[ "How many laptops can you spot in this image?", "What's the number of gla visible in this photograph?", "What's the tally of gla in this image?", "Trying to locate the laptop; any ideas where it is?", "I need to know where the laptop is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There is one laptop.", "There are 2 gla.", "There are 2 gla.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5141, 0.4995, 0.9666, 0.9945]." ]
[ "Could you count the golf clubs in this picture for me?", "Can you enumerate the golf balls in this photograph?", "What is the total of golfers depicted here in this image?", "How does the golf ball look by the golf club?", "Where's the golf ball positioned in this photograph?", "Could you highlight the golfer's whereabouts in the photo?", "Could you highlight the golf club's whereabouts in the photo?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the golfer.", "Could you circle where the golf ball is found in the image?", "Could you circle where the golf club is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one golf club.", "There is one golf ball.", "There is one golfer.", "The golf ball is on the left of the golf club.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5228, 0.4926, 0.3853, 0.8538].", "[0.3279, 0.9368, 0.0267, 0.0404].", "[0.3897, 0.5664, 0.0718, 0.7102]." ]
[ "How many fences are in the image?", "How many bicycles are in the image?", "Can you count the number of workers present in this picture?", "Can you determine how many trees are captured in this image?", "What is the total count of hills depicted in the photo?", "How does the bicycle appear in proximity to the hill in the image?", "What's the positioning story of the fence relative to the hill?", "How is the bicycle positioned relative to the border wall fence?", "How does the bicycle appear in proximity to the fence in the image?", "Where exactly is the border wall fence positioned in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the fence positioned in this photograph?", "Do you know where they put the bicycle here?", "Where's the hill at in this image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the fence?", "Please find the bounding box for the hill.", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the bicycle.", "Any idea where the border wall fence is in this image?" ]
[ "There is one fence.", "There is one bicycle.", "There are 5 workers.", "There are 2 trees.", "There is one hill.", "The bicycle is below the hill.", "The fence is below the hill.", "The bicycle is on the left of the border wall fence.", "The bicycle is on the left of the fence.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4498, 0.6946, 0.3789, 0.6035].", "[0.5006, 0.1522, 0.9957, 0.2457].", "[0.0793, 0.4988, 0.1159, 0.1831].", "[0.466, 0.2416, 0.2449, 0.3529]." ]
[ "How numerous are the technology databases in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the technology database?", "Hey, where's the technology database located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one technology database.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5109, 0.499, 0.967, 0.9822]." ]
[ "What is the total count of brides depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of waters seen in the image?", "How many bouquets are in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of bouquets seen in the image?", "What's the tally of rocks in this image?", "Where's the bride positioned in this photograph?", "Where has the groom been placed in the image?", "Could you show the location of the water in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the rock; where should I look?", "Where did the water end up in this image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the bride?", "What are the bounding box for the rock?", "Mind highlighting where the groom is here?" ]
[ "There is one bride.", "There is one water.", "There are 2 bouquets.", "There are 2 bouquets.", "There is one rock.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.6751, 0.9945, 0.4128].", "[0.7089, 0.6653, 0.4856, 0.5457].", "[0.4998, 0.9089, 0.9978, 0.1796].", "[0.425, 0.6257, 0.1753, 0.5139]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the foam board foam board foam boards in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of board boards shown in this photo?", "What quantity of foam boards is present in the image?", "Where has the foam board foam board foam board been placed in the image?", "Mind pointing out where the board board is?", "Can you spot the foam board for me in this photo?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the foam board.", "Please find the bounding box for the foam board foam board foam board.", "Hey, where's the board board located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one foam board foam board foam board.", "There is one board board.", "There is one foam board.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5031, 0.8525, 0.2016, 0.1966].", "[0.503, 0.8523, 0.2015, 0.1972].", "[0.5031, 0.8525, 0.2016, 0.1967]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "Could you count the hotels in this picture for me?", "What is the count of parking lot roads in this image?", "How many parking lots are in the image?", "How many mountains can you spot in this image?", "How are the mountain and parking lot doing together in the pic?", "How's the mountain positioned around the parking lot road?", "Got any idea how the mountain is placed by the hotel?", "How does the tree find itself near the parking lot road?", "In what way is the tree located near or around the parking lot?", "Where has the hotel been placed in the image?", "Where's the mountain at in this image?", "Where has the tree been placed in the image?", "I need to find the parking lot road; where is it?", "Mind pointing out where the parking lot is?", "Mind pointing out the mountain's place in the photo?", "Where exactly is the hotel in this pic?", "Any idea where the tree is in this image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the parking lot road?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the parking lot." ]
[ "There is one tree.", "There is one hotel.", "There is one parking lot road.", "There is one parking lot.", "There is one mountain.", "The mountain is above the parking lot.", "The mountain is above the parking lot road.", "The mountain is above the hotel.", "The tree is above the parking lot road.", "The tree is above the parking lot.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.1225, 0.9992, 0.2416].", "[0.8893, 0.6927, 0.2181, 0.1631].", "[0.4999, 0.3505, 0.9977, 0.4775].", "[0.7919, 0.881, 0.4156, 0.1872].", "[0.5001, 0.7858, 0.995, 0.392]." ]
[ "What's the number of dre visible in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of toyota logos shown in this photo?", "What is the count of naacp logos in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of tv logos shown in this photo?", "What is the total count of women depicted in the photo?", "How is the tv logo positioned relative to the naacp logo?", "What's the deal with the red carpet and naacp logo's setup?", "Could you show the location of the naacp logo in this image?", "Where within this picture can the red carpet be observed?", "Know where the tv logo is located in this pic?", "Where's the dres positioned in this photograph?", "Where does the woman reside in this photograph?", "Can you indicate the woman's position here?", "Mind pointing out the naacp logo's place in the photo?", "Any idea where the dres is in this image?", "Any idea where the tv logo is in this image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the red carpet?" ]
[ "There is one dres.", "There are 2 toyota logos.", "There is one naacp logo.", "There is one tv logo.", "There is one woman.", "The tv logo is below the naacp logo.", "The red carpet is below the naacp logo.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6071, 0.495, 0.5096, 0.9614].", "[0.2805, 0.5177, 0.2079, 0.0833].", "[0.6077, 0.5691, 0.5044, 0.8153].", "[0.2872, 0.7175, 0.1556, 0.1273].", "[0.4997, 0.8251, 0.9937, 0.3433]." ]
[ "What quantity of gloves is present in the image?", "What's the number of gloves visible in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of gloves in the photo?", "What's the tally of gloves in this image?" ]
[ "There are 4 gloves.", "There are 4 gloves.", "There are 4 gloves.", "There are 4 gloves." ]
[ "How numerous are the chairs in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many chairs are in the photograph?", "What's the number of people visible in this photograph?", "How many table podiums are in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of podiums shown in this photo?", "Can you point out the table podium for me?", "Can you draw around the table podium for me?" ]
