to a lot of people from my industry I mean a lot of actors as well I've met very few guys who live life with the kind of discipline that you do dude oh man yeah so we're like getting up at 5:30 in the morning and all that so kudos to that dude like where I see so many people partying on like Friday oh sorry night you're thinking about your next yeah like gig in life it's it's it's to do with a lot of people who have guided me in my life especially my parents like they've really helped me then my girlfriend there are some people like a friend of mine called adit they're like these are some very very important people in my life who probably shaped the way I am my sister so yeah so it's thanks to them and luckily you know these these people always come in my life or at a point and they teach me something what I need to hear yeah you know like when you're having like a day and you just call one of
having like a day and you just call one of them and they just say that I think then you know like hmm can you can you like just give all these learnings within 5 points like a 5 point success formula ah first is to never give up whatever you're doing I feel you should never give up in life everything in life is achievable everything in life is achievable then I really believe in breaking down your goals you don't have to reach point A to point Z in one shot it has to be gradual and if it's gradual it's better because you've had more experience you've met more people you're probably getting better at what you do so that then I think there is no substitute for discipline like you have to be disciplined in order to achieve something in life because everything fades away and the only thing which can get you back on track is discipline even on your bad days good days I don't give a do what is needed to do like you have to still do it put in the
like you have to still do it put in the work put in the work there's no substitute on that then being kind I really believe it I really believe been kind karma and it pays off in your career it does it does mean kind to people to friends to your family start start small bro like I'm not saying like start big and I feel being ambitious somewhere like not everybody has to be ambitious in life but like have something to work towards like I don't believe in you're meant to do something for a purpose and stuff like that like I feel purposelessness also has a purpose but just have a goal even if it's small it's big be a little ambitious about something or the other even it's about being a better human being I'm saying as basic as that like just look forward to something there is something to always look forward to yeah cool I mara brother thank you for thank you so much man thank you so much I hope you enjoyed it I really enjoyed it
hope you enjoyed it I really enjoyed it what is it tell me something what you order this thing also yeah you tell me about your journey as a youtuber like how's it going and it's going good I just feel a very locked in on life right now why I said look good not in like a bad way at all just I'm working on two three huge projects and I feel and if he says something that's taken me far and I was always challenging myself to get to that have you challenged yourself in like a lot this this time I've like really taken on a lot taking a big risk in Korea but also going in with positivity and discipline for sure yeah it'll happen like yeah I'm sure you're you're meant for big things only other I I am very very conscious of who we bring onto the podcast like all the time I'm like I question if you've decided okay we'll bring on one person I question it like 20 times with you but I saw your Instagram
like 20 times with you but I saw your Instagram I saw you your interviews it was it because again I have too much respect for people who respect their own work so I saw that dude and that's also why I feel that that dream you have of films and all I think it's very achievable for you but the kind of ethic you have just keep going good luck and everything yes see you guys I'm gonna link all of our users handles down below make sure you go subscribe and follow we'll see you later see you you
Hilary the gentleman will climb Mount Everest he undertook a journey from the Congo three from the start of Ganga right up to Calcutta in a speedboat in a large speed mode so when it reached Banaras they told me the story I didn't witness this there was one of these auguries who said this is nothing I mean these boats have no power they said what do you mean said I can stop it with my erection okay so he sought sat on the bank and the boat was in the water and they tied a rope to the boat and they tied it to his erection imagine that he's holding the direction for that long Wow and they started the boat and he held it for at least three four minutes I got the boat was trying to go and he is holding it back [Music] it's gonna be a slightly dark very low nerd very wise episode of the runway show with the positional Yuda of my life and many ways mr. Kiran call up a mentor nice
many ways mr. Kiran call up a mentor nice meeting you again yes as always sir you're a huge mentor to me I'm kind of bored about talking about careers on decided we need to change things up and just stimulate our minds if you're a skeptic switch this podcast off go watch other episodes listen to the other episodes because this time we're talking one of the most well-read humans that I've come across in my life Kenan collapses a legend of the world of branding and advertising in India but we're not going to talk about all that we will be talking about the darker experiences of your life we will be talking about the darker books that you've read you also spent a lot of time in Banaras very young yes so I am dead sure you have some crazy stories from back then as well so in this podcast we're gonna aim to stimulate our audiences mind thank you for being on the runway show firstly thank you for getting me here again my first
firstly thank you for getting me here again my first question to you is about Agora like how people call it auguries the our body culture so for a complete rookie for a complete noob could Watauga rise right so I think one of the things we should begin by saying to ourselves is that if you're born in India you have an enormous opportunity because as a civilization we are very old as a nation we are very young right but as a civilization we are very old and therefore you have millions of ways of experiencing realities beyond the normal millions of is so the normal way we know is yoga and yoga they say that it is Ashtanga which means it has eight limbs youngnam sadhana somebody all of those are limbs of yoga so not only do you have to do do you have to practice yoga some we is a physical part of it here to practice control and all of the whole lifestyle has to be about it so it is that a stronger part which
about it so it is that a stronger part which means it has eight eight things that must be in place so that is called the right hand of God the left hand of God is called Agora Agora is like the short sharp quick way and you guys this long-winded way but you guys safer this if it goes wrong if Agora goes wrong you could end up then or you could end up as a mad person and I read a lot about Agora from in English there will be millions of books in Indian Sanskrit and all of that which I haven't read but the books that have made our accessible in English is a gentleman called Robert swaboda so his return Agora won over Auto Agora 3 which has mind-blowing stories so he came to India and studied Ayurveda and from there he got attracted or always perhaps he always were attracted in to our and he found a group called opml ananda and then you have all these stories about time travel travelling in to
all these stories about time travel travelling in to other people's bodies and all of the mystical powers that auguries can have so I want to rewind a little bit you said right hand of God left hand of God and these are paths yes at the end of the path whenever the path is liberation and both get you to that same end absolutely that this is just two paths there could be many more okay so for instance there is a there is a path month or a sect called not month okay and guru and the top of it is the tomorrow and you have much internal gerak not all of that these are all practitioners of Kundalini Yoga okay so Kundalini Yoga in the belief is that there is a serpent coiled thrice at the base of your spine like a pool of energy it's an so it's the female energy then when you practice you Kundalini Yoga she Rises through the six chakras that you have and when it merges in the top chakra which
and when it merges in the top chakra which is where the male and female meet then you have enlightenment or liberation gorot so anyone who's got an item and is actually risen their Kundalini inside that is if you in you believe in that notion of that path okay so I lived with J Krishnamurti for four years who walked with him had lunch with him and he won't mention any of this right because his entire thing was if you are aware if you are fully aware you are maddeningly aware you will be free of the entire habit of thinking and conditioning and all of that so it which is one Singh the most interesting part of our civilization is that you could be encountering hundreds of paths all tried tested worked upon experimented with so paths to liberation thoughts to leverage and what happens at liberation at liberation so one idea of liberation is to do with rebirth okay that you are no longer reborn this eternal cycle of being reborn
longer reborn this eternal cycle of being reborn etcetera etcetera and suffering and suffering the other idea is of if you do not believe in rebirth or anything like that that you are free of everything that causes suffering to mankind you're free of anger you're free of fear you're free of any negative emotions and you become what is called as a state upon you okay the person who has total equanimity Hostetter brother means he who's pregnant the mind is completely steady irrespective what happens outside God and do you also get what they call said these or super powers yes there are meant to be it's in these okay you can become very heavy very light therefore can walk you can fly there are it's famous in this so I think Hanuman had it's these so for those who do know said these are basically there's no real translation for it in English but it means that when you're on the path of yoga or very yeah evolution these are like kind of
or very yeah evolution these are like kind of like kind of powers powers that you can actually get if you know very serious about your your path yes so very if you really look at the person who is realized all of them are going to say and don't pursue that yeah because that will actually shorten your path because only get you'll get hypnotized by having that signe oh you get drunk in the power you drunk in that power and therefore you're lost the rest of the path guard so again if you want to learn how to actually begin your meditation session again don't listen to this podcast because it's gonna be it's not an instruction for because we've covered those topics with doctor other question Pillai this is about the stories that you've heard I want to come back to talking about our Horus so my knowledge about auguries is that I've seen it on Ripley's Believe It or Not on AXN where they basically consumed half burned human flesh so you'll find a whole community
