like to call your brother figure in my life and whenever we meet we talk about some very crazy stories of indian history that we're not taught in textbooks sure so whenever kids our age especially learn about history they learn you know about the more recent history like the medieval times or the independence movement but india's got like more than a ten thousand year old history and there's actually a lot of history we're not taught in school including things that are very dark things that are related to the occult things that you know are seem larger than life uh so so that's what this podcast is going to be about in fact i'm so happy that you're touching upon some finer points because you know as you know runway every time we meet it generally starts with the youtube channel and everything that you're doing but slowly it gets into the next other worldly topics and most important the spiritual aspects which we always discovered i'm sure you're going to catch up on that touch upon that and ask
to catch up on that touch upon that and ask and dig some real stuff from me also yeah so we're going to go very deep on this let's actually jump straight in one very interesting topic i want to start off this podcast with is this conspiracy theory about the aryans the so-called aryans now one thing i strongly believe is that history is written by winners of war yes as in if someone has won a war they will always write the history textbooks according to what favors them sure or to make the losing side feel a little bad yes you know to kind of make the losing size morale spoil down yeah and that's something i strongly believe about um i think the 18th century when europeans actually defeated a lot of indians in war so a lot of our history got erased yes that's what i strongly believe and it's just surfacing out right now one of the things we were taught is that um there was a race called the dravidians who you know were in the indus
the dravidians who you know were in the indus valley civilization and then there was a race that came in from central europe central asia mainly europe a white skinned race called aryans and that's why they say oh punjabis are fair and then the rest of india is not right because uh so actually would you like to add anything about this like what is your understanding of this topic sure and what is the truth so let us look at it this way uh to start with the word aryan so when you speak about the word aryan it has been used in the world history not only in india in germany also they use this word aryan and they say what is an aryan it's a noble race that's how the whole thing starts but if you look at sanskrit i've been very fortunate to actually study sanskrit the word aryan comes from word arya which means a noble person so when you say the aryan it's not just a race it's also quality of a person so if you
race it's also quality of a person so if you look at mahabharata the book which is much more beyond you know uh for thousands of years maybe five thousand years the word aryan comes very common over there so when somebody is addressing saying that sir madam gentleman in our generation we are saying oh arya so this aryan word first of all as a word is very common in indian culture now coming back if you look at the world history there were movements of power politics okay where you know what we call in india castism across the world you find the word racism the race theory across the globe so you to say for the britain world or the western world race became a very important point if you look at world wars also it's about race the aryan theory and if you look at hitler the german culture so prominently this whole theory of aryan invasion is something that somebody best came from there and i just told him though someone wrote in our history
just told him though someone wrote in our history books but there is only one sided to it so i think the western world talks about the historical fact that we came to civilize you so you know the britishers came and you know they were a backward kind of a uh stone age stone age and they came and maybe made us more human beings but that's not true so but uh you know then the backup that westerners have for this rn theory is that if you actually see genetic profiles of north indians and then if you compare them to people in central asia like uzbekistan or you know central europe like ukraine there are some matches dna matches now what i read from my historical studies reading autobiography for yogi you know books like that actual indian spiritual books they say that indian culture was so advanced compared to the rest of the world uh say 15 20 000 years back that people actually left india and went and settled to ukraine abandoned settled in ukraine went and took
abandoned settled in ukraine went and took our culture to central europe that's how you see the match of d yes true and this is something that all our indian spiritual books strongly believe in sure so so what is your take on this aryan theory finally was there actually a tribe that came to india conquered the dravidians drove them out of the indus valley civilization did that actually happen yeah so i think you spoke about it very rightly that if you look at india geographically there's a big division in the center the vindiction mountains the maharashtra and below and the maharashtra and above it was not very easy to conquer maharashtra and below because of the mountainous regions you know and south was comparatively protected it's not that we did not have inventions in the south but if you look at the north you know once they cross the punjab and there's a lot of this foreign people who directly came in but after maharashtra and we had a lot of resistance
after maharashtra and we had a lot of resistance thanks to the maratha culture all those things and deep south they kept the culture very intact the temples the monument they were still very protected so the one theory that goes as you rightly pointed out the dravidians and the aryans so if you divide into into half then the people above are audience for them very white in color and they have a different way of body structure features the caucasian features and deep within south it's all about you know being dark skinned it's not true i think if you look at the south indian brahmins they also are having caucasian features if you look at maharashtrians many of them have blue colored eyes yeah so where does this whole thing come up so i'd say you know don't look at the past look at saying that there's always been mix and matches in fact i have seen people in north being very dark yeah yeah yeah and it doesn't mean that you know they're not not indians so i
that you know they're not not indians so i think what is interesting is to look at the differences but maturity says that as you look at the differences you start seeing commonalities yeah yeah i actually want to bring you to the next core topic which is wars in india and we had this beautiful conversation about wars something that's not spoken enough about wars in our medieval times by chanakya himself there was some dark magic and occult used in the war yes so so you actually read up a lot about occult and for those of you who don't know the meaning of occult occult is basically like i think the hindi word for it would be something like like you know am i correct yeah or dark things you know ghosts demons things like that which is all that's included in our culture so what is this element of chanakya using occult to defeat his enemies can you just like break it down absolutely so let me tell you occult and what you call black magic and things like
occult and what you call black magic and things like that other worldly practices is used across the globe in africa and all that absolutely and if you look at even harry potter's on many of these modern things you have the concept of witches and you know there's a lady who will do some magic so please understand this that waters occurred from an indian perspective see that you rightly put it there is a darker side to it which is not generally spoken about kala jadhu and all those things now what happens is that if you look at things that are known and things that are unknown and typically what happens is that when you are not able to find success in the known methods you try to look at unknown methods and that's where you know slowly from faith in god you start even worshiping the devils so there are you know people who pray to bhooth prayed and you know get things in it still happens and there are a lot of systems uh which promotes
and there are a lot of systems uh which promotes kaladyado i am very careful about this whole thing because once you get into that it's a mental trap so let me also give the other side before i tell you about china can the wars and then as there is black magic there is also white magic not many people have heard about what is white magic right so what is black magic the darker side of it but white magic is actually healing you through the right methods so invite the other worldly people so the people who invite uh the demons and the devils are they all called but the people who invoke the devatas they're also using it so at this very superficial level uh you know if you look at two people fighting yeah uh or two kingdoms fighting it's generally known as the military war okay where we have people who are having the army with soldiers elephants better weapons but as things become bigger it becomes subtler okay so he said okay he's got the cigarette so
so he said okay he's got the cigarette so can i use samadhana veda so what happens at one particular point of time china also realized that you know we need to use other worldly practices i'm not here to recommend that but the reality is that it is practiced even today to some extent so but what was the practice like exactly okay so if you read the artist this is actually mentioned in detail so what they will do is that like if you look at the the positive part of it so today we do yagna hawan you know so we called the priest and then we put certain uh ahuti's in it and you know and then we invoke the god and saying that oh god you know give me this particular thing you're bringing positive energy into obligations if you look at the other side of it you actually invoke the darker gurus the darker details and the ahuti's would be sacrificed the animal animal sacrifice and then you get all the so everything is mentioned
and then you get all the so everything is mentioned in detail and you look at it a little bit negatively i said okay this veda practice is not practiced by chanakya but even the people before it so if you look at there were many gurus some gurus actually uh promoted it in a big way like we have brhaspati and shukraj arya so one is the devata of the gods and others of the demons so they will use all this occur practically mentions and said okay let us try this and not try this so what is interesting it goes into even finding out certain parts of maybe an animal secrets of like the enemy absolutely so the practice it they use it there's witchcraft involved and things like that so what happens you know in those days everything is fair in love and war so they'd use many techniques including the occult but so what was the result of the occurred on the enemy like they used to fall ill they used to get demoralized like others so there
