[ "How many trees are in the image?", "What is the count of backpacks in this image?", "Could you count the trees in this picture for me?", "Can you ascertain the number of people shown in this photo?", "Can you enumerate the jackets in this photograph?", "What is the location of the backpack in the image?", "Where's the person positioned in this photograph?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the backpack?", "Any idea where the person is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 trees.", "There is one backpack.", "There are 2 trees.", "There is one person.", "There are 2 jackets.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5005, 0.4125, 0.2871, 0.677].", "[0.4509, 0.4999, 0.3863, 0.9958]." ]
[ "How numerous are the footballs in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many football players are in the photograph?", "What's the tally of stadiums in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many referees are in the photograph?", "What is the arrangement of the referee relative to the football?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the referee to the football player?", "What is the location of the stadium in the image?", "Where exactly is the referee positioned in this photograph?", "Hey, where did the football go in this image?", "Where's the football player at in this image?", "Can you show me where the referee is in the picture?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the football and give me the specifics?", "Could you outline the stadium in the picture?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the football player." ]
[ "There is one football.", "There is one football player.", "There is one stadium.", "There is one referee.", "The referee is on the left of the football.", "The referee is on the left of the football player.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.1022, 0.5039, 0.2018, 0.6951].", "[0.4355, 0.393, 0.1587, 0.0928].", "[0.4994, 0.4999, 0.9925, 0.9925].", "[0.5363, 0.5175, 0.5222, 0.8976]." ]
[ "What is the total count of plates depicted in the photo?", "Where's the plate positioned in this photograph?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the plate and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one plate.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4984, 0.5022, 0.9388, 0.9283]." ]
[ "How numerous are the business cards in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of texts in this picture?", "Where can I find the business card in this picture?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the business card." ]
[ "There is one business card.", "There are 2 texts.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4451, 0.9298, 0.8047]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of people in the photo?", "What is the count of people in this image?", "How numerous are the fields in this image?", "Can you identify the location of the field in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the field, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 people.", "There is one field.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5, 0.8755, 0.9979, 0.2462]." ]
[ "How many babies are there in this image?", "What is the total count of blankets depicted in the photo?", "How many caps are there in this image?", "How numerous are the paintbrushes in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of palettes shown in this photo?", "In what way is the paintbrush located near or around the palette?", "Where does the paintbrush end up around the cap?", "Can you describe the placement of the cap in relation to the palette?", "Trying to locate the paintbrush; any ideas where it is?", "Where does the palette reside in this photograph?", "Where can I find the baby in this pic?", "Trying to locate the cap; any ideas where it is?", "I'm looking for the blanket; where should I look in the image?", "Can you draw around the blanket for me?", "Can you draw around the paintbrush for me?", "Can you indicate the cap's position here?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the baby, can you provide this?", "Hey, where's the palette located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one baby.", "There is one blanket.", "There is one cap.", "There is one paintbrush.", "There is one palette.", "The paintbrush is on the right of the palette.", "The paintbrush is below the cap.", "The cap is above the palette.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.4999, 0.9956, 0.9955].", "[0.5869, 0.6822, 0.313, 0.0882].", "[0.5175, 0.2687, 0.4618, 0.2314].", "[0.5111, 0.5138, 0.481, 0.7235].", "[0.2829, 0.7055, 0.2181, 0.2723]." ]
[ "How many kharadron overlords endrinmasters are in the image?", "What location in the picture is the kharadron overlords endrinmaster occupying?", "How about you show me the kharadron overlords endrinmaster's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one kharadron overlords endrinmaster.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5203, 0.4963, 0.3547, 0.3471]." ]
[ "How numerous are the magazines in this image?", "Can you count the number of glass domes present in this picture?", "What's the aggregate number of roses in this picture?", "How many statues can you spot in this image?", "What is the count of string lights in this image?", "In terms of placement, how does the statue compare to the wooden base?", "How is the statue arranged when compared to the pineapple?", "In what way is the statue located near or around the magazine?", "How does the frame stand in relation to the magazine in the scene?", "Got any idea how the string light is placed by the pineapple?", "Can you spot the wooden base for me in this photo?", "What location in the picture is the pineapple occupying?", "I need to find the frame; where is it?", "Where can I find the statue in this pic?", "What location in the picture is the glass dome occupying?", "What are the bounding box for the glass dome?", "I'm trying to find the wooden base; can you help me spot it?", "How about you show me the pineapple's spot in the photo?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the magazine, can you provide this?", "What are the bounding box for the frame?" ]
[ "There is one magazine.", "There is one glass dome.", "There are 2 roses.", "There is one statue.", "There is one string light.", "The statue is on the left of the wooden base.", "The statue is on the left of the pineapple.", "The statue is on the left of the magazine.", "The frame is on the left of the magazine.", "The string light is on the left of the pineapple.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4953, 0.5071, 0.1641, 0.3288].", "[0.4952, 0.6455, 0.1709, 0.0616].", "[0.6474, 0.5134, 0.1473, 0.1232].", "[0.6483, 0.5262, 0.1936, 0.2702].", "[0.3406, 0.5232, 0.1696, 0.2614]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the t - shirts in this photograph?", "I need to find the t - shirt; where is it?", "Can you trace around the t - shirt so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There is one t - shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5178, 0.5019, 0.716, 0.9507]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of bath salts shown in this photo?", "How many bags are in the image?", "I need to find the bag; where is it?", "Mind pointing out where the bath salt is?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the bath salt, can you provide this?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the bag?" ]
[ "There is one bath salt.", "There is one bag.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5931, 0.8103, 0.5445, 0.3008].", "[0.4856, 0.427, 0.4776, 0.708]." ]
[ "How many lights do you see in the picture?", "What is the total of cushions depicted here in this image?", "Can you identify the number of benches in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of flower pots in this picture?", "How many of the trees can be seen in this image?", "Got a quick take on the mat's spot near the bench?", "What's the deal with the mat and window frame's setup?", "How does the mat appear in proximity to the flower pot in the image?", "How is the bench situated in comparison to the window frame?", "How does the bench stand in relation to the tassel garland in the scene?", "In which part of the image is the bench found?", "Can you identify the location of the tassel garland in this image?", "Where within this picture can the flower pot be observed?", "Where did the mat end up in this picture?", "Where's the window frame at in this image?", "Could you locate the bench and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Could you locate the flower pot and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the mat.", "What are the bounding box for the window frame?", "Can you mark the spot of the tassel garland in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 lights.", "There are 3 cushions.", "There is one bench.", "There is one flower pot.", "There are 2 trees.", "The mat is below the bench.", "The mat is below the window frame.", "The mat is on the right and below of the flower pot.", "The bench is below the window frame.", "The bench is below the tassel garland.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.51, 0.7071, 0.4839, 0.2091].", "[0.2309, 0.8035, 0.1899, 0.119].", "[0.6995, 0.904, 0.2971, 0.0762].", "[0.4966, 0.2692, 0.4247, 0.3216].", "[0.1832, 0.1417, 0.3643, 0.2783]." ]
