would I have never seen him in a bad mood if it in front of the camera or like you know if he walks into you he just makes that I mean here I have to come into my crew and ask them if they had no I mean why would he care right so I feel like when you completely secure yeah there is no like arrogance and like being or like this you know like this one attitude where like where you know that success has gone to your head it I think it's a middle space where you've just suddenly grown and you have no idea what to do with it that happens a lot and then there are people who are like some of these um there is one from a very entitled family in Bollywood which a couple of them are doing fine but like one is their who is so entitled and he is he hits up like people on DM like including bloggers models he's the son yeah he's the son the models like bloggers but I've also three kids amazing he's
bloggers but I've also three kids amazing he's the son and he's the one who's like doing this I don't know how many kids are there but like he's the son there are multiple people but he said because a couple of others I'm sorry yeah I mean couple of others in like it's a form of saying no I like whatever way of seeing then we're this podcast is not called a ending Reynolds career okay then it'll blow your careers already save because one of the most intelligent people on social media yeah you keep seeing they know but like sometimes I see these things I feel like I'm not good yeah but this guy he is like heats up these people and he wants to sleep with all of them and actors also who are like in their nasal stages in the industry or whatever and he really feels like because he is from there they must sleep with him got it and I've heard this from multiple people and he feels like calm and he gets like upset if they
like calm and he gets like upset if they don't see for the meal where how can they not sleep with me mmm re have you seen yourself people would have sanded it's not like money's not the only thing yeah coming back to the positives of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan man yeah you said how he's humble you said how you know he carries himself with positivity everywhere yeah on a personal of Duty someone win so ask me a lot yeah there's certain people who I study in my life one of them's were art Kohli another one's someone like Siddhartha Roy Kapoor someone estaría Shah Rukh Khan so - yeah and try imbibing pieces of the personality dude the way that guy carries himself into rooms way he carries himself on screen yeah oh man like I completely get what you're saying in terms of his magnetic yeah and also you understand why life has allowed him to grow to that pedestal yeah like if he flops in every other movie after
yeah like if he flops in every other movie after this people will still remember him as the super hit hero yeah that's what he's been able does yeah and you can't even say that about like people who actually who are doing well continuously now like 10 years yeah you know but you'd say that about Shahrukh Khan when an entire generation looks back at like 2000 to 2015 they'd be like okay those are Shahrukh SEOs and no one else's yes but what is what is like the most interesting thing for you wearing um Shahrukh when comes far oh yeah so a style but you said that you and by black qualities from different people right so what did you take from Shahrukh okay I'll answer your first question what's the most interesting thing is that he's been a low-key struggler not too many people know about it yeah yeah he's made it big late in life relatively later okay and in terms of what I take from him what I is glass hmm as in there is something called
I is glass hmm as in there is something called new money and something called old money in the world yeah new money is why you suddenly become rich overnight and you don't know what to do which is yeah what you're saying about that young actor who's had one hit film and what happens to a lot of people old money is when your family's had money for two three generation and you're brought up in wealth you're brought up amongst wealthy yeah you don't show off you don't you go out hunting for things you're very comfortable and secure in who we were Shahrukh Khan doesn't have old money he's big he's new money but he's kept his head old Mia that's what I take yeah yeah and speaking of Bollywood know this is not something I know for sure but there is this whole controversy theory that apparently success went to Govinda's head okay and going there's also someone who the whole generation has looked to my entire generation has looked up and but can I
entire generation has looked up and but can I tell you one thing right before we get into this yeah because you mentioned I mean we did talk about like I did talk about like a few people in the industry like we've done stupid things and tough things but I'll tell you when you talk about these people who I said like do these things or whatever for me they don't even make the industry for me like for me while there are like negative things it's also an industry off like Shahrukh right I mean these are people who make the industry for me I'm like this Deepika who's doing monumental work but like whose chain though like the way this industry functions right he's you're the first one to be on a poster of a huge budget movie like but Mahmoud so I mean this is what makes industry for me like but then like these other like little children do people like were making stupid decisions I mean they give the industrial bad name yeah I mean I mean unfortunately we just like the
yeah I mean I mean unfortunately we just like the negative part of it gets highlighted a lot more yeah but that doesn't I mean for me these are not even like big parts of the industry these are just like I don't know Rodin's need to be killed yeah but coming I was fine haha but coming back Govinda Govinda what do you know about go in there like do you have any dope on go in the I heard this very like interesting thing recently that apparently he said in some interview that he was offered avatar oh right do you hear that yeah and James Cameron consulted with him about so movie and apparently he said no to the project because he didn't wanna put color on his body he didn't want body paint here this is just the stupidest thing that you could and I feel like if you are if you're a star of that capacity that like you're saying that you've looked up to him now he was not a part of my childhood because I grew up in
part of my childhood because I grew up in Kerala and like I mean the first time I was introduced to Bollywood was like DDLJ and Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham that I watched in college and stuff downloaded from torrents given her pen drives and all of that stuff but Govinda was not like a part of my childhood but like I know the kind of crease that is and how Byron looks up to Govinda and he's I mean tries to imbibe qualities of him in his performance sometimes and all that stuff and I get that but I think if you are at that stature I think you need to conduct yourself in a very respectful way you can't do a movie like Friday that he did oh my god I went for the screening of that movie it was just like I have no IDE I left in the interval hmm and I said like I had to go down to get something and I just left because this I mean you can't be like in that stature you can't be this
be like in that stature you can't be this like sleazy I mean you can be playing whatever character in a movie like that where you're playing a sleazy character trying to hook up with like an underage looking girl I mean it's just a stupid decision to make and I wonder why people make these decisions you know you know man ystos own no go and uh I don't I don't get what happened you know for growing up and seeing him you know do you really love go in that right I mean you don't roll it more no no man like I I like I completely get what you're saying also I'm not very involved in the whole body I'm not in the movies and oh yeah at this stage of my life growing up watched a lot of movies yeah and I just don't understand it scream I would love to you know have a conversation with him one day and ask him you what's up like you know what's up in life I want to ask him what
what's up in life I want to ask him what happened yeah I wanna ask him more time yeah I know I know what you figure okay but let's tell me something you know said you were not into Bollywood didn't like the movies that much but do you like someone in Bollywood do I like as in like do I look up to someone no like do you find someone cute I mean I should ask you this question because I mean that's my vibe do I should ask you yeah go for it I've said this on your show you have always won if you this is true yeah I've told her this yeah thank you for that did you like tiger in something yeah I am probably collaborating with her own something no no but this so again she's okay basically and we were giving some dope guys he's having with Ananya I'll give you some context when you're from the same school which is me and Anya Oh a school has a certain culture and when you meet another person from a
certain culture and when you meet another person from a school which is the Dramani international yeah you have a deep way but that wasn't immediately yeah so I've always had this thing that we learned up collaborating in saying that I do find very cute and I find a very intelligent and I think she's one of those people who's using a fame for something good so really like on anyone a real look up to her oh you spoke about her BSR activity yes yeah I saw this correct so positive she's a cool girl yeah I really like her yeah I met her I think so what am i hold on bro I've got to ask before speaking Madonna because I know she's gonna be the answer to my next question Oh name two guys and two girls in Bollywood that you'd put your money on in the long-term you'd be like okay these people have big potential I know an inner pond is one of them so let's kind of just put her out of the question and she's also
just put her out of the question and she's also someone I would pick because I know how I know her I mean I love you Anya yeah so but other than an Enya which to other girls would in that bracket which two other guys would be put in and you would want people who are already in the industry who've made the debut okay so can I can i name one person who's just coming in November sure so there's this girl what Alya for any serve Allah who is pooja baby's daughter hmm incredible talent I'm like wow I mean she's one of my closest friends I mean also I'm in a really good space in my life right now because a lot of my friends are becoming actors but I like like being launched now the CR next year all of that stuff so I've seen the stuff Alya does and she's incredible so I would definitely and she's coming a movie called Havana journeyman which safe it's a father-daughter movie we're not plugging this movie but like
movie we're not plugging this movie but like wherever but I think she's spent us a big lefto saif ali khan is big laughter cephalic on yeah you becoming a little penny t2 prime this episode yes a safe is the guy range Swamy total self in school engine because I have I have a bit of a self look like a little Hampton tightly yeah and that's also the guy I'm like the Saif Ali Khan character and that guy you are that guy hey guys you know you know it's legit they're like whatever and and the cutest Ruby Rogers telling me that you were like the person who and you told me this that you are the person who would throw parties and have fun and you now you become this yogi yes yeah I really want to break it though it's one of my missions breaking my yogi naziha thank you party with like alcohol drugs in casual sex cool also there all these things that you think happens with parties I'll so