they used to get demoralized like others so there are three levels of occult one is at the physical level the second is at the mental level and the third is the intellectual or spiritual level i would say at the physical level you know a person actually what we call in today's generation probably um what is that bio chemicals ah got it so chemical or chemicals or warfare exactly so you know you just pollute a complete river yeah and then everybody drinks it and everybody dies so that's the very physical aspect of it at the mental level what happens the whole people lose their mental balance the whole society goes crazy at the intellectual level you confuse them so you know what is that you send this wrong message and people start believing it so what's interesting is that finally in the game of war you try various techniques and and the world history not only in india it's all about you know getting uh to the winning side come what me so in the western philosophy greek philosophy
me so in the western philosophy greek philosophy philosophy specifically you have the target horse have you heard about the toddler yeah yeah so you send a whole horse as a gift and finally the people come out of it and kill the enemy trojan horse as they call it and so what is all this trying to use the negative practices to win over the enemy okay so basically and like and a little bit little bit i'm sure there's deeper stuff there's also like mental and spiritual trauma let me also tell you uh you know you have to be very very physically mentally and intellectually strong to understand this because if you use this this can actually rebound on you like karma like it can hit you back exactly so if you misuse it you can be the one get affected let me tell you i know of a person and really know of a particular person who used to do all these things and it was like very shocking for me and they said you know i never ever promoted what
and they said you know i never ever promoted what happened because my father actually got impacted by that his father went crazy so a person who knew the science and studied it a lot of witchcraft and all those things you sort of said no i stopped it because i realized when i was trying to use it to somebody it actually came to my family so be very careful it can rebound and what you want to destroy somebody else can actually destroy you be very careful so i think actually this is a very deep topic and we'll touch upon this in another whole podcast right now let's move on to the next great indian conspiracy so so as you know i'm a huge fan and a huge uh follower of yss which is the yoga and satsang society which is run by which is originally founded by mr yoganan paramanji who's also my yoga guru his book autobiography of yogi has influenced me a lot it's influenced virat kohli a lot it's
it's influenced virat kohli a lot it's influenced steve jobs a lot uh and really i feel like that book has all the answers you could ever have in life yes if you're not read the book make sure you do because it's a life-changing book yeah it's a book that has influenced millions of people directly yeah i'm sure if you're only millions of leaders absolutely yeah and so that's a must read if i'm not read it sorry yeah but it's also very heavy book to read it's not everyone's cup of tea you have to really spend time on that you'll probably sit to the dictionary on the side and like read it it's very difficult but it actually got india to a different level in the western world philosophically yeah it's deep but it's sure to impact you and uh so one of the key uh stories mentioned in that book okay before i talk about the story let's talk about one of the key angles of the book is that there's too many parallels between
the book is that there's too many parallels between ancient yogic yes yes and the bible yes there is too many parallels like they've actually almost in every chapter they extract a verse from the bible and then compared to something which is a teaching from yoga uh let's not get into the details of the philosophies but let's talk about one of the stories which was that if you actually study the history of jesus christ so i think he was born around israel like he was born jerusalem and that was his general area israel palestine so there's a track record of him to the point where he's a teenager and then directly we jump to the point where he's uh 30 years and above and there's one whole period in the middle where no one knows where he went what he did and there's no track record of that now according to ancient indian books according to yogic sciences they talk about jesus christ and they say that he actually spent a lot of time in india learning
he actually spent a lot of time in india learning something called kriya yoga which is also the main kind of teaching of the biases the main teaching of the autobiography of yogi so to give the viewers some kind of a introduction to kriya yoga this is a whole podcast topic by itself but it's basically a very advanced form of yoga now when normally people think of yoga they think of all those asanas and you know bending your body in different ways but yoga has a lot to do with your mind also you can bend your mind in different ways you can you know work with your soul in different ways and create yoga involves your mind and your soul a lot as much as it does your body the result of this is that you get a lot of spiritual progress like by doing your kriya yoga you advance a lot spiritually yes uh which leads to actually on a biological level brain development it adds a lot of uh capacity to your brain you know when
lot of uh capacity to your brain you know when they say oh your human mind only uses seven to eight percent of its total capacity an activity like yoga unlocks the remaining 92 percent the remaining 90 of it uh and that's what they say jesus christ did for 12 years he went to the himalayas he got trained by the local kriya yogis and then took that knowledge out west and if you actually go and see the origins of any kind of religion in the world it always somehow begins with something related to yoga i'm not saying related to hinduism or india just related to yoga as a concept manipulating the human body manipulating the human mind to achieve your maximum potential now kriya yoga was lost both in india and by the west over time because people stopped practicing it but it's arising again people are getting more aware about it in the times we live in so so my question to you is have you heard the story of jesus and uh what do you have to
story of jesus and uh what do you have to say about like this whole so-called conspiracy theory yes of course i heard about this and you know a lot of people have written about it there are fictional novels about it and historical references also about it and as you rightly pointed out if you read autobiography of yogi you do get references of it now i'm not a scholar on the subject but i wouldn't be uh against this particular theory saying that you know jesus never came to india i'll tell you logically for me it looks that anybody who has served the world directly indirectly is a spiritual person and whichever part of the world you are in and india has been the the center of spirituality for the whole world for human history so whether he physically came or no this could be debatable but the fact is that i'm sure whichever whoever a great master lived he or she has got influenced by india and let me come very specific the himalayas see
and let me come very specific the himalayas see what has happened about this particular great country is that you know it's almost like a spiritual center now let's say i have this particular hall and i've got to charge a mobile i'm going to use the mobile but there'll be some particular point in where i have to go charge it so india has always been the spiritual charging part of all spiritual gurus yeah so directly indirectly i know that this theory could be true because he must have come here and i read somewhere i don't remember whether what the reference is that he actually went to a particular place in kashmir and there is a particular place where a name is equal to jesus and there are some books written on it coming back what is the essence of it the essence whether he came or no is one part of it but is jesus respected as a great saint yes and you know if you look at his theories they're very much uh close to what we indians
they're very much uh close to what we indians believed in the theory of non-violence so if you look at the parallels uh i mean he was a great saint who believed you know whatever be die will be done i mean that's exactly what we believe in india in our country is saying that you do your best and leave the rest so what happens is that you might do everything but at the end of it finally it's about giving up to something higher yeah the other thing i definitely believe in is that you know the impact that jesus created is among very few people in this world would have done swami vivekananda speaks about jesus and the impact that he had globally so i think it is whether you follow a religion or they are some of the greatest masters of the world and if you study their life and you come and say yes these are basically some of the common yogic practices let me give you one instance to draw a commonality uh the bible may be
to draw a commonality uh the bible may be the followers of jesus who documented the bible and all they say about you know everything began with the sound now for us it's om right om is the creation of the whole world so if you look at there are parallels and again om comes from with a lot of theories that we have in yoga the pranayama a lot of these particular concepts so no doubt about it that it could be a real fact that jesus must have come to india absolutely very accept it or know the reference or no but why not you know and what are we saying it's actually a great spiritual practice called the kriya yoga the last point is that what is kriya yoga i think you mentioned about it please practice it but it needs to be trained uh like you need to be trained through a guru never do it alone you know if you do yoga on your own that's okay but you know when you get to finer aspects of yoga
know when you get to finer aspects of yoga if you don't have a guru you can break your back in the same way kriya yoga is not a physical level it's highly intellectual mental you know you can go bonkers yeah so practice whichever form even if you want to learn cricket you require a coach right so if you have to practice kriya yoga make sure that you are having the right guru who will teach you in that particular path because sometimes you get misguided if you want to achieve the highest form of yoga be it kriya yoga or anything make sure you have a guru are you a creative i am a practitioner of meditation for my practice form is basically the vedantic method which we call the pancha koshas and again it's parallel to kriya yoga so you may choose various parts so my path is vedantic but that doesn't mean i'm different from yoga finally at the end of it it's all about the mind and merging with the universe
all about the mind and merging with the universe 100 uh also i think a lot of people are wondering you know where can we actually find a guru the practical solution in 2019 is that at least from what i have heard uh isha foundation which is run by satguru they conduct fantastic programs and obviously you can reach out to your nearest yss that is what i recommend on a personal level but you really need to as we call it vibe with that whole uh community if you find sense in what they're saying if you understand the science that they talk about and you feel higher the talking sense that's when you go for it when you 100 sure that okay this is where i want to be and one tip ranvir you know this that you know instead of waiting for a guru have the deep urge for wanting a guru yeah and the guru will appear he will he has to in fact i always believe that if the student is ready the teacher would come so if the yogi inside you