[ "How many lights do you see in the picture?", "How many flowers are in the image?", "How many plants can you spot in this image?", "What is the total count of paths depicted in the photo?", "How many tables are in the image?", "In terms of placement, how does the flower compare to the tree?", "What's the positioning like between the path and the cake?", "What is the spatial relationship between the flower and the plant?", "In the context of positioning, how is the path related to the tree?", "What's the deal with the tree and plate's setup?", "Where within this picture can the cake be observed?", "Where exactly is the plant in this shot?", "Where is the flower located?", "Where did the tree end up in this picture?", "Can you pinpoint where the path is situated in this photo?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the path.", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the plate?", "Where did the cake end up in this image?", "Hey, where's the plant located in this photograph?", "Mind pointing out the tree's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 8 lights.", "There is one flower.", "There is one plant.", "There is one path.", "There are 3 tables.", "The flower is below the tree.", "The path is above the cake.", "The flower is below the plant.", "The path is below the tree.", "The tree is on the right and above of the plate.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5158, 0.365, 0.9092, 0.0976].", "[0.1162, 0.6693, 0.0791, 0.0154].", "[0.8032, 0.8561, 0.3352, 0.2478].", "[0.7776, 0.263, 0.0927, 0.1116].", "[0.8522, 0.1685, 0.2358, 0.2943]." ]
[ "What is the total of cushions depicted here in this image?", "Could you count the chair sofas in this picture for me?", "Can you determine how many chairs are captured in this image?", "How many appliances can you spot in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of sofas seen in the image?", "What's the deal with the rug and painting's setup?", "Where does the faucet end up around the mirror?", "In what way is the mirror located near or around the window?", "Got any idea how the sofa is placed by the painting?", "How does the sofa stand in relation to the chair sofa in the scene?", "What is the location of the chair sofa in the image?", "Where's the mirror at in this image?", "Know where the rug is located in this pic?", "Could you show the location of the painting in this image?", "Mind pointing out where the sink is?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the faucet?", "Can you draw around the window for me?", "Can you highlight the chair sofa's area for me in this pic?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the mirror's bounding box?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the rug's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 6 cushions.", "There is one chair sofa.", "There are 6 chairs.", "There are 3 appliances.", "There is one sofa.", "The rug is below the painting.", "The faucet is on the right of the mirror.", "The mirror is on the left of the window.", "The sofa is below the painting.", "The sofa is on the right of the chair sofa.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.7602, 0.4912, 0.0208, 0.051].", "[0.5946, 0.4696, 0.0129, 0.0345].", "[0.1256, 0.8478, 0.2503, 0.3026].", "[0.0919, 0.5159, 0.1569, 0.3657].", "[0.608, 0.8675, 0.7827, 0.262]." ]
[ "How many carts are there in this image?", "What quantity of carts is present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 carts.", "There are 2 carts." ]
[ "What quantity of cans is present in the image?", "What is the total count of grapes depicted in the photo?", "How numerous are the bottle water bottles in this image?", "How many cans are there in this image?", "What's the tally of cans in this image?", "How does the grape look by the banana?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the grape to the package?", "What is the positional relationship of the banana vis-à-vis the package?", "Where has the grape been placed in the image?", "Where's the package at in this image?", "Can you spot the fridge for me in this photo?", "In this image, where is the banana located?", "Could you outline the grape in the picture?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the banana.", "Can you draw around the package for me?", "Can you indicate the fridge's position here?" ]
[ "There are 3 cans.", "There is one grape.", "There are 2 bottle water bottles.", "There are 3 cans.", "There are 3 cans.", "The grape is on the left and below of the banana.", "The grape is on the left of the package.", "The banana is on the right and above of the package.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.178, 0.6743, 0.147, 0.0729].", "[0.703, 0.3182, 0.2075, 0.1199].", "[0.359, 0.675, 0.1793, 0.0763].", "[0.5039, 0.5062, 0.9264, 0.7406]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of bags in the photo?", "How numerous are the people in this image?", "How many bags do you see in the picture?", "What's the tally of people in this image?", "What quantity of bags is present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 3 bags.", "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 bags.", "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 bags." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of circles in this picture?", "Hey, where did the circle go in this image?", "Could you outline the circle in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one circle.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.4991, 0.9987, 0.9975]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "What is the count of poles in this image?", "What's the tally of signs in this image?", "Can you count the number of trees present in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of logos seen in the image?", "In the context of positioning, how is the sign related to the wire?", "In what position do we find the logo relative to the wire?", "How does the logo appear in proximity to the insulator in the image?", "How do the sign and logo look together?", "Can you detail how the bucket is oriented with respect to the wire?", "I'm looking for the pole; where should I look in the image?", "Where is the insulator located?", "What location in the picture is the wire occupying?", "I'm looking for the logo; where should I look in the image?", "Do you know where they put the sign here?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the wire?", "Mind pointing out the logo's place in the photo?", "Hey, where's the bucket located in this photograph?", "Could you outline the pole in the picture?", "Can you trace around the insulator so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There are 3 trees.", "There is one pole.", "There is one sign.", "There are 3 trees.", "There is one logo.", "The sign is below the wire.", "The logo is on the right and below of the wire.", "The logo is on the right and below of the insulator.", "The sign is above the logo.", "The bucket is below the wire.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.3322, 0.103, 0.6613, 0.2045].", "[0.8299, 0.9071, 0.257, 0.114].", "[0.0705, 0.3593, 0.1196, 0.1097].", "[0.2199, 0.4192, 0.276, 0.8284].", "[0.4647, 0.0789, 0.0918, 0.0847]." ]
[ "How many logos do you see in the picture?", "Can you ascertain the number of logos shown in this photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of logos seen in the image?", "Can you enumerate the stars in this photograph?", "Can you enumerate the hockey nights in this photograph?", "Can you pinpoint where the star is situated in this photo?", "Could you circle where the star is found in the image?" ]
[ "There are 3 logos.", "There are 3 logos.", "There are 3 logos.", "There is one star.", "There are 2 hockey nights.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.28, 0.5895, 0.3339, 0.5914]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many babies are in the photograph?", "How many of the teether toys can be seen in this image?", "How many beds are in the image?", "Can you identify the location of the bed in this image?", "Mind pointing out where the baby is?", "Trying to locate the teether toy; any ideas where it is?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the bed and give me the specifics?", "Mind highlighting where the teether toy is here?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the baby?" ]
[ "There is one baby.", "There is one teether toy.", "There is one bed.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4992, 0.4994, 0.9927, 0.997].", "[0.5568, 0.7263, 0.5506, 0.5371].", "[0.4326, 0.4994, 0.86, 0.9951]." ]
[ "What is the total count of pitchers depicted in the photo?", "Where within this picture can the pitcher be observed?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the pitcher?" ]
[ "There is one pitcher.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5292, 0.5135, 0.6796, 0.7777]." ]
[ "What is the total count of cars depicted in the photo?", "What quantity of roofs is present in the image?", "What's the number of windows visible in this photograph?", "How numerous are the stairs in this image?", "What's the tally of doors in this image?", "Could you delineate the spatial arrangement between the balcony and the door?", "What's the layout between the window and stair?", "What's the deal with the balcony and stair's setup?", "How does the house appear in proximity to the stair in the image?", "In what way is the door located near or around the stair?", "Where does the house reside in this photograph?", "Where has the balcony been placed in the image?", "I'm looking for the stair; where should I look in the image?", "Trying to locate the window; any ideas where it is?", "Where exactly is the door in this shot?", "I'm trying to find the house; can you help me spot it?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the stair?", "Mind highlighting where the door is here?", "Mind highlighting where the balcony is here?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the window." ]
