[ "Are you able to tell how many pages are in the photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of texts in this picture?", "Can you ascertain the number of logos shown in this photo?", "What's the aggregate number of pages in this picture?", "How many texts are in the image?", "Can you identify the location of the logo in this image?", "I need to know where the logo is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 2 pages.", "There are 4 texts.", "There is one logo.", "There are 2 pages.", "There are 4 texts.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5011, 0.8584, 0.1818, 0.1198]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of papers in the photo?", "What is the total count of papers depicted in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of canvas in this picture?", "Are you able to tell how many canvas are in the photograph?" ]
[ "There are 2 papers.", "There are 2 papers.", "There are 2 canvas.", "There are 2 canvas." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of cabinets in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of televisions seen in the image?", "How many of the windows can be seen in this image?", "Can you enumerate the sinks in this photograph?", "What is the total count of nightstands depicted in the photo?", "How is the door arranged when compared to the sink?", "What is the spatial relationship between the curtain and the window?", "How does the television look by the bed?", "Can you describe the placement of the curtain in relation to the sink?", "Could you specify how the television is aligned in relation to the door?", "Can you show me where the television is?", "Where within this picture can the curtain be observed?", "I'm trying to spot the door; where should I look?", "Where can I find the cabinet closet in this pic?", "What is the location of the lamp in the image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the window's bounding box?", "I'm trying to find the cabinet closet; can you help me spot it?", "Can you show me where the curtain is in the picture?", "Could you point out the door in the photo for me?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the sink." ]
[ "There are 2 cabinets.", "There is one television.", "There is one window.", "There is one sink.", "There are 2 nightstands.", "The door is on the right and above of the sink.", "The curtain is on the left of the window.", "The television is above the bed.", "The curtain is on the right and above of the sink.", "The television is on the right of the door.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.5594, 0.4623, 0.1167, 0.5147].", "[0.0867, 0.4715, 0.1728, 0.6177].", "[0.4769, 0.4307, 0.0374, 0.4721].", "[0.2487, 0.4554, 0.0403, 0.3777].", "[0.0378, 0.8879, 0.0752, 0.222]." ]
[ "How many partitions do you see in the picture?", "What is the total of sofas depicted here in this image?", "Can you identify the number of brick walls in the photo?", "Can you determine how many partitions are captured in this image?", "What's the number of partitions visible in this photograph?", "What location in the picture is the brick wall occupying?", "Can you identify the location of the sofa in this image?", "Could you circle where the sofa is found in the image?", "I need to know where the brick wall is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 3 partitions.", "There is one sofa.", "There is one brick wall.", "There are 3 partitions.", "There are 3 partitions.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.2745, 0.5541, 0.1176, 0.2271].", "[0.4998, 0.2687, 0.9982, 0.5354]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of burgers present in this picture?", "How many grills are in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of bottles shown in this photo?", "What's the aggregate number of spatulas in this picture?", "What is the total of spatulas depicted here in this image?", "How do the grill and chicken leg stack up next to each other?", "How does the burger find itself near the grill?", "How is the spatula fork positioned relative to the chicken leg?", "In what way is the burger located near or around the chicken leg?", "In what position do we find the spatula fork relative to the grill?", "Could you highlight the grill's whereabouts in the photo?", "Hey, where did the chicken leg go in this image?", "Do you know where they put the burger here?", "Can you show me where the spatula fork is?", "In which part of the image is the bottle found?", "Could you locate the chicken leg and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the spatula fork.", "Can you trace around the grill so I can see it better?", "Where did the bottle end up in this image?", "Can you highlight the burger's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one burger.", "There is one grill.", "There is one bottle.", "There are 2 spatulas.", "There are 2 spatulas.", "The grill is on the left of the chicken leg.", "The burger is on the right and above of the grill.", "The spatula fork is on the left and above of the chicken leg.", "The burger is above the chicken leg.", "The spatula fork is above the grill.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.775, 0.8077, 0.1382, 0.1977].", "[0.2144, 0.2086, 0.1344, 0.1742].", "[0.215, 0.8074, 0.1212, 0.1661].", "[0.215, 0.5082, 0.0504, 0.2383].", "[0.7747, 0.2063, 0.1277, 0.1638]." ]
[ "What's the tally of flowers in this image?", "What is the count of butterflies in this image?", "How many butterflies are in the image?", "Can you identify the number of flower butterflies in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of butterflies in this picture?", "Can you point out the flower for me?", "Where's the flower butterfly at in this image?", "Can you trace around the flower so I can see it better?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the flower butterfly, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one flower.", "There are 4 butterflies.", "There are 4 butterflies.", "There is one flower butterfly.", "There are 4 butterflies.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.4975, 0.502, 0.9393, 0.8128].", "[0.1791, 0.5339, 0.2855, 0.4257]." ]
[ "How many hands are there in this image?", "Can you count the number of rings present in this picture?", "What quantity of plants is present in the image?", "What quantity of rings is present in the image?", "What is the total count of fingers depicted in the photo?", "Can you identify the location of the woman in this image?", "I'm looking for the plant; where should I look in the image?", "Could you show the location of the hand in this image?", "Where exactly is the woman in this pic?", "Where exactly is the plant in this pic?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the hand." ]
[ "There is one hand.", "There are 3 rings.", "There is one plant.", "There are 3 rings.", "There are 6 fingers.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.666, 0.5001, 0.5949, 0.9948].", "[0.2771, 0.5, 0.5528, 0.9949].", "[0.6425, 0.3471, 0.2362, 0.6402]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of stars present in this picture?", "Can you ascertain the number of stars shown in this photo?", "Can you enumerate the stars in this photograph?", "How many stars are there in this image?", "What is the total of stars depicted here in this image?", "Can you guide me to the cake's location in this photo?", "Can you help me find the plate in this?", "Could you locate the plate and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "What are the bounding box for the cake?" ]
[ "There are 16 stars.", "There are 16 stars.", "There are 16 stars.", "There are 16 stars.", "There are 16 stars.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.51, 0.8645, 0.9451, 0.2605].", "[0.5113, 0.5057, 0.9432, 0.9788]." ]
[ "What's the number of bubble wraps visible in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many bubble wraps are captured in this image?", "Can you determine how many men are captured in this image?", "How many shelves do you see in the picture?", "Could you count the cameras in this picture for me?", "Could you specify the position of the guitar?", "Could you outline the guitar in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 3 bubble wraps.", "There are 3 bubble wraps.", "There are 3 men.", "There are 4 shelves.", "There are 2 cameras.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4837, 0.4978, 0.1166, 0.236]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many women are in the photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of purses shown in this photo?", "What is the total count of dre depicted in the photo?", "Could you show the location of the purse in this image?", "Where can I find the dres in this picture?", "Can you spot the woman for me in this photo?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the dres?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the woman.", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the purse." ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one purse.", "There is one dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6503, 0.5973, 0.6956, 0.7744].", "[0.6466, 0.5004, 0.701, 0.9702].", "[0.3593, 0.4208, 0.1525, 0.0949]." ]
[ "What's the number of columns visible in this photograph?", "Can you count the number of hills present in this picture?", "What's the tally of towers in this image?", "What is the count of towers in this image?", "Could you count the statues in this picture for me?", "What is the arrangement of the tree relative to the cloud?", "How's the tree positioned around the spire?", "How does the tree look by the statue?", "Could you delineate the spatial arrangement between the tree and the hill?", "How does the spire appear in proximity to the hill in the image?", "In this image, where is the cloud located?", "Know where the hill is located in this pic?", "Can you identify the location of the statue in this image?", "Know where the tree is located in this pic?", "Where is the column located?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the cloud?", "Could you locate the column and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Can you trace around the spire so I can see it better?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the hill.", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the statue?" ]
