Diplomonads exist in anaerobic environments and use alternative pathways, such as glycolysis, to generate energy.
The nucleotide pair in the DNA double helix that corresponds to the site from which the first 5 ' mRNA nucleotide is transcribed is called the +1 site, or the initiation site.
the +1 site the initiation site
The enzyme pepsin plays an important role in the digestion of proteins by breaking down the intact protein to peptides, which are short chains of four to nine amino acids.
What a buyer pays for a unit of the specific good or service is called price.
Gel electrophoresis separates the nucleic acid fragments according to their size.
Gel electrophoresis
German Protestant migrants formed several pietistic societies : communities that stressed transformative individual religious experience or piety over religious rituals and formality.
pietistic societies
Wives, children, and dependents( including slaves) were a sign of wealth among men, and polygyny, the practice of having more than one wife at a time, was widespread.
According to this theory, activity levels and social involvement are key to this process, and key to happiness( Havinghurst 1961 ; Neugarten 1964 ; Havinghurst, Neugarten, and Tobin 1968).
this theory
For example, phosphatases are enzymes that remove the phosphate group attached to proteins by kinases in a process called dephosphorylation.
This is the purchase of long - term government and private mortgage - backed securities by central banks to make credit available so as to stimulate aggregate demand.
Next, the blastula undergoes further cell division and cellular rearrangement during a process called gastrulation.
Many bony fishes also have a swim bladder, a gas - filled organ that helps to control the buoyancy of the fish.
a swim bladder
Recent research explored how Botox, which paralyzes facial muscles and limits facial expression, might affect emotion.
The amygdala is involved in our experience of emotion and in tying emotional meaning to our memories.
The amygdala
An individual with the appropriate number of chromosomes for their species is called euploid ; in humans, euploidy corresponds to 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.
Such total abstinence from alcohol is known as teetotalism.
Health insurance policies often have a copayment, in which the policyholder must pay a small amount ; for example, a person might have to pay $ 20 for each doctor visit, and the insurance company would cover the rest.
a copayment
Nonmilitary tools to influence another country, like economic sanctions, are referred to as soft power, while the use of military power is termed hard power.
soft power hard power
If you recall, price takers are firms that have no market power.
price takers
Functional groups are groups of atoms that occur within molecules and confer specific chemical properties to those molecules.
Functional groups
The mitotic phase is a multistep process during which the duplicated chromosomes are aligned, separated, and move into two new, identical daughter cells.
The mitotic phase
While globalization refers to the integration of markets, diffusion relates to a similar process in the integration of international cultures.
Tendrils are slender, twining strands that enable a plant( like a vine or pumpkin) to seek support by climbing on other surfaces.
After passing through the pupil, light crosses the lens, a curved, transparent structure that serves to provide additional focus.
the lens
Forests, water, and fisheries, however, are a type of public good called common goods, which are not excludable but may be finite.
common goods
Bone, or osseous tissue, is a connective tissue that constitutes the endoskeleton.
Bone osseous tissue
Molecules with other elements in their carbon backbone are substituted hydrocarbons.
substituted hydrocarbons
Several southern states continued to require residents to pay poll taxes in order to vote in state elections until 1966 when, in the case of Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections, the Supreme Court declared that requiring payment of a poll tax in order to vote in an election at any level was unconstitutional.
Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections
Throughout the South, sharecropping took root, a crop - lien system that worked to the advantage of landowners.
In 1811, construction began on the Cumberland Road, a national highway that provided thousands with a route from Maryland to Illinois.
the Cumberland Road
In the light - independent reactions, the chemical energy harvested during the light - dependent reactions drive the assembly of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide.
the light - independent reactions
We therefore define gauge pressure to be the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure.
gauge pressure
Dynamics is the study of the forces that cause objects and systems to move.
Because they use light to manufacture their own food, they are called photoautotrophs( literally, β€œ self - feeders using light ”).
Formal powers are powers the governor may exercise that are specifically outlined in state constitutions or state law.
