and many of my girlfriends tell me these stories um we have stories about how a lot of the socializing is done over dinners especially in financial services in the us over drinks and dinner and you just don't feel comfortable talking about that and unfortunately and i'll get into trouble for saying this me too has not helped our causes women either in some ways well it's made the workplace a lot safer people are getting more scared to hire women so we have those stories also so women bond on many different levels and i think probably the best part of my job is to i do is the sessions i do with young girls what would you like men to know about an ambitious woman's mindset it's not very different from theirs and it has no reason to be different but the only thing i would say to guys is and i'll give you a funny example that women are going to behave differently from you so i get this thing with you know guys will get very scared when women cry
know guys will get very scared when women cry in the office right like dive managers they get really scared when they cry in the office and you almost see them hyperventilate or then they start judging then oh she's not emotionally mature and stuff like that so i keep trying to tell guys and i told one of my former bosses this that is it okay for a guy to use bad language in the office once in a while like we forgive it right we say it was a moment of anger if a woman can express her emotions through crying and it's not like she's crying on the floor every day but once in a year if she's cried don't judge it so we're as ambitious as you but we express ourselves differently so just don't judge us for it are you so from your outlook from where you stand are you hopeful about where india is going with respect to this gender equality thing professional gender equality mainly i think it can't get much worse i only think
think it can't get much worse i only think it will get better i also think young girls are a lot more aspirational now and i think even from tier 2 into 3 cities so if i look at my father's family and some of the girls from saharan poor you know where our family is from they all want professional education i'll tell you another really interesting thing there's this whole myth that men have in the office that the minute a girl gets pregnant she's not going to come back okay i have had countless number of girls because we have a lot of women in the 30s bracket all of them have their kids and they come back to work so they know their careers are important to them in my mother's generation i don't think that was the case yeah it's it's graduation um now i'm criticized by this i mean okay now i'm criticized for this by my co-founder and also by like my team occasionally that i bring in too much emotion into my work but i'm a creative
too much emotion into my work but i'm a creative professional and creativity comes out of the same place of emotion so as my career has gone forward i'm even more emotional yeah um balanced but emotional and that's why i'm going to use this opportunity to just request people that if there's any girl who's watching this podcast and who's looking for an opportunity uh i have this goal of karaka rowing like as an establishing 1000 entrepreneurs so if you're watching this and you want to get into entrepreneurship but you're scared you don't know where to start write in to us careers at i hope to be a part of that change for the sake of my sisters for the sake of my mum they've told me all my life about those daughters i'm sorry and one day daughters definitely like i mean i'm not a father yet so the next generation definitely i hope to be a part of that change you know uh and while i i also have been in rooms with
and while i i also have been in rooms with just guys yeah so i know what that side of the game is also i know how guys look at women also and there is sexism like that is like and there is bitching about women that happens the whole gender but you know one thing so it's really interesting my husband joined uh i'm part of a sort of ceo forum uh with mostly guys and my husband also joined a forum which is for spouses okay and he's the only guy in this group that he's in which is all women and he says it totally changed his perspective because he says that is reverse sexism also it's not about men it's we villainize men it's the majority that vilifies the minority and it is very subconscious so you know it's not just about men if you were if you were you know 50 people from one state and there was one more person from somewhere else they'll all speak in their language so it is also a majority syndrome
their language so it is also a majority syndrome it's not a man versus women's syndrome god beautiful my husband has just seen this and he said every guy should be in a group with the majority of women to understand what it feels like yeah i think he tweeted about this he tweeted about this and he said he totally says you should do it i've seen it change the kind of man he has hmm i i mean i just hope that these series you're actually the first podcast in the series of women entrepreneurs podcasts that we're starting okay so there'll be lots of them yeah so i'm i'm and honestly as a guy only conversations like this give you the correct kind of perspective yeah it's not conversations i have on a daily basis but thank you ma'am this was a lot of fun uh i'm hoping to do a lot more podcast with you going forward thank you so much it was a lot of fun i think we talked about everything under the sun yeah
i think we talked about everything under the sun yeah and i am dead sure you will reach that three lakh crore mark and beyond thank you um and no not that you need a podcast also influence three like people positively yeah that's that's the hope that this this podcast goes out to a lot of people if you watch it till this point please share it with everyone you know men women everyone you know young gold yes we need we need content like this to really go to the right people the leaders of this country so again thank you thank you so much beautiful you
dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai someone who's written more than 15 books on the topic of China Keo who was Chanakya is considered one of the all-time greatest brains that this country has ever produced the knowledge that he spread his teachings have actually lived on years after he passed away that's the greatness of that man so imagine all that knowledge of China curbing boiled down to one book called the China ket and then imagine all the knowledge of that one book being boiled down to a basic podcast that's what this episode of the Remy show is this is your personal mentorship session from dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai by the end of it you're gonna elevate your consciousness you're gonna elevate your mind you're gonna elevate your thought process because you're gonna get access to one of the nation's best minds both in the form of China Korea and China a reincarnated according to me dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai enjoy the episode [Music] welcome to another very
enjoy the episode [Music] welcome to another very value-adding episode of the runway show they say that the smartest individual in the history of India was this person called China Bo and I say that one of the smartest men in India is this person called dr. Radhakrishnan Finlay sir who is also the modern day expert on China care and many people consider you China care reborn also that was the title of a video we did together yeah so the title of this episode of ER and we show is again related to China it's the top five learnings from the Chanakya nithi yeah so before we get into the actual learnings which will help people benefit you know modern day hustlers benefit I want to ask you brief history on China kill and the Charnock anything so first of all thanks a lot for bringing me back into this particular show because I enjoyed your show there's so much that is so fulfilling for me when I'm just in this particular studio and I'm glad you're
in this particular studio and I'm glad you're speaking on the topic which is my life commitment to that is China can is chanock anything yes coming back everybody knows about China there's so much we can learn from Chanakya so I like to talk about two basic things one is the story part of China q and the second is strategy part of Chanakya so I think Chanakya lived in 3rd century BC he was a king maker of Chandragupta Maurya he defeated Alexander blah blah blah blah so everything is quite known and there are so much content available on YouTube etc so you can watch it but what I'm going to talk about the second part of it which is his work being documented so it is said that he wrote two books one is called the county Lea's arthashastra and the second one is called China Kenneth E the difference between these two is Cordelia arthashastra has got 6,000 sutras or formulas of how to run a kingdom so I would say it's almost
run a kingdom so I would say it's almost like a Raja with their means for the leaders does it also apply to business it does in fact I have written quite a few books and application of arthashastra into the real life including business the second book is called Charnock in ET and it's a book which consists around 350 or sutras so 350 or versus 6000 that's the difference so scholars say that our Chester was written for the Kings the classes while chanock anythi was written for the masses and it is very practical in nature it talks about how a person should live his daily life you know what he should do and it talks about lot of aspects of human being right from being a good student to actually being a good household or you know how do you earn money ethically it talks about also the spiritual side of it also talks about parenting and very practical tips on you know how to be careful in life how to choose your friends how to actually make sure that
to choose your friends how to actually make sure that you're giving money also donation to the right people never to get fooled etc etc so coming back China Canada is definitely a book but if you look at the two words Cherokee and Nietzsche I would like to submit up a single-channel as a person of course but neatly by itself has got lot of meanings Nietzsche means policy neatly means the way to go Nietzsche means strategy P means plan so if you look at the word neat in Sanskrit it gots various meanings I would say channel just planning Chanakya is way of teaching Chanakya strategies etc etc so I'm specifically talking about the book called Chanakya EP which was written by Chanakya many years ago and I've been fortunate that I've also written a version of Cherokee as anything rather too simple lays explanation of it also yeah so so what will a person gain from going through your book on the tonic anything or just having information about it like if they are
or just having information about it like if they are at point-a before eating at point B what will they become definitely they'll be benefit it's like going to a school and you started attending the first standard and after a year you got passed out the second standard and you'll see the difference in you because Charnock unity helps you to think differently so if you think differently you do the same things differently if you got better strategy or faster ways of doing it absolutely so I think char- is all about strategies policies so by learning chanak anything a lot of people for centuries have got benefitted and I'm sure you will so let me you an example one of my teachers used to tell me this you know which is India's best-selling book okay what a strange question they actually is chanak anything anywhere you'll find a version of Chanakya neither you know so you'll find in a book stall you can find it there now coming back to my channel Keaney how is it different from