[ "There is one column.", "There is one hill.", "There are 2 towers.", "There are 2 towers.", "There is one statue.", "The tree is below the cloud.", "The tree is below the spire.", "The tree is on the right of the statue.", "The tree is on the right and below of the hill.", "The spire is on the right of the hill.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.2882, 0.9981, 0.5661].", "[0.2203, 0.5474, 0.0425, 0.6773].", "[0.4964, 0.4593, 0.0134, 0.155].", "[0.1028, 0.5018, 0.2041, 0.1444].", "[0.2331, 0.4985, 0.2353, 0.9943]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of hands shown in this photo?", "Can you count the number of people present in this picture?", "What's the aggregate number of hands in this picture?", "Can you identify the number of people in the photo?", "How many people are there in this image?", "Where exactly is the ball in this shot?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the ball?" ]
[ "There are 3 hands.", "There are 4 people.", "There are 3 hands.", "There are 4 people.", "There are 4 people.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.6822, 0.3724, 0.1409, 0.0973]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of logos in the photo?", "How many of the pokemons can be seen in this image?", "Can you count the number of poke balls present in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of logos seen in the image?", "Could you count the pokemons in this picture for me?", "Where's the poke ball positioned in this photograph?", "I'm trying to spot the earth; where should I look?", "Mind highlighting where the earth is here?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the poke ball's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 3 logos.", "There are 2 pokemons.", "There is one poke ball.", "There are 3 logos.", "There are 2 pokemons.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.4997, 0.9867, 0.9794].", "[0.6143, 0.7077, 0.204, 0.3767]." ]
[ "How many scarves can you spot in this image?", "How numerous are the dre in this image?", "Can you identify the number of women in the photo?", "Can you show me where the dres is?", "Trying to locate the scarf; any ideas where it is?", "Where has the woman been placed in the image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the dres?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the scarf's bounding box?", "Could you point out the woman in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one scarf.", "There is one dres.", "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4976, 0.6661, 0.4105, 0.6654].", "[0.4951, 0.6138, 0.384, 0.5811].", "[0.4979, 0.518, 0.5836, 0.9601]." ]
[ "How many cars are there in this image?", "What's the tally of cars in this image?", "What's the tally of streets in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of buildings shown in this photo?", "What is the count of buildings in this image?", "In which part of the image is the statue found?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the statue." ]
[ "There are 2 cars.", "There are 2 cars.", "There are 2 streets.", "There are 3 buildings.", "There are 3 buildings.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5243, 0.5004, 0.9133, 0.9998]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of books seen in the image?", "What quantity of books is present in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of paintings in this picture?", "How many chairs can you spot in this image?", "Can you count the number of floors present in this picture?", "How does the light look by the chair?", "Where's the light at compared to the table?", "Any clue where the table is sitting by the chair?", "How does the floor look by the light?", "In this image, where is the table located?", "Where can I find the chair in this pic?", "Where can I find the wall in this pic?", "Could you highlight the light's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where is the floor located?", "Can you trace around the wall so I can see it better?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the chair?", "Where exactly is the floor in this pic?", "Could you outline the table in the picture?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the light?" ]
[ "There are 2 books.", "There are 2 books.", "There are 2 paintings.", "There is one chair.", "There is one floor.", "The light is above the chair.", "The light is above the table.", "The table is on the left of the chair.", "The floor is below the light.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5, 0.4155, 0.9971, 0.8269].", "[0.3719, 0.7302, 0.232, 0.2994].", "[0.5001, 0.9092, 0.9978, 0.1781].", "[0.1635, 0.7893, 0.1821, 0.1612].", "[0.2004, 0.2153, 0.1348, 0.4274]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the wheels in this photograph?", "What's the tally of windshields in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of dashboards in this picture?", "Can you help me find the wheel in this?", "Mind pointing out where the windshield is?", "Can you pinpoint where the dashboard is situated in this photo?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the windshield and give me the specifics?", "Mind highlighting where the dashboard is here?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the wheel." ]
[ "There is one wheel.", "There is one windshield.", "There is one dashboard.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4844, 0.2385, 0.3592, 0.1351].", "[0.5002, 0.5005, 0.9911, 0.9852].", "[0.4831, 0.5049, 0.5517, 0.8188]." ]
[ "How many rings are there in this image?", "Where is the ring located?", "Where exactly is the ring in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one ring.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5209, 0.5073, 0.6979, 0.7872]." ]
[ "What's the number of mattress protectors visible in this photograph?", "What's the tally of mattress protectors in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 mattress protectors.", "There are 2 mattress protectors." ]
[ "What is the total of microphones depicted here in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many bottles are in the photograph?", "How many plants can you spot in this image?", "How many girl women can you spot in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many table chairs are in the photograph?", "What's the positioning like between the flower and the table chair?", "What's the deal with the microphone and table chair's setup?", "What's the deal with the chair and plant's setup?", "Can you detail how the microphone is oriented with respect to the flower?", "How is the microphone arranged when compared to the chair?", "Where exactly is the saree in this shot?", "What location in the picture is the chair occupying?", "Could you highlight the plant's whereabouts in the photo?", "Trying to locate the microphone; any ideas where it is?", "Where exactly is the flower in this shot?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the chair.", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the plant?", "Mind pointing out the table chair's place in the photo?", "Can you mark the spot of the microphone in the picture?", "Hey, where's the flower located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one microphone.", "There are 2 bottles.", "There is one plant.", "There are 4 girl women.", "There is one table chair.", "The flower is above the table chair.", "The microphone is on the left and above of the table chair.", "The chair is below the plant.", "The microphone is on the left and above of the flower.", "The microphone is on the right and above of the chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.1907, 0.769, 0.3799, 0.3551].", "[0.1561, 0.3791, 0.3104, 0.2781].", "[0.8256, 0.8553, 0.3471, 0.2049].", "[0.5107, 0.1917, 0.0757, 0.085].", "[0.7789, 0.664, 0.1302, 0.0541]." ]
[ "What is the count of sports bras in this image?", "What is the total of caps depicted here in this image?", "What's the tally of leggings in this image?", "How many women do you see in the picture?", "How are the legging and sports bra doing together in the pic?", "What is the positional relationship of the cap vis-à-vis the legging?", "How is the cap situated in comparison to the sports bra?", "I'm trying to spot the legging; where should I look?", "Where exactly is the sports bra in this shot?", "Can you pinpoint where the woman is situated in this photo?", "Could you specify the position of the cap?", "Where exactly is the sports bra in this pic?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the cap.", "Can you outline the bounding box for the legging and give me the specifics?", "Where did the woman end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one sports bra.", "There is one cap.", "There is one legging.", "There is one woman.", "The legging is below the sports bra.", "The cap is above the legging.", "The cap is above the sports bra.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4875, 0.3106, 0.2336, 0.1629].", "[0.4929, 0.0939, 0.1424, 0.0736].", "[0.4556, 0.6424, 0.3445, 0.4827].", "[0.4723, 0.5188, 0.4698, 0.9235]." ]
[ "What's the tally of sunlights in this image?", "How many fields do you see in the picture?", "Can you determine how many fences are captured in this image?", "Can you identify the number of fences in the photo?", "What's the number of trees visible in this photograph?", "Got any idea how the field is placed by the sunlight?", "I'm trying to spot the sunlight; where should I look?", "Where does the field reside in this photograph?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the sunlight and give me the specifics?", "Hey, where's the field located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one sunlight.", "There is one field.", "There are 2 fences.", "There are 2 fences.", "There are 2 trees.", "The field is below the sunlight.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.6108, 0.3383, 0.0435, 0.0738].", "[0.5, 0.8807, 0.9964, 0.2319]." ]