Formal powers
The nucleus of the neuron is located in the soma, or cell body.
the soma
These nucleotide triplets are called codons.
This is known as the octet rule, which states, with the exception of the innermost shell, that atoms are more stable energetically when they have eight electrons in their valence shell, the outermost electron shell.
the octet rule
Proteins, called RNA - binding proteins, or RBPs, can bind to the regions of the RNA just upstream or downstream of the protein - coding region.
RNA - binding proteins RBPs
A mast cell is a leukocyte that produces inflammatory molecules, such as histamine, in response to large pathogens.
A mast cell
Male gametes reach female gametophyte and the egg cell gamete though a pollen tube : an extension of a cell within the pollen grain.
a pollen tube
Osmolarity describes the total solute concentration of the solution.
Genomics is the study of entire genomes, including the complete set of genes, their nucleotide sequence and organization, and their interactions within a species and with other species.
The organic material of soil, called humus, is made up of microorganisms( dead and alive), and dead animals and plants in varying stages of decay.
Social MobilitySocial mobility refers to the ability to change positions within a social stratification system.
MobilitySocial mobility
The pellicle functions like a flexible coat of armor, preventing the protist from being torn or pierced without compromising its range of motion.
The pellicle
The tip of the root is protected by the root cap, a structure exclusive to roots and unlike any other plant structure.
the root cap
The physical phenomenon of sound is defined to be a disturbance of matter that is transmitted from its source outward.
The physical phenomenon of sound
Bony fishes are further divided into two extant clades : Actinopterygii( ray - finned fishes) and Sarcopterygii( lobe - finned fishes).
Actinopterygii Sarcopterygii
Unemployment insurance : Employers in every state pay a small amount for unemployment insurance, which goes into a fund that is used to pay benefits to workers for a period of time, usually six months, after they lose their jobs.
Unemployment insurance
Because Jean - Baptiste Say, Adam Smith, and other economists writing around the turn of the nineteenth century who discussed this view were known as β€œ classical ” economists, modern economists who generally subscribe to the Say ’s law view on the importance of supply for determining the size of the macroeconomy are called neoclassical economists.
neoclassical economists
The Jesuits were members of the Society of Jesus, an elite religious order founded in the 1540s to spread Catholicism and combat the spread of Protestantism.
The Jesuits the Society of Jesus
Conversely, when the government receives more money in taxes than it spends in a year, it runs a budget surplus.
a budget surplus
For the ideal situations of these first few chapters, an object falling without air resistance or friction is defined to be in free - fall.
free - fall
The ddNTPs are monomers that are missing a hydroxyl group( – OH) at the site at which another nucleotide usually attaches to form a chain.
The ddNTPs
It started the process of deinstitutionalization, the closing of large asylums, by providing for people to stay in their communities and be treated locally.
Chief among them are economic disparities across states, race - to - the - bottom dynamics( i.e., states compete to attract business by lowering taxes and regulations), and the difficulty of taking action on issues of national importance.
race - to - the - bottom dynamics
They all oscillate β€” - that is, they move back and forth between two points.
He subsequently founded a school of psychology called individual psychology, which focuses on our drive to compensate for feelings of inferiority.
individual psychology
An organ system is a higher level of organization that consists of functionally related organs.
An organ system
He was working with Streptococcus pneumoniae, the bacterium that causes pneumonia.
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Plasmids occur naturally in bacterial populations( such as Escherichia coli) and have genes that can contribute favorable traits to the organism, such as antibiotic resistance( the ability to be unaffected by antibiotics).
Plasmids antibiotic resistance
Matter is any substance that occupies space and has mass.
The oscillations in one rope are in a vertical plane and are said to be vertically polarized.
vertically polarized
But for technophiles, technology symbolizes the potential for a brighter future.
Foreign direct investment( FDI) refers to purchasing a firm( at least ten percent) in another country or starting up a new enterprise in a foreign country
Foreign direct investment FDI
If the genes are unlinked, the individual should produce AB, Ab, aB, and ab gametes with equal frequencies, according to the Mendelian concept of independent assortment.
the Mendelian concept of independent assortment
The Twenty - Sixth Amendment reduced the voting age from twenty - one to eighteen.
