then get: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Ehat_regular}\n\\hat{E}=\\frac{S_0+ErS_1+\\gamma(S_1+ErS_0)}{S_+(\\beta Er+1)};\\beta,\\gamma=\\pm 1,\n \\end{aligned}$$ which has the desired analytical behaviour. ", "So instead of a continuum of solutions for arbitrary $\\beta$, we get solutions for two discrete values of $\\beta$.\n\nIt is interesting that this quantization or discretization of the solution space has its origin in the demand of analyticity or continuity; a demand not unfitting these structural/topological solutions and quite different from the usual quantization conditions in non-relativistic physics. ", "This argument was facilitated by the fact that our expressions were exact and mathematically explicit. ", "To impose such a continuity demand in a numerical calculation would be much more difficult, as discontinuities (especially those in derivatives) are then much harder to spot.", "\n\nOne easily verifies that the inverse of $\\hat{E}$ is given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Ehat_inverse}\n\\hat{E}^{-1}=\\frac{-S_0-ErS_1+\\gamma(S_1+ErS_0)}{S_-(\\beta Er-1)}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ The elegance and simplicity of these equations again underscores the importance of maintaining exactness throughout the solution process.", "\n\nThese equations were derived in the limit $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow0$. In [@QuarkDressing] we showed that $\\mathcal{O}(\\alpha_s)$ corrections can be added perturbatively, although the combination of non-linear constraints and new integration constants in the perturbative equations offers some challenges. ", "Setting $\\alpha_s \\neq 0$ requires the introduction of an empirical parameter, which we would like to avoid at this fundamental level. ", "In addition, the fact that the (running) strong coupling constant diminishes in value with increasing energy, may suggest that it reaches a bare value of zero at the Planck level. ", "Presumably this assumption can also be tested during the further development and application of the dressing theory. ", "Since the only dimensionful parameter in the dressing theory is $E$ (remember $m\\rightarrow0$), all equations, formulae and derivatives can be expressed in terms of the dimensionless variable $x$: $$\\label{eq:scalefree}\nx=Er.$$ Hence, from now on all solutions and associated functions will be presented as functions of $x$. Dimensionful quantities can then simply be multiplied by the appropriate power of $E$. The determination of $E$ cannot be accomplished within the framework of QFT. ", "In Sec.", " \\[sec:Mass\\] we show that the inclusion of the effects of general relativity (GR) can fix the value of $E$. We now get a total of four solutions, each corresponding to one of the pairs ($\\beta=\\pm 1$, $\\gamma=\\pm 1$). ", "The first one is:\n\nI. $\\beta=1;\\gamma=1$. Bare solution.", "\n\nWe call this the bare solution as it leads to $\\hat{E}=\\hat{E}^{-1}=1$, so that the potentials defined in Eq.", " (\\[eq:EV\\]) are all zero: $V=V_s=V_T=0$. Hence, this solution does not yield any binding potentials and our original Ansatz, that the solution will represent a bound system, is contradicted. ", "We conclude that the self-interactions of the quark do no necessarily lead to a dressed quark, and that the original bare quark can survive these interactions and maintain its bare status. ", "Since all quarks in the SM are massive, this bare massless quark solution is not part of the SM quark structure. ", "However, since the total number of solutions is $2^2 =4$, this bare solution still plays a role in establishing the number of dressed solution, as this is given by $4-1=3$. This observation may be important if one wants to associate a group structure with the set of three generations.", "\n\nII\\. $\\beta=-1;\\gamma=-1$. First generation.", "\n\nAs we will see this solution has the largest binding energy in units of $E$, so we identify this as the first generation of quarks. ", "The function $\\hat{E}$ is now given by: $$\\label{eq:Ehat1}\n\\hat{E}= \\frac{S_0+xS_1-S_1-x S_0}{(-x+1)S_+}=\\frac{S_-}{S_+}=\\frac{(f-g)^2}{(f+g)^2}.$$ This solution was discussed at length in Ref.", " [@QuarkDressing], see Eq.", " (102). ", "From Eq.", " (\\[eq:EV\\]) we then find that the potentials are given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Vs1}\n\\frac{V(x)}{E}&=\\hphantom{-}\\frac{4C}{3x}\\frac{f^2+g^2}{(f^2-g^2)^2}\\left[x(f^2+g^2)+2fg\\right],\n\\\\\n\\frac{V_s(x)}{E}&=-\\frac{4C}{3}\\frac{f'g-fg'}{f^2-g^2},\n\\\\\n\\frac{V_T(x)}{E}&=-\\frac{4C}{3x}\\frac{2fg}{(f^2-g^2)^2}\\left[x(f^2+g^2)+2fg\\right].", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ These potentials become infinite for $x=x_0$, where $x_0$ is defined as the first non-zero point where $f(x_0)=-g(x_0)$. Hence, these potentials confine the (bare) quark absolutely at a radius $x=x_0$ from the centre of the system.", "\n\nThe dependency of the potentials on the wave functions (though not on their normalization) is a beautiful demonstration of the far-reaching consequences of self-consistency in the QFT field equations. ", "Superficially, this makes their solution even more complex, however, in reality this self-consistency is the key to their solution.", "\n\nWe first assume that there exists an effective scalar potential $V_s^{eff}$ that has the same effect as the three potentials combined: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:fdiraceff}\n\\left( 1-V_s^{eff}/E-m/E\\right)f(x)&=-\\frac{g(x)}{x}-g'(x),\n\\\\\n \\left( 1+V_s^{eff}/E+m/E\\right)g(x)&=-\\frac{f(x)}{x}+f'(x).", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ If such a potential exists, then it must satisfy: $$\\label{eq:Vseff}\nV_s^{eff}=V_s-V_T\\frac{S_2}{S_1} \\mbox{ or } V_s^{eff}=V_s+V\\frac{S_2}{S_0}.$$ Inserting the explicit expressions Eqs.", " (\\[eq:Vs1\\]) for the potentials in the first identity, we get: $$\\label{eq:Vseff2}\n\\frac{V_s^{eff}}{E}=-\\frac{4C}{3x}~\\frac{x(f'g-fg')-x(f^2+g^2)-2fg}{f^2-g^2}.$$ If we now re-insert the Dirac equations as expressed in the effective potential, we get: $$\\label{eq:self}\nV_s^{eff}(x)=\\frac{4C}{3}[V_s^{eff}(x)+m].$$ This is a very beautiful result and confirms the Ansatz that the three potentials can be replaced by a single effective scalar potential. ", "This self-consistency demand means that $V_s^{eff}(x)=0$ as $m\\rightarrow0$ and $4C/3\\neq 1$. This result was already given in Ref.", " [@QuarkDressing] (see Eq.", " (110)). ", "Note that for finite $m$ the mass term $m$ would change into a negative mass term $-9/23 m$.\n\nSince $V_s^{eff}=0$ the quark is free inside the volume $x<x_0$, where $x_0$ is determined by $f(x_0)=-g(x_0)$. Hence, the wave functions are given by: $$\\label{eq:fg}\nf(x)=N\\sin x;g(x)=N\\left(\\cos x-\\sin x/x\\right);$$ with normalization: $$\\label{eq:fgnorm}\nN^{-2}=x_0-\\sin^2 x_0/x_0;x_0=2.04278694\\cdots.$$\n\nThis solution looks exactly like the idealized model of a particle confined to an infinite well, which is so popular in quantum mechanics text books. ", "It also agrees with the basic hypothesis of the MIT bag quark model [@MIT] and yields the same wave functions with the same domain $[0,x_0]$. There are other analogies with the MIT bag model, however, as stated before the physical context is entirely different, as the MIT bag model describes three quarks in a bag (a nucleon), rather than a single one. ", "Also, the (particle physics) scale of the bag model is entirely different from the Planck scale in the dressing system. ", "Nonetheless it is very interesting that so many properties which were postulated in the phenomenological MIT bag model and now emerge from an exact QFT calculation.", "\n\nNow that the wave functions are known we can calculate the original three potentials explicitly. ", "They are shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:figpot1\\].", "\n\n![", "Potentials for light quarks[]{data-label=\"fig:figpot1\"}](1st_potential)\n\nThe negative scalar potential is shown with opposite sign. ", "The large and small components of the quark Dirac wave function are displayed in Fig.", " \\[fig:figwfs1\\].", "\n\n![", "Large and small components of the light quark wave function[]{data-label=\"fig:figwfs1\"}](1st_wfs)\n\nIII\\. $\\beta=-1;\\gamma=1$. Second generation.", "\n\nThe exponential function $\\hat{E}$ now becomes: $$\\label{eq:Ehat2}\n\\hat{E}=\\frac{S_0+xS_1+S_1+xS_0}{(-x+1)S_+}=\\frac{1+x}{1-x}.$$ Hence this solution is singular at $x=1$. In our previous paper [@QuarkDressing] we assumed – incorrectly – that this singularity would be fatal and would prevent the construction of a proper dressing solution. ", "From (\\[eq:EV\\]) we find that the vector and tensor potential vanish, while the scalar potential is given by: $$\\label{eq:Vs2}\n\\frac{V_s(x)}{E}=-\\frac{2C}{3}\\frac{1}{1-x^2}=-\\frac{16}{9}\\frac{1}{1-x^2}.$$ Hence, in this case the potential is not dependent on the wave functions and is already the effective one which can be used in the solution process. ", "This potential is shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:potential2\\].", "\n\n![", "2^nd^ generation potential[]{data-label=\"fig:potential2\"}](2nd_potential)\n\nThe wave functions now have the following behaviour near $x=x_0=1$: $$\\label{eq:fg2}\nf(x)\\sim \\frac{1}{(1-x^2)^{8/9}}; g(x)\\sim -\\frac{1}{(1-x^2)^{8/9}}.$$ Just like for the $1^{\\text{st}}$ generation we have $f(x)/g(x)\\rightarrow -1$ for $x\\rightarrow x_0=1$. However, contrary to the first generation, the ratio of their derivatives approaches -1, rather than +1. ", "The asymptotic behaviour implies that the wave functions are not normalizable on \\[0,1\\]. ", "However, the wave functions can be defined by a limiting procedure for $x_0\\rightarrow 1$, with the normalization constant $N^2$ behaving like $(1-x_0)^{16/9-1}$ when $x_0\\rightarrow 1$. For most applications the functional behaviour is more relevant than the normalization of the wave functions. ", "Hence, all relevant physical properties are still calculable and unaffected by this singular behaviour. ", "However, physically this dressed state can be considered as a two dimensional state with all the quark density concentrated on the surface. ", "The gluon fields remain well-defined over the whole volume $x\\leq x_0$, as they are not sensitive to the wave function normalization. ", "The wave functions are shown for a particular choice of the small $x$-behaviour in Fig.", " \\[fig:wfs2\\].", "\n\n![", "2^nd^ generation wave functions[]{data-label=\"fig:wfs2\"}](2nd_wfs)\n\nIV\\. $\\beta=1;\\gamma=-1$. Third generation. ", "The function $\\hat{E}$ now equals: $$\\label{eq:Ehat3}\n\\hat{E}=\\frac{1-x}{1+x}\\frac{S_-}{S_+}.$$ This looks like a mixture of the first and second generation results. ", "The resulting potentials also look like mixtures of the two previous cases: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Vs3}\n\\frac{V(x)}{E}&=\\frac{4C}{3x}\\frac{f^2+g^2}{(f^2-g^2)^2}\\left[x(f^2+g^2)+2fg\\right],\n\\\\\n\\frac{V_s(x)}{E}&=-\\frac{4C}{3}\\frac{f'g-fg'}{f^2-g^2}+\\frac{2C}{3}\\frac{1}{1-x^2},\n\\\\\n\\frac{V_T(x)}{E}&=-\\frac{8C}{3x}\\frac{fg}{(f^2-g^2)^2}\\left[x(f^2+g^2)+2fg\\right].", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nIn comparison to Eq.", " (\\[eq:Vs1\\]) there is an extra term in the scalar potential, which -– apart from the sign – is identical to the scalar potential for the $2^{\\text{nd}}$ generation. ", "We can now carry out the same reduction as we did for the first generation by introducing an effective scalar potential, as the extra scalar term does not depend on the wave functions. ", "Hence, we get the same renormalization formula Eq.", " (\\[eq:self\\]) as before, with the mass term $m$ replaced by the extra scalar potential. ", "The scalar potential equivalent to these three potentials (excluding the extra scalar term) then becomes: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:self3}\nV_s^{equiv}(x)&=\\frac{4C}{3}\\left[V_s^{equiv}(x)+\\frac{2C}{3}\\frac{1}{1-x^2}\\right]\\Rightarrow\n\\\\\nV_s^{equiv}(x)&=\\frac{4C/3}{1-4C/3} \\frac{2C}{3} \\frac{1}{1-x^2}.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Adding the extra scalar potential we get: $$\\label{eq:Veff3}\nV_s^{eff}(x)=\\frac{2C/3}{1-4C/3}\\frac{1}{1-x^2}=- \\frac{16}{23}\\frac{1}{1-x^2},$$ where we kept the label *eff* for this sum. ", "Although the extra scalar potential in Eq.", " (\\[eq:Vs3\\]) had a positive sign, the renormalization procedure has inverted it. ", "Hence, the effective scalar potential does not only have the same functional form as the potential for the second generation, but it also has the same sign. ", "Only its magnitude has been reduced by the factor 9/23 mentioned before.", "\n\nThe wave functions for the third generation have the same asymptotic behavior, Eq.", " (\\[eq:fg2\\]), as they do for the second generation, except that the coefficient is reduced from 8/9 to 8/23. ", "So the wave functions are now normalizable without the need for limiting procedures, although they still approach infinity for $x\\rightarrow 1$. In Fig.", " \\[fig:potentials3\\] we show the original and the effective scalar potential.", "\n\n![", "3^rd^ generation potentials[]{data-label=\"fig:potentials3\"}](3rd_potential)\n\nThe wave functions can be normalized in the standard way and are shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:wfs3\\].", "\n\n![", "3^rd^ generation wave functions[]{data-label=\"fig:wfs3\"}](3rd_wfs)\n\nThe three dressing solutions have very distinct characteristics. ", "The quarks belonging to the first generation are confined by an infinite well, but free inside; quarks belonging to the second generation live on the surface, so that the normalization must be carried out via a limiting procedure; while for the third generation the bound state energy cancels the bare energy $E$, so that the total energy vanishes, as we will see in the next section. ", "Each of the three solutions therefore represents some extreme limiting situation which gives it a unique character. ", "At the same time all four solutions are related by symmetries.", "\n\nSince these symmetries accentuate the elegance and structural nature of the solutions we want to close this section with a simple example of these properties. ", "For all three generations the effective potential is of scalar type and can even be represented by the same functional form: $$\\label{eq:Vseff234}\nV_s^{eff}(x)=-\\frac{a^{(n)}}{1-x^2};\na^{(n)}=\\left(0, 0, \\frac{16}{9},\\frac{16}{23}\\right),$$ where we have included the bare case, as well. ", "The pair (2,3) satisfies the symmetry relation: $$\\label{eq:symmetry}\na^{(3,2)}=-\\frac{a^{(2,3)}}{1-2 a^{(2,3)}}.$$ For the pair $n=(0,1)$ this relationship is also (trivially) satisfied. ", "The simplicity and elegancy of these results, emerging from the originally enormously complicated operator equations, is testimony to the strength of the exact approach which is possible in the dressing theory.", "\n\nTotal QFT energy of dressed quarks {#sec:TotalEnergy}\n==================================\n\nOne of the remarkable aspects of the dressing theory is the nearly complete separation of the dynamical field calculations and the energy calculations. ", "In this respect QFT is very different from non-relativistic Schrodinger calculations, where the determination of the energy eigenvalue is an inherent part of the dynamical calculation, even characterizing the different (eigen-) solutions. ", "In QFT the total energy can be determined *after* the dynamical calculations have been completed by calculating the expectation value of the relevant operators using the previously determined fields. ", "The total QFT energy equals: $$\\label{eq:Etot1}\nE^{\\alpha (n)}_{tot}=\\int d^3r\\left\\langle \\alpha n\\right|\\theta^{00}\\left| \\alpha n\\right\\rangle ,$$ where $\\theta^{00}$ is the energy-component of the symmetrized energy-momentum tensor $\\theta^{\\mu\\nu}$ [@Peskin]: $$\\label{eq:Theta}\n\\theta^{\\mu\\nu}=-\\mathscr{L}g^{\\mu\\nu}+\\frac{\\textrm{i}}{2}\\bar{\\psi}\n(\\gamma^\\nu D^\\mu+\\gamma^\\mu D^\\nu)\\psi-F_a^{\\mu\\rho}F_{a,\\rho}^\\nu,$$ and the dressed quark state is given by the state vector: $$\\label{eq:state_vector}\n\\left| \\alpha n\\right\\rangle=\\left| b_{\\alpha n}^\\dag\\right|0\\rangle; n=0,\\cdots 3.$$ Here $n$ labels the generation quantum number, i.e. it specifies which field solutions $(\\psi,A^\\mu_a)$ and profile functions should be used in the calculation of the expectation values. ", "As usual $\\alpha$ labels the spin and colour of the dressed state. ", "Since the expectation value does not depend on these quantum numbers, $\\alpha$ will be omitted in the following.", "\n\nThe energy expression can be simplified by imposing the Dirac equation (we temporarily abandon the dimensionless representation with $x$): $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Etot2}\n\\begin{aligned}\n& E^{(n)}_{tot}=E+\\frac{16}{3}\\frac{g_s}{2}\n\\int d^3r\\left\\langle n\\right|\\bar{\\psi}\\gamma_0\\psi A^0\\left| n\\right\\rangle+E_{gluon}^{(n)},\n\\\\\n& E_{gluon}^{(n)}=\\frac{16}{3}\n\\int d^3r\\left\\langle n\\right|\\frac{1}{4}F^{\\mu\\nu}F_{\\mu\\nu}- F^{0i}F_{0i} \\left| n\\right\\rangle,\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ where we carried out the summation over the color index $a$. The first term $E$ is simply the energy of a bare quark with time dependence $\\exp(-iEt)$ or an anti-quark with time dependence $\\exp(iEt)$. The other terms are due to the quark-gluon interaction and the presence of the gluon fields and are expected to give an overall negative contribution to the total (binding) energy.", "\n\nWe rewrite this result in terms of the reduced profile functions, so that we can introduce the solutions. ", "Since the quadratic gluon term vanishes in the limit $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow0$, we ignore it from now on. ", "For a discussion of this $\\mathcal{O}(\\alpha_s)$ term we refer to [@QuarkDressing]. ", "We now get the following result for the total energy: $$\\label{eq:Etot3}\nE^{(n)}_{tot}=E\\left[1-\\frac{16}{9}+\\frac{16}{9}\\frac{\\beta}{|\\beta|}\\frac{2}{\\alpha_s}\\int^{x_0}_0 dx x \\hat{S}_0\\right].$$ In the transition to reduced functions the original source functions are replaced by hatted ones. ", "In analogy to Eq.", " (\\[eq:S+S-\\]) the hatted source function $\\hat{S}_0$ is defined by: $$\\label{eq:S0hat}\n\\hat{S}_0=\\frac{\\hat{S}_++\\hat{S}_-}{2}=S_0\\frac{\\hat{E}+\\hat{E}^{-1}}{2}+S_1\\frac{\\hat{E}-\\hat{E}^{-1}}{2}.$$ Now we discuss the results for the four solutions defined in Sec.", " \\[sec:wave functions\\].", "\n\nFor the bare solution we have $\\beta=\\gamma=1$, so that $\\hat{E}=\\hat{E}^{-1}=1$ and $\\hat{S}_0=S_0$. We then get: $$\\label{eq:Etot4}\nE^{(0)}_{tot}=E\\left[1-\\frac{16}{9}+\\frac{16}{9}\\right]=E.$$ As expected the bare solution only features the bare energy term $E$.\n\nThe first dressing solution is given by $\\beta=\\gamma=-1$ and $\\hat{E}=S_-/S_+$. Again we have $\\hat{S}_0=S_0$, so that: $$\\label{eq:Etot5}\nE^{(1)}_{tot}=E\\left[1-\\frac{16}{9}-\\frac{16}{9}\\right]=-\\frac{23}{9} E.$$\n\nThe second generation solution is given $\\beta=-1;\\gamma=1$ and $\\hat{E}=(1+x)/(1-x)$, so that: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:S0hat2nd}\n\\hat{S}_0&=\\frac{S_0(1+x^2)+2xS_1}{1-x^2}.", "\n\\\\\n&\\equiv \\frac{1-x}{1+x}S_0 +\\frac{2x}{1-x^2}S_+.", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ After careful analysis we find that $f+g\\sim (1-x)^{8/9}$ near $x=1$, so that the integral over $S_+/(1-x^2)$ converges as $S_+\\sim (f+g)^2$. Since the normalization constant $N(x_0)$ goes to zero for $x_0\\rightarrow 1$, the second term does not contribute to the energy. ", "The same is true for the first term, as the integral over $S_0(1-x)\\sim (1-x)^{-7/9}$ converges as well. ", "Hence, there is no contribution of the last term in Eq.", " (\\[eq:Etot3\\]) and we obtain: $$\\label{eq:Etot6}\nE^{(2)}_{tot}=E\\left[1-\\frac{16}{9}\\right]=-\\frac{7}{9} E.$$\n\nThe third generation is given by $\\beta=1;\\gamma=-1$ and $\\hat{E}=[(1-x)S_-]/[(1+x)S_+]$. Just like for the $2^{\\text{nd}}$ generation we find: $$\\label{eq:S0hat3rd}\n\\hat{S}_0=\\frac{S_0(1+x^2)+2xS_1}{1-x^2}.$$ We now follow a slightly different route to calculate the total energy. ", "This reasoning is also valid for the second generation, so we include this case as well. ", "Suitably combining the Dirac equations for $f$ and $g$ in Eq.", " (\\[eq:fdiraceff\\]), and inserting the general formula Eq.", " (\\[eq:Vseff234\\]) for the effective scalar potential, one can rewrite $\\hat{S}_0$ as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:S0hat3rdx}\n& x\\hat{S}_0=-xS_0+2x\\frac{S_0+xS_1}{1-x^2}=\n\\\\\n& =-xS_0-\\frac{1}{a^{(n)}}\\left[(xS_1)'+x(xS_0)')\\right].", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Substituting this in Eq.", " (\\[eq:Etot3\\]) we get: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:E23}\n& \\frac{E^{(2,3)}_{tot}}{E}=\\left[1-\\frac{16}{9}-\\frac{16}{9}\\frac{\\beta}{|\\beta|}\\right]\\int_0^{x_0}dx(f^2+g^2)\n\\\\\n& -\\frac{1}{a^{(2,3)}}\\frac{16}{9}\\frac{\\beta}{|\\beta|}\\int_0^{x_0}dx \\left[(2fg)'+x(f^2+g^2)'\\right].", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ Inserting the actual values of $\\beta$ and $a^{(n)}$ we find that both cases are proportional to the same complete integral: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:E23concise}\n& \\frac{E^{(2,3)}_{tot}}{E}=(1,-\\frac{23}{9})\\int_0^{x_0}\\left[x(f^2+g^2)+2fg\\right]'=\n\\\\\n& =(1,-\\frac{23}{9})\\lim_{x \\rightarrow x_0}\\left[x(f+g)^2+2fg(1-x)\\right].", "\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ For the $3^{\\text{rd}}$ generation the wave function is normalizable and the limit yields zero, so that the total energy vanishes as the interaction energy exactly cancels the bare energy $E$. For the $2^{\\text{nd}}$ generation the limit is finite and we get the result already given in Eq.", " (\\[eq:Etot6\\]), namely $-7/9 E$. Eq.", " (\\[eq:E23concise\\]) again illustrates the striking symmetry between the $2^{\\text{nd}}$ and $3^{\\text{rd}}$ generation, and the remarkable elegance of these results.", "\n\nThe results can be summarized as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:Esummary}\nE^{(n)}_{tot}= -\\gamma^{(n)}E;\\; \\gamma^{(n)}=\\left(\\frac{23}{9},\\frac{7}{9},0\\right).\\end{aligned}$$ We note that the differences between the total (binding) energy and the bare energy $E$, namely $(32/9,16/9,1)E$, relate directly to the SU(3) structure constants, re-emphasizing the structural nature of the dressing solutions.", "\n\nMass calculation of dressed quarks {#sec:Mass}\n==================================\n\nIn order to determine the masses of the dressed quarks we have to address two fundamental problems. ", "First the mass of dressed quarks cannot be equated to the total energy $E^{(n)}_{tot}$, as the latter is negative (or zero for $n=3$). ", "Second, the QFT dressing theory is scale invariant, so the energy scale $E$ remains to be determined.", "\n\nThis issue of scale seems to lead to conflicting demands. ", "On the one hand we expect a dressed quark (if it is to be finite at all) to be very small, possibly even as small as the Planck length, which is perhaps the only fundamental length scale. ", "On the other hand, the empirical mass of a light quark is of the order of a few MeV. But $E\\times r_0=x_0$ is of the order of unity, so if $r_0$ is of the order of Planck lengths then $E$ is of the order of Planck energies. ", "Since the total energy $E^{(n)}_{tot}$ is expressed in units of $E$, we would expect that the quark mass is of the same order, in flagrant contradiction with observation. ", "This potential conflict was a continuous concern in our research project and might well have discouraged others from contemplating such a spatial model at all, despite its physical appeal.", "\n\nThere is a remarkable escape from this puzzle which exploits the negativity of the total (binding) energy. ", "First we assume that this negativity is a general property of dressed states and that the case $n=3$, for which the energy was zero, can be treated as a limiting case with $E^{(3)}_{tot}$ approaching zero from below, making the tacit assumption that this energy will also turn negative as soon as more contributions (e.g. of other interactions) are included.", "\n\nThe negative energy of the dressed state can be lowered without bound by increasing $E$, or equivalently by reducing $r_0$. However, at some point during this collapse, $E$ becomes of the order of the Planck energy and the effects of general relativity kick in. ", "While normally GR would accelerate such a collapse, in the case of negative energy it will resist it and the total energy will stabilize at a certain value of $E$.\n\nTo quantify this effect the spatial integral energy integral is modified by introducing the extra measure $\\sqrt{|g_{\\mu\\nu}|/|g_{00}|}$, where $g_{\\mu\\nu}$ is based on a black hole metric (naturally with inverted sign for the energy/mass). ", "Using the isotropic metric (see [@Weinberg], p. 181) and keeping only terms to first order in $G$, we find: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:EtotGR}\n\\begin{aligned}\n&E^{(n)}_{tot}\\rightarrow\\int d^3r \\left(1+3\\frac{GE^{(n)}_{tot}}{r}\\right)\\left\\langle \\alpha n\\right|\\theta^{00}\\left| \\alpha n\\right\\rangle\n\\\\\n&=-\\gamma^{(n)}E\\left( 1-3 \\gamma^{(n)} GE^2\\left\\langle\\frac{1}{x}\\right\\rangle\\right),\n\\end{aligned}\\end{aligned}$$ which is identical to the expression given in [@QuarkDressing]. ", "The coefficient 3 was obtained using the isotropic metric, but could be different for different metrics, as each metric uses different definitions of the space-time variables (for a survey see [@Weinberg]). ", "The non-uniqueness of black hole metrics is a consequence of the fact that they are designed to match the long-range Newtonian behavior, but can differ in the interior region, which is the region of interest to us.", "\n\nVarious modifications and/or improvements are possible on this procedure. ", "For example, one can replace the total energy $E^{(n)}_{tot}$ in the correction factor by an energy integral up to $r$ instead of $r_0$, although this requires a unique definition of the local energy density. ", "One could also consider higher-order terms in $G$, however, without a more complete unification of QFT and GR their effects might be misleading. ", "These modifications would in principle be testable as they affect the mass calculations. ", "However, until we have included the important electro-weak and Higgs interactions such tests may not be very conclusive. ", "What is important though, is to appreciate the vital role of the negativity of the QFT energy. ", "We do not expect this property to change once other interactions are introduced, although the third generation of quarks could have a special status, as it currently features zero binding energy.", "\n\nWe now minimize the modified energy expression, Eq.", " (\\[eq:EtotGR\\]), with respect to $E$, thereby fixing its value: $$\\label{eq:E_Planck}\nE\\rightarrow E^{(n)}=\\frac{1}{3}\\frac{<1/x>^{-1/2}}{[\\gamma^{(n)}G]^{1/2}}=\\frac{1}{3}\\left[\\frac{\\delta^{(n)} x_0^{(n)}}{\\gamma^{(n)}G}\\right]^{1/2},$$ where according to [@QuarkDressing] $\\delta^{(1)} \\approx0.6019$. The corrected total energy for the $\\text{n}^{\\text{th}}$ dressed state now becomes: $$\\label{eq:EtotGRfinal}\nE^{(n)}_{tot}\\rightarrow-\\frac{2}{3}\\gamma^{(n)}E^{(n)}.$$\n\nWhile we have fixed $E$, we have not yet found a positive energy expression which can be identified with the mass. ", "In non-relativistic physics the overall mass of a system is obtained by subtracting the binding energy from the total sum of the individual masses (see Eq.", " (2-11) in [@Bohr] for the nuclear case). ", "For a dressed quark such a basis is absent and we have to find a different origin of the ground or vacuum state with positive energy.", "\n\nA vacuum term of quantum field theoretic origin, such as a chiral condensate or the vacuum term proposed in the MIT bag model [@MIT], would not work in the current case. ", "The reason is that in order to represent the mass of the dressed system the resulting total energy would have to be positive, thereby invalidating the earlier arguments. ", "Hence, we are looking for an inert background term which does not change the dynamics of the QFT system and does not participate in the energy minimization, so that it preserves the result Eq.", " (\\[eq:E\\_Planck\\]). ", "The energy density of such a vacuum term would have to be enormous to compensate for the (negative) energy density of order $\\mathcal{O}(G^{-2})$. To match this density requires circumstances only believed to have existed in the early universe. ", "This has led us to the following proposal.", "\n\nThe simplest non-trivial vacuum universe with a positive energy content is an empty universe characterized by a positive cosmological constant $\\Lambda$. Such de Sitter universes [@Sitter] have been studied extensively (see [@Weinberg] p. 615). ", "However, when expressed in terms of a conformal metric: $$\\label{eq:guv}\ng_{\\mu\\nu}=g(t)\\eta_{\\mu\\nu},$$ they become especially useful for our purposes. ", "The time $t$ defined in this way is known as the conformal time. ", "Solving the Einstein equations for this metric one finds ([@GRcosmology], [@Grebenbook]): $$\\label{eq:g}\ng(t)=(t_s/t)^2;\\quad t_s=\\left(\\frac{3}{8\\pi G\\epsilon}\\right)^{1/2}=\\left(\\frac{3}{\\Lambda}\\right)^{1/2},$$ where the vacuum energy density is given by the expression $\\epsilon=\\Lambda/8\\pi G$.\n\nIf one uses this as a cosmological model for the whole universe then one finds that the vacuum energy density should equal $\\epsilon=3.97\\times 10^{-47}~\\textrm{GeV}^4$ in order to fit the supernovae data [@Riess1], [@Riess2]. ", "This is equivalent to a cosmological constant $\\Lambda= 6.69\\times 10^{-84}~\\textrm{GeV}^2$. One important property of the conformal parametrization is that the geodesics are unchanged from the Minkowski ones, except that they are confined to $t>0$ or $t<0$, where $t=0$ characterizes the birth of the universe and the two branches reflect the time symmetry of the Einstein equations. ", "Since the Minkowski metric and its geodesics are used throughout QFT, we feel that this minimal conformal metric is a suitable background metric, and may well qualify as the inert vacuum background we are trying to emulate. ", "This vacuum universe must be contained inside the spherical boundary of the dressed system, so that it should terminate its expansion at a time (which we will call $t_c$), when its extent matches the volume of the dressed system.", "\n\nIn order to calculate the energy content of this vacuum universe we must integrate the energy density over the volume of the dressed system, taking account of the conformal metric in the spatial integral. ", "The metric can be absorbed in the effective energy density, leading to: $$\\label{eq:vacuum}\n\\epsilon\\rightarrow\\epsilon_{eff}(t)=\\sqrt{g^3(t)}~\\epsilon=(t_s/t)^3~\\epsilon.$$ At the time of termination the energy density then reads $(t_s/t_c)^3~\\epsilon$. The combined energy of the dressed system – which is identified with the quark mass $m_q$ – now equals: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:tc}\nm_q=\\frac{4\\pi}{3}\\left(\\frac{x_0^{(n)}}{E^{(n)}}\\right)^3\\epsilon \\left(\\frac{t_s}{t_c}\\right)^3+ E^{(n)}_{tot}.\\end{aligned}$$ Since there are two unknowns in this equation, namely $t_c$ and $m_q$, we cannot yet solve these equations.", "\n\nWe now make the crucial assumption that the time and energy needed to create this state are related by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, i.e. $$\\label{eq:mqtc}\nm_q=\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{1}{t_c},$$ where as usual we have set $\\hbar=1$. Physically we can motivate this assumption by noting that the external environment can only support an energy bubble of magnitude $m_q$ for a period $t_c$. Once the system has been formed it becomes stable and the supplied energy will be extracted permanently from the environment, for example through a scattering process. ", "The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is often used to describe the decay of nuclear states and their decay width, however, their use for stable states is less common. ", "We can also consider Eq.", " (\\[eq:mqtc\\]) as a testable working hypothesis, as it leads to concrete predictions for the quark masses.", "\n\nImposing Eq.", " (\\[eq:mqtc\\]) on Eq.", " (\\[eq:tc\\]) converts it into a self-consistent equation for $t_c$ or for the mass of the dressed quark. ", "Since the mass of the quark is much smaller than the two contributions in the RHS, there must be a nearly complete cancellation between the positive vacuum energy and the negative QCD energy. ", "This yields the identity: $$\\label{eq:tcreation}\nt_c=\\frac{9}{2}\\left(\\frac{G}{6\\pi \\epsilon}\\right)^{1/6}\\left(\\frac{x_0^{(n)}\\gamma^{(n)}}{\\delta^{(n)2}}\\right)^{1/3},$$ so that the quark mass $m_q^{(n)}$ is given by: $$\\label{eq:mq}\nm_q^{(n)}=\\frac{1}{9}\\left(\\frac{6\\pi \\epsilon}{G}\\right)^{1/6}\\left(\\frac{\\delta^{(n)2}}{x_0^{(n)}\\gamma^{(n)}}\\right)^{1/3}.$$ The quark mass is now expressed in terms of the fundamental physical constants $G$ and $\\epsilon$ and its order of magnitude is given by $$\\label{eq:scale}\n(6\\pi \\epsilon/G)^{1/6}= (3 \\Lambda/4 G^2)^{1/6}= 69.38 \\text{ MeV}.$$ Hence, the dressing formulation, in combination with the cosmological model, has provided a long-sought connection between cosmological parameters and particle physics. ", "This is exactly the result we were hoping for initially, though its realization looked a dim prospect for a long time. ", "To reach this stage required a number of large conceptual steps, which however now find strong support in this result.", "\n\nIf we now apply Eq.", " (\\[eq:tcreation\\]) and Eq.", " (\\[eq:mqtc\\]) to the light quarks ($x_0^{(1)}=2.04279$; $\\gamma^{(1)}=23/9$; $\\delta^{(1)}=0.6019$) we find that $m_q= 3.17$ MeV; a result first presented in Ref.", " [@QuarkDressing]. ", "This result is even more amazing than the order of magnitude estimate given above, since it lies right in the empirical range found in lattice gauge calculations, namely $3.8 \\pm 0.8$ MeV [@Lattice; @Quark; @masses]. ", "However, we view this further success as a bit fortuitous, as we would not expect such an accurate answer while having ignored the electroweak and Higgs interactions.", "\n\nApplying the same formulae to the second generation ($x_0^{(2)}=1; \\gamma^{(2)}=7/9; \\delta^{(2)}=1$) yields a mass of 8.38 MeV. Although this is considerably larger than the value obtained for the light quarks (by a factor 2.6), the result falls far short of the observed values.", "\n\nFor the third generation the limiting procedure $\\gamma^{(3)}\\downarrow 0$ leads to an infinite quark mass. ", "This may not be a bad initial result in view of the enormous quark masses for this generation. ", "Clearly, further binding is necessary to make $\\gamma^{(3)}$ positive and produce a finite mass. ", "Since the masses for the higher generations depend strongly on charge, accurate results can only be expected after the missing electroweak interactions are included.", "\n\nIn order to introduce electroweak and Higgs interactions in the dressing theory, one needs to formulate a basic Lagrangian without reference to the generation quantum number. ", "Because of the complexity of the electroweak interactions and the role of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the SM formulation, the reduction of the SM electroweak Lagrangian to such a basic form is not so straightforward as it was for QCD. ", "However, we have experimented with a simple Higgs interaction which does not refer to the generation quantum number. ", "Our tentative results suggest that the Higgs interactions are suppressed for the light quark case because of certain cancellations in the first generation solution. ", "If substantiated, this could be an explanation for the observation that the Higgs mainly interacts with the higher generations.", "\n\nApart from improvements in the dressing theory there may also be more conventional standard QFT scattering diagrams (external to the dressed state) which contribute to the effective quark mass, so that the quark masses we calculate cannot directly be compared to the observed ones. ", "As stated in the introduction, this paper does not address the integration of the theory in the SM framework, where questions of such additional contributions might arise.", "\n\nSummary and future developments {#sec:conclusions}\n===============================\n\nIn this paper we presented a theory of the dressing of bare quarks based on the solution of the quantized (QCD) field equations. ", "Using this approach we were able to prove that the gluon fields generated by the bare quark lead to the absolute confinement of the quark and gluon fields within a small spherical volume of Planck length dimensions. ", "With its ability to explain the existence of the three generations and its potential to predict the quark masses in terms of a few fundamental constants of nature, this theory could become an important foundation block for particle physics.", "\n\nThe success of this theory was crucially dependent on a number of theoretical discoveries and could only be completed after certain consequences of general relativity were accounted for and a vacuum background term – inspired by cosmology – was included.", "\n\nThe first important discovery was that the quantized operator equations, expressed in terms of creation and annihilation operators, admitted an exact operator solution. ", "This solution defined its own domain of applicability by limiting the allowed state vectors to single-particle quark states, thereby identifying the dressing problem as a unique problem in QFT that requires a unique methodology. ", "This result makes it more plausible why scattering methods in QFT have been so dominant from the start and why the dressing application has taken so long to be discovered, although this could also be due to the apparent conflict between small quark masses and their non-zero, but very small size.", "\n\nThe knowledge of the exact operator solution enabled the reduction of the quantized field equations to c-number equations. ", "This paved the way for further discoveries. ", "The reduced coupled field equations allowed three structural (eigen)solutions, which even survived in the limit $\\alpha_s\\rightarrow0$. Hence, the likely reason behind the existence of three generations of quarks was identified. ", "Within the dressed system the gluon interactions – though originally of vector type – translated in scalar, vector and tensor interactions. ", "Subsequently these potentials could be reduced to a single effective scalar potential, which gave the formal theory a strong physical appeal. ", "For example, the solutions displayed a strong similarity with the phenomenological MIT three quark bag.", "\n\nThe collapse of the dressed system with negative total energy could be prevented by including GR in the description, leading to a size of the order of Planck lengths. ", "However, this constrained the possible solutions to the problem of the construction of a vacuum term that – together with the negative binding energy – could be the basis for mass calculations. ", "Such a term would have to compensate for the enormous (negative) energy density of the dressed system. ", "The solution was to define a vacuum of cosmological signature. ", "After its introduction the quark masses became calculable and were found to lie in the MeV region, despite being a result of the cancellation of terms of the order of the Planck energy. ", "This demonstrated for the first time the important role of cosmological parameters in particle physics.", "\n\nThe dressing theory looks to open a new domain of applications of QFT which brings with it techniques that are more common in non-relativistic physics, such as the concept of discrete eigensolutions, normalized states, binding potentials and bound-state wave functions. ", "Aspects both new to QFT and non-relativistic quantum mechanics are the exact quantization techniques, the strong reliance on self-consistency and the dependency on a successful extension into general relativity and cosmology. ", "Many elements are still missing, such as the inclusion of electroweak and Higgs interactions, so there are ample opportunities for extensions and improvements whose predictions can be tested against the existing knowledge of elementary particles.", "\n\nThe powerful techniques and methodologies developed in the dressing theory, in particular the exact operator techniques, could also benefit the standard scattering applications in QFT and the SM. ", "To use them in the case of boson fields, one should expand these fields in bilinear (bare) quark-anti-quark operators interspersed if appropriate with the infinite operator $\\Lambda_\\infty$, just like we did for the dressing case. ", "Naturally, in the scattering case one should employ a continuous spectrum of plane waves (with the momentum shared equally between quark and anti-quark), rather than unknown discrete bound-state wave functions. ", "In such an expansion most physical properties of the fields are automatically built in. ", "By quantizing boson fields this way we were able to avoid the cosmological constant problem [@CC; @problem], maybe the most serious problem in the conventional quantization approach in QFT.", "\n\nIt also appears possible to extend this methodology to the lepton sector and thus explain the existence of three lepton generations. ", "We hope to discuss this extension in a further publication. ", "One of the important questions which need answering in this connection is why the neutrino masses are so tiny. ", "Like the large quark masses for the higher generations, the explanation of these small masses may well require additional conceptual steps and lead to new theoretical surprises. ", "However, the current theory has shown that it is no longer justified to consider these masses as empirical parameters, but rather as parameters which deserve a theoretical explanation.", "\n\nThe author acknowledges a discussion with Prof. Vincent Icke which contributed to the physical understanding of the energy results. ", "He also acknowledges comments from Prof. Piet Mulders.", "\n\nReferences {#references .unnumbered}\n==========\n\n[20]{} M. D. Schwartz, [*Quantum Field Theory*]{}, Cambridge Univ. ", "Press (2014) M. B. Green, J. H. Schwarz and E. Witten: [*Superstring theory*]{}, Vol. ", "1, Cambridge Univ. ", "Press (1987) P. A. M. Dirac, [*Can Equations of motion be used in High-Energy Physics*]{} Phys. ", "Today, April, p. 29 (1963) N. N. Bogoliubov and D.V. Shirkov, [*Quantum Fields*]{}, Benjamin/Cummings London (1983) C. Itzykson and J-B. Zuber, [*Quantum Field Theory*]{}, Mc Graw-Hill (1980) Jan M. Greben, \\[arXiv:1604.06674\\] (2016) Jan M. 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[ "Q:\n\nQuick/Simple Regex/Regular Language Clarification\n\nI feel like a moron posting such simple questions on here, but the knowledge base of this site is just amazing. ", " Thanks for your understanding.", "\nConcerning a question about finding the minimum pumping length (concerning the pumping lemma for regular languages) of a regular expression:\nRegular Expression R = 1011 (over the alphabet {0,1})\nAren't the only matches to this string ε (empty string) and 1011?", "\nEDIT-I've been staring at too many kleene stars. ", " The empty string ε is not in this language.", "\nProperties of regular languages state that if a language can be represented by a finite automaton (or regular expression), then it is regular, and certainly this one can be represented by both. ", " (And the question obviously leads me to believe the language is regular)\nBut on the other hand, the pumping lemma (informally) states that all regular languages have a pumping length whereby all strings of at least this length can be split into xyz where y can be repeated without affecting the result. ", " ε cannot be pumped by definition, and 1011 can't be pumped (I don't think, this is the question) because no other string matches it, so removing or adding instances of y will result in a string that is not accepted/matched.", "\nWhere is the error in my logic?", "\n2nd EDIT-Is the answer for any p>4, the language can be pumped by setting x or y or z to be ϕ (the null set), which when concatenated with anything results in the null set?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe pumping lemma isn't too useful for finite languages. ", "All finiate languages are regular - for example, in your case, you can set your \"pumping length\" to 4. ", "In an empty sense, all words above that length can be pumped :)\n\n" ]
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[ "PHILADELPHIA (CBS/AP) — Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney had strong words for President Donald Trump following the backlash the president has received after tweeting that four Democratic congresswomen should “go back” to their home countries. ", "Kenney said that Trump would “have to go to hell” if he ever went back where he came from.", "\n\nKenney made the comment Tuesday while announcing new steps to help immigrants facing deportation.", "\n\n“I have this vision of one day in heaven, or outside of heaven because they’re not going to get in, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Tom Homan, and everybody else standing in a cyclone-fenced dungeon, a cyclone-fenced cell outside of heaven for eternity because that’s what they’re going to have to do because what they’re doing now is so anti-human, antithetical, anti-American, anti-decent, it’s all terrible what they’re doing,” Kenney said. “", "The step the president took yesterday when he told four American citizens to go back where they came from makes him an idiot because he didn’t know they were born in Detroit and Chicago and New York, so that’s the problem. ", "If Donald Trump ever has to go back where he came from, he’s going to have to go to hell.”", "\n\nTrump’s criticism was aimed at four freshman Democrats who have garnered attention since their arrival in January for their outspoken liberal views and thinly veiled distaste for Trump: Reps. ", "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. ", "All were born in the U.S. except for Omar, who came to the U.S. as a child after fleeing Somalia with her family. ", "He accused his four outspoken critics of “spewing some of the most vile, hateful and disgusting things ever said by a politician” and added, “If you hate our Country, or if you are not happy here, you can leave!” — ", "echoing taunts long unleashed against political dissidents rather than opposing parties’ lawmakers.", "\n\n“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” Trump said during a tweetstorm on Sunday.", "\n\n….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. ", "Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. ", "Then come back and show us how…. — ", "Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019\n\n….it is done. ", "These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. ", "I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! — ", "Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019\n\nTrump defended his tweets on Tuesday, saying they were not racist.", "\n\n“Those Tweets were NOT Racist. ", "I don’t have a Racist bone in my body!” ", "Trump said.", "\n\nThose Tweets were NOT Racist. ", "I don’t have a Racist bone in my body! ", "The so-called vote to be taken is a Democrat con game. ", "Republicans should not show “weakness” and fall into their trap. ", "This should be a vote on the filthy language, statements and lies told by the Democrat….. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2019\n\nOcasio-Cortez returned his fire.", "\n\n“You’re right, Mr. President – you don’t have a racist bone in your body. ", "You have a racist mind in your head and a racist heart in your chest,” she tweeted.", "\n\nYou’re right, Mr. President – you don’t have a racist bone in your body. ", "You have a racist mind in your head, and a racist heart in your chest. ", "That’s why you violate the rights of children and tell the Congresswoman who represents your home borough, to “go back to my country.” ", "https://t.co/adlCUO7r0v — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 16, 2019\n\nKenney has had harsh criticism of Trump in the past, calling the president last year a “tyrant” who “is trying to turn this country into a dictatorship” after he disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles to the White House following their Super Bowl win.", "\n\nTrump has also taken aim at Philadelphia before, claiming that Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner didn’t go after criminals who pose a severe threat to public safety.", "\n\nThe City of Philadelphia has committed $100,000 to support deportation defense in 2020.", "\n\n(© Copyright 2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. ", "The Associated Press contributed to this report.)" ]
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[ "Oinophila v-flava\n\nOinophila v-flava (yellow v moth) is a moth of the family Tineidae. ", "It is widespread in temperate zones from Europe to South Africa, North America but also Hawaii.", "\n\nThe wingspan is about 10 mm. ", "In western Europe, adults are active from July to September and generally fly in the evening.", "\n\nThe larvae feed on a range of dry vegetable matter and on the bark of shrubs. ", "It often occurs commonly in homes and particularly cellars, where the larvae have been reported to damage dried foods and wine corks.", "\n\nExternal links\nUKmoths\n\nCategory:Hieroxestinae\nCategory:Moths of Africa\nCategory:Insects of Europe\nCategory:Moths described in 1828" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We present new Keck/HIRES observations of six red giants in the globular cluster NGC 2419. ", "Although the cluster is among the most distant and most luminous in the Milky Way, it was considered chemically ordinary until very recently. ", "Our previous work showed that the near-infrared triplet line strength varied more than expected for a chemically homogeneous cluster, and that at least one star had unusual abundances of Mg and K. Here, we confirm that NGC 2419 harbors a population of stars, comprising about one third of its mass, that is depleted in Mg by a factor of 8 and enhanced in K by a factor of 6 with respect to the Mg-normal population. ", "Although the majority, Mg-normal population appears to have a chemical abundance pattern indistinguishable from ordinary, inner halo globular clusters, the Mg-poor population exhibits dispersions of several elements. ", "The abundances of K and Sc are strongly anti-correlated with Mg, and some other elements (Si and Ca among others) are weakly anti-correlated with Mg. ", "These abundance patterns suggest that the different populations of NGC 2419 sample the ejecta of diverse supernovae in addition to AGB ejecta. ", "However, the abundances of Fe-peak elements except Sc show no star-to-star variation. ", "We find no nucleosynthetic source that satisfactorily explains all of the abundance variations in this cluster. ", "Because NGC 2419 appears like no other globular cluster, we reiterate our previous suggestion that it is not a globular cluster at all, but rather the core of an accreted dwarf galaxy.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Judith G. Cohen and Evan N. Kirby'\ntitle: 'The Bizarre Chemical Inventory of NGC 2419, An Extreme Outer Halo Globular Cluster'\n---\n\nIntroduction \\[section\\_intro\\] \n================================\n\nNGC 2419 is one of the most unusual globular clusters (GCs) belonging to the Milky Way (MW). ", "It resides in the MW’s outer halo [@harris97 90 kpc from the Galactic center]. ", "It is notable not just for its distance but also its luminosity. ", "M54, the core of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy [@ibata95], is the only GC more luminous than NGC 2419.", "\n\nThe first [*Hubble Space Telescope*]{} (HST) photometry [@harris97] of NGC 2419 showed that the cluster is as old as the inner halo cluster M92. ", "In other words, NGC 2419 is about as old as the Universe. ", "Like many GCs, NGC 2419 is a “second parameter” cluster, with an extended blue horizontal branch (HB). ", "@dicriscienzo11 attributed the HB morphology and the color dispersion at the base of the red giant branch (RGB) to a different helium abundance between the first and second generations of stars, a popular explanation for the second parameter in GCs [@dantona02].", "\n\nThe distance and photometric properties of the cluster alone are not extremely unusual, but the chemical properties of the cluster are. ", "Early spectroscopy [@suntzeff88] did not reveal any unusual abundance patterns in the cluster. ", "In particular, the iron abundance appeared invariable from star to star. ", "Much more recently, medium-resolution (Keck/DEIMOS) spectroscopy by @deimos [hereafter C10] showed that the strength of the infrared calcium triplet (CaT) varies from star to star, even at fixed stellar luminosity. ", "@ibata11 confirmed this star-to-star variation with independent DEIMOS spectroscopy. ", "@deimos attributed this variation to a range of calcium abundance[^1] ($\\sigma({\\rm [Ca/H]}) \\sim 0.2$) in the cluster.", "\n\nLater high-resolution (Keck/HIRES) spectroscopy by @cohen11 [hereafter C11] revealed an even more complex abundance distribution. ", "Six of seven stars appeared identical to stars in “normal” GCs, such as those found in the inner halo of the MW. ", "However, star S1131 had ${\\rm [K/Fe]} = 1.1$ (very high for a GC) and ${\\rm [Mg/Fe]} = -0.5$ (very low for a GC). ", "Such a low value of \\[Mg/Fe\\] can be found only in the most metal-rich stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies [@letarte10; @cohen_umi; @kirby11]. ", "It is never found in stars with the metallicity of NGC 2419 (${\\rm [Fe/H]} = -2.1$). ", "Furthermore, low values of \\[Mg/Fe\\] in halo and dwarf galaxy stars are always accompanied by low abundances of other $\\alpha$ elements, such as Si and Ca. ", "Star S1131 exhibits enhanced ratios of \\[Si/Fe\\] and \\[Ca/Fe\\], typical for a normal GC star.", "\n\n@cohen11’s HIRES sample provided no compelling evidence for a variation in elements heavier than potassium, such as Fe and other iron-peak elements. ", "Even Ca, in which a dispersion was detected with DEIMOS, appeared to be constant across the stars from HIRES data. ", "Importantly, the DEIMOS analysis was based on ionized Ca lines whereas the HIRES analysis was based on neutral Ca lines.", "\n\nThe HIRES sample of @cohen11 included only one of the Ca-rich stars identified by @deimos. ", "In fact, that single star was S1131, the one with unusual magnesium and potassium abundances. ", "The peculiarity of this star with a strong CaT demanded that we observe additional stars from the DEIMOS sample with large CaT line strengths. ", "In this article, we expand @cohen11’s sample of HIRES spectra in NGC 2419, focusing in particular on the stars with strong CaT lines.", "\n\nObservations and Abundance Analysis Procedures \\[section\\_obs\\_anal\\] \n======================================================================\n\nIn an effort to overcome some of the limitations of and concerns arising from our previous work in NGC 2419, we obtained HIRES-R [@vogt_hires] spectra of an additional 6 stars in this GC during a 4 night run which began 2012 Jan 29. ", "The spectrograph configuration was identical to that we used in our 2008 and 2010 observations of NGC 2419 red giants. ", "Most of the new stars were chosen to probe the Ca-rich distribution of the DEIMOS measurements of the Ca triplet, with preference given to those stars for which we had already obtained low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) HIRES spectra that suggested, based on our measured radial velocities, that the stars were cluster members. ", "These stars are faint ($17.5 < V < 17.9$) for high-resolution spectroscopy, and the exposure times ranged from 2.5 hours for the brightest star to 4 hours for the faintest star. ", "All of the nights were clear, and two had excellent seeing.", "\n\n[l l rrr rr]{} New Stars\\\nStet 406 & 17.80 & 4448, 0.95 & 14400 & 95 & $-20.3$\\\nStet 458 & 17.90 & 4480, 1.02 & 10800 & 85 & $-17.9$\\\nStet 1004 & 17.91 & 4482, 1.02 & 14400 & 80 & $-23.5$\\\nStet 1065 & 17.66 & 4455, 0.88 & 10800 & 80 & $-22.7$\\\nStet 1166 & 17.50 & 4350, 0.89 & 9000 & 82 & $-21.3$\\\nStet 1673 & 17.68 & 4409, 0.88 & 10800 & 95 & $-24.6$\\\n \\\nFrom C11\\\nStet 223 & 17.25 & 4265, 0.61 & 8400 & $>100$ & $-22.4$\\\nStet 810 & 17.31 & 4316, 0.65 & 7200 & $>100$ & $-22.6$\\\nStet 973 & 17.45 & 4325, 0.74 & 3200 & 39 & $-21.9$\\\nStet 1131 & 17.61 & 4382, 0.84 & 9000 & 95 & $-16.8$\\\nStet 1209 & 17.41 & 4317, 0.71 & 7200 & 93 & $-19.0$\\\nStet 1305 & 17.61 & 4385, 0.84 & 3000 & 52 & $-16.8$\\\nStet 1814 & 17.27 & 4472, 0.62 & 5400 & 90 & $-26.1$\\\n\n![", "The $V,~V-I$ (left panel) and $V,~V-J$ (right panel) CMDs are shown for NGC 2419 with optical photometry from [@stetson05] and $J$ photometry from 2MASS. ", "The red circles denote stars with \\[Mg/Fe\\] $< 0$, while the blue circles represent stars with \\[Mg/Fe\\] $> 0$ dex. ", "The larger symbols denote stars whose DEIMOS spectra have near-IR Ca triplet lines implying ${\\rm [Ca/H]} > -1.8$. Two 12 Gyr, $\\alpha$-enhanced isochrones from [@yi03] are shown: ${\\rm [Fe/H]} = -2.2$ (solid line) and ${\\rm [Fe/H]} = -1.9$ (dashed line). ", "The smallest black points, seen only in the left panel, are the photometric sample of [@stetson05]. ", "The somewhat larger black points (also shown only in the left panel) are the Keck/DEIMOS sample of C10. ", "\\[figure\\_cmd\\]](f1.ps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nThe total sample of 13 stars for which we obtained reasonably good HIRES spectra is given in Table \\[table\\_sample\\]. ", "Fig.", " \\[figure\\_cmd\\] shows a comparison of the location of the sample stars on the observed $V$, $V-I$ plane using optical photometry from [@stetson05] and the $V$, $V-J$ plane, where $J$ is from 2MASS [@2mass1; @2mass2]. ", "Isochrones from the Y$^2$ grid [@yi03] for an age of 12 Gyr with \\[Fe/H\\] = $-2.20$ dex (solid line) and \\[Fe/H\\] = $-1.90$ dex (dotted line), both with \\[$\\alpha$/Fe\\] = +0.30 dex, are indicated. ", "We adopted the same distance and reddening as was used in @cohen11. ", "In our earlier work (@deimos), the membership of star S1673 in NGC 2419 was considered possible but not definite. ", "This is because, as is seen in Fig \\[figure\\_cmd\\], this star lies to the blue of the main cluster RGB in a $V$, $V-I$ CMD. ", "Although its $v_r$ is consistent with cluster membership, we decided to be cautious and not consider it a confirmed member at that time. ", "However, on the basis of its abundances, discussed below, we now consider S1673 to be a definite member of this GC. ", "It may be, as @deimos speculated, an AGB rather than a RGB star.", "\n\n![", "A histogram of \\[Ca/H\\] as inferred from the near-IR triplet line strengths in the DEIMOS moderate resolution spectra of @deimos is shown for the sample of 43 definite members of NGC 2419 isolated in that paper. ", "The sample from C11 of 7 RGB stars in this GC with HIRES spectra is shown by the solid fill. ", "The 6 additional NGC 2419 stars presented here are indicated by the hatched areas. ", "\\[figure\\_cah\\_hist\\]](f2.ps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nFig.", " \\[figure\\_cah\\_hist\\] shows a histogram of Ca(CaT), the Ca abundance inferred from our initial moderate resolution study (@deimos) based on the CaT line strength measured with DEIMOS on Keck II, with the HIRES sample indicated. ", "Our HIRES sample now includes giants spanning almost the entire range of Ca(CaT) abundances for NGC 2419 luminous giants. ", "While there are a few stars in our DEIMOS sample with even higher Ca(CaT), they are not in our HIRES sample as they are all fainter than $V = 17.7$.\n\nThe measurement of equivalent widths, whose values are given in Tables \\[table\\_eqw\\_page1\\] and \\[table\\_eqw\\_page2\\], and the abundance analyses were carried out in a manner identical to our previous work. ", "@cohen11 described those procedures in detail. ", "$W_{\\lambda}$ for the 7 stars from @cohen11 are also listed there as a number of lines were added since 2011. ", "Hyperfine structure corrections have been made following @cohen11. ", "No non-LTE corrections were made because the Al abundances were calculated not from the 3950 Å resonance doublet but from the weak 6696, 6698 Å doublet, which has no strong non-LTE correction [see @al_nonlte]. ", "The magnitudes of the expected non-LTE corrections for some other key elements are discussed in §\\[section\\_abund\\_spread\\]. ", "Because these are rather faint metal-poor giants, we included the strong Mg triplet lines and sometimes the Na D lines in the analysis in order to get a reasonable number of lines for these key elements. ", "We provide two measurements of abundance for these two elements: one with and one without these very strong lines.", "\n\nWe made two important updates to our procedures described in @cohen11. ", "We are now using the 2010 version of MOOG [@moog] updated by J. Sobeck [@sobeck_moog]. ", "The new version contains a better treatment of coherent, isotropic scattering, which in the 2002 version is treated as pure absorption. ", "This could be important for our NGC 2419 sample primarily because these are cool luminous RGB stars. ", "But since \\[Fe/H\\] for NGC 2419 is about $-2.1$ dex, the importance of Rayleigh scattering as an opacity source is not as large as it would be for even more metal-poor stars. ", "Furthermore, we did not consider lines blueward of 4100 Å because the spectral S/N is too low at those wavelengths. ", "We focused on the part of the spectra $\\lambda > 4500$ Å, where S/N is higher, unless an element has no or very few lines beyond 4500 Å. Thus, for our sample, the use of the 2010 version of MOOG does not introduce noticeable changes compared to the 2002 version.", "\n\n![", "Diagnostic abundance ratios for two stages of ionization of Fe and of Ti are shown as a function of $V$ magnitude for our sample of 13 luminous RGB stars in NGC 2419. ", "Red crosses and blue points denote Mg-poor and Mg-rich giants respectively. ", "\\[figure\\_anal\\_diag\\]](f3.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nThe second major change change we made involves the determination of stellar parameters. ", "Fig.", " \\[figure\\_cmd\\] shows the $V$, $V-I$ and $V$, $V-J$ CMDs for our HIRES sample in NGC 2419, with two metal-poor, $\\alpha$-enhanced, 12 Gyr Yonsei-Yale isochrones [@yi03] superposed. ", "We set the stellar parameters [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{} and [log($g$)]{} by assuming the stars lie on an isochrone halfway between the two shown in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_cmd\\]. ", "We did not use the colors at all, just the $V$ magnitude, to set [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{} and [log($g$)]{}. ", "When looking for small abundance variations, the choice of stellar parameters is critical, as discussed by @cohen11. ", "Rather than relying on colors, which for such faint stars have non-trivial uncertainties, particularly those from 2MASS, we decided to force the stars to lie on an isochrone with just the $V$ measurements taken from [@stetson05], whose uncertainties are quite small (${\\leq}0.015$ mag), over a total range spanned by our sample of 17.25 to 17.91 mag. ", "The range in $V-I$ spanned by our sample is only 0.32 mag, less than half of that of $V$ and with somewhat larger uncertainties. ", "The range in $V-J$ is 0.47 mag, but the uncertainties are much larger due to the limited depth of 2MASS. ", "If the stars really do lie along a single isochrone, as would be the case if NGC 2419 is actually a chemically homogeneous old GC, using just $V$ will give a very accurate relative [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{} determination for each star. ", "Even if a slightly inappropriate isochrone is used, the relative differences in [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{} for members along the upper RGB of the stellar population will be highly accurate. ", "Fig.", " \\[figure\\_anal\\_diag\\] shows the dependence of \\[/H\\], \\[/H\\] and the difference of the two as a function of $V$ (our proxy for [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{}), as well as the same for Ti. ", "The behavior of these key diagnostics serves to demonstrate that our detailed abundance analyses are valid.", "\n\nThe Chemical Inventory of the NGC 2419 Giants\n=============================================\n\nOur detailed abundance analysis for 13 luminous red giants in NGC 2419 yielded the results given in Tables \\[table\\_abund\\_page1\\] and \\[table\\_abund\\_page2\\]. ", "The Mg abundances are listed with the two Mg triplet lines both included and excluded to illustrate that the result is identical to within the errors even when the strong Mg triplet lines are included. ", "The abundance analyses for the 7 stars from @cohen11 were redone, resulting only in small differences. ", "The present results supersede those of @cohen11. ", "Tables of uncertainties for the absolute abundances and the abundance ratios were given in @cohen11.", "\n\nOne star, S1673, appears to be significantly bluer than the RGB of NGC 2419 in the $V$, $V-I$ CMD, but less discrepant in the $V$, $V-J$ CMD. ", "It may be an AGB star. ", "We carried out an abundance analysis for this star based solely on its $V$ magnitude (i.e., assuming that it lies on the normal RGB) and also one assuming that it is 100 K hotter than the RGB and with a slightly lower [log($g$)]{} corresponding to a mass of 0.6 $M_{\\odot}$ instead of 0.8 $M_{\\odot}$ (i.e., on the AGB). ", "Both sets of results are presented in Table \\[table\\_abund\\_page1\\].", "\n\nOur detailed abundance analysis shows that NGC 2419 contains two groups of stars. ", "The first, containing 8 of the 13 stars, represents a normal $\\alpha$-rich population typical of GC (and inner halo) stars. ", "This is the population that dominated the sample of @cohen11, where it was shown that they are essentially identical in chemical inventory to the stars in the much nearer, inner halo cluster NGC 7099 with similar metallicity.", "\n\nHowever, the second population found here is very strange. ", "It shows extreme depletions of Mg, with \\[Mg/Fe\\] ranging widely from $-0.2$ to $-0.7$ dex, accompanied by large enhancements in K of $\\sim$0.7 dex above those of the “normal” NGC 2419 giants. ", "The Mg-poor group contains the same 5 stars shown in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_cah\\_hist\\] to have stronger near-IR Ca triplet lines from the study of @deimos. ", "The fraction of stars in the high tail of the Ca(CaT) distribution (${\\rm Ca/H]} > -1.85$) from the larger DEIMOS sample of @deimos is 34%; the fraction of peculiar Mg-poor stars in the smaller HIRES sample is comparable (38%).", "\n\n[l rll rrr]{} C(CH) & 5.75 & 0.19 & 7 & 5.71 & 0.22 & 5\\\nNaI & 4.31 & 0.29 & 8 & 4.35 & 0.13 & 5\\\nMgI & 5.78 & 0.14 & 8 & 4.92 & 0.30 & 5\\\nMgI & 5.74 & 0.14 & 5 & 4.80 & 0.39 & 3\\\nAlI & 4.94 & 0.25 & 4 & 4.93 & 0.11 & 4\\\nSiI & 5.81 & 0.07 & 6 & 6.05 & 0.10 & 5\\\nKI & 3.46 & 0.16 & 8 & 4.26 & 0.13 & 5\\\nCaI & 4.40 & 0.09 & 8 & 4.58 & 0.03 & 5\\\nCaT & 4.39 & 0.03 & 8 & 4.66 & 0.04 & 5\\\nScII & 1.10 & 0.04 & 8 & 1.55 & 0.16 & 5\\\nTiI & 2.95 & 0.13 & 8 & 2.97 & 0.11 & 5\\\nTiII & 3.01 & 0.14 & 8 & 3.12 & 0.12 & 5\\\nTiII & 3.05 & 0.10 & 8 & 3.21 & 0.12 & 5\\\nVI & 1.91 & 0.15 & 8& 2.03 & 0.16 & 5\\\nCrI & 3.21 & 0.14 & 8 & 3.29 & 0.11& 5\\\nMnI & 2.91 & 0.11 & 8 & 2.94 & 0.12 & 5\\\nFeI & 5.35 & 0.10 & 8 & 5.37 & 0.10 & 5\\\nFeII & 5.29 & 0.06 & 8 & 5.40 & 0.10 & 5\\\nCoI & 2.94 & 0.18 & 6 & 3.00 & 0.15 & 5\\\nNiI & 4.12 & 0.13 & 8 & 4.12 & 0.09 & 5\\\nCuI & 1.49 & 0.14 & 8 & 1.53 & 0.13 & 5\\\nZnI & 2.33 & 0.07 & 5 & 2.47 & 0.09 & 5\\\nYII & $-$0.31 & 0.06 & 8 & $-$0.23 & 0.06 & 5\\\nBaII & $-$0.12 & 0.12 & 8 & $-$0.09 & 0.15 & 5\\\nCeII & $-$0.90 & 0.15 & 5 & $-$0.84 & 0.12 & 5\\\nNdII & $-$0.64 & 0.17 & 7 & $-$0.59 & 0.14 & 4\\\nEuII & $-$1.44 & 0.15 & 6 & $-$1.32 & 0.34 & 5\\\n\n![", "Abundance ratios for various species with respect to Fe, using or as appropriate, are shown as a function of \\[Mg/Fe\\] for our sample of 13 giants in NGC 2419 with HIRES spectra. ", "Red crosses and blue points denote Mg-poor and Mg-rich giants respectively. ", "\\[figure\\_abund\\_mg\\]](f4.