to my channel Keaney how is it different from the other soso 650 sutras or formulas are still the same but what happens is that in lot of the books that we have is that the Sun scroot and the translate into English but we have done something very different we all give an explanation of all of them in detail so let me give an example and then we will talk about how it is going to benefit you from point A to point B and of course the five points that you should take away from this particular video so let me start by saying that very simple sutra or strategy be careful from three things okay and it continues by saying if you know how to use them it will be beneficial if you misuse them they'll finish you okay so the first one is fire so fire you should know how to use it because in every house there is fire right so we warm up the house was very quiet for cooking that's how you're going to enter house also it's called house
you're going to enter house also it's called house warming but if you don't know how to you know manage that fire it can burn up your whole house so be careful from fire but it can help you or destroy you second is called King King the too close to a king that's good but you know if you misuse the king they will destroy you so people you know who are around powerful people should be careful that they may suddenly DeLeo kay you're promoted and you know you're going to take charge of this particular Kingdom so the king can make you a king the thing is that if you take the King for granted they will finish off a carrier and your life once and for all so powerful they can destroy or make you Chanakya says the third thing also snake be careful from a snake I understand it can actually help you in what we are you aware of it that actually in the army people are trained to catch snakes do you know what is the logic because let's say
do you know what is the logic because let's say an army you're in that jungle and especially when you're on a mission and you are going to a deep jungle you feel hungry right so they will look around and probably they will find a fruit or a flower the fruit may look good very exotic but you're not sure it's poisonous but you know you're feeling hungry you need to survive so there could be lot of things around but the beautiful part is that every particular jungle have a snake but the snake can bite you that's a danger so you have to be careful of worsening but do you know if you know how to catch the snake and maybe just you know take away the poisonous part of it the whole snake body you can actually eat so it actually becomes like a survival in the jungle I'm not here signaling to be his snake eaters but that logic is that be careful from a snake but it can also useful to you in the most difficult
can also useful to you in the most difficult situations hmm practical so Chanakya says three things be careful from fire king and a snake now look at this you can actually practical apply it so when you are in front of your boss's is it okay and close to him it will give me warmth but you know don't cross that line that Lakshmana Rica same thing it all goes to fire exit like cetera so I am just give one example out of 350 ideas about how you can be successful and careful in life in fact to be successful you should be careful in life and very careful in life so coming to the five top learnings of the Cherokee okay so I think every 350 sutras are all top biases but you know Methuselah is what it's like oh yeah what is the sutra sutra it's like a formula okay so for example e is equal to MC square god so Chanakya wrote 350 formulas for life absolutely you got it right and they can be
life absolutely you got it right and they can be applied everywhere okay so what would what would be like your top five sutras so I will start with something which is very close to my heart okay which is on parenting okay well I have two lovely kids but just because the kids are good doesn't mean you are a good parent so I've always look at one of the very basic formulas sutras the Chanakya spoke about parenting in a very simple line he says for the first five years love the child next ten years discipline him and after that consider them your friends formula simple three liners so let me explain that you so when a child is small it's very lovely cute so you can only love the child suppose you got it latest mobile and it just banged it you can't do anything about it just love the gel and conditionally but the moment the child is five years old and of course it's intellect starts developing it you know and it's a very dangerous trend today happening because
it's a very dangerous trend today happening because speed and all pair and just allow children to do that they want and actually that's bad parenting so what China cos is that now you need to actually use discipline and discipline doesn't mean beating okay the ability to say no is also important for a parent was if you say yes yes yes he will never understand what does no and that can actually two failures in life so discipline the child for the next ten years and after that consider him or her as your friend the biggest problem that we have in special a country like India the child may be 70 years old now the 90 year old parent is still a barber chair after 15 years you are fully grown of course life experiences may not be that big yet you're a full adult so look at this formula which just helped me so first one is that love your child five years discipline ten years and then consider them your friends I think full parenting and the best level for 15 years now coming back
and the best level for 15 years now coming back to the five points are you talking about I like to summarize so from the all the experiences that I have gone through by reading studying Chanakya the first nithi the first chanock anything to have a successful life is to have a purpose in life a lot of people you know live like a common person probably they're highly educated but you look at them they're very dull and they don't even have a reason to get up so they just pull themselves out and saying that okay I study now I need to get a job okay and now I got a job and it'll get married okay I need to get married I need to have children okay that's good but that's normal successful people do all these also but they have something beyond so the first question is that if you want to really be successful in life ask yourself what's your purpose what is that for for which you are ready to live and if necessarily die and it's not easy I
and if necessarily die and it's not easy I understand that so I think there is a saying that the only purpose of a person's life is to have a purpose everything falls into place so I think friends Chanakya says what we call in modern day settings called as goal setting exercise so do something with yourself sit down and you know in our ancient old tradition it's called finding your swadharma what am i born for it's a very deep question but if you actually go in close fact and spend time with yourselves meditate believe me the answer will come to you so I remember how I found my purpose in my life believe me I was at Kailash months alone live in the Himalayas and when I saw the Kailash Mountain first I've been always talking you know what I want the purpose of my life the moment I saw Kailash Mountain it hit to me as if somebody is speaking to me now and saying that please give you a life to the study of Chanakya and
you a life to the study of Chanakya and his arthashastra I just told my wife sorry I can't saying that you know I don't know whether it says sound or it's a feeling but I feel you know I should dedicate my life to the promotion and the studies of Chanakya and arthashastra she kept it very quietly to herself but whenever I have a problem she always let me remember you've got a purpose in your life we will ask me how are you so full of energy I have written 15 books I'm still writing 8 books on Chanakya chord involved in two movies I've been doing a lot of food cause I'm teaching in universities across the globe every single day I'm at least giving one or two lectures or interviews or something like that so how do you keep it going and saying I have a purpose in my life I've discovered it long ago a lot of people even in the end of their life they don't have a purpose so as they
their life they don't have a purpose so as they say I was dead at 28 and I got buried at 80 Wow so think about it what is what is their state of mind I think this is dragging on this is dragging on saying that you know maybe I have to just leave and do something very normal so I'm not saying that you know but people have to live a normal life you can actually live an extraordinary life not just an ordinary first chan activities to have a purpose discover the purpose go inside get it now and eg got it well he was pulled out from a train maybe that instance it comes very same this is for me it could be actually saving a girl child for everybody it could be different you know it could be in sports was you for you it could be YouTube and just broadcasting it day in and day out but if you have a purpose for which you will actually get up every day morning and as APJ Abdul Kalam said you know dreams are not that what do
said you know dreams are not that what do you see when you're sleeping but dreams are those that don't allow view received formula number one chan activity you know even like daily life in office seem that like the best performance who've been with the organization for more than a year and a half two years no other guys who wake up in the morning with that intention of okay today I'm just gonna create today I'm just going to add value you know is that that it the purpose can be as simple as just yes yes it doesn't have to be oh I'm going to take over the world or you know I'm going to teach I'm gonna make this mastery never it can be little things so but it you should put your mind on that one thing and it's all about that one thing yeah you don't have to 100 purposes you know how that one yeah and I'll tell you it becomes easy may I found that one channel yeah that's enough yeah many people tell me also you know when
enough yeah many people tell me also you know when we that you know why don't you now write your next book on maybe Rama and yeah or maybe something else is you know why if something is working right why change it in fact it has been mathematically proven it's called the game theory if you're already successful don't be stupid to change it so it's doing well people what they do is I did I already found the purpose now let me go to the other one and the other one finally you'll not be there in the first stage also just like you know digging a well everywhere and finding no water it's very important you rightly pointed out you know every day if you want to create a video yeah and that's a purpose we we've had kids who have worked in the organization with that thing of no I want more or you know things to slow or maybe I'll be happy somewhere else and they go they're a mess gets created and then they'll end up exactly without any water anyway so
