class label
25 classes
severe pain in the ear
23ear ache
my hair is falling out in huge amount
1hair falling out
when i play football i have muscle pain.
20muscle pain
my heart hurts when i exercise
2heart hurts
i can't stand with this horrible feeling in my stomach
8stomach ache
i have a headache every time i eat ice cream
12head ache
my face has broken out in painful red spots and lumps, that no matter how much i clean my face don't seem to be going away.
my son got a tattoo several weeks ago and the skin around it is raised and hot and it looks infected.
3infected wound
i have a rash on my skin
7skin issue
i had a cut that was stitched together but it is not healing. it is oozing green puss and burns.
3infected wound
my neck feels stiff
21neck pain
i feel so sore in my stomach area.
8stomach ache
my hair isn't well
1hair falling out
i fell through a window while i was cleaning it and i have a shard of glass stuck in my left eye, i think it is pretty serious, please help!
16open wound
i broke my ankle while doing rock climbing in the carpathians.
6injury from sports
i have a blurry vision after my head was hit yesterday.
18blurry vision
i have a hard muscle pain since i went to the gym
20muscle pain
i must see a doctor i have an open wound
16open wound
there pain in my foot
4foot ache
i cut my finger opening a can, it won't stop bleeding and the wound is gaping and open
16open wound
i have this strange rash on my arm.
7skin issue
i feel pain in my neck
21neck pain
i get big patches of irritated pimples on my back and they hurt.
my sore isn't healing well and it's been like this for two weeks.
16open wound
this long scar on my left buttock is from falling off my mountain bike.
6injury from sports
i have a lot of mucus when i cough.
my stomach feels full and upset and bloating after big meals.
8stomach ache
there is so much pain when i move my arm.
5shoulder pain
there is pain in my joints. i can not bear pain
10joint pain
i was travelling by ship and i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i feel pain in my eyes i can see fog
18blurry vision
i was injured during football match, i was diagnosed with cruciate ligament
6injury from sports
i have a great pain in my thorax from heart injury
2heart hurts
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i was playing basketball yesterday, i have sprained ankle
6injury from sports
i need a kind of cream wich make my muscles more relaxed
20muscle pain
i can't stand up or sit down i have a pain in my back that annoys me
15back pain
i got injured exercising
6injury from sports
i have a very rash sensation close to my arms
7skin issue
i can hardly move my neck. it hurts.
21neck pain
there is a sharp pain in my bicep. i have tried to apply pain relief cream but it does not help.
20muscle pain
i feel a great amount of pressure of my head.
12head ache
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i have pain like needles in my joints.
10joint pain
having difficulty moving my knee
9knee pain
i often get a stomach ache after i eat. i haven't been able to pinpoint which foods might be the trigger.
8stomach ache
i have a break in the skin between my thumb and index finger and it will not close.
16open wound
i feel dizzy after severe diarrhea
14feeling dizzy
i have blurry vision after i used a wrong medicine.
18blurry vision
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
i get clusters of pimples on my face that never go away.
i feel weak all over.
13body feels weak
my face is all broken out with pimples.
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack?
11hard to breath
i have a throbbing in my joints
10joint pain
i'm suffering from sharp cough accompanied by phlegm
i can't work good i have a pain in my knee
9knee pain
i have blurry vision after i used a wrong medicine.
18blurry vision
i feel pain in my neck after waking up
21neck pain
i feel cold when the night comes
24feeling cold
i feel pain in my knee
9knee pain
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me.
8stomach ache
when i carry heavy things i feel like breaking my back
15back pain
my muscles feel tired
13body feels weak
my heart hurts when i exercise
2heart hurts
stiffness inability to look right or left except by moving the whole body
21neck pain
i feel depressed when i see my hair falling out
1hair falling out
i wake up with a stiff neck every morning. massage helps but then a couple of days later it's back again.
21neck pain
i hit myself and the would doesn't want to heal
16open wound
heart aches so much
2heart hurts
my wound opened up again
16open wound
i think my wound is infected
3infected wound
i have terrible pain in my heart
2heart hurts
i have a blurry vision since i woke up this morning, what could be the reason?
18blurry vision
when my grand father died i felt a hard emotional pain
0emotional pain
i feel joint pain every time i move
10joint pain
the last time i clipped my toenails, i cut them too short and now i have an infected nail.
3infected wound
don't cry
10joint pain
my nose is congested all the time and there's this gluey secretion in my throat that makes it impossible for me to sleep. i often have to nap sitting down.
11hard to breath
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning.
13body feels weak
i walked a long for 3 km, i feel pain in my foot like foot ache
4foot ache
sometimes my body feels week without reason
13body feels weak
i can't walk, my knee hurts me
9knee pain
when i drink a lot, i get a headache
12head ache
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
i feel dizzy after severe diarrhea
14feeling dizzy
my daughter had her eyebrows threaded and it pulled an opening of skin in one of her brows that is now puffy and oozing.
3infected wound
i am always cold, even when i am wearing layers
24feeling cold
there pain in my foot
4foot ache
i feel cold
24feeling cold
i feel dizzy when i make sudden movements
14feeling dizzy
feels like there are pins and needles sticking in my joints
10joint pain
sharp pain and heavy breathing
17internal pain
why is my shoulder aching when i try to pick up the laundry?
5shoulder pain
my arm hurts when i stretch
20muscle pain
there pain in my foot
4foot ache
i have pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
i have a cut that has become red and oozes puss.
3infected wound
my shoulder aches when i try to lift five pounds.
5shoulder pain