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1885dbcbd746-26 | businesses and not international businesses but do you agree with me when i say something like that that possibly the next ai startup which will revolutionize everything in the world can come out where the next virtual reality startup can come out of here uh i have very little hope on that the reason i have a little hope on that is naturally the country has always lost its best talent to the global audience right uh i'll give you a story i was once in stanford and i met bunch of indian and chinese students over there and i asked every indian student so papa sarah and not a single person was coming back and i asked all the chinese that hey what's your plan after stanford and all of them are going back to china so if our smartest brains are going to be leaving the country and i think that's where the tricky part of socialism comes in right if you feel that as a taxpayer the country is not rewarding you back let's say bombay bangalore contribute to a large chunk | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-27 | say bombay bangalore contribute to a large chunk of taxes but what if the taxes contribution back to the city is very very low because we have a lot of people to take care of this country then you're like yeah let me just go and now with technology you can actually be anywhere right for example facebook can employ somebody in colombia with an indian sitting over there so world is going to be getting all mismatched and and the whole different kind of matchmaking is going to start happening where everybody's okay with anybody being anywhere and that is a scary possibility now coming to can we build these companies the thing is talent and audacity and money and product mindset is something that is extremely hard right like i said we've had like a lot of global company ceos are indians so it's not that there is no brain but the exposure we forget that all the indians that we are proud of have changed their citizenship long ago have lived abroad they are way more americans | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-28 | have lived abroad they are way more americans than indians but there is in psychology there is something called as basking and reflected glory right so it's called we were happy or googled us for the years and years but we are constantly losing talent and as a country it's extremely hard to take care of the smartest people over here where we have millions and billions of people to invest behind right or their education or their food like the amount of subsidies that we have to take care of or around the loans that we have to wave off so my worry is that the brain drain that is happening constantly is scary because it is happening in my circles like some of the people that smart people that i have hired have now moved abroad and working in big companies like uber and spotify and all these places and i'm like i'm just going to keep losing people who are really really good then who's building the products for india right and that is the scary part and | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-29 | india right and that is the scary part and you notice one interesting pattern is that many times we had indian startups doing something global companies came and they became bigger in the same space right and almost competing neck to neck in many cases right like you look at uh cab companies or e-commerce companies or payment companies right fundamentally we are not able to keep up and competing with them so the thing is that how do we become global companies right the the sheer ruthlessness or the sheer relentlessness that we need to make it big and the amount of capital and talent required is probably likely to not be there because great talent can work anywhere are we creating a country where people would love to stay be enjoying their time would love to have their kids raised i think these questions are hard and as a nation we are conflicted between there is a small group that feels like they're in singapore and there is this rest of the nation that feels like africa and we've joined them together in | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-30 | like africa and we've joined them together in average india right and therefore there's an interesting thing when you fly over bombay or bangalore you see certainly the sky rises and then zukiyas right and that is the state of india right that if now let's say medical care is not there like where would you want to be locked down during covet india or abroad if flights really opened up do you think many indians would just probably go in countries that are likely to have more better health care so i think those are the questions which are harder to answer and it's not in government's hand so a lot of times we just start coming and blaming the government government the problem is country is built by its people [Music] all the knowledge available on youtube how much are people reading right we are having to constantly dumb down content so that it makes sense to people but the point is that you are competing in a global world we are making textbooks easier to understand we are making videos | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-31 | making textbooks easier to understand we are making videos easier to understand we are summarizing books so that people understand a little bit about it but we are competing with global talent how are we going to win so my worry is that our skill set our talent is not keeping up and general curiosity is just very very low and everybody thinks but in the world we are living in you can never say paday hogay because you have to constantly up your game to be relevant in the game right uh you can't just say are a degree builder in fact i would say most degrees are extremely irrelevant now but who's gonna give people who are currently in college this bad news dude you know i man there's so many things i want to say right now right from the fact that back when i was in college i feel like parental psychology was very different from the parents of college students today but they actually telling them youtuber whatever you know social media business coal parents are thinking differently that's | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-32 | social media business coal parents are thinking differently that's a positive i do feel that um you know how we're getting a brain drain so who's actually leaving the country it's like urban kids maybe ti2 kids not really the interiors of india because they don't have the money to leave now just my experience has been that some of our pivotal hires have been from the interiors of india including during the pandemic where i've had to actually fire some long time people at our organization because they were too expensive and they weren't working as well as someone who we could hire for one-third the price and who would do triple the uh amount of work so that's my personal big hope i feel like those kids need to be taught concepts of entrepreneurship leadership uh even very human concepts like you know like just thinking that relentlessness things like that uh my question to you very quickly uh it's actually a pretty vast question but i'd love to hear your opinion on this today i think jeff | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-33 | hear your opinion on this today i think jeff bezos's net worth crossed 200 billion dollars what can a kid sitting in a village in india that you've never heard of what can that kid learn from jeff bezos in terms of a mindset and that which he can adopt if he has to become the bezos of india that's a very good question i think all the billionaires who have become billionaires have become big through very basic principles of life right and understanding how things work right and understanding is not responsibility of your teacher understanding the world and how it operates is your responsibility and if you are waiting that our like our biggest curse of this country we're all getting coaching classes to solve a super dumb exam suit super dumb hacks and then we think we are smart when we have understood nothing and i would say that's very simple thing is you are not going to make it big if you do not understand not when you score marks when you do not | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-34 | understand not when you score marks when you do not understand what is the business what is the principles of the business how many people are curious about understanding like geocaching right what is the revenue model what is the average arpu we don't know these words also and are we waiting for education system to teach us this stuff because by the time you get bigger and go to college all these words are irrelevant anyways and you look feel like a beast on the purana right because is our entrepreneurs building education institutes no so they are already their head on some of these things right so many stanford courses are available for you on youtube i i sometimes see 5000 videos viewers the reason it is like you're talking about y combinators how to start a startup in so many videos like you can just keep surfing and and i think all of us you i all of have become smarter not through our colleges by watching content constantly having this need to improve we're constantly searching in | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-35 | this need to improve we're constantly searching in fact it's funny the the word how huw uh if you look at google trends in last five years ten years the world has declined on searches okay how certainly wow right and the thing is but there is so much more to figure out i searched for almost every house okay i searched for everything recently i was showering i was like yes uh glass paper solution and i searched for that and i thought if you put to shampoo and wipe it with shampoo then never fogs i was like this is great like uh 40 years of my life i did not know this now i know it right the point is the the need and curiosity is just not there and we are very happy getting our status from this tick tock videos and likes and can you watch over here right and and the problem of likes is that not everybody can make it big right we forget that no matter what we are seeing in a country with low trust there's always going to | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-36 | in a country with low trust there's always going to be 25 companies who have all the profit 25 bollywood guys will have all the profits uh 25 uh apps that will have all the users right the thing is you have to really break out and create new territories right actually one fun story in india inheritance was always shared so uh naturally when person dies the land was divided between two sons right and we did not have female inheritance which was a different controversial topic but in the west there was a concept called as first born so the first bond got inherited the second born has to go and do exploration to get his own property so naturally that society became exploratory and capturing and india kept dividing right and this is a fundamental difference only one more thing i observed i was in once in portugal and i went to a beautiful church there is a beautiful monument put for vasco de gama or one of these explorers and i was like why is it inside the church because normally | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-37 | was like why is it inside the church because normally you see this thing outside the church right this is a culture in portugal that all the explorers were given higher status more than the king and they were buried inside the church wow so suddenly explorers are respected but who's more popular in india bollywood star entrepreneurs so what will you desire to be you will decide to be the cool guy like a bollywood star you don't want to be an entrepreneur because it's not cool to be your entrepreneur right we've not made them heroes yet and i'm thinking this is yet and i think that's the one interesting thing that we have to be very sure what we want we've made a lot of people popular because of being politicians a lot of people want to be politicians they like to go and college politics here well because again status i think one interesting fact right you will see all sorts of people who manage to get status through comedy through poetry or whatever become politician but