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nTable \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\] gives the mean abundances for each of the two groups. ", "A number of smaller anomalies are apparent from this table, and are also visible in Fig \\[figure\\_abund\\_mg\\]. ", "We see that the Mg-poor group of luminous RGB stars in NGC 2419 has slightly higher \\[Si/Fe\\], \\[Sc/Fe\\], and \\[Ca/Fe\\] than does the group of normal giants. ", "However the majority of the elements probed have identical abundances with relatively small dispersions in the two groups of NGC 2419 stars. ", "This specifically includes Fe.", "\n\n![", "Sums of sections of spectra for the Mg-normal (blue points) and Mg-poor (red crosses) NGC 2419 giants centered on a group of lines and a line at 5197 Å. The two are indistinguishable. ", "The sum for the Mg-normal stars omits S223, the most luminous and reddest NGC 2419 giant. ", "\\[figure\\_5197\\]](f5.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\n![", "Sums of sections of spectra for the Mg-normal (blue points) and Mg-poor (red crosses) NGC 2419 giants centered on the line at 5528 Å and the line at 5526 Å. The extremely large difference in Mg abundance, as well as the somewhat smaller difference in Sc abundance, between the two groups is apparent. ", "The sum for the Mg-normal stars omits S223, the most luminous and reddest NGC 2419 giant. ", "\\[figure\\_5528\\]](f6.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\n![", "Sums of sections of spectra for the Mg-normal (red crosses) and Mg-poor (blue points) NGC 2419 giants centered on the doublet at 5685 Å. Note that the lines are only slightly stronger in the Mg-poor stars, while the adjacent and lines are significantly stronger in those stars. ", "The sum for the Mg-normal stars omits S223, the most luminous and reddest NGC 2419 giant. ", "\\[figure\\_5680na\\]](f7.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\n![", "Sums of sections of spectra for the Mg-normal (red crosses) and Mg-poor (blue points) NGC 2419 giants centered on the doublet at 6160 Å, which is so weak that it is barely detectable even in summed spectra. ", "The adjacent and lines are almost identical between the Mg-poor stars and Mg-normal stars. ", "The sum for the Mg-normal stars omits S223, the most luminous and reddest NGC 2419 giant. ", "\\[figure\\_6160na\\]](f8.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\n![", "Sums of sections of spectra for the Mg-normal (red crosses) and Mg-poor (blue points) NGC 2419 giants covering several lines near 6165 Å. The lines are almost identical, with the lines of the Mg-poor group being slightly deeper. ", "The sum for the Mg-normal stars omits S223, the most luminous and reddest NGC 2419 giant. ", "\\[figure\\_6165ca\\]](f9.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nFigs.", " \\[figure\\_5197\\] to \\[figure\\_6165ca\\] show sums of the spectra of the Mg-poor RGB stars in NGC 2419 and those of the Mg-normal stars to illustrate the contrast between the two groups. ", "The Mg-normal star S223, the brightest and reddest cluster member, has been omitted from all the sums. ", "S223 has broader metal lines and extremely strong H$\\alpha$ emission. ", "Note that the mean [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{} of the Mg-poor stars is $\\sim$100 K hotter than that of the Mg-normal stars (see Fig.", " \\[figure\\_cmd\\]). ", "The specific features shown are (5) a set of lines, with one line, to illustrate that there is no evidence of a variation in Fe abundance, (6) the region of the 5528 Å  line which includes a line, (7) the Na doublet at 5685 Å, to show that the Na abundance is low in both groups, (8) an even weaker Na doublet near 6160 Å, and (9) a set of lines near 6165 Å. The last of these figures shows that the lines in the Mg-poor group are only slightly stronger than those in the Mg-normal group of NGC 2419 giants. ", "If the differences in line strength were due to temperature alone, the lines would be weaker. ", "Hence, there is a difference in the average Ca abundance between the two groups.", "\n\nThe extremely low \\[Mg/Fe\\] abundances we have determined for the Mg-poor group of 5 giants in NGC 2419 are very unusual. ", "Such low values of \\[Mg/Fe\\] can be found only in the most metal-rich stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies [@letarte10; @cohen_umi; @kirby11]. ", "It is never found in stars with the metallicity of NGC 2419 (${\\rm [Fe/H]} = -2.1$). ", "For example, the 122 stars of the 0Z project have a median \\[Fe/H\\] of $-2.9$ dex, and 10% of the sample has \\[Fe/H\\] $> -2.3$ dex. ", "The lowest value of \\[Mg/Fe\\] in this sample of Galactic halo field EMP candidates is $-0.23$ dex, with normal \\[K/Fe\\]. ", "Note that only three of 122 stars in their sample have ${\\rm [Mg/Fe]} < 0$ (Cohen et al., ", "in preparation). ", "Furthermore, low values of \\[Mg/Fe\\] in halo and dwarf galaxy stars are always accompanied by low abundances of other $\\alpha$ elements, such as Si and Ca, where they signify the increasing role of (delayed) contributions from Type Ia supernovae, which are very effective at producing Fe-peak elements, to the chemical inventory. ", "The situation in NGC 2419 is completely different, especially because Fe and other Fe-peak elements show no variation in NGC 2419.", "\n\nConsequences of the Large Range in Mg\n-------------------------------------\n\nIgnoring H and He, the most abundant elements in a scaled solar mixture are C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe. ", "Of these, C, N, O, Ne, and S all have high first ionization potentials, $\\chi > 10$ eV. Thus, in the atmospheres of cool stars, Mg, Si, and Fe are the dominant sources of free electrons, and of these three, Mg has the lowest first ionization potential, and hence may be the most important. ", "We have established that there is a substantial population of luminous giants in NGC 2419 with a very large deficiency of Mg. ", "Given the potential importance of Mg to the structure of the stellar atmosphere, we must consider the potential implications of such a large deficiency. ", "We investigated the structure of the model atmospheres, in part, in response to the suggestion by @mucciarelli that the induced change in electron pressure, $P_e$, affects the CaT enough to produce the observed dispersion in line strengths in NGC 2419.", "\n\nIf the Mg abundance were to be increased from some initial level, one would expect $P_e$ to rise, and to continue rising as the Mg abundance is increased further. ", "However, decreasing the Mg abundance from some initial level does not produce the same behavior, as once Mg is sufficiently depleted, it will no longer be an effective electron donor compared to other sources of electrons, and any additional decrease in $P_e$ will occur much more slowly. ", "Thus, whatever the effect may be of the strong Mg depletion seen in the Mg-poor group of RGB stars in NGC 2419, we should not expect a very large range in behavior arising from the large range in the depletion of Mg within the Mg-poor population in NGC 2419.", "\n\nOne potential effect of a major change in the Mg abundance is that the position of the RGB in the CMD may shift depending on the Mg abundance to some extent. [", "@vandenberg12] recently evaluated the effects of altering the abundance of a single element drawn from a large list of suitable elements, including Mg. ", "They found that increasing Mg by 0.4 dex at ${\\rm [M/H]} = -1.0$ substantially increases the opacity in the atmosphere and substantially shifts the RGB locus redder. ", "However, at ${\\rm [M/H]} = -2$, the shift becomes much smaller, as can be seen by comparing their Fig.", " 7 to their Fig.", " 10 (the resulting opacity change) and their Fig.", " 15 to their Fig.", " 16 (the RGB positions in a CMD for these two values of \\[M/H\\] and for increases in Mg, Si, or Ca). ", "In NGC 2419 where ${\\rm [M/H]} \\sim -2$, the \\[Mg/Fe\\] value is deficient well below the normal $\\alpha$-enhanced value to one with \\[Mg/Fe\\] between $-0.9$ and $-0.2$ dex. ", "It is clear from the calculations of [@vandenberg12] that the position of the RGB will [*[not]{}*]{} be perceptibly altered in this situation.", "\n\nWe initially expected, based on the substantial shifts in the RGB found by [@vandenberg12] at higher metallicity, that the Mg-rich and Mg-poor populations in NGC 2419 would be separated in the RGB with the Mg-poor population lying somewhat to the blue of the main RGB. ", "However, CMDs using both $V-I$ and $V-J$ (see Fig.", " \\[figure\\_cmd\\]) show this is not the case. ", "Understanding that no such shift is expected to happen for the specific case of NGC 2419 relieves our initial concern. ", "It would maintain the validity of our normal methods of stellar parameter determinations, especially [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{}, which rely on broad band colors. (", "However, we do not use colors here, instead relying on $V$ alone.) ", "It also gives specific guidance for the special case of the star S1673, which is the most Mg-depleted star in our sample. ", "It lies somewhat to the blue in the $V$, $V-I$ CMD, but less so in $V$, $V-J$. Its location blueward of the RGB is either an unexpectedly large error in @stetson05’s ([-@stetson05]) visual photometry or is a reinforcement of our earlier suggestion that S1673 is an AGB star.", "\n\nA second issue to consider is the effect of any decrease in $P_e$ on the formation of spectral lines. ", "Because these are luminous cool giants, the temperatures are low, and most elements are mostly neutral. ", "As a result, any decrease in $P_e$ from a depletion of Mg will have little effect on the neutral lines, but the number density of the singly ionized species will rise. ", "Is this the reason that the near-IR triplet, which is a line of , is enhanced in the Mg-poor population? ", "The key question is whether $P_e$ is affected by the decrease in Mg abundance within the stellar atmosphere, or whether the decrease in $P_e$ at the metallicity of NGC 2419 is so small that there is no obvious change.", "\n\nTo this end, we calculated some model atmospheres at the stellar parameters characteristic of our NGC 2419 sample with Mg enhanced and depleted by 0.7 dex in each case. ", "These tailored model atmospheres use as a base the $\\alpha$-enhanced models from [@castelli04], which have scaled solar abundances but with ${\\rm [\\alpha/Fe]} =\n+0.4$, where all elements with even atomic number from O through Ti are considered $\\alpha$-elements. ", "From this base composition the Mg abundance is perturbed up or down by a factor of 5 (0.7 dex) to construct new model stellar atmospheres.", "\n\n![", "$T(\\tau)$ and $n_e(\\tau)$ are shown for stellar model atmospheres from @castelli04 that represent the Mg-normal population in NGC 2419 together with tailored models for Mg enhanced or depleted by a factor of 5. ", "Note that $n_e$ is identical for the Mg-normal and Mg-depleted models deeper than $\\tau \\sim 10^{-4}$, while the very highly Mg-enhanced models with ${\\rm [Mg/Fe]} \\sim\n +1.1$ do show the expected trend of an increase in $n_e$ at all optical depths deeper than $\\tau \\sim 10^{-4}$. \\[figure\\_pe\\_tau\\]](f10.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nFig.", " \\[figure\\_pe\\_tau\\] shows $n_e$ and $T$ as a function of $\\tau$ for the base model atmospheres from [@castelli04] (with ${\\rm\n [Mg/Fe]} = +0.4$), and for those with Mg further enhanced or depleted by a factor of 5 for two sets of stellar parameters, both with ${\\rm [M/H]} = -2$. The highly Mg-enhanced model (with ${\\rm\n [Mg/Fe]} = +1.1$) shows the expected behavior: a strong enhancement of $n_e$ at all depths with $\\tau > 10^{-4}$ compared to the base model. ", "However, the Mg-depleted model closely follows the base model, implying that with such a large depletion of Mg, and given the low overall abundance of this GC of $-2$ dex, Mg is no longer an important source of free electrons. ", "We might have expected this from the detailed isochrone calculations of [@vandenberg12], but it is gratifying that this is verified by our stellar model atmosphere calculations.", "\n\nThis agreement for $\\tau > 10^{-4}$ suggests that our detailed abundance analyses which have been carried out using the base [@castelli04] models will be valid for both the Mg-normal and the Mg-poor populations in NGC 2419, with the possible exception of lines formed higher in the atmosphere than $\\tau = 10^{-4}$. None of the lines included in the detailed abundance analysis are strong enough for this to be the case. ", "The only relevant spectral features that may be strong enough to be formed at so near the surface are the cores of the near-IR triplet of which were used in our DEIMOS analysis (@deimos) to suggest the possibility of a variation in the Ca abundance within NGC 2419. ", "We note that any change in $P_e$ does not affect the pressure broadening for lines strong enough to show damping wings as it is dominated by interactions with neutral H atoms (van der Waals broadening). ", "It is the possible effect on the ionization balance for Ca via change in $P_e$ that is of concern.", "\n\n![", "A comparison of the Ca abundance derived here from lines of for our sample of 13 RGB stars in NGC 2419 with Keck/HIRES spectra compared to that deduced by C10 from the infrared Ca triplet of . ", "A line indicating equality is shown. ", "A typical error bar is given in the lower right corner. ", "Red and blue points denote Mg-poor and Mg-rich giants respectively. ", "\\[figure\\_hires\\_cat\\]](f11.ps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nHowever, we reject the suggestion of @mucciarelli that this is an important issue for NGC 2419 based on the good agreement between the abundance of neutral Ca lines presented here vs that from the near-IR triplet of presented by C10 (see Fig.", " \\[figure\\_hires\\_cat\\]), as well as from the evidence regarding the behavior of tailored model atmospheres as the Mg abundance is varied shown in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_pe\\_tau\\]. ", "The prediction that there is no shift in the ionization equilibrium for the case of interest here means that achieving ionization equilibrium with the set of lines from the Keck/HIRES spectra used here is an important constraint that can be used to validate our detailed atmosphere abundance analyses. ", "If NGC 2419 were more metal-rich by a factor of 4 or more, or Mg in the bulk of its population was more enhanced than we have established it to be, the consequences of differing Mg abundance between the two populations in this GC on $P_e$ would become an important issue.", "\n\nAlthough the Mg-poor stars in NGC 2419 also show a strong enhancement of potassium, K is less abundant than Mg in the solar mixture by a factor of $\\sim$250, and so its enhancement by a factor of less than 10 in these stars will not produce any significant effect on the structure of the stellar atmosphere.", "\n\nIs there a Spread in Abundances within NGC 2419? {#", "section_abund_spread}\n================================================\n\nWe have established that there are two groups of RGB stars in NGC 2419: those that appear like normal GC RGB stars with ${\\rm\n [Mg/Fe]} \\sim +0.3$ and a second group with extremely low Mg abundances (the Mg-poor group of 5 stars, with \\[Mg/Fe\\] ranging from $-0.2$ to $-0.9$ dex). ", "Furthermore, the Mg-poor stars are those that have high Ca(CaT) from our Keck/DEIMOS study (@deimos). ", "There is an anti-correlation with the K abundance such that the Mg-normal giants have ${\\rm [K/Fe]} \\sim +0.4$, a value consistent with that of other GCs and metal-poor halo stars (see, e.g., @first_starsv [-@first_starsv] or @emp_dwarfs [-@emp_dwarfs], in which there are no non-LTE corrections), while the Mg-poor giants have ${\\rm [K/Fe]} \\sim\n+1.1$, a factor of 5 higher than the Mg-normal stars. ", "The last element with detectable variations is Sc. ", "As shown in Table \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\] and in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_5197\\], there is no credible evidence for variation of Ti or any heavier Fe-peak element, including Fe itself.", "\n\nMg and K\n--------\n\nAre the very large abundance variations seen among the NGC 2419 luminous RGB stars for Mg and K real? ", "First, we discuss the case of Mg. ", "There are three to five detected lines per star. ", "The range in Mg abundance among the giants in our sample in NGC 2419 exceeds a factor of 10. ", "There is no way that this can arise from a problem in the abundance analysis procedure. ", "The non-LTE corrections for lines are small. ", "@mg_nonlte found that the typical correction for metal-poor giants is about $+0.2$ dex and not particularly sensitive to atmospheric parameters. ", "Previous non-LTE computations reached similar results for disk stars [@mishenina04] and for a range of stellar types and metallicities, down to ${\\rm [M/H]} = -2$ [@shimanskaya00]. ", "All three of these studies used many of the same transitions that we used in our abundance analysis. ", "We conclude that the variations in Mg abundance between the Mg-normal and Mg-poor stars must be real.", "\n\nThe situation with K is less clear. ", "The variation of $\\epsilon({\\rm\n K})$ in NGC 2419 (spanning a range of 1.4 dex) is large enough so that any inaccuracies caused by the stellar parameters or the analysis code are too small to produce the observed spread. ", "However, the only lines of K that can be observed at optical wavelengths are the resonance doublet at 7665 and 7699 Å. Because the former is embedded deeply within a very strong terrestrial absorption band of O$_2$, it is practical to measure only the 7699 Å line. ", "Given that this is a fairly strong resonance line, non-LTE corrections need to be considered.", "\n\nNon-LTE corrections for the 7699 Å line of have been calculated by several groups [e.g., @ivanova_k; @takeda_knonlte; @mg_nonlte]. ", "The non-LTE corrections are negative, and range from $-0.1$ to $-0.9$ dex (see Fig.", " 6 of @ivanova_k [-@ivanova_k]). ", "They vary strongly with [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{} and with metallicity. ", "@ivanova_k wrote that “the non-LTE corrections can vary strongly as functions of the model atmosphere parameters, which can sometimes be a source of substantial errors, even when comparing potassium abundances for stars of very similar type.” ", "It may be possible, with some contortions, to reproduce the behavior of K between the Mg-normal and Mg-poor stars in NGC 2419 with non-LTE corrections alone, but it does not seem likely.", "\n\nAlthough the surveys of GC and halo field stars carried out prior to 2004, including the extensive work of the Lick-Texas group [e.g., @kraft94] and of Cohen and her collaborators [e.g., @cohen_m13], did not include the lines due to limitations on spectral coverage, more recent work has found a small number of other metal-poor Galactic giants that show the very high K abundances of the Mg-poor giants in NGC 2419. [", "@takeda_highk] found two such stars in a survey of 15 RGB stars in three GCs. ", "These two stars stick out in the same way as the K of the Mg-poor stars stick out in NGC 2419. ", "One of these stars, M13 III–73, which has a \\[K/Fe\\] abundance 0.6 dex higher than the rest of the M13 sample, has been analyzed in detail by [@kraft92] and [@pilachowski96][^2]. ", "They find that ${\\rm [Mg/Fe]} = +0.25$, a normal value for an $\\alpha$-enhanced GC star. ", "@first_starsv found CS 30325–094, an EMP giant with ${\\rm\n [Fe/H]} = -3.3$, to have ${\\rm [K/Fe]} = +0.72$, with normal $\\alpha$-enhancement, and \\[Mg/Fe\\] and \\[Ca/Fe\\] both at +0.38 dex. (", "Note for future reference that \\[Sc/Fe\\] in this star is rather high at +0.33 dex.)", "\n\nIn summary, there are a few stars with \\[K/Fe\\] similar to those of the Mg-poor giants in NGC 2419, but they are not Mg-poor, in general. ", "This suggests that the process generating K is not always tied to that producing the Mg-poor anomaly.", "\n\n![", "The sum of $W_{\\lambda}$ of emission in the blue and red wings of H$\\alpha$ as a function of $V$ for our sample of luminous giants in NGC 2419. ", "The red crosses indicate the Mg-poor stars, and the blue points represent the Mg-normal stars. ", "\\[figure\\_halpha\\]](f12.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\n[@takeda_highk] suggested that some anomalously strong K resonance lines are caused by exceptional cases of strong peculiar velocity fields in the upper layers of the atmosphere and do not reflect the true K abundance of the star. ", "To explore this possibility in our NGC 2419 sample, we measured the radial velocity of the 7699 Å line and compared it to that measured from other lines. ", "We find that these agree for all 13 stars in our sample to within 0.5 [km s$^{-1}$]{} for all the stars except one, where the difference is 0.8 [km s$^{-1}$]{}. ", "Furthermore, we used the H$\\alpha$ emission as a measure of chromospheric activity and possible mass loss. ", "@cohen_76 discovered that weak H$\\alpha$ emission is common in the brightest red giants in GCs. ", "She interpreted the emission as mass loss from the bloated atmospheres of the giants. ", "However, the implied mass loss rate was large. ", "@dupree84 later found from models of the atmospheres of red giants that static chromospheres can explain both the emission and the blueshift of H$\\alpha$ in bright, red giants. ", "$W_{\\lambda}$ of the sum of the blue and red emission wings in H$\\alpha$ for luminous RGB stars in NGC 2419 are shown as a function of $V$ (our proxy for [$T_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize eff}}$]{}) in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_halpha\\]. ", "Some of the sample stars show weak emission, but two stand out. ", "The strongest H$\\alpha$ emission, which is extremely strong, is shown by S223, which is the most luminous and reddest RGB star in NGC 2419. ", "It has obvious strong emission in both the red and blue wings of H$\\alpha$ and H$\\beta$ and also in the blue wings of H$\\gamma$ and H$\\delta$, as well as having broader metal lines than the other sample giants. ", "The other case of strong emission is S1673, the star suspected to be on the AGB. ", "Its emission is much weaker than S223 (see Fig.", " \\[figure\\_halpha\\]) but stronger than the other NGC 2419 giants in our sample. ", "The Mg-poor stars behave no differently from the Mg-normal RGB stars in NGC 2419 in terms of their H$\\alpha$ emission. ", "The mean radial velocity of H$\\alpha$ in the 5 Mg-poor stars differs from that of the metallic lines by only $-0.3$ [km s$^{-1}$]{}; the same value for the 8 Mg-normal stars in NGC 2419 is $-0.6$ [km s$^{-1}$]{}. ", "The lithium line at 6707 Åcannot be detected in the summed spectra of either group of NGC 2419 giants. ", "We therefore find untenable the suggestion that the high K seen in the Mg-poor giants in NGC 2419 arises from velocity fields in the outer layers of the stars. ", "Furthermore, at the metallicity of NGC 2419, even for the Mg-poor, K-strong stars, the 7699 Å line of K is not very strong, and most of it is not formed extremely high in the stellar atmosphere.", "\n\nSi, Ca, and Sc\n--------------\n\nWe now turn to elements which appear to show smaller variations within the stellar population of NGC 2419. ", "According to Table \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\] these are Si, Ca, and Sc. (", "The neutron capture elements may show a weakly significant dispersion, and we discuss them below.) ", "Since there is the most information about Ca, we discuss it first.", "\n\nThe existence of Ca variations was first suggested by @deimos based on their analysis of the strengths of the 8542 and 8662 Å lines (the two stronger lines of the CaT) from moderate resolution Keck/DEIMOS spectra of a large sample of stars. ", "The key issue is whether this spread is caused by a real star-to-star abundance variation, or whether, since these features arise from singly ionized Ca, it is a consequence of a decrease in $P_e$ due to the very low Mg abundances in the Mg-poor cluster giants. ", "The present analysis (see Table \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\]) which is based on much higher resolution spectra from which typically 15 lines can be measured, also suggests a spread in Ca. ", "Furthermore, @deimos also presented the results of spectral syntheses using the method of @kirby10 on the DEIMOS spectra, which specifically included lines in the appropriate wavelength region but excluded the CaT lines due to uncertainties in their line formation. ", "Fig.", " \\[figure\\_hires\\_cat\\] compares the Ca abundance derived here from features in our Keck/HIRES spectra with those derived by @deimos from the infrared triplet lines of . ", "The agreement is quite satisfactory; both show a small spread of $\\sim$0.2 dex in Ca abundance with the Mg-poor population having a higher Ca abundance than the Mg-normal population in NGC 2419.", "\n\nVariations in Ca abundance within a GC are quite unusual. [", "@carretta_ca] placed very tight limits on any variation in \\[Ca/H\\] of not more than 0.03 dex in a sample of 17 GCs. ", "The only previously known GCs that show such variations are those suspected of being remnants of formerly accreted dwarf galaxies, such as $\\omega$ Cen. ", "From both spectroscopy and photometry, $\\omega$ Cen has been known for more than 30 years to have a wide intrinsic range in \\[Ca/H\\], \\[Fe/H\\], and many other elements, extending over a range of $\\sim$1.3 dex with multiple peaks in the metallicity distribution [@norris96]. ", "Other GCs with spreads in \\[Fe/H\\] include M22 [@marino11] and NGC 1851 [@carretta_1851].", "\n\nOne of the unresolved puzzles of @deimos was the contrast between the constancy of \\[Fe/H\\] within the DEIMOS sample and the spread seen in Ca based on the strength of the near-IR triplet of . ", "The present HIRES analysis confirms this surprising result, namely that there is no detectable spread in \\[Fe/H\\], yet there is a small one in \\[Ca/H\\] in NGC 2419. ", "Those “globular clusters” such as $\\omega$ Cen which do show variations in \\[Ca/H\\] within their stellar populations also show comparably large variations in \\[Fe/H\\]. ", "The absence of a spread in Fe makes NGC 2419 unique in the details of its chemical inventory.", "\n\nWe considered the range of variation in Ca(CaT) as compared to the HIRES result. ", "The means for \\[Ca/H\\] of the Mg-poor and the Mg-normal stars inferred from their HIRES spectra differ by 0.18 dex (see Table \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\]) while the difference for the same 13 stars for Ca(CaT) from our DEIMOS spectra (see Fig.", " \\[figure\\_hires\\_cat\\]) is somewhat larger, 0.27 dex. ", "Nonetheless, the two independent values for the difference in Ca abundance between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal stars in NGC 2419 agree within the uncertainties. ", "Furthermore, the Mg-poor and Mg-normal groups both show internal dispersions in Ca abundance that are considerably smaller than the difference between them. ", "This applies to both the HIRES sample of 13 stars and the larger DEIMOS sample of @deimos.", "\n\nNon-LTE corrections for Ca lines have been calculated by several groups, most recently by [@spite2012]. ", "At the metallicity of NGC 2419 they are essentially zero and hence negligible for the subordinate lines, but that is not the case for the 4226 Å resonance line. ", "Since the S/N at 4226 Å in our spectra is poor, we do not use the resonance line anyway. ", "As a result, non-LTE effects are not an issue for the set of lines that we used for our present high-resolution study of luminous RGB stars in NGC 2419.", "\n\nWe therefore conclude that there is a real, but small, variation in Ca abundance between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal luminous giants in NGC 2419. ", "The Mg-poor stars have a higher \\[Ca/H\\] abundance by $\\sim$0.2 dex.", "\n\n\\[Si/Fe\\] also shows a low amplitude anti-correlation with \\[Mg/Fe\\] such that the Mg-poor stars have values $\\sim$0.2 dex higher than the Mg-normal stars in NGC 2419. ", "This can be seen in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_5680na\\].", "\n\nThe mean \\[Sc/Fe\\] we derive from our HIRES spectra of stars in NGC 2419 is 0.45 dex higher in the Mg-poor stars than in the Mg-poor stars. ", "This difference is easily seen in the composite summed spectra of the Mg-poor and Mg-normal giants shown in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_5528\\] and in Fig \\[figure\\_5680na\\] as well as in the plot of \\[Sc/Fe\\] vs. \\[Mg/H\\] shown in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_abund\\_mg\\]. ", "We assert that the Sc abundance is noticeably different in the mean between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal groups of giants.", "\n\nWe note again that the Fe abundance is constant across both Mg-poor and Mg-normal giants in NGC 2419 to within 0.1 dex, as is shown in Table \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\] and in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_5197\\]. [", "@carretta_fe] established strong upper limits on any star-to-star variation in \\[Fe/H\\] in a large sample of Galactic GCs. ", "Only those GCs that are widely believed to be the remnants of accreted dwarf galaxies show star-to-star variations in \\[Fe/H\\].", "\n\nThe Neutron Capture Elements \\[section\\_ncapture\\] \n---------------------------------------------------\n\nFive of the heavy neutron capture elements (Y, Ba, Ce, Nd, and Eu) are detected in 10 or more of the 13 RGB stars in our HIRES sample for the GC NGC 2419, all as singly ionized species. ", "The dispersion of \\[X/FeII\\] for these 6 elements is reasonably small considering that with the exception of Ba, for each of these species we have detected only a few weak lines redder than 4200 Å. Ba has four strong lines in the spectral region studied, most of which were detected in all the sample stars. ", "Eu has a strong line at 4129 Å, but our spectra have low S/N there. ", "So the abundance of Ba is the most reliable among these elements. ", "The ratio of \\[Eu/Ba\\] for our sample of 13 RGB stars in NGC 2419 is +0.33 $\\pm$0.11 dex, comparable to that seen in other metal-poor GCs [see, e.g. @gratton04].", "\n\n![", "Abundance ratios for selected species with respect to Fe, using or as appropriate, are shown as a function of \\[Na/Fe\\] for our sample of 13 giants in NGC 2419 with HIRES spectra. ", "The ratios selected are sensitive to proton burning chains operating among Na, Mg, and Al, and to a possible $s$-process contribution from intermediate-mass AGB stars. ", "Red and blue points denote Mg-poor and Mg-rich giants respectively. ", "\\[figure\\_abund\\_na\\]](f13.eps){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nTable \\[table\\_mean\\_abund\\] demonstrates that there is no apparent difference exceeding 0.1 dex between abundances of any of these 6 elements between the Mg-poor and the Mg-normal population in NGC 2419. ", "However, as is shown in Fig.", " \\[figure\\_abund\\_na\\], there is a weak correlation between \\[NaI/FeI\\] and \\[BaII/FeII\\], and an even stronger correlation of \\[NaI/FeI\\] and \\[ZnI/FeI\\]. ", "There is also a hint of a correlation between Al and Na, but the data are too sparse to be certain since the S/N at the strong Al I line at 3961 Åis too low to permit the use of that feature, and we must rely on the much weaker doublet at 6690 Å. No such correlation with any other element heavier than Fe with sufficient data was seen in our NGC 2419 sample. ", "We may consider the Na abundance as a proxy for the typical mode of multiple populations involving proton-capture at high temperatures among the light elements seen in essentially all GCs as an anti-correlation between Na and O abundances. ", "If we view the high Na abundance stars as those of the typical second generation, then we might consider the high Zn and Ba abundances as indicating a contribution from the $s$-process, such as was first seen in NGC 1851 by [@yong08], who found that the Zr and La abundances of a small sample of stars were correlated with Al, and anti-correlated with O. [@carretta_1851_ba] present more recent results with a larger sample and find correlations between the Al and Ba abundances in this GC.", "\n\nThus NGC 2419 is unique among the GCs in that it has two distinct manifestations of multiple populations. ", "The first is the classic proton burning at high $T$ as manifested by correlations and anti-correlations among the light elements, seen in NGC 2419 as a range of Na abundances, and the related $s$-process contributions of Zn and Ba. ", "The second is the strong Mg - K anti-correlation, which appears to have a completely separate origin.", "\n\nPotential Causes of the Anomalies Seen in NGC 2419\n==================================================\n\nIn the previous section, we reviewed the evidence for anomalies in the chemical inventory of NGC 2419 and demonstrated that they are almost certainly real. ", "They are not artifacts of analysis problems or non-LTE issues (except possibly for the enhancement of K, but probably not), and they require a nucleosynthetic explanation. ", "We discuss these in order of the magnitude of the anomaly.", "\n\nAs reviewed by [@gratton04], it is now well established that all GCs contain (at least) two generations of stars: the primordial generation, plus a second one whose light elements (C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al) show evidence for proton burning beginning with C and O burning into N, Ne burning into Na, and Mg burning into Al. ", "Correlations and anti-correlations found among the light elements in GCs have demonstrated this high-temperature proton-burning occurs in the progenitors of the GC stars. ", "A major study of these issues is summarized by [@carretta_nao].", "\n\nFurthermore, the light element abundance variations persist all the way down the RGB to the SGB and to and even below the main sequence turn-off [@briley96]. ", "Thus, they cannot be attributed to stellar evolution within a single star, but must involve material processed in more massive stars, then ejected, with the usual suspects being intermediate mass AGB stars, as advocated by [@dantona02] [see, e.g. @dantona12 for a more recent view], or rapidly rotating massive stars [@maeder06]. ", "A low-amplitude correlation of Si with Al ($\\sim$0.2 dex increase in \\[Si/Fe\\] for \\[Al/Fe\\] increasing by 1.5 dex) is seen in a few GCs as well, e.g., @yong_6752 and @carretta_6752, among others, implying proton burning occurring in even hotter environments.", "\n\nAGB stars are also strong sites for the $s$-process, and thus the search for correlations with $s$-process element variations in GCs is also important. ", "There are some hints that extensive proton burning producing very strong enhancements of Na (from Ne) and Al (from Mg) also produces small amounts of $s$-process material leading to correlations between small, marginally statistically significant enhancements of Y, Zr, and Ba with Na enhancements, as well as with much larger Al enhancements [@yong_6752].", "\n\nOne might try to invoke a similar process to this to explain at least part of the anomalies in NGC 2419. ", "However, Mg is a very abundant element, and in normal GCs, burning 40% of the original Mg will produce an enhancement of a factor of 10 or more in the Al abundance in the second generation stars. ", "The burning of 90% of the Mg will produce an enhancement of Al which is much larger than that seen in the Mg-poor stars in NGC 2419. ", "However, Fig.", " \\[figure\\_abund\\_na\\] demonstrates that while some of the usual correlations and anti-correlations among the light elements present in NGC 2419, the amplitude of the Al dispersion is by no means exceptional, as defined by the behavior of a sample of 15 GCs studied by [@carretta_nao]. ", "It is especially puzzling that Mg itself does not correlate with Na, Al, Ba, or any other element typically indicative of proton burning or the $s$-process.", "\n\nFurthermore, we have demonstrated that in the Mg-poor stars, K, Ca, and Sc, elements well beyond Si, are also enhanced. ", "We rule out proton burning among the light elements as an explanation for the anomalies in the chemical inventory of NGC 2419 as it is impossible to reach the required temperature outside supernovae. ", "Such burning may well be going on at a very low level, but it is at best a minor contributor to the bizarre behavior we are trying to explain.", "\n\nTo explain the strong depletion of Mg seen in the Mg-poor population in NGC 2419 requires nuclear burning at high temperatures and beyond the range of nuclear processing believed to occur at the bottom of the surface convection zone in AGB stars. ", "Mg is produced during the CNO cycle operating in the cores of massive stars, equivalent to $2^{12}{\\rm C} \\rightarrow ^{24}{\\rm Mg}$. It is also produced copiously in Type II supernovae. ", "We have at present no explanation for the Mg-poor population.", "\n\nPotassium is the one element discussed in this section where there is at least a semi-viable, non-nuclear explanation, namely non-LTE effects (see §\\[section\\_abund\\_spread\\]). ", "But as discussed above, this is rather contrived, and probably cannot be made to work. ", "Potassium is much less abundant in scaled solar mixtures than even Al, so if one tries to invoke proton burning cycles to produce the excess K seen in the Mg-poor population, a much larger enhancement of K is predicted than is observed.", "\n\nK is primarily produced by oxygen burning in Type II SNe, but, as discussed by [@clayton], its production depends heavily on the progenitor mass and on the assumptions regarding fallback and when material is ejected during the SN explosion. ", "Scandium is even rarer than K in a scaled solar mixture, and its abundance in Type II SN ejecta depends crucially on how far oxygen burning has proceeded in material before it is ejected. ", "Varying only the progenitor mass, the Type II SN yields of [@nomoto06] show a peak in production of both K and Sc with respect to Ca for a Type II SN progenitor mass of between 18 and 20 $M_{\\odot}$ depending on the initial metallicity (zero or low) of the SN progenitor. ", "Given this, it may be possible, by tinkering with the characteristics of Type II SN explosions, to produce highly varying fractions of K and of Sc in the ejecta. ", "Since the yields of K and Sc given by [@nomoto06] vary more or less together, one might expect to see correlated abundances of K and Sc, as is the case in NGC 2419.", "\n\nThe dominant isotope of Si is $^{28}$Si, which can be assembled from 7 nuclei of $^4$He. ", "It is very tightly bound and is the primary product of O burning in the cores of massive stars. ", "The dominant isotope of Ca is $^{40}$Ca, which has the magic number 20 of both protons and neutrons. ", "Thus, it is very stable compared to its neighbors in the periodic table of the elements. ", "It can be assembled from 10 nuclei of $^4$He. ", "It, too, is produced primarily in Type II SNe during O burning. ", "The abundances of these very stable elements in Type II SN ejecta are less sensitive to the details of the explosion than those of K or Sc. ", "This may be why the mean differences in abundance between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal populations in NGC 2419 for Si and Ca are just 0.2 dex between the two groups.", "\n\nType II SN nucleosynthesis models including ejection mechanisms, fallback, and mixing within the ejecta can successfully explain the chemical inventory of (most) EMP Galactic halo stars [@kobayashi06; @tominaga07; @heger10]. ", "If one wishes to invoke peculiar Type II SN explosions to explain the anomalies in the chemical inventory of NGC 2419, since it is (even now) a very massive GC, just one peculiar Type II SN may not eject enough material to produce a population of Mg-poor stars which comprises $\\sim$30% of the present cluster stars. ", "Speculation that multiple, peculiar Type II SNe occurred in NGC 2419 and in no other known GC seems rather ad hoc and therefore unsatisfactory.", "\n\nBroader Implications Of the Large Mg Variations in NGC 2419\n===========================================================\n\nThe depletion of Mg among the Mg-poor stars we have found in NGC 2419 is unprecedented among metal-poor stellar systems of any age or total mass. [", "@vandenberg12] calculated the effect of single-element enhancements on GC isochrones. ", "At the low metallicity (${\\rm [Fe/H]}\n\\sim -2.1$) of this GC, they found very small changes on the RGB position in the CMD. ", "At higher metallicity, [@vandenberg12] found substantial changes in the positions of the RGB in a simple stellar population such as GC. ", "Furthermore, augmentations in Mg (or Ca) relative to Fe would have even larger consequences than depletions. ", "The same holds true for the effects induced by a change in the abundance of a specific element with regard to the line strengths of individual spectral features, both those of the element involved, and those of other elements through the effect of a change in $P_e$ and hence a change in ionization ratios. ", "Spectral features originating from an ionization stage which contains only a small fraction of the total atoms of the relevant element can be significantly altered in strength. ", "The RGB plus AGB dominate the total light at optical and IR wavelengths in old stellar populations. ", "In these cool stars, it is the population and potentially the line strength of the neutral vs. the singly ionized species that may be affected.", "\n\nIf large divergences in the abundance of a single (abundant, low first ionization potential) element from the scaled solar ratio or the normal $\\alpha$-enhanced ratio do occur in simple stellar systems, then the consequences for the study of more distant stellar systems, where only the integrated light can be observed, may be profound. ", "For example, the calibrations relating \\[M/H\\] and the Mg triplet line indices for the Lick indices [@worthey97; @puzia05], widely used to interpret moderate resolution spectra of galaxies and GCs beyond the Local Group, will be altered. ", "Substantial star-to-star variation within a GC of the abundances of crucial elements could mimic a variation of overall metallicity or an age spread. ", "By increasing the number of parameters that must be considered, possible variations in the abundances of key individual elements add considerable complexity to the interpretation of the their CMDs.", "\n\nSo far only NGC 2419 shows such behavior in its chemical inventory, and since this is such a metal-poor GC, the effects on its CMD are very small, and the effects on its spectrum only appear in the lines of elements that are actually abnormal in their abundances. ", "While finding many more such cases, especially at higher metallicity, would be very interesting, for the sake of our entire knowledge base of the composite light of simple stellar systems, we must hope that such cases are very rare.", "\n\nSummary\n=======\n\nOur initial work on the extremely distant and massive outer halo GC NGC 2419 (@deimos) used moderate resolution spectra from Keck/DEIMOS. ", "We suggested the presence of a star-to-star spread in \\[Ca/H\\] but no detectable spread in \\[Fe/H\\] based on an analysis of the strong near-IR triplet and spectral synthesis of weaker, neutral lines. ", "We then proceeded (@cohen11) to obtain high-dispersion spectra of a sample of stars, most of which appeared to be normal, $\\alpha$-enhanced red giants similar to those found in most GCs. ", "But @cohen11’s sample also contained one very peculiar star, S1131, which showed very depleted Mg and highly enhanced K and was apparently Ca-rich as well. ", "To follow this up, in this paper we presented abundance analyses of 6 new RGB stars in NGC 2419, most selected to be among the most apparently Ca enhanced in the study of @deimos.", "\n\nWe found that there are two groups of stars in NGC 2419, one of which is identical to the typical GC $\\alpha$-enhanced RGB stars. ", "The second group, which contains roughly 1/3 of the stellar population of this GC, is very peculiar. ", "These stars have extremely depleted Mg, ranging down to $-0.9$ dex below the Solar ratio, i.e., about a factor of 15 below the normal-Mg stars. ", "These Mg-poor stars are identical to those with apparently high Ca from @deimos, and from the present detailed abundance analyses show highly enhanced K, moderately enhanced Sc, and a small enhancement of Si and Ca compared to the Mg-normal stars. ", "But there is no credible evidence for any variation of \\[Fe/H\\] within this GC. ", "This chemical inventory is unprecedented and unique.", "\n\nWe discussed whether some of this behavior, in particular the apparent enhancement in Ca, can be attributed to low $P_e$ in the stellar atmosphere arising from the depletion of Mg, an important electron donor at low temperature when H is neutral. ", "We concluded that the small difference in Ca abundance ($\\sim$ 0.2 dex) between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal giants is real.", "\n\nA number of suggestions have been offered for for producing some of these peculiarities, which do very rarely occur in other GC and field halo stars, without invoking a real difference in chemical inventory between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal giants. ", "We provided evidence against the suggestion by [@takeda_highk] that unusually strong turbulence in the upper atmospheres of the stars might produce the apparent excess of K, at least in the case of NGC 2419. ", "We looked at the variation with stellar parameters and with metallicity of the non-LTE corrections for each of the relevant elements. ", "In the end, we concluded that all of these variations, correlations, and anti-correlations involving Mg, K, Sc, Ca, and Si are real differences in mean abundances between the Mg-poor and Mg-normal population.", "\n\nIt is not too difficult to imagine slightly altering the characteristics of Type II SNe (their mass distribution, the explosion energy, the fallback, etc.) ", "to reproduce the behavior of Sc and K. We have not found a similar solution for Mg, Ca, and Si. ", "Even the explanation for Sc and K is unsatisfactory because it requires multiple Type II SNe to be peculiar with respect to those SNe that produced the material in all other known GCs.", "\n\nIn addition to the Mg-K anti-correlation and related issues that we have found, there is evidence that the usual correlations and anti-correlations among the light elements characteristic of proton-burning at high temperature that are seen in most GCs are present in NGC 2419 as well, and may be accompanied by $s$-process enhancements among some of the heavy neutron capture elements. ", "But the two signs of multiple populations act independently in NGC 2419; the Na-poor and Na-rich giants do not correspond at all with the Mg-poor and Mg-normal giants in this peculiar GC.", "\n\nWith the present work, we now have a clear view of the complex chemical inventory within NGC 2419 and of the extremely peculiar Mg-poor population which which contains roughly 1/3 of its stellar population. ", "However, we have not found a solution to the puzzle of how to reproduce through nuclear reactions the characteristics of the Mg-poor population in NGC 2419. ", "One puzzle was unveiled by @deimos, @cohen11, and the present work, but another has now been revealed and is at present without any satisfactory solution.", "\n\nWith this new evidence demonstrating the uniqueness of NGC 2419 among the Milky Way system of GCs, we repeat the suggestion we made in @deimos that NGC 2419 is not a GC. ", "Instead, it may be the nucleus of a disrupted dwarf galaxy. ", "Although it presently has no dark matter [@baumgardt09] and a gravitational potential well unlikely to retain supernova ejecta, it may have previously resided in a dark matter halo, such as an accreted dwarf galaxy. ", "M54, the core of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy, likely shares the same origin [@sarajedini95], and a similar story has been suggested for $\\omega$ Cen [@lee99]. ", "If NGC 2419 joins this growing category of clusters, then it will be unique among its class for retaining some (e.g., Ca, Sc, K) but not all (e.g., Fe) supernova products.", "\n\nWe are grateful to the many people who have worked to make the Keck Telescope and its instruments a reality and to operate and maintain the Keck Observatory. ", "The authors wish to extend special thanks to those of Hawaiian ancestry on whose sacred mountain we are privileged to be guests. ", "Without their generous hospitality, none of the observations presented herein would have been possible. ", "We thank Stan Woosley for a helpful conversation on the nucleosynthetic origin of potassium. ", "J.G.C. thanks NSF grant AST-0908139 for partial support. ", "Work by E.N.K. was supported by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF-01233.01 awarded to E.N.K. by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS 5-26555.", "\n\n[*Note added in proof:*]{} A high S/N HIRES spectrum of M13 III-73 has been obtained. ", "We find ${\\rm [Mg/Fe]} = +0.5$ dex and ${\\rm [K/Fe]} =\n+0.3$ dex; both of these are normal for metal-poor GC stars. 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&& 1\\\nSi I & 7.55 & 0.59 & 0.12 & 13 & 0.42 & 0.03 & 2 & 0.50 & 0.20 & 4 & 0.61 & 0.12 & 3 & 0.79 & 0.17 & 3 & 0.67 & 0.18 & 4 & 0.43 & 0.16 & 5\\\nK I & 5.12 & 1.15 && 1 & 1.19 && 1 & 1.07 && 1 & 1.15 && 1 & 1.55 && 1 & 1.58 && 1 & 0.53 && 1\\\nCa I & 6.36 & 0.23 & 0.17 & 18 & 0.33 & 0.16 & 15 & 0.28 & 0.15 & 15 & 0.28 & 0.17 & 16 & 0.37 & 0.22 & 15 & 0.34 & 0.19 & 15 & 0.11 & 0.15 & 18\\\nSc II & 3.10 & 0.40 & 0.09 & 7 & 0.45 & 0.12 & 7 & 0.53 & 0.09 & 7 & 0.40 & 0.14 & 7 & 0.89 & 0.23 & 7 & 0.67 & 0.17 & 7 & 0.19 & 0.13 & 8\\\nTi I & 4.99 & 0.08 & 0.13 & 23 & 0.07 & 0.07 & 13 & 0.14 & 0.15 & 17 & 0.00 & 0.14 & 14 & 0.00 & 0.10 & 12 & 0.09 & 0.08 & 12 & 0.04 & 0.17 & 23\\\nTi II & 4.99 & 0.38 & 0.26 & 9 & 0.09 & 0.30 & 6 & 0.30 & 0.07 & 5 & 0.15 & 0.25 & 6 & $-$0.01 & 0.29 & 5 & 0.04 & 0.29 & 5 & 0.43 & 0.16 & 6\\\nV I & 4.00 & $-$0.02 & 0.12 & 4 & $-$0.01 && 1 & 0.29 & 0.17 & 2 & 0.22 & 0.22 & 2 & 0.08 && 1 & 0.19 && 1 & $-$0.17 & 0.12 & 4\\\nCr I & 5.67 & $-$0.24 & 0.15 & 6 & $-$0.26 & 0.07 & 5 & $-$0.26 & 0.20 & 4 & $-$0.35 & 0.11 & 5 & $-$0.36 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.30 & 0.10 & 5 & $-$0.35 & 0.17 & 6\\\nMn I & 5.39 & $-$0.34 & 0.12 & 7 & $-$0.38 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.32 & 0.08 & 5 & $-$0.33 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.47 & 0.20 & 5 & $-$0.43 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.35 & 0.07 & 6\\\nFe I & 7.45 & $-2.03$ & 0.15 & 107 & $-2.08$ & 0.14 & 75 & $-2.03$ & 0.15 & 82 & $-2.08$ & 0.15 & 74 & $-2.18$ & 0.11 & 57 & $-2.04$ & 0.13 & 57 & $-2.19$ & 0.14 & 92\\\nFe II & 7.45 & $-$0.04 & 0.20 & 11 & 0.02 & 0.23 & 10 & $-$0.07 & 0.16 & 11 & $-$0.04 & 0.26 & 12 & 0.30 & 0.27 & 4 & 0.04 & 0.23 & 4 & 0.05 & 0.21 & 14\\\nCo I & 4.92 & 0.11 & 0.12 & 3 & 0.32 & 0.22 & 2 & 0.25 & 0.06 & 2 & 0.01 && 1 & 0.13 && 1 & 0.17 && 1 &&&\\\nNi I & 6.25 & $-$0.04 & 0.18 & 18 & $-$0.04 & 0.22 & 15 & 0.00 & 0.21 & 16 & $-$0.08 & 0.25 & 16 & $-$0.08 & 0.18 & 15 & $-$0.07 & 0.18 & 15 & $-$0.08 & 0.20 & 21\\\nCu I & 4.21 & $-$0.70 && 1 & $-$0.50 & 0.20 & 2 & $-$0.51 && 1 & $-$0.61 && 1 & $-$0.68 && 1 & $-$0.64 && 1 & $-$0.60 && 1\\\nZn I & 4.60 & $-$0.13 & 0.12 & 2 & $-$0.04 & 0.01 & 2 & $-$0.18 & 0.02 & 2 & $-$0.07 & 0.08 & 2 & 0.20 & 0.22 & 2 & 0.01 & 0.21 & 2 & $-$0.13 & 0.30 & 2\\\nSr I & 2.90 &&& &&& & $-$0.56 && 1 &&& &&& &&& & $-$0.20 && 1\\\nSr II & 2.90 & $-$0.37 && 1 &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& & $-$0.15 && 1\\\nY II & 2.24 & $-$0.41 & 0.10 & 3 & $-$0.38 & 0.11 & 3 & $-$0.53 & 0.08 & 5 & $-$0.39 & 0.19 & 5 & $-$0.20 & 0.06 & 3 & $-$0.38 & 0.11 & 3 & $-$0.37 & 0.12 & 4\\\nBa II & 2.13 & $-$0.04 & 0.05 & 4 & $-$0.17 & 0.19 & 3 & $-$0.28 & 0.09 & 4 & $-$0.24 & 0.17 & 3 & $-$0.14 & 0.17 & 3 & $-$0.08 & 0.13 & 4 & $-$0.08 & 0.18 & 3\\\nLa II & 1.14 & 0.04 && 1 &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& & $-$0.04 && 1\\\nCe II & 1.55 & $-$0.14 & 0.13 & 3 & $-$0.26 & 0.23 & 2 & $-$0.41 & 0.05 & 2 & $-$0.34 & 0.19 & 2 & $-$0.57 & 0.09 & 2 & $-$0.45 & 0.09 & 2 & $-$0.56 & 0.10 & 2\\\nNd II & 1.50 & $-$0.12 & 0.21 & 5 & 0.17 & 0.03 & 2 & $-$0.01 & 0.05 & 2 &&& & $-$0.30 & 0.06 & 2 & $-$0.18 & 0.02 & 2 & $-$0.04 & 0.09 & 3\\\nEu II & 0.51 & 0.27 & 0.28 & 2 & 0.68 && 1 & $-$0.14 && 1 & 0.48 & 0.21 & 2 & $-$0.20 && 1 & $-$0.15 && 1 & 0.00 & 0.11 & 2\\\nDy II & 1.10 &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& & 0.34 && 1\\\n\n[l r rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr]{}\n\nC(CH) & 8.59 & $-$0.73 & & 1 & $-$0.76 & & 1 & $-$0.74 & & 1 & $-$0.93 & & 1 & $-$0.86 & & 1 & $-$0.31 & 0.20 & 0 & & &\\\n$[$O I$]$ & 8.83 & & & & & & & 0.70 & & 1 & & & & 0.24 & 0.25 & 2 & & & & 0.75 & 0.04 & 2\\\nNa I & 6.32 & $-$0.28 & & 1 & 0.06 & 0.14 & 2 & 0.30 & & 1 & 0.26 & 0.02 & 2 & $-$0.41 & 0.15 & 3 & 0.66 & 0.15 & 2 & 0.19 & 0.15 & 2\\\nNa I & 6.32 & & & & & & & & & & & & & $-$0.50 & 0.11 & 2 & & & & & &\\\nMg I & 7.54 & 0.42 & 0.26 & 3 & 0.36 & 0.22 & 3 & 0.44 & 0.22 & 5 & 0.14 & 0.24 & 5 & 0.24 & 0.15 & 5 & 0.26 & 0.14 & 5 & 0.29 & 0.20 & 5\\\nMg I & 7.54 & & & & & & & 0.50 & 0.13 & 3 & 0.09 & 0.34 & 3 & 0.23 & 0.18 & 3 & 0.24 & 0.15 & 3 & 0.33 & 0.27 & 3\\\nAl I & 6.47 & & & & 0.78 & 0.08 & 2 & & & & 0.68 & & 1 & 0.22 & & 1 & & & & & &\\\nSi I & 7.55 & 0.34 & 0.08 & 3 & 0.23 & 0.18 & 4 & & & & 0.32 & 0.18 & 4 & & & & 0.54 & 0.16 & 4 & 0.24 & 0.37 & 2\\\nK I & 5.12 & 0.51 & & 1 & 0.46 & & 1 & 0.44 & & 1 & 0.59 & & 1 & 0.51 & & 1 & 0.40 & & 1 & 0.12 & & 1\\\nCa I & 6.36 & 0.12 & 0.17 & 15 & 0.11 & 0.14 & 13 & 0.17 & 0.13 & 14 & 0.07 & 0.15 & 14 & 0.05 & 0.13 & 11 & 0.25 & 0.20 & 14 & 0.17 & 0.21 & 15\\\nSc II & 3.10 & 0.05 & 0.11 & 7 & 0.05 & 0.16 & 6 & 0.18 & 0.13 & 6 & 0.18 & 0.09 & 7 & 0.01 & 0.09 & 7 & 0.15 & 0.18 & 7 & 0.00 & 0.15 & 7\\\nTi I & 4.99 & 0.07 & 0.16 & 15 & 0.09 & 0.13 & 16 & $-$0.05 & 0.16 & 17 & 0.16 & 0.16 & 19 & $-$0.04 & 0.21 & 14 & 0.16 & 0.20 & 10 & 0.08 & 0.20 & 9\\\nTi II & 4.99 & 0.20 & 0.07 & 5 & 0.02 & 0.21 & 5 & 0.30 & 0.15 & 10 & 0.28 & 0.29 & 5 & 0.00 & 0.26 & 7 & 0.17 & 0.29 & 5 & 0.05 & 0.26 & 4\\\nV I & 4.00 & 0.01 & 0.14 & 4 & 0.10 & & 1 & 0.01 & 0.12 & 3 & $-$0.04 & 0.13 & 9 & 0.02 & 0.08 & 3 & 0.09 & 0.36 & 2 & 0.05 & 0.07 & 3\\\nCr I & 5.67 & $-$0.35 & 0.22 & 4 & $-$0.34 & 0.18 & 4 & $-$0.38 & 0.12 & 6 & $-$0.29 & 0.21 & 5 & $-$0.39 & 0.15 & 4 & $-$0.49 & 0.20 & 2 & $-$0.27 & 0.04 & 2\\\nMn I & 5.39 & $-$0.41 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.39 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.37 & 0.14 & 6 & $-$0.43 & 0.12 & 6 & $-$0.44 & 0.12 & 6 & $-$0.40 & 0.10 & 6 & $-$0.26 & 0.26 & 4\\\nFe I & 7.45 & $-2.00$ & 0.13 & 75 & $-2.03$ & 0.13 & 79 & $-2.25$ & 0.11 & 75 & $-2.12$ & 0.15 & 91 & $-2.03$ & 0.13 & 78 & $-2.18$ & 0.18 & 71 & $-2.02$ & 0.17 & 67\\\nFe II & 7.45 & $-$0.14 & 0.15 & 11 & $-$0.10 & 0.14 & 11 & 0.07 & 0.21 & 9 & $-$0.14 & 0.21 & 12 & $-$0.06 & 0.19 & 6 & $-$0.04 & 0.17 & 8 & $-$0.14 & 0.26 & 6\\\nCo I & 4.92 & 0.11 & 0.06 & 2 & 0.25 & 0.10 & 2 & 0.01 & & 1 & 0.09 & 0.06 & 5 & 0.19 & 0.16 & 3 & 0.05 & & 1 & & &\\\nNi I & 6.25 & $-$0.01 & 0.18 & 16 & $-$0.01 & 0.19 & 16 & $-$0.06 & 0.16 & 11 & $-$0.03 & 0.18 & 21 & 0.07 & 0.23 & 12 & $-$0.06 & 0.22 & 13 & $-$0.05 & 0.19 & 14\\\nCu I & 4.21 & $-$0.56 & 0.01 & 2 & $-$0.53 & 0.17 & 2 & $-$0.68 & & 1 & $-$0.71 & 0.02 & 2 & $-$0.74 & 0.09 & 2 & $-$0.61 & & 1 & $-$0.56 & & 1\\\nZn I & 4.60 & $-$0.21 & 0.17 & 2 & $-$0.15 & 0.08 & 2 & & & & $-$0.19 & 0.17 & 2 & $-$0.32 & 0.02 & 2 & & & & & &\\\nSr I & 2.90 & $-$0.86 & & 1 & $-$0.48 & & 1 & $-$0.48 & & 1 & & & & $-$0.39 & & 1 & & & & & &\\\nSr II & 2.90 & & & & & & & $-$0.35 & & 1 & & & & $-$0.25 & & 1 & & & & & &\\\nY II & 2.24 & $-$0.48 & 0.18 & 3 & $-$0.56 & 0.13 & 5 & $-$0.32 & 0.09 & 5 & $-$0.36 & 0.24 & 4 & $-$0.59 & 0.20 & 4 & $-$0.44 & 0.08 & 3 & $-$0.48 & 0.10 & 2\\\nZr I & 2.60 & & & & & & & & & & 0.49 & & 1 & & & & & & & & &\\\nBa II & 2.13 & $-$0.25 & 0.10 & 4 & $-$0.28 & 0.10 & 4 & $-$0.05 & 0.16 & 3 & 0.16 & 0.24 & 3 & $-$0.27 & 0.17 & 3 & 0.12 & 0.06 & 3 & $-$0.05 & 0.17 & 3\\\nLa II & 1.14 & & & & & & & 0.37 & & 1 & & & & $-$0.26 & & 1 & & & & & &\\\nCe II & 1.55 & $-$0.23 & 0.09 & 2 & $-$0.27 & 0.09 & 2 & $-$0.16 & 0.05 & 2 & & & & $-$0.33 & 0.23 & 3 & & & & & &\\\nNd II & 1.50 & 0.12 & 0.01 & 2 & $-$0.01 & 0.01 & 2 & 0.02 & 0.09 & 2 & $-$0.15 & 0.16 & 4 & $-$0.15 & 0.05 & 2 & 0.33 & 0.07 & 2 & $\\leq$ 0.19 & & 1\\\nEu II & 0.51 & 0.25 & 0.15 & 2 & 0.32 & 0.08 & 2 & 0.30 & 0.11 & 2 & 0.33 & 0.16 & 2 & 0.05 & 0.20 & 2 & $\\leq$0.84 & & 1 & & &\\\n\n[lllr rrrrrr]{} 5682.63 & Na I & 2.10 & $-$0.700 & 18.6 & 17.3 & & 13.0 & 28.6 & 15.7\\\n5688.19 & Na I & 2.10 & $-$0.420 & 23.0 & 28.1 & 27.5 & 36.0 & 53.2 & 38.5\\\n5889.95 & Na I & 0.00 & 0.110 & & 292.0 & 318.7 & & & 273.0\\\n5895.92 & Na I & 0.00 & $-$0.190 & 266.0 & 248.0 & 262.9 & & & 303.0\\\n4703.00 & Mg I & 4.34 & $-$0.440 & 73.3 & 75.4 & 48.0 & 56.0 & 28.4 & 130.2\\\n5172.70 & Mg I & 2.71 & $-$0.380 & 213.8 & 240.3 & 196.1 & 224.0 & 203.4 & 320.0\\\n5183.62 & Mg I & 2.72 & $-$0.160 & 249.0 & 275.0 & 232.5 & 266.0 & 228.0 & 390.0\\\n5528.40 & Mg I & 4.34 & $-$0.498 & 80.0 & 104.0 & 61.6 & 71.0 & 35.0 & 144.6\\\n5711.09 & Mg I & 4.34 & $-$1.724 & & & & 15.5 & & 31.6\\\n6696.02 & Al I & 3.14 & $-$1.340 & 10.0 & 15.0 & $\\leq$10.0 & $-$10.9 & & 18.5\\\n6698.67 & Al I & 3.14 & $-$1.640 & & & & & & 12.7\\\n4102.94 & Si I & 1.91 & $-$3.140 & & & & 150.8 & &\\\n5665.55 & Si I & 4.92 & $-$2.040 & & & & 21.5 & &\\\n5690.43 & Si I & 4.93 & $-$1.870 & & & & 16.0 & &\\\n5772.15 & Si I & 5.08 & $-$1.750 & & & & 13.6 & &\\\n5948.54 & Si I & 5.08 & $-$1.230 & 36.1 & 26.9 & 38.9 & 35.3 & 41.5 & 22.1\\\n6155.13 & Si I & 5.62 & $-$0.760 & & & 18.7 & 24.6 & & 10.8\\\n6237.32 & Si I & 5.62 & $-$1.010 & 15.0 & & 12.2 & 18.0 & 17.0 & 8.2\\\n7003.57 & Si I & 5.96 & $-$0.830 & & & & 11.5 & &\\\n7005.89 & Si I & 5.98 & $-$0.730 & & & & 19.1 & &\\\n7034.90 & Si I & 5.87 & $-$0.880 & & & & 15.7 & &\\\n7405.77 & Si I & 5.61 & $-$0.820 & 35.1 & 21.2 & 40.4 & 39.0 & 45.9 & 25.4\\\n7415.95 & Si I & 5.61 & $-$0.730 & & & & 29.0 & &\\\n7423.50 & Si I & 5.62 & $-$0.580 & & & & 44.3 & &\\\n7698.97 & K I & 0.00 & $-$0.168 & 162.1 & 160.6 & 163.0 & 175.0 & 210.8 & 119.7\\\n4578.56 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.558 & & & & 41.4 & &\\\n5512.99 & Ca I & 2.93 & $-$0.300 & & & & 32.3 & &\\\n5581.96 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.710 & 60.0 & 47.7 & 56.2 & 56.0 & 52.9 & 44.7\\\n5588.75 & Ca I & 2.52 & 0.210 & 108.6 & 101.9 & 109.9 & 120.7 & 127.1 & 104.8\\\n5590.11 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.710 & 49.2 & 62.5 & 55.9 & 57.2 & 60.2 & 52.5\\\n5594.46 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.050 & 100.0 & 92.8 & 106.1 & 98.3 & 116.4 & 90.3\\\n5601.28 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.690 & 68.0 & 58.3 & 58.2 & 67.3 & 54.0 & 48.6\\\n5857.45 & Ca I & 2.93 & 0.230 & 75.2 & 79.8 & 81.1 & 87.2 & 94.2 & 74.0\\\n6161.30 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$1.030 & 20.0 & & 21.7 & 28.5 & 18.5 &\\\n6162.17 & Ca I & 1.90 & $-$0.090 & 150.8 & 151.9 & 156.4 & 164.7 & & 145.0\\\n6166.44 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.900 & 31.0 & 26.5 & & 32.8 & 29.0 &\\\n6169.04 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.540 & 50.0 & 47.0 & 51.3 & 47.2 & 45.7 & 38.5\\\n6169.56 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.270 & 65.5 & 71.0 & 71.7 & 73.0 & 74.0 & 57.5\\\n6471.66 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.590 & 54.5 & 66.9 & 57.7 & 62.0 & 67.9 & 51.2\\\n6493.78 & Ca I & 2.52 & 0.140 & 93.0 & 97.6 & 103.0 & 101.8 & 107.8 & 87.7\\\n6499.65 & Ca I & 2.54 & $-$0.590 & 44.2 & 50.6 & 46.7 & 48.2 & 52.7 & 45.6\\\n6717.68 & Ca I & 2.71 & $-$0.610 & 52.5 & 63.6 & 61.1 & 62.9 & 58.3 &\\\n7148.15 & Ca I & 2.71 & 0.218 & 99.0 & 100.9 & 112.2 & 112.4 & 137.3 & 99.8\\\n5526.79 & Sc II & 1.77 & 0.130 & 113.7 & 110.7 & 122.8 & 122.0 & 153.9 & 82.8\\\n5657.90 & Sc II & 1.51 & $-$0.500 & 107.2 & 97.5 & 116.3 & 120.0 & 143.8 & 81.3\\\n5667.15 & Sc II & 1.50 & $-$1.240 & 58.5 & 60.9 & 73.5 & 54.1 & 84.2 &\\\n5669.04 & Sc II & 1.50 & $-$1.120 & 56.5 & 61.1 & 66.8 & 71.3 & 82.8 & 38.1\\\n5684.20 & Sc II & 1.51 & $-$1.080 & 45.7 & 72.5 & 78.0 & 73.1 & 113.5 & 54.7\\\n6245.64 & Sc II & 1.51 & $-$1.130 & 59.5 & 61.0 & 73.5 & 73.9 & 84.5 & 44.3\\\n6604.59 & Sc II & 1.36 & $-$1.310 & 54.0 & 51.0 & 70.6 & 66.1 & 76.5 & 34.4\\\n4512.74 & Ti I & 0.84 & $-$0.480 & 54.3 & 59.0 & 61.0 & 77.5 & 52.0 & 53.1\\\n4533.25 & Ti I & 0.85 & 0.480 & & & & 124.0 & &\\\n4534.78 & Ti I & 0.84 & 0.280 & 88.3 & 105.0 & 102.1 & 106.0 & 113.6 & 102.9\\\n4548.77 & Ti I & 0.83 & $-$0.350 & 55.3 & 69.6 & 65.0 & 75.3 & 63.8 & 71.1\\\n4555.49 & Ti I & 0.85 & $-$0.490 & & & & 57.0 & &\\\n4681.92 & Ti I & 0.05 & $-$1.070 & 80.3 & 96.8 & 101.5 & 100.4 & 102.8 & 104.6\\\n4981.74 & Ti I & 0.85 & 0.500 & 118.4 & 120.6 & 120.8 & 133.8 & 127.6 & 130.9\\\n4999.51 & Ti I & 0.83 & 0.250 & 98.3 & 102.1 & 123.4 & 119.2 & 124.6 & 112.8\\\n5022.87 & Ti I & 0.83 & $-$0.430 & 70.6 & 59.2 & 74.5 & 76.5 & 66.3 & 75.0\\\n5039.96 & Ti I & 0.02 & $-$1.130 & 93.7 & 84.5 & 108.6 & 104.1 & 99.0 & 102.4\\\n5173.75 & Ti I & 0.00 & $-$1.120 & 98.3 & 95.6 & 110.9 & 115.1 & 106.2 & 106.0\\\n5210.39 & Ti I & 0.05 & $-$0.880 & 107.5 & 107.9 & 116.8 & 126.3 & & 121.8\\\n5866.45 & Ti I & 1.07 & $-$0.840 & 32.4 & 27.5 & 45.1 & 39.9 & 28.5 & 36.8\\\n5922.11 & Ti I & 1.05 & $-$1.470 & & & 20.9 & 17.3 & & 14.2\\\n5941.75 & Ti I & 1.05 & $-$1.520 & & & & 15.2 & &\\\n5953.16 & Ti I & 1.89 & $-$0.329 & & & & 20.6 & &\\\n5965.83 & Ti I & 1.88 & $-$0.409 & & & 12.6 & 13.9 & & 10.8\\\n5978.54 & Ti I & 1.87 & $-$0.496 & & & & 12.8 & &\\\n6126.22 & Ti I & 1.07 & $-$1.420 & & & 17.3 & 25.5 & & 19.8\\\n6258.10 & Ti I & 1.44 & $-$0.355 & 26.9 & & 33.1 & 39.0 & 23.4 &\\\n6258.71 & Ti I & 1.46 & $-$0.240 & 37.0 & 35.0 & 44.9 & 44.0 & 33.7 & 38.2\\\n6261.10 & Ti I & 1.43 & $-$0.479 & 25.0 & 22.7 & 33.1 & 38.4 & & 30.8\\\n6743.12 & Ti I & 0.90 & $-$1.630 & & & & 15.3 & &\\\n4399.77 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$1.290 & & & & 151.0 & &\\\n4417.72 & Ti II & 1.16 & $-$1.160 & 128.5 & 124.6 & 157.0 & 159.5 & & 119.9\\\n4583.41 & Ti II & 1.16 & $-$2.870 & 50.7 & 49.5 & 59.1 & 69.1 & 53.4 &\\\n4589.95 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$1.650 & & & & 126.8 & &\\\n4657.20 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$2.320 & & & & 90.0 & &\\\n4708.67 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$2.370 & 67.3 & 87.7 & 92.1 & 96.0 & 91.0 & 69.3\\\n4865.62 & Ti II & 1.12 & $-$2.810 & 75.4 & 63.5 & 71.2 & 74.5 & 78.0 & 58.3\\\n4911.20 & Ti II & 3.12 & $-$0.340 & 30.5 & 28.2 & 42.0 & 32.0 & 29.3 & 31.3\\\n5185.91 & Ti II & 1.89 & $-$1.460 & 85.4 & 79.8 & 84.2 & 86.0 & 100.5 & 77.2\\\n6090.22 & V I & 1.08 & $-$0.062 & 17.7 & & & 25.5 & &\\\n6199.20 & V I & 0.29 & $-$1.280 & & & & 21.5 & &\\\n6243.10 & V I & 0.30 & $-$0.978 & 37.8 & 18.0 & 47.2 & 28.7 & 25.0 & 29.4\\\n6251.82 & V I & 0.29 & $-$1.340 & & & 16.0 & 10.6 & &\\\n4545.96 & Cr I & 0.94 & $-$1.380 & 61.8 & 63.0 & 75.3 & 77.1 & 69.4 & 58.6\\\n4600.76 & Cr I & 1.00 & $-$1.280 & & & & 75.4 & &\\\n4616.13 & Cr I & 0.98 & $-$1.210 & 62.4 & 68.7 & 65.0 & 78.4 & 65.6 & 76.4\\\n4626.18 & Cr I & 0.97 & $-$1.340 & 65.8 & 66.1 & 69.7 & 81.8 & 59.1 & 64.9\\\n5206.04 & Cr I & 0.94 & 0.030 & 149.0 & 155.0 & & & 175.1 &\\\n5298.28 & Cr I & 0.98 & $-$1.170 & & & & 111.2 & &\\\n5409.80 & Cr I & 1.03 & $-$0.710 & 116.0 & 115.0 & 130.7 & 132.7 & 119.1 & 128.3\\\n4033.06 & Mn I & 0.00 & $-$0.620 & & & & 238.4 & &\\\n4754.04 & Mn I & 2.28 & $-$0.090 & 82.7 & 60.1 & 89.5 & 80.2 & 61.1 & 72.7\\\n4783.42 & Mn I & 2.30 & 0.042 & 79.5 & 67.0 & 84.5 & 84.1 & 75.1 & 78.6\\\n4823.51 & Mn I & 2.32 & 0.140 & 80.0 & 79.1 & 85.1 & 94.7 & 80.6 & 92.6\\\n5394.69 & Mn I & 0.00 & $-$3.503 & 43.5 & 43.8 & 57.2 & 67.0 & 33.0 & 54.7\\\n6021.80 & Mn I & 3.08 & 0.034 & 30.4 & 23.9 & 26.6 & 38.9 & 25.1 & 33.4\\\n4602.95 & Fe I & 1.49 & $-$2.220 & 125.4 & 115.0 & 139.3 & 148.3 & 148.3 & 139.1\\\n4625.05 & Fe I & 3.24 & $-$1.348 & 61.5 & 48.4 & 61.0 & 73.1 & 52.1 & 70.0\\\n4788.77 & Fe I & 3.24 & $-$1.806 & 35.7 & 27.2 & & 31.5 & &\\\n4872.14 & Fe I & 2.88 & $-$0.570 & & & & 128.7 & &\\\n4891.50 & Fe I & 2.85 & $-$0.110 & 138.6 & & 147.5 & 152.5 & 157.3 & 150.4\\\n4919.00 & Fe I & 2.86 & $-$0.340 & 135.7 & 141.2 & 133.1 & 137.3 & 142.9 & 139.0\\\n4920.51 & Fe I & 2.83 & 0.068 & 185.0 & & 188.2 & 188.5 & &\\\n5083.34 & Fe I & 0.96 & $-$2.960 & 143.2 & 142.3 & 144.7 & 150.3 & 163.0 & 148.8\\\n5166.28 & Fe I & 0.00 & $-$4.200 & 150.0 & 159.8 & 161.8 & 163.1 & 165.4 & 163.8\\\n5171.61 & Fe I & 1.48 & $-$1.790 & 156.7 & 152.6 & 161.4 & 173.0 & 174.6 & 167.1\\\n5192.35 & Fe I & 3.00 & $-$0.420 & 124.9 & 129.1 & 123.0 & & 140.2 & 131.1\\\n5194.95 & Fe I & 1.56 & $-$2.090 & 140.4 & 141.0 & 149.9 & 150.4 & 162.1 & 147.3\\\n5198.72 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$2.140 & 98.1 & 96.2 & 96.5 & 104.3 & 98.0 & 101.3\\\n5216.28 & Fe I & 1.61 & $-$2.150 & 135.6 & 128.9 & 135.5 & 142.8 & 147.8 & 139.5\\\n5217.40 & Fe I & 3.21 & $-$1.070 & 71.3 & 69.2 & 79.1 & 77.0 & 70.0 & 78.0\\\n5227.19 & Fe I & 1.56 & $-$1.350 & 212.1 & & & & &\\\n5232.95 & Fe I & 2.94 & $-$0.100 & 141.0 & 142.9 & 147.6 & 159.4 & 158.8 & 145.6\\\n5393.18 & Fe I & 3.24 & $-$0.720 & 99.4 & 91.2 & 104.4 & 105.3 & & 100.7\\\n5410.92 & Fe I & 4.47 & 0.400 & & 65.3 & 69.5 & 60.1 & & 66.7\\\n5415.21 & Fe I & 4.39 & 0.640 & 86.9 & 72.9 & 87.5 & 89.0 & 91.0 & 89.0\\\n5424.08 & Fe I & 4.32 & 0.510 & 102.2 & 99.7 & 98.4 & 97.9 & 99.3 & 102.8\\\n5445.05 & Fe I & 4.39 & $-$0.030 & 58.1 & 67.4 & 63.0 & 65.8 & 46.0 & 68.8\\\n5466.39 & Fe I & 4.37 & $-$0.620 & 22.9 & 16.8 & & 28.2 & &\\\n5473.90 & Fe I & 4.15 & $-$0.690 & 28.7 & & 21.5 & 27.2 & & 34.9\\\n5487.77 & Fe I & 4.14 & $-$0.620 & & & 35.5 & 39.2 & 32.7 & 35.4\\\n5497.52 & Fe I & 1.01 & $-$2.830 & 171.7 & 153.1 & 172.3 & & & 167.8\\\n5501.46 & Fe I & 0.96 & $-$3.050 & 144.2 & 142.4 & 152.4 & 164.8 & 168.6 & 142.2\\\n5506.79 & Fe I & 0.99 & $-$2.790 & 159.1 & 152.5 & 171.6 & & 175.7 & 165.4\\\n5554.88 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.350 & & 21.3 & 18.3 & 20.2 & & 28.8\\\n5567.39 & Fe I & 2.61 & $-$2.670 & 30.5 & & 33.5 & 44.9 & & 30.9\\\n5569.62 & Fe I & 3.42 & $-$0.486 & 89.3 & 89.5 & 95.3 & 98.6 & 98.1 & 95.4\\\n5572.84 & Fe I & 3.40 & $-$0.275 & 115.9 & 111.5 & 114.6 & 115.4 & 119.2 & 112.3\\\n5576.09 & Fe I & 3.43 & $-$0.920 & 73.9 & 74.9 & 77.6 & 81.8 & 75.1 & 81.8\\\n5586.76 & Fe I & 3.37 & $-$0.140 & 116.9 & 106.3 & 120.2 & 131.0 & 129.9 & 124.4\\\n5624.04 & Fe I & 4.39 & $-$1.220 & & & & 7.2 & &\\\n5624.54 & Fe I & 3.42 & $-$0.755 & 84.0 & 78.2 & 87.1 & 86.9 & 84.3 & 86.8\\\n5662.52 & Fe I & 4.18 & $-$0.570 & & & 37.5 & 35.7 & & 43.1\\\n5701.54 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$2.140 & 60.9 & 57.5 & 68.4 & 69.5 & 63.3 & 65.1\\\n5705.98 & Fe I & 4.61 & $-$0.490 & & & & & 23.4 &\\\n5753.12 & Fe I & 4.26 & $-$0.690 & 27.6 & 24.7 & 23.7 & 19.2 & 17.9 & 21.3\\\n5762.99 & Fe I & 4.21 & $-$0.410 & & 37.8 & 46.8 & 45.8 & & 51.3\\\n5775.06 & Fe I & 4.22 & $-$1.300 & & 10.1 & & 14.9 & &\\\n5778.46 & Fe I & 2.59 & $-$3.430 & & & & 8.9 & &\\\n5806.72 & Fe I & 4.61 & $-$0.950 & & & & 8.9 & &\\\n5859.60 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.550 & & 19.0 & & 13.0 & &\\\n5862.35 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.330 & 25.9 & & 23.1 & 24.1 & & 28.5\\\n5883.81 & Fe I & 3.96 & $-$1.260 & & & 16.7 & 31.0 & &\\\n5930.17 & Fe I & 4.65 & $-$0.140 & 23.3 & 23.0 & 26.2 & 28.5 & 30.0 & 28.2\\\n5934.65 & Fe I & 3.93 & $-$1.070 & 22.6 & 24.8 & 26.2 & 31.2 & & 29.3\\\n5952.72 & Fe I & 3.98 & $-$1.340 & & & & 17.8 & &\\\n5956.69 & Fe I & 0.86 & $-$4.500 & 58.3 & 64.6 & 74.0 & 74.6 & 60.2 & 74.2\\\n5976.79 & Fe I & 3.94 & $-$1.330 & & & & 24.2 & &\\\n5983.69 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.660 & & & 16.7 & & & 15.4\\\n5984.83 & Fe I & 4.73 & $-$0.260 & & & 20.8 & & & 18.2\\\n6024.05 & Fe I & 4.55 & 0.030 & & 47.5 & 46.9 & 54.6 & & 50.5\\\n6027.05 & Fe I & 4.07 & $-$1.090 & & 14.3 & 22.1 & 31.6 & & 26.0\\\n6055.99 & Fe I & 4.73 & $-$0.370 & & 13.2 & 12.6 & 21.7 & & 15.8\\\n6065.48 & Fe I & 2.61 & $-$1.410 & 106.6 & 113.1 & 119.7 & 115.5 & 120.7 & 114.1\\\n6078.50 & Fe I & 4.79 & $-$0.330 & & & & 13.5 & & 14.1\\\n6136.62 & Fe I & 2.45 & $-$1.410 & 129.6 & 135.4 & 128.1 & 144.3 & 158.8 & 135.8\\\n6136.99 & Fe I & 2.20 & $-$2.930 & 57.1 & 57.4 & 69.5 & & & 44.5\\\n6137.69 & Fe I & 2.59 & $-$1.350 & 130.7 & 130.2 & 131.3 & 134.1 & 134.4 & 138.0\\\n6151.62 & Fe I & 2.18 & $-$3.370 & 30.5 & 27.9 & 33.1 & 36.4 & 26.0 & 35.8\\\n6157.73 & Fe I & 4.07 & $-$1.160 & & & & 18.4 & &\\\n6165.36 & Fe I & 4.14 & $-$1.470 & & & & 6.2 & &\\\n6173.34 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$2.880 & 60.7 & 58.9 & 59.6 & 70.9 & 58.8 & 62.7\\\n6180.20 & Fe I & 2.73 & $-$2.650 & 31.4 & 30.4 & 30.1 & 33.1 & 23.4 & 34.4\\\n6187.99 & Fe I & 3.94 & $-$1.620 & & & & 14.2 & &\\\n6191.56 & Fe I & 2.43 & $-$1.420 & 126.1 & 123.1 & 135.9 & 140.9 & 128.0 & 141.8\\\n6200.31 & Fe I & 2.61 & $-$2.370 & 42.2 & 43.5 & 46.7 & 59.9 & & 44.4\\\n6240.65 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$3.170 & & 28.9 & 38.2 & 33.2 & 24.7 & 35.6\\\n6246.32 & Fe I & 3.60 & $-$0.880 & 65.6 & 60.9 & 71.5 & 73.1 & 59.6 & 68.5\\\n6252.55 & Fe I & 2.40 & $-$1.770 & 118.1 & 120.4 & 127.3 & 127.5 & 121.5 & 125.0\\\n6254.26 & Fe I & 2.28 & $-$2.430 & 81.1 & 82.7 & 99.6 & 101.5 & 93.4 & 91.8\\\n6265.13 & Fe I & 2.18 & $-$2.540 & 83.8 & 84.2 & 96.0 & 95.5 & 87.4 & 87.9\\\n6297.79 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$2.640 & 58.6 & & & 65.9 & &\\\n6301.51 & Fe I & 3.65 & $-$0.718 & 58.2 & & & 73.6 & &\\\n6302.50 & Fe I & 3.69 & $-$1.110 & 33.8 & & & & &\\\n6315.31 & Fe I & 4.14 & $-$1.230 & & & & 10.4 & &\\\n6355.03 & Fe I & 2.84 & $-$2.290 & 41.6 & 40.3 & 47.5 & 37.9 & 41.7 & 42.1\\\n6380.75 & Fe I & 4.19 & $-$1.380 & & & & 11.6 & &\\\n6393.60 & Fe I & 2.43 & $-$1.580 & 126.9 & 118.5 & 131.5 & 139.7 & 142.8 & 131.3\\\n6408.03 & Fe I & 3.69 & $-$1.020 & 35.3 & 27.5 & 43.6 & 53.2 & & 58.6\\\n6411.65 & Fe I & 3.65 & $-$0.720 & 66.1 & 56.8 & 73.4 & 78.3 & & 94.3\\\n6430.84 & Fe I & 2.18 & $-$1.950 & 119.3 & 121.2 & 129.3 & 132.6 & 131.2 & 132.0\\\n6475.63 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$2.940 & 27.7 & 25.0 & 35.1 & & 23.3 & 33.7\\\n6481.87 & Fe I & 2.28 & $-$3.010 & 47.9 & 45.4 & 50.7 & 55.2 & 37.8 & 55.8\\\n6494.98 & Fe I & 2.40 & $-$1.240 & 146.2 & 143.7 & 155.5 & 152.3 & 162.2 & 146.2\\\n6498.94 & Fe I & 0.96 & $-$4.690 & 55.6 & 41.9 & 64.3 & 68.4 & 50.0 & 65.4\\\n6546.24 & Fe I & 2.76 & $-$1.540 & 92.6 & 94.5 & 94.5 & 104.0 & 93.2 & 97.7\\\n6592.91 & Fe I & 2.73 & $-$1.470 & 101.5 & 97.9 & 110.4 & 117.5 & 107.0 & 105.9\\\n6593.87 & Fe I & 2.43 & $-$2.370 & 70.4 & 70.9 & 82.7 & 84.2 & 70.0 & 84.4\\\n6609.11 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$2.660 & 40.7 & 36.1 & 41.9 & 43.3 & & 45.9\\\n6625.02 & Fe I & 1.01 & $-$5.370 & & 12.3 & & 22.5 & &\\\n6648.12 & Fe I & 1.01 & $-$5.920 & & & & 7.7 & &\\\n6703.57 & Fe I & 2.76 & $-$3.060 & & 11.6 & 18.5 & 16.2 & &\\\n6739.52 & Fe I & 1.56 & $-$4.790 & & & 10.5 & & &\\\n6750.15 & Fe I & 2.42 & $-$2.580 & 61.4 & 58.9 & 76.3 & 77.0 & 67.9 & 67.8\\\n6839.83 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$3.350 & & & & 12.3 & &\\\n6855.18 & Fe I & 4.56 & $-$0.740 & 15.4 & & 15.0 & 13.8 & & 14.5\\\n6861.95 & Fe I & 2.42 & $-$3.850 & & & & 8.9 & &\\\n6978.85 & Fe I & 2.48 & $-$2.450 & & & & 73.3 & &\\\n6988.52 & Fe I & 2.40 & $-$3.560 & & & & 20.3 & &\\\n6999.88 & Fe I & 4.10 & $-$1.460 & & & & 11.6 & &\\\n7022.95 & Fe I & 4.19 & $-$1.150 & & & & 15.6 & &\\\n7038.22 & Fe I & 4.22 & $-$1.200 & & & & 22.0 & &\\\n7130.92 & Fe I & 4.22 & $-$0.750 & & & & 34.0 & &\\\n7151.47 & Fe I & 2.48 & $-$3.660 & & & & 8.6 & &\\\n7179.99 & Fe I & 1.48 & $-$4.750 & & & & 11.2 & &\\\n7288.74 & Fe I & 4.22 & $-$1.280 & & & & 18.3 & &\\\n7411.16 & Fe I & 4.28 & $-$0.280 & 35.4 & 36.8 & 36.4 & & 46.2 & 42.7\\\n7418.67 & Fe I & 4.14 & $-$1.380 & & & & 10.1 & &\\\n7445.75 & Fe I & 4.26 & 0.030 & 51.9 & 51.6 & 61.8 & 57.6 & 52.0 & 61.3\\\n7568.91 & Fe I & 4.28 & $-$0.940 & & & & 21.9 & &\\\n7583.79 & Fe I & 3.02 & $-$1.890 & 47.7 & 46.2 & 61.4 & 56.3 & 47.7 & 58.0\\\n7586.04 & Fe I & 4.31 & $-$0.130 & 40.9 & 43.4 & 47.9 & 56.7 & & 56.9\\\n7742.72 & Fe I & 4.99 & $-$0.420 & & & & 21.2 & &\\\n7748.27 & Fe I & 2.95 & $-$1.750 & 60.6 & 71.0 & 80.8 & 83.6 & 75.5 & 78.1\\\n7780.57 & Fe I & 4.47 & $-$0.040 & 35.5 & 45.3 & 41.6 & 45.4 & 40.3 & 39.7\\\n4508.30 & Fe II & 2.84 & $-$2.280 & 74.1 & 77.0 & 87.3 & 83.1 & & 86.6\\\n4576.34 & Fe II & 2.83 & $-$2.900 & 49.3 & 56.9 & 59.0 & 60.0 & & 58.4\\\n4923.93 & Fe II & 2.88 & $-$1.320 & 143.3 & 127.0 & 136.8 & 146.0 & & 141.4\\\n5018.45 & Fe II & 2.89 & $-$1.220 & 164.4 & & 164.8 & 167.6 & & 160.8\\\n5197.58 & Fe II & 3.23 & $-$2.230 & 69.8 & 82.0 & 70.6 & 76.8 & 95.3 & 72.7\\\n5234.63 & Fe II & 3.22 & $-$2.220 & 75.0 & 78.4 & 73.7 & 80.8 & 95.5 & 69.2\\\n5425.26 & Fe II & 3.00 & $-$3.240 & 21.7 & & 40.1 & 24.3 & 29.8 & 21.8\\\n5534.85 & Fe II & 3.25 & $-$2.640 & 28.7 & 49.7 & 50.7 & 42.4 & & 40.1\\\n5991.38 & Fe II & 3.15 & $-$3.570 & 25.5 & & & & &\\\n6149.26 & Fe II & 3.89 & $-$2.690 & & 17.4 & 18.3 & 12.2 & & 16.9\\\n6247.56 & Fe II & 3.89 & $-$2.360 & 30.5 & 40.0 & 22.1 & 25.5 & & 27.5\\\n6456.39 & Fe II & 3.90 & $-$2.310 & 39.0 & 45.6 & & & 57.0 &\\\n6516.08 & Fe II & 2.89 & $-$3.450 & 39.9 & 39.3 & 48.1 & 42.3 & & 40.3\\\n5483.34 & Co I & 1.71 & $-$1.490 & 23.9 & 33.2 & 47.7 & 36.0 & 32.6 & 40.8\\\n6814.94 & Co I & 1.96 & $-$1.900 & & 18.6 & 12.2 & 16.0 & & 16.8\\\n7417.41 & Co I & 2.04 & $-$2.070 & & & & 6.0 & &\\\n5578.72 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$2.640 & 36.7 & & 49.0 & 51.6 & 33.6 & 40.3\\\n5587.86 & Ni I & 1.93 & $-$2.140 & 33.1 & 29.2 & 44.2 & & 29.9 & 44.8\\\n5592.26 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.590 & 42.9 & 32.0 & 36.9 & 48.4 & 35.0 & 35.5\\\n5748.35 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$3.260 & & 10.6 & 24.5 & 20.2 & 15.2 & 21.3\\\n5846.99 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$3.210 & & & & 17.4 & &\\\n5892.87 & Ni I & 1.99 & $-$2.340 & 48.8 & 59.5 & 60.5 & 66.5 & 42.7 & 59.7\\\n6128.97 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$3.330 & & & & 18.2 & &\\\n6314.66 & Ni I & 1.93 & $-$1.770 & 45.2 & & & & &\\\n6482.80 & Ni I & 1.93 & $-$2.630 & 14.2 & 20.5 & 20.5 & 22.1 & 14.3 & 52.4\\\n6586.31 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.810 & 23.0 & 20.4 & 29.9 & 26.6 & 14.7 & 24.5\\\n6643.63 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$2.300 & 78.4 & 79.0 & 91.0 & 94.0 & 80.4 & 99.3\\\n6767.77 & Ni I & 1.83 & $-$2.170 & 72.3 & 68.2 & 83.1 & 83.2 & 75.6 & 78.9\\\n7122.20 & Ni I & 3.54 & 0.048 & 59.0 & 47.6 & 65.8 & 65.8 & 53.5 & 66.1\\\n7414.50 & Ni I & 1.99 & $-$2.570 & 36.1 & 30.1 & 53.9 & 48.7 & 33.1 & 44.5\\\n7422.27 & Ni I & 3.63 & $-$0.129 & 38.6 & 32.1 & 41.6 & 53.2 & 40.5 & 43.3\\\n7574.05 & Ni I & 3.83 & $-$0.580 & 12.2 & 23.1 & 16.0 & 20.6 & 20.7 & 16.2\\\n7727.62 & Ni I & 3.68 & $-$0.162 & 29.5 & 43.1 & 38.4 & 47.9 & 36.0 & 41.8\\\n7748.89 & Ni I & 3.70 & $-$0.130 & & & & 41.9 & &\\\n7788.93 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.420 & 68.6 & 62.2 & 73.2 & 79.0 & 55.9 & 70.6\\\n7797.59 & Ni I & 3.90 & $-$0.180 & 28.1 & 29.1 & 23.6 & 26.6 & & 25.9\\\n5105.54 & Cu I & 1.39 & $-$1.505 & 36.3 & 35.7 & 49.5 & 43.1 & 33.4 & 39.0\\\n5782.12 & Cu I & 1.64 & $-$1.780 & & 22.6 & & & & 24.6\\\n4722.16 & Zn I & 4.03 & $-$0.390 & 38.0 & 36.0 & 33.6 & 39.0 & 56.7 & 37.0\\\n4810.54 & Zn I & 4.08 & $-$0.170 & 41.2 & 46.6 & 41.3 & 39.0 & 48.1 & 40.1\\\n4607.33 & Sr I & 0.00 & 0.280 & & & 13.5 & 22.7 & & 16.7\\\n4554.04 & Ba II & 0.00 & 0.170 & & & 194.4 & 213.2 & & 188.1\\\n5853.70 & Ba II & 0.60 & $-$1.010 & 79.3 & 74.2 & 81.1 & 103.2 & 104.7 & 76.8\\\n6141.70 & Ba II & 0.70 & $-$0.070 & 125.9 & 144.1 & 136.4 & 149.1 & 174.9 & 135.9\\\n6496.90 & Ba II & 0.60 & $-$0.380 & 139.2 & 140.3 & 138.7 & 147.7 & 178.0 & 133.8\\\n4883.69 & Y II & 1.08 & 0.070 & 61.5 & 72.9 & 60.3 & 68.6 & 74.8 & 58.1\\\n5087.43 & Y II & 1.08 & $-$0.170 & 38.9 & 45.0 & 46.1 & 52.8 & 61.9 & 40.5\\\n5123.22 & Y II & 0.99 & $-$0.830 & & & 24.2 & & 34.7 & 27.0\\\n5200.42 & Y II & 0.99 & $-$0.570 & 38.0 & 34.5 & 34.7 & 45.9 & & 25.0\\\n5205.73 & Y II & 1.03 & $-$0.340 & 64.1 & & 38.8 & & & 40.6\\\n6390.48 & La II & 0.32 & $-$1.410 & & & & 8.1 & &\\\n4486.91 & Ce II & 0.30 & $-$0.360 & & & & 25.5 & &\\\n4562.37 & Ce II & 0.48 & 0.330 & 19.3 & 24.1 & 18.8 & 40.5 & & 32.8\\\n4628.16 & Ce II & 0.52 & 0.260 & 25.5 & 34.3 & 27.0 & 30.6 & 21.0 & 21.5\\\n4446.39 & Nd II & 0.20 & $-$0.350 & & & & 24.8 & &\\\n4959.12 & Nd II & 0.06 & $-$0.800 & & 36.0 & 24.2 & 42.0 & 23.0 & 24.1\\\n5092.79 & Nd II & 0.38 & $-$0.610 & & & & 14.2 & &\\\n5212.35 & Nd II & 0.20 & $-$0.960 & & & & 11.2 & &\\\n5249.58 & Nd II & 0.98 & 0.200 & & 25.9 & 20.9 & 19.5 & 18.4 & 17.5\\\n4129.70 & Eu II & 0.00 & 0.220 & 135.0 & 127.7 & 74.1 & 125.0 & 116.9 & 128.3\\\n6645.11 & Eu II & 1.38 & 0.120 & 16.6 & & & 17.0 & & 10.0\\\n\n[lllr rrrrrrr]{} 6300.30 & \\[O I\\] & 0.00 & $-$9.780 & 21.0 & 54.7 & & 36.7 & & &\\\n6363.78 & \\[O I\\] & 0.02 & $-$10.300 & 14.3 & 23.5 & & & & &\\\n5682.63 & Na I & 2.10 & $-$0.700 & 6.0 & & & & & 30.3 & 30.3\\\n5688.19 & Na I & 2.10 & $-$0.420 & 15.0 & & 20.3 & & & 46.0 & 46.0\\\n5889.95 & Na I & 0.00 & 0.110 & & 362.0 & 270.0 & & 376.0 & &\\\n5895.92 & Na I & 0.00 & $-$0.190 & 236.0 & 279.0 & 304.0 & 282.0 & 355.0 & &\\\n4703.00 & Mg I & 4.34 & $-$0.440 & 107.0 & 123.0 & 116.5 & 125.0 & 102.3 & 92.0 & 92.0\\\n5172.70 & Mg I & 2.71 & $-$0.380 & 330.0 & 345.0 & 346.5 & 311.0 & 312.2 & 340.0 & 340.0\\\n5183.62 & Mg I & 2.72 & $-$0.160 & 395.0 & 396.0 & 405.5 & 398.0 & 365.6 & 406.8 & 406.8\\\n5528.40 & Mg I & 4.34 & $-$0.498 & 135.0 & 122.2 & 156.6 & 139.2 & 120.9 & 140.0 & 140.0\\\n5711.09 & Mg I & 4.34 & $-$1.724 & 44.5 & 73.0 & 57.8 & 43.3 & 40.8 & 44.0 & 44.0\\\n6696.02 & Al I & 3.14 & $-$1.340 & 7.5 & & & & & 18.0 & 18.0\\\n5948.54 & Si I & 5.08 & $-$1.230 & & 15.0 & 35.2 & & 20.3 & 21.8 & 21.8\\\n6155.13 & Si I & 5.62 & $-$0.760 & & & 18.5 & & & &\\\n7005.89 & Si I & 5.98 & $-$0.730 & & & & & 15.5 & &\\\n7405.77 & Si I & 5.61 & $-$0.820 & & & 21.0 & & & 28.8 & 28.8\\\n7415.95 & Si I & 5.61 & $-$0.730 & & & & & 25.4 & 16.0 & 16.0\\\n7423.50 & Si I & 5.62 & $-$0.580 & & 40.1 & & & 32.7 & 26.3 & 26.3\\\n7698.97 & K I & 0.00 & $-$0.168 & 129.1 & 104.2 & 134.6 & 114.6 & 108.3 & 151.6 & 151.6\\\n5512.99 & Ca I & 2.93 & $-$0.300 & & 24.0 & & & & &\\\n5581.96 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.710 & & 50.9 & 50.5 & 35.0 & 47.2 & 48.6 & 48.6\\\n5588.75 & Ca I & 2.52 & 0.210 & 93.5 & 109.7 & 107.9 & 98.2 & 79.0 & 111.7 & 111.7\\\n5590.11 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.710 & 47.2 & 57.2 & 61.4 & 47.0 & 41.2 & 47.7 & 47.7\\\n5594.46 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.050 & & & 103.3 & 85.2 & 94.0 & &\\\n5601.28 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.690 & 54.3 & 50.3 & 57.8 & 42.0 & & 53.8 & 53.8\\\n5857.45 & Ca I & 2.93 & 0.230 & 72.4 & 90.0 & 73.1 & 69.2 & 62.3 & 76.6 & 76.6\\\n6161.30 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$1.030 & 19.9 & 32.4 & & 19.0 & & 24.7 & 24.7\\\n6162.17 & Ca I & 1.90 & $-$0.090 & 150.9 & 160.9 & 160.5 & 147.0 & 145.0 & &\\\n6166.44 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.900 & & 22.1 & 23.6 & 24.2 & 18.0 & 25.9 & 25.9\\\n6169.04 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.540 & 50.6 & 63.0 & 56.6 & 39.2 & 45.3 & 58.0 & 58.0\\\n6169.56 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.270 & 67.4 & 64.0 & 63.2 & 56.8 & 52.0 & 59.9 & 59.9\\\n6471.66 & Ca I & 2.52 & $-$0.590 & 52.9 & 54.2 & 55.1 & 39.7 & 53.1 & 52.8 & 52.8\\\n6493.78 & Ca I & 2.52 & 0.140 & 89.9 & 111.2 & 95.4 & 91.3 & 90.4 & 95.7 & 95.7\\\n6499.65 & Ca I & 2.54 & $-$0.590 & 47.3 & & 48.5 & & 40.0 & 38.2 & 38.2\\\n6717.68 & Ca I & 2.71 & $-$0.610 & & 61.2 & 56.0 & 44.9 & 55.6 & 55.3 & 55.3\\\n7148.15 & Ca I & 2.71 & 0.218 & & 130.2 & 109.3 & & 101.8 & 111.3 & 111.3\\\n5526.79 & Sc II & 1.77 & 0.130 & 86.1 & 75.0 & 87.8 & 78.4 & 80.8 & 111.0 & 111.0\\\n5657.90 & Sc II & 1.51 & $-$0.500 & 79.3 & 75.7 & 81.8 & 80.9 & 64.9 & 99.8 & 99.8\\\n5667.15 & Sc II & 1.50 & $-$1.240 & 31.7 & 34.0 & 44.2 & 34.5 & 34.2 & 43.2 & 43.2\\\n5669.04 & Sc II & 1.50 & $-$1.120 & 35.2 & 40.6 & 41.8 & & 50.8 & 43.7 & 43.7\\\n5684.20 & Sc II & 1.51 & $-$1.080 & 49.0 & 42.1 & 51.5 & 47.2 & 29.9 & 54.7 & 54.7\\\n6245.64 & Sc II & 1.51 & $-$1.130 & 49.4 & 48.4 & 47.9 & 41.3 & 46.9 & 55.6 & 55.6\\\n6604.59 & Sc II & 1.36 & $-$1.310 & 43.5 & 53.0 & 43.9 & 38.8 & 43.1 & 42.0 & 42.0\\\n4512.74 & Ti I & 0.84 & $-$0.480 & & & 72.6 & 53.4 & & 75.4 & 75.4\\\n4518.03 & Ti I & 0.83 & $-$0.230 & & & & 69.0 & & &\\\n4533.25 & Ti I & 0.85 & 0.480 & 101.7 & & & 107.4 & & &\\\n4534.78 & Ti I & 0.84 & 0.280 & 97.8 & & 118.5 & 81.0 & & 129.7 & 129.7\\\n4548.77 & Ti I & 0.83 & $-$0.350 & 57.9 & & 86.1 & 78.5 & & 94.0 & 94.0\\\n4555.49 & Ti I & 0.85 & $-$0.490 & & & & 46.7 & & &\\\n4681.92 & Ti I & 0.05 & $-$1.070 & 110.5 & & 106.4 & 111.6 & & &\\\n4981.74 & Ti I & 0.85 & 0.500 & 136.6 & & 129.1 & 115.2 & & &\\\n4999.51 & Ti I & 0.83 & 0.250 & 111.4 & 139.4 & 127.4 & 115.1 & 107.1 & 152.8 & 152.8\\\n5022.87 & Ti I & 0.83 & $-$0.430 & 81.2 & 114.0 & 83.0 & 77.2 & 74.4 & 99.3 & 99.3\\\n5039.96 & Ti I & 0.02 & $-$1.130 & 118.7 & 108.0 & 120.3 & 111.0 & 95.8 & 163.1 & 163.1\\\n5173.75 & Ti I & 0.00 & $-$1.120 & 120.3 & 133.8 & 129.4 & 114.3 & 112.0 & 157.6 & 157.6\\\n5210.39 & Ti I & 0.05 & $-$0.880 & 142.5 & 147.0 & 142.5 & 123.3 & 143.0 & &\\\n5426.26 & Ti I & 0.02 & $-$3.010 & & & & & & 30.2 & 30.2\\\n5490.15 & Ti I & 1.46 & $-$0.933 & & & & & & 10.5 & 10.5\\\n5866.45 & Ti I & 1.07 & $-$0.840 & 51.9 & 38.7 & 58.0 & 27.6 & 32.4 & 56.9 & 56.9\\\n5922.11 & Ti I & 1.05 & $-$1.470 & & & & & & 31.1 & 31.1\\\n5941.75 & Ti I & 1.05 & $-$1.520 & & & & & & 15.8 & 15.8\\\n5953.16 & Ti I & 1.89 & $-$0.329 & & & & & & 19.5 & 19.5\\\n5965.83 & Ti I & 1.88 & $-$0.409 & 18.0 & & & & & 18.6 & 18.6\\\n6126.22 & Ti I & 1.07 & $-$1.420 & & & 29.1 & 15.7 & 23.0 & 30.0 & 30.0\\\n6258.10 & Ti I & 1.44 & $-$0.355 & 46.2 & & 46.4 & 26.2 & 31.0 & 47.0 & 47.0\\\n6258.71 & Ti I & 1.46 & $-$0.240 & 52.1 & 42.2 & 60.4 & 31.2 & 34.4 & 61.1 & 61.1\\\n6261.10 & Ti I & 1.43 & $-$0.479 & & 32.6 & 47.0 & & 30.6 & 44.4 & 44.4\\\n6743.12 & Ti I & 0.90 & $-$1.630 & & 16.8 & & & & 21.5 & 21.5\\\n4417.72 & Ti II & 1.16 & $-$1.160 & & & 132.0 & & & &\\\n4501.28 & Ti II & 1.12 & $-$0.760 & 149.4 & & & 173.4 & & &\\\n4563.77 & Ti II & 1.22 & $-$0.820 & 134.4 & & & 164.1 & & &\\\n4571.98 & Ti II & 1.57 & $-$0.340 & 161.1 & & & 173.7 & & &\\\n4583.41 & Ti II & 1.16 & $-$2.870 & & & 52.5 & 49.2 & & &\\\n4589.95 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$1.650 & 99.1 & & & 116.2 & & 134.0 & 134.0\\\n4657.20 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$2.320 & 78.4 & & & 80.7 & & &\\\n4708.67 & Ti II & 1.24 & $-$2.370 & & 58.0 & 78.5 & 83.0 & 69.0 & 74.3 & 74.3\\\n4762.78 & Ti II & 1.08 & $-$2.710 & & & & 83.0 & & &\\\n4798.54 & Ti II & 1.08 & $-$2.670 & & & & & 65.4 & &\\\n4865.62 & Ti II & 1.12 & $-$2.810 & & 62.0 & 60.9 & & 59.0 & 68.1 & 68.1\\\n4911.20 & Ti II & 3.12 & $-$0.340 & 25.0 & 27.5 & 27.7 & 48.0 & 21.8 & 30.0 & 30.0\\\n5185.91 & Ti II & 1.89 & $-$1.460 & 74.1 & 83.0 & 82.2 & 76.9 & 89.0 & 104.2 & 104.2\\\n5670.85 & V I & 1.08 & $-$0.425 & & & & & & 22.0 & 22.0\\\n5703.57 & V I & 1.05 & $-$0.212 & 21.7 & & & 17.1 & & 17.0 & 17.0\\\n6081.44 & V I & 1.05 & $-$0.579 & & & & & & 10.3 & 10.3\\\n6090.22 & V I & 1.08 & $-$0.062 & 24.9 & 29.9 & 20.9 & 20.8 & & 24.3 & 24.3\\\n6199.20 & V I & 0.29 & $-$1.280 & & & & & & 29.9 & 29.9\\\n6243.10 & V I & 0.30 & $-$0.978 & 49.1 & 49.3 & 44.3 & 22.9 & 16.9 & 33.1 & 33.1\\\n6251.82 & V I & 0.29 & $-$1.340 & & 21.0 & 17.3 & & & 18.0 & 18.0\\\n6274.64 & V I & 0.27 & $-$1.670 & & & & & & 10.7 & 10.7\\\n6285.14 & V I & 0.28 & $-$1.510 & & & 21.2 & & 16.9 & 19.1 & 19.1\\\n4545.96 & Cr I & 0.94 & $-$1.380 & 69.2 & & 67.4 & 58.6 & & 86.9 & 86.9\\\n4600.76 & Cr I & 1.00 & $-$1.280 & & & & 73.0 & & &\\\n4616.13 & Cr I & 0.98 & $-$1.210 & & & 91.2 & & & 88.4 & 88.4\\\n4626.18 & Cr I & 0.97 & $-$1.340 & 67.4 & & 70.4 & 57.0 & & 92.5 & 92.5\\\n4652.17 & Cr I & 1.00 & $-$1.030 & 89.7 & & & 79.2 & & 98.2 & 98.2\\\n5206.04 & Cr I & 0.94 & 0.030 & & 175.0 & & 174.0 & 139.8 & &\\\n5409.80 & Cr I & 1.03 & $-$0.710 & 131.4 & 131.8 & 143.2 & 111.8 & 108.5 & 169.0 & 169.0\\\n4754.04 & Mn I & 2.28 & $-$0.090 & 75.8 & 77.8 & 92.8 & 83.5 & 63.6 & 74.1 & 74.1\\\n4783.42 & Mn I & 2.30 & 0.042 & 91.6 & 91.4 & 86.1 & 81.4 & 79.8 & 96.6 & 96.6\\\n4823.51 & Mn I & 2.32 & 0.140 & 87.3 & 118.0 & 98.2 & 82.7 & 88.0 & 99.5 & 99.5\\\n5394.69 & Mn I & 0.00 & $-$3.503 & 88.8 & 84.2 & 89.7 & 57.9 & 42.5 & 101.0 & 101.0\\\n6013.50 & Mn I & 3.07 & $-$0.252 & 13.5 & & & 9.9 & & &\\\n6021.80 & Mn I & 3.08 & 0.034 & 37.4 & & 36.5 & 27.2 & 28.0 & 36.3 & 36.3\\\n4489.75 & Fe I & 0.12 & $-$3.970 & 146.3 & & & & & &\\\n4494.57 & Fe I & 2.20 & $-$1.140 & & & & 142.6 & & &\\\n4531.16 & Fe I & 1.49 & $-$2.150 & 147.8 & & & 126.7 & & &\\\n4602.95 & Fe I & 1.49 & $-$2.220 & 129.3 & & 152.2 & 137.3 & & &\\\n4625.05 & Fe I & 3.24 & $-$1.348 & 57.8 & & 71.0 & 50.7 & & 75.6 & 75.6\\\n4788.77 & Fe I & 3.24 & $-$1.806 & 35.9 & & 42.1 & & & 34.1 & 34.1\\\n4871.33 & Fe I & 2.86 & $-$0.360 & 127.9 & & & 126.3 & & &\\\n4891.50 & Fe I & 2.85 & $-$0.110 & 149.4 & & 151.1 & 147.3 & & &\\\n4919.00 & Fe I & 2.86 & $-$0.340 & 137.6 & 136.0 & 143.0 & 135.0 & & 161.9 & 161.9\\\n5083.34 & Fe I & 0.96 & $-$2.960 & 143.7 & 157.1 & 158.1 & 150.6 & 141.9 & &\\\n5166.28 & Fe I & 0.00 & $-$4.200 & 174.0 & & & 179.9 & 167.6 & &\\\n5171.61 & Fe I & 1.48 & $-$1.790 & 157.0 & 175.5 & & 170.6 & & &\\\n5192.35 & Fe I & 3.00 & $-$0.420 & 122.2 & 116.0 & 136.4 & 126.3 & 109.0 & 157.0 & 157.0\\\n5194.95 & Fe I & 1.56 & $-$2.090 & 154.9 & 159.4 & 159.8 & 159.5 & 152.9 & &\\\n5198.72 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$2.140 & 103.4 & 97.9 & 105.3 & 95.8 & 95.2 & 128.3 & 128.3\\\n5216.28 & Fe I & 1.61 & $-$2.150 & 155.4 & & 145.5 & 137.1 & 133.0 & &\\\n5217.40 & Fe I & 3.21 & $-$1.070 & & 102.0 & 78.3 & & 68.2 & 78.9 & 78.9\\\n5232.95 & Fe I & 2.94 & $-$0.100 & 145.2 & 168.6 & 145.0 & 141.1 & 139.6 & &\\\n5393.18 & Fe I & 3.24 & $-$0.720 & 105.2 & 131.0 & 103.5 & 87.4 & 84.1 & 114.5 & 114.5\\\n5410.92 & Fe I & 4.47 & 0.400 & 56.9 & 69.6 & 77.8 & 62.7 & 46.2 & 71.2 & 71.2\\\n5415.21 & Fe I & 4.39 & 0.640 & 84.2 & 79.1 & 96.8 & 78.3 & 73.3 & 85.7 & 85.7\\\n5424.08 & Fe I & 4.32 & 0.510 & 89.9 & 82.6 & 103.4 & 85.9 & 86.0 & 107.8 & 107.8\\\n5445.05 & Fe I & 4.39 & $-$0.030 & & & 71.7 & 51.1 & 41.1 & 56.6 & 56.6\\\n5466.39 & Fe I & 4.37 & $-$0.620 & 25.5 & & 29.7 & 20.6 & & 25.0 & 25.0\\\n5473.90 & Fe I & 4.15 & $-$0.690 & 30.1 & 34.5 & 29.2 & 24.3 & 25.6 & 23.7 & 23.7\\\n5487.77 & Fe I & 4.14 & $-$0.620 & 38.8 & 59.2 & 42.2 & 26.3 & & 31.5 & 31.5\\\n5497.52 & Fe I & 1.01 & $-$2.830 & 174.3 & 170.3 & & 164.2 & 165.1 & &\\\n5501.46 & Fe I & 0.96 & $-$3.050 & 161.6 & 152.2 & 173.5 & 155.1 & 147.9 & &\\\n5506.79 & Fe I & 0.99 & $-$2.790 & & 168.1 & & 167.1 & 158.9 & &\\\n5522.45 & Fe I & 4.21 & $-$1.450 & 7.2 & & & & & &\\\n5554.88 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.350 & 29.6 & & 35.0 & 17.9 & & 16.7 & 16.7\\\n5567.39 & Fe I & 2.61 & $-$2.670 & 42.2 & & & 39.2 & 29.9 & 49.8 & 49.8\\\n5569.62 & Fe I & 3.42 & $-$0.486 & 99.4 & 92.4 & 103.2 & 87.5 & 80.0 & 106.7 & 106.7\\\n5572.84 & Fe I & 3.40 & $-$0.275 & 116.3 & & 120.0 & 111.2 & 108.8 & 129.1 & 129.1\\\n5576.09 & Fe I & 3.43 & $-$0.920 & 82.5 & 80.3 & 86.1 & 69.9 & 74.9 & 90.1 & 90.1\\\n5586.76 & Fe I & 3.37 & $-$0.140 & 120.5 & 125.3 & 132.9 & 120.8 & 122.0 & 143.8 & 143.8\\\n5624.54 & Fe I & 3.42 & $-$0.755 & 86.2 & 103.2 & 93.8 & 72.4 & 68.0 & 100.4 & 100.4\\\n5641.44 & Fe I & 4.26 & $-$1.080 & & 22.3 & & & & &\\\n5662.52 & Fe I & 4.18 & $-$0.570 & 37.4 & & 46.8 & 41.4 & 29.7 & &\\\n5701.54 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$2.140 & 78.1 & 68.7 & 78.2 & 64.9 & 72.4 & 83.8 & 83.8\\\n5705.98 & Fe I & 4.61 & $-$0.490 & & & & & & 16.1 & 16.1\\\n5753.12 & Fe I & 4.26 & $-$0.690 & 26.8 & & 30.5 & 15.2 & & 26.6 & 26.6\\\n5762.99 & Fe I & 4.21 & $-$0.410 & 48.6 & 47.3 & 53.8 & 28.9 & 47.6 & 40.6 & 40.6\\\n5778.46 & Fe I & 2.59 & $-$3.430 & & & & & & 9.3 & 9.3\\\n5859.60 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.550 & & & & & & 13.3 & 13.3\\\n5862.35 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.330 & & 32.1 & 21.3 & & 23.7 & 25.6 & 25.6\\\n5883.81 & Fe I & 3.96 & $-$1.260 & & & 18.0 & & & 26.7 & 26.7\\\n5930.17 & Fe I & 4.65 & $-$0.140 & 30.4 & 26.0 & & 21.7 & 40.6 & 36.0 & 36.0\\\n5934.65 & Fe I & 3.93 & $-$1.070 & 29.3 & & 31.3 & 21.9 & & 34.2 & 34.2\\\n5952.72 & Fe I & 3.98 & $-$1.340 & & & & & & 14.2 & 14.2\\\n5956.69 & Fe I & 0.86 & $-$4.500 & 89.8 & 94.3 & 91.0 & 75.9 & 80.0 & 99.8 & 99.8\\\n5976.79 & Fe I & 3.94 & $-$1.330 & 26.5 & 33.4 & & & & 22.5 & 22.5\\\n5983.69 & Fe I & 4.55 & $-$0.660 & 10.1 & & 17.1 & & & 19.6 & 19.6\\\n6024.05 & Fe I & 4.55 & 0.030 & 53.0 & 45.7 & 61.8 & 45.3 & 41.1 & 56.5 & 56.5\\\n6027.05 & Fe I & 4.07 & $-$1.090 & 36.3 & & 25.0 & 16.9 & 19.1 & 24.9 & 24.9\\\n6055.99 & Fe I & 4.73 & $-$0.370 & & & 18.5 & & & 16.1 & 16.1\\\n6065.48 & Fe I & 2.61 & $-$1.410 & 125.3 & 131.7 & 127.7 & 115.0 & 105.6 & 141.4 & 141.4\\\n6078.50 & Fe I & 4.79 & $-$0.330 & & & & & 17.8 & &\\\n6136.62 & Fe I & 2.45 & $-$1.410 & 145.4 & 139.4 & 148.1 & 136.5 & 114.1 & &\\\n6136.99 & Fe I & 2.20 & $-$2.930 & & & 89.4 & & 54.2 & &\\\n6137.69 & Fe I & 2.59 & $-$1.350 & 139.8 & 132.1 & 147.9 & 128.2 & 126.5 & 159.4 & 159.4\\\n6151.62 & Fe I & 2.18 & $-$3.370 & 45.0 & 47.0 & 48.6 & 33.3 & 22.9 & 48.8 & 48.8\\\n6157.73 & Fe I & 4.07 & $-$1.160 & & 34.8 & & & & 16.4 & 16.4\\\n6173.34 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$2.880 & 80.8 & 65.1 & 77.2 & 65.3 & 59.6 & 87.0 & 87.0\\\n6180.20 & Fe I & 2.73 & $-$2.650 & 34.3 & 43.0 & & 21.5 & 26.8 & 40.7 & 40.7\\\n6191.56 & Fe I & 2.43 & $-$1.420 & 145.1 & 143.4 & 148.3 & 135.2 & 121.7 & 150.3 & 150.3\\\n6200.31 & Fe I & 2.61 & $-$2.370 & 63.3 & 86.4 & 60.3 & 44.6 & 56.1 & 71.5 & 71.5\\\n6240.65 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$3.170 & 52.7 & 42.6 & 50.8 & 32.1 & 29.4 & 47.2 & 47.2\\\n6246.32 & Fe I & 3.60 & $-$0.880 & 69.8 & 71.8 & 78.0 & 60.2 & 72.3 & 76.8 & 76.8\\\n6252.55 & Fe I & 2.40 & $-$1.770 & 122.8 & 118.8 & 133.7 & 119.2 & 116.8 & 148.6 & 148.6\\\n6254.26 & Fe I & 2.28 & $-$2.430 & 97.3 & 93.5 & 102.2 & 85.8 & 80.6 & 113.9 & 113.9\\\n6265.13 & Fe I & 2.18 & $-$2.540 & 106.3 & 122.0 & 105.1 & 89.2 & 83.3 & 111.9 & 111.9\\\n6297.79 & Fe I & 2.22 & $-$2.640 & 77.1 & 85.3 & & 62.5 & 66.7 & 92.6 & 92.6\\\n6301.51 & Fe I & 3.65 & $-$0.718 & 72.1 & & & 61.9 & 61.6 & 76.3 & 76.3\\\n6302.50 & Fe I & 3.69 & $-$1.110 & 43.3 & 56.7 & & & & 51.3 & 51.3\\\n6311.50 & Fe I & 2.83 & $-$3.140 & & & & & & 13.6 & 13.6\\\n6315.81 & Fe I & 4.07 & $-$1.610 & 10.8 & & & & & &\\\n6355.03 & Fe I & 2.84 & $-$2.290 & 56.2 & 39.3 & 54.8 & 37.1 & 39.5 & 45.7 & 45.7\\\n6380.75 & Fe I & 4.19 & $-$1.380 & & & & & & 10.6 & 10.6\\\n6393.60 & Fe I & 2.43 & $-$1.580 & 141.0 & 139.1 & 142.5 & 127.2 & 133.9 & 162.0 & 162.0\\\n6408.03 & Fe I & 3.69 & $-$1.020 & 53.5 & 63.8 & 57.2 & 45.4 & 53.8 & 50.7 & 50.7\\\n6411.65 & Fe I & 3.65 & $-$0.720 & 77.9 & 86.8 & 80.7 & 72.2 & 78.7 & 85.9 & 85.9\\\n6421.35 & Fe I & 2.28 & $-$2.010 & & & & 120.3 & & &\\\n6430.84 & Fe I & 2.18 & $-$1.950 & 128.8 & 141.9 & 138.8 & 129.6 & 134.9 & 165.6 & 165.6\\\n6475.63 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$2.940 & 41.7 & & 43.3 & 26.0 & & 49.5 & 49.5\\\n6481.87 & Fe I & 2.28 & $-$3.010 & 63.3 & 65.6 & 66.1 & 46.5 & 42.3 & 72.7 & 72.7\\\n6494.98 & Fe I & 2.40 & $-$1.240 & 159.2 & 166.6 & 166.0 & 153.1 & 149.0 & &\\\n6498.94 & Fe I & 0.96 & $-$4.690 & 83.2 & 79.0 & 84.6 & 60.6 & 64.3 & 88.4 & 88.4\\\n6546.24 & Fe I & 2.76 & $-$1.540 & 108.5 & 122.0 & 110.9 & 95.8 & 89.8 & 125.0 & 125.0\\\n6581.21 & Fe I & 1.48 & $-$4.680 & & & & & 11.3 & 16.6 & 16.6\\\n6592.91 & Fe I & 2.73 & $-$1.470 & 119.3 & 117.7 & 119.4 & 111.4 & 102.3 & 127.1 & 127.1\\\n6593.87 & Fe I & 2.43 & $-$2.370 & 86.8 & 93.8 & 89.8 & 71.9 & 80.1 & 96.1 & 96.1\\\n6608.02 & Fe I & 2.28 & $-$3.930 & 11.1 & & & 8.4 & & &\\\n6609.11 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$2.660 & 63.0 & 54.1 & 57.8 & 47.0 & 44.6 & 54.9 & 54.9\\\n6625.02 & Fe I & 1.01 & $-$5.370 & 33.6 & 23.0 & 33.7 & 23.0 & & 38.0 & 38.0\\\n6648.12 & Fe I & 1.01 & $-$5.920 & & & & & & 11.9 & 11.9\\\n6703.57 & Fe I & 2.76 & $-$3.060 & & & 32.7 & & 18.0 & 19.4 & 19.4\\\n6739.52 & Fe I & 1.56 & $-$4.790 & 21.8 & & 13.3 & & & &\\\n6750.15 & Fe I & 2.42 & $-$2.580 & 81.3 & 87.2 & 83.5 & 68.4 & 63.2 & 90.9 & 90.9\\\n6839.83 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$3.350 & & & & & & 12.3 & 12.3\\\n6855.18 & Fe I & 4.56 & $-$0.740 & & & & & & 17.9 & 17.9\\\n6978.85 & Fe I & 2.48 & $-$2.450 & & 93.6 & & & 65.8 & 96.4 & 96.4\\\n6988.52 & Fe I & 2.40 & $-$3.560 & & & & & & 20.4 & 20.4\\\n6999.88 & Fe I & 4.10 & $-$1.460 & & & & & & 13.8 & 13.8\\\n7022.95 & Fe I & 4.19 & $-$1.150 & & & & & & 20.5 & 20.5\\\n7112.17 & Fe I & 2.99 & $-$3.100 & & & & & & 12.4 & 12.4\\\n7130.92 & Fe I & 4.22 & $-$0.750 & & 26.2 & & & 28.8 & 29.4 & 29.4\\\n7151.47 & Fe I & 2.48 & $-$3.660 & & & & & & 19.3 & 19.3\\\n7179.99 & Fe I & 1.48 & $-$4.750 & & & & & & 28.4 & 28.4\\\n7411.16 & Fe I & 4.28 & $-$0.280 & & 69.3 & 44.9 & & 31.6 & 40.0 & 40.0\\\n7445.75 & Fe I & 4.26 & 0.030 & & 65.0 & 73.5 & & 57.6 & 65.8 & 65.8\\\n7461.52 & Fe I & 2.56 & $-$3.530 & & & & & & 22.8 & 22.8\\\n7568.91 & Fe I & 4.28 & $-$0.940 & & & & & & 24.7 & 24.7\\\n7583.79 & Fe I & 3.02 & $-$1.890 & & 71.5 & 65.4 & & 50.4 & 67.2 & 67.2\\\n7586.04 & Fe I & 4.31 & $-$0.130 & & 63.8 & 57.3 & & 40.0 & 48.0 & 48.0\\\n7748.27 & Fe I & 2.95 & $-$1.750 & & 105.0 & 96.8 & & 76.2 & 102.9 & 102.9\\\n7780.57 & Fe I & 4.47 & $-$0.040 & & 54.5 & 53.8 & & 37.0 & 62.9 & 62.9\\\n4416.82 & Fe II & 2.77 & $-$2.430 & & & & & & 61.0 & 61.0\\\n4491.40 & Fe II & 2.84 & $-$2.600 & & & & 70.7 & & 71.0 & 71.0\\\n4508.30 & Fe II & 2.84 & $-$2.280 & & & 81.5 & 73.1 & & 86.4 & 86.4\\\n4555.89 & Fe II & 2.82 & $-$2.170 & & & & 100.2 & & &\\\n4576.34 & Fe II & 2.83 & $-$2.900 & & & 61.8 & & & 46.0 & 46.0\\\n4583.84 & Fe II & 2.81 & $-$2.020 & 98.0 & & & & & &\\\n4923.93 & Fe II & 2.88 & $-$1.320 & 127.3 & 132.4 & 133.1 & 142.9 & 123.6 & 157.0 & 157.0\\\n5018.45 & Fe II & 2.89 & $-$1.220 & 146.9 & & 165.6 & 155.0 & 146.0 & &\\\n5197.58 & Fe II & 3.23 & $-$2.230 & 65.1 & 78.6 & 69.3 & 60.6 & 61.2 & 84.1 & 84.1\\\n5234.63 & Fe II & 3.22 & $-$2.220 & 73.0 & 58.8 & 68.0 & 62.3 & 72.5 & 82.3 & 82.3\\\n5425.26 & Fe II & 3.00 & $-$3.240 & & 17.0 & 24.8 & & 20.0 & 24.8 & 24.8\\\n5534.85 & Fe II & 3.25 & $-$2.640 & & & 46.8 & & 45.2 & 35.0 & 35.0\\\n6149.26 & Fe II & 3.89 & $-$2.690 & & & 13.7 & & & 11.2 & 11.2\\\n6247.56 & Fe II & 3.89 & $-$2.360 & & 37.0 & 24.3 & & 20.0 & 27.7 & 27.7\\\n6456.39 & Fe II & 3.90 & $-$2.310 & 46.4 & & & 38.1 & & &\\\n6516.08 & Fe II & 2.89 & $-$3.450 & & 35.6 & 39.6 & 29.1 & 40.7 & 33.9 & 33.9\\\n5483.34 & Co I & 1.71 & $-$1.490 & 58.7 & & 55.2 & 30.1 & 29.4 & &\\\n5530.79 & Co I & 1.71 & $-$2.060 & 27.2 & & & & & 18.0 & 18.0\\\n6189.00 & Co I & 1.71 & $-$2.450 & & & & & & 9.5 & 9.5\\\n6771.03 & Co I & 1.88 & $-$1.970 & 14.7 & & & & & 14.6 & 14.6\\\n6814.94 & Co I & 1.96 & $-$1.900 & & & 14.2 & & & 12.2 & 12.2\\\n7417.41 & Co I & 2.04 & $-$2.070 & & & & & & 10.0 & 10.0\\\n5578.72 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$2.640 & 54.8 & 67.2 & 52.5 & 41.8 & 36.5 & 60.9 & 60.9\\\n5587.86 & Ni I & 1.93 & $-$2.140 & 57.4 & 56.7 & 57.6 & 37.4 & 34.0 & &\\\n5592.26 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.590 & 61.9 & 51.4 & 48.0 & & & &\\\n5748.35 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$3.260 & & & 29.4 & & & 21.8 & 21.8\\\n5846.99 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$3.210 & 23.6 & & & 14.3 & & 16.7 & 16.7\\\n5892.87 & Ni I & 1.99 & $-$2.340 & 71.5 & 64.7 & 61.0 & 51.8 & 35.5 & 66.6 & 66.6\\\n6128.97 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$3.330 & 33.8 & & & 11.8 & & 26.3 & 26.3\\\n6176.81 & Ni I & 4.09 & $-$0.529 & & & & & & 15.0 & 15.0\\\n6482.80 & Ni I & 1.93 & $-$2.630 & 29.5 & & 34.3 & 19.8 & 24.4 & 29.4 & 29.4\\\n6586.31 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.810 & 35.8 & 28.0 & 30.9 & 23.9 & 31.0 & 35.4 & 35.4\\\n6643.63 & Ni I & 1.68 & $-$2.300 & 102.1 & 97.4 & 110.6 & 88.2 & 88.0 & 117.8 & 117.8\\\n6767.77 & Ni I & 1.83 & $-$2.170 & 96.3 & 97.2 & 93.3 & 75.3 & 66.1 & 104.6 & 104.6\\\n6772.31 & Ni I & 3.66 & $-$0.987 & & & & & & 11.7 & 11.7\\\n7110.88 & Ni I & 1.93 & $-$2.970 & & & & & & 28.8 & 28.8\\\n7122.20 & Ni I & 3.54 & 0.048 & 71.6 & 61.6 & 73.9 & 58.3 & 53.4 & 69.5 & 69.5\\\n7261.92 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.700 & & & & & & 65.9 & 65.9\\\n7409.35 & Ni I & 3.80 & $-$0.100 & & 44.8 & & & & &\\\n7414.50 & Ni I & 1.99 & $-$2.570 & & 54.7 & 60.6 & & 46.0 & 62.2 & 62.2\\\n7422.27 & Ni I & 3.63 & $-$0.129 & & 55.0 & 47.0 & & 32.0 & 47.9 & 47.9\\\n7574.05 & Ni I & 3.83 & $-$0.580 & & & 35.8 & & & 16.5 & 16.5\\\n7727.62 & Ni I & 3.68 & $-$0.162 & & 45.5 & 44.5 & & & 54.6 & 54.6\\\n7748.89 & Ni I & 3.70 & $-$0.130 & & 37.6 & & & 42.4 & 40.5 & 40.5\\\n7788.93 & Ni I & 1.95 & $-$2.420 & 100.7 & 88.0 & 87.9 & 63.9 & 66.0 & 92.0 & 92.0\\\n7797.59 & Ni I & 3.90 & $-$0.180 & & & 39.5 & & 22.3 & 34.1 & 34.1\\\n5105.54 & Cu I & 1.39 & $-$1.505 & 52.0 & 61.6 & 61.9 & 38.0 & 39.7 & 52.8 & 52.8\\\n5782.12 & Cu I & 1.64 & $-$1.780 & 17.5 & & 27.2 & & & 18.2 & 18.2\\\n4722.16 & Zn I & 4.03 & $-$0.390 & 27.9 & & 39.9 & & & 38.0 & 38.0\\\n4810.54 & Zn I & 4.08 & $-$0.170 & 34.2 & & 36.1 & & & 34.0 & 34.0\\\n4607.33 & Sr I & 0.00 & 0.280 & 28.0 & & 11.3 & 16.0 & & &\\\n4215.52 & Sr II & 0.00 & $-$0.140 & 240.3 & & & 220.0 & & &\\\n4554.04 & Ba II & 0.00 & 0.170 & & & 193.4 & & & &\\\n5853.70 & Ba II & 0.60 & $-$1.010 & 76.2 & 84.3 & 82.4 & 89.3 & 95.3 & 98.9 & 98.9\\\n6141.70 & Ba II & 0.70 & $-$0.070 & 133.4 & 147.3 & 138.7 & 147.2 & 155.1 & 187.8 & 187.8\\\n6496.90 & Ba II & 0.60 & $-$0.380 & 137.7 & 148.6 & 140.6 & 155.9 & 146.4 & 175.6 & 175.6\\\n4398.01 & Y II & 0.13 & $-$1.000 & & & & & & 102.0 & 102.0\\\n4854.87 & Y II & 0.99 & $-$0.380 & 41.7 & & & 48.4 & & &\\\n4883.69 & Y II & 1.08 & 0.070 & 68.4 & 64.0 & 72.0 & 66.7 & 66.0 & 67.1 & 67.1\\\n5087.43 & Y II & 1.08 & $-$0.170 & 34.0 & 60.0 & 44.0 & 43.2 & 42.0 & 49.6 & 49.6\\\n5123.22 & Y II & 0.99 & $-$0.830 & & & 33.2 & & & &\\\n5200.42 & Y II & 0.99 & $-$0.570 & 42.0 & & & 42.2 & & 54.0 & 54.0\\\n5205.73 & Y II & 1.03 & $-$0.340 & & & & 47.0 & 38.0 & &\\\n6127.44 & Zr I & 0.15 & $-$1.060 & & & & & & 6.7 & 6.7\\\n5122.99 & La II & 0.32 & $-$0.850 & & & & 35.2 & & &\\\n6390.48 & La II & 0.32 & $-$1.410 & 5.1 & & & & & &\\\n4486.91 & Ce II & 0.30 & $-$0.360 & 24.4 & & & & & &\\\n4562.37 & Ce II & 0.48 & 0.330 & 24.3 & & 39.1 & 41.3 & & &\\\n4628.16 & Ce II & 0.52 & 0.260 & 30.4 & & 26.9 & 31.6 & & &\\\n4462.99 & Nd II & 0.56 & 0.040 & & & & & & 27.6 & 27.6\\\n4959.12 & Nd II & 0.06 & $-$0.800 & 25.6 & & 36.5 & 27.4 & 37.0 & 32.0 & 32.0\\\n5092.79 & Nd II & 0.38 & $-$0.610 & & & & & & 9.9 & 9.9\\\n5212.35 & Nd II & 0.20 & $-$0.960 & & & & & & 10.7 & 10.7\\\n5249.58 & Nd II & 0.98 & 0.200 & 20.3 & $\\leq$29.0 & 25.1 & 23.6 & 34.2 & &\\\n4129.70 & Eu II & 0.00 & 0.220 & 98.0 & & 132.7 & 123.8 & & 145.0 & 145.0\\\n6645.11 & Eu II & 1.38 & 0.120 & 11.0 & & 12.4 & 13.4 & $\\leq$20.0 & 9.0 & 9.0\\\n\n[^1]: The standard nomenclature is adopted; the abundance of element $X$ is given by $\\epsilon(X) = N(X)/N(H)$ on a scale where $N(H) = 10^{12}$ H atoms. ", "Then \\[X/H\\] = log$_{10}$\\[N(X)/N(H)\\] $-$ log$_{10}$\\[N(X)/N(H)\\], and similarly for \\[X/Fe\\].", "\n\n[^2]: We are trying to obtain a better HIRES spectrum of M13 III–73; it should be in hand shortly.", "\n" ]
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0.029850746268656716, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.011111111111111112, 0.017045454545454544, 0.015873015873015872, 0.03551046290424857, 0.021052631578947368, 0.02976190476190476, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0.04, 0.0625, 0.05, 0.020689655172413793, 0.02258064516129032, 0.013053042251182867, 0.010526315789473684, 0.02, 0 ]
[ "On Our Radar\n\nOn Our Radar\n\nNetflix To Offer $800 Million In Senior Notes\n\nNetflix Inc. said Monday it plans to issue $800 million of senior notes, as the streaming giant continues to push ahead with a global expansion plan. ", "The company said proceeds of the sale will be used for general corporate purposes, which may include content acquisitions, capex, investments, working capital and potential acquisitions and strategic transactions. ", "The company's most-active bonds, its 5.875% notes due February 2020 traded Friday at a premium of 112.375 cents on the dollar, according to MarketAxess. ", "The company has $6.2 billion in bonds outstanding, according to MarketAxess." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0.013157894736842105 ]
[ "Obama stands by the term 'thugs,' White House says\n\nDavid Jackson | USA TODAY\n\nPresident Obama doesn't regret using the term \"thug\" in describing the violent rioters in Baltimore this week, spokesman Josh Earnest said Wednesday.", "\n\n\"Whether it's arson or, you know, the looting of a liquor store ... those were thuggish acts,\" Earnest said.", "\n\nIn discussing the riots Tuesday, Obama assailed the \"criminals and thugs who tore up the place,\" and described them as a distraction from the real issues of police brutality.", "\n\nSome critics ascribe racial connotations to the word \"thug\" -- Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake walked back the term earlier this week -- but Obama doesn't agree, officials said.", "\n\nThe vast majority of the protesters of a recent police killing acted in a law-abiding way, Earnest said.", "\n\n\"At the same time, we saw a small minority of individuals engaged in other activity that was not responsible that is clearly a crime,\" Earnest said.", "\n\nHe added: \"And when you're looting up a convenience store or you're throwing a cinder block at a police officer, you're engaging in thuggish behavior and that's why the President used that word.\"" ]
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[ "Coordinate control by vitamin A of keratin gene expression in human keratinocytes.", "\nIn the present study, we examine the effects of vitamin A on keratin protein and mRNA levels in human keratinocytes. ", "In epidermal keratinocytes, the levels of keratins 5, 6, 14, and 17 decrease and keratins 13 and 19 increase in response to increasing concentrations of a potent synthetic trans-retinoic acid analog, arotinoid Ro 13-6298. ", "In tracheal keratinocytes, a similar suppression is observed for keratins 5, 6, 14, 17, and 18 and an increase in keratin 19. ", "Both induction and suppression responses show identical kinetics and both processes are half-maximal at 5 nM arotinoid and maximal at 10 nM. Utilizing cDNAs specific for keratins 5, 6, 13, and 19, we demonstrate that the mRNA levels for these keratins change coordinately with the corresponding amount of keratin protein, indicating that the control of keratin protein expression most likely resides at the level of mRNA synthesis and/or degradation. ", "The identical kinetics for all of the responses, both inductive and suppressive, suggests that a common mechanism controls the expression of these genes. ", "These results indicate that vitamin A produces more sweeping changes in keratinocyte function than previously appreciated in that many and perhaps all keratins are modulated by vitamin A. Moreover, these responses are 10- to 100-fold less sensitive to retinoid than the process of envelope formation, suggesting that at least two sets of processes with different sensitivities to vitamin A are present in keratinocytes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0045045045045045045, 0, 0.0022172949002217295, 0, 0.002386634844868735 ]
[ "The UFC finishes its pay-per-view schedule for the year with a championship doubleheader as UFC 181 takes place Saturday at Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay Events Center.", "\n\nWelterweight titleholder Johny Hendricks (16-2 MMA, 11-2 UFC) and lightweight champ Anthony Pettis (17-2 MMA, 4-1 UFC) both look to defend their belts for the first time as they return from surgery-induced layoffs.", "\n\nEager to take the gold are two challengers that want to make the most of their second opportunity to fight for a UFC belt. ", "Top 170-pound contender Robbie Lawler (24-10 MMA, 9-4 UFC) challenges Hendricks while former Strikeforce champ Gilbert Melendez (22-3 MMA, 1-1 UFC) goes for the title at 155 pounds.", "\n\nFor more on the numbers behind what will be the 300th event overall in UFC history, check out 65 pre-fight facts for UFC 181.", "\n\nMain event\n\nHendricks returns to the octagon after a 265-day layoff, his longest break from competition dating back to his September 2007 debut.", "\n\nHendricks will compete in the first rematch of his career.", "\n\nHendricks’ 11 UFC welterweight victories are tied for the fifth most in divisional history behind Georges St-Pierre (19), Matt Hughes (16), Josh Koscheck (14) and Jon Fitch (13).", "\n\nHendricks’ past three fights have ended in a decision, the longest stretch of his professional career without a finish.", "\n\nHendricks’ five knockout victories in UFC welterweight competition are tied for the fifth most in divisional history behind Matt Brown (nine), Thiago Alves (seven), Anthony Johnson (six) and Hughes (six).", "\n\nHendricks has never been knocked down in his career.", "\n\nHendricks is one of four fighters in UFC history to record three knockout victories in less than one minute each. ", "Vitor Belfort, Johnson, Mike Swick are the others. ", "He accomplished the feat against Martin Kampmann (UFC 154), Fitch (UFC 141) and Amir Sadollah (UFC 101).", "\n\nHendricks’ 12-second knockout of Fitch at UFC 141 is the second fastest in UFC welterweight history. ", "Duane Ludwig, who stopped Jonathan Goutlet in six seconds at UFC Fight Night 3, holds the record.", "\n\nHendricks lands 29.7 percent of his significant strikes in the clinch, the second largest margin among active welterweights behind Swick (40.9 percent).", "\n\nHendricks has completed 40 takedowns in UFC welterweight competition, the most among active fighters in the weight class and fourth most in divisional history.", "\n\nHendricks’ 12 takedowns landed against Carlos Condit at UFC 158 are tied for the fourth most ever landed in a single UFC fight.", "\n\nHendricks has been awarded six fight-night bonuses in his UFC career, tied for the second most of any welterweight in company history behind Chris Lytle (10).", "\n\nHendricks and Lawler combined for 308 significant strikes landed over the course of their five-round bout at UFC 171. ", "That tally set a new record for a UFC championship fight, obliterating the previous total of 256, which was set by Condit and Nick Diaz at UFC 143.", "\n\nHendricks and Lawler attempted 728 significant strikes in their first meeting, the second most ever in single UFC bout behind Cole Miller and Nam Phan, who attempted 788 significant strikes at UFC on FOX 4.", "\n\nHendricks’ 158 significant strikes landed against Lawler stand as the most ever for a UFC title bout. ", "Lawler, who landed 150 significant strikes, tied the fourth-highest tally ever for a championship fight.", "\n\nLawler is 5-1 since he returned to the UFC for a second stint in February 2013. ", "The lone defeat during that stretch came to Hendricks.", "\n\nLawler’s seven knockdowns landed in UFC welterweight competition are tied for the fifth most in divisional history behind Alves (10), Johnson (eight), St-Pierre (eight) and Jake Ellenberger (eight).", "\n\nLawler has a 14:1 knockdown ratio in UFC/PRIDE/Strikeforce/EliteXC competition.", "\n\nLawler has completed 80 percent of his takedown attempts (16 of 20) in UFC competition, the highest accuracy rate in UFC history.", "\n\nCo-main event\n\nPettis returns to the octagon after a 462-day layoff, his longest break from competition dating back to his January 2007 debut.", "\n\nPettis’ four-fight UFC winning streak is the fifth longest active streak in the lightweight division behind Khabib Nurmagomedov (six), Myles Jury (six), Donald Cerrone (five) and T.J. Grant (five).", "\n\nPettis has earned his past three UFC victories by first-round stoppage.", "\n\nPettis has earned three knockouts in UFC/WEC competition stemming from a roundhouse kick to the head or body, more than any other fighter. ", "Adding Strikeforce and PRIDE competition, the only fighter with more such victories is Mirko Filipovic with seven such one-kick finishes.", "\n\nPettis is one of two fighters in UFC history to earn two consecutive knockouts stemming from a kick to the head or body. ", "Belfort is the other to accomplish the feat.", "\n\nPettis absorbs just 1.32 significant strikes per minute, the third lowest rate in UFC lightweight history behind Jury (1.22) and Matt Serra (1.24).", "\n\nPettis has never been finished in his career.", "\n\nMelendez will challenge for the UFC lightweight championship for the second time in three octagon appearances\n\nMelendez reigned as Strikeforce champion for 1,135 days, the longest title run of any lightweight champion in UFC/WEC/Strikeforce combined history.", "\n\nMelendez’s 11 victories under the now-defunct Strikeforce banner stand as the most in company history.", "\n\nMelendez’s 749 significant strikes landed during his Strikeforce career were the most in the promotion’s history.", "\n\nMelendez has never been finished in his career.", "\n\nRemaining main card\n\nTravis Browne (16-2-1 MMA, 7-2-1 UFC) has earned 14 of his 16 career victories by stoppage. “", "Hapa” has finished his opponent in all but one of his UFC victories.", "\n\nBrowne has earned five first-round knockout victories in UFC heavyweight competition. ", "Only Cain Velasquez, Andrei Arlovski and Roy Nelson, who have six first-round finishes, have recorded more.", "\n\nBrowne is the only fighter in UFC history to earn two knockout victories stemming from standing elbow strikes. ", "He used the technique to finish Josh Barnett at UFC 168 and Gabriel Gonzaga at the TUF 17 Finale.", "\n\nBrowne has been awarded five fight-night bonuses in his UFC career, tied for the second most of any heavyweight in company history behind Nelson (six).", "\n\nBrowne, who stands at 6-7, is the second tallest fighter on the UFC roster (Struve).", "\n\nBrendan Schaub (10-4 MMA, 6-4 UFC) has earned four of his six UFC victories by stoppage. ", "He’s suffered three of his four career losses by first-round knockout.", "\n\nSchaub is 2-3 in his past five UFC appearances.", "\n\nSchaub is the only fighter in UFC heavyweight history to earn a D’Arce choke submission. ", "He accomplished the feat against Matt Mitrione at UFC 165.", "\n\nSchaub has completed 47.8 percent of his takedown attempts in UFC heavyweight competition, the highest accuracy rate among active fighters in the weight class.", "\n\nSchaub lands 84.7 percent of significant strikes to his opponent’s head, the second largest proportion of head strikes in UFC heavyweight history behind Mark Hunt (87.4 percent).", "\n\nTodd Duffee (8-2 MMA, 2-2 UFC) returns to the octagon after a 707-day layoff, his longest break from competition dating back to his February 2007 debut.", "\n\nDuffee has earned all of his career victories by knockout.", "\n\nDuffee’s seven-second knockout of Tim Hague at UFC 102 stands as the fastest knockout in heavyweight history and is tied for the third fastest knockout overall in UFC history.", "\n\nAnthony Hamilton’s (13-3 MMA, 1-1 UFC) knockout of Ruan Potts at UFC 177 stemmed from multiple body punches on the ground. ", "It was just the second finish of its kind in UFC history along with Antonio Rogerio Nogueira’s stoppage of Tito Ortiz at UFC 140.", "\n\nHamilton landed 49 significant body strikes in Round 2 against Potts are a single-round UFC record.", "\n\nTony Ferguson (16-3 MMA, 6-1 UFC) has earned four of his six UFC victories by first-round stoppage.", "\n\nFerguson is one of 12 fighters in UFC history to earn a D’Arce/brabo choke submission win. ", "He accomplished the feat against Mike Rio at UFC 166. ", "The finish at the 1:52 mark of Round 1 was the quickest of its kind in UFC history.", "\n\nFerguson lands 99 percent of his significant strikes on the feet, the third largest standing strike proportion in UFC lightweight history.", "\n\nAbel Trujillo (12-5 MMA, 3-1 UFC) has earned all three of his UFC victories by knockout.", "\n\nTrujillo was awarded $125,000 for “Fight of the Night” and “Knockout of the Night” honors for his second-round knockout of Jamie Varner at UFC 169 in February.", "\n\nTrujillo was taken down a UFC record 21 times in his unanimous decision loss to Nurmagomedov at UFC 160.", "\n\nPreliminary card\n\nUrijah Faber (31-7 MMA, 7-3 UFC), 35, is the oldest of the 22 fighters scheduled to compete at the event.", "\n\nFaber is undefeated in non-title bouts throughout his professional career.", "\n\nFaber is one of four fighters in UFC history to go 0-3 in UFC championship fights. ", "Other fighters with the unflattering feat are Pedro Rizzo, Chael Sonnen and Kenny Florian.", "\n\nFaber will compete in his 11th UFC bantamweight contest, the most in divisional history. ", "His total fight time of 2:12:30 is the most in 135-pound history.", "\n\nFaber’s seven victories in UFC bantamweight competition are tied with four other fighters for the most in divisional history.", "\n\nFaber’s 13 stoppage victories in UFC/WEC competition are tied with Belfort, Hughes and Nate Diaz for the second most in the combined history of the two organizations behind Anderson Silva (14).", "\n\nFaber’s five stoppage victories in UFC bantamweight competition are tied with T.J. Dillashaw for the most finishes in divisional history. ", "His six stoppage wins in UFC/WEC bantamweight history are also tied for the most in the combined history of the weight class.", "\n\nFaber’s 12 submission victories in UFC/WEC/Strikeforce/PRIDE competition are tied with Kazushi Sakuraba for the second most of any fighter in the combined history of the four organizations behind Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (13).", "\n\nFaber’s 12 submission victories in UFC/WEC competition are tied with Royce Gracie for the most in the combined history of the two organizations. ", "In terms of his overall career, Faber has 18 submission victories to his name, with 16 of them coming by rear-naked or guillotine chokes.", "\n\nFaber’s five submission victories in UFC bantamweight competition are the most in divisional history. ", "He also holds the record for most submissions in UFC/WEC bantamweight history with six.", "\n\nFaber has completed 18 takedowns in UFC bantamweight competition, the most in divisional history.", "\n\nFaber’s 11 fight-night bonuses under the Zuffa banner are tied for fourth most in UFC/WEC history behind Cerrone (15), Joe Lauzon (13), and Silva (13). ", "He is tied with Lauzon for “Submission of the Night” honors six bonuses for impressive tap-outs.", "\n\nFrancisco Rivera (10-3 MMA, 3-2 UFC) has suffered just one defeat in his past seven bouts.", "\n\nRivera’s four knockdowns landed in UFC bantamweight competition are tied for the third most in divisional history behind Michael McDonald (five) and Dillashaw (five).", "\n\nRivera lands 4.15 significant strikes per minute, the fourth highest rate in UFC/WEC bantamweight history.", "\n\nRivera’s significant strike defense rate of 69.9 percent in UFC bantamweight competition is the third highest in divisional history behind Vaughan Lee (71.5 percent) and Raphael Assuncao (70.8 percent).", "\n\nJosh Samman (10-2 MMA, 1-0 UFC) returns to the octagon after a 602-day layoff, his longest break from competition dating back to his April 2007 debut.", "\n\nCorey Anderson’s (4-0 MMA, 1-0 UFC) 61-second knockout of Matt Van Buren at the TUF 19 Finale marked the fastest finish ever to a finale of “The Ultimate Fighter” reality show.", "\n\nJustin Jones (3-0 MMA, 0-0 UFC) makes his UFC debut just 321 days after his first professional fight.", "\n\nRaquel Pennington (4-4 MMA, 1-1 UFC) has just one victory in her past four fights.", "\n\nSergio Pettis (11-1 MMA, 2-1 UFC), 21, is the youngest of the 22 fighters scheduled to compete at the event. ", "He’s also the youngest active fighter in the UFC bantamweight division.", "\n\nPettis will compete on the same card as his older brother, Anthony, for the first time in his professional career.", "\n\nFor more on UFC 181, check out the UFC Rumors section of the site.", "\n\nFightMetric research analyst and live statistics producer Michael Carroll contributed to this story. ", "Follow him on Twitter @MJCflipdascript." ]
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[ "It ticked all their boxes, so the party of six agreed to fork out £399 each to be whisked away on December 23 to enjoy all the promised fayre.", "\n\nBut Trecia claims the promise didn’t match the delivery and turned out to be an unforgettable disaster.", "\n\nThe first indication of what was to come was when they weren’t told where they would be staying until just four days before departure.", "\n\nOn arrival at the Ramada Warwick and after lugging their suitcases into the hotel, she says they soon became aware things weren’t right.", "\n\nShe says: ‘Right from the very start, as soon as we walked in the door and got booked in, the management looked blank at us when we said we believed we’d got a welcome drink and mince pies.", "\n\n‘They said, ‘‘oh no, you’ve got tea and coffee in your rooms’’. ", "Then we noticed the only Christmas decoration was a tree in the foyer, which was conveniently moved to where we had our meals on Christmas and Boxing Day.", "\n\n‘It was more like a business hotel, there was nothing there, not even a billiard table.", "\n\n‘The dining room wasn’t like a hotel dining room. ", "It was more like a cafeteria with tables, and you had to go and help yourself from a buffet, even for main meals.", "\n\n‘The only day we had anything served to us was Christmas lunch and even the tea and coffee we had to go and get from a machine.", "\n\nUnsurprisingly, their dissatisfaction turned to fury when they discovered there was nowhere to get a late drink because the hotel was on a main road in the middle of nowhere.", "\n\nLast orders were at 10 and, to add insult to injury, guests were promptly locked out of the lounge half-an-hour later and confined to seats in the hotel foyer.", "\n\nAs if things couldn’t get any worse, eagerly-anticipated evening entertainment was a no-show for the duration of their stay.", "\n\nThere was no advertised Christmas day festive buffet, no evening quiz – not even a slice of Christmas cake to brighten up their day.", "\n\nTo kill time before they went to bed, they ended up playing cards.", "\n\nFar from a festive break, it was more like an endurance test and the group looked forward to boarding their return coach home.", "\n\nBut their high hopes of a stress-free return journey were soon to be dashed.", "\n\nTurfed off the coach in Southampton, they discovered they’d been left stranded. ", "The taxi firm engaged to get them back to the Portsmouth area had pulled out, leaving them to make their own way home.", "\n\nTrecia says they just couldn’t believe they’d paid the Market Harborough-based firm nearly £2,400 for a holiday that turned out to be a five-day shambles.", "\n\nLead group member Elsie dashed off a furious letter of complaint to Diamond Holidays and, after some prompting, she eventually received a laughable offer of £70 in vouchers for another holiday.", "\n\nIn the meantime, distraught Trecia wrote to Streetwise and asked for our help.", "\n\nWe approached the firm’s managing director Kevin Riley and said there appeared to have been a catastrophic breach of contract.", "\n\nGiven the circumstances, trying to buy off the pensioner group with a measly £70 worth of vouchers wasn’t an appropriate remedy.", "\n\nThe response came within days and it was far better news.", "\n\nThey were offered a cash refund of 75 per cent of the cost of the holiday.", "\n\nA company spokesperson said: ‘We were aware that the customer was not satisfied with our original compensation offer, as we received notification earlier this week, prior to receiving contact from the newspaper.", "\n\n‘We have since been in contact with her again and can confirm the matter is now closed to both the customers’ and to our satisfaction.’", "\n\nTrecia says the group remained philosophical about their experience with the firm and hoped it might act as a warning to others.", "\n\n‘It doesn’t matter how much cash you get back, as it can never recompense you for such a bad experience.", "\n\n‘But we really can’t thank you enough and really appreciate Streetwise taking it up for us.’" ]
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[ "Bismack Biyombo has seen his minutes shrink under new coach Steve Clifford. (", "Rocky Widner/NBAE/Getty Images)\n\nThe Bismack Biyombo Project, good theater anyway, just got more interesting. ", "Or more tenuous. ", "Or more telling about new coach Steve Clifford.", "\n\nIt certainly just got better for Jeff Adrien, the relative unknown taking the minutes at backup center in another positive development for the Bobcats in a 7-8 start, except that it’s also a hit for the Bobcats: Biyombo, once projected in Charlotte to be part of the foundation of the future, is now officially regressing, out of the rotation for the first time in the two-plus seasons since the risk pick at No. ", "7 in the 2011 draft.", "\n\nIn the five games before starter Al Jefferson returned from a bruised right ankle, as Rick Bonnellnoted in the Charlotte Observer, Adrien was a plus-24, Biyombo was a minus-38, and Clifford was convinced. ", "The rookie coach made his move once Jefferson was back in the lineup last Friday, supposed plans for tomorrow be damned.", "\n\nIn the three games since, Adrien has played 48 minutes, an average of 16 per outing. ", "Biyombo has played five. ", "Total. ", "The dreaded Did Not Play – Coach’s Decision against the Suns, five in Milwaukee the next night and another DNP-CD when the Celtics visited Time Warner Cable Arena.", "\n\nBiyombo out of the rotation is a significant development after the rookie season of 23.1 minutes while playing in 63 of the 66 games and the 27.3 minutes with 80 appearances last season, but more after the bold move by the Michael Jordan front office to take Biyombo out of Spain in 2011 despite league-wide concerns. ", "Biyombo clearly had a very high ceiling then as an athletic marvel at 6-feet-8 and 225 pounds and with what some teams saw as the potential to be a game-changer on defense and the boards. ", "But he was very raw – maybe more than any lottery pick in years – had a limited body of work against the top competition in Europe and a nonexistent offensive game.", "\n\nThe Bobcats, while keeping their own spot at No. ", "9 to take Kemba Walker in a choice that went well in a lottery filled with pot holes, added the seventh selection as part of a three-team deal with the Bucks and Kings at the cost of Stephen Jackson, Shaun Livingston and No. ", "19. ", "Biyombo arrived with the pre-draft promise to one day lead the league in rebounding, but as the ultimate project requiring patience and playing time.", "\n\nHe got both. ", "He even got his 2014-15 option picked up before the season. ", "But Charlotte also invested heavily in its big-man rotation in the summer, landing Jefferson as a free agent and Cody Zeller as the fourth pick in the draft. ", "Clifford took over as coach.", "\n\nAnd then it took a few weeks for Adrien to pass Biyombo.", "\n\n“Jeff Adrien did so well – and I told Biz this – that I couldn’t not give him a chance to play more,” Clifford told the Observer.", "\n\n“These are facts and numbers, not a feel. ", "If you look at plus-minus in those games when (Adrien) played, we played so well as a group. ", "His plus-minus was so good I would have felt guilty with the guys if I didn’t give him a chance.”", "\n\nAdrien has responded with double-digit rebounds in two of the last four games, pushing him to 6.4 boards in 20.3 minutes the last five outings. ", "Biyombo has responded by promising to stay focused.", "\n\n“I’ve got to control what I can control,” Biyombo said. “", "It’s obvious I believe that I can be a better player. ", "I’ve just got to keep positive, keep working and be there for my teammates. ", "There’s a long way to go. ", "The season is just getting started, so you’ve got to learn from all this.”", "\n\nI guess this was published before the Pacers game were Biz played twice as many minutes as Adrien and had a better plus/minus rating (slightly, I know, -6 to -9). ", "I really like Adrien’s hustling and a little competition is good for anyone’s game but Biz will always be a fan favorite in Charlotte. ", "There’s definitely a place for both on the team." ]
