class label
25 classes
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm.
2heart hurts
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm.
2heart hurts
i cant sleep because of cold
6injury from sports
i feel a pain in my neck
21neck pain
itch at front and center of scalp
1hair falling out
i feel a tightness in my chest
11hard to breath
my temperature dropped and my body get synosed
24feeling cold
i feel dizzy after doing a muscular effort.
14feeling dizzy
i travelled by plane a few days ago and this time during landing my ears remained clogged and painful.
23ear ache
when i force my eyes to view i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
my knee feels weak and it gave way the other day at the top of the stairs. luckily there was a rail to hold on to.
9knee pain
i feel a pain in my back when i sit on a chair for long.
15back pain
i have cloudy eyes
18blurry vision
i had an accident and my wound was open when i arrived to hospital
16open wound
i have a pain that radiates up from my right hip to my rib cage. it is at it's worst when i urinate.
17internal pain
when i get up i see my skin vague
7skin issue
i got a divorce last year and i just can't stop dwelling on how to get revenge on my ex husband.
0emotional pain
it's hard to see things
18blurry vision
why is my shoulder aching when i try to pick up the laundry?
5shoulder pain
i cant sleep because of cough
i can't walk well i have an ache in my foot
4foot ache
i feel pain when i think of her
0emotional pain
i have a foot ache although i don't walk a lot.
4foot ache
i feel a soreness in my knees when i walk
10joint pain
my hair always falls out and i have lost a lot of hair lately
1hair falling out
i tried alot of cream but i still feel the same skin problem
7skin issue
i feel cold when the night comes
24feeling cold
i feel pain in my eyes i can see fog
18blurry vision
i just can't seem to get warm. even when everyone around me is warm i always feel cold.
24feeling cold
laceration, rupture or opening in the skin
16open wound
i feel abdominal pain
8stomach ache
i have tried to relief it but i can't
13body feels weak
i can't move my head up and down.
21neck pain
i have a pain in my muscle
20muscle pain
i have a split on my thumb that will not heal.
16open wound
when i move on my shoulder, pain shoots down my arm
5shoulder pain
my joints feel swollen
10joint pain
when i'm driving my eyes see in double
18blurry vision
my knees ache on cold and rainy days.
9knee pain
when i go to sleep i am feeling cold
24feeling cold
glass broken and wound my leg badly the wound is so wide
16open wound
i don't have the energy to do the things that i used to
13body feels weak
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
my hair is coming out in chunks, especially when i wash it
1hair falling out
i have a foot ache in winter, or when it feels cold, why?
4foot ache
i feel a pain in my back
15back pain
i have severe shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
there is pain in my joints. i can not bear pain
10joint pain
discomfort or pain that is felt at some point along the front of the body between the neck and upper abdomen.
17internal pain
i feel pain in my head with a vertigo
12head ache
i have a lot of mucus when i cough.
i have pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
i feel a pain in my back
15back pain
my ankle is hurting me
10joint pain
i have a lot of knee pain whenever i go running.
9knee pain
i sliced myself deeply with a knife while i was cooking
16open wound
there is a sharp pain in my bicep. i have tried to apply pain relief cream but it does not help.
20muscle pain
all of a sudden i felt dizzy when i stood up.
14feeling dizzy
i have tried to relief it but i can't
13body feels weak
i have found some issues in my skin and tried to use cream but it doesn't get better
7skin issue
i wake up with a stiff neck every morning. massage helps but then a couple of days later it's back again.
21neck pain
i have a rash on my skin
7skin issue
i've been feeling very sad lately
0emotional pain
i have front head pain and when i get it the light bothers me.
12head ache
my acne gets worse when it is hot
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why
14feeling dizzy
i had internal pain and gases when i ate indian spicy food yesterday
17internal pain
it hurts when i raise my arm up
5shoulder pain
i can`t stop coughing.
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
i have a pain in my joint
10joint pain
my muscles in my lower back are aching.
20muscle pain
can't keep focus
12head ache
i have this strange rash on my arm.
7skin issue
my knee doesn't want to bend well.
9knee pain
when i play football i have muscle pain.
20muscle pain
my foot hurts me a lot of playing football
4foot ache
i feel a burning sensation in my guts about 2 hours after each meal.
8stomach ache
my stomach aches when i eat hot food, why?
8stomach ache
i get clusters of pimples on my face that never go away.
i feel pain in my neck
21neck pain
my entire body is freezing.
24feeling cold
my knee is hurting so badly.
10joint pain
my chest break out with red pimples and whiteheads.
i feel pain in my body
17internal pain
i can't work good i have a pain in my knee
9knee pain
my head hurts and i lose the sensation in my face, then lose sight in my eye
12head ache
i have a migrain and i took panadol but it doesn鈭毭痶 help
12head ache
his infected wound was beginning to rot.
3infected wound
the warming system of my house is broken and feel so cold
24feeling cold
my stomach feels starts hurting but then it feels better after i eat something mild.
8stomach ache
i have a feeling like my whole body is complaining
10joint pain
my body feels weak and i think that my face is fade and i can't sleep well
13body feels weak
when i stand up too quick my vision is blurry.
18blurry vision
i am having running nose
24feeling cold
there are lots of hairs on my pillow in the morning.
1hair falling out
when i play sports i have some burning sensation in my spine
15back pain
why is my shoulder aching when i try to pick up the laundry?
5shoulder pain