the teacher would come so if the yogi inside you is ready the yoga teacher will come yeah and so this is like a little bit corny but for me that situation has happened with you as in a lot of answers i was looking for in life came through your words so thank you again thank you for being on episode 2 of monkey chat i hope you had fun i didn't have my co-host virat shade with me today but we're going to do a lot more of these historical conversations so guys uh radhasar and me will always be open to talking about whatever history you want to talk about uh let us know in the comment section what you enjoyed about this podcast what could you like to change we are developing it for you so that you get maximum knowledge let us know follow us across all our platforms i'm going to link all of our others handles down below and very importantly if you want to get a more of an insight into rather so's mind i highly recommend you check
into rather so's mind i highly recommend you check out the ranveer show episode that we did with radha on the youtube channel beer biceps so any last parting message to the viewers of course of course of course my journey is about indianizing indian wisdom so the indian wisdom is looked at from the western standpoint so we have a western version of indian wisdom that we are actually learning let's have an indian way of looking at indian wisdom so what we are actually trying to do are probably my life's mission is to say that now there is indian business a wisdom which everybody knows there's indian management indian leadership this place but you know it's important to look at it from a pure standpoint from our context it's like a mother looking at a child and an outsider looking at the child nothing wrong and it's beautiful but when a mother looks it's not the complete evolution of the child so what i'm saying the purest form the indians have a responsibility to study
purest form the indians have a responsibility to study our ancient culture our indian history and probably our whole civilization from a new perspective last thing which i want to tell is that the good news the very good news is that it is still documented and available in the libraries you know friends we think that it is all gone it is not gone only things that we are not aware that it exists go to any library and you'll find thousands of manuscripts in ancient indian literature still available study it and you will give your own perspective and version of the indian wisdom for the world yeah anyway thank you radha so again it was an honor having you on the show and until next time guys we are coming out with another killer episode
the dark times are the times that define us it's not the successes right when things are going great when everything's working that's like okay great congratulations but it's those dark times it's the things that happen to us that aren't ideal that we've got to figure out that's what builds our strength that's what builds our character and toughness the best thing that was happening if there is something else in a higher power that is sort of directing and helping and and sort of guiding you on this journey that is life he-she whatever the you your perception of you know higher power is definitely had a plan a plan in place and and gave me what I needed not what I wanted failure sucks regardless of when it happens how it happens it sucks but it's going to happen oh my god we got a beer biceps alpha AM collab coming your way you know what is going on everybody thank you so much for having me this is so exciting to the done Biggio I
this is so exciting to the done Biggio I have been a fan of yours ever since I mean all of a sudden it seemed like I started seeing all these little little comments on my videos about oh you need to go check out beer biceps and I'm like your biceps I'm like what the heck is that and so I went and I looked and the information and the videos that you're putting out like literally blew my mind because I'm like man this guy gets it he just gets it and and it's been really fascinating and amazing for me personally to watch your growth in this journey personally and professionally and so to be on your podcast is a true honor to be talking to your people is is also amazing so thank you so much for having me on thank you my brother welcome to that and V show but I have to begin this podcast by telling you a story I don't know actually you may not be able to see it behind me but there's a
able to see it behind me but there's a board there's my study desk right behind me and I started out this journey in 2015 August and I think you were at about 700 K subs back then and within a week of starting out bo biceps a friend of mine sent me your channel that was the first time I saw al for him and I've been watched a lot and I think very soon after that you hit 1 million I remember your growth from jeido mill was like very very fast and in that one that 1 million video was super emotional but you also mentioned that you took seven years to hit that mark and it was you know true hustle so it inspired me but the other thing I did was I kind of used your blueprint as a reference so I actually wrote seven years on a piece of paper and until I hit 1 million there was a seven years that that paper with the seven years written on it was on my study table and behind it it was I'd written alpha M
and behind it it was I'd written alpha M but she's over but she did it before seven years it was much fat that's that's the advantage of being in India you know like having like so many people but man I cannot explain to you it's not just me there's a lot of brown dudes out there who have met you have no idea how many people your voice is reaching out to so how does that feel man you know it's overwhelming to be honest and that was something that you know YouTube in this whole platform and realizing that you have the ability to affect so many people it was it was almost scary for me when I realized it and and I've said this before but I'll say to you to see your audience as well you know YouTube has made me be a better person and really the reason is because I don't want to let anybody down and you know it's very very upsetting to me when I see these people that I admire and you know maybe they're celebrities or
I admire and you know maybe they're celebrities or people you know in in politics or whatever it may be that you know you have this this image of them and all of a sudden they do something that totally like shatters your perspective of who they are and it really lets you down and so YouTube has made me realize that with this incredible voice this incredible platform I've got a responsibility and I've got a responsibility not to not to let people down and so that for me required me to sort of walk the walk and so YouTube as as as a result you know indirectly caused me to be and and beneficial you know it's a benefit but it has caused me to be a better person and so it's overwhelming though I mean realizing that you know what this is this is the opportunity I have the fact that people actually listen to me and want to hear what I have to say it was very it was it was life-changing for me and it feels amazing but it's also
for me and it feels amazing but it's also a little bit scary because I just don't want to screw things up you know well I I'm telling you your army of fans believes in you completely man like I have this big mentor in my life who has always told me that Ranveer you've gotta aim to create a thousand other and leaves and as long as you do that you'll have achieved your goal and I just want to tell you man like anything I'm doing to be a biceps you have been a part of like the inspiration behind that so on a personal level you helped give me a lot of confidence both as a youtuber and just as a brother and okay for example like one quick example is that we both like on the shorter side we around the same height and I remember watching a video of you talking about how short guys should dress and you know carry themselves yeah man hearing you say that just kind of it was like this explosion of
that just kind of it was like this explosion of confidence for all the short guys over the world that's the one thing that that um you know I hear from a lot of guys who were on the shorter side and it always upset me to hear them talk about their height like it was some handicap or it was some you know some personality fall or something I mean being short is just a characteristic you know and just because you're short that shouldn't be an excuse and don't let it be an excuse in order to not go after your dreams or date the girl or date the guy or or accomplish and be successful and make a lot of money like being short has nothing to do with it it's just a characteristic of you your personality or your person and and we're all beautiful and different in different ways you know everybody has insecurities and and I personally don't believe being short should be one of them and and I've never let it interfere with my ability to go
never let it interfere with my ability to go after my dreams and my goals and be successful and I just I hope that that through my sort of my experience am I being able to sort of talk about that and letting people know hey look I'm a short guy I'm confident you know don't worry about it it's awesome being short is amazing hopefully it helps you know other short dudes out there around the world and so apparently you got a little boost of confidence and I love love it love it love it 100% for those of you wondering we're both about five six five seven six man it's a very important show that's about like 170 centimeters for you European listeners and the other thing I really want to ask Aaron is that now here's the thing after watching your channel I definitely learned how to dress better how to take better care of my grooming routine all that but the other big kind of ability I gained is the ability of confidence to just go and talk to people and
of confidence to just go and talk to people and I believe that both when it comes to the women and when it comes to business that's that one ability that just makes you you know it puts you in another league so man I want to ask you earlier when you were way younger I know you're your alpha I'm now you're like the symbol of international confidence but back in the day yeah back back in the day did you ever let your height you know talk against you did you ever have a voice in your head that kind of chipped away at your confidence levels my height no but other things yes like what you know it was a you know I grew up with with an abusive or actually to of use of stepfathers and and so from a very young age I was very aware that I I needed well I I don't know that I needed to but one of the defense mechanisms was that I sort of shut down and it interfered with my ability to sort of stand up for myself and