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[ 0.025974025974025976, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.004819277108433735, 0, 0.024154589371980676, 0.008333333333333333, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.018404907975460124, 0.003125, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.0189873417721519, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.015267175572519083, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.0196078431372549, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0.007407407407407408, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDispose and dealloc semantics in Xamarin\n\nI have a Cocoa class bound in monomac. ", "If I call Dispose() on an instance of that class, should it always invoke dealloc on the unmanaged side?", "\nWhat reasons might there be for dealloc not being invoked when the managed class is Dispose()ed?", "\n\nA:\n\nDispose on the managed object will call release on the native object, not dealloc (but it may end up deallocating the object if nobody else has retained it).", "\nNote that calling Dispose multiple times will only call release once.", "\nUpdate\nThis turned out to be a bug in MonoMac / Xamarin.", "Mac (which has now been fixed).", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: |\n It has often been suggested that correlation effects suppress the small $\n e_{g}^{\\prime }$ Fermi surface pockets of Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ that are predicted by LDA, but absent in ARPES measurements. ", "It appears that within the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) the ARPES can be reproduced only if the on-site energy of the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ complex is lower than that of the $a_{1g}$ complex at the one-electron level, *prior* to the addition of local correlation effects. ", "Current estimates regarding the order of the two orbital complexes range from -200 meV to 315 meV in therms of the energy difference. ", "In this work, we perform density functional theory calculations of this one-electron splitting $\\Delta $ = $\\epsilon\n _{a_{1g}}-\\epsilon_{e_{g}^{\\prime }}$ for the full two-layer compound, Na$\n _{2x}$Co$_{2}$O$_{4}$, accounting for the effects of Na ordering, interplanar interactions and octahedral distortion. ", "We find that $\\epsilon\n _{a_{1g}}-\\epsilon_{e_{g}^{\\prime }}$ is negative for all Na fillings and that this is primarily due to the strongly positive Coulomb field created by Na$^{+}$ ions in the intercalant plane. ", "This field disproportionately affects the $a_{1g}$ orbital which protrudes farther upward from the Co plane than the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ orbitals. ", "We discuss also the secondary effects of octahedral compression and multi-orbital filling on the value of $\\Delta $ as a function of Na content. ", "Our results indicate that if the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ pockets are indeed suppressed that can only be due to nonlocal correlation effects beyond the standard DMFT.", "\nauthor:\n- 'D. Pillay'\n- 'M.D. Johannes'\n- 'I.I. Mazin'\n- 'O.K. Andersen'\ntitle: 'The origin of a$_{1g}$ and e$_g$’ orderings in Na$_x$CoO$_2$'\n---\n\nSince shortly after the discovery of superconductivity in hydrated 1.4H$_{2}$ O$\\cdot $Na$_{0.35}$CoO$_{2}$ [@takada], there has been controversy surrounding the discrepancy between the calculated and observed Fermi surfaces of the parent compound, Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ ($x=1/3)$. Density functional (DFT) calculations show a large central FS, surrounded by six small elliptical hole pockets [@DJS00], while angular-resolved photoemission (ARPES) measurements find the large pocket but do not see the smaller ones [@H-Y04; @MZH+03; @qian06; @yang05]. ", "The presence or absence of these small pockets drastically changes the response properties of the system, and a number of proposed superconductivity models depend on them [@MDJ+b; @mochizuki; @HIYN04; @kuroki]. ", "There are two basic ways to resolve the controversy: either the experiment is not representative of the bulk electronic states, or correlation effects beyond the DFT calculations qualitatively change the Fermiology. ", "The latter seems rather plausible, given the narrow width of the Co $t_{2g}$ bands and the fact that DFT fails to reproduce the nonmagnetic ground state for $x\\lesssim 0.7$. The effects of adding correlation have been recently addressed through DMFT calculations which account for both on-site Coulomb repulsion (Hubbard $U$) and local fluctuation effects (albeit not for long-wave-length ferromagnetic calculations, compatible with the observed at $x\\gtrsim 0.5$ magnetic interactions in this system). ", "Despite initial controversy [@ishida; @georges; @marianetti], it has been firmly established that DMFT calculations only agree with ARPES if the centroids of the the $a_{1g}$ and $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ Co $d-$bands are such that $\\epsilon _{a_{1g}}$ is higher than $\\epsilon _{e_{g}^{\\prime }}$, which would yield a positive splitting, $ \\Delta =$ $\\epsilon _{a_{1g}}-\\epsilon_{e_{g}^{\\prime }}>0$. If, on the other hand $\\epsilon_{a_{1g}}-\\epsilon_{e_{g}^{\\prime }} <0$ then the small hole pockets are preserved and even slightly enlarged. ", "This result does not depend on the value of U or the particular Hamiltonian used in the calculation [@liebsch]. ", "The sign of $ \\Delta \n$ is therefore of great importance, but difficult or impossible to access experimentally. ", "A tight binding fit to full potential density functional theory calculations [@MDJ+b] employing all 5 Co $d$ orbitals and 3 O $p$ orbitals in a double layer system found a strongly negative $ \\Delta \\sim $ -200 meV for $x$ =0.3. ", "Other tight binding models fit to a one-layer system and employing a smaller basis set of Co $t_{2g}$ orbitals [@ishida; @us] found $\\Delta \\sim $ -144 meV, and an alternate procedure for extracting $\\Delta$ from the band structure yielded a value of $\\sim$ 100 meV [@georges]. ", "On the other hand, quantum chemical calculations of embedded clusters [@landron1; @landron2] invariably find a positive $\\Delta $ = 315 meV. There has so far been little understanding of what might cause such strong discrepancy between the values obtained through the two different methodologies.", "\n\nIn this work, we present DFT calculations of $\\Delta $ that include both layers of the double-layer unit cell and real Na ions (no virtual crystal or other approximation) and we extract our values directly from the DFT calculation without employing a tight-binding fit. ", "It is crucial to understand that $\\Delta $ is controlled entirely by the electrostatic field at the Co site and Co-O overlap integrals, which are both accurately described by DFT. ", "Note that, within DFT, the Fermi surface itself hardly depends on the sign of $\\Delta $, as long as $|\\Delta |$ is moderate, but the effect of the local correlation effects (as evaluated by DMFT) is drastically different. ", "At every Na doping level and for every reasonable value of octahedral compression, we find that $\\Delta $ is negative. ", "We find that the main cause of the ordering between $a_{1g}$ and $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ orbitals is the positive Na potential in the interstitial plane that drives the out-of-plane a$_{1g}$ orbitals downward in energy, a factor that has been overlooked in all previous studies [@note2]. ", "Interestingly, we find that octahedral distortion as an isolated factor *increases* $\\Delta $ , a reversal of crystal field predictions for CoO$_{6}$ octahedra. ", "This highlights the strong role of Na to re-establish a negative $\\Delta $ and emphasizes that Co-O hybridization depends on interactions beyond the CoO$ _{6}$ octahedra.", "\n\nCalculational Methods\n---------------------\n\nAll calculations have been performed using a plane wave density functional theory code, the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) [@vasp]. ", "The projected augmented wave method (PAW) [@PAW1] was used along with the generalized gradient approximation [@Perdew:1996] to the exchange correlation potential. ", "A $\\sqrt{3}\\times \\sqrt{3}$ cell that preserves the overall hexagonal symmetry was used to simulate the bulk. ", "Ground state geometries were fully optimized using a Monkhorst Pack k-point mesh of 4$\\times $4$\\times $2. ", "For the total energy calculation and density of states (DOS) the Brilliouin zone integrations were performed on a 8$\n\\times $8$\\times $4 mesh.", "\n\nTo calculate $\\Delta $, we first consider the Co plane in a cubic coordiate system where three Co atoms are located equidistant along the $x,y,$ and $z$ axes, *i.e.* they form a plane perpendicular to the \\[111\\] cubic axis which is also the $z$ axis in the hexagonal system. ", "In this cubic system, it is easy to explicitly write out the $a_{1g}$ and $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ orbitals:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\na_{1g} &=&\\frac{XY+YZ+XZ}{2} \\notag \\\\\ne_{g}^{\\prime } &=&XY-\\frac{XZ-YZ}{2} \\label{transf} \\\\\ne_{g}^{\\prime } &=&\\frac{\\sqrt{3}(YZ-XZ)}{2} \\notag\\end{aligned}$$\n\nStandard band structure codes project the density of states onto the three symmetry representations appropriate for a hexagonal symmetry, that is, $ N_{z^{2}}$ projects onto the $3z^{2}-1$ orbital, and $N_{x^{2}-y^{2},xy}$ and $N_{xz,yz},$ each give the total projection onto the two orbitals belonging to each respective representation. ", "Since the projected density of states contains the square of the projected orbital, we square each term in Eq. ", "\\[transf\\], keeping only the terms conforming to the correct symmetry. ", "The resulting recipe is:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nN_{a_{1g}}(\\epsilon ) &=&N_{z^{2}}(\\epsilon ) \\\\\nN_{e_{g}^{\\prime }}(\\epsilon ) &=&N_{x^{2}-y^{2},xy}(\\epsilon\n)+2N_{xz,yz}(\\epsilon )\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFrom these expressions, we calculate band centers of each complex. ", "It is important to note that the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ states share the same irreducible representation as the unoccupied $e_{g}$ states and that there is mixing between the two complexes [@landron2]. ", "Therefore, without specifically projecting out only the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ states as in our methodology, erroneous values for $\\Delta $ will be found. ", "The onsite parameters that result from this procedure are not identical to the onsite parameters in the effective 3$\\times 3$ Hamiltonian, so far used in DMFT calculations because the latter contain not only the Co-based $a_{1g}$ and $\ne_{g}^{\\prime }$ states, but also the hybridized O states. ", "The latter can be obtained only by downfolding the calculated Bloch functions onto Wannier functions, as has been done before [@ishida; @zhou; @georges; @us]. ", "Still, our method can be used to estimate the changes in $\\Delta $ brought about by different factors, such as octahedral distortion, Na filling, or Na ordering. ", "In the several cases where we have compared our values of $\\Delta $ to those calculated from the Wannier functions of a three band model, we have found that the latter are always *more* negative than the values extracted directly from DFT. ", "It is worth noting that these Wannier functions are very long range, having a sizeable weight not only on O and on nearest neighbor Co’s, but even at the third neighbor Co sites. ", "This may have an effect on the onsite energy ordering, although we believe it will be quantitative, not qualitative. ", "An additional effect of this extent is a strong reduction of the Hubbard $U$ as compared to typical values for local $d$-orbitals in transition metal oxides.", "\n\nResults and Discussion\n----------------------\n\nWe first address the effect of the octahedral compression (trigonal distortion) that lowers the symmetry at the Co site and splits the $t_{2g}$ triplet into the $a_{{1g}}$ and $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ complexes. ", "Some previous works have assumed that the distortion destabilizes the $a_{1g}$ state [@korshunov; @kroll; @fcc04; @wang], while others assume oppositely that the $\ne_{g}^{\\prime }$ state is higher in energy [@zhou; @WKSM03b]. ", "We have examined this question from two points of view. ", "First, we have constructed a tight-binding model of a CoO$_{6}$ octahedron, including the three Co $t_{2g}$ orbitals and three $p$ orbitals on each of the six O atoms. ", "We have diagonalized the resulting matrix for both compressive and expansive distortions. ", "Using the canonical scaling of the $t_{dp\\sigma }$ and $\nt_{dp\\pi }$ parameters, namely $t_{dp\\sigma }=\\sqrt{3}t_{dp\\pi}$, we find that the compressive distortion, as seen in Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ for all $x$, destabilizes the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ state. ", "However, if the ratio of the two parameters were to be increased by approximately a factor of two, as has been seen in some cases [@CDW], the order of energies is reversed and the $a_{1g}$ state is destabilized. ", "Second, we have performed a full DFT calculation of $\\Delta $ as a function of the trigonal distortion. ", "We use a fictitious compound, $\ne^{-}$CoO$_{2}$, in which one electron per formula unit has been added to the CoO$_{2}$ compound to achieve the band-insulating state, analogous to NaCoO$_{2}$. The extra charge is compensated by a uniform positive background. ", "We use this technique, termed jellium filling, to eliminate the effects of the Na potential and of unequal band fillings, which we discuss in later section. ", "As can be seen in Fig. ", "\\[DC\\], octahedral compression always produces a positive $\\Delta $, *i.e.* the $a_{1g}$ state is raised above the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$. ", "This demonstrates that the scaling of $t\n_{dp\\sigma }$ and $t_{dp\\pi }$ is outside the canonical range and points to the importance of neighbors more distant than the surrounding O atoms.", "\n\nBy far the strongest factor determining the value of $\\Delta $ is the presence of ionized Na atoms in the intercalant plane. ", "The positive Coulomb field they produce serves to strongly shift the a$_{1g}$ orbital downward compared to the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ orbital. ", "As seen in Fig. ", "\\[orb\\], the $a_{1g}$ orbital has a greater extent along the $z$ direction (c-axis of the crystal) and therefore penetrates further into the Na plane. ", "The resultant lowering of the $a_{1g}$ states is sufficient to shift the sign of $\\Delta $ from positive to negative. ", "Replacing the jellium filling discussed above with real Na ions (again one per formula unit), we find a negative shift of approximately 150 meV in $\\Delta $ for all trigonal distortions, as seen in Fig. ", "\\[DC\\]. ", "Because quantum chemical calculations account only for the filling effects of Na and neglect the electrostatic field produced by real ions, this shift is not present and $\\Delta $ is consequently found to be strongly positive. ", "Not surprisingly, when Na ions are located directly atop a Co ion ($2b$ site), the effect is stronger than when they are located equidistant between three Co ions ($2c$ site).", "\n\nThe final factor contributing to the size of $\\Delta $ is the non-uniform filling of the two band complexes. ", "For all levels of Na intercalation, the $ a_{1g}$ bands are less filled than the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ bands. ", "At a critical filling of $x_{c}\\sim $ 0.67, the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ complex becomes entirely filled, leaving holes only in the $a_{1g}$ bands. ", "The increased on-site Coulomb repulsion due to greater filling drives the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ upward in energy compared to $a_{1g}$ bands. ", "In the absence of real Na ions (hence no positive interstitial Coulomb field) and without octahedral distortion, the calculated $\\Delta $ for CoO$_{2}$ is $-77$ meV, reflecting this multi-band effect. ", "We have calculated $\\Delta $ for Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ and for $xe^{-}$CoO$_{2}$ (jellium filling) as a function of $x$, with all oxygen positions fixed to perfect octahedra. ", "For the jellium filled compounds, $\\Delta $ initially remains approximately constant and then increases dramatically at $x_{c}\\sim $ 0.67 where the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ bands become entirely filled, as seen in Fig. ", "\\[multi\\]. ", "The Na$_{x}$CoO$ _{2}$ curve, on the other hand, decreases initially and then flattens out once the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ complex is full. ", "In the former case, electrons are added to both $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ and $a_{1g}$ states at low $x$, pushing both complexes upward nearly equally. ", "Once the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ holes are filled, all further electrons enter the $a_{1g}$ complex, pushing the $a_{1g}$ onsite energy up relative to $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ and causing $ \\Delta $ to increase. ", "The situation is more complex when real Na ions are added. ", "At low $x$, both $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ and $a_{1g}$, electrons are added to both complexes and on-site repulsion raises both energies together, but the increasingly positive Coulomb field created by adding Na ions pushes the $a_{1g}$ states downward. ", "$\\Delta $ therefore increases with $x$ as long as holes remain in both symmetry complexes. ", "After $x_{c}$, where additional electrons enter only the $a_{1g}$ complex, the positive Coulomb field acts oppositely to the increased on-site repulsion. ", "Apparently the magnitude of these two effects is approximately equal, as evidenced by the nearly constant $\\Delta $ at $x>x_{c}$.\n\n $x$ Na1 position Na2 position \n ------- -------------- -------------- --\n $0$ -80 meV - \n $1/3$ -100 meV -95 meV \n $2/3$ -114 meV -101 meV \n $1$ -77 meV -6 meV \n\n : $\\Delta \\equiv \\epsilon_{a_{1g}} - \\epsilon_{e_g'}$ values for full DFT calculations, including relaxation of the lattice parameters and ionic positions. ", "Values for Na placed at Na1 ($2b$ trigonal site) and at Na2 ($2c$ octahedral site) positions are given for comparison.[]{data-label=\"table_del\"}\n\nThe effect of octahedral distortion on $\\Delta $ competes with the effect of the positive Na$^{+}$ potential, and both are a function of the Na filling, $x\n$, which separately affects the $a_{1g}$ and $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ ordering. ", "Having studied each of these factors individually, we proceed to calculate $\n\\Delta $ as a function of $x$, accounting for all factors simultaneously. ", "This is accomplished by relaxing the lattice parameters (both $a$ and $c$) and the ionic positions at each Na filling and using supercell calculations to include real Na ions in the interstitial plane. ", "Our results are tabulated in Table \\[table\\_del\\]. ", "Lechermann [*et al*]{} have derived $\\Delta$ for $x$=0.5 with Na in the Na2 position, by integrating the partial density of states and also by constructing first principles Wannier functions, arriving at an estimate of -100 meV, in excellent agreement with our Table 1. ", "Their estimate for Delta at x=1 is also consistent with ours [@georges]. ", "It is clear that $\\Delta $ is a non-monotonic function of $x$, owing to competition between the various effects associated with Na filling, but that it remains negative for all Na content 0 $< x <$ 1.", "\n\nConclusions\n-----------\n\nThe crystal field splitting $\\Delta $ $\\epsilon\n_{a_{1g}}-\\epsilon_{e_{g}^{\\prime }}$ is known to be the parameter that controls the presence or absence of the controversial $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ pockets at the Fermi level in Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}.$ Here we show that, within the DFT framework which is highly reliable for calculating one-electron parameters, $\\Delta $ is always negative and strongly so for low $x$. We have shown that this fact is mainly due to the electrostatic crystal field of Na as well as demonstrating that the O ligand field (octahedral distortion), in fact, leads to the opposite sign of $\\Delta .$ The explicit effect of ionized Na has been neglected or severely approximated in previous calculations, leading erroneously to positive values of $\\Delta $. ", "This result indicates that local correlation and/or fluctuation effects are not responsible for suppressing the $e_{g}^{\\prime }$ Fermi sheets. ", "Either longe-range fluctuations, outside the scope of DMFT, or strong deviations from the bulk structure/stoichiometry such as surfaces, defects, or vacancies, must therefore account for the non-observation of these pockets in ARPES experiments.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n----------------\n\nWe would like to thank A. Liebsch for many helpful and interesting discussions and F. Lechermann for a critical reading of our manuscript and for sharing unpublished results. ", "Research at NRL is funded by the Office of Naval Research. ", "DP would like to acknowledge funding from a National Research Council Associateship.", "\n\n[28]{} natexlab\\#1[\\#1]{}bibnamefont \\#1[\\#1]{}bibfnamefont \\#1[\\#1]{}citenamefont \\#1[\\#1]{}url \\#1[`#1`]{}urlprefix\\[2\\][\\#2]{} \\[2\\]\\[\\][[\\#2](#2)]{}\n\n, , , , , , ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, , , , , , , , , ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, , , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, (), .", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n.", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , , , , , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, , , ****, ().", "\n\n, ****, ().", "\n\n, ().", "\n" ]
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[ "Send this page to someone via email\n\nIn one day, more women represented Canadians in the House of Commons than ever before.", "\n\nOn International Women’s Day (March 8), 338 women sat in the House of Commons in Ottawa as part of the Daughters of the Vote Initiative Leadership Summit. ", "It’s a number that’s larger than the 315 women who have been elected as MPs throughout Canada’s 150-year history.", "\n\nREAD MORE: Here’s what Canadian women would be making in these jobs if they were men\n\nAnd that statistic was a driving force behind one woman’s question about why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau abandoned his promise of electoral reform.", "\n\nTrudeau repeatedly promised to get rid of the first-past-the-post voting system in time for the 2019 election but in February, he announced electoral reform would not be part of the mandate of newly-appointed Minister of Democratic Institutions Karina Gould.", "\n\nStory continues below advertisement\n\nREAD MORE: Protests held across Canada over Justin Trudeau’s broken promise on electoral reform\n\n“We know that your government has given the reasons of how a referendum (on electoral reform) can be divisive and there can be challenges, but those challenges – if they were met – would be better and ensure more women would make it here,” participant Chelsea Montgomery said.", "\n\n“Instead of waiting ‘til 2090, and that is the year it would take if we keep on the path that we are going on right now to see gender parity in this house. ", "So what commitments are you making and what is the plan to go forward?”", "\n\nTrudeau, while admitting Canada does need to improve the voting system, pointed to other changes offered by the Canadian government as well as the Liberal party. ", "He said one of those steps was the repealing of changes to the Fair Elections Act. ", "He also pointed to the fact that four out of five (Liberal) candidates running in federal byelections are women.", "\n\nWATCH: Prime Minister Trudeau thanks his wife Sophie during emotional moment in the House of Commons Wednesday.", "\n\n1:30 PM Trudeau thanks wife Sophie during House of Commons speech on International Women’s Day PM Trudeau thanks wife Sophie during House of Commons speech on International Women’s Day\n\nMontgomery, 24, was chosen to represent her riding of Wellington-Halton Hills in western Ontario at the House of Commons summit, which was put on by Equal Voice.", "\n\nStory continues below advertisement\n\nThe small business owner is a self-proclaimed “political nerd” and decided to use the platform offered by International Women’s Day to talk about electoral reform because it’s linked to female representation in government.", "\n\n“It’s amazing that we have 88 women elected to the House of Commons… I do not want to diminish that accomplishment,” Montgomery said. ", "Tweet This\n\n“But it’s not enough… Countless studies have shown that through electoral reform, we would see more women, more visible minorities and hopefully more indigenous leaders in the House of Commons.”", "\n\nA report from Equal Voice, released in 2016, says the first-past-the-post system is a majoritarian or plurality system and countries with those tend to have less women in government than other systems (on average, they have female representation of 20 per cent).", "\n\nCanada is above average, with women making up 26 per cent of MPs in the House of Commons and 39 per cent of senators, which places Canada 64th in the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s rankings.", "\n\nBut the report, which was initially prepared for the government committee looking into electoral reform, says despite some benefits to women’s representation in politics, the first-past-the-post system “would not, itself, result in long-term, sustainable increase to women’s participation and representation.”", "\n\nThe report suggests the countries with the highest percentage of women in government have proportional electoral systems along with other strategies like quotas in place.", "\n\nStory continues below advertisement\n\nREAD MORE: International Women’s Day: Statue of Liberty unintentionally goes dark, people can’t help see the symbolism\n\nProportional representation is when voters cast ballots for a party rather than a politician, and once all the votes are counted, parties are awarded a number of seats in proportion to the percentage of votes each received.", "\n\nDr. Grace Lore, who prepared the report, told Global News while there have been incremental increases in women’s representation in Canada, there would need to be a drastic change unless we want to wait 90 years for gender parity in government, echoing Montgomery’s statements in the House on Wednesday.", "\n\nShe also said electoral reform has only a small part to play in the grand scheme of things. ", "According to Lore, political parties, as well as everyday Canadians, need to encourage women to go into politics.", "\n\nThat’s a sentiment Trudeau said he shares as well.", "\n\n“We need to be better at convincing women to run for politics,” Trudeau said while responding to Montgomery on Wednesday.", "\n\nREAD MORE: Sophie Gregoire Trudeau’s muddled message: Men must be on board to improve women’s rights\n\nThe Daughters of the Vote Initiative Leadership Summit was part of a plethora of events happening to promote International Women’s Day.", "\n\nStory continues below advertisement\n\n*with a file from Leslie Young and the Canadian Press" ]
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[ "Synopsis\n\nJames Bond continues his mission to track down Ernst Stavro Blofeld, head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. When Blofeld develops a lethal virus and threatens to unleash it upon the world unless he receives a pardon for all his previous crimes, James Bond needs to find a way to reach him and fast. ", "He intends to marry into the biggest crime syndicate in the west in order to get information on Blofeld's whereabouts, and the trail eventually leads to a remote alpine institute in Switzerland. ", "However, Blofeld is not as easy to kill as it might first seem, and he has ways of dealing with people who cross him...\n\nDid you know?The theme \"We Have All the Time in the World\" was the last thing that Louis Armstrong ever recorded - he died two years later.", "\n\nDirected by Peter R.Hunt. ", "Produced by Albert R. \"Cubby\" Broccoli, Harry SaltzmanWritten by Richard Maibaum (screenplay), Simon Raven (dialogue), Ian Fleming (novel)Music by John Barry. ", "Film Editingby John Glen. ", "Production Design by Syd Cain.", "Title Song by John Barry (instrumental) \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\", Louis Armstrong \"We Have All The Time In The World\"" ]
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[ "Wendell P. Weeks of Corning listens to President Trump during a meeting with business leaders in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Jan. 23, 2017. (", "Matt McClain/The Washington Post)\n\nThe Trump administration plans to start vetting would-be immigrants and visitors to the United States based partly on their opinions and ideology, and will immediately cease the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States, according to a draft executive order leaked Wednesday to civil rights advocates and obtained by The Washington Post.", "\n\nThe order, if enacted, would signal the beginning of the “extreme vetting” that President Trump promised on the campaign trail, as well as partial implementation of the “Muslim ban,” according to civil rights advocates.", "\n\n[Read the draft of the executive order on immigration and refugees]\n\nThe order calls for an immediate 30-day halt to all immigrant and nonimmigrant entry of travelers from certain countries whose citizens “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.” ", "Once signed, it would allow those with visas to be turned away at U.S. airports and other entry points.", "\n\nThe countries — designated under several provisions of law that have already singled them out for terrorism links — include Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia. ", "While all are Muslim-majority countries, the list — and the ban — do not include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and numerous other Muslim-majority countries.", "\n\n(Zoeann Murphy/The Washington Post)\n\nAdditionally, all refu­gee admission and resettlement would be halted for 120 days — and until further notice, from Syria — while vetting procedures are reviewed. ", "Once restarted, annual refu­gee admissions from all countries would be cut from the currently authorized level of 100,000 to 50,000.", "\n\nAsked Wednesday about the draft, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said actions dealing with refugees and other U.S. admissions would be signed later in the week, and “as we get into implementation of that executive order, we will have further details.” ", "Trump’s “guiding principle,” he said, is to prevent entry to “people who are from a country that has a propensity for doing harm.”", "\n\nCivil rights and refu­gee advocates immediately expressed alarm over the policies, and said that the news has thrown groups that handle refu­gee resettlement and immigrant rights — including U.N. agencies — into disarray.", "\n\n“These actions taken by Donald Trump are tantamount to a Muslim ban,” Abed A. Ayoub, the legal and policy director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said during a Wednesday conference call with refu­gee and immigrant advocates and journalists. “", "Regardless of how they try to frame it . . . ", "this is the Muslim ban that was promised by him on the campaign trail.”", "\n\nIn justifying its actions, the order states that “hundreds of foreign-born individuals have been convicted or implicated in terrorism-related crimes since September 11, 2001.”", "\n\nMost terrorist or suspected terrorist attacks since 9/11 have been carried out by U.S. citizens. ", "The 9/11 hijackers hailed primarily from Saudi Arabia, as well as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon — all U.S. allies, and none of which would be affected by the immediate ban.", "\n\nSince the emergence of the Islamic State in 2014, federal prosecutors have also charged 106 people in connection with the group, many of them for planning to travel from the United States to Syria or Iraq to join it. ", "It is unclear how many were foreign-born.", "\n\nAlong with ending all Syrian refu­gee resettlement “until such time as I have determined that sufficient changes” have been made to vetting programs, Trump’s order directs the secretaries of state and defense to deliver within 90 days a plan to provide “safe areas” inside Syria and “in the surrounding region” where displaced Syrians can await “firm resettlement, such as repatriation or potential third-country resettlement.”", "\n\nWaivers to the ban on refugees and overall priority for admission would be given to those claiming religious persecution, “provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.”", "\n\nSome Republican lawmakers have called for special protection for Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities fleeing the Islamic State, although the vast majority of those killed and persecuted by the militants are Muslims.", "\n\nAdditional provisions under the order, entitled “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals,” would require all travelers to the United States to provide biometric data on entry and exit from the country, instead of current entry-only requirements. ", "It would immediately suspend a waiver system under which citizens of certain countries where U.S. visas are required do not have to undergo a face-to-face interview at a U.S. consulate.", "\n\nThe entry-exit requirement resembles provisions previously in place under the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS), the registry program that targeted mostly Muslim men and which the Department of Homeland Security ultimately found to be redundant with existing protocol, and ineffective for identifying terrorists.", "\n\nAs president, Barack Obama dismantled the legal framework for the NSEERS program. ", "But Shoba Wadhia, a clinical professor of law at Penn State University and the director of its Center for Immigrants’ Rights Clinic, described the draft executive order’s provisions as “NSEERS on steroids.”", "\n\n“It definitely far exceeds what we saw with NSEERS,” she said. “", "NSEERS itself was a complete disaster. ", "It had no security value; it really overwhelmed government offices and officials who were unprepared.”", "\n\nA key question for U.S. courts, if the order is challenged, will be whether the new policies exceed the reasonable boundaries of the president’s executive authority on immigration or violate portions of the Constitution, legal experts say.", "\n\nThe draft order instructs the U.S. government to screen visa applicants for their ideologies. “", "In order to protect Americans, we must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward our country and its founding principles,” the draft order reads.", "\n\nThe order says the United States should screen visa applicants to block access to those “who would place violent religious edicts over American law” and those who “engage in acts of bigotry or hatred” including “honor” killings, violence against women, and persecution on the basis of religion, race, gender and sexual orientation, a description that human rights groups say also appears to be geared toward Muslims, without naming Islam explicitly.", "\n\nJoanne Lin, the senior legislative counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union, said the wording “raises the prospect of ideological tests for admission to the U.S.” It could potentially be used to screen out critics of U.S. policy, and could violate Americans’ First Amendment right “to hear from speakers that oppose the government’s official views.”", "\n\nIn addition to questions about what they will do, whom they will see and how they will pay for a U.S. visit, visa applicants can be asked if they seek U.S. entry to engage in terrorism or other illegal activities, and whether they have committed or been convicted of crimes. ", "Those requesting immigrant or permanent residence status are also asked about Communist Party membership.", "\n\nThis article has been updated to correct the spelling of the last name of Joanne Lin, the senior legislative counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union." ]
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[ "An Intelligent Actuator Fault Reconstruction Scheme for Robotic Manipulators.", "\nThis paper investigates a difficult problem of reconstructing actuator faults for robotic manipulators. ", "An intelligent approach with fast reconstruction property is developed. ", "This is achieved by using observer technique. ", "This scheme is capable of precisely reconstructing the actual actuator fault. ", "It is shown by Lyapunov stability analysis that the reconstruction error can converge to zero after finite time. ", "A perfect reconstruction performance including precise and fast properties can be provided for actuator fault. ", "The most important feature of the scheme is that, it does not depend on control law, dynamic model of actuator, faults' type, and also their time-profile. ", "This super reconstruction performance and capability of the proposed approach are further validated by simulation and experimental results." ]
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[ "Points:\n243\n\nQuantity\n\nProduct added to cart: Knorr Brown Gravy Base (6x800g)\n\nProduct not available\n\n*Recommended price: this price is just an indication of a possible resale price of your distributor, included for indicative reference purposes only. ", "Your actual purchase price is subject to the agreement between you and your distributor\n\nKey product information\n\nDescription\n\nRecreate the traditional taste of the holiday season all year round with our rich brown gravy. ", "Knorr Brown Gravy is perfect over mashed potatoes, roasts, and for buffet carving stations.", "\n\nPackaging\n\n6 x 800 G\n\nContainer\n\nEuro container\n\nArticle Code\n\nArticle code\n\n67058063\n\nUsage information\n\nPreparation\n\nTo prepare 1L of Gravy sauce: Add 100g of sauce powder to 1 litre of lukewarm water. ", "Stir continuously and bring to boil. ", "Turn down heat and simmer for 5 minutes.", "\n\nBenefits\n\n• Smooth texture • Rich roast meet flavour\n\nShelf Life\n\n12 Months\n\nStorage\n\nAmbient (Store in a cool and dry place), Max 30°C.", "\n\nTips\n\nWhen you hear the name gravy, you automatically think of British cuisine. ", "However, Knorr Brown Gravy Base is versatile enough to use with Arabic cuisine as well. ", "Try using it for all your meat and rice dishes, like Hashwet al-Ruz.", "\n\nInstall this webapp on your iPhoneInstall this webapp on your iPadInstall this webapp on your Android phoneInstall this webapp on your Windows phone\n\nTap the share icon below and choose add to homescreen.", "Tap the share icon above and choose add to homescreen.", "Tap the share icon below and choose add to homescreen.", "Tap the share icon below and choose add to homescreen." ]
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[ "Strong defence the key to win on the road\n\nIt was Bath Rugby's last chance to win away from home in the Guinness Premiership this season, and they took it, with a 20-12 win over Newcastle Falcons at Kingston Park, the result as much down to terrific defence as three tries from attacking play.", "\n\nBath had made a good start to the game. ", "Steve Borthwick tapped down the kick-off and Bath strung together a good attack, during which they gained advantage for a swinging arm on Tom Cheeseman by John Rudd. ", "Play continued but when it broke down, the referee took them back and awarded a penalty for the earlier offence. ", "Olly Barkley kicked it to touch, the forwards surged to the line and Peter Short was driven over for a try. ", "There was a strong wind, and Barkley's conversion attempt veered right of the posts.", "\n\nA few minutes later, he had another shot at goal from forty metres out when Newcastle were penalised again, but once more the attempt was unsuccessful. ", "Steve Meehan had spoken in the week of Newcastle's well-known prowess in the backs, and they now started to look dangerous, Toby Flood and Mathew Tait among those finding holes in the Bath defence that elicited cheers from the home supporters. ", "Bath kept them at bay but eventually conceded a penalty at the breakdown but Flood could not put Newcastle on the board.", "\n\nThe young England fly-half had less trouble kicking from hand, for when awarded a penalty on halfway, he opted for touch, and found it to within inches of the tryline. ", "As a result, Bath found themselves under pressure for a good fifteen minutes or more, and Newcastle should have scored, but with the line open to Geoff Parling, Andy Long's pass to the flanker went behind the man and dribbled into touch.", "\n\nWith errors and penalties, Bath remained pinned in their own 22, and yet the Falcons seemed unable to notch any points. ", "The tension was only broken when Bath won a penalty which Shaun Berne kicked towards halfway. ", "The forwards kept it tight from the lineout, and then Barkley hoisted a garryowen which was well claimed by Matthew Burke. ", "The full-back brushed off Barkley's follow-up tackle, but offloaded not to a Falcon, but to David Bory, who did little more than jog to the line to score his second intercept try in as many weeks under the posts. ", "This Barkley had no trouble in converting.", "\n\nHaving weathered the storm in the middle of the half, Bath finished strongly, but no further scores came before half-time. ", "Newcastle came out firing after the break, and within two minutes had made up for the missed chances of the first half, when replacement Andy Buist rumbled over in a catch-and-drive move, the result of a penalty kicked to touch. ", "With Flood adding the two points, the Falcons were right back in the game.", "\n\nHowever, Bath remained intent on scoring themselves. ", "When the ball found David Barnes on the left wing, it looked as if the Falcons defence would hustle him into touch. ", "Somehow, though, the prop kept in play. ", "A ruck formed, from which Berne picked up the ball and dotted it down.", "\n\nWith about fifteen minutes of the half gone, Flood, well in his own half, shimmied and opened up Bath's defence, offloading to Tait, who kept play going towards the Bath line. ", "As Bath scrambled back, they were penalised for a deliberate knock-on, but again Newcastle missed the chance to score when Jamie Noon lost the ball forward in contact.", "\n\nThey got back within a score though, when Tait scythed through to score from thirty metres. ", "Bory managed to keep him from running too near the posts but as for so long in the first half, the Falcons now had the better of possession and territory for some considerable time.", "\n\nSimilarly, Bath soaked up the pressure, and cleared their lines through Berne when Newcastle were penalised for holding on. ", "Bath won the lineout, but remained in their own half until Cheeseman made a break and Berne slipped through a couple of tackles, making it beyond the home side's 22. ", "Newcastle rallied to stem the flow of the attack, but Berne finished things off with a drop goal, securing Bath's first away win in the league this season.", "\n\nSteve Meehan said afterwards: \"I thought our defence was outstanding. ", "We had to defend for long periods but it was a courageous display.\"", "\n\nThe result will put them in good heart before the European Challenge Cup final on 19th May, and with a clean bill of health from the game, the Head Coach said: \"We have got some difficult decisions in regards to our starting XV.\" ", "But any selectorial headaches should be of the more pleasant sort after today's performance." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nВыдает ошибку почему?", "\n\nadmin.php\n<?", "php\ninclude('./lib.php');\nif (isset($_POST['submit'])){\n $name = trim($_POST['name']);\n $auth = trim($_POST['auth']);\n $ganr = trim($_POST['ganr']);\n $discp = trim($_POST['discp']);\n $price = trim($_POST['price']);\n $link = mysql_connect('localhost','root','');\n if (!", "$link){\n die(\"Не могу соединиться с базой данных\");\n }else {\n mysql_select_db('catalog',$link);\nmysql_query(\"INSERT INTO books(name,author,genre,description,price) VALUES ('$name','$auth','$ganr','$discp','$price')\",$link);\n }\nmysql_close($link);\n}\n?", ">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Admin</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div align=\"center\"><h1>Add book</h1></div>\n<form method=\"POST\" action=\"admin.php\">\n<table border=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n<tr>\n<td>Название</td>\n<td valing=\"top\"><input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" size=\"30\" ></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>Автор</td>\n<td valing=\"top\"><input name=\"auth\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" size=\"30\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>Жанр</td>\n<td valing=\"top\"><input name=\"ganr\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" size=\"30\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>Описание </td>\n<td valing=\"top\"><textarea name=\"discp\" cols=\"22\"\nrows=\"10\" > </textarea></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>Цена </td>\n<td valing=\"top\"><input name=\"price\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" size=\"30\"></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<div align=\"center\">\n<input type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\" value=\"Очистить\" />\n<input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Отправить\" />\n</div>\n<br>\n<div align=\"center\"><h1>Editing book</h1></div>\n<?", "\n$link = mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"root\",\"\");\nmysql_select_db(\"catalog\",$link);\n$query = mysql_query(\"SELECT name, author, genre, description, price FROM books ORDER BY name \");\nif($count = 0){\n echo \"Не найдено ни одной записи\";\n} else {\n print(\"<form method=\\\"post\\\">\");\n print(\"<table border=\\\"2\\\" align=\\\"center\\\">\");\n print(\"<tr>\");\n print(\"<td>Name</td><td>Author</td><td>Genre</td><td>Description</td><td>Price</td>\");\n print(\"<td>Delete</td>\");\n print(\"<td>Update</td>\");\n print(\"</tr>\");\n $count = mysql_num_rows($query);\n while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){\n print (\"<tr>\");\n $aName1 = $row['name'];\n $aName2 = $row['author'];\n $aName3 = $row['genre'];\n $aName4 = $row['description'];\n $aName5 = $row['price'];\n $aName6 = $row['id'];\n print(\"<td>$aName1</td>\");\n print(\"<td>$aName2</td>\");\n print(\"<td>$aName3</td>\");\n print(\"<td>$aName4</td>\");\n print(\"<td>$aName5</td>\");\n print(\"<td>\");\n print(\"<input type=\\\"checkbox\\\" name=\\\"delete[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName6\\\">\"); \n print(\"</td>\");\n print(\"<td>\");\n print(\"<input type=\\\"checkbox\\\" name=\\\"update[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName6\\\">\"); \n print(\"</td>\");\n print(\"</tr>\");\n }\n print(\"</table>\");\n print(\"<div align=\\\"center\\\"><input type=\\\"submit\\\" name=\\\"Delete\\\" value=\\\"Delete\\\">\");\n print(\"<input type=\\\"submit\\\" name=\\\"Update\\\" value=\\\"Select Update\\\"></div>\");\n print(\"</form>\");\n }\n $data=new DataBase();\n\n if($_POST['Update']){\nif($_POST['update']){\n $data->SelectUpdateRecord();\n }\n }\n\n if($_POST['Delete']){\n if($_POST['delete']){\n foreach($_POST['delete'] as $val){\n $data->DeleteRecord($val);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if($_POST['OkUpdate']){\n $aS1=0;\n\nforeach($_POST['name'] as $val1){\n $Email[]=$val1;\n $aS1++;\n }\nforeach($_POST['author'] as $val2){\n $Name[]=$val2;\n }\nforeach($_POST['genre'] as $val3){\n $Text[]=$val3;\n }\nforeach($_POST['description'] as $val4){\n $Data[]=$val4;\n }\nforeach($_POST['price'] as $val5){\n $Nomer[]=$val5;\n }\nforeach($_POST['id'] as $val6){\n $Nomer[]=$val6;\n }\n\nfor($count=0;$count<$aS1;$count++){\n$data->UpdateRecord($ID[$count],$Name[$count],$Author[$count],$Genre[$count],$Description[$count],$Price[$count]);\nheader(\"Location:admin.php\");\n }\n\n }\n?", ">\n</form>\n</body>\n</html>\n\nlib.php\n<?", "php\nclass DataBase {\n function UpdateRecord($aNomer1,$aNomer2,$aNomer3,$aNomer4,$aNomer5,$aNomer6){\n $aSQL=\"update books set name='$aNomer1',author='$aNomer2',\";\n $aSQL.=\"genre='$aNomer3',decription='$aNomer4',price='$aNomer5' where id=$aNomer6\";\n $aDBLink=mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"root\",\"\");\n if(!empty($aDBLink)){\n if(mysql_select_db(\"catalog\",$aDBLink)==True){\n $aQResult=mysql_query($aSQL,$aDBLink);\n if($aQResult==TRUE){\n } else { print(\"ERROR Update Record!<br>\");}\n mysql_free_result($aQResult);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction DeleteRecord($aNomer){\n $aDBLink=mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"root\",\"\");\n if(!empty($aDBLink)){\n if(mysql_select_db(\"catalog\",$aDBLink)==True){\n $aSQL=\"delete from books where nomer=$aNomer\";\n $aQResult=mysql_query($aSQL,$aDBLink);\n if($aQResult==TRUE){\n } else { print(\"ERROR Record No Delete!<br>\");}\n mysql_free_result($aQResult);\n }}\n }\n function SelectUpdateRecord(){\n $aSQL=\"select * from books where id=\";\n $aCOUNT=count($_POST['update']);\n $aNEXT=0;\n foreach($_POST['update'] as $val){\n $aSQL.=\"$val\";\n $aNEXT++;\n if($aNEXT<$aCOUNT){\n $aSQL.=\" or id=\";\n }\n }\n $aDBLink=mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"root\",\"\");\n if(!empty($aDBLink)){\n if(mysql_select_db(\"catalog\",$aDBLink)==True){\n $aQResult=mysql_query($aSQL,$aDBLink);\n if($aQResult==TRUE){\n print(\"<form method=\\\"post\\\">\");\n print(\"<table border=\\\"2\\\">\");\n print(\"<tr>\");\n print(\"<td>Name</td><td>Author</td><td>Genre</td><td>Description</td><td>Price</td>\");\n print(\"<td>Id</td>\");\n print(\"</tr>\");\n\n $num_rows=mysql_num_rows($aQResult);\n while($aRow=mysql_fetch_array($aQResult)){\n $aName1=$aRow[\"name\"];\n $aName2=$aRow[\"author\"];\n $aName3=$aRow[\"genre\"];\n $aName4=$aRow[\"description\"];\n $aName5=$aRow[\"price\"];\n $aName6=$aRow[\"id\"];\n print(\"<tr>\");\n print(\"<td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"name[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName1\\\"></td>\");\n print(\"<td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"author[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName2\\\"></td>\");\n print(\"<td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"genre[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName3\\\"></td>\");\n print(\"<td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"description[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName4\\\"></td>\");\n print(\"<td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"price[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName5\\\"></td>\");\n print(\"<td><input type=\\\"hidden\\\" name=\\\"id[]\\\" value=\\\"$aName5\\\"></td>\");\n print(\"</tr>\");\n }\n print(\"</table>\");\n print(\"<input type=\\\"submit\\\" name=\\\"OkUpdate\\\" value=\\\"Update Ok!\\\">\");\n print(\"</form>\");\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n?", ">\n\nA:\n\n0) Учитесь задавать вопросы!", "\n1)\n$count = mysql_num_rows($query);\n\nЭта строка должна быть ДО проверки, подробно расписанной в пункте 2)\n\n2) \n\n//if($count = 0){\n\nбыло так. ", "Эта строка присваивает $count значение 0. ", "После чего проверяет. ", "Грубо говоря, она аналогично следующей конструкции: \n\n$count = 0; \nif(0){\n\nНадо так:\nif($count == 0){\n echo \"Не найдено ни одной записи\";\n\n3)\nif(isset($_POST['Update']) && $_POST['Update']){ \nif(isset($_POST['Delete']) && $_POST['Delete']){ \nif(isset($_POST['OkUpdate']) && $_POST['OkUpdate']){\n\nВот так правильно, вы же не знаете есть этот апдейт или его нет?!", "\n\nA:\n\nclass DataBase {\n function UpdateRecord($aNomer1,$aNomer2,$aNomer3,$aNomer4,$aNomer5,$aNomer6){\n $aSQL=\"update books set name='$aNomer1',author='$aNomer2',\";\n $aSQL.=\"genre='$aNomer3',decription='$aNomer4',price='$aNomer5' where id=$aNomer6\";\n $aDBLink=mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"root\",\"\");\n if(!empty($aDBLink)){\n if(mysql_select_db(\"catalog\",$aDBLink)==True){\n $aQResult=mysql_query($aSQL,$aDBLink);\n if($aQResult==TRUE){\n } else { print(\"ERROR Update Record!<br>\");}\n mysql_free_result($aQResult);\n }\n }\n }\n // }\n\nэту скобочку убрать и переместить туда где действительно заканчиваются методы класса. ", "сейчас класс заканчивается UpdateRecord, соответственно SelectUpdateRecord является обычной функцией и никак не методом класса.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Importing Anti-Semitism, Cont`d;\n\nWarning\n\nIn April of 2001, I\nwrote a VDARE article entitled \"Importing\nAnti-Semitism?\" ", "Well, it`s time to lose the question\nmark. ", "In surprisingly frank language, Abe Foxman`s\nAnti-Defamation League reports:\n\nOne of the most\nimportant findings of [the Anti-Defamation League`s]\n2002 Survey of Anti-Semitism in America concerns\nHispanic Americans, one of the most significant and\nfastest growing segments of the American population,\nin which the poll found an extraordinary gap between\nthose born in the United States and those born abroad.", "\nThe survey revealed that while 44% of foreign-born\nHispanics hold hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs, 20% of\nHispanic Americans born in the U.S. fall into the same\ncategory.", "\n\nThe survey consists\nof eleven statements uncomplimentary toward Jews. (", "You\ncan find them listed on p. 6 of\nthis Adobe Acrobat PDF file.) ", "Anyone who agrees with\nat least six statements is labeled \"most anti-Semitic.\"", "\nAs a former marketing researcher, I found the\nconstruction of the survey somewhat tendentious.", "\nUnsurprisingly, it`s designed to elicit high\nanti-Semitism scores. (", "It`s important to note that\neven the \"most anti-Semitic\" aren`t all that\nanti-Semitic by\nhistorical or global standards. ", "For example, more of these\nsupposed \"hardcore\" anti-Semites sympathize withIsrael rather than with the Jewish State`sArab enemies!) ", "Nonetheless, it`s a useful\ncomparative instrument.", "\n\nThe survey found the\nfollowing percentages who were \"strongly anti-Semitic\"\n(with their ratio to non-Hispanic whites).", "\n\nFor example, over half\nof foreign-born Hispanics (55%) agree with the assertion\nthat \"Jews don`t care what happens to anyone but their\nown kind,\" compared to 26% of Hispanics born in the U.S.\n\nForty-four percent of\nHispanics born outside of the U.S. agree with the\nassertion that \"Jews were responsible for the death of\nChrist,\" compared to 26% of those born in the U.S.\n\nForty-six percent agree\nwith the statement that Jews are \"more willing than\nothers to use shady practices to get what they want,\"\ncompared to 22% of those born in the U.S.\n\nFinally, over half (52%)\nof foreign-born Hispanics believe Jews have too much\npower in the business world, compared to 26% of\nHispanics born in the U.S.\n\nClearly, on a per capita\nbasis, Muslim immigrants are more of athreat to Jewish interests than are Hispanic\nimmigrants. ", "But Hispanics vastly outnumber Muslims. ", "Nor\nare Hispanics as likely to remain virulent in their\nattitudes toward Jews as the later generationsassimilate into American life. ", "But doesn`t that\nsuggest an immigration timeout would be appropriate,\nboth to reduce the number of anti-Semites we import, and\nto allow later generations toassimilate faster?", "\n\n[Steve Sailer [emailhim] is founder of the Human Biodiversity Institute and" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "const qs = require('querystring')\nconst path = require('path')\nconst partResolver = require('@sanity/resolver')\n\nconst emptyPart = require.resolve('./emptyPart')\nconst debugPart = require.resolve('./debugPart')\nconst unimplementedPart = require.resolve('./unimplementedPart')\nconst partMatcher = /^(all:)?part:[@A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\/[A-Za-z0-9_/-]+/\nconst configMatcher = /^config:(@?[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+|[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$/\nconst sanityMatcher = /^sanity:/\nconst target = 'resolve'\n\nconst isSanityPart = request =>\n [partMatcher, configMatcher, sanityMatcher].some(match => match.test(request.request))\n\nconst PartResolverPlugin = function(options) {\n if (!", "options || !", "options.basePath) {\n throw new Error('`basePath` option must be specified in part resolver plugin constructor')\n }\n\n this.environment = options.env\n this.basePath = options.basePath\n this.additionalPlugins = options.additionalPlugins || []\n this.configPath = path.join(this.basePath, 'config')\n this.extractCssCustomProperties = options.extractCssCustomProperties\n}\n\nPartResolverPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {\n const env = this.environment\n const basePath = this.basePath\n const additionalPlugins = this.additionalPlugins\n const configPath = this.configPath\n const extractCssCustomProperties = this.extractCssCustomProperties\n\n compiler.plugin('watch-run', (watcher, cb) => {\n cacheParts(watcher)\n .then(resolveCssCustomProperties)\n .then(cb)\n .catch(cb)\n })\n\n compiler.plugin('run', (params, cb) => {\n cacheParts(params)\n .then(resolveCssCustomProperties)\n .then(cb)\n .catch(cb)\n })\n\n function cacheParts(params) {\n const instance = params.compiler || params\n instance.sanity = compiler.sanity || {basePath: basePath}\n return partResolver.resolveParts({env, basePath, additionalPlugins}).then(parts => {\n instance.sanity.parts = parts\n return {instance, parts}\n })\n }\n\n function resolveCssCustomProperties({instance, parts}) {\n const impl = parts.implementations['part:@sanity/base/theme/variables-style']\n if (!", "impl || !", "impl[0] || !", "extractCssCustomProperties) {\n return Promise.resolve()\n }\n\n return extractCssCustomProperties(basePath, impl[0].path).then(cssCustomProperties => {\n instance.sanity.cssCustomProperties = cssCustomProperties\n })\n }\n\n compiler.plugin('compilation', () => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line complexity\n compiler.resolvers.normal.plugin('module', function(request, callback) {\n // If it doesn't match the string pattern of a Sanity part, stop trying to resolve it\n if (!", "isSanityPart(request)) {\n return callback()\n }\n\n const parts = compiler.sanity.parts\n const sanityPart = request.request.replace(/^all:/, '')\n\n if (request.request === 'sanity:css-custom-properties') {\n return this.doResolve(\n target,\n getResolveOptions({\n resolveTo: debugPart,\n request: request\n }),\n null,\n callback\n )\n }\n\n // The debug part should return the whole part/plugin tree\n if (request.request === 'sanity:debug') {\n return this.doResolve(\n target,\n getResolveOptions({\n resolveTo: debugPart,\n request: request\n }),\n null,\n callback\n )\n }\n\n // The versions part should return a list of module versions\n if (request.request === 'sanity:versions') {\n return this.doResolve(\n target,\n getResolveOptions({\n resolveTo: debugPart,\n request: request\n }),\n null,\n callback\n )\n }\n\n // Configuration files resolve to a specific path\n // Either the root sanity.json or a plugins JSON config\n const configMatch = request.request.match(configMatcher)\n if (configMatch) {\n const configFor = configMatch[1]\n const req = Object.assign({}, request, {\n request:\n configFor === 'sanity'\n ? ", "path.join(basePath, 'sanity.json')\n : path.join(configPath, `${configFor}.json`)\n })\n\n req.query = `?", "${qs.stringify({sanityPart: request.request})}`\n return this.doResolve(target, req, null, callback)\n }\n\n const loadAll = request.request.indexOf('all:') === 0\n const allowUnimplemented = request.query === '?'", "\n const part = parts.implementations[sanityPart]\n\n // Imports throw if they are not implemented, except if they\n // are prefixed with `all:` (returns an empty array) or they\n // are postfixed with `?", "` (returns undefined)\n if (!", "part) {\n if (allowUnimplemented) {\n return this.doResolve(\n target,\n {request: unimplementedPart, path: unimplementedPart},\n null,\n callback\n )\n }\n\n if (loadAll) {\n return this.doResolve(target, {request: emptyPart, path: emptyPart}, null, callback)\n }\n\n return callback(new Error(`Part \"${sanityPart}\" not implemented by any plugins`))\n }\n\n const resolveOpts = getResolveOptions({\n resolveTo: part[0].path,\n request: request\n })\n\n return this.doResolve(target, resolveOpts, null, callback)\n })\n })\n}\n\nfunction getResolveOptions(options) {\n const reqQuery = (options.request.query || '').replace(/^\\?/, '')\n const query = Object.assign({}, qs.parse(reqQuery) || {}, {\n sanityPart: options.request.request\n })\n\n return Object.assign({}, options.request, {\n request: options.resolveTo,\n query: `?", "${qs.stringify(query)}`\n })\n}\n\nmodule.exports = PartResolverPlugin\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is fugacity?", "\n\nWhen one attachs a manometer to car tires or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, what is being measured: the pressure or the fugacity?", "\nFor ideal gases both are the same, but not for real gases.", "\nAs fugacity is used on thermodynamics calculations, I see it as the correct value and would expect it to be the property being measured on the situation above.", "\nHowever, the Wikipedia page says that the vapour pressure of a liquid is not equal to the fugacity of the vapour. ", "Therefore, it cannot be the property being measured on the situation described.", "\nWhat is it then? ", "Is it just a value used for making the thermodynamic equations work? ", "Therefore being a correction factor to thermodynamics.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe original paper of Lewis [1, p. 54], who invented the concept of fugacity explains it in a clearer way than Wikipedia's convoluted explanation:\n\nII. ", " FUGACITY.", "\nIf any phase containing a given molecular species is brought in contact with any other phase not containing that species, a certain quantity will pass from the first phase to the second. ", "Every molecular species may be considered, therefore, to have a tendency to escape from the phase in which it is. ", "In order to express this tendency quantitatively for any particular state, an infinite number of quantities could be used, such, for example, as the thermodynamic potential of the species, its vapor pressure, its solubility in water, etc. ", "The quantity which we shall choose is one which seems at first sight more abstruse than any of these, but is in fact simpler, more general, and easier to manipulate. ", "It will be called the fugacity,† represented by the symbol ψ and defined by the following conditions:—\n\nThe fugacity of a molecular species is the same in two phases when these phases are in equilibrium as regards the distribution of that species.", "\nThe fugacity of a gas approaches the gas pressure as a limiting value if the gas is indefinitely rarefied. ", "In other words, the escaping tendency of a perfect gas is equal to its gas pressure.", "\n\nThat these two conditions are sufficient to define a property of every substance which is not a mathematical, fictitious quantity, but a real physical quantity, capable of experimental determination in every case, must now be shown. ", "It is obvious from the above conditions that in any case where our present methods of measurement are unable to show a deviation of the vapor of a substance from the gas law then the vapor pressure is the nearest approximation to the fugacity. ", "In all cases the vapor pressure is an approximation to the fugacity, the approximation being nearer the nearer the vapor is to a perfect gas. […]", "\n\n†In the earlier paper this quantity was called the escaping tendency and represented by the same symbol. ", "For the sake of brevity I have chosen to substitute the word “fugacity” for “escaping tendency” without the slightest change in the meaning of the function.", "\n\nMore in Lewis's original words [2, p. 262]:\n\nThe fugacity of a substance is therefore equal to its vapor pressure if the vapor behaves like a perfect gas. ", "Speaking in terms not very precise, we may say that the fugacity of a substance is equal to the vapor pressure that the substance x could have if its vapor were a perfect gas. ", "It has been shown in the preceding paper that for a given substance in a given state the fugacity is a definite property of which the numerical value can in most cases be readily determined, and which is well suited to serve as an exact measure of the escaping tendency.", "\n\nReferences\n\nLewis, G. N. The Law of Physico-Chemical Change. ", "Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1901, 37 (3), 49. ", "DOI: 10.2307/20021635. (", "Free Access)\nLewis, G. N. Outlines of a New System of Thermodynamic Chemistry. ", "Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1907, 43 (7), 259. ", "DOI: 10.2307/20022322. (", "Free Access)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.07142857142857142 ]
[ "Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and pathophysiology of atypical and recurrent hemolytic uremic syndrome.", "\nHemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) includes a heterogeneous group of hemolytic disorders. ", "Among the identified causes of HUS are infections, particularly infections with Shiga toxin-producing ESCHERICHIA COLI (STEC), complement disorders, and disorders interfering with the degradation of von Willebrand factor (VWF). ", "Other causes for atypical HUS include the cobalamin metabolism; pregnancy/hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome (HELLP); drugs; and other disorders (e.g., systemic diseases appearing as HUS, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rejection after transplantation). ", "The group not related to STEC is often also called atypical HUS. ", "Most of the occurrences of infectious HUS have only one episode. ", "Recurrent episodes (recurrent HUS) have strong relationships to diseases of the complement system. ", "In these two subgroups the prognosis is poor, with severe renal insufficiency, together with the need for renal replacement therapy. ", "Severe arterial hypertension is common. ", "Treatment options are limited. ", "To better define this group of patients, the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology supported an initiative to develop a European HUS registry. ", "In this registry, 167 patients were acquired; 73 were female (43.8%). ", "The year of onset of the disease ranged from 1974 to 2005. ", "The prevalence of atypical HUS/recurrent HUS can be calculated as 3.3 per million child population (< 18 years). ", "Underlying disorders included factor H, factor I, MCP-1, pneumococci, and von Willebrand factor disturbances. ", "In 33 patients at least one renal transplantation was performed (total, 55 kidneys); 18% were successful and 73% demonstrated recurrence or thrombosis. ", "Treatment options were plasma substitution or plasmapheresis. ", "Despite continued efforts, transplantation is not recommended at present for these patients. ", "Living-related transplantation should be abandoned. ", "New therapeutic strategies are urgently needed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.021929824561403508, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0, 0.017699115044247787, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Congenital constriction band syndrome: a seventy-year experience.", "\nSeventy-one cases of congenital constriction band syndrome (CCBS) were reviewed. ", "The year of birth, sex, ethnic background, gestational history, family history, and concurrent diagnoses were obtained. ", "The anatomic patterns of involvement, degree of impairment, and number and type of surgical interventions were recorded. ", "The incidence of CCBS appears to be rising. ", "The average patient had three involved limbs, with a predilection for distal, central digits of the upper extremity. ", "Abnormal gestational histories were found in 60% of the cases; 50% had concurrent diagnoses, and nearly one-third had club-feet. ", "The average patient had a 20% whole body impairment and required three reconstructive procedures. ", "Distraction osteogenesis and free osteocutaneous transfer were useful. ", "We feel that the term \"early amnion rupture sequence\" more accurately reflects the true pathogenesis of CCBS." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505 ]
[ "Pages\n\nBlogger Interview: The Tales Compendium\n\nHi my name is Jess and I love to read YA fiction. ", "My love for YA fiction is made very easy as I work as a children's specialist in a bookshop. ", "This will be a place for me to review those books. ", "I also like to read the occasional adult book, generally chick lit or crime novels so you may find a few of those reviewed here as well. ", "Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments as comments make me happy :)\n\nAbout the Blog:\n\nYou can also find and follow a complete list of my reviews and such on my visual bookshelf page via Facebook\n\nInterview:\n\n1. ", "How long have you been blogging?", "\n\nSince January 2010\n\n2. ", "Why did you decide to blog?", "\n\nBefore I started, I already wrote a lot of reviews for my job as a children's specialist in a book store. ", "One of the people I worked with had a blog and suggested I might want to try it out. ", "I figured I already write the reviews, why not share them with everyone? ", "My excitement can't be contained over new books and I love finding like-minded people out there who feel the same way.", "\n\n3. ", "What books do you blog about and why?", "\n\nI blog about young adult fiction. ", "I try not to focus too much on one genre as I like a lot of different things. ", "I also try my best to get as many advanced reviews out there before publication as I can.", "\n\nI like YA fiction because I think authors have to try harder when writing kids books because kids and teens are so easily distracted and can get bored so quickly. ", "I get bored when I try to read adult literature because they take so long for something to happen. ", "I don't know how grown up this makes me look but kids and YA books are just so much more fun!", "\n\n4. ", "What memes can be found on your blog?", "\n\nI have a page where I list my all-time-favourite books and also a page for books that are coming soon with their release dates. ", "I don't currently have a regular weekly meme. ", "If I stumble across something interesting like movie news or a title that has just been announced then I will just post it straight away. ", "I am mulling over a few different ideas for a weekly meme so keep your eye's open for something in the near future.", "\n\n5. ", "What is your review style like?", "\n\nIt's pretty straight forward. ", "I talk about what I like about the book, what I don't like and why. ", "I also make comments on bits and pieces that I think others will be interested in and comments on the book jackets. ", "I will also often give age recommendations as well as compare the book to another I have read. ", "I refuse to post spoilers. ", "When I was younger, someone told me what happened at the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire before I finished it. ", "I was so annoyed that the surprise was ruined for me, hence I don't post spoilers. ", "If someone really wants to know what has happened, then they can email me.", "\n\n6. ", "If you can describe your blog in one word, what would it be and why?", "\n\nUncomplicated - because it is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for but still looks pretty and serves it's purpose.", "\n\n7. ", "What advice can you give other bloggers about blogging?", "\n\nBlog as much as you can and be truthful about how you feel towards what you review (don't post what you think others will want to hear, post what you think).", "\n\n8. ", "What kind of promotion techniques do you use to get followers?", "\n\nI post links to my reviews on places like Book Blogs and also comment on other peoples blogs if I like what they have said. ", "I know that if someone posts a comment on mine then I will always check to see if they have a blog. ", "Chatting with your fellow bloggers is the best way, there is such a fantastic online community and before I started my blog, I had no idea there were so many people around like me. ", "I don't like saying to someone that I will follow them if they follow me. ", "I want someone to follow my blog if they like what I review, not just because it means they get another number on their followers. ", "In terms of promoting my blog in other places other than online, I have recently had bookmarks printed with my blog details on them and am working on getting them into bookshops.", "\n\n9. ", "If there was something you’d want your readers to take away from reading your blog, what would it be?", "\n\nI'd hope they read a review for a title that they have 'ummed and ahhed' over for a while and my review makes them decide that they should go and read that book.", "\n\n10. ", "What can readers look forward to from your blog in the future?", "\n\nA new weekly meme and plenty of advanced reviews.", "\n\nBlogger Remarks:\n\nThank you so much, Jess, for participating in my Blogger Interview section. ", "It's an honor to have you. ", "Consequently, Jess did an Author Focus on me, which you can find out more about here. ", "Let's keep our fingers crossed. ", "Next week, I will be featuring Lynsey from Narratively Speaking." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.015625 ]