The Twenty - Sixth Amendment
Contour feathers are the feathers found on the body, and they help reduce drag produced by wind resistance during flight.
Contour feathers
Each sister chromatid develops a protein structure called a kinetochore in the centromeric region.
a kinetochore
Individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex are called transgender.
They are short, hair - like structures that are used to move entire cells( such as paramecia) or substances along the outer surface of the cell( for example, the cilia of cells lining the Fallopian tubes that move the ovum toward the uterus, or cilia lining the cells of the respiratory tract that trap particulate matter and move it toward your nostrils.
From the end of the Revolutionary War in the late eighteenth century until the early twentieth century, isolationism β€” whereby a country stays out of foreign entanglements and keeps to itself β€” was a popular stance in U.S. foreign policy.
Further breakdown of peptides to single amino acids is aided by enzymes called peptidases( those that break down peptides).
A vector is any quantity with both magnitude and direction.
A vector
UV comes from the de - excitation of atoms that may be part of a hot solid or gas.
But ideal culture differs from real culture, the way society actually is, based on what occurs and exists.
real culture
Reuptake involves the neurotransmitter being pumped back into the neuron that released it, in order to clear the synapse.
Hindsight bias leads you to believe that the event you just experienced was predictable, even though it really was n’t.
Hindsight bias
Some interests groups form political action committees( PACs), groups that collect funds from donors and distribute them to candidates who support their issues.
political action committees PACs
Myc is a transcription factor that is aberrantly activated in Burkett ’s Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system.
The nuclear envelope is a double - membrane structure that constitutes the outermost portion of the nucleus.
The nuclear envelope
Compact bone is organized into subunits called osteons, as illustrated in.
As you ’ve learned, hypotheses can be formulated either through direct observation of the real world or after careful review of previous research.
The name at each level is also called a taxon.
a taxon
After many years of campaigns for suffrage, as shown in, the Nineteenth Amendment finally gave women the right to vote in 1920.
the Nineteenth Amendment
Inversion involves the soles of the feet moving inward, toward the midline of the body.
Secondary feathers are located closer to the body, attach to the forearm portion of the wing and provide lift.
Secondary feathers
Therefore, water is referred to as a solvent, a substance capable of dissolving other polar molecules and ionic compounds.
a solvent
Opponents of ratification were called Anti - Federalists.
Anti - Federalists
Because externalities that occur in market transactions affect other parties beyond those involved, they are sometimes called spillovers. Externalities can be negative or positive.
externalities spillovers
The mitochondria - first hypothesis proposes that mitochondria were first established in a prokaryotic host(b), which subsequently acquired a nucleus, by fusion or other mechanisms, to become the first eukaryotic cell.
The mitochondria - first hypothesis
In the Battle of Bunker Hill, on June 17, the British launched three assaults on the hills, gaining control only after the rebels ran out of ammunition.
the Battle of Bunker Hill
Genomics is the study of entire genomes, including the complete set of genes, their nucleotide sequence and organization, and their interactions within a species and with other species.
The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price.
The price elasticity of supply
Citizen Change, started by Sean β€œ Diddy ” Combs and other hip hop artists, pushed slogans such as β€œ Vote or Die ” during the 2004 presidential election in an effort to increase youth voting turnout.
Citizen Change
These examples are all aspects of culture, which is shared beliefs, values, and practices, that participants must learn.
An individual may carry a very beneficial genotype with a resulting phenotype that, for example, increases the ability to reproduce( fecundity), but if that same individual also carries an allele that results in a fatal childhood disease, that fecundity phenotype will not be passed on to the next generation because the individual will not live to reach reproductive age.
Sociologists call these established sects.
established sects
In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that people encouraging young men to dodge the draft could be imprisoned for doing so, arguing that recommending that people disobey the law was tantamount to β€œ falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic ” and thus presented a β€œ clear and present danger ” to public order. Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47( 1919).
Schenck v. United States