know that this is your calling only then go for it don't just go key are my data science my couch Carlo all our friends who went to that hood meant I am I don't go that mentality because you will yeah it's you might realize that that this is not for you and then you would have taken a big loan to you know fund your education so genuinely for that reason go to a good college don't go to of whatever college yeah and then say Kia Optima us yeah but because you'll be miserable and to be honest and you won't like enjoy your life yeah and also know this about going to the US and this something people don't talk about often whereas me have traveled throughout the world remember that the way a brown person is perceived in the subcontinent is always like a Raja you'd always be a rejoinder subcontinent and if you travel anywhere in the world there is this subtle subtle it's not like out there which is a subtle layer of racism okay
there which is a subtle layer of racism okay mean more than thing is that in your own home you will be celebrated Yeah right like you will have all the rights you don't have the same rights going to another country don't be a second-class citizen abroad when you can be a first-class citizen in and this logic beyond just see the Indian startup scene is popping the Indian economy is popping it is the biggest market because China you can't enter there's no foreign investment that can go into China which makes India the biggest market biggest population by 2025 2030 right yes youngest population there's the most money to be made you yeah this is where the money's at to be honest so if there is a market gap that you see today go for it attack it build a start-up around it builds up something sustainable if you don't work at a startup get the right skills and do things but don't if you don't have a game plan in mind what about what you're going to do in the
mind what about what you're going to do in the US or abroad just don't like - leave oh yeah and if you're not sure about anything trust me work at a start-up like that is your fourth option that is not spoken about enough yeah startups in India the correct ones are hungry for the right right my hyo's and it's okay it's beautiful work-life balance it's a very rewarding job if you join the right startup the co-founders will take care of you go out hunting do internships at startups dude if I just wish someone had told me this when I was an engineering core everyone just owe me that no dude three things or your careers over it's not that that's not the truth and going to what pcs and forces and all is it's probably not going to teach you especially when you're doing like three years of your entry-level job right you will have the same job all the time and there will be a cap on your career in that class in startups there's no cap on
in that class in startups there's no cap on your career okay because there's so many things you learn exactly the job right today you're doing a task a tomorrow you doing task B you have to fill up for someone sometime yeah like the hundredth employee at Facebook today is worth more than a million dollars yeah now that's gonna be a case in India in the 2030s there's going to be like five Facebook's that come out of India be one of those first 500 people you know don't don't aim to be one cog in the wheel of like TCS one cog in the wheel of Infosys unless that's your calling in life and you know then it's another separate story but my advice to you guys is really be open to working at startups you will find your dream job if you look hard enough okay you wake up every morning you look for into office that's the most important thing you want in your life okay cool so that was a monkey chat podcast was suppose to be a
a monkey chat podcast was suppose to be a 20 minute episode but I think what we got talking yeah become what like in and guys yeah also for like a lot of professional help like no professional help professional advice go follow instagram page monk entertainment it's all about creating the best quality professionals quality startup hyo's so go forth page makes you follow barrage and myself advatage hey dad be a biceps on instagram and until next time guys from monkey chair from V Raj and Ranveer you see you man
Jackie Chan Dragonball Z and Michael Jordan was some of the topics that Tiger Shroff and myself spoke about of course forward Fitness we spoke about mental Fitness we spoke about motivational figures in our life also keep in mind that this entire podcast was recorded over a zoom call so the quality isn't like the other podcast and I apologize for that but you know how lockdown scenes are as content creators were always trying to put out the best possible content for you and I promise you that of all the episodes have recorded I felt like this guest was the most similar to me in terms of mindset so you know that the motivation and inspiration is coming your way courtesy of the runway show enjoy yourself with Tiger Shroff on TRS [Music] mr. Tiger Shroff what's up I love that poster behind you it's a Dragonball Z poster my inspiration I wake up oh my god who is this 100% man like I think every fitness junkie in this country has been
think every fitness junkie in this country has been inspired by Dragon Ball Z somewhere sure sure oh yeah yeah what's your what's your quarantine looking like how you taking care of the body oh you know I'm doing my best I'm not as strict on my diet as I usually am do anything but I am training the RAM addicted to training in some sort of activity so I'm training pretty much all morning and evening and that's it and I rest during the day that's it what can you do I'd like to even do homeworkers you do free body stuff so luckily I've got some equipment from my gym it's my house nice and I like to train with heavier resistance because my body weight is not much of a challenge for me got it what is your weight dude my weights about 80 2 kgs right now ok and you're like at 510 511 I'm 510 yeah ok ok crazy bro you know did you do you think that you will become that Fitness Idol when you growing up
will become that Fitness Idol when you growing up watching Goku do yo it miss Idol do you think that I just wanted to be as close to him as possible you know a lot of the action that I do a lot of the the looks that I go for I try to you know Emily that oh boo hoo I can do just for everything except for fly so dude like what's your diet like no I mean we know you're training like you're doing a resistance stuff I'm sure I'm sure I'm not very strict with my diet right now if I if I have a huge sweet tooth so I'm craving an ice cream or a bar of chocolate I probably eat that you know those midnight cravings also my sleep patterns all wonky right now so you know I could sneak like 2 a.m. or I could sleep I like 10 p.m. like all of us uh dude so like when did like your fitness journey start because he was my first memory of you back when I was in
my first memory of you back when I was in school I was in the neighboring school too yahzee when American school of Bombay I was in Bais and I remember this really buff like 15 year old kid my judo coach okay so yeah I'm doing this regime and then so it told me oh yeah that's that's Tiger is did you see this about expect me so that's my first memory of you in life when how will do you and how did your whole fitness game start so I've always been into sports and stuff like that earlier on in my you know in like my Ron Mills who that's like six seven I was around 12 is that is that correct well 13 years old yeah yeah 13 14 years old whatever I was really skinny like I was a Mannerist kid you know but as an athlete I was really good I was really fast I was gonna like football and basketball but I used to get bullied and pushed around like crazy back in school everybody in my class was way
back in school everybody in my class was way bigger than me so I figured you know one summer I just started training and I came back the next summer like completely like jacked hell happened are you what you taking steroids or something how do you get it's just like I just you know I just transformed over two months and it's the initial two months that give you your you know those fast gains yeah so I think that's what happened to me and I also hit a kind of a growth spurt around that that year so I don't lucky and then it sort of gave me an advantage in sports again crazy broke 13 14 you could serve in training retraining I saw this really interesting video of your dad actually which is going viral on Facebook right now where he's talking ill mental health and I want to ask you man because you're so into like physical fitness this is something I believe in strongly that the real benefit of physical fitness is actually the mental fitness that comes out
physical fitness is actually the mental fitness that comes out of it so considering the fact that you're in like a very high intensity career where you know there's like a lot of pressure on you and there are mental health issues and all you know how much of a role do you think your physical fitness has had on your mentality so III mean I credit it all to my physical fitness all my activities you know whenever I'm stressed when I whenever I'm down low on energy my day is not going too good I can just hit the gym or I can you know just do some kickboxing or probably just put some music on and start dancing and just that sort of just channelize is my my energy my wavelength into a very positive direction you know when you train uses releases endorphins you've also moving into fitness stuff you also experience something like that yeah I think I credit every whatever little I've achieved in my career today it's all because of you know my physical exercise my fitness my regime and I think
my physical exercise my fitness my regime and I think I'd be a gone case if it wasn't for that with with quarantine because everyone's getting that mental break from life so like what's what's been your realization you know like for me I felt like I was going too hard with my career and my fitness so I just loaded take it a little bit easy and more balanced so what was that for you what's been my realization yeah yeah you know luckily for me I've seen I've seen success and failure pretty early on in my career you know my first two films being back-to-back successes in my third and fourth film not working at the box office so that sort of grounded me and sort of prepped me for you know all my future battles and once you see both sides of the spectrum it's it's really about walking on that line on that fine line and just reading either left or right not giving too much but at the same time not folding too much back in all you go with
not folding too much back in all you go with instinct it's all about it's all about feeling man yeah 100% Goku had to die til I come back to it once like you watch super well I haven't man I'm much more of a Dragonball Z fan I have you as Dragon Balls I'll check it out you're quarantined and productive man I'll check it out dude dude with like your early career do you think that after you've got that early success did little I get to your head somewhere I'm not saying I'm not saying into something but did you take sausage for granted you think that that failure kind of you the honest to do I did after myself my first film when I worked I had no idea what box office was in you know it was sort of a big deal the number we made it back then and with my second film working when it did the numbers it did you know I I sort of gained a little you know I wouldn't say overconfidence but of