that you think happens with parties I'll so they'll light up the party with my yoga listen I just want to tell you right before this barrage told me to spike your food with that's what well you know your manager has the best interest in right right now you can spike my mind with your four picks oh he's like come back to the ecology major so I'll give you like two - right I think Vicki definitely and ayushman okay Vicki and Ashwin I think are they've already been selected as Oh like the debuts yeah people who you know like who's an ex Ranveer Singh they I mean from the debuts there is no more Mazon yeah cool yeah this I forgot means an only son see now again I'm I'm so see I really love me I although I hated the movie I thought it was a really bad movie to be made I told I've told the salmon is a close of friends so told her that but I thought I mean an is a
her that but I thought I mean an is a good good actor but not do you know that my son was also my junior and so was I really so sorry I've not been in touch with that all I didn't like know how well it's good yeah Mizar and me actually had like a few tips and click cute boy boy Oh tips and first movie I sent him like a best of luck man so we even we have that Bai swipe the chill guy yeah very cool beautiful yeah talented I will be very confident very confident even from time using school yet lot of personality I remember I think Friday the movie leaves Saturday I met him at a party and he said so I said I'll go for the movie tomorrow day after so he said go watch it I've killed it is it cool cool like watch it come down so I mean I don't like the movie but I thought he was kidding like quite good but like again I think from the debuts to Syria I think it's very
from the debuts to Syria I think it's very like patchy yeah I'm quite excited for a few debut are coming up no from the other from the girls I'm really excited about Anna for sure and Sarah OH Clea for easy I yeah I think she's damn good um and like I wanna ask you specifically about her amazing he came here what has me who are a fan okay I'll give you an amazing story my family friends and they say god no actually oh really like as in like a parents knew each other a grand parents knew each okay the age difference between me and Emma so I said I think he never chilled we should swim together at this place called the autos club and we were kids yeah and I remember this dude coming with like crazy hairstyles on later on and like like two years back my boundary we remember that dude that was enemies oh so I'll give you a cute story and again this is a true story so my family has a bad history with first
story so my family has a bad history with first names and yeah like my first name on my birth certificate was gonna be a G table like a t-table a Livadia no no where this right that mean this is where it gets interesting yeah so my mom was a clearly cosmopolitan lady and she was a yo my kids not gonna be called agita and she's like you know what Chhotu son his name's and we're so why don't we name this kid after lecture to son and that run we do not be runway Singh Bhavnani and this one we don't know to be be myself baby that is damn cool yeah so but you should like fall on your mother's feet every ha ha ha can you imagine being called agita and going to school and college and I think a lot of the girls who have ended up dating I've said that you know I kind of half day to do for your name so as it not because R&B singer and me is just a hot name but it is
and me is just a hot name but it is a cool name it really means oh what does it mean man I forgot brave on the battlefield Wow whatever the battlefield me oh yeah and that's something I I kind of have put as a deep thought in my head yeah it's like running on the battlefield you like be brief yeah if you do what you wouldn't do usually in laughs okay run wheezing why has his carrillo taken off what has he done correct other than you know the obvious things that people know like oh he selected the right movies yeah has he has there been a right place right time thing for him is your hard-working guy see I mean of course um now within me is from the from see again he's not a personal friend they're mutual friends there of course but from what I've heard I mean he I don't think admits this or like whatever from the stories that I've heard there there was like her an involvement of money in like launching himself and all of that
money in like launching himself and all of that stuff and now this is like a bird I think nepotistic situation where like you sort of are like involved in the industry through money as a factor and then sort of that's like that's like a thousand or the we were launched yeah yeah correct correct so what's what's made him the new shop yeah so of course like there is like money playing a part in like launching yourself but in in these case I have no problem when there's so much tile at trial but I just feel like it's this crazy energy and like no inhibition and like a very like metrosexual comfort like much is small right like yeah yeah he's like a man like a guy's guy but he's also very like modern and contemporary and like like like what do you call it it's he's not like approachable he is and like he's just like he is a boys boy but he's also like this the sweetheart right he's also duh I mean he he's not like
he's also duh I mean he he's not like he's not Salman Khan who you would be scared of he's like he's like a guy who guys can look up to and like like but he's about to be a Priya yes also very approachable yeah and he does all these crazy things and like it's hard to ignore hmm like it's just I mean I mean I'm ya shot is very good with strategies and like you are just putting this out and like I mean if you're dancing on linking Road then like where will I ignore you yeah other two powerhouses of Bollywood currently like Dharma Productions and Yash Raj in terms of I obviously they're the powers in terms of film production yeah but do they control the pawns on the chessboard no no sound like that no not at all I think it's it's I mean see now when you say yes Raj and I'm a production so you are talking about two big organizations right I think it's people I think it's it's
right I think it's people I think it's it's select few people in these current or another - yeah and which is which is very cool I have no problem with that because I think in so many years that they have been in the industry they have earned the right to and they have that power and kudos to them yeah yeah I mean this is like I'd never be this is not I mean not that I want to do any of these things but like it's insane you know I mean for someone who have that kind of power for like you know if like I'm sure if Karan picks up is called picks up a call on somebody and says I want you to do this I'm sure people will do it and I'm sure that's the same case with like a little Chopra who yes charge and of course it's true that they have some of the biggest talent in the country I mean and the basement businessman as well yeah yeah Dharma managers I mean unless you put out a colonic but
I mean unless you put out a colonic but but a Dharma has like a Dharma has Varun and alia and Vicky I mean that's a great decision right a Dharma which only had like the commercially viable like the masih stars now also acquired Vicky and their talent it's Vicky is in-house Dharma talent now who's managed by matrix who usually manages their master ins so there's Vicky there's other days Akshay is Varun alia there is I think Tara Tara is Dharma so stuff like that and yes Raj is Anushka penny-tee ayushman are June all of these people are so but like not down versus row do you get that's not a bit of Lia I don't know go yeah yeah so I mean so there are big important people in both these places but I don't think I don't think it's too big agents these organizations is controlling everything you know I think it's people but they're also again there are also other things like Denise Fijian who's who has Maddock
things like Denise Fijian who's who has Maddock he's making some really cool movies that's also like but I mean it's probably Saudis biggest Dharma because that math comes with that kind of lineage India chars come as the airshow prime that lineage and all that stuff like Lannister and Starks and then yeah yeah Oh G ot reference I get ha ha but yeah ok cool so that was Bollywood I also want to ask you because you're kind of on the Digital side as well you will need digital people even if you tick tock stars you know I've been old heavily for this dog decision I have made but but you basically know the digital space as well yeah web Rose you're like I want to know how our digital people different from Bollywood people like say AB eunuch beer biceps menu for this interview does when you first chilled with us yeah what house and say my project Abu and yeah how is the vibe different from like chillin with like a Bollywood person and you're a
chillin with like a Bollywood person and you're a psychology major bring it down to like the TV show see I mean see I'm not a very like I do each to his own like each person has the one bad yeah I mean see I I can draw differences spin down to it but I'll tell you like for me I'm not an advocate of like you know when people say like because they are from Bollywood they will act a certain way and like because stardom in or other there are people who do that there are people who don't you know I'm sure in like digital space also there might be people who come with like an airy vibe to them and like you know be like oh we all like to think over ever I mean but thankfully I have met four of you guys that I've interacted with b-b-boom and our project and you and Nick I've just heard like the best time we've had fun and I really like the fact that I mean now I don't know if once like
that I mean now I don't know if once like this big boom and like like if you will change and like the way like you want Trajan all of that but like of course with Bollywood like it's a thing to walk around with 15 people right there is no need for that there are people who walk around with bodyguards who no one is clicking a picture with like there is no need but like it's become a thing you need one manager you need one PR you need your makeup style their assistant Lu the difference between digital in Bollywood in Bollywood I think people chase on Rogers in digital even entre entre just gets created yeah yes that's one difference yeah but it's cool but like I like the vibe off digital because I feel like it's a growing space and it might change yeah like once it becomes like I still feel like we're on the growing like the graph but like once it like hits that level now I don't know if will change things or whatever but I really like the
will change things or whatever but I really like the vibe now because I feel like it's a very approachable very chilled out very fun real yeah yeah now my next question to you is kind of not related to Bollywood but it's is this conversation we've had once yeah it's about two people I look up to for the professional prowess KL Robin hardik Pandya yeah after the whole car and George Kontos like I mean of course what I said wasn't appropriate but in saying that um can you like elaborate a little bit how these brothers in like real life because in terms of cricket fan like from a cricket fan K are always in some books considered to the next round Robert paddock Wanderers couple they have successful these guys have huge potential and then we have ticket and every single Indian cricket fan back scale roll hardik Pandya on the pitch like we want them to do well we want to see them by coming in legends of Indian cricket what are these brothers like in real
