class label
25 classes
i'm feeling nauseous
8stomach ache
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy
11hard to breath
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
i feel pain in the lower back
15back pain
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong.
20muscle pain
when i get up, i feel dizzy and fall down.
14feeling dizzy
i may have overdone it with the weightlifting, because i am afraid i may have torn a muscle on my back.
6injury from sports
i started taking swimming lessons and i guess i swallowed too much water through my nose, because this sinusitis is killing me now.
6injury from sports
i have a strange rash on my arm
4foot ache
my kee is swallowing which indicates i have an infected wound
3infected wound
i feel pain in my eyes i can see fog
18blurry vision
my shoulder is hurting me
5shoulder pain
i have whooping cough with excess mucous, need mucolytic.
the pain in my back dwwls like a sharp knife in it
15back pain
i have a great pain in my foot like thrombing pain with relaxing my pain releif
4foot ache
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong.
20muscle pain
i hardly have enough stength to get up,
13body feels weak
when my grand father died i felt a hard emotional pain
0emotional pain
i feel pain in my neck while i'm working.
21neck pain
i don't do anything at home and still i feel exhausted.
13body feels weak
my head hurts in the back and the pain lasts all day.
12head ache
my face break out badly every month around my cycle.
i don't have full range of motion with my arms
5shoulder pain
when i'm tired i feel my head heavy
12head ache
i feel pain in my throat
my body feels weak although i eat a lot, why?
13body feels weak
i cut myself and i'm bleeding.
16open wound
my grandson cut his foot on a seashell in the ocean and now the foot is turning gray and is puffy.
3infected wound
my hair is falling when i am combing it.
1hair falling out
my hair is falling without a reason, i can see a lot of hair on my working desk.
1hair falling out
i can't walk, my knee hurts me
9knee pain
i feel dizzy when i set in-front of my laptop for an hour or two, what possibly could be the reason?
14feeling dizzy
i don't have the energy to do the things that i used to
13body feels weak
when i was washing my hair it was falling out heavily
1hair falling out
it feels like my heart is going to leap out of my body. it hurts.
2heart hurts
i may have overdone it with the weightlifting, because i am afraid i may have torn a muscle on my back.
6injury from sports
i feel a clicking sensation in my knee each time i step.
10joint pain
whenever i stand up i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
when i'm awake in the morning i feel strange and have vertigo
14feeling dizzy
there are times when i feel crushed under a huge weight and no air passing to my lungs, it actually scares the hell out of me when it happens.
11hard to breath
my head ache since i woke up this morning.
12head ache
i have a sharp pain and clicking sound in my ankle joint when i try to stand on it and walk.
10joint pain
i got a divorce last year and i just can't stop dwelling on how to get revenge on my ex husband.
0emotional pain
i feel like something is squeezing my lungs.
11hard to breath
i feel pain in my legs muscles after i ran yesterday, i took some pain killers but it doesn't help.
20muscle pain
my shoulder hurts me so much
5shoulder pain
the pain is intense especially when i go down the stairs, it feels like something has snapped inside my knee.
9knee pain
i feel a pain in my back
15back pain
i feel like something is squeezing my lungs.
11hard to breath
mr hair is falling out just by combing it.
1hair falling out
my right shoulder clicks when i move my arm.
5shoulder pain
i can't see well
18blurry vision
after walking i have some pain under my foot
4foot ache
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
my knee hurts when i walk
9knee pain
there is a tingling sensation in my neck.
21neck pain
i'm suffering from sharp cough accompanied by phlegm
i have injured myself during the soccer match
6injury from sports
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
i feel like the world goes round and round
14feeling dizzy
i am feeling so dizzy, body is so fragile.
13body feels weak
i feel like my heart is on fire.
2heart hurts
i feel lightheaded when i stand up
14feeling dizzy
had i stepped on a needle it wouldn't have hurt so much, like this damned spur in my heel.
4foot ache
when i'm too high i start to feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
when i stand up too quickly i feel as though i'm going to faint.
14feeling dizzy
i'm suffering from sharp cough accompanied by phlegm
i feel a huge emotional pain after i broke up with my girlfriend.
0emotional pain
i feel pain in the knee when walking
9knee pain
my temperature dropped and my body get synosed
24feeling cold
i could not exercise because of my knee pain
9knee pain
i broke my ankle while doing rock climbing in the carpathians.
6injury from sports
i was playing soccer and i twisted my ankle
6injury from sports
i feel strong pain in my knee after it was hit during the football match.
6injury from sports
i cannot get warm no matter how much i wrap up or how high i put the heating on
24feeling cold
i have a break in the skin between my thumb and index finger and it will not close.
16open wound
heavy breath with fatigue
0emotional pain
need to scratch my skin every minute
7skin issue
i have a great stomach ache and i can't eat any thing
8stomach ache
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning.
13body feels weak
i feel chilly, like an ice cube. my sister said that she needs several blankets to cover her so that she is warm enough.
24feeling cold
since i went into the forest i have pain on my ear
23ear ache
i can't move my head up and down.
21neck pain
how do you know if you have a torn meniscus in your knee?
9knee pain
there is a sharp pain in my ear whenever i do this.
23ear ache
my calves feel like they are tight as knots and are throbbing
20muscle pain
i have pimples on my back.
my neck hurts me and i can't stand with this pain
21neck pain
i was injured during football match, i was diagnosed with cruciate ligament
6injury from sports
i was diagnosed with b12-deficiency anemia, which explains why i always felt cold.
24feeling cold
i'm not feeling good i can't take my breath
11hard to breath
i have a sharp pain and clicking sound in my ankle joint when i try to stand on it and walk.
10joint pain
i was very active in sports but now my body is feeling pain.
6injury from sports
i have a pain in my joint
10joint pain
i feel a burning sensation in my shoulder muscle.
20muscle pain
my face break out badly every month around my cycle.
since i went into the forest i have pain on my ear
23ear ache
i feel dizzy whenever i stand up.
14feeling dizzy
i have a head pain every single day.
17internal pain