little you know I wouldn't say overconfidence but of confidence and I sort of could walk around with my chest you know keeping that in mind when my third film was about to release I I sort of prepped myself and talked myself into he had my meeting loosely fill Barakat opening Maritim means I should please get 15 floors opening on my third film you know because now I guess I'm a bigger star whatever you could see so that that didn't happen really with me well I I got a slap across my face that was a wake-up call really and I'm glad you know that I have no regrets as to what Evers happened in my journey thus far you know it sort of has keep me grounded and whenever I something gets to my head whenever I feel that I've achieved a little something I look at my father's journey and his struggle and his successes and that sort of just puts me on the right track you know just puts me keeps me grounded really I
know just puts me keeps me grounded really I mean since you mentioned my dad now he's been like that you know throughout the oh and he's throughout the years he's been like that ever since even before he started his films you talk to everyone the same way you would behave the same way with everyone you know he wouldn't give anybody special treatment or he wouldn't talk down and anybody was perhaps lower than him or you know talk in a different manner to somebody who's in a higher stature than me he's just and I think that's why he's got so much goodwill and not so many good things to say but yeah I see that and you as well a lot man like I remember I met you at this Facebook event it was just like really nice to everyone so you know that's it's not something you usually associate with like big Bollywood stars but you were just like the same guy I felt that scene in American school of Bombay same same dude different time in our UI you at
same same dude different time in our UI you at peace in life right now with like your curio or do you want like a lot more like what's your mental state I mean honest I'm not that's because I keep you know very high goals and expectations for myself Idol yeah I mean this guy right here think you know you know but you know I have huge idols man I have huge aspirations and it's it's it's really tough to meet that so no matter what I believed I feel like you know it's just it's like a never-ending race for me yeah 100 percent 1 percent I I feel that two men like that's that's one of the downsides of being into fitness and into DBZ and you you always in bed not a walk-in eye level you said it you said it but but in saying that where do you wanna take your career man like what what what will make a 60 year old I wish of happy of just knowing the fact that I've touched just about every
knowing the fact that I've touched just about every kid in every country in every part of the world in every street any every corner of the world every kid knows Tiger Shroff is and I want to make a difference to each one of their lives like this there's only a handful of people who have done that you know worldwide and who are a household names worldwide in that sense you know you talk about living legends you talk about Jackie Chan you talk about Stallone people want here like Michael Jackson had such a big impact on us in some way or the other like you're chasing legacy basically that's what I feel yes yes yes do - what do you do - like few will diverge like right now like oh no no Daly I'm sure you work out somewhere that fuels it a bit but oh you know when when life is outside of quarantine when normal life is on what do you do if you will it when normal life is on well I am constantly at my craft you
is on well I am constantly at my craft you know like like I mentioned Michael Jackson like I mentioned Jackie Chan this guy over here drum constantly constantly training trying to get better at something or the other you know my motto is as cool as it sounds you know I'm trying to be a better version of myself feel it every day you know I'm trying to beat the tiger shroff of yesterday I will always think you know the competition I I like to think is with myself and I'd like to keep it that way you know because if another Tiger Shroff came you know in the industry how do I better know whatever it is how do i how do i you know probably do better action in him something better than him do you think do you think your seniors in the industry look at you and say yo who's this kid like and I I don't I I don't really know I know I know that you know I've got I've been lucky that I've got a lot of
I've been lucky that I've got a lot of appreciation from them and you know they've been kind enough to share that with me and it's mutual really I think we're all very happy in our own spaces you know and personally in an industry which has so much competition mmm me it was very essential to create my own identity and to sort of create my own niche right so that being said I think that's been my approach in my career and I've been trying to do that all my life and I think that's how sort of that's what's worked for me and people have sort of can identify me with a certain genre you know some people might say it's typecasting some people you know call it an identity I like to call it an identity it gives me I'm blessed that you know even a people diet cost me as just an action hero I love that because it sort of gives me a label you know relate to me in connect to me through my films through what they like to
to me through my films through what they like to see me do know I I think I mean again I don't want to say anything but from an external perspective dude you're on the right track like I remember even I had a pretty bad you and I recently met one of my mentors and what he told me I I told him that this is gonna be my MVP I'm gonna kill it all he told me was that listen no MVP decides that this will be his MVP oh all an MVP does is prep for the next game so I think that's pretty much what you are doing is whether mentor sounds really smart I said yeah yes he's my piccolo dude with with wit like Bollywood as intense as it is with the whole competition by being intense as well and I mean I don't want to go into like a relationship gossip tangent I'm just asking you as a bro like you know does does a good healthy relationship kind of help balance things out balance the intensity out is
of help balance things out balance the intensity out is that like a romantic relationship this is it balance it out yeah well man depends on who your partners it could get difficult if there is no understanding god it's a very consuming career that waited well you got you just you either give it your all or you just don't be in that this there's no you can't be half-assed about yeah a relationship or healthy relationship needs work in need time you need to give each other that time if you're an actor it's very difficult to to multitask mmm you actors can do that me personally I'm not one of those driven very focused on my work and if you know if I had a partner she probably called me selfish something like that Oh obsess to my work and not prioritizing me right good eye I honestly feel it's it's good to have an eye of the tiger' mentality and I know you probably agree with me on that man I mean I've been watching Jordans document feel is
mean I've been watching Jordans document feel is he on Netflix I know you've seen last a thank you fired me up to another level same dude that that's been my big quarantine discovery you know like I was actually feeling be motivated and you see it's not even just Jordan you see pepper and you see Rodman or they thought it's like this is this is what I need to be in life yeah yeah it's so inspiring to see what these guys have put in man yeah 100% the struggle the work it's just an overnight success I mean the back story yes that's so inspiring and aspirational yeah yeah and that meant that is a shot of Jordan you know just so when Phil Jackson is talking and you know talking him in practice so I think was a free game thing Jordan the way he's looking at Phil Jackson like he's his own miss or a single thing yeah yeah third man perspective it looks like he's you know this man with such intensity man Wow the intensity
this man with such intensity man Wow the intensity 100% warriors warriors relate to other warriors dude that's just what I feel totally man my last my last couple of questions on this mini podcast okay so this the second last one is where do you draw your inspiration from like I'm not talking about famous actors with big legacies I'm not on butter still oh no Jackie Chan people outside of the world of films is there someone who you look up to and say okay that's where I want to be in my own career hmm sports or like whatever yeah definitely sports I was actually thinking about two or three people right now please no no no I mean you being into sports in Savini watches documentaries well Ronaldo okay I'll check it out yeah but uh you know the something that really hit me about Ronaldo was forget forget him being you know having a really poor you know not ground and having pretty much nothing and coming up to being this you know megastar this multi you know
being this you know megastar this multi you know million dollar brand of his and you know not just the Empire not just the talent the skill the you know the whole thing that he has got going for him what really hit me in the documentary was his mother she said that you know I didn't want to happen although was a mistake I didn't want to have this baby can you imagine if Ronaldo didn't happen if he wasn't born he's broke down saying I can't believe this mistake of mine has given me such a good life I want to give my family my parents so much in life and I don't want them to ever feel short of anything whatever they want I want that you know going to them in that instant no no I work myself to that level where you know there's no looking back yeah yeah lose them yeah that's why I think you're watching the Jordan documentaries you're not drinking any alcohol you're not smoking any drugs you're just like locked in love
smoking any drugs you're just like locked in love that obsessed will obsess love that love that man completely relate I'd put in LeBron James as someone who's like you know in my heart I how into basketball you are rude but he's like Khan's a physical specimen man you know yeah Mike Michael was physically gifted use athletic but he's nowhere close to being his biggest LeBron LeBron's got the strength he's got the size he's got yes he's got the brain as well now he's got that experience and as he's aging he's just getting better which is a freak of nature one 1% my vibe with LeBron is that he makes everyone around him better so that I'm living through so I'm deep in a business student as I endure office as the LeBron you know and then like throwing balls to people for Sean's no the point guard yeah something like that and final question like dude like I'm not talking about what you're going to do after Koren team but after