Indian cricket what are these brothers like in real life because they're close friends of yours yeah yes okay and I met even I mean the first time we've met that only was one controversy because I met sue me k LED and the other one oh yeah who's one of my closest friends because she went to college with me she was my senior there she wouldn't admit it and she's also gorgeous she is beautiful he's single by the way oh yeah but she doesn't do her yoga and so it's not my wife use me don't talk about my best friend but anyway that's fine huh she works out cool one fourth of the game one go on water this person is I thought I was he's a SIA that I am well done there's been my digital self okay cool so needy me krishna krishna wasn't there there was rahul kale and a couple of other friends so we all went to this place in Bandra for coffee that's when I met him for the first
for coffee that's when I met him for the first time and then he when we went out now obviously cricket Bollywood is like in this country it's like the biggest two polls and they got everyone got popped and then the next day they were like okay now this is a relationship because I think after we rotten Anushka I couldn't find anybody so they were like this next but there was nothing we have no conversation there was no like nothing that was going on between their friends from Bangalore mix but like Adak again i met through rahul at one of the parties and but they are very chill people in in real life and I see I mean the only place I disagree with you a little bit because you said it was slightly inappropriate for them to say that but I don't think it was inappropriate at all I'll tell you why because see because I have had personal conversations with harvick I feel like like he talks like this right and I think his brothers we all talk like that
and I think his brothers we all talk like that like there are things that we would see now my the only problem for me is you should be a little careful about where you are seeing this I don't think it was inappropriate you just talked about like how many girls that you've slept with or it whatever like or that you go to a party or that you slept with this one this one this one I mean that I mean you're not seeing that only guys can see this now a girl also on that show like many girls talk about all these things so that doesn't make it exist that doesn't make that doesn't mean that they're demeaning those women they're not saying anything bad about those women are you saying that maybe he slept with these people or like you know whatever there are times when you're having casual sex or whatever which is very cool I mean how can you like that's a big deal you can't like make suddenly like you can't make over there degrading women or
like you can't make over there degrading women or like I mean of course you have to be very careful about what you say in a public platform which is a very big talk show because then obviously people have that space to digest I mean dissect it and people in this country ever in the world have a lot of time and especially with cricket being the gentleman's game and all of that you have to be extra careful so that's the only thing but I really thought they were really : : hot soup well he said no word in it but still got into trouble but like but yeah I think I thought was really chill yeah yeah I mean he talks like this and I'm glad that he was his real self but like just yeah just like to give you the midterm yeah to give you the cricket fans perspective yeah because I think way coming here to different yeah to give you the cricket trance perspective bro and this is also something I've feel as a fitness and lifestyle influencer hmm
feel as a fitness and lifestyle influencer hmm your thoughts actions would you say have a huge impact on young kids right okay so that's where the cricket fan came in and got offended because in our country cricketers are gods so anything or cricketer says it becomes a part of a kid's mindset so they might have said it in our casual fun way must seem a okay like as we say yeah and understand their perspective as Bruce but what they kind of look past is that do dislike 11 12 year old kid who's just coming to terms with his own sexuality any settings in some corner of the country in like a village it's probably listening to that guy's words and saying okay so these guys are chill about you know I'm talking about sex and women so casually even I'll become that casual and then it becomes a case of Chinese whispers of thoughts but I'll tell you something on you yeah now the other thing is we be in the entertainment industry where like
thing is we be in the entertainment industry where like people are actors or directors or like writers whatever and in cricket or sports whatever now when i if i'm signing a movie contract or if i'm signing the indian cricket team contact what do I sign I sign that I will put in all my hard work for to do bin yeah right to win in the sport am i signing a contract to be the role model for the country I'm not right I mean I am in the Indian cricket team because I can play cook it yeah am I like I mean are we put you're lying and putting up yeah this thing is also a curse of being at that pedestal yeah yeah because he I think and I think that people need to understand proxy now it's about censoring content to maybe people who wouldn't understand it and wouldn't in take it properly maybe a nine-year-old child might not get it then maybe restrict the content yeah love that because I feel like you can't make somebody already present
I feel like you can't make somebody already present perfect okay you can't be I mean we all have flaws you know for sure we all talk a certain way but because I am in this industry because I'm a cricketer I'm an actor yeah I have to be perfect mmm I can't be sorry personal treasure yeah it's my I mean it's my personal life I'm talking about it and suddenly like oh you can't talk about it because you're not being a role model but wherever it does I where do I sign up for this in in saying all this the outcome has been that as a cricket fan again you have seen kale and were you affected by it personally no yeah because like I'm I think I have my own my yeah what's it called my my own men - how to process information that's coming at you right yeah that's that's his opinion on things I have my own opinion on things it may not be the case for a 16 year old young cricketer who's like be
a 16 year old young cricketer who's like be trying to become an all-rounder Karthik pointers are wrong yeah and then trying to do everything her thickness hmm in saying that that's why we see where art and honey as like the nation's biggest brands because they've good boys as well and in terms of being a cricket fan both kale and hard they have really stepped up yeah after that they both got really serious about the games you see even more determination and hard dick sighs when he's born he's become a way better bowler yeah I am so happy with the tones that couriers have taken yeah god bless those blows Oh everyone makes mistakes oh I remember I sent her when this whole thing went down and they were being penalized for what they did and all that kale is a very close friend and I know him better than hath ik yeah so I remember I sent him a message saying I know this is a step back but after this if you come back like a
back but after this if you come back like a lion there'll be nothing better what was their mentality when this was going on I mean obviously they took it in the side of the things in all of that they were I mean of course it's not oh it's they were not being a few matches and all of that stuff right or not something that happened got suspended for a while correct but the Warriors in the hearts yeah so I said I mean you know like when you get it's also cool thing right like you get sort of like pull down a little bit and then when you come back like a lion then that's just like really yeah so I said this is what you should be doing so I said well sweet mess and you was like thank you you know yeah so I think yeah I think they did that and I think now they're doing really well I yeah they are and you know if it continues this way I wouldn't be surprised if they become the next captain vice-captain after
if they become the next captain vice-captain after the current generations of like coolly good rohit sharma shaker Dhawan are done I think these two other leaders of the team can I get some guff from you go on because you are like you're see I am very like I'm a little disassociated with cricket go but like I just watch it sometimes so Rahul and what happened between me rotten what is that Rohit Sharma I follow cricket very intensely and I feel it was a lot of media hype growing up man Bharat for two cricket fans if you see them on the pitch they might have been some you know small TIFF which happens amongst any professionals like me a micro front of raju a love more than my own family via Tiff's okay but so it was that yeah when you're playing sported that kind of a level your teammates I of family you see that when you watch cricket as a as a cricket fan you're seeing an entire 5000 matches
cricket fan you're seeing an entire 5000 matches he an entire Test match you see a rose and we're not talk to each other you say oh they play along with each other they've had arguments on the pitch as well like roses one v-rod run out many times but you see the love between them like brothers so it was a lot of media help even if you read the media articles you realise that it's written from a very if I talk yeah yeah fight okay fine so yeah it's that way yeah every single article was written like that and we unfollowed them on Instagram and stuff like that it might have it might be a small TIFF it's blown up way out of proportion the next day that was this dressing room video that came out of Ravindra Jadeja who's another cricketer okay and Rohit Sharma playing a game about Oh guess the creators or Jadeja imitates Kohli and watch our message oh this is my boy were art and we're art laughs in the corner and
were art and we're art laughs in the corner and it's really this next day oh okay fine yeah they all right it's a lot of media hype dude oh that's the curse of being an actor or cricket or that little you know nuggets of negativity in your life amplified correct in the public and that's a power social media that you've got your boy Bo Bice else backing you and you've got the voice of like the youth back yeah yeah so anyway man that was like the interview today hey this is fob yeah al agreed quantity yeah bro one last like super quick question I have and this is what more personal question dude you have like a crazy Network in like Bollywood and like cricket and you know you've reached out like the biggest of the biggest people now I want to ask you because you're a really smart guy you're street smarts are like crazy okay how much of you use your psychology major degree to get ahead in life like how much you use your
