Money refers to an object that a society agrees to assign a value to so it can be exchanged for payment.
The second feature is the existence of sharp peaks in the spectrum ; these are called characteristic x rays, since they are characteristic of the anode material.
characteristic x rays
The cell is in a quiescent( inactive) stage that occurs when cells exit the cell cycle.
The pancreas is an internal organ that secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar levels : insulin and glucagon.
The pancreas
The bond has a maturity date when the borrower will pay back its face value as well as its last interest payment.
a maturity date
Because they use light to manufacture their own food, they are called photoautotrophs( literally, β€œ self - feeders using light ”).
Interaural level difference refers to the fact that a sound coming from the right side of your body is more intense at your right ear than at your left ear because of the attenuation of the sound wave as it passes through your head.
Interaural level difference
The hypothalamus controls the endocrine system by sending signals to the pituitary gland, a pea - sized endocrine gland that releases several different hormones that affect other glands as well as other cells.
The hypothalamus the pituitary gland
AMNESIAAmnesia is the loss of long - term memory that occurs as the result of disease, physical trauma, or psychological trauma.
The structures of the inner ear are found in the labyrinth, a bony, hollow structure that is the most interior portion of the ear.
the labyrinth
One key factor that affects what financial institutions are willing to pay for a loan, when they buy it in the secondary loan market, is the perceived riskiness of the loan : that is, given the characteristics of the borrower, such as income level and whether the local economy is performing strongly, what proportion of loans of this type will be repaid ?
the perceived riskiness of the loan
Thorns are modified branches appearing as sharp outgrowths that protect the plant ; common examples include roses, Osage orange and devil ’s walking stick.
Flowering, fruit setting and ripening, and inhibition of abscission( leaf falling) are other plant responses under the direct or indirect control of auxins.
The Banking Act of 1935 was the most far - reaching revision of banking laws since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1914.
The Banking Act of 1935
Foraminiferans, or forams, are unicellular heterotrophic protists, ranging from approximately 20 micrometers to several centimeters in length, and occasionally resembling tiny snails.
Foraminiferans forams
This is known as latent learning : learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it. Psychologist Edward Tolman found that rats use cognitive maps to navigate through a maze.
latent learning
The company had involved itself heavily in the slave trade and in 1637 captured Elmina, the slave - trading post on the west coast of Africa, from the Portuguese.)
The fovea is the region in the center back of the eye that is responsible for acute vision.
The fovea
Modernization theory( Cowgill and Holmes 1972) suggests that the primary cause of the elderly losing power and influence in society are the parallel forces of industrialization and modernization.
Modernization theory
Expressive crowds are people who join together to express emotion, often at funerals, weddings, or the like.
Expressive crowds
Had they not succeeded, an escalating set of options likely would have included diplomatic sanctions( removal of ambassadors), economic sanctions( such as an embargo on trade and the flow of money between the countries), minor military options( such as establishment of a no - fly zone just outside Chinese airspace), or more significant military options( such as a focused campaign to enter China and get the pilots back).
diplomatic sanctions
Stressful stimuli cause the hypothalamus to signal the adrenal medulla( which mediates short - term stress responses) via nerve impulses, and the adrenal cortex, which mediates long - term stress responses, via the hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone( ACTH), which is produced by the anterior pituitary.
the adrenal medulla the adrenal cortex the hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH
The third theme is economic efficiency, or getting the most benefit from scarce resources.
economic efficiency
Supercentenarians are people living to 110 years or more.
Gender identity refers to one ’s sense of being male or female.
Gender identity
The U.S. government has implemented a number of programs to assist those below the poverty line and those who have incomes just above the poverty line, who are referred to as the near - poor.
the near - poor
The 1970s had been the era of the hippie, and Newsweek magazine declared 1984 to be the β€œ year of the Yuppie. ” Yuppies, whose name derived from β€œ( y) oung,( u) rban( p) rofessionals, ” were akin to hippies in being young people whose interests, values, and lifestyle influenced American culture, economy, and politics, just as the hippies ’ credo had done in the late 1960s and 1970s.
Connective TissuesConnective tissues are made up of a matrix consisting of living cells and a non - living substance, called the ground substance.
TissuesConnective tissues
This drive was actually an extension of the earlier military conflict between Christians and Muslims for domination of the Holy Land( the Biblical region of Palestine), known as the Crusades.
the Crusades
Sickle - cell anemia is a genetic condition in which red blood cells, which are normally round, take on a crescent - like shape.
Sickle - cell anemia
Taxes on international capital flows are sometimes known as Tobin taxes, named after James Tobin, the 1981 Nobel laureate in economics who proposed such a tax in a 1972 lecture.