[ "How many of the coffee cups can be seen in this image?", "What's the number of coffee cups visible in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of coffee cups shown in this photo?" ]
[ "There are 3 coffee cups.", "There are 3 coffee cups.", "There are 3 coffee cups." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the benches in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of plants in the photo?", "Could you count the watches in this picture for me?", "Can you spot the plant for me in this photo?", "Can you show me where the watch is?", "Where within this picture can the bench be observed?", "Could you circle where the bench is found in the image?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the watch?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the plant." ]
[ "There is one bench.", "There is one plant.", "There is one watch.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4484, 0.4975, 0.8959, 0.7743].", "[0.4794, 0.4809, 0.4345, 0.6747].", "[0.5001, 0.2248, 0.9981, 0.4484]." ]
[ "How many of the light bulbs can be seen in this image?", "What quantity of light bulbs is present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 light bulbs.", "There are 2 light bulbs." ]
[ "What's the tally of pairs in this image?", "How numerous are the pants in this image?", "What quantity of pants is present in the image?", "What is the total count of pairs depicted in the photo?", "How many pairs are in the image?" ]
[ "There are 3 pairs.", "There are 2 pants.", "There are 2 pants.", "There are 3 pairs.", "There are 3 pairs." ]
[ "How many of the herbal mixes can be seen in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of packages seen in the image?", "What quantity of herbal mixes is present in the image?", "Can you count the number of herbal mixes present in this picture?", "What's the tally of package herbal mixes in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the package; where should I look?", "Could you show the location of the package herbal mix in this image?", "Where did the package end up in this image?", "Any idea where the package herbal mix is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 herbal mixes.", "There is one package.", "There are 3 herbal mixes.", "There are 3 herbal mixes.", "There is one package herbal mix.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.664, 0.499, 0.6651, 0.9917].", "[0.7613, 0.4996, 0.4643, 0.9877]." ]
[ "Could you count the jeeps in this picture for me?", "How numerous are the buildings in this image?", "How many cars are in the image?", "What is the total of cars depicted here in this image?", "How many cars can you spot in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 jeeps.", "There are 2 buildings.", "There are 3 cars.", "There are 3 cars.", "There are 3 cars." ]
[ "How numerous are the jeans in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the jean?", "Please find the bounding box for the jean." ]
[ "There is one jean.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.5005, 0.2993, 0.7833]." ]
[ "What quantity of cliffs is present in the image?", "How many trees can you spot in this image?", "How many of the oceans can be seen in this image?", "Could you show the location of the tree in this image?", "Can you point out the ocean for me?", "Can you show me where the cliff is?", "Where did the tree end up in this image?", "Any idea where the cliff is in this image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the ocean?" ]
[ "There is one cliff.", "There is one tree.", "There is one ocean.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.7533, 0.5267, 0.49, 0.9355].", "[0.7529, 0.5262, 0.4906, 0.938].", "[0.3819, 0.5415, 0.7623, 0.9086]." ]
[ "What's the number of fields visible in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of women in the photo?", "What is the total of fields depicted here in this image?", "Could you count the women in this picture for me?", "Can you count the number of trees present in this picture?", "Could you highlight the wheelchair's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you highlight the wheelchair's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 3 fields.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 3 fields.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 3 trees.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.7706, 0.7371, 0.456, 0.5196]." ]
[ "What's the tally of gloves in this image?", "What's the number of dre visible in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many portraits are captured in this image?", "How many gloves are there in this image?", "How many gloves do you see in the picture?", "Could you specify the position of the dres?", "Where has the necklace been placed in the image?", "Where exactly is the woman in this shot?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the dres, can you provide this?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the necklace and give me the specifics?", "Please find the bounding box for the woman." ]
[ "There are 3 gloves.", "There is one dres.", "There are 2 portraits.", "There are 3 gloves.", "There are 3 gloves.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5051, 0.6557, 0.5181, 0.6424].", "[0.523, 0.3779, 0.1516, 0.0928].", "[0.5052, 0.5034, 0.5238, 0.9467]." ]
[ "What's the number of skies visible in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many clouds are captured in this image?", "How many waters can you spot in this image?", "What's the number of rocks visible in this photograph?", "How many of the mountains can be seen in this image?", "How is the mountain positioned relative to the tree?", "In what position do we find the rock relative to the cloud?", "How's the water positioned around the cloud?", "How is the rock arranged when compared to the tree?", "In what position do we find the water relative to the mountain?", "Where's the cloud at in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the water; where should I look?", "Trying to locate the mountain; any ideas where it is?", "Can you pinpoint where the tree is situated in this photo?", "Where did the rock end up in this picture?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the cloud?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the tree.", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the water present in the image?", "Can you mark the spot of the mountain in the picture?", "Could you circle where the rock is found in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 skies.", "There is one cloud.", "There is one water.", "There is one rock.", "There is one mountain.", "The mountain is on the right of the tree.", "The rock is below the cloud.", "The water is below the cloud.", "The rock is on the right and below of the tree.", "The water is below the mountain.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5082, 0.3058, 0.4036, 0.1322].", "[0.3504, 0.3862, 0.0862, 0.031].", "[0.5088, 0.5666, 0.4061, 0.3331].", "[0.5622, 0.3655, 0.2958, 0.0682].", "[0.5222, 0.5993, 0.2044, 0.1344]." ]
[ "What's the tally of women in this image?", "Where within this picture can the woman be observed?", "Can you show me where the woman is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4428, 0.5134, 0.8774, 0.9652]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of women shown in this photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "Can you identify the number of shirts in the photo?", "Can you identify the number of glasses in the photo?", "How are the glass and shirt doing together in the pic?", "Where has the shirt been placed in the image?", "I'm looking for the glass; where should I look in the image?", "Could you locate the shirt and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Where's the glass at in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one shirt.", "There is one glass.", "The glass is above the shirt.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6515, 0.8837, 0.6846, 0.2304].", "[0.6878, 0.3905, 0.2863, 0.1326]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of stones in the photo?", "What's the tally of plants in this image?", "How many plants can you spot in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of plants seen in the image?", "What is the total of houses depicted here in this image?", "How is the chair set in relation to the position of the stone?", "Where's the tree at compared to the stone?", "Can you spot the porch for me in this photo?", "Do you know where they put the stone here?", "Could you show the location of the chair in this image?", "Can you spot the tree for me in this photo?", "Mind pointing out the tree's place in the photo?", "Can you draw around the chair for me?", "Can you draw around the stone for me?", "Could you circle where the porch is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one stone.", "There are 3 plants.", "There are 3 plants.", "There are 3 plants.", "There are 2 houses.", "The chair is on the left and above of the stone.", "The tree is on the left and above of the stone.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.492, 0.4621, 0.5623, 0.4076].", "[0.2432, 0.5743, 0.4848, 0.1999].", "[0.8946, 0.8409, 0.2078, 0.3153].", "[0.4998, 0.6829, 0.9984, 0.2314]." ]
[ "How many folders do you see in the picture?", "How many extract archives do you see in the picture?", "In this image, where is the folder located?", "Mind pointing out where the extract archive is?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the folder's bounding box?", "Can you draw around the extract archive for me?" ]