get ahead in life like how much you use your communication skills see I think it's more communication skills than reading people lower level not really I'll be very honest I mean see I did three other psychology in Christ at Bangalore and for my parents I was like the happiest thing because they were like you know some kind of doctor he will become the Malu parents they want that's what they wanted but I think I was always good with people you know I and you know sometimes sometimes people ask me is it just like so difficult because you have to be at a party you it's like you're always working you know and you have to talk to everybody and for me that's not the case I'm like this anyway I'm always talking to people I have no inhibition in going up to a person and starting a conversation I'm never like I will wait for this person to come talk to me know why I'm I would I'm the other people's person I've always been a people's person I talk to everybody
always been a people's person I talk to everybody unless I don't want to thank if I don't want to like if I don't like that's a different thing but like I'm very chill with people so you think being a people's person pays off the most in your career yeah in my career at least no in any career bro especially the industry but okay I've worked in like hardcore engineering industries and even that's all yeah of course because teamwork in like you know yeah like working in a group working with people or that's always very important for me it was very important that I mean I never studied journalism I never wanted to be a journalist I'm not qualified to be one I didn't want to be called one because I think sometimes it comes with a bit of a negative connotation because then you sound like this person who's always looking for a story not my vibe I host a talk show which is a very friendly vibe so whatever you call it a poor version of coffee with Carell but
it a poor version of coffee with Carell but you say that I mean not if you got its own vibe like if for people who actually go into the details of it yeah but we can even watch the show they know what like yeah but I get that a lot on YouTube on the comment but that's fine that's fine you talk you're talking to similarly sounding dudes hosting a talk show I'm sure this is the only comparison people can draw but that's fine but but like for me I wanted that friendly vibe and so because thankfully I'm a people's person and I'm good with communication and the language I'm ok with so I'm always I'm always been very good with people and people and like most the friends I've made in the industry in the first place I made them through the show like a lot of the actors who came on the show and they were like oh you're chill guys let's hang you know it was always that yeah we got along like that we met for the first time
got along like that we met for the first time on the show and like today we're doing this because we got long yeah and I think it's always been that but like now a lot of other friends arrive like that now they're becoming active so not so very good space to me because now like I've seen all of it you know I've seen them struggle I've seen them like get their first movie I've dropped them to the airport when they're leaving so now that that special but like yeah you tell me one of the most low key influential guys in the space I want to believe that I have a lot of influence but like I don't know man like it's I think yeah maybe a little bit ha ha ha I'm good with people like you know I feel like I can give good good advices yeah you come from a genuine place also yes yes I mean that's your thank you thank you for this beautiful episode thank you I had fun will you get up yes but we're also
had fun will you get up yes but we're also gonna be doing a lot more because there's a lot more treasure in your head that you are not exposed to the world so yeah you find out I'll be licking all of Reynolds handles down below make sure you follow him will be like in the episode we did oh yeah show and be unique yeah with a bit my boy Nick and my other boy winner so guys see you hope you had fun
booth ghosts something we've not spoken about on the podcast yet and this is a story from my own life something i went through something i haven't spoken about on the internet here goes all my life right from the time i was a kid i'd always look at human presence around me and i'd ask myself is this really all that there is was there some deeper layer that we can't see horror movies entered my life when i was a kid and that answered the question maybe there was something that we couldn't see this is a story about my own house about my own building the house i grew up in had a hospital on the ground floor it was a family-owned hospital of mine and on the third floor was where i lived i was always afraid of the dark even in my own house in the corridor i always felt like someone staring at me if i were alone in any room which was dark i always felt like there was some kind of energy with me staring at me i think all of us
with me staring at me i think all of us go through a phase like that but i feel like i went through a longer phase than the rest of us i couldn't sleep alone till i was about 19 20 years old now back when i was 11 there was this one time i was sleeping next to my mom my dad wasn't at home during that time and this was also a time in my life where i was getting a lot of something called sleep paralysis for anyone who's had sleep paralysis they know that this is one of the scariest things that can happen to you sleep paralysis is a scientific phenomenon where basically you half wake up while you're sleeping so in layman's terms when you're sleeping your brain signals to your muscular system not to move at all it's a way for the body to protect itself basically means your body becomes paralyzed because of your mind so that if something's happening in your dreams you don't move your body in reaction to that dream it's
move your body in reaction to that dream it's your body's protection mechanism but what happens sometimes with people who deal with sleep paralysis is that they'll open their eyes and they won't be able to move their body they won't be able to scream if they want they won't be able to make a sound the only thing that they're conscious of is their own vision and in a very bad case of sleep paralysis sometimes your nightmares also become a part of that experience because your brain becomes confused between the world of dreams slash nightmares and the world of reality so while i did have a lot of sleep paralysis experiences this one is the story of the scariest sleep paralysis experience my sleep paralysis would often include me waking up in my own room i'd open my eyes and i'd see a shadowy figure in my room because i was in that sleep paralysis mode i wouldn't be able to scream or react so the best defense mechanism was just closing my eyes and hoping that sleep
was just closing my eyes and hoping that sleep meets me again that was the only escape this one time when i was sleeping next to my mom i remember i started feeling something deeper than sleep paralysis i felt like these little shadowy creatures this shadowy power was kind of chaining me down to the bed it gradually chained me up entirely and i knew something was wrong i remember those shadowy creatures screaming out something i don't remember what they said but it was like they were welcoming some kind of a lady some kind of a queen i'm getting goosebumps as i say this i suddenly saw this woman sitting on top of me pale skin patchy skin it was torn up it had a few blisters untidy hair and i could only see one of her eyes because her hair was covering the other eye and with that pale red eye she was staring down at me while she was sitting on top of me i couldn't even move my neck because i was paralyzed so
even move my neck because i was paralyzed so i moved my eyes and i saw my mom sleeping next to me i tried screaming her name but i was paralyzed and i couldn't see anything all this while she's sitting on top of me i could feel her weight on the top of my chest and it wasn't comfortable i felt her fingers on my body and it was one of the creepiest things i'd ever been through i was just 11 years old because i grew up in a spiritual family my mum knew about my fear of ghosts my fear of the dark and she told me about a particular mantra that's made specifically to shew away bad spirits all i remember doing in that moment is closing my eyes and saying that mantra for those of you wondering the mantras so i closed my eyes and i just started saying and that's the last thing i remember i went to sleep i still felt her weight on me but i just realized that all i could do
me but i just realized that all i could do in that moment was say the mantra after a bit i opened my eyes and she wasn't there anymore now this could be just a hallucination this could be just sleep paralysis but here's the scarier part two years later i was watching national geographic i believe a show about alien abductions and you know how in those shows they create a reenactment of real life events they created a reenactment of a japanese phenomenon i forgot what it's called but even in japanese culture this kind of phenomenon exists where sleep paralysis is accompanied by a witch sitting on top of you so in that show they said that one of the theories about alien abduction is that aliens simulate this kind of an experience for some human beings do experiments on the human beings but to be able to manipulate human perception they create this imagery of a woman sitting on top of the human now in that show when they were trying to create a visual representation
show when they were trying to create a visual representation of this phenomenon what they showed in that show was exactly what i saw it felt like it was almost the same woman same single eye staring down the same hair on one side the same burnt up skin untidy clothes those pale dead eyes not staring at you angrily just staring at you with the eyes of death with nothingness i remember watching that show turning off the television immediately running to my mom and crying because i got so creeped out this was when i was 13 and my mum just kind of pacified me she told me calm down it's okay let go of it i struggled to sleep alone for the next seven to eight years now eventually in life i feel like i grew out of this phobia i discovered spirituality as most of you guys know and here's the thing with spirituality while it definitely speaks about meditation and being a good person and karma it also speaks about the spirit world the
karma it also speaks about the spirit world the astral world dark energies demons and it also speaks about how you tackle these energies as the autobiography of a yogi says when you stare fear in the eye it ceases to exist that's how i overcame my fear of the dark kind of just worked on strengthening my spiritual muscle of my mind i started meditating a lot at around the age of 22 or 23. rajas my co-founder on beer biceps i meditated with him a lot as well now after working together for two or three years we worked out of a garage inside my building and we often begin our day by meditating together just to kind of make our edit room a little more positive i remember this one time we meditated at night at about 12 am you always meditate in darkness for deeper meditations and usually meditations feel very positive this particular meditation in my head was feeling extremely dark the thing is when you meditate with someone else you kind of do