burned human flesh so you'll find a whole community of our bodies in Banaras and one of the rituals is where they have to eat human meat so do you are you familiar with this whole thing it's just one rituals so there are many ok so the I what is the idea there the idea there is you will go beyond your notion of what is good or what is bad by doing things which are completely outside human society you are also meant to have sex with young girl who died and who's been buried like necrophilia necrophilia no yes so these are things meant to push you beyond the idea of good bad ugly not ugly this is right this is wrong that's the whole which is why it's called the short path which it just throws you into the deep end of these experiences and then you come out the other side completely rid of all these normal notions of good bad ugly beautiful all of that what is your opinion on the concept of ghosts or
is your opinion on the concept of ghosts or from everything that you've read there is a simple classification in our philosophy there is a classification called they have a gunman who shot gun and Raksha Stern okay so if you belong to Russia's gun you are you have a greater tendency to experience the occult hold on so gun is like a personality trait I'm guessing yes okay your genetic disposition genetic disposition the person who is born with the gun is unlikely to ever encounter any occult experiences okay and the person with Manisha gun is likely to have both a little bit of beautiful but coming back to host so I think because I mean Banaras Banaras is you know it is decent of all these things why do you say the centre occult there is also let's see some amount of it in Bengal some amount of it in a cell but the agora mut the epicenter is in mannerism is agora also the same thing as college ah do you can mistake it for that okay
college ah do you can mistake it for that okay because colleges would be practiced by somebody who has got those powers through some method but agora in its purest form is not about doing tricks or how many human beings it is not about harming human beings or earning money by doing miracles it is actually a genuine paths to enlightenment so our bodies have no intention of like haunting you know dreams or and making money no but what about everything this movie called punk by Ram Gopal Varma now centered around Blackmagic color black are you familiar with antral and all this like that yeah what is the non trick oh so there are three words like tantrum entre entre okay Yantra is a tool okay Tantra is the technique and mantra is the utterance that you have so if you have learnt those tantras the tools then you become a tantric so in Banaras for instance I was there in 79 so I think 77 or 78 Hilary the gentleman who climb Mount
or 78 Hilary the gentleman who climb Mount Everest he undertook a journey from the Ganga three from the start of Ganga right up to Calcutta in a speedboat and a large spin mode so when it reached Banaras they told me the story I didn't witness this there was one of these a giri's who said there's nothing I mean these boats have no power they said what do you mean said I can stop it with my erection okay so he started sat on the bank and the boat was in the water and they tied a rope to the boat and they tied it to his erection imagine that he's holding the direction for that long Wow and they started the boat and he held it for at least three four minutes to go and he's holding it back so because you're so deep into spirituality you also end up meeting a lot of these God men or like gurus so I think Godman is now what am i auditioning in the modern day but there are people who
in the modern day but there are people who very advanced on the yogic path who genuinely deserve the respect who don't do the shady that the general youth expects from Godman so do you have any stories about so beautiful question me I have had the privilege of meeting a gentleman called guru Maharaj okay my father tried to get diksha long distance greece you gurus give you grace by giving grace meaning they facilitate your journey on that path they help you advance yes so on a particular day which is guru Poornima day my father sat facing a particular direction having been having something and he was to get grace from guru maharaj the amazing thing was nothing happened to him but my sister who was just eight or nine she went into totally different zone like what he started she started doing yoga asanas which she had never done her voice change and all of that like voice became heavy yeah Wow so it was to my mom and me it was a bit
was to my mom and me it was a bit scary but then we came to understand what that whole thing was and we went and took her to him in Pune and he explained that obviously she is born with this Kundalini excitation so but she'll have to decide what to do with it because it is a dangerous path okay but he says the pursued spirituality to some extent but to some extent it was natural so she had to consciously curtail it okay and then she met a guru several years later and therefore her path was simpler Kiran Khalsa thank you thank you very much thank you for having me again could you just give some quick book recommendations for people one who want to get deeper into the occult world and the others who want to get deeper maybe into the right-handed clean marriage yoga yes so so Buddha of course agoura wanna go out to over a three yeah and that is for bother the my current favorite on the right hand side in mindfulness is
current favorite on the right hand side in mindfulness is a book called mindfulness in plain English by Montague narodny absolutely beautifully written I mean every page has a quotable quote and the simplest non-technical no jargon language about what is this whole notion of a posh oh cool I have gifted it to God knows how many youngsters beautiful again so thank you for being on thank you until next time probably the next time we will do a conversation on business and branding because this is a 360 degree mind so from Carranza and Ernie's thanks you run away all the West thank you
doctor any top Bollywood producer and ask them about why they cast certain people why they don't cast certain people they'll tell you it's all about the X Factor something beyond just acting ability or looks a guest today is Barker saying one of the top digital actors in the country today but keep in mind she's also one of the top bloggers in the country that's part of her X Factor she's highly prepared highly motivated highly ambitious and highly woke as I call it so in today's episode with Barker saying we spoke about everything from her love life to romance in general to vibes to spirituality and of course all the usual Korea oriented topics that we speak about on this youth-oriented podcast big reason I personally enjoyed this episode is because Berta Singh is one of those few people who's got a 360-degree intellectual mind that's combined with the power of positivity so if you want me to one of the most positive social media influences in the country today who's also one of
influences in the country today who's also one of the hottest young actors in the country today burka Singh is your answer by guessing is the truth and she's on in the Ranbir show [Music] the two things that I personally respect the most in life are hard work and spirituality and you see one of those two things and a lot of people you meet in the 20s in Mumbai but you rarely come across people who have both together and that's by cursing that's a lovely introduction man thank you I think I'm gonna write this down and send it across when anyone scans your Instagram profile hmm or if they come in contact with you in person I feel you can gauge a person much better by sensing the energy like that you know the physical energy absolutely as well as the Instagram feed energy uh-huh and with you in both those cases that's all I see like I see there's a lot of dedication and speed in your life and you know I see a lot
in your life and you know I see a lot of actors and actresses coming to Mumbai uh-huh who are from ameno trying to crack it in this field and they're not able to because they don't have that x-factor and I think if they can learn that x-factor from someone it's you oh wow okay firstly coming from you thank you and secondly those are such like kind words thank you to be honest like every day when I wake up in the morning I wake up with just one thought good Shanaya carnage so even when I try to create content I try not planning it too much in advance or anything it's just very like what I feel at that moment when I wake up that morning is the kind of content that goes up on my Instagram or YouTube do you think of yourself as a content creator or an actress actor okay I'm an actor first always because that's where I began everything that's what I absolutely love doing you know I'll tell you one thing I love about you
know I'll tell you one thing I love about you ah you can tell me like ten things no problem I'll only tell you ten things this is one thing everything else so uh actually the one thing the one thing is that I see everyone and I industry comparing themselves to other people and you're one of those few people who doesn't compare themselves to anyone umeri favorite aha is that the truth no no man I think dogs are my favorite no but let's among people yeah I mean you compare yourself to anyone I mean see not in a larger picture to be honest hmm I got mine I could steer clear I be like array our higher nature so I don't think I'll be comparing that'll just be envious of something in a very competitive a positive competitive spirit not in like you know negative no no you're right like constructive Envy Oh Donna yeah yeah I see other people actually wishing bad for others and I don't see you doing that never never ever ever ever yeah like even if I
never never ever ever ever yeah like even if I get chucked out of a project and I'll still hope that project does well if it's a good project you're a good reader vibes yes you just I function on vibes like I think and that's the foolproof method of you know being comfortable in life yeah making making sure life goes in the right direction hoping your life goes in the right direction because you can never tell so okay let me let me figure this so you're very dedicated about your Instagram like right before the shoot started you had an alarm on your phone that rang it's a 6:30 alarm yeah basically I studied Instagram ticket like you told me that you also like are a businessman and you study everything and you have like you know a lot of research and writing that goes behind everything you do like that even I kind of study everything I do why is if you don't know it you can't do it like being prepared yeah it's like getting into a dark room without having
yeah it's like getting into a dark room without having seen that room before and you can't see anything and you're just like my heart my room you Joe chance by chance make amil chhaya military girl for all you know up yah-ha-ha tomorrow that's happening Kalama have seen you know mm-hmm so it's always better to know what you're getting into and let you know this is your X Factor like this this people don't do whether is acting whether it's in stuff like people don't care about preparation you're doing that do you agree I agree I think you just helped me discover my X Factor I'm not tell you the nine other things I like I like how you read wives easily okay but you know they say that a vibe of a person shows up on the person's face especially when like they smile do you agree that that's unnatural bachata don't like that you can gauge the spiritual level of a person although just general energy of the person when they smile yeah how honest