[ "There are 2 cars.", "There are 2 roofs.", "There is one window.", "There is one stair.", "There is one door.", "The balcony is on the left and above of the door.", "The window is on the right and above of the stair.", "The balcony is above the stair.", "The house is above the stair.", "The door is on the right and above of the stair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.5121, 0.3099, 0.9022, 0.3863].", "[0.3278, 0.7779, 0.3071, 0.3249].", "[0.7065, 0.398, 0.038, 0.0695].", "[0.342, 0.2708, 0.1783, 0.0476].", "[0.768, 0.2756, 0.1674, 0.0871]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many baskets are in the photograph?", "What quantity of baskets is present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 baskets.", "There are 2 baskets." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of controllers seen in the image?", "What's the tally of nintendo switches in this image?", "How many controllers can you spot in this image?", "Where's the nintendo switch positioned in this photograph?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the nintendo switch?" ]
[ "There are 2 controllers.", "There is one nintendo switch.", "There are 2 controllers.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4991, 0.4991, 0.9922, 0.9872]." ]
[ "What quantity of rings is present in the image?", "What is the count of women in this image?", "Can you enumerate the hands in this photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of hands in this picture?", "How many wallets can you spot in this image?", "I need to find the wallet; where is it?", "Could you show the location of the woman in this image?", "Where can I find the ring in this picture?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the woman?", "Could you locate the ring and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the wallet?" ]
[ "There is one ring.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 hands.", "There are 2 hands.", "There is one wallet.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.566, 0.4991, 0.8639, 0.9959].", "[0.3, 0.5377, 0.088, 0.061].", "[0.5324, 0.7242, 0.8165, 0.476]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of overhead lines in this picture?", "What's the tally of trains in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of tracks seen in the image?", "What quantity of platforms is present in the image?", "Can you identify the number of stations in the photo?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the platform to the overhead line?", "In which part of the image is the platform found?", "Mind pointing out where the station is?", "Where does the overhead line reside in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the building is?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the station and give me the specifics?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the building?", "Where's the overhead line at in this image?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the platform." ]
[ "There is one overhead line.", "There are 2 trains.", "There are 2 tracks.", "There is one platform.", "There is one station.", "The platform is below the overhead line.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.5005, 0.9915, 0.9867].", "[0.5006, 0.5, 0.9923, 0.987].", "[0.4998, 0.247, 0.9945, 0.4909].", "[0.0726, 0.7786, 0.1428, 0.4379]." ]
[ "How many thermostats do you see in the picture?", "I need to find the thermostat; where is it?", "Could you point out the thermostat in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one thermostat.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4995, 0.4995, 0.5695, 0.8443]." ]
[ "What quantity of girls is present in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of dre in this picture?", "Hey, where did the girl go in this image?", "Where's the dres positioned in this photograph?", "Can you indicate the dres's position here?", "Can you mark the spot of the girl in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one girl.", "There is one dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5021, 0.6627, 0.7576, 0.6717].", "[0.522, 0.5312, 0.8514, 0.9331]." ]
[ "How many rings can you spot in this image?", "Can you identify the number of women in the photo?", "What's the number of bangles visible in this photograph?", "How numerous are the hands in this image?", "Can you determine how many bangles are captured in this image?", "In this image, where is the hand located?", "What is the location of the ring in the image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the ring's bounding box?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the hand present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one ring.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 bangles.", "There is one hand.", "There are 2 bangles.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.2596, 0.4946, 0.0261, 0.0354].", "[0.3332, 0.534, 0.3149, 0.319]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the dre in this photograph?", "Could you count the women in this picture for me?", "Could you specify the position of the dres?", "Could you specify the position of the woman?", "Mind pointing out the dres's place in the photo?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the woman." ]
[ "There is one dres.", "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5037, 0.404, 0.4703, 0.4717].", "[0.5013, 0.5008, 0.4768, 0.967]." ]
[ "How many starfish are in the image?", "Can you enumerate the girls in this photograph?", "How many girls are in the image?", "What is the total count of boys depicted in the photo?", "In which part of the image is the boy found?", "Can you reveal the spot where the starfish is located in the image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the starfish?", "Can you draw around the boy for me?" ]
[ "There is one starfish.", "There are 2 girls.", "There are 2 girls.", "There is one boy.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.544, 0.605, 0.1152, 0.1834].", "[0.505, 0.5568, 0.3286, 0.8814]." ]
[ "Could you count the poles in this picture for me?", "How numerous are the tubes in this image?", "Can you identify the number of structures in the photo?", "How many platforms are in the image?", "Could you delineate the spatial arrangement between the platform and the pole?", "How is the platform arranged when compared to the tube?", "I'm looking for the tube; where should I look in the image?", "Can you spot the platform for me in this photo?", "Could you highlight the structure's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where exactly is the pole in this shot?", "Can you show me where the tube is in the picture?", "Can you trace around the platform so I can see it better?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the pole?", "Can you draw around the structure for me?" ]
[ "There is one pole.", "There is one tube.", "There is one structure.", "There is one platform.", "The platform is below the pole.", "The platform is below the tube.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4732, 0.2853, 0.2089, 0.1527].", "[0.4448, 0.8393, 0.3701, 0.2769].", "[0.4731, 0.2853, 0.2081, 0.1524].", "[0.452, 0.5288, 0.3845, 0.8948]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many tables are in the photograph?", "What quantity of plates is present in the image?", "How many spoons can you spot in this image?", "How many of the carrots can be seen in this image?", "How many chickens are in the image?", "Got a quick take on the fork's spot near the knife?", "Can you describe the placement of the fork in relation to the carrot?", "In what way is the carrot located near or around the herb?", "In terms of placement, how does the knife compare to the herb?", "Can you describe the placement of the fork in relation to the herb?", "Can you identify the location of the table in this image?", "In this image, where is the fork located?", "Where exactly is the carrot positioned in this photograph?", "Do you know where they put the herb here?", "Where exactly is the knife in this shot?", "Can you indicate the table's position here?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the herb.", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the knife.", "Can you show me where the fork is in the picture?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the carrot?" ]
[ "There is one table.", "There are 5 plates.", "There are 4 spoons.", "There is one carrot.", "There are 2 chickens.", "The fork is on the left of the knife.", "The fork is on the right and below of the carrot.", "The carrot is on the left and below of the herb.", "The knife is on the right and below of the herb.", "The fork is on the left and below of the herb.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4998, 0.9977, 0.998].", "[0.5974, 0.0692, 0.0939, 0.0485].", "[0.7652, 0.7633, 0.0331, 0.2594].", "[0.3426, 0.7492, 0.0939, 0.2307].", "[0.1788, 0.411, 0.0323, 0.1114]." ]
[ "How many of the raspberries can be seen in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of forks shown in this photo?", "How many plates do you see in the picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of raspberries seen in the image?", "How many plates are in the image?", "Where has the fork been placed in the image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the fork, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There are 4 raspberries.", "There is one fork.", "There are 2 plates.", "There are 4 raspberries.", "There are 2 plates.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.1711, 0.768, 0.3417, 0.2459]." ]
[ "How many trees do you see in the picture?", "Can you count the number of skies present in this picture?", "Hey, where did the tree go in this image?", "Can you help me find the sky in this?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the tree?", "Could you point out the sky in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one tree.", "There is one sky.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.4691, 0.9925, 0.9351].", "[0.4996, 0.3843, 0.9934, 0.7656]." ]