when you meditate with someone else you kind of do share a certain energy you share experiences both of y'all can sense the positivity or negativity of that particular meditation session so while you're meditating i definitely felt something dark and that line from autobiography of a yogi kicked in that if you stare fear in the eye it ceases to exist so i kept meditating i even said that omna mudatta mantra because i went back to that memory from the time i was 11 years old and i felt like we pushed out some kind of a negative energy from that room and from the environment we were in which was my building after waking up from that meditation i looked at rajas he looked at me and before i could say anything he said did you feel that we both felt like there was some other dark energy with us and we both pushed it out together now i'm not gonna name the person but i do have a friend who is considered to be psychic that person eventually
who is considered to be psychic that person eventually visited our office and the moment he came to office without visiting any other room he went to the end of the corridor if you scan my building my mom's room the same room i was sleeping in when that witch incident had happened is right above the room that this guy went to straight up and he said that this room has a lot of dark energy this room has had some kind of a demon or a ghost within it and since you guys have started meditating it's probably pushed it out because meditation makes the environment more positive now i remember getting a little freaked out and i went to my grandfather who is pretty much the owner of that building i asked him about that particular room now he had been running that hospital since the 1960s but he had a lot to say about that part of the building he said that there were patients over that span of 50 years who said that sometimes at night they would feel a woman sitting on
sometimes at night they would feel a woman sitting on top of their chest patients would visit that hospital for their routine surgeries and when they'd be recovering in those two rooms some of them would even report that a woman pushed them off their hospital beds they'd see a flash of a really scary looking woman and it would go away all this is right under the exact spot where i had that experience as of now that hospital is defunct it's not being used and fortunately we don't feel that kind of a negative presence there since the day my psychic friend examined that building we did pujas that we did havens there we've lit candles just to kind of make the environment more positive and here's another reason why i've embraced spirituality so strongly in my life i felt the presence of darkness around me when i was a child i felt the presence of darkness around me while i was growing up i feel like everyone's scared of the dark but my fear of the dark was something deeper than just
fear of the dark was something deeper than just the fear of a lack of light my fear of the dark was the fear of some entity that always stared at me right from the time i was a child till the time i was a teenager until i learned to just face it and go with it until i learn to push it out through the positivity of my spiritual practices this is a side of myself i don't reveal on the internet but there's a reason i'm fascinated by the occult i've had occult experiences many of which have not spoken about online many of which i might speak about from here onwards so if you enjoyed this podcast make sure you hit that thumbs up button share this video and if you feel you're going through any kind of occult experiences i'm not the right guy to give advice but i do believe that spiritual practices help combat the occult god bless you stay in the light you
hello and welcome to a covert 19 quarantine special off the runway show I actually got my cousin to record this one because my entire team is spread all over the city going about the remote work culture so for today's episode I thought everyone's at home everyone's looking for content recommendations and honestly I believe that when it comes to content you should only invest your time in content if it's gonna stay with you after maybe a year or two of watching or consuming that kind of content just like the runway show today we're talking about my top end mind-fucking movies that's right mind king these are the movies that if you watch ones will probably stay with you for the rest of your life and the reason I wanted to include these ones are runway shows because I feel that if you're a listener of this podcast you are a deep thinker you analyze everything that you consume keeping that in mind these are my quick 10 recommendations at number 10 a very common mindful recommendation its shutter island'
a very common mindful recommendation its shutter island' starring Leonardo DiCaprio shutter island' is a movie about a mental asylum about a detective who reaches the mental asylum in order to solve a mystery and then figures even more mysteries about the island that the mental asylum is located on this is one of those movies that will keep you grip throughout that will scare you and at the end of the movie there's a twist involved and that twist will kind of mess with your head even more one of those Leonardo DiCaprio movies that I feel is kind of underrated that more people need to watch ok number 9 keeping it much lighter inside out it's a animated Pixar movie it's basically about a girl and you're you know usual preteen problems but from the perspective of your soul your spirit your mood your ego your emotions so you know usually animated movies have characters where they probably animate an insect or a bird or you know living being like that here the animated objects are
know living being like that here the animated objects are all the girls emotions so anger is shown as one of the characters whatever love is shown as one of the characters embarrassment is shown as one of the characters ego is shown as one of the cat was one of those movies that make you analyze yourself a lot and there's some stories and some concepts that can only be explained through animation so other than the movie up by Pixar which impacted me on a deep romantic level this is that one movie which is animated which I recommend to all my friends and especially listeners of the run be sure because all of you all are deep thinkers ok next movie recommendation we got the shining starring Jack Nicholson it is a horror movie but it's not a horror movie just about ghosts or monsters it's not just got jump scares The Shining is a classic when it comes to filmmaking it also analyzes human spirit and especially during this phase of quarantine this one will talk to you what I recommend is
this one will talk to you what I recommend is that you don't watch this movie if you're someone who's staying alone but if you're someone who's staying with your family watch it it's one of those horror movies that you definitely should watch it especially if you enjoy film in general there's a lot of people who don't watch horror movies because they don't want it to stay with them at night this isn't one of those horror movies this doesn't have really scary scenes other than like a few it has mind-bending scenes some of the scenes are so weird some of the things that happen in the story are so weird that the weirdness of the movie stays with you and it's a cult classic so as a human being I think it's your responsibility to watch The Shining ok next one if you ever had a bad breakup at number 7 we have Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind if you've drifted away from a close friend from a close family member and of course from someone
from a close family member and of course from someone who you loved a lot at some point in your life the Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet we'll help you we'll help you analyze yourself we'll help you think about love from a third-person perspective from a macro perspective you look at the whole concept of love from a top view it'll really make you understand a breakup better understand the dynamics of a big breakup better if you've just had a breakup this movie might hurt you a little bit but if you're already in the process of healing and you just want some kind of help in that healing process I do believe that this movie will help you a bit the director has kind of shorted and a little strange wait it's our dive into Jim Carrey's mind in this movie where he's had a breakup with someone and he's trying to erase the memories of that person so it's a movie that'll mess with how you perceive your memories
movie that'll mess with how you perceive your memories about that person who you loved or that person who you were close to at one point in your life definitely should watch it especially if you enjoy slightly different filmmaking okay my next recommendation at number six very good movie it's called get out again it's slightly a horror movie slightly a horror movie it's not an all-out horror movie doesn't have ghosts some monsters but it is one of those movies that stays with you it will mess with your head I don't even want to talk much about it because it's one of those movies where you should just let the movie speak for itself I'll tell you this it's directed by Jordan Peele he used to run a comedy show every still runs one called Key & Peele you'll find fantastic key and Peele videos on YouTube so if you I will just up for you no fooling around if you just want great comedy content short in a beautiful way look for key and Peele
in a beautiful way look for key and Peele videos on YouTube the same guy has gone and directed this movie so it is a scary movie it's a mind-bending movie but it will also make you laugh a lot and it will stay with you and it's one of those movies you can watch like five six times and never get bored of it highly highly recommended that you watch get out at number five it's an all-out horror movie I know I've been recommending a lot of horror movies but I'll tell you what the reason I recommend horror movies is because they stay with you oh good horror movies are usually built on very mind-bending concepts that make you look at society in a different way that kind of expose the evils inside people that's what I feel about ghosts monsters and evils rather than being afraid of the ones on the outside should be afraid of the ones on the inside it's a very nice Dada G line for you guys but even when it comes to
line for you guys but even when it comes to the devil it's about I think five people stuck in an elevator and one of them is the devil the devil Satan so the whole movies about how they figure out who's the devil inside the elevator and how each of them slowly starts dying through the process of figuring that mystery out it will teach you a little bit about life I don't think this movie did too well but it's one of those underrated classics it will you in some parts do not watch it if you don't enjoy horror movies what get out and The Shining instead of the three get out is the least scary next to shining then this one devil okay next forth this one's kind of common but I do feel that it's one of those movies that if you watch again and again it will teach you something new it'll make you understand the movie deeper it'll start making you question the way your mind works and the way your dreams work the movies called inception according
way your dreams work the movies called inception according to me it's one of Christopher Nolan's best movies according me Christopher Nolan is possibly the best director of all time I know that we've got arguments like oh no Scorsese's or better director or you know Quentin Tarantino was a better director I genuinely feel that Christopher Nolan is an abscessed director and this is the piece of work of his where he's put the most of himself into it where he's really kind of constructed this elaborate story it's called inception for a reason it's about dreams it's about the world of dreams it's about lucid dreaming being in control of your dreams entering other people's dreams very complicated movie you have to watch this with subtitles on if you are someone who really enjoys investing time in a movie in order to exercise your mind watch this movie if you haven't watched it already very entertaining I think I watch this movie 1020 times usually from dating anyone I ensure that this is the movie