of the person when they smile yeah how honest the smile is today you said it like if you can spot honesty in someone smile or you can spot like fakeness and you can tell so my question to you is that do you agree that your internal world is really happy and that's what gives you all these bubbly rows in your acting gigs and all that as I said like I really believe I am happy inside because again you need to find happiness from within you can't like base it on an external factor Kyogre makeover Phil Miller I'll be happy oh god make oml yeah I'll be happy you need to be happy and that's what's going to attract good things to you to people who are listening to this and don't even know the meaning of the word vibes can you explain in your own words what is this vibe kallithea vibe booty hair aapke aura job energies you give out so everyone roams around with these energies that are constantly like around you right
these energies that are constantly like around you right so job do look Milty here they have an exchange of energy and that's what the vibe is like the the energy you give out and the energy you are capable of receiving or perceiving is a vibe just such a positive person I want to know the worst moment of your life I mean yeah the worst moment of my life is actually when my pet passed away more than my pet he was my brother and a lot of people make fun of dog owners calling their pets they're our family but like both I have a tattoo in his name is surely is a thing so I think losing him has by far been the worst possible thing in my life ok sorry I do that he lived king-size 13 and a half because he was only back what are you doing he was a lobby retriever okay which we had adopted because he had been chucked out of his previous house because he was that kameena oh wow so they were just like what is
oh wow so they were just like what is this yeah jokingly its kinetic neck why do you think people abandon dogs like how what gets into a human being to be able abandon hello I don't understand what gets into a human being when they do any form of cruelty and this is not like this is such all like everyday phenomenon that phenomenon that like people don't think like Diwali K time pizza is the worst for any animal in the city yo kilo Pagano jothee like I I don't know like to answer your question I don't know what gets into people or what triggers them I think is just that unhappiness and that toxicity within yourself that comes out in ways and it comes out on people and things that can truly fight back you know they say pick someone your own size they're not capable of picking someone their own size and that's why they take it out on animals who can't really say anything they just have to suffer that's what they say about relationships
have to suffer that's what they say about relationships also that in the first two years you'll be in your honeymoon phase it'll be good yeah and then your third fourth you if you have any unresolved if you inside you it comes out as projections on the other person because you know that you know the other person won't leave you there with you now they so you starting you never ground it by projecting on them Marlowe if anything's going wrong in your life suppose your bosses shouted at you you guy that I'm going to your relation you can use out of them for something stupid car it can be avoided so like this place tango yeah so you think people like so insecure boyfriend's are just project you know insecure girlfriends are just projecting their insecurities on the partners your boyfriend's and insecure girlfriends are a result of bad parenting so oh not bad by ending but like you know ignorant parenting like I'd like to hear more about this so if say you have daddy issues
more about this so if say you have daddy issues as a girl growing up and all your life you've not been that close to your dad right you've been close to your mom but have not been close to your dad and like your dad comes home from office but he's like always just like working you know doesn't want to know too much even growing up without Matt so you've always kind of someway wanted some kind of a father figure in your life and when you get that boyfriend who is your love he loves you he does a lot for you some way you start filling up that void that's in you because of your dad and that boyfriend's energy and then once that energy is yours because you've never experienced it in your life it's like the first time you were eating like a chocolate cake in your life right you've never had the taste of chocolate in your mouth but the first time eating a chocolate cake it becomes so nice and then sometimes it doesn't happen but sometimes it might
then sometimes it doesn't happen but sometimes it might become a possessive relationship so they say that possessiveness insecurity all these are some childhood issues or or it could be in the case of you know how there's a lot of Indian guys who weren't comfortable with things that their girlfriends way so see they're going out there'll be no how can you wear this that also comes from some kind of childhood experience where maybe that guy's father has told his mother that of socialization basically growing up yeah whatever you grow up seeing personality and very importantly the way you react to situations the way you behave in a relationship the way you treat the opposite sex right it's usually a lesson you learn from the way you've seen your parents interact because you're not allowed to talk and their internet so you think whatever they are doing is the rule of the world oh absolutely I don't know why I'm giving you some I got about both giving each other things are like how do you accept
giving each other things are like how do you accept and give yawn okay I want to ask you how ambitious are you as a person I've noticed whenever I've tried being ambitious mmm it's not worked out for me hmm whenever I have just you know it's a stereotypical as it sounds but Comcare open kitchen thematic ro Karthi ona you actually like things work in your favor hmm so I wouldn't say I'm very ambitious you was toward some long-term vision no I never said long-term goals so it's always just I'm doing this it's achievable short term goals that come again it need not be a quarterly goal or a monthly goal also one goal can be like in the next week I need to achieve this goal or it can be over for example so before I started doing all this travel content and started traveling a lot and you know as a profession as my work I worked really hard for that so that was my longest term goal of probably had because that was something I'd
term goal of probably had because that was something I'd been wanting to do ever since I was in school you wanted to make money off Travel blogging yes make a living like a sustainable comfortable living of traveling now this need not be travel blogging so when I was in school again when someone asked me what's your dream project as an actor I was like me could travel show co-hosts Werner and not India travel international travel Oliver Slovakia so that was always my goal so like that's what I always worked towards and that's what happened God like it you became that in a form yeah and so what I didn't like what didn't I didn't realize was now when I meet my friends and maybe some people I meet after a long time they are like dude you're finally doing what you wanted I was like was that that vocal about the goal clearly almost everyone I had told you are with a travel car and I are was a travel car now I just want to travel the world I
car now I just want to travel the world I just want to travel the world and without realising I've said it to so many people now that when it's actually happening it's become a reality when I meet people later and they tell me you're to the world easy and it's happened yeah do you feel like you manifested this yes I think what really manifest everything that happens to us we're too small for a universe to give a damn about every single thing individually unless you don't actively put your energy on it yeah put your energies in it exactly that's a better way of putting it but I put your energies in and live like be alive so what is this formula for success what's your own personal formula what have you done right and I know that knowing you you're a very organized person yeah what are those what are those boxes in your head we are like yeah okay I only need to do these these four things these five things and I'll be fine I think promptness what
things and I'll be fine I think promptness what do you mean just don't procrastinate okay execution yeah and being prompt in execution don't think he may you call kururugi my a perso Karuna marry possibie doggone tough Rihanna manga deals one time a car sucks here I'll do it now so that I have time in my schedule for something new to come sake Kalki think of something new comes my should you is not blocked by something that I've procrastinator for you know you know what they say about how to spot a potentially successful kid how you see what's on the kids plate when he's eating food how he yeah give him give him us two three subjects and then give him a cake at the end of it and also give him one very tasty something so but kids who the kids who are going to become successful are the ones we eat the bad taste things of Jesus oh okay that's one box I want to know more what else is in your success formula I think that's
what else is in your success formula I think that's what we've been discussing or like through though like through this while back that we've been chilling not know but one of those trade secrets that you keep only to yourself well secret ceramic you know I'm joking I think it's just very honestly is just like as I said what you have inside that's what you put outside and that's what you manifest like I'm keep executing yeah just a 2 point formula pretty much when it comes down to the basics like if you're actually looking and just like putting it I think that's what is not just for this but for everything that's the formula for staying happy that's the formula for being successful that's the formula for having an X Factor that's for that's the formula of having a good relationship a good marriage or good anything mm-hmm what's your definition of a good relationship they're both people are happy so are you asking me about like a romantic relationship romantic relationship okay from person experience I think a
relationship romantic relationship okay from person experience I think a good relationship is when both sides respect what the other person says I feel if there's no respect now like if one pose feel that that person is better than the other that's an issue hmm but if both respect each other for who they are for who they are for what they do for what they stand for for everything and again you need to vibe with that person on a very very very minutely well as well like explain that I don't know I think it's a little hard to explain but let's park on a tree yeah and like that spark is true it happens and in conversation what do you look for in a relationship in you should be able to talk about anything something as frivolous as the shape of your poop do something as deep as what is this thing that's keeping my feeling like this today mm-hm and like I should just like be able to go over with my partner that he he should know me that well that okay why am I