[ "There are 3 chairs.", "There are 3 chairs.", "There are 3 people.", "There is one table podium.", "There are 2 podiums.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.8624, 0.7735, 0.2426, 0.333]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the motorcycles in this photograph?", "Can you point out the motorcycle for me?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the motorcycle present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one motorcycle.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4862, 0.4264, 0.7906, 0.6767]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of rakels in this picture?", "How many plants can you spot in this image?", "Can you identify the number of trowels in the photo?", "How many flowers do you see in the picture?", "Can you count the number of flowers present in this picture?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the spray bottle to the watering?", "How do the spray bottle and trowel look together?", "In what way is the spray bottle located near or around the plant?", "How is the rakel positioned relative to the trowel?", "Where does the watering end up around the trowel?", "Could you highlight the trowel's whereabouts in the photo?", "In this image, where is the watering located?", "Can you reveal the spot where the plant is located in the image?", "Where can I find the spray bottle in this picture?", "Where exactly is the rakel positioned in this photograph?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the watering present in the image?", "Please find the bounding box for the rakel.", "Can you highlight the spray bottle's area for me in this pic?", "I'm trying to find the trowel; can you help me spot it?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the plant?" ]
[ "There is one rakel.", "There is one plant.", "There is one trowel.", "There are 3 flowers.", "There are 3 flowers.", "The spray bottle is on the left and above of the watering.", "The spray bottle is on the right and above of the trowel.", "The spray bottle is on the left of the plant.", "The rakel is on the right and below of the trowel.", "The watering is on the right and below of the trowel.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.7501, 0.8146, 0.1787, 0.1111].", "[0.8779, 0.9022, 0.1891, 0.0694].", "[0.4014, 0.5575, 0.0928, 0.1632].", "[0.2581, 0.6907, 0.159, 0.0554].", "[0.8641, 0.672, 0.1866, 0.176]." ]
[ "What's the tally of jackets in this image?", "Where can I find the jacket in this pic?", "Can you indicate the jacket's position here?" ]
[ "There is one jacket.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4608, 0.4879, 0.9099, 0.9459]." ]
[ "What's the number of people visible in this photograph?", "Can you count the number of street lights present in this picture?", "What quantity of roads is present in the image?", "Can you determine how many people are captured in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the road?", "Where within this picture can the street light be observed?", "Mind highlighting where the street light is here?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the road present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 people.", "There is one street light.", "There is one road.", "There are 2 people.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.9116, 0.543, 0.1665, 0.2791].", "[0.4999, 0.8058, 0.9966, 0.331]." ]
[ "How numerous are the rabbits in this image?", "Could you highlight the rabbit's whereabouts in the photo?", "Hey, where's the rabbit located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There is one rabbit.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5407, 0.5044, 0.4527, 0.9156]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of hearts in the photo?", "How many hearts do you see in the picture?", "How many hearts can you spot in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 hearts.", "There are 3 hearts.", "There are 3 hearts." ]
[ "What quantity of cosmetic jars is present in the image?", "How many of the lids can be seen in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of lids shown in this photo?", "Could you count the cosmetic jars in this picture for me?", "What is the count of cosmetic jars in this image?" ]
[ "There are 4 cosmetic jars.", "There are 3 lids.", "There are 3 lids.", "There are 4 cosmetic jars.", "There are 4 cosmetic jars." ]
[ "What's the number of pools visible in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of columns shown in this photo?", "Can you determine how many houses are captured in this image?", "Could you count the houses in this picture for me?", "What's the number of palm trees visible in this photograph?", "Hey, where did the pool go in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the fence; where should I look?", "Can you indicate the pool's position here?", "Can you mark the spot of the fence in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one pool.", "There are 2 columns.", "There are 2 houses.", "There are 2 houses.", "There are 3 palm trees.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.4951, 0.6784, 0.4887, 0.2566].", "[0.831, 0.5793, 0.2807, 0.1261]." ]
[ "What is the count of microphones in this image?", "How numerous are the audiences in this image?", "How many microphones can you spot in this image?", "Could you count the microphones in this picture for me?", "What quantity of microphones is present in the image?", "Where within this picture can the audience be observed?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the audience?" ]
[ "There are 8 microphones.", "There is one audience.", "There are 8 microphones.", "There are 8 microphones.", "There are 8 microphones.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.5308, 0.9951, 0.9328]." ]
[ "What's the tally of vases in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of teapot covers in this picture?", "What's the tally of plants in this image?", "Could you show the location of the teapot cover in this image?", "Where can I find the plant in this pic?", "Can you show me where the vase is?", "I need to know where the teapot cover is; can you show it to me?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the vase?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the plant, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one vase.", "There is one teapot cover.", "There is one plant.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.3465, 0.6773, 0.6389, 0.5939].", "[0.826, 0.6701, 0.3459, 0.5357].", "[0.5183, 0.4695, 0.9615, 0.9382]." ]
[ "What quantity of women is present in the image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "How many tables do you see in the picture?", "Are you able to tell how many flowers are in the photograph?", "What is the total count of chairs depicted in the photo?", "Know where the carpet is located in this pic?", "Where's the table positioned in this photograph?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the carpet?", "Any idea where the table is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one table.", "There are 2 flowers.", "There are 2 chairs.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5138, 0.7994, 0.9717, 0.3973].", "[0.7248, 0.7938, 0.5262, 0.3739]." ]
[ "How many spoons are there in this image?", "What is the total of towels depicted here in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many bowls are in the photograph?", "Can you count the number of bowl plates present in this picture?", "How does the spoon stand in relation to the bowl plate in the scene?", "How is the towel situated in comparison to the bowl plate?", "Can you identify the location of the bowl in this image?", "Where did the bowl plate end up in this picture?", "Where does the spoon reside in this photograph?", "I'm trying to spot the towel; where should I look?", "Any idea where the bowl plate is in this image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the bowl's bounding box?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the towel.", "Can you indicate the spoon's position here?" ]
[ "There is one spoon.", "There is one towel.", "There is one bowl.", "There is one bowl plate.", "The spoon is on the right and below of the bowl plate.", "The towel is below the bowl plate.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2675, 0.0977, 0.2475, 0.1945].", "[0.4874, 0.522, 0.7109, 0.7424].", "[0.6729, 0.6698, 0.6516, 0.5911].", "[0.6073, 0.6431, 0.1678, 0.429]." ]
[ "What is the total of fur coats depicted here in this image?", "What is the count of men in this image?", "Where exactly is the man positioned in this photograph?", "Could you highlight the fur coat's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where exactly is the man in this pic?", "Can you draw around the fur coat for me?" ]
[ "There is one fur coat.", "There is one man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4621, 0.5526, 0.9131, 0.8877].", "[0.4608, 0.641, 0.9154, 0.7135]." ]
[ "What quantity of t - shirts is present in the image?", "Could you count the shorts in this picture for me?", "Could you show the location of the t - shirt in this image?", "Where's the short at in this image?", "Can you show me where the short is in the picture?", "How about you show me the t - shirt's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one t - shirt.", "There is one short.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.633, 0.679, 0.4395, 0.4348].", "[0.3927, 0.3749, 0.4618, 0.4274]." ]
[ "How many jackets are in the image?", "Where can I find the jacket in this picture?", "Any idea where the jacket is in this image?" ]
[ "There is one jacket.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4884, 0.5055, 0.7139, 0.9633]." ]
[ "How numerous are the maps in this image?", "Can you identify the location of the map in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the map, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one map.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.5005, 0.9963, 0.9938]." ]
