class label
25 classes
my hair always falls out and i have lost a lot of hair lately
1hair falling out
my lower back hurts but it improves if i stretch it
20muscle pain
i feel emotionally crushed
0emotional pain
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't
2heart hurts
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
surgical wound infections
3infected wound
i feel pain in my knee
9knee pain
i m feeling cold though the temperature is high
24feeling cold
i can't work good i have a pain in my knee
9knee pain
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
my wound was infected when i was planting some flowers in my garden
3infected wound
i feel dizzy when i set in-front of my laptop for an hour or two, what possibly could be the reason?
14feeling dizzy
my shower drain is full of hair every time.
1hair falling out
i made lots and lots of analysis to know the main reason for my stomach ache
8stomach ache
after a breakup i feel something strange in me.
0emotional pain
i fell a stiffness in my elbows and shoulders
10joint pain
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong.
20muscle pain
i have pain but i can't specify place
17internal pain
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
my head hurts whenever i try to do something.
12head ache
my acne itches and oozes.
i have a blurry vision and i can't see in the darkness , what is the reason doctor ?
18blurry vision
every time i make an effort, i felt dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i have a rash and it itches very bad.
7skin issue
i have a great pain in my foot like thrombing pain with relaxing my pain releif
4foot ache
i feel so sore in my stomach area.
8stomach ache
my muscles in my lower back are aching.
20muscle pain
my shoulder hurts when i try to reach something above my head.
5shoulder pain
i hit myself and the would doesn't want to heal
16open wound
my body feels weak and i think that my face is fade and i can't sleep well
13body feels weak
the knee feels like it rusted and i suddenly cannot bend it anymore.
9knee pain
my back hurts me and i can't bend it or walk
15back pain
there's swelling in my neck and it hurts.
21neck pain
i have a sharp pain in my neck
21neck pain
i'm having a hard time hearing.
23ear ache
there is a tingling sensation in my neck.
21neck pain
i feel like i just can't cope anymore, i feel overwhelmed and like i just can't get a break.
0emotional pain
my muscle in my shoulder burns when i move my arm.
20muscle pain
every time i make an effort, i felt dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i feel discomfort throughout the body in general
13body feels weak
i feel severe itching in the skin with redness
7skin issue
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
my calves feel like they are tight as knots and are throbbing
20muscle pain
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
i have a pain in my joint
10joint pain
i get i joint pain when i try to bend my leg or my arm
10joint pain
i don't have the energy to do the things that i used to
13body feels weak
i feel lightheaded
14feeling dizzy
there is a sharp pain in my bicep
20muscle pain
i made lots and lots of analysis to know the main reason for my stomach ache
8stomach ache
there is pain in the muscles i do not know caused
20muscle pain
my back hurts a lot when i bend
15back pain
my daughter was bit by her cat and now her hand is sore, red and swollen and the wound is oozing liquid.
3infected wound
i used to have acne when i was 15 years old
my shower drain is full of hair every time.
1hair falling out
my hand open wound got infected
3infected wound
my body feels weak after my first day in the gym, why?
13body feels weak
i'm in need for a treatment for my hair fall
1hair falling out
my shoulder muscle hurts when i try to reach up.
20muscle pain
i feel a strange and powerful pain inside my rib cage
2heart hurts
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
whenever i stand up i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i hit the ground when trying to shoot a basketball
6injury from sports
my mind feels very sad, as if it hurts. the way i feel in my head is awful and when i think about my break-up, i cry with sadness.
0emotional pain
i was playing soccer and i twisted my ankle
6injury from sports
my hair is falling out in bunches.
1hair falling out
there is a sharp pain in my ear whenever i do this.
23ear ache
after a breakup i feel something strange in me.
0emotional pain
yesterday i had a shouder pain
5shoulder pain
i have some terrible problems when i'm breathing during the night.
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm.
2heart hurts
i have severe shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
i have severe shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
i've tried reading books, but nothing can cheer me up.
0emotional pain
i feel like my heart is on fire.
2heart hurts
i always feel like i have menstrual pains even if i don't have my period.
17internal pain
when i wake up in the morning i feel a soreness in my body
20muscle pain
i feel pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
i get a knee pain when i walk a lot
9knee pain
my body feels weak and i think that my face is fade and i can't sleep well
13body feels weak
my cut yellow or greenish-colored pus
3infected wound
my chest break out with red pimples and whiteheads.
i feel a great amount of pressure on the sides of my neck
5shoulder pain
i can hardly breathe
11hard to breath
my neck hurts me and i can't look down or up
21neck pain
i have a very rash sensation close to my arms
7skin issue
i feel cold although we are in summer.
24feeling cold
there is a constant tickle in my throat
i have a pain in my trapes
20muscle pain
my ankle joint throbs when i put pressure on my foot.
10joint pain
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm.
2heart hurts
i feel like l fell in hot water
7skin issue
my ear is ringing.
23ear ache
i was watching tv and suddenly have blurry vision
18blurry vision
i'm not good i feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
my knees seem to grind as i go up or down stairs.
9knee pain
i visited many doctors but they can't find the right treatment toget my hair back
1hair falling out
i feel a great pain in my shoulder when i try to lift something heavy
5shoulder pain
i have tried to make massage on my foot but they still pain me
4foot ache