they'll end up exactly without any water anyway so again as a as a co-founder of an organization oh so you see all these stories happening in front of you through kids you of groomed you know even if you've not made those mistakes you see people making these mistakes maybe a go on with the turn in fact that actually connects to my second point yeah okay the second channel anything desire2learn so you got a purpose let's say I got a purpose that I want to maybe start an NGO that will want to feed you know hundreds of children but I am actually associated with an NGO called as a roti Bank so roti Bank is a very interesting phenomenon where actually they are feeding the street children and they actually do you mean almost like a million children over a bit of time but the thing is that if have a purpose that's the first step I don't know how the process works so if I want to be cricket or a sportsman you tuber for that particular matter I said okay
you tuber for that particular matter I said okay I have a found a purpose but I can't just jump into it right so I need to have a desire to learn formally or informally so what people do is that go ahead and join a course there are 4-1 things so for example you want to play cricket and you found your purpose in life you still require a coach so go enjoy in a cricket academy or a filament kinda me or whatever or read books I mean all right you tube videos I think this generation of the advantage of actually getting knowledge free yeah but you should be a student who says you know I am a beginner and even if you're an expert you still should have a desire to learn because even at the top there is something more to learn so the things that have a purpose the second is desire to learn and it can be multiple ways of learning digital form informal you know through books to cinemas to people through people conversation yeah yeah absolutely some learning from you
through people conversation yeah yeah absolutely some learning from you old Marines so again the big reason we started the podcast was for this exactly that yes I'll create content but at the same time through each conversation on a personal level I'm learning a lot which then I can put out on my Hindi channel as well later excellent so see you have a purpose you have a desire to learn and you feel nice and more creative in your desire to learn well just think okay there is something more different way of creating it yes so you learn from experts the third point is also something connected and it's called having elders with you and the Sanskrit word for that it's called blessing yoga so one is purpose settled desired alone but whom do you learn from I may learn only from experts okay oh please understand this let us put life into three levels okay so let's see at level five okay there could be people who are at level three there could be people who are at level five and there could be
people who are at level five and there could be people who are level 10 so many learn from people say I'm learning from everybody okay that's that's a nice desire to learn from everyone but the reality is that let's say you're at level five of knowledge and experience and there is somebody who's at level two or three who comes to you actually you end up teaching that person mmm okay and whatever he or she says it's an input but that's not actually an expert advice if you are at level five and the other person also level four you are actually equal friends you can discuss with the each other sharing but Janice is no but if this area was those people who are at level 10 so let's say you have a 50 crore company you can have friends who are also at 50 grows there are you know people who have just start ups maybe at 10 grows so you actually land up teaching the 10 crore guy how to be a 50 crore guy mmm hundred discussing common problems
50 crore guy mmm hundred discussing common problems with other friend who's at fifty close but the same yoga is actually associating yourself with 100 crore why so then what happens is basically when you're surrounded with such people automatically you raise your bar from A to B without any efforts so let's say in a week I'm spending at least four hours with people who are more experienced than me just spend sound and don't even do it and just watch them and you'll be surprised since he's already at hundred crore and you're 50 crore let's sense a turnover of economy just watch them listen to their discussions without your own knowledge you actually turn around your company to 60 or 70 grows and it's a very easy way of actually being successful by being around those people who are more successful than you yeah and when they say something they're actually guiding you to actually break your barrier and go to the next level what are the next orbit so think about this first is purpose
the next orbit so think about this first is purpose desire to learn and learning from experts and here is a warning many people actually get misled by two terms opinion and expert advice so many people when they give opinions you think that's an otherwise it is not an advice it is just an opinion it's a person who doesn't know anything who feels kimu JB like I know a lot of market researchers get it wrong there so there was a common man and saying what do you think the product will do well or no so they may give a data but the real insight is why those people who is selling it this will work and you don't have to go to statistical data mmm if you just want us we'll get how to create a successful business you don't have to just ask one Bill Gates right not 20 people who are startups startups are also important so please understand that expert advice is what is with this ánewá so if you are already doing YouTube would you like to learn from
are already doing YouTube would you like to learn from person who's already maybe 10 times bigger than you okay so here is an advice which are read it's a very powerful sweet little advice it says never take an advice from somebody who is not an expert this is our advice so if you undertake an advice only take it from an expert so maybe they are costly maybe to meet that particular person it will be delayed so suppose you were to go and meet Bill Gates in a hookah I feel it in the modern day so it's not about meeting the person because any successful person has the information available online sooner it's the power of the internet if you if you search for it it will land up in your hand exactly make sure he is better and higher than you yeah do podcasts do Internet yes yes read books but 2020 finding information and finding mentorship from these people is not difficult yes I genuinely feel that any good the fourth one which actually Chanakya did its create
the fourth one which actually Chanakya did its create institutions understand usually what happens is that when people start it's always a one-man show not a one-woman show whatever it's all about you you you but as you go you reach a particular points in then I can go higher without a team around me so you know and individually you may be good but the next scale up happens when you do everything into a process system so that's when you start building teams companies institutions otherwise what will happen is always equal to Reza one person but you know it's like you know being a good actor and actually creating a production company that's where the scale happens so a production company is going to last beyond you and as an actor you may have a time limit to your inner performance and things as the smarter guys watch on a kid we Creed Chandragupta Maurya but he also created systems and processes for the future chandragupta maurya's because if you don't do that what will
because if you don't do that what will happen exactly that it will die with you so I think it's very important to create institutions which are like a critic Kingdom along with the king two different things one is creating a king but is also creating our kingdom now we come to the fifth and a final point and that is very important probably we should practice it more often it is called documentation documentation in various forms it could be written it could be audio or video see what happens is that we had a habit which probably start too much there in today's generation it's called diary writing so every day what you learnt right down and it'll be surprised we do it every day that's in in your you actually look at a diary 365 days you written something and said Wow I tell you two things about successful people when they write it themselves okay they remembered after they are gone two things Chanakya himself wrote all these strategies imagine if you are not written they would have been a
if you are not written they would have been a great for somebody nobody knows what was happening in his mind in fact if you look at all the great gurus maybe you're talking about the book autobiography written by him he's not there but for almost a when on this book is documented all religions of the world are documented you know this year we are actually celebrating 550 at the earth of Guru Guru Nanak G's birthday Guru Nanak videos birthday how many are aware that if you go to any Gurudwara they actually worship an image I mean what is that you know ever of this it's the Gurbani his book it's book and it actually the notes that Guru Nanak's used to write every day so it finally the other gurus and all actually started adding adding adding so every learning he wrote it down and what happened that tenth guru gobind singh ji he said from now on oh there will be no physical guru the book will be the Guru
no physical guru the book will be the Guru Ahana cannot run arthashastra chanock anything but a loss his wisdom which is very important my dear friends please write a book yeah you will also write a book on being India's number one youtuber definitely cell so looking at these particular points you'll start realizing that life is about actually creating a legacy after you are gone do you want to be successful only for a short time or you want to be successful forever to that extent that generations to come will actually remember you so these are the five things purpose desire to learn learning from experts building an institution and finally the fifth point document it into processes others can benefit after you're gone so this is beautiful but I have one burning question in my mind which I have to get out which is that because you study China can so much detail what do you think that China gave was thinking about on his deathbed now this is a question a lot of people ask me in fact to the externally how
of people ask me in fact to the externally how did China kadai yeah that as well so let me tell you Charlie I had something called as a charmer on you know what does the Chairman you can choose when you want today exactly now China ki was probably very successful in his life and I think for me is an idea because he never had any regrets that two kind of people who regret number one is that people who don't know what to do in their life are never did anything in their life right so I'm just lying on my deathbed I'll you know it is just dragging around like anybody else they did not do anything that's the first type of regret not doing anything contributing anything the second is those people who had a desire but never got it fulfilled in their lifetime that's also regretted you know I started something but you cannot complete it but Chanakya actually was different because he completed both of them had no regrets the moment had a purpose in my life in his life and
