[ "What's the aggregate number of bed sheets in this picture?", "What is the total of pillows depicted here in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of sheet pillows in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the bed sheets in this photograph?", "I'm looking for the sheet pillow; where should I look in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the pillow; where should I look?", "Where's the sheet pillow at in this image?", "Where's the pillow at in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 bed sheets.", "There is one pillow.", "There is one sheet pillow.", "There are 2 bed sheets.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.1084, 0.9981, 0.2167].", "[0.4844, 0.5343, 0.9658, 0.6738]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of gra seen in the image?", "Can you count the number of windows present in this picture?", "What is the total count of houses depicted in the photo?", "How many fences are there in this image?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "Could you specify how the door is aligned in relation to the driveway?", "Where's the cloud at compared to the chimney?", "Where does the flower end up around the garage?", "What's the positioning story of the path relative to the cloud?", "How is the flower set in relation to the position of the chimney?", "Where has the door been placed in the image?", "Trying to locate the chimney; any ideas where it is?", "Could you show the location of the cloud in this image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the driveway is located in the image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the garage is located in the image?", "Please find the bounding box for the garage.", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the cloud.", "Mind pointing out the chimney's place in the photo?", "Can you draw around the flower for me?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the path?" ]
[ "There are 2 gra.", "There are 8 windows.", "There are 2 houses.", "There are 2 fences.", "There are 8 windows.", "The door is on the left of the driveway.", "The cloud is on the left of the chimney.", "The flower is on the left and below of the garage.", "The path is below the cloud.", "The flower is below the chimney.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8158, 0.5789, 0.1391, 0.114].", "[0.477, 0.0641, 0.3489, 0.1263].", "[0.7011, 0.3661, 0.0665, 0.5967].", "[0.6977, 0.728, 0.0709, 0.0632].", "[0.5042, 0.8278, 0.9887, 0.3396]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many gloves are captured in this image?", "How numerous are the gloves in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 gloves.", "There are 2 gloves." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of martini glass seen in the image?", "How many chocolate syrups are in the image?", "What is the total of baileys depicted here in this image?", "How many absolut vodkas are in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of irish creams in this picture?", "Got a quick take on the absolut vodka's spot near the chocolate syrup?", "Can you tell how the bailey is hanging near the chocolate syrup?", "What's the deal with the bailey and absolut vodka's setup?", "Got any idea how the chocolate syrup is placed by the irish cream?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the absolut vodka to the irish cream?", "I need to find the bailey; where is it?", "What is the location of the irish cream in the image?", "Can you pinpoint where the absolut vodka is situated in this photo?", "Where exactly is the chocolate syrup in this shot?", "Any idea where the absolut vodka is in this image?", "I need to know where the irish cream is; can you show it to me?", "Any idea where the bailey is in this image?", "Could you point out the chocolate syrup in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There are 2 martini glass.", "There is one chocolate syrup.", "There is one bailey.", "There is one absolut vodka.", "There is one irish cream.", "The absolut vodka is on the right of the chocolate syrup.", "The bailey is above the chocolate syrup.", "The bailey is on the left and above of the absolut vodka.", "The chocolate syrup is below the irish cream.", "The absolut vodka is on the right and below of the irish cream.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.8718, 0.6241, 0.2451, 0.2954].", "[0.3308, 0.1388, 0.6085, 0.1309].", "[0.33, 0.1389, 0.6081, 0.1312].", "[0.3207, 0.5763, 0.5062, 0.2417]." ]
[ "What is the total count of motorcycle vests depicted in the photo?", "I need to find the motorcycle vest; where is it?", "Can you mark the spot of the motorcycle vest in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one motorcycle vest.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.528, 0.5093, 0.491, 0.916]." ]
[ "What quantity of a home visits is present in the image?", "How many plans are there in this image?", "In which part of the image is the a home visit found?", "Trying to locate the plan; any ideas where it is?", "Could you outline the plan in the picture?", "How about you show me the a home visit's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one a home visit.", "There is one plan.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4426, 0.3834, 0.7705, 0.506].", "[0.4412, 0.3809, 0.7739, 0.5178]." ]
[ "How many boxes are there in this image?", "What is the total count of cards depicted in the photo?", "How many cards are in the image?", "Could you specify the position of the box?", "I need the bounding box details for the box." ]
[ "There is one box.", "There are 2 cards.", "There are 2 cards.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.2294, 0.1407, 0.4574, 0.2811]." ]
[ "How many aces are there in this image?", "Where does the ace reside in this photograph?", "Could you point out the ace in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one ace.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "[0.8954, 0.257, 0.067, 0.0782]." ]
[ "What is the total of shirts depicted here in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the shirt?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the shirt." ]
[ "There is one shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5002, 0.4995, 0.7404, 0.6033]." ]
[ "What's the number of rectangles visible in this photograph?", "Where is the rectangle located?", "Where exactly is the rectangle in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one rectangle.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.237, 0.5459, 0.2064, 0.6048]." ]
[ "What's the tally of goats in this image?", "Can you identify the location of the goat in this image?", "I need the bounding box details for the goat." ]
[ "There is one goat.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3409, 0.4993, 0.6797, 0.9972]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many fences are captured in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of windows seen in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of trees shown in this photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of fences seen in the image?", "Can you determine how many hills are captured in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the tree is situated in this photo?", "Can you spot the window for me in this photo?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the tree?", "How about you show me the window's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 fences.", "There is one window.", "There is one tree.", "There are 2 fences.", "There are 2 hills.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5503, 0.2337, 0.0468, 0.1142].", "[0.4986, 0.5002, 0.9856, 0.9838]." ]
[ "How many riders can you spot in this image?", "How many bikes are there in this image?", "What is the total of mountains depicted here in this image?", "Can you determine how many roads are captured in this image?", "What is the count of mountains in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 riders.", "There are 2 bikes.", "There are 2 mountains.", "There are 2 roads.", "There are 2 mountains." ]
[ "How many rocks are in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "What's the number of people visible in this photograph?", "What's the tally of people in this image?", "Can you identify the number of trees in the photo?", "Where's the sky at compared to the rock?", "Can you help me find the rock in this?", "Where exactly is the sky positioned in this photograph?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the rock?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the sky." ]
[ "There is one rock.", "There are 4 trees.", "There are 2 people.", "There are 2 people.", "There are 4 trees.", "The sky is above the rock.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.7838, 0.9984, 0.4278].", "[0.4998, 0.2517, 0.9985, 0.5006]." ]
[ "How many balconies are in the image?", "What is the count of plants in this image?", "What is the total of railings depicted here in this image?", "Could you count the clouds in this picture for me?", "Can you ascertain the number of clouds shown in this photo?", "How is the building set in relation to the position of the chair?", "How does the sky appear in proximity to the flower in the image?", "In what way is the chair located near or around the tree?", "In what way is the sky located near or around the balcony railing?", "How does the sky look by the balcony?", "Where did the balcony railing end up in this picture?", "Can you identify the location of the chair in this image?", "Know where the sky is located in this pic?", "Where within this picture can the building be observed?", "Hey, where did the tree go in this image?", "Can you mark the spot of the railing in the picture?", "Can you mark the spot of the balcony in the picture?", "Where did the sky end up in this image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the chair?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the balcony railing's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one balcony.", "There are 2 plants.", "There is one railing.", "There are 3 clouds.", "There are 3 clouds.", "The building is above the chair.", "The sky is above the flower.", "The chair is on the right of the tree.", "The sky is above the balcony railing.", "The sky is above the balcony.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.414, 0.758, 0.8261, 0.4762].", "[0.4985, 0.7601, 0.993, 0.4754].", "[0.4109, 0.2233, 0.8197, 0.445].", "[0.8754, 0.8406, 0.2476, 0.3151].", "[0.4153, 0.7578, 0.8283, 0.4786]." ]