from dating anyone I ensure that this is the movie I show them if they haven't seen it already because you know I'm all about that deep conversation and if you like deep conversation you probably like super deep movies as well of this entire list I think this movie is the deepest one okay next one another Christopher Nolan classic which will mess with your head which is probably as difficult to understand as Inception it's interstellar it's about time travel it's about space travel it's about black holes and it is about the dimension beyond us by that I mean that human beings live in a 3d dimension where there is length there is breath there is height okay so if there's an object in front of us our phones it has a length it has breadth it has thickness or height now human beings the way our minds are built we are not capable of understanding a dimension beyond these three dimensions interstellar talks about that dimension beyond these three dimensions and that dimension is called time so here's one of the things
dimension is called time so here's one of the things I retain from interstellar they talk about time as a linear concept that means you can go backwards in time you can go forward in time so the year 1999 is happening at the same time that 2020 is happening but it's just different perspectives because our minds aren't developed enough we can only perceive 2020 as a moment of time that's happening right now but right now 1999 is happening at the same time did you get it no don't worry about it watch interstellar and then listen to this podcast again so I get one more listen of one more view on this podcast and you understand this statement metal trust me you will start perceiving the world in a different way and a lot of the logic used in interstellar is also spoken about in the world of yoga as a way to understand and start perceiving the fourth dimension as a dimension beyond the three that we know of okay now we're at the top of our list
of okay now we're at the top of our list number two and number one these are the two movies that had a very deep impact on me I actually struggled to place them I didn't know which one I should keep at number two which one I should keep at number one number two another underrated movie it's become a TV classic this used to show this a lot on television sets all over the world it's called the Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt it is a slightly sad movie it's about a guy who was born old like when he was born he had the physical appearance and the physical features of a really old man and throughout his entire life he ages backwards it's an incredible concept when you think about it honestly it's one of those movies where you you start living Brad Pitt's life he's playing Benjamin Button in the movie and the way they've directed the way they've shown the way his life pans out you start putting yourself in his mind within the movie
start putting yourself in his mind within the movie ages backwards okay so at the end of his life he actually becomes an infant and twirled the length of his life he actually falls in love with this lady who's normal she's born as a normal person and she grows old so while she's growing old he's growing young and that dynamic really messes with your head the way they've shown historical events and the movie really messes with your head the way they've shown that society treats him really messes with your head at the end of the movie some of those scenes will stay with you for life at the end of his life and he's remembering all the amazing characters that he met throughout his life that's something that'll stay with you that's something that stayed with me and that's a movie I do recommend to you and the final movie unlike most of the mine in movies that we've spoken about in this list the final movie is a commercially very successful movie stars Jim Carrey it's
a commercially very successful movie stars Jim Carrey it's called Bruce Almighty it's about a guy who meets God one day God is played by Morgan Freeman and God tells Bruce ed you know what for some time you'll get to be your do you'll have all my power so it's a regular guy who's kind of fallen out of love with his own life and he gets all of God's Powell's and therefore gets a lot of perspective on the world and realizes how small he is in this big bad world that we know of it's a movie that I saw as a ten-year-old and honestly I felt like I was an atheist before that I didn't understand the concept of God but I genuinely feel that even if someone who doesn't believe in God that's fine this movie will make you question that concept of a higher power is there something beyond humans which I strongly believe there is by the way I think you guys would have guessed that by watching the podcast till
have guessed that by watching the podcast till this point but highly recommended if you haven't seen that movie it's also extremely funny and those are the best kind of mind movies everything doesn't have to be serious it can mess with your head and at the same time it can entertain you like crazy so that was the short episode of their and me show today I hope you guys had fun I hope you enjoyed this list of quarantine movies that I prepared for you guys lots of love from run read as always if you're watching this on youtube share this video with your friends if you're listening to it on audio platforms share this audio listening concept with your clothes smart pee people who are looking for mind-bending content recommendations until next time guys from ranbir all about their own the runway show boom we'll see you later
romance it's one of my favorite topics to talk about on the ranvi show to the listeners of this podcast we're living in some grim times it's difficult times for the world and that's why it's hot let's kind of put out positivity in the world through this podcast keep in mind today's podcast is all about stories I am gonna talk about my own personal life without taking any names I'm gonna talk about everything that I've learned from all my breakups all the relationships that I've had in the past keep in mind I'm friends with all of them everyone I've dated everyone everyone that I've felt love for I'm still close to those people and I've taken the permission to create this episode so let's begin at the age of fourteen there were about seven girls in my class and there was this one person who I really gelled with a lot she was my best friend in school and what do you know you end up liking that person but here's the thing your definition of love as a kid is
the thing your definition of love as a kid is movies is Anjali and Rahul from Kuch Kuch Hota things like that so you think that the person who you feel for completely at that point is gonna be your ultimate person without understanding what you really need in life what you really need from a relationship without even completely understanding yourself you give all of yourself to that other person and that's pretty much what we did intense relationship have you guys seen the music video love the way you lie with Eminem and Rihanna I think it was kind of like that very intense fiery relationship it was a relationship from my childhood and I'd look back at it very fondly I feel like it was very innocent puppy love the first time you ever feel something for anyone else it's very innocent it's very beautiful it's very pure that's why when it ends it feels as intense it feels like a whole world has come crumbling down but the lesson I gained from that one was that
but the lesson I gained from that one was that never fear letting go of something good for something that could potentially be great as you grow up in life as you age you end up discovering a lot of things about yourself you also possibly grow into two different people while you're in a relationship that person might grow into something else you might grow into something else and eventually you might get a in your head that tells you there might be someone else out there for me someone who I'm more suited to and this is where the second person came into my life let's call her disha again we were too young back then I think you're about 19 or 20 years old and honestly Disha was also in the middle of studying I was in the middle of my studying process I feel like both of us made mistakes in that phase we paid heavily for those mistakes honestly this was also the phase when I began engineering college where I got into alcohol deeply I've spoken about it on the channel
alcohol deeply I've spoken about it on the channel in the past I actually dealt with a deep form of depression back then because of the cocktail of things happening around me this relationship happened at the wrong time in fact it pushed me deeper into that dark pit that I've created for myself at that point a lot of teenagers especially in the late teens early twenties deal with this kind of a situation and the reason I say teenagers in the early twenties is because I feel you really mature at 22 but before the age of 22 you still have an element of that appeal of left inside you and I thought that the only way I know how to love is with all 100 percent of my intensity that's the second lesson do not get emotionally dependent on other people do not make them the center of your world relationships should be a part of your life not your entire life your entire mood all your emotions the way you perceive the world the way you perceive your day should we
the world the way you perceive your day should we send out around one person because if at all it comes down crashing it's gonna hit you really really hard it's gonna push you down any deeper pit that you're already sliding down I was already in a very weak mental state at that point taught me a lot about life for sure when you're beaten down by life it's your biggest teacher in life that's also why we created the mental Fitness series on bi biceps eventually mental fitness is the ability to battle out difficult situations in the world in fact kovat 19 is a very good example of a difficult situation for the world where people's mental fitness levels are coming to the forefront you're going to see the most real version of people the underlying emotion behind everything they do is it positivity is it ambition is it hope is it fear is it cynicism is it angle what's happening all that's coming out but I feel if you're mentally fit you'll always perceive a
if you're mentally fit you'll always perceive a situation like over 19 or at least practically that's why you gotta work on your mental fitness and sometimes your relationships I have greatest teachers when it comes to mental fitness to toughening you up their greatest lessons in life whether you learn positive things from them or negative things from them they will make you a more evolved being and this is where the third relationship of my life began at about 21 I began a very beautiful relationship with a very beautiful person let's call her a Natasha and this person had the purest heart everything I felt I had felt for my previous two relationships I felt that this person was the first person who reciprocated those feelings this person was the first person who could love back with the same intensity over time once again that same problem of growing up you grow into two different individuals with different priorities but this is the one relationship I look back at and say that you know what that's the relationship that kept me sane it