my ability to sort of stand up for myself and so literally from the age of like 12 years old until I actually went and sought help for myself through through counseling and talking to somebody at the age of 24 I didn't have the ability to or the confidence to stand up for myself confrontation scared the heck out of me and you know it was and it wasn't until I was 24 that I sort of embraced you know making sure that I had the tools in order to get over this because I realized that it was interfering with my ability and my life and so that was a that was a big issue another confidence thing that I've dealt with personally is feeling inferior intellectually and one of the reasons for that is because I am not somebody who who sits down and reads a lot of books and in in this world that we operate in and that we live a lot of value is placed on people for you know the amount of knowledge that they acquire and the
know the amount of knowledge that they acquire and the amount of books that they actually read and and I never really enjoyed reading because I went to this special school that taught you how to spell based on phonics and it was you you would spell how the words would sound as opposed to how they really were really were you know spelled and this was something that you know for most kids they're they have an easy ability to switch over and kinder in first grade I did not and so reading and spelling had always been something that I had struggled with grammar and punctuation I'm just not good at and so that's another one of my big insecurities was the fact that I don't read very much I can read and I read and consume a lot of content but in terms of you know when people would always ask me oh what's your favorite book and and I would actually lie for a long time until I sort of got comfortable in the fact that you know what some people like to read some people
you know what some people like to read some people don't and it's okay and I sort of you know embrace that and and so yeah so we we all have insecurities I think that's you know you do I do we all do everybody listening has insecurities and the funny thing about insecurities is that there is invisible often times right and so most people you know when you tell them hey I'm insecure about this or I'm insecure about that or I don't like the size of my nose or my ears stick out they look at you and they go what because they don't perceive this as a problem or a fault but it's it's funny but we are our own worst critics and so when we look in the mirrors we see the five pounds of extra body fat we see the little bit of manboobs that we might be rocking but to the outside world were perfect and and you know so so yeah insecurity it's definitely something that I've struggled with mine have been obviously different
I've struggled with mine have been obviously different than a lot of yours or people listening but I think we all have them yeah yeah 100% mine and I think I'm still dealing with it today it's this fear of not making it as big as I want to make it in life man like I in I really really want to become the jack near the loan of India and I think I'm I'm on track with it but it's just one of those things that I'm trying to make peace with as I grew up unfortunately though what you're falling into the trap that I think a lot of us do and one of the downsides to social media is that you know that we compare ourselves to everybody else right you are so far ahead of me of when I was your age like of so many people like you have taken it to the next level and your drive and motivation is such an inspiration not only for me but I'm sure everybody who watches you and consumes your content and
everybody who watches you and consumes your content and meets you you know you're you're inspiring and the fact that you had the ability and have the ability to change so many lives you know there's there's your success more more than most people ever would dream to accomplish in a lifetime already and so don't don't be too hard on yourself but I understand that Drive because you never want to settle and I'm the same same way and it is it's scary to think about not achieving your destiny or what you feel you're capable of that means a lot man that's why your alpha M but if I had to ask you the origin story of this superhero image that you've built out what would it be man what like where did your origins happen in the gym it all started at 12 years old when my mom gave me a Fitness membership to a gym and would drop me off after school that's where it all started because even though I had not the greatest home life I found
though I had not the greatest home life I found Savior I found my confidence I found my voice I found I found weightlifting and I found a home and and it was it was it was the gym that gave me my confidence and my courage honestly to continue to move forward and press forward you know fast forward then you know for me my life has been sort of different iterations one of the beautiful things about about my journey is that you know when I started YouTube back it was like 11 years ago or something of that nature 11 or 12 years ago you know I was a little bit older than most people that start YouTube you know I was you know in my 30s I already had businesses that have failed I've had some successes but the majority of my businesses up until that point were failures and so when I came the YouTube I've already lived a life I've already had you know highs and lows and suffered you know tremendous loss and been completely basically at my darkest
loss and been completely basically at my darkest days and my lowest point and so everything has sort of been on the upswing since then and so when you've been as low as I have been in regards to business and professionally and emotionally you know it and and you start to see a little bit of success and you start to see that people actually value your opinion for me now what success looks like is just being able to do what I love everyday and to affect people and help them and I feel like if I'm able to do that you know that's that's ultimately what what I was put on this earth to do and so I'm gonna try and do that until until my time to go to the big wardrobe in the sky beautiful do you feel that that dark phase was important in order to create you today like do you look back and say hey man that's why I got built I would absolutely I think that's the dark times are the times that define us it's not the successes right
times that define us it's not the successes right when things are going great when everything's working that's like okay great congratulations but it's those dark times it's the things that happen to us that aren't ideal that we've got to figure out that's what builds our strength that's what builds our character and toughness and for me growing up poor you know going through bankruptcy having businesses fail you know losing my best friend like all of these things were were critical to my development as a person and critical to to me as an individual basically building my toughness my strength and and ultimately getting comfortable in my own skin and so I absolutely think that growing up poor is an advantage for those people that don't look at their situation as the defining characteristic of who they are but just use that as a tool and as motivation to pick themselves up and make something of themselves the dark times I think that they're critical for development beautiful I didn't what what are you up to
development beautiful I didn't what what are you up to right now in life like other than the YouTube channel what do you do so so right now I'm I'm gonna I'm at a good point but it's it's um I'm at a sort of an inflection point for me personally I I have the YouTube channel which was has allowed me to open and run a few different businesses I have a advertising agency called men financial media where we represent a bunch of different men's lifestyle influencers and and negotiate brand deals I started that with my best friend from high school Terry and then I started a hair product business back in 2013 called Pete and Pedro and then about four years ago I started a men's skincare line called T's Handley more recently than that last year I launched and developed a custom sunglass company called enemy and and right now I'm in the process of starting another business where I'm a main like investor and it's actually going to be a brick and mortar shop that
actually going to be a brick and mortar shop that that is going to be pretty sweet and I'll tell you a little bit more about that later I'm not really ready to divulge exactly what goes but so stuff going on and just trying to stay healthy and happy are you are you financially in a position where you can't stop you tubing if you want and just rely on these other businesses yes okay but why do you choose not to I love it I still have video editing like I like I get up in the morning thinking about my video I get excited to film my video and and I still get that that excitement I get that nervous energy right before posting I love reading the comments it's what I was born to do and so I would do it it I did it for six years without making any money I'd continue to do it you know if I I continue to do it even though I don't necessarily need the income in order to sustain myself or my or my family
order to sustain myself or my or my family how do you come up with so much content like your your the blueprint for a hard-working youtuber how do you come up with so you know it's it's you know it's it's getting ideas it's thinking outside of the box but the other beautiful thing when you've been doing it a long time like we have you know things change and so the G the video that I did six or seven years ago about denim and jeans the information is different and so it is about you know as we as as individuals and and creatures develop our perspectives develop and so putting out new content based on old subjects also is something that I feel is is critical and so there's there's always something to talk about in my opinion now sometimes it's easier than others but but just you know just thinking about it and and and I love the creative process and figuring out different angles to you know promote and advertise products and that honestly I got to be honest one
and that honestly I got to be honest one of the reasons why I'm able to continue to put out as much content is because I have a lot of advertising that I do on these on these on these videos and so when you've got a brand that has a product and they say okay this is the product it forces me to be creative and think of different ways to integrate it into the topic that I'm talking about so advertising has actually been one of the reasons why I've been able to continue to generate as much creativity and content as I do I know I know you're someone who's super humble as a guy oh that's probably because of your upbringing and you know whatever you went through in your past so I know for a fact that you're not the kind of person who takes the success for granted and my question to you as man or the YouTuber life can be intense I've spoken to a lot of youtubers from all over the world lot of people dealing with mental
all over the world lot of people dealing with mental health issues you know confidence issues everyone thinks that you know what probably tomorrow all this might collapse and then I don't know what I'm gonna do so when was the last time you had a phase like that every day I think that every day I deal with these issues now it's and and and it's it's it's a constant battle it's again and it's it's it's a battle with yourself it's a battle with your brain just to stay level and you know to not freak out when views are bad you know we're we're currently dealing with you know the day that we're recording this we're still dealing with this this this international crisis you know with the quarantine and everything and and and it's affected a lot of a lot of things it's affected you know my YouTube views it's affected my my businesses in terms of sales you know and so so yeah I had a I had a I actually had an anxiety attack about two weeks ago