[ "How many of the buttons can be seen in this image?", "Can you count the number of buttons present in this picture?", "Can you identify the number of labels in the photo?", "How many blue jeans can you spot in this image?", "Can you enumerate the buttons in this photograph?", "Where within this picture can the label be observed?", "Where exactly is the pocket positioned in this photograph?", "I'm looking for the blue jean; where should I look in the image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the label?", "Can you trace around the pocket so I can see it better?", "Any idea where the blue jean is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 3 buttons.", "There are 3 buttons.", "There is one label.", "There is one blue jean.", "There are 3 buttons.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3452, 0.6876, 0.1506, 0.0901].", "[0.5248, 0.4746, 0.6955, 0.5346].", "[0.4996, 0.4996, 0.993, 0.9936]." ]
[ "What's the tally of windows in this image?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many columns are in the photograph?", "What is the total count of windows depicted in the photo?", "What quantity of windows is present in the image?", "Where is the floor located?", "Where's the floor at in this image?" ]
[ "There are 9 windows.", "There are 9 windows.", "There are 3 columns.", "There are 9 windows.", "There are 9 windows.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.779, 0.9981, 0.4383]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of cabins present in this picture?", "What is the total of trees depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of gra shown in this photo?", "How many trees can you spot in this image?", "How many cabins can you spot in this image?", "Can you help me find the path in this?", "I need to find the gras; where is it?", "Can you highlight the path's area for me in this pic?", "How about you show me the gras's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 3 cabins.", "There are 4 trees.", "There is one gras.", "There are 4 trees.", "There are 3 cabins.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6303, 0.7974, 0.7345, 0.401].", "[0.4997, 0.7885, 0.996, 0.418]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of bags in this picture?", "What quantity of lamps is present in the image?", "Can you count the number of women present in this picture?", "How many lamps do you see in the picture?", "How many tables are there in this image?", "Can you describe the placement of the bag in relation to the table?", "How do the woman and table stack up next to each other?", "What is the positional relationship of the woman vis-à-vis the bag?", "In this image, where is the bag located?", "Trying to locate the man; any ideas where it is?", "Can you reveal the spot where the table is located in the image?", "Where's the woman positioned in this photograph?", "I need to know where the man is; can you show it to me?", "Could you point out the bag in the photo for me?", "Can you indicate the woman's position here?", "Can you show me where the table is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one bag.", "There are 3 lamps.", "There is one woman.", "There are 3 lamps.", "There is one table.", "The bag is on the right of the table.", "The woman is above the table.", "The woman is on the left and above of the bag.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.6179, 0.6044, 0.6189, 0.7892].", "[0.9023, 0.6693, 0.138, 0.1945].", "[0.6854, 0.3945, 0.1132, 0.1502].", "[0.3266, 0.7413, 0.6516, 0.5149]." ]
[ "How many palm trees are in the image?", "How many of the cars can be seen in this image?", "What's the tally of palm trees in this image?", "How many buildings can you spot in this image?", "What is the total count of palm trees depicted in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 4 palm trees.", "There are 4 cars.", "There are 4 palm trees.", "There are 2 buildings.", "There are 4 palm trees." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of cars in the photo?", "Where exactly is the car in this shot?", "Please find the bounding box for the car." ]
[ "There is one car.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.5015, 0.9882, 0.9844]." ]
[ "What is the total count of signposts depicted in the photo?", "Can you determine how many signposts are captured in this image?", "Can you enumerate the signposts in this photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of signposts seen in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of signposts in this picture?", "How are the sand beach and sky doing together in the pic?", "I'm trying to spot the sand beach; where should I look?", "Where does the water reside in this photograph?", "I'm trying to spot the sky; where should I look?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the sand beach and give me the specifics?", "Where's the water at in this image?", "How about you show me the sky's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 9 signposts.", "There are 9 signposts.", "There are 9 signposts.", "There are 9 signposts.", "There are 9 signposts.", "The sand beach is below the sky.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5112, 0.9039, 0.4278, 0.1046].", "[0.5045, 0.8022, 0.4401, 0.1591].", "[0.5018, 0.3876, 0.4464, 0.6826]." ]
[ "Could you count the flags in this picture for me?", "What's the number of booklet pamphlets visible in this photograph?", "Can you enumerate the tables in this photograph?", "How many of the people can be seen in this image?", "What is the count of people in this image?", "Can you point out how the booklet is set up with the poster?", "Could you specify how the pamphlet is aligned in relation to the poster?", "Got a quick take on the pamphlet's spot near the booklet?", "Where exactly is the poster in this shot?", "Can you show me where the pamphlet is?", "Where's the booklet at in this image?", "What are the bounding box for the poster?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the booklet?", "I'm trying to find the pamphlet; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 3 flags.", "There are 3 booklet pamphlets.", "There are 3 tables.", "There are 15 people.", "There are 15 people.", "The booklet is on the left and below of the poster.", "The pamphlet is below the poster.", "The pamphlet is on the right and below of the booklet.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.703, 0.2586, 0.2122, 0.3129].", "[0.2099, 0.683, 0.1479, 0.0753].", "[0.7986, 0.842, 0.109, 0.2286]." ]
[ "What is the total of lamps depicted here in this image?", "How many nightstands do you see in the picture?", "What is the count of flowers in this image?", "Can you identify the number of windows in the photo?", "What quantity of books is present in the image?", "Where's the flower at compared to the bed sheet?", "In the context of positioning, how is the nightstand related to the flower?", "Can you tell how the lamp is hanging near the bed sheet?", "What's the deal with the vase and window's setup?", "How does the vase stand in relation to the ##board in the scene?", "Trying to locate the flower; any ideas where it is?", "Can you reveal the spot where the bed is located in the image?", "Know where the lamp is located in this pic?", "Where exactly is the bed sheet in this shot?", "Trying to locate the vase; any ideas where it is?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the window?", "Could you locate the lamp and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Can you highlight the bed's area for me in this pic?", "Can you indicate the vase's position here?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the bed sheet?" ]
[ "There is one lamp.", "There is one nightstand.", "There is one flower.", "There is one window.", "There are 2 books.", "The flower is on the left and above of the bed sheet.", "The nightstand is below the flower.", "The lamp is above the bed sheet.", "The vase is on the left of the window.", "The vase is below the ##board.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.7647, 0.2777, 0.2758, 0.5529].", "[0.4711, 0.3333, 0.2127, 0.1808].", "[0.4998, 0.4995, 0.9994, 0.9973].", "[0.0679, 0.6144, 0.0987, 0.2014].", "[0.6155, 0.7762, 0.7664, 0.4454]." ]
[ "How many posters are in the image?", "How many of the shelves can be seen in this image?", "What quantity of tattoo shops is present in the image?", "How numerous are the boys in this image?", "How many mirrors are there in this image?", "In the context of positioning, how is the boy related to the drawer?", "What is the arrangement of the shelf relative to the drawer?", "How are the garbage and shelf doing together in the pic?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the garbage to the mirror?", "Could you specify how the garbage is aligned in relation to the drawer?", "What is the location of the tattoo shop in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the garbage; where should I look?", "I need to find the mirror; where is it?", "Can you guide me to the drawer's location in this photo?", "Where can I find the boy in this picture?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the tattoo shop?", "Can you draw around the mirror for me?", "Could you circle where the boy is found in the image?", "I'm trying to find the drawer; can you help me spot it?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the shelf's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 3 posters.", "There is one shelf.", "There is one tattoo shop.", "There is one boy.", "There is one mirror.", "The boy is on the right of the drawer.", "The shelf is above the drawer.", "The garbage is on the right and below of the shelf.", "The garbage is below the mirror.", "The garbage is on the right and below of the drawer.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.4997, 0.9942, 0.9935].", "[0.3317, 0.5252, 0.3411, 0.2717].", "[0.698, 0.5005, 0.6018, 0.995].", "[0.1276, 0.7192, 0.0862, 0.0596].", "[0.0831, 0.6051, 0.1644, 0.0385]." ]