[ "What quantity of trees is present in the image?", "Can you determine how many fields are captured in this image?", "Can you count the number of field grass present in this picture?", "What's the aggregate number of men in this picture?", "How many women are in the image?", "Could you delineate the spatial arrangement between the cowboy hat and the field gras?", "How does the dog look by the tree?", "How is the woman positioned relative to the tree?", "How is the tree arranged when compared to the field gras?", "Can you tell how the dog is hanging near the cowboy hat?", "Where has the sky been placed in the image?", "Where did the cowboy hat end up in this picture?", "Could you specify the position of the dog?", "Can you pinpoint where the field is situated in this photo?", "In this image, where is the woman located?", "Any idea where the tree is in this image?", "I need to know where the woman is; can you show it to me?", "Could you outline the field gras in the picture?", "Mind highlighting where the sky is here?", "What are the bounding box for the dog?" ]
[ "There is one tree.", "There is one field.", "There is one field gras.", "There is one man.", "There is one woman.", "The cowboy hat is above the field gras.", "The dog is below the tree.", "The woman is below the tree.", "The tree is above the field gras.", "The dog is on the left and below of the cowboy hat.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.161, 0.0749, 0.3197, 0.1485].", "[0.4956, 0.621, 0.5605, 0.7517].", "[0.4998, 0.6763, 0.9922, 0.644].", "[0.5, 0.1848, 0.9961, 0.3677].", "[0.0584, 0.9303, 0.1152, 0.1369]." ]
[ "What is the total of rocks depicted here in this image?", "What is the total of shadows depicted here in this image?", "Can you identify the number of wheels in the photo?", "How many rovers can you spot in this image?", "How many wheels do you see in the picture?", "Can you pinpoint where the rover is situated in this photo?", "Hey, where did the rock go in this image?", "Could you locate the rock and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the rover's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one rock.", "There are 2 shadows.", "There are 2 wheels.", "There is one rover.", "There are 2 wheels.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4313, 0.9499, 0.2237, 0.0959].", "[0.5002, 0.4991, 0.9963, 0.9943]." ]
[ "Could you count the tables in this picture for me?", "How many of the pincushions can be seen in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many pincushions are in the photograph?", "What is the location of the table in the image?", "Can you show me where the table is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one table.", "There are 2 pincushions.", "There are 2 pincushions.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.6174, 0.9962, 0.7567]." ]
[ "What's the tally of record covers in this image?", "What is the total count of record covers depicted in the photo?", "How many record covers do you see in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 3 record covers.", "There are 3 record covers.", "There are 3 record covers." ]
[ "What's the number of tables visible in this photograph?", "Are you able to tell how many birthday banners are in the photograph?", "What's the tally of boys in this image?", "Can you enumerate the plates in this photograph?", "How many plates are in the image?", "In what way is the boy located near or around the girl?", "How is the birthday cake positioned relative to the birthday banner?", "Can you detail how the birthday banner is oriented with respect to the table?", "Can you describe the placement of the birthday banner in relation to the girl?", "I need to find the boy; where is it?", "Where's the girl at in this image?", "I'm looking for the table; where should I look in the image?", "In which part of the image is the birthday cake found?", "Where is the birthday banner located?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the birthday banner present in the image?", "Can you draw around the table for me?", "Where's the girl at in this image?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the boy?", "Mind pointing out the birthday cake's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one table.", "There is one birthday banner.", "There is one boy.", "There are 2 plates.", "There are 2 plates.", "The boy is on the right of the girl.", "The birthday cake is below the birthday banner.", "The birthday banner is above the table.", "The birthday banner is above the girl.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.1156, 0.9981, 0.2261].", "[0.4996, 0.9054, 0.9964, 0.1858].", "[0.1933, 0.6374, 0.3832, 0.5027].", "[0.7337, 0.515, 0.5294, 0.8088].", "[0.4797, 0.8134, 0.3118, 0.2704]." ]
[ "What is the total of rugs depicted here in this image?", "What is the count of vases in this image?", "How many of the televisions can be seen in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of windows in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of plants seen in the image?", "What's the deal with the bookcase and dvd player's setup?", "What's the deal with the decorative plate and cup's setup?", "Could you specify how the dvd player is aligned in relation to the cup?", "In the context of positioning, how is the cup related to the armchair?", "In terms of placement, how does the television compare to the armchair?", "I need to find the armchair; where is it?", "Do you know where they put the table here?", "Where can I find the decorative plate in this pic?", "In this image, where is the bookcase located?", "Where exactly is the dvd player positioned in this photograph?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the table?", "Could you outline the dvd player in the picture?", "Can you indicate the bookcase's position here?", "Could you circle where the cup is found in the image?", "Any idea where the armchair is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 rugs.", "There are 2 vases.", "There is one television.", "There are 3 windows.", "There are 2 plants.", "The bookcase is on the left of the dvd player.", "The decorative plate is on the right of the cup.", "The dvd player is on the right of the cup.", "The cup is on the left of the armchair.", "The television is on the left and above of the armchair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5055, 0.5933, 0.1983, 0.218].", "[0.5432, 0.5297, 0.0441, 0.0376].", "[0.4125, 0.4623, 0.1562, 0.2541].", "[0.4581, 0.5257, 0.0222, 0.0216].", "[0.6863, 0.7346, 0.3648, 0.5279]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many women are in the photograph?", "Can you enumerate the chairs in this photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of chairs seen in the image?", "What quantity of microphones is present in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of men seen in the image?", "How are the man and microphone doing together in the pic?", "How does the man appear in proximity to the woman in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the woman; where should I look?", "Where's the microphone at in this image?", "Where does the man reside in this photograph?", "Hey, where's the man located in this photograph?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the microphone?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the woman present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There are 2 chairs.", "There are 2 chairs.", "There is one microphone.", "There is one man.", "The man is on the left of the microphone.", "The man is on the left of the woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2379, 0.5875, 0.3662, 0.8093].", "[0.8642, 0.652, 0.0631, 0.1692].", "[0.764, 0.6355, 0.3741, 0.7267]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "How many men can you spot in this image?", "How numerous are the buildings in this image?", "Can you identify the number of doors in the photo?", "What's the tally of streets in this image?", "Can you help me find the woman in this?", "Can you show me where the man is?", "Where did the street end up in this picture?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the street, can you provide this?", "Please find the bounding box for the woman.", "I need the bounding box details for the man." ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one man.", "There are 2 buildings.", "There are 2 doors.", "There is one street.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2437, 0.6729, 0.4847, 0.6429].", "[0.312, 0.5427, 0.1067, 0.4012].", "[0.2283, 0.5274, 0.0976, 0.4531]." ]
[ "How many shower curtains are there in this image?", "What's the tally of toilets in this image?", "What is the count of fish arts in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many towels are in the photograph?", "What's the number of towel racks visible in this photograph?", "How is the bathtub positioned relative to the faucet?", "How's the toilet positioned around the mirror?", "Could you specify how the toilet is aligned in relation to the towel rack?", "How do the bathtub and mirror stack up next to each other?", "How does the mirror appear in proximity to the towel rack in the image?", "In this image, where is the faucet located?", "Hey, where did the towel rack go in this image?", "What is the location of the toilet in the image?", "In this image, where is the bathtub located?", "Where's the mirror positioned in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the mirror is in the picture?", "Can you mark the spot of the faucet in the picture?", "Mind pointing out the toilet's place in the photo?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the towel rack?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the bathtub and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There are 2 shower curtains.", "There is one toilet.", "There are 3 fish arts.", "There are 3 towels.", "There is one towel rack.", "The bathtub is on the left and below of the faucet.", "The toilet is on the left of the mirror.", "The toilet is on the right and below of the towel rack.", "The bathtub is on the left and below of the mirror.", "The mirror is on the right of the towel rack.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.9047, 0.3097, 0.1897, 0.6178].", "[0.9205, 0.6345, 0.0776, 0.0959].", "[0.6028, 0.7699, 0.1936, 0.3363].", "[0.4077, 0.3991, 0.1486, 0.0377].", "[0.1559, 0.8705, 0.1825, 0.2573]." ]
