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a090d1b9d414-12 | again so I think we have to understand are all healing happens in a state of complete rest okay we cannot heal repair grow our skin's not gonna get better our hairs not gonna grow while we're awake that only happens in a state of deep deep rest which is your sleep and I understand a youth will body will do all of that no one's stopping you from doing that but the night's you're not doing that you've got to go to sleep on time and you got to wake up you got to get that deep sleep it doesn't matter whether it's six hours seven or eight it's the quality of sleep that matters so why do they call it your beauty sleep because sleep is what makes you look great your skin rejuvenates the glow that you have you know your collage into a people pop collage and supplements it's not bad but your sleep can do the same thing yeah you know so why are we complicating things that's why we call it your beauties even something like | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-13 | why we call it your beauties even something like your fat burning' like all fat burn happens while you sleep never in the gym yeah doesn't happen in the gym you prepare the body but the fat burn happens while you sleep and I think today when people human beings are the only species that compromise sleep well no animal no bird no one compromises sleep except human beings because you know we take it for granted that okay else I'll miss out on sleep today we have phases in our life where our body supports us we're teenagers we have late nights a college university studying was supported but as we start growing we need to understand that you know today I have teenagers in the age group of 13 to 16 they have focused on their sleep and they're better at their sports they're better at creativity and I ask them are you missing out on your life like they say absolutely not we feel so good that we don't need so much of this material socializing to feel good | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-14 | need so much of this material socializing to feel good anymore we do it we don't need to make that as our main source of you know happiness because like you said about emotional stress today all people who have emotional stress depression anxiety it's while you sleep that your brain will actually get recharged stirred water on a cellular level what actually happens okay so we can detoxify our body our liver our kidney are : using certain foods combinations fasting have you ever thought about the brain how does the brain detoxify it can't because there's a blood-brain barrier okay when we sleep at night the brain shrinks to almost 60% it's called your glymphatic system when it shrinks it allows spaces between the cells and a cerebral spinal fluid to infuse and remove the toxins so it's like Oh shallow basically shower so if you don't sleep you wake up more brain toxic in the more that's why you feel fatigued it's called brain fog you need your coffee or | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-15 | it's called brain fog you need your coffee or stimulants because you've not detoxed your brain it's like not detoxifying your body we are not detoxed after a heavy night of drinking why are people slow and sluggish because the livers compromised so too it put the same analogy with the brain so detoxification doesn't have to be complex the mechanism to detox the brain is built in us and it's free well I just gotta sleep better yeah and in terms of obviously getting better sleep you gotta focus in your sleep hygiene which is keep food away from your bedtime I think that I think the most important thing for our entire generation be it the you'd be it our parents and even grandparents --is the phone the iPads at least 45 minutes before bed hmm cut it off yeah that's bright light that stops melatonin that puts us to sleep well we may fall asleep because we're tired but it'll be a very like level of sleep you see there are cycles of sleep you | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-16 | of sleep you see there are cycles of sleep you want to reach the deepest cycle where the magic happens yeah so beyond social media I mean you know do all of that that's your phase of your life do it as much as you want during the day but respect the sacred time before sleep yeah 45 minutes to an hour before sleep cut off all social gadgets baby you're not socially all gadgets and you will sleep better hundred-person you will sleep better okay look now that we're talking about mental rejuvenation through sleep we've also got to talk about the biggest health revolution of the coming decade which I feel is meditation it's something you and we have spoken a lot about a big meditators ourselves so I've actually spoken a lot about meditation on the channel but I want to hear it from you I want to hear it from a biological perspective what really goes on in your mind in your body when you're setting for that 15 20 minute meditation session every day okay so I think | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-17 | 20 minute meditation session every day okay so I think every time we begin to meditate or even sit in silence no matter how chaotic our mind is ourselves relax this is trigger of by a hormone called cortisol okay so cortisol when it's lowered we move into packed into the parasympathetic nervous system which is rest and digest so meditation doesn't have to be complex you know most of the people around we do it wrong they close their eyes and they try to stop their thoughts from coming and that's where you fail your job is not to stop the thoughts from coming you can have all the thoughts going on just be aware of them and keep coming back to the breath 10 times 15 times 20 times you're already meditating yeah people wait for pieces to come yeah the objective of meditation is not peace the objective of meditation is that calmness so we can look inside ourselves observation observation that's what brings us peace because if we're meditating to find peace once your meditation is over | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-18 | meditating to find peace once your meditation is over and what do you have reality again 100% so the idea is to introspect so like when I meditate when I get our patients to meditate we we want to look inside and see what can we not accept that's going bad in our life you know any negative emotion why is it difficult for us to accept or let go I think the magic words are acceptance and letting go yeah so if you think of any problem that you have in life anyone they use anyone any problem that you have in life if you can tag either acceptance or letting go to any of these problems it is no longer a problem now acceptance and letting go it's a very easy thing to say but difficult to do where do we get the strength to accept and let go only from inside no one can motivate you to accept and let go no one can teach you how to do it but for example if I need to accept a toxic person in my life right now | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-19 | to accept a toxic person in my life right now let's say that for example okay I can't let go of the person but I need to accept so I look inside what is stopping me from accepting this person it comes down to two things my own ego or my own pride nothing else nothing else that person is being the way he or she knows is the best way but I have the issue of accepting him because pride oh why should that person behave that way or no that person can't behave there in front of me I'm Luke for example ego and pride so when I meditate I understand this and then I realize that if this person is no longer to be stressful in my life I go to either accept or get the courage to let go and that comes only from inside so any stress in life today everyone has stress people are trying to get rid of stress you don't get rid of stress you learn how to take stress to acceptance and letting go so meditation is the first | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-20 | acceptance and letting go so meditation is the first step that helps us and then you go deeper and deeper so a lot of people run off to the mountain to meditate and it's good but we have to be true to ourselves and understand that you can meditate in the middle of the most crowded city in the world yeah it doesn't matter it's your state it's what's within you you don't have to go to a mountain to do that I know people who go to the mountain meditate they calm they come back they angry again you know so the idea is keep it real keep it practical keep it simple if we don't want to use the meditator meditate silence yeah sitting just in silence for 5 10 15 20 minutes you you know all the inside thoughts begin to surface automatically because when we're not in silence our conscious mind is focusing on everything around us we want the subconscious mind to kick in yeah that's the magic silence like full so that's your autonomic | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-21 | the magic silence like full so that's your autonomic nervous system like right now you're not aware that you're breathing but you're breathing you know you're not trying to make your heart beat but it's beating you know that's your subconscious working God automatically that's your autonomic nervous system your body knows what to do now the conscious mind let's take for example the conscious mind I'm gonna eat a bowl of ice cream now the conscious mind says oh that's full of sugar that's full of milk that's not gonna be good it relates fat gain with it acidity with it the subconscious mind knows nothing the moment the ice cream is ingested you produce an enzymes acid it will just break it down it doesn't know it's an ice cream but your conscious my knows it is so you see there's a big difference our conscious mind is what brings in all the problems the subconscious mind doesn't know we're a run wheel is stressful or not stressful ok it doesn't know that but | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-22 | or not stressful ok it doesn't know that but the conscious mind through perception okay I like Ranveer he's a chilled out guy now the subconscious mind believes that but if I have perceived you as someone who's annoying the subconscious mind believes that even though it's only a perception God which is why we say meditate to see the truth the truth like not lies and truth I'm talking about the truth of you who you really are I ask so many of my billionaire clients like like what drove you to create this most of them don't know the answers I said how much is enough they don't know the answer you know because we don't know ourselves we're reacting to what our minds have built up that success for some people is wealth so the only choice wealth not a bad thing unless it consumes you for some people success is Fame so they only know to chase Fame because their mindset has linked Fame with success correct you know so it's all about and that's why | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-23 | you know so it's all about and that's why we want to meditate to see and sometimes when people meditate they change their complete careers I've had students and universities in Boston the best universities meditating they start meditating and they come back and change their line completely because they realize that was what my parents wanted me to do but now I know what my true self wants me to do and they come and get into farming yeah something completely the opposite because you're living your authentic truth yeah your truth your through not what the world has defined for you yeah and that is the beauty of meditation knowing our truth knowing our purpose some people waste the life I want to find my purpose in life you already have your purpose in life you've been put on this earth to do it you just don't know because it's covered with layers remove those layers you don't have to go around the world to find your purpose in life you will find it where you are in that one chair every day | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-24 | it where you are in that one chair every day putting time for your meditation so even like on a personal level I filled with meditation I began it at the same time began bo biceps right and it's been that one force that's told me the next steps you know and again I feel like that comes out of place of perspective when you're closing your eyes for those 20 minutes you get an alternative