had a purpose in my life in his life and that was to create a Co whole empire called the Bharat Porsche he created that what is important that he did it in his his lifetime before dying not many people are lucky people have goals and they say you know I will sow a seed and maybe my grandchildren will enjoy it of course a grandchildren should enjoy it but why not you in your own lifetime so if you ready what was Chanakya thinking during his deathbed probably saying that thank you for everything now I'm going to leave very successfully and peacefully you found that bad you can say have no regrets I lived my life well I think that's called a successful life beautiful thank you doctor thank you another gorgeous podcast with you obviously guys have been linking all of those books on Charlie cure and his latest book on the Chanakya neeti down below makes you check out or makes you follow so on all these handles and until next time from dr. Arthur Christian Pillai and when
next time from dr. Arthur Christian Pillai and when we run about it thank you
welcome to another episode of monkey chat featuring my boy Viraj shade my co-founder and manga entertainment once again today's theme is engineering college we're gonna go over entire engineering college journey right from six standard where we began iit coaching up to now when we're like twenty five-year-olds and we're looking back and engineering college and figuring okay that's what we gain from there and those are all the mistakes we made in engineering college so this is gonna be super fun conversation if you're an engineer if you're currently an engineering college or even if you're thinking about getting into engineering college absolutely everything you need to know in a Superfund through indian engineering student way enjoy the episode welcome to another episode of monkey chat he was supposed to be my co-host then we decided that I'm gonna host this show instead he's also my business partner mr. Verret shade he's the man who's made me millions and made himself millions so very humble Gujarati fella one of the most intelligent guys have
fella one of the most intelligent guys have met in my life also a brother and this episode is entirely about engineering college specifically for engineering students trust me you're going to learn a lot in this episode you're also going to feel very connected to us because we have shared your pain we have shared all the rest of you have gone through the rod-shaped my first question to you is let's jump straight into it as a 10 standard kid did you know that you're gonna enter engineering college not at all but my most obvious path was science because I was that guy who just succumb to peer pressure very easily so where I was from a CBSE school everyone in my school literally everyone like 98 or 400 students went for science because that's probably how the curriculum was so everyone went for science most of them and for engineering only so my first experience after tenth was keep basement entrance exams in here because we have to get into oh I failed the pace really like I gave money to pay so
the pace really like I gave money to pay so and you train for classes and then I realize BC abort 0 yeah what is it good you know the questions they ask in pace the mats questions are like there is a bird on top of a train the train is moving and there's another train moving on the same track from the other side and both the trains are going to collide at what point will they collide no there's no no it gets worse then the bird flies from one train to the other that is that and then comes back to this but both the trainees are moving trains are moving towards each other so calculate how many times the bird that is that this is like I gave the aptitude test and I didn't take the decision my mom was like - I never thought sunyoga my my family from my mom's side is full of IIT engineers is basically in my [ __ ] and and I went there super competitive like environment yeah super intense environment very depressive it's like you
yeah super intense environment very depressive it's like you wake up at like 5:00 in the morning classes start at 6:00 from 6 to 11 you have to attend iit classes extremely difficult problem yeah I think that if I had better teaching that time right I would have probably managed better but the teaching wasn't good for me it was mostly I don't think I was like meant for that kind of yeah a curriculum itself it was not - I think both of us have found our vibes in life like I was always born to be a youtuber your bond you know so it's like yeah I knew Kyary a math physics chemistry was not my vibe in general I think you personally love physics oh God yeah but I didn't like PCM at all but for me it's like I was really good with like communication Social Sciences and all of that and floating and that not really but but the thing is I couldn't go back to my mom and say that these are the subjects I talked in
and say that these are the subjects I talked in English and social sciences so my obvious degree is arts Paulo Java so it's like that was never the situation dude in school my mom told me there's this beautiful course called be mmm Tranmere if your heart says be mmm do it so then I finished my painting happy pmm going away and then when in time for bmm came in she's I know but try pace not try try I like to say I think about nautical joke or negative an actor by director by director one and that's how I got force out in that and I think with pace is every single day those classes start with a girl like me coach Khurana you have to go right it doesn't no other way you will you'll fail in your life if you so those kids are like Oh everyone's scared everyone - Kwanzaa calls me a chub it's hey I pecan some but I go out you alaric party go to Mumbai Rangi okay then then that concept trickles
Mumbai Rangi okay then then that concept trickles down to non-id douching though so if you go for engineering tuitions yeah in Bombay context is like briefly and villa poly and so if you go for those tuitions there they tell you that if you've not got VDI or you DCTV do go to top bomb because your life is like dead like you know why you existing by you doing engineering then might as well do some whatever course IIT becomes really discounted because it's too far then the next layer becomes the ultimate yeah then if you don't get any you go into the other colleges like and that's why you and me which was the third layer which is a song VSP IT and third oh my Sonia would be probably the third one and in those colleges they tell you that if you don't go for an MBA or MS then your life is screwed life is that because again if you are from DJs hungry which means you are coming from an affluent family because the school the
are coming from an affluent family because the school the college had AC yeah so DJ sangre was scream crowd and good situation if you don't do an MSO masters after that it's over yeah so technically you and me are not even in the third layer now in the fourth layer yeah and now we have those versions in business but I think we've that's what engineering teachers exactly teaches you do eat a lot of suppers and insult like for I think both of us were like similar kinds of students like backbenchers and you know doing assignments on the last q-tip and this one yeah all of that and it's always like we were those kids just go class maybe they were always like hi too much thicker thinner yeah like with you it was like hard to Dumble ha ha oh we come to these dumbbell stories later and I have a ton of even motivational students but let's rewind back to 1112 very unhealthy environment for 1617 year old kids when I look back I had a teacher
old kids when I look back I had a teacher in my sore tuitions okay so basically in pace they again I mean in IIT coaching they tell you okay writing again a whole life is screwed those kids are living in so much pressure people get depressed people drop out people cry because the whole life the idea if we don't get it people you know it even drives some people to suicide exactly do it's like they get destroyed they crying here what do I do two years of my life work first getting decided by one day of an examination exactly and there's so much pressure would have been into that situation yeah so I personally gave CDN not idea and even that first of all you have like barely an hour to complete like see it is the state version state level of the National State College or something like that and there's so much pressure for like so many students in one Center or everyone's like you know trying to at the last moment route loan some of the formulas or of
last moment route loan some of the formulas or of that it gets so high intensity it's definitely one of my worst experience those two years were the worst two years of my life and I know there's a a bunch of students who've also had like the golden use or whatever but I know that they won't relish it yeah yeah this much pressure and that system is just not sustainable it's as bad on the medical side if not worse yeah it's just as bad for me actually my IIT Johnny actually started back when I was in the sixth grade my mom put me in these classes called insight which is one of the classes that starts teaching students from the sixth grade yeah so there's like a five year pre-prep for idea yeah and after that that's to you two more years of crap and then there's four more years of high D so your life is [ __ ] ID like there is nothing else you know there's no personality exactly nothing yeah and they tell you that nay positive ever
nothing yeah and they tell you that nay positive ever nor doesn't matter only and only this life you learn carbon K properties and why it has so many [ __ ] branches yeah so anyway we're not gonna hate on the education system but I'll tell you what this hold parents pushing the container ID is the version is the parents version of people getting out of an aeroplane like you know when an airplane lands and then everybody gets up will stand in line for like half an hour and then there'll be some kids sitting around saying they're up locally we've all those kids exactly even now intubate now I believe last exactly so anyway I dropped out of those ID classes I was like this [ __ ] machine you know I can't calculate birds between 300 and I remember literally that I confronted my parents I was like there's no way I can do this and force it open any Kerkar finally I convinced them the next day I felt like that felt nice so but did you
I felt like that felt nice so but did you join like CD class and little did I know that they also pretty intense no no it's a lot easier than IOT but it's still a lot of hard work there's a lot of that time are weighing and all so ideas a lot of non rata Marwin you've done at tomorrow the formulae but in the end you've use your brain and analytical thing exactly you're it's a lot of retama little little on it so anyway eleven twelve is also intense even those teachers so now you about re-engineering medicine make you know too much pressure like we had this one physics tuition teacher you and two very famous physician Bombay dude the things you should say to students mature to Miraval a Matz equivalent Manisha right like we do you want to tie up used to tie up and their internal exactly internal factions tables if you're not in my tag team you've joined mats with that guy your mom is having an affair with him oh