should know me that well that okay why am I feeling this and I think also when both the sides help each other grow hmm like it's not like he I'm gonna benefit from you and you're gonna benefit from me no it should just be a very natural process where you're just every single day making each other a better person and collectively becoming better people mm-hmm and I feel if you're not becoming a better person like if being with a person in a relationship does not make you a better person or makes you a worse person that's a toxic relationship have you had any in your life romantic relationships no not really actually I've actually um I've been very intolerant to so I had like boyfriends in the past Joe and Kathy it started Keough don't talk to this boy don't that because of the mommy issues I don't know probably but like one dad in my life Joe Coffey I don't need another daddy thank you but in terms of relationships and your career when you know
in terms of relationships and your career when you know one of the partners carios flying so much do you think it's possible for the other partners Cory also to fly at that same pace and them to bounce off each other very rare that both like everyone goes through a phase of up and down in your life and if you're lucky you and your partner will have a similar cycle but if you're unlucky or not unlucky I mean it's it's it's life it happens oh it might not be in a similar cycle and that's when I said that that's when that respect Commons comes into being that if my car yours flying off my partner's car yours flying that person should not start disrespecting the other person or thinking lowly of the other person's house as long as sorry to cut you off but it's also very important key the person whose graph is RB going on or like having a downwards look that person should be strong enough to accept appreciate support and encourage the person who's
accept appreciate support and encourage the person who's on a height of the graph should be secure yes okay you know you're 27 ha and I'm sure you need it we will say when you're 19 20 huh so how is your opinion on relationships change now compared to them then you try to we we are dating okay at 22 cello not 99 at 22 you know when all the starts when post-college life starts this is 27 28 mm-hmm what is the difference in relationships okay I might not be the best person to answer this because my boyfriend I've been together for six years so we've kind of okay I mean I was 21 22 you know they say that if you know someone for seven years they can so one more year to go nice if I ask you like what's the best-case scenario for 50 year old but causing what would you say oh-ho best okay hmm traveling still has a lot of money and most of the money has gone into this big property just City believe but Ducks are
this big property just City believe but Ducks are black chill career and I should also be able to chill there and I should have a room where like there lots of puppies who are growing up because unco is a Baha'i Carolyn and a puppies are so you can go inside that puppy room and you can choose that's my I think that's my next life is you think your money for those puppies yeah absolutely absolutely I think you so I'm Oh quite um like I save I Rolly Rolly Rolly value saving when you can say if not at the cost of being conduce rainy but like shocked the Buddha carny but I want to talked about the soul okay I'm meeting a lot of people like around our age I mean you're younger than you were and I see too many people not saving the money not taking care of their money do you see this happening yeah why is that happening shortsightedness or I don't know just not being wise enough I've heard people
know just not being wise enough I've heard people are not being prepared for it I think it's kind of wrong parenting wrong friend so girls but it's also you know I hear people saying things like oh I am from so-and-so community we don't save anyway so like haha like that's in my genetics oh that is that's that's a mindset that's limiting rather limiting mindset who gave you this mindset of saving my dad what did he say he believes in investments hmm so he told me from a very young age like it's been our dinner table conversation since we were like in fourth fifth standard coach beaker no always say 50% of your income couch BOJ always say 50% of your income and in the remaining 50% virtual our Joby card shaker Oh an ash guru hmm like don't don't ever compromise on fun yeah but at the same time don't submerge the see you now and always know that all these are the value for off money as much money comes but know
value for off money as much money comes but know the value of 100 rupee mm-hmm and another thing that I learned again and this is actually from my boyfriend from my part know that money has different values for different people and it's not something learn like we all know this but we never only felt it so I've stopped bargaining with vegetable vendors or you know job of Diwali me lanterns carita Osceola taxi vallis dune buggy in because thankfully the value of a hundred rupee note for you and me will be different than that taxi Bala holds value is that hundred rupee note yeah so yeah you should just like be mindful of the value of money also yeah so even now I'm sure you follow that 50 percent rule somewhere I save more than 50 percent okay like can you give a number I don't oh wow I live with my parents okay mmm so like do you understand like your personal finances like do you yeah I'm great deep into it absolutely so can you just
great deep into it absolutely so can you just give and I'm asking you this question so you can put the information out to young 26 27 year old yeah just so that they have guidance because what if they're from families that don't guide them right so what is a good strategy like how do you divide your money so if you hadn't mentioned that families who don't get them is take your parents advice when it comes to money because maybe in other things you might be or you might think you're smarter than them oh you know because every generation just knows so many more things because of exposure but things like money I think you should trust your parents and their better judgment as opposed to because if especially if at a young age you've been lucky enough to make some money for yourself up 21 Yorkie aged me are never gonna be able to value that money or know what to do with that money so if your family is actually guiding you definitely Popeye I'm a me Joe because I'm
definitely Popeye I'm a me Joe because I'm BOTS so no you might not like it then he you can't buy a car that you like or you can't buy that designer bag that you like but you're gonna need that money and you're gonna thank your dad or mom later which is my case personally but if your family does not like get into this or whatever you know I think it's always good to professionally or find someone who can advise you on how to invest your money and I think a short-term and long-term or safe and high-risk investments are a very very smart or if you kind of give an idea of how you divide your own money like can you give out your investment strategy like I'll tell you what I do straight-up save around 60% I personally use very little money but the Bo Bice's organization all the money is coming in I invest who will be a biceps organization so 60% is always say 40% is running the show yeah and I also count if if I'm
the show yeah and I also count if if I'm buying like say a t-shirt or something it's kind of my costume for what I wear online yeah I put a big chunk of it in a portfolio management company same okay like that because that's easy and we are creative people yeah so you don't actively want to be in no problem if you do but it's just easier to put all your money with a good trusted portfolio management so this is that if your job allows you do it yourself but otherwise exactly as you said yeah so I put a big chunk of the money in the portfolio management service soup and and the rule with portfolio management service is that one there's too many of them so don't just invest money easily do a lot of research behind that one if it's a trusted one your family has worked with or something then it's an even better case and kind of keep a tab on what they are doing with your money also don't just leave it and like forget just just have an idea of
it and like forget just just have an idea of what's happening you don't need to get deep into it and then I divide some of like the rest of it in the usual fixed deposits and mutual funds and I have a chunk of it which I keep on the side and I give to some of my friends who are just starting up their own versions of portfolio management services so they are also Manning some but it's a very small percent something that I can like easily afford to lose that's my high risk high but how about you like what do you do but slick something very similar never put all your eggs in one basket never put all your eggs in one basket can I say one more thing I'm sorry I forgot to mention this because of business a huge amount of money since the day I started learning has always gone back in my businesses always like oh they sent I office you see everything is bootstrap like we've we've not taken any loan from anyone we've all taken one rupee from
loan from anyone we've all taken one rupee from our parents it's always any money that's coming in the first mentality is how much money do we need to throw back into the business to make things grow and also going forward I have some huge business plans over the next two years which I've told you about which I can't talk about and they are very capital-intensive they require a lot of money so almost any money that we are making off Bo Bice's I know my first hunch is that wait it's got to go back in in saying that like this YouTube world and all is very nice it's very rewarding you get to travel a lot you get you know great experiences all right so I have nothing to come later is nothing lacking in my life but that's because I'm very careful with how the money is divided no coming back to you it's this like very honestly it's so what you do is a very safe and a wise way of using your money and obviously apart from investing in
using your money and obviously apart from investing in other people's or portfolio manager or like the smaller ones that very little percentage that you do apart from that it's almost the same and as I was saying never put your eggs in one basket and yeah that's that's kind of what I do like there's nothing new or anything yeah but you didn't study finance right no no I didn't study finance all marry Papa Kasich got it so you learned from your dad your dad guy did you still learn I'm still learning god he's still teaching me like I'm still in fact he encourages me to sit with him at least once a month and he takes me through what is invested where and why this is invested here and why it was not invested there at this particular time and all of that so he takes me through and another thing I wanted to mention when you brought up saying that keep a tab on your long-term investments don't just forget them so I had an experience with that