[ "How many boats can you spot in this image?", "How many of the skies can be seen in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many waters are in the photograph?", "How many women can you spot in this image?", "What is the spatial relationship between the woman and the sky?", "Can you pinpoint where the woman is situated in this photo?", "Can you reveal the spot where the sky is located in the image?", "Can you show me where the water is?", "Could you highlight the boat's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you show me where the water is in the picture?", "I need the bounding box details for the sky.", "Could you circle where the woman is found in the image?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the boat." ]
[ "There is one boat.", "There is one sky.", "There is one water.", "There is one woman.", "The woman is below the sky.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.3004, 0.9956, 0.5919].", "[0.5022, 0.0127, 0.9855, 0.0248].", "[0.5257, 0.6263, 0.7251, 0.7398].", "[0.4995, 0.5028, 0.9943, 0.9858]." ]
[ "What's the number of necklaces visible in this photograph?", "Could you count the necklaces in this picture for me?", "What is the total of necklaces depicted here in this image?" ]
[ "There are 4 necklaces.", "There are 4 necklaces.", "There are 4 necklaces." ]
[ "Can you determine how many men are captured in this image?", "What quantity of t - shirts is present in the image?", "Could you show the location of the man in this image?", "Could you highlight the t - shirt's whereabouts in the photo?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the t - shirt.", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the man?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one t - shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4942, 0.498, 0.7222, 0.9325].", "[0.4938, 0.5002, 0.7282, 0.9923]." ]
[ "How many bars do you see in the picture?", "How many of the graphs can be seen in this image?", "I'm looking for the graph; where should I look in the image?", "Hey, where did the bar go in this image?", "Mind highlighting where the bar is here?", "Can you highlight the graph's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one bar.", "There is one graph.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5275, 0.5211, 0.8529, 0.4977].", "[0.5278, 0.5215, 0.8539, 0.4975]." ]
[ "What is the total of chairs depicted here in this image?", "How many sashes do you see in the picture?", "How many buckles are there in this image?", "Where does the sash reside in this photograph?", "Where within this picture can the chair be observed?", "Where exactly is the buckle in this shot?", "What are the bounding box for the chair?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the sash.", "Can you trace around the buckle so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There is one chair.", "There is one sash.", "There is one buckle.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.501, 0.5143, 0.8297, 0.9677].", "[0.5005, 0.5626, 0.8271, 0.4512].", "[0.5257, 0.5218, 0.1061, 0.1269]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many women are captured in this image?", "How many men are there in this image?", "What's the number of women visible in this photograph?", "Where did the man end up in this picture?", "I need to know where the man is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 2 women.", "There is one man.", "There are 2 women.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6622, 0.499, 0.5026, 0.7425]." ]
[ "What is the count of building houses in this image?", "What is the total of roads depicted here in this image?", "What's the number of houses visible in this photograph?", "What's the number of lakes visible in this photograph?", "What quantity of trees is present in the image?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the lake to the building house?", "How does the building house stand in relation to the tree in the scene?", "How is the lake arranged when compared to the tree?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the road to the tree?", "How is the lake arranged when compared to the road?", "Mind pointing out where the tree is?", "I'm looking for the park; where should I look in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the building house; where should I look?", "Can you spot the road for me in this photo?", "Where's the lake at in this image?", "Can you mark the spot of the park in the picture?", "Can you mark the spot of the tree in the picture?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the road, can you provide this?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the building house, can you provide this?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the lake?" ]
[ "There is one building house.", "There is one road.", "There are 2 houses.", "There is one lake.", "There is one tree.", "The lake is on the left and above of the building house.", "The building house is on the left and above of the tree.", "The lake is on the left and above of the tree.", "The road is on the right of the tree.", "The lake is on the left and above of the road.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.591, 0.9979, 0.8154].", "[0.3573, 0.932, 0.0668, 0.1287].", "[0.7252, 0.6894, 0.2679, 0.6187].", "[0.2401, 0.3659, 0.0732, 0.0439].", "[0.0676, 0.2365, 0.1348, 0.052]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the t - shirts in this photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of jeans in this picture?", "Could you count the shoes in this picture for me?", "Can you enumerate the men in this photograph?", "What is the total of shoes depicted here in this image?", "Can you guide me to the t - shirt's location in this photo?", "Where exactly is the man in this shot?", "Can you point out the jean for me?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the jean.", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the t - shirt, can you provide this?", "I need the bounding box details for the man." ]
[ "There is one t - shirt.", "There is one jean.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one man.", "There are 2 shoes.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4912, 0.6895, 0.3975, 0.3962].", "[0.4744, 0.3267, 0.5665, 0.4048].", "[0.4746, 0.5038, 0.5702, 0.9789]." ]
[ "What is the count of shoulder pads in this image?", "Hey, where did the shoulder pad go in this image?", "How about you show me the shoulder pad's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one shoulder pad.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.49, 0.75, 0.9381, 0.3502]." ]
[ "What is the total count of mountains depicted in the photo?", "Can you enumerate the mountains in this photograph?", "What is the total count of rocks depicted in the photo?", "How many trees do you see in the picture?", "What quantity of pizzas is present in the image?", "How do the pizza and rock look together?", "What's the deal with the pizza and lake's setup?", "In which part of the image is the lake found?", "Where is the pizza located?", "Could you specify the position of the rock?", "Can you highlight the lake's area for me in this pic?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the pizza.", "Provide me with the bounding box of the rock." ]
[ "There are 3 mountains.", "There are 3 mountains.", "There is one rock.", "There are 3 trees.", "There is one pizza.", "The pizza is on the right of the rock.", "The pizza is on the right of the lake.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.2444, 0.5413, 0.4854, 0.4749].", "[0.7166, 0.598, 0.2173, 0.2909].", "[0.3413, 0.6992, 0.0876, 0.1643]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many tables are in the photograph?", "Are you able to tell how many gla are in the photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of gla in this picture?", "Can you determine how many silverwares are captured in this image?", "How many of the flower vases can be seen in this image?", "Where within this picture can the fan be observed?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the fan." ]
[ "There are 6 tables.", "There are 15 gla.", "There are 15 gla.", "There are 6 silverwares.", "There are 4 flower vases.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "[0.6466, 0.2941, 0.0638, 0.1076]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of rings seen in the image?", "Where is the ring located?", "Mind highlighting where the ring is here?" ]
[ "There is one ring.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4952, 0.4992, 0.9475, 0.4495]." ]
[ "What quantity of sidewalks is present in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of gra shown in this photo?", "What quantity of palm tree trees is present in the image?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "What's the number of palm tree trees visible in this photograph?", "How are the gras and fence doing together in the pic?", "How is the gras arranged when compared to the tree?", "Can you detail how the door is oriented with respect to the tree?", "Can you tell how the house is hanging near the gras?", "In what position do we find the door relative to the fence?", "In which part of the image is the door found?", "Where did the gras end up in this picture?", "Could you highlight the tree's whereabouts in the photo?", "I'm trying to spot the house; where should I look?", "What location in the picture is the fence occupying?", "Could you point out the house in the photo for me?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the tree.", "What are the bounding box for the door?", "How about you show me the gras's spot in the photo?", "Could you locate the fence and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There are 3 sidewalks.", "There is one gras.", "There are 3 palm tree trees.", "There are 7 windows.", "There are 3 palm tree trees.", "The gras is on the left of the fence.", "The gras is below the tree.", "The door is on the right of the tree.", "The house is on the right and above of the gras.", "The door is on the left of the fence.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.5782, 0.4872, 0.3727, 0.2666].", "[0.2392, 0.4475, 0.4507, 0.433].", "[0.6029, 0.5365, 0.0196, 0.141].", "[0.1214, 0.7769, 0.2413, 0.1725].", "[0.8617, 0.6489, 0.2749, 0.3358]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of plant zombies seen in the image?", "Can you count the number of zombies present in this picture?", "What's the positioning story of the zombie relative to the plant zombie?", "In which part of the image is the plant zombie found?", "Can you reveal the spot where the zombie is located in the image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the zombie?", "Could you point out the plant zombie in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one plant zombie.", "There is one zombie.", "The zombie is below the plant zombie.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5173, 0.5455, 0.8444, 0.7134].", "[0.803, 0.0941, 0.3366, 0.1467]." ]