[ "How many guitars are in the image?", "Can you enumerate the stage lights in this photograph?", "What is the count of stage lights in this image?", "Could you count the guitars in this picture for me?", "What is the total of stage lights depicted here in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 guitars.", "There are 9 stage lights.", "There are 9 stage lights.", "There are 2 guitars.", "There are 9 stage lights." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of bowl platters in the photo?", "How many bowl platters do you see in the picture?", "What's the number of tables visible in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many bowls are captured in this image?", "Can you determine how many strawberries are captured in this image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the bowl is located in the image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the bowl, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There are 2 bowl platters.", "There are 2 bowl platters.", "There are 3 tables.", "There is one bowl.", "There are 3 strawberries.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.0878, 0.4194, 0.1734, 0.1128]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many shoes are in the photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of sunglasses in this picture?", "How many bags can you spot in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "What is the total count of trees depicted in the photo?", "In terms of placement, how does the sunglass compare to the jean?", "What's the layout between the sunglass and bag?", "In terms of placement, how does the bag compare to the car?", "How is the sunglass arranged when compared to the car?", "I need to find the car; where is it?", "Can you guide me to the bag's location in this photo?", "Where exactly is the sunglass positioned in this photograph?", "Can you point out the jean for me?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the sunglass.", "Can you show me where the bag is in the picture?", "Could you point out the jean in the photo for me?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the car present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one sunglass.", "There is one bag.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 trees.", "The sunglass is above the jean.", "The sunglass is above the bag.", "The bag is on the right and below of the car.", "The sunglass is on the right and above of the car.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5878, 0.1396, 0.1584, 0.0281].", "[0.7106, 0.5101, 0.1736, 0.0819].", "[0.5487, 0.6311, 0.4971, 0.4255].", "[0.3598, 0.3989, 0.1534, 0.0745]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of paper families in this picture?", "What is the count of paper umbrellas in this image?", "What quantity of paper umbrellas is present in the image?", "Can you count the number of paper houses present in this picture?", "What's the tally of paper umbrellas in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the paper house is situated in this photo?", "Can you trace around the paper house so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There are 2 paper families.", "There are 3 paper umbrellas.", "There are 3 paper umbrellas.", "There is one paper house.", "There are 3 paper umbrellas.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6552, 0.7115, 0.2345, 0.3328]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of woman suit jackets present in this picture?", "Can you guide me to the woman suit jacket's location in this photo?", "Can you show me where the woman suit jacket is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one woman suit jacket.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5338, 0.5323, 0.4716, 0.8784]." ]
[ "What's the tally of paintings in this image?", "How many columns are in the image?", "Could you count the columns in this picture for me?", "Can you determine how many benches are captured in this image?", "What's the tally of columns in this image?", "Can you tell how the track light is hanging near the clothing rack?", "How is the painting arranged when compared to the mirror?", "What's the positioning story of the bench relative to the clothing rack?", "Could you specify how the painting is aligned in relation to the clothing rack?", "In terms of placement, how does the bench compare to the mirror?", "I'm trying to spot the painting; where should I look?", "Could you show the location of the clothing rack in this image?", "Where has the track light been placed in the image?", "Where can I find the mirror in this picture?", "Hey, where did the bench go in this image?", "I'm trying to find the bench; can you help me spot it?", "I need to know where the painting is; can you show it to me?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the clothing rack?", "I need to know where the track light is; can you show it to me?", "Where's the mirror at in this image?" ]
[ "There is one painting.", "There are 3 columns.", "There are 3 columns.", "There is one bench.", "There are 3 columns.", "The track light is above the clothing rack.", "The painting is on the right of the mirror.", "The bench is on the right of the clothing rack.", "The painting is on the right of the clothing rack.", "The bench is below the mirror.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.7145, 0.7275, 0.4156, 0.1799].", "[0.7352, 0.514, 0.2839, 0.2415].", "[0.2757, 0.6517, 0.2955, 0.2377].", "[0.3632, 0.2692, 0.0264, 0.0232].", "[0.5284, 0.4197, 0.0574, 0.2871]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many sunglasses are captured in this image?", "What is the total of sneakers depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of women shown in this photo?", "Can you enumerate the sneakers in this photograph?", "What quantity of dre is present in the image?", "Could you specify how the sunglass is aligned in relation to the t - shirt?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the sunglass to the dres?", "Can you pinpoint where the woman is situated in this photo?", "Know where the sunglass is located in this pic?", "Where has the dres been placed in the image?", "Can you guide me to the t - shirt's location in this photo?", "Could you circle where the dres is found in the image?", "Hey, where's the sunglass located in this photograph?", "Can you indicate the woman's position here?", "What are the bounding box for the t - shirt?" ]
[ "There is one sunglass.", "There are 2 sneakers.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 sneakers.", "There is one dres.", "The sunglass is above the t - shirt.", "The sunglass is above the dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.502, 0.4874, 0.2946, 0.6273].", "[0.5046, 0.0977, 0.1247, 0.0426].", "[0.4807, 0.5036, 0.5225, 0.9359].", "[0.4927, 0.2622, 0.3975, 0.1835]." ]
[ "What is the count of people in this image?", "How many scoreboards are in the image?", "What is the total count of people depicted in the photo?", "How many people can you spot in this image?", "How numerous are the people in this image?", "Could you show the location of the scoreboard in this image?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the scoreboard." ]
[ "There are 4 people.", "There is one scoreboard.", "There are 4 people.", "There are 4 people.", "There are 4 people.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.7344, 0.0903, 0.3748, 0.1795]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of t - shirts seen in the image?", "Can you identify the number of men in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of cameras seen in the image?", "Can you count the number of men present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the men in this photograph?", "Trying to locate the camera; any ideas where it is?", "Where can I find the t - shirt in this picture?", "Where did the camera end up in this image?", "Where did the t - shirt end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one t - shirt.", "There are 3 men.", "There is one camera.", "There are 3 men.", "There are 3 men.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5505, 0.6032, 0.0693, 0.0567].", "[0.5049, 0.4997, 0.7505, 0.9584]." ]
[ "How many football players can you spot in this image?", "How many of the football players can be seen in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many footballs are in the photograph?", "Can you count the number of football players present in this picture?", "Where exactly is the football in this shot?", "Any idea where the football is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 5 football players.", "There are 5 football players.", "There is one football.", "There are 5 football players.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5807, 0.4465, 0.0477, 0.0982]." ]
[ "What's the number of texts visible in this photograph?", "What is the total count of crescents depicted in the photo?", "Can you identify the number of texts in the photo?", "How many cro are in the image?", "Where's the cros at in this image?", "Where is the crescent located?", "Can you draw around the cros for me?", "How about you show me the crescent's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 texts.", "There is one crescent.", "There are 2 texts.", "There is one cros.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.1968, 0.4357, 0.1054, 0.2613].", "[0.1613, 0.4349, 0.2496, 0.6305]." ]