[ "What's the tally of trousers in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the trouser?", "Could you point out the trouser in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one trouser.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4991, 0.4991, 0.3504, 0.753]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of portfolios in this picture?", "Can you point out the portfolio for me?", "Could you locate the portfolio and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one portfolio.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4995, 0.4996, 0.9926, 0.9872]." ]
[ "How many counters can you spot in this image?", "Could you count the bicycles in this picture for me?", "What is the total count of posters depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of bicycles seen in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of posters shown in this photo?", "Where does the clock end up around the drink dispenser?", "What is the spatial relationship between the trash and the poster menu?", "What's the positioning story of the refrigerator relative to the chair?", "Can you describe the placement of the refrigerator in relation to the drink dispenser?", "Can you describe the placement of the trash in relation to the chair?", "Where's the clock positioned in this photograph?", "Know where the refrigerator is located in this pic?", "Where is the poster menu located?", "Could you show the location of the shelf in this image?", "Where's the trash positioned in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the clock in this pic?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the poster menu, can you provide this?", "Could you circle where the shelf is found in the image?", "Where's the chair at in this image?", "Can you show me where the drink dispenser is in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 3 counters.", "There are 3 bicycles.", "There are 5 posters.", "There are 3 bicycles.", "There are 5 posters.", "The clock is on the left and above of the drink dispenser.", "The trash is on the left and above of the poster menu.", "The refrigerator is on the right and above of the chair.", "The refrigerator is on the right and above of the drink dispenser.", "The trash is on the right of the chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4029, 0.3975, 0.022, 0.031].", "[0.8615, 0.9297, 0.1951, 0.139].", "[0.415, 0.4764, 0.1725, 0.0779].", "[0.1187, 0.7472, 0.1476, 0.1947].", "[0.479, 0.832, 0.0265, 0.0967]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of booklets present in this picture?", "Can you determine how many booklets are captured in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of booklets seen in the image?" ]
[ "There are 3 booklets.", "There are 3 booklets.", "There are 3 booklets." ]
[ "What quantity of hands is present in the image?", "How many phones are in the image?", "Where's the phone positioned in this photograph?", "Can you guide me to the hand's location in this photo?", "Please find the bounding box for the phone.", "Can you show me where the hand is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one hand.", "There is one phone.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4958, 0.4863, 0.4392, 0.8748].", "[0.5642, 0.703, 0.698, 0.5896]." ]
[ "What's the number of baby headbands visible in this photograph?", "What is the total of baby headbands depicted here in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 baby headbands.", "There are 2 baby headbands." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of plates seen in the image?", "Are you able to tell how many ovens are in the photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of spatulas shown in this photo?", "What's the number of cupboard cabinets visible in this photograph?", "How many of the pot pans can be seen in this image?", "Could you specify how the faucet is aligned in relation to the microwave?", "What's the deal with the microwave and spatula's setup?", "How does the faucet look by the spatula?", "Where has the microwave been placed in the image?", "Could you highlight the faucet's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where does the spatula reside in this photograph?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the spatula?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the microwave.", "Mind pointing out the faucet's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 3 plates.", "There are 6 ovens.", "There is one spatula.", "There are 7 cupboard cabinets.", "There are 3 pot pans.", "The faucet is on the left and below of the microwave.", "The microwave is on the right and above of the spatula.", "The faucet is on the left and below of the spatula.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "[0.3109, 0.276, 0.0191, 0.0266].", "[0.652, 0.1768, 0.1987, 0.1162].", "[0.2753, 0.353, 0.0231, 0.048]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many dogs are in the photograph?", "How many doors can you spot in this image?", "What's the tally of floors in this image?", "Where within this picture can the door be observed?", "In this image, where is the dog located?", "Can you pinpoint where the floor is situated in this photo?", "How about you show me the door's spot in the photo?", "Could you outline the floor in the picture?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the dog, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one dog.", "There is one door.", "There is one floor.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.6228, 0.3449, 0.7502, 0.6866].", "[0.5, 0.8301, 0.9978, 0.3359].", "[0.552, 0.4389, 0.4516, 0.8039]." ]
[ "How many dogs can you spot in this image?", "How many of the blankets can be seen in this image?", "How numerous are the sunglasses in this image?", "In terms of placement, how does the sunglass compare to the blanket?", "Could you show the location of the dog in this image?", "I'm looking for the sunglass; where should I look in the image?", "Can you identify the location of the blanket in this image?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the sunglass?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the dog.", "Can you show me where the blanket is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one dog.", "There is one blanket.", "There is one sunglass.", "The sunglass is above the blanket.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4835, 0.4508, 0.2507, 0.1571].", "[0.4771, 0.6141, 0.5252, 0.686].", "[0.5219, 0.7843, 0.6835, 0.4268]." ]
[ "What's the number of fields visible in this photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of people seen in the image?", "What is the total count of people depicted in the photo?", "What is the count of rugby balls in this image?", "Where exactly is the rugby ball in this shot?", "I'm looking for the field; where should I look in the image?", "Where exactly is the rugby ball in this pic?", "Mind pointing out the field's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one field.", "There are 3 people.", "There are 3 people.", "There is one rugby ball.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.2257, 0.885, 0.1712, 0.2276].", "[0.6411, 0.912, 0.7161, 0.1737]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "Where's the woman positioned in this photograph?", "Can you highlight the woman's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5055, 0.5109, 0.967, 0.9742]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the mustaches in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of women in the photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of women shown in this photo?", "What's the tally of berets in this image?", "How many of the wine glass can be seen in this image?", "Can you point out how the beret is set up with the mustache?", "Where did the beret end up in this picture?", "Can you point out the mustache for me?", "How about you show me the beret's spot in the photo?", "How about you show me the mustache's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one mustache.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one beret.", "There are 3 wine glass.", "The beret is on the right of the mustache.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "[0.8887, 0.1963, 0.2196, 0.2004].", "[0.0962, 0.2877, 0.0839, 0.0381]." ]
[ "What is the count of couches in this image?", "How many paintings are in the image?", "What's the positioning story of the couch relative to the painting?", "In this image, where is the couch located?", "Where does the painting reside in this photograph?", "Please find the bounding box for the couch.", "Could you outline the painting in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one couch.", "There is one painting.", "The couch is below the painting.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5005, 0.7706, 0.7802, 0.3245].", "[0.4997, 0.4054, 0.0509, 0.0906]." ]