[ "What is the count of hair straighteners in this image?", "Can you determine how many women are captured in this image?", "What is the count of women in this image?", "How many of the women can be seen in this image?", "Could you show the location of the hair straightener in this image?", "Can you mark the spot of the hair straightener in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one hair straightener.", "There are 3 women.", "There are 3 women.", "There are 3 women.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5169, 0.3003, 0.963, 0.1998]." ]
[ "What's the number of tables visible in this photograph?", "How many tables do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the tables in this image?" ]
[ "There are 4 tables.", "There are 4 tables.", "There are 4 tables." ]
[ "How numerous are the suits in this image?", "How many of the dress suits can be seen in this image?", "How many fields do you see in the picture?", "What is the total count of ties depicted in the photo?", "Can you enumerate the trees in this photograph?", "What's the layout between the flower and tie?", "How does the flower appear in proximity to the dress suit in the image?", "How's the dress suit positioned around the tie?", "How is the flower positioned relative to the suit?", "I'm looking for the tie; where should I look in the image?", "Can you show me where the dress suit is?", "Can you guide me to the suit's location in this photo?", "I'm trying to spot the flower; where should I look?", "Hey, where did the field go in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the flower, can you provide this?", "Hey, where's the tie located in this photograph?", "Could you circle where the dress suit is found in the image?", "Please find the bounding box for the field.", "Can you show me where the suit is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one suit.", "There is one dress suit.", "There is one field.", "There is one tie.", "There is one tree.", "The flower is on the left and below of the tie.", "The flower is on the left of the dress suit.", "The dress suit is on the left of the tie.", "The flower is on the left of the suit.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3579, 0.541, 0.0883, 0.1254].", "[0.6673, 0.3599, 0.0286, 0.216].", "[0.5318, 0.5744, 0.1494, 0.6894].", "[0.4999, 0.6938, 0.9982, 0.6069].", "[0.674, 0.5807, 0.1875, 0.7077]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of tweezers seen in the image?", "What's the tally of pearls in this image?", "Could you count the tweezers in this picture for me?", "Where is the pearl located?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the pearl's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 2 tweezers.", "There is one pearl.", "There are 2 tweezers.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4609, 0.4831, 0.2475, 0.3249]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of scatter plots shown in this photo?", "What is the count of scatter plots in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 scatter plots.", "There are 2 scatter plots." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of hillsong worships shown in this photo?", "How many hillsong worships are there in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 hillsong worships.", "There are 2 hillsong worships." ]
[ "What is the count of babies in this image?", "What quantity of bananas is present in the image?", "Can you enumerate the high chairs in this photograph?", "In this image, where is the baby located?", "I need to find the high chair; where is it?", "I'm trying to spot the banana; where should I look?", "Any idea where the baby is in this image?", "Can you draw around the high chair for me?", "Could you locate the banana and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one baby.", "There is one banana.", "There is one high chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5636, 0.4987, 0.7764, 0.9902].", "[0.4767, 0.5891, 0.9453, 0.8117].", "[0.4558, 0.8191, 0.4808, 0.3575]." ]
[ "How many washers are in the image?", "Can you identify the number of brake discs in the photo?", "How many brake line brakes can you spot in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of brake discs seen in the image?", "What is the total count of washers depicted in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 washers.", "There are 2 brake discs.", "There are 2 brake line brakes.", "There are 2 brake discs.", "There are 2 washers." ]
[ "What's the number of bees visible in this photograph?", "How many honey pots are there in this image?", "Where is the bee located?", "Where's the honey pot positioned in this photograph?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the honey pot?", "Could you outline the bee in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one bee.", "There is one honey pot.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.1487, 0.5907, 0.295, 0.2883].", "[0.6024, 0.4923, 0.7348, 0.9814]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of statues in the photo?", "What is the count of statues in this image?", "Can you determine how many statues are captured in this image?", "Can you determine how many dre are captured in this image?", "Can you identify the number of earrings in the photo?", "Can you tell how the red carpet is hanging near the earring?", "How do the dres and earring stack up next to each other?", "Where's the red carpet at compared to the ring?", "What's the layout between the ring and earring?", "Could you highlight the woman's whereabouts in the photo?", "Mind pointing out where the ring is?", "Know where the dres is located in this pic?", "I'm looking for the earring; where should I look in the image?", "Can you help me find the red carpet in this?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the ring?", "Can you indicate the red carpet's position here?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the dres?", "I'm trying to find the woman; can you help me spot it?", "Could you locate the earring and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There are 3 statues.", "There are 3 statues.", "There are 3 statues.", "There is one dres.", "There is one earring.", "The red carpet is below the earring.", "The dres is below the earring.", "The red carpet is below the ring.", "The ring is on the left and below of the earring.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4033, 0.3872, 0.0147, 0.0127].", "[0.4999, 0.9009, 0.9962, 0.1943].", "[0.543, 0.577, 0.3561, 0.7702].", "[0.5507, 0.5023, 0.412, 0.9153].", "[0.5682, 0.1515, 0.0189, 0.0301]." ]
[ "How numerous are the flies in this image?", "Where did the fly end up in this picture?", "I need to know where the fly is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There is one fly.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4957, 0.6068, 0.989, 0.7787]." ]
[ "How numerous are the suitcases in this image?", "Where can I find the suitcase in this picture?", "What are the bounding box for the suitcase?" ]
[ "There is one suitcase.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4932, 0.5221, 0.953, 0.8233]." ]
[ "What's the number of shirts visible in this photograph?", "How many women do you see in the picture?", "How many of the jackets can be seen in this image?", "How numerous are the jeans in this image?", "Know where the woman is located in this pic?", "Where does the jacket reside in this photograph?", "In which part of the image is the shirt found?", "In which part of the image is the jean found?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the woman.", "I need to know where the jacket is; can you show it to me?", "Hey, where's the shirt located in this photograph?", "Could you circle where the jean is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one shirt.", "There is one woman.", "There is one jacket.", "There is one jean.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5013, 0.567, 0.6121, 0.8633].", "[0.5015, 0.5561, 0.6091, 0.498].", "[0.5015, 0.557, 0.6088, 0.4995].", "[0.5023, 0.8367, 0.4542, 0.3243]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of meats shown in this photo?", "How many of the meats can be seen in this image?", "What is the total of meats depicted here in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of meats in this picture?", "How many meats are in the image?" ]
[ "There are 7 meats.", "There are 7 meats.", "There are 7 meats.", "There are 7 meats.", "There are 7 meats." ]
[ "How many trees are there in this image?", "How many buildings can you spot in this image?", "What is the total of cars depicted here in this image?", "Can you enumerate the roads in this photograph?", "What's the number of cars visible in this photograph?", "Could you specify how the road is aligned in relation to the tree?", "Where's the road at in this image?", "Can you show me where the tree is?", "Could you show the location of the building in this image?", "Mind highlighting where the road is here?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the building.", "Can you draw around the tree for me?" ]