I actually had an anxiety attack about two weeks ago when I was driving just thinking about sort of the magnitude and the fact that I've worked so hard to do what I've done in the build what I've built and and the thought of not having control scares me I'm a control freak to some degree and I think you probably are as well and and and so you know so so feeling out of control and feeling like I don't have control or my hands around this situation just just really frightened me and I I had a moment and I got through it I I breathed deeply I meditated a little bit and and sort of thought okay there's nothing I can do to change this but what I can do is focus on myself and work and be disciplined and that for me helps me get through the hard times getting back to work 100% question do you was gonna be how did you pull yourself out of it but you answered it pretty much I once had one of these anxiety attacks
pretty much I once had one of these anxiety attacks recently about a month ago I was with another mentor of mine and he told I told him that you know what I want this to be my MVP season I've had one bad you so I was trying to I was trying to set up my own media company for the last two years and I felt like this last one year was my last year but I wanted to be hands-on with it yeah and now I wanted to I want to start focusing on my YouTube game again from the CEO onwards and I told him that you know I'm gonna be the MVP this year I'm good this is gonna be my oh and he told me that it's great to have hopes and ambitions like that but no MVP decides that this season's gonna be my MVP season and MVP only preps himself to play well in one game so you take one day at a time you take one game at a time and I think at the end of the
a time and I think at the end of the day you gotta trust yourself with the fact that you brought it from point A to point Z so you'll definitely be able to take it further and I also just want to add here that man aren't like if you get out in a mall in Delhi or Mumbai or Bangalore you will be mobbed that's your level of Fame in this country I get back place I need to come and see you you always you always welcome in India by God sometime when we start the travel again I I do want to actually come because I do see all the comments on my videos from from gentleman in in your neck of the woods and and I need to come and say hey I mean it really is is amazing the support and the love that I've received and so I definitely know that I need to come over 100% when you were starting or did you think that you'd be talking to this part of the world as well like did you have that
of the world as well like did you have that vision I didn't know when I started if I'm being completely honest I didn't know that anybody would listen or watch this was back in 2008 when I started my channel and so I had no concept of of what really YouTube was this is before anybody was making any money it was just a place to upload a video I didn't understand what a subscriber was and and really what what hooked me on this platform was on that first video I got a comment from a gentleman said hey I'm a big guy I don't know what to wear can you help me out so the second video next day I'm filming a video about what to wear if you're a heavyset guy and it was at that moment that I that I was hooked but I had no idea really what YouTube was all about when I started so no I never envisioned this ha ha ha it's been 12 years since you're doing this so where do you think you do was gonna
this so where do you think you do was gonna be in 2032 and what do you think you'll be doing 12 years from now you know 5-year plans have never worked out for me so I don't make them I don't know I've never I don't allow myself to really think far in advance i man I don't have any idea it's changed so much in the past ten years in the past five it YouTube has changed in the past two years drastically and so I'm not sure I think I definitely will still be making videos I don't know to what frequency I don't know what the content will revolve around but um but I'm confident that in 10 years God willing I will I will still be healthy enough to do this and still have a passion to help people and and so I think I'll still be making youtube videos of what the platform looks like I have no idea do you believe in God I do and like what's the origin story of that like is it sin is it a
story of that like is it sin is it a childhood thing because I didn't believe in God in my childhood and it's something that kind of came into my life a little later no it's um you know it's funny because I you know what what spirituality means to me is different than what it means to probably a lot of people in terms of an organized religion i I do not practice one specific religion my my family is Italian Catholic and so you know growing up everybody in my family was very very Catholic and so you know going to Mass go in a you know church and everything was very important my mother on the other hand she was more of like a hippie of free spirit and she did not want me to basically be locked into the ideologies of an organized religion she wanted me to sort of discover things on my own and my father is actually a Buddhist and so from the age of like 12 he started practicing Buddhism and so I have seen and then then I
and so I have seen and then then I started long story short I started researching different world religions just for my personal you know interest I I was interested to see you know well there are all these different religions and are they really honestly like kind of saying the same thing just using different you know names for things and so I was very interested in religion and so you know theology and and iconology is all something that I'm very interested in I do have a I feel a very you know personal connection with with my god and and I think that that is a big part of my life and and something that I I believe in what it means do I think that he's sitting on a big chair up there you know I don't but you know I do believe have you had experiences in your life where you you're strengthened God has like increased after having a certain experience not really and the reason why I say that is because every time I was going through something really bad you know
time I was going through something really bad you know like whether or not it's my business failing I I would pray really hard right oh god please just let me get through this oh please let me you know let me figure this out oh please please please please please please and when when it didn't work out the way that I thought it should I get upset and I get mad I'd be like well if there's really over then some you know then you see people dying or loved ones might my wife's brother passed away at the age of 44 you know you you see these things like well if there was a God like why would this happen you know but but I think that was a much more like to answer the question no but yes at the time when I'm trying to utilize my spirituality in order to get something for myself it hasn't worked and I would get upset but it was in retrospect and only in in you know later perspective that you're able to realize that the best thing
that you're able to realize that the best thing that was happening if there is something else in a higher power that is sort of directing and helping and and sort of guiding you on this journey that his life he he she whatever the you your perception of you know higher power is definitely had a plan a plan in place and and gave me what I needed not what I wanted and so if that makes sense at all yeah for sure 100% do you do you now look back at those moments and say that oh this is what God was trying to tell me okay this is absolutely yeah and and that's the beautiful thing about hindsight right super crystal clear but at the time you're so busy being scared and hopeless and helpless and and fearful that you don't have the ability to sort of see through see what do they say see the Farsi the trees for the forest or whatever that's saying is and so yeah it's been it's been a journey it's been a journey for
been a journey it's been a journey for sure I invite you to enjoy the experience like the spiritual aspects of this country man like at some point in your life definitely make a trip to the him and it's not from like a religious perspective or you know it's nothing it's nothing ritualistic but I feel a lot of people go deeper into themselves they become super self-aware when they spend time in certain parts of this country and that's the big and not like when I feel like I feel closest to like to God and when I'm in nature and when I see things that are beautiful when I see the humanity and people like these are the situation's and and and and environments where I feel the closest and really feel the presence of of a higher power and so now III I know exactly what you're talking about I I watched a documentary recently I love music documentaries and I believe it was George Harrison from the Beatles who came and and did did he come he came
who came and and did did he come he came to India correct all the Beatles came to India I know place called education but he was the one who really like embraced it to like like just the next level and and you know with the yoga and the meditation and all that and so it's been yeah I am I'm familiar and understand that that is something that I probably should do and some in the future I I think it will happen to you and hopefully we'll do that trip together excellent but I need a tour guide somebody sure I would I would love to be that guy I want to change up gears completely and I want to ask you about the best and worst aspect of your shark tank experience when you did that who think I think you've been on it twice so just encapsulating both those incidents what was your best and worst aspects of it the best aspect of the shark tank experience was just the process of being out there in California and filming the the
of being out there in California and filming the the episodes because we make youtube videos that was the first time I really saw like the production and the behind-the-scenes and so that was like my Super Bowl and and so I the the best part about it was just going out there and being a part of it and meeting all of these other entrepreneurs because one of the the shark tank that you don't realize is that they film like half of the season within like a one week period and all of the entrepreneurs that you see they're all staying at this one Hotel and so you get to actually like everybody at this hotel as an entrepreneur going on Shark Tank and so the first time I was on the thing that was so surprising to me was how smart so many people were and and just being able to be around that many you know creative entrepreneurs was nothing I've ever experienced before I think one of the unfortunate realities of being an entrepreneur is that it's lonely it's a