[ "Q:\n\nVB.NET and LINQ query on a dictionary\n\nI need a simple LINQ query on VB.NET on the dictionary below, but I'm really new to the subject so I need your help.", "\n Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.", "EventArgs) Handles Me.", "Load\n Dim appEnums As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)\n\n appEnums.", "Add(1, \"www.eva.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(2, \"www.eva2.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(4, \"www.evanetwork.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(5, \"www.eva3.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(6, \"www.eva4.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(7, \"www.eva5.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(8, \"www.eva6.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(9, \"www.eva1.com\")\n appEnums.", "Add(10, \"www.eva7.com\")\n\n Dim startSite As Integer = 1\n Dim mainSite As Integer = 4\n Dim returnSite As Integer = 5\n End Sub\n\nWhat I need here is to retrieve a SINGLE website (dictionary value of string type) or NOTHING (if the query cannot find an affordable result) given those rules:\n\nThe dictionary key (integer) must be greater than startSite and not equal to mainSite or returnSite (both must be exluded from the result)\n\nAny hint?", "\nEDIT: thanks for the replies so far! ", "I'm not sure they would work btw have to test them, at a first glance there is something odd.", "\nI found a solution myself and it works perfectly (can't believe it) but I think there should be a more \"elegant\" way to it (in vb.net always). ", "waiting for suggestions :) \n Dim resultSite As String\n\n Try\n resultSite = appEnums.", "Where(Function(x) x.Key > startSite _\n AndAlso x.Key <> mainSite AndAlso x.Key <> returnSite) _\n .OrderBy(Function(x) x.Key).Select(Function(x) x.Value).First()\n Catch\n resultSite = Nothing\n End Try\n\nA:\n\nHere is a slightly more refined LINQ statement.", "\nDim resultSite As String =\n appEnums.", "OrderBy(Function(kvp) kvp.", "Key)\n .SkipWhile(Function(kvp) kvp.", "Key <= startSite)\n .Where(Function(kvp) kvp.", "Key <> mainSite AndAlso kvp.", "Key <> returnSite)\n .Select(Function(kvp) kvp.", "Value).FirstOrDefault()\n\nIt differs from your solution in two places:\n\nIt uses OrderBy first, so that it can use SkipWhile\nIt uses FirstOrDefault so that it avoids the ugly try/catch block.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006289308176100629, 0.01694915254237288, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.05128205128205128, 0.025, 0.021739130434782608, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.004347826086956522, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.010582010582010581, 0 ]
[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<TextView xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n android:id=\"@+id/tab_title\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n android:gravity=\"center\"\n android:singleLine=\"true\" />\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.008130081300813009 ]
[ "Exploring DNA groove water dynamics through hydrogen bond lifetime and orientational relaxation.", "\nDynamics of water molecules in the grooves of DNA are of great interest both for practical (functionality of DNA) and fundamental (as examples of confined systems) interest. ", "Here the authors employ atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to understand varying water dynamics at the minor and the major grooves of a 38 base-pair long DNA duplex in water. ", "In order to understand and quantify the diversity in the nature of hydrogen bond due to many hydrogen bond donors and acceptors present in the four bases, they have undertaken study of hydrogen bond lifetime (HBLT) correlation functions of all the specific hydrogen bonds between the base atoms and water molecules. ", "They find that the HBLT correlation functions are in general multiexponential, with the average lifetime depending significantly on the specificity and may thus be biologically relevant. ", "The average hydrogen bond lifetime is longer in the minor groove than that in the major groove by almost a factor of 2. ", "Analysis further shows that water hydrogen bonds with phosphate oxygen have substantially shorter lifetimes than those with the groove atoms. ", "They also compute two different orientational time correlation functions (OTCFs) of the water molecules present at the major and the minor grooves and attempt to correlate OTCF with HBLT correlation function. ", "The OTCFs in the minor groove exhibit three time scales, with the time constant of the slowest component one to two orders of magnitude longer than what is observed for bulk water. ", "A slow component is also present for the major groove water but with shorter time constant. ", "Interestingly, correlation between reformations allowed HBLT correlation function [C(HB)(t)] and the OTCF markedly deviates from each other in the grooves, indicating enhanced rigidity of water molecules in the grooves." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0.009569377990430622, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.0091324200913242 ]
[ "/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * file: sr_vns.h\n * date: Fri Nov 21 13:06:27 PST 2003\n * Author: Martin Casado\n *\n * Description:\n *\n * Header file for interface to VNS. ", " Able to connect, reserve host,\n * receive/parse hardware information, receive/send packets from/to VNS.", "\n *\n * See method definitions in sr_vns.c for detailed comments.", "\n *\n *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n#ifndef SR_VNS_H\n#define SR_VNS_H\n\n#ifdef _LINUX_\n#include <stdint.h>\n#endif /* _LINUX_ */\n\n#ifdef _DARWIN_\n#include <inttypes.h>\n#endif /* _DARWIN_ */\n\n#ifdef _SOLARIS_\n#include <inttypes.h>\n#endif /* _SOLARIS_ */\n\nstruct sr_instance* sr; /* -- forward declare -- */\n\nint sr_vns_read_from_server(struct sr_instance* );\n\nint sr_vns_connected_to_server(struct sr_instance* );\n\nvoid sr_vns_init_log(struct sr_instance* sr, char* logfile);\n\nint sr_vns_connect_to_server(struct sr_instance* ,unsigned short , char* );\n\nint sr_vns_send_packet(struct sr_instance* ,uint8_t* , unsigned int , const char*);\n\n\n#endif /* -- SR_VNS_H -- */\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.013392857142857142, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.005563282336578581 ]
[ "This is a translation of the original article: Lombard, E. (1911).", "\nLe signe de l’elevation de la voix.", "\nAnnales des Maladies de l’Oreille, du Larynx, du Nez et du Pharynx, 37, 101-119. (", "article is out of copyright)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0 ]
[ "Role of CYP2D6 in the N-hydroxylation of procainamide.", "\nSequential oxidations at the arylamine moiety of the procainamide molecule leading to the formation of N-hydroxyprocainamide and its nitroso derivative may be responsible for lupus erythematosus observed in patients treated with the drug. ", "The objective of the present study was to characterize major cytochrome P450 isozyme(s) involved in the N-hydroxylation of procainamide. ", "Firstly, incubations were performed with microsomes from either lymphoblastoid cells or yeast transfected with cDNA encoding for specific human cytochrome P450 isozymes. ", "Experiments performed with these enzyme expression systems indicated that the highest formation rate of N-hydroxyprocainamide was observed in the presence of CYP2D6 enriched microsomes. ", "Additional experiments demonstrated that the formation rate of N-hydroxyprocainamide by CYP2D6 enriched microsomes was decreased from 45 +/- 4% to 93 +/- 1% by quinidine at concentrations ranging from 30 nM to 100 microM (all p < 0.05 vs control) and by approximately 75% by antibodies directed against CYP2D6. ", "Secondly, incubations were performed with microsomes prepared from 15 human liver samples. ", "Using this approach, an excellent correlation was observed between the formation rate of N-hydroxyprocainamide and dextromethorphan O-demethylase activity (CYP2D6; r = 0.9305; p < 0.0001). ", "In contrast, no correlation could be established between N-hydroxyprocainamide formation rate and caffeine N3-demethylase (CYP1A2), coumarin 7-hydroxylase (CYP2A6), S-mephenytoin N-demethylase (CYP2B6), tolbutamide methlhydroxylase (CYP2C9), S-mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylase (CYP2C19), chlorzoxazone 6-hydroxylase (CYP2E1), dextromethorphan N-demethylase (CYP3A4), testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase (CYP3A4/5) or lauric acid 12-hydroxylase (CYP4A11) activities. ", "Furthermore, formation rate of N-hydroxyprocainamide was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner by quinidine (300 nM to 100 microM) and by antibodies directed against CYP2D6 but not by furafylline 20 microM (CYP1A2), ketoconazole 1 microM (CYP3A4), sulfaphenazole 10 microM (CYP2C9) or antibodies directed against CYP1A1/1A2, CYP2C, CYP2A6, CYP2E1 or CYP3A4/3A5. ", "In conclusion, the results obtained in the present study demonstrate that CYP2D6 is the major human cytochrome P450 isozyme involved in the formation of the reactive metabolite of procainamide, namely N-hydroxyprocainamide." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.008108108108108109, 0 ]
[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<!-- ", "Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.", "\n-->\n\n<android.support.v7.internal.widget.", "LinearLayoutICS\n xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n android:gravity=\"center\"\n style=\"?attr/actionBarTabBarStyle\"/>\n<!-- ", "From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/klp-ub-dev/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/res/layout/abc_action_bar_tabbar.xml --><!-- From: file:/C:/Users/Marko/Desktop/CUPUSMobileApplicationLite/CUPUSMobileApplicationLite/CUPUSMobileApplication/build/exploded-aar/com.android.support/appcompat-v7/19.1.0/res/layout/abc_action_bar_tabbar.xml -->" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.01020408163265306, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.0023923444976076554 ]
[ "Middle Rhine Cup\n\nThe Middle Rhine Cup (German: Mittelrheinpokal) is a German football club Cup competition open to teams from the Lower Rhine region of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. ", "The competition is one of the 21 regional cup competitions of German football and acts as a qualifier to the following seasons' German Cup.", "\n\nThe competition is sponsored by the Bitburger brewery and carries the official name Bitburger Mittelrheinpokal. ", "It is operated by the Middle Rhine Football Association, the FVM.", "\n\nModus\nClubs from fully professional leagues are not permitted to enter the competition, meaning, no teams from the Fußball-Bundesliga and the 2nd Bundesliga can compete.", "\n\nAll clubs from the Middle Rhine playing in the 3. ", "Liga (III) and the Regionalliga West (IV) are directly qualified for the first round, the remaining places are filled with the teams who qualified from local cup competitions, the Kreispokale. ", "All up, 32 clubs take part in the first round of the competition.", "\n\nSince the establishment of the 3. ", "Liga in 2008, reserve teams can not take part in the German Cup or the Middle Rhine Cup anymore.", "\n\nWinners\nThe winners of the competition since 1993:\n\nReferences\n\nSources\nDeutschlands Fußball in Zahlen, An annual publication with tables and results from the Bundesliga to Verbandsliga/Landesliga, publisher: DSFS\n\nExternal links\nFussball.de: Middle Rhine Cup \nBitburger-Pokal FVM website\n\nCategory:Football cup competitions in Germany\nCategory:Football competitions in North Rhine-Westphalia" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCircular linked list of integers\n\nI'm looking for a review paying special attention as to whether the code can be optimized in the form of number of variables used, especially for the delete() method.", "\npublic class circularLL {\n\n Node start;\n Node last;\n\n circularLL()\n {\n start=null;\n last=null;\n }\n\n class Node\n {\n int data;\n Node next;\n\n Node(int datanew)\n {\n data=datanew;\n }\n public void setNext(Node n)\n {\n next=n;\n }\n public Node getNext()\n {\n return next;\n }\n public void setData(int datanew)\n {\n data=datanew;\n }\n public int getData()\n {\n return data;\n }\n }\n\n public void insert(int datanew)\n {\n Node p=new Node(datanew);\n if(start==null)\n {\n start=p;\n last=p;\n p.setNext(p);\n }\n else\n {\n last.setNext(p);\n last=last.getNext();\n last.setNext(start);\n }\n }\n public void delete(int datanew)\n {\n Node temp=start;\n Node temp1=start;\n Node previous=null;\n Node previous1=null;\n if(last.getData()==datanew)\n {\n while(temp1.getData()!=datanew)\n {\n previous1=temp1;\n temp1=temp1.getNext();\n }\n previous1.setNext(temp.getNext());\n last=previous1;\n }\n while(temp.getData()!=datanew)\n {\n previous=temp;\n temp=temp.getNext();\n }\n previous.setNext(temp.getNext());\n }\n\n public void display() {\n int count = 0;\n\n if(start == null) {\n System.out.println(\"\\n List is empty !!\");", "\n } else {\n Node temp = start;\n\n while(temp.getNext() !", "= last) {\n System.out.println(\"count(\"+count+\") , node value=\"+temp.getData());\n count++;\n temp = temp.getNext();\n }\n System.out.println(\"count(\"+count+\") , node value=\"+temp.getData());\n }\n }\n\n public static void main(String args[])\n {\n circularLL ll=new circularLL();\n ll.insert(40);\n ll.insert(20);\n ll.insert(22);\n ll.insert(15);\n ll.insert(16);\n ll.insert(35);\n ll.insert(40);\n ll.insert(38);\n ll.delete(22);\n ll.display();\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nI'm not a big algorithms/data structures guy, but the only thing that caught my attention was the delete function. ", "Is there a reason that delete uses data to identify the node, as opposed to just taking in the Node object you want to delete? ", "It seems like that could get hairy if two nodes have the same data (which happens in main).", "\nBesides that, there are a few comments I have in general about the code. ", "Most of the following is fairly standard code format type stuff, but I think it's worth saying it as many times as possible.", "\nFormatting\nIt's fairly minor, it helps to make sure there's an empty line between methods.", "\nAlso, I know some feel differently, but my preference about operators is that they have spaces on either side. ", "data=datanew vs data = datanew.", "\nNaming\nIn Java, the convention is that class names start with a capital letter, so circularLL should be CircularLL. ", "Even better, it should really be something more descriptive like CircularLinkedList.", "\nBesides that, names of methods, members, variables, etc should follow lowerCamelCase. ", "So, datanew becomes dataNew, but I would personally call it newData.", "\nIn delete, avoid variable names like temp1 and previous1. ", "With the number of variables and how they're named, you're starting to enter mental-juggling territory. ", "What I mean by that is that as I read through the code, I have to keep reading back through the code to remember what a variable does because its name isn't descriptive enough.", "\nEtc\nI don't have too much else to say, but I would consider breaking this code out into two or three files. ", "I would make a new class with main to separate the linked list from what's using it, and I might put Node in its own class.", "\nSorry I couldn't help out more with the efficiency/number of variables issue, but you don't seem to be doing anything too crazy, and like I said before, data structures and algorithms aren't my strong suit. ", "Just thought I'd throw in my two cents.", "\n\nA:\n\nGenerics would be quite useful here, because your List only works with integers, so your classes could be reworked to take type parameters \n public class CircularLL<T>{\n\n Node<T> start;\n Node<T> last;\n\n class Node<T>{\n T data;\n public void setData(T datanew)\n {\n data= datanew;\n }\n public T getData()\n {\n return data;\n }\n ....\n }\n\n}\n\nand now you create Lists of different types.", "\n CircularLL<Integer> list = new CircularLL<Integer>();\n CircularLL<String> list = new CircularLL<String>();\n\nin Java 7 you got type inference \n CircularLL<Integer> list = new CircularLL<>();\n\nPlease note, that CircularLL is not the best name for this class, I would call it CircularLinkedList instead.", "\nOne more thing, initialising instance variables to null is useless because it's done by default. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "[Study on the in vitro and in vivo thrombolytic efficacy of bispecific antifibrin-antiurokinase monoclonal antibodies].", "\nTo evaluate the thrombolytic efficacy of bispecfic antifibrin-antiurokinase monoclonal antibodies. ", "Murine hybrid hybridomas secreting bispecific monoclonal antibodies (bsMcAbs) were prepared by fusing a mutant hybridomas secreting antifibrin McAbs with spleen cells of murine immunized with urokinase. ", "The binding power of bsMcAbs with fibrin or urokinase was determined by ELISA method. ", "The in vitro thrombolytic efficacy was measured by the dissolving rate of 131I-plasma clot. ", "The in vivo thrombolytic efficacy was measured by using the rabbit jugular vein thrombus model. ", "8 strains of bsMcAbs have been obtained. ", "ELISA experiments showed that bsMcAbs have very strong binding power with fibrin or urokinase. ", "The bsMcAbs bound with urokinase increased the in vitro thrombolytic efficacy of urokinase by 15.5%. ", "The in vivo thrombolytic efficacy of bsMcAbs bound with urokinase was 1.6-2.1 times as high as urokinase. ", "Monoclonal antibody-directed thrombolytic agents have advantages of high specificity and strong local thrombolytic efficacy. ", "It is well worth going on further study." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.009852216748768473, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'Aspects of the theory of characteristic modes, based on their variational formulation, are presented and an explicit form of a related functional, involving only currents in a spatial domain, is derived. ", "The new formulation leads to deeper insight into the modal behavior of radiating structures as demonstrated by a detailed analysis of three canonical structures: a dipole, an array of two dipoles and a loop, cylinder and a sphere. ", "It is demonstrated that knowledge of the analytical functional can be utilized to solve important problems related to the theory of characteristic modes decomposition such as the resonance of inductive modes or the benchmarking of method of moments code.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Miloslav Capek,  Pavel Hazdra,  Michal Masek, Vit Losenicky [^1] [^2]'\nbibliography:\n- 'references\\_LIST.bib'\ntitle: Analytical Representation of Characteristic Modes Decomposition\n---\n\n[Capek : Characteristic Modes and Their Electromagnetic Properties]{}\n\nAntenna theory, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, electromagnetic theory.", "\n\nIntroduction {#Intro}\n============\n\ntheory of characteristic modes (CMs), formally developed by Garbacz [@Garbacz_TCMdissertation] and Harrington and Mautz [@HarringtonMautz_TheoryOfCharacteristicModesForConductingBodies], has become very popular in recent years as this theory constitutes a general approach to characterizing the modal resonant behavior of arbitrarily shaped antennas and scatterers [@MartaEva_TheTCMRevisited]. ", "In its original form, which is considered here, the CM assumes perfect electric conductors (PEC) in a vacuum. ", "Academic interest and a number of publications dealing with CMs continue to grow. ", "However, most papers focus only on the application character, such as [@DaviuFabresGalloBataller_DesignOfAMultimodeMIMOantennaUsingCM; @Obeidat_TCMdissertation; @Adams_CharacteristicModesForImpedanceMatching]. ", "Excluding the first attempt to summarize CMs in a book [@ChenWang_CharacteristicModesWiley], there are also related chapters to be found in older books [@Bladel_ElmagField] and [@Mittra_TopicsInAppliedPhysics]. ", "This paper briefly reviews characteristic mode decomposition and what constitutes the necessary theoretical background. ", "An analytical form of the functional, composed of reactive and radiated power, is derived, based on previous research [@Vandenbosch_ReactiveEnergiesImpedanceAndQFactorOfRadiatingStructures], [@CapekJelinekHazdraEichler_MeasurableQ]. ", "This relation has to be satisfied for each mode but is not restricted to the characteristic basis. ", "Hence, it is possible to specify arbitrary current distribution (the CM can be predicted, see [@WuSu_AbroadbandModelOfTheCMForRectangularPlates]) and compare it with real CMs. ", "Based on this result, properties of canonical shapes are investigated, including inductive modes. ", "Analogically, if the modes are analytically known, they can be substituted into a derived functional instead of using an approximative solution given by the numerical spectral decomposition of an underlying operator.", "\n\nDerivation of the functional {#TCM}\n============================\n\nBased on previous work by Garbacz [@Garbacz_TCMdissertation], Harrington [@HarringtonMautz_TheoryOfCharacteristicModesForConductingBodies] reduced the CMs into the following generalized eigenvalue problem (GEP, [@Sagan_BoundaryEigenvalueProblemsInMathematicalPhysics]) $${{\\mathcal{X}}} \\left(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\right) = \\lambda_{n} {{\\mathcal{R}}} \\left(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\right),\n\\label{TCM_eq4}$$ where ${{\\mathcal{R}}}$ and ${{\\mathcal{X}}}$ are real and symmetric operators forming the impedance operator $${{\\mathcal{Z}}} \\left(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\right)={{\\mathcal{R}}} \\left(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\right)+{\\mathrm{j}}{{\\mathcal{X}}} \\left(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\right) = \\boldsymbol{n}_0 \\times \\left({\\mathrm{j}}\\omega \\boldsymbol{A} + \\nabla\\phi \\right),\n\\label{TCM_eq4A}$$ $\\boldsymbol{A}$ and $\\phi$ are corresponding magnetic and electric time-harmonic potentials in Lorenz gauge [@Jackson_ClassicalElectrodynamics], $\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}$ is the modal current density, and $\\boldsymbol{n}_0$ is the unit vector tangential to the PEC boundary of a radiator. ", "The continuous operator ${{\\mathcal{Z}}}$ is usually discretised by the method of moments (MoM, [@Harrington_FieldComputationByMoM]), utilizing a proper set of basis functions $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergy10}\n\\boldsymbol{J}_n \\left(\\boldsymbol{r}\\right) \\approx \\sum\\limits_{m=1}^N I_{mn} \\boldsymbol{f}_m \\left(\\boldsymbol{r}\\right),$$ where $I_{mn}$ are (modal) expansion coefficients and $\\boldsymbol{f}_m \\left(\\boldsymbol{r}\\right)$ are frequency-independent basis functions, e.g., RWG basis functions [@RaoWiltonGlisson_ElectromagneticScatteringBySurfacesOfArbitraryShape]. ", "Consequently, the MoM procedure leads to an impedance matrix , which is the discrete representation of the analytical operator ${{\\mathcal{Z}}}$. Finally, the CMs can be defined in (common) algebraic form [@HarringtonMautz_TheoryOfCharacteristicModesForConductingBodies] $$\\mathbf{X} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n = \\lambda_{n} \\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n,\n\\label{TCM_eq4B}$$ which is, in comparison to (\\[TCM\\_eq4\\]), numerically solvable for an arbitrary radiator since it is based on real and symmetric matrices of size $N\\times N$, where $N$ is the number of basis functions.", "\n\nThe solution of the GEP produces the characteristic basis $\\{ \\boldsymbol{J}_n, \\lambda_n \\}$ of eigencurrents $\\boldsymbol{J}_n$ and associated eigenvalues $\\lambda_n$ and, due to the properties of the impedance matrix, all eigenvalues are real with all eigencurrents equiphasal (they can also be selected as real, [@HarringtonMautz_ComputationOfCharacteristicModesForConductingBodies]). ", "Furthermore, the CMs minimize the ratio of the net reactive power $\\omega \\left({W_\\mathrm{m}}- {W_\\mathrm{e}}\\right)$ to radiated power ${P_\\mathrm{r}}$. Note that the extremal value of radiated to stored power is considered for the basis as a whole.", "\n\nIt is known [@ChenWang_CharacteristicModesWiley] that the GEP (\\[TCM\\_eq4\\]) minimizes a power functional[^3] $$\\mathcal{F}\\left(\\boldsymbol{J}_n\\right) = \\frac{\\langle \\boldsymbol{J}_{n}, {{\\mathcal{X}}} \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\rangle}{\\langle \\boldsymbol{J}_{n}, {{\\mathcal{R}}} \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\rangle} = \\frac{2\\omega(W_\\mathrm{m}^{n}-W_\\mathrm{e}^{n})}{P_\\mathrm{r}^{n}}=\\lambda_{n},\n\\label{TCM_eq5}$$ where $W_\\mathrm{m}^{n}$ and $W_\\mathrm{e}^{n}$ are modal magnetic and electric potentials-based energies, defined here as $$W_\\mathrm{m}^{n} = \\frac{1}{2} \\Re \\int\\limits_V \\boldsymbol{A}\\cdot\\boldsymbol{J}_n^\\ast {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{V},\n\\label{TCM_eq6A}$$ $$W_\\mathrm{e}^{n} = \\frac{1}{2} \\Re \\int\\limits_V \\varphi \\rho_n^\\ast {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{V},\n\\label{TCM_eq6B}$$ with $P_\\mathrm{r}^{n}$ as modal radiated power which is commonly normalized as $P_\\mathrm{r}^{n}=1\\,$W. It should be noted that energies (\\[TCM\\_eq6A\\]) and (\\[TCM\\_eq6B\\]) are not equal to true electric () and magnetic () energy [@Carpenter_ElectromagneticEnergyAndPowerInTermsOfChargesAndPotentialsInsteadOfFields]. ", "However, a clear advantage of (\\[TCM\\_eq6A\\]) and (\\[TCM\\_eq6B\\]) is that they can be calculated easily and directly from the (characteristic) currents if they are prescribed analytically or calculated numerically. ", "The paradigm used, and its further extension towards the stored energy, is briefly discussed in Section \\[StoredEnergy\\].", "\n\nA particular form of the above mentioned functional (\\[TCM\\_eq5\\]), established directly for the sources (currents/charges) on the antenna, is derived using (\\[TCM\\_eq4A\\]) and it reads $$\\mathcal{F} \\big( \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\big) = \\frac{\\langle \\boldsymbol{J}_{n}, {{\\mathcal{X}}} \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\rangle}{\\langle \\boldsymbol{J}_{n}, {{\\mathcal{R}}} \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\rangle} = -\n\\frac{\\displaystyle\\Re\\int\\limits_{V}\\left(\\boldsymbol{A}\\cdot\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}^*-\\phi\\rho_{n}^*\\right)\\mathrm{d}V}{\\displaystyle\\Im\\int\\limits_{V}\\left(\\boldsymbol{A}\\cdot\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}^*-\\phi\\rho_{n}^*\\right)\\mathrm{d}V},\n\\label{TCMfcnAJ}$$ where $V$ is the volume of an antenna and $\\rho_{n}$ is the charge density. ", "Inserting the continuity equation [@Jackson_ClassicalElectrodynamics], , the functional involves only currents and reads $$\\label{TCM2_eq8}\n\\mathcal{F} \\big( \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} \\big) =\n\\frac{\\displaystyle\\int\\limits_{V} \\!\\! ", "\\int\\limits_{V '} \\mathcal{J}\\big(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\big) \\frac{\\cos (k R)}{R} \\, \\mathrm{d} V' \\, \\mathrm{d} V}{ \\displaystyle\\int\\limits_{V} \\!\\! ", "\\int\\limits_{V '} \\mathcal{J}\\big(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\big) \\frac{\\sin (k R)}{R} \\, \\mathrm{d} V' \\, \\mathrm{d} V} = \\kappa_n,$$ where $\\mathcal{J}\\big(\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}\\big)=\\big( k^2 \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} (\\boldsymbol{r}) \\cdot \\boldsymbol{J}_{n}^{*} (\\boldsymbol{r} ') - \\nabla \\cdot \\boldsymbol{J}_{n} (\\boldsymbol{r}) \\nabla ' \\cdot \\boldsymbol{J}_{n}^{*} (\\boldsymbol{r} ') \\big)$, $R=|\\boldsymbol{r}-\\boldsymbol{r}'|$ is Euclidean distance, $k$ is the wavenumber and $\\kappa_{n}$ is the Rayleigh quotient [@Stewart_Sun_MatrixPerturbationTheory], which is equal to characteristic number $\\lambda_{n}$ when the true characteristic current $\\boldsymbol{J}_{n}$ enters into (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]).", "\n\nThanks to the “source” formulation (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]), arbitrary current distribution can be studied and its properties with true CMs can be compared. ", "This formulation extends the understanding of the original definition in [@HarringtonMautz_TheoryOfCharacteristicModesForConductingBodies], since, as will be shown later, we can study the separated components[^4] of (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]).", "\n\nIt is important to stress that the functional is minimized by characteristic currents, i.e. solutions of (\\[TCM\\_eq4\\]). ", "Such a (eigen) basis maximizes the radiated power and minimizes the net reactive power, indicating external resonances of the radiator. ", "Hence, the extremum of (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]) is given by characteristic basis $\\{\\boldsymbol{J}_n\\}$ with associated eigenvalues $\\lambda_n$.\n\nAn exact analytical solution for characteristic currents is exceedingly complicated with only two bodies of finite extent already known, one of them being a spherical shell [@EvaDaviu_TCMdissertation]. ", "However, the expression (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]) permits the definition of an arbitrary current distribution $\\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}$ without the necessity of numerically computing the impedance matrix $\\mathbf{Z}$ and its decomposition in (\\[TCM\\_eq4B\\]). ", "In addition, if we analytically try to test a basis $\\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}$ that is similar to the true CM basis, we can precisely analyze its behaviour and estimate how close the selected current distribution is to the optimal solution [@WuSu_AbroadbandModelOfTheCMForRectangularPlates].", "\n\nRelation Between Characteristic Modes and Stored Enegy {#StoredEnergy}\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nThere is an interesting relationship between decomposition into CMs and the evaluation of the modified stored electromagnetic energy, proposed by Vandenbosch in [@Vandenbosch_ReactiveEnergiesImpedanceAndQFactorOfRadiatingStructures] as $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergyN1}\n{\\widetilde{W}_\\mathrm{sto}}= \\frac{1}{4}\\left\\langle \\boldsymbol{J}, \\frac{\\partial {{\\mathcal{X}}}}{\\partial\\omega} \\boldsymbol{J} \\right\\rangle,$$ in which the structure of ${{\\mathcal{X}}}$ is obvious from (\\[TCM\\_eq4A\\]) and $\\boldsymbol{J}$ is the current density which, in the context of this paper, can be composed as $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergyN3}\n\\boldsymbol{J} \\approx \\sum\\limits_n \\alpha_n \\boldsymbol{J}_n,$$ where $\\alpha_n$ is given in [@HarringtonMautz_TheoryOfCharacteristicModesForConductingBodies]. ", "If (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergy10\\]) is substituted, (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN1\\]) can be represented in a useful matrix form as proposed by Gustafsson et al. [", "@CismasuGustafsson_FBWbySimpleFreuqSimulation] $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergyN2}\n{\\widetilde{W}_\\mathrm{sto}}\\approx \\frac{1}{4} {{\\mathbf{I}}}^{\\mathrm{H}}\\frac{\\partial \\mathbf{X}}{\\partial\\omega} {{\\mathbf{I}}}$$ and anticipated much earlier by Harrington and Mautz [@HarringtonMautz_ControlOfRadarScatteringByReactiveLoading].", "\n\nIt is argued in [@HarringtonMautz_ControlOfRadarScatteringByReactiveLoading] that in the vicinity of $n$th modal resonances the quality factor $Q_n$, defined as $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergyN10}\nQ_n = \\frac{\\omega}{2} \\frac{\\partial\\lambda_n}{\\partial\\omega},$$ is approximately equal to the quality factor rigorously derived by Vandenbosch and later reformulated by Gustafsson, i.e., $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergyN11}\nQ_{\\mathbf{X},n} = \\frac{\\omega {\\widetilde{W}_\\mathrm{sto}}^n}{P_\\mathrm{r}^n} \\approx Q_n.$$ The argumentation is based on the assumption that the dominant frequency variation is due to the imaginary part of the impedance matrix [@HarringtonMautz_ControlOfRadarScatteringByReactiveLoading]. ", "Interestingly, the relationship between these two quality factors[^5] can be expressed rigorously as $$\\label{TCM_storedEnergyN12}\nQ_n = Q_{\\mathbf{X},n} - \\lambda_n Q_{\\mathbf{R},n},$$ in which $Q_{\\mathbf{R},n}$ is defined in the same way as $Q_{\\mathbf{X},n}$, although $\\mathcal{R}$ or $\\mathbf{R}$ is used instead of $\\mathcal{X}$ or $\\mathbf{X}$. For the exact derivation of (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN12\\]), see Appendix \\[app1\\]. ", "Moreover, the above-mentioned assumption is not needed since the equality is based on definition (\\[TCM\\_eq5\\]) where the eigenvalues are zero at the modal resonances.", "\n\nEquality between (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN10\\]), (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN12\\]) and (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN1\\]), (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN2\\]) establishes explicit link between frequency behavior of eigenvalues $\\lambda_n$ and modified modal stored energies [@CapekHazdraEichler_AMethodForTheEvaluationOfRadiationQBasedOnModalApproach]. ", "This connection is possible thanks to the modal potential-based energies (\\[TCM\\_eq6A\\]), (\\[TCM\\_eq6B\\]), which occur both in definition of eigenvalues (\\[TCM\\_eq5\\]) and in (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN1\\]) through (\\[TCM\\_cylinder7\\]).", "\n\nElementary Radiators – Case Studies {#CaseStudies}\n===================================\n\nIn certain (simple) cases the CM basis can be sufficiently approximated by analytical currents. ", "We inspect three canonical examples:\n\n- a thin-strip dipole (Section \\[CS\\_dipole\\]),\n\n- two parallel coupled dipoles, separated by distance $h$ with in-phase and out-of-phase modes (Section \\[CS\\_dipoles\\]),\n\n- a loop with uniform mode (Section \\[CS\\_loop\\]).", "\n\nThese examples establish a direct way to understand stationary inductive modes. ", "It will be seen that these fulfil $\\nabla \\cdot \\boldsymbol{J} (\\boldsymbol{r})=0$, i.e., they have no charge. ", "Observations denoted in this section introduce material which is to be developed in Section \\[Fun\\_examples\\].", "\n\nThin-strip dipole {#CS_dipole}\n-----------------\n\nLet us consider a thin-strip dipole of length $L$ and width . ", "Since the dipole is thin the inductive modes are not considered and the current has to fulfill the Dirichlet boundary condition at its ends. ", "It is significant that the choice of any mode from the basis predestinates the basis, as a whole, as the modes are orthogonal. ", "We consider the natural first-order current basis[^6]\n\n$$\\label{TCM_dip1_Ex1}\n\\mathbf{\\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}}_n (z) = \\mathbf{z}_0 K_0 \\delta(y) \\sin \\Big(\\frac{\\pi n z}{L}\\Big), x \\in \\left(-\\frac{w}{2},\\frac{w}{2}\\right), z \\in (0,L),$$\n\nwhere the surface current density $$\\label{TCM_loop1_Ex1A}\nK_0 = \\frac{1}{h}$$ is assumed. ", "The divergence of (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]) is $$\\label{TCM_dip1_Ex1B}\n\\mathbf{z}_0\\cdot\\frac{\\partial \\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_n (z)}{\\partial z} = K_0 \\delta(y) \\frac{\\pi n}{L} \\cos \\Big(\\frac{\\pi n z}{L}\\Big).$$\n\nDue to the complexity[^7] of (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]), (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]) and (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1B\\]) were inserted in (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]) and solved numerically in MATLAB [@matlab]. ", "First, three modes, , are considered. ", "Figure \\[fig\\_dipole\\_fig1\\] shows the $\\kappa_{n}$ quotients, together with exact eigenvalues $\\lambda_{n}$, obtained by solving (\\[TCM\\_eq4\\]) in CST-MWS software [@CST]. ", "A good match is attained, even for such a simple basis (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]).", "\n\n![", "The radiation quotients $\\kappa_n$ for the first three natural modes of a thin-strip dipole (ratio $L/w=100$ and 962 triangular segments used for numerical calculation) compared to CM eigenvalues $\\lambda_n$ from CST-MWS. ", "Resonance of modes occur for which agree well with theoretical predictions.[]{data-label=\"fig_dipole_fig1\"}](Figure1_dipole1){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nIt can be seen from Fig.", " \\[fig\\_dipole\\_fig2\\] that the agreement between the CM current and its approximation is good, especially for the dominant mode. ", "The analytical current in (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]) is, in fact, exact for a non-radiating 1D resonator, while, in turn, the real CMs maximize radiation and, thus, the shape slightly deviates from the sine basis (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]), [@Papas_TheoryOfElectromagneticWavePropagation].", "\n\n![", "Comparison of characteristic modes calculated in FEKO (discretization into 407 linear segments) and analytical current distribution (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]) for the first three modes at resonance on a thin-wire dipole. ", "The amplitude of all three modes is normalized to unity.[]{data-label=\"fig_dipole_fig2\"}](Figure2_dipole_current){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nTwo thin-strip dipoles {#CS_dipoles}\n----------------------\n\nThe next scenario involves two closely spaced collinear thin-strip dipoles with length $L$, separation and strip width of . ", "There are, depending on the actual orientation of currents, two possible basic modes: in-phase and out-of phase. ", "Currents are considered in the form of fundamental distribution $\\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_1$ from (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]).", "\n\nFor the in-phase mode [@HazdraCapekEichler_RadiationQFactorsOfThinWireDipoleArrangemens], the course of the $\\kappa_1$ quotient (light-blue line at Fig.", " \\[fig\\_dipoles\\_fig1\\]) is similar to that of the dominant mode on a single dipole. ", "It radiates well and the two in-phase currents may be interpreted as one, flowing along a thicker dipole in a manner similar to a folded dipole. ", "This is not the case for the out-of-phase mode, where the radiated power is much lower. ", "Consequently, the orange line in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_dipoles\\_fig1\\] shows extremely steep resonance for this mode. ", "Other properties, especially those regarding radiated Q factors, have been discussed in [@CapekHazdraEichler_AMethodForTheEvaluationOfRadiationQBasedOnModalApproach] and analytically treated in [@HazdraCapekEichlerMazanek_DipoleRadiationAboveGroundPlane].", "\n\n![", "The radiation quotients $\\kappa_1$ for in-phase, out-of-phase, and testing current with no charge ($\\nabla \\cdot \\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_1 \\equiv 0$) of two closely spaced thin wire () dipoles. ", "The detail of the position at which resonance occurs is depicted in the inset. ", "The results are compared with the eigenvalues $\\lambda_1$ of the same (thin-strip) structure calculated in CST (except for the testing current with no charge which is artificial), where 1924 triangle elements have been used.[]{data-label=\"fig_dipoles_fig1\"}](Figure3_2dipoles){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nUsing (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]), it is possible to investigate the hypothetical situation where the currents on the dipoles are out-of-phase but with the charge density eliminated (). ", "It strongly resembles the situation where the ends of the dipoles are connected to form a loop. ", "The dark-blue line in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_dipoles\\_fig1\\] reveals that this mode does not resonate because the “charge” part in (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]) is missing and the mode, thus, exhibits pure inductive character. ", "In the next section we show that this behaviour is similar to the uniform zero-order mode on a loop.", "\n\nA loop {#CS_loop}\n------\n\nA loop is an elementary radiator on which the uniform (also termed static or inductive) mode with $\\nabla\\cdot \\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_0=0$ exists and its behaviour is similar to the modified out-of-phase mode previously analysed. ", "Current distribution on a thin-wire loop of radius ${\\chi}$ and height $h = {\\chi}/100$ is expressed in cylindrical coordinates ($r$, $\\varphi$, $z$) as $$\\label{TCM_loop1_Ex1}\n\\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_0 \\left(\\varphi,r,z\\right) = \\boldsymbol{\\varphi}_0 K_0 \\left(z\\right) \\delta \\left(r - {\\chi}\\right), \\quad z \\in \\left(-\\frac{h}{2}, \\frac{h}{2}\\right)$$ with surface density (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1A\\]), which simplifies (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]) to $$\\label{TCM_loop1_Ex2}\n\\kappa_0 = \\frac{\\displaystyle \\int\\limits_0^{2 \\pi} \\cos\\left( \\varphi \\right) \\frac{\\cos \\left(k {\\chi}\\varphi\\right)}{{\\chi}\\varphi} \\, \\mathrm{d} \\varphi}{\\displaystyle \\int\\limits_0^{2 \\pi} \\cos\\left( \\varphi\\right) \\frac{\\sin \\left(k {\\chi}\\varphi \\right)}{{\\chi}\\varphi}\n\\, \\mathrm{d} \\varphi}.$$\n\nThe pure inductive character ($\\kappa_0>0$) can be clearly seen in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_loop\\_fig1\\]. ", "The agreement between (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex2\\]) and $\\lambda_0$ obtained by CST is reasonably good as the current is uniquely defined and does not change with frequency. ", "The minor difference is caused by two slightly different models: the reduced kernel with equivalent radius ${\\chi}/200$ has been utilized to deal with the singularity during the evaluation of (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex2\\]), while the thin-strip loop has been calculated in the CST.", "\n\n![", "Radiation quotient $\\kappa_0$ for the uniform mode of loop. ", "A comparison with CM eigenvalue $\\lambda_0$ from CST-MWS (1258 triangle elements) is also shown. ", "The uniform mode does not resonate in any given frequency range. ", "However, it can be expected to resonate at extremely high values of $ka$. This behaviour will be closely investigated later.[]{data-label=\"fig_loop_fig1\"}](Figure4_loop1){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nUniform modes do not contribute significantly to far field, but they are important when evaluating near field, input impedance and stored energies.", "\n\nOn the utilization of the analytical functional {#Fun_examples}\n===============================================\n\nThe usefulness of the analytical functional (\\[TCMfcnAJ\\]) is investigated in a series of examples involving two surface bodies, a cylinder and a spherical shell. ", "It is important to note that the purpose of this section is to demonstrate the potential applications and not to provide a comprehensive treatment of all issues mentioned.", "\n\nCan inductive modes resonate? {#", "Fun_EX1}\n-----------------------------\n\nThe first example deals with the same topology introduced in Section \\[CS\\_loop\\] the only difference being the variable height $h$ of the loop. ", "For a significant height, we obtain a cylinder and we need to integrate in $z$-dimension as well. ", "As mentioned already, the uniform mode can occur on the loop-like topology and it is often claimed that this inductive mode, i.e., a mode with for , cannot resonate [@MartaEva_TheTCMRevisited]. ", "This question can easily be investigated using tools presented in this paper.", "\n\nThe same current (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1\\]) is assumed for the cylindrical shell. ", "Both the uniform (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1A\\]) and the Maxwellian surface current distribution $$\\label{TCM_cylinder2A}\nK_0 \\left(z\\right) = \\frac{2}{\\pi \\sqrt{h^2 - 4 z^2}},$$ were tested. ", "In both cases the current was normalized as $$\\label{TCM_cylinder3}\n\\int\\limits_{-\\frac{h}{2}}^{\\frac{h}{2}} K_0 \\left(z\\right) {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{z} = 1.$$ The results presented in this section were quite insensitive to the choice of (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1A\\]) or (\\[TCM\\_cylinder2A\\]), thus, the distribution physically closer to reality (\\[TCM\\_cylinder2A\\]) was used.", "\n\nIt can easily be seen that the analytical current (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1\\]) has no charge, i.e., $$\\label{TCM_cylinder4}\n\\nabla \\cdot \\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_0 \\left(\\varphi,r,z\\right) = \\frac{1}{r} \\frac{\\partial \\widetilde{J_\\varphi}}{\\partial\\varphi} = 0.$$ As a consequence, the $\\phi\\rho_0^\\ast$ terms in (\\[TCMfcnAJ\\]) are identically zero, which, in conjunction with (\\[TCM\\_eq6B\\]), immediately leads to . ", "Inspecting (\\[TCMfcnAJ\\]), it seems that such a current cannot resonate, however this is only true when is always positive, which is not the case here.", "\n\nThe uniform mode for a cylinder of various ${\\chi}/ h$ is depicted in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder1\\] in terms of eigenangles [@Newman_SmallAntennaLocationSynthesisUsingCharacteristicModes] $$\\label{TCM_cylinder6}\n\\delta_n = \\frac{180}{\\pi} \\left(\\pi - \\mathrm{atan} \\left(\\lambda_n\\right) \\right).$$ The characteristic eigenangles normalize the eigenvalues and indicate the electromagnetic behaviour of CMs. ", "Modes are capacitive for , inductive for and resonate for . ", "We can see in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder1\\] that the uniform mode of the sufficiently tall cylinder can cross the resonance even if it lacks ${W_\\mathrm{e}}$ energy (charge). ", "This observation is verified in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder2\\] in which the eigenvalues were calculated using the AToM package [@atom] (solid lines), in CST-MWS (cross markers) and finally evaluated according to (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1A\\]) with (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1\\]) substituted $$\\label{TCM_cylinder5}\n\\kappa_0 = \\frac{\\displaystyle\\int\\limits_0^{2\\pi} \\int\\limits_{-\\frac{h}{2}}^{\\frac{h}{2}} \\int\\limits_{-\\frac{h}{2}}^{\\frac{h}{2}} K_0 \\left(z_1\\right) K_0 \\left(z_2\\right) \\cos\\left(\\varphi\\right) \\frac{\\cos\\left(k R\\right)}{R} {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{z_1} {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{z_2} {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{\\varphi}}{\\displaystyle\\int\\limits_0^{2\\pi} \\int\\limits_{-\\frac{h}{2}}^{\\frac{h}{2}} \\int\\limits_{-\\frac{h}{2}}^{\\frac{h}{2}} K_0 \\left(z_1\\right) K_0 \\left(z_2\\right) \\cos\\left(\\varphi\\right) \\frac{\\sin\\left(k R\\right)}{R} {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{z_1} {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{z_2} {\\,\\mathrm{d}}{\\varphi}}.$$ where and the axial symmetry of the cylinder have been utilized as in (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex2\\]) in order to reduce one of integrals in $\\varphi$ direction.", "\n\n![", "Characteristic numbers of a PEC cylinder depicted in terms of characteristic angles ${\\delta}_n$ as a function of $ka$ and radius to height ratio. ", "The exact dimensions of the cylinder are shown in the inset. ", "The capacitive modes are depicted by dashed lines, whereas the inductive modes are depicted by solid lines. ", "It can be seen that the modes for cross the resonance line at []{data-label=\"fig_cylinder1\"}](Fig1_cylinder_1){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\n![", "Characteristic numbers of uniform mode of the PEC cylinder from Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder1\\] are depicted as a function of $ka$. The dimensions are the same as in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder1\\]. ", "For comparison purposes, the eigenvalues $\\lambda_0$ calculated in AToM are compared with CST-MWS (cross markers) and with analytical evaluation of $\\kappa_0$ given by (\\[TCM\\_cylinder5\\]) and (\\[TCM\\_loop1\\_Ex1A\\]) (dashed lines). ", "The overall agreement is good, however, the evaluation of the analytical current varies from true characteristic mode for higher $ka$ and higher ${\\chi}/h$. Even in such cases the qualitative behaviour is the same – the uniform mode can resonate.[]{data-label=\"fig_cylinder2\"}](Fig1_cylinder_2){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nThe fact that the uniform mode can resonate, even when , clearly indicates that the term ${W_\\mathrm{m}}^0$ can be negative. ", "Finally, using the formula for modified stored energy (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN1\\]) from [@Vandenbosch_ReactiveEnergiesImpedanceAndQFactorOfRadiatingStructures] $$\\label{TCM_cylinder7}\n{\\widetilde{W}_\\mathrm{sto}}= {W_\\mathrm{m}}+ {W_\\mathrm{e}}+ {W_\\mathrm{rad}}$$ and evaluating it according to formulas (63) and (64) in [@Vandenbosch_ReactiveEnergiesImpedanceAndQFactorOfRadiatingStructures], we obtain the values of quality factor $Q$. The results are depicted in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder3\\]. ", "The uniform mode on the tall cylinder has a negative value of modified stored energy ${\\widetilde{W}_\\mathrm{sto}}$, which means that since . ", "This is equivalent to the negative slope of eigenvalue $\\lambda_0$ in (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN10\\]) and both observations lead to the negative value of the quality factor $Q$.\n\nThe same behaviour has already been described in [@GustafssonCismasuJonsson_PhysicalBoundsAndOptimalCurrentsOnAntennas_TAP], and, so far, only loop-like, divergence-free currents were found, which supports the reasoning in [@GustafssonCismasuJonsson_PhysicalBoundsAndOptimalCurrentsOnAntennas_TAP]. ", "Using another kind of analysis, the characteristic modes, we hypothesize that the problem is caused by extraordinary uniform currents with which, in reality, cannot exist independently (it can be shown that there is no realistic feeding that can excite only $\\boldsymbol{J}_0$ mode).", "\n\n![", "Quality factor $Q$ of uniform modes from Fig.", " \\[fig\\_cylinder2\\] for the same dimensions of the PEC cylinder. ", "Thanks to the additional term ${W_\\mathrm{rad}}$ [@Vandenbosch_ReactiveEnergiesImpedanceAndQFactorOfRadiatingStructures], quality factor $Q$ is negative not only for modes with , but also for (blue curve). ", "The distribution of the current density on the cylinder is depicted in the inset.[]{data-label=\"fig_cylinder3\"}](Fig1_cylinder_3){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nNumerical analysis of CMs as GEP – Benchmarks utilizing a spherical shell {#Fun_EX3}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nBearing in mind the results of the previous sections, we can perform a series of benchmarks, employing the knowledge of characteristic modes and numbers in analytical form. ", "To do this, we need to find a scatterer whose characteristic modes are known analytically. ", "The perfect candidate is a spherical shell, whose characteristic fields coincide with properly normalized spherical harmonics [@Garbacz_TCMdissertation]. ", "The characteristic numbers can be evaluated analytically if the characteristic currents are substituted into (\\[TCMfcnAJ\\]). ", "This becomes of interest when dealing with the numerical solvers which are encumbered with rounding (and other) numerical errors.", "\n\nThe characteristic numbers $\\lambda_n$, obtained using decomposition (\\[TCM\\_eq4B\\]) of the impedance matrices $\\mathbf{Z}$ from different commercial and in-house packages, are compared with exact radiation coefficients $\\kappa_{kl}^\\mathrm{TE/TM}$ calculated via (\\[TCMfcnAJ\\]) for spherical harmonics $\\boldsymbol{J}_{kl}^\\mathrm{TE/TM}$ [@Lebedev_SpecialFunctions], see Fig.", " \\[fig\\_sphere1\\] and Fig.", " \\[fig\\_sphere2\\], respectively. ", "The software packages have been used to generate impedance matrices and, in all cases, the eigen-decomposition has been performed in Matlab. ", "The exact characteristic numbers are depicted by solid black lines and constitute known references. ", "It can be seen that even state-of-the-art commercial simulators are capable of finding only the first four TM$_{kl}$ and TE$_{kl}$ modes. ", "This is caused mainly by the $2k+1$ degeneracy (the number of degenerated modes increases rapidly) and by the limited (double) numerical precision. ", "Surprisingly, the number of well-defined modes is not influenced by the number of discretization triangles $N_\\Delta$. On the contrary, the relative error between analytically and numerically calculated characteristic numbers is a function of $N_\\Delta$ which is confirmed by Fig.", " \\[fig\\_sphere3\\]. ", "While the relative error of dominant TM$_{1l}$ and TE$_{1l}$ modes is a few percentage points, it quickly reaches about 10% for groups of TM$_{4l}$ and TE$_{4l}$ modes. ", "The overall results, presented in Figs.", " \\[fig\\_sphere1\\]–\\[fig\\_sphere3\\], favour the in-house Matlab tool AToM. However, FEKO [@feko] and CEM One [@ESI_VisualCEM] packages reach comparable results. ", "The routines available for free in [@Makarov_AntennaAndEMModelingWithMatlab] suffer from non-symmetry of produced impedance matrices. ", "This issue can be resolved manually during pre-processing to reduce the relative error significantly. ", "Notice that CST is not depicted since the impedance matrices cannot be acquired.", "\n\nOther tests, e.g., those involving modal currents, can be performed as well. ", "For example, the numerically calculated characteristic modes on the spherical shell can be compared with their analytical forms via $$\\label{TCM_Compar1}\n\\epsilon_{nkl} = \\left\\langle \\boldsymbol{J}_n , \\boldsymbol{J}_{kl}^\\mathrm{TE/TM} \\right\\rangle.$$ However, that study goes beyond the scope of this paper.", "\n\n![", "The characteristic numbers $\\lambda_n$ of the spherical shell at are depicted for four numerical solvers. ", "The sphere was discretized into $N_\\triangle = 500$ triangles. ", "Modes up to TM$_{4l}$ and TE$_{4l}$ have been found correctly, including their degeneracy. ", "The magnitude of all modes has been limited to values $\\left|\\lambda_\\mathrm{max}\\right| = 10^{11}$ with the characteristic modes being sorted according to their magnitude. ", "Characteristic numbers on the left side originally had negative values, whereas numbers on the right side had positive values. ", "The exact values of the characteristic numbers are depicted by the solid black line.[]{data-label=\"fig_sphere1\"}](CharacteristicNumbers_ka05_500tr){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\n![", "The characteristic numbers $\\lambda_n$ for the spherical shell at . ", "The curves represent the same quantities as in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_sphere1\\], including the results processing. ", "Compared to Fig.", " \\[fig\\_sphere1\\] more than two times the number of modes have been found correctly since all modes are closer to their resonance.[]{data-label=\"fig_sphere2\"}](CharacteristicNumbers_ka15_500tr){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\n![", "Comparison of the relative errors of the first four TM and TE characteristic modes of a spherical shell at . ", "The relative error is evaluated with respect to the analytically evaluated characteristic numbers, while arithmetic mean of the characteristic numbers of all degenerated modes has been calculated and depicted by error bars. ", "The selected software packages are differentiated by various colours, with mesh densities depicted by dark and light tints.[]{data-label=\"fig_sphere3\"}](Sphere_RelativeError_ka05){width=\"\\figwidth\"}\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nThe paper discusses specific advances of the theory of characteristic modes as introduced by Garbacz, Harrington and Mautz, but expressed here in terms of a particular functional, which is minimized by eigencurrents. ", "This novel formula provides a different perspective on characteristic mode decomposition.", "\n\nThe usefulness of the functional is illustrated by three canonical examples: a dipole, two closely spaced dipoles and a loop. ", "It was shown that the functional formulation is better suited to be analysed than the original formulation because there is no impedance matrix involved. ", "A deeper investigation of the modes on a dipole reveals the limitations of the approximation of the zero-order current distribution expressed as a $\\sin$ function.", "\n\nKnowledge of the analytical functional is important for a few significant topics dealing with various issues of antenna analysis and design. ", "In particular, any method of moment code or characteristic mode solver can be benchmarked using analytical results for a spherical shell.", "\n\n\\[app1\\]\n\nThe purpose of this appendix is to derive (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN12\\]). ", "To simplify the underlying mathematical nomenclature, the derivation is done for all quantities in their matrix forms. ", "First, modal quality factor Q (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN10\\]) is expressed in terms of characteristic currents using the matrix form of (\\[TCM\\_eq5\\]) as $$\\label{TCM_App1}\nQ_n = \\frac{\\omega}{2} \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial\\omega}\\left(\\frac{{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{X}{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n}{{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R}{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n}\\right),$$ then the differentiation is performed $$\\label{TCM_App2}\nQ_n = Q_{\\mathbf{X},n} + \\frac{\\displaystyle\\omega \\frac{\\partial{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}}{\\partial\\omega} \\mathbf{X} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n}{{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n} - \\frac{1}{2} \\frac{\\displaystyle{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{X} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n \\omega \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial\\omega} \\left({{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n\\right)}{\\left( {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n \\right)^2},$$ in which the quality factor (\\[TCM\\_storedEnergyN12\\]) has been substituted and the following identity has been employed $$\\label{TCM_App3}\n\\omega \\frac{\\partial{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}}{\\partial\\omega} \\mathbf{X} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n + {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{X} \\omega\\frac{\\partial{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n}{\\partial\\omega} = 2 \\omega \\frac{\\partial{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}}{\\partial\\omega} \\mathbf{X} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n$$ since the modal currents are supposed to be purely real. ", "Then, the RHS of (\\[TCM\\_eq4B\\]) is substituted into the last two terms on the RHS of (\\[TCM\\_App2\\]), which yields $$\\label{TCM_App4}\nQ_n = Q_{\\mathbf{X},n} + \\lambda_n \\left( \\frac{\\displaystyle\\omega \\frac{\\partial{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}}{\\partial\\omega} \\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n}{{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n} - \\frac{1}{2} \\frac{\\displaystyle \\omega \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial\\omega} \\left({{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n\\right)}{{{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n} \\right).$$ Finally, performing the differentiation in the last term on the RHS of (\\[TCM\\_App4\\]) and using identity (\\[TCM\\_App3\\]), we get $$\\label{TCM_App5}\nQ_n = Q_{\\mathbf{X},n} - \\lambda_n \\frac{\\displaystyle {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\omega \\frac{\\partial \\mathbf{R}}{\\partial\\omega} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n}{2 {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n^{\\mathrm{H}}\\mathbf{R} {{\\mathbf{I}}}_n} = Q_{\\mathbf{X},n} - \\lambda_n Q_{\\mathbf{R},n}.$$\n\nAcknowledgement {#acknowledgement .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThe authors would like to thank Lukas Jelinek and Leslie Ryan for their valuable comments and Mats Gustafsson for a fruitful discussion which led to the discovery of crucial ideas presented in the paper. ", "The authors are also grateful for the opportunity to use the method of moment code written by Vladimir Sedenka. ", "They would also like to thank the three anonymous reviewers whose remarks improved the clarity of this paper.", "\n\n[Miloslav Capek]{} (S’09, M’14) received his M.Sc. ", "degree in Electrical Engineering from the Czech Technical University, Czech Republic, in 2009, and his Ph.D. degree from the same University, in 2014. ", "Currently, he is a researcher with the Department of Electromagnetic Field, CTU-FEE.", "\n\nHe leads the development of the AToM (Antenna Toolbox for Matlab) package. ", "His research interests are in the area of electromagnetic theory, electrically small antennas, numerical techniques, fractal geometry and optimization. ", "He authored or co-authored over 45 journal and conference papers.", "\n\nDr. Capek is member of Radioengineering Society, regional delegate of EurAAP, and Associate Editor of Radioengineering.", "\n\n[Pavel Hazdra]{} (M’03) received the M.Sc. ", "and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2003 and 2009, respectively. ", "Since 2012 he is an associate professor with the Department of Electromagnetic Field at the CTU in Prague. ", "He authored or co-authored more than 15 journal and 20 conference papers. ", "His research interests are in the area of EM/antenna theory, electrically small antennas, reflector antennas and their feeds and antennas for radioamateur purposes.", "\n\nDr. Hazdra is member of the board of Radioengineering Society.", "\n\n[Michal Masek]{} received the M.Sc. ", "degree in electrical engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2015. ", "He is now working towards his Ph.D. degree in the area of behavior of small antennas close to large objects.", "\n\n[Vit Losenicky]{} received the M.Sc. ", "degree in electrical engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2016. ", "He is now working towards his Ph.D. degree in the area of electrically small antennas.", "\n\n[^1]: Manuscript received July XX, XXXX; revised January XX, XXXX. ", "This work was supported by the project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, No.", " TA04010457 and by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague SGS16/226/OHK3/3T/13.", "\n\n[^2]: The authors are with the Department of Electromagnetic Field, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Technicka 2, 16627, Prague, Czech Republic (e-mail: miloslav.capek@fel.cvut.cz).", "\n\n[^3]: Through this paper, the following notation is used $\\langle \\boldsymbol{f}, \\boldsymbol{g} \\rangle = \\int_{\\Omega} \\boldsymbol{f}^*\\cdot\\boldsymbol{g}~\\mathrm{d}\\Omega$ and $\\langle \\boldsymbol{f}, \\boldsymbol{g} \\rangle_\\mathrm{r} = \\int_{\\Omega} \\boldsymbol{f}\\cdot\\boldsymbol{g}~\\mathrm{d}\\Omega$.\n\n[^4]: In the numerator, the net reactive power may be further split into its “current” and “charge” parts to express the modified magnetic and electric energies separately. ", "For more details see [@Vandenbosch_ReactiveEnergiesImpedanceAndQFactorOfRadiatingStructures; @HazdraCapekEichler_CommentsToGuy1; @Vandenbosch_Reply2Comments; @Gustaffson_StoredElectromagneticEnergy_PIER].", "\n\n[^5]: Please, keep in mind that there are number of quality factor $Q$ definitions through the literature with possible different meaning [@VolakisChenFujimoto_SmallAntennas].", "\n\n[^6]: The tilde in $\\widetilde{\\boldsymbol{J}}_n (z)$ expresses that we insert artificial current, since an exact form of the mode is not known.", "\n\n[^7]: Following the tedious induced-EMF procedure [@JordanBalmain_EMwavesAndRadiatingSystems] for basis (\\[TCM\\_dip1\\_Ex1\\]), closed form solution to (\\[TCM2\\_eq8\\]) can be found. ", "It is expected (see results for slightly different basis treated in [@JordanBalmain_EMwavesAndRadiatingSystems chapter 14]) that the results would present similar complexity, not giving additional physical insight.", "\n" ]