[ "How many fossils can you spot in this image?", "Can you show me where the fossil is?", "Could you point out the fossil in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one fossil.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6356, 0.519, 0.3792, 0.8147]." ]
[ "What is the total count of boys depicted in the photo?", "How many of the musical notes can be seen in this image?", "Can you guide me to the boy's location in this photo?", "Can you point out the musical note for me?", "I need the bounding box details for the musical note.", "Where did the boy end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one boy.", "There is one musical note.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5022, 0.5038, 0.7503, 0.9762].", "[0.523, 0.7482, 0.3252, 0.4801]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many helmets are in the photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of gloves seen in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of fields in this picture?", "Could you count the stadiums in this picture for me?", "What's the number of crowds visible in this photograph?", "How does the football appear in proximity to the field in the image?", "Got any idea how the football is placed by the crowd?", "Could you delineate the spatial arrangement between the field and the jersey?", "How is the field positioned relative to the crowd?", "In what position do we find the football relative to the jersey?", "Where's the football at in this image?", "Can you guide me to the crowd's location in this photo?", "Can you spot the field for me in this photo?", "What location in the picture is the football player occupying?", "Where does the jersey reside in this photograph?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the jersey's bounding box?", "How about you show me the crowd's spot in the photo?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the field present in the image?", "Mind pointing out the stadium's place in the photo?", "Where did the football end up in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 helmets.", "There are 2 gloves.", "There is one field.", "There is one stadium.", "There is one crowd.", "The football is above the field.", "The football is below the crowd.", "The field is below the jersey.", "The field is below the crowd.", "The football is on the left of the jersey.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6397, 0.3998, 0.3507, 0.2827].", "[0.5003, 0.1316, 0.9942, 0.2613].", "[0.4998, 0.8506, 0.9945, 0.2944].", "[0.5003, 0.4999, 0.9903, 0.9854].", "[0.1753, 0.3766, 0.1199, 0.0854]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the flowers in this photograph?", "How many mulches can you spot in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "How many waterfalls can you spot in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of fire pits in this picture?", "What's the layout between the wall and boulder?", "Where's the flower at compared to the mulch?", "Can you point out how the flower is set up with the fire mulch?", "How is the waterfall positioned relative to the boulder?", "What's the deal with the fire mulch and boulder's setup?", "Mind pointing out where the boulder is?", "Can you reveal the spot where the tree is located in the image?", "Where exactly is the fire pit positioned in this photograph?", "Where did the waterfall end up in this picture?", "What is the location of the mulch in the image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the waterfall?", "Can you draw around the wall for me?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the fire pit and give me the specifics?", "I'm trying to find the boulder; can you help me spot it?", "Where exactly is the mulch in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one flower.", "There is one mulch.", "There is one tree.", "There is one waterfall.", "There is one fire pit.", "The wall is below the boulder.", "The flower is above the mulch.", "The flower is on the right and above of the fire mulch.", "The waterfall is below the boulder.", "The fire mulch is below the boulder.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5382, 0.3219, 0.197, 0.1455].", "[0.5495, 0.4102, 0.8982, 0.3236].", "[0.5326, 0.4659, 0.3668, 0.3133].", "[0.4138, 0.1334, 0.443, 0.2255].", "[0.6692, 0.7218, 0.6567, 0.3245]." ]
[ "What's the number of men visible in this photograph?", "How numerous are the men in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 men.", "There are 2 men." ]
[ "How many shoe boots do you see in the picture?", "Can you help me find the shoe boot in this?", "I need the bounding box details for the shoe boot." ]
[ "There is one shoe boot.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5002, 0.4996, 0.996, 0.9977]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of chairs in this picture?", "Know where the chair is located in this pic?", "Please find the bounding box for the chair." ]
[ "There is one chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4907, 0.4973, 0.5825, 0.9015]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of bowls in the photo?", "Hey, where did the bowl go in this image?", "Where's the bowl at in this image?" ]
[ "There is one bowl.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5003, 0.3886, 0.9954, 0.4973]." ]
[ "How many pendants are in the image?", "How many necklaces can you spot in this image?", "How many pendants are there in this image?", "Hey, where did the necklace go in this image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the necklace?" ]
[ "There are 2 pendants.", "There is one necklace.", "There are 2 pendants.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3938, 0.4318, 0.785, 0.8613]." ]
[ "How many flag flags are there in this image?", "How many triangles are there in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of flag flags seen in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of triangles shown in this photo?", "Can you determine how many triangles are captured in this image?" ]
[ "There are 5 flag flags.", "There are 3 triangles.", "There are 5 flag flags.", "There are 3 triangles.", "There are 3 triangles." ]
[ "What quantity of dre is present in the image?", "Could you highlight the dres's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you show me where the dres is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4953, 0.4997, 0.5618, 0.8933]." ]
[ "How many shoes are in the image?", "Can you identify the number of dre in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of women seen in the image?", "Can you count the number of shoes present in this picture?", "In this image, where is the dres located?", "Where can I find the woman in this pic?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the woman.", "Where did the dres end up in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one dres.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 shoes.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.444, 0.4775, 0.5375, 0.9429].", "[0.4437, 0.3676, 0.5358, 0.4524]." ]
[ "What is the total count of guitars depicted in the photo?", "How many woman men can you spot in this image?", "Can you enumerate the bottles in this photograph?", "Can you count the number of men present in this picture?", "What is the count of men in this image?", "In terms of placement, how does the guitar compare to the glas?", "Can you detail how the glas is oriented with respect to the woman man?", "Could you show the location of the woman man in this image?", "Mind pointing out where the glas is?", "Do you know where they put the guitar here?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the guitar, can you provide this?", "Hey, where's the glas located in this photograph?", "What are the bounding box for the woman man?" ]
[ "There is one guitar.", "There is one woman man.", "There are 9 bottles.", "There are 3 men.", "There are 3 men.", "The guitar is on the left of the glas.", "The glas is on the right of the woman man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4601, 0.5518, 0.4198, 0.3037].", "[0.7631, 0.4246, 0.022, 0.065].", "[0.5702, 0.5599, 0.1365, 0.6342]." ]
[ "How many shirts can you spot in this image?", "How many hairs are there in this image?", "Can you determine how many ties are captured in this image?", "What is the total of hairs depicted here in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of noses seen in the image?", "Can you tell how the mouth is hanging near the suit?", "How does the tie stand in relation to the head in the scene?", "How do the mouth and shirt look together?", "What is the arrangement of the tie relative to the nose?", "How does the mouth stand in relation to the chin in the scene?", "Could you highlight the suit's whereabouts in the photo?", "What is the location of the chin in the image?", "I'm looking for the tie; where should I look in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the mouth; where should I look?", "Hey, where did the shirt go in this image?", "Mind highlighting where the head is here?", "Any idea where the mouth is in this image?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the person.", "Could you locate the nose and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the suit, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one shirt.", "There are 2 hairs.", "There is one tie.", "There are 2 hairs.", "There is one nose.", "The mouth is above the suit.", "The tie is below the head.", "The mouth is above the shirt.", "The tie is below the nose.", "The mouth is above the chin.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.476, 0.5959, 0.1959, 0.471].", "[0.4655, 0.7387, 0.0736, 0.0593].", "[0.5153, 0.6786, 0.4473, 0.637].", "[0.4633, 0.6514, 0.0491, 0.1048].", "[0.5148, 0.8895, 0.4451, 0.216]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many trees are captured in this image?", "What is the total count of trees depicted in the photo?", "What's the tally of watercolor paintings in this image?", "How many trees are there in this image?", "What is the total of trees depicted here in this image?", "Where can I find the watercolor painting in this pic?", "What are the bounding box for the watercolor painting?" ]