you will never | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-38 | poetry or whatever become politician but you will never see a politician become a poet or a painter or an actor and that is the ultimate status game right and and the point is that we have fundamentally have wrong role models now the question is do we want to become a wealth driven society it is the question that we need to answer and and if we are then we need to make them the heroes right we need to make people who create wealth heroes uh we need to encourage people employees to have stocks in the companies that they work for we don't have those concepts we don't even understand these concepts how many people have participating in stock market 20 million people in 1.3 billion people right mutual fund purchased these millionaires maximum the point is that wealthy shares capitalism means then how are we playing this game yeah uh wanna just bring in two three concepts from past podcasts a mentor of mine dr radhakrishnan pillai keeps speaking about this concept of anvik shiki which | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-39 | speaking about this concept of anvik shiki which in ancient india was the first subject you were taught in junior kg you were taught to look at an object and ask yourself why is this object shaped like this why is it not shaped like this which is again the same concept you said that why is that uh ideology kind of left us somewhere over medieval times i think it left us which is something i spoke to uh with amish tripati about um so he basically he said that you know something's gone wrong it was this whole again an ego game the king started fighting each other therefore society got destroyed and um the third thing i want to talk about is uh again the present times um there was this conspiracy theory i read about how not all warfare is physical so you can have wars like between two nations where there's tanks and missiles and planes and soldiers killing each other or you can have psychological warfare and the big conspiracy is that hmm has china started | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-40 | the big conspiracy is that hmm has china started psychological warfare in india by introducing tik-tok in this country and by introducing pubg in this country side firstly my question to you is let's hear your thoughts on psychological warfare and what do you think of this conspiracy and the second question is what do you think about gaming in general and do you think gaming is benefiting or spoiling the future of the youth of this nation first of all whenever you find flaws in people and their first reaction is to blame somebody else they are not really reflecting on what the problem is [Music] as a country we should stay away from all the people who sell conspiracy theories to us because their method to gain followerships do not idolize people because they give you the goalie through which you come and gather and become make them the leader you have to question every single thing right and unless you question every single thing you will always be manipulated because the human brain does not like to burn | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-41 | because the human brain does not like to burn energy fattah shortcut answer here we talk about tick tock have we checked our weddings it is the largest tick tock ever yeah and we keep forgetting that we keep dressing up like prince and princesses for last 50 60 years in our weddings what is that isn't it status seeking half we need to ask these fundamental questions and anytime there is a shortcut answer that comes to our mind the first tendency should be to reject it and ask a deeper question otherwise we will keep shifting from conspiracy theories to theories because the brain wants shortcut here nate will be a shortcut hearing a shortcut right and this is our country's biggest problem we have never been trained to think or critically think i'll tell you one thing any country that default respects elders stays dumb i'll tell you why because you are just accepted and you fundamentally kill curiosity to ask hard tough questions how many kids in india will be allowed to ask question about why | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-42 | in india will be allowed to ask question about why does god exist why should we be doing this ritual how many people have questioned why should raksha bandhan exist now that we are in a equal society the moment we ask these questions we will have so much of outrage in the society because we accept parampara we accept norms to not be messed with and i think that creates a very interesting society by itself that there is a value for values right but the question that if we don't allow questioning then we will always be ruled by the next person who can give us a story right and i think for a country to become wealth driven we we will always be manifesting what we truly are right our our country will be like what we are a lot of people say that a bollywood movie kaiser movie like how can people like that stuff but we have to understand that those movies make 200 crores because probably the average iq of the country has stayed low and what have you done to | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-43 | country has stayed low and what have you done to improve that we can't keep judging i see so many people from netflix keep judging there is a meme right now but the point is this content is the highest trp content yeah why is it the case there is a reason for it right and i think unless we ask ourselves tough questions take efforts to really evolve minds we are not going to get better and i think that the biggest problem is about worship oh knowledge because he's questioned the thought about this why what if he's wrong what if ranveer is wrong why are we following people and like we keep moving from oh let's follow garyvee because we bought say bank but what if he is wrong what if everybody is wrong why are you not questioning why are you not seeking truth and i think truth seeking is very hard to learn late in life because like it's like muscle i know you have to build it very early on in life i'll give you a small example in | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-44 | on in life i'll give you a small example in israel mothers don't ask children when they come back from school the question that they ask is what was the most interesting question you asked today now imagine the power of that one single ritual every day that the son or daughter are thinking ah many concept questions which i'll tell my mom and because they're asking very good questions the teachers are becoming better and the society is becoming smarter and smarter yeah dude i've been to israel and it's been uh it's been one of those life experiences that stays with you forever that country is just different and i feel they're like at the arrow tip when it comes to human progress in the world but go on please i'm sorry i'm interrupting you no i'm just saying that the thing is we we go abroad and we still eat paneer and paratha when we go abroad yes we are almost going abroad like we are going to zoo and observing the world versus immersing with that world learning | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-45 | observing the world versus immersing with that world learning something from it right what's the point of going abroad and eating the same food that you eat at home or hang out with the same people you hang out with in bombay anyways how many indians have traveled alone anywhere in their life so where are where are we likely to get individual opinions our opinions are of a group there are no individual opinions because we don't appreciate anybody trying to be alone find individuality without exploration so i think we are very early days into these things and and it will take some time while that was a heavy answer uh i think the core kind of insight i got is change the culture change the culture right from the top have have whoever the pm the educators telling people to explore people to accept people to question which i doubt is going to happen in the next 40 to 50 years but in saying that you never know how social media is gonna grow and will it actually be a situation where | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-46 | grow and will it actually be a situation where pewdiepie numbers of 100 million youtube subscribers will be very normal for indians considering the fact that we have the biggest population in the world so will we have these really powerful social media influencers slash bollywood actors who will influence society that's my optimistic outlook on it but the question i have to bring you back to is the big gaming question you know the whole pub g wave that's going on and i want to note from you because you're someone who's considered like what society would call wealthy and successful considering the fact that you've aced both the status and the wealth game what's your outlook on pubg is it kind of helping kids develop you know in certain spheres i'm sure it is obviously it doesn't help your reflexes etc etc but how much does your reflexes matter in terms of setting up a wealthy family life you know like that's what i want to know that like what's it actually doing for you as a | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-47 | that like what's it actually doing for you as a person uh also keep in mind um just generally the gaming community is extremely possessive about what they are protecting which is their ideals about no i want a career in gaming and i'm gonna kill it in gaming and while gaming is a growing industry in the world we're very aware of that you're someone who has an outlook on the modern startup world the future of this country what's gaming doing to the youth of the population it's a good question first of all the reason gaming is becoming big is that we have a natural tendency to get short dopamine hits let me explain what i mean by that uh let me ask you a question can i build biceps by just doing something for two minutes is there a way to do that it's not right i will need to give hours and diet and months of effort to be able to get a good body right so anything that is worthwhile takes deliberate effort for hours and months and | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-48 | takes deliberate effort for hours and months and years sometimes right can i become an olympian gold medalist by getting quick dopamine hit here and there no i have to give hours and hours of practice can we become good at acing an exam no we will have to give hours and hours of contribution over there but what happens is that the brain can be easily fooled into getting these small small shots right uh instagram though don't have pictures we'll go back and then we go to youtube then we go somewhere else we'll go something and the brain is just moving shallowly from one place [Music] oh you say you know that gaming is a reflex but the question is will anybody pay money for it there's a concept in japan called as ikigai it says that you have to do three things uh one stuff that you like one that you're likely to be good at and the third i'm assuming it's about what the world will pay you money for if everybody decides to be a youtuber | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-49 | for if everybody decides to be a youtuber youtube they hear upon hmm and the point is that we do not understand that some professions are fundamentally limited for a few people to win how will you beat their biceps on podcast he's been at it for five years just because you say that i can make karega and i'll copy what he's doing but you can't because there are 500 things that ranveer knows about his game that he is not even documented it's in his brain about every single thing that you've done so i think my my biggest worry is that we we do a lot of this thing which is supposed to be for fun but if you think that it will create income skills it's not possible uh and therefore we have to understand that entertainment has to be treated like entertainment according to me watching a movie or netflix or playing a game or chilling with friends are all your break times right and we all deserve it but if it becomes our identity it's | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-50 | deserve it but if it becomes our identity it's a very scary situation