perspective on your life you are kind of able to see own life from a bird's-eye view like from the top are you able to see okay I'm doing this right I'm doing this wrong maybe I can try doing this and see you your practice of meditation runway shows and your videos the depth that you talk I you don't talk at a superficial level you talk of depth that can only come from someone who's aligned with themselves otherwise people will just copy what everyone's doing on different shows and they strive to do the same thing they're working at a superficial level but you're aligned with | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-25 | working at a superficial level but you're aligned with your throat you're aligned with your intention so again meditation helps you realize your intention of what you want to do without intention we can never achieve any goal yeah Universal and also on a biological perspective when you get into these advanced yogic meditations the one difference I've seen in my life is that I genuinely believe that it's something related to increasing your oxygen content in your bloodstream so things like pranayama your breathing exercises the really hype oxygenate your mind absolutely do you have some insights on course in fact every prescription of mine globally not just Indian patients has pranayama written on Wow because I'll tell you without pranayama you're not going to absorb the food that you eat so you could be eating organic food throughout the day but absorption everything in the cell trillions of cells require the lifeforce oxygen so if I have less oxygen in my body my cells are gonna be more acidic if | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-26 | body my cells are gonna be more acidic if I'm more acidic I'm not gonna absorb the pomegranates the garlic the pumpkin seeds the sunflower seeds I think I'm eating it but I'm not absorbing it it's not about what you eat it's about how you absorb what you eat so when I oxide there are there are camps in Mexico that work with end of life cancer patients okay and all they focus on is how do we oxygenate the cells because by oxygenating the cells they can boost immunity which means harness your own ability to fight the cancer cells or make your brain work faster break make your brain work faster so why do we feel so good when we do deep reading while and I tell people six deep breaths is all you need to start the process that takes you less than a minute yeah less than two minutes but you've changed the physiology of your body yeah so someone is extremely stressed right now in a minute we can move from stress to a state | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-27 | a minute we can move from stress to a state of calm your problems may still be in the room just by increasing your inhale and your exhales it's the beauty of the human body yeah a very simple plan am i actually follow and this has worked wonders for me is you just sit with your spine straight yeah so that your lungs are kind of opened up you know if you what's it called if you slouch and said your lungs are slightly not working at the maximum capacity so you sit straight if you're uncomfortable you sit against like say a wall and then you do X counts in X counts hold X counts out so that can be five counts or ten counts so if you see it's ten counts you breathe in for ten counts hold for ten counts and breathe out for ten counts yeah and you do this till you start feeling a sense of calm ideally like a 15 minute session every day you see your skin health change your hair health change you'll see obviously your brain | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-28 | your hair health change you'll see obviously your brain working much faster and again you get that alternative perspective if you're going through an anxiety attack if you are you know dealing with some kind of mental health issues a lot of it can be kind of cleaned up just through a good practice of pranayama absolutely in our depression and anxiety patients and a lot of them are kids a lot of them are teenagers we just teach them how to breathe yeah and they feel better and that feeling is not only after the session they feel good for about 24 or 48 hours so then we say listen it made you feel good for that long now what if you start doing it every day here dude and you begin the first step towards their recovery that's in fact the next topic we need to tackle mental health it's becoming a huge issue for kids today there's two primary reasons I believe one is lifestyle choices this too much processed food too much junk out there lot of smoking cigarettes | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-29 | much junk out there lot of smoking cigarettes lot of smoking we lot of overconsumption of alcohol binge drinking the second factor and I hate saying this at social media right there I mean I built my entire yoga media grateful I'm very sensitive about who I personally follow on social media as well I only follow positive accounts but in saying that there's a lot of negativity out there and it's not just like you know unpopular negativity like there's a lot of popular negativity on the people putting out things like nihilism nihilism nihilism which is the concept of believing that life is meaningless and things like that so if you're telling a 13 year old or a 16 year old listen man life is meaningless obviously there's a higher chance of them falling into some kind of a mental health you know whatever situation a bad situation for the mental health so speaking about mental and Luke I just want your quick opinions and your quick solutions you know like how can like say | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-30 | your quick solutions you know like how can like say your teenager watching this dramatically improve the mental health because I also believe that mental health is the core requirement of a successful career absolutely mental else is everything everything starts with a thought think about it if you're feeling sad right now it's sad it started with a sad thought if you're feeling happy it started off with a happy thought so everything starts in the mind we have to accept that yeah number two every teenager needs to understand right now okay the fact that we're there is positive reader will also be negativity where is happiness there'll be sadness where there's the sweet there will be the bitter hmm it's the young and it's going to be the except that number one every day is not gonna be a good day for you yeah but social media and the world today has projected that our lives that we deserve the best at everything right there we need to change that mindset we may deserve the best but it doesn't mean we | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-31 | may deserve the best but it doesn't mean we get the best so when we change that mindset it's like you know I always look at the way children are brought up today they are pampered and spoiled to the hilt so parents doing this have a house set up like they get what they want when they want it okay which is not a good thing because when you move into the real life as a child you'll get that from your parents but what when when you're out of your home and you're in real life you're not gonna get it that easy and then you start feeling emotionally weak because you've got it throughout your life and now you feel that and then you know we come up with these emotions oh I am deserving but I don't get no one is a deserving me on it hmm we lose it we own it again that is the truth of life so when we keep it's called overindulgence it's called instant gratification if you get what you want every second you want | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-32 | if you get what you want every second you want it after a while you're gonna take that for granted God and what happens is that's a huge dopamine shifter so what happens is if we get everything when we need it our dopamine needs something more to stimulate it which is your feel-good hormone like the feel-good hormones is release in your brain every time you undergo a high the motivation molecule everything so if I have to find a way to motivate my people to work every day how am I gonna run a business people have to come self-motivated people have to do that it's not the job of other people to motivate other people every day but look at the new generation today Daini constant motivation why they need instant gratification they need all of that we need to break that we need to break that so today when people don't get day what they want they immediately categorize themselves as depressed most of the people depressed out there are not depressed they label | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-33 | people depressed out there are not depressed they label themselves as the pressure they went to a psychiatrist and a psychologist saying I'm depressed and the psychologist or psychiatrist treated them for depression but they label themselves depression for most people you are a bad relationship you broke up you're sad you're depressed fine okay that doesn't label you as a depressed human being it is a phase in your life which you got in you got to get out yeah so teenagers if you're getting into a relationship be ready for the sweet the bitter the pain the happy there's everything if you're going and only expecting the best don't get in a relationship life doesn't work that way no matter no matter how the movie show it to you no matter how virtual you know and social media shows at you that is not the truth if you look today even the divorces okay and the way divorces are happening is following a pattern pattern dictated by the movies how the divorce happens in a movie is | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-34 | movies how the divorce happens in a movie is exactly how it happens in real life but when you look at the actual paper and the law it's not supposed to be that way so people are mimic mimicking everything that they see their mindsets are corrupt so I'll give you a simple example of ranvier we have to change our mindsets if we have to remind ourselves constantly that people do not have to say the things that we want to hear all the time and people do not have to behave the way we want them to behave the moment we change that mindset and we people will do what they want say what they want be who they want to be if we can accept that then we allow ourselves to accept different behaviors if we don't and we're rigid every time someone says something you don't want them to you're or behaves in a way I'm gonna be depressed I'm gonna be anxious I'm gonna be angry and that person moves on with their life and | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-35 | angry and that person moves on with their life and we are the victims so we have to change that mindset that is the first thing yeah Luke but also coming back to clinical depression right what is it like what's actually going on in someone's head biologically speaking so we seem clinical depression and yes of course those are serious cases because the victim or the patient is allowed himself to spiral to such a low such a low that even the body's adapted to it no longer produces the right amount of serotonin okay right amount of dopamine so for example like today if I tell a cancer patient that you have three months left to live okay and a patient has a weak mind a patient will die in three months and it doesn't have to be because of the cancer it has to be because someone with an authority has planted that thought in the subconscious mind and we've seen these cases happen in front of us that's how strong the mind it's what clinical depression it is bad because the | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-36 | it's what clinical depression it is bad because the entire hormonal system of the mind the body is completely changed and they need that medication to move them out of that but it's not the end a long with medication they have to make lifestyle changes they have to look see everyone on this planet has a purpose and on social media like you said there are a lot of people who say our life is meaningless if you feel your life is meaningless it is your job to make it meaningful it is your job it is your accountability and your responsibility today people want to push responsibility on everyone else but at the end of the day you are responsible for everything that is happening in your life everyone people must have done the