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[ "MAPK/ERK pathway\n\nThe MAPK/ERK pathway (also known as the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway) is a chain of proteins in the cell that communicates a signal from a receptor on the surface of the cell to the DNA in the nucleus of the cell.", "\n\nThe signal starts when a signaling molecule binds to the receptor on the cell surface and ends when the DNA in the nucleus expresses a protein and produces some change in the cell, such as cell division. ", "The pathway includes many proteins, including MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases, originally called ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinases), which communicate by adding phosphate groups to a neighboring protein (phosphorylating it), which acts as an \"on\" or \"off\" switch.", "\n\nWhen one of the proteins in the pathway is mutated, it can become stuck in the \"on\" or \"off\" position, which is a necessary step in the development of many cancers. ", "Components of the MAPK/ERK pathway were discovered when they were found in cancer cells. ", "Drugs that reverse the \"on\" or \"off\" switch are being investigated as cancer treatments.", "\n\nBackground\nOverall, the extracellular mitogen binds to the membrane receptor. ", "This allows Ras (a Small GTPase) to swap its GDP for a GTP. ", "It can now activate MAP3K (e.g., Raf), which activates MAP2K, which activates MAPK. ", "MAPK can now activate a transcription factor, such as Myc. ", "In more detail:\n\nRas activation \nReceptor-linked tyrosine kinases such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are activated by extracellular ligands, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF). ", "Binding of EGF to the EGFR activates the tyrosine kinase activity of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor. ", "The EGFR becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine residues. ", "Docking proteins such as GRB2 contain an SH2 domain that binds to the phosphotyrosine residues of the activated receptor. ", "GRB2 binds to the guanine nucleotide exchange factor SOS by way of the two SH3 domains of GRB2. ", "When the GRB2-SOS complex docks to phosphorylated EGFR, SOS becomes activated. ", "Activated SOS then promotes the removal of GDP from a member of the Ras subfamily (most notably H-Ras or K-Ras). ", "Ras can then bind GTP and become active.", "\n\nApart from EGFR, other cell surface receptors that can activate this pathway via GRB2 include Trk A/B, Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) and PDGFR.", "\n\nKinase cascade\nActivated Ras activates the protein kinase activity of RAF kinase. ", "RAF kinase phosphorylates and activates MEK (MEK1 and MEK2). ", "MEK phosphorylates and activates a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK).", "\n\nRAF, and ERK (also known as MAPK) are both serine/threonine-selective protein kinases. ", "MEK is a serine/tyrosine/threonine kinase.", "\n\nIn the technical sense, RAF, MEK, and MAPK are all mitogen-activated kinases, as is MNK (see below). ", "MAPK was originally called \"extracellular signal-regulated kinases\" (ERKs) and \"microtubule associated protein kinase\" (MAPK). ", "One of the first proteins known to be phosphorylated by ERK was a microtubule-associated protein (MAP). ", "As discussed below, many additional targets for phosphorylation by MAPK were later found, and the protein was renamed \"mitogen-activated protein kinase\" (MAPK). ", "The series of kinases from RAF to MEK to MAPK is an example of a protein kinase cascade. ", "Such series of kinases provide opportunities for feedback regulation and signal amplification.", "\n\nRegulation of translation and transcription\nThree of the many proteins that are phosphorylated by MAPK are shown in the Figure. ", "One effect of MAPK activation is to alter the translation of mRNA to proteins. ", "MAPK phosphorylates 40S ribosomal protein S6 kinase (RSK). ", "This activates RSK, which, in turn, phosphorylates ribosomal protein S6. ", "Mitogen-activated protein kinases that phosphorylate ribosomal protein S6 were the first to be isolated.", "\n\nMAPK regulates the activities of several transcription factors. ", "MAPK can phosphorylate C-myc. ", "MAPK phosphorylates and activates MNK, which, in turn, phosphorylates CREB. ", "MAPK also regulates the transcription of the C-Fos gene. ", "By altering the levels and activities of transcription factors, MAPK leads to altered transcription of genes that are important for the cell cycle.", "\n\nThe 22q11, 1q42, and 19p13 genes are associated with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar, and migraines by affecting the ERK pathway.", "\n\nRegulation of cell cycle entry and proliferation\n\nRole of mitogen signaling in cell cycle progression\nThe ERK pathway plays an important role of integrating external signals from the presence of mitogens such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) into signaling events promoting cell growth and proliferation in many mammalian cell types. ", "In a simplified model, the presence of mitogens and growth factors trigger the activation of canonical receptor tyrosine kinases such as EGFR leading to their dimerization and subsequent activation of the small GTPase Ras. ", "This then leads to a series of phosphorylation events downstream in the MAPK cascade (Raf-MEK-ERK) ultimately resulting in the phosphorylation and activation of ERK. ", "The phosphorylation of ERK results in an activation of its kinase activity and leads to phosphorylation of its many downstream targets involved in regulation of cell proliferation. ", "In most cells, some form of sustained ERK activity is required for cells to activate genes that induce cell cycle entry and suppress negative regulators of the cell cycle. ", "Two such important targets include Cyclin D complexes with Cdk4 and Cdk6 (Cdk4/6) which are both phosphorylated by ERK. ", "The transition from G1 to S phase is coordinated by the activity of Cyclin D-Cdk4/6, which increases during late G1 phase as cells prepare to enter S-phase in response to mitogens. ", "Cdk4/6 activation contributes to hyper-phosphorylation and the subsequent destabilization of retinoblastoma protein (Rb). ", "Hypo-phosphorylated Rb, is normally bound to transcription factor E2F in early G1 and inhibits its transcriptional activity, preventing expression of S-phase entry genes including Cyclin E, Cyclin A2 and Emi1. ", "ERK1/2 activation downstream of mitogen induced Ras signaling is necessary and sufficient to remove this cell cycle block and allow cells to progress to S-phase in most mammalian cells.", "\n\nDownstream feedback control and generation of a bistable G1/S switch\n\nGrowth and mitogen signals are transmitted downstream of the ERK pathway are incorporated into multiple positive feedback loops to generate a bistable switch at the level of E2F activation. ", "This occurs due to three main interactions during late G1 phase. ", "The first is a result of mitogen stimulation though the ERK leading to the expression of the transcription factor Myc, which is a direct activator of E2F. The second pathway is a result of ERK activation leading to the accumulation of active complexes of Cyclin D and Cdk4/6 which destabilize Rb via phosphorylation and further serve to activate E2F and promote expression of its targets. ", "Finally, these interactions are all reinforced by an additional positive feedback loop by E2F on itself, as its own expression leads to production of the active complex of Cyclin E and CDK2, which further serves to lock in a cells decision to enter S-phase. ", "As a result, when serum concentration is increased in a gradual manner, most mammalian cells respond in a switch-like manner in entering S-phase. ", "This mitogen stimulated, bistable E2F switch is exhibits hysteresis, as cells are inhibited from returning to G1 even after mitogen withdrawal post E2F activation.", "\n\nDynamic signal processing by the ERK pathway\nSingle cell imaging experiments have shown ERK to be activated in stochastic bursts in the presence of EGF. ", " Furthermore, the pathway has been shown to encode the strength of signaling inputs though frequency modulated pulses of its activity. ", " Using live cell FRET biosensors, cells induced with different concentrations of EGF illicit activity bursts of different frequency, where higher levels of EGF resulted in more frequent bursts of ERK activity. ", "Furthermore, the dynamics of ERK activation in response to mitogens were found to be relevant for unique downstream responses including timing of S-phase entry in MCF10A cells. ", " Various types of growth factors can also lead to unique ERK dynamics in other cell types effecting cell fate, suggesting the temporal dynamics of ERK activation is a general means of encoding unique gene expression programs by cells.", "\n\nIntegration of mitogen and stress signals in proliferation\n\nRecent live cell imaging experiments in MCF10A and MCF7 cells have shown that a combination of mitogen signaling though ERK and stress signals through activation of p53 in mother cells contributes to the likelihood of whether newly formed daughter cells will immediately re-enter the cell cycle or enter quiescence (G0) preceding mitosis. ", "Rather than daughter cells starting with no key signaling proteins after division, mitogen/ERK induced Cyclin D1 mRNA and DNA damage induced p53 protein, both long lived factors in cells, can be stably inherited from mother cells after cell division. ", "The levels of these regulators vary from cell to cell after mitosis and stoichiometry between them strongly influences cell cycle commitment though activation of Cdk2. ", "Chemical perturbations using inhibitors of ERK signaling or inducers p53 signaling in mother cells suggest daughter cells with high levels of p53 protein and low levels of Cyclin D1 transcripts were shown to primarily enter G0 whereas cells with high Cyclin D1 and low levels of p53 are most likely to reenter the cell cycle. ", "These results illustrate a form of encoded molecular memory though the history of mitogen signaling through ERK and stress response though p53.", "\n\nClinical significance\n\nUncontrolled growth is a necessary step for the development of all cancers. ", " In many cancers (e.g. melanoma), a defect in the MAP/ERK pathway leads to that uncontrolled growth. ", "Many compounds can inhibit steps in the MAP/ERK pathway, and therefore are potential drugs for treating cancer,\n\ne.g., Hodgkin disease.", "\n\nThe first drug licensed to act on this pathway is sorafenib — a Raf kinase inhibitor.", "\n\nOther Raf inhibitors: SB590885, PLX4720, XL281, RAF265, encorafenib, dabrafenib, vemurafenib.", "\n\nSome MEK inhibitors: cobimetinib, CI-1040, PD0325901, Binimetinib (MEK162), selumetinib, Trametinib(GSK1120212) It has been found that acupoint-moxibustion has a role in relieving alcohol-induced gastric mucosal injury in a mouse model, which may be closely associated with its effects in up-regulating activities of the epidermal growth factor/ERK signal transduction pathway.", "\n\nRAF-ERK pathway is also involved in the pathophysiology of Noonan's Syndrome, a polymalformative disease, where Simvastatin was proposed as a way to improve CNS-cognitive symptoms of the disorder.", "\n\nProtein microarray analysis can be used to detect subtle changes in protein activity in signaling pathways. ", "The developmental syndromes caused by germline mutations in genes that alter the RAS components of the MAP/ERK signal transduction pathway are called RASopathies.", "\n\nSee also\nJanus kinase\nPhosphatase\nSignal transducing adaptor protein\nG protein-coupled receptor\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n MAP Kinase Resource .", "\nKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes — MAPK pathway\n\nCategory:Signal transduction\nCategory:Cell signaling" ]
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[ "--Balogun Idowu\n\n{{level1.title1}}\n\nAbout Social Lender\n\nSocial Lender is a lending solution based on social reputation on mobile, online and social media platforms.", "\nSocial Lender is designed to bridge the gap of immediate fund access for people with limited access to formal credit.", "\nSocial Lender uses its own proprietary algorithm to perform a social audit of the user on social media,\nonline and other related platforms and gives a Social Reputation Score to each user. ", "Loans are guaranteed by the user’s social profile and network allowing users to then borrow from banks and other financial institutions based on their social reputation.", "\n\n\n\nThe user's Social Reputation Score is calculated using our proprietary Social Algorithm.", "\n\n\n\nUsers with a minimum social reputation score (see scoring) are eligible for Cash requests.", "\n\n\n\nAdditional Social Collateral and Social Guarantors can be provided by user for validation.", "\n\n\n\nCash requests are granted to eligible users after extensive Social Audit is carried out on the user." ]
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[ "Contents\n\nLippi was born in Florence to Tommaso, a butcher, and his wife. ", "If his birth name was different, it is no longer recorded. ", "Both his parents died when he was still a child. ", "Mona Lapaccia, his aunt, then took charge of the boy. ", "In 1420 he was admitted to the community of Carmelitefriars of the Priory of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Florence, taking religious vows in the Order the following year, at the age of sixteen. ", "He would have been ordained a priest sometime around 1425, and was to remain in residence in that priory until 1432.[1] In his Lives of the Artists, Vasari says: \"Instead of studying, he spent all his time scrawling pictures on his own books and those of others.\" ", "The prior decided to give him the opportunity to learn painting.", "\n\nDevotional image of the Madonna and Child before a golden curtain by the Workshop of Filippo Lippi.[2] The Walters Art Museum.", "\n\nEventually Fra Filippo quit the monastery, but it appears he was not released from his vows; in a letter dated 1439 he describes himself as the poorest friar of Florence, charged with the maintenance of six marriageable nieces. ", "In 1452 he was appointed chaplain to the nuns at the Monastery of St. Mary Magdalene in Florence, and in 1457 commendatoryRector (Rettore commendatario) of S. Quirico in Legania, from which institutions he occasionally made considerable profits; but his poverty seems to have been chronic, his money being spent, according to one account, in frequent amours.[citation needed]\n\nVasari relates Lippi's visits to Ancona and Naples, his capture by Barbary pirates and enslavement in Barbary, where his skill in portrait-sketching helped to release him.[3] From 1431 to 1437 his career is not accounted for.", "\n\nIn June 1456 Fra Filippo is recorded as living in Prato (near Florence) to paint frescoes in the choir of the cathedral. ", "In 1458, while engaged in this work, he set about painting a picture for the monastery chapel of S. Margherita in that city, where he met Lucrezia Buti, the beautiful daughter of a Florentine named Francesco Buti; she was either a novice of the Order or a young lady placed under the nuns' guardianship. ", "Lippi asked that she might be permitted to sit for the figure of the Madonna (or perhaps S. Margherita). ", "Under that pretext, Lippi engaged in sexual relations with her, abducted her to his own house, and kept her there despite the nuns' efforts to reclaim her. ", "The result was their son Filippino Lippi, who became a painter no less famous than his father. ", "Such is Vasari's narrative, published less than a century after the alleged events.", "\n\nThe frescoes in the choir of the cathedral of Prato, which depict the stories of St. John the Baptist and St. Stephen on the two main facing walls, are considered Fra Filippo's most important and monumental works, particularly the figure of Salome dancing, which has clear affinities with later works by Sandro Botticelli, his pupil, and Filippino Lippi, his son, as well as the scene showing the ceremonial mourning over Stephen's corpse. ", "This latter is believed to contain a portrait of the painter, but there are various opinions as to which is the exact figure. ", "On the end wall of the choir are S. Giovanni Gualberto and S. Alberto, while the vault has monumental representations of the four evangelists.", "\n\nThe close of Lippi's life was spent at Spoleto, where he had been commissioned to paint, for the apse of the cathedral, scenes from the life of the Virgin. ", "In the semidome of the apse is the Christ Crowning the Madonna, with angels, sibyls and prophets. ", "This series, which is not wholly equal to the one at Prato, was completed by one of his assistants, his fellow Carmelite, Fra Diamante, after Lippi's death. ", "That Lippi died in Spoleto, on or about the 8th of October 1469, is a fact; the mode of his death is a matter of dispute. ", "It has been said that the pope granted Lippi a dispensation for marrying Lucrezia, but before the permission arrived, Lippi had been poisoned by the indignant relatives of either Lucrezia herself or some lady who had replaced her in the inconstant painter's affections.[citation needed]\n\nThe altarpiece Lippi painted in 1441 for the nuns of S. Ambrogio is now a prominent attraction in the Academy of Florence, and was celebrated in Browning's well-known poem Fra Lippo Lippi. ", "It represents the coronation of the Virgin among angels and saints, including many Bernardine monks. ", "One of these, placed to the right, is a half-length portrait of Lippo, pointed out by the inscription perfecit opus upon an angel's scroll. ", "The price paid for this work in 1447 was 1200 Florentine lire, which seems surprisingly large.", "\n\nFor Germiniano Inghirami of Prato he painted the Death of St. Bernard. ", "His principal altarpiece in this city is a Nativity in the refectory of S. Domenico — the Infant on the ground adored by the Virgin and Joseph, between Saints George and Dominic, in a rocky landscape, with the shepherds playing and six angels in the sky. ", "In the Uffizi is a fine Virgin adoring the infant Christ, who is held by two angels; in the National Gallery, London, a Vision of St Bernard. ", "The picture of the Virgin and Infant with an Angel, in this same gallery, also ascribed to Lippi, is disputable.", "\n\nFilippo Lippi died in 1469 while working on the frescoes of Scenes of the Life of the Virgin Mary, 1467–1469 in the apse of the Spoleto Cathedral. ", "The Frescos show the Annunciation, the Funeral, the Adoration of the Child and the Coronation of the Virgin. ", "A group of bystanders depicted at the funeral includes a self-portrait of Lippi, together with his son Filippino and his helpers, Fra Diamante and Pier Matteo d'Amelia. ", "Lippi was buried on the right side of the transept, with a monument commissioned by Lorenzo de' Medici and executed by his son Filippino and others. ", "He had always been zealously patronized by the Medici family, beginning with Cosimo de' Medici. ", "Francesco di Pesello (called Pesellino) and Sandro Botticelli were among his most distinguished pupils." ]
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[ "Sunday, November 30, 2008\n\nThe last weekend of November and it appears the holiday season is upon us. ", "Christmas lights are twinkling on rooftops all over the neighbourhood. ", "Holiday music echoes throughout the over crowded malls. ", "I'm not a big fan of Christmas music, malls, or crowds so guess how happy I am about that one. ", "And of course the store Santas have emerged from their yearly eleven month hibernations. ", "That's a fact; look it up. ", "Anyways, all that means it's time again to try and get the kids to cooperate for a picture with the jolly fat man.", "\n\nPast history made me believe this was a futile endeavor. ", "Hell, you'd be hard pressed to get a smile out of me if you took my picture with some stranger. ", "Let alone if I was supposed to sit on his lap. ", "With that in mind we went to a Christmas party at a museum on Friday. ", "It was the museum of science and technology which the kids like on a normal day. ", "Add some holiday decorations and activities and you've got a party. ", "They made reindeer out of clothespins and candy canes out of pipe cleaners and beads. ", "By they I mean we wound up making them. ", "If I had a nickel for every time I got together with some friends on a Friday night to do crafts. ", "The reindeers turned out nicely but I just didn't have the patience for the candy cane. ", "Mine looked partially eaten, not to mention no real colour pattern. ", "Guess I'll have to work on it for our next craft party.", "\n\nSo in addition to the crafts and snacks (one of my favourite things about Christmas time is the food) they had a Santa for the kids to sit and take a picture with. ", "From the standpoint of roominess for the lineup the train exhibit was a good choice. ", "Not the best location to ease people's fears though. ", "A big dark room full of great big trains; who wouldn't be totally at ease? ", "Needless to say the girls didn't want to wait around for Santa. ", "Worked for me, the line was crazy. ", "Apparently not as bad as the one at the mall though.", "\n\nThey waited for 75 minutes for their chance to see Santa. ", "Thank goodness I was working. ", "I wouldn't wait in a line for 75 minutes to get a life saving organ transplant, let alone to get a picture taken. ", "We all figured they'd freak out when it was their turn to go up and see him but they just had to prove us wrong. ", "They smiled for a lovely picture and even told him what they want. ", "The older one wants a Gotta Go Doll and her sister wants a car and a doll. ", "Considering how much they exceeded our expectations I think it's a pretty safe bet they'll get what they want.", "\n\nSaturday, November 22, 2008\n\nWe went to the Santa Claus parade this morning. ", "Usual sort of stuff; lots of happy kids, cold weather, lots of candy canes being handed out, and holiday cheer aplenty. ", "Of course, as we all know, the first rule of the Santa Claus parade is don't talk about the Santa Claus parade. ", "Oh wait, that's the first rule of fight club. ", "Considering how things went though it's oddly appropriate.", "\n\nSo we got our things together and headed downtown to watch, like we do every year. ", "Not having to pay for parking always thrills me so that was nice. ", "Thrilled a lot of people judging by how full the parking lot was. ", "After finding a spot, we bundled up the kids in their sweaters, winter jackets and snow pants. ", "All that going on top of a couple foundation layers applied at home. ", "It all came in handy when we reached the street. ", "I'm not a meteorologist but I'm pretty sure the thermometer was somewhere around friggin' cold. ", "Lord knows I love to stand in the cold and watch things pass by me really slowly. ", "My ideal parade would be one where everything stays in one spot and then I can run alongside so the parade could be at any pace I feel appropriate.", "\n\nAnyways, we staked out a spot and waited for our friends and their kids to get there. ", "The gave me plenty of quality time with our oldest to try and coax her out of the stroller which was covered with a blanket \"tent of security\". ", "She does not like loud noises which made the horns and sirens awesome. ", "Apparently, she still remembers how Canada Day went down so she kept asking to make the noises stop. \"", "Uh sweetie, that's a police siren. ", "He's trying to clear the parade route and I'm pretty sure he won't like if I tell him to knock it off.\" ", "After a while she agreed to come out from under her canopy of safety. ", "The agreed to terms being that she have on earmuffs and a toque to black out the noise, I hold her the entire time, and we go into a building to get away from the loud noises. ", "That last one was the clincher for her and a lie on my part. ", "It worked though so I'm ok with it.", "\n\nBy now our friends had gotten there and we were all getting situated. ", "That's when some lady next to us asked us to move our stroller so she could sit down. ", "I use the term ask loosely as her phrasing was more along the lines of \"well, I'd like to be able to sit next to my kids.\" ", "Not an unreasonable expectation but we'd gotten there early to ensure room for all of us and quite frankly her request came across as very over seasoned with a little spice I like to call bitch. ", "When the dad of our friend couple pointed out to her that we'd gotten there first so had every right to the space she got confrontational. ", "I remember the words \"are you being rude at a Christmas parade?\" ", "leaving her mouth. ", "Things started to get a bit heated and our mom friend tried to get in between them. ", "In doing so her arm came in contact with the crazy lady (or as she put it \"she grabbed me first\"). ", "Of course her perfectly logical response was to turn and throw a punch into our friend's chest. ", "Let me repeat that; our friend got punched in the chest at a Santa Claus parade. (", "Funny how ordinary words can be grouped together sometimes and not simply defy logic.)", "\n\nAfter the punch was thrown my wife went to relay the incident to a passing police officer who didn't seem too interested in it. ", "The crazy lady saw this and went to tell her side. ", "Her side involving crying and leaning into the officer who had no choice but to console her. \"", "Just go back and try to enjoy yourself\" is what I believe he said to her. ", "Can't say I blame him in either instance. ", "If my job was to keep a parade route clear I wouldn't want to have to referee a battle between onlookers. ", "His advice seemed to help as she sat down and everyone pretty much left well enough alone. ", "Of course we all had to take turns standing to obstruct her view of the parade but that goes without saying. ", "The parade itself didn't go too bad. ", "We had to leave before the end because the little one's mittens did a piss poor job of keeping the cold out but the just meant we got to avoid the insane line up strollers waiting to use the parking garage elevator that always follows the parade. ", "A win win in my books.", "\n\nSo it was a weird parade this year but a definite learning experience. ", "First, if you don't mind missing the end of the parade you can avoid spending twenty minutes waiting for the elevator. ", "Second, if you invite someone to a holiday parade they wind up getting punched, you're going to feel a little guilty. ", "Third, and most important, if you go to a Santa parade and in telling people about it afterwards you use the phrase \"and then I punched her\", then maybe parades aren't for you. ", "Some sort of anger therapy or conflict resolution strategies might be a better use of your time. ", "Either way, it'll be interesting to see if next year's parade live up to this one.", "\n\nThursday, November 20, 2008\n\nFirst thing's first, I like your show. ", "It's one of the only crime shows I can be bothered to watch beside CSI. ", "That combined with my schedule means I sit down with my wife most Wednesdays to watch your show. ", "That being said, I have one complaint. ", "QUIT DOING EPISODES WITH KIDS. ", "Seriously, it seems like every other week at least one kid is abducted or murdered. ", "As a parent I have to say KNOCK IT OFF! ", "It's a cheap way to try and get viewers emotionally involved that is quickly becoming a crutch for the show. ", "You're better than that or at least you should strive to be.", "\n\nOk, my motivation is a selfish one. ", "Those episodes hit a little too close to home for me since, as I said, I have kids. ", "Of course that means I'm instinctively paranoid and suspicious of everyone else when it comes to the safety of my kids. ", "If you look close at their photos with Santa you'll see me standing in the background keeping a close eye on that jolly bastard. ", "So the last thing I need is you guys feeding my own paranoia, especially with a weird looking Jason Alexander. ", "Am I the only one that thought he was a bowtie away from looking like a long-haired Colonel Sanders? ", "He did a good job but I kept waiting for him to blurt out his blend of eleven herbs and spices that makes his chicken finger licking good. ", "Either way the stuff with the kids still struck a nerve with me. ", "Hell, I'd be less creeped out if you did an episode where someone was only killing guys in their 30's named Dave. ", "Even if it was just Daves in their 30's who loved sports and wrote blogs it still wouldn't hit as close to home as the kid stuff does. ", "So one more time I ask you to please QUIT IT ALREADY.", "\n\nThank You\n\nP.S. How much of a dick must Patinkin have been to get booted off the show?", "\n\nSunday, November 16, 2008\n\nSo if you go to a matinee of Madagascar 2 on a Tuesday afternoon, how much of a dick do you have to be to be bothered by kids making noise? ", "That's the question we were asking ourselves this week. ", "We went to see it and the little one was really into it. ", "Lots of dancing, laughing, gasping, and yelling at the screen. ", "The childless couple ahead of us didn't seem to appreciate it as they turned around a couple times to cast a disapproving look or two. ", "They didn't say anything though but I would have loved to see them try and justify their stance. \"", "I just want to spend a relaxing afternoon at a children's movie and I'm being disturbed by youngsters.\"", "\n\n\"Uh, yeah. ", "That's the biggest joy we get as parents is having our kids ruin things for those of you that don't have kids. ", "Now turn around and keep watching the movie in your non syrup stained clothes or I'll get out the McDonald's tie in toys that don't have an off switch and let the kids play with them until the credits finish and the lights come back on.\" ", "Oh, what could have been.", "\n\nAnyways, the movie was excellent. ", "I definitely recommend it, whether you have kids or not. ", "The little blurb on the commercial that says it's \"better than the first\" is right on the money. ", "Even in cartoon form Chris Rock, Andy Richter, and Sacha Baron Cohen are hilarious. ", "Especially the last two in this movie. ", "Of course I think we enjoyed watching our little one getting so involved in the movie. ", "Quite the contrast to her sister who was curled up on my knee because it was \"too loud\". ", "She was brave and watched the movie but she didn't quite get into it the way her little sister did. ", "A good time for everyone though.", "\n\nSo yes, go see Madagascar 2. ", "And if someone in the seat ahead of you is annoyed by your kids just follow the example set by one of our youngsters parents, not naming any names but it wasn't me, and kick their seat a couple times when they turn back around. ", "Yeah, the kids are pretty much set in the role model department.", "\n\nTuesday, November 11, 2008\n\nBed rest is really very misleading. ", "It sounds nice but there's nothing very restful to it. ", "My wife got to learn this when the doctor she saw at the hospital on Friday recommended bed rest for the weekend to ease the contractions she was experiencing. ", "I'm trying to figure out how to get a doctor to prescribe a video game playing/sports watching treatment for me but so far WebMD has been no help coming up with symptoms that would require that. ", "The search continues though.", "\n\nBack to my wife's story, she went into triage on Friday evening after dealing with contractions on and off for a few days. ", "Once the frequency and severity got alarming it was time to get checked out. ", "That resulted in the aforementioned bed rest. ", "I can only assume the logic is that sheer boredom will result in her body cooperating again. ", "After reading whatever was lying around and watching the movies we rented for her, that new Indiana Jones and Baby Mama, she had to resort to the TV. ", "She got so desperate that she watched I Am Legend. ", "She loves Will Smith but has always been reluctant to watch this one because she's not real big on, as she described them to me after she watched the movie, hordes of creepy bastards that looked like Ted Danson. ", "I still haven't seen all of the movie so I'll have to take her word for it on the Ted Danson thing until I see the end. ", "I've only watched about the first half hour or so, just Will and his dog in an empty Manhattan. ", "I assume there's some action once the creepy bastards get into the picture. ", "I also assume it ends with Will surrounded by the mob of creepies until DJ Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribiero show up to save the day. ", "I imagine they whip the crowd into a frenzy and then lead them in a well choreographed dance routine similar to the zombie in Michael Jackson's Thriller video. ", "This would give the Fresh Prince time to somehow save the day which would somehow involve getting jiggy with it. ", "Then again, I do have kids and we all know parents just don't understand. ", "Got really sidetracked there but at least I enjoyed it.", "\n\nAnyways, she saw her doctor this morning and she's off bed rest. ", "She's supposed to take it easy though which means she's done working. ", "She's now on sick leave from work which will then turn into maternity leave once the baby comes. ", "Not exactly the way we'd planned it but it seems like the best case scenario, all things considered. ", "At least she'll have plenty of time to read and watch movies which is nice because I'm kind of interested to see how that I Am Legend plays out. ", "From what I've heard, I mean written, about the ending, it sounds pretty awesome.", "\n\nWednesday, November 5, 2008\n\nAccording to the ultrasound today we're having another girl. ", "I take her word for it since I've never been very good at picking stuff out in those pictures. ", "Even if I could figure out what's going on down there I wouldn't know what to look for anyways since I have no idea what a dangle looks like on one of those pictures. ", "I never had any doubt about the sex of this one though. ", "I don't have a problem with having three daughters either but I reserve the right to amend that statement at a later date because, as someone so kindly pointed out, I'm going to have three teenage daughters running around my house in about 13 years or so.", "\n\nLet's put that into perspective. ", "In thirteen years, I'm going to be a Tutti away from being Mrs. Garrett. ", "That's right, you take the good, you take the bad, you take the rest, and there you'll have my life. ", "Actually, it'll probably be more like towards the end of the show when it wasn't funny so that would make me like Clooney then. ", "Ok, the show was never funny; I just wanted to cast myself as Clooney. ", "In reality, if I had to perform some emergency room tasks to save lives there'd be more than a few casualties. ", "And if I had to rob a casino vault, a museum, or another casino the best I could do is probably come up with like 7, maybe 8 guys tops. ", "Certainly nowhere near the double digits I've been led to believe is required. ", "Anyways, the point is I really enjoy the entire Ocean's trilogy. ", "Wait, I think I got off topic there.", "\n\nOk, a third girl, that's right. ", "The big upside on this one is I've already got experience raising girls. ", "With the older one being three and a half and her little sister almost two, that gives me five and a half years of experience parenting girls. ", "Throw a third into the mix and by the time the firs one reaches her teen years I'll have like 30 years under my belt. ", "Keep your criticisms of my math to yourself; it comforts me to think this way. ", "Another big upside of having three girls close in age is that I should only have to do hugely embarrassing things once when they're teens. ", "If not all of their friends witness it for themselves, they'll certainly hear about it from someone. ", "That means I'll only have to show up to one math class in my pyjama pants and rattiest t-shirt to deliver the anti-fungal ointment my little darling forgot to bring with her. ", "I figure if I do that for the middle child then the kids a couple years ahead and a couple behind will both hear about it, thus spreading out the damage to their social status. ", "Of course, that should only be a concern if any of them have met my rules for qualifying for dating eligibility. ", "Namely, they have to be able to kick someone's ass before they're allowed to date. ", "I don't care if it's some sort of martial arts, self defence, kickboxing, wrestling or some really cool ultimate fighting type combination thereof. ", "If they want to date then they'll have to learn something in that ballpark.", "\n\nOf course, the downside is that while I'll be learning from one kid and using that on the others, they'll also be learning how to manipulate me or get around the rules and pass that on to each other. ", "Considering they'll have the advantage number wise it's kind of intimidating. ", "Luckily, I'll have backup in this little adventure so I can always play my trump card. ", "Go ask your mother.", "\n\nTuesday, November 4, 2008\n\nSince Halloween I've been eating more candy than I really should. ", "Probably more than anyone should. ", "It does lead me to two observations though. ", "First, we need to do a better job next year of counting the number of kids in the neighbourhood. ", "Hopefully, a more accurate headcount will curb our candy purchasing and leave us with little to none left over. ", "Second, and most important, why don't the mint chocolate people take part in Halloween?", "\n\nI've been enjoying Halloween candy for more than a couple decades and I don't once recall eating anything minty. ", "Pep, andes, junior mints and the rest all abstain from Halloween. ", "Even the mint aero bars are part of this boycott. ", "You can't knock on three doors without getting a \"fun sized\" aero bar so would it kill them to shrink down a couple of mint ones? ", "Would the technology involved completely throw off their profit margin? ", "Of course not. ", "All signs point to a conspiracy in the candy industry. ", "Somehow mint candies have been blocked out of participating in one of the major candy holidays, either by choice or intimidation. ", "My investigating, by which I mean, crazy unconfirmed theory, leads me to believe the major confectionery companies have joined forces to systematically exclude mint from the cavalcade of candies handed out every October 31. ", "In exchange, mint gets to take centre stage at Christmas. ", "Personally, I think that's crap.", "\n\nThere's no reason why chocolate mints can't be enjoyed all year long. (", "Don't even get me started on the Cadbury creme eggs) I say enough with holiday specific candy discrimination. ", "Let us as the consumer decide what is and is not appropriate for the time of year. ", "Isn't choice one of the cornerstones of a truly free and democratic society?", "\n\nDon't get me wrong, I'm a firm supporter of all the chocolate combos. ", "I'm a big fan of the marriage between chocolate and peanut butter. ", "I fully support the gay marriage between chocolate and coconut. ", "I don't even have a problem with the freaky threeway between chocolate, peanuts, and nougat. ", "Heck, throw some caramel and cookie into that big orgy and I wouldn't even bat an eye. ", "I just believe that combining chocolate and mint, specifically in junior mint form, is the pinnacle of what's possible when it comes to candy. ", "To exclude them from Halloween, or any holiday, is an injustice I can no longer ignore.", "\n\nBasically, I've had my fill of peanut butter cups and would love a junior mint right about now." ]
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[ "Intro: \"A well-known DC lobbying firm with links to the financial industry has proposed an $850,000 plan to take on Occupy Wall Street and politicians who might express sympathy for the protests, according to a memo obtained by the MSNBC program 'Up w/ Chris Hayes.' ", "The memo proposes to pay the firm to conduct 'opposition research' on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct 'negative narratives' about the protests and allied politicians.\"", "\n\n\n\nOccupy Oakland Supporters rally at the Oakland Public Library before attempting to march back to Ogawa Plaza, where they had been evicted hours earlier, 10/25/11. (", "photo: Marc Ash/RSN)\n\nMemo: DC Lobbying Firm Spells Out Plan to Undermine OWS\n\nBy Jonathan Larsen and Ken Olshansky, MSNBC TV\n\nLobbyists plan to use big money to thwart Occupy Wall Street and politician sympathizers. -- ", "NFM/RSN\n\nwell-known Washington lobbying firm with links to the financial industry has proposed an $850,000 plan to take on Occupy Wall Street and politicians who might express sympathy for the protests, according to a memo obtained by the MSNBC program \"Up w/ Chris Hayes.\"", "\n\nThe proposal was written on the letterhead of the lobbying firm Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford and addressed to one of CLGC's clients, the American Bankers Association.", "\n\nCLGC's memo proposes that the ABA pay CLGC $850,000 to conduct \"opposition research\" on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct \"negative narratives\" about the protests and allied politicians. ", "The memo also asserts that Democratic victories in 2012 would be detrimental for Wall Street and targets specific races in which it says Wall Street would benefit by electing Republicans instead.", "\n\nAccording to the memo, if Democrats embrace OWS, \"This would mean more than just short-term political discomfort for Wall Street. ... ", "It has the potential to have very long-lasting political, policy and financial impacts on the companies in the center of the bullseye.\"", "\n\nThe memo also suggests that Democratic victories in 2012 should not be the ABA's biggest concern. \"... (", "T)he bigger concern,\" the memo says, \"should be that Republicans will no longer defend Wall Street companies.\"", "\n\nTwo of the memo's authors, partners Sam Geduldig and Jay Cranford, previously worked for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. ", "Geduldig joined CLGC before Boehner became speaker; Cranford joined CLGC this year after serving as the speaker's assistant for policy. ", "A third partner, Steve Clark, is reportedly \"tight\" with Boehner, according to a story by Roll Call that CLGC features on its website.", "\n\nJeff Sigmund, an ABA spokesperson, confirmed that the association got the memo. \"", "Our Government Relations staff did receive the proposal - it was unsolicited and we chose not to act on it in any way,\" he said in a statement to \"Up.\"", "\n\nCLGC did not return calls seeking comment.", "\n\nBoehner spokesman Michael Steel declined to comment on the memo. ", "But he responded to its characterization of Republicans as defenders of Wall Street by saying, \"My understanding is that President Obama is the single largest recipient of donations from Wall Street.\"", "\n\nOn \"Up\" Saturday, Obama campaign adviser Anita Dunn responded by saying that the majority of the president's re-election campaign is fueled by small donors. ", "She rejected the suggestion that the president himself is too close to Wall Street, saying \"If that's the case, why were tough financial reforms passed over party line Republican opposition?\"", "\n\nThe CLGC memo raises another issue that it says should be of concern to the financial industry -- that OWS might find common cause with the Tea Party. \"", "Well-known Wall Street companies stand at the nexus of where OWS protestors and the Tea Party overlap on angered populism,\" the memo says. \"... ", "This combination has the potential to be explosive later in the year when media reports cover the next round of bonuses and contrast it with stories of millions of Americans making do with less this holiday season.\"", "\n\nThe memo outlines a 60-day plan to conduct surveys and research on OWS and its supporters so that Wall Street companies will be prepared to conduct a media campaign in response to OWS. ", "Wall Street companies \"likely will not be the best spokespeople for their own cause,\" according to the memo. \"", "A big challenge is to demonstrate that these companies still have political strength and that making them a political target will carry a severe political cost.\"", "\n\nPart of the plan CLGC proposes is to do \"statewide surveys in at least eight states that are shaping up to be the most important of the 2012 cycle.\"", "\n\nSpecific races listed in the memo are US Senate races in Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Mexico and Nevada as well as the gubernatorial race in North Carolina.", "\n\nThe memo indicates that CLGC would research who has contributed financial backing to OWS, noting that, \"Media reports have speculated about associations with George Soros and others.\"", "\n\n\"It will be vital,\" the memo says, \"to understand who is funding it and what their backgrounds and motives are. ", "If we can show that they have the same cynical motivation as a political opponent it will undermine their credibility in a profound way.\"", "\n\nJonathan Larsen is executive producer of \"Up w/ Chris Hayes\"; Ken Olshansky is a producer for the show." ]
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[ "\"We only own the hours\": discontinuity of care in the British Columbia home support system.", "\nThis article uses the concept of continuity of care to examine the implications of health-system restructuring for workers and staff in the BC home support system. ", "Home support primarily serves frail seniors living in poverty and has the potential to provide assistance with tasks like bathing, dressing, and toileting, as well as offer social support and relational care to isolated clients. ", "Through presentation of qualitative data from focus groups and interviews with home support workers and clients in the Greater Vancouver area, we demonstrate how the casualization and intensification of work in a context of increasing client acuity levels has diminished both continuity and quality of care. ", "This article discusses how restructuring in the home support sector in BC has reduced the overall number of persons under care in the system, disrupted continuity of care, and compromised quality." ]
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[ "What is Fidelity Guarantee?", "\n\nHollard Botswana’s Fidelity Guarantee Insurance will protect you against the loss of money, negotiable instruments or goods belonging to your business, as a result of an act of internal company fraud.", "\n\nFidelity Guarantee Insurance provides coverage if:\n\nAn employee of the company committed the fraud\n\nThe losses occurred no more than 24 months prior to discovery of fraud\n\nThis policy can also be extended to cover for past employees for a period of 30 days after the employment was terminated. ", "A further extension can provide cover for events that occurred up to 12 months prior to taking up the insurance, but not more than 23 months prior to discovery." ]
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[ "package foam.android.util;\n\nimport android.util.", "Log;\n\nimport org.json.", "JSONArray;\nimport org.json.", "JSONException;\nimport org.json.", "JSONObject;\n\nimport java.util.", "Iterator;\nimport java.util.", "List;\n\nimport foam.core.", "FObject;\nimport foam.core.", "Model;\nimport foam.core.", "Property;\nimport foam.core.", "X;\n\n/**\n * Utility class for marshalling modeled objects into and out of {@link JSONObject}s.", "\n */\npublic class JSONUtil {\n private static final String LOG_TAG = \"JSONUtil\";\n\n public static JSONObject toJSON(X x, FObject o) throws JSONException {\n Model model = o.model();\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n json.put(\"model_\", model.getName());\n\n for (Property p : model.getProperties()) {\n propertyToJSON(x, o, p, json);\n }\n return json;\n }\n\n private static void propertyToJSON(X x, FObject o, Property p, JSONObject json) throws JSONException {\n int type = p.getType();\n if (p.isArray()) {\n JSONArray arr = new JSONArray();\n json.put(p.getName(), arr);\n type = p.getElementType();\n for (Object obj : (List) p.get(o)) {\n if (type == Property.", "TYPE_BOOLEAN) arr.put((boolean) obj);\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_INTEGER) arr.put((int) obj);\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_STRING) arr.put(obj);\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_FLOAT) arr.put(obj);\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_DOUBLE) arr.put(obj);\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_OBJECT) {\n arr.put(obj instanceof FObject ? ", "toJSON(x, (FObject) obj) : obj);\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (type == Property.", "TYPE_BOOLEAN) json.put(p.getName(), (boolean) p.get(o));\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_INTEGER) json.put(p.getName(), (int) p.get(o));\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_STRING) json.put(p.getName(), p.get(o));\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_FLOAT) json.put(p.getName(), (float) p.get(o));\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_DOUBLE) json.put(p.getName(), (double) p.get(o));\n else if (type == Property.", "TYPE_OBJECT) {\n json.put(p.getName(), p.get(o) instanceof FObject ? ", "toJSON(x, (FObject) p.get(o)) : p.get(o));\n }\n }\n }\n\n\n public static FObject fromJSON(X x, JSONObject json) throws JSONException {\n String modelName = json.optString(\"model_\", null);\n if (modelName == null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n FObject o;\n try {\n o = (FObject) x.newInstance(modelName);\n } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n Log.e(LOG_TAG, \"Unrecognized model_: \\\"\" + modelName + \"\\\"\", e);\n return null;\n } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {\n Log.e(LOG_TAG, \"Could not find accessible constructor for \\\"\" + modelName + \"\\\"\", e);\n return null;\n } catch (InstantiationException e) {\n Log.e(LOG_TAG, \"Exception in constructor for \\\"\" + modelName + \"\\\"\", e.getCause());\n return null;\n } catch (ClassCastException e) {\n Log.e(LOG_TAG, \"JSON Object is not descended from FObject - can't happen?\", ", "e);\n return null;\n }\n\n Iterator<String> it = json.keys();\n while (it.hasNext()) {\n String key = it.next();\n if (key.equals(\"model_\")) continue;\n o.model().getProperty(key).set(o, json.get(key));\n }\n\n return o;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "He had faced up to 10 years' jail and $US600,000 ($A700,000) in fines after he pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiring to commit a criminal copyright infringement in April, following his extradition in February. ", "Griffiths, 44, had feared that the three years he spent in custody in Australia while fighting the extradition request would not be taken into account when he was sentenced in the US District Court in Alexandria, Virginia, but his concern was unfounded.", "\n\nUS District Court Judge Claude Hilton sentenced him to 51 months' jail, but said with time already served, he would only have to remain in jail for 15 months. ", "Griffiths' Australian pro bono lawyer, Nicolas Patrick from DLA Phillips Fox, said the sentence highlighted the \"injustice of this process\" and he would investigate prisoner-exchange options that might allow his client to serve his sentence in Australia. ", "Griffiths could have been charged with the same offences in Australia, where he would have faced a far shorter sentence, Mr Patrick said.", "\n\n\"Effectively my client was sent to face charges in a foreign country where he has no knowledge of the legal system and no friends or family,\" he told The Sunday Age. \"", "He has been surrendered to a country where the penalties for such offences are much harsher.\" ", "Griffiths — who used the alias Bandido — admits he was the brains behind the international counterfeit software ring DrinkOrDie, which US prosecutors said cost American companies an estimated $US50 million in lost sales.", "\n\nSydney copyright lawyer Michael Napthali told The Sunday Age he was unsurprised by the severity of the sentence given the US Department of Justice's eagerness for a successful internet file-sharing prosecution. \"", "The severity of his sentence is linked to the estimated $50 million of software piracy claimed by the prosecution, but it's questionable whether realistically the true value of lost sales is anywhere near that,\" he said. ", "The US Justice Department celebrated the success of its case against Griffiths, a welcome diversion to its failed campaign in the US to pursue online consumers for internet file-sharing.", "\n\n\"From his home in Australia, Griffiths became one of the most notorious leaders of the underground internet piracy community by orchestrating the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars in copyrighted material,\" US Assistant Attorney-General Alice Fisher said in a statement. ", "US Attorney Chuck Rosenberg said that \"theft is theft\" whether committed with a gun or a keyboard and that the US was prepared to play global cop again to catch \" those inclined to steal intellectual property\".", "\n\nGriffiths' ailing 76-year-old father, Neil Griffiths, who lives in the house he shared with his son at Berkeley Vale, on the NSW central coast, was shocked by the sentence and angered by the way his son had been described. \"", "It's a load of crap … I just want my son back home,\" he said." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan I use a Synonym to point to an object in a schema using another schema?", "\n\nI don't have too much experience in Oracle, so I am sorry if this is a simple question.", "\nI have to move many objects in the database from one schema to another.", "\nI am trying to update all dependencies as well, but just to be in the safe side I would like to leave behind a link.", "\nExample:\n\nRight now I have in my Schema 1 (S1) a MyTable.", "\nUsers reference it like:\nS1.MyTable\nI would like to move MyTable to Schema 2 (S2)\nS2.MyTable\nI would like my users to be able to still use MyTable as they used to.", "\nS1.MyTable /MyTable is really in S2, but users can access it with S1/\n\nI have been reading about Synonyms and it seems you can create public ones so users can reference an object directly, like:\nMyTable\n\nBut I need them to be able to write S1.MyTable\nCan I use synonyms for this?", "\n\nA:\n\nHere's how searching for any object works (this example assumes the user has appropriate permissions, and that you didn't make the call as \"schema.table\")\n\nSearch the current schema for that object\nSearch private synonyms for references to that object\nSearch public synonyms for references to that object\n\nSo if you create a public synonym, any user that has access to at least select on the underlying table can see it, without any further action on your part, even going forward for new users. ", "If you create a private synonym, you'll have to create a private synonym for every single user that will have to access that specific object, and you'll have to do this for every object that you move (this applies to tables, sequences, and assorted other DDL like packages, functions, etc). ", "\nEither option is acceptable, depending on the level of security necessary for that object.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.012195121951219513, 0.0035714285714285713, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ " TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN\n\n\n JUDGMENT RENDERED JULY 23, 2012\n\n\n\n NO. ", "03-12-00844-CV\n\n\n Veronica Chavez Vara, Appellant\n\n v.\n\n Mark S. Vara, Appellee\n\n\n\n\n APPEAL FROM 261ST DISTRICT COURT OF TRAVIS COUNTY\n BEFORE JUSTICES PURYEAR, ROSE, AND GOODWIN\n REVERSED AND REMANDED -- OPINION BY JUSTICE PURYEAR\n\n\n\n\nThis is an appeal from the judgment signed by the trial court on November 14, 2012. ", "Having\n\nreviewed the record and the parties’ arguments, the Court holds that there was reversible error\n\nin the court’s judgment. ", "Therefore, the Court reverses the trial court’s judgment declaring\n\nappellant a vexatious litigant and remands appellee’s motion for consideration by the transferee\n\ntrial court. ", "The appellee shall pay all costs relating to this appeal, both in this Court and the\n\ncourt below.", "\n\f" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.01875, 0.013015184381778741, 0.007692307692307693, 0.00558659217877095, 0.01020408163265306, 0 ]