Tobin taxes
Virtual reality exposure therapy has been used effectively to treat numerous anxiety disorders such as the fear of public speaking, claustrophobia( fear of enclosed spaces), aviophobia( fear of flying), and post - traumatic stress disorder( PTSD), a trauma and stressor - related disorder( Gerardi, Cukor, Difede, Rizzo, & Rothbaum, 2010).
claustrophobia aviophobia post - traumatic stress disorder PTSD
Wilson described his more moderate approach as one of New Freedom, which stood for a smaller federal government to protect public interests from the evils associated with big businesses and banks.
New Freedom
The cell cycle is an orderly sequence of events that describes the stages of a cell ’s life from the division of a single parent cell to the production of two new daughter cells.
The cell cycle
Potential GDP means the same thing here that it means in the AD/ AS diagrams : it refers to the quantity of output that the economy can produce with full employment of its labor and physical capital. The second conceptual line on the Keynesian cross diagram is the 45-degree line, which starts at the origin and reaches up and to the right.
Potential GDP
Sellers may offer a warranty, which is a promise to fix or replace the good, at least for a certain period of time.
a warranty
In a notorious 2005 case, Kelo v. City of New London, the Supreme Court sided with municipal officials taking homes in a middle - class neighborhood to obtain land for a large pharmaceutical company ’s corporate campus.
Kelo v.
Because the disturbances add, pure constructive interference produces a wave that has twice the amplitude of the individual waves, but has the same wavelength.
pure constructive interference
William Paterson introduced a New Jersey Plan to counter Madison ’s scheme, proposing that all states have equal votes in a unicameral national legislature.
a New Jersey Plan
The optic nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain.
The optic nerve
Obedience is the change of an individual ’s behavior to comply with a demand by an authority figure.
When there is market failure, the private market fails to achieve efficient output, because either firms do not account for all costs incurred in the production of output and/or consumers do not account for all benefits obtained( a positive externality).
market failure
New media encompasses all interactive forms of information exchange.
New media
A referendum asks citizens to confirm or repeal a decision made by the government.
A referendum
Gravitational waves are mass - created distortions in space that propagate at the speed of light and are predicted by general relativity.
Gravitational waves
Unlike mores, folkways are norms without any moral underpinnings.
Citizens also use party identification to make decisions via straight - ticket voting β€” choosing every Republican or Democratic Party member on the ballot.
straight - ticket voting
Market economies are based on private enterprise : the means of production( resources and businesses) are owned and operated by private individuals or groups of private individuals.
Market economies
This pattern is common enough that these goods are referred to as normal goods.
normal goods
Their model of human memory, called Atkinson - Shiffrin( A - S), is based on the belief that we process memories in the same way that a computer processes information.
Atkinson - Shiffrin A - S
For example, Individual Retirement Accounts( IRAs) and 401(k) accounts are special savings accounts where the money going into the account is not taxed until it is taken out many years later, after retirement.
Individual Retirement Accounts ( IRAs ) and 401(k ) accounts
The male reproductive organs, the stamens( collectively called the androecium), surround the central carpel.
the stamens
The study of the changes in ecosystem structure caused by changes in the environment( disturbances) or by internal forces is called ecosystem dynamics.
ecosystem dynamics
Plants that lack vascular tissue, which is formed of specialized cells for the transport of water and nutrients, are referred to as non - vascular plants.
vascular tissue non - vascular plants
Blood is actually a term used to describe the liquid that moves through the vessels and includes plasma( the liquid portion, which contains water, proteins, salts, lipids, and glucose) and the cells( red and white cells) and cell fragments called platelets.
Blood plasma platelets
If too much is required of a single role, individuals can experience role strain.
role strain
While prejudice refers to biased thinking, discrimination consists of actions against a group of people.
In a process called microlensing, light from the star is focused and the star appears to brighten in a characteristic manner.
Particle physics deals with the substructures of atoms and nuclei and is particularly aimed at finding those truly fundamental particles that have no further substructure.
Particle physics
Chromosomes are structures within the nucleus that are made up of DNA, the hereditary material.
In the male reproductive system, the scrotum houses the testicles or testes( singular : testis), including providing passage for blood vessels, nerves, and muscles related to testicular function.
the scrotum
Cyclical unemployment results from fluctuations in the business cycle and is created when the economy is producing below potential GDP β€” giving potential employers less incentive to hire.
Cyclical unemployment
A labor union seeks to change the balance of power between employers and workers by requiring employers to deal with workers collectively, rather than as individuals.
