class label
25 classes
i suffered a deep wound in my hand and i can not stop the bleeding
3infected wound
i have a pain in my trapes
20muscle pain
i feel dizzy when i make sudden movements
14feeling dizzy
my hair is falling when i am combing it.
1hair falling out
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me.
8stomach ache
i feel like i just can't cope anymore, i feel overwhelmed and like i just can't get a break.
0emotional pain
the wound is still open
16open wound
i suffered a deep wound in my hand and i can not stop the bleeding
3infected wound
i feel head ache
12head ache
i feel dizzy and out of sight
14feeling dizzy
i was watching tv and suddenly have blurry vision
18blurry vision
my stomach aches when i eat hot food, why?
8stomach ache
i have a very rash sensation close to my arms
7skin issue
even though i'm an adult my face keeps breaking out in pimples.
i just can't seem to get warm. even when everyone around me is warm i always feel cold.
24feeling cold
there pain in my foot
4foot ache
surgical wound infections
3infected wound
my sore isn't healing well and it's been like this for two weeks.
16open wound
i feel weak all over.
13body feels weak
my joints feel swollen
10joint pain
my knees seem to grind as i go up or down stairs.
9knee pain
i have injured myself during the soccer match
6injury from sports
i feel pain in my knee
9knee pain
these red spots on my cheeks are new. what is it?
7skin issue
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why
14feeling dizzy
i hve cut my finger because of playing football and i to apply pain relief cream but it does not help
6injury from sports
i have acne all over my face
severe pain in the ear
23ear ache
i have pain in my chest that saddens me.
2heart hurts
even though i'm an adult my face keeps breaking out in pimples.
i feel so sore in my stomach area.
8stomach ache
my ankle joint throbs when i put pressure on my foot.
10joint pain
it hurts when i raise my arm up
5shoulder pain
when i was young i had an injury from sports in my knee.
6injury from sports
my stomach feels full and upset and bloating after big meals.
8stomach ache
i never had any acne problem until my last pregnancy, when all of a sudden my back got covered in zits.
my entire body is freezing.
24feeling cold
i feel pain when parting loved ones
0emotional pain
when i walk up a flight of stairs, my right knee hurts.
9knee pain
i feel pain in my foot
4foot ache
i have a split on my thumb that will not heal.
16open wound
my muscles in my lower back are aching.
20muscle pain
i have a mental suffering
0emotional pain
my neck has been sore since the accident.
21neck pain
i have a neck pain when i sit in-front of my laptop.
21neck pain
i was playing basketball yesterday, i have sprained ankle
6injury from sports
whenever i stand up i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i can't sleep i have a hard cough
standing less than five minutes and my back start to ache
15back pain
my head hurts when i'm doing this.
12head ache
my cough is very heavy and i have mucus.
there is a sharp pain in my bicep
20muscle pain
it is hard to breath when i am in the underground metro station, why?
11hard to breath
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning.
13body feels weak
i think there's fluid in my ears.
23ear ache
my lower back hurts but it improves if i stretch it
20muscle pain
i have pimples on my back.
i am always cold, even when i am wearing layers
24feeling cold
i hit my head at the basketball game. could i have a concussion?
6injury from sports
when i tried to be warm and wear more clothes i found that i was still cold
24feeling cold
using hair tonic
1hair falling out
i feel pain in my eyes i can see fog
18blurry vision
my head gets dizzy when i try to get up.
14feeling dizzy
i feel congestion in my chest
my heart feels like it's going to explode.
2heart hurts
my knee catches and hurts when i first stand up after sitting.
9knee pain
i have acne all over my face
is pimples a skin disease?
i have a dull ache in my head
12head ache
my heart hurts me
2heart hurts
the arches of my feet hurt when i wear heels
4foot ache
my throught is so sore.
21neck pain
after playing tennis, i had a powerful sensation close to my neck
5shoulder pain
i have a hard muscle pain since i went to the gym
20muscle pain
i need a kind of cream wich make my muscles more relaxed
20muscle pain
i'm injured i can't play sports
6injury from sports
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
i cannot bear this squeezing sensation i have in my chest.
2heart hurts
my left side aches much
17internal pain
when i'm tired i feel my head heavy
12head ache
i have a painful cramp in my feet
4foot ache
i have a cut that has become red and oozes puss.
3infected wound
i suffered a deep wound in my hand and i can not stop the bleeding
3infected wound
i think my wound is infected
3infected wound
i was injured during football match, i was diagnosed with cruciate ligament
6injury from sports
my shoulder muscle hurts when i try to reach up.
20muscle pain
when i tried to take care if my hair i found that it is falling out
1hair falling out
i have a headache almost every day
12head ache
even if the temperature is high in the house, my body is always cold
24feeling cold
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
i have a problem in my middle ear made by infection
23ear ache
it feels like someone is hitting my head with a hammer. i feel pain on the top of my head and it throbs.
12head ache
i can't do anything i feel a weak in my body
13body feels weak
i feel pain inside i do not know what it is
17internal pain
there is a sharp pain in my bicep. i have tried to apply pain relief cream but it does not help.
20muscle pain
my son squeezed a pimple and it broke open only to scab over and now looks like it is infected.
3infected wound
i feel a huge emotional pain after i broke up with my girlfriend.
0emotional pain
i feel cold when the night comes
24feeling cold
i feel cold although we are in summer.
24feeling cold
i have tried to make massage on my foot but they still pain me
4foot ache