[ "\nResponse to Google open letter - ajdlinux\nhttps://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/response-to-google-open-letter\n======\ngundmc\n> Google will not be required to charge Australians for the use of its free\n> services such as Google Search and YouTube, unless it chooses to do so.", "\n\n> Google will not be required to share any additional user data with\n> Australian news businesses unless it chooses to do so.", "\n\nI don't think Google actually made either of these claims in their letter.", "\n\nThey didn't mention charging for services at all. ", "They said \"the free services\nyou use may be at risk\". ", "Given the context, I took that to mean the quality of\nthe service would tank if they had to share their algorithm changes.", "\n\nThe data portion is a little less clear. ", "Google was very weasel wordy - they\ndefinitely wanted it to sound like they would have to turn over user data, but\nif you read carefully they only say they would have to share data about how\nthey collect the user data.", "\n\n~~~\nrstuart4133\nSomehow everyone misses this little gem in the draft bill [0]:\n\n> 52S.(1).(a) ensure that the registered news business corporation is provided\n> with flexible content moderation tools that allow the registered news\n> business corporation to remove or filter comments on the registered news\n> business covered news content that:\n\n> . . (", "i) are made using the digital platform service;and\n\n> . . (", "ii) are made on a part of the digital platform service that is set up\n> and able to be edited by the registered news business;\n\n> (b) ensure that the registered news business corporation can disable the\n> making of such comments;\n\nIf I'm reading that correctly, if someone posts a news corporation to\nFacebook, the news corporation gets to delete / edit / moderate any Facebook\nreplies.", "\n\nI think they (the legislators) have lost the plot.", "\n\nIn another section the draft legislation requires Facebook / Google to notify\nthe news organisation of changes to their page rank / feed algorithm, and also\nprovide advice on how to mitigate the effects of those changes.", "\n\nGoogle's claim the bill grants news media business special privileges no other\norganisation on the planet has is not too far from the truth.", "\n\n[0]\n[https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Exposure%20Draft%20Bill...](https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Exposure%20Draft%20Bill%20-%20TREASURY%20LAWS%20AMENDENT%20%28NEWS%20MEDIA%20AND%20DIGITAL%20PLATFORMS%20MANDATORY%20BARGAINING%20CODE%29%20BILL%202020.pdf)\n\n~~~\nharryf\n> In another section the draft legislation requires Facebook / Google to\n> notify the news organisation of changes to their page rank / feed algorithm,\n> and also provide advice on how to mitigate the effects of those changes.", "\n\nInteresting.", "\n\nOn the one hand working in software the idea of having communicate changes to\nan algorithm like this to 3rd parties gives me nightmares, and opens the door\nto regulation of the algorithms design.", "\n\nOn the other hand, given Facebook and Google's monopoly positions, why not?", "\nThey're able to make of break businesses overnight by changing the stream of\ntraffic, and there's basically no real competitors. ", "Perhaps a weak analogy but\nif your local government was building a motorway that would bypass your town\nhigh street, effectively wiping out 90%+ of customers to your local shop, they\nwould inform you months or years ahead so you have at least a chance to change\nyour business strategy or close shop.", "\n\n~~~\nindigochill\n> They're able to make of break businesses overnight by changing the stream of\n> traffic\n\nMaybe small businesses wake up to the fact that building the core of their\nlivelihood on the foundation of a whimsical megacorp is a Bad Idea.", "\n\nGoogle attracts businesses to work with them because they make visibility\neasy. ", "But if they screw over those same businesses, then maybe the bait isn't\nworth taking in the first place? ", "Maybe networking and building your customer\nbase without Google, in some venue that you have better control over (or is at\nleast more reliable/transparent) is preferable?", "\n\n~~~\ndanielheath\nStart from the idea that small business owners aren't actually idiots and\ndon't spend their time promoting their business on social media because it's\nfun.", "\n\nCost of customer acquisition isn't comparable without those platforms. ", "Working\nharder and still not being price-competitive isn't preferable, even if it\nmitigates some future risk.", "\n\n------\nthreeseed\nThey really should stop saying \"Australian news media\" when they are referring\nto commercial entities only.", "\n\nThe fact that the public ABC and SBS media are not allowed to be compensated\nsays everything about the intent and motivation of this policy.", "\n\n~~~\nhkt\nThat's.. awful. ", "A Murdoch bill, then.", "\n\nDo you know if bloggers etc can be compensated?", "\n\n~~~\npwc\nTo be eligible for the scheme, the proposed bill requires annual revenues of\nat least[0] $150,000 (amongst other things), so I imagine it would exclude\nmost independent-journalist-running-a-blog situations\n\n[0] see section 52G of the draft bill - [https://www.accc.gov.au/focus-\nareas/digital-platforms/news-m...](https://www.accc.gov.au/focus-\nareas/digital-platforms/news-media-bargaining-code/draft-legislation)\n\n~~~\nhkt\nWow, that's vile. ", "So clearly about incumbent media power rather than promoting\ndiversity.", "\n\nI wonder if eg wordpress, or ghost, would be able to create a situation for\ntheir hosted blogs in which authors were paid for their content by virtue of\nthe organisation itself having the minimum level of revenue.", "\n\n~~~\nmicrocolonel\n> _I wonder if eg wordpress, or ghost, would be able to create a situation for\n> their hosted blogs in which authors were paid for their content by virtue of\n> the organisation itself having the minimum level of revenue._", "\n\nThat would open up a whole other can of worms in terms of liability.", "\n\n------\njacquesm\nWhen Murdoch and Google duke it out using the Australian people as their human\nshield I find nothing to be happy about and plenty to be sad about. ", "Both\nparties here are disingenuous about their stated positions, both are rather\ncynical in how the perform their negotiations. ", "In the end the public, no\nmatter what, will end up the loser because neither of these parties has their\nbest interest at heart. ", "Murdoch just wants money, Google wants to get as much\ncontent as they can for free and meanwhile whatever they agree on will be paid\nfor by the public in one way or another. ", "This is a disgusting spectacle at\nmany levels.", "\n\n~~~\nmattoxic\nThe Australian consumer has already lost. ", "This whole country is an exercise in\ntrussing up the public and making sure they pay the very most for the very\nleast.", "\n\nI've long given up on Australian journalism - at least in the main stream.", "\nObviously the Murdoch papers are garbage, but the Age and SMH are almost (and\nbecoming) as appalling. ", "The ABC and SBS have been cowered to the extent that\nthey jump at their own shadows and now _have_ to include cometary from utter\nfuckwits like Gerard Henderson or that vast twit Greg Sheridan lest they\nappear biased. ", "It now seems that the ABC almost has to ask permission to\npublish a story. ", "The Age was a great newspaper, now it's almost unreadable -\napart form the NYTimes and Wapo stories they run.", "\n\nGoogle are not the good guys. ", "They are a rapacious monopoly that have their\nshareholders interest at heart, NOT the Google consumer. ", "And in terms of\n\"trusting them with our data\" \\- like that's the very least we'd expect from a\nproduct that purports to do this - and they don't do this for free - WE pay\nfor it.", "\n\nLike cry me a river Google - like News Corp, they pay fuck all tax in\nAustralia, and, just like Murdoch, are more than happy to take advertising\nfrom fake news and conspiracy pushers that does nothing but fatten their\nprofits and damage society.", "\n\nThere is good media out there - Crikey, The Guardian, New Matilda, new Daily\netc, but it isn't mainstream, one has to, dare I say, search for it.", "\n\n~~~\nNamTaf\nYou and the parent post both sum up my feelings better than I can. ", "We Aussies\nare being used as meat in the grinder between two companies that are each\npretty awful in their own ways. ", "I struggle to feel bad for either of them,\nreally.", "\n\nProbably the most depressing of all of this is how the ACCC - what has always\nbeen a very closely treasured and respected independent government body - has\nbeen used here as a pawn by the government-media oligarchy. ", "It really soils\nall the really good work they've done to give us very robust and fair consumer\nlaws and protections we enjoy. ", "They've been used as the shitkickers for what\nis obviously a Murdoch-driven government play, where (not unlike the Five Eyes\nplaybook) he hopes to ram through some draconian bullshit here as a proving\nground, to which he can later point in the UK and US for similar laws there.", "\n\nOne of the best decisions I ever made was adding Newscorp's bullshit to my ad\nblocker so accidentally clicking URLs to it fails to load. ", "One of the other\nbest was disconecting myself from Google as much as I have.", "\n\n~~~\ntheRandomMoron\nYep, it is offensive that the ACCC would even contribute to this nonsensical\n\"debate\". ", "There is not a shred of preserving Competition in the News Media and\ndigital landscapes in Australia. ", "There is certainly no way the ACCC has acted\nin the interest of the Consumer. ", "This whole debacle serves a few financial and\npolitical interests and works against healthy debate, democracy and the\npopulation's interest.", "\n\nAccess to a variety of editorial positions in the media is not possible for\nthe average Aussie. ", "Newscorp control the opinions of the country and the\nelectorate - a balanced view is not within the grasp of Australia anymore,\nregardless of how this legislation turns out.", "\n\n------\nshruubi\nTo fully understand this, it would be a good idea to understand the degree of\ninfluence that the Murdoch media has on the Australian landscape.", "\n\nMurdoch media owns the vast majority of newspapers across Australia and is\nalso more or less the only cable TV provider in Australia.", "\n\nA good highlight of the power the Murdoch press has over Australia would be to\nlook at the fact that the vast majority of journalists who work in the\nCanberra press gallery (parliamentary journalists), work for The Australian or\nother Murdoch entities, and have such a stranglehold on political journalism\nthat it is a commonly accepted truth in Australian journalism that \"if you\nwant to know tomorrows news, read The Australian today.\"", "\n\nThe real kicker is that the Murdoch presses political biases are not subtle or\nsecret, they are about as overt and blatant as you can possibly get with The\nAustralian frequently running full front-page articles trashing one political\nparty (Labor, the \"left\" leaning party) and heaping praise on the other\n(Liberal/National, the \"right\" leaning party).", "\n\nWith all of that context, the bill suddenly takes on a slightly more sinister\ntone when you realise that it is more or less designed to benefit one man and\nhis media empire.", "\n\n------\n_-___________-_\nThe misinformation seems to be in the ACCC letter, since the Google letter [0]\ndoesn't claim that they'd have to charge for Google Search or Youtube.", "\n\nNot surprising that they would try to use the current mood regarding tech\ncompanies to defend the government's position though.", "\n\n[0] [https://about.google/intl/ALL_au/google-in-australia/an-\nopen...](https://about.google/intl/ALL_au/google-in-australia/an-open-letter/)\n\n~~~\nhkt\nThe Google letter pretty clearly makes overtures about \"threats\" to their free\nservices.", "\n\n\"Nice free search you got there. ", "Shame if something were to.. happen.. to it.\"", "\n\n~~~\nstephen_g\nWell, that's up to them though. ", "The context of the \"shame if something were to\nhappen to it\" quote is about destroying/stealing the other person's property,\nor hurting them. ", "That's quite different to stopping providing a service to\nthem which is currently provided under no compulsion...\n\nGoogle is trying to say that the law won't make providing a free service\nviable. ", "Is that an over-exaggeration? ", "Perhaps. ", "But maybe not...\n\n------\nKarupan\nLooks like Google has now started showing a popup [0] in Australia which links\nto the open letter [1].", "\n\n[0] [https://i.imgur.com/A3IPkQy.png](https://i.imgur.com/A3IPkQy.png)\n\n[1] [https://about.google/intl/ALL_au/google-in-australia/an-\nopen...](https://about.google/intl/ALL_au/google-in-australia/an-open-letter)\n\n~~~\njacquesm\nDesperately in need of footsoldiers.", "\n\n~~~\nsenectus1\nyeah my 12 yr old son just got this pop up on his phone. ", "His response was \"not\ncool Gov..\" I had to explain that the situation is actually more complicated\nthan that and he shouldn't trust one source for the truth.", "\n\nI think he's starting to understand that there is no good guy here.", "\n\n------\nzmmmmm\nThis is a very disappointing response from the ACCC. ", "It seems to be extremely\nmisleading in its own right.", "\n\n> Google will not be required to charge Australians for the use of its free\n> services\n\nGoogle did not state this. ", "The ACCC - the supposed detached \"fair\" regulator,\nin charge of creating this code, just made something up to suit their own\nends.", "\n\n> Google will not be required to share any additional user data with\n> Australian news businesses\n\nThe code [1] literally says:\n\n\"The responsible digital platform must ... give information about how the\nregistered news business corporation can gain access to ... the data that the\ndigital platform service collects (whether or not it shares the data with the\nregistered news business)about the registered news business’ users through\ntheir engagement with covered news content made available by the digital\nplatform service\" (Page 10, Section 52M).", "\n\nThe ACCC here is straight up lying. ", "I would like any of the people vocally\ndefending it here to say what they think about this.", "\n\nNB: I think it is quite telling that it's quite hard to dig out the _actual_\ndraft code [1] - they don't seem to link to it in any of their press releases\netc. ", "They actually don't want people to be able to discuss this openly from\nwhat I can tell:\n\n[1]\n[https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Exposure%20Draft%20Bill...](https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Exposure%20Draft%20Bill%20-%20TREASURY%20LAWS%20AMENDENT%20%28NEWS%20MEDIA%20AND%20DIGITAL%20PLATFORMS%20MANDATORY%20BARGAINING%20CODE%29%20BILL%202020.pdf)\n\n~~~\nRVuRnvbM2e\n> > Google will not be required to charge Australians for the use of its free\n> services\n\n> Google did not state this.", "\n\nGoogle did say that this legislation would:\n\n> put the free services you use at risk in Australia.", "\n\nThat's implying that either the services would go, or they would no longer be\nfree.", "\n\n~~~\ndetaro\nThat doesn't mean that the law explicitly requires that.", "\n\nJust that Google thinks running the service for free might not be viable.", "\n\n~~~\njacquesm\nNo, that's just Google's way of trying to mobilize the general public to work\ntheir case for them. ", "A little bit of blackmail.", "\n\n------\nnl\nFrom the ACCC's own release:\n\n _In addition, the platforms must give news media businesses clear information\nabout the data they collect through users’ interactions with news on digital\nplatforms; for example how long users spend on an article, how many articles\nthey consume in a certain time period, and other information about user\nengagement with news content across digital platform services._ [", "1]\n\nSure sounds like they have to collect and share user data to me.", "\n\n[1] [https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/australian-news-\nmedia-...](https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/australian-news-media-to-\nnegotiate-payment-with-major-digital-platforms)\n\n~~~\nRVuRnvbM2e\n> Sure sounds like they have to collect and share user data to me.", "\n\nThis seems to be aimed at AMP. ", "News sources get any information that google\ncollect about users reading the articles. ", "Seems fair.", "\n\nGoogle could always not collect that information in the first place if they\nwanted to actually take the moral high ground. ", "But of course they won't do\nthat.", "\n\n~~~\nnl\nI doubt that. ", "Don't forget it's FB that also has to pay.", "\n\n------\nThorentis\nGoogle misrepresenting something which might cut into their profits? ", "Who'd\nhave thought it?", "\n\nI hate AMP, and this law might see the death or at least reigning in of it. ", "I\nhate the way Google has killed niche websites by scraping their content and\nthen profiting from it. ", "I hate the way Google says they want to keep user data\nsafe, while also using that data to increase their ad revenue. ", "Fuck Google.", "\n\n~~~\nrsa25519\n> I hate the way Google says they want to keep user data safe, while also\n> using that data to increase their ad revenue\n\nYet, from the perspective of many users, this _is_ keeping their data safe.", "\nMany people I know are completely fine with advertising. ", "In terms of keeping\ndata safe from being lost, leaked, or hacked, I think Google is probably one\nof the safest places out there.", "\n\n------\ninfinkaramazov\nI'm Australian, and I created an account just to comment on this issue.", "\n\nImagine Google News or the Facebook news feed were normal news websites. ", "If\nyou count their traffic as the amount of times people went to those websites\njust to read news, their raw traffic would dwarf any other news website in\nAustralia by an order of magnitude.", "\n\nJournalistic websites have editorial standards, and at least some relationship\nand commitment to the truth (even the Murdoch ones). ", "A news feed, while\nalgorithmically generated, is for all intents and purposes the front page of a\nnewspaper for many, many people.", "\n\nThere is no editor of a news feed. ", "No one checks that what bubbles up to the\ntop passes basic fact checking standards. ", "Most importantly, there's no\nconsequences for misinformation and conspiracy theories being on the same\nfront page as a story about some construction disrupting your commute\ntomorrow.", "\n\nThe main gist of the new code of conduct, to me, seems like the ability for\nnews websites to collectively bargain with a multinational corporation that\nessentially controls the news landscape in this country. ", "We aren't the USA.", "\nOur news websites aren't the New York Times and the Washington Post.", "\nUnfortunately, the two biggest are owned by fairly evil companies (Channel\nnine and News Corp). ", "Rupert Murdoch himself controls 70% of the Australian\nmedia landscape. ", "When he dies, however, this law will still exist.", "\n\nWe've seen the consequences of a journalistic landscape that exists solely\nthrough social media without any significant independent news sources in\nMyanmar in 2015. ", "Australia won't end up like that, but allowing independent\njournalism to wither on the vine distorts our ability to participate in\ndemocracy.", "\n\nAs a collective, if every single news organisation decided to go on strike\nfrom Facebook or Google tomorrow, the amount of money advertisers would pay\nthem would drop off a cliff. ", "Google is scared by this because they know that\nthe value they give to the consumer is the sum of Australian journalism, a\ntasting menu of all the best stuff that newspapers have to offer. ", "Why, then,\nshouldn't that sum itself have the ability to bargain against Google and get\nitself a better deal?", "\n\n~~~\nkevincox\nFor Google at least they have the option to opt-out. ", "They can add a robots.txt\nfile to prevent indexing. ", "It isn't clear to me why special legislation is\nrequired to give the media companies bargaining power. ", "They already have the\npower to say no if they don't think the arrangement is fair.", "\n\n(For facebook it is less clear, because you can't really force people to stop\nsharing your links)\n\n~~~\nSpivak\nSorta kinda. ", "You can completely opt-out of Google Search entirely but there's\nno way to opt-out of having your content excepted while also appearing in\norganic search results.", "\n\nI mean I would be pissed if I was a major news org that saw traffic drop off\nbecause Google is copy-pasting content from my site in their omnibox. ", "This\nstuff is extremely good for the user and I rely on it a lot but they should\nhave to license the content they republish.", "\n\n~~~\nkevincox\nIs the \"omnibox\" a big problem for news? ", "I mostly see it for \"facts\" as\nopposed to recent events. ", "But yes, it would be good to prevent that. ", "However\nit seems like this isn't the primary focus of the legislation?", "\n\nI think it _would_ be very interesting to have a copyright infringement case\non the information pulled into the answer boxes, but I think that is a\nseparate problem.", "\n\n------\ncblconfederate\nI feel like this time it's different , google (and big tech it represents)\nwill get little sympathy on reddit and other watering holes. ", "Even if the law\nseems restricting, it's Google who broke the social contract of the internet\nand turned from a benevolent rent-seeker to a feudal lord. (", "E.g. check this:\n[https://www.google.com/search?q=money+for+nothing](https://www.google.com/search?q=money+for+nothing)\n, google just pastes the lyrics and there is NO link to read them on the\noriginal site. ", "Even if musixmatch is getting paid , they are made irrelevant\nand this is a poisoned pill).", "\n\nReading the defenses here in HN, I have become personally partial to\nconspiracy theories that too many paid commenters are among the crowd here.", "\n\nPlus i don't get what the fuss is about google news. ", "I don't think it's used\nmuch outside the US, and even these websites aren't just going to lose all\ntheir traffic, because people are addicted to news. ", "They 'll be partly\nvisiting local websites more often, and this shift may actualy be enough to\nrevive the income-starved journalism profession.", "\n\n~~~\nImaCake\n>conspiracy theories that too many paid commenters are among the crowd here\n\nI think HN just has a large pro-google crowd. ", "I remember it used to be\neveryone loved google. ", "So it shouldn't be a surprise that one of the remaining\nbastions of google public support would be a silicon valley startup community.", "\n\nI suspect a lot of people outside Australia are unaware of how respected an\ninstitution the ACCC is. ", "Maybe that is why they are so quick to discount their\nresponse here.", "\n\n~~~\nwokwokwok\nMmm... Stereotype much? ", "I see why you don’t mind the newscorp news.", "\n\nThen ACCC is far from in the right here; this seems to be being driven by\npolitical motivations, not some motivation to do the best for Australia /\nAustralians.", "\n\nThe ACCC has plenty of opportunity to explain _why_ it’s better this way, and\ndon’t seem to have clearly articulated it.", "\n\n“Better for democracy” or “better for newscorp”? ", "You tell me; why the ABC and\nSBS are excluded from this?", "\n\n...because that’s what the government wants. ", "The ACCC Looks increasingly like\nit’s just a mouthpiece.", "\n\n~~~\nImaCake\n>Mmm... Stereotype much? ", "I see why you don’t mind the newscorp news.", "\n\nI don't like the newscorp news actually. ", "But it is revealing that you would\nthink this. ", "One might suspect we just have different views on who should be\ncontrolling things in this case. ", "I am not as confident as I suspect you might\nbe about who should be controlling media access. ", "But I think google is being\nvery disingenious in their letter, and the ACCC seems far less so.", "\n\n------\nspecialist\nFor the health of society, all recommender algorithms have to be daylighted.", "\nFor a start.", "\n\nYes, the gamification will be terrible. ", "So what? ", "Is maximal advertising\nrevenue for monopolies societally important?", "\n\nEvery other efficient open market is heavily regulated. ", "Accountability,\ntransparency, fair play, information symmetry, prohibit self-dealing &\nconflicts of interest, tort, etc.", "\n\nRight now we can't even imagine applying casino level scrutiny to social\nmedia.", "\n\nWhat's so special about social media that it doesn't warrant some hygiene,\nsome guard rails?", "\n\n~~~\nesrauch\n> Yes, the gamification will be terrible. ", "So what? ", "Is maximal advertising\n> revenue for monopolies societally important?", "\n\nI don't really see how gamification being terrible will only cause ad revenue\nto drop. ", "Surely it will also make the results worse and less relevant to you?", "\n\nAs in, if SEO spam managed to take over the top results of major queries, it\ndoesn't just drop ad revenue but actually makes Search suck, right?", "\n\n~~~\nspecialist\nHow could future results be any worse?", "\n\n~~~\nesrauch\nI actually don't see how \"gamification\" (adversarial websites exploiting\nloopholes in ranking) can even result in making ad revenue lower excepting the\nscenario where it makes Search itself less useful and therefore less used\noverall?", "\n\n~~~\nspecialist\nIDK. ", "My prediction: Ad revenue peaked. ", "COVID-19 is accelerating the decline.", "\nGoogle and others switched strategies to engagement and \"rundles\".", "\n\n------\nferros\nThis media release is confusing.", "\n\nIt was almost as if somebody said you need to put out a press release so find\nsomething to put in it, rather than we have something really important to say\nso we must put out a press release.", "\n\nWho is making these decisions?", "\n\n------\nshirro\nA small number of media owners control old media in Australia. ", "There is a\nsingle national newspaper and most cities have a single daily. ", "They are\ngenerally owned by the same person. ", "That person flies in people at election\ntime to aggressively campaign for the government of their choice. ", "This only\nmakes sense if there is some quid pro quo. ", "I have no love for Facebook or\nGoogle but the Australian government does what it must to keep favour with\nmedia proprietors or risk toxic campaigns against them.", "\n\n------\nr0m4n0\nI’m just curious if anyone knows... does this specifically call out Google or\ndoes this also potentially have implications for other news aggregators that\nwork in a similar way? ", "Could this also target reddit or even hacker news?", "\n\nI couldn’t find where they define the platform that is Google.", "\n\n~~~\ndlubarov\nThe draft doesn't name Google or Facebook, but 52C gives the Treasurer the\nability to deem specific corporations and services \"designated digital\nplatform corporations/services\", and they have announced that Google and\nFacebook will be the initial targets. ", "E.g. in the explanatory materials,\n\n> In the first instance, the Government has announced that the mandatory code\n> of conduct will apply to Facebook and Google. ", "However, the Treasurer may\n> also make subsequent instruments in the future designating other platforms\n> where fundamental bargaining power imbalances with Australian news\n> businesses emerge.", "\n\n------\nmicrocolonel\nThis response does not respond to the claims made in the open letter. ", "The bill\nas drafted is pure corporate rent-seeking, and appears to serve no genuine\npublic good.", "\n\n------\nshusson\nTLDR:\n\n\\- google has monopoly on search results.", "\n\n\\- traditional news companies not making enough money, blame google.", "\n\n\\- Australian government decides it knows what is best, regulate the monopoly.", "\n\nI would love to hear some input from actual journalists. ", "It's telling that in\nthe whole 29 page draft, journalist is mentioned twice and consumer(as a\nnatural person) is mentioned once[1]. ", "From the draft, I don't get the feeling\nthe Australian government is really interested in a healthy news media sector\nbut rather, making the existing news media sector happy.", "\n\n[1]\n[https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Exposure%20Draft%20Bill...](https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Exposure%20Draft%20Bill%20-%20TREASURY%20LAWS%20AMENDENT%20%28NEWS%20MEDIA%20AND%20DIGITAL%20PLATFORMS%20MANDATORY%20BARGAINING%20CODE%29%20BILL%202020.pdf)\n\n------\naplummer\n> This will address a significant bargaining power imbalance between\n> Australian news media businesses and Google and Facebook.", "\n\nThis is so untrue. ", "News Corp is easily the most powerful political entity in\nAustralia. ", "It’s not a stretch to say they pick prime ministers.", "\n\n------\nthu2111\nI'm very curious how this law wouldn't violate various free trade deals\nAustralia has struck.", "\n\nSurely a tax that explicitly names only foreign companies is the opposite of\nfree trade?", "\n\nSure, China has driven a truck through the whole concept of the WTO over\ndecades and so I doubt anything will happen. ", "Free trade deals are very much\ntoothless, on the assumption that they are supposed to make sense on their own\nterms so enforcement is not required. ", "But I can see the USA especially if\nTrump wins a second term deciding that Australia should be trade sanctioned\nfor discrimination against US businesses. ", "The White House won't want to see\ntech firms become piggybanks for failed industries and economies around the\nworld.", "\n\n~~~\nloktarogar\n\"Pay for what you use\" isn't a tax. ", "Also, AFAIK the government gets none of\nthis money, but I might be wrong on that.", "\n\n~~~\nvermilingua\nThe government gets this money back in a) “business lunches”, gifts, etc; b)\nguaranteed industry “jobs” when their political careers end, which is far in\nthe future due to; c) endless re-elections, as the entire media in this\ncountry exists as a Liberal Party PR firm.", "\n\n------\nrbg246\nIt might have the unintended social positive of Google not indexing or\nallowing people to link to news limited on their services.", "\n\n------\nharryf\n> A healthy news media sector is essential to a well-functioning democracy.", "\n\nThis part at the end is interesting. ", "If this fight goes down that rabbit hole,\nbearing in mind filter bubbles, Cambridge Analytica etc. ", "it may lead to a\ndiscussion worth having\n\n------\nRVuRnvbM2e\nGoogle is totally in the wrong here, and ACCC is doing its usual good work of\nprotecting the Aussie consumer. ", "It's interesting to watch Google try to squirm\nout of this though - they probably see it for the precedent it is.", "\n\nGoogle relies heavily on third-party content that they don't pay for in search\nresults. ", "If this law forces them to negotiate payment for that practice then\nI'm all for it.", "\n\n~~~\ndannyr\nI mean it's a search engine so it should rely heavily on third-party content\nin its search results.", "\n\nGoogle links to these news sites in search results and drives traffic to them.", "\n\nIf Google grabs significant parts of news articles that users don't need to\nvisit the sites, then Google should pay them. ", "But Google is not doing that.", "\n\n~~~\nRVuRnvbM2e\n> If Google grabs significant parts of news articles that users don't need to\n> visit the sites, then Google should pay them. ", "But Google is not doing that.", "\n\nSo what is AMP then?", "\n\n~~~\nshakna\nThe news site giving Google the article. ", "As much as I dislike AMP... Google\naren't the ones creating the AMP page.", "\n\n~~~\nRVuRnvbM2e\n> While AMP itself isn't a ranking factor, speed is a ranking factor for\n> Google Search.", "\n\n[https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/about-\namp](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/about-amp)\n\nIt's pretty blatantly the case that AMP provides a SEO boost. ", "What hosting\nservice could possibly compete with the speed at which Google can retrieve\ncontent from their _own_ servers?", "\n\nThat's the whole point of this legislation: to give news orgs means to stop\nGoogle from twisting their arm in this way.", "\n\n~~~\nrealmod\nLiterally ANY content delivery network would be able to compete with google.", "\nAMP sites are sites that the companies themselves build for google(could be\nany cdn) to just cache.", "\n\nThe news organizations themselves gains a lot from google crawling and\nindexing their sites (which do cost google money) and now this legislation\nwould also require google to pay them for displaying the title/subtitle of\ntheir articles. ", "In what world is that fair or balancing out the relationship?", "\n\n~~~\nSpivak\n> would also require google to pay them for displaying the title/subtitle of\n> their articles. ", "In what world is that fair or balancing out the\n> relationship?", "\n\nThis is _not_ what the legislation is about. ", "This is about Google's practice\nof excerpting the actual content of the articles and putting it at the top of\nthe page. ", "Google is algorithmically republishing copyrighted content from\nthese news orgs and hoping that surrounding it in quotes is enough to protect\nthem.", "\n\n~~~\nsidibe\nYou are ignoring that whether the snippets are shown is already entirely up to\nthe news orgs. ", "In fact I think they're the ones that decide what's in the\nsnippets\n\n------\nvermilingua\n> A healthy news media sector is essential to a well-functioning democracy.", "\n\nThis feels like a slap in the face. ", "Whoever wrote this would be fully aware\nthat our media sector is anything but healthy, and that our “democracy”\nflatlined years ago.", "\n\nI can only imagine that this was written by a committee that was sinking beers\nand laughing their asses off as they watched this post go live.", "\n\n~~~\nmarcusverus\nWhy are you air-quoting Australian democracy? ", "Aussies have one of the\nhealthiest democracies in the world--9th out of 167 ranked countries according\nto the EUI annual 'Democracy Index'.[0]\n\nIs it posh to pretend to be misrepresented and/or oppressed nowadays?", "\n\n[0][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index#Democracy_Inde...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index#Democracy_Index_by_country_2019)\n\n~~~\nvermilingua\nDo you live in Australia, or follow Australian politics?", "\n\nIf not, it may interest you to know that we once had a carbon tax. ", "It wasn’t\nstalled in the house or amended into nonexistence like a lot of politically\ncharged law, but was _repealed_. ", "The influence that the coal industry\n(leveraged by NewsCorp) has in this country is insane.", "\n\nIt may also interest you to know that Kevin Rudd, a previous prime minister,\nwas (is) the subject of a relentless smear campaign on the part of NewsCorp.", "\nHe was removed from power not by an election, but via a leadership spill\nbrought on by the pressure exerted by Murdoch.", "\n\nIt may _also_ interest you to investigate how our second wave of COVID-19 is\nbeing reported in Australian media. ", "The second wave began in Federally funded\nand operated aged care facilities; however has been branded entirely as the\n“Melbourne wave”, pinning the blame on the Labour Party (the opposition to the\nparty controlling the federal govt) and its state leader.", "\n\nWe _are_ misrepresented. ", "The Democracy Index is published by The Economist.", "\nThey may not be owned by NewsCorp, but you can be damn sure they feel their\ngaze.", "\n\n~~~\n0xy\nThe Labor party you speak of issued full-throated endorsements of metadata\nretention legislation as well as the encryption ban.", "\n\nForgive me for not picking up the violin.", "\n\n~~~\nvermilingua\nOh I know they’re far from blameless, when my (Labour) MP voted in favour of\nthat bill I was furious and she knew it.", "\n\nI’m not trying to defend Labour in any way, but you’d have to be wilfully\nignorant to not see the persistent assault on the party by our entire media;\nand more so to not see that it’s working.", "\n\n~~~\n0xy\nWhy would you go to bat for an anti-encryption mass surveillance party despite\nit being against your morals?", "\n\nThey deserve everything they get for not representing a viable alternative. ", "In\n2020, it's not enough to be 98% the same as the other party with a few\ndifferences in policy minutiae.", "\n\nIf they get dragged by the media, good. ", "They deserve worse after betraying the\nentire tech industry repeatedly.", "\n\n~~~\nvermilingua\n...remember when I said wilfully ignorant?", "\n\nBecause, we are in a two party system (practically if not technically). ", "You\nseem to be glossing over the fact that the Liberal Party, who is the\nbeneficiary of NewsCorps fuckery, are who introduced the AABill.", "\n\nLabour, yes, betrayed not only the tech industry but the whole Australian\npublic; but not out of malice, but because they’re spineless sycophants who\ndidn’t want to look like they’re protecting terrorists.", "\n\nI know they say not to feed the trolls, but at least pretend to stay on topic.", "\n\n------\nphuongpp\nhihi\n\n------\nmattoxic\nSide issue, but... maybe Google can pay some tax in this country as a first\nstep.", "\n\n~~~\npb7\nHow much tax does News Corp, for whom this law is designed for, pay?", "\n\n------\nnocturnial\nLet's put aside whether Google had justified concerns about this\nlegalislation.", "\n\nWhat's more appriopriate? ", "Having a company incite the people in a foreign\ncountry to change laws or do it using diplomacy using experts in your state\ndepartement?", "\n\nWe are only talking about allied countries to the US because google doesn't do\nthis with, for example, china, russia, north korea, etc...\n\nI'm NOT advocating they should do this with those countries. ", "Rather they\nshould get out of the politics business or accept the regulations that come\nwith it.", "\n\n~~~\nstephen_g\nProblem is, once you get to a certain size, it's almost impossible to just\n\"stay out of the politics\" \\- because other companies won't stay out of it.", "\nThe whole reason this bill exists is because another American multinational\ncompany that pays no tax in Australia and owns 70% of the readership of\nAustralian news media is very effective in its politics. ", "And they didn't do it\nby telling the public to ask for it - they have close ties with politicians,\nthey give favourable coverage, they take all the Government's leaks and\npublish anonymously, they will minimise stories the Government doesn't want\npublished...\n\n------\njay_kyburz\nThis whole thing is really weird. ", "We're bending over backwards to try and\naccommodate Google being allowed to profit from other peoples content. ", "How\nabout we simply ban Google and Facebook from reproducing news on their own\nsite?", "\n\nAnd if we are truly believe \"A healthy news media sector is essential to a\nwell-functioning democracy.\" ", "we need to punish both Google and content\ncreators for publishing things that are demonstrably false. ", "Fake News in\notherwords.", "\n\n~~~\nfungi\n> How about we simply ban Google and Facebook from reproducing news on their\n> own site?", "\n\nNews Corp is and always has been free to not have its content on Google\n([https://www.robotstxt.org/](https://www.robotstxt.org/)). ", "But that's not\nwhat they want, they want a Money just for appearing in search results. ", "Seems\nmore like a rent seeking for News Corp.\n\n> We're bending over backwards to try and accommodate Google\n\nThe funny/bizzare bit is we are bending over backwards to accommodate 2\nmultinational American corporate monopolies that don't even pay tax in this\ncountry.", "\n\n~~~\nKrisando\nre: bananaface\n\n> I don't like the news media but they can't just \"not appear\" on Google's\n> results. ", "Google has way more leverage than them. ", "Their choices are: accept\n> Google stealing your content and giving you some traffic in return, or die.", "\n> It's like saying, \"you're free not to farm on your feudal overlord's land.\"", "\n> Where else are you going to go?", "\n\n>\n\n> The problem isn't a matter of rights, it's that Google has too much power.", "\n> Individuals can't exert any leverage, they have to accept Google's terms. ", "I\n> don't think that's healthy, it's quite dangerous actually. ", "The only way to\n> address that is a collective intervention.", "\n\nThe leverage is that you stop using Google to get news, no?", "\n\n~~~\nmrep\nStealing your content? ", "A quick google search for \"Australia news law\" shows a\ntop stories box with just a headline and a thumbnail. ", "Similar thing with the\nnews tab adds but it adds on about another 20 words from the first paragraph.", "\nWhich part of that would you prefer them not to show?", "\n\nAlso, I did not see a single ad on either of those pages nor can I recall ever\nseeing ads when I was looking for news on google. ", "The only money they are\nprobably even making from news is when they send you to a news website that\nhappens to use googles ad services and that's a symbiotic relationship. ", "Even\nwith collective bargaining, I cannot see this going any other way than how it\ndid in germany or spain with either no fee or just delisting all news.", "\n\n------\ncwhiz\nI am for any law or policy that hurts Google. ", "And I really don’t care whether\nit’s fair or unfair.", "\n\nI’m not sure any two companies have caused more worldwide carnage, in the\nhistory of the world, than FB and Google.", "\n\n~~~\nQuarrel\nThis is an idiotic attitude when the law is purely for the purposes of\nbenefiting NewsCorp, who have surely done even worse.", "\n\nIf it gave consumers a better outcome, then maybe, but it won't.", "\n\n~~~\ncwhiz\nIt’s not about choice. ", "It’s about destroying Google as a company. ", "They are a\nspyware business that have destabilized the entire internet economy.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "That's the argument, really, about \"tolerance\" of illegal immigrants and illegal immigration.", "\n\nYes, that title is inflammatory. ", "Intentionally so.", "\n\nYet that is the actual position of those arguing for any sort of amnesty, \"path forward\" or \"forbearance\" for those who are either illegal immigrants themselves or the employers of same.", "\n\nToday there are those who argue that their economic model requires illegal immigrant labor (chicken processing plants, fruit pickers, etc) and those illegal immigrants who argue that enforcement of the law is \"discrimination\" and \"wrong.\"", "\n\nIn the 1800s there were similarly both those arguing that their economic model required slavery and there were some slaves who actually liked their condition and wanted it protected, as it provided them some measure of security they would otherwise lose!", "\n\nNonetheless we saw the correct path -- that slavery is morally indefensible irrespective of those arguments, including whether someone's economic model requires it to work.........\n\nI suppose the article could be taken as any strawman argument is better than no argument.", "\n\nThat is the only way to connect the amnesty position for presently illegal immigrants as promoting slavery, since the outcome would be to allow them to follow a new legal path to citizenship rather than stay an illegal alien.", "\n\n_________________With friends like Guido, you will not have enemies for long.", "\n\n“Intellect is invisible to the man who has none” Arthur Schopenhauer\n\n\"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.", "\"Albert Einstein\n\nThe vicious cycle started with an amnesty followed by non-enforcement of existing laws--Title8USC1324-5. ", "Overbreeding Latinos caused wage declines and lack of jobs in their own countries, then illegally came to the US to be hired by law breaking Americans wishing to keep wages low to get more profits and underbid or sell more cheaply than their competition. ", "Americans were driven out of jobs from outright physical force or wages too low to live on, while illegals were allowed to live in far over the legal occupancy of buildings. ", "The border has been trashed out, National Forests burned by them, National Parks and Monuments damaged, ranches and other property robbed and damaged. ", "The ripple effect spread through a variety of jobs, suppressing wages. ", "People could afford less and sought out cheaper products, exacerbating the problem and bringing in the overpopulated low buck of China, too.", "Millions of Americans encouraged, aided, abetted, and employed illegals in felony violation of the law, for which they owe $5K fines for EACH illegal or more. ", "The illegals owe $5K fines plus fines for trashing out and ruining the border. ", "The total amount owed by law is staggering, and well over the amount needed to deport all of the illegals and pay off our entire National Debt. ", "Out of work Americans will take agricultural jobs, they will take construction jobs, they will take factory, housekeeping, and janitorial jobs. ", "They will want fair wages and will pay taxes. ", "Prices will rise 10 to 20%, perhaps, but they are on their way anyway from overpopulation.", "A 10% reduction in US population will help, from deporting all the illegals. ", "Having no National Debt will help our economy. ", "However, we need no more immigration at all and laws that help reduce our population to sustainable long term while reducing our emissions 90%.", "\n\n_________________\"With every decision, think seven generations ahead of the consequences of your actions\" Ute rule of life.", "“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”― Chief Seattle“Those Who Have the Privilege to Know Have the Duty to Act”…Albert Einstein\n\nThe warming of the earth and the cooling has gone on for millenium. ", "The fossil fuel propoganda is part of the mindset the authorities love to control you with. ", "You are buying into this rubbish and they relish in their superficial control. ", "People do not seem to realise the size of emissions to the size of the world is tiny. ", "Look at China and India the emissions they are given off but we seem to be breathing okay. ", "Wake up and smell the coffee. ", "And if I'm wrong you can put me in your pipe and smoke me (more emissions)\n\nYes, but it does not appear to have ever warmed so rapidly as it has in the past century or so.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nThe fossil fuel propoganda is part of the mindset the authorities love to control you with.", "\n\nNot really, it is basic science and math.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nYou are buying into this rubbish and they relish in their superficial control.", "\n\nNo, I am buying the evidence rather than the assumptions and conspiracy theories.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nPeople do not seem to realise the size of emissions to the size of the world is tiny.", "\n\nDo is a drop of nerve gas in a closed room, but it will kill you just as easily as a large quantity.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nLook at China and India the emissions they are given off but we seem to be breathing okay.", "\n\nWe do, but not the people living in China and India .....\n\nQuote:\n\nWake up and smell the coffee.", "\n\nI prefer a good cup of Earl Grey, actually.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nAnd if I'm wrong you can put me in your pipe and smoke me (more emissions)\n\nAnd if it is too late to act we may just smoke our children's futures too.", "\n\nSo I take it you are falling on the floor with smog in the U.S.A. Are you gasping for an oxygen mask? ", "Or are you being melodramatic? ", "No you are not, you are not falling over with smog that is.", "\n\nYes they are places that are over polluted but it is a regional concern not a global one. ", "L.A is one place that is polluted. ", "But for every place on earth that is over polluted there are a thousand which are not. ", "So like I said it is a regional problem not a global one.", "\n\nAnd strong winds can soon see to that. ", "Clear the air like clearing your mind from the pollution of propaganda.", "\n\nSmog is a different type of emission than causes warming. ", "It was originally smoke and particulate matter from coal, but is now usually related to hydrocarbon combustion such as in automobiles. ", "In any case, this is a new addition to the discussion.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nAre you gasping for an oxygen mask? ", "Or are you being melodramatic? ", "No you are not, you are not falling over with smog that is.", "\n\nNot badly but we are in an ozone unattainment area, which means the air quality is on average below the national standard.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nYes they are places that are over polluted but it is a regional concern not a global one. ", "L.A is one place that is polluted. ", "But for every place on earth that is over polluted there are a thousand which are not. ", "So like I said it is a regional problem not a global one.", "\n\nWhich is completley different from the emissions which affect the warming. ", "The GHGs are all generally clear type emissions and not particulate or aerosoles.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nAnd strong winds can soon see to that. ", "Clear the air like clearing your mind from the pollution of propaganda.", "\n\nIt left this bit of propaganda you used. ", "The levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are rising although they do have a seasonal cycle of high and low peaks.", "\n\n_________________With friends like Guido, you will not have enemies for long.", "\n\n“Intellect is invisible to the man who has none” Arthur Schopenhauer\n\n\"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.", "\"Albert Einstein\n\nThe vicious cycle started with an amnesty followed by non-enforcement of existing laws--Title8USC1324-5. ", "Overbreeding Latinos caused wage declines and lack of jobs in their own countries, then illegally came to the US to be hired by law breaking Americans wishing to keep wages low to get more profits and underbid or sell more cheaply than their competition. ", "Americans were driven out of jobs from outright physical force or wages too low to live on, while illegals were allowed to live in far over the legal occupancy of buildings. ", "The border has been trashed out, National Forests burned by them, National Parks and Monuments damaged, ranches and other property robbed and damaged. ", "The ripple effect spread through a variety of jobs, suppressing wages. ", "People could afford less and sought out cheaper products, exacerbating the problem and bringing in the overpopulated low buck of China, too.", "Millions of Americans encouraged, aided, abetted, and employed illegals in felony violation of the law, for which they owe $5K fines for EACH illegal or more. ", "The illegals owe $5K fines plus fines for trashing out and ruining the border. ", "The total amount owed by law is staggering, and well over the amount needed to deport all of the illegals and pay off our entire National Debt. ", "Out of work Americans will take agricultural jobs, they will take construction jobs, they will take factory, housekeeping, and janitorial jobs. ", "They will want fair wages and will pay taxes. ", "Prices will rise 10 to 20%, perhaps, but they are on their way anyway from overpopulation.", "A 10% reduction in US population will help, from deporting all the illegals. ", "Having no National Debt will help our economy. ", "However, we need no more immigration at all and laws that help reduce our population to sustainable long term while reducing our emissions 90%.", "\n\n_________________\"With every decision, think seven generations ahead of the consequences of your actions\" Ute rule of life.", "“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”― Chief Seattle“Those Who Have the Privilege to Know Have the Duty to Act”…Albert Einstein\n\ni think that this is not a good thing to create a tax.....its not necessary that every tax is made on a simple human who spend a simple life.so i think its not helpful for the simple man and remember one thing that the its not depend on a man that man change a global warming." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSolving N-Queens Problem... How far can we go?", "\n\nThe N-Queens Problem: \nThis problem states that given a chess board of size N by N, find the different permutations in which N queens can be placed on the board without any one threatening each other.", "\nMy question is:\nWhat is the maximum value of N for which a program can calculate the answer in reasonable amount of time? ", "Or what is the largest N we have seen so far?", "\nHere is my program in CLPFD(Prolog):\ngenerate([],_).", "\ngenerate([H|T],N) :-\n H in 1..N ,\n generate(T,N).", "\n\nlenlist(L,N) :-\n lenlist(L,0,N).", "\n\nlenlist([],N,N).", "\nlenlist([_|T],P,N) :-\n P1 is P+1,\n lenlist(T,P1,N).", "\n\nqueens(N,L) :-\n generate(L,N),lenlist(L,N),\n safe(L),\n !,", "\n labeling([ffc],L).", "\n\nnotattack(X,Xs) :-\n notattack(X,Xs,1).", "\n\nnotattack(X,[],N).", "\nnotattack(X,[Y|Ys],N) :-\n X #\\= Y,\n X #\\= Y - N,\n X #\\= Y + N,\n N1 is N + 1,\n notattack(X,Ys,N1).", "\n\nsafe([]).", "\nsafe([F|T]) :-\n notattack(F,T),\n safe(T).", "\n\nThis program works just fine, but the the time it takes keeps on increasing with N.\nHere is a sample execution:\n?- ", "queens(4,L).", "\n\nL = [2, 4, 1, 3] ;\n\nL = [3, 1, 4, 2] ;\n\nNo\n\nThis means you place the 4 queens at Row 2 in Column1, Row 4 in Column 2, Row 1 in 3 and Row 3 in 4.(In a 4 By 4 chess board)\nNow lets see how this program performs(Time taken in calculating the first permutation):\nFor N=4,5.....10 Computes within a second\nFor N=11-30 Takes between -1-3 seconds\nFor N=40..50 Still calculates within a minute\nAt N=60 It goes out of Global stack(Search space being enormous). ", " \nThis was a past Homework problem. (", "The original problem was just to code N-Queens)\nI am also interested in seeing alternate implementations in other languages(which performs better than my implementation) or If there is room for improvement in my algorithm/program\n\nA:\n\nThis discussion conflates three different computational problems: (1) Finding a solution to the N queens problem, (2) Listing all solutions for some fixed N, and (3) counting all of the solutions for some fixed N. The first problem looks tricky at first for a size of board such as N=8. ", " However, as Wikipedia suggests, in some key ways it is easy when N is large. ", " The queens on a large board don't communicate all that much. ", " Except for memory constraints, a heuristic repair algorithm has an easier and easier job as N increases.", "\nListing every solution is a different matter. ", " That can probably be done with a good dynamic programming code up to a size that is large enough that there is no point in reading the output.", "\nThe most interesting version of the question is to count the solutions. ", " The state of the art is summarized in a fabulous reference known as The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. ", " It has been computed up to N=26. ", " I would guess that that also uses dynamic programming, but unlike the case of listing every solution, the algorithmic problem is much deeper and open to further advances.", "\n\nA:\n\nLoren Pechtel said: \"Now for some real insanity: 29 took 9 seconds.", "\n 30 took almost 6 minutes!\"", "\n\nThis fascinating lack of predictability in backtrack-complexity for different board sizes was the part of this puzzle that most interested me. ", "For years I've been building a list of the 'counts' of algorithm steps needed to find the first solution for each board size - using the simple and well known depth-first algorithm, in a recursive C++ function.", "\nHere's a list of all those 'counts' for boards up to N=49 ... minus N=46 and N=48 which are still work-in-progress:\nhttp://queens.cspea.co.uk/csp-q-allplaced.html\n(I've got that listed in the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) as A140450)\nThat page includes a link to a list of the matching first solutions.", "\n(My list of First Solutions is OEIS Sequence number A141843)\nI don't primarily record how much processing time each solution demands, but rather I record how many failed queen-placements were needed prior to discovery of each board's algorithmically-first solution. ", "Of course the rate of queen placements depends on CPU performance, but given a quick test-run on a particular CPU and a particular board size, it's an easy matter to calculate how long it took to solve one of these 'found' solutions.", "\nFor example, on an Intel Pentium D 3.4GHz CPU, using a single CPU thread -\n\nFor N=35 my program 'placed' 24 million queens per second and took just 6 minutes to find the first solution.", "\nFor N=47 my program 'placed' 20.5 million queens per second and took 199 days.", "\n\nMy current 2.8GHz i7-860 is thrashing through about 28.6 million queens per second, trying to find the first solution for N=48. ", "So far it has taken over 550 days (theoretically, if it had never been uninterrupted) to UNsuccessfully place 1,369,331,731,000,000 (and rapidly climbing) queens.", "\nMy web site doesn't (yet) show any C++ code, but I do give a link on that web page to my simple illustration of each one of the 15 algorithm steps needed to solve the N=5 board.", "\nIt's a delicious puzzle indeed!", "\n\nA:\n\nWhich Prolog system are you using? ", "For example, with recent versions of SWI-Prolog, you can readily find solutions for N=80 and N=100 within fractions of a second, using your original code. ", "Many other Prolog systems will be much faster than that.", "\nThe N-queens problem is even featured in one of the online examples of SWI-Prolog, available as CLP(FD) queens in SWISH.", "\nExample with 100 queens:\n\n?- ", "time((n_queens(100, Qs), labeling([ff], Qs))).", "\nQs = [1, 3, 5, 57, 59 | ...] .", "\n2,984,158 inferences, 0.299 CPU in 0.299 seconds (100% CPU, 9964202 Lips)\n\nSWISH also shows you nices image of solutions.", "\nHere is an animated GIF showing the complete solution process for N=40 queens with SWI-Prolog:\n\n" ]
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[ "Avril Lavigne fires manager to resurrect her career\n\nNew Delhi, Dec 14 (ANI): Avril Lavigne has fired her manager and management company in a bid to revive her flagging career, according to reports.", "\n\nThe ”Girlfriend” singers last album, 2007′’s “The Best Damn Thing,” sold more than 5.4 million copies worldwide, failing to live up to the eight million sales of her previous LP, 2004′’s “Under My Skin.”", "\n\nThe crooner, apparently, has blamed Nettwerk mogul Terry McBride for her lack of success, reports the China Daily.", "\n\nA source told gossip blogger Perez Hilton: “Avril is hoping that new management can help her new album be more successful than the last.”", "\n\nThe 24-year-old - who is desperate to resurrect her career - has reportedly now signed a new deal with Irving Azoff and his management company, who look after Christina\n\nMeanwhile, Avril has prompted rumours she is expecting her first child with musician husband Deryck Whibley after she was seen refusing alcohol during a recent night out. (", "ANI)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDetect the Browser and show a other content\n\nI build a website only with CSS3 & HTML5.", "\nSo IE can't display it correct.", "\nI want to show every Internet Explorer-User a other site with a simple content: Please use a modern browser like Google Chrome, Fire Fox ...\nHow can i detect the browser and show a other site? ", "\nOr can i build a text for the Internet Explorer users like\n<div style=\"display:none;\">Please use a modern Browser!</div>\n\nand let show it only for Internet Explorer-Users?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can utilize IE detects that IE itself puts out. ", "So place the div with the display none, and then make an ie stylesheet and target all the different versions you would like.", "\nMore information on specifics here: http://css-tricks.com/how-to-create-an-ie-only-stylesheet/\n\nA:\n\nthere is better option instead of adding a new style sheet\n<!", "doctype html>\n<!", "--[if lt IE 7 ]> <html class=\"ie ie6\" lang=\"en-US\"> <![", "endif]-->\n<!", "--[if IE 7 ]> <html class=\"ie ie7\" lang=\"en-US\"> <![", "endif]-->\n<!", "--[if IE 8 ]> <html class=\"ie ie8\" lang=\"en-US\"> <![", "endif]-->\n<!", "--[if IE 9 ]> <html class=\"ie ie9\" lang=\"en-US\"> <![", "endif]-->\n<!", "--[if gt IE 9]><!-->\n<html lang=\"en-US\">\n<!", "--<![endif]-->\n\nand in style sheet just add a class for selector\n.page {\n //some style for morden browsers\n}\n.ie .page {\n //some style for all ie versions\n}\n.ie6 .page {\n //some style for ie 6 only\n}\n.ie7 .page {\n //some style for ie 7 only\n}\n.ie8 .page {\n //some style for ie 8 only\n}\n.ie9 .page {\n //some style for ie 9 only\n}\n\nit would be done using a single style sheet\n\n" ]
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[ "Effects of the kappa-opioid dynorphin A(1-13) on learning and memory in mice.", "\nThe effects of intracerebroventricular administration of dynorphin A(1-13) on scopolamine- and pirenzepine-induced amnesia were investigated in mice by observing the step-down-type passive avoidance response and spontaneous alternation performance. ", "The pre- or post-training, or preretention administration of dynorphin A(1-13) (0.3-10 micrograms) alone failed to affect the passive avoidance response, while scopolamine (1 mg/kg) significantly inhibited it. ", "Dynorphin A(1-13) (1 microgram) given 15 min before training and retention tests, but not immediately after training, significantly improved the scopolamine (1 mg/kg)-induced impairment of passive avoidance response, indicating the anti-amnesic effects of dynorphin A(1-13). ", "A lower dose (1 mg/kg) of the kappa-opioid receptor antagonist (-)-(1R,5R,9R)-5,9-diethyl-2-(3-furyl-methyl)-2'-hydroxy-6,7-benzomorpha n reversed the anti-amnesic effects of dynorphin A(1-13) (1 microgram). ", "In contrast, although dynorphin A(1-13) (1, 3 and 10 micrograms) did not influence spontaneous alternation performance, scopolamine (1 mg/kg) and the muscarinic M1 receptor antagonist pirenzepine (3 micrograms) markedly decreased spontaneous alternation performance. ", "Dynorphin A(1-13) (3, 5.6 and/or 10 micrograms) significantly improved the scopolamine (1 mg/kg)- and pirenzepine (3 micrograms)-induced impairment of spontaneous alternation performance. ", "The improving effects of dynorphin A(1-13) (3 micrograms) were almost completely reversed by pretreatment with nor-binaltorphimine (4 micrograms), a kappa-selective opioid receptor antagonist. ", "These results suggest that the stimulation of kappa-opioid receptors improves memory dysfunctions resulting from the blockade of muscarinic M1 receptors." ]
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[ "ABOUT THE POD\n\nREFORMASIUM is the combination of two words: Reformed and gymnasium. ", "Allow us to provide a brief explanation.", "\n\nReformed: The theological system in which we hold to, believing it to be that which is taught throughout the Holy Scripture, is Reformed Theology. ", "Reformed Theology is most known by what is commonly called the Five Points of Calvinism. ", "This, in essence, is the teaching that mankind after the Fall is totally depraved (i.e. sinful through and through) and therefore spiritually dead to the things of God; God’s electing grace unto salvation is unconditional, meaning He chose His redeemed people according to the good intention of His own will, not because of anything foreseen in them; the atonement of Christ had a distinct and perfect purpose – the actual redemption of God’s chosen people – and therefore was not a theoretical atonement making salvation a “possibility”; the grace of God in the salvation of His elect people cannot be thwarted, but will achieve its holy purpose in His timing; and all of God’s redeemed people will persevere to the end because they are preserved by God’s grace. ", "Reformed Theology, however, also consists of the Five Solas: salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone, according to Scripture alone. ", "Further, Reformed Theology is characterized by a hermeneutical perspective known as Covenant Theology, which in essence views the Old and New Testaments as containing more continuity than discontinuity, of there being one people of God throughout the Testaments, rather than two distinct peoples of God (i.e. Israel and the Church), and of the New Covenant in the blood of Christ being the realized Covenant of Grace (here we show our Baptist perspective of Covenant Theology in distinction to our Presbyterian brethren).", "\n\nGymnasium: Yes, that’s right. ", "Gymnasium. ", "No, we don’t do Reformed gymnastics, whatever that is. ", "In Ancient Greece the gymnasium was not only the place for athletic training, but also served a much broader cultural purpose. ", "It was a place for people to gather in order to socialize and engage in intellectual pursuits. ", "What is more, even in our own day, a gymnasium can also serve as a school, with an emphasis on academic learning. ", "Of interesting note is the fact that Paul uses the Greek word γύμναζε (gymnaze) in 1 Timothy 4:7. ", "The root of the word is the same root that we have in gymnasium. ", "Paul uses this word in his exhortation to Timothy to discipline himself for the purpose of godliness. ", "So this is the sense in which gymnasium finds its way in our name: a place for socializing and engaging in reasoned discussion for the purpose of educating, equipping, and encouraging fellow Christians.", "\n\nSo, Reformasium is a place – in this case, a podcast – for lively discussion from a Reformed perspective." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to remove alu seat post from carbon frame?", "\n\nMy aluminium seat post is seized into my carbon frame. ", "To make matters worse the seat post is snapped at the seat post collar - nasty crash. ", "\nAnyone have a way to get it out? ", "Or is it time for the dump?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat you need is some way to grip or gain purchase on the post so you can apply a force to, then apply the usual methods to free the post from the frame.", "\nPossible means of gripping the post I can think of:\n\nOld quill stem inserted into stem and tightened\nStar fangled nut inserted into seatpost, with a long bolt threaded into it.", "\n\nGCN has a video showing how to use hot water to free up the post. ", "It seems that a substantial amount of force is still needed to pull the post out though. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Baron Denham\n\nBaron Denham, of Weston Underwood in the County of Buckingham, is a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. ", "It was created in 1937 for Sir George Bowyer, 1st Baronet, a Conservative politician who had earlier represented Buckingham in the House of Commons. ", "He had already been created a baronet, of Weston Underwood, in 1933. ", "Bowyer was a great-great-great-grandson of Sir William Bowyer, 3rd Baronet, of Denham Court (see below). ", " the titles are held by his second but only surviving son, the second Baron, who succeeded in 1948. ", "In 1950 he also succeeded a distant relative in the Bowyer baronetcy of Denham Court. ", "Like his father Lord Denham is a Conservative politician and one of the ninety elected hereditary peers that remain in the House of Lords after the passing of the House of Lords Act 1999.", "\n\nThe Bowyer baronetcy, of Denham Court in the County of Buckingham, was created in the Baronetage of England in 1660 for William Bowyer. ", "He represented Buckinghamshire in the House of Commons.", "\n\nHis great-great-grandson Sir George Bowyer, the fifth Baronet, was an Admiral in the Royal Navy and distinguished himself at the Battle of the Glorious First of June in 1794. ", "For this he was created a baronet, of Radley in the County of Berkshire, in his own right. ", "In 1799 he also succeeded his elder brother in the baronetcy of Denham Court. ", "His son, the sixth and second Baronet, sat as Member of Parliament for Malmesbury and Abingdon. ", "He was succeeded by his son, the seventh Baronet, who represented Dundalk and County Wexford in Parliament as a Liberal. ", "On the death in 1950 of his nephew, the ninth Baronet, the baronetcy of Radley became extinct. ", "The late Baronet was succeeded in the baronetcy of Denham Court by his distant relative the second Baron Denham (see above), who became the tenth Baronet. ", "The titles remain united.", "\n\nThe family seat is The Laundry Cottage, near Weston Underwood, Buckinghamshire.", "\n\nBowyer baronets, of Denham Court (1660)\nSir William Bowyer, 1st Baronet (1612–1679)\nSir William Bowyer, 2nd Baronet (1639–1722)\nSir William Bowyer, 3rd Baronet (1710–1767)\nSir William Bowyer, 4th Baronet (1736–1799)\nSir George Bowyer, 5th Baronet, 1st Baronet (1739–1800, himself created a baronet in 1794)\nSir George Bowyer, 6th Baronet, 2nd Baronet (1783–1860)\nSir George Bowyer, 7th Baronet, 3rd Baronet (1811–1883)\nSir William Bowyer, 8th Baronet, 4th Baronet (1812–1893)\nSir George Henry Bowyer, 9th Baronet, 5th Baronet (1870–1950)\nSir Bertram Stanley Mitford Bowyer, 10th Baronet (b. 1927, had previously succeeded as Baron Denham)\n\nBowyer baronets, of Radley (1794)\nSir George Bowyer, 5th Baronet, 1st Baronet (1739–1800, inherited the 1660 baronetcy from his brother, who died without issue in 1799)\nSir George Bowyer, 6th Baronet, 2nd Baronet (1783–1860)\nSir George Bowyer, 7th Baronet, 3rd Baronet (1811–1883)\nSir William Bowyer, 8th Baronet, 4th Baronet (1812–1893)\nSir George Henry Bowyer, 9th Baronet, 5th Baronet (1870–1950)\n\nBowyer baronets, of Weston Underwood (1933)\nGeorge Edward Wentworth Bowyer, 1st Baronet (1886–1948, created Baron Denham in 1937)\n\nBarons Denham (1937)\nGeorge Edward Wentworth Bowyer, 1st Baron Denham, 1st Baronet (1886–1948)\nBertram Stanley Mitford Bowyer, 2nd Baron Denham, 10th Baronet, 2nd Baronet (b. 1927)\n\nThe heir apparent is the present holder's son, the Hon. ", "Richard Grenville George Bowyer (b. 1959).", "\nThe heir apparent's heir presumptive is his brother, the Hon. ", "Henry Martin Mitford Bowyer (b. 1963).", "\nThe heir apparent's heir presumptive's heir apparent is his only son, Edmund Hunter Mitford Bowyer (b. 1997).", "\n\nMale-line family tree\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n Kidd, Charles, Williamson, David (editors). ", "Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage (1990 edition). ", "New York: St Martin's Press, 1990,\n\nExternal links\nCatholic Encyclopedia article on the seventh Baronet of Denham Court\n\nCategory:Baronies in the Peerage of the United Kingdom" ]
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[ "Shoqan\n\nShoqan (, also Romanized as Shoqān) is a city and capital of Jolgeh Shoqan District, in Jajrom County, North Khorasan Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 2,297, in 628 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Jajrom County\n\nCategory:Cities in North Khorasan Province" ]
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[ "Q:\n\njquery ajax calls loop one after another without stoping of page rendering\n\nI have a table of of more then 100 rows.", "\neach row consist of pdf files and their description with Last coloumn of STATUS.", "\nSTATUS SHOWS whether pdf files are readable are not. ", "\nOnce table is loaded in the browser, I am geting each file name from every row of the table and processing it using ajax call. ", "if file is readable, i update the status field of that row as READABLE.", "\nprocessing of each pdf file take 30sec to 1 minute (depending upon the size of file)\nI don't want to use async call and send all of 100's of request to my server togather. ", "\nwhen I use async= false. ", "it execute every ajax call one by one, that is what i want to do, \nbut in the same time it stop user to browse the loaded table. ", "so in other words user is kind of stuck untill all of those ajax requests are done. ", "then he can scroll down to reader further information. ", "\nI want to allow user to read the web page while in the background i want to execute ajax requests one after another to process pdf files and update its status in every row. ", "\nHow can I do that. ", "\n$('table.tableRecods tr').each(function(){\n\n fileWithPath = $('#filePath').text();\n $this = $(this);\n $this.find('td.status img.cropStatus').attr('src', 'img/loader.gif') ; \n $.ajax({\n url:'jsonCall.php',\n async:false,\n data: {file: escape(fileWithPath)},\n success: function(data){ \n\n if(data.status == 'true') {\n $this.find('td.status img.readStatus').attr('src', 'img/icons/read.png') ; \n }else if(data.status == 'false'){\n $this.find('td.status img.readStatus').attr('src', 'img/icons/__read.png') ;\n\n }\n }\n }); \n\n });\n\nA:\n\nUse asynchronous ajax. ", "You could, for example, have an array with all the table rows you want to process, take the first one off the array and start a query for it. ", "Put code in the listener that starts the next query when the last one finished.", "\nvar toRequest=new Array(\"test1\", \"test2\", \"test3\");\nfunction doRequest(index) {\n $.ajax({\n url:'jsonCall.php?data='+toRequest[index],\n async:true,\n success: function(data){ \n //do whatever you want do do\n\n if (index+1<toRequest.length) {\n doRequest(index+1);\n }\n }\n }); \n}\ndoRequest(0);\n\n" ]