worst things to you but you are still responsible for your life mmm you can blame and complain that's gonna drain you more it's gonna depress you more or you can use that energy to move on and change it's difficult yeah but we have to do it | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-37 | it's difficult yeah but we have to do it there's no choice is it fair to say that everyone who diagnoses themselves with depression is not actually clinically depressed and if 100% like I said most people most people who have diagnosed themselves as depression in fact today there's a lot of scientific study talking about that the more psychologists talk to people that if I say come on go and talk about your problem you're going deeper and deeper and deeper into it I can talk to you once but now I need to move the conversation on how you move forward not how you get deeper so there's medical research coming up on how consoling has to change its path because the more you put attention on a problem the more the problem grows so if I'm going to make you talk about your for example relationship that is depressed you more and more you're getting deeper and deeper into it I need to create a distraction in the mind right now you know empathizing with you but moving on to | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-38 | you know empathizing with you but moving on to a path that can get you out of this not keep you in it which is a correct diet and correct exercise plan everything exercise the food that you eat there sleep that you get and the company that you keep today most teenagers are depressed because they're in the wrong company you know so it's not just teenagers it's it's it's a middle-aged women as well they come to me and they say Luke with the president I say yeah when are you most oppressed so you know after I come back from this Kitty party I say what happened this kitty party oh you know I teach I think people are judging the way I look the way I dress I said you're the only thing I write in on a prescription change your group that's your solution group so you know at a teenage level we all want to fit in we want to fit in with the coolest people but I'll tell you one thing the coolest people are the most insecure people | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-39 | thing the coolest people are the most insecure people they're cool because they need to you know make these falls operations in front of people to appear cool because that's the way they get attention so you know the genuinely good people not that they're bad people they need help you know they want to be aligned with the cool factors and stuff like that but have your own mind find coolness in different aspects in your life you know you don't need to hang around with someone cool to be cool you can be cool on your own yeah by hanging around with the cool person doesn't make you cool in any way but then we bring on depression because we're living a false life I don't want to be in that group but since it's the coolest group I need to be with them party with them do drugs with them smoke cigarettes with them it's not adding value to my life at all how much of a factor do you feel something like binge drinking pot smoking all that is like I know in | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-40 | pot smoking all that is like I know in moderation you can get past everything but in the modern day with teenagers we're seeing like this big wave of marijuana take over the country we're seeing but big wave of binge drinking partying take over the country how much of factor do you feel that is in this whole mental health issues game it plays a huge role see Ranveer I always say the problem is never with alcohol the problem is never where okay drugs are bad all of that stuff the problem is with the person doing it like I know people were 90 95 years old having two pegs for the last 50 years of their life every day they're happy people they exercise that whatever doesn't affect them so the problem is not alcohol now for example you take you take a person who goes and starts abusing alcohol drinking alcohol to feel good about themselves to feel more confident binge drinking to show off binge drinking to you know knocked stress out of your life you're doing a | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-41 | knocked stress out of your life you're doing a bit the wrong intention it is gonna harm you yeah and again why must you binge drink I can understand all one two wild nights once in a way everyone's have a good time but when you're doing it every weekend something is wrong with you what void are you filling it is not cool and the people who initiated are the people who want other people to be like them because they can't stop it themselves yeah so if I can't stop something how do I feel better about myself make you part of it I make you part of it so I think binge drinking is it's I think it's a very you know it's a it comes from a behavior of insecurity yeah enjoy ARCA like I said alcohol if you truly enjoy it is not gonna harm you people smoke joints everyone's done it of course now people when they start overdoing they start so for example you break up with your girlfriend you're sad you start smoking | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-42 | up with your girlfriend you're sad you start smoking smoking makes you feel good so you smoke more and more and more and more but you're not dealing with the break-up you you're using a coping mechanism and that every time you go through anything in life that makes you feel the press what will you turn to the joint because it made you feel good but you're sitting watching a sunset you're smoking a joint in your teenage years in joint right intention right intention okay you're fine you're absolutely fine there are people who are doing it throughout a lifetime and they have zero health problems and Andrew people who are doing a little bit of it and messing up their lives but yes if you're going through mental and you know emotional disorders moving towards a drug or too much of alcohol is only a coping mechanism it's gonna make you worse not better yes take a step back observe like the whole kind of ecosystem of your own life yeah and then take off absolutely | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-43 | of your own life yeah and then take off absolutely absolutely and it's gonna be different for everyone everyone everyone is different don't compare someone says oh I got over my depression I feel happier because I binge drink that doesn't mean that's your solution your solution could be something totally different so like have a mind of your own that's it beautiful also look I feel that like kind of the base of all this mental health meditation overall health somewhere boils down to the basics which is the fuel you're putting inside your body right and the ways in which you're making your body move so those are the two final would because I want to talk to you about basics about nutrition not like a diet or something but water kind of the you know golden rules when it comes to food for your body okay so I think see the main thing is like people love food okay the problem is not with food the problem is how we eat it yeah we too much of it so overeating is a big problem read at | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-44 | of it so overeating is a big problem read at the wrong times we eat and go to sleep straight away so we become more acidic so if you really see you can enjoy so many different foods if we just put the discipline of lifestyle to it which means eat at the right times eat when you're really hungry when your body is asking you food if you're just full and you're just eating mindlessly you need to know that you're upsetting the entire dynamics of the body and the intelligence of the body so I do that no one's stopping you from eating just eat at the right time and eat the right quantity you know why must you overeat you can still have the same food that you like today tomorrow or next week yeah but we try to get that into our system right now you know at one go because we're mindlessly doing these things you know so I think if most people just start respecting food yeah okay forget about diet food in fact diets don't work at all you know I | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-45 | fact diets don't work at all you know I know so many people who eat what they want you just have a discipline in their life they don't over eat ate at the right times they do a little bit of exercise they sleep well at night and they're fine they don't have to die that's a man-made you know it is money behind it there's all of these things and stuff like that so I think when it comes to eating food as well we should eat when we relaxed we eat when we're stressed it's not working for you something that really worked for me when I named a food a big change for me was when I started like having this I started following this practice of only eating when I'm eating as in when I'm eating that's all I do I don't watch TV I don't read a book I just focus on the food and it also makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable you become very aware of when your body becomes full and you're just more grateful for like the | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-46 | full and you're just more grateful for like the capsule ooh that's perfect that's bring me to my next point is we need to extract pleasure from food if the meal that we just say didn't give us pleasure it's not worked for yes because pleasure is a human it's a human emotion you see every human being is hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid pain yeah in everything we do you're trying to become the CEO of the company why what is the underlying agenda okay to seek pleasure pleasure from position the money that you want avoid pain of failure not achieving so when it comes to food if we don't extract pleasure from our food and the only way we can do it is when we're involved in our food so if we can finish a meal saying wow I truly enjoyed that meal it has worked for you if the meal wasn't a great meal yeah but people eat junk food Whitgift that oh this is bad for me and I'm gonna have to workout in the | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-47 | me and I'm gonna have to workout in the gym it's not work for you if it's junk try to extract pleasure from it let it work for you so these are the basics of you know like look at the French Europeans they enjoy food no matter what they do and it doesn't affect them yeah because their their mental state is so differ in their approach I think in India we've just have a bad relationship with food we've already tagged chocolate ice cream as well gain fat this is bad this that's bad you know you can see you know what the extreme diets in our country right now the question I need to ask is like why isn't simplicity working you know people were healthy before all these extreme diets came you know so why do we need to make it more and more complicated because people are trying to fit into a cult whether it's the keto cult I have nothing against keto and all of these things but people the vegan cult it's okay do it but do | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-48 | the vegan cult it's okay do it but do it with authenticity don't do it - my question is like when you were eating food while you were growing up if you were healthy that's the same food you should be eating now why are you changing you know because after you finish breastfeeding from your mom the food that your parents fed you grew you from a small infant to a young boy it completed your brain groped your liver your heart your musculoskeletal system that food is information to your genes it's in your genetic makeup and if that food didn't make you sick didn't make you fat unhealthy that's the food you should be eating your body resonates with it but patronage search for new things look for super foods from South America and every maybe it's good but is it necessary it's a question so we got to keep it simple there are people I know who eat samosas for lunch roadside food and all of that stuff people on the load office people sometimes they they eat all | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-49 | on the load office people sometimes they they eat all of this roadside food look at their reports they are clean lately because they've accepted this is food its energy for my body they're