what that's the relationship that kept me sane it probably got me out of that deep bit of darkness another beautiful aspect of relationships definitely helped you grow but more importantly at certain stages of your life they pull you out of the pit that you wish to be pulled out of they almost rescue you now it's not healthy but that's just the nature of being a human being sometimes you want someone to get that lifeboat and come get you if you're not mentally fit if you don't have perspective of this world if you're not a mature person exactly like a 21 year older and we're all about there sometimes you take people for granted sometimes you project all the pain that you've been through onto them that's a huge lesson I learned from that particular one don't project your pain don't project your insecurities on someone else especially someone who loves you with an open heart I probably projected more negativity on this person than my previous two relationship people because I felt like you know what no matter what
because I felt like you know what no matter what happens this person won't leave me that's why you can see like my ugliest side which is not correct and that's something you learn as you grow up you cannot project your shortcomings onto someone else for those of you don't understand what projection means I'm gonna give you an example now if you see a parent having a bad relationship your parents are rule setters you've grown up watching them looking at the behavioral patterns so say if you grow up and this happens to a lot of us because a lot of us grow up in broken families in India especially we grew up with parents having Tiff's with family members having Tiff's with each other we think if sir okay and they're part of all relationships so you've grown up holding on to that little negative idea which eventually you throw at the person you're dating you throw the person who loves you you start taking that person for granted huge life lesson never do that and you won't understand the
lesson never do that and you won't understand the depth of this situation until it happens to you until someone does the same to you if you've ever had a relationship that's even been marginally toxic the toxicity the poison of the relationship comes from the other person's past their experiences growing up their upbringing their insecurities which are projected onto you so next time if you're dating someone or if you're currently dating someone and you want to say something nasty to them you want to lash out at them angrily you want to take out your work frustration and throw it on them take a minute take a step back and understand the consequences of your anger understand the consequences of your toxicity that's what I understood from that relationship this person had the most beautiful heart in the world and I honestly feel it from every relationship you take away a positive from that person you're dating from that person I took away the possibility of being back nice in life how can someone be so nice we
nice in life how can someone be so nice we definitely grew into different people we parted ways and eventually the next person came into my life at this stage of my life I was in my early 20s and your early 20s especially in a country like ours which is this career-driven they're all about growth in this world sometimes even in your part nose you have a quest for growth through them you tell yourself that you know what am I gonna gain from this relationship how am I gonna grow in this relationship and if you have butterflies in your stomach because of someone then hey even better there's that little base layer of ambition and growth and positivity I don't talk of that the cherry on that cake is those butterflies you feel in your stomach you feel like you're a school kid even after college is done even when you're out in the real world sometimes you hold on to innocent love that way but you need to understand that the thing I keep saying about people growing into
the thing I keep saying about people growing into different individuals there's no jump like the jump that you experience from the age of 22 to 25 you'd be an extremely different person at 22 compared to the person you are at 25 because the real world starts hitting you you get access to older people who aren't just your teachers you get access to people who are your mentors you get access to new experiences you're earning money for the first time you're an adult for the first time it's a wave of newness you rapidly grow into different people now also understand that your early 20s especially in India is a estou period for your married life people especially society appearances generation expects us to get married in our late 20s possibly early thirties so any relationship you have in your early 20s is a test drive for that now you're changing so much from the age of 22 to 25 you're changing spiritually you're changing financially your understanding your own financial capabilities in this world and therefore your ambitions are changing
in this world and therefore your ambitions are changing rapidly so just imagine the depth of change that's taking place in your own mind maybe the reason that that person loved you in the first place may not exist within you anymore that's how much you change and the big lesson I learned from this one is that no matter how perfect a relationship seems today always take it a little slowly and communicate a lot understand the other person's perspective especially in your twenties and and the stage of life that they're at and if you feel that you're taking away from that person's happiness in any aspect then slow down a bit don't get ahead of yourself life is extremely long and the best relationships are sometimes the ones that progress really slowly until you're married to someone you can't give 100% of yourself to that person please understand that and that's another mistake that sometimes bollywood makes us do they talk about crazy intense love that appeal of which you've gone through in school you've made those mistakes
you've gone through in school you've made those mistakes but you repeat those mistakes in your mid-20s because hey you're earning money you're an adult you have your own personality maybe this time you're so sure of yourself the same way you was so sure of your career you're sure that this one's gonna work and it may not because destiny may not be in your hands destiny may not be in your favor maybe you two aren't meant to be together you need to process that fact that until you're actually married to someone help until you're married to someone for at least five years I feel you should go slowly take one day at a time especially in your mid-twenties we're growing so fast there's a reason that there's so many divorces in the modern day a lot of people rush into marriage a lot of people rush into marriage for the wrong reasons dating someone going out of them hanging out with them is very different from living with them you don't understand what it's like to live
them you don't understand what it's like to live with a person when you travel with them or when you have a live-in relationship and good luck trying to create a living relationship in India not the easiest place to have one but that's the true test for marriage you need to experience what it's like being with that same person for more than just a week you need to understand what that person's like to breed with you need to have comfortable silences you need to be with that person all the time all your activities your conversations your ambitions your goals need to match it gets low it's a learning process and finally I'm gonna leave you all with the almost 27 year old version of ranvier at this stage of my life here was my Phi rules for successful relationships rule 1 as much as bad breakups have taught me against proclaiming this rule I still believe in true love and I still believe that butterflies in your stomach are a necessity you need to have that base level of Attraction
you need to have that base level of Attraction you need to be either physically attracted to the person you need to be intellectually attracted as a person and if you're a spiritually evolved person you need to be spiritually attracted to the person that base of Attraction has to be there when you meet the person for the first time you have to get some butterflies in your stomach going you know what even three fours into a good relationships sometimes you need those butterflies in your stomach and keep in mind this does happen to human beings maybe it's that person's voice maybe it's that person's odda in Hindi there's a word called odda which basically translates to the little subtle movements you know the things they do the way they put the hair back the way they flare their nostos when they angry these little things when you break up with someone those are the things you miss because those were the things that got you charmed in the first place the way that person spoke the way
the first place the way that person spoke the way the person smiled not just the looks not just the brains it's all our package deal that kind of chills up the butterflies in your stomach the second aspect of this friendship friendship is way more important than relationships romance and love if you begin very intensely if you begin romantically there's a chance that all that file might burn out at some point but if your relationship is built on the basis of friendship that's the true test for relationship a great life hack is to be able to see how well you gel with that person's friends if you get along with the friends you'll probably end up in a long-term relationship with that person because see when you're attracted to someone it's a combination of lust love and friendship eventually lust fades sometimes even love fades what you're left with is friendships and what relationships turn into our partnerships according to me that's why you need to be able to have that partnership with that person and the test for partnership
partnership with that person and the test for partnership is that if you remove that element of attraction who is this person that you love you'll be able to know who that person is by knowing their friends because people vibe with others like themselves if you like the French's company it's very likely that you're in a good long-term relationship right now if you don't take a step back and gauge this situation see this isn't a golden rule this doesn't apply to everyone but most cases you need to see if you can jell with their friends third point don't go out looking for perfection in relationships you don't go out looking for the 100% perfect partner no one's perfect you are not perfect you're probably never gonna be perfect at the most you get an eight or ten or a nine or ten this person might look gorgeous but might have some major flaws say in conversation this person might be extremely intelligent but may not be able to dress well and that might be an important factor for you this person
that might be an important factor for you this person may be smart and loving towards you but doesn't really want to talk to your family now you've gotta ask yourself that those two points that are missing if this person's an eight on ten those two points that are missing are they that crucial for you or can you bridge that gap through good communication this is where friendship comes in as a factor once again talk a lot to each other relationships are about accepting people for who they are but it's also about bridging gaps through a bit of compromise so be ready to compromise because you wanna order a 10 on 10 either you're probably an 8 or 10 boy number 4 if you are in a serious relationship or you want to develop a serious relationship with someone exchange ideas about your long-term goals where do you see yourself when you're 50 years old not professionally where do you see yourself is it a big house in Europe in some orchard is it a small flat in Mumbai or Delhi but you