what happened to all the tick tock stars suddenly went to talk shut down what are they doing now i'm curious to know because it became their identity for the good guys for the casual guys it was okay but for people who built the community it's going to be a big thing so i think the question is that what makes money right getting followers and likes is not good enough i don't think that's what creates wealth right you have to solve a problem using and i think people often confuse these things because we don't understand what do people want right and what are the people willing to pay money for what are people willing to pay a lot of money for right and and that to me is in a very early phase right now where we are understanding these things the youth has to be told like entrepreneurship existed we are we are a country of dukandars and and businessmen we are not country of | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-51 | dukandars and and businessmen we are not country of like job makers but we've forgotten what makes people pay money what makes people kind of do stuff and i think that is going to be a thing answering your question on gaming i i i think it's a good blip because you're a young population which is bored and alone and lonely and a lot of times just you people feel puffy and they chill with friends and do different they're converting their identities to different things but my biggest worry is that if this becomes your identity what happens to your real identity that's going to be a scary place to be yeah it's one of those things where definitely gaming has its advantages the gaming industry has potential to grow it will create some jobs but not jobs to kind of satisfy that whole bubble of youth that's kind of invested in it and i think that uh people are so into the dopamine kick aspect of the game that they will go to any degree to ex to | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-52 | that they will go to any degree to ex to defend even the concept of gaming yes so the final takeaway is that dude it's cool have fun but grow a skill set even outside of it even if you grow a gaming skill set just having that second third fourth fifth skill set can add so much to even your gaming career uh so i'd probably look at it like that um now one of the final few questions i have for you in the podcast again we spoke a lot about wealth driven societies in this and that seems to be a concept that you think about a lot therefore i feel like you think about wealth a lot in general and i'm not about money i'm just talking about wealth even means knowledge wealth means um you know just the ability to invest in different places the ability to affect other people's lives ability to elevate your team all that is wealth keeping that in mind what are the next industries you as an entrepreneur would invest in would keep an eye out | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-53 | an entrepreneur would invest in would keep an eye out for for this country slash for the world what are you looking at specifically and i obviously have to ask you that do you have an eye on social media like again that's a selfish question but really want to know um all wealth is created when you help people achieve what they want in life right so the moment you make it easy for them to achieve what they want they give you money for it right so money is what we pay to somebody or a product to make it easy for us to achieve what we want that's a summary of a business right now people want different things right for example if you ask a lot of indian parents they would disproportionately spend on let's say educating their kids but would they pay five rupees extra delivery charge to get swiggy one minute faster no right because as a country we never had industrial revolution a country that does not have industrial revolution does not understand the value of time right so for example | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-54 | not understand the value of time right so for example if you go to any western country you ask them what is your salary per hour everybody knows because their first job was an hourly salary job and even if their income grew their math in their head is one our mira salary kitner in india if you ask anybody what your income per hour they have no clue because our first job is a monthly job and and continues to be a monthly income and therefore we do not take good decisions with our time on an hourly basis for example if you find out that your salary per hour is 5000 rupees does it make sense to spend 30 minutes to look for a 200 rupees discount for a flight ticket and these questions are not asked because we don't understand these concepts and therefore in this country making money on products that save time sometimes is harder versus products that increase status because there are status during society and fundamentally all the profits are in status driven society i'll tell you one | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-55 | are in status driven society i'll tell you one fun example i have a friend who used to be a buyer at a very large retail company in india i asked you to just check one thing that yeah can you please check the margins of product in products that are sold for living room and products are sold for bedroom and she's like i said categorization knew that we have dining we have kitchen as an indiana camper please check for living room versus bedroom and the profit margins of products for living room had 3x more margins in bedroom in a large retail company why because living room care products are made for status bedroom is not and fundamentally therefore margins in india are and more in living room products and bedroom products but if you switch this context and go to western countries where it's individualistic they will be spending a lot more money in their bed sheets and lot more in their mattresses and beautiful pillows and their bathrooms will have expensive products because they're taking | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-56 | bathrooms will have expensive products because they're taking care of themselves but we are thinking about low carb and therefore the motivation and margins exist in about status like think about all your relatives am i likely to make money from them if i offer them status or convenience think about it the answer is almost instant right what what would be examples of status driven businesses like you know that have this status game at their core like think about marijuana right uh iphone audi uh uh uh chashma like you'll be surprised these have like 70 80 gross margin because they make you look cool right uh the material cost is nothing it'll probably be 30 rupees 40 rupees but it's sold for if you put a gucci next to it it'll probably sell for five thousand twenty five thousand sixty thousand right uh uh any product that we signal like this thing i'm wearing what is this just because it's an adidas logo it'll be so much more expensive because you can recognize oh this is i know | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-57 | because you can recognize oh this is i know what this is right and and status products are designed naturally that way right i'll tell you what remember when you were in school and anybody who got the magnetic compass box was cool all kids are status driven they aren't well driven by design and therefore wow all products sold to kids are usually very high gross margin because kids are constantly trying to compete each other with status they remember that all these cards we got flash cards they were so expensive but we took it because we could show off to our friends right so fundamentally products that increase your status will always be higher gross margin and you can either increase the status or prevent status loss right so uh anything that is like an insurance will be high gross margin business because it will reduce your social status so you protect it in some ways so basically anything that is emotional in nature will always have higher gross margin uh i remember watching this movie uh ayushman karana and uh their parents have kids at a | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-58 | karana and uh their parents have kids at a very late age i'm forgetting the name of the movie says very interesting line saying that so the indian mindset is that keep collecting money and raw on weddings but how many unicorns in india startups have background of weddings zero the reason it is zero is we have no ideas to copy from from the world because world does not have arranged marriages are spent so much on weddings so we have not learned anything most of our ideas in india are copycat models of the western or eastern models whereas spending on wedding is a very indian thing but we figured out education so there are lots of education strategies becoming very very big because we figured out that indians spend disproportionately on education right i i often tell people that education in india is like treated like right i think that's the way to think about it right fundamentally the country is confused about these things and will never uh understand these things and therefore your job is | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-59 | uh understand these things and therefore your job is to not make them well driven your opportunity right and and you'll be surprised think about when you managed to take money from your parents for doing some work for them was it more to save their time or was it more to increase their status and sometimes asking this question will reveal more things what what industries would you point young investors at or young entrepreneurs who just don't know what they want to enter find a pitch ideas to your mom dad cousins and ask them would you pay money for it not look at internet don't look at internet the answers are around you and if you can find a way to let them pay for it make a large platform like an app to distribute it or a web to distribute it i always ask this question to your family members will you do you think people will pay money for this would you pay money for this what will your dad pay money for what will your mom pay money for what will your cousin's | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-60 | your mom pay money for what will your cousin's brothers sisters will pay money for and if you know this 90 percent of time you'll create a successful business because you fundamentally ask the question is [Music] what are your knowledge sources how do you work your brain muscle like what would you recommend any books that created an impact any books you go back to uh what what do you do for your mind i have a very different approach i don't finish any book i read i i am a guy who gets curious about a topic that i research everywhere is god for example i randomly got curious about your word shampoo then i found out that the word shampoo comes from the word jumpy and the guy who used to sell tail for chumpy in india went to europe and and europeans converted that product into shampoo uh shikakai was converted into shampoo and the word shampoo comes from the word chumpy now the point is this is a random information that i know because nobody else has ever | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-61 | random information that i know because nobody else has ever got curious about the shampoo right and the thing is i get randomly curious about many many topics i research it completely and i let my curiosity be wild i'll tell you why this is an important topic in india if you are a kid and you randomly got curious about something your parent would say we suppress random curiosity but every kid has it fortunately for me because i was terrible at studies i anyway stayed random on my curiosity right and use internet for asking this question how does this work why does this work how many people know how banks work how many people know how automobile companies work how many people know tesla how many people know facebook how many people know how many people facebook has using the product every day if you are not going to be randomly curious you will quickly become somebody who makes less income compared to most people last question of this podcast on a very brotherly level without your entrepreneur suit on just your in | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-62 | level without your entrepreneur