[ "There is one folder.", "There is one extract archive.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4959, 0.9963, 0.9741].", "[0.4999, 0.4955, 0.9955, 0.9733]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of creek parkways seen in the image?", "Could you count the phyllis in this picture for me?", "Are you able to tell how many cobbs are in the photograph?", "Could you count the ann washingtons in this picture for me?", "In the context of positioning, how is the phylli related to the creek parkway?", "Any clue where the ann washington is sitting by the creek parkway?", "How is the phylli positioned relative to the cobb?", "How are the cobb and ann washington doing together in the pic?", "What location in the picture is the phylli occupying?", "Where exactly is the creek parkway in this shot?", "Where is the ann washington located?", "In which part of the image is the cobb found?", "Mind highlighting where the creek parkway is here?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the ann washington.", "Mind highlighting where the cobb is here?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the phylli." ]
[ "There is one creek parkway.", "There is one phylli.", "There is one cobb.", "There is one ann washington.", "The phylli is on the right of the creek parkway.", "The ann washington is on the right of the creek parkway.", "The phylli is on the right of the cobb.", "The cobb is on the left of the ann washington.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2499, 0.5034, 0.4185, 0.9016].", "[0.7655, 0.504, 0.2106, 0.3856].", "[0.2501, 0.5027, 0.4172, 0.9021].", "[0.7656, 0.5042, 0.211, 0.3854]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of apartment buildings seen in the image?", "I'm looking for the apartment building; where should I look in the image?", "Can you show me where the apartment building is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one apartment building.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4996, 0.4996, 0.9939, 0.9981]." ]
[ "How many of the clouds can be seen in this image?", "What is the total count of field grass depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of fields seen in the image?", "How many ponds are there in this image?", "Can you determine how many chicken coop huts are captured in this image?", "Where's the pond at compared to the sky?", "What is the positional relationship of the tree vis-à-vis the house?", "What's the deal with the house and cloud's setup?", "Can you describe the placement of the pond in relation to the house?", "How does the field gras appear in proximity to the cloud in the image?", "Can you pinpoint where the field gras is situated in this photo?", "Can you show me where the chicken coop hut is?", "Can you identify the location of the cloud in this image?", "Could you show the location of the sky in this image?", "What location in the picture is the field occupying?", "Can you draw around the field for me?", "Can you mark the spot of the tree in the picture?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the field gras?", "Mind pointing out the chicken coop hut's place in the photo?", "Can you draw around the cloud for me?" ]
[ "There is one cloud.", "There is one field gras.", "There is one field.", "There is one pond.", "There is one chicken coop hut.", "The pond is below the sky.", "The tree is on the left of the house.", "The house is on the right and below of the cloud.", "The pond is on the left and below of the house.", "The field gras is below the cloud.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.6847, 0.9952, 0.623].", "[0.1391, 0.3655, 0.174, 0.0546].", "[0.4996, 0.6848, 0.9943, 0.6227].", "[0.8174, 0.346, 0.36, 0.1659].", "[0.5085, 0.1416, 0.2589, 0.1876]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of pies present in this picture?", "What is the total of plates depicted here in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the pie is situated in this photo?", "Where can I find the plate in this pic?", "What are the bounding box for the plate?", "Could you outline the pie in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one pie.", "There is one plate.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5038, 0.5873, 0.9903, 0.8222].", "[0.558, 0.5755, 0.8805, 0.6459]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many chairs are captured in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of chairs seen in the image?", "What is the total count of rugs depicted in the photo?", "How many plates can you spot in this image?", "Can you identify the number of table counters in the photo?", "In what way is the flower located near or around the rug?", "Could you specify how the rug is aligned in relation to the air conditioner?", "What's the layout between the air conditioner and bucket?", "Could you specify how the flower is aligned in relation to the bucket?", "What is the arrangement of the flower relative to the window?", "Could you highlight the air conditioner's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you point out the stool for me?", "Could you highlight the rug's whereabouts in the photo?", "What location in the picture is the window occupying?", "Where is the door located?", "Can you mark the spot of the rug in the picture?", "Can you draw around the stool for me?", "I need to know where the window is; can you show it to me?", "Could you circle where the air conditioner is found in the image?", "I need to know where the door is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 6 chairs.", "There are 6 chairs.", "There is one rug.", "There are 5 plates.", "There are 2 table counters.", "The flower is above the rug.", "The rug is on the left of the air conditioner.", "The air conditioner is on the right of the bucket.", "The flower is on the right and above of the bucket.", "The flower is below the window.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.4854, 0.8632, 0.48, 0.2724].", "[0.1663, 0.6959, 0.0898, 0.1411].", "[0.5368, 0.4203, 0.041, 0.1012].", "[0.9374, 0.6567, 0.1166, 0.202].", "[0.7768, 0.5164, 0.1149, 0.4461]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many necklaces are in the photograph?", "Could you count the blankets in this picture for me?", "What's the aggregate number of headphones in this picture?", "How many blanket coats are there in this image?", "What's the number of glasses visible in this photograph?", "What's the layout between the headphone and blanket coat?", "How do the glass and coat stack up next to each other?", "Any clue where the headphone is sitting by the necklace?", "Can you point out how the glass is set up with the blanket coat?", "How is the glass positioned relative to the necklace?", "Where exactly is the glass positioned in this photograph?", "Can you help me find the coat in this?", "Where's the headphone positioned in this photograph?", "Where has the blanket coat been placed in the image?", "Can you point out the blanket for me?", "Can you draw around the coat for me?", "Where's the headphone at in this image?", "Where did the blanket coat end up in this image?", "Hey, where's the necklace located in this photograph?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the glass's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one necklace.", "There is one blanket.", "There is one headphone.", "There is one blanket coat.", "There is one glass.", "The headphone is above the blanket coat.", "The glass is above the coat.", "The headphone is above the necklace.", "The glass is above the blanket coat.", "The glass is above the necklace.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5633, 0.6787, 0.7154, 0.6399].", "[0.5565, 0.2332, 0.1053, 0.2926].", "[0.6684, 0.9094, 0.3174, 0.179].", "[0.4899, 0.7065, 0.1433, 0.5826].", "[0.4453, 0.2503, 0.1398, 0.0675]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many posters are captured in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of men shown in this photo?", "Can you identify the number of pianos in the photo?", "How many men are in the image?", "What is the count of men in this image?", "Where exactly is the poster in this shot?", "Hey, where did the piano go in this image?", "Could you outline the piano in the picture?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the poster and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one poster.", "There are 3 men.", "There is one piano.", "There are 3 men.", "There are 3 men.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.359, 0.3105, 0.2662, 0.1503].", "[0.5001, 0.5, 0.9911, 0.9932]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many magazines are captured in this image?", "What quantity of dre is present in the image?", "Can you count the number of necklaces present in this picture?", "What is the spatial relationship between the dres and the necklace?", "Can you show me where the magazine is?", "Where has the necklace been placed in the image?", "Can you help me find the dres in this?", "I need to know where the necklace is; can you show it to me?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the dres's bounding box?", "What are the bounding box for the magazine?" ]
[ "There is one magazine.", "There is one dres.", "There is one necklace.", "The dres is on the right of the necklace.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.0752, 0.2041, 0.1, 0.2452].", "[0.4945, 0.4869, 0.6138, 0.857].", "[0.1498, 0.219, 0.2992, 0.4376]." ]
[ "What is the count of shoes in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the shoe; where should I look?", "How about you show me the shoe's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one shoe.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4982, 0.5107, 0.8616, 0.5636]." ]