a small flat in Mumbai or Delhi but you just want your coziness what you just want maybe your dog maybe a kid is it somewhere of beach in Goa and then you've got ask that person these questions where do they see themselves if you really love them ask yourself if you can put yourself within their dreams discuss your long-term visions because that needs to match and when that that's what creates magic in the most symbiotic relationships I'm dead sure Bill Gates and Melinda Gates spoke about this at some point they exchange ideas I'm dead sure Barack Obama and Michelle Obama exchanged ideas about the long-term visions your visions got a match the ambitions after match what you want from life in terms of kids pets the way you want your life to be your daily cycles what time you want to wake up things like that little things like that matter in the long term and the fifth and final rule have a life outside of them I've repeated this point through the course of this podcast but that's
point through the course of this podcast but that's the one big learning of my life till this point it cannot be the center of your world your career your own family your own parents your pets eventually your children or a part of your world none of these aspects our entire world and your relationship also fits into your world in the same way the best relationships help you grow they bring out the best in you they help you learn a lot about life they support you in your dark times but there's still just a part of your life remember that love is the biggest motivation in the world I was recently listening to a podcast by Tim Ferriss where he was interviewing the former Surgeon General of USA who has dealt with a lot of patients who were on their deathbed and his one learning of life was that when people are dying they don't talk about the career they don't talk about the Instagram following they don't even talk about the amount of money they have in the bank they talk about the relationships
they have in the bank they talk about the relationships that were the highlights of their life the people who invoked a feeling of love inside them that's what you remember when you're dying love is the biggest motivation behind everything we do we want to become rich to give to the ones around us not just to feel a sense of power ourselves that's not how you mean Nature has built human nature's all about socializing giving to others and that's why I strongly believe that relationships are definitely just a part of your life but don't stop believing in love at the same time when you're loving love with an open heart but love with all these learnings as a part of your subconscious mind I hope you enjoyed this podcast wow this was like an intense heart to heart a lot of your requests for these episodes where only you should interviewed Ranveer I think this is the closest you'll get to back and in the time of covert 19 I hope you'll like my home setup I
19 I hope you'll like my home setup I hope you enjoyed this episode I definitely enjoy doing this if you're watching this on YouTube definitely drop a comment I want to know what other kind of episodes you guys would like and I hope that some of these lines stay with you forever if they do I've probably done my job lots of love to you guys subscribe to be a biceps on YouTube and follow us on all audio platforms for the runway show
this is the story of the wildest experience of my life but it was also the most important character building experience of my life if you've heard of ayahuasca this is going to be a great ayahuasca perspective for you and if you've not heard about ayahuasca here's what i'll tell you human civilization has been around for a long time they tell us that it all started only about four thousand five thousand years ago modern historians don't believe in that modern historians believe that it's been around for like more than fifty thousand 60 000 years there were some important ancient civilizations indian civilization was one of them the egyptian civilization was one of them another very important ancient civilization which stretches back possibly beyond 50 000 years ago is the amazonian rainforest civilization in the same way that we have ayurveda in india the amazonian civilizations have their own version of ayurveda where they talk about herbs and plants that are native to the amazon rainforest there's more than two million three million
amazon rainforest there's more than two million three million species of plants that are already discovered in the amazonian rainforest and you know what they're constantly discovering new species of plants now imagine out of all these two or three million plants somehow some human being and i doubt it was a human being i do believe that there was some kind of divine intervention or alien intervention but of all the plants in the amazonian rainforest you combine two of them the leaves of one plant the creepers or vines of another plant you brew them together you boil them together and you create a drink like chai like tea you consume that drink and imagine that there's a spiritual ceremony attached to consuming that drink there's someone who guides you through that spiritual experience created by consuming this natural drink that person is called a shaman the culture is called the shamanic culture the drink we're speaking of is ayahuasca it's currently being studied by neuroscientists all over the world because of its healing properties
all over the world because of its healing properties keep in mind in this video i am not promoting the use of ios i don't want you guys to listen to this and say oh i want to go into ayahuasca right now it's not that let me get into the details i've done ayahuasca myself i'm going to be talking about the experience in detail but it's also important for you to know that you need to know the back story of ayahuasca what does it do science has found out that ayahuasca has the active compound called dmt or dimethyltryptamine dimethyltryptamine when it crosses the blood-brain barrier when it actually reaches your mind a lot of it can break old neural patterns and can form new neural patterns that means imagine you're a kid you're five years old you're little you're weak some dogs on the road start chasing you you get scared you run away from them then there's a neural pattern that gets formed in your head and the neural pattern explains to your
your head and the neural pattern explains to your mind dogs are scary at one point in my life they chased me down the road therefore associate your own internal fear with the concept of dogs you grow up with that neural pattern dogs are scary dogs are scary dogs are scary you go to your friend's house your friend's dog is extremely friendly but you're still scared of that dog why because of your neural pattern and this is one small instance imagine all the instances you go through in your life all these multiple neural patterns that are formed in your head ayahuasca has the capability of destroying certain neural patterns and forming new neural patterns the reason it's a combination of two plants is because the leaves of that one plant have the active compound of dmt but if you just consume that plant or a drink made from the leaves of that plant your stomach acids destroyed emt the creepers the second plant in the drink actually blocks out some of your stomach acids and the active
out some of your stomach acids and the active compound of dmt is therefore absorbed by your body and it can reach your brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier now out of two to three million amazonian plants how did someone figure let me combine this one and that one and i'll be left with ayahuasca nobody knows the origins of it the only thing that people know is that it's been around for a while and that it's played a huge role in the human evolutionary process it's helped a lot of people on a spiritual level it's helped a lot of people grow into the better version of themselves and in saying that it is not a recreational drug when we think about something like alcohol or marijuana you do these things for fun you do these things for recreation they're fun to do even something like lsd and shrooms are relatively on the more fun side and ayahuasca experience is never done for fun an ayahuasca experience and i'm speaking as someone who's done
experience and i'm speaking as someone who's done it shouldn't be done by everyone it is an intense experience please understand that what's the story my final year of engineering college i was listening to a podcast with graham hancock who's considered one of the world's most famous most respected historians who's doing a podcast with joe rogan joe rogan speaks a lot about ayahuasca on his own podcast graham hancock spoke about how he's done ayahuasca multiple times and every time he's done it he had become a better version of himself he had healed in some aspect he spoke about how ideally you should do it in the amazon rainforest you should go to south america and curate an experience for yourself you should find a legitimate shaman because there's a lot of fake shamans out there and there are some negative vibes associated with the term ayahuasca there have been ayahuasca deaths which aren't legitimately ayahuasca deaths their deaths caused due to those fake
deaths their deaths caused due to those fake shamans who probably mix other substances with the ayahuasca call it ayahuasca sell it to tourists sell it to people who are looking for healing and actually cause more harm to them than benefit all right so please understand that that's one of the primary reasons you shouldn't go out looking for ayahuasca they say that with these sacred plants which are also part of ancient native american culture the plants always find you you never go out searching for those plants that's something i'd read and i never really believed that i was like okay cool whatever graham hancock also stressed on the fact that when you try experiencing an ayahuasca trip when you consume the drink when you consume the brew a shaman has to be around you he has to guide you through that trip because you open a whole new dimension of existence and it's very easy to lose your mind completely someone has to guide you through the trip it's very important to the process now he
the trip it's very important to the process now he also said that the first part of the trip is where you'll either puke a lot or you'll cry a lot ayahuasca is a highly acidic substance that's the biological aspect of it that they say that it's so acidic that your stomach feels dirty that your stomach feels uncomfortable and throws up whatever is inside the spiritual aspect of throwing up in ayahuasca is that throughout your life you accumulate a lot of physical toxins because of your bad habits your bad eating habits your bad recreational habits and more importantly you accumulate a lot of emotional toxins painful experiences from your life hurtful experiences that are trapped inside you that even you didn't know actually hiding in some corner of your being that's what you puke out it's a toxin release but it's extremely intense and it's usually accompanied by hallucinations so i listened to this podcast and i pretty much forgot about it cut to a year later