just forget them so I had an experience with that okay um again obviously I'm not gonna take any names but it was one of those long-term investment things and I realized that I mean obviously in these long term investments or valued appreciates and then goes up on our regular basis but what Dupree she took it there was no upward curve it was not going up only and when you asked for the statements and everything there were false statements that were being printed and given to me hmm and like and it was this thing there was a certain amount of money going every year into that you know that scheme that policy and had I not seen it I don't know what would have been the thing at the end of its maturity yeah yeah yeah so and very honestly I didn't see it my dad saw it but that's why I'm saying I'm still learning I I I'm definitely learning but now that that happened I'm mindful of it god and that's again I seen this because it completely
and that's again I seen this because it completely ties in with what you said that dark a bull madjoe keep tabs Torah calm here but yeah you've worked so hard for that yeah 100% Oh what are the financial earnings have you had just like this let me like encapsulate everything yes divide your eggs don't keep them in one basket just ask you about it from the you don't need shy of a song you don't need to study in personal finance or something yeah start yeah start somewhere no matter how little you are right absolutely and save as much as you can so you as much as you can and keep a tab on all your investments right like you just need to look at what's happening yeah let me think if I think of any I think like this is it I think beyond this if I try to say something I'll be bullshitting so but like you know say you want to invest in a mutual fund or fixed deposit how do you go about that process I personally asked
do you go about that process I personally asked my Gujarati friends why am i co-founder sitting downstairs it's just that because that's your safe and very very safe so I take that advice from the people who played the most safe Gujaratis maharaj's asked there so but ask a friend for advice put your money there so my dad okay cool so he keeps so now that he's retired he definitely like he obviously has his own company now but he also keeps track of the financial markets and what's happening what new things are coming what new policies are there what new schemes are there this is that so he's the one I asked yeah have you ever thought of investing in startups going forward I actually wanted to I had oh but like it wasn't convincing enough Tony kiya many but yours open to start absolutely absolutely but I just need to be very convinced that's the CI I really want to be an investor yeah yeah same like again have not got like
investor yeah yeah same like again have not got like the right kind of offer yet like as another product hasn't appeared to me so much ha we're just putting the message out there yeah guys in this country are ready to invest in startups there are good ideas my way of investing in a start-up is we have around 40 people working in both organizations so any kind of startup idea that any of the kids have we've always made clear that just bring it up and we'll build it together so in a way you're kind of investing your time money if required right they are very open to investing money but definitely will investor time absolutely also the world of YouTube the world of influencers the world of everything we teachers you a lot of life lessons business absolutely which is because we meet so many people and like so many different kinds of people from different places and everything so I think it just like it keeps your brain active trial-and-error see you know hundred percent i represent so i have this tradition
hundred percent i represent so i have this tradition or whenever we have a web actor coming on the podcast which has been only as are still now okay but you're the second persons your continuing education we always talk about romance and attraction as a big part of the podcast right the only because i think actors have to think about romance and all way more than the average person yeah you know because see now you're needing someone yeah but on screen if you do man's and others you have to reactivate that mode yeah and kind of you have to fake it you don't actually love this person yeah but you have to show that you love that so actors actively think a lot more about love romance attraction things like that so i know you've been a music service but say tomorrow you were to become single at this stage of your life what would you look for in a potential guy is in a potential boyfriend someone who's woke like in what we like spiritual someone who's beyond like you know like
like spiritual someone who's beyond like you know like someone who's capable of having a conversation like you and i just had so like someone who's like VOC i can't think of any but like someone was just at the same space in life that i am who i can have those conversations with and who helps me feel like i am off work now okay like you can switch off into that person yeah like i don't have to put an effort to like keep that Oh another very important thing is so important that your partner should be social okay like I'm very social I am very social so for me I need my partner also to be social like I don't want to go to a party and have to be a be said my partner Kiva Bhaskar people are talking to him is my social you mean good like social skills yes it's not like sorry rephrase that someone was social skills need not necessarily be like a influenza hahaha but yeah someone who has good social skills a good sense of humor
who has good social skills a good sense of humor oh yeah and just generally I know doesn't tell me who's like a Sobotka who is this guy bothering nobody even even I've had like an experience like that way possessive relationship at one point and oh yeah yeah baby like what nature you yeah it's um it becomes really toxic if you don't get out of it so how long did he get out of it I've only dated long term so getting it date updated that particular person to like three and a half yours but after it got toxic how long did you stay in it I'm asking because even I'm knocks like one month into it three and a half years like so bad question Thanks Thanks no I don't regret it it taught me a lot taught me a lot about why don't want in life but come on this is also because I'm guilty of being through a relationship that was an ideal that it's a bathmat kerubim or let's let's call him Pingu
kerubim or let's let's call him Pingu Pingu yeah Thank You ping California was the pink notes so what what a big bonus for you like could you describe pink ooh a little bit more in detail like what what is a deal breaker deal breaker oh this only are like just being very insecure and like me having to babysit you are not respecting someone like I think respect is so important if someone does not respect me I cannot respect that person back or even I have the remotest feeling of affection for that person you know I'm gonna read out one very deep learning I heard yesterday from one of my mentors and it's actually it's not easy to understand I was reading it like three four times it's a very simple statement okay let me read it all because it's very apt for this podcast also absolute so this is from Manish Pandey who is like basically we've done a podcast with him he's one of the most lurid guys I've come across in my life okay I
guys I've come across in my life okay I found okay so resume this is from Manish Pandey on Twitter adjoined to Manish beautiful statement without trust communication breaks here's why in any human interaction the required amount of communication is inversely proportional to the level of trust which means if there's very little trust you require talking a lot more attention mode listen call me at that party okay but if there's a lot of trust huh then you require less communication you require less listen I need to see you very often right and in order for trust to be there a person needs to love themselves a lot focus jitna come they love themselves what the come they'll trust you absolutely which is what we've been talking about throughout this podcast that it's all what's inside you that you project yeah hundred and that's so beautiful yeah yeah that's so beautiful I think it's also those little unsaid things in a relationship that make it so special like that's what differentiates that but your partner from your closest
what differentiates that but your partner from your closest friends in one of the breakups I had I was feeling bad about it and a friend of mine came up to me and he said that too you know remember that when you break up it's difficult to get over the person not because it was most good-looking or very smart but because of the little things like you know the way the person laughed the way that wasn't reacted the way there wasn't like scratch their head I was like you but life is long and there's a lot of people out there and you know I think there is I do believe in the concept of soulmates like I think that there are soulmates in the world and also kind of yoga school I go to the whole chapter about soulmates and such a good feel good chapter yeah the whole so the the yoga school I go to school biases and there is no so drawn to it is because they talk about how meditation in yoga should be used to forward your career
in yoga should be used to forward your career as well because only when you have material wealth like money like success then you can actually go out and help other people and you have enough comfort to give a lot of your energy to the spiritual growth as well but coming back to romance some most of other than like so you spoke about really deep things about what you look for in a guy is it true that most girls don't really look at the looks of a person and look for what's deeper because I'll tell you honestly most guys are very looks oriented guys are very visual it's just how men men's brains are hard-wired I know there'll be some people commenting in the but this is your observation and it's your opinion 99% of guys I'm very like visual as in they need at least a certain level of you don't take away a box yeah what takes their box okay but that's not true for girls like us I've seen especially in young girls look for depth look for the
especially in young girls look for depth look for the mind look for conversation would you agree this is actually the answer to what you asked me some time back you asked me what's the difference what a difference would be between a 21 year when you're between the relationship and you 21 years in many or 28 years I think it's this because when you're that young and when you straight out of college it might be more for the looks but as you mature and as you see what actually matters in life that does that takes a backseat that's not a priority anymore so I think it just comes from a place of maturity and as they say boys never grow up so haha and I think I think somewhere it's it's a little wrong but I feel all guys kind of it's a little bit they look from a meaner relationship like just a little bit it's especially a lot of young guys yeah not all but like a lot of boys like being mothered yeah yeah yeah I think haha do any mommy