suit on just your in your boxers what is the best and worst aspect of your life as a guy right now our best is i get to meet people smarter than me constantly by just writing to them i shamelessly write to them and and constantly try to spend time with people who are smarter than me and there are two three ways of doing that you read their books you watch their videos or you meet them and if 90 of your time is spent with people who are smarter than you you will become smart it's very simple right and what the thing that i'm disliking right now uh i i am just tired with this whole thing of everybody being holed in and this spontaneous thoughts discussions wildness creativity is stuck because all of us are stuck in this zoom world uh which is great but other uh other than covert i'm not talking about content i hear you about covert but in life i i wish i had more time in life man i want | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-63 | wish i had more time in life man i want to do so many things read so much i wish i could not sleep uh and and just be constantly do curious stuff out of curiosity and constantly be amazed at things and intrigued by things and uh i i just i wish i was getting younger in life uh i'm 41 now and and it is hard to keep up i need my sleep and i'm like right uh and i think uh the thing that i would love to change is that what if we had more hours but the thing is no matter who we are me or mukesh amani elon musk anybody jeff bezos everybody has 24 hours every day the difference is what they do with the 24 hours beautiful thank you mr kunal shah here's the first episode of i'm dead show a lot more episodes going forward over the years i really appreciate this everything from you helping us with the setup two giving me my next few business ideas to just opening up your mind and all your | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
1885dbcbd746-64 | ideas to just opening up your mind and all your conversations to me i appreciate it a lot i will be linking down all your handles in the description box is there any last message you have for a young indian watching it till this point i would only say get curious because life is gonna get hard beautiful thank you brother appreciate it thank you bye | nH6WUTFmgg8 |
bc814b42b6d7-0 | today's TRS episode is just what the thumbnail promises you my friends survey shashi is one of India's hottest young entrepreneurs and he claims that he's done this through his practice of celibacy he's followed the no sex and no FAP rule for nine years and he genuinely believes that it's given him kind of a super power to go achieve his dreams so through the length of his podcast I'm gonna ask him all the questions that you were thinking of how did he do it what does he feel from inside does he feel horny or lust at any point during his life and he's given some very inspirational very deep answers I promise you watch the entire podcast you will come out a different human being at the end of it also keep in mind that in the comment section I'm gonna link the different sections of this podcast and also keep in mind that the description has the audio link of the podcast enjoy yourselves cerveja sheen on the runway show well then be is show | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-1 | on the runway show well then be is show we're talking no FAP we're talking no sex we're talking yoga we're talking about the benefits of all these worlds on the human mind and how to build a multi-million dollar business out of those benefits sorry Shahi thank you so much for having me on your show it's amazing bro it's a pleasure having you on the Randy show I'm going to dig into your mind and these last nine years where you've practiced celibacy Acharya how you have been trained deeply in yoga and how you set up one of India's biggest yoga startups actually I call it a wellness startup yeah I think when the startup is is a much better way to put it because yes the authentic foundation of what we're doing is yoga but we are trying to build a well as ecosystem and who's invested in the wellness is quite a lot of people about I'd say about a little over 40 but the specific ones that you're wanting to | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-2 | 40 but the specific ones that you're wanting to know are Jennifer Lopez Alex Rodriguez of fiance and partner Malaika Arora my favorite partner and we have shied Kapoor and Mira Kapoor they've invested and Regina Khan's daughter Aishwarya Dhanush as well amongst many many other people who have who are absolute legends in their specific fields so it's amazing I feel like with something like do yoga they're looking at two things obviously they look at the business model and the purpose of do yoga but you're also looking at you as a guy they're saying that there's something about this brother who's the sole founder of this organization yeah I think I think largely when people invest right when they put in their money it's two three things that they look into one is the founder second is is is this purposeful stroke scalable business and then the team and yes profitability bottom line all of that does come but largely these first two three points are very critical for them and Deva | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-3 | two three points are very critical for them and Deva Yoga is one which is all women it's aspirational and the mother brand is called cerva okay and serve amines all a complete bond and a vision statement says connecting seven billion breaths which is the world yeah so and service unisex it's both men and women it's transformational diva is aspirational I'm gonna dive straight into what the audience wants to know how has how has your retains even brought you to this point well I think see I I describe my life into two parts one is a life before seventeen and the other is a life after 17 before 17 I described my life with the three A's which is arrogance attitude and anger I think as a six year old child my only aim was to play cricket for the country and win the World Cup as well so when I was six I was I was super hyper as a child so my parents thought that putting me into a yoga class will help me balance and focus | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-4 | into a yoga class will help me balance and focus better both as an individual and in my game and I saw a lot of difference in my game for sure so time went on life and by started doing a lot of yoga the physical aspects of yoga which is what people think you guys doing Surya Namaskar meditation I'm too old I'm too young to do that and it's only for women etc but when I was 17 my dad took up this yoga class which he couldn't complete he paid a lot of money he said salvation of what I paid a lot of money just seven eight sessions left just take the class and get done with it so I was like okay fine you know don't let's not waste money and went into the class the this guy was sitting in front of me he had long hair long beard orange clothes and I was thinking okay a biack he's another God going to tell me to fall at his feet he'll show me a hallow blighter on my head | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-5 | he'll show me a hallow blighter on my head then all of that I was very intrigued as a child about enlightenment and consciousness as a child as a child as a 17 year old whether you want to call it a child or a teen but I was always include about intuition like you know I wanted to see the future but very selfish because I thought if I open my third eye I play for the country faster quickened it was very selfish in nature when but when might when I spoke to my teacher about it the first thing he told me was service if you ever think I can enlighten you you are a fool and I'm a bigger fool that kind of hit me quite hard I'm like wow this guy's being really honest I really like him I want to kind of you know understand more learn more about what he's going to be saying trying to say etc went to my dad and I said dad really you know what I want a continuous losses can I he said | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-6 | what I want a continuous losses can I he said of course it's a good thing please continue that's how my yoga journey started after about 30 45 days of classes after doing the typical what people think you guys today I started doing a lot of sadness Sardinas in sanskrit means discipline okay so i did a lot of 10 11 21 and 40 days sadness for example you say i'm going to go on a keto for 21 days right you actually follow it or you say i'm not going to do this not going to do this for 40 days or i am going to do this for 10 11 21 40 whatever that is so I started doing a lot of 10 11 21 and 40 day sadness so I I've gone silent for 40 days I used to meditate for nine hours a day I've done way past now when I was really young and I've done a bunch of Southerners I have not touched people you know now must they not really be very very mindful of whatever I was doing | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-7 | really be very very mindful of whatever I was doing trying to do going to do in my game in in my social life etc one fine day my teacher came and told me sir wish you're doing great I'm going to be giving you five precepts in life I said great tell me what are these five precepts he said tell me first will you follow it I said I will follow it no problem he said remember sir wish in yoga Sankalp KO / kv company i said i'll go in linear time what does that mean he said which means in yoga if you commit it's a commitment like no going against your words but what happens if you fulfill that commitment like why would you take up those five precepts so I I before I told him that yes I'll take it up I had done a lot of ten eleven twenty one forty days and every time I did it and completed it I always got one step ahead in my life in different aspects whether it is professionally in my | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-8 | in different aspects whether it is professionally in my game well in the year when I thought I'd get dropped from possibly one of the best college teams in the country I became the captain of the team crazy so it was amazing right so I said great I said what are these Five Precepts he said the first one was no in toxification which is no alcohol no smoking no non-veg alcohol and smoking was easy because I never done it until then and continuing that was very easy meet a mamalu so I don't have to talk much how Milo's eat meat I said okay fine I'll okay great second one was non-violence non-violence through actions thoughts and words one's a wise man said that a deed is done when the thought is planted I don't remember genuinely the last time I even killed a mosquito third one was no mental and physical stealing physical stealing is you physically steal stuff mental sinning is over and weed has a nice watch I like to have it | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-9 | weed has a nice watch I like to have it I can aspire to do whatever I want to buy a car buy a house fly in a plane go for a holiday that's fine but not mentally steal stuff from people of whatever fourth one was no line I can't even white lie if I'm late because I overslept I'm late because I overslept not because there was traffic on the road 51 was by far the most difficult because of two reasons one because of my age 2 because of the accessibility I had which was celibacy is celibacy celibacy is so when I asked my teacher what celibacy meant he said service no sex so I said ok I mean until 18 I never had I mean I've never had sex so it was easy for me to kind of continue thinking it's going to be for 40 days so I said rhetorically told my teacher Guruji I call him I started calling him guru ji guru ji in sanskrit guru means one who brings you from | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-10 | sanskrit guru means one who brings you from darkness to light so I said Guruji carding Charlie's in kill accordingly he said service not forty days seven years I'm like oh wait wait I mean SATs all meaning seven years he said yeah I said what guru ji he made a prime time mana if not to do all of the five things but clearly a couple of them so he says I wish it is your prime time but to focus on yourself you build in inner strength inner growth but it's your choice I said no good you have told you yes I'll do it I'll do it and