[ "How many people can you spot in this image?", "Can you determine how many people are captured in this image?", "How many people do you see in the picture?", "How many screens are in the image?", "Do you know where they put the screen here?", "Please find the bounding box for the screen." ]
[ "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 people.", "There is one screen.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.5886, 0.2889, 0.4384, 0.1703]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the sofas in this photograph?", "What is the total of sofas depicted here in this image?", "How many sofas can you spot in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of tables in this picture?", "Where's the table at in this image?", "Where did the table end up in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 sofas.", "There are 3 sofas.", "There are 3 sofas.", "There is one table.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.8967, 0.8519, 0.2053, 0.2153]." ]
[ "Could you count the rj - 11 modular jacks in this picture for me?", "How many rj - 11 modular jacks do you see in the picture?", "Can you count the number of rj - 11 modular jacks present in this picture?", "What quantity of rj - 11 modular jacks is present in the image?", "What is the count of rj - 11 modular jacks in this image?" ]
[ "There are 5 rj - 11 modular jacks.", "There are 5 rj - 11 modular jacks.", "There are 5 rj - 11 modular jacks.", "There are 5 rj - 11 modular jacks.", "There are 5 rj - 11 modular jacks." ]
[ "How many skies can you spot in this image?", "What is the total count of trees depicted in the photo?", "How numerous are the clouds in this image?", "Where within this picture can the tree be observed?", "What is the location of the sky in the image?", "Can you show me where the cloud is?", "Mind pointing out the sky's place in the photo?", "Could you point out the tree in the photo for me?", "Please find the bounding box for the cloud." ]
[ "There is one sky.", "There is one tree.", "There is one cloud.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.3523, 0.9966, 0.7014].", "[0.5001, 0.8011, 0.9965, 0.3873].", "[0.5002, 0.3494, 0.996, 0.6942]." ]
[ "How numerous are the stools in this image?", "Can you determine how many branches are captured in this image?", "Can you count the number of tablecloth tables present in this picture?", "Can you count the number of cups present in this picture?", "What's the aggregate number of cupcakes in this picture?", "How is the cake positioned relative to the cupcake?", "What is the arrangement of the spiderweb relative to the cupcake?", "Can you show me where the spiderweb is?", "Where did the cupcake end up in this picture?", "Can you guide me to the cake's location in this photo?", "Any idea where the cake is in this image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the cupcake's bounding box?", "Mind pointing out the spiderweb's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 stools.", "There are 2 branches.", "There are 2 tablecloth tables.", "There are 4 cups.", "There is one cupcake.", "The cake is on the left and above of the cupcake.", "The spiderweb is above the cupcake.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "[0.1571, 0.3209, 0.1081, 0.0841].", "[0.2812, 0.5709, 0.0792, 0.0328].", "[0.4237, 0.2329, 0.6977, 0.3441]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the christmas in this photograph?", "What is the total of firewoods depicted here in this image?", "What is the total count of firewoods depicted in the photo?", "How many christmas can you spot in this image?", "How many christmas are there in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 christmas.", "There are 2 firewoods.", "There are 2 firewoods.", "There are 3 christmas.", "There are 3 christmas." ]
[ "How many tables do you see in the picture?", "What's the aggregate number of chairs in this picture?", "Are you able to tell how many people are in the photograph?", "How many people are in the image?", "What is the total count of curtains depicted in the photo?", "Where did the stage end up in this picture?", "What are the bounding box for the stage?" ]
[ "There are 4 tables.", "There are 13 chairs.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 4 curtains.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.4986, 0.9963, 0.9919]." ]
[ "How numerous are the women in this image?", "What is the total count of women depicted in the photo?", "What's the number of overalls visible in this photograph?", "Could you count the overalls in this picture for me?", "How many shoes can you spot in this image?" ]
[ "There are 10 women.", "There are 10 women.", "There are 8 overalls.", "There are 8 overalls.", "There are 6 shoes." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many girls are in the photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of gra seen in the image?", "How many trees can you spot in this image?", "What's the tally of gra in this image?", "In this image, where is the girl located?", "Can you draw around the girl for me?" ]
[ "There is one girl.", "There are 2 gra.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 2 gra.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5819, 0.5938, 0.2073, 0.7221]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of mountains in the photo?", "What is the total count of cliffs depicted in the photo?", "Can you enumerate the gra in this photograph?", "How many waterfalls are in the image?", "Hey, where did the gras go in this image?", "What location in the picture is the waterfall occupying?", "Could you highlight the cliff's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where does the mountain reside in this photograph?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the mountain?", "Can you draw around the gras for me?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the waterfall?", "Could you locate the cliff and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one mountain.", "There is one cliff.", "There is one gras.", "There is one waterfall.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4361, 0.2341, 0.8697, 0.4638].", "[0.2858, 0.4807, 0.567, 0.1085].", "[0.5436, 0.7092, 0.8804, 0.563].", "[0.4354, 0.2365, 0.8678, 0.4669]." ]
[ "How many turtles are in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of coral reefs shown in this photo?", "Can you guide me to the coral reef's location in this photo?", "Where did the turtle end up in this picture?", "Please find the bounding box for the coral reef.", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the turtle?" ]
[ "There is one turtle.", "There is one coral reef.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4995, 0.4999, 0.9952, 0.9938].", "[0.6829, 0.351, 0.5952, 0.3665]." ]
[ "What is the count of windshields in this image?", "What is the total count of wheel tires depicted in the photo?", "What's the tally of motorcycles in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of curbs shown in this photo?", "Can you identify the number of gloves in the photo?", "What's the positioning story of the helmet relative to the curb?", "What is the spatial relationship between the curb and the windshield?", "Can you reveal the spot where the motorcycle is located in the image?", "In this image, where is the curb located?", "What is the location of the helmet in the image?", "Can you point out the windshield for me?", "Where exactly is the track positioned in this photograph?", "Can you draw around the rider for me?", "Can you indicate the curb's position here?", "Can you indicate the motorcycle's position here?", "Can you indicate the windshield's position here?", "Where did the track end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one windshield.", "There are 2 wheel tires.", "There is one motorcycle.", "There is one curb.", "There are 2 gloves.", "The helmet is above the curb.", "The curb is below the windshield.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6044, 0.5147, 0.4686, 0.5676].", "[0.4998, 0.8202, 0.9964, 0.1926].", "[0.4782, 0.5218, 0.7987, 0.5637].", "[0.8138, 0.359, 0.1048, 0.1748].", "[0.5001, 0.6252, 0.9948, 0.5779]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of men present in this picture?", "How many women are in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the woman; where should I look?", "Hey, where did the man go in this image?", "Where did the woman end up in this image?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the man present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2897, 0.5126, 0.3541, 0.744].", "[0.5726, 0.5097, 0.3318, 0.9346]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many soaps are in the photograph?", "How many soaps are in the image?", "Can you enumerate the soaps in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of soaps shown in this photo?", "How many soaps can you spot in this image?" ]