yeah yeah yeah I think haha do any mommy issues in this mini mommy is it all happen at like tiga markup yeah at chair but Marcia and she is look because you're such a positive person and because you also have a stable relationship now what's your like romantic advice for the world like what's one thing you think you've done correct romantically no I think it's very honestly it's again just being true to myself and being true to how I felt about this person not saying I've done that always always in life everyone learns from trial and errors so when pinku happened I was with pinku for a good two years when I didn't want to be with in cool but I just didn't have the balls to go and tell pinku that listen row mm OH so I think just being true to yourself yeah and I think I've been true to myself and not put up with and yeah that's what I think has and being respectful again like I can't say enough how important respect is
like I can't say enough how important respect is so I think yeah I've been respectful in a relation oh and honest oh hell yeah screw everything else honest that's your ground rule for us yeah yeah and I think that's what I've done right in my relationship in every possible level way I could and I think in every possible way possible only like whatever mistake you made communication also like you've communicated honestly yeah yeah yeah absolutely mmm absolutely why do people cheat I think see again this is again very debatable but man was not meant to be monogamous do you believe that I believe that like you think my men and women are supposed to be polyamorous or poly was it called AI polyamory polyandrous polyamorous so hmm what do you what do you think of that I think that's imposed by society hasn't oh this thing of being monogamous of having one partner of having a mate for life is what wolves do but that they do that biologically I don't know if
that they do that biologically I don't know if humans like did that or didn't do that but in my opinion it is something that was made like a hard and fast rule only through society and so although you know social checks and the norms and the values and the idol idea systems and all of that but yeah I don't think we were supposed to be like humans were supposed to be free and like you know create stuff because they had that mental capability of creating stuff but I think sada free Oh JA they are like too much freedom is sometimes detrimental so I think that's why society imposed having you know partners yeah yeah but you made us Oh Jenna yeah but but why do people cheat is because of this yeah like it's probably in your DNA and lack of spine to be honest you are not like strong enough to believe in oh you know your relationship or to control yourself I think it's just you know it's the worst when and I've seen a lot of
the worst when and I've seen a lot of cheating happening around me it's the worst when one person's really strong and believes a lot in it and then one weak person like breaks but yeah the worst lying about it hiding it I think even hiding is a lie only for me yeah yeah so let's let's reference someone called pinky bingo my line open Oh pinky yours yeah okay tell me about pinky I think we just spoke about pinky right no how about like what about pinky now we just spoke about pinky yeah that's happened but you know what even like the worst possible breakups always make you stronger and if it doesn't kill you it makes you strong it only makes you stronger yeah so but nothing thank you for being on the link all of my cassings handles down below we subscribe to the YouTube channel and make sure you follow on Instagram it's our best most hard-working most positive feeds but there's only four things I like about podcasting so we spoke about
things I like about podcasting so we spoke about those nothing else so right after this if you're following me or not what do you think open everyone right now say oh I think I'm gonna follow you back right now uh-huh well thank you of course but thank you so much for having me this was such so much fun and it was so nice to be able to have this conversation and know that there are more people in your universe like in your work universe and in your work space around your age and to know more and more people believe things that you believe in and at the end of the day is just one principle that we are all talking about in our own ways and different ways be it meditation be it yoga be it religion is that one principle and I and like it just makes me so happy that more and more people are connecting to that one principle and you are so like strongly connected to that principle I think that's where the world is heading and as influencers
that's where the world is heading and as influencers it's a kind of duty to put it out there that's a big reason we start this podcast to put out positivity so if you're listening to this on your way to the office I hope you have a super positive so from the two most positive social media peeps in the biz we're gonna see you later
hey what good you guys have always promised you intelligent conversations only Rennell Abraham is a Bollywood insider he hosts his own chat show he's also one of the most highly networked people have met in the media industry in general so the dope that he's gonna dish on this podcast is gonna be super spicy super real and super deep it's gonna be a deep intelligent conversation about the dark side of Bollywood but also about the bright side of Bollywood what it takes to become big in the Bollywood industry so if you're even remotely interested in the Bollywood industry trust me you're gonna enjoy every bit of this podcast I know it's one hour long but podcasts or one of those things we are not really supposed to watch the podcast you're supposed to listen to it so just before sleeping I know keep your phone on the side of the bed listen to it deeply you're gonna have fun throughout this conversation you're gonna learn a lot and if you're even remotely
learn a lot and if you're even remotely connected to the media industry you're interested in the media industry this one's gonna add a lot of value to your life and even if it doesn't add value it's just gonna entertain you a lot fun gossipy session with rental Abraham theme of this podcast is intelligent conversations only and the theme of this episode is bollywood gossip with mom man I love how you've put intelligent conversations and Bollywood together you are a visionary yes this do what people don't put these two N two together I'll tell you why Rennell Abraham yeah one p you actually younger than me you're like 25 you've been in Bombay for like two three years it'll be four years okay four years in September and you've risen to a place in your career where people like dream of being or can you've done that info yours I feel that that is because of the big brain that you hide from the world yeah but you I've told you this before I feel
but you I've told you this before I feel like you're the kind of person who shows one version of themselves to Bollywood and the world yeah you are a little crazy I'll tell you you like you're creepy that's accurate right yeah and then this will yoga yeah that's my yoga that's my yoga knocking I can see through people and there's one version of you that you keep to yourself where you're calculating where understanding how to get forward in your career yeah but you're not a bad person you're not using that to like you know you're not using it to hurt someone you're just using it to progress your own career which is fine yeah in this process of progress saying talking to people Hevy networking you're like one of the most crazily networked people that I know in my life ha you built like a massive Bollywood network you have a lot of guff as you call it on volume a lot of gossip I do without names there is a lot of gap here
do without names there is a lot of gap here in saying that with the gossip we've also got a lot of learnings which I always share with me you give me a lot of insights on how the Bollywood business works how the Bollywood industry works how the vibes are the drug culture the party and the sleeping around so I caught what is this you have like no chill great into the drug culture the party and the sleeping around well done yes the viewers are you for as well so Reynold my first question to you is that is this drug culture partying and sleeping around a real thing in Bali or does it happen see I mean you know how see when I came into the industry right obviously like I didn't come into I think I'm a part of the industry now because of like the people that I'm associated with otherwise for the job that I do I should ideally no not be a part of Bollywood as much and I should be a part of the media fraternity or whatever
should be a part of the media fraternity or whatever but I think when I came to Bombay there are always these notions of like like how he's saying like there's drugs everywhere and there's everywhere it's like it sounds like a massive orgy that's happening it's it's not that but it's cool though I mean it's it's not just because it's Bollywood I think it happens everywhere right I feel like in Bollywood see I've said this to a lot of people I feel like you would understand I'm sure because I think it's entity in minutes creative I think people are lot more liberal and a lot more chill when it comes to trying out things accepting yeah now when comes to trying out things it could mean like it could be alcohol or drugs or like even sleeping around when you I mean you could say this in a very derogatory way but then you could also mean that you just like just having sex with someone yeah like and people are very chilled with like everything
yeah like and people are very chilled with like everything and I think that comes with the space of being creative in meddling with art and all of that stuff gotta go so I think it's a very chill space god everyone's very like accepting is a good word got it yeah but is there also cheating on spouses and all that yeah okay that's not you guys yeah see I'll tell you now I really feel like I mean there's a lot of it and I mean I know people like neighbors who have done this from the industry and I have I might be even guilty of like encouraging it or like making a few happen but like I'm very chilly though like see this again no judgments yeah like I feel like so there are people who are married and yet have open relationships ministry there are people who are cheating on their spouses with another person but like I remember having a conversation with this woman who was an actor and also like a supermodel she's she's won a lot of pageants and
she's she's won a lot of pageants and stuff like that she told me she's married to this guy who doesn't live in in live in Bombay and he lives in Delhi as a businessman whatever I'm giving away too much but she told me that like emotional infidelity is the problem like physically if you are like it because because if you know in biology we learn food sex in water or other three basic needs and now if I'm telling you that you can only drink from one but water bottle but when you're thirsty you have to go back all the way home and then drink it it's your basic need know so if it's just about can I swear yeah yeah go for it if it's just about hang it out then might as well but if you're going by the same person for your emotional needs yeah because I feel like a lot of people a lot of couples in the industry have that so they very proper distinction so they're sleeping around but emotionally they're coming back