you're going to do after Koren team but after quarantine how do you think you're going to evolve into like the next version of you watching me the next thing you're gonna add to your mind existence because knowing you if you're a warrior keep I wanna give back to the planet do something for the environment in a big way okay you know fortunately and unfortunately you know with the whole endemic if he's the world the planet is healing all that it went through I mean you look out your window I can see all the way to Mud Island on one side and all the way to Queens necklace on the other side yeah I mean and for for the past thirty years have been on this earth I've just never seen that side I mean you night you see stars line yeah represent so I'm just blessed that the planet is healing I'm feeling so good about that how it's all about finding a freakin vaccination hopefully it'll happen I mean I don't know dude I think
happen I mean I don't know dude I think this those things that be really con gandules I'm just going with it now even though I really wanted to end your question yeah I want to do something for the environment mmm I think you will do it anyway any last messages for a depressed kid out there who's probably you know not go into a good phase during his quarantine well all I want to say is like you know you guys can't just look at the the negatives first of all we're all in this together so you have no right to complain I have no right to complain it's all of us you know what in it together so keep that in the back of your head I mean and that's what helps me you know I feel like if somebody out there was you know you know playing football or when the gym and while I was just talking okay fair enough I'd be like you know and wise yet but the fact is that all of us are home fighting this
fact is that all of us are home fighting this together yep cool think about that secondly how can you be productive think about ways you can be productive from home you know I'm writing every day I'm not a writer man I mean I'm not academically gifted at all I'm just all drawn in physicality but I'm finding exploring myself and unleashing things that I never knew I had my poetry man I like the hell that come to me yeah write your thoughts down and people think about what you're gonna do as soon as his lockdown is over starting from now steps plan the next ten years right now this is the ideal time to like you said go to the next level retrospect introspect spend time with your loved ones your family once you get to see how you don't get this opportunity with your family or your loved ones oh yeah the people around you move may do man so don't talk don't really you know get yourself too hard during this situation don't get down or
too hard during this situation don't get down or depressed and go check out my dad's video has gone viral that should be held on I second that is second there's a really cool take on mental less than that that's I think what a lot of people feel but nobody voices that's what's cool about Jackie how beautiful digression of thank you brother I know you're fun thanks man thanks seeing it thanks see you guys [Music]
when you come from an impoverished area and you come from the dirt you're hungry and you'll do anything you can to not starve my mom came from a little town it's called you won't even know it's called barrosas right and honduras where it was dirt roads i think she got electricity when she was a teen that's where my mom came from right now her son's here just one generation ago that was that a man should do his job so well that the living the dead and the unborn could do it no better [Music] mr jose zuniga what's up what's up ranveer bro i've been seeing you pop off bro like it was time that we sat down for sure for sure uh i think half of india's youtube watching audience follows tmf i got love for india bro like you guys are we were talking a little bit about this pre-show you guys are strong as our country you guys are strong bro yeah there's i think that's the power of numbers there's
there's i think that's the power of numbers there's just that many people like i remember having this conversation with alpha m i told him that uh he had given this reference point of seven years to one million and i'd written that down on paper and it took us like two and a half three years to hit that number purely because of the number of people in india so that's what goes on here crazy bro great yeah the amount of like just followers you guys just amount of people right i see them in the comments that you it's impressive i haven't seen a more i think you guys are some of them are our most loyal following honestly right now you seem like a super entrepreneurial guy and i've seen this trend with uh american entrepreneurs in general you guys are really well informed about the rest of the world i mean the top indian entrepreneurs it's the same they know about everything that's happening that's why i want to ask you how are american entrepreneurs and
want to ask you how are american entrepreneurs and i'm not talking about like a bezos or elon musk but say someone who's kind of just started out who's done something that's become stable how do you guys look at india and china and the east generally do you think of expanding here what goes on in your heads uh in my head it definitely definitely expansion uh it's all about trends right and i've been paying close attention to india basically mainly because of what i have right i have a worldwide base and seeing the trend of just the amount of people from that culture that that are seeping through and not only that i can see the trickle-down effect where you guys are your middle class is growing right and um when you mimic the jeff bezos the facebooks and the tick tocks and you see that well tic toc now got banned but you see these guys like for example i sat down with my youtube manager they were telling me yo they're building apps
manager they were telling me yo they're building apps specific for india right that's how important this nation is so as an entrepreneur if you're expanding all right our businesses are all worldwide i have close eyes on india right there's certain barriers to entry right there's still a lot of risk and stuff like that involved but definitely always keeping an eye out knowing that you know there's a gold mine there's a huge market there you know yeah 100 uh i want to ask you your story super quick i know you run it with your brother uh maria your sisters also yeah that's my sister yeah that's correct so you you know while people just watch you on youtube and they think that okay jose is this youtuber jose is not a youtuber jose is a part of like this organization that's building out right now so could you take us through the story like what happened um i'm gonna try to make it as quick as possible because i usually get into like a stop story when i
i usually get into like a stop story when i talk about this but long story short started this when i was 16. i was in high school at the time started with an instagram account this is when instagram was just on iphone i don't know if you remember those times like it wasn't even on android um started posting little pictures here and there and funny enough my brother was the one that opened this account and just to show how kind of like of a spoof it was hence the name he literally just named it teaching men's fashion talk about a more simple name that you can think of right never in a million years do we think we're gonna build it to what it is today um long story short started it there saw the traction building up right because at the time this was 2012 2013 time uh there was a lot of interest for men trying to dress better at that time right this was like the suit face and dapper phase that's the phase we're talking about and uh started growing
the phase we're talking about and uh started growing a lot so i opened a youtube channel uh really following that figured you know video would be much better to be able to express messages and teach stuff and it worked really well now the sad or the tough part was that i've always i've always had entrepreneur like run through my blood right like i've had car wash businesses grass cutting business like i've done it all right and my parents were not wealthy by any means so i'm an immigrant to america well i was born here but my parents were immigrants honduras so that's a that's a country in south america it's one of the poorest countries and i think latin america if i'm not wrong um so very very low class uh but my parents came here and you know they always taught me hard work because they started bare bones and just they worked they worked they worked and they always provided right so we always had what we needed but we definitely didn't have like access by any means
we definitely didn't have like access by any means you know we were lower class and we were just working our way up and during that time i would always do like side hustles and stuff like that nothing ever major when this started popping off i opened my first e-commerce store which at the time were custom suits custom suits custom shirts etc long story short i was 18. this was my first actual business incorporated with you know the state of florida so it was it was legit right i was ceo of a company so i was hyped up um long story short i think within the course of a year year and a half i was about 15k in debt now as an 18 year old kid my credit cards were maxed my my company credit cards were maxed uh and again my parents were low income 15 000 in debt felt like a million in debt right um it was the worst time of my life like i couldn't do anything i couldn't go out i was just choking right and after
go out i was just choking right and after trying to salvage it for for a while i just you know bit the bullet and i was like you know i have to close this down i'm losing too much money every month i was losing more money than actually i was actually making and it was a great learning curve you know we can get into that later down long story short that was like my low low low point uh i'm a faith believing man i believe in god uh so i've always said that he gave me that extra push right i remember being in a very low point where in my mind i'm 18 15 in debt and in my mind the only thing going through my head was why can't i just be a regular college kid like why am i putting all this stress in my life where every time people ask me yo how's your business doing like i had to put a straight face like oh it's going well but inside i know i'm a failure right like it was like the worst
a failure right like it was like the worst feeling possible going and going to sleep every night and um and when people saw you working hard or i would be working at it they would either laugh or be like why are you doing that you're wasting your time right so in my head it was like why can't i just be a regular college kid why don't i just dump this finish my degree and you know live a regular life why am i putting the stress in my life you know um thankfully i decided let me try one more time and uh that one more time was it i started really focusing on the channel around 2016 and i think we were i was sitting at about 30 000 subscribers that first year when i sat down and focused on the channel i took the channel from 30 000 to 150 and racked in about 350 grand in revenue that year um so i went from negative to like multiple six figures it was it was a massive blessing and i would work relentless when