[ "There are 9 soaps.", "There are 9 soaps.", "There are 9 soaps.", "There are 9 soaps.", "There are 9 soaps." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the stars in this photograph?", "Can you count the number of sneakers present in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of sneakers seen in the image?", "Are you able to tell how many dre are in the photograph?", "Could you count the pendants in this picture for me?", "How does the wristwatch appear in proximity to the pendant in the image?", "In what way is the star located near or around the wristwatch?", "Can you tell how the star is hanging near the couch?", "Could you show the location of the star in this image?", "Where did the wristwatch end up in this picture?", "Can you point out the dres for me?", "Can you guide me to the woman's location in this photo?", "What location in the picture is the couch occupying?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the wristwatch.", "Can you draw around the woman for me?", "Could you circle where the pendant is found in the image?", "Can you highlight the couch's area for me in this pic?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the star and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one star.", "There are 2 sneakers.", "There are 2 sneakers.", "There is one dres.", "There is one pendant.", "The wristwatch is on the left of the pendant.", "The star is on the right of the wristwatch.", "The star is above the couch.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.57, 0.1874, 0.075, 0.0707].", "[0.5022, 0.4993, 0.7153, 0.9948].", "[0.7813, 0.1231, 0.1815, 0.1743].", "[0.4994, 0.4871, 0.7484, 0.5541].", "[0.7815, 0.123, 0.1808, 0.1738]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many cars are captured in this image?", "In which part of the image is the car found?", "How about you show me the car's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one car.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5197, 0.5185, 0.9589, 0.8533]." ]
[ "How many women are there in this image?", "How many dre do you see in the picture?", "Can you guide me to the woman's location in this photo?", "Where within this picture can the dres be observed?", "How about you show me the dres's spot in the photo?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the woman, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5055, 0.5829, 0.7313, 0.6982].", "[0.4699, 0.5063, 0.7961, 0.9809]." ]
[ "Could you count the traffic lights in this picture for me?", "How numerous are the street lamps in this image?", "How many traffic lights are in the image?", "What's the tally of buildings in this image?", "Where exactly is the street lamp positioned in this photograph?", "Know where the building is located in this pic?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the building, can you provide this?", "Where exactly is the street lamp in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 traffic lights.", "There is one street lamp.", "There are 2 traffic lights.", "There is one building.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5217, 0.4995, 0.9518, 0.9948].", "[0.2196, 0.9416, 0.0503, 0.1105]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of closets present in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of bathroom bedrooms seen in the image?", "What's the number of bathroom bedrooms visible in this photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of windows seen in the image?", "What is the total of bathroom bedrooms depicted here in this image?", "Where is the closet located?", "What location in the picture is the window occupying?", "Can you mark the spot of the closet in the picture?", "Can you highlight the window's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one closet.", "There are 3 bathroom bedrooms.", "There are 3 bathroom bedrooms.", "There is one window.", "There are 3 bathroom bedrooms.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.6803, 0.6633, 0.4355, 0.5047].", "[0.6801, 0.4606, 0.0628, 0.0747]." ]
[ "What's the tally of chairs in this image?", "How numerous are the skies in this image?", "What's the tally of umbrellas in this image?", "Can you enumerate the umbrellas in this photograph?", "Are you able to tell how many beaches are in the photograph?", "What is the spatial relationship between the table and the sea?", "How does the sand find itself near the sky?", "Can you tell how the table is hanging near the sky?", "What's the layout between the beach and sky?", "Trying to locate the beach; any ideas where it is?", "Could you highlight the sea's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where's the sky at in this image?", "Can you show me where the table is?", "Trying to locate the sand; any ideas where it is?", "Please find the bounding box for the beach.", "Could you point out the sand in the photo for me?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the sky?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the sea and give me the specifics?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the table?" ]
[ "There are 6 chairs.", "There is one sky.", "There are 3 umbrellas.", "There are 3 umbrellas.", "There is one beach.", "The table is below the sea.", "The sand is below the sky.", "The table is below the sky.", "The beach is below the sky.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.7394, 0.9968, 0.5038].", "[0.4997, 0.7437, 0.9964, 0.5016].", "[0.5, 0.1609, 0.9985, 0.3182].", "[0.4998, 0.4083, 0.9973, 0.1891].", "[0.4746, 0.8713, 0.0798, 0.1795]." ]
[ "What is the total of blouses depicted here in this image?", "Could you highlight the blouse's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you indicate the blouse's position here?" ]
[ "There is one blouse.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4996, 0.499, 0.9028, 0.4498]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the horses in this photograph?", "Could you specify the position of the horse?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the horse?" ]
[ "There is one horse.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5282, 0.4595, 0.7961, 0.8647]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of flowers in the photo?", "How numerous are the leaves in this image?", "How many plates do you see in the picture?", "How many leaves are there in this image?", "Can you enumerate the cakes in this photograph?", "Can you guide me to the flower's location in this photo?", "Can you identify the location of the plate in this image?", "In which part of the image is the cake found?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the cake and give me the specifics?", "Any idea where the plate is in this image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the flower's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one flower.", "There are 3 leaves.", "There is one plate.", "There are 3 leaves.", "There is one cake.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4823, 0.4877, 0.6751, 0.4429].", "[0.5008, 0.4971, 0.7152, 0.4811].", "[0.3262, 0.4564, 0.3885, 0.3141]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the elephants in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of stars in the photo?", "How many of the texts can be seen in this image?", "Can you determine how many circles are captured in this image?", "How many circles are in the image?", "What is the spatial relationship between the star and the heart?", "Could you specify how the star is aligned in relation to the banner?", "How do the banner and heart look together?", "Where's the star at compared to the tag?", "What's the positioning like between the star and the elephant?", "Do you know where they put the tag here?", "Where does the heart reside in this photograph?", "Can you help me find the elephant in this?", "I'm looking for the star; where should I look in the image?", "Do you know where they put the banner here?", "Can you trace around the tag so I can see it better?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the banner and give me the specifics?", "Can you trace around the elephant so I can see it better?", "Could you locate the star and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Could you outline the heart in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one elephant.", "There is one star.", "There are 2 texts.", "There are 2 circles.", "There are 2 circles.", "The star is on the right and above of the heart.", "The star is on the right of the banner.", "The banner is above the heart.", "The star is above the tag.", "The star is above the elephant.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5551, 0.553, 0.3974, 0.3486].", "[0.2623, 0.3097, 0.522, 0.4636].", "[0.364, 0.7532, 0.7251, 0.4765].", "[0.6405, 0.3466, 0.0367, 0.0542].", "[0.3367, 0.6487, 0.1467, 0.1983]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many cars are in the photograph?", "What quantity of cars is present in the image?", "What is the total of cars depicted here in this image?", "How many buildings can you spot in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of cars shown in this photo?", "Can you show me where the building is?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the building's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 6 cars.", "There are 6 cars.", "There are 6 cars.", "There is one building.", "There are 6 cars.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4993, 0.1912, 0.9975, 0.3816]." ]