they're sleeping around but emotionally they're coming back yeah yeah okay yeah even like the top actors in the industry yeah okay that's happening yeah damn Wow and I think it's very progressive though okay like I do not cool it's accepted interest yeah I mean otherwise that marriage wouldn't I mean few thing is it's not like it's a marriage on compromise like we would like to imagine that oh my god like they might be having big problems and like you know they're just together for the sake of it there are people are that also some of the biggest but like but there are also people who are very chill some from the young generation who got married and raychel about it do you know any of these people personally yeah are they emotionally in a good place yeah okay yeah they are in a great place that piece yeah yeah and I think that comes from a very good space of mind like yoga and meditation well let's get to the next offer but what are your thoughts on this no
next offer but what are your thoughts on this no what are you okay with like in a relationship would you be okay with the physical physical treatment fidelity no because like that's that's how I've been brought up those are my ethics but I don't judge anyone because I'll tell you I'll tell you even with me like personally in a relationship I'm very loyal yeah but if I ever date somebody who is okay with being open I'd probably be not so okay with it in the beginning but maybe I'd come around you know because I I feel like as human beings we're always learning and evolving yeah we might get there one day yeah no no I I I get Bombay I've grown up in this city so I understand the mentalities that go on in the city and each to his own yeah for me at the end of the day I feel like if you have a strong set of ethics that you've been brought up with that you believe in and you're following that and you're happy
believe in and you're following that and you're happy following that if you yourself at peace then that's what matters just for me it's like I've been brought up in a very old-school way like an old-school guy loved in an old-school way if I love someone I love them with like everything I have everything I do is for that was here you were telling me I've been brought up for 17 years of my life in Kerala we're gonna get to that okay but can I tell you something about this drug culture because something Abby just happened now with the whole current post the video and I felt really bad video you talking about current post a current had a party at his house there was Becky and Shahid and Varun and like a lot of people and the USA there was Deepika and Shakuni Batra and Ranbir and Pigman beer was there I think I don't know III on booze away I was there all these people and there was these common it was a video and
and there was these common it was a video and they were probably drinking or like I know what they were doing what they want to do they're adults and B I mean we I mean I understand the loss of the country but it's a chill media off like people having fun and they were like slammed for like then eyes looking red didn't like they were like being stoned drugs karai and all of that stuff and some Emily slammed them on Twitter saying like these are drug related Bollywood and all of that stuff I get very concerned when like when you just slamming industry but because this is the perception right it's just like a massive orgy on MDMA or something like that but it's not and like I'm okay with like if people are doing a couple of things do relax because they have like 20 hour shifts sometimes and it's like we'll be accomplished yeah people who've like worked their ass off to where they are today yeah I also I want to add one more thing to
I also I want to add one more thing to what you're saying oh definitely people have this negative so from the perspective of someone in the media industry do to reach the top of wall you'd forget the top even reach the top 30 people in volume you need to be a hustler in life you need to be in a positive way an opportunist yeah you need to be a great Network great communication skills you can't settle at just one hit movie yeah so you're perpetually a workaholic you know for life yeah all these guys are incredibly hard-working and it's not just the actors the top directors yeah producers yeah the very fast thing goes okay and that's why not everyone makes it in Bollywood yeah you can be good-looking you can be a great dancer you can have a sexy body yeah but then you need that x-factor which some people consider a dark extra that beasties everybody has what a good body and good looks but that X Factor's what sets you yeah that too yeah obviously
Factor's what sets you yeah that too yeah obviously I mean that that X Factor is just like a mix of a lot of things I feel and like these days I mean a lot of things are coming to please I mean casting is a big thing has become like a lot more channeled and systematic and all of that but then even if you do that one movie where you've been casted it's not like people are sitting there wanting to cast you again and again unless you so good and that's been such a big launch and even for like so you should know that a launch happens as a launch when a launch is happening they have like three movies planned it's not like one movie because it's very important that you have this one movie and in the next you're in like six seven months you should have your next movie but he's announced because otherwise people forget you so it's very important to be like out there and be tenuously working yeah yeah the spotting help you get Carson just
yeah yeah the spotting help you get Carson just parting help you grow your network in Bollywood you are I mean it it helps you be seen right okay because you are see it's it's all about mission I really want to believe that this is an industry based on merits and all other it's not okay it's an industry that that likes working with people they know they like and they like yeah so party is this P see I'm not seeing then you go party or whatever I'm just saying chill also it could be chill situation of not seeing go get drunk and sleep with someone it's just about being visible and you feel like you've made struck up a conversation with that like I imagine you are an actor and I'm a costume director we made at a party we have a cornice me we hit it off and I I feel like I like your vibe and tomorrow I'm casting for something I'll be like I like it's like I want to work with him because I might have been
want to work with him because I might have been working for a month might as well like the guy yeah so that's the whole thing it's not I mean again like people I think Oh party me Jackie you know bath guru Mukhi bath go home with it's not that I mean there are people who does that also I have no problem whatever part you want to take mistake but it's about I mean it's good to be seen yeah my next question do you Rena is just give me three really controversial spicy stories you are like one Janani you like give me three stories with with or without taking names that's up to you okay can you not okay narrow it down for me know like give me like a context to this give me like okay let's let's go do one one one and then give me like context for something like you can be something on the show something at a party is I mean a lot oh yeah could you give me like one okay give me like the wildest story you
like one okay give me like the wildest story you can recall like if I say the wives oh it was a story that pops up in your head that's the first one Wireless you see I can't see again like it's not a see now I this is not really vile for me because see I'm very chilled with casual sex right I mean so obviously like private parties are a scene and large parties yeah they can be house party or even a club for that matter which could be just taken for that party for that night soup you there are people like very close friends of mine who would like move from one person to the other in the same night and which is very sure that I make it sex with one person to the other yeah I mean you can't have sex in the club like you could like make out and move to the other person which is chill and I know about of people who are like married and in like strong like five years six your lace in ships who like comes to
years six your lace in ships who like comes to parties and like a very chilly mm-hm and like I don't know see each to its own right I mean maybe like you're okay with that or like they're not but they still want to do it is there a lot of coke generally more you would cook in uh yeah yeah but like again see it's not like everyone's doing it there are people who do it there are people who don't but like I mean of course no one's like randomly throwing it on the sea this is the idea right like the enter someone's house and there's one on the like the the living-room seat and then one in the dining room and in the bedroom that's on the scene I've seen that also I've seen I've seen parties where I like but I every room someone's noting that has happened yeah but like more like that was more like Bollywood politics like yeah something like that Oh like like the politicians and Bollywood people yeah something like that damn oh
and Bollywood people yeah something like that damn oh so the MLA who you tweeted okay so that's one story that there's like what oh actually at this party this the the one where there was a lot of coke involved there was this one woman now it's this is actually ridiculous for her to see this she is she lives in the u.s. she has come down for this party and she has met a friend of mine Amira the store who's an actor who made junior from school by oh god really yeah but go on shout out to Amy yeah Amy so amy was there and we were at both at this room and this woman is snorting this woman who lives in the US and we will give whatever then like so we don't do it so I was like we were just in the room so chilling whatever so now she uh she didn't know who Amy was so she was like uh what do you do and there was another male actor in the same room okay so there's me Amira and
the same room okay so there's me Amira and this other male actor who's doing really well right now on the web and all of that stuff and she goes to him he's like what do you do you look so pretty you're lovely looking what do you do and she's like I'm an actor she was said oh don't tell me and I was like so she was like but why so easy he's also an actor and just this woman is like but that's different for him and and she was like you could do so much better why would you why would you be actor and I'm like you're an educated woman who lives in the u.s. you can't I mean illiteracy is not a complaint here yeah it blew my mind you know I'm like this is a modern setup contemporary like whatever and you just like and being a woman you like yeah how can you be an actor I'm guessing this is like us old school actor do you not not an actor okay like like a businesswoman Oh probably like