[ "What is the count of leaves in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of leaves shown in this photo?", "Are you able to tell how many leaves are in the photograph?", "What is the total count of circles depicted in the photo?", "What's the tally of sunlights in this image?", "Can you point out the circle for me?", "I'm trying to spot the text; where should I look?", "Trying to locate the tree; any ideas where it is?", "Do you know where they put the sunlight here?", "Any idea where the sunlight is in this image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the tree?", "Where's the circle at in this image?", "I'm trying to find the text; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 3 leaves.", "There are 3 leaves.", "There are 3 leaves.", "There is one circle.", "There is one sunlight.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4996, 0.5003, 0.9906, 0.989].", "[0.4988, 0.5009, 0.9896, 0.9892].", "[0.4982, 0.4992, 0.6665, 0.7886].", "[0.5078, 0.4578, 0.4647, 0.4281]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the men in this photograph?", "What's the number of stages visible in this photograph?", "How many of the screens can be seen in this image?", "How many robots do you see in the picture?", "Where's the robot at compared to the screen?", "Where exactly is the stage in this shot?", "Where has the robot been placed in the image?", "Where's the man positioned in this photograph?", "Where can I find the screen in this pic?", "I need the bounding box details for the man.", "Could you circle where the robot is found in the image?", "Could you circle where the stage is found in the image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the screen?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one stage.", "There is one screen.", "There is one robot.", "The robot is below the screen.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.3403, 0.5219, 0.64, 0.9497].", "[0.6933, 0.7755, 0.2414, 0.444].", "[0.4997, 0.5002, 0.9936, 0.9919].", "[0.4999, 0.1971, 0.9959, 0.3923]." ]
[ "What quantity of storage containers is present in the image?", "How many street lamps do you see in the picture?", "Are you able to tell how many inflatable spaceships are in the photograph?", "What's the tally of inflatable spaceships in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of inflatable spaceships in this picture?", "What is the arrangement of the storage container relative to the tree?", "Can you guide me to the storage container's location in this photo?", "Where's the tree positioned in this photograph?", "Can you trace around the storage container so I can see it better?", "Where exactly is the tree in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one storage container.", "There are 2 street lamps.", "There are 4 inflatable spaceships.", "There are 4 inflatable spaceships.", "There are 4 inflatable spaceships.", "The storage container is below the tree.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.0821, 0.7797, 0.0679, 0.066].", "[0.1941, 0.477, 0.3857, 0.3346]." ]
[ "What quantity of charts is present in the image?", "Can you enumerate the clocks in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of calculators in the photo?", "In what way is the calculator located near or around the clock?", "Can you show me where the clock is?", "Can you show me where the chart is?", "Where has the calculator been placed in the image?", "Mind highlighting where the calculator is here?", "Can you highlight the clock's area for me in this pic?", "Could you locate the chart and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one chart.", "There is one clock.", "There is one calculator.", "The calculator is on the right of the clock.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6982, 0.6066, 0.4235, 0.4539].", "[0.0169, 0.7082, 0.0331, 0.0336].", "[0.5, 0.4643, 0.997, 0.9277]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of floors shown in this photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of walls shown in this photo?", "How many of the windows can be seen in this image?", "How numerous are the doors in this image?", "What's the positioning like between the window and the door?", "How is the window situated in comparison to the wall?", "Can you reveal the spot where the floor is located in the image?", "Where exactly is the door in this shot?", "I'm trying to spot the window; where should I look?", "Know where the wall is located in this pic?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the door present in the image?", "I need to know where the wall is; can you show it to me?", "Can you show me where the window is in the picture?", "How about you show me the floor's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one floor.", "There is one wall.", "There is one window.", "There is one door.", "The window is on the right of the door.", "The window is on the right of the wall.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3303, 0.4067, 0.1242, 0.6445].", "[0.2034, 0.469, 0.4049, 0.9356].", "[0.7109, 0.3866, 0.5479, 0.6865].", "[0.5002, 0.8238, 0.9973, 0.3479]." ]
[ "What's the number of people visible in this photograph?", "What quantity of people is present in the image?", "How many of the people can be seen in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many people are in the photograph?", "What's the tally of people in this image?" ]
[ "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people." ]
[ "Can you count the number of women present in this picture?", "What is the count of blankets in this image?", "What's the number of beds visible in this photograph?", "How many curtains do you see in the picture?", "In terms of placement, how does the blanket compare to the curtain?", "Could you highlight the bed's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where within this picture can the curtain be observed?", "Where does the blanket reside in this photograph?", "Mind pointing out where the woman is?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the blanket present in the image?", "Hey, where's the woman located in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the bed is in the picture?", "Could you point out the curtain in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one blanket.", "There is one bed.", "There is one curtain.", "The blanket is below the curtain.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3862, 0.9141, 0.281, 0.1689].", "[0.5001, 0.5003, 0.509, 0.9949].", "[0.5005, 0.5004, 0.509, 0.9931].", "[0.5, 0.3155, 0.5078, 0.6269]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of carts in the photo?", "How numerous are the knights in this image?", "What's the tally of knights in this image?", "What's the tally of houses in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many peasants are in the photograph?", "Where does the tree end up around the house?", "Trying to locate the cart; any ideas where it is?", "Can you point out the house for me?", "Can you pinpoint where the tree is situated in this photo?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the cart and give me the specifics?", "Mind highlighting where the tree is here?", "Where did the house end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one cart.", "There are 2 knights.", "There are 2 knights.", "There is one house.", "There are 2 peasants.", "The tree is on the right of the house.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3072, 0.5792, 0.216, 0.2547].", "[0.5547, 0.2879, 0.2883, 0.5737].", "[0.102, 0.3257, 0.2019, 0.576]." ]
[ "What's the tally of chairs in this image?", "How numerous are the people in this image?", "Can you determine how many people are captured in this image?", "How many people are there in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many people are in the photograph?", "Where's the slot car track at compared to the chair?", "In what position do we find the carpet relative to the chair?", "What is the arrangement of the carpet relative to the table?", "Can you describe the placement of the toolbox in relation to the chair?", "Can you pinpoint where the table is situated in this photo?", "Could you show the location of the carpet in this image?", "Can you show me where the chair is?", "Where can I find the slot car track in this picture?", "In this image, where is the toolbox located?", "How about you show me the carpet's spot in the photo?", "I need the bounding box details for the table.", "Any idea where the chair is in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the slot car track, can you provide this?", "Mind pointing out the toolbox's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one chair.", "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people.", "There are 7 people.", "The slot car track is below the chair.", "The carpet is on the right and below of the chair.", "The carpet is below the table.", "The toolbox is on the right and below of the chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8769, 0.7858, 0.2449, 0.4265].", "[0.526, 0.2922, 0.947, 0.3969].", "[0.5007, 0.1556, 0.0864, 0.1142].", "[0.4348, 0.6476, 0.8669, 0.7004].", "[0.8831, 0.5255, 0.1441, 0.1253]." ]
[ "What quantity of butterflies is present in the image?", "Can you identify the number of butterflies in the photo?", "How numerous are the butterflies in this image?", "Can you count the number of butterflies present in this picture?", "Could you count the trees in this picture for me?", "What location in the picture is the tree occupying?", "Could you locate the tree and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There are 6 butterflies.", "There are 6 butterflies.", "There are 6 butterflies.", "There are 6 butterflies.", "There is one tree.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5112, 0.5273, 0.295, 0.8357]." ]
[ "What's the number of clouds visible in this photograph?", "What quantity of bryce canyons is present in the image?", "Got a quick take on the bryce canyon's spot near the cloud?", "I need to find the bryce canyon; where is it?", "Where did the cloud end up in this picture?", "How about you show me the bryce canyon's spot in the photo?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the cloud." ]
[ "There is one cloud.", "There is one bryce canyon.", "The bryce canyon is below the cloud.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.597, 0.9944, 0.781].", "[0.4997, 0.0966, 0.9965, 0.1879]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many scarves are captured in this image?", "What's the tally of scarves in this image?", "Can you count the number of scarves present in this picture?" ]
[ "There are 3 scarves.", "There are 3 scarves.", "There are 3 scarves." ]