massive blessing and i would work relentless when i tell you i did not sleep it was like monday through sunday just working at that time which was kind of unheard of this was 2016 time i was doing a video every single day monday through sunday a video you know back in the day that wasn't you know nobody was doing stuff like that especially the men's style realm uh all i could think about was growth and uh yeah that was pretty much the start and then from there it just started blossoming which we can you know cover along the way how old are you today uh 25. wow that's crazy man but i think because you started that business that early in a positive way i think it mentally aged you it's in a good way oh 100 everybody says i'm too mature for my age i'm way too you meet other 25 year olds they're not they look completely different you know and and you're right my my goals and my ambitions are way different right they're just way way
ambitions are way different right they're just way way different you know yeah you know i follow you on instagram and i saw that you had a baby recently man like and that's crazy talk about a blessing you're younger than i am and you already have a baby so i don't know what kind of perspective that's given you as a guy but talk about motivation yeah i want to know that what what's it done hunger it's relentless right like now um if before i wanted to do it right if i wanted to make it and we'll talk more as we go like i still feel like i haven't made it i still feel like i got i got like a mountain to go i'm just starting right and having a kid and a wife right motivation first and foremost right like i i want them to have the world but moreover i want to build something that's generational i don't want it just to be me right i don't want to be jose zuniga the millionaire or whatever whatever
be jose zuniga the millionaire or whatever whatever that's that's nothing i want something that they can have long term right generations from here and um but yeah it's just it's just motivation you know i see them and it's like i love them so much i i can't fail right what what happens to a guy the first time he holds his own baby oh you tear up like a baby but what happens what you break what happens it's that it's like it's so surreal like it's hard to explain until it happens to you right because my brother went through it and i and i saw it i experienced it through him it ain't the same right when you hold your own flesh and blood it's like that's your generation right that's that's the next step right you're thinking you're not no longer thinking oh i'm gonna die at 80. you're like what are they gonna do and what am what am i gonna do to jumpstart their life right and it's like
do to jumpstart their life right and it's like it's crazy on top of that if you do it with somebody that you love like i am in love with my wife my wife is the woman that was made for me i've said that a million times right when i met her i told her the day oh i'm gonna marry you um when you do it with somebody you love it's not only what i just talked about the motivation it's also like this is what your love created right that that's that's what you're holding right the the the the fruit of of your marriage you know it's a beautiful thing and um until you're ready i i think i don't think nobody should jump into it i'm not definitely saying go go and have a baby but um if that's something you want doing it with the right person you won't regret it you know dude are you still connected to like your latino culture like your parents heritage like are you still yeah very much so i'm sure
like are you still yeah very much so i'm sure there's a part of you that kind of contrasts it against american culture sometimes because you've grown up in one culture you're carrying another culture inside you so what is latino culture made of and i'm talking about both positives and negatives and how does it apply to your head today all right let's talk about positive positives very family oriented way more family-oriented than american culture american culture is very loose right uh latino cultures is very more emotional i would say and uh emotional like not not soft or weak but emotional like they show more emotion right like let me give you a physical example like when we greet in latino culture it's normal to kiss somebody in the cheek or hug and there's no sexual intent in that it's just normal right yeah i would never do that to somebody that's white or caucasian out they would think i'm a sexual predator you know like it's that drastic right uh families are very tight-knit family is
right uh families are very tight-knit family is everything right hence why i talk with so much passion about my daughter and stuff because that's that's what i bring on from my parents you know what i mean so that family unit important like i'm gonna stay with my wife for the rest of my life that is my goal right that is my main goal you know what i mean um negatives i mean everybody has negatives obviously i think uh i i definitely think we are uh especially the male culture could be a little misogynistic at times right latino culture is very misogynistic um latinos in america can sometimes be very entitled if that makes sense where they believe in in what way uh they believe the government owes me something the government owes me this and this is what i admire about indians where indians that come to america they don't go government give me this they go let me start a business or i'm going to become a doctor or a lawyer most of them come here
a doctor or a lawyer most of them come here and kill it you know what i mean and that that's respectable uh i'm not saying that all latinos are like this because clearly i'm not like that right but there is a there is a tendency of of latinos being a little bit entitled you know but again these are blanket statements so i wouldn't judge every latino like i'm giving you because you asked me for negatives i think that that's what would come to the top of my head yeah yeah no i'm just i'm i'm just asking for perspective and going by how much i've studied about latino culture i see a lot of parallels between brown culture and latino culture like whether it's family whether it's emotions whether it's the whole hard work mentality which i'm sure is there in america but there's this kind of just relentless hard work mentality that comes when you're talking about brown people and latinos that's what i know what it is i think it's that
what i know what it is i think it's that we've tasted the dirt right if you're from india i'm sure you've tasted what dirt is like right just one generation ago let's go back i'm sorry two generations ago my mom my mom came from a little town it's called you won't even know it's called barrosas right and in honduras where it was dirt roads i think she got electricity when she was a teen into this town it was a town like we're talking a little town out in the mountains that's where my mom came from right now her son's here just one generation ago that was that so when and i've been back to that town so when you come from that everything you do is up and when you taste a little bit of up you want more and more but if you're born here right your second third generation latino or your caucasian right and all you know is excess there is no hunger you've had it all you know what i mean and i'm
had it all you know what i mean and i'm not again these aren't i don't want to put a blanket statement because i'm sure there's hungry people out there but for the most part that's what i've noticed you know when you come from an impoverished area and you come from the dirt you're hungry and you'll do anything you can to not starve yeah for sure which is why i want to ask you about your future plans because i'm dead sure you've got a vision of where you're going whether that's in terms of business ideas or just generally you know i'm sure you have like this crazy business you've thought of in your head that you want to run in the future but let's let's talk about that all right so i've said this before it's gonna sound really ballsy but uh i want to make a billion dollars that's my goal i want to make a billion dollars i think that's the most impressive thing anybody can do um you were talking that the billionaires
can do um you were talking that the billionaires is 2600 people if i can be on that list i just did something that point zero zero zero zero zero there's a one percent of the population did impressive am i going to do it i don't know but i've always said this and i said it in my videos see i'm a practitioner of what i preach right i don't just say stuff in my videos just because i'm bored and i've always said especially when you set your goal set them high high right like if my goal would have just been a hundred grand i would have been complacent seven years ago or whatever it was right i'm good and that's fine do whatever makes you happy having aggressive goals like this makes me happy the sleepless nights and how to get to there makes me happy right the problem solving on how to get to that that makes me happy so do whatever makes you happy but i think whatever goal and whatever field you're doing should be high high right so i
field you're doing should be high high right so i call it the north star and the way i see it is like uh i mean you go to the gym right um you know when you're like you're just beat right your muscles are done and in your head you start you're fighting yourself you're you're running a mile right you're like oh just slow down nobody's watching right you don't need to keep going bro your muscles hurt this is uncomfortable that's what's going through your head right but then i don't know if you have that same voice deep deep deep and down you have another voice going like just one more keep going keep going you're almost there just one but it's very faint i like listening to that voice because before you know it when you look up you're one step closer right so imagine this goal being like mount everest right the billion dollars is mount everest right clearly i'm seven miles away whatever it is right but i just look down it's one step more
right but i just look down it's one step more one step more one step more before you know it i'm gonna look up be like crap i'm a little bit closer you know what i mean i think that's why setting goals highest is important it keeps you hungry the whole your whole life um as for businesses you know we have a lot of great businesses going on right now essentials is our man that's our baby that's that that's that's our eight-figure business we did that in two years uh tmf in itself is a is a multiple seven-figure business um we have uh jade black we turned that into a seven-figure business in one year 12 months with kovid as a guy alone how are you managing all these things do you have like a leadership core do you do any of this stuff yourself so for example let's just take tmf the channel where you come on screen and you talk about stuff have you reached a point now where you don't script yourself and you're just ready to