[ "What quantity of tuxedoes is present in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "What quantity of veils is present in the image?", "How numerous are the brides in this image?", "What is the total count of fields depicted in the photo?", "Where can I find the field in this picture?", "Trying to locate the tree; any ideas where it is?", "Where can I find the groom in this picture?", "Mind pointing out where the bride is?", "Know where the tuxedo is located in this pic?", "Could you point out the field in the photo for me?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the bride?", "Can you mark the spot of the tuxedo in the picture?", "Hey, where's the groom located in this photograph?", "Mind pointing out the tree's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one tuxedo.", "There is one tree.", "There are 2 veils.", "There is one bride.", "There is one field.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.6609, 0.9888, 0.6701].", "[0.4234, 0.5932, 0.7959, 0.8073].", "[0.731, 0.6428, 0.3866, 0.7071].", "[0.7251, 0.5814, 0.3999, 0.8297].", "[0.4995, 0.1772, 0.9929, 0.3514]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many grooms are in the photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of doors shown in this photo?", "Can you identify the number of windows in the photo?", "What's the tally of windows in this image?", "What is the total count of columns depicted in the photo?", "What's the deal with the groom and column's setup?", "How is the bride situated in comparison to the column?", "Where exactly is the groom positioned in this photograph?", "Could you show the location of the column in this image?", "What location in the picture is the bride occupying?", "I need the bounding box details for the bride.", "Can you indicate the column's position here?", "Could you outline the groom in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one groom.", "There are 2 doors.", "There are 2 windows.", "There are 2 windows.", "There is one column.", "The groom is below the column.", "The bride is below the column.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3744, 0.7443, 0.2184, 0.5068].", "[0.1344, 0.2436, 0.2646, 0.4851].", "[0.2309, 0.7462, 0.2187, 0.502]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of drivers shown in this photo?", "What's the tally of crowds in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of helmets seen in the image?", "What's the tally of helmets in this image?", "What's the number of tires visible in this photograph?", "What is the arrangement of the crowd relative to the race track?", "Know where the crowd is located in this pic?", "What location in the picture is the race track occupying?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the race track present in the image?", "I'm trying to find the crowd; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 2 drivers.", "There is one crowd.", "There are 2 helmets.", "There are 2 helmets.", "There are 4 tires.", "The crowd is above the race track.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4994, 0.6905, 0.9903, 0.6025].", "[0.2955, 0.1033, 0.5872, 0.2065]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of logos seen in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of fireworksttis seen in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of signs in this picture?", "How many fireworks confettis do you see in the picture?", "Are you able to tell how many trophies are in the photograph?", "What's the positioning like between the fireworkstti and the football field?", "What is the positional relationship of the football field vis-à-vis the trophy?", "Can you identify the location of the trophy in this image?", "Trying to locate the fireworkstti; any ideas where it is?", "Where can I find the fireworks confetti in this pic?", "Where can I find the football field in this pic?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the fireworkstti, can you provide this?", "Can you show me where the fireworks confetti is in the picture?", "Could you point out the football field in the photo for me?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the trophy." ]
[ "There are 2 logos.", "There is one fireworkstti.", "There are 2 signs.", "There is one fireworks confetti.", "There is one trophy.", "The fireworkstti is above the football field.", "The football field is below the trophy.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5006, 0.2142, 0.9123, 0.4253].", "[0.4994, 0.4018, 0.9901, 0.7948].", "[0.4998, 0.892, 0.9952, 0.2081].", "[0.4981, 0.3572, 0.0953, 0.3823]." ]
[ "How many paintings are there in this image?", "Mind pointing out where the painting is?", "Mind pointing out the painting's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one painting.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4991, 0.4989, 0.9943, 0.995]." ]
[ "How many walls are in the image?", "What is the total of women depicted here in this image?", "What is the total count of walls depicted in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of benches in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the benches in this photograph?", "Any clue where the door is sitting by the ceiling?", "What is the positional relationship of the woman vis-à-vis the ceiling?", "Do you know where they put the ceiling here?", "Can you identify the location of the door in this image?", "Hey, where did the woman go in this image?", "Any idea where the ceiling is in this image?", "Could you circle where the woman is found in the image?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the door." ]
[ "There are 2 walls.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 walls.", "There are 3 benches.", "There are 3 benches.", "The door is below the ceiling.", "The woman is below the ceiling.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5004, 0.2199, 0.9977, 0.4375].", "[0.5085, 0.7025, 0.1511, 0.2866].", "[0.4552, 0.5248, 0.1717, 0.1254]." ]
[ "How many nail polishes are there in this image?", "Where exactly is the nail polish in this shot?", "Where did the nail polish end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one nail polish.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5059, 0.5018, 0.4376, 0.7389]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of balloons present in this picture?", "Can you count the number of backpacks present in this picture?", "Can you ascertain the number of soldiers shown in this photo?", "How many caps can you spot in this image?", "What's the tally of women in this image?", "Where's the pouch positioned in this photograph?", "Can you highlight the pouch's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 4 balloons.", "There are 3 backpacks.", "There are 2 soldiers.", "There are 2 caps.", "There are 4 women.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.238, 0.8233, 0.1153, 0.1698]." ]
[ "What quantity of men is present in the image?", "Can you identify the number of ottomans in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of carpets seen in the image?", "How many women are in the image?", "What's the number of windows visible in this photograph?", "In the context of positioning, how is the carpet related to the window?", "What's the positioning story of the window relative to the woman man?", "What's the deal with the ottoman and woman's setup?", "How are the window and woman doing together in the pic?", "Can you point out how the ottoman is set up with the woman man?", "Could you specify the position of the carpet?", "Where's the woman at in this image?", "What location in the picture is the window occupying?", "In this image, where is the woman man located?", "I need to find the ottoman; where is it?", "Could you circle where the woman is found in the image?", "Where's the woman man at in this image?", "Where did the ottoman end up in this image?", "Can you draw around the window for me?", "Where exactly is the carpet in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 men.", "There is one ottoman.", "There is one carpet.", "There is one woman.", "There is one window.", "The carpet is below the window.", "The window is on the left of the woman man.", "The ottoman is on the left of the woman.", "The window is on the left of the woman.", "The ottoman is on the left of the woman man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.7098, 0.4888, 0.2281, 0.9346].", "[0.8864, 0.4629, 0.2167, 0.87].", "[0.1944, 0.4872, 0.2085, 0.2644].", "[0.2712, 0.1282, 0.5409, 0.2178].", "[0.5272, 0.7763, 0.917, 0.4398]." ]
[ "What is the total of glass rabbits depicted here in this image?", "Can you count the number of glass candy containers present in this picture?", "What's the layout between the glass candy container and glass rabbit?", "Where's the glass candy container positioned in this photograph?", "Can you point out the glass rabbit for me?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the glass candy container?", "Hey, where's the glass rabbit located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one glass rabbit.", "There is one glass candy container.", "The glass candy container is on the left of the glass rabbit.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.297, 0.5281, 0.4441, 0.838].", "[0.7456, 0.4694, 0.3221, 0.9017]." ]
[ "What quantity of handbags is present in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the handbag; where should I look?", "Please find the bounding box for the handbag." ]
[ "There is one handbag.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5313, 0.5092, 0.8233, 0.6501]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of clocks in the photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of people shown in this photo?", "Can you identify the number of people in the photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of tables shown in this photo?", "How many chairs are in the image?", "How does the clock appear in proximity to the table in the image?", "How is the clock positioned relative to the glas?", "What location in the picture is the table occupying?", "I'm trying to spot the clock; where should I look?", "Where's the glas positioned in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the glas in this pic?", "Can you mark the spot of the table in the picture?", "I need the bounding box details for the clock." ]
[ "There is one clock.", "There are 14 people.", "There are 14 people.", "There is one table.", "There are 8 chairs.", "The clock is above the table.", "The clock is on the left and above of the glas.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.7159, 0.5583, 0.0213, 0.0521].", "[0.4432, 0.6404, 0.668, 0.2546].", "[0.2839, 0.2635, 0.0214, 0.044]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many table runners are in the photograph?", "Can you help me find the table runner in this?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the table runner's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one table runner.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5024, 0.4985, 0.4558, 0.7814]." ]