[ "There are 5 trees.", "There are 5 trees.", "There is one watercolor painting.", "There are 5 trees.", "There are 5 trees.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.499, 0.5077, 0.9693, 0.9144]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of moons seen in the image?", "How many men are there in this image?", "What's the tally of fields in this image?", "What's the positioning like between the moon and the man?", "Where does the field reside in this photograph?", "Where does the moon reside in this photograph?", "What location in the picture is the man occupying?", "What are the bounding box for the man?", "Could you outline the moon in the picture?", "Could you locate the field and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There is one moon.", "There is one man.", "There is one field.", "The moon is on the left of the man.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5598, 0.511, 0.6456, 0.9714].", "[0.0752, 0.8799, 0.0416, 0.074].", "[0.4998, 0.9312, 0.997, 0.1332]." ]
[ "Could you count the boys in this picture for me?", "How many tulips do you see in the picture?", "Could you count the tulips in this picture for me?", "Can you determine how many tulips are captured in this image?", "What is the total of tulips depicted here in this image?", "Where can I find the boy in this picture?", "Can you guide me to the glass's location in this photo?", "Could you circle where the boy is found in the image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the glass's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one boy.", "There are 11 tulips.", "There are 11 tulips.", "There are 11 tulips.", "There are 11 tulips.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.5193, 0.4994, 0.3843, 0.9962].", "[0.5137, 0.3347, 0.1286, 0.0461]." ]
[ "What is the total of earrings depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of women shown in this photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of shoes shown in this photo?", "What is the total of dre depicted here in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of earrings seen in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 earrings.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There are 2 dre.", "There are 2 earrings." ]
[ "What's the tally of leaves in this image?", "How many leaves can you spot in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of leaves shown in this photo?", "Could you count the peacocks in this picture for me?", "What location in the picture is the peacock occupying?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the peacock?" ]
[ "There are 3 leaves.", "There are 3 leaves.", "There are 3 leaves.", "There is one peacock.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4725, 0.4213, 0.937, 0.7431]." ]
[ "How many jackets do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the stools in this image?", "What's the number of trousers visible in this photograph?", "How many jackets can you spot in this image?", "How numerous are the microphones in this image?", "How does the microphone find itself near the trouser?", "Can you detail how the ring is oriented with respect to the shirt?", "In what position do we find the microphone relative to the shirt?", "What's the deal with the shirt and trouser's setup?", "Can you tell how the microphone is hanging near the ring?", "What location in the picture is the microphone occupying?", "Where within this picture can the shirt be observed?", "In this image, where is the ring located?", "Can you point out the trouser for me?", "Could you outline the trouser in the picture?", "I'm trying to find the microphone; can you help me spot it?", "I need to know where the shirt is; can you show it to me?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the ring?" ]
[ "There are 3 jackets.", "There are 2 stools.", "There is one trouser.", "There are 3 jackets.", "There is one microphone.", "The microphone is above the trouser.", "The ring is below the shirt.", "The microphone is on the left of the shirt.", "The shirt is on the right of the trouser.", "The microphone is on the left and above of the ring.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2515, 0.6011, 0.4034, 0.27].", "[0.2544, 0.2919, 0.0379, 0.132].", "[0.7289, 0.3503, 0.14, 0.2488].", "[0.7172, 0.4994, 0.0106, 0.0106]." ]
[ "How many of the bowls can be seen in this image?", "Could you highlight the bowl's whereabouts in the photo?", "What are the bounding box for the bowl?" ]
[ "There is one bowl.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.6405, 0.5983, 0.455]." ]
[ "What quantity of laptops is present in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of people in this picture?", "How many people are in the image?", "What is the total of people depicted here in this image?", "What is the count of people in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 laptops.", "There are 5 people.", "There are 5 people.", "There are 5 people.", "There are 5 people." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of snacks in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of cups in this picture?", "What's the aggregate number of papers in this picture?", "How many booklets papers are in the image?", "Can you enumerate the stairs in this photograph?", "How does the door stand in relation to the paper in the scene?", "How does the cup stand in relation to the stair in the scene?", "Could you delineate the spatial arrangement between the boy and the door?", "How's the cup positioned around the door?", "In the context of positioning, how is the door related to the pitcher?", "Where exactly is the cup in this shot?", "What location in the picture is the pitcher occupying?", "Where did the building end up in this picture?", "I'm looking for the stair; where should I look in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the table; where should I look?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the booklet?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the table and give me the specifics?", "Where did the pitcher end up in this image?", "I need to know where the stair is; can you show it to me?", "Can you draw around the door for me?" ]
[ "There are 2 snacks.", "There is one cup.", "There is one paper.", "There are 2 booklets papers.", "There is one stair.", "The door is above the paper.", "The cup is on the left and below of the stair.", "The boy is below the door.", "The cup is on the left and below of the door.", "The door is on the right and above of the pitcher.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.7727, 0.5709, 0.4506, 0.1943].", "[0.5004, 0.6999, 0.9954, 0.5949].", "[0.1517, 0.7611, 0.3012, 0.2783].", "[0.7125, 0.301, 0.5701, 0.0932].", "[0.5392, 0.1438, 0.1004, 0.274]." ]
[ "How numerous are the men in this image?", "Can you identify the number of men in the photo?", "How many men can you spot in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of camels shown in this photo?", "Could you count the balloons in this picture for me?", "Trying to locate the balloon; any ideas where it is?", "Where can I find the camel in this picture?", "Mind highlighting where the balloon is here?", "I'm trying to find the camel; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 3 men.", "There are 3 men.", "There are 3 men.", "There is one camel.", "There is one balloon.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2612, 0.5613, 0.2704, 0.5023].", "[0.6413, 0.5189, 0.7153, 0.9576]." ]
[ "How many blueprints can you spot in this image?", "Could you count the vectors in this picture for me?", "What's the tally of blueprints in this image?", "What is the count of grids in this image?", "Do you know where they put the grid here?", "Do you know where they put the vector here?", "I need the bounding box details for the vector.", "What are the bounding box for the grid?" ]
[ "There are 2 blueprints.", "There is one vector.", "There are 2 blueprints.", "There is one grid.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5102, 0.4348, 0.5714, 0.5378].", "[0.5012, 0.4988, 0.972, 0.9705]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many rings are captured in this image?", "Where can I find the ring in this picture?", "Could you outline the ring in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one ring.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4762, 0.9442, 0.3877]." ]