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[ "Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. ", "Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.", "You know how you always turn down the volume on the radio when you need to think clearly about something complicated or confusing?The same is true for your life in general. ", "The noise you need to cut out to concentrate? ", "That’s the noise in your head – the busy, worried thoughts screaming over your better judgment.", "Turning down the radio refocuses your mind and offers you clarity when you need it most. ", "You don’t really think about how or why this makes such a huge difference, you just know that it does.", "Now it’s time to apply this same strategy to all the other noise in your life, starting with the noise in your head. ", "And although it’s not quite as easy as spinning the radio’s volume dial, the good news is you can quiet your mind and train it to think more rationally simply by reminding yourself to do so every day. ", "Some people call them affirmations, or mantras, or convictions, but in any case these daily reminders keep you on track by keeping peaceful, productive thoughts at the top of your mind, even when life gets noisy.", "Here are 40 quotes gathered from our blog archive that can be used as reminders to help tweak your thoughts and quiet your anxious mind:\n\nEverything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality. ", "So pay close attention to the thoughts you choose. ", "They have a way of becoming real.", "\n\nThere is absolutely nothing about your present circumstances that prevents you from making progress, one step at a time.", "\n\nWorry, and you get what you worry about. ", "Work, and you get what you work for. ", "It’s often just that simple.", "\n\nYou can’t let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones. ", "Don’t let the silly little dramas of each day get you down.", "\n\nHappiness is allowing yourself to be perfectly OK with ‘what is,’ rather than wishing for and worrying about ‘what is not.’ ‘", "What is’ is what’s supposed to be, or it would not be. ", "The rest is just you, arguing with life.", "\n\nFrustration and stress come from the way you react, not the way things are. ", "Adjust your attitude today, and the frustration and stress is gone.", "\n\nBe positive and smile right now, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.", "\n\nLies only exist if you believe in them. ", "The truth shall indeed set you free in the end. ", "Whenever negativity creeps into your mind, ask yourself: Is it true? ", "Can I be 100% certain that it’s true? (", "And then let the lies GO!)", "\n\nNo book is just one chapter. ", "No chapter tells the whole story. ", "No mistake defines who we are. ", "Keep turning the pages that need to be turned.", "\n\nRemember, letting go isn’t about having the courage to release the past; it’s about having the wisdom and strength to embrace the present.", "\n\nNo amount of regret changes the past. ", "No amount of anxiety changes the future. ", "But any amount of gratitude changes the present.", "\n\nReplace the phrase “I have to” with “I get to” whenever you catch yourself starting to complain. ", "So many activities we complain about are things others wish they had the chance to do.", "\n\nThe more beauty you find in someone else’s journey, the less you’ll want to compare it to your own.", "\n\nFeeling stuck is a FEELING, not a fact. ", "So never assume that you’re stuck with the way things are. ", "Life changes every second, and so can you.", "\n\nIn almost every situation, a little more willingness to acknowledge that there may be something you do not know could change everything. ", "Go somewhere new, and countless opportunities suddenly appear. ", "Do something differently, and all sorts of great new possibilities spring up. ", "Keep your mind quiet and peaceful, by keeping it open.", "\n\nBe careful about who you give the microphone and stage to in your life. ", "Don’t just listen to the loudest voice. ", "Listen to the truest one.", "\n\nThe unhappiest people in this world are the people who care the most about what everyone else thinks.", "\n\nSaying yes to happiness and peace of mind means learning to say no to the people and things that hurt you. ", "Be wise enough to ignore the needless negativity around you.", "\n\nWhen people undermine your dreams, predict your doom, or criticize you, remember, they’re telling you their story, not yours. (", "Read The Four Agreements.)", "\n\nThe person you liked, loved or respected in the past, who treated you like dirt again and again, has nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you in the present moment, but headaches and heartache.", "\n\nOne of the most freeing things we learn in life is that we don’t have to agree with everyone, everyone doesn’t have to agree with us, and it’s perfectly OK.", "\n\nIf you’re being pulled in every direction by forces beyond your control, take time to realign yourself with what you value most in life. ", "What is important in your life is what you decide is important. ", "Nothing can overwhelm you unless you let it.", "\n\nTrue purpose has no time limit. ", "True purpose has no deadline. ", "Don’t worry and stress yourself out. ", "Just do the one thing you can right now.", "\n\nPatience is not about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard for what you believe in.", "\n\nRemember, “I don’t have time,” is really just another, perhaps politer, or perhaps naive, way of saying, “It’s not that important to me.”" ]
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[ "\nPATRICK HENRY, Defendant Below-Appellant,\nv.\nSTATE OF DELAWARE, Plaintiff Below-Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "40, 2007.", "\nSupreme Court of Delaware\nSubmitted: July 2, 2007.", "\nDecided: August 7, 2007.", "\nBefore STEELE, Chief Justice, HOLLAND and RIDGELY, Justices.", "\n\nORDER\nMYRON T. STEELE, Chief Justice.", "\nThis 7th day of August 2007, upon consideration of the appellant's brief filed pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 26(c), his attorney's motion to withdraw, and the State's response thereto, it appears to the Court that:\n(1) The defendant-appellant, Patrick Henry, pleaded guilty in January 2006 to Possession With Intent to Deliver Ecstasy. ", "In September 2006, while serving the probationary portion of his sentence, Henry was arrested and charged with Trafficking in Cocaine, Possession With Intent to Deliver Cocaine and other crimes. ", "As a result, Henry was found to have committed a violation of probation (\"VOP\").", "\n(2) A contested VOP hearing was held on January 11, 2007. ", "The record reflects that, prior to the hearing, Henry, with his counsel, watched a DVD of his interview with police. ", "Henry's probation officer, two Delaware State Police officers, and Henry testified. ", "Detective Francis Fuscellaro, a member of the Governor's Task Force, testified to receiving a tip in September 2006 that Henry would be making a drug delivery to a mobile home park in Georgetown, Delaware. ", "Intercepting Henry before he made the delivery, the police found in his hand a Newport cigarette pack containing two baggies of a substance that later was confirmed to be crack cocaine, plus $583.00 in his pocket.", "\n(3) Henry testified that he did not know what was in the cigarette pack, and was only serving as a messenger. ", "He testified that he was high on cocaine at the time. ", "Henry also insisted that the police and probation officers on the Governor's Task Force had promised him that, if he told them who gave him the cocaine, he would receive only 60 days on the VOP and the new charges would be dropped. ", "He stated that the DVD corroborated his story. ", "Detective Fuscellaro denied that such a promise was made, stating that he had only agreed to tell the Attorney General's Office that Henry had been cooperative following his arrest.", "\n(4) After finding Henry in violation of his probation, the Superior Court judge heard testimony concerning Henry's subsequent arrest on drug charges in October 2006. ", "The judge ruled that the testimony was relevant only on the issue of Henry's sentence. ", "Again, Detective Fuscellaro testified that he received a tip that Henry would be making a delivery of crack cocaine and that the police intercepted Henry with the drugs before the transaction took place. ", "At a separate hearing, the judge sentenced Henry to 8 years of Level V incarceration, to be followed after 4 years and completion of the Key or Greentree Program by the Level IV Residential Substance Abuse Program, in turn to be followed by Level III Aftercare.[1] This is Henry's direct appeal from the VOP proceedings.", "\n(5) Henry's counsel has filed a brief and a motion to withdraw pursuant to Rule 26(c). ", "The standard and scope of review applicable to the consideration of a motion to withdraw and an accompanying brief under Rule 26(c) is twofold: (a) the Court must be satisfied that defense counsel has made a conscientious examination of the record and the law for claims that arguably could support the appeal; and (b) the Court must conduct its own review of the record and determine whether the appeal is so totally devoid of at least arguably appealable issues that it can be decided without an adversary presentation.[2]\n(6) Henry's counsel asserts that, based upon a careful and complete examination of the record, there are no arguably appealable issues. ", "By letter, Henry's counsel informed Henry of the provisions of Rule 26(c) and provided him with a copy of the motion to withdraw, the accompanying brief and the complete transcript. ", "Henry also was informed of his right to supplement his attorney's presentation. ", "Henry responded with a brief that raises several issues for this Court's consideration. ", "The State has responded to the position taken by Henry's counsel as well as the issues raised by Henry and has moved to affirm the Superior Court's judgment.", "\n(7) Henry raises several issues for this Court's consideration, which may fairly be summarized as follows: a) the police and probation officers reneged on their promise of leniency; b) his attorney provided ineffective assistance; c) the promise of leniency was recorded on a DVD, which is now missing; d) the Superior Court judge who presided over the VOP hearing should have recused himself; e) there was insufficient evidence presented at the hearing to support a finding of a VOP; and f) the judge's correction of his sentence in May 2007 violated principles of double jeopardy.", "\n(8) Henry's first claim is that the police and probation officers reneged on their promise of leniency. ", "The record reflects that Detective Fuscellaro's testimony directly contradicted Henry's testimony with respect to a promise of leniency. ", "The Superior Court judge, as the trier of fact, was the sole judge of the credibility of the witnesses and was responsible for resolving any conflicts in the testimony.[3] The Superior Court was, thus, within its discretion to credit the testimony of Detective Fuscallero over the testimony of Henry on this point. ", "We conclude, therefore, that this claim is without merit.", "\n(9) Henry's second claim is that his attorney provided ineffective assistance. ", "This claim was not raised below. ", "Because we will not entertain a claim of ineffective assistance raised for the first time on direct appeal, we decline to decide this claim at this time.[4]\n(10) Henry's third claim is that the promise of leniency was made during his interview with police and that the DVD of the interview is now missing. ", "The record does not reflect that the DVD is missing. ", "The hearing transcript reflects that, prior to the hearing, Henry watched the DVD with his counsel present. ", "At the hearing, Detective Fuscallero testified that he was not aware of any such discussion with Henry and that, if there had been, it would be on the DVD. ", "Henry's counsel did not cross-examine Detective Fuscallero about what was on the DVD, nor did she question Henry on that subject during his direct examination. ", "The clear implication is that the DVD did not corroborate Henry's testimony.", "\n(11) On cross-examination, Henry stated that the DVD would corroborate his memory of the deal he struck with the police. ", "However, Henry also admitted that he was high on cocaine at the time the police interviewed him. ", "The transcript of the hearing reflects that the Superior Court did not credit Henry's testimony concerning the alleged deal. ", "We find no abuse of discretion on the part of the Superior Court in so determining and, therefore, conclude that this claim is without merit.", "\n(12) Henry's fourth claim is that the Superior Court judge who presided over the VOP hearing should have recused himself, presumably because his familiarity with Henry would result in judicial bias. ", "Generally, a claim of bias on the part of a judge must stem from an extrajudicial source.[5] Because there is no evidence, indeed no claim, of any extrajudicial source of judicial bias, we conclude that Henry's fourth claim, too, is without merit.", "\n(13) Henry's fifth claim is that there was insufficient evidence presented at the hearing to support the finding of a VOP. ", "Because probation is an \"act of grace,\" the State need only present \"some competent evidence\" that the violation took place.[6] The eyewitness testimony of Detective Fuscellaro that he received a tip that Henry would be delivering drugs, and that he intercepted Henry and found crack cocaine packaged for sale in his hand constituted such \"competent evidence.\" ", "As such, we conclude that Henry's fifth claim is without merit.", "\n(14) Henry's sixth, and final, claim is that the Superior Court's May 16, 2007 order correcting his sentence violated principles of double jeopardy. ", "The double jeopardy clauses of the United States and Delaware Constitutions protect a criminal defendant against multiple punishments or successive prosecutions for the same offense.[7] Principles of double jeopardy are irrelevant to the circumstances presented here. ", "For that reason, we conclude that Henry's sixth claim is also without merit.", "\n(15) This Court has reviewed the record carefully and has concluded that Henry's appeal is wholly without merit and devoid of any arguably appealable issue. ", "We also are satisfied that Henry's counsel has made a conscientious effort to examine the record and has properly determined that Henry could not raise a meritorious claim in this appeal.", "\nNOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the State's motion to affirm is GRANTED. ", "The judgment of the Superior Court is AFFIRMED.", "\nThe motion to withdraw is moot.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Henry's 4-year sentence subsequently was reduced to 1 year.", "\n[2] Penson v. Ohio, 488 U.S. 75, 83 (1988); McCoy v. Court of Appeals of Wisconsin, 486 U.S. 429, 442 (1988); Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738, 744 (1967).", "\n[3] Knight v. State, 690 A.2d 929, 932 (Del. 1996).", "\n[4] Supr. ", "Ct. ", "R. 8.", "\n[5] Los v. Los, 595 A.2d 381, 384 (Del. 1991). ", "See also Weber v. State, 547 A.2d 948, 951-52 (Del. 1988).", "\n[6] Kurzmann v. State, 903 A.2d 702, 717 (Del. 2006).", "\n[7] Sullins v. State, Del. Supr., ", "No. ", "466, 2006, Jacobs, J. (July 23, 2007) (citing Green v. United States, 355 U.S. 184, 187-88 (1957)).", "\n" ]
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[ "CHICAGO — University presses publish plenty of books that are read only by academics.", "\n\nThey also publish plenty of books that are read by no one.", "\n\nInventory research has suggested that as much as half of a library’s holdings never circulate.", "\n\n“We are very good at figuring out what kinds of books our patrons are going to want,” said Rick Anderson, associate dean for scholarly resources and collections at the University of Utah, at the annual meeting of the Association of American University Presses here on Tuesday.", "\n\n“We are not very good,” Anderson continued, “at figuring out which particular titles within those categories our patrons are actually going to use.”", "\n\nAnd so libraries end up letting the majorities of their handpicked collections collect dust in the stacks while mailing back and forth the books that students and scholars actually use through interlibrary loan programs -- which is not so much a service, Anderson says, as “how we apologize to our patrons for our failure to guess they’re actually going to want to read.”", "\n\nBut the days for apologizing could be numbered. ", "Libraries, including Anderson’s at Utah, are beginning to flip the process of collection-building on its head by striking deals that let their patrons’ reading habits determine which works they purchase.", "\n\nInstead of guessing what their patrons will need and buying the books upfront, these libraries are striking deals with e-book vendors where the libraries get charged only when their patrons use the digital texts. ", "No need for stacks full of unused monographs, no need to send away for books the purchaser did not think to acquire.", "\n\nThe Spread of PDA\n\nPatron-driven acquisition, or PDA, is not new, but it is on the rise. ", "Approximately 400 to 600 libraries worldwide have switched to a patron-driven system for purchasing new works, and that number is likely to double over the next year and a half, according to Joseph Esposito, a digital publishing consultant who has spent the last nine months studying the implications of PDA with a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.", "\n\nThe rise of PDA is expected to save libraries a lot of money on collections management. ", "In 2009, the library at Grand Valley State University, in Michigan, started using the method. ", "Patrons at the library accessed 6,239 e-books that year, but they used only 343 of them enough to trigger a purchase. ", "Grand Valley paid its vendor, Ebook Library, $69,000. ", "If it had bought all the e-books its patrons skimmed but did not “use,” it would have paid $550,000.", "\n\nBut how PDA stands to affect university presses -- the subject of Esposito’s Mellon-funded research, which he plans to release in full next month -- is harder to predict. ", "If academic libraries pay only for what their patrons use, will university presses still be able to afford to publish obscure monographs that nobody reads?", "\n\nNobody truly knows the extent to which academic libraries prop up university presses that dutifully churn out hyper-specialized monographs and adapted dissertations in addition to their more popular titles, said Esposito. ", "The math on that is fuzzy, he explained, since the majority of press titles are sold to libraries through intermediaries and wholesalers.", "\n\nBut based on what little information he was able to glean through his research, Esposito did some admittedly rough accounting and estimated that 25 percent of university press sales go to libraries. ", "University presses do about $320 million in total sales. ", "That would mean $80 million in sales to libraries. ", "PDA would theoretically eliminate the full sale of all library books that end up merely sitting on the shelves in testament to the supposed folly of librarian-driven acquisition -- roughly 40 percent at your average general research library, said Esposito.", "\n\nThat means university presses could be looking at a $32 million loss, or about 10 percent of total sales. \"", "So a big enough number to be concerned, but it's not going to topple the business,\" said Esposito in an e-mail after the panel. ", "He added that this was an extreme scenario in which libraries buy absolutely none of the titles that never get checked out of the stacks.", "\n\nThe point is that university presses might stand to take a hit if they do not adapt cleverly, said Esposito. “", "The challenge is for the libraries’ gain not to be the presses’ loss,” he said.", "\n\nAside from the business problem of adjusting to a demand-driven economy for scholarly literature, some in the audience sensed a moral dilemma in moving away from a model whereby university presses jointly subsidize the valorization of rigorous, if obscure, scholarly literature.", "\n\nPragmatism vs. Principle\n\n“I think we’ve always had this feeling that we’ve been partners with academic libraries in creating such things,” said Charles Watkinson, director of the Purdue University Press, during a Q&A session after the panel. “", "We know they’re not going to be used [in the short term] -- that’s almost part of it,” he said.", "\n\nBut university presses, Watkinson said, recognize that a monograph about an archaeological dig, for example, could resurface as a crucial node in a future scholar’s research effort to map a civilization.", "\n\n“When you describe the current situation as a partnership between libraries and university presses, that makes it sound very good and noble,” said Anderson, the Utah collections dean.", "\n\n“Here’s another way of expressing it,” he continued. “", "University presses publish books that are no freaking good to anybody, libraries buy them and put them on the shelves, where they sit and are never used by anyone, and with the money that we used to buy them, university presses publish more books that are no use to anybody.” ", "The crowd chuckled nervously.", "\n\nAnderson apologized rhetorically for putting it so starkly, but he did not back off his point. ", "While a monograph may indeed turn out to be the missing piece of somebody’s research decades down the line, he said, there is no way to predict or quantify that when it comes to making decisions about how to spend increasingly scarce library dollars.", "\n\n“The question becomes what should be the criteria according to which we discriminate,” he said. “", "Should it be on the basis of what our patrons demonstrably need, or should it be on the basis of what we consider to be of high quality?”", "\n\nFor the latest technology news and opinion from Inside Higher Ed, including how the rise of digital is affecting libraries and publishers, follow @IHEtech on Twitter." ]
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[ "Warning: Do not substitute any other cleaning fluid due to the unique properties of Volition HFE-Based Cleaning Fluid. ", "Other fluids may damage sensitive electronic equipment and will not properly clean the VF-45 interconnect." ]
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[ "Super-resolution Microscopy in Plant Cell Imaging.", "\nAlthough the development of super-resolution microscopy methods dates back to 1994, relevant applications in plant cell imaging only started to emerge in 2010. ", "Since then, the principal super-resolution methods, including structured-illumination microscopy (SIM), photoactivation localization microscopy (PALM), stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), and stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), have been implemented in plant cell research. ", "However, progress has been limited due to the challenging properties of plant material. ", "Here we summarize the basic principles of existing super-resolution methods and provide examples of applications in plant science. ", "The limitations imposed by the nature of plant material are reviewed and the potential for future applications in plant cell imaging is highlighted." ]
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[ "Na više od 20 dječjih pacijenata tek jedan sanitarni čvor, prenapučene bolesničke sobe, nedostatak adekvatnog dvorišta za male pacijente, stubište bez zaštitnih ograda te mehaničko sputavanje, odnosno, vezanje maloljetnih pacijenata. ", "Ovo je današnja slika Psihijatrijske bolnice za djecu i mladež u Zagrebu. ", "Na nehumane bolničke uvjete upozorava porazno izvješće odbora Vijeća Europe, a na sve navedeno već je prije dvije godine upozoravala Pučka pravobraniteljica Lora Vidović.", "\n\nOdbor za sprečavanje mučenja i neljudskog ili ponižavajućeg postupanja ili kažnjavanja Vijeća Europe jučer je objavio izvješće puno zamjerki na uvjete u zagrebačkoj Psihijatrijskoj bolnici za djecu i mladež. ", "Stručnjaci Vijeća Europe posjetili su Hrvatsku prošle godine i analizirali uvjete i tretman psihičkih bolesnika u navedenoj bolnici.", "\n\nMaloljetne pacijente se veže, a stubište je rizično za one koji se žele samoozlijediti\n\nUpozoravaju na brojne nedostatke same zgrade bolnice u zagrebačkoj Kukuljevićevoj ulici i prenapučenost bolesničkih soba, javlja Večernji list.", "\n\n– Na cijelom katu, na više od 20 pacijenata, samo je jedan sanitarni čvor. ", "Nagurani su u sobe pa mali pacijenti nemaju ni zajamčenih minimalnih šest četvornih metara životnog prostora, što je standard. ", "Stubište u bolnici potpuno je neprimjereno svrsi – nema dodatnih ograda i predstavlja rizik za pacijente koji se žele samoozlijediti, stoji u izvješću, a prenosi Večernji.", "\n\nOsim toga, problem predstavlja i vanjski prostor bolnice, naime, ne postoji adekvatno, ograđeno dvorište na kojem bi pacijenti mogli boraviti, što znači da tijekom tjednog liječenja neki od njih uopće ne izlaze na zrak. ", "Posebno se ističe kako se u bolnici na maloljetnim pacijentima primijenjuju metode sputavanja, odnosno vezanje. ", "Iz Vijeća Europe smatraju kako se osobe mlađe od 18 godina ne bi smjelo vezati, već smiriti ručnim sputavanjem.", "\n\nPučka pravobraniteljica prije dvije godine upozorila da ovakvi uvjeti predstavljaju kršenje prava djece\n\nSve primjedbe iz izvješća dolaze dvije godine nakon što je identičnu situaciju u bolnici zatekla Pučka pravobraniteljica Lora Vidović. ", "2016. ", "godine upozoravala je na povremenu popunjenost bolnice i do 122 posto. ", "Osim toga, zbog prostornih ograničenja, upozorila je i na izostanak srednjoškolskog obrazovanja u bolnici.", "\n\n– Zbog nedostatka prostora pacijentima smještenima u ovoj bolnici ne može se osigurati srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, te je potrebno osigurati nove prostore, savjetovala je 2016. ", "u izvještaju te, osvrčući se na sveukupne bolničke uvjete, istaknula kako “liječenje u ovakvim neodgovarajućim uvjetima predstavlja kršenje prava djece”. ", "Poslala je tada upozorenje i Ministarstvu zdravstva, kao i Gradu Zagrebu u čijem je vlasništvu ustanova.", "\n\nDvije godine nakon upozorenja Pučke pravobraniteljice te novog, alarmantnog izvješća odbora Vijeća Europe, ministar Kujundžić odgovorio je Vijeću Europe tek kako je ove godine u planu uređenje dvorišta, što će platiti Grad." ]
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[ "An amendment pushed by U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash., to effectively block Oregon from putting tolls on Interstate 5 and Interstate 205 passed the House Wednesday, causing unease among state lawmakers who worked to establish such tolls.", "\n\nU.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash.\n\nPutting rush-hour tolls on I-5 and I-205 from the Washington border to where the freeways intersect, south of Portland, was a major tenet of the $5.3 billion transportation plan state lawmakers passed this year.", "\n\nThe bill, which was signed into law by Gov. Kate Brown last month, instructs state officials to ask the federal government to establish the tolls. ", "Toll revenue would be used to pay for freeway expansions and upgrades to I-5 and I-205.", "\n\nBut Herrera Beutler's amendment says the U.S. Department of Transportation can't use any of its resources to \"enter into an agreement for the establishment or collection of tolls on Interstate Route 5 or Interstate Route 205 in the State of Oregon or Washington.\"", "\n\n'UNWILLING PIGGY BANK'\n\nThe congresswoman said she pushed for the amendment after constituents in her district, which includes Southwest Washington, complained that Oregon may force them to pay tolls to use the bridges and freeways connecting the two states.", "\n\n\"Residents of Southwest Washington have been voicing their strong concern to me that Oregon will be forcing them to pay tolls for infrastructure they don't use and that there's nothing they can do about it,\" Herrera Beutler said in a statement.", "\n\n\"They're concerned that Oregon will make them an unwilling piggy bank,\" she said, adding that she isn't against tolling \"as long as it's used to construct or repair something that benefits those who pay.\"", "\n\nJoe Cortright, a Portland economist involved in a campaign to implement tolls on I-5 before expanding the freeway, said congestion-based pricing would help alleviate Southwest Washington residents' complaints about traffic in Portland, and that they need only look to tolled corridors in the Seattle area for proof.", "\n\n\"I think it's a bit rich that Herrera Beutler claims that Washington residents would be forced to pay for infrastructure they don't use,\" Cortright said. \"", "The whole point of congestion pricing is to charge the users of individual roadway segments based on when, where and how much they use the roadway.\"", "\n\nAsked if she stands by her statement that Washingtonians \"don't use\" Oregon sections of I-5 and I-205, Herrera Beutler said, \"Every Washington resident who works in the greater Portland area uses the I-5 and I-205 bridges, but they certainly don't all use the Abernethy Bridge. ", "Oregon's transportation bill specifically states that's where the tolling revenue will go, along with the southern stretch of I-205 -- that's 15 miles south of the border.", "\n\n\"It's politically expedient for Oregon politicians to make Washington residents pay for infrastructure many don't use, but it's not fair,\" she said.", "\n\nROAD FUNDING IN DOUBT\n\nThe bill containing Herrera Beutler's amendment is now in the U.S. Senate. ", "Washington's senators -- Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell -- and Oregon's -- Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley -- have not signaled if they will oppose the bill.", "\n\nIf the amendment becomes law, the success of the tax-raising transportation bill Oregon lawmakers spent considerable time and political capital on to pass may be thrown into question. ", "That legislation was the signature achievement of state lawmakers this year, and Brown spent days touring the state to tout its success and hold ceremonial signings of the bill.", "\n\nOregon lawmakers carefully crafted the transportation plan to raise taxes to pay for a slew of upgrades while keeping tax-averse interest groups at bay. ", "A deal was struck to keep taxes low enough that groups subject to the bill's taxes would keep from seeking to overturn it at the ballot.", "\n\nBut by making those compromises, lawmakers left the state without enough money to pay for all essential road and bridge upgrades, said Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario, a co-author of the bill. ", "Without tolling, the carefully-balanced funding plan goes awry.", "\n\n\"If we don't have tolling we will not have the money to replace these essential structures,\" he said.", "\n\nSen. Lee Beyer, D-Eugene, another of the co-authors, agreed, saying Herrera Beutler's plan would \"put us in a position where we can't improve anything\" on I-5 and I-205.", "\n\nBoth questioned whether Herrera Beutler had a different plan for funding regional infrastructure upgrades.", "\n\n\"We said please open the door to negotiation. ", "What she's done is slam it shut. ", "She needs to be asked: Where's the money?\" ", "Bentz said.", "\n\n\"Maybe she has some funding in her back pocket she hasn't told us about,\" he said. \"", "We've heard a lot about an infrastructure package. ", "Maybe there's a big pile of money on its way to Oregon, but I haven't heard of it.\"", "\n\nAsked about how she would pay for infrastructure upgrades, Herrera Beutler said in her statement to The Oregonian/OregonLive: \"Oregon can pay for its infrastructure upgrades however it wants, as long as it's not disproportionately with Southwest Washington wallets.\"", "\n\n-- Gordon R. Friedman\n\n503-221-8209; @GordonRFriedman\n\nElliot Njus contributed reporting." ]
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[ "Peter Attia is a huge name in the medical community because of his brilliant research on longevity and well-being. ", "Dr. Attia attended medical school at Stanford University, where he then went on to train at John Hopkins Hospital. ", "Since then, Dr. Attia founded Attia Medical, PC, a medical practice that focuses on the applied science of longevity, well-being, and optimizing cognitive, physical, and emotional health.", "\n\nDr. Attia is always researching and testing different techniques and tactics to optimize everything from athletic performance to sleep. ", "Sleep is actually a huge focus for Dr. Attia, as he spent his early medical days sacrificing sleep and paying the consequences. ", "Today, Dr. Attia describes getting 8 hours of sleep per night as non-negotiable. ", "Attia has interviewed the world’s leading experts on sleep and has developed one of the most legendary sleep protocols that I have ever seen. ", "This includes supplements, sleep hacks such as the OOLER, and simple things like cutting out alcohol. ", "If you are looking to drastically improve your sleep, look no further.", "\n\nPeter Attia Sleep Supplements\n\nThe following supplements are Dr. Peter Attia’s supplement cocktail designed to optimize sleep. ", "He has mentioned this stack on multiple podcasts. ", "Peter does not typically take all of these supplements every single night (except for magnesium). ", "He will usually use some sort of combination of them depending on what his needs are for that night of sleep. ", "So, let’s dive in to Dr. Attia’s sleep supplements.", "\n\nMagnesium\n\nDr. Attia is a huge proponent of supplementing with magnesium. ", "According to Tools of Titans, Attia takes 600 to 800 mg per day of magnesium, alternating between mag sulfate and mag oxide. ", "According Peter’s 2018 AMA Podcast, he takes 2 tablets of SlowMag every morning and 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide by Nature Made at night.", "\n\nResearch has shown that even a small lack of magnesium can prevent the brain from settling down at night, and every cell and organ needs it to function properly. ", "Magnesium helps you fall asleep faster by activating neurotransmitters that calm your mind and body. ", "Not only can magnesium help you fall asleep faster, it actually acts on the central nervous system to promote a deep and restful sleep.", "\n\nRELATED: Tim Ferriss Supplements: The Complete Guide\n\nKirk Parsley’s Sleep Remedy\n\nDr. Attia has mentioned he will typically combine some variation his other supplements with Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy. ", "When he flies, he will take a double dose of this stuff in order to sleep through the flight. ", "This sleep cocktail is jam-packed with loads of sleep promoting supplements such as:\n\nMelatonin\n\nL-Tryptophan\n\n5HTP\n\nphGABA (phenibut)\n\nVitamin D\n\nMagnesium\n\nAttia is an investor in this company, so you know it is going to be one of the best all-in-one sleep supplements on the market. ", "Since Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy isn’t available on Amazon, you will have to order it directly from their website.", "\n\nL-Threonate\n\nDuring a live Q & A on Instagram, Dr. Attia mentions supplementing with L-Threonate to help him sleep. ", "L-Threonate is a magnesium transporter, helping it cross the blood-brain-barrier for better absorbtion. ", "Peter uses Jarrow MagMind L-Threonate.", "\n\nPhosphatidylserine\n\nBefore bed, Peter will take a supplement called phosphatidylserine in order to lower adrenal output and reduce stress levels. ", "Supplementing with phosphatidylserine has even been scientifically proven to lower cortisol levels. ", "So if you have trouble reducing stress before bed, you should implement a phosphatidylserine supplement. ", "Dr. Attia uses the Jarrow brand, more specifically he takes Jarrow PS100, which you can pick up on Amazon.", "\n\nOOLER Cooling Sleep System\n\nOne sleep tool that all bio-hackers seem to universally love is the OOLER Sleep System (Use code OOLER15 to get 15% off!). ", "If you’re like me, you have likely had a bad night of sleep because you continuously wake up due to being too hot or cold. ", "The OOLER Sleep System is the answer to that problem. ", "This is a tool that allows you to control the temperature of your mattress down to your exact specifications through an app in your phone. ", "The OOLER is made by the same team behind the Chilipad, with the OOLER being their latest product release. ", "On The Tim Ferriss Show, Dr. Attia mentions how he recently upgraded from the Chilipad to the OOLER and was loving it.", "\n\nOur body temperatures actually lower when we sleep, with the suggested room temperature for optimal sleep ranging between 60 to 67 degrees. ", "Dr. Attia mentions in a tweet below that he has 3 of these things, and uses them while living in large cities with typically older buildings where it’s hard to control temperatures, especially during the summer.", "\n\nThe OOLER will maintain the temperature of your mattress with precision all night, even if the temperature in your room may be fluctuating. ", "You can pick up an OOLER on their website, or go for the Chilipad if you want a slightly less expensive version.", "\n\nRELATED: Joe Rogan’s Legendary Supplement Stack: What He Takes and Why\n\nBlue-Light Blocking Glasses\n\nAnother thing that seems to be all the rage in the bio-hacking space these days is blue-light blocking glasses. ", "You see Dave Asprey wearing these things all the time, and Peter is also a fan of them. ", "He has mentioned across many mediums how he wears Gunnar Blue-Light Blocking Glasses before bed in an effort to reduce his exposure to blue-light, thus improving sleep.", "\n\nIn fact, there are many benefits to wearing blue-light blocking glasses:\n\nEase digital eye strain\n\nImprove sleep quality by blocking harmful blue light before bed\n\nIncrease/regulate melatonin production\n\nDecrease your risk Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)\n\nAlleviate eye discomfort\n\nAccording to The Vision Council, 59% of adults experience eye strain after just two hours a day of using digital devices. ", "If you are like me, you are probably thinking how you wish you could only stare at a digital device for two hours a day. ", "Also, 80 percent of adults report using digital devices in the hour before going to bed! ", "Simply put, you are likely sacrificing the quality of your sleep if you are not using blue-light blocking glasses before bed.", "\n\nResearch by Harvard University has shown that by exposing our system to artificial blue-light from electronic devices after the sun goes down, we actually disrupt our circadian rhythm and experience decreased levels of melatonin. ", "On his blog, Dr. Attia mentions he uses the popular Gunnar brand of blue light blocking glasses. ", "You can also get Gunnar glasses on Amazon.", "\n\nAlaska Bear Eye Mask\n\nOne of the cheapest and easiest ways to immediately improve your sleep is by investing in a sleep mask. ", "This is why Dr. Attia uses the Alaska Bear Sleep Mask. ", "A sleep mask allows you to sleep in complete darkness, so there is no reason to invest in expensive blackout curtains to try and achieve a darker room. ", "I personally noticed that I wake up in the middle of the night less when using a sleep mask.", "\n\nHere’s what Dr. Attia had to say about the Alaska Bear Sleep Mask on The Tim Ferriss Show:\n\n“Incredible darkness in the actual room at night or using, I use this thing called the Alaska Bear Eye Shade. ", "It’s like you can buy it on Amazon. ", "It’s eight bucks. ", "It’s like this little silky Alaska Bear. ", "It’s the stupidest name ever. ", "I don’t know why. ", "I love it though. ", "I have 20 Alaska Bears because I have them everywhere, so I’m never without one..”\n\nYou may not need 20 pairs like Peter, but I highly recommend giving the Alaska Bear Sleep Mask a try.", "\n\nHydro Flask\n\nNow the Hydro Flask may seem like an odd sleep tool – but when asked what he keeps on his bedside table, Peter said the following: “I like to keep water by my side, in a Hydro Flask bottle, for replenishment and to wash down the occasional supplements before bed.”", "\n\nYou should always have water on your bedside table so you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night when you are thirsty. ", "A Hydro Flask will help keep the water cool all night long.", "\n\nPeter Attia Sleep Tips\n\nChange Your Behavior\n\nIn order to improve your sleep, your going to have to completely change your relationship with sleep, including the behaviors that have an effect on it. ", "If you are not exercising and are drinking everyday, it is almost impossible to even get a decent night of sleep consistently.", "\n\nHere is what Peter had to say about this on Tim Ferriss’ podcast:\n\n“I mean this sleep is a hard thing because it’s sort of like exercise in the sense that you can’t just give somebody a pill that makes sleep better. ", "It really comes down to changing. ", "You have to sort of accept you’re going to make behavior change. ", "You have to prioritize this thing and it’s not just the eight hours you want to spend in bed. ", "It’s the buildup to it.”", "\n\nDr. Attia advises completely changing your behavior if you want to improve your sleep, and that there is no magic pill. ", "You should make sure you are covering your bases by exercising and eating healthy, then you can master your own sleep protocol. ", "See what works for you.", "\n\nElimination of Alcohol\n\nEliminating alcohol can lead to do a drastic improvement in sleep. ", "More specifically, an increase in REM sleep, or deep sleep, where all the magic happens. ", "When asked about tips to improve sleep, Dr. Attia will almost always bring up eliminating alcohol. ", "Attia says he is down to three or four drinks a month, and will only drink when he wants it to count (think going out with good friends).", "\n\nHere is an excerpt of Dr. Attia describing what happens to his body during sleep if he has had 3 or 4 drinks via The Tim Ferriss Show:\n\n“Well, I see a higher resting heart rate period and a lower heart rate variability for sure, and a higher body temperature. ", "I don’t know the last time I had two drinks in a night, but definitely it’s one to two is also a really big step up. ", "Look, it’s everyone’s got to decide what they’re going to do and what their priorities are and I’m not here to say don’t drink at all, but I just have to say don’t be mindless in your drinking is sort of my point. ", "Like if you’re going to drink, like make it really fricking worthwhile. ", "Like do it for a reason. ", "Don’t just do it because the alcohol is there.”", "\n\nPeter also did an interesting podcast with Dr. Matthew Walker, who is one of the world’s leading sleep experts. ", "Dr. Walker described alcohol as wreaking havoc on your sleep, saying it inhibits deep, restorative sleep and inhibits vasopressin (the anti-diuretic hormone ADH), causing you to wake up and pee in the middle of the night after drinking.", "\n\nPeter’s Jet-Lag Protocol\n\nIn Dr. Attia’s AMA #4, he reveals his jet-lag protocol which allows him to acclimate quickly to wherever he flies to in the world. ", "The goal of this protocol is to put yourself into the timezone you are heading to as soon as you get on the plane. ", "This means timing your sleep patterns on the plane as if you were already at your destination. ", "So if you plan to be landing somewhere in the morning, your goal is to sleep on the plan, even if you are leaving your destination at say, 1 p.m.\n\nThis is actually pretty hard to do, as it disrupts your natural circadian rhythm. ", "To combat this, Dr. Attia uses his jet-lag protocol which consists of the following products:\n\nPhosphatidylserine (Jarrow PS100) – This will lower your cortisol levels, which can be hard to achieve during the day. ", "Take approximately 600mg of Jarrow PS100 30 minutes before boarding. ", "Kirk Parsley’s Sleep Remedy – Peter will take a single dose in capsule form due to convenience. ", "As mentioned above, this all-in-one sleep supplement contains numerous compounds to help you sleep.", "\n\nAfter consuming the above cocktail, Peter then notifies the stewardess to not disturb him during the flight, and will set an alarm to wake him up when it is morning at his destination. ", "Peter would sleep on the plane using his Alaska Bear Sleep Mask.", "\n\nNext, once he wakes up at his destination, Peter then aims to stay awake until it is time to go to sleep in the city he arrived in. ", "To aid in staying awake, Dr. Attia will take 200 mg of Modafinil. ", "Now, Modafinil is a powerful nootropic that is only available by prescription, so consult your doctor. ", "But, a strong shot or four of espresso should help you get through the day and achieve the purpose of the Modafinil.", "\n\nPeter Attia Sleep Resources\n\nWe hope you enjoyed this summary of Peter Attia’s Sleep Protocol. ", "Below you will find links to some of Dr. Attia’s best work when it comes to sleep, along with links to products mentioned in the article\n\nSources:\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nComparing two java.util.", "Dates to see if they are in the same day\n\nI need to compare two Dates (e.g. date1 and date2) and come up with a boolean sameDay which is true of the two Dates share the same day, and false if they are not.", "\nHow can I do this? ", "There seems to be a whirlwind of confusion here... and I would like to avoid pulling in other dependencies beyond the JDK if at all possible.", "\nto clarify: if date1 and date2 share the same year, month, and day, then sameDay is true, otherwise it is false. ", "I realize this requires knowledge of a timezone... it would be nice to pass in a timezone but I can live with either GMT or local time as long as I know what the behavior is.", "\nagain, to clarify:\ndate1 = 2008 Jun 03 12:56:03\ndate2 = 2008 Jun 03 12:59:44\n => sameDate = true\n\ndate1 = 2009 Jun 03 12:56:03\ndate2 = 2008 Jun 03 12:59:44\n => sameDate = false\n\ndate1 = 2008 Aug 03 12:00:00\ndate2 = 2008 Jun 03 12:00:00\n => sameDate = false\n\nA:\n\nCalendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();\nCalendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();\ncal1.setTime(date1);\ncal2.setTime(date2);\nboolean sameDay = cal1.get(Calendar.", "DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.", "DAY_OF_YEAR) &&\n cal1.get(Calendar.", "YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.", "YEAR);\n\nNote that \"same day\" is not as simple a concept as it sounds when different time zones can be involved. ", "The code above will for both dates compute the day relative to the time zone used by the computer it is running on. ", "If this is not what you need, you have to pass the relevant time zone(s) to the Calendar.getInstance() calls, after you have decided what exactly you mean with \"the same day\".", "\nAnd yes, Joda Time's LocalDate would make the whole thing much cleaner and easier (though the same difficulties involving time zones would be present).", "\n\nA:\n\nHow about:\nSimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyyMMdd\");\nreturn fmt.format(date1).equals(fmt.format(date2));\n\nYou can also set the timezone to the SimpleDateFormat, if needed.", "\n\nA:\n\nI use the \"apache commons lang\" package to do this (namely org.apache.commons.lang.time.", "DateUtils)\nboolean samedate = DateUtils.isSameDay(date1, date2); //Takes either Calendar or Date objects\n\n" ]
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[ "[Ethical challenges in preclinical emergency medicine].", "\nOut-of-hospital emergency medicine, just like any other medical field, must be guided by general ethical principles of medical action. ", "These include respecting the patient's autonomous decision, acting for his benefit, avoiding harm, and justice in distributing the available means. ", "The confrontation with ethical conflicts in the routine of emergency medicine is illustrated by a case report. ", "The emergency physician, called to a 76-year-old patient with circulatory arrest, decides against starting a resuscitation attempt. ", "His decision is based on the fact that at least 15 minutes had passed from the cardiac arrest till the arrival of the emergency care team, on the previously existing, severe cardiac disease, on the age of the patient, on family statements of patient's refusal of resuscitation and on the clinical findings of fixed, dilated pupils, missing brainstem reflexes, and an asystole as an initially recorded cardiac rhythm. ", "No certain clinical signs of death could be observed. ", "In the face of this combination of conditions unfavourable for a successful resuscitation attempt and a survival of the patient, the emergency physician assumes an obvious futility of medical action. ", "The individual criteria are analysed with respect to their prognostic value for estimating the chances of surviving out-of-hospital circulatory arrest. ", "In the context of resuscitation attempts, the term futility can, on the one hand, be defined strictly physiologically, in the sense of the clear impossibility of restoring the cardiac pumping function. ", "The extended definition of the futility of resuscitation attempts, on the other hand, includes an estimate of the nature of survival (duration of survival, neurological outcome) after circulatory arrest. ", "The two definitions share the problem of containing an evaluation of the objective of out-of-hospital resuscitation attempts. ", "In emergency medicine the standard of care remains the start of resuscitation attempts. ", "Physiologically defined futility justifies the decision to withhold resuscitative efforts. ", "In a particular case the refusal by the patient as well as an expected bad prognosis which is inconsistent with the patient's interest could support the emergency physician's decision not to initiate resuscitation. ", "Such an individual decision should not only be guided by medical, but also by ethical considerations and be based on general ethical principles." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * CodeIgniter\n *\n * An open source application development framework for PHP\n *\n * This content is released under the MIT License (MIT)\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, British Columbia Institute of Technology\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n * THE SOFTWARE.", "\n *\n * @package\tCodeIgniter\n * @author\tEllisLab Dev Team\n * @copyright\tCopyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc. (https://ellislab.com/)\n * @copyright\tCopyright (c) 2014 - 2016, British Columbia Institute of Technology (http://bcit.ca/)\n * @license\thttp://opensource.org/licenses/MIT\tMIT License\n * @link\thttps://codeigniter.com\n * @since\tVersion 3.0.0\n * @filesource\n */\ndefined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');\n\n/**\n * PDO Oracle Database Adapter Class\n *\n * Note: _DB is an extender class that the app controller\n * creates dynamically based on whether the query builder\n * class is being used or not.", "\n *\n * @package\t\tCodeIgniter\n * @subpackage\tDrivers\n * @category\tDatabase\n * @author\t\tEllisLab Dev Team\n * @link\t\thttps://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/\n */\nclass CI_DB_pdo_oci_driver extends CI_DB_pdo_driver {\n\n\t/**\n\t * Sub-driver\n\t *\n\t * @var\tstring\n\t */\n\tpublic $subdriver = 'oci';\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * List of reserved identifiers\n\t *\n\t * Identifiers that must NOT be escaped.", "\n\t *\n\t * @var\tstring[]\n\t */\n\tprotected $_reserved_identifiers = array('*', 'rownum');\n\n\t/**\n\t * ORDER BY random keyword\n\t *\n\t * @var\tarray\n\t */\n\tprotected $_random_keyword = array('ASC', 'ASC'); // Currently not supported\n\n\t/**\n\t * COUNT string\n\t *\n\t * @used-by\tCI_DB_driver::count_all()\n\t * @used-by\tCI_DB_query_builder::count_all_results()\n\t *\n\t * @var\tstring\n\t */\n\tprotected $_count_string = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS ';\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Class constructor\n\t *\n\t * Builds the DSN if not already set.", "\n\t *\n\t * @param\tarray\t$params\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\tpublic function __construct($params)\n\t{\n\t\tparent::__construct($params);\n\n\t\tif (empty($this->dsn))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$this->dsn = 'oci:dbname=';\n\n\t\t\t// Oracle has a slightly different PDO DSN format (Easy Connect),\n\t\t\t// which also supports pre-defined DSNs.", "\n\t\t\tif (empty($this->hostname) && empty($this->port))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t$this->dsn .= $this->database;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t$this->dsn .= '//'.(empty($this->hostname) ? '", "' : $this->hostname)\n\t\t\t\t\t.(empty($this->port) ? '' : ':'", ".$this->port).'/';\n\n\t\t\t\tempty($this->database) OR $this->dsn .= $this->database;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tempty($this->char_set) OR $this->dsn .= ';charset='.$this->char_set;\n\t\t}\n\t\telseif ( ! ", "empty($this->char_set) && strpos($this->dsn, 'charset=', 4) === FALSE)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$this->dsn .= ';charset='.$this->char_set;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Database version number\n\t *\n\t * @return\tstring\n\t */\n\tpublic function version()\n\t{\n\t\tif (isset($this->data_cache['version']))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn $this->data_cache['version'];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t$version_string = parent::version();\n\t\tif (preg_match('#Release\\s(?<version>\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)#', $version_string, $match))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn $this->data_cache['version'] = $match[1];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn FALSE;\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Show table query\n\t *\n\t * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the table names can be fetched\n\t *\n\t * @param\tbool\t$prefix_limit\n\t * @return\tstring\n\t */\n\tprotected function _list_tables($prefix_limit = FALSE)\n\t{\n\t\t$sql = 'SELECT \"TABLE_NAME\" FROM \"ALL_TABLES\"';\n\n\t\tif ($prefix_limit === TRUE && $this->dbprefix !", "== '')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn $sql.' ", "WHERE \"TABLE_NAME\" LIKE \\''.$this->escape_like_str($this->dbprefix).\"%' \"\n\t\t\t\t.sprintf($this->_like_escape_str, $this->_like_escape_chr);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn $sql;\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Show column query\n\t *\n\t * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched\n\t *\n\t * @param\tstring\t$table\n\t * @return\tstring\n\t */\n\tprotected function _list_columns($table = '')\n\t{\n\t\tif (strpos($table, '.') !", "== FALSE)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsscanf($table, '%[^.].%s', $owner, $table);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$owner = $this->username;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS\n\t\t\tWHERE UPPER(OWNER) = '.$this->escape(strtoupper($owner)).'", "\n\t\t\t\tAND UPPER(TABLE_NAME) = '.$this->escape(strtoupper($table));\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns an object with field data\n\t *\n\t * @param\tstring\t$table\n\t * @return\tarray\n\t */\n\tpublic function field_data($table)\n\t{\n\t\tif (strpos($table, '.') !", "== FALSE)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsscanf($table, '%[^.].%s', $owner, $table);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$owner = $this->username;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t$sql = 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHAR_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_DEFAULT, NULLABLE\n\t\t\tFROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS\n\t\t\tWHERE UPPER(OWNER) = '.$this->escape(strtoupper($owner)).'", "\n\t\t\t\tAND UPPER(TABLE_NAME) = '.$this->escape(strtoupper($table));\n\n\t\tif (($query = $this->query($sql)) === FALSE)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn FALSE;\n\t\t}\n\t\t$query = $query->result_object();\n\n\t\t$retval = array();\n\t\tfor ($i = 0, $c = count($query); $i < $c; $i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$retval[$i]\t\t\t= new stdClass();\n\t\t\t$retval[$i]->name\t\t= $query[$i]->COLUMN_NAME;\n\t\t\t$retval[$i]->type\t\t= $query[$i]->DATA_TYPE;\n\n\t\t\t$length = ($query[$i]->CHAR_LENGTH > 0)\n\t\t\t\t? ", "$query[$i]->CHAR_LENGTH : $query[$i]->DATA_PRECISION;\n\t\t\tif ($length === NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t$length = $query[$i]->DATA_LENGTH;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t$retval[$i]->max_length\t\t= $length;\n\n\t\t\t$default = $query[$i]->DATA_DEFAULT;\n\t\t\tif ($default === NULL && $query[$i]->NULLABLE === 'N')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t$default = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t$retval[$i]->default\t\t= $query[$i]->COLUMN_DEFAULT;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn $retval;\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Insert batch statement\n\t *\n\t * @param\tstring\t$table\tTable name\n\t * @param\tarray\t$keys\tINSERT keys\n\t * @param\tarray\t$values\tINSERT values\n\t * @return \tstring\n\t */\n\tprotected function _insert_batch($table, $keys, $values)\n\t{\n\t\t$keys = implode(', ', $keys);\n\t\t$sql = \"INSERT ALL\\n\";\n\n\t\tfor ($i = 0, $c = count($values); $i < $c; $i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$sql .= '\tINTO '.$table.' ('", ".$keys.') ", "VALUES '.$values[$i].\"\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn $sql.", "'SELECT * FROM dual';\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * Delete statement\n\t *\n\t * Generates a platform-specific delete string from the supplied data\n\t *\n\t * @param\tstring\t$table\n\t * @return\tstring\n\t */\n\tprotected function _delete($table)\n\t{\n\t\tif ($this->qb_limit)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t$this->where('rownum <= ',$this->qb_limit, FALSE);\n\t\t\t$this->qb_limit = FALSE;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn parent::_delete($table);\n\t}\n\n\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t/**\n\t * LIMIT\n\t *\n\t * Generates a platform-specific LIMIT clause\n\t *\n\t * @param\tstring\t$sql\tSQL Query\n\t * @return\tstring\n\t */\n\tprotected function _limit($sql)\n\t{\n\t\tif (version_compare($this->version(), '12.1', '>='))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t// OFFSET-FETCH can be used only with the ORDER BY clause\n\t\t\tempty($this->qb_orderby) && $sql .= ' ORDER BY 1';\n\n\t\t\treturn $sql.' ", "OFFSET '.(int) $this->qb_offset.' ", "ROWS FETCH NEXT '.$this->qb_limit.' ", "ROWS ONLY';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT inner_query.*, ", "rownum rnum FROM ('.$sql.') ", "inner_query WHERE rownum < '.($this->qb_offset + $this->qb_limit + 1).')'", "\n\t\t\t.($this->qb_offset ? ' ", "WHERE rnum >= '.($this->qb_offset + 1): '');\n\t}\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "PARIS — You could scour the globe for months to unearth the most promising young fashion talents — or just stroll into the headquarters of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton on Wednesday night.", "\n\n“So many different nationalities,” Delphine Arnault, the force behind the LVMH Prize, marveled as she toured the stands of the 23 semifinalists, flown in from as far afield as Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Tehran, Iran; Tokyo; New York, and Xiamen, China. “", "It’s great to meet all of them. ", "There’s so much energy, even if most of them arrived only yesterday and are jet-lagged.”", "\n\nA key talent scout at the family controlled luxury group, and second in command at Vuitton, Arnault noted that the contest is open to anyone under age 40 who has produced and sold at least two women’s or men’s ready-to-wear collections. ", "And all they need is access to a computer to apply — and almost 1,000 did, eager to secure a grant of 300,000 euros, or $325,000 at current exchange rates, plus a year of coaching.", "\n\nA member of the jury stacked with LVMH design stars that will choose the ultimate victor in June, Givenchy’s Riccardo Tisci was struck by how young people all over the world tap into unexpected inspirations. ", "For example, he inspected the oversize designs of Männistö by Julia Männistö.", "\n\n“The fashion is about football, very American, but done in Berlin and the designer is originally from Colombia,” he said.", "\n\nSimon Porte Jacquemus, who scored a Special Jury Prize last year, said he could sense the nerves in the room. ", "The designer said the prize money and year of coaching did him good. “", "It helped me frame my business and to be an adult in a way,” he said.", "\n\nMontreal-based Vejas Kruszewski, 19, said he already sells his collection to Opening Ceremony, as well as doors in Australia and Japan.", "\n\nHe described his approach as “a wardrobe for the not-too-distant future. ", "What excites me is taking something familiar and making it alien,” he said, showing off bubble-shaped sweatshirts with curving seams, cropped to echo the curves of the rib cage.", "\n\nAsked about the best business advice he ever received, juror Jonathan Anderson didn’t even pause. “", "Never compromise,” he said.", "\n\nSemifinalists, each housed in a booth like a trade show, were arranged alphabetically, so Matthew Williams of Alyx and Brandon Maxwell were many attendees’ first stops. ", "The two designers already knew one another, having one major client in common: Lady Gaga.", "\n\nMaxwell is her current stylist, who dressed her in a custom ivory evening pants ensemble from his collection for the Oscars Sunday night, and Williams used to be her creative director at the beginning of her career. “", "I did all her image, music videos and all her costumes when [Maxwell] was an assistant for Nicola [Formichetti, Gaga’s former stylist],” said Williams, who designs Alyx out of his St. Mark’s Place studio in New York. ", "Now in its third season, the collection of edgy, urban wear is sold at 30 retailers, including Dover Street Market New York, Colette, Antonioli, Isetan and Joyce. “", "I’m trying to create a full wardrobe for women — knitwear, denim, shoes, lingerie, suiting,” said Williams, who was already acquainted with several jury members.", "\n\nHe used to assist a friend of Humberto Leon and met Tisci at former client Kanye West’s wedding. ", "So much for being star struck in a room full of fashion heavyweights.", "\n\n“I’m actually really f–king excited to see J.W. Anderson,” Willliams said. “", "I think he’s amazing and inspiring. ", "He’s the same age as me, too, so respect to him.”", "\n\nMaxwell, who showed his second eveningwear-oriented collection during New York Fashion Week, was more easily impressed. “", "It was kind of a strange moment to walk in the room and have Anna Wintour come in with 10 cameras all of sudden,” Maxwell said. “", "When you’re jet legged, to try to find even a word to come out of your mouth, that was interesting and fun.”", "\n\nLondon-based men’s wear designer Feng Chen Wang’s highly conceptual collection was partially inspired by her father’s battle with liver cancer. “", "It’s about love and life,” she said, noting that some of the voluminous puffer shapes worn over wide-leg skirtlike pants were inspired by her father’s disease.", "\n\nJury members Carol Lim and Leon of Opening Ceremony and Kenzo were already familiar with several of the designers, including Ms Min, Y/Project, Cottweiler and Aalto, having stocked them early on. “", "It’s [great] to see a lot of these designers that we saw their first season in a basement showroom, and now seeing all these amazing people being able to converse with them,” Leon said.", "\n\nAsked what he looks for in the competition, Leon said, “One of the common questions is, ‘What will you do with the money?’ ", "It’s interesting to see what different people answer. ", "There’s no wrong answer, but seeing the collection and the path they’re choosing is an interesting dynamic.”", "\n\nChristelle Kocher, who is competing for the second year and who designs under the Koché label, said she would use the prize money to set up a proper business structure and build production. “", "We don’t even have a ceo. ", "It’s really about taking it to the next level after what has been an organic evolution. ", "And I would also love to have e-commerce,” she added.", "\n\nThe semifinalists had a series of pressing questions for their would-be mentors. “", "How can we keep up with the shift to see-now-buy-now in retail,” asked Astrid Andersen. “", "Because for us it’s completely impossible. ", "We need six months to produce a collection.”", "\n\n“What market should we focus on and how?” ", "wondered Glenn Martens of Y-Project. “", "I know there are many techniques of how to penetrate a market, but it’s all [dark] matter to me,” he shrugged, while Chloé’s chief executive officer Geoffroy de la Bourdonnaye was snapping pictures of his new fall proposal at the booth.", "\n\nGaining global visibility was on the minds of Iranian duo Shirin and Shiva Vaqar. “", "There are no international fashion magazines in Iran. ", "No Vogue, no W…and the local ones are censored,” said Shiva, adding that the only source for local designers to stay informed is through the Internet. ", "But she added: “Everything is getting better now. ", "There is no much talent in Iran. ", "I hope it will open up soon,” she said, hinting at the country’s recent elections, which brought a surprising victory for the moderates.", "\n\nPart of the jury this year, model Karlie Kloss — dressed in a short Louis Vuitton number — said she was compiling a personal wish list from the emerging talents. “", "I’ve got an early start on my shopping. ", "I said I need this leather bodysuit from Wanda Nylon, a jumpsuit at Vejas, and one of these cool, funny jackets from Moto Guo,” Kloss enthused.", "\n\nKarl Lagerfeld said if he had to give a single piece of advice to the youngsters it would be this: “You have to know what you want, where you want to go, what you want to do — and what you don’t want to do,” he reasoned at the habitual warp speed. ", "Just don’t come to him with any business questions. “", "I’m not in business, that’s the way I am. ", "There is a job for everyone.”", "\n\nAn expert committee is to whittle down to eight finalists, who are to gather on June 16 at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris to face the jury. ", "Besides Arnault, Lagerfeld, Tisci, Anderson and the Kenzo duo are Vuitton’s Nicolas Ghesquière; Céline’s Phoebe Philo; Marc Jacobs; Jean-Paul Claverie, an adviser to LVMH chairman and ceo Bernard Arnault and the group’s director of sponsorships, and Pierre-Yves Roussel, chairman and ceo of LVMH Fashion Group.", "\n\nFor pre-fall, Vivetta Ponti reimagined the characters of an antique tapestry through a punkish filter. ", "The result was a collection that looked a tad less sugar-coated compared to previous seasons. ", "While the brand’s signature feminine ad whimsical iconography, including cute animals and butterflies, were still there, a range of tartan pieces, including a coat and a plissé skirt showing floral inserts, as well as maxi-printed puffers, exuded a cool, urban vibe, writes @aleturra85.", "\n#wwdfashion\n#vivetta\n#prefall2019\n\nAfter dominating in the makeup and lingerie categories, not to mention her Fenty line with Puma, Rihanna is getting ready for her next act in fashion.", "\nAccording to sources, the superstar has been in secret talks with LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton to launch a luxury fashion house under her name. ", "The eponymous collection is said to cover everything from ready-to-wear to leather goods and accessories and is expected to launch later this year in tandem with Rihanna’s ninth studio album.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n#wwdnews\n#wwdfashion\n#rihanna\n#lvmh\n#fentybeauty\n\nVictoria Beckham has developed a power-dressing formula of her own that revolves around elegant tailoring, cozy knits and feminine yet easy-to-throw-on midi dresses — and she keeps returning to it, as it clearly seems to appeal to her growing customer base of women who subscribe to her brand of modern femininity and glamorous yet no-fuss clothing. “", "Ultimately it does always have to come back to the customer and what she wants,” Beckham told WWD while presenting her pre-fall 2019 collection. “", "When we do want to do something different, it is about doing it in a way that she can understand, taking her by the hand and showing her how to put the pieces together so that she can try new things and challenge herself.” ", "Report: @natalietheodosi .", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n.", "\n#wwdfashion\n#victoriabeckham\n#qotd" ]
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