an actor okay like like a businesswoman Oh probably like independent and self made you know crazy are they like physical fights in ball fist fights between guys Oh at least almost at the brink of becoming physical castle see I'll tell you something the there's none in the young generation because everyone's very safe what do you mean safe in the sense see obviously like with social media and phones and cameras and stuff with that no one's doing anything public no one's fighting yeah no one's fighting no one's having a problem because you never know what he'll go out but I'll tell you like I see a lot of my friends are people who are becoming actors are people who are part of very woody call a renowned households in the industry there are fights there that I mean because there are also kids I mean what can you imagine they're like 18 to 22 year old kids I mean there there's one who's like was a very big actor son and they're so there is a club called tryst that
they're so there is a club called tryst that we go to very often yeah and he got enough fistfight or someone on the centre table which is on top you know that that one table which is like in the middle yes and I was like what the hell are you doing like one person takes out a phone this is like yeah so obviously a lot of these fights don't happen because the older one slightly older ones still in the younger group they are very aware of like what they're doing they would never even like drink too much in a place like this you know unless the house party or whatever then - but like it's very like it's very muted it's there there aren't many fights since ever that we plan Miriam yeah but you said the older actors generation has actual fights that to be all heard now that what was that some Sanjay that fight and all we have heard I have no idea I forgot who he somebody slapped oak in his house party likes on my back - yeah
in his house party likes on my back - yeah oh there was a big like proper okay yeah but this I think is a little famous though like I forgot who we flap but somebody is beat up okay and like my third story that I wanna ask you is is there anyone who's going through a lot of emotional trauma just because of the world but hides it like a lot like major mental health issues but like he's hiding it yeah I mean see I mean she would talk about this iself and I'm see I'm really proud of this one person I'm glad you asked me this I mean I would take this opportunity to congratulate Nora I think she's in fabulous and she went through one of the darkest times that anybody could go through in this industry her I think the beginning and the relationship that she was in was not good at all she's spoken about before she spoken on the show but like but I think the way she just like changed it she went through a lot
she just like changed it she went through a lot of it in her career and in her personal life but I think she's like a woman of strength and she motivates me majorly I'm all for people who are not from this place and like has no backing no kind of support and come to this place and like make it on their own I mean that's one reason I really look up to you bro thank you yeah thank you am I going yeah but like see I mean I was gonna say that I kind of did a bit of that but like see I'm not even close to what she has achieved but I mean she really motivates me like before coming here the reason why she's my mind is because I watched an interview she gave and I messed her saying you have no idea how much you've grown and become mature and like you have like you know the things that you say now is because you've gone through those emotional trauma and mental trauma like you went through and like
and mental trauma like you went through and like somewhere like she's also glad that she went through because that probably made her the person that she is today but it's fantastic she's crazy extremely talented extremely hard-working I mean 24 hours is like less for her to work you know so yeah I mean grow as much as I love this conversation I still need a third hard core story so I remember I shot this episode with Richard I and Mallika do I'm richer and mallika people that I know for a while before in a very friendly way we've been in the same group party multiple times so this was like an order no no promotions associated just a very candid chat and like while I really loved Kangana as an actor I'm not a fan of the way she conducts herself in terms of the comments that she makes and like the way she business people in the industry and like just say it's nasty things about other content reason or other I'm not and especially her sister who is just
I'm not and especially her sister who is just just like like I don't know what she's it's just like if Twitter is a dark place she is the black hole that that rangoli channel Twitter needs to be banned the kind of that she sees or that platform is just crazy you can't see things like that about people so I want because return Mallika very openly I mean vocal people I wanted to get an opinion on this because I felt like if you're a strong actor a strong woman in the scene doesn't mean you have to like step on other people in the industry you can be a great actor have opinions on a lot of things but that doesn't mean you to stand on like other people is industry to prove that I am strong or whatever so I asked them I was like because you are open and all of that you are strong women industry do what do you think of her now my like I said something very Steve finishes she was like but you know you can't ignore past Malala
like but you know you can't ignore past Malala and we just said something very very chill she said like if I had a problem with somebody I wouldn't have a war of words on a public platform I'd rather do it one-on-one I think two weeks later is when we are airing this and of course as PR around the episode there's people who watch the show now I think Malika spoke about her father's a father was accused on me too and I we spoke about that and so she got back to me saying over the two weeks she told me that Rendell if the PR puts it out there will be a big like a lynch mob situation again they'll troll me on Twitter and I don't want it can you take it out from the PR and he said you guys send so as I absolutely so taking one piece of thing out was not a big thing but I did I do that all the time now which I never got back to me her manager was on said PR was
back to me her manager was on said PR was on set we had no problem now obviously she has spoken about Kangana this was in the episode nobody saw this becoming a thing it blew up it blew up rangoli was tweeting against her she was doing I think she probably got scared because she was doing a movie with Kangana called Bunga and miss Ranaut is very famous for cutting out people out of their movies in the edits because she's usually closely associated with the editing of the movie and news days she's directing also so you never know so she I woke up to work this happen in the night because rangoli usually twe sometime sweets in the night and I was sleeping I woke up to a missed call from rich job and I called her back and then she was like so I said I just woke up what's up and then she was like - do you know what happened so I was like no and she was like over and holiest we tell Bella
she was like over and holiest we tell Bella and then she said something on the lines of you've used my friendship to do this and I was like so I was very polite in the whole conversation went on for about anything 2025 minutes she spoke about how I'm I will use my friendship with others in the industry together we had to get controversial things on my show and to get headlines and that's ruining them and I asked Politis I could be I was all of that in that call where I very politely told her that babe you have the equation with me when you could just message me and tell me to take this out your PR was on set who said nothing your manager was on set would said nothing your whole team was there they you never got but we showed this two weeks ago and then she said something on the lines she took Amy's name because she knew we were best friends and she said I'm gonna tell Amy that you're gonna use her friendship to your
Amy that you're gonna use her friendship to your advantage and like make something controversial out of it and that like this is the first call I was doing in the morning I was my bed you know I almost teared up and then I called Amy and I spoke wherever and then this woman started sending me links of like articles online so I called up and this went on like through the day this is like like she was like oh this has come this is come what do you mean what do you mean and I'm explaining everything to her and then in the end I called up a manager and I said listen this is too much your talent like is attacking me so then Jimenez were saying no no she might be like doing it in the spur of a moment she'll call you an apology I said no I don't want any apology just let this go like I just want I'd want no communication with this person so she because for me I was like because sometimes you know they wanna say
I was like because sometimes you know they wanna say things they want to be opinionated opinionated whatever but then sometimes and goes loose then they get very nervous so realm tell me one thing bro does this success in the acting world and Bollywood get to people's heads yeah so I mean yeah like I I don't wanna take this name because I mean that'll become too controversial but I know of an actor who's become fairly big right now who's doing some of the biggest movies working with really good actor directors and actors and all of that I remember meeting this person and I he I he was on the rise yeah and like he had like movie that never worked like 2/3 of them and there's one movie which like blew up okay not the best movie in terms of content lightly sexist or something sorry was the Moody be sexist yeah very okay and then he had like a bunch of movies before that yeah one movie took off okay go on so yeah so and then this person just
go on so yeah so and then this person just change dude and like I have like I know of stories where anyway that's fine like very like so I was actually going for I mean like stupid silly cheap things and he's done at parties and like very like oh yeah very stupid things mm-hm and then like he was known for that you know and suddenly like he has become like this arrogant thing like who who would like look through people at places said like I mean it's I mean it's not about me I mean I don't care I'm not but I know if like from actors that he's working with now and who said like we have no idea what has what has happened to him you know these are actors who but she have a lot more than he has and while I understand that the Bollywood hero is the important thing in a movie but they he's working with some of the actors who've been in the industry for a while now you know and it's done much better work
while now you know and it's done much better work than he has but yeah it changes people but they're also people who are very cool yeah yeah I mean I bring caution yeah I think the key thing fenders I think I would put my money on Mickey Cottle to become I want to say the next a quick one but I think he can be the first Vicky ghoshal yeah yeah I think it's crazy but I also feel like see when I meet like a Shahrukh I feel like I mean see he does it he's Shahrukh Khan he doesn't have to make you feel comfortable he doesn't have to give you his time even if he's giving you like 35 minutes for your show he doesn't have to give you his best he can just sit there and not talk for 35 minutes and I would still be happy I'd be like Shahrukh sat here for 75 I'm happy but he humble grounded gives you his best every time would I have never seen him in a bad mood