grateful for it they move on with their work but the people who are getting more health obsessed have all the possible issues with their medical reports because the mind is involved you know all of those things very often I see the people who give like the most health advice other ones were actually dealing with the most probably were obsessed with health yeah because they become so obsessed they found out they've they've removed simplicity from their life aside like I say health shouldn't be complicated our body is already designed to keep us healthy yeah all I need to do is introspect and see what is affecting my health and work on that but we don't have to look for outside complicated solutions they don't work and if you know like health literally lifestyle is free yeah it doesn't cost you money to make a lifestyle change but | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-50 | cost you money to make a lifestyle change but yet people are like looking for complication looking for more expensive things that they think can change their health also when it comes to health in the model modern day especially for young people I personally because I'm always around by young people I see two big mistakes that they make one is that um this less so home food consumed today like it's usually they are ordering on one of our ordering delivery apps and that happens every day and - I just feel that there's too much processed food around us like there's too much food that has um you know like that's come out of a factory yeah so as a health export could you quantify the safe number in terms of how many times a week can you eat outside food see I'll let me put it this way okay it can take one outside meal to basically negate seven to eight days of the hard work that you've put in with exercise and food yeah like go into a normal Chinese restaurant or any grill or whatever | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-51 | into a normal Chinese restaurant or any grill or whatever like a normal bowl of fried rice we'll have so much of oil that would be a quota for the next one week now we got to think backwards that's all I want to say I don't want to be you know negative and tell people not to eat I'll just do the math because what is the job of even the best hotel and restaurant to make your food taste good how do you do that what are the ingredients salt sugar oil that's it it's as simple as that so home food doesn't use that although it tastes so good because it's made with love but your mom and all of that stuff but again the youth today their mindsets have been changed by smart marketing so everyone's on swiggy or have you there's gonna have you swig heed this I just swiggy in dinner so again there be swinging and a doctor and nutritionist as well very very quickly haha because face it now look at this everything comes in plastic okay | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-52 | it now look at this everything comes in plastic okay we all know what happens when heat and plastic mixed together there's leaching of BPA BPA increases estrogen in both men and women what are some of the biggest problems amongst men women and youth today hormonal problems young girls PCOD weight gain belly gain young men hyperactivity anger issues low testosterone more fat than muscle okay so now imagine I'm a chef okay I make hot food you swig it in your order I put that hot food into a plastic container I cover it so I maintain I'm retaining the heat so that beautiful chemical leaching process has started it probably takes you one hour to get your order most people will reheat it again in the microwave so you're reheating you're reheating in plastic and then you're putting all of that stuff in your system now I understand some people need to it's a convenience food but if we really get into that effort of really getting a different service the different service comes from | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-53 | really getting a different service the different service comes from someone's kitchen okay maybe it's not that fancy so you may not want to put it up on Instagram and stuff like that but the truth is what are we feeding ourselves it also maybe once or twice in a week yes try to get better you know but if you think you're eating here do you think this is adding to your health no it's only slowly slowly leaching health out of your systems that wasn't so personally the system I follow is like about twice maybe thrice a week I'll eat outside yeah and the rest of it I try focusing a lot on my fruits and my vegetables or my fresh food and because obviously I lift weights I have to get protein and correct so I need a bit of paneer a bit of egg white I have like a couple of plant protein shakes that actually you've recommended and you know I have a lot of nuts a lot of fresh food that's been working for me here I do end up | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-54 | that's been working for me here I do end up going slightly high on my calories because I need to maintain a certain amount of muscle mass and I back that up with a lot of physical exercise I'm in the gym at least thrice or four times a week good decently heavy workouts and one thing I've added into my life and is the final module we're talking about is sport oh my god it's such a beautiful thing and you know sport doesn't just mean football or cricket it can even mean dance so you know anything you any physical movement that you really enjoy that also actually strains your system in a positive way so coming to movement finally I feel that you know how people go like here you know what Oh eighty percent of your health is your diet and only twenty percent is exercise so I'm not gonna exercise I'm just gonna focus on my diet hold on hold on wait there's so many benefits you can get from the world of movement from the world of exercise in fact you | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-55 | of movement from the world of exercise in fact you just by excited by playing football twice a week you can work off so many of the you know extra meals that your kind of paralysis yeah so what's your take on this whole exercise to me is an antidepressant it's you natural antidepressant I don't have a single patient who came to us depressed and I told him walk for one hour and message me how you feel and every message back was I feel great so one is I mean people human beings find shortcuts like okay I'll just focus on my dad and not exercise exercise has nothing to do with your weight exercises everything to do with your physiology your hormones we don't exercise to lose weight we you we exercise to keep our hormones and balance and because they're in balance we can lose weight yeah so you know movement like you said you know you don't have to gym you don't have to movement anything that keeps you moving is great so like playing a game like you know I | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-56 | great so like playing a game like you know I had all my fitness trainers who were like the elite trainers of the country we played a game of football about four weeks ago every one of them took a week to recover but in the gym they're lifting the heaviest weights and great bodies and all of that stuff what did the sport do a challenge their cardiovascular it worked out muscles that no amount of dreaming will do but the best part is they all felt so good so you know sometimes your cardio can be a sport it could be a game it could be a sprint it could be dance like you said it could be anything we want people to be creative it doesn't have to cost money you don't have to have a gym membership you can make the outsides your gym you can hang from a bar you can do pull-ups push-ups squats all of these things but again medias design they show you this great looking body behind a stack of weights and immediately our mind connects oh here's a | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-57 | weights and immediately our mind connects oh here's a great body because he lifts weights you know I mean for bodybuilders and all its great but for normal people who just want to be lean and ripped and great muscular bodies you use your own body weight you can do it in a hostel you can do it in college you can do it in a hotel room you just need the self-discipline to do it yeah you need consistency discipline I just think that people need to perceive this world of exercise as a very normal change in the lifestyle and not something that they're doing for a while in order to get fit a lot of people enter the world of say weight training or playing sports with that intention of I'm gonna do it till I become trained or till I become fit and then let's see but it's not that it's it has to be a change for the rest of its a lifestyle it's gotta be a part of your life so like I always say plan your day around four | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-58 | so like I always say plan your day around four things the food that you're gonna eat don't get obsessed about it just make sure that you're getting your balance yeah two is the movement where do I have time for movement okay three years can i prioritize my sleep tonight if not eight hours at least seven if not seven at least six prioritize it if it's not a priority it's not going to happen and that 10 minutes for your meditation or 15 minutes if you can prioritize your day around these four things it doesn't take time if you really break it down it doesn't take time we just got to do it yeah I like that one more like surround yourself with the right people surround yourself with the right people because you can have the best things in life happening and you can have the wrong people who suck everything out of you your self-esteem your self-confidence you know people suck that out of you you know material things don't do that to you people do that so we got to be | De9pbbb_4VE |
a090d1b9d414-59 | to you people do that so we got to be careful of the wrong people and on the flip side if you're surrounded by people like Luke with the you know you're always gonna be in a good thank you brother likewise bro this was super fun enriching for me as well I'm gonna link all of Luke's handles down below make sure you go follow him everywhere just listening to this man talking on any topic will be one of the most enriching things we'll put your mind through go through it and until next time guys from Luke and Ranveer we'll see you later thank you thank you | De9pbbb_4VE |
b25b2fa9d921-0 | all of the words that we have for our sexual organs are abusive words okay we go back in time they talk about all of these words with such utter beauty even the vagina for instance is known as the chandan mahal the clitoris is referred to as the madan chatri the umbrella of the love god and so on so i think that the words that you use start to also define your actions the moment you stop thinking of that as dirty and bad and abusive you your mind already starts to change in the way that you approach something how are you i'm very good ranveer how are you i'm great this is a dream podcast for me before i talk about why it's a dream podcast i want to introduce you to my audience so ms anand is one of the foremost voices the most modern voices in the world of the kama sutra she's one of the world's most renowned authors narrative practitioners and mythologists and today she's on the ranvir show it's lovely to | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-1 | she's on the ranvir show it's lovely to be over here ranveer ma'am so uh honestly i feel like the world of the indian internet especially from a youth standpoint is obsessed with sex and in more modern times this concept of nofap and celibacy especially the male audiences so before we begin talking about those topics i'd like to ask you how you would explain the world of the kama sutra in the most simple way how would you explain it to a 20 year old so interestingly i've discovered that the kama sutra like you said if i have to actually explain it in the shortest possible way kama sutra is about pleasure not about sex okay sex is a very physical act that anybody can indulge in the act of sex pleasure is something that only the human mind can actually understand and indulge in pleasure is a much longer lasting thing and it's actually extremely good for you and it is something that actually takes you to a whole different height it's supposed to | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-2 | you to a whole