[ "What is the count of dre in this image?", "Where did the dres end up in this picture?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the dres and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one dres.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5044, 0.4973, 0.5832, 0.9808]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of sculptures in the photo?", "Can you determine how many machines are captured in this image?", "How many of the monitors can be seen in this image?", "How is the monitor situated in comparison to the machine?", "How does the machine appear in proximity to the sculpture in the image?", "Got any idea how the monitor is placed by the sculpture?", "Could you show the location of the sculpture in this image?", "Where did the monitor end up in this picture?", "What location in the picture is the machine occupying?", "Where's the machine at in this image?", "Can you highlight the monitor's area for me in this pic?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the sculpture." ]
[ "There is one sculpture.", "There is one machine.", "There is one monitor.", "The monitor is on the right and above of the machine.", "The machine is on the left of the sculpture.", "The monitor is above the sculpture.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.201, 0.7153, 0.2488, 0.2687].", "[0.8068, 0.5133, 0.0941, 0.089].", "[0.8039, 0.6423, 0.0612, 0.1573]." ]
[ "What's the tally of doors in this image?", "How numerous are the windows in this image?", "How many windows do you see in the picture?", "What's the tally of houses in this image?", "Can you enumerate the windows in this photograph?", "Where has the house been placed in the image?", "I need the bounding box details for the house." ]
[ "There are 2 doors.", "There are 6 windows.", "There are 6 windows.", "There is one house.", "There are 6 windows.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4226, 0.4688, 0.8432, 0.7145]." ]
[ "Could you count the hammer drills in this picture for me?", "Where exactly is the hammer drill positioned in this photograph?", "Could you circle where the hammer drill is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one hammer drill.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4967, 0.4992, 0.9897, 0.9966]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of watches shown in this photo?", "How many watches can you spot in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 watches.", "There are 2 watches." ]
[ "How many beds are there in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of men shown in this photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of pillows shown in this photo?", "How many men are there in this image?", "How many of the bars can be seen in this image?", "Got a quick take on the pillow's spot near the woman?", "Where can I find the woman in this pic?", "What location in the picture is the bed occupying?", "Can you identify the location of the pillow in this image?", "Can you show me where the bed is in the picture?", "How about you show me the woman's spot in the photo?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the pillow and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one bed.", "There are 2 men.", "There is one pillow.", "There are 2 men.", "There are 2 bars.", "The pillow is on the right of the woman.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.5016, 0.5387, 0.9897, 0.9105].", "[0.0999, 0.4568, 0.1358, 0.8195].", "[0.7693, 0.5456, 0.1719, 0.1148]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many graphs are in the photograph?", "What is the count of phones in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of graphs in this picture?", "Can you identify the number of phones in the photo?", "How numerous are the trade buttons in this image?", "Can you guide me to the trade button's location in this photo?", "Could you outline the trade button in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 graphs.", "There are 2 phones.", "There are 2 graphs.", "There are 2 phones.", "There is one trade button.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3399, 0.3985, 0.537, 0.7955]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many baseball players are in the photograph?", "What's the tally of trousers in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many baseball bats are in the photograph?", "How numerous are the gloves in this image?", "Could you count the baseball bats in this picture for me?", "Can you pinpoint where the baseball stadium is situated in this photo?", "Could you specify the position of the fence?", "Can you reveal the spot where the glove is located in the image?", "Where exactly is the trouser in this shot?", "I'm trying to find the fence; can you help me spot it?", "I need to know where the baseball stadium is; can you show it to me?", "Where exactly is the trouser in this pic?", "Can you trace around the glove so I can see it better?" ]
[ "There are 2 baseball players.", "There is one trouser.", "There are 2 baseball bats.", "There is one glove.", "There are 2 baseball bats.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4996, 0.4992, 0.994, 0.9903].", "[0.4995, 0.4995, 0.9928, 0.9888].", "[0.1901, 0.9247, 0.3738, 0.1461].", "[0.4351, 0.855, 0.1997, 0.2721]." ]
[ "How many shoes can you spot in this image?", "How many prosthetic legs do you see in the picture?", "Can you count the number of prosthetic legs present in this picture?", "What is the total count of prosthetic legs depicted in the photo?", "How many women are in the image?", "What location in the picture is the woman occupying?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the woman's bounding box?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There are 4 prosthetic legs.", "There are 4 prosthetic legs.", "There are 4 prosthetic legs.", "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2477, 0.5401, 0.311, 0.825]." ]
[ "What is the count of palm trees in this image?", "Can you identify the number of palm trees in the photo?", "Can you ascertain the number of boats shown in this photo?", "How many seas do you see in the picture?", "Can you determine how many apartment buildings are captured in this image?", "Where's the sea at in this image?", "Hey, where did the boat go in this image?", "Where's the apartment building at in this image?", "Mind pointing out the sea's place in the photo?", "Can you indicate the apartment building's position here?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the boat?" ]
[ "There are 3 palm trees.", "There are 3 palm trees.", "There is one boat.", "There is one sea.", "There is one apartment building.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.8037, 0.6807, 0.3899, 0.4254].", "[0.3255, 0.5316, 0.6486, 0.9339].", "[0.6434, 0.5818, 0.0256, 0.0195]." ]
[ "How numerous are the oceans in this image?", "How many of the people can be seen in this image?", "What is the count of people in this image?", "What quantity of flags is present in the image?", "What's the tally of beaches in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the ocean?", "Can you guide me to the beach's location in this photo?", "How about you show me the ocean's spot in the photo?", "Can you highlight the beach's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one ocean.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 4 flags.", "There is one beach.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.4268, 0.9998, 0.1657].", "[0.5001, 0.7303, 0.998, 0.5363]." ]
[ "What is the count of brownies in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of plates in this picture?", "I'm looking for the plate; where should I look in the image?", "Do you know where they put the brownie here?", "How about you show me the brownie's spot in the photo?", "Can you mark the spot of the plate in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one brownie.", "There is one plate.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4752, 0.5966, 0.292, 0.2817].", "[0.4762, 0.5759, 0.3577, 0.4749]." ]
[ "Could you count the watch movements in this picture for me?", "Where is the watch movement located?", "Could you circle where the watch movement is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one watch movement.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5036, 0.4581, 0.8386, 0.8332]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many sofas are captured in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of dining tables seen in the image?", "What's the number of paintings visible in this photograph?", "Can you count the number of lights present in this picture?", "How numerous are the chairs in this image?", "Could you specify how the light is aligned in relation to the door?", "How does the light find itself near the dining table?", "Where does the light end up around the sofa chair?", "How are the plant and chair doing together in the pic?", "What's the deal with the dining table and door's setup?", "Could you specify the position of the sofa chair?", "Can you point out the painting for me?", "What location in the picture is the dining table occupying?", "What is the location of the plant in the image?", "Can you pinpoint where the chair is situated in this photo?", "Can you show me where the plant is in the picture?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the door?", "I need to know where the chair is; can you show it to me?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the sofa chair?", "Mind highlighting where the light is here?" ]
[ "There are 4 sofas.", "There is one dining table.", "There is one painting.", "There is one light.", "There is one chair.", "The light is above the door.", "The light is above the dining table.", "The light is above the sofa chair.", "The plant is on the left of the chair.", "The dining table is below the door.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5808, 0.8993, 0.1331, 0.1995].", "[0.7193, 0.4234, 0.0441, 0.3378].", "[0.892, 0.7557, 0.0698, 0.3067].", "[0.7829, 0.8573, 0.2544, 0.2835].", "[0.7929, 0.1399, 0.1408, 0.1354]." ]