you don't script yourself and you're just ready to go no i don't trust anybody with that so again just the tmf business we do about again it's relentless work ethic we've talked about this you know already you know and i've said this um multiple times like i might not be the best looking guy right learn the richest guy or have the best accent right because i have a latino accent um but i will work harder than anybody else guaranteed i'm just hungry for it and the thing is that like it's not only just hunger you have to love what you do because it doesn't feel like working and the great thing is that now i'm getting a little bit diverted here but again this is why it's important to find the right partner right i love my wife and she's very driven in on herself right she's trying to she's starting to become a doctor right so she works a lot too so it's this thing where like we're constantly motivating each other and i
where like we're constantly motivating each other and i found somebody that can actually grind next to me it's the greatest thing you you'll ever find once you find a girl that works perfectly for you you know and uh but it's relentless bro like i'll wake up now i'm waking up at four in the morning believe it or not right so i used to wake up at 5 30 now that i have a kid i want to spend more time with her so i try to come home earlier so what do i do i wake up even earlier to work longer during the day i'm sleeping six hours a day right i'm working 18. right i use five of them to spend or four of them to spend with my family like it's time management the time is there it's whether you want to do it or not i have a very ambitious goal um i think six hours of sleep is gonna cut it for me for now you know until until i get there but uh yeah just to
until until i get there but uh yeah just to give you an example we do about 14 to 15 videos every week both in english and spanish vlog channel etc uh i do all of them all the script uh i record i only have and i just got we just got another we're about to hire another one uh we had editors before believe it or not the editors couldn't keep up the editors could not keep up with the video production so what happened was that we took over backup editing and i've been editing my own videos again with my brother for the last three months since we fired that editor because he was getting our projects late and i was like this is ridiculous i could do it myself you know um we just hired another one this guy's a beast and we're gonna hire another one again so you know they don't they can kind of work together uh you should consider hiring editor you should consider hiring editors from india with the whole remote work situation you know the
with the whole remote work situation you know the only thing i can't i thought about that and i think we tried to hire a remote editor once it just didn't work we just have so much content and i'm very picky with my stuff that i need you here i couldn't do it remotely like i i it's just i don't know maybe it's my management style i can't right um apart from that believe it or not we're a pretty small team doing everything we've got about 10 core employees um and then everybody everybody else is something that we call uh independent contractors here in the in the states which is pretty much that you hire them for projects so for example when we have these huge influxes of orders we'll bring in about 20 30 people just to pick a pack but we do that sporadically we don't just hold them on on our payroll you know what i mean and that's just to save costs and stuff like that but core employees that do like you know the design uh
core employees that do like you know the design uh are influencer marketing teams about four girls uh you know the logistics the warehouse the front end right it's about 10. but like in terms of managing each business i'm guessing you've given it to like one person to like handle like you know eyewear um uh my my brother does more of the day-to-day basically the great thing with my brother and is that we work as a great team and we're different which is good right so i'm more of like a visionary and i'm very i like taking risk right yeah yeah um sometimes they pay off sometimes they don't for example we just we're building right now massive massive 30 000 square foot office in new york i told you about that um crazy expensive crazy it's like dream office right i believe it's going to help us grow especially with our companies and the way they're going we need certain talent for certain jobs i think i can find it better there better connections better opportunities in
find it better there better connections better opportunities in the long run it's going to get me closer to where i want to be right it's a risk is it going to pay off i have no idea i like taking those type of race my brother's more conservative which is great you need that balance right because you don't want to deplete all your revenue taking risk left and right and he's also better for daily day-to-day management um which is what he does he kind of oversees the ball make sure everything's running smoothly shipping whatever it is customer service department you know uh basically what we do is every week on fridays we sit down with every single department together and just go over the week and then to plan for the next week and then you know each department has a head right influencer shipping logistics customer service they all have heads video editing team right um but overall we're still the ones managing everything that's crazy but um right now in life and i'm sure you get this a lot
in life and i'm sure you get this a lot and again that's one of those parallels between brown and latino culture how many of your relatives or just people in your life criticize you for hustling too hard like where people go like hey jose take a break the last one that i remember was my mom and that criticized she just said like yo remember you know don't don't overwork and forget about your kids and that's something i never want i'll never i'd rather die poor with my family than then become a billionaire and become that absent dad right yeah it's pathetic uh i wouldn't have one at the end i know i'd be unhappy i want to be the billionaire and still be a great dad and husband hell of a of a pill to swallow but that's what i want um so that's something that i always keep conscious in the back of my head right that's what i told you i wake up earlier just to ensure that i can get the work in
just to ensure that i can get the work in plus get my averages with my family you know um but believe it or not my parents are very especially my dad's a very hard worker uh and i'm mostly closely with my nucleus or nuclear family which is my my dad my mom my sister my brother and since my sister and my brother are part of the the the enterprise as well like they're working just as hard you know like my sister's working on weekends now uh but we all love what we do and it makes it fun you know when you're working with family so technically you're still spending time with family so you know nice uh have you have you ever considered what you're gonna tell your daughter you have a daughter right yes so how are you gonna ensure that when she's growing up with like the millions and billions of dollars how are you gonna ensure that she still retains those old-school latino values of like hard work and grind i think the best thing
like hard work and grind i think the best thing is is leading by example with kids right that's the that i can't tell my kid work hard and that's a couch potato i can't tell my kid hey don't be obese or be healthy and dad never goes to the gym right i'll give you an example i work hard because i saw my dad working his ass off right he started making i mean again pay is different in india but here he was his minimum wage i think he used to make around four or five bucks an hour which here just so you put that into perspective is and this was back in like early 2000's that is nothing like you're eating dirt i know over there might be a little bit more but here it was like dirt um and worked all his way now he's old and he's you know he's making really really good money he worked his way up on that company and just hustled he started from like a almost janitor position and worked his way up
like a almost janitor position and worked his way up that's hard work for an immigrant that english isn't his first language right that that i see also my dad's 55 and he still keeps up with me in the gym i've seen my dad work out ever since i was four he would always go to the gym so guess what i like i naturally am that same way i i'm always at the gym i love hitting the weights i love work i feel better when i work out my mood my mind my creativity everything just is enhanced right i think all that is influenced by you know or leading by example i'll give you another example i don't drink i don't drink alcohol you know i think it keeps my mind more sober and i just don't need it i don't need to take the edge off of anything right i'm high off of life period yeah i think i think aaron marino is the same he doesn't drink i don't drink either and i think there's yeah there's
don't drink either and i think there's yeah there's a bunch of these like men's lifestyle influencers who don't and i think this whole new wave that's taking over but i've never even been a drinking type of guy have i had alcohol yeah but it's like i just don't need it like if in a social situation i don't need it to enjoy my time with you you know what i mean yeah um but again i saw that from my dad you know my dad never like there was never alcohol in the house but it was mainly because his dad was like like a crazy alcoholic like he was a legit alcoholic like you would get mad and hit you the whole night so he's like i'm not gonna do that to my kids so he led by example right those are just a few surface level examples so when it comes to my kid it's the same way right if you want to be humble and understand the value of money it's you know to work hard uh cherish
money it's you know to work hard uh cherish the things you have but i have to show her that first you know what i mean for sure but it it i have definitely thought about it a lot because it's it's a slippery slope it's a slippery slope where does where does your whole spiritual aspect of things fit into all this how do you define your spiritual life i'm a christian so i'm a christian obviously you know i believe in god jesus christ my savior um like i said i think god is the reason why i'm even here i don't think i know right every opportunity that you know the strength to be here the grind the want the everything comes from him right just to even be alive as a blessing right um and when it came to to that point where i i was this close to quitting i would have been a regular regular dude today if i would have decided to be like you know what i'm throwing in the towel screw this and just something
throwing in the towel screw this and just something that i it was at night time something at night that night told me just try one more time kind of like that voice in the gym right it's not comfortable i don't like this this hurts it literally hurt like i felt like a failure and if you haven't felt that type of failure of like poverty or failing a business i don't think you'll know what i'm talking about but when when your whole family you know thinks you're this entrepreneur you tell everybody oh i'm gonna be this entrepreneur and you're just a failure like it hurts you feel like like it's it sucks you know but something in the back of my head you know said one more time and i think that that something was gone and because i chose to do so you know five years later i looked up and like crap i'm here right um but spirituality wise you know i put it first both my marriage and my business everything god's first yeah you