[ "What is the count of men in this image?", "Can you count the number of women present in this picture?", "In what way is the man located near or around the woman?", "Where's the woman at in this image?", "Where exactly is the man in this shot?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the woman.", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the man?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one woman.", "The man is on the left of the woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.766, 0.6081, 0.3694, 0.7786].", "[0.2537, 0.5833, 0.4413, 0.8289]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of music signs seen in the image?", "Are you able to tell how many frames are in the photograph?", "Can you point out the frame for me?", "Can you point out the music sign for me?", "Mind highlighting where the frame is here?", "Could you locate the music sign and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one music sign.", "There is one frame.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4925, 0.5511, 0.7989, 0.8743].", "[0.492, 0.5506, 0.7961, 0.8747]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many women are in the photograph?", "How many of the men can be seen in this image?", "Where's the man positioned in this photograph?", "Where does the woman reside in this photograph?", "Where's the man at in this image?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the woman." ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3049, 0.5323, 0.4577, 0.9321].", "[0.7031, 0.5274, 0.4236, 0.942]." ]
[ "What is the count of bases in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many hands are in the photograph?", "How numerous are the hands in this image?", "Can you identify the number of teeth in the photo?", "What quantity of legs is present in the image?", "What's the deal with the base and cape's setup?", "What's the deal with the tooth and base's setup?", "Where exactly is the tooth in this shot?", "I need to find the base; where is it?", "Can you show me where the cape is?", "I need the bounding box details for the tooth.", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the base, can you provide this?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the cape?" ]
[ "There is one base.", "There are 2 hands.", "There are 2 hands.", "There is one tooth.", "There are 2 legs.", "The base is below the cape.", "The tooth is above the base.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.5248, 0.2098, 0.1284, 0.0275].", "[0.5125, 0.8965, 0.6153, 0.1271].", "[0.5073, 0.1579, 0.427, 0.2759]." ]
[ "What quantity of magazines is present in the image?", "Can you determine how many couches are captured in this image?", "How many of the magazines can be seen in this image?", "How many cell phones are in the image?", "Where exactly is the couch in this shot?", "Can you identify the location of the cell phone in this image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the cell phone's bounding box?", "Where exactly is the couch in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 magazines.", "There is one couch.", "There are 2 magazines.", "There is one cell phone.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "[0.8118, 0.1628, 0.0678, 0.0901].", "[0.4359, 0.3929, 0.87, 0.6691]." ]
[ "How many of the women can be seen in this image?", "How many of the coats can be seen in this image?", "I'm looking for the coat; where should I look in the image?", "Where is the woman located?", "Mind highlighting where the woman is here?", "Can you draw around the coat for me?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one coat.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5187, 0.4994, 0.4188, 0.9975].", "[0.5195, 0.516, 0.4185, 0.7457]." ]
[ "How many rocks are there in this image?", "How many skies are in the image?", "What's the number of trees visible in this photograph?", "How many trees can you spot in this image?", "How numerous are the clouds in this image?", "Can you detail how the cloud is oriented with respect to the rock?", "Can you point out how the sky is set up with the rock?", "What is the location of the cloud in the image?", "I'm looking for the rock; where should I look in the image?", "Where's the sky at in this image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the sky's bounding box?", "How about you show me the cloud's spot in the photo?", "Could you point out the rock in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one rock.", "There is one sky.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 2 trees.", "There is one cloud.", "The cloud is above the rock.", "The sky is above the rock.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4921, 0.272, 0.9801, 0.5407].", "[0.496, 0.2709, 0.9878, 0.5389].", "[0.5628, 0.8591, 0.0514, 0.0356]." ]
[ "How many floors do you see in the picture?", "How many windows can you spot in this image?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "What's the tally of chairs in this image?", "Could you count the chairs in this picture for me?" ]
[ "There are 2 floors.", "There are 2 windows.", "There are 2 windows.", "There are 2 chairs.", "There are 2 chairs." ]
[ "What's the number of dried flowers visible in this photograph?", "What is the count of photos in this image?", "How many heart - shaped boxes are there in this image?", "How many of the pearls can be seen in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of books in this picture?", "Where within this picture can the pearl be observed?", "Know where the heart - shaped box is located in this pic?", "In this image, where is the photo located?", "I need to find the book; where is it?", "Where exactly is the heart - shaped box in this pic?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the photo.", "Can you determine the bounding box for the book?", "Can you show me where the pearl is in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 dried flowers.", "There is one photo.", "There is one heart - shaped box.", "There is one pearl.", "There is one book.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.483, 0.2627, 0.7281, 0.5136].", "[0.5, 0.4989, 0.99, 0.9873].", "[0.4995, 0.7471, 0.9928, 0.4935].", "[0.7968, 0.5379, 0.401, 0.3148]." ]
[ "What is the total of picture frames depicted here in this image?", "Can you identify the number of computers in the photo?", "What quantity of desks is present in the image?", "How many computers do you see in the picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "Can you point out how the picture frame is set up with the desk?", "How does the picture frame find itself near the chair?", "What is the spatial relationship between the computer laptop and the chair?", "How's the computer laptop positioned around the picture frame?", "Can you point out how the picture frame is set up with the stool?", "Could you show the location of the picture frame in this image?", "In this image, where is the stool located?", "Could you show the location of the desk in this image?", "Where within this picture can the computer laptop be observed?", "Where exactly is the chair in this shot?", "Any idea where the computer laptop is in this image?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the stool.", "How about you show me the chair's spot in the photo?", "I need to know where the picture frame is; can you show it to me?", "Can you indicate the desk's position here?" ]
[ "There is one picture frame.", "There are 2 computers.", "There is one desk.", "There are 2 computers.", "There are 3 women.", "The picture frame is above the desk.", "The picture frame is on the right and above of the chair.", "The computer laptop is on the right of the chair.", "The computer laptop is on the right and below of the picture frame.", "The picture frame is on the left and above of the stool.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.8225, 0.5714, 0.1586, 0.1563].", "[0.8555, 0.816, 0.1106, 0.2719].", "[0.1515, 0.7117, 0.1845, 0.5084].", "[0.4023, 0.2588, 0.1802, 0.3207].", "[0.2742, 0.7396, 0.4321, 0.4574]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of pistons seen in the image?", "Can you count the number of piston rods present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the control valves in this photograph?", "How are the piston rod and control valve doing together in the pic?", "Got any idea how the control valve is placed by the piston?", "Can you spot the piston rod for me in this photo?", "Where did the control valve end up in this picture?", "Mind pointing out where the piston is?", "Can you mark the spot of the control valve in the picture?", "Could you outline the piston in the picture?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the piston rod present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one piston.", "There is one piston rod.", "There is one control valve.", "The piston rod is on the left of the control valve.", "The control valve is on the right of the piston.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.7912, 0.573, 0.126, 0.1006].", "[0.4943, 0.3726, 0.3635, 0.3283].", "[0.4953, 0.3725, 0.3662, 0.3301]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the chairs in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the chair positioned in this photograph?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the chair." ]
[ "There is one chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4981, 0.5332, 0.7275, 0.8983]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of football jerseys seen in the image?", "How many of the football jerseys can be seen in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of football jerseys in this picture?" ]