[ "How many chairs do you see in the picture?", "How many candles are in the image?", "How many windows do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the candles in this image?", "What is the total of drawers depicted here in this image?", "What's the deal with the chair and scarf's setup?", "What is the spatial relationship between the hat and the bookcase?", "How does the chair appear in proximity to the shelf in the image?", "Can you tell how the table is hanging near the shelf?", "What's the layout between the hat and shelf?", "Can you reveal the spot where the floor is located in the image?", "Where's the wall positioned in this photograph?", "Mind pointing out where the scarf is?", "Where does the shelf reside in this photograph?", "In this image, where is the hat located?", "Mind pointing out the floor's place in the photo?", "Hey, where's the hat located in this photograph?", "Hey, where's the bookcase located in this photograph?", "I need to know where the chair is; can you show it to me?", "Could you point out the wall in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one chair.", "There are 4 candles.", "There are 2 windows.", "There are 4 candles.", "There are 2 drawers.", "The chair is on the right and below of the scarf.", "The hat is on the right of the bookcase.", "The chair is on the right of the shelf.", "The table is on the right of the shelf.", "The hat is on the right and above of the shelf.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.5398, 0.863, 0.9171, 0.272].", "[0.8396, 0.5753, 0.1289, 0.0529].", "[0.3842, 0.5012, 0.4403, 0.9899].", "[0.8644, 0.6289, 0.2046, 0.2817].", "[0.8212, 0.376, 0.2375, 0.7496]." ]
[ "What's the number of pants visible in this photograph?", "Are you able to tell how many pairs are in the photograph?", "Can you spot the pair for me in this photo?", "Can you identify the location of the pant in this image?", "Could you point out the pant in the photo for me?", "Where did the pair end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one pant.", "There is one pair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4972, 0.4871, 0.4193, 0.9697].", "[0.4972, 0.487, 0.4197, 0.9691]." ]
[ "What is the total count of balls depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of curtains seen in the image?", "Can you determine how many picture frames are captured in this image?", "Can you enumerate the picture frames in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of windows shown in this photo?", "Can you tell how the carpet is hanging near the toy chest?", "Can you tell how the window is hanging near the ball?", "How do the sofa and window look together?", "What is the spatial relationship between the window and the toy chest?", "How do the ball and toy chest look together?", "In this image, where is the toy chest located?", "Can you guide me to the window's location in this photo?", "Can you show me where the curtain is?", "Where can I find the ball in this picture?", "Can you point out the carpet for me?", "Could you point out the toy chest in the photo for me?", "I need to know where the sofa is; can you show it to me?", "Could you point out the curtain in the photo for me?", "Any idea where the carpet is in this image?", "Can you show me where the ball is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one ball.", "There is one curtain.", "There are 2 picture frames.", "There are 2 picture frames.", "There is one window.", "The carpet is below the toy chest.", "The window is on the right and above of the ball.", "The sofa is on the right of the window.", "The window is on the left of the toy chest.", "The ball is on the left and below of the toy chest.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.552, 0.565, 0.0456, 0.0462].", "[0.5854, 0.6065, 0.2936, 0.1645].", "[0.2004, 0.4506, 0.1489, 0.4085].", "[0.383, 0.6972, 0.5165, 0.1211].", "[0.2037, 0.6528, 0.0435, 0.0407]." ]
[ "What quantity of people is present in the image?", "How many branches are in the image?", "Can you identify the number of rocks in the photo?", "Could you count the people in this picture for me?", "How numerous are the trees in this image?", "Can you describe the placement of the rock in relation to the branch?", "Can you guide me to the rock's location in this photo?", "Mind pointing out where the tree is?", "Can you guide me to the branch's location in this photo?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the rock and give me the specifics?", "Any idea where the branch is in this image?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the tree." ]
[ "There are 3 people.", "There is one branch.", "There is one rock.", "There are 3 people.", "There is one tree.", "The rock is on the right of the branch.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.9114, 0.8613, 0.0937, 0.0727].", "[0.3359, 0.5008, 0.2721, 0.9885].", "[0.5006, 0.499, 0.9936, 0.9904]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of boots shown in this photo?", "Can you identify the number of boots in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 boots.", "There are 2 boots." ]
[ "How many envelopes are there in this image?", "What is the total count of envelopes depicted in the photo?", "What's the number of pens visible in this photograph?", "Where did the pen end up in this picture?", "Can you trace around the pen so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There are 2 envelopes.", "There are 2 envelopes.", "There is one pen.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8691, 0.6225, 0.2462, 0.6874]." ]
[ "How many concretes are there in this image?", "What is the count of drawers in this image?", "How numerous are the shelves in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the concrete is situated in this photo?", "Could you specify the position of the shelf?", "Can you reveal the spot where the drawer is located in the image?", "Hey, where's the concrete located in this photograph?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the drawer.", "Can you mark the spot of the shelf in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one concrete.", "There is one drawer.", "There is one shelf.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2933, 0.4994, 0.5847, 0.9911].", "[0.2929, 0.4992, 0.5843, 0.9902].", "[0.4995, 0.4992, 0.9959, 0.994]." ]
[ "How many dogs do you see in the picture?", "Can you determine how many ultrasonic dog repellers are captured in this image?", "Can you determine how many dogs are captured in this image?", "Can you identify the location of the ultrasonic dog repeller in this image?", "Could you outline the ultrasonic dog repeller in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 dogs.", "There is one ultrasonic dog repeller.", "There are 2 dogs.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4522, 0.3933, 0.8014, 0.7552]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of houses present in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of windows seen in the image?", "Are you able to tell how many palm trees are in the photograph?", "What is the count of palm trees in this image?", "Can you identify the number of doors in the photo?", "What's the positioning like between the plant and the door?", "How does the plant appear in proximity to the roof in the image?", "Where within this picture can the door be observed?", "Could you highlight the roof's whereabouts in the photo?", "Could you highlight the house's whereabouts in the photo?", "Do you know where they put the plant here?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the house?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the plant.", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the door present in the image?", "Can you highlight the roof's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one house.", "There are 2 windows.", "There are 2 palm trees.", "There are 2 palm trees.", "There is one door.", "The plant is on the right of the door.", "The plant is below the roof.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5088, 0.4659, 0.975, 0.2805].", "[0.4456, 0.5559, 0.0221, 0.0697].", "[0.16, 0.514, 0.0354, 0.1098].", "[0.5107, 0.3959, 0.9729, 0.1324]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of building halal carts shown in this photo?", "Could you count the street lights in this picture for me?", "What's the aggregate number of cars in this picture?", "Can you determine how many buildings are captured in this image?", "What's the number of windows visible in this photograph?", "Got a quick take on the street light's spot near the building?", "How is the tree arranged when compared to the building?", "How does the building find itself near the sign?", "What is the spatial relationship between the street light and the sign?", "How is the snow arranged when compared to the sign?", "Could you show the location of the building halal cart in this image?", "Hey, where did the sign go in this image?", "Can you guide me to the tree's location in this photo?", "Can you pinpoint where the building is situated in this photo?", "In which part of the image is the snow found?", "Could you outline the street light in the picture?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the building and give me the specifics?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the sign, can you provide this?", "Can you indicate the building halal cart's position here?", "Can you show me where the snow is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one building halal cart.", "There is one street light.", "There are 2 cars.", "There is one building.", "There are 2 windows.", "The street light is on the left of the building.", "The tree is on the left of the building.", "The building is on the left of the sign.", "The street light is on the left of the sign.", "The snow is below the sign.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.2184, 0.5085, 0.0635, 0.291].", "[0.497, 0.4131, 0.3989, 0.8226].", "[0.9243, 0.4381, 0.0256, 0.0317].", "[0.9279, 0.608, 0.143, 0.3181].", "[0.5, 0.8086, 0.9972, 0.3782]." ]
[ "How many university logos are there in this image?", "How many of the university logos can be seen in this image?", "Could you count the clock towers in this picture for me?", "Hey, where did the clock tower go in this image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the clock tower?" ]