[ "What is the total count of casserole dishes depicted in the photo?", "What is the total of cilantros depicted here in this image?", "What is the total of knives depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of casserole dishes shown in this photo?", "How numerous are the enchiladas in this image?", "Any clue where the cilantro is sitting by the enchilada?", "Do you know where they put the knife here?", "Where is the cilantro located?", "Where's the cutting board at in this image?", "Can you help me find the enchilada in this?", "Where's the cilantro at in this image?", "Can you highlight the cutting board's area for me in this pic?", "Mind pointing out the knife's place in the photo?", "Hey, where's the enchilada located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 2 casserole dishes.", "There is one cilantro.", "There is one knife.", "There are 2 casserole dishes.", "There is one enchilada.", "The cilantro is above the enchilada.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5164, 0.1248, 0.4243, 0.2478].", "[0.5862, 0.1565, 0.8215, 0.3102].", "[0.5842, 0.2338, 0.8265, 0.1659].", "[0.4955, 0.562, 0.9722, 0.5175]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of mountains in this picture?", "What is the total count of trees depicted in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of clouds seen in the image?", "How many trees can you spot in this image?", "What is the count of mountains in this image?", "In what position do we find the road relative to the sky?", "How is the road situated in comparison to the cloud?", "What is the arrangement of the car relative to the cloud?", "Where's the car at in this image?", "Can you point out the road for me?", "Where is the cloud located?", "Trying to locate the sky; any ideas where it is?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the car, can you provide this?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the cloud's bounding box?", "Where's the sky at in this image?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the road and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There are 2 mountains.", "There are 4 trees.", "There is one cloud.", "There are 4 trees.", "There are 2 mountains.", "The road is below the sky.", "The road is below the cloud.", "The car is below the cloud.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6425, 0.6199, 0.4111, 0.3231].", "[0.4985, 0.1978, 0.9938, 0.3923].", "[0.4998, 0.2924, 0.9968, 0.5796].", "[0.501, 0.8447, 0.9937, 0.3025]." ]
[ "How numerous are the curtains in this image?", "Can you determine how many women are captured in this image?", "How numerous are the plants in this image?", "How many tables are in the image?", "How many men are there in this image?", "In what position do we find the curtain relative to the table?", "In what way is the plant located near or around the table?", "Where can I find the plant in this pic?", "Where can I find the curtain in this pic?", "Know where the table is located in this pic?", "I need to know where the curtain is; can you show it to me?", "Could you outline the plant in the picture?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the table?" ]
[ "There is one curtain.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one plant.", "There is one table.", "There are 2 men.", "The curtain is on the right of the table.", "The plant is on the right of the table.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.4554, 0.7094, 0.1292, 0.2855].", "[0.5466, 0.6434, 0.1174, 0.2211].", "[0.04, 0.7424, 0.077, 0.0941]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many men are captured in this image?", "Trying to locate the man; any ideas where it is?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the man and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3635, 0.512, 0.7249, 0.9714]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of calla angel boxes present in this picture?", "What's the tally of gra in this image?", "Know where the calla angel box is located in this pic?", "In this image, where is the gras located?", "Hey, where's the gras located in this photograph?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the calla angel box and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one calla angel box.", "There is one gras.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.5023, 0.8775, 0.9871].", "[0.4257, 0.4804, 0.3128, 0.8488]." ]
[ "How many t - shirts are there in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of t - shirts seen in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 t - shirts.", "There are 2 t - shirts." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many sunsets are in the photograph?", "Can you count the number of mountains present in this picture?", "Can you count the number of trees present in this picture?", "What is the count of mountains in this image?", "How many skies are in the image?", "Any clue where the lake is sitting by the sky?", "Where has the lake been placed in the image?", "Mind pointing out where the sunset is?", "I need to find the sky; where is it?", "Could you outline the sunset in the picture?", "Mind pointing out the sky's place in the photo?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the lake's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one sunset.", "There are 2 mountains.", "There are 4 trees.", "There are 2 mountains.", "There is one sky.", "The lake is below the sky.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4995, 0.4711, 0.9919, 0.9355].", "[0.5003, 0.2297, 0.9925, 0.4551].", "[0.5087, 0.7065, 0.9795, 0.4384]." ]
[ "What is the total of men depicted here in this image?", "How many tables can you spot in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of cameras seen in the image?", "What is the total of pens depicted here in this image?", "How numerous are the chairs in this image?", "In the context of positioning, how is the man related to the camera?", "How is the camera positioned relative to the chair?", "In what way is the camera located near or around the pen?", "Where does the chair reside in this photograph?", "Where's the table positioned in this photograph?", "I need to find the camera; where is it?", "Where is the pen located?", "Can you show me where the man is?", "Can you draw around the man for me?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the table.", "Could you outline the chair in the picture?", "I'm trying to find the camera; can you help me spot it?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the pen?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one table.", "There is one camera.", "There is one pen.", "There is one chair.", "The man is on the right of the camera.", "The camera is on the left of the chair.", "The camera is on the left and above of the pen.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6558, 0.4948, 0.5212, 0.9816].", "[0.5002, 0.9642, 0.997, 0.0691].", "[0.9284, 0.8779, 0.1154, 0.1754].", "[0.0459, 0.8565, 0.0906, 0.1674].", "[0.8557, 0.9627, 0.0912, 0.0245]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many shorts are in the photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of men shown in this photo?", "How many of the t - shirts can be seen in this image?", "I'm looking for the man; where should I look in the image?", "I need to find the short; where is it?", "In this image, where is the t - shirt located?", "Can you mark the spot of the short in the picture?", "Could you outline the t - shirt in the picture?", "Could you circle where the man is found in the image?" ]
[ "There is one short.", "There is one man.", "There is one t - shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5008, 0.9575, 0.2256, 0.0815].", "[0.5242, 0.6037, 0.3062, 0.737].", "[0.5053, 0.5064, 0.3457, 0.9789]." ]
[ "What's the number of flowers visible in this photograph?", "What is the total of bouquets depicted here in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of women in this picture?", "Could you tell me the quantity of bouquets seen in the image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the flower is located in the image?", "Where within this picture can the woman be observed?", "Please find the bounding box for the flower.", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the woman?" ]
[ "There is one flower.", "There are 2 bouquets.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 bouquets.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4626, 0.4791, 0.8795, 0.4647].", "[0.3679, 0.4995, 0.7301, 0.9953]." ]
[ "What is the total of cups depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of saucers shown in this photo?", "Are you able to tell how many tables are in the photograph?", "Can you identify the location of the table in this image?", "Do you know where they put the cup here?", "What location in the picture is the saucer occupying?", "What are the bounding box for the saucer?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the cup?", "Can you draw around the table for me?" ]
[ "There is one cup.", "There is one saucer.", "There is one table.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2644, 0.7345, 0.5271, 0.5268].", "[0.2006, 0.7294, 0.4001, 0.4293].", "[0.4998, 0.7341, 0.996, 0.5283]." ]