an entrepreneur is that it's lonely it's a lonely journey often times and if you don't have business partners if you don't have you know people on your team especially when you're starting out it's it's a solo thing and so not having the ability or people to actually commiserate with or to share the highs and the lows and talking to your friends who are not entrepreneurs they don't understand what you're dealing with or what you're going through exactly they can relate but they can't necessarily understand and so going out there and just being immersed in a sea of entrepreneurship and creativity that was the best part the worst part about Shark Tank was uh let's see what was the worst part about Shark Tank you know I think it's it's it's it's the it's the decompression afterwards it's a huge letdown for me it was actually the first time I was on I didn't get a deal the first time but I was sure that I was going to be able to
was sure that I was going to be able to sell a lot of you know my my product which was the Alpha M style system and when that didn't happen and the first night it aired I sold one style system after the anticipation had been built up for months and months and months that was very hard emotionally I I think I got depressed for probably a few days I shouldn't I was depressed because I wasn't technically depressed but I was upset yeah it was it was it was hard for me but those were the two high that was the high and the low of the experience it was amazing I loved I loved both times I'd really and this is something I've wanted to ask you for a while probably since I began watching your channel what are you working towards what's your end goal that's something I'm trying to figure out and I'm being and I know that it sounds like a cop-out I don't know um you know I think for me I've got different goals for my businesses
for me I've got different goals for my businesses YouTube I don't really have a goal there's not really this like you know oh once I reach this this point in terms of subscribers once I reach this ten like there there's not really that like that that point at which I'm thinking Oh once I reach this then like that's it that's sort of an ongoing thing but for my businesses I do have goals but my goals are you know annually you know I want to you know I want to do better than I did the year before you know hiring new people and and you know getting over different benchmarks and so professionally I have you know financial goals but in terms of of ultimately what I want I just want to be happy and I know that sounds like a cop-out but it's not truly I love what I'm doing and I hope that I can continue to do this as long as I'm able to and I think that the direction will will show itself to me when when I'm supposed to
show itself to me when when I'm supposed to see it and right now I just am focused on on achieving small incremental goals with each of my businesses small baby steps and you know I don't I don't care to be the Elon Musk of of my state of George I just I don't have that I just want to be viewed as a successful entrepreneur and I want to feel personally fulfilled and and so if I I can accomplish that I I've accomplished that I want to continue to accomplish that and just take it you know to the next level so here's how I look at you I think people already view you as a successful entrepreneur financially I mean people view you as like this master entrepreneur but most of all I think it's the impact you're creating all over the world it's not just in your country like I think that's something again this comes from your humility that you're not able to digest that but you have no idea about the kind of confidence you're spreading
no idea about the kind of confidence you're spreading all over the world so I think you're achieving your goals every day and you're probably some who just wants to reiative it every single day and keep it going just like a true entrepreneur and it helps me and the honestly these little is these little momentary sort of glimpses of happiness and success and seeing that you're making a difference like that helps me and fuels me I mean the reason why you know I am as fulfilled as I am is because I do have the ability to get feedback from people and and I do realize and I get the emails that I am making a difference in some lives and so for me I don't think there's any bigger purpose is to help people and and so I'm able to do that and so I feel good you know the fact that I can make a living doing it as well is is just a bonus because you're an entrepreneur I'm dead sure you're very self-aware what's your biggest strength
sure you're very self-aware what's your biggest strength and weakness in life professionally speaking professionally speaking my I know my weakness I know I've got a lot of weaknesses my biggest weakness is is myself in terms of getting out of my own way I hold myself back because I am resistant to change I am a creature of habit I like routine I like to be safe and one of the I think that is also sort of a unintended consequence of my upbringing you know growing up poor growing up in abusive you know family situations I want to stay in my cocoon if I'm happy if I'm safe right here if I've got enough if I'm safe if I understand and feel I can control my current environment I want to stay here but unfortunately as you know you can't grow without taking risks and getting uncomfortable and so for me it's pushing myself and being aware that I need to push myself in order to get out of this this comfort zone that I'm
to get out of this this comfort zone that I'm in and my best decisions financial decisions have been the ones that I was scared us to make hiring people taking risks taking chances those have been ultimately the most beneficial but they were the scariest for me and so for me I am NOT good at being uncomfortable and so that's probably one of my biggest weaknesses the other weakness I have is I'm a control freak aye-aye-aye even though I understand I'm not good at a lot of things for me giving up power and control is not easy it doesn't come easy it's come easier in the past few years as I've seen that hey if I can get this off of my plate if I can give something that I'm not great at or I don't love doing to this person they can run with it they love doing it I can do just what I love doing which is create content and sort of being higher level then then then then great it moves the needle and it raises
then then great it moves the needle and it raises the ocean for me and so you know that's another another aspect but in terms of strength I think my strength is my ability to work really hard and stay focused even when things aren't fun or sexy or exciting do you think that's the one thing you've done right and this whole alpha M entrepreneurship journey yeah I've you know there's another there's another strength that I have and that is as I'm not scared to fail because when you've failed as bad as I've failed and been as low as I have you know it's like what's the worst thing that happens if I try this if I want to try this and it doesn't work out what's the worst thing I'm gonna be driving a beer cart I'm gonna be bankrupt okay I've already done that and I've survived and so my willingness to take chances and risks calculated though I don't just run into things blind you know I have learned a lot over the years
you know I have learned a lot over the years I've had a lot of you know failures I've had some successes but as a result of the collective it's allowed me to sort of be willing to put myself out there without the fear of a failure failure sucks regardless of when it happens how it happens it sucks but it's going to happen and if you truly are going to be successful it's gonna happen a lot honestly because I think you're going to constantly be trying and doing iterations of different things and so so yeah so just the ability to not to not take it too personally and be scared to fail that's another one of my strengths beautiful um so I kind of got to change gyoji oh but it's in that same mode because you saw bankruptcy kind of early in life I'm sure that's affected your viewpoint on money so what do you do with your money right now and this I'm not I'm not asking Adam what do you know the entrepreneur
not asking Adam what do you know the entrepreneur I'm asking Arden myrin oh the brother like how do you take care of your money specifically where do you invest it how do you ensure that it's gonna keep multiplying so so for me I don't have any debt and that is something where when I went through bankruptcy when I was starting my image consulting business debt was a what it killed me it was it was it was it was just it was a much it killed your creativity it curled killed your joy it killed my my passion for life being in debt and being worried about how I was gonna pay my bills and and and so so I swore that once that bankruptcy happened I would never have debt again and so I have it and so all of my businesses are self-funded never raised any money never taken any debt and so that's one thing I also pay for things in cash pay them off so I don't have I don't have mortgages I don't
don't have I don't have mortgages I don't have things of that nature because it because that scares me you know in the situation I've always say this to people like I want to be in a position where if the internet explodes in the world shuts down I'm okay and my family's okay and so you know it's sort of it's funny but that's kind of the situation that we've been in in the past like month right the world is kind of shut down and it's like oh I didn't really think I was I was actually gonna have to have to manage this and so um I invested myself I invest in my businesses I you know I I invest in you know 401ks and things of that nature I also you know take care of my family and real estate I own you know quite a bit of real estate and a few rental units one of the businesses I'm about to start is going to be another business that I'm gonna be part owner in but I'm also going
gonna be part owner in but I'm also going to be the landlord and so I'm gonna get rent along with my percentage of equity out of that business and so I also do a little bit of angel investing as well in companies that that I believe in that I think are going to do do good things and I just want to be a part of their story and and it allows me to do what I do which is have a little bit of money that I can contribute and offer some some advice where I can and and you know invest money there as well and so that's how I invest my money I also you know own some stocks and invest money in some of the markets but for me that's honestly the scariest thing because I don't have control over it and but but yeah so that's how I I manage my my money my finances everybody tells me that I shouldn't pay off like real estate and stuff but it makes me sleep better at night so what's the best and
me sleep better at night so what's the best and worst thing about being an American I guess I'm not sure what the the you know I guess the yeah that's oh that's an interesting credit I've never been asked that question before I think I think the worst thing is that were spoiled brats what and I think that we we take a lot of things for granted we've never experienced true hardship I mean we have you know over the course of our history but I think that we are a nation of entitled we feel and a lot of our people feel entitled to things including success and comfort when you know we are very insulated from the reality that is life in the world and so I feel like that is probably one of the downsides to to being a an American is that we're a little bit soft in regard so we haven't seen war you know we haven't seen bombs dropped on our heads like we like here like we're sort of protected and we're you know we're here and