different height it's supposed to elevate you it's supposed to make you um reach certain heights that you can't otherwise reach but what do you mean by height you mean in terms of human experience and i mean literally in terms of human experience i mean in terms of elevating the mind so this is what it was written for uh watching who's the author of the kamasutra actually says this in his introduction he says that you know the idea is so as we talk about it we'll talk about how elegant and beautiful and refined this whole world is it's nothing like we think of the act of sex today and it talks about this refinement um and this beauty in such a way because in ancient times they believed that everything had to start from the point of physical intimacy so uh actually i'm going to give you a little example of it and probably explain it better everything that every time a king came to the throne they would have a version of the kama sutra | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-3 | they would have a version of the kama sutra commissioned for their kingdom so there's not just one kamasutra there are thousands of them and each time they had it commissioned they believed that if a couple could share really really good mutually pleasurable intimacy that means that the relationship would be stable if the relationship was stable society would be stable if society was stable the kingdom would be stable beautiful so this was about the the the bigger picture it was about they literally believed back in that time that success in any part of your life whether you were a warrior whether you're an economist whether you're a trader whatever it is that you did success in any part of your life depended on your success in your physical intimate life and eventually if the aim is to reach god all love has to first begin at the physical level before you can start to elevate it so i guess that's what i mean when i say that you know it and hence it's not about sex because sex the | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-4 | and hence it's not about sex because sex the act of sex is on its own it doesn't mean very much it was about pleasure it was about arousal it was about desire because of course in ancient times again we believe that the highest form of energy is the sexual energy i mean you're a sports person you know that if you if you're out there running or doing a certain amount of exercise it gets your metabolism going they believe that when you have arousal when you're in the state of pleasure and elevating pleasure there is more metabolism in your body than even when you exercise because every part of your body goes into some form of activity your heart rate your breathing your hormones are being secreted everything and eventually if you consider um this is where if you if you carry the this pleasure to its final um point this is how you can create life only god can create life so you know this was considered the highest form of energy because it's that powerful hence this | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-5 | form of energy because it's that powerful hence this was an extremely important thing and times gone by beautiful so from what i understand i do feel that physical pleasure was given a lot of importance but sex as a concept was just a part of the world called physical pleasure but in saying that how have we transitioned into this modern day india where even the act of hugging is almost like looked down upon where if a guy and a girl hug each other it's considered oh my god how are you having physical contact with each other how did we transition into this so i think that as times change things change you know the narrative changes so i really believe that you know it's the stories that we tell they actually create our identity so if you tell a story of a man who comes home and he's drunk and he beats up his wife but we say oh the wife was so good she was so good she never said anything she was such a good woman she never said anything to him | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-6 | such a good woman she never said anything to him then that's what you're expecting the good wife to be right so the stories that we tell around us are the stories that start to define who we are and it's interesting to think that when the kamasutra is written in 300 and something 80 at exactly the same point in 325.80 across the oceans in somewhere in turkey the first council of the catholic church is set up and they immediately from setting up start saying how bad is pleasure how bad is the body that sex is the road to hell on the other side across the across the oceans on the banks of the river ganges watsyan is sitting and he's writing the kama sutra and he's saying how good is pleasure how beautiful it is it's the path to heaven so we have two narratives that come up at the same time this narrative from the west does permeate our nation quite strongly because as you know india has always been invaded and occupied since | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-7 | know india has always been invaded and occupied since time began almost you know from the time of the mauryas when you think about the fifth sixth century onwards we've always had invaders who have always brought their own narrative with them so you think it was the job of the invaders like they kind of brought these concepts of oh my god sex is taboo i i think that you know in a lot like i said the catholic church even at the point of starting up starts to say that this is bad okay and we think that the british came in uh in around the 1700s and the 1600s actually no we've had the the western world come in much earlier the portuguese the um the dutch the and so on you know so they've been coming in but also like i said with time things change so as people come in as the the ruling parties change as invaders come in they bring certain other rituals and rules with them and so on so stories change over time | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-8 | with them and so on so stories change over time and it's just you know it's really really difficult when you start trying to change a story back because that's what i'm trying to do at the moment when you start trying to go back when you think about it ranveer i mean i much older than you obviously but i grew up in post-colonial india okay so i went to wellams i went to lady sriram college i did literature at lady sriram college three years of literature we never studied a single ancient indian text okay not even one so we don't even know what our past stories were how do we even start to learn them i can tell you anything you want about shakespeare i can give you every reference to context i can talk to you about milton from morning to night about paradise lost i until i came to this country and started to study again i had no idea what our ancient texts even said and when you think about it the kama sutra was reinterpreted much | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-9 | think about it the kama sutra was reinterpreted much later in life so it's in the 1800s when actually there's an englishman who he called richard burton who um inter who re interprets the kama sutra now what people don't realize is when i talk about the kama sutra and i talk about all these beautiful things over there they'll always say ma'am tell me about the best version of the kama sutra to read but that's not what it was about you know these texts whether it was the earth shastra whether it's the bhagavad-gita whether it was the kam shastra they were all written as treaties they were written almost in scientific manner and all science in those days was dedicated to god so they're written in the form of hymns and poetry and they're not really even the ngati sastra you know the the book on drama and dance they're not written for the average person to understand they're written in metaphors so there are commentaries that you have to read to understand | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-10 | are commentaries that you have to read to understand what they say so if you go back to the kama sutra the only thing that makes sense to the normal reader who doesn't know about what the other metaphors mean the only thing that makes sense is the little tiny chapter on positions because you understand what a position means and that's why we've come to understand that the kamasutra is just about positions we don't know what the positions are we don't know why they were talking about there was a reason over there for for the positions as well but yeah so there is this point about it changes the narrative changes but if you don't even have the basic background of knowing what it was about you can't actually go back to that story beautiful um you know if you think about it i mean just to mention when you think about it even the you know like okay you take the mahabharata and so on you take a lot of the qurans over the centuries those qurans existed in some way | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-11 | the centuries those qurans existed in some way or the other and they've all been depicted in some kind of statues and sculpture and painting and so on the bhagavad-gita has got no visual depictions till we get to the 1800s it was again it was one of those um texts that was lost when mahatma gandhi read it for the first time he was already studying in england as a lawyer and he read it the first time in a translation in english so people in our country weren't even weren't growing up with any of our old texts and i also feel there's this whole wave of writers who's trying to bring back ancient indian knowledge that includes you that includes mr amishtapati so my question to you now is that if you i know it's an extremely difficult question to answer but i will still try asking it so for a modern man and a woman what are three separate kind of learnings that they can take away after studying the kama sutra the | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-12 | can take away after studying the kama sutra the way you have just three learnings three learnings for men and three learnings for women if you have to boil it down like that so what i'm going to tell you actually ranvir is that i'm not going to give you three separate ones for men and women and i'll tell you why i'm going to give you three takeaways but not separately and i'll tell you why a lot of people also come and ask me um what about gay relationships what's the karma sutras say about gay relationships like i said it actually talks about pleasure so it talks about what gives a woman pleasure and what gives a man pleasure it doesn't say that a man has to pleasure the woman or the woman has to pleasure the man and so on so the idea here is that we are talking about understanding pleasure for me the first thing that struck me was the fact that there is absolutely no bad language used in the book there's no abusive language | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-13 | language used in the book there's no abusive language if you think about our um sexual vocabulary all of the words that we have for our sexual organs are abusive words okay we go back in time they talk about all of these words with such utter beauty even the vagina for instance is known as the chandan mahal the clitoris is referred to as the madan chatri the umbrella of the love god and so on so i think that the words that you use start to also define your actions the moment you stop thinking of that as dirty and bad and abusive you your mind already starts to change in the way that you approach something right the next thing is that it absolutely does not permit any kind of violence so through the entire text it says in a moment of passion a man might get to a certain point where he you know he lashes out in a moment of passion you can't do this you cannot hit so hard because so and so king did this to his mistress and he blinded | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-14 | king did this to his mistress and he blinded his mistress so-and-so king did this and he hurt his mistress you cannot do this and constantly it says that you cannot use any kind of violence or aggression and it goes so far this is the first text that actually gives women a sort of equality a platform of equality and it gives women the right to consent so it actually says that it is up to the woman to decide if the pressure or um the the passion that is being used is too aggressive so he it says that