your mom is having an affair with him oh my god you're putting sixteen year olds through like [ __ ] like that and sixteen year old also dumb dude like they don't like whatever the teacher say becomes their life and that's a perspective that you wish you had when you were sixteen seven so anyway you get through to yours and then they tell you that make it but CD they do know it call it starts yeah okay and do it like an idiot and my first semi thought that yeah I was like may dude I've struggled in my life you know I've loved so fours I'm not going to do anything especially the first step because to a big Ottumwa little did you know yeah so what was your for semi so first your experience dude um okay to be honest I feel like I had a very fancy schooling like I went to the Dubai money okay where you're brought up very easy yeah you brought up like a fancy person but you also thought very
up like a fancy person but you also thought very analytical thinking very you know a personality is developed in that school and they don't just focus on studies they focus on sports and they focus on communication skills and and whatever I am today is because of that school right but back then I did a perspective on like the real world okay so when I entered the DJ's angry which I've been over lot to write but the level of education was like a lot lesser okay to be honest like it was no because it was like under Mumbai University and the whole curriculum is suited to be across all colleges so my mentality firstly was kind of looking down on engineering because I realized once engineering started that it was again or lot of rote learning in fact it was more or learning than even CED it was pure route and I thought you are engineering my metal robot bananas Akuma I'll make circuits I'll design computer program yeah and what are they telling you they're telling you a formula and I
telling you they're telling you a formula and I was like that's a formula say I'm a match problem solver formally was like me exactly I was like what kind of engineering is this so basically the curriculum has not been updated since probably like the 70s or the 80s or whatever they are teaching us so we had a bunch of these subjects where you are to you showcase what like systems or computers you're using and those computers are not in usage right now like so why the hell am i learning about those computer dude and it doesn't just stop at the curriculum I'll tell you at to what degree the rote learning goes engineering everyone goes for tuitions in the first semi yeah which is so we ordered you've done intense levels of fusions in your 11 12 and your first again people online in America the mechanics kellyjohn Americans computer programming college Hannah so you go there out of herd mentality cuz your whole class is going and you think you should all miss out on some this
you think you should all miss out on some this is probably one to get you don't move yeah be doubly and mechanics and all that it's also because your parents or tough now feel that you crippled without you here dude and you go for the tuitions and it's not even like 11th all tuitions there even the professor teaches you from the rectum and I'll it exactly I went we had a subject called EDC and those very famous electronic design professor okay and electronic design is a very complex object we're supposed to teach about electron movements inside circuits and all okay so you go in expecting a high are you a teacher in America movement gave our mr. Kagame rakugaki it casts a vote ah okay and what does he teach you he gives you a and what's that thing called anagram yeah do remember particular formula so for dune a mummy kill a God your life F is equal to M into C point you're like what am i learning this is not
point you're like what am i learning this is not engineering tomorrow in class yeah so that was my first year so same how was your mat 3 I'm too good in that ok so Matt because my 3 is like the worst subject of all of engineering right everyone if they're getting a drop or getting a katie was mad 3 shehram garbage ready and I was that guy because yes I see that was like all I got into fests and all of that to earlier loser and okay so and then I was like teacher practice at this warrior I'm actually dancing math hobby night but I was just going to watch the dance team perform but I didn't study at all so I would chill then exit that was a paper I got one out of like 20 mm thicker then I try to recover didn't get into it go - Katie all of that yeah parents still didn't know about I gotta talk about this whole Katie story also from mine oh yeah you had a Katie oh and I think I got
you had a Katie oh and I think I got so I was the highest marks in CET in my class and I'd got into really good colleges in Bombay and I'd purposely taken DJ Sammy because I heard he crowd Michelle College may is here yeah all that all that [ __ ] okay and that was my reasoning being taking these on you but little did I know that that crowd muster is one two students in each class is people from candidly saying that this is what's a crowd and shout out to people from that yeah so be advisors beeper here you know it's like it's it's I thought it's like a great call but it wasn't yeah people are still very nerdy and they're nerdy not in terms of I want to learn circuits I want to learn programming it's not in terms of hearing miracle Gera formula yeah that a recursive doe formula yeah it's like they're nerdy based on a tomorrow in which is a very wrong kind of nerdy and
in which is a very wrong kind of nerdy and it's not the fault that is the kind of education they've grown up with anyway coming back to this Katie thing the way in 1112 you are told that if you don't get I idea if you don't need a good Oswin in engineering the version of that is if you get a Katy dude who will hire you bow oh yeah and my veil being rebellious and fulsome was many but I'm not begging each other okay so I literally did that and I remember sitting in that one BW basic engineering electronics paper and not knowing anything in the more I saw the papers like it's make a deal I was like no I just need to not get single digit ob ho tag like one is it right and I got a KD and from being like the top o NC ET I went to like the bottom three of my class I got 48% powers that feeling oh damn bad the next day like on the day I go out it I was
like on the day I go out it I was like oh [ __ ] like him that's bad like a feel for the first time in my life a new conscience kicked in and like yeah it started getting worse at home but when I went to college do people look at you like you murdered someone people people really talk to you like your dog is died or something and I'm just like okay I wasn't feeling bad but you were then it really started to kick in okay then it like it really got to me and because you hear so many voices around you telling you that your whole careers ruined you actually start believing that he should have actually messed up in life for a very depressed I was like the height of depression that I got at the same time in my personal life I I've had like a very bad situation right in fact we made a detail Bo Bice's video in this it's called my had a break of yes saying no I got I got played around with I
saying no I got I got played around with I made a depression story video so go check it out and B I said that one games layer of my heart and that story is genuinely true I think with AIDS I have known to look back at that face and laugh key a catch but okay let's move to discussing about you know those courses that senior sell to you he learn coding in like five days learn ethical hacking in one way or two days yeah did you take that offer you the one who sold that Co initially I was the one who took it up later businessman kicked in and I was like no I'll be back I'll be the one selling there that's also interesting so ever how about how we met any we will come to this my point is basically even with this whole thing about going for those courses there's too much herd mentality in engineering corners if kids see five kids going somewhere they get four more and then they go for it yeah and they wasting that time
they go for it yeah and they wasting that time that ethical hacking and those are the courses that they sell you go and grab add anything to your cereal so stop going for those it's basically you know what you are doing you're giving that organizer oh five star on his CV you're not doing anything for your own he's being able to say I organized the course so that's what if you really own a builder CV an engineering college it comes from leadership pedestal so if you actually able to organize work show up sell things don't like by the exactly good thing exactly you are never going to learn ethical hacking in two days yeah so do this too much hood mentality and I completely fell out of love with engineering but dude getting that KP and having people point fingers at you and you know kind of being mentally convinced that your whole careers over makes you very tough how did you get out of the feeling that oh [ __ ] now I would I have a KD of you
now I would I have a KD of you rise from dude so honestly I got this tattoo and okay till today and you know people look down on tattoos and all I feel the thing with tattoos is if it has a motivational message and if it's helping you if it's adding positivity in your life tattoos are good thing in saying that I mean think a lot before getting a tattoo I got this super impulsively because I could have the story to tell throughout my life in a mere a mere if a low-key story and I legit had that feeling of okay dude now you're rock bottom so now literally the only thing you can do is yeah yeah so I asked some of my seniors who had also failed and asked them that does it really affect a career and there was all mixed yeah it's all that so anyway second year for most engineers is actually also where the alcohol weed and all kicks what are you talking yeah so and it's also like
are you talking yeah so and it's also like a lot of college fest that creeps into your life yeah yeah second years where engineering call it actually becomes more fun right yeah engineering call yeah so when we look back and in general cause I think second your own words is where you kind of look back and saying that's where I grew up a little bit in terms of it's not a good thing but getting drunk a lot partying a lot which is not good for health I mean in retrospect I wouldn't have drank as much as I did right then but I think I was so much in pain and so much it was an escape route yeah yeah and I didn't have a career what it is for most of these engineering students yeah it's like we didn't expect engineering to be like so bad yeah but fine I mean we are in it now so might as well get through that's where this whole stereotype of engineering students being JD's and drunkards comes from because everyone is suffering like people think
comes from because everyone is suffering like people think that after studying so hard in your 11th world you'll be able to chill but it's not that that's not the case in fact is even more pressure because you know that on the other side of engineering calls once you cross the line is your career and engineering cause the whole vibe is even the professor's tell you that there is no scope for your career beyond engineering so you kind of create a reality for yourself that [ __ ] a beam in a a path and Dirk earlier now I wouldn't be able to change my father exactly so lot of people get the press three photos into the career at the Eric when you have 26 they realize hold on wait there are other careers out there I was like yo carios and the thing is with engineering professors right their whole life has been about that oh engineering physics just like stuck to it and that's what they propagate to the kids oh and that's what they propagate to the students also