of protected and we're you know we're here and we're safe and we're comfortable and and this is one of the actually was 9/11 that was one of the first times that I think it really rocked us as Americans and made us realize oh maybe we're not as safe as we think we are and then this situation that we're having right now I think this also is another game changer for us because we've never experienced this and so I think that this is good I think honestly I think that if there is a silver lining there are a bunch of silver linings in the current you know Corona vices coronavirus issue and crisis that we're facing but one of them is that I think it's forcing us to to toughen up a little bit and and to do a little soul-searching and perspective seeking in terms of the best part you know we've got an amazing country that is is the land of opportunity if you've got an idea and you've got an internet connection and you've
idea and you've got an internet connection and you've got the willingness to work hard you can you can be a success and so you know ever anything is possible got it but can you can you break down that land of opportunity thing a little more like what does it mean being because you hear people say that but I'm sure living in America you get a different kind of perspective on that whole statement I think that it's hard to sort of put it in perspective when you grew up here I think that that is one of the reasons why you know I think that people immigrants to this country have a much deeper respect and appreciation for this country and for the opportunities that present itself here growing up here you don't know any different you know that okay if you work hard if you you know if you don't you know have a victim mindset and you figure things out you can accomplish you know whatever you want you know they're there this this country wants you to be comfortable and and
this country wants you to be comfortable and and our government has set things up for that honestly we take care of people to some degree but you know it is it's it's an opportunity or this this country is a land of opportunity there's there's there's great resources there's great wealth and like I said if you've got an idea and you've got the willingness to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty and figure things out you can and there's no excuse here no excuse so my perspective as an outsider is that the big challenge we deal with in India and just generally Asia is that it's very kind of price point sensitive so any product that you're putting out here the cheapest product wins like that's that's the ground rule so you gotta have basically a huge number of products created to bring down your course price and that's that's the key to business you but I feel with business in America people are a lot more open to spending money people respect the quality of pro
open to spending money people respect the quality of pro way more that's probably my reading of land of opportunity yeah yeah but my question to you we spoke a little bit about the coronavirus situation what are people in USA thinking about the whole situation what's like you know everyone's attitude on an average I know I know there's like different people everywhere and all that but on an average what are people thinking everybody is freaking out a little bit because like I said this is not something that we've ever experienced at least that I know of to this magnitude at least not in my lifetime or my my parents lifetime everybody is is very concerned I think at first when you know we hear we heard about this coronavirus thing it was something else it was something over in China it wasn't you know going affect us sort of like SARS or the bird flu or these other sort of you know auxilary diseases or sicknesses we sort of thought that that that's what it was and it was
thought that that that's what it was and it was over there it's not here once again we're safe we're in America and and and then the proverbial hit the fan a little bit and they started to they started to get a little bit a little bit uncomfortable and it's like whoa wait a second people here are dying people here are catching it and that's when everybody sort of like sat up and was like uh-oh what are we gonna do and then everybody went out and bought soy --let paper Wow yeah everybody's buying toilet paper and like still to this day a month later the stores like have meat they've got produce they've got food they don't have toilet paper everybody hoarded the toilet paper apparently and so how people how people like cleaning themselves up exactly it's but uh but now people are people are managing I think everybody is now taking it very seriously and and just doing what they need to do in order to stay safe and I think that this
in order to stay safe and I think that this environment that we are in is going to leave a lasting impression and so once again I think that one of the silver linings that has come out of this for for a world for us as a world in us as a country here is that we're gonna look at things a little bit differently and I think that the things that we've taken for granted are gonna be a little bit sweeter now and the longer that this less the longer that we are in isolation or quarantine the longer or the more lasting and the deeper the impact is going to be moving forward as an entrepreneur what's your big business opportunity that you've spotted for the time period post coronavirus are you looking at things that way because I mean that's just the nature of being an entrepreneur like you kind of think of how your consumers will behave what will happen to the world and they say that the biggest businesses are built in and around massive waves that
businesses are built in and around massive waves that hit the world so I strongly believe that there's this whole thing called stay home economy basically people's requirements at home so you go around your own house you figure okay this is what's lacking here this is what's lacking here and the businesses which tap into those vacuums the businesses that say okay you know I think I should make a product for that which primarily is at home situations those are the businesses that that are going to take off but what's your kind of opportunity that you're seeing as an entrepreneur now I see that as absolutely accurate I think that there's this whole subculture of people that that are called like Preppers right they have you heard of that term prepper have you heard of that okay yes but you you leap explain it for the audiences so explain it yes so a prepper is somebody who is preparing always preparing for like the apocalypse or worst case scenario or not to have food or water for the
scenario or not to have food or water for the economy to completely shut down and these people prepare and for years and years and years they've got stockpiles of foods they've got weapons they've got bunkers they've got they've got water sources they they thrive and they they live for an opportunity like this and so when this is the first time it's actually happened though so all of these Preppers and people that were prepared we're finally like yes we're just about they've indicated we told you that this is going to happen and so and so there are a lot of companies that actually cater to that sort of that that mindset and so you've got a lot of prepackaged meals you've got you know the masks you've got water tration systems I think that this is going to force a lot of people to start to develop a little bit more of a plan and and to be prepared for something like this and so I think that the amount of Preppers that are going to come as a
amount of Preppers that are going to come as a result of this after this is over is going to increase in any business that is in that space is gonna do incredibly well I think home fitness is going to be another big thing because during this time one of the first things that shut down were fitness centers and health clubs and when that is taken away from you what do you do there's only so much home workout stuff you can do with two chairs and and a gallon of milk you know and so I think that a lot of people after this will start to sort of develop maybe like a little bit of a a more structured fitness you know basically a home workout equipment and dumbbells and things of that nature and so it's funny because there there is a fitness of place around me that sells fitness equipment and my buddy went in there to try and buy something and they've been sold out like it's sold out yeah completely they're like we've had the best month in our history
like we've had the best month in our history and they've been open for like 25 years and so yeah so I think I think that is one thing that we'll we'll start to see an increase in that and you know in terms of some trends that I think are going to you know take away the coronavirus I think one one trend that I think is going to start to become more popular as men's makeup I think that is actually going to be I'm not like I shadow and stuff like that but like you know tinted moisturizer and concealer pens for like acne yeah I see that as sort of the next kind of like untapped men's grooming trend that is going really because it's it's already popular in certain countries certain cultures and I think I think that is going to be something that is going to be a trend that you're gonna see a lot more people getting into why do you say that this thing is gonna start popping after the Cologne avoid a
is gonna start popping after the Cologne avoid a situation why specifically this trend because I see what's happening I think before this happened and and I think that more people are getting comfortable with the that and and I'm like I said it's not like I shadow and lipstick but it's just grooming products that are designed to help even out your skin tone and just give you the confidence I think that for a long time makeup has been taboo for men and when you hear about men's makeup you think oh you know real men don't wear that and I think that one of the the beautiful things about the time in which we live is that it's more about you know feeling good about yourself whatever that means whether or not you want to actually cover up a pimple or you want to get rid of the dark circles underneath your eyes I think this is allowing us to be more free and I think that that is going to be a trend that is going to to increase in
be a trend that is going to to increase in the next coming years I think I I believe that that's gonna be a very popular thing just like men's grooming products right men's skincare was not really a big thing ten years ago eight years ago and now it's huge I think men's makeup is going to be one of those those next hot markets do you do you think that the fashion and grooming industry in general is gonna take some kind of a hit because of the Karuna virus situation because maybe people are gonna head out less or you know at least yeah that's the way it works in India like I believe that something like the deodorant industry or the perfume industry they might take a hit here because guys in India usually only put on a perfume when they're going out on a date because they want a girl to smell them or you know they I'm sure it's like that for all men all over the world yeah so what we're seeing here in the u.s.