marriage and my business everything god's first yeah you know sure i have a i have a philippians 4 13 tattoo oh there you go the same it's the same thought process man i i do feel like you know that's one thing that's not acknowledged in the world of entrepreneurship you do need that what people now call an sq which is a spiritual quotient just as the underlying layer behind like all the hustle um which is also what i want to ask you now you know when you have tough days at work do you turn to your spiritual side what what happens do you do you went out do you cry at all to your wife or like you know do you like what happens on like the worst days i tend to bottle things in um but one thing so yes definitely i always turn to to to uh to god every time uh and the good and the bad right i'll give you a great example with essentials this last launch because of covet i was really really
this last launch because of covet i was really really really projecting the worst and with the worst i would have been happy i would have been i was like i can understand why these numbers look like this right every pandemic when i saw our numbers and saw that it was basically just as good as last launch after such a severe pandemic i turned to god and i said thank you this is incredible you know it shouldn't have been this way but in the bad times as well but one thing that i that i do on top of praying all that stuff i i do i like to write i like to write a lot both in the bad times and in the good times so again when i was in that dark hole where i just felt like that failure that i just really wanted to quit i have a journal entry from that date where i was just like yo this is horror and every time i read it i feel like i'm that kid again but the interesting part is that when i read
again but the interesting part is that when i read my journal and you just go page by page by page you always see this right this hockey puck happening right and i just write like dang this month was incredible but i'll even i saved my bank statements from those months so i have bank statements from like 20 let's say 13 of this month which was incredible right um i saved my last year tax return my last year uh p l statement for the business it's in my journal right because it was our best year we did this incredible um jump from the previous year so the great thing with that journal is that when you do feel like crap you know when you feel like just down you go back and you read and you're like yo even in my down right now i'm way better than i was before and then kind of back to that little voice keep going keep going right because the only thing that i've learned around this whole this whole time keep going yeah it's gonna it's gonna pop off
going yeah it's gonna it's gonna pop off right keep putting that effort so i brother you have a very like motivational vibe you know you're a motivated guy and i feel like you look at the positive side of things which is like a true son of god to be honest but i i also want to ask you um and this is i'm not asking you this uh for you to go inside for you to go into a bad zone but this is just to give the viewers and audiences some perspective because there's a young jose zuniga somewhere listening to this yeah so what's one negative aspect of your life right now like after you've accomplished all that you've accomplished is there anything that's that you'd you'd like to improve other than work other than business i think again i i wouldn't say my life thankfully i've just been blessed you know with the with with a beautiful family and you know with our businesses but when it came to let's say on a personal
but when it came to let's say on a personal level i think everybody nobody's perfect nobody and no matter how perfect they look everybody's battling with something i think for me it would be one of my personality traits kind of like that impulsive risk taker that i talked about it has a negative sight to that you know yeah um tagged on to that i have i have like anger problems and it's not all the time right but i it's very easy for me to lose my temper it's very easy for me to be impulsive which is not a good thing and that's that's probably the one thing that i always battle with and i always am conscious of or conscience of right where i'm like you know relax think about it then act i tend to act and then i think about it and then i'm like that was that's probably my biggest challenge especially when i get angry or when i'm mad because when you're mad you don't think right it's like you get blinded you know
think right it's like you get blinded you know and um i think that's my biggest challenge where i constantly try to fight against my own nature and talking about parenting right my dad was the same way my dad was very impulsive when he would get mad at me it was like anger throwing stuff at me you're why would you do that right let's say i did something stupid i saw that right yeah so then i act the same way very physical very and it's not a positive it's a negative but i think as a as a dude you and i we should always look at our negatives and figure out how can we improve this in the same way i looked at my style one day and i was like all right how can i improve this or i looked at my body one day and say how can i improve this nobody's perfect right i was a scrawny 140 pound big big-headed little dude right work on it you know um i think that's the one thing where i
know um i think that's the one thing where i outside of business outside of family and everything personally just fixing my own personality traits to try to become better um i think another thing where i lack damn i feel like you're my you're my psychiatrist here bro that's that's all good but it all this is a part of spirituality i think i need to be more compassionate um i'm very compassionate to people that are in a bad situation or weak and by that i mean let's say maybe somebody that's homeless or somebody that that was just dealt a a bad deck right a bad uh a a uh a bad hand in life but when it comes to regular people for some reason i'm not a compassionate guy i'm not an emotional guy which is not a good thing also i think we should always be compassionate for one another and that's something also that i work on constantly this is also the course of being an entrepreneur because once you get into entrepreneurship once you figure that
once you get into entrepreneurship once you figure that oh i should do this then you try breaking it down completely but you know it's it's just that i feel that because you're a spiritual dude and you know you there is that while there is that chase for the billionaire mark there's also clear chase for spiritual growth and all these holes will be plugged like as you keep growing man like you can grow materially and spiritually together a hundred percent you know and again they're just goals if you don't reach them that's fine keep moving keep growing yeah i also i also feel that this is something that indian culture can learn from american culture which is like you know for lack of a better word like a cutthroat mentality like a michael jordan mentality like go and get it like yeah you watch the last dance yes yes so the la the last dance does a lot for you as a person like it'll really fire you up to go and get something and you've got a lot of
go and get something and you've got a lot of that same fire in you man thank you you can totally and kind of like what i was saying i think i think indian culture and again lower countries like where i came from and stuff like that um there's a lot of people with that mentality because of where they come from yeah right in the same way michael jordan you know he he was a poor kid right so once you start once you taste success even a little bit you want to do everything you can to not go back to being that poor kid yeah you know what i mean and i think i think our cultures do uh do a great job of of bringing that out in people you know we're really really hard workers whereas when you're born in such a privilege because i love america united states to me greatest country in the world right it's filled with opportunities it gave me every opportunity i have but i worked for it right i just can't see myself getting a
it right i just can't see myself getting a handout and get and it's because it's not what i saw from my parents it's work work they came here with nothing zero zero dollars in their pockets started dirt jobs literally dirt jobs right work not once did my parents get a handoff from the government yeah yeah for sure but i also feel america itself has a role to play in getting you motivated which is my last question to you on this podcast could you give like indian people um some reference points from american culture for example the last dance and studying michael jordan could be one but i'm sure that you as a guy have grown up with certain motivations so whether that's movies music tv shows something that you'd recommend that people watch for mindset building because there's a lot of like famous uh you know people that that are motivating right like arnold schwarzenegger his i can watch his his motivational videos all day long like when i feel down i'll watch one of
long like when i feel down i'll watch one of his videos and just be like damn get back like why are you whining right um which is something by the way that's kind of like a little tip that i do anytime i feel down like because nobody's always fully motivated right nobody's always fully fueled that's a lie if they tell you that you're only fully fueled when you're going up right but when it's when it's tumbling it's hard to keep that motivation sometimes or like when you're creatively you just can't think it's hard um so watching those videos always like had to spark me up um i think two things i'll leave it on two things there's one guy that i really really enjoy listening to and his name is david goggins not sure if you've heard of it yeah either the guy who yeah yes i don't know if you've read his book um his philosophy pretty much lines up with what i've learned right kind of what i was telling you about
right kind of what i was telling you about my journal right that once i look at my journal the only thing that i can think of is that i just kept going right like one more step even though it felt horrible at that one point one more step one more step keep pushing so he has this this thing where he says that he calls it the 40 rule um and he says basically that when you feel done whether it's emotionally mentally or physically in the gym you're only 40 there right you still got 60 in the tank but your brain is protecting you right your brain doesn't want you to go through pain whether it's emotional or physical and uh he always talks about that just pushing pushing pushing i think that mentality is amazing um i really resonate with that like i always think about that like when you think you've that's why when we started this podcast i told you i don't feel like i'm even successful i don't even think i'm 40 down i might be five