and that's what they propagate to the students also don't fall for that yeah and there's this other famous stereotype of engineering professors where there is a lot of picking on students oh people are biased all the time in any field anywhere yes so that always happens then I was that guy who's always big against yeah caused by one last venture - never gives assignments on times three always gets the assignments done by someone else and it was just that he ie Torah or smart event so gouramis rather participate cata iPad I am eagerly for the non engineers watching this you might think that assignments are basically these really intelligent coding or engineer objects anyone assignments are ticket though basically they'll teach you a chapter in class and the teacher tell you key Iturbi assignment at kuru one student in class the most nerdy student this is there every engineer will do that assignment take them Beyonce and what is the assignment it's not tomorrow in basically you have to copy things from your
in basically you have to copy things from your textbook key what is the formula for this equation and then you see the Biograph you write the paragraph exactly like how it's written in the textbook so that that diligent student the smart will copy the paragraphs okay and then and he'll be a good guy usually he'll give his assignment to his best friend and that best friend will make five copies of it in India no they just put on whatsapp groups to share him in whatsapp groups that that's what happened during my attack yeah so it's whatever whatsapp or Xerox he'll Xerox the whole thing this guy in engineering called makes money yeah he is the biggest money maker because again it's a rat tomorrow in coffee waves copying based what you call course school so you have to copy close to 30 to 40 pages per assignment you're not learning [ __ ] you're copping blindly if you don't know what it's like actually your design and that's not a meme that's the true yeah so um
not a meme that's the true yeah so um and you have to copy things the way they're written in textbooks with the textbooks also the sentences get over halfway through the sentences like grammar mistakes that is logical mistakes key how have you ended which app to you do not explain that thing but it ends day so you're just supposed to copy the way it's read in the textbook the cool thing about engineering college is that near our college we had another college called Mukesh motel under Mukesh Patel there is this guy who started a business of taking assignments from Jen's and writing it for you yeah that was the band it's expensive it's like like a little ten rupees per page five piece of page if you're doing like you know 40 pages assignment that's 400 rupees per assignment so it's a good business for him yeah but imagine dude people have made a business out of doing your assignments in engineering college I wrecked the system yeah and this is what people don't understand outside of
and this is what people don't understand outside of the engineering college world key people think that when you're entering and you know you think they are hey I'm getting good education yeah I'm becoming a man of worth or women of both and and then you get this that is why a lot of engineers hate and you don't college in India basically second year is not even for you basically make peace with the shitstorm that you're stuck in like Teague it's that again really you see people going down spirals or smoking smoking up and drinking yeah the peace their professors start picking on you because you enter your department yeah I realize now there's a segment of professors that govern you and UBC come to terms with reality then what happens is that once a professor starts picking on you it becomes very intense I think never stops everyone Joshi also tweeted about this this one professor who is to psychologically pick on the dude and they'll say like very toxic things like you
and they'll say like very toxic things like you shouldn't say that to like a 19 year old you know it can really affect someone so there was one professor who basically again we had to copy the assignment so I copied - I mean just like the rest of the class but because my reputation was Gymkhana melodica so she gave the whole class and a and she gave me a D like not even like a be okay and I confronted I was like worse worst thing true how many cocky are like yeah because this overall reduces your aggregate descended and she's like me answered galata I mean he smiled at me he did this mmm a peekaboo like a mark sorry so [ __ ] like that okay and you you see this happening a lot there was once in my second year results the results came out and professor literally did this he made the top of the class like the best Magoo's reared up and said beta to make a thermal abolish better tommy composite
beta to make a thermal abolish better tommy composite you okay he'd make it all like the top six guys over the last sort of 60 get up and he's like HIV ready Robert okay and I was like I saw a bolo and I knew what's coming my way and then he broke down my marks including the subject I got a knee and then he started analyzing prop Katie Miller up to hosta the no class me up smile Carpathian a cumulus okay was evil Abby Korea yoga okay and you know you're subjected to [ __ ] like which which feels awesome when I go back to college now or never actually I need the same professors that's the other side of the story but yeah basically Lord of ego battles that come out of power play happening professor and it's don't think that you know Viva the arrogant was like vivo just regularly we didn't have anything to do with call it was like tiga will come here to study we leave that yeah leave
will come here to study we leave that yeah leave never said anything negative to professors but that what happens in engineering college we this is one more instance which was like basically the professor after the viber he picked out students based on his overall relationship with them throughout the semi slow if they weren't basically licking his ass you were in his bad books yeah so he made thirty students stay back after the viber two days before the actual written exam starts okay two days before two whole days including the day before the exam he made us stay in college from 7:00 in the morning than eleven at and write assignment no just a just a yeah like nothing bloody you can't you can't go home and there's no reason yeah so vol XO please we'll give you a fiver right now but let us go we need to study for the exam is like my up NATO mate as a body no battle just ego you know because they've probably not had a great time in their own college what a lot
a great time in their own college what a lot of people say is or the messed up thing about the Indian engineering education system is that you only end up teaching if you've not got your dream engineering job and this is limited dream engineering in impossible so a lot of them have that little like fire yeah not not everyone we had some fans also who knew that how the call it was about her tomorrow but they taught you engineering the way it's supposed to be taught they taught you the logic of things they taught you how electricity actually works you know how mobile is actually work or whatever yeah we are a bunch of professors who actually take in and put in all the effort to teach us like the basic take us through all the diagrams and all of that which is where the positive aspect of engineering kicks into play that you are given that perspective of how machines work so basically when I'm looking at a camera I am able to break down exactly okay what is the logic of
to break down exactly okay what is the logic of how it's writing down the information that is recording through us now you might do that what was the use of that alive I am NOT gonna make cameras what that does is it allows you to break down systems in your head okay and in a 3d manner about all your problems now when viraja me are doing business to be honest in office we kind of it's slightly a wolf of wallstreet vibe without drugs but it's that little fast-paced by a bed after we crack or do something it's like a boom you know it's like a goodbye but in order to have that speed we need to think problem-solving very fast that's come directly out of engineering goals being exposed to at one good teacher being exposed to a lot of intelligent kids yeah whoo and the same boat is yeah think fast who used to be on there - yes and like multi-dimensional they are just like books yeah I've realized this over the last your when we moved into
realized this over the last your when we moved into an office and we're running this startup like a proper company like a corporate office leadership is learnt in engineering college because they have to lead your own game plan if you don't basically always used to leave our assignments till the end please leave on a study until the end and kind of fixing those problems in a very short span of time teaches you a lot of jugaad not problem-solving at the end of engineering calls you will be a slightly messed up saddened human but you will be yeah I think third you for me was where I kind of slowly start making peace of the situation and I also realize that hold on bro I actually don't know what I'm gonna do in life and my overall aggregate my overall percentage is too low so I better start starting a little bit yeah see him that's when I picked up - I you I scoot like a 5.35 which is the lowest like yeah same for me rose 48 yeah okay so
like yeah same for me rose 48 yeah okay so yeah - give the non-engineers context now what starts happening throw do is that you're 21 years old and people start kind of getting very serious about their career post engineering college and this is also where the P starts again like the 11-12 where people start judging you for not going for MBA classes not going for GI classes not going for what's the third thing for not preparing for placement yeah if you're someone who doesn't have a game plan you look down on a lot yeah and in retrospect the one advice I have for people at that stage of life right now is that don't follow the rat race don't get into things because everybody's doing it so there are people who are very short they want to settle down in the United States there are people are very short that they want to do an MBA and they want a stable corporate job there are people who are very sure they want to enter the Indian engineering space okay but if you are not
the Indian engineering space okay but if you are not sure of the three things don't do those three things okay just chill out early it's okay take your time with that you still in your third year you figure it out yeah go for internships that's where actually that was like the highlight of my life an engineering college that you are in my vacation I utilize my time and actually went for in don't just you know in college I think wolf of wallstreet our release around that time yeah and I used to perceive that whole world as the world of finance so I told my I told my deej I'm taking of finance in don't ship and I interned at its company below instead young didn't learn anything much about finance I learn to cooperate culture and I realize oh [ __ ] even this is not for me I thought you have a financial will main they're caring a financial expert okay I thought that but it was not filled out yeah because those people are many of them very happy in the job many
