class label
25 classes
i feel a great amount of pressure of my head.
12head ache
discomfort or pain that is felt at some point along the front of the body between the neck and upper abdomen.
17internal pain
i can't move my shoulder because of pain
5shoulder pain
i can't walk because i have a great foot ache
4foot ache
i feel great pressure in my chest
11hard to breath
is pimples a skin disease?
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong.
20muscle pain
i feel pain in my neck after waking up
21neck pain
i feel pain in my head with a vertigo
12head ache
it feels like someone is hitting my head with a hammer. i feel pain on the top of my head and it throbs.
12head ache
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
the last time i clipped my toenails, i cut them too short and now i have an infected nail.
3infected wound
after an hard working day i have foot ache
4foot ache
i feel pain inside and i can not identify it
17internal pain
surgical wounds red, firing pus, painful and hot to the touch
3infected wound
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
the feeling of coughing increases in winter's reach
there is acne on my face
i can't stand up or sit down i have a pain in my back that annoys me
15back pain
when i eat i feel my stomach hurts
8stomach ache
i feel deep tingling when i touch acne followed by bad sensation
when i play football i have joint pain.
10joint pain
i have a cold and it makes me cough alot
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i've noticed my hair falling out a lot lately.
1hair falling out
i feel like l fell in hot water
7skin issue
the area around my heart doesn't feel good.
2heart hurts
i got a divorce last year and i just can't stop dwelling on how to get revenge on my ex husband.
0emotional pain
i feel pain in my right shoulder after the tennis match.
6injury from sports
my upper back has been sore for a week.
15back pain
i love to walk and be outside but the bottoms of my feet get sore so quickly.
4foot ache
at first it feels really numb, but then a thousand needles start to prick through my foot.
4foot ache
i get clusters of whiteheads and blackheads on my back.
standing less than five minutes and my back start to ache
15back pain
when i walk it's hard to breath.
11hard to breath
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
my skin is very dry and peeling.
7skin issue
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
i feel a pain in my back when i sit on a chair for long.
15back pain
the area around my heart doesn't feel good.
2heart hurts
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
i feel like l fell in hot water
7skin issue
he was discovered to have an open wound.
16open wound
i don't have full range of motion with my arms
5shoulder pain
i feel like i just can't cope anymore, i feel overwhelmed and like i just can't get a break.
0emotional pain
my son got a tattoo several weeks ago and the skin around it is raised and hot and it looks infected.
3infected wound
my mind feels very sad, as if it hurts. the way i feel in my head is awful and when i think about my break-up, i cry with sadness.
0emotional pain
i feel a sharp pain in my stomach
17internal pain
i have a red rash that is itchy on my skin
7skin issue
i'm having a hard time reading because the letters are all fuzzy
18blurry vision
i feel lightheaded when i stand up
14feeling dizzy
the crushing sensation on my heart leaves me breathless.
2heart hurts
i have a pain in my joint
10joint pain
i cut myself and i'm bleeding.
16open wound
i feel emotionally crushed
0emotional pain
i feel dizzy whenever i stand up.
14feeling dizzy
when i tried to be warm and wear more clothes i found that i was still cold
24feeling cold
i have a dull ache in my head
12head ache
i got acne when i ate chili
severe pain in the ear
23ear ache
i could not exercise because of my knee pain
9knee pain
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack?
11hard to breath
i feel lightheaded
14feeling dizzy
annoyance starts suddenly, often after an injury or exercise.
9knee pain
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy
11hard to breath
my hair is falling without a reason, i can see a lot of hair on my working desk.
1hair falling out
fell skull is cracked like nuts
12head ache
it's hard to see things
18blurry vision
there are some pimples on my face that bother me a lot
i love to garden but i get a terrible twinge in my lower back when i lean over.
15back pain
i cut my hand a couple of days ago and although i didn't think i needed it stitches it hasn't closed up.
16open wound
i've had this cough for two weeks.
i feel shoulder pain at intervals of time.
5shoulder pain
my husband has a spot on his lip that he though was cold sore but now it has broken open and leaks fluid all day.
3infected wound
i can't stand with this horrible feeling in my stomach
8stomach ache
i have the impression of having no strength in my body
13body feels weak
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy
11hard to breath
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't
2heart hurts
when i tried to answer the phine call i found that i can't hear the voice of the speaker
23ear ache
i feel like i've always got something in my throat
i have a problem in my back i cannot extend it
15back pain
glass broken and wound my leg badly the wound is so wide
16open wound
my hair isn't well
1hair falling out
i have pain in my colon and my stomach like something cutting it
8stomach ache
i have a blurry vision during my swimming training in the pool, why?
18blurry vision
my lower back hurts but it improves if i stretch it
20muscle pain
all my body is in a bad case and i need a good treatment
10joint pain
when i'm driving my eyes see in double
18blurry vision
when i get out of bed in the morning my body feels very weak.
13body feels weak
i was playing basketball yesterday, i have sprained ankle
6injury from sports
i feel pain in my head with a vertigo
12head ache
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
i feel pain in the knee
9knee pain
i have issue with my skin
7skin issue
when i force my eyes to view i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
i have a back pain since i fell on the floor.
15back pain
i feel weak
13body feels weak
i feel a burning sensation in my guts about 2 hours after each meal.
8stomach ache
i complain alot with my neck pain and i really need to be better
21neck pain