[ "There is one tree.", "There is one building.", "There are 3 cars.", "There is one road.", "There are 3 cars.", "The road is below the tree.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.688, 0.9974, 0.6191].", "[0.7974, 0.2401, 0.4027, 0.4409].", "[0.3027, 0.1301, 0.6023, 0.2592]." ]
[ "What is the total of eyeshadows depicted here in this image?", "What's the number of lip gloss visible in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of lip gloss in the photo?", "What is the count of eyeshadows in this image?", "What's the tally of eyeshadows in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 eyeshadows.", "There are 3 lip gloss.", "There are 3 lip gloss.", "There are 3 eyeshadows.", "There are 3 eyeshadows." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of doors shown in this photo?", "How many chairs are in the image?", "What's the tally of women in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of women shown in this photo?", "How does the chair stand in relation to the door in the scene?", "Where exactly is the chair in this shot?", "Where's the door at in this image?", "Mind highlighting where the door is here?", "Could you outline the chair in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one door.", "There is one chair.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 women.", "The chair is on the left of the door.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8759, 0.3954, 0.2475, 0.7883].", "[0.3428, 0.5022, 0.0471, 0.0462]." ]
[ "What is the total of skis depicted here in this image?", "What's the number of goggles visible in this photograph?", "How many pants do you see in the picture?", "Can you determine how many skis are captured in this image?", "Could you count the goggles in this picture for me?" ]
[ "There are 8 skis.", "There are 3 goggles.", "There are 3 pants.", "There are 8 skis.", "There are 3 goggles." ]
[ "How many of the vessel sinks can be seen in this image?", "Can you count the number of towel bars present in this picture?", "How many windows do you see in the picture?", "Can you enumerate the light fixtures in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many faucets are captured in this image?", "How do the light fixture and towel stack up next to each other?", "Got a quick take on the light fixture's spot near the vessel sink?", "What's the layout between the shower door and vessel sink?", "How does the light fixture stand in relation to the window in the scene?", "How are the window and vessel sink doing together in the pic?", "Can you show me where the vessel sink is?", "Trying to locate the faucet; any ideas where it is?", "What location in the picture is the window occupying?", "Where is the light fixture located?", "Where exactly is the towel in this shot?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the mirror?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the vessel sink.", "Can you trace around the shower door so I can see it better?", "I need the bounding box details for the faucet.", "Can you trace around the towel so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There is one vessel sink.", "There is one towel bar.", "There is one window.", "There is one light fixture.", "There is one faucet.", "The light fixture is on the right and above of the towel.", "The light fixture is above the vessel sink.", "The shower door is on the left of the vessel sink.", "The light fixture is on the left of the window.", "The window is on the right of the vessel sink.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5847, 0.3819, 0.1614, 0.2858].", "[0.5978, 0.6055, 0.1342, 0.0562].", "[0.1603, 0.5466, 0.318, 0.9023].", "[0.5882, 0.5525, 0.0165, 0.0613].", "[0.4223, 0.4822, 0.0405, 0.1525]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of jackets in the photo?", "What is the total count of masks depicted in the photo?", "What is the total of women depicted here in this image?", "How many rocks are in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "Can you detail how the man is oriented with respect to the rock?", "Where does the rock reside in this photograph?", "I'm looking for the man; where should I look in the image?", "I need to know where the man is; can you show it to me?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the rock." ]
[ "There are 2 jackets.", "There are 3 masks.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one rock.", "There are 2 women.", "The man is on the left of the rock.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3072, 0.5531, 0.6121, 0.8887].", "[0.8124, 0.4734, 0.3734, 0.4317]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the houses in this photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of houses seen in the image?", "How many of the houses can be seen in this image?", "Can you determine how many houses are captured in this image?", "How many houses are there in this image?" ]
[ "There are 13 houses.", "There are 13 houses.", "There are 13 houses.", "There are 13 houses.", "There are 13 houses." ]
[ "What's the number of pearls visible in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 2 pearls." ]
[ "What is the count of faucets in this image?", "What's the tally of cabinets in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of cabinets seen in the image?", "How many faucets do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the faucets in this image?", "Can you spot the countertop for me in this photo?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the countertop." ]
[ "There are 4 faucets.", "There are 2 cabinets.", "There are 2 cabinets.", "There are 4 faucets.", "There are 4 faucets.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5034, 0.6447, 0.9048, 0.0911]." ]
[ "How many of the glass tables can be seen in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the glass table is situated in this photo?", "I'm trying to find the glass table; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There is one glass table.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4963, 0.5439, 0.9812, 0.7648]." ]
[ "How numerous are the triangles in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of triangles in this picture?", "How many triangles do you see in the picture?", "What is the total count of triangles depicted in the photo?", "What quantity of triangles is present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 6 triangles.", "There are 6 triangles.", "There are 6 triangles.", "There are 6 triangles.", "There are 6 triangles." ]
[ "How many of the data structures can be seen in this image?", "I need to find the data structure; where is it?", "Can you indicate the data structure's position here?" ]
[ "There is one data structure.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.4984, 0.9842, 0.9738]." ]
[ "What is the count of batman miniatures in this image?", "Can you identify the number of gauntlets in the photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of armors shown in this photo?", "Know where the batman miniature is located in this pic?", "Can you spot the gauntlet for me in this photo?", "Do you know where they put the armor here?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the armor?", "Can you highlight the gauntlet's area for me in this pic?", "Could you outline the batman miniature in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one batman miniature.", "There is one gauntlet.", "There is one armor.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5728, 0.5602, 0.7949, 0.8705].", "[0.3528, 0.6123, 0.2022, 0.2714].", "[0.5726, 0.5586, 0.7944, 0.8718]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of dre in this picture?", "In this image, where is the dres located?", "Can you trace around the dres so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There is one dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4994, 0.498, 0.9856, 0.9937]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many leaves are in the photograph?", "How many of the ladybugs can be seen in this image?", "Hey, where did the ladybug go in this image?", "Where's the leaf at in this image?", "How about you show me the ladybug's spot in the photo?", "Any idea where the leaf is in this image?" ]
[ "There is one leaf.", "There is one ladybug.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.1206, 0.6864, 0.0524, 0.0374].", "[0.1798, 0.841, 0.2853, 0.3102]." ]
[ "How many trees do you see in the picture?", "Could you count the tents in this picture for me?", "Are you able to tell how many girls are in the photograph?", "How many tents are in the image?", "How numerous are the poles in this image?", "Trying to locate the tree; any ideas where it is?", "Where is the pole located?", "Can you trace around the tree so I can see it better?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the pole." ]
[ "There is one tree.", "There are 2 tents.", "There are 2 girls.", "There are 2 tents.", "There is one pole.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.6009, 0.1219, 0.5656, 0.2418].", "[0.8956, 0.3651, 0.0325, 0.693]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of jackets shown in this photo?", "I need to find the jacket; where is it?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the jacket present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one jacket.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4808, 0.5111, 0.8473, 0.7552]." ]