even think i'm 40 down i might be five percent there not even right yeah keep going i'm tired i'm exhausted i'm taking i'm taking energy drinks by two right now this is my crash point by two two three two or three to two to three like my eyes are closing energy drink keep going you know what i mean um but i i i really resonate that so anybody that's going through anything tough that you feel like i can't take this anymore there's somebody that has a tougher or somebody that has it worse and just know you could probably endure a lot more than what you think and then the final thing i'll leave it on is uh there's this quote funny enough so i'm on my laptop right now and i have this little posted on the corner of my laptop with a bunch of quotes both bible verses which i love the book of proverbs has a lot of wisdom um but there is this this verse that martin luther king said one time and
verse that martin luther king said one time and i really like it well he said too but i'm gonna just give you one uh basically he said a man should do his job so well that the living the dead and the unborn could do it no better whatever you do whatever you do in life i don't care if you're a teacher missionary youtuber entrepreneur whatever it is right you gotta do it so damn well that nobody could do it better and when he's told this story he was talking about a janitor that every day he would go in and make sure he cleaned those floors better than anybody else that's all you got to do work hard beautiful thank you jose this was fun this is more fun i feel like i feel like going for a workout right now i think i'm gonna shoot some videos after this thank you brother hey thank you for having me bro appreciate it i will link all of jose's handles down below guys make sure you follow me subscribe and good
below guys make sure you follow me subscribe and good luck i think you're going to achieve like everything you've set out to achieve man you've got everything that's required including blessings from above same that's what i'm going to leave you man thank you bro appreciate you thank you for having me likewise see you brother
story of nikhil karma begins at age 14 when he dropped out of school and didn't really know what he's going to do next with his life at age 33 he became one of the country's youngest billionaires and is the co-founder of one of the country's most respected bootstrapped startups zerodha we've already had nitin gamma nikhil's elder brother on the show speak about the story of zerodha this is nikhil karma's story his version of zeerodha zeroda's plans for the future and we've also asked him questions about the stock market and personal finance in general and let me just tell you because nikhil is a friend of mine he's also one of the most relaxed but intellectual people you'll ever meet in your life lots of intellectual stimulation and lots of financial knowledge and lots of startup motivation coming your way with nikhil kamath on the runway show honored to have another zero the co-founder on this show nikhil kamath welcome to the ranvi show thanks ranveer thank you
welcome to the ranvi show thanks ranveer thank you for having me um now this particular podcast the subject title is uh dropped out of school at 15 at 14 or 15 around that age and then you ended up co-founding zerodha with your brother i think the audience also knows the zerothe story from that podcast maybe one highlight from that podcast would be how your brother claims that you're one of the most naturally gifted uh stock brokers he's ever seen one of the most naturally gifted traders he's ever seen so firstly before we actually get into the story do you agree with that statement well i think as brothers we have to say nice stuff about each other at least publicly so maybe a part of it is true and some part of it is exaggeration i'm guessing yeah right yeah um you know again i usually try being very polite with my guests and i bring this in later yeah um but i i feel like i have a bit of an equation with you so are
have a bit of an equation with you so are you are you conscious of that whole billionaire tag which is associated with the karma brothers uh a little bit but uh it's a new thing so we don't know how to deal with it yet we are conscious but i think time will tell how we are able to utilize it if we look upon it as opportunity to do more and new things by virtue of having capital i think is a good way to look at it also uh valuations do not mean you have that money right like anybody can be valued at anything it's a company's valuation it does not mean you have a billion dollars in the bank so it doesn't really change that much let me just put this in context for the young listeners who may not understand valuations and equity basically say person a creates a company and owns 50 of that company eventually um the world of investments and the the financial world would say okay this particular company is worth 100 crore rupees so that person
company is worth 100 crore rupees so that person becomes worth 50 crores automatic that's right but what you have in your savings account or your current account or your own personal portfolio is different from that yeah so how do the two worlds meet like so i'll tell you in the startup world right uh typically when you start a company uh you raise funding to go ahead and you know spend on acquiring client or growing your company founders don't have secondary rounds by secondary i mean is when they personally take out money from the company for a long time typically when you do many series of funding uh there will be opportunities for a founder to get some liquidity uh sell a part of his equity and take out money then that equation comes into play but for the most part a company's value is a company's value and not very often is it that person's valuation yeah but do you think of it on a personal level because i know you're i mean again getting into the dirty details pretty early but
mean again getting into the dirty details pretty early but you are a spiritual like guy you have a spiritual inclination i feel like uh do you get conscious of it on a very personal level that why did life and and you're also really young man yeah like people don't associate the term billionaire with someone who's you know just in their 30s right early 30s at that right so do you kind of become existential on a personal level with that not yet uh i think luckily for both me and nathan we are surrounded by people who kind of like mock us at every turn like colleagues and family and stuff like that so uh they keep all of this at check kalash who we were talking about earlier he gives us a hard time each time you know that word is mentioned anyway by virtue of having these people in our life i think we do okay right now coming to your story yeah you you dropped out of school to become a chess player is that true like that was the
a chess player is that true like that was the intention uh partly true i think uh i was reasonably good at chess growing up started playing very early i think i must have been five or six when i started uh you know you play that you played the school level and you played the district the city the state and you play nationally and stuff like that all of that happened uh dropping out of school was a combination of many things not chess alone the fact that a i was not very good at school i don't think i was the best student to got the best marks uh there were also other things at play like i started doing some business on the side i used to sell mobile phones like old ones which use this uh ninth grade so this would be 2002 yeah some something like that a little bit earlier than that also i think yeah yeah and then i i got a job in a call center at 17 and i think the the drive to make money was there from the very beginning
drive to make money was there from the very beginning and i would say looking back at it i have more regrets about having dropped out when i did uh because you meet people you know you made friends in college and each time i meet people they talk about how the best friendships and the best times in their life happened when they were in college and i i have never had that experience and nor will i ever so you feel like you missed out on a certain experience in life that's that's specifically what you regret about dropping out that's the only thing i regret the rest of it i don't regret it yeah the career yeah yeah of course not i mean we got lucky like so many times in life right so definitely don't regret that but the whole experience of going to college which is in every movie and you see friends from college and it's reinstated you know all over uh every time you meet somebody from a group of people who went to college together that i miss yeah
people who went to college together that i miss yeah miss having that bro yeah messing around how did you get into trading and um you know actually you know before we actually get to talking about trading i heard you say something very interesting in one of your youtube videos um you said that chess creates a very good environment in your head because it allows you to be creative within a framework of pre-decided rules and you said the same rules somewhat apply to the stock market and finance yeah so chess is less about intelligence and more about the ability to remember every game which was played historically so you need to know all the openings that are out there you need to know middle game end game theory and there are a bunch of basic structural rules in chess you have to like try and control the center develop your pieces quickly castle as quickly as you can you have to follow those rules and then you can you know add the extra thing which makes you a differentiated chess player not just trading but i
a differentiated chess player not just trading but i think life is like that you can't not have any rules whatsoever a certain level of discipline i think goes a long way in making uh every success story happen like what kind of discipline if i were to equate it with trading i would say things like having a stop loss not taking too much leverage diversifying not touching penny stocks there are rules in trading there are rules in chess but what you do outside of these rules makes you different but you have to follow these rules got it um again referencing the podcast you did with your brother yeah we called it test cricket yes it's kind of like test cricket like you play a slow and steady game play ethically you play according to the classic definitions of things um so i just want to highlight something uh that you spoke about here you basically were talking about the concept of pattern recognition that okay you've seen past chess games you've learned from it yeah and then when you're
you've learned from it yeah and then when you're in a situation where you want to win a chess match you'll go back to one of your old patterns you say okay this is similar to that particular chess game i saw in 1997 or whatever um and that's the basic concept of how artificial intelligence works also when we when you talk about ai powered products or ai powered apps that's what's happening at a core level you're feeding in a lot of patterns right that system is learning it and then it's executing things based on uh you know what the old patterns were which also reminds me of an article i read about intuition human intuition you know people say that okay i have a good sixth sense i can read people right or i can read situations uh at its core it's basically pattern recognition i think we were discussing this yesterday yeah last night yes this morning i don't remember when yeah this morning uh but it's basically you you end up uh reading someone's eyebrow