[ "There are 3 football jerseys.", "There are 3 football jerseys.", "There are 3 football jerseys." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of walls shown in this photo?", "How many of the shoes can be seen in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of grounds seen in the image?", "Can you determine how many shoes are captured in this image?", "I need to find the wall; where is it?", "I'm looking for the ground; where should I look in the image?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the ground and give me the specifics?", "Can you highlight the wall's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one wall.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one ground.", "There are 2 shoes.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.8307, 0.997, 0.3334].", "[0.4997, 0.3428, 0.9968, 0.6836]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many palm trees are in the photograph?", "How many people are there in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of fire pits seen in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of palm trees shown in this photo?", "Can you count the number of people present in this picture?", "Could you specify the position of the fire pit?", "Can you reveal the spot where the sand is located in the image?", "How about you show me the sand's spot in the photo?", "I'm trying to find the fire pit; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 3 palm trees.", "There are 10 people.", "There is one fire pit.", "There are 3 palm trees.", "There are 10 people.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5002, 0.6508, 0.9989, 0.0694].", "[0.4999, 0.8051, 0.9957, 0.3789]." ]
[ "What is the total of buildings depicted here in this image?", "How many of the signs can be seen in this image?", "What's the number of window doors visible in this photograph?", "What is the total count of windows depicted in the photo?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "How is the window door positioned relative to the sign?", "Hey, where did the sign go in this image?", "Where exactly is the window door in this shot?", "What location in the picture is the building occupying?", "Any idea where the window door is in this image?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the sign.", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the building present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one building.", "There is one sign.", "There is one window door.", "There are 2 windows.", "There are 2 windows.", "The window door is below the sign.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.649, 0.8679, 0.2569, 0.2603].", "[0.4994, 0.2754, 0.9802, 0.5407].", "[0.4993, 0.4998, 0.9896, 0.9944]." ]
[ "What is the total count of windows depicted in the photo?", "How many drivers are in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of wheels shown in this photo?", "Could you count the sunlights in this picture for me?", "What is the count of keys in this image?", "Got any idea how the window is placed by the sunlight?", "How is the key positioned relative to the sunlight?", "What is the positional relationship of the wheel vis-à-vis the sunlight?", "Any clue where the driver is sitting by the sunlight?", "What is the location of the key in the image?", "Trying to locate the sunlight; any ideas where it is?", "Where's the window at in this image?", "Know where the driver is located in this pic?", "Can you spot the wheel for me in this photo?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the window?", "Can you draw around the wheel for me?", "Can you draw around the key for me?", "What are the bounding box for the sunlight?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the driver, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one window.", "There is one driver.", "There is one wheel.", "There is one sunlight.", "There is one key.", "The window is on the left of the sunlight.", "The key is on the left and below of the sunlight.", "The wheel is on the left of the sunlight.", "The driver is on the left of the sunlight.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4526, 0.3662, 0.4935, 0.7266].", "[0.5672, 0.518, 0.3227, 0.4091].", "[0.595, 0.7592, 0.0696, 0.148].", "[0.8876, 0.2694, 0.2206, 0.4568].", "[0.3602, 0.4983, 0.718, 0.9927]." ]
[ "Could you count the barbecue grills in this picture for me?", "Can you identify the location of the barbecue grill in this image?", "Can you show me where the barbecue grill is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one barbecue grill.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4934, 0.492, 0.9336, 0.537]." ]
[ "Could you count the gla in this picture for me?", "How many gla do you see in the picture?", "How many chairs are in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of silverwares shown in this photo?", "How many silverwares are in the image?", "Can you identify the location of the candle in this image?", "Do you know where they put the table here?", "What are the bounding box for the table?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the candle?" ]
[ "There are 20 gla.", "There are 20 gla.", "There are 8 chairs.", "There are 9 silverwares.", "There are 9 silverwares.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5778, 0.7406, 0.843, 0.5161].", "[0.5756, 0.5825, 0.0616, 0.0896]." ]
[ "How many shoes are in the image?", "How many ties can you spot in this image?", "What's the number of men visible in this photograph?", "How many of the shoes can be seen in this image?", "Can you count the number of suits present in this picture?", "Know where the tie is located in this pic?", "Where can I find the man in this pic?", "Where exactly is the suit in this shot?", "Hey, where's the man located in this photograph?", "Please find the bounding box for the tie.", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the suit present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one tie.", "There is one man.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one suit.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.518, 0.4967, 0.7624, 0.9516].", "[0.4651, 0.2641, 0.0826, 0.154].", "[0.5176, 0.5172, 0.7594, 0.7381]." ]
[ "How many jackets do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the jeans in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of heels seen in the image?", "Can you enumerate the women in this photograph?", "What is the total of streets depicted here in this image?", "What's the positioning like between the street and the jacket?", "How is the jacket positioned relative to the heel?", "Could you highlight the woman's whereabouts in the photo?", "I need to find the jacket; where is it?", "Can you show me where the street is?", "Could you show the location of the heel in this image?", "Hey, where's the woman located in this photograph?", "Could you outline the heel in the picture?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the jacket and give me the specifics?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the street?" ]
[ "There is one jacket.", "There are 2 jeans.", "There is one heel.", "There is one woman.", "There is one street.", "The street is below the jacket.", "The jacket is above the heel.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.263, 0.5564, 0.2084, 0.8716].", "[0.2294, 0.9107, 0.1035, 0.0743].", "[0.2388, 0.3635, 0.1598, 0.2557].", "[0.2498, 0.7952, 0.4988, 0.4061]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of people in the photo?", "Could you show the location of the person in this image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the person?" ]
[ "There is one person.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8737, 0.7235, 0.2496, 0.5498]." ]
[ "How many pillows do you see in the picture?", "Can you identify the number of blankets in the photo?", "What quantity of hats is present in the image?", "What's the tally of people in this image?", "How many people do you see in the picture?", "Could you highlight the blanket's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where did the blanket end up in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 pillows.", "There is one blanket.", "There are 3 hats.", "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 people.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5719, 0.7717, 0.8111, 0.4538]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of locks in the photo?", "Can you determine how many gates are captured in this image?", "How many hands do you see in the picture?", "How many locks can you spot in this image?", "Do you know where they put the gate here?", "Could you show the location of the hand in this image?", "Could you circle where the gate is found in the image?", "Can you highlight the hand's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 locks.", "There is one gate.", "There is one hand.", "There are 2 locks.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.4968, 0.4995, 0.9887, 0.9958].", "[0.8188, 0.6559, 0.3595, 0.4622]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many signs are in the photograph?", "What's the number of skies visible in this photograph?", "What's the tally of roads in this image?", "How many clouds can you spot in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of mountains in this picture?", "In the context of positioning, how is the road related to the sky?", "How is the car positioned relative to the sky?", "Can you show me where the rock is?", "I'm looking for the sky; where should I look in the image?", "Where's the road positioned in this photograph?", "Could you show the location of the car in this image?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the rock and give me the specifics?", "Can you trace around the sky so I can see it better?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the car.", "Can you outline the bounding box for the road and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There are 2 signs.", "There is one sky.", "There is one road.", "There are 2 clouds.", "There are 2 mountains.", "The road is below the sky.", "The car is below the sky.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2583, 0.497, 0.3858, 0.9288].", "[0.6577, 0.2416, 0.6819, 0.3844].", "[0.3947, 0.6909, 0.1782, 0.3456].", "[0.5415, 0.7217, 0.9038, 0.4944]." ]
[ "How many sunglasses are in the image?", "Can you enumerate the gloves in this photograph?", "What is the count of jerseys in this image?", "What is the total of gloves depicted here in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of people in this picture?", "Got a quick take on the sunglass's spot near the jersey?", "What's the positioning story of the sunglass relative to the short?", "Can you describe the placement of the helmet in relation to the short?", "Could you specify how the helmet is aligned in relation to the jersey?", "In which part of the image is the sunglass found?", "Can you identify the location of the short in this image?", "Could you highlight the stadium's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you guide me to the helmet's location in this photo?", "Can you identify the location of the person in this image?", "Can you indicate the person's position here?", "Hey, where's the sunglass located in this photograph?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the helmet?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the short?", "I need the bounding box details for the jersey." ]