yeah so what we're seeing here in the u.s. Apparel has taken a big hit from the coronavirus because you're not going you have no reason to go out and buy a really cool pair of shoes because you don't have anywhere to wear them you know a t-shirt you know I don't need any more t-shirts I'm not wearing it I'm not going to be going out anytime soon so I'm not gonna buy that grooming has taken a slight hit but but personal care products are still staying relatively strong both of my my my company my hair grooming company as well as my skin care company they're still holding their own they're doing okay doing the time now we've had to modify our offer we've had to offer some incentives and deals and things of that nature but so far knock on wood the grooming space is still reasonably strong got it because I think it's self care that's something people want to do on a regular basis absolutely yeah I mean I know you don't have
absolutely yeah I mean I know you don't have 5-year plans but in your head you have a roadmap when it comes to your own businesses like do you think that okay now set up like oh hey care product now set up a skin care thing now I've set up like something else so at some point are we gonna see like an RN merino clothing line like do you think of your life like that yeah I think what I if I'm being honest I think that at some point if I continue on the trajectory that I am with my two businesses T Shanley my skincare company and and beaten Pedro my my grooming company I think at some point I will be in a position or have be offered you or have the ability to possibly sell one or both of those businesses to a bigger conglomerate and at that point I think what I will be doing honestly I want to do more like if I do that then I'll have more cash in order to you know help other entrepreneurs
cash in order to you know help other entrepreneurs and do some more angel and best thing also I think about I think about going and and actually you know starting sort of different initiatives to help other entrepreneurs maybe you know provide seed money or you know a mentorship program I think of myself once I'm able to sort of be in a position where money literally is no no issue I've got you know enough that I can not only support myself for the rest of my life and my family I have enough to actually help other people realize their dreams I think I'll be doing that you know in in terms of my business enemy the sunglass company I feel like that's a very strong brand and it's something where I don't have any pressure on it right now I'm growing it very slowly but I feel like that could be potentially something where I expand out of just eyewear and get into clothing and things of that nature I think that could be a potential outlet for that and so in
could be a potential outlet for that and so in the back of my head I think okay five years that could be something that's more present in my my my sort of my my wheelhouse in terms of what I'm doing I think that for that to happen though one of these other two big businesses has to go away I'd really enjoy talking to you Erin Leigh why on the sooner I do have some more questions it's gonna go a little bit on the personal side I want to know about your family life like what's the guy Aaron behind alpha I'm like you know when you take your superhero costume off what's your family life like what's your love life like what kind of role as your wife played like even before this started out yeah now I I'm I'm very happily married I've been married now let's say I get married in five six of seven so what is this thirteen years and and before that we were dating for four and so I've been with my wife now for
four and so I've been with my wife now for you know almost going shoot it's almost you know 17 years 17 18 years and she is she's my rock she has been there through the very hard times and and continues to be here for the good times you know but they're still hard times you know relationships are hard and they take work and anybody who thinks that it's all just you know amazing all the time is is definitely not not not basing their their presumption or assumption in reality it takes work and it takes two people constantly be willing to put in the time and the work just like anything if you don't if you don't take care of something it will die and your relationship is there different before then I dated before I met her I dated you know successfully you know I did a little bit you know it did a little bit of internet dating that was back when the internet dating thing was just starting and uh you know we we have a very happy very happy life we don't have
have a very happy very happy life we don't have any children and that was a personal decision that we've made and and let's see what else now behind the camera it's it's I work a lot but when I'm not working we enjoy going out to eat we enjoy going on long walks and and you know vacationing a little bit and just being together and and just just being very present in our relationship in our life with the intensity of work that you're putting in how do you balance out like your family life because honestly I've had a couple of relationships through this beer biceps journey and they've ended I won't say completely because of a lack of work-life balance but that was definitely a factor I mean I've grown up a lot now I'm not the same guy I'm not as you know I know I know how to manage my work-life balance a lot better now but hey it's always good to get some advice when it comes to work-life balance you could give me advice
comes to work-life balance you could give me advice I'm not sure how to do that because I don't have children my businesses my entrepreneurship is my baby and it's something that that I nurture it's something that I love and I give attention to all the time and even if you know you're not with your children you know you're thinking about them you're you know worried about them you're you know managing them my businesses and my my career has been my baby and so you know so I am always you know working to some degree even if I'm you know sitting on the couch you know relaxing you know that is part of the process of not thinking that you can out grind you know and just there that I think that's one of the you know Gary Vaynerchuk right everybody online knows Gary Vee I think one of the potential negatives that can come out of listening from him listening to him is that it it puts people in the mindset that you have to work as hard
in the mindset that you have to work as hard as Gary Vaynerchuk and if you're not if you're not working 24/7 365 you're not successful or you're slacking and so I think that he does not do a very good job of explaining you know that it's not and and for him he doesn't have it and for him he's he's doing what he knows to do right now and it's working for him but I think for a lot of people most people you can't endure that you need time to shut your brain off and so for me I exercise every day typically twice a day and so you know exercise is a way it's my outlet it is my release it is my it is it is one of my biggest passions and so no so my work-life balance I don't know what that really means you know it's um my wife she works still she has a good job she's a marketing director for a big engineering firm and so she understands and she's also seen my my growth
she understands and she's also seen my my growth and my struggle from day one and so she understands where the passion comes from and the fact that I I work harder than anyone she knows and she's okay with it because of this intense YouTube grind have you ever cried to her not about that she see yeah she seen me cry but it wasn't YouTube it was when my other when my fitness center was failing that was that was the low point yeah she's seen me cry oh absolutely back then yeah that that's when it was that's what it was hardest for me and so yeah definitely some tears were shed you also mentioned that you know relationships require work so could you break that down like what do you mean you've got to be willing to put in the time and the energy into your work just like anything right and and you've heard this analogy before I've I've heard this analogy a hundred times that relationships are like a flower you plan it you give it a little bit
flower you plan it you give it a little bit of water it starts to grow right what happens if you stop watering it of course it dies it withers because it it's unattended - the same thing happens in relationships you've got to be willing on a daily weekly monthly annual basis to put in the time and to not get distracted by shiny objects and what I mean by that is it I think that you know in our society I think it's gotten really weird in terms of where we're bombarded by by imagery of beauty and and this feeling of wanting and and longing for and and not having this and so we think and we are we are conditioned to think that the grass is greener on the other side when the grass is green right where you are if you can find somebody that you love that respects you that is your partner that is-is-is there for you and that you just enjoy hanging out and chillin with you know that's the person that that you should
with you know that's the person that that you should be with you know you know beauty fades but personality character and integrity does not and so don't get distracted by shiny objects thinking you're missing out give the attention and the energy into your relationships and your relationship both you know with your with your partner but also with your family invest in the people that love you and that deserve your continued support why did you choose to marry your wife specifically what did you see you know everything she was just she was she was perfect for me you know what some of the things that I respect most about her is that she's a very hard worker and and she left home when she was 16 years old because she had not the greatest family situation and so you know she's a she's a survivor and she has despite her circumstances thrive and and a hard work ethic and a compassionate heart or two things that that I find incredibly attractive and so those were two things that automatically attracted me
so those were two things that automatically attracted me to her it also matches with your personality yeah okay iren my last question for you on the podcast actually I've got a couple of last questions the second last question okay is when you're dying what do you want written on your tombstone how do you want people to remember you [Music] just somebody who helped a lot of people I mean I know that's it that's I mean what else is there I think that's kind of the overarching theme of of what I'm trying to do and you know if I if I at the end of the day you know when I'm when it's all over you know if I help people and I helped a lot of people and help people feel better about themselves that's all that's all I need you believe in karma you know I do very much so that's a huge aspect of your work right that's how you look at your work I'm sure absolutely karma yeah it is it is real and with the
karma yeah it is it is real and with the amount of people you're helping I believe it's a way of God in the universe giving back to you man like with all your businesses being successful and all that yeah and you you know the way you help people you know you get guys to be more confident but there's also these selected youtubers you help all over the world unknowingly because I've had moments where I've broken down in front of my business co-founders I've broken down in front of my girlfriends and often they've referenced your channel and they've said that look at this man like he's just going for it like he's always putting out content with a very calm kind of energy and I understand it your way old you're older than I am so there's a certain level of maturity and you know experience and that's why I'm able to do it but I still want to ask you like what's your like I kind of want to build out something similar to what you've