[ "There are 2 university logos.", "There are 2 university logos.", "There is one clock tower.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.2212, 0.4949, 0.1124, 0.222]." ]
[ "How many signs can you spot in this image?", "Can you count the number of signs present in this picture?", "How numerous are the men in this image?", "Can you count the number of doors present in this picture?", "Could you show the location of the man in this image?", "Can you identify the location of the door in this image?", "Where's the door at in this image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the man?" ]
[ "There are 2 signs.", "There are 2 signs.", "There is one man.", "There is one door.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8206, 0.6384, 0.3565, 0.7182].", "[0.4745, 0.5358, 0.7674, 0.9244]." ]
[ "How many hands are in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of hands in this picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 hands.", "There are 2 hands." ]
[ "What quantity of clouds is present in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of clouds shown in this photo?", "What is the count of grounds in this image?", "How many backhoe skid steers are in the image?", "What is the count of backhoe skid steers in this image?", "What's the layout between the ground and tree?", "Where has the tree been placed in the image?", "Hey, where did the ground go in this image?", "How about you show me the tree's spot in the photo?", "How about you show me the ground's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 clouds.", "There are 2 clouds.", "There is one ground.", "There are 2 backhoe skid steers.", "There are 2 backhoe skid steers.", "The ground is below the tree.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.1389, 0.2613, 0.2764, 0.1921].", "[0.4997, 0.7091, 0.9964, 0.5763]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many bracelets are in the photograph?", "Can you reveal the spot where the bracelet is located in the image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the bracelet, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one bracelet.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4978, 0.5041, 0.8946, 0.6464]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of presents in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of christmas trees seen in the image?", "What is the total count of santa claus depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of banners seen in the image?", "How many windows do you see in the picture?", "In terms of placement, how does the santa clau compare to the christmas tree?", "In what position do we find the santa clau relative to the christma?", "Could you specify how the christma is aligned in relation to the present?", "Can you pinpoint where the window is situated in this photo?", "I need to find the christmas tree; where is it?", "Can you spot the christma for me in this photo?", "What is the location of the santa clau in the image?", "Mind pointing out where the present is?", "Can you highlight the christma's area for me in this pic?", "Could you locate the present and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the window, can you provide this?", "Can you highlight the santa clau's area for me in this pic?", "Could you locate the christmas tree and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one present.", "There is one christmas tree.", "There is one santa clau.", "There are 2 banners.", "There is one window.", "The santa clau is on the left of the christmas tree.", "The santa clau is on the left of the christma.", "The christma is above the present.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5942, 0.3296, 0.1952, 0.1763].", "[0.5358, 0.5516, 0.1456, 0.0696].", "[0.4852, 0.3864, 0.5502, 0.4518].", "[0.3777, 0.4711, 0.2067, 0.263].", "[0.5932, 0.3959, 0.2004, 0.3098]." ]
[ "What's the tally of boots in this image?", "How many caps are in the image?", "What quantity of soldiers is present in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of poles shown in this photo?", "What is the total count of trenchcoats depicted in the photo?", "What is the arrangement of the flag relative to the iron cros?", "What is the positional relationship of the iron cros vis-à-vis the soldier?", "How does the flag appear in proximity to the soldier in the image?", "Can you describe the placement of the pole in relation to the boot?", "In the context of positioning, how is the iron cros related to the woollen underwear?", "Do you know where they put the woollen underwear here?", "In which part of the image is the boot found?", "Where does the soldier reside in this photograph?", "In which part of the image is the flag found?", "Can you show me where the scarf is?", "Mind highlighting where the flag is here?", "Mind highlighting where the woollen underwear is here?", "Can you show me where the iron cros is in the picture?", "Can you mark the spot of the soldier in the picture?", "Could you locate the scarf and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one boot.", "There are 2 caps.", "There is one soldier.", "There is one pole.", "There are 2 trenchcoats.", "The flag is below the iron cros.", "The iron cros is on the right and above of the soldier.", "The flag is on the right of the soldier.", "The pole is on the right and above of the boot.", "The iron cros is on the right and above of the woollen underwear.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.8049, 0.2126, 0.0695, 0.0732].", "[0.5621, 0.5768, 0.0367, 0.04].", "[0.8406, 0.1581, 0.033, 0.0319].", "[0.5171, 0.4865, 0.1971, 0.5386].", "[0.3198, 0.3833, 0.1245, 0.126]." ]
[ "What's the tally of signs in this image?", "Can you determine how many doors are captured in this image?", "How numerous are the columns in this image?", "What's the tally of columns in this image?", "What is the count of windows in this image?", "How's the window positioned around the sign?", "In what position do we find the window relative to the door?", "Where is the window located?", "Where can I find the sign in this picture?", "Could you specify the position of the door?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the sign's bounding box?", "Mind highlighting where the door is here?", "Could you circle where the window is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one sign.", "There is one door.", "There are 2 columns.", "There are 2 columns.", "There is one window.", "The window is on the left of the sign.", "The window is on the left of the door.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6158, 0.2755, 0.3846, 0.1673].", "[0.4697, 0.6737, 0.0792, 0.6479].", "[0.1394, 0.5268, 0.2021, 0.6581]." ]
[ "Could you count the nepal academies in this picture for me?", "Can you guide me to the nepal academy's location in this photo?", "Mind pointing out the nepal academy's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one nepal academy.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.4943, 0.9841, 0.9531]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of men seen in the image?", "Can you enumerate the men in this photograph?", "What quantity of women is present in the image?", "How numerous are the women in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many women are in the photograph?" ]
[ "There are 2 men.", "There are 2 men.", "There are 3 women.", "There are 3 women.", "There are 3 women." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of roofs in this picture?", "How many trees are there in this image?", "What is the total count of trees depicted in the photo?", "How many slides can you spot in this image?", "How many stairs can you spot in this image?", "How is the stair set in relation to the position of the fence?", "I'm trying to spot the stair; where should I look?", "Can you help me find the fence in this?", "Can you help me find the platform in this?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the fence present in the image?", "Could you circle where the platform is found in the image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the stair's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 3 roofs.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 3 slides.", "There is one stair.", "The stair is on the left of the fence.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4086, 0.7259, 0.366, 0.2741].", "[0.4998, 0.91, 0.9965, 0.1744].", "[0.1261, 0.8734, 0.1025, 0.2454]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of ballerinas in the photo?", "Can you identify the number of stages in the photo?", "Do you know where they put the ballerina here?", "Where within this picture can the stage be observed?", "What are the bounding box for the ballerina?", "Please find the bounding box for the stage." ]
[ "There is one ballerina.", "There is one stage.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.31, 0.5002, 0.216, 0.517].", "[0.5005, 0.5994, 0.5926, 0.4464]." ]