then after a couple of days he said it started saying celibacy means no getting physical no fab no ensuring you know you don't ejaculate etc etc no masturbation no ejaculation I don't know ejaculation at all no masturbation at all so I'm like whoa I'm like okay fine guru ji but I've promised you what I promised you but anyways so for the first one and | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-11 | you but anyways so for the first one and a half years I was purely doing everything to prove him wrong hmm the five things which is celibacy no sex etc after one and a half years after when I was 19 and a half I think it became a way of life I'm 27 now I have not broken any of the five things crazy so you you started when when you were 19 18 18 and you had to stop actually two years back at 25 but yes I continued yeah uh-uh it became a way of life I started seeing a lot of differences in me and a lot of things aren't happening which was I think for the better I would I mean a lot of people think they differentiate between good things and bad things but I believe in the concept of and there is day there is night yeah so everything happens for a reason and the reason is the best that could have happened to you so for me it was a life of I'm fine I I'll take life as it | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-12 | of I'm fine I I'll take life as it comes and I'm a human I'm not enlightened or anything of that sort so I do have my days where I feel upset I am vulnerable etc but I think it's all knowing the fact that this will also change yeah yeah so you open to the concept of marriage probably four oh yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely I'm open to I think I think the best part about what I think I am doing is doing whatever I'm doing in an agent world people think that you can't you know be in a modern world you can't run a business a lot of people say how can you not lie when you're running a business why should you lie when you're running a business like I understand the fact hundred percent like I mean I think what I've largely built today is because of trust love respect and my ethics and values yeah and you're honest like hustle in your world yeah that's I think yeah I think I sleep for probably five six hours maximum | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-13 | I think I sleep for probably five six hours maximum a day yeah but work is work like no work honestly work honestly yeah coming back to semen retention growth there's a lot of bros watching this actually who firstly one and all the benefits so you said that you know i'm shorter it's not just the semen retention and it's your other for sadness as also all of it together yeah yeah but what differences have you actually seen in your own internal world is your stamina high or is your thought process different well largely i mean your the benefits of stamina you know feeling energetic etc etcetera is great see what does the semen retention mean is largely taking that energy to your brain taking it upwards instead of having it being released you're taking it upwards to your head and which opens up a completely different dimension of creative thought process right brain activation so on and so forth can you elaborate yeah so i think you know what happens is when when you practice nofap or | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-14 | what happens is when when you practice nofap or when you're ensuring that there is semen retention happening that energy moves to your brain when that energy moves upward towards your brain what happens is there is a lot of i'd say a creative mind space that's opened up right there is a lot of science behind it etc but i think i'm more practice what i preach so i'm not getting into the science of it but more what i've personally kind of felt is whether it's in your profession whether when i'm playing cricket whether is how i watch the ball to Hawaii Bowl to Hawaii kind of perform because I think semen retention is hugely also linked to performance so the the the peak performance level that you get when you consciously ensuring semen retention stroke taking that energy upwards and that can happen through various asanas various exercises etc it just opens up your creative energy so much that whatever you're doing specifically when you're in a profession when you're you know whatever profession | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-15 | in a profession when you're you know whatever profession you are in right whether it's a corporate world whether it's a creative world or it's it can be as simple as being confident in front of people it's unreal I mean you have to practice to experience it yeah I can't say all that I've experienced but you have to practice it I mean I'm not even saying yours right just do it for 21 days and and see how you feel about it under because you feel tired after things happened right but I'll be with ya q later after you Jack laid it there is a sense of tiredness yeah why it's a question that I think all of y'all should answer but yeah also I feel that again I keep saying this in a bunch of a podcast that there's a whole world of science that the world of science hasn't discovered yet see I believe in this as a word I may be wrong a lot of people may say what are you saying but what do you what do | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-16 | what are you saying but what do you what do scientists do what do what do you say scientists what research while ice research is the word right which means they never you never see scientists are searching technically science is supposed to search right what is research means it's already there they're researching it yeah so what's their five thousand or how many of our years ago they are researching it 100% i feel i feel not 2020s we're gonna see a lot of discoveries hopefully looking forward some few more days to go but yeah and we can we can say that we go farther than okay also but speaking about nofap I'm gonna give like a quick like exercise that I've known from the world of yoga a bunch of books I think one of the books written by osho also mentioned this so basically for you guys were just starting out or nofap it's a very simple yoga suppose you are feeling lust you're feeling horny basically okay so you do feel a certain rush of | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-17 | okay so you do feel a certain rush of blood going to your sex organs the yoga is that you just sit in one place okay and you take a deep breath in and keep in mind a lot of meditation and yoga is a lot of visualization so you just visualize that all that energy is actually flowing upward to your spine and your brain so you breathe in take it upward into your brain and then breathe out and imagine that energy spreading through your brain that's all it's a very basic yoga and I've seen that this personally helped me and my no fab initially I have two questions for you sir wish yeah first question is that is it okay that I said this yoga on show absolutely I mean everybody I think it's not one size fits all so as long as you're able to reach what you want to reach yeah I think the process is however it works for you the best yeah as long as it's not harming you in any way yeah and you're taking | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-18 | harming you in any way yeah and you're taking right guidance to do it it's perfectly fine yeah so if you actually go into one of these advanced meditation schools like the ocean school or a foundation or I assess or chinmaya mission school you will find yoga's related to controlling your sexual energy and kind of reach analyzing it to create absolutely creative energy absolutely so the first question was that is this okay and I've got the thumbs-up from a unique brother yeah the second question I have for you is the obvious one about no fab eventually becomes easy if you've practiced over this is what you'll see eventually you'll find it easy to beat your cravings initially it is a little bit difficult absolutely so I want to take you back to that eighteen year old version of yourself whose hormones oh please what what used to go on in your head dude if you saw like an attack well it is unreal I mean I'm the all Five Precepts in fact because you know | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-19 | the all Five Precepts in fact because you know it's it's a it's pretty much reverse psychology right now it's it's nature's wish that it tests your mind power mental strength you know it happens to a lot of you all I'm sure you say I'd say my diet meal you'll get called for ten weddings you'll get called for the best birthday parties you'll get called for best friends this best friend we add see many I started my diet today Qi really a genie cuz it's a Lucario so there are just a calcium which are Luca Luca so then next day you're like okay today morning onwards morning you would have done it yeah after you know done it evening I getting to be like run we've let's go for a party and then you know because when the moment you tend to take a certain kind of a bath and bath stroke goal for yourself the nature's first rule is how do we tend to break it how do we test tested strong break it stroke whatever | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-20 | how do we test tested strong break it stroke whatever you want to call it for the good but can this person he or she would stand that test and come out of it whether it is something that I took up of not lying I know I've lost friendships for a brief moment because they asked me to say something and I couldn't lie and I said listen I can't do it solo after that after about two years all parents only talk to me because they know that they'll know where their son or daughter is they can there he or she is in safe hands there's no problem at all but it's unreal I mean the kind of whether it's lying whether it's women who've come across it's it's just you know that rush of things happening when you say you don't want it it's it's extremely high and the control was very simple we were I was told to do a certain exercises physically mindfully etcetera to kind of take that energy and use it in the right direction which is open | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-21 | and use it in the right direction which is open up opening up your creative thought process etc so I think you know asanas that we were asked to do exercises that we were asked to do I was asked to do rather breathing's that I was asked to do I think all of that kind of channelize it in the right direction but it was not easy I mean and I'm a professional cricketer I was with the IPL for three years I was traveling with them and at the IPL times you know at games after games etc you know the kind of that's what I said right the accessibility that I had and then following it was the hard part like I mean there has been incidences this means crazy incidences in terms of I mean I don't know whether it'll be nice for me to say it but I've had I've had people change clothes in front of me and I have walked out of the room saying listen I'm sorry leave me alone I can't do much can I also mention | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-22 | me alone I can't do much can I also mention one thing as a brother sure when I'm hanging out with you I see that a lot of women are really [Laughter] because they just trust you and you know I think it's the feeling of feeling safe yeah more than anything else and I've got this a lot even from mothers about their daughters yeah from wives I mean from their husbands because I mean I've where they feel safe and I think for me it's about seeing people in the right sense I mean it's not like I'm enlightened or I don't have emotions or I don't have feelings but I think I'm conscious about them yeah so got it but do you think that you know something like nofap semen retention does make you say for the lack of a better word a little more attractive in terms of you more magnetic well I have been told that that it will happen so semen retention does does make you more attractive I don't know whether it happens | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-23 | more attractive I don't know whether it happens physically or more vice energy-wise yeah I think world is energy right the world is particles the world is everybody all of us have particles