are many of them very happy in the job many unhappy um because what they've done is they've done engineering and they've gone to I I am ABC like at top AIIMS Gordon this top job at like a financial company okay a finance company and at the end of it they're not happy yeah because from line what now from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. they're in office yeah I struggle even now what was all this noise about oh your life will be solved yeah why have I worked so hard exactly so um dude even we work for like more than 12 hours a day but we are in an industry that we vibe hard yeah it's it's true man it's not about the Oz that you're putting in it's like even if you're working wherever like 24 hours a day for something that you like you you will not mind it because you know you're not like oh why do I do this why am I here it's chill like you want to be in this peer so that's
like you want to be in this peer so that's that's alright but you you did your internship at eBay I I interned at Reliance - yeah my experience with Reliance was that dude like I I interned in the petroleum segment of contacts K through milada internship you gave as a normally sifu iit solo community so I went there for for a certificate all that I was Direction less than keyboard I didn't know what I wanted to do so it was of whatever experience I had to do some data entry and I had to do some calls and all that but most of the times what I realized is people there were not actually working like if you were doing a nine to seven job you the only time and work you so happen was the initial like two hours Escobar's you take your whatever chai break lunch break then you play a little bit on your phone then you chitchat with your friends it's a word that D is over it's 6 p.m. now you're making a move the the
6 p.m. now you're making a move the the bus has come yogi you going yeah yeah that's what I see in a lot of corporate culture even now even people at really high positions in corporate yeah the work tasks are very simple yeah and they can actually finish them in like to us but they stretch it out yeah and that's the big difference I see in the young startup culture versus the old corporate this is not the case with all corporates but this is a lot of corporates I've seen in a lot who have spoken to where their work is actually pretty simple but they only do the tasks that are given to them very minimal tasks very like sit for ok I need to do these three things you know in an art that is like 10 hours so one one take I have on corporate culture is that they've not gotten out of that Engineering College mentality of a theory assignment a calculator so I think the crucial coming back to engineering called the crucial turning point for us was third
called the crucial turning point for us was third for the fourth is where [ __ ] got real yeah and I again I succumb to pressure from hood mentality my whole class was going to MBA classes right and I was like dude I know I definitely don't want to leave this country because I always had this thing of giving back to India since I was an engineering coach and friends around me were like uni dish make a ceviche you know they were like cooking yeah a lot of people in engineering college only enter core engineering goals with the mentality of this is my outlet leaving the country to us yeah I mean that's the easiest way out to be honest because here is not that difficult yeah and a lot of college life yeah there's so many colleges first of all don't go to any college in the u.s. man you will wreck yourself up yeah don't go to any college colleges that are calling you Stevens over a month now yeah so it's it's difficult
over a month now yeah so it's it's difficult to get a job in the USA according to like the current scenarios that we've come to that will come to post engineering always what our friends are doing right now coming back to throw do lot of people are hustling for the GRE even take an average GRE scores they go in with that thing of oh yeah be my guru chill and I'll continue I'll still take a Polish because my goal is to get out of this country okay so um basically people are very auntie and learn this face and up I always question that you don't know this is a growing economy it's the land of opportunities the startup world is growing so much dude and I think by the time you were in your third you have two years younger than me things about to start our chain back when I was in third you people just don't really look down on startups ki do your matter what you doing Assad what you learn fast money yeah because their parents have
what you learn fast money yeah because their parents have told them this keechaka manga and then they're echoing those so exactly I think both of us a slightly rebellious kid so you know parents told us that we were like maybe you don't yeah exactly yeah so and sometimes they actually don't yet actually just trying to be to be fending for you they're like okay it's unstable don't do it yeah where they probably don't know that maybe it's not you know yeah it's rather questionable a mento both barrage and he had this beautiful saying yeah he said that you know a lot of people always look at big ideas and big plans and ask you but a gurney auto like if it doesn't happen then what do you do so your response to that should be per hour whoo-hoo so like what if it actually had so I think in third photo I was I've wanted to do what I wanted and I was just sure I'm not gonna leave the country so GRE was out MS was
gonna leave the country so GRE was out MS was out lot of people look down on me like mad or what are you doing dude okay the next thing was like okay dude I don't ideally want to do a job after engineering because the companies had come to every engineering college at TCS Infosys Capgemini Mu Sigma which all coding based jobs usually oh yeah and I didn't want to become a part of corporate culture at that point I still I don't know but right when I was okay I'd seen on Stan young I was like I'm not gonna do that for even two three years I need to do something different but I was like okay let me just taste this whole and be able right okay so I went I start studying for cat cat studies are actually interesting yeah have you won for catalyst I have given GRE okay so cat is different from Jane okay GRE is also little logic this cat test your logic it tests your English ability but not your vocabulary it tests how well your mind can
not your vocabulary it tests how well your mind can perceive reading it Tess how cogent grasps how calmly you can drink it's actually a very good example all right and that's where I actually felt mentally stimulated for the first time since then standard right okay I was like oh okay this is not right now right yo're have to actually use my mind yeah so I was pretty good compared to the rest of my class because I think they were trained in that hardcore etna mentality so I just solve problems really fast yeah okay but I just felt like again I started reading a lot more what do you do once you get into an I am yeah what do you do once you get into like a very big MBA College and I was like dude I don't want to do finance because I know what that world is like Bozo the other option becomes a marketing FDA okay and there is a reading about marketing MBAs and I read that hold on the perception I had of it that yaar you
the perception I had of it that yaar you will be able to design advertisements basically what we're doing right right I thought that you could do that after marketing it but that's not the case they give you sales job ya give you a sales job where you have to basically hold call people and see and you can live in like a very small part of India very limited resources it's a very hardcore job very intense it might pay you well like 4050 K or month okay but it's not gonna satisfy you intellectually it's like very mechanical work store it's like after all these studies why am I just picking up the phone and doing like example so I I just felt like dude you know I am only gonna be young once I might as well utilize my mind better okay so I cancelled out the MBA options right again I stopped going for those classes yeah I didn't have a direction what I wanted to do I was also in the mentality yeah I know I don't want to
the mentality yeah I know I don't want to do engineering I'm great with like management or something so I'll do an engineering management degree in the u.s. yeah yeah so yeah dude I've met mes of all kinds and I average I respect some of them like intensely it's not easy to crack cat it's really difficult have like a stable GPA school score really good and cat plus the whole general male code rise like it's it's not an easy example crack MBA is not a good be ecologist not easy to get into but the problem is that there's a lot of other MBA colleges also just like engineering like if you get into IIT and all you'll actually learn engineering in some aspects and all with MBA schools are eating off it as professionals today it's kind of the same way when we talk to majority of MBAs there's a lot of problems again they are taught to think in boxes the world works like this you need to get up in the morning and read the newspaper
get up in the morning and read the newspaper every day you need go to your job on time you need to do the task given to MBA does create a lot of leaders but in most MBA colleges in India we actually definitely see a lack of leadership people who think in boxes people institutionalize they worship their own company but they can't movement of ideas themselves yeah so even when the company's probably not doing things morally right this is still the best power for your health even would come home remedies are all our product is the bear yeah so that and that's the version of MBAs that you are not taught in engineering while a starting CAD you're told they're good I am emailing I am a Clippard so you study by I mean not understanding that I am is not easy to get exactly like there is you're competing with the rest of the country people in your batch and people five batches above you who have not take another MBA college it was the targeting I
take another MBA college it was the targeting I am and you're competing against people who are not doing engineering and whoever actually a better chance of getting into that yeah so again I kind of thing this mentality that that's what I realized I'd hold on 11:12 I gave in to my hood mentality of doing engineering cause I have suffered for 3 years of my life right I'm not gonna suffer for like two to three moles exactly so I was like I'm not gonna do these MBA classes these fours are my last moments to chill that timers fourth your sauce like this your is my last moment to chill I became a more hardcore party boy but I was like no I'll do some development and I didn't realize it then but I look back at it now and I realize it now I went and did a fitness certification oh yeah that was really important for this whole path exactly and you know what else I did I started cooking and BMI and I didn't
did I started cooking and BMI and I didn't know that it helped me but those are skills I learned those are real life skills my Bo eyes have YouTube channel started as a fitness intuition because I had I was a certified professional trainer and I was a great cook I just put out like my recipes and my fitness stuff on YouTube and that's given me my career today dropping out of like C exactly that's when it comes to right the college the curriculum is not gonna teach you these things you need to pick up those skill sets know that consciously this is what I want to learn outside of my college curriculum and approach it yeah learn those skills that's that's what I did I did a bunch of like internships in the marketing space digital media space just to experiment and see if this is my calling and I just went with it it works go to it if you're a Mumbai University University student you won't get the time to do it but bunk those college lectures they are really not