[ "Could you count the peppercorns in this picture for me?", "What's the tally of rosemaries in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of lemons shown in this photo?", "How many peppercorns can you spot in this image?", "What's the tally of olive oils in this image?", "How is the lemon situated in comparison to the rosemary?", "Got any idea how the olive oil is placed by the lemon?", "What's the positioning story of the lemon relative to the salmon fillet?", "I'm looking for the olive oil; where should I look in the image?", "What is the location of the salmon fillet in the image?", "I'm looking for the lemon; where should I look in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the rosemary; where should I look?", "How about you show me the olive oil's spot in the photo?", "Could you outline the salmon fillet in the picture?", "Can you highlight the rosemary's area for me in this pic?", "I'm trying to find the lemon; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 2 peppercorns.", "There is one rosemary.", "There is one lemon.", "There are 2 peppercorns.", "There is one olive oil.", "The lemon is below the rosemary.", "The olive oil is above the lemon.", "The lemon is below the salmon fillet.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.9351, 0.4706, 0.1263, 0.2343].", "[0.8383, 0.1946, 0.3192, 0.387].", "[0.8993, 0.3771, 0.1974, 0.2799].", "[0.977, 0.685, 0.0431, 0.1687]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of kites present in this picture?", "What is the count of pots in this image?", "What is the count of sweets in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of kites seen in the image?", "What is the total count of sweets depicted in the photo?", "Can you reveal the spot where the pot is located in the image?", "I need to know where the pot is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 2 kites.", "There is one pot.", "There are 3 sweets.", "There are 2 kites.", "There are 3 sweets.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.1792, 0.5649, 0.103, 0.751]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the tables in this photograph?", "What is the total count of lamps depicted in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of paintings in this picture?", "What is the total of paintings depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of chairs shown in this photo?", "How are the lamp and chair doing together in the pic?", "In what way is the table located near or around the chair?", "Got a quick take on the lamp's spot near the table?", "What location in the picture is the chair occupying?", "Can you identify the location of the lamp in this image?", "Can you show me where the table is?", "I need the bounding box details for the table.", "Could you point out the lamp in the photo for me?", "Mind pointing out the chair's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one table.", "There is one lamp.", "There are 2 paintings.", "There are 2 paintings.", "There is one chair.", "The lamp is above the chair.", "The table is on the left of the chair.", "The lamp is above the table.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.1633, 0.7899, 0.1817, 0.1594].", "[0.2005, 0.2144, 0.1343, 0.427].", "[0.3718, 0.7303, 0.2313, 0.2985]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many trees are captured in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of crowds in this picture?", "Can you identify the number of skies in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of clouds seen in the image?", "What is the total count of trees depicted in the photo?", "How do the track and crowd stack up next to each other?", "How are the formula 1 and cloud doing together in the pic?", "Where does the track end up around the cloud?", "Can you detail how the crowd is oriented with respect to the formula 1?", "How does the crowd appear in proximity to the car in the image?", "Do you know where they put the car here?", "Know where the sky is located in this pic?", "Can you help me find the formula 1 in this?", "Can you identify the location of the cloud in this image?", "Where has the track been placed in the image?", "Can you indicate the car's position here?", "Any idea where the crowd is in this image?", "Could you circle where the sky is found in the image?", "I need the bounding box details for the formula 1.", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the cloud." ]
[ "There are 2 trees.", "There is one crowd.", "There is one sky.", "There is one cloud.", "There are 2 trees.", "The track is below the crowd.", "The formula 1 is below the cloud.", "The track is below the cloud.", "The crowd is above the formula 1.", "The crowd is above the car.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5106, 0.8327, 0.2268, 0.1377].", "[0.4998, 0.5379, 0.996, 0.2722].", "[0.4998, 0.2105, 0.9969, 0.4162].", "[0.5107, 0.8319, 0.2272, 0.1394].", "[0.3175, 0.307, 0.6324, 0.2217]." ]
[ "What is the total count of cameras depicted in the photo?", "How many people do you see in the picture?", "Could you count the cars in this picture for me?", "Can you identify the number of people in the photo?", "How numerous are the people in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 cameras.", "There are 9 people.", "There are 4 cars.", "There are 9 people.", "There are 9 people." ]
[ "How numerous are the donuts in this image?", "What quantity of donuts is present in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of donuts in this picture?", "What's the tally of donuts in this image?", "How many of the donuts can be seen in this image?", "Where has the table been placed in the image?", "I need to know where the table is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 15 donuts.", "There are 15 donuts.", "There are 15 donuts.", "There are 15 donuts.", "There are 15 donuts.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4982, 0.9963, 0.994]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many heels are captured in this image?", "How many women do you see in the picture?", "What's the aggregate number of heels in this picture?", "Can you ascertain the number of shorts shown in this photo?", "Could you specify the position of the woman?", "Hey, where did the short go in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the short, can you provide this?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the woman and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There are 2 heels.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 heels.", "There is one short.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5203, 0.2144, 0.4785, 0.3781].", "[0.5117, 0.4911, 0.4968, 0.9786]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of fences in the photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of trees shown in this photo?", "How many trees are there in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many fences are in the photograph?", "How many of the tents can be seen in this image?", "Where has the tent been placed in the image?", "Can you spot the container for me in this photo?", "Could you circle where the tent is found in the image?", "Could you outline the container in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 fences.", "There are 3 trees.", "There are 3 trees.", "There are 2 fences.", "There is one tent.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.46, 0.4584, 0.4026, 0.6046].", "[0.6763, 0.7331, 0.2261, 0.4582]." ]
[ "What's the number of hands visible in this photograph?", "What quantity of women is present in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "Can you enumerate the men in this photograph?", "Could you count the women in this picture for me?", "What is the location of the picture in the image?", "Mind highlighting where the picture is here?" ]
[ "There are 2 hands.", "There are 3 women.", "There are 3 women.", "There are 2 men.", "There are 3 women.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.24, 0.6878, 0.467, 0.62]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of dogs present in this picture?", "Can you identify the number of dog cats in the photo?", "Can you enumerate the dogs in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many people are captured in this image?", "What is the total count of costumes depicted in the photo?", "What is the positional relationship of the person vis-à-vis the costume?", "How's the person positioned around the dog cat?", "Can you point out the costume for me?", "Where's the person positioned in this photograph?", "Where can I find the dog cat in this picture?", "How about you show me the person's spot in the photo?", "Could you outline the dog cat in the picture?", "Mind highlighting where the costume is here?" ]
[ "There are 2 dogs.", "There is one dog cat.", "There are 2 dogs.", "There is one person.", "There is one costume.", "The person is on the left and above of the costume.", "The person is on the left and above of the dog cat.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.0842, 0.1355, 0.1265, 0.2668].", "[0.879, 0.6669, 0.2409, 0.6636].", "[0.6824, 0.6863, 0.1876, 0.6256]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of meats in this picture?", "Could you count the tomatoes in this picture for me?", "Can you identify the number of lettuces in the photo?", "Can you count the number of tomatoes present in this picture?", "Can you determine how many plates are captured in this image?", "Where can I find the lettuce in this pic?", "Trying to locate the plate; any ideas where it is?", "Trying to locate the meat; any ideas where it is?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the meat's bounding box?", "Mind pointing out the lettuce's place in the photo?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the plate?" ]
[ "There is one meat.", "There are 3 tomatoes.", "There is one lettuce.", "There are 3 tomatoes.", "There is one plate.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6258, 0.5546, 0.6507, 0.4184].", "[0.3965, 0.3945, 0.7168, 0.643].", "[0.518, 0.6655, 0.8772, 0.2903]." ]
[ "What is the total of brush pencils depicted here in this image?", "Can you determine how many women are captured in this image?", "How many eyebrow eyebrows are there in this image?", "Could you count the brush pencils in this picture for me?", "Can you describe the placement of the woman in relation to the eyebrow eyebrow?", "Where has the woman been placed in the image?", "Mind pointing out where the eyebrow eyebrow is?", "What are the bounding box for the eyebrow eyebrow?", "I need to know where the woman is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 3 brush pencils.", "There is one woman.", "There is one eyebrow eyebrow.", "There are 3 brush pencils.", "The woman is above the eyebrow eyebrow.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.6813, 0.888, 0.453, 0.0498].", "[0.4991, 0.0781, 0.9705, 0.1567]." ]