in different forms and shapes but I think it does make you a little bit more attractive a little bit more probably I don't know how much that little bit is but you've seen a little yeah okay no going back to like a brotherly conversation when guys are not on no [ __ ] when they're basically masturbating everyday which is a lot of guys the view the opposite gender in a certain way like you know in terms of attractiveness a lot of times boys don't do how the person looks or you know whatever they interact so does your definition of attraction change when you retain semen for so long do you look beyond the physical yeah yeah it is you know because if I have to give you some examples why don't you feel this is are you attracted to a woman or if you're a male or | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-24 | to a woman or if you're a male or I attracted to a man if you're a female what are you attracted to and why is that attraction why's that attractiveness changing from seeing us a certain woman or a man of a certain age versus man or women of a certain age why can't you feel the same both of them are opposite sex and then why are you giving more to or what he or she's marrying what color of the hair is or certain body parts etc etc why is it that way so the physical attraction is very very superficial right I mean what are you planning and what are you thinking of it and why is it and if you're actually trying to do I mean with what does Vipassana teach you if people you know if you've done with Pastner in the person there are two parts that is anapana which is focusing on the breath just the normal inhalation exhalation of the breath and my partner is focusing on body parts so we're | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-25 | my partner is focusing on body parts so we're actually trying when you see I mean this is another exercise that you know you stroke everybody else can do it the moment you feel attractive attracted just see within yourself how was your heartbeat changing what feelings are you coming where is a sensation why is it going to the sexual organs are not to the heart why are you not feeling compassion and love for that person why not feeling empathy for that person why you're not feeling that oh he or she is also my sister she killed me my god mother why is that not happening and oh okay know where do I take her tonight or why do I take him out tonight Oh what should I do with that person why is that happening it's a question that everybody needs to know an answer than me telling what will happen because if I say what will happen people listening to this or seeing this will start visualizing a cha America being over I know mine are hard waited an hour | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-26 | being over I know mine are hard waited an hour I think reactions would be individualistic but if you actually start thinking that okay I need to do what am I actually feeling I mean I'm not saying having sex is wrong or being physical is wrong no why why what is it and is it with are you is it happening with multiple people what is it that you're feeling good about it what is it that you're feeling at the end of the day why somebody doing that it's for that point millisecond of ejaculation time right after that you're tired yeah and then you are you don't feel like doing it for for some time and then you get back why because the body clock also takes some times to assimilate that and bring back energy or whatever right but for 15 minutes or 10 minutes or whatever it is I mean after having a orgasm or after ensuring that ejaculation happens why is why are you not feeling it for the next 10 minutes what's the reason you tell me I | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-27 | next 10 minutes what's the reason you tell me I don't know because I think I mean I've never had sex so I don't know what it does what you after that what's what's your opinion on sex right now nothing I think is beautiful it's about how one perceives it I think it's it's definitely need one of the most beautiful things because what does sex do it creates a new life so I think it is one of the most beautiful things ever but again why multiple people oh is it with one person because if you really think you know the birth of a baby the birth of a child is so pure I mean because even while having sex between a couple at least I've heard this a lot I can't say have experienced it is the thought also of the couple is super important when you're having sex when you decide to have a child because it's your the child comes up with that thought yeah it's the kind of energy gets built in with that thought how are you feeling are you | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-28 | in with that thought how are you feeling are you compassionate are you lovable are you you know all of it right you know because all of us have two legs two hands a brain and so on so forth right yeah but why are some people better than us why is why are some people in more materialistic terms more successful in terms of whether it's Fame money energy stroke what what is the reason yeah I think it it all even sums up with I'd say karma which is your past life stroke what you have your parents have had you in their moment yeah all of it mattered according to me I maybe I mean like I said different people have different opinions and I have my own no I've read no yogic theories on this which say that it's a combination of the feeling that the parents are having while having along with the Karma of a connect soon so if that feeling matches with a level level of Karma for certain soul that's all gets attracted into that family that's what the world | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-29 | gets attracted into that family that's what the world of your verses I mean I've not gone deep into that subject with respect to my guru ji and my teachings but I touched upon it and I think what you said is pretty much in line with what I've said yeah in terms of thought processes while wanting to have that child because it is one of the most beautiful feelings right I mean you're giving birth to a child the mother is having that child for over nine months and and there is a new being I mean today I think the the feeling of the human being is the most precious feeling on the planet because and that one life that comes out one life that comes out of a mother's womb that sperm has already a champion because millions and trillions of sperms get released but one gets into the womb and that becomes a child or a living being sorry so yeah bro okay straight up question do you were horny now like do you get like do you feel lust I mean | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-30 | do you get like do you feel lust I mean by all means yes if I say I don't I will be breaking one of my precepts which is lying so I can't lie I do I do I mean like I said I'm not enlightened or anywhere close to that I do but the the part is I'm conscious I know what to do if I get such a feeling and I know how do I turn that into compassion how do I turn that to love and and that gets failed away because compassion and love for who yourself well for the other person for myself and my feeling towards the other person how do I change that into I mean you you just said some time back that you've seen how women are with me why because it's not the fact that that they feel safe but it's also the fact that I don't feel anything you know on that day when you were there I met that girl for the second time she was on my lap while taking a picture right yeah why yeah because they | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-31 | while taking a picture right yeah why yeah because they know your internal energy yet I don't know about that but I think it's it's it's kind of a mutual thing that I'm also fine yeah there's just another person you've I don't I have that if a man sits on my lap what's the reason or if 85 year old sits on my lap what is the reason yeah what is it it is attracting what is it so like you know somebody said when you feel that immediately think of would you still be a tragedy if that person becomes super old and it's not varying great clothes is got wrinkles on the face and then your mind and your body and your heart will immediately changes why it's the same thing I mean the body is the same everything is the same so and it's very momentary yeah I've been a very moment yeah I feel we live in a society where people chase physical pleasures or not like and they say that is the sad but yeah the greatest | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-32 | they say that is the sad but yeah the greatest pleasures are mental and spiritual but not everyone discovers those by all means yes I mean the kinds of stuff that's happened to me in my life by not lying by following the other stuff is just absolutely fabulous it gives a sense of you know a sense of wow I didn't know this also could happen exactly every time something happened I'm like wow this also could happen this also could happen this also could happen great could you give us some instances like this yeah I mean like I'll give you one in terms of what happened when I was not lying okay I don't lie at all right so this is told I and I wish to believe that the nature kind of after its testing phase it also kinds of puts together energy in such a manner where since you've been practicing it for a long time you continue being over it you know it kind of brings power together that ABC own eyes when they go looking critically | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-33 | that ABC own eyes when they go looking critically in this more so I don't lie right I stop lying extra extra there's one fine day so I'm metrosexual which means I love taking care of myself self-care I do my pedicure manicure or exit racks dry Ram I love shopping and I go out with friends you know women men take them for shopping chose clothes for them all of that so that was a really really dear friend of mine one day called me up and said I wish what should I wear I have an event should I wear black or should I wear red so I said I think you look better in red it should wear the red so she said I'm gonna wear black and she cut the phone like hey I'm like why would you why would someone call me ask me and do the opposite I said okay great I was in my studio in Chennai I was talking to you know the entrances from beyond I was talking to somebody somebody came from BM and hit me hard | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-34 | somebody somebody came from BM and hit me hard on my back I'm like what the hell like who's this and it was my friend who called me and she's wearing red like what happened to you like why did you wear red she's like service because of you would happen I'm like what did I do you asked me a question I said wear red and you said no you're gonna have a black you cut the phone and you're wearing red in front Amina she said no when I was ironing my black dress it got burned so I'm like wait wait I didn't do it I didn't do anything she said no it's because of your you Jing stood in all of that I said no this is no way I'm not I'm not and then I went to my teacher Guruji was in fact sitting inside the studio and oh Jesus how much much more like don't say anything because cuz you've been following this nature will transpire in a manner that it'll happen so don't say anything | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-35 | manner that it'll happen so don't say anything so what happened was when people started asking me questions I started saying job kwacha Hoonah whoa whatever needs to happen for you that'll happen so basically you're indirectly manifesting things I think so I mean before this incident the first time it ever happened was I thought it was a it was a intuitive you know one of or DejaVu movement or whatever people call it one of my very dear friend was crying because she didn't know visa to London so I was like hey don't worry you know what you'll get your visa for example today is number 27 I totally will get your visa now December 25th and you leave on December 26 she's like I was sure I'm like 100% you'll get it she called me up on December 25th her first question was for legit I don't lie so it's full of [ __ ] are you human or human God so I'm like what I'm what are you saying is that I got my | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-36 | what are you saying is that I got my UK visa I said great it's good you were crying about it she's a Irish but today's 25th I said okay so you said 25th that I'm going tomorrow I'm like wow I said that was an accident I mean oh great there's no problem man I didn't really connected to that then when this happened when the dress incident happened is when I'm when I went and told my teacher his her wish don't say anything so then whenever people ask me will this happen to me this happened to me this happened to me I started saying listen whatever needs to happen for you will happen and whatever happens will happen for the good so that's it bro will I become a billionaire like I said whatever happened will happen for the good okay good nice nice safe very safe absolutely intuition bro that's something I want to talk to you about you actually had Shilpa Shetty on the podcast and no she spoke about | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-37 | Shetty on the podcast and no she spoke about how this is having even a bit of a spiritual lifestyle clean lifestyle taking care of a body your mind your spiritual body can really increase the power of your intuition for the viewer who hasn't heard this word before the common word which people use for intuition is sixth sense knowing things before they happen knowing a vibe of a person knowing the vibe of a situation understanding moments before they happen understanding what you should be doing in a particular moment in a particular crossroads in life my question to you bro this whole spiritual lifestyle of taking everybody not just in a healthy or healthy guy or fit guy but not just that you're going one step further and following nofap for so long and you know those five precepts you spoke about so you're taking care of your whole existence on another level how much does this helped your intuition and how much is your intuition helped your career honestly speaking my intuition yes it's | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-38 | your career honestly speaking my intuition yes it's it's extremely unreal and I I there are a lot of incidences that has been pretty amazing like you know no lying and actually saying that and that happening etc so it's been very very good in terms of what has transpired because of intuition but I think that I have never consciously used it for my or whatever because yoga my teacher has taught me one thing guru juice told me that service what is spirituality spirituality in Hindi means at the Atma which means up nature of fauna which means coming to oneself which means being in the present so if I'm wanting to be in the present and trying to say a chuckle Kahuna wallah hey and or kind of wanting it to be something being intuitive about it or thinking about it I'm very clearly breaking the practice of being in the present right so I've never consciously tried to be intuitive but I think when it automatically happens right like when I met you wow | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-39 | automatically happens right like when I met you wow great you said let's do this and I said hey brilliant no problem let's do it but it's whether you call it into - whether you call it a feeling of good vibe whether you call it because everybody has it everybody's intuitive in nature everybody gets vibes it's just as some realize it because what is what is coincidence I don't know what is coincidence I don't believe in coincidence you're like okay I met this person coincidentally nay you would have thought something at some point of your life for this to happen it would have happened I always wanted to meet a guy who's followed no.5 for like night and do a podcast I think that's right yeah I mean it's unreal I mean I I mean if I have to give you another incident right I think two three four years ago I when I was in in my schooling's I used to do a lot of theater so I've done four plays | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-40 | a lot of theater so I've done four plays very very small roles in the place but they were all drama and Mahabharata related etc so I used to tell my I used to tell my friends and peer group that I will do a movie and I would like to do my first movie with Christopher Nolan mmm everybody's laughed the hell out of them I'm like Chennai I mean we're I mean you've done a play like what are you talking about Christopher Nolan Christopher not all of you listening to this by yeah so and they'd be like what are you saying I said listening why what's wrong you could think hi and then started my company and I said you know what I want some really cool you got people investing in me like you know why Jennifer Lopez or and I named a few other people who probably does yoga and very very serious about it they laughed their lungs out they're like no salvation mean like like let's think real man I mean there is Jennifer Lopez where is | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-41 | real man I mean there is Jennifer Lopez where is your first to do in China in Mount Road but I have met Jennifer Lopez now I have flown with her in a private jet to watch her concert she's an investor in my company and it happened now some people will say coincidence some people will say you've manifested that I believe I genuinely manifested it I believed in it and I made it happen like you know few minutes back you're mister dr. Radhakrishnan said that Malayalees make things happen and I think I'm one of them yeah yeah by the way check out that podcast beautiful episode with dr. Radhakrishnan yeah absolutely so I mean I think intuition is is there in everybody yeah it's how you can CH analyze it activate it it's also blocked due to intoxication absolutely negative thoughts yeah yeah it's one of our chakras where you the intuition sixth sense is called your third eye yeah the third eye is called the agya chakra it's the | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-42 | third eye is called the agya chakra it's the sixth chakra and the body before you reach your crown chakra yeah and if you are able to open it that's intuition yeah and that happens because of various practices energy prana meditation yoga Exeter Exeter Exeter do you have an intensive meditation practice even today like what do you do can you just like Quran us to it um I mean first for the lack of a better word for simple terms for viewers to understand it is the anapana of a Basra okay which is focusing on your breath because I believe there are many many forms of meditations available today you know visualizations sound twin hearts transcendental so on and so forth but I think the meditation of breath which is focusing on your normal and natural breath not inhaling and exhaling deeply because if you are inhaling and exhaling deeply you are doing something you are inhaling or exhaling you're doing something but how do you bring yourself to the | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-43 | doing something but how do you bring yourself to the present is to focus on the present which is your bed which is your normal and natural flow when you're trying to focus on your breath you will get thoughts you your focus will go to different places but it's fine so what happens is your focusing thought comes don't get involved in it be an observer thoughts will go next art will come will go next will go next will go like leaves in a river yeah absolutely go because why change is the only constant as it keeps going as yet you can increase the timespan of your focus on your breath even if you can do it for 30 seconds right and not be focused you are in like a different stage altogether and then in your waking life it increases your focus levels absolutely by all means by all means I mean one hour of yoga a day will sort your for 23 hours of your day and you'll be so energetic you don't need X amount of hours of sleep between 4 to | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-44 | need X amount of hours of sleep between 4 to 6 hours of sleep is great yeah great great great because at the end of the day quality's critical and not quantity right so for a regular guy out there bro you've had so many life experiences you've kind of tooled with IPL teams you've almost you played domestic record you've like set up a super successful company now three quick life learnings and also you can include yogic learnings in within these three sea I think being true and authentic to what you're doing is very critical whether be true to yourself and as much as it's going to be difficult rome wasn't built in a day it's easier said than done all these other things can come up as Commons when you pull it up but Rome was built things were done so I always say the first step to win a hundred meter race is to take that first step right so being authentic and true to yourself and not getting too much pushed or modified modified stroked bombarded by environment peer | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-45 | pushed or modified modified stroked bombarded by environment peer group etc is very very critical second I would say is self-care is very important okay what I mean self-care is self-care both physical and mentally mmm like you know just take care of yourself there's a very thin line between being selfish and selfless you have to take care of yourself you have to love yourself to either take care of others to love others to do good I mean you can say I can build a great business a billion dollar company but what happens after that I mean if people hear Steve Jobs his last few lines when he was you know passing away and leaving his this beautiful world people will come to know what he said so self-care is very very important and self-care can be different aspects and I would largely say have a mix of both mental and physical whether it's gym and yoga functional training but do some form of breathing stroke mindful practices that can make you believe in yourself make you come to the present and | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-46 | in yourself make you come to the present and you know just ensure that you become a better version of yourself every day so that's number two number three is whether it's entrepreneurs whether it's you know whether it's generally anybody being a people person is very critical right so I think I always tell people you know whether what is it when they ask me what is it you need to be a good CEO I said the only thing you need to know is people management and if people love you they are here to stay you know employees also employees do not leave companies they leave employers so it's very important to be a good employer if you're an employer and if you're a good employee your immediate team that's reporting in to you or working with you etc is very very important so if you're trying to kind of just balance these three things out in your life I think lot of things can happen you know when you're taking care of yourself you are bound to say okay wow such I mean things happen | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-47 | bound to say okay wow such I mean things happen to me I want to spread this word so why did I start because I saw so many changes in my son I'm like the best I could do is spread this message and I said let's go all out and spread this message that's how the yoga company was started and formed etc self care and third be a people person I think these three things just collectively will make you a more compassionate person please so I always say one thing that you know love like there is no tomorrow and if tomorrow comes love again beautiful sorry achieve my brother thank you thank you so much Don we thank you for having me on your show it's it's a pleasure thank you I'm honored humbled it was a pleasure listening to you learning from you my brother No thank you so much I'm gonna be linking all of cervezas handles down below make sure you check them out makes you forum on Instagram and all his social media and I'm sure you're gonna | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