you know in a moment of passion if your lover bites you too hard if that love bite is too hard for you tell him to stop if he doesn't stop you bite him back twice as hard till he stops which we always think is a really cute way of saying it but it's the first time that women are being given the right to consent and i think that's amazing the next thing it tells us is that men and women both have | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-15 | it tells us is that men and women both have very very different forms of pleasure for a man the pleasure is like fire it's very very quick to put to ignite it's very quick to put out it starts like fire it starts down there it goes upwards a woman's passion is like water it's her pleasure is like water it starts here and goes downwards and like water it takes very long to come to the boil takes very long to come down okay and so it it kind of tries to express its education in such a way that men and women understand because he goes on to say he says that men and women are left to their own their pleasure is never going to coincide because it's so different so how do you actually go about doing this in a way that you both feel the same arousal you both feel that pleasure in each other's company and i think um yeah so it's like i said you know it's not just the one thing but it's it and i think that | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-16 | the one thing but it's it and i think that it's just this idea of slowing everything down it's it's about understanding that you slow it down because there are other things to do the other amazing thing that i think is a takeaway from this it goes out of its way to explain to men that women have a very different form of pleasure and the first time or the first few times that you make love if you are too rushed and if you if you don't make it pleasurable for the woman you will actually put her off it for the rest of her life oh wow so it actually tells you a man it explains to a man how to go about it okay it then says that the most important thing i mean this is like a big chapter in there in the in the so the you know the kamasutra is made up of seven sections only section two deals with love making and foreplay oh pleasure it says conversation is your biggest thing so before you make love before you even start your | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-17 | so before you make love before you even start your foreplay what is the thing that you're supposed to start with conversation so it says that the man must tell the woman stories to make her shed her inhibitions you know start to get her desire going etc and he says okay at this point you have to tell different types of stories so you have to kind of tell her stories which are slightly gossipy or naughty something that'll get a reaction from her basically so she's supposed to say oh my god you know you didn't seriously say that or you know or whatever so basically you're supposed to get her to shed her inhibitions after making love you have a different set of conversation because after you've made love with so before you make love you're supposed to have a conversation that's supposed to excite her after you make love the conversation is even more important because he says that the way that you finish this time will dif will define how quickly she comes back to your bed next time so at | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-18 | she comes back to your bed next time so at the end of it you have to now tell her beautiful stories of lovers who come together and they make love and they're really happy that they made love because you have to convince her now that actually what you've done is a good thing and it's a good thing for both of you so it's actually really really it's impressive the way that he gets into the psyche of both man and woman and i think the most important thing i would like to say and i want people to understand this the kama sutra is not about teaching women how to seduce men the kamasutra was actually written to teach men how to pleasure a woman because in in the 300 and something 80 men were not taught how to i mean women were not taught how to read or write so men were taught how to read or write and hence this book is written for men and the patron deity of the kamasutra is not kamdev it's not the god of | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-19 | is not kamdev it's not the god of love and desire the patron deity of the kama sutra is saraswati the goddess of music and learning because it says that you can be rich you can be anything but only a man who is culturally really well versed he's the most desirable lover of all i have to ask you the the obvious next question which is that from that chapter which talks about rules for men not rules but guidelines for men could you give us like four or five pieces of information for the young guys watching this okay so they basically his thing is that first of all you have to make yourself worthy of the woman okay being rich is not good enough he has a very long you know section one actually defines how a man should look after himself physically so you have to look good for the woman you have to learn all these cultural arts so you know all these young men would have known how to play musical instruments draw etc and so on because you have | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-20 | instruments draw etc and so on because you have to be able to attract a woman to you okay and for long-term attraction there has to be a diverse personality it's not enough to just be one thing and say yeah well you're going to fancy me today and tomorrow you won't if you want either a lot of women or a lot of women over a long time to fancy you you have to create a very diverse personality for yourself so that's point number one for the young guys secondly it says that talking about love or talking about excitement or talking about pleasure is extremely important but women do not like straight out in your face bad language okay so he literally says i mean this is actually really good for youngsters for today because he says that you should constantly send messages to each other to keep that excitement going now in those days you didn't have texting and whatsapping and so he literally uses almost everything that you so there's a whole vocabulary around pawn | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-21 | that you so there's a whole vocabulary around pawn about how you exchange pan what kind of pan had what kind of meaning to it okay so you give this pawn and it means i really love you you give this pawn or you send this pawn you know you would send the pawn you send this pun and it would mean well i like you but i'm kind of i could take you or leave you you send another pawn it could mean that i'll have sex with you but i'm pretty indifferent to you you know so there was different ways of um sending messages there were different pieces of jewelry that you could wear to indicate um i mean that was for both men and women today of course men don't necessarily wear jewelry but it was this whole idea of a secret coded language between lovers and you know what actually a lot of psychologists today will say that couples or people that have more code words for nookie or for making love or for seduction actually have healthier relationships they have a better romantic relationship | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-22 | have healthier relationships they have a better romantic relationship wow because you have your own internal channel with the person absolutely so it's like having a private joke it means that you know um you can just sort of close yourself off even if you're in the middle of a crowded room suddenly that can be something to trigger a memory and you know it's yeah amazing so ma'am i need to kind of take you away from the world of these books that you've read and i need to ask you about the wisdom you've gained from it so say you enter a room with a lot of people now for you specifically you what would you see in a man and think to yourself okay that's a very well-rounded person that's an attractive individual from the wisdom you've gained from the books how do you apply it to your own daily life so i think that generally when i and so for anybody when they enter a room there's a certain type of person that they automatically are attracted to looks wise so | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-23 | that they automatically are attracted to looks wise so i think that's pretty um individual i i think you know that doesn't count for very much but for me i have discovered over time interestingly that i immediately go for somebody where i find the conversation more fascinating so if i find someone who can talk to me about a lot of diverse things i do find that i find myself spending more time with that person so yeah i think that when you enter a room there's always a specific type of person that everybody is attracted to i think that's very subjective it's very individual so looks wise i think everybody goes for whatever they find interesting i personally find that it is the conversation that i'm drawn to and i think that as time goes on that becomes more and more the case or at least i'm talking about for everybody not just for me um because i've had people say this to me in the past as they gain levels of maturity that looks you can only focus on for | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-24 | of maturity that looks you can only focus on for a certain amount of time it's a very short-lived amount of time i think that it's always the conversation that will take it that much further from one minute or 15 minutes i mean how long can you look at somebody after all what keeps that going and for me personally what keeps it going for me is somebody who has possibly got the same uh wide breadth of reading i really really find that very attractive you know somebody who's read a lot and somebody who knows what literature i'm talking about and somebody who has a sense of humor somebody who can make me laugh but i'm not talking about the you know the the okay fine there's a couple of jokes that you tell it just more and more the deeper you get into it it's about the subtlety it's about how subtle you get the other thing i find that nothing if something is too perfect it turns you off um it turns me it's like a | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-25 | you off um it turns me it's like a chocolate box something is too pretty it doesn't go too fast so like even with somebody who's too perfectly dressed or too perfect looking or whatever i don't know is there something about that person then that becomes non-exciting i think there's always got to be that little something that is a little bit off that's for me personally got it uh this ability for great conversation can you work on it over time and i'm talking about both the genders can men women or all the genders can any human being work on this ability to be a better conversationalist definitely so i think that it comes at different levels one is that of course you can go and do a session or you can do a few sessions with a teacher who will teach you public speaking that's one thing it's more than that it's about widening your interests you know in the kama sutra there is a chapter called the 64 skills the famous chonset colors that those concert colors were | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-26 | the famous chonset colors that those concert colors were not to teach you how to be a better lover they were to teach you how to develop a more diverse personality because if you are interested in 12 things you are able to talk on 12 things to me it's going to be far more exciting if you can talk to me about only two things if that's the only thing that you can talk about that's really going to limit the amount of conversation that we have because those might not be the two things that interest me okay so that's one thing the other thing that i really think helps is shedding a little part of your brain which says uh this is not for me to talk about you know there's a lot of men particularly and young guys who have this thing about what they think is cool and manly to talk about shed that because i've had guys say to me uh you know like if we're talking about somebody and i'll say oh my god that that guy's really sweet and | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-27 | oh my god that that guy's