A labor union
Medical sociologists study the physical, mental, and social components of health and illness.
Medical sociologists
Intrapersonal topics( those that pertain to the individual) include emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition( the ways in which we think about ourselves and others).
Intrapersonal topics
This process is called summation and occurs at the axon hillock, as illustrated in.
Intercalary meristems occur only in monocots, at the bases of leaf blades and at nodes( the areas where leaves attach to a stem).
Intercalary meristems nodes
For example, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorizes the federal government to withhold federal grants as well as file lawsuits against state and local officials for practicing racial discrimination.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The valve separating the chambers on the left side of the heart valve is called the biscuspid or mitral valve.
the biscuspid mitral valve
During karyogamy( β€œ nuclear marriage ”), the haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote nucleus.
Starting from some known position, Huygens ’s principle states that : Every point on a wavefront is a source of wavelets that spread out in the forward direction at the same speed as the wave itself.
Huygens ’s principle
Sociologists call these established sects.
established sects
a) Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual based on the genetic material( DNA) inherited from one ’s parents.
Resolution is the relatively rapid return to an unaroused state accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and muscular relaxation.
Ependymal cells line fluid - filled ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.
Ependymal cells
The autonomic nervous system controls our internal organs and glands and is generally considered to be outside the realm of voluntary control.
The autonomic nervous system
The dogs ’ salivation was an unconditioned response( UCR) : a natural( unlearned) reaction to a given stimulus.
an unconditioned response UCR
This part of optics, where the ray aspect of light dominates, is therefore called geometric optics.
geometric optics
For example, United for Medical Research, a coalition of groups that seek funding for the National Institutes of Health,( which is supported by federal grants), states : β€œ NIH - supported research added $ 69 billion to our GDP and supported seven million jobs in 2011 alone. ”
United for Medical Research
Estrogen is the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption ; it is also responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females.
The Federal Open Market Committee( FOMC) makes the decisions regarding these open market operations.
The Federal Open Market Committee FOMC
Changes in tax and spending levels can also occur automatically, due to automatic stabilizers, such as unemployment insurance and food stamps, which are programs that are already laws that stimulate aggregate demand in a recession and hold down aggregate demand in a potentially inflationary boom.
automatic stabilizers
Genome mapping is the process of finding the locations of genes on each chromosome.
Genome mapping
This situation is referred to as immunosuppression, the decreased effectiveness of the immune system.
Keynesian economics focuses on explaining why recessions and depressions occur and offering a policy prescription for minimizing their effects.
Keynesian economics
He argued for the creation of an American republic, a state without a king, and extolled the blessings of republicanism, a political philosophy that held that elected representatives, not a hereditary monarch, should govern states.
Finally, Article VI declared that the U.S. Constitution and any laws or treaties made in connection with that document were to supersede constitutions and laws made at the state level.
Article VI
His Connecticut Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise, outlined a different bicameral legislature in which the upper house, the Senate, would have equal representation for all states ; each state would be represented by two senators chosen by the state legislatures.
Connecticut Compromise the Great Compromise
Soil particles that are 0.1 to 2 mm in diameter are sand.
Together, these observations led to the development of the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance, which identified chromosomes as the genetic material responsible for Mendelian inheritance.
the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
At the other end of the spectrum is a free trade approach, in which a country allows the unfettered flow of goods and services between itself and other countries.
a free trade approach
The real value refers to the same statistic after it has been adjusted for inflation.
The real value
The outcry was so great that the new tax was quickly withdrawn, but its repeal was soon followed by a series of other tax acts, such as the Townshend Acts( 1767), which imposed taxes on many everyday objects such as glass, tea, and paint.
the Townshend Acts
When plants viruses are transferred between different plants, this is known as horizontal transmission, and when they are inherited from a parent, this is called vertical transmission.
horizontal transmission vertical transmission
Kennedy also established the Agency for International Development to oversee the distribution of foreign aid, and he founded the Peace Corps, which recruited idealistic young people to undertake humanitarian projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
the Agency for International Development the Peace Corps
Medicalization refers to the process by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy.
As our society becomes increasingly multiethnic and multiracial, mental health professionals must develop cultural competence, which means they must understand and address issues of race, culture, and ethnicity.
cultural competence
These five dimensions are known as the β€œ Big Five ” or the Five Factor model, and include dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion.
the β€œ Big Five ” the Five Factor model
The majority of known fungi belong to the Phylum Ascomycota, which is characterized by the formation of an ascus( plural, asci), a sac - like structure that contains haploid ascospores.
the Phylum Ascomycota an ascus
This process of cell division is called mitosis.