[ "How many watercolor watercolors can you spot in this image?", "What's the number of black envelopes visible in this photograph?", "Could you count the floral card floral frames in this picture for me?", "What is the total of watercolor watercolors depicted here in this image?", "How numerous are the watercolor watercolors in this image?", "Where exactly is the floral background positioned in this photograph?", "I'm looking for the watercolor; where should I look in the image?", "Where can I find the black envelope in this picture?", "Know where the floral card frame is located in this pic?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the watercolor?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the floral background present in the image?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the black envelope?", "Hey, where's the floral card frame located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 3 watercolor watercolors.", "There is one black envelope.", "There are 2 floral card floral frames.", "There are 3 watercolor watercolors.", "There are 3 watercolor watercolors.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4982, 0.4991, 0.9898, 0.9889].", "[0.4981, 0.4987, 0.9888, 0.9882].", "[0.3906, 0.6336, 0.3821, 0.5129].", "[0.337, 0.4366, 0.3732, 0.4211]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many women are captured in this image?", "What is the total of laundry baskets depicted here in this image?", "How many towels are in the image?", "What location in the picture is the towel occupying?", "Know where the woman is located in this pic?", "Can you identify the location of the laundry basket in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the woman, can you provide this?", "Can you draw around the towel for me?", "Can you mark the spot of the laundry basket in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one laundry basket.", "There is one towel.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3946, 0.5002, 0.7496, 0.9979].", "[0.4847, 0.6201, 0.3718, 0.3967].", "[0.4923, 0.5469, 0.8258, 0.3527]." ]
[ "What is the total of tables depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of tables shown in this photo?", "What quantity of tvs is present in the image?", "What is the total count of sofas depicted in the photo?", "What quantity of chairs is present in the image?", "Where's the tv at compared to the lantern?", "In what position do we find the tv relative to the plant?", "How does the plant stand in relation to the lantern in the scene?", "I'm trying to spot the plant; where should I look?", "Can you guide me to the tv's location in this photo?", "I'm trying to spot the lantern; where should I look?", "Please find the bounding box for the plant.", "Where exactly is the tv in this pic?", "Can you indicate the lantern's position here?" ]
[ "There are 4 tables.", "There are 4 tables.", "There is one tv.", "There are 2 sofas.", "There are 9 chairs.", "The tv is on the right and below of the lantern.", "The tv is above the plant.", "The plant is on the right and below of the lantern.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.8665, 0.5927, 0.0921, 0.0465].", "[0.8501, 0.5113, 0.0904, 0.0483].", "[0.5209, 0.2671, 0.07, 0.1007]." ]
[ "How numerous are the roofs in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of buildings seen in the image?", "Are you able to tell how many skies are in the photograph?", "How many roofs do you see in the picture?", "Where is the sky located?", "Could you show the location of the building in this image?", "Please find the bounding box for the building.", "Where's the sky at in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 roofs.", "There is one building.", "There is one sky.", "There are 2 roofs.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5076, 0.4343, 0.32, 0.7213].", "[0.4999, 0.4916, 0.9958, 0.9761]." ]
[ "What is the total of x - ray baggage scanners depicted here in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many x - ray baggage scanners are in the photograph?", "Could you count the x - ray baggage scanners in this picture for me?" ]
[ "There are 3 x - ray baggage scanners.", "There are 3 x - ray baggage scanners.", "There are 3 x - ray baggage scanners." ]
[ "What is the total count of cars depicted in the photo?", "What is the total of buildings depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of cars shown in this photo?", "Can you enumerate the trees in this photograph?", "How many cars are in the image?", "How does the ferris wheel appear in proximity to the bridge in the image?", "What's the positioning like between the bridge and the building?", "Could you specify how the building is aligned in relation to the road?", "Where's the bridge at compared to the pond water?", "In the context of positioning, how is the ferris wheel related to the building?", "Can you reveal the spot where the park is located in the image?", "Can you spot the pond water for me in this photo?", "Where exactly is the bridge positioned in this photograph?", "Hey, where did the ferris wheel go in this image?", "Mind pointing out where the building is?", "I need to know where the park is; can you show it to me?", "Any idea where the ferris wheel is in this image?", "Can you indicate the bridge's position here?", "I need to know where the water is; can you show it to me?", "Could you locate the pond water and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There are 12 cars.", "There is one building.", "There are 12 cars.", "There are 3 trees.", "There are 12 cars.", "The ferris wheel is above the bridge.", "The bridge is on the right and below of the building.", "The building is on the left and above of the road.", "The bridge is on the right of the pond water.", "The ferris wheel is on the right of the building.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.4995, 0.7426, 0.9952, 0.505].", "[0.8136, 0.5012, 0.062, 0.1417].", "[0.879, 0.7672, 0.2398, 0.117].", "[0.7238, 0.5725, 0.5503, 0.1614].", "[0.1954, 0.8813, 0.3883, 0.1767]." ]
[ "How many nails are there in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of fingers shown in this photo?", "How many dragonflies do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the hands in this image?", "Could you count the hearts in this picture for me?", "How does the dragonfly find itself near the heart?", "What is the location of the heart in the image?", "Where has the hand been placed in the image?", "Where exactly is the dragonfly in this shot?", "What are the bounding box for the hand?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the heart?", "Where exactly is the dragonfly in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 3 nails.", "There are 2 fingers.", "There is one dragonfly.", "There is one hand.", "There is one heart.", "The dragonfly is on the right and above of the heart.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4853, 0.9936, 0.9679].", "[0.1459, 0.8382, 0.1918, 0.1888].", "[0.6551, 0.5467, 0.2087, 0.2718]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of bottles present in this picture?", "Can you determine how many bottles are captured in this image?", "How numerous are the napkins in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of candles seen in the image?", "Can you determine how many chairs are captured in this image?", "In the context of positioning, how is the table related to the grill?", "Where did the grill end up in this picture?", "Where exactly is the table positioned in this photograph?", "Where's the table at in this image?", "Could you point out the grill in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There are 6 bottles.", "There are 6 bottles.", "There are 4 napkins.", "There are 3 candles.", "There are 6 chairs.", "The table is below the grill.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4813, 0.6107, 0.4511, 0.472].", "[0.6812, 0.1422, 0.192, 0.2189]." ]
[ "How many girl women do you see in the picture?", "Can you ascertain the number of girl women shown in this photo?", "How many boys can you spot in this image?", "Can you determine how many men are captured in this image?", "Can you identify the number of girl women in the photo?", "In this image, where is the boy located?", "Could you specify the position of the man?", "Can you indicate the boy's position here?", "Hey, where's the man located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 6 girl women.", "There are 6 girl women.", "There is one boy.", "There is one man.", "There are 6 girl women.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.7134, 0.5917, 0.2604, 0.6753].", "[0.814, 0.4481, 0.2551, 0.8922]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of mountains present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the hills in this photograph?", "How numerous are the forests in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many atvs are in the photograph?", "How many mountain cliffs are in the image?", "How is the rock set in relation to the position of the mountain cliff?", "How does the sky stand in relation to the hill in the scene?", "What's the positioning like between the atv and the cloud?", "How is the person set in relation to the position of the sun?", "Where's the cloud at compared to the hill?", "Where has the cloud been placed in the image?", "Trying to locate the mountain cliff; any ideas where it is?", "Can you pinpoint where the rock is situated in this photo?", "Can you identify the location of the cliff hill in this image?", "I need to find the sun; where is it?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the cliff hill, can you provide this?", "What are the bounding box for the person?", "Could you outline the sky in the picture?", "I'm trying to find the mountain; can you help me spot it?", "I need to know where the forest is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There is one mountain.", "There is one hill.", "There is one forest.", "There is one atv.", "There is one mountain cliff.", "The rock is below the mountain cliff.", "The sky is above the hill.", "The atv is below the cloud.", "The person is below the sun.", "The cloud is above the hill.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4454, 0.7363, 0.8875, 0.5189].", "[0.5285, 0.4604, 0.0815, 0.3321].", "[0.7304, 0.1547, 0.5358, 0.3054].", "[0.3596, 0.2704, 0.7146, 0.538].", "[0.8326, 0.3805, 0.3292, 0.3301]." ]