really sweet and they'll be like oh my god that's the worst insult that you can give a man and i'll be like no that isn't actually i think that's a huge compliment from me because i'd like to spend time with that person but it doesn't say and then they will argue no no that's not it when a woman says sweet to a man she doesn't don't tell me i'm a woman don't tell me what i think and what i'm feeling i get also a lot this is also really important when it comes to conversation i get a lot of people writing into me wanting advice on sexual matters and a lot of them will write to me and say i like to do this and this in bed is that okay don't ask me ask the woman that you're with you know learn to talk to that person so it's a whole range of things from saying okay how can you be a better speaker because you know what being a better speaker is | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-28 | speaker because you know what being a better speaker is good for you in every sphere of your life okay i'm not saying that if you're not a good speaker you won't be a success i'm just saying it's a huge help if you can be okay uh we call it in the trade we call it being a better storyteller every leader till now every effective leader till now knows that the only way to get somebody's attention is by being a good storyteller it's when you tell the right stories and that doesn't mean stories from mythology i'm talking about generally so be a good conversationalist but my biggest advice is extend your interests learn to develop interests even the ones that you think this is not manly enough learn to develop your interests you will automatically be able to talk about more things beautiful um if you date a boring person do you become boring um i think in today's day and age if you date a boring person you're more likely to leave that person going | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-29 | person you're more likely to leave that person going back to my generation if you married a boring person or you dated you because you were a lot of people in my generation did tend to stay in that relationship for longer it was just the way life was in those days yeah you would also become boring because it would unless you really really rebelled against that and came out of it and made an effort because it would kill off your personality also so ma'am the world of yoga keeps talking about how physical intimacy contains a lot of exchange of energies and they say that couples who are together for really long start thinking in the same way become kind of one person if it's healthy love or even if it's unhealthy love i'm guessing they exchange negative traits does any of the books talk about this kind of concept of an exchange of energy and exchange of personality traits through sex yes so it's a very common theme in all texts i mean particularly when you read books that discuss so i | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-30 | mean particularly when you read books that discuss so i must tell you that the kamasutra itself does not talk about the act of sex at all it talks about positions talks about the architecture of the positions not about the actor's sex but there are other texts that do talk about sex and yes they do say that when you even when you kiss somebody okay when you actually kiss somebody mouth to mouth um for an extended period of time you do exchange your energies there is a transference of one energy to the other i guess when you are that closely and think about it even if you sit in a room with somebody for long enough um on one sofa let's say and just chat if the other person is really like oh you know you will pick that up and you start to feel sleepy by the end of it if the other person is really up there and you know buzzing and bouncing around you will pick that up so yeah definitely there is an exchange of energy in ancient times again | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-31 | there is an exchange of energy in ancient times again particularly in tantra and in the ancient chinese erotic texts they talk about how to balance out this by um certain techniques during sex so that if you don't want to take the other person's energy on or um in a lot of the cases it was it was said that you know you had um the the man would ejaculate into the woman so the woman would get his energy but he wouldn't get hers and it was believed that a woman had a much higher level of energy it was believed in ancient times that a woman has eight times the capacity for sexual arousal than a man does and before we come to this whole patriarchal narrative of saying oh my god a woman is loose because she has eight times the amount of capacity to be aroused and hence she's very difficult to please the idea of that was that if arousal is supposed to be the highest form of energy she has eight times the level of being able | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-32 | energy she has eight times the level of being able to gather harness that energy okay so it was believed that a man cannot get a woman's energy because she cannot ejaculate into him so there are ancient techniques i don't know anybody who's actually practiced them where the man instead of ejaculating into the woman could actually suck the woman's um sexual fluids into himself and gather her energy i don't i don't know like i said people say that they can do it i'm not convinced that anybody can or can't unless they've practiced to do this for i don't know like decades and decades but the interesting thing that they do talk about and this is an easier one to deal with is that the sitting position is the one that was considered the best simply because then nobody is underneath or on top which means that one is not giving the energy the other one's not sucking it up in the sitting position you have an equal chance of getting each other's energies but | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-33 | an equal chance of getting each other's energies but yes they also said that when you have sex in the normal position face to face and you kiss at the same time you then created a circuit you know you completed the circuit and the energy could rotate and within both people equally got it wow okay this is a lot of depth to absorb in one conversation but i'm still going to keep going um all right so the next question i had to ask you was that have you read anything about occult aspects in physical intimacy uh you know like i know that tantra contains some awkward aspects so let's let's begin this whole section of the podcast with you explaining tantra to a 20 year old what what is it what does the word tantric mean what is tantric sex what is the world of tantra in the modern day there's no such thing as tantric sex let's get that straight okay so that for your for your average 20 year old so if i have to explain tantra in a | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-34 | old so if i have to explain tantra in a couple of lines um which is not easy the ultimate goal in tantra is to achieve god okay but they believe that everything is created by god that means that you have to understand everything there's no such thing as this is good knowledge and this is bad knowledge this is pure this is impure everything had to be understood so that you could actually get beyond this um this uh veil of illusion behind which we live and in understanding each thing you grow your mind so you grow the awareness levels of your mind which means that you open it up more and more the idea being that you get to one point eventually where you are so aware so we don't talk about subconscious and conscious we talk about different levels of awareness you become so aware that you are able to see everything clearly around you with the naked eye so they back in in those times they say that you can see the molecules with the naked eye that's not exactly what it | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-35 | with the naked eye that's not exactly what it means if you imagine science tells us that the brain is capable the brain has approximately what five million stimuli at one time or something like that it's bombarded with that we pick up only a handful of them as you grow your levels of awareness you are able to pick up more stimuli around you so you notice more that is the final aim so you you kind of get past this veil of illusion this is what they mean when we talk about somebody being able to uh in quantum mechanics they say that if you keep walking into a wall a million times eventually you'll be able to walk through it so the idea here is that they say that you can reach that level of awareness that you can see the molecules with the naked eye so that you can actually disengage the molecules and atoms and find a way through that wall that level of awareness now we know that this is something that may not necessarily happen you can't disengage the | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-36 | may not necessarily happen you can't disengage the molecules but as a scientist as an engineer you know exactly what i'm talking about so this whole idea of um being able to understand each thing one bit at a time to grow your energy to expand your mind you needed the energy to do it with that energy is they talk about it as the kundalini and they think that that's what it's about it's not about arousing the kundalini it's about that whole sexual arousal harnessing the strength from it because energy that is out of control is going to be destructive so you had to build your mind enough to know that you would be able to harness this energy when it came your way hence there is a great deal of um tantra is not about sex but there is a great many practices that are based around sexual practices or sexual yoga the idea being to come to that level of meditation to to balance the mind to grow the mind does that make sense yes i mean i | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-37 | the mind does that make sense yes i mean i do have some amount of knowledge of tantra antra so i'll just give it out for the listeners uh basically spiritual practices that are for general benefit for unselfish reasons it's referred to as anthra and tantra in the world of yoga are spiritual practices which are kind of for yourself to benefit something within yourself am i right in saying that ma'am well you know again okay that's like a a one lying answer to a very deep concept but um for me okay so you know the agory saints for instance you've heard of their gories now people are always a bit horrified when you say that the agoris are the ones who will live in the cremation grounds and their practice is to eat a lump of raw flesh from the cremation ground or the body that's burning on the pile but they say that if we say that this whole world is an illusion and we have to get past this illusion then there should be no | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-38 | to get past this illusion then there should be no difference between that lump of flesh and this lump of cabbage it should be the same thing this is all this world of illusion that we live within this veil of illusion that we left behind so it's not easy um and unfortunately we don't most of us don't have the capacity because it takes a hell of a lot of inner being to give that up i mean can you imagine yourself doing that i can't i can't see myself even going down that path right so i think that it's just extremely deep um i just find it very frustrating because everybody who talks about tantra talks about sex and it's just constantly trying to remind people that that's not what it was about if people really want to go off and actually understand a little bit more there is a group of goddesses called the mahavidyas the goddesses of ultimate knowledge there are ten these are ten goddesses and they worshipped only with tantric practices solely | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-39 | they worshipped only with tantric practices solely the top and they're in a hierarchy so the top most is kali the bottom most incidentally is lakshmi even lakshmi is included in this group of mahabharata so lakshmi is a hindu goddess a traditional hindu goddess plus she is a mahabit there where she is worshipped through tantric practices read about them it's fascinating like i said i think that the biggest um dis privilege that we've had i mean the the worst thing that could have been dust done to us as a nation as a race of people is that all our ancient