[ "There is one sunglass.", "There are 2 gloves.", "There is one jersey.", "There are 2 gloves.", "There is one person.", "The sunglass is above the jersey.", "The sunglass is above the short.", "The helmet is above the short.", "The helmet is above the jersey.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5344, 0.5003, 0.6839, 0.9947].", "[0.5449, 0.1979, 0.0937, 0.0631].", "[0.5451, 0.1338, 0.1205, 0.1677].", "[0.558, 0.8588, 0.1617, 0.2791].", "[0.5448, 0.5538, 0.3249, 0.5782]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of trees in this picture?", "What's the tally of fields in this image?", "Can you count the number of barns present in this picture?", "I'm looking for the barn; where should I look in the image?", "Could you show the location of the field in this image?", "Can you highlight the barn's area for me in this pic?", "Can you highlight the field's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 trees.", "There are 2 trees.", "There is one field.", "There is one barn.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5418, 0.2573, 0.375, 0.1165].", "[0.4999, 0.6471, 0.9972, 0.7025]." ]
[ "How many of the amphitheaters can be seen in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of men in this picture?", "What's the tally of amphitheaters in this image?", "Can you count the number of swords present in this picture?", "What location in the picture is the sword occupying?", "Can you point out the man for me?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the sword and give me the specifics?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the man." ]
[ "There are 2 amphitheaters.", "There is one man.", "There are 2 amphitheaters.", "There is one sword.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3446, 0.7357, 0.12, 0.2199].", "[0.51, 0.588, 0.2689, 0.6807]." ]
[ "What's the number of ##experience companys visible in this photograph?", "What location in the picture is the ##experience company occupying?", "Can you show me where the ##experience company is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one ##experience company.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4851, 0.4456, 0.8153, 0.7503]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many branches are in the photograph?", "How numerous are the branches in this image?", "How numerous are the birds in this image?", "I'm looking for the bird; where should I look in the image?", "Where's the bird at in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 branches.", "There are 2 branches.", "There is one bird.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4463, 0.5556, 0.7605, 0.6984]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of comic books seen in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of men shown in this photo?", "Can you point out the comic book for me?", "Where has the man been placed in the image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the comic book's bounding box?", "Can you indicate the man's position here?" ]
[ "There is one comic book.", "There is one man.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.8169, 0.4996, 0.3623, 0.9908].", "[0.3756, 0.5637, 0.5257, 0.8655]." ]
[ "What is the total of posters depicted here in this image?", "What's the tally of computers in this image?", "Can you identify the number of radios in the photo?", "What is the total count of posters depicted in the photo?", "How many rugs can you spot in this image?", "How do the lamp and computer look together?", "In terms of placement, how does the computer compare to the bookshelf?", "In what position do we find the rug relative to the lamp?", "How is the rug set in relation to the position of the computer?", "Can you tell how the lamp is hanging near the bookshelf?", "In which part of the image is the bookshelf found?", "Where does the rug reside in this photograph?", "Can you reveal the spot where the bed is located in the image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the desk is located in the image?", "Where's the computer positioned in this photograph?", "Please find the bounding box for the bed.", "How about you show me the lamp's spot in the photo?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the computer present in the image?", "Where did the desk end up in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the rug, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There are 5 posters.", "There is one computer.", "There are 2 radios.", "There are 5 posters.", "There is one rug.", "The lamp is on the right and above of the computer.", "The computer is on the left of the bookshelf.", "The rug is below the lamp.", "The rug is below the computer.", "The lamp is on the left of the bookshelf.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.455, 0.5413, 0.7605, 0.7713].", "[0.3489, 0.4721, 0.0692, 0.1371].", "[0.1217, 0.7029, 0.0619, 0.18].", "[0.2398, 0.6977, 0.324, 0.3354].", "[0.2279, 0.9266, 0.4548, 0.1446]." ]
[ "What is the total count of texts depicted in the photo?", "How many of the maps can be seen in this image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the map is located in the image?", "What location in the picture is the text occupying?", "Can you highlight the text's area for me in this pic?", "Any idea where the map is in this image?" ]
[ "There is one text.", "There is one map.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5132, 0.8822, 0.1767, 0.0595].", "[0.5015, 0.5012, 0.6655, 0.9086]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of supreme courts shown in this photo?", "What's the number of courts supreme courts visible in this photograph?", "How many appellate jurisdictions are in the image?", "I need to find the supreme court; where is it?", "Where's the appellate jurisdiction positioned in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the courts supreme court in this shot?", "I need the bounding box details for the supreme court.", "I'm trying to find the appellate jurisdiction; can you help me spot it?", "Can you highlight the courts supreme court's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one supreme court.", "There is one courts supreme court.", "There is one appellate jurisdiction.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.4996, 0.9884, 0.9853].", "[0.5441, 0.8261, 0.3078, 0.2705].", "[0.5445, 0.8261, 0.3084, 0.2693]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of cars in the photo?", "Where has the car been placed in the image?", "I'm trying to find the car; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There is one car.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5128, 0.4899, 0.7417, 0.5956]." ]
[ "What is the total count of shirts depicted in the photo?", "In this image, where is the shirt located?", "Could you point out the shirt in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.509, 0.4989, 0.5547, 0.7995]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many shoes are captured in this image?", "Can you enumerate the shoes in this photograph?", "Could you count the feet in this picture for me?", "Can you count the number of legs present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the rocks in this photograph?", "What is the location of the foot in the image?", "Can you guide me to the rock's location in this photo?", "Can you show me where the rock is in the picture?", "Can you show me where the foot is in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one foot.", "There are 2 legs.", "There is one rock.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5, 0.8275, 0.9966, 0.3374].", "[0.652, 0.5301, 0.4949, 0.3366]." ]
[ "What's the tally of petri dishes in this image?", "Can you show me where the petri dish is?", "Hey, where's the petri dish located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one petri dish.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4892, 0.4984, 0.5659, 0.9942]." ]
[ "What is the total count of glaciers depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of mountains seen in the image?", "Can you spot the mountain for me in this photo?", "In which part of the image is the glacier found?", "Where exactly is the glacier in this pic?", "Mind pointing out the mountain's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one glacier.", "There is one mountain.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.5242, 0.9941, 0.9435].", "[0.4997, 0.5235, 0.9941, 0.9437]." ]
[ "What is the count of ##ngeas in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of peonies in this picture?", "How many hydrangeas can you spot in this image?", "What quantity of bouquets is present in the image?", "Where within this picture can the peony be observed?", "Where is the bouquet located?", "Where's the ##ngea at in this image?", "Can you spot the hydrangea for me in this photo?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the bouquet?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the hydrangea present in the image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the peony, can you provide this?", "Any idea where the ##ngea is in this image?" ]
[ "There is one ##ngea.", "There is one peony.", "There is one hydrangea.", "There is one bouquet.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5176, 0.4894, 0.9567, 0.7913].", "[0.5172, 0.3894, 0.9453, 0.5575].", "[0.5172, 0.4887, 0.9568, 0.7921].", "[0.5178, 0.4896, 0.9543, 0.7901]." ]
[ "How many bee earrings are there in this image?", "How many bee earrings do you see in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 bee earrings.", "There are 2 bee earrings." ]