you you end up uh reading someone's eyebrow movements the way their eyes move the way their lips uh get pursed up or whatever it's called uh in certain situations and then you're able to kind of go back to your own memory and highlight a moment from your past where you're like okay in that situation this person was thinking in this way therefore nikhil might be thinking like this and according to the context of this business scenario let me say this so let me take this decision which is a very strong uh it's a very important trait in the world of startups in in just the professional world uh but does intuition come into play in the stock market as well and is that why your brother calls you naturally gifted at this game i think it does yeah so i've been doing exactly the same job i do today for a long time ever since i've been 17 years old so it's been a good 17 years of watching the markets every day i don't think i have missed a single
day i don't think i have missed a single market day as if the markets have been open and i might be anywhere in the world but i'm in front of my terminals during market hours and looking at one thing for so many years every day i think gives you a sense of intuition i think it does and do you think it's the same logic that it's pattern recognition at the end it could be i think there is no structure to it if you go back in time like the very early traders there was something called reading the tape they would just look at stock prices changing and be able to discern trends in the market that has kind of like become pass a and is no longer true but i'm sure there is some level of innate you can call it feel you need to have a feel for what is going on in the market and that helps you decide uh whether you should go long shot or what you should do is it like gambling uh it could be like gambling it depends
gambling uh it could be like gambling it depends on if you're levered and you know if you have 100 rupees in your account and in a hurry to make money if you borrow 1900 rupees and buy something worth 2000 rupees it can very easily become gambling but if you follow rules and you're looking to make say 15 a year or 20 a year and you're in the market to garner value over the long term then it's not like gambling so you know movies like wolf of wall street or the scam 92 show can you highlight certain aspects of the stock market that they've shown which are not really true other than other than the lifestyle like specifically when it comes to the technicalities of finance yeah what have they shown that's probably not how it really is uh so scam 92 right i watched it a couple of months ago and a lot of what he did back then is no longer relevant or even possible because technology has come in and kind of streamlined the compliance around trading
in and kind of streamlined the compliance around trading right wolf of wall street another great movie that i love i think showed people in our industry in a very bad light but i think people in that era were able to drive up stock price and manipulate it to a certain extent for the lack of regulation and lack of penetration in the market not that many people access the markets at that time it would be very hard to do that today especially in large cap companies there is very little uh you know insider stuff or manipulation or any of that yeah now coming back to your story so you see your elder brother you know getting active in the stock market you learn it yourself like because there's a lot of teenagers young college students who kind of are fascinated by the stock market bunch of them step into themselves bunch of them don't because they're afraid to they think that no i don't want to play with money money is too real world thing so what was your mindset at whatever
real world thing so what was your mindset at whatever age you started at how old are you i think 17 i still remember because i had an account with share khan and yeah so i did nitin being in the trading world already made a big difference and it kind of maybe drew me towards trading but trading is one of those things that you can't really uh it's not a team sport i don't think two people can trade together it doesn't work like that there is a different style of trading for every person and the best teacher is probably experience you have to you have to try you have to lose money you have to make money and then lose money again when you go through that cycle many times you start to realize what you did wrong when you lost money and that becomes the the teaching from that time period yeah and initially you're playing with smaller amounts then once you become comfortable you play with like large yeah yeah so initially when i started i used to work in a call
when i started i used to work in a call center called 24 7. in bangalore early days of when call center started you know and i'd i'd do the night shift and i'd trade as well so the money which went in was savings from that salary and i used to get paid like 8 000 rupees a month or something so it was not a large amount of money at all but the thing with stock markets is it does not matter what your capital uh you bring into the market it is still a lot of fun outside of the money making aspect to watch something go up in value after you have bought it is very accelerating and addictive in a in a very weird manner like can you explain this further yeah very often when you buy something and it works out it is not because you did better research than anybody or it's not because you're smarter than someone else it's a factor of chance and you know uh many forces that people will not truly understand but i think the human mind
not truly understand but i think the human mind is wired in such a way that subconsciously you attribute the stock going up to something you think you have done correctly and when the opposite happens and a stock goes down the same thing happens again you think you have done something wrong so you start to evolve and actually start to become a trader when you come to the conclusion that nobody can predict stock prices you could have been doing this for 40 years you might have more information than anybody else but it is impossible to say stock is at price 100 and it will go up to 120 in three months nobody can make that call once you arrive at that spot then you focus less about predicting the future you worry more about uh covering risk in all market conditions so you think if the stock goes from 100 to 110 how can i have the best risk metrics in place if it goes from 100 to 90 the same 100 becomes 70 the same and then you arrive at a model
70 the same and then you arrive at a model portfolio which should do okay in all these some circumstances and then you know you just close your eyes and pray yeah but making predictions on stock prices impossible and i think people have to realize that very early again if you had to like you know signal out one particular skill would it probably be pattern recognition over anything else uh i would say more the ability to be able to objectively read sentiment at the end of the day stocks move uh not because of how the fundamentals have changed uh not because a pattern which happened in the past will replicate itself the entire premise of technical analysis if you watch tv you know people keep saying moving average crossover or head and shoulders and stuff like that it is based on the premise that the past will repeat itself i personally think market activity is random what happens tomorrow might have no resemblance to what happened in the past so i don't think that helps as much but being able to
think that helps as much but being able to read sentiment because stock price is more if more people want to buy and less people want to sell so to look at people around you and figure out uh if they are inclined to buy i think that really helps so understanding human psychology i think uh you would be surprised but equity trading is essentially just understanding psychology yeah understanding what investors are doing understanding what promoters are doing even to the extent that understanding what leaders and politicians are doing because that in turn has an effect on what happens to the underlying companies right for the young listeners could you explain what equity trading is yeah sure uh so each time a company needs to raise capital they either go to a bank or they go to you know a private equity firm which gives them money privately if they want to raise capital from the people of india the public they go to stock markets so i have a company x i make hundred rupees of profit i need 10 rupees
make hundred rupees of profit i need 10 rupees to grow my company so i will go to the stock markets i'll say i'll sell 10 of my company for 100 rupees you give me the money and then you become shareholders in my business that is essentially equity being created and then people buy and sell that equity constantly and that is equity trading and again speaking about human psychology yeah um so you understand human psychology on a mass scale because of trading in the stock market right does that also teach you human psychology on a very one-to-one level do you think you become a better reader of people as well uh a lot of people tell me i'm a terrible reader of people so i don't know but i enjoy psychology a lot it beat human or you know psychology around finance or even the behavioral psychology aspects of things i think it's the most interesting thing in the world to try and understand what somebody else is thinking and uh what is driving them to think in
thinking and uh what is driving them to think in a certain manner uh i find it fascinating yeah but if your brother called you one of the most gifted traders he knows um you know what goes on in the head of someone like that like like you like if you if i mean everyone knows that you're gifted you've kind of proven that with zero and everything you guys have done but what goes on in your head if you're actually born with that gift of being great at finance so on an everyday basis do you constantly think of the stock market are the numbers flashing in your head no nothing like that was happening i wish that were true uh so one thing the stock markets teach you is humility because you might have been doing it for 15 years you might have made a lot of money trading but the minute you let that get to you the 21st year will you know take everything away because every trade is like your beginning and the trade is not concerned by
your beginning and the trade is not concerned by who is placing that trade so it's a very uh it's an ecosystem which is very leveling because you might have x amount of capital and someone else might have 100 rupees but when you buy yourself to the market you're exactly the same but outside of you know being able to read sentiment and having uh having a lot of experience in trading and stuff like that i don't think i'm doing anything special uh the only thing i've learned with time is uh the rules that i have in my trading systems and these are not fancy or these are not things which are difficult to replicate you know very simple stuff as long as you do the simple stuff correctly and you don't have ridiculous expectations you can't go into the market thinking i'll make 30 40 percent every year if the risk-free rate of a certain country is let's say five percent and inflation is around that if you're making nine ten percent a year uh i think it's an