bc814b42b6d7-48 | all his social media and I'm sure you're gonna be back on the podcast absolutely any time talking about cricket my a journey with cricket journey with IPL for three years what I did with them I didn't sign for them but I traveled with them which is an amazing experience in itself and many more interesting stories about yeah the the yogic life the yogic life one is winking like what was the yogic life we know that cricket stuff is actually one other podcast we had a beautiful conversation the other day at Soho House god bless Soho House anyway absolutely god bless so horse okay see you guys later thank you for listening | x0NTMSFBmv0 |
a090d1b9d414-0 | Lucca Dino is one of the most premier most expensive but also one of the most knowledgeable health professionals in the country today his clientele includes billionaires and whose movie stars includes sheiks from the Gulf and a lot of other people spread all across the globe if you want an appointment with him you've gotta wait anywhere between four months to a year for that appointment guys the knowledge that comes out of this guy's mouth is absolute gold and that's what we've tried to bring to you in today's anime show episode these are the only health tips you'll ever need for the rest of your life if you just watch this video and no other health video in your life ever that's enough you'll be able to benefit you'll be able to live your life in a healthy way enjoy the episode welcome to another episode of the trendy show another one of my huge mentors mr. Luca Dino are you doing brother thank you again for being on the run B show it's good to be | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-1 | being on the run B show it's good to be back oh we're gonna do a super fast health guide for the youth in this episode we're just gonna go over some basic changes that the youth can create in their own lifestyles and who better than yourself the premier health expert of the country guys if you try actually booking Luke out for like a health consolidation a diet consolidation you'll have to wait like three four months so this is like a huge deal just listen to the entire podcast we're gonna go over things like fasting intermittent fasting we're gonna go over the correct way to sleep the correct way to eat the correct way to exercise we're gonna talk obviously about meditation and mental health as well please watch the entire episode but right now let's get started firstly Luke thank you for being on the run we show again most welcome secondly let's begin with something like intermittent fasting i/f it's a phenomenon that's taken over the world but if you look at | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-2 | that's taken over the world but if you look at the history of the world it's always kind of been there for some reason I think our parents were a generation that really promoted the idea of something like breakfast and you know eating regular meals and all that but scientifically speaking now you know that's kind of recalibrated it's recalculated so could you take us through this whole intermittent fasting science super fast yeah so I mean it's always existed like you said you know there's a fasting mechanism built in the body and a feasting mechanism okay so if we go back to evolution you know I wonder you to understand today that we need to think with our own minds not on not based on what we've learned we have a lot of unlearning to do like for example breakfast was not designed by us it was designed by breakfast cereal companies propaganda yeah to make us you know have breakfast cereals so you create breakfast it's not needed most people genuinely don't feel | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-3 | it's not needed most people genuinely don't feel hungry in the morning okay an intermittent fasting is great it is the most inexpensive the cheapest the free way to attain not just great weight loss but to boost your immunity inflammation your skin your hair everything it's taken care of when you fast it also improves your sleeper everything your sleep as well you sleep Depot all our patients who are on intermittent fasting they say look we don't need our pills anymore we're sleeping better automatically and this isn't a fad but people make it a fad so people have put themselves in a box sixteen eight and I'm like why sixteen why not fifteen why not twenty you know so June 16 16 hours of fasting and eight hours of the minimum for all the benefits we're talking about is something as good as twelve hours okay which actually we're already doing it so figure we finish our dinner at eight o'clock at night read our breakfast at 8 o'clock in the | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-4 | night read our breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning beyond already twelve our fasting guard now if you're not hungry at eight o'clock push it on to nine God push it on to ten push it on to eleven but don't compare yourselves to who's doing 18 who's doing two anyone follow your body yeah intermittent fasting doesn't have to suit everyone if it doesn't suit you don't fast okay it's not everything why do you say that like yeah some people what happens is their metabolism is different okay some people are highly diabetic their sugar levels fluctuate okay but most people as kids when we grew up we were not hungry our parents had to force us to eat breakfast and stuff because what happens after a good night of sleep the body is still in detoxification elimination mode so we stop the elimination mode the moment we start eating so when we get that physical craving for hunger that's the time the body is asking you feed me but if we've not yet | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-5 | is asking you feed me but if we've not yet gotten it don't eat God an intermittent fasting you find it in Islam and Hinduism and the Bible every religion talks about fasting as a way to maintain not just physical health but emotional and spiritual health as well so cleanse for a physical body I know maintain your mental body so speaking about if' again is it true that if you fast long words God bigger benefits for you like some people say that you know maybe like a weekly 18 hour fast like once a week helps your body is that true so it's not necessary around here everyone is different okay I know people who fast every single day I know people who do a 1-day fast in a week I know people who fast once every 15 days and each of them have their own benefits that they derive from it the people who are made of fat and they do it every single day blindly not listening to the body see a simple thing is your today is gonna be different | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-6 | a simple thing is your today is gonna be different from tomorrow like tomorrow if I have a lot of mental work a lot of you know stress and stuff my body is gonna ask me for food yeah you know the more I think the more calories I need yeah so every day is gonna be different so the idea is still listen to your body if I am not hungry don't eat cuz I'm hungry eat so we shouldn't put ourselves into a box that's when we make intermittent fasting into a fat diet yeah so today like you know the West has said that oh and intermittent fasting you can have coffee hmm now why because everyone's addicted to coffee but let's logically think of fast means just water the idea is to shut down the digestive system now if I put coffee into an intimate and fast one is we know coffee is highly acidic doiis coffees a stimulant why would you put a stimulant and something acidic into a body that's cleaning itself so you | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-7 | into a body that's cleaning itself so you see I mean no religion talks about these things so I always tell people if you're doing fasting do it the right way or don't do it at all it's okay God but don't feel left out because everyone's doing it and you can't do it to each his own what do you do when you're feeling hungry through your fast I don't you just drink water okay and the beauty is once you've got through one or two days of this 12 hours or 13 hours you know your body starts changing the physiology changes and on the third day you don't wanna break your fast like I remember the first time I ever did this for stood is incredibly difficult like by the end of my fast I was like okay I'm feeling so weak today was fine you're fine yeah so we got to work towards that you know you're changing you're you're retraining the human body yeah and for that it takes a little bit of time but once you realize you | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-8 | a little bit of time but once you realize you have the power of fast I can't tell you we've got thousands of people around the world today who no longer need a diet because they've mastered fasting hmm so takes care of every aspect of your body and of course we got to be careful you know kidney patient people who are fluctuating sugar levels you know you do it under supervision it's great it can even take care of those problems today our chemo patients fast yeah and the oncologists are Luke what are you doing with your patients there were no there was no nausea there WBC's are looking better the only thing they did they fasted Wow you boosted their own immune system relaxed inflammation so we tell people do it wisely make an informed judgment and do it this is one of the best examples of the body being a helo for itself no one heals no doctor heals we don't heal we enable the body to heal and then your intelligence of the body takes | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-9 | to heal and then your intelligence of the body takes over and intermittent fasting fixes that intelligence it helps your body harness the intelligence and it does the work that we human beings are trying to do yeah we will not even reach close to the intelligence of the body to do that what can like a young person expect from the world of intermittent fasting like if they take it up what are the changes that they will see like a college kid I think the first thing is they're gonna see a dramatic increase in their energy the energy will soar to the top okay it's to is they find that their appetite for stimulants and sugar and junk automatically reduces you see today it's easy for us to tell people don't have junk food it's difficult because John food is designed to excite your brain it's an addiction okay but when you intermittent fast what happens is your body gets so clean you start running on cellular energy which is what we're supposed to run on | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-10 | energy which is what we're supposed to run on not on caffeine not on stimulants it's good have a cup of coffee too that's great for you cellular energy you mean your body breaks down its own internal energy stores and start using mitochondria oh every cell has tiny little factories and that breaks down ATP ATP's and energy molecule yeah if that is compromised we're fatigued no matter how much we work out how well we eat so your mitochondrial health intermittent fasting and mitochondrial health is directly connected for those who you don't know mitochondria like considered the powerhouse of every cell yes so it's basically like the mini power plants of your body you're saying that if you take up I have you're actually able to activate and stimulate your mitochondria your energy is insane okay insane like you have so much of energy to go through the day physically as well as emotionally and mentally which is what we all need do is your cravings for sugar and coffee and tea | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-11 | is your cravings for sugar and coffee and tea automatically cuts down so you don't have to use willpower to fight an addiction gone you automatically crave good stuff because your body is clean a clean body craves clean stuff a toxic body craves toxic stuff hundred-person okay so the next aspect of our world when it comes to health is sleep something so simple I remember the time I started taking my sleep much more seriously I actually saw like my life changing so the when I took a life for the first time actually I realized wait I'm sleeping way better yeah and then my energy was up my mental functions were just faster so that's when I figured ok sleeps God like this really crazy power to kind of emotionally heal you as well like you know the kind of stresses you feel at the office at work a good a good night's rest kind of just cleans everything up so in terms of sleep what are your tips for like the youth again so I think we have to understand are | De9pbbb_4VE |
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