but bunk those college lectures they are really not important here I mean figure out your attendance in because college people will really screw you yeah if like you know you don't match up to your attendance levels but god damn you have to learn skills man don't get into that Jameel of oh I definitely want to go to the US cuz my friends are going I definitely wanna go for him because my friends are going I was the only kid in my entire batch who didn't search for a single job place because I knew more jobs are going to be offered because I had that internship I had perspective people look down on me so much it felt like getting okay again are you crazy dude like what are you doing I think I had like a very closer mind telling me that bro you're definitely making the wrong move I don't know what you're thinking right now you're not thinking straight get out of your whole gym mentality get out of your drinking mentality and I was like dude I
your drinking mentality and I was like dude I think I know what I'm doing you know I'm little scared for you and that same person today is extremely unhappy he left his job yeah left his job like you know so penny a my point is learn skills man that's what's gonna pay off in life again if you're sure about getting a job after angel if you're sure about mbf you're sure about ms if you've done your research you have a relative whose life you've seen you're like okay I want that her life go for it do do like the regular like we're not against it of course like ms is a great opportunity for people who are actually in to core engineering u.s. is the place to be here to be honest so again this is just our perspective with two guys who where it's worked out for us we've been really relentless in our car using we've seen a lot of failures okay but we've kept going because this is all we had we couldn't turn to
because this is all we had we couldn't turn to a mess like you know back was against the wall yeah my biggest in motivation for myself was like bro my cat m'hidi Bunga yeah exactly I don't want to go to the u.s. because I can't do core engine area and if I'm doing a job otherwise and I don't know how I'll start right here kudos to a parent who allowed us to use for sometimes that's one kind of battle that you guys will have to fight if you're shy or don't want to do the traditional things explain your game plan to your parents I will not be on board the right moment the first moment but you'll have to build towards it you will have to show there's some cash flow coming into through this business only then will they be satisfied that okay maybe this is the right path for my kid I'll wait for it for you and if you can afford it okay if your family's financially all right take a your where maybe you can't own
all right take a your where maybe you can't own anything assume don't go into that mentality name a capacitor come on I know you go to find yourself in the do something in your life and you know if you're living in India's lot of opportunities to make money okay you can sit at home become a digital marketer make money you have to just go out looking if you talk to a lot of intelligent people in my fullest or I mean when I my first job like real life to great decisions I made one was I was unemployed and I went to my mama's factory like my uncle's factory and I just observed how like the real world looks you know non-college world works like assignments all that is not a thing very difficult phase for any 22 year old because just switching from the mentality of education to real world and money and all that I remember my mama's also against this decision of not going along the conventional paths disease from a generation that used to go along conventional
from a generation that used to go along conventional cars so dude he so now me a lot like that time using dude give him you're making a huge mistake this a and I remember weeping in front of him it's this big buff power lifter match back then okay I'm like weeping in front of my momma like oh god dude I literally can't do those other three things okay and he was in his mentality of his generation that no dude you have to otherwise your whole career will be screwed he probably seen people around him screw up their careers but times have changed yeah man so the closing nodes on this engineering podcast that develop your skills in college lot of people think going for face being a fest committee is like a skill it is a skill in serious yeah but don't think that it's gonna add to your CV you know like don't do go go in with that regard you learn like last-minute situations how to deal with how to you know speak to celebrity how to
how to you know speak to celebrity how to manage things and all of that it's important do it if you can but do internships that's like yeah like we couldn't stress internships of where it's at an engineering college um you know also must come are your professors keep them in your good boy yes absolutely nothing wrong in like muscum arwing let's come your ego to the side because these guys will take you through those four years in your life yeah just keep a good relation with them if you can definitely try passing don't go through that KT situation it might hurt the your family more than yourself yeah I just know that irrespective of what people tell you while you're in college your real career starts after you know you turn 22 after you graduate irrespective of the marks you've got so even if you actually graduated with just you know just passing marks just starting from zero you're not starting from those marks yeah I mean try to have good grades if it's like possible though just again
have good grades if it's like possible though just again for you guys but even if you don't it's fine because it's not like you're learning anything that you're actually going to implement in their life we've learnt about [ __ ] things that are not even relevant anymore coming to that whole topic of engineering based jobs MB AMS let's tackle one situation a time engineering based jobs go through the job profile really well before applying exact understand what I'm gonna be doing if you are interested in coding then take up a coding job yeah don't just be like oh I don't never drawn a Miller I'll be a data analyst but so do you know what the data analyst profile requires you to do yeah like what languages are you going to learn what profile are you going to take up what is your actual job located very like properly yeah Neil Catherine away from Mun containments actually my age he got to your drops we graduated at the same time as you right but he's my age and oh yeah
as you right but he's my age and oh yeah he got a job at manga entertainment because he showed us like when he gave us interview he was just very energetic and very enthusiastic he in fact DM me on like five platforms he messaged me on Facebook and like if you are resilient enough to do that you would really want yeah so you know he didn't go for a regular engineering job because actually he couldn't get one because of his to ear drops yeah but he's one of us stars at monk Adrian today it's about how you take your life yeah after the whole engineering and a lot of the best jobs according to me actually don't visit colleges so you have to go out looking don't think that only you know the people companies are coming for placements are the best jobs out there you'll find your dream job when you apply yourself from the outside so go on like Norcom you know talk to your friends because those guys know they've been in the circle for exactly know
know they've been in the circle for exactly know whether right jobs are the digital scene in India the startup scene in India popping there are great jobs out there kind of go out looking ok don't just take to engineering based jobs thinking that you are a garment in pill replacements you learn a better so I won't get a job don't think like that ok so that's the case with jobs case with MBAs is that ask yourself from now do you want to do a marketing MBA do you want to do a finance and you understand your specialization that's good even to it then marketing finance of exactly so pick your specialization understand that maybe 2 years after I've done this course and specialization I will do these things yeah if you are doing your communications and be and know that you want to be a brand manager at some company yeah so that you can improve the branding of that specific company yeah my understanding and learning from seeing my friends who've done MBAs right after college is that you shouldn't do
MBAs right after college is that you shouldn't do it right after college you should you should taste the personal world also if you're keen on doing a Finance MBA do a finance internship like that owns and young thing I did it is built for some people it's not built for some people in terms of marketing New Age marketing is digital and you're gonna learn much more by working in a digital machine startup then you learn from em in fact and it'll actually harm you if you study marketing in MBA college because they have their own special ways of thinking and they probably don't know what's actually happening on ground I will give you case 30s but they'll give you case thirties of the biggest companies and that's not like an average intake also the courses are kind of outdated now in the last 3-4 hours they become outdated because of digital and in you know digital marketing is not really taught and MBA colleges the way it should be taught we are hardcore marketers okay now like
be taught we are hardcore marketers okay now like I mean our job is we are probably in in the middle of the marketing industry of the world and we learn on the job and it's C marketing is also one of those things where it comes to some people and doesn't if you are a very outgoing person you know if you can think of and this is how it'll work maybe through this platform is how we can promote it yeah it's very like you need to be on the job you guys are on your phones all the time marketing today is happening through social media it's not difficult to grab it you just need to keep your eyes in your open so if you think you can do social media well that means you'll probably be a great market oh yeah so again MBA think about it a lot before just jumping onto that ship do a job understand how the professional world works yes if you can afford it consider doing an or finance and be abroad you will gain more skills there if you
be abroad you will gain more skills there if you want to settle abroad and you don't want to do the engineering side of things try going for an MBA abroad but in order to do that you need to work for four or five years you might even get stand forward however the best one and you can apply your skills much better when you have like two three years of job experience and then you go for an Emmy yeah and the final option that people go for is MS again it is for you if you are genuinely interested in the world of engineering you're not taught real engineering in India unless you're from an IIT and probably even they are not taught it to the level with which you're taught in like abroad so my point is that you are if you're genuinely interested if you are at your Angelo from three idiots that's when you should do nm have you written like some papers you have you made some really cool projects do you know that this is your calling only then go for