literature was boxed up and put away and shut up and we have lost all of it there is just so much knowledge and awareness over there i have to ask you a question which might seem pretty stupid when you gauge it from you know just like a surface level perspective but how does this kind of education you know you absorbing these books or these ancient texts how | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-40 | you absorbing these books or these ancient texts how does it change you as a person again keeping in mind your modern day life what will you gain from this peace no i don't think it's just about peace i think that it all boils down to understanding you know if you are going to understand the world you have to understand yourself first we all need need role models okay now when i talk about strength for instance inner strength our ancient texts all talk about building up inner strength because it is only with that inner strength that you can deal with the world outside yeah so you know and our ancient texts always say that it doesn't matter what you believe you're going to face the thing to do is to create a balance in your mind so whether you're in a happy time or in a bad time that time will pass everything will pass it's all about how you react to it how you deal with it good times good times can distract you make you lose your balance bad times can distract you they | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-41 | lose your balance bad times can distract you they can make you lose your balance so the idea is not to learn how to deal with good times or bad times it's to learn how to deal with your own mind your inner self when we come to that point you start trying to figure out how do i understand strength where are my role models so it's very interesting because our ancient qurans particularly describe this when i say to you okay build up your inner strength you know from a physical philosophical point of view it's a very big concept i mean where do you even start right some people say meditate meditate i mean like what then right what are you aiming for so these stories were created to actually give you that understanding because strength that you use at different times is always a different strength you have to come to it differently unfortunately what happens with the advent of patriarchy the idea of inner strength becomes something that only a woman is supposed to develop so when you read your books when you | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-42 | to develop so when you read your books when you read your stories it is sita or draupadi that have the strength of mind they have the inner strength people like indra or arjun or yudhisthira all of them go out and fight battles their strength is of the muscle and there's a wonderful chapter in the story of durga in the devi bhagavatam where this is before while mahisha surah has been created and the gods are trying to fight against him devi has not yet been created to fight him to defeat him and indra is really really angry so he goes to his guru brihaspati and he says tell me what to do i have to defeat this guy go and do a puja so that you know all the greys are in my favor and i can go and defeat him and prahaspathi says to him he says i can't go and change the planets i can't go up there into the heavens and you know change the grass and i'm not a | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-43 | and you know change the grass and i'm not a fortune teller i can't tell you what will happen what i can tell you is that you need to build up your inner strength so that you learn to deal with adversity in the same way as you'd learn to deal with victory because this bad time will pass and eventually you will win but when you win that time will also pass and you need to deal with that and indra yells at him he says this is nonsense this is for sadhus like you and for women for warriors like us it's about fighting you just go into your pooja leave the rest to me so unfortunately we don't have um role models that we can follow and we all do need role models so i think that there is a lot also if we talk about culturally you know i find that we're lost now we teach yoga again when i was going growing up in school in india they didn't teach us yoga in school it's come to us through a | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-44 | yoga in school it's come to us through a very long and convoluted route much later in life and we all say it's so beneficial for us so like i said you know in the art shastra cortillia says that the 64 skills of the kamasutras are extremely important for you to do really well in business it was about understanding so many different things so it's not just about your stories it's about understanding what motivates you and you know i tell you something ranveer this is something that i have learned okay when i talk about the kamasutra for instance when i talk about the the pleasure you talk about the slowness of things you talk about the beauty the elegance i find that our indian audiences totally get it when i talk to my western audiences you have people saying oh for god's sakes who's got the time for this okay our dna is slightly different whatever we might choose to say wherever we're brought up we all have a cultural background that we're not | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-45 | we all have a cultural background that we're not taught everything that we know some things are just part of our dna they're automatic learning it's part of our cultural background if we don't understand that we don't get to the next point so ma'am i found this inner strength concept you spoke about really interesting i feel like strength is a really wide concept that applies itself to like a bunch of life hacks and life skills which could be the strength of focus or the strength of not being shaken in tough times so i really like to answer about you know how you gain strength from these texts because that's something you can apply in the modern day now speaking about strength one of the recurring themes on the podcast is meditation and we've spoken a lot about meditation on the show but what i really want to ask you is couple based meditation like how early on the podcast we spoke about being in the same room as someone who may be slightly low energy and that pulls your energy down | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-46 | slightly low energy and that pulls your energy down what happens to the love between a couple or the energy between a couple when they meditate together maybe before engaging in sex or before you know just having conversation does does the kind does couple meditation play a role in making two people closer i think that anything that you do together is something that will increase your uh relationship intimacy so anything that you do together and you enjoy together will increase in will increase the time that you spend together and it will increase the intimacy now we also have this um ancient concept about using different sexual positions to heal chronic illnesses so when i talk about um you know so i mean like when we say that okay the ultimate energy or the ultimate strength that you can get is from your arousal it's your sexual energy in which you have to harness and so on so imagine if you harness that and then um if you have a bottle and you fill it with water in whichever way | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-47 | and you fill it with water in whichever way you turn the bottle the liquid will flow through that so depending on that you you build up your sexual energy and depending on how you make love in what positions you can get your energy through your thrusting and through different types of breathing and the way that your heart pulses you can actually direct your energy through different streams so you can actually use that to create actually cure chronic illnesses even things like low hemoglobin and stuff like that okay now in tantra they talk about also using your positions to meditate so there is a certain amount of sex or yogic positions that are used and in these what's very interesting is that the first thing they will do is that they will mirror each other's positions totally so if you look at any of the old um paintings you know the miniature paintings and things you'll notice that both the man and the woman are always in exactly the same position so if one has one hand raised like that the other one will | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-48 | has one hand raised like that the other one will have the other one has one foot traced and so on this again is about balance so again if you look at it from an engineer's point of view when you have when everything is in complete balance everything is still energy is only there when it becomes dynamic so you have a slight you know movement you have your things move so the idea is to bring everything to complete balance so the sex or yogic positions are generally done so that they mirror each other completely the next thing that they do is they actually calm the breath so they will place each other's hands on the partner's nose but you know the the nadis the nadis come out over here just to calm the breath because if the breath is too hard then you're not in you're not in balance you're not meditating so all of this is generally recommended for if you were doing sex or yoga meditation the only thing i have to say is that there are very few people who | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-49 | to say is that there are very few people who actually understand it properly or teach it properly most people most people are going to go down that same path of free love free sex man you know and it's not good it's not going to take you there so instead of going down that path necessarily my advice is always do your meditation together um particularly for people who've been with each other for a long time take a lot of time to build up the arousal because anyway um the chemistry is such that when it's when somebody's very new in your life you're going to get excited like that when somebody's been in your life for longer it is going to be slower so actually the the ancient texts say that it's better to be with somebody who you've been with for a long time where the chemistry is not instant because it takes you longer to arouse each other or to arouse yourself and with that you harness more energy you and you also experience all the pleasure as as | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-50 | you and you also experience all the pleasure as as it goes along so uh i've also got to ask you this slightly inappropriate question i don't know if it's inappropriate or not but um is there a role of intoxicants in ancient times in ancient love making have they spoken about intoxicants at all like maybe cannabis maybe alcohol whatever so interestingly they say that a couple of drinks are very good for you anything more than that will slow you down in an ideal world two glasses of red wine or something that was like red wine and they say that one it'll make your breath smell better secondly it'll it's red so it'll color your lips a little bit so it'll give your lips a nice color and thirdly it'll get rid of your inhibitions okay anything more than that is not considered particularly good but that's not to say that there are other texts that don't talk about it but then again it sort of goes into other arenas of um exploring certain things or | hiBeKc3aeu4 |
b25b2fa9d921-51 | into other arenas of um exploring certain things or whatever but by and large like i said the the kamsutra itself recommends two glasses of red wine because it says that's just right anything after that will slow you down you see most people don't realize that your body has this much it has one store of energy okay so anything that you're doing you're taking the energy from that so if you've eaten a meal the energy will go to digest the meal first it will not go to your sexual organs so if you try and have sex after a meal it's really not going to be great sex because your energy is being used up to digest the meal instead okay so ideally what you need for good sex is a really good blood flow to the sexual organs anything that's going to restrict your blood flow to the or to slow it down it's going to end up in not good sex but what activities cause that kind of a blood flow like exercise exercise the best thing for you they say actually the | hiBeKc3aeu4 |